Aerial Haze and its Effect on Photography from the Air Monographs on the Theory of Photography, from the Research Laboratory of the Eastman Kodak Company No. 4 Monographs on the Theory of Photography from the Research Laboratory of the Eastman Kodak Co. No. 4 Copyright 1923 Eastman Kodak Company Aerial Haze and its Effect on Photography from the Air ILLUSTRATED D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY NEW YORK EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER, N. Y. l 9 2 3 Monographs on the Theory oe Photography Edited by C. E. Kenneth Mees Mildred Spargo Schramm and Elsie L. Garvin THfi GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE LIBRARY Monographs on the Theory of Photography No. 1 The Silver Bromide Grain of Photographic Emulsions. By A. P. H. Trivelli and S. E. Shep¬ pard, D. Sc. No. 2 The Theory of Development. By A. H. Nietz. No. 3 Gelatin in Photography, Volume I. By S. E. Sheppard, D. Sc. No. 4 Aerial Haze and its Effect on Photography from the Air. Price Each $2.50 . Other volumes soon to appear: The Physics of the Developed Photographic Image By F. E. Ross, Ph.D. Gelatin in Photography, Volume II. By S. E. Sheppard, D. Sc. Preface to the Series The Research Laboratory of the Eastman Kodak Company was founded in 1913 to carry out research on photography and on the processes of photographic manufacture. The scientific results obtained in the laboratory are pub¬ lished in various scientific and technical journals, but the work on the theory of photography is of so general a nature and occupies so large a part of the field that it has been thought wise to prepare a series of monographs, of which this volume is the fourth. In the course of the series it is hoped to cover the entire field of scientific photography, and thus to make available to the general public material which at the present time is distributed throughout a wide range of journals. Each monograph is intended to be complete in itself and to cover not only the work done in the laboratory, but also that available in the literature of the subject. A very large portion of the material in these monographs will naturally be original work which has not been published previously, and it does not necessarily follow that all the views expressed by each author of a monograph are shared by other scientific workers in the laboratory. The monographs are written by specialists qualified for the task, and they are given a wide discretion as to the expression of their own opinions, each monograph, however, being edited also by the director of the laboratory, by Mrs. Schramm, and by Miss Garvin, who is now the active editor of the series. Rochester, New York August, 1923 Preface In 1918, the Research Laboratory of the Eastman Kodak Company undertook, in collaboration with the Department of Military Aeronautics of the United States Army, a study of photography from the air with regard especially to the problems presented by aerial haze, the immediate object of the study being, of course, its application to military aerial photography. The work in the laboratory was under the immediate direction of Mr. Kenneth Huse, who was assisted by Drs. Walter Colby and William Sleator, of the University of Michigan, who spent a year in the Research Laboratory for the purposes of this investigation. Many other members of the staff of the laboratory collaborated in the work, which was under the general direction of Dr. C. E. K. Mees, the director of the Research Laboratory. Captain A. K. Chapman, stationed in Rochester for the Science and Research Division, collaborated in all the aerial work of the Eastman Kodak Company and especially in the arrangements necessary for the carrying out of this investiga¬ tion. Captain H. E. Ives, who was in general charge of the aeroplane investigations of the Science and Research Division, also assisted greatly in the work. Thanks are also due especially to Lieutenant A. H. Nietz who, while stationed at the Langley Flying Field at Ltampton, Va., did a great deal of flying in connection with the work, and placed many of his results at our disposal. The work had not been completed when the Armistice was signed, in November, 1918. By consent of the military authorities, it was brought to a conclusion sufficient to enable general results of practical value to be deduced from the measurements, and the work was then closed, though in only a partially completed state. Nevertheless, it has been thought desirable to publish the results obtained and especially the methods employed, so that any future work along these and similar lines may have the advantage of the experience gained. We feel that in spite of the incomplete state of the work, the results obtained are of considerable value as indi¬ cating the best conditions for aerial photography, the types of materials which should be used, and the conditions under which they should be employed. We are indebted to the Department of Military Aeronautics for its kind permission to publish the work in this monograph. Rochester, New York August, 1923 Aerial Haze and its Effect on Photography from the Air CONTENTS Page Preface . 7 Chapter I. Introduction.11 Chapter II. The methods of photographic photometry.19 Chapter III. The measurement of aerial haze . . 36 Chapter IV. The duplication of aerial conditions in the laboratory.54 Chapter V. The material and conditions best adapted for aerial photography.64 Appendix The haze effect produced by pure dry air 72 Bibliography . 79 Index of Authors. 80 Index of Subjects . 82 Aerial Haze and its Effect on Photography from the Air CHAPTER I Introduction ' Aerial photography differs from most branches of photogra¬ phy in that the distance between the camera and the object photographed is very great, so that between the lens and the subject there exists a depth of air which reflects light back into the lens. This light, reflected from particles of water or dust suspended in the air and, to a less extent, from the molecules of air themselves, superimposes a uniform illumination over all parts of the subject photographed, causing a veiling haze which diminishes the contrast available for reproduction in the photograph. The term “haze,” though indefinite, specifies a phenomenon with which every one is familiar. Distant landscapes in regions of ordinary humidity almost always show haze, which appears as a thin veil of bluish cast. In photographing mountains haze frequently causes trouble, diminishing the contrast to a serious extent. In no branch of photography, however, is haze so important as in photography from the air. Owing to the large proportion of actinic light reflected in haze, its effect is much greater photographically than visually, often being serious in photographs taken under visually clear conditions. At altitudes of 10,000 feet or more, the haze effect is frequently so marked that it becomes difficult to distinguish ground detail in the photograph, while the taking of long distance obliques is almost impossible without precautions for the elimination of haze. The following series of photographs illustrates quite force¬ fully the very undesirable results arising from the presence of haze in the air. Fig. 1 shows two successive photographs of the same subject taken from a height of 10,000 feet. Fig. 1A was made on an ordinary plate with no special means of dealing with haze. Fig. IB was made on a special plate under condi¬ tions such that the haze effect was largely removed. The prints from these negatives were made without any special treatment. Fig. 2 shows two photographs made on the same emulsion at exactly the same time by means of a camera with multiple 11 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY lenses. Fig. 2A was made in the ordinary way; Fig. 2B shows the elimination of the haze effect. It is quite surprising how Fig. 2A Taken on ordinary plate much more detail, especially in the woods and fields (the dark areas), is shown by the picture less affected by haze. These photographs were taken at an altitude of 11,000 feet, and it is interesting to note that haze was not apparent to the eye, the day being considered a very good one for air work. Fig. 3 shows a case of much denser haze, although still not of haze at its maximum. In this case the altitude was 10,500 12 AERIAL HAZE feet. Clouds were rather uniformly distributed in a layer at about 6,500 feet. Looking downward from a height of 10,500 Fig. 2B Taken with filter feet, the earth was almost invisible, as the spaces between the clouds were apparently occupied by haze. These spaces appeared very blue. There are times when haze (in the absence of any cloud formations) becomes so dense that the earth can scarcely be seen, even from low altitudes. This is more likely to occur in autumn than in spring, the haze consisting to a greater 13 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY extent of dust and smoke particles than of water vapor. Certain regions would, of course, never experience haze of this sort, and, furthermore, some districts would be on the average quite free from haze in troublesome quantities. The southwestern part of the United States is quite free from haze, and there no difficulty is experienced, as a rule, in securing clear aerial photographs by ordinary methods. It should not be understood that haze is always present in suffi¬ cient amount to annoy the photographer. From lower alti- Fig. 3A tudes little difficulty is encountered from this cause, but at high altitudes better photographs can always be secured by considering the haze effect. There is no likelihood of our being able to photograph through extremely dense layers of haze, since radiation (of whatever wave-length) reflected from the haze body will often be greater than that reflected from the earth and transmitted by the haze. Therefore, when anyone speaks of photo¬ graphing through several miles of “mist” or “fog” he is either misapplying the terms mist and fog to what we usually con¬ sider haze, or he is working on the credulity of the general 14 AERIAL HAZE public, which has not yet become familiar with the process. It is impossible by any method known at present (such, for instance, as photography by the infra-red) to photograph through mist which is any more dense than that through which one can just distinguish the highlights of the subject to be photographed. Our visual perception of space depends upon contrast—that is, upon differences of brightness. While it is often stated Fig. 313 Showing elimination of haze that objects are visible by virtue of the light which they reflect, it is more precise to say that such visibility is due to the differences in the light which they reflect. This is evident if we consider an object of exactly the same color and bright¬ ness as the background against which it is viewed. Under such conditions the object is indistinguishable from the back¬ ground and hence is invisible. Difference in either the intensity or the quality of the light is sufficient for the produc¬ tion of visibility. Intensity differences cause objects to 15 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY appear of various brightnesses, while variations in the quality of the light are perceived by the eye as differences of color. Since the photographic process can not reproduce color, variations of quality are translated by it into brightness differences, the translation depending upon the color sensi¬ tiveness of the photographic materials. Variations of bright¬ ness are produced in nature either by differences in the reflecting power of surfaces subject to the same illumination or by differences in the illumination of various parts of a surface having a uniform reflecting power. Black ink reflects less light than white paper, and so with the same light falling on each there is a difference in brightness by which ink marks are distinguishable. On the other hand, if a plaster cast be lighted from one side, parts of the surface will be in shadow, and although the whole cast has the same reflecting power, there will be differences in brightness by virtue of which the details of the cast will be visible. Therefore any diminution of the contrast between the different parts of a subject will diminish the ability of the observer to discriminate detail; and, since the object of aerial photography is the discrimination of detail in the subject