Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/stairbuildinginiOOmonc STAIR-BUILDING IN ITS VARIOUS FORMS; AND The New ONE-PLA^|,E,;.]vf;ETffQi). AS APPLIED TO Drawing Face-Moulds, Unfolding the Centre Line of Wreaths, THEREBY OBTAINING EXACT LENGTHS OF BALUSTERS, AND ALSO UNFOLDING SIDE MOULDS. 111I10J1S BISMS 111 PLUS OF STIua IIWIIS 111 MMMhimm. FOR THE USE OF ARCHITECTS, Stair-Builders, Carpenters, Iron- Workers, Pattern- Makers, and STONE MASONS. WOOD, mON, AND STONE STAIRS. By JAMES H. MONCKTON, Author of the '^American Stair-Builder," Monckton' s National Carpenter and Joiner" " Monckton s Nationa^ Stair-Builder " and " Monckton' s Practical Geometry" ; Teacher for many years of the Mechanical Class in the " General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmeti's Free Drawing School of the City of New York." FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND EXTENSIVELY ENLARGED. NEW YORK : JOHN WILEY & SONS, 53 East Tenth Street. 1894. t' /S COPVRIGHT, 1894. By JAMES H. MONCKTON. PREFACE TO FOURTH EDITION. NoTwi fHSTANDiNG our former belief in the completeness of this work at the conclusion of its preparation and first publication, we have found since that time, from our own careful working experience and study, added to the many practical questions asked by interested and intelligent correspondents in different por- tions of the world, that it was important to make many changes and additions. Numerous revisions and special changes have been made, all intended to perfect, widen, and maintain the usefulness and raise the scientific and practical character of the work. At this time and opportunity of expression to our readers, we have only to reaffirm that Geometry as applied to Stair Building and Hand-Railing throughout this book is of the simplest character in its methods and perfect in its practical results. Some sixteen entirely new plates have been added that have extended uses in the practice of building Wood, Iron, and Stone Stairs. We will briefly mention some of the foremost useful additions that were never before published : — Plate 73. Wood Panelling of the Warped Soffit of Circular Stairs. Plate 76. Side Moulds unfolded geometrically correct by the use of a level line common to both planes. (The geometry of this unfoldment we have pub- lished before in unfolding a central wreath-line for finding lengths of balusters, etc.) Cutting Square-top Balusters to fit the Warped Surface of Wreathed Hand-rail. Plate 79. Hand-rail in One Piece over Cylinders of Platform Stairs. Plate 80. Circular Stone-Work. Plate 82. Marble Wainscoting of a Circular Staircase, treated with Heavy Cap and Base Mouldings. Plate 83. Unfoldment of the Warped Panelled Soffit of a Stone Circular Staircase. Plate 84. Hand-rail of Circular Stone Stairs. Novel Plans and Elevations of Iron Stairs. JAS. H. MONCKTON. PREFACE. This book presents for the first time— as applied to hand-railing— ^Z^^- 07ie-plane method of draw- ing face-moulds, a method in which only one plane of projection is required; the simplicity, rapidity and convenience of which in practice make it superior to all others. By the one-plane process of drawing a face-mould, a centre line of wreath may also be unfolded and fixed in its relation to the elevation of tread and rise; thus determining the length of each baluster on the curved plan and gain- ing a knowledge and control of the wreath's exact position not before attainable. It is intended to make this book a complete work on stair-building and hand-railing, giving a large selection of plans and designs of staircases, newels and balusters, and numerous examples of construction. The paper solids here introduced as an objective means of elementary and practical instruction in the principles and geometrical methods of hand-railing are unequalled for the pur- pose, as the construction of these solids with the drawings on their surfaces show all the positions and connections required in each case, and thereby enable any fairly intelligent person to understand and grasp the subject. The professional architect will find valuable suggestions in design and construction ; also important considerations in planning stairs. The experienced stair-builder will learn that this one-plane method of drawing all face-moulds — and also the manner of finding the angles with which to square wreath-pieces — is simple, uniform and rapid ; and no matter how skilful a stair-builder he may be, he will find that, in the extent and com- pleteness of detail with which the subject is treated, it will prove a valuable work of reference. The expert rail-worker will learn of the geometrical law controlling the top and bottom curves of every wreath-piece, showing that a face-mould is not only a means of shaping the sides of a wreath-piece on the plane of the plank, but that it carries with it a central geometrical curve (a helical line) that must be observed in shaping the top and bottom surfaces of the wreath. To prove this in a practical way it is only necessary to call attention to the fact that in the case of round hand-rail over any curved plan, its sides hang vertically over the plan, while its top and bottom form proper curves giving its own easings perfectly suited to the requirements in all cases ; and when it is considered that a moulded rail over the same plan would be subject to the same centre and tangents, with the same joints, then the absolute control of the curves forming the top and the bottom of a wreath by this central.geometrical curve-line becomes self-evident.^ In connection with the above statements examine for instance Plate 48, as giving one example among many of the correctness and practical value of un- folding the centre line of a wreath. The student or apprentice will find that the elementary study of hand-railing in the practical and novel way here presented is easily acquired ; he will also see that the detail instruction given in stair- building from a stepladder to expensive and difficult staircases is presented in a manner to be clearly understood and quickly learned. That the drawings and descriptive page should be opposite I regard as of no slight importance in a work of this character ; those who have experienced the weary task of turning from reference pages to plates located at another portion of the book will appreciate the value of this arrangement. The comprehensive system of hand-railing here given covers every practical re- quirement, as follows: ist. By the use of tangents controlling the inclination of the plane of the plank and the butt-joints ; 2d. By the one-plane method of drawing all face-moulds, simply applying to this purpose a level line common to both planes ; 3d. By the further use of this last-mentioned level line, in unfolding the centre line of wreath, which also unfolds correct forms of side moulds ; — all of which are based upon the demonstrable laws of geometry, and point to a conclusion in the science of hand-railing as plain as that in the decimal system of numbers, which, based upon the ever-truthful laws of that brancii of mathe- matics, is simple in its methods and perfect in its results. The instruction and drawings tliroughout this book apply ec[ually — except in some minor details, ivhich special drawings supply — to Wood, Iron, and Stone Stairs, including Hand Railing. Finally, it is my belief that this work is carried to an extent far beyond any publication that has preceded it ; practically and scientifically covering the whole field of stair-building and hand-railing, making a complete digest of the subject. Jas. H. Monckton. CONTENTS. HISTORY OF STAIRS PAGE With seven engravings, examples of ancient English stairs xxi, xxii, xxiii^ xxiv DEFINITIONS Of terms used in connection witli stairs and stair-building xxv and xxvi LIST OF BOOKS Published in England and America, treating partially or wholly on stairs or hand-railing, . . . xxvii SUGGESTIONS. To teachers of technical schools, xxix To apprentices and students, xxix Concerning the study of hand-railing, . xxix Advantage of squaring model wreath-pieces, xxix Fitting wreaths over circular or other curved-iron staircases, xxix As to the fitness of close-paneled strings, ............. xxix Self-supporting circular stairs, . xxix Joints of wreath -pieces, . xxix Turned newels, xxix Connecting hand-rails with newels, xxix Balusters with square bases, xxix Loose newel-caps mitred to hand-rails, .............. xxix Setting up hand-rails finished and varnished, xxix IRON STAIRS. Scientific and artistic treatment of iron stairs, ............. Designs and Plans for Iron Stairs Plates 86 to 104 Circular Stone Work Plate 80 STONE STAIRS. Circular Stone Stairs, etc Plates 81 1085 PLANS AND ELEVATIONS. PLATE 1. Plan and elevation of a straight flight of stairs with a 7" cylinder. Plan and elevation of a half-turn platform stairs with a 6" cylinder, landing with four rises above the platform. A rule to find the correct proportion of tread to rise. PLATE 2. STEP-LADDERS AND STOOP. Plans of step-ladders. Elevations of step-ladders. Elevation of stoop with platform, hand-rail, balusters and newel. PLATE 3. T/ie old English method of stair-bitildinff. Finishing stairs on the under-side, showing the construction. Ptittina- lep stairs. Covering stairs. Stair-timbering and rough-braclnmon to both planes, the following five important operations are correctly performed: ist. Measurement on one plane for drawing all Face-moulds. See Plates Nos. 9 to 19. 2d. All angles found that are required for Squaring Wreath. See Plates Nos. 9 to 19. 3d. Unfolding a Central Wreath- line. See Plates Nos. 20 and 21. 4th. Unfolding convex and concave Side-moulds. See Plates Nos. 20, 21, and 76. 5th. Finding on the horizontal plane the subtension, or opening, of any angle of tangents on a cutting plane. See Plates Nos. 9 to 19. It would be of great advantage if architects would count the height of stories by rises or at least give special attention to so important a matter for their stairs. PLATE 1. Plan and Elevation of a Straight Flight of Stairs with a Seven-inch Cylinder; ALSO A Plan and Elevation of a Platform Stairs with a Six-inch Cylinder Land- ing with Four Rises Above the Platform. Fig. I. Plan of a Straight Flight of Stairs. — The plan is given to show the width of the stairs, the size and position of the cylinder, the number and position of the rises and treads ; also by means of the shaded lines to show the opening of the well-hole, its width and length ; its width sufficient to receive the width of stairs, the diameter of cylinder and the thickness of facia ; its length sufficient for head-room. Fig. 2. Elevation of the Straight Flight of Stairs Shown by Plan at Fig. i.— The number of rises is determined by dividing the height of story— taken from the top of the floor of the lower story to the top of the floor in the upper story — into any number of suitable parts ; in this case the height of story is io'.4", equal to 124", which divided by 16 gives a quotient of 7^", the height of one rise. In the above manner the height of any given story must be taken and divided into any number, more or less, of rises. The rod E F shows the manner of taking the height and the division of rises. To obtain the tread,* first find the horizontal distance that can be taken for the run of the stairs and landing room ; which in this case is equal to A D, 14'. 5"; of this the landing room, B D, must never be less than the width of the stairs, and is always better several inches more ; therefore take B D, 2'. 9", for landing, and C B, 5", for depth of cylinder ; leaving AC, ii'.3", to be divided into treads. There is always one tread less than the number of rises in each flight of stairs, because the floor itself becomes a step for the top rise ; so having sixteen rises in this flight, the remaining ii'.3", equal to 135", must be divided into fifteen parts, which equals 9" for each tread, as shown at plan and elevation. The line G H is the lower edge of the string-plank, which plank is sawed out to receive and make a finish with the risers and steps. The dotted lines parallel to G H indicate the position of the supporting carriage-timbers. Head-room is secured by constructing the well-hole of a sufficient length so that the tallest person in ascending or descending the stairs would not be in danger of striking the head. Head-room should not be less than ^'.o". It is not necessary to draw an elevation of steps and rises to determine head-room, for that can be learned from the plan at Fig. i ; for example, count thirteen rises from the top down at J ; thirteen rises, 7^ "each, equal 8'. 4^" ; subtract from this the thickness of floor, depth of beam and plaster, altogether 10^", and there will remain 7'. 6" for head-room, — if the length of the well-hole does not cover the step J, Fig. i. Fig. 3. Plan of Platform Stairs. — Platform stairs ascend from one story to another in two or more flights, having platforms between for resting and changing their direction. This plan has but one plat- form, taking the whole width of the hall, and has four rises in the upper short flight and thirteen rises in the lower starting flight. The shaded lines show the framing of the open well-hole, including the platform. Fig. 4. Elevation of Platform Stairs from the Plan Fig. 3.—! J is the height-rod showing the division and number of rises. The head-room and tread are found as before explained at Fig. 2. Some attention must be given to the position of platform K, so that the height underneath has sufficient head-room and clears the trim or fan- light of doorway, if there be any ; for the platform may be one or more rises higher if space can be spared to add one or more treads to the starting flight — these treads to be taken from the short landing flight. At L is shown the starting of a second flight from that floor. A Rule to Find the Correct Proportion of Tread to Rise. — To any given rise in inches add a sum that together will equal twelve, double the sum added to the given rise for the tread in inches, — as follows : given a 5" rise and 7 make 12, then twice 7 equals the required tread, 14"; or again, given a 7" rise and 5 make 12, then twice 5 equals the tread, 10", etc. * The tread is the distance between risers, as M N Fig. 2, without inchiding the projecting nosing ; when the projection of the nosing is added the whole is called the step. The projection of the nosing is usually made equal to the thickness of the step. Plate No. 1 , 1 FT. Fig. I. PLATE 2. Step LADDERS and Stoop. Fig. I. Plan of Stepladder. — This plan shows the thickness of the sides, the width of the ladder, the treads and number of rises, also an extra width of tread, as at P Q, which should always be allowed at the top step of a ladder. With P Q, ^j4" deducted from the run P M, there remains Q M, equal to s'.6}4", or 42}^", to be divided by 10, the quotient of which is 4%", the tread. The point of the ladder N M, if desirable, may be cut off on the line N 0, and glued and nailed to the back edge of the ladder, keeping the point V to the floor. Fig. 2. Elevation of Stepladder given at Plan Fig. i. — The height from floor to landing above is S'.i}4", which divided by 10 gives a quotient of 9^", the height of each rise. The sides of step- ladders having from ten to fifteen rises should be from 5" to 7" in width and not less than lya" thick. One way to lay out the sides of a stepladder is as follows : let T R equal the tread and R S the rise ; connect T S ; take the distance T S in the compasses and mark on the edge of the side of ladder from V to A ten spaces, and with a bevel (as at X taken from T) lay out the angle and thickness of steps as shown. Another way to lay out the sides of a stepladder is to use a steel square (^as at B), placing the square at the edge of the ladder to the height of rise and width of tread as figured on the square and as many times as there are to be rises in the ladder. The steps should be let into the sides of a ladder from 3/s" to 3^" ; 3/g" will be sufificient if the sides are i" thick. Steps are set into the sides of a ladder (as at Z Y) when the sides of ladder are 9" or 10" wide and 2" or 3" thick, as sometimes built in buildings used for wholesale stores. To make a small movable stepladder strong and keep the steps from working loose a tenon should be run through the sides at three points (as at i, 2, 3) and properly nailed. Figs. 3 and 4. Plan and Isometrical Elevation of a Double Stepladder. — Where space is limited and only occasional communication between stories is necessary, this ladder will answer the requirements, as it can be constructed in the cheapest manner and put up in mere closet-room, as shown by the plan at Fig. 3 and its perspective. Hand-rails should be put up at both sides of the laddei-, hung on iron brackets well secured in the wall. At Fig. 4 there are shown fifteen rises of 8" each, mak- ing a total heiffht of lo'.o"; and fourteen treads of 9" each, occupying a run of s'-3"- Fig. 5. Elevation of Stoop with Platform. — The newel post and balusters have no turned work, but are cut on the angles and chamfered. The strings where there are so few steps may be laid out with a steel square, or can be laid out with a pitchboard in the same manner as inside stairs. Fig. 6. A pitchboard, to be made of thin, well-seasoned wood, N M 0, must be made perfectly square, M N the tread and M 0 the rise. The grain of the wood should always run in the direction of N 0. The edge of the string C should be jointed, and a pencil-gauge distance equal to C D run along from the edge C. The distance C D is equal all together to depth of timber, thickness of riser, and thickness of ceiling boards underneath. Along the line D the pitchboard is marked on the stuff as many times as there are to be rises, and then sawed square through on the line of treads, and cut mitring on the line of rises. The dotted lines show the correct position of the hand-rail to determine its exact length ; the platform level rail is raised 4" above the platform, so that when the rail at the centre of the short balusters along the flight is raised the usual height, 2'.2", the level rail over the platform will be 2'. 6", the usual height for a level rail. At the newel G H is raised 3>^", which added to 2'. 2" — the height at the centre of the short balusters— makes the height G K at newel 2'.^}^". Note. — The whole of the above practical details and directions relating to an ordinary stoop apply equally to inside stairs where similar work is required. PLATE 3. Plan, Elevation and Details of a Common Straight Flight of Stairs.— Stair-building Generally. Fig. I. Plan of a Common Straight Flight of Stairs ; showing the width of the fligiit, the thickness of wall-string, the width of treads and number of treads and rises, the position of the balusters, the cylinder, the width and place of hand-rail and size of newel-post. Figs. 2 and 3. Methods of Forming Cylinders and Splicing them to Strings. Fig. 4. Wall-string Laid Out, showing easements of angles joining floor-base at starting and landing, mortises laid out with wedge-room for steps and risers which are to be let into the string Fig. 5. Front-string Laid Out. — A B must be sufficient for depth of timber, thickness of plaster and of riser. The dotletl lines at C show the wood to be left on the string for cylinder-splice. G F H D E is the cylinder opened out ; F G must be the depth of floor-beam and thickness of plaster ; the line D E G is the bottom edge of the cylinder, and at E the curve is raised somewhat above the direction of the line A D in shaping the edge, so as to prevent a baggy appearance the cylinder would otherwise have when in place. Fig. 6. Step and Riser as Glued Together. — The whole thickness of the riser is let into the ploughed groove of the step -^/s" ; J is a glue-block, of which two or more are glued and nailed in place as shown along the length of step and riser. K K are dovetail mortises cut in the end of steps to which the balusters are fitted, glued and secured in position as shown at Fig. 8. The step and riser are backnailed together as at R ; from two to four nails are driven in, depending on the length of steps. Fig. 7. Stair-timbering and Rough-bracketing. — This drawing represents a vertical section cut through the middle of a flight — a plan of which is given at Fig. i — showing an end view of steps and risers, rough board brackets L L, the middle timber M, and piaster N. Stairs 3'.o" wide and less are usually provided with two carriage, or supporting, timbers, one of which is used to strengthen the front-string, this string being securely nailed to the timber ; the other timber, M, is placed at the centre of the stairs and rough board brackets, L L L, fitted and nailed as shown at alternate sides of the timber. At S the nail through the rough-bracket is driven into the back of the step. Fig. 8. Side Elevation of the Starting Portion of Stairs, a Plan of which is Given at Fig. I. — I'he hand-rail is brought straight to the newel at Q, as being a stronger and better connection in many ways than the old plan of a loose turned cap and easement of rail mitred to the cap. P is a jib panel which is usually made as a finish to the bottom of a first-story flight, and also to receive the level rail, 0, that encloses the basement-stair well-hole. There is no better or stronger method of building wooden stairs than what is here described in detail, where each step and riser are glued together in the manner shown at Fig. 6, and housed and properly wedged with glue and hard-wood wedges in the wall-string, as shown at Fig. 4, — also housed and wedged in the same manner at the front, if a close front-string is used. Carriage-timbers, rough-bracketed as before described at Fig. 7, of a size from 2" by 4" to 4" by 10", and from two to five timbers — never less than two — to each flight, depending on the width and extent of the stairs and the weight they are expected to carry. For good substantial work well-seasoned materials should be used throughout. So important is this con- sidered in the larger-sized timber that old second-hand timber is sometimes sought for. Whole flights of stairs — with the exception of circular, elliptic, or some other peculiar form — are most economically finished by being wedged and nailed together, trimmed and raised to their places in the building complete ; the support- ing timbers are easily put in position afterward. Generally the staircase may be put up on the dry brown wall, and if made of hard wood the steps, risers, strings and newels may be completely covered with cheap heavy brown paper and thin rough boards, to remain as a protection until the walls are finished with white plaster, the doors hung, the mantels and grates set. This covering when put on may be so arranged as to enable the stair-builder to easily remove some six inches of it, enough to allow the hand-rail to be put up and finished, leaving the balance of the covering until no longer recjuired. A Staircase of Any Form of Plan may be Finished on the Under Side, Showing its Construction with far more elegance and variety than any surface plastering or close panelling com- monly done. In this finish the wedged strings will have to be cased to conceal the wedging. Both the wall and front strings should have greater thickness than usual ; the front-string should be thick enough to dispense with a front carriage-timber, or such timber may be used and cased. If desirable the risers can be made of a thickness and strength that no middle supporting string or cased carriage-timber would be recjuired : this would leave an unobstructed view of panelled steps and risers, or other ornamental finish. The Old English Method of Stair-building — which is occasionally followed in this city, and commonly in some portions of the United States — is to construct rough timber carriage-ways sawed out for step and riser, with rough steps nailed on, to be used for travel during the process of building, and to be plaster-finished as required on the under side, at the same time with the walls of the building. This carriage- way is then cased with finished strings, steps and risers ; the wall-string and sometimes the front-string — where the latter is to be close — are scribed to the grooved step and riser and set in this groove with a 3/^" tongue ; the projecting step nosing is sawed to fit against the face of the scribed string. T/iis last mct/ioJ of building the bodies of staircases is not as good as the more modern one previously described, and is also tnuch more costly. Plate No. 4 PLATE 4. Planning Winding Stairs — Drawing Elevation of the Same— Laying Out the Strings. Fig. I. Plan of a Staircase Winding One Quarter, Alike at the Top and at the Bottom, with Cylinders lO" in Diameter. — It is important in planning winding stairs of various forms — and this example will serve for all — to make the treads as nearly as possible of a uniform width on an established line of travel, which is about 14" from the front-string as shown. It is well to increase the width of the stairs a few inches both at the top and at the bottom, for the more convenient passage of furniture at these turns. In making the plan of stairs, the first thing to be determined is the wall-lines A BCD, next the width of the body of the stairs from the wall E to the front-string F. The width of the hall for this staircase will require to be 7' between rough walls — ^' .0" width of stairs, 10" diameter of cylinder, 3'.o passageway, and 2" thickness of plaster. From the walls to the cylinder, at both the top and the bottom of the stairs, the width is made 3'. 