CatAlasue OF A ^ CAPITAL COLLECTION OP DRAWINGS, BY THE GREAT MASTERS OF ALL THE SCHOOLS, MOST dF WHICH HAD FOHMBRLY ADORNED THE GREATEST CABINETS OF EUROPE; Among which will be found genuine Specimens, by L. DA VINCI MICHAEL ANGELO BAPIIAEL JULIO ROMANO POLIDORO CORREGGIO PARMEGGIANO WOUWERMANS CIPRIANI BARTOLOZZI R. COOPER &C. THE CARRACCI ' RUBENS GUERCINO VANDYCK GUIDO REMBRANDT TITIAN PAOLO VERONESE SALVATOR. ROSA NICOLO POUSSIN 4 ANGELICA KAUFFMANN^ AND A FEW CABINET PICTURES, CHIEFLY BY' ANGELIC A KAU FFMANN, THE PROPERTY OF JOSEPH BOJfOMI, Esq. and of an eminent JJghndisfeufj both deceased ; WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, lyUhout Reserve, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ■ MJR. T. FeiLIPE, AT HIS ROOMS, WARWICK STREET, GOLDEN SQUARE, ADJOINING THE CHAPEL, On MONDAY the IGth of MAA", 1S08, ,And Four following Days, at Twelve o* Clock, May be viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues, price Is. 6d. to he had at the Rooms, and at No. S2, Golden Square. ■m, ; V; '• ’ ■‘;.I V , V V . . ;iO ’ i L;:i.I.T 09 JATriAO '\.C -"-T-v-y ; f— (; ■( . >' . ^ V ? i n:- r Y .5 ‘ ::- r '\o ii::v 'j V . . <1 /- 7-!;;-^ j, j r /51 1:6: nr zo, TfCi: ’ i'\ ' .i: j;i ‘K5 ') ■ ^ i OZ 1 'j.'Al ^ r./ O T :D'^ri‘ ' '■ ' OCIJJ j;.;,’ ZAi'rrr ■ '• ,1 IV (vio: -I i ;i Z 'vj'i'i 77 - J ■ ^ 'O'i 0.10 : z -A ' :i ,/ . • T : zz rzAi'. J! ( i '•>!. - ' (.;; <'i: zz jKi (■ .: • ; A'‘ /. ;; .•. ; ZZ'Z V TiiVitU.O u •I. ■a '.M . , i». . ' J - V t . , 1 . 4 J «>-.■. f. ■•• i V i "I ■ I . ir/AA'A izr 'ZO':; M'i' J Z I. 'liAIii /■ » • i *. i* C L 1- 'V V. '79: /. :.' 7 riv : , in ; / ■ :: . iZfz i z ; alz a n ' \i - zmA ;..C 1 il) nv. ^ AZ. A ■■ >.c' -‘ •■ 0 ' T f ‘A :>' -Z Catalogue First Day’s Sale. MONDAY, the 16th of MAY, 1807. VARIA. 1 Thirty, various studies, cliiefiy by Italian • ma&ters 2 Ditto 3 Nine ditto, Raphael^ 4 Thirteen ditto, ditto ' 5 Twelve ditto, Thornhill y Moldy 6 Six ditto, Rembrandt, Chalony ^c, 7 Ten ditto, Italian masters 8 Twelve ditto, ditto 9 Eight ditto, ditto 10 Twelve, ditto, landschapes, SchellingSy ^ A. ABBATE, JsTicolo del^ Boh h, 1512^ ch 1572. 11 Two — a flying Cupid, pen and histrey on ochre ground^Jine /• B 2 jaDtatoings^^ l5^. ANSELMI^ Michel Angelo, Sienna, jiourished about 1545. The Shepherds^ Offering, pen and listre, a charm^ ing little composition ALBANO;, Fraricesco, Bol. h. 1^78, d. 1660, 12 One — Diana with her nymphs bathing, red and Mack chalky delicately handled and stumped — very fine ALLLEGRINI^ Francesco, Rom. b. 1587, d. 1663. IS Two — the Marriage of the Virgin, pen, red chalh, and listre APOLLODORO, Francesco, of Padua. Soldiers at the siege of a town, pew and listre, heightened— fine AMMON, Jost, German. 1 4 One — design for a ’scutcheon, pen, on grey paper, heightened, dated 1569 D" ARPIN AS, Gios^o Cesari. JYap. b. 1560, d. 1640. 15 Three — a saint subject of four figures, red chalk, stumped ; a boy^s head, red 2 md llack chalk ; and an angel bearing an open book, in the same manner 16 Three— the Flagellation, pen and listre-, the same subject, pen and Ind. ink, on Hue paper, height tened ; and Fame sounding a trumpet, llack chalk, heightened, delicatety touched )7 — Mndor?'' and child red chalk, very fine — 22. Day. 3 ASSELYN;, Jan, alias Crabbetje, Roll, b. J610, d. 1660. 18 One — an Italian Yarm yard, Indian ink AZERETO, Giovachino, Genoa, b. 1600, - d. 1649. 19 The Madona giving the Child to St. Francis, /ree pen and Ind, inky on grey paper y heightened B. BACKHUYSEN, Rudolf, Roll. b. 1631, d. 1709. 20 One — a sea-piece, by Scott, after him, hlack and white chalky on blue paper BAGNACAVALLO, Bart. Ramenghi, detto, BoLb. U93, d. 21 One — Madona and Child with 3 saints, pen and bistre, heightened^^from the Duke of Argyle's collection BALDUNG, Rans, Germ. v 22 A lady counting her beads, red and black chalk, fine — dated 1519 BANDINELLI, Baccio, Flor. b. 1487, . d. 1549. 23 Two—a torso of Hercules, red chalk, stumped^ fine ; and BARENTSEN, Dieter ich. Roll. b. 1534, d. 1580, disciple of Titian. Burial of Christ, pen and bistre, on blue paper, vi- gorously heightened ^ SDratDtngfif* 1st, Day. BAROCCI, Fed, Rom. b. 1528, d. 1612. 24 Five — Four busts, in crayons-, and a study for the Judgment of Solomon • 25 Two — a child frightened^ in crayons — R, and stu- dies for a head of St. Francis, 'ted chalk 26 St. Francis praying, a study for the celebrated pic^ hire in the church at JJrbino^fro'm the Sagredo collection — see note on the hack 27 Two studies^— a torso and legs, &c. black chalky heightend—'R. 28 Two — a female bust, size of life, in crayons^ on blue paper., capital — pl. R. and a study for the composition, of which the female bust is a part, black chalk 29 One — a large head of a man, crayons, on blue paper —Rr - . . . 30 One — bust of a female, for the Nativity, in the same manner — very fine 31 One — the Holy Family, pen and colour, with va- rious pen studies for the Child — very fine FRA. BARTOLOMEO, di Sati'Marco^ Flor. b. 1469, d.lbll, 32 Two — fhe Assumption of the Virgin, black chalk, on russet ground ; and a study for a picture in the Tribune at Florence, in the same manner BASSANO, Giacomo de Ponte, Ven. b. 1510, d. 1592 . 33 One — a sleeping boy, red and black chalk BASSETTI, Marc Antonio, Verona, b, 1589, d^ 1630. 34 One — the Martyrdom of St. Laurence, a capital composition of many figures — masterly pen and bistre _l5/. Day^, 5 BECCAFUMI, Domenico y detio Micarino, Sien, h. 1484, d. 1549, , 35 Two — Christ supported by angels, pen and listre ; and a philosopher, largely draped, whole lengthy free pen and bistre BELLINO, G/or. Ven,"h. 1422, d, 1512. 36 One — his portrait, drawn quando era morto in ca^ lhalectOy pen and colour — curious BELLA, Stefano Della, Flor. 37 Two — a landschape, pen and Ind. ink ',, and a por- trait of Marc Benefiali Romanus^ red chalk BERCHEM, TV'. Roll, b, 1624, d. 1683. 38 One — a landschape with figures and cattle, &c. free pen and bistre 39, One — a landschape, with the story of Tobit and the Angel, red chalk — very fine . BERNINI, Giov, Lor cnzo, Rom, 1598, d, 1680. 40 One — a rich cibdrio, or ostensory, of brass and la- pis lazuli, in the chapel of the Holy sacrament, in St. Peter’s, at Rome, pen and bistre BIAGGIO BOLOGNESE, I6^7i centumj. 41 Two — the Marriage of the Virgin, and a historical subject-^pe?z and Ind, ink, vigorously, height- ened BISCAINO, Bartolomeo, Gen. b. 1632, d. 1657. 42 One — the Holy Family, red chalk and Ind, ink— a graceful masterly design 6 Isf, Day, BISCAINO. 4S One— the Holy Family, turpentine colour — an ele^ gant composition , N. B, The designs of this charming Artist are very ‘rare. BLOEMART;, Ahraham, Hall. t. 1567, cl. 1647. 