photographed, the effect of haze is to produce a most serious loss in the efficiency of the process. The study of haze and of the best methods of diminishing its photographic effects thus becomes of primary importance for aerial photography. The factors in aerial photography which can be controlled are: 1. The color of the light by which the photograph is taken; 2. The properties of the sensitive material used for making the negative; 3. The exposure given; 4. The developer and the time of development. Of these factors, the most important is 1, but the choice of the color to be used is necessarily conditioned by the color sensitiveness of the sensitive materials available. As will be seen later, light of short wave-lengths is much more strongly reflected by the small particles of the air than is light of longer wave-lengths, so that the longer the wave¬ length—that is, the redder the light used—the less will the haze effect be. Unfortunately, photographic materials are much more sensitive to light of short wave-lengths than to the longer waves, and the red and yellow light can, therefore, be employed only on materials sensitized especially for the pur- 16 AERIAL HAZE pose and even with such materials only with an increased exposure. Since the exposure which can be given in aerial photography is limited by the conditions of the work, the use of red or yellow light for the elimination of haze is also limited, and it becomes of importance to ascertain how far the improvement in contrast can be effected by the correct selection of factors 2, 3 and 4, in spite of the greater importance of the factor of color. The work dealt with in this monograph was undertaken in order to determine primarily the types of photographic materials most suitable for photography through haze and the conditions under which those materials would be used, and, secondarily, to study the occurrence, distribution and value of haze. It was decided at the outset that the problem could best be attacked in three definite stages. (1) The extent and distribution of the haze and its spectral quality can be determined only by observations from aero¬ planes under different weather conditions and at different altitudes;- and since the quality must be considered from a photographic point of view, it was decided to use photographic methods for this investigation. (2) The behavior of photographic materials when used for photographing a subject having a general veiling haze super¬ imposed was studied in the laboratory by means of a so-called "haze cabinet”, in which a camera was arranged to photpgraph any set of diagrams required, while by means of a semi¬ transparent mirror before the lens a uniform intensity from a separate light source could be superimposed upon the image. With this apparatus it was possible to investigate the advan¬ tages and disadvantages of different photographic materials under various haze conditions (amounts of veiling haze), and to determine the conditions of exposure and development which would give the best results with a given aimunt of haze. The calibration of this apparatus on the basis of the data obtained from the air as to the amount of veiling haze present under varying conditions, enables decisions to be made in the laboratory concerning the materials which should be used for field work, and the treatment which those materials should receive. (3) The utility of various materials from the point of view of photographing through haze having been investigated by means of the haze cabinet, these materials were subjected to the standard sensitometric methods of investigation. The 17 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OE PHOTOGRAPHY properties shown by the sensitometric data were correlated with the behavior of the materials in the haze cabinet, thus making it possible to deduce from the ordinary sensitometric tests the suitability which a given material has for aerial work. Only a part of the work planned was accomplished. Methods for the study of haze were devised, and some preliminary measurements from the air were made. A much more com¬ plete study, correlated with meteorological data, is, however, necessary, and should be undertaken in the interests both of meteorology and of aerial photography. The types of sensitive material suitable for aerial photog¬ raphy were determined and criteria for their suitability established, as were also the conditions of exposure and development which give the best results. 18 CHAPTER II The Methods of Photographic Photometry When a photographic material such as a film or plate is exposed to an increasing series of intensities, the deposit pro¬ duced upon development depends upon the intensity acting during exposure, so that if a strip of the material is exposed in steps, these steps are represented by a series of densities in the developed plate. The property of the developed density which is of interest from the photographic point of view is its light-stopping power. This can be measured by means of a photometer, in which the light transmitted through the clear portion of the image is equalized, by means of some optical device, with that transmitted by the density to be measured. When the densities thus measured are plotted against the exposures, a logarithmic *' 5 scale of exposures being chosen, it has been found that a curve of the general type shown in Fig. 4 is obtained. Throughout a considerable portion of its ° range, the rise in density is seen 10 to be proportional to the loga¬ rithmic increase in exposure, - 5 and through this portion a straight line can be drawn cor¬ responding to the equation D = y (log E - log «'), where y represents the slope of the straight line—that is r the tangent of the angle which it makes with the exposure axis — and log i is the intercept on the exposure axis. This characteristic curve of a photographic material was first described by Hurter and Driffield, who found that for normal development the point of the intercept of the straight line on the exposure axis remains invariable, and that a change in the time of development corresponds only to a change in the value of y; that is, of the slope of the straight line. For this reason, the exposure i corresponding to the intercept log i was called by them the inertia of the photographic material, while y was termed the development factor. 19 LOQ E Fig. 4 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY According to Hurter and Driffield the sensitiveness of a material is defined by dividing the value of the inertia into some constant. In the lower portion of the characteristic curve before the straight line is reached, the curve is convex to the exposure axis, increasing in slope from a zero value to that of y. This region was termed by Hurter and Driffield the region of under-exposure, while the corresponding region, where the curve becomes concave to the exposure axis and the slope diminishes from y until it finally becomes zero, was called the over-exposure region. These names arise from the fact that it is only through the straight-line portion of the curve that the opacities of a negative correspond inversely to the brightnesses of the original subject, and, consequently, it is throughout this region that the reproduction of the tones of the subject is correct in a negative. Any portion of the scale of brightnesses which falls upon the under- or over¬ exposure portions of the curve produces an incorrect and dis¬ torted rendering of the scale of tones . 1 The whole characteristic curve can, of course, be expressed by means of a mathematical equation, and several such equations have been proposed by photographic workers . 2 Such equations are integrations of differential equations derived from assumptions as to the absorption of light by the film and as to the distribution of sensitiveness among the grains composing the sensitive emulsion. The characteristic curve can obviously be used for the translation of the density of any photographic deposit into the corresponding intensity by which it was produced. Thus, if we photograph from the air two areas such, for instance, as a wooded area and an open field, and impress upon the plate before development a known scale of intensities, then, after development, we can measure the densities of the known scale, draw the characteristic curve, measure the densities corresponding to the areas in which we are interested, and by interpolating these densities upon the curve deduce the light intensities corresponding to the areas. Photographic photometry thus consists of the determination of the intensity of the exposures to be measured by interpola¬ tion of the densities produced by them on a scale of densities produced by known intensities. It is obvious that the accu¬ racy of photometric measurements made in this way will depend upon the scale of densities from known exposures 1 Jones, L. A., On the theory of tone reproduction. J. Frankl. Inst. 190 : 39. 1920. 2 Ross, F. E., On the relation between photographic density, light intensity, and exposure time. J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 4: 255. 1920. 20 AERIAL HAZE being produced under conditions which are exactly the same as those under which the densities to be measured are produced. We must eliminate (1) variations due to the material—i. e., irregularities in sensitiveness, thickness of coating, etc.; (2) variations due to the treatment—i. e., differences in developing the intensity scale and the densities to be measured; (3) variations in the intensity or time of exposure of the two scales (it is not justifiable to assume that time and intensity, the two components of exposure, are reciprocally equivalent); (4) variations due to the quality of the light. The scale must be made by light of the same wave-length as that which produced the exposures to be measured. Let us consider these factors in turn: 1. In order that variations in the material may be reduced to a minimum, it is advisable to impress the intensity scale and the densities to be measured upon the same plate or film. This automatically eliminates variations due to different times of development. Where this is not possible; the exposures should be made on material from the same package, which receives identical treatment before and after exposure. When exposures are made upon the same material, the only variations likely to occur are due (1) to differences of sensitiveness in different parts of the material, generally produced during the drying process. Thus there is usually an area of somewhat greater sensitiveness around the edges of the plates than in the middle; and (2) variations in the thickness of the coating such as may occur, especially with plates, owing to waviness of the glass on which the emulsion is coated. In the course of a study of the uniformity which may be expected in different parts of the same photographic plate, the average deviation for white light was found to be of the order of four per cent, and the maximum deviation about eight per cent. When panchromatic plates were used with color filters, and the plates exposed to red, green, and blue light, greater deviations were observed for red than for green, and for green than for blue light. The maximum deviation in this series of experiments was ten per cent for blue light and fifteen per cent for red light. It is clear that the average precision of a single measurement upon plates by the methods of photographic photometry cannot be expected to be greater than five per cent, owing to variations in the sensitiveness or coating of the material. With film, the precision is somewhat greater, as the emulsion is coated upon a wide band of support, and differences in sensitiveness due to drying conditions are much less likely to occur than in the case of plates. The 21 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY waviness characteristic of the glass on which ordinary plates are coated also does not occur with films. The average devi¬ ation for portrait film is found to be three per cent, the max¬ imum deviation approximately six per cent, both these measurements being made to white light. 