2". The line of travel is drawn in position as before mentioned ; the starting or first and top or landing riser lines are now drawn as required, taking care that not less in any case than 2" level of the cylinders, as at X X, be left at both top and bottom so as to make a proper finish with the facias. Between these starting and landing- risers, on the line of travel, equal spaces are marked for the width and number of treads required ; next the treads in the cylinders and along the line of the front-string are marked as figured ; now the lines of risers are drawn from the points of division at cylinders and front-string, through the points of division first made on the line of travel : and this completes the plan. Fig. 2. Elevation of the Plan of Stairs, Fig. I. — This elevation explains itself in connection with the plan beneath : The important points given by the elevation are the head-room from the top of the third step, G, to the plastered ceiling, H, and the length of the well-hole as limited and shown by the line G H. It is not necessary to set up an elevation of a staircase to fix the head-room. The head-room may be deter- mined, and the length of well-hole, by finding how many rises down from the top — after subtracting therefrom the depth of floor-beam, including floor and plaster — would equal in height y'.o", or very nearly that. Fig. 3. Laying Out of the Front-string and Cylinder.— The distance K J, on the front-string, must equal all together the depth of timber, thickness of plaster and thickness of riser. The cylinders are spliced to the string on the lines 0 P and R S ; the treads, as given in the cylinders and string, agree with the plan Fig. i. At the starting cylinder, N X equals 10", the width of facia, which is the depth of,floor-beam (9") and thickness of plaster (i"). The top cylinder requires a straight piece of board the thickness of facia glued at its upper end, of sufficient width and length (as at T X V U) to produce an easing between the lower edge of the cylinder and the lower edge of the facia ; this piece is glued to the cylinder on the line T X, and joins the facia on the line U V. The depth to the lower end of the cylinders is found, as shown, by describing arcs of a radius equal to K J from the angles of tread and rise as shown at Q 0 and W T. It is better to join the cylinder as at R, on the straight line R K, even if it has 2" or 3" more depth at that point than at K J. Cylinders are sometimes — generally in the best ivork — laid out with the straight string in one flank, as here shoicn, and the whole of that portion for forming the cylinders up to the lines 0 P and R S is cut away at the back, leaving only a thin veneer at the face, which is bent over a convex cylinder and filled out with staves, as described at Fig. 4, Plate 8. Fig. 4. Wall-string.— This string is the starting portion, A B, at the plan Fig. i. In preparing this string to join the floor-base, V S is the height of base, then S L is the easing of the angle of string to the level of the base ; or the string may be mitred to the base, as at Y 0, R Y being equal to V S. The height of string M N above the angle-step must be alike from the same step as M N at the next string, Fig. 5 ; also the .strings connecting at these angles may be brought to a level, curved as shown, or left angular ; but they fuust in all cases be brought to a level, so that the base-mouldings ivill properly connect. Fig. 5. Wall-string.— This is the whole of that portion of wall-string marked B C of the plan Fig. I. The height of the string at 0 P must be alike from the same angle-step as at 0 P of Fig. 8. This string is laid out in two pieces spliced together at the centre, Z D ; it may be laid out in one piece by the use of a mean tread, and in another way, each of which methods will now be given. Fig. 6. Wall-string same as Fig. 5, Laid Out in One Piece by the Use of a Mean Tread. — A mean tread is found by adding together the ten treads as figured, and dividing their sum by the number of rises (9), as follows : 25 4- 1 7 -I- 13 -f 9 -f 9 -f 9 + 9 -I- 13 -|- 17 -f 23^ = 144^ 9= i6g'V -h " mean tread, which is nearly 161^". Along any line, A B, beginning at A, apply the mean tread, A C, and the rise, C D, as shown, marking each tread in their order of the width required, and if the work has been correctly performed the last tread, 25", will come out at B of the line A B. Fig. 7. To Lay Out Winder-strings from a Scale Drawing.— Set up to a scale 0(1}^" to i' an elevation of treads and rises the same as at Fig. 6, and draw a line touching the outermost points of the upper edge of string, as X E 0 ; then with a bevel set to the angle Q 0 S a string may be laid out full size whose points X and E will touch the edge of plank. Begin laying out with the line 0 S, and make 0 S as many inches full size as it measures on the scale. Fig. 8. Wall-string. — This string is the landing portion of wall-string marked C D on the plan FiG. i. PLATE 5. Through the drawings given in this plate and the two following plates, over thirty different plans of stairs are presented ; they are all made to a scale and figured for convenient reference. These various plans are intended to afford opportunity for the examination and study of stair plans, properly arranged for their different requirements. The grading of treads next to the cylinder in the case of winders, so that the wreath will make easier curves and less inclinations in its connections, is a matter of no slight importance. A little more attention, a better knowledge of practical details in planning stairs, will often lead to saving valuable space, or to a more comfortable passage from floor to floor. A superior plan of stairs may even prove to be a question of humanity ; a cruel thing it may be to a little child or an aged and feeble person to subject them to the danger and discomfort of travelling over oblique winding steps; as, for example, at Fig. 5, when a very little more space, as figured, will permit a safe and easy stairway for all, as shown at Fig. 6. Fig. I. Plan of a Straight Flight of Stairs Starting and Landing with Small Cylin- ders. — I'he i)osition of cylinders with regard to starting and landing risers, as shown in this case, is explained in detail at Plate No. 22, Figs, i and 2. Fig. 2. Plan of a Straight Flight of Stairs Starting with a Newel Set-off 2>^" and Landing with a 7" Cylinder ; the Landing Riser Set Into the Cylinder 2>^". — The set off of a newel and its management in connection with the hand-rail is given at Plate 31, Figs, i and 2. The cylin- der at the landing is treated in detail at Plate 33. Fig. 3. Plan of Winding Staircase with Mortised Strings Both Sides. — These stairs are only used where room for better cannot be spared, in such places as an attic (^r basement story. A and B are plank continuations of string 5" wide and long enough when spliced to the mortised string at the top and at the bottom to receive the winding steps and risers, which will be better understood by examining the elevation of string set up at Fk;. 4. Fig. 5. Plan of the Top or Landing Portion of a Quarter-turn Winding Stairs, with a Small Cylinder. — The management of the hand-rail of this case is given at Plate 25. Fig. 6. Plan of the Top Portion of a Staircase Turning One-quarter to the Landing, with Diminished Steps Around the Cylinder ; Curved Risers and Platform,— This plan is an improvement on that given at Fig. 5. By curving the risers, winders are avoided and a roomy platform secured with the same small cylinder. But with the number and width of treads alike, this plan requires 7)^" more room, as shown at C D. llw hand-rail of this case is treated in detail at Pla'i e 26. Fig 7. Plan of the Top Portion of a Staircase Turning One Quarter with Diminished Steps, Curved Risers, Newel and Level Quarter-cylinder, and Platform.— In this plan a small newel is introduced with a connecting level cjuarter-cylinder ; designed to take the place of plan Fig. 6, where this is preferred. By this plan no wreath or ramp will be required. A design of nnvel ; the plan, elevation and management of this case in detail ivill be found at Plate 62. Fig. 8. Plan for Starting or Landing of a Staircase. — By using a single newel and setting it diagonally, as shown, it will be strong in all of its connections. In some styles of interior finish this position of newel would be desiral)le. Fig. 9. Plan of Stairs (Combining Two Platforms with Curved Risers Between) Making a Half-turn. — The management of the hand-rail for this plan of stairs is given in detail at Plate 41. Fig. 10. Plan of a Platform Stairs Making a Quarter-turn with a Quarter-cylinder. — Whatever radius is taken for the quarter-cylinder in this description of stairs, in order to make the best form of wreath-piece, from E, the centre of the hand-rail, to risers F and G must be each half a tread. See Plate 37, Figs. 5, 6 and 7. Also Plate 45, Fig. 5. Fig. II. Plan of Stairs Turning One Quarter with Winders and a Quarter-cylinder. — In planning this kind of staircase experience has proved that the best shaped hand-rail is produced by bringing the rail at the upper [)ortion, K, straight into the wreath-piece at the end without a ramp, for this reason : one winder at K, above the quarter-cylinder, is all that should be allowed. See Plate 36. Plate No. 6 Sca'Le'4 in=Ift. PLATE 6. Fig. I. Plan of Platform Stairs with the Risers at the Platform Set Into the Cylin- der All that can be Profitable.— Placing the risers in the position given on the plan saves 6" at both the landing and starting flights connected with the platform. The management of the hand-rail is given at Plate No. 38. Fig 2. Plan of a Winding Staircase with 10" Cylinders, Making a Half-turn at Each Cylinder. — The hand-rail for this plan is treated in full detail for the top or landing portion at Plate No. 28, and for the starting at Plate No. 29. Fig. 3. Plan of a Winding Staircase, Two Flights Connecting with a 12" Cylinder. — The details and treatment of hand-rail are given at Plate No. 42. Fig. 4. Plan of Stairs with Newel Set Between Two Quarter-cylinders. — In this case the treatment of hand-rail, if at the top of a flight, will be substantially the same as that given at P'ig. 2 of Plate No. 24, and if at the starting of the flight, Fig. i of Plate No. 24. Fig. 5. Plan of the Starting of a Staircase. — Where the haU is wide enough and it is desirable to make the flight broad and inviting, the front-string is curved out, embracing four or five treads. This case of hand-rail is treated at Plate No. 32, Figs, i, 2 and 3. Fig, 6. Plan of Platform Stairs with Low-down Small Corner Newels and Continued Hand-rail. — A design and the management of stairs and hand-rail of this plan are given in detail at Plate No. 58. Fig. 7. Plan of Platform Newelled Stairs with Wing-flights. — This staircase, suitable for a very large hall of a public building, is designed to be wainscoted and with half-newels at the walls, as shown, running through and ornamentally finished at the under-side of the stairs. The best effect given to a stair- case of this character is by showing the whole open construction of the under-side, tastefully finished, free from plaster or close soffit panelling. Fig. 8. Plan of Stairs Making a Half-turn, with a Large Cylinder Filled with Treads of Equal Width to those of the Straight Portion of the Flights, and Curving the Ends of the Risers so as to Avoid Winders and Secure an Ample Platform.— Full detail instruction for the management of the hand-rail over this plan is given at Plate No. 51. Fig. 9. Plan of Staircase Suitable for Steamboat or Ship, where Every Inch of Space is Valuable. — The requirements of a hand-rail over this plan are treated in detail at Plate No. 50. See, also, Plate No. 52. PLATE 7. Fig. I. Plan of Platform Stairs. — By placing the risers six inches into both C3 linders as seen in this plan, that amount of room is saved in each case — a matter of saving that is sometimes of much impor- tance. The treatment of the liand-rail over this plan is given at Plate No. 40. Fig. 2. Plan of Double Platform Stairs Made by Introducing a Riser at the Centre of the Cylinder. — The treatment of the hand-rail over this plan is given at Plate No. 39. Fig. 3. Plan of Winding Stairs Making a Three-quarter Turn.— The management of the hand- rail over the centre cylinder of this flight is given at Plate No. 47, and over the starting portion at Plate No. 48. Fig. 4. Plan of a Quarter Platform Stairs.— By curving risers in the manner here shown, a good roomy square stepping plan is made of what would otherwise be winders ; somewhat like those of plan at Fig. 6. The details and management of hand-rail over this plan will be found at Plate No. 46. Fig. 5. Plan of a Quarter Platform Stairs with Newels Set in the Angles.— The framing of these newels and their connections of hand-rail is given in complete detail at Plate No. 59. Fig. 6. Plan of a Quarter-turn Winding Stairs at Starting. — The detailed instruction for the management of hand-rail over this plan is given at Plate No. 27. Fig. 7. Plan of the Top Portion of a Quarter-turn Winding Stairs. — The management of hand-rail over a plan similar to this will be found at Plate No. 25. This plan shows a way of curving the risers so as to save a sometimes much-needed space by lessening the distance from the wall B to the landing riser C. Fig. 8. Plan of a Quarter Platform Stairs Much the Same as that Given at Fig. 4, Except the Shape of the Cylinder. — 'I he management of hand-rail over this plan is given at Plate No. 44. Fig. 9. Plan of a Quarter Platform Stairs with One Tread Placed at the Centre of the Cylinder. — Management and detail of hand-rail over this plan will be found at Pla'j e No. 43. Fig. 10. Plan of a Circular Staircase. — The dotted lines show the best method of timbering a staircase of this or similar form. The practical treatment of hand-rail over this plan may be found at Plate No. 53 ; also at Plate No. 54 are given full instructions for changing the plan of the first step to the scroll form, the management of that portion of the hand-rail, also the construction of the scroll step. Fig. II. Plan of an Elliptic Staircase. — This plan has the treads on the line of wall and front strings graded so that the risers are placed in a direction nearly normal to the curve, keeping an even tread on the line of travel ; which would not be the case if the treads were made equal at the wall-string and at the front-string. The hand-rail over this plan is given in detail at Plate 55. Independent or Self-supporting Staircases. — This kind of stairs derives no support from wall or partition ; they are seldom required, but when called for are mostly of a circular plan. An independent straight staircase presents no difficulty ; for all that is required of it is, that it be well secured at the top and bottom, and that the material and construction have ample strength to support the weight it will be liable to carry. Where the plan of a self-supporting staircase is circular with cylinder opening as at Fig. 10,* the timbers at the foot of the stairs R Q P should be bolted to the floor-beams, and bolted at all their connections up to and including the floor-beams at the lajiding. Jib panels should be put in at the starting of both strings as high up as can be allowed ; or set up a supporting column near the centre of the flight. Or again, if it is convenient, let an iron bolt secured in an adjoining wall project sufficient to support the staircase at about the centre L. With the supports mentioned these stairs may be finished on the under side and made of sufficient strength without timbers by the use of thick laminatedf strings, the steps and risers to be well housed into both strings. Iron screws only should be used — no nails. * See Plate 45. t See Plate 8, Fig. 5. Fig. 11. Scale '4 in. = 1 ft. Plate No. 8 PLATE 8. Figs. I and 2. Bending Wood by Saw-kerfing. — This method of bending is the weakest practised, but owing to the fact that it is thought to be least expensive is frequently adopted. To find the correct distance between saw-kerfs for any required radius of curvature, select a piece of stuff of suitable length and equal to the thickness of the material to be bent, as at Fig. i. Let A B equal the thickness of stuff, and A C the radius of the required curve ; make a saw-kerf at B 0, leaving a thin veneer A 0 uncut, nail the cut piece at S K, and move it from C to D, or just enough to close the saw-kerf at B ; then C D being the distance moved will also be the exact space between each saw- kerf. The same gaged thickness of veneer A 0 must be kept, and the same saw used for the work to be done, as were used in the trial at Fig. i. Fig. 2. The Construction of a Circular Form Over Which the Saw-kerfed Material as Above Explained is Shown, Bent in Position. — E F G is the plank rib (made of three pieces) of which two or more are required, according to the work to be done. H J L are the staves which are nailed to the ribs and so complete the circular form. N M is a veneer laid over the form first, upon which is bent and glued the prepared saw-kerfed material P Q R ; this must be left on the form until the glue is perfectly dry. The piece of saw-kerfed work P Q R, should be drawn tight to the veneer and the form by means of hand-screws, as given by one example, T U, with curved blocks, V W. Fig. 3. Bending Wood and Keying. — This form is in plan the same as Fig. 2, except that the rib £ F G is not curved at its lower edge ; — shaping the lower edge this way is done for the con- venient use of hand-screws in the manner shown at Fig. 2. By this method of bending, the wood is removed from the back of the stuff, as at X X X, etc., leaving the thickness of a veneer at the face ; then after bending, the grooves XXX are filled with tightly fitted strips of wood (glued in) called keys, as at S S S, etc. It greatly adds to the strength of this bent keyed work to glue on three strips of veneer, — one at each edge of the keyed stuff, and one in the middle. The glue should be perfectly dry before the work is removed from the form. The spaces between the keys may be determined by the same method as that used to find the spaces between saw-kerfs. Fig. 4. Bending a Veneer Facing and Filling out the Thickness with Staves. — The wood is removed wholly from the back of the stuff between the points required, leaving a veneer facing which is bent over the form, and then staves, Z Z Z, etc., are fitted and glued on, as shown in this drawing. Fig. 5- Laminated Work. — Bending several thicknesses of veneer together is defined as lamina- ted work. The whole of the veneers required should be heated and bent over the form together and secured in place ; then releasing and applying glue to one-half, put it back in position again, and pro- ceed with the other half in the same way, pressing and binding solidly the whole together and to the surface of the form. To ascertain what thickness of white pine will bear bending without injuring its elasticity, multiply the radius of curvature in feet by the decimal .05 and the product will be the thickness in inches: — For example, multiply a four feet radius of curvature by the decitnal given, — 4'.o" X .05=. 20, equal to two-tenths or one- fifth of an inch thickness, that rvould bend without fracture. Fig. 6. Bending Stair-strings. — This drawing shows the construction of an ordinary quarter circle form with the correct position of a stair-string bent over it ; the ribs of this form are quarter circles and are set parallel to each other and at right angles to the chord line R P. Figs. 7 and 8. Construction of a Form for Bending Quarter Circle Stair-strings, the Ribs to be Set on an Angle Parallel to the Inclination of Such Strings. — There are two advantages claimed for forms built in this way ; one is, a saving of stuff ; the other, that the form occupies less room. Fig. 8. — Plan of a quarter turn of winders with a circular wall-string. D E, the circular wall- string as laid out from the plan A B. At Fig. 7, L M and F H is the position of the ribs parallel to D E the inclination of the circular string ; F G equals C A of Fig. 8 — less the thickness of stave — and is the semi-minor axis, and F H becomes the semi-major axis of an ellipse ; as the shape of the rib when placed on the oblique line F H, becomes a quarter ellipse. The ribs have to be beveled on the edge to range with the lines L F and M H. as shown. Figs. 9 and 10. Soffit Mouldings. — These mouldings, placed at the lower edge of stair- strings, have to be carried around cylinders, and this work can be done in different ways. A cylinder may be made of sufficient length and reinforced — filled out by gluing on pieces, as at 0 R S, Fig. 10 — then the moulding is worked out solidly in connection with the cylinder. Another way is to shape up the lower edge of the cylinder filled out as at 0 R S, then fit and shape two or more solid pieces — depending on the size of cylinder — of a thickness and width sufficient to carry out a moulding similar to N P, Fig. 9. Figs. II and 12. To Find the Lengths of Cylinder Staves that Include Winder-treads. — Set up an elevation of treads and risers sufficient to get the shape of cylinder in its connections with the straight string and facia, as here shown and as before fully explained at Fig. 3, Plate No. 4. Divide the opening out of the cylinder V W, into three equal parts, V Z, Z X and X W ; parallel to the risers draw the lines Z L, X S and W T ; then the length of each stave and its position is given at M B, L F and S X. The construction of this cylinder and the winder-treads contained in it are given at Fig. ii. The manner of splicing and connecting a staved cylinder with a straight string is given at Plate No. 3, Fig. 3. PLATE 9. The method of one-plane projection is where the projection on the horizontal plane is alone required. Merely illustrative examples are here i^n-e/i of the practical application of the one-plane ?nethoil in dra7cnng face- moulds for hand-railing. Fig. I. To Find the Angle of Tangents and Centre Line Over a Plan of a Quarter-circle, where the Tangents are required to have a Common Inclination. — Let A V Y be the plan, with the tangents A U and U Y ; let A W U and U T Y be the common angles of inchnation ; connect U X, the level line common to both planes ; through Y and A draw the line R S indefinitely ; on U as centre with U T as radius describe the arc T S and the arc at R ; connect R U and S U ; bend a flexible strip and mark a curve through the points R V S: then R U S will be the length and angle of the tangents, and R V S the curve-line over the plan A V Y. To find the angle ivith luhich to square the wreath-piece at both joints : — On U as centre describe the arc Z B ; connect B A ; then the bevel at B will contain the angle sought. Fig. 2. To Find the Angle of Tangents and the Centre Line Over a Plan of a Quarter- circle when the Tangents have Different Inclinations. — Let the plan be A F M, with the tangents A B and B M ; let the two inclinations be A G B and B C M. To find the level line common to both planes : Make C Q equal to B G ; parallel to M B draw Q 0 ; parallel to M C draw 0 N; connect N K : then N K is the line sought. Parallel to N K draw B I ; at right angles to N K draw M D and A E; on B as centre with B C as radius describe the arc C D ; again, on B as centre with A G as radius describe an arc at E ; connect E B and B D ; bend a flexible strip and mark a curve through E F D ; connect E D : then E B D will be the lengths and angle of tangents, and E F D the curve-line over the plan A F M. To find the angle with which to square the wreath-piece at joint D : Continue B M to L ; make M L equal Q P ; connect L K : then the bevel at L contains the angle required. To find the angle 7vith xvhich to square the wreath-piece at the joint E : Draw I J parallel to M K ; make I J equal B H ; connect J A : then the bevel at J contains the angle sought. Fig. 3. Plan of Hand-rail a Quarter-circle, with the Tangents to the Centre Line A F and F D, the Tangents to have Common Angles of Inclination. — Let A G F and F E D be the angles of a common inclination ; connect F X ; from K, parallel to F X, draw K L ; from J, parallel to D E, draw J M ; through A and D draw AC; on F as centre with F E as radius describe the arc E C. To find the angle with which to square the wreath-piece at both joints : Make F H equal F I ; connect H A : then the bevel at H contains the angle sought. Fig. 4. To Draw the Face-mould from Plan Fig. 3. — Make B C, B C equal B C of Fig. 3 ; make B F at right angles to B C and equal to B F of Fig. 3 ; connect F C and F C ; make F M and F M each equal F M of Fig. 3 ; through M and M, parallel to B F, draw K L and K L ; make M L, M K, at each side of the centre equal J L and J K of Fig. 3 ; make B N 0 equal the same at Fig. 3 ; through C and C draw K P and K Q ; make C P equal C K, and C Q equal C K ; let C S equal straight wood, as required ; parallel to C S draw K T and Q R ; parallel to M C draw K U ; make the joints at right angles to the tangents ; through Q L 0 L P of the convex and K N K of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. Fig. 5. Plan of Hand-rail a Quarter-circle, with Tangents to the Centre Line, Q Z and Z X, the Tangents to have Different Inclinations. — Let Q M Z and Z G X be the required inclina- tions of the tangents. To find a level line common to both planes : Make G H equal Z M ; draw H E parallel to Z X, and E T parallel to G X ; connect T P : then T P is the line sought. Parallel to T P draw I J, Z A and C D ; parallel to Z M draw R L ; parallel to X G draw Y F ; at right angles to P T draw X W and Q 0 ; on Z as centre with Z G as radius describe the arc G W ; again, on Z as centre with Q M as radius describe an arc at 0 ; connect 0 W. To find the angle with ndiich to square the 7vreath-piece at joint Q) : Draw A B parallel to Q Z ; make A B equal Z N ; connect B Q : then the bevel at B contains the angle required. To find the angle with which to square the wreath-piece at joint W : Prolong Z X to K ; make X K equal H 2 ; connect K P : then the bevel at K will be the angle sought. Fig. 6. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 5. — Make 0 U W equal the same at Fig. 5 ; on U as centre with U Z of Fig. 5 as radius describe an arc at M ; on 0 as centre with Q M of P'ig. 5 as radius intersect the arc at M ; connect 0 M, M W and M U ; make M E F equal Z E F of Fig. 5 ; make M L equal M L of Fig. 5 ; parallel to M U draw I F J, 3 E V and C L D ; make L D, L C and M S 4 equal R D, R C and Z S 4 of Fig. 5 ; make E V, E 3 and F J, F I equal T V, T 3, Y J and Y I of Fig. 5 ; through W draw I P ; make W P equal I W ; through 0 draw C R ; make 0 R equal 0 C ; make 0 T straight wood, as required ; parallel to 0 T draw C N and R Q ; make the joints at right angles to the tangent ; parallel to W M draw I Z ; through R D S V J P of the convex and C 4 3 I of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. Face-moulds, their Number and Character. 1. Plan : Quarter-circle — one tanfjent inclined, the other horizontal. 2. " " tanfjents " alike. 3. " " " " differently. 4. " Less than a quarter-circle — one tangent inclined, the other horizontal. 5. " More than a quarter-circle — one tangent inclined, the other horizontal. 6. Plan : Less than a quarter-circle — tangents inclined alike. 7. " " " " " differently in- clined. 8. " Elliptic or eccentric — tangents inclined alike. 9. " " " " " differently. 10. " Greater than a quarter-circle — tangents inclined alike. 11. " " " '' " " differently. It is believed that the above list of eleven face-moulds comprises all that are required in hand-railing. There are two face-moulds, however, that are given in this work not on the list, one at Plate No. 34 and another at Plate No. 35, each of which include the whole cylinder — a semicircle. These may be called compound face-moulds, for the first is explained at Plate No. 14 and used at Plate No. 34, with a portion of the curve more than the face-mould proper, and worked with the wreath, thereby completing the semi- circle in one wreath-piece ; the other is double the face-mould given at Plate No. 10, the two used as one and worked as directed at Plate No. 35, completing the semicircle in one wreath-piece. Note. — These face-moulds are all given in the above order, beginning at Plate No. id. Plate No. 9 Plate No. 10 V B E A B Fig. 5. F I G. 3 PLATE 10. This plate is the first of ten prepared for the purpose of giving instruction in a simple and practical way in the scientific requirements of hand-railing, based on a few and easily-applied laws of geometry. The object and use of the solids — rectangular, acute and obtuse angled prisms — introduced in these ele- mentary plates, may be summed up briefly : as a convenient and direct means of imparting to workmen this branch of geometrical knowledge ; as demonstratmg the nnportance and use of tangents as applied to hand-rail- ing, for two of the vertical sides of every prism given are tangent to a curve described on the base, and tangent to its trace on the cutting plane. The upper end of each prism is cut inclined on one or two angles of inclina- tion in the same plane, and shows the actual relation of the inclined or cutting plane to the horizontal plane or base ; * or, as maybe again stated, exhibits in every case the exact relation of a plan as given on the base and a section of the plan traced vertically on the inclined plane. The cutting plane, as produced on one end of these solids, is in each particular case the position of the plane or surface of plank out of which the wreath-piece has to be worked. The face-mould and its tangents are found on this plane ; therefore the face-mould when applied to the plank gives the shape of the convex and concave sides of the wreath-piece, which must hang vertically — or plumb — over the curved plan beneath. The paper representations of solids fare to be pre- ferred because they can be more easily and conveniently made than wood solids ; and in making them they afford instruction in detail that wood solids do not, because in the formation of solids with paper the surfaces, angles and curves all have to be found in their proper relation on one plane, which it will be seen is the practice and knowledge required for drawing face-moulds correctly. Fig. I. Represents a Solid Block or Prism Standing Vertically on a Square Base, A B D C, the Upper End Cut on an Inclined Plane, A E F C, forming Oblique Angles with the Sides A C and B D, and at Right Angles to the Sides ABE and CDF —Upon the base is described a quarter-circle, B C, tangent to the sides of the solid C D and D B. As E F is parallel to the square base C A B D, it is therefore a level line on the cutting plane C A E F ; and as B D at the base and E F on the cut- ting plane are level lines, any measurement taken on level lines at the base, as G H, J K and L M, and carried vertically to the cutting plane, as G R, J P and L N, and then parallel to the level line F E set off as at R S, P Q and N 0, will give trace points of a curve on the cutting plane perpendicularly over the plan curve at the base. Fig. 2. Construction of a Paper Representation of a Solid with its Angles, Surfaces and Curved Lines as Given in Perspective and Described at Fig. i.— Let A B C D be the square base of the solid, and D F C the angle of inclmation over the base C D and A B ; make D V, B W and B E each equal D F and at right angles to the sides of the base ; connect E A, B W, W V and V D ; continue D C to T, and B A to U ; let A U equal A E, and C T equal C F ; connect U T. On A as centre describe the quarter- circle B C, tangent to the sides of the base C D and B D ; through anv points on the curve H K M, parallel to the level line B D, draw the lines H G X, K J X and M L X ; make C N P R T equal C X X X F ; draw R S, P Q and N 0 parallel to U T, and equal to L M, J K and G H : then U S Q 0 C will be the trace of a curve on the cutting plane lying perpendicularly over the plan curve B H K M C. With a sharp-pointed instrument scratch the lines A B, B D, D C and C A ; cut out the remainder of the figure and touch the adjoining edges with a little glue or thick mucilage and bring them together, leaving all lines on the outside, so that their connections may be seen and understood. Fig. 3. Plan of Hand-rail a Quarter-circle, with One Tangent to be Inclined, the Other Level. — B D and D C are the plan tangents to the centre line B C ; let D F C be the angle of inclina- tion over the plan tangent C D ; the tangent D B to remain level ; parallel to D B draw E Q 0, J MO and R S 0. The bevel at F contains the angle with which to square the wreath- piece at joint B ; joint C is squared from the face of the plank. Fig. 4. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 3.— Make B F and F C at right angles ; let F C equal F C of FiG. 3, and F B equal D B of Fig. 3; through B draw V E at right angles to B F; make F 0 0 0 equal F 0 0 0 of Fig. 3; parallel to F B draw 01, O Y E, 0 X W and C G H; make B V equal B E; make F I equal D U of Fig 3; make 0 Z equal T S of Fig 3; make 0 Y and 0 E equal P N and P E of Fig. 3, and 0 X and 0 W equal L K and L J of Fig. 3, and C G and C H equal C G and C H of Fig. 3; through the points V I Z Y X G of the convex and E W H of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. Fig. 5. Parallel Pattern for Round Rail, or to be Used Instead of the Face-mould for Marking the Wreath-piece on the Rough Plank.— The measurements are taken from the plan at Fig. 3, as indicated by the corresponding letters. Through the central points C M Q R B describe circles of any radius required ; touching these circles on the convex and concave bend a flexible strip of wood and mark the curved edges of the pattern. For ordinary-sized hand-rail wreath-pieces may be worked out of stuff as thick as the width of rail, and a parallel pattern about ^" wider than the required width of rail. * It should be understood that the bases of all these solids are cut square, or at right angles to their length ; also at the upper end two adjoining sides of any solid may be cut on two different angles of inclination, or a common angle of inclination ; or one side may be cut at right angles to its length and the adjoining side at any inclined angle ; but in every case the opposite sides must be cut parallel. \ Drawing-paper, such as Whatman's, is best to make paper representations of solids— pasteboard is too thick and clumsy. PLATE 11. Fig. I. Represents a Solid Block or Prism Standing Vertically on a Square Base, ZXWY, the Upper End Cut on the Side Z X on the Angle of Inclination, XVZ, and on the Side X W on the Same Angle, K U V. — On the horizontal plane or base, Z Q W represents the plan of a quarter-circle to which the sides of the solid Z X and X W represent plan tangents ; also the lines Z V and V U represent the tangents on the cutting plane. The sides of this solid being cut on a common angle of inclina- tion, the heights from the base X and Y to X V and YT are alike, and therefore a line drawn on the cutting plane from V to T will be a level line ; and at the base a line drawn from X to Y will be a level line common to both planes. At any points on the curve at the base parallel to the level line X Y, draw 0 H and P N ; parallel to X V draw H R and N L : parallel to V T draw L M and R S ; make L M equal N P, and R S equal HO; make V J equal XQ; then the curve Z SJ M U will lie perpendicularly over the plan-curve at the base Z 0 Q P W. Fig. 2. Construction of a Paper Representation of a Solid with its Curved Lines and Angles as Given in Perspective and Explained at Fu;. i.— Let Y W X Z be the square base of the solid ; on Y as centre describe the quarter-circle W Q Z ; prolong X W both ways to C and V, Z X to E, W Y to 3, and F, and Z Y to B. Let XVZ be the angle of inclination over XZ; make X E, W K and K F each equal XV; connect K E and F E: then K F E will be the same angle of inclination over W X as X V Z is over X Z; make WD, DC, Y B and Y 3 each equal XV; connect C B and 3 Z. Througli Z W draw A A; on X as centre with ZV as radius describe the arcs A A; on Z as centre with A A for radius describe an arc at U; on V as centre with VZ as radius intersect the arc at U; and again on Z as centre with Z3 for radius describe an arc at T; and on V as centre with XY for radius intersect the arc at T; connect ZT, T U, V U and VT; at right angles to Z T draw T2; from K draw K 1 at right angles to EF; at any points on the plan-cnrve draw PN and OH parallel to YX; draw N G parallel to W F, and H R parallel to X V; draw RS and LM parallel to VT; make L M, VJ and RS equal HO, XQ and N P; through ZSJ M U trace a curve that will lie perpendicularly over the plan-curve VV P Q 0 Z. With a sharp-pointed instrument scratch ihe lines Z V, Z X, X V\/', W Y and YZ; cut out the remainder of the figure and touch the adjoining edges with a little glue or thick mucilage and bring them together, leaving all lines on the outside, so that their connections may be seen and understood. Fig. 3. Plan of Hand-rail a Quarter-circle, the Plan-tangents Z X and W X to Have the Common Angle of Inclination, XVZ and WFX. — Through WZ draw A A with X F as radius; on X as centre describe the arc FA and A: then A A will be the distance on the cutting plane over W and Z ; and if lines be drawn from A to X and A X, then A X and A X will be the length and angle of tangents on the cutting plane. From B, parallel to X Y, draw B J ; from N, parallel to W F, draw N M. To find the angle for squaring the wreath-piece at both joints : Make X E equal X G ; connect E Z : then the bevel at E will give the angle sought. By reference to Fig. 2 when put together as a solid it will be seen that the line T 2, which is parallel to the joint required at U, is on the inclination of the cutting plane — or face of plank — in that direction, and with the line I K — which is on the vertical plane — will be the angle of a plumb-line on the butt joint of such a wreath-piece as this centre line Z U applies to. 2 T of Fig. 2 equals Z E of Fig. 3 ; K I equals X G E of Fig. 3, and the angle T 2, I K of Fig. 2 equals the angle Z E X of Fig. 3. Fig. 4 Face-mould over a Quarter-circle, the Tangents of a Common Inclination, as Given and Explained at the Plan Fig. 3.— On a line FZ make K Z and K F each equal A K of Fig. 3 ; make K V at right angles to Z F, and equal to K X of Fig. 3 ; connect Z V and FV ; make F N and Z H each equal F M of Fig. 3 ; through H and N draw T D and J B, at right angles to F Z ; make V S K equal X S K of Fig. 3 ; make H T and H D, and N J and N B each equal N J and N B of Fig. 3. Through F draw B I ; make F I equal F B ; through Z draw D I ; made Z I equal Z D ; through I T S J I on the convex, and D K B on the concave, trace the curved edges of the face-mould. The joints Z and F are made at right angles to the tangents. The slide-line will be explained further along. Fig. 5. Parallel Pattern for Round Rail, or to be Used Instead of the Face-mould (as a Means of Saving Stuff) for Marking the \Vreath-piece on the Rough Plank.— On the line A A make K A, K A each equal K A of Fig. 3 ; at right angles to A A draw K X, equal to K X of Fig. 3 ; connect X A, X A and make the joints A, A at right angles to A X ; make A N, A N each equal F M of Fig. 3 ; make N P, N P each at right angles to A A, and equal to N P of Fig. 3 ; make X Q equal X Q of Fig. 3 . describe circles on the centres A P Q P A of any required radius for width of pattern. J^or ordinary-sized hand-rails — such as 2" thick by 3" wide, z)/^" thick by 3^" wide, 2 i^" thick by 4" wide — any wreath-piece may be worked out of stuff as thick as the width of hand-rail, with a parallel pattern like Fig. 5 about voider than the widtJi of the hand-rail. See Plate No. 56, Figs. 6 and 7. Fig. 6. Exhibits the two Solids Presented— that of Fig. i, Plate No. 10, and Fig. i. of This Plate — brought together, the quarter-circle of each completing the plan of a semicircle on the horizontal plane and showing the vertical trace of the semicircle on the cutting planes of the two differently- cut solids. Fig. 7. This Solid is Reproduced Half the Size of Fig. i, merely to be Used for the Purpose of Showing the Correctness of A A and the Angles A AX, as Described at Fig. 3. — In this figure V T, as before explained, is a level line on the cutting plane, and X Y the position of a level line on the horizontal plane common to both planes. Now if a vertical plane be conceived with Z W as base, it would touch F and Z on the cutting plane, and F Z on that plane would be the distance required in position on the horizontal plane. Extend the base of the vertical plane WZ to A A indefinitely. On the horizontal plane, X being vertically under V of the cutting plane, and V I and X K measuring alike on both planes, set one foot of the compasses on X, and with Z V or V F for radiire describe arcs at A A ; then AX A and their angles on the horizontal plane will equal the angles Z V F on the cutting plane. Plate No. 11. Plate No. 12 PLATE 12. Fig. I. Represents a Solid Block or Prism Standing Vertically on a Square Base A B C D, the Upper End Cut on an Inclined Plane Containing the Two Different Inclina- tions A E B and E G F. — Let A N C represent a quarter-circle to which the sides of the solids A B and B C are tangent. To find the direction of a level line on the cutting plane from the point H : make C I equal D H, connect H I ; draw I J parallel to the base C B : then J H will be the level line sought. Draw J M parallel to E B : then M D on the horizontal plane will be the direction of a level line common to both planes ; again, from the point E, a level line E 0 will be found by making D Q and T 0 equal to B E ; then B T on the hori- zontal plane will be the direction of a level line as before. These level lines T B, 0 E, D M and J H, being all of the same length, so all level lines drawn on the base to which perpendicular lines and level lines on the cutting plane are drawn, and equal measurements taken from the curve at the base (as B N and E P), will give the trace of the curve on the cutting plane perpendicularly over that at the base. As the sides of the solid A B and B C at the base, are tangent to the curve, so A E and E G are tangent to the curve traced on the cut- ting plane. A level line eommon to both planes may be demonstrated as follows : prolong the inclination G H until it meets the prolongation of the horizontal plane C D a/ R ; also continue the inclination G E until it meets the con- tinuation of the base C B S ; connect S R : the/i S R is the intersecting line of the plane of the two inclinations G E and E A, and the horizontal plane C R and C S ; also S R is the position of a level line common to both planes. Fig. 2, Construction of a Paper Representation of the Solid with Its Curved Lines and Angles as Given in Perspective and Described in Fig. i. — Let A B C D be the square base of the solid ; on D as centre describe the quarter-circle A U V C. Prolong B C both ways to Z and N ; D C to Y and I ; A D to P and A B to M. Let B Z A be the inclination of the plan tangent B A ; make B M and C K each equal B Z ; let K I M be the inclination of the plan tangent C B ; let C 0, D P and D Y each equal K I ; make 0 N equal B Z ; connect N P and Y A. To find the direction of a level line on the horizontal plane from the point B, make D 2 equal B Z, draw 2 3 at right angles to Y D ; and 3 X parallel to Y D : then X B will be the direction of the line sought ; to find the level line from the point D, make C J equal D Y, and draw J L parallel to C B ; from L draw L W parallel to C I : then D W will be the direction of a level line common to both planes from the point D. From A and C at right angles to the level lines X B or W D, draw A G and C H indefinitely ; with Z A as radius on B as centre describe an arc at G, and with M I as radius on B describe an arc at H : then H G will be the distance on the cutting plane over C A of the plan, and if lines are drawn from H to B, and from G to B, the lengths and angle of tangents on the cutting plane will be given. With M I as radius set one leg of the compasses on and describe an arc at E, and with H G as radius, on A intersect the arc at E, connect Z E, make Z T equal M L ; on A with A Y as radius describe the arc Y F ; with Z A as radius on E intersect the arc at F ; connect E F and F A ; connect FT; on A describe the arc 3 Q ; connect Q Z ; make Z R equal B U, and T S equal W V : then the curve ARSE will be the trace on the cutting plane perpen- dicularly over the curve at the base. From F at right angles to A F draw the line F 4, and from F at right angles to F E draw F 6 ; from P at right angles to P N draw P 8 ; from J at right angles to I M draw J 5. With a sharp-pointed instrument scratch the lines A B C D, and Z A ; then with a sharp knife cut through the outlines of the figure, and touch the adjoining edges with a little glue or thick mucilage and bring them together, leaving all lines on the outside for examination. Fig. 3. Plan of Hand-Rail a Quarter-Circle in which the Tangents to the Centre Line C B and A B Require Two Different Inclinations as B E C and A S B. — The plan of rail in every case consists simply of the convex and concave curve lines embracing the width of the rail, also the centre curve line and its tangents ; there has then to be added to this plan certain lines, which in their posi- tion fix the kind of face-mould required, and supply points of measurement from which to draw the face- mould. Let the inclination of the tangents B E C and A S B be first fixed, then find the direction of a level line common to both planes as follows : Make B F equal A S ; draw F J parallel to B C ; from J draw J I parallel to E B ; connect I D : then I D will be the level line sought. Parallel to D I draw L 6, R B and P X ; from 8 parallel to B E draw 8 W ; from V parallel to A S draw V U. To find the distance over C A on the cut- ting plane : from C and from A, at right angles to I D, draw C H and A G indefinitely ; with C E as radius set one foot of the compasses on B and describe the arc at H, and with B S as radius on B describe the arc S G ; connect G H : then G H will be the distance sought ; and if B H and B G are connected the lines will contain the angle and length of tangents on the cutting plane. To find the angles with which to square the wreath-piece : prolong B C to Z ; make C Z equal I K; connect Z D : then the bevels at Z will give the plumb line to square the wreath-piece at the butt-joint over C. Continue B A to Q ; make A Q equal A T ; connect Q R : then the bevel at Q will give the plumb line to square the wreath-piece at the butt-joint over A. Fig. 4. Face-mould Over a Plan of a Quarter-circle, the Tangents of Two Different Inclinations as Given at Fig. 3. — Draw the line C A and make C 0 and 0 A equal H 0 and 0 G of Fig. 3. On C with the radius C E of Fig. 3 describe an arc at E ; on 0 with the radius 0 B of Fig. 3 describe an intersecting arc at E, and on A with the radius B S of Fig. 3 intersect the arc at E ; connect C E, A E and 0 E; make C, 8, I equal C W J of Fig. 3 ; make E V equal B U of Fig. 3. Parallel to 0 E through 8, I, V draw L 6, M Y and P X; make 8, 6, 8 U I Y, I M, E 4 N and V X and V P each equal the corresponding letters of Fig. 3. Through C draw L B ; make C B equal C L ; through A draw P D ; make A D equal A P. Through L M N P on the concave, and B 6 Y 4 X D on the convex, trace the curves of the face-mould. The joints A and C are made at right angles to the tangents A E and C E. The slide line is drawn anywhere on the face- mould at right angles to the level line 0 E. Fig. 5. Parallel Pattern for Round-rail or to be Used Instead of the Face-mould — as a Means of Saving Stuff— for Marking the Wreath-piece on the rough Plank. — Make H O and Q G each equal H 0 and 0 G of Fig. 3. The tangents H B and G B, and the level line B 0, are the same -as Fig. 4. Make H I and B V equal C J and B U of Fig. 3 ; draw I, 5 and V 2 parallel to 0 B ; make V 2, B 3 and I, 5 each equal the corresponding letters and figures at Fig. 3. The joints are made at right angles to the tangents. Describe circles an the centres H 5, 3, 2 G, of any required radius for width of pattern. Fig. 6. — A solid similar to Fig. i introduced to call attention to the two sections that may be cut in a direction on the inclined plane, at right angles to each of the differently inclined sides or tangents, as A B and B C ; and also cut down the sides of the solid in a direction at right angles to each inclination of the cutting plane as A D and C E. The inclined plane of these solids should be understood as representing the surface and position of rail plank J the lines A B and B C the direction of joints of face-moulds j and the lines A D and C E represent the joints square through the thickmss of plank. The angle B C E tvill square the wreath-piece at the butt-joint F G ; and the angle BAD squares the wreath at the joint H I. The sections here given and described are also outlined on the paper solid to be formed at Fig. 2 by the lines F 7, 7. 6 and P 8, also F 4 aiid J 5. PLATE 13. Fig. I. Represents a Solid Block or Prism Standing Vertically on a Base A B P 0, the Sides of Which are Parallel, and Have Two Obtuse and Two Acute Angles. — The upper end of this prism is cut on tlic inclination P M B, and M N at right angles to the sides, ai.d parallel to the base P 0. In this solid B A, being in the horizontal plane, and also terminating the inclined plane, is a level line common to both planes. On the base describe the curve A D J P tangent to the sides of the solid A B and B P. To find the trace of this plan curve on the cutting plane : parallel to A B on the base and at pleasure draw C D and G J ; at G and C parallel to P M draw G K and C E ; from E and K parallel to B A draw K L and E F ; make E F equal C D, and K L equal G J ; through the points A F L M on the inclined plane trace a curve perpendicularly over the plan curve A D J P. As the sides of the solid A B and B P at the base are tangent to the plan curve, so A B and B M are tangent to the curve traced on the cutting plane. Fig. 2. Construction of a Paper Representation of the Solid With its Curved Lines and Angles Given in Perspective and Described at Fig. i.