•pilJx U) cUm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueoftrulyOOrich VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PRINTS, THE ITALIAN SCHOOL , FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD OF ENGRAVING. gccouti part CATALOGUE OF An Extensive and Valuable Collection OF PRINTS, INCLUDING aSttorfui of tf>e moot toteemeu THE ENTIRE PROPERTY OF Mr. VERNON; WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Mr. RICHARDSON , AT MR. FISHER’S ROOMS, No. 41, King Street, and No. 11, Hart Street, COVENT GARDEN, On MONDAY, the 7th Day of JUNE, 1813, at ‘ftfotttjt o’ctocfe, And Nine following Day, ( Sunday excepUd.) * ' ■ §?econb $art. THE ITALIAN SCHOOL, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD OF ENGRAVING. A CATALOGUE OF A TRULY VALUABLE 4' GENUINE COLLECTION OF PRINTS, PARTICULARLY THE WORKS OF MASSO FINIGUERRA, A. POLLAJUOLO, S. BOTTICELLO, ANDREA MANTEGNA, JEROME MOCETTO, N. DA MODENA, B. MONTAGNA, IL ROBETTA, J. A. BRIXENSIS, DOM AND GUILIO CAM- PAGNOLA, D. BECCAFUMI, M. ANTONIO, AUG. VENITIEN, M. DE RAVENNA, JULIO BONASONE, After the most celebrated Italian Painters to the present time, A CAPITAL N. BEATRICE, jENEAS VICO, LEON DAVEN, THE GHISSI S, FIORENZE, UGO DE CARPI, PRINCE RUPERT, AND OTHERS. COLLECTION OF VANDYCKs PORTRAITS, (527,) With Proofs and many Variations, in 3 vol. THE ENTIRE PROPERTY OF Mr VERNON; totll tie §?>oH> l)g auction, lip Mb. RICHARDSON, AT MR. FISHER’S ROOMS, No. 41, Iving Street, and No. 11, Hart Street, Covent Garden, On MONDAY, (lie 7th of JUNE, 1813, at 'SEfoefoe o’ffifocfe, AND THE NINE FOLLOWING DAYS, (SUNDAY EXCEPTED.) To be Viewed on Friday and Saturday previous to the Sale, when Catalogues may be had of Mr. Richardson, at the Rooms, price 3s. 6d. Printed bj IV. SMITH and Co. King Street, Seven Dials. Contritions of 0ale First.. TPhE Highest Bidder to be the Purchaser, and if any Dispute arise between Two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Second No Person to advance less than Sixpence at each Bidding; above One Pound, One Shilling, and 10 on in Proportion. Third The Purchasers to give in their Names and Place of Abode, and to pay down Five Shillings in the Pound, in Part of Payment, of the Purchase Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots so Purchased, shall be put up again and re-iold. FouitTH,The Lots to be taken and cleared away within Three Days after the Sale, and paid for before delivery. Lastly The Money Deposited in Payment, or Part of Pay- ment shall be forfeited, and all Lots uncleared within the times aforesaid, shall be re-sold, by Public or Private Sale, and the Deficiency attendant thereon, shall be made good by the Defaulters or Purchasers, who shall have no claim (if the Lot so re-sold should produce more,) to any surplus they may sell for. %* Libraries of Books, Collections of Prints and Effects of all kinds in Town or Country, valued and purchased, or Sold by Auction. INDEX TO THE DAYS OF SALE. jftrst $art. First Fay, Monday , May 17, 1813. Audran, Balechou, Boisseux, Callot, Claude, Le Clerc, Edelinck, Masson, &c. Second Day, Tuesday, May 18. Parocel, Perelle, Silvestre, Stephanus, Wille, Bartolozzi, Brown, Earlom, Heath, Hogarth. Third Day, Wednesday, May 19. Massard, Mortimer, Sharp, Old Mezzotintos, Private Plates, Sir Robert Strange, Woollett, Van Aken, Bega, Berghem, Bloemart, Bos, &c. Fourth Day, Thursday, May 20. Both, Brughel, De Bye,'V. Cabel, Dusart, Everdingen, Flamen, Goltzius, Goudt, &c. Fifth Day, Friday, May 21. P. de Laer, Matham, Muller, Nolpe, P. Potter, Rogman, Ruysdael, Sadeler, Satchleven, Stoop, Suyderhoof, &c. Sixth Day, Saturday, May 22. Swanneveldt, Teniers, Vandevelde, Visschers, Van Uden, &c. Seventh Day, Monday, May 24. Waterloo, Wierix, Wyck, Zeeman, &c. The Works of Rubens. Eighth Day, Tuesday, May 25. Van Dyck, Jordaens, Segers, Schuyt, Serres, Van Leyden, Rembrandt. • Ninth Day, Wednesday, May 26. Rembrandt continued. Tenth Day, Thursday, May 27. Rembrandt continued, Lievens, V. Vliet, &c. Eleventh Day, Friday, May 28. Aldegrever, Altdorfer, Backhuysen, Beham, Binck, Dietrichy, Ferg, Hollar. Twelfth Day, Saturday, May 29. Hopfer, Kobel, Lautensac, Ostade, Pentz, Ridinger, Umbach, &c. Thirteenth Day, Monday, May 31. Baldung, Burgmair, L. Cranach, Wolgemutz, Businck, Van Stoss, the Schoens, I. Van Meek, Bockholt, Glockenthom, Zagel, Zwoll, &c. Fourteenth Day, Tuesday . June 1. The Works of Albert Durer. INDEX TO THE DAYS OF SALE. g>rconb |)art. Fifteenth Day , Monday, June 7. ITALIAN SCHOOL. Barrocio, Bisciano, M. Buonarretti, Canaletti, Carracci’s. Sixteenth Day, Tuesday, June 8. Carracci’s continued, Corregio, P. de Cortona, Domenichino, P. Farinetti, B. Franco, Guercino. Seventeenth Day, Wednesday, June 9. Guido, Londonio, Carlo, Marratt. Eighteenth Day, Thursday, June 10. F. Mola, Palma, Parmegiano, L. Penni, Polidore, Primaticcio, Proccacino. Nineteenth Day, Friday, June 11. Raphael, Julio Romano, Salvator Rosa, Spagnoletto, &c. Twentieth Day, Saturday, June 12. An. Tempesta, P. Testa, Tiepolo, Tintoret, Titian, P. Veronese, L. de Vinci, Zucchero, &c. Twenty-first Day, Monday , June 14. CHIARO SCURO. Beccafumi, Guido, Mantegna, Parmegiano, Polidore, Raphael, Titian, &<:. Michael Angelo’s Last Judgment, Prince Rupert, Early Italian Masters from Finiguerra, 1424, to Daris or Daven, 1500, &e. Twenty-second Day, Tuesday, June 15. Beatrice, the Ghissi's, or Mantuanus. Twenty-third Day, Wednesday, June 16. iEneas Vico, Augustin Venitien, Marco de Ravenna, Julio Romano. Twenty-fourth Day, Thursday, June 17. The Works of Marc Antonio, a collection of Van Dyck’s Portraits, 527, in 3 vol. russia. g>ec 2 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 I 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 i i FIFTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 3 ^ . » . . ikl " ' > I .’lli * ^ ‘ Bartolinus, J. M. — St. Marianus Diaconus Martyr, scarce. Basan, J. — Adoration of the Kings, by P. Menarola 2 Basan, J. P. — The Angel appearing. Christ crowned, by C. Pass. Adoration of the Kings, by Sadeler 3 ■ , The Descent of the Holy Ghost, by P. Menarolai rare J 1 Battoni, P. — A grand Composition, Allegorical of Prosperity of the City of Venice, by P. Monaco , fine — Acis and Galatea and Polyphemus, by C. Basoni. Beccafumi — A Woman drawing an Arrow from the body of a Man 3 Bella, Della — Procession of the Ecclesiastical Ambassador of Poland to Rome. Five Friezes, a Musical Group, &c. 3 1 6 , Animals 15 , Repose, Holy Family, &c. 4 , Landscapes, Ruins, &c. 6 , Rejoicings upon the River Arno, at Florence, by A. F. Lucini, scarce 1 , The Pont-Neuf , 1646 J BeRetoni, N. — The Holy Family, by J. K. Sherwin. Angel between Joseph and the Virgin, by H. Frezza 2 Biscaino, B. — The Adoration of the Kings, fine. Nativity 2 , The Virgin giving the Breast to Jesus, with St. Joseph leaning on his Hand. Boullogne, D. — Christ on the Cross, 1644, rare and fine 2 Bolognese, F. — Alcithoe , a Theban Lady, for ridiculing the Orgies of Bacchus, was changed into a Bat, and her Spindle and Yarn into Ivy, by Fantuzzi, very rare 1 , St. Francis in Adoration. Landscapes, with Boat, & c. * 4 , Views in Italy, fine 4 Bononi, C. — The Feast at Cana, by An. Bolzoni, 1727, large 1 Borg ian i, H. — The large St. Christopher. Christ upon the Tomb, with the Three Marys weeping, scarce 2 Bricci, B. — The Nativity of St. Benoit, by G. Giovannini. Wisdom and Envy sitting in a Car drawn by Four Sea H orses, Fr. Curtus, ex. scarce 2 Buonarotti, M. A. — St. Jerome at the Foot of a Rock, by C. Alberti, 157 5, fine 1 , The Holy Family, called the Virgin in Silence, by P. Sericeus, 1565, fine and scarce 1 — , The Sepulchre of Pope Julian the 2d, by Am. Brambi/la, The Creation of Adam, by Cunego 2 , The Capitoli of Rome, 1569, Claud. Duchelti 1 Apollo and Marsius, fine 1 FIFTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 5 0 E cram, F. — A Drunken Bacchus and Three Satyrs, fine, and Three Satyrs, fine and scarce 1 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Campagnola — A Battle Piece, by Jer. Hopfer, rare 1 Canaletti, Ant. — Views in Venice 31 — Views, by Ant. Viscentini 12 Caneletto, Bern. Belotto — View of Dresden after the Bom- bardment in 1760, rare and fine 1 , View of the Bridge at Dresden, rare and fine 1 , Facade de la Gallerie Roiale, 1749, ditto 1 , View of Dresden, with the Statueof Augustus II. 1750, fine and rare 1 1 The Church of Notre Dame, 1757, ditto 1 , De la Grand Place, 1752, ditto 1 Cangiagia, L. — The Stoning of St. Stephen, by R. Schiami- nosi, 1608 1 . , The Monument of Julien Dux de Medicis, by C. Cort, 1570, proof, scarce 1 Canienius, Mar. Anton. — An Allegorical Frontispiece, rare 1 Cancti, D. M. — The Martyrdom of St. Christina, by D . Bonavera , scarce 1 The Virgin seated in the Clouds, and Christ stand- ing near her. Carpiom — Christ in the Mount of Olives, fine and scarce 2 Capromca, Caesar — Adam and Eve in Paradise, 1601, rare 1 N. B. — The Master known only by this Print. Caraglio, Gio. Gia. — An Infernal Figure entwined with Serpents ; a large Bird on one side, and a Monster on the other, rare and curious 1 66* Cantenaro, J. B. — Apollo seated in the Clouds. Capi- tellus, B.