THE LONDON CABINET-MAKERS' mnion BOOK OF PRICES. THE L O ND O N CABINET-MAKERS' UNION BOOK OF PRICES. BY A COMMITTEE OF MASTERS AND JOURNEYMEN. Printed by BaMtttint 4 Bjpwrth, Duke-Street, Adelphi ; TOR THE COMMITTEE: BY POTTS AND COLLINSON, CH EN IES-STREET, BAKEIl AND I.VAL WHiTSTnws.ii.nrr 1811. P R E FAC E. AT length the Committee are enabled to lay before the Trade the result of their labours, and they trust it will be found of general utility. It has been their study, as much as possible, to dissect and equallise each piece of work, thereby to prevent those litigations which have too frequently existed in the trade, by taking work from wrong starts ; it being now rendered of little consequence what the work is called, or what its purposes are : at the same time, they have, in most instances, precisely named what the work shall be started from, according to its measure. Various disputes have existed in the trade on the mode of de- ducting for Backs or Doors of Libraries, or adding for additional Doors: to do away that difficulty, they are now started without Doors, and the price of the extra size of Carcase regulated accord- ingly. The price of Doors may be readily added from the Table ; and a clear deduction for Backs will also be found in a Table. Many disputes have also arisen in the trade respecting the num- ber of members in Cornices, or other Mouldings ; and as they are in the present day so different from what they were formerly, the Com- mittee found it impossible to regulate them otherwise than by start- ing all work without Mouldings (except in a few instances named in PREFACE. ". the Preambles), and forming a Table and Plate of Moulding in almost every one extant, or by comparison, may be found, and the workman paid for all his labour, and nothing more. The Committee are aware this mode will be attended with trouble, at first, ,n making out accounts ; but a little practice will soon re- medy ft , and the justness of the mode be found more than commen- surate to the trouble, not only in this case, but in many others, where there are references to Tables. But it is not the intention of the Committee here to enumerate the Afferent alterations from the old system-they will be best seen by a careful perusal of the work, in the compilation of which they have used their best endeavours; notwithstanding which, no doubt errors will be found, and perhaps some indifferent language :-the last has been of minor importance with the Committee, provided the sense might not be misconstrued. They therefore hope for that candour which the na- tore of such a complicated work merits. Taking into consideration the jarring mterests of the parties concerned, and the different suspenses of the work, from imperative causes, the difficulties that have arisen are inconceivable to any but those who have experienced them. Such as it is, we now lay it before the Trade; and should it prevent those differences which have so frequently occurred, the Committee will not think their labour misapplied. Tbey have, in every instance, done justice to the workman, and, they hope, the master's interest has not been neglected. Where prices in the Cabinet branch PREFACE. branch are by this work established, it is proper to mention, they are by the Committee considered as being allowed for work of the best quality. Hoping that » The London Cabinet-makers' Union Book of Price," ma prove a spnr to industry, and for the general benefit of master and journeyman, We remain Your obedient servants, London, fcarch 1 lRJi THE COMMITTEE. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. All drawer work that starts with common brackets considered block'd on and finish'd, in the same way as mentioned in the Dressing Chest. Taper stump feet, of every description, also to be taken from the Dressing Chest. Partition edges in drawer work are considered faced with mahogany in the start price. N.B. — The insiSe of bookcases, and other carcases, start colour'd and polish'd with soft wax. All deal tops and bottoms of carcases considered faced with mahogany; when not faced, no deduction to take place. The bottoms of carcases, straight or sweep'd, where doors are introduced, considered rabbeted in their respective starts, unless otherwise mentioned When rails, half the width of a deal each, are dovetail'd at the front and back of carcase work, and the top screw'd on ditto, no extra charge to be made. Each extra rail, three feet long, 4d. Every six inches longer, extra Id. Outside drawers, either in carcase or table work, to start with locks and handles, except otherwise. mentioned in the preamble. Sham drawers, where they 'occur in the start, are considered to have handles and an escutcheon, the same as the drawers in the same job. All outsides of backs, tops or bottoms of carcase work, the insides of table rails, &c. to start colour'd. If no back to a carcase, deduct as per Table No. 1 8. b GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. Colouring and polishing drawer bottoms, per foot superficial \d. Ditto drawer fronts — See pages 347 anaL35l. The inside of furniture and secretary drawers and ends of bookcases are considered polislfd with turpentine and wax; and if not polish'd, no de- duction to take place. When backs of bookcases are made of mahogany, the polishing to be paid for per foot superficial Id. When the edges of shelves for bookcases, &c. are not feint-rounded, or a quirk bead on each edge, as in start, no deduction to take place. If extra members are introduced on the edges of shelves, deduct for feint- rounding, and add as per Tables No. \6 and 17. No joints in bookcase shelves, bottoms, or backs of carcases, to be paid for, except when the stuff is broke down, or does not average eight inches wide. All carcase work to measure on the carcase, and table work on the top, Libraries, wardrobes, &c. to measure on the bottom carcase. When cornice frames are rabbeted, and the ends of carcases to receive ditto, each side of cornice frame or end of carcase ikl. When an inclos'd pier-table or a pedestal is framed into legs, instead of being put together as a carcase, add for four legs extra, when the job starts with stump feet put in with a pin, 5s. Ditto, extra from the stump feet put in with tenons, 4s. Sofa-table, Pembroke-table, sofa-writing-table, or chamber-table tops, made of inch stuff, to be extra per superficial foot Id. All rails of tables above and below drawers are considered faced with mahogany in the start. No extra to be charg'd on a single job, except mentioned in the respective extras. All sweep'd table rails to be paid for cutting out and gluing up as per Table, except otherwise mentioned in the preamble. All straight clamps considered plougnd and tongued on, except otherwise mentioned in preamble. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. When drawers or doors are introduced against projecting legs or breaks, for extra price of ditto — See Straight-front Pier Table, page 152. All work is settled without any mouldings in the start, except otherwise mentioned in the preamble. When marble tops are introduced on any work, deduct for mahogany top from plain slab in Dining Tables, page 208. Polishing the underside of pillar- and-claw tables, and the flaps of dining tables, is included in the price given for the tops. The front of the cistern in cylinder-fall wash-hand table is considered veneer'd in the start. For triangular block to loo table, — See Work-stand, No. h Sawing legs out of stuff under 1| inch thick not to be paid for. When a secretary drawer is introduced into any piece of work, deduct the price of the drawer taken out for its reception, then add the price of the Secretary Drawer, page 58. When a band or string is routed in on tops, to be measured on the edge of table. Fixed hanging stiles to be considered as pilasters. Loose scribing pieces to be paid by time. When the fronts of claws are veneer'd, the veneer is considered not to be mitred. Moulds and cauls for general use to be provided for the workman, or paid for by time. Filling up holes and reducing or lining up slabs to be paid for by time. * # * The Committee recommend that the workman, in making out his accounts, will put the page to the various items at the end of the line in his bill. — Doing which will be no inconvenience to the journeyman, and it will save a considerable time to the party that examines the account. GENERAL INDEX. B Page Clothes-press, low Page 33 Bedstead, table , 42 Clothes-press . 35 Bedstead, bureau .... 44 Clothes-press, round-front 37 Bedstead, press .... 46 Clothes-press, wing 39 Bedstead, library-press, with breaks 49 Cabinet, straight-front . 77 Bureau ...... 66 Chamber table 79 Bookcase . . . . . 67 Card table, square 139 Bookcase, library, straight-front . 70 Card table, square, on pillar and claws 141 Bookcase, library, with breaks 73 Card table, circular 142 Bason-stand .... 241 Card table with round corners 144 Bason-stand, corner . . . 243 Card table with round corners, Bason-stand, square, inclosed 245 on pillar and claws . 145 Bidet . 260 Card table with canted corners 146 Bidet, box-top .... 261 Card table with canted corners, on Bidet, portable .... 262 pillar and claws 147 Bottle-tray, No. 1 ... 283 Card table, quarter-round corners 147 Bottle-tray, square, No. 2 . 284 Card table, quarter-round corners, Bottle-carrier, hexagon 285 on pillar and claws . 148 Butler's-tray . 287 Card table, ovalo corners 149 Book shelves, hanging 293 Card table, ovalo corners, on pillar Book shelves, open 294 and claws . • 150 Bed-steps . . . 310,311 , 312 Cellaret, square, No. 1 . 275 Bed table 314 Cellaret, No. 2 Cellaret, taper, No. 3 . 277 278 C Cellaret, No. 4 Cellaret, No. 5 . 326 327 Carcase, open .... 25 Clothes-horse, No. 1 300 Case for the inside of a carcase . 29 Clothes-horse, folding, No. 2 301 GENERAL INDEX, Page Canterbury 315 D Dressing or lobby chest . . 1 Dressing or lobby chest, round-front 18 Dressing-chest, knee-hole . . 24 ' Double-chest . . . . 30 Double-chest, round-front . . 31 Dining table, square . . . 202 Dining table, half-round . . 205 Dining table, pillar and claw . 208 Dining table, horse-shoe . .214 Dressing table, lady's, No. 1 . 229 Dressing table, lady's, No. 2 .231 Dressing table, No. 3 . . . 234 Desk, cylinder-fall . . .102 Desk, tambour .... 107 Desk table, No. 1 . . . . 265 Desk table, No. 2 ... 266 Desk, counting-house, No. 1 . 267 Desk, counting-house, double . 271 Dumb-waiter. , . . . . 309 Deductions for deal and wainscot . 330 ; r->K /'t; r ; ' v ; r " '• Hi Furniture drawer . ... 50 Flaps 206 Frame for pi llar-and-claw dining table 210 Fire-screen, horse . . .301 Fire-screen, sliding . . . 302 Fire-screen, folding . . . 303 Fire-screen, triangular bottom . 306 K Knife-tray, square . . 286 Knife-case, vase, No. 1 . .321 Paga Knife-case, vase, No. 2 . . 322 Knife-case, vase, No. 3 . . 322 Knife-case, vase, No. 4 . . 323 Knife-ease, tapered . . . 323 L Loo table . . . . .214 Library, moving, or book-stand, No. 1 296 Library, mpving, No. 2 . . 298 M Music or reading stand (as in plate) 263 Music or book stand . . . 316 N Night table, No. I . . 255 Night table, No. 2 . . 257 Night table, sliding-front, No. 3 . 258 P Pembroke table . . . ,124 Pembroke table on pillar and claws 128 Pembroke table, universal or slid- ing-flap . . 1 . .129 Pembroke table, pot-cupboard . 131 Pier table, straight-front . .151 Pier table, round-front, straight ends . . . . . 156 Pier tables, quarter-round ends (as in plate marked A «r Bj . . 1 58 Pier table, inclosed, straight-front 161 Pier table, inclosed, with internal or external break . . . .163 Pier table, inclosed, with round-front 167 Pier table, inclosed, with ovalo ends, and straight middle , . . 168 GENERAL INDEX. Page Page Pedestal . . . . 191 Tray-stand .... . 283 Pedestal with tapered ends . . 201 Tea-tray, oval , 292 Pillar-and-claw table . 217 Trio tables .... . 318 Pot-cupboard . 250 Tripod-stand for fire-screen . . 325 Pot-cupboard, corner, circular-front 254 Tripod flower or candle stand . 325 Pole-screen stand, No. 1 . 305 V Pole-screen stand, No. 2 . 305 Pole fire-screen mounts . 306 Vase . . 320 Poundage for hard woods . . 329 Secretary drawer . Secretary .... Secretary, round-front . Sofa table .... Sideboard table, straight-front Sideboard table, round-front Sideboard table with ovalo or hoi low corners Sideboard cellaret, straight-front Sideboard cellaret, round-front Sideboard cellaret, ovalo or hollow corners .... Sideboard pedestal, straight-front Shaving-stand, No. 1 Sandwich-tray, square Sandwich-tray, oval Screen dressing-glass 58 62 64 133 172 178 179 181 1$5 187 189 237 290 291 299 W Tops for cylinder or tambour tables" 117 Table legs, and regulations for the size of ditto , 171 85 87 91 94 99 103 106 109 no lie Writing table, No. 1 . Writing table, library, No. 2 Writing table, library, knee-hole Writing table, library, circular Writing table, cylinder-fall . Writing table, tambour, No. 1 Writing table, tambour, No. 2 Writing table, as in plate Writing table, lady's screen . Writing table, sofa Writing table with round corners at the back Writing table, gentleman's, as in plate 4 Work-stand, ladv's, No. 1 Work-stand, lady's, No. 2 . Work table, square Work table, canted-corner . Work table, round-corner Wash-hand table, cylinder-fall, No Wash-hand table, cylinder-fall, No. 2 249 Window blind . . . .308 115 123 217 220 223 225 228 248 INDEX TO THE TABLES. Table No. 1 2 3 4 5 Page 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 (See Sawing out and jointing straight work and cooper's joints . Lining tops, bottoms, ends, &c. . . • • • • • • Drawers and partitions, veneering ditto, &c. in straight work Ditto - ditto - in sweep work . Ditto - ditto, in eliptic or circular work, under two feet diameter (Sawcarjing and wedgmg drawer front in the references to this table.) Veneering on straight or flat work ..... Jointing veneers, butt-joints, &c. on straight or sweep work Veneering table rails on straight or sweep work - Veneering friezes or table edges, and mouldings on table frames. references to this table.) ...... Veneering half or three-quarter circles, round columns, tops, bases, &c. Doors, straight or circular . Veneering door-frames, pannels, or solid doors, and putting pannels with beads behind Cutting out and glueing on mouldings .... Preparing and glueing on stuff for cornices . . • Working mouldings on ditto . . . • « Working mouldings 3-8ths wide, or under .... Ditto from 3-8ths to 5-8ths of an inch wide (Continued.) Ditto from 5-8ths to 7-8ths of an inch wide Framed backs, and deduction for backs .... Framing lops or sliders to receive flaps . Framing tops or sliders with flush pannels .... Lipping and lining with cloth or leather * Sawing out straight legs, columns, &c. and tapering ditto Sawing out sweep legs, and shaping ditto . . . « 342 344 350 354 358 360 364 368 372 S74 380 382 385 388 390 392 393 395 397 399 402 404 406 INDEX TO THE TABLES. 44 Feint-rounding, moulding, and sinking pannels in legs, &c. . . . 408 25 Therming straight legs .... 4jq 26 Banding and stringing ......... 414 27 Sawing out, shaping, and fixing claws 413 27 (Continued.) Feint-rounding top edges of claws and chamfering . .419 23 Veneering and panneling claws ........ 422 29 Shamming drawer fronts 426 30 Clamping ............ 428 31 Filling up the insides of door-frames for glazing ..... 429 32 Panneling with band or strings, friezes, pilasters, legs, stump feet, &c. 432 33 Brass work, fixing on ditto . 43Q 34 Claws, moulding and sinking pannels in ditto 440 35 Making, veneering, and panneling tripod standards .... 444 36 Moulding tripod standards ......... 443 37 Ovals or circles formed by strings or band grooved in .... 452 38 Veneering and panneling table legs 454 39 Panneling with mouldings 45Q 40 Filling up the corners of door-frames, as in plate, No. 1. 460 41 Forming sunk pannels, with quarter or veneer 462 42 Forming veneering, and quartering up to ovals, circles, or diamonds . 468 43 Filling up door-frames, to form oval or circular pannels or tops . . 472 44 Reeding or fluting turned legs or columns, 3-8ths of an inch wide 7 or under . . . . . . . . . . . f ^74 Extras and Deductions omitted. £. s. d. Table, No. 26, a line routed in from the edge on straight work, per foot run 0 0 0| Each extra string, per foot run 0 0 0| A stretcher ( as Plate 3, Jig. 12), not exceeding three inches hollow.'. 0 2 0 The hollow stretcher in page 135 considered to be lapp'd together in the centre, &c. as described in Plate $,Jig- 11- A pair of folding window-blinds, each extra inch in height of ditto 0 0 1 Ditto, each extra inch in length when two or more frames 0 0 Of Each dowel in a claw 0 0 1 Shamming partitions with cockbeads on sweep-drawers above two feet diameter, to be extra on References to Table N° 3, on the shilling 0 0 3 Ditto with strings 0 0 l k Ditto with cockbeads on drawers two feet diameter or under • • • • 0 0 6 Ditto with strings 0 0 3 Lion-paw castors to be extra each set 0 0 2 When the square on the tops of claws, N° 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, are veneered, to be extra each 0 0 Oj c . 0 ERRATA. Pace 30, line 21, each inch above two feet wide. • • • 6rf> 43, line 20, for swept, read sweep'd ; and in all other places where the word iwept 9ccws. 63, line 27, for each inch, read each extra inch. 59, line 11, after the word work, read from back to fronts 69, line 7, for plate 2, read plate 8. 90, line 12, j /or 19 or 20 , read 21. Ill, line 20, ) 114, line 13, for plate 32, read plate 3. 123, line 16, for No. read page 115. 136, line 23, for Table 34, read 35. * 137, line 10 & 11, For moulding Ihe top edge of claws— See Table, No. 34. 138, line 22, for each square or turned pillar, read each extra square, &c. 151, line 3, for black, read back. 160, line 2, read each corner extra. 172, line 21, for eleven and half, read inch and half. 176, line 23, for tail, read rail. 198, Vine 4, for See Table of Ditto, read See Tambour-door to Incloied Bason-stand, page 347. 202, line 19, for nine shillings, read ninepence. 203, line 12, read Pembroke-table corners. 204, line 28, for twopence, read one shilling and twopence. 212, line 22, for or, read of. 217, line 8 & 9, read if this table-top is veneer'd, to start from Loo-table or Lady's Work-stand. 221> , For rounding corners of top— Soe page 218. 224, line 17,/or sixpence halfpenny, read ninepence. 227,' line It, for Secretary-drawer, read Furniture-drawer, page 50. 232, line 8, read Ditto, when the edge is rounded. 238, line 17, for ditto, read glass-frame. 239, line 28, for vale, read rail. 272, line 14, for sash ovalo, read ov alo. 279, line 13, the word each to be left out. 308, line 20, for twopence, read two shillings. 313, line 22, this line an error. 316, line 1, to be charged sevenpence, and omit the second line. 339, line 2, for four feet extra, read four feet in cooper's-joints extra. 339, line 4, for each joint, read each square.joint. 347, line 4, for bead, read string. 419, table 27, for feint-rounding or chamfering claws, read feinfcrounding claws. 424, line 10, for No. 37, read No. 32. [Cnteten at &tationet#&alU] THE L 0 ND 0 N CABINET-MAKERS*' WLnion BOOK OF PRICES. A DRESSING or LOBBY CHEST. £. s. All solid. — Three feet long, two feet eight inches higbj. the ends one foot seven inches wide, plain back, four long drawers in ditto, cock or flush beaded, or to shew a corner string by black or white holly rabbeted round as a bead ; the top to project half or three quarters of an inch, the edge of ditto square: on common brackets blocked on the bottom of the carcase; the ends, bottom, and partition edges faced with mahogany, with straight slips under the partitions to fill the groove 0 18 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length above three feet, to three feet six inches, extra q q 5 Ditto above three feet six inches • • • 0 0 7 B Each / 2 Eacli inch more in height above two feet eight inches, when the carcase is three feet six inches long, or under, extra * • Ditto above three feet six inches, to four feet - « - • Ditto above four feet * ' Each inch more in width of ends up to two feet, or less down to one foot two inches, add or deduct When a chest of drawers is four feet long, each extra inch in width of ends above two feet Each inch under three feet long, down to two feet six inches, deduct . . . . . Ditto under two feet six inches, down to two feet Ditto under two feet eight inches high, down to two feet four inches, deduct ...... Ditto under two feet four inches, down to two feet » Each inch in depth of drawers above the average of seven inches to each drawer, extra A front edge under the top, faced with mahogany, fitted in between the ends with slips to guide the drawer • • A slider square clamp d, lined up in front, and faced with mahogany ; solid, or lipp'd for cloth ; cock beaded, &c. as in start • * Every three inches in length of ditto above three feet, extra . * Mitre-clamping ditto, each mitre extra Framing ditto, with a flush pannel, extra from square clamping Each extra pannel • * Framing ditto, with bead and butt, each pannel extra 0 0 5 0 0 $i 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 n 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 2 Working 3 £. s. d. Working a quirk bead on the framing when one pannel 0 0 7 Ditto each extra pannel • 0 0 5 A front edge, and slips under the slider • . 0 0 5^ For partitions and drawers, more or less, and veneering ditto— See Table, N° 3, For veneering the top or ends — See Table, N° 6. For base or other mouldings — See Tables, N° 16 and 17. A ] Making the Carcase in two parts, when three feet long or under, extra q 3 0 A ] Ditto when above three feet, to three feet six inches long 0 3 2 A ] Ditto when above three feet six inches, to four feet long 0 3 6 A ] Ditto when above four feet, to four feet six inches long 0 4 0 B ] A front and back rail, six inches deep or under; putting in a bottom, and hingeing the top ; the start size, and down to two feet six inches long • • o 3 q B ] Every three inches longer, or two inches wider, extra • • 0 0 2} B ] Ditto under two feet six inches long, deduct 0 0 2 A lock on ditto, the plate let in • . 0 0 6 Cleaning and polishing the inside with soft wax • • • 0 0 & B ] An inner top, fixed upon slips, and polished, the start size, and down to two feet long • • ........ . . . ... 0 1 2 Every three inches longer, or one inch wider, extra 0 0 1 j- A ditto top, two feet long and under • ... 0 0 10* B ] A bead, one inch wide or under, round ditto, four mitres included, at per foot run • • . . 0 0 j If cants or breaks, each extra mitre 0 0 of N. B. No deduction under six feet in length of ditto. B J When the top is cut in three, the end pieces made fast, and the middle piece hinged to the back rail, extra - 0 It 6 When- • 4 £. & d. When part of the top is made fast to the back rail, or a piece fixed behind to hinge to, either when the top is in one or three pieces, extra- 0 G 8 When the end pieces of the top are hinged to the back or ends of the carcase, each piece extra, from being made fast • • 0 0 6 When part of the end pieces of the top are made fast to the ends of the carcase, and the remainder hinged to ditto, extra • • • > • 0 0 4 When the middle and end pieces of the top are rabbeted to fold into one another, extra • o 0 6 Quirk-beading the joints, every three feet of bead • • • • 0 0 1 For fitting up the inside — See Furniture Drawer, page Blocking common brackets with inch stuff, cross'd, extra 0 0 6 When a plinth, deduct for common brackets 0 2 0 A plinth four inches wide, a square edge to ditto, block'd on the bottom of the carcase; or when the ends go down, and a piece put in front to receive ditto ; at per foot run 0 0 2i Each inch, more or less, in width of ditto • 0 0 0J Each mitre in ditto « • ■ ? • • • * — • • • 0 0 2i Ditto when a moulding is worked on the edge 0 0 2f Sawing out stuff and glueing on for a moulding — See /Table, N° 1. Working a moulding on ditto — See Tables, N° 16 8$ 17- When the moulding is planted on after it is worked, for the price of ditto— See Tables, N° 16 and 17. Veneering the plinth long-way, at per foot run 0 0 2 Veneering Veneering the plinth cross-way, each joint extra 0 0 1 A loose frame for a plinth three feet long 0 1 0 Every six inches longer, extra- 0 0 2 Each rail across ditto, dovetaifd or fram'd in 0 0 4 A loose frame of inch and half deal, or under, to receive brackets or stump feet 0 1 4 Ditto of two-inch deal 4 0 1 8 Every six inches longer (than three feet), extra 0 0 2 Each rail across ditto, framed in 0 0 6 Rabbeting the ends of carcases, to receive plinth frame, each end 0 0 li Ditto the front 0 0 1 Each long rail in a bracket or stump-feet frame, of wainscot or beach, extra 0 0 li Each short ditto 0 0 1 Solid French brackets, the wood to run either up and down, or cross-way, blocked on the bottom of the car- case, extra from common brackets 0 2 0 When the wood runs up and down, and tennon d on, extra 0 0 8 If the back brackets are not sprung, deduct 0 0 8 Solid French feet, the swag either rabbeted at the top edge to cover the bottom, or the bottom kept back, and the swag glued on its whole thickness, mitred in front, and scolloped front and ends, (as A or B, Plate 1), extra from common brackets block'd on the bottom • 0 2 0 Veneering ditto, each side extra * * 0 0 2j< Veneering the front swag o 0 4 Veneering 6 Veneering the end swags, each 0 0 2' If cross-way, each joint * o o oi Each mitre — - • • — - • • - - • • 0 0 i When the back feet are not sprung, deduct 0 0 5 Scollopping French feet (as C, Plate l), extra ■ 0 0 6 Ditto (when as D, Plate 1), deduct 0 0 3 Veneering French brackets, each side extra .............. . 0 0 2 J Ditto common brackets * • 0 0 2 N. B. When the ends of carcases are veneer'd the whole length, veneering French feet on the ends not to be paid for separately, but measured into the length, of the veneer. Taper or turn'd stump feet* double or single tennon'd in,, to be considered the same as common brackets.. When turn'd feet are put in with a pin, deduct each foot 0 0 3 Ditto when a square is left by the turner . • • • • 0 0 if Ditto when the squares are reduced under the turning, or, squares glued on. the bottom of the carcase, each foot • • 0 0 Of Canting the corners of the square, each cant extra • • • • 0 0 Oi When French or common brackets are made portable, by blocking a piece of inch stuff to the brackets, with, a pin to guide the mitre, and screw'd on the bottom of the carcase, extra - 0 1 3; When stump feet are dovetaifd or tennon'd into a piece of inch stuff, and screw 'd to the bottom, extra from start 0 0 10 For therming, panneling, reeding, &c. • See Tables. When lion's or other paws are introduced, deduct for brackets, then add for ditto according to time. Sinking Sinking in and fixing castors in paws, each 0 C ] Fixing grounds of inch stuff within the ends to receive pilasters, the partitions cut away to receive ditto, and the grounds notch'd in the inner edge to receive the ends of partitions : Or, the grounds cut in pieces, and fitted in between the partitions, and straight slips to guide the drawers : when four heights • 0 Ditto of inch and half stuff 0 Ditto of two-inch stuff 0 Each height of drawers, more or less, when the grounds are of inch stuff, add or deduct • 0 Ditto when of inch and half stuff • • • ■ • • 0 Ditto when of two-inch stuff • • • • * 0 When the grounds are also notch'd in the back to receive the partitions, and let into the top and bottom, each height of drawers extra !•:• 0 When the grounds are cut in pieces, and the ends of ditto are let into the partitions, either flat or edge-way, each height of drawers extra 0 When ditto are dovetail'd in, each piece extra •>*•♦* m 0 N.B. The grounds for pilasters to be made any width, in consideration of the drawers being shorter; and when drawers are either added or deducted, to be measured the full length between the outside ends. When partitions are put in from the back as a pannel, plow' d into the front edge and runners, to be the same price as if lin'd cross- way. C 1 When more than one drawer in length, each upright s, d. 0 5 C] C] C] C] C] C] C] C] 1 10 2 1 2 4 ok 0 0 6'i o r 0 1 0 2 0 1 partition 8 £. s. d, partition, faced with mahogany, dovetail'd or tennon'd in, to divide one height of drawers, with slips to guide ditto ....... 0 0 U N.B. When drawers are divided by upright parti- tions, deduct for long drawers their full length, then add for short ditto as per Table, N° 3* Each inner end, dovetaiPd, groov'd, or tennon'd in, faced 5 with mahogany, two feet two inches long, by one foot six inches wide ........ . q $ y Every two inches longer, or three inches shorter, add or deduct 0 0 1 Each inch, more or less, in width, down to one foot two inches, add or deduct 0 0 1 C ] An upright partition, dovetail'd or tennon'd into the top. and bottom, two feet three inches long, by five inches wide, or under q q qi. Every six inches longer, extra 0 0 1 Straight slips to guide the drawers, each slip • • • • • • 0 0 1 C ] Filling up the spaces between outer and inner ends, or upright partitions, for veneering, or for laying on pilasters, each space •- q q % N. B. All the following pilasters, canted corners, recesses, and columns (exclusive of stump feet), con- sidered to start two feet three inches Ions;. C ] Plain Pilasters, of quarter or half inch stuff, two inches wide, or under, planted on flush with the outside ends, each .. o q 5 C ] Every six inches less in length than two feet three inches, deduct :. 0 0 Qi Every 9 £. 5. d. C J Every four inches more in length, or half inch more in width, extra • 0 0 Of C ] When pilasters are above three feet long, every half inch more in width than two inches 0 0 0| C ] Plain pilasters of three-quarter or inch stuff, two inches wide or under •• 0 0 5| C ] Ditto of inch and quarter or inch and half stuff • 0 0 6*f € ] Every five inches less in length than two feet three inches, deduct • — 0 0 Of € ], Every four inches more in length, or half inch more in \ width, extra • 0 G Oi Veneering the front of pilasters, each 0 0 3 Every six inches longer than two feet three inches, or half inch wider than two inches, extra- o 0 0| Veneering the edges of pilasters, when inch stuff, or under, each edge 0 0 If Each foot longer than two feet three inches, extra 0 0 Of Veneering the edges, when from inch to inch and half stuff, ear! t edge • • 0 0 2 Each foot longer, extra 0 0 1 Tennoning pilasters into top or bottom, each end extra-- 0 0 2f Ditto if taper'd, each end ........ ...... o q 3 When plain pilasters form a break, by being planted on half or three quarters of an inch from the end, each pilaster extra- • ........ 0 0 1 € ] Planting on pieces of inch stuff or under, to form breaks, on plinth or plinth frame, flush with the outside ends, the width of the pilaster, each piece - • • • • 0 0 2 C] Ditto from inch to inch and half stuff •• 0 0 2f c When 10 £. s. d. C ] When the pieces form two breaks, by being planted on half or three quarters of an inch from the end, each piece extra 0 0 Oi C ] Breaking a solid top over pilasters, each break • • 0 0 5 C J When the space between breaks exceeds two feet six inches on the length-way of the wood, or one foot two inches of cross-way, each foot more of length-way, or four inches of cross-way, extra • 0 0 1 C ] Planting on pieces to form breaks, when a veneer'd top to project half an inch and under; or, on a stump- foot frame, or frieze under two inches w r ide; each piece 0 0 li C ] Ditto on a solid top, the pieces to match . . o 0 if Each half inch more in projection of ditto, extra - ..... 0 0 Oi N-. B. When the pieces exceed two incl*es deep, to be the same price as on a plinth or plinth frame. C ] Tapering the edges of pilasters, w hen inch stuff or under, «ach edge 0 0 Oi C ] Ditto, from inch to inch and half stuff • • 0 0 Of C J Tapering the fronts of pilasters, each 0 0 1 Rounding the fronts of pilasters, the start size or under, (as N? 1 or 2, Plate 1), each pilaster • 0 0 5 Ditto ( as N° 3) 0 0 6i Ditto (as N° 4) 0 0 9i Ditto (as JSi° 1 or 2) when tapered 0 0 6£ Ditto (as N°5) ditto s • • 0 0 8i Ditto (as A ° 4) ditto • > 0 1 1 Every six inches longer than two feet three inches, or half inch wider than two inches, in rounding IS° 1, 2, or 3, extra 0 0 1 Every 11 £. s. d. Every six inches logger than two feet three inches, or half inch wider than two inches, in rounding N° 4, extra - • 0 0 1| Ditto, N° 1, 2, 3, or 4, when taper'd, extra 0 0 H £ ] Plain canting the corners of the carcase (when the ends are lin'd up), each cant two inches and a half wide or tinder 0 0 3 Veneering ditto 0 0 4 J C ] Every six inches longer than two feet three inches, or half inch wider, of plain canting, or veneering, extra • • • • 0 0 Of C ] When inner ends, or upright partitions, and plain solid cants, three inches wide or under, fitted into the corners, each cant 0 0 7 C ] Every six inches longer, or half inch wider, extra • • • • 0 0 1 C j When blocks are put on the cants, for the top and bottom to remain square, each block • • • • • • 0 0 %i C ] When ditto projects, to form small breaks, each break extra 0 0 Of C ] When the blocks are left solid, and the cants are sunk between ditto, each cant an inch and a half wide or under, the blocks included in the measure of the length • • • 0 0 6 C ] Every six inches longer, or half inch wider, extra 0 0 1| C ] Working a hollow or ogee on the corners of the blocks, each corner* • 0 0 2 € ] Canting the corners of the top, or stump-foot frame, each corner ...... 0 0 1 G] Ditto the brackets, each 0 0 6 C] Ditto French feet, or French brackets, each* • 0 0 10 G ] Ditto the plinth frame, with an upright block in the corner, each cant • • • • ........ o 0 3 Canting £. s. cl C j Canting the plinth frame, when the cant is plow'd and tongued, or dovetail key'd, each cant 0 0 C] Ditto the grounds when for fast plinth, each cant- . * 0 0 2k Rounding the corners of the carcase (when the ends are lin'd up) to a quarter of a circle three inches diameter or under, each corner ......... q o g Every six inc hes longer than two feet three inches, or half inch more in diameter, up to five inches, extra 0 0 H If these corners are glued up with cooper's joints — See Straight-front inclosed Pier Table. Veneering the corners when live inches diameter or under, each comer ................ q j 4 Every four inches more in length of veneer, extra ...... 0 0 2 C ] When inner ends or upright partitions, and solid corners, fitted in and rounded, three inches diameter or under, each corner • ♦ ................ q q C ] Every six inches longer, or half inch more in diameter, up to five inches, extra q q ^ Veneering the corners, when five inches diameter or under, each corner 0 j q Every four inches more in length of veneer, extra 0 0 If € ] Preparing and fixing pieces, two inches square or under, on the edge of the ends, for pilasters, canted or round corners, each piece q q g C ] When ditto is dovetail'd, or tennon'd into the top and bottom, each piece extra * * 0 q 3 C ] Every six inches longer than two feet three inches, or quarter of an inch square up to three inches, extra • • 0 0 1} C ] When ditto or round corners project to form small breaks, each break extra . . ^ q 0 li When m £. $. d. C ] When solid corners and the partitions are double tennon'd or dovetail'd in from the back, each partition extra • • 0 0 3 Rounding the corners of the top or stump-foot frame, each corner 0 0 2 C ] Ditto the plinth frame, with an upright block in the corner, each corner 0 0 4 C ] Ditto, with a piece dovetail'd or plow'd, and tongued, to form the corner 0 0 9 C ] Preparing and fixing solid round corners on plinth or plinth frame, exclusive of mitres, extra from canting, each corner 0 0 5 Veneering ditto cross- way, each corner • 0 0 3 Ditto long-way 0 0 6 C ] When the corners project to form small breaks, each break extra 0 0 Oh D ] Preparing half-columns for the turner, and fixing ditto between top and bottom, either on front, ends, or canted corners, each half-column two inches and a half diameter, or under • 0 0 T D ] Ditto, when the column and stump-foot are in one piece* by glueing on half the foot, and tennoning ditto into the carcase, or fixed by a plate, and the upper part filled up for the turner ; or solid columns cut down and fixed as above; each column » 0 1 4 D ] Every six inches longer than two feet three inches, or half inch more in diameter (exclusive of the stump foot), extra 0 0 1& D ] Preparing three-quarter columns for the turner, rabbeting and fixing ditto on the corners of the carcase, between :tpp 14 £. s. d: •top and bottom, each column two inches and a half diameter, or under • q ^ 5 D ] Ditto, when the column and stump foot are in one piece, ea ch • ... ., o 2 0 D } Every six inches longer, or half inch more in diameter (exclusive of the stump foot) extra •• 0 0 lj- Fixing ditto with plates, each plate extra ••• 0 0 2£- D ] Shaping a top. or bottom to half-round columns, either on front or ends, each shaping- - • • • - • 0 0 5 D ] Ditto to three-quarter columns on the corners of the carcase, or to half-columns on a canted corner, or at a distance from the end, each shaping q q g D ] When pieces are glued on, to form the shape, for half- columns on. front, deduct each shaping 0 $. ^ D ] Ditto, when at a distance from the end q q N. B. When the pieces are tennon'd, dovetail'd, or screw'd on,, to be the same price as when shaped in. the solid. :D ] When: the shapings of tops or bottoms, for half-columns on front, are turn'd, plain glueing on each piece, ex- clusive of mitres .......... — . . .. . 002 D] Ditto, tennon'd or- dovetail'd on, each piece •• 0 0 4 When the shapings for three-quarter columns, or half ditto, on a canted corner, are turn'd, tennoning or dovetailing on each piece, exclusive of mitres • . 0 0 5, D ] Shaping a top or bottom, ovalo corner d, each corner (the sweep not to exceed a quarter of a circle five inches in diameter) 0 q 5 D ] When plinth or plinth frame, preparing for the turner, m £. s. d. and fixing half-circle pieces, to form plinths under columns, on front, ends, or canted corners, each piece, exclusive of mitres » 0 0 3| D ] Ditto, when for three-quarter columns 0 0 51 N. B. When the above pieces and the column are in one, to be the same price as when separate. D ] Forming a square recess to receive a column (when inner ends, or upright partitions, and outside- drawers), either in front or in the corner of the carcase, each recess • • 0 0 8 D ] Ditto, when in an open carcase, or with doors 0 0 10 D ] Every six inches longer than two feet three inches, extra 0 0 lj Every half inch square above three inches, when in open carcase or with doors, up to six inches, extra 0 0 If N. B. No addition or deduction to take place in the square of the recess when outside drawers, in consi- deration of the drawers beino; shorter: and when drawers are added or deducted, to be measured the full length between the outside ends. For veneering ditto — See Table, N° 8. D ] Fixing a square block in a recess five inches long, and three inches square, or under 0 0 3 D ] Each extra inch in square of block- 0 0 Of Rounding the coiner of ditto to the quarter of a circle, when three inches square, and five inches long, or under 0 0 5 Each extra inch in square of ditto 0 0 1 D ] Filling up the recess at the corner, or (when no inner end) glueing a piece two inches square to the edge of the end, and working a cove to a quarter of a circle two inches and a half diameter, or under • . • 0 1 2 Every 16 £. s. a. very six inches longer than two feet three inches, or half inch more in diameter up to five inches • • Q 0 2i C } Filling up a recess at the corner, or glueing a piece of two-inch stuff four inches wide on the edge of the end, and working a cove to a half-circle two inches and a half diameter, or under • ...... ... q g q C J Fixing a piece between two ends two inches and a half wide, and working a cove as above o i iq C ] Every six inches longer, or half inch in diameter, up to five inches, extra q q Fixing a tura'd column, with wire or turn 'd pins, between top and bottom, e^her in square or hollow recess 0 0 3 D ] Ditto, when a square is left at top or bottom, and fixing as above, each column extra • - • • • ...... o 0 3 D ] Ditto, when a square is left at top and bottom • • • 0 0 4 Dovetailing or single-tennoning a column into top or bottom, each end extra from the above 0 0 1* D ] When columns have a square at top or bottom, each quarter of an inch above three inches square, or six inches in length above two feet three inches, extra 0 0! D ] When the length of the square, at top or bottom, exceeds: the square of the column, every three inches extra • • 0 0 I When the columns and stump feet are in one piece, fixing ditto with screws, plates, or tennons* each co- lumn .... 0 0 8 Ditto, when a square is left at top or bottom 0 Oil D ] W^hen caps or bases of columns, or half ditto, are separate, each butt joint prepared by the turner, with or without a pin^ extra 001 Glueing; 0 17 £. s. See Table, N° 11. For drawers, partitions, &c. — See Table, N° 5. Veneering top or ends — See Table, N° 6. For inner ends, pilasters, or other work not inserted here — See Dressing or Lobby Chest. Oiling and polishing, the start size, and under • • • 0 0 5 Every extra three inches in length, or six inches in height 0 0 0J N. B. When this job is made with doors in front, the polishing to be charged, from Inclosed Pier Table, page 'A CASE 4 29 A CASE tor the INSIDE of a CARCASE. £. s. d. One foot six inches long, one foot six inches high, nine inches wide, of half-inch deal faced with mahogany, the inside colour d and poKsh'd with soft wax 0 2 9 EXTRAS; Every two inches more in length or height, extra 0 0 1 Each inch more in width, extra * 0 0 U A plain back, tw:o feet square, or under, rabbeted in, the inside of ditto, colour d, and polish'd with soft wax • • 0 0 9 Each superficial foot, more than four, of plain back, extra 0 0 * Each partition, six inches long or under, of half-inch deal faced with mahogany, square groov'd in from the back, the partition sliouider'd m front, colour'd and polish' d 0 0 4 * Each inch more in length, extra 0 0 Of N. B. The average width of these partitions being considered, no addition or deduction to take place. When this case is made moveable out and in to the carcase, cleaning, colouring, and polishing the outside, the start size or under • • 0 0 6 Ditto, from one foot six inches long and high, to two feet 0 0 8 Ditto, from two feet long and high, to three feet 0 0 10 N. B. When this case and partitions are made of ma- hogany, and polish'd, to be the same price as the above. 