— Let A B P 0 be the form of the base, the opposite sides of which are parallel and equal. From A at right angles to B A draw A X ; from P at right angles to B P draw R X ; on X as centre describe the plan of curve A D J P, tangent to the sides of the base B A and B P. Let P R B be the inclination — assumed or required — over the base B P ; make 0 N and P M at right angles to 0 P and each equal P R ; connect N M ; make 0 U at right angles to A 0 and equal to P R ; connect U A ; parallel to B A from any points on the curve D and J draw J G and D C ; parallel to P R draw C E and G K ; on B with B H as radius describe the arc Q R S indefinitely ; on A with A Q as radius intersect the arc at S ; connect SB; on A with A U as radius describe an arc at T ; on S with B A as radius intersect the arc at T ; connect A T and T S. On B as centre describe the arcs K W and E V ; draw V F and W L parallel to B A ; make V F and W L equal C D and G J ; through S L F A trace a curve on the cutting plane that will lie perpendicularly over the plan curve A D J P. With a sharp-pointed instrument scratch the lines A B P 0 A ; cut out the remainder of the figure and touch the adjoining edges with a little glue or thick mucilage and bring them together, leaving all lines on the outside for examination and study. Fig. 3. Plan of Hand-rail Less than a Quarter-circle, the Tangents to the Centre Curve Line A P Forming the Obtuse Angle P B A. — From P draw P M and P 5 at right angles to B P ; draw A 5 at right angles to B A ; on 5 as centre describe the curve A P. The position of the tangent A B is horizontal, while over the tangent B P the inclination P M B is required. Draw T 0, R L, U G and X C parallel to B A ; parallel to P M draw J K, F I E, S N and 0 Q ; from P at right angles to B A draw P 4 ; on B with B M as radius describe the arc M 4 : then 4 A will be the distance over A and P on the cutting plane, and if a line be drawn from 4 to B, then 4 B A will be the length and angle of tangents on the cutting plane. To find the angle for squaring the wreath-piece at the joint over P : draw E Z parallel to B P ; from F parallel to B M draw F H ; draw X Y at right angles to P M ; make X Y equal P H ; connect Y Z : then the bevel at Y will give a plumb-line on the butt-joint over P, which is the angle sought. To find the angle for squaring the wreath at the joint over A : make D C equal J K ; connect C A ; then the bevel at C will give a plumb-line on the butt-joint and the angle sought. Fig. 4. Face-mould Over a Plan of Less than a Quarter-circle with One Tangent Fixed in the Horizontal Plane, the Other Inclined as Given at the Plan of Hand-rail, Fig. 3. — Make M W equal A 4 of Fig. 3 ; with B M of Fig. 3 as radius set one foot of the compasses on M and ilescribe an arc at B ; on W, with A B of Fig. 3, intersect the arc at B ; connect W B and B M. Make the joints W and M at right angles to the tangents. Make M K I N equal M K I N of Fig. 3 ; through K I N parallel to W B draw C L, A J and E G ; make K G equal J X, and K E equal J W of Fig. 3 ; through M draw G F ; make M F equal G M ; make I J and I A ecjual F G and F U of Fig. 3 ; make N L and B 6 ecjual S L and B 6 of Fig. 3 ; make W D equal W C. Through G J L 6 D on the convex and F E A C of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. Fig. 5. Parallel Pattern for Round-rail or to be Used Instead of the Face-mould as a Means of Saving Stuff, and for Marking the Wreath-piece on the Rough Plank.— Make A M equal A 4 of Fig. 3 ; make the tangents M B and B A equal M B and B A of Fig. 3 ; make MFC ecjual M I Q of Fig. 3 ; make F V and 0 T equal F V and O T of Fig. 3. The joints are at right angles to the tan- gents. On M V T and A, describe circles of any required radius for width of pattern. * Tangents to any plan curve that includes less than a quarter-circle, or a curve that measures less than ninety degrees, always form obtuse angles. Plate No. 13. Plate No. 14 Fig. 4. PLATE 14. Fig. I. Represents a Solid Block or Prism Standing Vertically on a Base A B C D the Sides of which are Parallel and Have Two Acute and Two Obtuse Angles. — The upper end of this prism is cut on the inclination C E B, and on the line E G at right angles to the sides and parallel to the base C D. The base line B A of this solid, being in the horizontal plane and also terminating the inclined plane, is a level line common to both planes. On the base draw the lines A Y and C Y at right angles to the tangents ; on Y as centre draw the plan curve A L H C. At Plate No. 13, Fig. i, the solid is precisely like this, but the obtuse angled tangents to the curve were required in that case, because the plan curve was less than a quarter-circle ; here, however, the acute angle tnust be used because the plan curve is greater than a quarter-circle* At any points on the curve as L and H parallel to A B draw L O and H J ; parallel to C E draw 0 N and J K; from K and N parallel to A B draw N M and K F ; make N M equal 0 L and K F equal J H ; through the points A M F E trace a curve on the cutting plane, which will lie perpendicularly over the plan curve A L H C. As the sides of the solid A B and B C at the base are tangent to the plan curve, so A B and B E are tangent to the curve traced on the cutting plane. Fig. 2. Construction of a Paper Representation of the Solid with its Curved Lines, Surfaces and Angles as Given in Perspective and Described at Fig. i.— Let ABC D be the form of the base, the opposite sides of which are parallel and equal. Draw A Y and C Y at right angles to the tangents ; on Y as centre describe the plan curve A 0 L C. Let C E B be the inclination over the base C B ; make C H and D G at right angles to C D and equal to C E ; connect H G ; make D I at right angles to A D and equal to D G ; connect I A. On B with B E for radius describe the arc E F and the arc K ; on A as centre with A I as radius, describe an arc at J ; on A as centre with A F as radius intersect the arc at K ; with B A for radius on K intersect the arc at J ; connect A J, J K and K B. Parallel to A B from any point on the curve 0 and L draw 0 N and L M ; parallel to C E draw M P and N R ; make BUT equal B R P ; parallel to B A draw U Q and T S ; make U Q and T S equal N 0 and M L. Through K S Q A trace a curve on the cutting plane that will lie perpendicularly over the plan curve A 0 L C. With a sharp-pointed instru- ment scratch the lines A B, B C, C D and D A ; cut out the remainder of the figure and touch the adjoining edges with a little glue or thick mucilage and bring them together, leaving all lines on the outside for com- parison and study. Fig. 3. Plan of Hand-rail Greater Than a Quarter-circle, the Tangents to the Centre Curve Line A C Forming the Acute Angle A B C. — Draw C Y, C E at right angles to C B ; draw A Y at right angles to A B ; on Y as centre describe the centre curve line A N M C. The tangent A B is to remain level, and over the tangent B C the inclination C E B is required. Through I and T draw I R and T V parallel to A B ; at any point on the curve as X draw K G parallel to A B ; parallel to C E draw Q 0, K L and V P. From C at right angles to A B draw C F indefinitely ; on B as centre with B E as radius describe the arc E F : then A F will be the distance over A and C on the cutting plane ; and if a line be drawn from F to B, thenV ^ k will be the length and angle of tangents on the cutting plane. To find the angle for squaring the wreath-piece at the joint over C : From K draw K H parallel to B E ; make C S equal C H ; connect S J : then the bevel at S will give a plumb line on the butt-joint which is the angle sought. To find the angle for squaring the wreath-piece at the joint over A : make Z G equal K L ; connect G A : then the bevel at G will give a plumb line on the butt-joint over A and the angle sought. In finding angles for squaring wreath-pieces as much of the Joint lines as are convenient may be taken, as follows : Prolong the Joint line C Y until it meets the continuation of the level line B A at 8, rnake C 6 equal C 5 ; connect 6, 8, and the same angle will be given at C, 6, 8 (Zi- C S J ; and again at Joint A ; from C draw the line C 7 parallel to B k ; prolong the Joint line kV to 2 ; make 2, 7 equal C E : connect -j A ; then the angle 1, 1 k equals the angle Z G A. Fig. 4. Face-mould Over a Plan of Hand-rail More Than a Quarter-circle, the Plan Tangents Forming an Acute Angle, One of the Tangents to Remain Level, the Other Inclined, as Given at the Plan Fig. 3. — Make A E equal A F of Fig. 3, with E B of Fig. 3 as radius ; set one foot of the compasses on E and describe an arc at B ; on A with A B of Fig. 3 as radius intersect the arc at B ; connect E B and A B ; make E 0 L P equal E 0 L P of Fig. 3. Parallel toA B draw P C, L D and 0 F. 0 G ; make OG, OF equal Ql and Q R of Fig. 3; through E draw G H; make EH equal EG; make L J D equal K 3 X of Fig. 3; make P K C equal V WT of Fig. 3; make B M equal B U of Fig. 3. Tiie joints E and A are at right angles to the tangents. Make AN equal AC. Through the points H FJ K M N on the convex and C D G of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. Fig. 5. Parallel Pattern for Round-rail, or to be Used Instead of the Face-mould as a Means of Saving Stuff, and for Marking the Wreath-piece on the Rough Plank.— A E B equals A F B of Fig. 3 ; E L P equals E L P of Fig. 3 ; L M and P N equals K M and V N of Fig. 3. The joints are at right angles to the tangents. On E M N A as centres describe circles of any required radius for width of pattern. * Tangents to any plan curve that includes more than a quarter-circle, or that measures more than ninety degrees, always form acute angles. PLATE 15. Fig. I. Represents a Solid Block or Prism Standing Vertically on a Base A B C D, the Sides of Which are Equal and Parallel, and Have Two Acute and Two Obtuse Angles. — I'he upper end of tliis prism is cut on the angle B F A on the side A B ; and on tlie side B C, on the same angle of inclination G H F ; therefore, the sides of this solid have a common inclination, and a line F I drawn on the cutting plane, or B D on the horizontal plane, is a level line common to both planes. On the base A 0 X M C represents a plan curve less than a quarter-circle, to. which the sides A B and B C of the solid represent the plan tangents ; and the lines A F and F H represent the tangents on the cutting plane. To find the trace of the plan curve on the cutting plane at any points, as 0 X M,* draw 0 J and N M parallel to D B ; parallel to B F draw J K and N Q ; parallel to F I draw Q P and K L ; make Q P equal N M and K L equal J O ; make F R equal B X ; through the points A L R P H trace a curve on the cutting plane which will lie perpendicularly over the plan curve A 0 X M C. Fig. 2. Construction of a Paper Representation of a Solid With its Surfaces Curved Lines and Angles as Given in Perspective and Described at Fig. i.— Let A B C D be the form of base the opposite sides of which are parallel and equal. Draw C X and A X at right angles to the tangents ; on X as centre describe the plan curve A J C. At right angles to A B and C D draw B F, C V and D W ; at right angles to A D and B C draw D Y, C U and B E. Let B F A be the inclination required over the base — or plan tangents— A B and B C. Make B E, C 2, 2 U, C Z, Z V, D W and D Y all equal B F ; connect U E, V W and Y A. Through C and A draw S T indefinitely ; on B as centre with F A as radius describe arcs at S and T. At any points on the curve, as I and 5, draw I K and 5 M parallel to D B ; parallel to B E draw M N ; parallel to B F draw K L ; on A with S T as radius describe an arc at H ; on F as centre with D B the level line as radius describe an arc at I ; on F with F A as radius intersect the arc at H ; on A as centre with A F as radius intersect the arc at I ; connect A I, I H, H F and F I. Make F R equal E N ; parallel to F I draw R Q and L 0 ; make L 0 equal I K, F P equal B J, and R Q equal M 5 ; through A 0 P Q H trace a curve on the cutting plane that will lie perpendicularly over the plane curve A J C at the base. With a sharp-pointed instrument scratch the lines A B C D A and A F ; cut out the remainder of the figure, and touch the adjoining edges with a little glue or thick mucilage and bring them together, leaving all lines on the out- side so that their connections may be seen and studied. Fig. 3. Plan of Hand-rail Less Than a Quarter-circle, the Tangents A B and B C to the Centre Curve Line A C, to Have a Common Angle of Inclination.— At right angles to B C draw C H, C R ; at right angles to A B draw A R ; connect R B : then R B is the direction of a level line common to both planes ; let C H B be the inclination assumed or required over the tangent C B, and let B V A be the same angle of inclination over the tangent B A ; B V being at right angles to A B ; through E draw E G parallel to R B ; parallel to C H draw J K. Through A C draw the line S T indefinitely ; on B as centre with B H as radius describe the arc H T and S : then S T will be the distance over C and A on the cutting plane ; and if lines be drawn from Tand S to B : then the lines T B and S B will be the length and angle of the tangents on the cutting plane. To find the angle for squaring the wreath-piece at both joints : con- tinue B C toY indefinitely ; make C Y equal C L ; connect Y R : then C Y R ivill he the angle required and the bevel at Y will give a plumb-line on the butt-joints of the 7tp of step to bottom of rail. The odd lengths of balusters will be found as before explained. In case the bottom line of rail falls below the step or floor-line, at the centre line of baluster — as, for instance, here at baluster 11 — then that distance must be subtracted from the length of the governing baluster; the remainder will be the length of baluster 11. Fig. 5. Parallel Pattern from Fig. 3 for Wreath-piece, Joining Level Rail at Top ; also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath-piece at the Joints. — Make S N equal S X of Fig. 3; on N as centre with N P of Fig. 3 as radius describe an arc at P; on S as centre with S 0 of Fig. 3 as radius intersect the arc at P; connect S P and P N; make N 38, R 35, 37 equal the same at Fig. 3; make 37, 12 equal 36, 12 of Fig. 3; make 35, 11 equal 34, 11 of Fig. 3; make R 10 equal 33, 10 of Fig. 3; make the joints N and S at right angles to the tangents. Through N, 38, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 2 and S as centres, with a radius equal to half the width of the required pattern, describe circles, and touching these trace the edges of the pattern. To square the wreath-piece at joint N take the bevel 42, and for squaring the wreath-piece at joint S take the bevel T. Fig. 6. Parallel Pattern for Wreath-piece over Six Treads ; also Showing the Squaring- of the Wreath-piece at the Joints. — Make W M and W C each equal W Q of Fig. 2; draw W L at right angles to W M; make W L equal W K of Fig. 2; connect L M and L C; make the joints C and M at right angles to the tangents; make C 18, 20, 22 equal the same at Fig. 2; make L, 24, 26 and 28 equal K, 24, 26 and 28 of Fig. 2; parallel to L W draw 28, 8; 26, 7; 24, 6; 22, 5; 20, 4; make 20,4 equal 19, 4 of Fig. 2; make 22, 5 equal 21, 5 of Fig. 2; make 24, 6 equal 23, 6 of Fig. 2; make 26, 7 equal 25, 7 of Fig. 2; make 28, 8 equal 27, 8 of Fig. 2. Through C, 18, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, M as centres with a radius -equal to one half the width of the required pattern describe circles, and, touching these, trace the curved edges of the pattern. Both joints of this wreath-piece are squared by the bevel at 31 of FiG. 2. Fig. 7. Parallel Pattern for Wreath-piece Joining the Newel at the Starting, and In- cluding the Two First Treads ; also Showing the Squaring at the Joints of the Wreath-piece.— Make A D equal A E of Fig. i. On D as centre with D B of Fig. i as radius describe an arc at B; on A as centre with A B of Fig. i as radius intersect the arc at B; connect B D and B A; make the joints A and D at right angles to the tangents; make B, 1 7, 1 5 equal the same at Fig. i; make 17,1 and 15, 2 equal 16, 1 and 14, 2 of Fig. i; through A, 1, 2, D as centres with a radius equal to one half the required width of pattern describe circles, and, touching these, trace the edges of the pattern. The angle with which to square the wreath-piece at joint D is taken by the bevel F at Fig. t, and for joint A the angle is taken by the bevel I of Fig. i. Face-moulds and parallel patterns are treated in detail at the following Plates: FiG. 5 at Plate No. 14; Fig. 6 at Plate No. 15; Fig. 7 at Plate No. 13. Development of the centre lines of wreaths is given in detail at the following Plates and Figures: Fig. 5 at Plate No. 21, Figs, i a7id 2, and of FiG. 6 at the same Plate, Figs. 7 and 8; Fig. 7 at Plate No. 20, Figs. 5 and 6. PLATE 51. Fig. I. Plan of Stairs Showing how to Place Parallel Steps of a Uniform Width in a Large Cylinder, Avoid Winders, and Make Use of the Room Afforded by Securing a Full Platform ; also an Evenly-graded Hand-rail in Three Parts, Free from Abrupt Top Curves or Ramps. — This pUui is given ixt Plate No. 6, Fig. 8. Describe tiie centre line of rail; set off and number the balusters coming witliin the cylinder as shown. Divide the cylinder into tliree equal parts by the radials R. 29, and R I; draw tangents to the centre line of rail as fol- lows: At right angles to R U draw U 16; through A at right angles to R, 29 draw 16 B; through 10 at right angles to R 1 draw B 35; al tight angles to R 42 draw 43, 35; at right angles to A B draw B D indefinitely; at right angles to B 35 draw 35, 34 indefinitely; at right angles to U 16 draw 16. 15 indefinitelv. I'^urthci' measuicnienls required will be obtained from the elevation. Fig. 2. Elevation of Treads and Rises as given at Plan Fig. i ; also the Develop- ment of the Centre Line of Wreath. — Place the centre of l^alusler on each step and number them as al the plan. Through each of the centres draw lines parallel to the rise-lines indefinitely. Let the bottom line of rail at the upper and lower ends pass through X X and I X, tlie centres of short balusters; parallel to X X draw the centre line of rail B 34, parallel to 1, X draw the centre line of rail A 15; at right angles to the chord-line draw U 16; make U 16 equal the tangent U 16 of Fig. i; parallel to the chord-line draw 16, 15; parallel to U 16 draw 15 F indefinitely; make 43, 34 equal 43, 35 of Fig. i; parallel to the chord-line draw 34 F; draw 34, 43 at right angles to the chord-line; divide F 34 into four equal parts and draw lines tlirough each division par- allel to F 15 indefinitely. Make 42 B and U A each three inches for straight wood to be added to the upper end of one and the lower end of the other wreath-piece, connecting with the straight rail. Again, at Fig. r, make 16, 15 equal 16. 15 of Fig. 2; connect 1 5, U ; make 43,42 equal the same at Fig. 2; connect 42,35. Set up the following heights: 35,34; 1 0, I ; B D and A 29 — each equal one of the four equal heights at 34 F of Fig. 2. Connect 34, 10; I B, D A and 29,16; make 42,44 equal 35,34; draw 44,38 parallel to 43,35; make 38,36 parallel to 43,42; diaw 43,37 parallel and equal to 35, 10; connect 36,37; parallel to 36,37 draw 1 1,30, 1 2,32 and 13.39; parallel to 43,42 draw 14,41, 39,40 and 36,38; parallel to 35, 34 draw 32, 33 and 30,31. Make 16,17 equal A 29; draw 17,19 parallel to 16 U; draw 19, 23 parallel to 16, 15; make U 25 parallel and equal to 16 A; connect 25, 23; parallel to 25.23 draw 4,26, 3,24 and 2,20. Parallel to A 29 draw 5,28 and 26,27; parallel to 16,15 draw 24, 18; 20, 21 and 1, 22. At the middle piece of hand-rail describe half its width each side of the centre line. Through A and 10 draw AO indefinitely; at right angles to A 10 draw BP; parallel to B P draw E F, Y T, 8 C and 7N; parallel to B D draw NM and 6 L; parallel to 10, I draw X H, Z G and C K; on B as centre with B I as ladius describe the arc I, 0. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at Both Joints : — Prolong T Y to W; draw GJ parallel to 10 B; make 10 S equal J H; connect S W: then the bevel at S contains the angle required. Again, at Fig. 2, take all the heights from the plan tangents at Fig. I and place them on the lines drawn through the centres of like-numbered balusters, and as shown by the other corresponding numbers and letters; and through the top numbers and letters trace the centre line of wreath. The odd lengths of balusters will be found as before explained. Fig. 3. Face-mould for the Middle Piece of Hand-rail; also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath-piece at the Joints. — Make PO and PA each equal P 0 of Fig. i; make P D equal P B of Fig. i; connect A D and 0 D; make D G H and D G H equal B G H of Fig. i. Parallel to P D through G, H and G, H draw E F and Y T; make D Q V equal B Q V of Fig. i; make G T, G Y, G T, G Y equal Z T, Z Y of Fig. i; make H F, H E, H F, H E equal X F, X E of Fig i; through A draw E S; make A S equal A E; through 0 draw E B; make 0 B equal 0 E. Make the joints A and 0 at right angles to the tangents. Through S F T Q T F B of the convex and E Y P Y E of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. The angle for squaring the wreath-piece at joints 0 and A is taken by the bevel S of Fig. i. Fig. 4. Plan of the First Third of the Wreath, with the Tangents and Angles of Inclination from U to A of Fig. I. — Make U K parallel and equal to 16 A; make 16, 0 equal A 29; make 0 N parallel to U 16; make N M parallel to 15, 16; connect M K, the directing level line; parallel to M K draw Q S, W L, 16 D, Z F and J I; parallel to Q 29 draw VT and X Y; parallel to 16, 15 draw 2,4 and 6, 3; at right angles to K M draw A B and U H; on 16 as centre with 16, 29 as radius describe the arc 29 B; again, on 16 as centre with U 1 5 as radius describe an arc at H; connect H B. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath at the Joint over A: — Make A E ecpial A T; connect E D: then the bevel at E contains the angle required. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath at the Joint over U : — Draw F G at right angles to F U; make F G equal 2, 5; connect G U: then the bevel at G contains the angle sought. Fig. 5. Face-mould over the Plan Fig. 4, also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath- piece at the Joints. — Make B C H equal B C H of Fig. 4; on H as centre with U 1 5 of Fig. 4 as radius describe an arc at 16; on C as centre with C 16 of Fig. 4 as radius intersect the arc at 16; connect B 16, C 16 and 16 H; make 16, 2, 3 equal 1 5, 4, 3 of Fig. 4; make 16, Y. T equal 16, Y, T of Fig. 4; parallel to C 16, through T, Y, 2, 3, draw J I, 8 Z, W L and Q S; make 3, I, 3 J, 2 Z, 2 8 equal 6 I, 6 J, 2 Z and 2, 8 of Fig. 4; make 16, P, G equal 16, P 9 of Fig. 4; make Y L, Y W, T S and T Q equal X L, X W, V Q, V S of Fig. 4. Through H draw J E; make H E equal H J; through B draw Q F; make B F equal B Q; make H D equal U A or 42, B of Fig. 2. Make the joints D and B at right angles to the tangents. Draw lines from E and J to joint D parallel to 16, H; through E I Z P L S F of the convex and J 8 C W Q of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. Make the slide-line at right angles to the level line C 16. Joint B of the wreath-piece is squared by the bevel at E of Fig. 4, and joint D is squared by the bevel at G of Fig. 4. A face-mould geometrically the same as Fig. 3 is given in detail at Plate No. 15, and a face-mould geometrically the same as Fig. 5 is also given in detail at Plate No. 16. Development of the centre line geometrically the same as the centre line of this wreath-piece from U to A of Fig. i is given in detail at Plate No. 21, Figs. 9 and 10; also an example of the development of a centre line of wreath from A to 10 of Fig. i is given geometrically the same in the last-mentioned Plate, Figs 7 and « Plate No. 51 . Plate No. 52 Scale f i n. = 1 ft. PLATE 52. Fig. I. Plan of a Platform and Double-landing Steamship Staircase with Newels at the Starting, at the Angles of the Platform and at the Landings. — The posts at the starting are intended to run above the upper deck a sufficient height to receive the level hand-rail and balustrade of that deck as shown by the dotted lines. All the newel-posts are to be finished above the hand-rails with moulded caps, the landing-post also finished with moulded drops below the strings. The platform-posts are to rest on the lower deck. A plan of a staircase similar to this with a continued hand-rail is given at Plate No. 6, Fig. 9, the hand-rail of which is treated at Plate No. 50. Fig. 2. Elevation of Treads and Rises between the Starting Newel and the Plat- form Newel. — The treads in the curve from A to F on the plan must be measured on the centre line of rail in the manner before directed, — taking each tread in two parts. Place the centres of the three balusters in the curve as numbered in position on each tread, and through these draw lines parallel to the rise-lines indefinitely. Make A E equal A D of Fig. i through E draw E D parallel to the rise-lines; make D F equal D F of Fig. i; continue the tread-line M to F and Z, from X, the centre of baluster, with a radius equal to half the thickness of rail describe an arc at U; touching U draw a line to F; at E draw the line EA at right angles to E D; through X parallel to U F draw the bottom line of rail X C; make B N equal 3" for straight wood to be left on the upper end of the wreath-piece. At right angles to F E draw F W; make F W equal half the thickness of rail; draw W Y parallel to E F. Fig. 3. Plan of Rail with Centre Line and Tangents taken from A to F of Fig. i. — Make A B at right angles to A D and equal A B of Fig. 2. Connect B D; at right angles to D F draw D E equal to D E of Fig. 2; connect E F; connect D K; through A draw F C indefi- nitely; on D as centre with D B as radius describe the arc B C. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 desig- nate the centres of the first three balusters as placed on the treads at Fig. i. Parallel to G D draw P Q, 3, 0 and 2 Z; parallel to D E draw Z T and 1 R. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at Both Joints Pro- long D F to J indefinitely; make FJ equal D H; connect J K; then the bevel at J contains the angle sought. Again, at Fig. 2, take the heights 0 V, Z T and 1 R from Fig. 3 and place them at the like-numbered balusters as shown ; then through M R T V B trace the centre-line of wreath-piece; below this centre line set off half the thickness of rail for the bottom line of wreath. Find the odd lengths of balusters as before explained, first fixing the length of baluster at X to suit, which should not be less than 2'. 4" from top of step to the bottom of rail at the centre of baluster. Fig. 4. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 3; also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath at the Joints. — Make G C. G C each equal G C of Fig. 3. Draw G D at right angles to G C; make G D equal G D of Fig. 3; connect D C, D C, and prolong each indefinitely; make C Y equal W Y of Fig. 2; make C N equal B N of Fig. 2; make the joints N and Y at riglit angles to the tangents; make D U, D U each equal D U of Fig. 3. Parallel to G D draw U P, U P; make U P, U P each equal Q P of Fig. 3; make D X X equal D X X of Fig. 3; through C and C draw P L and P L; make C L and C L equal C P; draw lines from P and L to the joints parallel to the tangents; through L X L of the convex and P X P of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. The dotted lines show the extra width of wood required — greater than the width of face-mould — to get out the wreath-piece with this proportioned form of hand-rail. This wreath-piece is squared at the joints Y and N by the angle at bevel J of Fig. 3. An elementary study of a face-mould geometrically the same as this is given at Plate No. 15; also a like study of the development of a centre line of wreath geometrically the same as at Fig. 2 is given at Plate No. 21, Figs. 7 and 8. PLATE 53. Hand-rail for Circular Staircase from Plan given at Plate No. 7, Fig. ic— Figs, i, 2 and 3 are together the plan of the string with its curves, including the whole number of treads. Describe the centre line of rail |'' greater radius than the front-string. The hand-rail of this flight is divided into five parts: Fig. 1 from the newel-post A to D embraces three treads, and three more divisions of the hand-rail will each include five treads; the fifth piece of lail will take the last tread, and as much more of the curve as it requires to bring this top wreath-piece to a level at its proper height. Draw the tangents to the centre line of rail as follows- At right angles to the radial YE, touching D, draw B 1; at right angles to the radial Y C, touching C, draw 1 F; at right angles to the radial Y L, touching L, draw 4 F; at right angles to Y X, touching X, draw U 4; at right angles to D 1 draw 1,2; make 1, 2 equal two rises and a half, the rise being "jY; connect 2 D; make C 3 and F E each at right angles to 1 F, and each equal to two and a half rises; connect 3, 1, also E C; at right angles to F 4 draw 4,5; make 4,5 and LJ each equal two and a half rises; connect 5 L, also J F; make X 6 equal two and a half rises; connect 6, 4. At Fig. 2, through L draw C K indefinitely; on F as centre with F J as radius describe the arc J K; from M parallel to Y F draw M N, Q R and H F; parallel to L J draw 0 T and P S. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at Both Joints:— C and L, Fio. 2. Parallel u> F Y draw A G ; at right angles to Y C draw A B; make A B equal G D; con- nect B C: then tlie bevel at B contains the angle sought. At Fig. i the curve of string which includes the two first treads has a radius I Z equal to one foot; also, the limit of tangents D B and B A cannot be determined until a portion of the elevation is set up; neither can the tangents X U and U B of Fig. 3 be fixed, for the same reason. Fig. 4. A Portion of an Elevation of Treads and Rises, including the Three First Treads, the Top Tread, and Landing. — Let the bottom line of rail pass through XXX, the centres of balusters; make W T equal 8", and T Z half the thickness of rail; draw Z D parallel to line of tread; prolong the fourth line of rise to C and D; draw C U at right angles to C D indefinitely; make S E equal 4", and E V half the thickness of rail. Again at Fig. i, make D C equal D C of FiG. 4; parallel to 2 D draw C B; from B draw the tangent B A, touching the centre line of rail; from I at right angles to B A draw I A; from D at right angles to B A draw D H indefinitely; on B as centre with B C as radius describe the arc C H; connect H A; parallel to B A draw P Q, R X and V W; parallel to D E draw 0 F, S M and U N. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at the Joint over D: — Fig. I. Parallel to A B prolong RX to E; from S draw SL parallel to B C; make DG equal D L; connect G E: then the bevel at G contains the angle sought. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at the Joint over A:— Fig. i. Let D J be parallel to B A; make K J equal D C; connect J A: then the bevel at J will contain the angle required. At Fio. 3, make U V equal U V of Fig. 4; draw V W parallel to U X; from X parallel to 6,4 draw XV; from V at right angles to X U draw V U; from U draw U C, touching the centre line; from Y at right angles to U C draw Y B; from X at right angles to U B draw X H indefinitely; with X V as radius on U as centre describe an arc at H; parallel to B U draw A G, E K and X D. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at the Joint over X:- Make X F equal Z 0; connect F G: then the bevel at F contains the angle sought. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at the Joint over B: — Fio. 3. Make B C equal U V; connect C D: then the bevel at C contains the angle required. Fig. 5. Face-mould from Plan Fig. i ; also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath- piece at the Joints. — Make C A equal A H of Fig. i. On C as centre with C B of Fig. i as radius describe an arc at B; on A as centre with A B of Fig. i as radius intersect the arc at B; connect C B and B A; make C F M N equal the same at Fig. i; parallel to A B through F M and N draw V W, R S and Q P; make F Q and F P equal 0 Q and 0 P of Fig. i; make M R and M S equal S R and S X of Fig. i; make N W equal U W of Fig. i; through C draw P T; make C T equal C P; make the joints A and C at right angles to the tangents; make A E equal A V; through P S W B E of the convex and T Q R V of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. This wreath-piece is squared at the joint C by the angle at bevel G of Fig. i, and at joint A is squared by the angle at bevel J of Fig. i. Fig. 6. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 2; also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath- piece at the Joints. — Make H K, H K each equal H K of Fig. 2; make H F at right angles to H K, and equal to H F of Fig. 2; connect F K and F K; make EST and EST equal the same at Fig. 2; parallel to H F through ST and ST draw M N, Q R and M N, Q R; through K and K draw M Z and M Z; make K Z, K Z each equal M K; make F 0 0 equal F X X of Fig. 2; make S R, S Q, T N, T M each side of the centre 0 0 equal P R, P Q, 0 N and 0 M of Fig. 2; make the joints K, K at right angles to the tangents; through ZNRORNZ of the convex and M Q 0 Q M of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. This wreath-piece is squared at both joints by the angle at bevel B of Fig. 2. Fig, 7. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 3 ; also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath- piece at Both Joints. — Let B X equal B H of Fig. 3. On B as centre with B U of Fig. 3 as radius describe an arc at U ; on X as centre with X V of Fig. 3 as radius intersect the arc at U; connect X U and U B; make the joints B and X at right angles to the tangents; make XOL equal X 0 L of Fig. 3; parallel to B U and through X, 0, L draw X J, T G and AM; make U N and L M equal U P and Z S of Fig. 3; make X J, 0 T, 0 G equal X J, N K, N E of Fig. 3; make B C equal B A; through X draw G F; make X F equal X G; through G M N C of the convex and A T J F of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. The angle with which to square the wreath-piece at joint X is taken by the bevel F at Fig. 3, and for joint B the angle is taken by the bevel at C. An elementary study of a face-mould geometrically the same as Figs. 5 and 7 is given at Plate No. 13, and of face-mould Fig. 6 at Plate No. 15. A like study of the development of a centre line of wreath-piece geometrically the same as required for Figs. 5 and 7 is given at Plate No. 20, Figs. 5 and 6; also the development of a centre line of wreath-piece geometrically the same as required for Fig. 6 is given at Plate No. 21, Figs. 7 and S. Plate No. 53 LATt No. 54 SCAUC I 1 N. = 1 F T. PLATE 54. Fig. I. P)an of Starting the Circular Staircase given at Plate No. 53, with a Scroll Step and Hand-rail instead of a Newel. — The first three steps in this plan are all included in the curve of the scroll, but the bottom step is properly the scroll step The radius Y D is the same as that of the plan of circular string, Plate No. 53. D 2, 1 is equal to D 2, 1 at the plan, Plate No. 53. Touching D, the tangents 1 A are at right angles to YD; at right angles to D A, touching the centre line of rail at F, draw A F; make the joint F at right angles to F A; from A parallel to D 2 draw A E; parallel to V E draw U H, I C and G B. To Ascertain the Height of the Scrolled Hand-rail, as Regulated by the Tangent D A and the Angle of Inclination D E A: — Set up an elevation of the first three treads, including the fourth rise as at Fig. 2. Let X be the centre of baluster, and let the bottom line of rail pass through X; also let D E A equal D E A of Fig. i. Make A B half the thickness of rail; then B C, which is 4V', added to whatever height of baluster is given at X, will be the total height of scroll between the top of the first step C and the bottom of tlie scroll B when the rail is set up. The scroll looks best when kept at a height between C and B not exceeding 2'.6". In shaping the top and bottom of the scroll it is desirable not to finish to a level at the joint F, but to continue the easing an inch or two lower down, coming to a level with its ease- ment at about the eye of the scroll. The scroll may also be brought lower by increasing the length of tangent D A of Fig. i, forming an acute angle with the plan tangents; or it may be fixed at a greater height by lessening the length of tangent D A, and forming an obtuse angle with the plan tangents Fig. 3. Face-mould from Plan of Scroll Fig. i; also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath-piece at the Joints. — Let E A equal E A of Fig. i; make A F at right angles to A E and equal to A F of Fig. i; make E H C B equal the same at Fig. i; through E H C B parallel to F A draw V V, U M, I L and G B; make E V, E V, H U, H M, C I, C L, B K and A J equal D V, T U, T M, 0 !, 0 L, S K and A J of Fig. i. Through F draw G P parallel to A E; make F P equal F G; through P J K L M V of the convex and V U I G of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. This wreath-piece is squared at the joint F by the angle at bevel E of Fig. I. At joint E the sides of the wreath are at right angles to the plane of the plank. Fig. 4. To Draw a Scroll suitable for this Hand-rail and Staircase. — Describe a circle of a diameter about sufficient to enclose the spiral line to be developed — its exact diameter is unimportant. Divide the circumference of the circle into sixteen parts; make the diameter of the eye of the scroll S J equal the width of the hand-rail. The spiral curve is found by points on these sixteen radii, beginning at J by drawing a line at right angles to the radial A J, then at right angles to the next radial on the left, and so on as shown by the position of the little trying-squares, the external angles of which designate points on which as centres with half the width of rail as radius describe arcs of circles. Touch ing these arcs trace the curved edges of the scroll; but at the point 0 where the arc touches the eye of the scroll measure on the radii from the external angles of the squares to the circle forming the eye, and set off these distances outward as at 0 0, S S, etc., to J, tracing the remainder of the convex curve from 0 to J through the points thus found. The spiral drawn in this way may be cut off at any point where a sufficient revolution is made. In this case it is cut off at D and connected with the plan at D. Fig. i. Fig. 5. Construction of Block for Scroll Step and Riser. Fig. 6. Scroll Step as Completed. PLATE 55. Hand-rail over Elliptic Staircase from the Plan given at Plate No. 7, Fig. ii.— The best division of hand-rail lor this plan is to begin at the centre, Fu;. i, taking in this first piece a portion of rail including three treads each side of the minor axis; then FiG. 3, covering four more treads, FiG. 5, also taking four treads; and Fig. 8, with the bottom tread and as much more of the curve as may be required to join tiie level rail at its usual iieight. After deciding on the proper number of pieces in which to divide the plan of hand-rail, draw the tangents for the whole as follows: Make B V tangent to the centre of rail at V, draw B N tangent to the centre line of rail at Y, draw NA tangent to the centre line of rail at W ; draw AL tangent to the centre line of rail at C ; the level tangent L F will be fixed further on. Fig. I, Plan of Wreath-piece including Six Treads.— Draw B X at right angles to B Y and equal to three rises; connect X Y, at right angles to B V draw V A ccjual to three rises, join A B, prolong A V to F indefinitely, from Y through V draw Y D; on B as centre with B A as radius describe the arc A D; parallel to B N draw M K, S R and W T: parallel to V A draw U 5, Q G and L J. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at Both Joints :— Prolong RS to F, par- allel to B V draw G H; make V E ( (iiial H C; join E F. then the bevel at E coiuains the angle sought. Fig. 2. Face-mould from Fig. i ; also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath-piece at the Joints. — Let N A and N A each equal D N of FiG. i , make N B at right angles to N A and cqiml to N B of Fig. i ; join B A and B A; make B J G 5 equal the same at FlG. i. Through J G 5 draw K M, R S and T W par.illel to N B ; make B P, J K and J M equal B P, L K and L M of FiG. i ; make G R, G S, 5 T and 5 W equal Q R, Q S, U T and U W of FiG. i. Apply the same measurements the other side of the centre B P, and through all tliese points trace the curved edges of the face-mould. Make the joints A A at right angles to the tangents. This wreath-piece is squared at both joints by the angle at bevel E f)f Fig. i. Fig. 3. Plan of Wreath-piece including Four Treads. — Draw Y R at right angles to Y N and equal to four rises. Parallel to Y X draw N I ; at right angles to A N draw W 5 and N, 14 ; make N. 14 equal 1 R ; join 14, W ; draw W J parallel ami equal to NY; make 1 S equal 14, N ; parallel to Y N draw S G ; make G 8 parallel to 1 Y'; join 8 J parallel to 8 J draw T M. 2, 9 N K. 7, 22 and 10. 11 , parallel to Y I draw O F and D 3 : parallel to N, 14 draw U P and C I ; at right angles to J 8 di aw Y Z; on N as centre with N I as radius describe the arc 1 Z ; at right angles to J 8 draw W B , on N as centre with W 14 as radius describe an arc at B ; join B Z. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at the Joint over Y;— Draw 3 A parallel to NY, make Y E equal A 4; join E 2 ; then the bevel at E contains the angle sought. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at the Joint over W :— Parallel to J 8 prolong 7, 22 to 5 , make W X equal U Q; join X 5; then the bevel at X contains the angle required. Fig. 4. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 3 ; also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath-piece at the Joints. — Make Z L B equal Z L B of FiG. 3 ; on B as centre with W, 14 of Fk;. 3 as radius describe an arc at N ; on L as centre wntli L N of Fk;. 3 as radius intersect the arc at N ; join B N, N Z and L N; make B I P equal W I P ol FiG. 3; make N 3 F equal N 3 F of FiG. 3; through I P. 3 F parallel to L N draw 11. 10, 7, 22, H 9 and T M ; make I 10, I 11, P 22, P 7, N 12. N K equal C 10, C 11, U 22, U 7, N 12, and N K of Fig. 3; make 3 9, 3 H. F M, F T equal D 9, D H, O iVi and O T of Fig. 3. Through Z dr.iw T A; make Z A equal Z T, make the jcjints B and Z at right angles to the tangents; through A M. 9, 12. 22 and 10 of the convex and T H K 7, 11 o( the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. The angle with which to square the wreath-piece at joint Z is taken by bevel E, Fig. 3, and for squaring joint B the bevel X of Fig. 3. Fig. 5- — Make W T equal four rises. From A make A 6 parallel to W 14 ; make A B perpendicular to A C and equal to 6 T , join B C. This position of the plan with its tangents and angles oi inclination is reino\ ed and completed at Fig. 6. Fig. 6. Plan of Wreath-piece over Four Treads, taken from Fig. 5.— Make c N parallel and equal to A W ; make 6 J etjual to A B ; make J H parallel to W A and H R parallel to W 6 , join R N and prolong to IVI indefinitely; prolong 6 W to M ; parallel to R N draw Z 4, K 3 and A X ; parallel to W 6 draw 2 F; parallel to A B draw O Q ; at rit;iit angles to N R draw W E and C D indefinitely; on A as centre with A 6 as radius describe the arc 6 E; again, on A as centre with B 0 as radius describe an arc at D; join D E. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at the Joint over w :— Make W L equal J G ; join L IV! : then the bevel at L contains the angle sought. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at the Joint over 0 :— Draw CX at right angles to C A ; draw X Y at right angles to X C and equal to A V ; join Y C: then the bevel at Y contains the angle required. Fig. 7. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 6, Showing also the Squaring of the Wreath-piece at the Joints. — Make DUE equal D U E of FiG. 6; on D as centre with C B of Fig. 6 as radius describe an arc at A ; on U as centre with U A of FlG. 6 as radius intersect the arc at A; join A E. A D and U A ; make DQ equal C Q of FiG. 6; make AHF etjual A H F of FiG. 6; parallel to U A through Q draw Z4; parallel to U A through H and F draw PS and K 3 : make Q Z. Q 4 and A T equal O 4, O Z and A T of Fig. 6 ; make H S, H P, F 3 and F K equal R S, R P, 2, 3 and 2K of FiG. 6; through D draw ZB; make DB equal DZ; through E draw KG; make EC equal EK; through B 4 A S 3 C of the convex and Z T P K of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. The angle with which to square the wreath-piece at joint D is taken by the bevel at Y ; and for joint E by the bevel at L of FiG. 6. Fig. 8. Plan of Wreath-piece, including the First Tread. — To find the height c O set up an eleva- tion of the bottom step and two rises as at FiG. 9, let X be the centre of baluster and XO half the thickness oi rail. Make HZ equal four inches and ZL half the thickness of rail; draw LC parallel to the floor-line; the anL:le at O must equal the angle B of FiG. 5. Again at FiG. 8 make CO equal CO of FiG. 9; from O parallel to C B draw OL; from L draw LF tangent to the centre line of rail at F; make F H at right angles to F L ; parallel to FL draw C G, U T and JR; parallel to CO draw SP and RQ; at right angles to FL draw C D , on L as centre with LO as radius draw the arc OD; join D F. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at the Joint over C;— Make CK equal CP; join KE: then the bevel at K contains the angle sought. To Find the Angle with which to Square the Wreath-piece at the Joint over F :— Make H G equal CO; join G F: then the bevel at G contains the angle required. Fig. 10. Face-mould from Fig. 8, Showing also the Squaring of the Wreath-piece at the Joints. — Let F D equal F D of Fig. 8 ; on F as centre with F L of Fig. 8 as radius describe an arc at L; on D as centre with O L of Fig. 8 as radius intersect the arc at L; join F L and L D; make L X X equal L Q P of Fig. 8; through X X and D parallel to F L draw X J, T U and D N ; make L M. X T, X U and D N equal L M, S T, S U and C N of Fig. 8. Make the joints at right angles to the tangents; make FS equal FJ; through D draw UP; make DP equal DU; through S 'M Q U of the convex and J T N P of the concave trace the curved edges of the face-mould. This f:ice- mould will not answer for the top of the flight, because at the top, although including but one tread as at the bottom and setting up the usual height from the floor for the level rail, yet the total height is greater. This will be under stood by examining FlG. 11 — which is set up for the top — and comparing it with FiG. 9. Plate No. 56 F I G 3 PLATE 50. Figs. I and 2. Wreath-piece from a Face mould, with Tangents at Right Angles, the Position of one of which Tangents B L is Inclined, while that of L D is Horizontal. — Tlie sliding of the face- mould along ihe joint C D and at F, the other side of the stuff, to plumb the sides of the wreath-piece, is sliovvn by the dotted lines. The sides G H, J K of the wreath-piece at the centre butt-joint are not straight lines. On the concave side of the wreath-piece G H is a concave curve, and J K of the convex a convex curve on that side. This is true also of all wreath-pieces having butt-joints falling within a cir- cular plan, but these straight sides are corrected in the hands of a skilful rail-worker, who, leaving some over-wood — after the two pieces are bolted together — works the sides plumb with the proper-shaped tools Fig. 2 shows the wreath-piece with the concave side cut away plumb. When this side is worked plumb, a gauge, like Fig. 8, having an arm provided with a large pencil, may be used to mark the width on the convex side ; next the top is shaped, and from this the thickness is gauged.* The directions here given with regard to this wreath-piece apply generally to all, but particularly to the following : Plate 24, Fig. 3, Plate 25, Fig. 6, Plate 26, Fig. 4, Plate 27, Fig. 4, " 32, •' 3, " 37- " 4. " 40, " 6, " 43. " 3, " 44, " 5, " 46. " 3, " 54. " 3- Figs. 3 and 4. Squaring a Wreath-piece from a Face-mould, both Tangents of which are Inclined either on a Common Inclination or on Different Inclinations. — The angle with which to square a Vv'realh-piece at the butt-joint is the inclination of the face of the plank along the joint given by the face-mould, in connection with a line on the joint — which is square thiough the plank — that coincides with a vertical plane; hence it is commonly understood as an angle giving a plumb-line on a butt-joint To Determine the Direction in which to Apply the Angles for Squaring a Wreath-piece at the Joints : — Place the lower end of the wreath-piece towards you, turn the upper end to the right or left to suit the hand of the stairs, then move the face-mould up a few inches on the slide-line as at Fig. 3, and it will be seen that as the centre of the joint J is carried toward K, the plumb-line must apply in the direction K M passing through the centre L, and at the upper end the other tangent will be moved towards N, showing that the plumb-line on that joint must lie in the direction N P, passing through the centre 0. The plank edge A D, bcvch U and V, show at once the correct position of bevels. Another Way of Deciding the Direction in which to Apply Plumb-lines on Butt-joints is as Follows: — Holding the wreath-piece as befoi'e directed, cant it u\) on the corner F — a prisition it must take — when it will be at once evident that the plumb-line must apply in the direction K M. This causes the stock of the bevel to lay towards the convex ; then at the upper joint reverse the stock of the bevel, placing it towards the concave as shown ; also the slide-line need not be used, but the tangent line K J (squared from the joint at K) and the face-mould tangent moved on this line until it reaches the ptiint S and N of the upper end. To Put the Face-mould in Position on the Planes of the Plank so that its Edges will Mark the Plumb Sides of the Wreath-piece : — Hold the wreath-piece as before explained ; square a line from the joint at K, K J indehnitely ; slide ihe face-mould up from the lower end along the slide-line until J — tiie centre of the face-mould joint — falls on the line K J, K being a point at the face of the plank of the previously-applied plumb bevel K M ; then again when tlie face-uiould is in this position its tan- gent at the upper end will touch the point N of the pluuib-line N P on the upper joint ; also the con- cave edge of the face-mould will touch S of the plumb-line S T. Apply the fiice-mould to the other side of the wreath-piece on the slide-line, keeping the joint J of the face-mould as much below the joint of the wreath-piece as it is above it on this side. Fig. 4. The Wreath-piece Shown with the Concave Side Cut Away Plumb. — In all face-moulds of this character, where a level line passes through tiie centre from which the jilan of the rail is described — the minor axis — there is a place where the plane of the plank is level, and this point on the width X Y and through the thickness X T is the normal place in a wreath-piece, and where the over-wood is removed equally parallel to the faces of the plank. In shaping the wreath-piece the centre line of the thickness of rail will correctly touch R and U, the centre at the joints, and S the centre of the plank. When the face- mould is in position to plumb the sides of the wreath-piece, if the normal place is marked at V and W, the plumb-line V W will pass through the centre of stuff at S, and give the direction in which to move the round-faced plane in working the sides of the wreath-piece plumb. In gauging tlie wreath-piece to a width, the long arm of the gauge should be held in the direction of the plumb-line W V. The instruction, g'ven under the head of Figs. 3 and 4 apply particularly to the following : Plate 25, Fig. 4, Plate 26, Fig. 6, Plate 27, Fig. 6, Plate 28, Fig. 4, Plate 29, Fig. 4, 31. " ' 2 and 4, " 36, ■ ' 3, " 37, ' ' 7, " 38, ' ' 4, " 39. ' ' 4. 