F^RmhTk w^ ^^ \ij )^mS^ ^ .r-^^ m^ ^JNi. ^ g.W LLOYQ • cr Par<. A ^^M "^^i V ,^ r4»»^ ^i> • ^^ %; '^ ^:*^.c5 THE COLLECTION OP PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS FROM WEETING HALL, NORFOLK. ■i^^s O -A.T A. nil O O- XJ B ^ THE COLLECTION OP PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS OP WILLIAM ANGEESTEIN, Esq. Removed from Weeting Hall, Norfolk: WHICH amni 6e 2.0H1 b)) auction tg Messes CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1895, AT ONE o'clock PRBCISELY. ooJOiCK. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Mansotn and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. UvJS3ip\S 1 A \P»-. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ,- in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V^ The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct descriiDtion, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions., the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale- CATALOGUE. »J*io On SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1895, AT ONE CLOCK PKECISBLT. /JL- DRAWINGS. 1 Two PoRTBAiTS OF GENTLEMEN, of the Nettleship family 2 Head op a Lady — chalk; and A Portrait — engraving 3 Head of a Child 4 A Watermill /*xfv- 5 The Madonna ; and One Other — miniatures 6 A CoABT Scene ; and A River Scene 7 Windsor Castle; &c. ^a^ 8 The RiALToiTx^ 9 Hatfields — a pair 2 3^104. G. BARRET and S. GILPIN, R.A. lid Deer B 2 i>7- BONINGTON. 11 A Jetty, with shipping G^y CIPEIANI. 12 Four Female Heads '^ ^"i^^^ S.ov^ C0EEE(iGIO (After). 13 The Eeading Magdalen ; and one other /€ A ly- S-^fT S. GILPIN, E.A., 1794. 14 Meteor, a horse and groom -''^ x ? 15 Horses 16 A ElVER SOKNB S. GILPIN, E.A. INGE. SIE T. LAWEENCE, "^ Head op a Man — crayon ^ / S. PEOUT. V- 18 A Coast Scene ^-^'^ M. EICCL t* Landscapes — in body colour 8d Five Ditto 31 Five Ditto 9* Two Ditto 1^4: eAjJ^ 23 Sea Pieces TAYLOR. ^V-at)^^\jS^ 24 A River Scene J. VAKLEY. .^^(?-7ne. PICTURES. ENGLISH SCHOOL. ^^ ^^^ 25 Three Portraits op Horses /^x«^ -^^^^^c S 26 Portrait of Denice Muilman, of Vertingen, Burgomaster of Amsterdam ^9-<'}f ji^^^^^j^^ 27 A 'Lkn^—temf William III. Soi^ti.^- ^/uiA 28 Julius Angerstein, Esq. *^x.a^? j^-rJ- ^yryvt/:;^ 29 Portrait op a Gentleman, called Sir J. ^^sUtiL-o-rb^ EARLY ENGLISH. 30 A Child with a Bird r^KA.^ ■'^MsL^lfMUVoL BANNERMAN. 31 Four Portraits of Horses T. BARKER. 32 A Landscape, with woman and child and donkeys From Lord de Dimstanville's Sale, 1824 Ja 4 -^ -^jot&^ T. BARKER. // 33 A Boy, with a dog ^^^/? rS^Gi>^^~x^-Cnx^ BAKON. 34 Portraits of Horses — a pair G. BAKEET and S. GILPIN, R.A. 35 Langdale Pikes ^x^« G. BARRET. 36 A Landscape, with deer^ Ay ^(Sc G. BARRET. 37 A Park Scene, with deer ^ jc 2.7 2 G. BARRET. 38 A Lake Scene, with cows ^jm^P BONINGTON. 39 A Coast Scene, with figures BONINGTON. 40 A Coast Scene /i^«L H. BRIGHT. 41 The Drover: view by Ipswich CIPRIANI. 42 Nymphs Bathing < 4- 6". " 66 A Gentleman of the Markham Family /OciJi't^je^oUjv SIR P. LELY. 67 A Gentleman of the Markham Family ^^-^eaMe£' ^ SIR P. LELY. /^A 68 A Gentleman, in a black dress ^J^Tfrrno, Unf rained Bc-^s^ C. E. LESLIE, R.A. 69 Copy of a Bas-Reliep of M. Anqelo, in the Royal Academy J. P. DE LOUTHERBOURG, E.A. 70 A Coast Scene, with wreck ^ih' J^^^Jlouny J. P. DE LOUTHERBOURG, R.A. 71 A River Scene, with brigands ^u^^Ca/voC W. OWEN. 72 The Finding of Moses SD^yo ^^U/i^^ 10 ^'/x (>y^ A. PETHER. 73 A River Scene, with boats and figures 74 The Holt Family SIR J. REYNOLDS. REYNOLDS (Apteb). 75 The Laughing Girl ^ o xACl SIR J. REYNOLDS. '^ 76 Head op a Child /^xiii. SIR J. REYNOLDS. ^ 77 A Boy in Armour /Sl{/& iyMA^ SIR J. REYNOLDS. -^y^ 78 The Banished Lord 3^/ii^i/- .X^ SIR J. REYNOLDS (After). 