44 One — the Raising of Lazarus, a grand composition, of twelve figures, pen and bistre^ on greenish paper 45 Two— the Madona in the clouds with angels, pen and bistre ; and the young St. John, black chalk and Ind, ink — ’both fine" 46 One — the Holy Family with angels, red and black chalky stumped — very fine BOLOGNESE, Francesco Grimaldi, b. 1606, d. 1680. 47 Three landschapes, masterly pen and bistre^ two with borders— fine BOIS, S. dUj Holl. century, 48 Two leaves of sketches, bistre^ heightened with oil white BO SCO LI, Andrea, Florent. cl. 1606. 49 Three various, one historical, pen and bistre — very fine BRAMANTINO, Bart. Milan, b. 1417. 50 Three — two masterly pen designs BRANDI, Hycicinto, Rom. b. U23, d. 1691. The Anger warning Joseph to fly with the Saviour by night, pen and bistre^ heightened _ 1st, Day, H>ral»ing£jw 1 ^BRONZINO, Alessandro Allori, d^tto, Flor. h, 1535, ^Z.^1607. ' 51 Three — the Baptism in the River Jordan, pen and bistre ; a historical subject, ditto, heightened ; and an emblematical subject, by Angelo Bron- zino, pen, on blue paper VARIA. 52 Three — two studies, in black chalk, by John Brown; and an emblematical subject, for a title, by Charles le Brun BUONAROTA, Michel Angelo, Flor, 6. 1474, d. 1564. 53 Two studies on one leaf, naked figures carrying a dead body, blacF chalk, stumped', and figures in the last judgment, black chalk — very fine 54 One — a pen drawing of hands — X/eryfine 55 Two — a female figure, sitting on an angle, red chalk ; and a copy of the strigozzo, by Bischop, pen and bistre 56 Two — bust of Michael Angelo, blackchalk, on brown paper, heightened ; and a leaf of pen studies, on both sides c. CALLENDER, Adam, modern, 57 One — a landschape, view near Dover, in distemper colours ' CALLANDER, James, an amatenr of the last century, 58 Two landschapes, with figures, lightly tinged with colour 59 A pair of ditto, ditto 8 CALLANDER. \st. Day, 60 Ditto 61 Three ditto, ditto - N. B. Thg above are the onli/ specimens of tins Arti&t in England, ^ CAMPAGNOLA^ Domenico, Venet. disciple of Titian, 6^ A large landschape, on two sheets^ not joined^ mas- terly fine pen — CAPITAL CAM ASSET, And. Rom, h. 1602. d, 1648, 63 Two — Le Pere Eternel, a capital study, red chalk) and the Anniinciatior), by Julio Campi, masterly pen and bistre CANGIAGIO, Luca, Gen. h. 1527, d, 1585. 64 Two — a philosopher, largely draped; and Pro- metheus — loth free pen and bistre. The last has been engraved by Bartolozzi 65 One — Madona and Child with St. John, masterly pen— a graceful design 66 Two— Apollo and Daphne, and a flying angel—* loth pen and bistre^ fine 67 Three — the Holy Family, pen and bistre ; Christ and two disciples going to Emmaus,^ree pen; and another 68 Two — Venus asleep, with Cupid — both masterly pen,^fine 69 One — the Baptism in the River Jordan, masterly pen— very fin& 70 One — the Holy Family, ditto ditto 71 One — the Assumption of the Virgin, ditto, ditto 72 One — the Adoration of the Shepherds, pen and bistre, a charming composition, producing a piquant effect of night 1st. Day. 9 n ' CANTARINI^ Simone, da Pesaro, BoL b, 1610, d. 1648. V 73 One— the Repose in Egypt, Jine pen and Ind. inky an elegant design, arched 74 Three various, a Holy Family, &;c. on one leaf, black chalk St. Jerome, pen and Ind. ink, on blue paper, heightened •, and studies/ by D. M. • Canuti CARDI, Ludotico detto Cigoli, Flor. h. 1559, rZ. 1613. . 75 One— St. Christophei^, q master and tasteful de^ . sign,' pen and bistre" *' ' ' ' ' ' ' ^ CARRx\CCI, Agostino, Bol. l). 1558, d. 1602, 76 Two — the Magdalen in the Desart, bistre, fine ; and a Jree pen landschape withfigures 77 Two— a saint subject, pen cmd Ind. ink, lightly handled ; and' a masterly' study of a treie, free pen 78 One — the Madoha appearing to several saints, a vu gorous grisaille sketch, R. a Holy Family on the backj^ree pen ' _ , 79 One — the Descent from the Cross, a most elegant . cornposition, en grisaille - . . v. . 80 One— Dejanira' ahd the Centaur, hair pencil and bistre, very spirited ^ 81 Oiie— studies of St. John Baptist, &:c. free' pen and bistre, on blue paper , . 82 One — a landschape with a poetical subject,' a capi- tal and elegant design, Jine pen and hist e ; ! > i'- CARRACCI,* ^nZhrtZ, Bol. b. 1560, d. 1609. ■ ' )- ... 83 One— the Madona and Child, pe/z and bistre, with red chalk wash, heightened — very fine . ‘ raiotns;s;. Day, CARPI^ Jerme da, Bol. h, 1301^ d, 1556. 132 Two — a grotesque frieze, with antique busts below, and studies from the antique on the back — all^ fine pen CELLINIj Benvenuto, Flor, flourished about the middle of the I6th century. A figure in armour carrying a vase on his shoul- der, on the back is the portrait of Cardinal Bemhoyfree pen CIPRIANI, I. B. Flor. London in the last century. 133 Three agreeable studies for Holy Families, Hack chalk; and one of historical studies, on loth ^ sidesy red chalk - 134 One — an academy figure, pen and listrCy capital 135 One — emblem of night, fine pen^ lightly tinted with colours y an elegant and capital design CLAUDE, Gelee, Lorrainf, b. 1600, d. 1682. 130 One — a landschape with large trees, upright, pen and histre CLERC, Sebastian le, French, b. 1637, d. 1682. 137 Two leaves, containing 5 vignettes, relating to French history, pen^ Ind. inky and red chalk-^ fine 138 Two leaves, containing 4 vignettes, two Venus on the sea, difierent — one is the original design for the very rare print ; and two fine vignettes in red chalk 139 One ditto, containing 2 ovals, Venus and Cupid, pen and Ind, inky very fine ^nd. Day, 2Dratmn20< 15 CLERC. 140 A set of (en historical subjects, some of them re- peated with variations — curious^ and very fine 141 One — Hippolitiis restored to Life, pen and red chalk — very fine 142 One — the Passage of the Red Sea, pen and Indian ink^ CAPITAL 143 One — the Last Judgment, pen^ Ind. ink, and red chalk — DITTO 144 Seven — the History of Cupid and Psyche, three of them variations, the set consisting only of four subjects, which he Clerc has etched, of this size COO PER, Richard, a modern artist, 145 Three pleasing landschapes, one woody, another mountaino us^ all in black lead, fixed — due 146 Two ditto, one cavernous, the other woody, in ditto — fine 147 Two ditto — one with Druidical figures, in the middle of a wood, the other woody with figures coming out — in ditto, ditto 148 Two ditto — one rocky, with waterfalls, the other mountainous, with elegant buildings — in ditto, ditto 149 Two ditto, uprights, one with a large cascade, in ditto, ditto 150 Two ditto — one oval, with figures near the skirt of a wood ; the other mountainous, with water- falls — in ditto, ditto 151 Three masterly pen landschapes, one with a ruined temple, another with hermits near a large tree CORREGGIO, Ant, Allegri, detto, Parma, b. 1494, d. 1534. 152 Three- — an academy figure, red chalk, stumped ; a boy’s head, ditto, highly finished', and a sketch of a female head, red chalk 1(5 %nd. Day. CORREGGIO. 