. . * ,- •< ■ ' •■tux- .hit'll ' - v. ' M ■ . ' ' ' . -■ . - A CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY THE ANCIENT MASTERS, AND THE WORKS OF MODERN BRITISH ARTISTS, IN THE GALLERY OF THE NORTHERN SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE FINE ARTS. MDCCCXXX. Thus is nature’s vesture wrought, To INSTRUCT OUR WANDERING THOUGHT ! Thus she dresses green and gay, To DISPERSE OUR CARES AWAY. Dyer. Grongar Hiel. “ I ADMIRE, None more admires, the painter’s magic skill, Who shows me that which i shall never see. Lovely, indeed, the mimic w'Orks of art.” COWT'ER. LEEDS : printed by hernaman and PERRING, COMMERCIAL-STREET. 1830 . PRICE ONE SHILLING, Manufactures cannot flourish, without they receive the stamp of taste and elegance from the ARTS OF DESIGN ; AND THE EXPERIENCE OF THE LAST THREE HUNDRED YEARS, IN EVERY COMMERCIAL STATE OF EUROPE, HAS PROVED THAT ALL THOSE BRANCHES OF COMMERCE, WHICH DEPEND UPON MANUFACTURES, MUST RISE AND FALL WITH THE RISE AND FALL OF THE FINK ARTS.” 3 PATRON. THE KING’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. DIRECTORS. 1 homas W alker, Esq. President. Francis Thomas Billam, Esq. Secretary. James Entwisle, Esq. Treasurer. The Earl of Mexborough, Honorary. The Lord Viscount Pollington, Honorary. The Lord Rirblesdale, Honorary. William Allen, Esq. the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Honorary. William Beckett, Esq. George Banks, Esq. Thomas Benyon, Esq. Thomas Benyon, Jun. Esq. John Blayds, Esq. John Bischoff, Esq. Thomas Bischoff, Esq. Charles John Brandling, Esq. Francis Hawkesworth Fawkes, Esq. Honorary. W. J. Forster, Esq. Honorary. Benjamin Gott, Esq. John Gott, Esq. William Gott, Esq. 4 Thomas George Jaques, Esq. Thomas Kinnear, Esq. Honorary. Darcy Lever, Esq. W illiam Lee, Esq. Honorary. J ohn Marshall, Esq. M.P. John Marshall, Jun. Esq. William Morritt, Esq. Honorary. K. E. Payne, Esq. John Sheepshanks, Esq. Edwin Smith, Esq. Pichard Tottie, Esq. Honorary. William Walker, Esq. George Walker, Esq. 5 MEMBERS. Sir William Cooke, Bart. Sir Charles Ibbetson, Bart. Sir Thomas Slingsby, Bart. John Atkinson, Jun. Esq. John Benjamin Ansley, Esq. Thomas Bischoff, Jun. Esq. Thomas Blayds, Esq. John Brewin, Esq. Christopher Beckett, Esq James Brown, Esq. W illiam Williams Brown, Esq. John Edward Brooke, Esq. Charles Barr, Esq. Joseph Bowling, Esq. W illiam Carey, Esq. Honorary. Charles Coupland, Esq. Rev. Charles Clapham. Samuel, Clapham, Esq. John Peele Clapham, Esq. Benjamin Dealtry, Esq. John William Elam, Esq. George Lane Fox, Esq. Joshua Field, Esq. John Goodman, Esq. William Hey, Esq. William Hey, Jun. Esq. Martin Hind, Esq. Adam Hunter, M.D. Rev. R. W. Hamilton. James Holdforth, Esq. 6 Rev. Joseph Hutton, LL.D. Thomas Ikin, Esq. Elintoff Leatham, Esq. Maurice Logan, M.D. Rev. George Lewthwaite. William Markham, Esq. J. G. Marshall, Esq. Thomas Mason, Esq. W. M. Maude, Esq. William Perfect, Esq. William Read, Esq. William Rhodes, Esq. J. W. Rhodes, Esq. George Rawson, Esq. John Ridsdale, Esq. William Lister Fenton Scott, Esq. John Stockdale, Esq. Christopher Smith, Esq. Michael Thomas Sadler, Esq. M.P. Alexander Taylor, M.D. Colonel J. P. Tempest. Thomas William Tottie, Esq. John Wilson, Esq. James Williamson, M.D. William Waite, Esq. Ard Walker, Esq. Christopher Wilson, Esq. CATALOGUE OF PICTURES BY THE ANCIENT MASTERS, AND THE WORKS OF MODERN BRITISH ARTISTS, IN THE GALLERY OF THE NORTHERN SOCIETY. MDCCCXXX. A Deposit of Twenty per Cent, to be paid on all Purchases made at the Exhibition ; and no Picture, on any Account, to be marked as sold, before the Deposit is paid. The remainder of the Purchase Money to be paid before the delivery of the Picture, which must be removed at the Expense of the Purchaser, Two Days after the Close of the Exhibition. The Numbers marked thus * are for Sale. SALOON. 1 Descent from the Cross - After Rubens, by his Disciple Main In the possession of Mr. Raper. 2 Horses fighting The property of Sir Gregory Lewin. 3 Beggar boy and girl - - Murillo In the possession of Mr. Watson. 4 Landscape with cattle - - Annibal Caracci From the Collection of Wm. Gott, Esq. 8 5 Attack of a banditti From the Collection of W. Waite, Esq. 6 Conversation - _ From the Collection of R. J. Coulman, Esq. 7 Landscape—A storm From the Collection of Miss Currer. 8 Portrait of Lydia, the only child of Lawrence Sterne From the Collection of Geo. Carroll, Esq. 9 Marriage of St. Catharine From the Collection of B. Gott, Esq. 10 Hawking - . In the possession of Mr. Robinson. 1 1 Pallas and Arachne - From the Collection of F. H. Fawkes, Esq. 12 Martyrdom of St. Justina From the Collection of Miss Currer. 1 his is said to he the original sketch of the celebrated 'picture at St. 13 Crucifixion - From the Collection of the Rev. Thos. Radcliffe. 