0-A.TA.IjOGTT OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF OLD CHELSEA, BOW, BRISTOL AND DERBY GROUPS & FIGURES, Most of them of Fine Quality and including many Rare Specimens, OF F. J. TOMPSON, ESQ. Deceased, late of Fitzjohn’s Avenue, N.W.: which (by Order of the Executors) Mill be ^olb bjj Jltutxott bjr Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, MAY 23, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. Z(o^ CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VJI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On MONDAY, MAY 23, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY, BOW. 1 A sauce-boat, formed as a leaf, with stalk handle, painted with insects and flowers; and a pair of cream-boats, formed green leaves, with stalks for handles A small tazza, painted with flowers in blue; and a rouge-pot^ O ^ with Satyr’s-head handles, painted with insects in colour A vase, of hexagonal shape, painted in the Oriental taste with flowers, and squirrel and leaves in relief-—7 in. high A beaker-shaped vase, with masks at the side, and overhanging fringe of shells round the base, and encrusted with coloured flowers—6 in. high A Vase, with pierced neck and cover, surmounted by a figure of a bird, encrusted with flowers and painted with insects, and with two masks moulded in relief at the sides 11 4 - in. high 6 A Sweetmeat-Stand, formed of seven shells painted with insects and foliage, the top shell supported by a boy sitting on a group of rocks encrusted with coloured shells and. seaweed 9^ in. high , O 7 Another, nearly similar, with coloured and gilt shell dish 9.j in. high T? 4 BOW GROUPS AND FIGURES. -> ^ „ 10 A fallow deer reclining, on plinth with flowers in relief—3^- in. * ' high — marie, an anchor and dagger in red ; and a pair of figures of canaries, perched on branches with flowers in relief— 4 2f in. high -zp 11 A green parrot, perched on a tree stump with flowers in relief— 4f in. high; and a monkey, with young on its hack—3 in. high ^ 12 A pair of seated cats, on scroll plinths painted in colours—2^ /. c/ high ; and a pair of squirrels—2 in. high ^ 13 A pair of seated figures of children, on plinths with flowers in relief—3f in. high, and a child, seated, on coloured scroll plinth—4f in. high V 4/ 14 A boy, kneeling, holding a straw-coloured basket on his head, on coloured and gilt scroll plinth with flowers in relief—6f in. m. /) high—from the Collection of the late Dr. Diamond ; and a child, /CQsC partly draped, on white and green scroll plinth with flowers— 4^ in. high . */- j b A pair of figures of a boy and girl in Turkish costume, on raised scroll plinths encrusted with coloured flowers—6 in. high — mark, anchor and dagger in red—from the Collection of the late^P^ 7 Dr. Diamond; and a girl carrying a basket, her apron filled with flowers—5f in. high £?16 A boy playing a pipe, a dog by his side, on gilt plinth— 6| in. /f V Ttanh • o coofA/1 nun rAQ/linrf_ am hasiTi * d / 4 ^> /Z'M high ; and a seated nun, reading—5 in. high 17 Europa : a white group— in. high—from the Collection of the late Dr. Diamond', and a pair of white seated figures of a man wearing a pointed hat and playing the bagpipes, and a woman playing the zither—4| in. high—copies of Buen Betiro figures 18 A pair of white groups, of Chinamen teaching and chastisin & boys—91 in. high A pair, similar, in the South Kensington Museum 5 19,A pair of candlesticks, with figures of Cupids seated, with flowers, on pierced scroll plinths coloured and gilt—7k m. high ; and a girl standing by a donkey, a basket with cabb at her side, on square plinth— in. high 20 Winter: a figure of a youth with a muff, on skates, with a brazier by his side, on open scroll plinth with flowers in relief— in. high ; and a shepherdess, with flowers, in small high 21 A pair of figures of cooks, the man carrying capons, the woman a ham—7 in. high—mark a B impressed, probably that of John Bacon, B.A , the modeller. Similar figures are in the Schreiber Collection 22 A group of the May boy and girl, dancing, on shaped plinth, encrusted with coloured flowers, and scroll feet—7 in. high ^23 Spring, Summer and Winter : a set of three seated figures, richly coloured and gilt, on raised scroll plinths—6| in. high—mark, anchor and dagger in red ,6^ The Elements: a set of four figures with attributes, on