Born 1752. JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH. (Engraver and Pnntseller.) Died 1812. A COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF PLATES PUBLISHED BY HIM. Giving Titles, Prices, Exact Sizes, and Names of (he Artists and Engravers. A FACSIMILE OF THE ONLY COPY KNOWN. Published December. 1914, by E. E. LEGGATT, 30 St. James' Street. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 A CATALOGUE OF PRINTS PUBLISHED BY J. R. SMITH, ( No. 31 ) KING-STREET, COVE NT-GARDEN. A CATALOGUE OF PRINTS. No 2 3 4- 5 ■: 6 .7 8 9 lo 1 1 12 n i6 »7 i8 19 »o 21 32 23 *4 *5 »6 *7 ^8 ?9 JO 3» 3* 33 34 3f 36 37 39 40 4' 42 43 44 4? 46 47 48 49 50 5' J2 ,53 J4 SUBJECT. Earl Gowcr-'s Children, fquare Country Maid, oval One from Proverbs, fquare One front! Prbvprbs, fquare Derfcy. Diligence, fquare Sad Storyj fquare Mr?. Robinfon, fquare Bannifter in Pdly, fquare McTiy ''Story, fquare Admiral Parker, fquarS Inflexible Porter, fquare Long Story, fquare BcH^ne and Parcival, {quare Views of a Man of Falhion, fquafc Hail Storm, fquare Mrs. North, fquare All Fours, oval Tambour Worker, oval Mrs. Stables and Children, fquar* Majiaeer and Spouter, fquare BpokfcHer and Author, fquare Morning, or Man of Tafte,, circle Evening, op Man of Feeling, circle Children of Walter Synnets, fquare Nymphs bathino;, fy 'Of 12 by 14 by i2f by 7| by J4 by 16 by 16 20 ■^i 20. H '4 20 by 14 17I by 22 li by ii| 20 by 14 I o| by If 10 by 8 15 by 1 1 bygf 13 by 154 2; by i6| ^hy 6i 13 by, u 12 20 by 14 9 by 10 24 by 15: 9i by 14 9l 14 9 i7i 8" 26 by 8 by 10 by 8 by 10 by 8 by 13 by Si by 1 1 1 1 8 '5 1 2 1 3 by 13 FR1CE» £• t. 4. 0 >5 0 0 3 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 3 0 0 3 S 0 I 9 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 I » 0 4 9 0 10 6 0 I 0 0 2 6 0 7 & 0 2 0 o- I 6 p 7 & 0 7 6 Q 7 0 '2 s 0 2 6 0 - 7 6 0 7 6 0 I 6 0 7 6 0 10 6 0 4 » 0 5 0 0 3 5 0 3 6 3 6 0 0 6 6 0 I 0 0 1 6 0 7 6 0 7 6 0 5 0 I I 0 0 3 0 0 3 6 0 3 0 0 3 6 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 3 6 I I d 0 3 6 0 I 0 0 3 6 0 S 0 0 7 6 0 7 6 C 4 D No. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 £z •^4 ^? 66 €7 68 69 ?o 71 72 ?J 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Si 82 .83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9' 92 93 94 95 96 97 SUBJECT. 98 99 100 JO! 102 10$ 104 JO5 ICO 107 308 1C9 1 10 1 1 1 Its »i3 "4 Expcdlatlon, circle Honourable Mrs. Stanhope, fqaare Duenna and Little Ifaac, oval Lady Macbeth, fquare ClarifTa and 'Solmes, oval Sir Harbord Harbord, fquare Shepherdcfs of the Alps, oval Marccjla, oval Nature, fquare Abelard and Eloifa, circle Cyincn and Iphigene, fquare Sketch from Nature, fquare Lear and Cordelia, fquare Moni at the Tomb of LQcillas, circle Bgcchante, fqaare Viiiaoa ¥/anderer, oval Lavinj, ovsl Sophia WeSom, fqsare Anacis and Lw-bin, circle Archbifnop of Taani, fqtsare ~ all Siikrsy circle Edwin snd A,rigeUna, fqaare Rofalia sad Celia, fqcare Minllrel, circle Weir'd Sillers, fquare Prince of Vv''ales, circle Sallad Girl, fquare Black, Brown, and Fair, circle Countefs of Mcsborongh, circle Sophia, circle Mrs. Eenwell, fquare Tobacco-bos, circle Vifit to the Grandmother, fquare Befarilus, oval