153 Two — Madona^ with several saints, red chali wash ; and a study of naked females, red chalk 154 One — two angels strewing flowers, red chalk, stumped— fine 155 One — an apostle, largely draped, pen and Ind. ink, vigorously heightened 156 Three — the St. George of the Dresden gallery, red and black chalk-, a grotesque ornament, and an architectural design — both red chalk 157 Two — the Ecce homo arid Burial of Christ — both in pen and bistre, on one leaf, from the Crozat cabinet 158 Two cupola designs — one, the Ascension, capital — both red chalk 159 Three, various — St. Francis receiving the Child, black chalk ; the tivo others red chalk 160 One-^two boys, red chalk, laid into a grotesque ornament, by Rosso Fiorentino, pen, bistre, and Ind. ink, heightened CORTONA^ Pietro Berettbni da, Flpr. h. 1596, d. 1669. 161 Five historical subjects — the Wiseraen’s Offering, red chalk, bistre, and Ind. ink ; the Rape of Proserpine, thought, pen and bistre-, and three others, in different manners 169 One — the Assumption of the Virgin, black chalk heightened, capital — B. 163 One-— Caesar preferring his Agrarian Law, pen and Ind. ink — capital 164 Three — two ecclesiastics in conversation, one with a pentimento^, the facade of a church, pen and bistre-, and another 165 One — the Prophet devoured by a Lion, free pen and bistre . , i 166 One— a sacrifice to Pomona, masteaiy pen and bistre — capital 2nd, Day, 17 CKElil, Donato, Bol. h. 1621. 167 One — Sophonisba receiving the nuptial present, a grisaille of thirteen figures, well finished — very fine 168 Pair of tasteful pen landschapes, with figures — uprights^ in his best manner CUYP^ Albert, Holl. \lth century. 169 One — a capital extensive landschape, black chalk, hisire, and a little colour- 170 Three — two cows in a landschape, very fine, black chalk and Ind, ink ; and two landschapes, one very fine VARIA. 171 Two — portrait of Lord Delawar, by Cotes, in crayons, fine ; and a bust by Cossieres, red and black chalk, and Ind, ink 172 -Two excellent academy figures, one by Caspar DE Crayer, red and black chalk ; the other by Charles Coypel, senior— red chalk 173 Five, by Agostiuo, Anibal, Lodovico, and Fran- cesco Caracci, masterly designs, one a pen landschape, by Anibal 174 Three — one by Lonovico Caracci, Madona, d la Zingana, pen and bistre, heightened ; a re- poso; and another, by Anibal — both pen and Ind. ink, fine.— vii, R. > 175 Four — Madona appearing to several saints. Cave- done, pen and bistre, on blue paper, heightened; sketches, Carpiont, red chalk; Assumption, CiGNANi, pen and bistre; and St. Anthonv before the Madona, by Coeberger, pen and \ bistre, heightened -fine 18 SDraiuttTgJfi ,^nd. Day, DIEPENBECK, van, Flem: h. 1607, d. le?"?. 176 One — a rich emllemaiical title^ with many figures — ^the Trinity, adoring Saints, Evange- lists, Emperors, the Pope, Bishops, &c. Pur- gatory at the bottom. Hack chalky and listre, heightened DOLCT, Carlino, Flor. b. 1616, d. 1686. 177 One — a lady reading, Hack and red chalk — very fine 178 Four — portrait of an ecclesiastic, a bust, red and Hack chalky stumped — very fine DOMINICHINO^ Dom. Zampieri detto, BoL h. 1581, d. 1641. Three, various, St. Cecilia, &c. two redy one black chalk 179 One — head of the famous sybil of the Borghese, red chalk — capital 180 One^ — a group of children’s heads, red and black chalk — very fine 181 One — Time and Truth, an angle, pew and Ind. inky heightened — ditto DOOMER, P, disciple of Rembrandt. 182 One — a capital landschapCy view of Saiiraur upon the Loire, with figures and sheep, masterly pen, with a tinge of colour DURER, Albert, Germ. 1471, d. 1528. 183 Two busts of young men, black chalky stumped and heightened — very fine 2nd. Daij, SDratDtngflf* 19 DURER. 184 Four — a centaur and family, a saint subject, &c. all free pen 185 One — a young man’s bust, in a slashed bonnet, Hack chalky on russet ground ^ heightened — CAPITAL 186 One — the portrait of Albert Durer to the knee, standing, naked, pointing to a mark on his left side — pen and colour ^ a curious design The city of Nuremberg having been at this time visited with the plague, and deserted by a great part of , its inha- - bitantSy and by the physicians ; this drawing was made by ' the artisty and sent to his physician, with an accounl of his disorder, and where seated, in order to obtain advice, but ineffectually, as it appears from the inscription on the back that he died the following day. E; EMPOLI^ Jacomo da, Flor. b. 1554, d. 1640. 187 Two — the Virgin worshiped by several saints, and the Death of Saint Jerome — both masterly pen F. F ACINI, Pietro, Bol. b. 1560, d. 1602. 188 Two — St. Anthony holding the Child, pen a?id listre; and the same saint giving the bene- diction, led chalk, with turpentine— fine 189 One— 'the Death a of Saint Friar, pen and listre, heightened with gold PAGE, Raymond la, French. 190 One — the Judgment of Solomon, a composition of seventeen figures, the most capital design of THE master extant — pen and listre 20 SDratnings. 2n grand stile — R. PIERINO, del Vaqa, Flor. h. 1500, d. 1547. ^ \ 322 Two — Marcus Curtius, pen and -Lid ink, height tened, very spirited ; and a soldier in armour, free pen F a>ratDings(* 5rd, Day , Si PIERINO. 328 Two — Marcus Curtius, pen and histre^ heightened i and a satyr and female, pen and Ind. ink 32i One— a Roman procession, pen and Ind, ink^ heightened hy Rubens, capita l-^R. 325 Three — a military procession, with prisoners^ fine pen and histre ; a grotesque subject, ditto ; and the Tomb of Pope Paul III. by Guglielmo DELLA Porta, pen and bistre 326 Four — three pen designs^ two with bistre ; and Juno with the head of Argus, by Piazzetta — black chalky stumped PILLEMENT/ J. French, last century, 327 Pair of landschapes, with figures, pen and bistre ^fine PYNACKER, Adam, Hall. 5.1631, ^^.1673. 328 One — an Italian landschape, pen and bistre^ heigh-^ teiied — rare PIOMBO, Fra Bastiano, del, Flor, 5. 1481, VZ. 1551. 329 One— an angel flying, largely draped^ red chalk — ^ CAPITAL POCCHETTI, Bernardino Barbitellj, detto, Flor. b. 1543. 330 One — the Salutation, a composition of many 6gmes, fine pen and bistre — capital i POE LEM BURCH, Cornelius, Holl. b. 1586, d. 1660. 331 One — an Italian landschape,zw « great stile ^ Ind. ink 3rd. Day'. IDraiuings!. , 35 EOLAJOLI, Antonio, Flor. Ibth century, $32 Two — our Saviour and St. John Baptist, pen^ on ochre ground, heightened ; and a fight of two centaurs, pe/z and Ind, ink -POLIDORO, ( 'ialdara, da Caravaggio, Mil, h. 1^92, dAb^S, 333 Two conversations, one a frieze — pen and histre, one heightened 334 Three elegant vases, d I'Antico, richly adorned with figures — pen and Ind. ink, two on blue paper 335 Three ditto— two of them representing the whole of the figures, the other containing two vases, _ . pen, bistre, and Ind. ink, one on blue paper, heightened, from TalmarCs collection, and pl. VARIA. 