— The last plate of the Life of St. Bernard of Sienna 2 67 Caraglio — The Virgin and Child, with St. Anne by her side, under an Orange Tree ; on the right St. Sebastian tied to a Tree, on the left is St. Roch, by Jacobus Veronensis, very rare 1 68 Cardo’, L.— St. Peter and John in the Temple, by N. Do- rigmy. St. Francis kneeling with a Book, by 5. Vanni 2 69 Carpiom, G. — The Virgin in the Clouds, surrounded by Angels, rare. Carracci, A. — Assumption of the Virgin, by Jo. Collin 2 St. Anthony of Padua. The Virgin sitting at the 70 71 72 Foot of a Tree, with Jesus and John, scarce Carracci, Annibul — Susannah and the Elders, fine ■ — — , Ditto, by J. Corneille, fine 1 73 74 75 76 77 73 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 S7 88 39 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 FIFTEENTH DAT’s SALE. 5 Carracci, A. — The Adoration of the Shepherds, A Repose, Joseph holding a Book on his Knees 2 , Venus, Cupids, &c. Omnia vincit Amor. Five Figures, with a Vase 2 , The Assumption of the Virgin, by G. ChasU.au , fine I — , Adoration of the Shepherds, by C. L. Wust , proof 1 , The Virgin and Christ, with St. John offering Cherries, fine and scarce, by P.Slephanon 1 , The Virgin, Christ, and St. John with St. Anne, called “ La ste Vierge a L’Ecueille,” and Copy 2 — . — , Called “ La Vierge a L’Hirondelle,” and Copy 2 ■ , The Virgin giving the Breast to Christ, Lac- tasti Sacro Vbere. The Virgin with a Cushion in her Lap* and her Arms round the Infant 2 — ■ ■ , Virgin and Child adored by two Angels, by Boilly, fine 1 , Virgin and Child standing upon a Crescent, between St. Jerome and St. Francis, by Flam. Torri , scarce 1 , Holy Family, St. John playing with a Lamb, fine and, scarce 1 , Christ and the Samaritan Woman at the Well, ]6l0, scarce ] , The same Subject, by Bisckop, 1669 1 , Ditto, an Etching, VAR 1 ■, Ditto, by C. Cort , 1568, scarce 1 , Christ on the Mount, by L. Vosterman 1 , Christ crowned with Thorns, 1606, extra fine and rare 1 , A Magdalen weeping over a Dead Christ upon the Cross. A Dead Christ in the Lap of the Virgin, by P. Lisebotius 2 , Christ put into the Tomb by two Angels, ac- companied by the Virgin and St. Anne, by P. de Buillu 1 — •, The three Marys at the Tomb of Christ, by B. Ruullet, fine 1 , The Cordon of St. Francis, by C. Cart , scarce 1 , St. Francis reclining upon a Bank, with a Crucifix resting upon his left Arm, a Skull before him, a Concert of Angels in the Clouds, extra fine and scarce 1 , The Martyrdom of St. Stephen, by G. Chasteau 1 , St. Jerome in the Desart kneeling before a Crucifix, scarce ] 6 FIFTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 10f) Carracci, A. — St.Gregory upon his Knees, by Jac. Freii, 1733. St. Vincentius, by F. Ertinger , 1684, scarce 2 " , St. Diego changing Flowers into Bread. Heal- ing the Blind. Preaching to the Multitude, by Sim. Guillain 3 > Apollo and Silenus, by Cunego. Galatea, after Ag. Carracci, by Ditto. Magdalen, 1591, &c. 4 , The Judgment of Hercules, by N. Mignard. Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne, by Jac. Belli, 16'41 2 • • , Orlando rescues Olympia from the Orca, by Barto/ozzi f , Dead Christ in the Lap of the Virgin, 1597. The same, a proof, fine and rare , &c. 4 , Holy Family. Virgin and Child. Saints, and a Title, by Bloemart ]g , Ditto J 7 , A Landscape, with Boats sailing, by M. Cor- neille. The Three Carraccis mounted on Asses. Noi Si AMO SETTE 2 > The Farneso Gallery, by Cesius, and Portraits 23 End of the Fifteenth Day's Sale. 00 -Si 05 O' tfs 0» ( 7 ) Sixteenth Day's Sale , TUESDAY, the 8th Day ©f JUNE-, 18J3. ITALIAN SCHOOL continued. OT (f't 1 'LyARRACCI, Annibal — Ulysses, by N.Mignard. Cruyl, L. — Views in Rome, 1667 3 , Augusti no— E ternity in the Clouds, turned towards Celestials, and a Reverse, proof 2 • , Theatrical Representation,- with a Dragon, &c. 4 , The Virgin kneeling, the Infant sitting on the Earth, St. Joseph leaning on a Rock, by Ber. Cnrtus f 1643, scarce 1 . — , Venus chastising Cupids, by V\ Vangelisty y 1769 1 ■ — 5 : — ■ , Portrait of J. Fabriel, Comicu 9 Solus Instar- OMNltlM 1 — , The Handkerchief of St. Veronica. Ecce Homo,- See. 5 — Satyrs and Females 2 r-, Venus with Cupid asleep. Virgin and Child in a Circle 2 10 St. Jerome kneeling before a-Crucifix, fine 1 l L — — — — , The same, by .7. Freii 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO SI 32 S3 34 SIXTEENTH DAY’s SALE. Carracci, A. — The Holy Family, called de St. Claire, a proof, and one by Annibal Carracci, fine and scarce S , Lud. — The Virgin sitting with the Infant in her Lap, above is a group of Angels, one holds a Censor, fine and scarce 1 , The Virgin with the Infant and St. John at play, 1604 1 ■ , The Virgin giving the Breast to the Infant. Bricci — Return from Egypt, with an Angel feeding the Ass, fine , St. Benoit tar ini blessing the Demoniac, by Bonavere Can- 1 Angels entombing of Christ, by N. Pitau 1 St. Anthony working Miracles, by Dorn , A Warrior in Armour, supported by two River Gods sitting upon their Urns, with several Figures, by Otiv. Gatti, scarce 1 Carravaggio, M. A. — The entombing of Christ, by Suyder- hoef, and the Incredulity of St. Thomas 2 , Lot and his Daughters, by L. du Guernier, and Card Players, by Tv. Cruys 2 Castiglione, B. — Portraits 11 Pan with his Flute at the Statue of Priapus. Circe searching the Tomb for the Arms of Achilles, fine 3 , Christ crucified between Two Thieves, sur- rounded by the Multitude, extra rare and fine 1 ■ — 1 ■■ ■, Landscapes, with Scriptural Subjects, fine 9 , Ditto ditto, by Bartolozzi. Mace, &c. 5 , The Nativity. Noah driving the Animals into the Ark, &c. 4 — , Flight into Egypt. Portrait of Castig- lione, & c. 4 , Diogenes. The burying of St. Peter and Paul by Night, &c. fine 4 Raising of Lazarus, fine, &,c. 7 Cazzali, C. — Edward the Martyr stabbed by order of Elfrida. Ceampellus, Dom. — The Scourging of St. Andrew, by C. Marat 2 Cignani, C. — Caecus healing the Blind Young Man, by Lindera, 1759 The Marriage of Bacchus and Ariadne, by J. M. Liotard. Satyrs playing Music, by Bartolozzi 3 Clovio, Julio — -The Conversion of St. Paul, by S. de Laulne, extra rare 1 Conca, Seb. — The Virgin, with the Almighty in the Clouds, surrounded by Angels, by Jac. Freii 1 SIXTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Conca, Holy Family, by Ditto, 1748 1 , The Virgin seated upon a Throne, with Christ upon her Knee, between two Saints, by Ditto, 1719 1 Corregio — Portrait of B. Bandinelli. The Antiquarian, by C. Visscher, fine proof 1 , The Ecce Homo, by Aug. Carracci, 1587, scarce 1 , The Marriage of St. Catherine with St. Sebastian, by Stephen Picart , St. John writing on a Scroll, with an Eagle at his Feet, by F. Rosapina 1 Cortona, P. de — Historical, by C. Bloemurt , J. Blondeau, P. Simon, F. Spierre, See .fine 15 , The Shepherds’ Offering, by Corn. Bloemart. The Battle of Arbela, by P. Aquila 2 , The Shepherds’ Offering, by C. Fauccii/. Antio- chus and Statonice, the Etching by Ryland. Landscape by Fivares and Chetolain 3 , St. Martine upon her Knees before the Virgin and b y 1 1 1 b y i Mount Athos, a Project presented to Alexander, in a Giant is holding a City in one Hand, and in the other a Shell, from which flows a River, by F. Spierre, 1 1 1 1 