from the Library of Frank Simpson THE NEW PEERAGE; O R, ANCIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF THE NOBILITY of ENGLAND. THE NEW PEERAGE; O R, ANCIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF THE NOBILITY O F England, Scotland, and Ireland, CONTAINING A GENEALOGICAL ACCOUNT OF ALL THE PEERS ; WHETHER BY TENURE, SUMMONS, or CREATION; THEIR DESCENTS AND COLLATERAL BRANCHES ; THEIR BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, ISSUE; CHIEF SEATS, PATERNAL COATS OF ARMS, CRESTS AND SUPPORTERS 5 TOGETHER WITH LITERAL TRANSLATIONS OF THE MOTTOES. TO WHICH IS ADDED, The EXTINCT PEERAGE, Comprehending an authentic Account of our Peers, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES; AND AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ALL NOBLE FAMILY NAMES 5 AND TITLES OF THEIR ELDEST SONS. IN THREE VOLUMES. THE THIRD EDITION, CONSIDERABLY IMPROVED, VOLUME L Containing, The PEERAGE of ENGLAND, LONDON. Printed for W. OWEN, in Fleet Street; L. DAVIS, in Holbo n ; and J. DZBRETT, Succeflbr to Mr. ALMON, oppofue Burlington- Houfe, in Piccadilly, 17S4.. Alterations and Corrections that occurred while the WORK was printing. In the Introduction, line 8 from the bottom, add after 1779, and died May 3, 1783. Line 7 from the bottom, in the fame page, add, 15, Ame- lia, born Aug. 7, 1783. Page 55, line 13, add, to the late Earl Spencer, and has a daughter, born July 12, 1783. P. 61, line 16, after 1728, add, who died April 20, 1783. P. 71, line 17, add, and another fon born May 1, 1783. P. 76, line 5 from the bottom, after Navy, add, who died June 1783. P. 108, line 20, after Harrington, add, by whom he had a daughter, born Auguft 1, 1783. P. 180, line 14 from the bottom, dele is unmarried^ and add, and died unmarried September I, 1783. P. 213, line 23, after Surry, add, by whom he had a ftill- born child, October 17, 1783. P. 2i 6, line 15 from the bottom, add after Bath, by whom he has a fon, born July 1783. P. 221, line 13, after 1737, add, who was married Oct. 8, 1783, to David Murray, Efq. nephew to Lord Elibank, P. 256, line 15, and a daughter, Anna-Maria, born Sept. P. 276, line 5 from the bottom, after Richard, add, and died Sept. 14, 1783. P. 299, line 8 from the bottom, after ifTue, add, and dying Oft. 31, 1783, was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, the prefent Earl. P. 370, line 12 from the bottom, after 1773, add, who died November 6, 1783. P. 380, line 18 from the bottom, after Lincolnfhire, add, and died Oft. 14, 1783. PREFACE. THE favourable Reception which the former Edi- tions of this PEERAGE have met with from the indulgent Public, demands the moil grateful Acknowledgements; and encourages the Proprietors to Jay before them a Third Edition, wherein confiderable Additions and Improvements have been made, not only in the principal, but alfo in the collateral Branches, which are now more extended, and the Dates every- where afcertained with the greateft Exactnefs. To ob- tain this, in no one Inftance whatever, has Application, either perfonal or by Letter, been neglected. To ren- der the whole more intelligent, Tables are infer ted at the End of the Scotch Peeraqe, of all the Family Names of the Peers of the Three Kingdoms, with their principal Titles ; and another, fhewing the Title borne by the eldeft Son of every Peer above the Rank of a Vifcount. Indeed the Fluclation which, in the Courfe of a few Years has occurred in the State of the Peerage, and the confequent Call for a New Edition, have induced the Proprietors to fpare neither Trouble nor Expence in preparing one. The whole has been revifed with Care, the fuperfluous Matter expunged, Redundancies retrenched ; and fuch Improvements, Corrections, and Additions made throughout, as to encreafe, it is hoped, the Reputation of the Work. Recourfe has been had to Public Records, and Parim Regiiters ; and every pofTible Application made to procure authentic Pedi- grees r vi 3 grees of Families, even under the immediate Dire&ion of their noble Reprefentatives ; to whofe great Con- defcenfion, Generofity, and Goodnefs, the Proprietors are under the greateft Obligation. From the Afliftance of fo confiderable a Variety of Materials with which they have from Time to Time been favoured, it is prefumed thefe Volumes contain a more accurate and ufeful Account of the prefent Peerage of the Three Kingdoms, than any now ex- tant. Such, however, is the Nature of all Works of this Kind, that Omiflions and Inaccuracies will un- avoidably happen, which the ftricteft Attention can- not prevent. In fome few Inftances, fufficient Infor- mation has not been procured, notwithftanding re- peated Applications have been made to every Quarter where there was a Probability of procuring them ; but it is hoped, that a general Accuracy will atone for an accidental Deficiency. INDEX INDEX to the COATS of ARMS OF THE PEERS of ENGLAND. Plate a BERG AVENNY, Lord J\ Abingdon, Earl 24 10 Albemarle, Earl 11 Amherft, Lord 33 Ancafter, Duke 3 Arundel, Lord *5 Aihburnham, Earl J 5 Afliburton, Lord 35 Aylefbury, Earl 29 Aylesford, Earl 13 Bagot, Lord 35 Bathurft, Earl 27 Beaufort, Duke 1 Beaulieu, Lord 32 Bedford, Duke Berkeley, Earl 2 JO Bolingbroke, Vifcount 21 Bolton, Duke 2 Bolton, Lord 3* Botetourt, Baronefs 24 Brandon, Duke Bridge water, Duke 3 4 Briftol, Earl 13 Brownlow, Lord 34 Brudenel, Lord Buckinghamshire, Earl 34 16 Byron, Lord Cadogan, Lord 26 28 Camden, Lord 23 Carlifle, Earl 9 Chandos, Duke 4 Chatham, Earl J 9 Chatham, Baronefs 3* Chedworth, Lord 29 Chefterfield,Earl 9 Cholmondeley, Earl J2 Clarendon, Earl 30 Clifford, Lord 27 Clifford, Weftmoreland, &c. 37 Conyers, Baronefs 31 Cornwallis, Earl 17 Coventry, Earl 11 Courtenay, Vifcount 22 Covvper, Earl 14 Craven, Lord 27 24 Darlington, Earl j8. Plate Dartmouth, Earl 13 Delawar, Earl iS Denbigh, Earl 8 Derby, Earl 7 Defpencer, Baronefs 24 Devonmire, Duke a Digby, Lord 33 Dinevor, Baronefs 35 Dormer, Lord 25 Dorfet, Duke 4 Ducie, Lord 2S Dudley and Ward, Vifcount 2a Edgecumbe, Vifcount 29 Effingham, Earl 35 Egremont, Earl 17 Effex, Earl 19 Exeter, Earl 9 Falmouth, Vifcount 23& Fauconberg, Earl i£ Ferrers, Earl ia De Ferrers, Lord 37 Fitzwilliam, Earl 16 Foley, Lord 3^. Fortefcue, Lord 3© Gainfborough, Earl 10 Godolphin, Lord 29 Gower, Earl j& Grafton, Duke 3 Grantham, Lord -31 Grantley, Lerd 36 Greenwich, Baronefs 3 3 Grey, Marchionefs 37 Grofvenor, Lord -31 Guildford, Earl 17 Hamilton, Baronefs g.g Hampden, Vifcount 27 Harborough, Earl iS Harcourt, Earl 17 Hardwicke, Earl 1$ Harrington, Earl 15 Harrowby, Lord 3^. Hawke, Lord Hereford, Vifcount 21 Hertford, Earl 17 Holland, Lord 3^ Huntingdon, Earl 7 Jerfey, Earl 12, Uchefter INDEX, Plate Plate Ilcherter, Earl iS Rutland, Duke 3 Keppel, Vifcount 23 Sackville, Vifcount 23 King, Lord 2d St. A lb an ^s, Duke 2 Leeds, Duke Leigh, Lord 2 St. John, Lord Saliibury, Earl 26 8 Loughborough, Lord Macclesfield, Earl 35 Sandwich, Earl 9 14 Sandys, Lord 29 Manchefter, Duke 4 Say and Sele, Lord Scarborough, Earl 12 Mansfield, Earl Marlborough, Duke 3 1 II 2 Scarfdale, Lord Shaftelbury, Earl 31 Maynard, Vifcount 22 10 Middleton, Lord 27 Shrew/bury, Eari Milton, Lord 32 Sydney, Lord 36 Mpnfon, Lord Montagu, Duke 28 Somerfet, Duke I 5 Sondes, Lord 31 Montagu, Vifcount 21 Southampton, Lord 35 Montford, Lord 29 Spencer, Earl Miunt-Scuart, Baronefs 38 Stamford, Earl 9 Newcaftle, Duke 7 Stanhope, Eari *4 Norfolk, Duke 1 Stawell, Lord sS Northampton, Earl 8 Stourton, Lord 24 Northington, Earl 19 Strafford, Eari 12 Northumberland, Duke 4 Strange, Baronefs 37 On/low, Lord 28 Suffolk, Earl 7 Oxford, Earl 12 Sundridge, Lord 33 Orford, Earl 12 Suffex, Earl 14 Paget, Lord *3 Talbot, Lord ?8 Pelham, Lord 33 Tankerville, Earl 13 Pembroke, Earl 7 Temple, Earl 17 Percy, Lord 37 Thanet, Earl 9 Peterborough, Earl 8 Thurlow,,Lord 34 Petre, Lord 2 5 Teynham, Lord 2 5 Plymouth, Eari 3 1 Torrington, Vifcount 22 Po'mfret, Earl Porchefter, Lord J 5 Townihend, Vifcount 21 35 Vere, Lord 30 Portland, Duke 4 Vernon, Lord 3^ Portsmouth, Earl 16 Waldegrave, Eari Walpole, Lord 3 5 Foulest, Earl 12 30 Powys, Earl 16 Walnngham, Lord 3 1 P. ad nor, Earl 19 Warwick, Earl 36 Ravenfworth, Lord 30 Wentworth, Vifcount 22 Rawdon, Lord 36 Weftmoreland, Earl 8 Richmond, Duke 1 Weymouth, Vifcount 21 Rivers, Lord 34 Wiiloughby de Broke, Lord 24 Rochford, Earl 11 Willoughby de Erefby, 3« Rodney, Lord 36 Winchelfea^ Earl 9 Romney, Lord 28 The Arms of the reft of the Peers of England are to be found in the Peerage of Scotland or Ireland,, as they have titles in thofe kingdoms. INTRODUCTION Barons of 3Lnglaiicl Barons of England D<2 INTRODUCTION. HIS Majefty's father Frederick, late Prince of Wales^ and Duke of Cornwall, eldeft lbn of his late Majefty King George II. was born Jan. 20, 1707, and married April, 27, 1736, Augufta, daughter of Frederick II. Duke of Saxe-Gotha, and his Royal Highnefs departing this life March 20, 1 751, left ifTue, by her Royal Highnefs who died Feb. 8, 1772, as follows. 1. Augufta, born July 31, 1737, and married Jan. 1764, to Charles-William-Ferdinand, the prefent Duke of Brunfwick Wolfenbuttle, by whom Ihe has iffue 3 fons and 3 daughters. 2. GEORGE-WILLIAM-FREDERICK, his prefent Ma- jefty, born May 24, 1738, and fucceeded his Grandfather, George II, October 25, 1760. His Majefty married Sep- tember 8, 1761, Sophia-Charlotte, youngeft Sifter of Adolphus-Frederick IV, Duke of Mecklenburg Strelitz, and has had iflue, r. George-Auguftus-Frederick, Prince of Wales. 2. Frederick, Bifhop of Ofnaburg, born Auguft 16, 1763, Knight of the Garter, and Knight of the Bath* 3. William-Henry, born Auguft 21, 1765, Knight of the Garter. 4. Charlotte-Augufta-Matilda,, Princefs Royal y born September 29, 1766. 5, Edward born November 3, 1757, Knight of the Thiftle, and St. Patrick. 6. Augufta- Sophia, born November 8, 1768. 7. Elizabeth, born May 22, 1770. 8. Erneft-Auguftus, born June 5, 1771, 9. Auguftus-Frederick, born January 27, 1773. 10. Adolphus-Frederick, born February 24, 1774. ix. Mary, born April 25, 1776. 12. Sophia, born November 3, 1767. 13. Octavius, born February 23, 1779. 14. Alfred^ born September 22, 1780, and died Auguft 20, 1782. 3. Edward-Auguftus Duke of York, born March 14, 1739, and died Sept. 17, 1767. 4. Elizabeth-Caroline, born Dec. 23, 1740, and died Sept. 4, 1759. 5. William-Henry, prefent Duke of Gloucefter. Se© Duke of Gkucefter * B 6. Henry % INTO&tfCTION. 6. Henry-Frederick, prefent Duke of Cumberland, See Duke of Cumberland. 7. Louifa-Anne, born March 8, 1749, anc * died Ma y 13, 1768. 8. Frederick William, born May 13, 1750, and died Dec. 31, 1765. 9. Caroline-Matilda, a po-ft humus daughter, was born July 11, 1 7 5 1 ; married. Oft. 1, 1766, to Chriftian VII, King of Denmark, and died in 1775, leaving iflue, a fort and a daughter. The title of Prince of Wales, ( after the reduction of the Britifti Prince Llewellyn, and the incorporation of his principality with England,) was conferred firfl by Edward J, in 1284, on his infant fon 5 fince which time that principality has been under the government of the Eng- lifh; and notwithftanding the title of Prince of Wales has been frequently merged in the crown, it never has- been confered on any but the eldeft fon of the King. The Firfl: Duke of Cornwall, was Edward the Black Prince, fon of Edward III, fo created by a Charter, March 33, 1337, and to all the eldeft fon s of the Kings of En- gland, who ever after have been born Dukes of Cornwall. The Earldom of Chefter was firft conferred on the eldeft fon of the King of England, in 1247^ by Henry III, and in perpetuity to all the eldeft fons of the Kings of Eng- land. The Hereditary Stewardfhip of Scotland, Duke of Ro- thefay, Earl of Carrick, and Baron of Renfew, are titles fettled in 1399, by Robert III, King of Scotland, on his eldeft fon, and to all future eldeft fons of the Kings of Scotland as foon as born, and as fuch have been annexed to the Prince of Wales's title ever fince the acceffion of James I. The King's fons, brothers, uncles, nephews, or his brothers and fifters fons, being Princes of the Blood Royal, uave precedency of all other Dukes, THE F E E R A G E 130 O F ENGLAND. PEERS of BLOOD ROYAL. DUKE of CORNWALL. THE mod high, puiffant, and moft illuflrious Priiuf, GEORGE- AUGUSTUS-FREDERICK, Prince of Great Britain, Prince of WALES, . Electoral Prince tf Brunfwick-Lunenburgh, Duke of CORNWALL and Rothe- fay, Earl of Chefter and Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Ifles, Great Steward of Scotland, Captain General of the Honourable the Artillery Company of London ; High Steward of Plymouth, &c. and a Knight of the Garter. His Royal Highnefs was born Auguft 12, 1762, and on the 17th of the. fame month, his Majefty ordered letters patent for creating him Prince of Wales and Earl of Chefter. Arms.] Are thofe of his Majelty, differenced by a label of three points, argent, in chief. Crest.] On a crown of one arch, compofed of croiTes pattee, fleurs-de-lis, and ilrawberry leaves, a lion of Eng- land, crowned with a like crown, and charged on the breail with a label, as in the arms. Supporters.] Are thofe of his Majeily, the lion crown- ed as the cretf, and both gorged with a label of three points. Motto.] Ich Dien* I ferve. B z DUKE i 4 ] DUKE of GLOUCESTER. THE rnoft illuftrious Prince WILLIAM-HENRI?* Duke of GLOUCESTER and EDINBURGH, iu Great Britain, and Earl of ■ CONN AUGHT in Ireland, by patent Nov. 19, 17643 Gen. of His Majefiy's Forces; Col, of the ifirjft Reg, of Foot Guards, Chancellor of the Univer* fit) of DubL. Ranger and Keeper of Windfor Forefl and Cranboum Chace ) Ranger of Hampton Court Park, War- den and Keeper 01 I V : efl :n Hampmi.e, &c. and Knight of the Garter, in 1762. He 1 ; j : born Nov. 25, 1743, and was seated Duke and Earl a^> above, Nov. 17, 1764, He. was married ept. 6, 1766, at he. Ladyftiip'*$ he xfe In Pall Mall, by the Rev. Robert Morton, her domeftic cnaplau, to Maria, Countefs Dowager of Waldgrave, daughter of the late Sir Edward Walpole, Knight of the Bath, by whom he has had iiTue, Sophia-Matilda, born May 29, 1773. Caroline-Augusta-Maria, born June 24, 1774* died March 14, 1775. William-Frederick, born at Rome, Jan. 15, 1776. Arms, Crest, and Supporters.] The fame as thofe of his Majefty, differenced with a label of five points, argent, the middle point charged' with a fleur-de-lis, azure, the other four with a crofs, gules. Chief Seats.] Cranboum and Hampton- court Lodges ; Lyndhurft, in H amp (hire ; and Gloucefler Lodge, near Wind- for. DUKE oe CUMBERLAND. THE moil illuftrious Prince HENRY-FREDERICK, Duke of CUMBERLAND and STRATHERN in Great Britain, Earl of DUBLIN in Ireland, Ranger of Wind- for Great Park, an Admiral of the White Squadron, Knight of the Garter, and Prefident of the Military School at Chel- iea ; was born Nov. 7, 1745* an< ^ was c r eate d Duke and Earl as above, Oft. 18, 1766. His Royal Highnefs married in Oct. 1 77 1, the Hon. Anne Horton, widow of Chriftopher Norton, Efq. of Catton Hall, in the county of Derby. Her Royal Highnefs is daughter of the Right Hon. Simon Luttrell, Baron Irnham* and Vifcount Carhampton, of the kingdom of Ireland, * Defcended from the Luttrells, Barons of IrnUarn, in Ilncclnfoire. in the reigns of the Edwards and Henrys DUKE of NORFOLK, 5 Ireland, by Maria, daughter of the Right Hon. Sir Nicholas Lawes, Privy Counfellor and Governor of Jamaica. Arms, Crest, and Supporters.] The fame as the Duke of Gloucefter, differenced by a label. Chief Seats.] Great Lodge in Windfor Park; and Cannon Park in Hampmire, DUKES. HOWARD, DUKE of NORFOLK. THE mod noble Prince CHARLES HOWARD, Duke of NORFOLK, Earl Marfhal, and hereditary Earl Marfhal of England, Earl of Arundel, Surry, Norfolk, and Norwich, Baron of Mowbray, Howard, Segrave, Brewfe of Gower, Fitz-Alan, Warren, Ciun, Ofwaldeftre, Maltravers, Greyftock, Furnival, Verdon, Lovetot, Strange of Blackmere, and Howard of Caftlerifing, Premier Duke, Earl, and Baron of England, r*ext the blcod royal, and chief of the family of the Howards, born Dec. 1, 1720 ; fucceeded his coufin Edward, the late Duke, Dec. 20, 1777 5 and married, Nov. 8, 1739, Catharine, fecond daughter and coheir of John Brookholes, Ef]. of Clayton, in Lancashire, defcended from JLord Scroope, of Bolton, Knight of the Garter in the time of Elizabeth, bo n April 30, 17 1 8, by whom he has had iffue two daughters ; Mary, borii June 1742, and died unmarried in 1756 ; and Ca- tharine, who died an infant ; and one fon, Charles, the prefent Earl of urry, born March 15, 1746 ; married July 7, 1767, Mary- Anne, daughter and heir of John Coppinger, Efq. of Ireland, who died in child-bed without iffue, May 28, 1768. He married fecondly, on April 2, 177 1, Frances, only daugh- ter and lieir of Charles Fitzrpy Scudamore, Efq. by the repu- diated D uchefs of Beaufort, by whom he has no iffue. This noble and iliultrious family is defcended from Wil- liam Howard, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, who had fummons amongft the reft of the Judges to feveral Parlia- ments held in the reigns* of Edward I. and II. He married Alice, daughter of Sir Edw. Fitton, and was fucceeded by Sir John, his fon, who ferved King Edward II. in his wars againfl the Scots and French x and died in 133 1, the 5th of Edward III. He married Joan, daughter of John de Cornwall, 2nd was fuc- ceeded by Sir John, his fon, who in 10th Edward III. was Ad- miral of the King's fleet, and a Knight Banneret, and affifted at B 2 6 DUKE of NORFOLK; the fiege of Calais. He married Alice, daughter and heir of Sir Robert de Boys, and was fucceeded by Sir Roberthis fon, who, in 2d Richard II. was committed to the Tower for de- taining Margaret de Norford from Lady Alice Nevil, her grandmother; and dying in 1389, 12th Richard II. left ifiue by Margaret, daughter of Robert, Lord Scales, another Sir John, who was retained to ferve King Richard II. for life ; and he marrying to his firft wife, Margaret, daughter and heir to Sir John Plaize, of Tofts, in Norfolk, Knight, by her had a fon, Sir John, who dying in his father's life-time, left if- fue by Joan, daughter of Sir Richard Walton, Knight, Eliza- beth, his fole daughter and heir, who married John Vere, Earl of Oxford, by whom the title of Lord Scales went into that fa- mily ; but the faid Sir John, father of this laft Sir John, mar- rying to his fecond wife Alice, daughter and heir to Sir Wil- liam Tendering, of Tenderinghall in Suffolk, Knt. by her had Sir Robert his heir and fucceflbr. He married Margaret, eldeft daughter and co-heir of Thomas de Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, fo created in 1397, by Elizabeth, heirefs of Fitz- ■ Allan, Earl of Arundel and Surry, * (fon of John, Lord Mowbray of Axholme, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter and co-heir to John, Lord vSegrave, by Margaret his wife, Duchefs of Norfolk, eldeft of the two daughters and co-heirs of Tho- mas de Brotherton, f Earl of Norfolk, 5th fon to King Ed- ward I. but eldefl by his fecond wife Margaret, daughter of Philip the Hardy, King of France) and by her had Sir John his heir, and a daughter Catharine, who was the fe- cond wife of Edward Nevil, firft Lord Abergavenny ; and the faid Sir Robert dying in his father's life-time, the faid (firft Duke) Sir John, his fon, fucceeded his grandfa- ther. In the twelfth of Edward IV. he was fummoned to f! On the 12th of Feb. 13S6, 9 Rich. II. Thomas de Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, had granted by patent to him and the heirs of his body, the office of Earl Marfhal of England (being the firft, for before this time they were only Marfhals) with an union of the office of Marfhal in the Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer, and Marfhal Cryer before the Steward and Marfhal of the King's Houfhold j and on that account he and his heirs fhould bear a golden truncheon, enamelled with black at each end, having the King's arms engraven at the upper, and his own at the lower end. •J* Thomas de Brotherton, was fo named from Brotherton, a village in Yorkfliire where he was born : and his wife, mother of the faid Margaret, was daughter to Sir Roger Haiys, of Harwich, in the county of Eflex, Knt* and his faid daughter was created Duchefs of Norfolk for life 3 September gflg 1398, 21 Richard I, and died March 4, 1399. DUKE of NORFOLK. 7 to parliament among the Barons of England, In the 18th of Edward IV. he was made Conftable of the Tower of London, and the next year, Captain General of the King's fleet againft the Scots, and Knt. of the Garter. On the 28th of June 1483, he was made Earl Marfhal of England, and created Duke of Norfolk, and at the coronation of King Richard III. was High Steward of England for the day. He was then likewife made Lord High Admiral of England, Ireland, and Aquitain, for life; but the next year being placed in the front of the king's army at Bof- worth Field, was there flain with the King, Aug. 22, 1485, and was attainted the ift Henry VII. He married ift Ca- therine, daughter to William Lord Molines, and by her had Thomas his heir. — Anne, married to Sir Edward Gorges, Knt. — Ifabel, to Sir Robert Mortimer, Knt. — Jane to Sir John Timperly, Knt. — Margaret, to Sir John Wind- ham, Knt. anceilor of the Earl of Egrement. And by his 2d wife, Margaret, daughter to Sir John Chedworth, Knt. he had Catherine, married to John Bourchier, Lord Berners. (2d D.) Thomas his heir was Efquireof the body to King Edward IV. and was retained to ferve him in his wars, and in the 1 ft of Richard HI* at the time his father was made a Duke, was created Earl of Surry, and though he took part with that King, being taken prifoner at Bofworth, yet after above three years imprifonment in the Tower, did King Henry VII, receive him into favour, and made him one of his Privy Council, and in the 4th of that reign, he was reftored to his title of Earl of Surry, In the 15th Hen. VII. he attended the King and Queen to Calais, the next year he was made Lord High Treafurer of England, and afterwards Knt. of the Garter. In the iirft Hen. VIII. he was again appointed one of the Privy Council and Lord High Treafurer; and the next year was made Earl-Marflial of England for life. In 4th Henry VIII. he was with that King at the taking of Therou~ enne and Tournay ; and afterwards beingfent General againft the Scots, routed their army at Flodden-Field, where King James IV. was flain (in this battle, his fon Thomas, Lord High Admiral attended him, and his other fon Edmund led the van) and for that fignal fervice, had afpecial grant from the King to himfelf and the heirs males of his body, of an honourable augmentation of his arms, viz. to bear on a bend in an efcutcheon, the upper half of a red lion, (depicled as the arms of Scotland) pierced through the mouth with an arrow, together with a grant of 29 manors, He was alfo advanced B 4 to DUKE of NORFOLK. to the dignity of Duke of Norfolk, which title John his fa- ther (deriving his defcent through the heirs female of Mow- bray, and Segrave, from Thomas of Brotherton) did enjoy; .and the next year had a new parent for the office of Lord Treafurer; and dying in 1524, was buried at Thetford* He married to his firft wife, Elizabeth, daughter and fole heir to Sir FrederickTilney,Kt. and widow of Humphrey Bourchier, Lord Berners, and by her had eight fons and three daughters, whereof Elizabeth was married to Thomas Vile. Rochford afterwards Earl of Wiitlhire and Ormond, and was mother cf Anna Bullen ; Murial, firft, to John Grey Vifc. Lifle, andfecondly to Sir Thomas Knavet,Kt. and Mary, to Henry Fitzroy Duke of Richmond, natural fon of King Henry VIIL And by his iecond wife, Agnes, daughter of Hugh, and fifter ^nd heir to Sir Philip Tilney, Knt. he had four fons, and /our daughters ; of which, Anne was married to John Vere Earl of Oxford ; Dorothy to Edward Stanley, Earl cf Derby : Elizabeth, to Henry Fitzwalter Earl of Suflex; and Catherine firft to Sir Rhefe ap Thomas, and after to Henry Daubeney, Earl of Bridgewater. Of the fons by the 2d marriage, which were Lords William, Thomas, George and Richard, the eldeft was created Baron Howard of Effingham ; and the ^d having married the Lady Margaret Douglas, daughter to Margaret Queen of Scots, by the Earl of Angus, and Neice tq King Henry, was attainted of treaion, upon fulpicion of afjpiring to the crown, and died in the Tower, the 29th of Elizabeth. Of the fons, by Elizabeth Tilney, his firft wife, which were Lords, Thomas, Edward, Edmund, Heniy, John, Charles, Henry and Richard, the five latter died young; but Lord Edmund was Marfhal of horfe in the battle of Fioddcn-Field 5th Henry "VIIL and married to his :d wife a daughter of Thomas Troys, Efq ; by whom he had no IfTue; but by his ift wife, who was Joyce, daughter to Sir Richard Colepepper, of Hollingbourne in Kent, Knt. he had three fons and five daughters. Of the daughters, Mar- garet married Sir Thomas Arundel, Knr. ( grandfather to Thomas, the ift Lord Arundel of Wardoui j Catherine was j th wife of King Henry VIIL Mary married Edmund Traf- ford, Efq; Joyce to John Stanney, Efq; and Ifabel, to — Bay n ton, Efq ; and the fons which were Henry, Sir George and Sir Charles, all died without ifliie, Lord Edward the id fon, by Elizabeth Tilney, his frrft wife, was a perfon of the greaseft account of his time, and was Knt. of the Garter. In the 7th of Henry VIL he. was in the expedition made into 'Flanders, in behalf of Maximilian the Emperor; in the ift DUKE of NORFOLK. 9 of Henry Via. he was made ftandard bearer to that King, as in the 4th Lord High Admiral of England, at which time he convoyed the Marquis of Dorfet into Spain, in aid of the Emperor Ferdinand, againit trie French ; and having with his fleet cleared the leas from enemies, he landed in Brit any, did great execution in the country, and brought away rich fpoils ; he likewile fought and took Sir Andrew Barton the famous Scottifli pirate, 3d of Henry VIII. but afterwards re^ folving to attempt the French in their harbours, he entered a galley and boarded the admiral of the French gallies ; but the grapplings giving way, the gallies fheered alunder, and left him in the hands of his enemies; when in the heat of the action he was thrown over-board, and died without ifTue, the 5th of Henry VIII. having married Alice, lifter to Henry Lovel, Lord Morley, widow of Sir William Parker, Kn :t. Having done with the younger branches, I now proceed with (3(1D.) Thomas eldeftfon by Elizabeth Til ney the rfi wife. In the 5th Henry VIII. upon the death of the Lord Edward his brother being then Knt. of the Garter, he was conilituted Lord Admiral in his flead. Upon the invafion of K. James IV. of Scotland, he landed a veteran troop of 5000 men, and joined his father, the Earl of Surry, then general of the Errglifh army ; and lent a mefTage to that king to juftify Sir Andrew Barton's death. At the battle of Flodden -Field, with his younger brother Sir Edmund, he commanded the van- guard, where he behaved himfelf with exceeding gallantry; and feeing his faid brother in diitrefs, came with Sir Edward Stanley to his fuccour. In conlideration of which great fervices, he in the faid 5th Henry VIII. was created Earl of Surry,- andupon adifputein parliament concerning hisplace there, it was declared, that he fliould fit according to his creation, and not as a duke's eldefl: fon. In the 12th Henry VIII. he was conilituted Lord Deputy of Ireland, where he fupprefled the irruption of the O'Neals and O'Carols; after* wards he performed many fignal fervices in France, and was conftitutedLord High Trealiuer of England, and made gene- ral of the King's whole army, defigned to march againil the Scots ; and all in his father's lifetime. Upon his father's death, 1524, he was again made general of the army raife4 to advance into Scotland, in order to fet t?he young king free, whom the Duke of Albany kept at Stirling ; and afterwards attended K. Henry into France. He was likewife fent am- baffador to the King of France, to attend him to Nice, and cpmmune with the Pope on his delay, touchingKing Henry's divorce to DUKE op NORFOLK, divorce from Queen Catherine, and in the 5th Henry VIIL he was appointed Earl Marfhal of England and Viceroy of Ireland, In the 1 8th Henry VIII. he marched to the afiiftance of the Earl of Shrewlbury, towards fupprefling that memora- ble irifurreclion in Yorkfhire, called the Pilgrimage of Grace: but after all thefe great fervices and honorable charges, by the infinuating perfualions of fome of the nobility, who bore him no good-will, the King was fo far mifled and in- cenfed againft him, that he not only commanded him prifoner to the tower, but gave orders for feizing his goods, and gave notice to his ambalTadors abroad, that he. and his fon had confpired to take upon them the government during his life, and after his death, to get the prince into their hands ; for which, being both attainted in parliament, his fon loll his head, and the Duke had fared but little better, had not the death of the King prevented it. And fo implacable was the malice of his enemies, that though a pardon was given by proclamation, at the beginning of the reign of Edward VI. to all perfons for what crimes ioever ; yet was lie, with live others, particularly excepted, and continued prifoner till dif- charged by Mary, in 1553. He married firft Anne, daughter to K. Edward IV. by whom he had a fon Thomas, who died young. By his fecond wife, Elizabeth, daughter to Edward Stafford Duke of Buckingham, he had two fons, Henry and Thomas ; of which, Henry was Earl of Surry, and was beheaded as abovementioned ; but Thomas the 2d fon was reftored in blood, the ift Queen Mary, and in the ift Elizabeth advanced to the title of Vifc, Howard of Bindon, in the County of Dorfet. He married firft Elizabeth, youngeft daughter and coheir to John Lord Marney, of Bindon ; *dly Gertrude daughter to Sir William Lyte of Lyte's Cary in the county of Somerfet, Knt. 3diy, Mabel daughter to Nicholas Burton of Carfhalton, in the county of Surry, Efq ; by whom he had Frances, who firft married to Henry Pranel, Vint- ner of London ; 2dly, to Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford; and laftly, to Lodowick Stuart, Duke of Lenox. By his 2d, he had one fon Charles Lyte, alias Howard, and a daughter Grace married to Mildmay the fecond Earl of Weftmoreland, and the faid Charles Lyte had a daughter Anne married to Sir William Thorneyhurt, of the county of Kent, Knt. and by his firft had four ions, Henry, Thomas, Francis, and Giles, and a daughrer Grace, married to John Horfey, Efq ; and of the fons, the eldeft, in 1582, fucceeded him in the title of Vifc. Bindon ; but died without ifiue, as did Thomas his brother and heir who was knight of the Garter, His ©ther brothers DUKE of NORFOLK. it brothers being dead before, we return to Henry, Earlof Surry, who was beheaded. He married Frances, daughter to John Vere, Earl of Oxford, and by her left two fons, and three daughters ; whereof Jane was married to Charles, Earl of Weftmorelan.d ; Margaret, to Henry Lord Scroop of Bolton; and Catherine to Henry the 7th Lord Berkeley, Of the fons, which were Thomas and Henry, the latter, with his jaid three lifters, was reftored in blood the ift of Elizabeth. He was one of the Privy Council to King James I. by whom he was created Lord Howard of Marnhill in the county of Dorfet, and Earl of Northampton ; and made Lord Privy Seal, Warden of the Cinque Ports, Knt. of the Garter, and Chancellor of the Univerlity of Cambridge, where (in King's College ) he had his education, and afterwards founded and .endowed no lefs than three hofpitais, viz. one for twelve poor Women, and a governor, at Riling in Norfolk ; another for twelve poor men, and a governor, at Clun in Sbropfhire ; and the 3d at Greenwich, in Kent, for a governor and twenty poor men, of whom, eight are to be chofen out of Shot- ftiam in Norfolk, his birth-place. This Earl died unmarried on the 15th of June, 1624, and was buried in an ancient chapel in the callle at Dover. We now return to 4 th D.) Thomas the elder brother, who upon the death of his grandfatherThomas Duke of Norfolk, fucceeded him in his honour and eftate, the act of his grandfather's attainder being repealed, as before-mentioned. In the ift Elizabeth he was madeKnt.of theGarter,&nd two years after conilituted lieut. general for the northern parts of the realm; but in the nth of that reign the Queen began to fufpect him as too much in- clinedto the Queen of 3cots,whpmit was reported he deligned to marry; to which marriage the Queen being averfe, the D. retired into Norfolk, with arefolution, notwithrtanding, to purfue his former courtfhip; which being difcovered, he was imprifoned the 14th of that reign, and the next year brought to his trial, when his charge amounted to high treafon, viz. That he had confpired the dethroning of the Queen, and bringing in foreign forces ; that he had applied to tiie Pope and Spaniards for that purpofe; and that he endeavoured the enlargement of the Queen of Scots; for which he was found guilty by his Peers, and on the 2d of June, 1573, beheaded on Tower-hill. He married firft Mary daughter to Henry Fitz-Alan, Earl of Arundel, with whom he had the manor and caftle of Arundel in Suflex, which continues in his family to this day) and by her had Philip his heir ; by his 2d wife, \gl\o was Mar^arer, daughter and fole heir of Thomas Lord Audley « DUKE of NORFOLK. Audley of Walden, he had Thomas, the firft Earl of Suf- folk of this family, and William, from whom the Earl of Carlifle is defcended ; and a daughter Margaret, married to Robert Sackville, Earl of Dorfet. j Philip his eldefl Son, was Earl of Arundel, as owner of Arundel Caftle by defcent from his mother, and was by that title fummoned to the Parliament held the 23d of Eli- zabeth, and afterwards by fpecial a£t was reftored in blood by the fame parliament; but not long after, by the contri- vance of Robert Earl of Leicefter, and Secretary Walfing- ham, he was confined to his houfe ; and endeavouring to go beyond fea for fecurity and devotion, being at his em- barking betrayed by fome of his fervants, was apprehended and fent prifoner to the Tower ; and foon after a charge was brought again ft him in the ftar-chamher, for fupport- ing Romiih priefts, and holding correfpondence with Jeluits, and other traiterous people, who conlpired the ruin of their prince and country ; for which he was fined io,oool. and to fuffer imprifonment during the Queen's pleafure. But it feems this feverity was not fuffkient, for, in 1590, he was tried for high-treafon by his Peers : the particulars t>f the treafon were, his contracting a Uriel: friendihip with Cardinal Allen, and Parfons the Jefuits, for reftoring the Romifh re- ligion : that he was privy to the excommunicating Bull of Pope Sixtus Quintus : and that he caufed mafs to be faid for the fuccefs of the Spanifn Armada ; and being found guilty, he had fentence of death pronounced again!! him ; but being remanded to the Tower, his execution was refpited. He is faid to have fpent the remainder of his life in exercifes of aufterity and devotion, and died a prifoner in 1595. He mar* ried Anne daughter to Thomas, and fifter and coheir to George Lord Dacres of Gillifland, by whom he left Thomas his only child, who was reftored in blood by the Parliament, 1 Jac. I. and to all the titles of honour and precedence, loft by his father's attainder, and was enftalledKnt, of the Garter, 9 Jac. I. and in 19 Jac. I. was conftituted Earl Marfhal of England for life. And in the 20th of the fame reign, advanced to the title of the Earl of Norfolk; but afterwards obtaining leave of the king to travel, died at Venice, October 4, 1646. He married Alathea, daughter and coheir to Gilbert Talbot, the 7 th Earl of Shrewfbury, and by her left twofons, Henry and William ; of which Henry was Lord Mow T bray and Mal- travers, and William was Knight of the Bath ; as alfoin 16 Car. I. created baron of Stafford, having married the jLady Mary, lifter and fole heir to Henry Lord Stafford, DUKE of NORFOLK. |j and (he at the fame time was created a baronefs. Henry Lord Mowbray, who fucceeded his father in his honours^ was alfo Earl Marfhal, and marrying Elizabeth, daughter to Efme Stuart, Lord d'Aubignie, and Earl of March, af- terwards Duke of Lenox, by her had nine fons and two daughters ; whereof Catherine was married to John Digby of Gothurft, Efq ; and Elizabeth to Alexander Macdonnel, grandfon to Sir James Macdonnel, brother to Randal the firft Earl of Antrim in Ireland. And of the nine fons, which were Thomas, Henry, fuccefiive Dukes, as hereafter; Philip, a cardinal of the church of Rome and Lord Almo- ner to Queen Catherine, confort of Charles II. who died at Rome, June 16, 1694, in the 65th year of his age. Charles, anceftor of the prefent Duke, who married Mary, eldeft daughter and coheir of Geo, Tatterfhall of Finchampftead in Berks, who died Nov. 7, 1695, leaving uTue two fons, Charles and Henry, the youngeft of whom died young; and Charles their father dying March 31, 1713, having been feated at Greyftocke in Cumberland, was fucceeded by his fon Charles, who died June 10, 1720, having married Mary, daughter and coheir of John Aylward, Efq ; who died Oc~L 2, 1747, having had three daughters, Mary, Ca- therine, and Frances, all of w r hom died unmarried ; and three fons, Henry the eldeft and Thomas the 3d fon died unmarried, and the 2d fon Charles, fucceeded in 1777 to the title of Duke of Norfolk, &c. on the Death of the late Duke. Talbot, Edward, Francis, all three died unmarried. Bernard married Catherine, fifter to his brother Charles's Lady, by whom he had iilue three daughters, Elizabeth, Mary and Catherine, who all become Nu ns, and died at Bruffels; and one fon Bernerd, who married Anne, daughter of Chriftopher Roper, Lord Teynham, by whom he had ifTue, Bernard who died young; Henry, (who in cafe of the death of the prefent Earl of Surry without ifTue, is heir to* the Dukedom, &c.) of Sheffield, in Yorkfliire, Efq; born Ap. 9, 1713, married Oct 30, 1764, Juliana 2d daughter of Sir William Molineaux, Bart, by whom he has three fons and two daughters now living, viz. Mary-Bridget, born 1767, Juliana-Barbara, born 1769; Bernard-Edward, born 1765, Henry-Thomas, born Oc~h 1766, Edward-Charles, bora 1774. Efme, the youngeft died in 1728, having married and had ifTue, only a daughter, who died unmarried in 1736., (5th Duke) Thomas the eldeft, on the 17th of April; 1652, fucceeded his father in his honours and titles of farl of Afundel, Surrv arid Norfolk ; and in 1661, the 13th Ch&fo 14 DUKE of NORFOLK, Charles II. was reftored to the title of Duke of Norfolk $ but he dying at Padua, in Italy, 1678, unmarried, the titte defcended to (6th Duke) Henry hi3 brother, who on the 27th of March, 21 Car. II. was created Lord Howard of CaftkM Riling in Norfolk; as on the 19th of October, 1672, he was created Earl of Norwich, to him and to the heirs male of his body ; and alfo by the fame patent had granted the office and dignity of Earl Marlhal of England, to him, and the heirs male of his body ; and on default of fuch iflue, to the heirs male of the body of Thomas Earl of Arundel, Surry and Norfolk, grandfather of the faid Henry Lord Howard ; and for default of fuch hTue, to the heirs male of the body of Thomas, Earl of Suffolk; and for default of fuch iflue, to the heirs male of the body of the Lord William Howard, of Naworth in the county of Cumberland, youngefl fon of Thomas Duke of Noifolk, (who was beheaded 14 Eliz.) and for default of fuch iflue, to Charles Howard, Lord Effing- ham, and Earl of Nottingham, and the heirs male of his body. He married to his firft wife, the Lady Anne Somerfet, eldeft daughter to Edward Marquis of Worcefter, by Eliza- beth Dormer, his firft wife, and by her had two fons and three daughters ; and by his fecond, who was Jane, daughter of Robert Bickerton, Efq ; he had George Howard, who married Arabella, daughter and fole heir to Sir Edmund Allen, Bart, widow of Francis Thomfon of Humbleton in the county of York, Efq; — James Howard, who died a bachelor, being drowned in Auguft, 1702, attempting to ride over Sutton-Wafh in Lincolnfhire. — Frederick Henry Howard, who married Catherine, daughter to Sir Francis Blake, of the county of Oxford and relict of Sir Richard Kennedy, Bart, by whom fhe had a daughter Elizabeth* married to Sir William Dudley, Bart, this Lady died in January, 1731 ; and the faid Frederick died on the 16th of March, 1727. — Catherine and Anne both nuns in Flanders ; but the Lady Philippa, married William Standifh, of Stan- difli-Hall, in the county of Lancafter, Efq; and died in Jan. 1683. Of the daughters by the firft wife, which were, Anne-Allathea, Elizabeth and Frances, the latter was mar- ried to the Marquis of Valparefa, a Spanifh count in Flan- ders; the 2d, to Alexander Gordon, Marquis of Huntley in Scotland, who was created Duke of Gordon ; file died in July 1732; and the eldeft died in her infancy. The fons were (7th Duke) Henry and Thomas, theeldeit on the 27th of Jan, DUKE op NORFOLK. i$ Jan. 1677, was Summoned to parliament by writ, by the title of Lord Mowbray. On Jan. 1 1, 1683^ he fucceeded his father in all his honours. This Duke obtained a commiflion under the Great Seal, on the 1 3th of Auguft, 1687, which bore date at Weftminfter, whereby his Grace, as Earl Marfhai of Eng- land, fhould revive and hold a Court of Chivalry, &c. Upon the landing of the Prince of Orange in England, his Grace be- ing in Norfolk, he immediately declared for him, and brought over that and fome of the neighbouring counties to his inte- rell ; for which he was fworn one of the Privy Council to King William the 2d of April, 1701. He married the Lady Mary Mordaunt, daughter and fole heir to Henry Earl of Peterbo- rough, from whom (after he had been married near2oyears) he procured a divorce in parliament, for incontinence, which in 1700, patted both houfes, and he (having no iflueby her) was enabled to marry again ; but dying as above, and leaving no hTue, we mall nowfpeakof his brother, the Lord Thomas Howard, who at the coronation of King James the 2d, as Lord of the manor of Workfop in the county of Nottingham, claimed to find the king a right-hand glove, and to fupport the king's arm, while he held the fceptre,which being allowed, he performed that fervice. In 1685, he was made mafter of the robes of King James II. and being of the Romifh religion, was in great efteem at court at that time ; upon King James's withdrawing himfelf into France, this Lord accompanied him thither, and foon after attended him into Ireland ; but in his return to Breft, was call away in November, 1689. He (in October, 1681) married Mary-Elizabeth, daughter and fole heir to Sir John Savile of Copley in the county of York, Bart, and by her, who died Dec. 10, 1732, left five fons and a daughter Mary, married to Waiter Alton, Baron Afton of Forfar in Scotland, but died in 1723 : and of the ions which were Thomas 8th Duke of Norfolk.- — Henry died unmarried, Nov, 22* 1 720 — Edward 9th Duke.— Richard died unmarried. — Philip the youngeft, on the 7th Jan. 1725, mar- ried Vvinifrede daughter of Thomas Stoner of Watlington- park, in the county of Oxford, Efq; and by her, who died in Feb. 1731, had a ion named Thomas, born Feb. 4, 1728, and died in Jan. 1763, and a daughter Winifrede, born Aug. 31, 1726, married. Ocl. 8, 1749, to William Lord Stourton, and died July 15, 1754. He married 2dly 1739, Harriot, daughter of Edward Blount of Blagdon in the county of Devon. Efq; lifter to the late Ducjhefs of Norfolk, and widow- to Peter Proli, Efq; of Antwerp, by whom, who died 1782, he had iffue ? .Anne, bora cm the 29th, of Auguft, 1742-, married 16 DUKE of NORFOLK, married April 19, 1762, to Lord Petre, and has iflue ; and Edward, born in January, 1744, died Feb, 7, 1767; and the faid Philip, died Jan. 23, 1750. (8th Duke) Thomas theeldeftof the faid five fons, whowas born Dec. 7, 1684, fucceeded his uncle Henry, in 1701, and in 1 709, married Mary, daughter andfole heir to Sir Nicholas Shirburneof Stonyhurft in the county of Lancaiter, Bart, but died without iflue, Dec. 23, 1732 : and her grace married again in Auguft, 1734, to Peregrine Widdnngton Efq; and died in Sept. 1754. He was fucceeded by 9th Duke) Edward his brother, the late Duke who was born 1685, married Nov. 6, 1727, Mary, fecond daughter and coheir of Edward Blount of Blagdon, in Devon. Efq ; Her grace died without iflue, May 27, 1773, and his grace furvived her till Sept. 20, 1777 ; when the title and ellate devolved on (10th Duke) Charles his diftant eoufin, grand fon of Charles Howard, fourth fon of Henry Frederick, Earl of Arundel, Norfolk, &c (as in page 13) the prefent Duke. Creations.] Baron Howard, by writ of fummons to Par- liament, Oct. 15, 1470, 10 Edward IV,alfo 19th of Auguft, 1472. Created Earl Marfhal, Earl of Surry, and Duke of Norfolk, June 28, 1483. 1 Richard III. confirmed Earl of Surry 3d of November, 1492. 8 Henry VII. and again 13th of May, 1509. 1 Henry VIII. again Earl of Surry and Duke of Nor- folk ill: of Feb, 1 5 1 3, 5th Henry VIII. Earl of Arundel, in the county of Suifex, a feudal honour or local dignity, the only one in the kingdom as adjudged in Parliament, 8th July, 1433, IItQ °^ Henry VI. by inheritance and poffeffion of the Caflle of Arundel only, without any other creation ; alio by fummons to Parliament, Jan. 16, 1580, 23 Elizabeth, by defcent originally, as well before as after the conqueit, by King Henry I. confirmed by King Henry IE and alfo .27th June 1189, ift Richard I. Created Earl of Norfolk, June 6, 1644. 20 C ar - & Baron How r ard of Cattle-Riling in the county of Norfolk, March 27, 1669, 21 Car. II. Earl of Norwich in Norfolk, and Hereditary Earl Marfhal, October 19, 1672, 24 Car. II. Duke of Norfolk by Acl of Parliament, with an entail upon the heirs male, and divers limitations, May, 8, 1661, 13 Car. II. Baron Mow- bray by writ of fummons to Parliament, 6th March, 1678. 31 Car. II. and likewife 21 March, 1639, 15 Charles I. by defcent originally, 8th June 1294, 22d of Edward I. Arms.] Quarterly four coats, fivfiguks, a bend between fix crofs crcflets fitchy, ijfr§-^witlian augmentation, viz. on the upper DUKE of SOMERSET. *1 Upper part of the bend, an inefcutheon or, charged with a demi-lion rampant, pierced through the mouth with an ar* row, within a double trellure, counter-flowered with fleurs de lis, gules, and is the paternal coat of the illuflrious family of Howard. 2d, Gules, three lions paflant-guardant pale- ways, or, label in chief, of three points, argent, for the name of Brotherton. 3d, Cheque, or, and azure, for Warren, an« ciently Earls of Surry; ^th, Gules, a lion rampant, argent, arm- ed and langued, azure, for Mowbray, anciently Duke of Nor- folk. And behind the whole, two truncheons, or Marshall's Haves in faltire, or, enamelled at each end, fable^ having the king's arms engraven at the upper, and his own at the lower end, the badge of his high office, given to Thomas Mow- bray, and the heirs of his body. Crest.] On a chapeau, gules % turned up ermine, a lion paf- fant guardant, his tail extended, gorged with a ducal coro- net, argent, as defcended from Margaret, daughter and heir of Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, fifth ion of Ed- ward i. Supporters.] On the dexter fide a lion, and on the, fini- fler a horfe, both argent, the latter holding a flip of oak fr lifted, proper. Motto.] Sola virtus invifla. Virtue is alone invincible. Caief Seats.] At Arundel-Caflle, in SufTex ; Workfop- manor, in the county of Nottingham ; Deepden, near Dor- king, Surry; and Greyftockin Cumberland, SEYMOUR, DUKE of SOMERSET. nPHE moft noble Prince EDWARD SEYMOUR, Duke A of SOMERSET, Baron Seymour, and Baronet, born Jan, 2 171 7, 18, fucceeded his father the late Duke, Dec. 1 5, i/<7, and is unmarried. William de St Maur. (Progenitor of the Seymours) by the aid of Gilbert Earl of Pembroke, recovered Wendy and Penhow, (parts of the county of Monmouth) from the Welch nation, the nd of Henry III. From him defcended Sir John Seymour, who ferved King Henry VIII. in the wars in France and Flanders, and in the 4th of that reign, for his gallant beheaviour, at the feige of Therouenne, and the battle of the Spurs,' had the honour of Kt. Banneret conferred upon him. He died in 1536, and left iflue, by C Margaret pS DUKE of SOMERSET. Margaret his wife, daughter to Sir John Wentworth of Net* tlefted hi Suffolk, fix fons and four daughters; of whichdaugh- ters Jane was married to King Henry VIII. and was mo- ther of King Edward VL Elizabeth the 2d daughter was firft married to Sir Henry Ughtred, Kt, 2.dly, ; to Gregory Lord Cromwell ; and laftly, to John Lord St. John of Baling^ afterwards Marquis of Wincefter ; and Dorothy, to Sk Clement Smithy Kt. And of the fons, John the eldeft died unmarried. ill; Duke.) Edward, the 2d fon was created Duke of So- merfet. Henry the $d, was Kt* of the Bath. Sir Thomas, the 4th, in the 35th Henry VIII. was Marflial of the forces. In the 1 ft of Edward VI. he was created Lord Seymour of Sudley> made Kt. of the Garter and Lord High Admiral of England, and married the Lady Catherine Parr, widow of King Henry VIII. The other fons, which were Antony and John died young. Edward, afterwards Duke of Somerfet, in the 24th Henry VIII, was created Vifcount Beauchamp - T and on the 18th of October, r £58, he was created Earl of Hertford. In 1547 the King lying on his death-bed, he was appointed one of his executors : and on the ift of Fe- bruary, 1547, was unanimoufly elected Protector of the realm, and governor of the King's perfon, until he fhould accomplifh the age of 18 years. On the 10th of February following, he was chofen Lord Treafurer of England, as alio the 15th of the fame month, created Baron Seymour. The next day he was created Duke of Somerfet. But this Duke fell by the ax, through the pride of his 2d wife, Anne Stan- hope, daughter to Sir Edward Stanhope, and heir to her mother, Elizabeth, fitter to John Bourchier, Earl of Bath, and great grand-daughter of William Bourchier, Earl of Ewe, in Normandy, by Anne, his wife, daughter and fole heir to Thomas of Woodftock, Duke of Gloucefter, 7th and youngeft fon of King Edward IIL Thomas, Lord Sud- ley, the Lord High Admiral, brother to the Duke, having married Catharine Parr, Queen Dowager to King Henry VIIL the Duchefs of Somerfet envied the marriage, as Lord Sudley's wife claimed precedence before her, and poffefled the Duke her hufband, that his brother ftudied his ruin, and to get the proteclorihip out of his hands ; which by the artifice of John Dudley, the ambitious Earl of Warwick, took place; and the Lord Sudley being arretted, was im- prifoned in the Tower, tried and condemned by Acl of Par- liament ; and on the 20th of March, 3d Edward VI. be- headed, by a warrant under his own brother's hand. The Duke* t> U K E of SOMERSET 1 . i 9 Duke, having thus figned his brother's death, created a great hatred in the people againft him. Befides, another thing help- ed to confirm the public hatred, his pulling down a church and two bilhops houfes in the Strand, to make way for Somer- fet-houfe, and ruining the fteeple, and moftpart of the church of St. John of Jerufalem, to carry on the building, &c. Soon after being charged with defigning to murder the aforefaid Earl of Warw ick, and feveral of the nobility, he was fent to the Tower ; and was tried and found guilty of felony, and fentenced to be hanged ; and two months after, the violence of his enemies, notwithstanding the King's defire to fave him f drew him to Tower-hill, where on the 22d of January (5th of Edward IV.) he loft his head. He married firft Catherine, daughter and coheir to Sir William Fillol. By this lady he had three fons, John who died young. — Sir Edward Seymour, of Bury-Pomeroy, in the county of Devon, and of Maiden-Bradley, in the county of Wilts, Kt. — Henry, who was an Officer in the fleet which beat the Spanifti Armada. And his fecond wife was Anne Stanhope, before-mentioned; by her he had Edward his heir, and fix daughters ; whereof Anne, was firft married to John Dudley, eldeft fon of the before-mentioned Earl of Warwick, which Earl was then Duke of Northumberland, and 2d\y to Sir Edward Unton of Wadley, Berks, Kt. of the Bath. — Margaret and Jane died unmarried. — Mary, was firft married to Andrew Rogers, fon and heir to Sir Richard Rogers, Kt. and 2dly to Sir Henry Peyton, Kt.— Catharine died unmarried.— Elizabeth became the 2d wife of Sir Richard Knightly of Faufeley in the county of Northampton, Kt. Edward, who fucceeded, being difpofieffed of all titles by the attainder of his father, in the 5th of Edward VI. fo continued to the ift of Eliz. when he was advanced to the title of Lord Beauchamp, and Earl of Hertford. He married Catharine Grey, daughter to Henry Duke of Suffolk, and lifter to the lady Jane Grey ; but fhe being nearly allied to the Queen, and difcerned to be with child, was, in the 5th of that reign, committed to the Tower, though me acknowledged herfelf to be his lawful wife * and he returning from France, where he had gone with the Queen's leave, and owning his marriage, was likewife im- prifoned with her, where fhe was foon brought to bed of a lbn, and afterwards of another by connivance of the keeper. He was hereupon cenfured in the ftar-chamber, ift, for vio* lating a maid of the royal blood ; 2d, for breaking prifon ; laftly, for lying with her again ; to which he anfwered, that having lawfully married her, and the prifon-doors (landing C 2 ope/> 20 DUKE of SOMERSET. open he came to her in her fadnefs, to comfort her, and pay his conjugal debt ; neverthelefs he was lined 5000 pounds,, and kept a prifoner for nine years, and (he till the time of her death. The validity of this marriage being afterwards tried at common law, the minifter who married them ap- pearing in court, and other circumftances the jury agreeing* of which John Digby, Efq ; was foreman, found it a good marriage. This Earl lived to be an aged man ; and by the Catherine aforefaid, his firft wife, he had Edward his heir-apparent, who was Lord Beauchamp ; by his 2d and 3d wives, who were Frances, daughter to William Howard Lord Effingham, lifter to Charles Earl of Nottingham ; and Frances daughter to Thomas Vifc. Howard of Bindon, he had no iiTue. Edward, Lord Beauchamp, in the 6th of James I. obtained letters-patent, granting that he and the heirs male of his body, immediately after the death of his father, Ihould be Barons of parliament, and have place and voice there ; as alfo other letters patent, for the enjoyment for the title of Earl of Hertford; but died in his father's lifetime, 161 8- He married Honora, daughter to Sir Richard Rogers of Brainfton, in the county of Dorfet, and by her had three ibns and a daughter of her name, married to Sir Ferdinand Sutton, Kt. of the Bath, at that time heir apparent to Ed- ward Lord Dudley, by whom me had a daughter Frances, Baronefs Dudley, wife of Humble, who was created Lord Ward ; and of the fons which were Edward, Sir William, and Sir Francis. The eldeft who died in 161 8, the fame year as his father, married Anne Sackville, daughter to Robert, the 2d Earl of Dorfet; but left no ifiue, and Ihe married, scfly, Sir Edward Lewis, Kt. (2d Duke) Sir William Seymour, Kt. 2d fon, upon the death of his grandfather, Edward Earl of Hertford, fucceed- ed him in his honours. In 1640,. the 16th Charles I. he was created Marquis of Hertford, and was reftored to the dignity of Duke of Somerfet : and died on the 24th of Octo- ber, 1660. He married firft Arabella, only child of Charles Stewart, 3d fon of Matthew Earl of Lennox, (by Elizabeth his wife, 2d daughter of Sir William Cavendim of Chat- worth in the county of Derby, Kt.) but fhe being coufin german to King James I. and fecretly married without his privity or confent, they were both committed prifoners to the Tower of London, where {he ended her life without iffue, Sept. 27, 161 5. But his Grace marrying to his fecond wife Frances Devereux, eldeft of the two daughters of Robert DUKE of SOMERSET, z t Robert Earl of Eflex {the great favourite of Queen Elizabeth, and fitter and coheir to Robert Earl of Eflex,) by her had five fons and three daughters, whereof Frances was firfl: married to Richard Molineux, the 2d, Vifc. Molineux in Ireland ; sdty, to Thomas Wriotefley, Earl of Southampton, Lord High Treafurer of England ; and laftly, to Coniers Darcy, the 2d Earl of Holdernefs. — Mary, to Henage Finch, the 2d Earl of Winchelfea — Jane, to Charles Boyle, Lord Clifford, fon and heir to Richard Earl of Burlington. And of the fons, which were William, Robert, Henry, Edward and John ; the two eldeft died unmarried, and the 4th in. his infancy, and Henry the 3d, who died in his father's lifetime ; but having married Mary, eldeft daughter to Author Lord Capel of Hadham, and by her who afterwards married Henry the ifi Duke of Beaufort, left iflue William, fricceflbr to his^grandfather; and a daughter Elizabeth, mar- ried to Thomas Bruce, Earl of Aylefbury. 3d Duke.) William, who on the 24th of October, 1660, fucceeded his grandfather, died on the 12th of Dec. 1671, unmarried ; whereupon (4th Duke.)_JoHN his uncle, the 5th and youngeft fon of William Duke of Somerfet, fucceeded him and married Sarah, daughter to Sir Edward Alfton, Kt. but he dying on the 29th of April, 1675, without iflue; we come now to Sir Francis Seymour, Kt. 3d fon to Edward Lord Beau- champ by Honora his wife, already mentioned, which Sir Frances in 1642, the 18th of Charles I. was created Lord Seymour of Troubridge. He married to his 2d wife, Ca- therine, daughter to Sir Robert Lee, of Bidfey, in the county of Warwick, Kt. by whom he had no iflue ; but by his -firfl:, who was Frances, daughter and heir of Sir Gilbert Prinne ofAllington, in Wilts, Knt. he had Charles, his heir; and a daughter Frances, who was married to Sir William Ducie, of Tortworth in the county of Gloucefter, Kt. of the Bath, Charles, who in 1669, fucceeded his father as Lord Seymour of Troubridge, married to his firfl: wife, Mary, daughter and fole heir to Thomas Smith of Soley, in the Parilh of Chilton in Wilts, by whom he had a daughter Frances, married to Sir George Hungerford, ofCadenham, Wilts; and by his 2d wife, who was Elizabeth, daughter to William Lord Allington of Horiheath, in the county of Cambridge, he had five fons and two daughters, whereof the three eldeft fons and the eldeft daughter died young ; but the 2d daughter Honora, was married to Sir Charles C 3^ Gerrard, |l DUKE of SOMERSET. Gerrard, of Harrow in Middlefex, Bart, and died in May 1731, The fens which furvived were (5th D.) Francis and Charles, the eldeft fucceeded tq the title of Duke of Somerfet, (but not to the title of Mar- quis of Hertford) and in the year 1678, being bafely mur- dered in Italy, a fleet of mips were lent from the King of England to demand fatisfaction for the death of fo great a fubje£t ; and thereupon feveral perfons were hanged in effigy* This Duke dying unmarried, was fucceeded by (6th D.) Charles his brother, who marrying to his firft wife the Lady Elizabeth Percy, widow and relict of Henry Cavendim, Earl of Ogle, only fon and heir to Henry, Duke of Newcaftle, fole daughter and heir to Joceiine Percy, the nth and laft Earl of Northumberland, by her (who died on Nov. 23, 1722,) had three fons and four daughters. Of the daughters which were Elizabeth, Catherine, Anne and Prances. Elizabeth married Henry O'Brien, Earl of Thomond in Ireland, Vifc. Tadcafter in England ; me died April the 2d, 1734, without iflue. — Catherine married July 21ft 1708, to Sir William Wyndham, of Orchard- Wyndharn in the county of Somerfet, Bart, but died in April 1 73 1 . — Anne married Peregrine-Hide Ofborne, Marquis of Carmarthen, (late Duke of Leeds) and died in child-bed four days after her mother, viz. on the 27th, aged 31. — And Frances died unmarried, May the 10th, 1720. Of the fons which were Algernon, Earl of Hertford ; Charles and Percy. Charles died on the 3d of Jan. 1711, aged 26 ; but the eldeft, on the death of his mother, who was heir to the Baronies of Percy, Lucy, Poinings, Fitz-Pain, Bryan, and Latimer was, called up to the Houfe of Peers, by the title of Lord Percy, on the 4th of Feb. 1726. His Grace married to his 2d wife, Charlotte Finch, 2d daughter to Daniel Earl of Winchelfea and Nottingham, and by her, who died Jan. 21, 1773, had two daughters, Frances, born July 8 ,1728 ; who married the late Marquis of Granby, by whom me was mother of the prefent Duke of Rutland, and died 1760; and Charlotte, born the 21ft of Sept. 1730, and married the late Earl of Aylesford. His Grace died Dec. 2, 1748. He was fuc- ceeded in his honours, and his real eftate, by his only fur- viving fori. (7th D.) Algernon, Earl of Hertford, who married Frances, eldeft of the two daughters and coheirs of Henry Thynne, Son of Thomas Vifcouqt Weymouth, and by her who died July 7th, 17^4, had one ion, George Lord Beauchamp, born Sept, n th, 1725, who died oh, his travels} DUKE of SOMERSET. 23 in 1744; and one daughter Elizabeth, married in July 1740, to Sir Hugh Smithfon, Bart, now Duke of Northumberland, and his Majefty was pleafed to grant to his Grace the dig- nities of Baron Warkworth and Earl of Northumberland, to hold to him and the heirs male of his body, and in de- fault of his iflue, to Sir Hugh Smithfon of Stanwick, in the county of York, Bart, and the heirs male of his body, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of the faid Duke ; and in de- fault of fuch iflue, to her ladyihip and her heirs male. His Majefty was alfo pleafed to grant unto his Grace, the dignities of Baron of Cockermouth, and Earl of Egremont in the county of Cumberland, and to the heirs male of his body, and in default of fuch iflue, to his nephew Sir Charles Wyndham, of Orchard- Wynd ham in the county of Somerfet, Bart, and the heirs male of his body, and in default of fuch affile, to Percy Wyndham Obrien, of Shotgrove in the county of EfTex, Efq; brother of the faid Sir Charles, after- wards Earl of Thomond in Ireland, and the heirs male of his body. His Grace died at Percy Lodge, near Colnbrooke, on the 7th Feb. 1 750, whereby the titles of Northumberland, and Baron Warkworth, defcended to Sir Hugh Smithfon, Bart, the prefent Duke of Northumberland. The titles of Earl of Egremont, and Baron Cockermouth, to Sir Charles Wyndham, Bart. The Baronies of Percy, Poinings, Fitz- pan, Brian and Latimer, to Elizabeth Smithfon, wife of Sir Hughj and the titles of Earl of Hertford, Vifc* Beauchamp of Hache, and Baron Seymour of Troubridge, became cxtinA But the titles of Duke of Somerfet, and Baron Seymour, devolted on (8th D.) Sir Edward Seymour, Bart, who is defcended from Sir Edward, eldeft furviving ion of the Protector, by his firft wife Catherine, who was pofTefTed of a good eftate at Berry Pomeroy in Devonlhire, purchafed by his father of Sir Thomas Pomeroy* He had a grant from King Edward VI. of feveral lordfhips in the county of Somerfet, and being a •great ceconomift, he purchafed Maiden Bradley, in Wilts, and the manor of Totnefs, in Devonfhire. He married Jane daughter of John Walfhe, Efq. one of the juftices of the common pleas, and died May the 6th, 1593, by whom he had Edward his heir, who was one of the knights of the fliire for the county of Devon, in feveral parliaments, and was advanced to the dignity of a Baronet, June 29, 161 .1. He married in 1 570, Elizabet h daughter of Sir Arthur Cham- peinouiiof Partington, Devon, Knt, by whom he had iflue C 4 feveral 54 DUKE of SOMERSET. feveral fons and daughters, and dying April n, 1613, was fucceeded by- Sir Edward Seymour, his eldeft fon. He died about the year 1641. By Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Kille* grew, of Laroch in Cornwall, Knt. he had fix fons and five daughters : Elizabeth, married ill, Francis Courtenay, of Powderham, Devon, Efq. 2dly, Sir Amos Meredith, of Aftv- ley, Chefhire, Bart. — Mary married Sir Jonathan Trelaw- riey, Bart.-^-Margaret,t o Francis Trelawney, Efq. brother of the faid Sir Jonathan. — Anne married Dr. Stourton.— *- The other daughter married Sir T. Hall, of the county of Wilts, Knt. Of the fons, Sir Edward, the eldeft, fucceeded his father.— Henry the fecond, was of great note in the reigns of K. Charles I. and XL He died the 9th of March 1686, in the 74th year of his age, and was burried at Langley. He married firft Eliza- beth, daughter of Sir Jofeph Killigrew, Knt, and widow of William Baflet of Claverton, Somerfet, Efq ; and ftie dying without iflue in June 167 1, he married sdly, Urfula, daugh- ter of Sir Robert Auften, of Bexley in Kent, Bart, and wi- dow of George Stawel, Efq; Brother to Ralph Lord Stawel, by whom he had an only fon Henry, born the 20th of 061, 1674, who at 7 years old, in confideration of his father's ap- proved loyalty, and fervices (and while he was living) was by K. Charles II. created a Baronet, and to his heirs male, remainder to his father, and his heirs male ; which Sir Henry Seymour, Bart, died unmarried in 1 7 14. — Thomas Seymour, third fon of Sir Edward and Dorothy, married Anne, daugh- ter of Sir Richard Anderfon, Knt. and left iflue Edward, Clerk of the Hanaper, 1695, wno ^ad two ^ uns anc * tnree daughters ; ift Henry, who was killed in a duel; he mar- ried a daughter of J. Tregonwell, Efq ; by whom he had Edward Seymour, who married Henrietta daughter of the late Governor Phipps, by whom he had no iflue, and a daughter married to Sir Robert Monro, Bart, {he died in 1732. 2dly, Edward, who in 1 7 10 was chofen Member qf Parliament for Shaftibury, but died foon after of a fever, which he got at his election. — John and Robert, 4th and 5th fons of Sir Edward and Dorothy, both died without ilTue. — Sir Jofeph Seymour, Knt. 6th fon, married Bridget, daughter of Sir R. Anderfon, and had iflue, Henry and Anne. Sir Edward Seymour the elder! brother, born in 161 1, was Vice Admiral of the county of Devon. Fie dying in 1689, left iflue by Anne his wife, daughter of Sir John Porr- man,.Bart. one daughter Eliz^beth 5 married to Sir Jofeph Tredenharr* DUKE of SOMERSET. 25 Tredenham, of Tregony, Cornwal, Knt. and five fons, Sir Edward his fucceflbr. — John, a Colonel in the army, who married a daughter of Sir Richard Kenedy, — Hugh, Cap- tain of the Resolution Frigate, who- was killed in the Dutch wars. — William, who died unmarried. — Henry, 5th fon, heir to his uncle Sir William Portman, Bart, whereby he be- came poffefied of the large inheritance of the Portmans, at Orchard and Portrnan in Somerfetlhire, and aflumed the name and arms of Portman by act of Parliament, purfuant to a fettlement of the faid Sir William. He married ill, Pene- lope, younger! daughter of Sir William Haflewood, of Maid- well in the county of Northampton, Knt. and coheir to her brother Peter Haflewood, Efq; her other fifter Elizabeth being wife to the Lord Vifc. Hatton : his 2d wife was Mil- licenr, daughter of William Fitch of High-Hall, in Dorfet. — fhire, Efq ; by neither of which he had any illue, and died in Feb. 1728 ; his relict afterwards married T. Fownes, Efq, Sir Edward Seymour, Bart, fifth of that name in lineal fucceffion, eldeft fon of the laft Sir Edward, made a con- siderable figure in the Houfe of Commons in four feveral reigns. He was one of the firft gentlemen in the Weft that joined the Prince of Orange in 1688; and on the acceffion of Anne, he had an offer of a patent for a Baron of the Realm, which he declined in favour of Francis the eldeft fur- viving fon of his fecond marriage. He died Feb. 17, 1707, in the 76th year of his age, and was buried at Maiden-Bread- ley in Wiitfhire. He married firft Margaret, daughter and co-heir to Sir William Wale, Knt. Alderman of London, by whom he had two fons, Sir Edward his fucceflbr, and William, Generalof Marines, who died without iflue in 1727. By his fecond wife Letitia, daughter of Francis Popham, of Littlecolte, Wilts, Efq; he had fix fons and a daughter, Anne, married to William Berkley Efq ; father of William Henry Berkley Portman, Efq. The fons were, Popham Conway, killed in a duel by Colonel Kirk. — Francis, who after the death of his brother Popham, took the furname and bore the Arms of Conway, and on the 17th of March 1703, w r as created Baron Conway, and his fon, upon the deceafe of the late Duke of Somerfet, \v r as created" Earl of Hertford. — Charles, to whom the Barony of Conway was limited.— Henry — Alexander — John, all died unmarried. Sir Edward, the eldeft fon, by the firft marriage, who fucceeded to the title and eftate, died Jan. 1741, aged 80. He nrarried Letitia, fole daughter to. Sir Francis Popham, of Littlecote, in Wilts, Knt r Jof the Bath, and had iflue four fons and 26 D U K E of SOMERSET. and eight daughters. Sir Edward. — Francis, who married Elizabeth, Vifcountefs Hinchingbroke, mother of the pre- lent Earl of Sandwich, and only daughter of Alexander Pop- ham of Littlecote, Efq; and had iffue two fons, Henry who married July 24th, 1753, Caroline, only daughter of William Earl Gowper, which lady died June 2, 1773, leav- ing Georgiana, born Jan. 31, 1735, married Sept. 1775, William Danby, jun. Efq ; of Swinton in Yorkfliire ; and Caroline, born Dec. 31, 1756. He married 2dly, Oct. 5, 1775, Madam Louifa de Panthon, by whom he has iffue, a fon Henry, born Nov. 10, 1776. Francis who died an infant, and a daughter Mary, who married Nov. 3, 1758, John Bailey, Efq ; of Sutton in Somerfetfhire. — Alexander, who died unmarried April 1 7 3 1 . — William, who married Eliza- beth daughter and heir of Mr. Hippye, of Froom in Somer- fetlhire, and died without iffue. Of the daughters, Letitia married to Jonn Gapper, Efq ; — Margaret, to Richard Jones of Ramibury, Efq ; — Elizabeth, to Henry Hunger- ford of Fifield, Efq; — Anne to William Scroggs of Chute Lodge, Efq ; all in the county of Wilts, which Anne died in Feb, 1755. — Helena, died unmarried. — Mary, married the Rev. Mr. Hammond. — Jane, married William Coleman of Gornhey, Devon, Efq ; — Catherine, married Philip Fuhr of Briftol, Efq. Sir Edward, their elder brother, late Duke of Somerfet, married Mary fole daughter and heir of Daniel Webb, of Monckton Fa rely in Wilts, Efq ; the neice and heir of Ed- ward Somner, of Seend in Wilts, Efq ; by her Grace, who died in Jan. 1768, he had iffue four fons, Edward now Duke of Somerfet. — Webb, who inherits his grandfather's eftate at Monckton-Farley ; married, Nov. 11, 1769, Mary Anne, the only daughter and lieirefs of the late John Bonnell, Efq; of Stanton-Harcourt in Oxfordihire ; by whom he has had iffue, 1. Edward, who died in his infancy. 2. Webb, who died young. 3. Edward-AdoU plius, born Feb. 7. 1775; and Webb-John, born Feb. 7, 1777. — William, called to the Bar, a Barrifter at Law, born 1 744, married June 5, 1767; Hefter, fole heirefs of John Maltravers, Eiq ; of Melkfam in Wilts, and has iffue, twq Sons, Edward, born May 3. 1768; William, born March 28, 1769; and one daughter, Hefter, born Nov. 24, 1770, — Francis, Dean of Wells, who married Catherine, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Payne, and fifler to the Countefs Dowager of Northampton, by whom he has iffue, 1. Edward, who fJkdunmarricdj 23d June 1775. z* Francis. 3 Mary, who jnarriotf DUKE of RICHMOND. 27 married in Sept. 1773, John Hyde, Efq; of Eaft-Greenwich t one of his Majefty's J udges of the Supreme Court of Calcutta. 4. Catherine, who married in in June 1 776 ; John Newton, Efq ; of Staffordfhire, and was divorced in 1782. 5. Frances, And his Grace had a daughter l\. ary, married Sept. 21, 1759, to Vincent Bifcoe, Efq; of London, and died in July 1762. His Grace dying the 15th of Dec. 1757, was was fucceeded fry his eldeft fon, (9th Duke.) Edward, the prefent Duke of Somerfet- Creations.] Baron Seymour, by letters patent, Feb. 15, 1546, (1 Edward VI) and Duke of Somerfet the day following. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, or, on a pile, gules^ between fix fleur-de-Lis, azure, three lions of England ; aa augmentation granted by King Henry VIII. on his marriage with the Lady Jane Seymour) fecond and third, the paternal coat of Seymour ; gules, two wings, conjoined in lure, tips downwards, or. (Plate I.) Crest.] Out of a ducal coronet, or, a phoenix in flames, fraper, in memory of King Edward VI. Supporters.] On the dexter fide an unicorn, argent % armed, crefted, and gorged, with a ducal collar, to which, is affixed a chain, or. On the finifter a bull, azure % col- lared, chained and hoofed, as that on the dexter. Motto.] Foy pour devoir. Faith for Duty. Chief Seats.] At Maiden-Bradley and Seend in Wilt- fhire ; and Berry-Pomeroy, and Totnefs Cattle, in Devonfhire* LENOX, DUKE of RICHMOND. THE molt nobleCHARLES LENOX, Duke of RICHMOND in England, of Lenox in Scotland, and Aubigny in France, (confirmed at Paris in 1777.) Earl of March and Darn ley, Baron of Settrington and Turbolton, Knight of the Garter; born Feb. 22, 1735, fucceeded Charles, the late Duke his father, Aug. 8, 1750; and April 1, i?57> was married to Mary, daughter to the Earl of Ayiefbury, by Caroline, daughter of John, late Duke of Argyl, who afterwards married idly to Seymour Conway t brother to the Earl of Hertford. The firlc of this noble Family was Charles, furnamed Le- nox, on) y natural fon of King Charles II. by Loufa de Que- rouaille, a French lady, who in 1660, came into England, as an attendant cn the Princefs Henrietta Maria, Duchefs of 28 DUKE of RICHMOND. of Orleans, lifter to K. Charles II. and by that King, oh the 19th of Auguft, 1673, was created a Peerefs, by the title of Baronefs Petersfield, Countefs of Fareham, and Duchefs of Portfmouth, all in the county of Southampton, and by Lewis XIV. Duchefs of Aubigny in France. (ift Duke.) the faid Charles, furnamed Lenox, was born on the 29th of July 1762, created Duke of Richmond, &c. 1675, and died on the 27th of May, 1723, aged 51. He married Anne, eldeft daughter to Frances Lord Bru- denel, (who died before his father Robert Earl of Cardigan) widow of Henry Lord Belaffife, and by her, who died on the 9th of December, 1722, had one fon and two daughters % Louifa, who married James, Earl of Berkely, and died leaving ifllie, 15 Jan. 1716, aged 23.— Anne, in Feb. 1723, married William-Anne Keppel, Earl of Albemarle, and left iffue. His Grace was fucceeded by his only fon. (2d Duke.) Charles the late Duke, born May, 18 1701; married in Dec. 17 19, the Lady Sarah Cadogan, eldeft of the two daughters and co-heirs of William Earl Cadogan ; and by her who died Aug. 25, 1751, he had four fons and eight daughters, viz. Georgina Carolina, born March 27, 1723^ and married in May 2, 1744, to the late Henry Fox, Lord Holland, only brother to Stephen Earl of Ilchefter ; was created a peerefs of Great Britain in 1762, and died July 24, 1774, leaving ilTue. — A fon, who died immediately after hjs birth, Sep. 3, 1724. — Louifa Margaret, born Nov. 15, 1725, and died in May 172S. — Anne, born 27, 1726, and died the fame year. — Charles, Earl of March, born Sept. 9, 1730, who died the fame year. — Emilia, born Oct. 6, j 73 1, married Feb. 7, 1747, to the late Duke of Leinfler in Ireland, by whom me had HTue. After whofe death (lie mar- ried 2dly to Charles Ogilby, Efq ; by whom (lie has hTue.— » Charles, now Duke, of Richmond. — George-Henry, born Nov. 27, 1 737-, married in 1759, to Louifa Kerr, daughter to William the^Earl cf An cram in Scotland, by whom he has iflue, 1. Charles, born 1746. 2. Louifa born 1760. 3. Amelia born 1765. 4. Georgiana born in 1765. — Margaret, born Nov. 16, 1739, and died Jan. 10, 1741. — Louii'a Auguft a, born Nov. 24, 1643, married in Jan. 1758, to Thomas Connolly, Efq ; of Caftletown in Ireland. — Sarah, born Feb. 14, 1745, married June 2, 1762, to Sir Charles Bunbury, Bart, from whom me was divorced, without having iflue in 1776, and me married 2dly in 1781, to the Hon. Mark Napier, uncle to the prefcnt Lord Napier of Scotland, by whom file has hTue a fon, born Aug. 1782, — -Cecilia Margaret born Feb. DUKE of RIHMOND, 2(? Feb. 14, 1749, and died unmarried Nov. 21, 1769. His Grace was Duke of Abigny in France, Nov. 14, 1734. On the 1 8th Jan. following, he was conftituted Mailer of the Horfe to his Majefty ; and the next day fworn of the Privy Council. In Sept. 1735, he was chofen Mayor of Chichefter, and High Steward in Jan. 1749; and in Feb. 1750, was made Colonel of his Majefty's royal regiment of Horfe- Guards. He was alfo a governor of the Charterhoufe. His Grace died Auguft 8, 1750. (his Duchefs died Aug. 25, 1 7 51) and was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (3d Duke.) Charles, now Duke of Richmond, &c. who in June 1753, was made a Capt. of a company in Lord Bu- ry's regiment of foot; in June 1756, Lieut. Colonel of Lord Charles Hay's regiment of foot, and in May 1758, appointed Colonel of the 7 2d regiment of foot ; his Grace being pre- sent at the battle of Minden, fought Aug. 1, 1759, received the particular thanks of Prince Ferdinand of Brunfwick, for his conduct and intrepidity in that a&ion. His Grace mar- ried on the ift of April, 1757, Mary, daughter of the late Earl of Aylefbury by the 3d wife, daughter of the late Duke of Argyl, now the wife of General Conway. Creations.] Baron of Sittrtngton in the county cf York, Earl of March, (a title derived from the marches in South Wales) and Duke of Richmond in the county of York (En- glilh honours) Aug. 9, 1675, the 27th of K. Charles If. As alfo at the fame time, created Baron of Methuen, Earl of Darnley, and Duke of Lenox (Scotch honours.) Arms.] The arms of King Charles II. within a bordure- compone, argent and gules; the firft charged with verdoy of rofes of the fecond, barbed and feeded, proper. (Plate I.) Crest.] On a chapeau, gules, turned up ermine, a lion paffant guardant, or, crowned with a ducal coronet, gules, and gorged with a collar, gobone, counter-charged, as the bordure in the coat. Supporters.] On the dexter fide an unicorn, armed, c retted and hoofed, argent. On the finifter, an antelope, armed, crefted and hoofted, as the dexter; each fupporter gorged with a collar, compone, gules and ermine. Motto.] En la rofe je Jieurie. I flourifli in the Rofe. Chief Seat.] At Goodwood, near Chichefter in Suffex. XTTZ. 3 o DUKE of G R A F f 0 N* FITZROY, DUKE of GRAF TON- THE moil noble AUGUSTUS-HENRY FITZROY, Duke of GRAFTON, Earl of Euilon and Arlington, Vifcount Thetford and Ipfwich, Baron of Arlington and Sudbury, Knight of the Garter, born Sept. 28, 1736, fuo ceeded his Grandfather Charles, the late Duke of Grafton, May 6, 1757; and on Jan. 29, 1756, married Anne, only child of Henry Liddel, Lord Ravenfworth, by which Lady (who was divorced in 1769, and foon after married John Fitzpatrick, the prefent Earl of Upper Offory in Ireland, by whom fhe has iffue,) he had iffue, Georgina, born May 8, 1757, and married June 4, 1 778, John Smyth, Efq; of Heath in Yorklhire. — George Henry, Earl of Euiton, born Jan. 17, 1760. — A fon born 1761, who died foon after. — Charles, bo'rn July 17, 1764. ]n May 26, 1769, his Grace married 2dly, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Richard Wrottefley, Bart, dean of Windfor, neice to the Duchefs of Bedford and Earl Gower, by whom' alio he has iffue,— Henry, born March 22, 1770 — Charlotte, born May 14, 1 771. — Auguftus, born June 1773. — Frederick, born Sept. 16, 1 776.— Elizabeth, born Ocl. 19, 1775. Louifa, born Juiy 13, 1777. — Augulta, born Feb. 19, 1779. — Frances born June 28, 1783. The firft-of this noble family, was (iurD.) Henry Fitz-Roy, 2d natural f®n of K. Charles II. by Barbara Viliiers, Duchefs of Cleveland, born the 28th of Sept. 1663, was created Baron of Sudbury, Vifc. Ipfwich, Earl of Eufton, and Duke of Grafton ; but in the reign of K. William and Mary being at the fiege of Cork, under the conduct of the Earl of Marlborough, as he was leading tip a party to an affault, he received a wound by a mot, which broke two of his ribs, on the 21ft of September 1690; of which he died on the 9th of October following* He married (on the ift of Aug. 1672) Ifabella, only child, and heir to Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, Vifc. Thet- ford (by Ifabella of Naffan, his wife, one of the' daughters of Lewis of Naffau, Lord of Bevertwaerr, natural fon of Maurice Prince of Orange, and Count of Naffau, and lifter to Henry of Naffau, feignior de Auverquerque, mailer of the horfe to K. William, father of Henry late Earl of Gran- tham) and by her had (2d D.) Charles his only child, late Duke of Grafton, born DUKE of GRAFTON. 31 born Oft. 25, 1683, and in right of his mother, who died Feb. 7, 1723, in the 56th year of her age, was Baron of Arlington and Vifc. Thetford, her father having been created Baron Arlington, of Arlington in the- county of Middlefex, March 14, 1663, 16 Car. II. and Vifc. Thetford in the county of Norfolk, and Earl of Arlington, April 22, 1672, with limitation to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten. In 171 3, he married Henrietta Somerfet, daughter to Charles Marquis of Worchefter, (eldefl fon of Henry Duke of Beau- fort) by Rebecca filler to Richard late Earl Tiiney, and by her, who died on the 9th of Aug. 1726, had iflue three fons and three daughters, viz. George Earl of Euilon, born Aug. 24, 171 5, who married in Sept. 1741, Dorothy Boyle, eldefl: daughter to Richard Earl of Burlington. She died in April, 1742; he died in July, 1747, leaving no iflue.— Auguftus, was Captain in the Royal Navy, born 061. 16 f 1716, who in March 1734, married Elizabeth daughter of Colonel William Crofby, Lieutenant Governor of the Lee- ward Mauds, (who after his death married James Jefferies, Efq ; one of the commiilioners of the cufioms by whom fhe has iflue.) He died May 24, 1741, leaving iflue, two fons, Auguftus Henry, now Duke of Grafton, and Charles, the prefent Lord Southampton, fo created by his prefent Majefty, (vide Lord Southampton) born in July 1737. — Charles, born April 28, 17 18, who died July 29, 1741, on his travels, at Milan.— Carolina, born April 8, 1722, married in Auguft 1746, to William Earl cf Harrington, by whom (lie had hTue, the prefent Earl, &c. — Henrietta, born June 8, 1723, died Auguft 1735. — Ifabella, born July 19, 1726, married to Francis Seymour Conway, now Earl of Hertford, in May 29, 1741. His Grace dying the 6th of May, 1757, was - fucceeded by his grandfon, (3d Duke) Augustus Henry, now Duke of Grafton. Creations] Baron of Sudbury, Vifc. Ipfwich, and Earl of Eufton, all in the county cf Suffolk, Aug. 16, 1672, 24 Car* 11. and Duke of Grafton in the county of of Northampton,. Sept. 11, 1745, the 27th of that reign. Arms.] The arms of King Charles II. with a bat ton finiiler-compone, argent and azure* (Plate I.) Crest.] On a chapeau, guks % turned up ermine, a lion pafTant-guardant, or, crowned with a ducal coronet, azure r and gorged with a collar counter-compone, argent and azure* Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion guardant, or, crowned with a ducal coronet, azure ^ and gorged with a col- lar counter-compone, argent and azure On the finifler, a greyhound j argent, gorged as the lion. Motto,] 5 2 DUKE of BE AUFORT. Motto.] Et decus et pretium rcfti. At once the Ornament and Reward of Virtue. ; Chief Seats.] At Wakefield-lodge, in Whitlebury-foreft in Northamptonshire ; and Eufton-hall, in the county of Suffolk. 1 SOMERSET, DUKE of BEAUFORT, THE moft noble HENRY SOMERSET, Duke of BEAUFORT, Marquis and Earl of Worchefter* Earl of Glamorgan, Vifcount Grofmont, Baron Herbert, Lord of Ragland, Chepflow and Gower, all in the county of Monmouth ; as alfo Baron Beaufort of Caldecot-caftle, L. L. D. born Oct. 16, 1744, fucceeded his father Charles* the late Duke, who died Nov. 1, 1756, and married Jan* 2, 1766, Elizabeth daughter of the late Admiral Bofcawen, by whom he has iflue, Henry-Charles, Marquis of Worcefter, born Dec. 24, 1766. — Charles-Henry, born Dec. 12, 1767. — Henry-Edward, born Dec. 23, 1768; who died young. — Narborne-Berkeley-Henry, born May 4, 1 7 7 1 . — Elizabeth, born Feb. 18, 1773. — Frances, born Ap. 3, 1774. — Hen- rietta, born July 9, 1775 — Henry- James-Montagu, born Dec. 19, 1776. — Another ion born Feb, 1780. This illuftrious family derive their genealogy, by the male line, from Geoffry Plantagenet, Earl of Anjon, fon of Foul k, King of Jerufalem, and grandibn to Foulk Rechin, Earl -of Anjou, Tourain and Maine, by Maud, the Emprefs his wife, daughter to Hen. I. King of England, ion of William the Conqueror, 7th Duke of Normandy, in defcent from Rollo the Dane, (whence it is obierveable that their proge- nitors have flourifhed with the titles of Kings, Dukes, Mar- quifes, and Earls, and have not defcended to a lower dig- nity for above thefe 700 years) and lineally fprung from John of Gaunt, Duke ofLancailer, King of Caftile and Leon, 4th fon of K. Edward III. which Duke caufed all his children by Catherine Swinford, daughter of Sir Pain Roet, alias Guyen, King of Arms, and widow of Sir Otes Swin- ford, Knt. (afterwards his 3d wife) to be called Beaufort, from the caftle of Beaufort, in Anjou, the place of their nativity. By the faid Catherine Swinford, he had three fons, and a daughter Joan, 2d wife of Ralph Nevil, the firft Earl of Weftmoieland ; of the ions, which were John, Henry and Thomas, DUKE of BEAUFORT'. 33 Thomas, the latter was created Duke of Exeter and Earl of Dorfet ; the 2d was Bifhop of Winchefter ; and John the eldeft was created Earl of Somerfet, 20th Rich- II. He married Margaret, lifter and co-heir to Edmund Holland, Earl of Kent, and had four ions and two daughters, Joan the eldeft, married to James I. King of Scotland, and Margaret, to Thomas Courtenay the 7th Earl of Devon- Ihire. Of the fons, which were Henry, John, Edmund, and Thomas, Henry the eldeft dying unmarried, left his inheritance to his brother John, who fucceeded him in the Earldom of Somerfet ; and in 1443, was created Duke of Somerfet, He married Margaret daughter to Sir John Beauchamp of Bletfoe in the county of Bedford, Knt. and had an only daughter of her name, who was married to Edmund Tudor Earl of Rich- mond, (the eldeft fon of Owen ap Meredith ap Tudor, and Catharine of France, Queen of England, dowager to King Henry V.) and by him was mother to King Henry VII. but (^ymg without iflue male, was fucceeded by Edmund, his next brother, who was Earl of Mortein in Normandy, and Marquis of Dorfet in England ; he was after- wards created Duke of Somerfet, and flain at the battle of St. Albans. He married Eleanor, 2d daughter and co-heir to Richard Beauchamp Earl of Warwick, and had four fons and five daughters; Eleanor the eldeft was the 2d wife of James Butler Earl of Ormond and Wiltlhire. — Joan, the 2d, was firft married to the Lord Howth in Ireland, and 2dly to Sir Richard Fry, Knt. — Anne, the 3d, was married to Sir William Pafton of the county of Norfolk, Knt. — Margaret, the 4th, to Humphey Stafford Earl of Stafford, and 2dly to Sir Richard Darel, Knt. by whom fhe had a daughter of her name, who was married to Thomas Touchet, Lord Audley, from whom is defcended the prefent Lord Audley*— Eliza- beth the 5th daughter was married to Sir Henry Lewis, Knt. Of the fons, which were Henry, Edmund, John and Thomas ; the eldeft fuc- ceeded his father in the dukedom ; but he having no lawful hTue, the honour devolved upon Edmund, his next brother; but he dying without hTue, as did John and Thomas his brothers, we fhall now re- turn to Henry the eldeft, who bore the title of Earl of Mor- tein in his father's life-time, and was taken prifoner at the battle of Hexham in Northumberland, by John Nevil, Mar- quis of Montacute, and there (on April 3, 1463, the 3d of D Edward 34 DUKE of BEAUFORT. Edward VI.) beheaded for his adherence to the houfe of Lan- cafter, leaving illue by Joan Hill, or De la Montaign, an only natural fon (ift E.) Charles, who affumed the furname of Somerfet, and was Lord Chamberlain to King Henry VIII. and by him was created Earl of Worcefter, and died in 1526. He mar- ried ill Elizabeth, daughter and heir to William Herbert, Earl of Huntingdon, and Lord Herbert of Gower and Chep- ftow, by which appellation he had fummons to Parliament, Nov. 26, 1508,, 2 2d of Henry VII. His 2d wife was Eliza- beth daughter to Thomas Weft, De La War, and his 3d was daughter to Edward Sutton, Lord Dudley, but by her he had no iffue. By his 2d he had two fons, and a daugh- ter, Mary, married to William Lord Grey of Wilton. Of the fons, which were Sir Charles and Sir George Somerfet, the latter married ift, Mary, daughter and heir to Sir Thomas Bowlays of Pen how in the county of Monmouth, Knt. and 2dly, Helena, daughter of Sir Walter Hendley of Cranbrook in Kent, Knt. who after his difeafe married Sir Thomas Fane of Button in Kent, Knt. By his ift wife, the iaid Charles Earl of Worcefter had Henry his fucceflbr, and a daughter Elizabeth, married to Sir John Savage of Clifton, Knt. from whom defcended the late Earl Rivers. (2d E.) Henry who fucceeded, married Elizabeth daugh- ter to Sir Anthony Brown, Knt. (by Lucy daughter and co- heir to John Nevil Marquis of Montacute) and had four fons and four daughters; Eleanor married Sir Robert Vaughan of Tretour in the county of Brecknock, Knt. — Lucy to John Nevile, Lord Latimer, whofe daughter Elizabeth married Sir John Danvers of Dantfey in Wilts, Knt. whofe daughter Dorothy married Sir Peter Ofborn of Chickfand in the county of Bedford, Knt. father by her of Dorothy, wife of the fa- mous Sir William Temple, Bart, and of Sir John Ofborn, Bart, anceftor of the late Sir Danvers Olborn, Bart. — Anne to Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland. — Jane to Sir Edward Manfel of Margam, in the county of Glamor- gan, Knt. from whom defcended Lord Manfel. — Of the fons which were William, Thomas, Francis, and Charles. Francis loft his life on Sept. 10, 1547, at Muflelborough- field againft the Scots. Thomas died in the Tower, and (3d E.) William fucceeded his father in the earldom of Worcefter, &c. He married Chriftian, daughter to Edward the ift Lord North ; and dying on Feb. 21, 1588; by her he left Edward his heir, and two daughters ; Elizabeth mar- ried to William Windfor, Efq ; the 7th and youngeft fon of William DUKE of BEAUFORT. 33 William the 2d Lord Windfor, anceftor of the Earl of Ply. mouth ; and Lucy, to Henry Herbert, fon and heir to Sir Thomas Herbert of Wyneftoa in Monmouthfhire, Knt. (4th E.) Edward, who in 1588, fucceeded his father, died March 3, 1627, leaving iffue by Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Haflings, the 2d Earl of Huntingdon, eight fons and feven daughters. Of the daughters, Elizabeth married Sir Henry Guildford of Hemfted in Kent, Knt. — Catharine to William the 2d Lord Petre* — Anne to Sir Edward Winter of Lidney, in the county of Gloucefter, Knt.-— Frances to Sir William Morgan, of Lanternam, in the county of Mon- mouth, Efq. by whom me was mother of Sir Edward Mor- gan, Bart. — Mary died an infant.— Blanch married Thomas the fecond Lord Arundel of Wardour.— Another Catharine to Thomas the lixth Lord Windfor. And of the eight fons Ed- ward the youngefl married Bridget, daughter and heir to Sir William Whitmore, of Heighton, in the county of Chefter, but died without hTue. — Chriftopher the feven th died at about five years old. — Charles the iixth was made Knight of the Bath with his Brother Edward, and died in December, 1665, having had hTue by Elizabeth, daughter and heir to Sir Wil- liam Powel of Lhanpylt, in the county of Monmouth, KnU three daughters, whereof Elizabeth married Francis Ander- ton of Leftock, in the county of Leicefter, Efq. Mary died unmarried ; and Frances married Sir Henry Brown, of Kid- dington in the county of Oxford, Bart. — Francis the fifth died very young, as did Charles the fourth.— Thomas the third was created Vifcount Somerfet, of Camel in Ireland, where he married Helena, relict of Thomas Butler, the tenth Earl of Ormond, and daughter of David Lord Barry, Vifcount Buttevant, (by Helena his wife, daughter to David Roch, Vifcount de Rupe and Fermoy in that kingdom) and by her had Elizabeth his daughter and heir, who was never mar- ried. — William Lord Herbert, the eldefl: fon, dying in his father's life-time, unmarried, (5th E. 1 fl M\) Henry, the fecond fon, in 1637 became heir. This noble Lord in 1641 obtained the title of Earl of Glamorgan, in South Wales, and was created Marq. of Wor- eerier, and died in December 1646. He married Anne, 2d daughter of John Lord Ruffe 1, fon of Francis fecond Earl of Bedford, and by her had nine fons and four daughters ; of whom William the third fon, Henry the fourth, Thomas the fifth, and Charles the fixth, Frederick the feventh, Francis the eighth, and James the ninth, all died very young, or un- married; as did Elizabeth, Anne, and Mary, the three eldeii D z daughters ; 36 DUKE of BEAUFORT. daughters ; but another Elizabeth, who was the fourth and youngeft daughter, married Francis Brown the third Vifc. Montague. Of the two eldeft fons, which were Edward and Sir John, the latter married Mary, daughter to Thomas the firft Lord Arundel of Wardour, by whom he had three fons, Henry Somerfet, grandfather of Edward Somerfet, who died in 1 7 1 1 , without iffue ; Thomas who died 1 676; and Charles, who left ifTue. (2d. M.) Edward the eldeft fon fucceeded his father in 1646. He married to his firft wife Elizabeth, daughter to Sir William Dormer, Knt. (who died in the life-time of his father Robert Lord Dormer, of Wenge) and by her (who died on the 31ft of May 1665) had one fon and two daugh- ters; and his fecond wife was Margaret, daughter and co-heir to Henry O'Brien, the fifth Earl of Thomond in Ireland; fhe died in 1681. The daughters by his firft wife ; Anne, married Henry Howard, the fixth Duke of Norfolk ; and Elizabeth to William Herbert, Marquis of Powis ; and (ift D.) Henry their brother, on the 3d of April, 1667, fucceeded his father; and on the fecond of December, 1682, he w^s created Duke of Beaufort, and died on the 21ft of January, 1699, in the 70th year of his age. He married Mary, eldeft daughter of Arthur Lord Capel, fifter to Arthur Earl of EfTex, fon of William the fecond Duke of Somerfet, and mother by him of William the third Duke, and by her (who died on the 7th of January, 17 14, in the 85th year of her age) had five fons and four daughters. Of the daugh- ters, which were Elizabeth, Mary, Henrietta, and Anne; the latter was married to Thomas, afterwards Earl of Coventry, and had a warrant of precedence, dated Nov. 30, 1699, the 21th of William III. to take place as daughter of the Duke of Beaufort, notwithftanding her marriage. — Henrietta was firft married to Henry O'Brien, eldeft fon by the fecond wife to Henry Earl of Thomond; and fecondly to Henry Howard the fixth Earl of Suffolk, and died on the 10th of Auguft, 171 5. — Mary married James Butler, late Duke of Ormond, and died in November, 1733. — Elizabeth died in her infancy. Of the fons, Henry the eldeft, Edward the third, and Henry the fourth, died young. — Arthur the fifth, marrying Mary, daughter and fole heir to Sir William Ruffei, of Langherne, in Carmarthenfhire, Bart, (and widow of Hugh Calveley Cotton, of Cumbermere in Chefhire, Bart.) by her had a fon Edward, born January 27, 1692, and three daughters ; Mary, Elizabeth, and Anne; Mary was married DUKE of BEAUFORT. 37 to Algernon Grevile, fecond fon of Foulk Grevile the fifth Lord Brooke. — Arthur died in July, 1743. Charles, Marquis of Worcefter, the fecond fon leaping out of his coach, to avoid the danger he was in from the unrulinefs of his horfes, running down a fteep hill, broke his thigh-bone, of which he died three days after, viz. on the 13th of July, 1698, in the 38th year of his age, in his father's life-time. This noble Lord married Rebecca, fitter to Richard Earl Tilney, and by her (who was afterwards married to John Lord Granville, fecond fon to John Earl of Bath, and died on the 27th of July, 17 12, aged 44) had three fons and three daughters. The daughters, were Mary* Elizabeth, both of whom died young; and Henrietta, married to Charles Fitzroy, Duke of Grafton, and died on the 9th Auguft, 1726. The fons were (2d D.) Henry, Charles and John; the latter died on the 3 rft of December, 1704; the fecond on his travels at Rome, March 4, 17 10, aged twenty-one; and the eldeft, who was born on the 2d of April, 16S4, on the 21ft of January, 1699, fucceeded his grandfather in the Dukedom. He married in (1702) Mary, filler to Lionel Duke of Dorfet, but flie dying in childbed on the 18th of June, 1705, and leaving no iflue, he on the 26th of February, 1706, married to his fecond wife Rachel, fecond daughter and co-heir to Wriothefly Baptiil Earl of Gainlborough, and by her he had three fons, Henry late Duke, born March 26th, 1707. — John, who died young, — Charles Noel, born September 12, 1709, of which birth flie died the next day; and to his third wife the faid Duke married Mary, daugh- ter to Peregrine Duke of Leeds, but by her (who married fecondly John Cochran, Earl of Dundonald,) had no iflue; and dying on the 24th of May, 1 7 14, was fucceeded by (3d D.) Henry his eldeft fon; who on the 28th of June, 1729, married Frances, only child and heir to Sir Ja. Scu- damore of Home-Lacy, in the county of Hertford, Bart, Vifcount Scudamore in Ireland, by Frances his wife, only daughter of Simon Lord Digby, by whom he had no iflue* In 1730, an acl: was pa fled in parliament for permitting his Grace and his Ducheis, and her children, to take the additi- onal furname, and bear the arms of Scudamore, purfuant to a fettlement made by her Grace's father. — He was divorced from this lady March 2, 1744, (who married 2dly, Hon* Charles Fitzroy, by whom, who died 1782, flie had a daugh- ter Frances, married to the prefent Earl of Surry, fon of D 3 the 3 8 DUKE of BEAUFORT. the Duke of Norfolk, and dying February 24, 174^-6* leaving no iffue, was fucceeded by (4th D.) Charles-Noel his brother, who May r, 1740, married Elizabeth Berkeley, daughter to the Vifcountefs dowager Hereford, by John Berkeley, of Stoke Gifford in Gloucefterfhire, Efq. now Baronefs Bottetourt, being only filter and heir to Norbonne Berkeley, Baron Bottetourt, who died in 1776, (See Baronefs Botte tout,) by whom he had hTue, Anne, born March 11, 1740-41, and married, Sept, 10, 2759, to Charles the late Earl of Northampton, and died at Naples in June, 1763, leaving hTae.— Elizabeth born in 1742, and died May 10, 1760. —Henry the prefent Duke.— Rachel, born in 1746, who died in her infancy, — Henrietta, born in 1748; married, April 11, 1769, Sir Watkin Wil- liam Wynne, Bart, of Wynnftay, and died July 24, follow- ing. — Mary Ifabella, born Auguft 1, 1756, and married Dec. 26, 1775, to the prefent Duke of Rutland. His Grace died Oct. 28, 1756, and was fucceeded by his fon, (5th D.) Henry, prefent Duke of Beaufort, Creations.] Baron Jure Uxoris, and by letters patent, Nov, 26, 1^06, (22 Henry VII.) originally by defcent and writ of fummons to parliament, July 26, 146 1, 1 Edward IV. Earl, Feb. 2, 1514, 5 Henry VI II. Marquis, Nov. 2, 1642^ 18 Car. I, and Duke of Beaufort, Dec. 2, 1682, 34 Car. II. Arms.] Quarterly, the arms of France and England^ within a bordure-compone, argent and azure. [Plate 1.1 Crest,] A portcullis, or, nailed, azure) chains of the jirj}, Supporters.] On the dexter fide a panther, argent, fpot- ted with various colours, fire ilfuing out of his mouth and ears, proper, gorged with a collar, and chain pendant, or, On the liniiter, a wyverne, vert, holding in his mouth a linifter-hand couped at the wrift, proper* Mot to,] Mutare wasfucceeded by his Ion, (3d D.) George, now Duke of St. Albans, Creations,] Baron Heddington of Heddington, and Earl of Burford, both in the county of Oxford, Dec. 27, 1676. 28 Car. II. and Duke of St. Albans in the county of Hertford, Jan. 10, 1684. 35 Car. II. Arms.] The arms of King Charles II, with a baton fini- fler, gules, charged with three Rofes, argent, feeded and barbed, proper. (Plate II.) Crest.] On a chapeau, gules, turned up ermine, a lion paflant-guardant, or, crowned with a ducal coronet party per pale, argent and gules, and gorged with a collar, gules, charged with three rofes, argeno, feeded and barbed, proper* Supporters.] On the dexter fide, an antelope, argent, armed and uuguled, or. On the fmifter, a greyhound, ar- gent, gorged and unguled, as the other. Motto.] Aufpicium ?nelioris jE-v'u A Pledge of better Times, Chief Seats.] At Windfor in Berkfhire; and at Crawley in Hampfhire. POWLETT, DUKE of BOLTON. THE mod noble HARRY POWLETT, Duke of BOLTON, Marquis of Winchefter, Earl of Wilt- mire, Baron St. John of Bafing, premier Marquis of Eng- land, born Nov. 6, 1 7 1 3 , fucceeded his brother, Charles, the late Duke, July 5, 1765. He married Mifs Nunn, of Eltham in Kent, who died in May 1764, leaving a daugh- ter, Mary, married to John Vifcount Hinchinbroke, who died March 31, 1779. He married fecondly, April 8th, 1765, Catherine, lifter to Sir James Lowther, Bart, by whom he has two daughters. Catherine and Amelia. Of DUKE of BOLTON. 41 Of this ancient family, which originally took its furname from the Lordftiip of Powlett, in the county of Some rfet, was Sir John Powlett, Knt. who died in the reign of King Richard II. having illue by Elizabeth, daughter and heir to William Credi, of Credi in the county of Devon, Efq ; two fons, Sir Thomas Powlett, Knt. from whom is defcended the prefent Earl POWLETT; and William the Proge- nitor of this family ; and a daughter Dionilia married to John Popham, Efq. This William married Eleanor, lifter and heir to Sir Elias Delamere of Noney-Caftle in the county of Somerfet, and of Fiftierton Delamere in the county of Wilts, Knt. and by her had a fon Sir John, who married Conftance, daughter to Hugh Poynings, grand-daughter and co-heir to Thomas Poynings, Lord St. John of Baling, and was father of another John, who fucceeded him. He married Eleanor, daughter and co-heir to Robert Rofs, of of Gedney in the county of Lincoln, Efq; and had a daugh- ter Margaret, married to Sir Amias Powlett of Hinton St: George ; and a fon, Sir John Powlett, Knt. who marrying Elizabeth, daughter to Sir William Powlett of Hinton St. George, had ifiue, William. — Sir George, who married a daughter of William Lord Windfor, by whom he had a daughter married to Walter Lambart, Efq; and one fon William, whofe daughter and heir Elizabeth married Oliver St. John ofBletfoe, who was created Earl of Bolingbrcke. — Richard, who married Elizabeth, only daughter and heir of Peter Cowdrey of Herriad in Hants, Efq; whofe grandfon Sir Richard, married Anne, daughter of Sir Henry Wallop, Knt. and left two daughters, of which Lucia married Sir Thomas Jervois of Chilmarfh, Salop. Sir John married 2dly, Barbara, daughter of Sir John Hampden Powlett, whofe only daughter and heir Elizabeth, married Francis Dowfe of Collingbourne, in Wilts, Efq. (ill Ld. and E. and Marq.) William, eldeft fon and heir of Sir John, was by K. Henry III. created Lord St. John of Baring. He accompanied that King at the taking of Bologne, and was one of the King's executors, and one of the council to K. Edward VI. In the 3d of Edward VI. created Earl of Wiltfliire; in the 4th, made Lord High Treafurer of England ; and in the 5th, created Marquis of Winchefter. He built the beautiful and magnificent feat called Bafing in the county of Southampton, and living to fee one hundred and three perfons of the ifiue of his own body, died in 1572, in the 97th year of his age. By his zd wife Winifride, daughter to Sir John Bridges, Knt. Lord Mayor 42 DUKE of BOLTON. Mayor of London, and widow of Sir Richard Sackville, Knt. he had no iflue, but by his flrft wife Elizabeth, daughter to Sir William Capel, Knt. he had fourfons and four daugh- ters, of which Alice married Richard Stawell, Efq. — Mar- garet to Sir William Berkeley, Knt. — Margery to Richard Waller, Efq.— Eleanor to Sir Richard Peckfall, Knt. And the .fons were firft John, Lord St. John. — Thomas who married the daughter and co-heir to Thomas Moor, of of Melpafh in the county of Dorfet, Efq,— Chidieok of Wade in the county of Southampton, Governor of Portfmouth, married i ft Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas White of South- Warnebourne, Hants, and had iflue William Powlett of Wade, Efq; who married Dowfabel, daughter of James Paget, Efq ; idly a daughter of Edmund Knevit of the county of Eflex, Efq ; and had iflue Thomas Powlett of that county, Efq; — Giles, was anceftor to Bernard Powlett, Efq; whofe daughter and heir, Elizabeth, married Thomas Hol- beck, of Filongly, in the county of Warwick, Efq ; and their daughter and heir, Mary, married Edward Lord Leigh. (2d M.) John, who during his father's life-time, was fummoned to parliament as Lord St. John, fucceeded his father. He married Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir to Ro- bert Willoughby, Lord Brook, and had four fons and two daughters ; Mary married to Henry Lord Cromwell, Baron of Oakham, by whom ftie had a daughter Catherine, married Sir Lionel Tollemache, Bart, anceftor, to the Earl of Dyfert; and Elizabeth, firft to Sir William Courtenay, Knt. and after- wards to Sir Henry Ouchtred, Knt. Of the fons, which were (3d M.) William, Sir George, Richard, and Thomas, the eldeft, who in his father's life-time was fummoned to par- liament by the title of Lord St. John of Baling, on Novem- ber 4, 1572, fucceeded him in the title of Marquis of Win- chefter, &c. and having married Agnes, daughter to Wil- liam Lord Howard of Effingham, by her had William his, heir; and two daughters; Anne married to Sir Thomas Den- nis, Knt. and Catherine to Sir Giles Wroughton, Knt. (4th M.) William, who on Nov. 24, 1598. iucceeded his father, married Lucy, daughter to Thomas Earl of Ex- eter, and had fix fons, William, who married Mary, daugh- ter to Antony Brown, the 2d Vifcount Montagu, but died in his father's life-time without iffue; and Ihe married 2dly, William Arundel, Efq; 2d fon of Thomas Lord Arundel of Wardour. — Thomas the 2d ion died unmarried. — Charles and Edward, left no iflue. — Henry, the 4th had iflue, Francis, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Richard Norton, DUKE of BOLTON. 0 Norton, and heir of Sir John Norton, Bart, and had iflue, Norton Povvlett, of Rotherfield, Hants, Efq ; who by Jane, daughter of Sir Charles Morley of Droxford, Hants, had iflue eight fons and three daughters, (5th M.) John, the 3d fon on the 4th of February, 16*8, fucceeded his father as Marquis of Winchefter. In the wars between K. Charles I. and the Parliament, he made a gam- fon for his Majefty of his fine feat of Bating ; but it being taken and above 400 perfons with himfelf in it, it was burnt to the ground ; he called the houfe Love-loyalty, which name he caufed to be written with a diamond in every win- dow. He died on the 5th of March, 1674, having married three wives ; ift Jane, daughter to Thomas Vifc. Savage, and by her had Charles his fucceflbr ; his 2d wife was Ho- nora, only daughter to Richard Bourk, Earl of Clanrickard in Ireland, and Earl of St. Albans in England, by Frances, daughter and heir of Francis Walfingham, Knt. and widow firiLof Sir Philip Sidney, and 2clly of Sir Robert Devereux Earl of Eflex ; and by her had four fons, of which only two lived to maturity, viz. John, who died unmarried; and Francis who left an only daughter and heir, married to the Rev. Mr. Nathan Wright of Englelield, Berks, fon of the Lord Keeper ; and three daughters, of which Frances mar- ried Lewis de Ricardie; Anne to John Lord Belaflife of Wor- laby ; and Honora died unmarried. To his 3d wife he married llabella, daughter to William Howard, Vifcount Stafford, but by her had no iflue ; fo that now we return to (ift D.) Charlfs his eldeft fon and heir, by his firft wife, who was created Duke of Bolton, March 9, 1689, ift W. and M. and died on Feb. 26, 1699. He married Chriftiana, eldeft daughter to John Frecheville, of Stavely, in the county of Derby, Efq ; afterwards created Lord Frecheville, by whom he had an only fon John, who died in his infancy; but by his 2d wife Mary, one of the natural daughters of Ema- nuel Scroop, Earl of Sunderland, and Lord Scroop of Bolton, and widow of Henry, 2d fon of Henry Cary Earl of Mon- mouth, he had two fons, Charles Marquis of Winchefter, who fucceeded him; William; and three daughters; of which, Jane, married John Egerton, Earl of Bridgwater. — Mary died unmarried,— Elizabeth married Toby Jenkins, of Grimfton in the county of York, Efq. Of the fons, Wil- liam the youngeft, died on the 25th of September, 1729, in the 63d year of his age. He married ift the Lady Louife Armelius de Caumont de la Force, only daughter to the Marquis of Monpouijon in Holland 9 who was a younger 44 DUKE of BOLTON. fon to the Duke de la Force in France, and by her had two fons and two daughters ; and by his 2d wife Anne r daugh* ter and co-heir to Randolph Egerton, of Eeteley in the county of Stafford , Efq ; who. died in Nov. 1737, he had a daughter Henrietta, who married William, 3d fon to Charles late Vifc. Townfhend: and of the daughters by the ift wife, which were Mary and Jane; the eldeil: married Richard Paribus, EarlofRofs, in Ireland. And of the fons, which were William and Sir Charles-Armand ; the tatter, was on the 26th of June, 1749, inftalled a Knt. of the Bath, He married in June, 1738, the widow of William Dafhwood of Northbrooke Oxfordfhire, Efq; and died Nov. 14th 1751. William, his eldeft brother, having married Anabella Bennet, daughter of Charles the ift Earl of Tankerville, by whom he had a fon William, born on the 9th of November, 1729, and a daughter Anabella. Having done with this branch we return to (2dD.) Charles, Marquis of Winchefter, who in 1699 iucceeded his father; and died on the 21ft of January, 1722, having had hTue as follows : by his firlt wife, Margaret only daughter to George the 3d Lord Coventry, whom he married July the 7th, 1679, he had no iifue; but by his 2d, Frances, daughter of William Ramfden, of Byrom in the county of York, Efq; grandfather of Sir William Ramfden, Bart, he had tw r o fons and two daughters ; and in 1697, marrying at Dublin to his 3d wife, Henrietta Crofts, daughter to James Scot, Duke of Monmouth, by Eleanor, youngefl daughter to Sir Robert Needham of Lambeth in Surry, Knt. by her (who died on the 27th of February, 1730 he had a fon NafTau, born June 23d 1698, who in Dec. 1731, married Ifabella Tufton, youngefl: daughter and co-heir of the late Earl of Thanet, by whom he had feveral children, of whom one only lived to maturity, Ifabella who is mar- ried to the Earl of Egmont. NafTau Powlett died Auguft 24th, 1 741, and his Lady married Sir Francis Blake Delaval. Of the daughters of Charles, Duke of Bolton, by his 2d wife ; Mary married ift Charles O'Neal of Ireland, Efq ; sdly Capei Moore, Efq; 7th fon of Henry the 1 ft Earl of Drogheda ; and Frances to John Mordaunt, by whom fire Jiad the prefent Earl of Peterborough. And of the fons (3d D.) Charles, Marquis of Winchefter, was called up by writ to the Houfe of Peers, as Lord St. John of Bafing, and fucceeded his father as Duke in 1721. In 1 713, his Grace married Anne, daughter and fole heir to John Yaughan, Earl of Carberry in Ireland ; alfo Baron of Emfyn in 0 DUKE of BOLTON. 45 in the county of Carmarthen, by his 2d wife Anne, daugh- ter of George Marquis of Halifax, by Dorothy Spencer, daughter of Henry the firft Earl of Sunderland, but not cohabiting with her, had no iflue by her. Her Grace died Sept. 20th 1 75 1, and he foon after married Mrs, Lavinia Fenton, who died Jan, 17th, 1760, by whom he had no legitimate iifue ; and his Grace dying on the 26th of Aug, 1754, was fucceeded by his brother. (4th D.) Harry, who married Catherine, daughter of Charles Parry of Oakfield in Berkfhire, Efq ; by whom he had iflue, Charles the late Duke. — Harry, the prefent Duke. — Henrietta, married July 12th, 1741, to Robert Colebrooke of Chilham Caftle in Kent, Efq; and is deceafed. —Catharine married June 4th, 1749, to William Afhe of Heyteflniry in Wilts, Efq ; who dying July nth, 1750, flie married 2dly in Feb. 1755, Adam Drummond, Efq; and deceafed in 1775, (5th D.) Charles, Duke of Bolton, fucceeded his father October 19th, 1759, but died without iflue July 5th 1 765, whereupon the honours devolted on his brother (6th D.) Harry, now Duke of Bolton. Creations.] Baron St. John of Bafing in the county of Southampton, March 9th 1538, 30 Henry VIII. Earl of the county of Wilts, Jan. 19, 1549, 3 Edward VI. Marquis of Winchefter in the county of Southampton, O&ober 12, 1551, 5 Edw. VI. and Duke of Bolton in the county of York, April 8, 1689, the ift of William and Mary, Arms.] Sable, three fwords in pile, their points towards the bafe, argent, the pomels and hilts or. (Plate II.) Crest.] On a wreath a mount, vert, from whence a fal- con, riling, or, gorged with a ducal coronet, gules, the creft of Lord St. John of Baling, as defcendant of an heir female of that family. Supporters.] Two hinds, purpure, femi of eftoils, argent^ gorged with a ducal coronet, or. Motto.] Aymez loyaultL Love Loyalty. Chief Seats.] At Hackwood-pavk, and Abbotflone, in Hampfhire; Bolton hall in Yorkfhire; at Hook-park in the county of Dorfet ; at Edington in Wiltfhire 5 and Eling in Middlefex. OSBORNE, 4 6 DUKE of LEEDS. OSBORNE, DUKE of LEEDS. THE mod noble THOMAS OSBORNE, Duke of LEEDS, Marquis of Caermarthen, Earl of Danby, Vifcount La timer and Dumblaine, Baron Ofborne of Kiveton, Knight of the Garter, born Nov. 6th, 1713; fucceeded his father the late Duke Peregrine, May 9th 1731; and, on June 6th, 1740, married Mary, youngeft daughter of Francis Earl of Godolphin, and by her, who died Auguft 3d, 1764, had iffue, Thomas, Marquis of Caermarthen, who died Auguft 15th, 1 761 . — Francis Godolphin, now Marquis of Caermarthen, born Jan. 29th, 1751; who married in July 31, 1773, Amelia D'Arcy, only furviving child of the late Earl of Holdernefie; by whom he has iflue George- William-Frederick, born July 25, 1 775. Francis Godolphin, born 06t. 1 1, 1777; and Mary Henrietta born Sept. 7, 1776. His Lordfhip's marriage was diffolved by acl: of parliament, in May 1779, when her Ladyfhip foon after married Mr. Byron. The Marquis was fummoned to Parliament, in May, 1776, by the title of Baron Ofvorne of Kiveton. This family, which is of great antiquity, was for fome time feated at Afhford in Kent, of which John Ofborne, Efq ; who in the T2th of Henry VI. was returned in the lift of the gentry of the faid county, as alfo afterwards was Richard Oftorne; who married Jane, filler and heir to Ever- ard Broughton of the county of Weflmorland, Efq ; and by her had Sir Edward Ofborne, Knt. who in the 25th of Eliz. was Lord Mayor of London. He married Anne, daughter and heir to Sir William Hewet, alfo Lord Mayor of London in that reign, and by her had Sir Hewet Ofborne, who married Joice, daughter of Thomas Fleetwood, Efq ; Mafter of the Mint, and by her, who afterwards married Sir Peter Fretchville, had iflue Alice, married to Chrifto- pher Wandesford, Efq; by whom fhe had Chriftopher, who was created Vifc. Caltlecomer in Ireland, and a fon Ed- ward, who fucceeded him, and in 1620 was created a Baronet. He married ift Margaret eldeft daughter of Thomas, Vifc. ' Fauconberg, by whom he had a fon Edward, who died in his infancy; 2dly, Anne, daughter to Thomas Walmfley, Efq; (by Eleanor his wife, daughter to John Danvers of Dantzey ki tVilts, by Elizabeth his wife, youngeft daughter of John Nevil DUKE of LEEDS; 4 7 Nevil, Lord Latimer, and co-heir to her brother John Nevil Lord Latimer) by her had (ill D.) Thomas, his fiicceflbr who adhering to the royal intereft, in order to the reftoration of K. Charles II. was by that King made Treafurer of the Navy, one of the Privy- Council, Lord High Treafurer of England, Vifc. Dumblaine, Baron of Kiveton, Vifc. Latimer, Earl of Danby, and Knt. of the Garter. He was alfo in favour with the Prince of Orange, who upon his acceflion created him a Marquis and Duke. He married Bridget, 2d daughter by the firit wife of Montague Bertie Earl of Lindfey, and by her had three fons and fix daughters, and died July 26th 17 12, in the 81ft year of his age. Of the daughters, Elizabeth died un- married. — Anne the 2d, was firft married to Robert Coke of Holkham in Norfolk, Efq ; anceftor to the Earl of Leicefler; and 2dly, to Horatio Walpole, Efq; uncle to Robert t;he firit Earl of Oxford, of that family; and died on the 5th of Aug. 1722, aged 64. — Bridget the 3d, married firft Charles "\Fitz Charles, Earl of Plymouth, natural ion of K. Charles IL by Mrs. Catherine Peg, daughter of Thomas Peg, of Yelderfley, in the county of Derby, Efq ; but by him, who died on the 17th of October, 1680, at Tangier, {he had no iffue ; and 2dly, to Doctor Philip Bifie, Biihop of Hereford. — Catherine, to James Herbert of Kingfey, Bucks, Efq; fon and heir to James, a younger fon to Philip Earl of Pem- broke. — Martha, to Charles, Ton and heir to John Earl of Bath. — And Sophia, the youngeft, firit to Donatas, Lord Ibrican, grandfon and heir apparent to Henry Earl of Tho- mond ; and afterwards to William Lord Lempfter, by whom ihe was mother of the late Earl of Pomfret. And of the fons, which were Edward, Thomas, and Peregrine ; the 2d died an infant, and the eldeft, who was Hiled Lord Latimer, married Elizabeth, eldeft daughter and co-heir to Simon Ben- net, of Bechampton, in the county of Bucks, Efq ; a branch of the Earl of Tankerville's family, and by her had two fons ; but they dying young, (2d D.) Peregrine his brother, became heir. In his father's life-time, he was created Vifc. Dumbiaine, Jn Scot- land, on thefurrender of his father's patent; and on the 14th of March, 1690, was fummoned to parliament, by the title of Lord Olborne of Kivetdn ; and died June 25th 1729, in the 71ft year of his age. He married Bridget, only daugh* ter and heir to Sir Thomas Hyde, of North Mims in the county of Hertford, Kht. (who furvived him, and died March 8th, 1734) by whom he had two fons and two daughters, whereof 48 DUKE of LEEDS, whereof Bridget married the Rev. Mr, "Williams, prebendary of Chichefter, and died in Feb. 1755 ; and Mary was firil married to Henry Somerfet, Duke of Beaufort ; and 2dly, to William Cochran, the 4th Earl of Dundonald in Scot- land. Of the fons, Wiliiam-Kenry, the eldeft, who was born in July, 1691, died of the fmall-pox at Utrecht, the the 9th Aug. 171 1, aged 21; and (3dDj Peregrine-Hyde, the youngeft, born Nov. 11, 1691, who Jan. 31, 1 7 1 3, was fummoned to parliament as Lord Ofborne of Kiveton, fucceeded his father. He mar- ried ill Elizabeth Harley, daughter to Robert Earl of Ox- ford, and by her, who died Nov. 20th, 1713, aged 28, he had a fon 7'homas, Marquis of Caermarthen, now Duke, of whom fhe died in child-bed. By his 2d wife, Anne, (who died Nov. 27th, 1722,) 3d daughter to Charles Duke of So- merfet, he had a fon who died young ; and in April 1725, he married to his 3d wife, Juliana, daughter to Roger Hele, of Halewell in the county of Devon, Efq ; but by her had no iflue ; fhe furviving him married Charles Earl of Portmore. His Grace dying on the 9th of May, 1 73 1 , was fucceeded by his only fon (4th D.) Thomas, now Duke of Leeds. Creations.] Baronet July 13, 1620. 