2. The Effect of Treatment. During development, the slope of the straight-line portion of the characteristic curve (y) increases, the straight line rotating around the inertia point. The slope can not, however, be increased indefinitely by increase of development, as y increases from a zero value to a limiting value, y m , which depends upon the nature of the material. See Fig. 5. The increase of y with time is ex¬ ponential, corresponding to the equation y = | or. in its logarithmic form, v 1 , Too K = — log- t y oo T Fig. 5 The value of y oo may be as lowas 1.5 for fast materials, such as portrait plates or film; for the average plate used in general photography it will vary from 1.8 to 2.3; while for process plates, having the greatest con¬ trast, it will generally exceed 3.0. The constant K which, together with y oo, determines the velocity of development and represents the velocity constant of the chemical reaction, is dependent upon the nature and concentration of the devel¬ oper, upon the temperature, and upon the material. It is convenient to adjust development so that a y of unity is obtained in a time of about five minutes. When the developer contains a soluble bromide, the intercept of the straight-line portion of the characteristic curve upon the exposure axis is no longer fixed, but decreases during develop¬ ment to a limiting position corresponding at y oo to the normal position obtained in the absence of bromide. (Fig. 6.) It can be shown that all the straight-line portions of the curves obtained with different times of development in a bromided developer meet at a point, just as with a non-bromided devel¬ oper; but this point is no longer situated upon the exposure axis, but is below it. The depression is a measure of the 22 AERIAL HAZE effect of the bromide upon the reduction potential of the developer. 1 (Figs. 7A and B.) From this discussion of the variation of the characteristic curve with development it will be seen that in photographic Fig. 6 photometry it is essential to obtain uniform development for all densities which are to be compared with each other. It is especially necessary to avoid accidental development effects such as may be produced by eddy currents in the developer, by stationary waves, or by local exhaustion. In spite of all precautions there are certain defects produced by the effect of the surrounding densities upon the concentration of the developer, which may affect the value of density deter¬ minations by photographic methods. These have been studied recently by a number of workers, to whose papers the reader is referred. In the work on aerial photography, 1 Nietz, A. H., The theory of development. Monograph No. 2. 23 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY it was believed that these effects were not of sufficient import¬ ance to require special investigation, and they were ignored. 1 Fig. 7A 1 Ross., F. E., The mutual action of adjacent photographic images. Astrophys. J. 53: 349. 1921. Eberhard, G., Ueber die gegenseitige Beeinflussung benachbarter Felder auf einer Bromsilberplatte. Physik. Zeits. 13: 288. 1912. 24 AERIAL HAZE 3. Up to the present, the exposure has been treated as if it were a definite quantity, but an exposure necessarily involves two factors, the intensity of the light acting and the time for which it acts. Thus, E = f-It. The simplest assumption with regard to these two factors is that the variation of one of them can be exactly compensated by a reciprocal increase in the other, so that we can write E = I t. On investigation it is found, however, that this simple relation is not true, especially when t is large, and for values of t exceed¬ ing 100 seconds the relation certainly can not be held to be valid. Schwarzschild suggested that a closer approximation to the relation would be given by the relation E = I t p , but it is doubtful whether this is any more than a further approximation. As Ross has pointed out, if this equation can be assumed to hold it is easy to determine p, since if we impress on a plate two scales, one varying the time and the other varying the intensity, then y for the time scale ^ y for the intensity scale In photographic photometry, however, the difficulty can be avoided completely by using an intensity scale when measuring intensities, since in this way the exposures corresponding to given densities are strictly comparable as regards intensity. It must be remembered, however, that the function is probably dependent upon the absolute time of exposure, so that not only must the relative intensity scale be correct, but the absolute intensity must be of the right order, since if the densities to be measured were impressed, for instance, in 1 /100 of a second by exposure from an aeroplane and the density scale was impressed by an exposure of several minutes in the laboratory, the two intensity scales would not neces¬ sarily be comparable. 4. Vaviations in the Quality of the Light. The characteristic curve varies in shape and in slope with the wave-length of the light producing it. This is shown in the range of wave¬ lengths used with ordinary plates in Fig. 8, which is taken 25 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OE PHOTOGRAPHY from a paper by F. E. Ross. 1 It is seen that both the slope and the shape of the curve vary considerably with the wave¬ length of the light. The general relation between y and wave-length’is shown in Fig. 9 which is also from Ross’s paper. It is evident that the variation of y with wave-length is so considerable that photometric measurements can be relied upon only when the exposure scale is made with light of exactly the same quality as that by which the densities to be inter¬ polated were produced. This is well shown in the following experiment: A plate was exposed through three color filters, one trans¬ mitting light from 460^ upwards, the second from 510^ Fig. 8 Variation of the characteristic curve with wave-length of light upwards, and the third from 555;j.p. upwards. The exposures were made to a tungsten glow lamp with an intensity scale of neutral densities, the lamp being run at different currents, thus changing its spectral distribution: .r Filter Filter Filter Current No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 1.5 amps. 1.67 1.79 1.87 1.8 amps. 1.43 1.61 1.80 2.1 amps. 1.35 1.54 1.75 1 Ross, F. E. t Photographic photometry and the Purkinje effect. Astrophys. J. 52: 86. 1920. 26 AERIAL HAZE An increase of current in the glow lamp shifts the maximum of the spectral distribution curve to shorter wave-lengths, and it will be noticed that y decreases as the current is increased and increases as the wave-length of the filter absorp¬ tion limit increases, so that the highest y is obtained with the reddest filter at the lowest cur¬ rent, and the lowest y with the lightest filter at the highest cur¬ rent. This experiment shows the great errors which may be introduced by changes in the color of the light by which the scale is impressed upon the materials,and, as will be seen in Chapter III, that very special precautions are necessary to ensure that the comparison scale is impressed by light of exactly the same quality as that reflected from the objects to be photographed. METHODS OF MEASUREMENT Exposure scales are produced by instruments known as sensitometers, and they are expressed usually in c.m.s., the unit representing the light of a one-candle-power standard lamp at a distance of one meter for one second. No definition of the photographic candle is accepted generally at the present time, and since light sources which are visually identical have quite different photographic effects, according to the quality of the light emitted, there can be said to be no definite unit of exposure. Each laboratory adopts its own unit expressed in candle-power of some standard lamp such as the pentane lamp, an electric lamp burning at a given temperature, or an acetylene burner of a specific type. Fortunately, in the work under discussion, the absolute magnitude of the intensities was of no importance, and the exposures could be expressed in arbitrary units without difficulty. Sensitometers can be of the forms which impress either a time scale or an intensity scale, and these scales can be im¬ pressed either continuously or intermittently. 1 The inter¬ mittent sensitometer varies the exposure on the plate by means of a rotating sector wheel in which angular openings 1 Jones, L. A., A new non-intermittent sensitometer. J. Frankl. Inst. 189: 303. 1920. 27 Fig. 9 1 Ord. plate 3 Pan. plate 2 Ord. plate 4 Ortho, plate MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OP PHOTOGRAPHY are cut, permitting the differential transmission of light in some known ratio. This wheel, which is mounted at one end of the sensitometer box, is rotated at a constant speed in front of the plate during exposure. Immediately behind it is an opening in which the plate holder carrying the plate is inserted. The light source is mounted at the other end of the box and at a definite distance from the plate holder. The instrument, comprising rotating sector wheel, light source, and plate holder, is enclosed in a light-tight housing so that the only light incident on the plate during exposure comes from the standardized light source and passes through the opening in the sector wheel as it rotates in front of the plate. Expo¬ sures in this type of sensitometer are incident intermittently, and investigation has shown that the resulting densities are lower in value than those from an equal, continuous exposure, especially for low exposure values. In non-intermittent sensitometers, the sensitive material is supported in a frame equipped with a device for screening it in successive steps. The movement of the screen is so timed that consecutive steps receive exposures whose times vary as powers of some convenient number. As in the inter¬ mittent type, this causes the logarithms of the exposures to differ by constant amounts, and they can, therefore, be plotted as abscissae equally spaced. The intensity of the light falling on the plate can be varied by changing the distance between the source and the plate or by altering the source itself. A method of intensity-scale sensitometry which varies the exposure by changing the light intensity rather than the time of exposure consists of placing in contact with the emulsion of the photographic plate a tablet divided into several sections of consecutively increasing density. By exposing through this tablet for times comparable with those used in the case to be investigated, the danger of exceeding the reciprocity limits of the exposure formula may be avoided. The tablet also forms a means of obtaining definitely graded exposures in the field, or under circumstances where the elaborate apparatus for the other method can be neither obtained nor manipulated. The chief objection to the tablet method is a possible lack of neutrality of the superposed material. If the light intensity is not merely cut down but selectively absorbed, the photographic plate will receive light of a different color from that given by the source, and this difference will change as we proceed from one density to another in the tablet. It is quite possible, however, to form tablets which are neutral within the limits of photographic detection. The tablets 28 AERIAL HAZE used in the field work described in this monograph were made by exposure in the laboratory with the non-intermittent type of sensitometer and developed in monomethyl par- aminophenol (Elon), a developer particularly suitable for producing neutral deposits. The resulting tablets were tested for selectivity of transmission by comparing exposures through them with exposures in the laboratory sensitometer. No effects attributable to color greater than the experimental error could be detected. The transmission of these tablets was then measured both by means of a photometer and photo¬ graphically, and used as a factor to define the amount of light transmitted by each step. The density of a photographic plate was defined by Hurter and Driffield as the logarithm of the opacity, the opacity being the reciprocal of the transparency of the plate. Thus, if / be the intensity of the incident light, and /, the intensity of the light transmitted, then I\ Transparency = - = T- / 1 I Opacity = - = -= O: T h Density = log ,io 0 : 1 - log 10 - | T I - logio - - = D. /, Thus, when D = .301, 0=2, and T = .5 ; D = 1, 0 =10, and T = .1; D = 2,0 = 100, and T = .01; D = 3, 0 = 1000, 7’ = .001, and so on. It will be seen that if we assume the silver deposit to follow Beers’ law, D will be proportional to the mass of silver in unit area; and it has been shown experimentally that this relation holds with great accuracy for photographic deposits, the relation between D and the mass of silver per square centimeter being termed the photometric constant. For normal emul¬ sions and a density of unity, there corresponds a mass of .1 milligram of silver per square centimeter. The measurement 29 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY of the density can be made with any of the usual devices for comparing light intensities. 