plinths encrusted with flowers—7f in. high ^ branch candlesticks, encrusted with coloured flowers, ^ / and each with a group of two lambs at the base, on coloured scroll plinths—9 in. high ' ^ 26 A man, seated, with bagpipes, on scroll plinth encrusted with 27 3 ? coloured flowers— in. high “ Fire ” : an allegorical female figure holding an urn, from which ' flames are issuing, a phoenix rises from the flames by her side 7 / —8^- in. high 35 /, /J , O 36 / i? . O- 9 37 /7. /, 6 38 »/c? , C? 39 >7/ i /if , £7 40 41 /iTT/V „ ^ Neptune, with coloured drapery, seated on a dolphin, on eolo and gilt scroll plinth— in high—rare mark in blue The May Girl and Boy, in coloured bosquets, on scroll plinths coloured and gilt, with nozzles for candles— in. high A Pair of Candlesticks, with pheasants in bosquets, on scroll plinths painted in colours and gilt—9f in. high—marl an anchor and dagger in red, and the crossed swords with dots in blue Summer and Autumn : a group of two figures in a bosquet, on open scroll plinth with blue, white and gold nozzles at the sides, forming a candelabrum—9.V in. high Pair of Scroll Candlesticks, with groups emblematic of Autumn and Winter, on open scroll plinths coloured and g{lt—12 in. high—Autumn marled with the crescent in blue, and Winter with the crossed swords in blue The May Girl and Boy : a pair of figures in large bosquets of variously coloured may, on open coloured and gilt scroJJ plinths—9 in. high—marl, an anchor and dagger'in red A Pair of Candlesticks, with children in bosquets carrying baskets of fruit and flowers, on pierced scroll plinths coloured and gilt—8£ in. high—marl, an anchor and dagger in red Infant Bacchanals with a Goat, with bunches of purple grapes in relief, on raised scroll plinth coloured and edit 9 in. high — marl, an anchor and dagger in red Venus, seated, and holding grapes, with Cupid kneeling at her side, on scroll-shaped plinth coloured and gilt, and encrusted with vine foliage and grapes—9 in. high Flora: an allegorical female figure standing by a vase of flowers, on pierced scroll plinth coloured and gilt—10^- in. high A Pair of Candlesticks, with birds and nests in bosquets, on. pierced plinths with figures of a dog and lamb —10 in. high^/y^s Flora : a female figure holding flowers, standing by an urn of flowers, on a marble pedestal encrusted with ^flowers, on pierced scroll plinth richly coloured and gilt—11£ in. high marl, an anchor and dagger in red ^42 A Fox with a Fowl; and A Setter and Partridges: a pair of groups, with arbours above in the Venetian style, and nozzles ,/ for candles, on scroll plinths richly gilt—11 in. high 43 Bovs with a Drum and Fife : a pair, on coloured plinths

O . O /ft* /0 . 6f in. high An oviform vase and cover, painted with birds, foliage and insects ✓ —8f in. high ft/A & A Pair of Scroll-Shaped Vases, fitted with groups of jasmine, on tripod stands with grapes in relief, painted with flowers in colours and slightly gilt—Ilf in. high — mark, a red anchor on stands 69 A Set of Three Square-Shaped Vases, two painted with flowers and insects, and pink scrolls on the borders, the centre vase painted with peacocks and flowers—10| in. high A Set of Three Oviform Vases, with white and gold scroll 0 handles, painted with bouquets of flowers in medallions on apple-green ground, the centre vase with cover —lOf in. Mg, 'pair in. high 70 9 CHELSEA GROUPS AND FIGURES. ^ 71 72 O 73 A pair of figures of sheep reclining in bosquets—3 J in. high ; and a reclining bull, on plinth with flowers in relief—2^- in. high Sheep in bosquets, on scroll plinths coloured and gilt —a pair — 4 in. high ; and a pair of reclining stags, in bosquets—4^ in high A figure of a goldfinch, perched on the stem of a tree encrusted with flowers—3 in. high ; and a reclining ram—2f in. high A boy, with a wallet slung over his shoulder—6^- in. high — mark, a red anchor—from the Collection of the late Dr. Diamond and a candlestick, with a goldfinch in a bosquet—6 in. hig, A youth playing the bagpipes, with a dog at his side, on plinth encrusted with coloured flowers—5f in. high ; and a shepherdess decking a lamb with flowers, on scroll plinth—5-j in. high O 76 A man holding flowers, a dog at his side, on plinth encrusted with / Jr- - '74 75 coloured flowers—7£ in. high; and a girl, in flounced dressy yy/ 7 ^ 7 ^ dancing, on plinth encrusted with coloured flowers—6^ in. high O 77 Diana and Neptune : a pair of busts, on pedestals partly coloured c and gilt—4f in. high — mark, a red anchor 78 , O 79 , ^ A sportsman with a gun, and a lady with a dog —a pair —on coloured and gilt scroll plinths—7 in. high—from the Collection of the late Dr. Diamond “ The Ballad Seller ” : a group of a woman and child with partly coloured drapery, seated on a basket encrusted with flowers, -- 80 , O 81 gallows—5|- in. high — mark, a red anchor From the Collection of the late Dr. Diamond A child crowned with flowers, emblematic of Spring, seated, and holding a flower branch with nozzle for candle, on turquoise and gold scroll plinth— 7\ in. high', and Winter: a seated figure of a child, on scroll plinth slightly coloured and gilt i/ U / -x-^L 6j in. high A man with the bagpipes, and a lady with flowers a pair on ^7/ _ 1 1 1 , rh n A /.1nii«iArl n n ml f / 'J'W hl/l'h. scroll plinths coloured and gilt—7 in. high B 3 10 i/7 ^7 ^ f. i r, o 87 88 /& 112 A* {7 - , lib /*£ „ < 2*115 7 116 Bellona : a shield with the Medusa’s head at her side, on partly . coloured and gilt scroll plinth—12^- in. high 13 121 A O Youth, playing a pipe and drum, on scroll plinth encruste with coloured flowers in relief—10J in. high O 118 Justice : on scroll plinth painted in colours—12^ in. high A similar figure in the Schreiher Collection in relief—12 in. high — mark, a gold anchor 0 * /f 129 “ ROMAN CHARITY ” : a group, of unusual size and fine ;— zZ> quality, after the painting by Guido, richly coloured and gilt—16^ in. high — mark, a gold anchor. This is often called “ The Grecian Daughter,” from the Tragedy of that name written by Arthur Murphy, and first produced at Drury Lane in 1772, also inspired by Guido’s picture, which, or a copy of it, is at Hampton Court Palace, No. 253—on large apple-? green, white and gold pedestal—4^ in. high 130 APOLLO, CLIO AND ERATO, richly coloured and gilt : three figures of the set of Apollo and the Muses, on flat plinths encrusted with flowers—12 in. high —scroll-shaped white and gold scroll pedestals, painted with butterflies in colours—4 in. high — mark, a gold anchor and the letter H im¬ pressed on figures and pedestals (the mark of Noubilliac, the sculptor, who died in 1762) / *6 131 BRITANNIA : a statuette of the largest model and of the finest quality, with partly coloured and gilt drapery, her left hand resting on the head of a lion, seated at her feet, on white and gold scroll plinth encrusted with coloured foliage and flowers—26^ in. high *6 Mentioned in Chaffers, page 854 ; and also in Nightingale, page 83 A similar figure was in the Collection of Mr. Jas. Sanders 15 LONGTON HALL. 7 Z> 132 A group of two boys with a goat, on scroll pliuth partly painted in colours—5| in. high ^,133 A Lady, with a bird-cage, a lamb at her feet and a fountain by her side— 9 in. high t 134 A Pair of Scroll-Shaped Vases, painted with birds and en- Z' crusted with flowers, the covers composed of large grounso flowers—8 in. high ~ Figured in Professor Church’s 1 Handbook on English Porcelain ’ page 7 8 PLYMOUTH AND BRISTOL. y * £7135 A pair of triple shell sweetmeat dishes, painted with flowers, jz on coloured seaweed and shell bases—4 in. high —-— z? 136 A centre dish, nearly similar, with seven shell-shaped dishes, on S stand of coloured seaweed and shells—7 in. high t $ £?137 A figure of a man drinking, seated on a tree stump, on plinth /fit encrusted with flowers—7 in. high / ^ * O 138 Minerva : a coloured statuette, with the dragon at her feet, on^ coloured plinth— 7\ in. high — mark , H. impressed * -139 A shepherdess, with flowers and a lamb; and a man, with a basket of flowers— a pair —8 in. high 140 EUROPE, ASIA, AND AMERICA : A Set of Three Rare Figures. Europe represented by a female figure, with one arm holding a book against her side, a horse crouching at her feet, on scroll plinth encrusted with flowers and emblems 12^ in. high. Asia, a female figure wearing pearls and hold¬ ing a vase, a camel crouching at her side, on scroll plinth with flowers and emblems— 12^ in. high. America, a dark- skinned female figure, a prairie cat at her side, plucking an arrow from a quiver slung across her shoulder, and holding a bow with her left hand, on scroll plinth enciustec flowers—13jf in. high