<- * i ^ ii - ■ ■■ 3* i k% ^^ c/. ^ ^ ■ ^ ^ ^ /I H^^6^\.^^ ^^CxtA-^V/ ^ vo jtz? li CATALOGUE ^, A VERY EXTENSIVE, CURIOUS AND VALUABLE LIBRARY, / COMPRISING A LARGER COLLECTION THAN HAS " '^' HITHERTO EVER BEEN OFFERED IN ONE SALE OF ^^ RARE, CURIOUS, AND IMPORTANT WORKS IN ANGLO-AMERICAJNT LITERATURE, INCLUDING VERY MANY ARTICLES UNNOTICED BY RICH AND OTHER WRITERS ON AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY, ALSO RARE AND INTERESTING AVORKS IN OTHER CLASSES, INCLUDING /yV" ENGLISH VERSIONS OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, * ^ SCARCE EDITIONS OF THE COMMON PRAYER, J y-i SACRED POETRY, PSALMODY, HYMNODY, ^ CURIOUS AND SCARCE PIECES IN ENGLISH POETRY, HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, BIOGRAPHY, NOVELS, FACETI^, ETC. AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF SCARCE AND EARLY NEWSPAPERS VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES, MANY CURIOUS BOOKS ON WITCHCRAFT, ALCHEMY, ASTROLOGY, AND THE OCCULT SCIENCES, BOOKS WITH AUTOGRAPHS AND MS. ADDITIONS, ' MATCHLESS SERIES OP W. PRYNNE'S WORKS, KNIGHT'S " PICTORIAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND" AND " LONDON," CONTAINING THREE THOUSAND ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. THE ENTIRE COLLECTION BEING IN FINE CONDITION, IJvCLUDING MANY UNCUT COPIES, FINE OLD MOROCCO BINDINGS ETC. " ' A FEW MANUSCRIPTS, THE ORIGINAL SOLEMN LEAGUE AND COVENANT NUMEROUSLY SIGNED, DATED GLASGOW, 1G38. ETC. ETC. (ixflhifh xcWl be sold bij ^udioit, BY MESSRS.^ " NIL PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, AUCTIONEERS OF LITERARY PROPERTY, AND WORKS OF ART AT THEIR NEW AND VERY SPACIOUS PREAJJSEs' No. 47, LEICESTER SQUARE, (Formerly occupied bv the Western Literary Institution) ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th, 1859, AND nine following DAYS (SUNDAY EXCEPTED) AT ONE o'clock FRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS BEFORE THE SALE. CONDITIONS OF SALE, I. The liighest Biddei* to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed to be immediately put up again and resold. II. No person to advance less than l*. ; above Five Pounds, 2« 6c?, and so on in proportion. HI. The Purchasers to give in their names and Places of Abode and to pay down 5^. in the Pound, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased, shall be immediately pxit up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Hisk three days after the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery ; in default of which Messrs. Puttick and Simpson will not hold themselves re- sponsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, or damaged, or otherwise destroyed but they wiU be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed in the Catalogue, or at the time of Sale ; but if upon collating at thb PLACE OF SALE, they should prove defective, the Purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them. VI. The sale of any Book or Books is not to be set aside on account of any Stained or Short leaves of Text or Plates, want of List of Plates, or on account of the PubUcation of any subsequent Volume, Sup- plement, Appendix, or Plates. All the Manuscripts, all Magazines, and Heviews, all Books in Lots, and all Tracts in Lots or Volumes, and all Books described as being in any way imperfect, will be sold with all Faults, Imperfections, and Errors of Description. The sale of any lot of Prints or Drawings in Illustrated Books, or otherwise, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the num- bers stated, or for errors of description. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money deposited in part Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots left uncleared after the day of sale, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale wi'^hout further notice ; and the Deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is Avithout prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. *^* No Lots can be delivered at the time of Sale. Gentlemen tcho cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissians fmthfuUy executed by their obedient Servants, PLTTICK AND SIMPSON. Auction Booms for the sale of Literary Property, Music, and \^^orks of Art, 47, Leicester Squaee. *^* Libraries Catalogued, Arranged, and Valued for the Probate or Legacy Duty, or for Public or Private Sale. Small consignments of Books, Music, etc. received and inserted in occasional Sales with property of a kindred description, thus giving the same advantages to the owner of a few lots as to the possessor of a large collection. .Kbtablishkd, 1794. LIST OF WORKS, OB OF EDITIONS OF WORKS, EITHER RELATING TO AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES, BY AMERICAN AUTHORS, COMPEISED IN THE FOLLOWING CATALOGUE, WHICH ARE WHOLLY UNMENTIONED IN RICH'S "BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA.' Date. 1494 1521 1546 1550 1561 1582 1583 1584 1591 1596 1600 16i9 1624 1625 1628 1630 1632 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 Name or subject. Lot. Columbus . 678 P. Martyr . 1813 Honterua . 1402 Cortes . . 715 Cortes . . 717 Castaneda . 522* Las Casas . 530 Cosmograpliia 720 Keymis . 1559 Mendo9a 1885 Acosta 5 Calvetonio 483 Nicolai 2117 Donne, Jno. . 917 Considerations, etc 2258 Hernandus 1347 Cotton, Jno. , 725 Cotton, J. 726 Hooker 1406 Blundevil 328 Cotton . 727 Hooker . 1407 Herbert 1342 Hooker 1408 Hooker . 1410 Eobinson 2550 Robinson 2551 News 2080* Cotton . 728 Cotton . 729 Hooker . 1411 Paget . 2182 Cotton . 730 Stougbton 2842 Huit 1445 Sbepbeard 2702 Cotton . 731 Las Casas 1603 Matber, R. . 1819 Welde 3094 Cawdrey 733 Date. Name or subject. Lot. 1645 Cotton . . .734 Sbepbeard . . 2703 WiUiams . . 3170 1646 Cotton . . 735 Parker . . 2194 Workman . . 3212 1647 Cotton . . 736 Cotton . . 737 Drake . . 927 Pagett . . 2180 1648 Cotton . . 738 Cotton . . 740 Hooker . . 1413 Rutberford . . 2613 Sbepard . . 2704 1650 Cotton . . 739 Raleigb . . 2487 Sbepbard . . 2707 Waldronds . . 3042 1651 Cotton . . 741 „ Cawdrey . . 1415 1653 Sbepbard . . 2708 Sbepbard . . 2709 1654 Norton . . 2129 News . . . 2080* 1655 Cotton . . .743 „ Declaration, etc. . 3112 1656 Cobbet . . .639 „ Cotton . . .742 „ Hooker . . 1414 True Narrative . 3114 1657 Cobbet ... 640 ,, Gorton . . . 1232 Sbepbard . . 2710 „ Order of Parliament 3110 1659 Lee, S. . . 1619 Sbeppard . . 2712 1660 Cotton . . .744 Norton . . . 2130 1661 Rofe . . . 2561 1662 Brooksop . . 392 Date. Name or subject. Lot. Date. Name or subject. 1662 Grave . 1211 1694 Mather, I. . » Pynclion 2131 1695 Shephard „ San ford 2637 1696 Croese >» Vaue 2996 1698 Bisselius 1664 Whiting 1664 >> Mather, N. . 1667 Royal Adventurers 2599 1699 Las Cases 1669 Mather, I. . 1820 19 Darien 1671 Clark . 626 Frozer ,, Cotton . 745 „ West Indies . >) History of Jevrels . 1368 (17- ) State of Clerg}^ ,, Simpson 2721 ( „ ) Colonies 1672 Laws of Massachus 1817 i „ ) Drake 1674 Coddington , 2667 ( „ ) New Jersey . 1676 tjrroome 1257 ( » ) Select Tracts ,, Howgil . 1426 1700 Bray Memorial „ New Jersey . 2075 ,, Bray Sermon 1677 Lee, Saml. 1620 jj Caledonia » Lee, S. 1621 J, Dickinson Mitchel 1929 jj Gobien ,, Prade 2936 jj Relation 1678 Cotton 679 1701 Mather, N. . 1680 Godwyn 1212 )> Moll . ,, Hellier 1325 1703 Dobson 1681 Godwin 1213 j» Sandoval 1682 Virginia 3021 1704 Hennepin 1683 Three Letters 1641 1705 Dunton J, Mather, I. 1822 „ De Lussan 1685 INIather, C. 1835 jj Dickinson 1686 Mather, I. . 1823 1706 Petitions 1687 Lee, Saml. 1622 1710 Taylor >j Mather, I. . 1824 1712 CoUection Mather, I. . 1825 „ Mather, I. . „ Mather, C. . 1836 17i3 Mather, C. . 1688 Mather, S. . 1826 j> Reland 1689 Collection 453 1714 Jamaica It Mather, C. . 1834 1715 Edmundson . if ■ Mather, C. . 1837 >> Mathei-, I. . >> Mather, C. . 1838 1717 E.Ward 3) Mather, C. . 1839 1718 Account, etc. Mather. C. . 1840 ,, Mather, N. . 5> Sixth Collection . 2070 1719 Adventures . >> Plantations ■ . 2259 t> Mather, S. . 1690 Mather, C. . 1841 1721 Janeway >> Mather, C. . 1842 ,, Mather, I. 1691 Burnyeat 454 ,, Mather, C. . 1692 Pennsylvania 2218 ,, Morton 1693 Harvard 1314 1722 Blair, Jas. >j Jamaica 1489 1721 Bockett, E. . Keith 1542 1723 Millar )j Mather, I. 1827 1725 Mather, I. Mather, I. 1828 1726 Roberts >> Pennsylvania 2218 J, Mather, C. . 1694 Fox, Geo. 1121 ,j Mather, I. and C. . jj Keith, G. . 1543 jj Willard M Keith, G. . 1544 „ W. Rogers Lot. Date. Name or subject. Lot. Date. Name or subject. Lot. 1726 Eer, John . 1556 1756 Mayhew 1869 1727 Gibson . 1195 5> Whitfield . 3141 „ MoU . 1935 1757 Betagh 221 1728 Monthly, etc. . 2100 ,, Bulkeley 416 1730 African Co. . 600 J) Du Plessis 955 jj Psalms, etc. . 2368 Everard 1031 1733 Besse . 219 1758 Bellamy 196 jj CharleA'oix . 600 jj Burke 447 1734 Cleveland . 632 >> Cape Breton . 501 1736 C. Dupont . 125 >> Brieve Relation 1967 >i Hoskins . 1425 ,, Paraguay 2189 1738 Darien . 813 1759 Considerations, etc. 56 , Le Long . 1954 ,, Wheelock 3129 »» Trials . 2951 1760 Hymen . ■ 469 West Indies . 3113 7) Br3"an and Watson 513 ,, Whitfield . 3135 Belaeao . 1480* 1740 Blair. J. . 317* 1762 Comparative 686 9f Gerrish . 1193 J, Deaue . 824 » Holmsby . 1395 J, Lockman 1707 » ' Ubaldino . 2977 ,, Impartial, etc. 1925 J> Whitfield . 3131 jj Ogden . 2148 1741 Buccaneers . 405* ,, Bellamy 197 JJ Turell . . 2965 1763 Cayenne 537 1742 Firmin . . 1082 ,, Speckman 2794 1743 Lockman . 1700 176 i Impartial History 66 ,, True Account . 2791 ,, Grainger 1236 1744 Bishop . . 310 1765 Ancient Eight 57 ,, Lade . 1585 )) Set of Plans . 58 1744 African Co. . 2601 Beveridge 222 1745 Auson 89 )> Cooper, Wm. 705 » Estaugh . 1020 ,, Hopkins 1416 »> Le Sage . 1635 jj Massachusetts 1818 »» Present State . 2262 „ Remarks 1868 1746 Bray, Life . 375 1766 Burke . 448 „ Carolina . 512 ,, Lyddeker 1731 »j African Co. . . 2602 ,, Schooten 2648 „ Hume, Sophia . 1446 j^ Letter to, etc. 1868 1748 Defence, etc. . . 1748 1767 English Pilot 3118 ,, Brainerd . 1480 1768 Apology 145 1749 Bickham . 302 J, Chauncy 609 1749 Apology, etc. . 144 ,, Tracts 2945 ,, Kempis . 1551 1769 Copies, etc. . 51 1750 Anderson 74 9) Burke 450 » Collection , 665 1770 Bernardes 209 X Mayhew . 1870 99 ■Short Narrative 347 „ Short View . . 3117 3» Whitfield . 3143 1751 Anson . 91 1772 Dupont 956 ,, Eoche . . 1964 1773 Bougainville 350 » Raleigh . 2491 ,, Chandler 2664 1752 Miscellany . 208 ,, Wheatley 3128 1753 Besse . 218 1774 Parish 2190 1754 Articles . 1966 jj Sewel 2680 „ Hillary . 147 )> Account, etc. . 2474 >» Holme . 1393 >> Plan of, etc. . 2473 1756 Sir F.Drake . . 562 Woolman 3207 Date. Name or subject. Lot. Date. Name or subject. Lot. 1775 Sermons 63 1797 Wesley 3102 ,, Knox, H. 1578 1798 Brainerd 1497 1776 American Atlas 54 ,, Edwards 3119 ,, Moody- 64 1799 Griffiths 1255 ,, American Loyalists 64 >) Adventures . 207 s> Anecdotes 78 Stanton 2514 Ercilla 1012 jj Stanton 2811 ,, Eaynal 2506 1800 Am. Medical Eepos. 61 ., Eeckitt 2513 ,, Macpherson . 1747 1777 Owen 2175 1801 De Eeste 883 J Kamsey 2496 J) Grant 1238 1778 Form of Prayer 67 Linn 1661 >» Gazetteer 2123 1802 Brayton 376 1779 Borland 814 : 1804 Dreams 932 »» Jamaica 1490 I) Bush 2607 Form of, etc. 1894 Bivohizioni . 2545 jj Duclie 1936 1806 Ann. Register 62 ,^ Virginia 3023 ,j Sheffield 2698 1780 Churcliman . 618 1807 Stephenson . 2824 ,, Jeffreys Andre 1504 1808 Grant 1240 1781 76 „ Shakers 2684 ,, Campe 491 1809 Maseres 1814 jj Coxe, Wm. . 761 1810 State 2823 jj Mather, C. . 1850 1812 Shepard 2713 1782 Eetrospect, &c. 64 1813 Eaton 970 J, Castriotto 533 1814 Am. Med. Eegister 60 jj Hunt, J. 1452 1115 Ash 116 1783 E. Stiles 689 J, Snowdon 2764 »> Hopkins 1417 1817 Pradt 2294 1784 Cliauncy 610 >» EUey 2538 ,, WUson 3185 >» Scott, J. _ . 2657 1785 Hist, of War 68 1818 Brackenridge 359 jj Edwards 985 ,^ Dunton 951 1787 Hanson 1297 1819 Philadelphia 2231 J, Jeffreys 1505 1820 Eustace 1025 ,, Moliawk 1680 >> Festival 1057 1788 Amusemeus . 53 Franchere 1125 1789 Cooper, Eev. 706 1821 Cobbett 641 >' Erancklyn 1126 1822 Green 1249 f. Frossard 1146 ,, Bosquejo, &c. 1895 Mather, C. . 1851 1823 Cobbett 641 7f Story 2838 1824 Law 1610 Webster 3090 ,, Trial 2953 1790 Ferrar, N. . 1072 1826 Jemison 1506 J, Periodical 1977 1827 Nack 2046 ,. Humphreys . 1449 1829 Eapports 493 ,^ Webster 3091 )t Eeport, &c. . 494 1791 Trumbull 2957 Cambridge 2072 1792 Wesley 3101 J, Transactions . 2476 1793 Barlow 154* 1830 Anderson 75 1794 Morse 1994 ,j Proceedings . 3024 1795 Grenada 1252 1835 Catalogue 2232 ^, Diaz 891 1838 Memoirs 495 1797 Arnold, J. L. 108 9t Washington . 3081 „ Mackay 1712 1841 History of Yale 139 lo M^^s ^.^^^ • p»-«4T/^/^TTt7 1- - ■^ crimffon morocco extra, gilt edges vans, lyj^^^ 6 Act of Parliament relating to the Government of H.M. Ships, -^ Vessels, and Forces by Sea, blue morocco extra, George _yy^^ y the Third's copy, with the royal arms on the sides, and the book-nlat^s of iVilliam IV. and the Duke of Munster ^ -^ 4to. 1780 7 Acugua, Acarete, Grillet and Bechamel's Voyages and Discoveries ^^-^ /^ in South America, translated into English, maps, 3 parts '^^^^ / in 1 vol. calf ^^^'^ Date. Name or subject. Lot. 1775 Sermons 63 ,, Knox, H. 1578 1776 American Atlas 54 ,, Moody 64 >! American Loyalists 64 >) Anecdotes T? — :n. 78 Date. Name or subject. Lot. 1797 Wesley 3102 1798 Brainerd 1497 ,, Edwards 3119 1799 Griffiths 1255 ,, Adventures . 207 >i Stanton 9.^1 A AEEANGEMENT OF SALE. EiRST Day's Sale . Second 1)ay's Sale . Third Day's Sale . EouBTH Day's Sale EiETH Day's Sale . Sixth Day's Sale . Seventh Day's Sale Eighth Day's Sale . Ninth Day's Sale . Tenth Day's Sale . . Wednesday, May 25 page 3 . Thursday, May 26 page 30 . Friday, May 27 page 54 . Saturday, May 28 page 78 . Monday, May 80 page lOi . Tuesday, May 31 page 128 . Wednesday, June 1 page 157 . Thursday, Juue 2 page 182 . Friday, June 3 page 206 . Saturday, June 4i page 230 1859. 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1797 Periodical . 1977 Humphreys . . 1449 Webster . 3091 Trumbull . 2957 Wesley . 3101 Barlow 154* Morse 1994 Grrenada 1252 Diaz 891 Arnold, J. L. 108 Mackay 1742 1826 Jemison . 1506 1827 Nack 2046 1829 Eapports . 493 ,, Eeport, &c. . 494 „ Cambridge 2072 >> Transactions . 2476 1830 Anderson 75 )» Proceedings . 3024 1835 Catalogue 2232 1838 Memoirs 495 )> Washington . 3081 1841 History of Yale , 139 10 M^^ / ajtffcjr:w- " i *'< | ^ ' ifc^^t^i^fci CATALOGUE or VALUABLE BOOKS. FIKST DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. *^* All in 8vo. or lesser sizes, unless otherwise mentioned. y.'^l Abbot (Geo.) Archbishop of Canterbury, Life of, with his Charac- /^ ter, Will, etc. portrait and flat e, hf. hd. Guildford, n. d. '^"^^^ ^/2 ^bdeker, or the Art of Preserving Beauty, calf 1754- (^ Absalom Senior, or Achitophel transposed, a Poem, uncut \ i^J V 4to. 1682 I I A Acosta. Rerum a Societate Jesu in Oriente Gestarum commenta- / // ' riiis Enianuelis Acostae recognitus, et latinitate donatus. / Acces. de Japonicis Rebus Epistolarum hbri IV. item I recogniti, et in latin um sermone conversi, fine clean copy, I in vellum wrapper Dilingce, 1571 J / ' 5 Acosta (Joseph) Histoire Naturelle et Moralle des Indes, tant y//^ ' orieiitalles qu'occidentiille? ; traduite par R. C. Cauxois, '"'^^^^'^^^ qu occiuentiiiie? ; traduite pt crimson morocco extra, gilt edges Paris, 1 GOO 6 Act of Parliament relating to the Government of H.M. Ships, •^ Vessels, and Forces by Sea, blue morocco extra, George y^/yy^ the Third's copy, with the royal arms on the sides, and the book-plates of ff'illiam IV. and the Duke of Munster 4to. 1780 7 Acugna, Acarete, Grillet and Bechamel's Voyages and Discoveries t/^-^j ^^ in South America, translated into English, maps, .3 parta ^^VV-^ in 1 vol. c«// I COS /J> 4 FIRST day's sale. 8 Adair (Jas.) History of the American Indians, with appeuciix ^•/ containing an account of the Floridas, Mississippi Lands, y / etc. very Jjne clean uncvt copy in the original hf. cf. 4to. 1775 ^ >9 Adams (F. C.) Manuel Pereira, or Sovereign Rule of South Caro- ^^y^ liiia, 1852 — -Adams (John) Defense des Constitutions Americaines, with Notes by M. de la Croix, 2 vols. I'aris, 1792 .=:^!i^ \0 Addison (Joseph) Life of, by Lucy Mkiu, jjorfrait 2 vols. 1843 11 Adventures and Surprising Deliverances of James Dubourdieu and his W ife, who were taken by Pyrates and carried to the uninhabited part of tiie Isle of Paradise. Also the Adventures of Alex. Vendchurch, whose ship's crew re- belled against him and set him on shore on an island in the South Sea, where he iiv'd five years, five months, and seven days, etc. 1719 / 12 Adventures of Abdalla, son of Ilanif, in the Island of Borico ; y/ also the Travels of Rouschen to the Topsy-Turvy Island, and other Curious Histories, done into English by W. Hat- chett, plates, Jine clean copy, culf 1729 ^ / 13 Adventures (The) of a Valet, written by himself, 2 vols, calf, / fine copy 1752 c5"'^14 Adventures of Naufragus, written by himself 1827 _, 15 Advice to New-Married Persons ; or the Art of having beautiful jTy children, //0»<7c»w, 17.. — CallipsediEe; or tlie Art how to / have handsome children, by the Abbot Quillet, in English ^ Verse 1710 . / / 16 .^rodius (Petrus) a Discourse for Parents Honour and Authoritie, ;f/y I written respectiuely to reclaime a young man that was ^ .--^ 22 Album of Flowers, a series of 28 emhossed plates of Flowers, y^^ rohvred, with horder and Poetical Ferses to each, in I Vol. emhoiscd roan, gilt edges 4to. yy riRST DAY S SALE. Alchemy. / 23 Aureum Vellus, odev Guldin Schatz und Kunstkainer: contain- / ing the principal, excellent, glorious, and experienced authors, in MS. and in print from the most Antient Treasure of the remaining hidden, and reserved Relics and Monuments of the /Egyptian, Arabian, Chaldean, and Assyrian Kings and Magi ; Five Treatis-es, {two having MS. titles), in 1 vol. 7-icssia, portrait of Paracelsus, and nu- merous cuts, some coloured, also MS. notes Borschach, 1598 , y 24 Cambachius (L.) The Dawning of the Day discovered by the /^tl^ Beams of Light, shewing the true Salt and Secret of the Philosophers, the First and Universal Spirit of the World, now Transplanted into Albvon's Garden, by R. T[urner] 16.V /y 25 Philosophy Reformed and Improved in Four profound Tractates, /'Cp 1 Discovering the Mysteries of Nature, by 0. CroUiiis ; the other 3 the ilysteries of the Creation, by Paracelsus, made English by H. Pinnell, portrait of Paracelsus, {rnounted) 1657 / 26 Collectanea Chymica: a Collection of ten Several Treatises in / Chymistry, the Liquor Alkahest, the Mercury of Philoso- phers, etc. written by Eir, Philaletha, Van Helmont, Trevi- san, Sir G. Ripley, Rog. Bacon, Starkey, Sir H. Piatt, and the Tomb of Semiramis, scarce and curious 1664 ^ 27 Boluest (Edw.) Medicina Instaurata : or the Grounds and Princi- 0/ pies of the Art of Physick, with a Discovery of the true subject of the Philosophick jMineral Mercury, v?ith a Dis- course by Marchamont Nedham, 1 665 — Guide to Alchymy, also the method for making the Philosopher's Stone 1770 28 Secrets Revealed : or an Open Entrance to the Shut Palace of =<^^ the Ring, contaiuing the Greatest Treasure in Chymistry, /^ never yet so plainly discovered, published by W. C, hf. bd. 1669 3 / 29 Astell (J.) Pyrophilus, Liquor Alchahest, or a Discourse of that / Immortal Dissolvent of Paracelsus and Helmont 16/5 30 Helvetius (Dr. F.) A Briefe of the Golden Calf, or the Worlds /C/ Idol, discovering the Rarest iNIiracle of Nature, 1672 — A ^ Catalogue of Chymicall Books; in Three parts. Collected by W. Cooper, Little Britain, rare, 1675. In 1 vol. hf. hd. calf ^--^1 Abraham von Franckenburg, Gemma Magica, das ist, eine ^^ kurtze Erklarung des Buchs der Natur, y:i?«5^. 1688 ; J. R. Holsatus, Philosophischer Phoenix, Drtw/^?^^', 16b2. in 1 vol. vellum FIRST DAY S SALE. 32 Philosophie Natnrelle, de Irois Anciens Philosophes renommez ; V/^ Artepliius, Flamel, et Synesius, Traitant de I'Art occulte, //X- et de la Transmutation Metallique ; augmentee d'un -^ petit Traite dii Mercures de G. Ripleus, hf. hd. folding plate and cuts, 4to. Paris, 1682 This work contains four of the most singular Treatises on Occult Philosophy. See Jong MS. Note, on the fly- leaf. .' y dZ Sanguis Naturae, or a Manifest Declaration of the Sanguine and ^/ Solar Congealed Liquor of JN^ature, by Anonimus, ca//■5'^Y#, / autograph of F. Wrangham 1696 y/ 34 Pyrotechnical Discourses, by J. Kunkel, G. E. Stahl, and J. C. /^-^ Fritchius, translated from the Latin^ calf 1705 35 A True Light of Alchymy, containing the Marrow of Alchymy, discovering the Philosopher's Elixir, Method and Materials pointed at, composing the Sophick Mercury, and Trans- muting Elixir, in verse, hf. bd. 1709 , / 36 Wisdom reputed Folly ; or the Composition and Reality of the -^Z Philosophers Stone 1732 li~i The Hermetical Triumph ; or Victorious Philosophical Stone, translated from the French. To which is added the An- cient War of the Knights {Stone, Gold, and Mercury,) y-y/ translated from the German Original; also Annotations upon the points where the two Translations differ, en- graved frontispiece 1723 See also Charleton, Culpeper, Glauber, Paracelsus, Van Hel- mont, Vaughan, Valentine, and others -^A x39 Aleman (Mateo) The Rogue ; or the Life of Guzman de Alfarache, ^ both parts, fine clean copy, in the original calf gilt bind- ing folio, Oxford, 1630 y . 40 Aleman, Life of Guzman d' Alfarache, to which is added Celes- -^^^ tina; or the Spanish Bawd, translated by J. Savage, curi- ous plates by G. Bouttals, 2 vols, calf gilt 1707-8 ^5 41 Algebra (Elements of), by Leonard Euler, 1822 — Bridge's Treatise on Algebra, 1818 2 vols. 42 Al^en (Will.) Killing Noe Murder, Z«/*^/ D. Hosack and J. W. Francis, ports, and plates, complete -^y in 4 vols, loith Dr. Hosack' s autograph to each vol. ]3re- seating the booJcto Colin Chishohn, M.D. New York, 1814 ^f^ 61 American Medical Repository, and Review of American Publica- ^^ikP ^' tions, by Drs. Mitchell and Miller, Vols. 1 and 4 New York, 1800-1 (-\.y 62 American Register or General Repository of History, Politics ^Y^-' and Science, Vols. I — 7, 7 vols. hf. hd. uncut Philadelphia, 1806-11 63 American Sermons, viz. a Sermon at the Funeral of Ur. Jos. Bellamy, by Noah Benedict of Woodbury, New Haven, 1790 ; Sermon on the Death of Dr. J. Manning, President of Rhode Idand College, hy Peres Foibesof Raynham, Providence, 1/91 ; Sermon at the Ordination of Rev, A. Gillet, by Jos. Strong, of 8ims,h my, Neic-Haven, 1775; Sermon on the Death of Dr. A. Elliot, by P. Thacker, of Maiden, Boston, 1778; Discourse on the Ordination of Rev. W. Patten, by L. Hart, of Preston, Connecticut, Providence, 1786 ; Mr. Patten's Sermon on the Lord's Day after his Ordination ; in 1 vol. hf. bd. v. y. *:jj:* This volume contains the autograph of John Ryland, May 18, 1793, with his list of contents, also the following inscription by him. " The gift of my dear friend Jona- than Edwards, D.D. of New-Haven, son to the most judi- cious and excellent President of New Jersey College," above which are the words, " For Rev. Mr. Ryland," in a dif- ferent hand writing, doubtless that of Dr. Edwards. 64 American Tract)-. A Retrospective View of the Causes of the difference between Great Britain and her Colonies in Ame- rica, U 82 ; The State of the Clergy in Virginia before the American Revolution, n. d. ; Considerations on the inter- "^yr^/ course between the Sugar Colonies and the United States, / 1784 ; The Particular Case of the Georgia Loyalists, 1783 ; / Observations on the Fifth Article of the Treaty with Ame- rica, 1783; The Case and Claim of the American Loyalists considered; Lieut. James Moody's Narrative of his Exer- tions and Sufferings in the Cause of Government, since 1776. In 1 vol.//. bd. FIRST day's sale. 9 American Wanderer (The), through various parts of Europe, in a series of Letters to a Lady, with interesting Anecdotes, by a Virginian London, 1 783 Araeiican War. An impartial History of the late Glorious War in Europe, Asia and America, with an account of the places ceded to Great Britain, (Canada, Louisiana, Ta- bago, etc.) Manchester, 1764 American War. Form of Prayer for the 27th February, 1/78, being the day appointed for a General Fast, on account of the troubles in America, clean, fresh copy, in the original cover 1778 68 American War. The History of the War in America from its ^V' commencement to the conclusion in 1783, with an ap- / pendix of original and authentic Papers, map and broad- side, 3 vols, calf Dublin, 1779-85 Rich appears not to have seen the concluding volume of this valuable work. y G9 Amory (Thomas) Life of John Buncle, First Edition, 2 vols, y calf, a fine clean copy, with some MS. extracts from Re- views relating to the loorh, neatly written on the fly-leaves Lond. J. Johnson, 1 766 -^ 70 Amory, Life of John Buncle, 3 vols. hds. uncut 182.5 71 Anbury (Thomas) Travels through the Interior Parts of Ame- 'i^^^ rica, in a series of Letters, 1776-81, map and plates, 2 vols, calf gilt 1791 ^ 72 Anderson (Dav.) Canada ; or a View of the importance of the British American Colonies, map 1814 73 Anderson (Henry) The Court Convert; or a Sincere Sorrow for Sin, faithully travers'd; expressing the Dignity of a True Penitent : drawn in little by one whose manifold mis- fortunes abroad, have rendered him necessitated to seek for shelter here ; by Dedicating himself, and this said small Poem Printed for the Author The object of this curious and rare little poem, printed about the beginning of the last century, is sufficiently manifest from its Title and Dedication — the Dedicatee being left blank by the printer. In the present copy the name of "Mrs. Sophia Duncomb" is inserted in very neat German-Text. Anderson (M.) Histoire Naturelle de L'Island du Greenland, du detroit de Davis, et d'autres Pays Literes sous le Nord, traduite de I'Allemande, map and plates, 2 vols, calf gilt Paris, 1750 75 Anderson (Jotham) The Recollections of, by Rev. H. Ware, of Cambridge, New England, hf. bd. calf Liverp)ool, 1830 76 Andre (Major) The Ccw Chase: an Heroick Poem, in Three Cantos; written at New York, 1780, with Explanatory Notes, by the Editor, //. bd. 4to. 1781 B ^/ 10 FIR5T day's sale. ^^ Andrews (Bp.) Preces Privatse, Hue morocco, Oxon. 1685 — ■ Manual of Private Devotion, portrait and frontispiece, calf ^ ^ 1692 78 Anecdotes Americaines, ou Histoire Abregee des prineipaux -^ y Evenements arrivees dans le Nouveau Monde, depuis sa ""^/^ decouverte jusqu'a I'Epoque presente,yrene/i calf gilt Paris, 1776 79 Angling. The Gentleman Angler ; with the Angler's New Song, y^ / and the Laws of Angling, 1736 — The Compleat Fisher, or V^ the True Art of AngUng, by J. S., 1725— The Whole Art of Fishing : to which is added, the Laws of Angling, 2^late E. Ciirrll, 1714 ^y/^ 80 Angling. Brookes (R.) Art of Angling, 135 cuts, third edition ^^ 1770 y /q\ Angling. Complete Angler, by Izaak Walton and J. Cotton, / portraits and cuts, 2 \o\s. ChiswicJc, \S2A y / 82 Angling. Another Edition, edited by John Major, plates and woodcuts Bogue, 1844 ^y 83 Anne. Life and Reign of Queen Anne, with Remarks on Burnet, / fortraits and plates of celebrated battles, calf 1738 84 Annual Biography and Obituary, from the commencment Z//^ in 1817 to 1836, 21 vols, neivly half bound calf, gilt ^ / 1817-37 85 Annual Gleanings of Wit and Humour, 2 vols, in 1, 1816 — // The Gleaner, or Essays, Tales, and Poems, Stourport — / Irving's Salmagundi 1825 ^6 Annuals. The Landscape Annual, or the Tourist in Switzerland, yZ^'^ Italy? France, and Portugal, by Thomas Roscoe, illus- / trated from drawings by Prout, Harding, etc. 6 vols. green morocco, gilt edges 1830-39 87 Annuals. The Oriental Annual, or Scenes in India, for 1834, y 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, and 1839, containing upwards of -^C/^^ 1 30 beautiful engravings by W. Daniel!, Finden, and others, 6 vols, morocco, gilt edges 1834-9 Anson's Voyage to the South Seas, with appendix on the^East Indies, China, etc. and account of the cruelties of the Dutch 1 745 Anson. Journal of the late Expedition under the command of Commodore Anson, by J. Phillips, rare edition small 4to. Hull, 1745 Anson's Voyage round the World in 1740-4, compiled by R, Walter, ybwr^A edition, with charts 1748 Anson. Narrative of the unfortunate Voyage and Catastrophe of H.M.S. Wager, one of Commodore Anson's Squadron in the South Sea Expedition, caZ/ 1751 91*Anson. Narrative of the Dangers and Distresses Mhich befel Isaac Morris, and seven raore of the Crew of the " Wager," Store-ship, containing their adventures in Patagonia 1/4- / FIRST day's sale. 1 1 92 Anthony (Mrs. Susanna) of Newport, Rhode Island, Memoirs of, with Extracts from her Writings by Sam. Hopkins, D.D. Clipstone, 1805 -^ 93 Antiquities of St. Peter's, or the Abbey Church of Westminster, ■^ hy )A.^. plates, monuments, aryns, etc. 2 vols, calf gilt 1/41 / 94 Antoninus (M.A.) His Meditations ; of a natural happinesse, etc. y^ translated by Meric Casaubon,^r5^ edition, fine copy, calf 4to. 16.34 /„ y^5 Apuleius (Lucius). The XT. Bookes of the Golden Asse, con- / tainiiig his metamorphosie, interlaced with sundry pleasant and delectable Tales ; with an excellent Narration of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyches, translated by W. Adling- ton, velhan 4to. 16;S9 Y 90 Yitulus Aureus: The Golden Calf, or a Supplement to Apuleius's Golden Ass, by Joakim Philander, calf, fine copy 1739 ^-^ 97 Arabian Nights Entertainments, from the French of Galland, /^ 4 vols. Montrose, 1 793 — Arabian Tales, a continuation of the Arabian Nights, from the French of Cazotte, by Robert - Heron, 4 vols. Edinb. 1792 ; together 8 vols, calf, fine copy, a few plates in the latter series . 1792-4 / 98 Arabian Nights Entertainments, from the French of M. Galland by G. S. Beaumont, /j/cfes, 4 vols. 1811 y 99 Remarks on the Arabian Nights, in which the origin of Sindbad's Voyages is particularly considered, by R. Hole, uncut 1797 100 Archeologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. I. all ■published, map and plates, uncut Worcester, Mass. 1820 y 100*Archimedis Opera. Apollonii Pergsei Conicorum — Theodosii Sphaerica, Hlustrata per Is. Barrow, calf 4to. 1675 y 101 Argensola, Histoire de la Conquete des Isles Moluques, 3 vols. ' calf gilt Amst. 1707 / 102 Ariosto. Translated, with the Author's Life, by T. Smollett, ^ with 2S plates designed by Haytnan, 4 vols, calf 1770 103 Aristotle's New Book of Problems, together with the Interpre- tation of Dreams, Nature of Ghosts, Qtc. frontispiece 1 708 /104 Arliss's Pocket Magazine of Classic and Polite Literature, 13 vols, half russia, 1818-24 — The same, new series, 14 vols, (wanting Vol. II.) 1825, together 27 vols, con- taining numerous plates after Westall, Corbould, etc. 1818-31 ■^^^^ Armenian. Lexicon Universale Armenum (a Universal Bic- jT tionary entirely in the Armenian Language), ynaps and plates, 2 vols, calf gilt, marbled edges, fine copy 4to. 1 8 — 106 Armitage (J.) The Believer's Joy and Rejoicing, a Poem on the Song of Solomon ISIS 107 Armstrong (John) History of the Island of Minorca, map and plates, calf gilt, fine copy 1756 ■/ 12 FIRST day's ale. 108 Arnold (Josias Lyndon) of St. Johnsbury Vermont, formerly (^/Y of Providence and a Tutor in Hhode-Island College, ^ ' Poenas, edited by James Burrill, Jan., in the original bind- ing Providence, 1797 y^/ 109 Arnott (Dr.) Elements of Physics, or Natural Philosophj'^,//;^^ y and last edition, bds. uncut 1833 y / 110 Arrest (An) on the East India Privatier, as per advice and copy / sent to its Commander, Sir J, C, from H. K., near Hamburgh, (pp. 8) uncut 1C81 y/y- 111 Art of Employing Time, the true source of happiness, 1822 ^ — Bacon's Essays and Apophthegms 1819 y/ 112 Art of Preserving the Feet, 1818 — Hufeland's Art of Prolong- /' ingLife,byE. Wilson, 1853— Howard on the Teeth 1857 113 Arwaker (Edmond) Truth in Fiction; or Morality in Masque- rade in 225 Fables of yEsop and others, done into English Verse London, 1708 114 Ascham (Roger) The Schoolemaster : or, a Plaine and Perfite way /.- - of teaching Children to understand, write, and speake the /(/ ^JRV Latin Toong, but specially proposed for the private bring- «^i / /^'^•^S "P ^^ youth in Gentlemen and Noblemen's Houses, /^ / FIRST EDITION, da If extra, gilt edges, by Riviere '4to. Printed by Abell Jeffes, Anno 1589 / / 115 Ashe (Tho.) Travels in America in 1806 for the purpose of Ex- ^/ ploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and ^ Missisippi, 3 vols. 1808 116 Ashe. Memoirs and Confessions of Captain Ashe, author of the Spirit of the Book, recotmting his visit to America, Z \o\s. half calf gilt 1815 117 Ashton (Thomas) Sermons on several occasions, portrait, old blue morocco gilt, gilt edges, '•'from the author,^'' MS. note 1770 118 Asiatic Miscellany, Translations, Imitations, Fugitive Pieces, etc. by W. Chambers, Sir W. Jones, and other Gentle- men, now resident in India Calcutta, London rep., 1792 119 Astle (Thomas) Origin and Progress of Writing, as well Hiero- glyphic as Elementary, illustrated with coloured engrav- ings taken from Marbles, MSS. and Charters, ancient and modern, boards, uncut 4to. 1784 120 Astley (Philip) Riding Master, Natural Magic, or Physical Amusements Revealed, front, printed for the author, 1785— The Whole Art of Legerdemain, or the Philoso- pher in Good Humour, /ron^. n. d. 121 Astley's System of Equestrian Education, with Important Ob- servations on the Health of the Horse, Grooming, etc. with plates, also port, of the author, and his new map of Europe 1802 122 Aston (Sir Thomas) A Remonstrance against Presbitery, exhi- /up •/ bited by divers of the Nobihtiq, Gentrie, Ministers, and -_2^ ^ Inhabitants of the County of Durham, imcut, a very rare ^ < treatise . , , AXo. for John Aston, 1641 FIRST day's sale. 13 123 Atkyns (Richard) The Original anrl Growth of Printing, col- lected out of History, and the Records of this Kingdome, engraved frontispiece ly Loggan, containing portraits of King Charles, the Duke of Albemarle, Abp. Sheldon, and Earl Clarendon, hf bd. morocco 4to. London, 1664 124 Atterbury (Bp.) Memoirs of his Life, Character, and Writings, portrait, calf 1/27 125 Aubin (Penelope) Life of Charlotta da Pont, an English Lady, giving an Account how she was trepan'd by her Step- mother to Virginia, how the ship was taken by Pirates, and re-taken by a Spanish Man-of-War, of her Marriage in the Spanish West Indies, etc. calf, fine clean copy 1 736 126 Aubrey (J.) Miscellanies, (on Dreams, Omens, Apparitions, Voices, Knockings, etc.) with Life of the Author, //-ort/?*- piece, hf. bd. 1784 127 Ava. Two Years in Ava, from May 1824 to May 1826, by a Staff Officer, tnaps and plates, half calf gilt 1826 127*AviIa. The Avdi Filia: or a Rich Cabinet full of Spicitvall Jewells, translated out of Spanish into English, by \j. T. calf, fine clean copy 4to. Permiss. Sup. 1620 128 Averroeana; being a Transcript of several Letters from Averroes, an Arabian Philosopher, to ^letrodorus, in the year 1149 and 1150, containing matters Philosophical, ' Physiological, Pythagorical, and Medicinal, calf London, T. Sowle, 1695 129 Avril (Father) Jesuit. Travels into divers parts of Europe and Asia to discover a new way to China, with a Supplement extracted from Hakluyt and Purchas, calf 1693 130 Aylet (Dr. Robert) Divine and Moral Speculations in Metrical y^ Numbers upon various Subjects; with Susanna and the iA^ unjust Elders, and Joseph, Pharaoh's Favourite, calf, fine copy 1654 131 Backus (Isaac) Pastor of the First Baptist Church inMiddle- borough, A History of New England, with a particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Bap- tists, Vol. 1, calf Boston, N.E., 1777 132 Bacon (James) The American Indian ; or Virtues of Nature a Play, founded on an Indian Tale, see preface, portrait 1795 133 Bacon (Lord) on the Advancement of Learning, interpreted by G, Watts, engraved title and portrait, by Marshall, very fine impressions, in the original calf binding folio, Oxford, 1 640 134 Bacon's Resuscitatio, or bringing in Public Light several pieces of the Works of Francis Bacon, with Life, by W, Rawley folio, 1671 135 Bacon's Essays, Gregory's Legacy, Chapone's Letters, plates, by Westall, 2 vols, calf extra 1828 ^A ^// 14 FIRST- DAYS SALK. yc^lZ^ Bailey (T. J.) The Angel World and other Poem g, cloth, Pieh- yy^ I- ering, 1850 — Select Poetry, chiefly sacred, of the Reign of King James the First, collected by Ed. Farr Camb. 1847 137 Bailey (N.) Dictlonarium Britannicum ; or Universal Etymolo- gical English Dictionary ; also explaining hard words in the Arts, Sciences, and Mysteries, 500 cuts folio, 1736 138 Bailey. Universal Etymological English Dictionary with a collection of Proverbs, Obsolete Words, Phrases used in Ancient Charters, Heraldry, etc. and a collection of Cant- ing Words and Terms used by Gypsies, Cheats, House- breakers, Highwaymen, etc. 500 cuts, 2 vols, calf gilt, fine copy 1/37-59 jp / 139 Baldwin (E.) History of Yale College from its foundation to /^ \S^S, portrait New Haven, 18 il 40 Baldwin (Rich.) The Gentleman's Journal ; or Monthly Miscel- lany of News, History, Philosophy, Poetry, Musick, Translations, etc. 3 vols, in 1 4to. 1692 Contains nearly 40 original Songs, with the Music, chiefly by Henry Purcell and Robert King. 141 Ball (John) An Answer to two Treatises of Mr. John Can, the leader of the English Brownists in Amsterdam, (having rejerence also to Jno. Robinson) 4to. 1642 142 Ball (Richard) Astrology Improv'd ; or a compendium of the whole Art of that most noble Science, ^;ie copy 1723 143 Balzac (Sieurde) Les CEuvres Diverses du, Augraeiitees encette fy/y Edition, de plusieurs pieces Nouvelle, engraved title, yel- /yr^ low morocco, gilt edges, very fine copy Amst. Elzevir, 1 664 144 Bampfylde-Moore-Carew, King of the Beggars, and Dog Mer- y y chant General, (An Apology for the Life of,) with an >^^^^ Account of his Travels, twice through great part of Ame- rica, his manner of living with the Wild Indians, etc. por- trait, hf. Id. FIRST EDITION, rare (1749) 145 Bampfylde-Moore-Carew. Another copy, eighth edition, with fi,nelarge folding portrait, calf R. Goudhy, 1768 y /He Barbadoes. A short History of Barbadoes, fi-om its first dis- folio, 1692 149 Barette (Guiseppe) Grande Dizionario Italiano ed Inglese, and English and Italian, lest edition, 2 vols, half bound 4 to. Firenze, 1832 / FIRST day's sale. 15 y/ \h^ Baretti. Italian and English, and English and Italian Dictionary and Grammar, 2 vols, calf, eighth edition 1831 >J5l Barham (Henry) Essay upon the Silk Worm: (with along ^/^ account of its cultivation in Virginia) 1719 — A Discourse of Fish and Fish Ponds, 1726, 2 vols, in 1. J 152 Barker's Genuine Life, including both Temporal and Spiritual /• ' Concerns : with bis extensive Voyages, Loss of Sight, and /^ Fifty-one Years Travels with bis Spouse through various European Nations, while struggling under a melancholy state of perpetual darkness, curious woodcuts, a sort of Chap Book issued in 13 numbers, half bound London and Boston, 1810 152*Barker (Laurence) Christ's checke to S. Peter for his curious question, out of those words in Saint-John : Quid ad te? Begun in Paule's Church on S. John's day, 1597 At London for Cuthhert Burbie and Thomas Gosson,\599 153 Barlseus (Gasp.) Rerum per Octennium in Brasilia et alibi Ges- /y' tarum Historia, cui accesserunt G. Pisonis Tractatus ^^ in Brasilia, etc. ma2JS and plates, and " Vocabida Chilensia,^' vellum Clivis, 1660 154 Barlow (-loel) The Vision of Columbus, a Poem, first KDiTiON, dedicated to Louis XVI. fiiie copy in original / /y binding Hartford, Conn. 1787 Y^C-^ *** At the end of this volume is a very long list of sub- scribers' names, including " His Most Christian Majesty [Louis XVI.] 25 copies. His Excellency George Washing- ton, Esq. 20 copies. Maj.-Gen. le Marquis de la Fayette, 10 copies," etc. :^/^154*Barlow. Another co^y,ffth edition, to which is added the ^ Conspiracy of Kings, a Poem Paris, 179C- y >/155 Barneveldt, Memoirs of Madame de, translated by Miss < Gunning, 2 vols, half bound, calf gilt 1795 156 Barrington (Hon. D.) The Possibility of approaching the I y^ North Pole asserted, with Appendix by Col, Beaufoy, ^ map, calf , 1818 — A Picturesque Journey to the North Cape by A. F. Skioldebraud, tinted plates, half russia 1813 __^157 Barrington (Geo.) Account of a Voyage to New South Wales, /c^ with his Life, Trials, etc. — History of New South Wales, portrait, map, and coloured plates, 2 vols. hf. bd. 1810 f^yAbS Barrow (John) An Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa, maps and plates, 2 vols. 4to. 1801-4 159 Bartel's Modern Linguist, or Conversations in English, French, f'^/^ and German, 1850 — Traveller's Handbook in English, French, Italian, and German, by Boldoni — Nouveaux Dialogues Hollandais et Fran<;'ais, par Noel et Chapsal, 1844 — Words, Phrases, and Dialogues (in Dutch) for Young Persons, by Mrs. Jay Rotterdam, 1830 -^ 16 FIRST day's sale. yy ^0 Barthemy (J. J.) Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece, 7 /^■^y vols, crimson morocco, extra, with joints, and Ato. Atlas of plates to match, very beautiful copy JParis, 1799 161 Barton (Bernard) Devotional Verses, illustrative of Select Texts oi ^cxi'pivive, frontispiece 1826 62 Bartram (John) of Philadelphia. A Description of East —, Florida, enlarged, with Notes by Wm. Stork, tnaps, calf gilt 4to. 1/69 y 163 Bartram (William) Travels through North and South Carolina, ^ j/y Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country y^ and that of the Chactaws, map and plates, calf gilt London, 1792 164 Battailes (The Second Part of the booke of) fought in our age : yj^ y / published for the profit of those that practise armes, and — ^^tl <^' y for the pleasure of such as loue to be harmlesse hearers of bloudie broiles, blacfe Utter, rare Aio.for Gabriel Gawood, 1587 , 165 Battely (Joannis). Opera Posthuma, viz. Antiquitates Rutu- y ^ /[ pinse et Antiquitates, S. Edmundi Burgi ad Annum 1272 Perductae, maps arid plates, large paper, calf, with autO' graph of Dr. Bethell, Bishop of Gloucester Aio. Oxon. 1745 ^ i66 Batty (Capt.) Campaign in the Western Pyrenees and South of / France in 1813-14 under Wellington, illustrated by a detailed plan of the operations, and numerous plates 4to. 1823 y^, '167 Baxter (Rich.) Certainty of the World of Spirits, an Historical -^^-^ Discourse of Apparitions and Witches, yacsmzYe title 1691 ■t' 168 Baxter, Poetical Fragments, ^or^r«?Y Pichering, 1820 169 Baxter. Reliquiae Baxterianae : or Mr. Richard Baxter's Narrative of the most Memorable Passages in his Life and Times. Published from his own MS. by M. Syl- vester, portrait by White, good copy, in the original calf binding folio, 1696 / /Contains original Correspondence with Governor Endicott, •^ John Norton and John Eliot of New England 170 Baxter. Vindicise Anti-Baxterianse, or some Animadversions / / on a Book, entituled Reliquiae Baxteriante, or the Life of "^^ Mr. R. Baxter, /ne clean copy, very rare 1696 171 Baxter. Review of Mr. Baxter's Life, wherein many mis- /'/ takes are rectified, omissions suppUed, etc. by Thos. y Long 1697 y 172 Baxter. Abridgement of Mr. Baxter's Life and Times, with ^""^ an account of the ejected Ministers, and continuation by C^Hmy, portrait, A \o\s. original calf 1713-27 ' 173 Bayard (Ferd.) Voyage dans I'lnterieur des Etats-Unis, 1791, y augmcntee d' Anecdotes sur la Vie de Washington Paris, 1798 FIRST day's sale. 17 A 174 Beattie (J.) Essays on Truth, Poetry, Music, Laughter and ' ' Ludicrous Composition, etc. 'I vols, calf, autographs of R. Dighj and R. G. Keats 1 778 > 175 Beattie (W.) The Waldenses, or Protestant Valleys of Piedmont phemics used in the English Play Houses ; with Seven ^^^^^ -^ Thousand instances taken out of the Plays of the pre- sent cexitwry, calf, fine eopy 1719 183 Bedford. The Evil and Danger of Stage Plays, shewing their '■^y tendency to destroy Religion, by A. Bedford, 1706-t-. / A View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the Eng- lish Stage, by Jeremy Collier 1698 ^^^^184 Beechey (C.;pt. F. W.) Voyage to the South Pole, map in "/ pocket and plates, cloth 1843 185 Bees. The Natural History of Bees, and the best methods for ^/^ the improvement and preservation of them, with \2 fold- ing copper plates, calf 1744 x^l&6 Bees, the Honey Bee— The Domestic Fowl— The Pig— The ■^ British Naturalist, for Spring and Summer, looodcuts 1 830 y^ 187 Behmen (Jacob) The Second Booke, concerning the three /. "^ -£/ Principles of Divine Essence of the Eternall, Dark, Light, ^^^^^ y' and Temporary World, etc. portrait by Soly 4to. 1648 m (Jacob) The Third Booke of the Authour, being t High and Deepe Searching out of the Threefold Life lies 410. 1650 /, 188 Behmen (Jacob) The Third Booke of the Authour, being the Z^ ^ ^/ High and Deepe Searching out of the Threefold Life of '^'^^^^ ■^ Man, through [or according to] the three Principles c 18 FIRST DAY S SALE, ^/■^ ^ 189 Behmen. Forty Questions concerning the Soule, with Key to ^ his Writings, uncut ^^///:>i'^^' A - -- — 4to. 1647 189*Behmen. The Remainder of the Boolis written by Jacob ^ £J Behme, with Five Epistles, Englished by J. Sparrow, calf /^ 4to. 1662 /f // 190 Behmen. Concerning the Election of Grace : or of God's Will ^^—^/ 2y towards Man, commonly called Predestination 1655 191 -Behmen's Theosophick Philosophy Unfolded, also his principal - Treatises abridged, with Answers to the Theosophick ^ Questions propounded by him at the time of Death, •/ being an open Gate to the Greatest Mysteries, with Ac- count of his Life, by Edward Taylor, calf 4to. 1691 192 B^ehmen. Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Okeley, 1780 A// rH — Compendious View of the Teutonick Philosophy, and y ""y Scope of the Writings of Jacob Behmen, in 3 parts, 1770 , ^ 2 vols. yj/\^'i Behn, All the Histories and Novels, written by Mrs. Behn, ^ in 1 vol. with Life 1705 194 Bekker (B.) Le Monde Enchante, ou Examen des Communs Sentimens touchantles Esprits, leur Nature, leur Pouvoir, '/'Pj/' leur Adminstration, et leurs Operations, etc. portrait, ^ 6 vols. 1694 — Traite Historique des Dieux et des Demons, avec remarques sur le Systeme de M. Bekker, par B. Binet, 1696 ; together 7 vols, calf gilt, a fine copy Amst. 1694-6 195 Belfrage (Hen.) Life and Correspondence, by M'Kerrow and M'Farlane 1837 196 Bellamy (Joseph) of Bet Mem, N. E., Sermons on the Divinity of Jesus Christ, the Millenium, and the Wisdom of God Boston, N. E. 1 758 97 Bellamy (Joseph) of Bethlem, in New England, Essay on the Nature and Glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, etc. Boston, N. E. 1 762 198 Bellenger (W. A.) Dictionary of Idioms, French and English, second edition, enlarged, 1823 — Idioms of the French compared with those of the English, by C. Praval — A Dictionary of Difficulties : or Appendix to French Gram- mar, by P. F. Merlet, 1839— -Boyer's Dictionary, by Gardiner, 1814 4 vols. 199 Beloe (Wm.) Sexagenarian ; or Recollections of a Literary Life, 2 vols, calf, 1818 — Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful, calf 1812 200 Benlowe's (Edward) Theophila : or Love's Sacrifice, a Divine Voem, plates, {some wanting) folio, London, 1652 /^ y/ This very extraordinary and rare book is seldom to be found complete. The present copy has the Text perfect, with the exception of the very rare leaf in sheet (fotjging duplicate pp. 123-4). It contains in all 13 large' and small plates, several of them being misplaced. The title- page and a few leaves are slightly injured by damp at the niaiaiu. I FIRST day's sale. 19 iJ^^ 201 Bennett (F. D.) Whaling Voyage Round the World, from 1833 ^ to 1836, 2 vols, -plates, cloth 1840 ^y^02 Benvenuto Cellini, Memoirs of, containing a variety of infor- y/^ mation respecting the Arts, with the Notes of Carpani, ^ translated by Tho. Roscoe, 2 vols, half calf gilt, marh. edges 1 822 203 Benyowski (M. A. Count de") Memoirs and Travels of, consist- ^^ ing of his Military Operations in Poland, his Exile, / Escape, and Voyage to Japan, Canton, etc. with an Ac- count of the French Settlement at Madagascar, plates, 2 vols, calf gilt 4to. 1790 /, 204 Beresford (J.) A.M. The Miseries of Human Life; or the ^/^ Groans of Timothy Testy and Samuel Sensitive, as over- heard, //'Ort^js^jVce, 2 vols. 1826 ^:?^205 Berington's Literary History of the Middle Ages, 1846 — Bou- ^ terwek's History of Spanish Literature 1847 206 Berkeley (Bp.) Proposal for the better supplying of Churches :^~V^ in our Foreign Plantations, and for converting the Savage Americans to Christianity, jJr*^ edition, very clean fresh copy 1 725 „ / 207 [Berkeley] Adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca, giving an -y ?' Account of an Unknown Country in the midst of the Deserts of Africa Philadelphia, 1 799 y 208 Berkeley (Bp.) A Miscellany containing a Proposal, etc. — "'-' "^^ Verses on the Planting of Arts and Learning in America; and 9 other Tracts 1 752 209 Bernardes (Diogo) Rimes Varias, Flores do Lima ; Varias ;; yy Poezias do Fr. Ag. da Cruz, 3 vols. Lisboa, 1770-71 Very scarce, aud specially interesting as being the works of South American Poets. y 210 Bernardi, (Major Sir John) A Short History of, written in o^ Newgate, where he has been for near 33 years a Prisoner \.-^ 0^ ^iiiie, fine portrait, hf. Id. 1729 ^^ 211 Bernard (Sir Thomas) Spiirinna, or the Comforts of Old Age, with biographical illustrations 1816 ^^/2V1 Bernays (A.) German Grammar, German Exercises, aud Ger- 'y^ man Examples, 3 vols. — Ermeler's German Reader, by C. A.Feiliug, 1844; 4 vols. . 213 Bernier (Francois) Voyages de, contenant la Description des ^ Etats du Grand Mogol, de I'Hindostau, du Royaume de Kachemire ; etc. maps and plates, 2 vols, calf gilt, fine copy Amst. 1720 214 Beroaldi (Philippi) Orationes, Lugduni, 1492 — Eichard de //> - - " Herr//^^^ ^ Bury, Philobiblia, lit. got]^. imperfect — Guielermi mani Goudensis Odae Sapphica, looodcut title and vig- nettes. Erasmus's letter at end imperfect, lit. goti). Denis Eoget — Alani Doctrinale altum parabolarum, lit. gctl). no title, Baventrice, R. Pafraet, 1495 4 Tracts 20 FIRST DAY S SALE. y^ 215 Bertin. The Unfortunate Officer, or the History of M. Bertin, "^/y who was on Friday, the 27th of March, 1/52, in a clandestine manner forcibly carried from London to France, with an account of all his Sufferings since the age of sixteen Loncl, O. Wood/all ^y 216 Berwick-upon-Tweed, History of, bv J. Fuller, map and plates ^y ' 1799 -^/ 2J^7 Berwick, Life of James Fitz-James, Duke of 1 738 ^218 Besse (Jos.) a Collection of the Sufferings of the Quakers, from the time of their being first distinguished by that ^/Jy ::!^' name in the year 1650 to the year 1689, 2 vols.j'^we coinj, f ^ ?^ calf folio, 1753 The second volume contains upwards of two hundred pages relative to the Sufferings of the Quakers in Neiv England, Maryland, the West Indies, etc. 219 Besse's Abstract of the Sufferings of the Quakers, (in New Eng- land, etc.) 3 vols, calf 1733-38 ^ y 220 Best (Dr. Wm.) Sermon before the Trustees for the Colony of ^' Georgia in America, and the Associates of Dr. Bray, with some notice of a late abusive Pamphlet, intituled *' a true historical narrative of the said Colony" 4to. 1742 2^21 Betagh (Wm.) Voyage round the World in the year 1719, chiefly to cruise on the Spaniards in the Great South Ofean, maj), calf \lhl 222 Beveridge (John), o/'P/^^7rt(^e/pA^a, Epistolse Familiares et alia qujedam Miscellanea. Familiar Epistles, etc. wrote ori- ginally in Latin verse; with several translations, calf, fine copy, rare Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1765 223 Beverley (R.) History and Present state of Virginia, in four ;^— yp^ y parts, containing the History of the first Settlement, ^y^^pCyi^y Natural Productions, Native Indians, etc. engraved title, / and \4 plates, by Gribelin, first edition, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, and joints, a very fine copy 1705 224 Another copy, secoyid edition, revised and enlarged by the k.w\\\ox, plates, fine copy, old calf gilt 1722 25 Bewick. Fabliaux or Tales from French Manuscripts of the Xnth and Xlllth Ccenturies, translated into English by G. L. Way, with Notes by G. Ellis, cuts by Bewick, 3 vols, uncut 1815 226 Bewick. New System of the Natural History of Birds, b(i plates, half bound, 1792 — Description of more than Three Hundred Animals, Birds, Fishes, Serpents, Insects, etc. with cuts by Bewick 1812 227 Bewick. Blossoms of Morality for Young Ladies and Gentle- men, with 47 cuts designed and engraved by Bewick, Lond. 1828 — Fabulous Histories for Children in their treatment of Animals, by Mrs. Trimmer, 2 vols, in 1, calf gilt, dedicated to H.R.H, Princess Sophia, with 18 exquisite cuts by Bewick Lond. TFhittingham, 1815 FIRST DAY S SALE. 21 / BIBLES, VARIOUS VERSIONS. The Bible : that is to saye, all the Holy Scripture truly and purely translated into English, and now latelye with great industry and diligence recognized. Matthew's Ver- sion revised by Edmund Becke, hlacfe Ittttx; woodcuts, blue morocco, gilt edges London, hy John Daye and W. Seres, 1549 A clean good copy of this rare Bible, having the Text perfect from Genesis to Revelation, also 13 leaves uf preliminary matter. The first title is completed in perfect facsimile within an original woodcut border from another copy, the other titles and woodcuts are all complete. 229 Bible. The Bishop's Version, with Apocrypha and New Testa- ment, wanting Jirst title, prefatory remarks, and first leaf of text, also a leaf at page 1 1 (Gen. 22, 23) and a few tvords at thelVth Mattliewe, otherioise a clean good copy, with Common Prayer (Charles I.) and Psalmes in meeter, 1 635, both somewhat imperfect, calf 4to. Imprinted at London by R. Jugge, 1^77 This edition, which is specially noted by the Rhemist Translators, in most respects answers to the collation of that of 1576 (Wilson 43), The first and second parts and the New Testament are paged exactly alike, and the maps and tables the same ; but the paging runs on through the ' thirde part' and the ' volume called Apocrypha,' and the woodcut borders are not all alike: the type is doubtless the same. Lea Wilson does not mention this edition. 230 The Bible. Translated according to the Ebreu and Greeke, etc. with most profitable annotations, etc. whereunto is added the Psalter of the common translation agree- ing with the booke of Common Prayer. Genevan Version with Kalender and Booke of Common Prayer, hlacfe letter, very fine large and clean COPY in the original stamped binding with brass bosses "J^'r'^^^-^^.'^l folio, C. Barker, 15/8 Both Lewis and Lea Wilson give a long and particular notice of this important and " beautifully printed edition" which possesses Cranmer's prologue and Two Versions of the Psalms in parallel columns, besides many other addi- tions. Wilson mentions the Text and Barker's initials on the New Testament title, but not the Text and initials on the General Title contained in this copy. Lewis and Wil- son also give different imprints, thtf former includingjhe words ' printer to the Queen's Majesty,' and ' Regiae 22 FIRST DAY S SALE. /^ -/ Maiestatis,' not given by the latter ; but the exactness of both bibliographers is proved by the present copy, vfhich contains both imprints : that given by Lewis being (contemporaneously) printed on a slip and pasted over the original imprint as given by Wilson. The volume answers in every other respect to Wilson's collation. 231 Bible. Genevan Version, with Tomson's Revision of the New Testament, {wanting title and all before Gen. chap. xlii. ver. 17,) Lond. C. Barker, 1587 ; The Psalmesin Meeter, Lond. J. Wolfe, 1587. In 1 vol. old morocco 4to. 232 Bible. The Genevan Translation, with Tomson's New Testa- ment and Sternhold and Hopkins' Psalms, woodcut titles, and second title to the Old Testament, with double line ^^ '^ round each nage of the text, large clean copy, calf ^^ ''1 "'^a -' <^ '^''^london. Deputies of Barker, 1599 233 ^/ ^. ^/J/fL , f^ . „ Bible. AnotW lEdition, with Psalms ; both Titles to Old Testament, but no lines round the Text ; with Com- -^ nion Prayer, (impft.) 1632 London, Deputies of Barker, 1599 Mr. Wilson mentions that there are no less than six entirely distinct editions of this date, and gives facsimiles of the 1st and 2nd verses of 1st chap, of Esther to show their variations. Both the above copies are different editions from those described by Mr. Wilson, and thus prove that there was at least eight editions of the • • Breeches' Bible of this date. 234 Holy Bible. Boyal Version, with Apocrypha, with most pro- fitable Annotations, etc. never before set forth with this new translation, engraved title, 1683 — Common Prayer, 1679 — Psalms in Meeter, \^7^, fine copy in old gilt russia folio, 1683 No place or printer's name. Both Lea Wilson and Cotton suggest Amsterdam for the former. Acts vi. 3 reads, " Whom YE may appoint : " and 1 Tim. iv. .16, "Thy doctrine" instead of " The doctrine." 235 Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha and Genealogies, hlacK letter, Lond. R. Barker, 1604 — New Testament, R. Barker, 1615 — Concordances, 1615 — Psalms, 1607 (impft. at end) — Common Prayer, (wanting title andpre- face.) In 1 vol. old blue morocco, gilt edges 4to. 236 !^ble. Genevan Translation, with Apocrypha and Tomson's CJ^ff. New Testament; a beautifully clean and perfect copy, r X* INTERLEAVED THROUGHOUT with three Uavcs of writ- t J ,r ing paper to each printed leaf, and bound in four stout ^^■? vols., with several MS. Notes, chiefly to the New Testa- ^ ^ ment, in the original calf 4to. London, B. Barker, 1-606 FIRST day's sale. 23 237 Bible. Genevan Version, with the Apocrypha, and Tomson's ^/ Revision of the Nev? Testament, hlacfe Utter, wanting / titles to Old and I^ew Testament, and all before Gen. chap. xiii. Lond. B. Barker, 1610; The Psalms in Meeter, {wanting last leaf,) 1618, in 1 vol. folio 238 Holy Bible. Royal Version, hlacfe letter, with Apocrypha and / y Genealogies, 1619; New Testament, 1620; Concord- •/ ances and Tables, 1619 4to. This volume has been the property of * Emanuell Manton,' most probably a relative of the great Puritan divine, and contains an account of the births, etc. of eight of his children, from 1650 to 1664. y/239 Another copy, containing Bible with Apocrypha, Con- cordances, and Psalms, (impft.), no title to Bible 4to.l621 240 Holy Bible. Royal Version, hlacfe letter, with the Apocrypha ^/>X and Genealogies, by J. S. calf, clean, good copy /^^ 4to. B. Barker and J. Bill, 1630-31 Lea Wilson does not mention this edition. 