336 Three spirited designs, by Pontormo, Porde- NONE— two red and black chalk , the other Ind, ink, on red ground, heightened, pl. POUSSIN, Caspar, . 337 Four, various, one in bistre- POUSSIN, JVicolo, French, b' 1594, . . d. 1665. 338 Two — Hezeldah’s Sick Bed, black chalk ; and an antique basso relievo, fine pen and Ind, ink, heightened 339 One — the Flight into Egypt, pen and bistre — very fine 340 Two — a procession, in the stile of Polidoro, fine pen and bistre ; and an emblematical subject, a vigorous design, on ochre paper, heightened 341 Two — Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, free pen and Ind. ink ; and an upright land- schape, fine pen and bistre 36 ' E)raU)tng0* 3rd, Day, POUSSIN. 342 Two — Rebecca at the Well, Mack chalk and hlstre^ heightened^ very fine ; and the ordination of a bishop. Mack chcdk^ heightened 343 One — a Bacchanalian subject in a landschape, pen and bistre, heightened with oil white, and highly finished PRIMATICCIO^ Francesco, Bol. h. 1490, d. 1570. 344 Two — a sybil, a ceiling figure, pen and bistre, heightened, fine ; and a lady fine pen 345 One — a subject of the history of Ulysses, red chalk, on russet ground, heightened PROCACCINO, Camillo, Bol. b. 1546, d. 1626. 346 Four — a lady instructing her child to worship, red chalk, fine ; and three leaves of masterly pen ideas 347 One — female bust, profile, larger than life, black and red chalk, stumped GUERCINO, continued from JYo. .217. 348 Two — a bust, in a large bonnet, free pen, very fine ; and a friar, in bistre 349 Two — the Crucifixion, pen and bistre; and a profile head, with a large hedLxd, free pen — both fine 350 Two — a bust with a large beard, in a cap, free pen, very fine ; and two heads, in red chalk 351 Two-^bust of a man with a beard, ditto of a young man with large mustachios, and a turban and feather — both free pen 352 Two — a Pope in his tiara, and bust of a man with a large beard — both free pen, fine Srd. Day, jSDratomgg* 37 GUERCINO. S53 Two — profile bust of a youth, fine pen ; and a man’s bust, front view, pen 35i One — a group of three figures, one a female — red chalk, fi7ie 355 One — a warrior, with a large beard, in armour — firee pen, very fine ^ 356 One — a lady’s' head, red chalk, ditto 351 One — the Baptist’s Headj^ree pen, ditto 358 One — a man in a helmet and feather, masterly pen — ditto 359 One— St. Jerome before a crucifix, pen and listrey ditto 36Q One — a young man writing,yree pen, ditto CnD of SDfjtro J&aU* Fourth Day’s Sale. THURSDAY, the 19tli of MAY, 1808. VARIA. 361 Ten Spirited landschapes, by Van GnyeUy dated 1672, «&c. six Hack chalky four pen 362 Ten designs, by Andrea del Sarto ^ Andrea Sacchi^ Giorgio Vasari, in Hack and red chalk- — excels lent studies 363 Twelve studies in chalks, hy good Italian masters 364 Three— an enlevement, by Carletto Cagliari, fine', the Queen of Sheba’s Visit to Solomon, by PoccETTi, pen and bistre ; and a flying Cu- pid, by Seb. Conca, pen and indigo 365 Three — the Good Samaritan, by Vacaro, red chalk, stumped ; and two others, by Poccetti and Seb. . : 366 Eight — three landschapes, byBREENBERG, two masques, by Quillinus; Magdalen, by Palma, &c. 367 Ten Italian landschapes, by Van Witel, in red chalk, with their nafhes in the hand-writing of Richardson 368 Six ditto, larger, without names, the Coliseum, &c. in the same manner 369 Ditto 370 Ten various, three, by Ventura Salimbeni, I. Stradanus, Andrea Sacchi, Andrea Si RANI, &c. ith. Day. S9 COOPER, R. continued from J^o, 151. 371 Two landschapes— ^one romantic, with waterfals, the other Italian, Hack lead ^ fixed-— line 372 Two ditto, with large trunks of trees ditto^ ditto 313 Two ditto, one Italian, the other taken from the inside of a cave, ditto, ditto 31i Two ditto, Italian, with figures, ditto 375 Two ditto, with large trunks of trees and figures, ' vieios at Gillingham, Dorsetshire- — very fine 37 Q Two picturesque landschapes, with figures, GUERCINO, continued from Jfo. S60. -377 One — a man carrying a bason, pen 378 Two — Cupid, and a boy kneeling — both red chalk 279 One — a grandee sitting in a chair, yVee pen, fine 380 One — head of a boy, ditto, ditto 381 One — an old man in a large beard, profile, ditto ditto 382 One — bust of an old woman, ditto, ditto 383 One — a landschape, with figures, ditto 384 Three — two landschapes j one masterly pen ; and a dog, red chalk 385 One — a man's bust, with a large beard, front view, free pen— fine ANGELICA KAUFFMAN, continued fronTMT^ET. 386 Three studies — Cymon and Iphigenia, &c. black and white chalk, on russet ground— elegant designs 387 Two — the Finding of Moses, &c. ; one upon grey ground, heightened — ditto 388 One — Jupiter and Momene, pen and bistre, heigh- tened — very fine 389 Two — Helen introduced to Paris, and another— black chalk, on grey paper, heightened, elegant compositions 40 SDratohtgs^. ^th. Day, \ , ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. 590 One — Edward and Eleonora, Hack and white chalky on ochre ground^ ditto 591 A pair — Venus attired by the Graces, and instruct- ing Cupid — circles^ free pen andind, ink 392 One — sacrifice to Ceres and Pomona, a circle^ In the same manner 393 One — poetical subject of four figures, masterly pen and hlstre S94 One — a historical subject of six figures, pen and white chalky on deep grey ground-^c avitai, 395 One — Tancred and Clorinda, pen and listre^ vU goroiisly heightened S96 One — a subject from Tasso, three figures, an ele^ gant and vigorous design^ pen and listre^ heightened 397 One — a sacrifice to Wisdom, pen and listre, height ened-^fine , R. RAPHAEL D URBINO, h. 1483, d, 1520. S98 One — a boy’s head, metal point 399 One — a boy , a piece of cartoon 400 Two^ — Adam and Eve, free pen; and Peter’s Want of Faith, pen and. bistre 401 One— Abraham’s sacrifice, pera GTzd height tened — capital 402 Eleven off-tracks from cartoons or pictures, by Dorigny — black chalky very fine , 403 One — pen design^ from the antique, by Raphael — from the cabinet of Jabach 404 One— a capital design of 16 figures, for a picture in the Vatican*-— pew and bistre 405 One — the Shepherd^s Offering, pen and bistre, heightened, part of the shade washed off, but the expression of all the figures pure — most CAPITAL, and a print 406 One — the Madona and Child, pen and bistre, C heightened — capital — R, 4//j. Day, E>raU)mg^< 41 RAFAELINO DA REGGIO, Rom. b. 1552, d. 1580. 407 One — two ladies, largely draped, one of them holding a naked boy by the arm, broad pen and bistre^ capital — R, REMBRANDT, HolL b. 1606, rl 1674. 