re- TIGE DE LYS, the Infant, who presents her with a F. Spierre, very fine , The same, more worked upon , Ananias giving Sight to Saul, by Jac.Freii , The Elevation of the Host by Torchlight, Ditto which scarce , The same, in red , The Sacrifice of Polyxana, by P. Aquila , The Rape of the Sabines, by Ditto , l)iana in her Car, by C. Melon. St. Bibiana fusing to sacrifice to false Gods, by Mercuti. Cigloli. — The Centre of the World centered in Lucifer, by Ga/le, See. 4 — , A Sacred Allegory, representing the Trinity, by F. Spierre. Frontispiece to the “ Annales Marianus,” by Ditto 2 54 Cremonese, G. — Dalilah cutting the Lock of Hair from the Head of Samson, rare and Jine 1 55 Crespi, G. — From the Poem of Bertoldo and Bertoldino 14 56 , With the Landscape in the back ground, by L. Mat- thiolus 16 57 Cucari, F. — The Descent of the Holy Ghost, by B. Stefani, scarce 1 c 10 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 gottini Audran 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SIXTEENTH DAY’s SALE. Damery F. — An Antique Vase. Diamantini, J. Time sit- ting with Paris at the Foot of a Monument, rare 2 David, Jo. — Heroic Subjects , from Horace, Ovid, Sic. dedi- cated to Compte Duratio, 1775, fine and rare b DoMENicHiNO.-The Christian Virtues, from the P.ctares in the Church de St. Andre della Valle at Rome, by J. Mar- La Madona du Rosaire, very fine, by 1 ) The Communion of St. Jerome, by Ja. Fred ) . ’ Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, bv Ditto 1 ’ Justice, Fortitude, Prudence, and Temperance, the Angles, fine, by Ditto 4 f St. Ceoilia singing the Praises of God, by Step. Picurt. St. Andrew at the Foot ot the Cross, by l'aucci , 1759 ^ , Apollo and Hyacinth, by D. Cunego, 1771. Midas between Pan and Apollo, by D. Barriere Falda, G. B.— Fountains in the Piazza Navona 2 Fantuzzi, A.— A Roman Triumph, 1545, scarce * Farinatti, P — Pharoah and his Host drowned in the Red Sea, by Hor. Firanatti, 1593, scarce l ) The Virgin sitting at the Foot of a Tree, with Christ on her Knee, and St. John playing with a Lamb, •caret Christ taken down from the Cross by Joseph and St. John, St. Francis kneeling, and Female Saints weep- ing, by H. Firanatti, 1593, fine and scarce 1 Z—J-, St. John sitting in the Clouds, with the Lagle under him, and the Holy Ghost above, 1567, fine l The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew, by ii. Dail ^_ Mi c hael and the Rebellious Angels, by Jac. Valessius , 1574 „ t Venus sitting upon the Clouds, with the Bow m one Hand, and Cupid in the other, 1566, scarce 1 Fensoni F.— Elevation of the Brazen Serpent, by t illamena , 1597. The Virgin and Child surrounded by Angels, adored by St. Francis, by Ditto 2 Ferrarin, H.— Grand, Procession towards Calvary, by ti. David, 1630, rare T .. Ferri, Ciro — Moses driving the rude Shepherds from the Well of the Samaritan Woman, by P. Aquila . 1 , St. Francis kneeling to the Virgin and Christ in the Clouds, by C. Bloemart, 1684. St. Augustin in the Clouds appearing to St. Theresa, by Blondeau 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 9S 94 93 96 97 9S 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 SIXTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 11 Ferrt, Ciro — Infant Christ sitting on a Cloud, surrounded by Angels, talking to St. Anthony of Padua, by C. Bloemart, 1678, fine 1 Fetti, Dom — The Marriage of St. Catharine, by P. Lisebetius, fine 1 Fialetti, Od, — Landscapes, Boys, &c. 8 Fontana, Dom— The Commencement of the Elevation. of the Great Obelisk before St. Peter’s, at Home, three sheets, by N. Bonafacio , 158 6, fine and scarce 1 • ■■ -, Elevation of Ditto, with the Portrait of Fontana, ajt. 43, 1586, ditto 1 Forli, Livio de — The Last Supper, by C.Corl, 1578 , fine 1 Franco, B. — Abraham sacrificing his Son, proof, scarce 1 , Moses striking the Rock,^Ysl impression, scarce I , Adoration of the Kings, proof 1 , Adoration of the Shepherds, with Grand Ruins 1 , The Flagellation of Christ, fine 1 , Christ bearing the Cross, ditto 1 , The Entombing of Christ, fine 1 , A Frieze, containing Fourteen Skulls, 1563. Pallas sitting on Trophies,, an Angel holding a Palm Branch, &c. 2 , Jac.— Christ driving the Money Changers from the Temple, fine and scarce 1 Franciscus — Martyrdom; of St. Andrew, scarce 1 Franceschini, Mar. — Boys, representing Spring and Autumn, by Bartolozzi, fine 2 Gallestruzzi, G. — The Apotheosis of the Emperor Claudius, 1657, rare 1 Garberius, Lau.— The Virgin and Child, by Ol-Gatti, 1626, fine 1 Gaspari, Pet. — Architectural Ruins in Rome, 1771 , fine 14 Geminiani — Children at Play. Gherardi, Phil. — Mary Magdalen, Sic. 2 Giordano, L. — Hercules destroying the Dragon, and Hydra, by J. Barcelon and N. Bersanti. Giovannini, Geo. — Figures on Pedestals supporting Columns 3 Guarana, Jac. — The Ascension, by Bartolozzi — Spring repre- sented by Flora, &c. in a Landscape 2 Guercino— The Virgin and Angel, by Nicollet, fine — St.John putting an Apple to the Mouth of Christ, who is standing on the Lap of the Virgin, by Pasquilini 2 •, St. Peter raising Tabitha, by C. Bloemart, fine 1 , Martyrdom of St. Laurence, by Coriolanus 6 , The Resurrection of Lazarus, by B. Pasquilini , 1 1621 SIXTEENTH DAY’s SALE. Guercino, St. Petronilla Virga, by Jac. Freii, 1731 , fine 1 , St. Jerome writing, by F. Poilly, proof 1 , Dead Christ, with Two Angels, by N. Pitau, 1668 « .. f , St. Anthony of Padua reading, an Etching, by Guercino. The Head of St. John in the Charger, by Nevay. Love taken in a Net, by M. Pool 3 — — — , Sylvia and Dorinda, by P. Bonato, 180 Q, fine 1 End of the Sixteenth Day's Sale. O) O, ( 13 ) \ Seventeenth Day’s Sale, WEDNESDAY', the 9th Day of JUNE, 1813. ITALIAN SCHOOL continued. LOT 1 2 4 7 8 ^CjCUIDO — Head of Christ, by I. F. Bause, 1783. St. Cathe- rine, by Bazeri, 1689, and St. John with a Lamb, by Ditto 3 , Salome with the Head of St. John the Baptist, by Jac. Freii. St. Peter receiving the Keys from Christ, by Bolognini 2 , St. Sebastian, by F. Gregori, 1756. Virgin and Child, by Visscher , proofs 2 , Virgin and Child, by C. Bloemart. Ditto, by F. Poilly 2 — , Jupiter and Europa, and Ditto, by Cantarini, fine 2 , Christ and the Virgin, with a Globe. Virgin and Child, &c. 3 , Lucretia in her Chamber, and St. Christopher, fine 2 , Christ sleeping upon a Cross. A Repose. St. Jerome kneeling and leaning upon a Bank 3 — , Virgin and Child, with St. John leaning on a Lamb. Holy Family, Joseph with a Book in his Hand, &c, 3 9 14 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SEVENTEENTH DAY’s SALE. Guido — Virgin and Child holding Beads, in an oval-— Virgin and Child, Joseph under an Arch at a distance. Venus and Cupid 3 — ■ , A Repose, an Angel gathering Palm — Christ bearing the Cross, by Cantarini. The Guardian Angel conducting an Infant, by Ditto 3 ■ , St. Francis receiving the Child, by Cantarini , 1640, fine 1 , St. Sebastian. St. John receiving Water in a Cup. Venus, Adonis, and Cupid, by Cantarini 3 , Christ and St. John, with Joseph and the Virgin. A Repose, with Joseph asleep, fine, &,c. 3 — — — , Christ giving the Keys to St. Peter, large Etching by Guido, rare and fine 1 Vide Gersaint’s Catalogue of La Roque. — , The Doctors of the Church, by Ja. Freii 1 — — — , Two Cupids wrestling, by L. Lolli. Cupid breaking his Bow, by Ditto. Infant Hercules reclining on a Cushion, by Ditto 3 , Mercury and Argus, by Cantarini. A Repose, by Serani, Sc c. 3 — , St. Augustine, St. Francis, and five other Saints ador- ing the Virgin and Infant in the Clouds, by F. Torri 1 , Magdalen at Devotion, Audran Martyrdom of St. Andrew, by G. Audran, fine im- pression 1 , Hercules upon a Funeral pile in Mount CEta, by Rousselet. Triumph of Silenus, by J. B. Constantine, 1619 2 , Hippomanes and Atalanta, very fine 1 , The Sempstresses, bv Beauxerlet 1 , Adam, by Jo. Ottaviani. St. Jerome, by D.'Cunego , 1769. Martyrdom of St. Peter, by B. Thiboest,' See. 4 Hunufrys, Cres. Landscapes, with Jupiter, Mercury, and Apollo in the Clouds, fine 2 , Ditto, with Mercury and Jupiter, 1 69 6, fine 2 Lafreri, Anton. — The Vision of St. Augustin, 1582, rare 1 Lamberti, B. — St. Francis restoring Sight to the Infant born Blind, by Jac Freii 1 Lanfranco, G. — Triumph of a Roman