1 Many different types of photometers, microphotometers, and spectrophotometers have been designed and used for the measurement of photographic densities. In these instru¬ ments, numerous means have been used for varying the intens¬ ity of the light, such as adjustable slits, polarizing and analyz¬ ing nicol prisms, and calibrated neutral gray wedges. In most of the instruments one light source is used to illuminate both halves of the photometric field, so that any variation in the intensity of the source during the course of a set of readings does not affect the determinations. The essential requirements in any density-measuring instrument are: (1) a photometric field consisting of two parts so arranged that when they are of the same brightness the dividing line almost or entirely disappears; (2) a means of illuminating the two parts of the field uniformly and equally; (3) a means of placing the density to be measured in the path of the light illuminating one part of the field; and (4) a means of cutting down the intensity of the light illuminating the other part of the field to a variable and precisely known extent. Certain forms of polarization photometers are quite sensitive, free from systematic errors, and extremely convenient for measuring the coefficients of transmission for white light. _ One of the best and simplest of these and the one used in this inves¬ tigation was the Martens (Fig. 10). Light from the source, a tungsten glow lamp, enters at the two apertures, A and A i, is rendered convergentbyO,and is polarized by a Wollaston prism W. The resulting circular field is divided along the diameter by a line which practically disappears when a balance is obtained. A nicol prism N is interposed in the path of the double beam. When the prism is placed at an angle of 45° to the planes of polarization, equal amounts of light are transmitted. Rotat¬ ing the prism reduces the transmission of one beam and 1 Sheppard, S. E., and Mees, C. E. K., Investigations on the theory of the photographic process. 30 AERIAL HAZE increases that of the other, the ratio of transmitted intensities varying as the square of the tangent of the angle which the prism makes with the position of complete extinction. The two halves of the field are illuminated uniformly and equally by light passing through a disk of opal glass placed in front of the light source. The photographic plate is placed on the opal glass in such a manner that the density to be measured covers one half of the field, while the other half remains clear. The instrument as a whole is extremely sensitive and reliable. The deposit in a photographic emulsion consists of a large number of small particles of silver, and this deposit diffuses or scatters some of the light incident upon it, the amount scat¬ tered depending upon the size of the grains and their distribu¬ tion in the film. The transmission of such a density for a specular beam will therefore consist partly of specular light and partly of scattered light, and since photometers necessarily measure only the light leaving the density over a small angle, the light scattered by the density will be counted as if it were absorbed. As a result of this, a density measured by light which is approximately parallel will give a higher reading in the photometer than the same density measured by light which is completely diffused before it enters it, since in the first case light will be lost by scattering, whereas a completely diffuse light cannot further be fully scattered. This subject was investigated by Callier, 1 who termed the relation between the density measured by parallel light and that measured by scattered light Q, and showed that the value of Q varies from slightly above unity for the finest grained and most transparent deposit to a value as high as 1.6 for the coarsest and most scattering deposits. Callier showed that the most practical and consistent method of measuring densities is to use com¬ pletely diffuse illumination. This is accomplished by making the measurements with the emulsion side of the photographic plate in contact with a uniformly illuminated piece of pot opal glass. By doing this, the results obtained with different photometers are comparable, and the conditions closely approximate those which exist when contact prints are made from negatives. If the area of the density to be measured is too small to cover the photometer aperture, it is necessary to project a magnified image of it on to a screen placed in direct contact with the aperture. A microphotometer of this type was used in part of the work. 33-'2bt) Iier i9oV Absorption an ^ scatter °f fight by photographic negatives. Phot. J. 31 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY COLOR SENSITIVE MATERIALS Since the objects of this investigation included a study of the color of atmospheric haze and the possibility of its elim¬ ination by the use of suitable light filters, the materials used were necessarily color sensitive; that is, sensitive to light of longer wave-length than 500/^, which is the limiting wave¬ length of sensitiveness for normal bromo-iodide emulsions. Such color sensitiveness is produced by the use of sensitizing dyes which, when added to the emulsion, stain the siher bromide grains and render them sensitive to light of the wave¬ lengths which are absorbed by the dye used. Two groups of dyes are used in color sensitizing, and conse¬ quently color sensitive materials fall in one of two general classes: (1) Dyes of the fluoresceine series, notably the sodium salt of tetra-iodo-fluoresceine, generally known as erythrosine, sensitize silver bromide very strongly for the yellow-green rays which they absorb, and are generally used for the orthochromatic plates of commerce. These dyes are acid, being used in the form of the soluble sodium salts, and their action upon the emulsion is enhanced very much by the presence of ammonia. (2) On the other hand, there is a series of basic dyes produced by the condensation of quinoline with quinaldine derivatives which are also powerful sensi¬ tizers for photographic emulsions and which confer a wide band of sensitiveness stretching through the whole of the green and far into the red regions of the spectrum. Photographic materials, sensitive to practically the whole of the visible spectrum, are known as panchromatic. They may be made either by the addition of the dyes to the emulsion or by treat¬ ment of the dry plates with a solution of the dye. "1 he cyanine dyes have been known for many years to sensitize photo¬ graphic plates, but they have the disadvantage that the materials sensitized with them fog easily and have very poor keeping qualities. In 1897 Miethe discovered a dye which shows a strong sensitizing action on silver bromide without the disadvantages displayed by the cyanine dyes. This dye, Ethyl Red, was the first representative of a new series of dyes known as isocyanines, which are isomeric with the cya¬ nines, and are produced by condensing together ethiodides of quinoline and quinaldine derivatives. The investigation of these dyes was extended by E. Koenig, who supplemented Miethe s first dye, known as Ethyl Red, by other dyes made from substituted quinaldines and quin¬ olines, which were placed on the market under the trade names 32 AERIAL HAZE of Orthochrome T, Pinaverdol, and Pinachrome. Later, Koenig discovered that by condensing the dye components in the presence of formaldehyde, a new series of dyes was obtained, the first of which was placed on the market under the name of Pinacyanol, this dye displaying extraordinary red sensitizing power and showing a strong maximum of sensitive¬ ness at 645 m/*. This new series of dyes has recently been termed the carbocyanines. Still other dyes of a similar type but belonging to a different series, have sensitizing power in the extreme red and even in the infra-red. 1 For practical purposes the most useful dyes are Pinacyanol, Kryptocyanine and one or two of the isocyanines such as Orthochrome T, Pinaverdol, or Pinachrome, the particular isocyanine to be selected depending upon the characteristics of the emulsion. These dyes, which were made only in Germany before 1914, were duplicated in the allied countries during the war. Since exposures from the air are necessarily very brief, and since, as will be shown in the course of this monograph, the use of strongly colored filters is advantageous, every effort was made to increase the color sensitiveness of the materials available, and the sensitizing of materials and methods of measuring their color sensitiveness were extensively studied. Numerous improvements were made in the preparation of the materials, notably in panchromatic plates and films sensitized with pinacyanol and the isocyanine dyes. Small quantities of highly sensitized materials were made by bathing finished plates in dye baths containing a large amount of alcohol and some ammonia, but equally good results were found to be obtainable by the use of materials sensitized in the emulsion and hypersensitized by treatment with a dilute bath of ammonia before use. 2 At the present time, plates and films of sensitiveness sufficient for aerial photography when used with strong yellow filters are commercially obtainable. If red filters are to be used, hypersensitizing with ammonia gives excellent results. The measurement of the color sensitiveness of the materials can be accomplished either sensitometrically or by means of a spectrograph. A simple grating spectrograph using tungsten 1 Adams, E. Q., and Haller, H. L.. Kryptocyanines. A new series of photosensitizing dyes. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 42: 2661. 1920. Mees, C. E. K., and Gutekunst, G. O., Some new sensitizers for the deep red. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 14: 1060. 1922. The Kryptocyanines were not discovered until after the work described here was com¬ pleted. Kryptocyanine sensitizes strongly with a maximum at 770p,pt. and should be very suitable for aerial photography, but owing to the falling off in the energy of the solar spectrum beyond 700 j(,[j, and to the strong absorption bands between 760JJ,^JL and 780|j,JJl it is very difficult to get sufficient exposure. 2 Burka, S. M., Hypersensitizing commercial panchromatic plates. J. Frankl. Inst. 189: 25. 1920. 33 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY light as the source, and a wave-length scale held in front of the sensitive plate so that it is impressed upon the plate at the time of photographing a spectrum are all that are required, but it is convenient to have a neutral-tinted wedge in front of the slit by means of which a curve of the sensitiveness of the material is drawn automatically so that the position of the sensitive bands can be seen at a glance (Fig. 11). The spectro¬ graph used for this purpose is known as a wedge spectrograph A Fig. 11 For quantitative measurements, however, a more satis¬ factory method of determining sensitiveness is to use a time or intensity scale sensitometer and to make exposures through color filters transmitting known regions of the spectrum. A convenient set of filters is that known as the standard tricolor set of filters used for color photography, the transmission limits of these filters being as follows: A. 580 to infra-red; B. 475 /a/ 4 to 635 C. 350 to 510 /jl/x. With such filters in the sensitometer, the material is exposed in four strips, one without a filter and one each with the three color filters, the increase of exposure necessary to get the same density through each filter being measured. Since the characteristic curves are not parallel to each other (Fig. 12), it is necessary to decide on the density and develop¬ ment at which the comparison is to be made, and for the sake of precision the plate is developed so that the curve of the plate without a filter shows a y of unity, and the exposure necessary to produce a density of unity behind each filter is then used for computing the increase of exposure required by the filter. These increases are known as the filter factors. As a material is made more color sensitive, the factor for the blue filter naturally increases, and the factors for the red and green filters diminish. The filter factors for the tricolor filters form what is generally known as the filter ratio. For 1 Wratten, S. H., and Mees, C. E. K., The wedge spectrograph. Brit. J. Phot. 54: 384. 