14 The village musician - From the Collection of Geo. Banks, Esq. 15 Village festival - From the Collection of B. Gott, Esq. 16 A larder - . From the Collection of Chas. Winn, Esq. 17 Dutch boors drinking From the Collection of Miss Currer. 18 Landscape - From the Collection of R. J. Coulman, Esq. 19 Sybil of Cuma From the Collection of Chas. Winn, Esq. 20 Fruit - In the possession of John Peele Clapham, Esq. 21 Venus and Mercury attending the studies of Cupid In the possession of Mr. Hogg. 22 Landscape and cattle - From the Collection of Miss Currer. A 7 . Berghem Watteau N. Poussin Adrien Car Rentier Correggio Schoeraerts Domenichino Paul Veronese Mark's , Venice. Francisca Mo la Rembrandt Ostade Janseens Jan Stein Collett Guercino Borman Artist unknown Vam bloom 9 23 Groupe of boys - Artist unknown In the possession of Mr. Haley. 24 Groupe of boys - - Artist unknown In the possession of Mr. Haley. 25 Helioclorus driven from the temple— A sketch - Raffaello MaccabeeSj Chap, iii., Verse 25, 26. 26 Head of an old man reading by candlelight - Sclialken From the Collection of Miss Currer. 27 Marriage of St. Catharine - . Albert Durer In the possession of Mr. Robinson. *23 Copy of picture by Vandyck—King Charles’s children Chas. Rogers 29 Portrait of Whistle Jacket - - _ Stubbs From the Collection of the Right Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam. t29 Madonna - By an Amateur SCULPTURE. *30 Bust of the Right Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam . Edwcl. Law *31 Marble bust of a bacchanalian—From the Antique D. Dunbar *32 Marble bust of a bacchanalian—From the Antique D. Dunbar 33 Marble statue of a child, the daughter of Thomas Rawson, Esq. - - J os / t . Gott , Rome *34 Dog playing with a slipper—Marble - Josh. Gott , Rome *35 Model of King James and Helen Douglass Josh. Gott , Rome Vide Lady of the Lake. *36 Cupid and Venus - 37 An Italian greyhound—Marble In the possession of Miss Bischoff. *443 Bust of Napoleon (after one by Canova) In the possession of Cardinal Fescli. *444 Bust of a Faun (after the Antique) *445 Bust of Cupid (after the Antique) *446 A Young Love, reclining on the casket of Venus 447 Antique bust of the Emperor Vespasian c Josh. Gott , Rome Josh. Gotg Rome Josh. Gott , Rome Josh. Gott , Rome Josh. Gott , Rome Josh. Gott , Rome 10 38 Portrait of Mrs. Carroll - - Mrs. Trotter , Dublin 39 Sea view From the Collection of Geo. Carroll, Esq. From the Collection of Benj. Gaskell, Esq. 40 Holy family - - From the Collection of Chas. Winn, Esq. 41 River scene (from Vangoen) 42 Tam O Shanter. Painted from Burns’s Poem In the possession of Mr. Raper. *'43 Holy family (after Sir Joshua Reynolds) 44 Descent from the Cross From the Collection of F. H. Fawkes, Esq. 45 View of Athens Vernet P. da Cortona Miss Lee , H. Julius lbbetson John Thackray Vandyck The property of Sir Gregory Lewin. 46 Portrait of Richard Sterne, Esq. son of Archbishop Sterne - - Mrs .Mary Beale From the Collection of Geo. Carroll, Esq. 47 Esther inviting Ahasuerus to the banquet G. V. EEckhout From the Collection of W. Waite, Esq. 48 View in Venice - - Canaletti From the Collection of Geo. Banks, Esq. 49 Dibdin, the musical composer, with his wife and daughter In the possession of Mr. John Hillary Hebblethwaite. 50 Roman charity - 51 Portrait From the Collection of F. H. Fawkes, Esq. From the Collection of Miss Currer. Rd. Arnold Rubens Rembrandt 52 Holy family - From the Collection of F. H. Fawkes, Esq. 53 Rebecca at the well From the Collection of W. Waite, Esq. 54 Sea port From the Collection of Chas. Winn, Esq. 55 Sketch ... In the possession of Robt. Chantrell, Esq. of Bruges. 56 Sketch - - In the possession of Robt, Chantrell, Esq. of Bruges. Correggio Velvet Breughel Stork Rubens Rubens 11 .57 Portrait of Mrs. Sterne - - . Mrs. Mary Beale From the Collection of Geo. Carroll, Esq. 58 Dead game - From the Collection of F. H. Fawkes, Esq. 59 Flowers - From the Collection of the Rev. John Sharpe. 60 Landscape - . In the possession of Mr. Robinson. 61 David with the head of Goliah From the Collection of B. Gott, Esq. 62 Buonaparte distributing prizes to the artists in the Louvre - From the Collection of Chas. Winn, Esq. 63 Landscape, with lightning From the Collection of Miss Currer. 64 Nymph bathing - From the Collection of F. H. Fawkes, Esq. 65 Calm - From a picture in the possession of Chas. Winn, Esq. 66 Sea view - _ From the Collection of Benj. Gaskell, Esq. 67 Madonna and child ... f From the Collection of the Rev. John Sharpe. 68 Dead birds - The property of T. G. Jaques, Esq. 69 Sketch In the possession of Robt. Chantrell, Esq. of Bruges. 70 Sketch In the possession of Robt. Chantrell, Esq. of Bruges. 71 Sketch In the possession of Robt. Chantrell, Esq. of Bruges. 72 Landscape, with figures From the Collection of Wm. 1VI. Maude, Esq. 73 Sketch - In the possession of Robt. Chantrell, Esq. of Bruges. 