Emperor, supposed to be Titus, scarce l , Martyrdom of St. Marguerite de Castone, by P. Pelrini, proof , scarce 1 Laura, Phil. — Marriage of St. Catharine, by C. Stella— St. Sebastian kneeling, holding an Arrow in his Hand, by T St/mpson , 1728 53 34 35 36 3; 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 SEVENTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 15 Liagno, T. F. — A Soldier armed, rare. Ligotius, Jac. — The Virgin sitting in a Crescent, with the Infant at her Breast, by Aug. Carracci, [589, fine and rare 2 Londonio, Francis — Shepherds attending Goats and Sheep, extra fine and rare l , Shepherd drinking out of a Bowl, with Sheep, Ass, &c. extra fine and rare 1 ■ , Shepherd and Shepherdess, with Boy and Girl attending Goats and Sheep, extra fine and rare 1 — — , Shepherds attending Cows, Goats, &c. extra fine and rare 1 — , Shepherds, with Cows, Horse, 8tc. extra fine and rare 2 , Shepherd and Shepherdess, with Goats and Sheep, extra fine and rare 2 — , Shepherd and Shepherdess, with Cow, Goats, &c. extra fine and scarce 2 -, Shepherd asleep. Woman with her Child in a Basket, in Landscapes, with Cattle, extra Jine and rare 2 , Boy asleep. Woman, with a Cow and Sheep, extra fine and rare 2 — - , Man, with a Horse, &c. Woman with Basket of Fruit, Goats, &c. extra fine and rare 2 , Old Shepherd reposing. Girl with Pigeons, Boy drinking, with Cows, &c. extra fne and rare 2 , Shepherdess sitting, with Sheep. Boys, with Asses, fine and scarce S , Boy attending a Cow and Goats. Boy, &c. with Sheep, fine and scarce 2 Man in a Landscape, with Horse and Cow. Shepherds, with Goats, &c. on blue paper, heightened with white, extra jine and rare 2 , Woman with Basket of Pears, See. ditto 2 , Shepherd and Shepherdess, with Cows, Sheep, &c. ditto 2 , Ditto, ditto 2 , Man with a Horse. Woman with Fruit, &c. ditto 2 , Shepherd asleep. Woman with her Child in a Basket, ditto piping Shepherds with Cows, Horses, &c. ditto 4 Man milking a Goat. Boy asleep, 8tc. ditto 4 Woman walking with Two Children. Shepherd Girl with Pigeons, &c. ditto 3 Girl asleep. Cattle, &c. ditto 5 Cows, Goats, 8cc. ditto 4 16 59 60 6l 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 90 81 SEVENTEENTH DAY’s SALE. Londonio, Girl milking a Goat. Boy leaning on a Calf &c. ditto 4 , Girl milking a Goat. Old Man with a Bottle in his Hand, dedicated to the Earl of Exeter, 1764, ditto 4 , Men sleeping, with Cows, Horse, &c. ditto 4 , Goats, Sheep, &c. 1758, ditto Q . Woman with a Child asleep in a Sheepskin, 1763. Man with Asses, ditto q Luchesse, M. — Horace Codes defending the Bridge, fine and rare 1 Maella, M. S. — A Female Saint preaching to the Indians, by P. Bombelli, 176 1 [ Macliar, Geo. — The Infant Christ embracing St. Francis, with the Virgin and Angels in the Clouds, scarce. Maiotto, D. — A Miser counting his Money, Wagner 2 Manetti, Rutilio — Coat of Arms, by G. Florirni. An Allegorical, three Men slain, to the left, Men on Horse- back, by O. Brun, senior, scarce 2 Mantegna, A.— The Martyrdom of St. Christopher and St. James, by G. David, scarce 5 , Triumph of Julius Caesar, by R. V. A. Gan - densis 1 Mar att, Carlo— The Death of the Virgin, by Audon Aert. 1728 1 , The Nativity, by F. Juranis ' 1 , Adoration of the Shepherds, by J.B. Poilly 1 , Joshua commanding the Sun to stand still, by II. Ferroni j , Virgin and Child in the act of Benediction, by A. F. Westerhout 1 , Magdalen prostrate before a Crucifix, by R. V. Auden Aerd. The Guardian Angel conducting a youm* Boy, by Pie. Aquila * | , The Marriage of St. Catherine, by J. Daitlle 1 , St. Anthony of Padua, “ Dilectus meus,” &c. by .F. Bartolozzi > Flight into Egypt, Joseph taking the Infant in crossing a River, by jac. Freii, 1735. Saint Philip Neri upon her Knees by the side of an Angel, before a Picture of the Virgin, “ In conspectu Angelorum by J. Freii 2 , St. John preaching in the Wilderness, by C. Decpuis j , St. Bernard, by J. Freii, 1743. The same Subject, bv F. Raflaeb, 1706. St. Andrew prostrate before the Cross, by Jac. Freii 3 , St. Francis iEvier dying, 1678, by J. Freii 1 SEVENTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 17 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Maratt, Carlo — Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, by R. V. Auden Aerd 1 , Birth of Romulus and Remus, by A. Proccacini 1 , The Choice of Hercules, by Jac. Freii 1 , Daphne and Apollo, by R. V. Auden Aerd , on two sheets, fine 1 , Bathsheba at the Bath, by R. V. Auden Aerd. Diogenes, by Proccacini 2 • — , The Emperor Augustus sacrificing to the Gods, by Jac. Freii , 1738 1 ■ • The Judgment of Paris, by C. Frezza , Proof BEFORE ANY LETTERS 1 , Time in a Boat, by B. Picart. Rebecca sends off the Servant of Abraham to seek Isaac, by Bartolozzi 2 , Diana and her Nymphs hunting a Wild Boar, by And. Proccacini. The Infant Bacchus saved by order of Jupiter, and given to the care of Nymphs by Mercury, by And. Proccacini 2 The Virgin and Child attended by Females. The Virgin and Child with St. Luke, scarce 2 , The Virgin in the Clouds, supported by three Angels. The Salutation, Etchings 2 , St. Andrew upon his Ass, conducted by Angels, by F. Parceni. The Annunciation, fine, and the Salutation, Etchings 3 — , Adoration of the Magi. The Annunciation, proof, Etchings. A Frontispiece, by Guil. Pallet 4 , St. Bernard with his Crozier pointing up to the Virgin, scarce , and Christ and the Women at the Well 2 Marieski, M. — Views in Venice 11 End of the Seventeenth Day's Sale. n C 15 ) Eighteenth Day's Sale , s THURSDAY, the 10th Day of JUNE, 1813. ITALIAN SCHOOL continued. 1 ^^TaRTINO, M. Sav. — Moses laid in the Nile by his Mother. The Good Samaritan, scarce 2 2 Matthiolus — Two Females in Armour, with an Angel sup- porting a Coat of Arms, &c. 3 3 , The Paintress, Allegorical, in a Landscape. A large ragged Rock, upon which is a Man surrounded with Danger, &c. “ Machina Invidia” scarce 2 4 Mazza, G. B. — St. Francis receiving the Stigmati. Flight into Egypt, with the Angel giving Herbs to the Ass, fine and, scarce 2 5 Menghjni, Nic. — -The Holy Eucharist surrounded by Che- rubim* and AngeB, underneath is Pharoah and his Host drowned in the Red Sea, by D. Barriere, fine and scarce 1 6 Mercati, J. B. — Decolation of St. John, 1626, fine and scarce 1 7 — — — — , St. John baptizing Christ, 1627. Ruins in Italy. Four Saints tied to a Column, and flagellated, 1600 4 EIGHTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Milanus, Aurel — River Gods and Goddesses, with Phaeton in the Clouds, drawn by four Horses, scarce 1 Mile, Fran. — A Landscape, with Figures, by Vander Laan, and fine counter proof 2 , Landscapes, fine 2 Miller, John — Holy Family 1 Mitelli, G. M. — The Fruits of War, 1692. Surgeons bleeding poor Patients to Death, 1699. scarce 2 Mola, Fran. — St. John preaching in the Wilderness, by Le Bas. — Repose in Egypt, by E. Jeaurat. The Meeting of Jacob and Rachael, by E. Jeaurat 3 , Christ healing the Blind, an Etching, fine 1 Morandi, Gio. Battista — Frontispiece to “ Historia Bo - tanica” &c. scarce 1 Mono, J B. — Fame standing upon a Globe blowing a Trumpet, and holding a Crown of Laurels, surrounded by a Border, with grotesque Figures, an Etching, rare 1 , M. del — The Ascension, Christ triumphant in the Clouds, seen by his Apostles, by G, Patavino , fine and scarce 1 Mutien, Jer,— Christ washing the Feet of his Disciples, by L. Desplaces 1 — , St. Francis on his Knees in a Mountainous Country, having received the Stigmati, by C. Cort, 1568, fine and scarce 1 • , St. John in the Desart upon his Knees, before a Crucifix, by J. Franco, fine and scarce 1 — — ■ - •■, St. Jerome in the Desart upon his Knees, attended by a Lion, by Marelli, 1579 1 22 Pace, G. B. — St. Luke painting the Portraits of the Virgin and Christ. Parigi — Theatrical Scene, “ Isola < VAlcini scarce 2 2S Paggius, J. B. — Venus caressing Cupid, by C. Galle. Pas- qualina — St. Laurence with the Instrument of his Martyrdom 2 44 , f The Virgin with Christ standing upon her Knees, Joseph at a Window, with a Book in his Hand, by Gio Mario Vari. The Virgin sitting at the Foot of a Building, the Infant upon her Knee, Joseph in a Hat surrounded with Glory, offering him an Apple, by