Adoration, circle Praife, circle Margaret's Ghofi:,, fquare Sailors, fquare Age and Infancy, fquare Milkmaid, circle Children reading the Infcription on their Mother's Grave-fto.x, fquare A Girl ficetching a Poru^on the Ground, fquare Vauxhall, fquare . Coloured Proof, plain PAINTER. H. Banbury Sir J. Reynolds T, ^owlandfon H. Fufcli W. Beechy T.Gainfborough S. Shelley S. Shelley G. Rcmney S. Shelley W. Lawrenfoa T. RowlandfoB Ke Fufeii R. C^fway Sir J, Reynolds S. Snelicy S. Shelley J. Honpncr J. R. Smith Sir J. Reynolds j. R. Smith S. Shelley S. Sheiiey J. Opie K. Fufeii T.Gainfoorough T. Hoppner j. R. Smith J, Hoppner Rev, Mr. Peters J. Hoppner H. Walton J, Northcote S.Shelley R. M. Paye R, M. Paye J. Vv' right H. Bunbury J. Opie P.. Cofway R. M. Paye R. M. Paye T. Rowlandfon ENGRAVSR. Wet Parfcns, Iquarc Doftor and Death, fquare Oedipus, fquare Inftruflion, fquare Henry, fquare Esnnna, fquare Improvenriepit, fquare Study, fquare Devotion, fquara AiFeflion, fquare Education, fquare Hebe, fquare Children fpouting Tragedy, fquare jofeph and his Miftrefs, fquare Contemplating the Pidlure, oval Society in Solitude, oval i Raphael's MiHrefs, fquare J. R. Smith ]. R. Smith W. P; Carey J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R, Smith T, Barke T. Burke J, R. Smith J. R. Smith f. R. Smith W. p. Carey J, R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R.' Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J« R. Smith V/. Ward J. R. Smith J- Hogg J. R. Smith J. R. Smith W. Ward J. R, Sriiith W. Ward W. Ward ]. R, Smith V/. Ward J. Hogg W. Ward J. R. Smith W. Nutter W. Ward J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J- Hogg W. Ward V/, Ward Pollard & Tukes T. T. Rov^Iandfon H. Fufeii- R> Cofway R. Cofway R. Cofvvay R. Csfway R. Cofway R. Cofway R. Cofway R. Cofway Sir h Reynolds R. fvL Payfe R. Cofway J. R. Smith J. R.. Smith Julio RomEno Simon & Jukes Simon & Jukes W. Ward C. H. Hodges C. H. Hodges W. Nutter J. R. Smith J. R. Smith C, K. Kodges SIZE. PRICE. £ s. «• Dotted 0 7 5 Mezzotinto 20 by H 0 7 6 Dotted I' 7+ 0 3 0 Mezzotinto J by 0 »5 0 Dotted 9l by Q 0 3 0 Messotinto 24 by 0 15 0 Dotted 3i by 4j 0 4 0 Dotted by . 1 4£ 0 4 0 Mezzotinto I ci- by C 3 »4 0 5 0 Dotted st 0 4 0 Mezzotmto 20 by H n \j 7 < Dotted by I 0 0 0 0 Mezzotinto 22 by IB 0 10 D Dotted 12 0 7 0 Mezzotinto loi by C J 0 5 Q Dotted 7l by _ J 5? 0 3 Dotted 71 by _ i 5i 0 3 0 Mezzotinto io| by Si 0 5 0 Dotted t2 7 /; 0 Mezzotinto 20 by «4 7 0 Dotted 0 3 0 Mezzotinto H by 7 0 2 0 Mezzotinto 8i "1 bv uy 7 0 2 0 Dotted 7s- 0 3 u Mezzotinto 22 by I 0 0 10 0 Dotted '3l 0 2 0 Mezzotinto io\ by 0 3 H 0 5 0 Dotted 7f 0 3 6 Mezzotinto 1 2 0 5 0 Dotted 12 0 7 6 Mezzotinto loi by 0 5 0 Dotted I 2 7 6 Mezzotinto by I D 0 10 6 Mezzotinto 4| by 0 2 0 Dotted 7t 0 3 6 Dotted ra- 0 3 5. Mezzotinto zz by 10 0 10 6 Aquatinta '4J by 0 4 0 Mezzotinto 22 by r d I 0 f\ 10 6 Dotted 8 2l by 9I by 7 by iji by by 14 by 21- by 8| by I i by 1 1 by ^\ 8i 12I by I z-l by 81 i2| by 8i 14 by 12 iii by :2i lol by 8| 26 22 by 18 by by H 18 by 15 by 15 22I 224 by 1 64 by ]6| H by n 12} by loi i2| by 12 "i by 9l by 18 by 18 1 2 22 22 1 2 12 loi by 8| 13* by iji 8 by 7 8 by 7 4 7f by 6 24 fey io| by loi by 10^ by " by 4l '9 li Ik H J4t I4i 12 12 iz 9 9 9 by ii\ by H by H by H by H by H by H by 6i by H by 6i PR ECZ. o o o o o o o o o o o . o o o o o o I o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 036 036 036 036 036 036 Nc SUBJECT. 