lloyB kVa jHH B* • , f ~ yfl «$?, ApwlHBJ IPWRg*>] £jS' i*A »P# • m . r- ^ ^•- jL if \ ffyr ^HKui IB, iMk i d -pc se\ ^*r CATALOGUE OF PICTURES, FROM THE COLLECTION OF JOHN GIBBONS, ESQ, Late of Hanover Terrace, Regent’s Park, (Who died in 1881.) ALSO, THE WILLES FAMILY PORTRAITS, By GAINSBOROUGH, LAWRENCE, HUDSON, and others: WHICH Mill be ^olti b v auction b|> Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR ©REAT R<3QM8» 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1894, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street t St, James’s Square, S. W. ID p-53-1 CONDITIONS OF SALE. - o - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than la.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to givo in their Names and Places of Abode, and to paydown 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct descriptions, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending suoh re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE -ooKKo On SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1804, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -- ^4 PICTURES. E. BEOMPTON. 1 Portrait of John Horne Tooke JO -*4 0 '/j/t SIE A. W. CALLCOTT, E.A. 2 THE SHEIMPEE 38^ in. by 55 in. Exhibited, at Burlington House, 1890 f'.A' Y 6 7 yy<^ ■ f£^*Ly ~ y ' yy^- yy A *<-*■ ^Z.'c yTsisty. a . /4 JZ? /-?zz Wr!■' T i n YW‘ , 1*1 PE , with two figures on horseback at a waysido inn 16^ in. by 13 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1890 TEA- /i'// cEifr*/. />& 1 - W. MULREADY, R.A. Zx/Z^ffirz^ ^ 42 A Roadside Inn, with hay cart, and horses baiting /^w4v- 13 in • b y 16 * n - Painted in 1810 for the late Thomas Welsh, Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1811 Esq. S yy W. MULREADY, R.A. 43 IIi!)iij!eC Ba it ihc 16 in. by 13 in. //TV % Exhibited at Burlington House , 1890 W. MULREADY, R.A. 44 A Landscape, with gipsies 12 j in. by 16 *w. /J 1 /# A */■*> p a i n t e( q j" or f] ie i a f e Thomas Welsh, Esq. ‘XA ■ ,/ //G. MORLAND. 45 A E ARM YARD Signed, and dated 1791 ^' f/ 271, in. by 35 in. Exhibited at Burlington Rouse, 1890 f ^ /, t.t. rX t < * X'Xi < * ' . * * ' /X S'/A s / ( *X/'rr. MORLAND. / // aA . , 46 A Landscape, with cottages, carrier’s donkey, and man on white horso 11 in. by 15| in. cart, woman driving PATRICK NASMYTH, *y**4~i £■~~ 47 VIEW IN A VALLEY, with old cottages at the edge of a wood; a rustic bridge over a brook in the foreground jijn 11 in. by 21 in. •"V 14 /PA G. B. O’NEILL. 48 The Ddet : The Favourite Tune 24 in. by 19^ in. /J /4 G. B. O’NEILL. 49 The Ghost Story 17 j in. by 16 in. y tpa. /sjy G. B. O’NEILL. 50 The Blind Girl, reading the scriptures ^ “ To give light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace.”—S. Luke i. 79. 18 in. by 14^ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy , 1850, No. 170 51 The Hippodrome '" G. B. O’NEILL. ifj ( ??*-- /*-**?■/* J 5£ in. by 9£ in. Sketch for a large picture belonging to John S. Gibbons, Esq., of Boddington Manor, Gloucestershire. R. REDGRAVE, R.A. 52 Fashion’s Slaves 24 in. by 29£ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1847 Referred to in * Life of Redgrave ,’ by F. M. Redgrave “ Mr. Redgrave was fond of painting pictures on this kind of subject, for he longed to fight for the oppressed and to help the weak, and could do it only with his brush. Other pictures on the same kind of subject were ‘ The Reduced Gentleman’s Daughter,’ ‘ The Sempstress,’ and * The Poor Teacher.’ ” Painted for Mr. Gibbons ' y, , R- REDGRAVE, R.A. S3 u A Place Where thf lunir Ltf ” r 15^ in. by 31 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1846 Referred to in ‘ A Memoir of Redgrave,' by F. M. Redgrave SIR J. REYNOLDS. / , S' r*B-***niy 54 NELLY O’BRIEN /w 30 in. by 24 in. SIR J. REYNOLDS. 55 THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER AND CHILD 50 in. by 39 in.—arched top Exhibited at the Guelph Exhibition, 1891 “ Stated in the catalogue of that Exhibition to have been exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1774, and entitled ‘Maria Walpole, Countess Waldegrave, Duchess of Gloucester (1737-1S07) and her daughter, Princess Sophia (1773-1844).’ The Duchess was niece to Horace Walpole, who frequently refers to her extreme beauty. She sat often to Reynolds, and there are at least, four portraits of her by his hand.” SIR J. REYNOLDS (After). 56 The Infant Hercules ^ ^ 16^ in. by 13£ in. Copy by W. Collins, Bjy£~ , /^c E. V. RIPPINGILLE. 57 The Post Office r r *' V O' sr Signed, and dated 1829 17J in. by 27 in. 16 E. V. RIPPINGILLE. 58 The Opera Box 5 in. by in. /* W. WALLACE SCOTT. 59 Thomas Webster, R.A .—miniature 8 in. by 5£ in. cf' R. SMIRKE, R.A. GO The Rival Waiting Women 7£ in. by 6 in. Engraved // X J%L.A <~*£CA ■*f~~**f J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 61 BONNEVILLE, the capital of Savoy; Mont Blanc / in tlio distance ; River Arve in the foreground j < n > i n by 48 in. 3-. M. W. TURNER, R.A. G2 A SEA PIECE, with fishing, boats lowering sail in a 17J in7by 23 in. squall Painted for “ 4 ' i pn « 41 m. by 52 m. