S '^^- w "JL t J I ^ / ..^' OF PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS OF THE ITALIAN, SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, FRENCH, & ENGLISH SCHOOLS, FROM DIFFERENT PRIVATE SOURCES: ^WtiU be ^olii by Auction, bj; Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THESE SEEAT E@0M§, L-U S 1 - 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1893, AT ONE OOLOCK PRECISELY. ]\[ay be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues hadj at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Kina Street, 8i. James's Square, S. W. A^^>1>fo??^ CONDITIONS OF SALE. L THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any disjrate arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in disimte shall be immediately put up again and re -sold. II. No person to advance less than ] s. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; , and so on in proportion, III. Ill the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5.s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, al the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale : and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YTL Upon failure of complying with tlie above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sokl by j^ublic or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shnvll be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. oXKo On MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1893, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. ENGRAVINGS. (1 The Covert Hack, after Sir E. Landseer, E.A., by C. G. Lewis 2 The Old Lawn, Tatteksall's, after Barraud — artist's proof PICTURES, F. COTES. '^ 3 Portrait of a Youth ^^-^JZo J. S. COTMAN. ^ 4 Cottage and Figures, Evening Effect J. CROME. ^ 6 Boats on the Yare /Zy^/-^- y^:'^ru^^U^t^ B 2 J. CEOME. 2 y EoAD Scene with Figures //y^/z J. CEOME. J' 7 St. Benet's Mill: Moonlight J. CEOME. 2 8 Eiver Scene near Yarmouth : Moonliglit EDWIN ELLIS. 2 2, 9 In with the Morning Catch /^/gi^!Ll>_ GAINSBOEOUGH. / ^ 10 Study for the Market Cart d- fC■^^.oc^^. GAINSBOEOUGH. y 11 Study of an Oak Tree ,/ J. HACKHEET. y/^ 12 Landscape and Cattle a y/2^ /h^ :^ ^ J. F. HEEEING, Sbn. J 14 POETUAIT OF A HORSH /^ , /^ /^ -e ^ EVERDINGEN. / O 30 Landscape with Waterfall J2 y J / JANSENS. /J 31 Portraits of a Lady and Gentleman — a pair 4^ ?< ^ ^ LE SCEUR. 32 Driving the Jews out of the Temple /^-pic POELEMBERG. e> A ^3 Christ's Charge to Peter, ^.^^^^j^t^^c/^ REMBRANDT. / 34 La Belle Jardiniere ^2 y( Z4< y^'ft-^^^. f MODERN BELGIAN. ^y 46 A Farm Scene /^^/^ z^^^-*^-^ jl 47 Portrait of a Lady ^x ^// y% /^r'L,.^:^^^^-' LELY. TEN COMPTE. ,/ j> 48 A Canal Scene / // ■< / S ^ B. DE BRUYN. /6> /?_ 49 PoRTBAiT OF A Lawyeb, in black dress and cap DIETRICY, IN the Style of BERCHEM. OZ 50 A Mountainous Landscape, with sheep VAN BEMMELL. i^ 51 A Landscape, with figures VAN TOL. 52 A GiBL Playing a Spinet 0i-r,^^.^M D. TENIERS. 53 Le Beeqer Reveub, with the engraving by Le Bas From the Collection of Marquis de Lasse, 1743 From the Heusch Collection, 1855 From the Nieiiwenhuys Collection, 1886 Smith's Catalogue, Vol. III., p. 272 P. POTTER. 54 A EivER Scene, with animals Ji^ < -'/ P ANN INI. 55 Roman Ruins and Figures DROOGSLOOT. 