J. Bap. Barbe , scarce and fine 2 25 Palma the Old— -A Nymph sitting upon the Knee of a Satyr, by Wol. Kilian. Palma the Young— St. Jerome and the Pope Damase sitting in Conference, an Etching St. Jerome, by J. Boei. Magdalen, by T. Van Kesse i 4 20 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 EIGHTEENTH DAY’s SALE. Palma, the Young— Vulcan having surprized Mars and Venus, throws a Net over them. Another less, by J. Jenet 2 , St. Sebastian tied to a Tree, by E. Sade/er, fine 1 , Sampson asleep upon the Knee of Delilah. Judith putting the Head of Holofernes into a Bag. Holy Family, with St. Jerome, &e. Etchings, fine 4 Palma the Young — Dead Christ, by P. Lisebetus. The Annunciation, by L. Kilian, See. 3 — — — , Dead Christ, by R. Eynhoudets. Mary the Egyptian, by P. Lisebetius. St John, by Troyen 3 — — ■ , The Rich Man tormented, and Lazarus on the Knee of the Almighty, by E. Sadeler,fine and scarce 1 , Joseph and his Mistress. A Female Figure. Drawing, &c. 3 , St. Jerome reading, by H. Goltzius , 1596. Christ on the Cross, by R. Sadeler 2 Parigi, G. — The Entrance of the Vessel into the Arno, at the Feat given upon the Marriage of the Duke of Tuscany, by C. Ga/lina 2 Parma, B. 1589 — The Holy Family, by Cam. Grafico , fine and rare 1 — — — , Jac. St. Jerome in the Desalt, with a Crucifix in his Hand, accompanied by two Angels, by C. Cort, 1577, very fine 1 Parmegiano — T he Marriage of St. Catherine. Circe con- templating a Death’s Head, Etchings, fine 2 , St. Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins, by Greg. Rossi. Circe surrounded by Monsters, in an oval 2 , Nativity and Copy, & c. 3 — — , Christ rising triumphant from the Tomb, rare. The Entombing of St. Catherine, by Gio. Temini, rare 2 , The Roman Daughter giving the Breast to her Father through the Gates of a Prison, 1542, fine and rare, and the Woman taken in Adultery, scarce 2 , Moses in the Burning Bush, (thought to be his first Etching ,) rare. Slag Hunt, Ditto G , The Holy Family, “ Mater Salvatoris ,” by J. Colemans, fine 1 — -, The Virgin, with Christ on her Knee. St. John presenting a Bird, by F. B. Bisins , 1634 , fine and scarce St. Roch with his Dog in the Desert, by F. Bricci 1 , The Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul, by Jac. Parmensis, fine and scarce 1 47 4S 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 EIGHTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 21 Parmegiano, The Marriage of the Virgin and St. Joseph, by Jac. Caraglio, fine 1 , Diana returning from Hunting, some Oxen in the back ground, by V. Caccianemici , extra fine and scarce 1 , The Virgin, with Christ in her Lap, resting upon ~ 1 1 1 1 by Boy 1 1 1 1 Four 1 a Globe, by J. C. Teucher, fine - , The Monument of a Bishop, fine ■ — — - — , The Miraculous Draught of Fishes, scarce '■■■ - ■ — ■ — , The Feast of Priapus, fine and scarce } Venus reposing in the Forge of Vulcan, H. V. Borcht. Death of Dido, by Ditto, and a holding a Salver of Fruit, by C. Orsolini Pasinelli, Lau.— Rebecca at the Well, 1665, scarce • , St. John Preaching in the Wilderness, ditto Pasqualini, J. B.— The Aurora, 1621 Pasqualotto — Christ upon the Tomb attended by Apostles, and Female Saints weeping, proof, rare Passari, B. — The Four Martyrs attached to a Column, Angels above holding their Crowns of Martyrdom, by P. Tho- massin, 1589, rare 1 Pedrigniani — The Transgresssion of Adam and Eve, scarce 1 , The Despair of Cain after the Death of Abel 1 Pegna, de la— -The Attack by Col. Assietti in Piedmont, in 1747, rare 1 Pellegrino, A. — The Angel Raphael conducting Young Tobit by the Hand, by C. Alberti , 1575. Passanotti, B. — The Virgin, Jesus, and John, scarce 2 Penni, L. — Lucretia expiring in the Arms of her Father, small. Men and Women Bathing, a free subject, H . Cock, ex. fine and rare 2 1 Venus lamenting the Death of Adonis, scarce , Atalanta weeping over the body of Meleager, attended by several others, 1543, scarce 1 , The Battle of the Gladiators, by Phil. Galle, 1562, extra fine and rare 1 , A large Bath, with Men and Women bathing, scarce 1 Perino, del Vaga — The Dispute between the Muses and Py rides, scarce 1 , Free subjects, called the Loves of the Gods, bv J. Carag/ius, fine and scarce 10 Peuuzzi — 1'halaris orders Perillus to be shut up in the Brazen Bull, by P. Woeiriot, fine 1 Pesero, Simon de — Holy Family, and Europe, by Zocchi 2 22 EIGHTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 72 Petri, Pet de — The Assumption of the Virgin, fine and scarce l 73 Piazetti, G. B.— Saints, by Pitteri. An Allegorical, with View in Venice, by F. Sartori 7 74 A Champetre, in which a Female is sleeping, by F '. Berardi 1 75 ■ ■■■■, Christ expiring on the Cross, by M. Pitteri, fine l 7 6 , Angels entombing Christ, by Bosio. Decolation of St. John 2 77 Piecini, Jac. — St. Theodora, after having slain the Dragon has dismounted from her Horse and is returning Thanks, by Isabella Piccini, extra rare 1 78 Piola.D. — H eads of Philosophers, by J. Testana. Polidore — Perillus shut up in the Brazen Bull, by J. Laurenliones, 1634, &c. 4 79 Piranese— V iews in Venice. Pittoni, G. B. — St. Ursula going to receive her Martyrdom, by Berardi 3 80 Pittoni, Bap. — Allegorical subjects 4 go* ■ ' , The Defeat of Crassus by the Parthians, fine and scarce 1 81 Pisani, J. Paul — The Angel Gabriel appearing to St. Joseph, ordering him with the Mother and Child to fly into Egypt. Poro — A n Armenian Lady, &c. 3 82 Podesta, G. A.— Bacchanalians, Satyrs, 8tc. 1640 3 S3 Polidore — A n Ancient Row Galley. Galatea standing upon a Dolphin, by C. Alberti , & c. 4 84 , Friezes, containing Figures of different Nations with Armory. Vases, &c. by lialetti 6 85 — , Camillas arriving at Rome, by Saenradam, fine 1 86 , The Adoration of the Shepherds, by C. Cort, extra fine 1 87 ' 1 -, Another, by G. F. Fontano , 1579 1 88 Pordonone— G od creating Man, 01. Gatti, 1625, and Judith with the Head of Holofernes, by Ditto, 1606, fine 2 89 Poussin, Gasper — Two pblong Landscapes and Two circular, fine and rare , i O 4 90 , Ditto , ^ 4 91 Primaticcio — A grand Ancient Repast, by Barbieri Fioren- tino, scarce. A Scene in a Garden, in which are Five Females, one is giving Drink to a Young Man 2 92 . — — — A grand Composition with many Figures, amongst whom is a Man on his Knees going to be slain by a Soldier who is prevented by a Young Woman seizing his Arm, by L. Daris, scarce 1 93 — , Porus in presence of Alexander, fine 1 94 , Ditto 1 EIGHTEENTH DAY’s SALE. 2S 95 Primaticcio, The Chace of the Wild Boar in the Water, by L. Duris, in an oval, scarce 1 96 - — — , Cadmus destroying the Dragon, by Ditto I 97 Proccacini. C.— St. Francis with Christ in his Arms. A Re- pose, Joseph leaning on the Saddle, scarce 2 98 — — , The Transfiguration, scarce, two sheets 1 99 , Ballad Singer with his Dog. Puccietti— Alle- gorical, by G. Freiza 2 End of the Eighteenth Day's Sale. CSCfc-viO tnrf* W to ( 24 ) Nineteenth Day's Sale, FRIDAY, the 11th Day of JUNE, 1813. ITALIAN SCHOOL continued . LOT 1 10 11 JBLaPHAEL — T he Bible, by Badotochio and LanfrailC, 1614, fine 5 At , The Bible, by Horace Borgiani, 1615 49 , Adam and Eve taking the forbidden Fruit, by N. Bocquet , 1691. Christ and St. Peter walking on the Sea, by C. Cort, 1568 2 ■ , Animals coming out of the Ark, by Cavalleris 1 ■■ ■, The Adoration of the Shepherds, called the Great Nativity, by P. del Po, scarce 1 , The same Subject, by A. Bloemart , fine 1 , The Holy Family, by G. Edelinck, extra fine 1 , The same, by Jac. l'reii, fine 1 , The Holy Family, *• Dante’s Hell, published in 1481, extra rare 1 , Beatrice appearing to Dante and his Companion, EXTRA RARE 1 antegna, Andrea, 1451 — The Battleof Sea Gods, in which is seen a back figure of Neptune, on two sheets, extra RARE > ' 1 , The taking down from the Cross, two Men on £ Ladders, &c. extra rare 1 A grand Procession, with Military Trophies, &c. scarce ' i The Three Graces loosely dressed, and the same 76 jr- fUn\< 77 - 78 - by Andrea Zoan, rare , A Procession, twp f . hands, scarce iliaxi Fet Authors with Books in their t-U) 1 A0 2 ~r, A Bacchanalia^ Least, rare 7y 4_, Christ Descending into Hell, by Mar Kartareus, 1566, rare / l 80 Mocetus, Hier, born 1454 .