1907. 34 AERIAL HAZE the standard Wratten tricolor filters A, B and C, the ratios of plates made before the war were generally Blue, 6; Green, 12; Red, 16. These ratios were improved by intensive work until for an ordinary plate a ratio of 10 ; 10 ; 10 may be considered normal, and by hypersensitizing a ratio of 12 ; 8 ; 6 may easily be obtained. However, if this resulted in a general loss of sensitiveness, it would present no advantage for aerial photography. A more useful record of color sensitiveness can Fig. 12. Characteristic curves for different filters be obtained by stating the effective speed through the filters, this being found by taking the total H. and D. speed to white light and dividing it by the factor of the filter concerned. Thus, if we have a plate of speed 240, and it is to be used with a No. 12 Wratten filter having a factor of 6, the effective speed will be 40, while with the red filter having a factor of 10, the effective speed will be 24. It may be quite possible to make a similar plate with a factor for the red filter of only 6, but with a speed reduced to 120 by the excessive amount of dye used. It will be seen that the effective speed of this through a red filter will be only 20 as compared with 24 for the first plate, so that the additional dye would be a disadvantage for aerial photography, although the ratio might at first sight suggest that it would be advantageous. 35 CHAPTER III The Measurement of Aerial Haze Haze is the optical turbidity of the atmosphere. It may be caused by dust, smoke, water vapor, irregular temperature distribution, or even by dry air. In fact, any atmospheric material which tends to diminish the transparency of the space it occupies may be said to be a source of haze. There are many types of haze. At times it is stratified near the ground or at high altitudes, and at other times it extends uniformly to a great height. Its quality or color also varies, not only with the varying sources of haze but also with the size of the suspended particles it may contain. Haze, therefore, is due to a light-scattering medium, which creates a veiling glare between the camera and the subject to be photographed. It superposes a uniform light intensity over all parts of the subject, causing not only a brightening of it but also a great reduction in its contrast. The determination of the distribution, the quantity, and the quality of haze is possible only by observations from aero¬ planes at various altitudes and under different weather conditions, and, since these important factors must be consid¬ ered from a photographic viewpoint, photographic methods are employed. Therefore, it is necessary to frame a definition of haze in terms of its measurable effects upon the developed photographic material. This definition is based upon the two obvious effects. The suspended materials in the atmosphere scatter sunlight and hence send back light to the camera, which adds to the exposure creating an image of the subject: these materials also subtract somewhat from the light reflected upward from the ground. Although these tendencies work in opposite directions in their effects upon the exposure which the photographic plate receives, there is no reason for assuming that they exactly counteract one another. The absorption or subtractive effect of the haze is concerned with much less light and is no doubt of less importance. Assume that the subject to be photographed contains objects which are white, gray, and black. Let E w , E g and E< 0 , respectively, represent exposure values, in candle-meter- seconds if convenient, due to these objects. When the camera is near the ground, no haze effect except,of course, the general decrease in ground illumination, is involved. At any altitude A let the exposure due to the light from the haze be e and let h' 36 AERIAL HAZE be the ratio of e to E w so that e = ti Therefore, the total exposure giving rise to the image of the white portion of the subject will be E w (1 —a) + h' E w where (1 - a) represents the absorption or subtractive effect of the haze. Similarly, for the black portion of the subject the total exposure is Eb(l — a) + h'E w and for the gray Eg -a) + h'E w . This is true since the relative amounts subtracted and the absolute exposure added are identical for the white, gray, and black portions of the subject. There¬ fore, if on a photographic material, exposed at any altitude, the ratio of exposures on the white and black objects respec¬ tively is K, then E w (1 a) -j- h' E w _ „ E b (1-a) + h r lE w ~ ' or, dividing both numerator and denominator by Ew( 1 -a), h' t + (l-o ) K 3e_\ _ J L E w (1—a) h' ^7 Now let ~t~ -; = h, and further let = C, which is ( — a) E b measured from near the ground, say at an altitude of 500 feet Solving for h Then 1 + h T + h = K. C - K C(K- 1) = h. h is the haze effect expressed in such terms as are readily obtainable by photographic methods. The evaluation of C and K from plates exposed from various altitudes will be con- 37 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OE PHOTOGRAPHY sidered later. However, it may be remarked here that the Fig.13 Test objects are shown at lower right of picture h' E fraction -— 7 --is the ratio of the exposure due to the E w (1 — a) 38 AERIAL HAZE haze to the exposure given through the haze by the white portion of the subject; and this ratio is obviously equal to h, the haze effect. It is also evident that this evaluation of haze is independent of the actual brightness values—a fact which will be discussed later. The three factors which it was desired to determine are the distribution, the quantity, and the quality of the haze. The method employed permitted the determination of all these from the same negative. The observations upon which the value of h and its distribution and color are based were made at Langley Field, Hampton, Va., during December, 1918, and January, 1919. Preliminary measurements, which aided materially in the establishment of the method finally adopted, were made from negatives obtained during the summer and fall of 1918 at Baker Field, Rochester, N. Y. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS The method consisted primarily in photographing three test objects a black, a white, and a gray canvas, each 60 X 60 feet, of known reflecting power, spread in order upon level ground. (Fig. 13.) These canvases were photographically non-selective in reflection—a necessary condition since the quality of haze was one of the factors to be determined. The contrast between the white and the black canvas was approxi¬ mately 1 to 8. The reflecting power of the three canvases was measured both visually and pho¬ tographically, with the results given in the following table: TABLE I Canvas Reflecting Power Photographic Visual White. 56.0 64 8 Gray. 17.5 20.1 Black. 6.7 75 The cameras used were a four-lens type especially designed for this work. (Fig. 14.) Four IC Tessar lenses, each of ten-inch focal length, are placed at equidistant intervals in 39 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OE PHOTOGRAPHY the lens board. (Fig. 15.) The plate holder (Fig.fjjl6), carries four 4X5 inch plates and is fitted with a notched template to make it possible to determine the position of a plate in the camera. Provision is made in each lens barrel for the insertion of color filters. _ The camera thus served as a photographic spectrometer, since the filters chosen were of such cut as to divide the spectrum into sharp intervals of known area. Fig. 15 FlG - 16 Lens board Plate holder In order to make the exposures received by the four plates as nearly equal as possible, the camera was calibrated. The stop or diaphragm values of the lenses, the speed of the shut¬ ter, and the relative total transmissions of the filters used were considered. The times of exposure for the four different slit widths and the six tension values of the focal plane shutter were determined by means of a shutter tester, which depended upon the operation of a tuning fork of known frequency. The values of exposure times obtained were plotted as functions of the distances moved by the slit, and the time value which corresponded to the value at the center of the plates was selected for use. The filter factors, which differed foi the various types of photographic materials used, were defined as the ratio of exposures through the color filter and through a plain gelatine or dummy filter when both exposures produced a density of unity, the plates having been developed together for a time that gave a y value of unity on the plate exposed through the dummy filter. These factors were obtained by means of a non-intermittent sensitometer, using identical 40 AERIAL HAZE exposures on the two plates by adjustment of the distance from the source of light to the plate and the aperture over the source; so that when these factors of distance and aperture were considered, the two characteristic curves intersected at a density of unity when the y of the plate exposed through the dummy filter was also unity. In this way it was determined, for example, that the filter factor for the Wratten and Wain- wright No. 12 filter is 6.4 for a particular panchromatic plate, while for an orthochromatic plate the factor for the same filter is 8.5. Suppose, now, that the motion of the focal plane shutter is from lens A to lens B, and that A has a blue filter, B a dummy filter; and, further, that it has been found that for the desired slit and tension, the ratio of exposure times of A to that of B is as 3 to 2. The plate to be used is ortho¬ chromatic. Because of the motion of the aeroplane during the taking of the pictures, the shortest adequate time is to be used, and the stop of lens A is at //4.5. The exposure at B must be 1/8.5 of that at A. Thus, 2/3 X 1/A = 1/8.5, and X will represent the fractional reduction to be produced by the stop. Therefore, the stop of lens B is set at//10.7. With the stop values thus set for each filter to be used, the adjust¬ ment was checked by photographing a non-selective white diffusing surface in sunlight. Equal densities under the condi¬ tions of calibration as regards development were thus produced. The latitude of the material ordinarily covers small departures from precise equality in the resulting exposures. The establishment of a numerical relation between density and exposure by interpolation on a scale of densities produced by known exposures was provided for by an intensity scale adaptable to field use. In this case, the intensity scale method consisted of printing a series of areas of known transmission and selectivity on the material used to photograph the test objects. One of the lenses was replaced by a glass plate supplied by the manufacturer of the lens and intended to duplicate it in absorption and reflection. In the corresponding section of the plate holder a 4 X 5 inch tablet was placed, having five sensitometric strips of ten sections each, of which the transmissions were known. Except for these strips, the tablet was opaque. Color screens were placed between each strip and the glass cover plate, the heaviest filter corresponding in position to the slowest shutter speed. The photographic material placed over the tablet could receive light only through the filters and accompanying sections. The exposure was made over the white canvas. The filters in the tablet were the same as those used in the three other lenses of the camera. 