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1849 /y- E. M. WARD, R.A. 66 John Gilpin “’Twas long before the customers were suited to their mind.” 24 in. by 39^ in. 4j' . 7. T. WEBSTER, R.A. U., ' ' - ■' '■ v- / .I /ti ll tSTl.^ f 67 THE SLIDE 29£ in. by 60 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1849 Exhibited at Manchester, 1857 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1890 Engraved by R. Graves Bought from the Artist ’ / * ■ /-ftt T. WEBSTER, R.A. •'t *7»4/Krjr-4? y 68 The Intercepted Letter 24 in. by 19£ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1835 r 18 T. WEBSTER, R.A. an^Ij^HARDY. os s /< i ^£.1 ;/?/>’/yJ , f^ 69 Interior of a Cottage, with au old peasant—a portrait of Webster’s father, seated smoking 13 in. by 18 in. 2i> 70 St. Cecilia 30 in. by 25 in R. WESTALL, R.A. 7~* JJ>0 // « 40 in. by 53i in. Exhibited at Burlington ITouse, 1890 R. WILSON, R.A. ' .-«* <• ^ /Ww4> ) 72 AN ITALIAN RIVER SCENE, with ruined buildings and bridge . , on • 21 in. by 33 in. /— f R. WILSON, R.A. a/ '^ 73 A VIEW AT TIVOLI, figures with a dog in the foreground 24 in. by 32 in. V/J in Silt D. WILKIE K.A.. 1817. 74 SHEEP WASHING: A pool iu the foreground, into which two men are driving sheep, while two others standing in the water are washing them ; mill beyond ; on a road to right are a shep- herd boy and dog watching a small flock of sheep; blue sky ' with clouds 35 in. by 53 in. r /. From the Collection of Sir Thomas Baring Exhibited at Burlington House , 1870 and 1890 Engraved by Finden Boyal Gallery of British Art See Allan Cunningham's 1 Life of Wilin'e ' “Sir D. Wilkie writes to Sir George Beaumont in December 1816, ‘ When you come to Loudon you will most likely find two of my pictures at the gallery. The one is Dr. Baillie’s ; the other a scene of sheep- washing, from a sketch I made in Wiltshire. With regard to the sheep¬ washing, it is of course, being a landscape, entirely new to me. I certainly wish to get practice and to obtain some kind of proficiency in this way ; but my ambition is not more than that of enabling myself to paint an outdoor scene with facility, and in no respect whatever to depart from my own line.' “ Critics have sought and found the subject iu the sheepwashing scene of Thomson; but the painter would scarcely seek in poetry for what he would find without the help of song. T1 e scene includes a mill, such as Rembrandt or Constable loved, and which Wilkie, it is likely, remem¬ bered to have seen grinding corn on Eden water. The mill, aga ; n, is a sort of‘out-shoot ’ or ‘to-fall ’—as we word it in the north—to a strange rickle of a dwelling house, which is at once old and new, two stories and yet only one. Into the mill stream, which is turned aside from its proper purposes, two rustics are forcing a flock of sheep, while a couple of vigorous peasants stand up to the middle in the pool below, seizing, sousing, and plunging them about, till with purified fleece they are allowed to swim to the bank, and regain as they best may the fold, where a black brother, whose fleece all the waters of the Eden could not whiten, seems to stand and inquire what all this unusual pudder is about. A shepherd with a staff in his hand and a white mouthed colley at his foot, stands on the watch that none of the flock escape from his care. This is said to be the sole landscape of Wilkie; yet, as in the back¬ grounds of Reynolds and Raeburn, there are snatches of landscape scattered about his pictures of very peculiar beauty.” f fo#/rrrrC? J 20 J’o 6 J J & THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. SIR H. RAEBURN, R.A. YP p w- 75 Portrait cti Lieutenai^t Colonel Morrison, in dress of a Major of 7th Dragoon Guards in. by 27 in. /Zt 4 A-/*/(PiPP // S. DE YLIEGER. / j j / / K'fi&.t,) ■ > /%. 76 Scheveningen Beach, with stranded fishing boats, and numerous figures selling fish _ Signed, and dated 1633 «2^a,,Z./' . ..I . 26 in. by 41^ m. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1888 PORTRAITS OF THE WILLE8 FAMILY. T. HUDSON. 77 Sir John Willes, Chief Justice, in his robes—1744 — r c ! 4' 56 in. by 45 in. T, GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 78 EDWARD, JUDGE WILLES, in his robes . . ^ ^ ^ Aoo in. by 40 in. Engraved by J. Heath, 1792 79 John Willes, Esq. 50 in. by 40 in. 7<3P-P< A , SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. J J /; . 6 K t/ / ;/t- .//?.,! 80 Edward Willes, Esq. 24 in. by 20 in.— oval 21 />/ yy */-■> UNKNOWN. 81 Portrait of Mrs. Willes, wife of the preceding — in crayons, oval o y /) J. L.. 1792. ^ .*. - . %£ c/ SIR REYNOLDS (Style of). Ay'-/y rofiy zCx ^ 'trzAL Ay 84 A Boy with a lamb, in a landscape y 48 in. by 35 in. yy^y. y/H^.^ yy*y. a. & rr V~ / <4r ) G. ROMNEY (Style of). 85 Portrait of a Gentleman, in a brown dress 49 in. by 39 in. z^- /z OZIAS HUMPHREY. 86 A Boy and Two Girls, in a landscape Signed with monogram , and dated 1783 30 in. by 25 in. <-<• a. tsy FINIS. Loudon: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.