—The Virgin sitting upon a Throne , with Christ upon her Knee; at her Feet are Three Angels playing on Musical Instruments, and a Saint standing on each side, extra rare sr . . . l. 1 Modena, N. da, (born 1454) — St. Francis receiving the Stig- mati. Montagna, B. (borji 1458)— A Man sitting under a Tree, rare / • 7--0 C ! 2 32 , Saint Sebastian, 1 515. Montagna, B. — A Female ^ J , chastising a Young Satyr, an Old one playing on a Wind 2- i instrument, rare 2 83 Robetta, (born 1460)— The Adoration of the Kings, fine 81 jy) a. 85 Bri / jjAND RARE 1 £ — , The Golden Age, rare 1 ixensis, Jean Anti, (born 1461)— A Procession, Two Authors wdth Books in their Hands, the same as A. Mon- tegna. Brixensis — Piping Satyrs, with ornaments — “ Victoria Augusta,” scarce 2 86 Campagnola, Dom, (born 1482) — A Holy Family, with St. Z-- *2^—0 Catharine kneeling, 1517, rare 1 87 , A Landscape, with a Consort of Shepherds 'r *7 ' playiug on various Instruments, extra rare and fine 1 88 L — I , Guilio, (born 1483) — A single Figure standing ,,, holding a Cup and looking upwards; the back ground is * ' executed with round dots, extra rare and curious 1 4 89 Beccafumi, D. (born 1484)— A grand Bacchanalian Scene in a Landscape, ornamented with lluins, after Aspertini, * i ; RARE and FINE ''V, K Or /w V: Vi* 90 91 TWENTY-FIRST DAY's SALE. 41 i r I Beccafumi — The Little Witch, scarce - 2 C 1 Daris, or Daven, (born. 1500) — Dispute of Neptune with Minerva, after Rosso. The Cyclops working at the Forge of Vulcan, fine and scarce fi^ F I - o DOUBTFUL MASTERS. 92 Saint Augustin sitting writing, Fierenze , 1493 — A curious Specimen of an early Italian wood-cut, rare 1 93 A Battle between the Unicorn and other Animals, a fine drawn Figure sitting upon a Bank and holding a Burning Glass in his Hands; said to be etched by L. ua Vinci, extra rare and curious -fit 7w/ A 1 94 Venus, Cupid, and Satyr sitting upon an ornamented Scrole, scarce 1 95 The Sciences, and Two Angels carrying Bread, curious 1 96 Studies of the Human Figure, Paumjs de Matheai, fine and rare 1 97 A Woman on the Back of a Marine Monster, rare and fine 1 End of the Twenty-first Day's Sale. ... T IT - "V . T - T i. j i-iu 61 YjfcA A ( 42 ) » ;j o''/ n • ? u\J ulT — i ; r!liv.’ onuiqsK 1o •>;;?<;- iCI — '<,( l I v - jr* IP, ;i •" .. oa i Twenty-second Day's Sale, ■ :«J Jim: |./l I. f f i l> ! « i! !•; , i- ■ :.-l :1 'iV,n Mto «!3XtV AO .J ^ V\ W. . S'.\ kA Vv. ; fblj H >i(l i.i f ' ■ , TUESDAY the 15th Day of JUNE, 1813. I IV.'.. .. I monm im'jV: ■> •, 1 •: A o w*I bint ,rv)t. ,.■>> c » • t l A3HTA IA an « M I i t VU»'.ri (I'SiJji) i I »:!i i.> i - ! • 'i r Mat 1 ••> ! ITALIAN SCHOOL continued. LOT 1 A NICHOLAS BEATRICE. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RIVER God, the Source of the Tiber, with a curious border, fine and scarce 1 Ditto, 1560, Ceres in a Car, drawn by Two Lions, after Pe- ruzzi, fine 2 The Augur Accius cutting a Stone with his Razor, in the pre- sence of Tarquin, after Polidore— Christ in the Garden, a Dog bringing him Bread, after Raphael, vert/ fine 2 M. Angelo’s Dream, after M. Angelo 1 Christ Crowning the Virgin, after Raphael, scarce 1 The Battle of the Daces, from the Arch of Constantine, 1553, extra fine and scarce Christ on the Cross, after Hier Muciano , scarce 1 Festoons of Flowers, with Cupids, from Ancient Tapestry, after Raphael, 1602, “ Tapezzerie del Papa" Ditto, one with a Monkey, fine St. Jeremiah the Prophet, after Michael Angelo, 1547, fine and rare to to TWENTY-SECOND DAY's SALE. 43 11 12 13 14 15 16 Le songs de la Vie Humaine, called M. Angelo’s Dream, fine and scarce 1 The Battle of the Amazons , from the Antique, on two sheets, 1559, fine 1 The Same, Hent. Van Schoel, excellent 1 A Naval Battle , with the Admiral at the head of the Ships, fine. — Triumph of Love represented by Cupid in Car Jesus restoring to health the Daughter of the Chief of the Synagogue, after Muciano , scarce 1 Saint Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, healing the Sick, by ditto, scarce 1 17 The Conversion of St. Paul, after M. Angelo, scarce 1 18 The Battle of Love and Reason, 1545, after B. Bandinelli, scarce 1 19 Daphne and Apollo — Apollo and the Muses disturbed by Her- cules, beating a Female with his Club, after Peruzzi , fine 2 20 iEneas carrying, away his Father Anchises— Apollo destroying the Serpent Python, after J ulio Romano 2 21 The Death of Abel, alter Julio Romano, scarce l 22 The Virgin sitting on a bright Cloud, holding the Infant Jesus upon her Knees, who is taking Grapes from St. John, fine and scarce j 23 The Victory of Scipio over the Carthagenians, fine 1 24 A number of Infant Bacchus’s carrying the Ass of Silenus, after M. Angelo, fine 1 25 The fall of Phaeton, fine and scarce 1 26 Apollo having conquered Marsyas, orders him to be tied to a Tree, and the same subject by Beham, after Raphael 2 THE G Id ISIS, or MANTUANUS. ' 28 Mars, Venus, and Cupid. Venus and Adonis, &c. 3 29 Hercules and Iole, in an oval, fine, by A. Mantuanus. An Angel writing on an oval Tablet, by Ditto. A Mountebank encircled with Vipers, administering Medicine to the Multitude i, 4 30 The Satyr blowing Hot and Cold, after P. del Vaga, scarce. Vulcan, Venus, and Cupid, after Ditto, by G. 'Mantuanus 2 31 The Almighty in the Clouds, with the Heads of Cherubs in a circle, by Diana Mantuanus, 1581, fine. Two Old Men sitting at a Table with a Woman, by Ditto, scarce 2 to p 44 TWENTY -SECOND DAY’s SALE. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 J 41 t 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 The Divinities of' Olympus in the Clouds, after Primatiecio , fine 4 The Nine Muses with their Attributes, after Ditto, fint 4 The Continence of Scipio, after Julio Roiiiarto, by D. Man- tuanus, and Mars sitting upon a Piece of Stone-work, with a Sword in his Right Hand, after Ditto, by Ad. MantUanUs , fine and seated 2 The Marriage of St. Catharine, by Ad. Mantuanus. The Vir- gin sitting on the Clbuds with the Infant On her Knee, under are the Angels Michael, Gabriel, atld Raphael, alter Ruphael, by Didita Mantuanus 2 Three Cupids and Dolphin, after Raphael, by G. Mdntuanus. RivCr God with A Cornucopia, Three Females holding Vasetj by J. B. Mantudnus. The Ensigfi, by G. Man- tuanus, 1537 3 Apollo Flaying Marsyas, by J. B. Mantuanus, 1581, Cine Affb raEe 1 The Martyrdom of a Female on a high Mount, surrounded by Men and Women, by G. Mantuanus, fin E ANir hake 1 The Resurrection of Dry Doties, by J. B. MantUanUs 1 Christ crowning the Virgin, attended by Angels playing oh Milsickl Instruments, find surrounded by borders, repre- senting the Life of Christ, by G. Mantuanus, 1575, extra FINE AND RARE , 1 Mary Magdalen, penitent, sitting upon a Block, surrounded by a border representing the Life of Christ, bv Ditto, FINE PROOF 1 The Trinity, by Ditto, 1576, Scarce 1 Christ crowning the Virgin , surrounded with Historical Subjects, Saints, &c. by DitTO, Extra fine and rare 1 Raphael’s Dream, or the Melancholy of Michael Angelo, by G. Mantuanus, 1561, scarce 1 Apollo seated on Mount Parnassus, playing on the Violin, ac- companied by the Nine Muses, after L. Penni, by Ditto, Jine and scarce 1 Cupid and Psyche, after Julio Bomano, 1574. The Death of Archimedes, after Polidore, scarce 2 The School of Athens, after Raphael, 1550, On two sheets, fine 1 The Dispute upon the Sacrament, a grand Composition, after Ditto, by G. Mantuanus, 1552, on two sheets, fine 1 The Birth of Memnon, Son of Tithonus and Aurora, the Sybil giving the Infant to Two Genii, after Julio Romano, by Ditto, 1560, fine i The Adut/ress in the Portico of the Temple, after Ditto* by Dia nd Mantuanus, 1633, fine 1 Cephalus and Procris, alter Julio Romano, by G. Mantuanus, fine 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 TWENTY-SECOND DAY’s SALE. 45 The Feast of Psyche, after Ditto, by D. Mantuanus , 1575, on two sheets, Jine and scarce ) Mars, Venus and Cupid, after Julio Romano, by G. Mantuanus, fine, 1539 1 Bacchus sleeping with a Table before him, with Bread and Cheese, a Goat going to swallow a Pyramid, by Ditto, scarce l Paris and Mercury, with Pallas, Venus and Juno, after J. B. Mantuanus , by G. Mantuanus, 1 555, fine and scarce l The taking of Troy by the