1 James I. Vifc. Dumblaine in Scotland, July 19, 1673, 25 Car. II. Baron Ofborne of Kiveton in the county of York, and Vifc. Lati- mer, Aug. 15, 1673; Earl of Danby in the county of York, June 27, 1674 ; Marquis of Caermarthen in the principality of Wales, April 20, 1689; and Duke of Leeds in the county of York, ?tlay 4, 1694, the 6th of William and Mary. Arms.] Quarterly, ermine, and azure, a crofs, or. [Plate. II] Crest.] On a wreath, a tyger pafTant, argent. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a griphon, or, on the finifter, a tyger, argent, each gorged with a ducal coronet, azure. Motto.] Pax in hello. Peace in War. Chief Seats.] At North-Myms in Hertfordfhire ; at Kiveton, Hart-hall, and Thorp-hall, and Walter-hall, all in the county of York. RUSSEL DUKE of BEDFORD. RUSSEL, DUKE of BEDFORD. 'THE moft noble Prince FRANCIS RUSSEL, Duke of * BEDEORD, Marquis of Taviftock, Earl of Bedford, Baron Ruflel of Cheneys-Thornhaugh, and Baron Howland, was born July 22, 176-, and fucceeded his grandfather January 14, 1771. This ancient family have been of long ftanding in the county of Dorfet, where they were poflefled of fome lordfiiips for many ages pall:. John Russel was conftable of Corfe-caftle, the 5th Hen. III. and had iflue, Ralph his heir, whofe wife was Ifabel, daughter and co- heir to James de Newmarch, one of. the Barons of that age, and a defcendant of Bernard de Newmarch, one of the Con- queror's followers into England. The fon and fucceffor of this Ralph was William Russel, who in 1284, the 12th of Edward I. obtained a charter for a market every Thurfday in the year, and a fair, on the eve, day and morrow of St. Matthew, at his manor of Kingfton, commonly called Kingfton-Ruflel, in the county of Dorfet, which lordlhip is enjoyed to this day by the chief branch of this family; the fame having been held by Serjeantry, viz. to be cup-bearer to the King, at the four principal feafts in the year. He married Jane daughter to Robert Peveral, and had iflue Theobald his heir; who married 1 ft Eleanor, daughter and coheir of Ralph de Gorges, a Baron in Parliament in the reign of K. Edward II. by whom he had iflue, Theo- bald, who took the name of Gorges, from whom the family of Gorges, now exifting in the county of Hereford defcended. — Sir Ralph, whofe fons Theobald and John, died unmar- ried. — Maurice, who had iflue Sir William Ruflel, Knt. who died unmarried ; and two daughters, Ifabel wife of Ste- phen Hatfield ; and Margaret, wife of Gilbert Dennys, who were heirs to Margery daughter and heir of Sir William their brother. We now return to the iflue of Theobald Ruflel by his 2d wife Eleanor, daughter and heir, of John de la Tower, by whom he had William his heir, who mar- ried the daughter and heir of Muftian, and had iffue Henry, whofe fon John, by Elizabeth daughter and heir of John Heringham, Efq ; had iflue Sir, John Ruflel, Knt. fpeaker of the Houfe of Commons in the 2d and 10th Henry VI. E ' who |o BttKE of BEDFORD. who by Alice daughter of ■ — Preuxmere^had iflue jam& his heir; Thomas, and two daughters; Alice married to — — Trenchard, Efq; father of Sir Thomas Trenchard, Knt. and Chriitian to Walter Cheverell, Efq. James the eldeft had by Joan his wife, two daughters, Elizabeth married to Nicholas Boremont, Efq ; and Thomafin married to Robert Huffey of Shapwick, in the county of Dorfet, Efq ; and (ill E.) John his heir, who was born at Kingfton -Ruflel aforefaid, refided at Berwick, about four miles from Brid- port in the faid county of Dorfet, and being a gentleman of excellent accomplifhments, became the foundation of that honour, which afterwards accrued to this noble family. In 1498, Philip Archduke of Auftria, only fon of the Emperor Maximilian,, being bound for Spain, having married the heirefs of that kingdom, Joan daughter of Ferdinand and Ifabel, King and Queen of Caitile and Arragon, and meet- ing with a violent itorm in his paflage from Flanders, he was obliged to put on fliore at Weymouth; whereupon Sir Thomas Trenchard, who lived near that port, accommo- dated him in the beft manner he could,, till fuch time as he had fent to court to acquaint K» Henry VII. with his arrival ; and inviting Mr. Ruflel, who was his neighbour and relation, to wait upon him at his houfe, the Archduke was fo taken with his converfation, that he defired he might enjoy his company at court, then at Windfor^ whither the King had invited that Prince .to come r and Mr. Ruflel being recom- mended to the King by the Archduke,, as a gentleman fitly qualified to ferve him in fome confiderable ftation, he was thereupon taken into great favour. In the 15th of Henry VIII. he was made knight marihal; and afterwards employed in feveral negotiations to the Emperor Charles V. the French King, Pope, and Duke of Lorrain ; the 29th Henry VIII. he was made one of the Privy Council ; and on the 9th of March the. fame year was created a Baron of this realm, and that he might the better fupport the honour conferred upoi>him y that Prince took the firft opportunity to augment hi9 fortune, and in 31ft of his reign, upon the diffolution of the monafleriefr made a grant to him, and Anne his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, of the whole fcite and circuit of the rich abbey of Taveftoke in the county of Devon , alfo of the borough and town of Taveftoke, and of the manors of Hundewike, Morewell, and Morewelham, MiIton-Abbot r aliag Melton- legh, Lamerton, Hole, Brenton, Wyke-Dabernon, Peter- fiiavye, Qttrow alias Otterye, Whitchurch and Newton; with *ie kunxli'ed of Hur otherwife called the hundred of ; TayeAoke^ DU&E of BEDFORD. $*. Taveftoke; as aifo the re&ory and vicarage of Taveftoke, He had likewife divers other lands given him in the counties of Devon, Somerfet and Bucks. He was on the 19th of Jan. 3d Edward VI. created Earl of Bedford ; and dying the 14th of March, 15^5, was buried at Cheneys in Bucks ah eft ate his lordfhip had in right of his lady Anne, daughter and fole heir to Sir Guy Sapcot, Knt. widow of Sir John Broughton of Tnddington in the county of Bedford, Knt. which lady furviving the Earl, bequeathed her manor of Thornhangh to her grandfon Edward Lord Ruflel, and the heirs male of his body, from whom the prefent Duke is delcended. John Earl of Bedford was fucceeded by his 2d but eideft furviving fon, (2d E.) Francis, who, at the coronation of K. Edward VI. was made Knt. of the Bath; in 1549, he was chofen Knt. of the mire for the county of Northumberland, being the firft itrftance of a peer's Eideft fon fitting in the Houfe of Commons ; and died 1584. This Earl founded a fchool at Woburn, and by his will gave 20I. per ann. for the main- tenanceof two poor ftudients of divinity in Univerfity College Oxford, called the Earl of Bedford's fcholars, to be nomi- nated and appointed by his heirs for ever. By his 2d wife Bridget, daughter to John Lord HuiTey, (widow ift of Sir Richard Morrifon, and 2dly of Henry Manners Earl of Rut- land,) he had no iffue ; but by his firft, who was Margaret, fifter to Oliver the firft Lord St. John of Bletfoe, he had four fons, Edward, John, Francis and William; and three daugh- ters, Anne married to Ambrofe Dudley, Earl of Warrick.— Elizabeth to William Bourchier Earl of Bath. — Margaret to George Clifford, the 3d Earl of Cumberland, by whom fhe had a daughter named Anne, who was married ift to Richard Sackville, the 3d Earl of Dorfet, and 2dly to Philip Earl of Pembroke. Of the fons, Edward died without ilTue, having married Jane Sibilla, daughter of Sir Richard Morrifon, and was fummoned to Parliament in the life-time of his father*— John the 2d fon married Elizabeth, daughter to Sir Anthony Cook of Giddy Hail, in Efiex, Knt. widow of Sir Thomas Hobby, of Bifham in Berlcfhire, Knt. by whom he had two daughters, Elizabeth, who died unmarried, and Anne mar- ried to Henry Somerfet, who was created Marquis of Wor- cefter; and her father died 1484, in his father's life-time, as did Francis his infant fon. — Francis, 3d fon, was alfo fummoned to Parliament, 7 Edward VI* in the life-time of his father, and married Julian, daughter to Sir John Fofter, Knt. by whom he had a fon Edward : but the faid Francis, being 11 a in. on a <}ay of truce, by the Scots on the borders, E z Jun ? 5 2 DUKE of BEDFORD. June 27, 1585, and his father dying the day following, the faid (3d E.) Edward, fucceeded his grandfather. He mar- ried Lucy, eldeft fifiier and co-heir to John Lord Harrington of "Exton ; but dying on the 3d of May, 1627, without ifiue, we return to Sir William Ruflel, Knt. the 4th and youngefl: fon of Francis the 2d Earl, who was created Lord Ruflel of Thornhaugh, and having married Elizabeth, daugh- ter and heir of Henry, fon and heir of Sir Richard Long, of Shengey in the county of Cambridge, Knt. left (4th E.) Francis his heir, who fucceeding Edward his V coufin, he in 1630 became the principal undertaker in that great and chargeable work of draining the fens, called the Great Level, and fince Bedford Level, which extend into the counties of Northampton, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Norfolk and Lincoln. He married Catharine, youngefl daughter and co-heir to Giles Bridges, Lord Chandos, and had fourfons, and as many daughters ; whereof, Catharine was married to Robert Greville the 2d Lord Brook. — Anne, to George Digby Earl of Briftol. — Margaret, ift to James Hay, Earl of Carlifle, and 2dly to Edward Earl of Man- chefter. — Diana, to Francis, the ift Earl of Bradford, Of the fons, which were William, Francis, John and Ed- ward, the latter marrying Penelope, daughter to Sir Mofes Hill of Hillfborough, in the kingdom of Ireland, anceftor of the Earl of that title, widow of Sir William Brooke, Knt. of the Bath, by her had a fon Edward, and a daughter Le- titia, who married to Thomas Cheek of Pergo in ElTex, Efq; and by him had a daughter, Anne, who was their heir ; and being married to Sir Thomas Tipping, of Wheatfield in the county of Oxford, Bart, and dying Jan. 21, 1728, left two daughters, Catharine married to Thomas Lord Archer, and Letitia to Samuel Lord Sandys ; and the faid Edward, fon of Edward and Penelope Hill, went over to the Prince of Orange, in Holland, with whom he returned the fame year ; and upon that Prince's advancement to the throne, was made one of his Privy Council. In 1691, he was Admiral of the blue fquadron, and afterwards was advanced to the command of the whole navy, and made treafurer of the fame; and was on the 7th of May, 1697, created Baron Shingey in the county of Cambridge, Vifc. Barfleur in the duchy of Normandy," and Earl of Orford in the county of Suffolk. He married Margaret, youngeft daugh- ter to William the firft Duke of Bedford, but having no iffue, and dying on Nov. 26, 1727, ia the 75th year of his DUKE of BEDFORD. 53 age, left his fine houfe in Covent Garden, to Lord Archer, arid his fine feat at Chipenham in Cambridgefhire, to the lady Tipping his neice. — John his brother, 3d fon of the Earl, was a colonel in the civil wars for K. Charles I. and after the Reftoration was made colonel of the firft/regiment of foot guards, and died unmarried; as did Francis, the 2d fon, but (ift D.) William the eldeft, on the 9th of May, 1641, fucceeded his father, and was the 5th Eai.1. On the nth of May, 1694, he was created Marquis of Taviftock, and Duke of Bedford 5 and in the year 1695, having fettled all things in reference to his grandjon's marrying Mrs. Eliza- beth Howland, a great fortune, it was thought proper for the honour of that alliance, to create him Baron How- land of Stretham in Surry, on the 13 th of June in the fame year, and he died on Sept. 7, 1700. He married Anne, daughter to Robert Carr, Earl of Somerfet, and by her had feven fons, and three daughters ; whereof Anne died un- married. — Diana was married fir ft to Sir Grevil Verney, of Compton Verney in the county of Warwick, Knt. of the Bath, fon of Grevil Verney, Efq; by Elizabeth, 5th daugh- ter and co-heir of Thomas the 2d Vifc. Wenman, and af- terwards to William Lord Allington. — Margaret married Edward Ruflel, Earl of Orford, before-mentioned. And of the fons, which were Francis, John, William, Edward, Robert, James aud George; the latter married Mary, daugh- ter and heir of Mr. Pendleton, Merchant of London, and left a fon William, who died unmarried. — James, died on the 22d of June, 1712, aged 67, and left, by Elizabeth his 2d wife, an only daughter Trephema, (or Tryphano) wife of Thomas Scawen, of Carfhalton, Efq.- — Robert, married Letitia, widow of Thomas Cheek of Pergo, ElTex, Efq ; and died without iffue. — Edward died on 21ft of June, 1714, without ilfue. — Francis the eldeft died in 1679, un- married. — John the 2d died in his infancy. — But William, the 3d fon, on the 21ft of July, 1683, was beheaded in Lincoln's-Inn Fields, (in his father's life-time) for his invio- ble integrity to the Proteftant intereft. He married Rachel, 2d daughter and co-heir to Thomas Wriothefly ; Earl of Southampton, and widow of Francis Lord Vaughan, ekleit fon of Richard Earl of Carbcry, and by her, who died Sept. 29, 1723, aged 87, left iiTue one fon, Wriothefly, and two daughters, Rachel, married to William Cavendifh, Duke of Devonfliire ; and Catharine, to John Manners, Duke of Rutland. In May 23, 1695, thfe/faid, %zd D») Wjuothesly, married Elizabeth, only daugh- £ 3 ter $4 DUKE of BEDFORD. ter and heir of John Howland, of Stretham, in the county of Surry, Efq ; by Elizabeth his wife, half-filler to Sir Richard Child, Bart, late Earl Tilney, and on the 7th of September, 1700, fucceeding his grandfather, became Duke of Bedford, and died of the fm a 11 -pox, May 26, 171 1, in the 31ft year of his age. By his faid Duchefs, (who died at Stretham of the fmall-pox, June 29, 1724, aged 32) he Jiad ilTue three fons and two daughters, Rachel, married ift to Scroop, late Duke of Bridgewater, and 2diy to Sir Richard Lyttleton ; Knt. of the Bath, brother to the late Lord Lyttleton, and died 1777 — Elizabeth married to William Earl of Eflex. And or the fons, which were William. — 'Wriothefly — John. The eldeft died in his infancy ; (3d D.) Wriothesly, who was born in 1708, fucceeded Ins father. He married on the 22d v of April, 1725, Anne, only daughter of the before-mentioned Scroop, Duke of Bridgewater, by Elizabeth Churchill, 3d daughter and co- heir to John Duke of Marlborough ; but by her, (who married 2dly William Earl of Jerfey, and died 1762,) had no iflue. He died in Spain, 0£l. 23, 1732; and the honour defcended to his only lurviving brother, (4th D.) John late Duke of Bedford, born September 30, 1 7 10, who, 06t. 11, 173I1 married Diana Spencer, fifter to the late Duke of Mai lborough, by whom he had iflue a fon, who died the 6th of November, 1732, the day he was born, and her Grace died on the 27th of September, 1735, In April, 1737, his Grace married 2dly, Gertrude, eldeft daughter of John Earl Gower, by whom he had iflue, Carolina^ born iu January, 1743, married, Auguft 23, 1762, to George prd'ent Duke of Marlborough, and has iflue. — Francis Marquis pf Taviftock, born September 26, 1739, who died March 22, 1767, by a fall from his horfe. He married June 7, 1764, Elizabeth daughter of William Anne, late Earl of Albemarle, who died in O&ober, 1768, and left three fons ; Francis, the prefent Duke.— John, born 6th July, 1766. — William, born Aug. 20, £767. The late X)uke died Jan. 14, 1 771, and was fucceeded by his grandfoiu {5th D.) Francis, the prefent Duke. Creations.] Baron Ruflell, March 2, 1538; Baron Howland, June 13, Earl of Bedford, Jan, 19, 1550; Marquis of Taviftock and Duke of Bedford, May, 11, 1694. Arms.] Argent \ a lion rampant, gules \ on a chief, fable 9 three efcallcps of the f.rft. {Plate II ] •Crsst.] Oil 3 wreath, a goat pafl^nt, argent* armed, ar. SUPPORTERS.] DUKE of DEVONSHIRE. 55 Supporters.] On the dexter fide a lion ; on the finifter un antelope, both gules; the latter gorged with a ducai collar, chained, armed, crefted, tufted, and hoofed, or. Motto.] Che Sara, Sara. What will be, will be. Chief Seats.] At Woburn -abbey in Bedfordfhire j Thornhaugh in Northamptonfhire ; and Cheneys in Bucks. CAVENDISH, DUKE of DEVONSHIRE. THE molt noble WILLIAM CAVENDISH, Duke of DEVONSHIRE, Marquis of Harrington, Earl of D^vonfhire, Baron Cavendifh of Hardwick, and Knight of the Garter, born December 14, 1748, and fucceeded his father the late Duke, October 2, 1764. He married, June 7, 1774, Georgiana, eideft daughter to the Earl Spencer. This great and illuftrious family was denominated from the Lordmip of Cavendifh m the county of Suffolk ; which Roger, a younger fon of the ancient Family of the Gernons acquired by marriage ; and his fon (as was ufual in thofe times) took the name of Cavendifh, as will hereafter appear. The Gernons, who took their name from Gernon, a caftle in Normandy, were of great note in Norfolk and EfTex ; being lineally defcended frornjlobert de Gernon, a famous Norman, who ailifted William the Conqueror in his invafion of this realm ; and in reward of his fervice, had grants of feveral Lordfhips. This Robert de Gernon gave the church of St. Peter in Glou- cefter, the church of Winterbourne, the church of Bever- frroke, and half the lands thereunto belonging, to the Abbey of Gloucefter. His fon and heir, Matthew de Gernon marricjd Hodierna, daughter and co-heir to Sir William Sackville, whofe brother Robert was ancellor to Lionel Duke of Dcifet, and by her had ifTue, Ralph de Gernon ; who by his w r ife, who was filter to Sir William Brewfe, Kt. had a fon, Ralph, who was founder of Lee's Priory in EfTex. He died in 1248, leaving ifTue, William his heir, who died the 43d Hen. III. and left ifTue by Eleanor his wife, two fons, Sir Ralph de Gernon, Kt. whofe grandfon left two daughters his co-heirs ; and Geoffrey, from whom is defcended the noble family of Caysndifb, This E 4 Geoffrey.* 56 DUKE of DEVONSHIRE. Geoffrey, in the reign of Edward I. was ftiled of More- Hall, in the Peak in the county of Derby, and was fuo ceeded by Roger his fon and heir, who was feated at Grimfton-Hall in Suffolk, and died in 1318, having married the daughter and heir of John Potton, Lord of Cavendifh, by whom he left iffue, John, Roger, Stephen and Richard, who all took the name of Cavendiih, Of thefe fons, Roger the 2d married Alice, daughter to Geoffrey de Stratton, with whom he had the Manor of Stratton, and from him defcended Sir Richard Cavendish, who was knighted, and after the death of Henry Duke of Suffolk, (who died without ilfue, July 14, the 5th of Edward VI. ) was found to be one of his co-heirs, viz. fon of Richard Cavendifli, fon of Auguftine Ca- vendifh, who married Elizabeth, eldeft daughter of Sir Wil- liam^Brandon, Knight, grandfather of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. This Sir Richard Cavendifh had iffue William Cavendish of Trimiey St. Martin in Suffolk ; who dying in 1572, polTeiTed of the ancient inheritance of his anceflors, viz. Grimfton, Stratton, and other Manors, left Thomas, his fon and heir, under age; who married Mary, daughter to Thomas Lord Wentworth of Nettlefted, and had iffue feveral fons and daughters, viz. William, Auguiline, Thomas, Mary, Margaret, and Anne. This Thomas was the famous navigator, and was the third perfon, and the fecond Englifliman, who failed round the globe ; Stephen Cavendifh, third fon of Roger de Gernon, was Lord Mayor of London, and died without iffue. John Cavendish, eldefl: fon of Robert de Gernon, was conftituted Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, 39 Edw. III. He had two wives, Rofe and Alice, and left iffue two fons, and a daughter Margaret. Of the fons, Andrew, the eldeft, fucceeded him ; but he dying with- out iffue in 1 395, Sir John, his brother, who killed Wat Tyler *, became heir. He ferved under King Henry V, in his wars in France, * Wat Tyler bei?ig at London , do as angry with Sir fohn Newton, Knt. for ap-* f>roaching with lefs" reverence than he thought was due to him. But Sir William Walworth, then Lord Mayor, being with, the King in Smithficld, and feeing Tyler* s jnfolence to his Majefy's frvant, could not forbear arrejiing him 5 in doing which he wounded the traytor (who firiorflyfruckat him with his dagger J and Mr. Ca- *vcnd ; fh drew his Jword and d'fpatched him ; for which ftrvice he was knighted \>y fh( King, who likewife gave him 40/. per Jinn* to him and his heirs for ever. and DUKE of DEVONSHIRE. 5y and was in the famous battle of Agincoui t ; and marrying Joan daughter to Sir William Ciopton, had three fons, William, Robert, and Waiter, of which, the eldeft mar* ried Joan Staventon ; and dying in 14.33, a f° n Thomas, whole wife was Catharine Scudamore, and by her he had a fon Thomas, who married Agnes, daughter and co-heir to John Smith of Podbrook, in Suffolk, Efq. and by her had three fons, George, William, and Thomas, and a daughter Mary; and dying in 1524, was fucceeded by George his eldeft fon, who was feated at Glemsford in Suffolk; and was father of William Cavendifh, Efq. who had two fons, Wil- liam and Ralph, who both died without iflue. Thomas Ca- vendifh, youngeftof the three fons of Thomas and Agnes Smith, was one of the Knights of St. Johq of Jerufalem, but died unmarried. William, the 2d brother, was, in the 27th of Hen. VIII. knighted by his Majefiy, and afterwards made one of his privy council. He married firft Anne, daughter to Edward Boflock, Efq. by whom he had a fon John, who died young, and two daughters, Anne, married to Sir Henry Bainton, Knight, and Catharine to Thomas Brook, Efq. fon of Tho- mas Lord Cobham. By his fecond wife Margaret, daughter to Thomas Parker, of Poflingford in the county of Suffolk, he had no hTue : but taking to his third wife, Elizabeth, daughter to John Hardwick, of Hardwick in the county of Derby, Efq. (by Elizabeth his wife, daughter and co-heir to Thomas Leak of Loafland, Efq. and at length co-heir to John Hardwick her brother, by that match made a great ad- dition to his fortunes; for me being firft married to Robert Barley of Barley, in the county of Derby, Efq. who died foon after, without hTue, fhe got his large eftate fettled on her and her own heirs, which, by the faid Sir William Cavendifii her fecond hufband, were fhree fons and three daughters, She afterwards married, 3dly, Sir William St. Lo; and, 4thly, George Talbot, fixth Earl of Shrewfbury. Of the daughters, which were Frances, Elizabeth, and Mary, the latter was married to Gilbert Talbot, feventh Earl of Shrewf- bury ; the 2d to Charles Stuart, Earl of Lenox (younger brother to Henry Lord Darnley, father to King James L who were fons of Matthew Stuart, Earl of Lenox, by Mar- garet his wife, daughter to Archibald Douglas, Earl of Augus, and Margaret his wife, daughter to King Henry VII.) fc by whom ilie was mother of Arabella Stuart, who being married to William Seymour, fecon,d fon to the Duke $8 DUKE of DEVONSHIRE. Somerfet, without the privity or confent of King James I. that King caufed them to be imprifoned in the Tower of London, where (he died Sept. 15, 1615, without iflue ; but Frances fmarried to Sir Henry Pierpoint, Kuight, was mo- ther of Robert, ift Earl of Kingfton. The fons, were Henry, William, and Sir Charles, the youngeft was feated at Welbeck in the county of Nottingham ; and marrying Catharine^ daughter and heir toCuthbert Baron Ogle, after* wards heir of that houfe, and in 1628, 4 Car. I. declared Baronefs Ogle ; by her had William Cavendifti, his heir who in 1620, was advanced to the degree of Baron Ogle, and Vifcount Mansfield, and on the 17th of March, 1627, 3 Car. i. was created Baron Cavendifli of Bolfover, and Earl of Newcaftle upon Tyne : he was alfo, Oct. 27, 1643, cre- ated Marquis of Newcaftle. On the 16th of March, 1664, 16 Car. II. he was created Earl of Ogle, and Duke of New- caftle, and died in Jan. 1676, leaving iflue by Elizabeth, daughter and fole heir to William Baflet, of Blore in the county of Stafford, Efq. Henry his fucceflbr ; and three daughters; whereof, Jane was married to Charles Cheney of Chefham-Boys, in the county of Bucks* — Elizabeth to John Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater. — Frances to Oliver St, John, Efq. afterwards Earl of Bolingbroke. Henry, who in 1676, fucceeded his father as above, married Frances, eldeft daughter to William Pierpoint of Thorefby, Efq, 2d fon to Robert Earl of Kingfton, and by her had Henry his only fon, who was ftiledEarlof Ogle, and he marrying Elizabeth, fole daughter and heir to Joceline Percy, Earl of Northum* berland, he thereupon afTumed her name, and bore her arms; but died in his father's life-time, 1680, without ifTue, an$ his father dying on the 26th of July, 1691, without hTue male, his honours became extinct, and his five daughters be- came his co-heirs. Elizabeth was firft married to Chriftopher Monk, Duke of Albemarle, and afterwards to Ralph Lord Montagu, created Duke of Montagu.-- Francis to John Campbell, eldeft fon of the Earl of Breadalbane, and died 1727. — Margaret married to John Holies, 2d fon to the Earl of Clare, afterwards created Duke of Newcaftle. — Catharine to Thomas Tufton, Earl of Thanet. — Arabella to Charles Spencer Earl of Sunderland. We now return to the two eldeft fons of Sir William Cavendifh and Elizabeth Hardwick his third wife before-mentioned^ of which Henry the eldeft mar- ried Grace Talbot, youngeft daughter to George Earl of Shre» -/(bury ; but his father (who began the noble pile at Chativvorth) dying in the 4th and 5th of Phillip and Mary; DUKE of DEVONSHIRE. 59 and the faid Henry, dying without iflue, on the 12th of Oft* 1 6 16, "William his brother became heir to the whole eftate. His mother, as before-mentioned, married to her third huf- fband, Sir William St. Lo, owner of a great "eftate, which, in articles of marriage, ilie took care mould be fettled on her; and accordingly having no child by him, (he lived to enjoy his whole eftate. In this third widowhood, not having yet loft her charms of wit and beauty, (he captivated the then greateft fubjecl: of the realm, George Talbot Earl of Shrewf- Bury, whom me brought to terms of the greateft honour and advantage to herfelf and children ; for he not only yielded to a conliderable jointure, but to an union of fami- lies, by taking Mary her youngeft daughter to be the wife of Gilbert his Ion, and afterwards his heir; and giving Grace, his youngeft daughter, to Henry her eldeft fon. (ill E.) William, who became heir as above, was, by King James I. by letters patent, dated May 4, 1605', created Baron Cavendifh of Hardwick in the county of Derby ; and on the 7th of Aug. 1618, Earl of Devonfliire. This noble Earl, by his iecond wife Elizabeth, daughter to Edward Boughton, of Caufton in the county of Warwick, Efq. widow of Sir Richard Wortley, of Wortley in the county of York, Knt. had a fon John, who was made Knight of the Bath in 1 61 6, and died foon after ; but by his firft wife Anne, daugh- ter and heir to Henry Kighly, of Kighly in the county of York, Efq. he had three fons and three daughters; whereof Mary the 2d, and Elizabeth the 3d, died young; but Frances, the eldeft, was married to Sir William Maynard, Knt. created Lord Maynard. Of the fons, Gilbert the eldeft, and James the 3d dying young. (idE.) William the 2d, on the 3d of March, 1625, fuc* ceeded his father, and was married to Chriftian, only daugh- ter to Edward Lord Bruce of Kinlofs in Scotland. This noble Earl departed this life at his houfe near Bifhopfgate, London (where Devonfhire Square is now built) on the 20th of June, 1628, having had ifTue by her three fons, and a daughter Anne, married to Robert the 3d Earl of Warwick, Of the fons, which were (3d E.) William, Charles, and Henry, the latter died young; and the 2d, who was Lieutenant General of Horle, under his coufin the Marquis of Newcaftle, in the civil wars, was (lain at Gainfborough in 1643 ; but the eldeft, who fuc- ceeded his father, married Elizabeth, 2d daughter to Wil- liam Cecil, the 2d Ear! of Salisbury, and by her (who died Nov* 6o DUKE op DEVONSHIRE. Nov. 1689) had two fons and a daughter, named Anne, who was firft married to Charles Lord Rich, only fon to Charles Earl of Warwick ; and 2dly, to John the 5th Earl of Exeter, and died on the 1 8th of June, 1703. Of the fons, Charles, theyoungeft, died on the 3d of March, 1670, unmarried ; but (iftD.) William, the eldeft, on the 25th of November, 1684, facceeded his father. On the 14th of Feb. 1689, he was appointed one of the Privy Council, made Steward of the Houmold, and Lord Lieutenant and Cuftos Rotulorum of ihe county of Derby; and on the 3d of March, being elected a Knight of the Garter, was inftalled on the 14th of May following. At the coronation of King William and Queen Mary, he was made Lord High Steward of England for the day, and carried the regal crown next to the Bible and the King's perfon. On the 12th of May, 1694, he was created Marquis of Hartington, and Duke of Devonfhire. He died Auguft 18, 1707, in the 67th year of his age. He married Mary, 2d daughter to James Butler Duke of Ormond, and by her (who died July 31, 17 10) he had three fons ; and a daughter Elizabeth, married to Sir John Wentworth of Broadfworth in the county of York, Bart. And of the fons, which were (2d D.) William, Marquis of Hartington, Henry, and James. The eldeft fucceeded his father; and the youngeft died Dec. 14, 1 7 5 1 , having married Anne, daughter to Elihu Yale, Efq. and by her (who died June 27, 1734) had an only fon William, who in March, 173U was married to Mifs Barbara Chandler, daughter to the Bifhop of Durham, and died in July, 1 7 5 1 ; and a daughter Elizabeth, married to Richard Chandler, Efq. fon ro the Bifhop of Durham, in Feb. 1732, who has fin ce changed his name to Cavendifn, by au a6t of parliament in 1752. — Henry, 2d fon, married Rhoda, only furviving daughter to William Cartwright, of Ayno in the county of Northampton, Efq. (by Urfula his 2d wife, daughter to Ferdinando Lord Fairfax of Cameron in Scot- land) and dying on the 10th of May, 1700, by her (who died on the 24th of Jan. 1730,) left a daughter Mary, mar- ried to John Earl of Weftmoreland. William, who was the 2d Duke, married Rachel, eldeil of the two daughters of William Lord Ruffel, who was beheaded in 1683, and by her (who died Dec. 28, 1 725) had four fons and fix daughters. Of the daughters, which were Mary, Rachel, Elizabeth, Ca- tharine, Anne, and Diana. Mary, Catharine, and Diana died tmmarried.— Rachel married Sir William Morgan of Trede- gar DUKE op DEVONSHIRE. €t gar in the county of Monmouth, and died June, 1780. — Elizabeth married Sir Thomas Lowther, of Holker in the county of Lancafter, Bart, and died in June, 1737. Of the fons, which were William Marquis of Hartington, James, Charles, and John ; the latter died on the 10th of May, 1720. — James died in Nov. 1741. — And Charles, who mar- ried Anne, 4th daughter to Henry Duke of Kent, and died the 20th of Sept. 1733, having two fons Frederick and Henry. (3d D.) William, the eldefl: fon, was born Sept. 26, 1698, and fucceeded his father 4 June, 1729. His Grace married on the 27th of March, 17 18, Catharine, fole daugh- ter and heir of John Holkins, of the county of Middleiex, Efq ; and by her who died May 8, 1777, had hTue four fons and three daughters, viz. William, the late Duke.— -George- Auguftus, born April 8, 1728. — Frederick, born Aug. 17, 1729, Gen. of his Majefty's Forces, and Col. in his 34th Reg. of Foot. — John, born Oct. 22, 1732. — Caroline, mar- ried to William Lord Duncannon, now Earl of Befborough in Ireland, and Lord Ponfonby in the county of Leicefter, and died ^oth Jan. 1760, leaving HTue. — Elizabeth, married in October 1743, to John Ponfonby, brother to the Earl of Befborough, and has iflue. — Rachel^ who married Horace Walpole, Efq; now Lord Walpole of Wolterton, and has iflue. His Lordfhip dying Dec. 5, 1755, was fucceeded by his eldefl: fon, (4th D.) William, the late Duke of Devonfliire, bom in 1720, who on the 13th June, 1 75 1, was called up to the houfe of peers as Baron Cavendifli of Hardwick. His Grace married in March, 1748, Charlotte, fole daughter and heir of Richard Earl of Burlington and Cork, which Lady died December 8, 1754, leaving iflue, William, theprefent Duke. Dorothy, born Aug 27, 1750, married to the Duke of Port- land, 8th of Nov. 1766, and has iflue. — Richard, bom June 19, 1752, and died Sept. 12, 1781. — George-Henry, born Feb. 27, 1754, married Feb. 25, 1782, Betty Comp- ton, niece of the prefent, and daughter of the late Earl of Northampton, by whom he, has iflue, a fon born Jan. 10, 1783. His Grace died Oih 2, 1764, and was fucceeded by his eldefl: fon, (5th D.) William, the prefent Duke. Creations.] Baron Cavendifli, May 4, 1605, Earl of Devonfliire, Auguft 7, 1681, Marquis of Hartington, and Duke of Devonfliire, May 12, 1694. 6* DUKE of MARLBOROUGH. Arms.] Sable \ three harts heads cabofhed, argent, attired* er 7 [Plate IL] Crest.] On a wreath, a fnake nowed, proper. Supporters.] Two harts, each gorged with a garland Or fprig of rofes, proper ; attired, or* Motto.] Cave ndo tutus. Secure by Caution. Chief Seats.] At Chatfworth and Hardwick, in Der* byfhire; and Chifwick in Middlefex. SPENCER, DUKE of MARLBOROUGH. THE raoft noble GEORGE SPENCER, Duke of MARLBOROUGH, Marquis of Blandford, Earl of Sunderland and Marlborough, Baron Spencer of Worm- leighton, Baron Churchill of Sandridge ; and a Knight of the Garter, born Jan. 28, 173S, fucceeded his father Charles, Oct. 20, 175$, and married July 23, 1762, Caro- line, only daughter of John late Duke of Bedford, by whom he has iflue, Caroline, born Ocl. 27, 1763. — Elizabeth, born Dec. 20, 1764. — George Marquis of Blandford, born March 3, 1766. — Charlotte, born 061. 18, 1769. — Henry, born Dec. 2 a, 1770. — Anne, born Nov. 5, 1773. In the i8thof William the Conqueror, lived Robert ie Defpencer, who was fteward to that King, Brother to Urfo de Abetot, and at the time of the general furvey, held four lordfhips in the county of Warwick, fifteen in the county of Lincoln, and ieventeen in that of Leicefter ; and in the reign of Henry L William le Defpencer, his fon, was atfo lie ward to that King; and to him fucceeded Thurstan, W-hofe fon Almartck was fhei iff of Rutland, in the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I. and marrying Amabil, daugh- ter to Walter de Chefnie, had iflue two fons Thurftan and Almarick, and a daughter married to William Bardolph* The faid fons were both in arms againft K. John, who gave the lands of Almarick, their father, to Ofoert Gifford, one of his natural fons. Cotemporary with thefe, was Hugh Ie Defpencer, another fon of the firft mentioned Thurftan^ To him fucceeded Hugh his grandfon (fon of Thomas) who married Olivia, a daughter of Philip Ballet of Wicomb, in Bucks, widow of Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, by whom he had a fon Hugh, and a daughter Eleanor, married to Hugh de Courtenay, father of Hugh the firft Earl of Devon, on/l DUKE of MARLBOROUGH. 6j and was fucceeded by Hugh his fon, called Hugh Def- pencer, Senior, to diftinguiih him from Hugh his fon, who had always the addition of Junior, the two great favourites of King Edward II. the one Earl of Winchefter, and the other Earl of Gloucefter. Hugh the elder, who was created Earl of Winchefter. 15 Edward III. married Ifabel, widow of Patrick Chaworth, daughter of William de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. Hugh the fon married Eleanor, eldeft of the three daughters, and co-heirs of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucefter, by Joan his wife, daughter of King Edward I. and was created Earl of Gloucefter. But Hugh the elder was executed in the 90th year of his age, and Hugh the younger was executed at Hereford. He had ilTue Hugh, Edward, and Gilbert, and a daughter married to Richard Earl of Arundel againft his will, being under age, and af* terwards divorced. Eleanor his wife was kept prifoner in the Tower of London, with her children, but afterwards married William la Zouch of Mortimer ; and Hugh, her eldeft fon, getting into the favour of K. Edward III. was in the wars of Gafcoigne and Scotland, and was made a Knight Banneret. He was ftiled Lord of Glamorgan, and had fummons to Parliament from the 12th to the 226. Ed- ward III. He married Elizabeth daughter of William Mon- tacute, Earl of Saiifoury, and widow of Giles de Baddlefroere, and died 8th Feb. 23 Edward III. without ilTue. We now return to Edward his brother, who married Anne daughter of Henry Lord Ferrers, and left four fons, Edward, Thomas, Henry, and Gilbert, and dying the 16th Edw. III. left Sir Edward his heir, who was alfo heir to his uncle Hugh. He was fummoned to parliament from the 3 ift to the 39th Edw, III. and dying the 49th of the fame reign, left Thomas his heir, then two years of age; and four daughters, Cecily, who died young; Elizabeth, married ift to John Arundel, and sdly to the Lord Zouch ; Anne, to Hugh Haftings, and afterwards to Thomas Morley ; and Margaret to Robert Ferrers : and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Bartholomew de Burgherm, furvived him. Tho,mas, their heir, was ivt the 21ft Rich. II. created Earl of Gloucefter, by reafon of his defcent from Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucefter. He married Conftance daughter of Edmund de Langiey Duke of York, fon to King Edward III. and beheaded by the rabble, the ift of Edward IV. Fie left one fon Richard, who married Elizabeth, eldeft daughter of Ralph Earl of Weft- moreland, and died Q£t. 7, 1414, being then but 14 years q{ age, and left il and his widow married Henry Percy 64 DUKE of MARLBOROUGH. Percy the firft Earl of Northumberland, He alfo left two daughters, Elizabeth, who died an infant ; and Ifabel, mar- ried i ft Richard Beauchamp Lord Abergavenny ; afterwards Earl of Worcefter ; and 2dfy, Richard Beauchamp Earl of Warwick, by whom me had Henry Duke of Warwick, who left an only daughter that died in her infancy. Having done with the Principal, we return to Geoffrey, brother to Hugh, and fon of the firft mentioned Thurftan. He died in 1251, leaving John his heir, who married Joan, daughter of Robert le Lou, by whom he had no illiie, but by another wife he left William his heir, who was fucceed- ed by John his heir, who was efquire of the body to King Henry V. He left iflue, by Alice Deverell his wife, Nicho- las his heir, who by Joan Pollard his wife left two fons, Thomas and William, which Thomas was father of Henry Spencer of Badby in the county of Northampton, Efq ; who took to wife Ifabel daughter and co-heir to ■ ■ Lincoln, and had four fons, John, Thomas, William, and Nicholas, and was fucceeded by his eldeft fon John Spencer, who mar- ried the daughter and heir of — Warfted, by whom he had three fons, William. — John Spencer of Hodnel, in the county of Warwick, whole daughter Elizabeth married Sir John Grevile, elder brother of Sir John Fulke, Anceftor of the Earl Brook. — Thomas Spencer of Badly, whofe Son Thomas left four daughters, co-heirs to William their brother, William, eldeft fon and heir of John, married Elizabeth lifter to Sir Richard Empfon, Kt. and had ilfue two fons John r and Thomas, and a daughter Jane, and was fuo ceeded by Sir John his eldeft fon, who died in 1522. He married Ifabel daughter and co-heir to Walter Graunt, of Snitterfield in the county of Warrick, Efq ; by whom he had iilue, Sir William. — Antony, who died without illue. — Jane, wife of Richard Knightly, Efq; Son of Sir Richard Knightly. , — Ifabel, married to Sir Nicholas Strelly. — Dorothy, mar- ried to Sir Richard Catelby, and was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, William, who married Sulan, daughter to Sir Richard Knightly, and by her had Sir John Spencer, Knight, his fuceeflbr. — Ifabel, married to Sir John Cotton, from whom defcended Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bart. — Jane, married Sir Richard Bridges. — Dorothy to Thomas Spenfer, Efq, — Anne to Sir John Goodwin. — Mary to Thomas Bowles, DUKE of MARLBOROtlGH. 6; £fq; He died the 2zd of June, 1532, and was fucceeded by his foh, Sir John Spencer. He married Catharine daughter to' Sir Thomas Kitfon of Hengrave in Suffolk, Knight, and had five Ions and fix daughters ; of which Margaret mar- ried, iff, Giles Allington of Horfheath in the county of Cambridge, Efq ; and 2dly to Edward Eldrington, Efq, — Elizabeth, to George Cary, Lord Hunfdon. — Catharine, to Sir Thomas Leigh, of Stoneleigh in the county of War- wick, Knight, — Mary, to Sir Edward Afton of Tixall in the county of Stafford, Knight. — Anne, iff, to William Lord Monteagle; 2dly to Henry Lord Compton ; and 3dly to Robert Sackville the 2d Earl of Dorfet* — Alice, iff, to Ferdinando Stanley, Earl of Derby; and 2dly, to Thomas Egerton, Vifcount Brackley. And of the fons, Thomas the 2d, left an only daughter Alice his heir, who married Sir Thomas Lucy. — Sir William, 3d ion, was of Yarnton in the county of Oxford, whofe fon Thomas was created a Baronet by King James I. anceftor of Sir Charles Spencer, Knight. — Richard Spencer, 4th fon, was of Offley in the county of Hertford, whofe fon John was created a Baronet by King Charles 1. which family is extinct. — Edward 5th fon died without iflue, and their father died Nov. 8, 1586. Sir John the eldeff, who fucceeded, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth, and he marrying Mary, daughter and heir to Sir Robert Cateline, Knight, Lord Chief Juftice of England, by her had (iff L.) Robert his heir, who was alfo knighted by the faid Queen, and was by James I. created Lord Spencer of Wormleighton, and died Gel. 25, 1627. He married Margaret daughter and co-heir to Sir Francis Willoughby, of Woolaton in the county of Nottingham, by whom he had four fons and three daughters; Mary, married to Sir Richard Anderfon.— Elizabeth, to Sir George Fane, of Burftan in Kent, Knight, 5th fon of Francis the iff Earl of Weffmore- land. — Margaret, who died unmarried. The^ fons were, John, who died before his father.— -William. — Richard. — Sir Edward Spencer, Knt. who married Mary, widow of Sir William Reade, of Offerley in Middlefex, Knight. (2d L.) William, the 2d, fucceeded; and marrying Penelope, daughter to Henry Wriothefly, Earl of South- ampton, by her had fix fons and feven daughters ; of which Elizabeth was firft married to John Lord Craven of Ryton ; 2dly, to Henry third fon of ThomSrs Earl of Berkfhire; and laftly, to William Lord Crofts.^Mary died unmarried ~ F Anne, 66 DUKE of MARLBOROUGH. Anne married Sir Robert Townfhend. — Catharine died un* married. — Alice married Henry the ift Earl of Drogheda in Ireland. — Margaret, to Anthony-Afhley Cooper, the ift Earl of Shaftefbury.— Rachel, horn after the death of her father, died young. Of the fons, Robert, the 2d, was created Vifcount Tiviot, in Scotland; and having married Jane, daughter of Sir Thomas Spencer, of Yarnton in the county of Oxford, Bart, died without Iffue. — William, 3d fon, who was of Afhton in the county of Lancafter, married Elizabeth, daughter of Dutton Lord Gerrard of Bromley, by his 2d wife Elizabeth, 3d daughter and co-heir of Henry the 5th Earl of Thomond, and had iilue a daughter Eliza* beth, married to Robert Hefketh, Efq; whofe daughter and heir Elizabeth married the late Earl of Derby. — Richard, Thomas, and John, died unmarried ; their father dying Dec. 19, 1636, was fucceeded by (3d L. and ill E.) Henry, his eldeft fon, who was raifed to the dignity of Earl of Sunderland, June 8, 1643 ; but upon the 20th of September following, he was flain at the battle of Newberry, in the 23d year of his age. He mar- ried Dorothy, daughter to Robert Sidney Earl of Leicefter, by whom he had a daughter of her name, who was married to George Sa-vile, Marquis of HalUfax, by whom (lie had a daughter Anne, married to John Vanghan Earl of Car- be ry in Ireland and Lord Vaughan of Emlyn in the county of Carmarthen, whofe daughter and heir Anne married Charles Duke of Bolton ; a daughter Penelope, who died unmarried ; and an only fon Robert. Their mother married, 2dly, to Robert Smythe, of Sutton in Kent, Efq ; of th$ Vifcount Strangford's family in Ireland, by whom fhe had iflue Robert Smythe, who had Ifliie Henry, father of Sir Sydney- Stafford Smythe, Knt, late Chief Baron of the Exchequer. (2d E.) Robert, in 1643, fucceeded h?s father, and dying on the 28th of Sept. 1702, left ifTue by Anne, 2d daughter to George Digby, Earl of Briftol, two fons, viz, Robert, who died unmarried. — Charles his heir ; and two daughters ; of which Anne married James Earl of Arran, afterwards Duke of Hamilton in Scotland 5 and Elizabeth, to Donagh Maccarty, Earl of Clancarty in Ireland. {3d E.) Charles fucceeded, and died on the 19th of April, 1722, ia the -47th year of his age, having married 1 ft, Arabella Cavendifh, 5th daughter, and co-heir to Henry Duke of Newcaftle, and by her had an only daugh- ter Frances; who, on the 27th of November, 17 17, was iwarried to Henry, late Earl of Carlifle. He married 2dly Anne # DUKE of MARLBOROUGH. 67 Anne, 2d daughter and co-heir to John Duke of Marlbo- rough, and by her, who died April 15, 1 716, had four fons ; Robert, who died in his infancy. — Robert late Earl. —Charles, who became Duke of Marlborough, born Nov. 22, 1706. — John Spencer, born May 13, 1708, who mar- ried, Feb. 14, 1734, Georgina, 3d daughter to the late Earl Granville, and dying June 19, 1746, left iflue one fon, John, fince created Earl Spencer ; and a daughter born in May, 1735, who died at 6 years of age. His lady after- wards married William Earl of Cowper, and died Aug. 21, 1780. His Lordfhip alfo had two daughters, Anne, married William late Vifcount Bateman ; and Diana, married, in Oct. 1731, John Duke of Bedford, but died in 1736* The faid Earl, married to his 3d wife Judith, daughter to Benjamin Tichbourn, Efq ; by her had a fon, William, who died April 22, 1722, and a daughter Margaret, who alfo died in her infancy; and the Earl dying as before-mentioned, left his Lady with child of another fon, named George, of which flie was delivered on the nth of September ; but he died on the 23d of March, 1723, and in 1739, the countefs, his mother, married to Sir Robert Sutton, Knight of the Bath, and died in May 17, 1749. We now return to (4th E.) Robert, who fucceeded his father, and dying in the 28th year of his age, on the 17th of November, 1729, unmarried, (5th E. 2d D.) Charles, his next brother, became the 5th Earl, and by the death of Henrietta Godolphin, Du- chefs of Marlborough, who was his mother's eldeft fifter, and eldetl: daughter of John Duke of Marlborough, the 24th of Ocl. 1733, without iffue male, the titles of Duke of Marlborough, Marquis of Blandford, Earl of Marl- borough, and Baron of Sandridge devolved on him in right of his mother, who was fecond daughter of John Duke of Marlborough. As his Grace's principal titles is derived from him, it will be neceffary to give an account of his family : John firft Duke of Marlborough, was the fon of Sir Winfton Churchill, of Wotton-Baflet, in Wilts, by a daughter of Sir William Drake, of Aihe in the county of Devon, Bart. Sir Winfton had {even fons and four daughters ; the three youngeft died in their infancy ; Arabella the eldeft had iffue by King James II. James Fitz James, Duke of Berwick; and a daughter Henrietta, married to Henry Lord Waldegrave ; and the faid Arabella afterwards married to Colonel Charles Godfrey, and by him left two daughters; Charlotte, married to Hugh, late Vifcount Falmouth ; and Elizabeth, to Ed- F 2 mund 68 PU&E or MARLBOROUGH mund Dunch, Efq. Of the fons, which were Winfton, John, George, Charles, Montjoy, Jafper, and Theobald ; the latter, who was in holy orders, died unmarried Dec, 3, 1685 ; and Winfton, Montjoy, and Jaiper, died young; the other brothers were Charles, who was General of her Ma- jefty's Annies. He married Mary, daughter and fole heir to James Gould of Dorchefter, but left no hTue by her, who married 2dly Montagu the 2d Earl of Abington ; and George vras an Admiral of her Majefty's fleet. John, of whom we are principally to treat, made fome compaigns under the greateft generals of thofe times, viz. Turrenne, Conde, and Luxemburgh. Upon his return to England he was made Lieutenant Colonel ; not long after which King Charles created him Baron of Aymouth in Scotland ; but this honour died with him. King James afcending the throne, he was, in the firft year of his reign, May 14, 1685, created Baron Churchill, of Sandridge in the county of Hertford; but all thefe honours were not fufficient to bring him into the meafures of the court-party, againrt the dictates of honour and confcience : and ail being ready for the happy Revolution that foon followed, he, with the Duke of Grafton, and many others of the Proteftant nobility, left the King, and went over to the Prince of Orange. King William and Queen Mary were no fooner on the throne, but he was created Earl of Marlborough ; the fame year he commanded the Englifli forces in b landers, and in 1690, was fent General of the forces to reduce Cork and Kinfale, which fervice he performed with great difpatch and conduct ; the next year he made a campaign under King William in Flanders, who, at length, in 1701, appointed him General of the foot, and Commander in Chief of the Englilh forces in Holland. In 1702, he commanded the army in Flanders, where he took feveral important places, and on his return to England was made Marquis of Bland- ford, and Duke of Marlborough. In 1704, he marched to the Danube, routed the French and Bavarian forces at Schellenbergh, and afterwards gave them a total defeat at Hochllet ; was made a Prince of the facred Roman em- pire; and, on his return to England had the honour and manor of Woodftock voted to him, and the next year fettled by aft of parliament with 5000L per annum out of the Poft- Office, to him and his heirs. In the year 1705, he marched to the Moflelle, returned to the Netherlands, raifed the I liege of Lifle, and forced the French lines. At the end of ' this campaign he made a tour to Vienna, where the Empe- DUKE of MARLBOROUGH. 69 ror made him a grant of the lordihip of Mindlehejm in. Suabia, formerly poiTetfed by Duke Maximillian, uncle to the Duke of Bavaria ; from which time he was diftinguifhed by the ftile and title of Prince of Mindleheim, and was after- wards inverted therein, and admitted by his plenipotentiary, Mr. Stepney, to lit and vote in the college of Princes. In 1706, he defeated the French and Bavarian forces at Ramillies, and gained the whole country of Brabant to the allies. In the year 1708, he with Prince Eugene, defeated the French and Spanilh army at Oudenarde, covered the fiege of LiAe, fuccoured Bruflels ; then belieged by the Duke of Bavaria, and retook Ghent and Bruges ; and in the year following, they gained a glorious victory at Malplaquet. In 1710, they took the cities of Douay, Bethune, St. Venant, and Aire. In 1711, the Duke forced the French lines, which they look- ed upon as impenetrable, and took Bouchain in light of the enemy, though 100,000 ftrong : notwithstanding all thefe fervices he was removed from all his employments, Dec. 31 f 171 1 5 but after the arrival of his Majefty King George I. his Grace w r as declared Captain General of all the forces. He married Sarah, daughter of Richard Jennings, of Sand- ridge in the county of Hertford, Efq, by whom he had iffue John, his only fori, born in 1690^ ftiled (after his father was made Duke) Marquis of Blandford, who died at Cambridge in 1703, alfo four daughters; Henrietta, married to Fran- cis Vifcount Rialton, late Earl of Godolphin, and her father dying June 16, ^722, without iflue male, his titles, except that of Lord Aymouth, defcended to the faid Henrietta, countefs of Godolphin, his tldeft daughter, who had two fons, William and Henry, the latter of which died young ; and three daughters. William, who was filled Vifcount Rialton, and after the death of his grandfather, was Marquis of Blandford, married April 25, 1729, Maria- Catharina, daughter of Peter Yong, a burgo- mailer of the province of Utrecht, and lifter to the Countefs of Denbigh, He died without tffue, Aug. 24, 1 7 3 1 , and Ihe married after his difceafe, to Sir William Wyndham, Bart, and this Lady lived till Sept. 1779, but died without iflue by either mar- riage ; and his mother dying Oct. 24, 1733, without iflue male, the titles devolved on Charles, eldeft furviving fon of Anne, 2d daughter of John Duke of Marlborough^ which Lady died April 15, 17 16, having married the Earl of Sun- derland as before-mentioned. The other daughters were Elizabeth married to Scroop, Earl, afterwards Duke of Bridgewater, ao# died March 22, i7i3-i4.~Mary, married F 3 to jo DUKE of MARLBOROUGH, to John Duke of Montagu, by whom he had two daughters, Ifabella, married i ft to William Montagu, fecond Duke of Manchefter, by whom fhe had no iffue; and 2dly, to Sir Ed- ward HufTey Montagu, Knight of the Bath, now Lord Beau- lieu, by whom me has iiTue. — Mary, married to George, Earl of Cardigan, who alfo takes the name of Montagu, and has fince been created Duke of Montagu. His late Grace, Charles the fon of Anne the 2d daughter, on the 23d of May, 1732, married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Lord Trevor, by whom he had ilTue, Diana, born the 4th of March, 1735; married in Sept. 1757, to the Lord Vifcount Bolingbroke, from whom me was divorced, having had iflue, and afterwards married to Topham Beauclerk, fon of Lord Sidney Beauclerk, by whom fhe was left a widow without, iflue, March n, 1760. — Elizabeth, born the 29th of De- cember, 1737, married to Henry Earl of Pembroke, March 23, 1756, and has iffue, — George, the prefent Duke. — Charles, born 31ft March, 1740, married 2d October, 1762, to Mary only daughter of Lord Vere, by whom he has ilfue, George, born July 6, 1763; Charles, Elizabeth and Ca- tharine* — Robert, born 8th May, 1747. On July 25, 1758, his Grace was appointed Commander in Chief of all the Britifh Forees that were intended to ferve on the Lower Rhine : and Aug. 29th following, General over all the Foot Forces, but his Grace dying at Munfter, in October the fame year, was fucceeded by his fori. (6th E, and 3d D.) George, the prefent Duke, Creations. ] Baron Churchill of Sandridge, in the county of Hertford, May 14, 1685. 1. Jac. II. Baron Spencer, of Wormleightoq, in the county of Warwick, July 21, 1603, 1. Jac. I. Earl of Marlborough, in the county of Wilts, April 9, 1689, 1. William and Mary. Earl of Sunderland, June 8, 1693, 19 Car. I. and Marquis of Blandford, in the county of Dorfet, and Duke of Marlbo- rough, Dec. 14, 1702, 1. Queen Anne. Arms,] Quarterly, ift and 4th quarterly, argent and gules % in the 2d and 3d a fret or ; over all on a bend fable, three efcallop fhells of the firft; for Spencer. Second and third, fable, a lion rampant, argent, in a canton of the fecond, the crofs of England : for Churchill. {Plate II.] Crest.] In a ducal coronet or, a Griphon's head betw r een two wings erecr, argent, gorged with a plain collar, gules % and beaked, of the fiat'. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a Griphon party per fefsj argent and or j on the Unifier a Wyvern, argent, their wings BUKE of RUTLAND, 71 wings expanded, each having a plain collar and chain, fable % and their collar charged with three efcallop fhells, as in the coat. Motto.] Bleu defend le Droh* God defends the Right. Chief Seats.] At Blenheim, in Qxfordfhire ; and at LangJey, in Bucks. MANNERS DUKE of RUTLAND. THE moft noble CHARLES MANNERS, Duke of RUTLAND, Marquis of Granby, Baron Roos, ot Hamlake, Truibut and Belvoir, Barcn Manners of Haddon, and Knight of the Garter, fucceeded his grandfather, who died May 29, 1779: His Grace was born March 15, T 7H» -and on Dec. 26, 1775, married ifabella Somerfet, only lifter to the prefent Duke of Beaufort, by whom he has hTue ; Ifa- bella, born Sept. 29, 1776.— John, Marquis of Granby, born Jan. 3, 1778. — Catharine-Mary, born April 29, 1779.-— A fon born Oct. 24, 1780, — Another fon born Dec. 21, 1781. Henry de Manners, in the 25th of Hen. IL paid eighty marks for livery of his fathers lands in Northumberland ; and from him defcended, Sir Robert de Manners, ofEthale, in the faid county ; who married Aliva, daughter and heir of Sir Henry Stra- ther, of Newton Glendal, and had iflue, Sir John de Manners, who by Alice, widow of William de YVitchoftoe, had one fon, Sir John de Manners, who married Joan, daughter of Sir Robert Ogle, and had hTue Sir Robert, his heir; John who is buried at St. Mary's church, Warwick; and Gilbert. Sir Robert the eldeft, married Eleanor, daughter of Tho- mas, and eldeft of the three lifters, and co-heirs to Edmund Lord Roos, lineally defcended from Robert Lord Roos, of of Hamlake, by Ifabel his wife, only child and heir to Wil- liam de Albini, Lord of Belvoir, who was defcended in a direct male line from Robert de Todeni, a noble Norman, the builder of Belvoir Caftle, in the reign of William the Conqueror, and by her had iiTue two fons, George and Edward ; and two daughters, Elizabeth, married to Sir Wil- liam Fairfax; and Cecily, to Thomas Fairfax, fons of Sir Guy Fairfax, Lord Chief Juftice of the Court of Common-Pleas. (iftL.) GeorgEt, his heir, who in right of his mother, was Lord Roos, in the 4th Henry VIII. accompanied thar Kingin the iieges of Theronenne and Tournay; but died f 4 tte s 72 DUKE of RUTLAND. t he next year. He married Anne, fole daughter and heir to Sir Thomas St. Leger, by Anne his wife, eldeft filler to King Edward IV. and widow of Henry Holland, Duke of Exeter; and by her had five fons, Thomas, Sir Oliver, Anthony, Sir Richard, and John ; and fix daughters ; Eliza- beth, married to Thomas Lord Sands, of the Vine, in Hampfhire. — Catharine, to Sir Robert Conftable, of Ever- ingham, in the county of York. — Eleanor, to John Bour- chier, Earl of Bath. — Cicily, died unmarried.— Margaret, married ifr, to Sir Henry Strangeways, sdiy, to Robert Heneage, Efq ; grandfather of Elizabeth, who was created Countefs of Winchelfea. — Anne, married to Sir Henry Capel, of Raynes, in Eflex. Of the Sons, Sir Richard married Margaret, daughter of Sir Robert Dimock, of Scrivaifby, in the county of Lincoln, widow of Richard Ver- non, Efq ; by whom fhe had Sir George Vernon, whofe fole daughter and heir Dorothy married Sir John Manners, fecond fon of Thomas Earl of Rutland ; but the faid Mar- garet had no ifTue by Sir Richard, who married ^diy, the widow of Sir William Coffyn, of Portledge, in the county of Devon, by whom he had one fon, John; and was fuc- ceeded by his eldefl fon, (2d L. ift E.) Thomas Lord Roos, who had fpecial livery of all the manors, catties, and lands defcended to him from the Lady Eleanor, his grandmother, and was on the 28th of June, 1525, created Earl of Rutland; and had thereupon an augmentation to his ancient arms, by reafon of his defcent from the filler of King Edward IV. He mar- ried ift, Elizabeth, daughter to Sir Robert Lovel, by whom he had no iflue ; 2dly, Eleanor, daughter to Sir William Paflon, by whom he had five fons and fix daughters, and died on the 20th of September, 1543- Of the daughters, Gertrude married George Talbot, the 6th Earl of Shrewf- bury. — Anne, to Henry Nevil, Earl of Westmorland.— ^Frances, to Henry Nevil, the 4th Lord Abergavenny* — Catharine, to Sir Henry Capel. — Elizabeth, to Sir John Savage. — Ifabella died young. And of the fons, which were Henry, Sir John, Roger, Sir Thomas, and Oliver, the latter died at twenty years of age; the 4th married Theodocia, daughter of Sir Thomas Newton, Knt. and left Charles his heir ; and two daughters ; Anne, married to William Vavafor, of Haflewood, in Yorkfhire, Efq ; by whom fhe had Sir Thomas Vavafor, created a Baronet the 4th Car. I. Sir John the 2d fon was feated at Wiverton, in the county of Nottingham, but taking to wife Dorothy, daughter and co-heir to Sir George Vernon, of Haddon, in DUKE of RUTLAND. 75 the county of Derby, Knt. before-mentioned, (who, for his magnificence and hofpitality, was called King of the Pe^k) he became poffefied of that manor ; of whom here- after, and (2d E.) Henry the eldeft, fucceeded his father, H« married jft Margaret, daughter to Ralph Nevil, Earl of Weftmorland, and had two fons, Edward and John ; and a daughter Elizabeth, who married Sir William Courtenay f of Powder ham, in the county of Devon. By his fecond wife, Bridget, daughter to John Lord Hufley, of bleford f in the county of Lincoln, and widow of Sir William M or* rifon, who (afterwards married Francis, EarT of Bedford,) he had no iflue. (3d E.) Edward the eldeft, on September 27, £$63, fucceeded his father ; he married Ifabel, daughter of Sir Thomas Holecraft, of Vale-Royal, in the county of Chefter, and had a daughter Elizabeth, who was married to Sir Wil- liam Cecil, Lord Burleigh, for* and heir to Thomas, Earl of Exeter, by whom fhe had William Cecil, Lord Roos ; but he died in Italy, in 1618, without iflue ; and the faid Edward dying on the 14th of April, 1587, without iflue male, (4th E.) John his brother, became heir, and died Fe- bruary 1, 1588, leaving iflue by Elizabeth daughter to Francis Charlton, of Appley, in the county of Salop, Efq ; nine fons and four daughters ; Bridget, Frances, Elizabeth and Mary ; of which the eldeft married Robert, of Kettleby, in the county of Lincoln, Efq ; the 2d, to William the third Lord Willoughby, of Parham; the 3d, to Emanuel Lord Scroop, of Bolton, and Earl of Sun* derland, but had no iflue; and Mary, died unmarriedf Of the fans, who were (5th E.) Roger, Francis, Sir George; and fix morc$ %vho died without iflue. The eldeft fucceeded his father ; and married Elizabeth, daughter and heir to the famous Sir Philip Sidney, but dying the 26th of June, 16 J 2, without Iflue, (6th E.) Francis his brother, became heir; as the title of Lord Roos, then enjoyed by Sir William Cecil before* mentioned, as idn and heir of Elizabeth, fole daughter and heir of Edward, 3d Earl of Rutland, who had that title by defcent from Eleanor, grandmother of Thomas, the firft Earl, could not juftly be enjoyed by himfeif, he procured a fpecial patent, bearing date 22d July, 1616, whereby in confideration that he was then pofleflfed of the land and barony of Hamlake, it was declared that he fhould there* fore be accepted and, called Lord Roo? ? of Hamlake; and |# DUKE of R U R L A N D. that hTs fon and heir ihould alfo enjoy the fame name and title 5 to whom alfo the title of Lord Roos, reverted, by the death of this Sir William Cecil, and afterwards of George, Duke of Buckingham, without ifTue. He married firft Frances, daughter and co-heir to Sir Henry Knevit, of Charieton, in Wilts, by whom he had one onty child Ca- tharine, married firft to George Villiers, Duke of Bucking- ham, whofe fon, George, Duke of Buckingham, claimed the title of Lord Roos, and was allowed it ; but dying with- out ifTue, it returned to the Rutland family as before-men- tioned ; and ^dly, to Randolph Mackdonnel, Earl of An- trim, in Ireland: by his fecond wife, Cicely, filler to Ni- cholas, the firft Earl of Thanet, and widow of Sir Edward Kungerford ; he had two fons, Henry and Francis, but they both died in their childhood ; and thefaid Earl Francis, dying. December 17, 1632, without iffue male, (7th E.) George, his next brother, fucceeded him in hts honour and eftate. He married Frances, daughter of Sir Edward Gary, fifter to Henry, the firft Vifcount Falk- land, and relid of Ralph Bafhe, of Stanfted, Hertford- fhire, Efq ; and died without iffue the 29th of March, 1 741. We now return to Sir John Manners, fecond fon of Thomas, the firft Earl, which Sir John marrying Do- rothy, daughter and co-heir to Sir George Vernon, as be- fore-mentioned, by her had Sir George Manners ; John, who died at the age of 14 years ; and Sir Roger who died unmarried ; and a daughter Grace, married to Sir Francis Fortefcne, of Salden, Bucks. Of the fons, the eldeft mar- ried Grace, fecond daughter to Sir Flenry Pierpoint, and fifter to Robert, Earl of Kingfton, by whom he had John his heir; Henry, and Roger, who both died young; and five daughters ; Elizabeth, married Robert Sutton, after- wards Lord Lexington.— Eleanor, to Lewis Watfon, Lord Rockingham. — Frances, to Nicholas Saunderfon, Vifcount Caftleton. — Dorothy, to Sir Thomas Lake, of Stan more, Middlefex. — Mary, to Sir Sackville Crow. Their father dying in April 1623, was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (8th E.) John, who fucceeded George, Earl of Rutland, married Frances, daughter to Edward Lord Montagu, of Bough-ton, and had four fons, George, Edward and Roger, who all died young; John, the third fon and heir ; -and /even daughters ; of which Frances, married John Cecil, the 4th Earl of Exeter. — Grace to Patrick Vifcount Cha- worth, in .Ireland ; and ^dly, to Sir William Langhorn, of Charlton, in Kent. Bart. — Dorothy, to Anthony, the fecond Earl of Shaftefbury«~Elizabeth, to James the fecond Earl DUKE of RUTLAND. j$ of Anglefea. — Margaret, to James* Cecil, the third Earl of Salifbury. — Anne, to Scroop Vifcount How, in Ireland. — Mary, who died young. (9th E> and ift D.) John, who was heir to the 8th Earl, was fummoned to Parliament by writ, April 29, 1679, by the title of John Lord Manners, of Haddon ; but his father dying on the 29th of September the fame year, he became the 9th Earl. He was by Queen Anne, on the 9th of March, 1703, created Marquis of Granby and Duke of Rutland, He married firfl, Anne Pierpoint, elded daughter to Henry, Marquis of Dorchefter ; but was divorced from her by fen- teilce of the fpiritual Court, her iflue difabled by Act of Parliament, to inherit any of his lands or honours, and he alfo enabled to marry again. His fecond wife was Diana, daughter to Robert, Earl of Ailefbury, and widow of Sir Seymour Shirley, of Stanton-Harold, in the county of Leicefler, and had no iflue by her, except a fon, who died the fame day he was born, and of whom me died in child- bed. He, on the 8th of January, 1673, took to his third wife Catharine, daughter to Baptifl Noel, Vifcount Camp- den ; and by her,, who died January 24, 1733, had two fons, and two daughters. — Catharine, married John Lord. Gower. — Dorothy, to Baptift Noel, Earl of Gainiborough. And of the fons, which were (2d D.) John, born in 1676, and Thomas-Baptift ; the latter died the 29th of June, 1705, unmarried; and the eldeft, fucceeding his father on the 10th of January, 171 1, was the fecond Duke. He married firfl Catharine, fecond daughter to William Lord Ruflel, who was beheaded in 1683, and filler to Wriothefly Duke of Bedford; and by her, (who died the 31ft of October, 171 1) had five fons and four daughters; John, the late Duke. — William, born Nov. 13, 1697, died May 23, 1772. — Thomas, who died unmar- ried, 1723. — Edward, who died young in 1693. — Catharine, married Gel:. 17, 1726, to Henry Pelham, Efq; brother to the Duke of Newcaflle, by whom me had the late Duchefs of Newcaflle; and other children, and died in 1780,— Rachel, who died, 1721, unmarried. — Frances, married in 1732, to Richard Arundel, Efq; 2d fon to John, Lord Arundel of Trerice, and died without iflue in 1769. — Eli- zabeth, married to John Monkton, Vifcount Gaiway, of the Kingdom of Ireland ; and died March 22, 1739, leav- ing iflue. — Wriothefly, died an infant. His Grace married January 1, 171 3, to his fecond wife,. Lucy, filler to Bennet Sherraid, late Earl of Harborough, by whom he had iflue, £Jxerrard who died unmarried 17 4,2 ♦—Robert, a General in f6 D UKE of RUTLAND. the Army; who married January i, 1756, Mifs Mary Digged, by whom he has had 1. Robert. 2. John-James, born Jan. 11, 1762. 3. George, born Nov. 12, 1763. 4. Mary, born Nov. 20, 1756, married Jan 31, 1771, Nefbit, Efq ; of Dirieton in Scotland, and has ifTue. 5. Lucy, born Jan. 2, 1758. — Henry, who died in 1745. — Charles, died December 5, 1 761 .— James, and George, who both died young. — Carolina, married firft, in 1734, to Sir Henry Harpur, Bart, idly July 18, 1753, to Sir Robert Burdett, Bart, and died Nov. to, 1769. — Lucy, born April 19, 171 7, and married in 1742, to William Graham, Duke of Montrofe. His Grace dying February 22, 1721, was fucceeded by his fon, (3d D.) John, the late Duke, who died May 29, 1779, and was fucceeded by his grandfon. His Grace was born Ocl« 21, 1696 ; and on Augul't 27, 1717, married Bridget, only daughter and heir of Robert Sutton Lord Lexington, by whom, who died in 1734, he had ifTue five fons and fix daughters, all of whom died young, except John, late Marquis of Granby, born January 2, 1721, died October 18, 1770, in the life-time of his father; married, Sept. 3, 1750, Frances Seymour, eldeft daughter of Charles, late Duke of Somcrfet, aunt to the Duchefs of Northumberland; by which Lady, who died January 25, 1760, he had ifTue, John Lord Roos, born Auguft 22, 175 1, died June 3, iVqoi — Charles, now Duke of Rutland. — Frances, born March 24, 1753, married July 9, 1772, to George, Earl of Tyrconnel, from whom (lie was divorced in 1777, and inarried 2dly Oct. 28, 1777, Hon, Philip Anftruther, 2d fon of Jane Baronefs Newark of Scotland, by Sir Alexander Anilruther, Bart. — Catharine, born 1756, died young. — - Robert, born February 6, 1758, died 1 782.— Robert Sutton, born February 2, 1722 ; died November 27, 1762, unmar- ried. — George Sutton, born March 8, 1723, who took the name of Sutton after the death of his brother Robert, and died Jan. 7, 1782. He married December, 1749, to Diana, daughter of Thomas Chaplain, of Blankley, in the county of Lancafter, Efq; by which Lady, who died May 13, 1767, he had ifTue, i. George, born Auguft 1, 1 7 5 1 . 2. John, born July 12, 1752, now in the Army, married April, 1778, Mifs Manners, by whom he has ifTue. 3, Robert, born Jan. 5> I 7S4> * n t ^ le Navy. 4. Charles, born February 17, 1755, married May, 1778, Mifs Thornton, and has ifTue. 5. Diana, married in 1778. Thomas Dickens, Efq. 6. Har- riot died an infant. 7. Louifa Bridget, born 1 761, mar- ried, and has ifTue. 8. William, died an infant. 9. Thomas, born DUKE of ANC ASTER, 77 born Feb. 24, 1756. 10. Francis, born in 1763, in the Army, 11. Charlotte, born in 1764. 12. Mary, bom in 1766. Hi* Lordfhip married id\y 9 Feb. 5, 1768, Mifs Mary Peart, by whom he has a daughter, born Aug. 4, 1770. (4th Duke.) Charles, the prefent Duke. Creations.] Baron Roos, &c. Nov. 12, 1515* Earl of Rutland, June 18, 1525. Marquis of Granby, and Duke of Rutland, March 29, 1703. Arms.] Or, two bars, azure, a chief, quarterly of the fecond, and gules, the firft charged with two fleurs de lis, ot the frjl, and the laft with a lion of the fame, which chief was anciently gules, and the charge thereon is an honorary augmentation, mewing his defcent from the blood royal oi King Edward IV. [Plate III.] Crest.] On a chapeau, gules, turned up with ermine, a peacock in pride, proper. Supporters.] Two unicorns, argent; their horns, crefts f tufts, and hoofs, or. Motto.] Poury parvenlr. In order to accomplifli it. Chief Seats.] At Haddon-Hall in Derbyfhire \ Belvolr CaftJe, in Lincolnftiirc. HAMILTON, DUKE of BRANDON. THE moft noble DOUGLAS HAMILTON, Duke of BRANDON and HAMILTON, Marquis of Hamilton and Baron of Dutton. See the Duke of Hamilton in the Peerage of $Q?t* land. BERTIE, DUKE of ANCASTER, THE moft noble BROWNLOW BERTIE, Dub of ANC ASTER and KESTEVEN, Marquis and Earl of Lindfey fucceeded his nephew Robert, the late Duke, July 8, 1779. He married firft, Henrietta, daughter and heirefs of George Morton Pitt, Efq; of Twickenham ; but by her, who died April 23, 1763, he had no ifTue. He married idly, Jan. 2, 1769, Mary-Anne, daughter of Major Layard, and has iflue one daughter, $tary Elizabeth, bom July 24, 1 771. ;8 DUKE of ANCASTER, This family is faid to have come into England with the Saxons, from a place called Bertiland, on the borders of Pruflia ; and of it was Leopold de Bertie, who in the reign of King Etheldred, Was owner in a town in Kent, called Berfted, fo named from himfelf ; but he having a quarrel with the Monks of Canterbury about their tythe (wherein his eldeft fon was Trilled) he complained to the King in hopes of redrefs, which Alphegus, the Archbifhop preventing, he folicited Suene, King of Denmark, to invade the realm, and affifting him therein, he befieged and took Canterbury, making prifoner the Archbifhop, &c. And the death of his fon was re- venged, in the year 1014, by murdering every tenth Monk in the Abbey,- but Etheldred afterwards prevailing over the Danes, Barbachins, the only fon of Leopold, was for- ced to fly to Robert, King of France, for fancluary, where his pofterity remained till the year 11 54, when Philip de Bertie coming over with King Henry IT. that King, for his valour, reftored him to his ancient patrimony of Berfled. He had iffiie Martin, father of Robert ; whofe fon William, had iflue Edward, father of Jerome, who, hearing a Monk exclaiming at church againft the murder committed by his anceftor, ruihed in upon him and flew him; for which rafli acr. he was excom- municated by the Archbifhop ; but going to Rome, he there obtained abfolution, and afterwards became a great benefactor to that church ; to him fucceeded Robert, father of another Robert, who by a daughter of Pepper, hadillue Thomas Bertie, Efq ; who, by a daughter of Say^ of the county of Salop, had a fon Richard, who married Catharine, only daughter and heir to William, the laft Lord Willoughby of Erefby, elder brother to Chriftopher, father of William, the firft Lord Willoughby of Parham, and Widow of Charles Brandon, puke of Suffolk, but this great Duchefs being moft zealous for the Reformation, drew both herfelf and her hufband into danger, fo that they were forced to fly beyond fea, fet- tling in Poland till the death of the queen. During the time of their travels, this lady had a fon, whom by reafon cf hi? being born abroad, was chriilened Peregrine; and had alfo a daughter Suiannah, married to Reginald Grey, Earl *>f Kent, and afterwards to Sir John W 7 ingfield, Knt. This (ift L.) "Peregrine, in the parliament of the ifl of Elizabeth, 1559, was made free Denizen 1 and upon the death DUKE op ANC ASTER, 79 death of Catharine his mother, in 1580, claiming the dig- nity of Lord Willonghby of Erefby, was admitted to take his feat in parliament the 16th of January following. He married Mary, daughter to John Vere, Earl of Oxford, by Margaret his fecond wife, and lifter and heir of the Half Blood to Earl Edward; and dying in 1601, left five fons, and a daughter Catharine, married to Sir Lewis Wat- ion, afterwards Lord Rockingham,* and of the fons, which were Robert, Peregrine, Henry, Vere, and Roger; the eideft fucceeded his father. This (2d L. ift E.) Robert, in the ift of James I. making his claim to the Earldom of Oxford, as alfo, to the title of Lord Bulbeck, Standford, and Badlefmere, and to the office of Lord High Chamberlain of England, as fon and heir to Mary, fole daughter cf the great family of Vere, after much difpute, had judgment in his behalf, for the office of Lord High Chamberlain; and the fame year took his feat above all the barons. In the 2d of Charles I. he was advanced to the dignity of Earl of Lindfey ; and on Auguft 22, 1642, being chofen General of the King's for- ces at the breaking out of the Civil War, he on the 23d of October following, received his death-wound at the battle of Edge-hill. He married Elizabeth, only child of Edward, the firit Lord Montagu of Boughton, by his firft wife; and by her, who died November 30, 1654, had nine fons ; of which Montagu and Roger were made Knights of the Bath, and the latter was married to Urfula, daughter and heir of Sir Edward Lawley, and left a fon Robert, who died without ilfue. — Robert, 3d fon, died in 1608. — Sir Peregrine, 4th fon, married the daughter and coheir of Mr. Daniel Harvey, and left ifTiie Elizabeth, his only daughter and heir, married to William Lord Widringtom — Francis, ^th fon, was killed in the King's fervice in Ireland, in 1641." — Robert, 6th fon, born January 1, 161 9, firfl married Alice, daughter of Richard Barnard, Efq; 2dly, Elizabeth, 2d daughter of Sir John Bennet ; and 3dly, Mary, daughter to Robert Halfey, Efq ; and relict of John Crofbie, Efq.»— Henry, 7th fon, loft his life in the King's fervice at the battle of New berr)'.— Vere, 8th fon, died unmarried. — Edward, 9th fon, born October 17, 1624, died December 25, 1686. And having alfo five daughters; Catherine was married to Sir William Fafton, Bart.— Elizabeth, to Sir Miles Stapylton, Knt. — Anne, died unmarried, — Sophia was married to Sir Richard Chaworth, who was beheaded j and afterwards to Sir Abraham Ship- man, Knt, (2d E.) \ to DUKE of ANCASTER, (2d E.) Sir Montagu, his eldeft fon, married ift Mar- tha, 3d daughter to Sir William Cockain, of London, Kt. and Alderman, and filter to Charles, the ift Vifc. Cullen of the Kingdom of Ireland, widow of John Ramfey, Earl of Holdernefs, and by her had five fons and three daughters. And by his 2d, who was Bridget, daughter and foleheir to Edward Wray, Efq; by Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir to Francis Lord Norris, Earl of Berk(hire; he had two fons and a daughter Mary, who was married to Charles Dormer, Earl of Caernarvon : And of the fons by the 2d Wife, which were James and Henry, The latter married Phi- ladelphia, daughter to Sir Edward Norris, by whom me had ifTue two fons and three daughters ; of which James the eldeft married Elizabeth, daughter of Roger Harris, of Winchefter, Efq; by whom he left iflue one fon, Norris Bertie, Efq ; Charles-Montague Bertie, the 2d fon, was late Rector of Uffington, in the county of Lincoln. Of the daughters of the Earl, Eleanor and Anne died un- married ; and Catharine married Francis Clark, Efq. who left iflue one fon, Francis * and the faid Henry married to his 2d wife, a lifter of Sir Henry Fetherftone, Bart, by whom he left no iflue ; and died at Chefterton in Oxford- fhire, in December, 1734. — James, the eldeft fon by the 2d wife, who was Lord Norris, by defcent, in right Of his mother, was created Earl of ABINGTON. Of the daughters by his ift wife, which were Elizabeth, Bridget, and Catharine, the eldeft married Baptift Noel, Vifc. Campden ; the 2d to Sir Thomas Ofborne, Kt. afterwards Buke of Leeds ; and the youngeft to Robert Dormer, Efq. Of the fons by the ift wife, which were Robert, Peregrine, Richard, Vere, and Charles; The latter mar- ried Mary, daughter to Peter Tryon ; widow of Sir Sa- muel Jones, and by her had two ions and two daughters; of which Elizabeth, the eldeft, was married to Charles Mildmay, Lord Fitz-Walter ; but Maria died young, as did Thomas the eldeft fon ; but Charles married Mary, daughter and heir to John Norborne, Efq; and had ifTue one daughter Sufanna, married to Edward Hales, Efq ; brother to Sir Chriftopher Hales, Bart, and three fons, ift Charles* married Bethfheba daughter of Dr. Mead, by whom he had iflue five fons, Charles, Richard, James, Montagu, and Vere. 2. Peregrine, 2d fon, married Eliza- beth, daughter of Edward Payne, and had a fon Peregrine, born in 1739. 3. Norborne, 3d fon, was Reclor of Weft- Deeping, in the, county of Lincoln. — Vere, 4th fon of Montagu, DUKE of ANCASTER. 81 Montagu, Earl of Lindfey, died unmarried, as did Richard the 3d ion ; but Peregrine, the 2d ion of the Eail of Lind- iey, marrying Sufan, daughter to Sir Edward Monins, Bart, had two daughters, Bridget, wife of John Eari Pow- lett ; and Mary, who was married to Anthony Henly, Efqj and afterwards to Henry Bertie, Eiq; 3d ion of James, the 1 ft Earl of Abingdon. To Montagu, the 2d Earl, who died July 25, 1665, fucceeded (3d E.) Robert, his eldeft fort; who marrying Mary, 2d daughter and coheir to John Maffingbred, of London, Merchant, by her had one daughter Arabella, who mar- ried Thomas Savage, Earl Rivers; but taking to his 2d wife, Elizabeth, daughter to Philip Lord Wharton, by her had five fons ; and by his 3d wife, who was Elizabeth, daughter and fole heir to Thomas Pope, Eari of Downe, in Ireland, and mother of the ift Earl of Litchfield, he had one fon and one daughter, Charles and Elizabeth, who both died unmarried. Of the five fons by the fecond wife, which were Robert, Peregrine, Philip, Norris, and Al- bemarle; the latter died in January 1741-2. — Norris died unmarried. — Philip died unmarried, April 15, 1728. — Peregrine died without ifTue, July 10, 171 1. (iftD.) Robert, the eldeft fon, on the 8th of May, 1701, fucceeded his father. He was in 1690, called up by writ to the Houfe of Peers, as Lord Willoughby, of Ereiby. On the 29th of December, 1706, he was created Marquis of Lindfey ; and on the 29th of July, 1717, created Duke of Ancafter and Kefteven. He married ift. Mary, daughter to Sir Richard Wynne, by whom he had iflue, Robert, who died unmarried. — Peregrine, his fuc- ceflbr. — Elizabeth.— Eleanor. — Mary died unmarried. He married fecondly Albina, daughter of William Farringdon, Efq; of Chifiehurft in Kent, by whom ( who married fecondly James Douglas, Efq; and died July 29, 1745) he had iflue, Vere, who died September 13, 1768, hav- ing married Mifs Anne Cafey, and left iflue two daughters, Albina, married to George Hobart, Efq; brother to the Earl of Buckinghamshire ; and Louifa, married April 19, 1778, to Charles Stuart, Efq; 4th fon of John Earl of Bute. — Montagu, who married Anne, daughter of Willi im Piers, Efq; flie died 1782. He died Decembers, 1753, leav- ing two daughters, Augufta, married to John late Earl of Weftmorland and died in 1766; and Frances. — Robert, bora November 14, 1741, married April 3, 1762, Mary, daughter of Montagu, late Vifcount Blundell, and widow G of $2 DUKE of ANCASTE R* of Robert, late Lord Raymond, and died 1771. — Thomas, died July 21, 1749. — Louifa, married in 1736, to Thomas Bludworth, Efq; and is fince dead, (2d D.) Peregrine, was born April 29, 1686, and on March 16, 1 7 1 5, was fummoned by writ to the Houfe of Peers, by the title of Lord Wiiloughby, of Erefby, and on July 26, 1723, fucceeded his father. His Grace married Jane, daughter and coheir to Sir John Brownlow, of Belton, in the county of Linclon, Bart, and by her, who died in September 1756, had five Ions and live daughters, Robert and George, who died infants. — Peregrine, his fuc- ceflb?, the third Duke.— Albemarle.— Brownlow, the pre- fent Duke. His daughters were, Mary, married to Samuel Greathead, Efq; and died April 1 ' 74, leaving ifllie. — Albina, married to John Beckford, Etq; on March 8, 1744; and died without ilfue in March 1754. — Jane, mar- ried to Major • Matthews, and has iffue.— Carolina,- mar- ried March 31, 1753, to George Dewar, Efq; and died June 13, 1774? leaving iffue. — Anne, who died in Auguft, 173 c;. His Grace dying the ift of January, 1 742, was fuc- ceeded by his eldeft fon, (3d D.) Peregrine, married flrft, May 22, T735, Eli? zabeth, Daughter and fole Heirefs of William Blundell, Efq; ©f Bafingftoke in Hamplhire, and Widow of Sir Charles Gunter Nichol, Knight of the Bath, by which Lady, who died December, 1743, he had no ifliie. He married fecqndly November 27, 1750, Mary, Daughter of Thomas Panton, Efq; of Newmarket, by whom he had iffue. — Peregrine-Thomas, born May 21, 1758, and died December 12, 1758.— Robert the late Duke. — Mary. — Ca- tharine, born April 15, 1754, died unmarried April 1, 1767. — Priciiia-Barbara-Eiizabeth, the prefent Baronefs D'ErfJby. — Georgian a-Charlotte, born Auguft 7, 1764, married May 25, 1779, Earl Percy, and has ifliie. — A fon -who died before baptifrn; September 1759. His Grace died Auguft 12, 1778, and was fucceeded by his only fon, (4th Duke.) Robert, late Duke, born November 4, 1756, and dying fuddenly July 8, 1779, unmarried, was fucceeded in the Barony of D'Erefby by his eldeft Sifter, the prefent Baronefs, (whofe hirfband, Sir Peter Burrel, Knight, in her right officiates as Lord Great Chamberlain of England) and in his other honours by his uncle, (5th Duke.) Br-wmlow, the prefent Duke Creations.] Earl of Lindfey, November 22, 1626, l^arcruisj December 2 1 9 1706, and Dujse, June 29, i7 x S* Armso DUKE of PORTLAND. 83 Arms.] Argent, three battering rams, barways, armed and garnifhed, azure* [Plate III.] Crest.] On a wreath, the buft of a King (named Bar- bicon) couped at the breaft, proper, crowned ducally, or, being the crcft of the Barons Wiiloughby. Their creft, as Bertie, is a pine-tree, proper. Supporters,] On the dexter fide, a pilgrim, or fry a r, vefted in rufiet, with his ftaff and pater-nofter, or* On the finifter, a favage wreathed about the temples and middle, with ivy, all proper* Motto.] Lay alt i me ollige. Loyalty binds me. Chief Seats.] At Grimfthorpe, in the county of Lin- ; coin. BENTINCK, DUKE of PORTLAND. THE moft noble WILLIAM-HENRY-CAVENDlSHE BENTINCK, Duke of PORTLAND, Marquis of Tichfield, Vifcount Woodflock, and Baron of Cirencefter, born April 14, 1738, fucceeded his father William, May 1, 1762, and married, November 8, 1766, Dorothy, lifter to the Duke of Devonfhire, by whom he has iflue, William-Henry-Cavendifhe, Marquis of Tichfield, born June 24, 1768. — /Two fons, who died infants. — William-Henry- Cavendifhe, born Sept. 14, 1774. — Charlotte, born Oft. 3, 1775. — Mary, born 1778. — William-Charles-Auguftus-Ca- vendilhe, born in May 1780. — William-Frederick-Oaven- difne, born Nov. 2, 1781. This Duke is defcended from a very ancient and noble family in the United Provinces of Holland, of which was (ift B. and E.) William Bentinck, who in his youth, was Page of Honour to William, Prince of Orange. In 1677, he was fent into England, by that Prince, to foli- cit a match with Mary, eldeft daughter to James, then Duke of York ; and on the 4th of November enfuing, they being married, the faid Mr. Bentinck, was on their Majefties acceflion, made Groom of the Stole, and Privy Purfe to his Royal Mafter, a Lieut. General of his Majefty's Army, Colonel and Captain of a Regiment of Dutch Horfe, one of his Privy Council, Gentleman of the Horfe, Baron of Cirencefter, Vifc. Woodftock, and Earl of Port- land. And the next year, being appointed his Majefty's Ambaflador Extraordinary to the Court of France, he G z fillecf 84 DUKE of PORTLAND. filled that employment with equal honour to the King, and the Britilh Nation, and o.utfhone the magnificence and pomp of all the moil fplendid embaffies ever beheld at that Court, and was one of the moil celebrated Statefmen of his time* He married x £t Anne, filter to Edward, Earl of Jerfey, by whom he had hTue three fons and five daugh- ters, viz. William, who died in his infancy. — Henry, fecond fon, afterwards Duke of Portland. — Alfo another William, who died young in Holland.— Mary, eldeft daughter, mar- ried to Algernon, Earl of ElTex, and after his deceafe to Sir Conyers D'arey, only brother to Robert, late Earl of Holdernefs.— Anna-Margaretta, fecond daughter, married to Monfieur Duyvenvorde, one of the principal nobles of Holland. — Frances-Williamina, third daughter, married to William Lord Byron, and died March 31, 1 712.— Eleanora, fourth daughter, died unmarried.— Ifabella, youngeft daugh- ter, married to Evelyn Pierepoint, Duke of Kingfton, and died on February 23, 1728. His Lordfhip, on May 16, 1700, married his fecond wife, Jane, fixth daughter of Sir John Temple, of Eaft-Sheen, in the county of Surry, Bart, lifter to Henry Lord Vifcount Palmerfton, and widow of John Lord Berkeley, of S«.ratton ; and by her, (who died March 26, 1 751) had two fons and four daughters. Wil- liam, one of the nobles of Holland. — Charles-John, an officer in the army of the States-General, w r ho died Feb. 1779. — Sophia, married March 24, 1739, to His Grace Henry de Grey, late Duke of Kent. — Elizabeth, married to* Dr. Henry Egerton, Biiliop of Durham, brother to Scroop^ Duke of Bridgewater, and died 1780. — Harriot, married to James Hamilton, late Earl of ClanbrafTii, in the kingdom of Ireland. — Barbara, married to William, now Lord Go- dolphin, and died April 15, 1756; and the Earl dying on November 23, 1709, in the 62d year of his age, was f 11 ex- ceeded by Henry his fon, by Anne, his ift wife : which (ift D.) Henry was created Marquis and Duke, and made Captain-General and Governor in Chief of the Ifland of Jamaica, where he died (at St. Jago) July 4, 1726, in the 45th year of his age. He married on the 9th of June, 1704, Elizabeth Noel, eldeft daughter and co-heir to Wri- othefley-Baptift, Earl of Gainfborough, and by her, who died in March, 1737, had William late Duke of Portland, ~George, a Colonel of Foot, born December 1715, and died March 2, 17C9. — Anne, married to Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Paul, died in Jan. 1749. — Ifabella, married Nov. 8, 1739, to Henry Monk, Efq; of Ireland, and diedFeb. 1783. — Amelia, DUKE of MANCHESTER. 8$ Amelia, married to Jacob Arran Van Waflenar, one of the nobles of Holland, died in January, 1756. (2d D.) William, the late Duke, was born in March, 1709, fucceeded his father Henry, July 4, 1726, and mar- ried July 11, 1734, Margaret-Cavendiflie-Harley, only daugh- ter and heirefs of Edward, Earl of Oxford, and Mortimer, by whom he had iflue ; Elizabeth, born June 27, 1735, married May 22, 1759, Thomas, the prefent Vifcount Weymouth, andhas iflue. — Henrietta, born March 6, 1736, marriedMay 28, 1763, to Lord Grey, now Earl of Stamford, andhas iflue. — William -Henry-Cavendiirie, the prefent Duke, — Margaret, born July 26, 1739, who died unmarried, April 28, 1756. — Frances, born April 9, 1741, who died in March, 1742. — Edward-Charles, born March 3, 1744, married Dec. 28, 1782, Mifs Cumberland, eldeft daughter of Richard Cumberland, Efq. And his Grace dying May 1, 1762, was fucceeded by (3d D.) Willjam-Henry-Cavendishe, the prefent Duke. Creations.] Baron of Cirencefter, Vifc, Woodftock, and Earl of Portland, April 9, 1689, 1. W. and M. and Marquis of Tichfield, and Duke of Portland, July 6, 1716, 2. Geo. 1. Arms.] Azure, a crofs moline, argent. [Plate IV.] Crest.] Out of a Marquis's coronet, proper, two arms counter, embowed and vefttd, gules; gloved, or; and hold- ing each an Oftrich-feather, argent. Supporters.] Two lions double quevee; the dexter, proper ; the other, fable. Motto.] Craignez honte. Fear Difgrace. Chief Seats.] At Bulftrode in Buckinghamshire, and Welbeck in Nottinghamfliire. MONTAGU, DUKE of MANCHESTER. THE moft noble GEORGE MONTAGU, Duke and Earl of MANCHESTER, Vifcount Mandeville, Baron Montagu of Kimbolton, born April 6, 1737, fucceeded his father Robert, May to, 1762; he married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Dafliwood, of Kirtlington in Oxford- fhire, Bart. Ocl # 23, 1762, by whom he has had iflue ; George, Vifcount Mandeville, born November 11, 1763, and 86 DU&E of MANCHESTER. ^nd died Feb. 23, 1772. — 'William, Vifcount Mandevilfe, born March 3, 1768. — George-James, born in Aug* 1769^ died May 17, 1770. — Frederick, born Nov. 8, 1774. — Caroline-Maria, born Aug, 10, 1770. — Anne-Maria, born O&. 30, 1777. The firft of this noble family, (who took their furname from a fharp-pointed mountain, in Latin, de Monte acuto, in the county of Somerfet) was Drogo de Montagu, whofe Arms were, azure, a Griphon fegreiant, or. To him fucceeded William de Montagu^ and to him Richard, who was fucceeded by Drogo, and Drogo by William; and he by another William, who all bore the Arms as above ; but Simon, the fon of the laft William, and Berta his wife, changed them to argent, three funis in fefs, gules ; and having married Aufricia* daughter to Fergufius, King of the Ifle of Man, defcended from Orry, King of Denmark, had two fons, William and Simon, whereof the eldeft married Eliza- beth, daughter of Peter de Mont fort, of Beaudefert, in the county of Warwick, and had four fons, John who died before his father ; William, heir to his father; Simon, Bifhop, firft of Worcefter, and afterwards of Ely, who be- gan building the beautiful chapel on the North fide of that cathedral, and bellowed great fums thereon, but his death prevented his finifhing it. Sir Edward, 4th fon, was Go- vernor of the caftle of Werk, under his brother, the Earl of Salifbury, which caftle endured a memorable liege the 15th of Edw. III. which gave rife to the ftory of the King's falling in love with the Countefs of Salifbury, and to the eftablifliment of the Order of the Garter. This Sir Edward, who was a Knight Banneret, had fummons to Parliament among the Barons, and having married Alice, daughter and coheir to Thomas Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, 5th Son of K. Ed. I. had ifTue an only daughter Joan, married to William de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk. William, his eldeft furviving brother fucceeded his fa- ther, and was created Earl of Salifburv, 11 Ed. III. He was alfo King of the Hie of Man, and died January 30, 1344. He married Catharine, daughter of William, and fifter and heir to Otho, Lord Grandifon, by Sibylla, daughter and heir of John de Tregoz, a great Baron, by whom he had ifTue two fons, William and John ; and four daughters ; Sibylla, married to Edmund, fon to Edmund, Earl of Arundel ? Philippa, to Roger Mortimer, Earl of March> Elizabeth, to Giles, Lord Badlefmere ; and Ag- nes DUKE of MANCHESTER. $7 hes to Jchn de Grey, fon and heir of Roger Lord Grey, of DdTrencloyr. William the eldeft* who fucceeded his Father as Earl of Salifbury, contracted marriage with Joan, called the Fair Maid of Kent, daughter to Edmund Plantagenet, Earl of Kent; 3d fon of King Edw. L but Sir Thomas Holland alledging, in his petition to Pope Clement VI. a prior con- tract from her with him, and that the Earl unjuftly withheld her from him ; the Pope gave judgment againft the Earl, who thereupon married Elizabeth, daughter and afterwards co- heir to John Lord Mohun ; and by her had a fon William, who was unfortunately ilain at Windfor, 6 Rich. II. by his Own hand in a tilting ; and the Earl his father dying 3d of Tune, 20 Rich. II. we return to Sir John his brother, who married Margaret, daughter and heir of Fir Thomas Monthermer, Lord Monthermer, by Joan, of Acres, daughter of K. Edw. I. in whofe right he had fummons to Parliament from 31ft Edw. to 13 Rich,. II. when he died. He had iflue four ions, John his heir ; Thomas, Dean of Salifbury ; Richard, and Simon, anceilou to the late Duke of MONTAGU 5 and three daughters, Sibyl, Catharine, and Margaret. Sir John the eldeft fon, fucceeded his fon in the Earldom of Salifbury; and in the ift Hen. IV. was beheaded at Ciren- celter on January 5. He married Maud, daughter to Sir Adam Francis, widow firft of John Aubrey, and 2dly of Sir Allan Boxhull, Knight of the Garter, by whom he had Tho- mas his heir; Richard, who died without iflue ; alfo three daughters; Anne, married ift to Sir Richard Hankford, Kt. by whom Hie had a daughter, married to Thomas But- ler, Earl of Ormond ; 2dly, to Sir John Fitz-Lewis, Kt. 3dly, to John Holland, Earl of Huntingdon, and Duke of Exeter; Mary, 2d daughter, married William Lord Fer- rers, of Groby ; and Elizabeth, 3d daughter to Robert Lord Willoughby of Erefby. Thomas, who fucceeded his father as Earl of Salifbury, married Alianore, 4th daughter to Thomas, and lifter to Edmund, Earl of Kent, and was killed at the fiege of Or- leans the 6th of Henry VI. leaving an only daughter Alice, who was coufttefs of Salifbury. She married Sir Richard Nevil, who in her right became Earl of Salifbury, and by her had two fons, John and Richard* John became Marquis of Montagu, and married Ifabella, daughter to Sir Edmund Inglethorp, but was (lain at Barnet, and died without iflue, To him fucceeded Richard his brother, who G 4 aifo 88 DUKE of MANCHESTER, aifo was Earl of Salifbury and Warwick, and was called the Great Earl of Warwick ; he married Anne, daughter to Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, but was likewlfe fiain at Barnet, and died without hTue alfo. Having done with this line, we now return to Simon Montagu before-mentioned, who married Eliza* beth, daughter and heir of William Boughton, of Boughton, in the county of Northampton, and had Thomas his heir, who married Chriilian daughter to Thomas Baffet, and had John his heir, who married Alice, daughter to William Holcot, by whom he had William Montagu, who married Margaret, daughter to Chriftopher Bouling, and had Richard Montagu, who married Agnes, daughter to William Snelling, and had Thomas, who married Agnes, daughter to William Dud- ley, Efq; by whom he had John, who died without iflue, and Edward, who in 1539, was made Lord Chief Juftice of England, and died in 1556. He married ill Elizabeth, daughter of William Lane, Efq; and had three fons, Ralph, Thomas, and Robert, who all died young ; and three daughters, Dowfe, married to Sir Edward Watfon, anceflor of the late Marquis of Rockingham.— Anne, to John Roufe, Efq. — Amey to George Lynce, Efq. His zd wife was daughter of George Kirkham, Efq; by whom he had rto iflue ; but by his third, who was Eleanor daughter of John Roper, Efq; anceftor of the Lord Teynham, he had five fons and fix daughters ; Elizabeth, married ift to Richard Cave, Efq; fon of Sir Thomas Cave ; and zdly, to William Markham, Efq. — Eleanor, to George Tyrrell, Efq. — liabella, to Brian Lafcelles.— Mary, to William Watts, Efq, — Margaret, to Robert Wood, Efq. — Agnes, to John Lane, Efq. Of the fons, which were Sir Edward, Roger, Simon, Thomas, and William, Sir Edward, the eldefr, fucceeded his father; he died January 26, 1602. By Elizabeth, eldefl: daughter to Sir James Harrington, he had eight fons and four daughters ; Lucy married Sir William Wray. — Sufan, to Sir Richard Sondes. — Elizabeth, died young. — Theodofia, was married to Sir Henry Capel, from whom the Earl of Eflex is de- fcetided. Of the fons, Henry the eldeft, and Thomas the youngeft, died in their infaucy ; and of the furviving, which were Sir Edward, Sir Walter, Henry, Charles, James, and Sir Sidney; from the latter is defcended the prefent Earl of SANDWICH ; James, who was in 1616, Bifliop of Winchefter ; Sir Charles married, ift, Lettice, daughter DUKE op MANCHESTER. 89 daughter of Henry Clifford, Efq; but by her had no iffue; and idly, Mary, daughter of Sir William Whitmore, by whom he had iffue three daughters, his co-heirs ; iff, Eli- zabeth, wife of Chriftopher Lord Hatton ; 2d, Anne, wife of Dudley Lord North; 3d, Mary, wife of Sir Edward Byflie, of Stan Head, in Effex, Kt. From Sir Henry, defcended the prefent Duke of MANCHESTER, and the late Earl of HALIFAX. Sir Walter married Anne, daughter to Henry Morgan, Efq; and died without iffue. Sir Edward, who was heir to his father, on the 29th of June, 1 62 1, was created Lord Montagu of Boughtoo, and died the 15th of June, 1644, m the 82d year of his age. He married, iff, Elizabeth, daughter and fole heir to Sir John Jeffreys, by whom he had an only daughter of her name, who was married to Robert Bertie, Earl of Lind* fey, anceffor of the Duke of Ancafter. By his 2d wife Frances, 2d daughter of Thomas Cotton, Efq; he had three ions, Edward his heir, — William, who was Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, (and died 1707, in the 89th year of his age) having married Mary, daughter of Sir John Aubrey, by whom he had iffue William, who married Anne, daughter and fole heir of Richard Evelyn, Efq; alfo a daughter , iff married to — — Drake, Efq: and 2dly, to Samuel Trot man, Efq* — Chriflopher, who died unmarried. And a daughter Frances who was married to John, 8th Earl of Rutland. The laid Edward Lord Mon- tagu married, jdljf, Anne, daughter to John Crouch, Efq; and Widow of Sir Ralph Hare, by whom he had no iffue. (2d L.) Edward, who was the 2d Lord Montagu, mar* ried Anne, daughter and fole heir to Sir Ralph Winwood, of Ditton-Park, in Bucks, by whom he had Edward his eldeft fon, who was flain in the attack of the Dutch Eaff India (hips, in the Port of Bergen, in Norway, Auguff 3, 1665, in the 25th year of his age, unmarried; and Ralph his fucceffor; alfo Elizabeth, married to Sir Daniel Harvey.* (3d L.) Ralph, who was the 3d Lord, was created Vifc# Monthermer, and Eari of Montagu; and on the 12th of April, 1705, he was created Marquis of Monthermer, and Duke of Montagu; and having married, Elizabeth, daughter to Thomas Wriothefly, Earl of Southampton, and widow of Joceline Percy, the nth Earl of Northumberland, he had three fons and one daughter; but by his fecond wife 9 who was Elizabeth, eldeft daughter and co-heir to Heiiry Cavendiflie, Duke of Newcaftle, and widow of Chriftopher Monk, Duke of Albemarle, he had no child, ThiaLady 9 o DU££ of MANCHESTER. died at Newcaftle-Houfe in Clsrkenwell, the 28th of AitgufF, 1734. Of the itfue by his firft wife ; Anne, was firfl mar- ried to Alexander Popham, Efq; by whom he had a daugh- ter Elizabeth, married to Edward Vifc. Hinchingbroke, by whom fhe had the prefent Earl of Sandwich ; and llie mar- ried fecondly, Francis Seymour, Efq; brother to the Duke of Somerfet ; and the lecond hu(band of the faid Lady Anne, was Lieutenant-General Daniel Hervey, who died in September, 1732, and me died in January, 1742. Of the fons, which were Ralph, Winwood, and John ; the eldeft died at 12 years of age, and the 2d about 20; but the youngeft, who on the 9th of March, 1709, fucceeded his father, was the 2d and laft Duke of Montagu ; he mar- ried Mary Churchill, 4th and youngeft daughter and co-heir to John, Duke of Marlborough, and by her, who died May 14, 1 75 1 , had three fons, John, George, and Edward-Churchill, who all died very young; and three daughters ; viz, Ifabelia, who married William, Duke of Manchefter, by whom fhe had no ifTue, but is fince married to Edward Lord Beaulieu. — Eleanor died an infant. — Mary* married George, Earl of Cardigan, now Duke of Montagu: But his Grace dying July 5, 1749, without hTue male, the honours became extincl. We now return to (iftE.) Sir Henry, 3d brother to Edward, firfl: Lord Montagu, of Boughton ; on the 19th of December, 1620, was created Baron of Kimbolton, and Vifcount Mandeville, and afterwards Earl of Manchefter* He married Catharine, 2d daughter of Sir William Spencer, 3d fon of Sir George Spencer, of Althorp, anceftor of the Duke of Marlborough, and had four fons and two daughters ; Elizabeth, was firfl: married to Sir Lewis Manfel; Kt. anceftor to the late Lord ]Manfel ; and 2d\yj to Sir Edward Sebright. — Lucy, was married to Henry Hare, Baron Colraine, in Ireland. His fecond wife was Anne, daughter and co-heir of William Wincot, Efq; and widow of Sir Leonard Holiday, by whom he had no ilfue ; but by his 3d wife Margaret, daughter of John Crouch, Efq; and widow of John Hare, Efq; he had a fon George, from whom defcended the late Earl of HALI- FAX, and a fon Sidney, who died unmarried ; as likewife a daughter Sufan, married to Lord Chandos. Of the fons by the 1 ft wife, which were Edward, Walter, James, and Henry; the laft died without hTue. — James r married Mary, daughter of Sir Robert Baynard, by whom Ihe had iffue, feven fons and a daughter Mary, married to Thomas Ewer, and dying in February 1665, was fucceeded by James DUKE of MANCHESTER. his fon and heir. — Walter embraced the Romifh religion, and was Abbot of Pontoife, in France. (2d E.) Edward, the eldeft, was called np by writ to the Houfe of Peers, in his father's life-time, 1626, by the title of Lord Kimboiton. He died the (jth of May, 1671, having married firft Sufan, daughter to John Hill E% by whom he had no ifiue ; 2dly, Anne, daughter to Ro- bert Rich, the 2d Earl of Warwick, and by her, who died February 14, 1641, he had Robert, his heir; and two daughters, Frances married to Henry, ion to Dr. Robert Saunderfon, Bifliop of Lincoln ; and Anne, to Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick and Holland; and 2dly to Richard; the 8th Earl of Clanrickarde. He married to his 2d wife, Eflex, daughter to Sir Thomas Check, and widow of Sir Robert Bevill ; and by her who died September 28, 1658, he had fix fons, Edward, Henry, Charles, Thomas, Sid- ney, and George ; and two daughters, Efiex and Lucy. The eldeft married Henry Ingram, Vifcount Irwin. His 4th wife was Eleanor, daughter to Sir Richard Worfley, and widow firft of Sir Henry Lee; and 2dly of Robert, the 2d Earl of Warwick. His 5th, wife was Margaret, daughter to Francis, Earl of Bedford, widow of James Hay, Earl of Carlifle; but by neither of the laft had any iftue. (3d E.) Robert, in 1671, fucceeded his father, he mar- ried Anne, daughter to Sir Chriftopher Yeiverton, anceftor of the Earl of Suflex ; and by her, (who afterwards" mar- ried Charles, Earl of Halifax,) had fivefons and four daugh- ters ; Anne married to James Howard, the 'Jjd Earl of Suffolk. — Catharine to Samuel Edwin, Efq; but died a widow, December 29, 1731.— Elizabeth, to the Lord Ch, Baron Montagu, to whom ftie was 2d wife, and died in Ja- nuary 1735. — Eleanor. And of the fons, which were Ed- ward, Henry, (4th E. iftD.) Charles, Robert, and Heneage, the two eldeft died- young; Robert, died in 1693, unmarried} Heneage, died at Venice in 1698, unmarried; and Charley, on the 14th of March, 1682, fucceeded his father, and was . the 4th Earl. On the 30th of April, 1719, he was created Duke of Manchefter, and having married Dodington, young- eft daughter to Robert Greville, Lord Brook, by her, who died February 6, 1720, Jiad two fons, William, and Robert; and four daughters ; Anne, Dodington, Elizabeth, and Charlotte; whereof the latter, on the nth of June, ,1724, was married to Pattee Byng, afterwards Vifcount Torrington, 9* DUKE of MANCHESTER. Torrington, and died September 14, 1759; and the eldeft died unmarried. Of the fori s, (2d D.) William, who was born in April 1700, on the 20th of January 1722, fucceeded his father as Duke of Manchefter. On the 16th of April 1723, his Grace married, Ifabella, eldeft of the two daughters of John JBuke of Montagu ; and dying without iffue at Bath, the 21ft of October, 1739, he was fucceeded by his only bro- ther. And his Lady, married fecondly in ; 743, Edward Huffey Montagu, Lord Beaulieu, by whom (he has iffue. (3dD.) Robert, Duke of Manchefter ; he was married on April 3, 1735, to Harriot, daughter and co-l^eir of Ed- mund Dunch, Efq; who dying in October, 1755, left iffue; George, the prefent Duke. — Charles Greville, born May 29, 1 741, married Sept. 20, 1765, Elizabeth, daughter of James Bullmer, Eiq; by which Lady, who died Dec. 29, 1774, he had iffue, George-Charles, and feveral other Children. — Caroline, born February 19, 1736, and mar- ried in July, 1775, the Hon. Capt. Herbert, of the Royal Navy, and has iffue. — Louifa, born in July, > 740, and died unmarried. This Duke dying May 10, 1762, was fucceeded by his fon, (4th D.) George, the prefent Duke. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, argent, three lozen- ges, conjoined in fefs, gules, within a border, fable, for Montagu; fecond and third, or, an eagle difplayed, vert. beaked and membered, gules, for Monthermer. [Plate 4.] Crest.] On a wreath, a gryphon's head, couped, or ; wings indorfed, fable ; gorged with a collar, argent, charged with three lozenges, gules. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, an antelope, or; armed, crefted, and hoofed, argent. On the finifter, a gryphon of the firft, gorged with a collar, argent; charged with three fulils, gules* Motto.] Difponendo me non mutando me. By placing not by changing me. Chief Seats.] At Kimbolton-caftle, in the County of Huntingdon. BRYDGES ( 93 ) BRYDGES, DUKE of CHANDOS. THE mod noble JAMES BRYDGES, Duke of CHANDOS, Marquis and Earl of Caernarvon, Vifcount Wilton, and Baron Chandos, of Sudley, and Ba- ronet, was born Dec. 16, 1731; fucceeded his father Henry, the late Duke, in December 1 77 1 ; married firfl: March 22, 1753, Margaret, ibie daughter and heirefs of John Nichol, of Southgate, in Middlefex, Efq ; which Lady died Auguft 14, 1768, without iflue. He married 2dly, June 21, 1777, Mrs Eiletfon, widow of Governor Elletfon, and filler of Luke Gammon, Efq; by whom he had ifilie, Charlotte Augufta Matilda, born Sept. 5, 1 who died Ocl. 9, following, at whofe baptifm their Majef- ties and the Princefs Royal ftood fponfors. — Another, daughter born Ocl. 1779. This noble family is defcended from Arnulph, a younger fon of Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Arundel and Shrewf- bury, and fon of Hugh de Montgomery, fon of William de Montgomery, Earl of Montgomery in Normandy. The faid Arnulph took the name of Brugge from the caftle of Brugge, being part of his father's pofleffions,. Sir Simon de Brugge, or as it has been fince called Brydges, was living in the reigns of K. Henry III. and Ecward I. and was Lord of Brugge-Solers, in the right of marriage with the daughter and heir of the family of Solers. He had iflue, John his heir; Hugh, Giles, Walter, and Eleanor ; of whom the eldeft was Knight of the mire for the county of Hereford, 16 Edward II. and had 108 (hillings allowed him and the other Knights for their expences, and two (hillings a day for fix days going and returning. He had iflue by Sarah his wife. Sir Baldwin Brydges, Kt. who married Ifabel, daugh- ter of Sir Peirs Grandifon, by whom he had two fons, Sir Thomas, and Sir John. The latter married Alice, daugh- ter of Hugh Hacket, and had iflue Thomas, who by Maud, daughter of Thomas Henborough, had feveral fons ; Wil- liam, the eldeft, married Alice, daughter and co-heir of William Eftington ; and Sir John, ad (on, was Lord-Mayor of London, 12 Henry VIII. and married Agnes, daugh- ter of Thomas Ayloff; and his daughter Winifrede, mar- ried 94 DUKE o# C H A N D O S. ried, ift, Sir Richard Sackville, by whom flie was mother of Thomas, the ift Earl of Dorfet ; and idly to William, Marquis of Winchefter. • Sir Thomas, (eldeft fon of Sir Baldwin) married Alice, daughter and heir of Sir Thomas Berkeley, by Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Lord Chandos, eldeft filler and co-. heir of John Lord Chandos, with whom he had the Manor of Coberley, in Gloucefterfhire. They had iffue two fons, Sir Giles his heir ; and Edward, who left a daughter, mar- ried to John, 2d fon of Sir John Throgmorton. Sir Giles, who died the 6th Edward IV. leaving iflue by Catharine, daughter of James Clifford, Efq; relict of Anfelme Guife ; a daughter Cecilie, married firft to Tho- mas Gafes, Efq; and 2dly to John Welelbourn, Efq; and an only fon Thomas, who married Florence, daughter of William Barrel, Efq; and had three fons and five daughters : Eliza- beth married firft to William CalTey, Efq; and sdly to Walter Rowdon,Efq; Alice married to -Chicheley, Efq; Eleanor, to Sir '1 homas Pauncefort ; Joan and Anne died unmarried. Of the fons, which were Giles, Sir Richard, and He my; the 2d by Jane, daughter to Sir William Spencer, anceftor of the Duke of Marlborough, left two ions, Anthony his heir, and Edmund. Sir Giles, eldeft fon of Thomas, fucceeded to the eftate at Coberley, and died in 151 1. He left three fons, John his heir ; Thomas 2d fon, who left a fon Henry ; William, 3d fon ; and four daughters ; Urfula married to John Sy- denham, Efq; Florence married Sir William Morgan; Catharine to Sir Richard Poole. Efq; and Anne, 2d wife to Sir Rice Manfel, by whom he had no furviving male iflue. (iftL.) Sir John, eldeft fon of Sir Giles, in the ift of Q^Mary, was created Baron Chandos. of S'udley, and died the 4th of March, 1757. He married Elizabeth, daugh- ter to Edmund Lord Grey, of Wilton, and had four fons, Edmund, his fucceiTor ; Charles ; Anthony, whofe daugh- ter Catharine married Sir John Aftley ; and Richard ; and three daughters, Catharine married to Edward Sutton Lord Dudley; Elizabeth to John Tracy, Efq; Mary to George Throgmorton, Efq; 7th fon of Sir George Throgmorton. (2d L.) Edmund, who fucceeded, married Dorothy, 5th daughter and co-heir to Edmund Lord Bray ; by her, who married, adly. Sir Francis Knolles, had Giles his fucceffor; and William; and two daughters, Eleanor married to George Gifford. Efq; and Catharine to William Lord Sandes, DUKE of CHANDOS. 95 (3d L.) Giles, who fucceeded, married Frances, daugh- ter to Edward, the ift Earl of Lincoln, and had two daughters; Elizabeth married to Sir John Kennedy; and Catharine to Francis, Earl of Bedford, by whom fhe had William, Duke of Bedford, but the faid Giles having no ifliie male, and dying February 21, 36 Elizabeth, (4th L.) William his brother became heir. He married Mary, daughter to Sir Owen Hopton, and by her had Grey, his heir; Giles, who died without iflue; and three daughters; whereof, Frances, was married firft to Sir Thomas Smith, and afterwards to Thomas, Earl of Exeter; the 2d daughter married Sir Thomas Turvile; and Beatrice the youngeft, married Sir Henry Poole ; and the Earl dying November 18, 1602, was fucceeded by (5th L.) Grey his eldeft fon, who married Anne, daugh- ter and co-heir of Ferdinando, Earl of Derby, and by her, (who afterwards married Mervin, Lord Audley and Earl of Cattle haven,) had two fons, George his fucceflbr ; and Wil- liam ; and a daughter Elizabeth, married to James Tou- chet, Earl of Caftlehaven, fon of Mervin, by his firft wife. (6th L.) George, who fucceeded, married firft Sufan, daughter to Henry, Earl of Manchefter, by whom he had two daughters, Margaret married to William Brownlow, Efq; and Elizabeth, ift, to Edward Lord Herbert, of Cherbury; 2dly, to William, the 2d Earl of Inchiquin; .and 3-dly, to Charles Lord Floward, of Efcrick, and died an February, 17 17. By his 2d wife Jane, daughter to John Earl Rivers, he had two daughters, Lucy married to Adam Loftus, Vifcount Lilburne, in Ireland, whofe only daugh* ter and heir Lucy, married Thomas Lord Wharton, and was mother of Philip, Duke of Wharton ; and Catharine* He died in February, 1654, but having no iflue male, he he gave the Manor of Sudiey to his faid wife Jane, who married George Pitt, of Stratfieldfea, in Hampihire, Efq; (7th L.) William, who fucceeded his brother George, had three daughters, Mary, Frances, and Rebecca ; but haying no fon, we return to Charles, 2d fon of John, the firft Lord Chandos. He married Jane, daughter of Sir Edward Carne, by whom he had, (ift Bart.) Sir Giles his heir, who was created a Baro- net the 3d Car. I. and died in 1637. He married Mary, {laughter of Sir James Scudamore, and had hTue Sir John, Charles, 96 DUKEofCHANDOS. Charles, and Giles ; alfo two daughters, Jane married to James Phipps, Efq; and Frances, (2d Bart.) Sir John, who fucceeded his father, marrying Mary, only daughter and heir to John Pearl, of Acconbury, in the county of Hereford, Efq; had (8th L.) James his heir, who alfo fucceeded to the title of Lord Chando*, on the death of William the 7th Lord, and died on the 16th of October, 17 14. He married Eliza- beth, eldefi of the two daughters and co-heirs to Sir Henry Bernard, Kt. by whom he had, James, the father of the late Duke. — Henry, Archdeacon of Rochefter, who married Annabeila, grand daughter of Sir Robert Atkins, by whom be had ; i. Henry, 2. James, 3. Eliza-Lou ifa, married to Sir Robert Waiters, 4. Annabelia, married to Colonel In- wood, 5. Mary, married Simon Adeane, Eiq. 6. Henrietta. — 7. Catharine. — Mary, married to Theophilus Leigh, Efq; of Alderton in Gloucefterfhire. — Elizabeth married to Alex- ander Jacob, Efq; and after his death to the Rev. Dr. Dawfon* — Emma, married to Edmund Chamberlain, of Stow, its Gloucefterfhire, Efq. — Anne, married to Charles Walcot, of Walcot in Salop, Efq. — Catharine, married to Brereton Bouchier, of Barn efley- court, in Gloucefterfhire, r\q; alio fifteen other children who died young. (9th L. iftD.) James, the eldeft fon, October 19, 1714, was created Vifcount Wilton, and Earl of Caernarvon ; and on the 30th of April, 1 7 1 9, he was created Duke of Chan- dos. On February 27, 1697, he married to his ill wife, Mary, only furviving daughter of Sir Thomas Lake, of Can- nons in Middlesex, Knt, and by her, w r ho died in December, 171 2, he had ; John, Marquis of Caernarvon, who married September 21, 1724, Catharine, daughter of Lionel, Earl of Dyfart, and by her had two daughters, Catharine, married firft to Captain Lyon, and iecondly, to Edwin Stanhope, Efq. — Jane married to James Brydges, Efq; and died February 24, 1776. — Henry the late Duke. Alio four- other fons and two daughters, who died young. He mar- ried to his fecond wife CafTandra Willoughby, fifter *f Lord Middleton, by whom he had no iifne ; ftie died in July, 1735, after whofe death he married in April, 1736, to his third wife Lydia-Catharine, widow of Sir Thomas Daval, by whom, who died Nov. 18, 1750, he left no iflue. (2d D.) Harry, his only inrvivmg fon, fucceeded his father James, Auguft 9, 1744 ; and December 21, 172*, rnarried Mary, eldeft daughter of Charles Lord Bruce, by whom he had iffue one fon and a daughter ; James, the prefent DUKE of DORSET, 9} prcfent Duke, born December 27, 1731. — Caroline, born March 29, 1730, and married March 17, 175$, to John Leigh, Efcj; of Addlefthorpe, in Gloucefterfhirc. fhA Duchefs dying in 1731, his Grace married to his fecond wife, in 1745, Mrs. Anne Wells, by which Lady, who died Auguft 12, 1759, he had iffue Augufta, born October, 6, 1748, married January 20, 1778, Henry-John Kearney, Efq; and died March 20, 1779. His Grace married July j 8, 1767, his third wife, Mifs Major, daughter of Sir John Major, Bart, by whom he had no iffue ; and dying Novem* ber 28, 1 77 1 , was fucceeded by his fon, (3d D.) James, the prefent Duke. Creations.] Baron Chandos, of Sudley Caftle, in the county of Glouceiter, April 8, 1553, the id of Queen Mary. Baronet, May 17, 1627, 3 Car. 1. Vifcount Wilton, in the county of Hereford, and Earl of the county of Caernar- von, October 19, 17 14. 