74 Portrait of General Holmes - - Artist unknown In the possession of Mr. John Hillary Hebblethwaite. Weenix Rachel Ruysch Vandermere Guercino Le Boilley Gaspar Poussin Domenichino Miss Lee , H. Vernct Guido Hondercooter Rubens Rubens Rubens F. Mo la Rubens 12 *75 Holy family (after Raphael) 76 Trial of Queen Caroline - - V, A. Revelli Professor of Painting in the University of Turbo, %c. 77 Portrait of Mrs. Hillary, the sister of General Holmes Artist unknown In the possession of Mr. John Hillary Hebblethwaite. 78 Dead game and dogs - Fyte The property of T. G. Jaques, Esq. 79 Sketch - - Rubens In the possession of Robt. Chantrell, Esq. of Bruges. *80 Copy (from Teniers) - - W. R. Earle In the possession of his Majesty. 81 Sketch - - Rubens Supposed io be the original drawing for the celebrated picture of Ignatius Loyola . at Warwick Castle. In the possession of Robt. Chantrell, Esq. of Bruges. t8l Flowers - - p. Tran The property of Mr. Hogg. GALLERY. 82 Greyhound and hare - 83 Portrait of a gentleman *84 Angels appearing to the Shepherds And lo ! the angel of the Lord came upon them. And the glory of the Lord shone round about them. J. Widdas \ Wm. Robinson J. Smart *85 The Rhine at Cologne—Morning *86 Ulswater *87 The Nativity *88 Travellers attacked—A sketch *89 A foraging party disturbed at their repast *90 A landscape, with cattle *91 Valley Crucis abbey—North Wales 2d Chap. St. Lukk—Ver. 9. J. F. Williams Joseph Rhodes Samuel Jennings James Ferguson Wm. Whitaker Geo. Simson John Laporte 13 *92 Sea view *93 Ulswater - *94 She never told her love, but let concealment Like a worm i th bud, feed on her damask cheek.—S hakespear, Twelfth Nigiit. 95 Fruit - 96 View of Haddon Hall, Derbyshire 97 Christ in the Sepulchre (after A. Carracci) 98 Portrait of a gentleman 99 Portrait of a lady # 100 River scene—A study 101 Portrait of a young gentleman and favourite pony 102 Portrait of a horse and pointer J. Stark James Ferguson Wm. Whitaker James Noble J. B. Tootal, H. Joseph Rhodes Widdas Wm. Whitaker C. 11. Schwanfelder J. N. Rhodes C. II. Schwanjelder 103 *104 *105 *106 *107 *108 *109 *110 111 112 *113 The property of John Crompton, Esq. Portrait of Miss Beverley Loch Aw, Argyleshire Dead game - - Marshall’s farm, near Epping A windmill at Dordretch Rustic children at a brook Itinerant organ player James Noble C. H. Sc/mmifelder Wm. Frederick E. Marsh Geroge Simson Joseph Rhodes T. N. Cromeck Aqueduct on the road from Castel a Mare to Amalfi. Party of pleasure surprised by Brigands Nath. Geo. Philips The confession - - Seymour Kir hip , Florence From the Collection of Geo. Banks, Esq. Poi trait - J. Widdas Lady Macbeth J. Smart “ I laid their daggers ready, he could not miss them.”— Act 2— Scene 2. 114 Game fowls - - - J. F. Herring The property of G. Walker, Esq. Eastwood, near Nottingham. *115 The Ponte Salario, near Rome - Nath. Geo. Philips *116 Rouen - C. 11. Stanley *117 Shrimpers—Cullercoat sands - T. M. Richardson *118 View on the river Yare, near Norwich - J % B. Ladbrooke D 14 119 Portrait of a lady - - C. D. Langley *120 Mundesley, on the Norfolk coast—Moonlight J. B. Crome *121 The Prophet Daniel’s accusers cast into the den of lions, together with their wives and children Wm. O. Gelder *122 Headingley oak ... Josh. Rhodes *123 Moonlight - - Wm. Davison 124 Boys at play - - Artist unknown In the possession of Mr. Hogg. *12.5 Fishermen off Holy Island 126 Landscape (after Orizonte) *127 Wreck—Scene at Tynemouth *128 The comparison *129 View on the river Jed, near Jedburgh *130 Tivoli, near Rome ^131 Hagar comforted in the wilderness *132 The garland *133 Landscape—Moonlight (from Pether) 134 Emperor, winner of the silver waiter at the coursing meeting *135 Sunday’s dinner *136 Dutch Greenland ship leaving port 137 Entrance to Shields harbour J. W. Carmichael Mrs. Elms all, H. T. M. Richardson W. J. Thompson T. M. Richardson - G. F. Hamilton J. Smart W. J. Thompson D , Rushforth Harewood - Thos. Burras E. F. Green J. W. Carmichael Wm. Forster , Esq. H. From the Collection of Geo. Banks, Esq. *138 Wood scene—-Bankstead, Surry - - Fredh. W. Waffs *139 Encampment of gipsies - - J. V. Barber *140 Carishbrook castle, Isle of Wight, taken from the inner curtain - - Chapman Bayley *141 Love’s melody - - Sami. Howell *142 St. Bennet’s abbey, Norfolk—Moonlight - J. B. Crome The only abbey which gives a title, and of which the Bishop of Norwich is Abbot. 