Greeks. Venus appearing to the right to iEneas, Sec. by G. Mantuanus, fine and scarce 1 A grand Naval Buttle, in the manner of the Ancients, by J. B. Mantuanus, 1538, fine and scarce 1 The Flagellation, by Adam Mantuanus, proof , fine and rare 1 The Niobe, by P. Galle , 1557, after J. Mantuanus, fine 1 Fishing for Dolphins with Nets, scarce 1 The Salutation of Mary and Elizabeth, after Salviali, by G. Mantuanus, scarce 1 The Rep ose, after Julio Campi, by G. Mantuanus, 1570, sca/ce and Jine 1 The Marriage of St. Catherine by F. Bolognese, by G. Man- tuanus, fine and rare 1 Calumny draws Innocence to the Tribunal of Folly, after L. Penni, by Ditto, 1560, fine and scarce I Endi/mion carrying Diana to the Chace, after L. Penni, by Ditto, 1563, fine l Venus and Adonis, and Angelica and Medora, after Thed. Mantuanus, by Ditto, very fine 2 Hercules Farnese. Ditto resting on his Club, with his Feet on the Hydra which he has killed, by Ditto, fine 5 Vulcan, Venus and Cupid, by G. Mantuanus, fine. Venus standing in Water, with Flowers, Cupid asleep, Nic. Nelli, ex. very fine 2 The Capellu Sistini, after Michael Angelo, by A. Mantuanus, 1612, scarce 74 The Sybils and Prophets, from the Angles of the Sis tine Chapel, fine, some proof s, after M. Angelo, by G. Man- tuanus, 1540, fine 6 The Cemetry, after J. B. Mantuanus, by G. Mantmnus, extra Jine and rare l Raphael's Dream, or the Melancholy of Michael Angelo, by G. Mantuanus, extra fine and scarce 1 The Nativity, and Adoration of the Shepherds, attended by three Angels, by G. Mantuanus, fine and scarce l End of the Twenty -second Day's Sale. ( 46 ) Twenty-third Day's Sale , WEDNESDAY, the 16th Day of JUNE, 1813. JENEAS VICO. LOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 J2 13 14 P< ORTRAIT of Aristotle , 1546, scarce 1 he Rhinoceros , 1548, rare 1 Venus sleeping in the Forge of V ulcan, after Parmegiano , 1543, scarce 1 Bacchanalian, Meleager, &c. from Antique Gems, scarce 7 Venus, Satyrs, &c. ditto, fine 7 The body of Christ carried to the Tomb, which is in the form of a Tower, after Raphael, 1548 1 The Rape of Dejanira, after Raphael, 1542 1 The Annunciation, after Parmegiano, 1548, scarce 1 Cyclops at Work in the Forge of Vulcan, after Rossi l Diana in her Car, on the Clouds, drawn by Dogs; underneath is a City, after Julio Romano, 1541, oval 1 Young Bacchanalians carrying the Ass of Silenus, after M. Angelo Bonaroti, 154 Q, fine 1 An Antique Vase, 1543. The Nine Muses, scarce Antique Vases, 154S, fine The Three Graces, 1542, scarce. Sacrificing on an Altar, 1542, scarce 2 to to 47 TWENTY-THIRD DAY’s SALE. ^ Diana in her Car , drawn by Dogs, extra fine j 16 The Battle of the Amazons and Greeks, 1543, in an oval scarce j’ J< Charles V. with his Army crossing the Elbe, at the Battle of Mulberg, surrounded by a border i 18 Heads of the Twelve Caesars, surrounded with borders and inscriptions on entableture, fine and rare, ivith a title 13 19 Coins of ditto on forty-three leaves 43 iiO The School of Buccio Bandinelli, extra fine and rare 1 -1 1 he Conveision of St. Paul, after Salviati, 1545, on two sheets, very scarce and fine . AUGUSTIN VENITIEN. 22 The Almighty and an Angel, who holds a Scroll in his Hand, 1518, scarce j 23 A Young Warrior before a burning Altar. SilenuB mounted on an Ass, &c. 2 24 Cammillo on Horseback, arrived at Rome 1 25 Venus standing upon a Shell, and Cupid in a Boat, rowing with his Bow, scarce 26 : siting holding a Bridle, Cupid sitting by the side of a Pillar, 1517, called Moderation, after Raphael 1 27 The small School of Baccia Bandinelli, 1531. A Dead Christ sitting on Steps, Virgins weeping, 1543, after Raphael, scarce 2 28 Moses commanding the Israelites to gather up the Manna after Raphael { 29 Lycaon changed into a Wolf, 1524, after Raphael, scarce I 30 Christ bearing the Cross, 1519, after Raphael, scarce 1 SI Two antique Therms. Hercules and Antious, after M. Angelo „ The Sybil of Cuma, a Dog following; she is holding a Basket, on which the Sun casts its rays, 15J6, scarce 3 32 Antique Vases, 1530 and 1531, fine 2 33 The Nativity, 1527. Elymas the Sorcerer, 1516, after Raphael 2 34 The Dispute of the M uses with the Pierides, after P. del Vaga, 1 553, fine and scarce ° j 35 Silemus mounted on an Ass, brought in Triumph by Fawns and Bacchantes, extra fine and scarce 1 36 Copy ot Ditto, by Picart. Neptune metamorphosed into a Horse, is in Love with Philira, after J, Romano 2 48 TWENTY-THIRD DAY'S SALE. 37 The first Thought of Raphael, for the Feast of Psyche, scarce ^ 38 Ihe Cartoon of Pisa , called the Grimpers, or Climbers, after M. Angelo, 1524, extra fine 1 39 The Same, by M. Luchesse 1 40 Venus sitting at the Foot of a Tree, leaning her Arm on the Shoulder of Cupid, 1516, fine and rare 1 41 The Cemetry, called “ Les Squelettes de Bacciof 1518, fine old impression ^4<2 The Battle of the Sabre, after Raphael, fine and scarce 1 MARCO DE RAVENNA. 43 Hercules with the Lion’s Skin. Antique Ornaments 4 44 Venus quitting Juno and Ceres, after Raphael , scarce 1 45 The Cemetry, after Baccio Bandinelli 1 46 The Assembly of the Gods on the subject of Psyche, after Raphael 1 47 The Apostles, after Raphael, fine and scarce 6 48 Ditto, ditto 6 49 Grand Battle of Cavalry and Infantry, Silenus mounted on an Ass, supported by two Satyrs 50 The Transfiguration, after Raphael 51 The Victory of Scipio, after Ditto, 1540 52 The Rape of Helen, after Ditto, very fine and scarce 53 The Murder of the Innocents, 1602, atter B. Bandinelli 54 The School of Athens, after Raphael, fine and scarce. Antique Frieze, with three Cupids, one with a Trident, the other supporting a Shell, 1519 , fine 2 The Laocoon, after Raphael, scarce l burlesqued, a wood cut, by Titian 1 2 1 1 1 1 An 55 56 57 58 59 60 6l Venus sitting on the Back of a Marine Monster, and Cupid mounted on a Dolphin 1 A Prison Scene, various Tortures, fine l The Murder of the Innocents, fine old impression, before the publisher’s name, after B. Bandinelli 1 The Same, reversed I The Assembly of the Gods, after Raphael , extra fine and scarce 1 TWENTY-THIRD DAY’s SALE. *9 i. JULIO BONASONE. A or IT <38 62 63 64 65 66 -UQ 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Portrait of Joannes Bernard inus, aet 33, 1658, fine and scarce 1 Christ giving the Keys to St. Peter, after Raphael 1 The Elysian Fields, Cupid tied to a Tree, Venus descending from the Clouds, 1563, fine and scarce 1 Adam and Eve driven out of Paradise, and a Lamb Sacri- ficing upon a flaming Altar and other Figures 1 Time and Eternity, an old Man sitting with three Boys before him, and a Phoenix, 1585, after Julio Romano , scarce 1 Saint John and Saint Peter healing the Lame Man at the Gate of the Temple, after P. del Faga — The Cup found in Benjamin’s Sack, after Raphael 2 Alexander and Roxana, scarce 1 The Virgin in the Clouds, amidst a glory of Angels at the bottom is a Landscape, with a great Rock, alter Raphael, scarce 1 The Triumph of Bacchus, who is seated in a Car, drawn by four Lynx’s, after P. del Faga, scarce I Silenus mounted on an Ass, supported by two Bacchantes — Pan brought between two Satyrs before King Midas, after P. del Faga * 2 The Shipwreck of iEneas, after Primaticio I Christ Praying in the Garden, 1576, scarce 1 Weavers at work, called “ la Tisserand a son travail after Primaticio, scarce 1 The Virgin Infant Jesus, and St. Margaret kneeling, after Parmegiano , scarce 1 The Virgin under a Tree, with Christ in her Arms, St. Joseph behind her, and St. John on one Knee, offering Fruit, after Raphael — A Young Man extended on the Earth, and two Figures, one of which is kneeling 2 Adam and Eve sitting under a Tree, embracing, fine and scarce 1 Three Old Women with their Heads covered, scarce 1 The Miracles of the Fountain, and Manna, after Parmegiana, 1546 — A Female resting her right Hand upon an Urn 2 The Birth of Adonis, 1544 1 Pluto’s descent after Julio Romano — A Saint, his left Arm ex- tended towards a Dragon, after P. del Vaga 2 The Battle of Constantine, without the name of Bonasone, after Raphael l The Same, with the name of Bonasone, 1544 1 A Man sitting upon steps, a large Club in his left Hand, several Persons attending, one holding his right Hand, scarce 1 H so TWENTY-THIRD DAY’s