1 George I. and Marquis of Caernarvon, and Duke of Chandos, in the county of Here- ford, April 30, 1719, 5 George I. Arms.] Urgent, on a crofs, y#5/ daughter to Ralph de Dene, Lord of the Manor of Buck- hurft, in Suflex, with whom he had the faid Manor, and by her had fix fons, which were Sir Jordan, Richard, Sir jeifery, Ralph, Guy, and Warren. Sir Jordan, the eldeft, was a Baron in the reign of King Richard I, and married dementia, daughter to John Vere, Earl of Oxford ; and dying in the 9th of King John, without iffue, was fucceeded by Richard his next brother, whp was a!fo a Baron, but dying without iflue iikewife, the eftate. devolved on Sir Jeffery, who married Conftance, daughter to Sir Edmund Brook, Knt. by whom he had two fons, Jordan and Guy ; and a daughter Joan, married to Sir William St. Leger, anceftor to the Lord Doneraile. Jordan, the eldeft, married Maud Nomanvillej by whom he had William and Bartholomew. William, who fucceeded his father, marrying Clara, daughter to Matthew de Haftings, by her had a fon Sir Jordan, who died in 1272. He married Margery, daughter and co-heir to Sir Robert d'Aguilon, and by her had Andrew his heir, who married Ermyntrude, daughter to Sir Roger Malyns ; had iflue another Sir Andrew, who died in the 9th of Edward II. He married Joan Mortimer, and left Sir Andrew his heir, who married firft, Joan, fifter and 'heir to John de la Becofee, and had three fons, Sir Andrew, John, and Sir Thomas^ whereof the eldeft died before his lather, without iflue ; and John marrying Agnes, daughter to Sir Thomas Hoo, Kt. v *ad dying without iflue alfo, Tho- I mas DUKE of DORSET, 99 mas the youngeft became heir. Sir Andrew married sdly, Joan Burgeis, by whom he had a daughter Alice, who was married to John de la Zouch ; and a fon Sir Thomas, who fucceeded, and died in December 1432, He married Margaret, daughter to Sir Edward Dalingruge, and had five fons and four daughters ; Joan, Catharine, Alice, and Elizabeth, which lait married William St, John ; and Alice to Reginald Malyns. Of the fons, which were An- drew, Richard, William, Edward, and John. Anrrew dying in his father's life-time, left iffue by Agnes his wife, Andrew, who fucceeded his grandfather 5 but he dying without iflue, Edward his uncle, became heir. He married Mar- garet daughter to Sir Richard Wakehurft, and dying on the 29th of Henry VI. left Humphrey Sackville his heir, who married Catharine, daughter to Sir Thomas Brown, anceftor to the Vifc. Mon- tague, and dying the 24th of January, 1488, left fix fons and two daughters ; Elizabeth and Catharine. Of the fons, Edward the 4th had by Joan, daughter to Sir Roger Kinaf- ton, William his heir, who died the 19th of May, 1556, leaving a fori John. Richard the eldeft fon, married Ifabel, daughter of John Diggs, Efq. and had four fons and fix daughters, and died on the 18th of July 1523. Of the daughters, Joan married John Parker, Efq; Mildred, married Sir William Fitz-Wiiliam ; Mary to Robert Roberts, Efq; Catharine, to Sir John Baker ; Margaret, to Sir Thomas Palmer ; and Ifabella the youngeft, was the laft Priorefs of St. Mary's, Clerkenwell. And of the fons, which were John, Richard, John, and Edward ; the 2d John was a prieft; Richard mar- ried a daughter of Thomas Tatcher, Efq. by whom he left Anne his only child and heir, who married Henry Shelly, Efq; and the eldeft, John, fucceeded his father. He married Anne, daughter to Sir William Bullen (fifter to Thomas Earl of Wiltfliire and Ormond, father of Ann Bullen,) and by her had feveral fons and daughters, whereof Anne was married to Sir Nicholas Pelham, anceftor to the late Duke of Newcaftle ; Ifabel, to John Afhburnham, anceftor to the Earl of Afh- bumham ; and Mary to John Lunsford, Efq. The fons that lived to maturity, were, r. Richard ; 2d. Chriftopher, %vho married Conftance, daughter of Thomas Colepeper, H z Efq; ioo DUKE of DORSET. Efq; and had John Sackville, Efq; whofe wife was Joan, daughter and heir to John Downton, Efq, Sir Richard, the eldeft Son, married Winifred, daugh- ter to Sir John Bridges, and by her, who married, 2dly, William Marquis of Winchefter, had Thomas his heir, and a daughter Agnes, married to Gregory Fines, Lord Dacres. (iftB.andE.) Thomas, in 1466, fucceeded his father, on the 13th of March 1603, he was created Earl of Dorfet, and died fuddenly as he fat at the council-table at White- Hall, April 19, 1608. He married Cicely, daughter to Sir John Baker, and by her had four fons and three daughters; Anne, married Sir Henry Glenham ; Jane, to Anthony Brown, Vifc. Montagu; and Mary, to Henry, the 7th Lord Abergavenny, And the fons, were Robert, Henry, William, and Thomas. (2d E.) Robert, the eLdeft, fucceeded his father, and died on the 23d of February 1609. By his 2d wife, Anne daughter to Sir John Spencer, and widow firft of William Lord Monteagle ; and 2dly, of Henry Lord Compton ; he had 110 iflue ; but by his rirft, who was Margaret, only daughter to Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk, he had three daughters ; of whom Winifred died in her infancy ; Ci- cely, married Sir Henry Compton ; and Anne, firft to Ed- ward Earl of Hertford, and afterwards to Sir Edward Lewig Kt. Of the fons, which were Thomas, Richard, and Ed* ward ; the eldeft dying in his infancy, (3d E.) Richard the fecond fon, on the 23d of Fe- bruary 1609, fucceeded his father, and marrying Ann$ Clifford, fole daughter and heir to George the 3d Earl of Cumberland, (by Margaret, his wife, youngeft child to Francis Ruflel, the 2d Earl of Bedford) by her, (who mar- ried, 2dly, Philip the 4th Earl of Pembroke) had three fons who died infants, and two daughters, Margaret married to John Tufton, Earl of Thanet ; and Ifabella, to James the 3d Earl of Northampton ; but dying on the 28th of March 1624, and leaving no iilue male, (4th E.) Sir Edward, his younger brother, fucceeded. He married Mary, daughter and fole heir to Sir George Curzon (by Mary, his wife, lifter and fole heir to Sir Richard Levifon) and dying on the 13 th of July 1656, left two fons, Richard his heir ; and Edward, who married Bridget, Ba- ronets Norris, daughter and fole heir to Edward Wray, Efq; (2d Son to Sir William Wray, of Gleniworth) but in 1645, being taken prifoner by the Parliament forces, was killed, leaving no iffue ; and his Lady was afterwards the 2d wife DUKE of DORSET. 101 of Montagu Earl of Lindfey, by whom flie was mother of James the firft Earl of Abingdon. (5th Earl.) Richard Lord Buckhurft, marrying Fran- ces Cranfield, eldeft of the two daughters of Lionel Earl of Middlefex, by Anne his 2d wife, daughter to James Bret, Efq; (by Anne his wife, lifter to Mary Countefs of Buckingham) and at length fole heir to Lionel Earl of Middlefex, her brother, by her had feven fons and fix daughters; and died on Auguft 27, 1677. Of the daugh- ters, Elizabeth, Anne, and Catharine, died young; Mary was firft married to Robert Boyle, the 2d Earl of Orrery ; and 2dly, to Richard Boyle, Vifc. Shannon, both of Ire- land ; Anne, to Alexander Hume, the 4th Earl Hume, in Scotland; and Frances, to Sir George Lane, created Vifc* Lanefborough in Ireland, by whom Hie had a daughter Frances, married to Henry Fox, Efq; and had ilTue, George Fox Lane, Efq; and Sackville Fox, Efq; alfo two daugh- ters, Jane and Anne. Of the fons, Edward the fecond, died unmarried ; Richard the 4th, died in Auguft 171 2 % without iflue ; and all the reft died young, except (6th E.) Charles Lord Buckhurft, who fucceeded his father in 1677, and being poflefled of the eftate of his uncle* Lionel Earl of Middlefex, who died in 1674, he was on the 4th of April, 1675, created Earl of that county, and Baron of Cranfield, in the county of Bedford, He married, firft, Elizabeth, daughter to Harvey Bagot, Efq; (a younger fori to Sir Harvey Bagot, Bart.) widow of Charles Berkeley, Earl of Falmouth, by whom he had no iflue. His 2d wife was Mary, daughter to James the 3d Earl of Northampton, and by her, who died Aug. 16, 1691, he had Lionel Cran- field Sackville, his heir; and a daughter, married to Henry Somerfet, Duke of Beaufort. (iftD.) Lionel lirft Duke of Dorfet, who was born on the 1 8th of January 1688 ; on the 29th of January 1706, fucceeded his father in the Earldom of Dorfet and Mid- dlefex ; and on the 13th of June, 1720, was advanced to the dignity of a Duke. In January 1709, his Grace mar- ried Elizabeth, daughter to Lieut. General Walter-Philip Collyear, brother to David Earl of Portmore in Scotland, and by her, who died Jan. 1, 1768, his Grace had iflue; Anrie, born 1709, who died on the 23d of March, 1721, in the 10th year of her age. — Charles the late Duke. — - Elizabeth, born 1712, who on the 6th of December 1726, was married to Thomas Thynne, Vifc. Weymouth, but ^ied before cohabitation, June 29, 1729, while his Lord- H 3 . fliip ioz DUKE of BRIDGEWATER* Ihip was on his Travels. — John -Philip Sackville, born June 22, 1 71 3 ; and married in 1744, Frances, 4th daughter to John Earl Govver, fitter of the prefent Earl, who died December 3, 1765, by whom he left iflue, John-Frederick Sackville, the prefent Duke, and a daughter Mary, bom April 1, 1746, married April 30, 1767, to the Earl of Thanet, and died in Sept. 1778, leaving iiTue. — George,, the prefent Vifcount Sackville* — Carolina, born March 6, 1717-18, married July 27, 1742, to Jofeph Darner, Efq; lince created Lord Milton, by whom fhe had iflue, and died* in March, 1775. His Grace dying October 9, 1763, was fucceeded by his fon, (2dD.) Charles, born Feb. 25, 171 1; who married in 1743, Grace daughter of Vifc. Shannon, and {he died, May 10th, 1763, without iflue. His Grace alfo dying, Jan. 6, 1769, was fucceeded by his nephew, OdD.) John-Frederick, the prefent Duke. Creations.] Baron Buckhurft, in the county of Suflex, June 8, 1567, 9 Eliz. Earl of the county of Dorfet, March 13, 1603, 1 Jac. I. Baron Cranfield of Cranfield, in the county of Bedford, Earl of the county of Middlefex, April 4, 1675, 27 Car. II. and Duke of the county of Dorfet,. June 13, 1720, 6 Geo. II. Arms,] Quarterly, or and gules, a bend over all, vain. [Plate IV.] Crest.] Out of a ducal coronet, or, an eftoile of eight points, argent* Supporters.] Two leopards, argM, fpotted fable, col- lared, or. Motto.] Aut nunquam tentes, ant perjice. Either never attempt cr accomplifh. Chief Seat.] Knovvle in Kent* EGERTON, DUKE of BRIDGEWATER. , HP HE moft noble FRANCIS EGERTON, Duke of A BRIDGEWATER, Marquis of Brackley, Earl of Bridgewater, Vifcount Brackley, and Baron of Eilefmere, was born May 21, 1736, fucceeded the late Duke John hi* brother in 1748; and is unmarried. In the Reign of William, the Conqueror, Robert DUK£ of fi RIDGE WATER, 103 Roeert FitZ Hugh was Baron of Malpas, but leaving no iflue male, this Barony came at length, by marriage of the heir female, into this Family * of which was John le Beiward de Malpas, vyho lived in the time of William Rufus. To him fucceeddd, WiLLtAM his fon, who was living the 12th of Henry L and was father of another / William, who lived in the reign of King Stephen and Henry II. and was Baron of Malpas in right of his mother Letitia, daughter and heir to Robert Fitz-Hugh, as appears by a grant to Richard, youngeft fon of this William. The laft mentioned William married Beatrix, daughter of Hugh Kiviliock the 5th Earl of Chefter, and co-heir to her brother Ranulph, Earl of Chefter, and had three fons, David, Baron of Malpas, Robert, from whom the prefent Earl of Cholmondeley is defcended, and Richard. David, who was ftiled'Dan David de Malpas, and fome* times Le Clerc, from his being Secretary to the Earl of Chefter, married Margaret, daughter and heir to Ralph ap Eynion, and his fons were, 1 ft Sir William, 2d Philip, 3d Peter, furnamed Thorneton. Sir William, who was Baron of Malpas, left no legitimate iffue ; but Philip his next brother, was pofleflbd of the manor of • Egerton near Malpas* and had (according to the cuftom of that age) the furname of Egerton ; and dying before his brother William, left a fon David de Malpas, alias d' Egerton, who continued the chief line, as next heir to his uncle ; and marrying Cicely^ daughter and heir of Randal de Thorneton, had Philip his heir, who left fix fons, David, Urlan, Bryan, John, Richard, and Philip. David the eldeft, marrying Ifabel, daughter to Richard Foulfhurft, had iflue Philip, Urian, David, and Robert* Philip, who fucceeded his father, married Ellen, daugh- ter to Sir John St. Peter, and had a fon David, whe^. zing no iflue male, his uncle Urian fucceeded as Lprd of Egerton. He married Amelia* daughter to John Warburton^ Efq; and by her had a fon John, who was father of Sir John Egerton, who married Margaret, daughter to Sir John Fitton, and left iflue, Philip, William, Ralph t Hugh, and Peter; whereof Philip fucceeded him, and was father of 1 ft William, %vhohad no ifiue^ 2d, John; 3d, Sir Ralph. This H 4 Sir 104 DUKE of BRIDGE WATER. Sir Ralph, "married Margaret, daughter and heir to Ralph Bariet of Blore ; and from that marriage defcended Sir Ri-chard Egerton of Ridfey in Chefliire, who, mar- ried Alice Sparks of Bicherton in Chefliire, and had iflue a fon Sir Thomas, and a daughter Elizabeth, married to Peter Warburton of Arley in Chefliire, Bart, whofe fon Sir George Warburton was created a Baronet in 1660. (ift B. and V.) Sir Thomas Egerton, was by Queen Eliz- abeth, made Solicitor-General ; and afterwards Attorney- General, and Matter of the Rolls. In the 38th of Eliza- beth, he was made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal ; and by King James I. in the ift ot his reign, was created Baron Ellefmere, and made Lord High Chancellor of England; and in the 14th, he was created Vifc. Brackley, and died in 1617, aged 70. He married ift Elizabeth, daughter to Thomas Ravenfcroft, of Bretton in the county of Flint, Efq; and had two fons, Sir Thomas and Sir John 1 and a daughter Mary, married to Francis Leigh, of Newham-Regis in the county of Warwick, Knight of the Bath* father 01 Francis, Earl of Chichei!et\ He married 2dly, Elizabeth^ daughter to Sir George Moof, of the county of Surry, Kat. widow of John Wooley, Kt. and 3dly, Alice, daughter of Sir John Spencer, of Althorp in the county of Northampton, Kt. and widow of Ferdinando, Earl of Derby ; but by neither of thefe had any iiTuc, Sir Thomas, the eldeft of his two fons* died in Ireland in 1 £99, before his father, leaving iffue by Elizabeth his wife, daughter to Thomas Venables, Baron of Kinderton, three daughters; Elizabeth married to Thomas Button, of Dutton in the county of Chefter ; Vere, to Wil- liam Booth, fon and heir of Sir George Booth of Dunham- MaiVey in the faid county, Bart, from whom was defcended the late Earl of Warrington ; and Mary, to Thomas Lord Leigh, of Stonely in the county of Warwick, but having no iffiie male (2d V. and ift E.) Sir John his brother,, who was created 1 Bridgewater; and having married Frances Stanley, daughter and co-heir to Ferdinando Earl of Derby (by Ai^ e Spencer his wife above-mentioned/ had four fons, ift, James f 2d, Charles, who both died in their infancy ; 3d,' John, ViYS Brackley, his fucceffor; 4th, Thoma3, who die'd unmarried ;\>ad eleven daughters. Of whom Frances the eldeft was marred to Sir John Hobart, of Blickling, Norfolk, Bart.^Arabeiu^ to Oliver Lord St. John, fon and heir apparent to Oliver Earl of Bolingbroke.— Elizabeth to David Cecil the 3d Earl of Exeter.— Mary, to Richard the 2d Lord Herbert of Cherbury.— -Penelope* to Sir Robert Napier DUKE of BRIDGEWATER, i ; Napier of Luton Hoo in Bedfordshire, Bart. — Alice, to Richard Vaughan, Earl of Carbery. — Catharine, to Wil- liam Courteen, Efq. — Magdalen, to Sir Gervafe Cutter, Kt* (2d. E.) John, the 3d fon, who on the 4th of December, 1649, fucceed Jiis Father, married Elizabeth, 2d daughter to William Cavendifh, then Earl, afterwards Marquis and Duke of Newcaftle, and by her, who died June 14, 1663, had fix ions and three daughters ; of which, John his heir, and William, were made Knights of the Bath at the coronation of King Charles II. and Elizabeth was married to Robert- Sidney, Vifc. Lifle, afterwards Earl of Leicefter, who had iflue by her Philip, John, and Joceline, all Earls of Lei- cefter, who left no iflue ; and Thomas, who married Mary, one of the daughters and co-heirs of Sir Robert Reeves of Thwates in SulFolk, Kt. and died on the 27th of January, 1729, leaving two daughters- his co-heirs, Mary, the widow of Sir Brownlow Sherrard, Bart, and Elizabeth, the wife of William Lorry, of Turviile-Pai k in the county of Bucks, Efq; Frances the eldevt, and Catharine the younger! daugh- ters, died in their infancy ; as did Henry the 6th fon. — Sir William the 2d fon, married Honora, filler to Thomas Lord Leigh of Stonely> by whom he had iflue, John, who died young ; Jane, Mary, and Elizabeth, who died unmar- ried ; and Honora, married to Mr. Bagot t and the faid Sir William dying in 1691, his Lady afterwards married Hugh Lord Willoughby of Parham. — Thomas the 3d fon, married Efther, daughter to Sir John Bufbey, of Aldington in the county of Bucks, Kt. and had rfiue John Egerton, of Tatton- Park in the county of Chefler, Efq; whofe only fon and heif Samuel Egerton, Efq; died 1780. Thomas, who died unmarried ; William, D. D. and Manwaring, who died ag infant; and Elizabeth married to the Reverend Mr. Leigh, Reclor of Whitchurch in Shropfhire. — Charles, the 4th fon. married Elizabeth, eldeft daughter to Henry Murray, Efa; by Anne his wife, Vifcountefs Banning of Sudbury - r wHfc|| Elizabeth was the widow of Randolph Egertttn, iv . flic died Jan. 30, 1712, as he did Dec. 11, 1717, without ilhuv ~- Steward, 5th fon died unmarried. (3d E.) Sir John the eldeft fon, born November 9, 1646, on the 16th of October, 1686, fucceeded his father- He- married ill Elizabeth, daughter and iole heir to James Cranfield, Earl of Middlefex, by whom he had only one fori, John, and one daughter, who died in their infancy ; but by his 2d, who was Jane, eldeft daughter to Charles the xfr Duke qf Bolton, he had fetea fons and two daughters ♦ Mary, io6 DUKE or BRIDGE WATER, Mary, married WiHiam Lord Byron.' — Elizabeth, to Tho* mas Lord Paget, Of the leven fons, Charles Vifc. Brackley, and Thomas, were both unfortunately burnt in their beds by the great fire at Bridewater-hoiife, in Barbican, in April, 1687. — Scroop, the 3d, on the 1 6th of March, 1701, fuc~ ceeded his father in the Earldom. — William, 4th fon, mar- ried Anna-Maria, daughter of Sir George Saunders, and died July 13, 1732, leaving ilTue three daughters, Jane, Henrietta, and Anne. — Henry 5th fon, taking holy or* ders, was made one of the canons of Chrift-Church in Ox- ford, in 1716, being then Re&or of Whitchurch in Shrop- fhire, and one of his Majefty's chaplains ; and on the 2d ofFebruary, 1724, was confecrated Bifhop of Hereford. He married Dec. 18, 1720, Elizabeth- Ariane, daughter of William Earl of Portland, by whom, who died 1780, he had ilTue five fons: ift, John the prefent Bifliop of Durham, who married in Nov. 1748, Anne-Sophia, daughter of the Duke of Kent, by his 2d wife, Sophia Bentinck, daughter to William Earl ot Portland, by whom he had 2 fons, John, born Aug. 29, 1749; and a daughter Frances, married 1774, to Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. William, 2d fon of the bifhop, married Aug. 15, 1 7 5; 1 , Mifs Mary Kirke, by whom he has three daughters ; Arian-Margaret, Elizabeth- Mary, and Ifabella-Frances. The Bifliop married 2dly, in April, 1782, Mifs Boughton of Durham, fifler of Sir Ed* ward Boughton, Bart. The reft of the children of Henry late Bifliop of Hereford, were Henry, Charles, James, and Anne: and their father died in April, 1746. — John, 6th fon erf the Earl, and next brother to the Bifhop, was Page to the Duke of Gioucefter, he died unmarried. — Charles, \jth and youngeft fon, died Nov. 7, 1725, having married Catharine youngeft daughter of Francis Grevile, Efq; and fifter to Fulk and William Lords Brook, who died July, 1735, by whom he had iflue ; 1. Scroop, who married Mifs Sarah Pope, by whom, (at his death April 23, 1767) he left iffue two fons and a daughter, viz. U Scroop, (whofe only fon Dodington, died Sept. 12, 1773.} Dodington, Eli- zabeth, 2. Dodington, who married Catharine, daughter of the late Edward Gerrard, Efq; of Salifbury. 3. Ca- tharine, who died unmarried* (ift D.) Scroop, the 3d fon, who fucceeded his father as above, was born Aug. 11, 1681, and June 13, 1720, was created Marquis of Brackley and Duke of Bridgewater. He married ift Elizabeth Churchill, 3d daughter and co-heir to John Duke of Marlborough; and by her (who died on 21& of DUKE of BRIDGE WATER. 107 of March, 17 14, in the 27 th year of her age) had John Vifc. Brackley, born February 3d, 1704, and died on the 30th of January 17 19: another fon, who died foon after he was born; and Anne, born Dec. 19, .1705, who married April 22, 1725, ift Wriothefly Duke of Bedford; and 2dly June, 1733, William Earl of Jerfey ; and died April 15, 1763, leaving iflue. On the 4th of Auguft, 1722, fits Grace marrying to his 2d wife, Rachel, filter to the faid Wriothefly Duke of Bedford ; had by her, Louifa, born April 30, 1723, married March 28, 1748, to Lord Vifc. Trentham, now Earl Gower, and died March 14, 1762, leaving iflue. — Caroline, born May 21, 1724, — Charles Marquis of Brackley, born June 27, 1725, who died May 2, 1 73 1. — John the late Duke, born April 29, 1727. — William born January 15, 1729, and died next month.~Thomas, born April 18, 1730, and died an infant, —Diana, born March 3, 1732, married March 9, 1753^ to Frederick Lord Baltimore, and died July 18, 1758, with- out iflue. — Francis the late Duke. His Grace dying on nth of January, 1745, was fucceeded by his fon John, and her Grace married 2dly in Dec. 1745, Sir Richard Lyttleton, Kt. of the Bath, brother to George, late Lord Lyttleton, and died in May 22, 1777, without iflue by him. (2d D.) John, died March 8, 1748, unmarried^ and was fucceeded by his only furviving brother., (3d D^) Francis, now Duke of Bridgewater. Creations.] Baron Ellefmere of Ellefmere in the county of Salop, July 17, 1603, 1 Jac. L Vifc. of Brackley in the county of Northampton, November 7, 1616, 14 Jac. L Earl of Bridgewater in the county of Somerfet, May 17, i£ Jac. L Marquis of Brackley, and Duke of Bridgewater, June 13, 1720, 6 Geo. L Arms.] Argent, a lion rampant, gules, between three pheons, fahle. [Plate IV.] Crest.] On a chapean, gules, turned up, ermine, a Hon rampant of the firji, holding a pheon^ or y headed and fea- thered, argent. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, an horfe, krgent^ gorged with a ducal coronet, or. On the finifcr, a gxi~ phon fegreant, or, gorged, with a plain collar and chain, azure. Motto.] Sic, donee. Thus, until, — Chief Seat,] At Afhridge in the county of Bucks. PELHAM ( io8 } PELHAM-CLINTON, DUKE of NEWCASTLE. HE moft noble HENRY-FYNES PELHAM-CLIN- M TON, Duke of NEWCATLE-UNDER-LINE, in the County of Stafford, Earl of Lincoln, Knight of the Garter, was born April 20, 1720, fucceeded hrs brother George as Earl of Lincoln, April 30, 1730, and fucceeded to the title of Duke of Newcaftle, upon the death of Thomas, the late Duke, November 17, 1768. He married October 3, 1744, Catharine, eldeft daughter to Henry Pelham, brother to the late Duke of Newcaftle, by which Lady, who died July 27, 1760, he had iffue, George, born November 26, 1745, and died in Auguft, 1752. — Henry, Earl of Lincoln, born November 5, 1750, who married in May, 1775, Frances, daughter of the Earl of Hertford, and died Oft. 22, 1778. By his Lady he had a ion Henry Pelham, born Dec. 23, 1777, who died Sept. 1779, and a daughter Ca- tharine, born April 6, 1776. — Thomas, prefent Earl of Lincoln, born July, 1762, married Jan. 25, 1782, Maria, youngeft daughter of the late and lifter of the prefent Earl of Harrington, — John, born September 13, 1755, who died in October, 1781. Sir Thomas Pelham, on the 29th of December, 1706, wa9 created Baron Pelham of Laughton, and died the 1 3th of Feb. 1712. He married firft Elizabeth, daughter to Sir William Jones, Attorney-General to King Charles II. and by her^ who died Oft, 13, 1681, had two daughters; whereof Lucy died in 1689 ; and Elizabeth, was the firft wife of Charles Vifcount Townihend. He married 26 iy Grace Holies, 4th and youngeft daughter to Gilbert Earl of Clare, and fifter to John Duke of Newcaftle, and by her, who died in Sept, 1700, he had two fons, Thomas and Henry, and five daughters. Of the daughters, Grace married George Naylor of Hurft- Monceaux, in SinTex, Elq; and died in April, 1710. — Fran- ces, married Chriftopher Wandesford, Vifcount Caftie- comef in Ireland. — Garthwright, married David Polhill of Otford in Kent, Efq.— Lucy married Henry Clinton, Earl, of Lincoln. — Margaret, married Sir John Shelley, of Michel- Grove in SufTex, Bart, and died November 23, 1758. Henry, the youngeft fon, died on the 6th of March, 1754, having on the 29th of October, 1726, married Catharine Manners, eldeft daughter to John Duke of Rutland, by whom, who Ui&d 1780, he had two fons and four daughters, viz* Catha- rine DUKE of NEWCASTLE. 109 rine born on the 24th of July, 1727, and married to Henry, the prefect Duke of Newcaftle. — Frances, born on the 18th ofAuguft, 1728, married in October, 1752, to Lewis Wat- fo.n, Lord Sondes. — Thomas, born on the 25th of O&ober, 1729, died on the ,28th of November, 1739. — Henry, born in April, 1736, died the day before his brother. — Grace t born in Jan. 1734. — Mary, born in Sept. 1739. — Lucy a This family takes its name from a place called Clinton in the Valley, (now Glimpton) three miles north of Woodftocfc<, and is descended from William de Tankerville, Chamberlain of Normandy, William had three fons who accompanied William the Conqueror in his expedition. They were Ofbert, Rene- bald, and William ; of which the fecond had, by gift from the Conqueror, the Lordmip of Clinton in Oxfordshire, and his defendants aifumed that name. He had two fons, Jeffrey and William, of which the former was highly in favour with King Henry I. who gave him great pofteffions. To him fucceeded Jeffrey his only fen. He married Agnes, daughter of Roger Earl of Warwick, by whom he had Henry his only fon, who marrying Amicia de Uidun, died without ifiue ; no DUKE of NEWCASTLE. ifTue ; and William, brother to Jeffrey his grandfather, became the next heir male. He had iliue Osbert, who by- Margery, daughter of William de Halton, had hTue Osbert, who died the 7th Henry III. leaving ifiue Thomas his heir in his minority. He married Mazara, daughter and heir of fames de Bifege, and had hTue five fons, Thomas, John, Ofbert, Willi am and James. Thomas, the eldeft, mar- ried Maud, daughter of Sir Ralph Bracebrigg, and had iifue, (iftL.) John de Clinton, who married Ida, one of the daughters and co-heirs of William de Odingfel'ls, Baron of Maxtoke, and had two fons, John his heir, and William; which William was made Earl of Huntingdon in 1337, but dying in 1354, without iffue, Sir John de Clinton, Kt. his brother's Ion, became his heir. (2d Ld.) John - , elder brother of the faid William ; was fummoned to Parliament, among the Barons, the 6th Ed- ward III. and by Margery, daughter of Sir William Corbet, had Sir John above-mentioned, who had fummons to Par- liament from the 31ft of Edward III. to the 20th of Richard II. in which year he died. He married Idonea, eldeft lifter, and at length co-heir of William de Say, fon and heir of Jeffrey l*o rd Say, by Maud, daughter of Guy Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, and had three fons, Sir William, Sir Thomas, and Edward, Sir William Clinton, Kt. dying in the life-time of his father, left ilTue by Elizabeth daughter of Sir William Deincourt, Kt. by Alice, filter of Ralph Neville, the 1 ft Earl of Weftmorland, (3d Ld.) William, who was heir to his grandfather; and thereupon bore the titles of Lord Clinton and Say, which their pofterity continued in their title, although John his fon and heir, by deed bearing date the ift of Nov. 27 Henry VI. granted and confirmed to his kinfman Sir James Fienes, Kt. then Lord Say and Sele, and to his heirs and affigns for ever, the name and title of Lord Say j which James defcended from the youngefl lifter and co-heir of the aforefaid William de Say, was an anceftor of the prefent Lord S/tX and Sele. The faid William Lord Clinton and Say, was fummoned to Parliament from the 23d Richard II. to the 9th Henry VI. inclufive ; and dying the 30th of July the year following, left iflue by Anne, re- lief of Sir Fouke Fitzwarryn, Kt, and daughter of William Lord Botreaux. (4th Ld,) DUKE of NEWCASTLE. in (4thLd.) John his fon, who married Elizabeth daugh- ter to Richard Finnes, Lord Dacres of the South, and died the 24th of Sept. 1464, and left a fori. (jthLd) John, who married Anne, daughter of Sir John Morgan of Tredegar, and died the 28th of Feb. 1483, leaving, (6th Ld.) John his fon, who fucceeded him, and ferved the King in his wars of France; but he dying the 4th of July 1 515, and having married Mary natural daughter of Sir Edward Poynings, left (7th Ld.) Thomas his heir, who the next year had fum- mons to Parliament, but he died the yth of Auguft 1517, in the 28th year of his age, leaving by Joan his wife (iftE.) Edward his heir, born fn 1 512. On the 4th of May 1572, he was created Earl of Lincoln; but died on Jan. 16, 1585. He married ift Elizabeth, daughter to Sir John Blunt, widow of Gilbert Lord Talboys, arid con- cubine to K. Henry VIII. by whom he had three daughters; 1 Bridget, married to Robert Dimmock, Efq. — Catharine, to William Lord Borough, whofe daughter married SirRichard Bulkeley. — Penelope, married to Sir Edwin Sandys. — Mar- garet married Charles Lord Willoughby of Parham. By his 2d wife, Urfula, daughter to William Lord Siourton t he had three fons and two daughters, Frances,, married to Giles Bridges Lord Chandos. — Anne to William Ayfcough, Efq; but by his 3d Lady who was Elizabeth, daughter, to Gerald Earl of Kildare in Ireland, he had no ifllie. The fons by the 2d wife, were, Henry. — Edward, who died unmarried. — Thomas, who married Mary, daughter of John Tirrel, Efq; (2d E.) Henry the el deft fucceeding his father, married ift Catharine, daughter to Francis the 2d Earl of Hunting- don, and had two fons, Thomas ; and Sir Edward, of whom hereafter; and a daughter Elizabeth, married to Sir Ar- thur Gorges, of Filley, in Devon, Efq; and 2dly, Elizabeth, daughter to Sir Richard Mprrif6n, widow of William, fon and heir-apparent of Henry the firft Lord Norreys of Rycote, by whom he had two fons, Sir Henry and Robert, {3d E.) Thomas, the eldeft fon, in the ift of King James L had fummons to Parliament as Baron Clinton and Say, and fucceeded his father in 1618. He married Elizabeth daughter and co-heir to Sir Henry Knevit, and by her had eight fons and eight daughters; whereof Eliza- beth wag married to John B^rrisford, Frances to John Gorges^ in DUKE of NEWCASTLE.' Gorges; and Sufan to Humphreys. Of the fon*, Henry and Thomas died young ; (4th E.) Theophilus, Edward, dharles, Knevit, Ro* bert, and John j the third on Jan. 15, 1618, fucceeded his father; he married Bridget, daughter to William the 1 ft Vifcount Say and Sele, and had a fon Edward, and fix daughters. — Cntharine married to George the firft Lord Delamere. — Bridget and Lucy both died unmarried. — Ara- bella married to Robert Rolle, Efq. — Margaret, married Hugh Bofcawen, by whom he had one daughter Bridget, on whom (in right of her mother, who was at length co-heir to her father Theophilus, and her lifters leaving no furvi- ving ifTue) the Barony of Clinton devolved ; and the faid Bridget marrying Hugh Fortefcue, Efq; of Filiey in Devon, fiad ilYue Hugh Fortefcue, Efq; who on the 16th of March, 1 721, was called up to the Houfe of Lords as Lord Clinton; and on July 5, 1746, was created Earl Clinton, and Baron Fortefcue; and dying unmarried May 2, 1 7 5 1 , the Parony of Clinton returned to the Earl of Lincoln ; and his brother, by another mother became Lord Fortescue ; the other daughters were Mary and Judith. EDWAkD, their brother, dying in his father's life-time, left iffue by Anne, daughter to John Holies Earl of Clare, a fon, (5th E.) Sir Edward, who in 1667, fucceeded his grandfather ; he married Jane, daughter to Peter de Guiiere, Lord of Verune in France, and dying in Nov, 1692, without ilTue, the Barony of Clinton devolved as jabove. We now return to Sir Edward Clinton, Kt. younger brother to Thomas the 3d Earl, who married Mary, daugh- ter of Thomas Dighton, Efq; and had ifTue Sir h rancis, who married Prifcilla, daughter ta John Hill, Efq; and had (Sir Francis his heir, and Thomas, and a daughter Prifcilla, ftrarried to Willoughby D'ewes, Efq; (6th E.) Francis, upon the death of Earl Edward be- came Earl, and died the next year. He married ift Eli- zabeth, daughter of Sir William Killigrew, Kt. by whom lie had a fon Francis, who died an infant; 2dly, Sufan, daughter to Antony Pennifton, Efq; and by her, who died Sept. 3, 1720, he had two fons, Hemy his heir, and George; and a daughter Sufan, married to Robert Booth, Efq; and died in July, 1754; George, 2d fon, was an Adimrai of the navy. He married Anne daughter of Peter Carle, a Major-General; by whom, who died Aug. 5, 1767, he DUKE of NORTHUMBERLAND. u$ fcad three fons and three daughters, of whom one fon and one daughter died in their infancy ; Mary, the furviving daughter married Robert Roddam, Efq; now an Admiral in the navy, and died Dec, 9, 1750. Henry, the furviving fon* is a Knight of the Bath, and a General in the army, he rharried in Feb. 1767, Mifs Harriot Garten (7th £•) Henry, married Lucy, lifter to Thomas Hol- ies Pelham, late Duke of Newcaftle, and dying on the fth of Sept. 1728, in the 44th year of his age, by her, who died July 20^ 1736, left two fons, George his fucceffor; and Henry; and three daughters, Anne, Lucy, and Caroline; Whereof the latter died Dec. 19, 1728. (8th E.) George, who fucceeded his father, dying on the 30th of April 1730, in the 13th year of his age, was fucceeded by (9th E. 2d D.) Henry, who alfo fucceeded to the title of Duke of Newcaftle upon the death of Thomas the late Duke. Creations.] Earl of Lincoln, May 4, 1572; and Duke of Newcaftle, Nov. 13, 1756. Arms.] Argent, fix crofs croflets fitchy, 3, 2, and r f fallen on a chief, azure, two mullets pierced, or* Crest.] In a ducal coronet, gules, five oftrich feathers, argent, banded, azure. supporters.] Two greyhounds, argent, their plain collars and lines gules* Motto.] Loyalte na honte* Loyalty is not afhameda Chief Seat.] Oatlands, in Surry. PERCY, DUKE of NORTHUMBERLAND* THE moft noble HUGH PERCY, Duke and Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND, Earl Percy, Baron Wark- Worth of Warkworth Caflle, Lord Lieutenant, and Cuftos Ro- tulorum of the counties of Middlefex, and Northumberland* of the city and liberty of Weftminfter, and of the town and county of Newcaftle-upori-Tyrie, Vice-Admiral of Nor* thumberland, and of ail America, one of the King's moft Honourable Privy Council, and Knight of the moft noble Order of the Garter. His Grace, then Sir Hugh Smithfon, Bart, having mar* ried July jS, 1740, Elizabeth Seymour, daughter, and at I length ru DUKE of NORTHUMBERLAND. length fole heir of Algernon, Duke of Somerfet, (whey had been created October 2, 1749, Earl of Northumber- land,, and Baron Warkworth^. with remainder to the faid Sir Hugh,.'*) fucceeded to that Earldom and- Barony 01* the death of Duke Algernon, Feb. 7, 1749-5,0 : a3 did hia Lady to the Baronies of Percy, Lucy, Poinings, Fitz-Payne, Bryan, and Latimer, which the laid Duke had inherited from his mother Elizabeth, daughter and fole heir of Jofce- line Percy,, the eleventh and latt Earl of Northumberland, who died in 1670* Sir Hugh, now become Earl of Northumberland,, by acT: of Parliament paned the fame year, alTumed the name and. arms of Percy ; and was afterwards advanced to the dig- nities of Earl Percy, and Duke of Northumberland, by patent, October 18, 1766. Among other great offices* which his Grace hath fuftaiued, he was appointed in 1763, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and in 1778, Mafter of the Horfe to his Majefty. By his illuftrious, confort, who died December 5, 1776, aged 60, his Grace had iflue, two Ions,, and one daughter, \iz+ 1. Hugh, Earl Percy, born Auguft 14, 1742 ; who xli married, July 2, 1764, Anne Stuart, third daughter of John Earl of Bute,, by whom he had no iflue 1 from her he was divorced in 1779 \ and 2dly married May 25, 1779, Mifs Frances- Julia-Bur reL third daughter of Peter Burrel, of Beckenham in Kent, Efq; by whom he hath had iffue r Char- lotte Percy, born July 3, 1780, who died May 3, 1781* — Elizabeth Percy, born December 23 r 1781 ;. and another daughter born May, 1783. His Lordftiip fucceeding to his mother's Baronies, is to be feen among the Englifli Baronsj, (vide Hugh, Baron Percy, &c* 2„ Elizabeth- Anne-Frances Percy, born April 6, 1744, died May 27, 1761, unmarried. 3. Lord Algernon Percy, born January 21, 1749-50, married June 8, 1775, Ifabella-Sufanna Burrel, fecond daughter of Peter Burrel, Efq; above-mentioned; by whom he has had iflue, Charlotte Percy, born June 3, 1776. — Elizabeth Percy, born March 31, 1777, died April 28, 1779. — George Percy, born June 22, 1778, — Algernon Percy, born Auguft 20, 1779.— Elfzabeth-Sufanna, born December 29, 1782. His Lordftvip is at prefent Knight of the Shire for Northumberland,, and Colonel of the Nor- thumberland Militia* A He was the day following created Earl of Egsemoftt, &C* wkh remain-* ie% to bis litters fon Sir Charles Wyntlhtnu His i DUKE of NORTHUMBERLAND. 115 His Grace, who, with his late Ducl;efs, have, with fo much Splendor and Magnificence, revived and reprefented the ancient and noble Houfe of 1 lrcy; is himlelf defcercded from a very ancient family, which from the time of the Conqueil hath been feated in the North-tiding of York- (hire, and derived their narrWs from their original poHeilion of Smythton or Smethton in that diHn& 9 which name they long retained unaltered ; and of this family was Elias Smeth- ton, * who about the reign of King Edward 1. was Lord Prior of the Knights Hoipitaliers of St, John of Jeru- falem, which is fuflicient to (how how refpe&able this family was at that period, for the Prior of this order was required to be a Gentleman of the cleared defcent, and fat in Par- liament as the Premier Baron of this realm* The name continued to be written Smethton or Smyth* ton, down to the reign of King Edward III. but then re- moving to YafFord, and purchafmg Lands at Newfome, (both not far from their original refidence) they by an eafy tranhtion, common in that age, began to write their name Smyth-son, or Smitson, and fo it occurs onfeveral ancient deeds dated in Ann. 4, 15, 16, King Richard II. and in 4, 9, King Henry IV. Here the family continued feated till the reign of Queen Elizabeth, when Anthony Smythfon, Efq; of Newfome aforefaid, married Eleanor, daughter and heir of George Catherick, Eiq; by whom he inherited Stanwick, near Richmond, which hath ever fince been the chief feat of this family. This ancient family of Catherick, bare for one of the quarters in their paternal coat, the fame arms (with difference of colour only) that had been borne by the ancient Earls of Richmond and Bretagne: which, as appears from a broken monument now extant in Stanwick Church, they had received by marrying the heirefs of a family, that was either defcended from a younger fon of oneof thofe Earls, or from one of their principal officers, who had re- ceived a grant of their arms, with the above diftinclicn. Anthony's fon finally became head of this ancient family, viz. (iftBart.) Sir Hugh, created at the Reftoration, a Ba- ronet, Auguftr, 1660. He died in 1670, having married Dorothy, daughter of Jerome Rawfthorne of Plaiftow in Elfex, Efq; by whom he left ifTue, three fons, viz. Sir Jerome Smithfon, Bart. — Anthony, father of Hugh Smith - ibn, Efq; who left his eitates at Totenham and Armine to * Browne Willis, Hi ft. of Mitred Abbeys, Vol, I. p, 129. 8vo. New- court's Repertoriure, &c. I z his 2i6 DUKE of MONTAGU, his Grace,—- Hugh, whofe grand-daughter Anne, married Thomas, late Earl of Strafford. (2d Bart.) Sir Jerome died in 1684, having, married Mary, daughter and heir of Edward Wingate, Efq; by whom he had iflue one daughter, Dorothy, wife of Thomas Pulleine, of Carlton in Com, Ebor. Efq; and his only fon and heir, (3d Bart.) Sir Hugh, who died in 1729, having had iflue by Elizabeth, daughter of Marmaduke, the 2d Lord Lang- dale, two fons, Hugh and Langdale, and four daughters, who all died unmarried. Hugh, dying unmarried ; Lang- dale, 2d fon efpoufed Philadelphia, daughter of William Reveley of Newby-Whifk, in Com. Ebor. Efq; and dying in his father's life-time, left a daughter Dorothy, who died unmarried, and one fon, (4th Bart.) Sir Hugh, who fucceeded his grandfather, and is the prefent Duke of Northumberland. For the hiilory and defcent of the ancient Percy family, fee the article of Percy, Baron Percy, among the Barons. Arms.] Quarterly, firft arid fourth, or, a lion rampant azure, the ancient arms of Brabant: fecond and third, azure five fufils in fefs or, the ancient arms of Percy. Crest.] On a chapeau gules 9 turned up ermine, lion Hatant, azure. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion azure; on the finifter, an unicorn argent, ducally collared, chained, horned, and hoofed, or. Motto.] Efperance cn DIcu. Trufl: in God. Chief Seats.] Sion-Houfe, near Brentford, in Mid- dlefex ; Alnwick-Caftle, Warkworth-Caftle, and Prudhoe- Caftle, in Northumberland ; Stanwick, and Armine, in Yorklhire ; Werrinton, in Devonfliire ; and, Notthumber- land-Houfe, in Weftminfter* BRUDENELL MONTAGU, DUKE of MONTAGU. THEmoft noble GEORGE BRUDENELL MON- TAGU, Duke of MONTAGU, Marquis of Mon- thermer, Earl of Cardigan, and Baron Brudenell of Stanton- Wivill, born in 1712, fucceeded his father, July 5, 1732, as Earl of Cardigan, and was advanced to the dignities of Marquis of Monthermer and Duke of Montagu, Oct. 28, 1766, DUKE of MONTAGU* til 1766, and Knight of the Garter, having married July 7, 2730, Mary Montagu, yonngell daughter, and one of the co-heirs of John Duke of Montagu ; after whofe deceafe his Grace, took the name and arms of Montagu. The Duchefs died May 2, 1775, having had ifliie, John, Mar- quis of Monthermer, born March 18, 1735, ereated May 7, 1762, Baron Montagu of Boughton, and died April 11, 1770, unmarried. — Elizabeth, born May 29, 1743, married March 20, 1767, to the Duke of Buccleugh, and has iflue. — Mary, born Sept. 6, 1750, died June 28, 1 75 1 . — Hen* rietta, born July n, 1753, and died April 10, 1766. In the reign of King Edward L William Brudenell died feized of Doddington in the county of Oxford, and divers lands in Berks and Bucks, and left two fons, Richard Brudenell of Aynhoe in the county of North- ampton ; and Henry, who fucceeded him at Doddington* To Richard fucceeded William his fon, whofe wife was Agnes, daughter and fole heir to Thomas Grove of Agmondeiham in Bucks, by Alice his wife, daughter and heir to Walter Le Raan, by Margaret his wife, daughter and heir to Sir John Blacket of Caftleton and Saltford in the county of Oxford, Knt. and by her he had three fons, Edmund, William, and Henry ; and two daughters, Margaret and Alice. Of the fons, Ed- mund the eldeft, left no iflue.— Henry the 3d, who was of Agmondeiham, married Eleanor, daughter of Hugh Pref- ton, Knt. by whom he had three fons, Edmund, John, and Robert ; whereof Edmund was anceflor to thofe of that name at Shardelois (now the feat of the Drakes) which ter- minated in a daughter and heir ; Elizabeth married to Thomas Cheyne, Efq; and from Robert defcended the Brudenelts of Stoke-Mandevile in Bucks. We now re- turn to William the 2d fon of William and Agnes Grove, who married Agnes daughter and co-heir to Robert Bulflrode of Hughely in Bucks, with whom he had that manor, and by her had Edmund his heir, who married ift Agnes daughter and heir to Thomas Dipden, and had an only daughter Alice, who was married to Richard Waller; but by his 2d wife Phi- lippa daughter to Philip Englefield, Efq; he had four fons, and two daughters; Joan married to Sir John Ewerby, and Elizabeth fail: to John Tlrringhain, Efq; and sdly to John Cheyne, Ei'cj. Of the fons, which were Drue, John, Ed- imindj antf Sir Robert Brudenell of Dean in the county oi I 3 North- *i8 DUKE of MONTAGU. Northampton. Drue the eldeft fucceeded his father at Chalfont St. Peter's, and died the 14th of March, 1479. He married Eleanor daughter to John Broughton, of Tod- dington in the county of Bedford, and had five fons, and four daughters ; Ifabelia, married Richard Ifham, Efq. — Agnes, to John Abraal of Inchinfield. — Joan, to John Nor- ris.— Elizabeth, to Henry Broughton of Warwicklhire, Efq. Of the fons, which were Edmund, Robert, John, Thomas and George ; the latter was a prieft, — Robert died without iflue. — Edmund fucceeded his father at Chalfont. He married Jane daughter to Richard Hawkins of London, and by her had a daughter Elizabeth, married to Sir Ro* bert Drury, anceftor of Sir Drue Drury, of Riddlefworth, Norfolk; who was created a Baronet the 7 th of May, 1627; but the laid Edmund her father having no ilfue male, we return to Sir Robert, his father's brother, in the 12th of Henry VIII, was Chief-Juftice of the Common -Pleas ; and died the 30th of Jan. 1 5 3 1 • By his 2d wife Phiiippa, daughter to Power of Blecheaden in the county of Oxford, he had no hTue ; but by hi6 firfr, who was Margaret Entwifell, coufin and co-heir to Sir Bertram Entwifell, Vifcount of Brickbeck, and conftable of Conftance in Normandy, and widow of William Wivill, of Stanrcn-Wivill in the county of Leicefler, he had two fons, Sir Thomas his heir ; and Anthony, who was of Clapthorne and Finedon in the county of Northampton, and Packington Pigot in the county of Warwick. He married Jane daughter to Erlington, of Hackney in Middlefex, and by her had five fons and three daughters, viz. Margaret, wife of- Palmer, of Southwell in Nottinghamshire ; Anne, and Rebecca ; Ed- mund his heir, George, Robert, Thomas, and William, who died unmarried. — Thomas, who was of Glafton, married the daughter- and heir of Thomas Warner, and by her he had two fons, and two daughters, Anthony, Edmund, Anne, and Elizabeth.— Robert the 3d fon, was a merchant. — George 2d, was married to Freeman, and by her had Paul ErudenelL who had iflue Anthony, William, George, and Thomas. — Edmund, the eldeft fon of Anthony Brudenel of Clapthorne, &c. was feated at Stanton-Wivill in the county of Leicefler; and he marrying two wives, ift, Anne daughn. ter of John Chancey to Edgecote in the cpunty of North-! ampton, Efq; by her had no iflue ; but by Elizabeth his 2d, who was daughter of William Burnell, of Winckbourne )ll fyc county of Notting!iam 3 Efq; he had two fons, and DUKE of MONTAGU. 119 two daughters ; whereof Agnes was married to John Flacket of Hanfon-Grange, in the county of Derby, Efq — Frances, to Roger Hurt. And of the fons, Robert died young. — Tho- mas fuoceeded his father. He married 1 ft Dorothy daugh- ter to Henry Smith, of Witlvcock in the county of Leicefter, Efq; and had four fons, and three daughters; Anne, mar- ried to William Orme of Hanch-Hall, in the county of Stafford, Gentleman.— Lucy, to Charles Agarde, of Crox= Jiall in the county of Derby. — Dorothy, to John Browne, of Stretton Lifield in the county of Leicefter. And of the fons, which were Thomas, Edmund, Robert, and Richard, the latter married Elizabeth, eldeft daughter to Waiter Littleton, of Saredon in the county of Stafford, doctor of the civil law. — Robert was a merchant in Spain. Edmund, who died Sept. 30, 1637, married to his ift wife Catharine, 2d daughter to Sir Edward Littleton of the county of Staf- ford, Bart, and by her had two fons, Edward, and Thomas j and by his 2d, who was Mary, daughter to Thomas Stavely, of Leicefter, Efq; he had Mary, Robert, and Catharine; which Catharine was married to George Alfop, of Church- Langton, in the county of Leicefter, and died March 4, 1684; but Mary her fifter died unmarried. — Thomas the eldeft fon of Thomas and Dorothy Smith, marrying Eliza- beth daughter to Nathaniel Humphreys of Barton in the county of Northampton, Efq; by her had four fons, ami five daughters; Thomas, Charles, Edmund, Richard; Mary, Jane, and Elizabeth, died infants ; a fecond Mary, the wife of Edward Price of Norfolk ; and Dorothy the wife of Ro- bert Baker of Litchfield. Thus having done with the de- fendants of Anthony Brudenell, youngeft fon of Sir Robert and Margaret Entwifell, we come now to Sir Thomas the eldeft. He married Elizabeth daughter to Sir William Fitz-William, and dying on the 15th of March, 1548, by her had five fons, and four daughters, Elizabeth, Lucy, Julian, and Mary; the latter was mar- ried to Nicholas Hare, Efq. — Julian, to John Harrington of Witham. — Elizabeth the eldeft was married to Richard Griffin, Efq; and zd\y to Francis Smith, Efq. Of the fons, who were, Sir Edmund, Thomas, John, Robert, and William,, the youngeft died without iflue ; the eldeft, who was knighted, died Feb. 24, 1584. He married firft Agnes, daughter and heir to John Bufley of Hougham in the county of Leicefter, Efq; by Agnes his wife, daughter of Thomas J-Qrd Burgh, by whom he had no iifiie; but by his 2cl, who 1 4 was izo DUKE of MONTAGU. was Etheldred, daughter to Fernley, and widow of Anthony Roane, Efq; he had a daughter of her name, who was married to Sir Bafil Brook, of Madeley in the county of Salop, Knt. but the, faid Sir Edmund dying without iffue male, Thomas, his next brother became heir, and married Anne, daughter of Robert TopclhT ; but he dying without iffue, John, the 3d fon fucceeded. He married Mary, daughter to Robert Everard, of Shenton, in the county of Leicefter f and by her had a fon Robert, who died young ; but leaving no iffue, Robert, the 4th fon of Sir Thomas and Elizabeth Fitz* William fucceeded. He married Catharine, daughter to Jeffrey Taylard, and by her had three fons, Thomas, Wil- liam who died without iffue, and John who was Lord of Okeley and Potton, in the county of Bedford, and of Gam- lingay in the county of Cambridge; and a daughter Chriitian* xnarried to Alexander Thoroid. (ift E.) Thomas, the eldeft fon, who was feated at Dean ? waS) in 161 1, created a Baronet; and afterwards^was cre- ated Lord Brudenell, and Earl of Cardigan, and died ia April, 1644. He married Mary, 4th daughter to Sir Tho* mas Trefham of Bufhton, in the county of Northampton, (by Merieii, daughter to Sir Robert Throckmorton, of Coughton in Warwickfhire, by Elizabeth, daughter of John Lord Huffey, relicl: of John Lord Hungerford) and had three fons and a daughter, of her name, who in 1630 mar- vied to John Conftable, the 2d Vifcount Dunbar in Scot- land ; and of the fons, which were (2d E.) Robert, Edmund, and Edward, the latter died -young; the 2d on the 15th of Aug. 1652, unmarried; and the ddeft fucceeded his father. He married ift Mary, daughter to Henry Conftable Vifcount Dunbar, and by her had a daughter of her name, who was married to the Eari of Kinnoui in Scotland ; and taking tp his 2d wife Anne, daughter tp Thomas Vifcount Savage, had Francis Lord Brudenell, his heir apparent, who died before him ; and Jo- feph wjio died an infant ; alfo three daughters; Anna-Maria, 1 ft married to Francis Talbot the nth Earlof Shrewfbury; and 2dly to George-Rodney Bridges, of Keynfham in the county of Somerfet, Efq; and died the 20th of April, 1702* —Catharine, tp Charles Earl of Middleton in Scotland, — Dorothy, jft' to Charles Fane the 3d Earl of Weflmoreiand £ and after to Robert Vilcovmt Dunbar in Scotland* DUKE of MONTAGU. i*t Francis Lord Brudenell, who died before his father m 1698, married Frances, daughter to James Savile Earl of Suflex, and had two fons, and three daughters ; Mary,, married to Richard the 5 th Vifcount Molineux in Ireland.— Anne, ift to Henry Lord Bellafife of Worlaby ; and 2dly to Charles Lenox the ift Duke of Richmond* — Frances, the youngeft was ift married to Charles Levin gton Earl of New- burgh in Scotland ; and idly to Richard Lord Bellew in Ireland. Of the fons, which were George his fuccefTorj and James, feated at Stockton-Hall in the county of Li n* coin, who died in Auguft, 1746. He married Sufan daugh- ter of Bartholomew Burton, of Luffenham in the county of Rutland, Efq; by whom he had hTue, 1. George -Bridge* Brudenell his heir; Auguftus, 2d fon, who died in the joth year of his age, in March, 1735, and two daughters, Carolina and Louifa, which laft died in Auguft, 174^* And (3d E.) George, elded ion of Francis Lord Brudenell, in 1703, fucceeded his grandfather as Earl of Cardigan. He married Elizabeth Bruce, eideft daughter to Thomas the laft Earl of Aylelbury, and dying on the 5th of July, 1732, by her, who died in Dec. 1745, left iffue four fons, and two daughters ; Frances, married July 27, 1749, to Oliver Tilfon, Efq.— Mary, ift to Richard Powis, Efq^ by whom (he had illue, Elizabeth, married May 19, 176c, the Hon. Thomas Townfhend, Efq; and Mary, who mar- ried April 19, 1762, the Earl of Courtown in Ireland^ Their mother married sdly, June 20, 1750, to Thomas Bouldby of the Bifhopric of Durham, Efq, The fons were, George, his fucceflbr. — James, who was in 1780, created Baron Brudenell. — Robert, who married in Feb, *759» Anne, daughter of Sir Cecil Bilhop, Bart, and died 0<5tober^ 19, 1768, leaving irTue. 1 Robert, born April 26, 1769, 2. Augufta, horn July 8, 1760. 3. Charlotte, born Feb. 18, 1762. — Thomas Bruce the youngeft, who, in February 2747, fucceeded his uncle the Earl of Aylelbury, as Baron Bruce, of Tottenham, in the county of Wilts, and fince created Earl of Aylelbury. {4th E. iftD.) George the eideft ftfeceeded, and was create-d Duke of Montagu. Creations.] Baron Brudenel?, April 26, 3627, Earl of Cardigan, April 20, 1661, Marquis and Duke, Oft. 28, 1766. Arm?.] Quarterly, hYft grand quarter counter quartered^ the flrft and fourth argent, three lozenges conjoined in fefs g#kS) within a border fabk, for Montagu j fecond and third MARCHIONESS GREY. an eagle difplayed n;ert, beaded and membered gules, for Monthermer. Second and third grand quarter, fable,, a lion rampant argent, and in a canton of the fecond the crofs of England, for Churchill : the fourth as the firft. [Plate V.} Crest.] On a wreath a gryphon's head couped, or, with •wings indorfed and beaked, fable. Supporters.] On the dexter fide a gryphon, or, beaked, winged, and four legs fable* On the finifter a wyvern, gules * collared, or, wings expanded, gules, charged on the breaft in a canton, azure, with St. Andrew's crofs, argent. Motto.] SpeHemur agendo. Let us be feen by our Aftions. Chief Seats.] At Dean in Northamptonfhire ; at Ebckheath in Kent ; and at Windfor-caftle as conftable. MARCHIONESS. I>E GREY, MARCHIONESS GREY. THE m©it noble JEMIMA DE GREY, Marchionefi GREY, and Baronefs Lucas of Crudwell, born 1722, /only daughter of John, Earl of Breadalbane by Amabelia Grey, eldefl daughter and co-heirefs of Henry de Grey, late Duke of Kent, fucceeded to the title of Marehionefs Grey» 2fec. on the death of her grandfather Henry, late Duke of J£en-.t, June 5, 1740. She married May 22, the fame year, Philip, now Earl Hardwicke, by whom me has iffue two daughters, Amabelia, born Jan. 22, 1751, married the 16th of July, 1772, to Alexander Lord Polwarth, created Lord Hume of Berwick, who died without hTue, 1781, and the title became £Xtinft.-*-Mary Jemima, born Feb. 9, 1756, married Aug. *7, 1780, to the prefent Lord Grantham, by whom flic lias iilue* This noble family is defcended from Rollo or Ful- jkert, who v/as Chamberlain to Robert, Duke of Normandy; and of his gift had the caille and honour of Croy in Picardy, ■from .whence his pofterity affumed their furname, which was afterwards written De Grey. Which Rollo had a daughter, Ariotta, mother of William the Conqueror ; and a ion, John, (tiled Lord de Croy; and he marrying Adela^ daughter and one of the heirs of William Fitz-Ober, fon of Ofbertj by furname Crefpcn, the fon of Hcrfacl:, whole father MARCHIONESS GREY. i 2J father was a noble Knitght of Danifli extraction, by her had Sir Arnold de Grey, Lord of Walter-Eton, Stoke and Rotherfield ; who marrying Joanna de Pontdelarche, had Anhchetil de Grey, who (in the 20th of William the Con* queror, when the general furvey was made) was poflefTed of divers lands in the counties of Oxford and Bucks, He left a fori Richarp, who was father of Anschetil, whofe wife was Eva, daughter and heir to Baldwin, Earl of Devon f and by her he had John his heir ; and another fon, who, in the reign of King John, was Archbifhop of Canterbury; but the Pope prevailed with the Monks to choofe Stephen Langton, a Cardinal of Rome, fo that he never obtained the Pall, though the King feized on the goods and lands of the Monks whom he baniihed, and forbad Langton entrance into the realm. John his elder brother had by Hawis his wife; Sir Robert his heir. — Walter, Biihop ill of Litchfield, 2dly of Worceiler, and from thence tranflated the 17th of King John, to the See of York, to which See he gave the houia called York-Place, now White-Hall. — Henry; and two daughters ; Eva, married to William Briton.— Agnes was mother of John D'Oyly, of Stoke D'Oyly, in the county of Northampton. Sir Robert married Beatrix, daughter and heir to William de St. Luke, and by her had Walter de Grey, anceftor to the Barons Grey, of Rotherfield, which became extinct the nth of Richard II. Henry de Grey, 3d fon, married Ifolda, daughter and co-heir to Hugh, and neice and co-heir to Robert Bardolf, and had three fons, viz. Richard Grey, of Codnovre, in the county of Derby, whofe defendants were Barons Grey of Codnovre, or Codnor, which terminated in Henry Lord Grey, who died n Henry VII. without lawful iffue ; but from Henry his natural fon, the Greys of Langley in thm county of Leicefter are defcended.r— John. — William de Grey, of Landford, in the county of Nottingham, and of Sandacre, in the county of Derby, whofe eftatc defcended to the family of Leek, Earl of Scarfdale, by an heir female. John, the feeond fon of the faid Henry, dying in the 5th of Edward I, left iflue by Emma, daughter and heir to Geoffrey de Glanvile, a fon, Reginald, and a daugh- ter married to Robert de Tattnall ; and the faid Reginald; married Maud, daughter and heir to Henry, de Long- champ, a great Baron, and died the ill of Edward II. leaving John, his fon and heir, who dying the 17th of Edward II. left iffue by Maud, daughter to Ralph Lord Baflet, or Draiton, m MARCHIONESS GREY. Draiton, Henry his heir, from whom defcended William Lord Grey, and Arthur Lord Grey, whofefon, Thomas, the iaft Lord Grey, of Wilton, being one of the confpirators with Lord Cobham, Sir Walter Raleigh, and others, in their defign of feizing King James I. and the Prince, and to take them firfl to the Tower, and thence to Dover- Caftle, thereby to obtain a toleration of religion, was attainted of treafon, and retrained a prifoner in the Tower till his death, July 6, 1614; and his eftate at Whaddon, in the county of Bucks, was given to Sir George Villiers, xvho was created Baron of Whaddon, and Duke of Buck* Ingham. Roger de Grey, 2d fon to John de Grey, and Maud his wife, married Elizabeth, daughter to John Lord Haftings, of Bergavenny, by Ifabel, one of the daughters and co-heirs to William Valence, Earl of Pembroke, and his pofterity lieeame heirs to John de Haftings,. Earl of Pembroke, and John his fon and heir was contracted to Anne, daughter to Sir William Montagu, (afterwards Earl of Salifbury) and. dying in the life-time of his father, and his father dying in the 27th of Edward III. Reginald, 2d fon of Roger, fucceeded, and had fum- 1110ns to all the parliaments, and died rhe 12th Richard II. He married Eleanor, daughter to John Lord Strange, of Black mere, and had Reginald, his fijcceiTor, who was famous for his dis- putes with Owen Glendour, concerning the fituation of their lands, by whom being at length overpowered, he be- came prifoner to the faid Owen, and paid a great fum for ins redemption. He died the 1 9th Henry VI. having had two wives, 1 ft. Margaret, daughter to William Lord Roos, by whom he had a fon, John; and by his 2d wife, Joan, daughter and heir to William Lord Aftley of Aftley, in the county of Warwick, and widow of Thomas Raleigh, Efq; he had three fens, of whom Edward, the eldeft, married Elizabeth, daughter and heir to Henry, fon of William Lord Ferrers, of Groby, whereby he became heir to the faid Lord Ferrers, and bore the title of Lord Ferrers, of Groby, afterwards Grey of Groby, and his defcendants became Earls of STAMFORD.— John the 2d, was of Barwell, in the county of Leicefler. — Robert the 3d was of Enfield in StafTordfhire. He had alfo by his 2d wife a daughter, Eleanor married to William Lucy, of Lherlecote, in the county of Warwick, Efq. John, eldeft fon by the ill wife, dying in his father's life- MARCHIONESS GREY. f*$ life-time, left iffue by Conftance, (only daughter to John Holland, Duke of Exeter and Earl of Huntingdon, widow of Thomas Lord Movvbery, fon of Thomas Duke of Nor- folk,) Edmund. — Thomas, who in the 28th Henry VI. was created Lord Grey of Rugemont, in the county of Bedford, and died without iffue. — Alice married to William Knyvet, Efq. (ill E.) Edmund, the elder brother in 1441, the 19th Henry VI. fucceeded his grandfather, and in the 5th Edward IV. was created Earl of Kent ; and died in 1489. He married Catharine, daughter to Henry Percy, ad Earl of Northumberland, and had four fons and two daughters ; of which fons, (2d E.) George, (the eldeft furviving) fucceeded him, and married firft Anne, daughter to Richard Woodville 3 Earl Rivers, by whom he had a fon Richard, his fucceffor; and by his 2d, who was Catharine, daughter to William tlerbert, Earl of Pembroke, he had Sir Henry Grey of Wreft in the county of Bedford fuccefTor to his half brother Richard. — George. — Anthony Grey of Branfpeth of the Bifhoprick of Durham, whofe grandfon at length fucceeded to the Earldom, being the 10th Earl : as alfo two daugh- ters, of whom Anne married John Lord Huffey, whofe daughter Agnes married Sir Humphry Brown, Kt. one of the Juftices of the Court of Common Pleas, whofe daughter and co-heir Chriftian married Sir John Tufton, Bart, and was mother of Nicholas, the ift Earl of Thanet ; but dy- ing in 1 506. (3d E.) Richard, by his 1 ft wife, fucceeded him. He married Elizabeth, daughter to Sir William Hufley, and dying on the 3d of May, 1524, without iffue, the Earldom defcended to (4th E.J Sir Henry Grey of Wreft, his. brother by the half-blood, who having married Anne, daughter to "John Blennerhaffec, and having but a fmall income, declined to take upon him the title of Eatl, as did alfo (5th E.) Henry his fon ; but this laft Henry having married Margaret, fitter to Oliver the firft Lord St. John of Bletflroe, had three fons, Reginald, Henry, and. Charles; of whom, (6th E.) Reginald the eldeft, in the 13th Eliz. ttfi 9 re-affumed the title of Earl of Kent. He married Sufan, daughter to Richard Bertie, Efq. anceftor of the Duke of Ancafter, by Catharine his wife, Duchefs of Suffolk, and dying on the 17th of March 1753, without hTue by her ? who afterwards married Sir John Wingficid, Kt, < - (jrthE.) 2*6 MARCHIONESS GREY* (7th E.) Henry, his next brother, became heir, an<$ married Mary, one of the daughters of Sir George Cot-* ton of Cumbermere, in the county of Chefter, Kt. and wi- dow of Edward Stanley the 3d Earl of Derby, but dying €:i the 1 ft of Jan* 161 5, without hTue alfo, (8th E.) Charles his next brother, fucceeded him and married Sufan, daughter to Sir Richard Cotton, and by her had a fon Henry ; and a daughter Sufan, who mar- ried to Sir Michael Longueville ; and /dying in 1623, was fucceeded by (9th E.) Henry his fon, who married Elizabeth, 2d daughter and co-heir of Gilbert Talbot the 7th Earl of Shrewflwry; but dying in 1639, having no hTue, the title of Earl (by reafon of the entail on the heirs male) de- fcended to (rothE.) Anthony Grey, then Rector of Burbache, In the county of Leicefter ? fon of George, fon of Anthony 3d fon to George, the 2d Earl ; but upon claim made of the dignity of Lord Grey of Ruthyn, by Charles Longue- ville, fon and heir to Sir Michael Longueville, by Sufan his wife, fifter and heir to Henry the laft Earl of Kent, who died without? hTue, as hath been obferved, Anno 1640, it was adjuded to Mr. Longueviile, from whom is defcended the Earl of SufTex. This Anthony married Magdalen, daughter to William Purefoy of Caldecote, in the county of Warwick, Efq. and had five fons, and as many daughters, vjz. Henry. — John . — Theophilus.— Job. — Na- thaniel. — Grace married to James Ward, Efq — Magdalen to John Brown, of Stretton, in the county of Derby, Efq. — Chriftia-n to the Reverend Mr Burdet. — Patience to Mr. Wood of Lubenham, in the county of Leicefter. — Prifciila. — Theophilus died unmarried March 29, 1679, aged 74 ; aqd. (iijhE.) Henry the eldeft, in 1643, fucceeded his father. He married ill Mary, daughter of Sir William Courteen, Kt. by whom he had iflue Henry, Lord Grey, who died in 1644 His 2d wife was Arabella, widow to Anthony Fane, Efq. 3d fon of Francis the ift Earl of Weftmorland, daughter and heir to Sir Anthony Benn, Kt. Recorder of London, (by Jane his wife, daughter to John Evelyn of Godfton, in Surry, Efq.) and by her (who furvived her monument 45 years, and died on the 17th of Auguft- 1698, aged 92), - had iffue, Henry, who died in 1644. — Anthony his heir. — And a daughter Elizabeth, mar- ried- to Bauifier Lord Maynard* MARCHIONES GREY. *i$ (i2 E.) Anthony, who in April 1651, fucceede4 iiis father, married Mary, daughter and foie heir of John Lord Lucas, Baron ot Shenfield, in the county of Eflex ; who on the 7th of May 1663, was created Baronefs Lucas of Crudwell, in Wilts, and to her heirs male and female, by the Earl of Kent ; and by her, who died Nov. r, 1702, the faid Earl, had Henry his heir; and a daughter Ama* bella, w r ho died Nov. 26, 1702. ("13th E. 1 ft D.) Henry, who on the 19th of Auguft* 1702, fucceeded his father, married to his firft w r ife Jemima, eldeft of the two daughters of Thomas Lord Crewe of Stene, and by her (who died July 27, 1728) had four fons and feven daughters ; Amabella, married to John Campbell, Earl of Breadalbane in Scotland, and died on the 2d of March 1 7 -> 7 , leaving an only daughter Ladj Jemima, the prefent Marchionefs. — Jemima married John Earl of afhburnham. — Henrietta born Oct. 20, 1709, died- Jan. 4, 1 7 17. — Anne married to Lord Charles Cavendiili^ * brother to William Duke of Devonshire, and died Sept. 20^ 1733. — Mary married Dr. Gregory, Cannon of Chriil Church, Oxford, in March 1744, and mong the Barons. He married firft Eleanor, daughter to Richard Neville, Earl of Salifbury, lifter to the great Eail of Warwick, by whom he had fix fons, and four daughters ; His 2d wife was Margaret, daughter and heir to John Beaufort, Duke of Somerfet, widow of Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond, and mother to King Henry VII. but by her he had no iftue, and died in 1504. The daughters by \ the fy-ft wife were, Alice. — Catharine. — Anne, — Margaret, who married to Sir John Ofbaldefton ; butthe other three died young. Of the fons, Thomas the eldeft, Richard the 2d, and William the 4th, died young. — James the 6th was Biftiop of Ely. — Edward the 5th, was Knight of the Garter, and in the 5 th of Henry VIII. for his fervice at Flodden Field, was made Lord Mouteagle. He married Margaret, daugh- ter and heir of Sir George Vernon, and had ilTue Thomas Lord Monteagle, father of William Lord Monteagle, who leaving an only daughter and heir, Elizabeth, married to Edward Parker, Lord Morley, their fon and heir, William, in right of his mother, was Lord Monteagle, who revealed the powder-plot againft King James L This Lord having K married t$o EARL of DERBY. married the Countefs of Richmond, was fufpe&ed as a well- wifher to the Earl her fon, and was therefore denied leave to retire into the country, 'till he had given up George his ion and heir, as a hoftage, left he mould (lay in thofe parts on purpofe to join with the Earl at his landing; which, as appears by his riding with him at the day of battle, was his real defign ; and King Richard III. being ilain in Bofwortlv field, he there fet the crown, found amongft the fpcils, upon the Earl of Richmond's head, and proclaimed him King by the name of Henry VII. who in the id year of his reign, made him Lord High Steward of England, and created him Earl of Derby. George, his eldeft furviving fon, having married Joan, daughter and heir to John Lord Strange of Knockyn, had thereupon fummons to Parliament by the title of Lord Strange. He left iflue, Thomas. — Sir James Stanley, from whom the prefent Earl is defcended. — Jane, married to Sir Robert Sheffield.— Elizabeth. (2d E.) Thomas, whofucceeded his grandfather, married Anne, daughter to Edward Lord Hattings, and filter to George the ift Earl of Huntingdon, by her had John Lord Strange, who died before him. — Edward his heir. — Henry, who died young. — Margaret, married to Robert Radcliff, Earl of Suilex. (3d E.) Edward, who in 15*21, fucceeded his father, marrying flrft Dorothy, daughter to Thomas Howard, the 2d Duke of Norfolk, by her had three fons, Henry, Tho- mas, and Edward; and four daughters; of which Anne, was firft married to Charles Lord Stourton, and after to John Arundel. — Elizabeth, to Henry Parker, Lord Morlcy. — Mary, to Edward Lord Stafford. — Jane, to Edward Lord Dudley. Of the fons, Henry the elderl fucceeded his father. The other two were knighted; Sir Thomas married Mar- garet, daughter and co-heir of Sir George Vernon, by whom he had a fon, Sir Edward Stanley, Knight of the Bath, who married Lucy Percy, 3d daughter and co-heir of Thomas the 7th Earl of Northumberland, and had a daughter his co-heir married to Sir Kenelm Digby, Knt. — - Sir Edward was feated at Eynfham, in the county of Oxford. The Earl married, zdly 9 Margaret, daughter to Ellis Bar- low, Efq; and by her had two daughters, Catharine mar- ried to Sir Thomas Knevit, Knt. — Margaret, firft to Sir John Jermyn, and afterwards to Sir Nicholas Pointz. His third wife was Mary, daughter to Sir George Cotton ; but by her, (who afterwards married Henry the feventh Earl ef Kent,) he had no iflue, and died on the 24th of Q<5tober,i572. ( 4 th E.) EARL of DERBY, 131 (4th E.) Henry, his eldeft fon, by his firit wife, fuc- ceeded him. He married Margaret, only child to Henry Clifford, Earl of Cumberland (by Eleanor his wife, fecond daughter and co-heir to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, by Mary the French Queen, third daughter to King Henry VI.) and dying Sept. 25, 1593, left two fons, (cth E.) Ferdinando, and William. The eldeft fucceeded his father, and marrying Alice, daughter to Sir John Spencer, of Althorp, by her, (who afterwards married Thomas, Vifc. Brackley) had three daughters his heirs; Anne, the eldeft was married to Grey Bridges, Lord Chandos, and idly, to Mervin Earl of Caftlehaven. — Frances the fecond married Sir John Egerton, who was created Earl of Bridgewater. — Elizabeth, the youngeft, married Lord Haftings, afterwards Earl of Huntingdon. The faid Ferdinando had no fon, and died April 16, 1 594. (6th E.) William, his brother became heir to the Earl- dom; he married Elizabeth, eldeft daughter to William Lord Burleigh, and lifter to the Earls of Exeter and Salifbury, by whom he had James his heir; and three daughters; Anne, was firft married to Sir Henry Portman, Bart, and afterwards to Robert, Earl of Ancram; but a difpute arifing between the faid William Earl of Derby, and the daughters of his brother Ferdinando, touching the title to the Ifle of Man, he purchafed their ieverai claims ; which agreement, together with the King's frefti grant, was ratified by act of Parliament, July 7, the 7th of James L To him, on Sept. 2 2 y 1642, fucceeded (7th E.) James his fon, who was beheaded at Bolton in Lancaihire, October 15, 1651. He married Charlotte de la Tremouille, (daughter to Claud, Duke of Tremouille in France, and Charlotte Brabantina de Naftau, his wife, daughter to the renowned Count William of NafTau, Prince of Orange, and Charlotte of Bourbon his wife) and by her had Charles his jfujeceflor; and three daughters; Henrietta- Mary, married to William the 2d Earl of Strafford. — Catha- rine, to Henry Pierpoiuf, Marquis of Dorchefter. — Amelia- Sophia, to John Marquis of Athol, in the kingdom of Scot- land, who fucceeded to the title of Baroii Strange of Knoc- kyn, in right of the faid Amiiia-Sophia his grandmother, (8th E.) Charles, who fucceeded, married Dorothea- Helena, daughter of Baron Rupa, a German nobleman ; and dying on the 21ft of December, 1672, by her left Wil- liam-Richard-George, his heir. — Robert, who died unmar- ried, — James, the ioth Earl. — Charks.^Charlotte, mar- K z ried 1 it EARL or DERBY. ried Thomas Savage, Vifc. Colchefter, deleft fon of Tfaamafc Earl Rivers.— Mary who died unmarried. (9th E.) William-Richard-George, who fucceeded his father, married Elizabeth Butler, daughter to Thomas Earl of OlFory, and ii iter to James Duke of Ormond, by whom he had James Lord Strange, who died before him (at Venice} unmarried. — Henrietta, iirft married to John An- nefley the 4th Earl of Anglefea, and 2dly, to John Lord Aihburnham.— Elizabeth, who died April 24, 17 14. The Earl theic father dying Nov. 5, 1702, without furviving iffue male, (10th E.) James his brother became heir. He married Mary, daughter and fole heir to S-ir William Moiley, and "by her, who died March 29, 1752, had a fon William, who was born Jan. 31, and died the 4th of March, 1710; and his Lordfhip dying without iffue, Feb. 1, 1736, the Barony of Strange, and Lordfhip of Man, devolved on James Mur- ray Duke of Athol, in Scotland, fon and heir of John Marquis of Athol, by Amelia-Sophia, his wife, daughter of James Lord Strange, the 7th Earl of Derby; and the- Barony of Stanley and Earldom of Derby devolved on Sir Edward Stanley of BickerftafF, Bart, defcended from George Lord Strange, fon of Thomas the firft Earl of Derby, whofc 2d fon, Sir James Stanley, married the fifter of Sir Per- cival Hart; and had hTue, Sir George, and Henry; the former of whom had ifTue two fons, Edward and Henry, who both furvived him r but died without ifiue male. Henry, fecond fon of Sir James^ became the chief heir male of this branch, and marrying Margaret, daughter and heir to Peter Stanley, of BickerftafF, in the county of Lancafter, Itii two fons Edward,, and James % which ( 1 ft Bart,} Sir Edward, who was of Bickerftaff, was created a Baronet June 26th, 3 Car. I. He married firft Catharine, daughter of Sir Randal Man waring, by whom he had only two daughters. He married 2dly, Ifabel daugh- ter to Sir Peter Warburton, by whom he had fix fons. 2d Bart.) Sir Thomas the eldeft, married Mary r daugh- ter of Peter Egerton, and dying in May 1653, left two fons, Sir Edward, and Peter, and one daughter married to - Braidfhaigh, of Pennington in Lancashire, Efq; — Peter the yourtgeft ion, married Catharine daughter of Colonel Rig* by, by whom he had iffue, Thomas his only fon and heir, ivho married Catharine daughter of Anthony Parker, Efq; %y whom he had three fons, Charles born in 171 5; Tho- mas 1 ^n in 1 7 1 7 ; and James. (3d Bart,) Sir Edward Stanley, Bart, the eldeft fon and heir, EARL of DERBY, jj 5 hfcfr, was horn in '643, and married in 1664, Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Bofweil, Efq; and dying Oft. 16, 1671. left iffue one fon and three daughters; Mary and Elizabeth, died unmarried ; and Barbara, married to the Rev. Mr, Za chary Taylor. (4th Bart.) Sir Thomas Stanley, Bart, the only fon was born Sept. 27, 1670, and in 16S8 married Elizabeth, daugh- ter and heir to Thomas Patten, Efq; who dying about fix years after; he married, 2dly, Margaret, daughter of Tho- mas Holcrofr, Efq; and relict of Sir Richard Standifh, by whom he had iifue, and died May 7, 1 - 1 3. He had iifue by his firft Lady, four fons. Edward, born Sept. 17, 1689. — Thomas born 1699, and died young.— John bora in 1692, married ift, Alice daughter of Edward Warren, Efq; and 2d!y, Mrs. Sarah Earl e of Liverpool; and died 1781. — William born in 1694, died young. (_;th Bart, nth E.) Edward the eldeft was the late Earl of Derby, the titles devolving to him, on the death of the tenth Earl of Derby, April 13, 1736. He married, in Sept. 1714, Elizabeth, only daughter and heir of Robert Helketh, of Rufford, in Lancafhire, Efq; and by her, who died Feb. 24, 1776, he had four fons and feven daughters. James born in January 1 7 1 7, married March 1747, to Lucy, one of the three daughters and co-heirs of Hugh Smith, of Weald-hall, in ElTex, Efq; and by her who died Feb. 7, 1759, had iflue, I. Edward-Smith, the prefer- 1 Earl. 2. Thomas, born 1753 died 1779. 3. James, born 1754 and died 1 77 1. 4. Elizabeth, born 1748, married July 28, 1779, Thomas Horton, Efq; 5. Lucy, born 1750, married April 25, 1772, to Jeffery Hornby, Efq; 6. Harriot, born $756, married June 3, 1778, Sir Watts Horton, Bart. 7. Louifa born 1759, and died 1769. His Lordfhip died in his father's life time, ift June, 1771. The other fons of the Earl were. Thomas, born July 20, 17 18, died young. — A fon, who died unbaptized March, 1719. — Edward, born June, 1732, and died Ap. 20, 1745. The daughters are, Eliza- beth, married in March, 1746, to Sir Peter Warburton, Bart, and died Sept. 178?.—- Mary, born 1717 — Ifabella- Dorothea born Feb. 9, 172 1-2. — Margaret, born 1723, who died March 9, 1776. — Jane, born Ap. 1726. — Charlotte, married to Gen. John Burgoyne, and died without iffue June 7, 1776. — Barbara, who died an infant ; and the Earl dying Feb. 22, 1776, was fucceeded by his grandfon, (i2thE.) Edward -Smith, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Earl oFDerby, Gft. 27, 1485. K 3 Arms.] 13+ EARL of HUNTINGDON, Arms.] Argent, on a bend, azure, three bucks heads ca- bodied, or. [Plate VII.] Crest.] On a chapeau, gules, turned up, ermine, an eagle with wings expanded, or, preying upon an infant in its cradle, proper. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a gryphon ; on the Snifter, a buck, both or, ducally collared, and chained, azure. Motto.] Sans Changer. Without changing. Chief Seats.] At Knowefly and Bickerftaff, both in the county of Lancafter. HASTINGS, EARL of HUNTINGDON. THE Right Hon. FRANCIS HASTINGS, Earl of HUNTINGDON, and ISaron Haftings, Hungerford, Botreaux, Moiins, and Moles, was born March 13, 1728-9 This illuftrious family derives its defcent from Ro eert de Haftings, whofe fon William was Steward of the Houlhold to K. Henry I. and his fon Hugh, was father of William de Haftings ; who, marrying Ida, daughter to Henry Earl of Ewe, by her had two fons, William, and Robert; from William, who in the ift of K. John had fummons to Parliament among the Peers, de- icended John Lord Haftings, whofe wife was ifabel, filler and co-heir to Aymere de Valance, Earl of Pembroke, and by her he had another John Lord Haftings, whofe fon Laurence Lord Haftings, Wefhford, and Abergavenny, w r as by letters patent, bearing date Oct. 3, 1339, created Earl of Pembroke. He married to his firft wife, the daughter of the Earl of Sr. Paul, by whom he had no iffue; but by his 2d, who was -gnes. daughter to Roger Mortimer Lord ofWigmore and Earl of March, he had John Lord Haf- tings, who in the 2 2d of Edward III. fucceeded him, and died in France, April 16, 1375. married fit'ft Mar- garet, youngeft daughter to K. Edward III. and his Queen Philippa, by whom he had no ilTue ; but by his 2d, Anne^ daughter and heir to Sir Walter Manny, by Margaret his wife, Duchefs of Norfolk, daughter and heir of Thomas of Brotherton eldefr fon of K. Edward I. by Margaret his 2d wife, daughter to Philip the Hardy, K, of France, had John Haftings, the 3d Earl of Pembroke, who, after he had enjoyed EARL of HUNTINGDON. 135 she honour 14 years, was ilain in a tournament at Woodftock in 1389, by Sir John St. John. He married Philippa, 3d daughter to Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March, and dying without iiiue, his inheritance devolved upon Reginald Lord Grey of Ruthin, whofe grandmother was lifter of Laurence Haftings, the ift Earl of Pembroke of this family. Having done with this branch, we return to Robert de Haftings id fon of William, and Ida, daughter to the Earl of Ewe, as at flrft mentioned ; which Robert, had a great grandfon named Rafe, whofe fon Rafe marrying Margaret, lifter and heir to Sir Robert Herle, by her had another Rafe Haftings, who lived in the 47th of Edward III. and was knigh:ed# He married Ifabel, daughter and heir to Sir Robert de Sad- dington, and by her (befides a daughter Margaret, married to Sir Roger Heron,) had a fon Rafe, who died 21 Richard II. He married Anne, daughter to Sir James Fines, Kt. and from that match defcended (iftL.) William de Haftings, who was fummoned to Parliament by the title of Lord Haftings of Afhby de la Zouch ; but was murdered in the Tower, by order of Richard Duke of Gloucefter. He married Catharine, daughter to Richard Neville, Earl of Salilbury, and by her left (2d L.) Edward his heir and fucceflbr; who left iffue by Mary his wife, daughter and fole heir to Sir Thomas Hungerford, George his fucceflbr ; and Anne, married to Thomas Stanley the 2d Earl of Derby. (3d L. and ift Earl.) George, who fucceeded, was created Earl of Huntingdon; but dying March 24, 1544, left ilfue by Anne, daughter to Henry Stafford, the 2d Duke of Buckingham, five fons and three daughters ; Do- rothy. — Mary. — Catharine. The eldeft married Sir Richard Devereux, Kt. fon and heir cf Walter Vifc. Hereford, by whom flie had Walter Earl of Eflex. The fons were Francis. — Sir Edward.— Thomas.— Henry. — William. The 2d, who was Kt, of the Garter, was by Queen Mary created Lord Haftings of Loughborough in the county of Leiceftcr ; but died at Stoke Pogies in Bucks, where he had built a chapel, and founded and endowed an hofpital, leaving no ift ue. (2dE.) Francis, who, in 1544, fucceeded his father, died on the 20th of June, 1561, leaving iffue by Catharine his wife, one of the daughters and heirs to Henry Pole Lord Montacute (fon and heir of Sir Richard Pole, Kt, of the Garter, and Margaret Plantageuet, Countefs of Salifl K 4 huvy 136 EARL of HUNTINGDON, bury, daughter and heir to George Duke of Clarence) Henry his fuccefTor. — Sir George. — Sir Edward»-*-Wai.ter. — Catharine, married to Henry Clinton the 2d Earf of Lincoln. — Frances, to Henry Lord Corapton.— Elizabeth, to Edward Somerfet, the 4th Earl of Worcefter. Of the fons, Walter the youngeit, married Joyce, daughter to William Roper.— Sir Edward married Barbara, daughter to Sir William Devereux, widow of Edward Cave, Efq; (3d E.) Henry who fucceeded his father, married Ca- tharine daughter to John Dudley, Duke of Northumber- land ; and dying on the 14th of December, 1595, without iflue, (4th E.) Sir Gscrge, his brother, became heir. He married Dorothy, 2d daughter and co-heir to Sir John Port, by whom he Bad iifue ; Francis, — Sir Henry.- — Sir Edward.— Catharine the 2d wife of Sir Walter Chetwynd. —Dorothy who married in to Sir George Stuart, who wa* killed in a duel at Iflington, by Sir George Wharton ; sdly, to Robert Dillon, Earl of Rofcommon in Ireland. Of the fons, Sir Henry married Dorothy, daughter and co-heir of Sir Francis Willoughby, and dying the 5th of Oft. 1650, in the 99th year of his age, left a ion, Sir George Haftings, Kt. who died the 25th of Oct. 1651, in the 63d year of his age. Sir Edward died at Vienna. Francis Lord Haftings, their elder brother, who died in his father's life-time, marrying Sarah, filler to John Lord Hartington, left ifliie ; Catharine married to Philip Stanhope, the ift Earl of Chefterfield. — Theodofia, married to Sir Francis Bodenham. — Sir George the youngefl fon, married Seymour, daughter and co-heir to Sir Gilbert Prinn. — Edward died a Captain at fea under Sir Walter Raleigh* (5th E ) Henry the eldeft, fucceeded his grandfather, and died Nov. 14, 1643. He married Elizabeth, youngeft daughter of Ferdinando Earl of Derby ; and left two fons, Ferdinando and Henry; and two daughters ; Alice mar- ried to Sir Gervafe Clifton, Bart, being his 7th wife; and Elizabeth to Sir Hugh Calverly. Henry, the youngefl: fon was by letters patent, dated Ocl:. 23. 1643, created Baron of Loughborough, but died unmarried in Jan. 1666. (6th E.) Ferdinando, who fucceded, had fummons to Parliament in his father's life-time, Nov. 3, 1640. He married Lucy, daughter and fole heir to Sir John Davies, and had iflue, Henry Lord Haftings, who died June 24, 1649, aged 19, — John, who died in Dec. 1639. — Fer- dinando, EARL of HUNTINGDON. i 37 dirando, who died in 1647. — Theophilus his heir; and fix daughters, four of whom died young. — Eliza beth, mar- ried to Sir James Langham. — Mary to William Jolliffe, Efq. (7th E.) Theophilus, born December 10, 1650, on the 13th of February, 1655, fucceeded his father. He married to his fir ft wife Elizabeth, eldelt daughter and co- heir to Sir John Lewis, and by her had George Lord Haft- ings, his heir,* and a daughter of her name, who died in December, 1739, unmarried. (8th E.) George, who on the 13th of May, 1701, fuc- ceeded his father, dying unmarried, February 22, 1739, we return to Theophilus his father, who on the 2d of May, 1690, married to his fecond wife, Frances, daughter and fole heir to Francis Levefon Fowler, Eiq; (by Anne his wife, 2d daughter to Peter Venebles, Baron of Kinderton, in Chefhiie, widow of Thomas Needham, Vifcount Kiimorey in Ireland) and by her, who afterwards married the Chevalier de Ligondes, had two fon^, and five daughters, viz, The- ophilus, born November 12, 1696. — Ferdinando, born Oci. 22, 1699, and died the 9th of Aug. 1726. — Anne-Jaqueline,, born May 1, 1691, died July 1, 1655, unmarried. — Alice, born and died Jan. 21, 1692. — Frances, born Jan. 8, 1694, died Jan. 23, 1750. — Catharine-Maria, born Feb. 13, 1697, married to the Rev. Granville Wheeler, fon and heir of Sir George Wheeler. — Margaret, born February 15, 1700; and (9th E.) Theophilus, their eldeft brother, lucceeded George his half-brother, 1739; and on the 3d of June, 1728, married Selina Shirley, 2d daughter and one of the three co-heirs of Wafhington, 2d Earl Ferrers; and by her had ifTue, Francis, the preterit Earl, born March 13, 1728, — - George, born March 29, 1730, who died in Dec. 1743. — Ferdinando, born January 23, 1732, who died in Mav, 1 743. — Henry, born December, 12, 1739, died September 12, 1 75 1 . — Elizabeth, born March 23, 1732, married Fe- bruary 26, 1752, to Lord Rawdon, now Eari of Moira, of the Kingdom of Ireland, and has ifTue the prefent Lord Rawdon, &c. — Selina, born June, 1735, died an infant. — Selina, born December 3, 1732, died May 12, 1763. His Lordfliip dying, October 13, 1746, was fucceeded by hi$ eldeft fon (10th E.) Francis, now Earl of Huntingdon. Creations,] Created Baron Haflings of Afhby-de-la- Zouch in the county of Leicefter, July 26, 1461, 1 Edward IV. Baron of Hungerford, of Heytefbury in the county of Wilts, by fummons, Noy. 15, 1482, tz Edw, IV. by defcent original^ t 3 8 EARL of PEMBROKE. originally, Jan. 7, 1425, 4 Henry VJ. and created Earl of the county of Huntingdon, Dec. 8, 1529, 21 Henry VIII. . Arms.] Argent, a maunch, fable. [Plate VII. ] Crest.] On a wreath a buffalo's head erafed, fable, gor- ged with a ducal coronet, and armed, or. Supporters.] Two man-tygers affrontee, or, their vifage like the human, proper. Motto.] In veritate viBoria. Victory is in Truth. Chief Seats.] At Afhby-de-la-Zouch, and at Donning- fcon* both in the county of Leicefter. HERBERT, EARL of PEMBROKE. THE Right Hon. HENRY HERBERT, Earl of PEMBROKE, and Montgomery, Baron Herbert of Cardiff, and Herbert of Shuriand, was born July 3, 1734* and fucceeded Henry, the late Earl, his father, January 9, 1750. His Lordihip married, March 13, 17.56, Elizabeth t iecond daughter to Charles, the late Duke of Marlborough, by whom he has had iffue, a ftill born child June 9, 1758. — Henry Lord Herbert, born September 11, 1759. — Char- lotte, born Sept. 11, 1773.. In the defcent of Herbert, Earl of Povvis, itappears that William, Earl of Pembroke, had natural iffue by Maud, daughter of Adam ap Howel Graunt, Sir Richard Herbert, of Ewyas, who marrying Mar- garet,, daughter and heir of Sir Matthew Cr.idock, had iffue,, Sir William, his heir. — Sir George, who married Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Sir Thomas Berkeley, and had a numerous iffue. — Sir Thomas, from whom de- scended Sir Arnold Herbert ; and the legitimate male line of the laid Earl ceafmg, (iff E.) Sir William, was in the 5th of Edward VI. created Lord Herbert of Cardiff, and Earl of Pembroke. By his 2d wife, Anne, daughter to George Talbot, the 4th. Earl of Shrewlbury, and widow of Peter Compton, Efq; he had no iffue ; but by Anne, his nrft wife, daughter to Thomas Lord Parr, of Kendal, fifler to Catharine, the 6th wife of King Henry VIII. and lifter and co-heir to William Parr, Maxquis'of Northampton, &c. he had two fons, and a daughter Anne, married to Francis Lord Talbot, fon and heir apparent and (lie afterwards married John Mordaunt, Efq; brother to the Earl of Peterborough, in October 1735. The daugh- ters X4z EARL of PEMBROKE. ters by the rft wife, were, Catharine,— Margaret. — Eliza- beth.— Anne. — Rebecca. The eldeft. was married to Sir Nicholas Morrice, of Werrington in Devon, and died hi September 17 16. — Margaret died in December 1752. — Re- becca married William late Lord Abergavenny. The fons, were (9th E.) Henry, Robert-Sawyer, Thomas, William, John, and Nicholas; the eldeft fucceeded his father as Earl of Pembroke, on the 28th of Auguft 1733. He mar- ried Mary, eldeft daughter of Richard Vile. Fitz-Williams in Ireland, by whom he had one lbn Henry, now Earl, born July 3, 1734. — Robert-Sawyer married Mary, daugh- ter to John Smith, Efq; who in 1705 was speaker of the Houfe of Commons and liied Ap. 25, 1769, without ifTue. — Charles died unmarried. ■ — Thomas was Colonel in the Foot- guards, and died in 1739. — William was a Major-Genera], and died in April, 1757, having been married to Mifs Ca- tharine-Elizabeth Tews, by whom he had ifTue ; 1. William tffho died young. 2. Henry the prefent Lord Porchefter. 3. Charles, born 1743, married, in 1775, Caroline Mon- tague, fifter to the Duke of Manchefter. 4. Catharine, died young. 5. Georgiana, born 1747 — Caroline^Robert, in Holy orders, born 1751. — John died unmarried. — Nicholas, died in Feb. 1775, having married 19th July, 1737, Anne, daughter of Dudley North, of Glenham-hall, in Suffolk, Efq; by whom he had a daughter Barbara, born in April 1738, married to Edward prefent Earl of Aldborough, and her Mother died Dec. 27, 1755. His Lordftiip dying on the 9th of January 1750, was fucceeded by his only ion ; (and the Countefs married North Ludlow Bernard, Efq; in Sept. 1757, and died the 13th of February, 1769.) (roth EJ Henry, now Earl of Pembroke. Creations.] Created Baron Herbert of Cardiff in the county of Glamorgan, Oct. 10, 1551, 5 Ed. VI. and the next day Earl of Pembroke. Baron Herbert of Shurland in the ifle of Sheppy in Kent, May 4, 1605, 3 Jac. I. and at the fame time Earl of the county of Montgomery. Arms.] Party-per-pale, azure and gules, three lions ram- pant, argent. [Plate VII.] Crest.] On a wreath, a wyvern with wings elevated, vert 9 holding in its mouth a finifter hand, couped at the wrift, gules. Supporters.] on the dexter fide, a panther guardant, argent, fpotted of various colours, with lire iffuing out of his EARL of SUFFOLK. 145 his mouth and ears, his ducal collar, aznrc. On the Unifier, a lion argent, gorged with a ducal coronet, gules. Motto.] yngje ferieray. One I will ferve. Chief Seat.] At Wilton, in the county of Wilts. HOWARD, EARL of SUFFOLK anj» BERKSHIRE. 'HE Right Hon. JOHN HOWARD, Earl of SUFFOLK x and BERKSHIRE, Vifcount Andover, and Baron How- ard of Charleton, fucceeded his coufin Feb, 4, 1783. He married Julia, daughter of John Galkarth of Penrith in Cum- berland, Efq; by whom he has iHue Charles Nevinfoa Vifcount Andover, born 1775* — Thomas, born 1776, — Ca- therine. The defcent of this family is fet forth under the title of Duke of Norfolk. Thomas the fourth Duke of Norfolk, marrying to his fecond wife Margaret, daughter and fole heir to Thomas Lord Audley of Walden, by her had a fon, (ifr E« of S ) Thomas, who by acl of Pari, in the 27th of Elizabeth, was reftored in blood ; and in the 29th of that reign, had fummons to Parliament, by the title of Lord Howard of Walden ; and having married Catharine, daugh- ter and coheir to Sir Henry Knevit, widow of Sir Richard, eldeft fon of Robert Lord Rich, and lifter to the Couhtcfe of Lincoln, by her had feven fons and four daughters ; whereof Elizabeth was firft married to William Knolles, Earl of Banbury, and afterwards to Edward Lord Vaux. — Frances to Robert Devereux, Earl of Effex, from whom being divorced, (lie married Robert Carr, Earl of Somer- fet. — Margaret died an infant, — Catharine married William Cecil, the id Earl of Salifbury. The fons were Theophilus, Thomas, Henry, Charles, Robert, William, and Edward; Sir Charles, the 4th, married Mary, daughter and heir to Sir John Fitz. — Henry married Elizabeth, daughter and fole heir to William Baflet, Efq; and by her, who afterwards mar- ried William Cavendiih, Duke of New daft le, had a daughter of her name, who w r as married to Sir John Harpur. — Thomas the 2d fon was created Earl of Berkshire,— The eldeft fuq- eeeded his father, (adE.) 144 EARL oe SUFFOLK. (2d Earl of S.) Theophilus, who was fuinmoned to Parliament in his father's life-time as Lord Howard of Walden, on May 28, 1626, fucceeded. He married Eli- zabeth, daughter and coheir to George Lord Hume, Earl of Dunbar in Scotland, and by her had four loris^ and five daughters; Catharine who married ift, to George Lord Aubigny ; and 2dly, to James Earl of Newburgh, in Scot- land. — Elizabeth, to Algernon Percy, the 10th Earl of Northumberland — Margaret to Roger Boyle, the ill Karl of Orrery in Ireland. — Anne, to Thomas Wa!iingham,Ef ; — Frances to Sir Edward Viuiers, Kt. from which marriage defcended the prefent Earl of Jerfey. The ferns were James, Thomas, George, and Henry ; the 2d had an only fon James, who married Charlotte Jemima-Henrietta-x\'3aria Boyle, na- tural daughter to King Charles the lid. by Elizabeth Vif- countefs Shannon, and by her had Stuarta Howard, his only child, who died unmarried. (3d E. ofS.) James the el deft fon, on the 3d of June 1640, fucceeded his father He married fir ft Sufan, daugh- ter to Henry Rich, Earl of Holland, by whom he had an only daughter EfTex, married to Edward Lord Griffin ; by his 2d, Barbara, widow of Richard Wenman, Efq; only fan of Thomas, the 2d Vifcount Wenman, and lifter to Sir Ed- ward Viliiers before-mentioned, who afterwards married Arthur Gorges, Efq; he had a daughter Elizabeth, married to Sir Thomas Felton, Bart, whole only daughter married the Earl of Briftol ; and by his third wife Anne, eldcfr daughter to Robert Montague, the 3d Earl of Manchefter, he had no iiTne. This Earl, dying in 1689, without ifluc male, was fucceeded by (4th E. ofS.) George his 3d brother ; Thomas the id being dead, and leaving only a grand-daughter as before ohferved. He married ift Catharine, daughter to Allen, by whom he had two daughters ; sdly, Mary, daugh- ter to Sir Henry Wroth, widow of James Cowp^r, Eiq; but dying in i6qi, without Jffue male, (5th E, of S.) Henry his 4th brother became heir, and married firft Mary Steuart, daughter and heir to the Lord Caftle-Steuart of Ireland, and by her had three 10ns ; and a daughter Diana, married to Colonel John Pitt; but by his 2d. who was widow of Sir John Maynard, Kt. he had no iflue, and died on the 9th of December, 1709. His fons, by his firft wife, were Henrv, Edward, and Charles, all Earls of Suffolk. (6th E. of S.) Henry, on the 30th of December 1706, was EARL op SUFFOLK. 145 \vas created Baron of Chefterford in Eflex, and Earl of Bin- don in the county of Doriet, his father being then alive; and on the 9th of December, 1709, fucceeded his father, put died Sept, 19, 1.718. By his iecond wife, Henrietta So- jfierfet, third daughter to Henry Duke of Beaufort, (widow of Henry Lord Obrien, fon of Henry Earl of Thomond in Ireland), he had no iflue ; but by his fir ft, who was Pene- lope, daughter to Henry Earl of Thomond, he had four fons, Charles-William, James, Thomas and Arthur; and a daughter Sarah- Henrietta, married in 1721, to Thomas Chefter, Efq. and died the 28th of March, 1722. James, Thomas, and Arthur, the three yonngeit fons, died un- married. (7th E. of S ) Charles-William the eldeft, fucceeded his father; and married Arabella, 4th daughter and coheir to Sir Samuel Aftry, but dying on the 8th of February 1722, and his Lady in June following, without iflue, he was fuc- ceeded in the title of Lord Walden and Earl of Suffolk (the other titles being extinct) by (>th E. of S.) Edward his uncle, fon of Henry the 5th Earl; which Edward dying unmarried, June 22, 1731, the honour and eftate devolved on his only brother, (oth E. of S.) Charles, who married Henrietta, filler to John Hobart, the ill Earl of Buckinghamfhire, and died at Bath in September 1733, leaving iflue one fon, Henry; and her Ladyfhip married, zdly, July 1735, George Berke- ley, Ei'q. (iothE. of S.) Hen*ry, who fucceeded, married May 13, 1735, Sarah, fole daughter of Thomas Inwen, Efq. and dying in April, 1745, without ilfue, Ihe married in Octo- ber 1752, Lucius Vifcount Falkland; and his titles de- volved on (nth E. of S.) Henry-Bowes Earl of Berkfhire, defcen- ded from Thomas, 2d fon of Thomas the firft. Earl of Suf- folk, who was created Lord Howard of Charleton, Vif- count Andover, and Earl of Berk (hire ; which (ill: E- of B ) Thor.tAs, married Elizabeth daughter and coheir to William the 2d Earl of Exeter, by whom he had nine fons, Charles Lord Andover. — Thomas, fucceflbr to his brother Charles.— Henry, married to Elizabeth, widow of John Lord Craven, daughter of William Lord Spencer, but died without iflue in Dec. 1663 ; and fhe married, 3dly, William Lord Crofts. — William, anceitor of the 4th Earl. — Edward who married two wives, and died without iflue. — Robert* — Philip, who married Mary, daughter of Mr. jen- L nings ; *46 EARL of SUFFOLK. nings ; by whom he had a daughter Mary, who married* Henry Scott, Earl of Deloraine ; and a fon Philip, who mar- ried and had three ions, Thomas, John, and Philip ; the Tatter of whom was a Captain of Marines in Wolf's regi- ment, and died in Jamaica in 1741, leaving iflue John the prefent Earl, who fucceeded to the earldoms in 1783,. on the death of Thomas the 14th and late Earl. Philip at prefent a Lieutenant in the navy ; and. Mary, Bed-Chamber Woman to the Pnncefs Amelia. — James. — Algernon. The faid Earl had alfo four daughters, Elizabeth married John Dryden, Efq; Poet-kuret. — Frances,, to Conyers the 2d Earl of Hoidernefs*! — Diana.— Mary died unmarried.. His Lord- fhip dying in the 90th year of his age, the 1 6 th of July, 1669,. was fucceeded by (2d E. of B.) Chaples his eldeftfon, who, in his fa- ther's life-time had fummens to divers Parliaments, by the- title of Lord Howard of Charleton. He married Dorothy 2d daughter to Thomas Vifc. Savage, and had three fons and two daughters ; Anne married to Sir Henry Bedingfield, Bart, and Elizabeth, who died young ; but his fons all dying in their youth, his titles and eitates,. (he dying in- April 1679,) defcended to (3d E. of B.) Thomas his next brother, who married, ifl, Frances, daughter to Sir Richard Harrifon, and by her had two daughters ; Frances married to Sir Henry Winchcombe ; and Mary who died unmarried. lie mar- ried, 2dly, Margaret, daughter to Sir Thomas barker, by whom be had no. iflue and dying April 12, rjo6,. wc return to William, the 4th fon of Thomas the firft Earl, who- marrying Elizabeth, daughter to Lowthiei, Lord Dundas of Scotland, had an only fon, Craven; and two daughters;. Dorothy ma'ried to Colonel James Grahme ;. and Anne, married to Sir Gabriel Sylvius. Craven, who fucceeded his father, marrying to his firfb wife, Anne, daughter to Thomas Ogle,- Efq;. by her had* Anne, who died unmarried; and' taking to his 2d wife Mary, daughter and fole heir to Charles Bowes, Efq*. by her, (befides two daughters, Mary, and Dorothy) had (4th E«. of B* nth E. of S.) Henry-Bowes, who on the 5th of March,. 1709, marrying Catharine, daughter to Colonel James Grahme, had iflue three daughters ; Diana 9 who died in January, 171 2, about two years old. — Catha- rine , f born in 171J, died 1 unraamed^Frances, hern June *7> KARL of SUFFOLK. 147 i*;, 1725, died unmarried ; and five fons ; of whom Henry 'the eldeft, and James the iecond, died in their minority. William Vifc. Andover, the third fon, born Dec. 13, 1715, died Suddenly by a fail from his chaife in Oxfordfhire, July iS, 1756. He married November 6, 1736, Mary, iecond daughter of Heneage, Earl of Aylesford, by whom he had ifiue, 1, Henry, the 12th Earl, born May 10, 1739. .2. Elizabeth, born May 14, 1744, fince dead. 3. Frances, born February 27, 1746, married February 25, 1783, to Mr, Bagot, brother of Lord Bagot.— Charles, fourth fon of the Ear], born October 13, 171 7, died October, 1773. — Thomas, fifth fori, born June n> 1721, who on the death of his great nephew, in Auguft, 1779? fucceeded to the title. — Gratham, fixrh fon, born October 27, 1722, died in the 14th year of his age. His Lordfliip dying in March 21, 1757, was fucceeded by his grandfon (12th E. of S. 5th E. of B.) Henry, born May 10, 1739, married May 25, 1764, Maria Conftantia, only daughter of Robert Lord Trevor, by which Lady, (who died in. childbed, Feb. 7, 1767,) he had a daughter Maria Con- ftantia, born Jan. 21, 1767, who died July 21, 1775. Lordfliip married 2&Jy, Aug, 14, 1777, Charlotte Finch, eldeft daughter of Heneage, Earl of Aylesford, by whom he had a fon, born Sept. 24, 1778, who died Dec. 27, following. His Lordfliip died March 7, 1779, leaving his Countefs pregnant, who was delivered of a fon Aug. 8, 1779, that lived but two days, being the 13th Earl, and was fucceeded in title and eftate, by his great uncle, Tho- mas, grandfon of Henry Bowes, the 4th Earl. (14 E. of S. 7th E. of B.) Thomas the late Earl, who married Elizabeth, daughter of William Kingfcote of Kings- cote, Glouceflerfliire, Efq. by whom, who died June 23, 1769, he had a daughter Diana, born July 23, 1748, mar- ried to Sir Michael Le Fleming, Bart. His Lordfliip dying Feb. 4, 1783, without male iffue, the honours defcended to (15th E. of S. 8th E. of B.) John, the prefent Earl, de- fcended from Philip, 7th fon of Thomas, firft Eari of Berk- ffiire. He is a Colonel in the Guards. Creations.] Summoned to Parliament as Baron Howard of Walden, in the county of EiTex, October 24, 1597, 39 Elizabeth, and created Earl of the county of Suffolk, July 21, 1603, 1 Jac. t Baron Charleton, in the county of Wilts, ^nd Vifcount An dove r, in the county of Southampton, January 23, 1621, 19 Jac. I. and Earl of the county of Eferks, February 6, 1625, 1 Car, I, 145 EARL of SALI8BU R %> Arms and Crest.] The /ame as the Duke of Norfolk^ with the crefent for difference ; omitting the truncheons on the back of the efcuteheon. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion guardant, or r . gorged ducally, argent. On the finiiier,, a lion argent. Motto.] Non quo Jed qfto?noJc. Not b| whom, but m what Manner. Chief Seats.], At Charleton in Wilts; at Levenz in Weftmoreland ; and at Eiford in StafFordfliire.. CECIL, EARL of SALISBURY. THE Right Hon. JAMES CECIL, Earl of SALISBURY, Vifcoimt Cranburn, and Baron Cecil, of Eiienclen, was born September 4, 1748, fucceeded his father the late. Earl, September, 1780, married. December 2, 1773, Mary- Amelia Hill, 2d daughter of Wills, Earl of Hiilborough 3 by whom he has iffue. The deTcent of this family is under the tide of Cecil, Earl, of Exeter. William Lord Burleigh married two wives ; by the firft he had Thomas, who was created Earl of Exe- 1 te.r ; and by the fecond had (iffi" E,) Robert, who was created Earl of Sal i {bury. He. married. Elizabeth, daughter to William Brook, Lord Cobham, had a fon, ; William and a daughter Frances, marnedto Henry Lord Clifford, .the laft Earl of Cumberland. (•2d Ei) William, on.. the 24th. of, May,,. 1.6 1 2, fucceeded his father in his honours.. He. married Catharine Howard, youngefl daughter to Thomas the 1 ft Earhof Suffolk, and had eight fens, James, died an infant. — Charles. — Robert. —Philip.— William, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir. Thomas Lawley, . Bart. — 'Algernon,^ married Dorothy, daughter of Sandford Neville, Efq. and died 1677, leaving a daughter Diana, married to John, , eldefl fon. of Sir Ed- ward Turnor, and died March 7,, 1736, . leaving ilTue ; from whom the Tumors of Panton-houle, Lincolnshire are de- fended, — Edwardi— David. Alfo four daughters; whereof Anne was married, to Algernon Percy, the 10th Earl of Northumberland,. — Elizabeth, to William Cavendilh, the 3d Earl of Devonshire. — Catharine, to Philip Lord Lifle. — Mary, to William Lord Sandes. Charles Vifcoimt Cranbounv the eldefl fon of the earl; EARL -of SALISBURY. 149 -earl dying before his father, 1659, left ifTue by Jane, daughter and co-heir to James Maxwell, Earl of Darlton in Scotland, feven fons, and five daughters ; Catharine, mar- ried William the third Earl of Kinnoul in Scotland; — Fran- ces, married Sir William Bowyer, Bart. — Diana. — Penelope. • — Elizabeth. 'Philip, one of the younger fons, married Nichola eldeft daughter of Sir Charles Hamilton the other fons died unmarried, except (3d E.) James, the 2d, fon, who on the 3d of December, 1668, fucceeded his grandfather, and marrying Margaret, 5th daughter of John Manners, the 8th Eari oi Rutland, by her had five fons and live daughters; Catharine married to Sir George Downing, Bart. — Frances, to Sir \ illam Halford. — Mary, to Sir William Forrefter, and died in April, 1740. — Margaret, i ft, to John Lord Stawel ; and adly to, Richard Jones, Earl of Ranelagh v|n Ireland, and died on February 21, 1728. — Mildred married ill, to Sir Uvedale Corbet; and 2dly, to Sir Charles Hotham. The Tons, were James, Robert, William, Charles, and George, Robert married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Ifaac Mennil, Efo. widow of William Hale, EfcjL. (4th E%) James, the deleft, in 168*3, fucceeded his father. He married Frances, daughter to Simon Beunet, Efg. and by her who died July 8, 171 3, had a fon (5th E.) James, who in December 16, 1694, fucceeded him, and married Anne Tufton, 2d daughter to Thomas Earl of Thanet, and had ifTue by her, who died April 22^ 1 757, James Vifc. Cranbourn ; and William, who died in 1740; and three daughters; Anne, married to William Strode, Efq. and died in July, 1752; leaving ifTue, Catha- rine, married on the 15th of February, 1,736, to John lata Earl of Egmnnt in Ireland, and died, leaving ifTue, 1752 ; and Margaret who died in March, 1752, unmarried. His Lordfliip dying on the 9th of October, J 728, aged 37, w r as fucceeded in his honours arrd eflat-es by (6th E.) James his only fon, the late Earl, born October 20, 171 3, married in 1743., Elizabeth, daughter to Edward Keet, Efc}. of Hertfordshire, and by her, who died Feb. 3. 1776, he had ifTue, James the prefent Earl, — Anne, born in March, 1745-6. — Bennett, born June 22, 1747, and died Nov. 18, 1769. His Lordfliip dying Sept. 1780, was fuc- ceeded by his only fon. (7th E.) James, the prefent EarL Creations.] Created Baron Cecil of EfTendon in the *mntjf of Rutland, May 13, 1603, 1 Jac. I. Vifcount L J Cranbourn EARL 07 EXETER, Cranbourn in the county of Dorfet, Auguft 20, 1604, and Earl of the city of Salifbury in the county of Wilts, May 4, 1605, 3 Jac. I. Arms.] Barry of ten, argent and azure, over ail fix efcutche- cns, 3, 2, and 1, fable, each charged with a lion rampant of the field, a crefcent for difference. [Plate VIII.] Crest.] On a wreath, fix arrows, or, heads and fea- thers, argent, girt together with a bandage, or belt, azure, garniihed, or; and over thole feathers a morion-cap, proper. Supporters.] Two lions, ermine. Motto.] Sero fed ferio . Late, but feri oufly . Chief eats ] At Hatfield in Hertfordshire ; Cran- bourn-Houfe in Dorfetfliire ; and Q^jickiwood in the county Hertford. CECIL, EARL of EXETER. THE Right Hon. BROWMLOW CECIL, £arl of EXETER, and Baron of Burleigh, born September 21, 1725, fucceeded his father, Brownlow, the late Earl, who died Nov. 3, 1754- His Lordfhip married, July 24, 1749, Letitia. fole daughter and heirefs of Horatio TownQiend, who died April 17, 1 756, leaving no iffue. This ancient and noble family derives its pedigree from the Normans, of whom was Robert Seyfil, Sicelt, or Cecil, who was by William the lid. rewarded with lands for his fervices. To him fuc- ceeded Sir James his fon, Baron of Beauport, who was fuc- ceeded by John his fon, who, by Maud de Frenes, had iffue Eustace, his heir, who married Eleanor, daughter of Sir Walter Pembridge, Kt. and had itfue Sir Baldwin Seyfil, flain at the fiege of Cardiff-Cattle, his father then living. By his firft wife, daughter of Mau- rice de Brampton, he had five fons, Gerald, Euftace, Henry, John, and Walter; and two daughters, Catharine, wife to Hugh ap Meredith Wardake ; and Eleanor, wife of Walter Wallis. By his id wife, Margaret, daughter, of Sir Ste- phen Radnor, Knt. he had Stephen, Roger, Hugh, David ; Maud, EARL of EXETER. 13* Maud, a Nun ; Joan, married to John deSolers ; and Anne, to Owen ap Meredith. €erald, the eldeft fon, fucceeded his grandfather. He married Mabel, daughter of Sir William Moigne, and had ifliie Gerald, who died an infant, — Robert. — Owen, a Monk. — Catharine, married iilto Sir Griffin ap Yereford ; sdly, to David ap Evan ; and 3dly, to Jefterey, fon of Sir Walter Brett. — Anne, married to Robert Bromwich. — Elen, to John, ion of Sir Richard AbrahalL Rober t fucceeded his father, and married Alice, daugh- ter of Sir Robert de Tragoze, and had iilue four fon s, and t w o d a u g h t c rs ; a n d was 1 u c c e ed e d by James, his ekleft fon, who married Ifabel, daughter of 'Sir John Knell, Knt. and had iiiue James, who died young. — Gerald, his twin-brother. — Robert. — John. — Alice, mar- ried to Walter Monington. — Grace, to Roger Blunt. — Ele- anor to Thomas Paine. — Margery, to Morgan ap Meredith. — Cecily, fft, to How el a-p Blethin 4 and 2dly, to Sir Hugh Brnge. Gerald, who fucceeded his father, married four wives, by all of whom he had ilfue, and was fucceeded by John, his eld eft by his firft wife Margaret, daughter of Stephen de ;la Be re. He married Sybil, daughter of Robert de Ewyas, and had ifTue Sir John and George ; and Mar- garet, married to Sir Robert Bafkerville. Sir John, who fucceeded his father, married Alice, filter to Sir Robert Bafkerville, and had ifTue John, his heir, who married Joan daughter to Sir Rich- ard Mannington, and had hTue John, who died in his father's life-time, and Sir Thomas, who married Margaret, daughter and heir of Sir Gilbert Winflon, and had ifTue Richard his heir, who, by Margaret daughter cf Sir John Philips, kvtd iHue Philip, who married Maud, daughter and heir -of Wil- liam-Philip Vaughan, and had iffue Philip, and David, from whom the p relent Earls of Exeter and Salifbury are defcended. He married Jane, daughter and heir of Sir John Dicons, and had iilue Richard, and David ; land a daughter Joan. Richard, who fucceeded his father, dying in March, 1553, left ifTue by Jane, daughter and heir to William Heck- ington, William, his heir; and three daughters; Anne, carried to John White, Efqj— Elizabeth, to Sir Pvobert L 4 Wingfield., i$2 EARL of EXETER. Wingfield, and 2dly to Hugh Allington, Efq.— Margarer^ to Roger Cave, Efq. William, his heir, was created Baron of Burleigh, and: died in 1598. He married firft, Mary, daughter to Peter Cheek, by whom he had Thomas, his heir. He married 2dly, Mildred, daughter of Sir Anthony Coke, by whom he had a fon Robert; and two daughters, Anne, married to Edward Vere, Earl of Oxford, by whom file had three daughters; 1 Elizabeth, married to William the 6th Earl of Derby. 2 Bridget to the Lord Norris. 3 Sufan to Philip Herbert, Earl of Montgomery, afterwards Earl of Pembroke. — Elizabeth, married sdly, to William Went- worth, eldeft fon of Thomas Lord Wentworth, who had no ilfue. The fons were both made Earls in one day; but Robert was created Earl of SALISBURY in the morning, and (ift E.) Thomas, the eldeft, Earl of Exeter in the after- noon, and fucceeded his father in the title of Lord Burleigh, By his fecond wife Frances, daughter of V illiam Bridges Lord Chandos, widow of Sir Thomas Smith, he had an only daughter Anne-Sophia, that died young; but by his firft, who was Dorothy, 2d of the four daughters and co-heirs of John Nevil Lord Latimer; by Lucy his wife, 2d daughter to Henry Somerfet Earl of Worcefter, he had five fons, and eight daughters, Catharine died unmarried, — Lucy, mar- ried William Powlet, the 4th Marquis of Winchefter. — Mildred, married firft to Sir Thomas Read, and 2dly, to Sir Edmund Trafford. — Mary, married to Edward Lord Denny. — Sufan died unmarried. — Elizabeth, married firft to Sir William Hatton, alias Newport, and 2dly to Sir Ed- ward Coke. — Dorothy, to Sir Giles Allington.— Frances, to Sir Nicholas Tufton. The ions were, William. — Sir Richard, who was father of David the 3d Earl.— Thomas. — Chriftopher, who was drowned in Germany. — Sir Edward, who was created Baron of Putney and Vifc. Wimbleton, in the county of Surry. He married firft, Theodofia, fifter to Edward Noel the firft Vifc. Campden, by whom he had four daughters; and 2dly, Diana, daughter of Sir William Drury, he had another daughter Anne. Of the daughters by his firft wife, which were, 1 Frances. 2 Elizabeth. 3 Albinia, and 4 Dorothy. Frances, married James Fiennes the 2d Vifc. Saye and Sele. — rElizabeth, to Francis the 4th Lord Willoughby of Parham.— Albinia, to Sir Chriftopher Wray. He married sdly, Sophia daughter to Sir Edmund Zouch, by whom l>e had an only fon Algernon, who died an infant ; EARL of EXETER, i SJ Unci his Lady married sdly, Sir Robert King. But having done with this branch we return to (2d E.; William Lord Burleigh, who, on the 7th of Eeb. -622, fucceededhis father. By his 2d wife, Elizabeth, another filler and coheir t0 Sir Robert Drury, he had three daug iters; Elizabeth, married ro Thomas Howard the firfl: Earl of Berkshire.-— Diana, ift, to Henry Vere Earl of Ox- ford, and zdiy to Thomas Bruce Earl of Elgin in Scotland. — Anne to Henry the 1 ft Earl of Stamford. But by his firfl wife Elizabeth, only daughter and heir to Edward Earl of Rutland, he had William his fon, who was Lord Roos, as appears in the account of the Rutland family, who married Anne daughter of Sir Thomas Lake; but dying in 1618 at Naples, without iffue, the title of Earl of Exeter, upon his father's dsceafe, Anno 1639, defcended to, (3d E 1 David fon of Sir Richard before-mentioned, his uncle, by his fecond wife, daughter to Sir Anthony Cope; and that of Lord Roos, reverted to the Earl of Rutland after the death of George Duke of Buckingham, who was fon of Catharine, daughter of Francis the 6th Earl of Rut- land. He married Elizabeth, daughter to John Egerton, the ill Earl of Bridgewater; and he had John his heir; and a daughter Frances, married to Anthony the 1 fl Earl of Sliaftfbu ry. (4th E.) John, who fucceeded his father, married to his fecond wife Mary Fane, daughter to Mildmay the 2d Earl of Weftmoreland, and relicl of Frances Palmes, Efq. by whom he had no iltue ; but by his nrft, who was Frances, daughter to John the 8th Earl of Rutland, he was father of another John ; David, who died young; and a daughter Fran- ces, married to John Vifc. Scudamore in Ireland. (5th E.) John, who fucceeded his father, married Anne, only daughter to William Earl of Devonshire, widow of Charles Lord Rich, and by her had John his heir ; William, Charles, Edward, all three unmarried ; and four daughters, Chriftian, Anne, Frances, who all died young; and Eliza- beth married to Charles Earl of Orrery. (6th E.) John, who, in 1700 fucceeded his father, mar- ried to his firfl: wife Annabella, daughter to John Bennet Lord Offulfton, fitter to Charles Earl of Tankerville, by whom he had no iffue ; but by his 2d wife, Elizabeth, daughter and coheir to Sir John Brownlow, who died Nov. 28, 1723, in the 43d year of her age, he had five fons ; and a daughter Elizabeth, married to William Aiflabie, Eft], but died the fcth of April, 1733. The fons were, t 54 EARL of NORTHAMPTON. (7th E.) John, his heir, born 1700. — Brown low, born 1701. — William, born 1702.— Francis born 1703 — Charles, born 1705; the three youngeft died unmarried $ and the cldeft, who, 011 the 21 ft of December 172 1, fucceeded his father, dying on the 9th of April 1722, unmarried alfo, (8th E.) Brownlow, his next brother, became heir; and in 1724, married Hannah-Sophia, el-deft daughter to Thomas Chambers of London, merchant, and by her who died April 30, 1765, had iffue three Ions and three daugh- ters, viz. Brownlow, the prefent Earl. — Margaret-Sophia, who died in 1758, unmarried. — Thomas-Chambers, born June 25, 1728, arid died in Aug. 14, 1778, having married Mifs Charlotte Gornier, and had iffue Henry, born in March 1754, married May 23, 1776, to Mifs Vernon, and had a fon born, who died an infant-July 1777. — David, died young in 1 736.— Elizabeth, born June 22, 1729; married in May, ?7$7> to John Chaplyn, Efq; of Blankney, in Lincolnfhire. — Anne, born in 1734. His Lordilnp dying Nov. 3, 1754, w as fucceeded by his cldeft fon. (9th E.) Brownlow new Earl. Creations,] Created Baron of Burleigh in the county of Northampton, Feb. 2$, 1570, 13 Eliz. and Earl of Ex- eter, in the county of Devon, May 4, 165, 3 Jac. I. Arms.] Barry of ten, argent and assure, over all fix efcut- cheons, 3, 2, and 1, fable, each charged with a lion rampanr, of the field. \Plate VIIL] Crest,] On a chapeau, grrfes, turned up, ermine, a garb, er ; fupported by two lions, that on the dexter fide, argent ; the finifter, azure. Supporters,] Two fioiis )frmme. Motto.] Cor unujh, 0/d una. One Heart one Way. Chief Seat.] At Butlei^h, near Stamford, in the county of Northampton. COMPTON, EARL of NORTHAMPTON*- HPHE Kwht Hon. SPENCER COMPTON, Earl pfNOR- -5- THAMPTON, fucceeded his brother Charles, the late Earl, October 18, 1765. He married Jane, daughter of Henry Lawton, of Northampton, Efq; by whom he has iffue, Charles, Lord Compton, born March 2, 1760. — Trances, born September, 10,1758. The Countefs their mother, EARL of NORTHAMPTON. 155 mother, died Nov. 26, 1767 ; and he married fecondly, May 16, 1769, Mil's Hougham. The ancient family of Compton derives its name from the Lordfhtp of Compton in the county of Warwick, and is de- fended from the Sffixoti Earls of Warwick, before the Con* quell. Sir William Dugdale in his Antiquities of Warwick- ihire, gives the defcent of this family in a right line from Turke!, who was deprived of liis Earldom of Warwick by King William the Conqueror. William (_ ompton, in the reign of Richard II. mar- ried Joan, daughter to John Hobby, Efq; and was father of R o i> . r t Com pton , whofe fori Edmund dying in 1494, left ifflife by Joan his wife, daughter and heir to Walter Ayhvorth, E#q; Sir William his heir, and a daughter Elizabeth, married to Sir Walter Rodney, Knt. Sir William Compton was Page of Honour to Kino- Henry VIII. He was knighted by that King for his gallant behaviour at the battle of the Spurs. He died May 31, 1528, aged 47, and by Werburge, daughter and heir to Sir Tobn Brereton, w idow of Sir Francis Cheyney, left Peter, his heir, then in minority, whofe wardfhip was commited to Cardinal Wolfey, but that prelate being in difgrace, he was afterwards in ward to George the 4th Earl of Shrewlbury, who married him before he was 19, to the Anne his daughter; but he dying the jjrh of Henry VIII. left Henry his fon and heir, who was then but eleven inonths old ; and his mother afterwards married William the lit Earl of Pembroke. This (ifcL.) Henry, on the 10th February, 1566, was knighted by the Earl of Leicefter ; and on the 8th of May 1572, was iummoned by writ to the Houfe of l eers, by the title of Baron Compton of Compton; and marrying Frances, daugh- ter to Francis the 2d Earl of Huntington, by her had two fons and one daughter ; by his fecond wife Anne, daughter to Sir John Spencer, widow of W illiam Lord Monteagle, (who married to her third hufoand, Robert Sackville, the fecond Earl ofDorfet,) he had Sir Henry Compton who married Cicely, daughter to Robert Sackville, Earl ofDorfet by his fint wife, and by her he had three Ions and three daughters; Cicely, married Mill to Sir John Fermor, and fecondly to Henry the third Lord Arundel of Wardour.