143 Portrait of a lady of York 144 Child on a pony *145 Fresh breeze off Tynemouth *146 Windsor castle, from the meadows at Eton John Thachray J. Widdas T. M. Richardson Chapman Bayley 15 147 148 *149 150 *151 *152 153 *154 155 156 157 *158 159 *160 *161 *162 A cutter sailing in a breeze In the possession of Mr. Cluley. A calm*-—View on a Dutch river In the possession of Mr. Cluley. Milton and his daughters Portrait of a gentleman Erpingham gatehouse, Norwich Cottagers - After a picture by Jacobus Von Kloenut View of St. Paul’s and the river from Blackfriar’s bridge - . View in North Wales Old head Christ bearing the cross Still life Portrait of a gentleman Conway castle - The highland piper Scene at Oberwesel on the Rhine It was near this spot that Marshal Blucher, with the Prussian army, effected his passage of the Rhine, at three different points, on the 1st January, 1814. Vide Mackreth’s Beauties of the Rhine. C. Z. Verboeckhoven Verb oeckh oven Chas. IF. Cope J. Hartley D. Hodgson Geo. Richardson Mrs. Elmsall, H. Chapman Bayley Mrs. Elmsall , H. John Polls An Amateur Joshua Horner John Thackray E. Marsh H. P. Parker R. Machreth *163 *164 *165 166 *167 168 169 *170 *171 *172 Mid-day v Cottages and figures Portraito f Mr. Grossmith of Reading, Berks. The celebrated young Roscius painted when in his eighth year - A young man reading The Holy Family Portrait of a nentleman and John Linnell N. Metcalje D. Or me Charles Coleman James Bethel Grouse Shooting. setters Portraits Bay of Palermo Snow piece The young wincklers C. H. Schmanfelder David Dolby Thomas Creswick Benjamin Hick W. R. Earl 16 173 Portrait of Jambo, a troop horse in the 14th Lig Dragoons - *174 View of Grasmere *175 Copy from Berghem *176 Greyhounds and hare 177 Portrait of Lady Beckett *178 Landscape—Sun-set 179 Portrait of the Archduke Charles of Austria G. Jackson , Jun. Elizabeth Cluley W. R. Earl C. IT. Schwanfelder Wm. Robinson J. F. Gilbert Presented by him to the Right Hon. William Wickham 180 Gold rill beck .... Glover From the collection *181 A Magdalene *182 View of Loch Lomond 183 Portrait of a lady *184 Landscape—Composition *185 View in the village of Riegate *186 Solitude *187 Musidora John Marshall, Esq. M. P. Samuel Jennings Thomas Burras Wm. Robinson G. Jackson , Jun . , Sussex - J« F. Gilbert James Ferguson James Bethel “ Shrunk from herself. With fancy blushing, at the doubtful breeze. Alarmed and starting like the fearful fawn. Then to the flood she rushed.” Vide Thompson’s Seasons. Summer. 188 View in Bonsai Dale - - J. B. Tooted , H. 189 A gig horse ... Dolby The property of Edward Jowitt, Esq. 190 A favourite hunter and terriers - - Dalby The property of Edward Jowitt, Esq. *191 Dead calm. Timber vessels loading *192 Glen Rosa, Isle of Arran 193 Bashkir Tartar - R. Mackreth J. F. Williams Sir R. K. Porter From the collection of Wm. M. Maude, Esq. *194 Scene in Rokeby Park - - T. N. Cromeck *195 A scene near Pendennis Castle, Cornwall - N. Concly 196 Summoning the town of Hull by King Charles - Arnauld From the collection of Wm. M. Maude, Esq. 17 197 *198 199 200 *201 *202 203 *204 205 *206 *207 *208 209 *210 211 *212 *213 *214 *215 *216 217 218 Don Cossack ... From the collection of Wm. M. Maude, Esq. Landscape, with timber waggon St. Agnes (after Guido) Copy from Rembrandt The Woodman—View at Glencoin, near Ulswater Smugglers surprised Portrait of a gentleman (after Barber) Part of Shields harbour—Calm sunny morning effect Ulswater, from Gowborrow park Sheep—View of Sty Head Tarn, Cumberland Cattle—Scene in Borradaile Portwick grove Derwent water - The gate of Dolabella, Rome View of Mill Beck, near Keswick Canterbury pilgrimage Coast scene Rocks on the Avon, at Clifton A passage boat Portrait of a lady Horses frightened Alethe’s escape by Lake Maeris (Memphis) Sir R. K. Porter Fred. W. Walts Miss 31. Withneil Miss F. Withneil H. P. Parker Wm. Davison An Amateur G. Palmer T. C. Hof and, John Ilorner John Horner J Stark T. C. Hojland - John Laporte T. C. Hojland T. Stothard , R.A. Alfred Gomersal Vickers R. C. Stanley Alfred Gomersal Vickers Chas. W. Cope J. F. Herring Miss Shipperdson, H. *219 Landscape—Moonlight Moore’s Epicurean. “ The Moon Full orb’d and breaking through the dense cloud Shews her broad visage in the crimson’d east.”— Thomson 220 Portrait of Mr. John Holmes *221 Town hall at Lynn Regis, Norfolk *222 Dead game - *223 Largo bay—Storm clearing off *224 The weary gleaner *225 D’ye see father’s boat *226 Water mill in Shropshire, near Hagley E D. Rushforih Wm. Whitaker D. Hodgson Wm. Frederick J. F. Williams Chas. W. Cope John Tennant John Laporte 18 227 Portrait of a lady *228 Distant view of Winchester—Storm passing off 229 Little Billy Wade - # 230 The student *231 Vale of Llanillted, North Wales 232 Portrait of a horse (copy from Herring) 233 Farmer’s boy - *234 A study (after Rembrandt) *23.5 The Old Cullercoat fisherman *236 Pier at Rotterdam, with the passage boat becalmed W. Simson , R.I.A. *237 Distant view of Ross, Herefordshire - J. V. Barber Wm. Robinson Copley Fielding J. N. Rhodes W. J. Thompson J. V. Barber Miss Harriet Lee , H. J. N. Rhodes