SALE. 85 A grand Mythological Composition of Gods and Goddesses, Venus and Cupid in the centre, fine and scarce 1 86 The Animals coming out of the Ark, after Raphael, 1544, fine and scarce I 87 The Niohe, 1541, after P. del Vaga , fine and scarce 1 88 The Birth of St. John , after J. Florentinus, fine and rare 1 89 Nerius, Doris, and the Nereids, six Figures, some eating Fish, fine and scarce 1 90 Juno suspended in the Clouds by a rope, extra scarce and fine 1 91 Judith coming out of the Tent of Holofernes, after having cut off his Head, after M. Angelo, extra fine and scarce 1 92 Portraits of Caval Cantes, Dante, Boccatius , Petrarch , Poli- tanus, and Figinus, rare 1 93 The Elysian Fields, Apollo and Cupid in their Car, 1545, extra rare and fine 1 \ End of the Twenty -third Day's Sale. ( 51 ) Twenty-fourth Day's Sale, THURSDAY, the 17th Day of JUNE, 1813. MARC ANTONIO. LOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 Martyrdom of St. Juliana, aet 18, &c. The Satyr caught in Adultery, after A. Durer, scarce Christ tied to a Column and flagellated ~ the Cross, &c. 3 A Saint writing upon a Tablet, after Raphael, scarce J Historj r of the Virgin, 1509, Stc. after A. Durer, scarce 6 The Holy Family, with Tobit and the Angel, after Raphael. An Old Man and a Lady conversing, after Ditto History of the Virgin, after A. Durer Virgin and Child sitting, an Angel playing the Harp, seventeenth plate of the Life of the Virgin, with mark of Marc Antonio A Sea Monster with a Female on his Back. A Woman con- ducting a Lion towards a Fire on the Left 2 Offering to Priapus, before the inscription upon the pedestal, alter Raphael, fine 1 The Same, by Beatrice , fine 1 Minerva standing upon a Globe, with a Spear in one Hand and a Shield in the other, after Raphael , scarce l Bacchus and Silenus holding a Branch of the Vine. Venus asleep, with a Satyr uncovering her 2 3 1 Taking down from 2 6 the the 1 52 TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’s SALE. 14 Apollo standing holding his Lyre. A Female with Two Children 2 15 The Pest, a Copy, &c. 2 16 St. Cecilia with the Four Saints, called “ La Sainte Cecilie au Collier” 1 17 Mount of Parnassus 1 18 The Last Supper, called “ La Piece des Pieds,” and Copy 2 19 The Murder of the Innocents, by M. Luchesse 1 20 The Same, with the Mark 1 21 Christ sitting in the Clouds; underneath, St. Catharine, &c. 1 22 Two Sybils, one writing in a Book. A winged Cupid, and the Three Graces sitting in the Clouds, after Raphael 2 23 Oratius, one of the four Cavaliers, after Raphael. A Figure in a Niche, representing Faith, &c. 3 24 iEneas carrying Anchises on his Shoulders, proceeded by a Young Boy carrying a Lanthorn. A naked Figure upon a Pedestal, with a Cornucopias in his Hand, surrounded by several Figures, after Raphael 2 The Descent from the Cross, 1570, after Raphael 1 The Large Banquet of Psyche- — 1 The Battle of the Lions, 1532. A Female reposing 2 Warriors combating Lions, after Julio Romano 1 The Death of Ananias, after Raphael 1 Noah’s Sacrifice after coming out of the Arc, scarce 1 Venus on the Back of a Marine Monster, and Cupid mounted upon a Dolphin, after Raphael 1 • sitting naked upon the Bank of the Sea, with a Satyr in a Bush. Venus taking a Thorn out of her Foot 2 The Virgiu sitting on the Clouds, holding Christ on her Knee, and the Same, by Aug. Venetien 2 The Judgment of Paris. The Reeds with a single Stem,y)«e, after Raphael 1 The Same, with the double Stem 1 The Loves of Cupid and Psyche, after Raphael 32 Christ upon the Cross. A Female Saint with a Heart and Cru- cifix in her left Hand, &c. 4 The Cardinal Virtues, Charity, Hope, Justice and Fortitude, under Arches, after Raphael 4 Ditto, different, all with the Tablets, after Ditto 4 Christ and the Apostles 7 The Rape of Helen. Apollo drawn by four Horses. Jupiter hurling his Thunder 2 The Books of the Sybils put into the Tomb of Numa 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Pomphilius, after Raphael Mount Parnassus, after Ditto Lucretia with the Faggots on fire TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’s SALE. S3 45 Christ sitting between two Columns upon the long Steps called “ Notre dame a I'Escalier," fine 1 46 Lucretia in her Chamber, the first print engraved after Raphael, by M. Antonio, scarce 1 47 The Same, reversed, by AS. Vico, 1541 l 48 Mars putting away Venus and Cupid, after A. Mantegna, fine and scarce • » < 1 49 Two Young Women with their Backs against a Column, sup- porting a large perfuming Pan, la Cassolette , after Raphael, scarce / . I 50 Paul preaching at Athens, with the two Figures leaning on the Balustrades, after Raphael , scarce 1 51 The Martyrdom of St. Felicite, before the Ear ,fine and scarce, after Raphael 1 52 Ttvo Men holding a Bow between them, and a Woman kneeling upon the Ground, fine and rare 1 53 An Emperor sitting, a Ball in his right Hand, and a Wand in his left, hanging down, very fine and scarce 1 54 sitting, with a Crown on his Head, his left Arm extended, holding a Wand, fine and rare 1 55 A Female sitting, with her Head on her right Arm, leaning on a Window Frame, scarce _ 1 56 Holy Family, “ The Virgin with the long Thigh,” after Raphael , fine wt 1 57 The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, called “ La Graticola di St. l^orenzo,” with the Fork passing behind the Thigh of the Saint, after B. Bandinelli , rare and fine 1 58 The taking down from the Cross, between two Ladders, fine 1 59 The Five Saints, after Raphael, with the Tah\et, fine and scarce 1 GO The great Conflagration at Rome quelled by the Pope, after Raphael 1 61 Two Men carrying a Child in a Basket, after Raphael , fine AND SCARCE 1 62 A Woman standing naked before a Mirror, and Death behind her holding up an Hour Glass, with a Wheel at his Feet, after M. Angelo, rare 1 63 Silenus, Male and Female Satyrs, &c. one asleep, her right arm over her Head, scarce l 64 The Same, by iEneas Vico, &c. 2 65 Descent of the Holy Ghost, after Raphael, rare and fine 1 66 The Same, Ant. Lafrery 1 67 The Carcass or Stregozzo, after Raphael, rare and fine 1 68 The Triumph of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, after Raphael, fine 1 69 Neptune in his Car, drawn by Four Sea Horses, surrounded by a border, with Allegorical subjects, called “ Le duos Ego,” fine and scarce, after j Raphael ' 1 TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’s SALE. Jfc 70 I 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 The Portal of an Ancient Edifice, with a grand Head of Ves- pasion, proof, extra fine 1 Venus wiping her foot, Cupid standing near her, his Hand upon his Head, fine and rare, after Raphael 1 St. Cecilia, with the Four Saints, called “ La Sainte Cecile, au Collier ,” fine and rare 1 Triumph of Galatea, after Raphael, extra fine 1 The Same, by Marc de Ravenna 1 The Same, by Goltzius, 1592, fine 1 The Books of the Sybils, put into the Tomb of Numa Pompilius, extra fine and rare 1 The Murder of the Innocents , after Raphael, fine 1 N.B. The second plate, for the engraving of which, Marc An- tonio was assassinated, fine 1 Adam and Eve Eating the forbidden Fruit, after Raphael, rare and fine 1 The Pest, called “ II Morbitto ,” fine and rare 1 Portrait of Aretin, with the inscription, “ Petrus Aretinus" Accerimus, & c. after Titian, rare and fine 1 Ditto, by Hollar l The Holy Family, Joseph at Work, and Christ Sweeping with a Broom, unique, fine I The last Supper, called, “ La Piece des Pieds," extra fine and rare l The taking of Carthage, after Julio Romano, by G. Pentz, fine 1 A collection of Portraits, after Van Dyck, all of the choicest Impressions, with many proofs and variations, selected from several Thousands, and continued in three portfolios, bound in russia, with printed title pages to each volume, 527 in number, a remarkable fine set End of the Sale. N.B. In a few Days will be Sold, a valuable Collection, principally the Works of HOGARTH, with some original Pictura/ Drawings by that Artist. A capital Bust of Oliver Cromwell, &c. &c. the Property of a well known Collector. tiioVf sill /Iliifjioniifj .noilsolioO slifculs’i fi ,bloc sti Li ?/ (| I M,A A .hiliA IfitU /f[oi'I ;>ill .a* .0 /> Jb.viuo'iO - m.IO )o j nfl J .loloslloD ---<•*