241 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha, hlacfe letter, ■ — / (wants title to New Testament, and afeiv leaves in Genesis damaged,) Norton and Bill, 1625 — Two right profitable ' Concordances, 1622, vellum, 4to. The first Bible printed in the reign of Charles I. Wilson mentions it, but Cotton states there was no edition this year. y ^'2 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Genealogies and Apocrypha, ^ {leaf of Psalms da^naged at edge) ; Common Prayer (wo title) and Psalms in Meeter, in 1 vol. old calf binding 8vo. Lond, R. Barker, 1633 243 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha, hlacfe letter, Lo7id. Barker, 1634; Book of Common Prayer, hlaefe letter, title mounted, and a few leaves mended. Barker, 1 634 ; Psalmes in Meeter, Prayers at end from anotlier edition, 1634. In one vol. calf 4to. ^244 Another copy, {no title to Old Testament, and the Common Prayer and Psalms imperfect) 4to. 1634 ^ i245^Holy Bible, Royal Version, with the Apocrypha, and Book {^S^ff CfiS Common Prayer, illustrated with nearly 300 fne ^ ^/•''^ plates by Picart, Hoet, Houbraken, P. de Sondt, Bour- c^aI « iVC '^^"> -^^ Sueur, etc. all reinarkably fine impressions, 2 vols. /j^IU^jJ old blue morocco, richly gilt on the backs and sides, a ' \' VERY CHOICE COPY folio, Lond. J. Baskett, 1 639- ^^~2i6 Holy Bible. Royal Version, lont?. JF. Bentley, \ 646 — Psalmes in Meeter, with apt Notes, 1647, in 1 vol. calf 8vo. 247 Jloly Bible. Royal Version, with Marginal References, ruled ^. ^^ with red li,nes. calf 8vo. Load. Evan Tyler, 16.J5 <_-*'^<^ j,^ 24 FIRST DAY S SALE. 548 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Sternhold and Hopkins's Psalms, 2 vols, old black morocco, tooled Land. J. Field, 1658 Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha, Common Prayer, and Sternhold and Hopkins' Version of the Psalms, the silver type or preaching Sible, fine CLEAN COPY in -old crimson morocco, richly gilt on the back and sides, with silk linings ; a beautiful and elabo- rate specimen of English binding, in remarkably good preservation 4to. Camb. J. Field, 1668 250 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha {in a smaller y print), 16/5; Book of Common Praier, 1675; Psalms ^-^t^'/ in Meeter, 16/5, three engraved frontispieces: In 1 vol. / old morocco 4to. Oxford, 1675 Neither Wilson nor Cotton mention this edition. The colophon to Bible gives the date 1673. 251 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha, engraved title, fP^ X Camb. John Hayes, 1683 — New Testament, Camb. John '^ Field, 1666, silver type edition, russia, gilt edges, fine clean copy 4to. The preaching Bible. Neither Wilson nor Cotton mention this Edition of either Old or New Testament. 252 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha, fine engraved title by Van Hove ; Book of Common Prayer; Psalms in Meeter. In 1 vol. neatly ruled throughout with double lines, old red morocco, gilt, a faded specimen of very beautiful binding London, R. Barker, 1678 253 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha, and Marginal References, ew^rat;ec? title, fine clean copy, blue morocco extra, gilt on back and sides, gilt edges small 4to. Oxford, 167Q Lea Wilson praises the type of this edition. 254 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha, engraved title by (He X Burghers; Common Prayer, «o ^^Y/e ; Psalms in Metre, Y ,. ivanting end. In 1 vol. 4to. ruled throughout with red Atf/^ lines, old blue morocco, gilt Oxford, 1 697 1^ /n I 255 iSfly Bible. Royal Version, with Marginal Notes, by John 1, 1^ *i 1^^ i) Canne. oldHue morocco gilt, gilt edges V\ ■/ ■ 5 *^-lS / / " ''' '> i'«^*v>V i^tj,^-^ V 12mo. Bill and Newcomb, 1698 ^-"^ I (2^^ Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Marginal References, old Ay v-r"^^ ; t. ^ black morocco, tooled 8vo. Edinb. J. Watson, 1715 // ' ' ' i jij^ ^ j^ ■• ' ^^ Uy^ ufi" bjf^^^ ^^^ coveted edition." — Dibdin, 257'' Holy Bible, itoyal Version, with Apocrypha, (Old Test.) Lond. J. Baskett, 1715— (New Test.) ibid. 1712— Book of Common Prayer and Psalms in Meeter, Zone?. 1709, in ^ 2 vols, ruled throughout with red lines, and bound in old crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges 8vo. • FIRST day's sale. 25 258 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha, cnrfwiVA "a6o«e , two hundred historys curiously engrav'd hy J. Cole, from designs of ye best Jllasters," Oxford, J, Baskett, 1719; 'J Book of Common Prayer, 1720; Psalms in Metre, 1720. ^-^^^-"^ In I vol. old red morocco, gilt, fine impressions of the plates 4to. 259 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Apocrypha, Lond. J, Baskett, 1723 — Book of Common Prayer, (with the Office of '^/ Sealing), Oxford, Baskett, 1721, large paper, old ^ blue morocco, gilt edges folio, 1 723 y Not in Wilson's List. 260 Holy Bible. 'RojalYevsion, old blue 7norocco, gilt on back and sides, PINE COPY 12mo. Oxford, T. Baskett, 1760 261 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Common Prayer, and Stern- ^ hold and Hopkins's Psalras, interleaved through- y '^^■^ OUT WITH TWO LEAVES OF WRITING PAPER TO EACH j//^ ^ f LEAF OF TEXT, AND BOUND IN FORTY-THREE VOLUMES, '^j^ russia extra, frontispiece 4to. Camb. J. Benthatn, 1762/^^ Between each two leaves is placed a guard to serve for the purpose of Illustrating as well as for MS. notes. From the St. Aubyn Library. . '^-' vH''"^ •'^-te^v^--. Y*^' / 262 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with the Apocrypha, and Annota-^ / \aoms, plates, (rarely found with this edition), calf folio, Birmingham, Baskerville, 1 769-^""'^ , >^263 Holy Bible. Authorised Version, 2 vols, old crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, fine copy 32mo. Oxford, 1774 j/^264 Bible (Holy), olive morocco Lond. J. W.Paaham, 1776 , 265 Holy Bible. Authorised Version, with Psalras in Metre, (impft.) 4to. Edinb. C. Kerr, 1789 Containing the Family Register and Pedigree of the Irving Family, including the birth of the celebrated Edward Irving. " 1792, Sept. 2, our Son Edward Irving was born." y266 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Psalms in Metre, 2 vols. 4fA/ crimson morocco, ffilt, gilt edges, fine copy / o2rao. Edinb. M. and C. Kerr, 1791 267 Holy Bible. Royal Version, engraved titles and plates by H. /^^j/ Richter, crimson morocco, gilt, and gilt edges, vine copy bvo. Lond. R. Bowyer, 1796 y^Wj A^ Bowyer's beautiful Cabinet edition. Diamond Edition, with Notes by f 12mo. Bristol, Printed for Joh) #^^69 Holy (Bible). Royal Version, 2 vols, crimson morocco, gilt edges -^ Edinb. 1811 f/ 268 Holy Bible. Diamond Edition, with Notes by the editor, bds. uncut 12mo. Bristol, Printed for John Parsons, 1803 2^/ 26 FIRST DAY S SALE. 270 Holy Bible. Royal Version, -with the Apocrypha, embellished with engravings hy C. Healh,from designs by R. West- all, 3 vols, crimson morocco, gilt, with border of gold on the sides, gilt edges impl. 8vo. 1815 271 Holy Bible with Notes Explanatory and Practical, Introductions, Tables, Indexes, Maps, etc. by G. D'Oyly and R. Manx, plates, 3 vols. Oxford, 1818 — The Book of Common Prayer, with Notes by R. Mant, 1820 ; together 4 vols. BEST EDinoN, blue morocco, gilt edges, vert fine copy 4to. 1818-20 272 Holy Bible. Royal Version, with Marginal References, blue morocco, gilt edges 4to. 1849 273 Treasury Bible, containing the English Version of the Scrip- tnres as printed in Bagster's Polyglott Bible, and the Treasury of Christian Knowledge, containing more than 500,000 parallel passages, »zcp5, 2 vols, in 1, blue morocco, gilt edges sm. 8vo. S. Bagster jj ^ Ji^Hr^i^le (Lia Sainte) avec de petites notes Marginales et les Textea y <2^y ^ ' J parelleles par David Martin — Les Pseaumes de David Mis "^ /^/ ^^A/J en Vers Francois, bright old crimson morocco gilt, gilt / edges, fine copy 4to. Amst. 1742 -y^ 275 La Sainte Bible, ca// 8vo. io» "^ J ' / ' A rare edition, not known to either "Wilson, Cotton, or ^ Lowndes, It was the first edition printed at Edinburgh in black letter. - ^ r , '^iow • ■ FIRST day's SALIi. 27 -282 New Testnmcnt. Royal Version, with one hundred heautifully *''^ executed plates, fine impressions, Edinb. printed hy Evan / . Taylor, \ii AS ; Book of Common Prayer, London, 1639; ^/^ jT/f^i Psalmes in Meeter, 1649. In 1 vol. Hue morocco gilt, J ^'^J '^and gilt edges, very fine copy 8vo \ Neither "Wilson nor Cotton appear to have known this edition. The plates, which include 16 fine portraits, must have been engraved for this bouk, or for one of an exactly similar size. 283 Psalms of David and the New Testament of our Lord and ^ Saviour Jesus Christ. E.G. Printed in the year ] 6^8. 'f The N. T. xoith separate title. Printed hy Roger j y- ^tfi Danielf 1653. In 1 vol. calf extra, gilt edges 4to. A"^^^ ■^ / A very rare volume, and interesting to biblical collectors. t/ Lea Wilson remarks (No, 120) that "the ortho- graphy is peculiar, ajid in no instance are the supple- mentary words distinguished in the text." This copy is especially interesting in that it explains the object of the edition. In the corner of the first title are printed the initials E. C, and above is written, "Accept and read this book, let it commend Christ's love to thee, and myne, thy dying friend, Edw. Cressett." On the fly- leaf opposite the title are twelve lines of verse (^printed,') presenting the volume. Beneath which is written, " My good Christian friend, Mr. Edwd. Cresset, who gave me this booke, died about ye 7th or 8th of Deer. 1 663, and was buried at his House in Stansted, in Hertfordshire. (The Lord fit me for my change also.) — R. G." Under the word ' Finis,' after Revelation, Mr. Cresset had also •written — *' Great sinners have been saved, then why not I, He trust in grace for lyfe even when I dy." E.G. The name of Edw. Cressett occurs among the Committee formed for the relief of the Vaudois in 1659. y y1%\ New Testament, with Arguments, Annotations, and other ^y^^ Helps, Faithfully translated into English, by the English College at Rhemes, plates, fifth edition, ( the first in folio), calf foVio, Permissu Super iorum, 1738 ^285 Ntw Testament, Camb. 1782 — 13p. Wilson's Instruction for the -•o^ Lord's Supper, I7n2, {see MS. jn-ayer, p. 96,) 2 vols. ^ y crimson morocco, gilt Svo. y^ 286 New Testament, translated from the Greek, by John Worsley, of Hertford, calf 1770 287 New Testament, an Improved Version, [Unitarian], with Notes, 8vo. 1808 (m. 28 FIRST day's sale. ^ 288 New Testament, Edinh. 1808— Apocrypha— The Book of Psalms, ^ 8vo. 1827 / 289^Xras Newe Testamet ; Teutsch und Frandzosisch, {in 'parallel "^^y^^' ', columns) Gedruckt zu Hanau, bey T. Willier und J. le J?/^ '/ Cfeegr, 1612 — Common Prayer, 1()37 — Psalms in Meeter ^f 1638 Curious edition of the New Testament. The first leaf is occupied with a poetical dedication to the Duke of Hanau and Rhinek. 290 Le Nouveau Testament, en Francois, avec des Reflexions Morales ^Jj^ sur chaque verset, pour en rendre la lecture plus utile, ^^J-^ et la meditation, plus aisee, [par Pasquier Quesnel], ' 8 vols, best edition, calf gilt 12mo. Amst. 1728 291 Brewn (Rev, C.) Itinerarium Novi Testamenti : a History and j/ Doctrine of the New Testament in Question and Answer, ry with Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, notes and T curious plates square 12mo. 1785 292 Green (Wm.) New Translation of the Psalms, with Notes and y Dissertation Camb. 1762 ■y 293 Proverbs of Solomon, translated from the Hebrew, by Bernard Hodgson, calf 4to. 1 788 /y/J2S4~Lee (Francis) Discourses concerning Ezra ; with a New Ver- y %> sion of the Fifth Book of Esdras 4to. Lond. 1722 293 Malay. The Four Gospels and the Acts of the Holy Apostles, translated into the Malayan tongue, by Thomas Hyde, calf 4 to. Oxford, 1677 With dedication to the " Hon. Robert Boyle, Esq, one of the Directors of the East India Company, and Governor of the Corporation for the Propagating of the Gospel and THE Conversion OF THE American Natives in New England," at whose cost the translation was made, containing allusion to the labours of Mr. Eliot, and the progress of printing in New England. A2d6-The Christian School, or Scriptures Anatomy, in Accounts of /// / / the Books, Chapters, and Verses in the Bible, with / /Uy Memorials for the contents of each chapter and psalm, ■^ by E. Beecher Lond. 1676 297 -History of the Bible Illustrated with Sculptures, by De Royau- yyiy mont, 234 plates, each bearing the names of the noble '^ and other subscribers, (wants title and last leaf of ap- pendix) 4to, 1703 ^ >^98 Reess (Rev. Geo,) The Scriptures made Easy : being a History ■^y of the Holy Bible in Question and Answer, with 15 plates, old calf gilt 1761 // 299 Errata of the Protestant Bible, or the Truth of the English Y Translations examined, by Thomas Ward, hf. bd. 4to. 1688, reprinted \807 fYU ^O^ ^e-w'is (Jno.) Complete History of the Translation of the Bible, A ^f^^ '''yfj'^ large folding plate, calf fine copy Tf^oodf all, 1739 r FIRST day's sale. 29 301 Historical Account of the British or Welsh Versions and Edi- tions of the Bible, with an Appendix, containing the j^ *^J(f^ Dedications prefixed to the first impressions, by Tho. '''^ Llewelyn, LL.D. London^ \1%'6 302 Bickham (Geo.) British Monarchy : a Chorographical Descrip- >;^ tion of all the Dominions subject to the King of Great ^^-^ Britain, including nearly 300 Views and Vignettes in the United Kingdom, and 21 plates of American Colonies, calf gilt G. Bickham, 1749 j^-^^-303 Biocbimo, The Royal Game of Chesse Play, illustrated with <^ almost an Hundred Gambetts- , 16.^)6 yy^^iOA Biographia Scotiana : or the Lives, Characters, and Memorials -^ of the most eminent Scots Worthies, from 1503 to 1688, frontispiece, calf Glasgow, 1775 Biographical Dictionary (a New and General), containing an Account of the Lives and Writings of Eminent Persons, particularly the British and Irish, with a Catalogue of their Literary Productions, 12 vols, calf gilt, fne copy London, 1784 306 Biography. Historical Account of the Life and Writings of y^/y John Toland, 1722; Memoirs of the Life and Writings Y^-^ of M. Tindall, LL.D., 1733 ; A True Copy of the Last Will and Testament of Dr. M. Tindall, 1 733 ; Life of Christopher Layer, Esq., Barrister, from his Birth to his Execution, 1723. Ixx \ \o\. half calf gilt 1722-33 y^307 Birch (Dr. Thos.) Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, in which the Secret Intrigues of the Court and the Con- duct of her Favourite, the Earl of Essex, are particularly Illustrated, 2 vols, calf 4to. 1754 308 Birkhead (Henry) Oxford Verses on the Death of Sir Bevill Greuvill, with Charles' Letters to him, and Sir Walter '^^^ Raleigh's Account of the Truth of the Fight, August, / 1591, betwixt the Revenge commanded by Sir Richard Grenvill and an Armada of the King of Spain, ^ne-joroo/" portrait, inserted, old calf, gilt edges 4 to. 1684 09 Bishop (Geo.) New England Judged, by the Spirit of the Lord,- //i^y^ containing a relation of the Quakers' Sufferings, in two Parts, with an Answer to Cotton Mather's abuses of the Quakers, old calf gilt 1703 310 Bishop (Matthew) Life and Adventures of, containing an Ac- count of several Actions by Sea, and Sieges by Laud, from ^Z^" 1701 to 1711, ca// 1744 An amusing piece of Autobiography by a common Sailor, ably noticed in the Retrospective Review, N.S. vol. 11 page 42, etc. It contains an Account of the Author's Expedition to Canada, New England, etc. '//- 311 Bishop (Rev. S.) of Merchant Taylors, Poems on various'-Sub- jects, 2 vols, calf neat , 1800 30 SECOND DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. 312 Bisselii (Jona.) ^tatis nostrse Gestoram eminentiiim Medulla Historica, per aliquot Septennia digesta, 6 vols, numerous portraits, including Elizabeth and James, and two of Mary Queen of Scots, an entire volume being devoted to her Acts, living and dying Ambergaz, 16/5 313 Bisselii (Jo.) Argonauticon Americanorum, sive Historise peri- culorum Petri de Victoria ac Sociorum, libri XV. map and engraved title page, vellum, fine clean copy Gedani, 1698 314 Biverus (P.) Sacrum Sanctuarium Crucis et Patientise Cruci- fixorum, et Cruciferorum Emblematicis Imaginibus Labo- rantium et iEgrotantium ornatum, engraved front., vignettes, and seventy beautifully executed plates, by Galle — Sacrum Oratorium piarum Imaginura immaculatse MarisD et Animse creatSB ac Baptismo, poenitentia et Eucharistia Innovatse, engraved front, and sixty similar plates, together 2 vols, calf gilt, very fine copies 4to. Antverpice, 16.^4-35 315 Black's Picturesque Guide to the English Lakes, plates and cuts, 1850 — Panorama of North Wales, 2>/o^e5 1848 316 Blair (Hugh), D.D. Sermons, with Life and Character of the Author, by J. Finlayson, portrait, 4 vols, blue morocco^ extra, gilt edges, {by Fry) 1S15^ \ 31/ Blair (James), of Virginia, Sermons on Our Saviour's Divine '^ ,A?/ Sermon on the Mount, 5 vols, original caf,fine copy y. 1722 '^^ /f/ '^^'i* Another, second edition, with preface, by Waterland,' ^ / fine copy in calf 1/40 318 Blanchard (W. J.) The Comfjlete Instructor of Short-Hand, -,. y [/{ upon principles applicable to the European Languages, y' • Technical Terms, etc. red morocco, richly gilt, '^ 4 to. Printed for the Author 319 Blayiiey's Practical Treatise of Life Assurance, 1837— Francis .^L^ (John) Annals, Anecdotes, and Legends ; a chronicle of ^^ Life Assurance 1853 SECOND day's sale. 31 320 Bligli (Lieut. W.) A Voyage to the South Sea, in the Bounty, with an account of the Mutiny, portrait and plates, 4to. 1792 At the end is inserted a privately printed Poem to Capt. Bligh, by Geo. Keate. 321 Blome (R.) Description of the Island of Jamaica, with the yO? y other Territories in America, to which the English are re- lated, maTps of Jamaica, Carolina, and a Draught of the Sea Coast, etc. good copy in old calf 1672 322 Blome (P.) Britannia ; or a Geographical Description of the / Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the t^ Isles and Territories thereto belonging, [including the American Plantations,] with an account of the Nobility and Gentry, maps of each county, and \2 plates contain- ing 8 1 2 coats of Anns, calf gilt folio, 1 Q7S 323 Blondill (David) a Treatise of the Sybils, so highly celebrated y -^ by the Holy Fathers ; of their Verses and Books now ex- ^r tant, and their errors concerning the State of the Just, and Unjust after Death, englishedby J. D[avies], of Kid- welly, calf folio, 16G1 About 26 Chapters, more than half the Book, are filled with various opinions and discussions on Purgatory, Prayers for the Dead, the Middle State, etc. ^ Jd2A Bloomfield (Robert) Works, viz. :— The Farmer's Boy, Rural ■^/ Tales, Wild Flowers, and the Banks of the Wye, Bewick'' s cuts, 4 vols, uniform in crimson morocco extra, gilt edges 1813-15 v,>>525 Bloomfield. Rural Tales and 8ong8, portrait, and 12 wood- yy^^ cuts by Bewick, crimson morocco, gilt edges Lond. T.Bensley, \S02 326 Bloomfield. Views in Suff'olk, Norfolk, and Northamptonshire, X''' illustrative of his Works, with Descriptions and Life, by ^ E. W. Brayley, 14 ports, and plates, by Storer and Greig royal 8vo. 1806 327 Blount (C.) Miscellaneous Works, containing Anima Mundi, or rr^^^ the opinions of the Ancients concerning Man's Sou), etc. A^ cfl//' ^27^, 169.5— B[lount] (T.)Analecta; or a Collection of some of the choicest Notions in more than forty Au- thors, Phylosophical, Chymical and Historical, etc. 1693 328 Blundevil (Thos.) His Exercises, contayning Eight Treatises, • y on Cosmograpliie, Astronomie, Geographic, the Art of p. 48 and 83) fue clean copy, in the original cover Printed by Order of the Town of Boston, 1770 Original edition ; printed for American use only, and containing ten pages of the narrative which were not iu the copies sent to England and other parts. — See printed notice inside the cover. Rich does not appear to have seen this edition, and was unacquainted with the existence of the additional matter above alluded to — See next lot. 347* Another copy. The London edition, (pp. 38 and 83^ "^ with frontispiece representing the soldiers firing on the populace Lond. 1770 ,y 348 Boswell (James) Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, with additional anecdotes and notes, ^Za^e*, 10 vols, cloth 1835 349 Botta (Chas.) Histoire de la Gruerre de I'lndependence des ^ Etats-Unis d'Amerique, trad, de I'ltal. portrait, maps, and plans, 4 vols, calf gilt Paris, 1812 '350 Bougainville (M. de) The History of a Voyage to the jNIalouine ^ (or Falkland) Islands, made iu 1763 and 1764, with au account of the Patagonians, |)/«fe« 4to. 1773 /^Sb\ Boulton (R.) The Possibility and Reality of Magick, Sorcery, and Witchcraft demonstrated, or a Vindication of a com- plete History of JNIagick, Sorcery, and Witchcraft, agaitist Hutchinson, half bound, uncut 1722 34 SECOND DAY S SALE, U^ .^^. 352 Bourignon (Antonia) Apology for, with Abstract of hpr Senti^ y/ . ,7 raents sind Life, also some Letters, 1669 — The Light / "^/AL. Risen in Darkness, in four parts, being a collection of / ' Letters, etc. fortrait, 1 703 2 vols. r^b?> Bourignon. The Renovation of the Gospel Spirit, in three ^^ parts, very scarce 1707 354 Bourne (Vincent) Poetical Works, with his Letters, 2 vols, in 1, half calf , Oxford, 1808 — Latin and English Poems, by a Gentleman of Trinity College, Oxford [Loveling] 1741 55 Bower (Archibald) History of the Popes, from the foundation of the See of Rome to the present time, 7 vols, half bound 4to. 1748-C6 356 5oyer (P.) The History of the Vaudois, 1692— Gilly's Narra- .'/ tive of an Excursion to the Mountains of Piedmont, and // Researches among the Vaudois or Waldenses, maps, 1825 2 vols. '357 Boyle (Hon. Robt.) Works, with Life by Birch; including Correspondence with Gov„ Winthrop, John Elliot, and others, best edition, 6 vols, calf ff lit 4to. 1772 358 Boyle (Hon. Robt.) Essays of the Strange Subtility, Determi- nate Nature, and Great Efficacy of Effluviums, with New Experiments to make Fire and Flame Ponderable, and a Discovery of the perviousness of Glass, calf gilt i 6/3 359 Brackenridge (H. M.) History of the late War between the United States and Great Vtv'xifan, plates Baltimore, 1818 360 Bradbury (John) Travels in the Interior of America, half bound Liverpool, 1817 361 Bradley (R.) Dictionariura Botanicum, for the use of the curious in Husbandry and Gardening, 2 vols, calf gilt, fine copy 1728 ,3C2 Brady (John) Clavis Calendaria, or an Analysis of the Calendar, ilUistrated with Ecclesiastical, Historical, and Classical Anecdotes, 2 vols, calf 1812 363 Brainkrd (David) An Abridgment of his Journal; or the Rise and Progress of a Remarkable Work of Grace among the Indian^ in New Jersey and Pennsylvania riiicJ i)^') t: 1748 364 Brand (John) Observations on Popular Antiquities, imcut 1810 365 Brannon (Geo.) Vectis Scenery, a Series of Original and Interesting Views in the Isle of Wight, with ample des- criptions, half bound morocco 4to. O. Brannon, 1853 366 Brathwait (R.) Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of England, vignette illustrations 5y J. W. Harding, large paper, half bound 1 805 367 Braun (Georg.) et IIohp:nbergius (F.) Civitates Orbis Terrarum, in ses iiicisseet excusaj, et descriptione topo- graphica, morali, politica, illustratse ; containing coloured Views of upwards of 450 of the principal Cities and Towns of the World ; including interesting Views of the ^/ ^ ^ ^y / -^^/^ SECOND day's sale. 35 chief Cities of England as they existed at the end of the 16th century, Plates of Cusco, Mexico, and elaborate Views of many then flourishing Continental Towns that are now of little note, or in ruins ; the colouring is contemporary, and exceedingly bright and good, and gives great effect and importance to the various Costumes, Arms, etc. The Views are accompanied with valuable de- scriptive accounts of the places and elaborate Indexes, six parts bound in 7 vols, half calf , the margins slightly damp, stained in some places folio, Colon. Jgrip. 1572-1617 y 368 Bray (Thos.) B.B. Commissioner of Maryland, Catechetical ^ Lectures on the Church Catechism, giving an account of the whole Doctrine of the Covenant of Grace folio, 1697 /369 Bray. Memorial, representing the present State of Religion in the Continent of North America, very fine clean copy, in the original stitched wrapper folio, London, 1700 71 Bray. Apostolick Charity considered in a Sermon, to which is prefixt a General View of the English Colonies in Ame- rica, with respect to Religion, and a Circular Letter to ^ the Clergy of Mary-Land 4to. 1700 yJ^'l !]^ray. Discourse on the Doctrine of our Baptismal Covenant, /^y- ', Vi\\}a.\)tSQ,\\Q^&, second edition 1700 ^^^"^^^^"^^ y373, Bray. Bibliotheca Parochialis, A Scheme to promote the ^y forming and erecting Libraries at Home and Abroad, original calf 1707 /,,-^74 Bray. Papal Usurpation and Persecution, and Perrin's His- ^ tory of the Old Waldenses and Albigenses, maps, half bound calf folio, 171 1- / 37b Bray. Publick Spirit illustrated in the Life and Designs of the ^ Rev. Thomas Bray, D.D. 1746 *5,.* Containing an account of his visit to America, and his labours as Commissary of Maryland. f^y 37& Bray ton (Patience) of Swansey, Massachusetts, Account of the r Life and Religious Labours of, half bound morocco New York, rep. 1802 377 Brerewood (Edw.) Inquiries touching the diversity of Lan- , guages and Religions through the chief part of the (old -3^/^ and new) World, 4to. 1635— An Historical Essay en- ^^^ deavouring a probability that the Language of China is the Primitive Language, by Jno. Webb, with the Auto- graph of " John Brett, April 8th, 1 730" 1669 378 Brewing. London and Country Brewer ; in Four Parts, includ- y--^ iog curious accounts of the Pensylvania manner of Brew- 'y^ ing, the Carolina way of Brewing, (from Pine tops), etc. etc. London, T. Astley, 1759— Watkins' Complete Eng- lish Brewer London, 1767 36 SECOND DAY S SALE. y^ c#y ^^^ 79 Brickell (John) Natural History of North Carolina, with an Account of the Trade, Manners, and Customs of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants, ^j^a^e*, calf, fine copy Bub. \7'67 380 Bridgewater Treatises. Kirby on the Habits and Instincts of • /\. Animals, 2 vols. — Whewell on Astronomy — Kidd on the y^/^ Physical Condition of Man, 1852 — Chalmers on the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man ; together 5 vols, cuts 1853 y^^381 Briscoe (John) Discourse on the late Funds of the Million Act, Lottery Act, and Bank of England, original cf. gt. 1696 382 Brissot-Warville (J. P.) Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats unis de FAmerique Septentrionale, fait en 1/88, 3 vols. 1791 'pA 383 British Chronologer, containing an account of remarkable Appa- 'yc^ ritions, Witches, Prodigies, Tempests, Earthquakes, etc. byJ.P. cff// 1720 384 British Empire in America (The), containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and State of the British Colonies in the Continent and Islands of America, maps, 2 vols, calf 1741 385 British Poets, from Chaucer to Churchill, Bell's beautiful Miniature edition, with many Engravings by Grignion and others, complete in 109 vols, fine clean copy, calf very neat, and uniform 1777, etc. 386 British Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper, including transla- tions, edited with Johnson's Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, and additional Lives by A. Chalmers, 21 vols. calf gilt, marh. edges, contents lettered, borders of gold on the sides, very fine set royal 8vo. 1810 Broine (Jas.) Travels over England, Scotland, and Wales, (fidl of quaint and curious remarTcs) 1700 Bromhall (T.) Treatise of Specters, or a History of Apparitions, Oracles, Prophecies, Predictions, Dreams, Visions, and. the Cunning Delusions of the Devil, fine copy, in the original binding folio, 1658 389 Bromley (Sir George) Original Letters, written by Charles I. and II., King James II., the King and Queen of Bohemia, Prince Rupert, and others, brilliant impressions of the portraits, uncut 1787 90 Brooke. Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes of the Right ^y/^ Hon. Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, calf, gilt edges ^ small folio, 1633- 391 Brooke (M.) The Fool of Quality, or the History of Henry Earl of Moreland, best edition, frontispieces, 5 vols. calf 1 777 392 Brooksop (Jone) An Invitation of Love unto the Seed of God, throughout the World, with a Word to the Wise in' ■ /J/^/, Heart, and a Lamentation for New England ^rL 4to. Printed for Eohert Wilson, [1 062] ^ <%. SECOND day's sale. 37 y 393 Brougham'a Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. 6 vols, in 3, hf. hd. 1845 394 Browne (Peter) Bishop of Cork, Discourse of Drinking .y Healths, ^r^^ edition, calf, 1716 — Short (R.) of Drinking Water, against our Novelists that prescribed it in England, with an Answer to a Treatise of Warm Drink, printed at Cambridge 1656 / 395 Brown (Sir Thomas) Works, containing Vulgar Errors, Religio Meiic'i, etc. fn? poriraifyb}/ White, calf folio, 1786 y X396 Brown (Sir Thomas) Enquiries into Vulgar Errors, with Religio Medici, ^^or^. ca/f 4to. 1672 ^ 297 Brown (Thomas) Compleat Works in Prose and Verse, Serious, ■4y Comical, and Satyrical, best edition, original calf gilt, / fine clean copy , frontispieces 1710 // 397*Brown (Thomas), A Collection of Miscellany Poems, Letters, ^ etc. calf 1700 ^ /398 Brown (Thomas) M.D. Lectures on the Philosophy of the "r -^ Human Mind, second edition, 4 vols, half calf , marbled / /^ edges 1824 /^ 399 Brown (Thomas) Physiology of the Mind 1820 00 Bruce (James) Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, in the Years 17 68 — 7d, majis and plates, 5 vols, calf gilt Edinb. 1790 ^y^40l Brunswick. History of the most Serene Hou«e of Brunswick ■^' Lunenburgh, from its Origin to the Death of Queen Ann, po7~traif, large paper, calf 1715 402 Bruyere (M. de la) Works, with Life by Coste, translated by ^ /y N. Rowe, frontispiece, 2 vols, old calf gilt, E. Curll, ^AC^ 1713 — Esprit, Discourses on the Deceitfulness of Humane Virtues, englished by W. Beauvoir, with Rochefoucaut's Moral Reflections 1 706 403 Brydges (S. Egerton) Poems, 1807 — The Bridal of Triermain, port. 1817 — Bonaparte's Reverie, a Poetical Romance, 1800 Zvols. 04 Buccaniers. Journal du Voyage fait a la Mer de Sud, avec les Flibustiers de I'Amerique, par le Sieur Raveneau de Lussan, the original edition of the voyage forming the fourth part of the Buccaniers a Paris, 1705 yy 405 Bucanicrs. Tlie History of the Bu'.-aniers, Free-Booters, and ^/ i'yrates of America, 4 parts, maps, ports, and plates, 2 sq\s. original calf 1741 ^1^ -403 Another copy, fifth edition, half calf gilt 1771 '''^ -^^ Buchan's Domestic Medicine, with Family Herbal and Glossary, C^ ' plates, Dolby — Rees (Geo.) Practical Observations ou Disorders of the Stomach 1814 408 Buchauani (Geo.) Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidis Poetica ^X Glasg.R. Urie, 1750 A beautifully printed edition, on thick vellum paper, with engraved title. 4^/ 415 416 -1/ 417 418 ^/ /^ 4;9 ^ 420 421 422 SECOND DAY S SALE. Bucke (C.) The Book of Human Character, 2 vols, cloth, 1837 —The Book of Table Talk, 2 vols, in 1, half calf yilt 1847 Bucke (C.) Ruins of Ancient Cities, 2 vols. 1840 Buckingham. The Works of John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave and Duke of Buckingham, 2 vols, calf gilt, marbled edges 1753 Buckingham. Works: a new edition, with several additions, and without any castrations, 2 vols in 1, calf, scarce edition Printed for John Barker, Aldei'inan of London, 1726 Buckingham (J. S.) Parliamentary Review, 3 vols, calf 1833 Budgett (S.) The Successful Merchant, by W. Arthur, port. 1852 — The Importance of Literature to Men of Business, a Series of Addresses, 1852 2 vols. Bulkeley (J.) and Cummins (J.) Voyage to the South Seas in the years 1740-41 Another edition, dedicatedtotheSon. JVm.Denny, Governor of Pennsylva7iia,with addition of about 100 pages, and a large List of Subscribers, wants a leaf or tivo at end Philadelphia, 1 757 Bullokar, English Expositor, Cambridge, 1G80 — A complete English Dictionary, by B. N. Defoe Westminster, 1735 Bulwer (Sir E. L.) Paul Clifford ; the Disowned ; Devereux ; Godolphin ; Ernest Maltravers ; Alice ; Last Days of Pompeii; Eugene Aram; and Pelham ; together 9 vols. half hound, marb. edges 1854-5 Bulwer (Sir E. L.) The Pilgrims of the Rhine, illustrated with 29 beautiful plates, by Roberts, Goodall, Le Keux, and others, bds. uncut, an original copy, with very fine impressions royal 8vo. 1834 [Bulwer] The Student, a Series of Papers, 2 vols. hf. calf 1835 Bunker's Hill, an Authentic Narrative of the Battle on, with a True Account of the Officers killed and wounded, also Remarks and Anecdotes collected on the spot, by John Clarke, Lieut, of Marines 8vo. 1775 BuNYAN (John) Works, 3rd edition, to which are now added the Divine Emblems, and a Recommendatory Preface, by • ' Rev. George Whitfield, por^yfliV and a<^«, and plates to the Pilgrim's Progress, the Holy War, Emblems, etc. 2 vols, very fine clean copy, with bright impressions of the plates, in the original calf binding folio, 1767 Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress, in two parts, 22nd edition, with 22 copper-jilates, engraved by J. Sturt ; first edition ivith Sturt' s plates; in this copy the impressions are unusually brilliant, being all proofs before letters. Fine clean copy in olive morocco, extra gilt edges 1728 The Pilgrim's Progress, with Memoir, by G. Checver, numerous beautiful engravings on wood by Dalziel, from designs by W. Ilarvey, calf extra, gilt edges 1850 SECOND day's sale. 39 425 Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress, 29th edition, front, and cuts, John- ston, 1755; Second part, 2\st edition, front, and cuts, Jolmston, 1755; The Third Part, with Life and Death of J. Bunvan, \%th edition, G. Hitch, 1755. In 1 vol. neat, clean, ffood copies 12mo. / 426 Another Edition of the Three Parts with very rude cuts, wanting the frst title and portrait 8vo. printed for D. Bunyan, in Fleet Street 427 Another, complete in Two Parts, with copper-plates Coventry, 1786 428 Another, Two Parts, with two plates, good type, printed in double coluums Bath, 1/96 42y • Another, in Three Parts, ^cith cuts in BewicH's style Gainsboro' , 1809 ' 430 Taith y Pererin. The Pilgrim's Progress in Welsh, a very early edition, probably the first, but imperfect, original calf binding 12rao. 16 — 431 Bunyan. The Wandering Prodigal, (Fart 1), The Wandering Prodigal Keturn'd, {Fart 2), by E. S. wants title and a leaf or two elsewhere 12mo. (1683) Evidently an imitation of Bunyan's Pilgrim, and doubtless one of the very earliest. The characters are similar, and the work abounds in rude poetry. <^432 Bunyan. Defence of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith in ^-^ Jesus Christ, shewing true Gospel-Hcliness flows from^ thence : or, Mr. Fowler's pretended Design of Chr:^ .^, tianity, found to be nothing more than to trample under ll\^_ foot the Blood of the Son of God, and the idolizingof Man's / own Righteousness Alo. printed for Francis Smith, \i]72 Ye^ rare, the only work of Bunyan's published in the 4to. size. It is dated from prison, the 27th of the 12th month, 1671. Fowler replied to this powerful defence' of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith in the following. 433 Bunyan. Dirt Wip't Ofl': or, a Manifest Dicovery of the / Gross Ignorance, Erroneousness and most Unchristian O' ^ and Wicked Spirit of one John Bunyan, Lay-preacher in '^ Bedford, which he hath shewed in a Vile Pamphlet, pub- ^ lish't by him against the Design of Christianity 4to. R. Roy ston, 1672 y I 434 Bunyan. On the Nature and Perpetuity of the Seventh-day- Sabbath, and proof that the First Day of the Week is the true Christian-Sabbath, first edition London, for Nath. Ponder, 1685 "y' 435 Bunyan. The Work of Jesus Christ, as an Advocate, clearly Explained, and largely Improved, first edition London, Borman Newman, 1688 .^ /J/ 40 SECOND day's sale. 436 Bunyan. The Acceptable Sacrifice: or the Excellency of a Broken Heart, shewing the Nature, Signs, and Proper Effects of a Contrite Spirit, being the Last Work of that Eminent Preacher, etc. first edition, long Preface by G. Cokayn London, George Larhin, 1689 437 Bunyan. The Greatness of the Soul, and unspeakableness of _^ yy/ the Loss thereof, with the Causes of Losing it, first / preached at Pinner's Hall, and now Enlarged and pub- lished for Good, FIRST EDITION y London, Richard Wilde, 1691 y/ 438 Bunyan. A Discourse upon the Pharisee and the Publican, fifth edition John Marshall, (1730) y /439 Bunyan. The Holy War ; or, the Losing and Taking again of '^/ly the Town of Mansou), front, and cuts London, W. Johnston, 1752 j^ y^AO Bunyan. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, in a y^U^ Faithful Account of the Life and Death of John Bunyan, port, tenth edition Johnston, 1759 ^ /AA\ Bunyan. The Doctrine of the Law and Grace unfolded, sixth edition W. Johnston, 1 760 ^"'''442 Bunyan. Solomon's Temple Spiritualized: or, Gospel-Light Fetched out of the Temple at Jerusalem, ninth edition Edinb. 1760 v^-443 Bunyan. A Relation of the Imprisonment of Mr. John -yrf^ Bunyan, in Nov. 1660, written by Himself, and never before published London, 1770 ^y AA\ Bunyan. The Heavenly Footman: or a Description of the / Man that gets to Heaven London, 177 A 444aBunyan. Sighs from Hell : or, the Groans of a Damned Soul London, 1 774 '^^ / 4446Bunyan. The Visions of John Bunyan, being his Last Re- y mains Leeds, 1786 ^/^ 444cBuDyau. Life and Death of Mr. Badman London, MDCXFXXIV /444c?Bunyan. The Holy War, with Sketch of his Life and Re- j^/^ marks, port, and fine engravings, calf, marb. edges / Witham, 1805 444eBunyan. Divine Emblems: or Temporal Things Spiritualised, 56 cuts in style of Bewick, bus. uncut Coventry, 1806 // 44.5 Buonaparte in the West Indies, or the History of Toussaint Louverture, the African Hero, 3 parts 1803 446 Burgher (G. A.) Leonora, a Poem, translated from the Ger- man, by W. R. Spencer, with plates and vignettes designed / by Lady Diana Beauclerc, and engraved by Bartolozzi and Harding, hf. bd. folio, T. Bensley, 1809 417 Burke (Edmund) Account of the European Settlements in ^y^ America, second edition, ivith maps of North and South America, 2 \oh. fine sound copy in the original binding 1758 y/ SECOND DAY S SALE. 41 448 Burke (Edmund) Account of the European Settlements in America, 2 vols, calf 12mo. Lond. B. Dodsleij, 1766 449 Another copy, new edition, with maps, hds. uncut 4to. StocMale, 1808 This very scarce edition was printed to complete Burke's Works in 4to. An advertisement (by the editor) places the authorship of Burke beyond a doubt. 450 Burke. Tracts on the Colonies, viz. Thoughts on the present ^ discontent — Speech on American Taxation — On Coucili- ^ ation with the Colonies, etc. six Tracts, calf, fine copy 1769-75 451 Burke, Memoirs of, or an Impartial Review of his private .' Life and Public Conduct, with a variety of curious anec- Y dotes and extracts from Secret Correspondence, by Chas. McCormick, hds. uncut 4to. 1797 A very bitter satirical work ; Burke's family strove in vain to prevent its publication. ^452 Burnet (Bishop) History of his own Time, Illustrated ^ with upwards of seventy Portraits, Views, etc. some very fine and scarce, 2 vols, crimson mor. gilt, and gilt edges folio, 1724 ^. 453 Burnet (Bp.) A Collection of Papers relating to the Present Junction of Affairs in England, in twelve parts, old calf, rarely met with complete 4to. 1689^ The sixth Collection contains a Narrative of the Miseries of New England by reason of an arbitrary Government erected there. Also the Petition and Address of John Gibson, aged 87, and George Willow, aged 86, on be- half of the Inhabitants of Cambridge, in New England ; and another Petition by Increase Mather, and two New- England Gentlemen. 454 Burnyeat (John) Truth exalted in the Writings of that eminent y y servant of Christ, containing an account of his Travels ^^/ and Labors in various parts of America, and sundry ^ Epistles addressed to Barbados, Maryland, New Jersey, Qic. fine clean copy 4to. 1691 iy/^bb Barney (James) A Chronological History of the Discoveries in ^ the South Sea or Pacific Ocean, and Adventures of the Buccaneers, charts and plates, 5 vols, royal 4to. 1803-1/ /y^G Burney. Chronological History of the North Eastern Voyages of Discovery, maps, hf hd. 1819 y 457 Burrough (PhiHp) Method of Physic, containing the Causes, Signs and Cures of inward Diseases in Man's body, {de- fective at end) 4to. 1624 ^458 [Burton (R).] The Anatomy of Melancholy by Democritus C^ Junior, cloth, frontispiece " 1849 42 SECOND day's sale. ";/ 459 Burton (John) Sermon before the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, and before the Associates of Dr. Bray, for converting the Negroes in the British Plantations, etc. 4to. 1733 460 Burton (R.) The Anatomy of Melancholy, with a Satyricall Pre- r face, sixth edition, with the engraved title page, and verses opposite, Jine clean copy in the original calf gilt binding folio, 1651 461 Burton (R.) Admirable Curiosities, Rarities, etc. numerous cuts, 1811 — Wars in England, Scotland, etc. portraits and cuts, I'm); 2 vols. ^io. reprint 462 Burton (W.) A Commentary on Antoninus his Itinerary, or Journies of the Roman Empire, so far as it concerneth Britain, with the Index, map and fine portrait by Hollar, calf folio, 1658 '46.3 Busto (Johannis de Sacro) De Sphaera ; Addita est Prsefatio Philippi Melancthonis, ad Simoni Gryneo, curious wood- cuts, vellum VitebergcB, 1531 464 Butcher (Rich.) The Survey and Antiquitie of the ToM'ne of Stamford, in the County of Lincolne, woodcut of arms, with verses under, uncut 4to. Lond., by T. Forcet, 1646 465 Butler (Chas.) Magd., The Feminin' Monarclii', or the His- tori of Bes, with their right ordering from tim' to tim', and the swet' profit arising ther'of. Written out of Experienc', with verses by G. Wither, Jno. Hammond and others, fine copy 4to. Oxford, for de Author, 1634 This curious book is the earliest specimen of the phonetic style of printing ; much of the type must have been specially cut for the work. A Bees Madrigall with Musical notes occupies 4 pages in which the author says " Musicians may see de grounds of their art." The book abounds in extraordinary and supernatural anecdotes, in addition to much valuable information. 466 Butler (Jos.) Bp. of Durham, Memoirs of his Life, Character, and Writings, by Thomas Bartlett, cloth 1839 A(S7 Butler (Samuel) Iludibras, in three parts, with Additions and Annotations, ^?ie copy in original calf 1684 Iludibras, with large Annotations and Preface, by Z. Grey, port, by Vertue, and plates by Hogarth, best EDITION, clean bright copy in half morocco Cambridge, 1/44 Posthumous Works in Prose and Verse, with Key to Hu- dibras, port. 3 vols, in 1 1715-17 Butler's Ghost : or Hudibras, the fourth part, (by T. Dnvie'^), printed to range with the ed. of 1684:, fine copy 1682- SECOND day's sale. 43 / 471 Butler(Capt. T.) The Little Bible of the Man : or the Book of God opened in Man by the Power of the Lamb, wherein God is the Spirit, or inside of the Book, and Man the Letter, or outside of it Printed in the first year of England's Liberty, 1649 2 Byng (Admiral) Tryal, Defence, and Sentence— Siege of Mi- norca, by General Blakeney, portraits of Byng and BlaTceney inserted, hf. bd. l7o7 473 Byron (Lord) Works, with his Letters and Journals, and his y Life, by Thomas Moore, plates and vignettes, 17 vols. 1832-3 474 Byron (Lord) Don Juan, an exact copy from the 4to Edition, / (cantos 1 and 2), MS. Notes, 1819 ; Canto 3, with Notes, Account of Lord Byron and his Family, and Sketch of the Vampyre Family, fine port, by Harding, 1819; Coraneez's Anecdotes of the last twelve years of the Life of J. J. Rousseau, 1798. In 1 vol. hf. bd. russia r)^75 Byron's Cain, a Mystery, with Notes on the Religion of the S ' Bible, and Philosophy, and Reason, by Harding Grant 1830 476 Byron (Hon. J.) Narrative of Great Distresses on the Coast y^ of Patagonia, j^^a^es, 1768; Narrative of the Russian Ex- pedition against the Turks, 1772. In 1 vol. 477 Calamy (Edmund) Nonconformist's Memorial, being" an ac- '/^ y count of the Lives, Sufferings, and Printed Works of / 2000 ejected Ministers, by Palmer, best edition^ por- traits, 3 vols, calf 1802 478 Caledonia Illustrated in a series of Views, by W. H. Bartlett, ^y y T. Allom, and others ;.with descriptive Text, by W. ^y Beattie, M.D. 170 plates, 2 vols, green morocco extra, gilt edges 4to. 1840 Calef (Robt.) see MaMer, Wonders of the Invisible World ^y 480 Callander (John) Voyages to the Terra Australis or Southern /^ Hemisphere, during the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries, maps, 3 vols, calf fine copy Edinb. 1768 ^-=. 481 Calcott (Maria) Short History of Spain, 2 vols. hf. bd. 1828 ^ 482 Calmet (Aug.) Dissertations sur les Apparitions, etc. et sur les '^^ Revenans et Vampires, calf gilt, fine copy Paris, 1746 485-Gjrtvetonis (Urbani) Novse Novi Orbis Historise, id est Rerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali hactenus Gestarum, et acerbo illorum in eas Gentes dominatu libri tres ; et de Gallorum in Floridara Expeditione ; etc. vellum Genevce, 1600 484 Calvin. L'Histoire de la Vie et Mort de Jean Calvin, par Theod. de Beze, vellum, rare Geneve, 1657 485 Cambridge (R. 0.) Account of the War in India, between the y y. English and the French, with a Relation of remarkable ^^ events on the Malabar Coast, majis and plales 44 SECOND day's sale. 486 Camden (Wm.) Remains concerning Britain, with many rare Antiquities never before imprinted, by John Phihpot 1674 487 Camerarii (J. R.) Horarum Natahum Centuria 1 et 1 1 ; in qua Scientise Astrologicae Veritas ac certitudo plane et perspicae ostenditur, calf 4to. 1660 y /488 Carafield (Benj.) Theological Discourse of Angels and their ^ ^y^ Ministries; with an Appendix containing Reflections upon { Webster's displaying of supposed Witchcraft 16/8 -—! 489 Camoens' Poems, with remarks on his Life and Writings by Lord Strangford, portrait, 1803; Norbury Park and /y^ other Poems, by James Woodhouse, 1803 ; Augustus and Mary, or the Maid of Buttermere, by Wm. Mudford, frontispiece. In 1 vol. 1803 490 Campbell's Hermippus Redivivus, or the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave, first edition, 1 748 ; The Count of Gabalis, or the Extravagant Mysteries of the Cabalists, '^ exposed in Five pleasant Discourses on the Secret / Sciences, done into English by P.A. Qent. London, ^ printed for the Cabalistical Society of the Sages, at the Sign of the Rosy-Crusian, 1680; Debes' Account of Specters and Illusions of Satan in Feroe. In 1 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, curiously tooled on one side, ivith coronet and initials, G.R. '491 Campe (J. H.) Die Entdekkung von Amerika, ein Lesebuch, 3 vols, maps Hamburgh, 1781 Canada. Letter to an Honourable Brigadier-General (Lord George Townsend) Commander-in-Chief of H.M. Forces in Canada, 1760— Refutations of the Letter, etc. 1760 Canada. Rapports et Temoignages du Comite Special de la Chambre d'Assemblee du Bas Canada Imprimc par Ordre de V Asseniblee, 1829 Canada. Report from the Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada, /?«//■ 6o2«jr^ 4to. Quebec, 1829 Canada. Memoires sur le Canada depuis 1749 jnsqu'a 1760, \2 plates Quebec, 1838 '496 Canadian Freeholder, vol. 3, uncut 1779 /^ 497 Candamo (Francisco Banzes) Poesias Comicas, (chiefly Come- y^ dies) 2 vols, vellum 4 to. Madrid, 1722 ^ 498 Canning (Elizabeth)Genuine and Impartial Memoirs of, contain- / iug a complete History of that unfortunate Girl, calf 17 oA ^99 Canova (Antonio) Opere di Scultura e di Plastica di, descritte da Isabella Albrizzi, nata Teotochi, 155 plates in outline, 4 vols, in 2, half bound, green morocco 8vo. Pisa, 1821 ^^ 500 Cape Breton, the Importance and Advantage of, truly stated ^ '^ and impartially considered, w?ff/js 1746 ^ 501 Cape Breton (An accurate description of), with an account of the taking and surrendering of the City and Garrison by the New England Forces, etc. commanded by General Pepperell in 1 745, map 1 758 ^V / ■/'■ SECOND day's sale. 45 502 Cdpe of Good Hope, Correspondeuce with Governor of, relative to the State of the Kafir Tribes, map, 1851 — Past and Present State of Her Majesty's Colonial Possessions, part 2, maps and plans folio, l&oO 503 Card {"^he), frontispiece, 2 vols, calf 1755 504 Carew (Tho.) Poems, second edition 1642 505 Caricatnrist's Scrap Book, 60 plates drawn and etched by H. Heath, containing several hundred most humourous sketches oblong folio, 1840 '506 Carlyle (Dr. J. D.) Specimens of Arabian Poetry from the earliest time to the extinction of the Khaliphat, with some account of the authors, large paper, boards, uncxit 1810 / 507 Carlyle (Thomas) The French Revolution, a History, 3 vols. y cloth 1848 / 508 Carlyle. Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, with Eluci- y dations, 3 vols. e/oM 1857 ^ 509 Carlyle. Lives of F. Schiller and J. Sterling, cloth 1857 /510 Carlyle. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, a Novel, from the German of Goethe, with j^ref ace, 3 vols. hf. hd 1824 '511 Carolina. A Letter from South Carolina, by a Swiss Gentle- man, uncut 1710 512 Carolina. Observations concerning Indigo and Cochineal, (dedicated to the Planters of South Carolina,) 1746 — Farther Observations for Improving the Culture and Curing of Indigo, etc. in South Carolina, 1746. In 1 vol. London An interesting littlevolume relating entirely to the cultivation of the above drugs, silk, etc. in the Plantations, and con- taining several letters from planters and gentlemen in Carolina. Some of the letters are addressed to *' J. C." who appears to have been the editor, and was probably the " James Crokatt" whose book plate the volume bears. 513 Carolina. Living Christianity Delineated in the Diaries and Letters of Mr. Hugh Bryan and Mrs. Mary "Watson, both of South Carolina, verij clean copy 1/60 514 Carolina. A Short Description of the Province of South Carolina, with an Account of the Air, Weather, and Diseases at Charles-Town, written in the year 1/63, half hound 1/70 515 Caribbeana. Containing Letters, Dissertations, and Poetical Essays on various subjects and occasions ; chiefly wrote by several hands in the West Indies, with the names of the authors filled in in MS. 2 vols, calf 4to. 1741 Contains many curious epigrams, satirical poems, and love songs, and also historical notices relating to New England and other States SECOND DAY S SALE. Carribees. Authentic Papers relative to the Expedition against the Charibbs, and the Sale of Lands in the Island of St. Vincent, uncut 4to, 1773 Carpenter (Richard) Astrology Proved Harmless, Useful, Pious ; a Sermon on Gen. i. 14 ; dedicated to " The Honorable Society of Astrologers," and also, in Latin, to Elias Ashmole 4to. 1657 Carr. Old Nick's Pocket Book ; or, Hints for *' a Ryghte Pe- dantique and Mangleinge " Publication, to be called " My Pocket-Book," by Himself, 1808; My Pocket-Book ; or. Hints for " a Ryghte Merrie and Concietede " Tour, in quarto, to be called "The Stranger in Ireland," in 1805, with Humorous plates, by a Knight Errant. Third Edition. [A severe and pungent satire on Sir John Carr's Book, which was followed by an Action for Libel, an Account of which is here given], very curious plates, 2 vols. 1808 Carrier (Dr.) Missive to King James, containing the Motives of his Conversion to the Catholike Religion ; Names of Ministers and University Men converted to the Catholic Faith, etc. Liege, reprinted at Paris, 1649 Carter (Mrs. E.) Memoirs of her Life, with her Poems, Mis- cellaneous Essays, etc. by Rev. M. Pennington, 2 vols. calf gilt 1808 Carter (F.) Journey from Gibraltar to Malagar, map and plates, 2 vols, calf , fine copy \777 Carthagena. An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Notes, 1743 — Original Papers relating to the Expe- dition to Carthagena, 1744 — Authentiq^ Papers relating to the Expedition against Carthagena, 1744, all uncut Cartwright (Geo.) A Journal of Transactions and Events, during a Residence of nearly sixteen years on the Coast of Labrador, (with Glossaries and Curious Poetical Appendix,) portrait and large folding maps, 3 vols, calf gilt, fine copy 4to. Newarh, 1792 Cartwright (Wm.) Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Voems,fne port, original calf 1651 Gary. Memoirs of H. F. Gary, translator of Daute, by his Son, 2 vols. _ _ 1847 Gary (John) Essay on the State of England in relation to its Trade in the East and West Indies, etc. calf 1695 Pp. 66 to 89 contain some interesting remarks on the American Plantations. 527 Gary (Robt.) ^arl of Monmouth, Memoirs of, frontispiece representing the Procession of Qneen Elizabeth to visit II. Cary, Lord Ilunsdon, calf gilt 1759 528 Gasaubon. Antoninus, his Meditations, translated by Meric Casaubon, with autograph in two places, " Elizabeth, Countess of Bristol, her Book, 1735 " 1673 523 /524 525 526 / SKCOND day's sale. 47 529 Casaubon (Meric) of Credulity and Incredulity, as also the business of Witches and Witchcraft fully argued and disputed 1670 530 Casas (Bartholomew de las) The Spanish Colonie, ^ or the Briefe Chronicle of the Acts and Gestes of the Spaniards in the West Indies, called the New World, for the space of (xl) Yeeres ; translated by M. M. S. first edition, hlacfe letter, very rare 4to. Loncl. W. Brome, 1583 531 Casas. An Account of the First Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards in America, with their unparallel'd Cruelties on the Indians, plates, calf gilt 1699 ^,532 Cassaudro (G.) De Officio Pii, ac publicse Tranquillitatis vera amantis in hoc Religionis dissidio ; De Religione Sacro Sancta, de Ecclesia, ac Cereraoniis ejus, etc. et de Baptisrao Infantium, de Origine Anabaptisticae Sectse, etc. {Colon. 1563). In 1 vol. vellum, loitli autograph of the Abp. of Canterbury, "William Laud" s. I. 1607 532*Castaneda (Lopes de) The first Booke of the Historic of the ^y Disconerie and Conquest of the East Indias, enterprised / by the Portingales ; now translated into English by N. L. [Nicholas Lichfield,] blacfe letter; very fine, large, and clean copy, with autograph of ' Mdward Blount,^ in two places. The translation is dedicated to Sir Francis Drake imprinted by Thomas East, 1582 >^533 Castriotto D'Albanie, (Prince) lefameux Warsa, (Euvres Choi- ^ sies, augmente par une Lettre au Congres de I'Amerique, eic. portrait Privately printed, 1782 yy/bSi Catesby (Mark) The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and /^ the Bahama Islands, in English and French, Vol. 1, con- taining 100 beautifully coloured plates impl. folio, Lond. 1731 ^ 534*Caudray (Robert) A Treasvrie or Store-hovse of Similies : both Pleasaunt, DelightfuU, and Profitable, for all estates of men in general!, vellum, autograph of " John England, 1688" London, Thos. Creede, 1600 Caudray (Daniel.) See Cotton and Hooker. Z' 535 Caulfield's History of the Gunpowder Plot, frontispiece and portraits 1804 -^36 Cave (Jane) Poems on Various Subjects, Entertaining, Elegiac "^ /^ and Rehgious (includes Poems on the Death of Whitfield in New England, of Howell Harris, etc.) portrait, bds. uncut Winchester, for the author, 1783 '-"^ 537 Caxton (W"m.) The Destruction of Troy, in three books, thir- teenth edition 4to. Lond. H. Tracy, at the three Bibles on London Bridge, 1 708 48 SECOND DAV'S SALE. 537*Cayenne. Maison Rustiqiie, a I'usage des Habitans de la partie de la France Equinoxiale, conuue sous le nom de Cayenne, par M. de Prefontaine, [a complete History of the Natural Productions and Natives of Cayenne, with several folding Plates, one of which is wanting,~\ Paris, 17G3; Dictionnaire Galibi et Frangois, et Francois et Galibi, precede d'lm Essai de Grammaire (the Galibi is the native language of Cayenne), Paris, 1763. In 1 vol. 538 Celifodina, Abscoditos Scripture Thesauros, pandes, denuopssa y^/^ eleata: atq. ubi triicata pri habebat Supplemento inte- ^6 grata diligenterq. ex Archetypo emendata, lit. got]^. curious woodcut on title, fine clean copy, in the old stamped oahen binding 4 to. 151 G ^39 Cervantes (M. de) Vida y hechos del ingenioso Cavallero Don ^y/^ Quixote de la JMancha, many cui'ious woodcuts, 2 vols. /^ Spanish vellum, (wormed) 4to. Madrid, 1741 540 Cervantes. El Ingenioso hidalgo D. Quijote de la Mancha, ^'y-/ corregida por la Real Academia Espanola,y?«e plates by / Lopez, from designs by J. Rivelles, 4 vols. — Vida de ^ , Cervantes, por M. Fernandez de Navarette,^o?'^r«iY, /«c- simileSy and genealogies, together 5 vols, fine copy in S^ianish binding Madrid, 1819 ^/ 541 Cervantes. The History of the Valourous and Witty Knight Y Errant Don Quixote of the Mancha, translated by Thomas ^\idio\\, folding i^ates by Coypel, 4 vols, calf 1711 y ybA2 Cervantes. Life and Exploits of Don Quixote, translated by V^ C. Jarvis, portrait and frontispiece, 2 vols, maroon mo- rocco extra, gilt edges 1821 .y 543 Cervantes. Festivous Notes on the History and Adventures of y/^ Don Quixote, by Edm. Gayton, revised with altera- ^ tions and additions by J. Potter, second edition, cf 1771 544 Chalkley (Thomas) Journal of the Life, Travels, and Christian . y Experiences of, y??«e copy 1751 y^ Chalkley travelled and laboured for forty years almost ^ entirely in New England and the West Indies, and died in the Island of Tortola. ■^^ 545 Chalons (M.) Histoire de France, 3 vols. 1741 54G Chalmers (A.) General Biographical Dictionary, / // /. / Y ^^ Lives and Writings of Eminent Persons in every d// /y Nation, particularly the British and Irish, 32 vols, calf, ^ fine copy 1814-17 . 547 Chalmers (A.) History of the Colleges, Halls, and PubhcBuild- ^^^^y^ ings of Oxford, with Lives of the Founders, plates, 2 vols. ^ ' calf ... ^^^^ 548 Chalmei-s (Geo.) Opinions on interesting Subjects of Pub- ^y lie Law and Commercial Policy, arising from American Independence, /m^/" morocco 1784 SECOND day's SAht. 4P _y - i^' 49 Chambers (W. and R.) Educational Course: Mathematics, and * ' Mathematical Tables, 3 vols. — Algebra and Key, 3 vols. — Geometry, 2 vols. — Introduction to Arithmetic; together 9 vols, cloth 1842-3 50 Channing (W. E.) Works, 6 vols, doth 1840 /* CHAP BOOKS. J 51 Antiquities of London and Westminster, by N. B., engraved front, by Nichols, shelving Old Si. Pauls, Old London Bridge, etc. Three Bibles on London Bridge, 1 722 ' JSib2 Burton (R.) Historical lleraarques and Observations of the An- ^ cient and Present State of London, first edition, y??2e impressions of the plates 1 6 S 1 ^553 Burton, Admirable Curiosities, Rarities and Wonders, plates 1685 '^.554 Burton, History of Oliver Cromwell, /)o?'