41 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OE PHOTOGRAPHY In the construction of this tablet it was desirable to have the log transmissions of the successive steps in any strip in arithmetical progression. These log transmissions differ by a constant from the log exposure given through them to the photographic plate, and when the characteristic curves for the observations are to be plotted, it is undesirable that the log exposure values should be unevenly grouped along the axis. In order that these log transmissions of successive steps on the strip should be uniformly separated, the corre¬ sponding exposures were calculated, as follows: In the coordin¬ ate system given in Fig. 17 the negative X axis represents the values of log transmissions of the tablet uniformly spaced. Since density equals log opacity (log -:— 7 — or — log transmission), transmission the same values and spaces transferred to the positive Y axis represent densities of the areas of the tablet. In the first quadrant is given the characteristic curve of the plate and the time of development used, which plate is to be used to make the tablet. Now, if the equally spaced points along the positive Y axis are transferred to the positive X 42 AERIAL HAZE axis, the new points will represent the various values of log exposure to be given in making the tablet. These points are again transferred to the negative Y axis by means of a logarith¬ mic curve and the ordinates so determined are the exposure values which should be given the plate of which the char¬ acteristic curve is shown in the first quadrant, in order that the tablet have the transmissions desired. The determination of these values gives the exposure times to be used in the preparation of the tablets in the non-intermittent sensitometer. It appears, for example, that the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth steps are to be produced by exposures proportional to 0.16, 0.31, 0.58, and 1.2 respectively, or equal to these num¬ bers in the units represented along the positive X axis. Many tablets were made in this way, with various highest density values. This was to compensate for the low total transmission values of the filters to be placed over the tablets. For example, in order to produce a good H. and D. curve by the same time of exposure through the tablets, over which different color screens were used, it was necessary to place under the heaviest filter a strip of low densities, and under the lighter filters strips of higher densities. The tablets were developed in an Elon developer so as to produce a deposit of as little selectivity as possible. These tablets formed the intensity scale sensitometers used to interpret the air data. Exposures were made through the tablets (over which suitable color screens were placed as described), by light of the same quality as that by which the photograph was taken. Thus the density of any image in the aerial photograph is readily referable to the characteristic curve of the plate on which it is taken, and the ratio of exposure values derived. From these the value of the haze effect, h, is determined. In this method of field sensitometry, then, it is possible to make exposures from a plane in the air at the time when the pictures of the test objects are taken. This could be done in the fourth section of the four-lens camera, the three remaining sections giving photographs of the test objects. This, how¬ ever, makes the time of exposure for the sensitometric strip and for the image plates equal. As the altitude increases, the light through the plates or tablets comes from a wider and wider extent of territory. The region included at Langley Field would be at first only grassy fields, then some buildings, some woods, and finally areas of water would be included. Because of this fact the quality of the light would vary with altitude, and inasmuch as such variation directly influences the relation between density and exposure, it is to be avoided. Even 43 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY in the method finally adopted, where the exposures were made directly over the white canvas test object, the camera being held by an observer on the ground, some discrepancy is pos¬ sible. The light by which the picture is taken from an altitude of 10,000 feet, for instance, might not be the same as that near the ground even when the picture and the sensitometric strip are made at the same time. To determine the effect of this difference upon the sensibility of the plate—that is, in technical terms, the effect of altitude on y — flights over a uniform background, e. g., water, were made. Laboratory methods usually endeavor to duplicate in the sensitometer the illumination out-of-doors on an average day, i. e., a combination of sky and sunlight such as one would receive by reflection from a perfectly white subject in natural surroundings. It is readily seen that the aerial photographer must discriminate between such sensitometric data and those which would be obtained from this illumination after it had been reflected from the various subjects encountered in the average terrain. Both contrast and color factors may differ widely for light reflected from water and from a plowed field. The following data bring out clearly the inadvisability of obtaining sensitometric data by exposing the strip in the four- lens camera simultaneously with the taking of the photographs of the test objects. The plates, the data from which are given in the following table, were exposed between a sensitometric tablet whose five strips were masked with five different color filters in a camera in which provision was made for distributing the light homogenously over the plate. Exposures were made at low altitudes in order to restrict the camera angle to a given type of subject. TABLE II VALUES OF GAMMA Emulsion No. 2270 (Special Red Sensitive) Filter Subject Dummy Aero No. 1 No. 12 No. 21 No. 25 Water. 1.36 1.76 2.13 1.92 2.02 Woods. 1.67 1.82 2.13 2.00 2.14 Hampton City. 1.72 2.02 2.16 2.20 2.14 Light fields. 1.80 1.91 2.13 2.14 2.24 Emulsion No. 1445 (Special Red Sensitive) Filter Subject Dummy Aero No. 1 No. 12 No. 21 Marsh. 2.24 2.14 2.14 1.80 Light fields. 2.22 2.10 1.94 1.74 Hampton City. 2.18 2.38 2.23 1.77 44 AERIAL HAZE It will be noticed on examining the tables horizontally that these two emulsions behave very differently with change of color. No. 2270 shows an increase of y with shift of color to red, whereas No. 1445 acts in the opposite manner. Water (Back River) was evidently the bluest of the subjects. For emulsion No. 2270, water produced the lowest y and bare light fields the highest. An equally interesting table of results is formed from the filter factors of the above filters in the same cases. The filter factor is defined (as previously), as the ratio of the exposure necessary to produce a given density through the filter in question as compared with that through the dummy when developed to the same standard value of y, usually unity. In the present case, in which the strips exposed through the different filters were on the same plate, they were necessarily given the same treatment, with consequent variation in y. The ratio of exposures was, therefore, taken by extending the straight-line portions of the H. and D. curves until they intersected the log E axis, and reading the differences between these intercepts. We have noted in Chapter II that this intercept is constant for various treatments except for materials showing regression of inertia. Moreover, this effect is slight for the changes involved. Within this effect TableIII gives true filter factors. TABLE III FILTER FACTORS Emulsion No. 2270 Filter Subject Aero No. 1 No. 12 No. 21 No. 25 Water. 3.98 7.59 9.55 24.55 Woods. 2.95 6.61 9.33 18.63 Hampton City. 2.98 5.68 8.23 11.76 Light fields. 2.41 4.46 6.47 12.60 Emulsion No. 1445 Marsh. 2.51 4.57 6.17 Light fields. 2.95 4.62 6.98 Hampton City. 4.02 6.77 9.55 The interest in this table is in the change of factor with subject. The change with filter is largely a total transmission effect and is important in determining exposure times in practice with the particular filter and emulsion. It should be noted that the factors vary with the subjects in the same order as the values of y. Water gives strikingly high values. The second emulsion confirms the order of light fields and the city of Hampton, and places the maximum of light from marshes farther toward the red. The marsh was covered 45 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY with dead red-brown foliage. The vegetation of woods and city was largely evergreen. It is seen, therefore, that it would be unwise to apply to the whole problem the factors and y values which were characteristic of the light from the white test object on the ground without first determining whether or not the H. and D. curve on the plates to be used suffered a measurable change as the altitude increased. To test this, it was necessary to expose through the tablet over a uniform subject large enough to insure no change in character of the light at higher altitudes. Two such subjects were accessible, the water of Chesapeake Bay and that of Hampton Roads. Many flights were made, and although a difference in the color of the two subjects was easily detected, no change with altitude was measurable. A typical flight over Hampton Roads gave the following data: TABLE IV Altitude 3,500 4,500 5,500 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 feet y 89 .92 .88 .98 .86 .84 .88 .98 .93 On another flight exposures were made over both Hampton Roads and Chesapeake Bay. The values of y show the same slight but irregular variation with altitude as those in the above table. They averaged for Hampton Roads 1.40, for Chesapeake Bay, 1.11. The difference in color of the two subjects was easily visible. These results made it possible to apply to all the images of the test objects made in a single flight, the curves obtained simultaneously on the ground by exposing through the tablet to light, reflected from the same test object. Care was always taken in development. One or two plates with strips were treated in the same tray with three or four of the corresponding plates from the air, and marked accordingly, so that the interpretation of the negatives made in the aeroplane depended upon sensitometric strips of which the treatment had in all respects been the same. When¬ ever possible, plates exposed through a single filter were developed together, as this made it unnecessary to measure more than one strip of the five on the tablet. METHODS OF MEASUREMENT It is obvious, since the altitude of exposures varied from less than 500 to more than 12,000 feet, that the images on the plates must be of various sizes; indeed, they are squares measuring from 1 to 25 millimeters on each side. In the measurement of density, the large squares required only the 46 AERIAL HAZE ordinary arrangement, with the plate to be measured placed under the opening of a Martens photometer. For the measure¬ ment of the smaller images, a projection apparatus was arranged as shown in Fig. 18. The end of the Martens photometer is covered by a paper diffusing screen, S 2 , in front of which a black hood H is placed. The plate to be measured, P, is illuminated by light from the bulb B, through a watercell W, Fig. 18 Diagram of micro-photometer ' and a diffusing screen S u and L is the projection lens. The emulsion is scraped from the plate up to a sharp line defining the image of the canvas, and an enlarged image of that part of the plate near the boundary is projected upon S 2 so that the clear glass covers one of the two openings of the photometer head, and the image covers the other. The sensitometric strip corresponding to the negative was always measured in the same way as the images on the nega¬ tive.. Therefore, although the two methods did not measure precisely the same quantity, as the projection method gave a value for the density corresponding more nearly to that obtained by measurement by parallel light, there is little or no difference in the tabulated results of exposure ratios. In certain cases where it was possible to measure a plate in both ways, the two values of K obtained were in satisfactory agree¬ ment. Because of inequalities in the test objects, which pro¬ duced inequalities in the density in some of the larger images, it was necessary to make several settings in different parts of the same square. This made the results comparable with those from the negatives made at higher altitudes, where the method naturally exerted an integrating effect. To determine the exposure ratio which in the formula for h was denoted as K, it was necessary to