6 J 1 A DOUBLE so A DOUBLE CHEST. All solid.— Three feet six inches long, six feet four inches high to the top of cornice, the ends one foot nine inches wide, six long and two short drawers, cock beaded, &c. ; a plain cornice, sprung and glued on, without mouldings; the top lined up or block tl to receive ditto; plain backs; the bottom of the upper or top of lower carcase lined up with inch stuff to receive a surbase moulding; the top and bottom carcase to have two pins to guide ditto; on common brackets, &c. • . 2 2 11 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, up to four feet long o 1 2 Ditto above four feet long . . . . ^ ^ ^ Each inch more in height, when the carcase is three feet six inches long, or under q q ox Ditto above three feet six inches to four feet long .... o 0 4/ Ditto above four feet long . q q ^ Each inch more or less in width of ends, either in upper or lower part, from one foot four inches to two feet, add or deduct . ' n n 0 When above two feet wide, each inch extra 0 0 6 Each inch less in length, down to three feet long 0 0 10 Ditto, down to two feet six inches ..... . q q q Each inch less in height, when the carcase is three feet six inches long • q q 3 Ditto, when four feet long . . 0 0 ^ Ditto, when four feet six inches long • . . * . . . , o 0 4 For 31 £. s. d. For a loose cornice or surbase frame — See Plinth or Stump-foot frames in Dressing Chest, page 5. When cornice or plinth frames are rabbeted, and the ends of the carcase to receive ditto, each side or end • • 0 0 l j A false top to ditto, containing six square feet < o 0 8i Each square foot more in ditto * •■ 0 0 lh Each ditto less, down to four square feet q 0 li Each inch in depth of drawers, above the average of seven to each drawer, extra 0 o g j. For mouldings — See Tables, N° 15, 16, and 17. For veneering ends — See Table, N° 6. For French feet, columns, canted corners, &c. — See Dressing Chest. For any other work — See Tables, §c. For drawers, more or less, or veneering ditto — See Table, N°3.. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • • 0 2 £ Every extra three inches in length 0 0 2 Ditto six inches in height 0 0 lj For polishing pilasters or columns tfee Dressing. Chest, page 17. A ROUND-FRONT DOUBLE CHEST. All solid. — Three feet six inches long, six feet four inches high to the top of cornice, the ends one foot eight inches wide, six long and two short drawers, cock beaded, &e. ; a plain cornice, sprung and glued on, without 32 £. s. d. without mouldings ; the top lined up or block'd to receive ditto ; plain backs ; the bottom of the upper or top of lower carcase lined up with inch stuff, for a surbase moulding ; the top and bottom carcase to have two pins to guide ditto ; on common brackets, Sec. • • 3 2 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, up to four feet long - • • 0 1 7 Ditto, above four feet long • - — \? 0 1 9 Each inch more in height, when the carcase is three feet six inches long, or under * Q 0 4i Ditto, when carcase is four feet long • * * • 0 0 5 Ditto, when above four feet long • • • 0 0 5f Each inch, more or less, in width, either in the upper or lower part, from one foot four inches to two feet, add or deduct 0 0 3 When this job is four feet long, each inch in width of ends above one foot eleven inches wide, extra ...... 0 0 6 Each inch less in length, down to three feet, deduct • • • • 0 1 2 Ditto, from three feet to two feet six inches • 0 0 9 Each inch less in height, when the job is three feet six inches long • • • • 0 0 4 Ditto, when four feet long ............. 0 0 4j Ditto, when four feet six inches long • • • 0 0 5 For a loose cornice or surbase frame — See Plinth or Stump-foot frame in Round-front Dressing Chest, pages 20 or 21. For the price of a false top to cornice frame — See Straight-front Double Chest, page 31. , For 33 £. s. d. For extra drawers, sawing, jointing, bending, or veneering ditto — See Tables, N° 4 or 5, and references to ditto. For any other work, not inserted here — See Round-front Dressing Chest. For mouldings — See Tables, N° 16, 16, op 17. Putting pannels, with beads behind— See Table of Doors, N° 11 or 12. For veneering ends, fronts, pannels, &c. — See Tables, N° 4, 5, 6, or 12. For other work — See Dressing Chest, &e. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under - • • • • 0 Every extra three inches in length • • • • 0 Ditto six inches in height • • • • • • » • • 0 For polishing pilasters or columns- See Dressing Chest. 2 0 0 51 A LOW CLOTHES PRESS. All solid. — Four feet long* four feet high to the top, the ends one foot eleven inches wide, in one carcase; two flat pannel'd doors, three clothes-press shelves inside (same as in Clotjhes Press), two short drawers at bottom, cock beaded, &c. ; a thick partition above ditto, dovetail-groov'd through ; the edge of top square ; plain back ; 34 "back; on common brackets, blocked to the bottom, without mouldings 118 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, up to four feet six inches long, when above four feet high - • 0 0 10 Ditto, above four feet six inches long 0 1 0 Each inch more in length, up to four feet six inches, when under four feet high 0 0 9 Ditto, above four feet six inches long 0 Oil Each inch more in height, when the carcase is four feet long, or under 0 0 4 Ditto, when above four feet, to four feet six inches long - -0 0 4} Ditto, when above four feet six inches long 0 0 5 Each inch more in width of ends, to two feet wide, or less, down to one foot six inches wide, add or deduct • • 0 0 3 Each inch in width of ends, above two feet wide, extra • • 0 0 6 Each inch less in length, down to three feet six inches long • 0 0 8 Ditto, from three feet six inches down to three feet long 0 0 6 For any other work — See Clothes Press. For mouldings, Sec. — See Tables, N° 15, 16, or 17- For veneering — See Tables, N q 3 or 6. For French feet, &c. — See Dressing Chest. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 1 4 Every extra three inches in length, or six inches in height 0 0 lj Polishing pilasters, or columns — See Dressing Chest. A CLOTHES 35 A CLOTHES PRESS. £. s. d. All solid. — Four feet long, six feet nine inches high to the top of cornice, the ends one foot eleven inches wide; two flat pannel'd doors to the upper part ; five clothes-press shelves, the sides of ditto five inches wide, the bottoms rabbeted in and slipp'd ; a front two inches wide, with a bead on top, and bottom edge or the top edge feint rounded; to run on straight slips screw'd on the ends, or the ends groov'd, and slips screw'd on the ends of the shelves ; two long and two short drawers in lower part, cock beaded, &c. : a plain cornice, sprung and glued on (as m, Table of Mouldings the top lined up or blocked to receive ditto ; plain backs; the top of the lower or bottom of the upper part lined up$ to receive a surbase moulding ; on common brackets, &c. ••• 2 19 3 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS, Each inch more in length, above four feet, to four feet six inches long o 1 4 Ditto, above four feet six inches long ................ 0 1 6 Each inch more in height, when the carcase is four feet long, or under • • • • • o o 4 Ditto, when above four feet, to four feet six inches long* 0 0 4j Ditto, above four feet six inches long . • . . • 0 0 5 Each inch more in width of ends, to two feet wide, either 36 £. s. d. in upper or lower part, or less, down to one foot six inches, add or deduct 0 0 3 When this job is above four feet long, each inch in width of ends above two feet wide, extra 0 0 6" Each inch in depth of drawers, above the average of eight inches to each drawer, extra 0 0 2£ Each inch less in length, down to three feet six inches long 0 10 Ditto, down to three feet long 0 0 8 Each inch less in height, when four feet long or under • * 0 0 34 Ditto, when four feet six inches long 0 0 4 Each shelf, more or less, as in start . o 2 6 Every extra three inches in length of ditto, or less down to two feet six inches, add or deduct 0 0 1 If no front, deduct for front and rabbeting the bottom in, the start length 0 0 9 Ditto, when three feet six inches long or under 0 0 8 Each half-inch more in width of shelves' sides 0 0 0| Ditto less, down to three and a half inches wide 0 0 Oj- If the slips for shelves to run on are cross-way, each slip extra - • • • . q q \ N. B. When shelves run on slips screw'd inside the ends, no deduction to take place for the width of sides below the start. When ends are groov'd to receive the shelves, the groove not to exceed two and a half inches wide, each shelf extra from running on start slips • • • • • • • • 0 0 3 When shelves have a slip glued on the side to run on, glueing a piece of mahogany on the end of the slip, the same way as the front of the shelf, each shelf • • « • 0 0 !$■ A loose 37 A loose cornice frame — See Plinth frame in Dressing Chest. A ditto surbase frame — See Stump-foot frame in ditto. Each piece across the carcase, to stay the ends 0 0 8 Ditto, when quirk beaded on each edge 0 0 10 A square frame, morticd and tennond together, and dovetail'd in Hack and front of carcase • • • 0 % 0 If drawers or shelves are made of Havannah ^cedar, to be charged 3d. on the shilling on the full price of ditto, as per Table. Ditto, if made of pencil cedar, to be charged 2d. on the shilling on the full price of ditto. Putting pannels, with beads behind, and veneering ditto —See Table of Doors, N° 11 and 12. Veneering ends, fronts, pannels, &c. — See Table, N° 6. Sawing and jointing fronts, ends, &c. — See Table, N° 1. For mouldings — See Tables, N° 16 and 17- Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • • 0 2 6 Every extra three inches in length •> 0 0 2 Ditto six inches in height • 0 0 If Polishing pilasters or columns — See Dressing Chest. A ROUND-FRONT CLOTHES PRESS. All solid. — Four feet long, six feet nine inches high to top of cornice, the ends one foot ten inches wide ; two flat pannei'd doors to the upper part {pannels plow'd in); 38 £ s. d. in); five clothes-press shelves inside (as in Straight- front ditto) ; two long and two short drawers in the lower part; cock beaded, &e. : a plain cornice, sprung and glued on (as in Table of Mouldings); the top lined up or blocked to receive ditto ; plain backs ; the top of lower or bottom of upper carcase lined up to receive a surbase moulding ; on common brackets, block'd on the bottom 4 1 3 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, up to four feet six inches J on g " 0 1 6 Ditto, above four feet six inches 0 1 7 Each inch more in height, when the carcase is four feet long, or under • • • • — . 0 0 5 Ditto, when from four feet to four feet six inches long ♦ • 0 0 5i Ditto, when above four feet six inches long • 0 0 6 Each inch, more or less, in width of ends, either in upper or lower part, from one foot four inches to two feet, add or deduct ....... 0 0 3 When this job is above four feet long, each inch in width of ends above one foot eleven inches, extra 0 0 6 Each inch in depth of drawers, above the average of eight inches to each drawer, extra 0 0 2} Each inch less in length, down to three feet six inches long 0 1 3 Ditto, from three feet six inches down to three feet long 0 10 Each inch less in height, when four feet long • 0 0 4 Each 39 Each inch less in height, when four feet six inches long- • 0 0 4| Each shelf, more or less, in ditto, the start length of job 0 3 0 For veneering shelf fronts — See Table of veneering Sweep- table Rails, N° 8. For extra #ze, or other work, in shelves — See Straight- front Clothes Press. For veneering fronts, ends, or doors — See Tables, N°4, 5, 6, or 12. For any extra work in doors, &c. — See Tables of ditto. For cutting out fronts, &c. or sawcarfing ditto — See Table, N° 5. For mouldings-— See Taeles, N° 15, 16, or 17- Oiling and polishing, the start size or under .......... 0 2 10 Every extra three inches in length 0 0 2 Ditto six inches in height 0 0 li Polishing pilasters, or columns — See Dressing Chest. A WING CLOTHES PRESS. All solid. — Six feet eight inches long, six feet nine inches high to the top of cornice, the ends of the middle part two feet wide, the wings one foot nine inches wide J two flat pannel'd doors to the middle part, pannels plow'd in ; six clothes-press shelves inside ( as in Clothes Press); two long and two short drawers hi the lower part ; cock beaded, &c. : the wing doors to open from top to bottom, with two pannels in each ; 40 s. d. four fast shelves inside of one wing, six turned pegs m the other ; a loose cornice frame ; fram'd backs to all the carcases; the wing backs to have three pannels, the lower middle back two pannels, and the upper ditto four pannels; the cornice sprung and glued on (as in Table of Mouldings) ; fast plinth, a square edge to ditto,, without any mouldings 5 19 Q EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS; Each inch more in length, above six feet eight inches, to • seven feet six inches long 0 1 4 Ditto, above seven feet six. inches long 0 1 6' Each, inch more in height, when the carcase is seven feet six inches long or under 0 0 7i Ditto, when above seven feet six inches long 0 0 8£ Each inch, more or less, in width of middle part ...... 0 0 9i Each inch less in length, to six feet long* 0 1 0 Ditto in height, when the carcase is seven feet six inches long, or under 0 0 6 Ditto, when above seven feet six inches long • « 0 0 % Veneering the breaks of middle carcase— -See Table of veneering Table Rails according to their width, N° ^ A loose frame for a plinth, the start length of the job • • 0 3 8 Tor extra size in ditto, or extra rails — See Plinth frame in Dressing Ghest. Each jib joint in surbase, either in hollow, round, or square, each member of ditto - ................... 0 0 4 Framing 41 £. s. d. Framing the lower part of wing doors flush to veneer on, extra each door 0 0 8 If fram'd solid, extra each door - « . 0 1 3 N. B. If fram'd with flush pannel, to be the same as with an ovalo on the framing. When the wing door is framed in two, with one pannel each, a partition edge to shew in front, and rabbeted to receive the doors, lock a 1 and hinged, each wing extra 0 2 Of If drawers in lower part of wings, deduct for lower framing as per Table, N° 11, and add for drawers and partitions as per Table, N° 3. For veneering ditto to sham drawers, if veneerM in one piece — See the price of veneering on Pannels, Table, N° 6. If veneer'd in separate pieces — See Table of veneering Drawer Fronts, N° 3. For shamming drawer fronts on ditto See Table, N° 29. A fram'd bracket (not shaped, or a rule joint ditto, a&in a Pembroke table) in the top part of wings, or center part, to receive clothes pegs 0 1 0 Arms for gowns, &c. hung with a swivel, each 0 0 6 If doors in the lower part of middle carcase, deduct for drawers and partitions as per Table, N° 3. Cleaning the inside of carcase, colouring, polishing, and preparing ditto to receive doors •• • 0 1 9 Add for doors according to Table, N° 11. A cupboard within the wings, not to exceed two feet deep, formed by a plain front fixed, or to slide between g slipSj 42 £. s. d. slips, and a top hinged to a piece screw'd to the back, each cupboard * « • • . . . . . o 2 6 For the price of mouldings — See Tables, N° 15, 16, or 17- For veneering fronts, pannels, door frames, &c. — See Tables, N° 3, 6, or 12. For pilasters, and extra work in ditto — See Dressing Chest. For extra drawers, or any other work not inserted here — See Tables, fyc. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • • • • 0 4 0 Every extra three inches in length 0 0 2i Ditto six inches in height <• 0 0 2i Polishing pilasters or columns — See Dressing Chest. A TABLE BEDSTEAD. All solid.— Three feet six inches long, three feet six inches hio'h, the ends one foot nine inches wide ; two flat pannefd doors, pannels plow'd in, to open to the bottom of carcase, or the front made to take off ; fast top, square edge to ditto ; frain d back, with two pannels; on common brackets, &c. 1 0 6 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, up to four feet long 0 0 6 Ditto, above four feet long 0 0 6'J Each 43 £. * d. Each inch more in height, when the carcase is four feet long or under • • • • o 0 Si Ditto, when above four feet long 0 0 4 Each inch, more or less, in width of ends, from one foot four inches to two feet, add or deduct • * • 0 0 3 If the ends exceed two feet wide, each extra inch in width of ditto 0 0 3| Each inch less in length, down to three feet, deduct • • 0 0 4^ Each inch less in height, when four feet long or under 0 0 3 Ditto, when above four feet long 0 0 3i Hingeing part of the top, with a part of the front hinged to ditto to fold back, and shamnvd with cock beads as a drawer front, with nobs or handles and 'scutcheon • • 0 3 0 Hingeing part of the top only 0 1 0 If the front and top are made to lift up, and supported with straight iron stays or turn'd pillars o % 0 If ditto is supported by two quadrants sunk into the ends • • 0 4 4 When the quadrant is sunk into the ends, with a lining over ditto, swept on both sides, and screwed on- • 0 4 9i When the quadrant is sunk into a case, the outside and inside of ditto swept, and the edge of ditto canted / and screwed on, &c. • 0 4 11 A ditto, when sunk into the ends, with a lining; glued on ditto, the front edge chamferd and swept, extra • • • • 0 0 4 tition over the drawer of inch stuff, and dovetaifd through ; on common brackets, &c,- ............... 2 3 1 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Eactu inch more in length, above four feet, to four, feet 0 0 Ditto, above four feet six inches Ions r 0 1 Each inch more in height, when the carcase is four feet 0 4 0 Ditto, when above four feet, to four feet six inches long - - 0 0 0 Ditto, when above four feet six inches long • 0 0 5 Each inch more, in width of ends, up to two feet, or less, 0 0 3 When 47 £. *. 4 When this job is four feet long and above, each inch in width of ends above two feet wide • • 0 0 6 Each inch less in length, down to three feet six inches long • 0 0 8 Ditto, down to three feet in length » 0 0 6 Each inch less in height, when the job is four feet long or under ' • • 0 0 Si Ditto, when above four feet long 0 0 4 Framing the lower part of doors with a wide rail, not exceeding one foot six inches wide, to veneer on, to be of equal value with lower pannels. For veneering ditto — See Table, N° IB. For shamming drawer fronts on ditto — See Table, N°29> N. B. If no drawer under doors, deduct for drawer as per Table, N° 3, then add for the extra size of doors according to Table, N° 11. A flap at the bottom of the front, hinged to let down, or made to take off, with two hooks and eyes to fasten ditto, to stand against framing, the doors with one pannel each, and reduction of the size. For clamping ditto— -See Table, N° 30. Making the ends to open in the middle, with two bolts on each end to fasten ditto • • 0 4 0 Hingeing the front under the cornice, the hinges not to shew in front 4 0 2 6 Making the lower carcase complete, to receive a drawer, the upper ends frarnd flush, or to stand back, to receive a surbase moulding • 0 3 0 For extra work in doors — See Table, N° 11. For 48 £. s. a. For French feet, &c. — See Dressing Chest, page 5 or 6. For mouldings — See Taeles, N° 15, 16, or 17. For veneering the door frames or pannels — See Table, N° 12. . For other veneering^-See Tables, N° 3 or 6. A plain bedstead, with swing feet, and a rail fram'd be- tween, made for a four-feet job • • • • 0 6 0 Each inch more in width of ditto - • • 0 0 1 A rail to ditto to strain the sacking, with two screws • • 0 0 10 Temporary posts, turn'd and nxt into the sides, with screws and plates • • • . » 0 0 9 Folding posts, with orie joint each, and frarn d into the " top of the sides q 3 q Ditto, fram'd on to the corners, with screws, as a common bed-post, the upper and lower parts to fold with rule j° int s 0 5 0 Fixing a joint rod, when the front forms a tester • • • ^ 0 1 0 A tester lath, hinged, and fixing a rod to ditto 0 3 0 Colouring and polishing a plain bedstead — 0 1 0 Staining and polishing ditto, to be paid according to time. Colouring and polishing a pair of plain pillars - 0 0 9 Ditto, when carved or reeded 0 \ 3 Nailing a sacking in 0 0 6 For sawing out stuff for ditto— See Table, N° 1. , Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 2 5 Every extra three inches in length — 0 0 2 Ditto six inches in height q q j| For polishing pilasters or columns — See DressingChest. A LIBRARY 49 A LIBRARY PRESS BEDSTEAD, with BREAKS. £. d. Ail solid. — Five feet three inches long, the ends one foot nine inches wide, six feet nine inches high to the top of cornice ; four doors, with two flat pannels to each ; the cornice fast sprung, and glued on ( as in Taele of Mouldings); the breaks three inches deep ; the middle doors made fast to ditto, and to open with the wing doors from top to bottom ; fram'd back, with four pannels in ditto ; fast plinth, with square edge 3 14 Q EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, to six feet long* • 0 0 9 Ditto, when above six feet long q 0 10 Each inch more in height, when the carcase is six feet long or under 0 0 5 Ditto, above six feet lflng •••• 0 0 6 Each inch, more or less, in width of ends, from one foot four inches to two feet, add or deduct 0 0 7 Each inch in width of ends above two feet 0 0 8 Each inch less in length, down to four feet six inches • • 0 0 8 Ditto, down to four feet long • • • • • 0 0 J Each inch less in height, when five feet long or under • * 0 0 4 Ditto, when above five feet long • 0 0 5 Hingeing doors on the mitre • » • , 0 3 6 For the price of veneering breaks —See Table, N° 8. For bedstead— See Press Bedstead. h For % 5a For mouldings — See Tables, N° 15, 16, or 17* For veneering pannels, door frames, &c. — See Tables, N° 6 or 12. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • -■• • 0 4 G Every extra three inches in length ... 0 0 2|- Pitto six inches in height .......... 0 o 2^ Polishing pilasters or columns — See Dressing, Chest. The PRICE of fitting up a FURNITURE DRAWER. When a furniture drawer is introduced in any piece of work, to be charged Sjd. on the shilling extra on the price of a drawer the same size, according to the Table of Drawers* K. B* In this drawer, the partitions considered: at three and a half inches deep, each half-inch, more or Jess, in depth of ditto to be Id. on the shilling extra on all linings, partitions, and boxes, the price of the tops being first- deducted.. A pair of lopers to support a drawer; with T grooves in the sides and plain grooves in the ends of carcase, both grooved through, and filled up at the ends • : « . ... . 0 3 6. W hen lopers are stopp'd in with bolts, extra each pair • • 0 0 6 When made with T grooves in the ends of carcase, extra each pair • 0 0 10 Quirk-beading the ends, front, or back, of drawer, each 0 0 Of 51 £. s. d. If mitred, each mitre 0 0 0£ Lining the inside of drawer with bead stuff, at per foot run, mitres included • o 0 1{ Ditto, when a round front 0 0 If Ditto, when an elliptic front • * 0 o % A glass frame, hinged to a sliding piece, either the two partitions rabbeted, or two pieces plow'd and fitted in, to receive it, the frame not to exceed twelves inches square inside * q 4 g Each inch more in length or width • • . 0 0 Of Each inch less in ditto 0 0 0| If two glass frames or more of one size, and finished at the same time, deduct each 0 0 $ A horse behind ditto, or a scollop'd foot, with a pair of hinges and two rows of notches to ditto 0 1 0 A plain foot behind ditto, with one hinge • . 0 0 6 Framing the sliding piece 0 0 6 Making the glass frame, or piece the frame is hinged to, to fit a sweep front, extra ^ 0 0 4 N. B. The inside of glass frame is considered to be square. For the price of a drawer under the glass — See Tables* N° 3 or 4. A partition over the drawer 0 0 6 Each square hole formed by partitions, the whole depth. of drawer • , 0 0 3 J N.B. The holes formed by the two partitions of glass frame not to be charged for. Each Each square loose cover, three inches square and under, supported by two side pieces or four corner blocks Ditto, above three inches, to six inches square Above six inches, to nine inches • Every two inches extra in length or width • • Making a loose cover fit a sweep-front six inches square or under, extra ....... ...... Ditto above six inches square ...... Rounding or chamfering a loose cover three inches square or under Ditto above three inches to six inches square Ditto above six inches square Veneering each loose cover three inches square or under Ditto above three inches to six inches square Above six inches to nine inches square • If veneer'd with satin or other hard woods, or mahogany curls, to be extra each cover • •- Hingeing each cover - Putting thin stuff inside holes, to form a rabbet for the cover to rest on, each side more than two, when the hole is three inches square or under Ditto, above three inches, to six inches •• Ditto, above six inches, to nine inches Ditto, above nine inches ............... N. B. These linings not considered to be mitred. If mitred, each corner extra- • • • • • • • Each fast top, fitted in a square hole, three inches each way,, or under • • • • • ••■ • • ♦ • -P. s. d. 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 Oi 0 0 li 0 0 O M. 0 0 4 J 0 0 *-* 0 0 0 /-» o 0 0 1* 0 0 2. 0 0 n 0 0 Oi 0 0 4- 0 0 li 0 0 \\ 0 0 ii 0 0 0 0 Oi 0 0 o O Above 53 -I £• s. d Above three inches, to six inches • O 0 4 Above six inches, to nine inches square • 0 0 5£ If made to fit a sweep front, extra each top • • 0 0 li Each false bottom, fitted in a square hole, three inches each way, or under • •■ 0 0 %\ Above three inches, to six inches 0 0 Si Above six inches, to nine inches square 0 0 5 If made to fit a sweep front, extra each bottom 0 0 1 Each square box without a top, four inches square or under, mitred either with a block in corner, or plain key d together • 0' 1 0 Each inch more in length or width, up to six inches square- • • - w kj v 2 Ditto, above six inches square 0 0 Qi Each box without a top, not exceeding four inches each way, made to fit a sweep front • • • 0 1 8$ Ditto, to fit an elliptic front • 0 1 Hi Each inch more in length of sweep or elliptic front, up to six inches ••• - 0 0 1^ Ditto, above six inches - 0 0 1 I2 Each extra inch in length of straight part, the same as the square box. Putting a lock on ditto A square box with the top to slide, three inches square or under, the top edge of the box rounded, and the* end piece glued on the top •••••• ...... • ♦ 0 1 6 Each inch in length or width, up to six inches square • • 0 0 0i Ditto, above six inches square 0 0 1 Making ditto to fit a sweep front • • • 0 2 5 Ditto 0 0 4 •54. ^ £• s. tl Ditto an elliptic front • q 2 8 Each extra inch in length of sweep or elliptic front up to six inches • q q ^ i Ditto, above six inches • • • 0 q j 3 A square box with the top cut off, and a rim inside 0 1 9 Ditto, to fit a sweep front • q ^ g Ditto, an elliptic front , . „ , q 2 i i A square box with the top rabbeted, one part made fast, the other part hinged with a teachest-cannister hinge, sawcarf 'd in q j g Ditto, to fit a sweep front • - 0 ^ fi} Ditto, an elliptic front q 2 gl A square box with the top rabbeted on, one part made fast, hinged with a teachest hinge screw'd on, or a pair of small butt hinges q j ^ Ditto, to fit a sweep front ♦ • • . q ^ 7 J Ditto, an elliptic front . . . q 2 1O2 N.B. The extra size of these boxes to be charged from the box with sliding top, and the size to start the same. The sweep-front boxes to measure from the long corner. Dovetailing a square box together, extra from mitring and keying 0 0 2 Ditto, a sweep-front box . q 0 at. If mitred at the top edge, extra each box 0 0 1 An empty lift-out, four inches square and two inches deep, or under . . . . q 0 10 Every extra two inches in length or width 0 0 Of A ditto, 55- £. 5. d. A ditto, to fit a sweep front - • • • • 0 1 4 Ditto, an elliptic front 0 1 6 Each extra inch in length or width of ditto 0 0 01- N.B. When this lift-out exceeds two inches deep*. to be charged as a box without a top* Each hole in ditto, formed by partitions* for rings* combs, &c. • • 0 0 21- Each angle hole in ditto, for scissars, &c. • • • ........ o 0 3 Blocking up the holes, each block o 0 2. Scolloping partitions for rings, combs, &c. with a plain hollow, the edge of hollow left square^ each partition 0 0 Of Ditto, when the scollop is rounded • • o o lw A drawer in the end, fitted up for ink, sand, and wafers, not exceeding sixteen inches from back to front- • 0 3 0 N. B. If above sixteen, inches long, the extra size to be charged from. Table of Drawers, A hollow for pens or pins, nine inches long and two inches wide, or under • - • • 0 0 5 A 'ditto, made to tilt — - 0 0 7f If made to lift out, with two pieces of tape fixed at the ends 0 0 % Each inch in length, or quarter of an inch in width, of hollow, extra • • • •• • • 0 0 Of N.B. This hollow not to carry a partition with it:. for the price of ditto — See Square hole, as- above. Staining hollow,, to be paid according to time. "VVhen the end of a hollow is fitted to a sweep-front' drawer, extra 0 o li A drawer, with a bevel end, fitted up for ink, sand, and wafers, not exceeding nine inches long, ............ 0 3 4 A quadrant- 56 A quadrant-drawer, eight inches long and under, fitted up for ink, sand, and wafers, to turn out with two pieces of wire or common screws , o 4 Q A plain comb-tray, not exceeding eight inches square, the rim bevel'd, mitred, and key'd together 0 1 7 Each inch more in length or width 0 0 1 Each finger-hole in ditto . .... . q q ja. Scolloping edges of tray with an ogee scollop, each side - • 0 0 1| Rabbeting the bottom on tray, extra 0 0 3 A square brush-top or pincushion board, with a moulding round ditto 0 0 f£ A plain board fitted in for stuffing, with a bead mitred round ditto 0 q 01 A frame or box for covering for a pincushion, one inch deep or under 0 0 9 Each extra inch in depth of ditto 0 0 I If a pincushion board is sunk about an eighth of an inch deep, with a board fitted in ditto for stuffing 0 Oil An oval brush-top or pincushion board, with the following preparations : — a square top, with an oval hole cut in ditto; a brush top, fitted to the oval hole; and a bottom, to block up ditto • 0 1 2 A lining round the inside, to shew a bead on the top edge 0 0 10 A moulding round the edge of the brush-top or pincushion board, either with three reeds or two beads, and hollow 0 0 6 An oval pincushion board, sunk about an eighth of an inch deep, with a board fitted in ditto for stuffing 0 1 4 A plain solid slider, square-clamp d, two feet six inches long, and one foot six inches wide, the ends of drawer plow'd 57 £. s. d. plow'd, and the slider tongued to run in ditto, with two finger-holes • * • •• • •■ o l 3 Each inch more in length or width ► •• 0 0 lj- Every three inches less in ditto, down to two feet long and one foot three inches wide, deduct • ••• 0 0 1 Grooving the ends, and screwing two pieces on ditto to support the back of slider, the ends groov'd through, and the groove filled up in front, extra 0 0 5 Ditto, when the ends are not groov'd through • • • * 0 0 7 Each piece of half-inch stuff let in a slider, &c. to form the finger-holes out of, the top edge to stand up to form a lipping 0 0 £ Making the slider to fit a circular front, extra • 0 0 4 Ditto an elliptic front • — 0 0 6 Every three inches in length of slider when a circular or elliptic front, extra • • • • — ... q q Lipping the slider for cloth — See Table, N° 21. Glueing black wood on partition edges, each piece, under three inches in length q q Ditto, from three inches to six inches 0 0 Of Ditto, from six. inches to one foot • 0 0 1 Ditto, from one foot to two feet 0 0 1| Each extra foot above two feet in length • 0 0 Oj Glueing white holly on partition edges, eaeh piece under three inches in length • • • • • • • -• ...... 0 0 Of Ditto, from three inches to six inches • • • 0 0 1 Ditto, from six inches to one foot — 0 q Ditto, from one foot to two feet 0 0 lj Each extra foot above two feet in length ............ 0 0 Of 1 A SECRETARY 58 A SECRETARY DRAWER. £. s. d. All solid. — Three feet six inches long, one foot eight inches wide, the front nine inches deep outside, the inside work nine inches from back to front ; six drawers and five letter holes, with a space for paper, in ditto; the partitions put in with square grooves, and mitred in front; the edges of ditto rounded; the ends of drawer sliaped with an ogee , i 4 <) EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, up to four feet long • • • • 0 0 4 Ditto, above four feet long 0 0 5 Each inch less in length, down to three feet long 0 0 3 Ditto, from three feet, down to two feet six inches • • • • 0 0 2£ Each inch more in depth of front and inside work, when the drawer is under three feet long 0 0 4 Ditto, when three feet long, up to four feet long 0 0 5 Ditto, above four feet long — • • • • • • • • 6 0 6 Each inch less in ditto, down to seven inches, when under three feet long 0 0 3| Ditto, when three feet long, up to four feet long 0 0 4| Ditto, above four feet 0 0 5 J EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS, When the Drawer has no Work inside. Each inch more in length, up to four feet long 0 0 2 J Each ditto, above four feet long O 0 3 / Each 59 £. s. d. Each inch less in length, down to three feet long • • • • 0 0 1$ Ditto* from three feet, down to two feet six inches - • • • 0 0 li Each inch more in depth of front, when under three feet long • 0 0 2 Ditto, when three feet long, up to four feet • • • • • 0 0 3 Ditto, above four feet ........ 0 0 4 Each inch less, down to seven inches deep, when under three feet long q q ]J. Ditto,, when three feet long, up to four feet- • • 0 0 2i Ditto, when four feet and upwards •■ • ♦ 0 0 3j$ Each, extra inch in width of inside work to be charged lid. on the shilling on the inside work, the drawers. and facing the partitions with different coloured woods. excepted. Each inch less in ditto,, down to seven inches wide, de- duct from* the shilling o o 1% Jointing up stuff for inside work, each joint twelve inches long and under ....... 0 0 0£ Every six inches extra length of. ditto - • 0 0 Oi, For the price of extra drawers, and veneering, ditto— See Tables, N° 3 or 4. Tennoning the partition through the bottom, each end" of the partition 0 0 5 Ditto through the top,, each end o 0 4 Ditto through the partitions, each end. • 0 0 3, When a thick partition, with two beads on the edge of ditto, is introduced, more than two in a drawer to be extra each partition •• 0 0 h Lining the ends with. thin stuff, to receive the inside work 0 0 7 Pitta / 60 £. s. Ditto the bottom, when under three feet long 0 0 6 Every six inches extra in length of ditto 0 0 1 When a bead is put under a small drawer, and runners to carry ditto, each drawer extra 0 0 H Each hole or space formed by partitions, more or less • • 0 0 5 Each hole, more or less, formed by partitions to receive a drawer » 0 0 4 Slipping drawers, each 0 0 1 Putting in partitions for ink, sand, and wafers 0 0 9 If required to be put in after the drawer is made 0 Oil Blocking up the ink and sand bottles, each 0 0 1 If the above blocks are three quarters thick and upwards, to be charged as false bottom of Furniture Drawer. For the price of a hollow for pens — Sec Furniture Drawer. Each plain piece for a label, &c. three quarters of an inch wide or under • 0 0 li Each arch, scollop d with a plain hollow, three quarters of an inch wide and under • • • • 0 0 2 Each extra hollow, round, or two squares, in ditto 0 0 Oi Each extra inch in width of arch • • 0 0 0^ Each circular or elliptic arch, three quarters deep or under 0 0 <2i Cock beading a circular or elliptic arch 0 0 2 Ditto, when a break at bottom 0 0 Si Putting a corner line round a circular arch 0 0 li Ditto, when a break at bottom 0 0 2 Veneering; each arch 0 0 1 A plain prospect door, lock'd and hinged, six inches wide and eight inches high, the plate of lock let in 0 1 4 If m £. s. d. i the partitions on each side are rabbeted for door to fall into, each side extra • 0 0 1 Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 Ok Hingeing the door on the mitre, with butt hinges •••••• 0 0 8 Veneering the prospect door 0 0 5 If a small drawer front represent two in length 0 0 li Ditto in width, the bead groov'd in 0 0 2 A string round the prospect door • • • • 0 0 4 A triple string round ditto * • • • 0 0 6 Glueing black or white on partition edges — See Furni- ture Drawer. Veneering the front and standing board, or banding ditto for cloth, the start length of the drawer • 0 1 6 livery six inches, more or less, in length of ditto 0 0 3 lor veneering the drawer front — See Table, N° 3. For veneering ditto to represent two drawers, to be charged as two drawers the same size, in Table of ditto. For veneering round-front drawers — See Table, N° 4. Making ditto round-front, the front saw'd out for work- man 0 o 0 Ditto, when the inside of front is swept and filled up - • • • 0 6 0 A flap inside the front, hinged • • • * 0 1 10 For a lock on ditto — See Table of Brasswork. Preparing the front to receive a drawer • • 0 0 9 For the price of a drawer in ditto — See Table, N° 3. A flap inside ditto, hinged, twelve inches long or under, supported by blocks in the corner 0 1 0 For extra size of ditto — See Loose cover in Furniture Drawer. flingeing 62 £. s. d. Hingeing front with dolphin hinges, extra from desk hinges 0 0 9 Ditto, above four inches long 0 1 3 Making the inside work of drawer round-front, to be charged \d. on the shilling on the price made outYrom. the straight drawer, on the whole of the inside work.. Making ditto hollow or elliptic,, to be lid. on the shilling on the price of the straight-front drawer. Sweeping the standing-board to a round-front drawer, the edge of ditto rounded • * • • • . . . ....... ' 0 0 §1 Veneering drawer fronts, Sec— See. Tables, N° -5 or 4. For extra drawers— See Tables, N° 3 or 4. N.B. When the partitions in a sweep-front are faced, with different-colour'd wood, to take the same poundage as the above. A SECRETARY. .ill solid, — Three feet six. inches long, three feet six inches- high, the ends one foot nine inches- wide, the drawer front nine inches deep outside; six small drawers, a space for paper, and five letter holes, inside; the drawes front cock beaded, Sec :. a pair, of flat panne] . doors, pannels pknv d in ; a three-quarters, partition between, drawer and doors; plain back; the top to project half or three quarters of an inch, the edge of ditto, square ; one plain shelf inside, with t wo plain grooves to ditto ; on. common 4 63 £. s. d. common brackets, &c. ; the ends, bottom, and partition edges, faced with mahogany — ................... % Q \ EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, from three feet six inches to four feet, extra •• • • 0 0 11| Ditto, above four feet • • ......... — . . . q \ i£ Each inch more in height, when the carcase is four feet long or under • • • * 0 0 3| Ditto, when above four feet • • - ^ ..... . ^ o 4 Each inch more in width of ends up to two feet, or less down to one foot four inches, add or deduct • 0 0 3 When the secretary is four feet long and upwards, each inch in width of ends above two feet 0 0 <5 Each inch less in length, from three feet six inches down to three feet, deduct .................. » . 0 0 Si- Ditto, from three feet down to two feet six inches • • • • 0 0 6 Each inch less in height, down to three feet high •••••• 0 0 S If drawers instead of doors, deduct for doors and cutting the ends away to receive ditto * ..... * ..... . o 8 5 Ditto for shelf, and cleaning inside • Q 3 4 For clothes-press shelves— See Clothes Press. If drawers inside doors, or extra drawers outside — Sec Table, N° 3. If an upright partition, shelves, or grooving — See Open Carcase. For any other work in carcase — Sen Dressing Chest*. or Tables. 64 £. s. cL For extra work or size of drawer — Sec Secretary Drawer. • For veneering ends, fronts, doors, &c. — See Tables* N° 3, 6, or 12. For mouldings — See Tables, N° 15, 16, or If. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under o 1 0 Every extra three inches in length • 0 0 1 Ditto six inches in height • • ........ « o 0 1 Polishing pilasters or columns — See Dressing Chest.. A ROUND-FRONT SECRETARY. All solid. — Three feet six inches long, three feet six inches high, the ends one foot eight inches wide, the drawer front nine inches deep outside ; six small drawers, a space for paper, and five letter holes, inside ; the drawer front straight inside, cock beaded, &c. : a pair of flat pannel doors, the pannels bent in ; a three-quarter par- tition between drawer and doors; plain back: the edge of top square, to project half or three quarters of an inch ; one plain shelf inside, with two plain grooves to ditto ; on common brackets, &c. ; the front edge of bottom rabbeted to receive the doors • • • • 2 18 0* EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, from three feet six inches to four feet long • . ... 