40, " ' 3- " 41, ' • 4. "42, ' ' 4 and 6, " 43. ' ' 5, " 44. ' ' 4, 46, " ' 5, " 47, ' ' 4, " 50, ' ' 6, " 51, ' ' 3 and 5, " 52, ' ' 4- 53, " ' 6. " 55, " 2, 4 and 7. Fig. 5. Wreath-piece from a Face-mould over a Plan of Less than a Quarter-circle, the Position of A K, one of the Tangents, being Level, the ether, K Z, Inclined.— The dotted lines show the face-mould as placed at the joint D to plumb the sides of the wreath ;f the tangent A of the face-mould is brought to C on the other side of the wreath-piece. The sliding of face-moulds of this character is always along the joint, which is at right angles to the level tangent, the same as Fig. i. The above instructions apply particularly to the following: Plate 24, Fig. 6, "Plate 30, Fig. 2 and 4, Plate 32, Fig. 6, Plate 33, Fig. 3, Plate 48, Fig. 4, " 49. " 3. " 50. " 5 and 7, " 53, " 5 and 7, " 55, " 10. * See subject of Side Moulds as treated of at Pl.\te No. 76. \ At Fig. 5 and the list given in tlie applieation of the angles to square wreath-pieees at the joints, tlie stock of the bevel at both joints Hcs to-vards tin convex side of tlte ~'jreath-pieee as shoivn. PLATE 57. Fig. I. Plan of Stairs Suitable for Wholesale Stores. — These stairs from the first to the second story are enclosed with panel-work as shown by the elevation Fk; 4. The door to shut off communication between the two stories is often placed on the platform, and in that case the platform is so situated that the door trims under the end of the well-hole. Side-rails are hung on strong ornamental iron brackets, sometimes on both sides of wide flights. The newel-posts are never less than seven inches, and those at the top of the flights are continued below the ceiling, finishing at the Invver end with turned work. Fig. 2. Construction of Close String Paneled. — This finish of string is used in the upper flights tiiat are furnished wiih hand-rail and balusters, as at Fig 5 The well-holes of each story are framed shorter than the run of the flights above, so that each flight starts from the floor below, resting directly on the floor-beams. Fig. 3. Panel-work. — By this plan the middle muntins A are wider than the face-muntins D, so that the mouldings may be nailed free from the panels, allowing the latter to shrink without disturbing the mouldings. PLATE 58. Fig. I. Plan of the Landing- Portion of a Staircase with Square Corner-pieces like Small Low-down Newels set in the Angles with a Continued Hand-rail Over. — This plan is given at Plate No. 6, Fig. 6 L and M are 3V' square angle-pieces that are brought above the platform and floor as shown in connection with the elevations Figs 3 and 4. The centres of balusters A and B are equal in distance to A and Q. The square angle at the corner-piece L is turned for the continued hand-rail one quarter C D V, C R S, using only V radius from the face of the corner-piece E. to D, then from the joint D R of the level quarter another is taken at the ramp to ease over to this level, as shown at the elevation Fig 3, Z X and X K. • Fig. 2. Design and Construction of Close Front-string. — The drawing to the scale given will be a sufficient explanation Figs. 3 and 4. Elevation of Treads and Rises, including the Square Corner-piece Connecting with the Platform, the String and the Level as given at Plan Fig. i. — 0 P equals 0 P of Fig. i. The face P E of the corner-piece L, Fig, i. is along the line PEZ; Z X equals D E of Fig. i; Z K equals one inch; the joint J H connects with D R of Fig i The height to the bottom of rail Y from the step at the line of rise W is 2', i". The height from floor to bottom of level rail SJ is 2'.6". C D, V V is the carriage-timber, showing its bearing against the front platform-timber at V V. F, N and T are places of mortices to receive the tenons of string. The baluster at B is intended to be set three eighths of an inch into the mill-plowed hand-rail, as shown at the section A, and then pieces set between each baluster, ^" thick, thus leaving a finished panel or sinkage of -J", the depth of which gives a much better appearance to the bottom of the rail than when flush. PLATE 59. F'-g. I. Plan of the Upper Portion of a Quarter Platform Staircase with Square- moulded Newels set in the Angles. — Tliis plan is given at Plate No. 7, Fic. 5. The clotted lines show a portion of the rough Iraming of the jilatform. Fig. 2. Design Elevation and Details of Plan Fig. i. — Through this elevation tiie lengths of the angle newels and the connections of hand-rail, balustrade work, strings, etc., are obtained. The face of the newel marked A at the lower end showing its connections is face A at plan Fig. i ; also the face of the newel marked E at the lower end is face E at plan Fig. i. Fig. 3. Laying Out the Newel connected with the Platform, the Sides of which are Lettered on the Plan Fig. I, A B C D. — The fom- faces of this newel are lettered at tiie top lo correspond with the plan Fig. i. J K is the total length of the newel-shaft as taken from J K of the elevation Fig. 2. The distances marked by the letters J L M N indicate principal points of measurement taken from the coi responding letters of the A side of newel, Fig. 2 ; and the same may be said of the letters 0 P Q at face D ; the sides B and C will be understood by comparing them with their adjoining sides and connections, and B anrl C of Fig. i. Fig. 4. Laying out the Landing Newel the Sides of which are Lettered on the Plan Fig. I, E F G H. — The letters at the top of these sides correspond with those of the plan Fig. I. R S of the side E marks the total length of this newel-shaft, and T U V the prin- cipal points of measurement lettered the same at. Fig. 2. WXY of the connection at the side F are also the principal points of measurement taken from the elevation of the lauding newel. Fig. 2. The sides H and G will he understood by examining them in connection with the adjoining sides and G and H of F'lc;. i. Fig. 5. Balustrade Moulding as Shown in Place at the Elevation Fig. 2. Fig. 6. Construction of Square Newel-posts. — The narrow pieces forming the sides A and B of tlie newel-shaft should have blocks glued to tlie inside faces at the edges — not more than one foot apart — wdien the glue is set to be jointed with the edges square from, the face ; also to guard against the joints giving way, hard-wood dowels ought to be set in as shown at suitable intervals. Plate No.59 Plate No. 61 Plate No. 62 ^3 Plan of stairs tuiniu;^ one-quarter witli jiiutforin, itnd two risers curved at their front ends to newels. -- The plan is designed to dispense with winders and give a com- fortable, easy stairs for travel, taking but a few incliea more room than the usual winders that are required to make a quarter turn. The small angle uewcl receives the straight rail of the flight uud the level hand-rail at the landing, as shown, by the side elevation. This mode of construction requires no twists or easements ; ilv only turn of the hand-rail ie the level quarter cylinder. See plate 5, Fig. 7. Scale 1 Plate No. 64 Plate No. 66. Fig. 2. — Design for Spiral-turned Newels and Ralustcrs, Braclceted String; Hand- rail with Kainp and (3oose-neck. Elevation. Platform. Plan. Fi G. 3. Fig. I. Figs. 3 and 4.— Platform Stairs with Angle Newels. The bottom riser of the upper flight is set one tread from the centre of newel as shown on the plan, FiG. 3, and the elevation, FiG. 4; if, on the contrary, the bottom riser referred to should be placed at the centre of the newel, it would then be necessary to make that newel one rise higher from the platform to receive the hand-rail of the upper flight. This difference in the height of the two newels from the same platform is ob- jected to by some, hence these sketchc and explanations. FiG. I. — Design for a Turned and Carved Newel, Carved String and Balu.strade. — ..^^ I Plate No. 67. Ancient Staircase at Rouen, France.— From clie '^American Architect and Building News. Plate No. 68. Plate No. 69. Plate No. 70. PLATE No. 71 Scale IxIn. ^IFt. PLATE 73. Panelled Soffit of a Circular Stairs Showing how to Work Out the Twisted or Warped Panels, Circular Bands, Radial Bands and Mouldings required. Fig. I. A single section from the circular plan of a panelled sofilit embracing three threads. This section at the front string A A is bounded by a soffit drop moulding marked S 0 F. M' G — shown at the cross- section Fig. 2, marked C — and a circular front band, at cross-section Fig. 2, marked B ; then by a circular band and cornice moulding at the wall, marked at the cross-section Fig. 2, E and F ; further there are two straight ])arallel radial cross bands, the centres of which are placed along the line of the first and fourth risers. The middle band — at cross-section Fig. 2, marked D — divides the section into two panels of equal width. Fig. 3. Elevation of Treads and Rises at the Front and on Line of Wall.— The tread B A at the Iront is taken along the convex line of string A A, and the tread C D is taken at the wall, which is the convex line of the cornice moulding. A E is'the depth of string that may be required ; E F is the thickness of bands. At the place of fourth rise H draw H G parallel to rise line ; prolong B 1 to J ; make J and G the centres of radial bands, which as shaded show the ends of these bands in their position as given at plan Fig. i; prolong the rise line C N to K indefinitely ; from M parallel to rise line draw M L indefinitely ; from G and J draw the horizontal lines G L and J K ; connect L K, and parallel to L K draw the line of thickness equal to E F ; then L and K are the centres of these radial bands, as shaded in position at line of wall. Surround the shaded ends of bands by vertical and horizontal lines as at P 0, Q R, T S and V U, which show the width and thickness of wood required to twist these radial bands to the warped surface of the soffit. Fig. 4. Radial Band Showing End Sections and Exact Length Prepared Ready to Work. — At the elevation Fig. 3 the end sections as enclosed show a slight difference in width and thick- ness. This is disregarded, and the wood got out of ecjual thickness at both ends ; but care must be taken that the ends are laid out relatively, just the same as at the top and sides 0 P, 0 R and T V, T S of Fig. 3. 0 T must be the exact length from wall line to convex face of string A A, plan Fig. i. Fig. 5. Face-mould for Soffit Moulding under Front String and Band ; Marked at Plan Fig. I, S 0 F. M'G. — Beginning at plan Fig. i make the perpendiculars from tangents C D and RG each equal in height one and a half rises ; connect G C and D Z ; through Z draw R 5 indefinitely ; on C as centre with C G as radius describe an arc at 5; from S at right angles to R 5 draw C S; parallel to C S draw FX and J M B ; at right angles to C Z draw M N and X 0 ; prolong C R to H indefinitely ; on R as centre with R E as radius describe the arc E H ; connect H W : then the bevel at H indicates the angle that will square this piece 0/ soffit moulding at both ends. Now at Fig. 5 draw the line L P ; make K P, K L each equal 5 5 at plan ; draw K Q at right angles to L K ; make K Q equal S C at plan ; connect Q P, Q L ; make P G I and L G I each equal Z 0 N at plan ; make G D, I Y H each equal F X and J M B at plan ; trace the curves through the points thus found. Make the joints at right angles to the tangents. Fig. 6. Face-mould for Panel Marked P A N E L at Plan Fig. I. — Beginning at plan, all the lines and angles are dotted to better distinguish the panel and its preparation for drawing a face-mould, as follows : Let J and V i)e the centre of the width of panel at the ends ; connect J V and prolong to P indefinitely ; at right angles to 2 V, also to I J, draw the tangents V K and J K ; at right angles to V K draw K S ; make K S and J 0 each equal one and a half rises ; connect S V and 0 K ; through K at right angles to J V draw A A ; parallel to A A draw 8, 8 and 2, 6 ; at right angles to K V draw 4 Y and 3 U ; prolong K V to Q ; on K as centre with K 0 as radius describe an arc at P ; prolong 8, 8 to R indefinitely ; prolong V 2 to R ; make V Q equal 3 T ; connect Q R : then the bevel at Q indicates the angle required to square the panel at both ends. Now at Fig. 6 draw the line S S ; make E S, E S each equal L P at plan ; through E at right angles to S S draw F G ; make E 0 ecpial L K at plan ; connect 0 S, 0 S ; make the ends S, S at right angles to the tangents S 0 ; make S Z T each way from the centre equal V Y U at plan ; through Z and T parallel to G F draw R N and K L ; make Z N, Z R equal 4, 2, 4, 6 at plan ; make T K, T L, 0 G, 0 equal 3, 8, 3, 8, K A, K A of plan ; through S draw R U ; make S U equal S R ; through the ]ioints thus found trace the curves. Fig. 7. Face-mould for Circular Middle Band. — Beginning at plan Fig i, draw the line Z Z E ; make tlie tangents Z R, Z R at right angles to Z W, Z W; — W is the centre from which the plan was described ; — at right angles to Z Z from R draw R W ; make the perpendiculars from tangents R J and Z 1 each one and a half rises ; connect J Z and I R ; parallel to R W draw 2 F and L 0 ; at right angles to R Z draw V K and OX; on R as centre witli R 1 as radius describe the arc IE; on Z as centre describe the arc M Y ; connect Y W : then the bevel at Y indicates the angle that ivill square the middle band at both ends. Now at FiG. 7 draw the line Z Z ; make ^1,^1 each equal W E at the plan ; draw Y 0 at right angles to Y Z ; make Y 0 equal W R at plan ; connect 0 Z, 0 Z ; make the joints Z, Z at right angles to 0 Z ; make Z D C ecpial Z X K at plan ; parallel to 0 Y draw C J A and C J A ; make C J, C A equal V F, V 2 at plan ; make D S equal 0 L at plan ; through Z draw S F ; make Z F equal Z S, etc. Fig. 8. Face-mould for Cornice Moulding. — Beginning at Plan Fig. i, through A and T draw the line A Q ; from M at right angles Q P draw M P ; make M L and T S the vertical lines from tangents M T and M A each equal one and a half rises ; connect L A and S M ; prolong M T to R ; on T as centre describe the arc 0 R : connect R with W, the centre of plan : then the bevel at R indicates the angle required to square the moulding at both ends. On M as centre with M S as radius describe tlie arc S Q ; parallel to M P draw H I, D F and C V ; at right angles to M A draw I K, F G and V B. Now at Fig. 8 draw the line C B ; make K C, K B each equal P Q at plan ; at right angles to K C draw K D ; make K D equal P M at plan ; connect D B, D C ; make the ends B and C at right angles to the tangents ; make B 0 M L and C 0 M L equal A B G K at plan ; parallel to D K draw L U, M T and 0 R ; measure the points as before from tangents at L M and 0, etc. The shaded end sections show the squaring of the moulding at both ends. No face moulds are drawn for the front and wall bands, as the proceeding is precisely the same as for Fig. 7, the middle band. All the above face-moulds are alike in character, and are explained in detail at Plate 15. See Plate 84, Figs. 4, 5 and 6, for the same case of face-mould and its management in squaring. See also Plate 56. PLATE 74. Another and Third Method of Treating Hand-rail Over a Large Cylinder, Two Ways o* WHICH are Given at Plate 24. Fig. I. Plan of 15" Cylinder, the Hand rail and Elevation of Step and Rises to Floor at Top Landing. — Let J, the centre of the hand-rail, be fixed over the phm D at its recjuired height above the floor ; with J as centre describe a circle equal in diameter to the thickness of the plank out of which the wreath-piece is to be worked ; draw the bottom line of rail through the centre places of short balusters X X. At K, four inches below the chord, for straight wood, draw the joint line K 8 at right angles to X X ; from K draw the line K A, touching the circle at A ; parallel to K A, touching the circle at M, draw 8 M ; make K L equal the thickness of rail ; from L draw a line parallel to X X. The bevel at 8 indicates the angle to be used for the joint through the thickness of the plank. The bevel at A — instead of the pitch-board — is used to square the wreath-yjiece as shown at Fig. 2, joint D or J. Fig. 2. Face-mould. — The measurements A 1 B 2 C, etc., correspond with and are taken from Fig. 1. Fig. 3. Plan of Setting Off a Newel. — The rail may be shaped by using an ordinary easement cut out of plank as thick as B C, so that the side curves F A and E G may be formed. Tlie stair-string need not be curved or bent ; only let the end of the bottom step project sufficient to suit the ])lan curve. Fig. 4. Elevation of Steps and Rises from Plan Fig. 3. — Let A B equal A B of Fig. 3. B C is six inches, and may be more or less as recpiired. C E e(|uals C E of Fig. 3. The bottom of the rail rests at X X, the centre of the places of short balusters. Fig. 5. Case of Hand-rail Like that Given at Plate 16, Fig. 3, with this Difference. — In this case the level line U L common to both planes occurs at right angles to the tangent A B, for which reason the sides of this wreath-piece over joint A are at right angles to the face of plank. Fig. 6. Face-mould. — This face-mould is measured from plan Fig. 5. The squaring of the wreath- piece at the joints shown, the sliding of the face-mould as by dotted lines in position to plumb the sides of the twist, are all given without further explanation than the preliminary statements and the drawings themselves afford ; this being thought ample in connection with the full details given at Plate 16 and repeated at other Plates. PLATE 75. Fig-. I. Plan of Stairs Starting which Avoids the Old-fashioned Angular Winders by Curving Risers, and thus Secures Parallel Steps and a Roomy Platform. (See also Plate 46.) — Fig. 2. Elevation from plan Fig. i. Let the bottom of the rail above and below rest at the centre of short balusters X X and X X ; draw a line the thickness of the rail above X X as shown. F'ix the places of chord lines or commencement of cylinders measured from plan Fig. i at C, 5, J and M. Set off the length of plan tangent at C B, E D, J G and M L. Let A be the centre of rail ; parallel to X X draw A B ; make 2 A 2!" for straight wood ; at B draw B C parallel to tread line. From 4, wliich is a fixed point, draw the line 4 F, raising or lowering the point F to suit ; make E F 2^" for straight wood, and make the joint of ramp F at right angles to 4 F. At H, the centre of the rail, draw H G parallel to X X ; at G draw G J parallel to tread-line ; from 6, which is a fixed point, draw the line 5 M, raising or lowering the point M at pleasure ; make M 0 2I" for straight wood, and make the joint of the level easement 0 at right angles to 0 6 ; from the centre P describe the curve of easement as sliown. Fig- 3- Plan of Rail and Tangents Taken from Fig. i to be Prepared for Drawing the Face-mould. — Let D 4 equal the same at Fig. 2 ; connect 4 E ; make D B and Z C equal D 4 : make C 2 equal the same at Fig. 2 ; make D K equal C 2 ; draw K A parallel to D E ; draw A 0 parallel to K D ; from 0 draw 0 T, which is the level line common to both planes ; parallel to 0 T draw the other measuring lines required ; at right angles to 0 T draw E P and Z Q ; on D as centre with 4 E as radius describe an arc at P ; again on D as centre with B 2 as radius describe an arc at Q ; connect P Q. To find the angle that will square the wreath over the joint Z, make Z Y equal C L ; connect Y W: then the bevel at Y will give the angle required. To find the angle that will square the wreath over the joint E, make E N equal 0 X ; connect N T : then the bevel at N indicates the required angle. Fig. 4. Face-mould for Wreath-piece Over Both Quarter Cylinders. — The corresponding letters with Fig. 3 show the measurements by which to draw tlie face-mould. The end sections together with the dotted lines of face-mould in position show the squaring of the wreath ])iece. A face-mould like this is treated in full detail at Plate 12. Also a face-mould of this character will be found at Plate 27, Fig. 6 ; Plate 41, Fig. 4 ; Plate 42, Fig. 4 ; Plate 44, Fig. 4 ; Plate 46, Fig. 5. This case of hand-rail may be treated differently if thought desirable, or as shown by the dotted lines, as follows : From 4, Fig. 2, draw a straight line to K below ; then K is at the base of the upper height 0 0, and the lower height Z Z is made the same as 0 0. This arrangement of the line 4 K and the equal heights 0 0 and Z Z would give one face- mould at the first quarter of a common pitch, and one above of two different inclinations the same as Fig. 4, but not quite so extreme a case as th.nt. Then the ramp is got rid of, and the rail altogether would have a very easy and agreeable outline ; but at the fourth rise up it will be about 3" too high. Would this variation be as objectionable as in the case of newels in place of quarter cylinders where the rail cuts straight against the newel, as it does in such open-newel stairs, causing the hand to feel along the sides of the newel a foot or more until able to grasp the connecting rail above ? Even if the rail connections with the newels are made by ramp and knee — see Plate 60 — it is possibly even then far more awkward than such slight variations in heii^hts as suggested for this other and different treatment of the continued rail. See Plate 46. Plate No. 75 Plate No. 76 PLATE 76 Side-moulds continued. — Also How to Cut Large Square-top Balusters, Stone or Wood, to AN Exact Length ; the Tops to Fit the Warped Bottom Surface of Wreathed Hand- railing. Fig. I. Plan of Semicircular Wreath to be Prepared for the Measurement and Unfold- ment of Side-moulds. — 5 K 8 6 L are plain tangents to centre line, 5 8 L ; let the three heights raised over these tangents equal 6 A of a common inclination, A D 4 5 ; divide the circular centre line into any number of equal parts, say eight ; draw radial lines from the centre S through each of these divisions, touching the concave V T W and the convex X Y U ; from K draw the level line K S ; parallel to K S draw 0 9 and Q J ; parallel to 6 A draw M 1 , N B, P 2, 8 C, and J 3 ; parallel to K 4 draw 9 E. Fig. 2. Unfoldment of the Concave Side-mould.— Mark on the line 5, 6 tlie eight divisions at V T W of Fig. i ; set up the heights 6 A, F 1, etc., taken as indicated by the corresponding letters at Fig. i ; make 5 T equal K 4 and T P equal 5 K of Fig. i ; 5 Z is straight wood ; A S is also tor straight wood ; the joint Z is made at right angles to 5 P ; the joint at C is the centre of the upper and lower wreath-pieces, and is made at right angles to 5 P ; at A 1 B 2, etc., describe circles equal in diameter to the thickness of rail. Trace lines touching the circles at opposite sides, and this completes the side-mould. Fig. 3. Unfoldment of the Convex Side-mould. — The heights by which points for tracing the unfoldment (also the joints) are as shown, the same as at Fig. 2 ; the only difference is that the eight divi- sions of the convex X Y U, Fig. i, are marked along the line R W. A slight change in form as made from the two points above W, I would advise wherever in a side-mould it may seem desirable. These side-moulds are to be cut apart at joint C ; they apply to the ])luml)ed sides of the wreath-pieces. Fig. 4. Plan— to be Prepared for the Unfoldment of Side-moulds— of a Wreath-piece, One of its Tangents a Level Line, Producing a Twist of Double Curvature, the Upper Curve Easing to a Level. — Divide the centre line A B into say four equal parts, and through these draw radial lines from the centre S, touching the convex and concave P Q and N 0 ; through the points E, F, G draw lines parallel to A C and touching the tangent B C ; let B D be the height raised over the tangent B C ; draw the perpendiculars H M, I L and J K. This plan is taken from Fig. 2, Plate 84, it being the first wreath-piece joining the newel of the stone circular stairs given at Plate 81. Fig. 5. Unfoldment of the Convex Side-mould. — Mark on the line B Q the four parts from P to Q of Fig- 4. Place the heights B D, H M, etc., taken as indicated by the corresponding letters at Fig. 4; make D I W equal C B D of Fig. 4 ; make the joint D at right angles to D W ; make D 0 equal 5, 6 of Plate 8i ; make 0 X 6i-", or equal one rise ; then X D is the inclination of the convex side of the hand-rail, which the upper and lower curves of this side-mould mast tangent as shown. In this case it happens that the angle 0 X D the same as the angle I W D. At D, M, etc., describe circles in diameter equal to the thickness of rail, and touching these trace the upper and lower curve lines of the completed convex side-mould. Fig. 6. Unfoldment of the Concave Side-mould from Plan Fig. 4. — Mark on the line Z Y the four parts taken from N, 0, Fig. 4 ; the heights are the same as D M L, etc. ; of Fig. 5 : D I W is the same as at Fig. 5 ; tlie joint D is at right angles to D W ; D 0 is equal to 2, 4, of Plate 81 ; 0 X equals one rise as at P'iG. 5 ; X D is the inclination of the concave side of rail, which the upper and lower curves of this side- mould must tangent as shown. Fig. 7. Plan of Wreath-piece same as Fig. 4. — In this case, however, both tangents are inclined so as to get a distance lower down equal to A B, and force an easement to the lower level in the thickness of stone or wood, as shown at Figs. 8 and g. Divide the centre line C D into, say, four equal parts, and draw radial lines from centre S ; make C F equal B D of Fig. 4. The face-mould for this plan and its application is given at Plate ii, through Figs. 7, 8, 9 and 10. Fig. 8. Concave Side-mould from Plan Fig. 7. — Mark on the line E G the four parts at E G of Fig. 7 ; make G D equal the two heights A B and C F of Fig. 7 ; make D I W equal A C F of Fig. 7 ; let D 0 X equal the same at Fig. 6 ; make the joint D at right angles to D W ; sketch the curve line E D to tangent the line D X, and at the points of intersection with the perpendiculars describe circles equal in diameter to the thickness of rail ; then trace the upper and lower curved edges touching the circles. Fig. 9. Convex Side-mould from Plan Fig. 7. — Mark on the line J H the four parts J H at Fig. 7. The joint D and the heights and D I W are the same as at Fig. 7. D 0 X, the inclination of the convex side of the rail, is the same as at Fig. 5. These side-moulds, as stated above of the plan, apply to Figs. 