W. J. Thompson R. Mackreth *238 Oyster boat—Morning 239 Portrait of the Rev. William Howell *240 Dead game *241 City and bay of Palermo 242 A bandit 243 Scene from Southey’s Thalaba T. M. Richardson Samuel Howell Wm. Frederick Thos. Creswick Chas. Coleman Miss Shipperdson, H. “ How beautiful is night” on wide Arabia’s sands The dome of midnight rests—bespangled o’er With golden stars, within whose circle stands The city of the desert, where of yore The pride of Irem’s King with eastern lore Built palaces and towers of stately height But voice of revelry is heard no more Within these marble Halls—The pale moon’s light Upon the ruin shines. “ How beautiful is night!” “ The Sarsar Icy wind of Death had breathed Through all the chambers where that mighty king Had feasted once—the flower no longer wreathed The banquet bowl—where thousands used to sing Was silent—save the night bird’s heavy wing_ Or waving of the palm trees feathery bough_ Or falling of the drop—no living thing Was there, except where moonbeam touched the brow Of him whom sleep had bound in magic spell ’till now. He heard the widow of the desert speak As Zeinab “ told her piteous tale” and woke.” E. Wilmot, Esq. 19 244 245 *246 *247 *248 *249 *250 *251 *252 *253 *254 255 *256 *257 258 View near Matlock Portrait of a gentleman Dead game View on the Eden, Appleby Fisher boy resting Characters from Shakespear Richmond castle, Yorkshire, from the green Little Red Riding Hood Sketch from nature View in Worcestershire—Evening Southampton river, from Netley strand Portrait of John Stead, Esq. A rime frost view in Holland View at Rydal, Westmoreland - T. Portrait of a favorite old horse and dogs The property of the Rev. C. H. R. Rodes, Barlbro’ Miss Tetley , H. G. Jackson W. A. Huggins John Henderson R. Mackreth T. Stothard , R.A. TF. Ripley Robinson Chas. IV. Cope Thomas Creswick F. H. Hensham John Laporte Sam. Howell J. Sillett M. Richardson, jun. J. F. Herring Hall. *259 Dead game - *260 Grange bridge-entrance to the valley of Borrow- dale, Cumberland—transient effect during a thunder storm *261 Windsor castle, from Windsor forest *262 Men of war passing the Needles *263 Coast scene with figures—Mornintr *264 Coast scene near Ilfracombe, North Devon 265 Portrait of a gentleman *266 Young anglers - _ *267 A Woodland scene—Moonlight J. Sillett T. M. Richardson T. C. Hojland J. W. Carmichael JVm. Shayer T. C. Hofland J. Howell T. 31. Richardson G. Balmer The silver light which hallowing tree and tower, Sheds beauty and deep softness on the whole. Breathes also to the heart. 0 *268 Vessels making for port *269 Norfolk scenery *270 Landscape—Moonlight *271 Windermere Byron. J. W. Carmichael J. B. Ladbrooke D. Rushforth - J. V. Barber 20 *272 View from Norwood, looking towards London 273 Portrait of a gentleman *274 Old buildings, Conway 275 Fruit and flowers *'276 Landscape—Composition *277 Lucy Ashton at the Mermaiden’s fountain Chapman Bay ley Wm. Robinson J. M. Ince Eliza Rhodes Edwin Bates Sam. Howell Vide Bride of Lammermoor. 278 The hairbreadth escape, a recent occurrence in the river Aire - - - Josh. Rhodes CABINET. 279 Head of Saul 280 Kirkstall abbey *281 Loch Tummel, in Perthshire 282 Head (after Ostade) *283 A piece of still life *284 Ass and sheep - 285 Moonlight scene # 286 Scene on the moor of Ilannock, Argyleshire *287 Departure for the Holy Land “Farewell! with what a void the aching heart Breathes these sad accents when afar we wend. From all that we have loved and love.” Edm. Swift S. Massey J. B. Fraser Joseph Murphy Miss M. E. Best J. N. Rhodes Miss M. Hall Copley Fielding Wm. Clark *288 The ruins of the fortress of Inverlochy, viewed from the braes of Kilmanraig-fort William, and the mountains of Morven in the distance 289 Portrait of the Rev. W. Chew *290 Groupe of flowers 291 Fancy piece - . *292 Head of St. Ann (after Guido) Alp Dousseau R. G. Brown J. D. Smith Wm. Nelson H, F. S. Mackreth 21 293 Portrait of a lady - # 294 L’amabilite - . *295 St. Paul’s church, Leeds 296 Reading the Gazette—An etching from Wilkie’s celebrated picture 297 Portrait - *298 Barnard castle, Durham *299 Nave of Kirkstall Abbey *300 Flowers from nature - 301 Sheep and lambs *302 Temples of Pass turn 303 Willow, a study - - 304 Portrait of a horse _ *305 Dover—Moonlight - . *306 The burning shame, a punishment for a bad lawyer, an ancient custom peculiar to the Isle of Wight By which they drove him From among them.” “ From out Old Newport every calling came To follow gladsome to the burning shame.” *307 View of Loch Tulla, in the forest of Braedalbin, Scotland - *308 Tam O’Shanter and Souter Johnny *309 Portrait of Shakspear - *310 Group of flowers - 311 Shepherd’s boy . 