174 The Soldier's Return, fquare 175 The Sailor's Return, fquare 1 76 A College Scene, fquare 177 The Angler, oval 178 ThdHarvcft Girf, oval 179 A Youfig LacJy "encouraging a low median, fquare 180 Polygamy, fquare iSi A Snake in the Grafs, fquare 182 Mr, John Bannifter, fquare 183 Mr.' Bowden, fquare 184 Thoughts.on a Single Life, oval 18 J A Vifit to the Grandfather,. fquare 186 Morning Employment, oval 187 Evening Employmenti oval 188 Delia in Town, oval T89 Delia in Country^ oval 190 Maria, oval 191 The Peafant, oval 192 The Love-dream, fquare 193 The Love-letter, fquare 194 A Loifir,- oval 195 Induftrious Cottager, fquare 196 The Idle Laundrefs, fquare 197 Agatha, fquare 198 The Soldier's Faiewel!, fquare 199 The Difcovery, oval 200 The Fair Seducer, oval ' 201 The Vicar's Fire-fide, fquare zoz Arijidne and Thefeus, fquare 203 Childuen Nutting, fqua're ^04 Children playing Soldiers, fquare 205 A Vifitto the Child at Nurfc, fquare 206 Blindraan's Buff, fquare 207 Bird-nefting, fquare 208 C. Bannifter, fquare ■209 Six of Sedudion, fquare 216 A Lefture-on Gadding 21 1 Two of Louifa, oval 212 An Indian Wido^v, fquare 213 The Lady in Comus, fquare 214 A Widow's Tale, fquaVe 2 1 5 Children and Rabbits, oval 2 1 6 Children and Pigeons, oval 217 The Difafter, fquare 218 Juvenile Navigators, fquare 219 A Party Angling, fquare 220 The Angler's Repaft, fquare 221 A Vifif to the Boarclihg-fchool, fquare 222 lAtalanta, fquare 223 'The Old Beau, oval ■224iThe Comforts of Ihduftry, fquare 225 The Mifcriss of Idleixefs, fquare 226 Affluence Reduced, fquare 227- I he Squire's Door, fquare 228 The Farmer's Door, fquare 229 The Young Fortune-teller, fquare 230 1 he Sheltered Lamb, fquare 231 ■ Chriftmas Holidays, fquare 232 The Entangled Kite, fquare 253 Madona Col Bambino, fquare 2'34 A Maid, fquare 235 A Wife, fquare 236 A Widow, fquare Co ■PAINTER. F. Wheatly F. \Vheatly T. Rowlandfon W. R. Bigg W. R. Bigg J. Northcote T. Rowlandfon Sir J. Reynolds M.' Brown ]. R. Smith f. k. Smith J. R. Smith G. iMorland G. Mo; land G. Morland G. Morland R. F.. Barney E. F. Barney R. Weft R. W^eft j. R' Smith G. Morland G. Morland ]. R. Smith J. R. Smith G., Morland G. Morland H. Wigftead H.Fufeli G. Morland G. Morland. G. Morland G. Morland G. Morland M. Brown G. Morland J. R. -Smith G. Morland J. W^right |. Vv^ right J. R. Smith Wi Hamilton W. Hamilton F. Wheatly G. . Morland- _ G. Morhnd IG. Mor'and G'. Morland H. Kuhbury j: R. Smith G. Morland G. .Morland G. Morland G. Morland- G. Morland R. Weftall R. Weftall J. R. Smith G. Morland Sir J. Reynolds J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J; jl. Smith _ e»i<;ravf. r. W: Ward W. Ward E. Williams M. Ogborne M. Ogborne W. Ward E. Williams ]. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith ■f. R. Smith W, V/ard J, R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith f. R. Smith J. Heath J. Heath E. J. Dumce E. J. Durtiae J. R. Smith W Blake W Blake E. J. Dumee J. R. Smith E. J. Duinee E. J. Dumee E. Williams J. R. Smith E. 