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Plate ii. At Plates 20 and 21 examples of the unfoldment of the centre line of wreath and wreath-pieces are given. Read the remarks at the beginning of Plate 20. Fig. 10. To Cut Very Large Stone or Wood Square Top Balusters to an Exact Length : the Tops to Fit the Warped Bottom Surface of Wreathed Hand-railing. — Set up treads and rises, the tread to equal 3, 3 at the centre line of rail, Plate 81. Set the baluster on the step as required ; make 0 K the height ; at K draw K P at right angles to 0 K ; make K S equal 0 0 at the concave face of balusters, Plate 81 ; draw S U perpendicular to K P and e(iual to one rise ; through K draw the line U X, which will be the angle and length of baluster facing the concave side of rail. For the side of baluster facing the convex side of rail, make K P equal X X at Plate 81 ; make P T equal S U ; through K draw the line T K Z. The central point K must be squared through to the opposite face of baluster, and the angle T K Z made to pass through K. On the other two faces of baluster draw lines connecting those made through K. PLATE 76. The Use of Side-moulds in Hand-railing. Peter Nicholson, the eminent practical English mathematician, who in the year 1792, first applied geometry intelligently and correctly, as far as his discoveries carried him, to the use and requirements of hand-railing, gave what he called " falling-moulds " — patterns of a width equal to the thickness of rail, made to fold around the convex or concave sides of wreaths, or wreath-pieces, by which to mark the shape or curves of the upper and under surfaces of wreaths. I call these patterns more properly, considering their use and application, side-moulds. Mr. Nicholson did not work from the centre of any form of curved hand-railing, nor did he make use of tangents from which we make joints across the width and through the thickness of wreath-pieces, fixing also by their adoption the exact place, practically the most useful, for the three points controlling the inclination of the plank. This author's " falling-mould " is produced by the simple stretch out of convex or concave, the height, straight connecting lines and curves as required at pleasure. Our side- moulds are unfolded from the centre of the wreath — that is, by central points taken at the centre of the thick- ness and the centre of the width; and thus we get the exact mathematical centres and resultant geometrical curves, which we are at liberty to alter or not as conditions may require. In this city no stair-builders working hand-rail at this time make use of " falling-moulds," or side-moulds. They seem to be content with the results of trial practice, and the experience it affords in a general way of the curves required in shaping wreaths, and this experience as a speciality leads to many men working only at hand-railing. Certainly no man who has not had considerable practice can take up a twist and shape it correctly without being overlooked by some skilful workman to prevent his spoiling it ; thus taking the time of two on what ought to be one man's work. It is just so with an apprentice who is too often wholly kept from learning how to do this interesting and use- ful kind of work because he requires so much time and attention. Side-moulds once well understood take little time to make and apply, and by their use they insure absolutely correct and graceful curves at once without the necessity of spending time eyeing the twist over and over again, or leaving overwood on each piece ; so that when the complete wreath is bolted together there is more eyeing, shaping, and time taken in perfecting the curve, and very likely another man invited to spend his time to decide. With the use of side- moulds each separate twist-piece may be worked exactly to the lines, being sure of correct shape and thick- ness — no " little too thick here," or " a little too thin there " ; so, too, when the wreath-pieces are bolted together there will be no more finishing at the joints than there would be with joinings of straight pieces of rail. The perfection of thickness and the shape of the upper and under surfaces of wreaths is as much under the control of the draughtsman in making correct side-moulds as the shape of the sides of a wreath and the width of the rails is by correct face-moulds. Side-moulds must be got out of some flexible material, such as straw-board or thin sheet-zinc. PLATE 77. The plan here presented and the treatments of hand-rail and side-moulds is given as a modified, simpler form than that given at Plate 5, Fig. 6, which is treated at Plate 26. This plan takes 34" more run than the plan Plate 26, and it takes ii^" more run than the plan with five winders, which is shown in comparison alongside the Fig. 6 above mentioned. The hand-rail by this plan of stairs is executed without the long ramp required by the plan at Plate 26. It seems desirable to avoid winders if comfortable, square platforms and parallel steps can be planned to land as required with so little additional space as here shown. To do this in many cases it might even be better to raise the height of rises a little, diminishing their number, or contract the tread some, maybe do both, rather than amble up and down those really awkward and to many people dangerously huddled steppings on tapering, angular winders. Fig. I. Plan of Quarter Turn Platform Stairs with 6" Cylinder, One Curved Step and Two Rises Above Platform. — The tangents to centre line of rail are 2 A D X 3 ; the heights, etc., raised over tangents is taken from elevation, as explained further on. Fig. 2. Elevation of Treads and Rises Shown at Plan Fig. i. — Draw the plan tangents A B, C D and E F ; parallel to the rise lines draw DEL and F M ; let the bottom of the rail rest on X X, the centres of short balusters, and set off the thickness of rail ; parallel to X X draw the centre line of rail S C ; make A S equal the straight to be left on lower twist ; at Fig. i make A M and D Y each equal D E and F M of Fig. 2 ; connect M D and Y X ; make X E equal B C of Fig. 2 ; connect E 3 ; again at Fig. i make D K equal X E ; draw K N at right angles to D Y, and parallel to D Y draw N P ; connect P X ; parallel to P X from the centre of baluster 0 draw 0 I, and from Q draw Q H also parallel to P X ; from R parallel to A M draw R B F ; at Fig. 2 make C J equal Q D of Fig. i ; parallel to D E draw J K ; make J K equal D Y of Fig. i ; make 0 Z equal I Z of Fig. 1 ; make C Q equal H L of Fig. i ; make E L equal B F of Fig. i ; through A Z Q K L M trace the centre curve, and from the points A Z Q, etc., draw circles, the diameters of which equal the thickness of rail, and touching these circles trace the edges of the unfolded central section of rail. M P is the straight allowod on the upper wreath-piece. Side-moulds for this case may be drawn readily from previous explanations; also from tliose that will follow for Figs. 8 and 9. Fig. 3. Plan of Rail taken from Fig. i to be Prepared for Drawing the Face-moulds. — Let the heights A M, D Y and 5 H ecpial F M, D E and B C of Fig. 2 ; make D E equal 5 H ; draw E P at right angles to D Y ; parallel to D Y draw PZ 8 ; connect Z 5, the governing level line common to both planes ; parallel to Z 5 draw F B B, R 0, U C and Q 1 ; parallel to D Y draw V 3, T 4, B I, 0 J and C K ; at right angles to Z 5 draw D W and Q 9 ; on 5 as centre with 5 Y as radius describe the arc Y W ; with H Q as radius on 5 as centre describe the arc at 9 ; connect 9 W. To find the angle required to square the lower wreath-piece over joint D, make D 2 equal D K ; connect 2 6 : then the bevel at 2 indicates the angle sought. The angle to square the wreath-piece over joint Q is found by making Z 8 equal 5 L; connect 8 Q ; then the bevel at 8 shows the angle required. The angle for squaring the 11 ['per 7i&]n = I Ft Plate No. 80 S C ALE 1 I N -1 Ft. PLATE 80 Circular Stone Work. Fig. I. Plan of Stone Work a Quarter-circle, P C F, P D G, with Projecting Capstone.— E A, the thickness of stone wall ; F C, the width of cajjstone. The top of the stone wall with capstone is recpiired to start from a level and finish to a level, rising the height J L, with geometrically reversed curva- tures ; all within the quarter-circle plan. To prepare this plan for unfolding the convex and concave faces of the stone and its top curvatures : — Divide the centre line I M Q into six equal parts ; throught each of these divisions draw lines from the centre P ; from M at right angles to M P draw J K ; at right angles to P Q draw Q K ; at right angles to P E draw I J ; parallel to P M N draw J L ; make J L any required height ; connect L K ; parallel to I J draw R 0 and S 7 ; from X and from V parallel to Q K draw V 8 and X W • parallel to J L draw 0 T, 7 U, 8 Z and W 9. Figs. 2 and 3. Unfoldment and Elevation of the Convex and Concave Faces of Stone Wall and Capstone on the Lines E H and A B, Fig. i.— At Fig. 2 mark on the line J K the six parts of the concave line A B, Fig. i ; from each of these set up perpendicular heights J L, 0 T, 7 U, etc. ; taken from the corresponding letters at Fig. i from the points LT, U N, etc., describe circles equal in diameter to the thickness of capstone ; trace lines touching the circles for the top and bottom curves of capstone ; the centre joint at N is made at right angles to the angle L of Fig. i — copy the angle L, as at N V V, Fig. 2 ; fix the number, size and joints of stone as required. Fig. 3 is the unfolded convex face of stone and curvatures of capstone on the line E H, Fig. i. The six parts on the line J K of this figure are taken from the six divisions at E H, Fig. i ; also the heights are the same as indicated by the corresponding letters. From the fixed joints PEG, Fig. 2, draw horizontal lines touching F E G of Fig. 3. Fig. 4. — Plan of stone wall P A E, P B H from Fig. i introduced for the purpose of showing presently in plan the exact sizes of each of the four stones next to capstone, as follows : — Take stone I, Fig. 2 ; apply X 2 to X 2, Fig. 4, and from centre P draw 2, 2 ; then the convex 2, 0 is X 2, stone I, Fig. 3 ; connect 2 F, the joint- then X 0, 2, 2 of Fig. 4 is the size in plan of stone I. To find the size in plan of stone II:— At Fig. 3 drop the perpendicular F Z and prolong 4, 2 to Z ; apply 2, 4 to 2, 4, Fig. 4 and draw P 4, 4 ; draw P Z ; then Z4, 4 is the size of stone I I. To find the size of stotte I I I : — Apply 4,6 of Fig. 3 to 4, 6 at the concave Fig. 4 ; draw P 6 6 ; make 4, 6 of Fig. 3 equal 4, 6 of convex Fig. 4 ; let fall the perpendiculars G A and E B ; prolong Y 6 to A and 6, 4 to B ; make 6 A and 4 B of Fig. 4 equal the same of Fig. 3 ; draw P A and P B ; then B 6, 6 is the size of stone Mi; make 6 Y W of Fig. 3 equal the same of Fig. 4 ; then D AWC is the size of stone I V. 7 he drawing is now prepared to make the concave and convex templet for the four stone. The unfoldment of the curvatures of the capstone is, as before stated, on the face lines of the stone wall A B and E H of Fig. i, and the only use of it here is to get the exact shape of the wall at X F EG, etc. ; but for the sides of the capstone as side-moulds for which it is required it must be unfolded on the lines C D and F G, Fig. i. Therefore, that portion of the concave and convex in each marked M K must be redrawn, using the same heights and joint at N, l)ut taking three of the divisions from the line C D, Fig. I, for the concave side-mould, and three of the divisions from the line F G for the convex side-mould. Fig. 5. Plan of Capstone taken from Fig. i, as Shown by Corresponding Letters, to be Prepared for Drawing the Face-mould. — P M bisects the quarter-circle I Q ; from M draw SV at right angles to M P ; draw I S at right angles to P F ; from S draw S N parallel to K P ; make S N equal M N of Fig. I ; connect N M ; prolong S I to B and to K indefinitely ; make I B equal S N ; from M parallel to S B draw M T ; connect B T and prolong T B fo A indefinitely ; from 0 parallel to S B draw 0 E and W LA ; make M V equal S R ; connect V K ; at right angles to S I draw M U indefinitely ; on S as centre with M N as radius describe an arc at U ; connect I U. Fig. 6. Face-mould for Capstone.— Make I U etiual I U of Fig. 5 ; make I Y equal S I of Fig. 5 ; make U Y equal M N of Fig. 5 ; make I Z equal the straight from L to the joint, or from K to joint Fig. 3 ; through I draw V W at right angles to Z Y ; through Z parallel to P W draw B A ; make I K equal B A of Fig 5 ; make I R P V equal B E H T of Fig. 5 ; draw V S, R T and K D parallel to Z Y ; make V S equal T J of Fig. s ; make R T, I C, K D equal C 0, I, 5 and L W of Fig. 5 ; through U draw T X ; make U X equal U T ; make I W equal I P ; make joint U at right angles to U Y ; trace the curve X S P and T C D W, to complete the face-mould. The angle for squaring the capstone at joint Z is found at B, Fig. 5, and the angle for squaring at joint U is at V of Fig. 5. To plumb the sides of the capstone the face-mould is moved on the face of the stone along the line B A, as shown by the dotted lines. After the sides E E, F F of the capstone piece is cut away plumb, then the side-moulds — made as explained under the head of Figs. 2 and t, — are applied ; the concave side-mould to the side E E and the convex side-mould to the side F F, marking from these the top and bottom of capstone ; thus carrying the lines of squaring through from joint to joint. Two of these pieces reversed complete the capstone. A face-mould of this character is given in full detail at Plate 13. For a better knowledge of side-moulds study Plates 20, 21 and 3. Note. — The treatment of the above capstone will be precisely the same for a hand-rail, if required, over this or a similar plan. PLATE 81. Plan of Circular Stone Staircase. The shaded space around the wall indicates the face-line of the stone wainscot and the finished plaster line. The outside circular line is the face of brick wall. Into this brick wall the stone steps are bedded eight inches, and resting step upon step lengthwise on the horizontal checks, interlocking each other with warped joints accurately fitted through the depth of each stone, form an archlike self-sup])orting structure. The front ends of steps finisli in line with a circle five feet in diameter ; the nosings projecting on the line L, H, N, 10, which is also the concave line of the stone hand-rail. The hand-rail is seven inches wide by four inches thick. The shaded squares show the position and size of balusters. The centre line of hand-rail S R U TV passes through the centres of balusters. The hand-rail is divided into four pieces* — on the line G F, the beginning of the quicker curve, to newel S, of which 8 is the centre, and from R to U five treads are included, for the joints must be made to occur at the centres of balusters in stone-work ; from U to T five more treads are taken in the third piece of rail ; the balance from T to V makes the fourth piece ; next, the tangents have to be placed and the heights to be raised over each tangent, fixing their inclinations ; beginning at S, draw S E at right angles to 8 S ; at R draw the tangent E Q at right angles to F G and at U draw the tangent Q W at right angles to G A ; at T, at right angles to G I, draw W B ; from V, the centre of the rail, at right angles to G V "draw V B ; to fix the heights, at right angles to R Q draw Q D indefinitely ; at right angles to U W draw W X indefinitely ; at right angles to W B draw B C indefinitely ; make Q D two and a half rises ; con- nect D R ; from E parallel to D R draw E F ; make U A, W X and T I each two and a half rises in height ; con- nect A Q, X U and I W ; prolong W I to C ; from I parallel to T B draw 1 , 7. Fig. I. Template from Plan of Circular Band to be Applied on the Soffit.— An example of a portion of th& middle band will show how to ])roceed for either of the circular bands. From the centre of the plan G describe the centre line of the middle band A C ; then draw a straight line from A to C ; at right angles to A C draw A B ; make A B equal three rises ; connect B C ; anywhere along the line A C draw i)er- pendiculars X P, Q R and V S ; at right angles to B C draw P F, R G and S T ; make S T R G and P F ecjual V E, Q Z and X 0 ; on the points B F G T C as centres describe circles in diameter equal to the width of band, and touching these circles trace the curved edges of band. The hand-rail, the wainscoting, the heavy base and cap mouldings, the unfolding and paneling of the soffit and the curves, angles and joinings of the stone steps have each to be treated specially in one of the four more Plates following this one. See Plate 7, Fig. 10 ; also Plates 53 and 54. *The divisions of hand-rail, if thought desirable for any reason, may be each, leaving the top piece of rail to take the odd tread. ; — Commencing at R three pieces of three treads Plate No. 81 Plate No. 82 PLATE 82. CIRCULAR STONE STAIRS. Elevation of Sections of Steps. Their Connections, Curves, and Joints from which to Make Templets. Also Sections and Elevation of Wainscot ; Its Construction, together with Management of Base and Cap Mouldings. Figs, i and 2. — Elevation of sections of the first five steps. Fig. 2 is taken at the face of wainscoting, Z M K 0, Plate 81. Fig. i is taken at the line of nosing, L, H, N, 1 0, Plate 81. The check l^" A B, Fig. i, is set from rise line to H at plan, Plate 81, and the dotted line G H J drawn to get the radial distance at K J, the face of wainscot, which is 3+". This may be diminished to 2V , which is done at C D, Fig. 2, as it seems an unnecessary amount of check, and some little stone is saved, too. The joint will not radiate truly, but if it does not vary from the horizontal, as it will not when treated as directed, it will make no perceptible differ- ence. Through the angle of tread and riser F and A, Fig. i, draw the line FA ; from B at right angles to F A draw a line the required depth of the face end of the stone step B to E ; through E parallel to F A draw G R ; on this face all the joints — except joints through curves — are parallel to B E, or at right angles to F A ; at Fig. 2 draw the line XC ; at right angles to X C from D draw D P indefinitely; from E, Fig. I, draw the horizontal line E P ; then P, Fig. 2, touching the joint D P fixes the depth of stone at S P from V E of Fig. i ; from P at Fig. 2 parallel to X C draw 0 Q ; at Fig. i prolong the floor line W J to H ; prolong the joint at G to H ; on H as centre describe the curve G J ; then to find the radial from J to the face of wainscot section Fig. 2, take W J, Fig. i, in two or more parts and set them at Plate 81 ; from 9 to L and from G through L draw G M ; then P M will be the radial distance to set in front of the fourth riser X W at Fig. 2, Plate 82, and from W perpendicular to the floor line draw W L ; then produce a curve 0 L, finishing to the floor line and tangent to 0 P ; the horizontal lines G N and K M place the joints at the curve L 0. Figs. 3 and 4. — Elevation of several steps from the top of the flight down, which show in the checks, the regular joints and curve joints substantially what has been before explained. At Fig. 3, at the top joint, it will be preferable to cut a straight joint A B in the face of stone about three inches before commencing to cut the angular joint. Fig. 5. Cross Section of Stone Wainscot wit h Base G, Base Moulding A and Cap Mould- ing B. — The line of finished plaster is at C, the face of brick-work at D. This section is given on the line E F,Fig. 6. Fig. 6. Elevation of Wainscot. — G G G, etc., is the joints of base, the face of which is worked to the circle and set 25" in front of the face of wainscot, as at G, Fig. 5. The wainscot may be got out and joined as at H, H, H, H. A cross-section of this piece of panel-work on the circle is shown at J J ; I is an inserted raised panel ; 5 is the centre from which the lower portion of the wainscot panel is described, extend- ing within the radial lines 5 V and 5 S. The cap-mouldings T M 0 and the base-mouldings S V X will have to be squared up similar to hand-railing, and on this drawing it is most convenient to fix lengths of pieces — material considered — fit to handle that will cover in number the total length required ; also heights, etc., must be placed. At the ca])-moulding easement draw a horizontal line from the centre T to K and from M to N ; draw the perpendiculars M K and ON. It is best to make M N a length on plan of which any certain number of pieces will complete the circle. Divide K L into three parts, and from two of the points of division raise perpendiculars. At S, the centre of the base-moulding, draw the horizontal line S P, and from V draw the horizontal line V W ; draw the perpendiculars V P and X W ; divide P R into four parts, and from three points of the division raise perpendiculars. Fig. 7. — Moulded lower edge at finished front end of steps. * Sometimes two centres have to be used — one of less radius for base moulding and lower part of first and second panels and base moulding — and then these panels are possibly of a greater height than the others. PLATE 83. Unfolded Soffit of a Circular Stone Staircase. Unfolding the Soffit of a Circular Stone Staircase, and Apportioning the Panels, etc. — Draw a line A B indefinitely ; the centre E will not be needed in this development until later on ; make A B equal I, 0 of the \Aan at Plate 8i ; make B C equal P Q of Fig. 2, Plate 82 ; make A D equal E R, Fig. i, Plate 82 ; at the plan Plate 81 draw N 0, and at right angles to N 0 draw the perpendicular 0 F ; connect F N ; take F N for radius, and on A — of this Plate — as centre describe an arc at C, and on B as centre describe an arc at D ; at the intersection of the arcs at C and D draw the line D C ; proceed in like manner from D and C, as before, from A and B for the number of six steps ; then draw the line G F ; again from A B proceed and describe intersecting arcs at fK and L, and so on for five steps to M and N ; now the centre may be found by drawing the line M N until it intersects the line G F, prolonged to meet at the centre E ; with E A as radius describe the line of nosing J A 0 ; with E B as radius describe the face- line of wainscot ; with E W as radius describe the finished plaster line ; mark at F J the two steps E B, Fig. 3, Plate 82 ; mark also at G H the two steps G D, Fig. 4, Plate 82 ; connect Q R and J H ; mark at N 0 the three steps J S, Fig. i, Plate 82 ; mark also at M P the three steps L 0, Fig. 2, Plate 82 ; connect S T, U V and OP; A Z is the projection of nosing ; Z X is the moulded lower edge on the finished face of the front ends of steps. The drawing will furnish its own explanations by measurements and observation of circular and radial bands, division of panels, etc. It is not pretended that this unfoldnient of a warped surface, i.e., the soffit, is geometrically exact, but is a near approach, and serves a useful purpose for at least j^lanning and viewing the paneling on the ap- proximately unfolded surface. Plate No. 84 PLATE 84. Hand-railing for Circular Stone Staircase. Fig. I. — Elevation of treads and rise sufficient in number to show the height of hand-rail, length, and position of balusters, and placing the heights A B and C D at the top and bottom of the flight, giving the position of D and A above the floors. The joints E and F show their place in stone-work to be at the centre of baluster. At Fig. io, Plate 76, drawings and explanations are given to cut the balusters to an exact length, the tops to fit the 7varped bottom of rail. Between the centres of these two balusters there are five treads, as at plan Plate 81. At the top the baluster sets, as at plan, on the third tread down ; so also at the bottom the baluster sets, as at plan, on the fourth tread up. The treads H J are taken on the centre line of rail 3, 3, Plate 81. From F and from E draw the horizontal lines E B and F C ; CD equals 7 C and B A equals R F, both of Plate 81.