408 One — part of the interior of a church, with a figure in mourning lamenting over a grave stone — pen and bistre, very fine 409 One — a young woman, half length, in a slashed, bonnet, pen, Ind. ink, and red chalk wash — zery fine 410 Two landschapes, bistre, with the point of a hair pencil — masterly piquant designs 411 Two ditto, ditto, ditto ROCCO DA PERUGIA, time of Pietro Peiugino. 412 One — a man, in the habit of a Capucin, preparing to write, pen and bistre-^R. ROLI, Gioseffo, Pol. b. 1654, d.^ 413 One~a rich ornament, with two compartments for an altar, or for a tii\e,fi7ie pen, bistre, and " a little colour RINALDO MANTUANO, disciple of Julio Romano. 414 One — the Birth of the Yirgin, free pen and bistre, a composition of many figures VARIA. 415 Three — a study of characters, for Le Roi boit, by Theodore Rombonts, black chalk, very fine-, a sacrifice to Juno, by Rom an ell, pen and in- digo, heightened, very fine, rh. and Judith, by Roncalli, pen and bistre G 42 Day, ROMANO^ Julio Pippiy Rom. h. 1492, fZ. 1596. 416 Three — part of a frieze, pen and histre; an old mail’s bust, pen ; and Pan, pen and Ind. ink^ heightened 417 Ontj — the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, masterly pen and histre i and a print, by Diana Man- tuana 418 One— the building of a temple, with groups of figures on the fore-ground, pew and histre CAPITAL 419 One — ^the Nativity and Shepherd’s Offering, pen^ on blue paper ^ heightened — very fine 420 Three — a general haranguing his troops, pen and histre^ heightened ; a design for a dish ; angels supporting one side of a ’scutcheon, fine pen ; and a historical subject, pen and histre — a de- sign for a dish,^we RONCALLI, Cav. Cristofano, detto Pome- RANciA, Flor. 1). 1552, d. 1626. 421 One — a cupola figure, in imitation of Correggio, hlack chalky on blue paper y heightened — fine ROSA, Salvator, Jfap, h. 1614, d. 1673. 422 Tliree — Tobitand the Angel, /ree pew and histre*, a man with an urn, running, pen and histre, heightened ; and 2 heads, red chalk 423 Three, various — Nativity, pen and Ind. ink*, a sacrifice, pen and histre ; and another, contain- ing various sketches, pen 424 Two — Belisarius, and a lady holding a child, very free sketches in red chalk 425 Three — two, whole length figures, largely draped, red chalk', and Calistho’s pregnancy discovered, hy Rottenhammer. itk Day, SDraUjtngg;* 43 ROWLANDSON^ English, modern, 426 Three of ladies, one reading, one playing on the guitar, &c. pen, and a lltlLe colour 427 Three— the Ballad Singer, the Mineral Spring at Southampton, and an execution — ait pen and colour 428 One — a Bacchanalian procession, in the same manner 429 One — a post-chaise and four driving through Dor- chester, very Jine^ in ditto RUBENS, Sir Peter Paul, Plan, h, 1577, d, 1640. 430 One — a subject of free pen and Ind, ink — a composition of eight figures 431 Two — a boy’s head, pezz and Hack chalk \ and a leaf from the sketch book, pen and led chalk 432 One — bust of a bishop, with a large Hack heard, Hack and red chalk — very fine 433 One — Nayads, &c: pen and Ind, ink, on Hue paper, heightened — capital 434 One — the Death of Seneca, stumped, Hack chalk and histre, delicately tonclied, capital — the expression of the philosopher , fine 435 One — two naked females and a satyr. Hack and red chalk — very fine 436 One— portrait of a lady and child, masterly design in Hack chalk — R,^ 437 One — a battle, in the stile of Leonardo Da Find, Hack and red chalk, and bistre — a most curious design N.B, It is well known that Bubens ynade a di'nicin" from the famous cartoon of L. Da yivci, for the Standard, from which Edelinck engraved his Jive print ; and it cannt be doubted, that he formed his ideas in his Huntings and Battles from that cartoon. 438 One — Achilles plunged into the River Styx, a painting in oil upon paper — very fine 439 Two — the Continence of Scipio, masterly pen \ and studies in Hack chalk, by Rwnciman 44 £)?aU3tng0» ith. Day. RUBENS. 440 One — a battle, by Zucchero, touched upon ly Rubens, capital — pl. 441 One—the Triumph of Bacchus, ignoto, touched upon ly Rubens^ capital — R. pl. PRINCE RUPERT^ ]8tli century. y 412 One — a landschape, in the stile of Della Bella, Indian ink and bistre^ highly finished-, initial and coronet in the foliage of the large tree on the left — R. most rare RUSTICI, Gio. Fr. Sien, d. 16^25. 443 Two — figures in an architectural design, masterly broad pen; and Elijah, a ceiling piece, by I. M. R. in 1614, ptn and Ind. ink, on blue paper ^ heightened RUYSDAAL^ Jacob, Holl. h. 1636, ' d. 1670. 444 One, a landschape — a village near a high road, Ind. mk — very fine s. SABBADINI, Lorenzo, Bol. early in \6tli century. 445 One — tlie Nativity and Shepherds’ Offering, pen and bistre — a charming little design SACHTLEVEN, Cornelius, \6th century. 146 Three — one a bull, Ind. ink and red chalk wash^ in 1651^ from the cabinet of Festama — very fine \th Day. 2t>rato»nse(. 45 SALLARTS, Antoni, Flem. h. 1590, — a concert of music Ind. ink ; and the Death of Joseph, ditto^ on Hue paper, masterly designs SALVIATI, Francesco Bossi, detto, Flor. b. 1509, d. 1563. 447 Two — a pieta, and three heads— in red and black chalk, fine SALVIATI, Giuseppe Porta, detto, Ven. b. 1535, d. 1585. • 448 Two — lady with a distaff, pen and Ind, ink, on russet ground, fine ; and the sybil burning the ^ hooks, pen and Ind. ink, on blue paper, heigh- tened, a circle — very fine IB. 449 One — Christ healing the sick, &c. pen andbistre, heightened, very fine — R, ,/ SAMMACHINI, Orazio, Bol. b. 1533, d. 1577. 450 Two — a saint praying, spirited pen and Ind. ink ; and a rich design for an altar, pen and bistre, heightened ^ 451 One — Christ healing the lame, &c. free pen — very fine SAND BY, Paul, modem. 452 Pair, landschapes — views in Scotland, pen, Indi ink, and colour — very fine 453 Ditto 454 One larger ditto, vlezv near Edinbnrg ivith water^^ fals, ditto 46 SDratomgs?* A:ih Day^ SANDY^ Thomas, modern, 455 Five elegant arcliitectaral designs, two with views of London, through the arches of a bridge — pen^ hisirey Jnd. ink, and colour SANSOVINO, Giacomo, Flor, IGthcent. 456 Two architectural designs, with figures, masterly pen — one pl. phl. T. H, the other from K. Cha. I. collection SARTO, And. del, Flor. h. 1478, d. 1530. 457 Two — the Holy Family, with St. John, &c. pen and listre, vigorously heightened, capital ; and two females carrying urns, free pen and listre,fne 458 Five, various — a lady, Hack, on brown paper, heightened, Y\..fine\ an apostle, largely draped, pen and Ind. ink ; and three others, 2 of them in red chalk, fine SCHELLINCX, W. Roll. Mth century. 459 Four — a view of Palermo, masterly pen ; a view in Sicily, near Syracuse ; and Stromholi, during an eruption — both pen and bistre •, and a sea- piece, in bistre, by Scott SCHIAVONE, Andrea, b. 1522, d. 1582. 