— Mary to John, fon and heir of Richard Vifc. Lumley. Margaret the youngeft, was married to Col. Thomas Sack, viile. The fons of the Sir Henry were William, Henry and i$6 EARL of NORTHAMPTON. and George. The 2d was fiain in a duel, by Lord George Chandos ; but this branch is extinct. Of the iffue of Henry Lord Compton, by Frances Haftings his firftwife; Margaret married Henry Lord Mordaunt, by whom me had John, who was- created Earl of Peterborough. And of the fons, which were William and Thomas ; the latter married Mary, daughter to An thony Beaumont, widow of Sir William Ray- ner, who married to her 2d hulband Sir George Villiers, and after his deceafe, (he was by King James the 111. created Countefs of Buckingham, July 1, 1618, and was mother of George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, the great favourite of King James and King Charles I. (2d L. lit E,) William, who fuccceded his father, was Sift iummoned to Parliament, the 35th of Eliz. and was er-eated Earl of Northampton on the 2d of Aug. 1 6 1 S, the 16th of James I. he was created a Knight of the Garter, and Lord Prehdent of the Marches and Principality of Wales. He married Elizabeth fole daughter and heir to Sir John Spencer, and by her left Spencer his heir ; and two daugh- ters ; Elizabeth mar led to Robert Maxwell, Earl ofNithf- dale in Scotland ; and Anne to Ulick Marquis of Clanrickard. (2d E.) Spencer, who diftinguifhed himielf for his va- lour and attachment to the cauie of Charles J. in which he was (lain at Hopton-Heath, in St afford (hi re, in the 42d year of his age, married Mary, daughter to Sir Francis Beaumont, and by her had fix fons and two daughters; Anne married to Sir Hugh Cholmley. — Penelope to Sir John Ni- cholas. — Sir Charles the 2d fon, dying in November 1 661, left iilue by Mary his wife, daughter to Sir Hatton Fermor, a daughter of her name, who on the 15th of May 1676, was married to James Lane, Vifc. Lanelborough ; as alfo a fon named Hatton Compton, who died in 1740, leaving by Penelope his wife, daughter of Sir John Nicholas, a daugh- ter Penelope, married to Sir Thomas Gooch, Bart. Bifhop of Ely, ~and three fons, Charles, Edward, and James. — Sir William, 3d fon, died Oclober 19, 1663, in the 39th year of his age, having married Elizabeth, widow of William Lord Allington, of Horfheath in the county of Cambridge. — Sir Spencer Compton, 4th fon, died at Bruges unmarried 1659, — Sir Francis Compton, 5th fon, died on the 2Cth of December 17 16, in the 87th year of his age. He married leveral wives, but by Jane, daughter to Sir John Trevor, Knt. he had two fons, James and John, who both died un- married ; and three daughters, Mary, Frances, and Anne. The eldeft whereof married Sir Barrington Bourchier. — Henry EARL of NORTHAMPTON, rj? Henry Compton, 6th fon, was Bifhop of London, and died on the 7th of July 1 7 1 1, in the 8 ifl year of his age. (3d E.) James, eldeft ion of Spencer, Earl of North- ampton, fucceeded, and died December 1 5, i68t. On the 5 th of July, 1647, he married Ifabella, youngeft daughter and co-heir to Richard Sackville, the third Earl of Dorfet, and by her, who died October 14, i66i y he had divers children that died young, and one daughter Alathea, mar- ried to Edward Hunger ford, Efc> but dying without iflue hi 1678, her great fortune defcended to her couhn John Tufton, the fourth Earl of Thanet. His fecond Lady was Mary, daughter to Baptift Noel, Vifc. Campden, by whom, he had three fons and two daughters,, whereof Juliana died young; but Mary married Charles Sackvi'le the 6th Earl of Dorfet. His three ions, were George his fucceflbr. — James who died young. — Spencer, who in feveral Parlia- ments was fpeaker of the Houie of Commons,, and was created Baron of Wilmington in the county of SuiTex, Jan. 2 y 1728, 3nd on the 14th of May,, 1730, created Vifcount Fevenfey, and Earl of Wilmington ; but dying unmarried in July 1743, his titles are extinct. (4th E.) George was underage at his Father's deaths In 1686, his Lordfllip married lit Jane, youngeft daughter, of Sir Stephen Fox, and by her (who died July io r 1721)- had four fons and iix daughters, viz. James, who fucceed- ed him April 1 5, £727. — George who fucceeded his brother James, October 3, 1754. — Stephen, died young. — Charles, w h o d ie d N ov. 20,. r. 7 5-5 ,. ha vi tig ma r r ied , Au g u It 14, 1727, Mary, only daughter of Sir Berkeley Lucy, Bart, by whom, fcfe had ilfue two fons and four daughters, viz. 1, Charles,, the late Earl of Northampton. 2. Spencer, the prefer.': Earl. 3. Mary, married, iirft, to Richard Haddock, Efq. and fecondly, to Arthur Scott, Efq. both in the ■ fea-fervice. 4. Jane* married Feb. 2,, 1.753^0 Sir Georges-Brydges Rod- ney, now Lord Rodney, and dtol Jan. 28, 1 7 5.7, ; leaving iflue, 5. Catharine, married, Jan. 26, 1756, to John Earl of Egmont. 6. Elizabeth, married, in March, 1761, to Henry Drummond, Efq. Banker at Charing-Crofs. — Elizabeth, eldeft daughter, died Jan. 3, 1743. — Mary, mar- ried in April 1709, to William Gore of Tring in Ken- to rdfh ire, Efq. and died in Auguft 1737. — Jane, died 1749^ —Anne, who married, OcTober 16, 1729, to Sir John Rulhout of Northwick, had iilue, a fon and two daughters,, and died 1766. — Penelope, died in Jan. 1763. — Margaret. His Lordfliip, on July 2, 1726, married to his fecond Lady, £iizab£th- ij8 £ARL of NORTHAMPTON. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Rufhout, of Northwick, in the county of Worcefter, Bart, and reiicl of Sir George Thorold, Bart, by whom he had no iffue ; and dying, April 15, 1727, was fucceeded by (5th E.) James, his eldcft fon, who was born in May 1687 ; and on the 31ft of December, 171 1, was fummoned to the Houfe of Peers, by the title of Lord Compton. On the 3d of March 1 7 16, he married Elizabeth, only daugh- ter, and at lenrth iolebieir of Robert Vifc. Tamworth, eldell fon of Robert, and elder brother to Wafhington Earl of Ferrers, and by her (who was Baronefs Ferrars of Chart- ley, Bourchier, Lovayne and Baffet (of Drayton) in right of defcent from Sir Walter Devereux, who in the reign cf King Henry VI. married Anne, lole daughter and heir to William Lord Ferrars of Chartley, in the county of Staf- ford, lineally defcended from Robert de Ferrars, a great Baron, advanced to the Earldom of Derby, anno 11 39, the 4th of King Stephen) had ilfue one ion and three daughters, viz. George, filled Lord Compton, born July 6, 1723, who died 28th of Nov. 1739. — fane, who died in 1739 in the 17th year of her age, unmarried. — Anne, who alio died unmarried, March 13, 1747. — Charlotte. — alio another fon George ; and two daughters ; Elizabeth and Mary, who died infants. Her Ladyfhip died March 13, 1740; and Charlotte, the fole furviving daughter and heir of her mother, who was Baronefs Ferrars of Chartley, &c, mar- ried in December 1751, to George the prefent Lord Vifcount Townmend, and dying Sept. 3, 1770, the title defcended to her fon the prefent Baron de Ferrars. His Lordfhip d)ing October y, 1 7 54^ was fucceeded in the Barony of Compton by his only daughter Charlotte Baronefs de Ferrars ; and in the Earldom by his brother, (6th E.) George, who married Frances daughter of the Rew Mr. Payne, but had no iilue. His Lordfhip dying December 6, 1758, was fucceeded by his nephew ; and her Ladyihip married idly Claudius Amyand, Efq. in 176X3 and is fince deceafed. (7th E.) Charges, eldefi fon of Charles brother of the late Earl, fucceeded his \mcle George, who in September 13, 1759, married Anne Somerfet, eldeft daughter of Charles late Duke of Beaufort, by whom he had iifue^ Elizabeth, born June 25, 1760, who Feb. 26, 1782, mar- ried George-Augufhis-Henry Cavendifh, brother to the prefent Duly^-of Devonfhire ; and the Countefs her mother died E A Pv L of N ORTHAMPTO N. i S9 died at j\ T ap]es, in May 1763; and the Earl deceafing 18th of October following, the titles defcended to his brotfce* (8th E.) Spenc; r, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Created Earl of the town of Northampton, Aug. 2, 1 61 8, 16 Jac. L Arms.] Sable, a lion pailant-guardant, or, between three helmets, argent. [P/toVHI.] Crest.} On a wreath a mount, wf, and thereon a beacon, 0 , enflamcd on the top, proper-, about the fame a label, mtenbed Nlfi DomhiKs. (Unlets the Lord.) Supporters.] Two dragons, with wings expanded, , , ■ ■■:<>, collared with ducal collars, and chains of goM. Motto.'] fe ne cberche que ung. I look but for one. CfiflEF Seats.] At Caille-Alhby, in Northamptonfaire % and at Compton Vinyates, in the county ofWrnw ick. FIELDING, EARL of DENBIGH. THE Right Hon. BASIL FIELDING, Earl of D EN - BIGH, Vifcount Fielding, Baron Fielding of NV.\ H - ham-Paddox and St. Liz; alio Earl of 0i's M iVNb, WifcU Callan, and Baron Fielding of Lecaghe in Itei'lnd* For an account of this noble family, tee Eea 5 of Des h h\ the //•/# Peerage. FANE, EARL of WESTMORELAND HP HE Right Honourable JOHN FANE, Earl ofWE ; T- A MORE LAND, and Baron Burgherai, born the if: q f Jan. 1759, and fucceeded his father on the 26th of April, 1774. His Lordfliip married May 20, 1782, Mifs Child, only daughter andheireis of Francis Child, Efq. of Ofterlv- Park in Middlefex. The families of Vane and Fane derived their defcenf from How el ap Vane, of the county of Monmouth. John Vane from him defcended, married Ifabel, daugh- ter to John Darell, Efq. and had four fons ; Henry, who left no iflue. — Richard, of whom hereafter. — • Thomas, from whom defcended Thomas Fane, of Fair* lawn, inJCent^ Efq.-. who died in Sept, 1.692., qumarriedl . — John *6c* EARL of WESTMORELAND,. John, the anceftor of the Earl of Darlington and the Vifc- Yane. Richard, 2d fon, married Agnes, daughter and heir of Stidoiph, of Stidolph, in the county of Surry, and had a fon v^eorge ; and a daughter Alice, married to John Brown, Efq. He was living in the 32c! of Hen. VIII. and wrote his name Fane, George, his fon, married Joan, daughter and heir of William Waller, of Gombridge, in Kent, and had ifTue two fons of the name of Thomas, as appears by his father's will ; andfeverai daughters; whereof Mary married *o John Afhburnham, Efq. — Bridget, to Charles Bolles, Efq. — Catharine, to Walter Roberts, Efq. Of the fons, Tho- mas, the younger, married Helena, daughter of Sir W alter Hendley, widow of Sir George Somerfet, 2d fon of Charles,- the firft Earl of Worcefter, by his fecond wife; and had iffije Mary, his heir, married to Henry Fane, ofHadlow, in Kent, Efq. the elder, Thomas was engaged in Wyat's rebellion, and com* rnitted to the Tower the ift of Queen Mary, but was par- doned the fame year; he was knighted Auguft 26, 1573, by- Robert Earl of Leicefter. He married firir, Elteabeth, daugh- ter of Sir Thomas Colepeper, by whom he had no iflue; zdly, Mary, daughter and foie heir to Henry Nsvil, the fourth Lord Abergavenny, by whom he had four Ions, Sir Francis, Sir George^ Thomas, and Edward; and a daughter Frances. Her Ladyfhip, as heir to her father, claimed the title of Baronets Abergavenny, againft Edward Nevil, her counn, which being determined in favour of the heir male, his Majefty's patent, the fame day, was read for the reftitution of Mary Fane, to the Barony of Le Defpenfer, and that her heirs fueceffively lirould enjoy the honour. Of the fons Thomas the 3d, and Edward the 4th fons, died "unmarried; Sir George the 2d, married Anne daughter to Sir Oliver Boteler, of Teflon, in Kent, Knight. (iir E.) Francis, the eldeft fon, on the 29th of De- cember, 1624, was created Baron of Burgherlh, and Earl of Wefrmoreland, and died on March 21, 1629. He married Mary, daughter and heir to Sir Anthony Mildmay of Apetborpe, in the county of Northampton, Kt. an- terior of the Earl Fitzwaher, and had feven fons and fix daughters ; Grace, was married to James Earl of Hume, in Scotland. — Mary, to Dutton Lord Gerard of Brom- ley. — Elizabeth, firft to Sir John Cope, of Hanweil, in the county of Oxford, Bart, and fecondly, to William Cope, EARL of WESTMORELAND. 161 Cope, of Icome, in the county of Gloucefter, Efq.— Rachael, firft to Henry Bourchier, Earl of Bath, and next to Lionel CranfieM, Earl of Middlefex. — Frances and Ca* tharine, both died unmarried. The fons, were Mildmay, Thomas, Francis anceftor of the prefent EafL Anthony, were made Knights of the Bath, at the coronation of King Charles I. — From Sir Francis descended the late Vifc. Fane, in Ireland.— Anthony married Amabella, daughter to Sir Anthony Bena, Kt. and died in 1643, and me became the fecond wife of Henry the nth Earl of Kent. — Sir George, $th fon, married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Lord Spencer, of Wormleighton, but fhe died without iflue. (zdE.) Mild may, who fucceeded his father, married to his firft wife Grace, daughter to Thomas Howard* Vifc. Bindon, (younger fon to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk) by his fecond wife, daughter to Sir William Lyte, and by her had a fon Charles, and five daughters ; and by his 2d, who was Mary, daughter to Horace Lord Vere, and widow of Sir Roger Townftiend, ofRaynham, in Norfolk, Bart, he had Sir Vere Fane, and four daughters; Mary, Rachel* Catharine, and Sufan. The eldeft was firft married to Francis Palmes*, fon and heir to Sir Bryan Palmes, and and afterwards to John Cecil, the fourth Earl of Exeter.—* Rachael, to Gregory Hefketh, D. D. — Catharine, to Con* yers D'Arcy, Earl of Holderneffe. Of the daughters by Grace, his firft wife; Frances, the 2d, was married to Sir Erafmus Harby; and Diana, theeLdeft, firft to John Pelham, Efq. and fecondly, to John Bill, Efq. (3d E.) Charle^ the brother, on the 12th of February, 1665, fucceeded his father. He married firft Elizabeth, daughter and heir to Charles Nodes, Efq. and fecondly, Dorothy, daughter to Robert, the 2d Earl of Cardigan, who married iecondly, Robert Conftable, Vifc. Dunbar in Scotland; but dying in September, 1691, without hTue, (4th E.) Sir Vere, his half brother, became heir. He died on December 29, 1693, having married Rachael, only daugh- ter and heir to John Bence, and by her, who died February 6, 17* 1, had four fons, and three daughters ; Mary, mar- ried to Sir Francis Dalhwood, of Weft- Wycombe, Bucks, Bart, father of the late Lord Le Defpencer; and a daughter Rachael, married to Sir Robert Auftcn, of Bexley, in Kent, Bart, the prefent Baronefs Le Defpencer.— Catharine, to William Paul, of Braywick, in Berks, Efq. and 4icd the Sir George, William, and Robert. jjth 16* EARL of WESTMORELAND. 25th of September, 1733, leaving an only daughter Catha- rine, married to Sir Wiiiiam Stapleton, Bart. — Sufan, who died unmarried March n, 1735. The fons were, Vere, Thomas, John, and Mildmay ; the latter was feated at Mereworth-Caftle, in the county of Kent, and died on the 12th of September, 1 7 1 5 ; Johhy on the 7th of July, 17 33, was created Baron of Catherlougb in Ireland. (5th E.) Vere, the eideft, fucceeded his father, and died on the 19th of May, 1699, unmarried'. (6th E.) Thomas, his next brother, became heir, and taking to wife Catharine, daughter and heir to Charles Strynger, of Charlton, in the county of York, Efq. and widow of Richard Beaumont, of Whitby, in the faid county, Efq. by her, who died on the 4th of Feb. 1730, had no iflue ; and dying 1736, was fucceeded by his only brother (7th E.) John, who married Mary, only daughter of Henry Cavendilh, 2d fon of the Duke of Devonfliire, and died the 26th of Auguft, 1762, without iflue We muft therefore return to Sir Francis Fane, third fon of the fir ft Earl of Weftmoreland, who married Elizabeth, daughter of William Weft, Efq. re lift of John Lord D'Arcy; fhe died in i64Q, leaving four fons, and fix daughters; Francis, the eideft, married Hannah, daughter of John Rufliworthj Efq. and had furviving iflue three fons, of whom, Francis married a daughter of Henry Heron, Efq. and was the father of Francis Fane, of Fulbeck, Efq. who died without iflue in 1758. — -Henry the 2d fon, of Sir Fran- cis Fane, above-mentioned, married Anne, lifter of John Scrope, of Worm (ley,- in Oxfordfhire, Efq. and dying in 2726, left three fons, and one daughter; Francis, who died May 28, 1757. — Thomas, who fucceeded to the title in Auguft, 1762. — Henry, who died May 31, 1777, having married firft Charlotte, daughter of Nicholas Rowe, Efq. by whom he had Charlotte, married to William St. Quintin, Efq. and died in- 1762 ; he married, fecondiy, Anne, daugh- ter of Dr. Wynn, Bifhop of Bath and Wells, by whom he had a daughter Mary, married to Sir Thomas Stapylton, Bart, he married thirdly, Charlotte, daughter of Richard Luther of Myles's, in Etfex, by whom he had two fons, John, married to Elizabeth, daughter of the Earl of Mac- clesfield ; and Francis. — Mary, married, firft, to John Henley, Efq. and fecondiy, to Dr. Crefwicke, late Dean of Wells. And upon the death of John, the 7th Earl, with-? out -iilue,- the honours devolved upon the faid (8th E.) EARL of WESTMORELAND. 163 (8th E.) Thomas, who fucceeded, being defcended as above (hewn; he married Anne, daughter of William Swym- mer, Efq of Briflol, and had two fons, and two daughters ; John, who fucceeded him. — Henry, who married Jan. 12, 1778, Mifs Batfon, by whom he has a fon born Nov. 26, 1778, and a daughter born Jan. 1780. — Anne, who died, 1764. — Mary, the wife of Charles Blair, Efq. and has iffue a fon born in 1760. His Lordfhip deceafing Nov. 12, 177 z 9 was fucceeded by his fon (9th E.) John, who married firft in March, 1758, Augufta, daughter of Montagu Bertie, fon of Robert, firft Duke of Ancaiter ; by which Lady, who died Jan. 3. 1766, he had two fons and a daughter; John the prefent Earl. — Thomas, born July 6, 1760. — Augufta, born September 18, 1761, married July, 1781, the eldeft fon of Sir William Lowther, Bart. He married 2dly, in July, 1767, Sufan, fifler to the Duke of Gordon, by whom he left ilTue, Henry, born April 14, 1 7 7 1 , and died March 6, 1774. — Sufan, born Oct. 3* 1768. — Elizabeth, born Jan. 7, 1773. — Mary, born Sept. 19, 1772. His Lordfhip deceafing on the 26th of April, 1774, was fucceeded by his fon. Her Ladyfhip married 2dly, pec. 20, 1778, to Col, Woodford of the Guards, and died Nov. 1782. (10th £.) John, the prefent Earl. Creations,] Baron Burgherfh, and Earl of the county of Weftmoreland, December 29, 1624, 22 Jac. I. Arms.] Azure^ three right-hand gauntlets, with their backs forward, or. [Plate VIII.] Crest.] Out of a ducal coronet, or; a bull's head, argent; pyed, fable ; armed, or; and charged on the neck with a rofe, gules , barbed and feeded, proper. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a gryphon, parte per fefs, argent and or; his beak, fore-legs, and chain of the fecond, his collar, fable. On the finifter, a bull, argent ; pyed, fable ; armed, collared, chained, and hoofed, or; on the cellar a rofe, proper. Motto.] Ne pile Fano. Difgrace not the Altar. Chief Seats.] At Apethorp, in North amptonfhire ; Brimpton, in Som^rfeU MOR- ( *H ) MORDAUNT, EARL of PETERBOROUGH ahjd MONMOUTH. T HE Right Hon. CHARLES.HENRY MORDAUNT, Earl of PETERBOROUGH and MONMOUTH, Vifcount Mordaunt of Avalon, Baron Mordaiuvt of Turvey, and Baron Mordaunt of Ryegate, was born May 16, 1758, fucceeded his father Charles, the late Earl, Aug, z, 1779, and is unmarried. Osbert le Mordaunt, a Norman Knight, was poflefled of Radwell, in Bedfordshire, by the gift of his brother, which he had of William the Conqueror for his fervices at the Conqueft. He had lffue Osmund and Baldain ; to the former fucceeded Eustach, who by marriage with Alice, eldeft daughter and co heir of William de Alneto, trange Mordaunt, Efq. created a Baronet the 29th of June, ?6n ; whofe lineal heir is Sir Charles Mordaunt, Bart. (jft L.) John, the eldeft brother, was feated at Turvey, in the county of Bedford, and had fummons to Parliament among the Peers; and marrying Elizabeth, daughter an4 coheir to Henry de Vere, Lord of Drayton and Aldington, in the cpunty of Northampton, by her had John his heir; William, EARL 6f PETERBOROUGH. 265 William, and George; and fix daughters ; Dorothy, mar- ried Thomas Moore, Efq. another married William Aclam, Efq. and a third to Edward Fairfax, (2d L.) John", who fucceeded, married Ellen, coufin and heir to Sir Richard Fitz-Lewis, of Weft-Thornton, in Effex, and by her had (3dL.) Lewis, his heir, who died June 16, 1601. He married Elizabeth, daughter to Sir Arthur D'Arcy, Kt. by whom he had (4th L.) Henry Lord Mordaunt, who was fufpe&ed to have fome knowledge of the Powder-plot, and was fined in the Star-chamber, and releafed June 3, 1606. He married Margaret, daughter to Henry the ift Lord Compton, and by her he had (iftE.) John, his heir, who in the 3d of Charles % was created Earl of Peterborough. He married Elizabeth, fole daughter and heir to William Lord Howard of Effing- ham, foa and heir of Charles Earl of Nottingham, afid had two fons, Henry, his heir ; and John ; and a daughter Elizabeth, who married Thomas, the 2d Lord Howard of Efcrick. (2d E.) Henry, who on the 18th of June, 1644, fuc- ceeded, married Penelope, daughter to Barnaby Obrien, the 6th Eari of Thomond in Ireland, by whom he had a daughter Mary, who was firit married to Henry Howard t Duke of Norfolk; and 2dly, to Sir John Gtrmaine, Bart, and died in 1705; and her father dying on the 19th of June, 1697, without iflue male, we now come to John, his brother, who was in the nth of Charles II. created Lord Mordaunt of Ryegate, and Vifc. Avalon, and died the 5th of June, 1675, He married Elizabeth, fole daughter and heir to Thomas Cary, 2d fon to Robert, Earl of Monmouth, and by her had feven fons and four daugh- ters ; Charlotte, Cary. Sophia, and Anne ; whereof Cary died unmarried ; Sophia, married to James Hamilton, of Bangor, in Ireland. Of the fons, five lived to maturity, which were Charles, Harry, Lewis, Ofmond, and George. The latter, a clergyman, married ift Catharine, 4th daughter and coheir to Sir Thomas Spencer, of Yarnton in the county of Oxford, Bart, and widow of John Dormer, Efq who dying in 1714, left him no ilTue ; and he married 2dly, Elizabeth, daughter to Sir John D'Oyley, who dying March 20, 1720, left a daughter Anna-Maria, married to the Rev. Dr. Ship- ley. His 3d wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel Col- lier, by whom he had two daughters, Mary, married to M 3 Valentin* 166 EARL of PETERBOROUGH. Valentine Morris, of Piercefield, in Monmouthfliire, Efq, and Elizabeth, married to Sir William Milner. — Ofmond was killed at the Battle of the Boyne, in Ireland. — Lewis, 3d fon, was a Brigadier-General in the army, but died the 2d of Feb. 1 71 3 : he married ill Anne, daughter of » Martin, and had Charles his heir, who married ift Charlotte, daughter of Thomas Manwaring, Efq. (widow of Charles Lord iViohun, who was killed in a duel with the Duke of Hamilton, by Charlotte, daughter of Charles Gerard, Earl of Macclesfield) by whom he had no ifliie ; and 2dly, Anne, 3d daughter to Scrope, the firit Vifc. Howe, by whom he had three fons, Charles, Olbert, and Harry. Lewis. Mor- daunt married, 2<\ly, Mary, daughter of Colonel Collier, and by her, who died April 17, 1740, had two daughters, Anna-Maria, and Sophia; the eldeft married Stephen Poyntz, Efq. who died December 17, 1750, leaving feveral children, of whom Georgiafia, eldeft daughter, married December 27, 1755, John Spencer, now Earl Spencer; Sophia, fifter to Mrs. Poyntz, married Sir Roger Martin, Bart. — Harry, married firfl a natural daughter of Thomas Spencer, Efq. by whom he had, ift, Sir John Mordaunt, Knt. of the Bath. Harry his father had alfo two daughters, Elizabeth- Lucy, married to Sir Wilfred Lawfon, Bart, and Margaret ; and the faid Harry married, 2dly, Penelope, only child of William Tipping, of Ewelm, Efq. by whom he had an only daughter Penelope, married to Monoux Cope, Efq. eldeft fon of Sir John Cope, Bart, and he died on the 4th of Ja- nuary, 1720. (3d E.) Charles, the eldeft, who on the 9th of April, 1689, 1 W. and M» was created Earl of Monmouth, fuc- Ceeded his uncle Henry in the Earldom of Peterborough. He feryed in his youth, during the war with the Algerines, ■under the Admirals Torrington andNarborough. In 1705, he was declared General and Commander in chief of the forces fent to Spain, and Joint-Admiral of the fleet with Sir Cioudefly Shovel, and took Barcelona, and drove the Duke of Anjou and French army out of Spain, which confifted of 25,000 men, though his own troops never amounted to 10,000. He married ift Carey, daughter to Sir Alexander Frazer, and by her, who died on the 1 3th of May, 1709, had two fons, John and Henry ; and a daughter Henrietta, married to Alexander, Duke of Gordon, in Scotland. Of the fons, Henry, the youngeft, was a commander in the Navy, but died unmarried, Feb. 24, 1710; but John, his brother, who took early to arms, and at the Battle of Hochftet, EARL of PETERBOROUGH. 167 tlochftet, loft his left arm. He died the 6th of April, 17 10, leaving iflue by Frances, daughter to Charles, Duke of Bolton, who died July 30, 171 5, two fons, Charles and John, who in O&ober, 1735, married Mary, fifter to Scrope, Vifc. Howe, of Ireland, and widow and relicl: of Thomas, late Earl of Pembroke; me died September. 12, 1749? and he married adly, Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Hamilton, Efq. but died without iflue, July i, 1767. In 1735, the Earl married* 2dly, Mrs. Anaftafia Robinfon, and died at Lifbon, the 25th of October, 1735, aged 77; and was fuo ceeded by his grandlbn, (4th E.) Charles, the late Earl, married find Mary, daughter of John Cox, Efq. and by her, (who died Nov. 18, 1755) * ie ^ a d iflue, Frances, born April, 1736, married October 10, 1 765, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Bulkeley of Hat- field in Hertfordfhire ; and Mary-Anaftafia^Grace, born June 5, 1738. His Lordfllip married 2diy, in 1756, Ro« biniana, daughter of Col, Brown, by whom he had iflue, Charles-Henry, the prefent Earl; and Poulet, born July 12, 1759, who died young. His Lordlhip died Aug, 2, 1776^ and was fucceeded by his fon, (5th E.) Charles-Henry, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Summoned to Parliament as Baron Mor- daunt of Turvey* in the county of Bedford, May 4, 1532, 24 Henry VIII. and created Earl of Peterborough, in the county of Northampton, March 9, 1627, 3 Car. I. Baron Mordaunt of Ryegate, in the county of Surry, and Vifc, Avalon, in the county of Somerfet, July 10, 1659, 11 Car, II. and Earl of the county of Monmouth, April 9, 1689, 1 W. and M. Arms.] Argent, a chevron between the three efloils, fable. [Plate VIII.] Crest.] In an Earl's coronet, or, the buft of a Moorifh Prince, habited in a cloth of gold, all proper ; wreathed about the temples, argent* Supporters.] Two eagles argent } armed and membered, fable. Motto.] Nec placida contenta quieta efl. Nor is he con- tented with foft Repofe. Chief Seats.] At Parfon's Green, in the county of Middlefex ; and Dantzy, in Wiltfhire. GREY, ( i68 )■ GREY, EARL of STAMFORD. THE Right Hon. GEORGE-HARRY GREY, Earl of STAMFORD, Baron Grey of Groby, born Oaober ?, 1737, fucceeded his father, the late Earl, May 30, 176s. He married May 20, 1763, Henrietta Cavendiih Btntinck, filter to the prefent Duke of Portland^ by whom he has iflue* GeojcgpfHarry, Lord Grey, born October 31, 176$.— Hen- rietta, born April 19, 1764.— Maria, born June 10, 1769, died young.— Louifa, born May 8, 177 1. — William-Booth, horn Sept. 10, 1775. — Anchitell, born Dec. 16, 1774*. — Sophia, born Oft. 7*, 1777.— Amelia. The pedigree of this family is fet forth under the title of Marchionefs Grey, and that Reginald, the grandfather of Edmund, the firft Earl of Kent, marrying to his fecond wife Joan, daughter and heir to William Lord Aftley, had with her a large eftate in Was* wickfliire, and by her had a fon Edward, who, marrying Elizabeth, fote daughter ancfc heir to Henry, fon of William Lord Ferrers, of Groby, be- came heir to the faid Lord Ferrers; and in the 27th of Hen* VI. was fummoned to Parliament by the title of Lord Fer- rers, of Groby ; but in the firft of James L the family was honoured with the title of Lord Grey, of Groby, as above. They had three fons ; and a daughter Anne, married to Sir Edward Hungerford, Knt. The fons were, John, Ed- ward, and Reginald. The latter was flain in the Battle of Wakefield. — -Edward having married Elizabeth, eldeft of the two filters of Thomas Talbot, Vifc. Lifle, was,, in the 15th of Edward IV. created Baron Lifle, and in the ift of Rich- ard the Hid. Vifc. Lifle, and had iffue John, his heir;, and three daughters; Anne, married to Sir John Willoughby^ Knt. — Elizabeth, firft to Edmund Dudley,, and after to\ Arthur Plantagenet, natural fon of King Edward IV. — Muriel, to Henry Stafford, Earl of Wiltfhire. John, her brother, marrying Muriel,, daughter to Thomas Howard,, Duke of Norfolk, by her left a daughter Elizabeth, who married firft Henry Courtenay, Earl of Devon ; and 2dly Sir Thomas Kny vet, Knt. Sir John, the eldeft fon of Edward and Elizabeth Ferrers^ being flain in the Battle of St. Alban's, left iflue by Eliza* beth, eldeft daughter to Richard Woodville r Earl Rivers, two EARL of STAMFORD. ib$ fons, Sir Thomas his heir, and Sir Richard, who was behead- ed at Pomfret, Sir Thomas, who was Knight of the Garter, on the 12th ofAuguft, T 47 2 > the 12th of Edward the IV. (in refpe&to his mother, whom that King had married) was created Earl of Huntingdon ; and on the 18th of April, in the 15th of that Reign, Lord Harrington and BonviJle, and Marquis of Dorfet ; but after the faid King's death, becaufe of his near relation to the young King Edward V. he was attainted of high-treafon, but found means to make his efcaqe into Bri- tany, with other perfons of note, to the aid of Henry Earl of Richmond, When that Earl obtained the crown, by the name of King Henry VIL he was fent for to England, (ha- ving been left in pledge with John Pourchier at Paris, for monies borrowed there) and, on his return, reftored to his honours. He died the 18th of November, 1503, having married firft Anne, only daughter to Henry Holland, Duke of Exeter, and by her had no ilTue ; but, by his fecond wife, Cecily^ daughter and heir to Sir William Bonville, Lord Har- rington, he had feven fons ; Edward and Anthony died young. — Thomas his heir. — Richard. — John. — Leonard, George, a clergyman. And feven daughters ; Dorothy, mar- ried firft to Robert Lord Willoughby of Brook ; and 2dly«> to William Blount Lord Montjoy. — Eleanor, to Sir John Arundel of Langherne, in Cornwall. — Elizabeth to Gerald Fitz-Gerald the 10th Earl of Kildare, in Ireland. — Mary, to Waiter Devereux, the firft Vifc. Hereford.— Margaret, to Richard Wake. — Bridget died young. — Anne, married Sir Richard Clement. Thomas, who was Knight of the Garter, fucceeded his father in his honours, and having no hTue by his firfl wife* Eleanor, daughter to Oliver St. John he took to his 2d Margaret daughter to Sir Robert Wotton, and by her had five fons, and two daughters ; Elizabeth, married to Tho- mas Lord Audrey of Walden ; and Anne, to Henry Wil- loughby, Efq. The fons were Henry, his heir. — John Grey, of Pergo in ElTex, Efq. of whom hereafter.— Edward. — Tho- mas. — Leonard who had articles of treafon exhibited againtl him, and in the 31ft of Henry VIII. loll his head on Tower- hill. Henry, who fucceeded his father, married Frances, eldeft daughter and coheir to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, by Mary the French Queen, his wife, fitter to King Henry VIII. he, in favour to her, on 'the nth October 1 551, the 5th of Edward VL was created Duke of Suffolk, By the 170 EARL of STAMFORD. faid Lady he had three daughters ; i*. Jane the eldeft, having married Guilford Dudley, 4th ion to John Duke of Nor* thumberland, her father, upon the death of King Edward VI, was allured to countenance.the proclaiming his daughter to be Queen, on pretence of King Edward leaving her the crown by his will ; but Queen Mary, that King's lifter, (before the faid Jane was crowned) foon depofed her from her royalty, turned her palace (which was then the Tower) iirto her prifon, and caufed her to be beheaded on Tower-hill, Ftfb. 12, 15^5; and to mew her utmoft refentment upon her family, ftripped her father of his honours ; and having attainted him, he, on the 23d of February, the fame year, was beheaded alfo. 2. Catharine, was firft married to Henry Lord Herbert, eldeft fon to William Earl of Pembroke, from whom {he was divorced, and married to Edward Seymour Earl of Hertford; but that marriage being without the li- cence of Queen Elizabeth, Ihe imprifoned them in the Tower, and fined the Earl 15,000!. as alfo feverely forbad him her company ; but by bribing his keeper, he begat a fon Ed- ward, who was ancefior to the late Duke of Somerfet ; but his Lady died in her prifon, Jan* 26, 1567, where me had been nine years. 3. Mary, married Martyn Keyes, Efq. Serjeant-porter to Queen Elizabeth, and died without hTue the 20th of April, 1578. John Grey of Pergo in EfTex^Efq. 2d fon of Sir Thomas, married Mary, daughter of Sir Anthony Brown, Knt. of the Garter, and filler to Anthony the ill Vifc. Montagu, and had a daughter Mary, married to Sir Arthur Capel, and a fon (iftL.) Sir Henry Grey of Pergo, created Baron Grey of Groby, by King James I. He married Anne, daughter to William the 2d Lord Windfor, and had two fons, John and Ambroie ; and died in 16 14. (2d L.) John, the eldeft fon fucceeding, married Eli- zabeth, daughter to Edward Nevil Lord Abergavenny; and by her, (who married 2dly, Sir John Bingley, Knt.) had Henry his heir ; and Philip, who died in his father's life-time. (ift E.) Henry, the eldeft, in the 3d of Charles I. was Created Earl of Stamford, married Anne Cecil, youngeft daughter and coheir to William the 2d Earl of Exeter, and had ifTue, Thomas his heir apparent, — Anchitel, who married Anne, daughter and heir to Sir Henry Willoughby, of Rifley, in Derbyfhire, Bart, widow of Sir Thomas Afton, Bart.— John, from whom the prefent Earl is defcended, married EARL of STAMFORD. 171 married Jane, daughter of Simon Harcourt, Efq. — Leonard. — Elizabeth, married to George Booth, Lord Delamere. — Diana, to Robert Bruce, Earl of Ayleflmry. — Jane, to Ogle, Efq. — Anne. — Mary, who died unmarried. Thomas the eldefl lbn, dying in his father's life-time, left iflue by Dorothy, 2d daughter and coheir to Edward Bourchier, the 4th Earl of Bath, (2d E.) Thomas, who on the 21ft of Auguft, 1673, fuo ceeded his grandfather; and two daughters; Elizabeth, married to Henry Benfon, Efq. and Anne, to James Grove, Serjeant at L"«w. He married, ift, a daughter of — — Harvey, of Comb in Surry, Efq. 2dly, Mary, 2d daughter and coheir to Jofeph Maynard, of Gunnerfbury, in Middle- fex, Efq. but dying on the 31ft of Jan; 1720, aged 67, without furviving iflue, his titles and part of his eliate de- fended to (3d E.) Harr y, grandfon to John, 3d fon of Henry the ift Earl of Stamford, who marrying Dorothy, daughter to Sir Nathan Wright, and by her, who died on the 1 2th of Aug. 1738, had two Ions, and five daughters ; Harry Lord Grey. — John Grey, Efq. who married in June, 1748, Lucy, daughter of Sir Jofeph Danvers, Bart. — Dorothy, who died 1 781.— Catharine, married 1ft, Mynheer John Tryp, who died in June, 1738; and zdly, to Vanden Bempden, a Burgo-Mafter of Amfterdam. — Diana, married in September, 1736, to George Middleton, Efq. — Anne, married in Ocl. 1744, to Sir Richard Aclon, ofAldenham, in Salop, Bart. — Jane, married in June, 1738, to George Drummond, Efq. Secretary to the Order of the Thiftle, and died hi June, 1752. His Lordfliip dying in November, 1739, was fucceeded by (4th E.) Harry his eldefl: fon, who, in May, 1736, married Mary, only daughter of George Booth, Earl of Warrington, by whom, who died October 25, 1781, he had iflue : George-Harry, the prefent Earl, born October I, 1737. — Mary, born April 17, 1739, married to George Weft, ion of the Earl Delewar, and died March, 1783.— Booth, born Auguft 15, 1740, married May 10, 1782, Mifs Mainwaring. — Anne, born Jan. 23, 1742, died in June, 1743. — John, born May 23, 1743, married June 22, 1773, Sufanna, daughter of Ralph Leycefter, Efq. His Lordfliip deceafing on the 30th of May, 1768, was fucceeded by his fan (5th E,) George-Harry, the prefent Earl. - Creation s.j i1% EARL of WIN CHELSEA. Creations.] Baron Grey, July al, 1603, and Earl of Stamford, March 26, 1628. Arms.] Barry of fix, argent and azure. [Plate IX.] Crest.] On a chapeau, guks y turned up, ermine a wivern with wings elevated and endorfed, or. Supporters.] Two unicorns, ermine, armed, crefted, and hoofed, or. Motto.] A mapmjfance. By my Authority. Chief Seats.] Enville-Hall, in Staffordfhire ; Bragdate- Hall, in the county of Leicefter j and Dunham-Many, in Chefliire. FINCH, EARL of WINCHELSEA and NOTTINGHAM. THE Right Hon. GEORGE FINCH, Earl of WIV- CHELSEA and NOTTINGHAM, Vifcount Maid- irone, Baron Fitz-Herbert of Eaftwell, Lord Finch of Da- vefltry, Lord of the Royal Manor of Wye in Kent, wag born Nov. 4, 1751, and fucceeded his uncle the late Earl, on the 2d of Aug. 1769. This noble family, according to Sir William Dugdale and others, is derived from Henry Fitz-Herbert, Chamberlain to King Henry I. anceftor to the Earls of Pembroke and Powis ; and firft took the name of Finch in the reign of King Edward L The firft of the family who fettled in Kent, Was Henry Finch, who married Alice, daughter and heir of Philip Belknap of the Moat, near Canterbury. He died in I493,- leaving three fons, Sir William, Henry, and Philip. Sir William his heir, married firft Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Crowmer, widow of Sir Richard Lovelace, by whom he had, Laurence, who married Mary, only daughter and heir of Chriftopher Kemp, and died without iflue.— Sir Thomas heir to his brother. — Richard, who married Eleanor, daughter of Sir Edmund Walfmgham, but died without iflue. Sir William married sdly, Catharine, daughter of Sir John Gainsford, by whom he had Erafmus, who married Marian, daughter of John Summers, and widow of Thomas Rolfe, and died without ilTue. — Vincent, who married the daughter of Ferrers, of Gloucefter- fture. He had alfo three daughters, Eleanor, married firft Robert &ARL of WINCHELSEA. 17$ Robert Morton; and fecondly Thomas Wotton, by whom (he had iffue Sir Henry Wotton, Ambaffador to Venice. — Mary, married to ■ Whitney, Efq. — Elizabeth married to Th. Thwaytes, Efq. Sir Thomas, after the death of his brother Laurence* fuccceded to the eftate. In the 6th of Elizabeth he was made Knt. Marihal of the Forces in Newhaven* then be* ficged by the French, and was ftiipwrecked in his voyage thither. He married Catharine, cldeft of the two daugh- ters and coheirs of Sir Thomas Moyle, and by her, who married 2dly to Nicholas St. Legar, Efq. had iffue, Sir Moyle Finch. — Sir Henry Finch, who married the daughter of Mr. Wilkins, and being a great Lawyer, was Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, and the Queen's Attorney-Gene^ ral, and afterwards made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and created Baron Finch of Fordwich ; but dying without jffue, that title became extinct.— -Thomas Finch, who mar- ried Urfula, daughter to William Thwaytes, Efq. by Anne, filter to Edward Brabazon, Lord Ardee, anceftor to the Eall of Weft-Meath, and had a fon John, who died without iffurf. •—And Jane, married to George, fon of Sir Thomas Wyat. Sir Moyle was by King James I. raifed to the degree of a Baronet ; and his widow, (iftC. of W.) Elizabeth, fole daughter to Sir Tho* mas Heneage, was by the faid King James, advanced to the dignity of Vifcountefs of Maidftone, with limitation of that honour to the heirs male of her body; and on the 12th of July, 4 Car. I. fhe was created Countefs of Winchelfea, with the like limitation, and died on the 13th of March, 2634. She was defcended from the ancient family of the Heneages of Hainton, in the county of Lincoln, where they flourifhed from the reign of King Henry III. and were en* riched by marriage with the daughters and heirs of Prefton and Buckron, whofe arms the Earl quarters. By the fajd Sir Moyle flie had feven fons and four daughters; Annfc married to Sir William Twifden ; Catharine to Sir John Wentworth; and two others who died young. The fons, were Theophilus, Thomas, John, Sir Heneage, Francis, William, and Robert. The two latter died young ; Francii the 5th fon married Anne, daughter to Michael Barker, Efq. and had iffue 1. John, 2. Elizabeth, 3. Heneage, 4. William, and 5. Robert.— Sir Heneage, 4th fon, was anceftor of the JEarls of Nottingham, and the prefent Earl of Winchelfea.— John, the 3d fon, married Anne, daughter to Walker, and had two fons, John, andWUlianit— Theophilus, the eldeft, marrying 174 EARL of WINCHELSEA* marrying Elizabeth, daughter to Sir Chriflopher Heydon, and dying in his father's life-time without iilue, (ift E. of W.) Sir Thomas the 2d fon, his next brother, who was Knt. and Bart, became Vifc. Maidftone and Earl of Winchelfea, as heir and fucceflbr to his mother. He mar- ried Cecily, lifter to Sir John Wentworth, above mentioned ; and dying November 4, 1639, left three fon s, Heneage, John, and William ; and five daughters ; whereof Frances was married to Sir William Strickland. — Anne to Sir William Waller. — Cecily to Sir Erafmus Philips.— Diana to Nicholas Took, Efq. — Catharine to Ambrole Moore, Efq. (2d E. of W.) Heneage the eldeft fon fucceeded his fa-, ther ; and by Charles the lid. he was on the 29th of July,. 3660, created Baron Fitz-Herbert of Eaftwell, and died in 1689. ^ e married firft Diana, daughter to Francis the 4th Lord Willoughby of Parham, by whom he had no iflue that furvived him ; but by his 2d wife, Mary, daughter to Wil- liam the 2d Duke of Somerfet, he had four daughters and feven fons ; William Lord Maidftone. — Heneage. —Thomas. —Charles. — Leopold, D. D. Warden of All-Soul's College, Oxford. — Lafhley. — Henry. — The laft fix died without iffue. By his third wife Catharine, daughter to Sir Thomas Ncr- clifc, Knt. (widow firft of Chriflopher Lifter, Efq. and ie- condly of Sir John Wentworth j) he had two daughters, who died unmarried. And by his 4th wife, Elizabeth, daughter and fole heir of John Ayres, of London, Efq. he had a fon John, who fucceeded to the title of Earl of Winchelfea. The daughters by the fecond wife were, Frances, who married Thomas Thynne, Vifcount Weymouth. — Elizabeth. — Mary, -r-Jane. The three laft died unmarried. William Vifc. Maidftone, their eldeft brother, being flain in the great fea-fight againft the Dutch, May 28, 1672, left ilTue by Elizabeth, daughter to Thomas Wind- ham, Efq. a daughter, Mariamne, who was married to Phi* Ftp Herbert, Efq. and his Lady being then with child of a fori, born the 26th of September following, was named (3d E. of W.) Charles, who fucceeded his grandfather. He married Sarah, daughter of Henry Nourfe, Efq. but dying 14th of Auguft, 17 12, without iflue, (4th E.of W.) FIeneage, his father's brother became heir, Ke married Anne, daughter to Sir William Kingfmill ; but Hie dying in 1720, and his Loidfhip on the 30th of Septem- , ber, 1726, without iflue, in the 70th year of his age, w a $ fucceeded by f$th EARL of WINCH EL SEA. 175 (5th E. of W.) John, his youngeft (half) brother, who was born February 15, 1684; but he dying on the 9th of September, 1729, without iffue alfo, we return to Sir Heneage Finch, 4th fon of Sir Moyle, by Elizabeth his wife, Countefs of Winchelfea ; which Sir Heneage, in 1625, 1 Car. I. was Recorder of London, and Speaker of the Houfe of Commons ; he reiided at Kenfington-Houfe, now the Royal Palace. He married Frances, daughter of Sir Edmund Bell, by whom he had ilfue, Heneage his heir. — Sir John Finch, Doctor of Phyfic, who died about the year 1682. — Frances, married to Sir Clifford Clifton, Bart. — Anne, to Edward Vifc. Conway. — Elizabeth, to Edward Maddifon, Efq. Sir Heneage had alfo another wife Elizabeth, daughter of William Cradock, Efq, widow of Richard Ben- net, Efq. (ift E. of N.) Heneage, the elder! fon, was in 1673* Keeper of the Great Seal, and created Baron Finch of Da* ventry, and afteiwards Lord High Chancellor of England ; on the. 1 2th of May, 168 1, he was created Earl of Notting- ham, and died on the 18th of December, 1682, aged 6:. He had ilfue by Elizabeth, daughter to William Harvey „ ten fons and four daughters ; of which, Elizabeth married Samuel, fon and heir of Sir Harbottle Grimftone. — Mary died February 10, 1735. — Mary. — Anne. The two latter died before their father. The fons were, Daniel. — Heneage, who was created Earl of Ayles ford.-— William, who mar - ried a daughter of Sir William Halkeins, Bart, died Fqb. 26, 1 726.— Charles died unmarried. — Edward, Prebend of Canterbury, —Henry, Dean of York, died September 8, 1728. — Robert died unmarried. Alio, Edward, John, and Thomas, who died in their father's lifetime. (6th E. of W. 2d of N,) Daniel, the eldeft, fucceedinghis father; and on the 9th of September 1729, fucceeded to the title of Earl of Winchelfea, Vifc, Maidftone, &c. in the room of John Earl of Winchelfea, who then died unmarried. He married ift Effex Rich, 2d daughter and coheir to Robert the 3d Earl of Warwick, by whom, who died 1768, he had an. only daughter Mary, who was firft married to William Savile, Marquis of Haliifax, by whom fhe had two daughters; Dorothy married to the late Earl of Burlington and Cork; and Mary, fir ft to Sackville the 7th Earl of Thanet; 2dly to John Kerr, Duke of Roxburgh in Scotland, and died Sept. ?9, 1718. Byhis2dwife, Anne, only daughter to Chrifto- pher Vifc. Hatton, (by Cecilia his firft wife, daughter to John Tufton the 2d Earl of Thanet) who died Sept. 26, 1734, he had, Heneage, who died youngs — Daniel, the late Ear!,-— William, w '* 0 married Jan, 25, 1732-3, Anne Doug- 2?6 EARL of WINCH ELSE A* las, fifler to Charles kte Duke of Queenfbury; which Lady dying Oct. 26, 1741, without iflue, he marriedhis 2d wife, Charlotte, 2d, daughter to Thomas Earl of Pomfret, in Auguft J 746, by whom he had iflue, u George the prefent Earl. 2. Charlotte, born Sept. 1747, died unmarried Nov. 1767. 3. Frances, born 1749 died unmarried. 4. Sophia, born Nov, 17, 1748, married Feb. 29, 1772, Charles Fielding, Efq. and has iflue; and 5. Henrietta, born Dec. 28, 1750. Their father died Dec. 25, 1766. — John, died Feb. 12, 1763, having married Mifs Elizabeth Younger, by whom he left a daugh- ter Elizabeth, married to John Mafon, Efq. of Greenwich.— Henry, died in May, 1761, unmarried.— Edward, who took the name of Hatton, purfuant to the will of his aunt Anne, youngeft daughter ofVifc. Hatton; and died May 16, 1 77 1. He married in 1746, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Palmer, lifter to the late Countefs of Winchelfea ; and by her had iflue, 1. Edward, born June 30, 1747- 2. John-Emelius- Daniel-Edward, born May 19,1755. 3. Anne, born, Nov.i£ t 1750. 4 Mary-Henrietta-Eiizabeth, born May 12, 1753. And 5. Hariott-Frances-Charlotte, born Feb. 19, 1751. Their Father died May 16, 177 1. — Charles, died young.— Effex, married, on July 20, 1703, to Sir Roger Moftyn, in the county of Flint, Bart, and died May 23, 1721 leaving iflue.— Charlotte, married, Feb. 4. 1726, to Charles Sey- mour, late Duke of Somerfet, and died Jan. 21, 1773.— Anne, died young. — Elizabeth, died young. — Ifabclla, died March, 1771, unmarried.— Mary, married on September 22, 1 716, to Thomas Watfon-Wentworth, Marquis of Rock- ingham, and died in May, 1 761 without iflue. — Henrietta, married in 1731, William Fitzroy, Duke of Cleveland and died 1742 leaving no iflus,— -Elizabeth, in Sept 1738, mar- ried William Murray, now Earl of Mansfield.— Frances ; and -Margaret; both died unmarried. Befides thefe his Lordlhip had feven other Children who died infants, and ieven more that were ftiil-born. ( 7th E. of W. 3d E. of N. ) Daniel, on the ift of Jan. 1730, fucceeded his father. In December 1729, bis lord- ship married Frances Fielding, filler to William Earl of Den- bigh, by whom he had one daughter, Charlotte, born July 7, 1 731. The Countefs died in September, 1734. He married 2d!y the 19th of January, 1738, Mary, one of the daughters and coheirs of Sir Thomas Palmer, of Wing- ham, in Kent, Bart, by whom, who died 1757, he had ifliie* Heneage, born in December 1741, married Aug. 1, 1778* to Sir George Olborne, Bart, of Cheekfands in Bedfordfhire, — EfleXs EARL of CHESTERFIELD. 177 Efiex, born January 1, 1746.— Hatton, born Feb. 23, 1747* Augufta, born in Feb. 17^1. — And iviary.— Frances. — Anne and Georgiana, who died young. And his Lordfhip de- ceafing Auguft 2, 1769, was fucceeded by his nephew (8th E. of W. 4th E. of N.) George, the prefent Earh Creations.] Viic. Maidftone, July 8, 1623, 21 Jac. L Earl of Winchehea, July 12, 1628,-4 Car. I. Baron Fitz- Herbert of Ealbvell, in the county of Kent, June 26, 1660^ 12 Car. II. Baron Finch of Daventry, Jan. 10, 1673, 25 Car. II. and Earl of the county of Nottingham, May 12,1681, 33 Car. II. Arms.] Argent, a chevron between three gryphons palTant 3 fegreant, fable. Crest.] On a wreath a flying horfe, argent, winged, maned, and ducally gorged, or. Supporters.] On the dexter fide a flying horfe, as the Creir. On the finifter a gryphon, fable, alike gorged, argent* Motto.] Nil confcireftbi. Free from Guilt. Chuf Seats.] At Burleigh, in Rutlandmire; at Round« fione, in Buckinghamftiire ; and at Eafhvell, in Kent. STANHOPE, EARL of CHESTERFIELD. T HE Right Hon. PHILIP STANHOPE, Earl of CHESTERFIELD, Baron Stanhope of Shelford, was born November 10, 1755, f uccee ded to thefe honours on the death of Philip Dormer, the late Earl, March 24, 1773; married Sept. 6, 1777, Ann, daughter of Robert Thiftlethwayte, D D, of Norman Court in Hampfhire, by whom he had three ftili-born children. This Family, which took its name from the town of Stanhope, in the Biflioprick of Durham, fettled in Not- tinghamfhire. Sir Richard de Stanhope living in the reign of K. Edw. III. married Alice, daughter and heir of Hought, and left iflue Sir John his heir, and Rich- ard. Sir John married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Stephen Maulovel, and by her had a fon, Sir Richard, who w r as Knight of the Bath-, and died in 1436. He married ill Joan, daughter of Robert de Stave- ley, and had ifliie, Richard, Thomas, James, Elizabeth, and Agnes married to Sir Robert Strelley. He married £dly, Maud, niece and heir to Ralph Lord Cromwell, by whom he had a fon Henry, who died without iffne ; and N two 173 EARL of CHESTERFIELD, two daughters, heirs to their brother, viz. Maud, married firft to Robert Lord Wiiloughby of Erelby; fecondly to Sir Thomas Nevil ; thirdly to Sir Gervafe Clifton, Knt. who was taken prifoner at the battle of Tewkelbury, and behead- ed in the Market-place there, but had no iffue by any of her hufbands. Joan, her fifter, married Humphry Bour- chier, ($d fon to Henry the ift Earl of Eflex) who was thereupon fummoned to Parliament by the title of Lord Cromwell, but left no iffiie. Richard, eldeft fon of Sir Richard, married Ifabel, or Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Markham, Knt. and dying the 2d of March, 1432, left a fon /John, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Talbot, and had two fons, Thomas, his heir ; and Henry of Stoke, in the county of Lincoln, whofe fon Edmund left an only daughter Margaret, married to Thomas Skef- fington, Efq. Thomas, the eldeft fon, married Mary, daughter to Ed- ward Jernegan, Efq. and by her had Sir Edward Stanhope, Knt. He died on the 6th of June, 1512. By his fecond wife, Elizabeth, daughter to Foulke Lord Fitzwarren, he had only a daughter Anne, who was fecond wife of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerfet; but the faid Sir Edward Stan- hope, by his firit. wife Avelina, daughter of Sir Gervafe Clifton, had two fons, Richard and Sir Michael ; which Richard marrying Anne, daughter and heir to John Strelley, grandfon of Sir Robert Strelley, and Agnes Stan- hope, before-mentioned, by her had a daughter named Saunchia, who was married to John Bobington, Efq. but having no male ilTue, Sir Michael became the chief of the family, and was knighted by King Henry VIII. and afterwards obtained a grant to himfelf, and his heirs male, of the manor and rectory of Shelford, in the county of Nottingham, and divers others, and Northmuikham, in that county ; as alfo thofe ofRowleby and Neftborough, in the county of Lin- coln, and of Elvefton and Oakbroke, in the county of Derby. He was chief Gentleman of the Privy-chamber to King Edward VI. and in the firft year of his reign, was one of the Knights of the Shire for the county of Nottingham : When the ruin of his brother-in-law, the Duke of Somer- fet, was projected, he was imprifoned, and on the evidence of one Crane, found guilty of confpiring the death of a Privy-Counfeilor, and was executed on Tower-Hill, Feb. |8, 1552, with Sir Thomas Arundel, Sir Ralph Vane, &c. who EARL of CHESTERFIELD. 179 who ended their lives with the moft folemn proteftations of their innocence. He married Anne, daughter to Nicholas Rawfton, Efq. by whom he had Sir Thomas. — Eleanor* married to Thomas Cooper, Efq. — Sir Edward.— Julian* married to John Otham, Efq. — John. — Jane, married fir ft to Sir Roger Townfhend ; and 2dly to Henry Lord Berkeley.— Margaret. — William. — Edward. The three lafl died in their infancies. John, their 3d fon, was feated at Harrington in the County of Northampton, and on 'the 4th of May, 1605, 3 J ac * was created Lord Stanhope of Harrington ; and marrying Margaret, daughter to Henry Mac-William, Efq. by her had two daughters; Elizabeth* married to Sir Lionel Talmafh ; and Catharine to Robert Vifc. Cholmondeley ; and an only Ion Charles, who was made Knight of the Bath. He married Dorothy, Mer to Edward Barrett, Earl of Newburgh, and dying without hTue ia 1677, the Barony was extinct. Sir Thomas, who fucceeded, married Margaret, daugh- ter and coheir to Sir John Port, and by her had John, Thomas, and Edward ; and a daughter Anne, married to John Holies, Earl of Clare, and dying on the 3d of Aug, 1596, Sir John, his heir, fucceeded to the eftate, and died in 161 o. He married fir ft Cordell, daughter and heir to Richard Allington, Efq. by Joan his wife, fifter and heir to Sir William Cordell by whom he had Philip his heir. He married to his 2d wife, Dorothy," daughter of Thomas Trentham, Efq. by whom he had feveral daughters, of whom Jane married firft Sir Peter Courtene, Bart, and sdly to Francis Vifc. Valentia ; alfo two fons, Sir John who was feated at Elvefton, in Derby (hire, from whom the prefent Earl of Harrington is defcended ; and William, who was father of Sir William Stanhope, of Linby, in that county, who died without ifTue, and left his eftate to the Earl of Harrington. (iftE.) Philif, eldeft fon and heir of Sir John, was created Baron Stanhope and Earl of Chefterfield, By his fecond wife, Anne, daughter to Sir John Packington, and w r idow of Sir Humphrey Ferrers, he had an only fon Alexan- der, from whom is defcended Philip, now Earl Stanhope. By his firft wife, Catharine, daughter to Francis Lord Flaf- tings, fon and heir to George the 4th Earl of Huntingdon, he had eleven fons, and two daughters ; Sarah, married to Sir Richard Hoghton ; and Elizabeth to Edward D'Arcy. Of the fons, Arthur the youngeft was anceftor of the pre- fent Earl, He married Anne, daughter to Sir Henry Salif- N z bury. iSo EAR L of CHESTERFIELD. bury, Bart, by whom he had Charles his heir, whofe wife was Frances, only daughter to Sir Francis Topp, Bart, and by her had five fons; and two daughters, Catharine and Elizabeth. 'I he fons were, Francis who died without iflue; Henry, Michael, D. D. Philip, and Charles. Michael, D. D. the third fon, was Canon of Windfor, and died July 8 1736, and left iflue by Penelope, daughter of Sir Salathiel Lovell, four fons, Arthur-Charles. — Sir Thomas.— Ferdinando. — Lovell Arthur - Charles, the eldeft fon, married firfl: November, 1740, Mary, daughter of St. An- drew Thornhagh of Ofberton, in Nottinghamfhire, Efq. and flie died without iflue, in March, 1748. He married fecondly, Aug. 25. 1750, Margaret, daughter of Charles Headlam, Efq. of Kirkbv in Yorkfhire, and by her, who died in Jan. 1764, had iflue, 1. Philip, who died young. 2. Phi- lip, now Earl of Cheiterfield, who fucceeded in 1773. 3. Mar- garet, born in June, 1754, and married December 26, 1776, William Smelt, Efq. His third wife, whom he married Marcrr 2, 1767, was Frances, daughter to . Broade, of Derby, Efq. and the faid Arthur-Charles died in March, 1770, but had no iflue by r his third wife, who married March 1782, the Rev Mr. Hgfby. — Sir Thomas Stanhope, Knt. fecond fon of Dr. Stanhope, died in March 1770, unmarried. — Fer- dinando, the third fon of Dr. Stanhope, married on the 8th of March, 1742, to Mifs Mary Philips, of Chippenham in Wilts, by whom he has, 1 Penelope, born in Auguft, 1743 ; 2. John, born in Sept. 1744. 3. Charles, an officer in the army, born Jan. 1745, and died Aug. 6, 1767. 4. Mary, born in March, 1746. 5. Thomas, born in 1748, died an infant. 6. Michael, born in July, 1750. 7. Ar- thur, born in Oct. 1752. — Lovell Stanhope, the 4th fon of Dr. Stanhope, is unmarried. Of the other fons of Philip Earl of Chefterfield ; Philip was flain at Shelford-houfe, in the time of the civil war. — Ferdinando in a (harp fight at Bridgford. He married Lettice, daughter of Sir Humphry Ferrers, and left iflue feven chil- dren; T.Anne. 2.John the eldeft. 3. Edward. 4.William. 5. Mic- hael. 6. Thomas. 7. George; all died young. — Charles, 5th fon, married a daughter of Dr. Bayley, and died without iflue, Henry, the 2d fon, became heir apparent; he was a Knight of the Bath ; but dying in 1634, in his father's life- time, left iflue by Catharine, eldeft daughter and coheir to Edward Lord Wotton, Philip, fucceflbr to his grandfather ; a daughter of her name, who married William Lord AUing- ton; and a daughter Mary, who died unmarried, Catha- EARL of CHESTERFIELD. 281 rine, their mother, was on the 29th of May, 12 Car. 1L advanced to the dignity of Countefs of Chefterfield, for her natural life, and her daughters to have precedency as Earls daughters: And marrying to her fecond hufband, Poliander Kirkhoven, Lord of Hemfleet in Holland, me had a fon Charles-Henry, and died April 9, 1677, which fon was crea- ted a Baron of this realm, by the title of Lord Wotton, of Wottcn in Kent, by letters patent dated Auguft 3 1 , 1650, and was naturalized in Sept. 1660, with his filler Emeline, who died unmarried; he was alfo created Earl of Bella- mont in Ireland, and dying without ifTue, left his eftate to Charles Stanhope, younger fon of his half-brother Philip, Earl of Chefterfield, who thereupon took the name of Wotton. (2d E.) Philip, who in 1656, fucceeded his grandfather, married firft Anne, eldeft daughter to Algernon, the iotfi Earl of Northumberland, by whom he had a fon Algernon, who died in his infancy ; and by his fecond wife, Elizabeth, daughter to James Butler, the firft Duke of Ormond, he had a fon Henry, who died an infant; and a daughter of her name, who married John Earl of Strathmore ; but marrying a third wife, Elizabeth, eldeft daughter to Charles Dormer, Earl of Caernarvon, by her who died 1679 had two fons and two daughters. His Lordfliip died on the 28th of Jan. 1 7 1 3, aged 80 years and two months. Of the daughters, Mary born 1664, married to Thomas Coke of Melbourne, Efq. and died 1703. Catharine, born 1675, married to Godfrey Clark, Efq. and died 1728. The fons were Philip and Charles ; the latter who changed his name for that of Wotton, as abovementioned, married Jane, daughterof Gilliert Thatcher, Efq. and died without ifTue, in 170% His Lady married sdly, Thomas Stanhope of Elvefton, Efq. (3d E.) Philip, who in 1 7 13 fucceeded his father, mar- ried 1 69 1, Elizabeth, daughter and coheir to George Savile, Marquis of Halifax, by Gertrude, daughter of William Pier- point, of Thorefby, and by her had four fons and two daughters ; of which Gertrude, on the 16th of April, 1724, married Sir Charles Hotham, and died April 17, 1775 ; and Elizabeth married Samuel Hill, Efq, but died on the 24th of Nov. 1727, in the 24th year of her age, without iflue. The fons were Philip-Dormer his fucceffor.— Sir Wilham.*- John. — and Charles. The latter was born September 6, 1708, died unmarried the 20th of Feb. 1736. — John was born January 5, 1705, and died unmarried in Dec. 1748. — Sir William, born July 20, 1702, married firft Margaret, daugh- N 3 tsr M-RL of THANE T. j ter to John Rudge, Efq. merchant of London ; (he died in Cel. 1740, by whom he had a daughter Elizabeth, married to Welbore Ellis, Efq. and died Aug. 1, 1761. Sir William married fecondly, Elizabeth, daughter of John Crawley, Efq. Alderman of London, who died Feb. 1746, leaving no affile. He married thirdly, O&ober 6, 1759, Anne Huffey, fitter to Sir Francis Blake Delaval, Knt. and he dying May y, 1 772, fhe married 2dly, Capt. Morris. (4th E.) Philip, the eideft fon, horn 2 2d of September, 1695, on the 27th of January, 1726, fucceeded his father, and on the 15th of September, 1733, married Melofina, Countefs of Walfin.gham, in the County of Norfolk, and Baronefs of Aldbo rough in the County of Suffolk, in her own right; who died without ifTue, Sept. 16, 1776. His Lordfhip died March 24, 1773, without ifTue, and the ho- nours devolved on (tjth E.) Philip, the prefent Earl, being the grandfon of Michael Stanhope, D. D. 3d fori of Charles, only furviving fon of Arthur, the youngeft fon of the firft Earl of Chefter-' field. Creations.] Created Baron Stanhope of Shelford, in the county of Nottingham, Nov. 7, 1616, 14 Jac. I. and Earl of Chelterfield in the county of Derby, Augufl 4, 1628, 4 Car. I. Arms.] Quarterly, ermine andgules. [Plate IX.] Crest.] On a wreath a tower, argent, with a demi-lion rampant, hTuing from the battlements, or, crowned du- cally, gules , and holding between his paws a granade firing, proper* Supporters,] On the dexter fide a wolf, or, crowned with a ducal coronet. On the lifter a talbot, er?nhie. Motto.] Exitus aftaprobat. The End proves the Action. Chief Seats.] At Bretby in Derbylhire ; at Shelford in Nottinghamfliire ; at Blackheath in Kent ; and Eythrope in Bucks. TUFTON, EARL of THANE T. THE Right Hon. SACKVILLE TUFTON, Earl of THANET, Baron Tufton, Hereditary Sheriff of Weft- rooreland and Cumberland ; Lord of the Honour of Skip- •nt in Craven, waa born in Auguft, 1733, and fucceeded his father EARL of THANE T. x« 3 father, who died December 4, 1753. He married Auguft 30, 2767, Mary, daughter of the late Lord John Sackville, filter to the Duke of Dorfet, who died Sept. 1778, by whom he had iifue, Elizabeth, born May 2, 1768. — Sackville, Lord Tuf- ton, born June 30, 1769. — Charles, born Sept. 10, 1770. — Caroline, born Ool:. 8, 1 77 1 . — John, born Nov. 22, 1773 — Henry, born Jan. 2, 1775. — William, born Nov. 16, 1777. Of this family, which originally affirmed its furname from a place called Toketon (but of late Tufton) in the Pariih of Nordiham in Sufiex, was John Tufton ofHothfield, in Kent, Efq. Sheriff of that county in the 4th of Elizabeth, who married Mary, daughter to Sir John Baker, and by her had a daughter Cecily, mar- ried to Sir Thomas Sancles, Knt. and Sir John his heir, who was created a Baronet by James L and died April 2, 1624. He married firft Olimpia, daughter to Chriftopher Blower, of Raynham in Kent, Efq. by whom he had three daughters ; Anne, married to Francis Thref- ham, Efq.— Elizabeth, who died young. — Margaret, married to Sir Thomas Carril. By his fecond Lady, who was Chrif- tfian, daughter to Sir Humphrey Brown, he had fix fons and four daughters. Ciciiy married firft to Sir Edward Hunger- ford, and next to Francis Earl of Rutland.— Mary to Henry Conftable, Vifc. Dunbar. — Anne and Elizabeth both died young. The fons were, Sir Nicholas. — John, died un- married. — Sir Humphrey, created a Baronet December 24, 1641. He married Margaret, daughter of Herbert Morley, Efq. and had a fon Sir John Tufton, who married firft, Mar- garet, third daughter and coheir of Thomas Lord Wotton ; and fecondly Mary, daughter of Sir James Altham ; but died without ifTue, October 14, 1685. — Richard, who mar- ried Chryfogon, daughter of Herbert Morley above-men- tioned, by whom he had John his heir, father of Sir Richard Tufton, who died without iflue ; and a daughter Mary, married to Sir Robert Huddlefton. — Sir William died in 1650. — Thomas, died unmarried. (ift E.) Nicholas the eldeft, was by King Charles I. created Baron Tufton and Earl of Thanet. He married Frances, daughter to Thomas the firft Earl of Exeter, and had four fons ; William, who died young. — John, his heir.— Nicholas, who died an infant.— and Cecil, who left iflue Sir Charles. This Earl had alfo nine daughters, Elizabeth, married to Sir Edward Dering, — Dorothy, to Sir Ralph Afh- tOfl,— Mary, to Sir $&#*rd Bifhopp*~I)iana, to Robert N 4 Corfon, i$4 EARL of THANET, Corfon, Efq. — Chrifttan, to William Milward.— Frances and Cecilia died unmarried.— Anne and Alice died young. (2d E.) John, who on the ift of July, 1632, fucceeded his father, married Margaret, daughter to Richard Sackville, -the third Earl of Dorfet, (by Anne Baronefs Clifford) and had fix fons and fix daughters ; whereof Anne died young.— Margaret was married to George, the third Lord Coventry. — Frances to Henry Drax, Efq. — Cecily to Chriftopher, the firft Vifc. Hatton. — Mary to William Waiter, Efq. — Anne to Samuel Grimfton, Efq. The fons were Nicholas. — John. Richard. — Thomas. — Sackville. — George. (3d E.) Nicholas, the eideft, on the 6th of May, 1664, fucceeded his father in his honours. He married Elizabeth, third daughter to Richard Boyle, the 2d Earl of Cork and Burlington; but dying on the 24th of November, 1679, without iflue, (4th E.) John, his next brother, became heir; and on the 14th of Aug. 1676, fucceeded his mother in the Barony of Clifford; and in 1678, fucceeded his coufin Alathea, daughter of James the third Earl of Northampton ; and he dying on the 27th of April, 1680, unmarried, the honour devolved upon * (5th E.) Richard, the 3d fon ; who dying on the 8th o| March, 1684, unmarried, the honours defcended to (6th E.) Thomas the 4th fon, who married Catharine Cavendifh, 4th daughter to Henry Duke of Newcaftle, and by her, (who died April 20, 1712) had three fons and five daughters Catharine, married in April, 1708, to Edward Watfon, Vifc. Sondes, eideft fon to Lewis Earl of Rocking- ham, and died Feb. 1734. — Anne, married in Feb. 1708, to James Earl of Salifbury, and died in March, 1757. — > Mary, married ift in April, 17 18, to Anthony Earl Harold, fon to Henry Duke of Kent ; and fecondiy to John Earl Gower, being his third wife. — Margaret, (to whom, and her heirs, his Majefty was pleafed, Auguft 13, 1734, to confirm the Barony of CLIFFORD) in July, 17 18 married to Thomas Coke, late Earl of Leicefter. — lfabella, married firft the Lord Naffau Powlett ; and fecondiy to Sir Francis- Blake DelavaL The fons were, John, Thomas, and John, they all died the day they were born, and their father dying July 30, 1729, without iffue male, we come to Sackvile, the 5th. fon of John the 2d Earl. He married Elizabeth, daughter to Ralph Wilbraham, Efq. and had fix fons ; and fix daughters, all deceafed. Of the fans* loha the eideft died an infent»*-John the 3d, died Sept. 22 f * EARL of SANDWICH. 185 1727, aged 3,4. — Wilbraham, 4th fon, died November 20, 1754. — Richard, 5th ion, and Thomas, 6th fori, all de^» ceafed; and their father dying on the 30th of March, 1721, in the 74th year of his age, was fucceeded by (7th E.) Sackville his 2d fon, who fucceeded Thomas his uncle as Earl of Thanet. He was born May 1 1, 1688, and having married, on the nth of June, 1722, Mary, yonngellof the two daughters and coheirs to William Mar-» quis of Halifax; by which Lady, who died July 30, 1751* had iflue two fons, John Lord Tufton, who died in the 9^ year of his age, June 3, 1734; and (8th E.) Sackville, the prefent Earl, born in Auguft f 1723; and two daughters; Mary, born May 14, 1723, married the cth of September, 1763, Sir William Duncan s ^art. and Charlotte, born in September, 1728. Creations.] Created Baron Tufton of Tufton in the county of Suflex, November 1, 1626, 2 Car. I. Earl of Thanet, an Ifle in the county of Kent, Auguft 5, 1628, 4 Car. I. Arms.] Sable, an eagle difplayed, ermine, within a bor- der, argent. [Plate IX.] Crest.] On a wreath, a fea-lion, fejant, proper. Supporters.] Two eagles, their wings expanded, ermine* Motto.] Ficlpero defdichado. Unhappy yet faithful. Chief Seats.] At Hothfield in K,ent ; and at Newbottie in Northamptonshire* MONTAGU, EARL oe SANDWICH, THE Right Hon. JOHN MONTAGU, Earl of SANDWICH, Vifcount Hinchinbroke, Baron Mon« tagu of St. Neots, in Huntingdonmire, fucceeded Edward, the late Earl, his grandfather, October 20, 1729. His Lordfhip married Judith, daughter of Charles Vifcount Fane, of the Kingdom of Ireland, March 7, 1742; by whom he has had hTue, John Vifcount Hinchinbroke, born J an. 26, 1744, and married March 1, 1766, Elizabeth, daugh* ter to the Earl of Halifax ; by whom he has a fon John- George, born April 1, 1767; and a daughter Caroline, born May 18, 1768. Her Ladyftiip died July 1, 1768; and his Lordfhip married fecondly, April 24, 1772, to Mary, eldeft daughter to the Dyke of Bolton, by whom, (who died Maica iS6 EARL o * SANDWICH.'. March 31, 1779,). he has iilue, 1. George-John, born Feb, 177.3* 2 * Mary, born Feb. 27, 1774. 3, Henrietta-Sufanna, born Nov. 20, 1775, who died young. 4. Francis-Charles, born Jan. 8, 1778, who died June 13, 1780. — Edward Montagu, born June 30, 1745, died Nov. 3, 1752. — William-- Auguftus, born in 1752, and died at Lifoon in Jan. 1776, unmarried. — Mary, born Feb. 23, 175S, died June, 1761. This being a branch of the family of Montagu, and its «tefcent fet forth under the title of Duke of Manchefkr, we iliall here only go back to Sir Edward Montagu of Bough ton, who had eight fons, of whom Edward fucceeded him, and was created Baron Montagu of Boughton ; and Sir Sidney the younger!, married Paulina, 3d daughter to John Pepys, Efq. and had two fons, and a daughter Elizabeth, married to Sir Gilbert Pickering; Henry his cldeft Ion, died young. (ift E.) Edward, his fucceflbr, who obtained the fole command of the Englilh navy, and delivered up the whole Meet to King Charles II. and for that fervice he was created Baron Montagu of St. Neots, Vifcount Hinchinbrgke and Earl of Sandwich. He was likewife Lord Fligh-Admiral of England ; but on the 28th of May, 1672, he loft his life in the great fea-fight againft the Dutch off Southwouid-bay, in the 47th year of his age. He married Jemima, daugh- ter to John Lord Crewe of Stene, and had fix fons, and four daughters ; Jemima was married to Sir Philip Cateret, —Paulina, 2d daughter, died unmarried. — Anne, 3d daugh- ter, married firH Sir Richard Edgecumbe, and fecondly, Chriftopher Montagu, Efq. - Catharine, married firft Ni- cholas Bacon, Efq. and fecondly the Rev. Mr. Gardemau, and died Jan. 1 c., 1757, aged 96. The fons were, Edward his fuccefTor. — Sidney, 2d fon, married Anne, daughter and heir of Sir Francis Wortley, and changed his name to Wortley ; he had ifliie two fons, Francis, who died before his father; and Edward. Their father dying on the nth of November, 1727, aged 78, was fucceeded by Edward his 2d and only furviving fon, who married Mary Pierpoint, eldeft daughter to Evelyn Duke of Kingfton, by whom he had a fon Edward, who died without iflue in 1776; and a daughter Mary, the prefent Baronefs Mountftnart ; married to John Earl of Bute. — Oliver, 3d fon of the Earl of Sandwich, died unmarried in 1693. — John, 4th fon, was Dean of Durham, and died unmarried in Feb, 1739.— Charles, 5th fon, firffc married EARL of SANDWICH. 187 .married Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Fofter, Efq. by whom he had an only ion James, who died in November, 1748. He married 2clly, Sarah, daughter of Rogers, Ef . and dying in 1721, left iffue, 1. Edward. 2. John, a Lieutenant-Colonel of foot, who died unmarried in Septem- ber, 1744; arid g. a daughter Jemima. — James, 6th fon, died unmarried. (2d E.) Ex>war:d, the jeldeft Con, fucceeded his father, and died in February, 1689. He married Anne, fourth daughter to Richard Earl of Burlington, and had two fons, Edward his heir ; and Richard, who died unmarried, April 19, 1697, aged 26; and a daughter Elizabeth, who died unmarried. (3d E.) Edward, who fucceeded his father, died on the aoth of October, 1729, aged 56. He married Elizabeth, 2d daughter to John Wilmot, Earl of Rochefler, and had a daughter i lizabeth, who died an infant, and, Edward-Richard, Vifc. Hinchinbroke, his onlyfon, died on the 4th of October, 1722, who had married Elizabeth, only daughter to Alexander Popham, Efq. and grand-daugh- ter of the firft Duke of Montagu. By her, who outlived him, and afterwards married Francis Seymour, Efq. had two fons, John and William ; and two daughters, Mary, who died young; and Elizabeth born 171 1, married fait in Sept. 1737, to Kelland Courteney, Efq. by whom ihe had iifue, one fon, and two daughters, William the {on was killed in Germany, 1761. Elizabeth, the eldeft daugh- ter is now living unmarried and Mary, the youngeft mar- ried to the prefent Earl of Corke and Orrery of Ireland, by whom Ihe had iflue, and was divorced. Their mother mar- ried 2dly, to Mr. Smith the Comedian, by whom me had no iflue, and died in 1762, Of the two fons, John was heir to his grandfather; and William, (born 1720, art officer in the fea-fervice, married in October, 1748, Mifs Charlotte Naylor, and had a fon William, and died on Feb. 10, 1757. (4th E.) John, fucceeded his grandfather. Creations.] Created Baron Montagu of St. Neots, Vifcount Hinchinbroke, in the county of Huntingdon, and Earl of Sandwich, in the county of Kent, July 12, 1660, 12 Car. II. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, argent, three lozenges conjoined in fefs, gules; within a border, fable : third and fourth, or, an. eagle difplayed, vertt [I J kte IX.] Crest.] x88 EARL of ESSEX. Crest.] On a wreath, a gryphon's head couped, or 9 its beak and wings fable. Supporters.] On the dexter fide a triton, holding over his right flioulder a trident, all proper, his ducal crown, or. On the finifter a parrot, with wings difclofed, vert. Mot to,] Pojl tot naufragia portum. After fo many Dangers I find a Port. Chief Seat.] At Hinchinbroke in the County of Hunt* ingdon. CAPE L, EARL of ESSEX. THE Right Hon. WILLI AM-ANNE-HOLLES CAPEL, Earl of ESSEX, Vifcount Maiden, and Baron Capel of Hadham ; born October 7, 1732, fucceeded his father William, the late Earl, January 8, 1743; and married Auguft 1, 1754, Frances, daughter of Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, Knight of the Bath ; by whom he had, Elizabeth, born Auguft 10, 1755, and married July 15, 1777, Lord Monfon. — George Vilcount Maiden, born Nov. 13, 1758. — Frances, born July 14, 1759; and died with the Countefs, her mother, July 19, 1759. He married fecondly, March 3, 1767, Harriot, daughter of Colonel Thomas Bladen, by whom he has had a ftill born fon, Jan, 5, 1768. — John-Thomas, born March 2, 1769, — Thomas- Edward, born March 25, 1770. — William-Robert, born April 28, 1775. — Bladen-Thomas, born Auguft 25, 1776. The firft that laid the foundation for fupporting the ho- nour which afterwards his defcendants obtained, was Sir William Capel, who was Lord Mayor of London, and defcended from an ancient family. Lords of the manor of Capel, in Suffolk, for many ages. He married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Arundel, and had a fon Giles, and two daughrers ; Elizabeth married to William Powlet, the firft Marquis of Winchefter; and Dorothy, to John Lord Zouch. Sir William dying in 1509, was fucceeded by Giles, who married firft, Mary, daughter of Richard Rofs, Efq. by whom he had no hTue. He married fecondly Ifabel, daughter to Sir Thomas Newton, and by her had a daughter married to Robert Ward, Efq. alio two fons, Sir Henry, his heir, who married Anne, daughter of George Lord Roos, by whom he had no iflue, and Sir Edward, fucceffor to his brother, who by Anne, daughter EARL of ESSEX. 1S9 daughter to Sir William Pelham, had two fons, Sir Henry and Giles ; and four daughters ; Elizabeth, married to Thomas Wentworth, Efq. — Anne, to Edward Halfhide, Efq. — Mary, to Wifton Brown, Efq. — Grace, to John Bur- ton, Efq. Sir Henry, fucceeded his father, and married firft Mabel, daughter to Anthony Brown, Vifc. Montagu. His 2d wife was Catharine, 4th daughter to Thomas the firft: Earl of Rutland, and by her he had fix fons, and three daughters ; Frances was married to Sir John Shirley.— Mary, to Humphrey Mildmay, Efq. — Agnes died unmarried. Of the fons, Sir Arthur, the eldeft fucceeding his father, married Mary, fifter to Henry Lord Grey of Groby, and by her had eleven fons, and eight daughters ; Mary and Margaret died unmarried. — Penelope, married Litton Pulter, Efq. — Anne, to Robert Chefter, Efq. — Catharine-Winifrede, to Sir Tho- mas Bedell. — Elizabeth, firft to Sir Juftinian Lewen, and fecondly to Ralph Lord Hoptoun. — Anne, to Sir Richard Corbet. — Mary, to Henry Lord Lee. Of the fons, Sir Henry, the eldeft, dying in his father's life-time, left iffue by Theodofia, his firft wife, filler to Edward Lord Montagu, a fon Arthur, and three daughters ; and by his fecond L'idy, who was Dorothy, widow of Sir Thomas Hofkins, he had a daughter Anne, married to Thomas Weftrow, Efq. The daughters by the firft wife were Eliza- beth, married to Sir William Wifeman, Bart.— Theodofia, to Edward Kemeys, Efq. — Margaret. The (ift L.) Arthur, fucceeding his grandfather, was cre- ated Lord Capei of Hadham, and was condemned by the Parliament, and beheaded the 9th of March, in 1649. He married Elizabeth, daughter and heir to Sir Charles Mor- rifon, of Cafhioberry in the county of Hertford, by whom he had ifTue four fons, and four daughters ; Arthur, his fucceffor. — Henry, who was created Lord Capel of Tewkf- bury, married Dorothy, daughter of Richard Bennet, Efq. but died without iiTue, May 30, 1696, — Edward. — Charles, died unmarried. — Mary, firft married Henry Marquis of Hertford. — Elizabeth, to Charles Dormer, Earl of Caernar- von. — Theodofia, to Henry Hyde Ear) of Clarendon. — Anne, to John Strangeways, Efq. (ift E.) Arthur, who fucceeded his father, was created Vifcount Maiden, and Earl of Effex. He was accufed amongft many others, of a defign to aiTaflinate the King, at Rye- houfe, and was fent prifoner to the Tower, where, on the 13th i go EARL of ESSET. 13th of July, 1683, he was found with bis throat cut, bi:t not without fufpicion of being murdered. He married Eliza* be th, daughter to Algernon the tenth Earl of Northumber- land, and by her, who died in 1718, had lix fons and two daughters, whereof only one fon, and a daughter Anne, lived to maturity; file married Charles Earl of Carlifle;. and (2d E.) Algernon, her brother, fucceeded his father, and died on the 10th of January, 17 10. He married Mary, Bentinck, elderl daughter to William Earl of Portland, and by her, who afterwards married to Sir Conyers D'Arcey, left William his heir, and two daughters ; Elizabeth, firfl married to Samuel Moiineux, Efq. but he dying in April, 1728, (he on the 17th of May, 1730, married Nathaniel St. Andre, Efq. and Mary, who married on the 7th of May, 1729, Allan Broderick, Vifc. Midleton in Ireland. (3d E.' William, who fucceeded his father, married on the 27th of November, 1718, to his fir ft wife Jane Hyde, daughter to Henry Earl of Rochefter, and by her (uho died Jan, 3, 1724) had iflue four daughters j Carolina, born Sept. 20, 1719, who died young. — Jane, born October 20, 1720, died young. — Charlotte, born October 2, 1721, married' March 30, 1752, to Thomas Villiers, Earl of Clarendon, and has ilfue. — Mary, born October 30, 1722, married on Anguft 6, 1758, to the late Admiral John Forbes. His Lord (hip on the 3d of Feb. 1726, taking to his fecond wife, Elizabeth Ruffel, youngeft daughter to Wriothefly Duke of Bedford, by her had iflue ; Elizabeth, born Nov. 6, 1726, who died young.— George, born Jan. 1728, who died young. —Diana, born Feb. 22, 1729. — Anne, born May 13, 1730. — Amelia, born Sept. 9 1731, and died young. — William- Anne-Kolles, the prefent Earl. His Lordfhip deceafing, on the 8th of Jan. 1-43, was fucceeded by his only fon f4tb E.) Willxam-Anne-Holles, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Created Baron Capel of Hadham in the county of Hertford, Auguft 6, 164.1, 17 Car. I. and Vifc. Maiden in the county of Efiex, and Earl of that county,, April 20, i66r, 13 Car. IT. Alms,] Gules ^ a lion rampant, between thiee crofs croflets fitchy, or. \ Plate IX.] Crest.] On a wreath, a demi-lion rampant, couped, cr 9 folding in his paws a erofs crollet fitchy, gufok Supporters.] Two lions, or, ducaliy crowned, . gules * Motto.] Tide ct fort'uudme. By Faith and Fortitude. Chief Seat.] At Cafhioberry in Hertfordfliire. HOWARD, ( t 9 i > HOWARD, EARL of CARLISLE. TfHE Right Honourable FREDERICK HOWARD, Earl A of CARLISLE, Vifcount Howard of Morpeth, Baron Dacres of Giliilland, born May 28, 1748, fucceeded his fa- ther Henry, September 4, 1758. His Lordfhip married, March 22, 1770, Carolina, daughter of Earl Govver, by whom he has ifi'ue, George Lord Morpeth, born Sept. 17, 1773. — Carolina, born Sept. 3, 1 77 1 . — Charlotte, born Nov. 15, 1774, — Sufan, born Feb. 26, 1776, died Jan. 28, 1783. — Louifa, born March 30, 1778, and died May, 1781. — Another daughrer born Nov. 13, 1780, — Another, Dec. 25, 1781* — And another in Jan. 1783. The original defcent of this family is fet forth under the title of Howard Duke of Norfolk. Lord William Howard, third fon of Thomas the 4th Duke of Norfolk, marrying Elizabeth, daughter to Thomas Lord Dacres of Gillifland, in her right became poffeffed of Naworth-C'aftle, in the county of Cumberland, her father's chief feat, and by her had five fons; Sir Philip. — Sir Francis Howard, who married firft Margaret, daughter of John Fref- ton, by whom he had a fon Thomas, (lain at Atherton-Moor, June 30, 1643, unmarried, and a daughter Elizabeth, mar- ried to Edward Standilh. He married fecondly Mary, daugh- ter of Sir Henry Widdrington, by whom he had three fons* Francis-Henry, Thomas, and Henry; and feveral daughters; whereof Mary married Thomas Haggerfton, Efq. — Sir Wil«? liam, died without iilue.— Sir Charles married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Widdrington, and left iffue.— Thomas, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Euere. Lord William had alfo three daughters; Mary, married to Sir John Winter. — Elizabeth to Sir Henry Beddingfield.— Mar- garet, to Sir Thomas Cotton. .Sir Philip, the eldeft fon, dying in his father's life-time, left illue by Mary, daughter of Sir John Carrel, Sir William his heir; John, who died at twenty years of age; and Philip, who was (lain at Rowton-heath ; and two daughters ; Eliza- beth, married to Bartholomew Fromond, Efq. and Alathea, to Thomas, the fecond Yiicount Fairfax of Ireland. Sir William, who fucceeded, married Mary, eldeft daugh- ter to William Lord Euere of Wotton, and by her had five Ions, William, who died in his father's life-time. — Charles.— Philip.— Thornas,— - John, And five daughters ; Mary mar- ► ^ * ried tgz EARL or CARLISLE. Tied to Sir Jonathan Atkins. — Elizabeth, to Sir Thomas Govver. — Catharine, to Sir John Lawfon. — Frances to Sir George Downing, — Margaret, to Alexander, the fecond Earl of Leven. (ift E.) Charles, who fucceeded his father, was created a Baron Vifcount, and Earl, and died on the 24th of Fe- bruary, i686 r aged 56. He married Anne, daughter to Edward Lord Howard of Efcrick, by whom he had Edward his heir.— Frederick-Chriftian, who was flain at the liege of Luizemburgh, 1684, And three daughters ; Mary, mar* ried to Sir John Fenwick.— An ne, to Richard Grahme, Vifc. Prefton. — Catharine, who died unmarried. (2d E.) Edward, who fucceeded, married Elizabeth, daughter to Sir William Uvedale, (widow of Sir William Berkeley,) by her had three fons and two daughters ; ail ot whom died unmarried, except the eldeftfon, (3d E. ) Charles, who on the 23d of April, 1692, fuc- ceeded him, and his Lord (hip marrying Anne, daughter of Arthur the firft Earl of Eflex, by her had two fons and three daughters; Mary, married to Richard Ingram, Vifc. Irwin in Scotland, — Elizabeth- Anne-^e eldeft, ift to Nicholas Lord Lech mere ; but he dying on the 18th of June, 1727, without iflue, his honour became extinct ; and on the 25th of October, 1728, her Ladyfhip was married to Thomas Robinfon, Efq. who in 1: 30, was created a Baronet. She died in April* 1739. Of the fons, which were Henry his heir; and Sir Charles, Knt. of the Bath. (4th E.) Henry, who was born in 1694, and fucceeded his father, May 1, 1738 married Nov. 27, 17 17, Frances Spencer, only daughter of Charles Earl of Sunderland, and by her, who died in Auguft, 1 742, had two fons and two daughters; Charles, who died in Auguft, 1741.— Robert, died October 20, 1743, a g e d 19. — Arabella, married in 1741, to Jonathan Cope, Efq, and died in 1746. — Diana, mar- ried January 8, 1749, to Thomas Dimcombe, Efq. of Yorkihire, and died March i8 $ 1 770, leaving iflue two daughters. His Lordfhip married fecondly, June 8, 1743, Ifabella, lifter of Lord Byron, by whom he had iflue, Fre- derick, the prefent Earl, Anne, born in 1744. Frances, born in 1745, married in April, 1768, to John Radclifte, Efq. of Hitchin in Hertfordfhire. — Elizabeth, born in 1746, and married, February 16, 1769, Peter Delme, Efq. and has iflue. — Juliana, born May 16, 1747. The Countefs their mother married, fecondly, Sir William Mufgrave, Bart, of Hayton Caftle in Cumberland. His Lordfhip dying Sept. 4, 1758, was fucceeded by his fon ( 5 th E.) EARL of DONCASTER. 193 {5th E.) Frederick, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Created Baron Dacres, of Gillijland in the county of Cumberland, Vifc. Howard of Morpeth in the county of Northumberland, and Earl of Carlifle in the county of Cumberland, April 20, 1661, 13 Car. II. Arms.] Gules, on a bend, between fix crofs croflets fitche, argent, an efcutchion, or, charged with a demi-lion rampant, pierced through the mouth with an arrow within a dou- ble treflure counterflory, gules ; with a mullet for difference. [Plate IX.] Crest.] On a chapeau, gules , turned up, ermine , a lion "guardant, his tail extended, or, gorged with a dudal coro- net, argent. Supporters.] On the dexter fide a lion, argent, diffe- renced by a mullet. On the finiiter a bull, gules, armed, unguled, ducally gorged, and chained, or. Motto.] Volo non Valeo. I am willing but not able. Chief Seats.] At Callle-Howard, in Yorkfhire ; Na- worth-Caftle, in Cumberland; and Morpeth Caftie, in Northumberland. SCOT, EARL of DONCASTER and DUKE of BUCCLEUGH- THE moft noble Prince HENRY SCOT, Duke of BUCCLEUGH, Eafl of Dalkeith, Baron Scot of Buccleugh and Efkdale ; and a Peer of England by the title of Baron Scot, of Tyndale in Northumberland, and Earl of DONCASTER in Yorkshire, was born Sept. 2, 1746. For an account of this family, fee the Duke of Buccleugh in the Peerage ^Scotland, COOPER, EARL of SHAFTESBURY. TP HE Right Honourable ANTHONY-ASTLEY COO A PER, Earl of SHAFTESBURY, Baron Aihley of Win- borne St.. Giles, Baron Cooper of Powlet, born September 17, 1761^ and fuccccdcd his father, the late Earl, May 27, Q Richard i 9 4 EARL op SHAFTESBURY. Richard Cooper, in the 23d Hen, VIII. purchafed of §ir Amia? Paulett, Knt, the Manor of Paulet 'iri SomerfeN fliire. He married Jane, daughter of Sir John Kihg'ffm)!, #nd«had three fons, Sir John his heir ; George, and Sir Maurice, who both died without iflue'j and two daughters, Margaret married to Thomas- Prideaiix • and Gefftrude to Robert Broughton. He died May 8, 1566, and Was fuo ceeded by his fon Sir John Copper, who was advanced to the dignity of a Baronet, 20 Jac. I. married firil Anne*, dailghtef to Sir Anthony Afhley, of Winbourne St. Giles, in the county of Dorfet, and by her had two foris, Sir Anthony and George* He married, fecondly, Mary, daughter of Baptift Hicks, Vifc. Campden, widow of Sir Charles Morrifbn, which Lady furvived him without iffue by him, who died March 23, 1631, (i£l E.) Sir Anthony-Ashley Cooper, his eldeft fon, was created Lord Afhley of Winbourne St. Giles ; Lord Cooper of Powlett, and Earl of Shaftefbury ; and oh the 17th of November, 1672, made Lord High Chancellor of England. He married firft Margaret, daughter to Thomas Lord Coventry; fecondly Frances, daughter to David third Earl of Exeter, by whom he had Anthony his heir ; and laftly Margaret, filler of Henry Earl of Sunderland, by *vhom he had no iffue. (2d E.) Anthony, who on the 22c! of January, 16^3, fucceeded him, married Dorothy, third daughter to John *he 8th Earl of Rutland, and had three fons and four daugh- ters ; Frances, the wife of Francis Stcnehoufe, Efq*— Doro- thy, the wife of Edward Hooper, Efq. and died May 4, 1 749. - — Elizabeth, the wife of James Harris, Efq. and died in Jan. 1744. — and Gertrude died unmarried. The fons were. (3d E.) Anthony, John, and Maurice. John died in 1693, unmarried; and the eldeft, born on Feb. 26, 1670, fucceeded his father, and died at Naples, Feb. 24, 17 13. He married in 1709, Jane, daughter to Thomas Ewer, Efq. and by her, who died Nov. 23, 17 51, left (4th E) Anthony, who on the 12th of March, 1725, married •Sufan Noel, daughter to Baptift the third Earl of Gainlbo rough, by whom he had no iffue, His Lady dying 5-n June, 17 8, his Lordfhip married fecondly, March 16, 1759, Mary, fecond daughter to Jacob Vifc, Folkftone, by whom he had Cropley Afhley, born Dec. 21, 1,768. — M-iry- Anne- Afhley, born Dec, 31, 1 766.— Anthony. His Lord* fhlp dying May 27, 1771, was fucceeded by his eldeftfon. EARL of BERKELEY. 19$ (5th IL) Anthony, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Created Baronet, July 4, 1622, 20 Jac. I. Baron Afhley of Winbourne St. Giles, in the county of Dor* Vet, April 20, 1661, 13 Car. II. Baron Cooper of Paulett in the county of Somerfet, and Earl of Shaftelbury in the county of Dorfet, April 3, 1672, 24 Car. II. Arms.] Quarterly firft and fourth, argent, three bulls paf- tent, fable, armed and unguled, or 9 for Afhley ; fecond and third, gules, a bend engrailed between fix lions rampant, or % for Cooper. [Plate X.] Crest.] On a chapeau, gules, turned up, ermine, a bull paffant,y2z2/r, gorged \\ ith a mural coronet, and armed, or. Supporters.] On the dexter fide a b\\\\, fable, his ducal collar, or. On the finifter, a talbot, azure, gorged as the dexter. Mo rro.] Love, ferve. Chief Seats.] At Winborne St. Giles, in the county of Dorfet; and at Rockburn-houfe, in the county of South- ampton. BERKELEY, EARL of BERKELEY. TH E Right Honourable FREDERICK-AUGUSTUS BERKELEY, Earl of Berkeley, Vifcount Dudley, Baron Berkeley of Berkeley-Cattle, Mowbray, Segrave, and Breaus of Govver, born May 24, 1745, and fucceeded his father, Jan. 9, 1735. This noble family is defcended from Robert Fitz-Harding, who obtained a grant of the Caftle and honour of Berkeley, (formerly the polfeilion of Roger de Berkeley, whofe male line ceafed) from Henry fon of Maud the Emprefs, whereupon his defcendants af- fumed the furname, whicft together with the Caftle and Barony, continues in the male line to this day; and to the faid Robert (who accompanied William the Norman Duke in his expedition into England, and was grandfon to one of the Kings of Denmark) fucceeded Maurice Berkeley his fon ; who, married Alice, daugh-* ter of Roger de Berkeley of Duffley. By the faid Alice he had fix fons, Robert^ Thomas, Maurice ; William, Henry and Riclwd^ © 3 196 EARL of BERKELEY. Robert his heir, married two wives, but dying without jiTue May 13, 121 9, was fucceeded by i homas his brother, who married Joan, daughter to Ralph de Somery, Lord of Campden, and dying Nov, 29,, 1243, l e ^ r ^ ue ^ x f° ns > Maurice, Thomas, Robert, Henry, William, and Richird; the eldeft of whom married Ifabel, daughter to Maurice de Creoun, by whom he had illue, Maurice, who was killed in a Tournament, and Thomas his fucceflbr, who ferved King Edw. I. and II. in their wars; and by Jane, daughter to William de Fer- rers, Earl of Derby, had four fons ; Maurice his heir. — John Lord of Wymundham in the county of Leicelter James Bifhop of Exeter.— William ; and two daughters, who died young. (ift L.) Maurice, who fucceeded, married ill Eve, daughter of Eudo la Zouche, by whom he had Thomas his jfuccefTor; Maurice, John, Eudo, and Peter ; alfo a dauglw' rer Tfabel, wife to Robert the 7th Lord Clifford. He mar- ried 2dly Ifabel, daughter of Gilbert de Clare Earl of Glou-^ ceuer, by whom he had no iffue. {zA L,) Thomas who fucceeded his father, had the keeping of King Edw, 14* in his Caitle at Berkeley ; but being thought too courteous to him, he was commanded to deliver him, together with the cuftody of his Cattle to John Lord Maltravers, and Thomas Gurney, whence the execrable murder of that unhappy monarch fucceeded. He died the 2$th of Edward III. having married ill vlargaret, 4th daughter of Robert Mortimer Earl of March, a?>d widow of Robert Vere Earl of Oxford, by whom he had Maurice, Thomas, Roger, and Alphonfus; and a daughter Joan, married to Reginald Lord Cobham. His fecond wife was Catharine, daughter of Sir John Clivedon, widow of Sir Peter le Veel, Kt. by whom he had Thomas, Maurice, Edward, and John; of whom (3d L.) Maurice his elded fon by his firfl: wife fucceeded him. He married Elizabeth, daughter to Hugh le Defpen- fer, and by her had four fons, (4d L.) Thomas, Sir James, John, and Maurice; aqd three daughters, who died unmarried. Of the fons, the elded: fucceeded, and married Margaret, daughter to Ger- rad Warren Lord Lille, by whom he had an only daughter JUi^abeth, married to Richard Beauchamp Earl of War* ^vick, but dying without ilTue male, we return to Earl of SErkele^ ifa Sir James his brother. He married Elizabeth, daugh- ter and heir of Sif John Bloet, by whom he had James his heir; and Maurice, who died without iflue ; which (5th L.) James alfo became heir to his uncle Thomas, &nd by virtue of a fpecial entail, enjoyed the Caftle and Lordfliips* of Berkeley* He was fummoned to Parliament among the Peers the 9th of Henry V. and died the 3d of Edw. VI. He married firft a daughter of Humphry Staf- ford, by whom he had no hTue ; fecondly Ifabel, daughter to Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolk, and widow of Henry, fon and heir of William Lord Ferrers of Groby ; thirdly Joan, daughter of John Talbot the firft Earl of Shrewsbury, by whom he had no iflue ; and fhe married fecondly Edmund Hungerford, Efq. By his fecond wife he had four fons, Sir William.— Sir Maurice.* — James, killed in France, — and Thomas, from whom the Berkeleys of the counties of Worcefter and Hereford are defcended; alfo three daughters, Elizabeth married to Thomas Burdet.-^ lfabel, married to Thomas Trye, Efq.— and Alice to Rich- ard Arthur, Efq. Sir Maurice, fecond fon, had a danghter Joice, married to William Aft ley, Efq. (6th L.) Sir William the eldeft, who fucceeded his fa- ther, was on the 21ft of April, 1481, advanced to the dig- nity of Vifc. Berkeley; and on the 28th of June, 1483, created Earl of Nottingham. In 1485 he was made Earl Marfhai of England, and to the heirs male of his body; and was created Marquis of Berkeley. He married firft Eli- zabeth, daughter of Reginald Weft, the firft Lord de la W#i£ from whom he was divorced, without having any iflue ; fecondly Jane, daughter of Sir Thomas Strangeways, and widow of Sir William Wiiloughby, Knt, by whom he had iflue Thomas and Catharine, who died young ; thirdly Anne, daughter of John Fiennes Lord Dacres of the South ; who furviving him, married fecondly Sir Thomas Brandon,, Knt. He died on the 14th of Feb. 1492, without iflue, and taking occafion to except againft his brother, Maurice, as his fucceflor, becaufe he had not married into a noble family, (fhe being Ifabella, daughter to Philip Mead, Efq, then Alderman of the city of Briftol) gave all his lands from him, particularly the -Caftle of Berkeley, and thofe lands and Lordfliips that were annexed to that ancient Barony, to King Henry VII. and the heirs male of his bo&y„ in remainder to his own right heirs, fb that he enjoyed no part of the honour, but in time he recovered beft part of the lands which his brother had given from hint; and dying O % th* i 9 8 EARL of BERKELEY. the «d of Henry VII. left three fons, Maurice and Tho- mas his fucceflbrs; and James; who left two daughters, Mary, married firft to Sir Thoma? Perrot, and fecondly to Sir Thomas Jones \ and Anne married to Sir William Den- nis of Durhanfc Maurice, the eldeft fon^fucceeded his father, and in the 14th of Henry VIII. had fummons to Parliament ; but had not the place of his anceftors, becaufe the Caftle of Berkeley remained to the crown, by virtue of the entail made by William his uncle. He married Catharine, daugh- ter to Sir William Berkeley; but dying Sept. 12, 1523, without iflue, Thomas, his brother became heir, who married firfl Eleanor, daughter of Sir Marmaduke Conftable, widow of John Ingleby, Efq. by whom he had no iflue ; fecondly Cicilie, widow of Richard Rowdon, Efq. by whom he had iflue Thomas; and Maurice, who married Frances, daugh- ter to the faid Richard Rowdon, Efq. and had iflue. Their father dying the 22d of January, 24 Henry VIII. was fuc- ceeded by Thomas his eldeft fon, who died Sept, 19, 1534. He married firft Mary, daughter of George Lord Haftings, by whom he had no iflue; fecondly, Anne, daughter to Sir John Savage, and by her had Henry, his heir ; and a daugh- ter Elizabeth, who was married to Thomas Butler, the xoth Earl of Ormond. (7th L.) Henry, who fucceeded, by the death of King- Edward VI. the laft heir male to King Henry VII. came in pofleflion of the Caftle of Berkeley, and all thofe other lands given to that King by Thomas Marquis of Berkeley, in prejudice of his brother Maurice, as before obferved, which Lordfhips had been veiled in the crown 6u years. He likewife by the fame means poflefled the ancient feat of his anceftors in Parliament ; and marrying firft Catharine, daughter to Henry Howard Earl of Surry, by her had two fons, Thomas; and Ferdinand, who died unmarried ; and four daughters ,* Frances, married Sir George Shirley.— Mary, married Sir John Zouch. His fecond wife was Jane, daughter of Sir Michael Stanhope, Widow of Sir Roger Towmliend, by whom he had na iflue \ and died the 26th of November, 161 3. Thomas, the eldeft fon, dying in his father's life- time, the i6th of November, 1610, left iflue by Elizabeth, daugh- ter to George Carey, the feeond Lord Hunfdon, George, >yh© EARL of BERKELEY. 199 Who fueceeded his grandfather ; and Theophila married to Sir Robert Coke. (8th L.) .George, who fucceeded* married Elizabeth, fecond daughter and coheir to Sir Michael Stanhope, and had two ions; and a daughter Elizabeth, married to Ed- \yard Coke, Elq. The fqhs were, Charles and George. The tideft was drowned on the 27th of Jan. 1641, in his paiiage towards France ; whereupon (ill E.) George, on the 10th of Auguft, 1658, Suc- ceeded, and in 1679, was created Vifcount Durfley, and Earl of Berkeley; and died October 10, 1698. He mar- ried Elizabeth, daughter ,to john Meifingberd, Elq, and left t\vo ions, and lix daughters ; Elizabeth, Theophila, Ara- bella, .Mary, Henrietta, and Arethufa fecond wife of Charles Lord Clifford, eldeft fon of Richard Earl of Burlington. Elizabeth, married William Smith, Efq. — 1 heophila flrft ■ttp Sir Kingfmii Lucy, and fecondly to Robert Nelfon, Efq. > — Arabella, to William Pulteney, Efq. being his fecond wife, by whom he had three daughters. — Mary, to Ford JEard of Tankerville, and by him, who died June 25, 1-701, tli. ad a daughter of her name, who married Charles Lord Oilulftpn. The Ions of George Earl of Berkeley, wer (4th E.) Augustus, late Earl of Berkeley; who mar- ried, May 7, 1744, Elizabeth, daughter to Henry Drax, Efq, and by her, (who was married, 2dly, to Robert Nugent, now Earl Nugent, and died Jan. 9, 1755) ^ e ^ a< ^ l ^ ue 9 Frederick- Auguftus, the prefent Earl. — James, born July 25, i747> who died the year after. — Louifa. — Elizabeth. — Frances, all three born July 28, 1748, but died foon after. — Georgina- Augufta, born Sept. 28, 1749, married April 29, 1766, to to Lord Forbes, now Earl of Granard, of Ireland, and has iflue. — Elizabeth, born in December 1750, and married May 10, 1767, to the prefent Lord Craven, and his iflue. — George Cranfield, born Auguft 10, 1753, a Lieutenant in the Navy. And his Lordfhip dying Jan 9, 1755, was Succeeded by his eldeft fon. (5th E.) Frederick-Augustus, now Earl of Berke- ley. Creations.] Baron by writ, June 23, 1295, the other titles, Sept. 11, 1679. Arms.] Gules, a chevron between ten-crofles pattee, fix above, and four below, argent. [Plate X.] Crest.] On a wreath a mitre, gules, garniflied, or, charg- ed with the paternal coat. Supporters.] Two lions, argent, the finifter having a ducal crown and plain collar and chain, or. Motto.] J)ieu avec nous. God with us. Chief Seats.] At Berkeley-caftle in Gloucefterfhire ; and at Cranfordin Middlefex. BERTIE EARL of ABINGDON. TTHE Right Hon. WILLOUGHBY BERTIE, Earl of ABINGDON, and Baron Norreys of Rycote, born January 16, 1740, fucceeded his father Willoughby, the late Earl, E A R L o * ABINGDON. lot Earl, June 10, 1760. He married July 7, 1768, Charlotte, daughter of the late Admiral Sir Peter Warren, Knight of the Bath, by whom he has had Charlotte, born 0£t»i 2,1 769. — Amelia, born Jan. 6, 1774. — Willoughby, Lord Norreys, born Feb. 8, 1779, and died 12 days after. — Another ion born April, 1781. The defcent of this noble family is given under the title of Bertie Duke of Ancafter. Montagu Bertie the fecond Earl of Lindfey, by Bridget, his fecond wife, Baronefs Nor* reys of Rycote (widow of Edward fecond fort of Edward fourth Earl of Dorfet) daughter and fole heir to Edward Wray, Efq. third fon to Sir William Wray of Glenworth, in the county of Lincoln, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir to Francis Lord Norreys, fon of Henry Norreys, Vifc. Thame, and Earl of Berkfliire, had a fon (ift E.) James, to whom the Barony of Norreys de- fcended, who was created Earl of Abingdon, He married firft Eleanor, daughter to Sir Henry Lee 5 by her who died the 31ft of May, 1691, he had fix fons and three daughters % Bridget, married to Richard the fourth Vifc. Bulkeley Anne to Sir William Courtenay ; and Mary died un> married. Of the fons, who were Montagu Lord Norreys, James, Henry, Robert, Peregrine, and Charles. The latter married Elizabeth, daughter to the Rev. Mr, John Kerry,' by whom he had iffue one fon, Charles ; and two daughters, Elizabeth and Anne. — Peregrine was a captain in the navy, and died in 1709.— Robert married Catharine, daughter to Richard the fourth Vifc. Wenman, and died Auguft 26, 1 710, without ilTue. — Henry, married Arabella-Sufan, daughter to the Lord Glenorky, widow of Marcus Vifc* Dungannon. He married fecondly, Mary, daughter of Peregrine Bertie, fecond fon of Montagu Earl of Lindfey | but (he died, leaving him an only daughter Sufanna. He died at Bologne, in December 1735. — James the fecond ion was born March 13, 1673, died in October '735? who, on the 5th of January, 1692, married Elizabeth, daughter to George the 6th Lord Willoughby of Parham, and by her, who died September 26, 17 15, had fourteen children, of whom, fix lived to maturity, viz. Willoughby (ucceeded his uncle as Earl of Abingdon. — Edward died Sept. 2F, 1733. — William, who is D. D. and has ifTue James, Richard, Francis, Sophia, and Anne.— Henry. — John, who married Mifs Mary Nicholas, and had ifTue four fons : John, WiU jjam, and Norreys, who all dieq 1 young, and Willaughby ; aoi EARL 10 p ABINGDON". alfo nine daughters, Anne, Mary, Bridget, £lizabettl f Frances, Mary, Eleano-ra, Ifabcll-a^ Mary, Sophia, and Eu- ftacia ; their father John was prebendary of Exeter, and died Feb. i, 1774.— and a daugnter Sridget, married to Robert Cotymor, Efq. by whoiD flie had iffue one fon, James ; and two daughters, Mary and Bridget. And the faid James Earl of Abingdon, in 1698, married to hjs fecojad wife Catharine, daughter to Sir Thomas -Chamberlain, and wi- dow of Richard the 4th Vifc. Wenman, whofurvivmg him, married Francis Wroughton, Efq. and his Lordfhip dying on the 2 2d of May, 1699, was iucceeded in .his honours by his el deft fon (2d E.) Montagu, who married September 2,2, .1687,, firft, Anne, daughter and foleheir to Peter V enables (cal- led Baron of Kinderton) of the county of Ghefter, who died in 171 5. His Lordfliip, Feb. 13, .17 17, married to his fecond wife Mary, daugnter to James Gould, of Dor- chefter, Efq. and widow of General Charles Churchill, brother to John Duke of Marlboiongh, and by her, who died in January, 1756, had a fon James, Lord Norrey$ 5 who died February 25, j 718. His Lordihip dying on the 16th of June 1743, was Iucceeded by his n.ephew. (3d E.) Willoughby, eldeft fon of James his ximt broth or before-mentioned, born November 28, 1692. He married at Florence in Auguft, 1 727, Anna-Maria, daughter of Sit John Collins, Knt. by whom, who died Dec. .21, 1 763, he had iffue, James Lord Norreys, who was burnt in his bed at Rycote, Ocl:. 12, 1 74?. — Willoughby, the prefent Earl.— Peregrine, born March 13, 1741, a captain in the Navy.^-- jEliz°abeth, married to Signor Gallini,, and has iffue.— Jane,, ^married to Thomas Clifton, Efq. of Lancafhire. — Bridget died unmarried, 1760. — Anne. — Eicon ora, married to Philip Vifc. Wenman of Ireland. — Mary, born Nov. 12, 1746, .married Miles Stapleton, Efq. of Clint in Yorkfliire. — So- phia, born Nov. 6, 1748, died in 176.0 unmarried. His JLordfhip dying on June i-Q, 1760, was fucceeded -by his jeldeft fon, (4th E.) Willough b y, now Earl of Abingdon. Creations.] Summoned to Parliament originally as 3ai*on Norreys of Rycote in the county of Oxford,. May 8, .1.572, 14 Eliz. again by defcent and fummons as Baron Gertie, April 12, 1675, 27 Car. II. and created Jiarl of Abingdon in the county of Berks, November 30,, 1682, •37 Car. II. aArhs.] Argent^ -three battering-rams barways, proper, armed EARL o* GAINSBOROUGH. 20 f armed and garnifhed, azure; an annulet far difference. [Plate X.] Crest.] On a wreath, the head and buft of a king couped, proper, crowned ducally, and changed on the cheii w ith a tret, or. Sup porter 6.] On the dexter fide a pilgrim, or friar, veiled in rmTet, with his ftaff, and pater-noiter in his hand, er. On the iinifter, a favage wreathed about the temples and middle with ivy, proper ; on each of their cheats a fret, or. Motto.] Virtus ariete fortior. Virtue is ftronger than a battering Ram. Chief Seats.] At Witham in Berkfliire ; and Rycote ia Oxfordihire. NOEL, EARL of GAINSBOROUGH. 'IpHE Right Hon. HENRY NOEL, Earl of GAINSBO- A "ROUGH, Vifcount Campden of Campden, Baron Noel of Ridlington, Baron Hicks of Ilmington, Baron Noel of Titchfield, and Baronet, iucceeded his brother Bap till, the late Earl, in May, 1770. Noel, the anceflor of this family, came into England with the Conqueror, who gave him Ellenham and other lands ; his fon Robert Fitz-Noel, by Alice his wife, had five fons, Thomas, Philip, Robert, Richard, and John ; the eldeft left iilue Alice, the widow of William de Harecourt, and John, the wife of Thomas Fitz-Euftace, who lhared his inheritance. From him defcended Andrew Noel, who married firjft Elizabeth, daughter of John Hopton, Efq. and widow of Sir John Perient, by whom he had ifTiie four fons, Andrew, Henry, -George, and William, and two daughters ; Eliza- beth married to Anthony Faunt, Elq. and Judith, who died unmarried. His fecond wife was Dorothy, daughter of Richard Conyers, Efq. and widow of Roger Flower, Efq. by whom he had iflue John Noel, leated at Wellefbo- rough in Leiceftcrfhire, from whom defcended Vifc. Went- worth. Andrew, eldeft Ton, married Mabel, 6th daughter of Sir James'Harrington, by whom he had illue four fons, Sir Edward, Charles ; who died unmarried ia 16 19.; Arthur and Alexander 204 EARL ot GAINS B OR OXJ&ti* Alexander, who married Mary, daughter of Sir ThomdS' Palmer. He had alfo three daughters, Lucy married to William Lord Euere ; Elizabeth to George Earl of Caftle- haven * Theodofia to Edward Vifc. Wimbleton ; and dying October 19, 1607, was fucceeded by his eldeft fon (tft V.) Sir Edward, who was Created Baron Noel of Ridlington. He married Juliana, eldeft daughter to Sir Baptift Hicks, who was creared Baron Hicks of Ilmington, and Vifc. Campden ; which two laft titles were granted to him and the heirs male of his body, after the death of the faid Sir Baptift, and dying in the King's garrifon in Oxford, March 10, 1643, left iflue by the faid Juliana his wife, who died November 25, i6#o, two fons, Baptift and Heniy. and two daughters ; of which Elizabeth married Sir Erafmus 1 de la Fountain ; and Penelope to John Vifc* Chawortfu Henry the youngeft fon, married Mary, daughter of Hugh Perry, Efq. who furviving him, married fecondly Sir Wil- liam Fermor. (2d V.) Baptist the eldeft fon, fucceeded, and died the 29th of October, 1683. He married four wives, firft Anne, daughter to William the firft Earl of Denbigh, by whom . he had three fons, who died in their infancy ; by his fecond, who was Anne, daughter of Sir Robert Lovet, relict of the Earl of Bath, he had another fon that was ftill-born ; by his third wife Hefter, daughter to Thomas Lord Wotton, he had two fons and four daughters ; and by Elizabeth his fourth wife, daughter to Montagu Earl of Lindfey, he had fix fons and three daughters ; which were Catharine, Bridget, and Martha-Penelope. The latter was married to- Dormer, Efq. and the eldeft to John the firft Duke of Rutland ; and Bridget died unmarried January 17, 1 7 19. The fons who were ift, Lindfey, who died in his infancy; 2d, Baptift fa- ther of the 3d Earl, 3d, John '; 4th, a fon who died in his infancy ; 5th, James, who died at 18 years of age ; 6th, a fon ftill-born. Of thefe John married Elizabeth, lifter to Bennetthe ift Earl of Harborough, and widow to Edward the fecond Vifc. Irwin in Scotland; and dying December 26, 1 7 1 8, by her had iftue three fons; John who died unmarried in 1727; Thomas who married in Nov. 1756, Elizabeth, Countefs Dowager of Gainlborough, wi- dow of the 4th Earl ; and Benner ; and three daughters; Elizabeth who died unmarried ; Bridget who was married to David Lord Milfington, but died Auguft 22, 1729, with- out furviving iftue ; and AHce The daughters by the 3d wife Were Mary, who married James 3d Earl of Northampton; Juliana £ A R L of GAINSBOROUGH 50$ Juliana to William Lord Allington ; Heller died an infant; and Elizabeth married Charles the fecond Earl of Berkeley* The fons, by the fame Lady were Edward and Henry ; the latter died Sept. 21, 1677; and by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Wale, left illue an only daughter Juliana, mar- ried to Charles Earl of Burlington ; and (iftE.) Edward, on the 29th of October, 1682, fuc- ceeded his father. He married Elizabeth, eldeft daughter of Thomas Wriothefley Earl of Southampton, and was on the 3d of Feb. 1 68 1, his father being then living, created Lord Noel of Titchfield, with limitation for want of ifTue male to the younger fons of his father Baptift Vifc. Campden, and on the ift of December 1682, he was created Earl of Gainfborough with the fame limitations. By his faid Lady he had one fon, and four daughters ; Frances married to Simon Lord Digby. — Jane married William Lord Digby ? brother to the faid Simon. — Elizabeth married Richard Norton, Efq. — Juliana died unmarried ; and their bro- ther, (2d E.) Wriothesly -Baptist, in 1689, fucceeded his father. He married Catharine, eldeft daughter to Fulk Grevile the fifth Lord Brook, and by her, who married fe~ condly John Sheffield Duke of Buckingham, he had two daughters ; Elizabeth married to Henry the firft Duke of Portland.; andRachael to Henry the fecond Duke of Beau- fort ; but dying in Sept. 1690, without ifTue male, we re- turn to Baptist, fecond, but eldeft furviving fon of Baptift Vifc\, Campden, by Elizabeth Bertie, his fourth wife. He mar* ried Sufan, daughter and fole heir to Sir Thomas Fanfhaw,, and by her left a fon Baptift, and two daughters, Elizabeth and Sufan ; and the faid (3d E.) Baptist fucceeding Wriothefly above-men- tioned, became the third Earl. He married Dorothy, daugh- ter to John the firft Duke of Rutland, and dying on the 1 6th of April, 17 14, by her had three fons and three daugh- ters ; Sufan married to Anthony-Afliley Earl of Shaftf- bury, — Catharine, who died 1779. — Mary, died in 171 8.— The fons were Baptift, John, and James ; the eldeft, who was born May 23, 1708, fucceeded his father; John died December 26, 1718 ; and James died in 1752. (4th E.) Baptist married Mifs Elizabeth Chapman, and by her, (who married fecondly in November 1756, Thomas Noel, Eft], above mentioned) had iflue, and died Dec. 15, \ *77*<>— Elizabeth, born in 173 1.— Jane, born in 1733, mar- ried EARL of BLYMO.UT H. ried to Gerrard-Anue Edwards, Efq. of Leicefterfhire.-~ Juliana, born in 1735, and married George Lord Carbery of Ireland, and died 1760. — Penelope, born in 1736, and died young. — Anne, born in 1737, died 1779. — Baptift the late EarL — Lucy, was married April 26, 1765, to Sir Horatio Mann, Knight of the Bath, and died Feb. 2, 1778.— Henry, the prefent Earl. — Charles who died young, 1745. — Mary, — Sufanna, who married the prefent Earl of Shaftlbury, and died April 21, 1758. — Sophia, who married Chriftopher Neville, Efq. Col. of the Lincolnlliire Militia, and died May 5,1780. (5th E.) Baptist, born 8, 1740, fueceeded his father March 21, 1751 ; but dying on his travels at Geneva in May 1770, was fueceeded by (6th E.) Henry, his brother, the prefent Earl, Creations ] Baron, March 23, 1617, Vifq* Oct. j8, 3629, and Earl, Dec. 1, 1682. Arms."] Or f fretty of ten pieces, gyles, a canton, emine, {Plate X.] Crest.] On a wreath, 3 buck at gaze, argent^ atti* red, or. Supporters.] Twq bulls argent; armed and unguled, proper* Motto.] Tout lien on rlen. The whole Eftate, Chief Seat.] At Extonbrcok in the county of RaU* land, WINDSOR, EARL of PLYMOUTH. THE Right Hon. OTHER-HICKMAN WINDSOR, Eari of PLYMOUTH, and Baron Windfor of Baden, |iam,in Buckinghanrfhire, born May 30, 1751 , fueceeded his father the late Earl, in April, 17 71. Walter Fitz Other came into England with William the Conqueror, by whom he was made Baron and Conftable of the Cattle of Windfor, and keeper of the Foreft ; and by Beatrix his wife, had three fons, William, Robert, and Gc* raid. From the youngeft are descended the Earls of Kildarc in Ireland, the families of the Gerards in Lancalhire, an4 the Carews of England and Ireland. From Robert, the fe- eond fon, defce&ded the Earl of Kerry. And from William theeldeft, who was called William of Windfor, is defcended EARL of PLYMOUTH, 307 the Earl of Plymouth, To the (aid William de Windfor, Maud the Emprefs ratified all thofe grants which had been tnjde, to Walter his father, by King Henry I. and to him. Succeeded William his fon, and was father of Sir William, whofe wife was Agnes, and by her had a daughter Joan, married to Sir Richard de Dray, and a fon, William, who fnanied Margaret, filter of John Derekenford, and had Sir Richard de Windfor, who married Julian, daughter to Sir Rjchard Stapleton, and had a fon Richard de Windfor, and William. Richard the eldeft fon, by Julian, daughter to James Molyns, had Sir James his heir; and Sir William, who was lummoned to Parliament among the Barons the 4th of Rich. II. He married the famous Dame Alice Per? rers, or Pierce, favourite of King Edward III. but left no iffue male. Sir Tames Windfor, his eldeft brother, married Elizabeth, daughter to Sir John Strechy, and by her had Sir Miles de Windfor, who died the nth of Rich. II. leaving iffue by Alice his wife, daughter to Adam de Wymondham, or Wyndham, of Wyndham, in Norfolk, Brian de Windfor 9 who married Alice, daughter of Thomas Drew, Efq. and dying the 2zd of Rich. II. left two fons ; Miles the eldeit dying unmarried, Richard his Brother fucceeded. He mar* lied Chriftian, daughter to Richard Faulkner, Efq. and dying in the 6th of Henry VI. left a fon, Miles de Windfor, who died 26th of Hen. VL leaving iiTueby Joan, daughter to Walter Green, Efq. Thomas de Windfor, who died in 1485, ill of Hen, VIL He married Elizabeth, daughter to John Andrews, Efq. and by her, (who afterwards married Sir Robert Litton) had feveral children, of whom Margaret was the laft Princefs of the Monaftery of Sion. (ill; L.) Sir ANDREwJWindfor, the eldeft fon, was in the sift of Henry VIlJ, fummoned by writ among the Peers,, He married Elizabeth, fifter to Edward Blount L°rd Mont- joy, and had four fons, George, Sir William, Sir Edmund^ and Thomas ; and four daughters ; Elizabeth married Sit Peter Vavafour.— Anne to Sir Robert Corbet. — Edyth to George Ludley, Efq.