0 1 2 TV i V o o Ditto each quadrant drawer, the sweep side cut out of solid stuff r\ . n It hinged with center hinges— .See Table of ' Brassworh Each plate of brass (prepared for the workman) let in on the top or bottom edge of drawer, or on the rail, each plate q Making this table oval or elliptic, as in the start, the cir- cumference of ditto ten feet six inches, to measure with a string, extra q q ^ Each rail above a real drawer, fitted between the upright partitions q q ^ Making a complete rim to form a front edge all round - -043 When this table is made with round corners, the drawer front straight, deduct from start price o 3 6 N. B. When the sweep of the corners is eased away to the center of the drawers, to be charged from the Elliptic Table. And the extra size of these tables to be charged from the Circular Table, considering one third of the circumference above ten feet six inches for the extra diameter. For lipping either of the above tops for cloth— -See Table, N° 21. When 97 When angle or quadrant drawers are introduced in the quick part of an elliptic, oval, or round corner table, extra each drawer • • • • 0 0 4i Each extra claw, or when made extra from N° 1 — See Table, N° 27- For sawing out drawer fronts, joints in ditto, or sawcarf- ing, Sec— See references to Tables, N° 4 or 5. Slipping drawers — See Table, N° 3. If this table is made with an extra square block or pillars — See Sofa Table, All solid. — A pedestal not exceeding sixteen inches square ; a door square clamp'd, and a plain mahogany back ; on fast plinth, square edge to ditto ; extra from pillar and three claws • • • o ft g Each extra inch in length or width of ditto • • • • 0 0 3 Fixing the top part to the pedestal with a center pin, the plate not exceeding three inches square, let in and screw'd to the top of pedestal, the pin bor'd through the bottom of frame, with a nut and washer to ditto, extra 0 0 8 Each extra plate let in for the pin to go through 0 0 3j A turn'd block, double- tennon'd on the top of pillar, with a center, as in top of pedestal, extra from start • • • • 0 0 8 Glueing up this block in two or more thickness — See Dining Table. Other iron work, and fixing ditto for this table, to be charged by time. Veneering the ends> back, door frames, or pannels — See Tables, N 0 6* or V2. For drawers, veneering ditto, or partitions inside doors — See Table, N° 3. If o 98 If drawers instead of door, deduct for door according to Table;, N° 11, and add for drawers from Table, N° 5. Canting the corners of this pedestal with plain solid cants, mitred to the ends, each cant not exceeding three inches wide * 0 1 3 Each extra mitre in the plinth, when no moulding 0 0 2J Ditto, when a moulding 0 0 2 1 For the price of mouldings — See Tables, N° 16 or 17. Tapering this pedestal on the four sides when square, a solid clamp'd door, hinged with pin hinges and center 'd perpendicularly, the same size as start 0 6 3 Canting the corners of this pedestal, each cant 0 1 7 Making this pedestal triangular, with a solid clamp'd door, the corners canted with three plain solid cants mitred in, the top common dovetail'd down on the ends, extra from square 0 4 1 If the top or bottom is brought forward to the outside of door, extra either top or bottom 0 0 2i Deductions for cleaning a solid top, lipping or lining with cloth or leather — See Table, N° 21. Oiling and polishing, when a solid top, the start size or under • 0 0 11 Ditto, when a lined top 0 0 9 Ditto, when on a pedestal, extra 0 O 3 Every extra six inches in diameter 0 0 For any other work — See Pedestal, or Tables. A CYLINDER- 99 A CYLINDER-PALL WRITING TABLE. £. s. It All solid.— Three feet long, one foot nine inches wide, the upper framing ten and a half inches deep, the lower framing six and a half inches ditto, one drawer in front, cock beaded, &c. : four inches deep outside, the inside fast; three small drawers and six letter holes in ditto; the edge of the top and the sweep part of ends square ; on plain Marlbro' legs; the standing-board solid and made fast, and a front edge of inch stuff under ditto, to receive a mortice lock ; the bottom rail of inch and quarter stuff; without any mouldings ; the cylinder to run on four iron pins, or with wood tongues ; the upper back of mahogany, screwed in ; partition edges faced with mahogany • • • • ....... * v> EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, up to three feet six inches ■ • Ditto, from three feet six inches to four feet long Ditto, above four feet long Each inch more in depth of upper framing, when four feet long or under Ditto, when above four feet long Each inch more from back to front, when four feet long or under Ditto, when above four feet long Ditto, when a knee-hole, extra <• 0 0 9 0 o loi 0 1 oi 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 0| Each 100 £. s. d. Each inch more in depth of lower framing, when four A feet long or under q 0 ^ Ditto, when above four feet long q q 5 Each inch less in length, down to two feet six inches • • 0 0 3 Each inch less in depth of upper framing ............ 0 0 5 Ditto in lower framing q q « Each ditto from back to front q q 4 Ditto when a knee-hole n n Al . • • • \j u A loose case for inside q ^ g Two short drawers, and extra framing to form a knee- hole six inches deep, the inner ends clamp'd in front, -086 Each inch, more or less, in depth of knee-hole, extra ,.. 0 0 oi Each inch more in length when a knee-hole, extra from the start price q N. B, For each inch, more or less, in depth of drawers, in knee-hole, above four inches— See Table. of Drawers, N° 3, according to their lengths. When two or three drawers are introduced either, in length or depth, deduct for one long drawer the depth between top and bottom rail, and add for extra drawers their own size, as per .Table, N° 3. Each upright rail, clamp' front, between drawers • . o 0 i 0 Ok N.B. This rail not to exceed two. feet Ions; and it © six inches deep. Every four inches in length, or one inch in depth, extra 0 0 0| A middle long rail, three feet long, double tenaon'd in, the ends lined up, and slips put on to carry the drawer 0 10 Every four inches longer or six inches shorter, add or deduct — ' 0 0 0i Tor 101 £. s. cl For the price of the drawers — See Table, N° 3. Making the standing-board to slide 0 1 0 For framing ditto, to receive a flap-horse, &c. — See Table^ N° 19. A solid slider in the ends, square clamp'd, one foot long in front, and one foot six inches wide, scratch beaded • • 0 111 Ditto when two sliders the above size,, each 0 1 9 Every two inches longer or one inch wider in ditto, extra 0 0 1 For extra work in slider — See Dressing Chest, page %. Fixing a piece to the back edge of the standing-board, to sham drawers on q q For shamming drawers on ditto — See Table, N° 39. Deductions for cleaning a solid slider, lipping, lining with cloth or leather — See Table, N° 21. A plain solid arch to a straight-front job, and blocked behind • * • q j q q q X Each extra inch in depth of frame q q 5.1 If made with drawers in the back, or other work See Sofa Table. If made with a plain drawer at each end, to be the same as the two drawers in front. A solid flap, hinged to the back part of top with a rule joint, not exceeding three feet long, and nine inches wide or under, supported by two rule : joint brackets - -040 Each extra inch in length, up to four feet, when the width is nine inches or under 0 0 Oj Each 113 £. s. d. Each extra inch in length, when above nine inches wide and not exceeding twelve inches 0 Each extra inch in length, when above twelve inches wide 0 Each ditto in width " 0 N. B. This flap not to be measured in the extra size of table. Shamming drawer fronts— See Table, N° 29- Cock beading drawers— See Sofa Table. Rounding the knees— See Table, N° 32. When framed with knees in the corners, cleaning inside of rails, hollowing out the inside of the stumps when the knees are two inches square, hingeing and locking the top, and putting a bottom in, the start size 0 Ditto, when the frame is common dovetail'd together, without stumps, for cleaning inside, bottom, &c. 0 Each extra inch in length, when the top is hinged, &c. extra 0 Cutting the top down the middle, and hingeing ditto with a square joint three feet long, without tongues in the joint 0 Each mortice and tongue extra ° Every four inches longer or six inches shorter in ditto, add or deduct ^ Lap-dovetailing the frame together, each corner 0 Mitre-dovetailing ditto, each corner 0 Hollowing the inside of the stumps, when from two to three inches square, extra each corner * 0 Ditto, above three to four inches square, each corner - • 0 Lipping the top edge of frame — See Pier Table. 0 Of 0 1 0 1 4 3 2 3 0 1 1 0 o li o 1 0 2J- 0 5 o oi o li For 114 £. s. d. For lining round inside with bead stuff— See Dressing Chest. For fitting up inside — See Furniture Drawer. Fixing three-quarter corners (to be turn'd for the workman) on a square frame, each corner extra o 0 6 Shaping the top over ditto, each corner o 0 8 If this frame is made without drawers, and common dovetaifd together, deduct for each stump 0 0 3 For lyre ends, therming the standards, stretcher, or extra drawers, or other work — See Sofa Table. A plain hollow or ogee bracket, of inch and half stuff or under, not exceeding six inches long from point to point ( as Jig. 1, Plate 32), let in the pillar, and screwed to the under side of frame 0 0 6 Each round end in ditto ( as fig. 2), not exceeding one and a quarter inch diameter, extra o 0 3* Each open bracket, not exceeding ten inches, to measure as dotted line, with a plain hollow sweep (as Jig. 3) • • 0 0 8 J Each scroll to ditto ( as Jig. 4), extra () 0 7 Each extra member, either round, hollow, or square, in either of the above, extra • o q j J If these brackets are made above one and a half inch to two inches thick, to be charged on the shilling, on the above prices, extra 0 0 21 And if above, in proportion. Each extra inch in length of bracket 0 0 Of For veneering these brackets— See Table, N° 28. For framing the top, either with pannels or to receive a flap, and lipping or lining ditto with cloth or leather, and 115 £. s. d. and deduction for cleaning a solid top — See Taeles, N° 19 or 20. For sawing out stretcher or standards -See Table, N° 22. For sawing out claws, moulding, veneering, or panneling ditto— See Tables, N° 27 or 28. For banding and stringing, or other extras — See Tables of ditto. Veneering rails, drawer fronts, tops or edge of ditto — See Tables, N° 3, 6, 8, or 9- For mouldings — See Tables, N° 16 or 17. For castors, or plates at bottom of claws — See Table of Brasswork. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 9 Ditto every six inches in extra length or width ........ 0 0 li A WRITING TABLE, with round Corners at the Back. Three feet long, two feet wide, the frame four and a half inches deep and under, with round corners at the back, the outside sweep not to exceed twelve inches from the corner when eased away, one drawer in front cock beaded, four plain Marlbro' legs, the back and end rails veneer'd long-way, square edge to the top 0 16 3 EXTRAS 116 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. £. s. d. Each extra inch in length or width, up to three feet six inches long 0 q 3 Ditto, above three feet six inches long 0 0 3i Each extra inch in depth of framing 0 0 7f Each inch less in length or width, down to two feet six inches long, and one foot six inches wide 0 0 2i N.B. If this table is made above four feet long, with a top to ditto, as in Charlton-hoitse Writing Table, to be taken from ditto. If the corners are above twelve inches outside sweep, or made elliptic, extra • • * • 0 1 2 ; For framing the top, or lipping and lining with cloth or leather, and deduction for cleaning ditto — See Tables, N° 19 or 20. For sawing out sweep rails, and jointing ditto — See refer- ences to Table, N° 4. If made with a case to stand on the top — See thefollozv- ing Cases. For veneering the front, top, or edge of ditto — See Tables, N° 3, 6, or 9. For mouldings — See Tables, N° 16 or 17. For sawing out or tapering legs — See Table, N° 22. For castors, or other work — See Tables of ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • 0 0 9 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 1 TOPS 117 TOPS for CYLINDER and TAMBOUR TABLES, or other Work. N° 1. £. * All solid.— A square top, three feet long, nine inches wide, and four inches deep; common dovetail'd to- gether, one drawer in ditto cock beaded, square edge to the top and bottom, a plain back bradded in - • 0 5 3 N. B. These tops considered screwed down, and no deduction to be made for cleaning top under ditto. EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 1 Ditto in height, when the ends are under twelve inches wide 0 0 2 Ditto, when the ends are twelve inches wide and above - -002 Each inch less in length, down to two feet six inches 0 0 1 Ditto, from two feet six inches to two feet • ■ • 0 0 C If made with two or more drawers in . length, each upright partition to divide one height of drawers, common grooved in from the back 0 0 * Ditto, when rounded and mitred in front • 0 0 * If extra drawers are introduced in this carcase, deduct the drawer according to its size, and add for the whote of drawers and partitions from the Table, N° 3. Tor veneering top, front, or ends— See Tables, N 3, 6, or 8. Tor mouldings on the top or bottom — See Tables, N° 16 or 17. j 118 £• s. (l For cleaning the outside of this back — See Case, N° 3. For any other work — See Tables, §c. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under o 0 4 Every extra six inches in length or width o 0 1 Ditto every extra three inches in height o q j j. All solid.-— A square top, three feet long; the back part nine inches wide, a square return at each end, to mea- sure two feet from front to back ; one drawer in the center part, and one in each return ; the carcase four inches deep, including the top and bottom, the edges of ditto square ; a plain back o 14 9 For cleaning this back — See N° 3. EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in length q q q j. Ditto in width, when four feet long and under 0 0 2 j- Ditto, above four feet long q q 3 Ditto in height, when one height of drawers 0 0 6i Ditto, when more than one height of drawers 0 0 Si When more than one height of drawers, each end of drawers against the break, in the extra height of ditto, extra 0 0 14 When extra drawers or partitions, deduct the price of the start drawers according to their size, and add for all the extra drawers and partitions from Table. Each inch less in length, down to two feet six inches long 0 0 2 Ditto in width, down to one foot six inches wide 0 0 2 Veneering 119 Veneering the top, front, or ends — See Tables, N° 3, 6, or 8. For mouldings— See Tables, N° 16 or 17. For other work — See Tables, #c. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • 0 0 8 Every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 1§ Every extra three inches in height 0 0 2 N° 3. All solid. — An open carcase, three feet long, eight inches high, and nine inches wide ; finished inside ; edge of top and bottom square ; the back of mahogany, screwed in ; either common dovetailed together, or the top dovetail- groov d on, to project over the ends and front - A ditto, when the ends and back are carried up to form a tray top • • N. B. When the ends are carried up to form a tray top, to be measured in height. EXTRAS. Each extra inch in length, height, or width • 0 0 I# Each shelf dovetail-groov'd in, plain edge to ditto 0 1 4 Ditto, when put in a plain groove from the back, and shoulder'd in front • • • • • • — • 0 1 0 Scolloping the ends with a plain hollow, as in chiffonniere, each scollop, when of half-inch stuff • • • 0 0 li Ditto, when of three-quarters stuff 0 0 2 Ditto, with a plain ogee on front, when of half-inch stuff 0 0 li Ditto, when of three-quarters stuff ....... r 0 0 2 Scolloping 0 4 6 0 4 9 120 £. s. cL Scolloping the front corner of the end, when made to stand up two inches to form a tray top, either with a plain hollow or round, each end, when of half-inch stuff 0 0 1 Ditto, when of three-quarters stuff • • • . 0 0 || Ditto, when the ends stand up above two inches, each corner, when of half-inch stuff o 0 ll Ditto, of three quarters stuff o 0 g Scolloping the front corner of end with a plain ogee, each corner, when of half-inch stuff 0 0 \\ Ditto, when of three-quarters stuff 0 0 % Each break in either of the above sweeps, when of half- inch stuff 0 Q pj- Ditto, when of three-quarters stuff • 0 0 0| For other extras™ 0 0 Oh Eor mouldings on top or bottom, and glueing on stun 0 for ditto— See Tables, N° 16 or 17. For shamming drawer fronts, banding or stringing, or other work — See Tables, §c. N. B. The tops and bottoms of these cases not to project in start. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • • 0 0 8 Every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 H Ditto, three inches in height 0 0 2 A- GENTLEMAN'S A GENTLEMAN'S WRITING TABLE. — As m Plate 4. §^ Five feet long, two feet six inches wide ; the under framing six inches deep; three drawers in front; the upper part ten inches deep; a cupboard in each hollow corner ; six drawers in middle part, three ditto in each wing, or one drawer as right-hand end; the drawer straight front and cock beaded ; the top of under part either solid or lipp'd for cloth ; the mouldings as in the above Plate > 8 0 0 N.B. This table is considered all veneer'd, except the legs and under top. EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, or less down to four feet long Git Ditto in width • • • • • r 0 1 ( N. B. If this table is four feet long or under, to be charged from the Writing Table, N° Framing the standing-board to receive a flap horse and bottom— See Table, N° 19. When this job is made as right-hand end, for extra work in the hollow sweep moulding — See Tables, N° 16 or 17. Glueing stuff for a moulding round the under top — See Tables, N° 16 or 17. £. & d. For extra drawers, veneering partition edges askew or cross-way — See Table, N° 3, and references. For sawing out legs, or tapering ditto — See Table* N° 22. For castors — See Table of Brass-work. Lining with cloth, or lipping round the flap— See Table* N° 21. For veneering top, or extra drawers — See Table of ditto. For other extras — See Tables, $c. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • • • 0 2 9? Every extra six inches in length or width ..... . . 0 0 2i A PEMBROKE TABLE. All solid. — Two feet six inches long on the bed, by three feet three inches wide when open, one fly on each side, the framing four and a half inches deep, one drawer two feet long and under from back to front, scratch beaded, square edge to the top* and plain Marlbro' legs . .-. . 0 11 6 A single solid Pembroke table to be extra • • 0 0 9 Ditto, with a veneer'd top • • — ■• • • - • 0 1 4 N. B. This extra price not to be charged when a pair of card tables or a sofa table is given out and finished at the same time. EXTRAS 12& EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. . £. S. d. Each extra inch in length, up to three feet long 0 0 Si Ditto, above three feet long- • • • 0 0 3 * Each extra inch in width, when the table is three feet long or under- - • ®' Ditto, when above three feet long u w Each inch less in length, down to two feet long, deduct • . 0 0 2* Ditto in width, down to two feet nine inches wide, deduct 0 0 U Each extra inch in depth of framing, when one drawer- 0 0 5^ Ditto, when with two drawers • • 0 0 5 * When the frame is only four inches deep, deduct half an "inch, as above. Each extra drawer, in a square frame, scratch beaded • - Cock beading the drawers, each extra • " Corner line on ditto, extra from scratch beading, each drawer Eor the price of work inside the drawers— See Furniture Drawer. Lining boxes, to be paid according to time. Each extra fly ' * * ' Eor mouldings on the bottom of the frame, or edge of the top— See Tables, N° 9, 16* or 17. Canting corners of the top • • • • • Rounding the corners of the top, when one inch diameter 0 2 2 0 0 5 0 0 1 or under Ditto, when above one inch diameter Shaping the top, with quarter-round corners Ditto, with ovalo corners • • • • • • • • • 0 0 7 0 Q 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 1 2 0 1 8 Ditto, 126 £ s. d. Ditto, with a double-round corner, the circle not to exceed two inches diameter ( as in Plate ) q j ^ Ditto, when above two inches diameter (ditto) 0 1 4 When an internal square is left between the double-round corners (as in Plate), extra .. . 0 Q 4 Sweeping the top, oval or elliptic q x q Ditto, when the flaps are shaped elliptic, and the bed is : left straight 0 Q 1Q Shaping the corners of the top, when made of inch stuff, to be 3d. on the shilling extra. Sweeping the end rails when one drawer, the rails straight inside Q Q Sawing out and glueing up ditto — Sec references to Table, K° 5. An extra drawer, scratch beaded, when a sweep frame - -028 Cock beading a sweep drawer, extra 0 0 A corner line on ditto, extra from scratch beading .... 0 0 2 Veneeringtheendrailanddrawerfront,whenasquareframe 0 0 7} Ditto, when a sweep frame Q 0 10 £ For veneering the edges, and crossing the joints with ditto, —See Table, N° 9. Veneering the top, when eight square feet and under, exclusive of joint ' 0 2 Q Each foot in length of rule, or square joint, when a veneerd top, extra from the above 0 0 0i Each extra foot of veneer, at per foot superficial 0 0 3 ? For joints in the veneers— See Table, N° 7. Glueing on stuff for the rule joints, when the table is two feet six inches long or under, each joint 0 0 U 2- Each 127 £. s. £. Each extra foot in length of joint • • 0 0 Oi N. B. If this piece exceeds one and a half inch wide, to be charged as a joint from Table. Each cross-rail, dovetail'd in, on top or bottom of linings, or between the linings . * 0 0 4 Making the bed to slide, and preparing to receive a draught or backgammon board ; a cross partition inside, and lined round with bead stuff ; a lock on ditto ; with a bottom underneath • 0 % r * Ditto, when a piece of the top is left fast, for the top to shut against, and an extra rail underneath, the bed tongued to ditto 0 8 6 Ditto, when the well is made in the middle of table, and an extra rail fixed on the opposite side, with a piece on the top of ditto, and made level with top edge of frame * — 0 9 6 Letting in brass grooves, not exceeding two inches long, to prevent the bed being split, each- 0 G 3 Letting in sixty-four squares for draughts, not exceeding one and a half inch each square, when the top is veneerd on the under side • • » 0 3 9 If the squares are made of ebony, extra ••• 0 0 6 Each extra square • ' * * ® ^ ®% If the squares are above one and a half inch, each square, including the start 0 0 1 "When let in to a solid top, extra • 0 0 10 N. B. The extra ebony squares to bear the same poundage as above. Letting in the points for backgammon— See Tables of Tanneling* 128 For joints in top, sawing out and tapering legs — See Ta bles, N° 1 or For corner lines — See Table, N° 26. For castors or brass-work on sham drawers— See Table of ditto. For other extras — See Tables, $c. Oiling and polishing, when three feet long or under, and three feet six inches wide when open • - • . 0 0 10 Every extra six inches in length or width of ditto 0 0 1$ A PILLAR AND CLAW PEMBROKE TABLE. All solid. — Two feet six inches long, three feet three inches wide when open ; the framing four and a half inches deep; one plain drawer, scratch beaded; four plain claws ( as N° 1, Plate of ditto) ; one fly on each side ; square edge to the top, with solid knees fram'd in the corners, or the end rail dovetail'd on the linings : the front ends clamp'd, and blocks on the ends of the beech rails, and veneer 'd • • , . q \q $ EXTRAS. For extra size, drawer, veneering the top, or any other extras — See Pembroke Table, page 124. Framing this table, with two flat pillars, and a solid block not exceeding nine inches by twelve, with canted corners, m corners, four claws (as N° 1) dovetail'd in the cants, extra from the start pillar ••• 0 4 6 For extra pillars, therming ditto, and veneering block-— See Sofa Table. For castors, or plate at bottom— See Table of Brass- work. For joints in top, and sawing out pillars and claws— Sec Tables, N° 1, 22, or 27- Oiling and polishing, or other work— See Pembroke Table. An UNIVERSAL on SLIDING-FLAP PEMBROKE TABLE. All solid.— Three feet long, by three feet nine inches wide when open ; framing four inches deep ; the flaps made to slide under the bed, supported by two lopers to each flap ; square edge to the tops ; a piece of maho- gany, three inches wide, fixed on frame, with, two pins through ditto, to fasten the bed ; the top of inch stuff or under 1 N. B. These lopers not considered to run on tongues, but underneath the fast middle rail. EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in length, up to three feet six inches long 0 Ditto, when from three feet six inches to four feet long - • 0 Ditto, above four feet long 0 s 0 Si 0 4 o U Eaclj 130 £. s. cL Each extra inch in width when open, up to four feet six inches wide • , 0 q ^ Ditto, from four feet six inches to five feet six inches wide • 0 0 4* Ditto, above five feet six inches wide q q $l Each inch less in length, down to two feet nine inches long, deduct 0 q ^ Framing the tops with flush pannels — See Table, N° 20. For clamping flaps or bed— See Table, N° SO. For veneering the top and flaps — See Pembroke Table. Ditto the rails — See Table, N° 8. Glueing up bed or flaps, either solid or to veneer on, and cutting down stuff for ditto— See Table, N° 1. Veneering the pannels when a framed top— See Table, N° 6. Veneering the framing— See Table, N° 12. Each extra inch in depth of outside frame only • • • 0 0 4 Each flush bolt, to keep the bed and flap level 0 0 4| Two extra lopers in the above table, in the middle of the flap, without cross rails or tongues to ditto 0 2 9 Each rail across the frame • • q q q Veneering the edge of top— See Table, N° 9. Opening this rail to receive one long drawer, to run against the lining-rail, the cross rail clamp'd in front 0 1 J If made with two or more drawers, for extra long rails, or upright ditto— See Cylinder-fall Writing Table. For extra drawers — See Table, N° S. If made with double front, for drawers or extra work- See Library TaB-le, page 87. For 131 £. s. d. Vox the price of framing the top to receive a flap— See Table, N° 19- For tapering legs, or sawing out ditto— Sec Table, N° 22. ^ Lining the top with cloth, the start size or under 0 0 82 Each extra square foot 0 0 * Ditto with leather, the start size or under 01 1 Each extra square foot " 0 J? J|t Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 IO2 Every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 1 * A PEMBROKE-TABLE POT-CUPBOARD. All solid.— One foot six inches long, two feet four inches wide when open ; one fly on each side ; framing eight inches deep ; a plain solid door, with a pin catch or turnbuckle on ditto, hinged to the leg ; square edge to the top ; plain Marlbro' legs • N. B. If only a single one, to be extra • If two, each extra ••• EXTRAS. Each extra inch in length Ditto in width * Ditto in depth of framing Ditto, when one or more drawers in the frame 0 0 2 0 0 1* 0 0 4 0 0 5 For 1 8 I £ s d For square or mitre clamping door— See Table, N° 30 Veneering the door, when nine inches square or under . ' 0 0 4 Ditto from nine inches to one foot square n n ki Ditto the end rail ? /; q ^ l Cock beading the door [ _ Q Q ^ For shamming door or end rail, or brass-work on ditto— See Tables, N° 29 or 33. Making the door to turn down wjth a quadrant, extra - . 0 Hingemg a door to the leg at the other end, and fixing a partition in the cupboard, with a pin catch or turnbuckle on ditto, extra Q ^ ^ Putting a partition inside, and opening the end rail for a plain drawer, not exceeding six and a half inches deep (the bottom of cupboard to come to the middle partition), scratch beaded, without a lock, extra from start 0 2 8 If two drawers in depth, each extra drawer, including the rail, with slips between drawers 0 2 0 Making this table open on one side, by hingeing the flap to the bottom, instead of bed, with a quadrant and thumb catch on ditto, hinged with common butt hinges 0 1 3 * or veneering the top or shaping ditto, or other work- See Pembroke Table. Moulding the edge of top or astragal, at bottom of frame, — See Tables, N° 9, 16, or 1% Oiling and polishing • . .,. Q Q ^ A SOFA 133 A SOFA TABLE. £. s. d. All solid. — One foot ten inches wide, four feet six inches long; the framing four and a half inches deep, and under ; two drawers in front, scratch beaded ; a plain square or turn'd standard at each end ; two claws to each (as N° 1, Plate of ditto) ; one fly on each side, with solid knees fram'd in the corners, or the back rail dovetailed on the linings ; the front ends clamp'd, and blocks on the ends of the beech rails, and veneer cl; square edge to the top • • • ]V. B. The length of this table to measure across the joints ; and when the claws are cut out in one piece, and the pillars tenon d in ditto, to be of equal value with the start ; and the top end of the start pillars are considered d ouble- tenon cL EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch in width, up to two feet six inches, extra - • • • Ditto, above two feet six inches, to three feet Ditto, above three feet wide Each extra inch in length, when two feet six inches wide, and under • Ditto, when above two feet six inches,^ to three feet wide Ditto, when above three feet wide Each extra inch in depth of framing When one drawer on each side, to draw out on the right O 0 3 0 0 3f 0 0 4f 0 0 2 o o sj- 0 0 3 0 0 5i hand, 134 £. i. A hand, the partition in the middle clamp'd at each end, extra 0 1 3 If fram'd to shew the thickness of a stump on each side between the drawers, the stumps either fram'd solid and to project, or flush and veneerd 0 1 10 Veneering the stumps, each side q q j j Glueing pieces on the ends of the drawers, and cutting away the stumps to shew a partition edge on the outer sides of stumps, each end • 0 0 4J Each upright rail, more or less, between drawers, clamp'd at one end, not exceeding two feet long or six inches deep 0 0 9i Ditto, when clamp'd at both ends 0 1 2 Every four inches in extra length, or one inch in depth, of rail, extra • • • 0 0 Oj For drawers, more or less, and veneering ditto — See Table, N° 3. For extra- flies, shaping corners, and cock beading the drawers — See Pembroke Table. For mouldings, or veneering the rails — See Tables, N° 8, 16, or 17. For corner lines on the top — See Table, N° 26. For astragal on the bottom of frame, or veneering the edge of the top — See Table, N° 9, and references to ditto. Dovetailing or tongueing two claws together, extra 0 0 6* If made with double pillars, each extra pillar, with a single tenon at each end 0 1 0 Double-tenoning the pillars or stretchers, each end extra 0 0 2 For veneering the pillars, when double or single, each side — See Table, N° 8. A plain 135 ^ , £. d. A plain square stretcher, single tenond in, or a turn'd one, when squares are left on ditto, put in with a pin or tenond 0 1 0 Hollowing ditto on the bottom edge, either cut out of solid, or a piece glued on at the ends to form ditto, and the middle left straight, extra 0 0 6 Each hollow stretcher, framed into the pillars, and screwed up to the underside of framing 0 3 0 Each short stretcher, framed between two square standards 0 0 8 Ditto, when framed between sweep standards 0 0 10 For veneering either of the above stretchers — See Table, N° 8. Each turn'd stretcher, put in with a pin (no square left at the ends) •* 0 010 Sawing out the above stretchers — See Table, N°' 22. Each square piece to receive the claws, to be dovetail'd or tenond underneath (as Jig. 1, Plate of ditto) 0 1 0 A ditto to receive the claws, to be dovetail'd in the ends of the rail (as Jig. 2) ' 0 0 8 A plain stretcher (as Jig. 3) 0 2 ^ A ditto (as Jig. 4) " 0 3 6 A ditto (as Jig. 5), cut out in one piece - • 0 5 0 N. B. The stretchers, fig. 4 and 5, not to exceed one and a half inch thick ; and all stretchers to start single-tenon'd in the pillars. From one and a half to two inches thick to be extra on the shilling on the price of ditto 0 0 f* And if above, in the same proportion. Shaping 156 £. s. a. Shaping pillars (as fig. 6, Plate of ditto), each end of table extra from start pillar, exclusive of cross rails • • 0 3 0 Ditto ( as fig. 7), ditto - 0 3 10 Ditto (as fig. 8), each end of table, exclusive of cross rails or splats 0 ^ £ Each upright wood splat, framed in the cross rails at top and bottom, either when fiat and the edges rounded, or rounded out of mahogany, and put in with a center- bit hole 0 o 4 When ditto are framed through the cross rail, at letter A, into the lining rail, eaeh splat o o 5 Tapering either of the above standards, each side 0 O All the above ends, the start pillar included, to start one and a half inch thick : if made out of inch stuff, deduct from the shilling on the price of the standard 0 0 2i fVomone and a half to two inches thick, add to ditto, on the shilling •• . 0 0 2^ A solid end ( as fig. 9, Plate of ditto), cut out of one piece and shaped, extra from start pillar, exclusive of splats 0 3 2 A ditto ( as fig. 10), cut out and shaped, extra from start, exclusive of splats 0 3 10 Tapering the ends, fig. 9 or 10, each side 0 0 3 For veneering these standards — See Table, N° 34. Therming a standard (as fig. l, Plate of ditto) on the edges only, each standard • • 0 0 4i Ditto ( as fig. 2), each standard , 0 0 Si Ditto (as fig. 3), each ditto 0 0 Ill- Ditto ( as fig. 4), each ditto >> 0 2 2 N. B. When these standards .are therm' d all round, the above prices to be doubled. A plinth 137 A plinth on the pillars, between the claws, each side • • • • 0 0 3 If the claws are thicker than the pillars, and filled up to receive plinths, each side 0 0 1 When the claws are thicker than the pillars, and the plinths let in to project in one thickness, each side • • 0 0 5 An astragal, or small hollow, round the pillar above the claws, each pillar 0 0 6 For any other claws — See Table, N° 27. Shamming partitions on the ends of drawers, each end • • 0 0 2% For veneering the claws, reeding or moulding the top edges — See Table, N° 28. Framing this table with two flat pillars, as start ; a solid square block, not exceeding twelve inches by nine, and three inches thick ; four claws, as start ; either two narrow rails or one broad, rail at the bottom of frame, to receive the pillars; extra from the start 0 3 10 Framing this table as above, with four turn d pillars, put in with a pin at each end (no squares left) 0 4 2 Veneering the sides and ends of the block 0 0 10 Each extra inch in length or width of block 0 0 Of Each half inch in extra thickness of ditto, when a solid block 0 0 H Ditto, when veneer'd 0 0 2f Glueing up the block in two thicknesses, when twelve inches square and under 0 o 6 Every two inches in length or width of ditto, extra 0 0 Of When glued up in three thicknesses, to be half the price extra of glueing up the above in two thicknesses, and the extra size. Hollowing 4 138 £. s. d. Hollowing the sides and ends of a square block, when three inches thick, with a plain hollow, extra o 0 11^ Each half inch in extra thickness above three inches, in solid block, when hollow sides and ends q 0 2 Veneering ditto, each side or end, when three inches thick 0 0 5 Ditto, when from three to three and a half inches thick • • 0 0 5h Each extra half inch in thickness, extra in veneering ditto 0 0 Oh Veneering each cant, exclusive of mitres o 0 1^ Mitring ditto in the corners — See Table, N° Q. Veneering the above blocks cross-way — See Table, N° 8. Veneering the top of these blocks, when twelve inches square or under • • . . 0 q ^ If above twelve inches — See Table, N° 6. Shaping the veneer of ditto, either when hollow or round, each side extra • • q q q| When a block is made with two pieces lapp'd together, an inch and a half or two inches thick, to form a cross ; a block in each corner, and a piece glued on to make ditto, three inches thick ; sides and ends shaped hollow ; extra from start block * • • • q g 5 If extra pillars are introduced when the table is made with a block and claws, each square or turned pillar or standard, single tenoiid in, extra - q j g Ditto, when turn'd pillars, and put in with ^ pin, each extra pillar (no squares left) o o 3 When made with Grecian pillars (as fig. 1, Plate ), each ditto extra from square pillar, sawing out included, not exceeding one and a half inch thick • • • 0 0 B Ditto, from one and a half to two inches thick, each pillar §xtra from start • • • . . . . 0 oil For 139 For sawing out the claws — See Table, N° 27. For brackets, &c— See Sofa Writing Table. For other work— See Tables, #c. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 1 1 Every extra six inches in length or four inches in width 0 0 1: For polishing lyre ends, each end extra > W 0 0 1« When made with a block, polishing ditto extra 0 0 1 A SQUARE CARD TABLE. All solid.— Three feet long, one fly foot, square edges to the tops, and plain Marlbro* legs, the frame three and a half inches deep, and under 0 10 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch, more or less, in length, down to two feet six . i 003 inches , Each extra inch, in depth of frame u u °^ An extra fly foot ' 0 Veneering the front and end rails, when three and a half , & , , 0 0 10 inches deep, or under 0 1 3 Ditto, cross-way If the rails are above three and a half inches deep, for veneering extra depth of ditto, or the back rail— See Table, N° 8. Clamping the tops— See Table, N° 30. r °. Veneering 140 •P s d Veneering the top, the start size, each side ' qJ x $ | If the top is bordered, or of smaller or larger dimensions — See Table, N° 6. Veneering the edges long-way Q Q - Each mitre at the corners 0 Q ^ Veneering the edges cross-way 0 , J Working a hollow on the edge of the under top I 0 0 4 Staining ditto Colouring ditto ^ & 0 0 3 Each corner string, at per foot run 0 Q ± Sawing out and tapering legs— See Tables, N° 22 or 23. Lining the top with cloth 0 Q 1Q When the table is not lined by the workman, cleaning the band after ditto is lined 0 Q « Sinking the fly for cloth, each fly 0 Q g Framing the fly the thickness of the cloth lower, each fly 0 0 1 Lining ditto with cloth, each fly 0 Q Feint rounding the edges of the tops, moulding ditto, lipping for cloth, and deductions for cleaning "a solid top— See Tables, N° 16, 17, or 21. For astragal or fillet on the rail, or sinking for ditto— See references to Table, N° 9, Oiling and polishing, when not lined 0 0 10 Ditto, when lined • 0 ^ g A SQUARE 141 A SQUARE CARD TABLE, on PILLAR and CLAWS. All solid. — Three feet long ; square edges to the tops ; on a pillar and four claws ( as N° 1); the frame three and a half inches deep, lap-dovetail'd together; the top- edge lipp'd long-way, and the inside clean'd ; the rail under the frame nine inches wide, dovetaifd in to front and back rails ; the top clean'd on the under side, and made to turn round on an iron center, fixed to a cross rail ; or a turn'd wood center in ditto, screw'd to the under side of the top • 0 18 0 N.B. All the following C ard Tables, on a Pillar and Claws, though the starts are not so fully expressed, are considered as the above, — except lap-dovetailing the corners. EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A turn'd wood center, fixed with slips, and two extra cross rails . . 0 0 8 Putting a bottom in, half or three quarters the length of the frame, rabbeted in its own thickness 0 1 0 Ditto, the whole length of the frame, rabbeted in above the cross rail, and slipped on the under side ........ 0 1 6 Framing this table with two flat pillars, and a solid block with canted corners, four claws (as N° 1) dovetail'd in the cants, extra ....................... — . • 0 4 6 Eor 142 £. s. d. For any other work in block or pillars — See Sofa Table, page Eor other shaped claws, or sawing out and veneering or panneling ditto — See Tables, N° 27 or 28. Lining the inside of the frame with bead stuff, mitres included, at per foot run 0 0 ll Lining each cant, extra from running measure 0 0 1 j- For any other extras — See Square Card Table, on Legs, $c. If the top edge of the frame is covered with leather or cloth in place of lipping, deduct from start 0 0 5 Oiling and polishing, when not lined 0 0 10 Ditto, when lined 0 0 3 Ditto, when a block, extra 0 0 1 A CIRCULAR CARD TABLE, AH solid. — Three feet long, one fly foot, square edges to the tops, plain Marlbro' legs, the frame sawn out and built up by the workman 0 12 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch, more or less, in length • • '•> 0 0 5 An extra fly foot 0 0 8 Veneering the top, the start size • 0 1 li Veneering 143 £. s. d. Veneering the edges of top long-way, at per foot run -001 Ditto cross-way, at per foot run 0 0 li Ditto when made elliptic, under two feet diameter— See Table, N° 9. Lipping ditto for cloth, or rounding or moulding the edges—See Tables, N° 16, 17, or 21. "Working a hollow on the edge of the under top 0 0 5 Staining ditto black, and polishing • 0 0 5 Colouring ditto, ditto * * * 0 0 3 Lining the top with cloth 0 0 10 Sinking and lining the flies for cloth— See Square Card Table. Making this table elliptic, extra 0 1 3 ^ Veneering the rail long or cross way • 0 0 10* Ditto long-way, in three lengths 0 1 0 Ditto, when elliptic, long or cross way 0 1 0 Ditto, in three lengths, long-way, when elliptic 0 1 2 For other extras— See Square Card Table, owdf Tables of other work, $c. A CARD 144 A CARD TABLE with ROUND CORNERS. All solid,-Three feet long, one % foot, square edges to f *• t the tops, plain Marl bro' legs ; the round corners, when eased away, not to exceed seven inches from the square of the table; the frame dovetaifd square at the back, and a block in the front corners, dowel'd from the' outside, or a slip grooved in on top and bottom across the corners ^ N.B. If the round corner exceeds seven inches from the square of the corner, to be taken from the Circular Table, made Elliptic. 