^. bg Van Hove 1693 /555 Burton, The Unfortunate Court-Favorites of England, front. containing ten portraits 1695 ^56 Burton, Female Excellency, or the Ladies Glory, the Lives of Nine Famous Women, ?cooc?cM^s 1704 -^557 Burton, Wars of England, Scotland, and Ireland, cuts 1706 558. Burton, Lives of those Famous English Divines who were most ^^ zealous for the Reformation, eighteen Lives, with looodcut port, and verse to each, also folding front, with heads, "Dec. 1819, Bindley's Sale, 14s,'' MS. note. 1709 yfio9 Burton, Martyrs in Flames: or the History of Popery, /ronf. and woodcuts, calf 1713 560 Burton, The English Acquisitions in Guinea and East-India, v^ with Description of St. Helena and the Voyage of Domingo Gonzales, front, of "A Chtinea Monarch," and very curious cuts, fine copy 1728 ^561 Burton, Extraordinary Adventures, Revolutions, and Events, front, and cuts, fine copy 1728 /562 Burton, The English Hero : or Sir Francis Drake Reviv'd, /jor^. LooJcing Glass, London Bridge, 1756 ;;:-563 Damnable Life and deserv'd Death of Dr. Faustus, with the whole Life of Fryar Bacon, cuts n. d. 564 De Foe. Voyages, Travels and Surprising Adventures of Capt. Singleton, front. 1800 — Voyages, Distresses and Adven- tures of Capt. Winterfield, (in America),/ro?j^ 1799 — The Admirable Travels of Wm. Davis and Jos. Morgan through the Unknown Tracts of Africa, front, and vignette, printed for the benefit of an unfortunate blind man, n. d. three books 565 De Foe. Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, carefully Epitomiz'd from the three volumes, 22 woodcuts, (no front.) Finch Lane, n. d. 6 ^ ^^ 4^ 50 SECOND day's sale. 566 De Foe. "Religious Courtship, abridged, being Ten Dialogues in three parts Sold by the booksellers •567 De Foe. The Secret History of the most renowned Queen ^^ Elizabeth, and Earl of Essex, two i^?Lxis, fronts, fine copif Cologne, for Will tvith the Wisp, 1761 568 Dodsley's Economy of Human Life, in two parts, a very curious edition, with about 80 rude woodcuts, uncut, and very clean Little Britain, n. d. / y 669 Famous and Pleasant History of Parismus and Parismenos, / blacfe Ittttr, 2 vols, in 1 Looking Glass, London Bridge / 570 Godefridus. The Knowledge of Things Unknown; together ^/ with the Husbandman's Practice, blacfe letter, 2 vols, in 1, woodcuts Staples Inn, 1676 571 Graham (Dougal) History of the late Rebellion in Britain, in 1745-6, with the Dangers and Travels of the Pretender, IN VERSE, with woodcut port, of the author, avery scarce and curious little poem Glasgow, Sal tmarket, 1806 y 572 Guide to Eternal Glory, front. 1685 — Reach's War with the ■"y^ Y)qv'\\, cuts, corner of a leaf torn off 17S7 ^ / 573 History of the Lives and Actions of Jonathan Wild, Jos. Blake, "''^^ (alias Bleuskin), and Jack Sheppard, with Wild's Cant- / ing Dictionary, port, to each Life, that of Wild's torn E. Midwinter, n. d. . •574 The Interpretation of Dreams, by Artemidorus,'and other Au- '^^ i\iOv», front, fine copy, 1722 — Aristotle's New Book of Problems, /?-ow^. Marshall, 1708 575 Reach (Benj.) War with the Devil, cuts, 1761 ; Travels of True Go(\\mG?,s, 2Jort. and cuts, 1760; Travels of Ungodliness, port, and cuts, 1760, 3 vols, in 1 W. Johnson ,^.y^ 576 New Academy of Compliments : or Art of Courtship, with 120 r Love Songs, etc, London Bridge, 1715 577 Kagoue. The French Rogue : or the Life of Monsieur Ragoue de Versailles, his Monstrous Birth, early rogueries, witty pranks, etc. by J. S. Buck Lane, 1 704 578 Reynolds (John) the Garden of Love, and Royal FloM'er of Fidelity, a Pleasant History, front, very scarce at the Looking Glass, London Bridge, 1721 579 Reynolds, The Shepherd's Ralendar: a Daily Companion, front, and cuts, Looking Glass, London Bridge — Young Secretary's Guide, front. Three Bibles, London Bridge, 1721, both fine copies 580 The Unfortunate Concubines : or the History of Fair Rosamond f''//^ and Jane Shore, front, and cuts, tvanfs the last leaf, Jjooking Glass on London Bridge — History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome, blflffe letter, wants corner of title and last leaf, cuts Ludgate Hill, 1688 581 The Unfortunate Lovers : or the History of Argalus and Par- thenia, /ro?i^. and cuts, fine copy S. Croioder, on London Bridge .^. 4/ SECOND day's sale. 51 ^^82 Ward (Ned) Female Policy Detected : or the Arts of a Desiga- iug Woman laid open, with a Poetical Description of a Maid, Wife and Widow, f/te copy Tower Street r f>83 The Young Man's Counsellor, Discerning the Tricks and ^' Cheats of Town Sharpers, etc. front, fine copy Robert Giffordin Old Bedlam, 1713 584 Chapone (Mrs.) Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, 1783— Post- y humous Works, containing Correspondence, Fugitive pieces. Life, etc. 2 vols. 1807 ; together 3 vols, old tree- marbled calf gilt /585 Charas (Moyse) New Experiments upon Vipers, containing also an exact Description of all the parts of the Viper, the seat of his Poyson, etc. plates, 1670— A Letter of Francesco Redi, about Vipers. In 1 vol. 1670-3 ^86 Chardin (M. le) Voyages en Perse et autres lieux de I'Orient, maii, and numerous plates, 10 vols, blue morocco, marb, and gilt edges, fine copy Amst. 1711 y557 Charles I. Eikon Basilike,"the Pourtraicture of His Sacred ^ Majesty in his Solitudes and ^wS^xings, folding plates 1648 ' 688 Charles L Eikonoclastes, in answer to a Book Intitul'd Eikon Basilike, by J. M(ilton), first edition 4to. 1649 '589 Charles I. Histoire entiere et veritable du Procez de Charles Stuart, Roy d'Angleterre a Londres, 1650 590 Charles L A Just Defence of the Royal Martyr K. Charles L calf 1699 ''591 Charles I. Memoirs of the last years of the Reign of King Charles I., by Sir Thomas Herbert, and others 1702 592 Charles L Trial of Charles L before the High Court of Jus- tice, with additions by J. Nalson, ^;or^ra?Y, c«{/" 1740 N :: 593 Charles L A True Relation of that Honourable, tho' unfortu- nate Expedition of Kent, Essex, and Colchester, in 1648, by W. Carter Colchester, [1740] ;594 Charles L Tragicum Theatrum Actorum, et Casuum Tragico- /, rum Londini Publice celebratorum, ports, and plates, in- /^ / '^fi''^ eluding the rare port, of Lord Holland, fine copy, calf y^^Z^^^^^ ' Amst.\&A9 595 Charles II. The Key of Prophecie, whereby the Mysteries of ^ all Prophecies from the Birth of Christ are unlocked, and the speedy Resurrection of Charles II. out of Banish- ment is foreshown, t;ery^?ie and rare portrait of Charles II., uncut 1660 ' 596 Charles II. England's Triumph, a more exact History of his Majesties Escape after the Battle of Worcester, scarce equestrian portrait of Charles II., calf 1660 597 Charles II. Ogilby's Relation of His Majesties Entertainment, ^ passing through the City of London to his Coronation, uncut folio, 1661 52 SECOND DAV's SALE. ^/ 598 Charles II. Boscobel : or the History of the Preservation of / Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester 1748 598*Charles II. An Account of the Preservation of Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester, large paiier, 176G — Criti-; cal Observations on the Buildings and Improvements of London, 1771 — An Essay on Weighing of Gold, by W. Symonds, 1770 ; in 1 vol. calf gilt y^ 699 Charlemagne (The History of), by G. James, /jor^raiY 1832 600 Charlevoix (P. F. Xavier de) Histoke de I'lsle Espagnole, oxi ■^/ de S. Domingue, ma'ps and 'plates, {by Pica7-t), 4 vols. / calf gilt f fine copy Amst.\12>Z y^/^&Ql Charlevoix's Journal of a Voyage to North America, with a / Discourse on the Origin of the Americans, map, 2 vols. original calf fine copy 1761 602 Charlevoix, Histoire dn Paraguay, avec plusieurs pieces pour ^^/ servir de preuves et d'eclaircissemeus, 3 vols, calf, maps. / and plans, best edition 4to. A Paris, 1756 The additional pieces form more than a third of the work, and include numerous important and valuable original documents, and " Journal d'un Voiagele long de la Cote de la Mer Magellanique." y.y 603 Charlevoix. The History of Paraguay, 2 vols, calf , fine copy 7 1769 604 Charlton (L.) History of Whitby and of Whitby Abbey, also the '^ , Original of many Families and Places in other parts of Yorkshire, large folding map, calf 4to. York, 1779 605 Charlton (Walter) Works, viz. : A Ternerary of Paradoxes ; The Magnetick cure of Wounds; Nativity of Tartar in Wine, 74 y and Image of God in Man, written by Van Helmont, and / now translated, illustrated, and amplicated, engraved titlSf TG50 — Deliramenta Catarrhi, or Incongruities, Im- possibilities and Absurdities of Defluxions, 1650 — The Darkness of Atheism dispelled by the Light of Nature ; a Physico-Theological Treatise. In 1 vol. jjortrait by Lo)nbart,fine impression, m'iginal calf, autograph of H. Hutton 4to. 1650-52 y^/ 606 Chastellux (Marquis de) Travels in North America, translated / from the French, with Notes, maps and plates, 2 vols. calf Bub. 1787 y^/ 607 Chaucer. The Workes of our Ancient and Learned English ^-^ Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, v.ith Life by T. Speght, hlacfe \t\Xtx,ivanting a leaf at p. 209 folio, Lond. A. Islip, 1602 60.8 Chauncy (Charles) D.D. Pastor of the first Church of Christ in Boston, Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England, with a Preface giving an account of the Antinomians, Familists, and Libertines who infested these churches above an hundred years ago, calf Boston, Rogers and Fowlefor S. Elioty 1743 ^. / ■'^ SECOND day's salk. 53 609 Chauncy. A Letter to a Friend, containing Remarks on a Ser- ^' mon by the Bishop of Llandaff, in which the highest Reproach is undeservedly cast upon the American Colo- nies, with a Supplement containing an answer to Dr. Chandler's Plea for American Bishops, 176S — See also Seeker, Life of 610 Chauncy. The Benevolence of the Deity, fairly and impar- j^xx tially considered, boards, uncut ^^^ America : Massachusetts, Boston, Powars and Willis, 1784 y/ 611 Chauncy. The Salvation of all Men the grand thing aimed at in the Scheme of God, calf 1784 y Jb-12 Chidley (Katherine) Justification of the Indepeudant Churches /^ of Christ, in answer to M, Edwards' Gangrena, a rare treatise, containing several allusions to New England Church Government, date cut away 4to. circa 1650 613 Child (Sir Josiah) New Discourses of Trade, (including the jf^ Trade of our English Plantations and Fisheries in America) original calf gilt J. Hodges on London Bridge, n. d. ^^j^614 Childrey (J.) Britannia Baconica, or the natural Rarities of / England, Scotland, and Wales, according as they are to be found in every Shire 1661 ^y' 615 Chinese Spy (The), or Emissary from the Court of Pekiu, trans- / lated from the Chinese, 3 vols. 12mo. calf, first edition, fine copy 1765 616 Choix des Comedies de Picard, with notes and translations by Duvard, 1827 — Le Petit Rhetoricien Francois, par Arte- ville, or 1791— De Porquet, Le Tresor, 'l 846— Cham- baud's Exercises, 1815 — Chambaud's Tresor, 1829 5 vols. / 617 Christina. History of the Sacred and Royall Majesty of Christina Alessandra, Queen of Swedland, with the mo- tives of her conversion to the Romane Catholique Reli- gion, calf 1660 618 Churchman {iohv) of Nottingham, Pennsylvania. Account of :f~^"' his Gospel Labours and Christian Experiences ; also a y^ Memorial of the Life and Death of Joseph White, late of Bucks County, calf 1780 gv^ 619 Cibber. Apology for the Life of Colley Gibber, written by / himself, fne copy, calf gilt 1740 ^^^^20 Cibber (Theopbilus) Letter to David Garrick, with Disserta- •^ tions on Theatrical Subjects, portrait and plates 1 759 y 621 Ciceronis (M. T.) Epistolarum Lib. XVL (Herrera) vellum Sup. perm. Matriti, 1792 J622 Clarke (H.) A Concise History of Knighthood, containing the ^'^ Religious and Military Orders which have been instituted in Europe, ^/a^es, 2 y oh. half bound 1784 54 THIRD day's sale. ,4^" 623 Clarke (J. S.) Naufragia, or Historical Memoirs of Ship- ^ wrecks 1805 yj)624 Clarke (Dr. Samuel) Historical Memoirs of bis Life and ^ writings, including Memoirs of several of bis Friends, by W. Whiston 1748 625 Clarke (Samuel) of Benet Fink, England's Remembrancer, a True Narrative of tbose two never-to-be-forgotten De- liverences, tbe Spanish Invasion in 1388, and the Hellish Po^Yder Plot, 1657, ca// 1657 626 Clark (Samuel) Mirrour or Looking-Glass for Saints and . / y Sinners, with Geographical Description of all the /y/J/ Countries in the known World, fourth edition, much ^ '^ / enlarged, with addition of a true and faithful account of the Four chiefest Plantations of the English in America, to wit, Virginia, New-Eugland,Bermudus, and Barbados, 1671 ; Mirrour or Looking Glasse for Saints and Sinners, Vol. 2 ; together 3 vols, in 2, with 'portrait by Cross, and engraved frontispieces by Gaywood, calf folio, 16/1 27 Claude Lorraine. Beauties of, consisting of 24 Landscapes, selected from the Liber Veritatis, and engraved on steel by eminent engravers, with frontispiece, portrait and Life, in a portfolio folio, 1825 THIED DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. y628 Clubbe (Rev. John) Miscellaneous Tracts, including a History of Whatfield ; Introduction to Physiognomy {plate) ; Thoughts on Title-Pages, Dedications, etc. 2 vols, calf Ipswich, n.d. // 629 Cleanthes and Semanthe, a Dramatic History, by the Author / of Leonora, 2 vols, in 1, old calf gilt 1/64 / 630 Cleveland (John) Works, containing his Poems, Orations, '4y^ and Epistles, collected into one Volume, with the Life of the Author, port' fne copy in original calf 1687 THIRD day's sale. 55 ^=7631 Cleland (J no.) Specimen of an Etimological Vocabulary, or / Essay to retrieve the Ancient Celtic — Additional Articles to the Specimen, etc. by the Author of " The Way to Things by Words." In one vol. bds. uncut 1768-9 y 632 Cleveland. Life and Entertaining Adventures of Mr. Cleve- land, natural Son of Oliver Cromwell, written by himself, with an Account of his Great Sufferings in Europe and America, 5 vols, original calf, fine copy 1/34 633 Clias (Capt) An Elementary Course of Gymnastic Exercises, haff bound, 71 engravings, 1825 — Walker's Defensive Exercises, Wrestling, Boxing, etc. 100 illustrations 1840 634 Clinton (Sir Henry) Narrative relative to his Conduct in North r America in 1781, 7th edition, 1785 — Lord Cornwallia' Answer to the part of Sir H. Clinton's Narrative relating to himself, 1/81 — Sir H. Clinton's Observations on Earl Cornwallis's Answer, 1783: in 1 vol. half bound, uncut /635 Clive (Lord Robert) Life of, by Sir John Malcolm, portrait and map, 3 vols, half calf gilt 1836 G3G Clogie (Ales.) Vox Corvi, or the Voice of a Raven, that thrice spoke these Words distinctly, "Look into Colossians the j^ / 3rd and 15th — with the Text opened in a ^^xvaow^^^^^y^ preach'd at Wigmore, Hereford," with Address, etc, calf extra, gilt edges, ivoodcut front, rare 1G94 637 Coates (C.) History and Antiquities of Reading, with the /^ Supplement, map and large folding plates, 1802-10; Views of Reading Abbey, with those of the Churches originally connected with it in the County of Berks, 50 plates, and Descriptive Text, 2 vols, in 1, 1805 ; together 3 vols, in 2, calf gilt 4to. 1802—10 '/ 638 Cobb (Mrs. Mary), Extracts from her Diary and Letters, plate of Arms, calf gilt 1805 639 Cobbet (Thomas) of Lyn, in New England, A fruitfull and /^ ; usefuU Discourse touching the Honour due from Children to Parents, and the Duty of Parents towards their Children, calf 1656 640 Cobbet, Practical Discourse of Prayer, its Nature, Duty, and Qualifications, with Cases of Conscience, calf, fine copy 1657 /641 Cobbett (Wm.) A Year's Residence in America, in 3 parts, map, 1823— The American Gardener, by W. Cobbett 1821 y^\2 Cobbett's Paper against Gold: or the History and Mystery of ^ the Bank of England, 1S2 1— Cobbett's Manchester Lec- tures, scarce 1832 y 643 Cobbett. A Treatise on Cobbett's Corn, with Instructions for Cultivation, its several uses, etc. 1828 644 Cobbett. The Life nnd Adventures of Peter Porcupine, with a '^ Full and Fair Account of all his Authoring Transactions, by Peter Porcupine Himself 1797 56 THIRD day's sale. ;645 Cobbett. A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats, by Peter Por- cupine, with a Rod for the Backs of the Critics, by Hum- phrey Hedgehog 1797 646 Cobbett. Annals of Blood: or an authentic relation of the Horrid Barbarity committed by the Authors and Abettors of the French Revolution, by an American Cambridge, 1/97 Originally published under the title of " The Bloody Buoy." 647 Cobbett. History of the Protestant Reformation, hf. bd. 1824 648 Cobbett. History of the Regency and Reign of George IV. 2 vols. 1830 '649 Cockburn (Mrs. Catherine) Works: Theological, Moral, Dra- matic, and Poetical, with Life, by Bircb, 2 vols, calf gilt, with remarkable portrait 1/51 y 650 Cockburn. A Journey over Land, from the Gulph of Hondu- /^ j/y' ras to the Great South Sea, performed by J. Cockburn ^'^^^ and five other Englishmen, containing the Manners and Customs of the several Indians ; the Travels of N. With- ington ; etc. viap, calf, fine copy 1735 Cocker (Edw.) The Young Clerk's Tutor, portrait, and plates of writing 1664 Coclitis (Barth.) Physiognomiae et Chiromantae Compendium, many very curious woodcuts of Heads, Palmistry, etc. FIRST EDITION, vellum Argenlor. 1533 Coke (Thomas) History of the West Indies, with an Account of the Missions instituted in those Islands, from the com- mencement of their Civilization, map and plates, 3 vols. hf. Id. Liverpool, 1808 Golden (Cadwallader) An Explication of the first Causes of Ac- tion in Matter, and the Causes of Gravitation New York, 1745 — London, rep. 1746 Colden. History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, map, and a Vocabulary, second edition, fine copy, old calf gilt 1750 657 Colden. Memoir, prepared at the Request of a Committee of y ' the Common (Council of the City of New York, and pre- y^J sented to the Mayor of the City, at the celebration of the completion of the New York and Erie Canals, portraits, / maps, plates, and facsimiles, calf gilt. Presentation Copy from the City of New York to R. White Esq. Printed by Order of the Corporation of Neio York, 1825 ^y>/ 658 Coleridge (S. T.) The Friend : a Series of Essays, 3 vols. bds. / , uncut Fenner, 1818 ^^ 659 Coleridge. Specimens of the Table Talk, cff//", ^w?-^. 1852 ^ 660 Coles (E.) an English Dictionary, explaining Hard Terms, Ety- ^y^ mologies, etc. 1701 — English Expositor, by J. B(ullokar), revised by W. S. 1C56 THIRD DAYS SALE. 57 6GI Coles, Harmony of the Four Evangelists, in a Metrical Para- Z^ phrase on the HistoryofJesusChrist,FiRsr edition IGJO'^^^^y^ G62 Colet (John) Sermon of Conforming and Reforming, made to the Convocation at St. Paul's Church, with Life of Dr. Colet by Erasmus appended, imcut^ 'presentation copy to y^ / ' Dr. Honeywood, Lean of Lincoln, loith autograph in- -^^^i^^*^ scviption, by T. Smith, the Editor J. Field for W. Morden, 1661 G63 Colet (John) Daily Devotions: or the Christian's Morning and Evening Sacrifice, /)o/-^. awl einrived frotit ly Marshall, {stained) calf lfJ41 ^^. 6G4 Colet. Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's, and Foun- der of St. Paul's School, by Sam. Knight, D.D..fne por- trait, by Vertue, and plates, calf 1724 •'-" "^ ^ /jSoo Collection of Curious Observations on the Manners, Customs, ^^^ Languages, etc. of the several Nations of Asia, Afri( a, and America, translated by John Dunn, 2 vols, calf 1750 ^ C66 Collection of Poems, intituled the Shamrock or Hibernian Cresses, 1774 — The Union, or Select Scots and English Poems 17()f) 667 Collection (A New) of Select Pieces in English Prose, (on the ^ Laws of Massachuststay, Jamaica, Demerara, and Esse- quibo ; the Spanish Armada, etc.) a curious English Reading-Book, with a German title and preface Hamburg, 178!) 0C8 Collection of ^lodern and Contemporary Voyages and Travels, ^^>^ containing translations of Voyages and Travels never ^y/^ before published. Original Voyages, and an Analysis of New Voyages and Travels, numerous maps and plates, 10 vols. — Vojages to the Southern Hemisphere, plates, together 11 vols, calf gilt Philips, 1805 €^§- Collection of Voyages (Stevens) Vol. TL containing the Voyages -, of Monette, Teixeira, Jesuits in Ethiopia and Sieur Q^qmc^xq jy^ yy maps, some wanting, clean good copy 4to. London, 1711 /^ 670 Collingwood (Lord), the Public and Private Lil^ of, inter- "' ■ spersed with Memoirs, ^or^raiY 1829 671 Collins (D.) Account of the English Colony in New South ■,' ^ Wales; with the customs, manners, etc. of the Native ' Inhabitants: also some particulars of New Zealand, t<;iVA vocabularies, maps, and plates, 2 vols, russia extra, very handsome copy 4to. 1798-1802 The Appendix to Vol. L contains several plates illustrating some very peculiar games and dances of the natives. / 672 ColUns (Emanuel) of Wadham College, Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse 4to. Bristol, 1762 /f 673 Collins (Jno.) The Sector on a Quadrant, a Treatise of the use :::> of three several Quadrants; An Appendix touching Reflected Dyalliug, by John Lyon, In 1 vol. 4to. IGJtl H 58 THIRD day's sale. 674 Colman (Benj.) of Boston, New England, Discourse had in the College Hall, at Cambridge, before the Baptism of R. Ju- ^ /^^ dah Monis, with three Discourses written by Mr. Monis himself, and preface by Increase Mather Boston, N.E. 1722 675 Coleman, Some of the Glories of our Lord and Saviour exhi- bited in Twenty Sacramental Discourses, preached at Boston, 1^.^. fine portrait, calf London, printed by S. JPalmer for T. Hancock, Boston, N.E. 1728 Has an American printed page of errata at end. /676 Colonies, Select Tracts relating to the, consisting of an Essay -^Ty . on Plantations, by Sir F. Bacon — The Benefit of Planta- tions or Colonies, by William Penn — A Discourse con- cerning Plantations, by Sir Josiah Child, etc. Land. n. d. ^A 677 Colton (Rev. C. C.) Lacon ; or Many Things in Few Words, '^^ 2 yo\s.m\, half hound 1823 678 Columbus.Verardus. In laudem Serenissimi Ferdiuandi / / Hispaniar. regis. ..Et de Insults in Mari Indico nu- ::? /t// per inventis, woodcuts with portrait of the king, ^ 'x ' LARGE fine COPY, o^M'eworocco e.r^ra 4to. ^a5«72^,1494 " Edition precieuse a cause de la lettre de Columb qui en fait partie." — Brunei. Columbus. Historie del Sig. D. Fernando Colombo nelle quali s'ha particolare et vera relatione della vita, e de'fatti dell' Ammiraglio D. Christoforo Colombo suo Padre, vellum Venetia, 1678 680 Columbia Prima, a large and very elaborate Map of South America, extracted chiefly from original Manuscript y^//^ — Maps by Pinto, Da Rocha, Da Costa, Sobrevido, ^ic. by "yy^ L.S.Darcy de la Rochette, ?«o?y Charles Bray 18/9 Xv^eSS Combe, System of Phrenology, 2 vols, jt^ates, fourth edition ^^ Edinb. 18^6 684 Commines. Memoires de Messire Philippe de Commines, Sr. ^^y d' Argent on, ^ne/y engraved title page, citron morocco, gilt edges, fine copy i^ Leide, Elzevir, 1648 THIRD day's sale. 59 y^ 685 Comparative Accouut of the Populatiun of Great Britain, in 1801, 1811, 1321 and 1831, with Annual Value of Real Property in 18 la, mai^ folio, 1831 j/y 686 Comparative Importance of our Acquisitions from France in '^ ^ . America, uncut 1762 687 Coudamine (M. de la) Relation Abregee d'un Voyage fait dans ^" ^ rinterieur de TAmrrique Meridionale, maj), Paris, 1745 ; Lettre a Madame *** sur FEmeute Populaire de Cuenga au Perou, plate, 1746, very fine copies, in 1 vol. French calf gilt ^ / 688 Condaraine (M. de la) A succinct Abridgement of a Voyage made within the Inland parts of South America, with a map of the Muranon or River of the Amazons 1747 ^ 688*Confession of Faith and Catechisms of the Assembly of Divines, with Scriptures at large, fine clean copy 4 to. 1658 689 Connecticut. The United States elevated to Glory and Honor, a Sermon preached before Governor Trumbull and the General Assembly at Hartford at the Election, May 8th, 1 783, by Dr. Ezra Stiles, President of Yale ; (an interest- ing and important Historical Discourse of 99 pages) New Haven, 1783 690 Congreve (Wm.) Works, 3 vols.^«e copy in original calf Tonson, 1 730 691 Another copy, j3or^. 2 vols, calf gilt 1774 ^ 692 Confidences (Les) d'une Jolie Femme, 4 parts, cf Amst. 1775 693 Conjuror's Magazine or Magical and Physiognomical Mirror, ^/ with the Astrologer's Magazine, 3 vols, hf bound,' plates and woodcuts 1792-4 ^ ^694 Constitutions of the United States; The Declaration, etc. and -^^-^ the Constitution of Vermont, not in any former one Philadelphia, 1 79 1 ^^ 695 Continho (Da Cunha de Azaredo) Bp. of Pernambuco, Essay /^ on the Commerce and Products of the Portuguese Colo- nies in South America, especially the Brazils 1807 696 Cooke (Capt. Edward) Voyage to the South Sea and round ,.^ the World, in 1708-11, with a description of the Ame- /^7^ rican Coasts, of the mighty River of the Amazons, etc. and an account of Mr. Alex. Selkirk, his manner of living during 4 years and 4 mouths on the Island of Juan Fer- nandez, with cuts and maps, 2 vols, fine copy in the original calf binding 1712 69^ Cooke (E. W.) Shipping and Craft, 65 plates, drawn and etched by E. W. Cooke, cloth, gilt edges 4to, 1829 ^ i>/ y^OS Cook (Capt. J.) Voyages round the Viorld, jjlates, chap book '^y edition— Byron's Narrative of his Sufferings on the Coast ^ of Patagonia, 2 vols, calf 1780 ^ •698* Cook. Remarks on Mr. Foster's Account of Captain Cook's ^^ last Voyage round the World, by Wra. Wales, F.R.S. 1 778 to THIHD day's sale. ^^^>/d99 Cook (Capt, James) Three Voj'ages round the World, port. X map and plates, 7 vols. 1821 ^«^ 700 Cook, Life of Captain James, bj And. Kippis, calf ^C^ 4 to. Dublin, 1788 ^■^ 701 Cooper (E.) The Muses' Library ; or a Series of English "/ Pi)etry, from the Saxons to the Heign ofCl^arles II. 1 737 702 Cooper (T.) Bp. of Winchester, An Admonition to the People c^ ^-^y^ of England, wherein are answered the slaunderous vn- yT trueths reprochfuljy vttered by Martin the Libeller, morocco extra 4to. hy the Deputies of C Barker, 1589 See Ilartin I\Iar-pr elate. Cooper (Thomas) The Mystery of Witchcraft, together with the Detection and Punishment of the same; as also the several! Strategems of Sathan, ensnaring the poore Soule, by annoying the Bodie, etc. Iif. hd. 1617 Cooper (Thomas) Some Information respecting America, map of the middle States of America, hf. hd. 1794 _^y 705 Cooper (William) of Boston, '\:\\q. Doctrine of Predestination "/ unto Life, in Four Sermons, preached in Brattle Street, ^ Boston, N. E. 17fi5 . y 706 Cooper (Rev. Mr.) History of North America ; from the First ^ 4to. 1647 • 738 Cotton. The Way of Congregational Churches cleared, Aa(/" ^^ ':^' ',, calf antique 4 to. 1648 "^^ 739 Cotton. Singing of Psalmes a Gospel Ordinance, very fine >, ^j clean uncut copy, in the original stitched wrapper ,y^^ » • ■ . 4to. 1650 . 740 Cotton. Briefe Exposition of the whole Book of Canticles, cf. y^ 1648 _-.- 741 Cotton. Christ the Fountame of Life, or Sundry Choyce Ser- >^ ^f , ^ . -mons on the fift chapter of the first %)istle of St. John, >^^ fine copy in the original calf hinding"'*^'^ 4^o, ,_i^^{q _ 1651 742 Cotton. Exposition upon the Thirteenth Chapter ofllie Revcla- / tion, hf. calf antique ' 4to. 1656 .^>^ See also Nos. 730 and 734 for his tv/o other Commentaries on the Book of Revelation, all of wliieh are uniformlv bn-ind. ^ THIRD DAY S SALE. Cotton. An Abstract of Laws and Government, wherein as a Mirrour may be seen the Wisdome and Perfection of the Government of Christ's Kingdome, collected and digested by Mr. John Cotton, and presented to the General Court of the Massachusetts, and now published by Wm. Aspen- wall {of Neio England) very rare 4to. 1655 44 Cotton. Some Treasure fetched out of Rubbish ; or three short but seasonable Treatises concerning the Imposition and Use of Significant Ceremonies in the Worship of God, %incut 4to. London, printed in the year 1660 " Mr. John Cotton (famous in both Englands) was the known author of the first Discourse, and (as is verily be- lieved) of the second also." See Preface. 745 Cotton. Treatise of the Covenant of Grace, cay 1671 "fA^ Cotton (Sir Robert) Answer to such Motives as were offered by certain Military Men to Prince Henry, inciting him to afi^ect Arms more than Fence, fne port, by Cross 1665 747 Cousin (M.Victor) Course of the History of Modern Philosophy, translated by 0. W. Wright, 2 vols, cloth New York, 1852 748 Coughlan (L.) An Account of the Work of God in Newfound- land, North America, dedicated to the Countess of Huntivgdo7i 17/6 749 Covel (Jno.) Some Account of the present Greek Church, wi^h reflections on their Doctrine and Discipline, jAates —■; folio, Camb. 1722 750 Covent Garden Journal (The), 2 vols, half caJf, plates 1810 51 Cowell (John) of Iloxton, The Curious aud Profitable Gar- dener, with the Description and Culture of the great American Aloe, and of several other West Indian plants, plates 1730 752 Cowley (Ah.) Works (Complet?,) ninth edition, portrait by Faithorne, and monument and vignette j)ort rait by TFhite, half bound 7'ussia, very clean fresh copy folio, I J 00 753 Cowley, Works, with numerous portraits and plates, 3 sols,, calf gilt 1707 754 Cowper (William) Works, with his Life and Letters, by Hayley, edited by Rev. T. S. Grimshaw, plates, 8 vols, cloth 1835 755 Cowper, Works, comprising his Poems, Correspondence, and Translations, with Life by Robert SoutLey, pZa^e* and vignettes, 15 vols, cloth 1835-7 756 Cowper, The Poetical Works of. Preface by Grimshaw, illus- trated ivith plates, brown morocco extra, gilt on back and sides 1853 y ^? THIRD day's sale. 65 757 Cowper, Poems, ^or^ and plates, by Craig, 2 vols, calf 1813-14 yy JfoS Coxe (Dan.) Description of the English Province of Carolina, y^ also of the great River Meschacebe, or Missisipi. large folding map, calf gilt, very fine clean copy 1/27 759 Coxe, Collection of Voyages and Travels in three parts, viz. : ^_2.y^ Capt. James' Dangerous Voyage to the South Sea ; The /^ Sieur Pontis' Voyages to America, and Description of Carolina, with a large preface, 3 maps 1741 j^y 760 Coxe (W.) Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia /^ and America, with a History of the Commerce between Russia and China, maps, large paper 4to. 1803 /^/ 761 Coxe. Nouvelles Decouvertes des Russes entre I'Asie et / I'Amerique, tradnit de I'Auglois Neuchatel, i'HX <^^^762 Crabbe (Rev. Geo.) Poetical Works, with his Letters and Jour- ]/^ nals, and his Life by his ^on, plates, and vignettes, 8 vols. cloth 1834 763 Crabb, English Synonymes explained, with Copious lUustra- tious, and Index to the Words, seventh edition, calf I 844 -^^764 Craik (G. L.) Literature and Learning in England, 6 vols. 1844 __2/765 Craik's British Commerce; Capital and Labour; Results of "^ Machinery, etc. together, 4 vols. A/. 6fi?. 1844-5 ^^ 766 Cramp (W.) Philosophy of Language, jj/a^es, scarce 1838 j67 Crantz (David) History of Greenland and its Inhabitants, with '^ 784 Culpeper. Opus Aslrologicum, etc. ; an Astrological work left to posterity, containing Five Books of Aphorisms, Elec- tions, etc., on going to War, concerning Journeys, Hid- den Treasures, Marriages, etc. MS. notes 1654 y 785 Culpeper. Treatise of Aurum Potabile, being a description of cr^^g" the three-fold World, viz. Elimentary, Celestiall, and In- y^ tellectuall, to which is added Mr. Culpeper's Ghost 1656 786 Culpeper. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, or the London Dispen- ^y/C-^ satory, by Abd. Cole, (slightly imperfect) with curious /^ broadside in cover folio, 1661 87 Culpeper. Practical Physick, the Fourth Book of the Diseases ,^_ of Women, 1664; Chymistry made Easie and Usefull, "^ 16G2; The Sixth Book of Practical PhySick ; of Occult or Hidden Diseases, in nine parts, L662. In 1 vol. London, Peter Cole y7S8 Culpeper's Works ; enlarged, corrected, and improved by Dr. ^^/ G. A. Gordon, portrait, 3 vols, calf gilt, numerous plates / which are frequently wanting A. Hogg , 789 Culy (David), of Gvyhorn, Ely, (a curious mystical writer), J^f jjf Works, including Letters and Answers, and above 40 r / Hymns, ///.s^ edition Boston, 1788 x/ T'/O Cumberland (Rich.) Essay towards the Recovery of the Jewish / Measuies, Weights, and Monies 1686 'y THIRD DAY S SALE. /" 791 CuruberlancI and Westmoreland (Counties of), the Agreement of the Associated Ministers and Churches in; with a Con- ^ fession of Faith and an Exhortation to all that profes the Name of the Lord Jesus, both magistrates and people,' '-7 contains several references to Norton, Hooker, Cotton, and New England Church Government, a most interesting tract, clean and uncut 1656 792 Cuninghame (James) Warnings of the Eternal Spirit, pro- / nounced during his Inipiisonment in the Tolbooth, with ^J^^^ Prayers and Hymns, then also pronounced by him, fine copy 1712 ^ x793 Curiosity (The), or Gentleman and Lady's Library, a series of /^&^ humorous Pieces in Poetry and Vrose, frontispiece(slightly ^ — > wormed) 1739 ,^rZ^^\ Curran (J. P.) Memoirs of his Legal, Literary, and Political Life, by W. O'Regan 1817 795 Da Costa, Proceedings in the Arches Court between J. Mendes Da Costa and Mrs. C. Da Costa Villa Real, portrait and vignette, old calf gilt Privately printed, 1734 " These Sheets the most Evasive-Crafts reveal ; A wily Widow ! who can Wound and Heal." See title 796 Dagley (R.) Death's Doings, consisting of original compositions in Prose and Verse by various authors, illustrating Thirty Plates designed and etched by R. Dagley, boards, uncut, 2 vols, 1827 <, >797 Dallington (Robert) A Method for Trauell shew'd by taking the 'y^ View of France as it stood in the yeare of our Lord, 1598, headlines cut close in a few places 4 to. by Thomas Creede, — — 798 Dampier (Capt. Wm.) Voyages round the World, describing particularly the Isthmus of America, the South Sea, Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, the Philippine and East Indian Islands, etc. Also his Voyage to Holland, both parts, maps and plates, 3 uniform vols, fine clean copies, in the old calf gilt binding 1705-17 The above contains the whole of Dampier's portion of the following collection. The Voyages of Wafer, Funnell, and Hacke's Collection, to complete it, will be found under the respective authors. 799 Dampier's Collection of Voyages : by Dampier, Wafer, Funnell, Cowley, Sharp, Woods, and Roberts, best edition, 4 vols, maps and plates, calf gilt, marbled edges 1729"' A remarkably fine,'clean and large copy, recently bound from sheets or boards, full of rough leaves, and with very bright impressions of the maps and plates. 'j/ 68 THIRD day's sale. 800 Dance (E.) Geographical Sketches on the Western Country, with description of the Unsold Public Lands, etc. Cincinaii, 1819 801 Dance of Death. Emblems of Mortality; fifty cuts of Death seizing all Ranks, with a copious preface 1 789 802 Dandiai (Jerome) Voyage to Mount Libanus, wherein is an account of the customs, manners, etc. of the Turks and Maronites, neat and ffi/t 1698 803 Daniel. Narrative of the Life and astonishing Adventures of John Daniel, a smith, of Royston, for a course of seventy years ; the melancholy occasion of his travels ; his ship- wreck on a desolate island ; his accidental discovery of a woman for his companion ; their peopling the island, etc. etc. plates hy Boitard, including the Flying Machine and the curious Sea Monsters, fine clean copy, in original calf 1751 804 Daniel (Samuel) Poetical Works, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, 2 vols. 1718 Danish Missionaries. An Account of the Success of two Danish Missionaries lately sent to the East Indies, for the Conversion of the Heathen in Malabar, translated, map of the East Indies, 3 parts in 1 vol. original calf binding 1718 D'Anois (Countess) Fairy Tales, from the French, 2 vols, calf gilt 1807 807 D'Argens (Marquis) New Memoirs, establishing a True Know- ledge of Mankind, by discovering the Affections of the Heart, with two Novels, Spanish and French, and thoughts on the Art of beautifying the Face, by Madlle. Cochois, 2 vols, calf gilt, fine copy 1747 08 Darien. Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, with an Answer to the Spanish Memorial against it, with Descrip- tion of the Country and Colony, uncut Edinb. 1699 809 Darien. Letter from the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland to the Hon. Council and In- habitants of the Scots Colony of Caledonia, in America, hf, bd. crimson morocco 4to. Glasgow, 1699 810 Darien. Caledonia; or the Pedlar turn'd Merchant, a Tragi- comedy, as it was acted by his Majesty's subjects of X/ Scotland, in the King of Spain's Province of Darien, in Cjp Verse, calf extra, bound by Riviere 4 to. 1700 An extremely rare satirical, and sometimes scurrilous Poem, of 117 stanzas, written in Ned Ward's style, ena- bodying many curious particulars that are nowhere else matters of History. 811 Darien. Scott (Ph.) Defence of the Scots abdicating Darien, with an Answer to the Defence of the Scots Settlement there, Mwci«^ ininted in the year 1700 ;806 THIRD day's sale. 69 812 Darien. A Collection of scarce and valuable Papers, containing a Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, with an •^ Answer to the Spanish Memorial against it, hy Philo- Caledon, pp. 51 ; An Enquiry into the Causes of the Miscarriage of the Scots Colony at Darien: or an Answer to a Libel entitled, A Defence of the Scots Abdicating Darien, etc. pp. 84, with other interesting Papers. In 1 vol. London, 1712 ^ 813 Darien. Essay on the Antiquities of Gt. Britain and Ireland, with an Attempt to shew an Affinity betwixt the Lan- guages of the Ancient Britains and the Americans of the Isthmus of Darien ; also an Irish-English Dictionary Edinb. 1738 ^ 814 Darien. Borland (Francis) History of Darien, with an Ac- count of the attempt of the Scotch Nation to Settle a Colony in that place, written mostly in the year 1700, while the author was in the American Regions, not mentioned by Rich Glasgow, 1779 815 Dart (John) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church y//^ of Canterbury, and the once adjoining Monastery, good ^ impressions of the plates, including those of the names , and armorial bearings of 362 subscribers, calf gilt folio, 1726 816 Dart (John) Westmonasterium ; or the History and Antiquities >^ y of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's Westminster, to which 'C^C^^^ is added Westminster Abbey, a Poem, large paper, brilliant impressions of the portrait by Faber, vignettes, and 150 plates, 2 vols, calf gilt, very fine copy atlas folio, [circa 1742] <> (fL7 Davenant (C.) Discourses on the Publick Revenues and Trade of England, with Discourses on the Plantation Trade, (Jamaica, New England, etc.) and an Essay on the East India Trade. In 1 vol. very fine copy, in the original calf binding 1698 S+8-Davies (J. C.) Letters from Paraguay, describing the Settlement of Monte Video and Buenos Ayres, with the Manners, Customs, etc. of the Inhabitants 1805 819 Davies (John) o/Zic?««e%, the History of the XXVIII Caribby y^y Islands, in two books, with a Caribbian Vocabulary, calf ^ ioMojLond. 1666 The greater part of the impression was consumed in the great fire of London. 820 Davies {i .) of KidioeUy , Ki\ol\iQV Collection of Philosophical ^ y Conferences of the French Virtuosi, upon Questions of // all sorts, [many very curious, on Magic, Conjuration, In- cubi and Succubi, Love Philtres, King's Evil, Rosie Cross, Bewitching, Generation, Barrenness, Milkie Way, Tobacco, Transmigration, etc.] original calf folio, London, 1665 70 THIRD day's sale. ^^^ 821 Davila (Juan) Passion del Hombre-Dios, referida y ponderata en Decimas Espanolas 4to. en Leon de Francia, 1661 /;89^ Dickenson (Jonathan) God's Protecting Providence evidenced / in the Remarkable Deliverance of Robert Barrow, and others from Shipwreck, also from the devouring Jaws of the Inhuman Canibals of Florida, wanting part of a leaf at page 3 1 700 '/^ 899 Dictionarium Polygraphicum : or the whole Body of the Arts '' regularly digested, 50 plates, 2 vols, calf 1/35 ■/' 900 Dictionary of Quotations from the British Poets, in three parts, ^ viz : Shakspeare, Blank Verse, and Rhyme, 3 vols, cloth, lettered 1824 I Dictionnaire des Difficultes et Exceptions de la Langue Fran- ^aise — ^Tibbin's French and English Dictionary—Art de Correspondence — Bossu's Grammar 4 vols. 902 D'Israeli (Benj.) Vivian Grey; Venetia ; Coningsby; Tan- cred ; Contarini Fleming ; Alroy ; The Young Duke ; and Ixion in Heaven, 8 vols. hf. calf, marb. edges 1853 903 D'Israeli (I.) Dissertation on Anecdotes, by the Author of .Cu- riosities of Literature, first edition, hf. hd. calf 1793 904 D'Israeli (I.)The Curiosities of Literature, illustrated by Bolton Corney, Esq. London, 1838 '905 D'Israeli (I.) The Literary Character, illustrated by the His- tory of Men of Genius, hf. calf 1822 06 Divine Poems : together with a Journal of our Lord's Gracious y Dealings with the Soul of the Authoress, by Christiana / of Ramsey, Hxmtingdonshire,hf. hd. St. Ives, 1792 90'/ Dobbs (A.) Account of the Countries adjoining Hudson's Bay, ■^ with a Vocabulary of the Languages of several Indian Nations, map, bds. tmcut 4to. 1 744 i /a ,^.008"^obrizhoffer (M.) Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian ^^-^^^ (y '■''■' People of Paraguay, 3 vols. 1822 ^^^^09 Dobson (J.) Chronological Annals of the War in Europe and < America, from 1755 to the present time, hf. bd. Oxford, 1763 ^/^10 Dodd (Geo.) The Textile Manufactures of Great Britain, nu- merous cuts, 6 vols in 3, hf. bd. 1844 ^11 Doddington. Diary of George Bubb, with Appendix of Curious y^^ and Interesting Papers, byH. P. Wyndham, hf calf gilt '" ' 1823 y^\2 Dodsley (R.) A Select Collection of Old Plays, 12 vols, calf / London, 1744 t.-/913 Dodsley. Trifles, containing Poems, Plays, Economy, etc. 2 vols. port, and plates, At Tullys Head, Pall Mall, 1745 . ^14 Dodsley. The (Economy of Human Life, translated from an '^ Indian MS. numerous beautiful vignette illustrations by Harding, calf gilt 1795 915 Dodson (Jas.) Mathematical Repository, Solutions of Five ^ Hundred Questions, from scarce and valuable Authors, 3 vols, calf 1774 76 THIRD day's sale. //I) 16 Donn (J.) Hortus Cantabrigiensis : or an Accented Catalogue y of Plants, calf gilt, 1809— The Clergyman's Recreations, ^ , or the Pleasure of Gardening 1714 / London, 1624 V§18 Donne, Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, and Severall Steps in My Sickness, secowc? e«?zY«o», re/Zw/M 1624 919 Donne. Poems by J, D. with Elegies on the Author's Death 1639 920 Donovan's Descriptive Excursions through South Wales, 31 coloured plates of Views, Antiquities, etc. 2 vols. 1805 921 D'Orlcans. History of the Revolutions in England under the Stuarts, calf 1711 922 Dore (Jas.) Baptist Minister of Horsleydown. Collection of all his Sermons, Discourses, Essays, etc. on Baptism, Slave Trade, Funeral Occasions, with Letters, etc. ahout 20 pieces, in 3 vols. 8vo. and 12mo. blue morocco, yilt edges, a vsry scarce and interesting collection, in fine state 1784-1806 923 Downes (S.) Narration of the Lives of the Thirteen Compilers of the Liturgy, calf n. d. ^24 Drake (Sir Francis) Life and Dangerous Voyages of, to America, round the World, etc. woodcuts and portrait with verses, calf extra, gilt edges, fine copy r2mo. n. d. 925 Drake (Dr.) Ancient and Modern Stages survey'd, or Collier's View of the English Stage set in a true hght 1699 926 Drake (N.) Literary Hours, or Sketches critical, narrative, and poetical, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf 1820 927 Drake. Trodden Down Strength by the God of Strength, or Mrs. Drake Revived, shewing her strange and rare case, together with the strange and wonderfull manner how the Lord revealed himself unto her a few dayes before her death. Related by Hart 0\x-h\,Jine copy 1647 Rogers of Dedhara, Dod, Culverwell, Forbes, and many other ministers advised Mrs. Drake in her ' strange temptations,' but none so effectually as *• Mr. Hooker, then at Cambridge, now in New-England," who resided some time with her at Esher, where ** having acted his part with her," "by God's providence he was married unto her waiting-woman," and shortly after "cal'd to bee Lecturer at Chelmsford in Essex." — See from pp. \\7 to 129. 928 Drama. The Companion to the Play House, an Account of all the Dramatic Writers and their Works, 2 vols, calf 1764 929 Drama. Practical Illustrations of Rhetorical Gesture and Action, adapted to the English Drama, 69 engraviyigs expressive of the human passions, by H. Siddons 1822 THIRD day's sale. T] j930 Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Fletcher, ^3^'^ with Notes by Whalley and Coleman, jpor^raiYs, 4 vols. / calf 1811 yIdSl Dramatic Table Talk ; or Scenes, Situations, and Adventures 'X Serious and Comic in Theatrical History and Biography, portraits, plates, and facsimiles, 3 vols. 1825 932 Dreams. The Universal Dream- Book, with narratives of appa- _^'/^ ritions and remarkable providences — The Universal Dream y^ Dictionary, or Interpreter of Dreams and Visions, 2 vols. in I, calf Baltimore, 1H04 5 --^33 Dreams, Theory of, in which an Inquiry is made into the y^ powers and faculties of the human mind, as illustrated in the most remarkable dreams, 2 vols. 1808 934 Dryden. Whittinton's Feast, a new parody on Alexander's t y^ Feast, written by a College Wag / oblong 4to. London, printed for the author A very curious and witty burlesque of Dryden's poem, with the poem in parallel columns. Px^935 Dubroca (M.) L'ltineraire des Fran^ais dans la Louisiane, ^ large folding map hy Delisle, uncut 1802 ^•^/COdQ Duche (Jacob) of Christ Church, Philadelphia. Discourses on ^ various subjects, frontispiece by Sharp, 2 vols, calf extra, gilt edges 1779 ^37 Duche (J.) Observations on a variety of subjects in a series of ^y/^ Original Letters, by a Gentleman (Caspipina) who resided some time in Philadelphia, first edition Philadelphia, 1774 ^ 938 Duck (Stephen) Poems on several occ?i&\o\i%, fine portrait At the Looking Glass on London Bridge, I 738 ^939 Du Fresnoy (L'Abbe Lenglet) Recueil de Dissertations An- ^^ ciennes et Nouvelles, sur les Apparitions, les Visions, et les Songes, avec Preface Historique, 4 vols. 1751 — Traite/ . Historique et Dogmatique sur les Apparitions, avec observations sur Calmet, Senones, etc. 2 vols, together 6 vols, calf gilt, marbled edges, fine copy Avignon, 1751 94Q Dugdale et Dodsworth. Monasticon Anglicanum, Vols. I. and jfc^^y^ II- plates by Hollar and King, first impressions before — ^^^^^r the English inscriptions were added folio, 1655-1661 The second volume contains the very scarce plates of Osney Abbey and St. John of Jerusalem at Clerkenwell. ^y 94 1 Du Halde (P.) General History of China, with an account of / 975 Another, second edition, fine sound copy 1774 /d, 976 Edward the Sixt, Life and Raigne of, written by Sir John Hay- ward, engraved title page, containing port, of Edward FI. by Vaughan, fine impression and port, of Sir J. Hayward, by IV. Pass, very fine copy, vell'xm, (North's copy, sold for £4. 4s.) 4to. io30 977 Edwards (B.) Proceedings of the Governor and Assembly of Jamaica, in regard to the Maroon Negroes, with an Account of their Disposition, Manners, and Habits of Life, and of the late ^ ax, frontispiece, calf, fine copy 1796 78 Edwards (Bryan) History of the British Colonies in the West Indies, Ath edition, portraits, maps and plates, 3 vols. calf gilt 1807 FOURTH day's SALE. 81 ^ 979 Edwards (C.) Hanes y Fydd Gristionogol, or a History of l^ Christianity, in Wehh, (first printed at Oxford in 367 1) Dolyellan, n. d. 980 Edwards (Geo.) Natural History of Birds, and some other ' y^ / rare and undescribed Animals, Quadrupeds, Reptiles, '^/Y Fishes, Insects, etc. with the Gleanina;s of Natural His- / tory in English and French, 362 verxj beautifully coloured plates, 7 vols, rusna gilt, very riiSE copy royal 4to. 1743-63 "^^-.^^BI^EcTwards (Jonathan) Narrative of the Conversion of many , / hundred Souls at New Hampshire, in New England, in a ^ ' Letter to Dr. B. Colman, of Boston, riiisT edition, clean good copy 12mo. 1737 yy 982 Edwards. The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit 1^ . of God, with a Preface by the Rev. .^' r. Cooper, and Letters from Dr. Colman of Boston Boston, 1741, rep. 1745 ^■'''^983 Edwards. Two Dissertations : I . Concerning the End for which God created the World, 2. The Nature of True Virtue, FIRST EDITION Bosfoil, 1765 ^~^ 984 Edwards. Occum's Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul — Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians 1789 j,^ 98.') Edwards, Life and Character, with Extracts from his private Writings and Diary; and Eighteen Sermons 1785 /D 986 Edwards's Cork Remembrancer; or, Tablet of Memory, ' enumerating every remarkable circumstance that has happened in the City and County of Cork 1 792 987 Effusions of Love from Chatelar to Mary Queen of Sects, trans- y^ lated from a GaUic MS. with Songs, Sonnets, etc. 1805 — Love and Madness, a Story too true, in a Series of Letters, //-ow^. calf Ipswich, 1809 988 Egede (Hans) Description of Greenland, with a new map and copper-plates, bpst edition, fine copy 1745 89 Egg (The) or the Memoir of Gregory Giddy, Esq., Also the Memoirs of a Right Hon. Puppy, conceived by a cele- brated Hen n. d. y 9^0 Elegant Extracts, Prose, Verse, and Epistles, Shai'pe's minia- ''y^ tare edition, with frontispieces engraved by C. Heath / and others, 18 vols, calf gilt, marb. edges n. d. -«^:^9-MEi,iOT (John) The Indian Guammar begun ; or, an Essay to r/^- ^y . bring the Indian 1 anguage into Rules, for the Help of 7-^ ^-^<^ey such as desire to Learn the same, for the furtherance of the •^ ^ Gospe]a.mongthem,calf gilt by Riviere, TIKE COPY, Cam-" bridae, (N^.)nrinted by Maiynadu/ce Johnson 4to^ 1666 A VOLUME OF EXTREME RARITY ; but lew copics are Known. . No copy is quoted by either Lowndes or Brnnet as '^'^H*-^^cv^-^-^ hftving occurred for sale ; and Mr. Thcmias, from the description he gives, in his History of Printing in America, was evidently unable to obtain a sight of one. L 82 FOURTH day's sale. — d92-EHot, The Life and Death of the renowned Mr. John EKoC, ^// who was the First Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians V ' — in America, by Cotton Mather, half bound calf John Dunfon, lo^l 093 Elizabeth. The Historie of the Life and Reigue of that famous Princesse (Queen) Elizabeth, 5y Thos. Browne^ scarce, unknown to Loivndes 4to. 1634 9S4 Elliott (Ebenezer) Corn Law Rhymes, Village Patriarch, and other VoQxn?,, presentation copy to the Rev. H. H. JPiper, with the author's autograph in two volumes, port. 3 vols. Ids. 1833-5 )5 ElHs (Henry) Voyage to Hudson's Bay, by the Dobbs Galley and California in 1746-7, for discovering a North-West Passage, map and plates, very fine clean copt, russia extra, gilt edges, with joints, and borders of gold on the sides 1748 ^.^ g^Q ElHs (Mrs.) Women of England, cloth 1838— Lockhart (J. G.) " Life of Burns, port, cloth 1838 >--/^996*Elmes (Jas.) The Arts and Artists ; or Anecdotes and Relics of X the Schools of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, ports, plates and autographs, ^ \oh. 1825 i)9Z Elmes (J.) Topographical Dictionary of London 1831 — Elphin- , O//^ stone (Lord) Account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its y Dependencies: with a Vocabulary, map, and coloured plates 4to. 1815 998 Elwood (Thos.) History of the Life of; written by his own hand, first edition, calf , fine copy 1714 y^y Elwood was for some time Secretary to John Milton, Tvho submitted the MS. of Paradise Lost to him before pub- lication ; and it was in returning the latter that Elwood made a suggestion which led to the production of Para- dise Regained, see p. 234. The above is interspersed with poems of considerable merit. 699 Elwood. Davideis: the Life of David; a Sacred Poem in Five Books Dublin, 1722 00 Emblems; or Hieroglyphical and Enigmatical Devices relating to all Parts and Stations of Life ; with Explanations in five Languages, />'o;2^. and 62 plates, containing 930 emblems, calf Lond. sold by J. Cole. 1001 Emblems, Choice, Historical, Fabulous, Moral and Divine, written for the Amusement of Lord Newbattle, port, and 48 cuts, \77'2 — Little Master's Miscellany; in Prose and Verse ; with Fables, Moral Songs, and Maxims, 2 vols, in \, calf, plates Birmingham, \7^5-7 ,-WOa^ Ernes (Tho.) On the Being and Nature of Mind, and the Life y^^ and Immortality of our Souls. 1702 1003 Emigrant's Manual for Austraha, New Zealand, America, etc. J/^ 1851 — The Six Colonies of New Zealand, by W. Fox, {no map) 1851 FOURTH day's SALE. 83 ^1004 England Delineated, or a Geographical Description of England ^/^ and Wales, maps, calf, lb03 — The Juvenile Tourist, maps, > 1810 — Rambles by Rivers, 2 vols, in 1, ha!/, hd. marb. edges, 1844 — Crosby's Pocket Gazetteer, maps, 1818 4 vols. 1005 English Spy, an Original Work, Characteristic, Satirical, and Humourous, being Portraits of the Illustrious, Eminent, ■^ Eccentric, and Notorious, drawn from the Life, by Bernard Blackmantle, with 3G coloured plates, by Robert CruiJcshank, and 28 woodcuts, half morocco royal 8vo. 1825 1006 Entick (John) General History of the late War in Europe, y y Asia, Africa, and America, portraits, maps, and plates, yC^y^ some icanting, 5 vols, calf 1763 X Containing many interesting particulars relative to the Catabaw, Cherokee, Chickesaw, Delaware, and other tribes of Indians. -^/fe' 1007 Epigrams, a Collection of, 2 vols, calf 1735-37 4!-/ 1008 Erasmus, his Familiar Colloquies concerning Men, Manners, ^ and Things, translated by N. Bailey 1733 =.^^ 1009 Erasmus. L'Eloge de la Folic, traduite par Guedeville, 3 ports, and 81 plates, by Holbein 1713 ■^/^ 1010 Another edition, ^/o^e« by Eisen, calf 1772 y 1019 Essex Witches. A True and Exact Relation of the severall A-^ Informations, Examinations, and Confessions of the /^ Witches lately Executed, who were arraigned and con- 84 FOUETH DAY S SALE. demned at Chelmsford, the 29th of July, 1645, wherein the severall Murthers and devihsh "Witchcrafts, com- initted on the Bodies of Men, Women, and Children, and divers Cattle, are fully Discovered, half bound Published by authoritie, 4to. Lond. 1645 '1020 Estaugh (John) of Rudders field. New Jersey, A Call to the Unfaithful Professors of Truth, with divers Epistles, and Account of his Death in Tortola London, 1/45 1021 Etherege (Sir George) Works of, containing his Plays and Poems, 1704 — Edgar and Elfrida, with the Defeat of Hoel Prince of Wales, by T. de Monmouth [i.e. T. Powell,^ russia, 179 — 2 vols. K)22 Etonian (The) [Motley sheets of Essays, Tales, and Poems, published periodically by " the King of Clubs"] second edition, 2 vols, half calf 8vo. 1S22 1023 Another copy, fourth edition, 3 vols, green calf extra 12mo. 1824 [024 Eugene Aram, the Trial and l^ife of, with his Letters and Poems, and Specimens of an Anglo- Celtic Lexicon, facsimile of his writing Richmond, 1832 • 1025 Eustace (Thomas) Adventures and Providential Deliverances "=^1^ of, who was Shipwrecked off Long Island, near New York, 18th January, 1809, front, and port, uncut 1820 /_^«J.^26HEvans (Arise) Voice from Heaven, 1653 ; Eccho to the Voyce ^7^ -/-J from Heaven, 1 653 ; The Bloudy Vision of John Farley, /" y by Arise Evans, 1653. In 1 vol. 1027 Evans and Cheevers. A Brief History of the Voyage of Katherine Evans and Sarah Cheevers to the Island of Malta, and their Cruel Sufferings in the Inquisition, occasioned by the Malice of the Monks and Friers, cf. 17 1 5 1028 Evelyn (John) The French Gardiner, instructing how to ^ y^ Cultivate all sorts of Fruit Trees and Herbs for the ^ Garden, with Rose's English Vineyard, plates, calf, 1669 — The Scots Gardener, by J. Reid, plates, scarce Edinb. 1/66 1029 Evelyn (John) Sculptura ; or the History and Art of Chalco- ^v/^ gr&Tphy, port, by Worlidge, 1769 — Sculptura Historico- Technica ; or the History of the Art of Engraving, with plates and collection of marks or cyphers 1 770 Everard (John) The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius (j^ Trismegistus, in XVII Books, translated from the Arabick, calf, (a very rare mystical Treatise) 1650 Everard (John) Some Gospel Treasures of the Holiest of all . ' unvailiug ; discovering yet more the Riches of Grace and f^cJ:^^ ^^^^^^^ Glory to the Vesels of Mercy, calf gilt, very rare and / ^ beautifully printed volume 4to. London, 1653, reprinted at Germantown 1757 " To the care of John Hunt, Mercht. in London, for Sophia Hume.'' — MS. note in cover. FOURTH DAY S SALE. 85 ^_-W3i2-Eyre (W.) Pastor of the Church of New Sarum, The Free ^ y Justification of a Sinner explained and confirmed, pre- ■-jr^ sentation copy from Samuel Crisp, (son of Dr. Crispi) to / '^ his son and daughter, loith interesting autograph ^ inscription 1695 , . 1033 Fables Anciennes et Modernes, traduites de I'Anglois de M. / Baldwin, very pretty cuts, 1806— Esop's Fables, tvith Life, wants title and lust leaf, cuts Baskerville // 1034 Fi-.bles for the Holy Alliance, Rhymes on the Road, etc. calf, ^ 1 823— The Pleader's Guide ; a Didactic Poem, by J. J. S. calf 1803 035 Facetiae Facetiarum, hoc est Joco-Seriorum Fasciculus, crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, fine copy Francof. 