determine the photometer angle readings corresponding to the several sections of the sensi¬ tometric strip and to plot these angles against the log exposures ■—that is, a constant plus the log transmission of the tablet through which the strip was exposed. The constant involved 47 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OP PHOTOGRAPHY need not be known. The angles corresponding to the images of the canvas are then ascertained by the same method. By applying their values to the curve given by the strip, the appropriate difference in log exposure (which is the same as that between two values of log transmission) may at once be read. The antilog of this number is K, the ratio of exposures. It is usual in sensitometry to plot density rather than photo¬ meter angle as a function of log exposure, but here where the curves serve only as an intermediate means of interpretation, converting the angles to densities has no advantage. REPRESENTATION OF RESULTS The calculation of the photographic measurement of haze called h requires first a value for K at altitude zero, which has been denoted by C, the ground contrast. This represents the contrast presented by the test objects taken at 500 feet or less, where it was assumed that no haze was present. The value of C was found by plotting the values of K obtained from the data of any one flight as a function of h, thus getting the con¬ trast-haze curve, and the most appropriate regular curve was extended to meet the axis of ordinates, where the intercept was the value of ground contrast C. It was observed that all the flights made could be divided into three distinct groups so arranged with respect to their dates and in relation to the weather conditions that the ground contrast C, which is the ratio of the brightness of the two canvases, remains unchanged for any one group of flights. The several values thus obtained for the flights of this group were weighted on the basis of the regularity or reliability of the corresponding curves and the “weighted mean” value used for C. In some cases, of course, the exposure of the plates was too great, and the density of the images of the white canvas was not represented by a corresponding density on the sensitometric curve of that plate. Under such circumstances, the curve gave a value for the ratio due to the black and the gray test objects, and this could be converted into K if multiplied by the ground contrast existing between the white and the gray test objects, which in turn could be obtained from another set of plates. The calculation of h by means of the equation C - K C(K- 1) gave the values which appear on the haze-altitude curves. The arrangement of the points allowed considerable latitude 48 AERIAL HAZE as to the shape of curve best suited to represent the facts. Three general forms of curves, however, appear more or less adequate, and a straight-line, a logarithmic, and a parabolic curve were adjusted to the observations by a least-square solution. The parabolic curve represents a more uniform FIELD DATA ^£, but this was before the new filters made with Eastman Yellow were introduced. When these were used, it was found that the Fig. 36 Aero No. 1 filter, which is a little lighter than the K-l>^, gives a very decided increase in the effective contrast. The filters finally adopted were Aero No. 1, K-l>^, Aero No. 2, K-2, No. 12, No. 15, No. 21, and No. 25. The absorption curves of filters Aero No. 1 and Aero No. 2 are shown in Fig. 36. and K-2 may be eliminated, as they are certainly inferior to Aero No. 1 and Aero No. 2. No. 15 and No. 21 may also be excluded, which leaves a set of four filters best suited 69 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY for aerial photography: Aero No. 1, Aero No. 2, No. 12, and No. 25. The choice between these is determined by the exposure conditions available. For ordinary panchromatic plates the exposure factors are as follows: Panchro- Extreme Red Sensitive Panchro¬ Hypersensi¬ Aero Ortho Film and Extreme Sensitive matic Panchromatic matic tized Panchro¬ Orthochro¬ Orthochro¬ Filter Plates Plates Film matic Film matic Plates matic Plates Aero No. 1 2 IK 2 K IK 5 3 Aero No. 2 3 2K 4 2 K 6 4 No. 12 6 4 8 4 20 8 No. 25 12 6 14 6 Obviously, the strongest filters, Nos. 12 and 25, can be used only with the most sensitive panchromatic materials. They can be used with Wratten panchromatic plates under the best conditions of lighting, and No. 12 can be used with panchro¬ matic film under similar conditions. When the lighting is in any way inferior, and generally when it is necessary to use No. 25, hypersensitized materials are necessary. The filter known as Aero No. 2 can be used only under good conditions of light¬ ing and with strongly orthochromatic film or plates. For such materials, with lower color sensitiveness, Aero No. 1 is the standard filter. The conditions of development used should be those pro¬ ducing the lowest possible inertia and at the same time the highest possible contrast in the resulting negative. In practice, this involves the use of developers containing a large amount of restrainer, which produce high contrast without fog, and at the same time having high reduction potential, which favors the production of negatives corresponding to the lowest possible inertia in the emulsion or, in other words, gives the maximum detail in the shadows. After a careful sensitometric study of a number of developing formulae a formula was selected as giving the best practical results; but there are two objections to the use of this developer—(1) it proved very expensive, and (2) it contained chlorhydroquinone, the supplies of which during the war were limited, and which is not always con¬ veniently available. The Aerial Service therefore substituted the following formula, and though this does not give quite as low an inertia as the metol-chlorhydroquinone formula origin¬ ally selected, it is very similar, and is quite satisfactory: Metol.16 grams; Hydroquinone.16 grams; Sodium sulphite.60 grams; Sodium hydroxide.10 grams; Potassium bromide.10 grams; Water to. 1 liter. 70 AERIAL HAZE Sensitometric comparison of this developing formula with the pyro or pyro-metol formula previously used, shows that the former requires appreciably less exposure and that it gives a somewhat higher contrast than could be obtained by the latter. 71 APPENDIX The H aze Effect Produced by Pure Dry Air Although the mass of air below a certain altitude changes with the temperature and pressure, this mass is much more nearly constant than are the amounts of the other constituents of haze. Also, the distribution of the air, or its change of density with altitude, is, for isothermal conditions, definitely known. The actual transmission of light by dry air, as a function of wave-length, is given in a paper by Fowle. 1 This makes it possible to estimate the amount of haze due to air alone. The methods of the calculation apply as well to the effects of water vapor, but as we do not know the mass involved, its distribution, or the transparency of the material, we can not get a numerical result for the amount of haze which it causes. To go back to these quantities from observational data may become possible, but will require the accumulation of much additional material. The magnitude of the dry air effect may be estimated as follows: Assuming a uniform temperature and composition, if d 0 is the density of the air at the altitude a = 0, the density d, at altitude a is — pjna d = d 0 e RT where e, g, m, R, and T are respectively the base of the natural log system, the acceleration due to gravity, the “molecular weight,” 29, of air, the gas constant, and the absolute tem¬ perature. Evidently g depends upon a, but in so small a measure, for the altitude concerned, that it may be regarded as constant. Taking T = 283 we have d = d 0 e ~ ba and b = 121 • 10~ 8 in c. g. s. units. Consider now a very thin layer of the diffusing medium with parallel radiation incident upon it. This radiation is weakened by scattering and absorption. The decrease in intensity di, where i is the incident light (measured in ergs per cm. 2 per second), is proportional to the original intensity i, to da the thickness, and to d, the density. Thus, 'Fowle, The Atmospheric Scattering of Light, Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, Vol. 69, No. 3. 1918. 72 AERIAL HAZE di = — c'id • da; di represents a decrease in i, and, if da is an increase in a, the minus sign should be used. Of this loss di, the part scattered is, say, c'id • da. It is assumed that the light is scattered equally in all directions. Now the receiving surface or the open area of the lens is to be at a height S, the medium will extend further up to altitude t, and the diffusing layer in question is at a height a, below S. Of this whole layer, the extent of which is very great, a limited area A , determined by the solid angle of the lens, sends light towards the receiving surface. If this solid angle is £ and d is the distance from S to a, £ = A /d 2 Now, from unit area of the layer, corresponding to a volume da, the scattered radiation is: c' i a d Q • e~ ba da, and of this the fraction ^ where L is the effective area of 4 zd 2 the stop, will start toward the lens. Since A is small compared to d 2 , the effective radiation dr from the whole layer is dr = C A a e~ ba da. 4 x Of this, however, not all strikes the lens, as it is subject to the scattering between its own level a, and that of the lens, 5. Here, for the loss in any layer, since the radiation is directed upward, di = — ci'a d 0 e ~ ba da Whence, integrating from a to s, log i, - log i = Sj* (« -bs - e - ba ) or i s = i a e T (e- bs -«~ ba ) Therefore, from the layer at altitude a there actually reaches the surface of the lens the radiation dr = c L Me At. A. —ba e e cd 0 (g — bs_ g — ba') b da. If ii is the radiation at a height t, above S and a, it will be subject, in going down to a, to the same sort of diminution, so that • . cd 0 ( p —bt «a = *t e \ e 73 e “ ba ). MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY Finally, C* L Mo • -ba c i° (g~bs _|_ g-bt _ 2g-ba) --p—- // e e b «a c' L Mo • -- 0~ bs + e_bt ) «~ ba « b --it ^ b which can be written (combining symbols into J and v) dr = J e ba e ve ba da. d (e _ba ) = — &e~ ba da, we can write Since J ^ e vx dx. —ba d (g~ ba ) g-ba dr = — e ba e ve b If x — e -ba , the total radiation from the haze is evidently or ultimately, -2 e This is the light from the haze reaching the lens within its whole solid angle. Let the transmission of the lens be repre¬ sented by the factor M, and let / be the focal length of the lens, so that l// 2 will be the solid angle corresponding to unit area of the plate exposed; then, multiplying R' by M and by l// 2 , and dividing by we shall have for the exposure on the plate in ergs per cm. 2 per second: This is an expression for the “luminous veil effect” of the haze. Evidently, if s =0, we have R = 0. Also, ( d a = d 0 e~ ba being the expression for the density of the medium), if b = 0, we have d a = d Q , or the density is uniform. If this be the case, 74 AERIAL HAZE an expression which was obtained independently, thus check¬ ing the preceding formula for R. The subtractive effect of the haze may be considered as follows: As has been stated, the illumination of the test objects (in ergs per cm. 2 per second) is since a = 0. Let p represent the reflective power of the test object, the fraction of normal incident radiation scattered, per unit solid angle, in a vertical direction by the white can¬ vas. Each square centimeter of this area sends toward the lens ergs per second. This is subjected to the diffusing action of the haze in the region below 5 . As on page 73, where, for radiation directed upward, the radiation incident upon the lens is, since a = 0, This is partially transmitted by the lens, and falls upon an area f 2 /s 2 of the plate. Therefore, the exposure in ergs per cm. 2 per second is If 5 = 0, This quantity was used in the definition of haze. Also, if b =0 the medium is uniform and It is possible now to obtain an expression for haze, since E' w =(1 - d) E w , and therefore 1 - d = exp ( e bS — ^ Also, h' E w =R. Hence, 75 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY if (i - e " s) ] - if Therefore, since h = h! 1 -d h 8k pc (■ (1 — e _bs -) This is the desired expression for the haze effect of dry air, or for any medium whose density changes with altitude according to the same law. As a special case in which b = 0, it gives the effect for a uniform distribution. To obtain actual values for h , however, it is obviously necessary to have values for the constants involved, namely c', cp, d Q , and b. It is possible to find these for dry air, as follows: In the first place, d refers to the scattering effect of the medium, and c to the total decrease in the passing light. They are not equal if there is any absorption. But, according to the work of Strutt, 1 we may take the absorption to be very small, and may be put equal to 1 in the coefficient of the h formula. The evaluation of p, which, it will be remembered, is the fraction of normal radiation scattered vertically per unit solid angle, is at least approximately possible. From measure¬ ments made upon the white canvas, it appears to scatter throughout the hemisphere 0.6 of the radiation incident per- pendiculaily, and in this nearly to follow Lambert’s law. In a vertical direction the radiation is ip per unit solid angle, and therefore in the small solid angle do it is ip do. In any other direction determined by a, as in the figure (Fig. 37),the inten¬ sity is ip d o cos 7. Since i depends on a only, we can select an elementary solid angle do corresponding to an infinites¬ imal zone contained between a and a +da; that is to say, do = 2x sin a . dz. Therefore, at any angle, Ldo becomes 2 % i v cos a sin a d a. For the sphere the total radia¬ tion is 1 Strutt, The light scattered by gases; its polarization and intensity. Proc. Roy. Soc. A95: 155. 