0 12 9 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch, more or less, in length -. 0 Q An extra fly foot j 008 If the front corner blocks are dovetail'd into the front and end rails, or the frame sawn out and glued up, extra - - jtt . _ • • • • 0 0 6 Veneering the top, a hollow under ditto, or lining with cloth— See Circular Card Table. For veneering the edge of top— See Tables, N° 9 or 10. Veneering the rails long or cross way ' 0 2 Q Ditto when Jong-way, and in three lengths 0 x \ For other extras— See Square Card Table, or Tables qf other rvork. A CARD 145 A CARD TABLE with ROUND CORNERS, on PILLAR and CLAWS. £. s. d. All solid— Three feet long, square edges to the top, on a pillar and four claws (m N° 1) ; the frame square at the back ; the front corners block'd and dowel'd from the outside, or a slip groov d in the top and bottom across the corners, and canted inside; the top edge lipp'd, and inside clean d - 1 1 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. If the front corner blocks are swept inside, each corner extra 0 0 4 Putting a bottom in half the length of the frame, rabbeted in its own thickness, when the front corners are canted inside ' * 0 1 2 Ditto the whole length, rabbeted in above the cross rail, and slipped underside 0 1 10 When the corners are sweep d inside, shaping the bottom to ditto, and rabbeting its own thickness, each corner extra • 0 0 11 Ditto, rabbeted and slipt, each corner • 0 0 3 Veneering the back rail • • 0 0 5 For any other work — See Square or Round-cornered Card Table on Legs, and Square Card Tables on Claws. Lining the top edge of the frame with leather or cloth, in place of lipping, deduct • 0 0 ^ 1 ™ A CARD 146 A CARD TABLE with CANTED CORNERS, £. ». I All solid. — Three feet long, one fly foot, square edges to the top, plain Marlbro' legs 0 12 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch, more or less, in length, down to two feet six inches 0 0 3 An extra fly foot 0 0 8 Veneering the front, end rails, and cants, long-way 0 1 2 Ditto cross-way — See Table, N° y. Each mitre in the veneer of cants o 0 1 Veneering the top, the start size o 1 V If the top is bordered, or of smaller or larger dimensions than the start — See Table of veneering Tops. Veneering the edges.— Set Tables N° 9 and 10. Lining the top with cloth, sinking and lining fly rails—See Square Card Table. Working a hollow on the edge of the under top 0 0 5 Staining ditto black 0 0 5 Colouring ditto ditto 0 0 3 Feint rounding or moulding the edges of the tops, and lipping for cloth, or any other work— See Square Card Tables. A CARD 147 A CARD TABLE with CANTED CORNERS. £. s. d. All solid— Three feet long, square edges to the tops, on a pillar and four claws (as N° 1), the frame square at the back, the top edge lipp'd and clean'd inside 1 0 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Canting the back corners of the frame, and extra lipping 0 14 Putting a bottom in half the length of the frame, rabbeted in its own thickness * ' 0 1 2 Ditto, the whole length, rabbeted in above the cross rail, and slipp d on the under side 0 1 10 Veneering the back rail 0 0 5 For any other work — See Canted-cornered Card Table on Legs, and Square Card Tables. Lining the top edge of the frame with leather or cloth, in place of lipping, deduct 0 0 7 A CARD TABLE with QUARTER-ROUND CORNERS. Three feet long ; straight middle rail, with breaks in front ; square edge to the tops, lipp'd for cloth cross-way ; the rails and breaks veneer d; one fly foot ; plain Marlbro' legs ;• 0 16 0 N. B. If the tops are clean d inside, and not lipp'd, deduct 0 1 0 EXTRAS 148 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch, more or less, in length, down to two feet six inches 0 0 3 Working a hollow on the edge of the under top • 0 Oil Staining ditto black, and polishing 0 0 6 Colouring ditto 0 0 4 For astragal or fillet on the rail — See Table, N° 16, and references to Table, N° 9- For veneering the edge of the tops — See Tables, N° 9 and 10. For veneering the tops — See Table, N° 6. For other work — See Square Card Tables. Oiling and polishing, when not lined ••• 0 Oil Ditto, when lined 0 0 9 A CARD TABLE with QUARTER-ROUND CORNERS, Three feet long; straight middle rail, with breaks in front; square edges to the top ; lipp'd for cloth cross-way, one inch wide and under ; the rails and breaks veneer'd ; on a pillar and four claws ( as ~N° 1) ; the top edge of frame lipp'd, &c. l 4 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. If the tops are clean'd inside, and not lipp'd, deduct* • y 0 10 Putting 149 £. s. d. Putting a bottom in half the length of the frame, rabbeted* in its own thickness * 0 1 ® Ditto the whole length, rabbeted in above the cross rail, , r > i 0 2 8 and shpp a Lining the top edge of the frame with leather or cloth, m place of lipping, deduct 0 0 9 For other work— .See Card Table with Quarter- hound Corners, and Square Card Tables. Oiling; and polishing, when not lined 0 011 O O Q Ditto, when lined u u y Ditto, when a block, extra 0 a 1 A CARD TABLE with OVALO CORNERS, Three feet long, straight middle and end rails, one fly foot, square edges to the top, the frame veneer'd, four plain Marlbro' legs; the top lipp'd for cloth cross-way, ^ one inch wide or under If the tops are clean'd inside, and not hppd, ^ deduct ...... EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch, more or less, in length, down to two feet six . . ... 0 0 4. inches ^ ^ Working a hollow on the under edge of the top U Staining ditto black, and polishing. • v ° q ^ Colouring ditto, ditto Mitrin^ 150 £.8. d. Mitring the veneer at the corners, each corner o 0 1 For other work—Sec Card Tables with Quarter- round Corners, and Square Card Tables. A CARD TABLE with OVALO CORNERS. Three feet long ; straight middle and end rails ; the corners, a plain cant in the inside, the frame veneer'd ; on a pillar and four claws (as N° 1); the top edge of the frame veneer d, and the tops lipp'd cross-way i 5 5 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. If the tops are cleaned inside, and not lipp'd, deduct 0 1 3 Sweeping and cleaning the front corners in the inside, extra 0 0 8 Putting a bottom in, when the corners are canted inside, — See Canted-cornered Card Table on Claws. A half-bottom, rabbeted in its own thickness, when the corners are shaped inside, extra 0 1 8 A ditto, the whole length, rabbeted in above the cross rail and slippYl • • , q Lining the top edge of the frame with leather or cloth, in place of lipping, deduct • • q For other work— See Card Tables with Quarter- 1 r ound Corners, ^Square Card Tables. 3 0 0 10 A STRAIGHT- 151 A STRAIGHT-FRONT PIER TABLE. £. s. cl All solid.— Three feet long, One foot six inches wide, the framing four inches deep, plain black rail, on four plain Marlbro' legs, the edge of top square 0 5 3 N. B. A single pier table to be extra 0 0 9 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more, in length or width, up to four feet long 0 0 2 Each extra inch above four feet, to five feet long 0 0 2i Ditto above five feet, to six feet long •• 0 0% Ditto above six. feet long • 0 0 3 Each extra inch in depth of frame, when four feet six inches long and under 0 0 32 Ditto when above four feet six inches, to six feet long • • 0 0 4 And if above six feet, in proportion. Cutting away the legs square to the. thickness of the rails, cleaning the inside of ditto, putting a bottom in, and hingeing the top, with a lock to ditto, the start length of the job • • 0 3 9 Each inch more in length, or less down to two feet, add or deduct • 0 0 1 When the top is cut down the middle and hinged, to fold down, without tongues in the joint, extra • 0 1 0 Every four inches longer than the start, or six inches shorter in length of joint, add or deduct • • 0 0 1 Each mortice and tongue, extra 0 0 1? Lipping 152 'Lipping the top edge with veneer, at per foot run long-way 0 0 0| Each mitre in ditto 0 0 Q| If the legs are cut away hollow in the corner, each leg - • 0 0 1| Lipping the top edge of ditto, butt joints included, extra from straight measure, each corner ...... o q i £ When legs are fram'd to form a three-quarter corner, and turn'd to the top of frame, the moulding at bottom of the rail turn'd on ditto, each leg extra, not exceeding five inches deep . . q q 7 Each inch deeper in framing ditto, above five inches, * extra each leg • q q qj Shaping the top over ditto, the edge square, each shaping, when the top is of inch stuff • • 0 0 8 Ditto, when above inch, to inch and half stuff 0 0 10 If these legs are fixed with iron plates, to be paid ac- cording to time. For the price of shaping the upper part of a turn'd leg to a half-circle — See Table, N° 32. For shaping the top over a half-circular leg at the front or ends of top, each shaping 0 q 5 Ditto if formed on a canted corner, or at a distance from the end, each shaping 0 0 8 When legs are fram'd to project less than half an inch, and draws are introduced in ditto, each' end of the drawer, with the partitions included, not exceeding six inches deep against the break, to be extra 0 0 lj Ditto, when the draws are above six inches deep, each end of ditto 0 0 lj Ditto, 153 Ditto, when doors are introduced against breaks, each door extra 0 0 2 A plain tablet on a solid rail, not exceeding six inches long, and four inches wide 0 0 6 Ditto, when on a round front, extra 0 0 2 Each inch in length, extra 0 0 Oj Letting in ditto a veneer thickness, when the rails are veneer d • • • 0 0 1 Veneering a tablet, not exceeding six inches long 0 0 2i Ditto, above six inches to one foot long 0 0 3i Ditto, above one foot long • 0 0 4j When veneer'd with curls or hard woods, extra, when six inches long and under * • 0 0 0} Ditto, when above six inches to one foot long 0 0 1 Ditto, when above one foot long 0 0 lj Veneering a round -front tablet, to be 5d. in the shilling on the above price. When a tablet is made to project below the under side of rail, to be extra 0 0 1| If drawers are introduced in this table — See Chamber Table, page 79- For a low shelf or stretcher — See Ditto. A square frame for a table to stand on, three feet long, one foot four inches wide, and two inches deep ; common dovetail'd together, one cross-rail to ditto ; the top glued on, and block 'd under-side of ditto • • • • 0 3 0 Each extra inch in length or width of ditto 0 0 li Ditto in depth of frame, when the table is three feet long and under * 0 0 2 x Ditto, 154 £. s. d. Ditto, when from three to four feet six inches long • • • • 0 0 2 j Ditto, when from four feet six to six feet long ......... o 0 31 Rabbeting the top down the rails, at per foot run 0 0 0| Making an eliptic hollow front to a pier table plinth, when three feet long or under, and three inches deep, to trace the sweep ; the front sawcarf'd and bradded to the edge of the top, block'd behind, and mitred at the corners, exclusive of cross rails ; extra from straight plinth 0 2 | Each extra inch in depth of sweep rail 0 0 4 Each extra foot in length of sweep rail, when three inches deep • 0 0 6 Ditto, when four inches deep • • > 0 0 7 If deeper, in the same proportion. If the sawcarfs are wedged, or the rails built up — See Table for extra from plain sawcarjing. If made with a sweep back and front, to be double the above price. For veneering ditto — See Table, N° 8. Oiling and polishing ditto, the start size or under 0 0 5 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width ■ 0 0 1 If the table legs are morticd into this frame, to be extra, each leg, when a plain Marlbro' with one tenon to each 0 0 2i Ditto, when a taper'd leg, each 0 0 3 A solid mahogany back, rabbeted in the back legs and top and bottom rails, the start size of the job • • 0 1 9 Every two inches more in length of ditto above the start 0 0 1| When this back is rabbeted into taper'd legs, extra • • • • 0 0 3 A mahogany 155 £. s. d. A mahogany muntin to this back 0 0 6 When the pier table frame is common dovetail'd together, and the legs framed underneath the rails, with one tenon and lap, and screw cl behind ; or, when the back legs are framed as in start, and the front legs as above ; extra 0 0 ® Each extra leg framed into the top rail with a single tenon, and lapp'd behind • 0 0 10 If these legs are lapp'd up the front of the rail, as in a card table, extra, each leg 0 0 2 A plinth frame, made with an internal break in the middle, not exceeding twelve inches deep from the front; the top shap'd with a square edge to ditto, the corners common dovetail'd together ; not exceeding three feet long, and two inches deep 0 4 8 Each extra inch in length or width of this frame 0 0 % Each extra inch in depth of frame, when three feet long and under 0 0 4 Ditto, when from three feet to four feet six inches long - -004 Ditto, when from four feet six inches to six feet long -.005 And if above, in proportion. A plain bottom for a table to stand on, three feet long and one foot four inches wide, lin'd up to two inches thick, with one cross lining to ditto 0 2 8 Each extra inch in length or width of this bottom 0 0 1 Each extra cross rail in either of the lower frames • 0 0 4 When the middle legs are framed to project half or their whole thickness, to form either internal or external breaks 156 £. s. d. 0 3 6 0 0 8 breaks ; for each pair of legs, cross rails, and breaking the top to ditto • • '. Ditto, when framed to receive drawers, each space between two legs, linings and slips included, extra For upright partitions, &c. to divide drawers— See Cylinder-fall Table. When this table is made with a break above three feet six inches long, each extra inch in length or width, extra-- 0 0 0} For breaking-down stuff, and jointing— See Table, N° 1 Lining-up top—Sec Table, N° 2. For drawers, and veneering ditto— See Table, N° 3. Veneering top or plinth frame— Sec Table, N° 6. Ditto the rails—Sec Table, N° 8. Ditto the edge of top— See Table, N° g. Sawing out and tapering legs-See Tables, N° 22 and 23. For astragal or fillet on the rail— See Table, N° 9. For mouldings— See Tables, N° 16 and 17. For other extras— See Tables, Sec. Oiling and polishing, the start size and under 0 0 7 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 1 A ROUND-FRONT PIER TABLE with STRAIGHT ENDS. ill solid.-Three feet long, one foot eight inches wide • the framing four inches deep ; square edge to the top ; on 157 £. s. d. on four plain Marlbro' legs ; the sweep not to exceed one inch in projection to a foot in length 0 7 0 EXTRAS. A sinde table to be extra 0 0 9 Each extra inch in length or width, up to four feet long 0 0 2? Ditto, from four to five feet long 0 0 2f Ditto, from five to six feet long • 0 0 3 Ditto, above six feet long ' 0 0 3| Each extra inch in depth of frame, when four feet six inches long and under 0 0 4 J Ditto, from four feet six inches to six feet long 0 0 5 And if above, in proportion. For veneering the rails — See Table, N° 8. Sawing out and jointing the front rail — See references to Table, N° 5. Making this front eliptic, when the sweep is above one foot diameter, extra 0 0 7 Ditto, when one foot diameter down to eight inches • • • • 0 1 1 Ditto, when under eight inches diameter 0 1 3. Cleaning inside of rails, and putting a bottom in a circular or feint eliptic front, extra on price of Straight-front Pier Table 0 0 6 Ditto, on quick eliptics * 0 0 9 For inside work — See Furniture-drawer, page 50. Framing the sweep rail to receive a drawer 0 10 Ditto, when eliptic, above one foot diameter 0 1 4 Ditto, under one foot diameter, down to eight inches • • 0 1 7i Ditto, under eight inches diameter 0 111 For 158 £. 5. d. For drawers, and veneering — See Tables, N° 4 and 5. For sawing out sweep-drawer fronts, or sawcarfing and wedging — See references to Tables, N° 4 and 5. Each cross-rail clainp'd in front to divide drawers 0 0 10j Making the legs stand square, and breaking the top, or for extra depth of ditto — See Chamber Table, page 82. Veneering the top and joints in the veneer — See Tables, N° 6 and 7- Mouldings on the edge of the top, and astragal or fillet on the rail — See Tables, N° 16-and J 7, and references fo Table, N° 9- Veneering the edge of the top — See Table, N° 9. For corner lines — See Table, N° 26. For cutting out and glueing on sweep mouldings — See Table, N° 13. Sawing out and tapering legs — See Table, N° 22. For other extras — See Straight-front Pier Table. Oiling and polishing the start size and under 0 0 7 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 1 A PIER TABLE, with QUARTER-ROUND ENDS, as in Plate, marked A or B. 'Three feet long, one foot six inches wide ; the framing four inches deep ; the front rails veneer'd ; square edge to the top; on four plain Marlbro' legs Oil 0 A ditto, with ovalo ends, as marked C • • 0 12 2 A ditto, 159 £. s. d. A ditto, with solid end rails, clamp'd in front, as marked D, and ovalo corners screw'd to the inside of ditto • • 0 13 8 Two extra legs to shew a break, either part or their whole thickness, as marked E, extra 0 2 2 A ditto, with hollow ends, as marked F 0 11 6 A ditto, with a square recess veneer'd, formed in the corner of the frame to receive a turn d leg screwed in the corner, and the top shaped over ditto, a small ovalo corner, as marked G •• •- 0 15 0 A ditto, with round ends, or round corners, as marked H oi I 0 10 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in length up to four feet, in either of the above tables , - 0 0 2£ Ditto, above four to five feet lon^ 0 O 2| Ditto, above five to six feet long •••• 0 0 3 If above six feet long 0 0 5$ Each extra inch in depth of frame, when four feet six inches long and under 1 • • 0 0 Of. Ditto, when above four feet six inches to six. feet long 0 0 7 If above six feet long • • --^ 0 0 7 2 Each inch in width, extra from Straight-front Pier Table 0 0 li When a drawer is introduced in any of the corners of the above tables — See Ovalo-corner'd Sideboard Table: and on the whole amount of such drawer, deduct 2d. in the shilling. Making 160 Making any of the foregoing tables eliptic, under twelve inches down to eight inches diameter •••• 0 0 6 Ditto, under eight inches diameter • 0 0 9 A hollow front shelf, three feet long, fixed with stretcher f plates, and a piece length-way, screwed on the under side of ditto at each end, the edge of shelf square • • • • 0 111 Every three inches longer, or four inches shorter, add or deduct o 0 1 Two low end rails, with a hollow front shelf, three feet long, the edge square, block'd on ditto 0 2 3 A hollow front shelf, three feet long, supported by an angle stretcher, fixed either with pins or stretcher- plates • . . o 2 4 Three low rails, with square edges, and a hollow front shelf, three feet long, screwed to the under side, with a square projecting edge • 0 % 6 Each extra inch in length of the three preceding shelves 0 0 Oi Every three inches less in length of ditto, down to two feet, deduct 0 0 1 Eliptic hollow or round ends to a shelf, extra ......... 0 0 6 If six legs to a table, fitting the shelf to the two extra legs, extra • • «... 0 0 4 Bevelling the rails, or rounding the edge of ditto, &c. — See Chamber Table, page 81. If the shelf or top is lin'd up — See Table of Ditto, N° 2. For veneering the top, ends, or shelf — See Table, N° 6. For veneering the edge of top, or shelves — See Tablj^ For. « 161 £. s. d. For joints in the veneers — See Table, N° 7- If a single one of either of these tables, to be extra* • • • 0 0 9 For sawing out and building up rails or drawer fronts, or sawcarfing and wedging — See Table, N° 1. For joints in the top, ends, and sawing out and tapering legs — See Tables of Ditto, N° 1 and 22. For opening the middle rail for drawers, &c. — See Cham- ber Table, page 79. For mouldings, banding, and stringing, or other work — See Tables, $c. For other work — See Straight and Round-front Pier Table, fyc. Oiling and polishing, the start size and under 0 0 8 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 1 A STRAIGHT-FRONT INCLOSED PIER TABLE. All solid. — Three feet long, one foot three inches wide, three feet high ; the inside colour'd and polish'd ; with ene fixed shelf ; two flat pannel doors, pannels ploughed in, and an ovalo on the inner -edge of the framing ; square projecting edge to the top ; on four turn'd stump feet, put in with a pin 0 17 6 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length, up to four feet long ........ 0 0 4 Ditto, above four to five feet long ••* • 0 0 5 y Ditto, 162 Ditto, above five to six feet long* • 0 0 6 If above six feet long, in proportion. Each inch more in width, when the job is three feet long and under * 0 0 3j Ditto, when from three to four feet six inches long 0 0 4 Ditto, from four feet six inches to six feet long 0 0 4i And if above, in proportion. Each inch less in length down to two feet six inches long, deduct 0 0 3 Each inch less in width down to twelve inches, when three feet long and under, deduct 0 0 2 Ditto, when from three feet to four feet six inches long • • 0 0 %\ Ditto, when from four feet six inches to six feet long • • • • 0 0 3 When one or more drawers in length are introduced above the doors, each inch in length of job extra 0 0 0i For extra drawers and partitions — See Table, N° 3. For upright partitions to divide drawers — See Cylinder- fall Table, page 99- When an inclosed pier table, or a pedestal, is framed into legs, instead of being put together as a carcase, add for four legs extra, when the job starts with stump feet put in with a pin 0 5 0 Forhingeing the top, &c. — See Straight-eront Pier Table, and Dressing Chest. A plain rail screw'd on, or tongued into the ends (for a freize, Sec.) under the top, three feet long and under • • 0 0 7 Every four inches in extra length of ditto 0 0 Oh A drawer, cock-beaded, above the doors, the start length 165 of the job, four inches deep, including a partition, same as in Table of Ditto For pilasters, columns, canted corners, inner ends, &c — See Dressing Chest. For upright partitions, shelves, grooves, &c— See Open Carcase, page 25. For veneering the top or ends — See Table, N° 6. For doors and pannels— Sec Table, N° 12. Veneering drawer fronts— See Table, N° 3. For mouldings, banding, &c— See Tables of Ditto. For other work — See Straight-front Pier Table, and Tables, S?c. For front edge under the fast top, or stump feet tenon d in— See Dressing Chest. For rounding the corners, pilasters, &c.— See Ditto. If these corners are glued up in cooper's joints — See references to Table, N° 1. Oiling and polishing the start size and under 0 d. 0 0 10 Diitto, every extra three inches in length or width 0 0 "When with columns or pilasters, extra, each 0 0 1 AN INCLOSED PIER TABLE, either with an INTERNAL or EXTERNAL BREAK. All solid.— Three feet six inches long, one foot six inches wide ; two flat pannel doors in centre, and one ditto in each wing, the middle ends to form the break ; one shelf 164 £. s. d. shelf in each space, with one plain groove to each end ; the inside colour'd and polish'd ; plain back; square edge to the top ; on six turn'd feet, put in with a pin • • 119 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length or width, to four feet six inches Ion g • 0 0 5 Ditto, above four feet six inches to five feet six inches l° n g ' 0 0 6 Ditto, above five feet six inches to six feet long 0 0 7 And if above six feet, in proportion. Each inch less in length, down to three feet long, or width, down to one foot three inches wide, deduct 0 0 4 When one depth of drawers is introduced into this table, either straight or sweep'd middle, each inch in length of job extra 0 0 Oi A rail under the top, three or four inches deep for a freize, &c. in the middle part twenty inches long, or in either wing eleven inches long, each rail 0 0 6 Every four inches extra length of ditto .... 0 0 Oi When drawers are introduced in place of doors, deduct for a shelf preparation for doors, cleaning and polishing the middle carcase 0 2 6 Deduct for a shelf cleaning, &c. each wing 0 2 4 Ditto for doors, according to their size, as per Table, N° 11. Then add for drawers and partitions as per Table, N° 3. A drawer in center part above the doors, cock-beaded, four inches deep, including a plain partition, as in Table of Drawers * o 3 0 Two 165 £. s. cL Two short drawers and partitions, as above, in the wings 0 5 4 Cutting away the ends to receive the doors, when drawers as above, each end 0 0 2 For hingeing the top, columns, pillars, inner ends, canted corners, &c. — See Dressing Chest. For shelves, grooves, upright partitions, &c— See Open- Carcase, page 25. Veneering top ends or pannels — See Table, N° 6. Ditto door frames and pannels — See Table, N° 12. Ditto drawer fronts— See Table, N° 3. Tor mouldings, framed backs, banding, panneling, &c— ■ See Table of Ditto. Putting an upright front edge to the wing drawer against the inner ends, each front edge notched in across the partitions, with straight slip to guide the drawer 0 0 3§- A ditto, fitted in between the partitions ^ 0 0 2 i A front edge under the top (when a fast top) fitted in between the ends, in the middle part, with straight slips to ouide the drawer A ditto in the wings, each wing Making the middle part of this table circular or eliptic, above four feet diameter ; the sweep not to exceed one inch and half in projection to a foot in length of middle part, when made either with drawers or doors, as in start 0 8 0 Ditto, from four feet to two feet diameter 0 9 1 Ditto, from two feet to one foot diameter 0 10 4 Ditto, one foot diameter and under, the doors with mould- ings and without pannels 0 8 2 Each 166 £ s. d Each extra inch in length, when a round or eliptic front ' middle, extra q ^ a When drawers are introduced into a round middle, in place of doors, deduct for a shelf preparation for doors and cleaning and polishing the inside of carcase q 2 6 Ditto, when eliptic, under four feet diameter o 2 9 Ditto, deduct for a pair of sweep'd or eliptic doors, accord- ing to their size and diameter, as per Table, N° 11. Then add for drawers and partitions as per Table, N° 4. N. B. These round-front* or eliptic middle drawers or rail not to take the extra price of drawers against a break; and when the ends stand square, and break beyond the wings, considered of equal value as when the sweep springs from the wincr. A solid rail, twenty inches long, under the top, to form a freize on, in a sweep or eliptic middle part, when above four feet diameter Ditto, Ditto, fr 0 l.o , from four feet to two feet diameter o 1 >, from two feet to one foot diameter q 1 4 Ditto, one foot to eight inches diameter o 1 6h Ditto, under eight inches q j ^i- Every inch in length of rail, extra 0 0 Q i A drawer in the center part above the doors, cock-beaded, including a plain partition, when above four feetdiameter 0 4 1 Ditto, from four feet to two feet dk meter o 4 3 Ditto, from t o feet to one f ot diamefer o 4 5 Ditto, from one foot to eight inches diameter o 4 7i Ditto, under eight inches 0 4 jAi For pilasters, canted corners, columns, inner ends, or plinth — See 167 £. s. d. —See Straight or Round - front Dressing- Chest. For veneering top, ends, or pannels — See Table, N° 6. Ditto doors and pannels — See Table, N° 12, Ditto drawers fronts— See Tables of Ditto according to their diameter. For joints, mouldings, framed backs, panneling, banding, or any other work — See Tables of Ditto, and Straight-front Pier Tables. Oiling and polishing, the start size and under 0 1 6 Ditto, when the center is made sweep or eliptic 0 1 8 Ditto, every extra three inches in length 0 0 1 For columns or pilasters— See Dressing Chest. A ROUND-FRONT INCLOSED PIER TABLE. All solid —Three feet long, one foot five inches wide, three feet high; the inside colour d and polish'd ; with one fast shelf, two flat pannel doors ; pannels bent and ploughed in; square v projecting edge to the top; the sweep not to exceed one inch and quarter in projection to a foot in length ; on four turned stump feet, put in with a pin EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in length, up to four feet six inches long 0 0 5i Ditto, from four feet six inches to five feet six inches long 0 0 6i Ditto, 1 5 6 168 £. s. d. Ditto, above five feet six inches to six feet long o o 7 \ And if above six feet long, in proportion. Each inch less in length, down to two feet six inches long, ded uct • 0 o 4 j A rail under the top to form a freize— See Pier Table with a Break. Each inch in width of table to be extra on the price of the width in the Straight-front Inclosed Pier Table, according to the size 0 0 0| Por eliptic, middle, or any other work — See Pier Table with a Break. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 1 0 Dtto, every extra six inches in length o 0 2 Ditto in height » 0 0 1 For columns or pilasters — See Dressing Chest. AN INCLOSED PIER TABLE with OVALO ENDS an STRAIGHT MIDDLE. All solid. — Three feet six inches long, one foot six inches wide ; two flat pannel doors in the middle part, one fixed shelf inside ; the ends glued up in cooper's joints, and made fast; on four turned stump feet, put in with a pin ; the breaks formed by upright stiles, dovetail'd on the top and bottom ; a plain back • 114 0 N. B. If this job is made with plain hollow ends • • 1 13 0 EXTRAS 169 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. £ g ^ Each extra inch in length, up to four feet six inches long 0 0 5 Ditto, from four feet six inches to five feet six inches long 0 0 6 Ditto, above five feet six inches to six feet iong 0 0 7 And if above, in proportion. Each inch less in length, down to three feet long/ deduct 0 0 4 Each inch in width of table to be extra on the price of the width in the Straight-front Inclosed Pier Table • • 0 0 li When the ends are made eliptic, from twelve inches to eight inches diameter, extra- 0 1 4 Ditto, when under eight inches diameter 0 2 0 When the ends are open d to form a cupboard in each end, with inner ends in the place of the upright stiles, deduct 0 3 0 When the ends are open and made eliptic, from twelve inches to eight inches diameter, extra ■• 0 0 6 Ditto, under eight inches diameter 0 0 10 A solid rail under the top in the ovalo corner, to form a frieze on 0 0 7 Ditto when eliptic, under twelve inches to eight inches diameter 0 0 10 * Ditto, under eight inches diameter • 0 1 0 For doors to ditto — See Table, N° 11. N. B. The doors to measure the whole height between the top and bottom, when a rail is introduced under the top. Rabbeting-either top or bottom in the ovalo corners, to receive the doors, each rabbet 0 0 6 z A slip, 170 £. s. a. A slip, with a head stuck on the edge, between the door and end, each « 0 0 3 Each solid shelf (or of deal colour'd and polish'd) in the ends, fixed on two slips - • • 0 0 7 Ditto, groovVl in * 0 0 9 For veneering the edges long or cross- way — See Table, N°o. When a rail in the middle part above the doors or drawers —See Straight-front inclosed Pier Table. A ditto continued round the sweep ends, each end »■•;->'-• 0 1 0 For veneering the rail, or shamming a freize on the doors —See Table, N° 8. When the ends are made wide, with two extra stump feet, put in with a pin, extra • 0 1 6 N.B. The above extras are for both ovalo and hollow corner tables. For veneering top, ends, shelves, or back — See Table, N° 6. For veneering pannels or door frames — See Table, N° 12. » For other work — See the preceding Pier Tables. Oiling and polishing, the start size and under • 0 3 9 Ditto, eveiy extra three inches in length or width 0 0 1 For columns or pilasters — See Dressing Chest. Regulations 171 Regulations for the Size of the Legs of Tables, except otherwise men- tioned in the Start of the Jobs. £. s. d. All tables two feet six inches long, the legs not to exceed inch-and-three-quarter stuff. Above two feet six inches to three feet six inches long, two-inch stuff. Above three feet six inches to four feet six inches long, two-and-quarter-inch stuff. And so on in proportion, being a quarter of an inch m thickness to every foot in length of job. Tnrn'd legs to be a quarter of an inch more than the above proportion. N. B. No deduction to take place when the legs are made less than in the above proportion, f he price of extra thickness in legs, when they are more than the above proportion, each leg, every extra quarter of an inch, from one-and-three-quarter-inch to three- inch stuff ' $ ^ Ditto, from three to four inch stuff 00 ^ Ditto, from four to five inch stuff 0 0 ^ Ditto, above five-inch stuff 0 0 2_i N. B. The extra size of the legs to carry the thickness of the rails in proportion to the thickness of the legs, and put together with a single row of tenons. All legs to be paid for sawing out as per Table. STRAIGHT- 172 STRAIGHT-FRONT SIDEBOARD TABLE. AH solid. Five feet long, two feet three inches wide; ^ *' t framing five inches deep; the top of inch stuff, either solid or to veneer on; the edge of ditto square; on four plain Marlbro' legs „ , ., 0 6 0 11 3 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length or width, up to six feet long - 0 0 Si Ditto, above six to eight feet long 0 Q Ditto, above eight to ten feet long 0 Q 4 i When above ten feet long, so on in proportion. Each inch more in depth of framing, when six feet lone and under ® ^ ^ Ditto, when above six to eight feet long 0 0 Ditto, when above eight to ten feet long 0 0 And when above ten feet long, in the same propor- tion. Each inch less in length or width, down to four feet long and two feet wide, deduct > 0 0 N.B. When tops are lin'd up the start thickness, to be considered one and a half thick or under. W T hen tops exceed eleven and a half inches thick, the extra thickness to be measured in extra depth of framing. Lining up ditto, to be charged from Table, N° 2. When a solid top, or one to veneer on, exceeds one inch 4i 5 to \ 173 to one inch and half inclusive, to be extra per foot superficial 0 0 Ot Shaping the edges of sideboard tops in all forms that may occur, to be considered one inch and half thick and under. Canting the corners of the top, the cants not to exceed three inches long, each cant • • 0 0 li Ditto, above three inches long 0 0 lj Rounding the corners of the top, under two inches diameter, each corner 0 0 li Ditto, from two inches to five inches diameter, each corner 0 0 2 And if above, in proportion. Each break in the top 0 0 4 When the space between breaks exceeds two feet six inches in length-way of the wood, or one foot two inches end-way, each foot in length, or four inches in end-way, extra 0 0 li For tablet — See Pier Table, page 153. Framing the front of this table to receive a drawer, the whole length of the frame, linings and slips included. 0 0 Hi Ditto, when for two drawers in length 0 1 9i Ditto, when for three drawers in length 0 2 7 2 Ditto, when four drawers in length 0 3 5i For the price of drawers to ditto, and veneering — See Table, N° 3. A plain tablet drawer, not exceeding one foot long, and four inches and a half deep inside • • 0 4 9 N.B. Two upright partitions, cross-rails and slips, included \ 174 £. s. d. included in the price of the tablet drawer ; and if the clamps of the partitions are omitted, no deduction to' take place. For extra size of drawers — See Table of Ditto, N° 3. When drawers are made to cover the top rail, each drawer two feet long and under, extra 0 0 8$ Ditto, when to cover the bottom rail < 0 0 Ditto, above two feet long, when to cover the top rail • • 0 0 3 Ditto, when to cover the bottom rail 0 0 5 A muntin in a drawer, which covers the bottom rail, dove- tail'd down, and a piece fitted into ditto 0 0 5 For breaks in plinth or stump-foot frame— See Round- front Dressing Chest. For pilasters, canting or rounding the corners of the carcase, top, plinth frame, brackets, French feet, or any other work— -Sec Dressing or Lobby Chest. When no inner ends or upright partitions* and plain solid cants mitred to the ends, screw'd at top and bottom, and finished inside, two feet eight inches long, three inches wide or under ; the top not to project, and prepared for a marble or loose top ; the back screw'd on to the top and bottom without rabbeting; each cant - - 0 13 Each inch more or less in length, add or deduct 0 0 0* c c Each m .. . £. * d. Each half-inch more in width q q j When cants as above, and the top or bottom is made flush with the outside of the door, extra either top or bottom 0 0 2] If solid clampt door, deduct the difference of a pannel door, according to its size, as per Table of Ditto. An extra square solid top to a pedestal, with a square edge screw'd or block'd doWn q j q A solid mahogany frame for the top of a square or taper'd pedestal, one foot four inches square, six inches deep, common dovetail'd together and screw'd down to the carcase, and a top to ditto to project, with a square edge screw'd or block'd on . 0 2 8 Each inch more or less in depth of frame - • • • 0 0 2 Ditto in length or width, down to one foot two inches - • 0 0 \£ Opening this frame to receive a drawer with a rail top and bottom, the edges faced with mahogany • • • — 0 0.8 "When the ends of rails are six inches deep or under, and clampt, each clamp q q If the clamps are above six inches long — See Table N° 30. For drawers in ditto— -See Tables of Ditto. An upper carcase, one foot four inches square, twelve inches high, prepared to receive a drawer, the carcase fitted and screw'd to the lower part, a solid mahogany top, a square projecting edge to ditto, and plain back - -049 Each inch more or less in height of ditto 0 0 2 Ditto in length or width, down to one foot two inches - - 0 0 \\ Eor canting the corners of ditto— See Square Pedestal. A cellaret drawer, one foot two inches deep, one foot six inches <4> !> 0 193 £. s. d, inches long, and one foot nine inches wide, cock-beaded, with a lock and handle, with slips prepared loose for the plumber, the drawer stopt in 0 4 ° Ditto, when a round front, extra 0 0 9 Ditto, when eliptic 0 1 f Each inch more or less in length, down to one foot • 0 0 Ditto each extra inch from back to front 0 0 Of Ditto less, down to one foot four inches • * 0 0 0 Z An inside cellaret drawer, scratch- beaded, without a lock, the above size 5 0 ° ^ Lining the inside of cellaret drawer with bead stuff, four inches wide and under, each piece 0 0 2 a Each inch more in width of lining, extra each piece • • • • 0 0 0 2 An inner back groov'd or blocked in the cellaret drawer-- 0 0 6 N.B. No drawer to be considered a cellaret drawer but what is made one foot deep and upwards. Each thin partition between drawers, with straight slips, the front edge faced with mahogany • • 0 0 6 If put in from the back, extra • v 0 0 4 If one side of this partition is colour'd and polish'd, extra 0 0 2 Every three inches in extra width of thin partition 0 0 1 A solid partition of inch stuff or under, dovetail'd in from the back, the front edge faced with mahogany and quirk-beaded, one foot six inches wide 0 1 1^ Each inch more or less in width of ditto 0 0 Q$ A solid shelf colour'd and polish'd, the front edge faced with mahogany and quirk-beaded, with one plain groove to each end ^ * N. B. The price of this shelf not to be taken to any other job. ^ 196 If this shelf is screwed or block'd into a canted corner ^ pedestal, extra each corner -q q A straight-front quadrant cellaret drawer, the sweep side sawcarf d and veneer'd, hung with center hinges, the top edge of sweep side lipp'd long or cross way, extra from plain cellaret drawer 0 7 6 If the saw-carfs are wedged with straight slips, extra • • • 0 0 %k If the sweep side is sawcarf d inside and canvas'd, the outside not veneer'd, deduct 0 10 Lining each sweep side or front with bead stuff, not exceeding four inches deep 0 0 4 When the front of the above quadrant drawer is made sweep, to be extra each drawer q q q Ditto, when made eliptic 0 i j "When a straight-front cellaret drawer is made to receive a half-circular drawer, the sides clampt in front, and a rail dovetail'd on the top and bottom, and fitted up to the straight partition which divides it from a cellaret and a half-circular drawer, one foot four inches long, one foot deep, hung with center hinges, the side sawcarf 'd and veneer'd, or glued up in three thicknesses, a top to ditto rabbeted in or laid on, a scratch bead or string to break the joint, and cut to receive three bottles, the sweep side not exceeding five inches deep, extra 0 18 6 Each inch more in length of the front 0 0 9 Ditto less, down to one foot 0 0 8 Each inch more in depth of sweep side, extra 0 0 5 Each hole more or less in the top for a bottle • • > 0 0 2i Fitting and screwing a brass moulding to ditto, each hole 0 0 H Each 197 £. s. d. Each single rack for plates, of inch stuff, inch and quarter wide, with twelve square bars ; or a frame two inches and a half deep, the front and back bevel'd inside, and notch'd for twelve plates, screwed to the ends of the pedestal - 0 3 0 Ditto, when with a rail in the middle for a double rack, extra • 0 2 ^ Each square bar or pair of notches, more or less, add or deduct • 0 0 % Making the racks to slide, with a slip top and bottom, and stopt in each frame 0 0 % A plain door in the inside to fill a space, eight inches high, eighteen inches wide, scratch-beaded, or a bead fixed on the ends of carcase, rabbeted to the shelf as a secretary front, hinged to fold down with reversed hinges, with a turnbuckle, the tongue of ditto mortic'd into the top edge 0 1 10 A ditto hinged to the end of the carcase, a slip to stop ditto, and turnbuckle mortic'd in 0 1 3 When with two doors, one bolt, and turnbuckle 0 2 0 Rabbeting the shelf to receive the doors, extra each • • • • 0 0 2i Each hanging-stile, screwed or blocked to the end, and shelf for the door to hang or shut against 0 0 3 Rabbeting the doors to lap in the middle, extra 0 0 2 Each inch more or less in space to receive door or doors or hanging-stiles, add or deduct 0 0 Q% A reeded tambour door, containing one superficial foot or under, with a plain piece at each end, the edge bevel'd to ♦ 198 St dt to cover the sweep part of the groove, a knob to move ditto by x . o 3 10 A partition inside to the tambour o 0 6 For extra size, or any other sort of tambour doors— See Table of Ditto. A solid square plinth for a vase, &c. to stand upon, one inch and a half thick, fixed to the top of a pedestal • • 0 1 0 Ditto, when the edges are veneer'd • o i £i Each half-inch more in thickness when solid, extra • • • • 0 0 Ditto, when veneer'd q q A plinth as above, with four plain hollow or eliptin sides, the corners square 0 1 10 Ditto, when the edges are veneer'd, either square or canted corners • o 3 3j Canting the corners, each • » • • o 0 If Each half-inch more in thickness than inch and half when solid, extra q o 2 Ditto, when veneer'd 0 0 4 A plinth as above, With plain, round, or eliptic front • • 0 1 4 Ditto, when with a break at each end 0 1 8 When the edges of the round or eliptic front are veneer'd 0 1 Ill- Ditto, with a break at each end 0 2 2 Each half-inch more in thickness when solid, extra • • • • 0 0 2 Ditto, when veneer d • • 0 0 3 A solid mahogany plinth as above, mitred and block'd in the corners, or common dovetail'd together, the top rabbeted in, and fixed on the top of a pedestal 0 2 0 If the edges are veneer'd — See the above Plinths. For 199 £. s. d. For veneering ditto cross-way, or mitring the veneer at the corners—* See Tables, N° 8 or 9- Veneering the top, one foot square or under • • • 0 0 5 If above twelve inches— See Table, N° 6. Shaping the veneer of ditto, either hollow, round, or eliptic, each side extra 0 0 0^ Ditto, when breaks at the ends of round or eliptic fronts, each break extra 0 0 Oj Sticking and glueing on a plain cove two inches wide, to trace the sweep, containing three feet run and under, rabbeted to receive the top of the plinth > 0 1 9 Each extra foot run in ditto • • • 0 0 6£ Each mitre in ditto 0 0 4 Each extra half-inch in width of cove, to be extra each mitre • 0 0 0§ When from two inches to two inches and a half wide, each foot run extra - • 0 0 0# Ditto, from two inches and a half to three inches and a half ditto 0 0 If Ditto, from three inches to three inches and a half ditto • • 0 0 Si Ditto, from three inches and half to four inches 0 0 5i And so on in proportion. N. B. When any of the above sizes of the coves are made eliptic, each foot run extra ...... 