1615 036 Facetiae Facetiarum, hoc est Joco-Seriorum Fasciculus Novus, engraved title, calf gilt, containing different Treatises from the foregoing Parthopoli, 1645 037 Facetiae. Practica Artis Amandi, insigni et jucundissima Historia ostensa, auctore Hilario Drudone, engraved title, calf gilt Amst. 1652 2 — Fielding (Henry) Adventures of David Simple, 2 vols, calf 1772 K)76 Fielding (Henry) Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by A. M\iY\>\\y, portrait, 14 vols, bright calf gilt 1808 1077 Fielding (Henry) Select Works, with an account of his Life and Writings, by W. Watson, 5 vols, half calf gilt 1812 1078 Finati (Giovanni) Narrative of the Life and Adventures of, translated by W. J. Banks, 2 vols. 1830 1079 Fine (Oronce) Le Sphere du Monde, proprement ditte Cos- mographie, avec une Epistre, touchant la dignite, per- ^ fection et utilite des Sciences Mathematiques, looodcuts, -^ Paris, 1.0 51— Apian (Pierre) Cosmographie Traduicte de Latin en Francois, par G. Frisius, many very curious woodcuts, large map and moveable figures^ Paris, 1553— Hamellius (P.) Perspective, woodcuts, Paris, 1550 — Finseus (Orontii) De Re et Praxi Geometrica, curious tcoodcuts, Paris, \ 5^6. In 1 vol. calf , fne copies 4to. 1080 Fine Arts. Familiar Treatise on Drawing, for Youth, by C. Taylor, 33 plates, after Bartolozzi and others, 1815 — Frank Howard's Science of Drawing, Part III. the Human Figure, 16 plates 1840 - Clarke (John) Elements of Drawing and Painting in Water Colours, coloured plates^, 18 i8 — Handbook of Foliage and Foreground Drawing, by George Barnard, plates 1858 ■ Hundertpfund (L.) Art of Painting Restored to its simplest and surest Principles, translated from the Ger- man, coloured plates, 1849 — History of Painting, Ancient and Modern, with Anecdotes 1835 Hand-Books to Painting, viz.: Principles of Form, Figure Drawing, Sketching from Nature — Landscape Painting in Oil and Water Colours— Principles of Colour- ing—Water Colour Painting — Transparency Painting — Portrait Painting in Oil and Water Colours — Artistic Anatomy; together 12 parts 1850-54 10S2 Firmin (Giles) of New England, The Real Christian, a Trea- tise of Effectual Calling, original binding Boston, by Rogers and Foivle, 1/42 1080*- 1081 1081* FOURTH day's SALE. 89 I082*Fislier (James) The W'i^e Virgin ; or a Wonderful Narration /^ concerning Martha Hatfield, of Langhton, in Yorkshire, c^/ who, by God's dispensations, was recovered when stricken / dumb, deaf, and blind, without the use of any external means, fine copy At the Three Bibles on London Bridge, 1664 y 1083 Fisher's Drawing-Room Scrap Book, 30 steel engravings, crimson silk, gilt edges 4to. 181U 1084 Fisheries. The Wealth of G. Britain in the Ocean exempli- fied in an Inquiry into the state of the British Fisheries, uncut, 1749 — Letter to an M.P. concerning the Free British Fisheries, plate of a Herring-Bus and large fold- ing jil an of Peterhead Harbour arid Town, uncut, 1/50 — Proper Answer to a Libel against J. Lockman, Secretary to the Society of the Free British Fishery, 1753 3 tracts ^^1085 Fisheries. View of the Greenland Trade and Whale Fishery, /^^ with its National and Private Advantages 1722 1086 Fisheries. Considerations upon the White Herring and Cod Fisheries, uncut, 1749 — England's Path to Wealth and Honor, in a Dialogue and Articles on the Dutch Herring- / Fishery, uncut, 1750 — Small Collection of Valuable Tractsrelating to the Herring Fishery, 1/51 3 tracts f/^ 1087 Fitzgerald (Francis) Esq^. Surveys of Nature, Historical, Moral 'cl and Entertaining, illustrated with 160 copper-plates, by G. Taylor, 2 vols, calf 4to. London, C. Tai/lor, 1787 ^ y- 1088 Fitzroy and King's Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of '^ ''^ H.M. Ships Adventure and Beagle, with an Appendix, maps and plates, (one wanting,) 3 vols, cloth 1839 1089 Fitzwilliam (G. W.) The Pleasures of Love ; being Amatory Poems Original and Translated, plates, 1806 — Oriental Tales, translated into English Verse, by J. Hoppner, front. 1806 2 vols. , ,090 Flaxman (John) The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer illustrated •^/ by 73 plates, engraved in outline, 2 vols. oblong folio, 1805 /^;,..409+-'Fleetwood (Bp.) Chronicon Preciosum, or an Account of ^ a/ English Gold and Silver Money, etc. plates, calf, best, y edition 1 745 — -+09^-Fleming(C.) Survey of the Searchafter Souls, by Dr. Coward, ^ ^ ' Dr. S. Clarke, Mr. Baxter, and others, calf gilt, 1758— ^ Letters to Serena, containing the HiBtory of the Soul's ^ Immortality among the Heathens, etc. by Mr. Toland 1704 49^\09Z Fleming (J.) Philosophy of Zoology, 2 vols, with engravings / Edinb. 1822 rl094 Fletcher (Phineas) Purple Island, or the Isle of Man; with Piscatoric Eclogs, and other Poems 4to. 1633 M //^. /y 90 FOURTH day's SALE. 1095 Fletcher (Phineas) A Father's Testament, written long since for the benefit of the particular Relations of the Authour, in XXI Chapters, each of which is concluded with a Poem 1670 1096 Fletcher (Phineas) Purple Island, or the Isle of Man, an Alle- gorical Poem 1783 — Christ's Victory and Triumph, a Poem by Giles Fletcher, with Notes, 2 vols, in 1, half calf 1783 1097 Flinter (Col.) Account of the Present State of the Island of Puerto Rico 1834 1098 Flood (Et. Hon. Henry) Original Letters from Lord Charle- mont, Ed. Burke, the Earl of Chatham, and others, port. 4to. 1820 1099 Florida. An Appeal to the Public, in behalf of George John- stone, Esq., Governor of West Florida, uncut 1763 1100 Flugel's German and English Dictionary, with additions by C. A. Feiliug, and A. Heimann, 2 vols, second edition ' royal 8vo. 1843 /•^/ 1101 Another co'py, third edition, considerably enlarged, by Fliigel and Meissner, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. Leipzig, 1848 ^ / 1102 Fontaine (J. de la) Fables Choisies, mises en vers, brilliant im- ^'^Z pressions of the numerous beautiful plates by T. Punt, A. / Delfos, Finkeles, etc. 6 vols, in 3, calf gilt, fine copy a Leiden, 1786 03 Fontaine. Le Fils d'Adoption ou Amour et Coquetterie, tra- duction libre d'un roman AUemand d'Auguste Lafon- taine, intitule Henriette Belman, par Mme. Isabelle de Montolieu, 3 vols, calf Paris, 1805 -^ 1104 Foote (Samuel) Dramatic Works with Life, 2 vols. 1797 1105 Forbes (A.) History of Upper and Lower California, with a full View of the Missionary Establishments and condition of the Free and Domesticated Indians, jnap and plates .-. 1839 ^/il-0€-F^rbes (Dr. R.) Full View of the Public Transactions in the T^Y ' "" Reign of Queen Elizabeth, as transmitted in a series of 'VV'^ Letters and Papers of State written by herself, her Mi- /* £-y^ nisters, Foreign Princes ; etc. published from the origi- "— *^ nal MSS. with facsimiles of the original autographs to each letter, 2 vols, remarkably fine and clean copy, hf bd. uncut foHo, 1740 1107 FoEBissEEi (Martini) Angli, De Navigatione in Regiones -^'* y///,/ Occidentis et septentrionis, Narratio Historica, ex Gal- y./'^'/ / iico Sermone in Latinum, translata per D. Joan. Tho. Freigium, with the scarce folding woodcut, moroezo gilt edges, fine copy, ivith following autograph, " SumJoh. Georgii a TVerdenstein" Noribergice, 1580 1108 Forby (Robert) Vocabulary of East Anglia : an attempt to Record the Vulgar Tongue of the Twin Sister Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, portrait by Sharp 2 vols. ^^' ^ / FOURTH DAY S SALE. 91 1109 Forrest (Capt. Tho.) Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluc- cas, including an Account of Magindano, Sooloo, and other Islands, with a Vocabulary of the Magindano Tongue, portrait and SO plates, calf 4to. 1780 1110 Forest Trees. English Forests and Forest Trees, Historical Legendary, and Descriptive, nutnerotis beautiful woodctifs, calf gilt, tnarb. edges 1853 nil Fortesque (Sir Jno.) A Learned Commendation of the Poli- tique Lawes of England, translated by R. Mulcaster, 1599 — A Profitable Booke of Master John Perkins treating of the Lawes of England, hlacfe Utter Lond. Tho. Wight, 1601 The flv-leaf of the latter Treatise contains the following In- scription in MS. " To the right honorable and my very good Lorde Sir Charles Blunt Earle of Devonshire, Baron Mountjoy." 112 Fosbroke (T. D.) Encyclopaedia of Antiquities and Elements of Archaeology, Classical and Mediaeval, plates, 2 vols. 4to. 1825 1^ 1113 Foster (John) Essays, hest octavo edition, 2 vols. bds. uncut 1818-21 1114 Fothergill (John) An Account of his Life and Travels (in Eng- f^ / land and America) in the Work of the Ministry, with / Divers Epistles to Friends in Great Britain and America, calf 1753 y 1115 Fothergill (Dr. John) Memoirs of, by Lettsora {loith other Y memoirs relating to America) , portraits of FranTclin and six others 1 780 />1116 Foulkes (Robert) Minister of Stanton Lacy, Co. Salop, yi^ An Alavme for Sinners, being an account of the Life of Robert Foulkes, executed for murder 167^ 4to. 1679 /^^ 1 1 7 Fovarge (Step.) of St. John's, Camb. A New Catalogue of Vul- gar Errors Camb. 1767 /* —;p4*tT8r Fowler (Andrew) Sector of Christ Church, Shreivsbury, JVew j^ y' ^ // Jersey, An Exposition of the Book of Common Prayer, '^ ^^'^^ Cylc^ according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church "^ in America, rare Burlington, New Jersey, 1805 _^,,sl4-l-^-Fowler (Christopher) of Reading, Dsemonium Meridianum : // Satan at Noon : or Antichristian Blasphemies, Anti- — scriptural Divelismes, Anti-morall Uncleaness, Evidenced -s.^^ j^jiV in the Light of Truth and Punished by the hand of Jus- y tice ; Being a Relation of the Proceedings of the Com- •^ missioners of the County of Berks against John Pordage, Minister of Bradf eld, dedicated to '■' Oliver Lord Pro- tector,^' clean good copy of a rare booh 4to. London, 1655 ^_-44-90-i^ox (George) Cain against Abel, representing New England's ^ y ~~4-^ Hierarchy in opposition to her Christian Protestant Dis- ^ ^ -f . senters, xaxcut 4to. 1675 w 92 FOURTH day's sale. ^^i^H^'Tox (George) Journal, an Historical Account of the Life, Tra- //'^^^^ vels, buiferings, and Chrstian Experiences of that Ancient J^/_ and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, Vol. 1, 1694— Collection of Christian Epistles, Letters, and Testimonies, written by Geo. Fox, Vol. 2, 1698 — Collection of Doctri- nal Books given forth by Geo. Fox, containing Principles essential to Salvation, held among the people called Qua- kers, 17Q6 ; 3 vols, ea//, uniform folio, London The volume of Epistles is very scarce. Fox visited America in 1671, and laboured there for two years. Vol. 2 also contains no less than 85 Epistles, Addresses, and Exhor- tations to America, Barbadoes, Carolina, Charlestoun, Carribby Islands, East Jersey, Jamaica, Maryland, Nevis, New England, New Jersey, Pensylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, and West Jersey. 1122 Fox (George) Journal: or an Historical account of bis Life, Travels, SufTerings, etc. 2 vols, original calf binding 1709 1123 Foxe (John) Actes and Monuments of Christes Martyrs and y^ y/y of Matters Ecclesiasticall, newly recognized and enlarged / by the Author, third edition ivith »ome extra cuts, and ^ additions at the end, 2 vols in 1, black letter, (imper- *-^ feet) folio, Land. John Daye, 1576 _^^_^Jir^LnrToxE (John) Acts AND Monuments of Matters most speciall / y and Memorable happening in the Church, with an univer- yf sail Historic of the same, black letter, fine portrait by.. ' / / /^ ■/ y Glover, plates, including the large folding plate, and \/^/ C^' dt? ivoodcuts, 3 vols, very fine large and clean copy, in the / ^ / original calf binding, with autographs of " Tho. Lam' y barde," " Mary Phesant, 1662," " Staveleg Staunton,*:: - 1672" folio, 1641 ' " The first of these autographs which is evidently the earliest, x^ is doubtless that of the Grandson of the great Antiquary who published the " Archeion" in 1 G35 1 125 Franchere (G.) Fils, Relation d'un Voyage a la Cote du Nord-'- ^-.- ouest de I'Amerique Septentrionale, 1810-14 Montreal, 1820 26 Francklyn (G.) Answer to Clarkson's Essay on Slavery, shew- ing its Antiquity, Universality, and Lawfulness, hf morocco 1/89 1 127 Fianklin (Wm.) Loves of Camarupa and Camalata, an ancient Indian Tale, translated from the Persian, uncut 1 793 J 128 Eraser (J. B.) Journal of a Tour through part of the Snowy Range of the Himalayas, and to the Sources of the Rivers Jumna and Ganges, large folding map, hf. bd. russia ^ London, 1820 1 129 Free (Dr. John) of Runcorn, Poems and Miscellaneous Pieces, including Essay on the English Tongue and Dissertations on the early British, the Picts, the Scots from Ireland, etc. London, by W.Boioyer, 1/51 FOURTH Day's sale. 93 1130 Freedley (E. T.) Practical Treatise ou Business: or How to Get Money, cloth Bosicorth, 1 853 ^1131 Freemasonry. Dermott (L?m.) B.G.M., Ahiman Rezon: of a Help to all that are, or would be Free and Accepted Masons, /ron^ For James Jones, Grand Secretary, 17/8 H32 F reemasonry. Dermott (L.) Ahiman Rezon : or Help to a Brother, with a collection of Mason's Songs, Prologues, and Epilogues, and Solomon's Temple : an Oratorio Belfast, 1782 1 133 Freemasonry, Smith (Capt. George) The Use and Abuse of Free- masonry, a work of the greatest utility to the Brethren, to Mankind in general, and to the Ladies in particular London, for the Author, 1783 1134 Freemasons' Magazine: or a General and complete Library, numerous plates, o vols, hf.bd. 1793-5 1135 Freemasonry. Hutchinson (Wra.) Spirit of Masonry, por- A trait and frontispiece, uncut, Carlisle, 1^02 — Preston (Wm.) Illustrations of Masonry, with a Collection of Odes, Anthems, and Songs, imcut 1 804 y 1136 Freemasonry — Acta Latomotum, ou Chronologie de I'Histoire ?t^ de la Franche-Ma(;'onnerie Francaise et Etrangere, avec un Supplement, plates, hf calf gilt 1815 1 137 Freemasonry. Abraham (T.) Miroir de la Verite, dedie a tons les Ma(j'ons, presentation copy from the Author to A. V. A. de Grasse Tilly, with autograph and Masonic Seal, etc. (see 3rd vol.) 3 vols, french calf gilt L'An de la F. L. 5802 1 38 Freemasonry. Manuel Magonnique, ou Tuileur de tous les Rites de ]\Ia^onnerie Pratiques en France, 32 plates, hf. bd. Paris, 1820 1 1 39 Freeth (John) Political Songster ; or a touch on the Times, adapted to common tunes, ^jo/-^. Birmingham, 1790 1 140 Freewill, Foreknowledge, and Fate, a Fragment, by Ed. Search (A. Tucker,) very scarce, calf, 1763; Metaphysical Dis- sertations, wherein is proved that Man's Mind is really distinct from his Body, with Answer to Hobbes, calf 1680 1141 French Classics. Moliere, CEuvres, 8 vols in 4— Racine (J.) Theatre, 4 vols, in 2 — Chefs d'OSiivre de P. Corneille, 5 vols, in 3 — Les Aventures de Telemaque par Fenelon, 2 vols, in I — Gil Bias, Le Diable Boiteux, et (Euvres Choisies de Le Sage, 27 vols, in 13, uniformly half bound Paris, 1837 1142 French Literature (Chefs-d'OEuvre of,) consisting of interest- ing Extracts from the Classic French Writers, in Prose and Verse, with Biographical Remarks, 2 vols, fronts, half mor. gilt, marbled edges 1821 '1143 French Revolution. An Appeal to Posterity by Citizeness ^ Roland ; a collection of Pieces written during her confine- ment, in four parts, calf 1795 94 FOURTH Day's sale. 1144 Frezier (M.) Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud, aux cotes du Chili, du Perou et du Bresil, maps and plates, 2 vols, in 1, brown calf, antique style, carmine edges Amst. 1717 1145 Froissart (John) Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. translated by T, Johnes, with Notes, numerous woodcut illustrations, 2 vols, in 16 parts royal 8vo. 1839 1146 Frossard. La Cause des Esclaves Negres et des Habitans de la Guinee, /ro«^. 2 vols, half bound a Lyon, 1789 1 147 Frozer (Le Sr.) Relation du Voyage de M. de Gennes au Detroit de Magellan, maps Amst. 1699 1148 Frowde (Capt. Neville) The Life, Extraordinary Voyages, and surprizing Escapes of, written by himself ] 708 / 1149 Fry (John) The Legend of Mary Queen of Scots, and other ^/O^ Ancient Poems, now first published from MSS. of the Sixteenth Century, with an Introduction, Notes, and Appendix, russia London, 1810 ^_^\h^ Fryke (Christ.) and Schewitzer, a Relation of tw^o several '/^ Voyages made to the East Indies, done out of the Dutch by S. h.fine copy, original calf 1700 /1151 Fuchsii (Sam.) Metoposcopia et Ophthalmoscopia, jaor^rai^s "yft^ of Philip II. and the two Counts of Brabant ; and many curious engravings of heads, calf, gilt edges Argent. 1615 {, yy/ ).Jtb2 Fuller (Dr. Thos.) Good Thoughts in Bad Times, first edi- "^J/ "^ TiON, morocco Exeter, 1645 f/^\hZ Fuller (Tho.) Andronicus, or the Unfortunate Politician, /^ shewing. Sin slowly punished ; Right surely rescued 1649 1154 Fuller (Thomas) Works, viz. Church History of Britain, 3 ^^y vols. 1842 — History of Cambridge and Waltham Abbey, "y^ 1840— Worthies of England, 3 vols. 1840— Holy and Profane State, 1841, with Notes by Nichols and Nuttall together; 9 vols, cloth, plates 1840-42 j^ 1155 Fuller (Thomas) Memorials of his Life and Works by A. T. ''^ Russell, Cambridge calf gilt W. PicJcering, 1844 1156 Fuller (T.) Introductio ad Sapientiam ; et Introductio ad Prudentiam, 4 vols, in 2, half bound, uncut 1731-43 157 Fuller. Gnomonologia : Adagies and Proverbs, Witty Say- ings, etc. 1733— The Rule of Life, in Select Sentences, calf Lond. 1744 1158 Fuller (William) Life of. His Birth, Education, Relations, and Intrigues, writ by himself in the Queen's Bench, ^«e por- trait 1703 1159 Funnell (Wm.) Voyage round the World, containing an Account of Capt. Dampier's Expedition into the South Sea, in 17U3 and 1704, etc. map and plates, large and clean copy, in the original calf 1707 1160 Gabalis (Comte de) on Entretiens sur les Sciences Secretes ; La Suite de Gabahs ; ou Nouveaux Entretiens, /rowi/s- piece, 2 vols, in 1, calf Amst. 1/15 ^' FOURTH day's sale. 95 y-^+fiT'&^balis. The Extravagant Mysteries of the Rosycrosians •7/ ^ exposed in Five Discourses on the Secret Sciences, calf ^ 1680 ^y 1162 Gadbury (J.) The Just and Pious Scorpionist ; or the Nati- / vity of that thrice excellent man, Sir Mathew Hales, fine copy 4to. 1677 '^T 11 63 Gaelic. A Collection of Ancient and Modern Gaelic Poems and Songs, edited by John Gillies, uncut Perth, 1786 1164 Gaelic. Ancient Poems of Ossian, Orran, UUin, etc. collected in the Western Highlands, with Notes, by Dr. John Smith, of Campbelton, uncut Edinh. 1 7^7 1165 Gaehc. The Mountain Minstrel; or Clarsach nam Beann ; ^/ Original Poems and Songs, in English and Gaelic, by / Evan M'Cole, Lochfine Side, 1836— Meredith's Llewelyn ap Jorwerth, a Poem, 2 vols. 1818 1166 Gage (Thomas) The English- American ; his Travail by Sea j^--/^ aiid Land ; or a New Survey of the West-India's, with a /y/^ Grammar of the Poconchi Tongue, ^r*^ edition, fine copy, in the original calf folio, 1648 Q7 Gage (Thos.) Nouvelle Relation, Contenant les Voyages dans la Nouvelle Espagne, maps and plates, 2 vols in 1, half calf gilt Amst. 1785 U68 Gaieties and Gravities : Comic Tales and Fugitive Vagaries, by one of the Authors of " Rejected Addresses," 3 vols. 1825 1169 Gallantries of the Spaw in Germany, plates, 2 vols, calf 1745 Galloway's Letters to a Nobleman, on the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies, uncut, maps 1779 1171 Gait (Jno.) The Bachelor's Wife, curious and interesting Ex- tracts with cursory Observations, Edin. 1824 — The Sweepings of my Study, half calf gilt 1824 1 72 Gambado (Geoifrey) An Academy for Grown Horseman and Annals of Horsemanship, 29 plates after designs by Bun- bury, 2 vols. bds. uncut imperial 4to. 1808 1 1 73 Gamester (The Compleat) or Instructions How to Play at all manner of usual and most Gentile Games , also the Miste- ries of Racing, Archery, Cock-Fighting, etc., and the Game at Basset, never before printed, engraved front, and curious explanatory verses, calf gilt 1709 1174 Gardner, Pocket Guide to the English Traveller, a complete Survey of the Principal Roads and Cross Roads in England and Wales, in One hundred Copper Plates, showing the courses of Rivers, the Hills, Plantations, Churches, principal Seats, and also the nature and occu- pation of the soil, each plate having a separate Dedica- tion, calf gilt 4to. 1719 96 FOURTH DAT S SALE. 1 75 Garlandia (Jo. de) Syuonyma, cum Expositione Mag. Galfridi Anglici, tooodcuf in title, wormed, Hichard Pynson, l.i02 — Garlandia (Jo. de) Multorum Vocabulorum Equivo- corum, woodcut at front and back of title, imperfect 2 Tracts 11 70 Ganick (David) Life, with Characters and Anecdotes, by T. Davics, port. 2 vols. 1 SOS— Memoirs of Munden, the Comedian, /jor#. 1846 1 1 77 Gataker (Thomas) Of the Nature and Use of Lots, a Treatise Historical, and Theological 1627 1178 Gataker (Thos.) B.D. A Discourse Apologetlcal ; wherein Lilies lewd and lowd Lies in his Merlin or Pasquil for the year 1654, are clearly laid open, with a Postcript con- cerning an Epistle Dedieatorie of one J. Gadburie 4to. 16.54 In the course of defending himself from Lilly's slanders, Gataker gives in detail an account and explanation of all the important events of his Life. 1179 Gaule (J.) The Mag-Astro-Mancer, or the Magicall-Diviner Posed and Puzzled, dedicated to the Lord General Cromwell, apparently wants the general title, original calf 4to. 1652 80 Gay (John) The Beggar's Opera, as it is Acted in the Theatre Royal, Lincoln's Inn Fields, with the Ouvertures, Songs, and Basses (composed by Dr. Pepusch) curiously engraved on copper plates, third edition, original calf 4to. 1729 1 181 Genevesis Academise Leges y'/ Oliver Roberti StepJiani, Gencevis A rare Tract, unknown to Greswell, who says that Stephens seldom gave the place of printing in the title of his Genevan Rooks. 1 182 Genius Genuine, by Samuel Chifney, of Newmarket ; A fine part in Riding a Race, known only to the Author ; Why Turf Horses Degenerate ; A Guide to Recover them to their Strength and Speed, as well as to Train Horses for Running, and Hunters and Hacks for Hard Riding ; , also a full account of the Prince's Horse "Escape" running at Newmarket, 20th and 2 1st October, 1791 ; Price FIVE pounds, calf, very scarce Sold only for the Author, 232 Piccadilly, n, d. ' '^ 1183 Gent (Thos.) Ancient and Modern History of the famous City of \ox\i, plates and woodcuts, calf York, 1730 / ^ 1184 Gent. History of the Royal and Beautiful Town of Kingston- ^' npon-liuW, folding jilate, woodcuts, 7'ussia, gilt 1730 1185 Gent. Ancient and Modern History of the Loyal Town of Ripon, with Studley Park,* a Poem, curious woodcuts, (ivants title and part of preface'). -yz FOURTH day's SALE. 97 1186 Gent. A Compendious History of England, adorned with Portraitures at length, of the Monarchs, and a succinct History of Rome, with an Appendix relating to York, and those illustrious Personages that have proved inesti- mable blessings to this extensive County, curious wood- cuts, portraits, etc. York, 1741 1187 Gent. Poems, bds. unciit Cadell, 1828 1188 Gentleman's Recreations (The), viz. Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, and Fishing, with an Abstract of all Forest Laws, plates, including the large folding one of the Antient Hunting notes, calf 1/21 //11S9 Geographia de Claudio Tolomeo Allesandrino, tradotta nell' ^^--^ Italiano da Ruscelli, 9 maps of America, and numerous others {one wanting) vellum 4to. in Fenetia, 1599 190 Georgian Era (The) Memoirs of the most Eminent Persons who have flourished in England during the Reigns of the Four Georges, portraits, 4 vols, cloth 1832 [91 German Novelists. Tales selected from Ancient and Modern Authors, with Critical and Biographical Notices, by Thomas Roscoe, 4 vols, cloth 1826 U92 German. Vicar of Wakefield in German, French, and English, with Notes by Winterhng, Nuremberg, 1833 — Recreations in English and German, by Dr. Render, 1806 — Tiarck's Grammar, 1847 — Tiarck's Exercises, 1847 4 vols. 1193 Gerrish (Mrs. Martha) of Boston, N. E. The Happiness of a Holy Life exemplified in her Sickness and Death, with a collection of very Pathetic Letters, witten by her, and her Funeral Sermon 1740 Gessner (Solomon) Works of, translated from the German, with Life, portrait and plates by Stothard, 3 vols. bds. uncut 1802 Gibson (Bp.) Two Letters on the Instruction of the Negroes in the Christian Faith, addressed to Families in the English Plantations, uncut 1727 Gilbert (Abp.) Fifteen Sermons preached on several Occasions, port, with the family register of Mobert Young, son of Canon Young, of Windsor, giving an account of his marriage and of the births of his children, 1709 to 1725, old crimson morocco gilt, and gilt edges 1709 Gilbert (Thomas) Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, in the year 1788, with Views of the Islands discovered, large folding plates, uncut 4to. 1789 Giles (Wm.) Collection of Poems on Divine and Moral Subjects London, 1775 1199 Gilfillan (George) Three Galleries of Portraits of Literary Personages, 3 vols. cMh 1850-4 N J' 98 FOURTH day's SALE. ^/ 1200 Gillespie (Alex.) Gleanings and Remarks collected during /C> many months of Residence at Buenos Ayres, ma'p and chart Leeds, 1818 _^^„j4-20T^illespie (George) A Dispute against the English-Popish , ^ '^ . / Ceremonies, obtruded upon the Church of Scotland, rare, r^/y /y 4to. Frintedin the year of our Lord 1660 / y With Autograph of Dr. John Jamieson. y 1202 Gilpin (W.) Essay on Vv'mi^, fourth edition, calf, 1/92 — /1208 Gloucester. A Collection of the Coats of Arms borne by the ^"^^--^ Nobility aud Gentry of tbe County of Gloucester, 62 plates, containing ^QQ coats of arms, uncut 4to. 1792 ^^ 1209 Gloucestershire Garland (The), A Selection of Poetic Flowers, ■"^^ with a few Indigenous Sprigs Cirencester, 1815 jT^ 1210 Gobien (Pere Charles le) Histoire des Isles Marianes, Twaps, y calf , fine copy Paris, 1700 1211 Godinho (Manoel) RelaQao do Novo Caminho que fez por Terra, e Mar, vindo da India para Portugal no anno de 1663. fine copy 4to. Lisboa, 1665 1212 Godwyn (Morgan) Negro's and Indian's Advocate, suing for their Admission into the Church, or a Persuasive to the Instructing and Baptizing of the Negro and Indians in our Plantations for the Author, by J. D[^unton'], 1680 1213 Godwyn (Morgan) Supplement to the Negro's and Indian's Advocate (pp. 12), uncut 4to. by J. Dlunton] 1681 1214 Godwin (Mary Wollstonecraft), Memoirs of, by W. Godwin, portrait, engraved by Heath, old crimson morocco, 1798" / 1217 Goethe. Faust, a Dramatic Poem, translated into English ■^ Prose, with Notes, by A. Hay ward 1834 1218 Goethe. Retsch's Series of 20 Outlines, Illustrative of '^y Goethe's Faust, engraved by IT. Moses, with an Analysis / of the Tragedy, half calf (/lit royal 4 to. 18 JO r>'1219 Goethe's Poetischeund Prosaische Werke, 2 vols, hf cf marb. r edges imperial 8vo. Stuttgart, 1837 ^ 1220 Goldsmith (Oliver) History of England, to the Death of ^ George the Second, with a Continuation by C. Coote, 4 vols. calf gilt 1823 ?V^122I Goldsmith. Le Vicaire de Wakefield, traduit par C. Nodier, plates hy Tony Johannot imp. 8vo. Paris, 1844 /^ 1222 Goldsmith (Oliver), Life of, by J. Prior, 2 vols, cloth, fronts. lf^37 y^ 1223 Golnitz (A) Compendium Geographicum, old crimson morocco, '^^ gilt edges, Mirabeau's copy, see back of title Amst. Ehevir, 1643 '^ 1224 Gomez (Mad. de) La Belle Assemblee, n curious collection of Nhvels and Tales, ivithplates, 4 vols, calf, fine copy 1 732 1225 Gomara (F. Lopez de) Chronica General de las Indias Occidentals, su Historia, Geografia, Temperamento, Produccions, Usos, y Costurabres de los Naturales de ellas, (JOtljlC letter, the title, 5 leaves at the commencement^ and last 4 leaves very beautifully copied in MS. by '■'■Don Pedro Alonso de Salanoba, Madrid, 177ti," otherwise a fine clean copy, vellum Madrid, 1553 Called in by a Decree of the Council of the Lidies, and long considered as a prohibited book, which may account for its mutilation. 22G Goodwin (Philip) Mystery of Dreames, Historically dis- coursed, wlierein is discovered the Secret yet certain Good or Evil, the inconsidered yet assumed Truth or Falsity, Virtue or Vanity, Misery or Mercy of Men's differing Dreams, y?ne clean copy in the original binding 1658 1227 Goos (Peter) The Sea Atlas, or the Watter World, wherein y" are described all the Sea Coasts of the knowne World, cD ^ with descriptions of the several countries in very peculiar orthography ; contains 40 coloured maps, ten relating to America, and one representing California as an Island, vellum folio. At the Golden Sea Mirror, Amst. 1609 12.'8 Gordon. Personal Memoirs or Reminiscences of Men and Manners, at Home and Abroad, during the last half Century, from the Portfolio of P. L. Gordon, 2 vols, half bound, port. 18 JO t^, 100 FOURTH day's SALE. 1229 Gordon (Dr. Wm.) History of the Kisc, Progress and Estab- lishment of the Independence of the United States of America, maps and plates, 4 vols, newly hf. bd. calf gilt 1788 1230 Gore (Mrs. C.) The Historical Traveller, 2 vols. hf. bd. 1833 1231 Gore (Mrs.) The Book of Roses, or the Rose Fancier's Manual, engraved and coloured title 1838 1232 Gorton (Samuel) of Warwick, Narngansef.t, N. E. An Anti- y dote against the Common Plague of the World, or an -/^^ answer to a small Treatise, intituled Saltmarsh Returned from the Dead, with dedicatory epistle o/" 18 pp. to Oliver Ci'omivell, and appendix of 30 pp. containing " Copies of letters which passed betwixt the penman of this Treatise, and certain men newly come out of Old England into New," and then in Boston prison, by order of the Governor, " lest the Churches of New England should be defiled with Errour," calf, gilt edges, rare 4to. 1657 1233 Gottfried (Job. L.) De Aanmerkenswaardige Voyagien na Oost-en-West-Indien, a collection of upwards of twenty scarce and interesting voyages (formerly in 10 vols.) illustrated with numerous maps and many hundred en- gravings in the style of De Bry, 2 vols, half bound, clean bright copy folio, tot Leyden, by Pieter Vander Aa, 1 705 .^^ 1234 Goudelin (Pierre) Las Obras de, augmentados noubilomen ^ de forgo Pessos, ambe le Dictionnari sur la Lengo Moundino Toulouso, 1713 1235 Goulon (Mons.) Memoirs of, being a Treatise on the attack and defence of a place, with a Journal of the Siege of Ath in 1697, under the conduct of M. de Vauban, plates on- fortif cation, crimson morocco extra, borders of gold on the sides, a presentation copy from Earl Ligonier, with his book-plate 1745 -^p^ 1236 Grainger (James) of St. Christojjher^s. The Sugar-Cane, a Foem, •with, ^otea, plate, half calf gilt 4to. 1764 1237 Granger (Rev. Jas.) Letters in illustration of his Biographical History of Eaglund, jdates, half bound, uncut 1805 3S Grant (Baron) The History of Mauritius, or the Isle of France, and the neighbouring Islands, large folding maps, calf 4to. 1801 j^y 1239 Grant. The Peregrinations of Jeremiah Grant, Esq. the "/ West-Indian 1763 1240 Grant (Mrs.) Memoirs of an American Lady, with Sketches of i^9^ Manners and Scenery in America as they existed previous to the Revolution, 2 vols, boards, uncut 1808 12:11 [Grave (John)] A Song of Sion, written by a citizen thereof, Grenada, from the commencement of the Insurrection to ^^.-^/j-y the 1st of May; by a Sincere Well-wisher to the Colony, / X [Thomas Turner Wise, Esq.] very rare 4to. Grenada, Printed for the Author in Saint Georges, 1795 An interesting account of the French lusurrection, and the barbarous cruelties that attended it, written by an eye- witness, with the author's signature at foot of the title, and his presentation of this copy to George English, Esq. Brompton, by the hands of Captain Smith, at the head. - .-■'1253 Grey (Rich.) System of English Ecclesiastical Law : extracted J^ , from Gibson's Codex Juris EcclesiasticiAnglicani, large / PAPER, old blue morocco extra, gilt edges In the Savoy, 1730 1254 Grieve (J.) The History of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski Islands, translated from the Russian, maps and plates Gloucester, 1764 102 FOURTH day's SALE. 1255 Griffiths (John) Journal of his Life, Travels (in various part ' of America) and Labours in the "Works of the Ministry, calf, very fine cojtxj 1799 1256 Grioialdi (Joseph) Memoirs of, edited by C. Dickens, hf. cf. 1853— Memoirs of R. Cumberland Neio York, 1806 1257 G[roome] (S.) A Glass for the People of New England, in which they may see themselves and Spirits, and if not too late. Repent and Turn from their Abominable Ways and Cursed Contrivances, itncut 4to. Printed in the year 1676 This rare tract contains curious extracts from a book called " The Elders Tenents in the Bay," also " Queries for the New England Priests by another hand," G[eorge] F[ox}, and letters to Beliiiigham, and "Increase Madder," from J no. Tyso, dated Boston, Prison-House. 1258 Grose (F.) Military Antiquities respecting a History of the English Army, from the Conquest to the present time, 140 plates of Costume, Arms, and Armour, Military Tactics, etc. 2 soX^.fine clean copy, boards, imcut 4to. 1801 259 Grose (J. H.) Voyage to the East Indies; with an Account of the Religions in India, the Customs, Trade, etc. with a Glossary of Indian Names, plates, 2 vols, calf, fine copy 1766 1260 Grosier (Abbe) General Description of China, map and plates, 2 vols, calf gilt 1795 1261 Grosvenor (Benj.) Health, an Essay on its Value, Preservation, etc. 1716 — Smith's Solomon's Portraiture of Old Age, 1666 — Armstrong's Art of Health, 1757 3 vols. 1262 Grotius, his Arguments for the Truth of Christian Religion, rendered into plain English Verse 1686 This scarce poem is not mentioned by Lowndes. From the poetical dedication to Robert Boyle, the translation appears to have been made at his request. Several commendatory verses follow, but without alluding to the author's name. V263 Gaesclin (M. Bertrand du) Connestable de France, Histoire de, conlenant les Guerres, Batailles et Conqiiestes faites sur les Anglois, Espagnols et Autres, durant les Regnes de Rois Jean et Charles V. par M. C. Menard 4 to. Paris, 1C18 i26l Guidott (Thos.) Discourse of Bathe, and the Hot Waters there, with Lives of the Physicians of Bathe, engraved title by Van Hove, map and plate 1()76 1265 Guilhm (John) Display of Heraldry, /(/"M ec?i7/o?i by Blome, the Heraldry Complete, with an extra Dediiation to those mentioned by Lowndes, but wanting the Treatise of Honour which should follow, cuts, calf folio, 1679 FOURTH day's SALE. 103 / / 12C6 Guillim. The Banner Display'd: or an Abridgment of Guil- '/ lim, being a compleat System of Heraldry, in all its parts with proper Cuts and Tables, by Samuel Kent, 2 vols. calf 1716 y,/ 126/ Guizot (F.) The History of Civilization, translated by W. / y Hazlitt, ^jor^rcjV, 3 vols. c/o/A 1846 '^ 1268 Guizot, Shakespeare and his Times, cloth 1852 '^^ 1269 Gumilla (Joseph) Histoire Naturelle, Civile et Geographique "^-^^ de rOrinoque, et des Principales Rivieres qui s'y jettent, X . 3 vols. French calf gilt, fine copy Avignon, 1/58 1270 Gunpowder Treason (History of the) Collected from Approved Authors, as well Popish as Protestant, uncut 4to. 1678 -py^^ 1271 Guyon (L'Abbe) Histoire des Amazones Anciennes et /^^ Modernes, (including account of the American Amazons), calf 1 74 1 ^,-;ri^7^'^yon (Mad. J. M. B. de la Mothe) Sa Vie, ecrite par elle- jC^ / ^ meme, qui contient toutes les Experiences de la Vie ^^^ ^^ Iniev'xGXixe, 3 vo\s. calf, fine copy Faris, 1790 ^^MrO-Guyon. Lettres Chretiennes et Spirituelles sur divers Sujets '' y ml^ ^"^ regardent la Vie Interieure, ou TEsprit du Vrai ^^'^y'ii^ Christianisme, A'oMf. ec/. enrichee de la Correspondence ^ — secrette de M. de Fenelon avec I'Auteur, 5 vols, uncut ... 1767-68 .1274 Gypsies. Dissertations on the Gipseys, representing their Manners, Occupations, Marriages, Language, etc. with an Inquiry into their Origin and first Appearance in Europe, from the German of H. M. G. Grellraan 1807 1275 Gypsies. An Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, and Present State of the Gypsies, designed to develope the Origin of this Singular People, by John Hoyland 1816 104 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. 1280 w^si, '/ 1281 ^1285 1286 Hack (Maria) English Stories of the Olden Time, 2 vols. 1839 Hacke (Capt. W.) Collection of Voyages, containing those of Cowley, Sharp, Wood, and Roberts, majps and cuts 1699 Hackett (John) Select and Remarkable Epitaphs, with Trans- lations and Accounts of the Lives and Works of the Deceased, 2 vols, calf 1577 Haklvyt (Richard) The Principal Navigations, Voiages, Traf- fiqves and Discoveries of the English Nation, Vols. 1 and 2, WITH THE RARE ORIGINAL " VoYAGE TO CaDIZ," 2 vols, in 1, a remarJcably large fine and clean copy in the original calf, with the royal arms impressed on each side folio, 1598-99 Haklvyt. The same, but with the reprinted Voyage to Cadiz, having the 3rd volume, {the head-line to title of latter in facsimile), 3 vols, in 2, a clean good copy ioWo, 1598-1600 Hales (John) Golden Remains, with Sermons, Miscellanies, Letters, etc. very fine copy, with brilliant impression of the engraved frontispiece, original calf 4to. 1 673 Haliburton (T. C.) Historical and Statistical Account of Nova- Scotia, map and plates, 2 vols. Halifax, Nova-Scotia Hall (Capt. Basil) Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, map, 2 vols, calf gilt, marb. edges Edinb. 1823 Hall (Judge) Letters from the West 1828 Hall (Robert) Life of, by Gregory, with Observations on his Character, by Foster, and a Selection of his Sermons, being Vol. 6 of his Works, with Index and Titles to the 6 vols. 1832 Hallam (H.) View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 3 vols. bds. 1826-34 Hamilton (Mrs. Elizabeth) Memoirs of, by Miss Benger, por- trait, 2 vols, calf 1819 . Hamilton (Geo.) Voyage Round the World in H.M. Frigate N Pandora, portrait by Bewick 1 793 //. ^/ FIFTH day's sale. I05 1290 Hamilton (Elizabeth) Works, collected, viz. Memoirs of Mo- dern Philosophers, 3 vols. 1804 — Letters on Education, 2 vols. 1810— The Cottagers of Glenburnie, 1810— Ex- ercises in Religious Knowledge, 1810 — Life of Agrippina, 2 vols. 1811 — Letters to a Nobleman's Daughter, 2 vols. 1814 — Letters to a Hindoo Rajah, 2 vols. 1811 — Popu- li\r Essays, 2 vols, large paper, 1815 — Hints to Patrons of Schools, 1815 — together 16 vols, russia gilt, marb . edges, fine copies, {a scarce Collection) 1804-15 1291 Hamilton (Rev. R.W.) of Leeds, Nugse Literarie, Prose and Verse, c/oa 1813 A very rare volume ; rigidly suppressed by the author. _^^ 1292 Hamilton (Wm.) of Bungour, Poems on several Occasions, ^^ jjort. 1760 — Poems on various Subjects and Occasions, by the Hon. Alex. Robertson of Struan Ed.inb. n. d. ^ v^l293 Hamilton (Wm.) Life and Heroic Actions of the Renowned =^V*^ Sir William Wallace — Life and Martial Achievements of that Valliant Hero Robert Bruce, by John Harvey, 'port, of Wallace, 2 vols, in 1, {in Verse) Air, 1799 1294 Hamilton (W.) Letters on the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim, map, calf, 1786 — Survey of the South of Ireland in Letters to J. Watkinson, 2>»/a^es 1778 /O^ 1295 Hancock (Dr. Thos.) Essay on Instinct, and its Physical and "^^ Moral Relations ' 1824 ^/ 1296 Handel (Geo, F.) Words of Sacred Oratorios, as set to Music, portnxit, 2 vols, calf gilt, scarce Heptinstall, 1700 ^ 1297 Hanson (Eliz.) of KachecJcij, in New England, Account of •jy her being taken Captive, with Four of her Children, and X Servant-maid, by the Indians, and carried into Canada, with her wonderful Deliverance, taken from her own mouth by S. Bownas 1/8*7 1298 Hanway (Jonas) History of the British Trade over the Caspian py" Sea, with a Journal of Travels through Russia into Persia, ■y^ also the Revolutions of Persia, and History of Nadir Kouli, maps and plates hy Hayman, Gric/nion, etc. 4 vols, calf 4to. 1753 1299 Hanway's Account of the Marine Society, calf gilt, plates Privately printed, 1 759 1300 [Hare (Archdeacon)] Guesses at Truth, by two Brothers, both series, 2 vols, cloth , 1847-8 1301 Harleian Miscellany, Selections from, Tracts which principally /^ regard the English History, uncut 4to. 171)3 .^^>^ 1302 Harley (G. D.) of the Theatre'Royal, Covent Garden, Poem?, y^ bds. uncut Printed for the author, 1796 y 1303 Harrington (J.) The Prerogative of Populr.r Government, con- ^^/^ taining the first Prseliminary of Oceana, Inlarged and ^ Vindicated, etc. 4to. 1658 — ^Essays in Political Arithine- tick, by Sir W. Petty, calf, with autograph of lien. Petty 16!)!) o ^ V lOG FIFTH t)AY's SALE. Harrington (James) The Commonwealth of Oceana, dedica- ted to His Highnesse the Lord Protector, first edition, a few pages slightly wormed in margin, otherwise a fine clean copy, in original calf London, 1656 Hume says this is the only valuahle Model of a Common- wealth ever offered to the public. The author states that his MSS. were "dispersed into three presses," and apologises for the large amount of errors and corrections, which fill 3 pages. y/^^ 1303 Harrington. Oceana, and his other Works, with an account of his Life, by John Toland, portrait and curious plate of the manner and use of the Ballot, fine clean copy, in the original calf gilt binding folio, Dublin, 1737 1306 Harriott (Lieut. -Col.) Struggles through Life, exemplified in ^ y^ his Travels and Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and /'^ America, 2 y(A%. first edition, port, uncut, with autograph of Author, '' John Harriott, Oct. 1807" London, 1807 1307 Harris (James) Works: with Life and Character, by the Earl of Malmesbury, c/o^A 1841 1308 Harris' Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels, consist- ing of above 400 Writers, including Hakluit, Purchas, De Bry, etc. maps and plates, {a few imperfect), 2 vols calf gilt folio, 1705 1309 Harrison's Ladies Poetical Magazine: or Beauties of British Poetry, plates hy Stothard, 4 vols, calf 1781-2 1310 Hartgill (Geo.) Astronomical Tables, reduced to this our Ag;e ''' by John and Timothy Gadbury, with Introduction by W. "^ Lilly, and Poetical Pieces to J. Gadbury, by R. Bladwell R. Lanford, S. Rogers, G. Wharton, J. Booker, etc. beautiful engraved title, containing portraits, by Gay- wood, with verses explaining the emblem 4to. 1656 ^^^311 Hartley (David) Letters on the American War; the Dedica- "^^ tion and each Letter bearing his Autograph Signature, hf. ^ bound calf 4to. 1 778 1312 Hartley (D.) Observations on Man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations, with Notes and Additions of Pistorius, and Life of Hartley, 3 vols. 1801 1313 Hartlib (Samuel) his Legacy of Husbandry, bequenthing tothe ^rt / Commonwealth of England many Outlandish Experi- 'yY ments and Secrets never before Divulged, calf gilt ^j^~Y Mexicanorum Historia, many hundred woodcuts, and / / engraved title page, riKST EDiTiOi^, very fne clean copy, / in limp Italian vellum Momce, 1628 This edition is not mentioned by Brunet. ^y 1348 Hernandez (James) Philosophical and Practical Essay on the ' Gold and Silver Mines of Mexico and Peru, translated from the Spanish 1755 y J349 Herrera (Antonio de) General History of the Continent and '^jT Islands of America, from the first discovery thereof, maps r and plates, 6 vols, calf gilt, fine clean copy 1725^6 ^r 1354 355 \'6h^ 110 FIFTH day's SALC. I"350 Hertfordshire Witchcraft (The Case of the) considered, in an Examination of the Account of the Witchcraft practised hy Jane Wenham, etc. uncut 1/12 1351 Hervey (James) Theron and Aspasio, a Series of Dialogues and Letters, large paper, 3 vols, calf gilt, fine copy 1755 Hervey (Lady) Letters, half bound, 1821 — Works of Lady M. W. Montague, 2 vols, calf gilt 1811 [Hewalt (Alexander)] Historical Account of the Rise and Pro- gress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, 2 voXs.fine clean copy, rare 1779 Hewit (Hannah), or the Female Crusoe; being the History of a Woman of uncommon mental and personal accomplish- ments, who became for three years the sole occupant of an island in the South Seas ; supposed to be written by herself, 3 vols, calf 17 — Hexham (H.) A copious English and Netherdutch (and Dutch and English) Dictionary, witli Appendix and Grammar, enlarged by D. Manley 4to. Rotterdam, 1675 Heylin (Peter) Microcosmos: a little Description of the Great World Oxford, 1627 eylin (Peter) The History of the Sabbath, ^we copy, with A autograph of John third Duke of Bridgewater, and his ' U crest stamped on the sides 4to. 1 63&' Heylin, Antidotum Lincolniense, or an answer to a Book entituled the Holy Table, Name, and Thing, etc. fine copy in original binding 4to. 1637 Contains allusions to John Cotton of New England, and his Letter to the Vicar of Grantham — see also Lot 727. 1359 Heylin. Cosmographie; containing the Chorographie and , ^ Historic of the whole World, and all the Principall King- -^-^X domes, Provinces, Seas, and Isles thereof, engraved title, and maps coloured, very fine large and clean copy in the original calf binding, and marbled edges folio, Land. 1652 59*Heylin. Cosmography, with continuation by Bohun, engraved title and maps, fine clean copy, calf, best edition folio, 1703 1360 [Heylin.] l^ratice Vd-inieA io i\\Q \Ah, first edition, surrepti- tiously printed and very scarce 1 656 1361 Heylin. Examen Ilistoricum, or a Discovery and an Exami- nation of the Mistakes, Falsities, and Defects in some Modern Histories [against Fuller's Church History, etc.] both parts. In 1 vol. calf 1659 1362 Heylin. Peter Pursued, or Dr. Heylin overtaken, arrested, / and arraigned upon the three Appendixes patch'd to- gether in his Examen Historicum, by VVm. Sanderson 4 to. London, 1658 / 1358 FIFTH day's sale. Ill ^/iSGS Heylin. Help to English Plistory, with additions by P.Wright, / plates of arms of the nobility, Lord Mayors of London, etc. calf 1773 'y/l364 Heyne (Benj.) Tracts, Historical and Statistical of India, also an Account of Sumatra, maps and plates 4to. 1814 ^_^/i365 Hibbert (Dr. S.) Sketches of the Philosophy of Apparitions, yY^ half bound, russia gilt, Edinh. 1824 — Welby's Signs before Death, and authenticated Apparitions, in 100 Nar- ratives, engraved frontispiece 1825 V'- 1366 Hieron (Samuel) A Ilelpe unto Devotion, containing certain ^ ' Moulds or Forms of Prayer, fitted to several occasions, hiarfe \ttttx, printed within borders, calf 1644 ^/^''1367 Hinchchtfe (Jno.) Bishop ofPeterboro,^ Sermons, large papier, "^ blue morocco, extra 1796 r:>/1368 History of Jewels, and of the principal Riches of the East and / West (Indies) ; contains nufnerous particulars of ths American Mines and Fearl Fisheries, fine copy in origi- nal calf 1671 1369 History of England, an Abridgement of the, being a Summary /] j/" of Mr. Rapia's History and Continuation, 3 vols, calf y^ gilt, portraits and monuments in 70 plates, by Vertue and Mynde 1747 1370 History (The Secret) of the Prince of Nazarenes, with the fatal amour between a beautiful lady and young noble- man, 1719 — Ildegerte, Queen of Norway, or Ileroick Love, a Novel, portrait, 1721 — The British Recluse, or Secret History of Cleomira, a Novel, by Mrs. Eliza Haywood 1 722 1371 Histoire dcs Navigations aux Terres Australes, 2 vols, calf 4 to. Paris, 1 756 1372 History of the British Dominions in North America, from the first discovery of that vast Continent in 1497 to 1763, maps, 2 vols, in 1, calf gilt 4to. 1773 373 History of the Turks, from their origm in the year 755 to the year 1718, (with the Alcoran, by Du Ryer,) map andnume- rous portraits, 4 vols, calf 1719 ^ i374 History of the Civil War in America, Vol. I. [comprehending -^ the Campaigns of 1775-7,] by an Officer of the Army, all ' published, map, calf gilt, fine copy 1780 Y 1375 History of Jack Connor, now Conyers, 2 vols, calf 1752 ^sJ^1376 History of Miss Betsy Thoughtless, 4 vols, calf, first edition, fi.ne copy 1/51 ,--j?4377 History of Sumatra, with specimens of Languages, maps and / plates, 1784 ; Wilson's Pelew Islands, wi7A a vocabulary, plates, 1788. In 1 vol. 4to. 1378 History in all Ages, 1841 — Selby's Events to be remembered i^>y^ in the History of England, 1851— Chronology of the 7(~> Reigns of George III. and IV. calf, 1823 3 vols. 112 FIFTH day's SALK. ■^ 1379 Histoire des Amours de Lysandre et de Caliste, engraved title, / calf gilt, 1663— Pieces Galantes Paris, 1676 ^^J^ 1380 Historical Account of the Ten Tribes settled beyond the River y^ Sambatyon in the East, translated from the original MS. by Dr. M. Edrehi, 'portrait and map 1836 x^" 1381 Hivd (Johan) The Storie of Stories, or the Life of Christ yY^ according to the foure holy Evangelists ; with a Harmony ^ of them, and abridgment of Contents (frequently wanting) London, Miles Mesher, 1632 ^y 1382 Hoare (C.) Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape '"'^^ Vine, 1835 — Vinetum Britannicum, Treatise of Cider, and such other Wines and Drinks that are extracted from all manner of Fruits, by J. W. plates 1676 j7^ 1383 Hodgson (Adam) Letters from North America, 2 vols, (no title "Y^ to Vol. II.) 1824 ^■-/^1384 Hodgea (W.) Travels in India, 1780-83, large folding map and / plates, calf gilt 4to. 1 793 /1 385 Hodgson (Jas.) The Theory of Navigation demonstrated ; also y^ a Collection of the Latitudes of Ports and Cities, with their Longitudes, 1/06; A Table of Logarithms, 1708. In 1 vol. 4to. y; ^ 1386 Hogarth (Wm.) Analysis of Beauty, with an Essay on Comic / Painting by Francis Grose, with the 4to. Atlas 1810 A, /i387 Hogarth (Wm.) Works, with Descriptions and a Comment on ■^y^ their Moral Tendency, by J. Trusler, with Anecdotes of / the author and his works, 150 plates, 2 vols, in 1, half morocco gilt, marb. edges 4to. E. T. Brain yy 1388 Hogg (Jas.) Queen's Wake, ea?/, gilt edges, 1841— Ossian's ■"^^ Ywva^., plates, calf gilt, \'6\1 — Parnell's Poems, plates, Cooke, 1796 3 vols. ^ >1389 Hogg (James) Jacobite Relics of Scotland, both series, vol. 1 -<=^<=^'' wants the leaf preceding the Introduction containing a y poem, 2 vols, hds, uncut Edin. 1819-21 /1 390 Holbein. The Dances of Death in 46 Plates, with Descrip- V/^- tions in French and English, etched hy Beuchar, front. portrait, Dance at end, and 46 plates, uncut 4to. 1803 1391 Holcroft (Thomas) Amourous Tale of the Chaste Loves of Peter the Long, and of his most honoured Dame, Blanche Bazu, and the History of the Lover's Well, cf gilt 1/86 1392 Holderness (Mary) New Russia, Journey from Riga to the Crimea, plates 1823 393 Holme (Benj.) Collection of his Epistles and Works, with account of his Life and Travels through Europe and America, written by Him&eU, fne copy 1754 1394 Holmes (Ab.) American Annals ; or a Chronological History of America, from its discovery in 1492 to 1806, 2 vols. half calf 1813 1395 Ilolmesby (Capt. John) Voyages, Travels, and Wonderful Discoveries, in the Southern Ocean in 1 739, hf morocco 17— // FIFTH day's sale. 113 Holwell (John) Appendix to Catastrophe Miindi, an Astro- logical Discourse of the Rise, Growth, and Continuation of the Othoman Family, uncut 4to. 1683 Homer. Scudamore (James, Lord) Homer a la Mode ; a raock Poem, Oxford, 1664 — Homer's Iliads in English, by Thos. Hobbes, 1676 2 vols. Homer. The Iliad and Odyssey, translated by Pope, and Illustrated with plates by Stothard, Fuseli, Westall, etc. Du Roveray^s elegant edition, 1 2 vols, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, very beautiful copy Du Roveray, 1813 C/^ 1399 Homer. Burlesque Translation of Homer, (by Thos. Bridges) ■ third edition, 2 vols, calf, with frontispieces 1770 ^^y^l400 --'■■■ Another copy, best edition, numerous very humourous / plates, 2 vols, half bound 1797 1^401 Hondy (Judocus) Historia Mundi : or Mercator's Atlas, con- taining his Cosraographicall Description of the Fabricke and Figure of the World, Englished by W. S. maps beautifully engraved, including ten of America and the West Indies, calf fine copy foho, Zo/?*; I." grafting into Christ. In 1 vol. original calf binding 4to. 1638 This volume has a general Title and Table of Contents, generally wanting. ^^ 114 FIFTH day's sale. .14tt" Hooker. The Danger of Desertion: or a Farewell Sermon, Preached immediately before his departure out of Old England, with the Rule of the New Creature, ^ne co'py 4to. 1641 ^:^At2 Hooker. Heaven's Treasury Opened in a Fruitfull Exposi- .i^^^xon of the Lord's Prayer, with a Treatise of the Princi- / pies of Religion, caZ/"^i7^,^He copy, rare - 1645 J^kX^ Hooker. Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline wherein "^ /*V the Way of the Churches of New England is warranted, -' * ^^*y^ and all exceptions answered, 4 parts, wjYA comjwe«<^a^ory verses by Sam. Stone, (of Hartford, iV. E.) J. Cotton, ■ , and E. Rogers, 1648 — Cotton (John) The Way of Congregational Churches Cleared, 1648; 2 vols, in 1, remarhably fne copy, the original calf binding 4to. 1648 114+4 Hooker. The Application of Redemption, 1656— A Com- -""'''^ ment upon Christ's last Prayer, in the XVIlth of John, 1656 ; 2 vols, in 1, very fine copies, in the original calf tinding 4to. 1656 1415 Hooker, Cawdrey (Daniel) The luconsistencie of the Inde- ■ pendent way, with Scripture and itself, manifested in a threefold Discourse, I. Vindiciae Vindiciarum, with M. Cotton. II. A Review of Mr. Hooker's Survey of Church- DiscipUne. III. A Diatribe with the same M. Hooker concerning Baptism of Infants of Non-Conf?derate Pa- rents 4to. 1651 16 Hopkins (Samuel A. M.) Minister of the Gospel in Great . J Barrington, N.E. An Enquiry concerning the Promises OCy.,.^oi the Gospel, with Remarks on Dr. Mayhew's two Ser- / mous Boston, N. E. 1765 if /,>4T7 Hopkins. An Inquiry into the Future State of those who '^'■'''''^^ yrrr-A\e in their 8ms, half bound -. . Newport, Rhode 'y' Island, Printed for Solomon Southwick, 1783 ^■^1418 Hopkins. Treatise on the Millenium Edinb.lSOQ 1419 Hopton (Arthur) A Concordancy of Yeares, hlarh letter, /Me ■^^C^^ clean copy, vellum, 1615 — Prideaux's Introduction for Reading all sorts of Histories, calf 4to. 1664 1420 Horace. Certain Selected Odes of, Englished, and their ^ y Arguments annexed, with Poems ancient and modern, ^/^ [by John Ashmore], with autograph of John Brand / 4to. 1624 f, JAQl Home (Bp.) Works, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings.! ~^" ^if/ ^y ^ • Joi^^S' ^^*^ edition, 4 vols, calf gilt, marb. edges, ] ' \, ^ /~ bound by Riviere 1831 ^^ 1422 [Horneck (Philip)] High German Doctor, with a large ex- / planatory Index, 2 vols, original calf, fine copy 1715-19 C^/ 1423 Hornius (Geo.) De Originibus Americanis, Libri Quatuor, en- / graved title, vellum, with autograph of " F. M. Wegelius HafnifB anno 1672" Hemipoli, 1669 FIfTM day's sale. 115 1^34"HoRSLEY (Bp.) Works, Collected, viz. Tracts in Controversy (^y^yviiih Priestly Charges to the Clergy — Commentary on The Psalms, 2 vols. — Sermons, 3 vols. — Nine Sermons on the Resurrection, Biblical Criticism, 4 vols. — Speeches in Parliament. Together \3 vol?., original editions, uni- formly bound, calf gilt 1812-20 1425 Hoskins (James) The Pensilvania Bubble bubbled by the Treasurer, uncttt 4to. for the author, 1736 l,426^Howgil (Francis) The Dawnings of the Gospel-Day, and its ^y" Light and Glory Discovered, (Jiis complete works) very , ^ fine clean copy, calf, rare folio, 1676 '-''- Contains " The Heart of New England hardened," in reply to Norton, see Lot '' An Account of the Popish Inquisi- tion newly erected in New England," and other similar pieces. 427 Houpright (J. F.) Aurifontina Chymica, or a Collection of fourteen small Treatises concerning the first matter of Philosophers for the Discovery of their (hitherto so much concealed) Mercury 1680 ^428 Housman (Mrs. C.) Letter to Charles Empson, Esq. plates, some coloured, and a coloured drawing, mor. gilt edges Privately printed, London, 1848 29 Houstoun (Dr. James) Works, containing Memoirs of his Life and Travels in Asia, Africa, and America, etc. with a particular Account of the Scotch Expedition to Darian in America, The Expedition to the Spanish West Indies, calf front. 1753 >^ >^430 Howard. John Howard and the Prison- World of Europe, ^^ by Hepworth Dixon 1850 ^^^<}'431 Howard (Sir Robert) Poems, Songs and Sonnets, etc. London^ -y/^ 166U — Sir Thos. Overbury's Works, in verse and prose, with Memoirs, yVort^. 1756 2 vols. 432 Howel (Dr.) The Ancient and Present State of Europe, sixth edition, numerous vmodcuts of a very superior character for this period, original calf, fine copy 1712 y 1433 Howitt (W.) Visit to Remarkable Places, Old Halls, Battle ^ Fields, chiefly in Durham and Northumberland, numerous tooodcuts, second series 1842 1434 Hoyle. Accurate Gamester's Companion, founded on the Ex- perience of Edmund Hoyle, autograph of the author, 1748— The New Pocket Hoyle, 1807— The Court Game- ster, written for the Use of the young Princesses, by R. Seymour, hf bd. E. Currll, 1722 1435 Huarte (John) Examen de Ingenios. The Examination of Men's Wits, in which is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and how he shall profit therein, vellum 4to. Adam Islip, 1616 ^' 116 FIFTH day's sale. 1.437 Hubbard (W.) of Ipswich, N.E„ Narrative of the Troubles "j,-^ with the Indians in New England, with a Discourse about ""^^ the War with the Pequods, with the rare woodcut MAP, " bei7iff the Jiist that was ever here cut," Boston, John Foster, 1677 ; The Happiness of a People in the Wisdom of their Rulers, Boston, John Foster, 1676. In 1 vol. a fine clean copy, with the original New England binding, in excellent preservation 4to. See an interesting account of this first effort at map en- graving in Morton's New England's Memorial, by Davis, Lot where a facsimile of the map is given. 7^ 1438 Hubert (F.) Historie of Edward the Second, {in verse") title ^^-^ page and last leaf supplied in neat MS., calf gilt 1629 ^/\k?>^ Huddesford (Geo.) the Wiccamical Chaplet, Original Poetry, ^^/ Serious and Comic, calf, 1804 — The Peasant's Fate, a ^ Rural Poem, by Wm. Holloway, calf 1802 1440 [Huet ] Memoirs of the Dutch Trade in all the States, King- doms, and Empires in the World London, 1 700 1441 Huet (S. D.) Bp. of Avranches, Memoirs of his Life, transla- ted, with copious Notes by Aikin, 2 vols. hf. bd. 1810 ,,,^^^1442 Hufeland (C. W.) Art of Prolonging Life, translated from the ^^ German, 2 vols, half calf 1797 1443 Hughes (Rev. G.) the Natural History of Uarbadoes, map and plates, with a list of suhscrihers, including a separate list of those from Virginia, calf, with the booh plate of Jonathan Blenman, Attorney General, and Judge of the Admiralty of Bai'badoes folp, 1750 y .1444 Hugo (Herman) Pia Desideria : or Divine Addresses, .with ^y/^ ' XL VII copper plates, Englished by E. Arwaker, /row^. ^ ^ , 1702 ^^,Jk<>p^ Iluit (Ephraim) of Windsor, New England, the Whole Pro- '-'"''^ ' j^ phecie of Daniel explained, by a Paraphrase, Analysis y^ f tiaAhx\GiQGov[\mQXii,fi,ne copjy in original binding 4io.\.^A^ 1446 Hume (Sarah) Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Province ^ ^£ South Carolina, FIRST edition, in original binding ■ Philadelphia, printed by N. Eradf or d, {XT Al) 1447 Humboldt (A. Von) Cosmos, a Sketch of a Physical Descrip- .y'^r''^ tion of the Universe, translated by E. C. Otte, 4 vols. / 1849 —Views of Nature, with Scientific Illustrations 1 850 1448 Humourist (The), Essays on Love, Ambitioo, Pride, Witch- ^ /_ craft. Ghosts, Credulity, etc. by Gordon, see MS. notes, 2 vols, in 1, calf 1741 1449 Humphreys (Col.) Miscellaneous Works, viz. Address to the Armies of the United States; Poem on the Happiness of America ; Life of Gen. Putnam, etc. hf bd. ISlew York, 1 790 1451 Humphreys (D.) Historical Account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, maps of New England, and Carolina, fine copy in original calf 1 730 FIFTH dAy's sale. 117' Vi^ 1452 Hunt (Isaac) Discourse for the benefit of the Sufferers of the Islands of Jamaica and Barbados, with the substance of a Discourse on the Death of Capt. Farmer, of the Quebec, front. 