460 Two — the Holy Family, with St. John, &c. and Christ carried to the sepulchre — both pen and bistre, fne SIRANI, Elizabetta, Bol. b. 1638, d. 1670. 461 Three — Madona and child, pen and bistre’, Ma- dona, red chalk and Ind ink, both graceful de- sign ; and an emblem of Time, &c. pen and bish e 4//i. Day, SDjcatDmsflJ. 47 SIRANI, 462 One — her portrait, whole length, a page bearing her train, in bistre — very fine 463 One — the same, in the character of Venus, sitting - ^ on the ground, Cupid standing behind her, pen and bistre ditto STEEN^ Jan. Holl. h. 1636, d. 1689. 464 One — a Dutch boor leaning on the back of a chair, pen and colour N. B. His Drawings are very rare, SQUARCIONE, Francesco^ Padua, &. 1394, 14T4. 463 One — the Annunciation, pen and Ind, ink, on grey distemper, heightened — curious STELLA, Claudia, French, about 1650. 466 One — a pastoral subject, 10 figures, with sheep, &c. pen and bistre — very fine SUEUR, Eustace le, French, b. 1617, d. 1655. 467 Three — the Death of a Saint, pen and bistre, heightened, capital; Moses found, black chalk, very fine; and a female standing, largely draped, pen and bistre, ditto SUTTERMANS, Justus, Flem. b. 1597, 1681. 468 One — portrait of the Great Duke of Tuscany — black chalk His drawings are very rare. / 48 2DtatotUg0* ‘ ^th. Day. , T. TIBALDI^ Domenico, Bol. son of Pel- legrhio, b. 1540^ d. 1582. 469 One — the Death of Joseph — -fine pen^ with histre TINTORETTO^ Jacomo Robusti^ detto, Ven, b. 1512, d. 1594. 470 One — ^Ihe portrait of a Noble V enetian, half length, pen and histre — very fine 471 Two — Christ before Pilate, pen arid histre, on blue paper, heightened', and a historical subject, black chalk, on blue paper, heightened, deli^ cately touched • 472 Two leaves, containing 1 1 scriptural subjects of the New Testament, pen and Ind. ink, on russet ground, vigorously heightened — all fine compo^ sitions 473 Seyen various, chiefly academy figures 474 Four various, chiefly saint-subjects — excellent designs SANTI Di TITI, Floi\ 5.. 1538, d, 1603. 475 Three — Presentation in the Temple, pen and^Ind. ink, heightened ; Crucifixion, black lead ; and Martyrdom of St. Laurence, pen and Ind. ink — all fine TITIAN, Ven, b. 1480, d. 1576. 476 Two^ — Venus in a landschape, fine pen and Ind. ink ; and the Annimciation, by Baccio Uber- T\m,fine pen and bistre 477 One — Venus and Adonis, and black chalk — CAPITAL 478 One — the Discovery of Calistho*s Pregnancy, a composition of ten figures — masterly pen — moit CAPITAL 4M Day. 49 i TITIAN. 479 One — the Nativity, pen and listre^ heightened- with oil white— -uosi capital 480 One — St. John preaching, masterly pen — very fine 481 Two — St. Cecilia with a concert of music, y’ree pen, on Hue paper, heightened ; and Samson killing the Lyon, pen and bistre — loth fine 482 Three — Venus in a landschapcj^reepew and bistre, ^ery fine ; a conversation, pen and red chalk, a masterly design ; and children playing with ei go‘di, fine pen and Ind. ink 483 Four — Pan, black chalk, on blue paper, heigh* tened ; the Woman taken in Adultery, pen and bistre ; a concert of music, red chalk, and a monument, masterly pen TREMOLLIERES, French, last century. 484 Two of boys sporting, black chalk and bistre, on blue paper, heightened — very fine 485 Two ditto — Astronomy, &c. black chalk, on blue paper, heightened — ditto 486 Two — boys playing with a tyger, &g. in the same ^manner— nditto 487 Two groups of cupids, ditto, with bistre and red chalk — ditto ‘ TRIBOLO, Flor. \6th century., 488 Two — Madona and Child, and St. Jerome and St. John in niches, fine pen and bistre*, and a naked figure, pen— both very fine N. B. His drawings arc very rare. TRIVA, Antonio, of Reggio, h. 1636, d. 1699. 489 One — Jupiter and Leda, pen dnd^ bistre, from ^ Mariette*s cabinet— very fine 490 One — Venus with cupids in a landschape, in the same manner — R. — very fine 50 jSDratnmgs^^ i:th Day, TULDEN, Theodore van, Holl. h. 1606^ d. me, 491 One — the Cirumcision of J. C. pen and listre — a charming litte design V. VAN BATTEM^ Holl, \lih century. 492 One — a landscliape, a view in Holland — in front is a village, with a canal ; and a town in the middle ground, with a meandring river — charmingly executed in distemper colour^ and highly finished — capitai. VAN BLOEMEN, Peter, Flem. b. 1665. 493 Two — the Baptism of the Eunuch, a vigorous design,^ in black chalk ; and VALENTINO, French, h, 1600, d. 1632. . A concert of music, red chalk, a spirited drawing VAN BORSUM, A. Holl. i6tli century, 494 One — a landscliape with cattle, pen and colour^ CAPITAL ' 495 Two — a row-galley, pen and Ind. ink ; and a rocky landscliape, with a water-fall, by Cu y p VANDER GABEL, Adrian, Holl. h. 1631, ^.1695. 496 One — a^ree pe/z landschape— as Carracci ^th. Day. 2DraWngfi?* 51 VANDER DOES, Jacoh, Roll. \Qth century, 497 One — an Italian landschape, with a female and two sheep, pen and colour — a charming design^ in his lest manner — dated 1671 VARIA. 498 Two — Crucifixion, by Anibal Carracci, and Dead Christ, with adoring angels, Valerio Cas^ telli — loth free pen^ very fine VANNI, Francesco, Sien. h, 1563, d. 1610. 499 Two — the Birth of the Yixgin, free pen and listre^ very fine \ and Madona and Child, adored by two ' saints, pen and Lid, inJc^ on Hue paper ^ heightened 500 One — the Baptism of our Saviour in the River Jordan, pen and listre — capital C'nD of tlie iFourf^ Fifth Day’s Sale. FRIDAY, the 20th of MAY, 1808. VARIA. Raphael da Reggio, and jO^'^Three — Raphael, Julio Romano, and Antonio Tempest a ; the two last pen and histre—Jine 503 Eight — five landschapes, v ith antient triumphal arches, pen and colour-, and three architec- tural, ditto — all fine 504 Eleven excellent academy figures, by Josepino, Andrea Sacchi, ^c. in black and red chalk 505 Twelve Italian studies — St. Jerome, by Spag no- let, red- chalk wash, fine 506 Five, by Simon- Vowet, Ferdier, Solimena, ^e, — a reposo, black chalk, on blue paper, heigh- , tened, &c, 507 Five, by Le Brun, Verdier, ^c. 508 One — a romantic view in Italy at Ponte di Oarga in the Siennese, in distemper colour — very fine 509 Three, by Le Brun — the Birth of Bacchus, and Perseus and Andromeda, both black chalk, and Ind. ink, on blue paper, heightened, fine and another, black chalk and bistre, on blue paper, heightened 510 One — capital historical, by Luca Can gi Agio, free pen and bistre bth Day. . SDrafcDing0^ MIGNARD, French, \7th century, 511 One — Paul before Felix, black chalk and bistre^ heightened-^ a capital ordonnance of fifteen figures DU CROS;, modern, 512 One capital Italian landschape, with ruins and figures — pen and colours COOPER^ Richard, continued. 