'Days G. Keating Wi Ward Ward Wl Ward Smith h Bartolozzi Gauga'in J. R. Smith J. R. Smith VV: Ward J. Barney ]. Barney W, Ward W. Ward G. Keaiing .W. Ward W; Ward ]. Baldrey j. k. Smith H. Hudfon H.,Hudfoii H. Hudfon _ B. Duterrad B. Duterrau r. Gaugain r. Gaugain j. R. Smith V/. Ward J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. k. Smith Wl wara j". k. SmitI f. R. Smitl MANNER. Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Dotted Dotted Dotted Mezzotinto Dotted Dotted Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Dotted Mezzotinto Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted ■Dotted' Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Mezzotitito Mezzotinto Mczzotmto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mc2;zotinto Dotted Dotted Dotted Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Dotted- Dotted MezKOtinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Dotted Dotted Mezzotinto Me7.zotinro Meziotinto Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Dotted DotteJ Dotted' SIZE. 20 20 2 I toi by 14 by 14 by 15 - by,6i 8i by 6i ri by 16 by 15 by 8^ by 11 } by II H by 7i 2ii by 16 12;^ by io| I2|, by loi •9iby 81 by 7i by 7. by loi by 10!. H by 8.i by io| by loi by i2| by I2 | by by 26 " 22 22 22 22 22 '5 9f 9 9 1 1 1 1 8 PRICE . 7" lOi 8| by 8| 18 . 18 by 18 by 1 8 by 18 by 18 y by n i3i by iri X3i by i i i^ i5i by I3i 22 by 18 22 by 18 2ii by 16 by 6 by by by 6 16 by 18 by- 1 3 by j8- zoi by r6]- 14 hy 12 '4 by 131 ^41' by i3i 14 by 10 i8| bv 13! i8i by 131 by by n "I 1 1 "I . 20 by 14 zli'by 16 20 by 14 J6i by 1 1 1 1 6i by 1 1 1 i6i by ii| xo 3 7 S 5 3 10 5 5 ■4 4 4 4 2 2 3 4" 4 5 S S 5 4 'J 10 10 10 10 10 y 5 ip '5 10 10 6 10 6 6 o 6 o o 6 6 o o o o o o 6 6 6 o o o o o o o o 6 6 6 6 6 o ■0 6 o 6 4 4 10 10 10 10 10 5 >6 40 6 4 o 4 o 4 o 10 0 10 S C r D No. «37 ,238 «39 240 241 24 z *43 244 *4J 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 «S3 *55 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 SUBJECT. What Yon Will,^ fquare The Angry. Farmir, fquare Boys Bathing, {qoare Boys Robbing an Orchard, fquare Children Skaiting, fquare ChriAmas Gambol, fquare Nurfc and Chiidren in the Field .fquare The Slave Tra^e, fquare African Hofpitality, fquare Mofes in the Bulrufhes, fquare The Earl of Effex's firft Interview with Queen Elizabeth after his Return from Ireland, fqiiare Henry the Fourth iof France reconciles the Duchefs.of Beaufort to Sully, fquare Rhynfault confronted by Sapphira in the Prefonce of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, fquare The Young Corfican convinced by General Paoli ot the Neccffity of his Uncle's Death, fquare Cardinal Ximenes anfwering the Grandees of Spain who qucftioncd his Authority, fquare The Benevolent Cardinal, fquare Four Plates of the Deferter, fquare Attention, fquare Inattention, fquare Six Plates, a fct of Huntings, fquare, in Colours Tlie Romance, fquare The Dream, fquare The Beggar Girl, fquare The Little Gipfy, fquare The Prince of Wales, fquare Sabrina releafing the I ady from the En- chanted Chair — Milton's Ccmus, fquare The Brothers driving off Comus and