79 Lady Byng .5<:7xp-*t. SIR J. REYNOLDS. K^f-trzL^aJfUynh 80 Portrait of a Peer, in his robes ; and A Lady, with a dog — sm(j\l whole length : a sketch /8-yCo-i/^ ^yO&njo^^^ ^ ^ G. ROMNEY. 81 Portrait of Sheridan i^x/h Kj9-..^ A replica, with variations, of the celebrated engraved picture , TURNER. ,/^:- 84 A Landscape ^> -'^ J^}J^^?UM TURNER (After). //^- 85 A Sea Piece: Storm /^^^^ ^^-^^{^O/n/ViM VANDYCK. /o 86 Philip, Earl of Pembroke.5Z'X4^o VANDYCK. ^ 87 Nymphs and Satyrs u-O^j^ '^ VANDYCK (After), 9% Charles I. — whole length A. VANDYCK. 89 Count Avolens J. WARD. E.A. ^ VAN DER NEER. 103 A River Scene, with figures fishing — unframed G. NETSCHER. Wt A Gentleman, seated ^. P.POTTER.' A :j A ;z/ If-^ 105 A LANDSOAPp!, with animals ; and A Landscape, with a peasant and animals — unframed &c^^-¥' 2 S. RUYSDAEL. Old Cottage and a Peasant L SNYDERS. 107 Dogs with the Head of an Ox ANGILLIS. 108 Bowl Players SiAi^o M^ySiM-^nroMj CLAUDE (after). 109 A Harbour Scene tuixs-* J-^J-rn'jjA -"^Oj^uM // LAIRESSE. 110 Ths Worship of Flora -?6xa^ 14 G. POUSSIN. Ill A Landscape, with buildings and figures 112 A Landscape G. POUSSIN. ''A A. CANO. 113 St. Joseph, with the Infant Saviour KIBERA. 11^ St. Paul hoiH^fr VELASQUEZ. 115 Portrait of a GENTLE3iAN/^^)f«'<^ Ma//. 'A VELASQUEZ. 116 A Gentleman, in black dress and white collar yh- /'"G^aMj ZUGCHEEO. 117 Two Heads op Ladies, with ruffs ■to '& u^aAt On copper /U-i{la Jy- . lO'Oi/rruAM, 118 An Apostle ITALIAN SCHOOL. 119 The Madonna and Child, enthroned with angels — unframed jJ ■ "^ '^^fTruJi\ 120 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress and ruff ^. JOmJ:Jo^^^ 121 Nymphs and Satyrs /o^'h jV-A 122 Susanna and the Elders /*^^^^ O^jM 15 M. ANGELO. 3^^ 123 Head of Cleopatra ^^XJlc M. ANGELO. ^/^ 124 Head of Cleopatka 3a X)^ £^ ^.M&A, F. BARTOLOMEO. / 125 The Yimiii—ivhole length Sox3o a^jM F. BARTOLOMEO. /O 126 The Madonna and Child, and St. John — iinframed '■^%A '^eu/- /^ 127 The Circumcision BELLINL 6^^ ;9^-- p. BORDONE. ^ 128 The Holy Family, with St. John and a monk P. BORDONE. *^ ^ 129 The Madonna and Child, and two saints CARPIONE <=<. 130 The Triumph of Bacchus »^^ •^-^ A. CARRACCL M-/^ 131 A Landscape, with Mercury and Argus //^ 132 St. John A. CARRACCL dii^uy^ 16 A. CARR^CCI. Heboulks and Omphale CARRACCI. 134 Marine Deities — a-pair /j^xii-¥- cA./:KAr(A^ 2 COEREGGIO. 136 Children's Heads — a pairJlj^^(Sc ^^AXJiJi 2 COEREGGIO. ^. /5~'~ 136 Four Studies of Cupids a 6/i If S^cLcJl (aa^ 0i\jes^^o(^^J /(^A^i/rhd EARLY FLORENTINE SCHOOL, /w / / 137 The Marriage op the virgin GIORGIONE. ^ 138 David, with the head of Goliath ,jAzVt<^(tAi^\AJii G. B. MORONI. /V 139 An Italian Nobleman ^-^^(o ^■^- Jnv^iytK L. MUDO. ^ 140 Christ bearing his Cross^ / / ^Tr^-t J PARMIGIANO. 141 The Marriage of St. Catherine -o^^LjdKsJJb 17 PAEMIGIANO. / 142 The Sleep of Prometheus From the Orleans Gallery S. DEL PIOMBO. / Ai^ 143 Cardinal Alessandbo Farnese McS rj- '^- -^ynwiytA 30 G. KOMANO. 144 The Holy Family, with Saints J- •y^^n'\.e^.o(£A\} S. KOSA. S" 145 Xenoorites and Phryne From the Earl of Bessborouglis Collection ($5 ^^cotid^rnjii 6 SCHIAVONE. 146 The Entombment (f^X^So ^- ^Q:c(jzcC SCHIAVONE. 3'/i. 147 The Holy Family /^X/A '^JcUoQ^ /3 A. SOLAEIO. 148 The Madonna and Child 5^y^^ ^^^^^Ott^Ji lsi-^7\. TINTORETTO, '^ 149 Portrait of a Gentleman — whole length ^- V- -^ U-£' DANIELI DI VOLTERRA. 156 The Descent from the Cross FINIS London : Printed by \Vm. Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. ^u^-?^^ -• GETTY RESEARCH INST|-rUTE 3 3125 01067 3222 r 'v >»«^ iN '- V^ '-f^'^^ W** '^ ■-'^tm ■^A. ■-^4 ri^ .'-"^Sr- ¥^6 * ■ 77 ,v r l^i^iS^ H^^^^R %7i SMt L V .-_: .^«^' "^^ , /is. Pg^ tM( w S ^^^ ;^^^p^ /' ^ '■;/- »?J m:/:^ , •w^ y.- .^^•i^-3 >• • ^ 4s/^a?% .r .^i WM: 7