515 Two landschapcs, black lead fixed, with figures — very fine 514 Two romantic Italian landschapcs, one with a ruined bridge and figures, the other with water- fals &c. ditto 515 One ditto, with ruins — very fine 516 A pair of capital ditto, with waterfalls — in the same manner 517 Pair of Italian landschapcs, with figures, very fine, ditto 518 Pair of large ditto, with figures, grand and taste- ful compositions 519 Two large ditto, tasteful designs, one with water- . fals 520 One ditto, ditto — capital GUERCINO continued. 521 One — the head of a monk, pen and bistre— fine 522 One — a bust in a helmet and feather, pen — very fine 523 One — bust of an old bald-headed man, with a long beard — very fine 524 Two — profile bust of an old man, pen ; and' pro- file bust of youth, pen and bistre — both fine 525 Two — angels flying, both in red chalk — ditto 526 One — two females with a child — masterly pen 527 One — a pen landschape, with figures— fine 528 One — ditto, ditto, ditto 54 ^ bth. Day, GUERCINO. 529 One — the Madona and Child appearing to St. Peter and St. Paul, pen and bistre — capital 530 Two — St. Jeronfie, and Madona and Child, free pen 531 One — an artist, in a bonnet and plumage, draAYing a landschape.yr^e pen — very fine VANDYCK, Sir Anthony, Flem. b 1599^ d. 1641. 532 Four — a boy, black chalky on blue paper^ heigh- tened ; Holy Family, light pen a boy and girl, with a tinge of colour ^ (see ivriting on the backj ; and Christ carrying his cross, black lead 533 Two — Christ healing the sick, a grisaille sketchy CAPITAL ; and a poetical subject, black lead 534 One — Portrait of Henry Liberti, black and red chalk — a masterly design 535 One — Portrait of the Earl of Strafford, black chalky on blue paper ^ heightened — study for the picture 536 One — Portrait of Breughel, a masterly design, in black chalk — different from the etching 537 One — Portrait of Snellincx, 'black chalk, very fine -^etched by Vandyck 538 One — Landschape in the vicinity of Genoa, mas- terly light pen, with bistre, &c, 539 One — old man and boy, hair pencil and bistre, heightened — a vigorous design 540 One — Mercury and Argus, oiled black chalk — an elegant design 541 One — Martyrdom of a female saint, free pen, bistre, and a little colour — very fine 542 One — the Holy Family, pen and bistre, on blue paper, heightened — a masterly spirited design 543 One — Marsyas tied to a tree, free pen, with black and red chalk — pl. — capital See note on the back. I bth Day, JBDratoingfl?. 55 VASARI, Giorgio/ Flor. b. 1514, d, 1578. 544 One — St. Paul appearing to a saint-bisliop, ^ne pen and Listre^ heightened 545 One — Cybele and the Corybantes, masterly pen and bistre ^from Mr, Barnard's collection 546 One — the Convention at Cremona, in wliich the magnificent Lorenzo de Medici presided, a composition of nine figures, masterly pen and bistre,, heightened — capital — painted in the Ducal palace at Florence,, and described by Vasari in his Treatise on Painting, p, 86 — Ex. Coll. P. Crozat, nunc P. Mariette, 1741 VANDEN VELDE, Esaias, Hall. b. 1590. . 547 One — a landschape — view of a village, with figures, black chalk and bistre^Jlne VANDEN VELDE, William, FIolL b. 1623, d. 1707. 548 Two designs of shipping — black chalk, and hid. ink 549 One ditto — a calm — ships of war at anchor, pen and Ind. ink — -fine 550 One ditto — a breeze of wind — ^ships of war sailing, and at anchor— pen and bistre 55 1 A long procession of vessels and boats in the River Thames, on occasion of the revolution, on two sheets that join, pen and Ind. ink — capital VINCI, Leonardo da, Flor. b. 1445, d. 1520. 552 One — St. John Baptist standing, an early per- formance of the artist, pen and bistre — R. 553 Two — a boy playing on the flute, metal point, on distemper ground, heightened, a boy’s bust on the back, 'free pen; and an old head of cha- racter, metal point, heightened 56 bill Bay, LEONARDO DA VINCI. 554 One — an old man’s head of character, stumped red chalk — very fine VANDER ULFT, Jacob, Holl. I7th century. 555 Pair of Italian landschapes, with rich architecture figures, pen and listre^ very fine — circles 556 Pair of landschapes, with figures, in the same manner., ditto — ditto 557 Pair of Italian landschapes, with elegant architec- ture and figures — sea-ports, in the same manner., ditto — ditto 558 One larger ditto — a wood-scene, a circle, in the same manner — ditto 559 One landschape — a view in Holland — ruins of the Castle of Brederode, pen and Ind. ink, highly finished — very fine KAUFFMANN, Angelica, continued. 560 One— Angelica and Medoro, pen, listre, and Ind. ink, vigorously heightened — capital 561 One— a conversation — a lady and woodman — in the same manner 562 One, from Horner^ — Return of Telemachus, a com- position of six figures, in the same manner^ CAPITAL 563 One — ^a funeral monument, a ditto of four figures, masterly pen and Ind. ink — capital 564 One — Ariadne deserted by Theseus, pen, listre, and Ind. ink, heightened — skilfiidly handled — fine 565 One — the same subject, differently treated, pen and Ind. ink, on purple ground, vigorously heightened — very fine 566 One — poetical— three elegant females in a land- schape, one leaning on a cippus, pen and listre, vigorously heightened — ditto bth Daj/j^ 2Dral»ingfi^» ANGELICA KAUFFMANN. 567 One — a similar subject of three elegant females, one hanging her lyre on a tree — periy VistrCy and Ind, ink, heightened — capital 568 One — ditto ditto of three figures — Muses— pen, bistre, and Ind. ink, heightened — very fine 569 One — the Return of Telemachus, amasterly study in oil-colourS' — a composition of seven figures 570 One — an elegant composition of nine figures, in a landschape — one is adorning a form of Pan — masterly pen, Ind. ink, and bistre, vigorously heightened — capital 571 One — ^a large m\Ci capital grisaille oi six figures, subject of fable 572 One — a sacrifice to Flora, an elegant composition of three figures, highly finished in distemper co- lours — CAPITAL VARIA. 573 Three — a sea-storm, by Yitringa Roll, pen and Ind. ink ; a fight of small vessels and boats, by Adam Willarts, Flem. pen and Ind* ink, rare ; and a landschape by lie Ylieger, Roll, black chalk, and Ind. ink, from Mariette’s ca- binet VERRIO, Antonio, J^ap. flourished about 1676. 574 Two — a lady holding a crucifix on her left arm, and a garland in her right hand ; below is the Phoenix feeding her young with her blood, oil sketch, in colours: and a rich ceiling piece, by Vander Bank XJDINO^ Giovanni da, Rom. b. 1494. d. 1564. 575 Two — a leaf of studies of birds 3 for Arabesques, free pen, on both sides-, and I 58 jaDratotttgsi. bth. Day, VERROCCHIO, Andrea, Flor. 5. 1432, r/. 1488. A pen sketch of eight figures 576 Two — a Holy Family, pen and bistre^ octagon^ and a leaf of studies, pen VERSCHUURING, Henry, HolL 5. 