— Eleanor firff to Ralph Lord Scrope, and iftei wards to Edward Nevil. — Of the fons, George the eldeft, married Urfula, fifter of John Vere Earl of Oxford^ by whom he had no iffue, and died before his father. Sir Edmund, third fon, died unmarried. — Thomas, fourth jfcn, married Mary, daughter of Thomas Bokenham. (sdL.) Sir William the iecqndXon, became heir. He n*ajrie4 io8 EARL o f P L Y M O U T H. married firft Margaret, daughter to Sir William Samburne, and had feVen fons, and nine daughters ; of whom Elizabeth the eldeft, was married firft to Henry, fon of Thomas Lord Sands ; fecondly to Sir George Powlett ; and thirdly, to Richard Scrope, Efq. — Eleanor to Sir Chriftopher Brome. — Bridget to Edward Ferrers, Efq, — Mary to William Scot, Bfq. — Dorothy to Thomas Pauncefort, Efq — Anne to Lord Grey ©f Groby. The reft of the daughters died young, or unmarried. Of the fons, Thomas the eldeft died an infant. —Sir Thomas, the fecond fon, married Dorothy, daughter of William Lord Dacres, and died in his father's life-time, without iftiie male. — Henry, third fon, died an infant. — An- drews, fourth fon, died before his father. — Sir Edward, fifth fon, became heir to his father. — Walter, fixth fon, mar- ried Margaret, daughter of Sir Geffrey Poole, and had hTue Edward and William ; the youngeft marrying Elizabeth, eldeft daughter to William the third Earl of Worcefter, and had a fon of his name. Sir William married fecondly Eliza- beth, daughter to Peter Coundray, Efq. by whom he had a fon Philip, and a daughter Elizabeth, who both died without iffue. (3d L.) Sir Edward, the fifth but eldeft furviving fon, fucceeded his father, was created Lord Windfor. He mar. lied Catharine, daughter to John Earl of Oxford, and left four fons and two daughters; Margaret married to John Talbot, Efq. and Catharine to Robert Audley, Efq. And of the fons, which were Frederick, Henry, Edward, and Andrews. (4th L.) Frederick fucceeded his father, and died un- married ; and was fucceeded by (c;th L.) Henry his brother, who died the 6th of April, 1605. He married Anne, daughter to Sir Thomas Rivet, by whom he had two fons, and five daughters ; of which only one fon Thomas, and two daughters, both of the name of Elizabeth, furvived ; of which Elizabeth fen. married to Dixie Hickman, Efq. and Elizabeth jun. married to Andrews Windfor, her kinfman ; and the faid (6th L.) Thomas their brother, fucceeded his father. He married Catharine, daughter to Edward the fourth Earl of Worcefter ; but dying without ifiue, put an end to this line ; and the title of Lord Windfor, was by King Charles II. in 1665, conferred on (ift E.) Thomas Windfor-Hickman, fon of Dixie Hick* man, and Elizabeth his wife, above-mentioned, and he was afterwards created Earl of Plymouth, and dyed in 1687, Ho EARL op PLYMOUTH; 20 £ He married, firft, Anne, filler to George, Marquis of Hali- fax, and had a fon named Other, and two daughters ; Mary, married, to Sir Thomas Cookes ; and Anne, who died an in- fant. And by his fecond, who was Urfula, daughter of Sir Thomas Widdrington, he had four fons, and five daughters ; of which Urfula, the eldeir, was married to Thomas John- fon, Efq. — Elizabeth, the feccnd, was the fourth wife of Sir Francis Dafhwood ; the other three died unmarried. The fons were, Thomas, created Vifcount WINDSOR, in Ireland, in 1699, and Baron MONTJOY, in England, in 17 it. — Dixie VVindfor, Efq. born in 1678, died in O£lober, 1730, ! — Andrews VVindfor. — William, who died an infant. Other, eldeft fon and heir, by the firft wife, died in his father's life-time. He married Elizabeth, daughter and folc heir to Thomas Turvey, Efq. and by her had (2d Earl.) Other, who in 1687, fucceeded his grandfa- ther. — Henry, and Anne, v/ho both died unmarried. And the faid Other married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Whit- ley, Efq. and by her, who died on the nth of June, 1711, had two fons, Other ; and Henry, who was married to Mrs. Wheatley, but died in July, 1 741 , without iffue. (3d Earl.) Other, the deleft, who was born June 30, 1707, on the 26th of December, 1725, fucceeded as Earl of Plymouth ; and on the 7th of May, 1730, married the only daughter and heir of Thomas Lewis, Efq. by whom, in May 173 1, he had a fon, named (4th Earl.) Other-Lewis, who fucceeded his father the 27th of November, 1732; and his mother died in Novem- ber, 1733. On the 1 ith of Auguft, 1750, he married Ca- tharine, eldeft daughter of Thomas, Lord Archer, by whom he had Other-Hickman, the prefent EarL- — Thomas, born May 19, 1752, an Officer in the Royal Navy. — Andrews, who died the day of his birth.— Henry, born 1760. — An- drews, born May 12, 1764.— Catharine, born 1765. — -Eliza- beth, born May 4, 1757, who married March 30, 1776, Geoive Townfhend, Efq. of Konington-Hall, in Warwick- mire, and has ifiue.-— Anne, bom 1762.— Sarah, born 1763 ; and four other children, all of whom died young. And his Lordlhip deceafing in April 1771, was fucceeded by his fori (5th Earl.) Other-Hickman, the prefent Earl. Creations ] Created Baron Windfor, of Bradenham, in the county of Bucks, June 16, 1660, 12 Car. II. but ori- ginally, by writ of fummons to Parliament, November 3, 1529, 21 Hen VIII. and created Earl of Plymouth, in the county of Devon, December 6, 1682, 34 Car. II, P Arms* 3TO EARL of ROCHFORD. Arms.] Gules, a faltire, argent, between twelve crofs croflets, or. [Plate XL] Crest.] On a wreath, a buck's head erazed, proper, at* tired, or. Supporters.] Two unicorns, argent, armed, cfeiled^ tufted, and hoofed, or. Motto.] Je me fie en Lieu, I put my Trull in God. Chief Seats.] At He wel- grange, in the county of Wor- cefler; and at Peel-Hall, in Chefhire. LUMLEY-SAUNDERSON, EARL of SCAR- BOROUGH. THE Ri^htHon. RICHARD LUMLEY-SAUNDER- SON, Earl of SCARBOROUGH, Vifcount and Ba- ron LumJey, of Lumley-Caftle ; and Vifcount Lumley, of Waterford, in the kingdom of Ireland. An account of this noble family is given in the Peerage of Ireland, under the title of Vifcount Lumley. NASSAU, EARL of ROCHFORD. ITpHE Right Hon. WILLIAM-HENRY NASSAU, J[ Earl of ROCHFORD, Vifcount Tunbridge, Baron of Enfield, was born June 28, 1754; fucceeded his uncle William, the late Earl, in September 28, 1781. Among thofe noble perfons, who in 1688, attended King William from Holland, was (ill Earl.) William-Henry, fon of Frederick NaiTau, Lord of ZuleHein, (whofe father was a natural fon of Frede- rick- Henry, Prince of Orange, grandfather of William III.) was created a Peer of England, as above. His Lordlhip died at Zuleftein, in the year 1708, having married Jane, daugh- ter of Henry Wroth, and by her had four fons, and four daughters; Anne, who died unmarried. — Mary was married to the Heer Harvelt, fon to Godart Ginkie, Earl of Ath- lone. — Elizabeth, died unmarried. — Henrietta, the young- er!:, to Godart-Chriftian, Earl of Athlone. And of the fons, Maurice, the third, died in i722.-*-Henry, the 4th, died unmarried, in April, 1 74 1 . (2d Earl.) William, the eldeft, fucceeded his father; but he being killed at the battle of Almanara, in Spain, July 28, 1710, unmarried, (3d Earl.) EARL of ALBEMARLE. 2! I (3d Earl.) Frederick, his brother, fucceeded him ; and having married Beffey, daughter of Richard Savage, Earl Kivers, by her (who oiit lived his Lordlhip, and married, fecondly, the Rev. Mr. Carter) he had William -Henry, his fuccefToiv — Richard- Savage Nafiau, born June 1, 1723 ; died May 1780; married December 24, 1751, Elizabeth, Duchefs- Dotvager of Hamilton, daughter of Edward Spencer, Efq. by whom, who died March 9, 1771, he had a daughter, Lu- cy, who died unmarried ; and two fons, William-Henry born July 28, 1794, the prefent Earl; George, born Sep- tember, 1756. His Lordlhip dying in June, 1738, was fuc- ceeded by (4th Earl.) William-Henry, hiseldeft fon, the late Earl, who was born September 17, 17 17, married Lucy, daughter of Edward Young, Efq. of Durnford, near Sarum, in Wilt- fhire, who died Jan. 9, 1773, without iffue ; and his Lord- lhip dying September 28, 1781, without iffue, was fucceed- ed by his nephew, (5 th Earl.) William-Henry, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Baron of Enfield, Vifcount Tunbridge, and Earl of Rochford, May id, 169J. Arms.] Quarterly, firlt, azure, femee of billets, a lion rampant, cr ; fecond, or, a lion rampant, gules, crowned With a ducal coronet, azure ; third, argent, a fefs, gules ; fburth, gules, two lions paffant, guardant in pale, or ; over all, in an efcutcheon, gules, three zules, argent, and fome- times a lion rampant, fable. [Plate XL] Crest.] In a ducal coronet, or, a pair of buck's horns, gules. Supporters.] Two lions ermincis, ducally crowned, azure. Motto] Spes durat An or urn. The Hope of my Ancef- tors fubfilb. KEPPEL, EARL of ALBEMARLE. THE Right Hon. WILLIAM-CHARLES KEPPEL, Earl of ALBEMARLE, Vifcount Bury, Baron Afh- ford, of Aihford, in Kent, born May 13, 1772, fucceeded his father, the late Earl, October 13, 1772. Of this family, who are defcended of the nobles of Guel» derland, in Holland, was (1ft Earl.) Arnold Joost Van Keppil, fecond fon of P z Bernard 212 EARL o* ALBEMARLE. Bernard Van Pallant, Lord of Keppel. In the year i688> attending King William into England, was by him created a Peer of England ; but dying May 19, 1718, left by Ifabella* daughter of General S. Gravemore, in Holland, who died in December 1741, a daughter, Sophia, married to General John Thomas, and died May 25, 1773 ^ anc * a f° n > (2d Earl.) William-Anne, his heir, born June 5, 1702* On the 2 1 ft of February, 1723, his Lordfhip married Anne Lenox, daughter of the firft Duke of Richmond; and by her he had, George, late Earl — Auguftus, bom April 2, 1725, Firft Lord of the Admiralty ; created Vif- eount Keppel. — James, born April 29, 1726, died young.— William, born November 5, J 727, a Lieutenant General in the Army, who died unmarried, March, 1782. — Frede- rick, born February 19, 1728-9, late Biftiop of Exeter, who died December^ 1777, having married, September 13, 1758, Louifa, daughter of Sir Edward Walpole, Knight of the Bath, and fifter to the prefent Duchefs of Gloucefter, by whom he Jiad a fon, Frederick, born November 14, 1762; and two daughters; Laura, born June 13, 1759; anc * Charlotte- Augufta, born July 5> 1771. — Sophia, born February i8> 1729, who died in 1741. — Elizabeth-Mary, born May 6, 1731, and died 1740. — Anna-Sufanna, born November 8, 1732, died 1754. — Thomas, born February 1, 1734, and died young. — NafTau, born November 18, 1735, died an infant. — Edward, born May 4, 1736, died in 1745. — Caro- line, born Auguft 20, 1737, married in 1759, Robert Adair, Efq. and died September 11, 1769, leaving iflue. — Eliza- beth, born November 15, 1739, married June 7, 1764, to Francis, Marquis of Taviftock, fon of the late Duke of Bedford, by whom fhe had the prefent Duke of Bedford, and his brothers, and died 1768.— Henry, bom Auguft 11, 1741. —Amelia, born November 2, 1745, and died young. His Lordfliip dying at Paris, December 22, 1 754> was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (3d Earl.) George, who married, in April, 1770, Mifs Anne Miller, daughter of Sir John Miller, Bart, by whom he had one fon, William-Charles, born May 13, 1772 ; and his Lordfliip deceafing on the 13th of October following* was fucceeded by his only fon, William-Charles, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Earl, Vifcount, and Baron, April 10, 1696* Arms.] Gules, three eicallop-fhells, argent. [Plate XI ] Crest, J In a ducal coronet, or 9 a demi-fwan, clofe„ froper* EARL or COVENTRY. 213 Supporters.] Two lions, ducally crowned, or. Motto.] Ne cedemalis. Don't yield to Misfortune. Chief Seats.] At Bagfliot, in Surry; and Vooril, and .Loo, in Holland. COVENTRY, EARL of COVENTRY, rp HE Right Honourable GEORGE-WILLTAM CO- Ji VENTRY, Earl of COVENTRY, Vifcount Deerhurft, fucceeded his father William, the late Earl, March 18, 1751 ; was born April 26, 1722, and married March 5, 1752, Ma- ria, eldeft daughter of John Gunning, Efq. and fifter to the prefent DucheiTes of Hamilton and Argyl, by which Lady, who died Sept. 30, 1760, he had ifTue, Elizabeth- Anne, born an 1753, died Auguft 22, 1756. — Maria- Alice, born in De- cember 1 754 ; and married June 25, 1777, Andrew Bayntun, Efq. elder! fon of Sir Edward Bayntun, Bart, of Spy Park, in Wiltfhire, by whom fhe has ifTue, two daughters, and from whom fhe was divorced in 17S3. — Anne-Margaret, married October 30, 1778, Edward Foley, fecond fon of Thomas, Lord Foley, by whom fhe has ifTue.— George- William, Vif- count Deerhurft, born May 6, 1758, married March 18, 1777, Catharine Henley, fourth daughter of the late Earl of North- ington, which Lady died in 1779; and his Lordfhip married, fecondly, in January, 1783, Mifs Pitches, daughter of Sir Abraham Pitches, Knt. of Streatham, in Surry. The Earl married, fecondly, September 27, 1764, Barbara, fifter to the late Lord St. John, of Bletfoe, by whom he has ifTue, John, born June 20, 1765. — Barbara, born January, 1776, who died an infant. A fon, born December 1, 1778. Of this family, which were long feated in the county of Warwick, was William Coventry, of Coventry, whofe fon John Co- ventry being a mercer of London, was fherifT of that city in 1416, and Lord Mayor in 1425. From him, in a lineal defcent, was Vincent Coventry, whofe fon and heir Rich- ard Coventry, Efq. married a daughter of — Turner, and had two fons, John of Cafhngton, and Thomas Coventry, of Croome in the county of Worcefter, who in the 3d James I. was made one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas; but dying Dec, 12, 1606, left ifTue three fons, Tho- mas his fuccefTor; William, and Walter ancefior of the pre- fent Earl ; Margaret; Joan, married to — Rogers, of P 3 Surry, 214 EARL of COVENTRY. Surry, Efq. Catharine to William Child, Efq. and Anne to George Frampton, Efq. (ift Lord.) Thomas, the eldeft Ton, in the ift of Charles I. was made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. Qn the 10th of April 1628, he was created Lord Coventry, and died on the 14th of Jan. 1640. He married firft, Sarah, daughter of John Seabright, Efq. by whom he had Thomas his heir, and Elizabeth, married to Sir John Hare ; and by Elizabeth, his fecond wife, daughter to John Alderfey, Efq. widow of Wil- liam Pitchford, Efq. he had four fons, John, who married Elizabeth, daughter of John Coles, Efq. widow of Herbert Podington, Efq, by whom he had Sir John Coventry, who for his behaviour in Parliament, was attacked in the ftreet, and had his nofe cut, which occafioned the palling the act, from thence called the £o a fefs, ermine y between three crefcents, ot\ P 4 Crest* ai6 EARLofJERSEY. Crest.] On a wreath a garb, or, and thereon a dunghill- cock perched, gules, comb, wattles, and legs, cr. [Plate XL] Supporters,] Two eagles, wings expanded, argent} xnembered and beaked, or. Motto.] Candide IS Conftanter. Sincerely and conftantly. Chief Seat.] At Crome d'Abitot, in Worceilerflure. VILLIERS, EARL of JERSEY. rpm Right Hon. GEORGE-BUSSEY VILLIERS, Earl A of JERSEY, Vifcount Viiliers of Dartford, and Ba- ron of Hoo ; alfo Viscount Grandisok in Ireland. The account of this noble family, the reader may find at large in the Peerage of Ireland, under the title of Vifcount, Grandison. POULETT, EARL POULETT. /Hp HE Right Honourable VERE POULETT, Earl A POULETT, Vifccunt Hinton, and Baron Poulett of Hinton St. George, fucceeded his brother John, the late Earl, Nov. 5, 1764; was born May 18, 1710. He married in 1754, Mary, daughter of Richard Butt, of Arlingham, in Gloucefterfhire, Efq. and has iffue two fons ; John, Vifcount Hinton, born April 7, 1756, married June 3, 1782, Mifs Pocock> daughter of Sir George Pocock, Knight of the Bath. — »Vere, born May, 1 761 . I his ancient family originally took its furname from the J^ordfiiip of Poulett in the county of Somerfet. Sir John Poulett, in 4 Richard II. married Elizabeth, daughter and heir to William Credie, and by her had Sir Tliomas Poulett; and William, from whom is defcended the ■prefent Duke cf Bolton. Sir Thomas, who fucceeded his father, married Margaret, daughter of Henry Curton, Efq. and had iffue Sir William, ar.d John ; and Elizabeth, married firft to Robert Burton, Efq. and fecondly to William Bygberie, Efq. Sir William, who fucceeded, married iiiizabeth, daugh- ter of John Deneband, of Hinton St. George, Efq. by whom he had four daughters ; of which Elizabeth married to Sir John EARL POULETT. 217 John Pouiett, anceftor of the Duke of Bolton ; Anne to Sir William Carey; and a fort Sir Ami as, who died in 1538. He married firft Marga- ret, daughter of John Poulett, Efq. by whom he had no if- fqe ; fecondly Laura, daughter of William Kelway, Efq. by whom he had Sir Hugh, John, and Henry ; and a daughter Elizabeth, married firlt to John Sydenham, Efq. fecondly to) William Carfwell, Efq. and thirdly to Henry Copplelton, Efq Sir Hugh the eldeftfon, married Phillippa, daughter of Sir Lewis Pollard, by whom he had Sir Amias, Nicolas, George ; and a daughter Jane, married to Chriftopher Copplelton, Efq. and dying the 30th of Eliz was fucceeded by Sir Amias, his eldeft fon, who died in 15S8. He married Margaret, daughter of Anthony Harvey, Efq. and had Hugh, who died an infant —Sir Anthony. — George. — Joan, mar- ried to Robert Heydon, Efq.- — Sarah, to Sir Francis Vin- cent.— • Elizabeth, who died unmarried. He was fucceeded h y . . Sir Anthony, who died in 159$, having married Catha- rine, daughter of Henry, Lord Norris, and by her had a daughter Margery, married to John Sydenham, Efq. and two fons, John and Philip. (ift Lord.) John Poulett, of Hi n ton St. George, was created a Baron, and died March 20, 1649. He married jChriftian, daughter of Chriftopher Ken, Efq. and by her, who afterwards married John Amburnham, Efq. had three fons, Sir John. — Francis. — Amias; and five daughters; Florence, the eldeft, was married firft to Thomas Smith, and fecondly to Colonel Thomas Piggot, — Margaret, the fecond, iricd firft to Dennis Rolie ; fecondly to SiV Richard Chom- ley, and thirdly to Colonel Edward Cook. — Julian, the third, married Sir Michael Wharton. — Helen, the fourth, married William, fon of Sir George Wilmot — Elizabeth, the young, eft, married firft to William Amburnham, Efq. and fecondly to Sir William Hartop. (2d Lord.) John fucceeded his father. He married firft Ca- tharine, daughter of Horatio, Lord Vere, of Tilbury, widow of Sir Oliver St. John, by whom he had John his heir, and Horatio ; and three daughters ; Elizabeth, married to Sir John Sydeuham; Vere died unmarried ; and Catharine mar- ried Mr. Secretary Johnfon, By his fecond wife Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Brown, he had two other fons, Amias and Charles; and four daughters, Ann, Florence, Mary, aiS EARL POULETT, Mary, who all died young; and Margaret, married to Fran- cis Fulford, Efq. His Lordfhip dying in 1665, was fucceed- ed by (3d Lord.) John, his elder!: fon, who married firft EfTex, daughter of Alexander Popharn, Efq. by whom he had two daughters; Catharine, married to William, Lord Lempfter ; and Letitia to Sir William Monfon : And by his fecond wife Sufan, daughter of Philip, the fifth Earl of Pembroke, he had (ill Earl.) John his heir, who in 1706, was created Vif- count of Hinton St. George, and Earl Poulett. He married Bridget, daughter of Peregrine Bertie, uncle to Robert, Duke of Ancafter, and had four fons and four daughters, Bridget, Catharine.**— Sufan, born 1714. — Rebecca, born April 9, 1716, died unmarried March 4, 1765. Bridget, born March 1, 1702, married May 21, 1724, to Polexfen Baftard, of Kittley in Devonfhire, Efq, and dying 1773, had ifTue, Wil- liam, Edmund, and Baldwin Polexfen. Catharine, born March 23, 1706, married June 26, 1725, to John Parker, Efq. of Sakram in Devenmire, died Augufl 16, 1758, and had ifTue Henrietta, who married to Captain Redmond Kelley ; Ca- tharine, and Bridget; and John, who married firft to Mifs Hart, and fecondly to Therefa, daughter of Lord Grantham ; and Montague. — The fons were, John who was called up by writ, Jan. 17, 1734. — Peregrine, died in October 1752.—^ Vere, now Earl Poulett, — Anne. His Lordfhip dying May 28, 1743, was fucceeded by his fon (2d Earl.) John, who died Nov. 3, 1764, unmarried, and was fucceeded by (3d Earl.) Verb, his brother. Creations.] Baron, June 23, 1627; Vifcount and Eai,, Dec. 24, 1706. Arms ] Sable, three fwords in pile, their points in bafe, argent; pcmels and hilts, or. [Plate XII.] Crest.] On a wreath, an arm embowed, and brandifhing a broad fword, all proper. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a favage man ; on the Snifter* a woman, both proper^ wreathed about their temples and Joins with ivy, ifluing out of the battle- ments of the middle tower. Supporters.] Two angels, proper, the habit and wings difplayed, or. Motto,] Virtute 13 Fide. By Virtue and Faith. Chief Seats.] At Eyewood and Brampton-Brian-Caftle, in the county of Hereford. HE Right Hon. ROBERT SHIRLEY, Earl FER- RERS Vifcount Tamworth, and Baronet, fucceededhis brother Wafhington, Oft. 1, 1778. He was born July 10, 1723 ; married Catharine, daughter of Rowland Cotton, of Et- wall, in Derbyihire, Efq. by whom he has iffue, Robert, Vif- count Tamworth, born Sept. 25, 1756, who is married and has ifTue — Lawrence Rowland, born 1757, died in 1772 — * Wafhington, an officer in the fecond regiment of Foot Guards^ born Nov. 13, 1760, married Sept. 9, 1781, Mifs Ward, a relation of Lord Ward. The family of Shirley is defcended from SHIRLEY, EARL FERRERS. Sewallis, m EAU P ER RE R S. Sewallis, whofe refidence, at the time of the Conquer^ was at Ettington in the county of Warwick. He was the anceftor of Ralph Shirley, who by Margaret, filler and heir to Tho- mas Stanton, of Stanton-Harold, in the county of Leicefter, 1 had a fon John, who in his mother's right became po/TefTed of Stanton-Harold, He married Eleanor, daughter of Sir Hugh Willoughby, and had fix fons, of which Sir Ralph Shirley married four wives; by the firft and third he had no iftue. By Elizabeth, his fecond, daughter of Thomas Walfh, Efq. he had an only daughter Anne,* married to Sir Thomas Pulteney. By Joan, his fourth wife* daughter of Sir Robert Sheffield, he had Francis, his heir, who marrying Dorothy, daughter of Sir John GirTord* relic! of John Congreve, Efq. had three fons, John, Edward, and Ralph; and three daughters ; Caf- fandra, married to Walter Powtrell, Efq. Elizabeth, to Tho- mas Cotton, Efq. and Anne, to John Brooke, Efq. and John, their eldeft brother, died before his father, leaving iffue by Jane, daughter of Thomas Lovet, Efq. ( i ft Bart.) George, who facceeded his grandfather, and 9 James I. v/as created a Baronet. He married firft Frances, daughter of Henry the 7th Lord Berkeley. Secondly, Do- rothy, daughter of Thomas Wroughton, Efq. relict of Sir Henry Unton, by whom he had no ifTue. By his firft wife he had four fons ; and a daughter Mary, who died unmarried; the two eldeft fons, John and George, died young ; Sir Tho- mas, the youngeftj who was knighted May 22, 1622, mar- ried Mary, daughter of Thomas Harpur, Efq. And their fa- ther dying April 27, 1622, was fucceeded by his third but eldeft furviving fon (2d Bart.) Sir Henry, who marrying Dorothy, daughter of Robert Devereux, Earl of Eftex, favourite of Queen Eli- zabeth, they from that marriage have fince quartered the royal arms of England, being thereby defcended from Anne Plantagenet, daughter of Thomas of Woodftock, Duke of Gloucefter, and filter and coheir to Humphry Plantagenet, Earl of Buckingham, who died unmarried. By the faid Dorothy, who afterwards married William Stafford, Efq. he had two fons, Charles and Robert ; and a daughter Lettice, who married to Col. William Bourk, the 8th Earl of Clan- rickarde (3d Bart.) Sir Charles, the eldeft fon, fucceeded his father, but he dying unmarried, (4th Bart.) Sir Robert, his brother, became heir. He married Catharine, daughter of Humphrey Okeover> Efq. EARL FERRERS. **J and had three Tons, Sewallis, who died an infant ; Sir Sey- mour, his fucceflbr ; and Robert ; and two daughters, Do* fothy, married to George Vernon, Efq. and Catharine firft to Peter Venables, Efq. commonly called Baron of Kinder- ton, and was mother of Anne, late Countefs of Abingdon, and of Catharine, wife to Robert Shirley, Efq. of whom hereafter. (5th Bart.) Sir Seymour, who fucceeded his father, mar- ried Diana, daughter of Robert Bruce, Earl of Ailefbiiry, and by her, who afterwards married John, Duke of Rutland, had a fon ; but he dying young loon after his father, the honour defcended to his uncle (ill Earl.) Robert, who on the 1 4th of December, 1677, 29 Car. II. was fummoned to Parliament by the title of Lord Ferrers of Chartley, as grandfon and heir to Dorothy* iifter and coheir to Robert Devereux, Earl of EfTex, and Ba- ron Ferrers of Chartley; he was 10 of Anne, advanced to the dignity oT Vifcbunt Tarn worth, and Earl Ferrers. He married fir ft Elizabeth, daughter and heir to Lawrence Wafh- lngton, Efq. of Wilts; by whom, who died Oct. 2, 1693, he had ten ions, and feven daughters ; and by his fecond, who was Selina, daughter of George Finch, Efq. he had five fons; Robert, born May 27, 1700, died in July 1738, un- married. — George, who died an infant. — -George, born in 1765, married Mary, filler to Humphry Sturt, Efq. mem- ber for the county of Dorfet, by whom he has ifFue, George, Evelyn, Selina, and Margaret, who married in 1782, John Smith of Comb-hay, in Somerfet, Efq. — Sewallis, born in 1709, and died October 31, 1765, having married the Coun- tefs Dowager of Orford, Baronefs Clinton and Say, but had no iftue. — John, born in I7iz,died 1768: And five daugh- ters ; Selina, married to Peter Bathurft, Efq. uncle of the pre- fent Earl Bathurft, and died 1777, leaving iftue 15 fons and daughters. — Mary, to Charles Tryon, Efq. of Northampton* Ihire. — Anne, married May 17, 1729, Sir Robert Furnefs, and died Feb. 26, 1779. — Frances, who died 1778. — Stuarta, who died in 1768. Of the daughters by the firft wife, which were Elizabeth, Catharine, Elizabeth, Anne-Eleanora, Ca- tharine, Dorothy, and Barbara ; the two eldeft died in their infancy; the third married Walter Clarges, Efq. — Dorothy, married John Cotes, Efq. of Woodcote, in Shropshire. — Anne-Eleanora, died in May, 1754. — Catharine died un- married Odlober 1736. The fons by the firft wife were, Ro- bert. — Walhington, fecond Earl. — Charles, who died an in- fant, — Lewis died unmarried, —George died young, as did Charles, i24 EARL FERRER S. Charles.— Ferrers died unmarried.*— Walter died young.—* Henry, third Earl. — Lawrence. Robert, the el deft, born 1673, married firft Catharine, daughter of Peter Venables, Baron of Kinderton, who dying, he, 1688, took to his fecond wife Anne, daughter pT Sir Humphry Ferrers, of Tarn worth Cattle, who died Sept. 27, 1697 ; and his Lordfhip dying on the 25th of Feb. 1699, left three fons, and a daughter Elizabeth, who in -17 16, married James, fifth Earl of Northampton, and by him had a daugh- ter, Charlotte, who in 1751, married the prefent Vifcount Townfend, being in right of her mother Baronefs Ferrers ; and on her death, 1770, her fon became Baron Ferrers, of * Chartley. The fons were Robert, Vifcount Tamworth, who died in July 17 14; Ferrers* and Thomas; none of them furviving their grandfather, who died Dec. 25, 17 17, (2d Earl ) Washington, their uncle, who was born June 22, 1677, fucceeded to the title of Earl Ferrers. He mar- ried Mary, daughter of Sir Richard Levinz, Bart, by whom, who died 1740, he had ifTue three daughters his coheirs ; whereof Elizabeth, on the 24th of June, 1725, married Jo- feph Gafcoigne Nightingale, Efq. but died in Auguft 173 1, leaving iilue, Washington, who died unmarried 1754; and Elizabeth, who married Wilmot Vaughan, prefent Earl of Lifourne of Ireland, and died May 19, 1755, leaving iffue. — Seiina, married June 3, 1728, Theophilus Flattings, Earl of Huntingdon, by whom fhe had ifTue. — Mary, on the 29th of June, 1730, married Thomas Needham, Vifcount Kil- morey, and died without ifTue. Their father dying without iffue male, April 14, 1729, was fucceeded by (3d Earl.) Henry, his next furviving brother, who was born April 14, 1691, and dying in Augull 1745, unmarried, was fucceeded by his nephew Laurence, the fon of his younger brother. Laurence, born Sept. 26, 1693, who married Anne, fourth daughter of Sir Walter Clarges, Bart, by whom, who died 1782, he had ifTue Laurence, the 4th Earl. — Warning* ton, the late Earl ; Robert, the prefent Earl. — Walter, born September 28, 1725, now in Holy Orders, is married and has ifTue five children,— Thomas, born 1733, married March 30, 1773, the widow of Sir Stephen Anderfon. — John, who died young.— Elizabeth.— Anne, who died unmarried May 18, 1754- (4th Earl.) Laurence, who fucceeded his uncle, was born Auguft 1720, and married September 16, 1752, Mary, daughter of Amos Meredith^ Efq. filler to the prefent Sir William Earl of strafford. 225 William Meredith, Bart, from whom he was feparated by ac~t of Parliament, and after his Lordlhip's death married fe- condly, March 28, 1769, Lord Frederick Campbell, brother to the prefent Duke of Argyl, by whom fhe has iffue. His Lordfliip, in a fit of paflion, having fhot Mr. Johnfon, his fteward, in Jan. 1760, in April following was tried by his Peers in Weftminfter-Hali, and found guilty of wilful murder, for which crime he was on the 5th of May, the fame year,_ hanged at Tyburn. Upon the death of this Lord, who had no ifTue, the title and eftate defcended to his next brother, (5th Earl.) Washington, the late Earl, who was born May 26, 1722, an Admiral in the Royal Navy, who married Mifs Ann Elliot of Plymouth; and dying without ifiue, Oct. 1, 1778, was fucceeded by his brother (6th Earl.) Robert, the prefent Earl. Creations. J Created Baronet May 22, 161 1, 9 Jac. f. Vifcount Tamworth in the county, of Stafford, and Earl Ferrers, Sept. 3, 171 1, the iothof Queen Anne. Arms.] Paly of fix, or and azure-, a canton, ermine* [Plate XIL] Crest.] On a wreath* the bull of a Saracen fide-faced and couped, proper; wreathed about the temples, cr and azure. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a talbot, ermine* his ears, or, and his ducal collar, gules; on the finifter a rein- deer, of the laft, attired, argent ; gorged with a ducal coro- net of the third, billeted, or. Motto ] Honor /virtutis premium* Honour is the Re- ward of Virtue. Chief Seats.] At Stanton-Harold, in Leiceftermire; at Aftwell, in Northamptonfhire ; and at Chartley-Caille, ia Staffordshire. WENTWORTH, EARL of STRAFFORD, THE Right Hon. WILLIAM WENTWORTH, Earl of STRAFFORD, Vifcount Wentworth, of Wentworth- Woodhoufe, Baron of Stainborough, Raby, Newmarfli, and Over/ley, and Baronet ; fucceeded his father Thomas, the late Earl, in Nov. 1739; and married April 28, 1741, Anne Campbell, fecond daughter of John, late Duke of Argyl and Greenwich, by whom he has no iffue, CL Ths 4*6 EARL of ST RAFF O R tS. The narne of Wentworth is of Saxon Original, and taker* from the Lordfhip of Wentworth in the county of York, where at the time of the Conqueft, lived Reginald de Win- teworde, as it is fpelt in Doomfday-Book. Robert de Wentworth, in the reign of King Henry III. carried Emma, daughter of William Woodhoufe y of Wood-- houfe in that county, (which feat afterwards, by the name of Wemwortk Woodboufe, became their chief residence) front him defcended William, whofe wife was Ifabel, daughter and coheir to William Pollington, Efq. and by her had two fons, William and John. William the eldelt, was anceftor of ( 1 11 Bart.) William, who 9 James I. was created a Ba- ronet, and died in t6\$. He married An rre, daughter of Sir Robert Atkins, and by her, who dkd in 161 1, had eight fons and three daughters; Anne was married to Sir George Savile. — Margaret to Sir Richard Hutton. — Elizabeth t and' EARL of STRAFFORD. 2if and had matched with many of the principal noble families in the realm. William Wentworth, who married Elizabeth, daughter %f Thomas, Savile, Efq. and by her had Sir William his heir* and Thomas who died young ; alfj Anne, nlarried to Ed- ward Skinner, Efq. Sir William the eldeft fon, married Ifabella, daughter fof Sir Allen Apfley, Knt. by whom (who died July 31* 1733) he had five fons and fix daughters ; and died in July* 1693. Of the daughters, Elizabeth died young.— Frances- Arabella married Walter, Lord Bellew.— Anne married to James Donolan, Efq. of Ireland, and died in Aug. l 73$-— Ifabella married Francis Arundel, Efq. of Northaitiptbnfnire. —Mary died young. — Elizabeth the youngefr, married John, Lord Arundel of Trerice in Cornwall, and died without iffue. The fons were William, Thomas, Peter, Paul, and Allert ; the latter was killed October 23, 1702, at the fiege of Liege. Paul was killed at the fiege of Namur in 1695. — Wil- liam the eldeft^ died in Flanders in 1693, unmarried.— Peter, $d fon, married Juliana, only daughter of Thomas Hoard, Efq. of Oxfordshire, and had eleven children, M of whom died young, or unmarried, except Henrietta, married to Thomas, fon of Francis Arundel; Efq. above mentioned;^ and William, born March 1700* who married October 23, 1731, Sufanna, daughter of John Slaughter, Efq. of Glou- cefterfhire, by whom he has iffue Frederick-Thomas, the prefent heir to the title.— George. — Caroline, who died irt 1762.— Augufta.— Anne married John Hatfield Kaye, of Yorkfhire, Efq. (3d Earl.) ThoMas, fecond but eldeft furviving fon of Sir William, on the death of William, Earl of Strafford, his coufin, inherited the Barony of Raby, by reafon of its limi- tation, and on Sept. 4, 1711, was created Baron of Stain- borough, Vifcount W T entworth of Werit worth -Woodhoufe, and Earl of Strafford, with remainder to his brother Peter Wentworth, Efq. and his iffue male. On Sept. 6 % 171 1, he married Anne, daughter of Sir Henry Johnfon, Knt. coufin to the prefent Duke of Northumberland, and by her, who died Sept. 19, 1754, he had one fon, and three daughters* viz. William the prefent Ear! —Anne, who in April, 1733* married William Conolly, Efq. and has iffue.— ^Lucy mar- ried in 17485 to General George Howard, and died April 27, 1 77 1, leaving iffue a daughter. — Harriot married irT De- cember 1743, to Henry Vernon, Efq. and died May, 1 765^ Q^2 leaving 2*8 EARL of DARTMOUTH, leaving iflue three fons and five daughters. His LordfhifJ dying in November 1739, was fucceeded by (4th Earl.) William, now Earl of Strafford. Creations.] Baron Raby, Jan. 12, 164a; Vifco&nt ai0~ >Ei4, Sept. 4, 171 1. Arms.] Sable, a chevron between three leopards heads, or. [Plate XII.] Crest ] On a wreath a gryphon pa/Taut, argent. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a gryphon , argent , on the finiiter, a lion, or. Motto.] En Dieu eft tout. Ire God is every Thing Chief Seats.] At Wentworth-CafHe in Yorkfhirc ; at Boughton in fcfee county of Northampton ' y and at 7\vicken- ham in Middlefex. LEGGE, EARL of DARTMOUTH. THE Right Hoti. WILLTAM LEGGE, Earl and Baron of DARTMOUTH, Vifcount Lewifham, born 1725, fud- eeeded William, the late Earl, his grandfather, Dec. 15% 1750, and married Jan-. 1 1> 1755, Frances-Catharine, fole daughter and heir to the lase Sir Charles Gounter-Nicholl, Knight of the Bath, by whom he has iflue, George, Lord Vifcount Lewifham, born Oct. 3, 175J, married Sept. 24, 1 7 82 y Frances, filter to the Earl of Aylesford. — William, bom Feb. 4, 1757. — Charles- Gunter, born May 18, 1759.-*- Meneage, born May 7, 1761, died in 1782, unmarried. — Henry, born Jan. 23,, 176^ — Arthur, born Oft. 25, 1766. —Edward,, born Dec. 18, 1767. — Auguitus, born April 21, 17 7 3. -"-Charlotte, born Oft. 14, 1672, fucceeded h\$ father, and wis created, Sept. 5, 171 f 9 Earl of Dartmouth. He married in July 1700, Anne, daughter of Heneage, Earl of Aylesford ; and by her, who died Nov. 30, 1751, had fix: Cons; George. — Heneage, born in 1704, married June 1 740, Catharine, daughter of Mr. Jonathan Fogg, who died Aug. 29, 1759, and his Lady in November following, having had iflue, Heneage, born Jan. 7, 1746-7, who married injure 1768, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Philip Mufgrove, Bart, of Kempton Park in Middlefex. 2. Catharine, born July 17^ 1 741 . 3, Anne, born Oft. 8, 1742, who died July 30, 1752. — William, born Aug. t. 1705, died an infant. — Henry Bil- fon, born March 29, 1708, married Sept. 3, 1750, to Mary, only daughter and heir to Edward, Lord Scawell, and died Aug 23, 1764, leaving iffue one fon, Henry ; and his Lady married fecondly in Sept. 1768, Wills Hill, Earl of Hillibo- rough, and was created Barooefs Sta well, May 19, 1760, with, limitation to her fon Henry by her firft marriage as above* and on her deceafe, Aug. 6, 1780, her fon fucceeded to the honours, and is the prefent Baron Stawell. — Edward* born in 1710, died Commodore of a fquadron in the Weft Indies in 1747.— Robert died in his minority. His Lord&ip had alfo twodaughters, Barbara, born Oct. 3, 1701, married July 27, 1724, Sir Walter Bagot, Bart, of Stafford (hi re ; by whom flie had i flue the prefent Lord Bagot, and eight other chil- dren. — Anne* married in Oft. 1739, to Sir Lifter Holte, Bart, of Warwickshire. George, Vifcount Lewiftiam, died Auguft 29, 1732. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Arthur Kaye, Bart, of Yorkinire, and by her, who after his deceafe married Francis, now Earl of Guildford, had a daughter that was ftill-born ; a fon Arthur, who died Oct, 6, 1729 ; Elizabeth ; and Anre, married on Nov. 23, 1760, to James Brudenel), now Lord |Jrudenell t brother to the Duke of Mo^tigu; and (zd Earl ) Wi lli am the prefent Earl, Q^3 Creations. 2 } o EARL of TANPRVILLE, Creations.] Created Baron of Dartmouth, in the coun«* ty of Devon, Dec. 2, 1682, 34 Car. 11. Vifcount Lewifharn in the county of Kent, and pari of Dartmouth, Sept. 5, 1711, the lothof Queen Anne. Arms.] Jzure, a buck's head cabomed, argent. \ Plate XI1J.] Crest.] In a ducal coronet, or, a plume of five oftrich feathers, party-per-pale, urgent and azure. Supporters.] On the dexter fide a lion, argent, femee of fleurs-de-lis, fable, crowned as the creft. On the finiiter, a buck, argent, femee of mullets, gules. Motto.] Gaudet tent amine e, Apothecary, QL4 at z$t EARL of AYLESFORD. at Bath. — George, born in 1727. His Lordfliip dying March 14, 1753, was fucceeded by his eldeft fon (3d Earl.) Charles, who married on the 23d of Septem- ber, 1742, Alicia, third daughter and coheir to Sir John AfHey, Bart, of StafFordfhire ; and by her, who died Ocl. 8, 1775, had Charles now Earl. — John Grey, born 1751, who died in the fecond year of his age — Camilla-Elizabeth, born March 22. 1746-7, married in 1764 Count DonhofF, a Po- lifh Nobleman, related to the prefent King of Poland, but was left a widow Sept. 4, 1764. — Frances- Alicia, born Jan. 8, 1749; married William Allong, Efq. by whom me was left a widow with one daughter, who died Dec. 1780. She married fecondly, March 25 1781, the Rev. Mr f Richard Sandys.*— Henry AfUey, born, April 3, 1757, now in the army. His Lordfhip deceafmg Oft. 27, [767, was fucceeded by his fon (4th Earl.) Charles, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Baron OfTulfton, in Middlefex, Nov. 24, 1682; and Earl Tankerville, a caftle in Normandy, Ocl. 19, 1714- Arms.] Gules, a bezant between three demi-lions ram- pant, argent. [Plate XIII.] Crest.] On a wreath a fcaling ladder, or, but fometimes a demi-lion rampant, argent, holding in his paws a bezant ; and iometimes out of a mural coronet, or, a lion's head,*r-K gent, charged with a bezant on his neck. Supporters.] Two lions, argent, each charged on hi$ moulder with a bezant, and crowned ducally, or. Motto.] De bon ter of Thomas Ridge, Efq. of Portfmouth, by whom, who died July 13, 1730, he had ifTue a daughter Elizabeth. •^Henry, D. D. born Jan. 5, 1701 ; March 2, 1730, he married Catharine, filler and heir to Sir Thomas Afton, Bart, whole firnarne he took purfuant to the will of Sir Thomas, and diedf^ov- 1748, leaving a fon and three daugh- ters; Henry-Hervey Afton, who married the daughter of Mr. Dicconfon of Lancafter^ and by her has a fon. Of the three daughters, the youngeft died Aug. 1 776. -r— Charles* born April 5, 1703, twin with a filler Henrietta, who die$ young. He is D. D. and married Dec. 31, 1743, Mif$ Martha-Maria, daughter oif Colonel Howard, of St. Edmund's Bury, in Suffolk, and died March 20, 1783. — A fon, who died foon after he was born. — Humphrey, died young. — James : Porter, born June 24, 1706, deceafed.— Felton, born 1710, who died an infant. — Felton, born Feb. 12, 1712, married Dorothy, daughter of Solomon Afhley, Efq. and widow of Charles Pitfield, Efq. by whom, who died Nov. 8, 17.61,' he had ij6 EARL op BRISTOL, had iflue, Felton-Lionel-Hervey, a Lieutenant in the Horfe. Guards, who married March 2, 1779, Selina, the only daugh* ter and heir of the late Sir John ElvvilJ, Bart, of Devonfhire, and has iflue ; and three daughters, Emelia, Caroline, and Eli- zabeth. — James, born March 5, 1 7 1 3 , deceafed. — Elizabeth, married May 8, 1724, to Bufly, Lord Man fell, and died with- out iflue Dec. 3, 1727. — Anne, died unmarried, July ic, 1771.* — Barbara, died July 24, 1727. — Louifa-Carolina-Ifa- bella, married Sept. 23, 1731, to Sir Robert Smyth, Bart, of Weftminfter. — Henrietta, died in Auguft 1732. His Lordfiiip died in January 175 1. John, the eldeit fon, born October 15, 1696, was called up to the Houfe of Peers as Lord Hervey, 1733. He married Gel. 25, 1720, Mary, daughter of General Nicholas Le Pell, and had ifiue, George-William, the feeond Earl, born the 31ft of Aug. 1721. — Le Pell, born in Jan. 1723, married the 26th of Feb. 1743, to Conftantine, Lord Mulgrave, and died 1780. — Augufhis- John, the late Earl. — Mary, born in 1726, married to George Fitzgerald, Efq, who died on May I, 1762, leaving ifTue —Frederick, the prefent Earl. — Wil- liam, born the 13th of May 1732, a Colonel in the army, died 1778, unmarried. — Amelia-CarcJina-Naflau. — Carolina. His late Majefty in 1753, was pleafed to grant to the daugh- ters of Lord Hervey, the fame precedency as daughters of Earls of Great Britain. His Lordlhip dying in Aug. 1743, was fucceeded in the title of Lord Hervey by his eldeft fon (2d Earl ) George-William, who alfo, in Jan. 1751* fucceeded his grandfather as Earl of Briftol. And his Lord- fhip deceafing unmarried March 20, 1775, was fucceeded by his brother (3d Earl.) Augustus-John, the late Earl, born May 19, 1724, advanced to the dignity of Vice Admiral of the Blue of his Majefty's Navy, married privately Aug. 4, 1744, Eli- sabeth Chudleigh, who March 8, 1769, publickly married the late Duke of Kingfton, during the life-time of her for- mer hufband, which marriage was by trial of her Peers proved and declared illegal April 22, 1776, and me retired to the Continent. The Earl her Lord died without iflue, Decem- ber 1779, anc * was fucceeded by his next brother (4th Earl.) Frederick, Bimop of Derry, the prefent fearl. Creations.] Created Baron Hervey of Ickworth, in the county of Suffolk. March' 23, 1703, the 2d of Queen Anne; and Earl of the City of Briitol, Oft. 19, 1714, I George I, Arm-s ] Gules 9 on a bend, argent* three trefoils flipped, prcper. [Plate XltLj Crest* HH of SUSSEX. 237 Crest.] On a wreath, a leopard, paflant, bezantee, and gorged with a ducal coronet, and chained, or, holding in his dexter paw a trefoil flipped, proper. Supporters.] Two leopards, proper, bezantee, and with collars and chains, or. Motto.] Jeiioublieray jamais. I fhall never forget. Chief Seats.] At lckworth in Suffolk > and at Afwarby in Lincolnfhire. YELVERTON, EARL of SUSSEX. HP HE Right Hon. HENRY YELVERTON, Earl 6? A SUSSEX, Vifcount De Longeeville, Baron Grey of Ruthyn, HalHngs, Weysford and Valence, and Baronet, fuc- ceeded his brother Augullus, the late Earl, in 1758. His Lordlhip married to his firii wife, 17 Jan. 1757, Hefierv daughter of John Hall of Mansfield Woodhoufe, in the coun- ty of Nottingham, Efq. and by her, who died 11 Jan. 1777, had iffue, Talbot, a fon, who died an infant in 1757.-— Barbara, born 19 June, 1759, who was married in October, 1775, to Edward-Thoroton Gould, of Mansfield Woodhoufe, in the county of Nottingham, Efq. and died 9 April, 1781, leaving i/Tue three children all now living, viz. Barbara, born 25 Jan. 1777 ; Mary, born 5 May, 1778; and Henry, born in September, 1780. His Lordlhip married to his fe- cond wife on 28 Jan. 1778, Mary, daughter of John Vaughan of Briftol, Efq. by whom he hath no iflue. The Earl of SuJTex is defcended, in the male line, from a younger fon of the ancient family of Yelverton, of Rack Heath in the county of Norfolk, which was of note in the reign of King Edward II. viz. from Sir Christopher Yelverton, Knt. who in the 39th erf Elizabeth, was Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, and in the 44th, a Judge of the Queen's-Bench, in which poll he died, at Eafton-Mauduit, a feat which he had purchafed in Northampton mire, Oct. 3 1, 1612. He married Mary, daugh- ter of Thomas Catefby, Efq. and by her he had two fons, Sir Henry and Chriftopher, and two daughters ; Elizabeth mar- ried to Sir Edward Cope ; and Anne, firlr, to Thomas Sher- land, Efq. and feconclly to Sir Edward Cocker. 23B E A R L bfr S 1J !S S £ If. Sir Henry the eldeft fon, fucceeded him. He was Judgir bf the Common-Pleas under King Charles I. and died on th6 24th of Jan. 1630. He married Margaret^ daughter of Ro- bert Beale, Efq. and had four fons and fire daughters. Of the fons, Sir Christopher fucceeded his father, and on the 3dtH Vifcount De Lon- gueville, by patent, 21 April, 1690; Earl of SuiTex, by pa- tent, 26 Sept. 17 1 7. Arms.] Argent , three lions rampant, and a chief, gules. [Plate XIV.] Crest.] On a wreath, a lion paffiint, regardant, gules. Supporters ] On the dexter fide, a wyvern, or, collared and chained j gules ; on the finifter, a lion rampant, regardant* gules. Motto ] Foy en tout. Faith in all Things. Chiep Seats.] At Eafton Mauduit nearWellingborough, in Northamptonmire 5 and at Brandon, near Coventry, in t-her county of Warwicfc. COWPER, EARL COWPER. THE Right Hon. GEORGE CLAVERING COWPER, Earl of COWPER, Vifcount Fordv/ich, Baron Cowper of Wingham, and Baronet, born Aug. 26, 1738, and fuc- ceeded his father Sept. 18, 1764. He married June 2, 1775* Anne, daughter of Francis Gore, Efq. of Southampton, by whom he has iftue, George- A uguftus, Vifcount Fordwich, born Aug. 1, 1776. Peter Leopold-Lewis- Francis, born May 6, 1778.^-Another fon, born July 16, 1779. Of this family, which was firft feated in SufTex, was Johi$ Cowper of Strode, in the reign of King Edward IV. and was anceftor of (ill Bart.) William Cowper, who in the 17th of Charles I. was created a Baronet. He married Martha, daughter of James Mafters, Efq. and had fix fons and three daughters ; Mary, who died unmarried —Martha married to John Huit- fon, Eftj.— Anne to Joha Richmond, Efq. The fons were, John, ±io EAkL COtVPh. John.— Sir Edward,, who died unmarried — Sir William* who had ifTue Sir John.— Spencer, who died unmarried.~ James, who in 1660, married Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Worth, but died without iflue ; and fhe married fecondly George, the fourth Earl of Suffolk.— Henry died without iflue. John, the eldeft fon, married Martha* daughter of George Hewkley of London, merchant, and had a fon William, who fucceeded his grandfather, and married Sarah, daughter of Sir Samuel Holled, and had two fons* William his heir; and Spencer, who was one of the Judges of the Common Pleas; but dying on the 10th of December, 1728, left one daughter, married to Colonel Martin Madan ; and three fons^ William, who died in Feb. 1740, leaving ifTue two fons and ft daughter; of whom William married, Augufr. 5, 1749, Mifs Madan, eldefl daughter of Colonel Madan, by whom he had a fon, born May 6, 1750 — John.— Afhley. ( id. Lord and Earl.) Sir William fucceeded his father^ jand in 1705, was made Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and the next year created Lord Cowper, and afterwards Earl Cowper, and died on the 10th of Oftober, 1723. He mar- ried to his firft wife Judith, daughter and heir to Sir Robert Booth, by whom he had a fon that died young ; but by his fecond wife Sarah, daughter of John Clavering, of Durham, Efq. who died Feb. 5, 1723*4, he had ifTue two fons and two daughters ; Sarah, who died December 7, 1758. — Anne, married 1731, to James-Edward Colleton, Efq, and died March 26, 1750. The fons were, William his fuccefTor. — Spencer, late Dean of Durham, who in May, 1742, married Dorothy, daughter of Charles, late Vifcount Tovvnihend, and died without ifTue March 25, 1774, and his Lady May 1779. His Lordftiip died Oft. 10, 1723, and was fucceeded By his fon (2d Earl) William, who was born in 1709, and took the name of Clavering in purfuance of the will of his uncle. He married June 27, 1732, Henrietta, daughter and coheir to the Earl of Grantham, and by her, who died Oft. 13, 1747, he had iflue Caroline, born June 20, 1733, married July 24, 1753, to Henry Seymour, Efq. nephew to Edward, Duke of Somerfet, and died June 2, 1773, leaving iflue* —George, now Earl Cowper, born A uguft 26, 1738. In May, 1750, his Lordfhip married to his fecond wife Geor- gina Caroline, daughter of John, Earl Granville, widow of John Spencer, Efq. and mother to the prefent Earl Spencer, by whom, who died Aug. 21, 1780, he had no iflue. And departing this life on Sept, 18, 1764, was fucceeded by EARL STANHOPE, *$* (3d Earl.) George, his only fon. Creations.] Created Baronet, March 4, 1641, 17 Car. I. Baron Cowper of Wingham in the eounty of Kent, Nov. "9, 1706; Vifcount Fordwich, and Earl Cowper* March 18, 1718. Arms.] Argent $ three martlets and a chief engrailed, -gules; On the latter, as many annulets, or> [Plate XIV.] Crest.] On a wreath a lion's gamb creeled and erafed, or, holding a branch, vert, fr lifted, gules. Supporters.] Two light-dun horfe?, with tails docked* froper. Motto.] Tuum eft. It is your own. Chief Seat.] At Colne-Green in Hertfordfhire ; and at Ratling-court in the county of Kent. STANHOPE, EARL STANHOPE. THE Right Hon. PHILIP STANHOPE, Earl STAN- HOPE, Vifcount Stanhope of Mahon, and Baron of Elvafton, born Aug. 15, 17 14, fucceeded his father James, the late Earl, Feb. 5, 172!. He married in 1745$ GrizeJ, daughter of Charles, Vifcount Binning, fon of Thomas, Earl of Haddington, of Scotland, by whom he has ifTue^ Philip, born in 17^6, and died July 6, 1763. — Charles, Vifcount Mahon, born Aug. 3, 1753, married Dec, 19, 1774, t0 Har- riet, daughter of the late Earl of Chatham, by whom, who died July 18, 1780, he has iffue Hefter-Lucy^ born March 12, 1776. — Grizilda, born in 1778. — A daughter born Feb. 1780. His Lordlhip married fecondly March 10, 1781, Eli- zabeth, daughter of George- Grenville Temple, Ef^. fitfer to the preient Earl Temple. Philip, the firft Earl of Chefleriield, marrying to his fecond wife Anne, daughter of Sir John Packington, had an only fon Alexander, who died Sept. 20, 1707. He married Ca- tharine, daughter of Arnold Burgliill, Efq. and had fivefons % and one daughter Mary, who married Charles the iirll Vif- count Fane. The fons were, James. — Alexander, who died in his father's, life time.— Philip, killed the 28th of Sept. 1708, in attacking the Caftle of Sc. Philip in Minorca.— Edward, killed at the fiege of Cardouain Spain, Dec. 23, 1711.™ William, born at Madrid, in 1691, died an infant. %\z EARL op HARBOROUGH, (iftEarl.) James, the eldeft, in Sept. 1708, took the ifland of Minorca, and was in 17 17, created a Baron and Vif- count, with limitation, for want of heirs male, to Charles Stanhope of Elvafton, Efq. and his brother; William and was in 171 8, created Earl Stanhope. He married Feb. 24, 171 3, Lucy, daughter of Thomas Pitt, Efq. by whom he had iffue, Philip, now Earl. — Lucy, both born the 15th of Aug. 1714. -—George, born Dec. 28, 1717, died unmarried, 1754— James, who died April 21, 1730. — Gertrude who died young. - — Jane and Catharine, twins, born after the death of their father. Their mother died the 24th of Feb. 1723 ; and the Earl, Feb. 3, 1721, when (2d Earl.) Philip, the eldeft fon, fucceeded to the title Creations ] Created Baron Stanhope of Elvafton in the county of Derby, and Vifcount Stanhope of Mahon in Mi- norca, July 12, 1717, 3 George L and Earl Stanhope, April 14, 1718. Arms and Crest.] The fame as the Earl of Chefterfield; ft to Sir John Shuckburgh, and after his deceafe to .Sir Roger Norwich. — Three died unmarried. And of the fons, which were, Sir William. — Hatton. — Charles. — George. —Richard. The fecond died in 1644, and Sir William the eldeft, was created a Baronet, and died May 14, 166 1. He married Mary, daughter of Hugh Per- ry, Efq. widow of Henry, fecond fon of Edward the firjt Vif- count Campden, and had eight fons, and two daughters. Hatton the eldeft fon dying an infant, (ift Lord.) William the fecond fon became heir, and on the 12th of April, 1692, was created Lord Lempfter. He married firft Jane, daughter of Andrew Barker, Efq. by whom he had a daughter Elizabeth, who died unmarried, 1705. By his fecond, who was Catharine, daughter of John the 3d Lord PGiilctt, he had another daughter, Mary, mar- ried to Sir John Wodejioufe, and died Ocl. 24, 1729. By his third, Sophia, daughter of Thomas, Duke of Leeds, and widow of Donatus, Lord O'Brien, who died Dec, 8, 1746, he had two fons, Thomas and William ; and four daughters ; Sophia died young — Catharine and Bridget, died unmarri- ed.— Matilda married Edward Conyers, Efq. and died in Fer bruary 1741, leaving uTae John Conyers, Efq. who married 1746, his firft coufin, Henrietta, the prefent Earl's lifter. (ifi Earl.) Thomas the el deft fon, was born in 1698 ; on the 17th of December, 171 1, fucceeded his father ; and in 1721, was created Earl of Pomfret- He married July 14, 1720, Henrietta Louifa, daughter of John, Lord Jefferies ? Baron of Wem, and by her, who died Dec. 16, 1 761 , he had four fons and fix daughters, viz. George the prefent Earl. — -William, born in 1723, a Captain in the Royal Navy ? who died 1749. — John, born Aug. 3, 1726, died 1729. — Thomas, born Oft. 29, 1734, died young. — Sophia, born May 29, 1721, married April 1744, John Carteret, Eari Granville, and died Oct, 7, 1745, leaving iffue. — Charlotte, born Feb. 16, 1724-5, married in Aug. 1746, William Finch, brother to the late Earl of Winchelfea, by whom ilie had iffue, George, the prefent Earl, and other children.—* Henrietta, born Sept. 19, 1727, married Jan. 13, 1746-7, John Conyers, Efq. of Copthall in Efiex, and has iffue.— * Juliana, born May 21, 1729, married Aug, 2751, Thomas £ 3 IVnfj, EARL GRAHAM. Penn, Efq. of Bucks, and has ifTue.— Louifa, born O&. 23 1731, married the younger!: fon of Sir William Clayton % Bart, of Surry, and has iftue. — -Anne, born May 21, 1733, married July 15, 1754, Thomas Da wfon, Lord Dartrey, of Ireland, and died March 1, 1769, leaving ifTue. His Lord- ihip dying July 8, 1 7 5 3 > was fucceeded by his only fon (2d Earl.) George, now Earl of Pomfret. Creations.] Baron, April 12, 1692 j, and Earl, Decem- ber 27, 1721. Arms.] Argent* a fefs, fable, between three lions heads erafed, gules. [Plate XIV.] Crest.] Out of a ducal coronet, or, a cock's head iflu- ing, gules, crefted and wattled, or. Supporters.] Two lions, proper. Motto.] Horae fempre. It is always Time. Chief Seats.] At Eafton-Nellon in the county of North- ampton 1 and at Sunbury in Middlefex. GRAHAM, EARL GRAHAM. THE Right Hon. WILLIAM GRAHAM, Earl and Ba- ron GRAHAM, of Belford in the county of North- umberland in England, and Duke of Montrose in Scotland. For an account of this family, fee Duke of Montrose in, the Peerage of Scotland. KERR, EARL of WAKEFIELD. THE Right Honourable JOHN KERR, Earl and Baron KERR of WAKEFIELD in Yorkmire, and Duke of Roxburgh in Scotland. For an account of this family, fee Duke of Roxburgh in the Peerage of Scotland. WALDEGRAVE, EARL WALDEGRAVE. THE Right Honourable JOHN WALDEGRAVE, Earl WALDEGRAVE, Vifcount Chewton, Baron Walde- grave of Chewton, and Baronet, born April 28, 1718, fuc- ceeded his brother James, the late Earl, April 8, 1763. He married EARL WALDEGR AVE, i AT married in 1 75 1 , Elizabeth, daughter of John, Earl Gower* by whom he had, George, Vifcount Chewton, born Nov. 23* 179 1, a Captain in the 3d Regiment of Foot Guards, mar- ried May 5, 1782, Laura, daughter of his uncle, the late Earl, and the prefent Duchefs of Gloucefter, by whom he has ifTue a fon born, July 14, 1783* — William, born July 9, 1753, * n tne Navy, and died 1780, unmarried. — John, born Nov. 27, 1756. — Elizabeth; and Amelia, died in 1768: both born May 26, 1758. — Frances, born Oct. 6, 1 761 , and died in June, 1768 — Caroline, born March 1, 1765. This family takes its name from the village of Walgrave in Northamptonfhire ; Warin de Walgrave, had a fon John, who was Sheriff of London in 1205 ; from him defcended Sir Thomas Waldegrave, who was knighted by King Ed- ward IV. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Fray, and died in 1500, leaving ifTue, Sir William. — Edward.— Richard. — Jane, fecond wife of Thomas Mannock, Efq.—. Catharine married to George Mannock, Efq. Sir William the eldeil, married Margery, daughter of Sir Henry Went- worth, and had three fons, I. George ; 2. William; and 3; Anthony, Sir Edward Waldegrave, fecond fon, married Elizabeth, daughter of John Cheney, Efq. and dying the 17th of Hen- ry VIII. left ifTue a fon, Sir John ; and a daughter Mary, who married Ifaac Aftley, Efq. Sir John Waldegrave mar- ried Lora, daughter of Sir John Rochefter, and had three fons, Sir Edward. — Robert. — John ; and died the 6th of Oc~l. 1543. Sir Edward the eldeil, had from Queen Mary a grant of the Manor of Chewton. He died on the firrt of September, 1561, having married Frances, daughter of Ed- ward Nevil, brother to the Lord Abergavenny, and had two fons, Charles his heir; Nicholas ; and three daughters ; Mary married to John the firft Lord Petre. — Magdalen to ■» Southcote, Efq.— Catharine to Gwayne, Efq. Charles marrying Jeronyma, daughter of Sir Henry Jernegan, left Sir Edward his heir ; and two daughters ; Frances married to Henry Yaxley, Efq. — Magdalen to Philip Parris, Efq. ( 1 ft Bart ) Sir Edward, in the 19th of Char'es I. was created a Baronet. He married Eleanor, filter and heir to Sir Francis Level, and had a fon (2d Bart ) Sir Henry, who fucceeded him, and marry- ing firfl Anne, daughter of Edward Paflon, Efq. had feven fons, and four daughters ; and by Catharine, his fecond wife R 4 who *4§ EARL WALDEGRAVE, who was daughter of Richard Bacon, he had fix fons and fis daughters; and died Oft. 10, 1658. Of the fons by the firft wife, (3d Bart.) Sir Charles, fucceeded his father; and mar- rying Helen, daughter of Sir Francis Englefield, had Sir Henry his heir ; and Charles. (ill Lord ) Sir Henry Waldegrave in the fir (I of James II. was created Lord Waldegrave; and in 1639, died at Pa- ris ; but having married Henrietta Fits-James, natural daughter of King James II. by Mrs. Arabella Churchill, filler to John, Duke of Marlborough, by her, (who died .April 3, 1730) had two fons; and a daughter Arabella, a) nun. The fons were James and Henry ; the latter died un- married, but (lit Earl.) James fucceeded his father. On the 1 6th of September 1729, he was created Vifcount Chewton and Earl Waldegrave. He married in 17 14, Mary, fecond daughter of Sir John Webb, Bart, of Gloucefterfhire, and by her, who died Jan. 22, 1719, he had two fons and one daughter, viz. James, late Earl Waldegrave, born March 4, 1715. — \ Henrietta, born Jan. 2, 1717, died May 13, 1753 ; fhe mar- ried July 7, 1734, to Lord Edward Herbert, fecond fun of the Marquis of Fowis, who left her a widow in November following with child, and (he was delivered in June, 1735, of a daughter Barbara, married to Earl Powis. — John, now Earl Waldegrave. His Lordfhip died April ii, 1741, and was fucceeded by his eldeir. fon, (2d Earl.) James, the late Earl, married in December, 1754, Mifs Drax, daughter of Henry Drax, Efq. which Lady dying, he married fecondjy, May 15, 1759, Maria, fecond daughter to Sir Edward Walpole, 2d fon of Robert, Earl of Orford, by whom he had Elisabeth - J^aura, born March 24, 1760, married May 5, 17^2, her fir ft cgufin, the prefent Vifcount Chewton, eldeft fon of the prefent Earl, her uncle. — -Charlotte-Maria, born Qcl. 11, 1761. — Anna- Horatia, born Nov. 8, 1762/ And his Lordfhip dying with? out iflue male in 1763, he was fucceeded by his only brother, His Lady married fccondly, Sept. 6, 1766, his Royal High- nefs William- Henry, his Majelfy's next brother, the prefent Duke of Gloucefter, by whom fhe has ifiue. See Duke of pLOUCESTER. (3d Earl.) John, now Earl Waldegrave. Creations.] Lord Waldegrave, January 20 2 1685, I Jac. JL and Vifcount Chewton, and Earl Waldegrave, Sept. \h 1729, 3 George II. Arms. EARL of ASHBURNHAM. 249 Arms.] Parly per pale, argent and guks [Plate XV.] Cr|st»] In a ducal coronet, or, a plume or live oiirich feathers, party per pale, argent and gules. Supporters.] Two tafbots, fabk, eared, or, and each gorged with a mural coronet argent , maioned, fable. Motto.] Cesium non animum. You may change your Clir mate, but not your Nature. Chief Seat.] At Naveftoke in EfTex. — — — -^**J^*WV<*«~ ASHBURNHAM, EARL of ASHBURNHAM. THE Right Honourable JOHN ASHBURNHAM, Ear! of ASHBURNHAM, Vifcount St. Afaph, and Baron of Amburnham, born Oft. 30, 1724, fucceeded his father John, the late Earl, March 10, 17^7 ; and June 28, 1756, married Elizabeth, daughter of John Crawley, Efq late Al- derman of London, by whom, who died Feb. 178*, he has had George, born Feb. 2, 1758, and died Feb following. « — George, Vifcount St. Afaph, born Dec. 25, 1760. — Hen* rietta-Theodofia, born Nov, 8, 1759.— Jemima-Eiizabeth ? born Jan. i, 1762^ — Elizabeth-Frances, born May 10, 1763. — Theodolia- Mary, born June 16, 1765. Of this family, v/hich afnimed their furname from the town of Amburnham, was Piers, Lord of Amburnham, whofe fon Anchitel, had a fon Bertram, who in the reign of King Harold was Sheriff of SufTex, Surry and Kent, and Conilab^e of Dover-Cattle, which he defended againft Wil- liam the Conqueror. From him defended Thomas Amburn- ham, who married Sarah, daughter of Henry Wauncy, by whom he had three fons, John .-^Richard -^-Thomas. John the eldeft, died in 1491; and by Elizabeth Peckham, his wife, left iMue William, his heir, who married Anne, daugh- ter of Henry Hawley, and had iflue a daughter Anne, mar- ried firft to William Apfley ; and fecondly to Richard Covert, Efq. and John, his heir, who married Lora, daughter of Thomas Berkeley, Efq. and had John his heir, and three daughters ; Anne married firft to John Bolney ; fecondly to Thomas Culpeper, Efq, Jane to Oliver Denham, Efq. and Alice to John Daniel, Efq. Joh.v, who fucceeded, married Ifabel, daughter of John Sackvilie, Efq. and had three fons, John, Thomas, and Wil- liam; and three daughters, Eleanor. — Anne, married to Thomas Penderton, Efq. --^Margaret, to Jones, Efq. John, the eideil fon, died the 1 4 th of Oclober s 159c Ji£ married Mary., daughter of George Fane, Efq. and had five 250 EARL op ASHBURNHAM. five Tons, Sir John his heir; Thomas, William, George, and Walter; the four laft, died without i/Tue ; alfo two daugh- ters, Mary married to George Wentworth, Efq> and Catha- rine to George Aidwick, Efq. Sir John, married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Beaumont, and by her had two fons and four daughters ; whereof Elizabeth was married to Frederick, Lord Cornwall is ; Frances to Frederick Turvile, Efq. Anne to Sir Edward De- ring ; and Catharine died unmarried. The fons were John, and William ; the youngeft married Jane, daughter of John, LordBoteler, widow of James, Earl of Marlborough, and died without ifTue in December, 1679. John, his elder brother, died June 15, 167?. He mar- ried firft Frances, daughter of William Holland, Efq, fecond- ly Chriftian, daughter of Chriftopher Ken, Efq. relict of John, Lord Poulett, by which laft wife he had no iffue ; but by his firft wife had eight children, of whom Elizabeth mar- ried Sir Hugh Smith 5 and Frances to Sir Denny Afhburn* Iiam. William, the eldcfl fon, married Elizabeth, daughter of John, Lord Poulett, and dying in 1655, left ifTue by his faid Lady, who afterwards married Sir William Hartopp, (ill Lord.) John, who was created a Baron. He married Bridget, daughter of Walter Vaughan , Efq. and had Jane, married to James Hay, Efq. but died in Auguft 173 1; and Elizabeth, married firft to Robert Cholmondeley, Efq. and fecondly to Seymour Cholmondeley, Efq. but died in Janu- ary 1732. The fons were William, John, and Bertram; the youngeft died in April, 1743, unmarried. (2d Lord.) William, the eldeft, born May zc, 1675, on the 2 1 ft of January, 1709, fucceeded to the honour. He married Catharine, daughter and heir to Thomas Taylor, Efq but dying the i6th of June, 1710, without iffue, and his Lady the 1 1 th of July following, (ill Earl) John, his brother, born 1 687, became heir ; and in 1730, was created a Vifcount and Earl. He married firft Mary Butler, daughter of James, Duke of Ormond, by whom, who died Jan. 17 12, he had no furviving iffue. By his fecond Lady, Henrietta Stanley, daughter of the 9th Earl of Der- by, whom he married July 24, 1714, (who died June 26, 1718, and was widow of John Annefley, Earl of Anglefea) he had a daughter, Henrietta, who died in Auguft, 1732, un- married. Taking to his third wife, Jemima Grey, daugh- ter of Henry, Duke of Kent, by her, who died July 7, 173 1, EARL of EFFINGHAM. 2 5T had a Ton John. His Lordlhip dying on March 10, 1737, was fucceeded by his Ton, (2d Earl.) John, now Earl of Amburnham. Creations.] Baron Afhburnham, May 30, 1689; Vif- count and Earl, May 14, 1730. Arms.] Gules, a fefs between fix mullets, argent* {Plate VX f ] Crest.] Out of a ducal coronet, or, an afh-tree, proper* Supporters.] Two greyhounds, fable, collared and chained, or. Motto ] Le Roy Esf VEftat. The King and the State. Chief Seats.] At Afhburnham to Suffex 5 and at jChelfea in Middlefex. HOWARD, EARL of EFFINGHAM. Right Honourable THOMAS HOWARD, Earl of EFFINGHAM, Lord Howard, born January 13, I746 7, fucceeded his father November 19, 1763; married October 1765, Catharine, daughter of Metcalf Froctor, of Thorpe in Yorkfhire, Efq. Thomas, the fecond Duke of Norfolk, marrying to his fecond wife Agnes, filler to Sir Philip Tiney, had a fon (ill Lord.) William, who in 1552, was created Lord Howard of Effingham. He was Admiral of England, Ireland, and Wales, and died Jan. 12, 1573. He married fir ft Ca- tharine, daughter of Sir John Boughton, by whom he had only one daughter, Agnes, who was married to the third Marquis of Winchefter ; but by his fecond, who was Mar- garet, daughter of Sir Thomas Gamage, he had four fons and five daughters ; whereof Douglas the eldeft, was married firft to John, Lord Sheffield, and fecondly to Sir Edward Staf- ford ; Mary, firft to Edward, Lord Dudley; and fecondly to Richard Mompeftbn, Efq. Frances to Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford; and Martha to Sir George Bouchier; and Catharine died young. And of the fons, which were Charles, Sir William, Edward, and Henry, the two yo tinge ft died infants; and (2d Lord ift Earl of N.) Charles fucceeded his father, and in confideration of his fervices againft the Spanifh Ar- mada, as alfo for facking the town of Cadiz, and deftroy- ing the Spanifh fleet in the harbour there, was on the 22d of Ode 25* EARL of. EFFINGHAM. Pel. the fame year, created Earl of Nottingham, and died the 14th of December, 1624. He married firft Catharine, -daughter of the fir 11 Lord Hunfdon, and had two fons and three daughters; fecondly Margaret, daughter of James Stu- art, the third Earl of Murray, by whom he had two fons, James who died youngs and Sir Charles, of whom hereafter. This Lady furviving him, married Sir William Monfon, Vifcount Caftlemain. Of the daughters by Catharine the fbii wife, Elizabeth the eldeft, was married firft to Sir Ro- bert Southwell, and fecondly to John, Earl of Carrick.— * Frances firft to Henry, Earl of Kildare ; and {ccondly to Henry, Lord Cobham. — Margaret to Sir Richard Levefon. And of the fons, which were William, Lord Effingham ; and Charles; the eldeft married Anne, daughter of John, the fecond Lord St. John of Bledhoe, by whom he had an only daughter Elizabeth, who was married to John Mordaunt, the firft Earl of Peterborough ; but dying without ilTue male, (3d Lord. E. 2d Earl of N.) Charles his brother, be- came heir to his father. He married firft Charity, daughter cf Robert White, Kfq. widow of William Leche ; fecondly Mary, daughter of Sir William Cockain ; and dying on the 3d of Oct. 1642, without iftue, was fucceeded by his half brother, (4th Lord E. 3d Earl, of N.) Sir Charles, who married Arabella, daughter of Edward Smith, Efq. and dying in, j 68 1, without iflue, the Earldom of Nottingham ceafed in this family. We new return to Sir William Howard, fecond fon of William the firft Lord Howard of Effingham ; which Sir William, dying in 160c, left iftue by Frances, daughter of William Gouldwell, Efq. three fons, Sir Edward, Sir Francis, and Sir Charles $ the former dying in 1620, without i/Tue, Sir Francis his bro- ther, fucceeded, and married Jane, daughter of Sir William Monfon, by whom he had feven fons and a daughter ; and dying the 7th of July, 165!, was fucceeded by Sir Charles his eldeft fon, who married Frances, daugh- ter of Sir George Courthop, and left iffiue two fons, Francis his heir; and George ; and a daughter Jane, married to Tho- mas Methwould, Efq. George, fecond fon, married Anne, daughter of Kidder, Efq. and had iftue three fons, Henry, Charles, and Thomas, and two daughters ; of whom Thomas only furvived, and died March 31,1753. He mar- ried Mary, only daughter of Dr. Morton, Bifiiop of Meath^ by whom he left two fons and two daughters; Sir George, Knight of the Bath and a General in the army, who married EARL op EFFINGHAM. 253 firft Lucy, fitter to the prefem Earl of Strafford j and fecondiy the Dowager Countefs of Effingham ; Henry ; Mary mar* ried to Sir Francis Vincent ; and Catharine. (5th Lord.) Francis, el dell fon of Sir Charles, fuc- ceeded Charles, Earl of Nottingham in the Barony of Ef fingham. By his fecond wife Sufan, daughter of bir Henry Felton, and widow of Thomas Herbert, Eiq. he had no iilue; but by his firft wife Philadelphia, daughter of Sir Thomas Pelham, he had three fons and three daughters; Philadel- phia, Margaret, and Elizabeth 5 of whom tne latter was firil married to Francis Hutchinfon, Efq. and fecondiy to Wil- liam Roberts, Efq. but the two eldelb died young. And of the fons, who were Charles, Thomas, and Francis - y the eldett dying unmarried April 1 1, 1694, (6th Lord.) Thomas, the fecond, m 1700, fuceeeded his father, and died on theiothof July, 1725. By his fecond wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Rotheram, Eiq. and win- dow of Sir TheophiJus Napier, he had no illue; but by his fidl wife Mary, daughter or Rufh Wentworth, Efq. he had two daughters, Anne married in Sept. 1729, to Sir William Younge, Bart, and died in 1775, leaving iffue ; and Mary to George, now Lord Vernon. His Lordlhip dying without iifue male, (ill Earl of E.) Francis, his brother, became heir; and marrying Aril Diana, daughter of Brigadier O'Farrel, by her had Thomas the late Eari ; and in July, 1728, taking to his fecond wife, Anne, filler to Robert Bnitow, Efq. by her, who died Nov. 15, 1774, had a fon George, born May 8, 1730, and died in July, 173 1. His Lordlhip, Q£t. 17, 1731, was created an Earl, and dying Feb. 12, 1742-3, was fuceeeded by his only fon, (2d Earl.) Thomas. On Feb. 14, 1744-5, he married Eli* zabeth, daughter of Peter Beckford, Eiq. of Jamaica, (which Lady married fecondiy bir George Howard, K. B. May 21, 1776) by whom he had ifTue, Thomas the prefent Earl. — Richard, born Feb. 2, 1748. — Elizabeth, born Nov. 10, 1750, married Jan. 26, 1774, the Rev. Henry-Reginald Courtenay, couiin to the prelent Vifcount Courtenay, Rec- tor of Sc. George, Hanover-fquare ; fne died 1782, leaving -iilue, a fon William. — Anne, born in May 1752, married Lieutenant Col. Thomas Carleton, of the 29th Regiment of Foot.— Maria, born Aug. 31, 1753, married May 22, 1772, to Sir Guy Carleton. — Frances-Herring, born ia May, 1755. His Lordlhip departed this life on, Nov. 19, 1763, and was fuceeeded by (3d Earl.) Thomas, the prefent EarL Creations, 2-4 fi ARL of ORFORO. Creations.] Baron Howard^ March u, 1554; Earl of* Effingham, Dec. 8, 173 1. Arms and Crest ] The fame as the Duke of Norfolk's, a mullet for difference. [Plate XV.] Supporters.] Two lions, argent', on the fhoulder of each a mullet for difference. Motto.] Virtus mille fcuta. Virtue is equal to a thoufand Shields. Chief Seat.] At Great Bookham, in the county of Surry. WALPOLE, EARL of ORFORD, THE Right Hon. GEORGE WALPOLE, Earl of Oft. FORD, Vifcount Walpole, Baron Clinton and Say* Baron Walpole, and Baron of Houghton, born April 2* 1730, fucceeded his father Robert, April 1, 1751. This family took their name from the town of Walpole St. Peter's in Norfolk, where they were feated before the Conqueft. Richard de Walpole, marrying Emma, daugh- ter of Walter de Nevelton, with her had all her father's lands in Reidon, near Houghton, where the family has refided from the reign of King Henry III. Sir Edward Walpole, in 1663, was a member for Lynn* and died in March, 1668. He married Sufan, daughter of Sir Robert Carne, and had five fons, and eight daughters; whereof two fons and five daughters died young ; but Anne* the eldeft, was married to Mountfort Spelham, Efq. Mary, the fecond, to John Wilfon, Efq. and Elizabeth to James Hofl, Efq. And of the fons, Edward the youngeft, died 1688; Horatio married Anne, daughter of Thomas, Duke of Leeds, and widow of Robert Coke, Efq. Robert, the eldefl fon, married Mary, daughter of Sir Jeffrey Burwell, and had (befides thirteen children that died young) three fons and three daughters; Mary married to Sir Charles Turner, Bart, and had ifTue. — Dorothy to Charles, Vifcount Townfhend, grandfather to the prefent Vifcouru. —Sufan to Anthony Hammond, Efq. The fons were Ro- bert, Horatio, and Galfridus ; the latter married Cornelia, daughter of Mr. Hays of London, but died Aug. 7, ,1726, without iffue. Horatio, the fecond fon, was created Lord Walpoub earl op orford, 255 WaIpole of Wolterton, and was father of the prefent Lord of that title. (ill Earl.) Robert, the eldell brother, born Aug. 26, 1674, on the 6th of February 1742, was created a Vifeount and Earl, and died the 1 8 th of March 1746. He married firft Catharine, daughter of John Shorter, Efq. and by her, (who died on the 20th of Augull, 1757) had three fons ; and a daughter Mary, married in 1723, to George, late Earl of Cholmondeley, and died in 1732. The fons were Robert his fucceflbr. — Sir Edward. — Horatio. The fecond fon is Knight of the Bath. His Lordlhip married fecondly Ma- ria, daughter of Thomas Skerret, Efq. which Lady died June 4, 1738, by whom he had before marriage one daugh- ter, Maria, to whom his Majeily was pleafed to grant pre- cedency as an Earl's daughter. She was married in March* 1746, to Charles Churchill, Efq. by whom (he had a fon born in Feb. 1741, and two daughters ; one of whom mar- ried the eldell fon of her coufin, Lord Walpole, and the other daughter married Lord Cadogan. (ill Lord 2d Earl.) Robert, the eldell fon was in 1723, during his father's life time, created Lord Walpole, with re- mainder to Edward and Horatio his brothers ; and in failure of iftue from them, to their father Sir Robert, with remainder to the heirs male of Robert Walpole, father of Sir Robert. He married on the 26th of March, 1724, Margaret, daughter of Samuel Roll, Efq. by whom (who was fecondly married to Se- wallis Shirley, Efq. and died Jan. 13, 1781) and who on the death of her father became Baronefs Clinton and Say, which, honour on her death defcended to the prefent Earl of Or- ford; he had one fon, born the 2d of April, 1730. His Lord- lhip dying April 1, 1 75 1 , was fucceeded by his faid fon, (3d Earl.) George, now Earl of Orford. Creations.] Created Baron Say, by writ, Feb. 18, 1610; Baron Clinton, Feb. 6, 1298; and Walpole, June 10, J 723 5 Baron of Houghton, Vifcount Walpole, and Earl of Orford, Feb. 6, 1742, 15 Geo. II. Arms.] Or, on a fefs, between two chevron s y fable 9 three crofs croflets of the firft. [Plate XV.] Crest.] On a wreath, the bull of a man fide-faced, couped, proper, ducally crowned, with a long cap on, gules, thereon a Catharine wheel, or; which creft belonged to the family of Robfart, and was, in memory of the fervices of Sir John Robfart, Knight of the Garter, againft the Saracens, Supporters.] On the dexter fide an antelope; and on the finifter fide a buck, both argent, attired, proper, gorged with i$6 EARL of HARRINGTON. \vith collars, cheeky, or and azure, each having a ehdfl thereto affixed, and their hoofs, or* Motto.] Fart qua fentiat. Speak what you think. Chief Seats.] At Houghton-Hall, in the county of Norfolk; at Piddleton in the county of Dorfet; and at Haynton in Devonshire. — ■ . I ** i ifa d m 1 *hmm *ikim^ — STANHOPE, EARL of HARRINGTON. THE Right Hon. WILLIAM STANHOPE, Earl of HARRINGTON, Vifcount Peteriham, Baron of Har- rington, fucceeded his father William, the late Earl, April 2, 1779, born March 20, 1753, married May 22> 1779^ ■ daughter and coheir to the late Sir Michael Flem- ing, Bart, of Middlefex, by whom he has ifiue^ Charles* the prefent Vifcount Peterfham, born April 1780 ; and ano- ther fon born Nov. 26, 1781. Sir John Stanhope, father cf Philip the firft Earl of Chef- terfield, married to his fecond wife Dorothy, daughter of Thomas Trentham, by whom he had Sir John Stanhope, who died May 29, 1638, having married firft Olivia, daugh> ter of Edward Berrisford, Efq. by whom he had an onl^ daughter married to Charles Cotton, Efq. His fecond wifS was Mary, daughter of Sir John RadclifF, and by her, who Survived him, had feven fons, and three daughters ; of whom John, Thomas, and Frances^ died infants; Anne married Sir Thomas Ellys 5 RadclyfFe, Cromwell, Byron, Alexander* -and Elizabeth, had no ifiue ; another John, his heir, married Jane, daughter of Sir John Cur* feon, and dying March 26, 1662, left an only fon, John Stanhope* who married Dorothy, daughter of Charles Agard, Efq. and had four fons, John, Thomas, Charles, and William ; whereof the eldeft died young; and the fecond married Jane, one of the daughters of Gilbert Thacker, Efq. relict of Charles Stanhope, fecond fon of Philip, Earl of Cheflerfield, who took the name of Wotton, and died on the 1 ith of April, 1730, without iflue $ Charles, the third fon, died unmarried, March 17* 1760. ( 1 ft EarL) William the youngeft fon, was created Lord Harrington, which title was formerly in John third fon of Sir Michael Stanhope, ancellor of the Earl of Chefterfield. On the 19th of Feb. 1742, he was created Vifccmnt Peterfham , Earl of Portsmouth. 2 # and Earl of Harrington. He married Anne, daughter of Co- lonel Edward Griffith, and had iflue two fons, William and Thomas, who were twins, and were born the 1 8th of Dec. 1719, of whom fhe died in childbed; Thomas died in Feb. i 74.3 - His Lordfliip dying Dec. 8, 1756, was fucceeded by (2d Earl.) WIlliam his only fon, the late Earl, who married, Aug. ii, 1746, Caroline Fitz-Roy, eldeft daugh- ter of Charles, late Duke of Grafton, by whom he had if- fue, Carolina, born March 11, 1747, married Ocl. 7, 1765, to Kenneth, Jateliarl of Seaforth, arid died March 24, 1767, leaving a daughter ; and his Lordfhip died 1782, when the title became extinct.— Ifabella, born April 4, 1748, married Nov. 27, 1768, to Lord Vifcount Molyneux, now Earl of Sefton in Ireland, and has iflue. — Emilia, born May 24, 1749, married April 16, 1767, to Richard, Earl of Barry- more, and died 178.0, leaving iflue. — Henrietta, born Oct. 26, 1750, married March 1 5, 1776, to Thomas Foley, fon of Lord Foley, and has blue.— Charles, the prefent Earl. — Hen- ry, born May 29, 1754, now an officer in the Guards. — ! Anna-Maria, born March 31, 1760, married Jan. 25, 1782, the prefent Earl of Lincoln, eldeft fon of the Duke of New- Caftle. His Lordlhip dying April 2, 1779, was fucceeded by his eldeft fon (3d Earl.) Charles, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Baron Harrington, in the County of North- ampton, Nov. 20, 1729 ; Vifcount and Earl, Feb. g, 1742. Arms.] Quarterly, ermine and gules, a crefcent on a cref- cent for difterence. [Plate XV.] Crest.] On a wreatli, a tower, argent, with a demi-lion rampant, ilTuing from the battlements, or, holding between his paws a grenade firing, proper. Supporters.] On the dexter fide a talbot, argent, gutte de poix ; on the linifter a wolf, erminois ; each fupporter gorged with a garland or chaplet of oak, vert, frudted, or. Motto.] A Deo & Rege. From God and the King. Chief Seats.] At Peterfham in Surry ; and at Linby in the county of Nottingham. WALLOP, EARL of PORTSMOUTH. THE Right Hon. JOHN WALLOP, Earl of PORTS- MOUTH, Vifcount Lymington, and Baron Wallop of Farley- Wallop, born June 29, 1742; fucceeded his grand- S father, *y8 EARL of PORTSMOUTH father, Nov. 23, 1762. He married Auguft 27, 1 76 3 r Urania, daughter of Coulfon Fellows, Efq. by whom he hai ifiue, John-Charles, Vifcount Lymington, born Dec. 1 8,< 1767. — - Urania- Annabella,. bom June, 1769. — Camilla- Mary, born Nov. 8, 1770, died Sept. 10, 1 780.-— Newton, born June 26, 1772.— Coulfon, born Sept. 19, 1774. — > Henrietta-Dorothea, born May 6, 1780. —Emma- Maria^ born Aug, 13, 1781. This noble family is defcended from Matthew Wallop, of Wallop in the county of Hants, who was living in the 8th of E'dw. I. Stephen Wallop, who was defcended from him, married st daughter of Afhley, of Winbourne St. Giles, in the county of Dorfet, Efq. and had Sir John, Sir Oliver, and Gyles. Sir John Wallop was Admiral and Commander of the Fleet in the 6th of Henry VIII. He married fn\ft Elizabeth, relict of Gerald, the 8th Earl of Kildare, and daughter of Sir Oliver St. John ; fecondly Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Clement Harlefron ; but leaving no ifiue, Sir Obiver his brother, became heir. He married fint Bridget, daughter- of Figot, Efq. by whom he had three fons ; and a daughter Rofe, married to Walter Lambert,, Efq. He married fecondly Anne, daughter of Robert Mar- tin, Efq. widow of Thomas Tregonell, of Milton- Abbey in Dorfet, and had iffue, William, Stephen, Anne, and Grace, The fons by the iirfh wife were Sir- Henry ;• William, who married three wives, the lai of whom was Margery, daugh- ter of John -Fifher of Ghilton-Candover*- Efq. but died with- out iffue, Nov. 13, 1617 £ and Richard. Sir Henry, married Catharine, daughter of Richard Gif- ford, Efq. and had three fons and three daughters; Anne married to Sir Richard Powlett.— Bridget to Nicholas Half- well, Efq. — Winfred to Sir Richard Gifford. Of the fons, Oliver the fecond, and William the third> both loir, their lives in the fervice of their country. Sir Henry the elder!:, married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Corbet, Efq, and had Robert his heir, and five-daugh- ters ; Anne married to John Dodington> -Efq. Elizabeth, Catharine, and Theodofia, all died unmarried ; and Bridget married Sir Henry Worfley. Robert fucceeded his father, and died Nov. 19, 1667. He married Anne, daughter of Henry, Earl of Southampton, and was fueceeded by Henry his heir, who died Feb. 16, 1673. He married Dorothy^ daughter of John Bluet> Efq, and had four fons - y Robert the. sldeft; A R t of P O R f S M O U T if. ^tcJe/I died before his father, unmarried ; as did Charles the youngeft. Henry, fccond fon* fucceeded his father, and died un- married Dec. 28, 1691. John, his only furviving brother, becameheir. He mar- ried Alicia j daughter of William Borlafe, Efq. by whom" he had five fons and tvvo daughters, Elizabeth* who died unmar- ried ; and Mary married to Henry* Lord Herbert of Cherbury. Bluet, the eldell fon, fucceeded his father in January* 1694, and died unmarried, Oft. 30, 1707; Henry, feccnd fon ; William, fourth fon ; and Robert, fifth fon$ all died young. (ill Earl.) John, third fon, born in 1639, fucceeded his brother, June 1 1, 1720, was created a Peer, and on April 1 1, 1743, was advanced to the dignity of an Earl, having been honoured with feveral polls under Government, viz. one of the Lords of the Treafury, Chief Juitice in Eyre, Lord War- den of the New Foreftj and Lord Lieutenant and Cuftos Rotulorum of the county of Hants* and Governor of the Ifle of Wight. On the 26th of May, 1716, lie married Bridget, eldeft daughter of Charles Bennet, Earl of Tanker- ville, by which Lady, who died October 12, 1738, he had illue, John, Vifcount Lymington, born Aug; 3, 1718* married July 12, 1740, Catharine, daughter and heirefs of John Conduit, of Cranbery, in Hampmire, by Catharine his wife, niece and coheirefs to the celebrated Sir Ifaac Newton; and dying in 1749, left iffue by his Lady, who died April 15, 1750, John, the prefent Earl. 2. Henry, borri Aug. 20, 1743, in the army* and ferved in Germany under the Prince of Brunfwick in the War in 1756, and afterwards in the third regiment of Foot Guards: In 1765 he was appointed one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber to his prefent Majefty : In 1767 he had the misfortune to lofe his right leg by an accident, and has now a Company of Invalids. 3. Barton, born Jan. 30* 1^44, took Holy Or- ders, and in May 1774, was appointed Mafter of Magdalen College, Cambridge: He married 1 77 1 , Camilla-Powlett Smyth, youngeli daughter of the Rev. Richard Smyth, of Crux Eaton in Hampftiire, and died Sept. 1781, leaving iifue one daughter, Urania-Catharine- Camilla^ born Nov. 23, 1774; and a pofthumous fon, born Dec. 24. 1781, na- med Barton-William Powlett. 4. Bennet, born Jan. 29, 1745, now in the Hefiian fervice. 5. Catharine* born Jan. 3, 1746* married Oft. 3, 1770, Lockhart Gordon, Efq. a younger bro- ther of the Earl of Aboyne in Scotland, and has feveral fons S 2 and 2<5o EARL of WARWICK and BROOKE, and daughters. — Bridget, born Feb. 20, 17 16-17, who died in June 1736. — Borlafe, born June 3, 1720, died in April, 174:1, — Mary, born 1721, died young.— Charles, born Dec. 12, 1722, died 1771. — Anne, who died March 3, 1759.-*- Bluet, born April 27, 1726, in the army, and died in 1749. — Elizabeth, died June, 1727. — Henry, and Bennet, died young. His Lordfhip, July 4., 1739, married fecondly, Eliza- beth, eldeft daughter of James, Lord Griffin, and relict of Henry Grey, Efq. of Billingbear in Berkftiire, but died July, 1762, without iffue. His Lordfhipdied Nov. 23, 1762, and was fucceeded by his grandfon, (2d Earl.) John, (eldeft fon of John, VifcountLymington) the prefent Earl. Creations.] Baron Wallop, Vifcount Lymington, in the county of Southampton, June it, 1720 ; and Earl of Portfmouth April 1 i 9 1743. Arms.] Argent ; a bend wavey, fable. [Plate XVI.] Crest.] On a wreath, a mermaid, holding in her dexter hand a mirror ; in the other a comb, all proper. Supporters.] Two chamois, or wild goats, fable. Motto.] En fuivant la ters; and their father dying on the 22d of Oct. 1710, and Francis his eldelt fon dying eleven days before him, left ifiue by Anne Wilmot, daughter of John, Earl of Rocheiler, two fons and two daughters ; Elizabeth, who died unmarried; and Catharine married to Charles Egerton, Efq. Of the fons, (6th Lord.) Fulk the eideft, fucceeded his grandfather, but dying in February following, unmarried, (7th Lord,) William^ his brother became heir. He mar- ried Mary, daughter of Henry Thynne, Efq. and by her, who died March 1720, had three fons, Wiiliam and Fulk, who died infants; and their father dying July 28, 1727, was fucceeded by (iftEarl.) Francis, his only furviving fon, born 17199 who, on the 7th of July J 746, was advanced to the dignity Of SARL COWER, 263 of Earl Brooke of Warwick* Cattle; and the late-Earl of War- wick dying without ifliie male, his Lordfhip was created Earl of Warwick, Nov. 27, 1759- ^ay 1 ?4 2 > mar- ried Elizabeth, eldeli daughter of Archibald Hamilton, fern of the Duke of Hamilton, by whom, (who outlived his Lord- ill i p , and married fecondly General Clarke) he had George, .the prefent Earl. — Charles-Francis, born May 12, 1749.— Robert Fulke, born Feb. 3, 175-1, a Captain in the iirlt Regi- ment of Foot Guards — Louifa- AugufTa, born April 14, 1743., married to William Churchill, of Henbury, Efq. and has iiiue. —Frances-Elizabeth, born May 11, 1744, married July 17, i 764, to Sir Harry Harpur, Bart, and has iiiue.— Charlotte- Mary, born July 6, 1745, married A uguft 14, 1762, to the prefent Earl of Galloway, and died in 1763. — Ifabella, bora March I, 1748, who died the feme .day.— Anne, born Aug. 28, 1760, died May 22, 1783. His Lordfhip deceafing July 6, 1773, was fucceeded by his fon, (sd Earl.) George, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Created Lord Brooke of Beauchamps-court, in the county of Warwick, January 9, 1620, the 18th of James T. Earl Brooke of Warwick Cattle, 7th of July 1746, 20 George II. and Earl of the county of Warwick, Nov. 27> '759- Arms.] Sable, on a crofs, within a border ingrailed, five pellets of the fry?. [Plate XVI.] Crest.] In a ducal coronet, xtr, a jfwan, ? with wings ex- panded, argent ; beaked, fable. Supporters.] Two fvvans, argent ; beaked and mem- bered, fable ; and ducal ly gorged, or. Motto.] Fix ea nofira ^ I can fcarce call thefe Things our own. Chief Seats,] At Warwick-cattle in Warwickfhire ; $nd at Richmond in the county of Surry. G O W E R, EARL G O W E R. THE Right Hon. GR ANVILLE-LEVESON GOWER, Earl GOWER, Vifcount Trentham, and Lord Gower, Baron of Stittenham, and Baronet, born 1717, fucceeded his father Dec. 5, 1754. He married fir It in 1 744, Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Fazakerley, Efq. of Lancashire, by whom, who died May 19, 1745, he had a fon, John, born S 4 May 264 EARL GOWE R. May 14, 1 745> who died the fame day. He married fecond- ly, March 31, 1748, Louifa Egerton, daughter of George, Duke of Bridgewater, by which Lady, who died March 14, 1761, he had ifiue, Louifa, born Odt 22, 1749, married I)ec. 27, 1777, Archibald Mackdonaid, Efq. brother to Lord tylackdonald, of Ireland, by whom ihe has ifiue.—- Carolina, born November 2, 1753, who married March 22, 1770, the Earl of Carlifie, and has ifiue. — -George- Granville-Levefon, Vifccunt Trentham, born January 9, 1758.— Anne, born February 22, 17-61. He married May 23, 1768, his third wife, Sufanna, daughter of the Earl of Galloway, by whom he has Granville-Levefon, born 1773. — Georgina, born April 23, 1769.— Charlotte, born June n, 1771. — Sufan, born 1772. Sir Allan Gower of Stittenham, at the time of the Nor- man Conqueil, was Sheriff of that county ; and from him, in a direct line, the family hath continued their feat at Stit- tenham to the prefent time. Sir Edward Gower, married Margaret, daughter of Sir Robert Conftable, and had two fons and three daughters, Catharine, Agnes, and Barbara. Of the fons, Richard the 2d, married Agnes, daughter of William Leving, and had ifiue Edward, Thomas, Francis, and Ralph. Thomas, eldeft fon of Sir Edward, was Marfhal of Ber- wick, in the ift of Edw. VI. He married ift, Anne, daugh- ter of John Maleyer, Efq. by whom he had no ifiue ; 2dly, Barbara, daughter of John Baxter, Efq. and by her he had four fons, Thomas, Henry, William, and Edv/ard ; and three daughters, Barbara, Ifabella, and Jane. Thomas, the eldeft fon, fucceeded his father, and mar- ried Mary, daughter of Gabriel Fairfax; by her he had if- iue Thomas, Robert, Edward, Frances, and Elizabeth. (ift Bart.) Sir Thomas, the eldeft fon, was created a Ba- ronet, and married Anne, third daughter and coheir to John Doyley, Efq. and had feven fons. (2d Bart.) Sir Thomas the eldeft, married firft Elizabeth, lifter to Charles the firft Earl of Cariifie, by whom he had ho ifiue ; zdly Frances, daughter of Sir John Levefon, and filler and coheir to Sir Richard Levefon of Trentham, in the Cpunty of Stafford, and by her had, Edward. — William-Le- vefon. — Frances, married to Sir James Wood. Edward died in his father's life time, and left ifiue by jDcrothy, daughter of Sir Thomas Wentworch, (3dBart.) Sir William Leveson, 2d fon, marrying jane, daughter of Jphn Granville, Earl of Bath, by her ''had three fons EARL G O W E R, 2S5 fons, John, Richard, and William; and two daughters; Ca- tharine married to Sir Edward Windham ; and Jane to Henry, late Earl of Clarendon and Rochelter. (ift Lord.) John, the eldeft Ton, was created, 1703, Lord Gower of Stittenham, and dying Sept. 10, 1709, left iffue by Catharine, daughter of John Manners, the firft Duke of Rut- land, four fons and two daughters ; Catharine, who died on the 20th of April 17 12. — Jane, who was married to John Proby, Efq. of Elton- Hall, in Huntingdonihire, and died June 10, 1726, leaving iiTue, John, afterwards created Lord Carys- fort in Ireland, and other children. — John, the late Earl.— William, married May 26, 1730, Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Groivenor, Bart, of Chefhire, and died Dec. 13, 173 j, leaving iiTue a daughter Catharine, who died Dec. 13, lyyfr. — Thomas died unmarried Aug. 12, 17 2j .-^Bapuft. (lit Earl.) John, the eldeft fon, fucceeded his father, and was created an Earl, 1746. On the 19th of March, 1712, he married to his fir ft wife, Evelyn Pierpoint, daughter cf Eve- lyn, Duke of Kingfton, and by her, who died June 27, 1727, had iiTue, John, who died in July 1723. — William, who died April 14, 1739 — Granville-Levefon, now Earl Gower. — Richard Levefon, died October 19, 1753, unmarried.— Ca- tharine, who died an infant. — Gertrude, married to John, late Duke of Bedford, by whom fee had iffue. — Mary, to Sir Richard Wrottelley, Bart, by whom fhe had iiTue, the prefent Duchefs of Grafton, the Lady of the Helfian Ambaflador, and other children, and died 1781. — Jane, died in May, 1737, unmarried.— Frances, married Lord John- Philip Sackville, uncle to the prefent Duke of Dorfet — E'izabeth, married to Earl Walciegrave.— Evelyn, married firft, 1744, to John, the late Earl of Upper Offory, and had iiTue ; after whole death fhe married 2dly, to Richard Vernon, Efq. by whom (he had iffue alfo. The Earl married fecondly, 1733, Penelope, daughter of Sir John Stonehoufe, and relict of Sir Henry Atkins, by whom (who died Aug. 19, 1735) he had adaugh- Ur Penelope, born in June 1733, and died in March, 1734. The Earl married to his third wife, Mary, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Thanet, and relidl of Anthony Grey, Earl Harold, brother to the prefent Marchionefs Gr^y, and only fon of the late Duke of Kent ; and by her had iffue, Mary, who died young. — Thomas, born in Auguft 1738, died in 1740 — John, born in 1742, a Captain in the Navy, married July 6, 1773, to Mifs Bofcawen, niece to the Earl of Fal- mouth, and daughter of A dm. Bofcawen, by whom me has iffue.— Thomas, born June 4, 1743, who died an infant. His LordHiip s66 EARL or BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Lordfhip dying the 25th of Dec. 1754, was fticceeckd by hit eldefr. furviving fon, (2d Earl.) Granville-Leveson, now Earl Gower. Creations.] Lord Gower of Stittenham, in Yorkfliire, March 16, 1703 ; Vifcount Trentham in the county of Staf- ford, and Earl Gower, the 8th of July, 1746. Arms.] Quarterly, iir-ft and fourth, barry of eight, argent and gules ; over all, a crofs-flory, y^^/^, for Gower. Second and third, a%ure 9 three laurel leaves erect, or, for Levefon. [Plate XVI. ] Crest.] On a wreath, a wolf parTant, argent ; collared and chained, or. Supporters.] Two wolves, argent, each having a collar and cha;n, or. Motto.] Frangas, non jlefies. You may break, but ftiall iiot bend me. Chief Seats.] At Trentham in the county of Stafford $ and at Stittenham in Y orkfhire. HOBART, EARL of BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. THE Right Hon. JOHN HOBART, Earl of BUCK- INGHAMSHIRE, Lord Hobart, Baron Hobart, of Blickling, and Baronet, born 1722, fucceeded his father John, the late Earl, Sept. 22, 1756. He married Mary- Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Drury, Bart, by whom, who died pec. 30, 1769, he has iifue, Henrietta, born April 7, 17625, niariied March, 1780, Almar Lovvry Corry, Efq. of Tyrone in Ireland, fince created Baron Belmore of that kingdom, — - Caroline, born Feb 24, 1 767.— Sophia, born April 5, 1768. His Lordfhip married fecondly, Sept. 24, 1770, Caroline, daughter of William Conolly, Efq. by whom he has had iffue, John, born March, 1773, died Dec, 20, 1775. — Henry- Philip, born Feb. 11, 1775, and died Feb. 15, 1776.—* George, born April 2, 1777, died Oct. 30, 1780. — 'Amelia. Thomas Hobart, of Leyharn in Norfolk, Efq. having two fons, William and James, the elderr. fucceeded him. Sir James the younger fon, married Margaret, daughter of Peter Raunton, Efq. and had two fons and one daughter. Of the fons, who were Sir Walter and Miles, the eldeft, who fucceeded, married firft Anne, daughter of Sir Henry Hey- den ; EARL of BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. 2S7 den; fecondly, a daughter of John RatclifF, Lord Fitz-Wal- ter, and filler to Robert, Earl of Sufiex. Miles, the fecond fon of Sir James, marrying Eleanor, daughter of John BlenerharTet, Efq. had two fons, Thomas and John ; Thomas married Audery, daughcer of William Hare, Efq. by whom he had Sir Miles ; and (lit Bart.) Sir Henry, who in 161 1, was created a Baro- net, and made Lord Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas. He married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Robert Bell, and had twelve fons and four daughters, Dorothy ; Mary ; Elizabeth married to John Lille, Efq. Frances married to Hewet, Efq. Of the fons, Sir Miles, the fecond, married Sufan, daughter of Sir John Peyton, and had Sir John his heir; and Alice, married to John Jenny, Efq. (2d Bart ) Sir John married firft Philippa, daughter of Robert Sidney, Earl of Leicefter ; and fecond ]y /ranees, daughter of John, the firft Earl of Bridgewater ; but leaving no iffue male, the title and eitate defcended to his nephew, (3d Bart.) Sir John, fon of his brother Sir Miles ilobari. He married Mary, daughter of John Hampden, Efq. and widow of Colonel Hammond, and had three fons, Henry, John, and Thomas; and two daughters ; Philippa, married to Sir Charles Pye ; and Mary, who died unmarried. Tho- mas, the youngeft fon, died unmarried; John, the fjcond, who died Nov. 7, 1734, was a Brigadier- General ; and (4th Bart ) Sir Henry the eldeit, who was {lain in a duel by Oliver le Neve, Efq. in 1697, and left iflue by a daugh- ter of Sir John Maynard, John his heir; and three daugh- ters, Henrietta, Catharine, and Dorothy. The latter died unmarried. The fecond was married to Lieutenant General Charles Churchill. The eldeft to Charles, Earl of Suffolk; and fecondly to the Hon. George Berkeley. (ift Earl.) John, in May 1728, was created Lord Hobarc, and Earl of Buckinghamshire in Auguft 1746. He married firft Judith, daughter of Robert BritifFe, Efq. and by her (who died the 7th of Feb. 1727) had three fons; Henry, who died an infant.-^-John, the prefent Earl. —Robert, who died in May j 733. Alio five daughter*; of whom Dorothy only is living, and was married on the 21ft of Oft. 1752, to Sir Charles Hotham, who has taken the name of Thornpfon, by whom fhe has iflue. Feb. 10, 1728, his Lordftiip mar- ried fecondly, Elizabeth, filler to R.obert Briltow, Efq. l?y whom, who died 1762, he had two fons; George, married |n May, 1757, to Albina, daughter of Lord Vere Bertie, fon, pf Robert, the firftDukeof Ancafter, by whom he has had iflue, s6S EARL FIT Z -WILLI AM. iffue, i. George, who died young. 2. Robert, born 1760^ 3. George Vere, born 1761. 4. Albina, born 1759. 5. Hen* rietta-Maria ; and, 6. A Ton born 1777.-*— His other fon, Henry, married July 1761, Anne-Margaret, daughter of John Briftow, Efq. by whom he has ifTue, Anne-Catharine; and Maria Anne. Her Ladyfhip deceafed after the Earl in Sept. 1762 ; and his Lordfhip dying Sept. 22, 1756, was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (2d Earl.) John, now Earl of Buckinghamfhire. Creations.] Created Baron Hobart, May 28, 1728 ; and Earl of Buckinghamfhire, Sept. 6, 1746. Arms.] Sable, a ftar of eight rays, or, between two plan- dies, ermine* [Plate XVI.] Crest.] On a wreath, a bull parTant, party per pale, fable and gules, all bezanty, and a ring in his nofe, or. Supporters.] On the dexter fide a itag ; on the Unifier, a talbot ; both proper, reguardant, each having a radiant col* Jar and line or. Motto.] Aufior pretiofa faeit. The Founder makes it more valuable. Chief Seat.] At Blickling in the county of Norfolk. FITZ-WXLLIAM, EARL FITZ WILLIAM. THE Right Hon. WILLIAM FITZ-WILLIAM, Earl FITZ-WILLIAM, Vifcount Milton, Lord Fitz-Wil. liam, and Baron of Milton in England ; alfo Earl Fitz* William, Vifcount Milton, and Baron Fitz- William of LifFer, or Lifford, in Ireland. For the account of this family, we refer to the Peerage of Ireland, under the title of Earl Fitz-Willi am. HERBERT, EARL of POWYS. THE Right Hon. GEORGE -'EDWARD-HENRY-AR- THUR HERBERT, Earl of PQWYS, Vifcount Lud- low, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Baron Powys of Powys-Caf. tie, and Barcn Herbert of Cherbury and of Ludlow, born July 7, 1755, fucceeded his father, the late Earl, Sept. 11, 1772. Sir £ A R L of POWYS. 2% Sir William ap Thomas of Ragland-Caftle had iftue, tVilliam. — Sir Richard Herbert. — Elizabeth. William, tire eldeft Ton, on the 27th of May, the 8th of Edw. VI. was ad- vanced to the title of Earl of Pembroke. He married Anne, filler to Walter Devereux, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, and had iftue, William, who fucceeded to the Earldom of Pembroke; but King Edward being deMrous to dignify his fon Prince Edward with the title of Earl of Pembroke, procured a refig- nation of it, and in lieu thereof created him Earl of Hun- tingdon, July 4, the 19th of his reign. He married Mary, daughter of Richard Woodvile, Earl Rivers, by whom he had Elizabeth his only daughter and heir, married to Charles So- merfet, Earl of Worcefter. The other children of William, Earl of Pembroke, were Sir Walter. — Sir George.— Philip.-^ Cecilie, married to Lord Greyftocke, — Maud to Henry, tha 4th Earl of Northumberland.' — Catharine to George, the zd Earl of Kent. — Anne to John Grey, Lord Powys. — Ifabel fo Sir Tho. Cookfey.— Margaret, firft to Thomas Talbot, Vif- count Lifle; and 2dly to Sir Henry Brodingham. The fard Earl had iftue by Maud (his concubine) daughter of Adam ap Howel Graunt, Richard, from whom the prefent Earl of PEMBROKE, and the late Marquis of POWYS, defcended. Sir Richard Herbert, brother to William, Earl of Pem- broke, married Margaret, filler to Sir Rice ap Thomas, by whom he had three fons, William. — Richard. — Thomas. Richard the 2d fon, left iflue by Anne, daughter of Sir David ap Enion ap Leuellin Vaughan, Edward his heir, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Matthew Price, Efq. by whom he had ilTue three fons and five daughters; Mary. — Catharine. — -Anne. — 'Jane. — Brid- get, The fons were Richard. — Matthew, anceftor of the prefent Earl of POWYS. — Charles. Richard the eldeft fon, married Magdalen, daughter of Sir Richard Newport, and by her, who afterwards married Sir John Danvers, had feven fons, and three daughters; Eli- zabeth, married to Sir Henry Jones. — Margaret to John Vaughan, Efq. — Frances, to Sir John Brown. The fons were Edward.— P.ichard. — William. — Charles. — George. — Sir Henry.— Thomas. (ift Lord.) Edward, the eldeft, was created Lord Herbert of Caftle-Ifland in Ireland, 31ft of Dec. 20 Jam. I. and on the 7th of May, 5 Ch. I. was created Lord Herbert of Cher- bury^ He married Mary, daughter of Sir William Herbert, By this Lady he had Richard his heir ; Edward, and Beatrix, who died unmarried. {2d 2?o EARL of POWYS. (2d Lord ) Richard, Lord Herbert. He died &fay i$ t 1655, arid having married Mary, daughter of John, the firlt Earl of Bridgewater, had ifTue four fons ; Edward his fuc- ceilbr .— John, who died young.— Henry, who fucceeded his brother Edward.— Thomas, who died unmarried ; aJfo four daughters ; Frances, married to William Brown, Efq.— Flo- rence, to Richard Herbert. — Arabella —Alice, married td Paul Burrard, Efq. (3d Lord.) Edward^ their eldeft brother, married firft Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Myddleton ; fecond ly, Eliza- beth, daughter of George Chandos, but died without iffue Pec, 9, 1678, and was fucceeded by (4th Lord.) Henry, his brother, who married Catharine, daughter of Francis, the firft Earl of Bradford ; but dying without ifTue April 21 , 169 1, we now return to Sir Henry, 6th brother to Edward, created Lord Herbert* who left iffue by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Robert Offley, (5th Lord) Henry, who died Jan. 22, 1709, leaving ifTue by Anne, daughter of Alderman Ramfey, of London, (6th Lord.) Henry, his heir, who on Dec. 12, 1709, married Mary, filter to John, Earl of Portfmouth ; and dying without ifTue in April 1738, we now return to Matthew Herbert* fecond fon of Edward, grandfather of Edward, firft Lord Herbert ; who having married Anne, daughter of Charles Fox, Efq had Francis his heir, who married fir ft Dorothy, daughter of Richard Parry, Bifhop of St. Afaph, by whom he had no ifTue; 2ctly a daughter of m Garton, Efq. by whom he had iffue Richard Herbert, who married Florence, daughter of Richard, the fecond Lord Herbert, by whom he left two fons ; Francis, the eldeft,- mar* ried Mifs Mary Baugh, and had two fons, Henry and Foliatj who both died without ifTue ; and two daughters, Mary mar- ried Frederick Cornwall, Efq. and Arabella. George, the youngeft fon of Richard Herbert and Florence the daughter of Lord Herbert, married Mifs Frances Newton, by whom he had Francis, and feveral other children. Francis, the eldeft, marrying Dorothy, daughter of John O'dbury, and dying Feb. 27, 17 19, left ifTue five fons, Henry-Arthur — Richard, who died May 16, 1754.— Fran- cis, who died in 1730, unmarried.— Herbert, and John, ^vho both died in 1719, unmarried; and three daughters, Urania married to Coulfon Fellows, Efq, — Dorothy to John Harris, Efq. and died June 1, 1759* — Florence died in EARL of EGREMONT. 271 (ifiEarl.) Henry-Arthur, their cldefl brother, was freated Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Vifcount Ludlow, and Earl of Powys, on March 30, 175 1. He married Barbara, only daughter of Edward Herbert, brother to William the laft Marquis of Powys, by whom he had George-Edward- Henry-Arthur, the prefent Earl. — Georgina- Amelia, born. Jan. 10, 1752, died young. — Augufta, born Sept. 18, 1753, died young.- — Barbara, born Qc~L 9, 1 75 7, died young.— Henrietta- An tonia, born Sept. 3, 1758. His Lordfhip de- ceaiirig Sept. 4, 1772, was fucceeded by his fon, (2d Earl.) George - Eevward-Henry- Art ku r, the pre- fent Earl. Creations.] Baron Herbert of Cherbury in the county of Salop, Dec. 21, 1743; Baron Powys of Powys- Cattle,, Vifcount Ludlow, and Earl of Powys-Cafile, the 27th of May 1748; and on the 7th of Ocl. 1749, Baron Herbert^ ct Cherbury and Ludlow. Arms.] Party-per-pale, azure and gules > three lions ram- pant, argent ; armed and langued, or. [Plate XV L] Crest.] On a wreath, a wyvern, with wings expanded, ham, who in the 2d of Hen. VII. was beheaded on Tower-hill, married firft Margaret; daughter 2.yz EARL of E G ft E M O N T. of John, the firft Duke of Norfolk, by whom he had, Sir Thomas. — Edward. — George — Anne, married to Thd- RadclifFe, Efq — Elizabeth, married firft to Francis Calthbrpe ; and fecondly, to Sir John Culpepper. — Dorothy. —Frances. His fecond wife was Eleanor, daughter of Nor- man Wafhbourn, Efq. and widow of Richard Scrope, Efq. by whom he had only one fon ? Francis. Sir Thomas, the eldeft fon, married firft Eleanor, daugh- ter of Sir Henry Scrope, by whom he had iffue Sir Edmund 5 Sir John, anceftcr of the Earl of Egremont ; and three daugh- ters ; Margaret, married to Sir Andrew Luttrell ; Mary, to Sir Erafmtis Fallon ; and Elizabeth. He married fe- condly, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Henry Wentworth, by whom he had Sir Thomas. Sir EDMtTND, the eldeft fori, married Su fan, daughter of Sir Roger Townfhend, and had three fons and two daughters; Jane married firil: to John Pope, Efq. and fecondly to Hum- phrey Coning/by, Efq. The fons were, Roger, who died without iffue — -Francis. — Thomas, who died unmarried Dec. 20, 1599. We how return to Sir John Wyndham, who by marriage with £lizabeth ? daughter of John Sydenham, of Orchard, in the county of Somerfet, Efq. had that eftate, and it now retains the name of Orchard Wyndham. He had iffue, John — Edmund, who married Mary, daughter of Richard Chamberlain, Efq. and had feveral children.— Sir Hugh, his 4th fon, was created a Baronet, Auguft 4* 1641: He married Mary, daughterof Chriftopher Alanfon, Efq. and leaving only daughters, the title became extinct. Sir Thomas, elder brother to Sir Hughj married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Coningfby, Efq. and had feveral children. John, eldeft fon of the faid Sir John, died in his father's* life-time. He married Florence, daughter of John Wad- ham, Efq. founder of Wadham- College in Oxford, by whom he had one fon, Sir John, who died in 1645. He married Joan, daugh- terof Sir Henry Portman, by whom he had nine fons and fix daughters ; Henry, his eldeft fon, fucceeded him. — John died unmarried. —Thorn as, died April 5, 1749. — Humphrey. — Sir Hugh. — Sir Wadham.- — George, died unmarried.— Sir George. — Francis, v\ho died unmarried. His daughters were Joan, wife of John Gilford.— Margaret, wife of John Cou'r- tenay. — Florence, wife of John Harris, Efq. — Rachel, wife of Thomas Moore, Efq. — Margery, wife of Thomas Ca- re w, Efq.— Anne, wife of Sir John Strode. John EARL of EGREMONT. 273 Joh n, the eldeft furviving Ton, married Catharine, daugh- ter of Robert Hopton, Efq. He died in 1649, leaving Sir William Wyndham his heir ; Thomas ; and three other fons, who died unmarried ; alfo four daughters ; Florence, wife to Sir John Mallet.— Mary, wife to William Okeden, Efq. — Anne, wife to Anthony Bullen, Efq.— Catharine, married firft to John Specot, Efq. and afterwards to John Tanner, Efq. Sir Willi am Wyndham was created a Baronet the 13th of Charles IL and died in 1683. By Frances his wife, daughter of Anthony Hungerford, Efq. he had John, Wil- liam, and Hugh, who all died unmarried. — Sir Edward, who fucceeded him. — Rachel, married firft to Sir George Speke, and afterwards to Richard Mufgrave, Efq. — Elizabeth mar- ried to Thomas Earl, Efq. — Frances to Nathaniel Palmer, Efq.— Joan to William Carey, Efq. Sir Edward Wyndham, Bart, married Catharine, daugh- ter of Sir William Levifon Gower, by whom he had Sir William Wyndham ; and one daughter Jane, married to Sir Richard Grofvenor. Sir William, his fucceflbr, died June 17, 1740. He married July 21, 1708, Catharine Seymour, fecond daugh- ter of Charles, Duke of Somerfet, by whom he had three fbns and two daughters ; Sir Charles his fucceflbr, late Earl of Egremont. — Percy Obrien, who inherited the eftate of Henry Obrien, Earl of Thomond, who married Elizabeth, his mother's eldeft filler, and took the name and arms of Obrien, and on the 30th of Nov. 1756, was created Baroa of Ibrican and Earl of Thomond in Ireland, and died un- married in July 1774. — William born Jan. 19, I7i9,diedan infant. — Catharine, who died unmarried in April 1734. — Elizabeth, married in 1749 t0 George Grenville, Efq. bro- ther to the Earl Temple, and died Dec. 5, 1769, leaving iftue the prefent Earl Temple, and other children. Sir Wil- liam's fecond Lady was Maria Catharina, daughter of M. Peter D. Jong, relict of William, Marquis of Blandford, by which laft wife he had no iifue, and fhe died Sept. 1779. (1 ft Earl.) Algernon, Duke of Somerfet, was created Earl of Egremont and Baron of Cockermouth, Oct. 18, 1749, with limitation of thofe honours to his nephew, Sir Charles Wyndham, and his brother Percy ; and his Grace dy~ itig on the 7th of Feb, 1750, was fucceeded in the hid titles by the faid (2d Earl.) Charles, late Earl of Egremont, born Aug. 10, 1710. He fucceeded his father as a Baronet, June 17, 1740. On Feb. 22, 1751, he married Alicia-Maria, daugh* T ter p 274 EARL TEMPLE, ter of George, Lord Carpenter y of Ireland, by whom he had George, the prefent Earl — Percy. Charles, born Sept. 23, 1757. — Charles-William, born Oft. 8, 1760, in the army. « — William- Frederick, born April 7, 1763. — Elizabeth-Ali- cia-Maria, born November 29, 1752, married in July 1771, to the Hon. Henry Herbert, of Hampfhire, andhas iflue — Frances, born July 1755, married Aug. 16, 1776, to Charles, cldeft fon of Lord Romney, and has ifiue. — Charlotte, born 1756, died young. The Countefs their mother was married fecondly, July 8, 1767, to Count Brubl. Hia Lordihip died Aug. 21, 1763, and was fucceeded by (3d Earl.) George, his eldeft fon, now Earl ofEgremont. Creations.] Created Baron of Cockermouth, and Earl of Egremont, both in the county of Cumberland, the 18th ©f Oft. 1749, 2 3 George II. Arms.] Azure, a chevron between three lions heads, erafcd, er. [iY*/*XVIL] Crest.] A lion's head, erafed, within a fetterlock, or. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion rampant, azure, winged invertedly, or ; on the linifter fide, a gryphon, argent ^ gutte de fang. Mottc*.] Au bon Droit. To the beft Right. Chief Seats.] At Orchard- Wyndham in Somerfetfhire; at Petworth, in the county of Sufiex ; and at Wrefil-caltle in Yorkfhire. GRENVILLE -TEMPLE, EARL TEMPLE. THE Right Hon. GEORGE-NUGENT GRENVILLE. TEMPLE, Earl TEMPLE, Vifcount and Baron Cob- ham, was born June 17, 1753, fucceeded his uncle the late Earl, Sept. 8, 1779 married April i6 r 1775, M ai y* daughter of Robert Craggs, Earl Nugent of Ireland, by whom he has iffue, Richard, Lord Cobham, born March 21, *77 6 - The family of Temple, from whom this Lord is maternally defcended, is faid to be derived from Leofrick, Earl of Mer- cia, who founded the Abbey of Coventry, and dying in 1087, was buried in that monaftery. He married the famous Lady Godiva, who is reported to have rode naked through Coven- %iy iq obtain fome immunities from her hu&and to that place. P»ts& EAU TEMPLE, 275 Peter. Temple, purchafed feveral manors in the count/ of Warwick, and alfo the manor of Stow in the county of Bucks, in the reign of King Edward VI and Queen Eliz. He married Millicent, daughter of William Jeckyll, Efq. and had two fons, whereof Anthony, the youngeit, was father of Sir William, from whom defcended the famous Sir Wil- liam Temple, Bnrt. and Henry Temple, Vifcount PAL- MERSTON in Ireland. John, the eideft, who was born in 1542, fucceeded his father. He died on the 9th of May, 1603, having married Sufan, daughter of Thomas Spencer, Efq. and left fix fons and fix daughters; Millicent married to Edward Saunders, Efq. —Dorothy to Paul Rifley, Efq. — Catharine, to Sir Nicholas Parker. — Sufanna, to Sir Thomas Denton. — Mary to John Farmer, Efq-— Elizabeth to William, the firft Vifcount Say and Sele. Of the fons, which were Thomas, George, John, Sir Alexander, William, and Peter; Sir Thomas, the eideft fucceeded, and was created a Ba- ronet. He married Heller, daughter of Miles Sandys, Efq. by whom he had four fons and nine daughters, who lived to be married, and multiplied fo exceedingly, that this Lady, who furvived him, faw feven hundred defcended from her, befides a new generation of marr iageable females, }uft at her death, which is affirmed by Dr. Fuller, in his Worthies of England. Their fons were, Sir Peter, — Sir John, who mar- ried Dorothy, daughter of Edmond Lee — Thomas. — Miles. The daughters were Sufan, married to Sir Edward Clark.— Heller to Sir John Rous, Knt. — Bridget to Sir John Lenthal. — Martha to Sir Thomas Penifton. — Elizabeth to Sir Henry Gibbs. — Catharine to Sir William Aihcomb — Anne to Sir William Andrews. — Margaret, to Sir Edward Longueville. — Millicent to Ogle, Efq. Sir Peter his heir, married firft Anne, daughter of Sir Arthur Throckmorton, by whom he had only two daughters, Anne married to Thomas Roper, Vifcount Baltinglafs; and Martha to Welton Ridgeway, Earl of Londonderry. By his fecond wife, Chriftian, daughter of Sir John Levefon, he had two daughters, Frances and Hefter, and Sir Richard his heir, who married Mary, daughter of - Knap, Efq. and had four fons and fix daughters; whereof twodied young; Chriftian, 3d daughter, was mar- ried to Sir Thomas Lyttleton. — Maria, fir 11 to Dr. Wed, and fecondly to Sir John Langham — Heiter, the fecond daughter, late Countefs Temple. — Penelope to Mofes Be- T 2 renger^ tj6 EARL TEMPLE. renger, Efq. Of the fons, who were Richard, Purbeck, Henry, and Arthur, the three latter died unmarried; and (ift Vifcount ) Richard, was created Baron and Vifcounr Cobham, and to his heirs ; and in default, the dignities of Vifcountefs and Baronefs Cobham to Hefter Grenvile, filler to the faid Richard, Baron of Cobham ; and the dignities of Vifcount Cobham, and Baron Cobham, to the heirs male of her body, lawfully begotten ; and in default, the fame digni- ties to Dame Chriftian Lyttleton, third fifter of the faid Rich- ard, Lord Cobham, and to the heirs male of her body. He married Anne, daughter of Edward Halfey, Efq. but had no iflue by this Lady, who died in March, 1760. And dying on the 13th of September 1749, was fucceeded, purfuant to the limitation , by his eldeft furviving filler, (ift Countefs.) Hester, Vifcountefs Cobham, whom his Majefty, on the 1 8th of Oclober, 1749, was P^afed to cre- ate Countefs Temple, and the dignity of Earl Temple to her heirs male. She married to Richard Grenville of Wotton in Bucks, Efq which Richard, was born the 23d of March, 1678, and dying feb. 17, 1727, left fsx fons and one daughter; Richard the late Earl.— George, born in Oct. 17 12, and died Nov. 13, 1770. He married in r 749, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Wil- liam Wyndham, by whom (who died Dec. 15, 1769) he had ifTue, George, the prefent Earl. 2. Charlotte, born Dec. 34, 1754, married Dec. 21, 1771, to Sir Watkins Williams Wynn, Bart, of Denbyftiire, and left ifTue. 3. Elizabeth, born Oct. 24, 1759, married March 10, 178-1, to Lord Ma- hon, eld eft fon of Earl Stanhope. 4. Hefter, born Nov. 23 r 1760, married May 4, 1782, Mr. Fortefcue, eldeft fon of the prefent Lord Fortefcue. 5. Catharine, born 1 76 1 , mar- ried June 5, 1780, Richard- Aldworth Neville, Efq. of Bil- lingbeare iii Berkfhire, by whom fhe has iflue two fons, born March 2, 1781. 6. Richard Percy, born March 12, 1 75 2, died young. 7. Thomas, in the army, born Dec. 31, 1755, 8. Mary Hefter, born Jan. 19, 1750, died Dec. 16, 1751. 9. William- Wyndham, born Oct. 25, 1759. — Henry, born in April 1 7 1 4, died in May 1 716.- — James, born Feb. 12, 171 5, married Mary, daughter of James Smyth, of Harding in Hertfordfhire, Efq. and by her, who died Dec. 14, 1757* had ifTue two fons, James and Richard.— Henry, born ia 1717, married Oft. II, 1757, Margares, daughter of Jofeph Batiks, Efq. by whom he has a daughter Louifa, born Aug. 30, 1758. — Thomas, born in 17 19, killed in an engage- ment with a French fquadron, May 3,... 1747, -—Hefter, who married EARL of HARCOURT. 277 married In Dec. 1754* William Pitt, late Earl of Chatham, by whom fhe had irTue feveral children, and was created Ba- ronefs Chatham, is now living. And the Countefs their mo* iher dying Oct. 7, 1752, was fucceeded by her eldeft Ton, (ill Earl.) Richard, late Earl Temple* born Sept. 26, 171 1, married May 9, 1737, Anne, daughter and heirefs of Thomas Chambers, Efq. of Hanworth in Middlefex, and by her, who died April 8, 1777, had i/Tue a daughter Eli- zabeth, born Sept. 1, 1738, and died 1742, His Lprdftlip dying Sept. 8, 1779, was fucceeded by his nephew, (2d Earl.) George, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Baron and Vifcount, May 23, 1718; Earl, Oft. 18 1749. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, ar, an eagle difplayed, fable ; fecond and third, argent ; two bars, y« each charged with three martlets, or. [Plate XV il,] His Lordlhip quarters alio the arms of Grenville, viz, on a crofs, argent, five torteaux. Crest.] In a ducal coronet, a martlet clofe, or. Supporters.] On the dexter, a lion party- per-fefs em- battled, or j and gules ; on the finiiler a horfe, argent, pow- dered, with eaglets, fable. Motto-] Tempfa quam dilefita. Temples how delightful. Chief Seats.] At Stow and Wotton, both in Bucks. HARCOURT, EARL of HARCOURT, THE Right Hon. GEORGE SIMON HARCOURT, Earl and Vifcount HAR£OURT, Vifcount Nuneham, Baron Harcourt, fucceeded Simon, the late Earl, Sept. 16, 1777. His Lordlhip was born Aug. 1, 1736, and married Oct. 8, 1765, to Elizabeth, daughter of Lord Vernon. This family is defcended from the ill urinous houfe of the Harcourts in Normandy, who took their title from a place of the fame name within that Duchy, and fiourilhed there long before the Conqueft. Sir William Harcourt married Jane, daughter of Rich- ard, Lord Grey of Codnor, and had two fons; Mr Richard, who married Joan, daughter of Sir William Sharefhull, and died in 1 37 1 . — Sir Thomas married Alice, daughter of John, Lord Grey, of Rotherfield, widow of Sir John de Botetourt, and had Thomas his heir, who married two wives > firfl Joan, daughter of Sir Robert Fraunceys, and had i/Tue Sir Robert, T 3 who 273 EARL of HAR COURT, who married Margaret, daughter of Sir John Byron, and had Sir John his heir, who by Anne his wife, daughter of John Morris, had ifTue Robert Harcourt, who married Ag- nes, daughter of Thomas Lymerick, and had a fon John, who died in his life-time ; and four daughters, his coheirs. Sir Thomas Harcourt, by Elizabeth, his fecond wife, had Sir Simon Harcourt, Knt. who married firft, Eleanor, daughter of Sir Roger Lawkner, by whom he had John ; and by his fecond wife Edith, daughter of Thomas St. C!ere 9 Efq. and widow of Miles StapyUon, Efq. had a fon Chrif- topher, who marrying Joan, daughter and heir of the above- mentioned Miles Stapylton, had ifTue Sir Simon Harcourt, who married Agnes, daughter of Thomas Darel, Efq. and had two fons, Sir John and Edward; and a daughter Flo- rence, married to Robert Cotefmore, Efq. Sir John, the eideft fon, married Mary, daughter of Sir William Barentyne, and had feven fons and nine daughters. Simon, his eideft fen, married firft Mary, daughter of Sir Edward Afton ; and fecondly, Grace, daughter of Humphry Fitzherbert, Efq. widow of William Robinfon, Efq. and thirdly, Jane, filler to Sir John Spencer. By his two laft wives he had no ifTue ; but by his firft, he had fix fons, Wal- ter, John, Robert, Edward, William, and Francis; and two daughters; Jane, married to John Grey, Efq. and Elizabeth, to Richard Chamberlain, Efq. He was fucceeded by his eideft fon Sir Walter, who by Dorothy, daughter of William Robinfon, Efq. above mentioned, had two fons, Robert and Michael; and three daughters; Grace who died young; Eli- zabeth married to Sir William EfTex ; and Elizabeth. Robert, his heir, married firil Elizabeth, daughter of John Fitzherbert, Efq. and fecondly, Frances, daughter of Gefterey Vere, and had iiTue Sir Simon. ^-Francis, who died \inmarried.— Vere, who married Lucy, fole daughter of Sir Roger Thornton, and had three fons, William, Simon, and Benjamin. Sir Robert had alfo three daughters ; Elizabeth, who died an infant; Jane, married to Henry Wroughton ; and Dorothy to Thomas Chetwynd, Efq- Sir Simon, eideft fon of Robert, married Anne, daughter of William, Lord Paget, and by her, who married fecondly Sir William Waller, had a fon, Sir Philip, who died in April 1688, and left ifTue by Anne, daughter of the faid Sir William Waller, a fon (iftiVifcount.) Sir Simon, who was on Ot\, 18, 1710, jnade Keeper of the Great Seal, and created Lord Harcourt. EARL op HARCOURT- 279 In 1721, he was created Vifcount Harcourt; but died on the 29th of July, 1727. This noble Lord had three wives, firft Rebecca, daughter of Thomas Clark, Efq. (and widow of Sir Samuel Aftry) by whom he had three fons, and two daughters; Anne, mar- ried to John Barlow, Efq. of Pembrokeshire, and died Nov. 1733. — Arabella, fecond daughter, was married to Herbert Aubery, Efq. The fons were Simon, Philip, and Walter, of whom the two latter died young. His Lordfhip's fecond wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Spencer, Efq. by whom he had no ifTue ; nor by his third wife, who was Eliza- beth, daughter of Sir Thomas Vernon, and relict of Sir John W alter. Simon, theeldelt fon, married Elizabeth, fifter to Sir John Evelyn, Bart, of Walton in Surry ; which lady died April 6, 1760. His Lordihip dying in 1721, left a fon Simon, and four daughters ; Elizabeth, who died unmarried, Sept. 28, 1765 ; Mary and Anne* who died young ; and Martha mar- ried in April 1744, to George- Venables Vernon, now Lord Vernon, and has ifTue; among whom is the Lady of the pre- fent Earl Harcourt, her coufm. (iftEarl.) Simon, fucceeded his grandfather, and was, on Dec. t, 1749, created Earl and Vifcount Harcourt. His Lordihip married Rebecca, daughter and heirefs of Charles Le Bas, of Pipewell Abbey, in Northamptonshire, Efq. by which Lady, who died Jan. 16, 1765, hehadi/Tue, two fons and two daughters, viz. George-Simon, the prefent Earl — William, born March 20, 1742-3, a Lieutenant Colonel in the army, married Sept. 3, 1778, Mary, daughter of Wil- liam Danby, D. D. and widow of Thomas Lockhart, Efq.— Elizabeth, born Jan. 18, 1739, and married June 20, 1763, to Sir William Lee, Bart, and has ilTue. — Anne, born in June, 1741, who is fince dead. The Earl being unfortunately drowned in a well in his own park, Sept 1777, was fuc- ceeded by his eldeft fon, (2d Earl.) George-Simon, the prefent Earl. Creations ] Baron, Sept. 3, 1711; Vifcount Harcourt, July 24, 1721; Vifcount Nuneham, and Earl of Harcourt, Dec. 1, 1749. Arms ] Gules, two bars, or. [Plate XVII.] Crest.] In a ducal coronet, or, a peacock clofe, proper. Supporters.] Two lions, or, each gorged with two bars, gemel% gules. Motto ] La bon te?nps viendra. Good Times will come. Chief Seats.] At Stanton-Harcourt, Cokethrop, and Nuneham, all in the county of Oxford. T 4 SEYMOUR- EARL of HERTFORD, SEYMOUR-CONWAY, EARL of HERTFORD; THE Right Hon. FRANCIS SEYMOUR-CONWAY, Earl of HERTFORD, Vifcount Beauchamp, Lord Conway, Baron of Ragley, and Baron of Killaltagh in Ireland. An account of this family is given in the Peerage of Ire- land, under the title of Baron Conway. NORTH, EARL of GUILFORD, THE Right Honourable FRANCIS NORTH, Earl of GUILFORD, Lord North and Guilford, was born April 13, 1704, and fucceeded his father in 1729, as Lord Guilford; Oct. 31, 1734, he fucceeded to the title of Lord North by the death of William, Lord North and Grey and on March 8, 1752, was created Earl of Guilford. His Lordlhip married June 16, 1728, Lucy, daughter of George, Earl of Halifax, by which Lady, who died May 7, 1734, he has iflue one fon Frederick, the prefent Lord North, born April i$j 1732; who on the 20th of May, 1756, was mar- ried to Mifs ^peke, of Dillington in Somerfet, by whom he has ifTue, 1. George- Aug uftus, born Sept. 11, 1757. 2. Fran- cis, born Dec. 25, 176 1, died June 8, 1780* 3. Catharine- Anne, born Feb. 16, 1760. 4. Anne, born Jan. 8, 1764. 5. Frederick, born Feb. 7, 1766. 6. Charlotte, born Dec. 1770. 7. Dudley, born May 31, 1777, died j 779. The Earl married feeondly Jan. 1736, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Arthur Kaye, and relidlof George, Lord Vifcount Lewi (ham, el deft fon of William, Earl of Dartmouth, by whom, who died April 21, 1745, he had iifue, Louifa, born March 13, 1737, married Oct. 8, 1761, John Peyto Verney, Lord Willoughby de Broke, by whom ihe has iflue.— Francis, born Feb. 14, 1739, died June 24, 1745.— Auguftus-Francis, born Feb, 1, 1740, died Aug. 24, 1745. — Brownlow, D. D. born July 17, 1741, the prefent Bifhop of Winchefter, who married Jan. 17, 1771, Henrietta, daughter and coheirefs 0 f_ — - Ban n hler, Efq. by whom he has iflue, 1. Henrietta, born Nov. 20, 1771. 2. Francis, born Dec. 19, 1772. 3. France?, born in 1774. 4. Louifa, born 1774. 5. Lucy, born in 1775. 6, Elizabeth, born in 1776. 7. Brownlow, EARL op GUILFORD. 2S1 born 1778. — Charlotte, born Dec. 28, 1743, died March 2, 1748. And his fecond Lady dying April 21, 1745, his Lordfhip married 3 dly, June 13, 1 7 5 1 , Catharine, daugh- ter of Sir Robert Furnefe, and relict of Lewis- Watfon, Earl of Rockingham, which Lady died without iiTue, Dec. 17, 1766. This noble Earl is defcended from Roger North, Efq. who died in the 10th of Edw. IV. and left by Anne, daugh- ter of John Harcourt, Efq. a daughter Ellen, married to John Parker, Efq. and Thomas his heir, who died the 10th of Henry VIL leaving two fons, Thomas; and Roger, who married Chriilian, daughter of Richard Warcup, and dying in 1509, left two daughters; Joan married to William Wii- kinfon, Efq. and Alice to Thomas Burnet, Efq. and a fon (ill Lord North.) Sir Edward North, who was advanced to the dignity of a Baron. He married fir II Alice, daughter of Oliver Squire, Efq. and had two fons, 6ir Roger and Sir Thomas, and two daughters, of whom Chriilian married to William, the third Earl of Worcefter ; and Mary to Henry- Scroop. He married fecondly, Margaret, daughter of Rich- ard Butler, widow fir it of Andrew Fraunces, Efq. fecondly of Robert Chartfey, Efq. and thirdly of Sir David Brooke, by whom he had no iffue. Sir Thomas his fecond fon, mar- ried firft Elizabeth, daughter of Colwell, and widow of Richard Rich, Efq. but Hie dying without iflue, he married fecondly, the widow of Dr. Bridgewater ; by whom he had Edward, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Wren. (2d Lord North.) Sir Roger the eldefl fon, in 1564 fuc- ceeded his father, and died Dec. 3, 1600. He married Wi- nifred, daughter of Robert the firit Lord Rich, widow of Sir Henry Dudley, and had two fons, Sir John and 6ir Henry ; and a daughter Mary, who died unmarried. Sir Henry the younger fon, married Mary, daughter of Richard Knevit, Efq. and had two fons, I. Sir Roger; and 2. Sir Henry. Sir John the eldeit, fon, died in the life-time of his father, June 5, 1597. He married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Va- lentine-Dale, and had iffue, Dudley, — Sir John North.— Roger — Gilbert. — Elizabeth, married to William Horfey, Efq — Jvlary, to Sir Francis Coningfby. (3d Lord North.) Dudley the eideft fon, fbcceeded his grandfather; and marrying Frances, daughter of Sir John Brocket, left two fons, Dudley and John, and two daughters; Elizabeth, who died unmarried ; and Dorothy married to Richard, Lord Dacres, of the South. Of the fons, (4th 282 EARL of GUILFORD. (4th Lord North.) Dudley the eldeft, died June 24, 1627. He married Anne, daughter of Sir Charles Montagu, and by her, who died in 1680, had fourteen children, of whom fix fons and four daughters lived to maturity; Mary, married to Sir William Spring. — Anne, to Robert Foley.— Elizabeth, firft to Sir Robert Wifeman, and fecondly, to Wil- liam, Earl of Yarmouth. — Chriftian, to Sir George Wynieve. The fons were Charles, Francis, Sir Dudley, John, Monta- gu, and Roger ; the 5th married a daughter of Sir Robert Geers ; John died Matter of Trinity- College in Cambridge ; Sir Dudley was a merchant in London, and feated at Glen- ham-hall in Suffolk : He married Anne, daughter of Sir Robert Cann, widow of Sir Robert Gunning, and by her was father of another Dudley North, who married Catharine, daughter of Elihu Yale, Efq. and dying on the 4th of Feb. 1730, by her left two fons; Dudley, married to Barbara Herbert, daughter of Thomas the 8th Earl of Pembroke, who had a daughter married July 19, 1737, to Nicholas Her- bert, Efq, uncle to the Earl of Pembroke ; Roger ; and two daughters; Anne; and Mary, the wife of Sir Henry Le- ftrange. (5th Lord North, and lit Lord Grey.) Charles, the el- der! of the faid fix fons, married Catharine, daughter of William, Lord Grey of Wark, widow of Sir Edward Mofiey, and was fummoned to Parliament, by the title of Lord Grey, the 25th of Charles II. and had illue, two fons, (6th Lord North, and 2d Lord Grey.) William, Lord NORTH and GREY ; and Charles, who died unmarried ; but William, married Mary-Margaretta, daughter of Mon- Jfieur Elmeet, and dying without illue, the title of Lord Grey was extinct ; his Lady married Patrick, Lord Elibank (ift Lord Guilford.) Francis, the fecond fon of Dudley, the fourth Lord, was, on Dec. 12, 1682, made Lord Keep- er of the Great Seal, and was, in 1683, created Lord Guil- ford, and died on the 5 th of Sept. 1615. He married Fran- ces Pope, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Down, ar.d had three fons, Francis, his heir. — Charles, who died on the 10th of December, 1714, unmarried — Pope, who died an infant ; and two daughters ; Anne, who died unmarried ; and Fran- ces, who died 3*1 infant. (2d Lord Guilford.) Francis fucceeded his father. He married firft Elizabeth* third daughter of Fulk Grevile, the fifth Lord Brooke, but by her had no iffue ; 2dly, Alice, daughter and coheir of Sir John Brown low, by whom he had three fons, and one daughter; Francis, now Earl. — Brown - low EARL CORN WALL IS. 283 low and Peregrine, who both died infants ; and Alice, who died unmarried. His Lordfhip died Oft. 17, 1729. (7th Lord North, 3d Lord Guilford, ift Earl of Guilford.) Francis, fucceeded his father as Lord Guilford, and was created Earl of Guilford. Creations.] Baron North of Kirtling in the county of Cambridge, by writ of fummons to Parliament, Feb, 17, 1553, *• Mary; and Baron Guilford, by letters patent, Sept. 27, 1683, 25 Car. II. and Earl of Guilford, March 8> 1752- Arms.] Azure, a lion paflant, or, between three fleurs« de lis, argent. [Plate XV "II.] Crest.] On a wreath, a dragon's head erafed, fable ; fcaled, ducally gorged and chained, or, Supporters.] Two dragons, fcaled, ducally gorged and chained, cr, winged, fable. Motto.] Animo fcf fide. By Faith and Courage. And alfo, La njeriue eft la feule nobleffe. Virtue is the Soul of Nobility. Chief Seats.] At Kirtlage, in Cambridgeshire; at Dur» dans, in Surry; and at Wroxton-Abby, in Oxfordshire. CORNWALLIS, EARL CORNWALLIS, THE Right Hon. CHARLES CORNWALLIS, Earl CORNWALLIS, Vifcount Broome, Lord Corn wal lis of Eye, and a Baronet, born Dec. 31, 1738, and fucceeded his father, the late Earl, June 23, 1762. He married July 14, 1768, Jemima Tulekins, daughter of James Jones, Efq. by whom (who died Feb. 14, 1779) ne na ^ i^ue, Mary, born. July 18, 1769.— Charles, Vifcount Broome, born Ocl. 22, J 774- Of this family, which hath long been of good repute, was John Cornwallis, who in 1377, the ift of Richard II. was Sheriff of London, and had a fon John, who fucceeded him, and marrying Philippa, daughter of Robert Buxton, of Suf- folk, Efq. fettled at Broome, which ftill continues the chief refidence of this family. He was fucceeded in 1436, by Thomas, his fon, who married the daughter and coheir to Edward Tyrrel, and by her had a fon William, who marrying Elizabeth, daughter of John Stimford, by her had Sir John ; and Thomas, who was Archdeacon of Norwich. Sir John, who fucceeded in 1520, married Mary, daughter of Edward Syliard, e34 EARL CORNWALLIS, Syliard, Efq. and by her had Sir Thomas, his heir, who married Anne, daughter of Sir John Jernegan, and had iiTue Sir William, who married firft Lucy, daughter of John Nevil, Lord Latimer, and had Thomas, who died without iiTue, and four daughters ; and Sir William their father, marrying to his fecond wife, Jane, daughter of Henry Hercules Mewtas, Efq. by her had, (lit Lord.) Frederick, his heir who by King Char. IL was created a Barrtn. By Elizabeth, his firft wife, daughter of Sir John Afhburnham. he had three fons, Charles, his heir. — Frederick. — George; and a daughter, Henrietta- Maria, who died unmarried ; and, by his fecond wife, Eliza- beth, daughter of Sir Henry Crofts, he had a daughter Jane, who was married to William Duncomb. (2d Lord.) Charles, who in j 66 i fucceeded, married Margaret, daughter of Thomas Piayfted, Efq. and died in 1673. ^ e nac * iffue, Frederick. — Nathaniel, who both died infants. — Charles, his heir. — Frederick, who died without 5flue.— William, who died unmarried.— Thomas, who died in Dec. 173 1, without ifTue. — ^Jame% who died an infant.— v George, who died at Turin. Anne. — Elizabeth. — Hen- rietta Maria, who all died unmarried. (3d Lord.) Charles, married to his firft wife Elizabeth, eldeft daughter of Sir Stephen Fox, and by her had four fons ; and by his fecond (whom he married in 1688) who was Anne, Duchefs of Monmouth and Buccleugh, widow of James, Duke of Monmouth, he had one fon, George, who died young; and two daughters; Anne, who died young; and Ifabelia, who died in 1748. The fons, by the firft wife, were, (4th Lord.) Charles, William, Jame% and John ; the eldeit fucceeded his father; and he marrying June 1, 1699, Charlotte, daughter of Richard Butler, Earl of Arran, by her had nine Ions and three daughters; Charles, the late Earl, born March 29, 1700. — James, born Sept. 16, J701, died May 28, 1727, in the navy. — Stephen, born December 23, 1703, married Mrs. Pearfon, and died in May, 1743. — John, born December 23, 1706, married Mifs Dale, by whom he had, 1. John, who died young. 2. Chanotte, who died young. 3. Mary, who died young. 4. Sarah, married to the Rev. Mr. Earl. — Richard, born Sept. 17, 1708, died in Feb. 1741, unmarried. — Edward, born Feb. 22, 1713, married March 17, 1753, Mary, daughter of Charles, late Vifcount Townfend, by his fecond wife Doro- thy, filter to Sir Robert Walpole, firft Earl of Orford, who 4ki EARL CORNWALLIS. 285 died without iffue, Dec. 29, 1776; and he died Jan. 14, 1776, Governor of Gibraltar, and a General in the army. — Frede- rick, (a twin with Edward) late Archbifhop of Canterbury : He married Feb. 8, 1759, Caroline, grandaughter of Charles, late Vifcount Town fen 4 — William, born March 12, 1714* deceafed unmarried. — Henry, born May 22, 1715, deceafed unmarried. — Charlotte, died young. — 'Elizabeth, died an infant. — Mary, died unmarried in July 1756. His Lordlhip died fan. 20, 1722, and was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (5th Lord, ill Earl.) Charles, who, in Nov. 1722, mar- rying Elizabeth, eldeil daughter of Charles, Vifcount Town- fend, by his fir It wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, Lord Pelham, by her had iffue four fons ; Charles, now Earl Corn- wallis. — iiarry, born Sept. 10, 1740, and died in April, 1761, — James, D. D. born Feb. 25, 1742, the prefent Bifhop of Litchfield and Coventry, married April 30, 1771, Catharine, daughter of Gilfridus Mann, Efq. of Kent, by whom he had^ iffue, a fon, born March, 1780. — William, born Feb. 20, 1743, a Captain in the navy. And three daughters ; Eliza- beth, married in 1753, to Bowen Southwell, Efq. of Ireland. —Charlotte, married April 8, 1756, to the Rev. Spencer Madan, by whom me has iffue. — Mary, married Aug. 13, 1769, to Samuel Whitbread, Efq. and died Dec. 27, 1770. His Lordlhip, on June 30, 1753, was created an Earl and Vifcount; and dying June 23, 1 762, was fucceeded by (6th Lord, 2d Earl.) Charles, his eidell fon. Creations] Baron Cornwallis of Eye in Suffolk, by let- ters patent, April 20, 1661, 13 Car. II. Vifcount Broome, in the county of Suffolk* and Earl Cornwallis, June 30, 1753, 27 Geo. II. Arms.] Sable, goutte, d'eau, on a fefs, argent, three Cornifh choughs, proper. [P/ate XVII. ] Crest.] On a wreath, a mount, nterfa and thereon a Hag lodged, argent, attired, or, having about his neck a garland of laurel, proper. Supporters.] Two flags attired and gorged, argent. Motto.] Virtus ^vinclt invidiam. Virtue overcorneth Envy. Chief Seats.] At Broome in Suffolk; and at Culford- hail in the lame county. YCRKE C 28S ) YORKE, EARL of HARDWICKE* THE Right Hon, PHILIP YORKE, Earl of HARD- WICKE, Vifcount Royfton, Lord Hardwicke, Baron Hardwicke, fucceeded his father, the late Earl, March 6, 1764. He married May 22, 1740, Jemima Campbell, Mar- chioness Grey, only daughter of John, late Earl of Bread- slbane, by Amabel Grey, eldeft daughter of Henry de Grey, Duke of Kent, by whom he has ifTue, Amabel la, born Feb. 8, 1751, married July 16, 1772, Alexander, Lord Polworth, cldefl fon of the Earl of Marchmont of Scotland, who was created Lord Hume of Berwick ; but dying without ifTue, March 1781, the title became extinc~l. — Mary-Jemima, born Feb. 26, 1756, married Aug. 17, 1780, the- prefent Lord Grantham, and has ifTue. Philip, the late Earl, was, on October 31, 1733, made Lord Chief-Juflice of England, created a Baron ; and in Fe- bruary, 1737, was made Lord High Chancellor, and in 17541 created Earl of Hardwicke. His Lordfhip married Margaret, daughter of Charles Cocks of Worceller, Efq. and of Mary his wife, eldeft filter to the Lord Chancellor Somers, by whom he had ifTue, Philip, now Earl of Hardwicke. — Charles, appointed Lord Chancellor, on Jan. 17, 1770, and created a Peer, by the title of Baron Morden ; but dying fuddenly on the 22d of the fame month, before his Patent pa fled the Seal, it did not take effect : He married May 19, 175 5 , Catharine, only daughter of the Rev. Dr. William Freeman, of Hertford fliire, and by her, who died July 10, 1759, had Philip, born May 29, 1757, married July 24, 1782, Elizabeth, daughter of the late Earl of Balcarras of Scotland. 2. Margaret, who died young j as did, 3. Catharine. He married, 2dly, Dec. 25, 1762, Agnetta, daughter of Johnfon, Efq. of Berkhampfted, Hertford (hire, by whom he had ifTue, 4. Charles-Philip, born March 14, 1764; and 5. Caroline, born, Aug. 29, 1765. — Sir Jofeph, a Knight of the Bath, a General in the army, and lately AmbafTador at the Hague, married June 22, 1783, the Dowager Baroneis de Boetzelaer, widow of the late Baron de Boetzelaer, formerly hrft Noble of the Province of Holland.- — John, born Aug. 27, 1728, married Elizabeth, daughter of Reginald Lygon, Efq. of Worcefler- mire, by whom he has ifTue, a daughter jemima, born June 5, 1763.— James, D. D. the prefent Bifhop of Ely, married June 29, 1762, Mary, daughter of Dr. Ifaac Madox, Bi- EARL of DARLINGTON. 287 mop of Worceiter, by whom he has iflue, 1. Charles, born May 14, 1764. 2. Jofeph, born in 1765. 3. James, born uly 27, 1766. 4, Margaret, born June ri, 1763.— Eliza- eth, married to George, late Lord Anfon, died June 1, 1 760. — Margaret, married in June, 1749, to Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart, of Rutlandshire, and died Aug. 19, 1769. His Lordfliip departed this life, March 6, 1764, and was fucceeded by (2d Earl.) Philip, now Earl of Hardwicke. Creations.] Created Baron Hardwicke in the county of Gloucefter, Nov. 23, 173^ ; and Vifcount Royfton in the county of Cambridge, and Earl of Hardwicke, April 2, 1754. Arms.] Argent, a faltire, azure, with a bezant in the center. [Plate XVIII.] Crest.] On a wreath, a lion's head erafed, proper-, col- lared, gules ; charged with a bezant. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion guardant, or ; collared, gules ; charged with a bezant. On the fmifter fide, a flag, proper, attired and unguled, or; and collared in like manner. Motto.] Nec cupias, nee metuas. Neither Defire nor Fear. Chief Seats.] At Hardwicke, in the county of Glou- cefter ; at Wimple in Cambridgefhire ; and at Wreft houfe, in Bedfordihire* VANE, EARL of DARLINGTON. THE Right Hon. HENRY VANE, Earl of DAR- LINGTON, Vifcount and Baron Barnard of Barnard- caftle, in the Bifhoprick of Durham, fucceeded his father, Henry, the late Earl, who died March 6, 1758. His Lord ihip, March 10, 1757, married Margaret Lowther, fifter to Sir James Lowther, Bart, by whom he had two daughters,. Grace, born Dec. 3, 1757; and Elizabeth, born April 28, 1759, both of whom died young ; and a fon, Vifcount Bar- nard, born July 27, 1766. John Vane married Joan, daughter and coheir to Edward Hault, and had i/Tue two fons, Henry and Richard, from which Richard is defcended the prefent Earl of WEST- MORELAND ; and from Henry the eldeft, defcended Sir Henry Vane, Knt. who left two fons, Henry and George. Henry, the eldeft, was beheaded on Tower-hill, June 14^ $m EARL of DARLINGTON. (ill Lord.) Sir Christopher, his fon, was created aEt- ron, 1699, and dying October 28, 1723, left by Elizabeth* daughter of Gilbert Holies, Earl of Clare, and filter to John* Duke of Newcaitle, two fons, and a daughter Grace ; befide two fons and three daughters, who all died young. Of the fons, William the youngeft was created Vifcount VANE, in Ireland ; and (2d Lord.) Gilbert, the eldeft, who was Lord Barnard* marrying Mary, daughter of Morgan Randle, Efq. by her, who died on the 4th of Auguft, 1728, had fix fons and three daughters ; Henry, who fucceeded him. — Morgan, who married Margaretta, daughter of Robert Knight, Efq. and fhe dying in May, 1739, left a fon, Morgan Vane, who on July 4, 1760, married Mifs Upton, and fecondly, Mifs Fow- ler, who died July 11, 1771, without i flue. — Thomas, died unmarried, on Feb. 19, 1758. — Gilbert, died Odl. 28, 1772. — Randle, deceafed. —Charles, married Feb. 15, 1776, Mifs Wood. — Anne, died at Bath March 26, 1736.— -Elizabeth, married in Oct. 1732, to Sir William Humble, and died, Feb. 22, 1770, aged 57. — Jane, married to Thomas Staun- ton, Efq. His Lordlhip dying April 27, 1735, was fucceed- ed by (3d Lord and ift Earl.) Henry, who married in 172c;, Grace, daughter of Charles, Duke of Cleveland; and by her, who died Sept. 29, 1763, had three fons ; Henry, who fucceeded him. — Frederick, born June 26, 1732, married Harriet, fitter to Sir William Meredith — Raby, born Jan. 2, 1736, married in April, 1763, to Mifs Eyres, and died October 23, ij6g. Alfo three daughters; Anne, married iirft to Charles Hope Weir, Efq. 2 in the Biihoprick of Dur- ham. BELASYSE, EARL FAUCONBERG. THE Right Hon. HENRY BELASYSE, Earl FAU- CONBERG, Vifcount Belafyfe, and Baron Faucon- berg, one of the Lords of his Majefty's Bed- Chamber, Lord Lieutenant of the North-Riding of Yorkftiire, and Colonel of the North- Riding Regiment of Foot, raifed the 1 8th of Nov. 1779; fucceeded his father, the late Earl, in February* 1744. His Lordfhip was born April 13, 1742, and married May 29, 1766, Charlotte, only daughter of the late Sir Mat- thew Lamb, Bart, and filler to Lord Vifcount Melburne, by whom he has iffue, Charlotte, born Jan. 20, 1767. — Anne, born Dec. 27, 1767. — Elizabeth, born Jan. 17, 1769. — Har- riet, born April 21, 1776. This family is defcended from Bellasit/s> a Norman Knight, who came into England with William the Con- queror, and was commander in his army. Sir William Bellaflife married Margaret, daughter of Sir Nicholas Fairfax, and had feveral fons and daughters. He died the 13th of April, 1604. (ill Bart*) Sir Henry, the el deft fon, fucceeded; and on the 22d of May, 161 1, 9 Jac. I. was created a Baronet. He married Urfula, daughter of Sir Thomas Fairfax, and by her had two daughters ; Dorothy, married to Sir Conyers D'Arcy; Mary, to Sir William Lifter ; and (ill Vifcount.) Thomas, his heir, who having been ad- vanced to the dignity of Baron Fauconberg, 3d Charles I* was afterwards created Vifcount Fauconberg. He married Barbara, daughter of Sir Henry Cholmondeley, and had two fons, Henry, and John ; and five daughters; Margaret, was married to SirEdvv. Ofborne.— Mary, to John, Lord D'Arcy. — Barbara, to Sir Henry Slingfby. — -Urfula, to Sir Walter Vavafour.*— Frances, to Sir Thomas Ingram. John the young- eft fon, in the 20th of Charles I. was created Lord Belafyfe. He married firft Jane, daughter and heir to Sir Robert Bote- ler, by whom he had a fon, Sir Henry ; and a daughter Mary, married to Robert, Vifcount Dunbar. His fecond wife was Anne, daughter of Sir Robert Crane ; and his third wife U was 290 EARL FAUCONBERG. was Anne, daughter of John, the 5th Marquis of Winchefler, by whom he had three fons and nine daughters ; the fons, and five of the daughters, died in their infancy. Honora, married to George Nevil, the 10th Lord Abergavenny. — Bar* bara, to Sir John Webb, and died March 28, 1740. — Catha- rine, to John Talbot, Efq.«— Ifabella, to Thomas Stoner, Efq. Henry by the firft wife, fucceeding his father, married firft Rogerfa, daughter of 17 ancis Rogers, Efq. 2dly, Sufan, daugh- ter of Sir William Armine, (created Raronefs Belafyfe, 1674, 26 Charles II. during her life) by whom he had Henry, his heir, who married Anne Brudenel, filter to George, the third Earl of Cardigan ; but dying without ifiue, his honour be- came extindl ; and Die married fecondly, Charles, firft Duke of Richmond. We now return to Henry, elder brother to John the firft Lord Belafyfe, which Henry, dying before his father, left iffue by Grace, daughter of Sir Thomas Barton, four fons and four daugh- ters ; Grace, married to George Saunderfon, Vifc. Caftleton. —-Frances, to Sir Henry Jones. — Arabella, to Sir William Frankland. — Barbara, to Walter Strickland, Efq. And of the fons, who were Thomas, Henry, Sir Rowland, and John ; the latter died young ; the fecond died in his father's life- time ; and the eldeft, (2d Vifcount.) Thomas, in 1652, fucceeded his grandfa- ther ; and April 9, 1691, was created Earl of Fauconberg* He married to his firft wife Mildred, daughter of Nicholas Saunderfon, Vifcount Caftleton ; and to his fecond, Mary, daughter of Oliver Cromwell ; and dying on the 3 1 ft of Dec. 1700, without ifiue male, the title of Earl ceafed, and that of Baron and Vifcount was continued. Sir Rowland, who was brother to the Earl, marrying Anne, eldeft daughter, and at length fole heir to James Da- venport, Efq!, by her had four fons; and two daughters, Anne and Mary. Of the fons, who were Thomas, Henry, John, and Rowland ; the latter married Frances, daughter of Chrif- topher Roper, Lord Teynham ; and the eldeft, (3d Vifcount ) Thomas, fucceeded his uncle in the titles of Baron and Vifcount Fauconberg. He married Bridget, daughter of Sir John Gage, and by her, who died in Nov. 1732, had four fons and three daughters; Mary, married to John Pitt, Efq. brother to the Earl of Londonderry, in Ire- land ; Anne and Penelope, both deceafed young. And of the fons, who were Thomas ; Henry, and Rowland, who died infants; and John, who died unmarried, 1768. The dtdeft, ( 4 th EARL of ILCHESTER. 291 (4th Vifcount, lit Earl.) Thomas who was born, April 27, 1699, on the 26th of November, 1718, fucceeded his Father; and in 1756, was created an Earl. On Auguft 5, 1726, he married Catharine, daughter of John Beetham, of Rowington in the county of Warwick, and by her, who died May 30, 1760, had iifue Thomas, who died an infant; another Thomas, born June 29, 1740, died in 1750. — Hen- ry, the prefent Earl. And four daughters; Catharine. — Bar- bara, married in April 1752, to George Barnewell, Efq. bro- ther to Vifcount King/land, and died 1761. — Mary, married July 23, 1776, Thomas Eyre, of Haffop, in Derby, Efq, — Anne, married on April 20, 1 761 , to Francis Talbot, brother to the Earl of Shrewfbury, and died in 1768, leaving ilfue. And his Lordfhip deceafxng in February, 1774, was fucceeded by his third and only furviving fon, (2d Earl.) Henry, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Created Baron, May 2£ f 1627; Vifcount, Jan. 31, 1684 ; and Earl, June 15, 1756. Arms.] Quarterly, Rril and fourth, argent ; a chevron, gules, between three fleurs-de-lis, azure; fecond and third, argent, a pale ingrailed between two pallets plain, fable, [Plate XVKI.] Crest.] On a wreath, a lion couchant, guardant, azure* Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a buck holding in his mouth a branch of oak frucled, all proper ; on the n*ni- Her an unicorn, azure, armed, crefled, and unguled, or. Motto.] Bonne t$ belle a fez* Good and handfome enough. Chief Seats.] At Newborough-hall, in Yorklhire; and at Sutton in Chefhire. STRANGWAYS, EARL of ILCHESTER. THE Right Hon. HENRY-THOMAS STRANG- WAYS, Eari of ILCHESTER, Lord Ilchefter and Stavordale, Baron Strangways of Woodford Strangways, Ba- ron of Redlynch, was born Aug. 10, 1747, and fucceeded his father, the late Earl, Sept. 29, 1776, He married Aug, 20, 1772, Mary-Terefa, daughter of Standifh Grady, Efq. by whom he has had two daughters, Elizabeth-Terefa, born Nov. 2 3> 1773 ; anc * Mary-Lucy ; and one fon, the late Lord Sta- vordale, who died April 7, 1777. U 2 William tgz E A 0 R L of I L C H E S T E R, William Fox, of Farley in Wilts, married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Pavey, by whom he left two fons. John the eldeft, by Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Smart, had John, his eldeft fon (who left an only fon Stephen, who died in 1699, unmarried) and four daughters ; Mary married to Edward Thornberrow ; Elizabeth to Thomas Dunkley ; Mar- garet to Sackville Whittle ; and Jane to Richard Ridge. Sir Stephen, the youngeft fon, in 1651, married Eliza- beth, only daughter of Mr. William Whittle, by whom he had feven fons and three daughters, all which fons died young excepting Charles, who married Elizabeth, only daughter of William Trollop, by whom he had no iflue, and died in 17 13. Of the three daughters, Margaret, died young.— Elizabeth was married in 1673, to Charles, Lord Cornwallis. —-Jane was married in 1685, to George, Earl of North- ampton, and died in 1721. Sir Stephen Fox married fe- condly in 1703, Chriftian, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Charleg Hope, by whom he had four children ; two fons, and two daughters ; one of whom died young by an accidental fall from a window ; and Charlotte, the other filler, was married to Edward Digby, fon of William, Lord Digby; Henry, the youngeft fon, was created Lord Holland. ( 1 ft Lord and Earl.) Stephen, the eldeft furviving fon of Sir Stephen, was created Baron of Uchefter in Somerfet- Ihire, and Baron Strangways, of Woodford- Strangways, in Dorfetfhire, May 11, 174 1, 14 George II. and Lord Uchef- ter of Stavordale, and Baron of Redlynch in the county of Somerfet, with remainder to Henry Fox, his brother, Jan. 3, 1747, 20 Geo. II. and was created Earl of Uchefter, June 5, 1756. He married in March 1736, Elizabeth, only daugh- ter and hebcfs of Thomas Strangways Horner, of Wells in the county of Somerfet, Efq. and took the name of Strang- ways. He had iftue three fons and fix daughters, viz. Hen- ry-Thomas, the prefent Earl. — Stephen-Strangways-Digby, born Dec. 3, 1 75 1 , in the army. — Charles-Redlynch, born April 27, 1 76 1. — Sufannah-Sarah-Louifa, born Feb. 1, 1743, and married March 7, 1764, to William Obrien, Efq. — Charlotte-Elizabeth, died young. — Juliana-Judith, died young.-— Lucy, born Dec. 15, 1748, married Oft. 1, 1771, to Stephen Digby, brother of Lord Digby, by whom me has three fens. — Chriftian-Henrietta-Carolina, born Jan. 3, 1750, married to John Dyke Acland, Efq. and died Nov. 15, 1778, having had three daughters; and a fon John, born at Nevr- York, Feb. 1778.— Frances-Muriel, born Aug. 1755, married Aug. 24, 1777, t° Sir Valentine-Richard Quin, Bart, of Ire, land. EARL DE LA WAR. 293 land. HisLordfhip deceafing Sept. 29, 1776, was fucceeded by his Ton (2d Earl.) Henry-Thomas, the pre fen t Earl. Creations.] Earl of Ilchefter, June 5, 1756, the reft as above. Arms.] Ermine on a chevron, azure, three foxes heads, erafed, or; and in a canton, azure, a fleur-de-lis, or. Crest.] On a chapeau, azure, turned up, ermine, a fox, fejant, or. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a fox, ermine; frettee, or; on a collar dovetail, azure, three fleurs-de-lis of the fe- cond. On the finifter fide, a fox, proper, collared in like manner. Motto.] F aire fans dire. To aft without boafting. Chief Seat.] At Redlynch, near Bruton, in Somerfet* {hire. WEST, EARL DE LA WAR. THE Right Hon. JOHN-RICHARD WEST, Eari DE LA WAR, Vifcount Cantalupe, Baron De La War, and Lord Weft, born July 18, 1758, and fucceeded his brother, Jan. 1783. He married April 22, 1783, Mifs Lyell. Sir Thomas de Weft, in the 17th of Edward II. ferved in Parliament as one of the Knights for the county of War- wick ; and in the 16th of Edward III. he had fummons to Parliament among the Peers of the realm. He married Eleanor, daughter and heir to Sir John Can- talupe, and by her had Sir Thomas de Weft, who married Alice, fifter to Lucy Fitz-Herbert, and was fucceeded by Sir Thomas his fon ; who married Joan, daughter of Roger, Lord De La War, and was father of another Sir Thomas, who in 1405, fucceeded him, and died without iiTue. (ift Lord.) Sir Reginald his brother, became heir, and 5th of Hen. VI. was fummoned to Parliament as Lord De La War. He married Margaret, daughter of Robert Thor- ley, and left iiTue a daughter Elizabeth, married to William, Earl of Nottingham ; and (2d Lord.) Richard his heir, who died March 10, 16th of Edward IV. leaving iiTue by Catharine, daughter of Ro- bert, Lord Hungerford, a fon and heir, v 1 ($4 Z94 EARL DE LA WAR, (3d Lord.) Thomas, who married firil Elizabeth, fifler to John Mortimer, and had iflue two fons and four daugh- ters; fecondly, Eleanor, daughter of Sir Roger Copley, by whom he had three fons; Owen, George, and Leonard; and three daughters ; Anne, married to Sir Anthony St. Amand. — Barbara, to Sir John Guilford —Catharine. Of the daughters by the firft wife, Dorothy was married to Sir Henry Owen.— Elizabeth to Charles, Earl of Worcefter.— Anne to Thomas, Lord Clinton.— Eleanor to Sir Edward Guilford. And of the fons, William died without iflue ; and (4th Lord.) Thomas, the eldeft, fucceeded his father; tut dying 061. g, 1554, without iflue, William, fon of hit brother George, became his heir. (5th Lord.) William, who fucceeded his uncle, mar- Tying Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Strange, by her had a daughter Jane, married to Sir Richard Wenman. (6th Lord.) Thomas, his fon, married Anne, daughter of ^Sir Francis Knolles, and by her had two fons and fix daughters, Lucy, Catharine, Eleanor, Anne, Penelope, and ^Elizabeth ; the eldefi: was married to Henry Ludiow, Efq. Eleanor to Sir William Savage ; Anne to John Pellet, Efq. and Penelope to Herbert Pelham, Efq. And of the fons, who were Robert and Thomas ; the elder!, (7th Lord.) Robert, marrying Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Henry Cock, Knt. and dying without iflue, (8th Lord.) Thomas, his brother, became heir, and mar« Tied Cicely, daughter of Sir Thomas Shirley, and had Henry his heir, and fix daughters ; Jane, Elizabeth, Anne, Cicely, Lucy, and Catharine ; and the faid (9th Lcrd.) Henry, marrying Ifabel, daughter of Sir Thomas Edmonds, by her had a fon Charles, and two daugh- ters ; Elizabeth married to Francis Bin lofs, Efq. and Mary to the Reverend Mr. Orme ; and (10th Lord.) Charles, their brother, fucceeding his fa- ther, and taking to wife Anne, daughter of John Wild, Efq. by her had three fons and two daughters ; Cicely, who was jnarried to Dr. Beau, Bifhop of Hereford; and Anna-So- phia, who died unmarried. And of the fons, who were Charles, Horatio, and John ; the fecond died unmarried ; and the eldefi, (uthLord.) Charles, fucceeded his; father ; but dy- ing without i/Tue, (12th Lord.) John, his brother, became his heir; and dying on the 26th of May, 1723, left iffue by Margaret, daughter of John Freeman, of London, merchant, John, his fucceflbr; EARL D £ LA WAR. 295 fucceflbr; and a daughter Elizabeth, who in Augufi: 1724, was married to Thomas Digges, late of Chilham-Caftle in Kent, Efq. and had two fons, Weft and Dudley. (13th Lord, ill Earl.) John, who fucceeded his father, was born April 4, 1693, and was created Vifcount Canta- lupe and Earl De La War. In 1721, marrying Charlotte Maccarty, daughter of Donagh, Earl of Clancarty, by her, who died Feb. 7, 1735, ^ ue » J onn > his fuccelTor. — Henrietta-Cecilia, born in 1730, and married in 1762, to Gen. Johnfon. — Charlotte, born Sept. 2, 1725, died young. —Diana, born in 1731, married Nov. 9, 1756, to General Clavering, and died in May 1776. — George, born in 1733, who, on Feb. 24, 1764, married Mary Grey, daughter of the Earl of Stamford, (who died March 1, 1783) and died in 1776. His Lordlhip in June, 1744, married to his fecond wife the Dowager Lady Abergavenny, who died in July, 1748, leaving no iflue. His Lord/hip deceafing on March 16, 1766, was fucceeded by (2d Earl.) John, his cldeft fon, born in 1729, married Aug. 8, 1756, Mary, daughter of Lieutenant-General John Whynyard, by whom he had iiTue ; William- A uguftus, the late Earl, born in 1757, who died 1783. — John-Richard, the prefentEarl, born July 28, 1758, an officer in the army. — Frances, born Sept. 24, 1759, and died unmarried, June 17,1777. — Thomas Holies, born Sept. 27, 1760. — Char- lotte, born Dec. 13, 1761. — George, born Dec. 31, 1762, and died in 1777.— A uguftus, born 1764, died young.-— Septimus-Henry, born Nov. 11, 1765. — Amelia, died in March 1770. — Georgina. His Lordfhip died Nov. 22, 1777, and was fucceeded by his fon, (3d Earl.) William-Augustus, born April 24, 1757, who dying unmarried in Jan. 1783, was fucceeded by his next brother, (4th Earl.) JoHN-Richard, the prefent Earl, Creations.] Baron De La War, by writ, June 8, 1294; Baron Weft, Feb. 25, 1342; Vifcount and Earl, March 21, 1761. Arms.] Argent, a fefs dancette, fable. [Plate XVIII.} Crest.] In a ducal coronet, or, a gryphon's head azure; cars and beak of the firft. Supporters.] On the dexter fide* a wolf, coward, argent ; his plain collar, or. On the finifter, a cockatrice of the Jc~ cond, his wings difplayed, gules and or. Motto.] Jour de ma vie. The Day of my Life. Chief Seat.] At Boklerwood, Hants. U4 HENLEY, ( ) HENLEY, EARL of NORTHINGTON. THE Right Honourable ROBERT HENLEY, Earl of NORTHINGTON, Vifcount and Baron Henley of the Grange, in the county of Southampton, Knight of the Thiftle, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, fucceeded his father, chelate Earl, Dec. 14, 1772, born Jan. 3, 1746-7, unmarried. This family has been of long ftanding, great repute and intereft in the Well of England. Andrew Henley, had two fons and two daughters ; Sir Robert Henley, — Geprge. — Joan. — Margery. Sir Robert, the eldeft fon, had three fons, Andrew his heir ; John ; Sir Robert, anceftor of the prefent Earl, who by his wife, the daughter of Sir Edward Hungerford, had Anthony his heir ; Robert, who died Sept. 2, 1758$ and Williemfa, wife of Sir Theodore Janflen, Bart. Anthony, his eldell fon, died in 171 1. He married Mary, daughter of Peregrine Bertie, of Walderlhare in Kent, Efq. fecond fon of Montagu, Earl of Lindfey, and by her had three fons, Anthony his heir ; Robert; and Bertie, who died July 6, 1760. Anthony, the eldeft fon, married Elizabeth, only daugh? ter of James, Earl of Berkeley, but died without iflue. (ift Lord and Earl.) Robert, the fecond fon, on March 27, 1760, was created Lord Henley, and made Lord High Chancellor. On May 19, 1764, he was created Vifcount Henley, and Earl of Northington. In December, 1743, liis Lordlhip married Jane, daughter of Sir John Hufband, pf Ifley in Warwickfhire, by whom he had i/Tue ; Robert and Henry, both died young, — Robert, now Earl of North- ington,— Bridget, bornOcl 2, 1744, married July 29, 1761, Robert Lane, fon of Lord Bingley ; and afterwards, on Dec. 4> 1 77 3> to John Tollemache, fon of the Earl of Dyfart in Ireland, who died 1777, without iflue.— Jane, born July 12, 1750, married Dec. 16, 1772, to Sir Willoughby Af- ton, Bart. — Mary born Sept. 20, 175 1, married Dec. 23, 1772, to the late Earl Ligonier, by whom me had no iflue. —Catharine, born Nov. 11, 1757, married March 17, 1777, to Lord Vifcount Deerhurft, eldeft fon of the Earl of Coven- try, and died Jan 9. 1779 —Elizabeth, born June 10, 1759, married Aug. 7, 1783, to MoltonEden, Efq. His Lordlhipdied pec 14, 1772, and wa^s fucceeded by his eldeft furviving fon, (2d Earl.) Robert, the prefent Earl, ■j Creations. EARL of RADNOR. *g7 Creations.] Created Lord Henley, Baron of Grange, March 27, 1760, 33 Geo. II. Vifcount Henley, and Earl of Northington, May 19, 1764, 4 Geo. III. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, azure, a lion rampant, argent, crowned with a ducal coronet, or, within a border, argent, charged with eight torteaux for Henley; fecond and third, argent, three battering rams, proper, garnifhed azure, for Bertie. {Plate XIX.] Crest.] A demi lion, argent, ducally crowned, gules, and femee of heurts. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion rampant, argent, femee of torteaux and ducally crowned, or. On the finifter* a flag, argent, femee of torteaux, attired, or. Motto.] Sola iff unica virtus. Virtue alone. Chief Seat.] At Grange in the county of Southampton* BOUVERIE, EARL of RADNOR, THE Right Hon. JACOB PLEYDELL-BOUVERIE, Earl of RADNOR, Vifcount Folkeftone, Baron of Longford in Wilts, and Baron Pleydell-Bouverie, of Colefhiii in Berks, born March 4, 1750, fucceeded his father, William, the late Earl, Feb. 1, 1776. He married in July, 1777, Anne, daughter of the late Lord Fever/ham, by whom he has iflue, Mary- Anne, born April 23, 1778.-— William, Vif- count Folkeftone, born May 11, 1779. — Duncombe, bom June 28, 1780.— ?Laurence, born Aug. 6, 1781. — And a daughter born Sept. 1, 1782. The firft of this family, who fettled in England, was Lau« rence des Bouveries, a younger fon of Le Sieur des Bouveries, of the Chateau des Bouveries, near Lille in Flanders. He had an only fon Edward, who died in 1625 ; who alfo had 2 fon Edward, born in 1621, an eminent Turkey merchant in London, who acquired a great fortune, and whofe eldeft fon William, was created a Baronet, Feb. 19, 1713. He mar- ried firft Mary, daughter of James Edwards, Efq. His fe- cond wife was Anne, daughter of David Urry, Efq. by whom he had three fons and two daughters, who furvived him, yiz. Sir Edward, his fucceflbr. — Sir Jacob, who fucceeded his brother, and changed his name by a& of Parliament, from JDes Bouveries to Bowverie*— Chriftopher, who died unmarri- ed. — Jane, married to John Allen Pulfey, Efq. died Jan. \o t 1742,— Anne, died 177 1, unmarried. 2 9 * EARL op RADNOR; Sir William died May 19, 17 17, and his Lady June 5, 1739. Sir Edward married Mary, daughter of John Smith, Efq. and dying without iffue, in November 1736, was fuc- ceeded by his only brother, (ift Vifcount.) Sir Jacob Bouverie, who was created Ba- ron of Longford in the county of Wilts, and Vifcount Folic- ilone in Kent, July 29, 1747. He married firft, Mary, daugh- ter of Bartholomew Clarke, Efq. by whom, who died Nov. 16, 1 739, he had i/Tue ; William the late Earl. — Mary, born April 29, 1726, died unmarried in 1729. — Jacob, born April 3, 1727, died March 15, 173 1 . — Bartholomew, born April 16, 1728, died March 6, 1741. — Anne, born Oct. 7, 1729, married Jan. 31, 1761, Rev. George Talbot, brother of the late Earl Talbot, by whom he had iflue,— Mary. His Lord- fhip married fecondly in April, 1741, Elizabeth, eldelt daugh- ter of Robert, late Lord Romney, by whom, who died SepU 25, 1782, he has had two fons, Jacob, born 1742, who died young; Philip, born Oct. 8, 1745. His Lordfhip departed this life on Jan, 18, 1 76 1 , and was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (2d Vifcount ill Earl.) William Pleydell-Bouverie, born Feb. 17, 1761, who was created Baron Pleydell-Bou- verie of Colemill, Berks, and Earl of Radnor ; and in default of ifiue, the title of Earl of Radnor, to the heirs male of Jacob, Vifcount Folkftone, deceafed. He married firft, Janu- ary 14, 1748, Henrietta, the only child of Sir Mark Stewart Pleydell, of Colemill in Berks, Bart, who left his eflate to his Lordfhip, directing each perfon enjoying the fame to ufe the name of Pleydell-Bouverie. By this Lady, who died May 29, 1750, he had ifTue, Jacob, the prefent Earl. He mar- ried fecondly, Sept. 5, 1751, Rebecca, daughter of John Al- leyne, of Barbadoes, Efq. by which Lady, who died May 4, 1764, he had iffue ; William-Henry, born Oct. 30, 1752, married Aug. 14, 1777, Bridget Douglas, daughter of James, Earl of Morton, and has ifTue ; 1. William-John, born Nov. 2 3> 1 77S. 2. Elizabeth, born Oct. 1, 1780. 3. Charles- James. — Bartholomew, born Oct. 29, 1753, married March 9, 1779, Mary Wyndham, daughter of James Everard Arun- del!, brother to Lord Arundell of Wardour, and has ifTue ; 1. Anne- Maria, born Dec. 9, 1779. 2. Henry- James, born April 17, 1781.- — Younge died an infant.— Edward, born Sept. 20, 1760 ; married May 24, 178 1, Catharine, daugh- ter of the Earl of Dunmore, by whom, who died July 7, 1783, he has a fon born Feb. 11, 1783. — Mary- Henrietta, and Henrietta-Mary, twin?, born June 20, 1755, died infants* He married July 22, 1765, his third wife, Anne, daughter EARL SPENCER. *99 of Sir Thomas Hales, Bart, and widow of Anthony, Lord Feverfham, mother of the prefent Earl's Lady, and by her had iflue, Mary-Elizabeth, born May 25, 1766, and died July 5, following. — Caroline, who died April 12, 1772. And his Lordfhip deceafing Feb 1, 1776, was fucceeded by his fon, (2d Earl.) Jacob, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Created Baron Feb. 19, 1714; and Baron of Longford in the county of Wilts ; alfo Vifcount Folkftone in the county of Kent, June 29, 1747; Baron Pleydell-Bou- yerie, of Colefhill, Berks, and Earl cf Radnor, Sept. 28, 1765. Arms.] Quarterly, firll and fourth, party-per-fefs, or, and argent, an eagle difplayed, with two heads, fable, for Bouverie, by Englifh grant ; fecond and third, gules, a bend, vaire, being the original arms of Des Bouveries. [Plate XIX.] Crest.] On a wreath, a demi eagle difplayed, fablei beaked and ducally gorged, or ; on his breaft a crofs croflet, argent. Supporters.] On each fide, an eagle reguardant, fable, gorged with a ducal coronet, charged on the breait with a crofs crollet, argent. * Motto.] Patria cara, Carior Libertas. My Country is dear, but my Liberty is dearer. Chief Seat.] At Longford, near Salilhury, in WiJtfhire, SPENCER, EARL SPENCER. HE Right Hon. JOHN SPENCER, Earl SPENCER, A Vifcount Spencer and Althorpe, and Baron Spencer of Althorpe, in the county of Northampton, was born Dec. 6, 1734, and created Vifcount Spencer and Baron of Althorpe, April 3, 1 76 1, and advanced to the dignities of Vifcount Althorpe and Earl Spencer, Oct. 5, 1765. He married Dec. 27, 1755, Georgina, eldeft daughter of Stephen Pointz, Efq, by whom he has had ifTue ; George-John, Vifcount Althorpe t born Sept. 1, 1758, married March 5, 178.1, Mifs Bingham, daughter of Lord Lucan of Ireland, by whom he has iffue, a fon born May, 1782.— Georgina, born June 7, 1757, who in June, 1774, married William Cavendifh, Duke of De- vonshire. — -Henrietta-Frances, born June 16, 17.61, married Nov. 23, 1780, William, Vifcount Duncannon, fon of the Earl of Belborough of Ireland, and has ifTue. — Charlotte, born jeo EARL of CHATHAM, Charlotte, born Aug. 25, 1765. — Louifa born April 2, 1769* died April 24, following. His Lord/hip's father, John Spencer, was the fourth fon of Charles, Earl of Sunderland, by Anne Churchill, fecond daughter and coheirefs of John, the great Duke of Marlbo- rough. [See Spencer, Duke of Marlborough.'] He was mar- ried Feb. 14, 1734, to Georgina. Carolina, third daughter of the late Earl of Granville, and by her had iflue ; John, now Earl Spencer. — Diana, born May, 173 1, who died young. John Spencer dying June 10, 1746, his widow married May 1, 1750, William, late Earl Cowper, and died Auguft 19, 1780. Creations.] Vifcount Spencer, and Baron of Althorpe, April 3, 1 76 1, and advanced to the dignities of Vifcount Althorpe and Earl Spencer, Oft. 5. 1765. Arms.] Quarterly, the firft grand quarter ; quarterly, ar- gent and gules, in the fecond and third, a frett, or : over all a bend fable, charged with three efcallops, argent, for Spen- cer ; fecond and third grand quarter, fable, a lion rampant, argent, in a canton of the laft, a crofs, gules, for ChurchilL [Plate XIX,] Crest.] Out of a ducal coronet, or, a gryphon's -head between two wings, argent, collared gemelly, gules. Supporters ] On the dexter fide, a gryphon, per-fefg ermine and erminois ; and on the finifter, a wyvern, ermine, their wings ereft, each gorged with a collar fleury counter- fleury and chained, fable, and on the collars three efcallops, argent* Motto.] Dieu defend le droit. God defends the Right. Chief Seats.] At Althorpe, Northamptonshire j and at Wimbledon and Batterfea, in Surry. PITT, EARL of CHATHAM. THE Right Hon. WILLIAM PITT, Earl of CHAT, HAM, Vifcount Pitt of BurtQn-Pynfent, in the county of Somerfet, fucceeded his father, the late Earl, May 11, 1778, was born Odl. 9, 1756, married July 9, 17S3, Mary- Eiizabeth, daughter of the prefent Lord Sydney. Thomas Pitt, Efq. grandfather of the late Earl of ChaU ham, married Jane, daughter of James Innes, Efq. of Reid- hall, in Scotland, by whom he had iflue ; Robert, father of the late Earl of Chatham, ---Thomas, created Earl of London- derry EARL or CHATHAM. 3 oi derry in Ireland, who married Frances, daughter of Robert Ridgeway, Earl of Londonderry, by whom he had two fons and a daughter; i. Thomas. 2. Ridgeway, who both fucceeded to the Earldom, and both dying unmarried, the title became extinct. 3. Lucy, married Peirce Meyrick, of Bodorgan in Anglefea, Efq. — John, married Mary, Mer of Thomas, Vif- count Fauconberg, and died without iflue.— Lucy, married James, Earl Stanhope. — ElTex, married Charles Cholmonde- ley, of Vale-Royal, Efq. Robert Pitt, father of the late Earl, married Harriot, filler to John, Earl of Grandifon, by whom he had iflue ; Thomas, who was Lord Warden of the Stannaries and Steward of the Duchy of Cornwall ; he married Chriltian, daughter of Si? Thomas Lyttieton, by whom he had irTue, 1 . Thomas. 2. Ame- lia, married to William Spry, L. L. D. 3. Chriftian, married to Thomas Saunders Efq. — William, late Earl of Chatham. —Harriot, married to Sir William Corbet, Bart. — Catharine, married to Robert Needham, Efq. -^-Anne.— Elizabeth.— » Mary. William, the late and firft Earl, was born Nov. ij, 1708, and created July 30, 1766, Vifcount Pitt and Earl of Chatham, for his unrivalled abilities, and the eminent fervi- ces he had done the nation. His Lordlhip married Oft. 16, 1754, Hefter, only daughter of Richard Grenville, Efq. Mer to the late Earl Temple, and by her Ladylhip (who is Baro- nefs Chatham in her own right) had ifTue ; John, the pre- fent Earl. — William, born May 28, 1759, the late Chan- cellor of the Exchequer. — James -Charles, born April 24, 1 76 1, died 1780. — Hefter, born Oft. 18, 1755, married Dec. 19, 1774, Charles, Vifcount Mahon, el deft ion of Phi- lip, Earl Stanhope, and died without iflue July 18, 1780.— Harriot, born April 15, 1758. His Lordlhip died May u, 1768, and was buried in Weftminfter Abbey, at the publick's expence ; and the Parliament, as a tribute due to his merit, fettled 4000I. per ann. on the male heir as annexed to the title. He was fucceeded by (2d Earl.) John, the prefent Earl, Creations.] Created Vifcount Pitt, and Earl of Chat- ham, July 30, 1766. Arms.] Sable, a fefs cheque, or and azure, between three bezants of the feecrmh [Plate XIX.] Crest.] A crane, proper, beaked and membered, or $ holding up his right foot upon an anchor ereft, proper. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion guardant, ar- gent, charged on the right ftioulder with a bezant. On the fmifter, a buck attired, gorged and chained, gr. Motto, fiARL BATHURST. 302 Motto.] Benigno numine. By God's Bleffing. Chief Seats.] At Hays, in Kent; and at Burton-Pyn- fent, in Somerfetfliire. BATHURST, EARL BATHURST. THE Right Honourable HENRY BATHURST, Earl BATHURST, Baron Bathurft of Battlefden, and Ba- ron A pfley, was created Lord Apfley, Jan. 1771, and fuc- ceeded his father as Earl Bathurll, Sept. 20, 1775. His Lord- ihip married firft, Sept. 19, 1754, Anne, daughter and heir of James, Efq. widow of Charles Philips, Efq. who died Feb. 8, 1758, without ifTue ; and he married fecondly, in June 1759, Triphena, daughter of Thomas Scawen, Efq. of North- amptonfhire, by whom he has iffue ; Henry, Lord Apfley, born May 22, 1762. — Triphena, born Oct. 23, 1760. — Ca- tharine, born June 1764. — Selina-Lsetitia, born June 3, 1766. — Sufan, born Feb. 3, 1768. — Apfley, born Oct. 14, 1769. This family was originally feated at a place called Ba- thuril, near Battle-Abbey, in Suffex, and was pofTefled of feveral eftates in Kent. Lawrence Bathurft left iflue three fons ; Edward. — Robert. — John. Edward, the eldeft, had iflue Lancelot, who lived in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and married Judith, daughter of Richard Randolph, Efq. and had iflue four fons ; of whom, George, the youngeft, in 1610, married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Villiers, Efq. and by her had twelve fons and four daughters. Of the fons, Ralph was Dean of Wells, and died June 14, 1704; Villiers, died in 171 1; Mofes and Henry alfo lived to an advanced age ; and leaving no iflue male, and feveral of the other brothers dying, the eftate devolved to the heirs of Sir Benjamin, the youngeft, who died on the 27th of April 1704. He married Frances, daughter of Sir Allen Apfley, by whom he had three fons and a daughter, viz. Allen, the eldeft fon, the late Lord. — Peter, the fecond fon, married to Leonora- Maria, daughter and heirefs of Charles How, of Gritworth, in the county of Northamp- ton, Efq. by whom he had Leonora, married to Dr, George Macaulay; and Frances, married to Mr. Cooper ; he died in 1768 ; and (he dying, he married to his fecond wife, Selina Shirley, eldeft daughter of Robert, Earl Ferrers, by his fe- cond EARLBATHURST. 303 cond wife, by whom he had live fons and ten daughters ; whereof Selina, the el deft, married in 1748, Arthur, Lord Ranelagh; and fecondly, to Sir John El will, Bart; Henri- etta, to the Hon. William Tracy ; Anne, to the Rev. Ro- bert Thitllethwayte ; Catharine, to Sir Michael Malcolm, Bart. Charlotte, to Jolhua Langton, Efq. and died in July 1757; Elizabeth, to Sir Thomas Frederick, Bart, and died nth of Sept. 1764; Frances, to Anthony Duncombe, late Lord Feverfttam, and died in child- bed of a daughter, Nov. 21, 1757 ; Louifa, to George Byam, Efq. Mary, to the Rev. Mr. Yalden ; Margaret, unmarried. Of the fons, Pe- ter, the eldeft, married Elizabeth, daughter of Eve- lyn, Efq. — Benjamin Bathurft, the youngeft fon, married the daughter and coheirefs of Henry Poole, of Kemble in Wiltlhire, who died in child-bed, 1738, having had twenty- one children, whereof feven furvived her ; of whom Tho- mas, the eldeft fon, married Aug. 24, 1749, ^ifs Anne Fa- zakerly ; Pool, fecond fon, married Mifs Anne Hafket ; Anne, the eldeft daughter, married Charles Bragge, Efq* Sufana, married Powell Snele,. Efq. Finetta, died unmar- ried in 1762 ; and Catharine, married the Rev. Charles Coote, Dean of Kilfenora in Ireland. He married, 1742, to his fecond wife, Mifs Brodrick, only daughter of Dr. Bro- drick ; and died in 1767. — Anne, married to Henry Pye, of Farringdon, in Berkfhire, Efq. (ift Lord and Earl.) Allen, the eldeft fon, was created Lord Bathurft, December 31, 1 711, and Earl Bathurft, Aug. 12, 1772, He married Catharine, daughter and heirefs of Sir Peter Apfley, Knt. by which Lady, who died June 9, 1768, he had ilTue four fons and live daughters, viz. Ben- jamin, born Aug. 12, 1 7 1 1 , and married Nov. 26, 1732, Elizabeth, daughter of Charles, late Earl of Aylelbury, who died Nov. 12, 1771, and his Lord (hip died Jan. 17, 1767, without iffue. — Henry, the prefent Earl. — John, born in. I728, died unmarried May 6, 1777. — Allen, born Oc"h 1729, took Holy Orders, and died in Aug. 1767. — Frances, born 1708, married Aug. 5, 1731, to William Woodhoufe, Efq. who died in March 1735. She married fecondly, to James Whitfhed, Efq. — Catharine, born Nov. 12, 1709, married in. 1737, to Henry-Reginald Courtenay, Efq. brother to the late Vifcount Courtenay.— Jane, born in 17 17, married ia April 1744, James Buller, Efq. of Cornwall, by k whom Ihe had the prefent Judge Buller, and other children. — Leonora, born 1 7 1 8, married in 1752, to Edward Urmfton, Efq. — Anne, born 1722, married in 1752, to the Reverend Dr/ Benfon, 304 EARL of HILLSBOROUGH. Benfon. And his Lordfliip deceafing, Sept. 20, 1775, was fucceeded by his fon, (2d Earl.) Henry, the prefent Earl. Creations.] Baron Bathurft, Dec. 31, 171 1 ; Lord Ap- fley, Jan. 22, 1771 ; and Earl Bathurft, Aug. 12, 1772. Arms.] Sable, two bars, ermine; in chief three croffes., or. [Plate XXVII.] Crest.] On a wreath, a dexter arm, in mail, embowed, &nd holding a club with fpikes, all proper. Supporters.] Two flags, argent, each gorged with a collar gemel, ermine* Motto.] Tien ta foy. Keep thy Faith. Chief Seats.] At Rufkins, in the county of Bucks; ^nd at Cirencefter, in Gloucefterfliire. HILL, EARL of HILLSBOROUGH. THE Right Hon. WILLS HILL, Earl of HILLSBO- ROUGH, and Vifcount Fairford, in England ; and Earl of Hillsborough, in Ireland. For an account of this family fee Earl of Hillsborough, in the Peerage of Ireland. BRUCE, EARL of AYLESBURY. THE Right Hon. THOMAS BRUDENELL-BRUCE, Earl of AYLESBURY, Lord Bruce of Tottenham, youngeft fon of George, late Earl of Cardigan, fucceeded to the title of Lord Bruce on the death of Charles, Earl of Aylelbury, Feb. lo, 1747, and was created Earl of Aylef- bury, June S, 1776. He married Feb. 17*1761, Sufanna, daughter of Henry Hoare, Efq. and widow of Charles, Vif- count Dungarvon, eldeft fon of the Earl of Cork, in Ireland, by whom, who died Feb. 4, 1783, he has had iffuo, George^ Lord Bruce, born March 23, 1762, died April 1783. — Ca- rolina-Anne, born May 1, 1763. — Frances-Elizabeth, born May 31, 1765.-— Charles, born March 7, 1767, died an in- fant. — Charles, born Feb. 14, 1773. His Lord/hip, who is fecond brother to the prefent Duke of Montagu, and next brother to Lord Brudenell, was, Dec. 29, 1767, by his Ma- jefty's licence, permitted to take up and bear the arms and fupponer* EARL of CLARENDON. 305 fupporters of Bruce, being fon of the fitter of Charles, the late Earl of Aylefbu'ry, who was created Lord 'Bruce of Totten- ham, in Wiltfhire, 19 George II. 1746, with limitation of that honour to his nephew, the prefent Earl. His Lordmip married Anne Savile, eldell daughter and coheirefs to Wil- liam, Marquis of Halifax, by whom he had two fons and two daughters George, born in 1707, who died young. — Robert, who married in 1729, Frances, daughter of Sir William Blacket, of Newcaftle upon Tyne, Bart, and died without ilTue. — Mary, his eldell daughter, married in Dec. 1728, to Henry, late Duke of Chandos, and died in Auguft, 1738, leaving ilTue the prefent Duke. — Elizabeth, married in 1732, to the late Benjamin Bathurft, Efq. eldeft brother to the pre- fent Earl Bathurft, and died without iflue, 1771. The faid Earl, Charles, married to his fecond wife, Juliana Boyle, fe- cond daughter of Charles, late Earl of Burlington, who died without iflue by him, in 1J38. He married thirdly, in June, 1739, Caroline, only daughter of John, jateDuke of Argyl ; and dying Feb. 10, 1747, left iflue by her a daughter) named Mary, married in 1757, to the Duke of Richmond. Creations.] Baron Bruce, April 17, 1746; Earl of Aylefbury, June 8, 1776. Arms.] Argent, a chevron, gules, between three fleel caps, azure, differenced by a martlet, fable-, being the diflin&ion of a fourth fon. [Plate XIX.] Crest.] On a wreath, a fea horfe naiant, argent, majxe and tail, or. Supporters.] On either fide afavage wreathed about the temples, and girt about the loins with ivy, all proper ; hold- ing in their exterior hands a banner flreaming over their heads, or, charged with a faltire, and chief, gules, on a can- ton, argent, a lion rampant, azure, the flafF and point proper* Motto.] Fuimus. We have been. Chief Seat.] At Tottenham-Foreft, in Wiltfhire. VILLIERS, EARL of CLARENDON. rpHE Right Hon. THOMAS VILLIERS, Earl of CLA- A RENDON, Lord Hyde of Hindon, in the county of Wilts, fecond fon of William, the zd Earl of Jerfey. On June 1, 1756, his Lordmip was created a Baron, by the name and flile of Lord Hyde of Hindon, in the county of Wilts-, to defcend to the heirs male of his body, by Charlotte X Hyde ; 3 o6 EARL ot MANSFIELD. Hyde; and in default of fuch iffue, the title of Baronet Hyde of Hindon, as aforefaid, to devolve to the faid Char- lotte Hyde, and the heirs male of hef body ; and was created ' Earl of Clarendon, June 9, 1776; alio Count of the Holy Ro- man Empire, 1782. For the anceftors of this noble Lord, See Earl of Jersey. On March 30, 1752, he married Char- lotte Hyde, daughter of William, Earl of EfTex, by his wife Jane, daughter and coheirefs of Henry, Earl of Clarendon, by whom he has iflue; Thomas, Lord Hyde, born Dec. 26, 1753. —John-Charles, born Nov. 13, 1757. — George, born Nov. 23, 1759. — Charlotta Barbara, born March 27, 1761. Arms.] Argent, on a crofs, gules; three efcallop Ihells, or, on an efcutcheon, azure; a chevron between two lozenges, or. [Plate XXX.] Crest.] A lion rampant, argent, ducally crowned, or* Supporters.] On either fide, an eagle, wings, or; du- cally collared and legged, or; each charged on the breaft with a crofs, argent . Motto.] Fidei coticula crux* The Crofs is the Touch- ftone of Faith, Chief Seats.] At Hindon, Wilts ; and at Grove, Hert- fordihire. MURRAY, EARL of MANSFIELD. THE Right Hon. WILLIAM MURRAY, Earl of MANSFIELD, and Baron of Mansfield, in the coun- ty of Nottingham, Lord Chief Juftice of the Court of King'* Bench, was created a Baron, Nov. 8, 1756, and was ad- vanced to the dignity of an Earl, Otfober 19, 1776, with remainder to the heirs male of his father. He married in September 1738, Elizabeth, filler to the late Earl of Win- chelfea, by whom he has no ifTue. For a particular account of this noble Lord's family, the reader is defred to fee Vifcount Stormont, among the Peers of Scotland. Arms.] Azure, three mullets, argent, within a double treffure, or. [Plate XXXL] Crest.] On a wreath, a buck's head, couped, proper, with a crofs, pattee between his antlers, argent* Motto.] tlni tequus virtuti. Favourable to Virtue alone. Chief Seat,] At Cane- Wood, near Hampftead, in Mid- dlefex. VISCOUNTS ( 307 ) VISCOUNTS of ENGLAND, DEVEREUX, VISCOUNT HEREFORD, THE Right Hon. GEORGE DEVEREUX, Vifcount HEREFORD, and Baronet, Premier Vifcount of Eng. land, born April 25, 1744, and fucceeded his brother, the late Vifcount, Augull 1, 1783. His Lordlhip married Nov. 30, 1765, Mary, daughter of George Devereux, Efq. of Tre- goyd, in Brecknockfture, by whom he has i/Tue, a fon born May 16, 1772 ; and a daughter. This family is faid to take their furname from Eureux, a town of note in Normandy. Sir John Devereux, in the 42d of Edward HI. attend- cd the Black Prince into Gafcoign, and afterwards ferved that King in his war in France ; and from the 8th to the 1 6th of Richard ft. had fummons to Parliament among the Ba- rons. From him defcended Sir Walter Devereux, who married Anne, fole daugh- ter and heir to William, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, and was fummoned to Parliament as Lord Ferrers, the ift of Edward IV. but was flain with Richard III. at BofwortMeld ; leav- ing a daughter Elizabeth, married firft to Sir Richard Cor- bet, and fecondly to Sir Thomas Leighton ; and a fon, Sir John Devereux, who fucceeded him as Lord Ferrers of Chartley. He married Cicilia, daughter of Henry Bourchier, Earl ofEfTex, and had fummons to Parliament from the 3d to the 12th of Henry VII. and had a fon, (ift Vifcount.) Walter, who fucceeded him; and on the 2d of Feb, 1546, the ill of Edward VI. was created Vifcount Hereford, and died in 1558. He married to his nrft wife, Mary Grey, daughter of Thomas, Marquis of Dorfet, and by her had three fons ; Henry who died unmarried. — Sir Richard. — Sir William, who married Jane, daughter of John Scudamore, Efq. and left two daughters ; Barbara, married firft to Edward Cave, Efq. and afterwards to Sir Edward Haftings ; and Margaret to Sir Robert Littleton. And by his fecond wife, Margaret, daughter of Robert Garnifh, Efq, he had a fon Sir Edward. Sir Richard, the eldeft fon, married Dorothy, daughter of the firft Earl of Huntingdon; and dying in his father's life-time, left iflue, X z , (2d 308 VISCOUNT HEREFORD. (2d Vifcount.) Walter, who fucceeded his grandfather • and on the 4th of May, 1572, the 14th of Eliz. was created Earl of EfTex. He was alfo ftiled Earl of Eu, Hereford, and Bourchier, Lord Ferrars of Chartley, Bourchier, and Lou- vain, and died Sept. 22, * 576, leaving ifTue by Lettice his wife, daughter of Sir Francis Knolies, two daughters ; Do- rothy, firft married to Sir Thomas Perrot, and fecondly to Henry, the ninth Earl of Northumberland; and Penelope., to Robert, the third Earl of Warwick; and one fon, (3d Vifcount.) Robert Devereux, Earl of EfTex, that great favourite of Queen Elizabeth, who was on Feb. 15, 1600, beheaded. He married Frances, daughter of Sir Fran- cis Walfingham, widow of Sir Philip Sidney, and by her (who afterwards married Richard Bourk, Earl of St Alban's) left one fon and two daughters; Robert, Frances, and Doro- thy; who were all reftored in blood, the ift of James I. The eldeft daughter married the fecond Duke of Somerfet ; the youngeft, firft to Sir Henry Shirley, and fecondly to William Stafford, Efq. He had alfo by his miftrefs South- well, a natural fon named Walter. (4th Vifcount.) Robert, married firft Frances Howard, daughter of Thomas, the firft Earl of Suffolk ; but that mar- riage being fet afide, he married fecondly, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Sir William Powlett, by whom he had a fon, Robert* who died an infant ; and dying Sept. 13, 1646, without fur- viving iiiue, the Earldoms of EfTex and Eu became extinct, and the Barony of Ferrars of Chartley defcended to the fa- mily of Shirley, Earl Ferrers. Sir Edward Devereux, fon of Walter, the firft Vifcount Hereford, married Catharine, daughter of Edward Arden, Efq. by whom he had two fons, Sir Walter and Sir George ; of whom, (5th Vifcount.) Sir Walter, became Vifcount Hereford, and marrying Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Knightley, Efq. had five fons ; EfTex, Leicefter, Walter, Edward, and John. EfTex, the elded, married Anne, daughter of Sir Wil- liam Courteen, and died in his father's life time, without ifTue ; Walter, Edward, and John, left no ifTue ; and (6th Vifcount,) Leicester became heir. He married firft Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Withipole, and by her had a daughter Frances, married to the fourth Vifcount Tracy ; and by his fecond wife Frifcilla, daughter of John Catchpole, Efq. he had two fons and two daughters ; of whom, Elizabeth died unmarried ; Anne, ; married firft to Leicefter Martin, Efq. and left an only daughter Elizabeth, married VISCOUNT HEREFORD. 309 married to Price, the tenth Vifcount ; and fecondly, to John Berkeley, Efq who died December 11, 1736, leaving a Ton Norborne Berkeley, the late Lord Botetourt; and a daughter Elizabeth, married in April, 1740, to Charles Noel, late Duke of Beaufort. And of the fons, (7th Vifcount.) Leicester, the elder!:, ontheiftof De- cember, 1676, fucceeded his father in the title of Vifcount Hereford; but he dying in March, 1:683, the honour devol- ved upon (8th Vifcount.) Edward, his brother. He married Eliza- beth, daughter of Walter Narborne, Efq. but having no iffue male, and dying on the 9th of Augufl, 1700, we return to Sir George, brother to Sir Walter, the 5th Vifcount, who married Blanch, daughter and heir to John Ridge, Efq. and had George his heir, who married Bridget, daughter of Ar- thur Price, Efq. and had two fons, Price, who died before him ; and Vaughan. Price, the eldeft, leaving iffue by Mary his wife, daugh- ter of Stephens, (9th Vifcount.) Price Devereux, his heir. This Lord married Mary, daughter of Samuel Sandys, Efq. and by her, who died on the 14th of Jan. 1729, had one fon, Price ; and one daughter, Mary, married to William Price ; and dying in Ocl. 1740, was fucceeded in honour and eftate by his only fon, (10th Vifcount.) Price Devereux, born June 9, 1694, who married January 3, 1720, Elizabeth, only daughter of Leicefter Martin, Efq. which Lady died, leaving no iffue. He married July 30, 1740, to his fecond wife, Eleonora, daughter of Price, Efq. and dying in Aug. 1748, with- out iffue, we return to Vaughan, fecond fon of George Devereux, Efq. who left iffue by a daughter of — — Fox, Arthur, his heir, who married nrft a daughter of Evan Glynn, Efq. by whom he had two fons; Arthur, who died in 1737, without iffue ; and Vaughan, who died an infant; but by his fecond wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Glynn, Efq. had iffue (11th Vifcount.) Edward, Vifcount Hereford, who mar- ried Catharine, daughter of Richard Mytton, Efq. which Lady died Feb. 2, 1749; by whom he had iflue, Bridget, born May 9 1739, married Price Jones, Efq. and died in May, 1781.— Arthur, born March 25, 1740, died Sept. 17, 1743. — Edward, late Vifcount, born February 19, 1741. — Arthur, born Feb. 10, 1742, and died in July following. — X 3 Catharine* 5io VISCOUNT MONTAGU. Catharine, born Feb. 7, 1 74-3*- — George, born April 2£, 1744, the prefent Vifcount His Lordfhip departing this life*' on Aug. 21, 1760, was fucceeded by his eldeft furviving fon, (12 th Vifcount.) Edward, the late Vifcount, born Feb. 5, 1741, who married in May, 1774, Henrietta-Charlotte, daughter and coheirefs of Anthony Keck, Efq. by whom he had no illue ; and dying Aug. 1, 1783, was fucceeded by hi$ only furviving brother, ( 1 3th Vifcount.) George, the prefent Vifcount. Creation.] Vifcount Hereford, Feb. 2, 1550. Arms.] Argent, a fefs, gules, and in chief three torteaux, gules. [Plate XXL] Crest.] In a ducal coronet, or, a talbot's head, argent 5 cared, gules. Supporters.] On the dexter fide a talbot, argent ; eared, gules; with a ducal coronet of the fecond. On the finifter a rein deer of the lafi, attired, gorged with a ducal coronet, and chained, or* Motto.] Bajts fon, (2d Vifcount.) Hugh, the late Vifcount, born 1707, mar- ried May 6, 1736, Anne- Catharine-Maria, widow of Rich- ard Ruflel, Efq. and daughter of Thomas Smith, Efq. of Surry; and dying Feb. 4, 1782, without i/Tue, he was fuc- ceeded by his nephew, (3d Vifcount.) George-Evelyn, the prefent Vifcount. Creations,] Baron Bofcawen-Rofe, and Vifcount Fal- mouth in the county of Cornwall, June 8, 3720, 6 Geo. I. Arms.] Ermine, a rofe, gules, barbed and feeded, prober. [Plate XXII.] Crest.] On a wreath, a boar paffant, gules, armed, brift- led, and unguled, or. Supporters.] Two fea lions, argent, gutty de larmes. Motto,] Patience paffe Science. Patience furpafles Know- ledge. Chief Seat.] At Trego than, in, the county of Cornwall* — — • •- — « rarw^sssissasassasisw— — — • — ■ BYNG, VISCOUNT T OR RIN G TON. THE Right Honourable GEORGE BYNG, Vifcount TORRlNGTON, Baron Byng, and Baronet, born ia, 1739, fucceeded George, the late Vifcount, his father, April 6, 1750. He married July 10, 1765, Lucy, only daughter of John, Earl of Cork and Orrery in Ireland, by whom he? has iffue; Lucy-Elizabeth, born O&. 27, 1766. — Georgiana- Elizabeth, born Feb. 1768.— William-Henrv, born May 26, y 1769. j22 VISCOUNT TOR RING TON, 3769, died Nov. 23, 1770. — Ifabella-Elizabeth, bom Sept; 21, 1773. — William-Henry, born May 7, 1775. This family was long feated at Wrotham in Kent. Johri Byng, in the year 1535, marrying Agnes, daughter of — Spencer, of EfTex, by her had two fons and three daughters. The fons were Robert and Thomas ; the eldeit fucceeded his father, and was High Sheriff of Kent, the 34th of Eliz. and married to his firft wife Frances, daughter of Richard Hill, Efq. and by her had three fons, George, John and Francis died without iflue : And by his fecond wife, the daughter of William Maynard, Efq. he had William; and a daughter Anne, married to David Polhill, Efq. George, marrying Jane, daughter of William Cromer, Efq. by her had a fon George, and four daughters ; where- of Elizabeth, the eldeit, was married to Thomas Polhill, Efq. and George, her brother, in 1616, fucceeded his father. He married Catharine, daughter of Sir John Hewet, by whom he had John his heir ; and a daughter Elizabeth, married to . — Man, Efq but the faid John, her brother, married Philadelphia, daughter of . Johnfon, and by her left feveral children ; of whom, (1 ft Vifcount.) George, the el deft, born Jan. 27, 1663, was bred up in the fea-fervice, and on the 9th of Sept. 1721, was created Baron Byng of Southill, and Vifcount Torring- ton. He married in 1 691, Margaret, daughter of James Matter, Efq. and by her, who died April 1, 1756, aged 87, had eleven fons and four daughters : Of the latter, Sarah only furvived him : She married John Ofborne, Efq. and died Nov. 17751 leaving iffue, the prefent Sir Geo. Ofborne, Bart. The fons who furvived him, were, Pattee, the 2d Vifcount. ——George, the 3d Vifcount-— Robert. — John. —Edward, mar- ried Nov. 17, 1730, to Mary,, daughter of John Bramilon, Efq. and died in 1756. The unfortunate John, Admiral of the Blue, was Ihot, agreeable to the fentence of a Court- IViartia!, on board his Maj city's fnip the Monarque, in Portf- jmouth harbour, March 14, 1757, unmarried. Robert, born 1705, on Dec. 1-9, 1734, married Elizabeth, daughter of Jo- nathan Forward, Efq. In May 1739, he was made Gover- nor of Barbadoes, and died there in October 1740, leaving three fons; George, born 1735, * n the army, married March 5, 1761, Anne, daughter of William Conolly, Efq. of Caf- tleton in Ireland, and grand- daughter of Thomas Went- worth, Earl of Strafford, and filter to the Countefs of Buck- inghammire, VISCOUNT LKINSTER. 323 ihghaftifinre, by whom he has i flue, George, born May ij i 1764.; and Anne-Elizabeth, born Feb 14, 1762. (2d Vifcount.) Pattee, the elded, born 1699, on the 13th of January 1732, fucceeded as Vifcount Torrington. In June, 1724, he married Charlotte Montagu, daughter of Charles, Duke of Manchciler, and by her, who died Sept. 14, 1759* he had a daughter Carolina, and two fons; George, who died on the 15th of May, 1730; and Frederick, who died young. Pie died Jan. 23, 1747, without i/Tue male living, and was fucceeded by his brother, (3d Vifcount.) George, born 1701, a General in the Ar- my, who married in 1736, Elizabeth, daughter of — . Daniel, Efq. fon of Sir Peter Daniel, Knt. by which Lady^ who died March 27, 1759, he had two fons ; George, the prefent Vifcount. — John, born October 11, 1740, a Lieute- nant Colonel in the Army, married March 3, 1767, Bridget, daughter of Arthur Foreft, Efq. by whom he has ifTue, 1. Elizabeth, born Jan. 1768. 2. Cecilia- Anne, born Aug i 5, 1770. 3. Maria, born Auguft 18, 1 77 1 . 4. Frances. 5. George, 6. Edmund; and another fon born Sept. 22, 1781. His Lordfnip dying April 7, 1750, was fucceeded by his el- dell fon, (4th Vifcount.) George, now Vifcount Torrington. Creations.] Baron and Vifcount, Sept 9, 1721. Arms.] Quarterly, fable and argent; in the flrit, a lion rampant of thefecona 7 . [Plate XXH.] Crest.] On a wreath, an antelope paffant, ermine, horned* tufked, flamed* maned, and hoofed, or, langued, gules. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, an antelope, ermine , horned, maned, and hoofed, or, ftandfrig on a fnip gun, proper. And on the finifter fide, a fea-horfe, proper finned, or, on a like gun. Motto.] Tuebor, I will defend. Chief Seat.] At Southill in Bedford/hire, FITZGERALD, VISCOUNT LEINSTER. THE Right Hon. WILLIAM ROBERT FITZGE- RALD, Vifcount LEINSTER, of Taplow in the coun- ty of Bucks, and Duke of LeinsteR, Marquis and Earl of Kildare, Earl and Baron Offaley, in the kingdom of Ireland. For an account of this family, fee Duke of Leikster in the Peerage cf Ireland, Y z NOEL ( 3*4 ) NOEL, VISCOUNT WENTWORTH. THE Right Honourable THOMAS NOEL, Vifcounfe WENTWORTH, of Wellehborough, and Baron Wentworth of Nettlelled ; and a Baronet, was born Novem- ber iS, 1744, and fucceeded Ms father, the late Vifcount r in November 1774. An account of this noble family may be feen under the title of Wentworth, Earl of Strafford; and that Sir Thomas Went- worth, who was created Lord Wentworth of Nettlefted y was a! fa on the 7th of Feb. 1625, created Earl of Cleveland, and died March 26, 1667. He married to his firil wife Anne, daugh- ter of Sir John Crofts, by whom he had three fons, Thomas* Lord Wentworth; William, and Charles, who both died young; alfo three daughters, Anne and Mary r who died young; and another Anne, of whom hereafter. And the faid Thomas, Lord Wentworth, dying in the life- time of his father, without iflue male, the title of Earl of Cleveland became extinft, and the Barony of Wentworth defcended to his only daughter and heir, Henrietta; who dying unmarried on the 23d of April, 1686, it devolved on Anne, her father's fifter, who was fliled Baronefs Wentworth of Nettlefted, and married Joha, Lord Lovelace, by whom me had a fon and Jieir, John, Lord Lovelace, and three daughters ; Anne, who died unmarried; Margaret, who was married to Sir William Noel ; and Martha to William Drax, Efq. But her fon John^ Lord Lovelace, dying before her, Sept. 26, 1693, and having married Martha, one of the daughters of Sir Edmund Pye, by her had a fon John, who died an infant, and three daugh- ters ; Anne, who died unmarried, Marcher, 1691 ; Catha- rine, who died unmarried, June 22, 1693 ; and Martha, his fble heir, fucceflbr to her grandmother in the Barony of Wentworth ; which title was adjudged to her by Parliament, m 1705. She married Sir Henry John fon, who died on the 29th of September, 1719; and her Ladyfliip dying July 18, 1755, without ifTue, we now return to Margaret, daughter of John , tire fee >nd Lord Lovelace, who married Sir William Noel, as above mentioned, defcended from the fame anceftor as the Earl of Gain/borough, who became Baronefs Wentworth, in right of her grandmother. By her marriage with Sir Wil- liam, fne had two fons, Sir Thomas Noel, who fucceeded his fether as a Baronet, having married Anne, daughter of Sir William Whitlock, of Henley upon Thames ; but dying without iffiie in i68#, was fucceeded in that honour by his brother. VISCOUNT WENTWORTE 325 brother, Sir Jonn Noel, who married Mary, daughter of Sir John Clobery, and had irTue, Sir Clobery Noel, his fucoeifor ; and William, Juftice of the Court of Common-Pleas, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Trollop, of Cafe- wick in Lincolnfliire, Bart, by whom he had irTue four daugh- ters, 1. Mary, who married Thomas Hill, of Tern in Shrop- mire, and died 1760. 2. Anne, who died unmarried. 3. Frances, married to the prefent Earl of Maryborough, and died Dec. 13, 1760. 4. Elizabeth. Sir Thomas Clobery had alfo a daughter Anne, married to Francis Monday, of Markheaton in the county of Leicefter, Efq. Sir Clobery, the eldeft fon, married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Roney Efq. by whom he had fix fons ; Edward, the late Vifcount. — Rev. Clobery, who died without i/Tue, 1763. — Thomas, a captain of a ihip of war, wounded off Minorca, and died at Gibraltar, 1796.— Rev. John Noel, — Rev. Rowney.— William-James, who died young. — Mary. Sir Clobery Noel, died July 30, 1733, and was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, {ilk Vifcount.) Sir Edward, his eldeft fon, who fucceeded alfo in July 18, 1745, at the death of Margaret, Baronefs Went- worth, to that^Barony ; and on May 4, 1762, was created a Vifcount. His Lordlhip married 1743, Judith, daughter and heir of William Lambe, Efq. of Northamptonfhire, and by Jier, who died Dec. 10, 1761, had iffue, Thomas, the prefent Vifcount. — Judith, born Nov. 3, 175 1, married Jan. 9, 1777, Ralph Milbank, Efq. eldeftfonof Sir Ralph Miibank, Bart, of Yorkfhire. — Elizabeth, born July 10, 1755, married June l 9> l 777> James Bland B-urges, Efq. of Lincoln's Inn, and died Jan. 25, 1779. — Sophia-Sufanna, born March 24, 1758, married Aug. iS c 1777, Hon. Nathaniel Curzon, eldeft fon of Lord Scarfdale, and has iifue. His Lordfhip died Ocl. 3 |, *774, and was fucceeded by his fon, (2d Vifcount ) Thomas, the prefent Vifcount. Creations ] Baron, Dec. 2, 1529; Vifcount, May 4, 1762. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, frette, gules, a canton, ermine, for Noel ; fecond, a chevron, between three leopards faces, or, for Wentworth ; third, gules, on a chief indented, fable, three martlets, argent, for Lovelace. [Plate XXII.] Crest.] On a wreath, a buck at graze, argent, armed, or. Supporters.] Two gryphons, argent. Motto ] Penfes a bien.' Think for the beft. Chief Seat.] At Kirkby-Mallory, in Leicefterfhire. Y 3 COURTENAY, ( 326 } COURTENAY, VISCOUNT COURTENAY. rpHE Right Honourab.e WILLIAM COURTENAY, 1 Vifcount COURTENAY, of Powderham- Cattle in the county of Devon, and Baronet, born October 30, 1742? fucceeded his father, the late Vifcount, May 16, 1762. He married May 7, 1762, Mifs Frances Clack, by whom, who died March 25, 1782, he had iffue ; Frances, born January 6, 1763, married Dec, 13, 1779, the prefent Sir John Honey- wood, Bart, her firft coufin by the mother's fide, by whom me has had a daughter, born Jnnei78i, named Frances, and a XII 1 1 born fon, in 1 782. — Charlotte, born Feb, 14, 1764. — Kabeila, born June 20, 1765, and died March 4, 1783 — fc Elizabeth, born Sept. 2, 1766. — William, born July 30, 1768 —-Lucy, born June 13, 1770. — Harriot, born Sept. 7, 177 ! -Eleanora, born Nov. 23, 1772. — Anne, born Feb. 2, 1774 — Caroline, born March 26, 1775.— Amelia, born June 6, 1777.— -Matilda-Jane, born July 6, 1778 — Sophia, born Jan. 25, 1780.— A daughter born Jan. 1, 1782. This noble Lord is defcended from Hugh Courtenay, who was created Earl of Devonlhire, by King Edward I. 1295. There have been of this family, feveral Barons of Okehamp- ton, twelve Earls of Devonfhire, and a Marquis of Exeter, Sir William Courtenay, grandfather of the prefent Vif- count, married in 1704, Anne, daughter of (ames, Earl of Abingdon, by whom he had iffue ; William, died an infant. —-James, died young.— William, the late Vifcount. — Hen- ry-Reginald, who married Catharine, filter of the prefent Earl Bathurft, who died 1763, and left two daughters, Catharine and Anne ; and two fons, William, the prefent Reclor of Keane, in Devon ; and Henry-Reginald, D. D. Rector of St. George, Hanover Square, who married Jan. 26, 1774, Eliza- beth, filler to the prefent Earl of Effingham, by whom, who died Jan. 1782, he had iiilie a fon William. —Peregrine, mar- ried Lucy, daughter of Benjamin Incledon, Efq. of Pilton, who died in 177B; and he married fecondly, Feb. 18, 1 780, Augufta Glynn, widow of Sir — Glynn, Bart, of Wales. « Maryj who died young.- — Anne Sophia, died unmarried. — Eleanor, who married Frances Baffett, Efq. of Heanton^ Court in Devon, and died .1764, leaving iffue. — Ifabella, married John Andrew, M. D. of Exeter, by whom fhe had ifTue.— Bridget, married William Ilbert, Efq. of Bow- ringflcigh, in Devon, by whom ibe hadr iffue. — Mary, mar- ried firftfo John Lang'doa, Efq, of Parkin Bovey Tracey ; VISCOUNT DUDLEY and WARD. 327 and fecondly, to John Davie, Efq. of Orlei^h in Devon* and died 1754.— Elizabeth, died young. Their father died 1736, and was fucceeded by his third fon, (ill Vifcount) Sir William Courtenay, born 1 7 10, who married to Frances Finch, daughter of Heneage, the late Earl of Aylesford, April 2, 1741, by whom, who died Dec, 19, 1761, he had iffue ; William, the prefent Vifcount.— Eli- zabeth-Anne, who died young. — Mary, born March 2, 1744. — Frances, born March 10, 1746, married June 7, 1770, to Sir John Wrottelley, Bart, by whom me has iiTue. — Lucy, born June 6, 1748, married Oft. 19, 1777, to John Coates, Efq. of Shropfhire. — Charlotte, born Jan 21, 1751, marri- ed Sept. 12, 1782, to Lord Loughborough. He was created Vifcount Courtenay, May 4, 1762, and deceafing May 16, 1762, was fucceeded by his only fon, (2d Vifcount.) William, the prefent Vifcount. Creations. 3 Vifcount j May 4, 1762, Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, or, three torteaux % fecond and third, or, a lion rampant, azure, [Plate XXIL] Crest.] A dolphin naiant, argent. Supporters.] Two boars, argent, briftled, tufked, and hoofed, or, Motto.] Ubi lapfus ? £>uid feci P Where ami fallen^ What have I done ? Chief Seat.] At Powderharn-Caftle, and Ford, in Devon. WARD, VISCOUNT DUDLEY and WARD. THE Right Hon. JOHN WARD, Vifcount DUDLEY and WARD, Baron Ward of Birmingham, born in 1724, fucceeded his father, the late Vifcount, in May, 1774. William Ward, was Jeweller to King Charles the Firirs Queen, and having a very ample fortune, Edward Sutton, Lord Dudley, bellowed Frances, his grand-daughter and heir, on Humble Ward, Efq. fon and-heir of the faid William. She was the fole daughter of Sir Ferdinando Sutton, fon of Ed- ward, Lord Dudley, before-mentioned ; who dying June 23, 3643, the faid Frances became Baronefs Dudley, being de- fcended from John de Sutton, who in the reign of King Ed- ward II. married Margaret, eldeft daughter of Roger de So- men, Baron of Dudley, filter and coheir of John de Somen, Baron of Dudlev, who died the 15th cf Edward II, ■ Y 4 W 328 VISCOUNT DUDLEY and WARD. (ill Lord.) Which Frances, Baronefs Dudley, was with he? hufband, Humble Ward, Efq. in Oxford, when her grandfa- ther, Edward, Lord Dudley, died; and he was, on March 23, 1643, advanced to the dignity of Baron Ward, of Bir- mingham. He died Oc~l. 4, 1670, as did his wife, the Ba- ronefs of Dudley, in 1701. They had iflue three fons ; (2d Lord W. and ill Lord D. and W.) Edward, who cn the death of his father, fucceeded to the title of Lord Ward, and on the death of his mother, in 1701, to that of Lord Dudley, died the 8th of Auguft, 1701. He married Frances, daughter of Sir William Brereton, by whom he had three fons and three daughters ; of which ions, John the eldeft, died unmarried. — Ferdinando Dudley, died unmarried in 1718. — Catharine was married to John Grey, Efq. — Humb- letta died young. — Lettice, was married to Thomas Porter, Efq. William, the fecond fon, died in his father's life-time, May, 1692. He married Frances, daughter of William Dilke, by whom he had three fons, Edward. — John, died an infant. — William ; alfo a daughter, Frances, married to William Lee, Efq. (3d Lord W. and 2d Lord D. and W.) Edward, the el- dell, fucceeded his grandfather, 1701* and having married Diana, daughter of Thomas Koward, Efq. died on the 28th, of March, 1704, in his minority, leaving his Lady, who $ied May 17, 1709, then big with child of (4th Lord W. and 3d Lord D. and W.) Edward, Lord Dudley and Ward, who dying On the 6th of Sept. 1731, un- married, his honours devolved on (5th Lord W. and 4th Lord D. and W.) William, his uncle, who alfo dying unmarried, in May 1740, the Barony of Dudley devolved on the heir general, Ferdinando Dudley Lea, and the title of Lord Ward, by virtue of the limitation to the heirs male, defcended to John Ward, Efq. grandfoa of William Ward, Efq. third fon of Humble, who was cre- ated Lord Ward ; his fecond having died an infant. Which William died in January, 1714; and by Anne, daughter of Thomas Parkes, left iffue, William his heisT; and three daughters ; France?, married to Robert Pigot ; Jane, to Daniel Jevon ; and Rebecca, who died unmarried. Their brother William, died on the 25th of September, 1720. He married Mary, daughter of John Grey, Efq. by whom he left iflue, two fons and two daughters, (6th Lord W. and ill V.) John, Vifcount Dudley and Ward. — William, who was in Holy Orders, married Elizabeth, daughter VISCOUNT MAYNARD. 329 daughter of John Hawkes, Efq. and died July 21, 1758, leav- ing iflue, 1. Humble. 2. Frances, who married A uguft 1, 1776, William Codrington, Efq. — Frances, married to George Rook, Efq. and died Oct. 14, 1770. — Anna, unmarried. John married Anna-Maria, daughter of Charles Bourchier, Efq. by whom he had one fon John, the prefent Vifcount; and Ihe dying on the 12th of Dec. 1725, he married, on the 4th of Jan. 1745, to his fecond wife, Mary, daughter of John Carver, Efq. by whom he had ifiue ; Humble, born March 11, 1747, who died an infant. ~ William, born Jan. 21, 1750; married July 21, 1780, Mifs Bofwell. On April 25, 1763, he was created Vifcount Dudley and Ward; and dying on June 30, 1775, was fucceeded by his fon, (2d Vifcount ) John, the prefent Vifcount. Creations.] Baron Ward, March 23, 1644; and Vif- count Dudley and Ward, April 23, 1763. Arms] Chequee, or and azure, abend, ermine. [Plats XXII.] Crest.] In a ducal coronet, or, a lion's head, azure. Supporters.] Two angels, haired and winged, or. their under robes, /anguine, and their uppermoft, azure* Motto.] Cornmeje fus. As I was. Chief Seats ] At Dudley- Caftle, Himley-Hall, and Sedgely-Park, StafTordfhire. MAYNARD, VISCOUNT MAYNARD. THE Right Honourable CHARLES MAYNARD, Vif- count MAYNARD of Eftaynes Parva, and Baron Maynard of Much Eafton, and Baronet. For an account of this family, fee Lord Maynard in the Peerage of Ireland. . ■■mil ittWw*- HAMPDEN-TREVOR, VISCOUNT HAMPDEN. THE Right Hon. THOMAS HAMPDEN-TREVOR* Vifcount HAMPDEN, Lord TREVOR of Bromham, fucceeded his father Robert, the late Vifcount, Aug. 21, 1783, was born Sept. n, 1746, married in June 1768, Ca- tharine, only daughter of General David Gramme. John- 330 VISCOUNT HAMPDEN. John Trevor, was feated at Brynkinalte in the county of Denbigh, and died 1495. He was the anceftor of Sir John Trevor, who married Margaret, daughter of Hugh Trevanron, and by her had four fons and three daugh- ters ; Anne, the eldefl, married Colonel Robert Weldon of London. — Jane married Sir Francis Compton, fifth fon of Spencer, Earl of- Northampton. — Elizabeth to William Ma- iham, Efq. eldelt fori of Sir William rVIamam, Bart, anceftor to the late Lord Mafham. The fons were, John.— Charles. — > William. — Richard. The latter was Docior of Phyfick, and died in 1676. — John, the eldell fon was knighted by Charles II. and made one of his principal Secretaries of State, 1668, and fworn of his Privy Council ; he died before his father, aged 47, on the 28th of May, 1672, leaving ifTue by Ruth, daughter of John Hampden, of Hampden, in the county of Bucks, Efq. five fons ; John, heir to his grandfather.— Tho- mas, created Lord Trevor.— Richard.— Hampden. — -Edward* John married Elizabeth, daughter of Clarke, Efq; 2nd widow of John Morley, of Glynd in SufTex, Efq. and by her (who after his deceafe married fecondly to Lord Cutts) Iiad two fons and two daughters; Elizabeth married to Da- vid PolhilJ, Efq. of Otford in Kent; and Arabella, who was firft. married to Robert Heath, Efq. of Lewes, and fe- condly to Colonel Edward Montagu, brother to the fecond Earl of Halifax. The fons were John-Morley Trevor, and Thomas; the eldefl: dying in April 1719, was fucceeded by his fon, John Morley Trevor, who died in 1743. (ift Lord.) Thomas, fecond fon of Sir John Trevor and Ruth Hampden having been bred to the law, in 1692 was made Solicitor- General, on the accefiion of Queen Anne was made Lord Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas, having been knighted in 1695, when he was made Attorney- Gene- ral, and on the 31ft of December, 171 1, was created Lord Trevor of Bromham ; but died on the 19th of June 1730, having borne the principal ofiices of ftate. He married firft, Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel John Searle, of Finchley, by whom he had two fons, Thomas and John, fucceflively Lords Trevor; and three daughters: And by his fecond wife, who was Anne, daughter of Colonel Robert Weldon of London, widow of Sir Robert Bernard, Bart, of Hunting- don, he had three fons; Robert, who took the furname of Hampden, and was the late Vifcount Hampden ; Richard, late Bifhop of Durham, who died 1771, unmarried; and Ed- ward, who died young. Of the daughters by the firll wife. VISCOUNT HAMPDEN. 331 yvho were Anne, Letitia, and Elizabeth ; the fecond mar- ried Peter Cock, Efq. And of the fons, (2d Lord.) Thomas, the eldeft, who fucceeded his father, marrying Elizabeth, only daughter and heir of Timothy Barrel, of Cuckfield in SufTex ; by her, who died in Auguft 1734, left one daughter Elizabeth, married to Charles, the 2d Duke of Marl borough. And his Lordfhip dying March 22, 1753, without male iffue, was fucceeded by his brother, (3d Lord.) John, at that time one of his Majefty's learned Council in the Law, and one of 'the Welch Judges, who on the 31ft of May, 1731, married Elizabeth, daughter of that celebrated author Sir Richard Steel, Knt by whom, who died in 1782, he left iiTue an only daughter Diana, born June 14, 1744, died unmarried, Jan. 19, 1778; and he dying on Sept. 27, 1764, was fucceeded by his half-brother, (4th Lord, ill Vifcount.) Robert, the late Vifcount, who was born in 1710. His Lordfhip was advanced to the dignity of Vifcount Hampden of Great and Little Hampden, June 8, 1766, having in j 754, taken the name of Hampden, on the death of John Hampden, Efq. of Buckinghamshire, to whom his Lordihip was heir. He married, in 1743, Con-' ftarrtia, daughter of Peter-Anthony De Huybert, Lord of Kruningen in Zealand, by which Lady, who died June 15, 1 761, he had iflue; Thomas. — John, born Feb. 24, 1749, married July iS, 1773? Harriet, only daughter of Dr. Bur- ton, Canon of Chrnf, Church, Oxford. — Maria-Conftantia, married to Henry, late' Earl of Suffolk, and died Feb. 8, 1767. — Anne, died in 1760, unmarried. His Lordfhip dy- ing Aug. 2 1 j 1783, was fucceeded by his eldefc fon, (2d Vifcount.) Thomas, the prefent Vifcount. Creations.] Baron Trevor, Dec. 31, 1711; Vifcount Hampden, June 8, 1766. .Arms.] Party per- bend, Snifter, ermine and erminois, a lion rampjjht, or, for Trevor; he alfo quarters, argent, a fal- tire, guleM between four eagles difplayed, azure, for Hamp- den. [Plate XXVII.] Cres^.] On a chapeau, gules y turned up, er?nine> a wy- vern riftng, fable. Supporters ] Two wyverns reguardant, fable. Motto.] Veftigia nulla retrorfum. No retreating. Chief Seats.] At Bromham, in Bedfordshire; at Great Hampden, in Bucks j and at St, Arm's-hilJ, near Chertiey, in Surry, EDGECUMBE, ( 33* ) EDGECUMBE, VISCOUNT EDGECUMBE, and VA- JLETCRT. THE Right Hon. GEORGE EDGECUMBE, Vifcount EDGECUMBE and VALETORT, Baron of Mount- Edgecumbe, fucceeded his brother Richard in the Barony 9 May 10, 1 76 1 , and was advanced to the dignity of a Vif- count by his prefent Majefty in 1781. He married Aug. 6, 176 1, Emma, only daughter of Dr. John Gilbert, Arch- biftiop of York, by whom he has a fon, Richard, born Sept. 13, 1764. This family took its name from Edgecumbe, near Credi- ton. In the reign of Edward III. William de Edge- cumbe, married Hillaria, daughter and heir of William de Cottehele,of the county of Cornwall, and afterwards chiefly refided there. Sir Richard Edgecumbe was a perfon of great note in the reign of Edward IV. He married Joan, daugh- ter of Thomas Tremayne, Efq« by whom he left Piers Edgecumbe, his heir ; and Joan, married to Fulk Pri- deaux, Efq. which Piers married firfl, Jane, daughter of Ste- phen Dernford, Efq. and fecondly, Catharine, filler to Sir John St. Jphn, Knt. relid of Sir Griffith Rice, Knt. and by her he left no iflue. By his fir ft wife he had iflue three fons, Richard, John, and James ; and three daughter?, Eli- zabeth, wife of John Arundel, Efq. Jane, wife of Thomas Pomeroy, Efq. and Agnes; and dying the 14th of Auguft, 1539, Richard fucceeded him; he built the beautiful feat called from him Mount-Edgecumbe. He died the ift of Fe- bruary, 1562, and was fucceeded in his eftate by Peter Edger cumbe, who dying January 4, 1607, was fucceeded by his eld eft fon, Sir Richard; he died March 22, 1638, and left iflue, Piers and Richard ; which Piers left a fon, Richard, who married Anne Montagu, daughter of Edward, Earl of Sand- wich, by whom he had iflue two fons, John, who died an infant ; and Richard; alio fix daughters ; and his Lady mar- ried, fecondly, Chriftopher Montagu, eider brother to Charles, Lord Halifax, and died March 14, 1730, Four of the daughters, viz. Anne, Mary, Catharine, and Anne, died unmarried ; Elizabeth, born 1675, married — At- kins, Efq. of Glouccfterfhire ; and Margaret, born 1681, married Pine Efq. Their father died March 16S8. VISCOUtfT SACKVILLE. 333 (ift Lord.) Richard, was created Lard Edgecumbe. He married Matilda, daughter of Sir Henry Furnefe, Bare, by whom, who died March J 721, he had a fon Henry who died an infant, Richard, and George. His Lorcifhip dying November 29, 1758, was fucceeded by his fen (2d Lord.) Richard, who deceafing cn May 10, 1761, unmarried, was fucceeded by his brother, (3d Lord.) Gegrge, the prefent Lord. Creations.} Baron, April 20, 1742, 16 Geo. II. Vxf- count Mount Edgecumbe and Valetort, Feb. 17, 1781, 21 Geo. ML -Arms.] Gules, on a bend, ermine, cottifed, or, three boars heads couped, argent. [Plate XXIX ] Crest.] On a wreath, a boar pafiant, argent ; a chaplet about the neck of oak leaves, fruited, proper. Supporters.] On each fide, a greyhound, argent \ gutte- de-poix, collared, dovetail, gules. Motto.] Ju pi ay fire fort de Dieu. To the Almighty Pleafure of God. Chief Seat.] At Mount-Edgecumbe, near Plymouth, in Devonfhire. :/> GERMAIN, VISCOUNT SACKVILLE, TH£ Right Hon. GEORGE GERMAIN, Vifcaunt SACKVILLE, Baron Bolebroke, created Feb. 9, 1782, brother to the late, and ancle to the prefent Duke of Dor- fet, born Jan. 26, 1716, married Sept. 3, 1754, Mifs Di- ana Sambrooke, fecond daughter and coheir of John Sam- brooke, Efq. brother to Sir Jeremy Sambrooke of Gubbin? Bart, by whom, (who died Jan. 15, 1778) he had jflue two fons and three daughters, viz. Charles, born Aug. 27, 1767. — George, born Dec. 7, 1770. — Diana, born July 8, 1756, married Nov. 26, 1777, to John Crofbie, prefent: Earl of Glandore in Ireland, by whom fhe has had ifiue a fon and a daughter, who both died in a fhort time afcer their birth. — Elizabeth, born July 4, 1762, married Oct, 28, 1 78 1 , Henry-Arthur Herbert of Mulkrufs in Ireland, Efq. by whom (he has i/Tue a daughter, born 25th of July 1782. — > Caroline, born June 30, 1764. His Lordfhip ai- fumed the name of Germain, Feb. 16, 1770, purfuant tp will of the late Lady Elizabeth Germain. For an account of this family and defcent $ See Duke of Dorset, Arms. 53 4 VISCOUNT HOWE. Arms, Crest, and Supporters.] The fame as the Duke of Dorfet, with the crefcent for difference. Chief Seats.] At Drayton in Northamptonfhire ; and at Stoneland in SufTex. HOWE, VISCOUNT. HO WE. THE Right Honourable RICHARD HOWE, Vifcount HOWE, of Langar in the county of Nottingham, was advanced to that dignity by his prefent Majefty, April 24, 1782, being at that time Viscount Howe of the king* dorn of Ireland, For the account of this family, fee Vifcount Howe, ia the Peerage of Ireland, KEPPEL, VISCOUNT KEPPEL, THE Right Honourable AUGUSTUS KEPPEL, Vifl .count KEPPEL, of Elvedon in the county of Suffolk, was created to that dignity by his prefent Majefty, April 24, 1782, at the general alteration of the Miniilry, when his Lordfhip was appointed firft Lord of the Admiralty. From the. early part of his life he has been brought up to the fea- fervice, and was with Lord Anfon in the South fea, at the reduction of the town of Paita, where his courage and con- duel were very confpicuous. In 1744, he was made a Captain in the Navy. In 1751, he was a Commodore in the Medi- terranean, where he fhewed great wifdom in fettling the dif- ferences between the Dey of Algiers and fome Englifh mer- chants, fiefignalized himfelf by his courage in 1758, againft Goree, and in 1759 off Belliefle, where he funk the Thefeus French 74 gun fhip of war. In 1762 he was at the reduc- tion of the Havanna. He was appointed a Lord of the Ad- miralty in 1765, which he refigned in 1766. He was pro- moted to the rank of Rear Admiral of the Red in 1770, and the fame year Vice Admiral of the Blue. In 1775, Vice Admiral of the White; in 1776 Vice Admiral of the Red; and 1778, Admiral of the Blue ; having in 1765, been made an Elder Brother of the Trinity-Houfe. In 1778 he had the command VISCOUNT KEPPEL 33^ command of a fleet deftined to curb the perfidy of the Court ©f France; but an unhappy difference between his Lordihip and Vice Admiral Pallifer, at that time one of the Lords of the Admiralty, prevented the happy confequences that were anxioufly expefted, and produced a charge of mifconduft ao-ainit the Admiral, brought by the Vice Admiral, which on trial was proved to be groundlefs, and he was moll honour- ably acquitted to the infamy of his accufer, who became the ohjecl of popular outrage, and occaftoned his being dif- charged all public employ. The Admiral foon after de- clined acting under the then Miniftry, and lived retired till the general change in April 1782, when he was appointed firft Lord of the Admiralty, (Worn of the Privy Council, &c. His Lordihip is uncle to the prefent Earl of Albemarle, (where we have given a fhort account of his noble family) and is unmarried. His Lordmip's Creft, Arms, and Motto, are the fame as the Earl of Albemarle's, with a crefcent for difference, and a Vifcount's coronet in (lead of an Earl's. The Supporters are the fame, with the addition of the lions ftanding on cannons, having each an anchor refling againfi the lhield, all proper. BARONS of ENGLAND. D'ARCY BYRON, BARONESS CONYER3; 'HE Right Honourable AMELIA D'ARCY BYRON, ©f Holderaefs, May 16, 1778. She married firft July 31, 1773, the Marquis of Caermarthen, eldefl fon of the Duke of Leeds, by whom me has iffue. (See Duke of Leeds' pedi- gree.) Her marriage y%\as diffolved by Parliament, in May* 1779; and her Ladyfhip married fecondly, foon after, Mr. Byron, fon of Admiral Byron, and nephew of Lord Byron. This family is defcended from Norman D'Arcy, who came into England with William the Conqueror ; from him defcended Sir John D'Arcy, who had fummons to Parliament from the 8th of Edward I. to the 16th of Edw. 111. He married firft Erneiina, daughter of Walter Heron; zdly Joan, daugh- fucceeded her father, the late Earl $ 3 6 BARONESS CONYERS. ter of Richard Burgh, Earl of Ulfter, and widow of Thomas, the fecond Earl of Kildare, by whom he had William ; and Elizabeth, married to James, the fecond Earl of Ormond. By his firft wife, he had three fons, Sir John, Sir Roger, and Adomer. From Sir Roger, fecond fon, defcended Thomas D'Arcy of Chiche, who in the 5th of Edward VI. was call- ed up to the Houfe of Peers, by the title of Lord D'Arcy, of Chiche, and died the 21ft of Edward III. Sir John, his elder brother, had fummcns to Parliament, from the 2 2d to the 28th of Edward III. but dying the 30th, left iflue by Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Menil, tw@ fons, John, and Philip ; of whom, the eldell died in his mino- rity, and Philip his brother, became heir. He married Eli- zabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Grey, by whom he had John, Thomas, and Philip, and was fucceeded by John, his eldeft fon, who marrying Margaret, daughter of Henry, Lord Grey of Wilton, had two fons, Philip and John; and his wife fur- viving him, married fecondly, Sir Thomas Swinford. Philip, the eldeft fon, married Eleanor, daughter of Hep,- ry, Lord Fitz-Hugh, and dying Aug. 2, 1419, before he came of age, left only two daughters, Elizabeth married to Sir James Strangeways ; and Margaret to Sir John Conyers ; fo that John, the fecond fon, fucceeded, and married Joan, daugh- ter of John, Lord Greyftock. He died 36th Hen. VI. having an only fon Richard; and a daughter Joan, married to John Beaumont, Efq. Richard, married Eleanor, daughter of John Scxope, and dying in the life-time of his father, left William, his only fon, who fucceeded his grandfather. He married Eufemia, daughter of Sir John Langton, and was fucceeded by his only fon Thomas, who had the title of Baron revived to him, by writ of fummons to Parliament, the firft of Henry VIII. which title had ceafed in the two daughters of Philip, Lord D'Arcy aforefaid ; but on the 20th of June, in the 39th of Henry VIII. he was beheaded on Tower-hill. He married iirft Elizabeth, filter of William, the firft Lord Sands, and had an only daughter Elizabeth, married to Sir Marmaduke Conftable ; but by his fecond wife Doufabella, daughter and lieir of Sir Richard Tempeft, he had Sir George his heir, Sir Arthur, and Richard, and a daughter Mabilla. To him fucceeded George his eldeft fon, who was reftored in blood by King Edw, VI. He married Dorothy, daughter of Sir John Mel«. ton, BARONESS CONYERS. 337 ton, and dying the 4th of Philip and Mary, left ifTue, John his heir, and fix daughters ; Edith, married to Sir Thomas Daw* ney ; Agnes, to Sir William Fairfax, and died without ifTue ; Dorothy, to Sir Thomas Metham ; Clara, died unmarried ; Mary, married to Henry Babington, Efq. and Elizabeth, to Bryan Stapylton, Efq. John, Lord D'Arcy, of Afton, married Agnes, daugh- ter of Thomas Babington, Efq. by whom he had an only fon Michael, who dying in the life-time of his father, left ifTue by Margaret, daughter of Thomas Wentworth, Efq, John; Margaret; and Anne, married to Henry Savile, Efq, John, the eldeft fon, fucceeded his grandfather, in 1587, as Lord D'Arcy, and died in July, 1635. He married Rofa- mond, daughter of Sir Peter Frefchevilie, by whom he had ifTue, John, Elizabeth, and Rofamond, who all died in their •father's life- time, unmarried. We now return to Sir Arthur D'Arcy, brother to George, and third fon of Thomas that was beheaded ; which Sir Arthur married Mary, daughter of Sir Nicholas Carew, by whom he had ten foas, and five daughters; Sir Henry, who married Catharine, daughter of Sir John Ferrnor.— Thomas, of whom hereafter. * — Sir Edward, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Tho- mas Aitley, Efq. by whom he had three Tons, Sir Rob en, who married Grace, daughter of Alexander Red ifh ; Cferif- topher ; and Carey. The reft of the ten fons of Sir Arthur, were Arthur, Nicholas, John, Frances, Charles, William, and Philip; of whom the three laft died in their infancy; and of the fitters, Elizabeth, married to Lewis, Lord Mor* daunt. Thomas, the fecond fon, married Elizabeth, daughter of John, Lord Conyers, who was lineally defcended from Mar- gery., daughter of Philip, Lord D'Arcy, and dying Nov. 6, 5606, left ifTue an only fon, Sir Conyers, to whom King Charles I. in the 17th year of his reign, was pleafed to confirm the title of Lord D'Arcy, as enjoyed by his anceftors. He married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Beliaflife, and dying in 1653, left ifTue fix fons ^ Conyers, his heir.— Sir William. — -Henry, who married Mary, daughter of William Scrope, and had ifTue Philip, his heir ; sndothers.— Thomas. — Marmaduke, who died unmarried.™ James, married Ifabel, daughter of Sir Marmaduke WyviJ, by whom he had ifiue, James D'Arcy, from whom defcendel Tamer, Lord D'Arcy., of Niuvan, in Ireland, fo created A u- Z 3 3f? OHONESS CONYERS. guft' i, 17 21. Of the daughters, Barbara, married Matther; Hutton, Efq. — Urfula, married John Shillington, Efq, — Margaret, to Sir Thomas Harrifon.— Dorothy, to John Dal- ton, Efq.— Anne, to Thomas Metcalf. — Grace, firft to Geo. Beft, Efq. and fecondly to Francis Molineux, Efq. — Mary, to AcTon Burnel, Efq. (1 ft. Earl.) Conveys, who fucceeded his father, married Grace, daughter of Thomas Rokeby, Efq. and had Conyers, his heir; and five daughters ; Urfula, married to Sir Chrifto- pher Wyvill. — Elizabeth, to Sir Henry Stapylton.— Grace, to Sir John Legard. — Margaret, to Sir Henry Marwood. — Anne. (2d Earl.) Conyers their brother, who fucceeded, married firft Catharine, daughter of Mildmay Fane, the 2d Earl of Weftmoreland, by whom he had no ilfue ; nor by his third, who was Frances, daughter of the fecond Duke of Somerfef, and widow firft of Richard the fecond Vifcount Molineux, and fecondly of Thomas Wriothefly, Earl of Southampton. His fourth wife was Elizabeth, daughter of John, Lord Fref- cheville, and widow of Philip Warwick, Efq. by whom he had likewife no ifTue ; but by his fecond wife, Frances, daugh- ter of the firft Earl of Berkfhire, he had three fons ; John, his heir-apparent. — Philip — Charles. John, who died in his father's life-time, June 7, i688» married Bridget, only furviving daughter of Robert, Lord Lexington, and left two fons, Robert and Conyers ; and two daughters; Elizabeth, married to Sir Ralph Milbank; and Charlotte, to Wardel-George Weftby. Conyers, the young- eft fon, was Knight of the Bath, and married Mary Bentinckj, daughter of William, Earl of Portland, relidl of Algernon, Earl of Eftex, by whom he had no ifTue; and on the 12th of September, 1728, married Elizabeth, daughter of John Ro- {heram, Efq. widow firft of Sir Theophilus Napier, and fe- condly, of Thomas, Lord Howard of Efrlngham, and died without i/Tue Dec. 2,1758. (3d Earl ) Robert,, his elder brother, fucceeded hia grandfather, 1692 ; and died on the 20th of January, 1722. He married Frederica, eldeft of the two daughters of Men- hardt Schonbergh, Duke of Schonburgh in England, Duke of Leinfler in Ireland, Count of the.Roman Empire; and by her, who married fecondly, in June 1724, Benjamin Mild- may, Earl of Fitz- Walter, (and died Auguit 7, 175 O left Louifa-Carolina, married to William Kerr, Marquis of Lo- thian in- Scotland, and died Nov,, 15, i778> leaving iffue; and BARONESS L E P ESPENCE R, 35 ^ (4th Earl.) Robert, the late Earl, who in Nov. 1743, married Mary, daughter of the Sieur Francis Doublet, one of the nobles of Holland, by whom he has had iiTue, George, born in Sept. 1745, who died at two years of age. — Thomas, born May 7, 1750, and died in July following.— -Amelia, born Oct. 12, 1754. His Lordfnip dying May 16, 1778, without male i/Tue, the Earldom became extinct, but was fucceeded in the Barony by Amelia, his only furviving child, the prefent Baronefs. Creation.] Baron, June 8, 1294. Arms.] Azure, femee of crofs croilets, three cinquefoils, argent. [Plate XL] Crest.] On a wreath, a fpear broken in three pieces, cr> headed, argent* and banded together at their middle by a ribbon, gules* Supporters.] On the dexter fide a tyger, argent ; on the finiiter a bull, fable, armed, er. Motto.] Un Dieu, un Roy. One God, one King. Chief Seats.] At Hornby-caitle, in Yorkfhire ; at Af- ton, Hurdwick, Patrick-Brampton, in the fame county ; and at Sion Hill, near Brentford, in Middlefex. AUSTEN, BARONESS LE DESPENCER. THE Right Hon. RACHAEL AUSTEN, Baronet I E DESPENCER, fucceeded her brother, the late Lord ; which title ihe claimed and was allowed in right of her mo- ther, 178 1. She married Nov. 1738, Sir Robert Auftin, of Bexley in Kent, Bart, who died without ilfue 1743. The family of Dafhwood was originally of Dorfetfhire, from whence they removed into Somerfetfhire. Samuel Dafh- wood, of Rowney, near Taunton, Efq. had two wives ; by the firft he had four fons> viz. John ; Francis, of whom here- after ; Richard ; and William* By his fecond wife he had iiTue George. Francis, fecond fon of the aforefaid Samuel, was a Turkey merchant, and Alderman of London ; he died in \ 683, hav- ing married Alice, Mer of Sleigh, Efq. Alderman, by whom. he had iiTue three fons, Sir SamueL Dafhwood, Knt. Alderman, and fome time Lord Mayor of London, who mar-* ried Anpe^ daughter of John Smith, Efq. by whom he hai Z % George j 340 BARONESS L E DE SPENCER. George; Thomas; Elizabeth, married to Andrew Archer, Efq. Sarah to Richard Cowley, Efq. Jane, Anabella, Hen- rietta, and Sophia. 2. Thomas, married to Penelope, daugh- ter of - Hillerfdon, Efq. and left iflue ; and 3. Sir Fran- cis vvas created a Baronet in the 6th of Queen Anne ; alfo four daughters; Elizabeth, married to Thomas Lewes, Efq. Al- derman of London ; Mary, to John Coppin, Efq. Martha, to William Rolerts, Efq. and Sarah, to Fulk Greville, Lord Brooke. Which Sir Francis Daflnvood, afore- mentioned,, married four wives ^ firft Mary, only daughter of John Jen- nings, by whom he had iflue two daughters, Mary, wife of Sir Fulwar Skipwith ; and Sufanna, married to Sir Or- lando Bridgman. His fecond wife was Mary, daughter of V ere, fourth Earl of Weitmoreland, by whom he had Francis, fai$ Lord Le Defpencer ; and one daughter Rachel, married in Nov. 1738, to Sir Robert Auftin, by whom fne was left a widow without iffue, and is the prefent Baronefs. Mary Vere died Aug. 19, 17 10. Sir Francis's 3d wife was Mary, daughter of Major King, by whom he had two fons, John and Charles ; and a daughter Mary, married to John Walcot, "Efq; His fourth wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Plymouth, by whom he had no iiTue. He was fuc- ceeded as a Baronet by his eldefl fon, (2d Baronet, ill Lord.); Francis, late Lord Le Defpen- cer, who fucceeded to the Barony, on the death of John, Earl of Weftmoreland, being the only fon of Mary, eldcft filter of the fa id Earl, and the fame was confirmed to him April 10, 1763 ; he married Sarah, daughter of Thomas Gould, of Ivor, in Bucks, Efq. and widow of Sir Richard Ellis, Bart. She died without ifTue, Feb. 2, 1769, and her Lord died Dec. 12, 1781, when the Barony descended to his filler, R a c h e l , the prefent Baronefs . ' C r. v. a t i o ft s . ] B a ror; , May 25,1 604, bu t original! y , J une Arms.] Argent,™ a fefs double cottifed, gules, three ^rvpHcns heads erafed, or. [Plate XXIV.] C ;\£sr /J A gryphon's head, err?: inois, erafed, gules. S up?o r r ers. J On the dexter fide, a gryphon,' wings ele - Voted, 'or, collared with a line reflexed over the back, fable y the collar charged with three elcallops, argent. On the finif- ter, a bull, argent, pyed, fable, armed, hoofed and collared,, vyith'a chain reflexed over his back, or. " Motto,] Pro Mark a Charia* For the Great Charter. Chief LORD CLIFFORD. 341 Chief Seats.] At Weft-Wycomb, in Bucks; and at Mereworth, in Kent. SOUTHWELL CLIFFORD, LORD CLIFFORD. THE Right Hon. ED WARD -SOUTHWELL CLIF- FORD, Baron CLIFFORD, Weftmoreland and Vefcy, born June 23, 1767, and fucceeded his father, Edward, the late Lord, Nov. 1, 1777. This family took its name from ClifFord-caftle, in Here- fordfhire, which came in marriage to Walter Fitz-Ponce, de- fended from Richard, Duke of Normandy, grandfather of William the Conqueror. He had three fons ; Simon. — Wal- ter, v/ho refided at Cliftbrd-caftle, and took the furname of Clifford. — Richard. (id Lord.) Walter, had five fons, Walter, Richard, Roger, Simon, and Hugh ; and two daughters, Rofamond, concubine of Henry II. by whom he had William Longfpee, Earl of Salifbury, and other children ; Lucy (by fome called Alice) married to Hugh, Lord Say. Roger, Simon, and Hugh, died without iflue ; Richard was Lord of Frampton. (2d Lord.) Walter, who fucceeded his father, married Agnes, daughter of Roger de Cundy, by whom he had five fons, and was fucceeded by (3d Lord.) Walter, his eldeft fon, who, by Margaret* daughter of Llewelyn, Prince of Wales, had Maud his only daughter and heir, who was married firft to William Long- fpee, third fon of William, Earl of Salifbury ; and fecondly, to Sir John Gilford of Brimricld. (4th Lord.) We come now to Roger, his brother, who married the Countefs of Lorrain, by whom he had a fon, Ro- ger, who, nth of Edw. I. was Hain in a fkirmifh near An- glefea. He married Ifabel, one of the daughters of Robert de Vipont : They had an only fon, (5th Lord.) Roger, who was flain in Bannock's-bourn, June 25, 1314. He married Maud, daughter of Thomas de Clare, fon of Richard, Earl of Gloucefter, who by him had two fons ; and a daughter, Idonia, married to Henry, Lord Percy. Of the fons, (6th Lord.) Roger, the eldeft* dying, unmarried, was fuc- ceeded by Z 3 ( 7 ih '34* L O R I> C L IFFORiJ. (7th Lord.) RoberTj who married Ifabel, only daughter of Maurice Berkeley, Lord of Berkeley Caftle, by whom he had three fons, Robert, Roger, and Thomas ; and fhe be- queathed a manfton in St. Du.nftan's Parifh, Fleet-flreet, to the ftudents at law, and which is ftill called Clifford's -Inn. (8th Lord.). Robert, the eldeft brother, fucceeded, his father. He married Euphemia, After to Ralph Nevile, the rirft Earl of Weitmoreland, and dying without iflue, (9th Lord.) Roger, his brother, fucceeded : He died July 13, 1390, leaving iflue by Maud, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Warwick, Thomas, his fon and heir; and Mary, married to Sir Philip Wentworth. (10th Lord.) Thomas, fucceeding, married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, Lord Roos, by whom he left iflue (nth Lord.) John, who fucceeded his father, Sir Wil- liam, who died without iffue ; and. Sir Lewis, from whom defcended the Lord Clifford of Chudleigh ; and a daughter Maud, fecond wife of Richard, Earl of Cambridge, and af- terwards wife of John Nevile, Lord Latimer. John, Lord Clifford was flain at the fiege of Maux. He married Eliza- beth, daughter of Henry Percy, commonly called Hotfpur* by whom he had Thomas, his heir, born in 1415 ; Henry, who died without iflue ; and Mary, i/iarried to Sir Philip Wentworth. ( 1 2th Lord.) Thomas, taking part with Hen. VI. was flain at the battle of St. Alban's, May 22, 1454. He mar- lied Joan, daughter of Thomas, Lord D acres of Gilfefland, and had iflue by her, John, his heir, born the 8th of April, 13th Hen. VI. Roger, Robert, Thomas, Elizabeth, Maud, Anne, Joan married to Sir Simon Mufgrave, and Margaret married to Robert Carre. (13th Lord.) John, fucceeded his father, and was flain, March 29, 1461, at the battle of Towton ; leaving by Mar- garet Bromflete, daughter and fole heir of Henry, Lord Bromflete, Baron Vefcy, Henry, his fon and heir; Richard ; and Elizabeth, (14th Lord.) Henry, fucceeded his father as Lord Clif- ford ; and his mother being by birth Baron efs Vefcy, brought the title of Baron Vefcy to the Cliffords, and was reffored in blood, in the. firft Parliament of Hen. VII. and to all his Ba- ronies; &c. his father having been attainted* in the ifl of Ed- ward \V. Fie married Anne, daughter of Sir John St. John of Bletfho. He had by her three fons and four daughter > ; Henry, born in 1493. — Thomas — Edward.