0 0 H Veneering a plain cove two inches wide, each front or, side one foot long or under 0 0 8 Each extra foot run in ditto, when added together 0 0 4 Veneering an eliptic cove two inches wide, each front or side one foot long and under* • • 0 0 10 Each 200 «£. s. d. Each extra foot run in ditto, when added together o 0 5 Each extra half inch in width of ditto, either plain or eliptic sweep, per foot ran q q ^ N.B. When the cove is veneerd cross- way, to be paid according to time. When extra members are added to ditto— See Table of Mouldings. Making this pedestal round-front, when one foot four inches long, the ends one foot three inches wide, the sweep to spring one inch to every six inches in length, the pannel bent in, extra from Straight-front Pedestal 0 4 6 Each inch in length of ditto, extra from Straight Pedestal A% k & J , U 0 2 Ditto in height, more or less q q ^ Making this pedestal eliptic, extra from round^front, the pannel glued up and shaped, either rabbeted and beads behind, or ploughed in q ^ Q If a solid clampt door, deduct the difference of a pannel door, according to Table of Ditto. When the ends of a round or eliptic front pedestal stand square, to form breaks— See Round-front Dressing Chest. N. B. The bottoms of pedestal to be rabbeted for the door, or the lop edge of the front of the plinth, or stump-feet frames, to be faced with mahogany. 201 A PEDESTAL, with TAPER ENDS. £. s. ck Two feet six inches high, one foot four inches square ; a solid door clampt, the top dovetaifd down to receive an upper carcase ; on taper stump feet 0 15 6'" Eor extra size — See Square Pedestal. EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Tapering the front and hingeing the door with centre hinges, when pilasters or canted corners, the top hinge centered perpendicularly with the bottom one, extra 0 2 6 Tapering the back 0 0 S Eor finish'd back — See Square Pedestal. When canted corners, as in Square Pedestal, or a piece lined on to the end, and ditto canted with the end, and rounded inside the cant, either equally wide or taper d, each cant « 0 1 7 Each inch more or less in length of each cant 0 0 0i Each half-inch more in width 0 0 1 "When pilasters, for the price of ditto — See Dressing Chest ; and acid 2d. extra on each pilaster, when put to a taper'd pedestal. A taper d fram'd door, with one pannel and mouldings, extra from a solid clampt door 0 2 2 Framing each end when tapered, with one pannel, an ovalo on the edge of the framing * 0 2 9 Framing the back, extra from square 0 0 4% d d Eor 202 £. 5. d. For lining up the bottom of a taper'd pedestal— See Table, N° 1. When the linings stand square, eaeh taper'd side extra* • 0 0 lj- For other extras — See Square Pedestal. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under o o 7 Ditto, when the baek is polish'd 0 0 9 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width • 0 0 2 Ditto, in height • • • * 0 0 1 For columns or pilasters — See Dressing Chest. A SQUARE DINING TABLE. All solid. — Containing eight feet superficial or under ; with one flap, hung either with a square joint with tongues, or rule joint ; four plain Marlbro' legs ; one fly foot, square edge to the top ; the framing four and a half inches deep and under; one cross rail in ditto 0 7 3 A ditto, with two flaps, containing twelve superficial feet or under, with one fly foot on each side 0 10 0 N.B. When a single table, with one or two flaps, extra 0 f q EXTRAS. Each extra superficial foot in the top • • • 0 0 5 Each extra fly, with rule joint in the rail 0 1 0 For extra legs — See Pier Table, page 151. Each %05 £. * a. Each extra fixed deal rail, dovetail'd in to receive a fixed , 0 0 4i leg • • 1 Ditto, of beech or wainscot " " 0 0 5 % Rounding the corners of flaps, when twelve inches diameter and under, each corner 0 0 3 Ditto, above twelve inches diameter, each corner 0 0 3j If the flaps are made circular, each flap 0 0 Ditto eliptic, each flap 0 0 9 ••01 10 Sweeping the top oval Canting the corners of the top 0 0© When any other shaped corners, to be extra 3d. on the shilling on the price of Pembroke Table. When the joint rails are made of two-inch beech, to be extra per foot in length of rail 0 0 J * For sweep legs to ditto — See Table, N° 23. For veneering the bed flaps or rails— See Tables, N 6 or 8. For moulding the edges or astragal at bottom of frame- See Tables, N° 16 or 17. For joints in top or in the veneer — See Tables, N 1 or 7- Sawing out joint rails, legs, or tapering ditto — See Table, N° 22. Crossing the joints with band or moulding— See Iables of Ditto. N B. When dining-tables are made from three to four feet long, the square of the legs not to exceed two- and-a-quarter-inch stuff. Ditto, from four to five feet long, two-and-a-half ditto. Ditto, from five to six feet long, two-and-three-quarter lurnd ditto. 204 Turn'd legs to carry a quarter of an inch in extra thickness V from the foregoing. For extra size of these lees—See page 171. ° If two or more tables are made to join together with tongues and mortices, or pins and centre-bit holes, each joint ••• • 0 0 9 Each pair of stra p hinges, with plates and bolts to ditto, extra from square or rule joint q 1 0 Two bolts, and plates for an extra move 0 1 0 For cleaning off each moving joint, extra from either of the above joints q q q N. B. The moving joints to be charged for as many as they are made to shift. If made with spring and staple fastenings, the plates let in, or with hinge and button fastenings, each spring, hinge, or button ^ q q 0 When the springs are reversed and let in flash, prepared for the workman, each spring q q 4 i Ditto, when the top is cut away to receive the whole of the fork ^ ^ ^ When the workman files the plates, extra each • • 0 0 1 Each flush bolt, with the plate let in for the strap hinge, extra from the start bolt 0 Q l r N. B. If any of the fastenings want hieing, to be paid according to time. When a drawer is introduced into this table, for opening the rail to receive ditto, when one fly on each side, the lining rail clampt at one end, extra q $ 2 For the price of drawers in ditto, or veneering— See Table, 2s° 3. q u • ' • scolloping 205 £. t. d. Scolloping the end rails with a plain hollow or ogee • • • • 0 0 6 When the fly rails are made longer than the frame, fitting in and cleaning a mahogany block flush with leg, each block 0 0 3 For sawing out and tapering straight and sweep legs, and reeding, &c— Sec Tables, N° 22, 23, and 24. For castors, Scc.See Table, N° 33. For moulding the edge of the top, &c. — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the first start size, which is eight superficial feet, or under 0 0 9 Ditto, every extra superficial foot in the top 0 0 Ok A HALF-ROUND DINING TABLE. Four feet long, two feet wide, the frame four inches deep or under, and veneer'd long-way ; four plain Marlbro' legs ; one rail across the frame ; the frame sawn out and built by the workman 012 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in length or width up to four feet six inches long • 0 0 2 Ditto,, above four feet six inches long • 0 0 S§ Each extra inch in depth of frame 0 0 9 Making this table eliptic, extra from the start 0 13 Making this table with round Corners, the round corners formed by glueing a block in ditto, and dowel'd Worn the 206 £- s. d. the outside, or a slip groov'd in on the top and bottom across the corners, extra • 0 0 6 N. B. If the round corners exceed nine inches from the square of the corner, to be taken from the circular table made eliptic. If the corner blocks are dovetail'd in the front and end rails, or the frame sawn out and glued up, extra from the start 0 0 9 A square flap containing four superficial feet and under, hinged to the table, with a rule joint, or square ditto with tongues and mortices, a beech rail with a rule joint to ditto framed to one of the start legs to support the flap 0 3 11 EXTRAS. Each extra superficial foot in the flap •••• 0 0 4 Each extra joint in the beech rail 0 1 0 For sweeping the flap — See Square Dining Tables. Scolloping the rail between the legs with hollow or ogee, each space 0 0 4 For moulding the edges, veneering the tops, panneling or tapering the legs, sawing out ditto, castors, &c. — See Tables of Ditto. Crossing the joints, or other work — See Dining Tables. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 10 Ditto, every extra superficial foot in the top 0 0 Qi Ditto, each superficial foot in the flaps 0 0 0 J A flap 207 £. s. cl. A flap containing eight superficial feet, with one fly Marlbro' leg, and two ditto framed on the fast rail and hinged to the under side of the flap 0 7 6 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra superficial foot up to ten feet superficial 0 0 4 Ditto less, down to four superficial feet in ditto 0 0 4 Each extra joint in beech rail, with an extra leg to ditto 0 19 Cutting a piece of the flap, hingeing ditto with a rule or square joint, and fixing the bed on the frame, extra from start • ; 0 1 3 For sweeping the top, or other work— See DiningTable. JV. B. The bed to be measured with the flap. Oiline and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 6| n n o 1 Ditto, every extra superficial foot u u 0 6 6 A bed with a flap to ditto, containing four superficial feet and under, hung with a rule joint, or square ditto with tongues and mortices, one plain framed bracket to support ditto to fix against a wall A ditto, supported by two rule-joint brackets (as in Pembroke table) fixed on the lining rail, containing three superficial feet and under u EXTRAS, Each extra framed bracket in the foregoing 0 1 8 Each rule joint bracket, more or less, add or deduct 0 0 7 J For 208 £. s. a, For extra size — See preceding Flap. Fixing either of these flaps — according to time. Reeding or moulding edges — See Tables, N° 16 or 17. For other work — See Dining Tables. N. B. If these tops are made of three-quarter stuff, deduct per foot superficial 0 0 1 A plain slab, containing four superficial feet and under, cleaned on one side, square edge to ditto 0 1 6 Each extra foot superficial q q 3 Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 3h Ditto every extra superficial foot q q qj N.B. When marble tops are introduced on any work, deduct for the mahogany top from this price, and add for fixing the marble by time. A PILLAR and CLAW DINING TABLE. All solid. — Containing eight superficial feet on the top and under, solid block screw'd to the top, three claws, as N° 1, plate of Ditto 0 9 6 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra superficial foot above eight to fifteen feet 0 0 5 Ditto, above fifteen feet superficial 0 0 6 Making the top to turn up with single clamps, the top edges of clamps feint-rounded, screw-holes filled up, and the ends of clamps rounded down, single catch, extra 0 2 6 Ditto, 209 £. s. d. Ditto, with double clamps, framed with single tenons, and filled up as above 0 3 9 Each extra cross clamp in ditto 0 0 9 Mitrino 1 the double clamps on the top edge, each end of clamp extra ; 0 0 2 N. B. All clamps one-inch-and- quarter stuff and under, considered sawn out in start ; if above one- inch-and-quarter, to be per foot run a farthing in the sawing out. If clamps are above inch-and-half stuff, to be extra on the shilling in the price of ditto 0 0 2 If the clamps are not feint-rounded, this extra not to be charged. A flap, containing four superficial feet and under, fitted on the outside of a table, one joint, with tongues and mortices, without hinges, to ditto 0 2 9 A ditto, when fitted between two tables, including two joints, as above 0 3 6 Each extra superficial foot in either of the above flaps, from four up to ten superficial feet 0 0 4 Ditto, above ten superficial feet 0 0 5 Hingeing either of the above flaps with strap hinges, each pair of hinges extra • • 0 1 4 Each flush bolt to the strap hinges, extra from the start bolt 0 0 2j Eor shaping top, flap, fastenings, or other work — See Square Dining Table. Each loper, the length of the clamp, to run on tongues plow'd in cross-way, exclusive of the clamps 0 1 3 E E Ditto, 210 £. s. d. Ditto, when the loper is cut in the middle to draw out on both sides q j q Each short loper, including two side pieces,- not exceeding twelve inches long, of inch stuff, half rabbeted together 0 1 2 Each button nine inches long, to turn out under the top on a single screw, the ends rounded down to support a fla P 0 0 5 Each rule-joint bracket, to turn out on the end of the clamp when made with three fingers, and made to stop both ways, the joints made close both back and front 0 0 10 Ditto, with four fingers 0 1 0 Ditto, when made with five fingers o 1 3 Each rule-joint bracket, the standing piece and bracket two feet long and under when together, screwed fast to under side of top, and stop square on the back, with three fingers to ditto o 1 4 Ditto, when four fingers 0 1 6 Ditto, when five fingers 0 1 9 A solid square frame, lap-dovetail'd together, fixed to the under side of top, two inches and a half deep and under, the start size of the table, cleaned inside, the bottom edge square, and screw holes plugg'd up Q 3 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 Ok Ditto in depth of this frame 0 0 3 Each fly-bracket to ditto 0 1 0 A rim 811 A rim two inches deep and under to a half-circular table ; the frame three feet five inches long, glued up in two thicknesses, or of two-inch stuff lapp d together ; the back rail common-dovetail'd on, and screwed to the under side of top ; the inside cleaned, and screw holes plugg d up 0 4 6 N. B. The extra size of this rim to be half the price of circular rim ; and if the rim is not cleaned inside, and the screw holes are not pluggd up, deduct half the price of the deduction for ditto . on the whole rims. If this rim is made either oval or eliptic, the extra size to be charged from the circular rim — to measure the longest way of the top for the diameter. EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in depth of rim, either in the circular, eliptic, oval, or round -corner rim, when two feet diameter and under /• 0 0 7 Ditto, from two to three feet ditto 0 0 9 Ditto, from three to four feet ditto 0 1 0 Ditto, from four to four feet six inches diameter 0 1 S If above, in proportion. Each extra inch in depth of rim, either in the circular, eliptic, oval, or round-corner rim, when only half the circle, eliptic, &c. when two feet diameter and under - -004 Ditto, from two to three feet ditto 0 0 ^ Ditto, from three to four feet • 0 0 6 | Ditto, from four to four feet six inches diameter 0 0 8 If above, in proportion. Making £12 VI1 , ■ . £. s. & Making this nm either oval or eliptic, extra, from circular rim, when the rim is made complete all round 0 1 4 Ditto, when made only half an oval or eliptic, extra from the half-circular rim q q g Veneering the above rims either inside or out, lipping the bottom edge,panneling ditto, &c— Seel" a bles of Ditto, For the price of fastenings, joints, or other work— See Square Dining Table.- Double catches, extra q 0 3 When the pull of catch is bored through, or notched across the underside of the clamp, and a plate screw'd on to support ditto, extra 0 0 H Glueing up the block in two thicknesses, ten inches square and under q q ^ Ditto, from ten to twelve inches square 0 0 6 Each extra two inches (above twelve inches square) either way, up to sixteen inches square 0 0 Oj Ditto, above sixteen inches square o 0 Of If glued up in three thicknesses, add half the price of the above. For joints in ditto— See Table of Ditto. Veneering the top or block when twelve inches square and under q q 5 Each extra foot of veneer in ditto 0 0 2f Veneering the sides and end of a block twelve inches square and under Jong-way, not exceeding two inches and a half deep • 0 0 5$ Each extra foot in length of veneer, above three feet 0 0 U Veneering the sides and end cross-way, not exceeding two inches and a half deep 0 0 7| Each 213 £. s. d. Each extra foot in length, above three feet 0 0 2i N. B. The veneer not considered to be mitred at the corners. If this block is above two inches and a half to three inches deep, veneering ditto long-way 0 0 6 Each extra foot above three feet 0 0 li Ditto, when veneer'd cross-way 0 0 9 Each extra foot above three feet 0 0 %h A solid block, dovetaiFd or framed together at the corners, with a cross rail morticed into the end rails to receive the pillar, the top of half-inch stuff glued on the top of the frame, extra from the start block 0 2 9 When the top is fitted down between the outside framing to form a pannel, and a bead mitred round the inside of ditto, extra from the above 0 0 5 Ditto, when a quarter-round in ditto 0 0 6 Veneering the top edge of the frame, charge the same as the sides of the block, exclusive of mitres. Each mitre in ditto— See Tables. Each piece screw'd on the block to form the pins, when flush with the under side of the block 0 0 % j Ditto, when the piece is made four or five inches wide/ and the corners are rounded or chamfer'd down to the block 0 0 5 A piece screwed on the under side of a block to stay the top, the corners rounded down 0 0 $ Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 9 Ditto, when the top turns up 0 011 Ditto, each extra superficial foot in the tops • 0 0 °* A HORSE- 214 A HORSE-SHOE DINING TABLE. As in Plate £. s. d. Seven feet long, to trace the sweep, two feet six inches wide; veneer d rail; the flaps to fold on the top, supported either waj' when open, as shewn in Plate plain taper legs ; square edge to the top 2 6 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length q q 5 Ditto in width more, or less down to two feet wide 0 0 7 Ditto less in length, down to five feet, deduct 0 0 4 Ditto, under five feet 0 0 3 For mouldings on tops, clamping ditto, sawing out legs, rails, &c. or other work— See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 1 2 Ditto, each extra six inches in length, to trace the sweep 0 0 1 A LOO TABLE. All solid. — Containing twelve superficial feet ; square edge to the top, to turn up with single clamps ; solid block, and three claws, as N° 1, Plate of Ditto .... 0 13 8 N. B. If this table is made circular, nothing to be charged for cutting ditto round. The circular, eliptic, or round-corner table to be measured as square. If two or more of these tables together, deduct Is. eachr / 215 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra superficial foot, above twelve to fifteen feet .-005 Ditto, above fifteen feet 0 0 6 Each superficial foot less, down to six feet, when a veneerd top 0 0 4 Shaping the top with round corners, the sweep not ex- ceeding twelve inches diameter, each corner 0 0 3 Ditto, above twelve inches 0 0 3| Ditto, when the top is shaped eliptic 0 1 0 Making a circular rim two inches deep or under (for veneering or japanning) for a three -feet- six- inch circular table, either built up in two thicknesses or sawn out of two-inch stuff, and half-lapp'd together, screwed to bottom of table, sawing out included ; the inside clean d, and screw-holes plugg'd up 0 8 3> EXTRAS. Each extra inch in diameter, up to four feet • 0 0 2h Ditto, above four feet 0 0 3 If this rim is dowell'd on and glued fast to the top 0 7 9 Each inch less in diameter, down to two feet six inches- -002 A rim to a round-corner table, two inches deep and under, three feet six inches square, the sweep not to exceed 216 <£. s. d, exceed nine inches from the corner; the corners cut out of two-inch stuff, and half-Japp'd to the sides and ends, screw-holes plugg'd up ; and the inside clean'd • • 0 8 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length or width, or less down to two feet six inches square 0 0 1 If these whole rims are not clean'd inside, deduct 0 0 9 If the screw holes are not filled up, deduct o 0 6 For extra claws — See Table, N° $7. For castors — See Table, N° 33. For joints in the top— See Table, N° 1. For veneering the top— See Table, N° 6. For joints in veneers — See Table, N° 7. For extra block or pillars— See Sofa Table, page 133. For pedestal — See Circular Library Writing Table, page 94. Fqr banding the top, or panneling or reeding the claws, veneering edge of top, or other work— See Tables, 4*. Oiling and polishing, when eight superficial feet in the. top or under q oil Ditto, each extra superficial foot 0 0 Oj A PILLAR 217 A PILLAR AND CLAW TABLE. All solid— The top containing six superficial feet and under, to turn up with single clamps ; on three claws, as N° 1, Plate of Ditto ; solid block; square edge to the top N. B. If this top is made circular, no charge to be made for cutting iteround. If this table top is veneer'd, to be charged from Loo Table, or Lady's Work-stand. EXTRAS. A single one of these tables, extra s. d. 0 8 0 0 10 If two of these tables, extra 0 0 6 Each extra foot superficial, up to twelve feet 0 0 4 If above twelve feet, to be taken from the Loo Table. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 6 Ditto, each extra superficial foot in the top 0 0 Oi A LADY'S WORK-STAND, N° 1. All solid.— Two feet six inches high ; the top one foot four inches square; on three claws, as N° 1, Plate F F 218 £. s. d. of Ditto ; the block prepared by the turner, to screw- on the top of pillar ; edge of top square 0 4 6 N. B. This table not to exceed two feet six inches long. EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A single one, extra • • • • o 0 9 If two ditto, extra 0 0 M Each extra inch in length or width, up to two feet square 0 0 1 Ditto, above two feet square 0 0 li Making the top turn up with single clamps, including a square block double tenon'd on the pillar, the holes of screws plugg d up, the edges of clamps square, extra • • 0 1 10 Ditto, with double clamps, as above 0 2 7 Making the top turn up with a pair of butt hinges, and a quadrant to support ditto, to go down the side of the block without clamps, a square block double tenond on the pillar, extra from start • • o 2 5 Shaping this top octagon, extra o 0 4 Ditto round corners, when a two-inch corner and under • • 0 0 4 Ditto, when above two inches diameter 0 0 6 Ditto, circular 0 0 5 Ditto, oval 0 0 7 For veneering the top, moulding the edge of ditto, banding or stringing the top or claws — See Tables of Ditto. Sawing out pillar or claws, or extra work in claws — See Tables of Ditto. A hollow 219 £. s. d: A hollow side triangular block, to stand on three turned stamp feet put in with a pin, fourteen inches diameter and under, either glued up in two thicknesses, or of inch-and-half stuff framed together, as stretcher of Corner Bason-stand ; the pillar turn 'd with a screw, and tap'd into the block by the turner 0 3 5 Deduct for three claws • 0 3 0 If the pillar is double tenon'd on at the bottom, extra- • • • 0 0 6 Each extra inch in diameter, up to one foot eight inches, when framed • 0 0 1 J Ditto, when glued up in two thicknesses 0 0 2|- Each extra inch in diameter above one foot eight inches, when framed 0 0 2 Ditto, when glued up in two thicknesses - •••• 0 0 3 Each half-inch in extra thickness, when one foot two inches in diameter and under, either when glued up in two thicknesses or framed in one thickness 0 0 4 Ditto, from one foot two inches to one foot eight inches diameter 0 0 6 Ditto, above one foot eight inches 0 0 8 For veneering the edges — See Table of Veneering, N°9- If these blocks are lin'd up with three pieces, about two or three inches wide, of half-inch stuff, or under, extra each piece, sawing out included 0 0 3 Ditto, from half inch to one inch thick, each piece • « • • 0 0 4| For veneering the top — See Table, N° 6. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 3i Ditto, \ 220 £. s. d. Ditto, when made to turn up • o 0 4£ Ditto, each extra superficial foot in the top 0 0 Oh A LADY'S WORK-STAND, N° 2. All solid. — Two feet six inches high, one foot four inches square and under; of half-inch stuff; fast top ; the frame common-dovetail'd together ; three inches deep ; a bottom rabbeted in to receive the pillar; on three claws, as N° 1, Plate 5 ; the block prepared by the turner, to screw on the top of pillar, the edge of ditto square 0 6 2 N. B. This table not to exceed two feet six inches in length or width. EXTRAS. A single one, extra 0 0 8 If two of these tables 0 0 4 Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 2^ Ditto, when from two feet to two feet six inches 0 0 3 Each extra inch in depth of frame 0 0 2 If a drawer is introduced in this table, for opening the rail to receive ditto, the edges of rails faced with mahogany 0 0 8 Ditto, when the bottom is brought forward to the front instead of the lower rail 0 0 4£ Clamping 221 s £. s. d Clamping the end rails in front, each 0 0 24 Hmgeingthetop,cleaninginsicle,andputtingalockonditto 0 1 6 For "fitting up the inside— See Furniture Drawer. Lipping the top edge with veneer long-way, the start size, mitres included 0 0 ^ Each extra foot in length above five in theiipping 0 0 1 If cross-way, at per foot extra / ' 0 0 °* When the top is hinged and the rails rabbeted to receive an inner top, with a horse to support ditto, the start 0 3 Q size and under, extra Every three inches in extra length of ditto, up to two feet . . , , . . . 0 0 3* six inches If made with a double rise— See Writing Table, p age 85. Making this table with canted corners when the frame is common-dovetail'd together, square without drawers, the end rails either of inch or inch-and-half stuff, extra 0 1 4 Ditto, when made with a block in the corner and dowefd through, or mitred together and common key'd, when drawers are introduced, and a fast top • • • Ditto, when the top is hinged • - * 0 2 4 Cantino- the corners of the bottom when the top is hinged, ° . 00* extra each corner • • • For other work— See Canted and Round-corner Work Table. For book-rest— See Music-stand. When this table is made with round corners, for rounding the corners outside — See Table, N° 32. Fian&ng: £. s. ' d. Framing this table with knees to form the round corners, each corner 0 q ^ Hollowing the inside of corners when the top is made to lift up, each corner 0 q ^ A solid square block not exceeding fourteen inches each way, the sides hollow'd and the corners canted, on four turn'd stump feet, put in with a pin o 3 4 Ditto, lapp'd across, framed together, or glued up in two thicknesses, each block extra o 0 8 When this block is framed or lapp'd and block'd up in the corners, each block extra 0 0 1# Each extra inch in length or width up to one foot eight inches of this block q q j Ditto, when glued up in two thicknesses o O li Each extra half-inch in thickness, when one foot two inches square and under 0 0 4J Ditto, from one foot two to one foot eight inches square 0- 0 6i If this table is framed with a plain standard of inch-and- quarter stuff and under at each end, and four claws to ditto, extra from start 0 3 0 For lyre ends or other work— See Sofa Table, page 133. Moulding edges, veneering, or other work — See Ta- ELES, fyc. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 5 Ditto, each extra six inches in length or width • • 0 0 1 Ditto, each lyre end 0 0 1| A SQUARE 223 A SQUARE WORK-TABLE. £. s. d. All solid.— Two feet long, one foot four inches wide ; the framing three inches deep; square edge to the top; plain Marlbro' legs 0 3 S EXTRAS. A single one extra • • 0 ^ 9 Each inch more in length or width 0 0 li Each ditto in depth of framing 0 0 ^ Eor extra framing to receive a drawer • 0 0 7 For drawer— See Table of Ditto. For the price of low rails and shelf on ditto— See Chamber Table. N. B. The price of all the following stretchers are to serve for all jobs two feet long and under. Three low rails, the long one, either at the back or in the middle, morticed in, or an angle stretcher fixed either with iron or wood stretcher plates • * 0 1 0 ■ Every three inches in length, extra 0 0 °£ An eliptic or serpentine angle rising stretcher 0 1 6 An ogee ditto, to lie flat-way r O 1 9 Four eliptic hollow -sided rails one-quarter and one- sixteenth inch thick, framed into the legs, glued up in three thicknesses, not exceeding one inch and quarter deep - - 0 2 10 A ditto cut out of the solid - • " 0 2 ® 224 £. 5. d. If the sweep is brake by either a square, round, or hollow, each member extra • 0 0 Ij Rounding the top edge of a straight angle stretcher 0 0 2 Ditto the edge of an angle rising stretcher - o 0 4 Mitring the top edge of an angle stretcher in the middle - -004 Ditto on a sweep cl stretcher 0 0 5 Rounding the top edge of either, an extra round or hollow, each member q q ^ Ditto each square or break 0 o of A plain shelf, the front hollo w'd, with a square edge to ditto, fixed with stretcher plates, two feet long and under 0 10 Sweeping each end or back of ditto with a plain hollow - • 0 0 1% For rounding the edge of ditto— See Chamber Table. A rim half-inch wide and under, groov d in on the top of shelf at the back and ends, and fitted between the legs, the edge of ditto rounded, the start length of job and under 0 0 6i Ditto, when the board is scollop'd with a plain hollow and the rim groov'd in to the shape of ditto, each end or back extra 0 0 3 J Cutting away the legs square to the thickness of the rails, cleaning the inside of ditto, putting in a bottom, and hingeing the top, with a lock to ditto . . 0 2 6 If the legs are cut away with a hollow in the corners, each leg extra-... 0 0 lj Lipping the top edge of ditto with veneer, butt joints included, extra from straight measure each corner 0 0 lk Lipping the top edge long-way, at per foot run - 0 0 0| Each 2%5 £. s. d. Each mitre in ditto 0 0 Oj For fitting up the inside — See Furniture Drawer. A square sliding frame of inch stuff to receive a bag, dovetail'd together, with a plain bottom for the bag to run on tongues, the grooves not to shew in front, the frame stopt in • • • • 4 0 2 8 If two of these frames together, each 0 2 6 Fitting a plain board in a square bag-frame, and cutting a circular hole in ditto, with a bottom for the bag 0 1 4 Ditto, if shaped to an oval hole, with a bottom, &c. 0 1 8 Fixing the bag, to be paid according to time. For a lock on ditto — See Table of Brass-work. Fixing solid pieces to the under edge Of rails to sham the front of bag-frame, each piece • I • • 0 0 1| N. B. The depth of the frame to be measured to the under side of the bag-frame. For veneering top rails, &c. — See Table of Ditto. For sawing out legs, tapering, &c. or other work — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 5 Ditto, every extra six inches in either length or width • • 0 0 1 A CANTED-CORNER WORK-TABLE. One foot six inches long, one foot three inches wide or under ; fast top ; the framing two inches and a half deep ; common-key d together ; the rail veneer'd long-way, and G G mitred * £, s. d. mitred in the corners ; square edse to the top ; plain Marlbro' legs 0 7 3 N. B. If the veneer is not mitred at the corners of frame, no deduction to take place. A single one, extra 0 1 0 If two ditto, each 0 0 4 EXTRAS. Each extra inch in length or width o 0 2 Ditto, when a drawer q q %± Each extra inch in depth of frame, when without a drawer 0 0 6 Ditto, when a drawer 0 0 7 A plain drawer in ditto, two inches deep, scratch-beaded, without a lock 0 2 0 Making front of ditto cover top rail, extra 0 0 2| Ditto the bottom rail 0 0 4^ Hingeing top, cleaning inside, and putting a bottom in • • 0 2 9 Mitring bead stuff round the inside, the start size 0 1 3 J Each extra foot in length above five feet 0 0 l£ Making the top rise with a horse, framed or lapp'd together, an inner top rabbeted down the rails the thickness of the horse 0 4 0 If made with a double rise — See Writing Table, page 85. Lipping the top edge with veneer long-way, the start size 0 0 10 J Hingeing the top, cleaning the inside, and preparing a loose bottom for a bag 0 % 3 A square sliding frame for a bag of inch stuff, common -dovetail'd together, to run on tongues, the grooves not to shew m £. s. i. 0 2 3 0 2 6 0 0 4 0 0 8 shew in front, the frame stopt in, a plain bottom for a ba* when a drawer, the frame to draw ont in the front N B If two of these together, each frame - ••••••• When this table is made without a drawer, and bag-frame introduced, and linings for ditto, extra 0 0 4 Making the slider draw out at the ends, extra • • • • • :r For extra work in slider frame, or stretchers, shelves, &c. — See Square Work-table. Fitting a partition across from back to front, and tog a bottom to ditto the size of the cant at the end of table, when made with top to lift up and a bag introduced- • For partitions in ditto, lift-outs, &c.-See Secretary Drawer, page 58. v ' A drawer in end rail between the cants, with a bevel end to ditto, to turn out on a common center, and fitted up for ink, sand, and wafers, a scratch bead round ditto, not exceeding nine inches long For book-rest-See Music or Reading-stand, page For veneering top or edge, moulding ditto, banding or stringing, joints in top, sawing out legs, or other work — See Tables of Ditto. For sweep legs— See Table, N° 23. For lyre ends or standards-See Sofa Table, page loS. For stretcher square-See Work-table. 0 0 5 Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • • Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width A ROUND- 0 3 4 228 A ROUND-CORNER WORK-TABLE. Maribro legs; an upright block in the corner of fame dowel d m from outside ; the inside of block square The to** lin the center of 0 8 * Dmcwhentheframeisgluedupinveneerthicknesses.. o 8 9 EXTRAS. Hollowing inside of corners, each corner extra 0 n , comers, extra from cants each corner n . nl wLle edSe ; Vit J r Cer l0 »™ the start size-'.' 0 1 Jf coZs ™, ^ de ° ftheframe ^e„ hollowed in the 01 0 A LADY'S 229 A LADY'S DRESSING TABLE. N° 1. £. s. d.. All solid. — Two feet three inches long, one foot six inches wide ; a flat top, locked and hinged, supported by a joint stay not morticed in ; a glass frame hinged to a sliding piece, supported by a horse ; four plain loose covers inside ; square edge to the top ; plain Marlbro' legs ; framing five inches deep • ♦ • • 0 17 3 If this table does not exceed 1L 5s. making, to be extra for a single one • * • • • 0 0 6 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in length or width, up to three feet long 0 0 3 Ditto, above three feet long • 0 0 Si Each extra inch in depth of frame, when under three feet long 0 0 3 Ditto, when three feet long and upwards o 0 Si Each inch less in length, down to one foot ten inches long 0 0 2i Lipping the top edge of frame long-way, at per foot run 0 0 0| Each mitre or butt joint in ditto 0 0 O j If drawers are introduced in this table, for price of drawers — See Table of Ditto, according to their size. ■« Eor long rail, upright ditto to divide drawers, or to form a knee-hole, arch, &c. — See Cylinder-fall W kiting Table, page 99> A spring quadrant to support the top, extra from stay ••• 0 0 9 Making this table round-front, as the start, extra 0 % 5 Each 230 Each extra sweep rail, faced with mahogany, with linings and slips to guide the drawer 0 1 4 Shaping the inside covers to the legs when they stand square, each cover extra ^ o 0 1 Each extra inch in length or width, when round-front, up to three feet long 0 0 Si Ditto, above three feet long • 0 0 4 Each extra inch in depth of frame, when round-front • • • 0 0 4f For drawers in ditto — See Tables of Ditto. Making this table eliptic, &c. — See Round-front Pier Table, page 156. For sawing out front rails, veneering, or joints in ditto — See Tables. Veneering top or end rails, moulding on the edge of top or on the frame — See Tables of Ditto. For inside work, more or less — See Furniture Drawer, page 50. For stretcher or shelf on ditto — See Chamber Table, page 79- A tea-chest top, the start size, either the front corners lap- dovetaifd together or the front veneer 'd, extra from the start top 0 2 8 A pair of folding tops, either lap-dovetail'd in front or the front veneer'd, extra from start top 0 5 3 N. B. These tops are considered to have a lock, and the top to be single rabbeted on. Ditto, when double rabbeted, extra each top 0 0 3 Each extra inch in length or width of job, when a tea- chest top, extra 0 0 0 J Ditto, * $31 £. s. Ditto, when folding tops *• ° 0 °J Making a tea-chest top round-front, extra from start • • • • 0 1 o Ditto, a pair of folding tops ' ' ' " 0 1 Making either of the above round-front tops to break over the legs when they stand square, extra 0 0 9 Hingeing the tops with HL hinges, extra each pair of hinges For banding and stringing, Scc.-See Tables of Ditto For making the top in three, or other work in ditto— £ee Straight or Round-front Dressing Chest. For lopers or inside work— .See Furniture Drawer. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 0 Ditto, when tea-chest or folding tops • • • 0 1 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width Ditto, when a knee-hole with two drawers, or an extra long drawer in depth * Ditto, when a shelf, wash-board, or rim, each 0 0 A LADY'S DRESSING TABLE. N° 2. All solid.— Three feet long, one foot six inches wide, the framing five inches deep ; a flat top, lock'd and hinged, supported by a joint stay not morticed in ; a top fitted inside to receive a washband-bbson, &c. ; four plain Marlbro' legs; square edge to the top • - 0 9 0 A sinele one of these tables to be extra - 0 0 9 h / EXIAAS. 232 EXTRAS. For extra size, or other extras— See Dressing Table *' * N° l. A bead mitred round on the top of bason-board, one inch and under, mitres included 0 0 /- Each extra foot in length above six feet 0 0 ± For a hollow round ditto-See Table of Mouldings. Cutting out each bason hole 0 Q 3 Rounding the edge of ditto 0 Q 4 Cutting out each bottle hole 0 0 Q Ditto each hole for a cup or tumbler 0 0 1 Each hole for a tooth-brush pan, the bottom glued under- side the top Q 0 When the top is lined on the under side to the depth of pan, either with a solid piece or four blocks glued on to receive a bead inside, extra - 0 0 g Mitring a bead round the hole for an octagon pan - ... . 0 0 8 Ditto, when made to a round-end pan, the bead con- sidered cross-way 0 q g Each round bottle-case, the top edge made to form a quirk or cock bead 0 12 Each square case for a bottle, the wood to go up and down • ^ 0 1 0 Ditto, for each cup or tumbler . 0 0 g Each square case, two inches deep or under, to receive an essence bottle .... 0 Q g Each partition in ditto 0 0 3 N. B. The cauls to be prepared for the workman. Each 233 £. *. a. Each angle partition, to conceal a case 0 0 3 Each partition fixed across the carcase, to conceal a case 0 0 5 A wash-board, three feet long, one foot six inches from front to back ; nine inches high ; common dovetaifd together at the back ; the front corners rounded down ; the edge square, either grooved in on the top, or screw'd from the outside round the edge 0 2 9 Each extra inch in length of ditto 0 0 0| Ditto in width, from front to back . 0 0 1 Each extra inch in width, at per foot, in length of wash- board o 0 Ok Each inch less in length, down to one foot two inches - • • • 0 0 0| N. B. If this wash-board is made four inches wide or under, to be charged from the rim in Chamber Table, page 79- Fitting a top in a drawer one foot six inches long or under, to receive a bason, extra from price of drawer - • 0 0 10 Each extra inch in length or width of ditto 0 0 0i For long rails and upright ditto to divide drawers, or to form a knee-hole, arch, &c. — See Cylinder-fall Writing Table, page 99- For lopers or inside work — See Furniture Drawer. For other extras — See preceding Dressing Table. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 7i Ditto, when a tea-chest top • o 0 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width • 0 0 1 For wash-board or knee-hole — See Chamber Table. h H A DRESSING 234 £. s. d. A DRESSING TABLE. N° S, Plate All solid. — Two feet four inches long, one foot eight inches wide, the framing two feet deep; five real and four sham drawers in front; cock - beaded, or black or white holly rabbeted round flush, to shew a corner line in front; (the drawers fitted up as follows — one for a night-stool, one for a square bidet, the sides and back rabbeted to receive a square tin pan, supported by a framed drop-foot; one for a bason and two cups, with a bead mitred round the inside of ditto ; one for a water- bottle, with partition in ditto half the depth of the drawer ; the other empty) ; a solid tea-chest top, with a lock to ditto, and supported with a joint-stay mor- ticed in ; a glass frame hinged to a sliding piece, and four loose covers inside ; plain Marlbro' legs, the front legs cut away to shew a partition in front ; no locks to drawers N. B. If the ends of this job are made of inch stuff, to be the same as half-inch, and lined up long-way to guide the drawers. EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length or width 0 0 7 Each inch less in length, down to two feet long 0 0 6 A hollow round the bason - drawer— Set Table of Mouldings* A plain 2 11 0 235 £. s. d. A plain flap, to cover the bason, hinged to back of drawer, on a. fast piece 0 1 2 4 Clamping ditto, square clamps • • 0 0 8 A tin pan, with round ends, extra from start pan 0 0 7i Ditto, a canted-corner pan 0 0 6 Ditto, a fiddle-shape pan 0 0 10 An earthen pan, extra 0 0 6 Sweeping the upper part of drawer sides to shape of fiddle pan, when the sweep extends one inch and half down from the top of frame, extra 0 0 4* Ditto, when above one inch and half deep 0 0 6 When the sides are shaped to a fiddle pan all the depth of ditto, not exceeding three inches wide 0 1 0 Each extra inch in depth of frame above three inches, when shaped as above 0 0 2 Making this job round-front, as in start, extra 0 11 0 Ditto, when made eliptic, above eight inches diameter, extra 0 3 3 Ditto, when eight inches diameter or under 0 5 0 Each extra inch in length, when a round or eliptic front .009 When this job is framed with legs, and the legs stand square in the front, extra 0 2 & Ditto, when put together as a carcase — See Dressing Chest. For veneering, when straight, round, or eliptic front— See Tables of Ditto. A slider in ditto, square-clarnp'd, either solid or lipp'd for cloth, faced with mahogany, without beads 0 1 10 " For beads or comer lines— See Tables of Ditto. Lining 236 Lining up the front, to cover the rail under ditto, extra- ! O o f For framing the slider— See Table of Ditto, N° 19. A rail with slips to carry the slider, double-tenon'd in ?J 0 0 10 When the job is put together as a carcase, on four turn'd stump feet put in with a pin, instead of being framed into the legs, for the deduction of ditto— See' Straigiit- eront Inclosed Pier Table. If a front edge dovetail'd in under the slider 0 0 5^ A cock bead mitred round the tea-chest top as lipping, 'containing six feet and under, mitres included .... -°.' ! () 0 10 Each extra foot in length q q When the glass frame is hinged inside the top, and a piece fixed inside the rim to hinge to, with a spring or button, deduct from start price " . . 0 0 6 A plain flap on each side of the glass frame, hinged, with a cross rail rabbeted to receive ditto on each side, including a button on ditto 0 3 Q Making ditto to fit a round front, extra • 0 0 4 Scratch bead round each flap • ...... 0 0 2 A plain flap on the side of the glass frame, as in the start, to cover the inside work, each flap 0 1 1 Making ditto to fit round front, extra...- 0 0 lj Clamping the above, each clamp 0' 0 V If the bidet or night-stool is made with lopers — See- Furniture Drawer, page 50. If this job is made with folding tops, when straight front, * Xtra * •••••• 0 2 7 Ditto, when round front V 0 3 1 When 237 s. d. When the bidet drawer is made to take out of carcase by an extra framed drop foot, with a rail hinged to turn down between the legs to stay ditto, extra 0 1 6 If the bidet is framed with four Marlbro' legs, and intro- duced in the front, with a sham on each side, the bidet to run on slips, the cross rail clamp'd in front and tenon'd in the top rail • 0 8 0 Deduct for bidet, as in start 0 4 6 Ditto night-stool 0 5 0 Ditto for the rail under ditto and upright partition • • • • 0 1 8 For shamming with cock beads, or partitions on ditto — See Tables of Ditto. When short drawers at either side of the bidet — See Chamber Table. For mouldings, banding, or stringing — See'Y abltzs oj Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 1 3 Ditto, when round front 0 1 5 Every extra six inches, either in length, width, or depth 0 0 la For columns or pilasters — See Dressing Chest. A SHAVING-STAND. N° 1. All solid. — One foot six inches square ; folding tops ; one real drawer, two inches and a half deep, without a lock ; one sham ditto ; a plain door in front, scratch-beaded, with a turnbuckle to ditto ; two holes for cups ; a bason hole, 238 hole, turn'd ; a glass frame behind, to rise with rack and spring, and swing on common screws, with a flush ring or handle- to ditto ; the framing one foot five inches deep; plain Marlbro' legs ; the bason-board lipp'd, to cover the joint , 1 0 EXTRAS. A single one extra q Each extra inch in length or width q Ditto, when round or eliptic front o 0 4 Ditto, when round or eliptic is veneerd o 0 4? Ditto in depth of framing • . q 0 $1 N.B. If the back is carried down below the rest of framing, to take the proportion of the above. For extra work in door, tambour doors, stretcher, bottle holes, drawers, or other work— See Square Inclosed Bason-stand, and Dressing Table, N° 2. Making ditto rise with weights, extra q 1 0 Casting the weights, to be paid by time. A till and loose cover five inches long and under, at back of bason, extra q j .' 2 Veneering the front long-way, as in start q 1 8 Ditto cross-way, with a joint up the middle, extra 0 0 8 When extra drawers are introduced, for veneering ditto— See Tables of Ditto. Hingeing the glass frame with a foot and rail behind, extra from start 0 j ^ Each 239 Each joint in the glass frame with a tongue in the middle, including: a barrel screw to ditto, cleaned flush on the outside, extra from start • 0 0 9 Each ditto without a tongue in the middle, and the upper part of ditto glued fast to the glass frame, extra from start 0 0 9 Ditto, if the joint is half-lapp'd together 0 0 6' Scolloping the rails with a plain hollow, each rail 0 0 \\ Ditto with a double ogee - • • ♦ • *• ♦ 0 0 Zi A bidet drawer scratch-beaded, with a square tin pan in ditto to draw out in the end, a framed drop-foot to sup- port ditto, a lining rail dovetail'd in on the front side to euide the drawer 0 5 3 Ditto, when two lining rails to guide the drawer 0 5 8 A bidet drawer in front, fitted up as above, and the ends lined up to guide the drawer, the bottom rail included 0 5 6 When the above drawers have two drop-feet, and a cross rail hins-ed to turn down between ditto, extra • • 0 1 6 If the bidet is framed with four Marlbro' legs to draw out at the end, the sides grooved to run on slips 0 5 Q Ditto, if the bidet is made to draw out in the front — See Dressing Table, N° 3. Ditto, when a piece fixed at each side against the legs to sham drawers scratch-beaded, extra* • • • 0 1 0 A night-stool in front, with a framed drop-foot, or the front feet cut to draw out with ditto, the bottom rail included 0 5 6i A night-stool to draw out at the end, with a framed drop- foot to support ditto ; a vale in the front side to guide the drawer • • • « * 0 5 6| Eor 240 For a flap at back, and shaping bidet drawer — See Dressing Table, N° 3. Making bidet or night-stool draw out with lopers— See Furniture Drawer, page 50. N. B. The price given for a single bidet or night- stool not to be charged when made in this job. An astragal or two reeds at bottom of frame, not sunk in, at per foot Q Q p Ditto, when sunk in 0 0 l s Each mitre or butt joint in ditto o 0 04 Making the above round-front, as in start, extra 0 6 6* A night-stool in ditto, with a drop-foot as above, when round-front ^ ^ A long rail under ditto, with linings and slips, extra .... 0 1 if For extra drawers in round-front or rails— See Chamber Table, page 79. Making ditto eliptic, as in start, extra from round-front-. 0 2 0 Ditto, when a night-stool Q ^ ^ Forming a break in front by the legs standing square, as in start ^ Ditto, when a night-stool or bidet 0 ± 5 Ditto, when tea-chest or folding tops, extra 0 0 Q Veneering a round front long-way, as in start 0 18 Ditto, when two doors Q 1 Ditto, when a piece on each side a single door 0 2 0 Ditto an eliptic front, extra Q Q | r Ditto cross- way, with a joint up the middle, extra .... 0 Oil" For veneering round or eliptic front night-stools, or bidets — See Tables of Ditto. For 241 For the price of tambour door to straight or round front job, or making ditto to run both ways, inner ends, stretcher, &c. — See Inclosed or Corner Bason-stand, page Sawing out and tapering legs, or castors to ditto, &c.— Sep Tables of Ditto. For mouldings, or other work— ^See Tables of Ditto, Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 9 Ditto, every extra six inches, either in length, width, or depth of framing * • • • • • o 0 1| A BASON-STAND. All solid. — One foot two inches square, top rail two inches deep, not scollop'd ; a drawer two inches and a quarter deep in the lower framing, scratch-beaded, without a lock ; the top lipp'd with veneer long-way ; the bason hole turn'd ; two cup holes in ditto 0 5 3 EXTRAS. A single one, extra • 0 0 9 Ditto, two . . . . . q o 6' Ditto, if three 0 0 3 Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 % Each extra cup hole - • • 0 0 li Cutting the bason hole * 0 0 3i An ovalo on the edge of lower top • • . 0 0 4 ii A stretcher, 242 £. 8. d. A stretcher, framed and scollop'd • • • G 0 10 Scolloping the rails with a plain hollow, each rail 0 0 H Ditto with a double ogee, ditto . . . . q q g An astragal on the bottom of rail, at per foot • ......... o 0 I k Each mitre .. .. o 0 Of Glueing a turn 71 ring on the stretcher • • 0 0 li Each extra inch in depth of drawer and framing • 0 0 3 "Wash-boards to back and ends of the above bason-stand, one foot two inches square, dovetail'd at the back corners, nine inches deep or under, rounded at the front corners • ► •■ 0 i § Each extra inch in length 0 0 Oi Ditto in width, from front to back o o i Each extra inch in depth of wash-board • • 0 0 Of A single pair of folding tops, one foot two inches square, and two inches deep ; the front lap-dovetail'd, or ve- neered ; the tops single - rabbeted on, and rounded down • 0 5 0 If double-rabbeted, extra each top 0 0 2 If two pair of these tops together, each pair .......... o 4 9 Ditto, if three pair, each pair 0 4 6 Ditto, if four pair or more, each pair • • • • 0 4 3 Each extra inch in length or width of ditto 0 0 1 Each half-inch in depth of framing - • • 0 0 2 Mitre-dovetailing the front corners, each corner • 0 0 2 Hingeing the tops with HL hinges, each pair extra • • • • 0 0 6 A tea-chest top, one foot two inches square, and two inches deep ; the front corners lap-dovetail'd, or the front Teneer'd ; the top single-rabbeted and rounded down • • 0 2 8 Ditto, \ U5 s. d. Ditto, when two tables with tea-chest tops, each top • • 0 2 4 When there is a lock to any of these tops— See Table of Brass-work. Each extra inch in length or width of ditto, extra- 0 0 1 Veneering the tops or rails— See Tables, N° 6 $ 8. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under Ditto, when tea-chest or folding tops Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width •. Q 0 1 For polishing wash-boards—See Chamber Table. 0 0 5 0 0 6 A CORNER BASON-STAND. The ends one foot four inches from front to back ; the legs sprung one way ; with one drawer, and two sham ditto, two inches and a half deep, without a lock, with a single string round ditto ; two holes for cups ; the bason hole turn'd ; the front veneer'd either long or cross way ; wash-boards on the top of ends, nine inches wide, the front corners of ditto rounded; the top to hang over the front rail, rounded or fitted in, and lipp'd over the joint; the top rail either scollop'd or to sham a drawer front with a single line 0 IS 6 EXTRAS. A single one, extra » ■ * 0 1 ? Ditto; two •••• 0 0 6 Each 244 £. s. d. Each extra inch from front to back, to measure across the middle • • • * q q 5 For extra sham drawers— See Table, N° 29. Cock-beading each drawer, or sham, extra from string . . 0 0 1 J Making the wash-boards to fold down, hinged with butt hinges, a spring in the end to support ditto; or to be hinged at the back and to fold down, with pieces to receive the tops • • q 1 5 Each extra inch in depth of wash-boards • • ...... 0 0 1 Rounding the top edge of wash-boards, each foot 0 0 Of Each shelf in the corners of the wash-boards 1 0 0 4 A hollow round the top q 1 3 If ditto is rabbeted in the top, extra 0 0 3 A bead mitred round the inside 0 0 6 Each extra cup hole 0 0 lj- Cutting bason hole • 0 0 5^- Ditto, when the edge is rounded q 0 4| Making wash boards fold down with a rule-joint, hinged with reverse hinges prepared, and a sham ditto on the other side, extra when only one stand 0 5 6 Ditto when more than one, each .... 0 5 0 If this job is inclosed between the top and bottom rails either with two- doors, nail-clampt in front, or one ditto with a sham on each side nine inches high veneer'd, and a single line round ditto, extra 0 8 0 Ditto, when two, each extra 0 7 6 Ditto, when three or more, each 0 7 0 If ditto is made with a reeded tambour door in front, and i piece fixed' on each side of ditto, reeded to correspond 0 & 0 Ditto, 245 £. *. d. Ditto, to run both ways • • • 0 7 0 Each inch in length of job when inclosed 0 U 4 Ditto in depth of framing above fifteen inches ••••• 0 0 &i Each inner end to conceal the tambour 0 0 Reeding the edges of tops, string in ditto, band or astragal round the frame— See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under ••• 0 0 7 Ditto, when folding tops • • tJr' A SQUARE INCLOSED BASON-STAND. One foot four inches square ; framing one foot four inches deep ; folding tops ; one drawer in ditto, two and a half inches deep, scratch-beaded, without a lock ; a plain door, scratch-beaded, with a turnbuckle to ditto ; the bottom of cupboard to lie on the rail ; Marlbro' legs ; two holes for cups ; the bason hole tum'd EXTRAS. 0 0 9 A single one, extra * Each extra inch in length or width fry t v " Ditto in depth of framing- • ■ ' ' ' Each rail for an extra drawer, with linings and shps • • ♦ • 0 0 W$ Each extra inch in depth of start drawer 0 0 1 For price of extra drawer-See Tables of Ditto. Washboards, one loot four inches long, one foot four 246 £. *. d. inches from back to front, and nine inches deep, dovetail' d at the back corners, rounded down to the front ends ••• 0 1 9 Each extra inch in depth of wash-boards 0 0 If An extra door, scratch-beaded, or a piece fixed on each side of a single door, scratch-beaded at top and bottom and against the leg 0 1 0 Rounding the top edge of wash-board, at per foot run • . 0 0 Oi Making the wash-boards to fold down with butt hinges, and spring in the end to support ditto 0 1 0 Forming a partition with a scratch-bead or single line between the door and sham, extra each • 0 0 1 Ditto with cock bead.* . , . q q % Clamping the door, each clamp one foot long or under - -003 Every three inches in extra length of clamp • •• 0 Q Oi Rabbeting the doors in the center^ when made with two doors, extra q q % Cock-beading each drawer or door, extra • • — 0 0 5 Glueing up front, back, or ends — See Table, N° 4. Veneering front long-way o 1 8 Ditto cross- way, with a joint up the middle, extra - « 0 0 8 For veneering the tops, ends, or back rail — See Tables of Ditto. An inner top of deal fitted in between the cupboard and bason, extra i ^ o o 10 N. B. If holes are cut in this inner top, to be paid from Dressing Table, N° 2. If the shams on each side of door are tenon'd in, top and bottom rail extra • • • q o q A corner 247 A comer string round the door, extra from scratch-beads 0 0 i When a single line on side pieces, extra from scratch-bead 0 0^ Ditto, when a cock-bead " " ' Each upright plain partition to divide the cupboard, eroov'd into bottom, the doors to shut agamst ditto • • 0 U / Ditto, when brought forward to the front to shew a par- ^ tition edge between the doors • • • - . Clamping ditto, each clamp twelve inches long or under 0 0 o A reeded tambour door to shew nine inches square or under, with a plain piece at each end to cover the sweep part of groove, a knob to move ditto by, extra from start door, either in straight or sweep fronts u g Each partition to hide the tambour ^ If the side pieces are reeded, extra Each extra inch in length or width of tambour u " f Making the tambour run both ways, extra- • » » A plain stretcher, without a ring, glued on the top • • • ■ 0 u iu Glueing the ring, extra For a night-stool or bidet-See Sua vino-stand, N 1. An astragal or two reeds at the bottom of the frame, not ^ ^ ^ sunk in, at per- foot • ' Sinking ditto—See Table of Ditto, For mures or butt joints-See Table of Mouldings. For other extras— See Tables, #c. 0 0 6 Oiling and polishing, the start size or under r^finyy,: Ditto, every three inches m length or depth of Iranung. • • U A CYLINDER- ! 248 * A CYLINDER-FALL WASH-HAND TABLE. N° l. AH solid.— Two feet long, one foot ten inches wide; framing one foot seven inches deep ; one real drawer and two sham ditto in front, cock-beaded ; a cistern inside the fall; the middle of ditto made to answer the sweep of the bason, with a top to cover ditto; a water drawer to draw out at one end ; a flat top, hinged at the back, square edge to ditto ; two holes for cups inside; the bason hole turned; the fall solid, fixed to quadrant pieces, hung with center hinges ; a square edge to the sweep part of ends; a thumb-catch on the end to keep up the fall ; on plain Marlbro' legs ; plain back , n „ ' 2 7 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in length or width o 0 7 Ditto in depth of framing 0 0 3i A quadrant to support top q j 3 A joint stay morticed into the ends and top 0 1 3 A glass frame behind, to swing on common screws, to rise with a rack and spring, with a flush ring on ditto 0 6 O Hingeing ditto, with a rail and foot behind, extra 0 1 2 Making ditto to rise with weights % 0 10 For other work in ditto— See Shaving-stand, N° 1. Each extra cup hole in ditto 0 0 1 1 Ditto, the bason hole , 0 0 Si If 249 £. s. d. If made without a wood cistern, deduct for ditto, exclusive ^ ^ ^ of top ." ,. Then add for fitting in an earthern c.stern according to time- n ' For bottle-cases, night-stool, or bidet-See Shaving- STAND, N° 1. r For veneering the top, ends, or back-See Table, M 0- For veneering drawer front— See Table, N 3. For veneering fall— See Table, N° 12. For an extra drawer— See Table, N 3. For rails, linings, muntins, &c-See Cylinder-fall Writing Table, page 89- If a tea- chest top -See Inclosed Bason-stand, Tov moulding on top, ends, or on the frame-See Table of Ditto. ^ Sawing out legs, joints, tapering legs, castors-See 1 ables of Ditto. 0 0 10 Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • • • • Ditto, every extra six inches in length, width, or ■depth of ^ ^ ^ framing A CYLINDER-FALL WASH-HAND TABLE, N° % All solid.— Two feet long, one foot ten inches wide ; two real d rawers, and one sham ditto, in front, cock-beaded ; ^ _ K K 250 £. $. d. work inside the fall, as in N° 1 ; on common brackets, blocked on the bottom of the carcase, without mouldings 2 12 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each extra inch in length or width o 0 8 Each inch less in width, down to one foot eight inches wide 0 0 7 For the price of French feet, brackets, or veneering ditto — See Dressing-chest. For bottle-cases, night-stool, or bidet — See Shaving- stand, N° 1, page For veneering top, ends, drawer fronts, or extra work in drawers— See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 Oil Ditto, every extra three inches in length or width 0 0 1 A POT-CUPBOARD. AH solid. — One foot two inches square, the framing eleven inches deep or under ; a plain door in front, scratch- beaded ; fast top, square edge to ditto ; a rail above the door ; plain Marlbro' legs 0 5 9 EXTRAS. <25t EXTRAS. £. s. cL A single one, extra ............ 0 1 0 If two, ditto •• • 0 0 9 If three, ditto 0 0 6 Each extra inch in length, width, or depth of framing - • 0 0 2| Clamping the door with square clamps, each clamp one foot Ions; or under 0 0 3 Every three inches in extra length, each clamp • • • 0 0 Oj Mitre clamping ditto, each mitre •••• ••• 0 0 6 An extra door, scratch-beaded, or a piece fixed on each side of a single door, scratch-beaded at the top and bottom and against the leg • • • . . 0 10 Rabbeting the doors in the center when with two doors, extra , • • 0 0 2 If made without a door, deduct • « 0 1 0 A plain drawer in front, scratch-beaded, without a lock, two inches and a half deep, including the rail under ditto 0 1 10 Each extra inch in depth of drawer • 0 0 1 Each extra inch in length of job when a drawer • • 0 0 3 'Veneering the front of. drawer — See Table, according to size of Ditto. Cock-beading doors or drawers, or black or white holly rabbeted round as a bead, each • 0 0 5 A corner line round ditto, extra from scratch-bead • • • • • 0 0 li Veneering the front or top, as in start 0 0 6 Ditto the front when a joint up the middle 0 0 11 Ditto the front when two doors 0 0 8 Ditto §52 Ditto the ends or back, each q q 5 When a rail under the top above three quarters wide, for extra width of veneer q q ± A plain rim of bead stuff one incli wide or under, grooved in at the back and ends of the top, mitred and key'd at the back, and rounded down in front, or a hollow in ditto 0 0 9 N. B. The price of this rim not to betaken to other work. For extra work or size in the rim— -See Chamber Table, page 79- Making the door turn down with a quadrant— See Pem- broke Table Pot-cupboard. For sawing out legs, tapering ditto, castors, mouldings, or other work — See Tables of Ditto. For shamming the rails with cock-beads or string — See Table, N° 29. For stretcher or shelf— See Work-table, page When the back and end rails project one or two inches above the top, the legs cut away square to the thickness of the rails, the top made to project over the front rail, and rounded, with two handle holes o 0 II Hollowing the corners of legs inside, extra from square, one inch deep or under, each corner 0 0 1$ Ditto, when above one inch deep 0 0 1|- Rounding the top ends of legs on the outside, each 0 0 l£ Scolloping the top edge of rails with a plain hollow, each mil — 0 0 %% Ditto with a double ogee, each rail 0 0 5 Each hand hole, without a quirk in ditto, in the ends or back, the inside rounded • • • 0 0 3 Making 853 £. s. d. Making thi s job round-front, the start size, with a solid door nail-clampt, extra from start 0 5 6 Making ditto eliptic, extra from start • * 0 4 6 Each extra inch in length or width, when round or eliptic , > 0 0 3| front •• Ditto, in depth of frame • • • 0 0 4 Veneerino; round-front long-way, as in start 0 0 10 Ditto, when two doors • Ditto, when a piece on each side and a single door 0 1 2 Ditto, when eliptic, extra 0 0 Ditto, when a joint up the middle, extra • • 0 0 8 A plain drawer in round-front, with a corner line round ditto, without a lock, two inches and a half deep, including a rail under ditto * ' 0 2 » A solid rail under top, two or three inches deep, extra • • 0 0 6 Tor veneering ditto, extra from start rail • ; 0 0 3 For shamming fronts on ditto, or veneering— See Tables, N° 8 arid 29- Making the legs stand square, the top broke to ditto, when made without drawers in front 0 0 4 Ditto, when with drawers, each drawer extra • • 0 0 % For reed doors in round-front— See Inclosed Bason- stand, page . aha Oiling and polishing, the start size or under U « * Ditto, every extra six inches in length, width, or depth of framing •■•<* A CIRCULAR 254 A CIRCULAR-FRONT CORNER POT-CUPBOARD, . to fix against the Wall. £. s. d: All solid. — The sides one foot two inches from- back to front, ten inches deep ; a solid door to ditto, scratch- beaded ; the edge of top and bottom square o 7 5 EXTRAS. A single one, extra q j 3 Each inch more from back to front 0 0 Sk Ditto in depth of frame v • • « 0 0 3 . Clamping the door with nail clamps on the top and bottom • 0 0 6i Ditto, the sides of door nail-clam p'd 0 0 4 N. B. These clamps not considered to have the nail holes covered but by the bead. Veneering the front long-way, when a single door 0 1 2 Ditto, when two doors () j_ 4 Ditto, when a piece on each side and a single door • • • • 0 1.6 Ditto cross-way, with a joint up the middle, extra 0 0 8 A reed door in front — See Inclosed Corner Bason- stand, page Veneering the top q q 5 For shamming the front with cock-beads or string — See Table, N° 29. If 255 If made with two doors, or a piece fixed on each side for the door to hinge to, scratch-beaded down the ends, top and bottom, extra 0 1 5 Mouldings on the edge of top or bottom, or other work- See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 5 Ditto, every extra three inches across the middle or depth of frame r 0 0 1 A NIGHT-TABLE, N° 1. All solid.— One foot seven inches square, the ends one foot six inches deep ; one door in front, scratch-beaded ; a fast top, square edge to ditto ; the stool to draw out with part of the front legs ; plain Marlbro' legs 0 13 3 EXTRAS. A single one, extra • 0 1 0 If two • 0 0 6 Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 3 Ditto, in depth of framing 0 0 ^ Eor extra door, clamping ditto," reeded doors, or other work — See Inclosed Bason-stand. Veneering the front long-way 0 1 0 Ditto cross-way, with a joint up the middle, extra 0 0 8 Veneering the top 0 0 8 5 * Making 256 £' s. d % Making the above round-front, as in start, extra . 0 5 0 Ditto eliptic, extra from round front <: q i q Veneering sweep-front long- way .................... q j g Ditto, when two doors - , q j Ditto, when apiece on each side and a single door 0 2 0 Ditto, when eliptic, extra q q ^ Ditto cross-way, with a joint up the middle, extra 0 1 0 If the legs stand square — See. Pot-cupboard, page Ploughing and tongueing the ends of loose seat 0 0 3 Square-clamping ditto, each clamp one foot long or under 0 0 3 Every extra three inches in length of clamp. 0 0 0£ A rim one inch deep or under, grooved in on the top, mitred and key'd at the back corners, and rounded or hollow'd in front q j q N. B. r rhis rim not to be taken to other work. For extra size or work in rim— See Chamber Table, page 79. . When the back and end rails project one or two inches above the top, the legs cut away square to the thick- ness of the rails, the top made to project over the front rail, and rounded with two handle holes - • o 1 S If the front rail is continued to the top edge of ditto, and scollop'd, extra r q q rr ' For hollowing the corners of legs, ovalo on ditto, rounding the top ends, or other extras— See Pot-cupboard, page For sawing out legs, joints in ends, back, top, or other work— See Tables of Ditto. Oiling 257 s. d. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 8 Ditto, every four inches in length, width, or depth of framing • • 0 0 1 A NIGHT-TABLE, N° t. All solid.- — Two feet long, one foot five inches wide, two feet five inches high or under ; the front to represent four drawers, cock-beaded; the upper fronts hinged to the top, or a pair of doors hinged to turn inside the ends, and a front edge fixed to the under side of the top ; plain back ; on common brackets, block'd on the bottom of carcase ; square edge to the top 0 12 9 EXTRAS. A single one, extra 0 1 0 Two ditto • • •• 0 0 6 Each extra inch in length, width, or height 0 0 4 Fixing a pair of elbows inside the ends, morticed together, and rabbeted on the back and ends, and block'd inside, extra • 0 1 4 Square-clamping the top or fronts, each clamp one foot long or under 0 0 3 Every three inches in extra length of ditto 0 0 Oi Mitre-clamping, each mitre extra • » 0 0 6 l l Veneering 258 Veneering the top or ends — See Table of Ditto. Each lining on either side of the seat, fitted against the ends to form a space for paper, with a top of half-inch stuff hinged to cover ditto, each side 0 1 0 Veneering the inside of the ends above the seat, each side 0 0 6 Ditto the front, long-way 0 111 If the partition edges are veneer'd separate— See reference to Table, N° 3. Making this job round-front, extra 0 7 0 Ditto eliptic, extra from round-front Q l 10 Veneering a round-front, as in start 0 2 10 Ditto, eliptic front 0 3 7 For French feet or French brackets — See Dressing Chest. For framing back, moulding edges of top, or base mould- ings — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 8 0 Every extra three inches either in length, width, or height 0 0 1 A SLIDING-FRONT NIGHT-TABLE, N°3. All solid. — Two feet long, one foot five inches wide, two feet six inches high ; the top hinged to the back, square edge to ditto ; the front to sham three drawers, made to slide (with weights between double ends) down to the height of the close-stool seat ; plain Marlbro' legs • • • • 1 10 0 EXTRAS. 259 EXTRAS. £. *, d. Each extra inch in length or width • 0 0 3 Square-clamping the top or front, each clamp one foot long or under • • • • 0 0 3 Every three inches in extra length of ditto 0 0 Ok A flap hinged inside to cov«r the pan 0 1 2i Veneering the front, as in start 0 1 6 Ditto the top 0 0 9 Making ditto round-front, extra ....... 0 4 6 Ditto eliptic, extra from round-front • • 0 2 0 Veneering round-front •••••• • • 0 2 10 Ditto eliptic ....... 0 3 7 Veneering ends — See Table, N° 6. Veneering or moulding edge of top, astragal at bottom of frame, sawing out and tapering legs, or other work— - See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under* • • • 0 0 8 Ditto, every extra three inches in either length, width, or height- • 0 0 ] BIDET, 260 I A BIDET. T «£. 5, ^ Lapp d or framed together, of inch-and-half stuff, shaped to the pan inside and out ; the frame veneer'd cross- way; the top edge of ditto covered with mahogany and rounded ; a rabbet formed by ditto to receive the top, and an extra rabbet in the frame to receive the pan ; plain Marlbro' or turned legs ; the top reduced away to a thin edge, with a handle or flush-ring* 0 7 3 EXTRAS. Each extra half-inch in depth of frame .... 0 Q $ A cock-bead round the bottom of the frame, planted on 0 1 2 A scratch-bead round ditto o o il If the beads are rabbeted on the frame, extra- • 0~ 0 8 Plain hollow or ogee brackets, each 0 0 2 A square box to drop on the top of ditto, lap-dovetail'd together or veneer'd, the top solid or framed for stuffing 0 2 6 Making ditto with round ends, extra 0 2 8 Glueing up the frame in two thicknesses, extra • • 0 2 0 Tapering the legs — See Table, N° 22. When the legs are framed to stand forward, with brackets rounded to the frame, each leg including brackets, extra 0 0 6 An earthen pan, extra — 0 0 6 Oiling and polishing 0 0 5 A BOX- 261 A BOX-TOP BIDET. Square outside; the inside shaped to the pan ; the top either solid or framed for stuffing, to slide on the frame ; the legs cut away to receive ditto ; the box lap-dove- tail'd or veneer'd; plain Marlbro' legs; the framing four inches deep ; the solid top to be single-rabbeted on ; the part to receive the pan mitred at the corners, or framed together • 0 * 0 EXTRAS. Mitre-dovetailing the box* extra • • • ; 0 °" 8 An -astragal on the bottom of frame— See Table o/ Mouldings. Rounding the corners of the astragal 0 0 2 Sawing out and tapering the legs— See Table, N° 22. An earthen pan, extra • 0 0 ^ If a round-ended pan, with straight sides, in place of the fiddle-shaped pan, deduct • 0 0 3 If the top part is framed out of two-inch stuff, for stuffing, . v r 0 0 6 extra • If the mitres are tongued, extra each mitre 0 0 If the rails of frame are veneer'd— See Table of veneer- ing Table Rails, N° 8. Oiling and polishing. •«••«••« • • • A PORTABLE 263 A PORTABLE BIDET. £> s. d The box lap-dovetail'd or veneer cl ; turn'd legs ; the screws tapt by the turner; a flat top, with stubs at one end, a catch or lock at the other; the edge of the top rounded ; the framing four inches deep or under, and rabbeted to receive a square pan q 7 q N. B. When the top of this bidet slides, the framing to start four inches and a half deep. EXTRAS. If the top is made to slide, the top edges of sides rounded, a piece plough'd on the end of top, and mitred, no lock, extra ••• • . . — q 0 S Each extra half inch in depth of frame* • 0 0 2 A hollow under the top, a plinth or astragal round the bottom — See Table of Mouldings. If the frame is mitre-dovetail'd, extra • 0 0 8 Filling up inside for a fiddle-shaped pan, extra 0 1 3 Ditto, a canted-corner pan * ■ q q 3 Ditto, a round-ended pan with straight sides 0 1 0 An earthen pan, extra 0 0 6 If the legs are fixed with screws and plates, the top of the legs prepared by the turner, each leg extra 0 0 4 A single one of any of the above bidets, extra 0 10 If two, extra 0 0 9 If 265 £. s. d If three, extra .... • ; 0 0 6 Four of any of the bidets to be considered a job. Oiling and polishing • 0 0 3 A MUSIC or READING STAND. As in Plate 25, Fig. 1 All solid.— The top one foot six inches long, one foot two inches wide, square edge to ditto ; a framed bottom, with one cross rail ; the pillar double-tenon d in ditto ; a hollow on the edge of the framing ; a horse to support the top ; on three claws, as 2V° 1, Plate of Ditto • • 0 10 EXTRAS. A single one, extra Two ditto Each extra inch in length or width Square-clamping the top, each clamp one foot long or under Every three inches in extra length of ditto Mitre-clamping the top, each mitre extra Making the top to rise with a stem and rack, glueing up the pillar included Ditto, when supported by a thumb-screw through a ferrule, fitted on by the turner 0 0 9 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 o< 0 0 6 0 4 0 0 3 2 A pannel 2<54 A pannel in the frame, the whole size, extra o 0 8 Ditto, when more than one, each pannel o 0 6 Each candle-board, square-clamp'd in front, made to draw out under the top, either on two slips rabbeted or cut through the framing on the dovetail o 1 0 A ditto, when morticed through the framing o 1 1 A ditto, when shaped to turn out upon a centre 0 0 7 Moulding the edges of top, extra work in claws, castors, plate at bottom, or other work— See Tables of Ditto. A plain or bevel'd book-rest rounded on the top edge and corners, with two pins and sockets to ditto 0 0 10 A ditto, with an astragal, either with one or two squares, on the top edge and returned down the ends, extra from the above q q ^ A ditto moulded, with an astragal and hollow, and return'd on the ends n ^ - 0 0 5 If any of these book-rests are made of hard wood, to be extra each 0 Q ^ N. B. These rests not to take the poundage for hard wood. Two buttons screw'd under the top, notched to receive the book-rest 0 0 3 Each book-keeper screw'd on the top of the book-rest -001 Each ditto, the plate let in on the side of rest, to rise with a spring Q Q 3 For veneering the top, edge, claws, or other work— -See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 4J Ditto, every extra six inches either in length or width . 0 0 Of A TABLE 265 A TABLE-DESK, N° 1, All solid. — One foot ten inches long, one foot four inches wide ; the top block'd on the ends and back, square edge to ditto ; without either front or bottom ; the back common-dovetail'd together - •«.••• 0 2 4 EXTRAS. A single one, extra 0 0 4 Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 1 Making the back part of top stand square, extra 0 0 8 A front to the desk, common-dovetail'd on 0 0 6 If the back corners of this desk are lap-dovetail'd, extra - '005 Glueing a slip on the under side of the top in front, and bevelling ditto to the ends 0 0 2 / Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 3 Di'tto, every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 Of mm A TABLE 266 TABLE-DESK, N° 2. All solid. — Two feet long, one foot six inches wide ; the flap hinged to the flat part of top, a lock on ditto ; the inside empty; the front lap-dovetail'd together; the edge of top square ; a quirk bead stuck on the joint ; the desk not to exceed five inches deep at the back 0 6 6 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A single one, extra 0 0 6 Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 2 Ditto in depth of framing 0 0 2i Each inch less in length or width, down to sixteen inches Jong 0 0 1 Clamping the flap with square clamps, one foot long or under, each clamp 0 0 3 Every three inches in extra length of ditto 0 0 0j Mitre-clamping ditto, each mitre extra 0 0 6 A loose case in ditto to receive inside work, a quirk bead stuck round the inside edge of front, no back to ditto 0 1 10 Each letter hole inside, not exceeding five inches deep, grooved into the bottom, or a piece of bead stuff fitted in on the bottom, and the partitions grooved into ditto 0 0 5 Each hole formed by partitions to receive drawers 0 0 4 A drawer, 267 A drawer, fitted up for ink, sand, and wafers, not exceed- ing sixteen inches from front to back, to draw out at the end * ® When the drawer is above sixteen inches — See Table of Ditto. Tor price of arches, facing the partition edges, or other wor k— See Secretary and Furniture Drawers. Deduct for lap-dovetailing, when common - dovetail'd together 4 " ' ' ' ' Veneering the front, ends, or back— Sec Table, N 8. Ditto, when a drawer, extra 0 0 Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • 0 0 4 Ditto] every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 1 A COUNTING-HOUSE DESK, N° 1. All solid.— -Three feet six inches long, two feet four inches wide ; the framing of desk eight inches wide at the back; one flap, square-clampt ; two side pieces, put in with a stub-tenon ; a slip glued on the under side of ditto, and a quirk bead in the joints ; square edge to the top; the front lap dovetail'd together; the back dovetails not to shew in the ends; the frame of mahogany or beech, with two low end rails and one stretcher; the desk to project over the frame; the 7 L 110 mSlde Cm P^ EXTRAS 268 G 4 0 0 2 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. Each inch more in length or width of desk, up to five ^ *' ^ feet long and three feet wide q q ^ Ditto, above five feet long and three feet wide q Each inch more or less in length or width of frame, down to a three-feet desk Each extra inch in depth of desk framing, when three feet six inches long or under .7. 7.7/ q q <^ Ditto, from three feet six inches to five feet long ...... q 0 I Ditto, above five feet long 0 ^ -jsij Each inch in length or width of desk, down to three feet long and two feet wide 0 0 3 Ditto in depth of desk framing 0 0 3 Colouring the frame, extra 0 0 6 N. B, If the upper rails of the frame (for the desk to stand on) exceed three inches deep, each extra inch in depth of ditto, at per foot in length of each rail o 0 0 1 Rabheting the front and end rails of the frame to receive the desk, and working a hollow, round, or ovalo, on the edge of ditto, the start size or under 0 1 1Q Each extra foot in length of rabbet and mouldings o 0 l l An extra flap, square- clampt, including an inner end and a piece between the flaps 0 7 „ Mitre-clamping the flaps, each mitre extra - • 0 0 q Morticeclamping ditto, at per foot run extra 0 An empty case to receive the inside work, mitred in front, without a back, two feet long, seven inches deep, and 0 eioht S69 £. s. d, eioht inches wide from back to front or under, a quirk bead on the inner edge or rounded 0 1 10 Each extra inch in width of case and inside work 0 0 2 Ditto in length of case 0 () °* For inside work in ditto— See Secretary and Furnl- ture Drawer, page bO and 58. For drawers in ditto, and veneering— See Table of Ditto, N° 3. A rim screw'd to the back edge of top or ends (not to exceed one inch in projection), at per foot run 0 0 if Ditto, each butt joint or mitre * • • 0 0 1 Rounding or hollowing the front corners, each 0 0 1 For a rim round the flat part of top— See Chamber Taele, page 79- Bannister railing, put in with a pin, prepared by the turner, on the flat of the top, or into a thin rail, at per bannister, including a top rail, with square edge to ditto 0 0 l 2 Ditto, when fixed with tenons, each bannister 0 0 3i If the railing is continued down the slopes, each bannister extra from tiie above 0 0 1 Sticking a quirk bead on the edges of rails, every three feet of ditto 5 ' * 0 0 1 A flat capping on the top of rail, the edges of ditto rounded, at per foot 0 0 2 i Ditto, when feint-rounded on the top 0 0 S$ Each mitre or butt joint in rail or capping, to be paid according to time. If any other mouldings on rails— See Table of Ditto. Framing the bottom of desk either with common or flush "pannels-^e Table, N° 20. Putting 270 Putting the frame together with bed-screws, the head of ditto sunk in flush, with a brass cap screw'd to cover ditto, each screw extra 0 0 3 If the desk is made without a frame, deduct for ditto, the start size • o 6 6 Each pedestal for a desk to stand on, three feet high, twelve inches long in front, and two feet three inches from back to front or under; with four drawers in ditto, scratch-beaded, with locks and handles ; on fast plinth, square edge to ditto ; a plain back rabbeted in, and bradded or screw'd 0 15 0 Each inch in height above three feet 0 0 Si Ditto, under three feet down to two feet six inches, deduct 0 0 3 Each inch more in length 0 0 6 Ditto in width of ends, when the pedestal is eighteen inches long or under 0 0 3 Ditto, when above eighteen inches to two feet ....... 