his Spirits — Milton's Comus, fquare From a Ballad of Shakefpearc's — Hamlet, Aft 4, fquare Edmund's firft Sight of Ethelinda, fquare Ethelinda reftored to her Father, fquare Vortigern and Rowena, fquare Boadicea haranguing the Britons, fquare Alfred difguifed as a Harper in the Danifh ' Camp, fquare Edgar and Flfrida, fquare Partridge Shooting, fquare, in Colours Pheafant Shooting, fquare, in Colours Woodcock Shooting, fquare, in Colours Groufe Shooting, fquare, in Colours Looking for a Hare, fquare, in Colours Courfing, fquare, in Colours fAINTEB. J. R. Smith G. Morland G. Morland G. Morland Q Morland G. Morland G. Morland G. Morland G. Morland Sir J. Reynolds R. Weftall R. Weftall R. Weftall R. Weftall R. Weftall R. Weftall G. Morland I. R. Smith J. R. Smith Hawett R. Weftall R. M^cftall R. Weftall R. Weftall J. R. Smith T. Stothard T. Stothard R. Weftall T. Stothard T. Stothard W. Hamilton C. M. Metz T. Stothard W, Hamilton Howitt Howitt Howitt Howitt Howitt Howitt F. NCR AVER. J. R. Sraitii £. Scott E. Scott E. Scott E. Scott J. R. Smith G. Keating ]. R. Smith j. R. Smith J. Dean W. Ward W. Ward W. Ward W. Ward W. Ward W. Ward G. Keating R.M. Meadows R.M. Meadows Jukes J. R.Smith J. R. Smith C. loft C. 'Jofi J. R. Smith E. Scott E. Scott J. Hogg R.M. Meadows R.M. Meadows C. Jofi C. Jofi E. J. Dumee E. Scott C. Rofenberg C. Rofenberg C. Rofenberg C. Rofenberg C. Rofenberg C. Rofenberg MAN K£ R« Slit. Dotted by UQttCd 'Si by '34 uoiteci i?i by uotteo '5l hy 134 Dotted '5i by >3i Mezzotinto 20 by »4 Mozzotinto 2I|- qy 1 0 Mezzotjnto 26 by '9 Mezzotinto 26 by '9 Mezzotinto '4 by lol- Mezzotinto 24 by ^9 Mezzotinto H by '9 Mezzotinto 24 by '9 Mezzotinto 24 by 19 PRICK. Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Dotted Dotted Aquatinta Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Dotted Dotted Mezzotinto Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted DoHed Dotted Dotted Aquatinta Aquatinta Aquatinta Aquatinta Aquatinta Aquatinta 24 by 2 4 by 2 1^ bv Is by 15 by by by 8{ by 18 i8| by i6i i8| by 16] 16 10 10 10 10 '4 '4 1+ 14 '4 '4 by by by by by by bv bv hy by 10 by 10 by 10 by 10 14 13 13 8i 8^ to 10 o 15 o o 15 o o 15: o o 15 o O IJ o 0150 2 20 076 076 II 6 3 6 3 6 4 o 4 o ■i o O J 2 o 0120 10 6 7 6 7 6 5 o 5 o r 8 3 Ko, 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 2S4 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 £92 293 294 ?95 296 297 298 »99 300 301 302 SUBJECT. Catherine of Arragon pleading her own Caufe before Henry the Eighth The Defeat of Mary Queen of Scotb at the Battle bf Langfidc Henry Yorke James Heath, Engraver to His Majefty The' Chalybeate Well at Harrow- gate Felicia Amanthis Mr. Bannifler, jun. and Parfons, as Scout, and Sheepiace, in the Village Lawyer Falconer Dr. Darwin, M. D, Dr. Kirkland Sir Brook Boothby Matthew Horfley The Earl of St. Vincent The Gleaner Xoung Shepherdefs William Grant, Efq. Edmund Burke Sailors in a Storm in a Fight in Port return in Peace Leopards Lionefs and Whelps Gypfies ftealing a Child The Child Reftored PAINTER. R.Weftall, R. Weftall, J. Rfi Smith J. F. Abbott J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith S.De Wilde J. Northcote, J. Wright, Eftj. J. R. Smith