— -Mabel. —'Ele- anor. — Anne. — Joan. He.married fecond Iv, Florence, daugh- LORD CLIFFORD. 343 ter of — Pudfey, and by her had two Tons, who died young; and one daughter, Dorothy, married to Sir Hugh Lqwther. (15th Lord, 1 ft Earl.) Henry fucceeded his father as Lord Clifford in 1525, and on the 18th of June, the fame year, was created Earl of Cumberland : He married firft Margaret, daughter of George, Earl of Shrewsbury, who died without iffue ; zdly, Margaret Percy, daughter of Henry, 5th Earl of Northumberland. He was in great favour with Hen. VIII. who recommended Henry, Lord Clifford, the EarPs eldeft fon, to the Lady Eleanor, his coufm, daughter of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk : Her mother was Mary, the French Queen, fecond daughter of King Henry VII. The Earl died the zzd of April 1542, leaving a daughter Catha- rine, married hrft to John, Lord Scrope ; fecondly to Sir Richard Cholmondeley ; and ( 1 6th Lord, 2d Earl.) Henry, his heir : His Lady died In Nov. 1547 ; her iffue male dying in their infancy, lhe left one only daughter, Margaret, afterwards Countefs of Derby. He married, fecondly, Anne, daughter of William, Lord Dacres of Gillefland, by whom he had George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland ; and Frances, married to Philip, Lord Wharton. (17th Lord, 3d Earl.) George, their brother fucceed- ing-his father, who died Jan. 8, 1659, married Margaret, third and youngefl daughter of Francis, Earl of Bedford, on the 24th of June, 1577. By this Lady, who died 1616, he had two fons, who both died young ; and a daughter Anne, his fole heir to the Baronies of Clifford, Weftmoreland, and Vefcy ; afterwards Countefs of Dorfet and Pembroke.. He dying 061. 30, 1605, (18th Lord, 4th Earl.) Francis, his brother became the 4th Earl of Cumberland : He married Grifold, daughter of Thomas Hughs, Efq. widow of Edward, Lord Aberga- venny. He died June 6, 161 3, and left iffue, (19th Lord, 5th Earl.) Henry, Earl of Cumberland; Margaret* who was married to Sir Thomas Wentworth ; and Frances, fecond wife of Sir Gervafe Clifton. He died Dec. 1 1, 1 641 : To whom fucceeded (20th Lord, 6th Earl.) Henry, his only fon, who in 1610, married Frances Cecil, only daughter of Robert, Earl of Salifbury; by whom he left iffue an only daughter Eliza- beth, his heir, born Sept. 161 3, married July 5, 1635, to Richard, Vifcount Dungarvon, fon of Richard, Earl of Cork, in Ireland, who fucceeded his father in the dignity of Earl of Z 4 Cork, 344 - L O R T> CLIHOR J£). Cork, and 20 Car. I. was created Lord Clifford of Lanef- borough. The title of Earl of Cumberland became extinct by the death of Henry above-mentioned ; but the Baronies of Clifford, Weftmoreland, and Ve icy, decerned to Anne, fole daughter and heir of George, 3d Earl of Cumberland. This noble Lady was born January 30, 1589, and married February 25, 1609, to Richard* Earl of Dorfet :■ He died March 28, 1624, and had iffue three Tons, who died infants, and two daughters; Margaret, born July 2, 1614, married April 21, 1629, to John Tuftoa, Earl of Thanet, and had ifiue^ and Ifabella, born Oft. 6., 1622, married July 5, 1647* to James Compton, Earl of Northampton, and died without iffue. Her Ladyfhip married, fecondly, on the 3d of July 1630, Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, who died Jan. 23, 1650, without iffue by her. On her deceafe, the Baronies of Clifford, Weftmoreland, and Vefcy, devolved on her grand-, fon Thomas, Earl of Thanet, who left no male iffue, and the Barony of Clifford, &c. fell into abeyance amongft his five daughters ; Catharine, married to Vifcount Sondes, by whom fhe had one daughter, Catharine, married to Edward Southwell, Efq. and left a fon Edward, the late Lord. — Mar- garet, married to James, Earl of Salifbury, and left iffue. — • Margaret, married to Thomas, Earl of Leiceften — Mary, married firft to Anthony, Earl of Harold, and .fecondly to John, Earl Gower. — Ifabella, married firft to Lord Naffau Powlett, and fecondly to Sir Francis Blake Delaval. And on Auguft 13, 1 734, the Barony of Clifford, &c. was confirmed to Margaret, Countefs of Leicefter, and her Ladyfnip had one only fon, Edward, Vifcount Coke, who died in 1753 ; and upon the death of her Ladyfhip without iffue, Feb. 26, 1775, tne Barony of Clifford was confirmed on Edward South- well, grandfon of her eldeft filler, defcended from an ancient family in Nottingham (hire. His Lordilnp married Sophia, third daughter of Samuel Campbell, of Mount Campbell, in the county of Letrim, in Ireland, by whom he had Ed- ward, born June 23, 1767, the prefent Lord. — Robert Camp- bell, born April 20, 1770, died 1777, — Henry, born March 30, 1773. — John, born Cel. 19, 1774, died 1778. — Mary, born Sept. 15, 1766. — Catharine, born Sept. 19, 1 768.- — Sophia, born June I o, 1771. — Elizabeth, born June 11, !776. — Henrietta, born May 19, 1777. His Lordlhip de- ceaftng on Nov. 1, 1777, was fucceeded by his fon Edward, the prefent Lord* Creations.] Summoned to Parliament as Baron de Clif- ford* by writ, 23 Edw. I t 1295. Arms. LORD ABERGAVENNY. 345 Arms.] Thofe of the late Baronefs, Plate 35, and fome- times quartered with the arms of Southwell, viz. Argent* three cinquefoils, gules, each charged with fix annulets, or, the fame as Lord Vifcount Southwell, in Plate 20, of the Peerage of Ireland. Crest.] A demi Indian goat, argent > charged on the body with three annulets, gules* Supporters.] On the dexter, a wy vern, gules ; on the fmifler, a monkey, proper. Motto.] Le 'Roy le veut. The King will have it fo. Chief Seat.] At King's Weiton in Glouceflerlhire. NEVILLE, LORD ABERGAVENNY. THE Right Hon. GEORGE NEVILLE, Lord ABER- GAVENNY, born June 24, 1727, fucceeded his father William, the late Lord Abergavenny, September 21, 1744* married February 5, 1753, Henrietta, daughter of Thomas Pelham, late of Stanmer in the county of SufTex, Efq. and widow of the Hon. Richard Temple ; by which Lady, who died in 1768, he had ifTue ; Henry, born Feb. 1755, mar- ried Oc~L 3, 1 78 1, Mifs Robinfon, daughter of John Robin* fon, of Sion-Hall, in Middlefex, Efq. — George, born Sept. 1760. — Henrietta, born May, 1756, married Sept, 9, 1779, Sir John Berney, Bart, of Kerby-Bedon in Norfolk. Of this ancient family, which is faid to derive their defcent from Gilbert de Nevil, a Norman, who was Admiral to Wil- liam the Conqueror, when he came into England, was Ralph Nevil, Earl of Weitmoreland, whofe fourth fon, (ill Lord.) Edward, marrying Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Worcefter, fon of William Beau- champ, Lord Abergavenny, by her, in the 29th of Henry VI. obtained livery of the Caftle of Abergavenny, and had fummons to Parliament, as above. He married fecondly, Catharine, daughter of Sir Robert Howard. By this Lady he had three daughters ; Margaret, married to John Brooke, Lord Cobham ; Catharine, to Robert Tanfield ; and Anne, to the Lord Strange ; alio three fons, who died young. By Elizabeth, his firil wife, he had two fons ; Richard, who died in his father's life- time ; and (2d Lord.) Sir George, his heir, who by Margaret, daughter of Sir Hugh Fenne, had. live fons and two daugh- ters 1 of whom, Elizabeth, the eldeft, married to Sir Edward Berkeley ; n'6 LORE) A B EH: G A VENN Y. Berkeley ; and Jane, to -Sir Henry Pole, Lord Moxitacute- The fons were George, William, Edward, Thomas, and Richard. (3d Lord.) George, the eldefl, fucceeded his father. He married firft Joan, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Arundel, by whom he had an only daughter Elizabeth, married to Henry, Lord d'Aubigny ; but by his fecond wife, Mary,, daughter of Edward, Duke of Buckingham, he had two fons and fix daughters; Mary, married to Sir Thomas Fiennes.-— Catha- rine, married to John St. Leger, Efq. — Margaret, to John Cheney, Efq. — Urfula, to Sir Warham St. Leger. — Dorothy, to William Brooke, fon of George, Lord Cobham.- — Jane, to Sir Henry Pole. The fons were, (4th Lord . ) Henry, and Edward the eldelt fucceeded his father. He married Frances, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Rutland, and dying in 1587, left an only .daughter M-ary, wife of Sir Thomas Fane. We now return to Edward, her father's brother, who married Eleanor, daughter of Sir Andrews Wind for, and widow of Ralph, Lord Scroop of Upfal, by whom he had two fons ; Edward, and Henry of Billingbear in Berks, from whom the Nevils of that county are defcended; alio three daughters ; Frances, wife of Sir Edward Waldegrave ; Elizabeth, wife of Tho- mas Haines, Efq. and Catharine, wife of Clement Throck- morton, Efq. (5th Lord.) Edward, the eldeft, who was next heir male of this line, and in whom the caltle of Abergavenny was yelled, likewife laying claim to the title, it was on the 25 th of May, 1603, determined by the Houfe of Peers in his favour; whereupon the King, to make fome fatisfa&ion to the heir fe- male, granted the Barony of Le Defpencer to her and her };ci from whom defcended the Earls of Weilmoreland. • He married firft Catharine, daughter of Sir John Brown, by whomTie had four fons, Edward, Francis, George, and Henry, His fecond wife was Grifold, daughter of Thomas Hughs, Efq. who brought him no iffue, and furviviug him, married Francis Clifford : Eaii of Cumberland. Of the children by the frrit wife, " (6th Lord*) F r» wa r d, the eldeft,- fucceeding, married Ra- chel, daughter of John Lemiard, Efq. and by her had fix fons .and "five daughter? :• Of the' daughters, v/ho were Elizabeth, Mary, Catharine,- Frances, and Margaret, the eldeft was mar- to job.':. Lord Grey of 'Groby, and fecondiy to Sir John * B&glev . —Mary, to Sir George Goring, K.nt, afterwards Ear? LORD ABERG AV E N N Y. fa t>f Norwich. — Catharine, to Sir Stephen Leflieur. The foiu were, (7th Lord.) Sir Henry, Edward, Chriftopher, John, Thomas, and Charles. The eldeft, in 1622, fucceeded his father : He married firft Mary, daughter of Thomas Sack- ville, the firft Earl of Dorfet, by whom he had Sir Thomas Neville, and five daughters ; and by his fecond wife, who was Catharine, daughter of Edward, Lord Vaux, he had two fons *nd three daughters ; Catharine, Frances, and Elizabeth ; whereof, the latter was married to Thomas Stoner, Efq. and the eldeft, firft to Sir Robert Howard, and afterwards to Ro- bert Berry, Efq. Of the daughters by the firft wife, who were Margaret, Cicely, Elizabeth, Mary, and Anne, the el- deft was married to Thomas Brooke, Efq. the fecond to Fitz-* William Coningfby, Efq. and Anne was Abbefs of Pontoife, in France ; and Sir Thomas, their brother, having married Elizabeth, daughter of Henry, Lord Mordaunt, by her had ifTue, Henry, who died in his infancy, 1629; and Charles, who died in 1637. Henry, their grandfather, dying in Dec, 1641, we come to his fons, by his fecond wife, who were John, his heir ; and George. (8th Lord.) John, who fucceeded, married Elizabeth, daughter of William Chamberlain, Efq. but he dying in 1663, without iffue, the honour devolved upon (9th Lord.) George, his brother, who marrying Mary, daughter of Thomas, fon and heir of Henry Giffard, by whom he had George, his fon and heir; and a daughter, Bridget, married to Sir John Shelley. ( 1 oth Lord. ) George, who fucceeded, marrying Honora, daughter of John, Lord Bellaffife, and dying March 26, 169$. without iflue, we return to Chriftopher, third fon of Edward .the 6th Lord, by Rachel Lennard, who married Mary, daugh- ter of Thomas D'Arcy, and left ifTue, Richard his heir, who by Sophia, his wife, had iflue George ; who married Mary, daughter of Sir Bulftrode, Whitlocke, by whom he left ifTue, (nth Lord.) George, who fucceeded to the title ; and Edward. The ibrmer married Anne, daughter of Nehemia Walker, Efq. by whom he had three fons and two daughters;- Jane was married to Abel Walter, Efq. but Anne cKed un- married. The fons were Henry, George, and Edward; the eldeft died young ; and his Lordfhip dying, (12th Lord.) George, the fecond, fucceeded, a.nd mar- ried Elizabeth daughter of Colonel Edward Thornicroft, but he dying on the 15 th of November., 1723^ without furviving iflue, 34* LORD AUDLEY. liTue, was fucceeded by Edward, his brother ; and ihe in June, 1774, married to Lord Delawar, and furviving him, died in 1778. (13th Lord.) Edward, who thus became heir, married Catharine, daughter of Lieutenant- General Tatton ; . but he. dying on the 9th of October, 1724, without iffue, we return to Edward, brother to George, the 1 ith Lord, who died Sep- tember 12, 1701, leaving iffue by Hannah, daughter of Mr. Jarvois Thorp, a daughter Mary, married to Charles Cham- berlain, Efq. and (14th Lord.) William, who married in May, 1725, Catharine, daughter of Lieutenant General Tatton, and widow of Edward, Lord Abergavenny, his predeceflbr ; and by her, who died on the 4th of December, 1729, had iilue a fon, George, the prefent Lord ; and a daughter Catharine. On the 20th of May, 1732, his Lordfhip married to his fecond wife Rebecca, daughter of Thomas the eighth Earl of Pembroke, by which Lady (who married fecondly, Mr. Finch, and died Odtober 20, 1758) he had iftue, Harriot, bom Nov. 17, 1734, who died unmarried in 1762. — Mary, born June 13, 1736, and died Auguft 2, 1758, unmarried.— Sophia, born March 14^ 1738, and died unmarried, Jan. j # 1759. — William, born in Oft. 1741. His Lordfhip dying Sept. 12, 1744, was fucceeded by his fon, (15th Lord.) George, the prefent Lord. Creation.] Baron, June 23, 1295, Arms.] Gules, on a faltire, argent, a rofe of the firft, barbed and feeded, proper. [Plate XXVI. ] Crest.] In a ducal coronet, or, a bull's head, argent; pyed, fable, armed of the firft, and charged on the neck with a rofe, gules. Supporters.] Two bulls, argent, pyed, fable, armed* unguled, collared and chained, or. Motto.] Ne vile veils. Form no mean Wifh. Chief Seats. J At the cattle of Abergavenny, in Mon- jnouthftiire ; and at Eridge, and Kidbrooke-Hall, in Suffex. TOUC H E T, LORD AUDLEY. THE Right Hon. George Thicknesse-Touchet, Baron "Audlev, fucceeded his uncle John, the late Earl of Cattlehavcn, who died April 22^ 1777, as Baron Audley. It beinv- one of the ancient Baronies in fee, Q TV.?* LORD A U D L E V. 3¥) ' This family has been of great antiquity, William Touchet ;\aving fummons to Parliament among the Barons of this realm, from the 24th of Edward I. to the 34th inclufive ; and cotem- porary with him was Thomas Touchet, who was pofleifed of thfe Manor of Afhwell, in the county of Rutland ; and his fon, Sir Robert, the 8th of Edward II. doing his homage* had livery of all his father's lands, and was father of John, who marrying Joan, daughter of James, and ftfter and coheir to Nicholas, Lord Audley, of Heleigh, by her had Sir John, father of another (lft Lord.) Sir John, who in the 15th of Richard II. was found to be heir to Joan his grandmother, filler to the fore- mentioned Nicholas, Lord Audley, and thereupon affumed that title, and was polTefTed of many Lordfhips and inheritances. He died Dec. 19, 1409, and was fucceeded by (2d Lord.) James, his fon ; who the 7th of Henry V, was in the wars of France, and the 8th had fummons to Parli- ament as Lord Audley ; but in the 7th of Henry VI. being lent by Queen Margaret to encounter Richard Nevil, Earl of Salifbury, who was in arms on behalf of the houfe of York, and giving him battle at B lore- Heath, in the county of Staf- ford, was there flain, with 2400 of his company ; leaving bv Margaret,, daughter of William, Lord Roos of Hamlake, a fon John; and a daughter, Anne, married to Sir Thomas Dutton, of Dutton in Chefhire, who fe fifth daughter, Elea- nor, married Richard Cholmondeley, Efq. anoeftor of the late Earl of Cholmondeley. (3d Lord.) John, who fucceeded, was in great favour with Edward IV. In the 7th of Edward IV. he obtained a grant of the Manors of Sheer and Vachey in Surry, in con ii- deration of his attendance on the King's perfon ; and dying in 1492, left iifue by Anne, daughter and heir c*f Sir Thomas Itchingham, Knt. a fon, (4th Lord.) James, who in 1475, at the creation of Ed- ward, Prince of Wales, was made Knt. of the Bath, and had fummons to Parliament from the ill of Edward IV. to thar 1 2th of Henry VII. but in that year taking difcontent at a fubfidy then granted in Parliament, he joined the Cornimmen in thei* infuneclion ; and being taken prifoner at tire battle of Black-Heath, was brought to Newgate, whence* he was led to Tower- Hill, in a coat of his own armories, (which -was paint-, cd cn paper, but reverfedand torn) and was there beheaded, June 20, 1497. He married firft Margaret, daughter of Sir Richard Barrel, Knt. (by Margaret, daughter of Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerfetj by whom he had John, his heir-; fecondly, 35<> LORD A If D L E ¥. fecondly, Joan, daughter of Fulk Bourchier, Lord Fitz-War? ren, by whom he had four fons and two daughters ; of whom, Johanna, was married to Sir John Chichefter, Knt. anceftor to the Earls of Donegall ; and Anne, to Sir John Wingfield, and was mother of Sir Anthony Wingfield, Knight of the Garter. (5th Lord.) John, in 149 i, attending King Henry VIII* at the taking of Therouenne, and afterwards being one of the Lords that fubfcribed that memorable Letter to Pope Clement VII. had reftitution of ail his father's lands, &c. and mar- rying Mary, daughter of Richard Griffin, of Braybroke, in the county of Northampton, Efq. by her had (6th Lord.) George, his heir, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Brian Tuke, Receiver- General to the King, by whom he had a fon, (7th Lord.) Henry, whofe wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Snede of Brad well, in the county of Stafford, and by her had two fons, and two daughters ; Anne, and Eli- zabeth ; whereof, the eideft was married to Thomas Brooke, of Norton in the county of Chefter, Efq. and the youngeft, rlrft to Bradfhaigh of Haigh in Lancailiire, Efq. and fecondly, to George Legh of High Legh, Efq. And of the fons, who were , " ^ (8th Lord, ift Earl.) George and James, the latter died without ifTue, and the eideft fucceeded his father, and by James I. was created Earl of Caftlehaven in Ireland. He was sdib made Governor of Utrecht, in the Netherlands, and was wounded at the battle of Kingfale, but yet was victorious ; and marrying Lucy, daughter of Sir James Mervin, of Fonthill in Wilts, Knt. by her he had two fons and five daughters ; Eli- zabeth, firft married to Sir John Stawell, Knt, of the Bath, anceftor to the Lord Stawell ; and fecondly, to Sir Thomas Griffin, anceftor to the late Lord Griffin, and to Sir John Whitwell Griffin.— Eleanor, firft to Sir John Davis, Knt. the King's Attorney- General in Ireland, and next to Sir Archibald Douglas, Knt. — Anne, to Edward Blount of Arlefton, in the county of Derby, Efq. — Mary, to Sir Thomas Thynne, of Long-Leate in Wilts, grandfather of Mr. Thynne, who was bafely murdered in Pall-Mail.— Chriftian, to Sir Henry Mer r vin, of Petersfield, Knt. He married another wife, Elizabeth j daughter of Andrew Noel ; and of the fons, who were (2d Earl.) Sir Mervin, and Ferdinando ; the latter was made Knt. of the Bath, at the creation of Henry, Prince of Wales, and the eideft fucceeded his father. He married nrf! Elizabeth, daughter and coheir tp Benedict Barnham, Alder* L O R £ A U D L E Y« 3$t man of London, and fecondly Anne, daughter of Ferdinanda Stanley, Earl of Derby, and widow of Grey Bridges, Lord Chandos ; but being accufed of certain high crimes, was tried by a commiffion of Oyer and Terminer, and on the 14th of May, 1631, was beheaded on Tower-hill. By his fecond wife he had no iflue ; but by his firft he had three fons and three- daughters ; of whom, Lucy, was firft married to John Ancell, Efq. and afterwards to Gerald Fitz-Maurice, brother to the Lord Kerry in Ireland. — Dorothy, to Edmund Butler, the 4th Vifcount Mountgarret, of the fame kingdom. — Frances, to Col. Richard Butler, brother to the firft Duke of Ormond. The fons were (3d Earl.) James, George, and Mervin ; the fecond was a Benedicline Monk at Do way, and the el deft, who became heir, was by letters patent, dated the 3d of June, 1634, re~ ftored to the title and dignity of Lord Audley, and Earl of Caftlehaven. In the time e of the civil wars, he was a Comman- der in Ireland under the Duke of Qrmond ; and in 1649, was General of thelrim forces, and acted againft Cromwell's army, till the reduction of that kingdom, when he retired to Paris. On the Reftoration he returned to England, and obtained an Aft of Parliament, in 1678, for refloring the titles, forfeited by his father, to himfelf, and the heirs male of his body, a or? in default thereof, to Mervin his brother ; and, for want of ifiue by him, to his fillers and their heirs. He married Eliza- beth, daughter of Grey Bridges, Lord Chandos ; but dying wit}K)Ut iffue, in Ireland, October 11, 1684, (4th Earl.) Mervin, his brother,* fucceeded him; and marrying Mary, youngefl daughter of John Talbot, the i oth Earl of Shrewfbury, and widow of Charles Arundel, Efq. by her had two fons and three daughters ; Mary, Anne, and Ele- anor. The eldeft was married to Sir Henry Win^field of Ea: ton in Suffolk, Bart. The fons were (5th Earl.) James, and John ; the latter married Eliza- beth, fecond daughter of Thomas Savile, Earl of Suffex, b • whom he had a daughter Mary, who was the rlrlr. wife of Cadwaliader, Lord Blaney ; atfd the eldeft married Elizabeth daughter and coheir to — 0 — I Bard of Weflon, Efq. -(bv Anne, his wife, daughter of Charles Villiers, Earl of Angle- fea, and widow of Thomas Ratcliff, Earl of SuiTex) and bv. her (vVho died in June, 1733) had (6th Earl.) James, his only child, who, on the 12 th of Augtift, 1700, fucceeded htm, and enjoyed the honour. H<*- married, in 1722, Elizabeth, only daughter of Henry, Lord Ar.yndfJ cf W ardour, and by her (who died in July, 1743) katfc 3t$diftl ' Tame?.. SS* LORD PERCY. James the 7th Earl. — John, the lafl Earl. — Elizabeth, married to Philip ThickneiFe, Efq. Lieutenant-Governor of Landguard Fort, and died in 1762, leaving iiTue two fons and two daugh- ters, George, the prefent Lord; Philip; Elizabeth; and Joyce. — Mary, who died in 1748, unmarried. His Lordfliip died in October, 1740, and was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (7th Earl.) James, the late Earl, who died May 6, 1769, unmarried, and was fucceeded in all his honours by (8th Earl.) John, his brother, married 1776, Mrs. Cra^ craft, and died without iffue, April 28, 1777, when die Earl- dom and Irim Barony became cxtinft, and he was fucceed- ed in his Englifh Barony by his nephew, the prefent Lord Audley. Creations.] Baron Audley, by writ of fummons, Oct> 20, 1403, but originally, Jan. 6. 1296, 24 Edward I. Arms.] Ermine 9 a chevron, gules- Crest.] In a ducal coronet, or, a fwan r:fmg, argent > ducally gorged of the fir ft. Supporters. J Two wyverns, with wings expanded, falU% Motto.] Je le liens. I hold it. Chief Seat.] At Groveley, near Salifbury, in Wilts, PERCY, LORD PERCY, THE Right Hon. HUGH PERCY, Baron PERCY, Lucy, Poynings, Fitz-Payne, Bryan and Latimer, com* monly fliled Earl Percy, being eldeft fon of the Duke of Northumberland, is a Lieutenant General in the Army, and Colonel of the 5 th Regiment of Foot. His Lordihip fucceeded to the above honours, on the death of his mother, Elizabeth, Duchefs of Northumberland, Dec, 5, 1776, (Seethe article Percy, Duke of Northum- berland, where is given a full account of his .Lordlhip's* birth, marriages, and ifiue). It may be proper to give here a Ihort fketch of his Lordfhip's defcent from die Lords Percy, ancient Earls of Northumberland, of whom he k heir gene- ral and reprefentative. This noble family is defcended from Mainfred, a Norman Chieftain, who made irruptions into France in the 9th cen- tury ; and his posterity fettling in Normandy, took their name from their domain of Pe rcy in that Province, William de Pei tv, with his brother Serle, accompanied King William the Conqueror in x 066, from whom he had grants of eighty-fix manors LORD PERCY* 3S s manors In Yorkfhire, thirty-two in Lincolnftiire, Sec. and is exprefsly ftiled a Baron in records of that and the follow- ing reign. The grandfon of this William dying without ifllie, in the reign of King Henry II. his daughter and heir, Agnes de Percy, married jofceline de Lorrain, fon of the Duke of Brabant, and brother to Queen Adeliza, fecond wife of King Henry I. and by exprefs ltipulation took the name of Percy, but retained the arms of Brabant, which originally were, or, a lion rampant, azure, ftnee borne by the Percy fa- mily, quartered with the ancient arms of Percy* asuere, five fufils in fefs, or. jofceline was lineally defcended in the male line from the Sovereigns of Brabant and Hainault, by a mar- riage with the daughter and heir of Charles, Duke of Lorrain, (fon of Louis d'Outremer, King of France) who was the laft male defcendant of the Emperor Charlemagne, and who was true heir to the crown of France, ufurped by Hugh Capet. From Jofceline had defcended fix Lord Percys in lineal fuc- ceflion, when the laft of them having intermarried with the Royal Family, (Lady Mary Plantagenet) had two fens, who both became Earls, viz. I. Henry, created Earl of Northum- berland on July 16, 1377, 1 Rich. II. and, 2. Thomas, cre- ated Earl of Worcefler, Sept. 29, 1397, 21 Rich. II. This laft was alfo Lord of Haverford ; but left no ifiue, being be- headed after the battle of Shrewsbury, fought by his nephew againft King Henry IV. (iftEarl.) Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, was in the reign of King Rich, ft! Earl Marlhal of England, and in that of King Hen. IV. he had the office of Conflable of England for life, and was made King of Man, to hold this ifland to him and his heirs ; but entering into rebellion againit the latter, whom he had helped to the Crown, was Ilain in 1408. He left iflue by his fir ft wife Margaret Neville, three fons ; of whom the eldeft, Sir Henry Percy, Knt. furnamed Hotfpur, was the moil diftinguiihed Chieftain of that age, and after a (harp llruggle for the crown, was ilain at Battle- field, near Shrewlbury, on St. Magdalen's eve, 1403, leav- ing iflue by Elizabeth Mortimer, (grand- daughter of Lionel, Duke of Clarence, fon of King Edward III.) one fon Hen- ry, who was 2d Earl of Northumberland, and one daughter*. Htnry, firft Earl of Northumberland, married fecondly (with * out iffue) Maud, Baronefs Lucy, Countefs Dowager of An- gus, who conveyed her great porTerTions and Baronial honours to tkis Earl and his pofterity. This Earl, as alfo his brother and fon, were all Knights of the Garter ; but after their re* A a bellion, 354 L ° R D p E R P^'ir bellion, their names were expunged from the lifts, their blood attainted, and their Earldom and Baronies extinguifhed, till I (2d Earl.) Henry Percy, Ton of Hotfpur, was. reitored to the Earldom of Northumberland, &c. in 141 4, King Men. V. and in 1450, conftituted Condable of England, by King Henry VL m whofe caufe he was flain in the firft battle at St. Aiban's in 1455. By Eleanor Neville, grand-daughter-of Jolm of Gaunt, he had iflue nine fons and three daughters. One of his fons, Thomas, was created Baron Egremont in 1 449. His eldeft fbn was (3d Earl,) Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, who in his father's life-time fat in Parliament as Baron Poynings, having married Eleanor, heirefs of that Barony, as alfo of the Baronies of Fitz-Payne and Bryan. He was flain at Towton-field in 1461, where he commanded for the Houfe of Lancalier, leaving iflue, befides three daughters, one fon, who was attainted and deprived of the Earldom, till his faid fon, \ l( ... t . nofh > (4th Earl.) Henry Percy, was rellored to the Earldom of Northumberland, &c. in 1469, by King Edward IV. by whom he was alfo made a Knight of the Garter ; as he was afterwards by King Richard II. Lord Great Chamberlain &>: England, in 1483, during an attainder of the Vere family. In the fucceeding reign, he was flain in a popular tumult at his houfe in Yorkfhire, in 1489; leaving ifTue by Maud, daughter of William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, four fons and three daughters y of whom the eldelt, (5th Earl.) Henry Algernon Percy, Earl of Northum- berland, was a Knight of the Garter, and diftinguimed for his great magnificence and patronage of the Arts and Sci- ences, eUablilhmg a ProfeiTor of Philofophy and Grammar in his Monaftery at Alnwick. He died in 1527, leaving iffue by his wife Catharine, daughter of Sir Richard Spencer, Knt. and of Eleanor, daughter and heir of Edmund Beau- fort, Duke of Somerfet, three fons and two daughters. Of thefe, . the fecond, Sir Thomas Percy, Knt. was executed for rebellion in 1537, and his two fons attainted, Thomas and Henry, who were afterwards reflored, and fucceiTively be- came Earls of Northumberland. The eldeft fon of the 5th Earl was (6th Earl.) Henry Algernon Percy, Earl of North um~ beriand, and Knight of the Garter. He had been an ad* mirer of Queen Anne Bullen, but afterwards married Mary, daughter of George, Earl of Shrewfbury, and died without iifue in 1537; when his nephew* being under attainder, he LORD PERCY. 35; teft all his eftates to the crown, and the Earldom was ex- tinguished for twenty years. For which, and his early grea expences, he has been called the unthrifty Earl. At length (7th Earl.) Thomas Percy, nephew of the latt Earl, be- ing reftored in blood, in the 4th and 5th of Philip and Mary, 1557, became Earl of Northumberland, &c. and in the fol- lowing reign Knight of the Garter ; but falling into rebel- lion, was beheaded at York in 1572 ; and leaving by Ms wife Anne, daughter of Henry Somerset, Earl of Worcei- ter, only four daughters, his honours and eftate faffed by intail to (8th Earl.) Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, Sec, brother to the laft Earl. He being fufpected of favouring Mary, Queen of Scots, was found fhot dead in the Tower in 1585 ; leaving iffue by his wife Catharine, eldeft daughter and coheir of John, Lord Latimer, (from which marriage the • future Earls of Northumberland were ftiled Barons Latimer) eight fons and three daughters. The eldeil fon was (9th Earl.) Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, Knight of the Garter. After diftinguifning himfelf againit the Spanifti Armada in 1588; in the fo Revving reign he, though a firm Proteftant, was accuied in the Starcliamber of favouring his kinfman, Thomas Percy, who had been con- cerned in the Gunpowder Treafon, and was fentenced by that arbitrary Court to pay 30,000!. and to be confined for life in the Tower, where he was imprifoned fixteen years : Dur - ing which, he devoted his time to learning and the fciences, being attended by the molt eminent fcholars, chiefly mathe- maticians, who were called his Magi ; and he filled Henry the Wizzard. He died in 1632, having had iffue by his 'wife, Dorothy, fitter to the favourite Earl of Effex, four fons and two daughters. Of the fens, two only attained to man- hood, viz. the fecond fon, Henry, who being created H& Middkfex and Northumberland) de* fcended to Ms only daughter and heir, Elizabeth, late Daehefs of Northumberland, whofe eld eft fan and heir, Hugh, the prelerrt Earl Percy, being abroad on the public fervice in America at hk mother's death, did not take his feat in the Houfe ©f Peers till Nov. 20, 1777. He has fmce claimed the office of Great Chamberlain of England, in rySqg as heir general of the eldeft line of the Vere family, (through Catharine, wife of the 8th Earl of Northumber- land) bu»t the long enjoyment by a younger branch occafi- ©ned it to be decided in favour of the prefent pofTeflbrs. For further particulars relating to his Lordfhip, fee the artkie Percy, Duke of Northumberland* Arms.] Six quarters, for fix Baronies. !* Quarterly, Bra- bant and Lucy ; firft and fourth for Brabant, or, a lion ram- pant, azure ; feeond and third for Lucy, gules, three luces or pikes hauriant, argent, z. For Percy, azure, five f\ifils in fefs> 6r. 3. For Poynings, barry of fix, or and IT. leaving Robert, his heir, who married Agnes, daughter of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, leaving John, his heir ; and Robert, who married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of William ie Boteler, fecond fon of William, Baron of Wemm, A a 3 }qu :: :j3 LORD BE F E R R A R S, John, who fucceeded as Lord Ferrars, married Elizabeth* daughter of Ralph, Earl of Stafford, and widow of Fouik L'Eftrange, and died April 22, 1367, and was fucceeded by Ms fon Robert, Lord Ferrars, who died in 141 3, leaving ifTue by Margaret, daughter of Edward, Lord Spencer, Edmund, hi§ heir, who died 1436. Heinarried Eleanor, daughter of Sir Thomas de la Roche, Knt. and by her, who married fecondly Sir William Chetwynd, Knt. had two fons, William, Lord Ferrers, and Edmund ; of whom, the eldeft married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Hamon Belknap, and died June 9, 1^.50, leaving an only daughter Anne, his heir, mar- ried to Sir Walter Devereux, Knt. who was furnmoned to Parliament as Lord Ferrars of Chartley, and whofe grand- fon was created Vifcount Hereford. From that family the Barony defcended to Dorothy, daughter of Robert Devereux, Earl of Efiex, the great favourite of Queen Elizabeth, who. married Sir Henry Shirley, as may be feen in the account of the family of Earl Ferrers ; and that Elizabeth, daughter of Robert, Vifcount Tamworth, fucceeded to the Barony. She married James Complon, Earl of Northampton ; and dying in 1740, Charlotte, her only furviving daughter, at length became Baironefs Ferrars of Chartley, and in Dec. 175 1, mar- ried George, now Vifcount Townihend, by whom fhe had three fons, George, John, and Frederick-Patrick. And her Ladyfhip.deceafing Sept. 14, 1770, was fucceeded by her el- deft fon, > < ifihtoJ til : George, the prefent Lord Ferrars of Chartley. . Creations-] Originally by tenure, and writ of fummons, Feb. 6, 1298 ; alfo by writ of fummons, 1 Edw. IV. 1460; again by writ, Dec. 17, 1677. , Arms.] Thofe of his mother. [Plate XXXV.] Quar- terly, iirft, fable, a lion paflant-guardant, or, between three helmets, argent, for Compton ; fecondly, pally of fix, or and azure, a canton, ermine, for Ferrars. Third, France and Eng- land quarterly with a border, argent, for Thomas of WooiL ftock, Duke of Gloucester. Fourth, as the firft. He alfo quarters the arms of his father, Vifcount Townihend. Supporters.] On the dexter, a talbot, ermine, his ears, or ; his ducal collar, gules. On the fmifter, a rein deer of the laft, attired, argent, gorged with a ducal coronet of the third, billeted, or. Crest.] On a wreath, a buck, fable, attired, proper. Motto.] Je ne cherche que ung. I look but for one. Chief Seats.] At Tamworth Caftle, Warwicklhire ; feu} Rifby'Park in Ycrkfhire. : A h MURRAY, ( 3'S9 ) MURRAY; BARONESS STRANGE. K tyh*nD ci tafia cm ^i&\L vquP&w ta *o run Kd^ THE Right Hon. CHARLOTTE MURRAY, Ba?# nefs STRANGE; "JL^ of thelflc of Man; mother of the prefent Duke of Athol, is Barohefs in her own right, by defcent from her great grandmother, a daughter of the Earl of Derby, beheaded in 1651. For the account of her family, arms, &c. fee Duke of A t h o l , in the Peerage of Scotland ; and the Earl of Derby. For the arms, fee Plate XXXV, SOMERSET, BARONESS BOTTETOURT. TITHE Right Hon. ELIZABETH SOMERSET, Baro- 4t nefs BOTTETOURT, mother of the prefent and wi- dow of the late Duke of Beaufort, where may be {een her iffue and marriage connections. Her Ladyfhip was the daugh- ter of John-Syms Berkeley, and fitter to the late Norborne Berkeley, Baron Bottetourt, who died unmarried in 1776, (and was lineally defcended from Sir Maurice Berkeley, fe- cond fon of Maurice, Lord Berkeley, in the reigns of Edw. L and II. who was alfo anceftor of the Lords Berkeley of Stratton, &c.) and claimed his title, as defcended from the Lord Bot- tetourt, High Admiral of England, and Conftable of St. Bri- avePs Caftle in the reigns of Edw. It and III. which after a folemn hearing in the Houfe of Peers, was allowed, and the title adjudged to his Lordfhip in 1764. On the death of her brother, her Ladyfhip became Baronefc in her own right. Creation.] Baronefs, 1305. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, gules, a chevron, eK mine y between ten crofTes pat tee, fix above and four below, argent ; fecond and third, or y a faltire ingrailed, fable. I • 3 A R R E T-L E N NA RD, LORD-DA CRE, THE Right Hon. THOMAS BARRET-LENNARIJ, Lord D A C Pv E , born in 1 7 1 6, fucceeded in 1755, his mother Anne, Baronefs Dacre, who in 1723, had, by the death A a 4 of 360 LORD D A C R E, of Dacre Barrett Lennard, his grandfather, fucceeded to hl$ eftates. He married Anne, daughter of Sir John Pratt, Knt. Lord Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, and fifter to Charles, the prefent Lord Camden, by whom he had one daughter, Anne-Barbara, who died 1749, in the 10th year of her age. This family, which for a long time ranked amongft the principal ones in Kent, was fettled at Chevening in that county, as early at leaft as the middle of King Hen. Vlth's reign, when George Lennard was then refident there, whofe grandfon, John Lennard, lies buried in Chevening church, under an altar tomb, on which in brafs are his arms, or, on a fels, gules, three fieurs de lis of the firft quartering. Thofe of Bird, his mother's, viz. quarterly, argent and fable, in the firft ; a fpread eagle of the fecond. He left iflue two fons, John ; and William, whofe fon Sampfon Lennard, was a perfon v/ell accomplifhed as a foldier and fcholar, and in his latter days a fkilful member of the College of Arms, and died in 3633. John Lennard, the eldeft fon, bom the laft year of King Hen. VII. applied himfelf to the ftudy of the law, be- ing a ftudent in Lincoln's Inn, and became eminent in that profeffion, and enjoyed fucceffively the offices of Prothonotary of the nine (hires in Wales, and Clerk of the Crown there ; d fecond Prothonotary of the Common Pleas ; and the 4th Queen Eliz. Cuftos Brevium of the Common Pleas; which had been held before him by many perfons of great reputation, rticularly by Sir William Cecil, afterwards Lord Burleigh, the 13th of Elizabeth, he was appointed High Sheriff of 2Lent. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Harmen, Efq. of Ellam in Crayford, in Kent ; who by his mother, daughter of Sir John Butler, of Wood-Hall, was defcended from the Lords of that name, Barons of Wem ; by which Elizabeth he had two fons, Sampfon; and Samuel, who was afterwards knighted,, and was anceftor of the Lennards of Weil Wickham, Barts. and rive daughters, whom he married into tioble or very honourable and confiderable families. In the execution of his offices, being a perfon of great integrity, he carried himfelf moft uprightly, and died in 1690, in the 8 2d year of his age, having greatly added to his paternal inheritance, and lies buried under a fine tomb in Chevening church, on which are the effigies of himfelf and his wife. He was fucceeded in the manor of Chevening, and the reft of his eftates, which were very confiderable, by Sampfon Len- nard, hb eldeft fon, who married Margaret, daughter of Thomas, and fifter and heir of George Finnes, Lord Dacre^ which Margaret defcended from an ancient and noble family^ Lords LORD P A C R E, 361 Jkords of Finnes, in the Bolonis in France ; whole anceftors from the Conquett, to the time of King John, were heredi- tary Conftables of Dover Cattle, in exchange for which of- fice, King John gave William Fynes the manor of Wendover in Bucks. This William de Fynes had Ingeham, who hacj William and Giles de Fynes, both Knights, which William, the elder brother, had ifTue John, his eldeft fon, Lord Wen- dover, who falling into the difpleafure of King Edw. II. for harbouring his (the faid John's) nephew, . Mortimer, in his eftate in Picardy, his lands in England were feized upon, and he retired into France where he died, leaving ifiue by Ifabel, fixth daughter of Guy de Dampier, Earl of Flanders, Joan, married to the Count of St. Paul ; and Robert de Fynes, who was one of the moll eminent perfons of his time ; fo that he was in the reign of King John of France, promoted to the high dignity of Conftable of that kingdom : and dying with* out iflue, Joan, Countefs of St. Paul, his lifter, became his heir. Sir Giles de Fynes, fecond fon of Ingeham de Fynes, married Sibil, daughter and heir of John Filliot, of Old Court in Suffer, whofe grandfon, Sir John de Fynes, temp. Edw. III. became poffelled of the feat and manor of Herft- monceux in Suflex, by his marriage with Maud de Monceux, heirefs thereof ; and his defcendant Sir Richard Fynes, marry- ing Joan, grand-daughter and heir of Thomas, Lord Dacre* was in her right, the 13th of Edw. IV. declared and ac- cepted as Lord Dacre ; which family of Dacre was one of the moll confiderable and ancient families in the north of England, being defcended from William de Dacre, Sheriff pf Cumberland, and Governor of Carlifle in the reign of King Henry III. and had been Barons and Lords of Parlia- ment from the 14th of King Edw. the lid. by marrying the heirefs pf the Lords Multon, of Gillland in Cumberland. The aforefaid Margaret Fynes being thus defcended, had ilTue by Samplbn Lennard /her hulband, three fons, Henry, Gre- gory, and Thomas ; and five daughters ; Anne, married to Robert Morley, Efq. Mary, to Sir Ralph Bofvile ; Marga- ret, to Sir Thomas Waller ; Elizabeth, to Sir Francis Barn- jham ; and Frances, to Sir Robert More. Henry Lennard, their fon and heir, on the death of his mother, in 161 1, was Lord Dacre, who in the year 1596, had been with the Earl of Eflex in Spain at the taking of Ca- diz, and there knighted. He married Chryfogona, daugh- ter of Sir Richard Baker, of Siflingherlt in Kent, fon of Sir John Baker, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and of the Privy Council of King Henry VIII. by whom he had three $0S LORD DA CiR EJ fons, Richard, Edward, and Finnes ; of whom the ftvo kfl died without ifTue ; and four daughters ; Margaret; married to Sir Anthony Widgoos ;■ Pembroke, to Sir William Brooke ; Philadelphia, to Sir. Thomas Parker; and Barbara, to Sir Philip Stapleton* And their father dying Aug ail t$ i6i6, ; was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, R 1 c h a r d , Lord Dacre : He married firft Elizabeth, daughw ter of Sir Arthur Throckmorton, by whom he had four fons, Francis, Richard, Thomas, and Henry; which three laft died without ifTue. His fecond wife was Dorothy, daughter of Dudley, Lord North, by whom he had a fon, Richard, who took the name of Barrett; of whom hereafter. Francis fucceeded his father, who died Aug. 18,1 630, as Lord Dacre : He married Elizabeth, daughter, and at length Coheir of Paul, Vifcount Bayning, and had ifTue three fons and three daughters ; Philadelphia, married to Daniel Obrien, Vifcount Clare ; Elizabeth, to William, third Earl of Meath ; and Margaret, who died unmarried. His fons were, Thomas, Ms fucceilbr ; Francis, who died a batchelor,; and Henry, who left three daughters. Their father died in 1662; and Elizabeth, his wife, was created Countefs of Sheppy, during life, Sept. 6, 1680. Thomas, Lord Dacre, their heir, married the Lady Anne Palmer, alias Fitzroy, whom King Charles II. acknowledged as his natural daughter, by Barbara, Duchefs of Cleveland, and was on Oft. 5, 26 Car. II. created Earl of Suffex ; but coming very young to Court, being Lord of the Bedchamber to his Majefty, he fell into the expence of living in fafhion there, and thereby, with great loftes at play,, lie much dimi- nifhed his eftate, great part of which he {old, particularly Ms feat of Herftmonceaux. ' He ha (ift Vifcount.) Sir William, who in the zz& of James I. was created Vifcount Saye and Sele. He marrying Eliza- beth, daughter of John Temple, Efq. by her had four fons, James, Nathaniel, John, and Richard ; and five daughters, Bridget, married to Theophilus, the fourth Earl of Lincoln; Elizabeth, to Richard Norton, Efq. Conftance, to Sir Fran- cis Boynton, Bart. Sufan to Thomas Earl, Efq. and Anne, ta Sir Charles Wolfeley. (2d Vifcount.) James, the eldeft fon, in 1662, fucceeded his father. He married Frances, daughter of Edward, Vif- count Wimble ton, and had three fons and two daughters."; Elizabeth, married to Sir John Twifleton, from whom de- fcended the prefent Lord ; and Frances, to Andrew Ellis, Efq. The two eldeft fons dying in their infancy, and the youngeft in France, unmarried, we return to N a t h a n 1 e l , his brother, who marrying Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Sir John EJiot, had a fon, (3d Vifcount. ) W 1 l l 1 a m , who in 1673, fucceeded the faid James, his uncle, as Vifcount, and the Barony lay dor- mant. He married Mary, daughter of Richard Fiennes be- fore-mentioned, his father's youngeft brother, and had an only fon, (4th Vifcount.) Nathaniel, who fucceeded him ; but he dying on the 10th of January, 17 10, unmarried, we re- turn to John Fiennes, the third fon of William the iftVif- count. He married Sufanna, daughter of Thomas Hobbs, Efq. and had fix fons, John, Thomas, and Henry, who died unmarried ; William married Cecile, daughter of Audrey/ Kills, Efq. beforementioned, widow of Richard Langley, Efq. but left no iffue ; Laurence became the 5 th Vifcount ; and Richard died young." He had alio' four daughters ; Sufannah married to Thomas Filmer, Efq. Hannah, to Mr. Johj* Knight ; Elizabeth and Martha, died unmarried. (5th Vifcount.) Lawrence, fucceeding to the title, took his feat in the Houfe of Peers, Feb. 24, 17 10; and dying without iftiie in Dec. 1742, we come to Richard, the fourth fon of the firft Vifcount. He mar- ric4 two wives ; firft, the daughter of Andrew Burrel, Efq. and L O R D S A Y E a* d SEL E. 3^7 and-had two Tons, viz. Faramus and William, who both died' without inue ; and live daughters,; Elizabeth married firft to William Danvers ; fecondly, to John Brawn; iMary, to Wil- liam, the third Yifcount above-mentioned ; Anne, to Dr. Beaumont 'Perciva'l ; Arabella ; and Alice/ married to Johu Horn, Efq. He married, fecondly, Sufanna, third daugh- ter of Sir William Cobb, by whom he had one fon, Richard, a clergyman, who married Penelope, daugh- ter of George Chamberlain, Efq. and had iffue Richard, the late Vifcount, and five daughters ; Sufanna, died unmarried. — Vere married to Richard Wyckham, Efq. died in 1768, — Elizabeth;, married to jhe Rev. Mr. Henry Quartley. — Ce- cilia, married to Capt. Gordon. (6th Vifcount. ) Ri c h a r d, his coufin, fucceeded, and was the lali Yifcount. His Lordfhip firft married Jan. 28, 1754, Ifabelia, daughter of Sir John Tirrel, and relict, iirit of John Knap, Efq. and fecondly, of John Pigot of 13 od- der lh all, in the county of Bucks, Efq. by neither t)f whom, he had any iffue ; and' dying in 1781, the Vifcounty became extinct ; ; but the Barony was claimed and allowed the prefent Lord, being a defcendaiit from James, the fecond Vifccuiv: x who died" March 15, 16-73, without iffue male, whereupon the Vifcounty deicended; upon William Fiennes, fon of his brother Nathaniel, and the Barony became, in abeyance be- tween his two daughters and coheirs. Elizabeth, the eldeil a who died in 1674, married John Twifleton, of Barley, in Yorkfhire, who died in 1682, leaving iffue by her., an only daughter Cecil, who died in 1723, having married George Tvyifleton, of Woodhall injYorkfhire ; by whom, in 1678, me had Fiennes Twifleton, who married Mifs, Clarke, and died in 173 8, leaving iifue, Alicia, who died unmarried. — Idonet-Cecil, married, Richard Burdet, of Slates near Whitby, in Yorkfhire,, and had ifi'ue, — Charlotte, married to John Crompton, Archdeacon of Tuam in Ireland, and left iifue. "Jolm Twifleton, born 1698, and. died 1763, having ^ m^r- rlfigl ^^nme^ .daughter , of William { Gardner, by whom,' ; wh$ died 1767, he had iffue, John, a Lieutenant in the fecond Regiment. of Foot Guards ; flain in Germas^, m^-jp^^ un- jimr^^rr^x^ci^. the third fon, was horn, in i 736,; /marrle4 Elizabeth/ daughter and heir of Joieph jThompfon, of King.- fton-upon-riull, in Yorkfliire. — Thomas, tjie fecond, fon, was born 1735, a^'dVas-fummoned b)\\^i^ ( ''j[u^e 29, 1781, and is the prefent Baron Saye and Sele. ?- , "i °5 \ A 31frP WC^.^ff^ 3 > :W7^: again Jine tfemkitibhitfbm ihymzJi has % hwiab$ twoA Ai Arm?, 3 6S L 6 R j) ST6UHTON< Arms.] dzure, three lions rampant, or. [Plate XXI. J Crest.] On a wreath, a wolf fejant, argent; his radiant collar and chain, or. Supporters.] Two wolves, argent ; gorged and chain* ed, or* Motto.] Fort em pofce animum. Wifh for a brave SouL Chief Seat.] AtBoughton Caftle, iu Oxfordfliire, STOURTON, LORD STOURTON. THE Right Hon. CHARLES-PHILIP STOURTON, Lord STOURTON, Baron Stourton, fucceeded his father William, Oft. 3, 1781. He was born Auguft 22, 1752,, and married June 15, 1775, Mary, fecond daughter and coheirefs of Marmaduke Langdale, late Lord Langdale, and lifter to Lady Clifford, by whom he has had iffue, Wil- liam, born June 6, 1776. — Conftantia, born June 30, 1777. -—•Marmaduke- Charles, born and died in 1778. William Stourtgn, in the 21ft of Richard II, mar* ried Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Moigne, and dying in 1413, left iffue a daughter Margaret, married to William Clarent ; and a fon, (iftLord.) John, who in the reign of Henry VI. was created Lord Stourton : He married Margery, daughter of Sir John Wadham, and dying in 1462, left iffue two fons, Sir William, Sir Reginald who had no male iffue, and two daughters ; and was fucceeded by (zd Lord.) Sir William, his eldeft fbn, who married Margaret, daughter of Sir John Chideock, and dying in 1478, left iffue a daughter Urfula, the fecond wife of Edward the firft Earl of Lincoln. (3d Lord.) John, his heir, married Catharine, daughter of Sir Maurice Berkley, and leaving no iffue, was fucceeded h y (4th Lord.) William, his brother, who married Tho- mafine, daughter of Hugh Wriothefley ; and dying about the year 1522, without iffue, was fucceeded by (5th Lord.) Edward, his brother, who married Joan, daughter of John Fontleroy, and dying in 1536, left iffue, (6th Lord.) William, Roger, Peter, and Chriflopher; of whom the youngeft married Elizabeth Denys, and had if- fue Thomas, Edmund, and Leonard; and the eldeft fucceeded hie LORD STOHRTON. 369 father. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund, and filler to John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland ; and dying in 15.56, was fucceeded by his fon and heir, (7th Lord.) Charles, who ftiffered for murder at Salif- bury, in 1557. He married Anne, daughter of Edward Stanley, the fecond Earl of Derby -; and by her, who married fecondly, Sir John Arundel, left three fons, (8th Lord.) John-* Edward, and Charles ; whereof, John being reftored in blood by ad of parliament, 1575 ; but dy- ing without iiTue in 1588, (9th Lord.) Edward, his next brother, became his heir: He married Frances, daughter of Sir Thomas Trefham, by whom he had four fonrs and two daughters ; Margaret, mar- ried to Sir Thomas Sulyard ; and Mary, to Walter Norton, Efq. And of the fons, who were (10th Lord.) William, Thomas, Francis, and Edward ; Jthe eldeft, in 1632, -fucceeded his father. He married Fran- ces, daughter of Sir Edward Moor, and by her had three fons and two daughters ; of whom, Mary, was married to John Weld, of Lulworth-caftle ; and Frances was a nun at Cambray : And of the fons, who were Edward, William, and Thomas, the latter was a monk ; and the eldeft died in 1644, in hh father's Hfe- time ; and left iflne by Mary his wife, daughter of Robert, Lord Petre, (nth Lord.) William, who fucceeded his grandfather : tie married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Prefton ; and by her, who died in April 1 668, left iffue fix fons, Ed- ward, Thomas, Charles, Botolph, William, and John, be- fides three more who died young. ( 1 2th Lord.) Edward, the eldeft fucceeded, and died at faris in O&. 1720, having there married a daughter of Ro- bert Buckingham, Efq. but leaving no iffue, was fucceeded by (13th Lord.) Thomas, his next brother, who died in April 1744. Charles, the next brother, married Catharine, daughter of Richard Frampton, Efq. and by her had, Charles, }iis fuccefTor. — William, the late Lord. — James. — Mary, married to Jordan Langdale, Efq. — Jane, married to Anthony Kemp, Efq. — Elizabeth 5 and Catharine, both nuns at Leige in Germany. (14th Lord.) Charles, who fucceeded his uncle as Lord Stourton, married Catharine, fifter and fole heir of Francis Walme/ly, Efq. and widow of Robert-James, Lord Petre ; and dying without ifltie, March 11, 1753, was fucceeded by his brother, B b (15th 37 o LORD WILLOUGHBY DE BROKE. (15th Lord.) William, late Lord Stourton, married Oft. 11, 1749, Winifred, daughter of Philip Howard, Efq. youngeft fon of Lord Thomasi father of the two laft Dukes of Norfolk; and by her, who died July 15, 1754, had iffue; Catharine, born Aug. 16, 1750. — Charlotte, born, Sept. 16, 1751; and one fon. He died O ft. 3, 178 1, and was fuc- ceeded by his fon, ( 1 6th Lord.) Charles -Philip, the pre fent Lord. Creation.] Baron Stourton, May 13, 1448. Arms.] Sable, abend, or, between fix fountains, proper. [Plate XXIV.] Crest.] On a wreath, a demi grey fryar, habited in ruf- fet, girt, or, holding a fcourge of three lames with knots, gules. Supporters.] Two fea-dogs, proper, fcaled on their backs, and finned, or. Motto.] Loyal je ferai durant ma Crest.] On a mount, having only one daughter Mary, married to George Heneage, Efq. and dying on the 5th of Jan. 1683, (5th Lord.) John, his next brother, became heir; and dying in January 1684, unmarried, the honour devolved upon (6th Lord.) Thomas, the youngeft brother, who married Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Clifton, Bart, and dying on the 5 th of Jan. 1706, by her (who died on the 4th of Fe- bruary 1730) left Robert, his heir; and a daughter of her name, who died the 10th of April, 1713. (7th Lord.) Robert, fucceeded his father. He married March 1, 17 12, Catharine, daughter of Bartholomew Walmf- ley, Efq. (who in April, 1733, married a fecond hufband, Charles, Lord Stourton) and dying on the 2 2d of March, 171,3, had iffue, (8thLord.) Robert-James, Lord Petre, who was born June 3, 1713, and married on the 2d of May, 1732, Ma- ry, daughter of James, late Earl of Derwentwater, by which Lady, who died March 31, 1760, he had iflue, Catha- rine, married to George Heneage, Efq. of Hainton, in Lin- colnfhire. — Barbara, married to Thomas Gifford, Efq. of Chillington, Staffordlhire. — Julia, married to Edward Weld, of Lulworth-Caftle, in Dorfetfhire, Efq. and died June 16, 1772. And his Lordlhip dying in July 1742, was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (9th Lord.) Robert-Edward, now Lord Petre. Creation.] July 21, 1603. Arms.] Gules, a bend, or, between two efcallop fhells, urgent. [Plate XXV.] Crest,} On a wreath, two lions heads erafed and indorfed, the firft, or, the other, azure, each gorged with a plain collar counter-changed. Supporters.} According to Lilly, on the right fide a regardant, azure, collared, or ; on the left fide a Hon regard- ant, or, collared, azure. Motto.] Sans Dieu rien. Nothing without God. Chief Seats.] At Thorndon, and Writtle Park, in the county of EfTex. ARUNDEL, < 3*i ) ARUNDEL, LORD ARUNDEL of WARDOUR; THE Right Honourable HENRY ARUNDEL, Lord ARUNDEL of Wardour, and Count of the facred Roman Empire, born March 31, 1740, fucceeded his father Henry, the late Lord^ September 21, 1756, and married May 31, 1763, Mary, daughter of Benedict Conqueit, Efq* of Ira ham, Lincolnlnire, and by her has iiTue; Mary Chrif- tiana, born Auguft 10, 1764. — Eleanor-Mary, born MarcJ* 23, 1766, — Anna Maria, born March 22, 1770, who died This family of Wardour is a branch of that which for many ages hath fiourifhed in the Weft of England, whereof was Rcges. Arundel, who at the time of the general furvey (taken foon after the Norman Conqueft) was found to be pof- feled of twenty -eight Lordfhips in the county of Somerlet* Thomas Arundel, in the reign of Henry VIII. marrying Catharine, daughter of John, Lord Dynham, by her had Sir John Arundel ; to whofe fon, Sir Thomas, the faid King gave the Caftle of Wardour. He married Margaret, daugh- ter of Edmund, Lord Howard, third fon of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, filler to Catharine, fifth Queen of King Henry VIII. by whom he was father of Sir Matthew, who by Mar- garet, daughter of Henry Willoughby, Efq. had (iftLord.) Sir Thomas, his heir; who ferving in the wars in Hungary againft the Turks, was by Rodolph 1L then Emperor, in the year 1595, advanced to the degree and honour of a Count of the Empire, and to his defcendants for ever: And by King James I. was created Baron of Wardour. He married iirlt Maria, only daughter of Tho- mas, Earl of Southampton, by whom he had two fons ; and a daughter, Elizabeth, married to Sir John Philpot; and fecondly, Anne, daughter of Miles Philipfon, Efq. by whom, he had three fons, Matthew, Thomas, and Frederick, who ail died in their minority ; and fix daughters, of whom Ca- tharine was married to Ralph, fon of William, Lord Eure; Mary, to Sir John Somerfet ; Anne, to Cecil Calvert, Lord Baltimore ; Frances, to John Talbot, the tenth Earl of Shrewf- bury ; Mary, to John Fortefcue, Efq. and Clare, to Humphry Welde, Efq, And of the fons by the firft wife, William, the youngeft, married Mary, daughter of Anthony, the fe- cond Vifcount Montagu, and widow of William, Lord St, John ; and 3$* LORD ARUNDEL of WARDOUR. (2d Lord.) Thomas, the eldeft, on November 1639, fuo ceeded his father, and married Blanch, daughter of Edward the fourth Earl of Worcefter ; and dying May 19, 3643, left Henry, his heir, and two daughters ; Catharine, married to Francis Cornwallis, Efq. and Anne, to Roger Vaughan, Efq. (3d Lord.) Henry, who fucceeded his father, marrying Cicely, daughter of Sir Henry Compton, widow of Sir John Fermor, by her had two fons and a daughter. And of the ions, who were (4thLord.) Thomas and Hen ry, the eldeft, on the 28th of December, 1694., fucceeded his father, and married Mary, daughter of Thomas Spencer, Efq. by whom he had three fons, Henry, Thomas* and Matthew ; whereof, Thomas was killed at the battle of the Boyne, and Matthew died unmar- ried ; but (5th Lord.) Henry, in 1712, fucceeded his father. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Panton, Efq. and by her (who died on the 9th of May, 1700) had two fons ; and a daughter of her name, who was wife of James Touchet* Lord Audiey. And of the fons, who were (6th Lord.) Henry and Thomas, the latter was born July 19, 1695, married Mifs Anne Mitchel, and died April s6, 1752, and his Lady, Oct. i, 1778. The elder! was torn October 4, 1694, and on the 29th of June, 1726, fuc- ceeded his father. He married firrt, Eleanor-Elizabeth, daughter of Baron Everard of Liege, by whom, who died 172B, he had iflue ; Henry, born October 4, 1 7 1 7. — Tho- mas, who married May 19, 1760, Mary, elder! daughter of John Porter, Efq. of Lincolnmire, and died May 11, 176^ and his Lady, Oct. i, 1778. — James-Everard Arundel, who married on the 24th of June, 1751, Anne, daughter of John Wyndham, Efq. of Amcombe in Wiltlhire, by which Lady he had iilue, j. James-Everard, who died young. 2. Ele- anor-Anne, bom Nov. 2, 1752, died unmarried. 3. Mary Wyndham, born Dec. 2, J 75 7, married March 9, 1779, the Hon. Bartholomew Bouverie, third fon of William, Earl of Radnor. 4. Catharine-Elizabeth, born Jan. 2, 1759. 5. James-Everard, born March 4, 1763. 6. Thomas-Raymond* born March 9, 1 76^ • His Lordfhip married fecondly, Anne Herbert, daughter of William, the laft Marquis of Povvis, but by her, who died Oct. 2, 1757, ne nac * n0 ^ ue > an dhis Lordfhip dying in July, 1746, was fucceeded by (7th Lord.) Henry, the late Lord, who married Jan. 27, 1739, M ar y> daughter of Richard- Arundel Beeling, Efq, by LORD CLIFTON. 385 by wliich Lady, who died 1769, he re-united the two chief branches of this family, which had been feparated 200 years. By her he had iffue ; Henry.— Thomas, born O&ober 4, 1742, died 1781. His Lordlhip dying Sept. 13, 1756, was fucceed-ed by his elieft fon, (8th Lord.) Henry, the prefent Lord. Creations.] Baron, May 4, 1605; Count of the Roman Empire, Dec 14, 1595. Arms.} Sable, fix fwallows, three, two, and one, argent. {Plate XXV.] v Crest.] On a wreath, a wolf paflant, argent. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion guardant, er- mikoh, viz. yellow powdered with black, ducally crowned, er. On the finifter, an owl, argent, with wings difclofed* or, crowned as the dexter. Motto.] Deo Data. Give to God. Chief Seat.] At Wardour-CafUe, in Wiltfliire. BLXGH, LORD CLIFTON. rpUE Right Hon. JOHN BLIGH, Lord CLIFTON, Ba- A ron CHfton of Leighton Bromfwold, in England, Eari and Vifcount Darnley, and Baron Clifton of Rath mo re In Ireland, fuceeeded his brother Edward, the late Lord, in i 747 • For an account of this family, fee the Earl of Darnley* in the Peerage of Ireland. DORMER, LORD DORMER. THE Right Hon. JOHN DORMER, Lord DORMER of Wenge, fuceeeded Charles, the late Lord Dormer, his brother, March 7, .176.1. He married Mary, daughter of Sir Cecil Bifhopp, Bart, by which Lady, who died November 2, 1739, he had ifTue y Charles, who married Aug. 9, 1749* Mary, filler to George, Earl of Shrewfbury, by whom, (who died May 15, 1753? he had ifTue,. Charles, born Jan. 12,1748, who died young ; Mary, born May 21, 2750, 'died in June 1770; and Charles, born Jan.. 10, 1752. — Robert, born May 17, 1726. — John, born Feb. 18, 1730, an officer in the Hungarian fervice. — James, born May 27, 1735, married Mary, daughter of Patrick Purrel, Efq. of Cadiz in Spain, 3H LORD DORMER. by whom he has iiTue, James, born Feb. 16, 1765 ; John* who died young ; Elizabeth, who died an infant; and Anne, born Jan. 22, 1767. — Elizabeth, born May |^ 1724, married Nov. 21, 1753, to George, the Earl of Shrew/bury, by whom fhe has iiTue. — Catharine, born July 16, 1727, — Bar- bara, who died unmarried* Of this family was Sir Robert Dormer, Knt. who in the 35th of Henry VIII. obtained a grant to himfelf, and Anne Newdigate, his wife, in fee, of the manor of Wenge ; and was fucceeded therein by Sir William, their fon, who by Mary his wife, daughter of Sir William Sidney, had an only daughter Joan, who was married to the Count Feria, in Spain. His fecond wife was Dorothy, daughter of Anthony Catefby, Efq. by whom he had a fon, Robert, and three daughters; Catharine, mar- ried to John, Lord St. John, of Bletfoe ; Mary, to Anthony Brown, Efq. and Margaret, to Sir Henry Conftable, Knt. (ill Lord.) Robert, their brother, fucceeding his fa- ther, was created Baron Dormer of Wenge. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Anthony the flrlt Vifcount Montagu, and by her had three fons and three daughters; Elizabeth, married to Henry Huddlefton, Efq. Magdalen, to Sir John Curfon ; and Catharine, to Sir John Carril. The fons were Sir William, Anthony, and Robert ; the eldeft dying in his father's life- time, left iflue by Alice, filler to Sir Richard Molineux, a fon Charles ; and a daughter Elizabeth, married to Edward Somerfet, Marquis of Worcefter, (2d Lord.) Charles fucceeded his grandfather, and on the 2d of Auguft, 1628, was created Vifcount Afcot, and Earl of Caernar von ; and was /lain at the battle of Newberry, Sept. 20, 1643, leaving iffue by Anna-Sophia, daughter of Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, (3d Lord.) Charles, his heir, who married firft Eliza* beth, daughter of Arthur, Lord Capel, and by her had tw© fons that died young, and two daughters ; of whom Eliza- beth was married to Philip, Earl of Chelterfield ; and Ifa- bella to Charles, Earl of Montrath. He married fecondly, Mary, daughter of Montague, Earl of Lindfey; and dying on. the 29th of November, 1709, without ilfue male, the Earldom became extinft : So that we return to Anthony, third fon of Robert, the firft Lord; who marrying Margaret, daughter of Sir Anthony Terringham, by her had four fons, and two daughters; one married to Watfon; and the other to ' ■ Smith. OJf the fons, who were Robert, LORD DORMER. 385 Robert, Anthony, John, and Francis ; the eldefl married — , daughter of Eyres, Efq. and by her had a Ton Rowland ; and a daughter Anne, firft married to Edmund Powlet, Efq. and next to Sir John Curfon. (4th Lord.) And the faid Rowland, upon the death of Charles, Earl of Caernarvon, fucceeded to the title of Lord Dormer; but dying unmarried in 17 12, and all his three uncles, the brothers of his father, without ifTue, we return to Robert, third fon of Robert, the firft Lord Dormer; 'who marrying Mary, lifter to Sir Edward Banafter, by her ; eight fons and fix daughters ; of whom, three died young; Elizabeth, was married to Webb, Efq. Mary, to John Roper, Efq. and Anne, to George Eyfton, Efq. And of the fons, who were Robert, Edward, James, Charles, John, William, Anthony, and Thomas, Charles, the 'fourth, (by the death of his elder brothers) 'became heir to his father ; and by Mary, daughter of Cellier, Efq. had two fons, Charles and Robert ; of whom, Robert married Frances, daughter of Windfor Finch, Efq. And the faid (5th Lord.) Charles, his brother, who was heir to his father, in 17 12, fucceeded the faid Rowland as Lord Dormer. He married firft Catharine, daughter of Edmund Fettyplace, Efq. of Suncombe in Oxfordshire, by whom he had ifTue two fons, Charles, who fucceeded him, and died unmarried •1761. — Arid John, the prefent Lord. He married fecondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Biddulph, Efq. of Stafford- shire, and by her had ifTue; William, who died unmarried in June 1757. — Robert, who married Anne, daughter of Ro- bert Flynton, Efq. of Newark, and died without ifTue. — Wal- ter, who •fufFered lhipwreck in 1740, died unmarried. — Ed- mund died unmarried. — James fettled at Antwerp, and has if- Tue. — Jofeph, died unmarried. — Anne, born Nov. 30, 1697, -died unmarried. — Elizabeth born 1704, died unmarried.— Frances, married May 4, 1726, William Plowden, Efq. of Plowden, Shropshire. — Mary, born Jan. 15, 1706-7. — Helen, born Oft. 12, 1729, who died unmarried. And his Lord- Trap dying on the 2d of July, 1728, was fucceeded in ho- nour and eftate by (6th Lord.) Charles, his eldeft fon, who died unmar- ried, March 7, 176 1, and was fucceeded by his brother, (7th Lord.) John, the prefent Lord. Creation.] June 30, 16 15. Arms.] Azure, ten billets, four, three, two, and one, fir ; on a chief of the Jccznd, a demi-lion ramr^nt, naiffant, fable. {Plan XXV.] C c Crest, • 3 SS LORD TEYNHAM, Crest.] On a wreath, a right-hand glove, proper \ fur- xnounted by a falcon, argent. Supporters.] Two falcons, argent^ armed, mcmbered, and belled, or. Motto.] None. Chief Seats.] At Peterly, in the county of Bucks ; anil at Edfworth, in the county of Hantsv ROPER, LORD TEYNHAM, THE Right Hon. HENRY ROPER, Lord TEYN- HAM, fucceeded his father in his honour and eftate* April 29, 1 78 1 . HisLordfhip was born May j f 1733 ; and married Wihelmina, daughter of Sir Francis Head, Bart, of the Hermitage, in Kent ; but lhe dying without iftue, he married fecondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Webber, Efq. and widow of John Mills, Efq. of Woodford-B ridge in Effex, by whom he had iffue ; Betty-Maria, born Auguft 7, 1761. — Catharine, born Augufi: 22, 1762. — Philip, died an infant — Henry, born May 3, 1764* — Anne, born in 1765, —John, born March 28, 1767. In the reigns of Henry IV, and V. Edmund Roper was a man of great repute ; and John, his fon, in the nth of Henry VIII. was Sheriff of the county of Kent, and was fa- ther of another John, who married Jane, daughter of Sir John Fineux, and by her had a daughter Helen, married to Sir Edward Montagu ; and two fons, of whom William, the elder!, married Margaret, daughter of the famous Sir Tho- mas Moore ; and Chriftopher, the youngeft, married Eliza- beth, daughter of Chriftopher Blore, Efq. by whom he had ( 1 ft Lord.) Joh n, his heir, who was created Baron of Teyn- kam. He married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of John Parke, Efq. and dying 161 8, left (2d Lord.) Christopher, his heir, and two daughters ; Elizabeth, married to George, fon of William, Lord V aux ; arid Jane to Sir Robert Lovel ; and the faid Chriftopher, their brother, marrying Catharine, daughter of John le Bourne, Efq. by her had John, his heir, and William. (3d Lord.) John, who in 1622 fucceeded, by Mary, daughter of William, Lord Petre, had three fons, and four daughters ; Catharine, who died unmarried; Elizabeth, mar- ' ried LORD TEYNHA3VL 387 l&l to Sir John Arundel ; Mary, a nun ; and Margaret, who died young. Of the fons, who were Chrirlopher, Francis, tand William' ; the latter died unmarried; Francis married Anne, daughter of William Walker, Efq. and - (4th Lord.) Christopher, the eldeft, in 1627, fuc- ceeded his father, and married firfi Mary, danghter of Sir Francis Englefield, by whom he had a fon, John, who died before him> unmarried ; and a daughter Francis, who was married to John Wildham ; but taking to his fecond wife, Philadelphia, daughter of Edward Knolles, Efq. by her he had Chrirtopher, his heir ; and Thomas. ' {5th Lord.) Christopher, who, in 1673, fucceeded, married Elizabeth, daughter of Francis, Vifcount Montagu ; and by her had four Ions and feven daughters ; Elizabeth, Mary, Philadelphia, W T inifred, Anne, Frances, and Catha- rine ; whereof the latter was married to William Sheldon, Efq. Frances, to Rowland Bellaffife, Efq. Winifred to Tho mas Stoner, Efq. and Mary and Philadelphia were both nuns. Of the fons, who were (6th Lord.) John, Chriftopher, Henry, and Thomas, the eldeft focceeded his father, and to him fucceeded (7th Lord.) Christopher, his brother: But they both dying unmarried, (8th Lord.) Henry, the next brother, became heir. He married firft Catharine, daughter of Philip, Vifcount Strang- ford, and by her, who died the 16th of April 171 1, had two fons, Philip, who fucceeded to his father's honours. — Henry, his fucceflbr, the late Lord. — Anns, married to John Webb, Efq. fon and heir apparent of Sir John Webb, Bart, of Oditock in Wiltfhire, and died without irlue, July 6, 1772. He married fecond ly, Mary, a daughter of Sir John Gage, Bart, of Firle in Suffex, by whom he had no iffue. But by Anne, his third wife, fecond daughter and at length heirefs to Thomas, Earl of SulTex, and widow of Richard Barret-Len- rard, Efq. by whom fhe had the prefent Lord Dacre, and by her, (who afterwards fucceeded to the Barony of Dacre) he had iffue; Anne, bom Aug. 20, 17 19, married Peter Taylor, Efq. of Ireland. — Charles born May 28, 172 1, who died Feb. 4, 1754, leaving iffue by his wife Gertrude, filler and coheirefs of John Trevor, Efq. of Glynd in Suffex; I, Tre- vor-Charles, born June 14, 1745, married March 2, 1773, Mary, fole daughter and heirefs of Sir Thomas Fludyer, Knt. 2. Henry, born Odt. 29. 1747. 3. Gertrude, born Aug. 25, 1750, married April 20, 177 1, Thomas Brand Holies, Efq. ef Hoo, in Hertfordfhire, and has iffue.— George, born Sep* C c % tembef 3 88 LORD TEYNHAM, Member 3, 1722, died young. — Richard-Henry, in Holy Ck'* ders, who married hrft Mary, daughter of William Chetwynd, Efq. and by her, who died in Jan. 1758, had iffue, Mary, who died young : He married 2dly, Mary, daughter of Thomas Tenifon, Efq. of Ireland, and by her had iffue, 1. Alice, born in 1760. 2. Henry, born March 19, 176 1. 3. Jane, korn in 1763. 4. Thomas, who died young. 5, Blaney, born April 6, 1765. Her Lady fhip was in her own right laronefs D acre, and furviving Lord Teynham, married 3dly, to Robert Moore, Efq. fixth fon of Henry, Earl of Drogheda, and died June 26, 1755, when fhe was fucceeded in the Ba-* ?rony by her fon, the prefent Lord Dacre. His Lordfhip dy- ing on the 1 6th of May, 1723, was fucceeded by (9th Lord.) Philip, his eldeft fon, who dying on the ift of June, 1727, unmarried, was fucceeded by (iothLord.) Henry, his brother, the late Lord. He married firfl in July 1732, Catharine, daughter of John Pow- ell, Efq. of Sandford in Oxfordshire, by which Lady, who died September 22, 1765, he had iffue ; Henry, the prefent Lord. — John, born Jan. 20, 1734, married Gabriella, fe- cond daughter and coheirefs of Sir Francis Head, Bart, (filler to the prefent Lord Teynham's firfl: Lady) v ;nd by her, who died Nov. 1771, had iffue, and died Aug. 1780.— Chrifto- pher, died young. — Francis, born Jan. 25, 1738, who mar- ried Mifs Littleton, by whom he had iffue, Catharine- Flavia, who died young. — Philip, born Oft. 13, 1739, married Mifs Barbara Littleton. — Anthony, died young. — Mary- Catharine, born Dec. 24, 1743, married April 27, 1773, Thomas Mof- tyn, Efq. third fon of Sir Geo. Moftyn, Bart, of Talacrein Flintfhire. — Winifred, born Dec. 5, 1744.— Thomas, born Feb. 2, 1746. His Lordfhip married fecondly, Mardi 1766, Anne, daughter of John Brinkhurfl, Efq. of the Moor in Buckinghamfhire, which Lady died without iffue, Jan. 2, 177 1. His Lordfhip married thirdly, Sept. 7, 1772, — *— widow of John Davis, Efq. who furvived his Lordfhip and re-married Nov. 1782, Evan- John Gerrard, Efq. of Hightor* in Lancafhire; and his Lordfhip, who died April 29, 178 1, ftras fucceeded by his fon (uthLord.) Henry, the prefent Lord. Creation.] July 9, 1616. Arms.] Party-per-fefs, azure and or, a pale, and three roe bucks heads erazed, counterchanged. [Plate XXV.] Crest.] On a wreath, a lion rampant, fable, holding a ducal coronet between his paws, or. Supporters, LORD LEIGH. 38* Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a buck, or. On the finifter, a tyger reguardant, argent. Motto.] Spes mea in Deo. My Hope is in God. Chief Seat.] At Linfted-Lodge, in the county of Kent, LEIGH, LORD LEIGH. TH E Right Hon. EDWARD LEIGH, Lord LEIGH, of Stoneley, and Baronet, born March 1, 1742, fucceed* ed Thomas, late Lord Leigh, his father, Nov. 30, 1749. The family of Leigh took their name from the Lordlhip of High-Leigh, in the county of Chefter, and was there feated before the Conqueft, determining in one daughter, who was married to William Venables, fecond fon of Sir William Venables, of Kinderton ; me brought him that inheri- tance, and had a fon, John, who took the name of Leigh, and was filled Leigh of Booths. Sir Thomas Leigh, in the firft of Elizabeth, was Lord Mayor of London. He married Alice, daughter of ■ Barker, Efq. and by her had Rowland, Sir Thomas, and William, whofe fon Francis, in 1628, was created Lord Dunfmore ; and, in 1644, Earl of Chichefter. But having no iflue male, the title of Earl of Chichefter, &c. was ex- Sir Thomas Leigh, his father's brother, was created 3 Baronet. He married Catharine, daughter of Sir John Spen- cer, by whom he had Sir John Leigh, Knt. who dying in his father's life-time, left a fon, (ift Lord.) Thomas, who fucceeded his grandfather, and was created Lord Leigh, of Stoneley. He married Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Egerton, and by her had four fons and three daughters ; of whom, Elizabeth was married to John, Lord Vifcount Tracy; Vere, to Sir Juftinian Imam ; and Urfula, to Sir William Bromley. And of the fons, who were Thomas, Charles, Ferdinand, and Chriftopher; the el- deft died in his father's life-time, leaving ifTue, by Jane, daughter of Patrick, Baron of Kerry, Thomas, his only fon, and three daughters, Honora, Mary, and Jane ; of whom, the eldeft was hril married to Sir William Egerton, and after his deceafe, to Hugh, Lord Willoughby of Parham ; Mary, to Arden Bagot, Efq. and Jane, to William, Vifcount Tracy, And the faid Ccj (2d 390 LORD LEIGH* (2d Lord.) Thomas, their brother, who fucceeded his grandfather, and died in November 17 10, marrying Eleanor, daughter of Edward Watfon, Baron of Rockingham, by her had four fons and four daughters; of whom, Eleanor, the youngefl, married to Thomas Verney, Efq. and Anne, died in Sept. 1734: And of the fons, Charles, the youngefl, who married Barbara, fitter to the Earl of Scarborough, died July 28, 1749, and his Lady died Jan. 4, 1755 ; and (3d Lord.) Edward, in 1710, fucceeded his father. He married Mary, daughter of Thomas Holbeck, Efq. of FiK longley in Warwickshire ; and by her, who died in Septem- ber 1743, had iflue two fons and three daughters ; Edward, born 1709, who died in his father's life-time, unmarried, Aug. 1737. — Thomas, his fucceflbr. — Mary, born July 19, 171 1. — Eleanor, who died unmarried, Nov. 1709. — Anne, who died unmarried, Auguft 1728. His Lord fhip dying March 1738, was fucceeded by (4th Lord.) Thomas, his only furviving fori. He married firft, Maria Rebecca, daughter of John Craven, Efq. brothej: to Lord Craven ; and by her, who died on Dec. 6, 1746, he had ifTue; Thomas, who died young —Another Thomas, who died in 1 741 .—Edward, now Lord Leigh.— Mary. He married in December, 1747, to his fecond wife, Catharine, daughter of Rowland Berkeley, Efq. by whom he left a daughter, Anne, born Ocl. 28, 1748, who married Andrew Hefket, Efq. His Lordfhip dying Nov. 30, 1749, was fuc,* ceeded by his only fon, (5th Lord.) Edward, now Lord Leigh, Creation.] July 1, 1643. Arms.] Gules f a crofs ingrailed, argent* a lozenge in the dexter chief, of the feeond. [Plate XXVI.] Crest.] On a wreath, an unicorn's head erafed, argent,; armed and maned, ar. Supporters.] Two unicorns, argext; armed and ma- ned, or. Motto.] Tout the fame county. 5,y:i on, ( 39* ) BYRON, LORD BYRON. THE Right Hon. WILLIAM BYRON, Lord BYRON, of Rochdale, born November 5, 1722, fucceeded Wil- liam, late Lord Byron, his father, Auguil 8, 1736, and mar- ried March 28, 1 747, Elizabeth, only daughter and fole heirefs of Charles Shaw, Efq. of Befthorp Hall, in the coun- ty of Norfolk, by whom he had; William, born June 7, 1748, died May, 1749 — William, born Oft. 27, 1749, mar ~ ried Juliana-Elizabeth, fecond daughter of his uncle, Admi- raL John Byron, and died June 22, 1776, leaving ifTue one fon — Henrietta Diana, born July 24, 1751, and died June 1, 1 760. -^-Caroline, born Jan. 17, 1755. Sir John Byron, Knight of the Bath, married Anne, lifter to Richard, the firft Vifcount Molineux, and by her had (ift Lord.) Sir John Byron, who was created Baron By- ron, with limitation to each of his fix brothers, Richard, William, Thomas, Robert, Gilbert, and Philip, and their heirs. He married firft, Cicely, daughter of Thomas, Lord Delawar; and afterwards, in 1644, Eleanor, daughter of Ro- bert, Vifcount Kilmorey, widow of Peter Warburton, Efcj. but dying in 1652, without i/Tue by either, (2d Lord,) Richard, his next brother, became heir; who, by his fecond wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir George Booth, had no iflue ; but by his firft, who was Elizabeth, daughter of Geo. Rofel, Efq. he had William, his heir ; and a daugh- ter Catharine, married to Sir William Stanhope. (3d Lord.) William, who fucceeded, married to his fe- cond wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir George Stonehoufe, by whom he had no irTue ; but by his firft, who was Elizabeth, daughter of John, Vifcount Chaworth, he had five fons, and five daughters, Elizabeth, Catharine, Mary, Anne, and Juli- ana ; whereof, Catharine was married to Arthur Cole, Lord Raneiagh ; and the reft died unmarried $ as did all the fons, except (4th Lord.) William, who in 1695 fucceeded his father, and married firft, Mary, daughter of John, Earl of Bridge- water, who dying April 1 2, 1703, he took to his fecond wife, Frances- Wilhelmina, daughter of William, Earl of Portland, and by her, who died March 31, 17 12, had three fons and one daughter, viz. George, William, William-Henry, and Frances, who all died young ; but his Lordfhip taking to his third wife, Frances, daughter of William, Lord Berkeley of Stratton, by her (who, in Auguft 1740, married Sir Thomas C c 4 Hay, 392 LORD CRAVEN. Hay, of Eaft- Lothian, Scotland) had five fons, William, now* I ord Byron, born Nov. 5, 1722.— -John, born Nov 8, 1723, a Vice - Admiral in the Navy, married in Aug. 1748, to Mifs Trei'annion, daughter of John Trevannion, Efq. of Carhays in Cornwall, and had ifTue, 1. John, an officer in the army, born Feb. 7, 1 756, married June, 1779, Amelia D'Arcy, on- ly daughter of the late Earl of Holdernefs, and late Lady to the Marquis of Carmarthen, from whom fhe had been divor- ced the fame year, and fucceeded to the Barony of Conyers. (See Baronefs Con vers.) 2. George- Anfon, in the Royal Navy, born Nov. 30, 2758. 3. Frances, married to Charles Leigh, Efq. Lieutenant Colonel of the Third Regiment of Foot Guards 4. Juliana-Elizabeth, married to her coufin, William Byron, eldeft fon of the prefent Lord Byron. 5 # Sophia-Maria. 6. Charlotta- A ugufta.— Richard, in holy or- ders, was born Oct. 28, 1724, married in 176S, to Mifs Far- mer. — -Charles, born April 6, 1726, and died May 16, 173 1. « •—George, born April 22, 1730, married Mifs Frances Le- vett, daughter and coheirefs of Elton Levett, Efq. of Notting- ham, and has ifTue, 1. Ifabella, born Oft. 20, 1754. 2. Wil- liam ; and, 3. George, twins, both of whom died young. 4. John, born Sept. 14, 1758. 5. Frederick-George, born Nov. 21, 1 7 64. —And a daughter, Ifabella, born Nov. 10, 1721, married firft, in 1743, to Henry, Earl of Carlifle, by whom fhe had ifTue ; and after his death, to Sir Richard Mufgrave, of Hayton Cattle, in Cumberland. And their father dying Aug. 8, 1736, was fucceeded by (5th Lord.) William, his eldeft fon, now Lord B.yron. Creation.] Baron Byron, Oft. 24, 1643^ Arms.] Argent, three bendlets enhanfed, gules. \?late XXVI.] Crest.] On a wreath, a mermaid, with her comb and mirror, all proper. Supporters ] Two horfes, chefnut. Motto.] Crede Biron. Truit Biron. Chief Seats ] At Newftead Abbey, and B ull well Park* in Nottinghamfhire. CRAVEN, LORD CRAVEN, *TpHE Right Honourable WTLLIAM CRAVEN, Lord j[ CRAVEN, born September 22, 1737, fucceeded his uncle, the late Lord, March 18, 1769. He married May 10, 1761^ LORD CRAVEN. ni 1767, Elizabeth, fecand daughter of Auguflus, Earl of Ber- keley, by whom he has iffue, Elizabeth, born April zo, 1 70S.. -*~Maria-Margaretta, born April 26, 1769. — William, bora Sept. 1, 1770.— -Georgian a. —Henry- A uguihts, born Dec. 21, 1776.— And another fon, born June 1, 1779. This family was antiently feated at Appletreewick, in the county of York. John Craven, Efq. who li ved in the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. had iftue three fons ; Henry, (of whom hereafter) William, and Anthony ; of whom,. William married Beatrix, daughter of John Hunter, and had iflue, Sir William Craven, who in 101 1 , was Lord Mayor of London ; 3nd marrying Elizabeth, daughter of William Whitmore, by her had two daughters ; Mary, who was married to Tho- mas, Lord Coventry; and Elizabeth, to Percy Herbert, Lord Powis; and (ift Lord.) William, his heir, who in 1626 was created. Lord Craven of Hempfted-Marfhal, with remainder to John and Thomas, his brothers; the elder, who in the 1 8th of Charles I. was created Lord Craven of Ryton, in the county of Salop, married Elizabeth, daughter of William, Lord Spencer, and died without iflue, as did Thomas, his brother; and the faid William, Lord Craven, was advanced to the dig- nity of Vifcount and Earl of Craven, in the county of York, and died on Aprl 19, 1687 : And, becaufe both his brothers were dead without iffue, the title of Lord Craven, of Hemp- Ited-Marmal, for want of ifTue male of his own body, was then alfo limited to Sir William Craven, of Lenchwick, and Sir Anthony, his brother; and in failure of i/Tue by them, the faid title, in 1665, was granted to Sir William Craven, of Combe. Henry, eldeft fon of John Craven, firfr mentioned, by his firft wife, Mrs. Sherwood, had three fons, William and Thomas, who died without iflue ; and Robert, who married jfylary Brockden, by whom he had, 1. Henry, who died with- out iflue. 2. Sir William of Lenchwick, to whom the Barony was limited : He married Mary, daughter of Ferdinand, Lord Fairfax, and left an only daughter, Elizabeth, married to Theophilus Leigh, Efq. 3. Sir Thomas. 4. and 5. Ro- bert and John, who died unmarried. 6. £ir Anthony. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Baron Polnitz, in Germany, and died in 1670, without ifTue. 7, A daughter, Margaret, married to Thomas Craven. Sir Thomas, the third fon of Robert, married Anne, daughter of Francis Prodor, and dying in 168^, left ifTue, Sir William Craven, of Combe, to whom the title wa- li- mited in 1665, and three daughters; Mary, married to Sir Edmund 394 LORD CRAVEN. £dmund.Andros ; Alice, to William Topham ; and Marga- ret, to Chriftopher Dawfon, Efq. Sir William dying before the honour defcended to him, left iflue by Mary, daughter of Sir Chriftopher Clapham, eight fons and five daughters; Margaret, Mary, Martha, Elizabeth, and Anne. The fons were, (2d Lord ) William, who, by virtue of the laft limita- tion, fucceeded to the title. —Thomas, born 1670, who died young. John, who was born on November 23, 1673, and died on January 1, 1727, having had i/Tue by his wife, Maria-Rebecca, daughter of Henry Green, of Warwickfhire ? Efq. fix fons and two daughters, viz. William, late Lord Craven. 2. John, who married Mifs Hickes, and by her had one fon, William, the prefent Lord, and two daughters; jane, born April 23, 1743, married to the Rev. Mi"« Lidiard ; and Anna-Rebecca, born Augufl 17, 1745, married firft, to Ludford Taylor, Efq. and after his death, fhe married Jan. 21, 1773, Robert- A uguftus Johnfton, Efq. 3. Henry, now living. 4. Bafil, and Robert, who died unmarried. 6. Thomas, an Admiral in the Navy, who died 1772. 7. Dorothy, who died unmarried. 8, And Maria-Rebecca, married to Thomas, 4th Lord Leigh, and died 1746, leaving iflue. — Robert, who died in 1710. — Chriftopher, died unmarried. — Anthony, who died an infant, — Henry, died without iflue. — Charles, who died Dec. 26, 1754, married Elizabeth, daughter of -x Staples, Efq. and by her, (who in October, 1755, married fecondly, Jemmet Raymond, Efq.) had iflue three fons, Charles, John, and Robert, and five daughters. Wil- liam, who was the fecond Lord 3 married Elizabeth, daughter of Humberfton Skipwith, Efq and dying on the 9th of Octo- ber, 171 1, by her, who died May 16, 1704, left three fons, (3d Lord.) William, Fulwar, and Robert ; of whom the youngeft died unmarried, and the eldeft fucceeded to the title of Lord Craven; and in June, 1721, married Anne, only daughter of Frederick Tilney, Efq. and by her, (who died on the 5th of February, 1730, in the 26th year of her age} had an only daughter, who died on the 21ft of Nov. 1725. He dying in Auguft^ 1733, was fy cceec *ed by his only bro- ther, (4th Lord.) Fulwar, who, deceafing on Nov. 10, 1764, without iflue, was fucceeded by (5th Lord.) William, eldeft fon of John Craven, Efq. brother to William, 2d Lord Craven, and 3d fon of Sir William Craven, by his wife Mary, daughter of Sir Chrif- 'copher Clapham, as before recited. He married Jane, daugh- LORD CLIFFORD, 395 ter of Howard Berkeley, Efq. and deceafmg March 13, 1769, was fucceeded by his nephew, (6th Lord.) William, the prefent Lord. Creation.] Lord Craven, of Hem plied- Mar flial, in the County of Berks, Dec. 11, 1665, the 17th of Charles II. Arms.] Argent, a fefs between fix crofs croilets, (itchy, gules. [Plate XXVII ] Crest.] On a chapeau, gules, turned up, ermine, a gry- phon of the fecond, beaked, or. Supporters ] Two gryphons, ermine. Motto.] Virtus in aclione conjijlit. Virtue confiils in Ac- tion. Chief Seats.] At Comb-Abbey, in Warwickfhire ; at Hempfted-Marihal ; Alhdown-Park, near Lambprn ; and Benham-Place, all in BerkihLre. nam iiiwmmf.FrmwM ■ . — , — CLIFFORD, LORD CLIFFORD CHUDLEIGH. THE Right Hon. HUGH-EDWARD-HENRY CLIF- FORD, Lord CLIFFORD of Chudleigh, bom July z, 1756, fucceeded Hugh, his father, late Lord Clifford, Sept. j, 1783; and married May, 1780* Anne, daughter of the Jatc Lord Langdale. The defcent of this noble family may be found under the title of South well-Clifford, Baron Clifford. Thomas, who was the tenth Lord, marrying Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, Lord Roos, left iffue, John, from whom defcended Margaret, late Baronefs Clifford ; Sir William, who married Anne, daughter of Thomas, Lord Bardolph, died without iffue ; and Sir Lewis, from whom defcended this Lord Clifford of Chud- leigh, who by Eleanor, his wife, had a fon William ; and a daughter, married to Sir Philip la Vache. William, only fon of Sir Lewis, married Elizabeth* daughter of Sir Arnold Savage, and widow of Sir Reginald Cobham, by whom he had two Ions, 1. Lewis, who died in the life-time of his father,, and left by Anne, daughter of the Lord Molins, Alexander. 2. John, who married Florentia, daughter of Sir John St. Leger, Efq. and had Thomas, his heir, who married Tho- mafine daughter of John Thorpe, and had iffue William, who, by Elizabeth Vaux, had Henry, his heir, who marrying Elizabeth, daughter of William Carrant, left Anthony, his heir : He married Anne, daughter of Sir Peter" Counenay, of Ugbrobk, 396 LORD CLIFFORD. Ugbrook, in the parim of Chudleigh, in the county of De- von, by whom he had ifTue three fons, Henry, whofe ifTue h cxtinft.— William had no iffue. —Thomas, died in September, 1634, leaving by Amy, daughter of Hugh Steplehill, two |bns, Hugh and Thomas ; of whom the elder! married Mary, daughter of Sir George Chudleigh, by whom he had iflfue, Sir Thomas and George, and died in 1639. Of his fons, George,, the youngeft, married Elizabeth, daughter of George Price, Efq, and had iliue, George, his heir, Elizabeth, and Mar- garet. (lit Lord.) Sir Thomas, the eldeft fon of Hugh, was created Lord Clifford of Chudleigh, and in 1672, Lord High Treafurer. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Martin, Efq. and (befides other children, who died young) liad three fons and three daughters; whereof, Elizabeth was married to Sir Henry Carew ; Amy, to John Courtenay, Efq. and Mary, to Sir Simon Leach. And of the fons, wha were, (zd Lord.) Hugh, Simon, and Charles; the elded, in 1673, fucceeded his father. He married Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Prefton, and by her, who died in July 1734, had mine fons and fix daughters ; Elisabeth, married firft to Wil- liam Conflable, Vifcount Dunbar, and fecondly, to Charles Gregory, Vifcount Fairfax. — Catharine. — « Mary. — Anne, was married to George Cary, Efq. — Amy, to Cuthbert Con- Sable. — Preftow. Of the fons, who were Francis, Tho- mas, Francis, William, George, Charles, Hugh, Henry, and I*ewis-Waker ; Charles, George, William, and the firft Fran- cis, died in their infancy. — Thomas, the fecond, who was bom in 1687, married Charlotte, Countefs of Newburgh; and by her, who afterwards married Charles RadclifFe, Efq. brother to the Earl of Dervventwater, and died in Auguft, 1755, left ifTue, two daughters, Frances, and Anne.— The fecond Francis, Henry, and Lewis- Walter, died unmarried ; and on the 13th of O&ober, 1730, (3d Lord.) Hush fucceeded his father. He married, $rft, Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Blunt, Efq. filler to the late Duchefs of Norfolk, by Arabella, daughter of Sir John Guife, of Rendcomb in Gloucefterfhire, by whom he $Ud ifTue, two daughters and four fons, viz. Elizabeth, who $ied an infant — Mary, born April 27, 1731, married to Sir Edward Smyth, of A&on Burnell, in Shropfhire. — Hugh, the late Lord Clifford, born Sept. 29, 1 726.— Edward, born Dec. 31, 1727. — Henry, who died an infant. — And Thomas, bom after his deceafe, Aug, 2.2, *73 2 > who on February 2, LORD OSBORNfi. 397 1762, married Barbara, daughter and coheir of James, Lord Afton, and by he# has, 1* Thomas-Hugh, bom December 4, 1762. 2, Edward- James, born June 14, 1766, died an infant, 3. Henry, born March 2, 1768. 4* Walter, born March 13, , 773- 5* James -Francis, born Aug. 16, 1774- 6. Barbara- Elizabeth, born November U, 1763, 7. Mary* bom March. 31, 1765. 8, Anne, born April 28, 1770* 9, Lucy- Bridget, born July 19, 1771. 10. Conftantia, born Feb. 24, 1776. His Lordmip dying March 26, 1732, was fucceeded by (4th Lord.) Hugh, his eldeft fon, the late Lord, married Dec. 17, 1749, Anne, daughter of the late Earl of Litch- field, by whom he had iflue, Hugh-Edward-Henry, the pre- fent Lord. — Charles, born Nov. 28, 1759. — Robert, bora O&. 16, 1767. — Thomas, born Dec. 5, 1774. — Frances, born 0#. 7, 1752. — Anne-Elizabeth-Maria, bom May 17, 1754. — Mary-Anne, born May 24, 1755, who died X767. — > Charlotte, born Feb. 1, 1773. His Lordmip dying Sept, 1, 1783, was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (5th Lord.) Hugh-Edward-Henry, the prefent Lord* Creation.] Baron Cliiford of Chudleigh, April zz*> $672. Arms.] Cheque, or and azure ; a fete, gules y a crefcent for difference. [Plate XXVII. ] Crest.] Out of a ducal coronet, or, a wyvern rifmg, gules* Supporters.] Two wy vcrns > gules* with wings expand- ed, azure* Motto.] Semper paratus. Always ready. Chief Seats.] At Ugbrook, near Chudleigh in De* Vonfhire ; and at Cannington* near Bridgewater, in the county €>f Somerfet* OSBORNE, LORD OSBORNE. THE Right Hon. FRANCIS-GODOLPHIN OS- BORNE, of Kiveton, Yorkftiire, eldeft fon of Tho- mas, Duke of Leeds, was called up to the Houfe of Lords by the before-mentioned title, May 14, 1776, and takes pre- cedence according to the date of that Barony, Aug. 15, 1675, For an account of his birth, marriage, &c. fee Duke of Leeds. Arms, Creft, Supporters, &c. the fame as thofe of his fa- ther, the Duke of Leeds. BO YL E ? C 3§5 > BOYLE, LORD BOYLE. *THHE Right Hon. EDMUND BOYLE, Lord BOYLE, of Marfton in the county bf x Sornerfet, and alio Earl of Corke and Orrery in Ireland; fucceeded his brother Ha- milton, Jan. 17, 1764. For the account of this family, fee the Earl of Corks and Orrery, in the Peerage of Ireland*. HAY, LORD HAt THE Right Hon. THOMAS HAY, Lord HAY, of Pedwarden, Vifcount Duplin and Earl of Kinnoul in Scotland, fucceeded his father George-Henry, July 29; For the account of this family, fee the Earl of Kinnoul^ in the Peerage of Scotland. WILLOUGHBY, LORD MIDDLETON, THE Right Honourable HENRY WILLOUGHBY; Lord MIDDLETON, of Middleton,. and Baronet, born April 24, 1761, fucceeded his coufui the late Lord, Jam 19, 1 78 1 , by writ of fummons. This noble family is defcended from Sir John de Wil- loughby, a Norman Knight, who had the Lordfhip of Wil- loughby in Lincolnlhire by gift, from William the Conqueror, from whom defcended maternally the Lords Willougflby de Broke and Parham. Of this latter family, Sir Chriftopher Willoughby, marrying Margery, daughter of Sir William jennens, had five fons ; of whom Thomas, the youngeft, marrying Bridget, daughter of Sir Robert Read, had Robert, his heir, who married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Edward Willoughby of Wollaton-, and by her had a fon Thomasi who marrying Catharine, daughter of Sir Percival Hart, by her had feven fons and three daughters ; whereof. Sir Perci^ yal fucceeded him, and married Bridget, daughter of Sir Francis Willoughby, and by her had Francis, his heir> whofe wife was CafTandra, daughter of Thomas Ridgeway, Earl of Londonderry, LORD WILLOUGHBY. 599 Londonderry, and by her was father of another Francis, and. two daughters ; Lattice, married to Sir Thomas Wendy ; and Catharine, to Glement Winftanley, Efq. Francis, their bro- ther, married Emma, daughter of Sir Henry Bernard, and dying July 3, 1672, by her, who afterwards married Sir Jbihua Child, left two fons, Francis, his heir ; Thomas; and a daughter Caflandra, who was the fecond wife of James, Duke of Chandos. And the faid Francis, who in 1677, was created a Baronet, dying in 1688, unmarried, (ill Lord.) Thomas, his brother, fucceeded, and was created Lord Middleton. He married Elizabeth, daughter and coheirefs of Sir Richard Roth well, Bart, of Stapleford in Leicefterlhire, by whom he had four fons ; Francis* his fuc- ceflbr. — Thomas, born in 1695, died Dec. 2, 1742, having married Elizabeth, fole daughter and heirefs of Thomas South- by, Efq. of Birdfal, Yorkihire, and by her, who died April 25, 1752, had iflue; 1. Elizabeth, who married to the Rev- Edmond Garforth of Afkham in Yorkihire. 2. Emma, mar- ried to the Rev. Nathaniel Hodgfon. 3. Caifandra, died un- married 1750. 4. Antonina, married to the Rev. Henry Hewgill, of Smeaton. 5. Thomas, who died unmarried, 6. Henry, who married Dorothy, fecond daughter and coheirefs of George Cartwright, Efq. of OfRngton in Nottingham mire, by whom Ihe had illue; Henry, born April 24, 1761, (who fucceeded to the Barony on the death of his coufm, the late Lord Middleton, and was called up to the Houfe of Lords by a writ of fummons in March 1 7 8 1 ) and two daughters, Dorothy, born July 13, 1758s and Henrietta, born Jmly 30, 1766. 7. Francis, who married Oclavia, daughter and co- heirefs of Francis Filher, Efq. of Grange at Grantham, Lin- colnlhire. 8. Rothwell, died unmarried in 1764. 9* James. — Rothwell, born 1696, died unmarried, 1752. — Henry died On the 2d of April, 1729, unmarried. (2d Lord.) Francis, the elder! brother, fucceeded his father, April 2, 1729, and the 25th of July, 1723, he was married to Mary, daughter of Thomas Edwards, Efq. of Filkins in Oxfordlhire, by which Lady, who died March 12, 1762, he had, Francis, the third Lord. — Thomas, the late Lord. — Emma; who died young. And his Lor df hip dying Auguft 4, 1758, was fucceeded by his fon, (3d Lord.) Francis, who died without illue, in Decem- ber I774> and was fucceeded by his brother, (4th Lord.) Thomas, the late Lord, who died without iffue Jan. 19, 1781, having married 1770, Mifs Chadwick, who furvived his Lordfhip, He was fucceeded by his coufm the prefent Lord, Creation r » 4 oa L O R D ONSL O W, Creations.] Created Baronet, April 7, 1*677, &e zgth of Car. II. and Lord Middleton of Middleton, in the county irf Warwick, Dec. 31, 1711, the ioth of Queen Anne. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, or, fretty, azure, for Willoughby of Parham and Erefby. -Second and third, or> on two bars, three water bougets, argent, for Willough- by of Middleton and Wollaton. [Plate XXVII.] Crest*] On a wreath, the buft of a man, couped and affrcfntee, proper, crowned ducally, or. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a pilgrim, or grey- friar, in his habit, proper, with his beads, crofs, &c. and a ftaff in his right hand, or. On the fmiiter, a favage with a' club in his exterior hand, wreathed about the temples and middle with ivy, all proper ; each fuppor'ter holding a ban- ker, gules, fringed, or; enfigned with an owl, argent ; crowncd> ducally collared, and chained, or ; the owl being the creft of Willough'by of Middleton and Wollaton. Motto.] Verite fans peur. Truth without Fear. Chief Seats.] At Wollaton-Hall, in Nottinghamfihire *; f m& at Middleton, in the county of Warwick. — — — i i i 1 i n ilfili'lHHIIIHlll — aimni 'l 1 ONSLOW, LORD ON S L O W, THE Right Hon. GEORGE ONSLOW, Lord ONS- LOW and CRANLEY, was created Lord Cranleyof Ember-Court in Surry, May 17, 1776, and fucceeded as Lord Onflow, on the death of the late Lord, Oct. 9, 1776. He married in 1753, Harriot, daughter of Sir John Shelly, Bart, of Michael Grove in Suffex ; by whom he has iffue, Thomas, born March 15, 1754, married firft Dec. 20, 1776* Arabella, daughter and coheirefs of Eaton- Man waring Eller- ker, Efq* of Rifby Park, Yorkfhire, by whom he had iftue> 1 » Arthur- George, born Oct. 25, 1777. 2. Thomas Cran- ky, born in Sept. 1778 : He married feco'ndly, Feb. 1783, Mrs. Dunciimbe, widow of the late Thomas Duncumbe, of Duncumbe Park in Yorkshire. — John, who died young. — Henry, who died an infant. — Edward, born April 9, 175 8> - — Henrietta. This family took their fumame from the town of Onflow> in the county of Salop. Roger de Onflow had two fons ; Thomas, who died without iffue ; and William, his heir, who had two fons> Richard and Thomas ; the former having a fM Lord ONSLowi 4*>r fon Thomas, who died unmarried, and was fucceeded by Tho- mas, his uncle, who lived in the time of Edward III. and he having five Tons, John, the eldeft, by Margaret, daugh-* ter of Madoc Kinafton, had two fons ; Thomas, who died without ifTue ; and Robert, who married Catharine, daugh- ter of Richard Corbet, and had iftue Edward, his heir, who married Anne, daughter and heir to Richard Houghton* and by her had four fons ; Roger* the fecond fon, married Margaret, daughter of Thomas Poyner, and by her had Rich- ard and Fulk. Richard was Solicitor-General to Queen Anne, in whofe reign he was Speaker of the Houfe of Com- mons, and marrying Catharine, daughter of Richard Hard- ing, Efq; had ifTue two fons and feveral daughters ; whereof Margaret was married to Richard Threll ; Cecily, to Sir Humphrey Winch ; and Elizabeth to Richard Hill* And of the fons, Robert, the eldeft fucceeded his father ; but dying unmarried, Edward, his brother, became heir. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Shirley, and left two fons and three daughters ; of whom Jane, the fecond, married Gerard A ungier, Lord Longford. And of the fons, Tho- mas, the eldeft, married Mary, daughter of Sir Samuel Len- nard ; butdying without ifTue, Richard, his brother fucceeded. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Arthur Strangeways, Efq. by whom he had fourteen children; whereof fix fons and five daughters lived to maturity ; Anne, was married to Sir Anthony Shirley; Catharine, to Sir Thomas Cobb ; Mary, to Sir G eorge Freeman ; Jane, to Sir George Croke ; and Eli- zabeth, firft to John Berney, and fecondly, to Sir Frfuicis Wyndham. Of the fons, Arthur, the eldeft, fucceeded his father. Henry, the fecond fon, married a daughter of Sir Richard Stidolph, widow of — Yates, Efq. by whom he had a fon Richard, and a daughter ; which Richard left ifTue feveral daughters, and one fon Denzil. Richard, the third fon, married Mary, daughter of Sir Abraham Reynardfon, but died without ifTue. Thomas and John, fourth and fifth fons, died unmarried s And Denzil, the youngeft, married S a-; rah, daughter of Sir Thomas Foot, widow of Sir John Lewis, and died in 172 1, without iflue. And Richard their father, died on the 19th of May, 1664. Arthur, married to his firft wife, Rofe, daughter of Sir Laurence Stoughton, who died without leaving him any furviving ifTue; but taking to his fecond, Mary, fecond daughter of Sir Thomas Foot, by her had four fons ; Rich~ ard, his heir ; Foot, fecond fon ; Arthur, and Henry, both died unmarried; Foot died P4ay 11, 1710, He married D d Sufaxma* 40* LORD ONSLOW, Sufanna, daughter of Thomas Anlaby, widow of Arnold Colwell, Efq. by whom he had iflue, Arthur, Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, in the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 1 1 th Parliaments. He married Anne, niece of Henry Bridges, of Ember-Court in Surry, Efq. (which Lady died in June, 1 j 66) by whom he had one fon George, the pre fent Lord ; and a daughter who died young. Richard, brother to the faid Arthur, died in March 1760. He married Rofe Bridges, lifter to the aforefaid Anne ; but (he dying without iflue, he married fecondly, Mifs Pooley Walton, niece of Sir George Walton, by whom he had three fons, x . George, married Jan^ daughter of the Rev. Thomas Thorpe, by whom he had two fons, Richard born Jan. 13, 1754; and George, born April 7, 1764, but died an infant; and a daughter Pooly, bom March 3, 1758. 2. Richard, Captain in the Navy, married June 1, 1773, to Mifs Mitchell. 3. Arthur; and a daughter Elizabeth, married to the Rev. George Hamilton, brother to the Earl of Abercorn. We now return to Richard, eldeft fon of Arthur, which ( 1 ft Lord. ) Richard, was Speaker of the Houfe of Com- mons in 1708, and on June 25, 17 16, he was created Lord Onflow* with limitation, for want of iflue of his body, to his uncle Denzil, and the iflue male of his body, and in de^ fault to the heirs male of Sir Arthur, father of the faid Sir Richard ; but died on the 5th of Dec. 17 17. He married the daughter of Sir Henry Tulfe, and by her had two fons and two daughters ; whereof Elizabeth, was firft married to Tho- mas Middletpn, by whom he left five daughters, his coheirs, of whom, Elizabeth married John, the fecond Vifcount Molef- worth ; and fecondly, to Samuel Baldwin, Efq. who died in June 1736; and Mary, his other daughter, married Sir John Williams. And of the fons, who were (2d Lord. ) Thomas, and Richard ; the latter died voting, and the eldeft facceeded his father, and marrying Elizabeth, iUughter of Mr. Knight, by her (who died in April, 1731) had a fon Richard, born in the year 1713. His Lordihip dying in June, 1740, was fucceeded by his faid fon, (3d Lord.) Rich ard, who May 16, 1741, married Mary* daughter of Sir Edmund Elwell, Bart, of Exeter, and dying without iflue,^ Oc~h 8, 1776, was fucceeded by his coufin (4th Lord.) Gsorge, Lord Cranley, who is now Lord Onflow and Cranley. Creations.] Baronet, Nov. 21, i66q, the 12th ofGfat, Ih and Baron Onflow of Onflow in (he coujitr-pf Salop, and . > ; . — ■ . of of Weft- Clan don 111 the county of Surry, June 25 > 1716, the 2d of Geo. II. and Baron Cranley, May 14, 1776. Arms.] Argent, a fefs, between fix Cornilh clioughs* proper. [Plate XXV III.] Crest.] On a wreath, a falcon, /ra/rr $ legged and bell- ed, or ; feeding on a partridge, proper* Supporters.] Two falcons, proper; legged and belled* sr. Motto.] Semper fidtlis. Always faithful. Chtef Seats.] At Wefl-Clandon, and Ember- Court, in Surry. - ' i I I 11 \ M A R S H AM, LORD ROMNEY, THE Right Hon. ROBERT M ARSHAM, Lord ROM- NEY, fucceeded his father, the late Lord Romney* Nov. 28, 1724, and married Mifs Prifcilla Pym, of the ifland of St. Kitt's, by whom, who dkd Feb. 27, 177 1 , he >has had iffue; Robert Pym, born April 27, 17^3, and died Nov. 28, 1762.— Charles, born Sept. 28, 1744, mar- ried Aug. 30, 1776, to Frances, daughter of the late Earl of Egremont ; by whom he has ifiue, 1 . Charles born Nov. 22, 1777. 2. Frances, born in 1778. 3. Harriott, and 4. Ame* lia-Charlotte. — John, born 1748, died young. — ShovelH t>orn 1757, died young. — Jacob, bom Feb. 28, 1759, died young. ™Prifcilla, born Dec. 20, 1745. — Elizabeth, born Feb. 9, 1751.— Frances, born April 2, 1755. — Harriot, born "1-760* died young';— Charlotte, born Nov. 12, 1761, died young. Thomas M a r s h a m , in the reign of King J ames L 1 was Alderman of London ; and in 1625, Sif John, his fon, left ilTue by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Hammond, two ions, Sir John and Sir Robert. Sir John, dying unmarried, Sir Robert, his brother, became heir, and dying July 15, 1703, was fucceeded by (lit Lord.) Sir Robert, his fon, who, by King Geo. L was created a Peer. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Cloudeflcy-Shovell, anct by her (who 'in Sept* 1732, married tKe*Earl of Hyndfcrd, and died in Nov. 1750) had ifftte ; Shoveil, born Odlober 15, 1709, who died young.— Robert, hfsrair*'— Elizabeth, married in May, 1741, to Jacob Bou- verie, Viftourit Falftone, grandfather of the prefent Earl of Radnor, and died Sept. 25, 1782. — Margaret, born March z, 17 1 3, died young. ~ John, born Nov. 14, 171 5, died D d 2 - young* 4*4 L P R D C A D O G A N. died young.— Henrietta, born May ii, 1721. — Thomas, bsm April 5, 1722, died young. And his Lordfhip dying Nov. 28, 1 7 24, was fucceeded by his only fon, (2d Lord.) Robert, nbw Lord Romney; ep ATWN?,] Baronet, Aug. 22, 1663, the 15th of Chaf. II. and Baron Romney,. in the county of Kent, June 25 ,* 17 1 6, and 2d of Geo. T. / Arms,} Jxgent, a lion paffant in bend, gules, between two bendlets, azure. [Plate XXVIII.] C r e s t . ] On a wreath, a lion's Jiead erafed, gules. Supporters.] Two lions, azure ; femee of <:rofs crof- lets, and ducally gorged, or. Mo t t 0 . ] Non Jibiy fed f atria. Not for myfelf, but my Country. Chiej?\ Seats.] At the Mote rxear Maidftone in Kent, and at Cuxton in the fame county. CADOGAN, LORD CADOGAN. THE Right Hon. CHARLES-SLOANE CADOGAN, . Lord CADOGAN, born Oaober 29, 1728, fucceeded his father Charles, the late Lord, Sept. 24, 1776. He mar- ried in 1747, Frances, daughter of the late Lord Montfort, by which Lady, who died in May 1768, he had ifTue; Charles- Henry, born Dec. 19, I749> in the Army.— William-Brom- ley, born January 22, 1 75 1 , in Holy Orders. — Thomas, born Feb. 7, 1752,.in the Navy, and died 1779. — George, born Dec. i, 1754. — Edward, born Dec. 12, 1758. — Henry- William, born March 25, 1761, died Aug. 4, 1774. His Lordfhip married fecondly, Auguft 10, 1777, Mifs Churchill, eldeft daughter of Charles Churchill, Efq. (by Mary Walpole, daughter of Robert, Earl of Orfbrd) by whom he has iffue, Emily, born May 31, 1778 ; and another daughter, born July 12, 1781. Of this family, who derive their defcent from the Britiih Princes of Ferlix and Powis, was William Cadogan, of Toe- ftry-vach in the county of Monmouth, Efq. whofe fecond fon Henry, was feated at Llanbeder ; and he marrying Catharine, daughter of Thomas Stradling, fon of Robert, younger bro- ther of Sir Thomas Stradling, of the Caftle of St. Donet, by her had William Cadogan, Efq. born Feb. 5, 1601 ; to him fucceeded Henry, his fon, who married Bridget, daughter of Sir Hard-reft -Waller, Knt. and by her had two fons ; 2nd a \ daughter L O ;R K. - I N G. 40$ daughter, Penelope, married to Sir Thomas Prendergaft. And of the fbns, who were William and Charles, the eldeft fucceeded his father, and the youngeft fucceeded his brother. (i ft Lord.) Which William, by George I. was created Baron of Reading, and April 17, 17 18, was advanced to the dignity of Baron of Oakley, Vifcount Caverlham, and Earl of Cadogan. He married Margaretta- Cecilia, daughter of William Munter, Counfelier of Holland, and by her (who died at the Hague in Auguft 1750) had two daughters ; Sarah, married to Charles, Duke of Richmond; and Margaret, to Charles- John Bentinck, Efq. fecond fonof the Duke of Port- land ; but the faid Earl their father having no iflue male, the titles of Baron of Reading, Vifcount Caverlham, and Earl of Cadogan, became extinct, and the Barony of Oakley de- fcended to (2d Lord.) Charles, his brother, who married Eliza- beth, daughter and coheirefs of Sir Hans Sloane, Bart, and by her, who died 1768, had an only fon, Charles-Sloane Cado- gan. And his Lordmip deceafing Sept. 24, 177,6, aged 85, was fucceeded by his only fon, (3d Lord.) Ch arles.-Sloane, the pre/ent Lord. Creation.] Baron of Oakley, in the. county of Bucks, April 7, 171&, the 4th of Geo. I. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, gules, a lion rampant reguardant, or ; fecond and third, argent, ^hreo boars heads couped,>£/f. [Plate XXVIIL] Crest.] Out of a ducal coronet, or, a gryphon's Tiead., *vert* • . ■ ..... 1 c " ; ,: "'-' n / t f. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion reguardant, ^ ; on the fmifter, a gryphon reguardant, ui in-videt minor- eft* He who envies, is inferior. Chief Seat..] At Caveriham, in Oxfor^fhjreV ' K I N G, L O R E> KIN G. THE Right Hon. PETER KING, Lord KING, Baron of Ockham, fucceeded his father Thomas, April 4 17-0 He was born October 6, 1736, married Dec. 8, .1774, Char- lotte, daughter of Edward Tedcroft, Efq. of Horfliam in Suffex. Peter King, Efq. on the iftof June, 172c, was made Lord High- Chancellor of Great Britain, and died July zz, 1.734, P d 3 ' He 4 e>6 LORD MONSON. He married Anne, daughter of Richard Seys, Efq. winch Lady died 1767, having had four fons and two daughters } Elizabeth, who died in 1749 ; and Anne, who died in 1751 ; both unmarried. The fons were, James, who died an infant, in 171 j ; (2d Lord.) John, the late Lord ; Peter ; William ; and Thomas. The eldeft married in May, 1726, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Fry, Efq. but Ihe died Janury 28, 1734, without iflue ; and his Lordflrip died alfo, the 19th of Febru- ary, 1740. Whereupon the honour and eftate defcended to (3d Lord.) Peter, his brother, who dying unmarried in March, 1754, was fucceeded by his brother, (4th Lord.) William, who died unmarried, April 15, 1767, and was fucceeded by his brother, (5th Lord.) Thomas, the late Lord, born March 19, 1712, married Aug. 17, 1734, Wilhelmina-Catherina, daugh- ter of John Troy, Efq. of Brabant, by whom he had iflue, Peter, his prefent Lordfhip.— Anne, born Jan. 10, 1735*-— Wilhelmina, bom March 1, 1738.— Thomas, born April j 740, died June 27, 1779. Creation.] May 27, 1725, 11 George II. A* MS.] Sable, three fpears heads erect, argent, embowed, gules-, on a chief, or, as many pole-axes, azure. [EJate XXVIIL] Crest.] On a wreath, a dexter arm, couped below the el- bow, and erects habited, azure, and thereon three fpots, or, turned down, argent ; the hand, proper, grafping a truncheon, jable, the top broken off, and the bottom enamelled of the fecond* Supporters.] Two Englifh maftiffs reguardant, proper, leach having a plain collar, gules* Motto.] tabor ipfe voluptas. The Taut itfelf is Pleafure, Cpief Seat.] At Ockham, in the county of Surry. 1 j wimmm — I MONSON, LORD MONSON. THE Right Honourable JOHN MONSON, Lord MON SON, and Baronet, fucceeded John, his father, *he late JLprd, July 20, 1774. His LordiTup was born May 25, J753, and married July 13, 1777, Elizabeth Capel, daughter of the pari of Effex* " * Thi; LORD MONSOTsT. 4 r> 7 This noble Lord is defcended from Jo« n Monson, who in the year 1378, was featcdat Overfley, in the county of Lincoln, and had a fon John, who was an eminent merchant of the Staple; and- John, his fon, marrying Elizabeth, daughter of William Handfard, by her had Sir John, who married firft, Beatrix, daughter of ^ — - Thurft, by whom ne had Thomas, who died without iifue male ; but by his fecond wife, Dorothy, daughter of — - Meere, of the Mar Ih, he had three fons, William, .Robert, and George. William, the eldeft, married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Robert Tyrwhit, and dying on the 15th of O&ober, 1558, left John, his heir, who married Mary, daughter of Sir Ro- bert Hufley, and had four fons and two daughters. Of the fons, who were Robert, John, George, and William ; the third, by Eleanor his wife, daughter and coheir of Fer- mer, left two Tons, Robert and George ; but Robert, his el- deft brother, dying without iffue, Sir John, the fecond, became heir, and married Anne, daughter of Robert Dighton, Efq. and dying on the 20th of December, 1593, left five fons ; John, who died without ijffue; ^Sir Thomas, Sir William, Sir Robert, and Anthony, Sir Robert, (fourth fon) left iflue five daughters ; Jane, married to Roger Molineux, Efq. Catharine, to John Povey, Efq„ Anne, to Arthur Redhead Efq. Sarah, to Sir Vincent Corbet, and was created (for life) Vifcountefs Corbet, October 23, 1679 ; and Mary, to Molineux Difney, Efq, Anthony, (fifth fon) by Faith, daughter of Robert Smith, had five fons, (of whom, John, the eldeft, left iflue) alfo feveral daughters, whereof Jane, married to John Ofbaldifton, Efq, (ift Baronet.) Sir Thomas Monson, (eldeft fon of Sir John) married Anne, daughter of Sit Edmund Anderfon, and by her had two fons, who lived to maturity, and three daugh^ ters ; Bridget, was married to Sir John Read ; Elizabeth, to Sapcot, Vifcount Beaumont ; and Magdalen, to Thomas Cot- ton, Efq. Of the fons, who were Sir John and Sir William, the latter was, by King Charles I. created Vifcount Caftle- main, in Ireland. He married firft, Margaret, daughter of James -Stewart, Earl of Murray, widow of Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham ; fecondly, Frances, fifter to Sir Thomas * Alfton, (by whom' he had Alfton Monfon, Efq,) and his third wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Sir George Rerefbyi widow "of Sir Francis Foljamb, and alfo of Captain Horner, (2d Baronet.) Sir John, eldeft fon of Sir Thomas, married tlrfula, daughter of Sir Robert Oxenbridge, (by Elisabeth, P d 4 daughter 4o3 LORD M O N S O N. daughter of Sir Henry Cock, of Broxburn, in the county of Hertford) and with her had the manor of Broxburn, &c. "and died in 1683. He hadiifur, Sir John, his only fon, who died in his father's lifer time, Oct. 14, 1674. He married Judith, daughter of Sir ?1 homas Pelham, and by her had ten fons (of whom five lived to maturity) and a daughter, Bridget, married to Sir Charles Barrington, Bart. . (3d Baronet.) Sir Henry, the elaefi, marrying Elizabeth, daughter of Willinm Chyne, Vifcount Newhaven, in Scot- land, by Gertrude, Mer to Robert, the third E ail of King- fton; and dying on the 6th cf A-pril, 17 18, without iilue, (4th Barone t . ) Sir W illia in , his next brother, became heir. Ke married Letitia, daughtenof Jolm , ^ond.Poulett, and dying on the 9th of March, 1727, without iffuealfo, we come to George, the younger! of the five brothers, who by Anne/ daughter of Charles Wren, Efq? had rifUie five fons ; John. — George, who died unmarried July7, 1739. — Charles, who" died unmarried Auguft 26,- 1764. — Henry, his Majef- ty's ProfefTor of Civil Law in the Uniyerlity of Cambridge. — WJlliam, died unmarried , (iftLord.) John, the eldeil fucceeded his uncle, and was created Lord Monfon. He married Margaret Watfon, daugh- ter of Lewis, late Earl of Rockingham, and by her, who died in February, 1752, he had three fons ; John, late Lord Mon- fon.— Lewis, created Lord Sondes . — George, born April 16, 1730, married Anne Vane, daughter of the Earl of Darling- ton^ wliich Lady died without ifTue, Sept. 14, 1776, and her : hufband, who was a Brigadier General in the Eaft Indies, died in 1777. And his Lordfhip dying in July, 1748, was fucceeded by his eldeil fon, P.zd Lord.) John, who married in June, 1752, Thepdofia, daughter of John Maddifon, Efq. by whom he had ilTue, John, the prefent Lord. — George-Henry, born Oftober 17, 3755, in the Army. — Evelyn-Tyrwhit, clied young. — Charles, born March 11, 1758.-— William, born December 15, 1760. — Thomas, born May 10, 1764. — Catharine, born -Sept. 12, 1754* married March 1782, Sir John Shaw, Bart. ofElthamin Kent. — Charlotte- Grace, born March 29,, 1759, jnarrjed Aug. 16, 1777, Henry Peirfe, Efq. of Bedale in York- ^^kire. — Theodofia- Margaret, born Sept. 20, 1762.— {iarriot- l Anne, died an infant. , And his Lordmip deceafmg July 20, 2774, was fucceeded by his fon, {3d Lord.) John, the. prefent Lord* . . .. .. { 'Creations. LORD TALBOT. 