56 A Village Festival , C-t^-^^^^-c^ ^ S ^ 6 ^ norPNEB . 67 Portrait og a STATE g MAW — whole length COX. 58 A Landscape, with cart AU^^^^^z^^ 10 SIR A. W. CALLCOTT. J^ 59 A Beach Scene /j- ^^^ _2 2. CROME. Z^ 60 A Landscape, wi th church in the distance //x Zo CROME. J'- - 61 The Farm /4 ^/r CROME. L.c ,^ 7 1 A Landscape, with figures „ /% /^h BEKCHEM. ' /^ 73 A Landscape, with peasants CUYP. ' 74 A Dutch Kiver Scene z^ y/ VAN DYCK. / 75 Three Portraits in Grisaille ^ • O-i^-'ta^^CZ^jS^^i^^^ 12 PONTOKMO. ^ 76 Virgin and Child BEONZINO. X/1 77 POETBAIT OF A LaDY /jy /> A DIFFERENT PR OPERIY: ENGLISH SCHOOL. ^j- 78 James 1.— whole length /^ . ^ {^ From the Harman Collection ^.^C^y^ ■ ^- /2o-/^-e t^ ^ -? A '^8a Hknky Prince op Wales — whole length From the Harman Collection , (^A/'/^^^^y BONINGTON. . , 79 View near Dieppe . ^^^^.^ >^^„^,,^^ Gold medal at Paris (A^JJ BONINGTON. J/ 80 A Church in Italy / ,, ^ -v G. CHAMBERS. |\ ' 81 A Sea Piece, with men-of-war and shipping J. CONSTABLE, E.A. ^ /^ 82 A Landscape, with view of Salisbury in the distance $ ^/z J. S. COTMAN. -^ X. 83 A Lane in Surrey, with cottages ji/^(./i'A£A^ Signed // x /J 13 J. B. CROME. 84 A River Scene /Z. x /-^ OLD CROME. 85 A Landscape, with a barn /^ y /j SIR P. LELY. / 90 Portrait of a Lady, in yellow dress G. MORLAND. 91 A Litter of Pigs J^ x /^ NORWICH SCHOOL. , 92 The Old Oae J^ >^,/' /%.«?i>*-«-«-'-^'!^C^ GAINSBOROUGH. 86 A Girl Carrying a Child ^ x y//^ /u^c^^tZtt/ HOFFMAN. 87 Portrait of a Lady, with ruif T. HUDSON. — 88 Portrait op a Gentleman, in yellow robe Oc^i^x.^e-'t-'— SIR G. KNELLER. >_ 89 Lord and Lady Sandys — a pair J^ct. ^> (p^ 14 SIR J. REYNOLDS. cJ 93 PonxKAiT OF Mrs. Siddons ^^'i^^p^.^./2^A.^A.^ J. RUSSELL, R.A. /^j 94 Chakity— c/«a//c J'(^. ^ //• /^a-^k>iytyiyff R. WILSON, R.A. J' 95 A Landscape ^-^ /. J E. BOUCHER. 96 Children, with doves and a dog r. BOUCHER. 97 Bacchanalians j ^ , ^j - ^ DUTCH SCHOOL. ^ /^ 98 Portrait of a Lady, with ruff Bated, 16.57 J Z ^ J. i^ ^ . J!^yv€^ty^ A. VAN DE VELDE. // 99 A Landscape, with cattle and sheep y P 100 A Triptych B. VAN ORLEY, ^ OA^^-^ I / / VAN DE HELST. ^ /V 101 Portrait of a Gentleman //v/f 15 CUYP. J 102 A EiVEE Scene, with figures J D. TENIERS. 103 The Wanderiug Musician / / REMBRANDT. 104 POHTKAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Z2y: ft / P. WOUVERMANS. 105 A Hunting Scene ^^ ^ /^ Signed /vz-^^n-t^-'-^.'^S^ J P. WOUVERMANS. 106 A Landscape, with cavaliers und peasants J. D. DE HEEM. 107 Fruit on a Table ^2 > // 5l 'yl^ 108 A Landscap] M. HOBBEMA. /U'C.'C^-^^^^ 109 A Sea Piece S. DE VLIEGLE. / M N. BEECHEM, 110 A Landscape, with woman minding cattle and goats /4^ X ^^ 16 J ^OELT.O. 111 Portrait of PniLir IV / '^ / yrZi C^O-<^t-^^c--'^^^ / / VAN DER HELST. 112 A Portrait of a Gentleman — vihole length 7 J. ^4-0 ''c^C ^/ From the Graham Collection C. MARATTI. f. — 121 Cupid Reposing — a pair , 4 y /e 2 C. DOLCL p 122 The Virgin and Chili> — chalk /ci-=^£i % *>^ /^i /; t -im y^ ^ if- ^'^^^^m^ ^^ _^ ^^v^^^^^^^^l^^nfr^^^r^" ' jiH^^K ^VjKo^N^" Ik jWr^'^"—, yi^^^^HK^^^v^J^S 7 ' * l^^^wj*^ j&gB'. ^^"*^"^*^p^^ - ' " ^^ ^L^^^"*^^ ^m^^ HpZJJT/^j ^^ ■i; '^ i^JW4 ^y^ y: GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 00987 1050