1919. 76 AERIAL HAZE _ 7C 2 x i p §cos a sin x d a a = o 7C i p | sin 2 x | 2 =% i p . 0 This is 0.6 times the incident light. Therefore ip, the vertical radiation per unit solid angle, is 0.6 or 0.2 of the normal incident radiation, and therefore p = 0.2. In the paper by Fowle the fractional transmission of dry air above Mt. Wilson, altitude 1730 meters, is given. As on page 73, /a = It exp e~ ht -e ~ ba ) Here a = 173,000 cms; t is very great, since we have the transmission of the whole layer, and hence l a : 1,, which is the fraction given by Fowle, is —cd 0 p —ba e b We know b, a, and d Q , which are, respectively, 123, 108, 173,000 and 0.001293 in c. g. s. units. Therefore, we can find c for any wave-length for which the fraction is tabulated. The ex¬ pression on page 73, then, gives h for any altitude a. In the following table, / is an average value of the fractional trans¬ mission of air above Mt. Wilson, and h is the haze effect, as defined, at an altitude of 10,000 ft. The wave-length is given in A. U. X / h 3500 .630 0.086 3710 .686 0.067 3970 .752 0.050 4130 .783 0.042 4310 .808 0.036 4520 .840 0.029 4750 .863 0.024 5030 .885 0.019 5350 .898 0.017 5750 .905 0.016 In the tabte below values of h at various altitudes are given for X = 4000 A. U. These values are represented graphically on page 78. It will be seen, by comparison with field data, that the haze effect at \ = 4000 A. U. due to dry air, is about one-fifth that found. 77 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY a (ft.) h a (ft.) h 6,000 0 .0298 7,000 0 .0344 8,000 0 .0390 9,000 0 .0436 10,000 0 .0480 It may be remarked in clos¬ ing that the haze altitude curve for dry air, though very nearly a straight line, is a little convex upward. (Fig. 38.) If we should plot h for a homogeneous me¬ dium, by aid of the formula on page 76, for the case of & = 0, the curve would be concave up¬ ward. The effect of a decrease of density of the haze material with altitude appears to be to straighten this curve, or even to change its curvature until it The magni- the relative Fig. 38 becomes convex upward, as is the case for air. tude of these effects, however, depends upon values of the constants (d 0 , b, c ) involved. 78 Bibliography Adams, E. Q., and Haller, H. L., Kryptocyanines. A new series of photosensitizing dyes. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 42: 2661. 1920. Burka, S. M., Hypersensitizing commercial panchromatic plates. T. Frankl. Inst. 189 : 25. 1920. ^-' ALI ^ ER > A., Absorption and scatter of light by photographic negatives. Phot. J. 33 : 200. 1909. 8 Eberhard, G., Ueber die gegenseitige Beeinflussung benachbarter Felder auf einer Bromsilberplatte. Physik. Zeits. 13 : 288. 1912. Fowle The atmospheric scattering of light. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. 69 : No. 3. 1918. Jones, L. A. 189 : 303. A new non-intermittent sensitometer. I. Frankl Inst 1920. 39. • —•, On the theory of tone reproduction. 1920. Mees, C. E. K., Fundamentals of Photography, pany. Rochester, New York.) J. Frankl. Inst. 190 : (Eastman Kodak Com- , and Gutekunst, G. O., Some new sensitizers for the deep red J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 14 : 1060. 1922. Nietz, A. H., The theory of development. Monograph No. 2 (D Van Nostrand Co.) Ross, F. E., On the relation between photographic density, light intensity and exposure time. J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 4: 255. 1920. -. —• —Photographic photometry and the Purkinje effect. Astrophvs J. 52: 86. 1920. * > • •> The mutual action of adjacent photographic images. Astrophys. J. 53: 349. 1921. Sheppard, S. E., and Mees, C. E. K., Investigations on the theory of the photographic process. (Longmans, 1907). Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, Vol. 69 : No. 3., 1918. The at¬ mospheric scattering of light. Strutt, The light scattered by gases: its polarization and intensity Proc. Roy. Soc. A95: 155. 1919. Wratten, S. H., and Mees, C. E. K., The wedge spectrograph. Brit. T. Phot. 54: 384. 1907. s u g u j This is not a complete bibliography of the subject of aerial haze. A complete bibliography of aerial photography may be found in the Phot. J. 45: 396. 1921. 79 Index of Authors Adams, E.Q., and Haller, H. L., 33 Beers, 29 Burka, S. M., 33 Callier, A., 31 Driffield, Hurter and-, 19, 20, 29, 64 Eberhard, G., 24 Fowle, 72, 77 Gutekunst, G. O., Mees and -, 33 Haller, H. L., Adams, E. Q., and-, 33 Hurter and Driffield, 19, 20, 29, 64 Jones, L. A., 20, 27 Koenig, E., 32, 33 Lambert, 76 Martens, 30, 47 Mees, C. E. K., 67 -, Wratten, S. H., and -,34 -and Gutekunst, G. O., 33 Meithe, 32 Nietz, A. H., 23 Nutting, P. G., 58 Ross, F. E., 20, 24, 25, 26 Sheppard, S. E., 30 Strutt, 76 Schwarzchild, 25 Wratten, S. H., and Mees, C. E. K., 34 80 Index of Subjects Absorption curve of filters, 69 Absorption effect of haze, 50 Aerial photography, 16 detail in, 16 filters best suited for, 68, 70 plates for, 59, 64, 66, 68 standard exposure for, 66 Air, fractional transmission of dry, 77 producing haze effect, 72 Ammonia, use in sensitizing plates, 33 Atmospheric haze, 32 (see also Haze) elimination of, 32 Beers’ law, 29 Bromide, effect on developer, 22 Camera, four-lens type, 40, 44 Characteristic curves, 19, 23, 34, 42, 43 for different filters, 35, 69 for different wave-lengths, 26 of photographic emulsions, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 41, 43, 45, 58, 60, 64, 65, 66 Color factor, variation with source of reflected light, 44 Color of light, 16 effect on photographs, 17 Color sensitive materials, 32 Color sensitiveness, 32 measurement of by sensitometer, 33 by spectrograph, 34 use of dyes to produce, 32 Contrast, 15, 16 actual, of subject in haze cabinet, 55 definition of, 17 depending on difference in density, 59 ground (exposure ratio), 54 relation to haze, 61, 63, 66 relation to speed of photographic emulsion, 66 variation with source of reflected light, 44, 64, 66 Curves, characteristic of photographic emulsions, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 41, 43, 45, 46, 54, 60, 66 haze-altitude, 44, 48, 49, 78 haze-wave-length, 52 spectral distribution, 27 Density, of photographic plate, 29 effect of, on contrast, 59 formula for, 29 measurement of, 19, 30 measuring instruments, 19, 30 Detail in aerial photography, 16 Developer, characteristics of, 70 effect of bromide on, 22 formula for, 70 reduction potential of, 23 81 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY Development, 16, 21, 29, 70 uniform for all densities, 23 Diffusing media in haze cabinet, 57 Distribution of haze at different altitudes, 49, 72, 76 -wave-lengths, 67 with season, 11, 13, 39 Dyes to produce color sensitiveness, 32 carbocyanine, 32 cyanine, 32 isocyanine, 32 fluoresceine, 32 quinoline, 32 Effect, absorption, 50 of atmospheric haze, 12, 32 — bromide on developer — colored light on photographs, 16, 17 — density on contrast, 59 — source of reflected light on contrast, 44 Emulsion speed, relation to intensity of light, 67 Exposure, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 25, 28, 40, 44 for panchromatic plates, 70 measurement of, 27, 61 over-exposure, 20, 64, 65 spectral quality of, 53 standard for aerial photographs, 66 under-exposure, 20, 64, 65 Exposure ratio, 45, 47, 50, 54 Exposure time, relation to preparation of sensitometric tablets, 43 Filters, absorption curve of, 69 applicable to aerial photography, 68, 70 characteristic curves of, 19, 23, 34, 35, 42, 43 speed effective with, 35 transmission of, 40, 51, 52 Filter factors, 34, 40, 45, 68 Filter ratio, 34, 35 Formula, for developer, 70 for haze effect, 37 Gamma, effect on opacity ratio, 60, 63, 66 Gelatin wedge, calibration of, 57 use of, in controlling intensity of veiling light, 54, 56 Haze, atmospheric, 12, 36 absorption effect of, 50 content variation with location, 14 definition of, 36 distribution of, at different altitudes, 49, 72, 76 -wave-lengths, 67 seasonal, 11, 13, 39 relation to contrast, 61, 63 Haze-altitude variation curves, 44, 48, 49, 78 Haze brightness, 61 82 AERIAL HAZE Haze cabinet, 54 construction of, 54 diffusing media in, 57 illuminometer used in, 57, 58 light source for, 55 measurements made with, 63 Haze effect, 11, 12, 14, 16 conditions for minimizing, 16, 63 formula for, 37 produced by air, 72 Haze glare, effect on opacity ratio, 60 Haze—wave-length variation, 5 Hurter and Driffield curves (see characteristic curves) Illuminometer, use of in haze cabinet, 57, 58 Intensity scale, for field use, 41 -sensitometer, 34 of light, relation to speed of emulsion, 67 Intermittent sensitometers, 27 Light, effect of colored on photographs, 16, 17 intensity values of, 44 quality variations, 25 source of in haze cabinet, 55 Martens’ photometer, 30, 47 Measurement of color sensitiveness by wedge spectrograph, 33, 34 Measurements, accuracy of with film and plates, 21 photometric, 31 sensitivity, 18, 27 variation of with intensity, 23, 25 --with light source, 21, 25 -with material, 21 —--with treatment, 21, 22 with haze cabinet, 63 Microphotometers, use of, 31 Mist or fog, 14, 15 Non-intermittent sensitometers, 28, 40, 41 Opacity ratio, 59 effect of haze glare on, 60 -unity on, 60, 62, 66 Orthochromatic plates, 32 Panchromatic plates, 21, 32, 68 Photographic emulsions, 31 density of, 29 deviation found in, 21, 22 effect of ammonia on, 33 -dyes on, 32, 33 orthochromatic, 32 panchromatic, 21, 32, 68 relation to contrast, 66 sensitizing, 32, 33 sensitometric characteristics of, 59 speed of, 68 suitable for aerial photography, 59, 64, 66, 68 83 MONOGRAPHS ON THE THEORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY Photometers, 31 Martens’, 30, 47 polarization, 30 Polarization photometer, 30 Radiation, 14, 72, 74 equation for, 73 Reduction potential of developer, 23 Reflected light, color factor of, 44 effect on contrast, 44 Reflecting power of test objects, 58 Sensitivity of photographic emulsions, 21, 32 Sensitizing plates with ammonia, 32, 33 Sensitometers, characteristics of, 59 intensity scale of, 34 intermittent, 27 non-intermittent, 28 Sensitometric characteristics of photographic plates, 59 data, 18 tests, 18 Sources of haze, 36 Speed, effective, of emulsions, 67, 68 effective with filters, 35 Spectral distribution curve, 27 Spectral quality of exposure, 53 Spectrophotometers, 31 Standard sensitometric methods, 17 Tablets, sensitometric, 25, 58 exposure time used in the preparation of, 43 Test objects, log exposuze of, 42 log transmission of, 42, 47 material for, 58 reflecting power of, 58 Transmission, fractional of dry air, 77 of filters, 40, 52 of photometric tablets, 29, 42 Under-exposure, 20, 64, 65 Veiling haze, 11, 17 Veiling light, 54 Wedge spectrograph for measuring color sensitiveness, 34 84