Figured in Professor Church’s ‘ Handbook on English Porcelain,’ page 13, Fig. 37 Similar figures in the Schricber Collection at the South Kensington Museum 16 CHELSEA-DERBY GROUPS AND FIGURES. / ('j 141 A pair of groups, of a cow and calf in arbours—5}, in highfi^^^/^ 142 Sheep grazing : a pair, on coloured plinths—3 in. high ; an (La J' 0—, , JL // sheep, reclining in a bosquet—3f in. high yu/ ZJ 143 A squirrel holding a nut—3^ in. high; and a stag reclining, with / an arbour at the back £ 144 A dog, seated—21 in. high; and a pug dog, on plinth painted in^ f colours—41 in. high . /24Z7 O 145 Boys with birds’ nests: a pair, on plinths encrusted with coloured flowers— 6 in. high ; and a child, carry inga basket / of flowers—51 in. high 146 A girl with a lamb, and a boy with a dog— a pair —on plinths encrusted with flowers— in. high Cf- -z? 147 Cupid riding a panther, on white and gold pedestal with slightly y / t, Z fi. /& 2, /s coloured festoons in relief— in. high 148 A shepherd and shepherdess, seated in bosquets, with a dog and ^ lamb and musical instruments —a pair —on scroll plinths coloured and gilt, and with nozzles for candles—8 in. high—^_^^ mark, the figure 12 in red // Cy 149 Mars in a bosquet, with a figure of a cock at his side, on pierced scroll plinth with nozzle for candle—8£ in. high — mark, figure 10 in red and a triangle impressed 150 Psyche standing by an urn, on plinth formed as rocks, encrustpd ^ .1 '1 ill . 1.1 1 .IT. ... i.l ill. .rll:. n VI .1 nmv ...^ .1 .1 Q 1 n M liv ./1 ^ with coloured shells and seaweed—8^ in. high A similar figure in the Schrieher Collection 151 A shepherdess playing the lute, seated in a bosquet with a lamb / trimmed witli ermine, his hat lying on the ground by his side, on oblong coloured plinth 111? in. high, From the picture by N. Dance Engraved by J. Dixon , 1772 A similar figure in the Schreiber Collection 155 Fame, and Mercury — a pair — on clouds, and scroll plinths O painted in colours and gilt. Mercury is holding a caduceus and purse, a bag of money and a bale of merchandise at his feet ; Fame has wings on her shoulders, and is blowing a trumpet—13 in. high — marie, an H impressed • DERBY. 156 An oviform two-handled vase, white and gold, encrusted with festoons of coloured flowers, and painted with birds and foliage—Ilf in. high ; and a small vase and cover, painted in colours and encrusted with flowers—4f in. high — marie, cros , swords in blue A Chelsea-Derby fluted tea-cup, coffee-cup and two saucers, painted with festoons of flowers and gilt edges— marie , an / anchor and D in gold 159 A ditto tea-cup and saucer, painted with bouquets of flowers and ) , O gilt edges— mark, an anchor and D in gold Once in the possession of Mrs. Thrale 18 DERBY GROUPS AND FIGURES. /# , & 160 A pointer and a setter: a pair, on plinths encrusted with flower^^ -4 in. high 161 i 62 ?• 7 . o 163 Modelled hy Coppee, see page 178 in Haslem’s Derby List A pair of figures of girl and boy gardeners—5^ in. high No. 7 in Moslem's Derby List ; and a girl, with a basket of flowers — 44 in. high The Seasons; a set of four figures of children, on round plinths —7 in. high No. 123 in Haslem's Derby List Rinaldo and Armida, and Cephalus and Procris : a pair, of groups on coloured plinths—6^ in., and 7^ in. high 7 /o. ■ 0~, 164 165 Nos. 75 and 76 in Haslem's Derby List Shakespeare and Milton : a pair of white and gold statuettes, with coloured drapery, on octagonal plinths—7 in. high marie, a crown, cross swords and the word Derby in red No. 297 in Haslem's Derby List A shepherd and shepherdess, with a lamb and dog, in arbours: a pair of figures on pierced scroll plinths with large flowers in relief, and with nozzles for candles, painted and gilf^/ / 84 in. high — marie, cross swords in blue r /tf ’ /& • 0 166 The Seasons : a pair of groups on plinths encrusted with y coloured and gilt—9^- in. high No. 68 in Haslem's Derby List r The child musicians: a group of four figures on a green hillock, encrusted with flowers and musical instruments—10 in. high y. No. 179 in Haslem's Derby List is A similar group in the Schreiber Collection A Group, of a shepherd with pipe, and a sleeping shepherdess, with lamb at a fountain with an urn at the top, on plinth encrusted with flowers in relief, painted and gilt — 12 in. high No. 12 in Haslem's Derby List