312 View with figures - 313 Sketch from nature _ 314 Moonlight—Composition *315 Part of Conisbro’Castle 316 Sketch of the chancel of Stockport church, in its present state - *317 Portrait of George Kelso, aged 100, in the character of the Woodman and Death J. Atkinson Virginia Watts Wm. Clark G. Ggles T/ios. Heslop Wm. Clark Nich. Kelly J. N. Rhodes Joseph Rhodes Wm. Nelson David Dalby J. B. Crome T. M. Wright J. B. Fraser Wm. Clark Charles Shimeld Mary Frankland J. N. Rhodes John Lucas Wm. Nelson J. B. Howard James Scott R. D. Chantrell D. Or me F Esop’s Fables. 22 *318 Stag roused from his lair *319 Return from coursing *320 Amsterdam 321 View of the Jerusalem chapel at Bruges. Sketched in May, 1829 - *322 Ousebridge, York (now removed) *323 La chapelle du Saint Sang at Bruges 324 View in Rouen *325 Vessels at sea, with a distant view of the South Foreland - *326 Loch Achray and the Trossachs at the foot of Benvenue. Ben Au on the right. From nature - *327 Bridge near Keswick *328 Gorlstone Pier head. Storm coming on *329 Framwellgate Bridge, Durham (now removed) 330 Original drawing, by a boy twelve years of age. Hills and Robson G. H. Laporte J. B. Crome R. JD. Chantrell T. M. Richardson Virginia Watts J. Dixon Copley Fielding Alp. Dousseau Elizabeth Chdey J. B. Crome T. 31. Richardson *331 Terrier and fox *332 Landscape and cattle 333 Kirkstall Abbey *334 A French peach *335 Old Logan of Halifax, aged 104 *336 A scene from nature 337 Portrait of a horse *338 View in Charlton forest, Sussex *339 Snow storm - 340 A breeze off the rock of Gibraltar *341 View of Lancaster 342 The careless messenger *343 The pensive thought *344 Dead game *345 Landscape and cattle, from nature 346 Sketch of the garden at Hillfield House, in the open air - Jonas Gaunt George Vincent - T. C. Hofland A Ip. Dousseau D. Orme John Linnell J . Widdas W. R. Earl John Potts W. Anderson - John Henderson Wm. Mulready, R.A. Samuel Howell Edward H. Read W. R. Earl Painted Miss Shipperdson , H. 23 *347 *348 349 Cottage scene. Buying fish - - Wm. Shayer The drowsy messenger - R. Farrier Silence and night - - Henry Howard , R. A. “ Silence and darkness! solemn sisters ! twins From ancient night who nurse the tender Thought of reason. Vide Young’s Night Thoughts. *350 View of Beddgelert, Merionethshire T. H. Henshaw *351 352 *353 *354 *355 *356 *357 *358 *359 360 361 362 *363 *364 *365 *366 367 *368 369 *370 *371 *372 From a picture, by Gainsborough, in possession of J. Lea, Esq. Cheltenham. Village hag - . . W. Ripley Robinson Study of Rams heads Cottage door Cat and terriers Scene on the river Itchin, Hants Scene at Southampton Matlock High Tor, Derbyshire Portrait of Cadland, winner of the Derby in 1828 An interior in Devonshire Dead ass A portrait Portrait of a horse Travelling tinker—View near Norwich The gypsies tent, a sketch from nature View in Derbyshire - A philosopher - Mill near Newcastle on Tyne Richard II. - For within the hollow crown, &c. Shakespeab, Act 3. Scene 2. Moonlight - The property of Mr. Joseph Rhodes. A Venetian water carrier The blind grandfather - Shore scene - E. Landseer Wm. Shayer Edward H. Read Fred. TV. Watts Copley Fieldiny T. C. Hofland G. H. Laporte N. Condy J. N. Rhodes J. Widdas J . Widdas Geo. Vincent J. C. Bentley Mary Cheffhis Wm. Fish 7 ! C. Hojland Geo. Speiyht Pether John Hollins - J. C. Bentley J. F. Gilbert 24 *373 *'374 *375 376 *377 *378 379 380 381 View of Edgeaston, Warwickshire *382 383 384 385 386 *387 388 *389 *390 *391 Marine—Moonlight - Kirkstall abbey - - Portrait of an Italian greyhound - C. Currants, from nature - Landscape—Grove scene - The fisherman leaving home—Evening Sketch at Knaresbro* - - The original perspective drawing of the design for the Leeds Commercial Buildings, submitted by Mr. Clark, when a competitor for the appoint¬ ment of architect to these buildings Cuchulin mountains - View of Oban, Argyleshire - - T. Furniss abbey - Head of St. Peter, from a bas relief Furniss abbey - The ruff - Study, from the Antique View of the bridge of Garay and the pass of Killicranky, Scotland Christ crowned with thorns (from a painting by Guido), of the same size at Wentworth house. Painted on china ... Henry Morton visiting Balfour of Burley in his retreat - Old Mortality. F. H. Hens/icur D. Rushforth Wm . Clark H. Schwanfelder M. Oye J. Stark J. M. Sparkes Wm. Nelson J. Clark G. F. Robson H. Carvoocl, H. Wm. Nelson Robt. Raynes Wm. Nelson John Horner J. Smith J. B. Fraser Geo. Speiyht Wm. Clark *392 View of Persepolis - *393 A legend of Killarney - 394 Fruit and flowers. (Pseudo distemper) 395 Fishing boats upon a stream flowing into the Ribble, Lancashire - 396 Venus - *397 Wax wing - J. B. Fraser Wm. Clark Josh. Rhodes Chas. Barber • Green John Horner 25 *398 399 400 *401 *402 403 *404 *405 406 *407 *408 V.ew of Persepolis . . . . j B Fraser East end of the chancel of Stockport church restored R. D. Chantrell Original drawing