409 Creations.] Baronet, June 26, 1611, 9 James I. and Baron Monfon, of Burton, in the county of Lincoln, May 28, 1728, 1 George II. Arms.] Or, two. chevrons, gules, [Plate XXVIII.] ; Crest.] On a wreath, a lion rampant, fuftained by a pil- lar, or. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion, or, having a collar and chain, azure; the cellar charged with jthree cref- cents of the Jirft ; on the iinifter, a gryphon, argent ; its coL lar and chain as the dexter, and its fore legs, azure. Motto.] Prefi pour mon pais. Ready for my Country. Chief Seats.] At South Carleton, in the county of Lincoln; ai d at Broxburn, in Hertfordfiiire. TALBOT, LORD TALBOT* THE Right Hon. JOHN-CHETWYND TALBOT, Lord T ALBOT, Baron of Henfol, fucceeded his uncle, William, Earl Talbot, in the Barony, in May 1782 ; born 1738 ;. married May 7, 1776, Charlotte, daughter of Wills Hill, Earl of Hillfborough, by whom he has ifTue, Charley Chetwynd, born April 25, 1777 $ and John, bom April 4^ 1779. His Lordfhip is defcended from Sir Gilbert Talbot, fecond fon of John, the fecond Earl of Shrewfbury ; whofe fon Sir John, married Elizabeth, his fecond wife, daughter of •■ Wrottefley, of Wrottefley in the county of Stafford, Efq. and had ifTue John, who married Oliva, daughter of Sir -Hen-, ry Sherrington, and died 14th Eliz. leaving ifTue three fons, Sherrington, John, and Thomas. - Sherrington, the eldeft, who died about 1640, "had two wives; firft Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Leigh- ton, by whom he had ifTue male remaining. His fecond wife was Mary, daughter of John Wafhborn, Efq. by whom he had four fons, 1. George; 2. Edward, who was flam in the civil wars, in behalf of Char. I. 3. William, who mar- ried Mary, daughter of Thomas Doughty, Efq. by whom he had William, Bilhop of Durham ; and Catharine, who mar- ried firft Walter Littleton, Efq. and fecondly, Dr. Lancelot Blackboam, Archbifliop of York. 4. Francis, who died unmarried. William, Bifhop of D urham , married Catharine, daugh - |er of Mr. Sing, by whom he had eight fons, and feveral daughters - 4 io LORD TALBOT, daughters; of whom thofe who lived to maturity were, Charles,, who was the late Lord Talbot.— Edward, who died in 1720. He married Mary, daughter of the Rev. Mr, Martin, and left a daughter Catharine, who died 1770. — Sher- rington, married to Mifs Midget, by whom he has two fons, William, D. D. bom May 1717, and died March 2, 1774, having married Mifs Sarah Eyles ; and Charles, born Oct. 30, 1720, married Mifs Anne Haftell, by whom he had iflue Charles and George, and four daughters. He married fecondly Mifs Eleanor Hickford ; and thirdly, Mifs Charlotte Freeman, by whom he has left a daughter Juliana, born Aug. 175 ii — Henry, married iirft Mifs Lloyd, by whom he had a daughter Elizabeth, who married Capt. Thomas Cornwall ; he mar- ried fecondly Catharine, daughter of Sir Hugh Clapton, who died without iffue May 17, 1 754. — Henrietta-Maria, married to Dr. Charles Trimne!, late Bilhop of Winchefter.— Catha- rine, married to Exton Sever, L. L. D. Chancellor ofDur. ham, which Lady died in Aug. 1734. ( 1 ft Lord.) Charles, the eldeft, was on the 29th of Nov. 1733, made Lord High Chancellor, and created a Baron. He married Cecil, daughter of Charles Matthews, Efq. who died in 1720, having had five fons, viz. Charles-Richard ^ who died in Sept. 1733.— William, late Earl Talbot.— John, married in May 1737, ^rft Henrietta- Maria, daughter of Sir Matthew Decker, who dying in Sept. 1747, he married fecondly, in Auguft 1748, Catharine, eldeft daughter of John, Lord Chetwynd. He died Sept. 22, 1756, and left iffue, John Chetwynd, the prefent Lord, who married Charlotte, daughter of the Earl of Hilflborough. 2. Charles. 3. George. 4, William. — Edward, who died an infant. — George, D. IX married on January 4, 1761, Anne, Mer to the Earl of Rad- nor. His Lordlhip dying in February, 1737, was fucce^ded by his eldeft fon, (2d Lord lit Earl.) William, the late Earl, who was advanced to the dignity of Earl Talbot, March 19, 1761, and received the Barony of Dinevor, with remainder to his female ill ue, on Oft. 17, 1780. He married in Feb. 1734^ Mary, daughter and fole heir of Adam Cardonnel, Efq. /by v-hojn he had. one fon, William, who died young ; and a daughter Cecil, married to George Rice, of Newton in Car- marthenfhire, Efq. by whom fhe has iftue. The E£rl her father dying in May 1782, without male ifiue> the "Earldom became extinft, but the Barony of Talbot of Henfol defc ended 10 lib nephew, the prefent Lord Talbot ; and the Barony of Pir ?vor to his eldeft daughter, the prefeiU EaronefsDi ptfVor; LORD GODOLPHI N. 411 (3d Lord.) John C he tvvynd Talbot, the prefect Lord; Creation.] Created Baron . Talbot of Henfol, in the county of Glamorgan, Dec 5, 1733, 2 Geo. II. Arms.] Gules, a lion rampant, within a border engrailed, #r ; acrefcent for difference, [Plate XXVIII.] Crest.] On a chapeau, guks, turned up, ermine, a lion, er ; his tail extended. Supporters.] Two talbots, argent, collared with a dou- ble irefTure fleury, counterfleury, gules. Motto.] Humani nihil alienum, Nothing pertaining to Man is foreign to me. Chief Seats.] At Caftle-Menych, and Henfol, in the county of Glamorgan ; and at Harrington, in Gloucefterfhirc. • . GODOLPHIN, LORD GODOLPHIN. THE Right Honourable FRANCIS GODOLPHIN, Lord GODOLPHIN, fucceeded his coufin, the late Earl of Godolphin, January 17, 1766, as Baron Godolphin of Helfton, according to the limitation of the patent granted to Francis, the late Earl of Godolphin, January 23, 1735. He married rlrij Feb. 1733-4, Barbara, daughter of William* Earl of Portland, which lady dying without ifTue April 1, 2736, he married fecondly, May 28, 1748, Anne, daughter of John, Earl Fitzwilliam. This family took its furname from Godolphin, a hill in the county of Cornwall. They were ftiled Lords of Godolphin from the time of the Conquer! . John Godolphin was Sheriff of Cornwall in the 19th of Henry VII. He married Margaret, daughter of -Join; Trenouth, Efq. and by her had William and John. . William, married Margaret, daughter of John Glp< and by her had Sir William ; and Thomas, who married a daughter of Edmund Bonithon, Efq. and had two fon?, Sir Francis and William. Sir Francis, who was heir to his uncle, Sir Willis; > married firft Margaret, daughter of John . Killegrew, T kk by whom he had three fons, William ; John/ married to Ju- dith, daughter of Thomas Meredith ; and Francis ; and r, . daughters ; 1. Blanch, married to George Keckwith, EiV?, 1. Urfula, married to John Credie, Efq. 3. Thomafm, ir 5_ir George Carew, afterwards Earl of Totnefs. 4. Jafn;. 5. Eli- 4t2 LORD G O D O L P H I NV 5. Elizabeth. 6. Margaret. He married fecondly, Alice, relict of Sir John Glanville. He was fucceeded by- Sir William his heir, who died in 161 3. He married Thomaftn, daughter of Thomas Sidney, Efq. and had three fons ; and a daughter Penelope, married to Charles Berkeley, Vifcount Fitz-Harding. The fons were/ Francis, Sidney, and William. Sir Francis, the eldeft,. fucceeded his father. He marri- ed Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Berkeley, and had fixteen children, of whom, Jael was grand*- mother of the late Lord Falmouth ; Elizabeth, the eldeft, married Sir Arthur North- cote. William Godolphin, his eldeft fort, fucceeded him, and was created a Baronet, April 29, 1661 ; and left his eftate to his nephew, Francis, late Earl of Godolphin; Francis the fecond fon, married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Nicholas Johnfon, and widow of Sir Charles Mordaunt ; Sidney Gor dolphin, third fon ; Henry Godolphin, D. D. Dean of St. Paul's, and Provofl of Eton- Colleges, 4th fon, died Jan. 29, 1733 ; Charles, 5th fon, died July 10, 1720. (iftEarl.) Sidney, the 3d brother, Auguft 25, 1684,' was promoted to be firft Lord of the Treafury, and was cre- ated Lord Godolphin of Rialton, and in 1706, was created Vifcount Rialton, and Earl of Godolphin, and died on the 15th of April, 171 2. He married Margaret, daughter of Thomas Blague, Efq. and by her had (2d Earl.) Francis, his only furviving fon, born Sept. 3, 1678, who was,. Jan. 23,. 1734, created Baron Godolphin Jof Helfron, and to his heirs male, with remainder to the heirs male of his uncle, Henry Godolphin, late Dean of St. Paul's, His Lord (hip marrying Henrietta Churchill, eldeft of the four daughters, coheirs to John Duke of Marlborough, who by Ad of Parliament was Duchefs of Marlborough, on* the demifeof her faid father, had by her two fons and three daugh- ters. Of the fons, who were William and Henry, the latter died young, but the former, ftiled Marquis of Blandford, married April 25, 1729, Maria- Catharina, daughter of Peter de Young, a Burgomafter of the province of Utrecht, and filter to the Countefs of Denbigh, but had norifTue, and died Aug. 24, 1731. And his Lady, on June 1, 1734, married Sir William Wyndham. Of the daughters, Henrietta mar- ried the Duke of Newcaflle ; Margaret, died young ; and Ma- xy was Duchefs of Leeds, and died Aug. 3, 1764. His La- dy, the Duchefs of Marlborough, died October 24, 1733 : And his Lordlhip deceafing on January 17, 1766, the titles cf Earl of .Godolphin, and Vifcount Rialton, became esrtmiV; L O R D MONT.FO R T- 41.3 tut he was fuceeeded as ?aron Godolphin of Helftoiie, by Francis Godolphin, fon of £>r. Godolphin, Dean of St. Paul's 5 which Henry Godolphin, t>. D. Dean of St. Paul's, married Mary, daughter of Sidney Godolphin, Efq. by whdm he had iflue, Henry his eldeft fon, .who died in 1722; Mary, mar- ried to William Owen, Efq. and had iflue ; and (3d Lord.) Francis, now Lord Godolphin. Creation.] Baron Godolphin of Helfton, January 25, 1735, 8 George II. Arms.] Gules, an eagle, with two heads difplayed be- tween three fleurs-de-lis, argent. ^ [Plate XXIX.] Crest.] On a wreath, a dolphin, naiant, embowed, proper. Supporters.] Two eagles reguardant, with their wings difplayed, argent. Motto.] Francha Leah Toge A free loyal Gownfman. C h 1 e f S e a t s . ] At Baylies, near Windfor ; at Gogmagog- hills, near Cambridge ; and at Godolphin in Cornwall. BROMLEY, LORD MONTFORT. THE Right Hon. THOMAS BROMLEY, Lord MONTFORT, Baron of Horfeheath, born Feb^ 7 , 1733, fuceeeded his father Henry, the late Lord, January i, 1755. marr i e d Feb. 29, 1772, Mifs Blake, filler to Sir Patrick Blake, by whom he has iflue, Henrv, born May 14^ 1773- The family of Bromley is defcended from Sir Walter Bromley, of Bromley, in the county of Stafford, Knt. living in the reign of King John ; from him defcended William Bromley, who married Beatrix, daughter of Humphrey Hill, and had iflue, 1. George, who marrying Jane, daughter of Sir Thomas Lacon, had iflue, Sir George Bromley, Chief-Juftice of Chefter ; and Sir Edward, one of the Barons of the Exchequer. 2. Sir Thomas, was Re- corder of London, and married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Adrian Fortefcue, by whom he had four fons, Sir Henry, Thomas, George, and Edward. Sir Henry, eldeft fon, married firft, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Pelham, by whom he had Sir Thomas, his heir, and three daughters, Elizabeth, Eleanor, and Mary, which laft was married to John Prynne ; fecondly, Elizabeth j daughter of Hugh Verney, by whom he had ft fon, John , '* if - ' ' • - • ' ' • ' ' yfrij.&iW' 1 hiis 4*4 t O R D CHEDWORTH, his third wife was Anne, daughter of William Befaick, by whom he had htue, Henry, Philip, and Robert. Sir Thomas, elder! fon by the firil wife, married Anne, daughter of Richard Walfh, Efq. and had iffue, i. Henry. 2. John, ' who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Henry Longueville. Henry, the eldeft fon, married Beatrice, daugh- ter of Sir Richard Newport, and had two fons, Henry and {Francis; and a daughter, Diana. Henry married Mercy, daughter qf Edward Pytts, Efq. and had two fons, Henry, who died unmarried ; and William, who fucceeded his father, snd married Margaret, daughter of Sir Rowland Berkeley, and left two ^daughters, Mercy and Dorothy, of whom, the eldeft married Joh n Bromley, of Horfeheath Hall, in the county of Cambridge, Efq. and dying Auguft 5, 1707, left iffue, Henry, their heir,; which (ift Lord.) Henry, born Aug. 20, 1705, who was created Lord Nfontfort, married the fitter and fole heir of Sir Francis Wyndhaxn, of Somerfet, and had iiTue a fon, Henry ; anil a daughter, Frances, (who died in May 1768) married to Charles-SIoane, now Lord Cadogan ; and his Lordlhip dying Jan, 1, 1755, was fucceeded by his fon, (id Lord.) Thomas, now Lord Montfort. Creation.] Baron ; Montfort, May 9, 174!, 14 Geo. IL Arms.] Quarterly, per pale, dovetail, gules, and or, {Plan XXIX.] Crist.] Upon a wreath, a demi-lion rampant, fable ; 5 {Tiling out of a mural crown, or ; holding a flandard, 1754, and fucceeded John, his brother, May 7, 1762. Tiiis f«mily has been. long feated in Somerfetfhire, Wilt- {hire, and Glouceftedhire. John Howe, who died in the 1 6th LORD C H E D W O R T H. 415 16th of Elizabeth, left ifTue, John, his heir, to whom he be- queathed his manor of Huntfpil, in the county of Somerfet. John, his fon and heir, married Jane, daughter of Nicholas Grubham, by whom he had three fons, John, George, and Lawrence ; and a daughter, Elizabeth, married to John Baynton, Efq. George, the fecond fon of John Howe, Efq. was, by King Charles II. created a Baronet; but his fon, Sir James, dying without ifTue, that branch became extincl. John, the elder brother of George, was created a Baronet In 1660; and by Bridget, daughter of Thomas Rich, had three fons, Sir Richard Grubham Howe. — John, anceftor to the prefent Lord Chedworth. — And Sir Thomas Howe ; which hill married Hefter, daughter of Sir William Manwar- !ng, and died without ifTue. Sir Richard married Anne, daughter of John ?^og, Bifhop of London, and relict of John Dutton, by whom he had iflue, * €ir Richard, who married Mary, daughter of Sir^|Jenry< r Frederick Thynne, and dying without ifTue, in July 1730, we return to his uncle, John Howe, fecond fon of Sir John Howe, and brother to Sir Richard-Grubham Howe, the fa- ther of the faid Sir Richard, who died in 1730 ; which John, married Anabella, third daughter of Emanuel, Lord Scroop, and Earl of Sunderland, and by that marriage, became polTefled of Langor, in the county of Nottingham : By her he had ifTue, Scroop, created Vifcount Howe, in Ire* land, who alfo fucceeded to the title of Baronet. John, the fecond fon. and brother to Scroop, died in 1721. He married Mary, daughter of Humphry Bafkervilie, relict of Sir Edward Morgan, by whom he left ifTue, (ill Lord.) John, his heir, who was created Lord£hed~ worth. His Lordfhip married Dorothy, eldeil daughter of Henry-Frederick Thynne, Efq. (which Lady died, aged 90, February 17, 1777) and by her he had ifTue, John-'] hyrine. fecond Lord. — Frederick- Henry. — Thomas, who was Rector of Great Wifhford, and Kingfton Deverell, in Wilts > died in 1770, having married Frances, daughter of Thomas White, of Tatrington Place, Efq. in Suffolk, by whom, who died February 17, 1778, he had ifTue, John, the prefenrLord. — • Charles. — James, married July 5, 1755, to Mifs Howards (daughter of Sir Humphry Howarth) who died without iflue f and her hufband foon after. — William, who died in j^n. Ij22r —Mary, married to Alexander Wright, Efq, and is dead. * leading 4*6 LORD SANDYS, leaving SfTiie, Alexander now in the Army ; John, who was in the Navy, and killed under Lord Howe ; William, Reclor of Cowberley, in Gloucefterihire ; and Mary. — Anne, mar- ried to Roderick Gwynn, Efq. of Bran, in Carmarthenfhire; who is now dead, but has left ilfue, Sackville, and Thynne Howe, both of whom are married and have iflue.— Dorothy^ and Lucy, both living, unmarried. His Lordfhip dying in -April, 1742, was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (2d Lord.) John -Thynne, married Sept. 23, I74i> Martha, daughter of Sir Philip-Parker Long, of Suffolk, who died 1775. His Lordmip deceafing, without iffue, on May io, 1762, was fucceeded by his next brother, (3d Lord.) Frederick-Henry, late Lord Chedworth, who died Oft. 6, 1781, unmarried, and was fucceeded by his nephew, (4th Lord ) John, the prefent Lord. Creation.] Lord Chedworth, Baron of Ched worth, in the county of Gloucefter, May 12, 1741, 15 George IT. Arms ] Or, a fefs between three wolves heads couped, fable ; a crefcent for difference. [Plate XXIX.] Crest.] On a wreath, a dexter arm in armour, erazed be- low the elbow, lying fefs ways, and holding in the hand a fcimitar ere&, all proper; hiked and pomelled, or • pierced through a boar's head, couped, fable. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion argent, pellited, armed and langued, gules. And on the finifter fide, an angel, proper, the face profile, with brownilh hair, habited crimfon, the under garment azure, the wings argent, pinion- ed of the fourth. Motto ] Jujlus ci? propofiti tenax. Juft and fteady to his Purpofe. Chief Seats ] At Stawel, in Gloucefterfhire ; and at Wifnford, in Wiltfliire. SANDYS, LORD S AN D Y S. THE Right Hon. EDWIN SANDYS, Lord SANDYS, Baron of Omberfley, fucceeded his father, the late Lord, April 21, 1770. His Lordmip was born April 28, 1726, and married in January, 1769, to Anne- Maria King, filler to Sir George Colebrooke, and widow of William-Paine King, Efq. of Finefhade, in Northamptonfllire, which Lady died in 1777, without iflue. LORD SANDYS. 417 His Lbrdfhip is defc.ended from Dr. Edwin Sandys, Archbiftiop of York, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, of the family of the Sandys, of St. Bees, in Cumberland, Knight of the Shire for the county of Cumberland, in the reign of Richard IL The Archbifhop had fix fons 5 of whom, Sir Samuel, the eldeft, inherited his father's manor of Om- berfley. He married Mercy, daughter of Martin Culpepper, Efq. by whom he had four fons, and feven daughters ; and dying Auguft 18, 1623, left Sir Edwin Sandys, his heir, who died on the 6th of September following. He married Penelope, daughter of Sir Richard Bulkeley, by whom he had four fons, and three daughters ; 1. Samuel, born in 1615, 2. Richard, born in 16 i 6, killed at Edgehill fight^ Ofh 13, 1642. 3. Edwin, born in 1617. 4. Martin, born in 162:4, after the death of his father. Samuel, married Mary, only daughter of Dr. Hugh Barker, by whom he had two fons and a daughter ; 1 . Samuel. 2, Edwin, died January 8, 1684. 3. Mary, died in 1681, unmarried. Their mother dying in 1651, he married. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Packington, Bart, relicl of Colonel Henry Wafhington, by whom he had no i/Tue. He died in 1685, and flie in 1698. Samuel, his eldeft fon, married Elizabeth, only daughter of Sir John Pettus, by whom he had three fons; and four daughters; 1. Edwin, 2. Henry, whqdied young. 3. Mar- tin, who married Elizabeth, daughter of John Burton, by whom he had five 'children, and died in January, 1753. Eli- zabeth, died young ; Penelope was married io Henry Town- Ihendj Efq. Mary, married Price, Vifcount Hereford ; and Frances, married Samuel Pytts, Efq. (ift Lord.) Samuel, the eldeft, December 20, 1743, was created Lord Sandys. He married in 1724,, Letithea, eldeft daughter of Sir Thomas Tipping, feart. of Wheatrield, in. Oxfordihire, which Lady died May 26, 1779I By her he had feven fons, and three daughters ; Edwin, the prefer} t Lord.' — Cheek, born 1727, who died in 1737. — Thomas, who died in 1728. — Martin, a Colonel in the Army, married June 17, 1760, Mary, daughter of William Trumball, Efq. of Eaft Hampfted Park, in Berkshire, by whom he had ilTue, William, born 1761 ; Edwin, and Mary. He died Dec. 26, 1768. — Letitia.' — William, born 1732, who died October 31, 1749. — Anne, born Jan. 10. 1733, married July 28, 1768, Chriltopher Bethell, Efq.*— John, died in 1758.— Catharine, who died in 1736.— Henry, who died in 1737. His Lord- ihip dying April 21, 17^0, was fucceeded by his fon, (2d Lord.) Edwin, the prefent Lord, E e Creation 4iS LORD FORTESCUE. Creation.] December 20, 1743, 17 George II. Arms.] Or, a fefs dancette, between three crofs croflets fitchee, [Plate XXIX.] Crest.] A gryphon iegreant per fefs, or and gules. Supporters.] On each fide a gryphon per fefs, or and gules, collared dancette of the Lift. Motto.] Probum non pcenitet. The honeft Man does not repent. Chief Seat.] At Omberfley, near Worcefter. FORTESCUE, LORD FORTESCUE. THE Right Honourable MATTHEW FORTESCUE, Lord FORTESCUE, of Caftle-hill, fucceeded his brother, Hugh, May 3, 1751, and married June 8, 1752, Anne, fecond daughter of John Campbell, cf Calder, in Scotland, and of Stackpole-court, in the county of Pembroke, Efq. by whom he hath ilTue ; Hugh, born March 12, 1753, married May 4, 1782, Hefter Grenville, fifter to the pre- fent Earl Temple, by whom he has a fon, born Feb. 13, 1783. — Matthew, born April 12, 1754. — John, born March 6, 1755. — Lucy, born July 20, 1756, married in Sept. 1778, the Rev. Mr. Harrington. John Fortefcue frgnalized himfelf under Henry V. He married the heirefs of William Norfolk, by whom he had Sir Henry Fortefcue, Lord Chief- Juftice of Ireland, who had three fon s ; 1. Henry. 2. Richard. 3. John, who in the 20th of Henry VI. was made Lord Chief-Juftice of England. His fon and heir, Martin, had two fons, John, who died with- out ifTue ; and William, who married Maud, daughter of John Atkins, and had three fons, John, Edward, and James ; and a daughter, Jaquet, married to William Dennis, Efq, John, the eldeft fon, married Chriftian, daughter of John Arfcot, and had two fons, William, and John ; and a daugh- ter, Alice, married to John Farry, Efq. William, the el deft fon, married Anne, daughter of Sir Roger GifFord, and had five fons and eight daughters. John Fortefcue, the fon, married Anne, daughter of Walter Par- ker, Efq. from whom defcended Hugh Fortefcue, Efq. who married Bridget, fole daughter and heir of Hugh Bofcawen, "Efq. by Margaret, his wife, daughter, and at length coheir, of Theophilus, Ear! of Lincoln, and Baron Clinton, by whom he had Hugh, his fucceffar.— -Bofcawen, who died unmarried, Dec. LORD FORTESCUE. 419 Dec. 1 , 1719* — Theophilus, died unmarried, March 12, 1745. — Margaret, who, upon her brother's deceafe, became Baron - efs Say and Clinton, and died unmarried 1760, when thofe titles devolved to the prefent Earl of Orford, in right of his mother, Margaret. And by a fecond wife, Lucy, fecond daughter of Matthew, Lord Aylrrier, he had Matthew, now Lord Fortefcue ; and a daughter, Lucy, married in 1742, to Sir George Lyttelton, afterwards Lord Lyttekon; and died, leaving ifiue, on January 19, 1747. The fillers of Margaret, the firft wife, leaving no furviving i/Tue* the Barony of Clin- ton devolved on (ill: Lord.) Hugh, fon and heir of the fore-mentioned Hugh and Bridget, who, having demanded a Writ of Sum- mons to Parliament, was, on the 1 6th of March, 1721, called up to the Houfe of Lords, (and took his feat according to the ancient Batons Clinton, who by feveral fummonshad enjoyed it, and originally on the 6th of February, 1298, the 26th of Edward I.) On the 5th of July, 1746, his Majeiiy was plea- fed to advance him to the dignity of Earl Clinton, and Baron Fortefcue, of Caftle-hi)l, and in default of ifTue male, thefaid title of Baron Fortefcue, to defcend to Matthew Fortefcue, his Lordmip's youngelt brother, and the heirs male of his body. And his Lordihip dying unmarried, May 2, [751, the title of Earl Clinton became extinct. ; and the Barony of Say arid Clinton went to the Earl of Orford, in right of his mother, but the Barony of Fortefcue defcended to his half-brother, (2d Lord.) Matthew, now Lord Fortefcue. Creation ] July 5, 1746. Arms.] Quarterly, nrft and fourth, azure, a bend engrail- ed, argent, cottized, or ; fecond and third, argent* fix crofs croflets fitchee; on a chief, argent, two mullets of the field* [Plate XXX.] Crest.] On a wreath, a plain fhield, argent. Supporters.] Two greyhounds, argent, each having a ducal collar, or, with a double treilure, gules. Motto.] Forie fcutwn falus ducum. A ftrong Shield is the Safety of the Leaders. Chief Seats.] At Filleigh, in the county of Devon, of late called Caille-hii! and |t Ebrington, in Gloueefterfnire. Eei LID0ELL, LIDDELL, LORD RAVENSWORTLf. THE Right Honourable HENRY LIDDELL, Lord RA~ VENSWORTH, and Baronet, was created Lord Ra- venfworth, in the county of Durham, June 29, 1747, 21 Geo. II. He married in April, 173;, Anne, only daugh- ter of Sir Peter Delme, Knight, Alderman of London, by whom he hath ifTue, one daughter, named Anne, married Jan. 29, 1756, to Lord Eufton, now Duke of Grafton, from whom fhe was divorced, March 20, 1769, and afterwards married to John, Earl of Upper-OfTory, by whom fhe has IfTue. This family were anciently Lords of Liddel-Caffle. Tho- mas de Li d del married Margaret, daughter of John de La» burne, and had two fons, Thomas ; and George, whofe only fon died without ifTue. Thomas, the eldeft, married Bar- bara, daughter of Richard de Strangeways, and by her had four fons ; Francis, whofe fon and heir died without ifTue.— ~ Thomas.— Robert. — Percival, who died without ifTue ; and two daughters, Alice, married to Ofwald Carr ; and Barbara, who died young. Thomas purchafed Ravenfworth in 1607. He married firfl, Margaret, daughter of John Watfon, Efq. by whom he had Thomas, his heir, and three daughters; Elizabeth, mar- ried to William Sherwood ; Alice, to Gawen Salkeld; and Eleanor, to Timothy Draper. He married fecondly, Jane, daughter of Henry Midford, Efq. by whom he had, Henry, married to Elizabeth, daughter of William Jennifon, Efq. and had a fon, Thomas. — Roger, married to Grace, daugh- ter of James Clavering, Efq. — Barbara, married to Samuel Sanderfon. — Jane, to Robert Anderfon, Eiq. (ill Baronet.) Thomas, the eldeft fon, was created a Ba- ronet. He died in 2650, having married Ifabel, daughter of Henry Anderfon, Efq. by whom he had fix fons and three daughters ; Elizabeth, married to Sir George Baker ; Mary, to Sir Nicholas Cole ; and Ifabel, who died unmarried. The fons were, Sir Thomas Liddell.- — Francis, who married Eliza- beth, daughter of Sir George Tonge, and had ifTue, Francis. —William. — Robert. — George.— Henry, who all died un- married. Sir Thomas died in 1627, before his father, and left iflue by Bridget, daughter of Edward Woodward, Efq. (who, after hisdeeeafe, married Thomas Henage, Efq.) an only fon, (2d LORD RAVENS WORTH. 421 (2d Baronet.) Sir Thomas, who fucceeded his grandfa- ther, and died in 1697. He had i/Tue by Anne, his wife, daughter cf Sir Henry Vane, five fons and three daughters; Sir Henry.— Thomas, who died unmarried. — Edward, who died young. — Robert, who married a daughter of William Kiffin, and had iflue Thomas, and died in 1718; who by Mary Nelthorpe, his wife., had Henry, his only fon, who died in Auguft 1770; and one daughter, who was married to John Myddleton, of Chirke Cattle in Denbighftiire, Efq. — George, who died a batchelor. — Frances, married firll to Thomas Vane, Efq. eldeft brother to Chriftopher, late Lord Barnard; and feeondly, to Sir John Bright. — Elizabeth, to Chriftopher Stockdale, Efq — Ifabel, who died unmarried. (3d Baronet.) Sir Henry, the eldeft, married Catharine, daughter and heir of Sir John Bright, Bart, and had iflue, Thomas, who died in 1715, before his father, leaving iflue by Jane, eldeft daughter of James Clayering, Efq. four fons and a daughter; of whom only Henry, now Lord Ravenfworth, and Thomas, lived to maturity. Thomas died March 6, 1772, having married Mifs Margaret Bowes, filler to George Bowes, Efq. of Gibflde, Durham, by whom he had two fons, Tho- mas, who died an infant ; and Henry-George, born Nov. 2^ 1749, married in April 1773, to Mifs Steele. — John, who was adopted heir to his grandfather, Sir John Bright, and took his name. He married Mifs Cordelia Clutterbuck, and died Oft. 6, 1737, having had ifTue four fons, Thomas, mar- ried Margaret, heir of the late John Lowther, Efq. and left a daughter Mary, married Feb. 26, 1752, to Charles, fecond Marquis of Rockingham; Stephen, John, and Henry who died without i/Tue ; and three- daughters, Anne, Catharine, and Cordelia who married Dr. Wintringham.— Henry, who married Anne, daughter of John Clavering, Efq. and died without iflue, — George, died unmarried, Oc]t. 9, 1740.— Mi- chael, who died unmarried.— Elizabeth, married to Robert EJlifon, Efq. and had ifTue, Cuthbert EHifon/Efq. And Sir Henry, their father, dying Sept. 1, 1723, was fucceeded by his grandfon, (4th Baronet and ill Lord.) Sir Henry, who was created Lord Ravenfworth. • Creation.] June 29, 1747, 21 George II. Arms.] Argent, frettee, gules; on a chief of the fetond, ^hree leopards faces, or. [Plate XXX.] Crest.] On a wreath, a lion rampant, fable, crowned, or. Supporters.] On each fide aleopard, or, fpotted, purple* gorged with a mural crown ©f the fecond. E e 3 Mox-Tp. 422 LORD P O N S 0 N B ¥. " Motto.] Unus & Idem. One and the fame. Chief Seats.] At Ravenfworth-caftle, and Newton, both in the county of Durham; and at E fling ton, in Nor thl umberland. - ' • . r ■ A\ od^t \ i " ■ ' PON.SGNB?, LORD PONSONBY. THE Right Honourable WILLIAM PONSONBY, Lord PONSONBY, of Syfonby, and Earl of Be s bo. rough and Vifcount D u n cannon in Ireland. For the account of this family, fee Earl of Beseorough, in the Peerage of Ireland. B E A U C L E R K, LORD VER E. nP HE Right Hon. AUBREY BEAUCLERK, Lor 1757, fucceeoled his mother, the late Baronefs, Aug. 6, 1780. He married July I, 1779, Mifs MaryCurzon, daughter of Afheton Curzon, Efq. brother to Lord Scarfdale, by whom he has iflue, Mary, born Aug. 18, 1780. This nobleman's mother was defcended from Adam de Stawell, who lived about the time of the Conqueft, and took his name from Stawell in the parifh of Merlinch, in the county of Somerfet, which was the feat of this family till the late John, Lord Stawell, fold it. Robert Stawell, in 1438, mar- ried Elizabeth, daughter of William Wadh am, Efq. and by LORD STAWELL. 425 fcer had Edward, liis heir, who married Agnes, daughter of John Cheyney, and had a fon Robert, whofe wife was Arme^ -daughter and coheir of John St. Maud, Lord of Northmoulton in Devonfhire, and had John his only fon, who married Do- rothy, daughter of Sir Edmund Carew. He was fucceeded by Richard, his fon, whofe wife was Alice, daughter of William Powlett, Marquis of Winchefter, and by her he had Sir John, his fon and heir, who taking to wife the daughter of Sir Thomas Dyer, by her was father of another John, who married Elizabeth, daughter of George, Lord Audley, and by her he had John, his heir, who married Catharine, .daughter of Sir Edward Hext, and by her had two fons, Ralph, his heir ; and John. ( 1 ft Lord.) Ralph, who fucceeded, was created Lord . Stawell of Somerton, Jan. 15, 1683. He married firft, Anne, daughter of John Ryves, Efq. and by her had an only fon, John; but by his fecond wife, who was Abigal, daughter and heir of William Pitt, Efq. he had two fons and four daugh- ters ; Elizabeth, Catharine, Lucy, and Diana; of whom, the eldeft was married to William Bromley, Efq. and the fecond to William Higden, D. D. (2d Lord.) John, who was by the flrft wife, and fuc- ceeded his father Auguft 5, 1689, married Margaret, daugh- ter of James, Earl of Salifbury, and by her (who afterwards married to Richard Jones, Earl of Ranelagh in Ireland) had a daughter Anne, who was firft married to James D'Arcy, grandfon of Conyers, Earl of Holderneffe ; and next, to John Baber, Efq. and died the 3d of Auguft, 1727 ; and the faid John, Lord Stawell, dying on the 30th of November, 1692, in the twenty-fourth year of his age, without iftue male, (3d Lord.) William, his half-brother, fucceeded to the title, and marrying Elizabeth, daughter of William Pert, Efq. and Elizabeth, his wife, and heir to her brother, Sir William Forfter, of Aldermarfton in the county of Berks, Bart, by her, who died in Auguft 1748, had iflue one fon, ^filliam, who died in France in February, 1740 ; and a daugh r ter, Charlotte, married firft, to one Carlo (an Irifh prieft) ; fe- -ctmdly, to Major Haftel ; and thirdly, to Ralph Congreve, Efq. .'His Lordfhip dying in January, 1742, was fucceeded by his brother, (4th Lord.) Edward, who married in May, 17 19, Mary, daughter of Sir Hugh Stewkley, and by her, who died iri July, 1740, had a fon, Stewkley, born 1720, who died 1734 ; and a daughter, Mary, the late Baronefs, who married firft, September 3, S750, the Right Hon. Henry-Bilfon Leggc, brother to the. late 426 L ORD SONDE S. late Earl of Dartmouth, who died Aug. 23, 1764, by whom Hie had Henry, the prefent Lord. She married fecondly, Sept. 1763, Wills Hill, the prefent Earl of Hilliborough, of Ire- land, and dying Aug. 6, 1780, was fucceeded in the Barony, (which had been conferred on her May 20, 1760, with limi- tation to her heir by her firft marriage) by (5th Lord.) Henry-Legge Stawell, the prefent Lord. Creation.] Baron Stawell, May 19, 1760. Arms.] Gules, a crofs lozenges, argent. [Plate XXXVI. ] Supporters.] Two beafts (by mo ft termed managers) bodied, &c. in form of lions, with human vifages, proper, armed with a fort of horn like thofe of a fatyr or goat, and maned and tufted, or. Motto.] En parole je -vis. I live by the Word. Chief Seat.] At Holte Forefl near Farnham, Surry, WATSON, LORD SONDES. THE Right Hon. LEWIS-MONSON WATSON, Lord SONDES, of Lees-Court, in the county of Kent, born November 28, 1728, was advanced to the dignity of a Peer, May 20, 1760. He married, October 12, 1752, Frances, fecond daughter of Henry Pelham, brother to the late Duke cf Newcaftle, by which Lady, who died July 30, 1777, he had iffue ; Lewis-Thomas, born April 18, 1754.— -George- Henry, born October 18, 1755. — Charles, born March 11, 1758 ; died April 1769. — Catharine, born January 12, 1761 ; died young. — George, born Feb. 20, 1768. His Lordfhip is brother to Lord Monfon, and upon the death of Thomas, Earl of Rockingham, took the name of Watfon. For a more particular account of this family, fee Lord MONSON, Arms.] Quarterly, firit. and fourth, argent, on a chevron engrailed, azure, between three martlets, fable, as many ere- fcents, or ; fecond and third, or, two chevrons, gules. [Piatt XXXI.] Crest,] A gryphon's head erafed, argent, with a ducal coronet, or. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a gryphon, argent, gorged with a ducal coronet, or \ on the fmifter, a bear, ar- gent, collared/ or. Motto* LORD GRANTHAM. 427 Motto.] Ejlo quod ejfe videris. Be what you feem to be. Chief Seats.] At Lees-Court, near Fever (ham, in the county of Kent ; and at Rockingham- Caftle, Northampton- mire. ROBINSON, LORD GRANTHAM, THE Right Honourable THOMAS ROBINSON, Lord GRANTHAM of Grantham in Lincolnshire, was born Nov. 30, 1738, and fucceeded his father, the late Lord, Sept. 30, 1770, married Aug. 1780, Mary- Jemima, daughter of the Earl of Hardvvick and Marchionefs Grey, by whom he has a fon bom Dec. 8, 1781, and another fon born October 30, 1782. Willi am Robinson, a Hamburgh Merchant, who in die time of Eliz. was twice Lord Mayor of London, was fuc- ceeded by his fon, and died in 1616, William, his elderl fon, who married the daughter of Sir Henry Jenkins, died in 1626, and left William, his fon, who by his fir ft wife Mary, daughter of Sir Willjam Bamburgh, had a fon William, who died without iffue. By his fecond, Frances, daughter of Sir Tho- mas Metcalf, he had two fons, Metcalf and Thomas, and three daughters that lived to be married, viz. Elizabeth to Philip Rycot, merchant.; Margaret, to William Weddall, Efq. and Frances, to Robert Bell, Efq. Hediedin 1658. Metcalf, the eldeft fon, was advanced to the dignity of a Baronet, July 30, 1660 ; but having no iflue by his wife, Margaret, daughter of Sir William D'Arcy, the tide ex- pired with him. Thomas, his brother and heir, married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Charles Tancred, Efq. by whom he iiad two fons, Wil- liam and Tancred. (ift Baronet.) William, his fon and heir, was advanced to the dignity of a Baronet, 1 William and Mary. He mar- ried Mary, daughter of George Aiflabie, Efq. by whom he left Sir Metcalf, his Fucceflbr 5 Sir Tancred, fucceffor to his brother ; William, who died unmarried ; and Thomas, of whom hereafter ; John ; and Anne fecond wife of Thomas Worfley, Efq. He died in 1736, and was fucceeded by his cldeft fon, (2d Baronet.) Sir Metcalf, who died four days after his father, without iiTue, and was fucceeded by his next brother, 428 BARONESS MOUNT STUART. ' (3d Baronet.) Sir Tanc'red, who married the daughter and heir of Norton, Efq. by whom he had iffue, (4th Baronet.) Sir Wi lli am, Norton, and Thomas, all deceafed ; alfo four daughters, Mary, Elizabeth, Alathea, and Margaret. ( 1 ft Lord.) Thomas, fourth fon of Sir William the ift Baronet, was created a Peer April 7, 1761, married Frances, daughter of Thomas Worfley, of Hovingham, in York/hire, pfq. by which lady, who died in 1750, he hadiflue, Thomas, the preferit Lord. — Frances, born Feb. 14, 1739, died un- married Aug, 1758.- — Anne, born at Vienna, died an infant. —Anne, born March 19, 1742. — Mary, born July 24, 1743* died Jan. 14, 1 7 5 1 . — Therefa, born Jan. 1, 1744, married May 18, 1769, John Parker, Efq. of Saltram in Devonfhire, and died Dec. 21, 1775, leaving ifTue. — Frederick, born Oft. 11, 1746. — Elizabeth, born April 8, 1748, died Feb. 1749. His Lordfhip dying Sept. 30, 1770, was fu.cceeded by his fon. (zd Lord.) .Thomas, the prefent Lord. ■ Creation.]' B aron G rantham, April 7 , 1 7 6 1 . Arms.] Vert, a chevron between three flags, at gaze, or* {Plate XXXI.] Cre,st,] On a crown fieur-de-lis, a mount, ualis ab incept o* The fame as from the Be- ginning. ' STUART, BARONESS MOUNTSTUART. FT HE Right Hon. MARY WORTLEY-MONTAGU A STUART, .Countefs of Bute, was' created Baroneis Mountftuart, of Wortley in Yorkfhire, April 3, 1761, with limitation of the honour to her heirs male by her prefent huf- band, John, Earl of Bute, whom ffte married Auguft 24, 1736, and has ifiue. .(See Earl of Bute 'in the Scotch Peer- age, and Lord Cardiffe in the Englifi Peerage.) Edward WortleyMontagU; Efq. father of the pre- fent Baronefs, who died Jan. 22, 1761, was the fecond fori of the Hon. .Sidney Montagu, fon of Edward, Earl of Sand- wich, and married Mary Picrpoint, eldeit daughter of Evelyn, Puke of Kingfton, -arid by feet; who died in: Aug. 1762, had" iffue, LORD GROSVENOR, 4 .z> i/fue, Edward Wortley, who died unmarried ; and Mary, the prefent Baronefs. A rms. J Quarterly, firrf and fourth, or, three lozenges, conjoined in fefs, gules \ within a border fable. Second and third, or, an eagle difplayed, vert, beaked and membered, iulet\ [Plate XXXVI.]' Sup fCR-EF :;.] On the dexter fide an horfe, or, bridled, gules : on the fiailler fide a flag, proper. Motto;] Aeat,] At Kedleflon, near Derby. IRBY, LORD BOSTON. THE Right Hon. FREDERICK IRBY, LordBOSTON, and Baronet, was born July 9, 1749, and fucceeded his father, the late Lord, March 30, 1775. ' His Lordftiip married May 15, the fame year, Chriftian, only daughter of Paul Mer.huen, Efq. of Corfham-Houfe in Wiltfhire, by whom he has ifTue, Charlotte, born March 11, 1776. — George, born Dec. .24, 1777.— Frederick- Paul, born April 18, 1779* William- A uguilus, born Nov. 28, 1780. — Albinia, born March 8, 1782. — A fon, born Aug. 1783. The family of Ireby, or Irby, is of great antiquity in the county of Lincoln, and has long had pofTeffions in that coun- ty : Robert Irby, of Lace by, Efq. had by his wife, daughter of Herbert Flynton, Efq. Robert, who married Jane, daughter of Sir Jehn Lowdon, Knt. and by her had ifTue Bennet, who wedded a daughter of Sir Robert Gamfby, Knt. and had ifTue two fons ; John, the youngeft, married a daughter of John Brough, Efq. and Robert the eldeft, married a daughter of John tianfard, Efq. and by her had ifTue, Robert, who by his wife, daughter of Thimbleby, of Pollam, Efq. had ifTue, Thomas, who died without ifTue ; and Anthony Irby, Efq. (who was feated at Gofberton, and died June 21, 1552) married Alice, daughter of John Boun- tinge, Efq. and by her, who died in 1557, had ifTue; Rofe, wife of John Bolles, Efq of Scampton, Lincolnfhire. — Jane, wife of William Bennet, Efq.— Margaret, wife of Flenry Deathe, Efq. — Dorothy, wife of John Domefday, Efq. — Ca- tharine, wife of Thomas Peirfon, Efq. — Thomas. — Giles, who died unmarried. — Leonard, who married Anne, daugh- ter of — — , and had ifTue, Edmund, who died unmarried ; and Alice, wife of Gates, Efq. — John. Thomas Irby, Efq. was feated at Whapload, and married Ifabel, daughter of John Seagrave, Efq. and was buried at Whapload, April 30, 1561. He had ifTue, Audrey, who married April 22, ! 560, Thomas Terril, Efq. — Dorothy, who married LORD BOSTON. 433 married June 25, 1565, John Brifon, Efq. — Anne, married Sept. 26, 1583, Simon Eger, Efq. and was buried at Whap- ioad, May 30, 1588. — Beatrice, who married Aug. 3, 1586, George Walkot, Efq. and Anthony frby, Efq. who married Dec. 22, 1575, Alice Tafh, widow, and daughter of Thomas Welbye, Efq. of Moulton, and by her, who was buried at WhapJoad, April 21, 1602, had iffue, Thomas, baptized July 15, 1576, died young. — -Sir Anthony. — Thomas, baptized March 5, 1580, married Anne, daughter of Sir Daniel Dunn, Knt. and by her, who married fecondly, Henry Dawtree, Efq. had no iflue.~ Leonard, baptized June 7, 1582. — Kenelm, baptized Sept. 1, 1583, buried at Whapload, Dec. 29, 1585. — Anne and Alice, twins, baptized Jan. 3, 1584. Anne, married June 6, 1606, to Sir Frances South, Knt. of Kelfterne, Lincoln/hire ; and Alice, married Sept. 28, 1603, to Robert Ballam, Efq. of the Ifle of Ely. Anthony Irby, Efq. father of thefe children, was buried at Whapload, 061. 6, 1625. Sir Anthony Irby, Knt. (who died in 1623) married in Feb. 1603, Elizabeth, third daughter of Sir John Peyton, Bart, of Ifelham, Cambridgelhire, and by her, who married fe- condly, Sir George le Hunte, Knt. had iiTue ; Sir Anthony.— Edward, who married Anne, daughter of David Hervey, Efq, of Evendin, Lincolnmire, and by her, who married fecondly, the Hon. Peregrine Bertie, third fon of Robert, Earl of Lind- fey, had no iiTue. — Thomas, baptized J une 1 6, 1608, mar- ried Jan. 9, 1643, Sufan, daughter of Calier, Efq, and had iffue, Anthony, baptized June 14, 1646, D. D. who married Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh MaiTey, Efq. of Ire- land, and left one daughter Alice, wife of John Parker, Efq, of Dunkip; Thomas, baptized Auguft 24, 1648; Alice, baptized Dec. 4, 1649, Di m e d at Whapload, Jan. 23, 165Q. — Alice, who married lirft, Francis Jej-my, Efq. of Gunton, Norfolk, and had iflue; and fecondly, Edmund de Grey, Efq. of Merton, in the fame county. — Elizabeth, baptized July 9, 1609, died young. Sir Anthony Irby, Knt. (who died Jan. 2, 1681-2) was Sheriff for Lincolnmire, 13 Charles I. He married firft, in 1623, Frances, daughter of Sir William Wray, Baronet, of Glentworth, Lincolnmire, and had iiTue ; Elizabeth, who married in 1645, the Hon. George Montagu, of Horton, Northamptonmire, eldeil fon and heir of Henry, Earl of Manchefter, (by his third wife Margaret, daughter of John Crouch, Efq.) and had iiTue Charles, created Earl of Halifax, and other children : He married fecondly, Margaret, daugh- F f ter 4H ? O R D BOSTON, te r of the Right Hon. Sir Richard Smith, Knt. and Privy Counfellor, of Oftenhanger, Kent, and by her, who was bu- ried at Bofton, July 19, 1631, he had no Surviving ifTue. He married thirdly, in 1632, Margaret, daughter of Sir Edward Baikham, Knt. of Southacre, Norfolk, and had no iflue- He married fourthly, in 1647, Catharine, third daughter of William, Lord Paget, cf Beaudefert, and by her, who died in 1695, had ifiue ; Anne, died unmarried, and was buried Dec. 17, 1662.— Elizabeth, died unmarried, Nov. 30, 1683. — Ifabella, who was fecond wife of William, Lord Paget, and was buried at Drayton, Dec. 12, 1685. — Lettice. — Frances, who married June 15, 1679, James Macartney, Efq. of Ire- land, and died March 3, 1683-4. — And Anthony Irby, Efq. who married in 1675, Mary, fole daughter and heirefs of John Stringer, Efq. of Afhford* Kent, and by her, who was buried at Afhford, April 9, 1686, had iflue; Sir Edward. — Anthony, who died in 1736.— Anne, who died January 23, 1680- 1. (ill Baronet,) Sir Edward Irby was created a Baronet 3d Anne, April 13, 1704. Lie married Dorothy, only daughter of the Honourable Henry Paget, fecond fon of William, Lord Paget, and by her, who died Oct. 24, 1734, had iflue, Sir William ; and Jane, who died young. Sir Ed- ward died Oct. 17 18, and was fucceeded by his fon* (2d Bart, and ill Lord ) Sir William, who was created Lord Bofton, and married Auguft 26, 1746, to Albinia, eld- ell daughter of Henry Selwyn, Efq. and Maid of Honour to the Princefs of Wales, by which Lady, who died April f , 1769, he had ifiue ; Augufta Georgina-Elizabeth, born July 26, 1747, married April 30, 1772, to Thomas de Grey, the prefent Baron Walfingham, and has iflue. — Frederick, the prefent Lord. — William- Henry, born Auguft 9, 1750, mar- ried October 25, 1781, Mary, youngeft daughter and coheir of Rowland Blackmail, Efq . of Barbadoes, who died January 1783. His Lordihip deceaiing March 30, 1775, was ^ uc ~ ceeded by his eldeft fon, (2d Lord.) Frederick, the prefent Lord. Creation.] Baron Bofton, April 4, 1761, id Geo. Ill, Baronet, April ij, 1704, 3d Anne. Arms.] Argent * freuy fable, oa a canton, gules > a chap- let, or. [Plate XXXII] Crest,] A Saracen's head in profile fmifter, proper* wreathed, argent and fable. Supporters.] On either fide an antelope, gu'es 9 gorged with a chaplet, or. Mottc, LORD PELHAM. 435 Motto.] Honor Jidelitatis premium . Honour is the Re- ward of Fidelity. * ^Chief Seat.] At Hedfor, near Beaconsfield, Bucks. GRENVILLE, BARONESS CHATHAM. THE Right Hon. HESTER GRENVILLE, was advan- ced to the dignity of a Peerefs, Odober 4, 1761, 1 Geo. III. by the title of Baronefs CHATHAM, of Chat- ham, in Kent, with limitation to her heirs male by her late hufband. Her Ladylhip was daughter to the late Right Honourable Countefs Temple, and is aunt to the prefent Earl Temple ; me was married Odober 16, 1754, to the Right Hon. Wil- liam Pitt, late Earl of Chatham. See Earl of Chatham. Arms.] Vert, on a crofs, argent, five torteaux. [Plate XXXVI.] Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion guardant, charged on the hreaft with a flip of oak, fru&ed, proper; on the finifter, a flag, proper, attired, or, gorged, with a collar and chain affixed thereto, pafling between his fore-legs, an4 refle&ed over his back,y2^/*. Motto.] Benigno numine. By God's Blefling, PEL HAM, LORD PELHAM. THE Right Honourable THOMAS PELHAM, Baron PELHAM, of Stanmer, in die county of SulTex, fuc- ceeded to this title upon the death of Thomas, the late Duke ofNewcaftle. He married in June, 1754, Anne, daughter and heirefs of Frederick Frankland, Efq. iixth fon of Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart, of Thirkelby-hall, in York/hire, by whom he has ifTue ; Thomas, born April 8, 1756. — Hen- rietta-Anne, born Sept. i, 1757. — Henry, born July 10, 1758. — "Frances, born December 1760, married December 4, 1778, to George Brodrick, Vifcount Middleton, of Ireland. — Lucy, born Feb. 22, 1763. — Amelia, born July 19, 1764. ■ — George, born Oft. 13, 1766. Henry Pelham, Efq. grandfather of Lord Pelham, mar- ried Frances, daughter and coheir of John Bine, of Rowdell, F f 2 in 436 LORD HOLLAND, in Sufietf, Efq. by whom, who died in 1721, he had iflue 5 Henry, who died unmarried. — John, who died alfo unmarri- ed. — Thomas, father of Lord Peiham.— Elizabeth, married to Thomas Peiham, of Cattsfield-Place, Efq.— Grace, mar- ried to William Poole, of Hook, in Suflex, Efq.- — Frances, married to Sir Francis Poole, Bart, of Poole, in Chefhire, and has iiTue.— Lucy, married to Talbot, Earl of SufTex, and died May 25, 1730, leaving hTue. Thomas refided many years at Conflantinople ; he married Anne, daughter of Thomas Brydes, Efq. and dying in 1737, left iiTue ; Thomas, now Lord Peiham.— Harriot, married Stfd, May 1748, to the Hon. Henry Temple, third fon of Henry, Vifcount Palmerfton, of Ireland; and fecondly, Feb, '5> ! 7S3> 10 George, Lord Abergavenny, and died in 1768, leaving iiTue. Creation.] Baron Peiham, of Stanmer, May 4, 1762. Arms.] Quarterly, ftrft and fourth, azure, three pelicans, argent, vulning themfelves, proper ; fecond and third, gules, two demi-garters paleways, argent. [Plate XXXIII.] Crest.] A peacock in his pride, proper. Supporters.] On the dexter, a bay horie ; on the finifter, a bear, proper \ each collared with a belt, argent, buckle and Ituds, or. Motto.] Viclt amor Patriae. The Love of my Country prevails. Chief Seat.] At Stanmer, in Suffex. FOX, LORD HOLLAND. THE Right Hon. HENRY - RICHARD FOX, Lord HOLLAND, Baron of Holland, in the county of Lin- coln, and Baron of Foxley, in the county of Wilts, was born November 23, 1773, anc ^ fucceeded his father, Stephen, the late Lord, Nov. 26, 1774. For an account of this family, fee Earl of Ilch ester. Henry Fox, brother to the Earl of Ilchefter, married May 2, 1744, Georgina-Caroline, eldeft. daughter of Charles, late Duke of Richmond, by whom he had four fons ; Stephen. — Henry, who died an infant. — Charles-James, born Jan. 13, 1 743,— Henry- Edward, born March 4, 1755, in t ^ e Army. Her Ladyfhip was created Baronefs Holland, of Holland, in Lincolnfhire, and to her heirs by Henry Fox, Efq. May 6, 1762* and Henry,, her hufband, was created Baron Holland, of LORD LOVELL and HOLLAND. 437 ofFoxley, in the county of Wilts, April 16, 1763, and dying- July 1,1774, was fucceeded by his Ton, (2d Lord.) Stephen, who was born Feb. 20, 1745, and Succeeded alfo, as Baron of Holland, in Lincolnfhire, on the death of his mother, July 21, 1774. He married April 20, 1766, Mary, daughter of John, late Earl of Upper-Oflbry, by whom, who died Ocl. 5, 1778, he had Caroline, born No- vember 3, 1767. — -Mary, born in 1 769, died young. — Emily, alfo died young. — Henry-Richard, the prefent Lord ; and his Lordfhip deceafing Nov. 26, 1774, was fncceeced by his fon, (3d Lord.) Henry-Richard, the prefent Lord. Creations.] Baron Holland, of Holland, in Lincolnfhire, May 6, 1762 ; Baron Holland, of Foxley, in Wilts, April 16, Arms.] Ermine, on a chevron, azure, three foxes heads erazed, cr ; on a canton of the fecond, a fleur-de-lis of the third. [Plate XXXlh] Crest.] On a chapeau, azurt, turned up, ermine, a fox fejant, or. Supporters.] On the dexter, a fox, ermine, frettee, or; collared dovetail, azure; thereon three fleurs-de-lis of the fecond; on the fmifter, a like fox, collared as the other, with a chain affixed thereto, or. Motto.] Vitam impendere vero. My Life is fufpended by Truth. Chief Seats ] At Kingfgate, in Kent ; and Holland- houfe, in Middlefex. PERCIVAL, LORD LOVELL and HOLLAND. THE Right Hon. JOHIST-JAMES PERCIVAL, Earl of E G M O N T, Vifcount and Baron Percival, in the kingdom of Ireland, fucceeded his father, who was created a Peer of Gn-eat Britain, May 7, 1762, by the title of Lord Lo- vell and Holland, Baron Lovell and Holland of Enmore, in the county of Somerfet. See Earl of Egmont, among the Peers of Ireland. DAME Rj ( 43* ) D A M E R, LORD MILTON. THE Right Hon. JOSEPH DAMER, Lord MILTON, Baron Milton, of Milton- Abbey, in the county of Dor- fet; and alfo Baron Milton, of Shrone-Hill, in the county cf Tipperary, in Ireland. See Lord Milton, in the Peerage of Ireland. MONTAGUE, LORD BE AULIEU. THE Right Hon, EDWARD-HUSSEY MONTAGUE, Lord BEAULIEU, was advanced to the dignity of a Peer, by the title of Lord Beaulieu, of Beaulieu, Hants, May 4, 1762, Knight of the Bath. His Lordfhip is eldefl fon of James Hufley, Efq. of Weftown, in Ireland, and was fcorn 1720. In 1743, he married Ifabella, Duchefs of Man- chefter, eldefl daughter and coheirefs of John, Duke of Mon- tague, and relief of William, Duke of Manchefter, and there- upon took the name of Montague, purfuant to an A dr. of Parliament in 1762. His iflue are, John, born January 18, 1747. — Ifabella, born Augufl 27, 1750, died Sept. 3, 1772% unmarried. The family of this noble Lord is of Norman extraction. Hubert, fon of Helen, Countefs of Hufley, came over with William the Conqueror to England, as Conftable of his army. From him defcended Sir Hugh de Hofe, or Hufley, who fet- tled in Ireland in 17 Henry II. and married the After of Theobald Fitzwalter. He had, by the grant of Hugh de Lacy, the Barony of Deace, in the county of Meath, with other large pofleflions. From him lineally defcended the Huffeys, Barony of Galtrim; and James Hufley, of Weftown, In the county of Dublin, Efq. who died in 1759, having married Catharine, daughter of Richard Parfons, Vifcount Rofs (which Lady deceafed March 1, 1766) by whom he had "iflue, Edward-Hufley, now Lord Beaulieu. — Richard. — James. — Frances. — Elizabeth. — Mabel. — Mary, wife of James Hufley, of Galtrim, Efq. Creation.] Baron Beaulieu, of Beaulieu, Hants, May 4, 1762, 2 George III. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, Montague and Mon» ihermer, quartered, viz. firft, argent, within a border, fable, three lozenges in fefs, gules, for Montague ; fecond, or, an eagle LORD VERNON. 439 *?Sgle difplayed, on a fefs, azure, three garbs of the field. [Plate XXXIL] Crest.] On a wreath, a boar's head erazed, , ducal- ly gorged, or. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion, gules, collared and chained, or ; on the finifler, a boar ; y#^/*, ducally collared and chained, or. Motto. LORD DUCIE, 441 Motto.] Vet non femper witet* The Spring doc? not always flourifh. m # Chief Seat.] At Sudbury, m Derby fhire. MORTON, LORD DUCIE. THE Right Hon. THOMAS REYNOLDS MOR- TON, Lord DUCIE, of Tortworth in Gloucefterfhire, was born OA. 26, 1733, fucceeded his uncle, the late Lord, Jan. 12, 177 1, and married Feb. 20, 1774, t0 ™& Ramfden, daughter of the late Sir Thomas Ramfden, of Byrom, Bart. Of this ancient family, which took their denomination from the town- of Morton, in the county of Stafford, where the family was feated in the reign of King Edward I. was Matthew Morton, of Ingleton, Efq. whofe fon Edward, mar- rying Elizaheih, daughter of Sir Robert Ducie, of Tort- worth, In the county of Gloucefter, Bart, and filler and jfcle heir to Sir William Ducie of the faid place, who was alfo Vifcount Downe in Ireland, with her had feveral lordlhips and manors, which fell to (ill Lord.) Matthew, their fon„ who was created a Peer by King George I. and his Lordfhip marrying Arabella f daughter of Sir Thomas Preftage, by her had three foils ami four daughters ; Elizabeth, firft married to Richard Syms, Efq. of Blackheath, in Kent ; and fecondly, to Francis Rey- nolds, of Strangeways, in the county of Lancafter, Efq. and died Sept. 17, 1755, ^ eavm g i^' u ^ two fons, Thomas the pre- fent Lord; and Francis, born March 28, 1739, married OSL 10, 1774, to Mifs Provis ; and two daughters, Arabella, mar- ried Dec. 2, 1775, to John Bettefworth, Efq. of Hyde, in Bedfordlhire ; and Mary, who married Thomas Leigh, Efq. of Adlington, in Glouceilerfhire. Of the other fons, Row- land Lewis was Colonel in the Foot Guards ; and Charles th* ycungell, married Anne, daughter of Wyatt, Efq. and had i(Tue by her, one fon, Benjamhi, who is deceafed. And his Lordfhip dying May 2, 1735, was fucceeded by (2d Lord.) Matthew, his el deft fon. His Lordfiiip fore- feeing that in failure of ifTue male of his own body, and the deceafe of his brother, without fuch iilue, the title of Lo:d Ducie would become extinct, obtained a new patent on Apri: 23, 1763, granting to himfelf and his heirs male, and in default of fuch ifTue, then to Francis Reynolds, Efq. his nephew and his heirs male, $e dignity of Baron Ducie of Tortworth ; and j^z LORD CA M t> E N, and his Lordlhip deceafmg Jan. 12, 1771, was fucceeded by his nephew, (3d Lord.) Thomas Reynolds, the prefent Lord. Creations.] April 23 1763, 3 Geo. III. Arms.] Argent , a chevron, gules, between three fquarj* buckles, fable. {Plate XXVIII.] Crest.] Out of a wreath, a moor-cock riling, proper ^ comb and wattles, gules* Supporters.] Two unicorns, argent, armed, maned> tufted and hoofed, or ; each gorged with a ducal coronet, party- per-pale, or and. gules. Motto.] Per fever undo* By Perfeverance. Chief Seats.] At Spring-park and Tortworth, in the county of Gloucefter. PRATT, LORD CAM D E N, THE Right Hon. CHARLES PRATT, Lord CAM* DEN, of Camden-Place, in Kent, was created a Peer, July 17, 1765. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Nicho- las Jefferies, of Brecknock-- Priory, Efq. by whom he has ifl'ue ; John- Jefferies, born 1759. — Frances, who married June 3, 1775? Robert Stuart, Efq. of Downe in Ireland, and has ifiue. — Elizabeth. — Sarah, who married Dec. 1779, Price, Efq. of Ireland. - — jane, who married April 1780, fames- Walter Read, Efq. only fon of Sir Thomas Read, Bart } Sir John Pratt, father of the prefent Lord, who died Feb. 24, 1724, was appointed Chief Juftice of the King's-Bench, 5 George I. He married firrr. Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. Henry Gregory, third fon of Francis Gregory, Efq. of Hord- ley, in Oxfordfhire, by whom he had iffue, Elizabeth, died ■■unmarried.— Grace, married to John, late Lord Fortefcue of Irclan4»—Anne, married Edward Gee, Efq. and died 176 1. ~Tane\, married to Thomas Taylor, Efq. of Popes in Hert- ford lliire. — John, married mil: Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Geoffry Jeffries, of Brecknock-Priory, by whom he had iffue, John, married to Sarah, daughter of Sir Jofeph Eyles ; and Elizabeth : He married, fecondly, April 10, 1725, Doro- thy, daughter of Robert Tracey, of Cofcomb, in Gloucef- terlhire, youngeft fon of Robert, Vifcount Tracey of Ireland, and by her, who died in .1726, had iflue, a fon Robert, one of the Mafters in Chancery. — Edward* LORD DIGBY. 44 Sir John Pratt married, fecondly, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of the Rev. Hugh Wilfon, youngeft Ton of John Wilibn, Efq. of Fynanti in Montgomeryshire, and by her, who Hied .1728, he had ifTue ; Caroline, married to Herbert, Baron de Muniter, in Weitphalia. — Jane, married to Nicholas Har- dinge, Efq. of Canbury, in Surry, and had ifTue. — Anna- Maria, married to Thomas, Lord Dacre. — Frances, died unmarried. — Thomas. — WilHam, an officer in the South Sea Company's fervice, and was call away at fea. — Charles, now Lord Camden. — Robert was in the Army and died unmarried. (ill Lord.) Charles Pratt, Efq. now Lord Camden, hi 1759, was chofen Recorder of Bath, and the fame year was made his Majefly's Attorney- General. In Dec. 1761, he was conftituted Chief-Juftice of the Court of Common-Pleas. His Lordfhip prefided in that Court with a dignity, weighty and impartiality, never exceeded by any of his predeceilbrs , and on July 30, 1766, upon the resignation of Robert, Earl of Northington, was appointed Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. Creation.] July 16, 1765, 5 Geo. III. Arms.] Sable, on a fefs between three elephants heads, erazed, argent, as many mullets of the fir -fl. [Plate XXXIII,] Crest.] An elephant's head erazed, argent. Supporters.] On the dexter, a gryphon, fable, beak and fore legs, gules ; on the finifter, a lion rampant, &r, each gorged with a collar, argent, charged with three mul lets, fable. Motto.] yudicium parium aut lex terra. The Judg- ment of my Equals, or the Law of the Land. Chief Seat.] At Camden-place, near ChiflehurU,, in Kent. DIGB'Y, LORD D I G B Y. THE Right Hon. HENRY DIGBY, Lord DIGBY, Baron of Sherborne, in the county of Dorfet, and affo Baron Digby of Gealhill, in King's-county in Ireland. See Lord Digby,. in the Peerage of Ireland, CAMPBFLL, ( 444 > CAMPBELL, LORD SUNDRIDGE/ THE Right Hon. JOHN CAMPBELL, Duke of ARGYL, was in his father's life-time, created a Peer of Great-Britain, by the title of Baron Sundridge, of Coom- bank, in the county of Kent, and in failure of his iffue to the Lords Frederick and William, his brothers, and their heirs, December 22, 1766. For a particular account of this family, fee Duke of Ar- gyl, in the Peerage of Scotland. Arms, Creft, Motto, and Supporters are there defcribed ; as alfoin Plate XXXUL CAMPBELL, BARONESS GREENWICH. THE Right Hon. CAROLINE CAMPBELL, Baro- nefs GREENWICH, eldeft daughter and coheirefs of John, Duke of Argyl, bom Nov. 17, 17 17, and was created a Peerefs as above, Aug. 12, 1767, with limitation to her heirs male, by her late hufband, the Right Hon. Charles Townfhend. Her Ladyihip married firft, October 2, 1742, Francis, Earl of Dalkeith, fon of the Duke of Buccleugh, who died in April, 175 1, in thelife-fime of his father, and left iffue ; Hen- ry, the prefent Duke c*f Buccleugh. — Campbell, who died in 1766. — Frances. Her Ladyfhip married fecondly, Aug. 15, 1755, Charles Townfhend, brother to George, Vifcount Townfhend, who died September 4, 1767, and left iffue ; Thomas-Charles, born June 22, 1758, in the Army, is married and has iffue. — William- John, born March 29, 1761, in the Army, and died Oct. 28, 1782. — Anne, born June 29, 1756, married March 12, 1779, to Richard Wilfon, Efq. of Tyrone in Ireland, by whom fhe has iffue, a fon born May 1780. For an account of her Ladyfhip's family, fee Duke of Ar- gyl, in the Peerage of Scotland. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, girony of eight, or and fable ; fecond and third, argent, a galley with her fails furled, flag and pendants flying, a»d cars in action, fable. {Plate XXXVL] Support &r s » LORD CARDIFF E. 445 Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a lion guardant, gules ; on the finifter> a ftag, fable, each having a collar, azure, charg- ed with three efcallop fhells, or. Chief Seat.] At Sudbrook in Surry. GUNNING, BARONESS HAMILTON. THE Right Hon. ELIZABETH GUNNING, Baro nefs HAMILTON of Hamildon, in the county of Leicefter, was created a Peerefs, May 14, 1776, with the dig- nity of Baron Hamilton to her heirs male. Her Ladyftrip was fecond daughter of John Gunning, Efq. by Bridget, daughter of John, Vifcount Mayo, and married firlt, February 24, 1752, James, the late Duke of Hamilton, who died Jan. 17, 1758, leaving iflue. Her Ladyfhip married fecondly, March 3, 1759, John, now Duke of Argyl, and has ifTue. (See Dukes Hamilton and Argyl, in the Peerage of Scotland.) Arms.] Gules, on a fefs, argent, three croiTes pattee of the field, between as many martlets, or. [Plate XXXIV.] Supporters.] The dexter, a fphinx, or, femee of crofles, pattee, gules, the face, proper. The finifter, a country-man, proper, bearing a ftandard, gules, charged with a martlet and bordure, or. STEWART, LORD CARDIFF E. THE Right Hon. JOHN STUART, eldeft fon of the Earl of Bute, was created Baron Cardiffe, of CardifFe- Caftle, in Glamorganshire, May 20, 1776. He was born in July 1744, and married Nov. 12, 1766, Charlotte- Jane, eldeft daughter and coheir of Herbert, Vifcount Wind for, by whom he has iilue ; John, born Sept. 25, 1768.— Maria- Ali- cia-Charlotte, born Oc~l. 28, 1769. — Herbert- Windfor, born May 6, 1770. — Charlotte, born July 16, 1771. — James Eve- lyn, born May 7, 1773. — Elizabeth, born July 12, 1774, died the next day. — Charles, born July 18, 1775. For an account of this family, fee Earl of Bute, in the Peerage of Scotland. Arms, Creft, and Supporters, the fame as the Earl of Bute, HAWKE, { 4+6 ) HAWK E, LORD HAWKE, THE Right Hon. MARTIN-BLADEN HAWKE, Lord HAWKE, fucceeded his father the late Lord, 0£l. 16, 178 1. He was born April 20, 1744, married Feb. 6, 1 77 1, Caflandra, daughter of the late Sir Edward Turner, Bart, of Ambrofeden in Oxfordfliire, by whom he has iffue ; Caffandra-Julia, born Jan. 16, 1772. — Edward, born May 3, 1774, and died Sept. 7, 1777. — Martin-Bladen, born April 16, 1776. — Another fon, born in 1777. Edward Hawke, of Lincoln's -Inn, Efq. married Eliza- beth, daughter of Nathaniel Bladen, filler to Colonel Bladen, and widow of Colonel Ruthven, by whom he had Edward, late Lord Hawke ; and Frances, the wife of Mauley Efq. fon of Henry .Maule, Bifhop of Dromore. ( 1 ft Lord. ) Edward, father of the prefent Lord, was Vice Admiral of his Majelly's Fleet, whofe great fucceffes againft the enemies of Great Britain have rendered his name very confpicuouily eminent in the annals of his country. He was born Feb. 21, 17 16, and was created a Peer of Great Britain, 1766, by the title and ilile of Baron Hawke of Towton, in Yorkfhire. He married Catharine, daughter and fole heir of Walter Brooke, Efq. of Burton Hall in Yorklhire, by whom, who died in Ocl. 1756, he had the following iflue, Martin- Bladen. — Edward, born Dec. 1746, was in the Army, and died unmarried Odl. 3, 1773.— Chaloner, born in 1750, was in the Army, and died by a fall from his horfe, unmarried, Sept. 17, 1777. — Catharine, born in 1752. His Lordihip deceafmg 061. 16, 1781, was fucceeded by his eldeft fon, (2d Lord . ) Martin-Bladen, the prefent Lord. Creation.] Baron Hawke, May 20, 1776. Arms.] Argent a chevron, er -minor 's, between three boat- fwains* whittles, proper. [Plate XXXIII.] Crest.] On a wreath, a falcon rifing, proper, with a fleur-de-lis on his bread. Supporters.] Dexter, Neptune crowned with an Eaflern crown, (landing on a dolphin, holding in his right hand a tri- dent, proper. Sinifler, a fea-horfe, holding with his dexter paw an union flag, proper. Motto.] Strike. Chief Seat.] At Towton in Yorklhire, and at Swaland near Southampton, AMHERST, ( 447 ) AMHERST, LORD AMHERST. THE Right Hon. JEFFERY AMHERST, Lord AM- HERST, was created Baron Amherft., of Helmefdafe, in Kent, May 20, 1776, Knight of the Bath. He married firft, Jane, only furviving daughter of Thomas Dalyfon, Efq, of Hamptons in Kent, who died without nTue, January 7, 1765; and he married fecondly, March 26, 1767, Elizabeth, eldeit daughter of the Hon. General George Gary, brother to Vifcount Falkland. Jeffery Amherst, of Riverhead, in Kent, Efq. father of the prefent Lord, who died 1750, married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Kerrill, of Hadlow, in Kent, Efq: by whom he had ; Sackville, who died unmarried, 1763.— Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. John Thomas, and died April 1779. — Margaret, died unmarried. — John, Vice Admiral of the Blue, married Anne, daughter of Thomas Lindzee, Efq. of Portfmouth, and died without iffue in Feb. 1778. — Jef- fery, the prefent Lord. — Thomas, Sidney, and Charles, died young. — William, a Lieutenant General in the Army, and died May 13, 1781. He married March 31, 1766, Elizabeih, daughter of Thomas Patterfon, Efq. and by her, who died March 7, 1776, he had iffue, r. William-Pitt, born Jan. 1773. 2. Elizabeth, born Feb. 1774. 3. Henrietta, born Odl. 1775. (ift Lord.) Jeffery, the fecond furviving fon, was Knight of the Bath, Commander in Chief of the Forces in America, from 1758 to 1766, and was created Baron Amherft. Creation.] Baron Amherft, May 20, 1776. Arms.] Gules, three tilting fpears, fecond and iirft erefl in pale, or, heads, argent. [Plate XXXIII.] Crest.] On a wreath, a mount, *verf> thereon three tilt- ing fpears ; one in pale °, two in faltire, banded circular with an olive branch, all proper* Supporters.] Dexter, an Indian in his warlike drefs, his feet in fetters, and a chain fixed to his exterior wrift, hold- ing a Tomahawk. The fitnifter as the dexte;, with a fcalp v>n his Tomahawk, all proper. Motto.] Conftantia et Virtute By Steadinefs and Virtue. Chief Sea t.J At Montreal, near Seven-oaks, in Kent. CUS T; ( 44* ) CUST, LORD BROWNLOW. THE Right Honourable BROWNLOW CUST, Lord BROWNLOW, created Baron Brownlow, of Bel ton, m Lifrcoinmire, May 20, 1776, was born Dec. 3, 1744. He married firft, OcL 16, 1770, Jocofa-Catharina, daughter and coheir of Sir Thomas Drury, Knt. of Overton in North- amptonfhire, by which Lady, who died Feb. 11, 1772, he had Etheidred-Anne, born July 22, 1771. He married 2dly, Aug. 31, 1775, Mifs Banks, only daughter of the late Sir Henry Banks, Knt. of Wimbledon in Surry, by whom he has ifTue; Frances, born 061. 3, 1776. — John, born Aug. 1779. —Another fon, born in Sept. 1780. — A daughter, born June 29, 1^782. This family was antiently feated in Yorkfhire, and removed to Pinchbeck in Lincolnshire, about four hundred years ago, Richard Cuft, Efq. was created a Baronet by King Charles II. Sept. 29, 1677. He married Beatrix, daughter and heir of Thomas Purey, of Kirton, in the faid county, Efq. by whom he had only one fon, who lived to have children, viz. Purey Cuil, Efq. and two daughters, Elizabeth, married to John Cockayn, of Cockayn-Hatley, in the county of Bedford, Efq. and Jane, married to John Proby, of Elton, in the coun- ty of Huntingdon, Efq. Sir P j re y Cust had two wives, firfb Urfula, daughter and heir of Edward Woodcock, of Newtimber, in Suifex, Efq. by whom he had feveral children, who all died young, except one fon, Sir Richard his fucceffor, and two daughters, Mary, married to Robert Thompfon of Standground, in the county of Huntingdon, Efq. and Urfula, married to Richard Newton, Efq. His fecond wife was. Alice, one of the daugh- ters and coheirs of William Saville, ofNNewton, in the county of Lincoln, Efq. by whom he had likewife feveral children, but they all died in their infancy, except the younger!, viz, Saville- Cockayn Cult, Efq. Sir Purey died in his father's life- time, fo that Richard, Sir Purey 's eldeft fon^ fucceeded his grandfather. This Sir PJchard Cuil married Anne, daugh- ter of Sir William Brownlow, Bart, and fitter to the Right Honourable John, Lord Vifcount Tyrconnel, and died July 25, 1734? having had ifiue by his faid Lady, Sir John, his fuc- ceffor.— William, in the Navy, who died unmarried.— Fran- cis Cockayne, a counfellor at law. — Peregrine, a merchant in London. — Richard, Dean of Lincoln, died Oct. 16, 1783. — Two Annes, who died young. — Elizabeth-Jane, firft married to LORD RIVERS. 449 to Francis Fane, of Fulbeck, in Lincolnfhire, Efq. fecondly, to James Evelyn, Efq. — Dorothy, died unmarried Sept. 3, 1770. — Lucy, died unmarried. Sir Richard was fucceeded by his eldell fon, Sir John Cull, Bart, who was chofen Speaker of the Houfe of Com- mons in two Parliaments, and died the 24th of Jan. 1770. He married Dec. 8, 1743, Etheldreda, daughter of Thomas Payne, of Houghton on the Hill, in the county of Lincoln, Efq. by whom, who died Feb. 14. 1775, he had iffue, one fon, Brownlow, now Lord Brownlow. — Anne, married Sept. 25, 1777, Jacob Reynardfon, Efq. of Holywell in Lincoln- {hire. — Elizabeth, who married July 2, 1770, Philip Yorke, of Denbighlhire, Efq. and died Feb. 1, 1779, and had five children. Creation.] Baron Brownlow, of Belton in Lincolnlhire, May 20, 1776. Arms.] Quarterly, firft and fourth, ermine, on a chevron, fable, three fountains, proper \ fecond, or, an efcutcheon be- tween eight martlets, in orle, fable-, third, fable, a fefs, wi mine, in chief, three croflets pattee fi tehee, argent. [Plate XXXIV.] Crest.] On a wreath, a lion's head erased, fable, gorged with a collar compone, argent and azure . Supporters.] Two lions reguardant, argent, gorged with Collars, gules, buckled, or. Motto.] Opera illius mea funt. His Works are mine. Chief Seats.] At Belton, in Lincolnflnre ; and at Over- ton in Northamptonmire. PITT, LORD RIVERS. THE Right Hon. GEORGE PITT, Lord RIVERS, was created Baron Rivers of Stratfieldfay in the county of Southampton, May 20, 1776. He married Penelope, daughter of Sir Henry Atkins, and heirefs of Sir Richard Atkins, Bart, of Clapham in Surry, by whom he has ilTue ; George. — Penelope. — Louifa, married to Peter Beckford, Efq. — Marcia. This family hath been of long ftanding in the county of Dorfet. Sir William Pitt married Edith, daughter of Ni- cholas Cadbury, Efq. and died in 1636, leaving three fons ; Edward, the eldeft, married Rachel, daughter of Sir George Morton, and had ten fons and four daughters ; George Pitt, G g Efq. 45© LORD RIVER £ Efq. the eldeft furviving fon, was feated at Stratfieldfay, in Southampton, and died July 27, 1694, having married Jane Savage, daughter of John, Earl Rivers, and widow of George Brydges, Lord Chandos ; and by her, who died June 6, 1-676, had ifTue ; George, his fucceiTor. — William, who died unmarried. — Edward, who alfo died unmarried. — John, who married hrft^ Mary, daughter of Scrope, Efq. who died without ifTue ; and lie married fecondly Ifabella, daugh- ter of — Condon, Efq. by whom he had ifTue Lora ; and Ifabella. — Mary, married Sir Charles Brown, Bart. — Eliza* beth, married Thomas Fitzwilliams, Vifcount Fitzwilliams, ©f Merion in Ireland. — Jane, married Chriftopher Hildyard, Efq. of Kelfterne in Lincolnihire.— Anne, married Frederick Tylney, Efq* George Pitt, Efq. grandfather of the prefent Lord, (who died Feb. 28, 1734) married firfl, Lucy, daughter of Thomas Pile, Efq. of Buverftock in Wiltfhire, and widow of Lawrence Lowe, Efq. of Shaftefbury, and by her, who died Nov. 19, 1697, had ifTue, George, his fucceffor. — Thomas, who died unmarried. — Lucy, who died unmarried. He mar- ried fecondly, Lora, daughter and heir of Audeley Grey, Efq. of Kingftow in Dorfetftrire, and by her, who died June 1750, hadilTue, Grey, who died young.— William, who mar* tied Elizabeth, daughter of Wyndham, Efq. — John, who married Marcia, daughter of Marcus Morgan, Efq. of Ireland, and had IlTue, 1. William -Morton. 2. George, who died in 1768. 3. Charles, who died an infant. 4* John, who died young. Maria. — Thomas-, who died unmarried. — Elizabeth, who married William Burton, Efq* of LufFenham in Rutlandfhire, and had ifTue.-^-Lora, mar- ried to Francis Gwyn, Efq. of Ford Abby in Devonshire. — Anne. — Mary, who died young.— Mary, who alfo died un- married. George Pitt, Efq. father of the prefent Lord, who diedinOft. 1745, married Louifa, daughter of r Bernier, Efq. by whom, who died Feb. 7, 178 1, he had ifTue, George, the prefent Lord Rivers.*— James, who died young. — John, who died young. — William- Auguitus, a Lieu tenant- General in the Army,- who married Mary, daughter of Scroope Howe y Vifcount Howe. — Lucy, married to James Kerr, Efq. of Scotland. — Mary, who died Aug. 1744. Creation. J Baron Rivers, May 20, 1776. Arms.] Sable, a fefs cheque, or and azure, between three, {Plate XXXIV.] Crest, LORD HARROWBY. 4? s Crest.] On a wreath, 'a ftork clofe, argent, beaked and membered, or> his right foot relied on an anchor er?&, ca- bled, or. Supporters.] The dexter, a falcon, with wings difplay. cd ; the linifter, an unicorn, argent. Motto.] jEquam fervor e merit em\ To prefer ve an evert Mind. Chief Seat.] At Str at field fay, in Hampfhire, RYDER, LORD HARROWBY. THE Right Hon. NATHANIEL RYDER, Lord HARROWBY, Baron of Harrowby, in the county of Lincoln, was created a Peer May 20, 1776. His Lordlhip married June 22, 1762, Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of Dr. Richard Terrick, late Bifhop of London, by whom he has iffue, Dudley, born Dec. 22, 1762. — Henry, born Nov. 22, 1763, died on the 25th following. — Richard, born July, 1766.— Elizabeth, born Nov. 22, 1767, — Nathaniel,, born Aug. 12, 1770, died young.— Nathaniel, born June 7, 1775, died March 13, 1776. — Henry, born July 1, 1777^ — Anne, born Nov. 1779. The family of Rythre, Ryther, or Ryder, (for the name has been varioufly written at different periods) lias been long eilablifhed in Yorkmire, and took their name from Ryther in the Hundred of Barkilon, in that county. It appears from Dugdale's Baronage, that William de Ry- thre, was fumrnoned to Parliament, among the Barons of the realm, from the 21ft of Edward I. till the ift of Edward II. and that he was fucceeded by John de Rythre, Governor of Shipton-caftle ; but it does not appear that hfr, or any of his defcendants, was ever fumrnoned to our Parliament. Sir Wi l l 1 a m Ryther, of Ryther, Knt. was High-She- riff of York fllire, in the 5 th and 9 th of Henry VI. and hi a defcendants frequently bore that ofHce in that reign, and in thofe of Edward IV. and Henry VII. Sir Ralph Ryther, of Ryther, Knt. (who was Sheriff of Yorkfhire, 19 Henry VII.) had a daughter named Eleanor, who married John Afhe of Angleton, Efq. and he, in her right, became pofTerled of the Lordlhip of Ryther, together with other lands. Sir Dudley Ryder* Knt. father of the prefent Lord Harrowby, was born in the year 1691 ; after receiving a good ichool education, he went to the Univcrfity of Edinburgh, G g 2 and *45* LORD FOLEY, and from thence to that of Leyden. On his return to Eng- land he fettled in the Temple, where he fludied the laws ©£ his country, with that affiduity and attention, which laid the foundation of his future rife in his profeffion. He was made Solicitor General in 1733. In 1736, he was advanced to the office of Attorney General, and he difcharged with integrity and ability the duties of that laborious fituation, during a pe- riod of about 18 years. In 1754, he was appointed Chief juftice of the Court of King's Bench. In 1756, his late Ma- jelly, in reward of his long and faithful fervices, determined to raife him to the dignity of Peerage, and a warrant was ac- cordingly figned by the King for that purpofe, the 24th of May, 1756, but he died on the following day, before the pa- tent was compleated. He married Anne Newnham, daughter and heir of Nathaniel Newnham, Efq. of Stretham, in Surry, by whom, who died May 9, 1774, he left one fon, (ill Lord.) 'Nathaniel, the prefent Lord. Creation.] Baron Harrowby, of Harrowby, in the coun- ty of Lincoln, May 20, 1776. Arms.] Azure , three ere fcents, or, each charged with an ermine fpot, fable. [Plate XXXIV.] Crest.] Out of a mural crown, or, a dragon's head, urgent, thereon an ermine fpot. Supporters.] On each fide a griffin, argent, collared, azure, thereon three crefcents, or, chained, on the bread an ermine fpot. Motto.] Servata fides a'nerz. Be faithful to the Memory of your Anceftors. Chief Seats.] At Sandon, in Staffordfhire ; and at Nor- ton, in Gloucefterlhire. FOLEY, LORD FOLEY. THE. Right Hon. THOMAS FOLEY, Lord FOLEY, of Kidderminfter, was born July 7, 1742, and fucceed- ed his father, the late Lord, November 18, 1777. He mar- ried, March 20, 1776, Harriet, daughter of the late. Earl of .Harrington, and has iffue, Georgina-Harriot, born March 23, 1777. — William-Thomas, born Feb. 20, 1778. Thomas Foley, of Stoke-Edith, in Herefordlhire, married iirft, Heller, daughter of Thomas Andrews, Efq. and by her, who died in 17 17, he had Thomas, and another fon, who died young, His fecond wife was Mary, daughter of John War- teis, LORD FOLEY. 4S3 tels, Efq. by which Lady, who died in 1721, he had Robert, D. D. married to Anne, daughter of the Reverend William Dowdefwell, and died January 1783 ; and Sarah, married to Andrew Foley, Efq. His third wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Wolftenholm, Efq. by which Lady, who died in 1725, he had one fon, Paul-Jermyn Foley, L. L. D. His fourth wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Unitt, Efq. and his fifth was Catharine, daughter of Francis Gwyn, Efq. By the two laft he had no ifTue. (iftLord.) Thomas, the eldeft fon, born Auguft 10, 17 16, was created a Peer by the title of Baron Foley, May 20, 1776. He married, March 28, 1740, Grace, third daughter and co- heirefs of George Granville, Baron Lanfdovvn, by which Lady, who died November 21, 1769, he had ifTue; Thomas, born July 7, 1742, aow Lord Foley. — Grace, born January 17, 1743-4, married May 21, 1774, James Hamilton, ^ ar * of Clanbraffil, of Ireland. — Edward, born March 16, 1747, married OcT. 20, 1778, Anne-Margaret Coventry, fecond daughter of William, Earl of Coventry. — Mary, born Jan. 17, 1749-50. — Andrew, married May 7, 1773, Elizabeth, fole daughter and heir of Boulter Tomlinfon, Efq. by whom he has iffue, 1. Elizabeth, born March 15, 1774. 2. Grace- Mary, born May 1775. 3* Henrietta- Mary, born April 4, 1777. — Elizabeth, born October 13, 1756, died unmarried Ocioher 13, 1776. — Anne, born Sept. 12, 1759, married May 9, 1776, to Edward Winnington, Efq. eldeft fon of Sir Edward Winnington, Hart, of Stanford Court, Woreefter- ihire, and has ifTue. — Robert, died an infant. — Paul, died an Infant. And his Lordfliip deceafing November 18, 1777, was fucceeded by his fon, (2d Lord.) Thomas, the prefent Lord. Creation.] Baron Foley, of Kidderminfter, May 20, 1776. Arms.] Argent ; , a fefs engrailed between three cinquefoils, all within a border, fable. {Plate XXXIV.] Crest.] On a wreath, a lion fejant, argent, holding be- tween his paws an efcutcheon, with the arms of Foley. Supporters.] Two lions, argent, femee of cinquefoils, fable. Motto.] Ut profim. That I may do Good. Chief Seats.] At Stoke-Edith, Herefordmire $ and at Great Whitley, Worcefterfhire. G g 3 THURLOW, ( 454 1 THURLOW, LORD THURLOW. THE Right Honourable EDWARD THURLOW, Lord THURLOW, of Afhfield, in the county of Suffolk,' created a r/eer June 2, 1778. He was bred to the ftudy of the Law, and in May 1770, appointed Solicitor General ; and on June 23, 1771, fucceeded Sir William De Grey, late Lor4 Walfingham, as Attorney General ; and on June 2, 177S, wao conftituted Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, when he was created a Peer as above. His Lordfhip is a widower, and has a fon now living. His Lordfhip is faid to be a defcendant from Thurlow, Se- cretary to Cromwell, and his family refident in Suffolk, where his Lordfhip received his education under the tuition of hi$ father, the Reverend Thomas Thurlow, who married Eliza- beth Smith, of Afhfield, in that county, by whom he had iflue, Edward, the prefent Lord. — Thomas, in Holy Orders, the prefent Matter of the Temple, and Bifliop of Lincoln, who is married, and has a fon, born June 11, 178 1. — -John, who refided at Norwich, and died March 11, 1782, having mar- lied Mifs Moore, by whom he left ifTue a fon, Edward; and a daughter, Jofepha. Arms.] Argent, on a cheveron, between two cheveronelsjj fable* three portcullifes with chains and rings, argent. Crest.] On a wreath, a raven, proper, with a portcullis hung round his neck, argent. Supporters.] Two eagles reguardant, fable, each with 3 portcullis, as the creft, argent. ' Motto.] Juftitice for or fides. Truth is Sifter to Juftice. Chief Seat.] At Knights Hill, near Dulwich in Surry; 'wiffiffflliSBBOBBMBBMB* 1 ' 1 1 1 — — WEDDERBURN, LORD LOUGHBOROUGH. THE Right Hon. ALEXANDER WEDDERBURN, Lord LOUGHBOROUGH, in the county of Lekef- tcr, was created Baron Loughborough, June 14, 1780. He was appointed one of his Majefty's Counfel, February 17, 1763 ; Solicitor General, Jan. 26, 1771 ; and Attorney Ge- neral, June 10, 1778. He ferved in feveral Parliaments, from 1761 to 1780. On the 14th of June, 1780, he was made Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas> called to the Priyy Council, LORB LOUGHBOROUGH. 4^ Council, and created a Peer by the above title. He was born Feb. 13, 1733, and married firft, December 31, 1767* Betty-Anne/ fole child and heir of John Dawfon, Efq.of Morley, in the county of York, by whom, who died February 15, 1781, he had no iflue. He married fecondly, Sept. 12, 1782, Charlotte, youngeft filler to the prefent Lord Vifcouiu Courtenay. The firname of Wedderburn is derived from the Barony of that name, in the county of Berwick. The immediate ancef- tor of this Lord was Sir Peter Wedderburn, of Gosford, in the county of Haddington, a younger fon of the family of Wedderburn, in the county of Forfar, and one of the Lords of Semon in Scotland, in the reign of Charles If. He had three fons ; and a daughter, Agatha, who married David Hal- liburton, of Pitcur. — John, the eldeft fon, Member of Par- liament for the county of Haddington, and a Privy Counfel- lor, died unmarried in 1688. — Peter, the fecond fon, married the heirefs of Halkett, of Pitfirrane; and his eideft fori, Sir Peter, a/Turned the name, and fucceeded to the eftate of his mother. He fat in Parliament for the borough of Stirling, &c. was Colonel of the 48th Regiment of Foot, and killed in the aclion at Monangahela, July 9, 1755. His brother Charles, the fecond fon, fucceeded to the paternal eftate of Gosford ? and left a fon, the prefent Sir John Halkett, of Pit- firrane, that eftate having devolved to him with the condition of aftuming the name, by the extin&ion of the prior line.-* Alexander, third fon of Sir Peter Wedderburn, of Gosford, was called to the Bar, in Scotland, and upon the Union of the two Kingdoms, appointed one of the Commiflioners of Ex- cife. He had Peter, his eldeft fon; and a daughter Mary, who married George Cheap, Efq. whofe. children are Tho- mas, one of the Directors of the Eaft India Company; An- drew, Prebendary of York, and Rector of Sutton in the Fa- reft; and Mary, the widow of Colonel Mark Renton. Peter, the eldeft fon, was called to the Bar, and having pra&ifed with reputation, was appointed one of the Lords of Seflion by his late Majefty. He married Janet, daughter of Captain David Ogilvy, by whom, who died in J une 1 77 1 , he had two fons; and one daughter, Janet, married to Sir Henry Erfkine, of Alva, Bart, who died Auguft 1765, Lieutenant- General, and Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, leaving iffue, the prefent Sir James Erlkine, Bart, a Captain of the 14th Regiment of Dragoons, and Member of Parlia« ment for Caftle Rifmg; John, a ftudent at Oxford ; and a daughter, Maria-Henrietta. — David, the fecond fon, was a G g 4 Lieutenant 456 BARONESS DINE VOR, Lieutenant Colonel of the 2zd Regiment of Foot ; and having ferved with diftinclion in the late war, in the year 1770 was appointed to command the Eaft India Company's Forces at Bombay, with the rank of Brigadier General, where he was unfortunately killed at the reduction of Baroack, Dec. 31, 1767.— Alexander, theeldell fon, is the prefentLord Lough* borough. Their father died Auguft 11, 1756. Arms.} Argent, on a cheveron, gules y between three rofes of the laft, barbed, vert ; a fleur-de-lis, argent. Crest.] An eagle's head, couped, proper* on a wreath. Supporters.] On each fide an eagle, wings elevated, proper gorged with a collar, argent, thereon a rofe, gules* Motto.] lllceji luminem folem. An unclouded Sun, Chief Seat.] At Mitcham, in Surry. RICE, BARONESS DINEVOR. THE Right Hon. CECIL RICE, Baronefs DINEVOR, in her own right, fucceeded to the Barony on the death of her father, William, late Earl of Talbot, uncle to the pre- fentLord Talbot, fo created Oft. 17, 1780, with remainder to this his daughter and her iflue, by her late hufband, George Rice, Efq. of Newton, in Carmarthenfhire, who died Auguit 1779, by whom flie had iftue, George Talbot, born October 8, 1765.—- William, born April 1, 1769, died April 20, 1780. — Edward, born November 19, 1776. — Henrietta- Cecilia, born September 28, 1758, — Lucy, born May 29, 1763, died young.— Maria, born April 5, 1773* For the pedigree, &c. of this Baronefs, fee the prefenfc Juord Talbot. Chief Seats.] At Henfol, in Glamorganfhire ; and at Aldborough-hall, in Efiex. GAGE, LORD GAGE. THE Right Hon. WILLIAM - HALL GAGE, Baron GAGE, of Thirle, in SufTex, fo created Oclober 17, 1780; and alfo Viscount Gage, of the kingdom of Ire- land. See Vifcount Gage, in the Peerage of Ireland. BRUDENELL, ( 457 ) BRUDENELL, LORD BRUDENELL. THE Right Honourable JAMES BRUDENELL, Baron BRUDENELL, of Deane, in the county of North- ampton, was created a Peer by that title, October 17, 1780, 5s brother to theprefent Duke of Montagu, and prefumptive heir to the Earldom of Cardigan. His Lord/hip married November 19, 1760, Anne, eldeft daughter of George, Lord Lewifham, and filter to the prefent Earl of Dartmouth. For his pedigree, &c. fee Duke of Montagu. Arms.] Argent, a cheveron, gules ; between three morions, proper* Crest.] A fea-horfe, proper. Supporters.] On the dexter fide, a buck, proper, holding in his mouth an arrow, with a crofs pattee fitchee between his antlets. On the fi niiter fide, a horfe, proper. Motto.] En grace ajjie. On Grace depend. Chief Seat,] At Deane, in Northamptonshire, DE GREY, LORD WALSINGHAM. THE Right Honourable THOMAS DE GREY, Baron WALSINGHAM, of Walfingham, in the county of Norfolk, fucceeded his late father, May 9, 1781. His Lord- ihip was born July 14, 1748 ; was appointed one of the Grooms of his Majefty's Bedchamber in June 1771, one of the Commiflioners of Trade and Plantations in June 1777, and in Feb. 1778, one of the under Secretaries of State in the American department, and at prefent is Comptroller of the Firft Fruits and Tenths. He was chofen to ferve in Parlia- ment for the borough of Wareham, in Dorfetlhire, in Feb. 1774 ; for the borough of Tamworth in October of the fame year > and for the borough of Leitwithiel, in Cornwall, in Sept. 1780, which he continued till his accefiion to the Peer- age. He married April 30, 1772, A ugufta-Georgiana- Eli- zabeth, only daughter of William, Lord Boflon, by whom he has ifTue; George, born June 11, 1776. — Thomas, born April 8, 1778.— Georgiana, born June 28, 1773- — Charlotte, ^)orn June 28, 1774. — Augufta-Mary, born March 7, 1780. The family of the Grais, Greys, Graas, or Grays, (for by all thefe names they are fpoken of in antient evidences) is defcended from Anfcitil; or Anfchitil De Grey, a Norman, who 458 LORD WALSINGHAM. who came in with William the Conqueror, being firnamed from the place of his relidence, in Picardy. He had large pofteflions of that Prince's gift. The Peerages give a higher account of this family ; but Blomfield, from whofe Hiftory of Norfolk this account is chiefly taken, goes no higher than Anfcitil, whofe fon Richard, was a Benefa&or to Eynfham Abbey, and was fucceeded by John, his fon and heir, whofe fecond brother, John De Grey, was Bifhop of Norwich ; and his third brother, Henry, was in great favour with Richard I. as appears from the grant which that Prince made to him of the Manor of Thurrock, in Effex, anno 1 1 94 ; and it is evident, that he continued in favour under King John, not only from the confirmation of this grant, but from a fpecial charter. Henry III. alfo gave him Grimfton Manor, in the county of Nottingham, part of the poifeftions of Robert Bar* dolph. John De Grey, his uncle, was Archdeacon of Gloucefler, and Bifhop of Norwich, in the year 120c; Chief Juftice of England, and afterwards Lord Juftice of Ireland. He died at Pi D. D. 3. George, born Feb. 2, 1738. 4. Edward, born Jan, 23, 1740. 5. Thomas, bom May 13, 1743. — Charlotte, the fecond daughter, died unmarried in 1727. — Catharine, the third daughter, was born April 26, 17 13, died unmarried June 1777. — William, the elder! fon, was born September io, 1710, died in 17 18. — Thomas, the fecond fon, was born Sep- tember 29, 17x7, educated at Chrift's College, Cambridge, married Augult 12, 1745, to Elizabeth, third daughter of Samuel Fiuher, Efq. of Bury St. Edmunds : fhe died without ifTue, Jan. 23, 1750. He was Colonel of the Weltem Batta- lion of the Norfolk Militia for many years, and was chofen to reprefent the county in Parliament in the year 1764, and agaia in 1768. He died June 1781. — William, the third fon, was born at Merton, July 19, 1719 ; was of Trinity Hall, Cam- bridge, and was called to the Bar. He was appointed King's (Sounfel on the 30th January, 1758 ; Solicitor General to the Queen in September 17615 Solicitor General to the King, 4'6o LORD HGOT, Dec. 1 6, 1763 ; Attorney General, Auguft 6, 1766, He was chofen to ferve in Parliament for the borough of New- port, in Cornwall, in the years 1761 and 1768, and for the Univerfity of Cambridge in 1770. On the 26th January, 1 77 1, he received the honour of Knighthood, and was advan- ced to the dignity of Chief Juftice of the Court of Common Fleas, which he refigned on the 8th June, 1780. On the 29th Sept. 1780, he was created Baron Walfingham, of Walfing- ham, in the county of Norfolk. He married November 12, 1743, Mary, daughter of William Cowper, of the Park, near Hertford, Efq. by whom he had ilTue, William, born June 25, 1746, who died February following. — Charlotte, born Feb. 7, 1745-6, married June 16, 1769, to Jofeph Windham, Efq. of Waghen, in Yorkfhire. — Thomas, his fucceffor. His Lordmip died May 9, 1781, and was fucceeded by (2d Lord.) Thomas, the prefent Lord. Creation.] Baron Walfingham, Oft. 17, 1780. • Arms.] A%ure y two bars, argent ; a chief of the fecond, three annulets, gules. Crest.] A dragon's head, ^proper. Supporters.] Two dragons reguardant, proper, chain- ed, or. 1 Motto.] Excitari non hehefcere. Spirited not inactive. Chief Seat.] At Merton, near Thetford, in Norfolk. 3 A G O T, L O R D B A G O T. THE Right Hon. WILLIAM B AGOT, Baron B AGOT of Blithfield, in the county of Stafford, and a Baro- net, was created a Peer Oft. 17, 1780. He married Aug. 20, 1760, Louifa, daughter of John St. John, Vifcount St. John, and filler to the prefent Vifcount Bolingbroke, by whom he has had the following iffue, Edward, born Jan. 23, 1763, who died 1773. —Walter, born March 28, 1766, who died 1773. — Wil- liam, born Sept. 11, 1773.^-Hervey, born March 14, 1777. — Louifa, born Sept. 30, 1764. — Barbara, born Oft. 25, 1768, who died 1773. — Henrietta, born Feb. 14, 1780. — Another fon, born Sept. 22, 178 1. This noble family is of great eminence and antiquity, and, as appears by Doomfday-Book, were poffeffors of Bagot's- Bromley in Staffordfliire, at the time of the Conqueror's fur- vey, which they held of the Barons Stafford, whofe male line became extintt 1 1 95 , and they became poffefled of it by mar, riage LORD B A G O T. 461 riage with the heirefs of Robert de Stafford, with Hervey Ba- got, a younger branch of this family, who thereupon affumed the furname and title of Stafford, and became progenitor to the fucceeding Barons and Earls of Stafford and Dukes of Buckingham. From Bagod, Dominus Midietatis de Bramale, defcended Sir John Bagot, Knt. Lieutenant of Calais, and Privy Council to Henry IV r . anceftor of Sir Lewis Bagot, Knt. who was of the body to Henry VII. from whom de- fcended Walter Bagot, who married Elizabeth, filler to Wil- liam, Lord Burleigh, by whom he had four daughters and five fons ; the eldeft died unmarried in the life- time of the fa- ther ; and the fecond, Hervey, anceftor of the prefent Lord, was advanced to the dignity of a Baronet, 1627. He mar- ried firft Catharine, daughter of Humphrey Adderley, Efq. of Weddington in Warwickihire, who died Feb, 16, 1622 ; and he married fecondly, Anne, daughter of Sir Clement Fiflier, Knt. of Packington in Warwickihire, relict of Sir Thomas Dilke, Knt. of Maxftoke-Caftle in the fame county, and lhe died without iffue, Dec. 27, 1660. By his firft wife he had iffue ; John, who died young. — Sir Edward, his fucceffor, — Hervey, of Pipe-hall, Efq. in StaiFordlhire, who married firft Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Arden, Knt. who died Sept. 1649; and he married fecondly, Elizabeth, fole daugh- ter and heir of Sir Thomas Rotheram Knt. of Somereffe in Bedfordfhire, by whom, who died 1685, ^ e ^ ac ^ a daughter who died 1653, unmarried. By his firft wife he had two fons, 1 . Arden, of Pipe-hall, who married Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Leigh, and filler to Lord Leigh, by whom he had William, who died an infant ; and Thomas- Arden, who mar- ried Honor, daughter and coheir of Sir William Egerton, Knt. of Worfley, brother to John, Earl of Bridgewater, by whom he was father of Egerton Bagot, Efq. 2. Colonel Riclv ard Bagot, fecond fon of Hervy Bagot, died unmarried ; and his daughter Mary, firft married to Charles Berkeley, Earl of Falmouth, and fecondly, to Charles Sackvilie, Earl of Dorfet. Sir Henry Bagot, Bart, died Dec. 27, 1660, whep he was fucceeded by (2d Baronet.) Sir Edward, his fecond fon, who married . Mary, daughter of William Larnbard, Efq. of Buckingham, by whom he had twelve fons and five daughters ; all of whom either (died infants or unmarried, except Walter his fucceiTor ; Anne, who married Walter Chetwynd, Efq. of Staffordshire, and died. 1671 j and Mary, wife of Sir Richard Newdigate, Bare. •462 LORD B A G 6 ¥. Bart, of Arbury, in Warwickfhire. Sir Edward died Marclk 30, 1673, and was fucceeded by his only furviving fon, (3d Baronet.) Sir Walter, who married Jane, daughter and fole heir of Charles Salefbury, Efq. of Bachymbyd in Denbighshire, by whom, who died 1695, he had iflue, ve fons and five daughters. Four of the fons died without leav- ing ilTue ; Mary, the eldeft daughter, married Sir George Parker, Bart, of Ratton in SuiTex. — Elizabeth, married the Earl of Uxbridge. — Jane, married Maurice Jones, Efq. of Denbighfhire. — Anne, married George Shakerley, Efq. of Denbighshire.—- Frances, died unmarried. Sir Walter died 1704, and was fucceeded by his only furviving fon, (4th Baronet.) Sir Edward, who married Frances, daugh- ter and fole heir of Sir Thomas WagftafFe, Knt. of Tach- brooke in Warwick fhire ; (who furviving him married the late Sir Adolphus Oughton, Bart.) by this Lady he had iflue two fons, Hervey, who died an infant 1699. — Walter- Wag- HafFe, his fucceffor. — And two daughters, Frances, married to Sir John Chefter, Bart, of Chichley, in Bucks; and Jane, married to Craven Kynnerfley, Efq. of Loxley, in StafFord- Ihire. Sir Edward died May 17 12, and was fucceeded by his only furviving fon, (5th Baronet.) Sir Walter WagftafFe, Bart, who married 1724, Barbara, eldeft daughter of the Right Hon. William, Earl of Dartmouth, by whom he had eight fons and eight daughters. The fons were, Edward and John, who died in- fants. — William, his fucceffor, the prefent Lord. — Walter, bred to the church, at prefent Re&or of Blithfield and Leigh in Staffordshire, born Nov. 2, 1731, married Sept. 7, 1773, Anne, daughter of W. Swinnerton, Efq, of Staffordshire, and has live children. — Charles, born Sept. 1, 1730, who took the name of Chefter on the death of Sir Charles-Bagot Chefter, Bart, married Catharine, daughter of Heneage Legge, Efq. and has twelve children. — Richard, born Nov. 13, 1733, married Feb. 25, 1783, Mifs Howard, fifter to the 12th Earl ©f Suffolk.— Lewis, D. D. Dean of Chrift Church, Oxford, and Bifhop of Norwich, born Jan. 1, 1740, married Mary, daughter of Edward Hay, Efq. — Thomas, born Feb. 14, 1746, died unmarried. Sir Walter was one of the truftees for executing the will of the learned Dr. RatclifFe, and was a member of Parliament for fix parliaments of Great Britain, and dying Jan. 28, 1768, was fucceeded by his fon, (6th Bart, and ift Lord.) Sir William, the prefent Lord. Arms.] Ermine, two cheverons, azure* Crest* LORD PORCH ESTER. 465 Crest.] On a ducal coronet, cr, a goat's head, couped, urgent, attired, or. Supporters.] Two goats, proper* attired, or. Motto.] Ch*i?f -Seats.] At Giffbrd-Hall, Suffolk; Bromley- Hall, EfTex; Sevington, iu Hampfhirej aad at Blythfield, near Litchfield. '. l niBMwmniffi ri riii»' 1 ■ FITZROY, LORD SOUTHAMPTON, TH Bright Honourable CHARLES FITZROY, Lord SOUTHAMPTON, brother to the Duke of Grafton, was Oft. 17, 1780, created a Peer by the title of Baron of Southampton. His Lord/hip is a Lieutenant General of his Majefty's Forces, and Colonel of the third Regiment of Dra- goons. He was born June 25, 1^37, married July 27, 1758, Anne, daughter and coheir of Sir Peter Warren, Knight of the Bath, and Vice Admiral of his Majefty's Fleet, by whora he has had iffue, Anne- Caroline, born May 1759, and died an infant. — Sufanna-Maria, born Sept. 7, 1760. — Charlotte, born June 3, 1767. — Emily, born Dec. 27, 1770..— Louifa, born Dec. 12, 1 77 1. — George-Ferdinand, born Aug. 7, 1 761. — Charles, born Sept. 5, 1762.— Auguftus- William, born July 21, 1764. — Henry, born Sept. 13, 1765. — War- ren, born Sept. 1, 1768.— -Frederick, born 061. 10, 1769. —-William, born Dec. 12, 1773. — Robert, born May 25, 1775. — Edward-Somerfet, born Oct. 25, 1776.— A fon in July 1778. — Another fon, born Nov. 1779. His Lordfhip's defcent, is (hewn under the pedigree of Duke of Grafton. Arms, Supporters, Crefl, and Motto, the fame as the Duke of Grafton, with a crefcent for difference. ChiefSeats.] At Highgate in Middkfex ; and at Wed Horfley near Guildford in Surry. HERBERT, LORD POR CHESTER, nPHE Right Hon. HENRY HERBERT, Lord POR- X CHESTER, was created Baron Porchefter of High- clere in Hampfhire, Oft. 17, 1780, married July 15, 1771, Elizabeth- Alicia- Maria, daughter of Charles, Earl ofEgre- mont, born Nov, 29. 1752, by whom he has iflue, Henry- George, 464 LORD ASHBURTON. George, born June 3, 1772.— Charles, born July 3!, 17^4* —-William, born Jan. 12, 1778. — George, born Feb. 21, 1779.— Percy, born Sept. 17, 1780. — Frances, born June 5, *77v The defcent, &c. of his Lordfliip is fhevvn under the pedi- gree of the Earl of Pembroke, being the fon of William* the 5th fon of Thomas, father of the prefent Earl. Arms, Supporters, Creft, and Motto, the fame as the Earl of Pembroke, with a crefcent for difference. Chief Seat.] At Highclero in Hampfhire. DUNNING, LORD ASHBURTON.^ THE Right Honourable RICHARD-BARRE DUN- NING, Lord ASHJBURTON, was born Sept. 20, 1782, and fucceeded his father John, the late Lord, Aug. 18, The D minings or Donnings are of Saxon origin, the word, in the Teutonick or Saxon, fignifying an Eminence or Lofty Mountain. We meet with the family in Domes-day Book, and we find them fcattered in various parts of the kingdom, defcended from one common Saxon anceftor. For many cen- turies back Richard has been a favourite Chriftian name with them, and we rind Richard Donning de Aubray or Atterbury built a cattle near Newbury, and called it from his own name Donnington-Caftle. In the twelfth century we find the family feated in feveral of the northern parifties in the county of Devon, and from thence, in the fifteenth century, they fixed themfelves at Gnatham in the parifli of Wackhampton in the fame county. John Dunning, grandfather of the late Lord, reiided at ■ Gnatham, whofe fecond fon John Dunning, an eminent Attorney at Law, refided at Afliburton in Devonihire, and died Dec. 1, 1780, aged 80, having married Agnes, daughter of Henry Jutlham, of Old Port near Modbury, in the fame county, by whom he had iffue ; John, who died an Infant. — Mary, now living, born Sept. 1733. — John, the late Lord Afliburton, who was born Oct. 18, 173 1, and be- ing bred to the law, rendered himfelf eminently confpicuous both for his extenfive knowledge, eloquence, and inflexible integrity. His Lordfliip early in life difcovered unrivalled abilities, which emerged him from obfcurity, fo that in Dec, LORD GRANTLEY. 465 ^67, he was appointed Solicitor General, which he refigned in March 1770, through party honour, and re-aflumed his attendance at the bar, with uncommon fuccefs, till his Ma- jefty in April 1782, was pleafed to appoint him one of his Ca- binet Council, Chancellor of the Duchy Court of Lancafter ; and immediately after created him Baron Afhburton, of Afh- burton in the county of Devon ; but his health being greatly impaired by his intenfe application to bufmefs, and his endea- vours to ferve his country, fufFered him not long to enjoy thefe honours ; of whom a moft. elevated orator gave the following jurl character : " I am not afraid of offending £ moll learned body, and moft jealous of its reputation for that learning, when I fay he was the firft of his profeffibn. It is a point fettled, by thofe who fettle every thing elfe ; and I mull add, (what I am enabled to fay from my own long and clofe obfervation) that there was not a man of any profeflion, or in any fituation, of a more erect and independent fpirit ; of a more proud honour ; a more manly mind 5 a more firm and determined integrity." His Lordlhip married March 31, 1770, Elizabeth, daughter of John Baring, Efq. of Lark- bear, born 1744, and fitter to John Baring, Efq. of Mount Radford, near Exeter ; for which city he is reprefentative in Parliament ; by which lady he had iflue John, born Od, 29, 1781, who died April 4, 1782; and Richard Barre, the m*efent Lord Afhburton, his fucceffor. Creation.] As above. Arms.] Bendy, finifter of eight, or and vert, a lion ram- pant, fable, . Crest.] On a wreath, an antelope's head, proper, arm- ed, or. Supporters.] Two antelopes, proper, armed, or, collared bendy of fix, or and . THE Right Hon. THOMAS PITT, Lord CAMEL. FORD, Baron Bocconec of the county of Cornwall, created to that title Dec. 30, 1783. He was born March 3, 1737, and appointed one of the Lords of the Admiralty,. April 16, 1763; married July 29, 1774, Anne, daughter and co-heir of Pinkney Wilkinfon, Efq. of Burnham in the county of Norfolk, by whom he has iflue Thomas, born Feb. 19, I775. — Anne, born Sept. 10, 1772. His Lordlhip is defcended from the fame anceftor as the Earl of Chatham and Lord Rivers, under which titles his defcent is already defcribed. His Lordfhip's grandfather was Thomas Pitt, Efq. married Harriot, fifter to John ViU Hers, Earl of Grandifon of Ireland, and by her had five daughters, who are treated of under the pedigree of Earl Chatham as well as his fecond fon William, the late Earl. The eldeft fon, Thomas Pitt, Efq. feated at Bocconec in Cornwall, was Lord Warden of the Stannaries, and Steward cf the Duchy of Cornwall and Devon. He was member of four Parliaments for Oakhampton, and in three was ele&ed alfo for Old Sarum, which he reprefented in two, and died July, 1760, having married Chriftian, eldeft daughter of Sir Thomas Lyttelton, of Hagley in Worcefterfhire, and fifter to George, the late Lord Lyttelton, by which Lady, who died June 5, 1750, hehadifTue, Thomas, the prefent Lord Camel- fyrd. — Amelia, married to William Spry, L. L. D. Gover- nor of Barbadoes. — Chriftian, married to Thomas Saunders, Efq. Governor of Fort St. George. He married fecondly, Anne- Maria Murray, by whom he had no ifTue. Arms,] Sable, a fefle cheque, or and azure , between three bezants of the fecond. [See Plate XXXVIL] Crest.] A crane, proper, beaked and membered, or % Supporters,] Two Cornifli choughs, proper, regardant^ with wings elevated. Motto.] Per ardua liberh By Delire of my Children Chief Seats..] Bocconec, in Cornwall ; and Old Sarum* iii Wilts. CAR- I CARTERET, of Hawnes in the county of Bedford, which title was conferred on his Lordlhip Jan. 30, 1784, with remainders to the Hon. George Thynne, fecond fon *, the Hon. John Thynne, third fon ; and the fourth, -fifth, fixth, and ieventh, and every other fon and fons, feverally and fucceilively of the Right Hon. Thomas, Lord Vifcount Weymouth, and the refpe&ive heirs male of their bodies lawfully begotten. His Lordfhip is only brother to the prefent Lord Vifcount Weymouth, was born Nov. 17, 1735, and is now unmarried* For his Lordfhip's defcent and connexions, fee Vifcount Arms.] Quartered quarterly. The firft and fourth quar- ter of the firft grand quarter, gules, four fufils in fefle, argent., for Carteret ; the fecond and third quarter, gules, a chevron be- tween three clarions, or, tor Granville. The fir ft and fourth quarter of the fecond and third grand quarter, harry of ten, or and fable, for Thynne* The fecond and third quarter, ar- gent, 2. lion rampant, gules, for Philips. Crest.] On a wreath, a branch of a tree, and thereon a fquirrel, fejant, feeding on a chefnut, all proper. Supporters.] Two winged deer, gules, attired the fame, Motto.] Loyal devoir. Loyal Duty. Chief Seats.] Hawnes, near Bedford. ELIOT, LORD ELIOT. HE Right Hon. EDWARD ELIOT, Baron ELIOT, 30, 1784; was born July 8, 1727. He was appointed Re- ceiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall in 1775, and mar- ried Sept. 25, 1756, Catharine, fole daughter and heir of Ed- 'ward Ellifon, Efq. of Ditchley in Efiex, by whom he has had iflue, Edward, who died an infant. — Edward- James, born July, 1758, and in Dec. 1783, was appointed one of the Lords of the Treafury. — John, born Sept. 28, 1761. — Wil- liam, born April 1, 1766. This Family has been long refident in Devon and Cornwall, in great repute, from whom defcended Richard Eliot, Efq. of Port Eliot, in the parilh of St. Germains in the county of Cornwall, created to that title Jan. Cornwall , LORJ) ELIOT. 4 6 9 Cornwall, who died 1748, having married Harriot, daughter of James Craggs, Efq. Secretary of State to George I. in March, 1726,!^ whom, who died 1768, he has iflue Edward Eliot, the prefent Lord Eliot. — Richard, who died young.— John, a Captain in the Navy and Governor of Weft Florida, now unmarried. — Anne, married Captain Bonfoy of the Navy, by whom fhe was left a widow, and has a daughter who mar- ried the late Earl of Ely, by whom fhe was left a widow in 1783. — Harriot, who married Pendocke Neale, Efq, of Not- tinghamftiire, and is now dead. — Catharine now living, un- married.— Augufta and Hefter, both died infants. Elizabeth, married Sir Charles Cocks, of Dunbleton in Gloucelterfhire, Bart, and died Jan. 1, 1 77 1 . v\r ms.] Arge7tt y a feflfe between four cotifes wavy, gules. Crest.] An elephant's head couped , argent , collared, gules. Chief Seat.] St. Germains, near Launcefton, in Corn- wall; and Downe Ampney, in Gloucefterftiire, mod *j orb lo JlswrnoO h;m rrov INDEX. ( 4«9 ) INDEX TO THE ENGLISH PEERAGE. The Names printed in capital Letters are the Peers and Peerejfes in their own Right ; thofe in Italic are the Titles of the el- deft Sons of Dukes and Earls, and all others are Daughters of Noblemen married into different Families, For the Extinct Peers, fee the Second Volume, Page ABERGAVENNY, LORD 345 ABINGDON, EARL 200 ALBEMARLE, EARL 211 Allen, Dorothy . 314 Althorpe, Vif count 229 AMHERST, LORD 447 ANCASTER, DUKE 77 Andover, Vif count 1 43 Anftruther, Frances 76 ARUNDEL, LORD 381 ASHBURNHAM, EARL ASHBURTON, LORD 49 464 AJhley, Lord L93 Afton, Jane 296 Aflong, Francis- Alicia 232 AUDLEY, LORD 348 Auftin, Rachel 339 AYLESBURY, EARL 304 AYLESFORD, EARL 232 BAGOT, LORD 460 Bagot, Frances 147 Bi ailey, Mary 26 Barnard, Vif count 287 Hh Page Barnewell, Barbara 201 BATHURST, EARL 302 Bathurft, Selina 223, Beauchampy ViJ count 280 Beauclerk, Diana 40, 70 BEAUFORD, DUKE %% BEAULIEU, LORD 438 Beckford, Louifa 449 BEDFORD, DUKE 49 Bedingfield, Mary 312 Belafyfe> Vifcount 289 Belafyfe, Frances 290 Benfon, Anne 30* BERKELEY, EARL 195 Berney, Henrietta 345 Bethell, Anne 417 Bigfby, Frances 180 Betfworth, Arabella 441 Blandford, Marquis 62 Blair, Mary 165 BOLINGBROKE, VIS- COUNT %ll BOLTON, DUKE 40 Bofcawen, Anna 320 Frances 320 BOTTETOURT, BA- RONESS 359 3 Bouldby, 47<> I N Tf B X. Page Bouldby, Mary 121 BOSTON, LORD 432 Bouverie, Bridget 298 . Mary 29S, 382 Bouverie, Catharine 298 BOYLE, LORD 398 J3 rack ley, Marquis lOZ BRANDON, DUKE 77 BRIDGEWATER, DUKE 102 Bright, John 421 i Cordelia, Thomas, Margaret 42 1 BRISTOL, EARL 234 Broome, Vij count 283 Brooke, Lord 260 BROWNLOW,LORD 448 Bruce, Lord 304 BRUDENELL, LORD 457 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, EARL 266 Buller, Jane 303 Burford, Earl 39 Bulkeley, Frances 167 Burgherfh, Lord 1 63 Burleigh, Lord 1 50 Burrell, Peter 364 Bury, Vij count 211 BYRON, LORD 391 Byng, Anne 322 — jBiidget 323 CADOGAN, LORD Caermarthcn , Mara vis CAMDEN, LORD Camp den, Vij count Cantalupe, V if count CARDIFFE, LORD Carle ton, Anne Maria CARLISLE, EARL Carnarvon, Marquis Carteret, Hen. Fred. Carr, Mary Cavendifh, Rich. Chandler 60 4? B?tty $\ 404 46 442 203 2 93 445 253 2 53 93 317 288 Page Cavendifh Elizabeth 158 Cecil, Charlotte 154 CHANDOS, DUKE 93 Chaplyn, Elizabeth 154 CHATHAM, EARL 300 CHATHAM, BARONESS 2 *j *^ ^ 3 si CHEDWORTH, LORD CHESTERFIELP, EARL l 77 Chefter, Charles 482 Chewton, Vifcount 246 CHOLMONDELEY, EARL 219 Churchill, Louifa 263 — = — - Maria 255 CLARENDON, EARL 305 Clavering, Diana 295 Clayton, Louifa 246 CLIFFORD, LORD, of Chudleigh 395 CLIFFORD, LORD 341 CLIFTON, LORD 383 Clifton, Jane 202 Clinton Henry 1 1 3 Harriot 1 13 Coats, Lucy 327 Cob ham, V if c omit 274 Cockermouth, Lord 271 Codrington, Frances 329 Coleman, Jane 26 ' C ompton, Lord 154 Conolly, Anne 227 : Louifa- Augufta 2S CONYERS, BARONESS Henrietta 335> 39 2 245 CORNWALL, DUKE 3 CORNWALLIS, EARL 283 Comwallis, Caroline .214 Cornwall, Elizabeth 410 COVENTRY, EARL 213 COURTENAY, VIS- COUNT 326 Cpurtenay* INDEX, 471 Page Courtenay, Elizabeth 1 87 Courtenay, Augufta 326 COWPER, EARL 239 Cranburn, Vif count 14.8 CRAVEN, LORD 392 Craven, Elizabeth 325 Crefwick, Mary 162 CUMBERLAND, DUKE 4 Curzon, Sophia- Sufanna 430 DACRE, LORD 359 Danby, Georgiana 26 Dalkeith , Earl 193 DARLINGTON, EARL 287 DARTMOUTH, EARL 228 Deerhurft, Vifcount 213 Delme, Elizabeth 192 DE FERRERS, LORD 357 DEL AWARR, EARL 293 Delaval, lfabella 44 DENBIGH, EARL 159 DERBY, EARL 128 DESPENCER, BARON- ESS 339 DEVONSHIRE, DUKE 55 Dickens, Diana 76 DIGBY, LORD 443 Digby, Lucy 292 DINEVOR, BARONESS 410, 456 DONCASTER, EARL 193 DORMER, LORD 383 Dormer,Mary 383 Anne 383 DORSET, DUKE 97 Draper, Caroline 39 Drax, Mary 378 Drummond, Charlotte 39 1 ■ ■ - Elizabeth 159 « Anne 221 DUCJE^ LORD . 441 H Page DUDLEY and WARD,VIS~ COUNT 372 Duncan, Mary 185 DunhofF, Camilla-Eliz. 232 Durjlejy Vifcount 12^ E.din, Elizabeth 296 EDGCUMBE, VIS- COUNT 332 Edwards, Jane 206 EFFINGHAM, EARL 251 Egerton, Anne-Sophia 106 Egerton, Sophia 127 EGREMONT, EARL 271 Ellifon, Elizabeth-Cuthbert 421 Erfkine, Janet 455 ESSEX, EARL 188 Eufon, Earl 30 EXETER, EARL 150 Eyre, Mary 291 FALMOUTH, VIS- COUNT 380 Fane, Elizabeth 162, 245 Fan quire, Charlotte 313 Fair ford, Vifcount 304 FAUCONBERG, EARL 289 Fellows, Urania FERRERS, EARL Fielding> Vifcount Fielding, Sophia Finch, Jane Charlotte 270 221 l S9 176 233 245 3* Fitzroy, Elizabeth FIT Z WILLI AM, EARL 268 Fleming, Diana 147 FOLEY, LORD 452 Foley, Henrietta 257 —Anne- Margaret 213, 453 Elizabeth Folkeftone, Vifcount Forbes, Mary Fordvjichi Vifcount h4 4S3 297 190 239 Former 472? I N D Page Forfter, Elizabeth 234 FORTESCUE, LORD 418 Fortefcue, Hefter 413 Frederick, Lucy 3 2 1 Fuller ton, Judith 233 Furh, Catharine 26 GAGE, LORD 456 GAINSBOROUGH, EARL 203 Gapper, Letitia 26 Garforth, Elizabeth 399 Gallini, Elizabeth 202 Gilford, Barbara 380 GLOUCESTER, DUKE 4 GODOLPHIN, LORD 411 Gordon, Catharine 259 - Cecilia 367 Gould, Barbara 237 GOWER, EARL, 263 Gower, Frances 320 GRAFTON, DUKE 30 GRAHAM, EARL 246 Granby, Marquis 7 1 GRANTHAM, LORD 427 GRANTLEY, LORD 465 Grenville, Temple- Margaret 276 GREENWICH, BARO- NESS 314,444 G revile, Lord 26.0 GREY, MARCHIONESS 122 Grey, Lord 1 68 Grey, Sufanna 171 GROSVENOR,LORD 429 Guernfey, Lord 232 GUILFORD, EARL 280 Gwyn Sackville, and Thynne Flo we 416 Hall, Jane HAMILTON, MAR- QUIS 77 E X* Page HAMILTON, BARO- NESS 445 Hammond, Mary 26 HAMPDEN, VISCOUNT HARBOROUGH, EARL 9 242 HARCOURT, EARL 277 Harcourt, Mary 279 HARD WICKE, EARL 286 Harley, Lord 219 Harpur, Frances-Elizabeth 263 HARRINGTON, EARL 256 Harrington, Lucy 418 HARROWBY, LORD 4 ji Hartington, Marquis 55 Haftings, Lord 134 HAWKE, LORD 446 HAY, LORD 398 Heneage, Catharine 380 Henley, Vif count 296 Herbert, Lord 138 Herbert, Elizabeth 333 - Caroline 92, 142 ■■ ■ « Elizabeth- Alicia-Ma- ria 274 HEREFORD, VIS- COUNT 307 HERTFORD, EARL 280 Her Henry- George 421 Ligonier, Mary 296 Lincoln, Frances, Countefs of 108 Lincoln, Earl IO& Lindfey, Marquis 77 Long-ue-vil/e, Vifcount zy* LOVEL and HOLLAND. LORD 437 LOUGHBOROUGH, LORD 4i+ Ludlcnjo, Vij count 26$ Lumley, Vif count 210 Lowther, Augufta • 163 Lymington, Vifcount 257 MACCLESFIELD, EARL 242 Macdonald, Louifa 264 Maden, Charlotte 285 Mahon, Vifcount 24 1 Maidjione, Vifcount ijz Maiden, Vifcount 188 Malpas, Vifcount 2 19 MANCHESTER, DUKE 85 Mande^ville , Vifcount 85 MANSFIELD, EARL 306 March, Earl 27 MARLBOROUGH, DUKE 62 Marfham, Frances 403 Mafon, Elizabeth 176 Matthews, Jane 82 MAYNARD, VISCOUNT 3 2 9 Milbank, Judith 325' Milbourne, Martha 221 Middlefex Earl gj MID DL ETON, 474 INDEX Page MIDDLETON,LORD 398 Mil fan, Vifcount 268 MILTON, LORD 438 MONSON, LORD 4.06 MONTAGU, DUKE 116 MONTAGU, VIS- COUNT 310 MONTFORT, LORD 413 Montbermer, Marquis 1 16 Mordaunt , Lord 164 Morris, Anne 182 Morpeth, Vifcount 191 MOUNTSTUART, BA- RONESS, 186, 428 M^fgrave, Ifabella 392 Napier, Sarah 28 Neville, Catharine 276 Newton, Catharine 27 Nifbet, Mary 76 NEWC ASTLE,DUKEio8 NORFOLK, DUKE 5 Norreys, Lord 200 North, Lord 280 North, Barbara 141 NORTHAMPTON, EARL 154 NORTHINGTON, EARL 296 NORTHUMBERLAND, DUKE 113 Nunebam, Vifcount 2 77 Obrien, Sufannah 292 O^ilby, Emilia 28 ONSLOW, LORD 400 ORFORD, EARL 254 OSBORNE, LORD 46, 397 O&orne, Heneage 176 OfJ'ulflon, Lord 230 Owen, Mary 413 OXFORD, EARL 219 PAGET, LORD 373 Parker, Vifcount 242 Parker, John 428 Page Peirle, Charlotte- Grace 40S PELHAM, LORD 43c PEMBROKS, EARL i 3 g Penn, Juliana 24c PERCY, LORD 325 Percy, Earl Percy, Algernon, Ifabella- Sufanna 114 PETERBOROUGH, EARL 164 Peter/bam, Vifcount 256 PETRE, LORD 379 Pitt, Vifcount 300 Pitt, Hefter 301 Pitt, Mary 290,450 Plowden, Frances 38c PLYMOUTH, EARL 206 POMFRET, EARL 244 Pool, Grace 436 PONSONBY, LORD 422 Ponfonby, Elizabeth 61 PORCHESTER, LORD PORTLAND, DUKE *8j PORTSMOUTH, EARL POULET, EARL POWYS, EARL Powis, Mary Price, Sarah 2 57 216 268 121 442 Quartley, Elizabeth 367 Quin, Frances -Muriel 292 RADNOR, EARL 297 Ratcliffe, Frances 192 RAVENSWORTH, LORD 42a RAWDON, LORD 468 Raymond, Elizabeth 394 Read, Jane 44.2 RICHMOND, DUKE 27 Rice, Cecil 41a RIVERS, LORD 449 Roberts, Charlotte 459 ROCHFORD* INDEX* Page ROCHFORD. EARL 210 Roddam, Mary JI3 RODNEY, LORD 466 I Rodney, Martha 2 2 1 Rook, Frances 320 ROMNEY, LORD 403 ROYAL FAMILY 1 Roy/Ion, Vi [count 286 RUTLAND, DUKE 7 i SACKVILLE, VIS- COUNT 333 Sackville, Frances 265 SALISBURY, EARL 148 SANDWICH, EARL 185 SANDYS, LORD 416 Sandys, Mary 417 Sandys, Frances-Alicia 232 SAY and SELE, Lord 365 SCARBOROUGH, EARL 210 SCARSDALE, LORD 430 Scroggs, Anne 26 Seymour, Lord 17 Seymour, Henry .26 » -■ Caroline 240 • Hefter, 26 m Catharine 26 SHAFTESBURY, EARL 193 Shaw, Catharine 408 Sherard, Lord 242 SHREWSBURY,EARL 128 Smelt, Margaret 180 Smith, Georgiana 30 ■ Margaret 223 »■ Louifa-Carolina-Ifa^ bella 236 Mary 396 SOMERSET, DUKE 17 SONDES, LORD 426 SOUTHAMPTON, LORD 4 6 3 Southwell, Elizabeth 285 SPENCER, EARL 299 Spencer, Mary 422 $(* Jfaph, ViJ count 2^9 475 Page ST. ALBANS, DUKE 39 ST. JOHN, LORD 375 STAMFORD, EARL 168 STANHOPE, EARL 241 Stanhope, Lord IJJ Stanhope, Elizabeth 241 Mary 180 Stanley, Lord 1 28 Staple ton, Mary 202 Catharine 162 Stapylton, Mary 162 StauordaUy Lord 29 1 Staunton, Jane 288 STAWELL, LORD 424 STOURTON, LORD 368 STRAFFORD, EARL 225 STRANGE, BARONESS 359 Stuart, Louifa 81 — — Frances 442 Suckling, Mary 423 SUFFOLK, EARL 143 SUNDRIDGE, LORD 444 Surry, Earl 5 SU^SEX,EARL 237 SYDNEY, LORD 468 TALBOT, LORD 409 - Anne 291, 298, 410 Tamwortb, ViJ count 22 f T ANKER VI LLE, EARL 230 Tauijfock, Marquis 49 Taylor, Jane 442 TEMPLE, EARL 274 TEYNHAM, LORD 38.6 THANET, EARL iSz THURLOW, LORD 454. Thompfon, Dorothy 267 Tilfon, Frances 12! Tichfie/d, Marquis 83 Tolemache, Bridget 296 TORR1NGTON, VIS- COUNT 321 TOWNSHEND, VIS- . COUNT 312 Tfownfliend, 476 I N D Page Towifhend, Thomas-Charles 441 Townfhend, Elizabeth 121, 209 Trenthamy Vif count 264 Trevor, Harriot 331 Trimnel, Henrietta-Maria 410 Tryon, Mary 223 Tufton, Lord 1 82 Fun bridge, Vif count 21a VERE, LORD 422 VERNON, LORD 439 Vi 'liters, Vif count 216 Upper-Oflbry, Countefs 30 Urmfton, Leonora 303 Wake, Camilla 231 WAKEFIELD, EARL 246 WALES, PRINCE 2 WALDEGRAVE, EARL 246 WALPOLE, LORD 423 Walpole, Vif count 254 WALSINGHAM, LORD 457 Wallop, Camillia-Powlett WARWICK, EARL E X. Page Weld, Julia 380 WENTWORTH, VIS- COUNT 324 Went R. Cumberland* C. Morris> Soame Jenyns, R. Bentley, &c. &c. &c. £. Thompfon, T. Potter, All the celebrated Sir Charles Hanbury Williams" Pieces are preferved in *his Edition. LETTERS from a PEERESS of ENGLAND to her ELDEST SON. Price as. 6d. 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