4to. 1/82 1453 Hunt (John) a Romaine Catholique, a Briefe Discoverie of the ^ / Crafte and Pollicie which Protestant Ministers vse in ^-rr^'/ seducing theire Followers by preaching theire owne words y/ for the word of God, calf extra, fine copy, rare Aio. xoith 'permission of Superiours, 1621 1454 Hunt (Leigh) Imagination and Fancy, or Selections from the English Poets, 1845 — The Feast of the Poets, by Leigh Hunt, 1815 2 vols, 1455 Hunt (Leigh) Men, Women, and Books: or Sketches, Essays, and Critical Memoirs, /jor^. 2 vols. c^o^A 1847 456 Hunter (J.) Complete Dictionary of Farriery and Horseman- ship, 1796 — Wallis's Farriers and Horseman's Complete Dictionary, calf 1759 yjy\Ahl Hunter (J. D.) Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of . / North America, j-jor^razY 1823 1458 Huntington (Joseph) D.D., of Coventry, Connecticut, Calvin- :^yy^ ism Improved : or the Gospel Illustrated as a system of <^^ Real Grace, issuing in the Salvation of all Men, boards, uncut New London, 1796 1459 Hurdis (Jas.) Works, collected in 3 vols. 1790, etc. — Dray- / ton's England's Ileroical Epistles, 1788; together 4 vols. in calf, uniform • ^j^i-tCT^IIu^sey (Joseph) a Warning from the Winds, a Sermon on ^^^^the late Terrible Storm of Wind, with a laborious Exer- ^ ^'^ citation on the Airy Oracles, Sybil-Prophetesses, Idolatry, and Sacrifices of the Elder Pagan Times, half bound Ato. 1704 461 Husband's Exact Collection of all Remonstrances, Declara- ^ tions, Ordinances, Proclamations, Messages, Answer8,\etc. betweene the King's Majesty and his High Court of Parliament, engraved frontispiece, calf 4to. 1643 1462 Hutchinson (John) Philosophical and Theological Works, 12 vols, calf gilt, fine copy, 1749 — A Collection of Hutch- insonian Tracts, by J. Sharp, B. Holloway, J, Moody, J. Bate, D. Aboab, G. Home, Mr. Lowther, J. Dove, A. Wilson, in 3 vols, calf, loith autograph of William Ro- maine in each volume, together 15 vols. 1403 Hutchinson's History of the Colony of Massachusets Bav, from 1628 to 1691, c«(/;/«eco;9y ' 1765 1463*Hatchinson (Dr. F.) Historical Essay concerning Witchcraft, [including an Account of the Witchcrafts at Salem, Bos- ton, and Andover in New England, for which 19 were hanged], calf gilt, fine copy 1718 1464 Another copy, second edition, with additions, calf, very fine copy 1720 y' 118 ^/ 1465 y/ 1466 1467 v-y '^^^ 1468 1469 ^^ FIFTH DAT S SALE. Hutchinson (W.) Excursions to the Lakes in Westmorland and Cumberland, y?'ow<. and plates, calf 17/6 Button (Catherine) the Tour of Africa, half bd. calf, maps 1819 HuTTON (Wm.) Works, viz. History of Birmingham, 2nd edition, maps and plates — The Battle of Bosworth Field, portrait and plan — Courts of Requests — Dissertation on Juries — History of Derby, maps and plates — History of the Roman Wall — Tours in North Wales, plates — The Scarborough Tour, Poems, chiefly Tales, portrait — A. Trip to Coatham, portrait, map, and plates — Journey from Birmingham to London — The Life of W. Hutton, including an Account of the Riots of Birmingham in 1/91, by his Daughter. Together 11 vols, uniformly hound, half russia, marb. edges, a scarce collection Birmingham and London, 1/85-1810 Hutton (Wm.) Trip to Coatham in Yorkshire, ^or^rciV and map of Cleveland, uncut 1810 Hymen; an accurate Description of the Ceremonies used in Marriage by every nation in the known world; shewing the oddity of some, the absurdity of others, the drollery of many, and the real or intended piety of all, neat 1760 Of the 23 chapters composing the above work, 12 relate to different Tribes of American Indians. 14/0 Hyperius (D. A.) The Practice of Preaching, otherwise called the Pathway to the Pulpet, conteyniug an excellent method how to frame Divine Sermons, Englished by John Ladham of Wethersfield, with Oration of the Life and Death of Hyperius, blacfe Utter, antique calf \_K..J , „ ., 4lo. Thos. JEast, 1577 1J7I Icelandic Poetry, or the Edda of Saemund, translated into English verse by A. S. Cottle, micut Bristol, 1/97 14/2 Imlay (Geo.) Description of the Western Territory of North America, with the Settlement and present State of Ken- tucky, by Filson ; Account of the Indian Nations, etc. tnaps, very fine copy, calf gilt, marh. edges 1/93 1473 Impartial History of the War in America, from its commence- ment to the end of 1 779, portraits of Washington, Adams, Major-Gen. Lee, Benj. Franklin, and 8 others, map _ 1780 1474 Impostor Exposed (The), in a dissection of a villanous libell (here printed at large) intituled a letter to a Person of Honour, concerning the Black Box 1681 [4/5 Impostors Detected (The), or the Life of a Portuguese, in which the artifices and intrigues of Romish Priests are humourously displayed, 2 vols, calf ' 1760 FIFTH day's sale. 119 ^y 14/6 Improvement of Human Reason, exhibited in the Life of Hai ^ Ebn Yokdhau, written in Arabic, above 500 years ago, translated by Ockley, plates, 1708 — Life and Death of Jacob Behmen (imperfect) 1780 1476*Indagine (Joannis) Introductioues Apotelesraatica in Physiog- , ^ nomiam complexiones humiuum, Astrologiam Naturalem, -> et Naturas Planetarum, acces. G. Grataroli Bergomatis opuscula de memoria, etc. et Pomponii Gaurici Tractatus de Symmetriis, etc. mani/ very curious woodcuts of Chi- romancy, Astrology, etc. vellum Argent. 1630 1477 India. Narrative of the Operations of the British Army in India, from the 21st of April to the 16th of July, 1791, with a particular account of the Action near Serioga- ^ -.. patam, map and plates, calf 4to. 1792 ^ 1477*India. Papers relating to the Finances of India, 1824 — Hyderabad Papers 1824 ■^^ 1478 India. Papers respecting the Nepaul War, plate, 1824 — i> Papers respecting the Administration of the Marquis of Hastings in India 1824 . '' 1478*India. Papers respecting the Pindarry and Mahratta Wars, ' with a Collection of Treaties 1824 Jt/ 1479 Indian Vocabulary (The), to which is prefixed the Forms of / Impeachments 1788 1479*Indians. Life of David Brainerd, with Appendix — Mirabiha y-^^ Dei inter Indicos, represented in a Journal kept by Mr. ■^.■^ D. Brainerd ; Beatty's Journal of a Two Months Tour among the Natives of Pennsylvania, in 1 vol. calf 1798 .— — — H80"Indians. Abridgment of Mr. David Brainerd's Journal among the Indians in New Jersey and Pennsylvania 1748 1480*Indiaus. Rela^aS Abbreviado da Rep ublica, que os Religiosos y y Jesuitas de Portugal, e Hespanha, estavelecerao nos <^ Y Dominies Ultramarinos das duas Monarchias n. d. {circa 1760) A collection of accounts and documents in French and Portuguese, relating to the transactions of the Jesuits with the Native Tribes in various parts of America. . 1481 Indians. Account of the Committee of Friends of Penn- ■y sylvania, New Jersey, etc. for promoting the Civilization ^ of the Native Indians, 1806 ; Account of the Baltimore Committee for the Indian Natives, 1806. In 1 vol. 1482 Ireland. Parliamentary Register: or History of the Pro- ceedings and Debates of the House of Commons of Ire- land, 1781-85, 5 vols, calf Dublin, 1784-5 .^y 1483 Ireland. Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland, Illustrated by W. H. Bartlett, Parts 1 to 7, containing 2'd plates 4to. 1484 Irving (Washington) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., 2 vols. 1831— A Tour on the Prairies by the Au- thor of the Sketch Book 1835 120 FIFTH DAY S SALE. ^_,^ 1485 Irving (Washington) History of New York, by D. Knicker- bocker, /*«//" ca//", jwcrfi. et/ye* 1824 86 Jackson (Geo.) Book-keeping by a New Check Journal, cloth, 1849 — Lardner's Arithmetic, Theoretical aud Practical 1834 487 Jackson (J. G.) Account of the Empire of Marocco and Dis- trict of Suse, also an Account of Timbuctoo, and of the Languages and Dialects of Africa, mai^s and plates 4to. 1809 1488 Jacob (Giles) A New Law Dictionary, calf folio, 1750 ^;^„_^489 Jamaica (The Truest and Largest Account of the Earthquake X in) June, 1692, by H. L. uncut, 1693 — Jamaica (Groans oi) last four leaves damaged 1714 1490 Jamaica Mercury. About 70 curious Advertisements from ; -— /" relating chiefly to run-away Negroes, Sales of Slaves, Stolen Horses, etc. containing many curious particulars and novel descriptions ; with little woodcuts of the Negroes in flight, mounted in a thin volume 1779 A491 James VL Historical Account of the Conspiracies of the ■^'^ Earls of Gowry, and Robert Logan, of Restalrig, against James VI. Aa//" 6 J. Edinb. 1713 ^492 James II. EiJcon Basililce : or the Picture of the late King, ,j:^' drawne to the Life, manifesting that the whole course of /^ his Life hath been a continued conspiracy against the Religion, Laws, and Liberties of the Three Kingdoms, by Titus Oates, calf scarce 4to. 1796 ,,^y 1493 James II. Historical Memoirs of the Life and Actions of /^ James Duke of York, por^ratY 1683 y A494 James (Wm.) Account of the Military Occurrences of the late ■^^ "War between Great Britain and the United States, plates, / 2 vols. 1818 ^1495 Janeway (John) Invisibles, Realities; demonstrated in his Holy Life and Triumphant Death 1674 ^ • — W^6-"Janeway. A Token for Mariners, containing many famous and wonderful instances of God's Providence in Sea Dangers and Deliverances, chiefly on the Coasts of New EnglAud, frontispiece 1721 J 1497 Jeanne d'Arc, Histoire de, dite La Pucelle d'Orleans, par M. ' I'Abbe Langlet du Fresnoy, 3 parts in 1 vol. calf gilt / 1775 ^^"^1498 Jefferson (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia, with an , k'^'^^w^vi., portrait and map Boston, 1801 /^^i_^499 Jefferson (President) Life of, with parts of his Correspondence -^^^ never before published, Notices of his Opinions, etc. by George Tucker, 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1837 1500 JefFery the Seaman ; being a Narrative of his Sufferings during his Abode on the desolate Island of Sombrero, 1810 — Letters from the Illinois, by R. Flower 1822 r €^ FIFTH day's sale, 121 1501 Jeffreys (T.) The Natural and Civil History of the French -^y/ Dominions in North and South America, with the Man- ^' ners and Customs of the Indians, etc. maps and plans of / the principal places, 2 parts in I vol. calf gilt, Jine clean copy folio, 1760 V/ 1502 Jeffreys. Descriptions of the Spanish Islands and Settlements Y on the Coast of the West Indies, 32 maps and plans, half bound, uncut 4to. 1762 ^^1503 Jeffreys. Voyages from Asia to the N. W. Coast of America, '■' with the Voyages of the Russians in Search of a N. E. Passage, 7naps 4to. 1764 y 1504 Jeffreys. The West India Atlas: or a Compendious Descrip- cJ^l tion of the West Indies : with Forty correct Charts and jT Maps, and an Historical Account of the Countries and Islands, half hound atlas folio, London, 1780 50.T Jeffreys. A Complete Pilot for the We>t Indies, done from Actual Surveys ; 26 large folding maps, hf bd. atlas folio, 1787 J 506 Jemison. Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, who -^.^^^^^ was taken by the Indians in 1755, an Account of the ■^ ■ Murder of her Father, her Marriage to two Indians, etc. Howden, 1826 1507 Jenkinaus Kedivivus, or the Works of Judge Jenkins, whilst a Prisoner in the Tower, 1681 — An Abridgement of Lord Coke's Commentary on Littleton, 2 fne portraits, 1652 — De Corpore Politico, or the Elements of Law, by Tho. Hobbs of IMalmsbuiy 1650 -, • 1508 Jennings (Jas.) Ornithologia, or tbe Birds, a Poem, with an "y^ Introduction to their Natural lli&tory, and copious notes, ^ plates ' 1829 v>^h509 Jenyns (Soarae) Works of, with his Life by C. N. Cole, 4 vols. 1793 yy 1510 Jests. Jce Miller's Jests, or the Wits' Vade Mecura, being a ^jf-^ Collection of Brilliant Jests, Bon Mots, Moral Sentences and Epigrams, \Ath edition, plate, calf \7 — /I511 Jests. The Family Jo. Miller, a Drawing Room Jest Book, ■^/ 1848— The Bagman's Bioscope, or various Views of Men / and Manners, by W. Bayley, hf bd. Bath, I .^25 — Gems of Anecdote, 1838 — Gems of Wit and Humour 1838 1512 Jelzer, The Tragical History of, a Narrative of the Feigned ^ Visions and False Miracles of the Dominican Fathers of the Convent of Berne London, 1780 1513 Johnson (Capt. C.) General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates, from their first rise in the Island of Providence, with the Adventures of two Femalo Pyrates, plates, calf 1724 1514 Johnson (Capt. C.) General History of the Pyrates, fourth EDITION, enlarged, plates, 2 voh.Jine copy, old calf gilt 1726 ^.^ 1515 Johnson (Saml.) Dictionary of the English Language, abridged ^/ from Rev. H. J. Todd's enlarged edition, by A. Chalmers 1820 a r 122 FIFTH day's sale. -?>^ 1516 Johnston (Chas.) Pilgrim, or Letters from a Chinese Philo- /^-^ sopher, 2 vols, calf, n. d. — Lyttleton's Letters from a Persian in England, hf. hd. 1 735 / 1517 Johnston. The Reverie, or a Flight to the Paradise of Fools, ■^ by the Editor of the Adventures of a Guinea, 2 vols. 1 763 ^ — Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea in America, England, Germany, etc. 4 vols, in 2, calf 1767 ^yiM5l8 Jokeby, a Burlesque on Rokeby, a Poem, coloured frontispiece, / 1813 ; Horace in London, 1813; Rejected Addresses, or the Two-penny Post Bag, 1813. In 1 vol. calf ^ y 1519 Jones (D.) Continuation of the Secret History of Whitehall, "yci from 1688 to 1696, with the Tragical History of the Stuarts, from 1068 to the Death of Q. Mary of Blessed Memory, calf 1697 1520 Jones (Geo.) Battle of Waterloo, also of Ligny and Quatre- Bras, with circumstantial details, wwmeroMijpZa^e* 4to. 1817 Jiff/ 1521 Jordan (Mrs.) Life of, including original Private Correspon- dence, and numerous Anecdotes of her contemporaries, by J. Boaden, 2 vols. //o?7. and facsimile 1831 , 1522 Jordan (Thos.) Pageant. London's Resurrection to Joy and /y^ Triumph, expressed in the Shows, Scenes, Speeches and Songs in Parts celebrious to the much meriting Magistrate Sir George Waterman, Knt., at the Expense of the Skin- ner's Company, written by Thomas Jordan 4 to. /or H. Brome, 1671 1523 Jortin (Dr. John) Sermons, 7 vols, crimson morocco gilt, with borders of gold on the sides 1774 Jortin (Dr. John) Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, with Life, 3 vols, half bound 1805 Josephus. The Famous and Memorable Works of Josephus, a man of much Honour and Learning among the Jews, faithfully translated by Thomas Lodge, fne clean copy, in the original binding folio, 1640 Journal of a Party of Pleasure to Paris in 1802, with 13 views from Nature 1803 Julian (Antonio) La Perla de la America Provincia de Santa Marta Reconocida, Observada y Expuesta en discursos Historicos, hf. bd. dluemor. gilt edges 4to. Madrid, 1787 1528 Juvenal. Mores Horainum ; The Manners of Men described in Sixteen Satyrs, (in English verse), with a large com- ment, by Sir Robert Stapylton, Knight, fine plates by W. Hollar, LARGE PAPER, (uo portrait) , half calf gilt folio, Lond. 1660 ^^529 Kalm (Peter) Travels into North America, translated by J. ^^ R. Forster, with large map, plates to Natural History, and notes, ^ so\s. hf.bd. fine large copy Warrington, \7 70 /^ / 1530 Another, second edition, map and plates, 2 vols, calf / gilt, very fine copy London, 1772 1531 Karnes. Memoirs of Henry Home, Lord Kames, by A. F. ^ Tytler, containing Sketches of the Progress of Literature / in Scotland, 3 vols. Edinb. 1814 FIFTH day's sale. 123 1532 Kamea (Lord) Sketches of the History of Man, 3 vols, half calf 1819 1533 Kant (Iramanuel) Critick of Pure Reason, translated from the original, with Notes by Haywood, second edition TF. Pickering, 1848 ^1534 Kant. An Analysis of Kant's Critick of Pure Reason ^ W. Pickering, 1844 1535 Kant. Elements of the Critical Philosophy, containing an / Account of its Origin and Tendency, and a View of all the Works published by its founder Iniaianuel Kant, with a Glossary of Terms ; also Three PhilolDgical Essays, by J. C. Adelung, translated by Wi 1 1 ich, ^;or^r a «Y, scarce London, 1/98 1536 Kant. General View of Professor Kant's Principles concern- ing Man, the World, and the Deity, submitted to the Learned, by F. A. Nitsch 179(i Keach (Benjn.) Sion in Distress: or the Groans of the Pro- testant Church, 16!i2 — War with the Devil, uncut 1776 Keach. Light broke forth in Wales, an Answer to a Book, intituled. Children's Baptism from Heaven, published in the Welsh Tongue, by Mr. Jas. Owen 1696 1539 Keach. Mason (J.) of Fordham, History of the Young Con- ^^ verted Gallant : or Directions to the Readers of that Divine Poem, by B. Keach, intituled " Warre with the Devil" London, 16/6 '1540 Keating (W. H.) Account of the United States Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, etc. map and jilotes, 2 vols. 1825 [541 Keightly's Outlines of History, Longman — The Last of the Plautagenets 1839 1542 Keith (Geo.) The Christian Quaker: or Geo. Keith's Eyes Opened, Good News from Pensilvauia, (a recantation of his former opinions), iincut ^to. 1693 1543 Keith (Geo.) Truth advanced in the Correction of many gross and hurtful Errors, wherein is occasionally opened and explained many great and peculiar Mysteries and Doc- trines of the Christian Religion, with a Chronological Treatise of the several Ages of the World, (pp. 220) 4to. printed in the year 1694 A rare Treatise, evidently printed in America, and containing an elaborate statement of the author's altered opinions. 1543*Keith (Robt.) History of the Affairs of Church and State in Scotland from the beginning of the Rt formation to the year 1568, with an Appendix of Original Papers, map, calf folio, Edinb, I 734 1544 Keith. The Arraignment of Worldly Philosophy, or the False Wisdom, 1694 — A Sermon at a Meeting of Quakers in Turner's Hall, 1696 — Sermon at the Parish Church of St. Helen's, being his Third Sermon after Ordination, 1700 3 Tracts, Aio. V 124 FiF*rH day'^s sale. "^1545 Kembic (J. P.) Memoirs of his Life, including a History of the Stage from the time of Garrick, by J. Boaclen,^or^, 2 vols. 1825 Kempis (Thomas a) Christian's Pattern, and the Valley of Lilies, and Soliloquy of the Soul, 2 \o\^. old blue morocco, gilt edges, front, with autograph of Thomas Sail Loyidon, 1695, J£dinb. 1/21 1547 Kempis. The Christian Pattern Paraphras'd, [in English Verse], or the Book of the Imitation of Christ made English by Luke Milbourne,/ro«^ 1697 J 548 Kempis. The Christian's Exercise : or. Rules to Live above c^^;/'^ the World, while we are in it, with Meditations, Hymns, X etc. by Robert Nelson, ealf 1715 1549 Kempis. His Four Books of the Imitation of Christ, toge- ther with his Three Tabernacles, with a large Introduc- tion, translated from the Latin, by W. Willymot of King's Coll. 1722 Dedicated "to the Unhappy Sufferers by the Great National Calamity of South Sea." JUitff^ Kempis. The Christian's Pattern, with Preface, Directions y*^"^ ^^ and an Account of this Edition by John Wesley, ^/orfe*, ^^ calf, very fine clean copy 1735 ^^ ^ 1^5-1 Kempis. The Christian Pattern, or the Imitation of Jesus x-'"'"'^ Christ, being an abridgment of the W^orks of Thomas a Kempis, by a Female Hand, very rare edition London, printed, 1744, Germantown, reprinted by Christ ophor Sowr, 1749 J,&52 Kempis. Meditations, with Prayers, on the Life and Loving- "^ i'- kindnesses of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, trans- lated by Henry Lee, very fine clean copy, in the original calf 1760 lSr!s3 Kempis, Viator Christianus, or the Christian Traveller, con- '^ j/ sistiug of Meditations, Valley of Lilies, Three Tabernacles, '^//^ Soliloquies of the Soul, and seven other of his minor / Pieces, with his Life, calf Dublin, 1804 1554 Kennett. PHny's Panegyrick upon Trajan, [Englished by White Kennett], with his autograph Dedication of three pages 1686 ^y 1555 Kent. The History and Antiquities of Rochester, /jZan «nc? /^ plates, hf. bd. russia Rochester, \1 72 1656 Ker (John) of Kersland, Memoirs of, relating to Politics, *U/ Trade, and History, with his Secret Transactions and '''^ Negotiations, including interesting particulars relating to Carolina, the Mississippi, Louisiana, Canada, portrait, and map of Louisiana, 3 vols, very fine copy in the original Cambridge calf 172Q-7 1557 Kerr (Rob.) General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, arranged in systematic order, with History of Discovery, Navigation, and Commerce, by W. Stevenson, maps and charts, 18 vols. Edinb. 1824 FIFTH day's sale. 125 1558 Kersey (J.) Diciionarium Anglo Britannieum: or a General English Dictionary, 1/08 — Glossographia : or a Diction- ary, interpreting the hard Words, of whatsoever Lan- guage, now used in our refined English Tongue, by T. B[loHnt] 1670 1559 Keymis (Lawrence) a Relation of the second Voyage to Guiana, rperfourmed and written in the yeare 1596, Dedicated to Sir Walter Ralegh, {the voyage itself complete, but wants a portion of the Table of " the Rivers and Townes,^^ ajter " 16 Curassaweni^') 4to. Lond. Tho. Dawson, 1591 1560 Keys (John) of Bee Hall, the Ancient Bee Master's Farewell, y^ y' plates, 1790 — A New Plan for speedily increasing the / ^-^ Number of Bee Hives in Scotland, England, Ireland, and America, by James Bonner Edinb. 1795 „.-^/l560*Kidd (Capt.) Full Account of the Proceedings in Relation to, y'' {his Piracies and Murders in the American Seas), in two Letters, p2), 51 ; uncut 1701 -^/^ 1561 Kilburue (R.) Topographie, or Survey of the County of Kent, impft. after page 4\6 4to. 1650 y^\l562 King (Bp. John) Sermon at Paule's Crosse, on behalfe of /f I Paule's Church, March 26, 1620 4to. London, 1620 "Your English Colonic in Virginia, (I named hir the little eister that had no breasts), hath drawne from the breasts of this Citty and Dicecesse a thousand pounds towards ber church." See page 48. j^y 1563 King (Dr. Wm.) Abp. of Dublin, Essay on the Origin oCEvil, ^^fc third edition, with Additious by Edm. Law. calf Camb. 1739 1564 [King (Dr.)] The Dreamer, containing the Rosicrcucians, the Paper Mill, Account of the Onocentaurs, etc. calf 1754 ^y 1565 Kings Evil. Clowes (Wm.) A Right Frvtefvll and Approoved 7^^ Treatise for the Artificiall Cure of that Malady called in Latin Strumua, and in English, the Evill, cured by Kinges and Queenes of England, blacfe Itttcr, 4to. half morocco •. E. Allde, 1602 ^,^4-t5B6 Kiug's Evil. The Ceremonies Us'd in the Time of King y-f Henry VIL for the Healing of Them that be Diseas'd ^ I ^r with the King's Evil, published by His Majesty's special ^ /j command -' '^^ .printed in red and blade, 4to. Henry Hills, 1686 This entirely Popish Service was reprinted by King James to be used on a special occasion in the West of England. **''*»***-'^r — See Life of Jebb. 1567 [Kingsmill (Anne) Countess of Winchelsea,'] Miscellany Poems, 1713 — Poems on several Occasions, [by Eiiz. Carter], 1762 — Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, by Mary Jones, Oxford, 1750 3 vols, y 1568 Kingston upon Thames, The Charters of the Town of. trans- ^ lated into English, with Notes, by Geo. Roots of Lincoln's Inn 1796 V ^ /// 126 BIFTH day's sale. 1569 Kirby (John) The Suffolk Traveller: or a Journey through SuflFolk, FIRST EDITION Ipswich, 1735 1570 Kitto (John) D.D., Pictorial Sunday Book, «M»2erows2^oo(?CM/«, half morocco folio, 1853 ►7^T~Kitto (John) Palestine, the Physical Geography and Natural ^y^ History of the Holy Land, 170 beautiful engravings on ^y'^/'-'^ood, by the most eminent Artists, 2 vols. hf. bd. calf / / impl. 8vo. 1841 ^ L572 Klaproth (Julius Von) Travels in the Caucasus and Georgia, 1574 Knight's Gallery of Portraits, with Memoirs, A^ plates, 2 vols. / impl. 8vo. 1833 1575 Knight's Pictorial History of England, 8 vols, bound in 1 6— The Thirty Years' Peace, 2 vols. — together 1 S vols. with upwards of 1 700 plates and cuts ; and with nearly Two Thousand Five Hundred additional Illus- ^ trations, about 500 of which are proofs before LETTERS, AND MANY OTHERS RARE AND CURIOUS; with neatly written MS. Indexes to each vol., also a du- plicate set of the original Title pages, and two additional sets of engraved titles, making three title pages to each of the 1 8 vols, half bound dark green morocco, mar- bled edges impl. Svo. 1839 This unique copy of the Pictorial England was illustrated by a late eminent wood engraver and lecturer on the art, in England and America, at an expense of upwards of 56100. The extra illustrations comprise 184U portraits, including many varieties each of Sovereigns (as, for in- stance, 20 of Mary Queen of Scots) and celebrated per- sonages, as the Early Navigators, great English Generals and (Statesmen, Commonwealth characters, the Leaders and Heroines of the French Revolution, all the noted American Statesmen and Generals (2 of Paul Jones, very rare), etc. also 295 Views, 210 plates of Remarkable Events, 18 allegorical subjects, 18 plates of Costumes, Coins, Autographs, original French Assignats, early ori- ginal American dollar notes, 14 Maps, etc. etc. 1576 Knight's Pictorial History of London, 650 woodcuts, / Illustrated with nearly 250 extha plates, and with '^y^.y MS. Index to each volume, 6 vols, half bound morocco, marbled edges impl. Svo. 1843 The additional illustrations to this book, which were added by the same hand as the last, include appropriate frontis- pieces to each volume, numerous Portraits, most of which are modern proof impressions or scarce early prints, several interesting Views and plans of Ancient London, former PubUc Buildings, etc. etc. Sv ^ ^.^^ X FIFTH day's sale. 127 1577 Knolles (R.) Turkish History, with Continuation by Sir Paul Ry caut, ^or/raiV, 2 vols, calf folio, lf)87 1578 Knox (Hugh) D. D. in St. Croix, Moral and Religious Mis- cellauy, sixty-one Aphoretical L'ssays New York, 177 't 1579 Knox (John) An Answere to a great number of Blasphemous Cavillations, written by an Anabaptist, and Adversarie to God's Eternal Predestination, and Confuted by John Knox, Minister of God's Word in Scotland, vellum Imprinted at London, hy T. Charde, 1591 1580 Knox (John) Historie of tlie Reformation of the Church of Scotland. Together with some Treatises conducing to the History, remarkably large fine and clean copy, in the original binding 1644 presentation copy from David Buchanan to " Sir Henry Vane Younger," with the autograph of each. From the Library of Sir Roger Twiaden. ^'^/^\^S\ [Knox (W.)] The Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies Reviewed 1769 1581*Knox. Extra Official State Papers addressed to Lord Raw- C^/^ don, and the Members of both Houses of Parliament, by ^ a late under Secretary of State, [W. Knox.] 2 vols, in 1, half bound 1789 Relating almost entirely to the American Controversy. y yl582 Koch (C. W.) The Revolutions of Europe, 1839 ; History of "^ the Norman Conquest, by A. Thierry, 1841. In one / vol. — The History of Spain and Portugal, 1854 2 vols. - /1582*Kolben (Peter) Present State of the Cape of Good-Hope, with "^^/^ an Account of the several Nations of the Hottentots, by Medley, portrait aiid jjlates, and mapis, 2 vols, old calf gilt 1731 ,^y^1b83 Koster (Henry) Travels in Brazil, tinted plates, 2 vols. 1817 '^ yi583*Labillardiere, Voyage in search of La Perouse, with a Voca- ^^^ bulary of the Malay Language, ^^ plates 4to. 1800 yy 1584 Labillardiere, Voyage in search of La Perouse, 46 plates, / 2 vols, calf gilt 1800 . 1585 Lade (Capt. Robert) Voyages du, en differentes parties de ^/^ I'Afrique, de I'Asie et de I'Amerique, 2 vols, in 1, maps, / calf 1 744 _^'^1586 Ladies Dictionary, being a General Entertainment for the ^^ Fair Sex, calf gilt Lond. J. Dunton, 1694 ^^^j^ 1587 Lafayette (Gen.) Recollections of his Private Life, by M. Jules >^^ Cloquet, numerous engravings 1835 1588 Lafitau (J.) Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains comparees aux Moeurs des T[trexniersTen\Tps, numerous very curious plates, 2 vols, calf 4to. Faris, 1724 15^9 Lahontan (Baron) New Voyages to North America, with a ^^,„^/~/ Dictionary of the Algonkine Language, 23 maps and / cuts, 2 vols, original calf, very fine clean copy 1735 ■^' 128 SIXTH day's sale. ^y 1590 Lake and Mountain Scenery in Westmorland and Cumber- / land, by AUom and Pickering oblong 8vo. ^1591 Larabarde (Wra.) h. Perambulation of Kent, containing the ^>^?^ Description, Hystorie and Customes of that Shire, written in the yeare 1570, third edition^ enlarged, calf 16 — ^^/ 1592 Lambarde. Archeion, or a Discourse upon the High Court / of Justice in England, 1635 — Law, or a Discourse there- of, by Sir Henrie Finch, vellum 1627 ^^Lf^ 1593 Lambert (Saint) CEuvres, frontispiece, 3 vols. French calf ^^ gilt Paris, 1798 /// 1594 Land we Live in (The), a Pictorial and Literary Sketch Book of the British Empire, many hundred beautiful woodcuts, 4 vols, in 2, cloth impl. 8vo. C. Knight, 1852 1595 [Landon (L, E.)] The Golden Violet, with its Tales of Ro- mance and Chivalry, and other Poems, 1827 — Lyric Tales by Mrs. Mary Robinson 18U0 SIXTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. ■^ ■^/ 1 596 Landor (W. S.) Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men / and Statesmen, 2 vols. 1824 1597 LangsdorfT (G. W. von) Voyages and Travels in various parts of the World (New Marquesas, Japan, Aleutian Islands, /I. N.W. Coast of America, etc.) in 1803-7, with a vocabu- lary of the language of Nitkahiiva, and specimens of the Ainu tongue, with port, and 2 1 fine engravings from original dratvings, several illustrating a very curious account of the process of tatooing, 2 vols. 4 to. London, 1813-14 1598 Language, A Philosophical! Discourse concerning Speech, yy,"' distinguishing what it borrows of the Soul, from what it ^^y^^ holds of the Body, conformable to the Cartesian Principles, -'' 1668 — Walker, of Education, especially of Young Gentle- men 1699 1599 Lampe (F. A.) Synopsis Historise Sacrse et Ecclesiasticae, 2 vols, half bound, uncut, interleaved throughout, with _j^ autographs of "Wm. Warburton and Saml. Greathead, •/ Newport-Pagnell, Sept. 28, 1 785," ««rf a quantity of MS. notes in the handwriting of both, partly in beauti- fully executed short hand Trajecti, 1 726 ^y 1600 La Plata. Notes on the Viceroyaity of, with a Sketch of the y^ Manners and Character of the Inhabitants, port, of Sir ■^ S^ Auchmuty, map and plan 1 808 lu ^ SIXTH DAV'S SALE. 1'29 , y 1G02 Lardner's Steam and its Uses, 1856 — Mitchell's Dictionary of ^^f^ Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology, 1823 — l\)mlin- son's Student's Manual of Natural Philosophy, c/o//! 1838 1603 Las Casas. Conquista dell' Indie Occidentali di Monsignor F. B. dalle Case, S^janish and Italian, in parallel columns 4 to. In Venet. 1644 1604 Lassels (R.) Voyage of Italy, in two parts, first edition, 2 vols, in one, original calf (jilt, front. Paris, 1670 Lassels travelled five times through Italy as Tutor to five several Gentlemen, and his book was strongly commended by Wilkes as full of the most curious information. ^y^3^05 Latham (R. G.) The English Language, thii-d edition, en- /^ larged, cloth 1850 y/^lC)OC) Lathom (F.) The Castle of the Tuiieries, or a Narrative of all ' the Events which have taken place in the interior of that ^ , Palace from the time of its construction, 2 vols. 1803 y^ I606*Latour (Major A. L.) Atlas to the Historical Memoir of the '"^ ' War in the West Florida and Louisiana, nine coloured maps and plates Philadelphia, 1816 , y^WOJ Laud (Abp. Wm ) Da ly Oflfice of a Chxhtiaw, portrait, 1/05 y^^ — Seven Sermons, preach'd on several! occasions 1651 *,i^xJ-§08 Laus Ululae, the Praise of Owls, translated by a Canary Bird, /^ vignette, morocco 1727 10,09 Lavater (J. C.) Physiognomik, 119 plates, containing several ^y/^ hundred physiognomical portraits., half bound r royal 8vo. Berlin, 1834 1610 Law (John) of Lauriston, Memoirs of, with an Account of the Rise and Termination of the Mississippi Scheme, ^or- trait Edin. 1824 1611 Lawrence (Henry) a Member of Parliament, Militia Spiritu- alis, or a Treatise of Angels, handling the nature, power, ^./yr~' substance and existence of good and evill angels 4to. 1652 With autograph of " Henry White, Lichfield," who has added in a note, "The author of this scarce work was not only assisted in it by his immortal friend Mdton, but was celebrated to the remotest ages by him in his '20th Sonnet." c 1612 Lawson (Deodat) Christ's Fidelity the only Shield against «y /• Satan's Malignity, asserted in a Sermon at Salem Village, '^/ at a time of Publick Examination of some suspected for / Witchcraft, calf gilt, rark 1704 /^1-613 Lazarillo, or the excellent History of Lazarillo de Tormes, the "V^ witty Spaniard, translated by David Rowland, both parts, calf, FIRST EDITION 1677 aw^1614 Lead (Jane) A Treatise of the Soul's Union with Christ, wants /^^ last leaf of contents 1680 R ^^ ^/^ 130 SIXTH day's sale. 1615 Lead (Jane) The Wonders of God's Creation manifested in the variety of Eight Worlds— The Tree of Faith, or the Tree of Life springing up in the Paradise of God, 2 vols, calf 1696 ^ 1;6I6 Le Cerate (Lewis) Jesuit, Memoirs and Remarks on the His- - regard to its Police, Agriculture, Trade, etc. calf Edinb. 1/33 SIXTH DAv's SALE. 133 '1661 Linn (J. B.), a Pastor of the First Preslt/terioi Church in Philadelphia, The Power of Genius, a Poem, in three parts, uncut Philadelphia, 1801 Linscbot (J. H.) Histoire de la Navigation aux Indes Orien- tales et Occidentales, many curious plates, title mended folio, Amst. 1610 1 663 Lipsi (Justi) Poliorceticon, sive de Machinis, Tormentis, Talis, lib. V. curious plates, vellum, 4to. Antiverp, 1625 — Treatise of Artillery, or the Arms and Machines used in War since the Invention of Gunpowder, by M. Le Blond, 50 plates, calf 4to. 1746 1664 Little (Thomas) Esq., The Beauty, Marriage-Ceremonies, and Intercourse of the Sexes, in all Nations ; to which is added the New Art of Love, in 4 vols, the 4fh vohime {being a translation of Ovid) watiting, 3 vols, ^j/a^e* StocMale, 1824 Littleton (Adam) a Latine Dictionary, in Four Parts. En- glish-Latine, Latine-Classical, Latine-Proper, and Latine- Barbarous 4to. 1684 1666 1667 ^1669 1670 )72 LITURGICAL WORKS. Booke of Common Prayer, 1630; Psalter, 1630; Psalmes in Meeter, by Sternhold and Hopkins, with Musical Notes, 1632. In 1 vol. fclacfe letter, woodcut titles, calf , fine clean copies small 4to. R. Barker, 1630 Book of Common Prayer (Charles I.) blaffe letter, impft. con- tains some fine ornamental letters — Psalms in Meeter, wants end folio, 1635 Book of Common Prayer, with the Psalter, and the whole Book of Psalms in Metre, by Sternhold aud Hopkins, 51 plates, ruled with red lines, blue morocco, gilt edges Camb. J. Hayes, 1701 Book of Common Prayer, with the Psalter, (in Irish,) calf^ fine copy, (the Prayers and Services in English and Irish) Reign of Quee7i Anne, (\7 10) Book of Common Prayer, with Psalter, and Form of ordaining and consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, frontispiece by Loggaii, large paper, old crimson morocco, gilt, with borders of gold and Arms on the sides, a remarkably fine and clean copy, ruled throughout with red lines folio, Lond. J. Baskett, 1715 Book of Common Prayer, with the Psalter, and the whole Book of Psalms in Metre by Sternhold and Hopkins, o.t plates by J. Sturt, fine impressions, old red morocco Camb. J. Baskett, 1733 Book of Common Prayer, with the Psalter or Psalms of David, old crimson morocco, gilt edges Oxford, T. Baskett, 1/45 134 SIXTH day's sale. 1678 . 1673 Book of Common Prayer, with the Psalter or Psalms of David, <^^/ ■ printed inlong lines, loith borders surrounding each page, crimson morocco, gilt edges royal 8vo. Cambridge, J. Baskerville, 1/60 1674 Book of Common Prayer, with Psalter, Cambridge, J. Basker- ville, 1762 ; The whole Book of Psalms in English Metre, by Sternhold and Hopkins, Birmingham, J. Baskerville, 1762. In 1 vol. old morocco 1762 4-&fa^Book of Common Prayer, with Psalter, old blue morocco Camb. J. Bentham, 1 765 1676 Book of Common Prayer, Oxford, 1767; Companion to the ^^X Altar, 1766 ; A New Version of the Psalms by Brady and Tate, 1766. In 1 vol. old crimson morocco, gilt edges 1766-7 The Forme and Manner of making and consecrating Bishops, Priests,and Deacons, hf. bd. folio, London, R. Barker, 1 636 Forms of Prayer. A most curious Collection relating to William III. and the Revolution of 1688, viz. A Prayer for the Prince of Orange, to be used immediately after the Prayer for the Royal Family, In the Savog, 1688 ; Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God for having made the Prince of Orange the instrument of the deliverance of this Kingdom from Popery and Arbitrary Power, 1688 ; Additional Prayers to be used with those for the 5th of November, 1689; Prayer on the War declared against the French King, 1689; Gunpowder Plot and William Wl.^QxVice, first united edition, 1C90; On the Preser- vation of His Majesty and the good Success in the re- ducing of Ireland, 1600 ; Another on the same Sub- ject, 1691; Thanksgiving for Naval Victory, 1692; For the Safe Return of his Majesty, 1693 ; For Fast day for averting Judgments, 1697; For such as suffer abroad for the Protestant Religion, 1699; For the Preservation of the Protestant Religion, 1700. In 1 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 4to. Brieff Discours ojff the troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany, Anno Dom. 15.54, Abowte the Booke of Common Prayer and Ceremonies, and continued by the Englishe men theyre to thende off Q. Maries Raigne, blacfe letter, first edition, (title in facsimile) calf gilt, tall copy 4to. {printed abroad), 1575 Mohawk. The Common Prayer — Some Chapters in Genesis and Matthew — Gospel of St. Mark — Select Sentences of Scripture — Communion, Baptism, and Burial Services, and part of the Singing Psalms, all in Mohawk and Ytn^- \\sh, fine plates by Peachey 1787 Psalter, or Psalms of David, and Gregorian Tones, Burial Ser- vice, with an Appendix of Ancient Music, etc. blacfe letter, rubricated with ornamental woodcut borders sur- rounding each page 4to. J, Burns, 1843 1679 A 1681 y-^ 1682 J 683 1684 1688 1-689 1690 SIXTH day's sale. 135 The Summe and Substance of the Conference which it pleased his Excellent Majestic to have with the Lords, Bishops, and other of his Cleargie at Hampton Court, Jan. 14, 1603, whereunto are added some copies (scattered abroade) unsavory and untrue, by Wilham Barlow, calf extra 4 to. LonrTon, 1605 An Accompt of all the Proceedings of the Commissioners ap- pointed for the Review of the Book of Common Prayer, 1661 ; Two Papers of Proposals, presented by the Ministers of the Presbyterian Perswasion. In 1 -vol. fine copies, autograph of "' John Parrick'^ 4to. 1661 Liturgy of the New Church, signified by the New Jerusalem, in the Revelation, 1805 ; Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the use of the New Church, by J. Proud, 1/98. In 1 vol. crimson morocco The New Week's Preparation for the receiving of the Lord's Supper, red morocco, gilt edges W. Bent Breviarium Romanum, Pars Estiva et Hieralis, rubricated, 2 vols, green morocco, gilt edges Mechlince, 1845 Processionale Ritibus Romanse Ecclesise Accomodatum ; Anti- phonas et Responsoria ahaque in Supplicationibus de- cantari Solita complectens, printed in red and btacJc, with musical notation 4to. Antverp. 1629 L'Office de la Semaine Sainte, (in Latin, with French rubrical directions) plates by Febure, old crimson morocco, richly gilt on sides and back Paris, chez Charles Fosse f, 16 — • The Primer, or Three Offices of the B. Virgin Mary, in Latin and English, with Addition of many sweet devotions, (and several Hymns) woodcut title Bouen, by Nicolas le Turner, 1730 Stapletoni (Thomse) Promptuarium Catholicum, Colon, 1592 — Promptuarium Morali super Evangelia Dominicalia Totino Anni, 3 vols, in 2, wanting second title to Pars ^stivalis, 1593-1610; together 3 vols, antique calf , ver- milion edges , ^^^^691 Lives of British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, by Allan Cunningham, 3 vols. 1729 ^J_69l*Living«ton (Edw.) Report of the State of Louisiana, on the p^ plan of a Penal Code, autograph presentation copy from the author to " his Excelly. Mr. Vaughan," red morocco, gilt edges New Orleans, 1822 J692 [Lloyd (David)] The Legend of Captaine Jones, the Two >'/^ Parts, containing his incredible Adventures by Sea and Land, his strange combat with a mighty bear, his desperate , y' \)\^e\s,h.\s,\jOvt?:, eic. half calf antique 1656-59 ^ 1693 Lluellin (M.) Men-Miracles, with other Poems, on several ^^ Subjects, RARE, calf, clean good copy London, 1679 ■y^ 1694 Loberi (V.) Anchora Sanitatis, Dialogue Fabrificata, cui annexa est Mantissa de Venenis, et eorum antidotis, vellum Francof. 1671 136 SIXTH day's sale. 1695 Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia, by Mr. Le Grand, from tbe Yrei\cb,Jine copy, calf ' 1735 A, -^ " This Translation was made by Dr. Johnson in his 24th year, from a copy in French, which he borrowed of Pem- / broke College. It was his first Prose work, and though bearing the word London on the title-page, was in reality printed at Birmingham. Mr. Hector the Surgeon cor- rected almost all the proof-sheets," — Boswell. 1696 [Locke (Jno.)] ^sop's Fables in English and Latin, Inter- lineary, for the benefit of those who not having a master, would' learu either of these Tongues, with Sculptures, y'' C^y' fine copy in calf gilt 1703 This rare piece of the celebrated Locke is not in any Edi- tion of his collected Works. It is the earliest specimen of Intel lineary Translation in the Language. ^^^1697 Locke. Letters concerning Toleration, /we ^or^. by Cipriani, ""^^/^ Brand Hollis' Edition, in red morocco, marbled edges, / with appropriate tooling 4 to. 1/65 1698 Locke. SoUd Philosophy Asserted against the fancies of the /^/^ Ideists, with Reflexions on Locke, very scarce, calf, '^^ 1697 — Posthumous Works of Mr. John Locke, of the Conduct of the Understanding, etc. // 1699 Locke (John) 'A Collection of several of his Pieces, including / the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina 1720 700 Lockman's Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the World, (China, East and West Indies, etc.) 2 vols, calf gilt, maps and plates, fine copy 1743 1701 Another, second edition, with an Account of the Spanish Settlements in America prefixed, 2 vols, calf, fine copy, maps and plates Sold by the Boohsellers of Great Britain and Ireland, and New England, 17^^ '^ wherein is delivered the Nature of Spirits, Angels, Divels, their Power and Properties, as also of Witches, Sorcerers, Enchanters, and such like, translated by Z. Jones, ^«e copy in vellum 4to. 1605 ^ SIXTH day's sale, 137 / 1705 London. Privilegia Londini : or the Laws, Customs, and Privileges of the City of London, calf 1702 1706 London. New Remarks of London, or a Survey of London, Westminster, and Southwark, collected by the Company of Parish Clerks, with a Table of all the Streets, Lanes, Courts, Alleys, etc. 1732 I 1/07 London. A List of the Wardens, Assistants, and Livery of \ the Goldsmith's Company, crimson morocco, gilt edges ^- < 1831 ^ 1708 London and its Environs : or the General Ambulator, ^/afe*, y hf. bd. 1820— Cruchley's Picture of London, 1848— Map of the Country, 13 miles round London 3 y,y 1710 London Journal (The), and Y\'eekly Record of Literature, / Science, and Art, numerous woodcuts and plates. Vols. 1 to 8, 8 vols, in 4, half calf gilt 4to. 1845. etc. 711 Long (Edward) The History of Jamaica, maps and plates, 3 vols, calf gilt 4to. 1774 ^ A7 12 Long (John) Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter, ^■^ with Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language, etc. large ^ PAPER 4to. 1791 /^ S- 1713 Longfellow (H. W.) Works, Prose and Verse, 2 vols, cloth / ^ 1854 y^ ^714 Longfellow. Poetical Works, illustrated with upivards of ^/ 100 designs, drawn hy J. Gilbert, engraved by Dalziel, extra cloth, gilt edges 4to. Routledge, 1856 ^ y 1715 Lord's Prayer (The), in above a Hundred Languages, Ver- y/ sions, and Characters, including the Mexican, Poconchi, and Virginian, uncut 4to. 1620 1716 Loubere (M. de) Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Siam, translated by A. P., map and curious plates folio, 1693 1717 Louisiana. Relations de la Louisiana, et du Fleure Mississipi, /"y/ map and plates, calf gilt, Amst, 1720 — Recueil d' Arrests // et autres Pieces, pour I'Etablissement de la Compagnie d'Occident, Relation de la Baie de Hudson, les Naviga- tions de Frobisher, etc. ma'ps and plates, together 2 vols. calf gilt, fine copy Atnst.1720 1718 Louisiana. Memoires Historiques sur la Louisiane, la nature y^y et les productions de ce pays ; I'origine des Sauvages ; ^ "y^ leurs moeurs et leurs coutumes, etc. composes sur les ■^ Memoires de M. Dumout, maps and plates, 2 vols, calf, . fine copy Paris, 1753 ^/ 1719 Louis Philippe, Life and Times of, by G. N. 'Sffn^i, portraits and plates, 1850 — Public and Private Life of Louis Philippe, by L. G. Michaud 185 L 1720 Loveday (Robert) Hymen's Prseludia, or Love's Masterpiece, ^ ' being that so much admired Romance intituled Cleopatra, in twelve parts, very clean copy in the original calf folio, 1674 s y//' 138 SIXTH day's sale. y 1721 Lowe (Solomon) Arithmetic in Memorial Verses, and /y Dictionary-wise. For J. Hodges Looking Glass, London Bridge, 1 7'19 — Fenning's Young Algebraist's Companion, calf gilt, 2 vols. 1722 Lower (M. A.) English Surnames. Essays on Family Nomen- clature, Historical, Etymological, and Humourous, cuts 1842 1723 Lucas (Dr. Richard) Sermons and Posthumous Sermons, 5 vols, calf, gilt edges, very fine copy 1702-17 1'724 Luckombe (P.) A Concise History of the Origin and Progress of Printing, with Practical Instructions to the Trade, calf, 'port, and cuts 1 770 1725 Ludolphus (Job) A New History of Ethiopia, being a full description of Abessinia, vulgarly called the Empire of Prester John, maps and plates, calf folio, 1684 17.26 Ludua Scacchia?. Cbesse Play, a Game, both Pleasant, Yv'iitie, and Foli'i^kp. t— .nsiated out of the Italian ; also a prety and pleasant Poeme of a whole Game played at Chesse, by G. B. 4to, 1597 {rep.) — Chess for Beginners, by Lewis, ^^«^e5 1825 ^ nQ,7 Lupton (Thomas) A Thousand Notable Things of Sundrie cy/ Sorts, lilack Utttv, first Hvo. edition, not mentioned by / liowndes Anno. 1631 ^^--?irl728 Luther (Martin) Select Works, translated by Rev. Henry ^^f Cole, 4 vols, calf 1826 O^ 1729 Luther. Colloquia Mensalia, or Familiar Discourses at his / Table, 2 vols, por^ 1840 'C^/ 1730 Luther, Life of, by M. Michelet, translated by W. Hazlitt, / ^0?-^.— Luther's Table Talk, by HazUtt 1846, etc. 1731 Lydekker (Gerrit) Theological Theses, translated from the ,yy German and Latin, New York, 1766 — Discourse on the Greatness and Praise of the Lord, Neio York. 1766 in 1 vol. . yl732 Lyly (John) The False Friend and Inconstant Mistress; ■^*^/ also Loves Diversion. 1718 — Memoirs of Major Alex- / ander Rankins, a Highland Officer, his Adventures, Amours, etc. during 28 years, 1/19 in \ vol. 1733 Lyon Disturbed (The), containing an Historicall Relation of y the most Remarkable Passages since the beginning of /^•^^ this War betwixt the United Provinces, France, England, Colen, and the Bishop of Munster, until this present, curious engraved title page, portraits, plates of fortifi- cations, plans, etc. calf, very scarce 4to. Amsterdam, S. Swart, 1672 1734 Lyre of Love (The), a Selection of Poems from the most Celebrated Authors, froml540 to 1805, large paper, portrait of Lady Anna Maria Stanhope, and front, by West all, 2 vols, in 1, bright crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges 1806 y^ SIXTH day's SALB. 139 / 1735 Lyttelton (Lord George) Memoirs and Correspondence, from 1734 to 1773, edited by R. Pliillimore, 2 vols. 18-15 V>1736 Macartney (Earl) Some Account of the Public Life of, and a "^ Selection from his unpublished Writings, by John Barrow, portrait, 2 vols, 4to. 1807 / 1737 Macaulay's (Lord) Lays of Ancient Rome, calf extra 1852 ^^^738 Macaulay. Critical and Historical Essays, 2 vols, cloth 1854 ^739 McDonald (A.) Galick and EiigHsh Vocabulary, with an Y Appendix of the Terms of Divinity in the said Language y JEdin. 1741 - 1740 M'Gregor (John) British America, 2 vols. 9 maps 1832 1741 Machiavel (Nicholas) Works, translated with Notes, etc. by ^/ Ellis Farneworth, 4 vols. 23or^. and plates, calf gilt, fine copy 1775 / 1742 Mackay (J.) Quebec Hill; or Canadian Scenery, a Poem, in Two Parts, {written in Canada) 4to. 1797 1743 Mackay (William) Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Juno, ^ on the Coast of Aracan, and of the singular preservation of 14 of her Company ou the Wreck, without Food for 23 days 1798 1744 Mackey (S. A.) Shoe-Maker, The Mythological Astronomy of /^' the Ancients demonstrated, by restoring to their Fables and Symbols their original Meanings, ^/a^es and curious poem Norwich, n. d. , /'1745 M'Kinnen (Dan.) Tour through the West Indies and Account of the Bahama Islands, map 1804 ^yl746 Mackintosh (Sir James) Memoirs of his Life, edited by his ' <^ ^ox\, portraits, 2 vols, half calf gilt 1835 1747 Macpherson (Chas.) Memoirs of his Life and Travels in Asia, / Africa, and America, Edin. 1800 — Matthias and his Im- postures New York, 1835 1/48 Macky (Spring) Memoirs of the Secret Services of John Macky, Esq., with the Secret History of the English and Scots Nobility, (with Appendix of original papers by Bp. Burnet, on Divorce and Polygamy, etc.) 1733 iJtfA'd M'Lean (Archibald) Works, with Memoir of his Life and / Writings, by William Jones, 7 vols. 1823 1750 Macleod (Dr. Malcolm) History of Witches, etc. with the v, ^' Prophecy of Pedan, {wants last leaf), front. 1 793 — Mystery of Dreams Discovered; with an Interpreting Dictionary of Dreams, and the Visions of Seiina, Countess of H , fronts, etc. 1794 2 vols. ,y 1751 Macmichael (Wm.) Journey from Moscow to Constantinople, plates, half calf 4to. 1819 1752 Macnish (R.) Anatomy of Drunkenness, half calf extra, y^ 1836 — Ebrietatis Encomium ; or the Praise of Drunken- ness, /row^. 1812 2 vols. /753 Macnish. The Modern Pythagorean ; a Series of Tales, Essays, and Sketches, with his Life by D. M. Moir, port, 2 vols. 1838 4, 140 SIXTH day's SAt.E. 1754 Madan (Rev. Martin) Thelyphtbora ; or a Treatise on Femafe yy^ ^ Ruin in its Causes, Effects, Prevention, and Remedy; considered on the Basis of the Divine Law, 3 vols, half / lound 1780-81 , yiP^ Madrigaux de Mons. de la Sabliere, very pretty edition, with .-^y//^ ^ed border, head line, and vignette to each page, calf ^ ^ sq. 32mo. Paris, 1758 1756 Magdalen Hospital (An Account of) with Dr. Dodd's Sermons, ^^y Advice to Magdalens, and Psalms, Hymns, etc. port, calf / „ .. \''''^^ 1757 Magii (H.) de Tintinnabulis, notis illustravit, acced ejusd. jMagii de Equuleo liber, cum Notis, plates, calf y Amst. 1689 ^ An interesting volume on the use of Bells in many difierent countries, illustrated by a number of very curious engrav- ings. The second article contains plates of various mode of torture by the rack. The author was strangled in 1572 1758 Malabar. An Account of the Success of Two Danish Mis- ArZ/y^ sionaries, lately sent to the E. Indies; with Account of ./ their Voyage to the Coast of Coromandel, the Settlement at Tranquebar, the Printer's Voyage to Brazil, etc. 3 parts in 1 vol. map, fine copy, calf 1718 1759 Magna Carta, whereunto is added more statuts than ever , ''' was imprynted in any one boke before this tyme, with an ^ Alminacke and a Calender to know the Mootes, hlacfe letter Lond. R. Redman, Anno 1539 ^^ 1760 Magna Charta, translated by Edw. Cooke, vellum 1680 ^/1761 Magna Charta, with its History and Defence, with an Intro- ductory Discourse by Dr. S. Johnson, calf 1794 1762 Mahon (Lord) History^of England, from 1/13 to 1783, vols, 1, 2, 4, and 6, {vol. 1 iva7its title,) 4 vols. 1853 1^63 Mahon (Lord) "The Forty-Five," 1853— Philip Musgrave ; or Memoirs of a Church of England Missionary in the North American Colonies, edited by J. Abbott, 1850, 2 vols, in 1, hf bound, 1850 — History of the Anglo-Saxons, by Tho. Miller, 2ilates 1852 ^1764 [Maimbourg.] History of the Holy War; or the Expeditions ^ ' of the Kings of England and France, and other Christian Princes, for the Conquest of Jerusalem, Englished by Dr. 'Nahon, calf foho, 1686 y y 1765 Makarony Fables, by the author of Crazy Tales, calf, Dublin, ^y 1772 — Fables for the Female ^e\, fine impressions of f Hayman^s beautiful plates, calf London, 1744 1766 Malcolm (J.) Compendium of Modern Husbandry, illustrat- ■^ ing Surrey, Kent and Sussex, with Analysis of Manures, etc. plates, 3 voh. calf gilt 1805 y 1767 Malone (Sir T.) History of Prince Arthur, (no fronts.), 3 vols. fy 1816 — Seven Champions of Christendom, 1825 — Ro- mance of the Forest, Old English Baron ; etc. 8 vols. SIXTH day's sale. 141 1/68 Man, as known to us Theologically and Geologically, by Dr. ^ y E. Nares, 1834— The Vocation of Man, by J. G. Fichte, Y traaslated by W. Smith, 1848— The Natural History of Man, by John Kennedy, 2 vols, in 1 1851 y /1769 Man in the Moon (The), or Travels in the Lunar Regions by ^ the Man of the People, 2 vols, calf , fine copy 1/83 1770 Man of the World's Dictionary, 1822 — Auntient Lere, aphoris- =^/^ tical passages, from eminent authors of 16th and 17th ^ Centuries, ^or^*. ^aZ/ca/f 1812 y^771 Manby (G. W.) Historic and Picturesque Guide through -^//^-y Monmouth, Glamorgan and Brecknock, map and plates, "^ ^ half bound, uncut and interleaved Bristol, 1802 ^ ■' 1772 Manley (Mrs.) The Power of Love, in Seven Novels, never / before published 1720 ^y\llZ Mansfield (William Earl of,) Life of, by J. Holliday, two . ^ portraits, also a plate and description of his monument by J. Britton, inserted, half bound 1797 ^ /1774 Manstein (Gen.) Memoirs of Russia, Historical, Political and y^ Military, maps and plates, calf 4to, 1770 MANUSCRIPTS. ^1775 Scotland. The Original Solemn League and Cove- C—.. NANT, Signed at Glasgow, a.d. 1638, consisting of a renunciation of all the errors of popery, composed, as Hume says, of many invectives fitted to inflame the minds of men against their fellow creatures, whom Heaven has enjoined them to cherish and love; with a bond of union, pledging resistance to religious innovation, and^ to de- fence of each other. ^^in^ ^P - / y Alchenaico-Mystical Drawings of Ilieroglyplis, Figures of /<^'y Ancient Philosophers, with inscriptions, nude figures, re- presenting the mystical generation of the early Alche- mysts, etc. very cleverly executed and eltihorately coloured, in the original old crimson morocco binding, gilt edyes folio, circa 1700 77*Remerabrances for Order and Decency to be kept in the Upper House of Parliament by the Lords, when his Ma- jesty is not there, crimson morocco gilt, fine copy 1 735 1778 Actes (Les) des Apotres, et les Epitres, 2 vols, beautifully ^O'^ written manuscript, in a bold hand of the XVII Century ""^y/^ in fine old citron morocco, tooled sides, marbled and gilt '^ edges, several fine plates inserted 1779 Alchemy. Lernegeton, or Clavicula Solomouis Regis, or the / ^^-y Little Key of Solomon the King, the Names, Orders and X^ y Offices of the Spirits, and the manner of calling them to visible appearance, four parts 4to. circa 1 700 A very full and plainly written MS. of about 120 pp. il- lustrated with several hundred Alchemical Signs and Drawings. The Title page mentions five books, the MS. extends only to four. 1780 Divine Appearances, or a very Wonderful Account of the Dealings of God with Mrs. Agnes Beaumont, who was afterwards married to Mr. Story, a Merchant at High- Gate, taken from a copy transcribed from a MSS. in the hands of Mrs. Kenwrick at Bavant in Hampshire (12mo. 1700) A neatly written MS. of 93pp. with vignette. Mrs. Beaumont was a persecuted member of the church of John Bunyan. Her Experience has since been published, aud a copy accompanies this Lot. The MS. differs in many respects, and is evidently an original copy of her own account cir- culated for the information of her friends. 1781 Journal of a Second Voyage to the East Indies and China, in \y the Sarah galley, Captain John Roberts, Commander, in '^ the service of the Honble. English Company trading to the East Indies, began the 1 9th November, 1700, (ending July 25th, 1703) the original manuscript Log-Book, with numerous curious pen-drawings of fishes, birds, etc. 1782 A Collection of Sermons and Treatises delivered by Charles Phelpes, the Puritan Commentator, from 1()78 to 1709, at Lyn Regis, the original autograph manuscript, 2 stout vols, half hound 4to. 1783 A Believer's Soul's Feast, or the True Lord's Supper under the Gospel, fully Answering all the Ceremoniall Shadows and Types in the former Dispensation sm. 4to. 1719-20 A very neat readable aud closely written MS. of 36 pp. / y SIXTH day's sat.e. 143 1784 Biographia Martyrum, or the Lives of the most Eminent Mar- tyrs, extracted from Mr. John Fox's Book of Martyrs, by // George Tomlinson smuW 4to. anno Christi, \720 ^ A very neat and plainly executed MS. of 370 pp. with several folding pen and ink drawings, introductory verses, indexes, etc. in the original calf binding. 1785 Maps and Plans of upwards of One Hundred Castles, Towers, Fortificalious, and Islands pertaining to Great Britain in various parts of the United Kingdom, the ^/^ y British Channel, the Mediterranean, and North America, y^/ y>1860 Matrons (The) Six Short Histories, frontispiece, 17G2 — The ? ^-^ Adventures of a Black Coat 1760 /^ /^T861 Mathews (Chas.) Comedian, Memoirs of, by Mrs. Mathews, portraits and plates, 4 vols. 1838 1862 Matthews (Rich.) The Unlearned Alchymist, his Antidote, together with a Precious Pearl in the midst of a Dung- hill, being a True and Fiiithful Receit of Mr. R. Mat- thews's Pill, presented to the World by his Widow, amongst many sad Complaints of the Wrongs done to her 1663 y ^'1863 Mathias (T. J.) Componiraenti Lirici de' piii illustri Poeti ''j/^ d'ltalia, portrait, 3 vols, blue morocco, gilt edges, fine ^ COPY Lond. 1802 ^ > 1864 Mauduit (Israel) A Short View of the History of the Colony '^r ^ of Massachusetts Bay, with the Original Charter granted '^ ' by Charles I. ' 1774 y/\%^b Maurice (Tho.) Indian Antiquities, plates, vol. 1, in 2 parts, y calf 1793 1866 Maurice. Dissertation on the Oriental Trinities, /j^a^es, 1801 ^ y — Brahminical Fraud Detected, 1812; Observations on ^y the Ruins of Babylon, /j/a^es, 1816; Memoirs of Thomas Maurice, 3 parts, 1819; hound'\n 3 vols, ha f calf gilt, marb. edges 1819 y^ AB67 Mavor (Wm.) Universal History, Ancient and Modern ; from ^yTjC^ the Earliest Records of Time to 1802, plates, maps, etc. 25 vols, half bound, uncnt 1802-4 ) 1868 Mayhew (Jonathan), D.D., Pastor of the West Church, Bos- ( ton. Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the ^ y Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign •"^^^"^^y Parts, with Reflections on the State of Religion in New England, 1763; A Defence of the Observations, 1764; Remarks on " An Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observa- tions," 1765; A Review of Dr. Mayhew's Remarks, by East Apthorp, {Missionary at Cambridge, N.E.), 1765 ; Letter to a Friend, on a Sermon, Preached by the Bishop of Landaff, before the Society for P. of G. Feb. 20, 1767, in which the highest Reproach is undeservedly cast upon the American Colonies, by C. Chauncy, D.D., Boston, 1767. A verxj scarce collection, in 1 vol. calf 1763-7 69 Mayhew (Jonathan) D.D., of Boston, Sermons, Dedicated ■c/^ " to the small, but Honoured and Beloved Church and ■C^ Congregation, in the Westerly Parts of Boston," calf, slightly wormed 1756 152 SIXTH day's sale. 18/0 Maybew (Jou.) Seven Sermons, at a Lecture in the West /A Meeting House, Boston, in 1648, ^os^ow, Lond. rep. 1750 — Maj'hew (Jon.) Sermons to Young Men, 2 vols. 1767 / /, 1871 Maynwaring (Everard) The Protection of Long Life, and De- y>y tection of its brevity from disetetic causes, calf extra 1663 ^/ 1872 Mayo (Dr. H.) on the Truths contained in Popular Supersti- / tions, with an Account of Mesmerism, cloth 1851 ^^873 Mead (Dr. R.) on the Influence of the Sun and Moon in c^ Human Bodies, 1748 — Martyn (Jno.) on the Acute Diseases of Infants, 1742 2 vols. \%1\ Meares (John) Voyage in 1 788 and 1 789, from China to the North- West Coast of America, ^o?'^/'««Y, maps and plates, uncut 4to. 1790 -^ 1875 Mechanic's Magazine, Vols. 1 to 4, half calf 1823-5 \, y\%l(S Mede (Joseph) Works, with Life, by Worthington, best edi- ""^^y^ •: tion, calf fulio, Lond. JR. Royston, 1672 ^ — - 18/7 Medical Repository, and Review of American Publications on Medicine, Surgery, etc. conducted by S. L. Mitchill and Ed. Miller, Vols. I and 4, title torn of Vol. 1 New Fork, 1800-1 y/ 1878 Medicina Flagellata : or the Doctor Scarify 'd, Laying Open / the Vices of the Faculty, calf 1721 1879 Meiners (C.) History of the Female Sex, comprising a View Z^"' of the Habits, Manners, and Influence of Women among 'y^'^ all Nations, translated from the German, by Shoberl, '^^ 4 vols, in 2, half calf extra 1808 ylBSO Melish (John) a Militaiy and Topographical Atlas of the -y;!^ United States, British Possessions, and Florida, coloured maps Philadelphia, 1815 1881 Melish (John) The Sine qua Non : a Map of the U. States, yA^ shewing the Boundary Line proposed by the British "/^^ Commissioners at Ghent, with Documents and Remarks on the exteiit and effect of the British pretensions, map Philadelphia, 1815 1882 Melosio (Franc ) Poesie e Proso Bologna, 1676 ^y 1883 Melvill (l^hilip) Esq^., of Pendennis Castle, Memoirs of, calf / gilt London, 18 — 1884 Memoirs of British Ladies, who have been celebrated for their ^ ^ Writings, or Skill in the Learned Languagi s, Arts, and Z Sciences, by G. Ballard, culf 1775 1^85 Mendo(^'a (F. S. Gunealez de) ilistoria de las Cosas mas Nota- ^j:PJ^ bles, llitos y Costombres, del Gran lleyno de la China... y^ con vn Itenarario del nuevo Mundo, yj/ie copy in crimson morocco extra, gilt edges Anvers, 1596 1886 Meniiirs ot the Principal Transactions of the last War be- tween the English r.nd the French in North America, with an Account of the Importance of Nova Scotia 1757 SIXTH day's sale. 153 1887 Menonville (M. Thiery de) Traite de la Culture du Nopal, et de I'Ediication de la Coohenille dans les Colonies Fran- caises de IWmeriqne ; Precede d'uu Voyage a Gnaxaca, coloured plates, 2 vols, calf gilt au Cap- Franca Is, 1787 88 Mercurius Riisticus: or the Countries Complaint of the Bar- barous Outrages committed by the Sectaries, Jine en- graved frontispiece, containing ten views of battles, etc. 1685 .1889 Mercury's Caducean Rid, or the Great and Wonderful Office ■^^Y^rp of the Universal Mercury, or God's Vice-gprent dis- ^ played, being a True Description of the Mysterious Medicine of the Ancient Philosophers ITOJ yI890 jMerlin. The Life of Merlin, surnamed Ambrosius, his pro- /^ phecies and predictions interpreted, and their truth made good by our English Anna's, by Thomas Heywood, evgraved frontispiece, calf 4to. 164 1 ylSQl Merrill (I).) Sermons on Baptism, with History of the "C< Baptists, Boston, 1805 ; Letters to Anderson on opeii> Communion, Boston, 1805 ; Andrews (E.) Vindication of the Baptists, Boston, 1805. In 1 vol. 1892 Mersen (M.) The Figurative Speeches, by which God ha<« ^''^ veiled his Secrets, contained in His Word, until the end j; yy^ of the Time, now by the assistance of God, being opened / by the Key of the Word, are made as plain to the under- standing as a Riddle when unfolded, K\RE,fne clean copy Lond. 1697 ^ -1893 Meston (Wm.) of Aberdeen, Poetical V/orks, with Mother ^ (^ Grimm's Tales, etc. Edinh. 1767 — Allan Ramsay's Poems, 2 vols, Aberdeen, 1776 '6 vols. 1894 Methodists in America. Form of Discipline of the Methodist y Episcopal Church in America, 1779 ; Articles of Religion, '\/^C^ 1779 ; Wesley's Doctrine of Predestination and Election, 1779 ; Wesley's Christian Perfection. In 1 vol. New York, 1779 / ^1895 Mexico. Bosquejo Ligerisimo de la Revolucion de Megico, ,.'' por un verdadero Americano Philadelphia, 1822 _^ y/\H9G Michajlis (M.) Dissertation on the Influence of Opinions on / Language, and of Language on Opinions, y>o«<. 4to. 1771 y,/ 1897 Midnight, the Signal, in Letters to a Lady of Quality, 2 vols. f ^ Dodsley, 1779 z/ )89S Military Discipline, or the Art of War, 22 plates 16>9 1899 Military Calendar (the Royal) or Army Service and Commis- /^ ' sion Book, with details of the Military Events of the last Century, 5 vols. 1820 IQjOO Millar (Rob.) History of the Propagation of Christianity and Overthrow of Paganism, including interesting particulars relating to the Introduction of Christianity into New Englnnd, 2 vols, calf Edinb. \71?> ^^1901 Miller (Geo.) History, Philosophically Illustrated, 4 vols, cloth ^^ ' 18J9 u / 154 SIXTH day's ?alk. 1902 Milton (John) A Complete Collection of his Historical, Political yX ' and Miscellaneous Works, with an Account of his Life , ard Wiitings by T. Birch, 2 vols, jine coprj of the best Jolio edition, calf 1738 1903 Milton. Paradise host, a Poem, with the Paradise Regained and Sr.tnson X%oms\t^, fourth edition, i^atigr paper, fne impressions of the portrait ly White, and p'ates by Burgese, calf gilt folio, 1688 Lowndes states that this handsome edition was published by subscription under the patronage of Lord Somers and Bishop Atterbury. Prefixed is a list of more than 500 Subscribers, among whom are all the most distinguished characters of that period. . 190-4 Milton. Paradise Lost, thirteenth edition, with accoxint of his .:f/y' Lif^, and copiovs index, front, by Vertue with f till length / port, vignette port, and plates, ly Fourdrinier, calf gilt Totison, 1/27 1905 Milton. Paradise Lost — Paradise Regained, and Minor Poems, from the text of Newton, 2 vols, in the original calf gilt, VERY FINE COPY, with autograph ff Henry Foster Burder royal 8vo. Birmingham, Baskerville, 1758 ^ ^1906 Milton. Paradise Lost, with Notes by Dr. Hawker, calf qilt / 1817 y 1907 Milton. Paradisi Amisi, liber primus, in latinam conversus, ^^/^ [by T. Power,] uncut, " ex dono Authoris.''' ^' ^ 4to. Cantab. 1691 ^^ 1908 Milton. Scriptural and Allegorical Glossary of Paradise Lost, by Miss C'hristian Cann of Bromley 1828 yl909 Milton, Paradise Regain'd, a Poem, in IV. Books, to which -^y is added Samsun Agoiiistes, first edition, _/?we clean copy, calf 16/1 '1^910 Milton. Paradise Regained, and Minor Poems, seventh edi- tion, front, Tonson, 1730 Milton's Comus, Comoedia Jo. Miltoni Paraphrastice reddita a Gul. Hogseo 4to. 1698 Milton. Comns, a Mask, with Notes by various Commenta- tors, illustrations, etc. by Dr. John Todd, calf gilt Canterbury, 1798 1913 Milton. Poems, etc. upon several occasions, both English and Latin, with a small Tractate of Education to Mr. ■^3^^ Ilartlib 1673 This Collection contains the first editions of several of his Poems, Psalms, etc. .1914 Milton. Poetical Works, with Memoir by Jas. Montgomery, •^^J^ and \20 fne engravings from Designs by Harvey, 2 vols. ^ cloth Tilt and Bogne, IS4S ^y 1915 Milton. Select Prose Works, with Discourse and Notes, by -"^^^ St. John, y^rr/. f/H(/y? 0,7/. 2 vols. l!So6 yA ^ r SIXTH day's sale. l5o ^/ 1916 Milton. History of Britain, that part especially now call'd / England, from the first Traditional bcginnii)g, to tlie Norman Coi. quest, calf (jilt, fine copy 1677 iyi7 Minshen (John) Ductor in Linguas ; the Guide into Tongues, ^^^/ with their agreement and consent, and the Reasons and ' ^'^Y^ Derivations of the Wordes, in Eleven Languages; a most y^ copious Spanish Dictionarie, with Latine and English Definitions folio, London, 1617 Theaccustomed Storehouse of all subsequentLexicographers* It gives a long account of many curious Customs, Offices, and Dignities. The prefatory matter includes a "true copy of the approbation of the Universitie of Oxford," and '* certayne learned Men" of this " rare and worthie worke," which cost the author '* the value of a thousand Markes or there abouts ;" also, a long and interesting list of Subscribers, supposed to be the first printed in the English Language. 1918 Mirabilis Annus : or the Year of Prodigies and Wonders, a Colh'ctiou of several signs ihat have been seen in the Heavens, in the Earth, and in the Waters, frontispiece^ uncut, 1661 — Mirabilis Annns Secimdus, or the Second Year of Prodigies, uncut, 1662 — The Second Part of the Second Year's Prodigies, M?icw^, 1662, a rare collection 3 Tracts 1919 Miracles. An Account of surprising Miracles in Relation to the Holy Sacrament, anno 1345, {in the Dutch Lan- guage^, curious plates Antwerp, 1639 ^.^ y1920 Mirza Abu Taleb Kahn (Travels of), in Asia, Africa, and Europe, 3 \oh. half calf gilt, jiortraif 1814 ^^ /-1 921 Miscellaneous and Ei>gitive Pieces, [Biography, Philosophy, ^ . and Poetry] 3 vols. 1774 '^^,^922 Miserrimus : au exlraordinarrj Fiction; originally intended y^ for private circulation, l!^32 — Confessions of an English Opxnxa E&i^Y, half bound extra 1^22 1923 Missions. The Missionary Register, containing an Abstract y^'^ of the Proceedings of the Principal Missionary Societies, / from the commencement in 1813 to 1835, 23 vols, uni- / formly half bound calf 1 8 1 3-35 ./ 1924 Missions. Periodical Accounts relating to the Baptist Mis- / sionary Society, Vols. 1 to 6, 6 vols, half calf 1800-17 11)25 Mississippi. Impartial Enquiry into the Right of the French fy/^ J^i"g to the Territory West of the Great River Missis- y sippi, not ceded by the Preliminaries, including a Sum- maty Account of that River, etc. ['''''■^] ^1926 Mitand (M.) Grammatical Tables of the French and Italiau, ^y^ and of the Spanish and Portuguese Languages, about 80 '^ Tables, mounted in two portfolios London 156 SIXTH day's sale. , /\927 [Mitchell] (Dr.) The Contest in x\merica between Great Bri- "j/'l's* tain anJ France, with its Consequences and Importance, '"'^ with an Account of the Situation of the British and French Colonies in all parts of America 1757 19JH Mitchel. Raviliae Redivivus, being a Narrative of the late Tryal of Mr. James Mitchel, a Conventicle Preacher, fur being concerned in the Murder of Abp. Sharp, with au Account of the Trial and Execution of Major Thos. Weir 4to. by Hen. Hills, 1678 1929 Mitchil (Jonathan) of Cambridqe, New England, A Discourse of the Glory to which God hath called Believers by Jesus Christ Lond. 1677 1930 Mitford (M. R.) Rienzi, a Tvagedy, interleaved, ivith portraits of Miss Mitford, Miss Phil/ijjs, and Mr. Young, and in- teresting autograph letter of 3 pp. from the authoress to Rd. Stephenson, Esq. 1828 y,:r 1931 Mitford (W.) Inquiry into the Principles of Harmony in Lan- O g^figCj ^^^ of the Mechanism of Verse, second edition^ calf 1804 c4^ 1932 Mohawk. St. John's Gospel, Mohawk and English, calf /^^ ^ 1805 .;:^/'1933 Moliere (M. de) Works, French and English, 10 vols, calf / 1755 l933*Moliere, (Euvres de, precedes d'une Notice sur la Vie et ses Ouvrages, par M. Sainte Beure, vignettes par Johannot, 2 vols, uncut royal 8vo. Paris, 1836 ^,-^1934 Molina. Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili, with Notes, map, 2 vols. 1809 1935 Moll (Herman) Modern History: or the Present State of all Nations, including a Dissertation on the first Peopling of America ; the Discovery thereof, by Columbus ; His- y'/'' tory of the Conquest, by Cortez ; an Account of Florida, and of the British Plantations, particularly of Virginia, Maryland, New England, Nova Scctia, New York, New Jersey, Pensylvania, Carolina, Georgia, Newfoundland, French America, etc. inimerous maps and plates, 6 vols. calf 4to. Dublin, 1727-39 // 157 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. 1936 Moll (H.) A System of Geography, or History and Topography K' of the Earth, with Maps of every Couutry ; also a Gene- ral and Particular Description of America, by Joan. Lnyts, with very Particular Accounts of the English Plantations, {and 9 maps), calf gilt l/Ul ^A 1937 MoUien (G.) Travels in Columbia, map and front, half calf ^ 1824 . M58 Mollineaux (Mary) of Liverpool, Fruits of Retirement, or Mis- ■7^/^ cellaneous Poems, Moral and Divine, with some Account oi XkxQ k\xX}i\QX, first edition 1/02 J939 Molyneux (T. M.) Conjunct Expeditions, or Expeditions tbat ^ / have been carried on jointly by the Fleet or Army in / America and elsewhere, maps and plans 1/60 y. ,^940 Monstrelet. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. translated by T. Jolines, numerous woodcut illttstrations, 2 vols, in 13 parts royal 8vo. 1840 1941 Montaigne's Essays, with Notes, and an Account of the ^ Author's Life, bv C. Cotton, port. 3 vols, half bound 1700 ^ /^942 Montesquieu, (EuvresComplettes de, precedees de la Vie de cet / ' Auteur, 6 vols, calf gilt I'aris, 1816 /yy-^ 1943 Montgomery (James) Lectures on Poetry and General Litera- ture, hoards, uncut 1833 ^^f^lOAA Montgomery (James) Prose by a Poet, 2 vols, calf gilt 1824 y U)45 Montgomery (James) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, ^/ by J. Holland and J. Everett, Vols. 1 to 4, ports, and vigneties, 4 vols, cloth 1854 =>/^1946 Montolieu (Mad. de) La Robinson Suisse, map and plates, 5 y/ vols, calf gilt, murb. edges, very fine copy Paris, 1836 ,^'^1946*Moutoro (D, Jose Perez de) ObrasposthumasLyricas Humanas ^■^ de, 2 vols. 4 to. Madrid, 1/36 •,^1947 Montrose (Jas., Marquis of) Memoirs, by James Grant, ■ ^;Z«^e^ utterly inconsistent with any sense of decency or propriety. Jjy^y964 Roche (J.) Moravian Heresy, wherein are the Principal Errors '^y , of that Doctrine, as taught throughout the several parts //^ ^ ^'jfy of Europe and America, by Count Zinzendorf, Mr. Cen- "^w^ nick, and others, calf, fine cofy / ''• Dublin, 1751 ' / . This author gives many particulars relating to the Anti- noraians of New England, whom he identifies with the Moravians. 1965 Augsburg-Confession. Twenty-one Discourses, upon which is .^/^r J also the Brethren's Confession of Faith, with XXI y ■ Synodal Articles on the same subjects, translated by F. Okeley 1753 r\ 1966 Articles of Faith of the Holy Evangelical Church, according ■y^y^/ to the Word of God, and the Augsburg Confession, set ■^yY i fortli in Forty Sermons, by Magist. Petrus Nakskow ; / ^—m-n/ translated into English by J. Melchoir Alagens. Dedi- K^' cated " To the Hon. Vestry of the Evangelicnl Church in Neiv York; The Whole System of the XXVIII Articles of the Augsburg Confession ; to be compared with the Translations of the Moravians, printed at London, 1749, wherein most the half hath been left out. In I vol. half bound 4to. ]\^ew York, 1754-55 Brieve et Fidele" Exposition de I'Origine, de la Doctrine, des Constitutions, Usages et Ceremonies de 1' Eglise de 1' Unite des Freres, connus sous le Nom de Freres de Boheme et de Moravie, tiree de leurs Actes et Titres Autentiques, par un Auteur Impartial. Ami de la Verite, 16 plates s.l. 1758 The Plates in this rare and interesting volume are each of^he size of two 8vo. pages, and contain elaborate repre- inO SEVENTH day's SALE. sentations of the ceremonies of Ordination, of the different modes of baptizing Infants, Negroes, Greenlanders, and American Indians, also of the Exorcism, Prosternation, Eucharist, Agapce, Holy Kiss, Feet Washing, Marriage, etc. >/f i)G(S Whitfield's Expostulatnry Letter addressed to Count Zinzen- '^y^^ dorff, 1753 — Riraius' Solemn Call on Count Ziczendorff, >^ ' 1754 — Lavington's Moravians Compared and Detected 1755 ■ 1969 History of the Moravians, from their First Settlement at ^-^' ilerrnliaag to the Present Time ; with a View chiefly to ^yC'^ tiieir Political Intrigues, 1754 — An Account of the Man- ner in vi^hich the Church of the Unitas Fratrum preach the Gospel and carry on tlieir Missions among the Meatht.m, from the German of Spangenberg 1788 J/O Crantz (Dr.) History of Greenland, containing a Description Jy of the Country and its Inhabitants, and particularly of the Mission of the Unitas Fiutrum, maj^s and plates, 2 \o\&.jine coj))/, calf, best edition 1/67 y/\97\ Crantz, Ancient and Modern Hii^tory of the Brethren, trans- ^^ lated with Notes, by La Trobe, calf, fine copy 1 780 p^973 Loskiel (G. II.) History of the Mission of the United Bre- /^! threu among the Indians in North America ; translated by C. I. La Trobe, map, calf 1794 1974 Ogdeu (J. C.) Presbyter of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, An Excursion into Bethlehem and Nazareth in Pennsylvania, with a History of the United LrethrcH, commonly called Moravians, half bound, rare Philadelphia, 1800 i> v^T 1975 Holmes (John) Historical Sketches of the Missions of tiie '^<^^ United Brethren, from their commencement to the Year 1817 ■ 1827 y^/C 197G Holmes (John) History of the Protestant Church of the United ^/<-'- Brethren, 2 vols. < , 1830 1977 Periodical Accounts relating to the Missions of the Church of the United Brethren, established among the Heathen, (a complete set from the commencement in 1790 to the pre- sent time), 18 vols, (to 184G), bound and half bound, and the rest in numbers 1790-1859 Complete sets are very scarce. The Accounts, especially the earlier volumes, abound in interesting particulars rela- tive to the various native tribes of North America. .^A y/ 1978 More (Hannah) Coelebs in Search of a Wife, 2 vols, half calf / (jilt 1809 jf^ 1979 More (Mrs. Hannah) Memoirs of her Life and Correspondence, y^' by William Roberts, 4 vols. port, cloth 1835 1980 More (Mrs.) Memoirs of, with Notices of her Works, by T. -^y^ Taylor, port. 1838— Lives of Sacred Poets, by R'. A. / '^WXmoK, portraits - 1834 SEVENTH day's SALE. IGl ff>8l More (Dr. Henry) Collection of several Pliilosophical Writ- ings, /bi/r^A edition, much enlarged, calf 1712 ^82 More. Philosophical! Poems, ivith MS. poem at end, port. ' - Ca?nb. 164/ J83 More. Conjectura Cabbalistica ; or a Conjectural Essay of Interpreting the Minrle of iMoses, according to a threefold Cabbala, ^ne CO/)?/, original calf 16.03 )84 More. Life of, with Divers of his useful and excellent Letters, / / on Self Love, The Sweet Singers of Israel, to Wra. Peun, ^' on Baptism, etc. by R. Ward, portrait by Loggan 1710 • " More (Sir Thomas) The Commonwealth of Utopia 1639 More. D. 0. M. S. The Life and Death of Sir Thomas - , More, Lord High Chancellor of England; written by ■u ^. M. T. M. and dedicated to the Queen's most gracious '^lfi\e?.i\e, facsimile tide 4to. (Paris, 1626)' / 1987 Morell (Sir C.) Tales of' the Genii ; translated from the Per- sian, with Memoir, WestalVs plates, engraved by C. Heath, 2 vols. 1820 Morell (T.) Studies in History, containing the History of England to the Death of Elizabeth, 2 vols. 1827 1989 Morgan (J.) Complete History of Algiers, with an Epitome of the General History of Barbary, from the earliest Times, 2 vols, fne copy, original calf gilt 4to. 1729 1990 Morgan (Nicholas) of Crolane, Gent., The Perfection of /^ Horsemanship drawn from Nature, Arte, and Practise, with separate Dedications to King James, Prince Henry, Earl of Worcester and the Gentlemen of Great Brittaine 4to. London, 1609 1991 Morgan (Lady) The Book of the Boudoir, by, 2 vols, half calf gilt ' 1829 '1992 Morgann (H. D.) Doctrine and Law of Marriage, Adultery, and Divorce, 2 vols, cloth Oxford, IS26 1993 Morland (George) Life of, with Remarks on his Works, by G. Dawe, jiortrait and jjlates, half bound 1807 1994 Morse (Jed.) American History and Geography; or a View of y the present Situation of the United States, a concise Ac- ' ^ count of the War, a particular Description of Kentucky, Vermont, etc. with a View of the British, Spanish, and Fx'ench Dominions, i«ith 26 elaborate maps, calf gilt, fne copy 4to. Stockdale, 1794 1995 Morse (Jed.) Report to the Secretary of War of the U. S. on Indian Affairs ; a Narrative of a Tour in 1820, among the Indian States, map and portrait New Haven, 1822 1996 Morton (Nathaniel) of New Plimouth, N. E., New England's ' • Memorial ; or a Relation of the most remarkable Passages / of the Providence of God, manifested to the Planters of New England in America, with special Reference to the first Colony thereof, called New,jPjimoutli, extremely rare / '*''- - //, /f Boston, N. E". 1 72 1 162 1997 •^> 2000 -30^ 2002 2003 ^-^ 2005 2006 / ^2007 ^^'^ / x^' 2009 SEVENTH DAY S SALE. ]V]ortoI^. New England's Memorial, ^/?/'M edition, with large Additions in Marginal Notes, an Appendix and a Litho- graphic Copy of the first Map ever cut in New England, by John Davis, a ivesenlation copy to Page JSficoll Scott, Esq., of Norwich, icith numerous autograph correc- tions and additions by the editor, boards, uncut Boston, 1826 Moss (W. G.) History and Antiquities of Hastings, plates 1824 Motraye (A. de la) Travels through Europe, Asia, and into Part of Africa, with an Account of the Engaging of the Russian and Turkish Armies on the Pruth, the Travels and Campaigns of the late King of Sweden, etc. numer- ous maps and plates, including the large plate of the Tiara by G. Yertue and several fine engravings, by Wm. Hogarth, 2 vo\?,.fine copy folio, 1723 Motley (J.) History of the Life and Reign of the Empress Catherine, portraits and jilates, 2 vols, calf 1744 Moulines (M. de) 8ieur de Pare, The Comical History of Francion, interwoven with Pleasant Events and Moral Lessons; Englished by a Person of Honor folio, London, 1665 Moulin (Lewis) Three Tracts of the Great Medicine of Philo- sophers ; The Art of the Transmutation of Metals ; A Manuductioi, to the Celestial Ruby, and the Fountain of Chymical Philosophy, j^me copy 1694 Mount Vernon. Constantine {Student at Camh. Mass.) and Eugene {Student at Williamsburgh), or an Evening at Mount Vernon {Tirginia) ; a Political Dialogue by Junius Secundus, j^ncM^, /ron^. Brvssels, for the Author, 1818 Muggleton (Lodowick) A True Interpretation of the Witch of Endor, shewing how she and all other Witches do beget or produce that familiar Spirit they deal with, and what a familiar Spirit is, and how those Voices are procured and Shapes appear unto them, etc. etc. 4 to. printed by subscription in the year 1/24 Munroe (James) President of the Vnited States, Tonvihroxi^ the North-Eastcrn and North-Western Department of the Union Philadelphia, 1818 Murdoch (John) Dictionary of Distinctions, in Three Alpha- bets, 1811 — Vocabulary of such Words in the English Language as are of dubious or unsettled Accentuation London, 1/91 Murray (Hugh) Encyclopaedia of Geography, 82 maps and a thousand woodcuts, second edition 1840 Murray's Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia, Africa, and 'N. Amer'icn, 7 \oh. half calf gilt, fine copy 1817-29 Murray (J.) Sermons to Asses, to Doctors in Divinity, to Lords Spiritual, and to Ministers of State, portrait i8l9 SEVENTH day's SALE. 163 2010 Murray. Sermons to Doctors of Divinity, ^rs*' et^zV/ow 1/71 ySOll Muse in Good Humour; a Collection of the best Poems, Comic Tales, etc. 2 vols, in 1, ca(f 174fi 2012 Muse's Pocket Companion (The) a Collectioo of Poeras. An ■imcomtnon collection, including Seward's Monody on Major Andrh Carlisle, 1785 MUSIC. ^013 Alstedius (J. 11.) Musical Synopsis, being the Rudiments both ^^^/^ of the Mathematical and Practical Part of Musick, trans- X lated by John Birchensa, engraved frontispiece by Chant' rey, with 8 lines in verse underneath Timo. 16G4 ^2014 Blow (Ur. Johu) Araphion Anglicus : many Compositions for -^^ one, two, three, and four Voices, with Accompaniments of Instrumental Musick, and a thorow-Bass to each Song, calf folio, 170U ^2015 British Orpheus ; (270) Songs and Airs, Amatory, Moral, ^/ ■ Bacchanalian, Humourous, Patriotic, etc. with tiie Music, y cuts, Stourport, n, d. — Vocal Music ; or the Songster's / Companion, Songs, Canticles, etc. with the Music to each London, 1 7 — ^y ^016 Bunting (E.) Ancient Irish Music, vol 1 ; Jones (E.) Musical /^^ Relics of the Welsh Bards; Haydn's Canzonettas, 2 / . parts ; Stevenson's Twelve Canzonets ; Hime's Country Dances, etc. in 1 vol. 4to. 2017 Music. Burrowe's Thorough-Bass Primer, 1819 ; Pianoforte c:^ ^f^ Primer, 1826, in 1 vol. c«//'— Hamilton's Catechism of /^ Harmony and Thorough-Bass, with Key — Art of Tuning— Swaine's Young Musician, Stourport — Austen's Musical Mirror 6 vols. ^-y.'"2018 Calliope, or the Musical Miscellany; a Select Collection of "/ English, Scots, and Irish Songs, set to Music 1788 -5.,- 2019 Campbell (A.) Albyn's Anthology, or Melodies and Vocal "^^ Poetry peculiar to Scotland and the Isles, with original Gaelic, Vol. 1 foho, Edinh. 1816 2020 Catches, Canons, and' Glees, for three, four, five, and six Voices— The 8th, 12lh, and 22nd Collections by Thomas ^^^y Warren — Amusement for the Ladies, being a Selection of "^^^^ Catches, Glees, and Madrigals, composed by Dr. Arne, "^ Dr. Hayes, Dr. Cooke, Mr. Webbe, etc. — Catches, Canons, and Glees, composed by Samuel Webbe, The 3rd, 4lh, and 8th Collections — Also the Glees of " Oh Nanny, wilt tliou gang with me," and the "New Mariners," in 2 vols, half bound oblong folio yr/ 2021 Corelli's Solos and Concertos ; a Selection of Handel's Over- ^ tures, arranged for the Pianoforte, by J. Mazzinghi ; and other?, by Rossini, Busby, etc. in 1 vol. half bound Ifi4 SEVENTH day's SALE. ^^' 2022 Davie (J.) Flute Duetts, 2 /3o?-/s; Six Solos for the German Flute, by W. Tullimache; Six Duetts for Two Violins, by L. Boccherini, 2 parts a parcel ^, -2023 Edinburgh Musical Miscellany; a Collection of Scotch, 'Z English, and Irish Songs, set to Music, 2 vols. ^ Edinb. 1808 ^y:^ 2024 Gardiner (W.) Music and Friends, or Pleasant Recollections ^^ of a Dilettante, 2 vols. 1838 y^: 2025 German Erato, or a Collection of Favourite Songs, translated '^ into English, with their Original "MnsXc, Berlin, 1800; Original Melodies, with Accompaniments, by Mrs. Geo. Sharp. ^y2026 The Highland Fair ; an Opera, with the Musick prefixed to X/ each '$:QX\^, front. 1731; Momus turned Fabulist; or / Vulcan's Wedding, with the Music to each Song, 1/29 ; A Collection of Songs, with the Musick by Mr. Leve- ridge, Vol. 2, calf 1727 -2027 The Indian's Death Song, etc. manuscript oblong 8vo. ^y 2028 Lablache's Complete Method of Singing, with Illustrative y^ Examples, Exercises, and Progressive Studies in Vocaliza- tion, portrait folio ^y2029 Mendelssohn Bartholdy (F.) Lieder ohne Worte, six books in y^ 1 vol. folio, Jullien ^y 2030 Morley (T.) Canzonets, Bassus Part, 2 leaves supplied in MS. / 4to. 1593 2031 Morley (T.) A Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Mu- y^X sicke, set down, in the Forme of a Dialogue, in three parts ; y^ the First teacheth to Sing ; the Second treateth of Des- cante ; and the Third entreateth of Composition, curious / tvoodcut title-page, original binding folio, 1608 y^-' 2032 Mozart. Don Juan Opera, German and Italian oblong 4to. y-2033 Music of the Songs, in the Caledonian Musical Museum, part / 1, and various Songs, in 1 vol. folio, 1810 2034 Musical Gem, A Souvenir for 1832, edited by N. Mori and ^ W. BaW, portraits of Paganini, Moscheles, Miss Stephens, Mrs. Wwd, etc. 4to. 1832 ^035 Musical Treasury (The), Vocal and Instrumental, consisting ■^'^Z of Songs, Glees, Duets, Catclies, Selections from Modern / Operas ; also Overtures, Quadrilles, Waltzes, Polkas, etc. 5 vols, half bovnd folio, Lond. O. H. Davidson )2036 Overtures from the best Operas for Two Violins, Nos. 1 to j 18, etc. in a portfolio / /2037 Playford (John) Introduction to the Skill of Musick, by H. ' Purcell, ^o;if. 1694 —Holder's Treatise of the Grounds and Principles of Harmony, with Keller's Rules for Play- ing a Thorow Bass, calf 1731 /v' /" ^'038 Scots Musical Museum, humbly dtdicated to the Catch Club, ■^/ by James Johnson, 4 vols in 1, half morocco, tivo leaves torn Edia. 1787 ^- SEVENTH day's SALE. 16- j^ y 2039. Singing and Dancing. Traite centre les Dauses et les Mau- /^' vaises Chansons, calf, very scarce 1749 .y 2040 Tansur's New Musical Grammar and Dictionary ; or a Gene- •^ ral Introduction to the Whole Art of Musick, in Four Books Printed for Jas. Hodges, London Bridge, 1756 . /2041 Thomson (W.) Orpheus Caledonius; or a Collection of Scots yx/^ Songs set to Musick ; dedicated to the Queen, 2 vols. /^^ half bound n "^ 2042 Miscellaneous Music for the Pianoforte a parcel y/ 2043 Miscellaneous Vocal Music, (63 pieces,) including " Fair / Hebe," sung by Mr. Beard, at the Rauelagh Gardens, etc. in I vol. folio '2044 Miscellaneous Vocal Music a parcel / J045 Mystery (The) Reveal'd ; or Truth brought to Light (pp. 3'JO,) (relating entirely to American Affairs, chiefly among the Indians,) half bound russia 1759 /y'^ 2046 Nack (James) The Legend of the Rocks, and other Poems New York, 1827 ^2047 Nantes. The History of the Famous Edict of Nantes, con- taining an Account of all the Persecutions that have been in France up to this present time, 2 vols, calf 4 to. J.'Dunton, 1694 ^048 [Nares] Thinks-I-to-myself, a serio-ludicro, tragico-comico Tale, written by Thinks-I-to-myself-who? uncut, 2 vols. 181 1— I'll consider of it ! a Tale, in whick " Thinks- I-to myself" is partially considered,*3 vols. 1812 ^ v2049 Narrative of the unparalleled Sufferings of the British Cap- ,/ lives belonging to the " Inspector" Privateer, during their slavery under the Emperor Muley AhdaWah', front . 1751 ^j^^ 2050 Nash (Richard) of Bath, Life of, portrait, fne copij, calf gilt y^^ 1762 ^yy 2051 Natural History of Animals, containing the Anatomical De- "^^^ scription of several creatures dissected by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, ^/or/es, calf folio, 1702 2052 Navigation. The Safeguard of Sailers, or Great Riitter; coo- yC^^^ taiuing the Courses, Distances, Soundings, etc. with y^ Marks for the Entring of Sundry Harbours of Great Britain, Spain, Holland, Denmark, Jutland, Norway, etc. looodcut plans of coasts, calf 4tn. B. Hurlock, London Bridge, 1671 ^ - 2053 Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, by R. Beatson, ^^ Vols. I. to III. 1790 — Lives of the British Admirals, by ' Dr. J. Campbell, mapts, 4 vols. 1785, together 7 vols, uni- formly bound in calf 1785-90 2054 Naudseus (G.) The History of Magick, Englished by J. Davia ^// {of Kidwelly) 1057 T 166 SEVENTH day's SALE. 2055 Neal (Dan.) History of New England, map, second edition with additions by the author, 2 vols, original old calf gilt binding, with autograph of James Er shine 1747 056 Nedham (Marchamont). A Rope for Pol, or a Hue and Cry ~<^ /^ after, being a Collection of his Horrid Blasphemies and Revilings against the King's Majesty, etc. published in his Politicus 4to. 1660 2057 N[edham.] Medela Medicinse, a Plea for the True Profession, and a Renovation of the Art of Physick 1665 2058 Nedham, The Excellencie of a Free State, edited by R. Baron, 1767 — Sketch of Democracy, by R. Bisset, calf 1796 2059 Needier (Henry) Works: Original Poems, Translations, Essays, and Letters 1728 2060 Ness (Christopher) The Signs of the Times or Wonderful Signs of Wonderful Times, being a Faithful Collection of ^y several Signs and Wonders call'd properly Prodigies, which have been seen in the Heavens, on the Earth, and on the Waters, all of which have hapned within the com- pass of this last year 1680, curious ivoodctits at the back of the title, representing the HatfieM Maid and Ghost and eight different prodigies, uncut ', .4to. Land. 1681 f- 2061 Neves (Jose Accursio das) Manifesto da Razao contra as Usurpa^'oes Fransezas ; A vos do Patriotismo ; Desper- tador dos Soberauos ; Tres Pec^as Patrioticas ; Reflexoes sobre a Invasao dos Francezas ; A Salva^ao da Patria, etc; In I vol. jJll relating to the invasion of Por- tugal by the French, a most interesting collection, bound in crimson velvet, gilt edges, with arms stamped on side Lisbon, 1808-9 2062 Neville (Henry) The Isle of Pines, or a late discovery of a fourth Island in Terra Australis Incognita, with a True Relation of its being peopled by one Man and four / Women who were cast away there, Lond. 1668 — The / Parliament of Ladies, or divers remarkable Orders of the Ladies at Spring Garden, 1648. In 1 vol. reprint 1768 ./ 2063 Newconie (Thos.) Original State Epigrams and minor Odes, / including several poems on the British Conquests in America 1 760 2064 New England. Church-Government and Church-Covenant discussed in an Answer of the Elders of the severall ^ A^ Churches in New England, to two-and-thirty questions, '^' sent over to them by divers Ministers in England ; to- gether with an Apologie of the said Elders in New- England for Church-Covenant in Answer to Master Bernard, in the year 1639 ; as also an Answer to Nine positions about Church Government, with a preface by Hugh Peters. In I vol. / .C^/f '^^^- ^^"^^ SEVENTH day's SALE. 16/ 20fi5 New England's First Fruits, in respect, first, of the ^^y Conversion of some, Conviction of divers, Preparation of sundry of tlie Indians. 2. Of the progress of Learn- ing in the Colledge at Caqabridge in Massacusetts Bay, calf extra, hy Riviere "*• "^ 4\.o. for H. Overton, 16-13 206G New England. A Declaration of the sad and great Persecu- tion and Martyrdom of the People of God, called Quakers, in New England, for the worshipping of God •4tQ./or Robert Wilson, 1660 This rare tract contains the first" printed account of the murder of i\Iary Dyer and two others, as well as other remarkable instances of the " tender mercies," of the " Pilgrim Fathers." f}f^ 2j067 New England. A Demonstration of True Love unto you the ^ ■ Rulers of the Colony of the Massachusets in New Eng- y land by Wm. Coddington, of Road-Island, totally un- /li*''' cut, as originally issued,^ Ato. printed in the year 16/4 Coddington was the first settlei- and for many years Gover- nor and Magistrate of Rhode Island, he also, as stated in the preface to this rare tract, had the chief charge of the New England Colony before Boston was named, and built the first good house in the town. 2068 New England. A Continuation of the State of New-England, /> ^**, .being a further Account of the Indian Warrs, with Lists ■^ of the Slain, Treaty of Peace with King Philip, etc. also, an Account of the intended Rebellion of the Negroes in ^ ,-~i~y' the Barbadoes. and of the dreadful hurricane there, mw- CUt, VERY RARE . .' folio, 16/6 / y 2069 New England. Brief Relation of the State of New England, Y ' ! '. ' <' from the beginning of that plantation to this present year, 1689 j. -»\,-^^ Aio. for Richard Baldwine, 1689 2O7O New England. A Sixth Collection of Papers containing a Narrative of the miseries of New England, by reason of an arbitrary Government erected there, with petitions by Gibson, TVillow, Mather, etc. fine copy 4 to. 1689 ^ 2071 New England. Collection of the Writings of Ed. Ward, VoL ^ 2; containing a Trip to New-England, with a Character of Uie Country and People, both English and Indians ; Trip to Jamaica with a Character of the People and Is- land, etc. 1717 ^072 New England. Cambridge and Saybrook Platforms of Church /y^ Discipline with the Confession of Faith of the New Eng- land Churches adopted in 1680, with historical prefaces and notes '"- , Boston, 1829 2073 Newes from Italy of a second Moses, or the Life of Galeacius Caracciolus, the noble Marquesse of Vica, translated by W. C[rashaw] / ^. x. U , ' ^/.^ , 1639 '/ ;?r' 168 SEVENTH day's SALE. 2074 New Jersey. The Grants, Concessions, and Original Constitu- tions of the Province of New Jersey, the Acts passed during the proprietary Governments, and other material transactions before the surrender thereof to Queen Anue ; The Instrument of Surrender, and her formal acceptance thereof; Lord Cornbury's Commission and Instructions consequent thereon, by Aaron Learning and Jacob Spicer, CaJf, EXTREMELY RARE (pp. 763) ^ ; folio, Philadelphia, W. Bradford, n. d. ^^ 2075 New Jersey (xl Further Account of) in ao abstract of Letters ^^>^i/^ lately writ from thence, by several inhabitants there Re- sident, by Richard Hartshorne and others of the First Settlers, uncut 4to. 1676 20/6 New Jersey, Plan of Philip Nicklin's Farm, (3675 acres) ^ situate in the township of Nottingham, County of Burl- j^-/" ington, surveyed by John Watson, Jun. Aug. 11, 1789 yT A very neatly drawn and coloured MS, plan (20 inches by y 14) mounted on linen, and shewing the nature and oc- cupation of the land, residence, buildings, etc. The farm is intersected by the Trenton Road, Watson's Creek and Hog Island Creek, abuts S. on the river Delaware, and is bounded N, E. and E. by the lands of Hugh Runyan, Heirs of Naome Lob and JohnWatson ; and W, and S. E. by Barnt Deklyn's Land. ^ y2077 New State of England under K. William and Q. Mary, hoth ^ y'^ parts, with an encjraved fronti.^^ the Moon, the Antipodes, Fary-Land, Egypt, Green- <^ \ land, etc. No. 10, 1652 — Mercurius Phreneticus, No. 4, two very curious and extravagant specimens small 4to. 2091 The Weekly Account, by Bernard Alsop, 1644, Broadside of ditto, 1644 — Perfect Ocpurrences of Parliament, No. 5, . {very curious), 16 16 — Perfect Weekly Account, No. 14, .^ 1647 — Weekly Intelligence of the Commonwealth, No. 45, 1651 — Certain Passages of Every dayes Intelligence, from the Army, etc. Nos. 7 and 17, 1654, "A drummer wets this week brought to bed of a Son in the Liberty of the Tower,''' (see end of No. 7), 6 Nos. small 4to. 170 SEVENTH day's SALE. 2092 Tnvo Letters, London, May 5, 1647— The Moderate Intelli- gencer, impartially communicating Martial Affaires, {re- , . counts the intended escape of his Majesty), June 1-8, "^^ 1648 — Perfect Diurnall of Passages in relation to the Armies, contains a list, occupying (i pp., of the Delin- quents in the several Counties, whose lands and estates were 7nade forfeit to the Commomoealth for Treason, Nov. 1652, 3 Nos. small 4to. The foregoing 13 lots are all in the original uncut state as issued, and are very curious and interesting Specimens of the Periodica! Press of the CommonvFealth Period. /^^yi^^Z Monthly Mercuries, The General History of Europe, contained '^/ in the, from the commencement in 1688 to the end of ^ 1708, (wanting 1704), 8 vols, in 7, old calf4to. 1690-97 ^094 The British Apollo, or Curious Amusements for the Ingenious, :^/^ with Foreign and Domestick Occurrences, Nos. 1 to 1 1 7, . with the monthly and quarterly Supplements and Index, old calf, contains a great number of curious poems folio, 1708 ^^^^ 2095 The Examiner, or Remarks upon Papers and Occurrences, .^^ (Weekly), Vol. 1 complete, Vol. 2 to No. 47. In I vol. calf folio, 1710-11 ^^'2096 The Guardian, Nos. 1 to 175, old calf folio, 1713 ^_^/^097 The Ipswich Journal, or the Weekly Mercury, with the X freshest advices. Foreign and Domestic, from Nov. 19, 1720, to Aug. 1721. In 1 vol. hf Id. folio y;;;:^ 2098 The London Journal (Weekly), various Nos. from 1720 to y^ 1722, 2 vols. . 4 to. 2100 Monthly Chronicle for the Years 1728, 1729, and 1730, being rVols. I to 3, 3 vols. Vol. 2 wants title 4 to. for Aaron Ward Each Vol. contains an account of nearly a thousand New Books, with Index, and an Appendix of curious Trials, and Historical Pieces, and Documents, including important and interesting Papers relating to the American Colonies, Treaties with the Lidians, Original Letters frnm America, Speeches of the Governors, etc. /c^ 2101 The Weekly Miscellany, by Richd. Hooker of the Temple, \/^ Esq. from Aug. 9, 1735, to the end of 1736, bds. folio 2102 The Daily Gazetteer from the commencement in June 1735 to <^^y^ Jan. 1 737, also for 1 739 and part of ! 738 and 40, 2 vols, / hf. hd. uncut folio 2103 The Reading Mercury and Oxford Journal from 1735 to 1737 ^^^ — Jacks'ui's Oxford Journal for 1799 — Reading Mercury for 1 799, in 2 vols. hf. hd. folio SEVENTH day's SALE. l/l 2104 The. London ami Country Journal, with the History of the Old and New Testament from No. 4, June 1739 to Dec. 1742. In 1 vol. 410. The Theological part of this Title seems to have been a catch-penny, nothing appearing in the papers to justify it. 105 The Gagetteer and London Daily Advertiser foe 1756, and for about G months, each of 1759, tiO, and 6r>, 5 vols, hf. bd. folio '2IU6 Lloyd's Evening Post and British Clironicle, Vols. 1 and 2, from July 17.")7, to June 1758, 2 vols. hf. bd. 4to. 2107 The London Chronicle, or Universal Evening Post, from the ^ commencement in 1757 to 1 /f^fi, wanting 22 interme- ^/^^-^^ diate volumes, (chiefly between 1785 and 1793\ 48 vols. 10 neatly haif bound, the remainder hf. bd. uncut 4 to., sold by J. Wilkie, at the Bible in St. Pauls Churchyard A most extensive and interesting series passing through an important period of our relations with Ameiica, and con- taining a vast number of original articles in reference to the Colonies, also curious original poetry, auecdotea, jests, musical and dramatic intelligence, advertisements, etc. 2108 The Ipswich Journal (Weekly), for part of 7 years (1745- ^ y 1763), in I vol.— for 17C4to 63, (5 J^s.) 1 vol.— 1772-4 ""^^^^ (3 yrs.) 1 vol.— 1778-80, 1 vol. — 1781-5, 1 vol.— 1797-9, ^ 1 vol. — 1811-12, 1 vol.— and 1816-19, 1 vol.— together for nearly 30 years, 24 of which are quite complete, in 8 vols. folio ^^^>2109 The Chelmsford Chronicle (Weekly), for 1/68-70, 1783-5, """^^ 1786-8, and for part of 1775 and 1776, nearly 11 years in 5 vols. hf. bd. folio 21 10 The North Briton, No. 1 to 46, second edition, 1771, with Ap- _,^,^~/^ pendix, (pp. 132) relating to the prosecution of Mr.Wilks / — The North Briton, continued Nos. 1 to 171, with ori- ginal copies of 45 and 4 6, and some papers at end in- serted, 1769-71 — An Extraordinary Nocth Briton, Nos. 1 to 91, 1768-70 — The Wliisperer and the Whisperer - Extraordinary, Nos. 1 to 71, 1770-71 — together 5 vols., in 4, neatly half bound, a complete and very scarce coLi.ncTioN folio ^ ^ 2\\\ The York Chronicle and Weekly Advertiser from No. 1, Dec. 1772 to end of 1773, hf. bd. 4to. *»^ •2111*The Morning Post for 1785, 1786, 1788, 1789, 1791, 1794, X and 1795, 7 vols. bds. uncut folio ^ '2112 The Selector, or Say's Sunday Reporter, from 1803 to 1808, ; 3 vols. bds. uncut folio >^21 12*Beirs Weekly Messenger for nearlv 3 years, between June ^^ 1804, and July 1807, 2 vols, hf bd. folio ^^ 172 SEVENTH day's SALE. y^/ 2113 The Morning Post for the year 1815, with all the BuVetivs; / hf. bd, impl. 4 to. 2114 Nichols (John) Anfcdotks of the Eighteenth Ceutnry, 10 vols, in II — Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, 7 vols. ; together 18 vols, nu- merous 'portraits of Eminent Literary Personages 1 8 1 2-.'i8 15 Nicholls (Wm.) Commentary on the Common Prayer; Ad- ditional Notes and Supplement to the Commentary, In I vol. calf folio, 1611-12 2116 Nicholson's British Encyclopserlia, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, \50 plates, 6 vols, coif 1809 2^17 Nicolai (Eliud) Newe und WarhafFte Relation, von deme was sich in beederley, das ist, in den West- und Ost- Indien dasz sich die Navigationes der Holl-unnd Engellandischen Compagnien daselbstten angefangen abziisrhneiden 4to. Miinchen, 1619 2118 Nicolson (Wm.) Archdeacon of Brecon, Apology for the Dis- cipline of the Ancient Church, especially for that of our Mother the Church of England, ^weco^jy, rare 4to.l659 • Among other references to the Nevp England Divines he states that Robinson arrived at Plymouth, N.E., and established the Form of Church Government there, which John Cotton continued. 2119 Nisbet (Alex.) Essay on the Ancient and Modern Use of Armories, with an Index explaining the Terms of Blazon, ^ plates, 4to. calf Edinb. 1718 cJ^ 2120 Noble (Mark) Lives of the English Regicides, 2 vols, calf ^^ ' 179cS 121 Norden (John) Speculi Britannise Pars ; a Topographical and Historical Description of Cornwall, with a Map of the County and each Hundred, maps and plates, {coloured), calf 4to. 1728 ^^ 2122 North (Francis Dudley, Lord) a Forest Promiscuous of several y^ Seasons Productions, {iti prose and verse), calf, scarce f • folio, D. Pakeman, lfi.T9 2123 North-American and West-Indian Gazetteer, an Authentic Description of the Colonies and Islands in that part of the Globe, »2«/75 1778 ■^2124 North America, Murray's Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in, map, 2 vols. 1829 2125 Northampton. Ford (S.) Carmen Funebre, ex occasione Northamptonre Conflagratae compositum, H. Brome, 1676; Letter from a Gentleman at Newmarket, giving, an Account of the Dieadful Kire there, 1683, (i^Ae last a broadside) 4 to. 2126 Northbrooke (.fohn) of liristotce, A Brecfe and Pithie Summe (if the (Miristian Faith, made in Fcrmp of a Confession, >-■ hlacU letter, fhw clean copy, by John C/iarlcirood l.)82 / SEVENTH day's SALE. 1/3 Si 27 Norttimore (Thomas) Washington, or Liberty Restored ; a Poem, in Ten Books Lond. 1809 128 North-West Passage, Account of a Voyage for the Discovery of a, by Hudson's Streights to the Western and Southern Ocean of America, in 1746-7, in the Ship Cahfornia, by the Clerk of the California, 2 vols, maps and cuts, \ 74S-9 Norton fJohn) of Ipswich, N.E. The Orthodox Evangelist, preface by Cotton, very fine copy in the original calf 4to. 1654 Norton. The Heart of New England rent at the Blasphe- mies of the present Generation, with the Appendix of " flatter coming from Neip England since the Book was printed" .^.'T' ■ a ' -: 16G() *^131 Norton, The Covenant of Nature made with Adam described, y^^ and cleared from sundry great Mistakes, by Wm. y^ _ / 1/ Pynchon, in Answer to Norton's Treatise of Christ's Sufferings, very R\RE,fitie copy 4to. 1662 2134J Nostradamus (Michael) The True Prophecies or Prognostica- tions of, a Work full of Curiosity and Learning, fine ^z:!?-'/ frontispiece with 3 portraits folio, 1 672 This copy has been the property of the family of " Farthing " of Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset, and contains an early MS. prophecy in reference to them, which recent cir- cumstances have fulfilled. 2133 Nova Scotia. Memorials of the English and French Com- missaries concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia and St. Lucia, large map, 2 vols. 4to. London, printed in the year 1755 ;^ ^ 2134 Nova Scotia. The State of Trade in the Northern Colonies considered, with an Account of their produce, and a particular Description of Nova Scotia, uncut 1748 y^/ 2135 Nova Scotia. The Conduct of the French, with regard to V*^ Nova Scotia, from its first settlement to the present time 1754 -'v^ 2136 Nova Scotia. A Fair Representation of H. M's. Right to ^ Nova-Scotia or Acadie 175& 2137 Novelist's Magazine (Harrison's) containing Novels and ^^^ _^ Tales by De Foe, Fielding, Smollett, Richardson, Sterne, V'-'''^/ and other celebrated Authors, 22 vols. — British Classics, / 8 vols, illustrated with numei'ous engravings by Heath, from designs by Stothard, Dodd, etc. fine impressions, together 30 vols, fine copy, calf, uniform 178U, etc. ^_^ 2138 None (Lord de la) Politicke and Military Discourses, with J> ^ Observations on the late Civill Warres of France, trans- '''' lated by E. A. black letter 4to. 1587 _^ 2139 Noue. La Vie de Fran^-ois Seigneur de la Noue, dit Brasde- '^^ Fer; par M. M. Amirault, calf 4to. d. Leide, 1061 1/4 SEVENTH day's SALE. 140 Nowell (Alex ) The Reproofe of M. Dorman, liis proufe of certaine Articles in Religion, etc, with a Defence of the Authority of Christian Princes, etc. l)Inch letter, y7we copy 4 to. Henry Wykes, 156G 2141 Nowell (Alex.) A True Report of the Disputation, or rather y^ / private Conference had in the Tower of London, with Ed. /y Campion, Jesuite, the last of Aug. 1.581, blarfe letter, ^ hlue morocco, gilt edges by Riviere, Jine copy, pith auto- graph of John Godolphyn ,■' -4to. 1583 Nugent (Tho.) Travels through Germany- containing Observa- tions on the Customs, Manners, Arts, Antiquities, etc. with a particular Account of the Court of Mecklenburgh, numerous plates hy Simpson, 2 vols, bright old crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, very fine copy 1/68 2143 Nuptial Elegies, to whicli is added War, an ode, by Ab. ■^ ^r Porta], presentation copy '■'from the author to Thomas Hodges, Esq.," ivith an Autograph Manuscript Poem ; " Stanzas addressed to ony Muses,^' by the same author, calf, vignette 4to. 1/75 2144 O'Brazeel. The Western Wonder, an Inchanted Island dis- 'J-y^ covered, with a Relation of Two Shipwrecks ; also a Description of a place called Montecapernia, curious frontispiece, rare 4to. 1674 -2445— Observations Literary, Moral, and Religious, by a Gentleman who resided some time in Philadelphia Philadelphia, 1774 2146 Officium Beatse Marise Virginis, pi'inted in red and black with woodcuts, pigskin, gilt edges, fine copy Venetiis, 1 785 2147 Office of the B. V. Mary in English, with Vespers in Lat. and Eng. ; also the Compline, Rosary, Hymns, Prayers, Dies Iree, etc. all in Latin and ¥ju^\s\i, frontispiece, fme copy Meighan, 1 720 2148 Ogden (James) The British Lion Rpus'd ; or Acts of the Bri- /^^y^ tish Worthies, a Poem in Nine Books, unmentioned by Lowndes ; relates chiefly to the War with the French in America, calf gilt Manchester, 1762 2149 Ogden (Uzal) of Newark, New Jersey, Antidote to Deism in Answer to Tom Paine, Vol. 2 Newark, N.E. 1795 2150 Ogilby (John) America; being an accurate Description of y/^' the New World, maps and plates, a few wanting, calf ^ folio, 1671 2151 Ogilby (John) Britannia; or the Kingdom of Eni;land and Dominion of Wales actually Survey'd ; with a Geo- graphical and Historical Description of the Principal Roads, explained by one hundred maps on copperplates, with a draught of the several cities, towns, churches, houses, etc. folio, 1698 ^^ SEVENTH DAy's^SALE. 1 To '2\52 Okely (Francis) Dawnings of the Everlasting Gospel Light, glimmering out of a Private Heart's Epistolary Corres- pondence Northampton, 1/75 153 Old England ; A Pictoriiii Musenm of Regal, Ecclesiastical, Baronial, Municipal, and Popular Antiquities, 24 coloured plates, and manij hundred woodculs, 2 vols, half calf gilt folio, C. Knight, 1845 . 2154 [Oldmixon.] The British Empire in Americ*, containing the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and State of the British Colonies in America, 2 vols, maps 1/4 I ^/2155 Oliphant (Thos.) La Musa Madrigalesca ; or a Collection of ^ Madrigals, Ballets, Roundelays, etc. of the Elizabethan Age, with remarks and annotations 1837 ' 2156 Oliver (W.) Dissertation on the Baih Waters ; with a Relation of an extraordinary sleepy Person atTinshury, 1719 ; Dr. Pierce's Bath Memoirs ; or Observations on Cures wrought there during three and forty years practice Bristol, 1697 i/ 0. (R.) Man's Mortalitie ; or a Treatise wherein 'tis proved that Man is a compound wholly mortall, contrary to the ,, common distinction of Soule and Bodie ; that the present ^. going of the Soule into Heaven or Hell is a meer Fiction ; ry f*^ and that at the Resurrection is the beginning of our Ira- f 'v-^ mortality, and then actual Condemnation and Salvation, and not before 't • 4to. Amst. hy Jno. Cauxe, 1643 2158 Oracles. Sibylina Oracula, ex Vett. Codd. aucta, renovata et notis \\\\\?,Uii{a, plates, beautifully engraved ; Oracula- Magica Zoroastris, cum scholiis, nunc primum edite ; Oracula-Metrica Jovis, Apollinis, Hecatis, Serapidis Deo- rum ac Vatum, tarn virorum quam feminarum, (a Jo. Opso|)ces edita), in 1 vol. vellum Paris, 1707 2159 Oradini (M. Lucio) Due Lezzioni di, lette publicamente nell' Accademia Fiorentina, crimson morocco, gilt edges la Fiorenza, 1550 !160 Order of the Bath (Statutes of the), under the authority of George IVth, 1840 — The same, under the authority of Victoiia, with seal, 1848, 2 vols, in I, crimson morocco, gilt edges 4 to. 1840-48 2161 Oriental Anecdotes, or the History of Haroun Alraschid, 2 vols, calf, fine copy 1764 2162 Ortelius. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum : The Theatre of the whole World, set fcrth by that excellent geographer, Abraham Ortelius, with historical descriptions of the various countries, his Life by Sweert, and an Epistle of Humfrey Lloyd, of Denbigh, to A. Ortel, learnedly dis- coursing of the island Mona, the ancient seat of the Druides ; translated and printed by John Norton, por- trait, frontispiece, and about Z^Qi finely engraved folding maps and plates, calf gilt royal folio, Lund. 1606 2163 Os»ian, Poems of, translated by J. Macpherson, 3 vols, calf gilt 1796 17G SEVENTH day's SALE. ^ v;'J^164 Otis (James) The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and- /^^ ■ Proved Almon, [1 76.';] 2165 Ottens (Christophe) Hermann oder das befreyte Deutschlaiid, ^i:^/ ein Heldengedicht, numerous plat es by Crusius and Wer- / nerin, heautifuJly engraved by Sysang Leipzig, 1 753 ./2\%G Otway (The.) Works, consisting of Plays, Poems, and Love "^ heiiers,,Jine 2^ortrait, 2 -vo]?.. calf 1/12 2167 OvAGLiE (Alonso d') Historica Relatione del Regno di Cile, ^/^ / map, cuts, and curious plates, of the Native Customs, X'y Games, Prodigies, Miracles, etc. calf, rare folio, in Roma, 1046 2i 68 Ovid's Metamorphoses in Fifteen Books, translated by Eminent ^y^^y^ Hands, jo/«V morocco, gilt edges 1716 ^' SEVENTH day's SALE. 1.79 '2204 Parterre (The) of Fiction, Poetry, History, Literature, aud the y ^ Fine Arts, with 1 1-4 wood engravings, hi) S. JVilUams, A vols, half calf gilt, marh. edges 1834-6 The Engravings in this work are of a uniform and very superior character. The above are fineimpeessions. 2205 Partridge (John) Second Part of Meue Tekel, [predictions for "I 089], uncut 4to. 1689 f?y, 2206 Paschal, Life of, with his Letters relating to the Jesuits, trans- ^^' lated by W. A. 2 vols, calf, portrait 1744 y> /2207 Patten (Rev. R. ) History of the late Kebellion, with Original "^y Papers, etc. caff 1717 2208 Pedestrian and other Reminiscences at Home and Abroad, by ^ >^ Sylvanus, 184(5 — Two French Artists in Spain, 1851 — X Snatches from Oblivion, by Piers Shafton, plates, all half bound calf 1827 ^y^^2Qd Pegge (Dr. S.) Auonymiana : or. Ten Centuries of Observa- y^ tions on various Authors and Subjects, icith Index, calf 1809 J22\Q Peiresk, The ]Mirronr of True Nobility and Gentility, being the ^ Life of Nicolaus Fabricius, Lord of VQixenk, fne portrait by Gayioood.calf 1657 2211 Pellatt (Henry) Sprees of the Hall, of Casualty, a Poem in '^^-^-^^^ Four Cantos ; Finale, a la Byron, a Fragment, very scarce London, printed for limited donation, 1823 2212 Pellico (S.) Le mie Prigiooi, portrait, 1846— Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi Firenze, 1845 y^v^213 Peltier (M.) Paris, pendant I'Annee, i;95-1802, 35 vols, half /^ hound 1795-1802 ^^ 2214 Pemble (\Vm.) a Briefe Introduction to Geography 4to. 1685 , 2215 Penn. The Peoples Ancient Liberties asserted in the Tryal <=^/^ of Wm. Penn and Wm. Mead, uncut 4to. Printed in the year 1670 '^^'^216 Penn (W.) The Christian-Quaker, and his Divine Testimony stated and Vindicated, _/fr5^ edition 1699 2217 Pennington (S.) Letters on different Subjects, including the Adventures of Alphonso, 4 vols, old crimson morocco, gilt edges, fne cojjy, with the fdloiving autograj)hs in each vol. ^\for Lady Thomas,'' and underneath in another hand, " Bettina Webster, 1781" London, 1767 2218 Pennsylvania. An Account of the Great Divisions amongst the Quakers in Pensilvania, uncut, 1692 — Some of the Quaker's Principles and Doctrines, Laws and Orders, etc. uncut, 1693 4t(>. 2 Tracts A^^220 Pennnsylvania. A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1755 — An Answer to an invidious pamphlet, intituled, a Brief State of tlie Province of Penn>ylvania 1755 yy 2221 Pennsylvania. A Short Introduction to Latin Grammar, for /^ the use of the Univensty of Pennsvlvauia in Pbiladclplij^ Alexandria, 18,>^ ^ Vc 180 SEVENTH day's SALE. ^ 2222 Percival (Capt. K.) Account of the Cape of Good Hope, the "^y^ Manners and Customs of its Inhabitants, etc. hds. '^ 4to. 1804 2223 Percy Anecdotes, Original and Select, by Sholto and Reuben -J'v ^'' Percy, 40 portraits, 20 vols. — The Percy Histories, Lon- ' don, map and plates, 3 vols. — together 23 sols, uniformly half bound, calf gilt 1823-4 ?224 Perrier (F.) Icones et Segmenta illustrium e Marmore Tabu- y/y^ larum quae Ronase adhuc extaiit, '^0 plates, vellum / folio, RotncB, 1645 Sir Joshua Reynolds' copy, see MS. note in the cover. //222^ Peter the Great. History of the Life and Actions of Peter Alexowitz, the Czar of Muscovy, calf 1/23 2226 Peter I., Emperor of Russia, History of the Life of, by John Mottley, 3 vols, calf, maps and plates 1740 x,^ 2227 Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, portraits of celebrities and / vignettes, 3 vols, in I, half calf gilt Edinb. 18 i 9 /'^>^2228 Petrarch's Sonnets and Odes, with the Original Text, and %/^^ some Account of his Life, 1777 — Extracts from the Works of the Italian Poets, with translations, 1798 — Dante, Divina CommeiW?