from a bust - . . Miss M. Withnell View of the village of Peachuck-Muhulk, in the province of Mazunderaun in Persia, and over the banks of the Caspian sea Portrait of the Right Hon. Lord Vernon Bake well church - . The Reeve - Fruit, from nature View of a house proposed to be built by a gen¬ tleman in Berwickshire, from the designs of Mr. Clark, Architect, Leeds. Lower Lake, Killarney, from Mucruss The Tournament at Ashby de la Zouche, second day Vide Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe—Chap. 12. J. JB. Fraser D. Or me R. D. Chantrell John Horner Nicholas Kelly J. Clark G. F. Robson JVm. Clark *409 Bolton Abbey, Wharfdale *410 Groupe of flowers 411 Head of Samuel 412 A pencil drawing 413 Portrait of a gentleman 414 Portrait of a gentleman 415 Portrait of a gentleman - - _ *416 A study from nature - . 417 Portrait of a lady 418 Portrait of a gentleman 419 Groupe of flowers from nature 420 Portrait of a gentleman 421 Portrait of a gentleman 422 Portrait of a gentleman 423 Portrait of a lady - , 424 Portrait of a gentleman 425 Cardinal Bentivoglio (from a painting by Velasquez) G John Horner Mary Frankland Fdm. Swift John Potts J. Atkinson J. Atkinson J. Atkinson - M. Oge J. Atkinson J. Atkinson Harriet Jackson J. Atkinson - J. Atkinson J. A tkinson Mr. May king Mr. Moyking Nicholas Kelly 26 *426 Julia Mannering and Lucy Bertram witnessing the departure of Henry Bertram with Meg Merrilies and Dandie Dinmont to the cave of Derncleugh. Wm. Clark Guy Mannering—Chap. 24. *427 Sketch of Middleton lodge - - R. G. Brown 428 One of the attendants on Saul - Edm. Swift 429 Glutton Linn—Waterfall near Inverary T. H. Cawood , H. *430 Vase of flowers, from nature - Nicholas Kelly 431 Fingal’s cave - - T. E. Cawood , H. 432 Portrait of a lady - " Lydia Jackson 433 Portrait of Abraham Elias Caisson a converted Jew, Interpreter of the Holy Scriptures, author of Theological Opinions addressed to the sons of Israel *434 Illuminated head of the Virgin *435 Waverley indulging his romantic inclinations at Mirkwood mere Waverley—Chap. 4. 436 Bambro’ Castle - - Wm. Forster , Escj. H. Wm. Whitaker Nicholas Kelly Wm. Clark 437 Juliet *438 Landscape and figures 439 Feast of the gods an Alto Relievo 440 Portrait of a favourite horse The property of Ard Walker, Esq. 441 Bay Higham The' property of Mr. Gibbes. 442 Chesnut pony and greyhound H. A. Taylor Wm. Mathervman Thos. Burras Dalby Dalby A LIST OF THE EXHIBITING ARTISTS. The Numbers following them , refer to their respective Works in the present Exhibition . Aglio A. 36, Newman-Street, Oxford-Street, London— Anderson W.—340 Arnauld Mr.—196. Atkinson J., Mulberry-Place, Hunslet-Lane—293, 413, 414, 415, 417, 418, 420, 421, 422. Baines Robert—385. Balmer G., North Shields—204, 267- Barber J. V., Crescent, Birmingham—139, 231, 237, 271. Barber Chas., 10, Erskine-Street, Liverpool—395. Bates Edwin— 276 . Bayley C., 19, Northumberland-Street, London—140, 146, 154, 272. Bentley J. C., 91, Newman-Street, Oxford-Street, London—364, 371. Best Miss M. E—283. Bethel James, Westbourne-Place, Sloane-Square, London—167, 187- Boyce Master—330. Brown R. G., Ilkley—289, 427- Burras Thomas, Leeds—134, 182, 440. Carmichael J. W., Blackett-Street, Newcastle—125, 136, 262, 268 Chantrell R. D., Leeds—316, 321, 399, 403. Cheffins Miss, Hoddesdon—365. Clark Wm, Leeds—287, 295, 299, 308, 375, 391, 393, 408, 426 435. Clark John, Architect, No. 4, Park-Square, Leeds—381, 406. 28 Cluley Miss E., Sheffield—174, 327- Coleman Charles, Pontefract—166, 242. Condy Lieut., Plymouth—195, 359. Cope Chas. West, 6, Charlotte-Street, Bloomsbury—149, 216, 224, 251. Creswick Thomas, New-Street, Birmingham—170, 241, 252. Crome J. B., Norwich, 120, 142, 305, 320, 328. Cromeck T. N. Richmond, Yorkshire—109, 194. Dalby D., York—169, 189, 190, 304, 441, 442. Davidson William, Villiers-Street, Sunderland—123, 202. Dousseau Alp., 18, Bond-Street, Leeds—288, 326, 334. Dixon J.—324. Dunbar D., Sculptor, Oxford-Street, Newcastle—31, 32. Earl W. R., Chester-Street, Kennington Cross, London—80, I 76 , 338, 345. Farrier Robert, Manor-Terrace, North King’s Road, Chelsea—348. Ferguson James, 41, Camden-Street, North Shields—88, 93, 186. Fielding Copley, 26, Newman-Street, London—228, 286, 325, 356. Fisk William, 19, Charles-Street, Middlesex Hospital, London—366. Frankland Mary—310, 410. Fraser J. B., 4, Sackville-Street, Piccadilly, London—281, 307, 389, 392, 398, 401. Frederick Wm. 14, Wellington-Street, Leeds—105, 222, 240. Gaunt J., Wortley—331. Gelder W. O., Bradford—121. Gilbert Francis Joseph, Chichester—1 78 , 185, 372. Glover W.—180. Gott Joseph, Rome—33, 34, 35, 36, 37 . Green E. F., 40, Howland-Street, Fitzroy-Square, London—135, 396. Gyles George, Leeds—297* Howard Henry, R. A.—349. Hall Miss M., Sheffield—285. Hartley J., London—150. Hamilton G. F.