0 0 4 Ditto, above two feet 0 0 5 Cock-beading drawers — See Table of Ditto. For the price of slider in ditto — See Cylinder-fall Writing Table, page 99. Fitting two or more desks together, to be paid according to time. For the price of flap hung at the back edge of top — See Knee-hole Library Table, page 90. If a flap at the end of the desk, supported by a rule-joint bracket— -See ditto in Dining Table, page 208. Each prop to support the flap, to turn on a common screw 0 0 4 If a cupboard between the pedestals — See Knee-hole Library Table. For 271 £. t. d. For mouldings on the edges, crossing the moulding over the flaps, or astragal at bottom — S Table of Ditto. For Veneering the framing of desk — See Table of Veneering. For sawing out stuff for the frame, or tapering legs— See Table of Ditto. OiJing and polishing the desk, at per foot in length 0 0 2$ Ditto the pedestal, the start size or under 0 0 6 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width ■ • • 0 0 U A DOUBLE COUNTING-HOUSE DESK. All solid.— Four feet long, three feet nine inches wide or under; one flap on each side, squ are-clam pt; two pieces on each side, put in with a stub-tenon ; a slip glued on the under side of ditto ; a quirk bead in the joint ; square edge to the top ; the framing in the middle eight inches deep, lap-dovetail'd together; plain back in the inside ; the frame of mahogany or beech, with two low end rails, &c. ; two stretchers ; the desk to project over the frame ; the inside empty • • • EXTRAS EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS £. #. d. Each inch more in length or width of desk, up to five feet long and four feet nine inches wide o 0 6 Ditto, above five feet long and four feet nine inches wide 0 0 6J Each inch more in length or width of the frame 0 0 1 Each extra inch in depth of desk framing, when four feet long or under 0 Q || Ditto, from four to five feet lono- Ditto, above five feet Ion® Colouring the frame, extra For extra depth of rails in the frame — See Counting- house Desk, N° 1. Rabbeting the frame to receive the desk, and working a hollow, round, or sash ovalo, on the edge of ditto, the start size or under q q q Each extra foot in length of rabbet and moulding 0 0 1| Each extra stretcher^ single-tenon'd, two feet six inches long or under 0 0 8i Each extra foot in length of stretcher , o 0 H An extra flap, square-clampt, including an inner end to the back of desk and a piece between the flaps 0 4 3 Mitre-clamping the flaps, each mitre extra 0 0 6 Hollowing the bottom edge of the upper rails of frame out of the solid with a plain hollow, or glueing on pieces to form ditto, the middle part left straight, each rail extra 0 0 9 For price of the case for inside work— Sec Counting- house Desk, N° 1. If 273 £. ft d. If the case is made with drawers, &c. to draw out on both sides, and the back of desk cut to receive ditto, to be double the price of single-case and drawers, &c. If no inner back to the desk, deduct for a back in the desk with two flaps 0 0 S Ditto, when four flaps 0 1 0 A flap at the end, supported by two rule-joint brackets — •See Dining Table, page 202. A slope end to this desk, the start size, the mitres tongued 0 7 0 A ditto with a flap, square-clam pt, including a piece to hinge the flap to, and two angle pieces, with a partition across the carcase Oil 3 Each extra inch in width above three feet nine inches, when a slope end, extra 0 0 1 If made without a frame, deduct for ditto, the start size 0 9 0 Each pedestal for desk to stand on, twelve inches long, three feet eight inches wide, and three feet high ; four drawers to each front, or four drawers to draw out either way, scratch-beaded, with locks and handles ; on fast plinth, square edge to ditto 1 9 0 Each inch more in height of pedestal 0 0 4s Ditto less, down to two feet six inches, deduct 0 0 4 Each inch more in length of pedestal 0 0 7 Each inch more in width of ends, when the pedestal is eighteen inches long or under 0 0 4 Ditto, above eighteen inches long to two feet 0 0 5 Ditto, above two feet long 0 Q ^ Each inch less in width of ends, when the pedestal is eighteen inches \on% or under ' ' ' 0 0 ^ N N Ditt0 274 £. s. d. Ditto, when above eighteen inches to two feet 0 0 3i Ditto, above two feet 0 0 4 Each pedestal twelve inches long, one foot three inches wide, three feet high or under ; four drawers in ditto, scratch-beaded, with locks and handles ; on fast plinth, continued all round, square edge to ditto ; a mahogany back, rabbeted in, and slips of veneer, one inch wide or under, planted on, to cover the screws or brads- • 0 15 0 For extra size — See Pedestal to Single Counting- house Desk. IV. B. Inclosures for Counting-house Desk to be paid for according to time. Framing backs, ends, &c. — See Table, N° 20. For drawers or partitions, more or less, cock-beading drawers, veneering fronts, ends, moulding on top, plinth, &c. — See Table of Ditto. For a cupboard in the wings, at the back, or in place of drawers — See Knee-hole Library Table, page 90. For sliding partitions in ditto- — See Open Carcase, page 25. For shamming doors or drawers on back of pedestal — See Table of Ditto. A case for the inside of the cupboard — See page 29. Sawing-out stuff for the frame — See Table> N 0 1. For other extras — See preceding Desk. •Oiling and polishing, at per foot in length 0 0 3 Ditto each pedestal, the start size or under 0 0 8 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 2 A SQUARE 275 A SQUARE CELLARET, N° h £. « & All solid.— Ten inches square, one foot deep, common- dovetail'd together ; a flat top, with a square edge to ditto, lock'd and hinged; the bottom rabbeted or groov'd in, or screw' d on to project, with square edge to ditto ; slips for the plumbers, for four bottles ...... 0 5 8 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A single one, extra • V 0 0 9 Each extra inch in length or width, up to eighteen inches long and fourteen wide 0 0 ^ Ditto, from eighteen inches to two feet long and sixteen inches wide 0 0 5 i Ditto, above two feet long and sixteen inches wide 0 0 Si Each extra inch in depth, when two feet long or under . • 0 0 3 Ditto, when above two feet long 0 0 4 Lap-dovetailing the carcase together, the corners rounded, ,....012 extra » u 1 Mitre-dovetailing ditto 0 2 0 Lining the inside with bead stuff to cover the lead, each piece one foot long and four inches wide or under 0 0 % I A loose frame for stump feet— See Square Pedestal, page 193. If no top to the cellaret, deduct for flat top, lock'd and hinged, the start size or under 0 1 6' Ditto, each extra inch in length or width, deduct 0 0 Oi If 276 £. s. d. If partitions, six inches deep, each hole extra ........ o 0 S| If the partitions are brought up to the top, and mitred into the carcase, each hole 0 0 4 Each extra inch in depth of partitions, each hole 0 0 OJ Lining the inside with baize, each hole 0 0 3 A tea-chest top, common-dovetail'd together, to a square cellaret, the start size or under, the top single-rabbeted or dowel'd on, extra from the start top 0 0 9 Each inch in length or width of tea-chest top 0 0 Oj Lap-dovetailing a tea-chest top, when made separate from the carcase, each corner o o li Mitre-dovetailing ditto 0 0 3 N. B. A tea-chest top, when made with or without the carcase, to be measured in the depth of ditto. A square frame for the cellaret to stand on, the start size or under, one foot two inches high, the rails two inches and a half deep or under, plain Marlbro' legs, two pins to keep ditto to the carcase 0 3 0 Each extra inch in length or width of frame 0 0 Oj Rabbeting the rails and cutting away the legs, and work- ing a hollow, round, or sash plane, on the top edge of the frame 0 1 3 Glueing stuff on the top edge, or rounding ditto— See Tapered Cellaret. Veneering cellaret or frame— See Table of Ditto. For mouldings — See Tables of Ditto. Lining-up the bottom — See Table, N° % For stump feet — See Dressing Chest. Joints in top or carcase— See Table, N° ]. For 277 For other extras— See Cellaret, N° 2 and 3. For all other work not inserted here — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under 0 0 4 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 Ok A CELLARET, N° % All solid. — Two feet long, eighteen inches wide, and twelve inches deep, common - dovetail'd together to veneer on, the bottom rabbeted in, without a top, the edge square 0 8 2 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A single one, extra * 0 0 9 Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 3 Ditto in depth of carcase 0 0 4 Each inch less, down to one foot six inches, in length • • 0 0 %k Ditto, to one foot two inches, in width 0 0 2i Making this cellaret with canted corners, by glueing blocks in the corners long-way, and dowelling ditto from the outside, or the wood to go the length-way all round, and common- key d 0 1 9 Ditto, when ploughed and tongued, extra 0 2 0 If this cellaret is made solid, to be extra from start • • • • 0 1 0 Dovetail-keying the carcase, each key extra 0 0 li A flat top to ditto, lock'd and hinged 0 2 5 Each 278 £. s. d, Each inch more or less in length or width o 0 0^ Canting the corners of top 0 q 4 A tea-chest top, the start size or under 0 3 3 A ditto, when a canted-corner cellaret 0 4 3 For other extras — See Cellaret, N° 1 and 3. For mouldings and other work not inserted — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under, without a top 0 0 8 Ditto, when a flat or tea-chest top 0 0 10 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or width 0 0 % A TAPERED CELLARET, N° 3. All solid. — Two feet long, one foot six inches wide on the top of the carcase, one foot deep ; common-dovetail'd together, to veneer on ; the top edge square ; bottom rabbeted in ; on four turn'd stump feet, put in with a pin; with slips prepared for the plumber 0 12 9 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A single one, extra 0 0 9 Each extra inch, in length or width » 0 0 4 Each extra inch in depth, when two feet long or under - -004 Ditto, when above two feet long 0 0 6 If this cellaret is made solid, to be extra from start 0 1 0 Lap-dovetailing the carcase together, the corners rounded, extra 0 1 8 Mitre-dovetailing ditto • • • • 0 '% 6 Lipping 279 £. k. A Lipping the top edge with veneer — See Table, N° 21. Hounding ditto, when long-way, at per foot, stops in- cluded- 0 0 1^ Ditto, cross- way 0 0 Glueing half-inch stuff, or under, long-way on the top edge, including four mitres, to project as fillet 0 1 5 Ditto, cross-way 0 ^ ^ Glueing inch stuff, or under, long-way on the top edge, including four mitres, to project as fillet 0 1 6 Rounding ditto, long-way, at per foot, stops included "001} Ditto, cross-way * * ' 0 0 l * Loose frame for stump feet— See Pedestal, page 193. Taper'd stump feet, tenon'd in, each extra 0 1 0 Veneering front or back, the start size or under, each .-008 Ditto the ends, each 0 0 6 Ditto the cants of canted-corner cellaret, each cant 0 0 3 Each extra foot of veneer 0 0 31 If the veneer is mitred — See Table of Ditto. Mitring-in a bead, to cover the lead, four inches wide or under, each piece * 0 0 2£ Each extra inch in width, each piece 0 0 0£ Mitring quarter stuff, inch and half wide or under, to form sunk pannels, with a square edge, mitres included, on front or back, the veneer cut away to receive ditto, each pannel- ^ ^ ® Ditto on ends, each ^ 1 9 Ditto on cants, each • 0 1 ^ Each half-inch more in width, of ditto 0 0 4 If the quarter stuff is mitred up the corners, each mitre - » 0 0 3 Each 280 £. & d. Each mitre in moulding or band, on taper'd work, extra 0 0 0| A solid flat top to ditto, lock'd and hinged, the start size 0 2 5 Each inch more or less in length or width o 0 0^ A solid tea-chest top, the start size, to stand square or on the taper 0 4 6 Each inch more or less in length or width of top 0 0 2 Lap-dovetailing the tea-chest top, extra o o 6 Mitre-dovetailing ditto 0 1 0 Making this cellaret with canted corners, by glueing blocks in the corners long-way inside, and dowelling ditto from the outside, or the wood to go the length- way, and common-key cl together o 2 6 Ditto, when ploughed and tongued, extra 0 2 0 A flat top, lock'd and hinged, to canted corner, ditto • • 0 2 9 Each inch more or less in length or width 0 0 0£ A solid tea-chest top, mitred and common-key 'd 0 5 6 Each dovetail key in carcase or tea-chest top 0 0 Lipping the top edge with veneer — See Table, N° 21. Rounding ditto, at per foot, stops included 0 0 1 Ditto, cross- way q q Glueing quarter stuff length-way on the top edge of carcase, including the mitres o 1 8 Rounding ditto, at per foot, stops included 0 0 H Glueing quarter stuff cross-way on the top edge of car- case, including the mitres • • • o 2 3 Rounding ditto, at per foot, stops included 0 0 li Lining-up the bottom — See Table, N° 2. If the linings stand square, each piece extra 0 0 H Working and glueing on a plain cove or ogee long-way, 2SI £. s. £ six feet long or under, two inches wide, to trace the sweep • • 0 3 4j Ditto crosswaj 0 5 4y Each extra foot run in cove or ogee 0 0 6i Ditto cross-way ......... 0 0 10J Each mitre 0 0 4 Each half-inch in extra width of mitre •• ........ o 0 Oj When from two inches to-, two inches and a half wide, . each foot run extra • • **• 0 0 Of Ditto cross-way .................. ... . ... . . ... • . . . . 0 0 li Ditto from two inches and a half to three inches • • • ••— • 0 0 if Ditto cross-way , 0 0 Si- Ditto from three inches to three inches and a half • • - 0 0 3i Ditto cross-way •• • -* • 0 0 5 Ditto from three inches and a half to four inches (and so on in proportion) • • • • • 0 0 5J Ditto cross- way . . — ...... o 0 8 For extra working, cleaning, and mitres, when a square hinged top - 0 ] 5 Ditto, when a canted-corner top 0 1 7 When any of the above coves are made eliptic, each foot run extra — 0 0 li When extra members are added to ditto — See Table of Mouldings. For veneering coves — See Pedestal, page 199- For other extras — See Tables of Ditto. N. B. If made octagon, with common keys, to be the same price as canted corners. A solid raised top to a square csUaret of three-quarter o o stuff, «£. 5. d. stuff, Tabbeted in the edge, and mitred up the corners, clean d inside, with a square tablet on the top, rabbeted in, square edge to ditto 0 3 0 Ditto to a canted-corner cellaret 0 5 6 Ploughing and tongueing together, when a square carcase 0 18 Ditto when a canted corner • • 0 2 8 Chamfering a plain top, the chamfers four inches wide or under, when inch thick 0 0 8 Ditto each inch in extra width of chamfers 0 0 H A dittoof inch and half stuff, the chamfers six inches wide 0 0 10 Each extra inch in width of ditto 0 0 lj Planting a square piece of half-inch stuff, with square edge to ditto, on these tops, to form a square above the chamfers, rtwelve inches long and six inches wide • 0 0 10 Each inch in length or width, down to six inches long and four inches wide 0 0 0i Veneering tops — See Tables. For fixing paws or castors — See Dressing Chest. Lining-up the bottom — 0 0 2 If stop-hinges, with a strap on each side, the same number as in start, extra 0 3 6 Each extra stop-hinge 0 0 8 If these hinges are filed flush, each hinge extra 0 0 2 Framing the bottom with one pannel, extra from clamping 0 13 Ditto with two pannels 0 2 0 Ditto with four pannels 0 3 6 Working 292 £. 5. d 'Working a hollow on the edge of bottom, when a quirk bead in the joint, extra • 0 0 5 Ditto, when without a bead - • • • 0 0 3 For other extras — See Square Sandwich Tray. For mouldings — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing 0 0 6 An OVAL TEA TRAY. Two feet long or under, a solid bottom and plain rim, the edge of rim and bottom rounded • • 0 3 9 EXTRAS. A single one, extra 0 1 3 Two ditto 0 1 0 Three ditto •• 0 0 9 Four ditto 0 0 6 Five ditto • • 0 0 3 Six considered a job. Each extra inch in length • 0 0 lj Each joint in the bottom • 0 0 1 £ Veneering the bottom — See Table, N° 6. Each joint in ditto — See Tables. Veneering the edge of rim 0 € 6 A triple string on ditto 0 0 10 Cross-banding ditto, at per foot 0 0 . Si- Scolloping 293 £. s. d. Scolloping the rim • • 0 0 10 Veneering the edge, when scollop'd 0 Oil A triple string on ditto 0 13 Cross-banding ditto, at per foot 0 0 Si Staining the edge of bottom 0 0 4 Grooving-in slips, to make the bottom straight, each slip 0 0 2 A pair of metal handles 0 0 ^ Grooving the bottom, for the edge of cloth 0 0 3 tipping the bottom for cloth— See Table, N° 21. Lining the bottom with cloth 0 0 4 Oiling and polishing v * * • 0 0 3§ " HANGING BOOK-SHELVES. Three shelves, two feet long, nine inches wide or under, four holes in each to receive cords EXTRAS. 0 2 3 extra size from start, &c. — See A single set, extra For extra shelves, or Open Carcase. A pair of frames for the ends, of three-quarter Stuff, morticed or mitred together, without rabbets or mould- ings, each frame to measure eighteen inches when the length and width are added together ' Each extra two inches in length or width of each frame 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 6 of Rabbeting 294 £. s. d. Rabbeting each frame, to receive wire-work o 0 3 Fitting and fixing wire-work to be paid for according to time. A quirk bead on the inner edge of frames, each frame • • 0 0 3 Mouldings on edges — See Tables of Ditto. Veneering each frame, mitred at the corners o 0 8 Oiling and polishing both sides, when made as the start - -004 Ditto, when made with ends q q 7 Ditto each extra shelf, or each extra six inches in length ^ height 0 0 1 OPEN BOOK -SHELVES. Three feet long, three feet high to the top of the upper shelf, the ends nine inches wide, without a back ; four shelves, dovetail-grooved into the ends ; the tops of the ends scollop'd with a hollow, round, or ogee, and the bottom of the ends and front edges of shelves square ; of three-quarter stuff or under ; 0 6 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A single one, extra • q q q Each inch less in length, down to two feet 0 0 1 Each extra inch in length, to three feet six inches 0 0 1$ Ditto in height 0 q qj Ditto less, down to two feet 0 0 Oj Ditto £. s. d. Ditto in width of ends, when three feet long or under, to six inches wide Ditto, when above three feet N. B. If above three feet six inches long and three feet six inches high, to be taken from Open Carcase. For extra shelves, or other work in ditto—See Open Carcase, page 25. If a plain back to this job-See Open Carcase, A framed ditto—See Table, N° 18. Quirk-beading the shelves or ends, every three feet y -. 0 0 1^ Mitring ditto, each end *' Scolloping the ends with hollow, round, or ogee, when of half-inch stuff, each scollop g Ditto, when of three-quarter stuff • ' * ' Each break in ditto ' * V u i Continuing the quirk bead on the scollops, each bead ^ ^ ^ on each scollop ^ Q q. Ditto each break ' *"' OiHrig and polishing both sides, the start size or under • • 0 0 8 Ditto each extra shelf, or each extra six inches m length q q ^ or height «••••* A MOVING 296 A MOVING LIBRARY, or BOOK-STAND, N° 1. All solid.— Two feet long, three feet three inches high, one foot wide ; the top lap-dovetail'd or dovetail- grooved on the ends ; two fixed shelves ; shoulder in front, exclusive of the bottom, square edge to ditto; plain back, cleaned on the outside; on four stump feet, put in with a pin ; the inside polislul with soft wax . - 0 8 6 EXTRAS. A single one, extra q q g Each inch more in length q q 3 Ditto in height q q q Ditto in width, including the start shelves 0 0 4 Each extra shelf, nine inches wide 0 0 9 Each extra inch in width of shelf 0 0 O.r If the ends are scolloped at each shelf with a plain, hollow, round, or ogee, each scollop 0 0 2i Each square to ditto q q j Each ovalo q q ^ A rim in top— See Chamber Table. If the ends are carried up to form a tray top, extra 0 () 6 Sweeping the top edge of the back 0 0 4 Ditto serpentine q q q Shaping the front corners of the ends, when a tray top, with a hollow or round, each corner 0 0 1% Ditto, when made to stand up above two inches, each corner « — 0 0 2 . Each 297 £. s. d. Each break in either of the above sweeps 0 0 Of A 'flap, eleven inches wide or under, square-clampt and rabbeted, hinged to turn down, supported with a joint stay or a quadrant, not let into the ends 0 3 8 Each extra inch in length or width of flap • • • « • 0 0 Oj If the ends are made one foot eight inches wide, and the back put up the middle, to form a double front, as in start 0 4 10 If the back is brought through the middle of the top, and to stand up, when a tray top, extra 0 0 6 Each extra inch in length, when a double front 0 0 5 Ditto in height • 0 0 4 Ditto in width • 0 0 4 A deal frame, for stump feet — See Dressing Chest. Veneering ends, &c. — See Tables of Ditto. Lipping or lining the flap — See Table of Ditto. Joints and cuts — See Table of Ditto. Mouldings, &c. — See Tables. For doors or drawers — See Tables. Oiling and polishing, 4 single front, the start size or under .005 Ditto, when a double front * •• 0 0 9' Ditto every extra six inches in length or height, when a single front, or an extra shelf 0 0 Oj Ditto, when a double front, or two extra shelves 0 0 1 Ditto, each flap, at per foot run • 0 0 0| A MOVING 298 A MOVING LIBRARY, N° 2. £. * cl AW solid. — Two feet six inches long, one foot wide, three feet high or under ; two shelves, exclusive of the bottom ; the back framed into the legs ; two rails framed to each end, to support the shelves, or fixed without rails ; square edge to ditto ; plain Marlbro' legs ; the ends rabbeted to receive wire-work ; the inside polished with soft wax 0 15 10 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A single one, extra • 0 0 6 Each inch more in length or width 0 0 3 Ditto in height 0 0 2 Each shelf more or less, with two rails, as in start • • • • 0 1 6 Hollowing the front of each shelf 0 0 5 When a rim in the top — See Chamber Table. Making the top to rise with a horse, and bottom under ditto, the start size or under 0 4 0 For other extras in ditto — See Writing Table, N° 1, page 85. Sawing-down and glueing-up stuff — See Table, N° 1. Mouldings, or other extras — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size or under • « 0 0 5 Ditto, every extra six inches in length or height, or an extra shelf 0 0 OJ A SCREEN 299 A SCREEN DRESSING-GLASS. £, s. d. All solid.— The inside of the frame two feet ten inches by one foot eight inches ; framed back, with four pannels, the frame to swing on barrel centers; the claws as N° 1; common castors; the front "of the glass frame cross-banded ; two rails between standards, either turn'd or square ; the weights prepared for the workman 1 3 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS, A single one, extra * ^ 1 ^ Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 3 Each extra rail or stretcher 0 1 0 If the glass is made to swing, and not to rise, deduct • • 0 6 0 For beading or mouldings on standards— See Tables of Ditto. If a moulding on the front of glass frame, deduct for cross-band as per Table, and add for mouldings as Table of Ditto. Veneering standards or rails— Sec Table of Ditto. For extra work in claws— See Table of Ditto. For banding and stringing— See Table .of Ditto. Each candle-board 0 0 6 If plinths between the claws, or mouldings above ditto- See Sofa Table, page 133. Plates under cla ws— See Table of Brass-work, page 33. Oiling and polishing • 0 0 8 A CLOTHES. 300 A CLOTHES-HORSE, N° 1. £. s. d. Two feet three inches long, three feet high or under; common ogee claws; the standards rounded on the top ends, and single-tenon' d into ditto ; three rails ; the top edge of ditto feint-rounded Q 2 6 EXTRAS. A single one, extra 0 q 3 Two ditto Q q q Three ditto q q Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 - 0 0 0 3 A HORSE FIRE-SCREEN. All solid.— Three feet two inches high, and one foot eight inches wide, with two straight rails, a quirk bead on the inner edge of the framing, the straining-frame with two rails framed across, claws as N° 1, of inch-and- quarter stuff • ' ' ' ' EXTRAS. 302 £. s. d. l o i 2 EXTRAS. A single one, extra q Each inch more in height or width o q 1| Making the straining-frame to slide through the top rail, the edge of ditto slipp'd with mahogany, the screw holes plugg'd up, the top edge of the screen veneer'd, and a scratch bead on ditto, to rise with a common spring- ' 0 2 0 Making ditto to rise in T grooves, extra from plain ditto 0 19 Veneering standards or rails— See Table of Ditto. If the slips are groov'd to receive the straining-frame, extra 0 10 A quirk bead on the inner edge of ditto 0 0 6 Each extra rail • • • • . q 0 7 Extra work in claws — See Table of Ditto. Covering one side of the straining-frame with tammy 0 0 6 Ditto both sides 0 0 8 Covering one side of the straining-frame with silk 0 0 8 Ditto both sides * 0 0 10 Covering both sides of the straining-frame with paper • • 0 0 2 Oiling and polishing 0 0 4 A SLIDING FIRE-SCREEN. All solid. — Four feet four inches high, one foot ten inches wide; three rails; one fast straining-frame, and one to slide 303 slide out at each side in grooves, with mahogany slips screw'd on the edges after they are covered, with small grooves in the rails to receive the stops ; the uprights cut away, for the straining-frames to slide out, and the pieces fixed on the edges of ditto ; the top rail screw'd on, or dovetail'd into the standards, and a small mould- ins; mitred round the bottom of ditto; the claws as N o L 1 1 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A single one, extra ' ^ 1 ^ Each inch more in height or width 0 0 4 Each inch less in width, down to one foot four inches .-005 Papering the straining-frames, each side 0 O Is Covering ditto with tammy on one side 0 0 8 Ditto on both sides / 0 0 10 Ditto with silk on one side • * 0 0 10 Ditto on both sides • • : \ 0 1 0 For extra work in claws— See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing 0 0 % A FOLDING FIRE-SCREEN. Two leaves, three feet six inches high, two feet wide when open, with three rails in each leaf; the upper part of the framing rabbeted to receive the tammy; hinged with two or three hinges ; a quirk bead on the inner edge of the framing • 0 6 6 EXTRAS, 304 £. s. cL EXTRAS. A single one, extra 0 1 0 Ditto, with three leaves 0 0 10 Ditto, with four leaves 0 0 8 Two screens as in start, extra each 0 0 4 Ditto with three leaves, each 0 0 2 Ditto with four leaves, considered a job. Each inch more, in height, when two leaves • 0 0 3 Ditto, in width • 0 0 % Ditto, when sliding pannels or straining-frames, in height 0 0 3| Ditto, ditto, in width • • • 0 0 2j Each rail more or less 0 0 6 Each mahogany sliding square Frame, rabbeted to receive the tammy 0 2 0 Each straining-frame, with one cross rail, put in with beads, behind 0 1 0 Each extra cross rail in ditto 0 0 3 Making each straining-frame slide, with a slip mitred round ditto 0 1 € Making ditto slide through the top rail, as in Horse Fire- screen, each frame 0 2 0 Each extra leaf, with three rails, start size 0 3 6 Each extra inch in height or width of ditto 0 0 lg- Ditto, when sliding pannels or straining-frames 0 0 if Putting on the tammy, with braid each side of each pannel 0 0 7 Ditto, with beads 0 0 9 For covering the frames — See House Fire-screen. Oiling and polishing, as in start 0 0 7 Ditto each extra leaf 0 0 3 A POLE- 305 A POLE-SCREEN STAND, N° 1. £. 5. d. The pillar and pole turn'd, on three claws, as N° 1 0 3 0 EXTRAS. A single one, extra ■ 0 0 ® Sa wing-out claws, and extra work in ditto— See Table, N° 27- Fixing a pulley in a round pole 0 0 If Making and cleaning a square pole, and fixing a pulley in ditto 0 0 5 Cutting a slit in a pole, and cleaning ditto, for a paper mount • 0 0 Si- Oiling and polishing 0 0 3 A POLE-SCREEN STAND, N° 2. Square block, three steps high, plain taper pedestal, and square pole 0 4 0 EXTRAS. i A single one, extra 0 0 6 Each extra step 0 0 8 Mitring each step 5 0 0 6 For therming, veneering, mitring, and corner strings — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing 0 0 3 r ft A TRI- 306 A TRIANGULAR BOTTOM fok a FIRE-SCREEN. All solid.— Of inch-and-quarter stuff, twelve inches dia- ' ' meter or under, with square edge, on three turn'd feet 0 2 0 EXTRAS. A single one, extra Q Q ^ Each extra inch in diameter Q Q Q | Ditto each extra quarter-inch in thickness 0 0 l x Sweeping each side 0 0 * If morticed together, or glued-up in two thicknesses .... 0 0 6 Plain taper feet, each extra For veneering, therming, or moulding— See Tables of Ditto. Sinking the bottom for lead 0 Q 4 Filling ditto with lead, and cleaning off 1 0 0 3 Oiling and polishing 0 Q ^ Ditto, when a turned pillar and pole f. 0 G s 0 0 MOUNTS for POLE FIRE-SCREENS. Making a square straining-frame, with one cross rail .... 0 1 0 Each extra rail ^ Each side more than four, extra • 0 0 % A bead mitred round a square frame, with both edges rounded ~ ~ n . • • 0 0 6 Ditto on each extra side 0 q 1 i An 307 £. *• d. An astragal round a square frame, stuck on both edges, mitred and key'd 0 1 2 Ditto, on each extra side 0 0 3 If grooved to clip a square frame, extra 0 0 4 Ditto on each extra side • • • • • • 0 0 1 A square frame, with' astragal or crossband on the front, and bead behind, to keep in the straining-frame 0 3 6 Ditto on each extra side 0 0 3 k Working an astragal on the back edge, with the inner square mitred round, to keep in the straining-frame • • 0 0 3 Each extra side - - • 0 0 Oi An oval board for painting or papering 0 0 8 Making an oval or vase-pattern straining-frame 0 1 4 n c .,i , Con one side- •• • 0 0 5 Covering a square frame with tammy - • < , , . , & l ' J ton both sides .-007 Ditto ...... with silk one ^de. ... 0 0 7 Con both sides • • 0 0 9 Covering an octagon, oval, or vase-pat- 1 on one side . •• • 0 0 6 tern frame with tammy ) on both sides • • 0 0 8 • , , .„ (on one side- •• • 0 0 8 Ditto . . with silk * ♦ • < ' . . . £on both sides • • 0 0 10 Covering straining-frames with paper, each side 0 0 1 A bead round an oval frame, both edges rounded 0 0 10 Ditto round a vase-pattern 0 1 2 An oval frame, glued up, veneer'd cross-way on the front, and a bead behind to keep in the straining-frame • « • • 0 3 0 Ditto, with an astragal on the front- 0 S 4 A vase-pattern, extra 0 0 9 Veneering the back of an oval frame 0 0 10 Ditto 308 £. s. d. Ditto vase-pattern .„ q \ 2 Working an astragal on the back of an oval frame, one inch square, to keep in the straining-frame 0 1 2 Ditto on a vase-pattern 0 1 6 A single one, extra 0 0 6 Oiling and polishing ditto 0 0 2 A WINDOW-BLIND. Three feet long, two feet high, rabbeted for canvas, a bead on the inner edge of the framing, and beads behind 0 2 4 EXTRAS. A single one, extra 0 0 6 Each extra inch in length or height 0 0 0| Putting in the canvas 0 0 6 A pair of folding-blinds, the size and other work as above, with a bolt and turnbuckle morticed in, the frames rabbeted together, and a bead between ditto 0 4 3 EXTRAS. A single pair, extra 0 0 3 Each frame more than two, included in the above size • ♦ 0 0 2 Each inch more in height, when three frames 0 0 li Putting in the canvas, each frame, in folding- blinds 0 0 # Hanging 309 £. *. * Hanging stiles, and hingeing to ditto, per pair • • 0 1 0 Fitting and fixing to be paid for according to time. If no rabbets, but a bead worked on both sides, deduct from each frame • 0 0 ^ Oiling and polishing, each frame 0 0 3 A DUMB-WAITER. All solid, with two heights of boards— The top board to measure twenty inches diameter, the lower ditto to measure two feet ; on three claws, of two-inch stuff or under, as N° 1 ; the boards finished by the turner, except planing the under-side 0 4 6 EXTRAS. A single one, extra • • 0 1 0 Each extra inch in diameter, each board 0 0 0j Each board more than two, as in start 0 0 6 If the upper top is supported by small columns, with turn'd pins, each column 0 0 3 Ditto, with squaie tenons 0 0 5 Cleaning the top side of each board, at per foot superficial, when not turned • 0 0 2 A rim of bead stuff, a quarter of an inch high, the groove prepared by the turner, the edge of ditto rounded, each top - ° 0 1( \ A ditto, when grooved by the workman, at per foot run extra 0 0 Of Each 310 £> $> d. Each top made to turn down with two rule-joints, and a °~ piece bevel'd off at each end to support ditto, to turn on the pillar, the top in that case shaped by the workman, square edge to ditto, the holes prepared by the turner! 0 4 0 A wood spring under the boards, each extra o 0 3j- Sawing-out pillars— See Table, N° 22. Extra claws— See Table,. N° 27. Mouldings on edges of tops or claws — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, as in start 0 0 ^ Ditto, each extra top , q q 2 BED-STEPS, N° l. All solid,— One foot four inches long, one foot six inches from back to front; two steps in height, the upper step half lap-dovetail'd, as a carcase, and fixed to a square frame at bottom, or framed open, with four rails under the top ; the upper framing an inch and a half wide, the lower ditto two inches wide or under ; plain Marlbro' legs ; the steps block'd on, square edge EXTRAS. A single one, extra Each inch more in length or width 0 1 0 0 0 2 Tf 311 If the back legs are continued to the top, when inclosed ends, extra * 0 0 8 Veneering the ends, when inclosed, each end 0 0 4 For other extras — See Bed-steps, N° 2 and 3. Oiling and polishing * 0 0 4 For mouldings, banding, &c. — See Tables of Ditto. BED-STEPS, N° % All solid. — One foot four inches square, plam Marlbro' legs, the framing eleven inches deep, the top hinged to the back, square edge to ditto ; inside prepared for a night-stool, ,the legs cut away to receive the seat, a step to draw out, the rails of ditto one inch and three quarters wide, the front legs framed to ditto ; the sides of the carcase and ■ frame grooved, and a tongue to ditto ; a leg in the back rail ; the top of step to rest on slips • 0 9 6 EXTRAS. A single one, extra • 0 1 0 Each inch more in length, width, or depth of framing • • 0 0 2 For other extras — See Bed-steps, N° 1 $ 3, or Table s, $c. Oiling and polishing 0 0 4 BED- 512 BED-STEPS, N° 3. £. s. d. AW solid. — One foot four inches long, two feet three inches from back to front; three steps in height, the two upper steps half lap-dovetail'd together as a carcase, and fixed to a square frame at bottom, or framed open, with four rails under each step ; the upper framing one inch and half wide, the under ditto two inches wide or under: plain Marlbro' legs; the steps block'd on, square edge to ditto • 0 9 6 EXTRAS. A single one, extra 0 1 0 Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 3 Each extra rail, when framed open 0 0 4 Hollowing the corners of the legs, or reducing ditto to the thickness of the framing, each corner 0 0 3 When the front of the step is made as a frame, each step extra 0 0 9 If the back legs are continued to the top, when inclosed ends, extra 0 1 0 Lipping the top edge of pot cupboard • 0 0 6 V eneering ends, when inclosed, each end 0 0 7 Ditto the front of each step 0 0 4 For veneering rails — See Table of Ditto. Hingeing the top to turn up, or front of the step to turn down, with common hinges, cleaning the inside, and putting-in a bottom to ditto » 0 1 8 Ditto, SIS £. s. d. Ditto, if rabbeted as a secretary drawer 0 2 4 Spring or lock on ditto — See Tables of Ditto. Lipping the top of each step for carpet or cloth, extra from cleaning, mitres or butt joints included 0 0 4 Lining the steps with carpet, each step ...... • • 0 0 4 Ditto with cloth 0 0 3| A night-stool to draw out in front, with the top hinged to a piece fixed to the back of ditto 0 4 9 Square-clamping ditto, or a loose seat, each clamp one foot long or under 0 0 3 Every three inches in extra length 0 0 0| Mitre-clamping ditto, each mitre 0 0 6 Ploughing and tongueing the loose seat 0 0 5 A square bidet drawer in front, without a bottom, for a square pan, the top hinged to a piece fixed to the back 0 4 3 "When the bidet drawer is made narrower than the carcase, by a piece fixed on each side, to form pilasters in front, with two linings to ditto, extra 0 1 6 For other extras in bidet — See Dressing Table, N° 3. • If the bidet is in the end of steps — See Shaving-stand, N° 1. A flap hinged inside, to cover the pan 0 0 0 A rim grooved in the top, to form a tray 0 1 0 Each upright slip of veneer, an inch wide or under, on the front of the step, to project its own thickness • • • • 0 0 li Each ditto, from inch to inch and half • 0 0 2 Each ditto, to two inches wide 0 0 2g- Each pilaster of quarter stuff, two inches wide or under .•• 0 0 3j ss If 314 «£. s. d. If inclosed with flat pannels plough'd-in, when framed as in start, each pannel • • • • 0 0 3 An ovalo on the edge of framing, each pannel 0 0 6 Veneering pannels — See Table of Ditto. Rabbeting the framing, or working a hollow to receive cane-work, each pannel ■• • 0 0 3 Sinking the steps or top for carpet or cloth, when solid, each 0 0 6 Glueing-on stuff for mouldings, or working ditto — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, as in start •••• 0 0 7 Ditto, when a night-stool or bidet drawer, extra 0 0 3 A BED-TABLE. All solid. — Two feet five inches long, one foot eight inches wide ; a hollow in the middle of front, six inches deep ; a rim of bead stuff, a quarter of an inch deep, grooved- in all round, the edge of ditto rounded ; two clamps under the top; four turn'd legs, to screw into ditto, prepared by the turner 0 3 3 EXTRAS. A single one, extra Each extra inch in length or width For extra depth of rim — See Chamber Table, page 79. Mouldings on top — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing • 0 0 6 0 0 Of 0 0 4 A CAN- 315 A CANTERBURY for MUSIC BOOKS. £. s. d. All solid —One foot six inches long, one foot wide, one foot seven inches high; the framing four inches deep, with a drawer, scratch-beaded, without a lock ; two long partitions mitred into the top of the end rails, with four uprights framed into each, and two ditto in back and front; the upper rails one inch wide or under; the upper part of the legs rabbeted or hollowed-out to the thickness of the rails, the bottom fitted4n between ditto ; one rail across the middle of each end ; plain Marlbro' legs, of inch stuff ; the top edges of partitions and rails rounded EXTRAS. A single one, extra • • Each inch more in length • Ditto in width • Ditto in depth of framing • Each long partition more or less, the top edge rouuded, &c. as in start * Each short ditto, with three uprights in ditto • * • Each extra upright rail • ..................... Each plain scollop in an upright or leg • • • • • Each hollow or round-top rail, the edge of ditto rounded Ditto, serpentine • • If the middle rail is made serpentine, and a hand-hole in ditto • • • • 0 1 3 0 0 %i 0 0 2 0 0 3k 0 1 6 0 i 2 0 0 o 0 0 oi 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 9 Each 316 Each long rail, with linings and slips, for an extra drawer ir*-See Table of Ditto, I For an extra drawer — See Taele of Ditto. Veneering rails, &c. — See Table. Tapering legs, and sa wing-out ditto, when thicker than inch stuff — See Table. For castors — See Table. Astragal, and sinking ditto — See Table. Oiling and polishing o ,q (> A MUSIC or BOOK STAND. All solid. — Four feet high, one foot six inches long, one foot two inches wide ; one drawer, scratch-beaded, without a lock ; four shelves, including the top, screw'd into rabbets under the rails, or fixed on the top or bottom of the rails, and the edge of shelves rounded ; the lower rails four inches wide, upper rails one inch wide ; the legs square or turn'd, of inch-and-quarter stuff or under 0 14 0 EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A single one, extra 0 0 9 Each inch more in length or width 0 0 3i Ditto less, down to one foot two inches • • • • 0 0 3 Ditto more in height •• o 0 Of Ditto 317 £. s. (L Ditto less, down to two feet six inches 0 0 Oj- Each shelf more or less, including four rails • • 0 1 10 Each extra half-inch in depth of framings for shelves or top, each rail • * • • • 0 0 0? Each extra inch in depth of lower framing and drawer • • 0 0 3i Veneering drawer fronts, rails, legs, shelves, or top — See Tables of Ditto. Extra drawer — See Table. Each rail more or less • • • • • 0 0 3 Each upright ditto between the shelves ...... 0 0 3 Scolloping each rail with a plain hollow > • • • 0 0 2 Ditto with an ogee • * • 0 0 Si- Rounding the edge of rails, each rail, at per foot 0- 0 Oh Beveling the rails, inside, each • • • 0 0 Of A stragal , or. corne r lines Tables of I) it to. Springing the legs — See Table, N° 23. If inclosed on three sides, eleven inches deeper than the start rails,- when start size or under ...... 0 2 3 Each extra inch in length of iPlWire, each mil 0 0 Oj Each extra inch in depth .of. frame • www. ,y * ' 0 0 3 A plain door, scratch-beaded, the start size or under, with tumbuckle • • • • 0 1 4 Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 Oh If made with folding doors, or other extras in ditto — See Square Inclosed Bason-stand, page 245. If the legs are cut square at the top to the thickness of the rails, to form a tray top, extra • • • • • 0 0 7 A rim grooved into the back and ends of top, one inch wide 318 £. s. d. wide or under, mitred and key'd at the back, and rounded down at front, the start size or under 0 0 11 Extra size, or other extras in ditto — See Chamber Table. Making the top to rise with a horse, and a bottom under ditto 0 5 9 If made without a bottom, and two pieces fixed on end rails, to receive the toe of horse, deduct • • 0 0 8 Lipping the top edge with veneer long- way, mitred at the corners, start size o q 7 Each extra foot of lipping •• 0 0 1 Cross-way, extra per foot 0 0 0i If made narrower at top than" at bottom, the shelves screw'd under the rails, as in start • • • 0 3 0 Ditto, when the shelves are fixed above the rails ...... 