Sir J. Reynolds, J. R. Smith Gabriel Stewart R. Weftall R. Weftall, J. Barry J. R. Smith T. Stothard T. Stothard T. Stothard T. Stothard J. Northcote J. Northcote H. Singleton H, Singleton ENGRAVER. W. Ward W. Ward S.W.Reynolds J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith S. W. Reynolds J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith J. R. Smith C. Jofi B, Duttereau J. R. Smith J. Hop wood W. Ward W. Ward W. Ward W. Ward S. W. Reynolds S. W. Reynolds R, M. Meadows R. M. Meadows MANNER. Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Dotted Dotted Dotted Dotted Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Mezzotinto Dotted Dotted SIZE. PRICE. 24 by 19 24 by ig 18 by 13I o 76 by 14I o 15 o o 15 o 2ii by 17 2o| by 15I 2o| by 23I by i7i by i3i by i3i by i3f by 13 by 24f by 10 by by by by by by by by 23I by 231 by 17I by 17I by 10 3 4 21 21 21 21 i8| '3i 12 12 1 1 7i H 6 17I i7i i7i i8i 184 13I 13? o 10 6 076 076 M>im^'mm«mi m m: » ii.i w> «i< ii »i iii ii v ii. l i mww i iW iiMr ii mi i iwin iwi ni iii l i ll 1 1 1 lii J i il» ili |l | l| i ll lii i iiW 64. Adoration. «» St* n Age Xnf ai'icy» f2* Affection. Afflu»*nee 2m » Afrlcarj - oapitality. Alfred ,PlBg«liie€T. « AH i^ttr»» Alneria. Amnthie* Affirrni.t«f. "v'orfcii.mnt « Ajg^tler. ft m. An^-'ler'??. -i^'frfifiiet* m • Archblahoi> of tttiini. .125. « A%A«l^n%8i* Attention. 2m* 42* emailing of iftMitl* i#* 1^2* 0mr4ii}«il XiMSMit ^nmmririg %lm Qm.M%m @tc« **' 251* Catherine of kvmgm pXm&ini? ^ '^r m& mmm* ** Charlotte at th« t^wto ©f tt^erteir* SS# ChisiuntrisBS. * fil» Children aim ri4|©#n©» ** £16 » Children avid Kalibitf** till, Chlldrf*r» IfuttiRft. ^(^%^ Children il^yiyn^; .>©ldi«^r®# ** SII4# Chilclr#ii reading- thf? inner if^t ion &f thmiw Bdllltr's Crsft**' a©» Ghildr#»r)t "^I'sstln^. Ml. Childraii *#:p®».tinc 'Xr.-^ ; .;.„u llt-» chiKljr^n rr^yowiag ti^aewliaXl^^ 1:^4* 0lill(ir<»n ^&\>tim «««a#^. 146» ckiiti ■■■---a, ■ Jloa# ChriBtmn t-f©iiiinj^®« * g31* Clajrltmi. n^tlms^^ *» §t« Coll«i5« s««n«, «^ lift, CoBfortB of Jndlustry* ♦* 2;I4# Connublnl * 143. IK'© It ^'J® 1 # »* *ww * «S.* f 9 .4 #W • It ■ !H St 2 m • "^'■A V*% »■ '4'' ■■' ^'t dfk tf'bvui- IT 4^ rftk iM^WIrit McVAv iKfiL lit) M ietaiiid*fli first ©ifht #f # Bvenijsg , 1 tidu i r i. - u :. . V 0 1 tn^« r • 19 Inattention « f'! n 'X h i ' ■ ' ' 1 '■•^ t yf* n B • J«Tew i 1 ^^-aisr igm t © r s , tw^kim for «ar®» |,owif^-' (two) J^ouis iJaiiipM of Orleana ■» JLov^ Vj'sjiqu ,i=i2irii,@4 'by AyariG## I"! «« W«!.1,a » •*» 'tt m I^STl^ ^Jf © t s (Sho ® t • liiJi'?.yia#.' 4,^1/ ?♦ #i •''i ... It i^J' * # K * ^ . |. .A f 1 O J Tr» : ■ X ' ■ >^ T. OH *J ^ ^, A "' '' * > « 1^* *s « !? i(. ■ 7 " ™ ^ I nlr ' / 1 ^ T » fit w f* It » Ola :!^'<*nu. ' « t^S* IPalwEr^n afi«l Arc i in. * 3.if# P'^rk'^T '^fHir«?l» * it* Princ*^ of Walet, * 4i* fliiT>h««l«» Mi®tr:* iP'^esi* Bmt^nm ♦ if. 38* MS* 4f AXp«« K0» SI aft frate* « 244, * Mi^ • Mfijk^ in %hm C?'«%®», m USX • m • S©W(j»»our Bevii mi^ Old tnwari. » 43 ♦ Squires r?&<^3P,» 221^ ♦ ii» Student i»t tfm St»iM«i# 18t « 40* TJi^e^^** ^ ^ Life* 166 • Timid r'oy« Village ffnndf^TQt* Visit to the f^mnUng '^ohml* Visit to the €-raiilif%ii-if?y» •.a I Jim will. ^ - -i a o