—130. , > Henderson John, Lancaster—247, 341. * 29 Henshaw F. H., 13, Charlotte-Street, Fitzroy-Square, London—283, 350. 373 Herring J. F., Doncaster—114, 217 , 258. Heslop Thos., Richmond, Yorkshire—298. Hick B., West-Bar, Leeds— 171 . Hills and Robson—318. Hodgson David, Norwich—151, 221 . Hofland T. C., 23, Newman-Street, London—205, 209 , 211 ^61 264 333, 357, 367. Hollins J., 47 , Berner’s-Street, London— 370 . Horner John, Halifax, 206, 207 , 387, 397 , 404, 409. Horner Joshua, Halifax—158. Howard J. B., Bank-Street, Sheffield—314. Howell Samuel, 2 , Great Smith-Street, Westminster—141, 239, 255, 277 343 Huggins W. A., 10, Carlisle-Street, Soho-Square, London_246. Ibbetson Julius—42. Ince J. M., 9, George-Street, Manchester-Square, London— 274 . Jackson Miss Lydia—432. Jackson Miss Harriet, Scarborough—419. Jackson G., Jun. 44, Trafalgar-Street, I 73 , 184, 245. Jennings Samuel, Poland-Street, Oxford-Street, London_ 87 , 180. Kelly N., Mill-Hill, Leeds—300, 405, 425, 430, 434. Kirkup Seymour, Florence— 111 . Landseer Edwin, 1 , St. John’s-Wood, Regent’s-Park_352. Ladbrooke F. B., St. Andrew’s, Norwich—118, 269. Langley C. D.— 75 , 119. Laporte John, 99, Albany-Street, Regent’s-Park—91, 210 , 226, 254. Laporte G. H.—319, 358. Law Edward, Sculptor, Norfolk-Street, Sheffield—80. Linnell J., Porchester-Terrace, Bayswater, London—163, 336. Liverseege Henry, 66 , Lever-Street, Manchester. Lucas John, Leeds—312. Mulready William, R. A., 1 , Linden-Grove, Bayswater—342. Mackreth R., Newcastle—162, 191, 235, 248. H 30 Mackreth Miss, Newcastle—292. Marsh E., Woodside, near Epping—106, 160. Massey S., Leeds—280. Matthewman William, Wakefield—438. Mayking W., Templar’s-Street, Leeds—423, 424. Metcalfe N., Ripon—154. Murphy Joseph, Leeds—282. Nelson W., Fulneck—291, 303, 313, 380, 384, 386. - -- Noble James, Meadow-Lane, Leeds—95, 103. Oge M.—377, 416. -V Onue D., Halifax—165, 317, 335, 402. •j. . Parker H. P., Newcastle—161, 201. Pether—369. Philips N. G., 32, Rodney-Street, Liverpool—110, 115. Potts John—156, 339, 412. Porter Sir R. K —193, 197- Read Edward H.—344, 354. Revelli V. A.—76. Rhodes Joseph, Leeds—86, 97, 108, 122, 278, 302, 394. Rhodes J. N., Leeds—101, 229, 233, 284, 301, 311, 360. Rhodes Miss E., Leeds—275. Richardson T. M., 53, Blackett-Street, Newcastle—117, 129, 145, 238, 260, 266, 322, 329. Richardson T. M. Jun.—257* Richardson George—152. Robson G. F., 14, BernePs-Street, Piccadilly—382, 407- Robinson William, Park-Square, Leeds—83, 177, 183, 227, ^73. Robinson Ripley, Richmond, Yorkshire—250, 351. Rogers Charles, Barnsley—28. Rushforth D., Hull—133, 219, 374. Stothard T., R. A.—212, 249. Schwanfelder C. H., Leeds—100, 102, 104, 168, I 76 , 376. Scott James, Sheffield—315. Shayer William, 158, High-Street, Southampton—347, 353. 31 Shiraeld Charles, Sheffield—309* Simson William, R. I. A., 7, North-Street, David-Street, Edinburgh—230' Simson George—90, 107- Sillett J., Norwich—256, 259- Smart John, Pinner, Middlesex—84, 113, 131. Smith J. D., Leeds—290, 388. Sparkes J. M., Darlington—379- Speight George, Rotherham—368, 390. Stark J., Norwich—92, 208, 378. Stanley C. R.,—116, 214. Stubbs W.—29. Swift Edmund, Templars-Street, Leeds—279, 411, 428. Taylor H. A., Temple Newsam—437- Tennant J., Bexley Heath, Dartford, Kent—225 Thackray John, York—43, 143, 159. Thompson W. J., 47, North-Street, Edinbro 1 —128, 132, 230, 234. Vickers A. G. London—213, 215. Verboeckhoven C. Z., — 147, 148. Vincent George—332, 363. Watts Frederick W., High-Street, Hampstead—138, 198, 355. Watts Virginia—294, 323. Whitaker William, 55, Woodhouse-Lane, Leeds—89, 94, 99, 220, 433. Widdas J., Leeds—82, 98, 112, 144, 337, 361, 362. Williams J. F., 21, St. Andrew’s-Square, Edinbro’—85, 192, 223. Withnell Miss M.—199, 400. Withnell Miss F.—200. Wright T. M.—306. 32 HONORARY. Mr. T. H. Cawood—383, 429, 431. Mrs. Elmsall—126, 153, 155. Miss Shipperdson—218, 243, 346. Miss Lee—41, 65. Miss Harriet Lee—232. Mr. W. J. Forster—137, 436. Mr. J. B. Tootal, Lupset-Lodge—96, 188. Miss Tetley—244. LEEDS*. PRINTED BY HERNAMAN AND PEERING. THE EXHIBITION OF THE SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF Painting, JjTutyture, k ^trciutccture. * u MDCCCXXXI. THE FIFTH. “ We feel, however, no apprehension but the spirit of the British Artist will he awakened and invigorated whenever a free and fair scope shall be given to his talents—whenever he shall he stimulated by the same patronage as that which raised and rewarded the Italian and Grecian Masters.” Committee of the British Institution, 1805. EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY NEILL & CO., PRINTERS TO THE ACADEMY. 4 (Price Sixpence.) t->' agj|4[ ^■•■«^■ ,- ^^ *)i Rt • &jf. jfcA£- *W C- J l T' f ’“'^VSS ftjf/i ,’?$£ "'■; ISJ®'' iiftji^jSHK! * ■ 7 Wv ^"«'. -m . «^5*r >'‘ .-.,• 4t*’ .