1627, d, 1690, 577 Two — an Italian landschape, with ruins, figures, mules, &c. pen and Ind. ink ; and a gentleman and lady on horseback, with dogs, &c. in the same mamier — Loth very fine 578 One — an Italian landschape, with horses and mili- tary figures, &c. pen and Ind, ink — -capital 579 One — a ditto, with many figures,, dogs, &c. in the ^ same manner — capital w. VANDER WERFF, Chevalier Adrian, HolL b, 1659, d. 17)^7, . 580 One — merry peasants, black chalky stumped — fine 581 One — a recruiting officer, and Ind, ink^very fine 583 One — two ladies. Flora, &c. a fine sketch in oily one of the figures beautifully finished WORLIDGE, Thomas, modern, 583 Three busts — an old man with a large beard and fur cap ; and two of young men, black chqilk — all fine VELASQUEZ, Don Diego, Span, h, 1594, d, 1660. 581 One — a gentleman, half length, blacl. and red chalk btli Day. ©ralBings. VELASQUEZ. 59 * E SSl o^ Sarto, Hack chalk, ditto, frora the cahinet of Ploos VERTANGEN, Daniel de, HoU. disciple of Foelemburclfiy b. ■ * "s '"S cattle, by Vogelsang, Ind. ink- VOLTERRA, Daniel da, Flor. 6.1509,^.1566. 5S, T™-a D»«.. £' heightened WYCK, the younger, d. 1702. :S?“SS3s2S: ed designs, in the same manner 590 Thrl-^Wing party, and an escort of bag- gage — dittOy ditto WATTEAU. Anthony, French, last century. 591 Two-a gentleman playingon the lute, red chalk WIT, John de, Doll, last century. Boys playing, ^-.^^ing pi^cC) Cupids, red mlZlTlluck chalk, 1>n blue paper, heightened — loth fine 60 SDratumgfif. 5th Day, WILLEj-/. G. the celebrated Engraver, last, century, 593 Pair of pleasing landschapes, with figures^ pen and bistre^ dated 1759 — rare WATERLOO;, Antoni, Hall, \(Sth century, 594 One — an extensive hindschape, view in Holland, black chalky onblue paper j capital WOUWERMANS, PhUip, HolL b. 1520, d. 1668. 595 One — a hunter, black chalk, on brown paper, heightened — a delicate little design 596 One — a gentleman on horseback, speaking to a gipsey family, his page behind him ; an exqui- sitely finished morgeau, in red chalk-^from Mr, Barnard's collection z. ZEEMAN, Renter, Holl. I7th century, 597 One — a sea-storm, in the Zuyder sea, masterly pen and Ind, ink ZUCCARELLI, Francesco, last century, 598 One — a capital Italian landschape, with figures and cattle, pen and Ind, ink, heightened 599 One — a ditto, with figures on horseback and cat- tle, and waterfals, in the same manner- — a taste- ful design 600 One — a romantic and rich Italian landschape, with figures, oil colours, on paper — oval bth. Day, 61 ZUCCHERO^ Frederica, Rom, h. 1543, d. 1609. 601 Two — a scripture, or saint subject, pen and bistre^ on grey paper, fine ; and a young man sitting, red chalk, ditto 602 Three various pen designs — one pl. one with bis- tre; and a historical subject, by Luca del lb ZuccHE, pen and bistre, heightened 603 Three masterly pen drawings — Apollo and the Muses, &c. two pen and bistre— ^ne 604 One — saint subject, of twenty figures, pen and indigo — CAPITAL 605 One — a feast at Florence, a composition of many figures, free pen and Ind, ink, on blue paper, heightened 606 Two, on one leaf, designs for a historical or scrip- tural subject of the Old Testament, one pen and bisf,re, with a little red chalk ; the other red and black chalk, pl. R, — sketches on the back of each 607 One — Venus and Cupid, under an apple tree, pen and bistre— fine 608 One — a study for the Kings, in the Wisemen’s Offering, pen and bistre, heightened — very fine 609 One — the Wisemen’s Offering, an elegant compo- sition, pen and black chalk, R. rh. a similar design on the back — in the same manner 610 One — the Resurrection of our Saviour, pen and bistre, on blue paper, heightened — capital ZUCCHERO, Taddeo, Rom. b. 1529, d. 1566. 611 One — Peter delivered out of Prison, two subjects— in the first, he is awakened by the angel ; in the other, he is led ioxih— free pen and bistre 62 SD^atoingfi?. bth. Day, VARIA. 612 One — a Sacrifice to Egeria, a composition of five elegant females and three Cupids, in a land- schape, by Bartolozzi, Hack and red chalky one of the most capital designs of this eminent artist 613 One — ^portrait of a lady, by Wallerant Vail- LANT, stumped^ black and white chalky on grey distemper j highly finished, very fine-^framed and glared 614 One — a magnificent altar, painted in water colours — the picture is the Martyrdom of St. Erasmus, after Nicolo Poussin, with three scripture sub- jects over it, in the Demi Vault, in bistre, ig^ NOTO — CAPITAL 615 One — a rich saloon, decorated ivith pictures, both on the walls and arched ceiling, and with figures, pen and Ind. ink, highly finished, ignoto — fine 616 A large volume, containing a collection of archi- tectural designs of antient buildings, monu- ments, friezes, capitals, ^c,^all pen, some bistred, bound in vellum 617 One ditto — containing near ninety designs of the great Italian masters, in all the various manners of drawing, collected by a Dutch gentleman of taste, and bound together PICTURES. 1 HlANS HOLBEN — Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, small — onparmel 2 David Teniers. — A small landschape — Gypseys on the fore-ground — very small ^ on pannel 3 Two — a Rhine landschape, figures passing the river, in a pont ; and a sea storm — l^otk on pan^ nel 4 Egbert Heemskerck. — A boor confessing, on copper — highly finished 5 P. Breughel. — A landschape, with a stag-hunt, cloth— finely touched 6 Gerard de Lauresse. — A poetical subject, in a landschape, on cloth — an elegant composition 7 Ditto. — A similar subject 8 G. Peeters. — A lady with a straw hat on^ 'and long curling hair — cloth^ oval 9 Angelica Kauffmann.^ — A boy, in crayons^fine 10 Maria Cosway. — The Annunciation — paper pasted on pannel— fine 11 Carlo Maratte. — The Madona, a small oval — very fine 12 Angelica Kauffmann. — Three children, size of life — iu her lest stile of colouring 13 Ditto. — the young St. John, with his Lamb, size of life, ditto — very fine 64 i^iCturejS^ 5th, Day. 14 Ditto. ^ — Madona and Child, a small calinet piece y ditto — ditto 15 Ditto. — Venus and Cupid in a landschape, a tasteful and elegant picture — upright 16 Vandyck.— -T he portrait of King Charles I. front view,, profile, and for the bust by Bernini, after 17 Berkheyden.-— The Forum* of Trajan at Rome, with the column, and a Quack doctor holding forth to a large auditory — very fine 18 Parmeggiano. — Madona and Child, with a print from it by Vaillant 19 Vandyck. — The Pieta, or Dead Chiist — at good copy 20 HoRisoNTi.—An Italian landschape, ill his best manner . ^ 21 Ditto,— A ditto, its companion — ditto 22 Guercino. — A bust of a Philosopher in a turban — a fine undoubted picture of this master 23 Guido. — Bust of our Saviour, onpannel, delicately touched - 24 Vander Helst. B. — Portrait of a Gentleman, finely pc^ncilled FINIS. Of\(. 7 f..' . \w - '7 ■ I- L.