* Fig. 2. Plan of First Wreath-piece 8 S R, Plate 81, to be Prepared for Drawing the Face- mould. — Make H C at right angles to D H and equal A B, Fig. i ; connec^t C D ; parallel to the tangent A D draw H G, L N, W X U, 0 P and S R T ; make E G equal H C ; connect G A ; then the bevel at G i^idicates the angle for squaring the wreath-piece at joint over A. The angle for squaring the tvreath over joint H is found as folloivs : — Prolong F H to J ; jjrolong A D to J ; on H as centre with H K as radius describe the arc K I ; connect I J ; then the bevel at I indicates the angle sought. Fig. 3. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 2 ; also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath-piece at Both Joints. — Draw tlie line T N ; make A R equal A R, Fig. 2 ; make A P U N equal the same at Fig. 2 ; at right angles to T N draw R S, A D, U W and N L ; make A D equal A D of Fig. 2 ; also A B equal A B of Fig. 2 ; make D B equal D C of Fig. 2 ; make R S equal T S of Fig. 2 ; make N Y L and U X W equal M Y L and V X W of Fig. 2 ; through B draw L 0 ; make B 0 equal B L ; make A T equal A P ; make the joint B at right angles to D B ; through P X Y 0 and T S D W L trace the curved edges of the face-mould. Squaring the wreath-piece at joint A is done with the angle G, Fig. 2, and at joint B with the angle I, Fig. 2. The dotted lines show the movement of the face-mould along joint A to plumb the sides of the wreath-piece from joint to joint. Side-moulds are given for this wreath-piece at Plate 76, Figs. 4, 5 and 6. A face-mould of the above character is explained in detail at Plate 13. See also Plate 32, Figs. 4, 5 and 6 ; also Note appended. Side-moulds for this case are given at Plate 76, Figs. 4, 5 and 6. Fig. 4. Plan of Second and Third Wreath-pieces R U and U T at Plate 81 to be Prepared for Drawing the Face-mould. — Make the perpendiculars E D and G K each two and a half rises ; connect D G and K H ; through E draw H J C ; on G as centre with G D as radius describe the arc D C ; parallel to G A draw R Z, Q Z and I Z ; parallel to E D draw X P, L 0 and M N ; prolong G E to B ; on E as centre describe the arc F B ; connect B A ; then the bevel at B indicates the angle with which to square the ivreath-piece at both Joints. Fig. 5. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 4, also Showing the Squaring of the Wreath-piece at Both Joints. — Draw the line N C ; make J C and J N each ecpial J C of Fig. 4 ; make J M at right angles to N J and equal to J G of Fig. 4 ; make C G H L and N G H L each equal D P 0 F N of Fig. 4 ; at right angles to N C draw lines through each of these points ; make G F, G 0, H 0, H X, L 0 and L X equal X Z, X I, L 0 and L X equal X I, X Z, L Z, L Q, M Z and M R of Fig. 4 ; through C draw F 0 ; make C 0 equal C F; trace the curved edges of face-mould through the points thus found, and make the joints C and N at right angles to the tangents. Fig. 6. Squaring the Wreath-piece with Face-mould, Fig. 5, and the Angle at B, Fig. 4. — The dotted lines show the position of face-mould in squaring the wreath-piece as it is moved on the slide- line from Z to X. A side-mould for this wreath-piece for the convex and concave is a straight parallel strip of sheet zinc of a width equal to the thickness of rail and long enough to reach from joint to joint around the convex. The face-mould, Fig. 5, is explained in detail at Plate 15. The case of hand-rail, Figs 2 and 3, limited by length of tangents, cannot always be made to answer the required height in this geometrically easy way, and for this reason we are obliged to use other and less desirable methods, as follows : Fig. 7. Plan of Wreath-piece same as Fig. 2 to be Prepared for Drawing a Face-mould that will Bring the Rail to a Lower Level, as Much as A G, Fig. i.— Let U Y B equal H C D, Fig. 2 ; let B E ecpial A G, Fig. i ; from F draw F R parallel to B U ; make F R equal B U ; make Y S equal B E ; draw S K parallel to U B ; parallel to U Y draw K J ; from J draw J R, the governing level line common to both planes ; parallel to J R draw V 0 6, 5 Q L, 3, 2 N, etc. ; at right angles to J R draw U W and FX indefinitely ; on B as centre, with B Y as radius, describe the arc Y W ; and again on 8 as centre, with E F as radius, describe an arc at X ; connect X W ; parallel to J R draw B M indefinitely ; prolong Y T to M ; prolong B U to H ; on U as centre, with U G as radius, describe the arc G H ; connect H M ; then the angle at H zvill square the wrealh-piece over joint U. The angle for squaring the wreath-piece over joint F will be found on the plumb face of joint presently to be explained. Make D C half the thickness of stone used to get out the wreath-piece, and from C draw C D at right angles to F E. D E is to be added to lower joint of face-mould for extra stone required to admit of cutting a plumb joint through the centre of thickness at that end. Fig. 8. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 7.— Draw the line X W ; make X Z W equal X Z W of Fig. 7 ; make W B equal Y B of Fig. 7 ; make X B equal F E of Fig. 7 ; connect B Z ; make X R equal D E of Fig. 7 ; make the joints R and W at right angles to the tangent ; make W I G K equal Y I G K of Fig. 7 ; make X P 2 equal F P 2 of FiG. 7 : make I, V, I, 6 equal 0 V, 0 6 of Fig. 7 ; make P 5, P L, 2 N, 2, 3 equal Q 5, Q L, 2 N and 2, 3, etc., of Fig. 7 ; trace the curved edges of the face-mould through the points thus found. The slide-line is at right angles to B Z. A face-mould of this character is given in detail at Plate 16. Fig. 9. Squaring the Wreath-piece by Face-mould, Fig. 8, and the Angle at H, Fig. 7. — The slide-line must be squared through to the other face of stone. The angle for squaring the wreath-piece at joint 0 is found at H, Fig. 7, and controls the sliding of face-mould, which is moved up along the slide- line, as shown by the dotted lines, until the tangent on the face-mould touches X, the point of plumb line, A at A B on the joint ; then mark the lower point P ; the same thing is done on the other face of stone ; the face-mould being moved again, but downward, along the slide-line until the point 0 — the tangent point — squares from the joint to B. Fig. id is a sketch merely introduced to show that the joint P through the stone is cut plumb, as at F Y, and the easement to a level is forced in the manner shown. B E and E Y is the two heights B E and U Y of Fig. 7. The tangent point P, Fig. 9, if marked at both faces of the stone, as it should be, is represented by P P, Fig. 9, and governs the squaring at this joint. Proper side-moulds — that is, to suit this case — are given for the wreath-piece Fig. 9, at Plate 76. * The face-mould for the wreath-piece joining at F and raising the height C D 'S not given because Fics. 2 and 3 cover it the only difference being is that it i^ a little shorter piece— TV at Pi.atf, Si. See Plate 56 for sliding face-moulds, etc. PLATE 85. Squaring Base and Cap Mouldings for Wainscot of Circular Stone Staircase. Figs. I and 2. Plan of Base Moulding Shown at A, Fig. 5, and at SV and V X of Fig. 6, Plate 82, to be Prepared for Drawing Face-moulds. — G 0 is tlic radius to face of wainscot from G 0 It plan Plate 81. At Fig. i on the face line of wainscot make J L etjual S R, Fig. 6, Plate 82 ; take also the four divisions R P and set them from L to 0, and from 0 to N set off the four divisions V W at F"ig. 6, Plate 82 ; through N draw Y G ; through 0 draw C G ; draw the tangent 0 F at right angles to 0 G ; make 0 B equal P V of Fig. 6, Plate 82 ; draw N S at right angles to N G ; through 0 draw S F at right angles to 0 G ; draw S K perpendicular to 0 S ; make S K and N Y each equal one half of W X at Fig. 6, Plate 82 ; connect Y S and K 0 ; parallel to K 0 draw B F ; from F draw F J, and prolong J F to C ; on 0 as centre describe the arc D E ; connect E C ; then the bevel at E indicates the angle that is required to square the moulding at the joint over 0 ; from 6, 0 and M parallel to F J draw 6, 8, 0 1, M Q, and 5 R ; make H I equal 0 B ; connect I J ; f/ien the bevel at I indicates the angle that mill square the moulding at the joint over J ; from 0 at right angles to F J draw OA; on F as centre with F B as radius describe the arc B A ; connect J A. At Fig. 2 draw the radial S 9 indefinitely ; then S 9 is the governing level line ; through N draw the line OX; on S as centre with S Y as radius describe the arc Y X ; prolong S N to L ; on' N as centre with N Z as radius describe the arc Z L ; connect L G ; then the bevel at L shoics the angle required to square this piece of mouliling at both joints ; parallel to S 9 draw U V and C C ; at right angles to S N draw V W and C P. Fig. 3. Side-mould for Fig. 4. — Draw the line A C B ; divide 5, 6 of Fig. i into four equal parts ; set these parts from B to C ; make C A equal 5 X of Fig. i ; make B D, W S, Y R, and X Z ecjual P V, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0, Fig. 6, Plate 82 ; with these points as centres describe circles equal in diameter to the height of base moulding ; touching the circles, trace the curves of tlie concave side-mould. Fig. 4. Face-mould from Plan, Fig. i ; also Showing the Squaring of this Piece of Mould- ing at Both Joints. — Draw the line K L ; make J S at right angles to K L and equal to J F, F"ig. i ; make J 0 equal J A of Fig. i ; make S 0 equal F B; connect 0 S ; make K J R Q I L equal K J R Q I, 3 of Fig. 1 ; parallel to J S draw L Z, 1,0, Q M, R N, K E, and make these equal N 6, H 0, Z M, X 5, J L of Fig. i ; connect R N and K E ; make the joint 0 at right angles to 0 S ; trace the curves as found. 2 he angle to square this piece at joint S is found at I, Fig. i, and for joint 0 at E, Fig. i. In marking the stone see that there is enough width equal to X X, X X, or a little more, taking notice that more width is required from the tangent one way than the other. At least one face of the stone must be perfectly true and out of wind. Fig. 5. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 2 ; also Showing the Squaring at Both Joints.— Draw the line A B ; make C A and C B each equal T X of Fig. 2 ; at right angles to A C draw D E ; make C D, C E equal T S, T R of Fig. i ; connect D B and D A ; make D G 0 and D G 0 each ecjual S W P of Fig. 2 ; par- allel to E D draw S 0, S 0, F G, F G ; make 0 S, 0 S each ecpial C C of Fig. i ; make G Fand G F, C D and C E each equal V U, F R, and T S of F'ig. i ; make the joints B and A at right angles to the tangents ; trace the curves through the points found. The angle to square this piece of moulding at both joints is given at L, Fig. 2. This face-mould is the same as that given for hand-rail at Plate 84, Figs. 4, 5, and 6, and also at Pla'i e 15. Figs. 6 and 7. Cap-moulding of Wainscot Shown at Section B, Fig. 5, and at T M 0 of Fig. 6, Plate 82. — M 0 is the radius to face of wainscot ; J 0 on face of wainscot is taken in the four divisions K T of Fig. 6, Plate 82 ; also 0 X is taken in four parts from M N of the last-named figure and plate ; the two heights at Fig. 7, 5 S and X W, are found at N 0 of Fig. 6, Plate 82 ; draw 0 E at right angles to 0 M ; make the height 0 4 ecjual K M of Fig. 6, Plate 82 ; parallel to S 0 draw 4 E ; connect E J ; at right angles to E J draw J B; parallel to E J draw OH, D6, and I A; make G H equal 0 4; connect H J and prolong to F and to A ; then the bevel at H indicates the angle required to square the moulding at joint over J ; prolong J E to X ; make 0 R equal 0 K ; connect R X ; then the bevel at R gives the angle to square the moulding at joint over 0 ; at right angles to J E X draw 0 C ; on E as centre with E 4 as radius describe the arc 4 C ; connect C J ; at Fig. 7 draw 5, 9 to M indefinitely ; then 5, 9 is the governing line ; through X draw OP; on 5 as centre with 5 W as radius draw the arc W P ; prolong 5 X to Y ; on X as centre with X 1 as radius describe the arc I Y ; connect Y M ; then the bevel at Y indicates the angle required to square the moulding at both joints over X a/id 0 ; parallel to 5, 9 draw 3 U and Q Z ; parallel to X W draw U V and Z Z. Fig. 8. Face-mould from Plan of Moulding Fig. 6 ; also Showing the Squaring at Both Joints. — Draw the line F A ; make F J H 6 A equal the same of Fig. 6 ; at right angles to F A draw A I, 6 D, H 4, J E, and F S ; make F S, J E, H 4, 6 D, and A I equal J E, G 0, L D, and B i of Fig. 6 ; make the joint at 4 at right angles to 4 E ; trace the curve lines. The angle to square this piece of moulding at joint J is found at H, Fig. 6 ; the angle for joint 4 is taken from R, FiG. 6. Fig. 9. Side-mould for Fig. 8. — Draw the line KT; divide the concave L D I, F'ig. 6, into four parts and set them from K to T ; draw K M, X X, X X perpendicular to K T ; make K M, X X, X X equal the same at Fig. 6, Plate 82 ; through the points thus found describe circles equal in diameter to the thickness of rail, and trace the curved lines touching the circles ; make the angle M 0 8 equal the angle 4, 0, 8, Fig. 6, and make the joint at right angles to M 8. Fig. 10. Face-mould from Plan Fig. 7; also Squaring this Piece of Cap-moulding at Both Joints. — Draw the line A B ; make D B and D A each equal P T of Fig. 7 ; at right angles to B A draw C D G ; make D C equal T 5, Fig. 7 ; connect B C and A C ; make the joints B and A at right angles to the tangents B C and A C ; make B Z E and A Z E each equal W Z V, Fig. 7 ; parallel to C G draw Z Q, E F ; make Z Q, E F, D G equal Z Q,3 U, and T N of Fig. 7 ; trace the curves. The angle to square this piece of mould- ing at both joints is taken from Y at Fig. 7 Where stone is used — such as onyx — that has pronounced bed lines, then in case of mouldings or hand-rail worked from a face-mould like Fig. 8, the face of stone requires such extreme inclination that the bed lines are thrown on top, or obliquely, in that direction ; and when joined to a piece of moulding worked from F'lG. 10, or, a similar piece of hand-railing, where the inclination of the face of stone is, as in this latter case, slight, then it becomes evident that the two — the first mentioned of which the bed lines are nearly vertical and the latter nearly horizontal — will not answer joined in that position at alb The remedy for this mismatching is to square up such a piece as F"iG. 8 out of soft pine, and copy it with patterns or templets marked on two parallel ])lane surfaces as the twisted piece lies flat. These parallel plane surfaces toucli the twist at one or more points, and the space between the flat lying piece and the planes is the exact thickness of stone required, and no less or greater thickness can be correctly used. Plate No. 86 POUL8ON 4 Eger, Hecla Architectuhai. Bronzf and Iron Works, 48 to 51 World Buildinq, New York. IRON STAIRS. Iron Staircases of tlie following designs, and variously finished, have been built in New York, Chicago, and most of the principal cities of the East and West. Iron balustrade work of these and other elaborate designs is also combined with wood and stone stairs. Where finish is desired beyond mere pai.iting, advantage is taken of several scientific and mechanical processes. Electro-plating is done on stair work in bronze, brass, and antique brass. The railings, newels, and all high-relief lines and mouldings are polished to afford artistic contrast. The electro-plate is ihcrouglily substantial and durable. y\ Bower-Barff Rustless Process. — This treatment. Imparts to the surface of the iron a blue-black color on rougher castings, while on polished work the iro'rf ;rfeislfi>§; its lustrous appearance with a beautiful steel-blue shade, that harmonizes well with electj-p-plalecj. v\jt>,ffc w'hsrc it is used in com- bination. ;"\' ' ^ ^f,',-,^^ Galvano-plastic. — By electrolytic process are reproducecf, /wh'en desired,' {5a'ne'i5, ,'njbuldings, and ornamental detail in solid bronz-copper. These can be given a m^dl' ^fiiii<;5i" -of bronze; brjfss; an^tique brass, silver, oxidized silver or Bower-Barff, by a subsequent electro-plate.'-.. Th^'-Meqla Aichi^'tejclural Bronze and Iron Works reproduce by this means at a nominal cost details of des'igtl ffom expensive and highly-artistic originals — of which they have a large variety — in solid metal tliat cannot be equaled by any other known process. This galvano-plastic work is well adapted to panels in wain- scoting and decorative interior work ; and it can be incorporated in the matter of design with electro- plated cast-iron work in infinitely varying ways. < r • * « Plate No. 87 Plate No. 88 POULSON & EOEB, HECLA ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE AND IRON WORKS, 48 TO 51 WORLD BuJLDlNG. NEW YORK. Plate No. 90 P0UL8ON ir. Egeh, Hecla AHCHiTecruRAi Bron?f an& ikon Works, 48 to 61 World Buiidini., New York- Plate No. 91 PouLSON & Eger, Hecla Architectural Bronze and Iron Works, 48 to 51 World Building, New York. Plate No. 92 Plate No. 93 POULSON & EGEH, HECL* ARCHITECTliHAL BRON7E AND IRON WORKS, 48 TO 51 WORLD BUILDING, NEW YORK Plate No. 94 Plate No 95 PouLSON & Egeb, Hecla Architectural Bronze and Iron Works, 48 to 51 World Building, New York. Plate No. 96 Po jtsoN 4. Eger, Hecla ARCHiTECTiiRAi Bron;f and Iron Works, 48 to 51 World Builoinq, New York. Plate No. 97 PouLSON & Eger, Hecla Archjtectural Bronze and Iron Works, 48 to 51 World Building, New York. Plate No. 98 PouLSON & Eger, Hecla AR'^hitectuhal Bhonjf »nd Ihon Works, 48 To b1 World Building, New York Plate No. 99 PouLSON & Eger, Hecla Architectural Bronzf and Iron Works, 48 to 51 World Building, New York. Platk No. 100 J . — PouLSON & Egeh, Hecl* AfiCMiTEcrLRAi Bronze (^^o Ikon WoftKS, 4S to b'\ WoiIi-d Bui^oino, New Yoh^ Plate POULSON 4 EGER, HECLA ARCHITECTURAL BRONiE AND IH'JN WORKS, 48 TO 51 WORLD BuiLDING, NEW YORK. Plate No. 102 P L/\rsl ScA LE |- I N.= 1 Ft PLAN OF IRON STAIRS: — This plan commends itself for many situations and business purposes by the very little space occupied; it being also strong, compact, simple, lasting and neat in appearance. In ascending by this plan of steps it is done from side to side as numbered 1, 2, 3, etc; while a handrail fixed at the middle is grasped as a guard and assistant. See Plate 103 for a section in elevation of this plan Poulson & Eger, Hecia Architectural Bronze and Iron Works, 48 to 51 World Building, New York. POULSON & EGER, HECLA ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE AND IRON WORKS, 48 TO 51 WORLD BUILDING, NEW YORK. Plate No. 104 VIEW OF THREE DIFFERENT FORMS OF STAIRS BROUGHT TOGETHER :— The flight on the right hand is a straight one; that on the left is in plan a quarter circle: the nriiddle flight is also in plan a circular double flight designed for convenience of ascent and descent. They are all constructed after the nnethod shown and explained in plan and section at Plates 102, 103. These compact, neat and cleanly Iron Stairs supply a want more particularly in business places by their great economy of space. PouLSON & Eger, Hecla Architectural Bronze and Iron Works, 48 to 51 World Buildino, New York. Plate No. 105. Plate No. 106. Plate No. 1 07. Newels and Balusters Manufactured by the Standard Wooo-TURNiNa Co.* 206 Greene St., Jersey City, N. J., U. S> A. Send 4 cts. in stamps for Catalogue and Price-List. Plate No. 108. Newels and Balusters Manufactured by the Standard Wood-Turning Co.. 206 Greene St., Jersey City, N. J., U.S.A. Send 4 cts. in stamps for Catalogue and Price-List. Plate No. 109. Newels and Balusters Manufactured by the Stansaro Wood-Turninq Co.. 206 Greene St.> Jersey City, Send 4 cts. in stamps for Catalogue and Price-List. MONCKTON'S Practical Geometry BEING A SERIES OF LESSONS BEGINNING WITH THE SIMPLEST PROBLEMS AND IN THE COURSE EMBRACING ALL OF GEOMETRY LIKELY TO BE REQUIRED FOR THE USE OF EVERY CLASS OF MECHANICS OR THAT ARE NEEDED FOR INSTRUCTION IN MECHANICAL SCHOOLS. ILLUSTRATED BY 42 FULL PAGE PLATES. BV JAMES H. MONCKTON, Author of Monckton's "National Carpenter and Joiner," and Monckton's "National Stair Builder." Instructor for many years of the Mechanical Class in " The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen's Free Drawing School " of the City of New York. Price $1.00. CONTENTS. Introduction. Drawing instruments, tools and materials required to be- gin with, and liow to use them. A 1' square. Right angle triangles. Drawing boards and tacks. The compasses and its a tachments. The line pen. Proper way to handle compasses. The lead pencil. Six rules for using tlie drawing instrumenis. Plate i. Geometry. A point. A line. A curve line. A composite line. A mixed curve. A zigzag line. A vertical line. A level line. A per pendicular. Plate 2. A circle. The radius. The diameter. A segment of a circle. Concentric circles. Eccentric circles. A tangent. Tjngent circles. Plate 3. To erect a perpendicular from a given line. Parallel lines. Oblique lines. An angle. Curvilinear angles. Mixtilinear ingles. To bisect a line. Plate 4. To bisect an angle. A diagonal. To erect a perpendicular at the end of a given line. To let fall a perpendicular to a given line from a given point. Angles. To trisect a quarter circle. To inscribe a square in a circle. Plate 5. A superficies. A plane figure. An equilateral triangle. An isosceles. A scalene and a right angled triangle. A square. An oblong. A rhombus. Aihomboid. A trapezoid. A trapezium. Quad- rilaterals and tetragons. Plate 6. Polygons and their construction. From a given side to con- struct an equilateral triangle, a squ.ire, a pentagon, and a hexagon. Plate 7. To inscribe an octagon within a square (two methods). Alti- tude or height of a triangle. An angle nscribed in a semicircle. To inscribe a square within a square. An equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle. To circumscribe a square about a circle. Plate 8. To place a line at right angles to a given line by the use of any scale of equal parts, and its application for a mechanical purpose. To circumscribe an equilateral triangle about a given circle. To find the centre of a circle. To inscribe a circle in a triangle. l^LATE 9. To copy an angle. To copy an irregular angular figure. To describe a circle through any three points not in a straight line. To find a right line equal to the semicircumference of a circle. Plate 10. To find the circumference of a circle by another method. Con- vex and concave. The square of the hypothenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the other two sides. Plate ii. To construct a triangle from given sides. To divide a circle into six equal parts; into eight equal parts; into twelve equal paris. Plate 12. Measurement of angles. Rapid method of dividing a gi en space into any number of equal parts. Plate 13. To divide a line into any number of equal parts. Plate 14. Measure of the angle at the centre and circumference of the circle. To make a square equal to three given squares. To describe an ellipse (two methods). Plate 15. Three methods of describing the ellipse. Plate 16. Two other methods of describing the ellipse. To draw a tan- gent to a given point on the ellipse. To find the point of contact. Plate 17 To find the axis of a given ellipse. To circumscribe a rectan- gle by an ellipse. To find the axis of an ellipse proportional to theaxi* of a given ellipse. Parallel elliptic lines impossible. Tj describe an approximate ellipse with arcs of circles. Plate 18. To describe an approximate ellipse more accurately. To de- scribe an eggoid. To describe a simple spiral or scroll with arcs ol circles. Plate iq. To describe an egg-shaped oval with arcs of circles. To de scribe a cycloid. To desci ibe an epicycloid. Plate 20. To describe an epicycloid by a circle rolline; within another cir- cle. To describe an involute. To describe a spiral or involute of one or more revolutions. Plate 21. Arches. A semicircular arch. A platband. The elliptic arch. Plate 22. To describe various forms of gothic arches. Plate 23. A rectangular prism. The cube. A cube cut by a plane pass- ing through the diagonals. Cut by a plane through the centre. Plate 24. A square prism cut at any height. To develop the surface of the truncated prism. Plate 25. A pyramid. A triangular prism. A hexagonal prism. A square pyramid. A hexagonal pyramid. Plate 26. A regular tetrahedron. A regular octahedron. The dodecahe- dron. The icosahedron. Plate 27. A right cylinder. To find a section. To find an envelope. Plate 28. To find the section of a right cylinder cut obliquely. To find the envelope. Plate 29. A cylindroid To find the section. Plate 30. To find the section of a cylindroid cut obliquely in two direc- tions. A sphere. The covering of a sphere. Plate 31 To describe the covering of a sphere on lines parallel to centre plane. The sections of a sphere. Prolate spheroid. Sections of a pro- lite spheroid Plate 32. Covering of a prolate spheroid. An oblate spheroid. Sections of an oblate spheroid Covering of an oblate spheroid. Plate 33. The helix. Plate 34. The cone and its sections. Plate 35. The ellipse liom a cone. The parabola. The hyperbola. Plate 36. To describe the parabola by another method. The ellipse from a cone. Plate 37. To describe a parabola by the intersection of tangent lines. The hyperbola on the principle that sections of a cone parallel to the base are circles. To develop the covering of a cone. Plate 38. To develop the covering of a cone, with the trace of the inter- section, when an hyperbola— also when a parabola— is produced by cutting plane. Plate 39. To develop the covering of an oblique cone together with the traces of several cutting planes. Plate 40. Scale of equal parts. A diagonal decimal scale. Plate 41. The protractor. The straight protractor. WILLIAM T. COMSTOCK, Publisher, 23 Warren St., New York. - — - #