0 5 9 If the top is made with double rise — See Writing Table. Eor castors — See Table of Brass-work. For other extras — See Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, the start size orjjnder • 0 0 10 Ditto every extra six inches in len^i or width, or an extra shelf • • * ** ® 0 2 TRIO TABLES. All solid.— One foot six inches long, by thirteen inches wide ; four square or turn'd columns, the clamps plain- grooved into the tops, a quarter-round on the ends of ditto, £. s. d. ditto, with swept stretchers, glued-up in three thick- nesses, the edges of ditto rounded, on hollow, round or ogee claws, taper'd ; the claws, standards, and ^ ^ ^ clamps, of inch stuff * EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS, 0 1 0 A single set, extra 0 0 3 Two sets, extra each • " fi Each inch more or less, when three tables . • • • • • ■ • • ' ■ • « " ° Ditto, four tables g 6 Each table more than three * ' ' * * g Q Ditto less '" 0 0 o Elliptic stretchers, extra from sweep, each • • ■ • u ^ |' Round-corner ditto, ditto, each /• ' If stretchers are morticed through the back columns into each table extra Each extra round, hollow, or square, on clamps u u ^ Veneering clamps, each side • • * * * ' Ditto the underside of hollow or round- of clamps, to be charged by time. Rounding the corners of tops-See- Pembroke 1 able. When made with straight stretchers, f^M ^ 0 0 9 sweep stretcher • . Tfeen add for each straight stretcher V V ' If made with straight rails, and turn'd stump feet in ditto instead of claws, deduct from each table M Q {/ Cock-beads grooved in the tops, each table Moulding 320 Moulding edges, banding, and stringing— See Tables of Ditto. Veneering tops, edges, or claws— &e Tables of Ditto. Oiling and polishing, each table £. s. d. 0 0 4 A VASE. Glued-up for the turner, twelve joints in ditto, with a solid top and bottom 0 6 0 0 0 6 EXTRAS. Each extra joint Each joint in the top of the vase Ditto in the bottom ' Q Glueing-up the top or bottom of the vase in thicknesses each joint ' A square coved bottom Q 3 ^ Veneering the vase, twelve joints in ditto, with or without a string, each joint 0 ± Each extra joint ~ „ 1* . . J , . r 0 1 o it tlie strings up the joints are continued into the frieze, with circular tops to ditto, each joint extra 0 0 3 Putting-in a tongue of wood or brass on the top edge of the vase, the groove for ditto to be prepared by the turner Veneering the frieze at the top of the vase 0 1 6 Putting-in quarter stuff for iluting, the turner to prepare the groove for ditto 0 x Z) For 3*1 JP. s. d. For the price of fluting— See Table of Ditto. An astragal round the top or bottom of the freize long-way, each 0 1 6 Ditto cross-way, the turner to prepare the groove and work the moulding 0 1 0 A triple string round ditto, each 0 1 0 Putting-in stuff for a moulding in the body of the vase, the turner to prepare the groove and work the moulding 0 2 0 Fixing the vase to pedestal 0 1 0 Oiling and polishing * 0 0 o A VASE KNIFE-CASE, N° % For three dozen of knives, forks, or spoons ; sixteen joints in the body, and the same in the top ; the top to rise with a square stem, the plinth square, and the bottom of ditto lined with cloth • 1 9 0 EXTRAS. Every dozen more than three • • • Putting-on a lock • • Cross-banding the rivet, with a white rim round the edge of the steps, per foot Oiling and polishing • • • •■ 0 2 6 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 6 T T A VASE S22 A VASE KNIFE-CASE, N° §. -,£. s. d. For three dozen of knives, forks, or spoons; plain veneered ; twelve joints, a string in each joint; beaded round the hollow at top and the square part of the plinth; the bottom lined with cloth • I 18 0 A VASE KNIFE-CASE, N° 3. For three dozen of knives, forks, or spoons ; plain veneer'd ; twelve joints with ogee brackets, a string in the round of the ogee ; a cross-band round the top of the square of the plinth, a ditto round the body of the vase under the cutting open, and a ditto round the top of the hollow in the head •••••• 2 1 6 EXTRAS. If the frieze (or above the cutting to the hollow) is pannel'd in four square pannels, with a cross-band round each pannel, the whole • • • • • o t 8 A VASE 523 A VASE KNIFE-CASE, N° 4. £. s. d. For three dozen of knives, forks, or spoons; plain veneer'd; the inside and outside turnd, the outside canted in twelve cants and veneer'd, a string in the corner of each cant ; the plinth to form an octagon ; cross-banded on the top, the rest of the case banded as N° S. -2 4 0 i A TAPERED KNIFE-CASE. Twelve inches ' square' on the top, one foot two inches deep ; common-dovetail'd together, for veneering on ; to hold three dozen of knives, forks, or spoons ; a flat tea- chest top, to rise with the stem in a box ; the rivet square or prepared for the turner; on four turn'd stump feet, put in with a pin ^ EXTRAS AND DEDUCTIONS. A single one, extra ■ ^ Each inch in length, width, or height 0 If made solid, to be extra • 0 Each extra half-dozen of knives, forks, or spoons 0 When made without a stem, and the top hinged, deduct 0 Veneering each side ■ Ditto the top •.«.% % « * ' * ' * * 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 6 5 vJL o 0 6 6 6 A plain 324, £. s. d. A plain sweep or feint-elliptic cove round the top, not ex- ceeding one inch and half wide, tracing the sweep, canted and cleaned inside, including four mitres, the top rabbeted in 0 2 6 N. B. For extra width of cove above one inch and half, or mitres — See Taper Cellaret. If this cove is made quirk-elliptic, extra per foot 0 0 0| A solid raised top to a square case, of three-quarters stuff, mitred up the corners, cleaned inside, with a square tablet on the top, rabbeted in, square edge to ditto • • 0 2 3 Ditto, when canted corners 0 4 0 Ploughing and tongueing together the mitres, when square corners 0 1 4 Ditto, when canted corners 0 2 0 Chamfering a plain top, the chamfers three inches wide or under, when inch thick 0 0 6 Ditto, when inch-and-half thick 0 0 7i Each extra inch in width of chamfers 0 0 1 Planting a square piece of half-inch stuff, with square edge to ditto, above the chamfers • • • 0 0 6 Mitring quarter stuff, one inch wide, with square edge, to form sunk pannels on the sides, each pannel, mitres in- cluded . 0 1 3 Ditto on the cants 0 0 10 Each extra half-inch in width of ditto, each pannel 0 0 3 For lipping the edges or other extras — /See Tables of Ditto, When lapp'd, or mitre-dovetailed, or canted corners, &c. — See Taper Cellaret. Oiling and polishing » 0 0 9 A TRIPOD- 325 A TRIPOD-STAND for FIRE-SCREEN. £. s. d. All solid.-— Of inch-stuff; sweep-stretcher; plain or turnd top ; square or turnd pole; standards as N° 1. 0 4 0 EXTRAS. Single one, extra • • Oiling and polishing "■• For extra standards or other work in ditto — See Tables of Ditto. For veneering, banding, or mouldings— See Tables of Ditto. 0 6 0 2} A TRIPOD FLOWER or CANDLE STAND. All solid— Of inch-stuff; plain or turn'd top and shelf ; the standards as N° 1. • • ' 0 4 9 EXTRAS. A single one, extra • 0 0 ® Each extra turn'd shelf 0 0 6 Ditto Ditto a triangular shelf 0 0 8 Hollowing each side of ditto 0 0 lj A rim in the top of a turn'd shelf, the groove prepared by the turner 0 0 8 A. rim in the triangular shelf - . . . • • o q h ok of i 1 a Coopers Joints. Circular work. Elliptic work. EACH JOINT Of inch siulfor un- der, not taper'd. unto from inch to inch-and- half stuff, not ta- per'd. Of inch stuffor un- der, when taper'd. Ditto Iron inch to inoh-and- halfj when taper'd. Of inch stuffor un der, not taper'd. Ditto froir inch to • inch-and half stuff, not ta- per'd. | Of inch stuffor un tier, whet taper'd. Ditto from inch to j mch-and- half, when taper'd. One foot lorg or under Id. l%d. lid: lid. Hd. 2d. 2|rf. Ditto when solid H if 2 n 2 21 2| Each joint from one foot to one foot six inches long n H~ 2 2| 2 2| 21 2| Ditio when solid 24 2 n 21 2| 3 31 Each joint from one foot six inches to two feet long 2 % H SJ 2^ 3 31 Ditto when solid 3 3 3| 3| 4* Eiich joint from two leet to two feet six inches long 2| 3 n 3 3| 3| 4| Ditto when solid 2J 31 3| 31 4 ' 41 5 Each joint Hum two ted s.x inches to three leet long 3 ' H 3| 41 31 4 41 0 Dittto when solid •-a 4 4| 5 4 41 5 jpach joint from iuee ,eet to thr^i leet six inches lone 3| fh 4| 41 5 5| «1 J Ditto when solid fi 4| 5 5 51 () L 1 Each joint trom three feet si s inches to four feet long 4| si- *i 51 61 ■Ditto when solid 5 ll 6 7 6 6"1 6"f 339 References to Table, No. 1 . ^ £. s. ch Every six inches above four feet, extra 0 0 1 Ditto, when solid , . A t\ ^ i & , . . _ U U If -kacn joint one foot six inches long and under, in two- inch or two-and-a-half-inch stuff 0 0 H Each extra foot in length of ditto , . q q j Each joint one foot six inches long and under, in three- inch Stllff , Q q g Each extra foot in length of ditto 0 0 l x Jointing-up inch stuff to veneer on, when the pieces are above twelve inches wide, extra per foot in length of ■i° int 7 o o m N. B. If these joints do not exceed four feet long, this extra not to take place. When table-tops, &c. are venecr'd in pieces and jointed-up afterwards, the joints in the veneer only to be charged. Sa wing-down inch stuff for jointing-up, per foot run 0 0 Oi Ditto, one-and-quarrer or one-and-half inch stuff o 0 Oi S42 TABLE, No. 2. Prices of lining Tops, Bottoms, Ends, $c. at per foot run. SWEEP LININGS Th P m ^„„ *.„ ■*■ lii u j.— i ne sweep to Oc traced for the length. Straight- work, long- way. Ditto, cross- way. Sweep- work long-way. Ditto, cross-way. 'iwee.p-vvoi'li under two feet dia- meter. mmm Each break. Half-inch or inch deal, two inche. wide or under N Id. Jfr/. 2d. 2d. 1 Above two inches to three inches wide n 2 i4 2 2k - 1 Above three inches to four and a halt wide u 2* i| 2k 24 1 Above four and a half to six inches wide if 24 2 24 1 1 nch-and-halt deal, three incnes wide or under H 2i If 24 24 Above three inches to four and a half wide H 24 2 2| 3 ii Above four and a half to six inches wide 2 2| 2i 2| i| Two-inch or two-and-a-half deal, three inches wide or under If 24 2 2j 3 *4 Above three inches to four and a half wide 2 2| 24 3 H Above four and a half to six inches wide 2k 3 24 ! H 14 References to Table, No. %. 0 0 oi Each inch in width of linings above six inches, per foot run, extra Linings of wainscot or mahogany to be %\d. per shilling extra* When tops or bottoms of carcases are dovetail'd through the linings, when of inch stuff or under, per foot run of dovetailing, extra . 0 0 Of Ditto, of inch-and-half stuff 0 0 1 * Each piece of beech or wainscot lining on the corners of a carcase, for framing feet into, extra 0 o H Ditto, made to project to receive a column, &c. and screw'd behind • • 0 0 5 544 TABLE, No. 3. Price of Drawers, Partitions, Veneering, fyc. in Straight-work. Lining partition! cross-way, extra from straight slips, at per foot run Of eads of b ack dyel wood, extra Ditto of while holly or satin- wood, "1 Ditto 01 ebo-i ny, pufi jjle, ojj rosea woodJ One foot long, nine inches wide, two inches deep or under S. d. 1 0 S. d, 1 1| S. d. 1 3 S. d. l 6 d Oh d. n d. oh . d 4i d. 1 d. 5 d. of d. 1* d. 2 \ Above one foot to one foot three incite* long 1 \\ 1 2f 1 4h l 7| oh 2h 5 1 54 of 1J 2 Above one foot three inches to one foot six inches long 1 1\ ] 3| ■I 0 j si °5 j u f 1 1 ' i 3 Above one foot six inches to one foot nine inches long 1 3 1 4J i 64 1 91 oh 34 o| H 14 H 1 lg 24 Above one foot nine inches to two feet Ions 1 3f 1 54 1 74 1 io| oh 3| o| 61 14 6 1 21 ' —1 Above two feet to two feef three inches long, one foot three inches wide, three inches deep or under 1 5| i n l 9h 2 1 Oh 4 0| 6h | 1 Above two feet three inches to two feet six inches long ■ 1 Oh 1 8| l 104 2 if oh 44 0} 6h 14 2 3 Above two feet six inches to two feet nine inches long l 74 1 9 l 11 2 2i oh oh H i J 4 2 Above two feel nine inches to three feet long 1 8 X o 1 Q3 A 1 1 J nl / O 3 ] Above three feet to three feet three inches long, one foot six inches wide, four Inches deep or under i 91 1 11 2 2 2 6 of 54 of 74 i| 24 34 3| 31 Above three feet three inches to three feet six inches long 1 10J 1 llf 2 2f 2 0'| of 5| -oi 7h *.i si Above three feet six inches to three feet nine inches long 1 11 2 1 2 3| 2 7i of 6| Of n ii si Above three feet nine inches to four feet long 2 0 2 2 2 4| 2 8£ of 6| of 8 1 tl 3 4 Above lour feet to four feet three inches long, ene foot nine inches wide, five inches deep or under 2 31 2 6 2 S| 3 1 1 7| 1 H 2 34 44 ] Above four feet three inches to four feet six inches long — ^ 2 5 2 7h 2 10 3 2| 1 «4 1 9 2 3i H Above four feet six inches to four feet nine inches long 2 6jj 2 9 2 Uh 3 4 1 8| 1 9h 24 3| 4|] Above four feet nine inches to five feet long 2 8 2 10$ 3 1 3 5£ 1 9i 1 10 4 5 345 References to Table, No. 3. i \ £. s. d. When no locks to any drawer starting with one, or a lock to any drawer starting without one, add or deduct 0 0 3 A single lock at one time on any drawer starting without one, extra • • • • • • • 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Of 0 0 0| 0 0 1 Letting-in lock-plates, each Ditto nuts of knobs or handles, each * * * 0 0 ° 5 Each escutcheon in a sham front Each knob screwed in Each ditto with a nut \ ', Each ditto one-and-half inch diameter, with a square shoulder let-in, or common handle \ N. B. All outside drawers considered slipped on the bottom. Ditto all inside, above one foot three inches long and three inches deep. Slipping inside drawers the above size or under, each dra wer Slipping drawer sides and ploughing for bottoms When the slips are fitted to the sweep or elliptic fronts, extra each drawer ' Each munting in a drawer bottom Ditto in sweep or elliptic »'• Each half ditto under the bottom Each upright partition faced with .mahogany, dovetail'd or tenon'd in, to divide one height of drawers, with slips to guide ditto N. B. Stuff for drawer bottoms considered to average eight inches wide. Y Y 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 o 1 pi? 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 4| Each S46 £• s. d. Each extra joint in drawer bottom, eighteen inches long or under 0 0 Oi Ditto, above eighteen inches to two feet • 0 0 Oi Ditto, above two feet 0 0 1 Each joint in drawer sides or backs, under two feet long 0 0 0| Ditto, two feet to three feet six inches long 0 0 1 Ditto, three feet six inches to four feet six inches long • • 0 0 I J Ditto, four feet six inches long and upwards 0 0 li Joints in drawer fronts — See Table, N° 1. Each butt-joint in the veneer of drawer fronts, four inches wide and under • • 0 0 S Each extra inch in width of ditto • •■ 0 0 Veneering straight partition edges, askew or cross-way, per foot run, extra 0 0 Of Ditto, sweep or elliptic, cross-way - • • 0 0 1 Ditto, ditto, askew • • • • 0 0 li Veneering straight partition edges with rose, satin, king- tulip, or any other hard wood, long-way, at per foot run, extra from start 0 0 Oi Ditto, on sweep or elliptic 0 0 Oi Ditto, straight partitions with rose, satin, king- tulip, or an}* other hard wood, askew or cross- way, per foot run, extra from straight facing • • • 0 0 1| Ditto, sweep or elliptic, cross- way 0 0 li Ditto, ditto, askew 0 0 2 When drawer fronts are veneer'd cross-way, four inches wide or under, each joint extra 0 0 1 Each inch more in length of joint, extra • 0 0 0$ Shamming 347 £. s. d. Shamming a long partition on the upper or under edge of a drawer-front, three feet long or under, when solid or veneerd in one piece, and cock or flush beaded, or black or white holly as a bead 0 0 2 Ditto, above three feet long • • - 0 0 2£ When the partition is formed by a separate piece of veneer, three feet long or under • 0 0 li Ditto, above three feet ' 0 0 2 Shamming an upright partition on the end of a drawer - • 0 0 2 Ditto in the middle or a distance from the end 0 0 4 Shamming a long partition, to make a drawer front, to represent two in width, when two feet long or under • • 0 0 5 Ditto, above two feet to three feet long 0 0 5j Ditto, above three feet and upwards 0 0 6 J Colouring and polishing the inside of a straight drawer- front, one foot six inches long or under 0 0 Of Ditto, from one foot six inches to three feet 0 0 1 Each extra foot •■>-•.» 0 0 Oj 350 TABLE, No. 4. Price of Drawers, Partitions, Veneering, fyc. in Sweep-work. A plain drawer, with handles or knobs, Ditto, with corne: strings, A drawer, ;ock or flush headed, or black or white holly rabbeted on is a bead, to a bait to six inches. Veneering rail long.\?ay, cne foot Jong or under Id. l\d. 2c?. 2£fi. aid. 2$d. 3d. 3^d. 41 3ld. 3}d. Ditto cross-way i one foot long or undr>r 1$ 2 2| 3| si 32 4 41 42 Each extra loot, longway o| 1 l| }h i| lj 2 21 21 22 Ditto cross-way . . , H Q 2i 2* 2| 3 31 H 44 Veneering rails on sweep or feint-elliptic work long-way, one foot long or under if 2| 3i 31 4 41 41 42 5 Ditto cross-way, one foot long or under n 3 3§ 3i 4 *1 42 5 51 51 i Each extra foot, long-way 1 ii ?J 2 21 22 3 31 31 32 Ditto, cross-way . . , 1| 2 2i 22 3 3| 32 4 41 41 Veneering rails on sweep or elliptic work under two feet diameter long-way, one foot long or under 24 31 3| *i 51 52 61 62 71 Ditto cross-way, one foot long or under H H *2 54 52 61 62 71 Each extra foot, long-way H if 2| If 3i 3| 41 42 51 52 61 Ditto, cross-way . . , n 2J •i 3* 3| 41 42 54 52 61 Veneering serpentine rails long-way, one loot long or under 3 3| 4| *4 54 52 61 71 72 Ditto cross-wa^, one foot long or under 21 H 3* H 4| 51 52 64 62 71 Each extra foot, long-way 2 a* 3 3| 3| 4* 42 51 52 61 62 Ditto cross-way . 1* if 2i If 31 3J 41 4| 51 52 61 .5. Rails above six inches to eight inches wide, to be charged in the proportion to last stages. 305 References to Table, No* 8. £• $. When rails exceed eight inches wide, to be charged by superficial measurement. All rails in the above table to be measured the neat length between the legs. N. B. The veneer to be measured to include the width of the astragal, band, or fillet, on the bottom of the rail, not exceeding three-eighths of an inch wide. When band or fillets round the rail to form a pannel, the veneer to measure its neat size. Veneering round-corner'd table rails, to be extra from veneering the feint-elliptic rails, each corner 0 0 When table rails, &c. are veneer'd in separate pieces, each piece to be charged from the first foot, as in Table of Rails, except when to form a butt-joint. .•68 TABLE, No. 9. Veneering of Friezes or Table Edges, at per Foot run. Veneering friezes or table edgei on quarter- circle cor- ners, extra from straight measure- ment, each comer, When quarter-cir- cle corners are veneer'd between breaks, each break extra Veneer- ing frieze or table edges on straight work, long- way, Ditto, cross- way, Ditto, on feint sweep work, long- way, Ditto, cross- way, Ditto on circular or elliptic work, under two feet diameter, long- way, Ditto, cross- way, Ditto, serpen- tine work, long- way, Ditto, cross- way. Veneer- ing each break, Ea( mitre ditt l\d. Old. One inch wide and under Ofd. Id. Ihd. <2d. \%d. Hd. Hd. id. If ol Above one inch to inch and half 1 n i| 21 2 12 12 1 02 1| <>* Above inch and half to two inches tt i| Ik 2 *4 21 24 2 1 02 1| o* Above two inches to two and a half ij 2 H 24 22 2* 22 21 11 i 2 0| Above two and a half to three inches 1| H 2 2f 31 2| 31 2| 11 i *4 02 Aoove three inches to three and a half 2 2| 21 22 34 3 32 22 i4 il H 1 Above three and a half to four inches 24 2| ti 3 4 34 41 3 14 14 AT. B. No joints to be charged in cross band in this table, the average width being considered. If veneer'd with king-tulip, or any other hard wood, to be extra on the shilling ».•• 0 0 I References to Table, No. 9. When stuff is glued on the bottom of cornice frame, and the astragal stuck on ditto, to be considered the same price as astragal and veneer cut away. The internal corners considered square joints, ^nd included in the break. If mitred, to be paid for as in Table. If friezes exceed the above width, to be charged in pro- portion to Table. If quarter-stuff is put in for fluting, to be extra per foot from veneering friezes cross-way 0 0 1 An astragal or two reeds, not exceeding three-eighths wide, planted on, at per foot 0 o i£ A ditto, sunk-in veneer thickness, or rabbeted out of solid 0 0 ] f A fillet planted on, not exceeding a quarter of an inch thick and three-eighths wide, at per foot 0 0 lj A ditto, sunk-in veneer thickness, or rabbeted out of solid 0 0 l£ Astragals groov'd-in on ends, &c. at per foot- 0 0 2 Ditto fillets groov'd-in, at per foot 0 0 If Each break in astragal or fillet 0 0 1 Each mitre in astragal or butt-joint 0 0 Of Each ditto in fillets 0 o qi. Grooving legs to receive astragals or fillets, each side • • • • 0 0 OJ Crossing the rule joints in table edges with veneer, each crossing q q 1 3 B 372 TABLE, No. 10. Veneering Half or Three-quarter Circles round Columns, Tops, Base, Surbase, Plinths, tyc. N. B. If veneer'd long-way, to be paid according to time. Veneering ditto, not exceeding half-circle. One inch wide and under. Above one inch ti inch and half. Above , inch and half to twe inches and a half Above two and a half to thre and a halt Above three and < t halftofou and a halt Above i four and a r halt to five and a half. Four inches diameter and under 2$rf. 3d. 3\d. 4d. 4%d. 5d. Each corner-line, extra from straight mea- surement, round ditto 24 2i 24 2| 24 24 If veneer is jointed, each joint . 1 1 H 2 m 3 If veneer'd with rose, king-tulip, or any other hard wood y H *h H H n 71 Veneering ditto, not exceeding three-quarter circle. Four inches diameter and under 3d. 2J 4d. 5d. 5kd. Each comer-line round ditto, extra from" straight measurement 2| 2| 2| If veneer is jointed, each joint . l i n 2 n 3 It yeneer'uwilh rose, king-tulip, or any' other hard wood y H 6 6k n 8| \ eneenng corners of tops, bases, plinths, &c. round columns, not exceeding quarter circle, each comer extra from straight measurement b n n ii 2 2| When quarter-corners are veneer'd between breaks, each break extra oh oh P| Of 1 If veneer'd with rose, king-tulip, or any " Other har 1 wood J 2 n 2| 3 H 3| Veneering breaks on ditto, each break 1 u H 1 1| 24 2| N. K The comer-lines round these circles, not con- £ ' * sidered to be mitred. If mitred, each mitre Q „ If circles are veneer'd with hard wood, no joints' to be charged. 374 o © i to ^§ 53 2 © to to Ditto less down to four leet m the pair, T3 t-I Each extra square foot in ditto, «** Back-boards to a pair of doors, con- taining nine square feet, the edges rounded and screwed on, -e 'o 1—1 CN S3 5, e * - w « 3 Jj 8. ~: >o o> CN iHKM CN CN Each loot less down to four feet in the pair, *« eo mi* C5 o Each extra square foot in ditto, CtX* "* to ^ j= a t ,t; =" • * * u co* co CO CO to •o Each extra rail in ditto, «o to Each square foot less down to four feet in the pair, 13 CN CM CO CO CO Each extra square j loot j in ditto, j is cy CO HQ» CO o** CO «a» A pair of door-frames, a moulding on the inner e d ^e , a nd the training rabbeted inside, hinged, locked, and bolted, to Co 'O o O Oi. o ■— 1 o> CN Each extra rail in ditto, | -a co O o © o l-< o © r-i Each square foot less down to four feet in the pair, Of HO) CN «(* CN Each extra square foot in ditto, CN CN eo so* A pair of doo r-frames, without pan- nels or mouldings, hinged, locked, and bolted, con- taining nine square leet. •« o co »o CO to M t* o SO '3 m a m In circular or elliptic, above four feet diameter 1 In ditto, from four feet 1 down to two feet diameter 1 In ditto, from two feet dia- 1 meter down to one foot 1 Ditto, under one foot dia- 1 meter CO 13 a a S5 375 References to Table, No. 11. A pair of door-frames made to hollow work, to be extra on the price of the round front work in the shilling 0 0 0| Ditto, when with mouldings, to be ditto 0 0 li Ditto, when with mouldings and pannels 0 0 li N.B. The door frames in this table not to exceed three inches wide ; if above three inches, every half-inch in width of stile or rail extra, at the following price. Wide stiles or rails for pillasters, &c. when they exceed the average of the frames on doors, two feet high and under, to be extra for each inch in width of ditto • • • • 0 0 0| Ditto, from two to three feet P * ® 1 Ditto, from three feet to four feet 0 0 1 i If above four feet, in proportion. A frame three feet square, to receive doors, a quirk bead stuck round the inside of the frame, the framing not to exceed two and a half inches wide 0 2 8 N. B If more than two and a half inches wide, to take the extra size, as in door-frames. Each square foot more in ditto 0 0 2 Ditto less, down to four square feet *• • 0 0 H If this frame is made with sweep front above four feet diameter, to be charged 6d. in the shilling on the price of straight frame. An extra rail or stile in a straight frame, three feet square and under • •. » 0 0 10 Every 3/6 Every three inches extra in length of ditto q 0 Of An extra rail in a sweep frame, when three feet square or under n , a 016 Every three inches extra in length of ditto q 0 Of N. B. Straight solid doors square - clamp'd, to be charged the same as the door-frames without pannels or mouldings, and the extra size to be the same. Sweep solid doors, the clamps naifd on, to be charged the same as the door-frames without pannels, but with mouldings, according to the diameter of the sweep, and the extra size to be the same. If the clamps are ploughed and tongued in sweep doors, to be paid according to time. Mitring solid door-framing in front, each mitre 0 0 6 Ditto, when a taper'd door, each mitre o 0 7£ N. B. All the doors in this book start with an ovalo en framing, and the pannels plough'd-in, unless men- tioncd in the preamble. For any other moulding— See Table of Ditto. Glueing a moulding round the inside of frame, when not rabbeted behind, extra from the start moulded doors, at per foot 0 0 OJ Ditto, when the framing is rabbeted behind 0 0 1 Glueing an astragal or two reeds, not exceeding three- eighths wide, on the surface of the door-frames, when the frames are not rabbeted behind, extra from the start ovalo, at per foot , q q qjl Ditto, when the framing is rabbeted in front, and the moulding 577 £. s. d. moulding glued in, extra from the start ovalo, at per foot •••• 0 0 1 When a necking or any other moulding is rabbeted to plant on the edge of framing, for rabbeting ditto, at per foot 0 0 Oh Cutting away the veneer to receive a moulding, at per foot ' 0 0 Oi Nailing curtains in doors, each door 0 0 4 Ditto, when naiFd on a slip, and the slip rabbeted and screw'd on, each door « ** • 0 0 8 Nailing curtains in sweep doors, each door 0 0 6 Ditto, when nail'd on a slip, &c. each door • 0 0 10 Fixing in wire-work with staples, each pannel 0 0 4 N. B. When a bead behind ditto, to be the same as behind a pannel — See Table, N° 12. If the workman has to fit in the wire-work, or to fix it in sweep doors, to be paid according to time. When the wire -work is notched into the beads, . to be pai d as above. 3 C 380 TABLE, No. 12. Veneering Door-frames, Pannels, or Solid Doors, and putting-in Pannels with Beads behind, on Straight and Sweep-work. On straight-work. On feint sweep- work, above four feet diameter. On sweep-work, four feet dia- meter down to two feet ditto. On ditto, two feet down to one foot diameter. On ditto, one foot diameter and under. Long-way. Cross-way. Long-way Cross-way. Long-way. Cross-way. Long-way. Cross-way. Long-way. Cross-way. Veneering a pair of door-frames, containing eight feet run, two inches wide and under S. d. 1 4 S. d. 1 10 S. d. 1 8 S. d. 2 2 5. d. 2 3 5. d. 2 5 S. d. 2 7 S. d. 2 7 S. d. 2 9 S. d. 2 9 Each extra foot . . . 0 \\ 0 2 0 1| 0 2\ 0 2j 0 2| 0 21 0 2% 0 2| 0 2f Each mitre .... o ol 0 0J 0 Of 0 0£ 0 1 0 1 0 lj 0 \\ 0 11 o ii Veneering a pair of door-frames, containing eight feet run, from two to three inches wide 1 6 2 0 1 10 2 4 2 5 2 7 2 9 2 9 2 11 2 11 Each extra foot 0 l| 0 2\ 0 2 0 21 0 2h 0 3 0 3 0 SJ 0 3| 0 3£ Each mitre .... o of 0 Of 0 1 0 1 0 \\ 0 l£ 0 11 0 11 0 If 0 If Each half-inch extra in width of veneer, at per foot run, when above three inches wide 0 OJ 0 0\ 0 0J 0 0\ 0 ©1 o ol 0 Of 0 l£ 0 Veneering pannels at per foot superficial S. d. 0 3 When bent-in. When glued-up. S. d. 0 6" S. d, o 9 & d. d. 4 d. 41 Ditto veneering solid doors 0 3 0s. 4|rf. o 6 o 9h 0 101 Putting-in a pair of pannels with beads behind, containing twelve feet run of bead and under, mitres included 1 0 1 3 l 6 l 6 N. B. When pannels or solid doors are veneer'd, the price of veneering not to be reduced under two feet superficial. Each extra foot run in bead behind pannel Each cant or break in ditto When wide stiles for columns or pilasters are veneer'd, the extra width of the veneer to be charged from the extra size according to this Table. When veneer'd in separate pieces — See Pilasters in Dressing Chest. £. s. d. 0 0 Of o o at 382 TABLE, No. 13. n i *2% °f ^ting-out and Glueing on Mouldings or Foftmn ' °" SM md Swee P~ work > ** per Glueing on stuff for mouldings on straight-work, three- & ' " ^ eighths wide and under Ditto, from three-eighths to five-eighths wide .' .' 0 0 2 Ditto, from five-eighths to seven-eighths wide 0 0 1 N. B. The above prices and measure are for the width of joint. If any moulding is stuck for the workman, to be extra per foot for glueing on Q , Bending and glueing the mouldings marked A in the °* Table on Sweep-work, above four feet diameter, three- eighths wide and under, at per foot- Ditto, from four feet to two feet six inches diameter . , n 0 U Ditto, from two feet six inches to one foot six diameter- . 0 0 -~ v~ »'i uiameier- -002 Bending and glueing the above mouldings from three- eighths to five-eighths wide on sweep-work, above four feet diameter Ditto, from four feet to two feet six inches diameter'.''.' o 0 It Ditto, from two feet six inches to one foot six diameter-. 0 0 'a* Bending and glueing the above mouldings, from five- eighths to seven-eighths wide, on sweep-work, above four feet diameter Ditto, from four feet to two feet six inches diameter '•'.'.' o 0 ^ Ditto, 4 383 J £. 5. d. Ditto, from two feet six inches to one foot six diameter. -002} Bending and glueing the mouldings marked B in the Table on Sweep-work, to be extra per foot from those ^ marked A Q Q 0j Bending and glueing any of the mouldings marked A on round or elliptic corner tops, each corner extra from straight measure q q 2 i Ditto, from three-eighths to five-eighths wide o 0 3 1 Ditto, from five-eighths to seven-eighths wide • - 0 0 N. B. Those mouldings that are bent on not to exceed a quarter of an inch thick ; if above, to take the following prices. — Sawing-out, fitting, and glueing on mouldings, three- eighths wide and under, on sweep-work, above four feet diameter, at per foot q Ditto, from four feet to two feet six inches diameter - . 0 0 li Ditto, from two feet six inches to one foot six diameter - -003 Ditto, from one foot six inches to one foot diameter .-004 Sawmg-out, fitting, and glueing on mouldings, from three- eighths to five-eighths wide, on sweep-work above four feet diameter, at per foot 0 0 £1 Ditto, from four feet to two feet six inches diameter - - - . 0 0 2j Ditto, from two feet six inches to one foot six diameter- • 0 0 5£ Ditto, from one foot six inches to one foot diameter 0 0 4* Sawing-out, fitting, and glueing on mouldings, from five- eighths to seven-eighths wide, on sweep-work above four feet diameter, at per foot * q Ditto, from four feet to two feet six inches diameter .... 0 0 Ditto, from two feet six inches to one foot six diameter - -004 Ditto, 0 2 0 a 2 384 «£. s. d. Ditto, from one foot six inches to one foot diameter • « • • r 0 0 5 N. B. If above seven-eighths to inch and eighth, or above inch and eighth, either in straight or sweep-work, to be charged in proportion to last stages. Glueing stuff for mouldings, flat-way, on the top or bottom edges of sweep-rails, to be charged as the above. N. B. Elliptic work to be charged according to the quickest diameter of the sweep. / 385, TABLE, No. 14 Of Mouldings* ' £. s. s . 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, and 10, to take the advance for every quarter of an inch in extra thickness or projection, on straight work 0 0 0J Ditto, if on sweeps, above two feet six inches diameter • • 0 0 Ok Ditto, two feet six inches diameter down to one foot six inches 0 0 Of Ditto, under one foot six inches diameter 0 0 1 When half or three quarter corners are turn'd and glued on — See Dressing Chest, page 14. N° 4, as in table, the depth of the groove not to exceed one-eighth of an inch, and one-quarter in width of ditto, Every quarter of an inch in widtli or one-eighth in depth, extra per foot • • • 0 0 0| N. B. When any of the mouldings marked A or B are worked out of one-quarter stuff before they are glued on sweep-work, the working to be paid as straight-work. The prices given for bending on mouldings is not to extend to any other thickness but one-quarter stuff. N. B. No deductions to take place for an astragal with one square when under three-eighths wide. *390 £. s. d* N c 27 and 33, the depth of the hollow not to exceed one- third of its diameter; if more, to be charged according to the extra size of mouldings. Each extra quarter of an inch in rise or projection of mould- ings, excepting N os . 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, and 10, to be extra per foot run 0 0 Oj- When an extra square is introduced to any mouldings, to be charged the same price as N° 2, in Table of Mouldings. If any extra quirk is introduced in mouldings— See Table of Cornice Mouldings. Each extra reed more than three inches, when the reed is one-eighth and one-sixteenth thick and under, extra per foot 0 0 Oh Ditto, when above one-eighth and one-sixteenth to three- eighths, at per foot 0 0 Of The mitring, cutting, sweeping, glueing on, and sticking mouldings out of ebony, purple, king, Coromandel, tulip, or similar hard woods, to be charged 6d. in the shilling on the price of the mahogany. Ditto, of rose, satin, Botany Bay, or any similar woods, to be charged Ad. in the shilling on the price of the mahogany. Ditto, of plain yew-tree or any dyed woods, to be charged 3d. in the shilling on the price of the mahogany. Each butt joint in three-eighths mouldings 0 0 0i Ditto, in five-eighths mouldings 0 0 Of Ditto, in seven-eighths mouldings 0 0 1 Crossing each moving joint with three-eighths mouldings • • 0 0 1 Ditto with five eighths mouldings 0 0 H Ditto with seven-eighths mouldings 0 0 0£ 8 © CO bp r ^ o Ho © © © © §0 392 TABLE, No. 17. *7o -|;> O CN co CO CN CN CO CO OI H^4 rH —AM CN WW CN H. CO Each stop in straight or sweep work, hi* O Hsh -is WW HfN WW Ho WW Ditto on three- quarter- circle corners, L; H« ! h»i CM t>- co o I co co O} WW <* HI* co I o> j ^ Working mould- ings on half-cir- cle cor- ners, two stops in- cluded, T3 CO CN WW - Ho to H|0) r>- Ho CO WW CO HW CO 1 cc Q On round-corner tops, extra from sftraight measure, each corner. Under two inches diameter, ^ cn 1 >—i CN c? CN HUM WW CN HW CN rH HlO> CN 1 HW CN H|* CO From inches to two inches dia- meter, H|3) ^ CO HW CO HS CN CO — «C9 CN CN CN hk>; CO GO* HIJ! 1— 1 | HUS CJ j CN hW CO Hi* One foot dia- meter to six inches- HlO* -H CO CO «# CO CO HK» CO HIT* t* hW CN CO H») CO Hi* *o On Hollow-work. 1 Each mitre in ditto, J HIS) o . 1 1— t r-i HlSt I— t H* HIM wW HIO HW hW HlH Hl« rH From one foot six inches to l one foot [diameter, CO hisi to to «** r)> CO Hot •<* H* co From two feet six inches to one foot six inches dia- meter, V 'O rH HO* ■* «** CO «W CO CO of CO H»I CO hW '<© From four feet to two feet six inches dia- meter, WW O CO r*>» CO «# of Hi3) CN CO WW CN WW Hot CN «W Ci ■* WO Above four feet dia- meter, ~xs o< \ WW o Oi CO Httl CO CN r-W CN WW c* co CN HIC» "oT H©| CN CO HH< On Circular-work, j From one foot six inches to one foot dia- meter, ■ ~*» HtSl CO CO <-*• CO WW -r«. CO WW 1 CN I i*t WW H* CN CO HWl CO H|* •O From two feet six inches ; to one foot six inches diameter,' "« co' f-l -*>» CN 1 CO 1 1 CO 1 CN WW CN CO hKs hW CN HW CN WW CO WW H- . From four feet :o two feet six inches dia- meter, . ^ cn WW 1 -** O j c< 1-1 o ■-H d - HIM O H19I O) T-I CN l-H d . ^ HM ot HIM cn HM co HIM CO T* CN co o. O t» o T-H d . CN HtM *o CO CO CN »o 00 ©> t>- o i-H T-H »H G . 55 . HM ~G CO HIM CO »HIM HtM CN CO iH»» O t>- o d • CN HM «$ CO CO CN «o ao fOT o I— I i>- rtllX O d . t: him r-lH* CN »0 CO CO CN *o CO t^ o * T-H I" COW CO 1 * CO CO H« HW 00 co* — 1« HW O T-I H|0» o •-I i-H £ . 53 * •« "th* ! CN >o CO CO CN *o 00 o> r>- HIM o T-H T-I d . i-*M 1—1 i—l rW cn co CO CN «c CO HIM o l-H T-H T-H Feint - rounding the front of standard 1 Each quirk bead on the front 1 corners, stopp'd at the scrolls Jbacli small hollow on the front corners '1 wo beads and a hollow, or a round, or a toad-back moulding on the front A hollow or single reed on the front Two reeds, with a square on each side, or three reeds with- out squares Each extra reed SinKing a pannel in the front Ditto, with a bead worked round to leave a square margin Ditto, with a bead of holly or dyed wood, mitred round Sinking a pannel in the side Ditto, with a bead worked round to leave a square margin 1 Ditto, with a bead of different coloured wood, mitred round 449 References to Table, No. 36. N. B. The pannels and mouldings are considered to be stopp'd at the scrolls or toes, and the veneering to be continued over the scrolls. The toadback mouldings considered without beads : if beads t# ditto— See the price of quirk beads in Table. 3 M 452 TABLE, No. 37. Forming Circles or Ovals by Strings or Band grooved in. On Plat Work. On Hollow or Round \^ four feet diameJ ^ork, a er. bove 1 I A circular pannel ot single string. j A ditto, of long band. _ — Ditto, of cross band. An oval pannel of sin- gle string. A ditto, of long band Ditto, of cross band. A circular pannel of single string. A ditto, of long band. Ditto, of cross band. An oval pannel of sin gle string. A ditto, of lsng band, Ditto, of cross band. L Above four inches lo six inches long [Above six inches to eight inches d. 3| s. d. 0 8 s. d. o 9 d. 5k 6. d. o 9 k j. d 0 10! s. d. 0 4£ s. d. 0 10 s. a. 0 114 a. 6"f s. a. 0 llf s. u 1 1 0 9 o \\\ 61 0 lOh 1 1 0 of 0 111 1 2^ 8 1 14 1 4| 1 Above tight inches to ten 1 inches 0 ll| 1 U i il 7\ H 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 4\ 0 6\ 1 24 1 5 91 1 4| 1 °"l I Above ten inches to twelve inches 6 1 3 0 7\ 1 4| 1 Gl 10k 1 6f Above one foot to two feet, at per foot run If 0 4 0 4\ 3 0 4k 0 5 0 1\ 0 5 0 5^ 31 0 5k 0 6£ Above two feet, at per foot run n 0 2f 2| 0 3| 0 4 0 1% \ 0 SI 0 4, 0 4 On Hollow or Round Work, from four feet down to two feet. On ditto, under two fe et diare keter. A circular pannel of single string. 1 A ditto, of long band. 3 O o o S P s. d. 1 1| An oval pannel of sin- gle string. A ditto, of long band. Ditto, of cross band. A circular pannel of single string. A ditto, of long band. Ditto, of cross band. An oval pannel of sin- gle string. A ditto, of long band, u , 1 Ditto, of cross band. 1 Above lour inches to six inches long. d. s. d. 0 8l s. d. 1 If s. d. 1 3g d. H s. d. 1 2 s. a. 1 of s. a. 0 9i s. u. 1 4 1 6| Above six inches to eight inches 6| i H 1 5\ o 9f 1 3f 1 7| 7% 1 3| l 7f 0 114 l 61 1 lOf S Above eight inches to ten inches 1 5i \l 81 0 III 1 n 1 10^ 9 l 7% 1 11^ 1 1 1 lOf 2 24 Above ten inches to twelv< inches 5 9 1 S\ 1 10^ 1 of 1 io| 2 Of io| '1 ll£ 2 24 1 2f 2 2| 2 5 A hove one loot to two feet at per foot run > 21 0 6 0 61 0 4| 0 Of 0 71 3 0 7 0 4% 0 8 0 5| 0 8 0 8f Above two feet, at pe foot run r 21 0 4 0 b\ 0 4 0 5 0 6 *l 0 6 0 4f 0 5k 0 7 j N £ The bands in this table are considered three-eighths' wide ; if more or less to take 'the difference as per Table, of Banding, No. 26, and also tor strmgs to ditto, or grooving into solid work. 454 TABLE, No. 38. Veneering and Panneling Table-legs, two inches thick or under, and two feet four inches long. Marlbro' or taper legs. Shaped Legs, as in Plate 5. Every four inches more or less in length. No. t. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. Veneering the front or back iong-w;iy i. d. 0 2 s. d. 0 2§ s. d. 0 2| s. d. 0 2f s. d. 0 3£ $. d. n A s. d. s. d. 0 6 d. 04 Ditto cross-way . 0 3 0 2 0 3| 0 2§ 0 3l 0 3\ 0 4 U 4^ 0 4 3 0 6 oh Ditto, each side, long- way 0 9\ 0 2|f 0 o U 05 0 4*| 0J Ditto cross-way . . . 0 3 0 31 0 3\ o $1 0 3| 0 4 0 4 0 5 oh Apann.l of single string in i he front, one foot ei}{ht inches long 0 4J 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 b\ 0 5| 0 5| oh Making and ieiting-in a pannel in front 0 7 0 7s 0 1\ 0 7§ u O ft R 0 $| 1 Ditto, with a string mitred rcund 0 8£ 0 9k o 9h 0 10 0 10 0 10| 0 10| 0 10| 14 Panneling each side with single string 0 4§ 0 6 0 6 o 6 o 6 0 65 0 6j 0 6| 0| Making and letting-in a pannel in side 0 7 o 9 o 9h o 9 o 9 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 Ditto, with a single string mitred round 0 S 5 1 0 1 0 l 0 1 0 1 0\ 1 0| 1 oj 14 Each extra string in front or side 0 1 o ih 0 l\ 0 1| 0 I* 0 1| 0 U 0 1 2 0 13 04 r- — ~ ■ Each corner string . . 0 2 0 2 0 5| 0 2 2 0 2| 0 3 0 34 0 4| A taper pointed pan- nel with straight top, of single string, in the front 0 5$ 0 5f 0 5| o 5| 0 6 0 6 0 6 5 oh Making and letting-m a taper-pointed pan- nel, with straight top in ihe front 0 7 0 7| 0 71 0 8 0 8 0 8| O 8£ 0 9 1 Ea«-h extra half inch in width of veneer, or veneer pannel, each side or front 0 Of 0 9 0 ] 0 10 0 1 0 1 0 10 0 1 0 1| 0 ]£ 0 14 04 Panneling the front with long band, three- eighths of an inch wide or under 0 10 0 10 0 11 0 11 0 11 2 1 Ditto, with a string on each side 1 0 1 I§ 1 ii 1 l£ I 1) 1 2 § I 2| 1 3 1} Panneling the side with long band o 9 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 11 3 1 0 I 0§ 1 1 li Ditto, wi>h a string on each side 1 0 1 ?| i n 1 l£ 1 3 1 33 1 4 1 4 S Shaped ends to pannels, on the straight part of legs, to be taken from Table, N° 37- Ditto, on the sweep part of legs, to be 3d. on the shilling extra. 456 CO o w '. Muebw.Sc, Jim/iff Co'. 1 «6 ■ ■ . A. Kg- Tot '\ c " 3^ hi T. ¥