^, frontispiece, 1827 3 vols. /iV 2,229 Petronj and Daveoport, A Nevi^ Dictionary, Italian-English, / French-English, Italian-French, and French- Italian-Eng- ^' lish, 3 vols. co/J^zV^ 1824 ^y 2230 Phantasmagoria: or Sketches of Life and Literature, by M. /yf^ J. i. dedicated to Wordsworth, in lines of much beauty and feeling, 2 vols, half calf gilt 1825 ^ 2231 Philadelphia. Addresses of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of National Industry Philadelphia, \d\9 j2233 Philadelphia. A Catalogue of the Books belonging to tl)e f/-^ Library Company of Philadelphia, with a short Account of the Institution, 2 sols. bds. uncut, presentation copy to the Rev. Charles Simeon to\h\ 8vo. Fhiladelphia,\835 ^ 2233 Philips (Edward) The New World' of Words; or Universal y^ Dictionary, 6th ed. enlarged, calf, engraved front . with portraits folio, 1706 ^ ,y2234 Philips (Henry) Floral Emblems, 20 coloured plates, 1825 — '" Le Language des FJcurs, par Madame Latour, coloured plates, calf Paris 2235 Phillips (lleniy) The Companion to the Orchard ; an Histori- ^ cal Account of Fruits known iu Great Britain — Flora Historica ; the Three Seasons, or the British Parterre Hist(/rically and Botatiically treated, 2 vols. — Floral Emblems, 20 plates, in all 4 vols. 1825-34 ?236 Philips (John) Works with lAh,port.fne copy, Tonson, 1720 — Armstrong's Art of Treserving the Health, ^;^fl^e* hy Stothard 1>03 / y. SEVENTH day's SALE. 181 2237 Phiiippes (Henry) The Sea-Mans Kalender ; or Ephemerides // of the Sun, Moon, and notable Fixed Stars, 1674; The ^'^ Seaman's Practice, with the Method of keeping a Reckon- ing, finding Currents, etc. by R. Norwood, calf Aio.for Benj. Hurlock on London Bridge, 1672 2238 Phillips. Apilogy for the Conduct of Mrs. Teresia Con- stantia Phillips, autograph of Mrs. Phillips in each vol. calf (jilt, scarce, 3 vols. 1749 / 2239 Phillipson (Caroline G.) Lonely Hours, Poems by, port. Moxon, 1856 — Melancholy Hours, a Collection of Mis- cellaneous Poems, 2 vols. 1816 / 2240 Philosophy in Sport made Science in Earnest, woodcuts, 3 vols, best edition 1827 ^ 2241 Philosophy of Nature; or the Influence of Scenery on the Mind and Heart, 2 vols. 1813 f- 22-12 Phipps (C. J.) Voyage towards the North Pole, undertaken by his Majesty's command, 1 773, /)/rt^e« 4 to. 1774 2213 Phthisiologia, a Poem with Phisio-Medical Observations and Admonitions 1 798 y 2244 Pickering (C.) The Races of Man, and their Geographical ^ Distribution, plates, 1853 — Outlines of Comparative Physiology, by L. Agassiz, and A. A. Gould, cuts 1851 / 2245 Pictorial Gallery of Arts, upwards of two thousand woodcuts and coloured plates, 2 vols, cloth gilt folio, Knight 2246 Pictorial Half-Hours, edited by Charles Knight, numerous woodcuts, 4 vols, in 2, cloth 4to. 1852 2247 Pike (Major Z. M.) Exploratory Travels through the Western /^ Territories of North America, comprising a Voyage to the Source of the Mississippi, and through Louisiana and New Spain, maps 4to. 1811 Pilkington (M.) General Dictionary of Painters, containing Memoirs of the Lives and Works of the most eminent Painters from 1260 to the present time, portrait, 2 vols. 1824 249 Pinkerton (John) A General Collection of the best and most interesting Voyages and Travels in Europe, digested on a new plan, many plates, 6 vols. 4to. 1808-9 2250 Pinkerton. A General Collection of the best and most interest- ing Voyages and Travels in Asia, many plates, 4 vols. 4to. 1811 2251 Pinkerton. A General Collection of the best and most in- y teresting Voyages and Travels in various parts of the Asiatic Islands and America, numerous plates, 4 vols. half bound, calf gilt, uncut 1819 2252 Piozzi (Hester Lynch) British Synonymy; an Attempt at regulating the Choice of Words, in familiar Conversation, 2 vols. 1794 182 EIGHTH BAY^S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. 2253 Pisonis (Giil.) Indise utriusque Re Natarali et Metlica, y^^ engraved title, and many hundred curious woodcuts / illustrative of Natural History and Sotany, calf folio, 1656 /2254 Pittman (Capt. Philip) Present State of the European Set- V^ tlenients on the Missisippi, illustrated by ]jlans and draughts, uncut 4to. 1770 2255 Placidus de Titus. A Collection of Thirty remarkable Nativi- ties, including that of Oliver Cromwell, revised by Mr. ^My , Z2 plates, calf 1789 2256 Plan for a Free Community upon the Coast of Africa, under the Protection of Great Britain, but entirely independent of all European Laws and Governments, (and founded only on an orderly Conjugal Life between the two Sexes,) •with an Invitation to all persons desirous of partaking the Benefits thereof " cum Notis quibusdam Scribleri,^' half bound 4to. 1789 A very remarkable Swedenborgian book, with some clever MS. Notes. The book is signed by four associates, one being " Colborn Barrell, from America." Of this man, a native of Boston, N.E., the notes give a very curious account. 2258 Plantations. Considerations Touching the New Contract for Tobacco, as the same hath beeiie propounded by Maister Ditchfield, and other undertakers, half bound, crirmon morocco -Ito. Printed 1G25 An interesting tract relating entirely to the rights and inte- rests of the Virginian and Sommer Island Plantations. , . 2259 Plantations (Groans of the), a True Account of their Sufferings / ' by the Heavy Impositions upon Sugar, etc. particularly the Island of Barbados 4to. 1689 2260 riantations. Petition of the Proprietors of Plantations in the ,;^^ Islands of St. Nevis and St. Chri'^tophers — Case of Ditto, ^' two broadsides (1706) y^/ fA Plumtree (Ann) Narrative of a Residence in Irelatid, 1^14-15, /with engravings of the Giant's Causeway and other re- markable scenery, portrait 4to. 1817 y,.^-j/5266 Plutarch, Tlie Philosophy, commonly called the Morals of, yy' translated by P. Holland, calf fine copy folio, 1657 'Y 2267 Plutarch's Morals, translated. 5 vols, culf 1704 2268 Poe's Tales and Sketches, half bound, 1852— The Incas, by Marmontel, 2 vols, in 1, half bound, 1856 — Moore's Zeluco, 2 vols. Chiswic/c, 1822 — Man in the Moon, ^?a^e*. Vol. I. y/ 2269 Poems, Moral and Divine, by an American Gentleman, with some account of the author 4to. 1756 y^2270 Poems. New Foundling Hospital for Wit, a Collection of / Fugitive Pieces in Prose and Verse, 6 vols. hf. bd. 1784 2271 Poems in the Scottish Dialect both Humourous and Enter- / y^ taining, by Thos. Donaldson, weaver, cuts by Bewick, AlnivicJi, 1809 — Poems in the Scottish Dialect, by Jos. Thompson, v:eaver, portrait Edinb. 1801 2272 Poetarum Scotorum Musse Sacrse, contains poems and para- phrases by Johnston, Kerr, and Bode, edited by Win. Lauder, portrait Edin. 1739 ,2273 Poetry. The Willow, consisting of Original and Select ^ Poetry, chiefly pathetic, privately printed, 1832 — ^ The Fancy, Selection from the Poetical Remains of the late Peter Corcoran, of Grays Inn, London, 1820 2 vols. . ■ 2274 Pointis (Sieur) Account of the Taking of Carthageua by the "y French, in 16^7, ?«'//> 1698 ' ^^2275 Poitevin. Petits Poetes Frangais, depuis Malherbe, avec des /x"- Notices Biographiques et Litteraire.=, 2 vols, half calf, ^ marb. edges impl, 8vo. 1841 yy 2276 Pollock (Robert) Life of, by his Brother, with Selections from /. hisMSS.;jo?-/;-a?Y 1843 ' 2277 Polwhele (Rev. R.) The History of Cornwall, Civil, Military, "'^ Religious, etc. 7 vols, in 6, boards, uncut, map, jjlates, and tables 4to. 1806 2278 Polyglott. Preces Sancti Nursetis Clajensis Armeniorum j^/- Patriarchse viginti-quatnor linguis Editae, portrait, russia, / gilt edges Venetiis, in Insula S. Lasari, 1837 ^ ^/ 184 EIGHTH day's SALE. 2279 Pontanus (Jo. Jovianus) de Meteoris, cura Interpretationeriti Amerbachii Argent. 1539 2280 Poole (Jos.) 'I'he English Parnassus ; or a Helpe to English Poesie, /ro/i^. 1667 — The Works of Abraham Cowley, /)or/. 1681 2281 Pope (Alexander) Works of, with Commentary and Notes by Warburton, 9 vols, calf, flat es, fine copy 17»7 2282 Pope, Life of, with Critical Observations on his Works, by W. Ayre, portraits, 2 vols, bright calf gilt 1745 2283 Pope's Poetical Works, including his Translation of Homer, with Life by Johnson, ^o?-^. Philadelphia, lci39 y/ 2284 Pope. The Dunciad, second edition, /row^. 1729 — Marmion ^ travestied; a Tale of Modern Times, by Peter Pry 1809 ^/ 2285 Pope Clement XI. The Constitution of, uncut Rome, Printing House of the Camera Apostolica, 1/13 2286 Popes. A Satyrical Account of the Lives of the, from ISt. Peter to Clement XL cff//" 1737 'ophara (Edvardus) lUustrium Virornm Elogia Sepulchralia, . ," THICK PAPER, frontispiece, old crimxon morocco, richly L-'Xj tooled at back and sides, gilt edges, fine copy, a choice y specimen of binding Lond. 1778 ,x2288 Porta (J. B.) Natural Magick, in XX Books, engraved titleby Gaywood, containing portrait of the author, and cuts, calf gilt, fine copy folio, 1658 •^ 2289 The Portfolio ; containing Essays, Letters, and Narratives, ^ 2 \o\s. half calf, marbled edges 1814 2290 Portlock and Uixon. A Voyage round the World, but more < .>V\ particularly to the North-West Coast of America, ^or/r«eV, ^/ folding map, and jjlates, 1789 ; A Narrative of Four Journeys into the Country of the Hottentots and CaflF- raria, by Lieut. W. Paterson, map and plates, 1789. In 1 vol. half bound y 229\ Ports, Harbours, Watering- Places, and Picturesque Scenery of ^<^/ Great Britain, a series q/ 140 views by Bartlett, engraved by Fi?iden, etc. complete in 36 parts 4to. 2292 Potts (Thomas) The WonderfvU Discoverie of Witches in the Covnty of Lancaster, with the Arraignment and Triall of j:^_Jyr Nineteene notorious Witches, Aug. 17th, 1612, and the y Triall and Execution of Jennet Preston, for the Murtber of Master Lister by Witchcraft, half calf a7itique, wood- cut, RARE 4to. 1613 2293 Pownall (Governor) Treatise on the Study of Antiquities as ^y the Commentary to Historical Learning; (on the Ele- y^ ments of Speech ; Origin of Written Language, picture / and hieroglyphic-writing), etc. plates of hieroglyphics, etc. unc2tt 1 782 ,y 2291 Pradt (M. de) The Colonies and the Present American Revolu- y tions 1817 EIGHTH day's SALE. 18.1 229J Pratt (S. J.) Gleanings in England, Wales, Holland, and y^y" Westphalia, with Humanity, a Poem, 6 vols. — Harvest ^/V Home, consisting of Supplementary Gleanings, Dramas, Poems, etc. 3 vols. /«e ^or^raiY. Together 9 vols, very FINE COPY, mottled calf extra, borders of (jold oil the sides, and viurbled edi/es 1802-5 ^!)6 Pratz (Le Page du) Histoire de la Louisiane, contenant la decouverte de ce vaste Pays ; deux Voyages dans le" Nord dn Nouveau Mexique, maps and plates, 3 vols, calf gilt, fine copy Paris, 17n8 rayers for the Sabbath, the Beginning of the Year, and the Day of Atonements, with the Am.dah, and Mnsaph of the Moadim, or Solemn Seasons, according to the Order of ~f the Spanish -and Portuguese Jews, translated by Isaac ,• j' Pinto / 4[o. by John Holt in New York, 5526 S^Prayers for Every Day in Lent, calf Printed in the year 1702 '^^^^^-^l^y^^redesti nation and Justification, An Historical Narration of the Ivdgement of some most learned and Godly English ^/ ^j ^ / Bishops, Holy Martyrs, and others, concerning God's ^ C^y^'^' Election, and the merit of Christ his death, uncut, from y y the Library of Bp. Patrick 4to. for S. Nealand, 1631 Interleaved, and with many corrections and additions, ap- parently by the author's hand. The name at the end of the preface is J. ^ , of Ailward. t^y^ 2300 Present State of Great Britain and North America impartially A considered, (by W. Mitchell), pp. ^63, fine copy 17fi7 2301 Pretender. A I3rief discovery of the True Mother of the . pretended Prince of Wales, known by the name of Mary ^V/ Grey, by W. Fuller, 1696 ; Stemma Sacrum, the Pioyall / Progeny delineated, by G. Fleming, IfiGU; Mr. Fuller's . ''' Appeal to both Houses of Parliament, 1697; A Plain Proof of the True Father and Mother of the pretended Prince of Wales, by W. Fuller, 1700; A Trip to Ham- shire and Flanders, discovering the Vde Intrigues of the Priests and Jesuits, by W. Fuller, 1701 ; A Full Demon- stration that the pretended Prince of Wales was the Son of Mary Grev, by W. Fuller, 1702; Remarks on Fuller's " Full Demonstration," 1702; Mr. W. Fuller's Trip to Bridewell, 1703; The Life of William Fuller, two parts, 1/01; Seasonable Queries relating to the Birthright of a certain Person, 17N. In 1 vol. half bound, a very scarce and curious collection y, 2302 [Price (H.)] Poems on several Subjects, by a Land-Waiter in the Port of Poole, front. London, T. Astley, 1741 2303 Price (J .) Historical Account of Hereford, plates Hereford, \1^6 .^,2304 Prichard (Rees) of Landovery, The Morning Star, or Divine ^"^^ Poems, translated into English Verse by W. Evans, uncut Merthyr Tydfil, \8\ 5 2 A ^ ISfi EIGHTH day's SALE. 2305 Priscianus Ephebus, a facile and sure way of translating Eng- lish into Latin or Latin into English, engraved frontig- piece, Land. 1669 — A Treatise of English Particles, and how to render them into Latine with Propriety and Elegancy, by W. Walker, engraved froniispiece 1695 2306 Prodigies and Miracles, (A Critical and Philosophical En- quiry into the Causes of), as related by Historians 1/27 " I never saw another copy, S, Parr, ex Libris, Dr. Anth. Askew." — MS. note. Prynne (William) An Extraordinary Collection OF THE Works of this Learned and Powerful, Writer, consisting of about One Hundred and Sixty Pieces, including some Answers by Burton and others, with seven portraits, uniformly bound in 35 vols. calf gilt, with printed titles to each volume 4 to. 1626-68 List of the Contents. Ynl. 1. Antipathie of Lordly Prelacie, Parts I. and II. Vol. 2. Mont Orgueil, or Divine Meditations, port, tide ruled, 1641 — The Prelate's Tyranny, port, nj Laud, 1641 — Speeches in the Star Cbaaiber, vorts. of Prynne, Baitwick, and Burton, 1641 — Pleasant Purge for a Roman Catbolicke, in verse, 1642 Vol. 3. Answer of John Bastwicke, 1637 — Letany of John Bastwicke, 1637 — Breviatt of the Prelate's Tyranny, third edition, 1637 — Instructions for Churchwardens, w. d. — Laud's Speech in the Star Chamber, 1637 — Petitions of Bastwicke, Burton, and Prynne, 1641 — Bastwick's De- claration against Maliguants, 1643— Concordia Discours, 1659 Vol. 4. Speeches in the Starre Chamber, 1637 — Case of Ship Money, 1640 — Mont Orgueil, etc. {second copy) port. 1641 — Comfortable Cordialls (in verse) written on the Walls of bis Chamber in the Tower of London, 1641— Oxford's Plea Refuted, 1647— Good Old Cause, 1659— Secluded Members' Case, 1660 — Mola Asinaria, 1659 Vol. 5. A Quench Coale, 1637 Vol. 6. Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanse.lGSO — Thomas Campanella's Spanish Monarchy, 1659-60— Lord's Day Sabbath, 1655 (2 Titles)— Rights of English Freemen, 1656 — Kiglits of Freemen, enlarf^ed (1656) Vol. 7. Historicall Vindication, Parts 1 and 2 {second edition) 1655 — Same, Part 3, 1657 Vol. 8. The Exact Recorder, 1659 Vol. 9. Regenerate Man's Estate, 1626 Vol. 10. Regenerate INIan's Estate, second edition, enlarged, 1627 Vol, 11. Answer to Prin's Full Re[ily, 1645 — Dr. Leitihton's Troubles, 1646 — Protest sent to J. M. Knight, 1648 — Irenarches Redivivus, 1648 — Memento to a Parliamentary Junto, 164H — V'indication of Secluded Members, 1649 — Prynne Reconciled to Prynne, 1649 — Collection of Ancient Parlianients, 1649 — Speech in the House of C. port. 1649 — Protestation against Hop Tax, 1654 — Demophilos, 1668 — Ear-Mark of Win. Prynne, 1649 — Apology for Ministers, 1659 — Ten Queries on lythes. 1659 Vol. 12. Answer of Accused Members, 1647 — Plea for the Lords, 1648 — Memento to an Unparliamentary Juncto, 1649 — Against Illegal Taxes, 1649 — Second Part of Vox Populi, 1642 — Gospel Plea — Gospel Plea, another edition, 1653 Vol. 13. Declaration of the Commons, 1643 — Col. Fiennes' Letter, 164.1 — Confession of Conspirators against Bristol, 1643 — Jus Palronaius, 1654 EIGHTH day's SALE. 187 Catalogue of Books by Pryiine, 1653 — Narrative ofPryniie and SecliiJeJ Members, 1659 — Vindication of Secluded Members, 1659 — Second Pirt of Gospel Plea, l6o9 — Apology for not Bowing, Kneeling, etc. 1662 Vol. 14. Prynne's Defence of Stage Plays, 1649 — Quakers Unmasked, 1655 — Resolution of Quaeres, 1656 — Second Part of a Short Demurrer, 1656 Subjection of all Traytors, 1658 — Warrant for not liowing, Kneeling, etc. 1660 — Arguments against Bowing, etc. 1660 — Theological and Legal Quires, 1060 — Narrative of Members Secluded, 1060 — V^indi- cation of Christian Kings, 1668 — Welch Leviretossed ina lilanknt, i69~l Vol. 15. Censure of Mr. Cozens his Devotions, 162S — Church of Euglarid'a Old Antithesis, 1629— God no Impostor, 1630 — Quaeres to the Bowers, 1636 — Lord Bishops none of the Lord's Bishops, 1640 — Motion oa Booke of Common Prayer, 1041 — Declaration of Lords and Cornmoiis on the Commission of Array, 1642 — Proclamation of Charles I. on Ditto, 1642 Vol. 16 Lame Giles Widdowes, 1630 — Relation of the Beginning of iiowing — The Unbishoping of Timothy and Titus, 1636 — Arraignment of Mr. Persecution, 1645-^ Levellers Levelled, 1647 —Queries on Sove- raigne Power of Parliaments, 1647 — Justification of Accused Members, 1647 — Peiidennis, or Military A|)borisms, 1657 — Dr. John Hewitt's Ghost, 1659— Re- Publicans Good Old Cause, 1659— Vindication of Christian Kings, 1660 Vol. 17. Plea for the Lords, 1658 Vol. 18. Anti-Armmhnisme, second edit ion, 1630 Vol. 19. Regenerate Man's Estate, third edition, 1627 Vol. 20. Plea for the Lords, 1675 Vol. 21. Dissertation of the Lord's Day Sabbath, 1655 — Vindication of the Holy Communion, 1656 — Discovery of Romish Lraissaries, 1656 — Dis- covery of Romish Emissaries, 1656 — Demophilus, of the People's Liberty, 1658 — Unbishoping of Timothy and Titus, 1660 — Pacific Examination of the Common Prayer, 1661 Vol. 22. Loyalty of God's True Saints, Part 1, 1660, Part 2, 1660 Vol. 23—26. A Brief Register, Kalendar, and Survey of the several Kinds and Forms of Parliamentary Writs, in 4 vols. 1659, 60, 62, and 64 Vol. 27. Second Remonstrance concerning Commission of Array, 1642 — Vindication of Churches called Independent, 1644 — Fresh Discovery of some prodigious New- Wandring-Mlasing-Stars, etc. with Letters and Papers from the Sommer- Islands, 1645 — Short Demurrer to the Jewes Remitter into England, 1656 — King Richard the Third Reviv'd, 1657 — Minors no Senators, 1651 — King James, liis Judgment of a King and Tyrant— True Good Old Cause — Address of Manasseh Ben Israel, 1660 — Case of Excluded Members. 1660 Vol. 28. Antidote to Civill Warres, 1642 — Independency Examined, 1644 — Questions touching Church Government, 1644 — Falsities and P'orgeries, 1644 — Fallacies of \Vm. Prynne Discovered, 1644 — Moderate Apology against a Calumny, 1644 — Relation of the Prosecution of N.Fiennes, 1644 — Help to Discourse of Independency, 1644 — Full Reply to Questions on Church Government, 1644 — Another copy, 1644 — Sword of Christian Magistracy supported, 1647 Vol.29, Doome of (Jowardisze, 1643 — Vindication of Questions on Excom- munication, 1615 — Fresh Discovery of Biasing-Stars, second edition, with additional Letters, Papers, etc. from the Sommer-Islands, Declaration of the Governor, the Earl of Warwick, and Petition of the Planters, 1646 — Diotrephes Catechised, 1646 — Minors no Senators, 1646 — oagge for Long-Haired-Rattle- Meads, ieis«, 164*1 — Suspention Suspended, 1646 Vol. 30. Popish Ri.yal Favorite, 1643- Great Britain's Misery, 1643 — Re- monstrance ngainst Ship- Money. 1643 — Opening of the Great Seale, 1643 — Rome's Master|>iece, 1043 — Sword of Christian Magistracy, 1653 Vol.31. Treachi'ry and Dislovaliy nf Piipisis, scfo/((/ cd.tioH, e;//ii/i;<'(/, with the Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdouies, lour pans, 1643 188 EIGHTH DAY S SALE. Vol. .32. Sovernigne Power of Parliaments, etc. four parts, second ecUlwn, eU' li,rgevhepein the Music of our Cathedrals is vindicated ^,' l'(i6 -*58+^Berndge (John) Collection ot' Divine Songs, designed for the jj, • • *yr ^Religious Societies in Jhe Neighbourhood of Everton, fine, ^^^^^^' J, yi clean copy ^ ,, , '. London, printed in the yea?' 17G0 / aJ^ This collection, which really contains the First Edition of r< ' \ ^^ niany of his Hymns, is excessively rare, the author hav- -V ing bought up and destroyed every copy he could meet ■wii h, after his secession from the Methodists. '^-SSIQ, Berridge (John) Sioii's Songs, for them that Iqve and follow "^'-^ the Lord Jesus Christ, first edition ^'' 178.5 Brackenbury (R. C.) Hymns on the Principal Histories of the 0;d and JVew Testaments, and on the Parables, 1800 — Cruden (W.) of Loggie Pert, Divii.e Hymns, printed at Aberdeen, 17^1, aiid now revised by R. C. Brackenbury Brown (John) of Haddington, Psalms of David in Metre, with Notes, Translations and Paraphrases, 1812 — Cottle " (Jos.) Hymns and Sacred Lyrics, iii Three Parts I8-'8 Cennick (J.) Sacred Hymns for the Children of God, in the Days of their Pilgrimage. Three Parts, in 1 vol. (3 leaves MS.) ' 1741-2 2323 Chetham (J.) Book of Psalmody, with Chanting-Tunes, and y/ Fifteen Anthems, all in Four Parts, 1752 — Davenport's Psalm-Singer's Pocket Companion, with Chanting Tunes, Anthems, Hymns, etc. 1755 ^^^324 Childe (Wm.) Choise Musick to the Psalmes of David, for Z^^" Three Voices, with a contiuuall Base, either for the Organ }L.U^' or Theorbo, Three Parts, uncut, fine clean copy, very RARE ~ ' , --■ 2332 Fawcett (John) Hymns for Public Vl'orship and Private De- ^^ votion, Leeds, 1782 — Donald (R.) of IVohing, P^i^lnls of David on Christian Experience Guildford, lb lb 190 EIGHTH day's SALE. J^A^.Ji&BS'^enmck (Jas.)] The Psalter in its Original Form: or the /yv* // Book of Psalms reduced to Lines and Blank Verse, with Arguments and Notes 1759 ^orrest (Alex.) Eucharistical Psalmody, or Hymns and Spiri- tual Songs, caff 1754 233'5 Fowler (Henry) Original Hymns, (Vol. 2) — Sighs and Songs ^ y of a Pilgrim — Hawker's Paraclesis, iu 2 vols. 1839 — y?^^ Gadsby (W.) The Nazarene's Songs : a Composition of Original Hymns, \st edition, Manchester, 1814 — A Se- lection of Hymns by "W. Gadsby, 1844 4 vols. : 2336 Gibbons (Dr. Tho.) Hymns on Sacred Subjects, and Particu- a^y^ lar Occasions, calf, 1784 — Gibbons' Mourning Saint ^ among the Willows ; or Heavenly Music Regained with the Sinner's Tears, or Grace Triumphant, uncut 1785 2337 Green (Jas.) Book of Psalmody : containing Chanting-Tunes ^>^/^ and Reading-Paalms with Anthems, etc. in four parts, ^ ^^ ' 1751 — Chetham's Book of Psalmody, etc. 1752, in I vol. * ^__23S6 Hammond (Wm.) Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, j/u7/i ^«v a Preface on Faith, Assurance, and Sanctification 1740 y^y 2339 Haweis (Rev. T.) of Aldwinkle, Carmina Christo ; or Hymns '/ to the Saviour, blue morocco, gilt edges 1802 -2340^ Hare (Bp.) A New Translation of the Psalms, with Notes and f^^y a Dissertation, by Tho. Edwards, Camh. 1755 — Gflddp.»'g/ ^ik" 7 '^ New Translation of the Book of Psalms, with Notes !807 2341 Hart (Joseph) Hymns, etc. composed on various Subjects, with a Preface relating the Author's Experience, first edi- tion, very RAKE, facsimile title 1759 2342 Hart. Hymns, second edition, with & Urge SuTpphment, (pre- face omitted) 1762 y^)y^ 2343 Hart. Hymns, third edition, with the Author's Experience, / and the Supplement 1763 2344 Hart. Mymws., fourth edition, with the Author's Experience, Supplement, and Appendix 1765 In addition to the variations noted in the description of the / above first four editions, the admirers of these ^ celebrated Hymns will find that a remarkable alteration was made in the 5th verse of the 1st hymn, in the fourth edition. The text, as now printed, is professedly the same as left by the latter. 2345 Hymns for the Week and Hymns for the Seasons, Cleaver, ^y 1848 — Metrical Version of the Song of Solomon, and ""^^^ other Poems, by a late Graduate of Oxford, calf extra, marbled edges 1845 — 2^M6 Reach (Benjn.) The Breach Repaired in God's Worship, or ^/^ — ..^ Singing of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs proved ^ /^ to be an Holy Ordinance, etc. .1691/^^ - _-2347-Kennet (Basil) Pa'raplirase on the Psalms, in Enghsh Verse, yyf witii a FaniphrJkse.on the Third Chap, of Revelations, ^^ f/' 17U6— The'^ Psalms of Holy David, according to the li^ /" Trausiaiion used m theCommon Prayer-Book, with Notea^f"'^ •^ by John Johnson 1707 ^ EIGHTH day's SALE. 191 ,£^/^2M8"' ^ent (John) CoUectioji of Original Gospel Hymns, iirst / ^ EDITION, uncut Fhjmouth Dock, 1803 23 1^ Kent (John) Original Go>pel Hymns, 6th edition, 1826 — Hymns on various Passages of Scripture, by T. Kelly, Dub. 1H12 — Hymns and Spiritual Songs by J no. Frank- lin, 1823 3 vols. 2350 King (Edw.) Hymns to the Supreme Being, in imitation of ^y/^ the Eastern Songs, blue morocco, Benshy, 1/98 — A ^^^ Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship, blue morocco Calcutta, 1809 2351 Langley (J. H.) Sacred Hymns for the Children of God, as ^/ they Journey to their Rest above, London, 177G —Hymns y^ for Divine Worship, by R. Langford 1820 2352,.Knapp (Wm.) New Church Melody; a Set of Anthems, ^^ /^ Psalms, Hymns, etc. in four parts, io«(/o/i, n.d. — Sreeve y (John) Divine Music Scholar's Guide, being a choice Collection of Psalm-Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems \1A^ 2353 Leavitt (Joshua) The Christian Lyre ; Hymns and Tunes for y^ /y Social Worship, Prayer Meetings, and Revivals, with ■^/ :^ Supplement, 3 vols, in 1, New York, 1833 — Haslam's Divine Aspirations ; Pure, Spiritual and Powerful Hymns, many original, russia gilt ' 1824 -^ 2354 [Lowe, Edward] A Collection of Psalm Tunes, with a Thorough _^x^f--/^ Bass for the Harpsicord or Organ, with Hymns, >?^ Anthems, and Divine Songs \, , , , London, G. Keith A rare collection engraved on copperplates, and with an additioual MS. Index of Tunes. y/'l^bb Lutheran. Hymns for St. George's Lutheran Chapel — An- y thems, etc. as they are sung at St, George's Lutheran Chapel, 2 vols, in I 1774-6 2356 Mace (Thos.) Musick's Monument; or a Remembrancer of the best Practical Musick,both Divine and CW\\, portrait hy Faithorne, fine copy in the original calf folio, 1676 The first part shews "a necessity of singing Psalms well, in parochial churches, directing how they may be well sung," etc. Xjyf-2357 Madan's Collection of Psalms and Hymns, with Appendix, y^ fine copy, 17/1 — Scott (Thos.) Lyric Poems, Devotional and Moral, /ro«^. FIRST EDITION, oZc?ca//'^«7^ 1773 ^;i^2358 Mason (John) o/rra^er.S'^ra(fo?-(/, Spiritual S-ongs; or Songs ^/^ of Praise, with Penitential Cries, by Thos. Shepherd, together with the Song of Songs, etc. iKv . ■ 1718 2359 Matlock (John) Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 6urious front . j privately printed, 1774 — Maxwell (James) Divine Mis- ''• •* cellanies, or Sacred Poems ; Hymns, Divine Meditations, Paraphrases, etc. for the delight of all Lovers of Divine Poetry i Birmingham, for the Author, 1756 <^. 102 EIGHTH DAY S SALE. y' 2360 Milbourne (Luke) Psalms paraphrased in English Metre, -^ / ^ {loants title) 1G9S V ^'' 2361 Miluer (A.) Psalm Singer's Companion; being a Collection of Psalm Tunes, Hymns, Canons, and Anthems. In two, three, and four parts, 4th ed. oblong 4to. i i ^^.^S-fhT'Moravian. A Collection of Hymns of the Children of God in jA yf^/y' a J ^^' ^S*'^) i"^ two parts, by Bishop Gambold, 2 vols, in I, > — Drummond (Rev. Geo. Hay) Select Portions of the New Version of Psalms, for every Sunday, the Festivals, etc. uncut 1806 yjr 2371 Patrick (J no.) A Century of Select Psalms, turned into Meter '^/^ f'T the Use of the Charter Home, front, first edition, / fine copy in the original crimson morocco 1679 2372 Patrick. Psalms of David in Metre, with the Tunes, seventh y^/ edition, containing 150 Psalms, fine copy in blue morocco gilt, and ruled loith red lines 1724 ^' yy EIGHTH day's sale. 193 ^5373 Playford (John) Psalms and Hymns in Solemn Musick,/^ ^^^ 5 C^/jpJ of foure parts, also Six Hymns, first edition, fine ' '^ y clenn copy, vkry b are folio, 1671 2374 Playford (Henry) The Divine Companion, or David's Harp New Tun'd, a Collection of Psalms, Hymns and Anthems, with the Tunes, 4th edition, with large additions, 1722 — Playford (Joh".) Whole Book of Psalms, ^ith Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Toj^ether with all the Ancient and Proper Tunes, 1 8th ed. done on the new ty'd note, /ro«^. 1729 y~2:^^ Prond (Jos.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs, for the Use of the ■^/"^ ^^ Lord's New Church, sipnified by the New Jerusalem, red' ^ Z^*- morocco, tooled and yilt 1 798 /y^ 2376 Psalms. Sleridiold and Hopkins' Version, with Musical Notes, and Prayer Book Version in the Margin, impft. no title 16 — 2377 Psalms. The Psalms, collected into English Meeter, by fy^ Sternhold and Hopkins, with apt Notes, blacfe Utter, printed across the page, with Treatise hy Athanasius con- cerning the use and vertue of the Psalms, with Prayers and Index, bds. folio, 1 636 salms. The Whole Book of Psalms with the Singing Notes of Time and Tune set to every Syllable, never before done in England, with a dedication to Robert JBoyle and preface on Singing hy^ T. M. bare, front, old morocco / -^ 1688 ) / -g ay^ Pgalms. The Psalms of David, translated from the Vulgat ^■^'V y^t:' .••• : IPrintedabroad^llQQ -^,.2380 Psalms. The Royal Psalter, or King David's Meditations, ^^/'^ ^, selected for the Use of Young Persons, also the Usefull /' Proverbs and Wise Sayings of King Solomon, woodcut, front. n. d. (17 — ) y 2381 Psalms. Brady and Tate's New Version, red morocco, tooled, y^ 1738— A Course of Sinjiing Psalms for half-a-year (1730) ^_^382 Psalms. By Sternhold and Hopkins, I7f»4; By Tate and ■^ / Brady, 1/62; Compjmion to the Altar, 1762,y'ro«^. In ^' '/. y/^ 1 vol . old crimson morocco gilt, borders of gold on sides 2383 Psalms and Hymns for Divine Worship, blue morocco, Lond. ,^ " 1760— Collection of Hymns and Psalms for Public Wor- f ship, with the Psalm Tunes, bright red morocco gilt London, 1793 yy 2384 Psalms, Select Portions of, for the Use of Parish Churches, the ^^ Words from the Old and New Versions, with the Tunes, old blue morocco extra, fine copy oblong 4to. 1786 2385 Psalms. Brampton's Paraphrase on the Seven Penitential ^yj Psalms, in English Verse, with Notes by W. H. Black, -yA-C^ '~ 1842 — Thirteen Psalms and First Chapter of Ecclesiastes, bv Juo. Croke, 1S44, scarce Percy Society 2 B ^/ 1^4 EIGHTH day's SALE. 2386 PuFCELL (Henry) A Musical Entertainment performed oo INov.xxii. Itj83, it being the Festival of St. Cecilia, rake, fine copy 4 to. /, Play ford, 1684 25^ Kavenscroft (Tlio.) Whole Booke of Psnhnes, with tlie ^/.^^^ Hymnes, Evangelical! and Songs Spiritual!, composed r*<".^Ar, ^-^ 2l-^/ "Into 4 parts, with Tunes, first edition, rare " 1033 ^388 Kavenscroft (Tho.) Whole Book of Psalme Tunes, newly done / in a fair large character by W. Turner 1 746 2389 Rippon (Dr. John) Selection of Tunes in miniature, contain- ing the Air and the Bass of nearly 300 Tunes, with new familiar Lessons 1806 2390 [Romaine (Wm.) ] Essay on Psalmody, \77^ ; Collection out of the Book of Psalms, 1/75, first editions, nni- ' formly bound in blue morocco, yilt, and yilt edges 2 vols. y/ 2391 Romaine's Collection of Psalms, with \\^mv\.-,for St. Anns, y^ Blaclcfriars, morocco, i8J3 — E. J, Jones' llynins for Public Worship, morocco gilt, 1812 2 vols. j/ 2392 Smart (Christopher) Psalms of David, adaj.ted to the Divine y Service, wncM^ ■^j^ , Titrj. Lit. 4to. 1/65 ^^^_a^3 SFandys] (G[eorge]) A ParapTirAse u^on the Psalmes of DavuliMuute-iki ;^^ ^Y and upon the llymncs dispersed throughout the Old and / / Wew Testament, first edition, rare , " ' lG;i6 2394 Sandys (Geo.) Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems, etc. with ^ ^j^ y Introductory Poems by Lord Falkland, Henry King, "^^^^^Y/ Sidney Oodolphin, Thomas Careiv, Francis W'yatt, etc. / and the Tunes to the Fsalms, very fine copy, in the original calf binding folio, 1638 2395 Selections. A Collection of Divine Hymns and Poems upon y/^ — several Occasions, by the E. of Roscommon, J. Dryden. 'Y^ Mr. Dennis, Mr. Norris, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Singer, and others, front. 1789 — A Collection of Hymns for Chris- tians of all Denominations Dublin, 1792 -•^-2396 Evans (Caleb) Collection of Hymns, with a small Sup- /y,4 plement, //r?«/o/, 1786 — Portions of the Psalms, with a Selection of Hymns, by T. T. Biddulph Bristol, 1813 y 2397 A Selection of Psalms for Social Worship; with an Ex- yy,,^^ plication of Terms and Phrases, by N. Cappe, York, 1786 / ^Proctor, ofNeuland, Gloster, Portions of the Psalms, with a Selection of Hymns, morocco, 1810 — Kay (J. Mead) Hymns from various Authors, morocco Sudbury, 1816 2398 ■ A Selection of Hymns (176) for the Use of the English y^y Reformed Church at Amsterdam, with the music in the / old characters to every hymn, calf, a very fine copy of a beautifully printed book Harlem, 1 82 1 y^ 2399 ■ Home's Manual of Parochial Psalmody [with a Preface on Psalmody], large paper, 1829 — The same, small PAPER, j^/?e copies, 1829 6 vols. 2400 Five Selections of Hvmns by John Bradford, 1792, Jos. Radford, 1790, Rev' W. Aldridge, 1794, Tho. Madden 1811, and Isaac Breman, 1826 5 «o,/« y^ EIGHTH day's SALE. 195 2401 Sclertions. Hymns by James Wells, of the Surrey Taber- nacle — Countess of Huntingdon's Hymns — Watts' Psalms and Hymns — Hymns for the " Plymouth Brethren," and two others 6 vols. y/ 2402 A Selection of Hymns of prculiar Metre, by William Jay, Bath., 1/97, and six others, by CoUyer, Russell and other Dissenters 7 vols. ^^^ 1\^'i Nine different Collections of Psalms and Hymns for ^ various Metropolitan Churches 9 vols. ^ v24U4 Sixteen diflferent Collections of Psalms and Hymns for <=^^-Y various provincial Churches, viz. Bedford, Cambridge, Glasbury, Reading, Leicestt-r, Waiwick, Liverpool, etc. 1() vols. . /S--2405 Sidney. The Psalmes, translated into divers and sundry ^ '^ kindes of Verse, by Sir Philip Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke, /jor^A-. Whittinghamy 1823 >.2406 Singing. Scripture Proof for Singing of Psalms, Hymns, /^ and Spiritual Songs, by E. H., ivith an epistle by Mather and Chauitcey, 1G9G — Practical Discourses of Singing iu the Worship of God 1708 -1 ,.^407 Singing, Letter to a Friend in the Country concerning the ~/^ Use of Instrumental Music in the Worship of God, ia answer to Mr. Newte's Sermons, uncut 4to. 1698 2408 Singing. Bisse on Cathedral Worship, 1720 — Bisse's Musick the Delight of the Sons of Men, 17^6 — Lavington on the ^ -I Influence of Church Music, 1725 — Brooke's Duty and Advantage of Singing to the Lord, 1728 — Hughes' EflSr cacy and Importance of Musick, 17-19— Miller on Church Music, 1849 6 tracts 2409 Singing. nea>ons for and against Singing of Psalms in Pub- lic find Private Worship, by David Uees, 1737 — The True Posture of Keverence in Publicly^ Singing the Divine Praises, according to the Scriptures Printed in the year 1760 ging. The Parish Clerk's Guide, or the Singing Psalms used in Parish Churches (icilh a very interestiny address to his brethren) by B. P. Parish-Clerk 1778 24.-U Smyth (Miles) Bj). of Glosier. The Psalms of King David j?j paiiiphrased and turned into English Verse, engravtd yA portrait by Hollar, fine copy, in the old binding, rare ^ ■ London, 1668 ^___-244-^-Southcott (Joanna) Song of Moses and the Lamb; An Hymn Book tor the Sealed Number, or the Millenium C// Church, square 12mo. Chambers, 18U4 — Hymns for the / Millennium, composed from the Writings of Joanna Southcolt, and published by her order, by P. PuUen ^'<. 183.1 ^ 2A13 [Steele (Mrs.)] Poems on subjects chiefly Devotional, by / Theodoii'iA, first edition, Jrontispicce, 2 vols, caf 1760 ^A ^'6 ■^ y 196 EIGHTH day's SALE. '^y^ 2414 [Steele (Mrs)]. Another copy, new edition, to which i? added ia y^ third volume, /ro?i/,9. 3 vols, calf , fine copy Bristol, 17S0 X 2415 Stennett (Jos,) Hymns in Commemoration of the Sufferings of Christ, very fine copy, ruled with red lines, in blue morocco, gilt ■' t--' "^ 1705 ce ' 1738 Tansur's Sacred Mirth, or the Pious Soul's Daily Delight, being Psalms, Plymns, Anthems, and Canons on various Divine Subjects, set to Music, engraved frontispiece JiooMng Glass, London Bridge, 1739 Tansur's Psalm Singer's Jewell, a new Exposition of all the , One Hundred and Fifty, with Poetical Precepts to every ^ Psalm, with the Life of Holy David, Hymns, etc. port. ^ ~ Looking Glass, London Bridge, 17(iO 2420 Tatter?all ("W. D.) Improved Psalmody, or a Poetical Version of the Psalms, by J. Merrick, divided into Stanzas, with new Music, parts 1 and 2, 2 vols, uncut 1795 2421 [Thompson ( )] of Cornwall. Original Sacred Hymns, with ^ a Preface by Sam. Furley, sen. containing some account of the author, uncut Printed for the Editor, 1776 Xr^«^-'^2^^2^ranslations and Paraphrases in Verse, collected by a Com- y^-^ ^^^ mittee of the Church of Scotland, in order to be sung in / Churches Rotterdam, 1791 — 2423 Triemer (I. Z.) Psalms by Tate and Brady, with Hymns col- ' lected from Stennet, Watts, Browne, and Mason, as used in the Engli>h Church in Amsterdam and set to Musick, Amst. \77- — The Heidelbergh Catechism and Confession of Faith, Marriage Ceremony, Form of Baptism, etc. of the Reformed Churches in the Netherland, in 1 \o\.fine^ copy, calf Jtiist. l77^ ^y 2424 Trivett (lidw.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs in Two Books, '''^^ 1755 — Carmina Christo, or Hvmns to the Saviour, by T. Haweis " 1795' 2425 Wallin (Benj.) Evangelical Hymns and Songs of the Christian Lite and Warfare, and in Praise of the lledeenier, etc. 1750 — Sion's Harmony, or the United Praises of Ran- somed Sinners, by Wrn. Wales Home, 180G — Hymns of Praise, by E. Mote, 183G~Wal worth Hymns,' by J. Swain 4 vols. . __4242<3 Watts (Isaac) Psalms of David imitated in the Language y^ / cr"^ of the New Testtimfut, first edition, fine copy, ruled -^^ ' with red lines, in the original mor. binding, RARt; 1/19 ^ EIGHTH day's SALE. 197 jj^/^2427 Watts. Psalms of David, with Tunes in the Tenor Part, blue morocco, gilt and tooled London, 1770 2428 Watts' Psalms and Hymns, with additional Hvmns and im- ^V^ proved Indexes, 1807— Watts' Psalms, with Music, 1786 -^ —and Six various Supplements to Watts, by Adey, . Rippon, Cloutt, and others 8 vols. yy 2429 Watts. A Collection of Hymns designed as an Appendix to / y Dr. Watts, by Tho. Russell, best edition, large type 1834 .^^2430 Wesley (Charles) Short Hymns on Select Passages of the Holy Scriptures. 2 vols. Bristol, E. Farley, 17C2 ^2431 Wesley (J.) Hymns for the Use of Families, and on various ^ Occasions, Bristol, W. Fine, 1767 — Hvmns on the Lords Supper, by John Wesley and Charles Wesley 1786 ^^ 2432 Wesley (John) A Collection of Moral and Sacred Poems, /^ 3 \o\s. orir/inal calf gilt, fne copy Bristol, \ 744 ^ y 2433 Wesley. A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People ■^^/"^ called Methodists, calf, fine copy Lond.for G. Whitfield, 1797 y 2134 Wesley, Hymns and Sacred Poems by, 1756 — Collection of ^/Xy^ Psalms and Hymns, by John and Charles Wesley — / "^ Hymns for Lord's Supper, etc. in 1 vol. Bristol, 1765 2 voU. 2435 Wheatland and Silvester. Psalms of David, translated into ^^y^ Heroic Verse, with Arguments to each Psalm, 1754; y Woodford (S.) A Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David, front, calf, fine co^y 4to. 1670 yy^436 WiUiams (Benj.) The Book of Psalms as Translated, Para- ■"^/^ phrased, or Imitated by eminent Enghsh Poets, with a / Dissertation on Scriptural Imprecations, calf gilt Salisbury, 1/81 ^yJ2i37 Williams and Boden. A Collection of above Six Hundred ^^■6 Hymns, with a Musical engraved Index of above 270 Tunes, red 7norocco Doncaster^ 1801 ^2438 W^illiams (Owen Jones) Harp of David, King of Israel, or the ^f/O^ Royal Psalms of Zion ; the original English and Welsh ^ Psalmody, Anthems, Psalm Tunes, etc. with Airs from Purcell, Handel, Haydn, etc. Vol. 1 folio y ^^439 Williams (Thos.) Psalmodia Evangelica ; a Complete Set of ipiece — Select Collection of Epitaphs and y- Monumental Inscriptions, Ipswich, 1806 — Collection of Epitaphs, from Tombstones in England, Scotland, and Ireland ; many celebrated for Oddity and Quaintness, by Kill-Care Printed by John Death, in Clmrch-Tard Alley, 1759 2444 Pulton (F.) An Abstract of all the Penal Statutes which be General in force and use, blaffe letter, calf 4to. Lond. C. Barker, 1579 Containing Statutes against Conjuration, Enchantment, Witchcraft, etc. /y ^ 2445 Punctuation, or the Art of Pointing on the Principles of Gram- mar and Reason, by S. Rousseau, 1816 — New Essay on Punctuation, by Thomas Stackhouse 1800 /.^^AAC) Purchas. His Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all ages and places, half bound folio, 1614 2447 Purchas. His Pilgrimes, Vol. 3, contayning Peregrinations j> ^ y and Discoveries, in the North and East parts of the ^^^^-y World, the Polare Regions, the North- West of America, etc. containiiiy Maps of America, Florida, Virginia, Nova Scotia, Neiv Spain, and 65 very curious looodcuts of Mexican Hieroglyphics and Antiquities, (wanting Map of Greenland, and that of the North part of America) large clean copy folio, 1625 2 148 Purchas (Saml.) A Theatre of Politicall Flying Insects, wherein especially the Nature, the Worth, the Work, the Wonder and the Right-ordering of the Bee, is Discovered and Described, with Historical and Fabulous Observations ; and in a Second Part are annexed Three Centuries of Theologicall and Moral Meiiitations upon the Nature of Bees, large and fine copy 4 to. 1657 A rare and interesting book by the son of the celebrated author of the '• Pdgrimes." It contains an entire chap- ter of *' American Bees," and also numerous particulars respecting them throughout the book, taken from early writers on the New World of whom a list is given. y yy 2449 Purnell (Robert) A Little Cabinet richly Stored with all sorts ^^vi^ of Heavenly Varieties, and Soul-reviving Influences, etc. {with four tracts on Baptism, etc. in the same vol.) 1657 24.t0 Purton (T.) Botanical Description of British Plants in the ^ Midland (2o\ix\i\Q%, coloured plates by J. Sowerby, 3 vols. in 4, calf gilt Stratford-upon-Avon, 1817 ^^/ 9 EIGHTH day's SALE. 159 i ^2451 Quakers. Barker's Apology for the True Christian Divinity, ^^ original crimson morocco, gilt on hack and sides, very fine copy 4to. by John Basherville, 1.764 2452 Quakers. A Collection of INIemorials concerning divers de- ceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers, in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, from the first settle- ment thereof to the year 1787, calf 1788 2453 Quarll, The Hermit, or the unparallel'd Sufferings and sur- prising Adventures of Philip Q.\xsix\\, froiitispiece 1786 , 2454 Quarll (Philip) Der Englische Einsiedler oder : die -wunder- ^Y ^oUe Begebenheisen und seltene Ungliicks-Falle eines En^\di\\diQv%, front, and map Hamburg, \7Ao Ar^'2455 Quarles (Francis) Historic of Samson, first edition y^ 4to. W6\ ^ y;, 2456 Quarles. Solomon's Recantation, entituled Ecclesia-ce 1/01 y 2468 Quarles. Enchiridion, bds. port. (163."^) — Warwick's Spare y^ Minutes (1637), 2 vols. square r2mo. 7-epnH^ y^' 2469 Quarles (John) Regale Lectum Miserise, or a Kingly Bed of ^hs,(tx\Q, frontispiece 1649 ^/ 2470 Quarles. Fons Lachrymarum, a Fountain of Tears ; Jeremiah / Paraphrased, etc. 1649 2471 Questions (The) concerning Liberty, Necessity, and Chance; clearly stated and debated between Dr. Bramhall and Thos. Hobbes, calf , fine clean copy 4to. 1656 y(^iA72 Quevedo (Don Francisco de) Works, translated from the / ' Spanish, with plates, 3 vols, uncut, fine copy Edin. 1798 2473 Quebec. Plan of a^Code of Laws for the Province of Quebec, ^' reported by the Advocate-General Lond. \77A ^, ■^ 200 EIGHTH day's SALE. v2474 Quebec. An Account of the Proceedings of the Inhabitants "■''^/^ of Quebeck to obtain an House of Assembly in that Province, uncut 1774 y ^2475 Quebec. Present Form of Government of the Province of ^y^ Quebec, with large appendix of original papers, uncut ^ ^' •" 1789 2476 Quebec. Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 2 vols. ^/aiJei Quebec, 1829-81 Xi^^^ Contains amongst other curious matter, a Grammar of the Huron Language, Letter of Cotton Mather on Witch- craft, etc. y, y^477 Quick (John) Synodicon,or Acts, Decrees, etc. of the Reformed ^^ "^^ Churches in France, 2 \o\i. frontispiece and portrait by / ^ Sturt folio, 1692 2478 Quintana (Don F. de) The most Entertaining History of Ilip- ,^vC^ polyto and Aminta, containing deep Amourous Intrigues, /^-^ Dismal iMisfortunes, Wonderful Deliverances, and De- lightful Tales, translated from the Spanish by Captain Stevens 1729 2479 Quito. Histoire des Pyramides de Quito, elevees par les Academiciens envoyes sous I'Equateur par Ordre du Roi, \ • folding plate ; also, inserted, a very elaborate and beau- tifully engraved map of the province, by Don I*edro Maldonado and D' Auville, measuring about 40 inches by 30, and mounted on canvas, calf gilt, uncut Privately pri?ited, 1751 •^^2480 Rabelais (Francis) Works by Motteux and Ozell, with Notes -^y^ of Duchat, port, and plates, best edition, 5 vols, calf r gilt, FINE COPY 1750 •^/^^481 Rabelais' Works, with Notes by Du Chat and others, 4 vols. Y^ portrait and frontispieces, calf 1784 >v^ 2482 Racine (Jean) ffiyvres de, port. 3 vols, calf, 1779 — Theatre "'^ y^ de la Fontaine, calf, 18U4 4 vols. >y^483 Radchffe (Ann) Gaston de Blondeville, and St, Alban's Abbev, '^^ 4 vols. 1826 ,^5?^ 2484 Radero's iiavaria Sancta, Vol. 1, containing &0 plates of Mira- y cles. Martyrdoms, Tortures, etc. by Sadeler, fine impres- sions folio, 1615 ^ y^24S5 Raffles (Sir T. S.) Memoirs of his Life and Public Services {m Java, etc.), portrait, maps and plates 4to. 1830 2486 Raleigh (Sir W.) Declaration of his Demeanor and / •> Cariage, as well in his Voyage, as in, and sithence his "^JrC^-? Returne ; and of the true motives which occasioned His Majestic to proceed in doing justice upon him, uncut 4to. 1618 ^^ 248/ Raleigh, Essayes and Observations, with Apologie for his ■^ ^ voyage to Guiana, fine port, by Vaughan, first edition, ■^'^^ calf 1650 ^ EIGHTH day's SALR. 201 2488 Raleigh. The Historie of the World in Five Bookes, maps and engraved front., verses, and portrait by Pass, Lon- don, 1()5_* — Histor}' of the WorJd, tlie second part, iu six honks, being a continuation of the Famous History of Sir W. Raleigh to the year 1649, by Alex. Ross, London, 1652, 2 vols, calf gilt folio, 1652 Raleigh. The History of the World, with his Voyages to Guiana, 6 vols. bds. Edinh. l!S23 Raleigh. An Abridgment of his History of the World, with an Apology for his Unlucky Voyage to Guiana, ^or#. etc. 1700 Raleigh. Works, including the Voyage to Guiana and Apo- logy, together with his Letters and Poems, and Life by Thomas Birch, portrait, 2 vols, calf 1751 2492 Raleigh. Art of Empire and Mysteries of State discabineted, published by John M\\U)X\, calf 1672 2493 Raleigh. Life of Sir Walter Raleigii, with his Tryal at Win- chester, ivith autograph of'''' IF. Fox, 1692" 1677 2494 Raleigh. Life and Times by C. Whitehead, numerous illus- trations, cloth 1854 2495 Ramsay (Allan) Poems with Glossary, Life and Remarks, best edition, 2 vols, calf gilt, ^iort. and facsimile 1800 [Ramsay] (xlllan) Letters on the Disturbances in Great Bri- t;iiu and her American Provinces, rare, London Reprinted {at Rome), \777 yy y 2497 Ramsay (David) History of the Revolution of South Caro- //^ lina, large folding map, 2 vols. bds. uncut, presentation copy Trenton, iV, /. 1785 ^ •. -2498 Ramsay. History of the American Revolution, 2 vols, half y^^ bound London, 1793 2499 Randolph (Ber.) Present State of the Islands in the Archi- ^ y pclago, etc. with a Relation of a Storm and a great deli- verance at Sea, in a Vovage from New Eni^land AXo, Oxford, 1687 vy^2500 Randolph (Thos.) Poems, with the Muses Looking Glasse, Amyntas, Jealous Lovers, Arystippus, etc. 1652 • 2501 Ray (James) Compleat History of the Rebellion from its /"^ first Rise, in 1745, to its '&\i\s^xc^i\ow, poriruit and plate 1758 2502 Ray (John) F.R.8, The Ornithology of Francis Willonghby, with elegant Figures, reserabhng the live Birds, in 78 yy copperplates, with Discourses {also with plates) on '^^z Fowling, Singing Birds, and Falconry, calf gilt folio, London, 1678 Contains numerous descriptions of American Birds, and an appendix " of such as we suspect for fabulous," out of Hernandez and others. 2 c 202 EIGHTH day's SALK. / 2503 Ray. Nomenclator Classicus, sive Dictionariolum Trilingne, y^ with Genders, Declensions, and Quantities, also a Cen- "^ tury of Proverbs, and a (Collection of Modest Jests, in English, Latin, and Greek London, 1736 ^^y 2504 Ray. Collection of English and other Proverbs, with Notes, X ' hy Belfour 1813 ^y 2b0o Ray's Proverbs, enlarged, 1817 —National Proverbs in the / principal Languages of Europe, by C. Ward 1842 y 2506 Raynal, Philosophical and Political History of the British y Settlements and Trade in N. America, scarce edition, 2 vols, in one, calf, Edin. 1770 — Revolution de I'Ame- rique, par I'Abbe Raynai, calf 1781 ^2507 Rayualde (Tho.) Phisition, The Birth of Mankynde, other- ^y wyse named the Woman's Booke, black letter, 4to. y vellum, cuts, very fine copy of a rare and early edition, no date or printer s name /2508 Read (Alex.) Maniiall of the Anatomy; or Dissection of the Body of Man, engraved title and plates, (one icanting) 1642 2509 Real Life in London: or the Rambles and Adventures of Rob. y^ / Tallyho, and his Cousin Tom Dashall, exhibiting a lively /' Picture of High and Low Life, cuts and coloured plates by Aiken, Diyhton, Brooke, Rowlandson, etc. 2 vols, clean and uncut royal 8vo. 1821 jt^y 2510 Recherches Historiques et Politiques sur les Etats-Unis de // I'Amerique Septentrionale, par un Citoycn de Virginie, / (M. Mazzei, assisted by Condorcet), 4 vols, uncut a Colle, 1788 511 Records Arithmetick : or the Ground of Arts, augmented by M. John Dee, and since enlarged by John MeUis and Rev. Hart well, dedicated to Edward VL blacft letter, fine clean copy in the original calf 16-18 ^;2512 Record (Rob.) The Urinal of Physick, with Treatises concern- ing Physicians, and on Apothecaries confecting their Medicines, (wanting half of a leaf at end) Lo7idon,]665 2513 Reckitt (Wra.) Account of the Life, Gospel, Labours, and Travels of, (in Carolina, New England, Maryland, etc.) 1776 y '2514 Reckitt (Wm.) Life and Travels, second edition, ivith addi- '^ tions, 1799 — Journal of the Life, Travels, and Gospel Labours of Daniel Stanton, of Philadelphia, 1 799. In 1 vol. oicat Z-/ 2515 Recueil (Le) des Histoires Romaines, extraict de plusieurs histuriographes, Icttfe goti)tque, many curious woodcuts, initial lettei's, etc. folio, Paris, F Regnault, 1528 .X/. 2516 Reeve (Clara) Memoirs of Sir Roger de Clarendon, natural / Son to Edward the Black Prince, 3 vols, calf gilt 1793 ^y 2517 Reid (Tho.) Essavs on the Powers of the Human Mind, 3 vols. * 1822 V EIGHTH day's SALE. 203 jy/ 2518 Relandi (Had.) Dissertationes Miscellanese, chiefly on Lan- / (/vages, including a Dissertation of So pp. (L)e Linguis Aniericanis), maps and plates, 3 vols, calf Traj. 1713 y /2519 Relation (A Fvll) concerning the wonderfuii and wholsome yC- Fountiiiu at first discovered in Germany, two miles from Halberstadt, Mnc?<^ 164G ,2520 Relation (An Exact) of the late Dreadful Tempest, uncut ^/^^ ^to. 1701 Some curious particulars of the effects of the Storm in and about London, are recorded, y/^2b'2,\ Rembrandt and his Works, illustrated by examples from his ^-^ Etchings, by John Burnet, 10 plates 4to. 1849 2522 Remembrancer (The), or Impartial Repository of Public y >■ Events, Vol. 1 for 1 77n, contains full and interesting y^^^Y particulars relative to American A/fairs at this impor- tant period, also a Plan of the City of Boston, and 2 maps of its Environs royal 8vo. J. Almon, 177 o y/ 2523 Renneville (Constantin de) Les Cantiques de I'Ecriture-Sainte, Paraphrasez en Sonnets, frontispiece, Amst. 1/15 — Dre- lincourt, Sonnets Chreliens, portrait, Amst. 1/34 2 vols. 2524 Renoult. Les Avantures de la Madona et de FranQois d' Assise, ecrites d'un stile recreatif, very cwious plates 1/0 1 y:2525 Repository (The), a Select Collection of Fugitive Pieces of ■yy/^ Wit and Humour, in Prose and Verse, 4 vols, fne clean copy in the original calf 1777 2526 Reresby (Tamworth) Miscellany of Ingenious Thoughts and Reflexions in Verse and Prose, calf gilt 1721 y^/^^h21 Retsch's Series of 26 Outlines illustrative of Goethe's Faust >^ oblong 4to. 1843 2528 Revolution Politicks, being a compleat Collection of all the y Reports, Lyes, and Stories which were the Forerunners ^__;^r of the Great Revolution in 168S, in 8 parts 1733 /^ " This is a very extraordinary book, and of rare occurrence, originally published in parts. No history of the short and eventful period to veiiich it relates can be satisfactory without a careful and rigid investigation of this singular volume." — MS. Note. 2529 Rejard and Lodowick's Journal of the late Actions of the j'X> y French at Canada, with the manner of their Repulse by x/^x Governor Fletcher, of New lor/c, Actions between the French and Indians, juiswers and proposals of the Sachims of the Five Nations, etc. clea7i good copy, partially wormed at bottom margin, very rare 4to. 1693 2530 Reynolds (John) Tne Triumphs of God's Revenge against the crjing sin of Murther, iu severall Tragicall Histories, /i(J(^(.^ ij folding plate lfj62 ^ 204 KIGHTH day's SALE, 2531 Reynolds (John) The Triumphs of God's Revenge against the < rying and excrable sin of Murther, engraved title hy Jan Hove, and numerous curious plates, calf foho, 17'2(} .2532 Richardson (John) An Account of his Life, Trials, and Ser- vices in the work of the Ministry, in England, Ireland, and America, calf \77-i '533 Richardson (John) Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, yy^ and Manners of Eastern Nations, Oxford, \'77 — Gram- matical Remarks on the practical and current Dialect of the Jargon of liindostan, with a Vocabulary, Phrases, y Dialogues, etc. by Gen. Hadley, Esq. 1/8^ ^/ihZX Richardson. History of Sir Charles Grandison, 7 toIs. calf / gilt 18 12 ^/2hZh Richardson. Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, plates, crimson / morocco, gilt edges 1816 ^v^536 Richelieu. The Adventures and Travels of Mademoiselle de ^^^(^ Richelieu, who made the Tour of Europe dressed in Men's Cloaths, 3 vols, calf 1 744 •p^ 2537 Rickman (Tho. Clio) Poetical ^cx&t^s, frontispiece, 2 \o\a. half ^ calf gilt 1803 2538 Riley (Jas.) Narrative of the Loss of the American BrigCom- y^yf^ merce on the Coast of Africa, with an Arabic and English / Vocabulary, Jpor^r«^7, plates, and map Hartford, Conn, by the author, 18 J 7 , 2539 Ripley Reviv'd, or an Exposition upon Sir George Ripley's Hermetico-Poetical Works, containing the most hidden secrets of ancient Philosophers, by Eir. Philalethes, en- graved frontispiece 1678 2540 Ripley (Jas.) for 30 years Ostler at the Bed Lion, Barnet. y/^ Original Letters, curious portrait, 1767 — Wilkes' Col- / lection of Papers, Letters, etc. (including No. 45 of the "North Briton") Paris, 1767 X^'2^41 Ripperda (Duke de) Memoirs of, with Appendix of Papers on -^ the War in the West Indies, calf, fine copy 1740 2542 Risdon (Tristram) A (Jhorographical Description, or Survey ^yy of the County of Devon, with the City and County of ^^^^ Exeter, and the Continuation, /)/a^e«, 2 vols, fine copy, calf 1714 x/>^AZ Risdon. Chappie's Review of part of Risdon's Survey of / Devon, uncut 4to. Exeter, 1785 /^44 [Ritson (Jos.)] Bibliographia-Poetica, a Catalogue of English "^fy Poets from the Xllth to the XVIth Centuries, with an Account of their Works, uncut 1802 y/ 2545 Rivoluzioni deila Repubblica Veneta, uncut Filadelfia, 1804 '^ 2546 Roach. The Surprising Adventures of John Roach, Mariner y" y of Whitehaven, containing an Account of his cruel Treat- ment amongst the Savage Indians, and Imprisonment by the Spaniards in South America IVhitehaven, n.d. (1 784) EIGHTH day's SALE. 205 ^/' 2547 Robe (Rev. Francis) Poems on various subjects and occasions by the late W. Lamb Robe Newport Pagnel I, 1824 2548 Roberts (\V. J.) of Bristol, Poems and Letters, with some y ' Account (if \ns\j\^e, frontispiece, \'8\\- — Ranger's Pro- gress, or Poetical Essays, Serions, Comic and Satyrical, by Honest Ranger, of Bedford-Row, w/icw^ 1760 ^/fc^549 Robins' Panegyrick, or the Norfolk Miscellany, in Three Parts, calf I 7'60 2550 Robinson (John) Pastor of the English Church at Leydea, ^ and Leader of the Pilgrim Fathers, Essayes, or Obser- -^/ vations Divine and ISJorall, collected out of Holy Scrip- A tares, ancient and modern Writers, both Divine and Humane, original calf, rare Lond. DJ3S 2ool Robinson. A Justification of Separation from the Church of ^.—^ England against Mr. Richard Bernard his invective inti- "^^y^ tuled the Separatists Schisme, fine copy, original calf gilt, RARE 4to. Printed in the year l(i39 g^^2bb2 [Robinson (M.)] Considerations on the Measures carrying ^/^ on with respect to the British Colonies in North Ame- rica ['7/4] 2553 [Robinson (M.)] Further Examination of our Present Ame- rican Measures Bath, 1776 ^,.y/^554 Robinson (R.) History of Baptism, ^J^^^e-s, calf gilt, very fine y'^ copy 4 to. 1790 ^2^5 Robinson (Thomas) The Anatomic of the English Nunnery at ^ f Lisbon, vignette in title, icifh exjilanatory verses oppo- site, uncut 4to. Ph. Stephens and Chr. Meredith, 1630 ^''25.06 Robinson (Tho.) New Observations on the Natural History of /^ this World of Matter and this World of Life, plates 1696 „,^ 2.T57 Robson (Jos.) An Account of Six Years' Residence in Hudson's / Bay, maps, original calf gilt 1752 2558 Rochefort. Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Hes Antilie de y^ / I'Amerique, avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe, dedicated to ''~/^ Jacques Amproux, with fine portrait, also engraved title and plates, very fine copy in the original calf 4to. Rotterdam, 165S y ^^2559 Rochon (Abbe) Voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies, / with a Memoir on the Chinese Trade, 7nap, calf gilt 179- 2560 Rocoles (Sir J. B.) Lives and Actions of several Notorious y^ yf^ Counterfeits, done into English, 1686 — History of the three late famous Impostors, viz. Padre Ottomano, Ma- homed Bei, and Sabatai Levi In the Savoy, 1669 ^^ 2561 RoFE (George) Cberubims-Chenibinis, written in Barbados, yy 29th of the 7th month, 1661, and is to go abroad into 4^ the world, a large broadside containing above 150 lines in double columns, half bound London, 1(j61 ^/ 2562 Rogers (D.) Matnmoniall Honour, or the Miittiall Crowne and / Comfort of Godly, Loyall, and Chaste Mnrriage, with appendix of the just and terrible judgments of God upon all that dare violate the honour uf Marriage 4to. 1 64 J ^ 206 NINTH day's sale. ^/ 2563 Rogers (Major Robert) Concise Account of North America, • and of the several Nations and Tribes of Indians, calf 1765 2564 Rogers. Journals of Excursions he made under the Generals who commanded in North America during the late War, calf 1765 2565 Rogers (Samuel) The Voyage of Columbus, a ^loevn, translated from an old Castillian MS., with notes and vignettes by Stothard, uncut Aio. Privately 2^^inted (ii.d.) / _2566 Rogers (Capt. Woodes") Cruising Voyage round the V/orld, //^ will) an account of Alexander Selkirk, and of the South ^ Si'a Trade, frst edition, maps 1712 2567 Rogers. Cruising Voyage, etc. second edition, maps, and 2 d^y folding plates of alligators {engraved for the work, Oct. ■' 1734) calf gilt, marbled edges, by C. Hering,f tie clean copy 1726 NINTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. .4^'^ 68 Romaine (William) Works, 8 vols, portrait, bright calf gilt 1796 /'2569 Romaine. Letters from Rev. W. Romaine on Important -^^ Subjects, published from the Original MSS. by Thomas ^ Wills, blue morocco, autograph of '' Joseph f Tills, 18U0" 1796 y''^ 2570 Romance of History. England, by H. Neele, 3 vols. 1^28 y/ 2h~i\ France, by Leitch Ritchie, 3 vols. 1831 'X/^2572 Italy, by C. Macfarlane, 3 vols. 1832 ^/2573 Romances. Po|njlar Romances, with Introductory Disserta- ' tiim by 11. Weber :— Rubinson Crusoe, Alex. Selkirk, History of Autoniatlies, 2 vols. 1833 2574 Rome. Collection of Viev.s and Ruins in Rome and its Vi- ^^3,;^/^ cii^ity, from Drawings made upon the Spot in 1/91, with y^ desciipiions in French and English, two parts in one vol. half bd. 62 beautiful tinted plates 4to. 1797 ^ 2576 Romil'y (Sir Sam.) Life and Currespoadence, edited by his "^"^y Son, 2 vols. 2>i«/-^r«27 1842 ^/ NINTH day's sale. 207 /^ 2577 Romish Monks, Nuns, and Priests, the Frauds and Intrigues of, set forth, 2 vols. 1725 2578 Rose. A Poem to the Memory of Aquila Rose, who died at Philadelphia, August 22ncl, 1733, by Elias Bockett for the author, 172| 2579 Rosewell (Sam.) Trial of the la!e Mr. Thos. Rosewell for ^/ High Treason, befure Judge Jefferies, with an Account of his Life and Death, calf, I 718— Trial of Genl. White- Jocke, Commander of the Expedition against Buenos Ayres, icith plan of the attach 1808 ■^y 25S0 Ross (A.) Arcana Microcosmi : or the hid Secret of Man's Body Disclosed, with a Vindication of Ancient Opinions against Dr. Brown's Vulgar Errors, calf gilt 1051 y 2581 Rotheram (T, A.) A Den of ThievCvS Discovered: or Certain ^ ^ Errours and False Doctrines delivered in a Sermon at Baldocke, by Henry Denne, of Pyrton, contradicted and confuted, fne portrait hij Marshall, inscribed " ex dono Authoris" 4to. 1643 /yy 2582 Rotteck und Welcker. Staats-Lexikon oder Encyklopadie y der Staatswissenschaften, 15 vols, hf, hd. calf, marbled edges Altona, 1843 2583 Rousseau. Dictionary of Music, translated by Wm. Waring, ;^-/^ plates, n. d. — Rameau's Treatise on Music, ^j^a^es — Malcolm's Treatise of Music, 3 leaves in MS. 1776 3 vols. 2584 Rousseau. Lettres de Deux Amans, ou la Noavelle Heloise, 3 vols, calf, 1761 — Lettres Originales, facsimile of Rous- seau s autograph, 1793 4 vols. ■''^ 2585 Rousseau. Eloisa : or a series of Original Letters, 4 vols.^«e cojyy in bright calf gilt, frontispieces 1776 _^j.'-;:r'2586 Rousseau. Eloisa: or a series of Original Letters, with the /^ Sequel of Julia, or the New Eloisa, ^or/razY, 4 vols.^we copy, calf 1 784 ^/^2f>d>7 Rousseau. Julie, ou La Nouvelle Heloise, 5 vols, in 2, half calf, marbled edges Paris, 1837 ^y 2588 Rousseau. Eloisa, a series of Original Letters, with the Adven- X^ tures of Lord B , best edition, 3 vols. bds. uncut 1810 ^^ 2589 Rousseau. Emilius: or a Treatise of Education, translated from the French, 3 vols, calf Edi?ib. I 773 y 2590 Rousseau. Confessions, with the Reveries of the Solitary <^/ Walker, 2 vols, calf, 1783 — Letters on his Confessions, /^ by M. Ginguene, translated 1792 ^^/2591 Rousseau. Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentle- '^^ f^ man, translated from the Y\^\\c\\, plate, crimson morocco, gilt edges 1806 yy 2592 Rowland (Wm.) Judiciall Astrologie, judicially condemned in ^ answer to Heydon, Ramsey, etc. 1653 208 NINTH day's sale. 2593 Rowlandson (Mary) True History of the Captivity and Resto- y/^y radon of, with the Cruel and Inhumane Usage she nn- /^ derwent amongst the Indians, with a Sermon by her ^ Husband, a few leaves cut close 4 to. Printed at New-England, and re-printed at London, 16S2 j^ 2595 Rowlandson. The Grand Master or Adventures of Qui Mi? y^x^ in Hindostan, a Hudibrastic Poem, 27 coloured plates by Hoiolandson, uncut 1816 y^y 2596 RoM^landson, The Tour of Doctor Prosody, in Search of the y^ Antique and Picturesque, humourous coloured plates 1821 /^ y 2597 Rowland>:on. Journal of Sentimental Travels in the Southern 'y'^ Provinces of France, coloured plates by Rowlandson royal Bvq. 1821 y 2598 Rowlandson. History of Johnny Quae Genus, the Little ^-C,^ Foundling of the late Dr. Syntax, coloured plates by ^ Rowlandson royal 8vo. 1822 2599 Royal African Company. The several Declarations of > the Company of Royal Adventurers, with the Companies ry y' Resolutions to furnish his Majesties American Planta- ^^ tions with Negroes at certain and moderate Rates, with a List of the Adventurers 4to. 1667 A very curious Tract. The price for *' Blacks" at the Charibee Island plantations is fixed at £\7 . per head in money, or 2400 lbs. of well cured Muscovado Sugar. J^y 2600 Case of the Royal African Company of England, {relates ^ to American Plantations and West Indies) 4to. 1730 2601 The Importance of Effectually Supporting the Royal African Company, considered in reference to the Support and Preservation of the British Colonies and Plantations in America, wa^ 4to. 1744 ^^^^^6)2 The National and Private Advantages of the African ^'^^ Trade Considered, large map, uncut 1746 ^_;2V^2603 Rudge (Rev. Thomas) History of the County of Gloucester, , \ 2 so\^. plates, no map Gloucester., 1803 ^ >/'2604 Ruiz (S. J. Lopez) Discurso doctrinal sobre la Obediencia, / etc. vellum Lima, anno de 1 785 jC/yy 2605 Rulandi (M.) Lexicon Alchemise, sive Dictionarum Alchemis- ^/^' titum Aio.Erancof.X^Vl yy^ 2606 Rush (Beiij.) M.D.. of Pennsylvania, Medical Inquiries and /^^ Observations, 4 vols, in 2, neat Philadelphia, 1818 / 2607 Rush (Jacob) President of Pennsylvania, Charges on Moral ^ and Religious Subjects, with the Act respecting Vice and / Immorality Nexo York, 1804 ^^ 2608 Russel (Robert) Works, in Three Parts, viz. Seven Sermons — :^y^ Devout Christian — on the Lord's Supper, 3 vols, in 1, / xdth frontispieces, calf for Thomas N orris, at the Looking-Glass on London Bridge, 1717 NINTH day's SALF. 209 ^^2609 Russell (Wrn.) History of America, from its Discovery by ^ijlf^ Columbus to the conclusion of the late War, with Ac- / count of the Rise of the present unhappy Contest, 7nap,s, . 'portraits and plates, 1 yo\%. calf, fine copy 1778 "^y 2610 Russell (VVm.) History of Modern Europe, with a Continuation to 1825, by W. Jones, woodcut vignettes, 10 vols, 1829 2G11 Russell. Verbotomj: or, the Anatomy of Words, showing their •^/ component parts, whereby more Scientific Knowledge of ttcy^^ ^^ principles of Language may be attained in a short ^^"^^^ time, than from any work hitherto printed, such, at least, is the opinion of W. P. Russell, Verbotomist, or Word- Dissector, hf. hd. morocco Sold by the Author wherever his Habitation may happen to be, 1 805 ' A very remarkable and smartly written book. At the foot of the title is added, "It is now printed, I thank God." The Dedication to ' Nobody,' is signed in a cleverly executed Autograph, and a curious defence of the piece follows the Dedication. 3fi4f Russian Catechism, with an Account of their Church Govern- ment, etc. plates 1 723 2613 Rutherfurd (Sam.) Survey of Spiritual! Antichrist, opening the Secrets of Familisme and Antinomianisme, also the Rise and Spring of Libertines, Swenck-feldians, Enthy- siasts, etc. a very fine copy in the original calf binding 4to. 1648 Containing a vast deal of curious Historical Matter, includ- ing a full account of the Antinomians and Familists of New England, with a notice of the tenets of Samuel Gorton of Warwick, Narragansett. See Gorton. y^. 2615 Rutty (Dr. John) Essay towards a Natural History of the ^ County of Dublin, 2 vols, calf 1772 ,2G16 S. (E.) Corapleat Housewife : or Accomplished Gentlewoman's ^// Companion, a Collection of 500 Approved Receipts, ivith copperplates, 1729 — Useful Family Herbal, or Account of English Plants remarkable fur their Virtues, plates 1754 /,/^ 2617 Slick (Baron Von) Narrative of a Voyr.ge to Surinam, and return to Europe by the way of N. America, engraved title and frontispiece 4to. 1810 2618 Sadducismus Debellatus: or a True Narrative of the Sorceries and Witchcrafts Exercised by the Devil and his Listru- y^/ ments upon Mrs. Christian Shaw, of Bargarran in the / County of Renfrew, from Aug. 1696 to Apr. 1697, con- taining the Journal of her SuiFerings, as it was Exhibited and Prov'd by the Vohmtiry Confession of some of the Witches, etc. with Reflections on Witchcraft in General, RARF, calf gilt 4to. Lond. 1698 2 D x^/ 210 NINTH day's sale. ^ y 2G19 St, Augustine. Account of the late Expedition against St. / Augustine under General Oglethorpe, a small portion of the folding plan cut aivay 1742 ,^y// 2G20 St, John (J. A.) Lives of Celebrated Travellers, 3 vols. hf. hd. /^'^ 1813 , 2621 St, John (J. Hector) Letters from an American Farmer de- r-:^j/f scribing certain Provincial Situations, Manners and Cus- ^ toms, not generally known, MJc/wf/m^' an interesting de- scription of Nantucket, Martha s Vineyard^ and the Whale Fishery, maps, uncut 1 782 2622 St. Lo (Capt. George) England's Safety : or a Bridle to the • French King, proposing a Sure Method for encouraging i?^ Navigation, and well Manning their Majesties Fleet on /^ any Occasion, in a Month's Time, without Impressing, also an Account of the Barbarous Treatment of our Enemies to their Prisoners, uncut, ivoodcut frontispiece 4to. 1693 y^ y2623 St. Pierre (J. H. B. de) Paul et Virginie, et la Chaumiere ^^/ Indienne, illustrated with upwards o/" 400 beautiful / plates and wood engravings, by the first English and French Artists, half bound morocco extra impl. 8vo. L. Curmer, Paris, 1838 .jT/ 2G24 Saint Pieri-e, (Envres de, avec des Notes par M. A. Martin, / 2 vols. French morocco, gilt edges Paris, 1838 yAy .2625 Sales (M. Francis de) Philothea : or an Introduction to a jt /'.•:' Devout hife, critnson morocco extra, richly gilt on bach ' *'•' and sides, gauffred edges, fine copy Land. 177*' y^ 2626i Salmon (N.) Antiquities of Surrey, with its present State and / Natural History Printed for the Author, 1736 ^ y 2627 Salmon's Critical Essay concerning Marriage, with an Ac- "y^ count of the Marriage Rites and Ceremonies of our Saxon Ancestors, and most Nations of the World 1724 ^ y 2628 Salmon's Chronological Historian ; an Account of Occurrences °^^^ Ecclesiastical Civil and Military, relating to English Af- fairs, 2 vo\'&. ports, and front, calf gilt 1747 y^/ 2629 Salmon. History of Hertfordshire, describing the County "^ and its Ancient Monuments, etc. map, hf. bd. folio, 1728 ^y 2630 Sancroft (Abp.) Life of, with Appendix containvig Life of j^ -dj Wharton, and severed scarce pieces, by G. D'Oyley, / ^ jiortrait, 2 vo\s. ' . 1821 y 263/ Sanderson (Pat.) Antiquities of the Cathedral of Durham, also =<^^ a Description of the County,/row^. Newcastle on-Tyne, 1767 ^jf^ 2632 Sanderson (Wm.) History of Mary Queen of Scotland and ^^^ iame^W. original calf, portrait folio, I6.t6 2633 Sandivogius (M.) New Li'^ht of Alchemic, to which is added a Treatise on Sulphur ; also nine Books of the Nature of Things, by Paracelsus, and a ('hymicall Dictionary, translated by J. F., MD., calf gilt 4to. Lond. 1650 NINTH DA\'S SALE. -'1 1631 Saniloval (F. P.) History of Charles V. of Spain, including au Account of F. Cortes, and of the Conquest of the vast Kingdoms of Peru and Mexico, etc. translated from the Spanish by Capt. John Stevens, old calf gilt 1703 '2f»3.5 Sandys (Geo.) Relation of a Journey in Turkey, Egypt, the Holy Land, the remote parts of Italy and Islan Is adj^in- in^', map and plates, fine impressions, calf folio, lG-'7 2G36 Sandys (George) Christ's" Fiis^^ion, a Tragedy, with Aunotaj- tions, plates, ni-iginal calf 1(18/ 2G37 Sanfurd (Robert) Surinam Justick, being a publication of that perfect Relation of the late Disturbance in Suri- nam, set forth by Wm. Byam, E;>q. Governor of that Colony, and Vindication of those aspersed in that Re- lation, very RARE 4to. 1662 2638 Santi (Geo.) Voyage au Montamiata et dans le Siennois, maiis and plates', 2 vols. Lyon, 1802 2639 Sapho. L'Histoire et les Amours de Sapho de Mytelene, un- cut Paris, 1724 2d40 Satan his Methods and Malice Baffled, a Narrative of God's ^ Gracious Dealings with that choice Christian Mrs. Han- nah Allen, reciting the great advantages the Devil made of her deep melancholy, and her triumphant Victory over his devices, 1683 — A Consolatory Letter written to Lady Shoiiell on the loss of her Husband and only two sons. In 1 vol. 1708 2G41 Saturday Magazine, from its commencement in July 1832 to June 1843, containinff many hundred woodcuts, 22 vols, in 11, half bound, calf gilt impl. 8vo. 1832-43 2642 Saul (Cd.) An Historical and Philosophical Account of the Barometer or Weather-Glass 1735 2643 Savage. A True Relation of the Wicked Life and Shameful- happy death of Thomas Savage, justly condemned^ and twice executed at RatclifF, for his Bloody Fact in killing his Fellow-servant, by Vincent, Janeway, Doolittel, etc. uncut 1688 2644 Scarron (Mons.) The Whole Comical Works of, translated by Tho. Brown, Mr. Savage and others, 2 vols, calf 1727 J645 SchefFer's History of Lapland, the Customs, Marriages, Con- jurations, etc. of the Inhabitants, {including some very curious accounts,) map, front, and curious cuts, best edi- tion, calf 1705 2G46 Schiller's Sammtliche Werke, in einera bande, half calf, marb. edges impl. 8vo. 18 JO 2647 Schlosser (F. C.) History of the Eighteenth Century, trans- lated by D. Davison, 7 vols, cloth 1843-50 2648 Schooten (Henry) The Hairy Giants : or, a Description of Two Islands in the South Sea, also an Account of the Inhabitants, Twelve Feet High, etc. maj) and figures Pri?ited 1671 rep. 1766 y/. 212 NINTH day's sale. 2649 Schon and Crowtlier's Niger Expedition, ^wa^) 1842 ''^_^ 2C5t) Schrevelius' Greek Lexicon, translated by Major, with the '■^ Addition of an EngHsh-Greek Lexicon, c«(/ 1831 2651 Schultes (Henrj) Flowers of Fancy, exhibited in a Collection of Similes taken from various Authors, (chiefly Old Poets and Dramatists), and alphi-.betically arranged, with Appendix of Descriptive Passages showing the compara- tive excellence of various Writers, vignette, bds. uncut 1829 ^^^^ 2652 Scoresby (Wm.) Narrative of the Loss of the Esk and Lively, />- Greenland Whalers, by which 75 persons perished, with a Sermon on the Occasion Whitby, 1826 2653 Scot (Reginald) Discovery of Witchcraft, proving the Common ■^ y/ Opinions of Witches contracting with Divels, Spirits, or // Familiars, and their power to kill, torment, and con- f sume the Bodies of ]Men, Women, and Children, to be but imaginary erronius conceptions, with a Treatise on the Nature and Substance of Spirits, Divels, etc. hf. hd. calf gilt, woodcuts 4to. Land. 1651 2654 Scotland. The Lawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King ^'. James the first, and his successors. Kings of Scotland, / to the xxiij. and last Parliament of Good King James the sexth, calf fo!io, Edinh. Bob. Waldegrave, 1597 ^ v^ 2655 Scotland. The History of the Rebellion in 1745 and 1746, extracted from the Scots Magazine Aberdeen, 1755 265€~ Scotland, Memoirs concerning the Affairs of Scotland, from Queen Anne's Accession to the Union in 1707 1714 ^2:^ 2657 Scott (Jonathan M.) of Connecticut, Blue Lights, or the Con- /^^ vention, a Poem, in Four Cantos, rare Neio jrorA;,1817 2658 Scott (Sir W.) Rokeby, a Poem, calf 1813— The Lay of the Last Minstrel, a Poem, calf 1809 2 vols. ^y 2659 Scott (Sir W.) Lay of the Last Minstrel, j^Za/^'s by Turner, '^ Feilding, etc. London, C. Tilt, 1835— Scott's Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft 1831 .y 2660 Scott. Letters to R. Heber, Esq., on the Series of Novels y^ beginning with " Waverley," and an Attempt to ascertain their Author 1821 266 1 Scripscrapologia ; or, Collins' Doggei e^ Dish of all Sorts (Songs, Comic Tales, Quaint Epigrams,Whimsical Epitaphs, etc.) uncut, port. y jmblished by the Author, Birmingham, 1804 — The Shandy- Monian, containing a Conclaraatiou of original Pieces, a Higgledy Piggledy of Controversies, Extraordinary Incidents, etc. by Tho. Medley 1779 2662 Scudery (M. A.) Almahide ; or the Captive Queen, an excel- lent New Romance, written in French, and done into English by J. Phillips, hf. bd. foio, 1677 y 2(J63 Secret Memoirs of Robert Count de Parades (spy during the 4/ ' foHo, 1655 y/ 2673 Semedo (A.) Histoire Universelle de la Chine, avec I'Histoire / de la Guerre de Tartares 4to. 1667 ^/ 2674 Sentimental and Practical Theology, from the French of Le "^ Chevalier De *******^ calf extra, richly tooled on bach and sides 1 777 =^ 214 NINTH day's sale. 2675 Sermones ad omnes Status, de nouo correcii et emendati, lit. goti). Paris. J. Petit, sine anno • ^2076 Serre (Sr. de la) Le Breviare des Courtisaiis, et le Reveille- ^^^ Matin des TiamQS, fine plates designed by Van Horst, and f engraved by Galle and others, rare Bruxelles, 1653 2677 Sci'vetus. Impartial History of Michael Servetus, burnt alive ^ / at Geneva for Ileresie, calf, 1724 — Servetus' Thoughts on / Nature and Religion : or an Apology for the Right of / Private Judgment in answer to J. Calvin, the hook for which he was burnt 1 774 Two very scarce volumes. -^/^ 2678 Seward (Anna) Letters of, 6 vols, portraits and front. / Edin. 1811 ^y 2679 [Seward] Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, 3 vols, calf / extra, plates 1795 yy y2680 Sewel (Wm.) History of the Rii?e, Increase and Progress of <^y the Christian People called Quakers, in England, America, /^ and elsewhere, calf, avry scarce edition folio, Burlington, 2iew Jersey, 1774 2681 Sewell (W.) Essay on the Cultivation of the Intellect by the Study of the Dead Languages, 1830— Outlines of Philo- sophical Education by Geo. Jardine, second edition, en- larged 1 825 ^^ 2682 Shackleton (Rev. John) The Poems of Ossi: n attempted in / English verse, 2 vols. bds. uncut, a scarce translation Birmingham, 1817 2683 Shaftesbury (Earl of) Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opi- nions, etc. portrait and vignettes by Gribelin, 3 vols, calf 1723 2684 Shakers. The Testimony of Christ's appearing ; containing a General Statement of all things pertaining to the Faith ^ ^ and Practice of the Church in this Latter Day, published ^ by order of the Ministry, title mended {pp. 660) Albany, 1808 *' A very scarce and curious volume. — P.H," MS. note by Rev. P. Hall. 2685 Shakespeare. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Oy as now acted at the Duke of York's Theatre 4to. 1676 / An edition not mentioned by either Lowndes or Reed. At the back of title is a note to the Reader, stating that the play being too long, certain places are marked to be left out on the stage. The excisions include some of the finest passages in the play. J'/ 2686 Othello, the Moor of Venice, a Tragedy, as it hath been / divers times acted at the Globe, and at the BlacJc-Friers 4to. 1695 -^Y NINTH pat's sale. 215' 2687 [Shakspeare]. Troilus and Cressida, or Truth Found too late, a Tragedy, to which is prefix'd a preface containing the Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy, by John Dryden 4to. ifjry Shakspere's name does not appear to the play at all, but the commendatory poem makes it entirely Dryden's, and adds, " You found it dirt, but you have made it gold." In his Critique, Dryden finds great fault with Shakspere as being coarse, ungrammatical, afifected, and obscure, and appears to give the preference to Fletcher as a dramatist and poet. /y 2688 Letter to Garrick concerning a Glossary to the Plays of Shakspere, with a specimen 1768 2689 Garland, or the Warwickshire Jubilee, being a Col- lection of Ballads, etc. as perform' d in the Great Booth, at Stratford-upon-Avon, composed by Mr. Dibdin, 2 parts — Queen Mab, or the Fairies Jubilee, a Cantata, com- posed for the Jubilee, which was held in honour of the immortal Shakespeare, Sept. 6 and 7, 1769 — The Mask in Amphytriou, composed by Mr. Dibdin — The Stratford Jubilee, as sung by Mrs. Lowe, at Finch's Gardens — The Favourite Songs in the Comic Opera, I Viaggiatori Ridicoli, del Sig. P. Guglielmi ; and several songs, set to music, printed on separate sheets in 1 vol. folio Comments on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher with Observations on Shakespeare by J. Monck Mason, calf extra, \7\iS — Canons of Criticism and Glossary, a Sup- plement to ^yarburton's edition of Shakespeare [by T. Edwards], calf, 1765 2 vols. Shakspeare (William) Plays, from the text of Steevens, with his Notes, 8 vols, calf gilt 1797 Tales from Shakespear by Chas. Lamb, plates by Mid- ready, 2 vols, calf 1810 Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who lived about the time of Shakespeare, with Notes by C. Lamb, half calf 1813 Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon, with copies of Original Documents, Biographical Sketches, account of Jubilee, etc. by R, B. Wheeler, plates, calf extra Printed at Stratford-upon-Avon, ?i. d. Illustrations of Shakespeare, comprised in two hundred and thirty vignette engravings by Thomson and Thur- ston IS 25 Shakespeare's Plays and Poems, including the Doubtful Plays, with Biogeaphy, Dissertations, Notes, etc. by C. Knight; The Obiginal "Pictorial Edition," with tipicards of 1000 beautiful looodcut illustrations, fine original imjyressions, 8 vols, cotnplete in parts royal 8 vo. 1839-12 2690 ^> 2693 yry 2624 ^-^ 2695 ^, 2696 ^^^ 216 NINTH day's sale. AA 2697 Sheffield (John, Lord) Observations on the Commerce of the /^ American States, new edition, enlarged, uncut 1784 yf/ 2698 Sheffield. Strictures on the Necessity of Maintaining the /^ " Navigation and Colonial S3'stem of Great Britain, calf gilt 1806 ^ 2699 Sheffield Directory (A), with the Marks of the Cutlers, Scis- / sor and File-Smiths, Edge Tool and Sickle Makers, jphm of the town, and 164 marks Sheffield, 1797 ^ 2700 Shelley (Percy Bysshe) Poetical Works, edited by Mrs. r ^h.e\\Qy, portrait, 4 vols, cloth Moxon, 1839 . y2701 Shelvocke (Capt. Geo.) Voyage round the World, by the Way 'tJ^ of the Great South Sea, map and plates, containing "^ curious particulars relative to Mexico and California, loith the author's discovery of gold dust there (see page 400), calf I 7J6 y^/ 2702 Shepbeard (Thomas) of Cambridge, New England, The Sin- ^ cere Convert, discovering the Paucity of True Believers, FIRST EDITION, Calf 1643 ^^^/ 2733 Shepheard. The Sound Believer, or a Treatise of Evangelicall ''^ Conversion, fiest edition, calf 1645 2734 Shepard (and John AUin, of Bedham, N.E.) A Defence of rthe Answer unto the Nine Questions or Positions sent from New England, against the Reply thereto by Mr. John Ball, entituled, " a Tryall of the New Churcli-Way in New-England and in Old ; " tending to cleare up the old-way of Christ in New-England churches, fne clean copy, uncut 4to. 1 648 ^/ 2735 Shepard. The Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel breaking forth /^/ upon the Indians in New-England, y?j«e clean copy / 4to. 1648 •^^^ 2706 Shephard. Certain Select Cases Resolved London, 1650 2707 Shephard. Theses Sabbaticse, or the Doctrine of the Sabbath, ^Z/ with certain Select Cases Resolved, etc. in 1 \o\.fine copy ^ ^ in the original binding 1 650 yj>y2708 Shephard. A Treatise on Liturgies, Power of the Keyes, etc. yr in answer to Mr. John Ball 4to. 1653 2709 Shephard. Works; viz. The Sincere Convert; The Saints' yXy Jewel ; The Sound Believer ; The Doctrine of the Sab- ~^ bath ; Certaine Cases Resolved ; The First Principles of the Oracles of God ; Subjection to Christ. \w 1 vol. very fine copies, in the original calf binding 1653-9 2780 Shephard. Subjection to Christ in all his Ordinances the best means to preserve our Liberty, with a Treatise on Hear- ing the Word 1657 271 1 Shephard. The Parable of the Ten Virgins opened and apphed, -^ /, being the substance of divers Sermons on Matthew xxv. //^ \ — 13, with an epistle " to the Reader, and especially to the inhabitants of Cambridge, in New-EnyUnul,''' by Jonathan Mitchel, calf folio, 1695 % NINTH day's sale. 217 ^2712 Sheppard. The Sincere Convert, 1659, and the Sound Be- ^ liever, 1659, 2 vols, in 1, calf 1659 ^^^y^lXZ Shepard. Sincere Convert and Sound Believer, with Saint's "X^ ~ Jewel, and Soul's Invitation, ti?/^/t iV^o^es Faislet/, 1812 /y>^714 Shepard. Works, with a Memoir of his Life and Character, /^ 3 vols, cloth Boston, 1853 J?715 Shepherd (Thos.) of Braintree, Autliorof" Penitential Cries'* ^^X^ Sermons on Angels ; with a Sermon on the Power of Devils in Bodily Distempers, very scarce 1/02 2716 Shepherd (W.) A Sure Guide for His Majesties Justices of . / the Peace, with the Heads of the Statutes concerning ^y^ the Doctrine and Canons of the Church of England, fine engraved frontispiece of the Judgment of Solomon 1663 717 Shetland. A Voyage to Shetland, the Orkneys, and the Western Isles of Scotlanrl, giving an Account of the Laws, Customs, Antiquities, Fisheries, etc. with their Religious Ceremonies, Superstitions, Charms, Apparitions, and amazing Faculty of the Second-Sight, uticut 1751 ;f^ 2718 Shirley (Jas.) Six New Playes, never printed before, y?/«e^or^. by Marshall, calf 1653 •^2719 Shirley. The Conduct of Major-Gen. Shirley, late Com- ■^"^/^ mander-in-Chief of His Majesty's Forces in North America, briefly stated 1758 2721 Short Relati ju concerning the Life and Death of that faithful Minister of Jesus Christ, Wm. Simpson, who laid down >^y/ his Body in the Island of Barbadoes, the 8 day of the ^^r 12 month, Ki/O \\.o. printed in the year 16/1 A very rare and curious tract written partly by Wm. Fortescue and Oliver Hooton, both of Barbadoes, and partly by G. Fox and Elizabeth Hooton. It concludes with an address by Simpson, headed •' Going Naked a Signe ; " and Fox relates how he went naked for three years and blacked his face, going " stark naked to Cam- bridge " and to London, to markets and great men's- houses. O. Hooton adds a poem to his memory, of 22 lines. 2722 Shower (John) Of the Day of Grace ; or a Discourse con- cerning the Possibility and Fear of its being past before Death, ruled with red lines, old blue vior. richly gilt, FINE COPY 1691 2/23 Shrewsbury, Some Account of the Ancient and Present State 0?, plates 18U8 - — 3734-Shuckford (Sam.) Sacred and Profane History of the World connected, 4 vols, calf 1/31 ^y 2725 Siam. Voyage to Siam by Six Jesuits, with Astrological y^ Observations, etc. y>/«/e.» 1688- / 2 E ^' 218 NINTH day's sale. 2726 Sibille (Barth.) Speculum peregriuarum questionum ; Tres ^y^, decades complectens, de Angelis bonis et malis, etc. "^ lit. goti). Lugduni, 1534 — Piievmalogie, or Discovrs des Espnts, povr resouldre la matiere difficile des Sorciers, etc. par le Rev. P. F. Sebastien Micbselis, Paris, 1587. In 1 vol. calf, with arms and cypher on the sides 2/27 SiBLY (Dr. E.) Complete Works, viz., Iliustration of tbe ^ y Astrological and Occult Sciences, por^. and plates, 2 vols. ^^ — Culpeper's Englisb Physician and Complete Herbal, with the Medicinal and Occult Properties ; also the Family Dispensatory, and Key to Physic and the Occult Sciences, 2 vols. port, and numerous plates, together 4 vols, half calf gilt, fine copy 4to. n.d. -27^8-Sidney (Sir Philip) The Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia, with Supplement, co//" folio, 1627 5» >/2729 Sidney. Almanzor, and Almanzaida, a Novel ; written by Sir ''^Y Philip Sidney, and fonnd since his Death amongst his Papers, calf 1678 j'^^y'ilZQ Sidney (Sir Philip) Works of, in Prose and Verse, with a /^ Life of the Author, port. 3 vols, calf 1725 / ' 2731 Sierra Leone, An Account of the Colony of, from its first Establishment in 1793, map, calf 1793 ■pj^ 2732 Silvio Pellico, CEuvres de, illustrated with numerous beauti- -^ ful woodcuts, by Tony Johannot imperial 8vo. Paris, 1848 ^, y/2733 Silvio PelHco. My Prisons — Additions to My Prisons, with X <^ Biographical Notice of PelHco, by P. Maroncelli, best edi- tion, 2 vols, cloth Cambridge, 1836 2734 Simon (J.) An Essay towards an Historical Account of Irish .^Y Coins, and of tlie Currency of Foreign Monies in Ireland, • with 12 pages of Manuscript additions and fac- similes of coins, by the Rev. Mark Noble, plates 4 to. Dublin, 1749 y/ 2735 Simond (L.) Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Bri- '"^ tain, with Appendix on France, 2 vols. JEdinb. 1817 2736 Simpson (W.) Zymologia Physica ; or a Brief Philosophical Discourse of Fermentation, from a New AciJum and Sul- phur, whereby also Earthquakes, Eruptions, Meteors, and other Phenomena are genuinely solved 2737 Simsonii (Edw.) Chronicon Catholicon ex recensione et cum y AniiTiadversiouibus Petri Wesseling, finely engraved -'/ frontispiece containing portrait by Wandelaar, with / the autographs of J. C. Matthias, William ParTcer,* Js. Schorer, and others; very fine covy, j)rize vellum Lugd. Bat. 1729 2"38 S[inclair] (G[eorge]) The Ilydrostaticks ; or the Weight, .-0^ Force, and Pressure of Fluid Bodies made evident by ^ACp Physical and Sensible Experiments, together with a His- tory of Coal and of all the Common and Proper Acci- ^. NINTH day's sale. 219 dents thereof; a Subject never treated of before, loith a curious relation, occupying 10 jo/?., of the sad Trials Gilbert Campbel, of Glenluce, suffered in his family for many days from the devil 4to. Edin. 16/2 ^^'' 2739 Sinclair (Geo.) Satan's Iuvi.>-ible World discovered, proving y^ there are Devils, Spirits, Witches, Apparitions, etc. calf . . ^"^^^ X^y 27^0 Sinclair (Sir John) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, by ' ^ his Son, 2 vol?. 1837 X^y^lW Skinner (John) of Lovgside, Aberdeen, Poetical Pieces chiefly /*^ in the Scottish Dialect, vpith his Life, Edinb. 1809 — Poems by John Craig, Edinb. 1827 2 vols. ^^^21^2 Skinner (Stephano) Etymologicou Linguae Anglicanae, vjanting /> a leaf folio, Londini, 1671 ^^ 27AZ Slarle (John) Adventures of Jerry Buck, calf, fine copy 1754 2744 Slavery. Bisset's History of the Negro Slave Trade in its jp y connection with the West Indies, 2 vols. 1805 — Slave "y^/ Law of Jamaica, 1828 — Thorpe on the Increase of the y Slave Trade, presentation copy to the Duke of Clarence, 1818 4 vols. 27 5 Smart. An Illustration of Daniel Neal's History of the Purl y^'' y^ tans in the Article of Peter Smart, Prebendary of Dur- "V^x!^ ham, prosecuted for preaching a vile Sermon there, July 27, 1628, VMcut Durham, 1736 y 2746 Smith (Adam) Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the '^ Wealth of Nations, with Supplement, and Life bv W. Play fair, 3 vols, bright calf gilt 1805 2747 Smith (Adam) Whole Works, with his Life, 5 vols, calf gilt 1822 ^y 2748 Smith (Alexander) Poems Bogue, 1853 ^^2749 Smith (C. M.) Little World of London, cloth, 1857— Curiosi- - ties of London Life, cloth 1857 2750 Smith (Horace) Rejected Addresses : or the New Theatrum ^/^ Poetarum, 1812 — Horace in London, 1813 — Tears and / Smiles, by Peter Pindar, y>-ora#. calf, 1801 3 vols. ^y 2751 Smith (Capt. John) England's Improvement Reviv'd, digested into Six Books, calf 4 to. 1670 ^y 2752 Smith (M.) Gent. The Vision, or a Prospect of Death, Heaven and Hell; The Resurrection and Day of Judgment 1702 J-- 2753 Smith (Samuel) History of the Colony of Nova Caesaria, or / New Jersey, from its first settlement to 1721, with some ^M^.y^ particulars since, and a short view of its present state, y^ calf, fine clean copy Burlington, New Jersey, 1765 A judicious and authentic publication, by a Quaker Native of New Jersey. Never having been reprinted, it has become excessively scarce. < . 2755 Smith (Southwood) Philosophy of Health, 2 vols, half bound -yC 1847 y 2785 South America. The American Monitor, a Monthly Maga- zine particularly devoted to the affairs of South America, 2 vols. 1824-5 /27S& Southey's Oraniana : or Horse Otiosores, 2 vols, halfbd. 1812 — Maxims, Opinions, and Characters from the Works of Edmund Burke, port, and facsimile, 2 vols. 1811 87 Southey (R.) Sir Thomas More : or Colloquies on the Pro- gress and Prospects of Society, port, and plates, 2 vols. cloth 1831 -7/2788 Southey. Espriella's Letters from England, 3 vols, halfbd. '^ 1817 y^-^ 2,7^9 Southerne (Tho.) Plays now first collected, with Life of the [/^ Anihor, port. 3 \o\s. calf, fne copg 1724 2790 South Sea Bubble. Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid, etc. A collection of upwards of Seventy humourous ^^^y Plates and grotesque Caricatures illustrative of the Mis- sissippi Scheme, including portraits of Law and Madam Law, Views on the Mississippi, Map of Louisiana, etc. etc. with descriptions and poems in the Dutch language, old calf gilt folio, 1/20 2791 South Sea Company. True Account of the Rise and Pro- gress of, by a Resident in Jamaica, 1743 — Speech in- ^^ tended to have been spoken at the General Court of the ^/^^ South-Sea Company, Jan. 16th, 1750, by Charles Say, 1751 — Considerations on the case stated between the Public and the South-Sea Company H. Wopdfall, 1751 ^yg792 Spanish Libertines (The) ; or the Lives of Justina, Celestina, ^^ and Estevanillo Gonzales, with a play, call'd An Eveu- ^ ii'g's Adventures, translated by Capt. John Stevens 1707 /y'2793 Spanish Settlements in America, an Account of the, in Four ^^ parts, with Account of the Siege and Surrender of Ha- vannah, map, calf 1762 2794 Speckman. The Life, Travels, Exploits, Frauds, and Robbe- ries of Charles Speckman, alias Brown, who was executed 4y^ at Tyburn on Nov. 23, 1763, with a Recital of more / than five hundred Thefts, Felonies, etc. committed by him in Great Britain, North x-^merica, West Indies, etc. written by himself in Newgate 1 763 ^ 2795 Speed (John) A Cloud of Witnesses : and They the Holy y^ Genealogies of the Sacred Scriptures 1616 NINTH day's sale. 223 ^ 2796 Speed (John) The Histoiie of Great Britaine under the Con- ^/^ quests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and 'Normans, Jine ' portrait, and numerous tcoodcuts of coinSy arms, seals, etc. good clean copy in the original calf folio, 1623 >ti/2797 Speed (Samuel) Prisoner in Ludgate, Prison-Pietie : or Me- ^, dilations Divine and Moral ; digested into Poetical Heads, on mixt and various subjects, title in exact facsimile, RARE 1677 ^^ 2798 Spence (Rev. Jos.) Observations, Anecdotes and Characters of Books and Men 1^20 y2799 Spence (W.) Britain Independent of Commerce, 1807 — Med- y ford (M.) Oil without Vinegar, or British and American West India Infere>ts considered, chart, 1807 — Baring (A.) Inquiry into Orders in Council and on the Neutral Commerce of America, 1808, in 1 vol. ^2800 Spencer (Edmund) Shepherd's Calendar, with a Latin trans- -^=^, lation by Theodore Bathurst, fine portrait by Fertue, and 12 plates by Fourdrinier, calf gilt London, printed by W. Bowyer, 1732 'y^ 2801 Spencer (John) Discourse concerning Prodigies, first edi- tion, calf gilt, fine tall copy 4to. 1663 ^2802 The same, second edition, with a Lecture added on 'y' L^- vulgar prophecies, crimson morocco, gilt edges, fine copy 1665 2803 Spinoza's Treatise, partly Theological and partly Political, to prove that the Liberty of Philosophizing may be allowed without any prejudice to Piety or to the Peace of any Commonwealth 1737 2804 Spira. A Relation of the Feare-fvll Estate of Francis Spira ■>/y (in 15^8), 1640 — The Second Spira: being a fearful /^^' Example of an Atheist who died in Despair, at "Westmin- ster, and was buried in the Abby, Dec. 8, \iJ92, for John Bunton, 1693 — The Second Spira, j^jrtr^ second, being a Further Account, /or ^. Roper, 169;i, in 1 vol. y/ 2806 Spiritual Recreations in the Chamber of Affliction, or Pious Meditations, in Verse, written during an illness of 13 years, by Ehza 1821 , 2807 Spiritual Quixote, or the Summer's Rambles of Mr. Geoffry '^^^ Wildgoose, a Comic Romance, calf, ISOS — A Sentimen- tal Journey through France and Italy, by L. Sterne, half bound ' 1809 y2808 Spizelii (Theoph.) Elcvatio Relationis Monteziuimse de repertis V ^ in America Tribubus Israeliticus, et Discussio Argumcnto- rum pro Origine Gentium Americanarum Israelitica, a Menasse Ben Israel, uncut Basil. 1661 f/^2809 Stagg (John) Miscellaneous Poems, some of which are in the '^ Cumberlaud and Scottish Dialects, tail pieces cut by Bewick Wigton, 1808 ■//- 2'24 NINTH DAYS SALE. 2810 Standard Library Cyclopaedia of Political, Constitutional, Statistical, and Forensic Knowledge, 4 vols, cloth 18^8 /2811 Stanton (Daniel) of Philadelphia, Journal of the Life, Tra- ^%^ vels, and Gospel Labours of, (in New England, Carolina, Barbadoes, etc.) Philad. rep. 1799 ^^^2812 Starkey (Geo.) a Philosopher by Fire, Pyrotechny Asserted / and Illustrated, to be the surest and safest means for , Art's Triumph over Nature's Lifirmities 1658 f^4%\%^ Starkey (Geo.) Nature's Explication and Helmont's Vindica- / tion, or a Short and Sure Way to a Longiind Sound Life, '.^ frontispiece by Stent, and curious folding plates, fine / copy in original binding, with autograph of Robt. Wynne, 1664 16.T7 - 2814 '' Starkey. Themis Aurea; the Laws of the Fraternity of the Rosie Cross, written in Latin, by Count Michael Maierus, and now in English, with an Epistle to the Fraternity in Latine from some here in England, London, 1656. In 1 vol. calf gilt 21815 Statutes. The Create Abbrydgement of ye Statutes of Eng- -oy, lande untyll the XXX. yere of the reygne of Henry the -::=y^ Eyght, 20li)tc \tiitx,fine copy Lond. H. Redman, n. d., {circa 15 10) '; 2816 Stearne (John) of Lawshall, neere Burie Saint Edmonds, a j^ y Confirmation and Discovery of Witch-Craft, that there are n^c:^y Witches called bad Witches, and Witches untruely called X good or white Witches, and how they may bee knowne, with the Confessions of those executed since May 16-15, etc. 4to. 1648 2817 Stebbing's History of Chivalry and the Crusades, 2 vols. fronts. 1830— Paris and its Historical Scenes, 2 vols. plates, 1813 4 vols. 2818 Stedman (C.) The History of the Origin, Progress, and Termi- ^^^^/ nation of the American War, numerous maps and plates, 2 \o\s. half bound 4to. 1794 * 2819 Stedman (Capt. J. G.) Narrative of a Five Years Expedition >^^/^ against the Revolted Negroes vi Surinam, in Guiana, on / the Wild Coast of South America, from 1772 to 1777, 80 ^~ plates, 2 vols. 4to. 1796 ' / /2§;20 Stehelin (J. P.) Rabinical Literature: or the Traditions of the / Jews, contained in their Talmud, and other Mystical Writings, 2 vols, in 1, clean good copy, rare 1748 2821 Stephens (li.) a World of Wonders : or an Introduction to a Treatise touching the Conformitie of Ancient and Mo- ■^ / derne Wonders, fine copy in the original calf, arms on the sides folio, /. Norton, 1607 Contains some very curious accounts of the "lechery, drunk- ennesse, robberies, murthers, blasphemies, fine fetches, daintie devices, and strange traditions of the Popish Clear'j;ie." ■r<^' y NINTH day's sale. 225 2822 Steele (Joshua) Prosodia Ratioualis: or aa Essay towards establishing the Melody and Measure of Speech, to be expressed, and perpetuated by peculiar Symbols, second edition enlarged 4to. London, 1779 yy 2823 Steele (Robt.) Tour through part of the Atlantic, from ^ m Madeira, the ^Azores and Newfoundland, chart 1810 yy 2824 Stephenson (Sarah) Memoirs of her Life and Travels in the ^ " Service of the Gospel, {in New York, Philadelphia, Germantown, etc.) 1807 ^^/^2825 Sterne (Laurence) Works, with Life, written by himself, bright ^ calf gilt, 8 voh. £dinb. \799 / y2S26 Sterne (Laurence) Works of, with Life of the author, written y^ by himself, portrait and plates by Stothard and Thurston, 4 vols. bds. uncut, best edition 1808 2827 Stevens (Capt.) Collectioi^ of Voyages and Travels, con- J^,^^^ taiuing Argensola's Molucco and Philippine Islands — Lawsun's Carolina — Cieza's Travels in Peru — Travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia— Captivity of the Sieur Monette — Teixeira's Travels from India, and Cauche's Voyage to Madagascar, tnaj) and plates, some wanting, the 2 vols, bomid in 1, ivith general Title, but wanting some second Titles 4to. 1711 ,2828 Stevens. Songs, Comic and Satyrical, by Capt. G. A. Stevens, 1782 — A Lecture on YLea-da, frontisinece, 1788 —The Dramatic History of Master Edward, Miss Anne, and others, the Extraordinaries of these Times, by G. A. Stevens, many curious plates, 1786 together, 3 vols. ^ AQ.S29 Stevenson (W. 13.) Narrative of Twenty Years' Residence ia !^'^ South America, containing Travels in Arauco, Chile, Peru, etc. 3 vols. ^/a^e« 1825 /"^^SSO Stewart (Sir John) The Principles of Money applied to the present State of the Coin of Bengal, cf.gilt Printed 1772 2c!31 [Stewart] Travels over the Globe to discover the Source of ^^i^ M ral Motion — Apocalypse of Nature, wherein the Source '^^ of Moral Motion is discovered, and a Moral System esta- blished, 2 vols, calf London, hi the year of Astronomical Calculation, 5000 y^2S32 Stillingfleet. Tracts relating to Natural History, Hus- y baudry, etc. with Theophrastus' Calender of f\oT?i, plates 1762 2833 Stillingfleet (Edw.) The Shecinah, or Demonstration of the Divine Presence in places of Religious Worship 1663 2834 Stillingfleet (Edw.) Origines Britannicec, cr the Antiquities of y^y the British Churches, old calf gilt 1685— Origines Angli- ^^^r cana?, or a History of the English Church, in continuation / of Stillingfleet, by John Inelt, D.D. 2 vols, brown calf ] 704, together 3 vols._^«e tall set, with the autograph of Neville White, brother and correspondent of Henry Kirke White foho, 1 085- 1704 2 F 7^ ^- ^ ^ 226 NINTH day's sale. 2835 StockJale (F. W. L.) Excursions in the County of Cornwall, LARGE PAPER, map and bO plates on India paper royal 8vo. 1824 5^- 2836 Stoddart (Sir John) Philosophy of Language, comprehending ^ Universal Grammar, or the Pure Science of l^anguage, revised by Hazlitt 1849 2837 Stokes (Ant.) Chief Justice of Georgia, View of the Constitu- tion of the British Colonies in N, America and the West Indies, at the time the War broke out 1783 838 Story (Thomas) A Journal of his Life, his remarkable con vince- ment of, and embracing the Truth, and his Travels and Labours in the Service of the Gospel, calf, fine copy folio, Newcastle, 1757 Story landed in Pennsylvania in 1 698, travelled and laboured in different parts of New England, for 16 years, when he visited Barbadoes and Jamaica in 1714. 2839 Story (Thomas) Life and Travels of, carefully abridged, in which the principal occurrences, etc. are retained, by J. Kendall, ca// 1/89 y / 2840 Story Teller (The), a Collection of the Choicest Tales, Legends ^ and Traditions of all Nations, 2 vols, halflound impl. 8vo. 1833 2841 Story Teller (The), or Table Book of Popular Literature, edi- ted by Rob. Bell, Vol. I impl. 8vo. 1843 2842 Stoughton (Wm.) of Massachusetts, An Assertion of True and Christian Church Policie, wherein objections against planting of Pastors, and Elders in every Congregation are sufficiently answered, calf 4to. 1642 An account of the author will be found iu Cotton Mather. ^A 2843 Strutt (Jos.) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, '^ with Index by W. Hone, 140 ivoodcuts 1834 ^844 Struys (J. J.) Voyagien door Moscovien, Tartaryen, Oostin- c::::^^ dien, etc. fine impr^ssions of the numerous plates, includ- / ing the frequently missing plate of the faying, vellum 4to. Amst. 1676 ^ J2^45 Struys (John) The Perillous and most Unhappy Voyages of, y/^ with the Disastrous Calamities which befell the author by Ship-wrack, Robberies, Slavery, Hunger, Tortures, etc. map and plates, calf 4to. 1 682 28 16 Strype. Life and' Acts of Matthew Parker, the first Arch- y ' bishop of Canterbury in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Y/:^ WITH AN IMMENSE QUANTITY OF MANUSCRIPT ADDI- / ^ ^ TION9, IN A CONTEMPORARY HAND, (iF NOT BY THE '■^ AUTHOR himself) APPARENTLY FOR A NEW EDITION, /;, portrait by Verlue, (see MS. note, as to a wrong por- trait havivg been first engraved for this book) half bound, uncut ' folio, 1715 NINTH day's sale, 227 ■)/ 2847 Stubbe (Hen.) The Miraculous Conformist, or an Account of (^T^ severall Marvailous Cures performed by tlie Stroaking of the Hands of Mr. Valentine Greatarick 4to. 1666 2848 Stubbe (Henry) A Further Justification of the Present War jr-<^ against the United Netherlands, containing Particulars / of the Cruelties of the Dutch towards the English in the / East Indies, engraved frontispiece by Sherwin, containing portraits of Hugh Peters, Secretary T/iurlow, etc. and plates of the Tortures at Ambovna, etc. fine clean copy, calf ' 4 to. 1773 2849 Sturniy (D.) A Theological and Philosophical Theory of a , Plurality of Visible or Material Worlds, calf l/ll — Cos- ■^^y^ mology, an Enquiry into the cause of Gravitation or / Attraction, in which the operations of a.l Nature are deduced from an universal principle of Efflux and Reflux, half bound, scarce Bath, 1791 ;?X 2850 Suchten (Alex. Van) of the Secrets of Antimony, translated '^' from the High Dutch, by Dr. C.,with B. Valentine's Salt of Antimony 1670 ^y^2Sb\. Suckling (Geo.) Historical Account of the Virgin Islands ia '^ the West Indies, M«C2<^ 1780 2852 Sullivan (R.) Dictionary of Derivations, 1834 — Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by J no. Oswald, 1833 —Walker's Key, 1829 ^Z' 2853 Supplement to the Advice from the Scandal Club [Dissenting Controversy], uncut 1704 y2854 SutclifFe (Rev. J.) Grammar of English Language, 1815 — ■y^ and 10 School Books, by Cobbett, Entick, Murray, etc. / 11 y^ 2855 Sutton (C.) Disce Vivere, blacfe Itttcr, vellum, for JE. Short, n.d. ^y 2856 Swadlin (Dr. Thos.) King Charles, his Funeral, with his Anni- / versaries continued untill 1659 4to. 1661 857 Swedenborg (Eman.) Delights of Wisdom, concerning Con- jugal Love; after which follow the Pleasures of Insanity concerning Scortatory Love, translated, calf 4to. 1794 ^ yi^h^ Swedenborg. Conjugal Love and its Chaste DeHghts ; also ^/ Adulterous Love and its Insane Pleasures, {new edition of the above) 1855 ^^2859 Swift. The Tripe Club ; a Satyr, in verse, by the Author of the Tale of a Tub, uncut 4to. for Jacob Tonson, 1706 ^^^2860 Swift. Miscellanies, viz., Art of Punning, Swearer's Bank, ^ Poems, Tales, etc., with the TVfO scarcij; suppressed TRACTS inserted, calf, fine copy 1722 'J 286 1 Swift (Dean) Essay on the Earlier Part of his Life, with seve- ral Pieces ascribed to him, original Letters, etc. by Dr. John Barrett 1808 2862 Swift (Dean) Select Works, containing all his Poetical Pieces, ^^y etc. port, and plates, 5 vols, crimson morocco extra, gilt / edges lf^2.> //■' /■' 228 NINTH day's sale. ^^/'1%^Z Swift. Another copy, large paper, green morocco, extra, 'Y gilt edges 1825 - 2864 Swift (Memoirs of) by Sir Walter Scott, 2 vols in 1, half calf -^Z/' gilt, 182G— Memoirs of John Dryclen, by Sir W. Scott, X 2 \o\s. ml, half calf gilt 1826 ^ >^865 Swift. Voyages de Gulliver dans des Contrees Lointaines, yr illustrated with several hundred woodcuts, by Grand- / ville, 2 \o]s. half calf gilt 1838 2^66 Swinburne (H.) Treatise of Testaments and Last Willes ; and '^=3^ by what meanes the same may be effected or hindered ; / no lesse delightfull ns well for the rareness of the worke, as for the easines of the stile and method, {contains many curious and obsolete laws and customs) Ato. printed by John Windet, 1590 ^;^;2/2867 Syntax. Tours of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, ^ a Wife, and Consolation, coloured plates, 3 vols. hf. bd. calf, marb. edges 1823 y/^ 2868 Sylvia's Revenge, or a Satyr against Man, in Answer to the X Satyr against Women, uncut 4to. 1688 ^ / 2869 Syria, The Holy Land, Asia Minor, etc. illustrated in a series ''y of Views, by TV. H. Bartlett and W. Furser, etc. 2 vols. '^ half calf gilt 4to. 1836 2^70 Systema Agriculturse ; The Mystery of Husbandry discovered y^^ and layd open, with the Kalendarium Rusticum, and the Dictionarium Rusticum, or Interpretation of Rustick Terms, by J. W., second edition, calf, frontispiece by Van Hove, and Verses folio, 1675 28/1 T. (R.) Witchcraft Vindicated, in Answer to " The Question of ^y Witchcraft debated," 1669; Almanach du Diable, ^/«5^. 1/37; Ilistoire de I'Abbaye du Repos de Notre-Dame, a Marquette, et de Notre-Dame dela ^i^xxiexe, front., Lille, 1772. In 1 vol. 2872 Table Talk : or Selections from the Ana, 1S27— Table Table of John Selden, 1797— The Book of Table Tslk, wood- cuts, 2 vols, in 1 1847 2873 Tachenius (Otto) his Hippocrates Chymicus, discovering the Ancient Foundation of the late Viperine Salt, with his ^ Clavis thereunto annexed, translated by J. W., 2 vols, in 1, curious engraved title by Brapentier 4to. Lond. 1677 ^2874 Tafiletta. A Short and Strange relation of some part of the '^^ Life of Tafiletta, Conqueror and Emperor of Barbary 4to. 1669 ^ morocco, gilt edges Lond. 1796 ^^;^2880 Tasso. La Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 vols, half mor. marb, / edges Farigi, 1819 y -^881 Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, or Godfrey of Bulloign, done '^^ into English by Edward Fairfax, fourth edition, with '^ Glossary and Index, calf gilt 1749 ^--v^882 Tasso. Jerusalem Delivered, an Heroick Poem, translated ^ ~' by John Hoole, best edition iviih Index and vignettes, 2 vols, calf gilt London, for the author, 1763 ^^^2rS83 Tassoni (Aless.) La Secchia Eapita, poema Eroico-comico /^ colle Annotazioni, etc. di G. Salvani, e Dr. P. Eossi, curious plates, very fine copy in vellum Venezia, 1747 „^^ 2884 Tate (Nahum) Voem^,fne copy in the original binding 1677 ^2885 Tate (Nahum) Present for the Ladies, an Historical Account -^^ of Illustrious Persons of the Female Sex, with an /^ Accomplished Virgin, Wife, and "Widow, in Yerse 1693 2886 Tate (Nahum) Miscellanea Sacra, or Poems on Divine and ^- Moral Subjects, y)'o?J^. by Gribelin,fine copy in oldpurple / morocco, icith coronet and cypher on the side, and loith bookplate of the unfortunate Dr. Dodd 1696 ^^ 2887 Tatham (John) The Fancies Theater : Poems, " The Maiden y^ Blossoms of his Miise,^^ title in exact facsimile, kaee 1640 /2SS8 Tavernier Bernier (M.) Collections of Travels through ^/ Turkey into Persia and the East Indies, together with ^ a Eelation of the Kingdom of Japan and Tuukin, etc. many curious plates, and large map of Japan, 2 vols, iu 1, calf folio, 1680-84 . 2889 Taylor. Contemplatio Philosophica, a Posthumous Work of ^^ the late Brook Taylor, F.E.S. with Life and Corres- / pondence, by Sir Wm. Young, p>or trait, very scarce Not published, London, 1793 2890 Taylor's Cabinet of Genius, containing frontispieces and y, y characters adapted to the most popular Poems, etc. '^'^ with the Poems, etc. enlarged, 94 plates, beautifully / engraved by C. Taylor, from Shelley s designs, calf 4to. 1787 230 TENTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. Y'/^ 2891 Taylor (Isaac) The Process of Historical Proof Exemplified /^ and Explained, hds. uncut 1821 y/ 2892 Taylor (Isaac) Elements of Thought, 1824— Ideas seldom / Thought of, for extending Knowledge, by H. Bliss, cloth 1851 2893 Taylor (Jeremy) the Great Exemplar described in the His- (^y tory of the Life and Death of Jesus Christ, portrait hy /^ Lomhart, and plates hy Faithorne, fine impressions, ori- ginal calf hinding folio, 1667 2894 Taylor (John) Account of his Labours, Exercises, Travels, / y Perils and Delivei'ances by Sea and Land, by way of -■^J^^ Journal, a feiv pages cut close at the bottom 1710 A very scarce Quaker volume. It recounts his Travels in Barbadoes, New England and Carolina, in 1658, etc. 1895 Taylor (Thomas) Collectanea, his Miscellanies, inserted in the Magazines, with Appendix of Hymns, blue morocco, gilt edges, presentation copy to Mev. P. Hall 1806 yj;y<>2896 Taylor (W. C.) Student's Manual of Ancient History, 1842 7f<^ —Student's Manual of Modern History, 1843 'Farker 1897 Taylor (Mrs.) Maternal Solicitude for a Daughter's best Interests, crimson morocco, gilt edges , 1816 >w^2898 Taylor (W.) Historic Survey of German Poetry, inter- y^ spersed with various Translations, 3 vols, calf extra 1828 2899 Taylor (Zach.) The Surey Impostor, in Answer to a late / Fanatical Pamphlet, entituled, the Surey Demoniack, "^Z curious cut of " The Surey Impostor,'^ uncut, autograph ^ o/" Fran. Hutchinson" 4to. 1697 y 2900 Taylor (Zach.) Popery, Superstition, Ignorance, and Eaiavery ^/ ' proved upon the Dissenters that were concerned in the / Surey Imposture 4to. 1698 ^ 2901 Tennent (Gilbert) Minister of the Gospel in Philadelphia, 'y Discourses ou several Important Subjects, calf ^ Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1745 -^/^' ^s ^ TENTH day's SALE. 231 2902 Terrible Tractoration, a Poetical Petition against Galva- yy nising Trumpery and the Perkinistic Institution, in four Cantos, by C. Caustic, M.D. LL.D. ASS. first American Edition, plates New York, 180-4 903 Terrific Register, or Records of Crimes, Judgments, Pro- vidences, and Calamities, 104 tvoodcuts, 2 vols. bds. uncut 1825 ' 2904 Terry (Edw.) Voyage to East India, reprinted from the Edition of 1655, icith copperplates, portrait, calf 1777 ^^^^ 2905 Tertullian's Prescription against Hereticks, and the Apolo- ■ , geticks of Tbeophilus, translated by 'Betty, front. . • *| '"/- '-Uii J^«, Oxford, 1722 2906 Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, the Sons of Jacob, Muck letter, tcoodcuts, clean copy 1686 2907 Thacker (Jas.) Military Journal during the- American Re- volutionary War, from 1775 to 1783, vrith Biographical Sketches of several Officers, Large Paper royal 8vo. Boston, 1827 2908 Thackeray ("W. M.) Comic Tales and Sketches, edited and illustrated by M. A. 1\tma.T&\\, plates, 2 vols, cloth 1841 ^^ 2909 Theatre of the World, in Avhich is discoursed the many -^/^ Miseries and Frailties incident to Mankinde in this ^ Mortal Life, by P. Farrer 1663 .^h^ 2910 Theocracy. Considerations on the Universality and Uni- ^ formity of the Theocracy, by a Layman, crimson mo- rocco, gilt edges 1796 2911 Theophile, Les (Euvres de, divisees en trois parties, conte- nant I'lmmortalite de I'Ame, la Tragedie de Pirame et Thisbe, etc. et les Pieces qu'il a faites pendant sa prison a Haven, 1636 The authoi' is much commended hy St. Evremond and Scudery. ^yy2Q12 Thomas (Elizabeth) Pylades and Corinna, or Memoirs of 'p^'^ the Lives, Amours, and Writings of Rich. Gwinnett and Mrs. Thomas, ^ar^rai^ Privately printed, ll^X. ^'^ 2913 Thomas (T.) of WareTiam,Y\ew oiihe Origin, Progress, and Diversity of Heathen Worship, with Appendix on Homer's Attachment to Eastern Idolatry 1809 ^ /2914 Thompson (Ed.) Sailor's Letters during his Yoyages and Travels in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, 2 vols. ^ 1766 ^^^X2915 Thomson (James) Complete Works, with Life by Murdoch, y^ portrait by Paton, and plates hy Dodd, Stothard, and Burney, large paper, 3 vols, hf calf gilt 1788 ^y 2916 Thompson (Jac.) The Life and Adventures of, a Narrative ■^^ founded on Facts, portraits of Thompson and Miss Bich, 2 vols. 1751 — The Virtuous Orphan, or the Life of the Countess of **♦*, written by Herself, 2 vols. 1747 4^- 232 TENTH bay's SALE. /V; 2917 [Thomson (E.)] Chronicles of London Bridge, by an Anti- ^/^ quary, itliistrated with 56 beautifully executed woodcuts, hds. uncut 1827 s.^i''^ 2918 Thomson (Spencer) Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and /^ Household Surgery, cuts, cloth 1852 2919 Thomson (Dr. Thomas) Annals op Philosophy, or Maga- cJO/ zine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural '/ History, etc. numerous plates and woodcuts, 28 vols. ^ 1813-26 ^ >^2920 Thorley (Eev. John) Melisselogia, or the Female Monarchy, /^ an Enquiry into the Nature and Government of Bees, plates, calf 1744 2221 TnoRowGooD (Thos.) Jews in Ameeioa, or Probabilities ^-*>^ y^ that those Indians are Judaieal, made more probable by ■^ y . some additionals to the former Conjectures ^ 4to. for Henry Brome, 16G0 This is Thorowgood's Second Treatise on the Jews. It includes also the learned conjectures of Mr. John Eliot, touching the Americans, and a Discourse concerning the New World. /, 2922 Thoughts on Civil Liberty, on Licentiousness and Faction, y ^ by the author of Essays on the Characteristics, calf Newcastle, 1765 2923 Thou (Monsieur de) History of his own Time, to which is y(^y prefixed tlie Life of tlie Author, and an Appendix con- / taining the Castrated Passages, translated by B. Wil- son, 2 vols, calf gilt, fine copy folio, 1730 • y^924 Three Courses and a Dessert, with 50 ilhistrations by GruiJc- 'Y^^ shank, 1852 — Humour and Pathos, {wants title), 1838 — Emerson's Essays, 'Ind series 1844 ^y'l^l'o Thunberg (C. P.) Flora Japonica sistens Plan tas Insular urn /^ Japonicarum, plates^ hf hd. calf Lips. 1784 /•2926 Thunberg (C. P.) Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, in- ^/^ eluding the Cape of Good Hope, Java, Japan, Ceylon, r etc. plates, 4 vols, calf yilt 1795-96 ^>^^ 2927 Thurlow (Edward Lord) Poems on several Occasions, crim- ^ son morocco, gilt edges, fine copy Lond. JK Buhner, 1813 2928 Tiraberlake. The Memoirs of Lieut. H. Timberlake, who accompanied the three Cherokee Indians to England in the year 1762, map and plate, calf 1765 Contains " A curious account of the Cherokee In- dians, with a map, recommended by Southey in his Madoc." ^y^2929 Titford (W, J.) Sketches towards a Hortus Botauicus Anie- 'y ricauus, with Glossary, and 18 heantiful coloured plates, / hf. hd. ' 4to. 1811 TENTH day's SALE. 233 ^^ 2930 Tigbe (Mrs. Henry) Psyche, with other Poems, beautiful ^ ' portrait, calf gilt, lest edition 4to. 1811 ^y 2931 Tillotson (John, ArcTibp.) Life of, by Dr. Young, portrait, "/ ca/y; 1717— Eemarks on Birch's Life of Tillotson (by ^ Eev. G. Smith) lif. Id. 1755 j^y>^ 2932 Tim Bobbin's Miscellaneous "Works in Prose and Verse, ^ portrait and plates, uncut 1803 ^^^^>2933 Tim Bobbin's Lancashire Dialect, and Poems, plates hy y/^ Cruikshank, best edition, with a Glossary LoJidon, 1828 "934 Timperley (C. H.) A Dictionary of Printers and Printing, portraits, looodcuts of Printer's Devices, Monograms, etc. impl- 8vo. 1839 _^/2%^5 Tiraboschi, Storia della Letteratura Italiana, nuovo Edizione ^ 9 vols, bound in 16, hf vellum Firenze, 1807-13 -__4J936 Tobacco. Histoire du Tabac, composee par M. de Prade, • ■/^ dedicated to the Marquess de Foix, with a fine portrait Paris, 1677 2937 Toft. A Diary, during a Close Attendance upon Mary Toft, the Pretended Eabbet-Breeder, of Godalming, with her Confession of the Praud, by Sir Eich. Man- ningham, 1726 ; Some Observations concerning the Woman of Godlyman, in Surrey, tending to prove her extraordinary Deliveries to be a Cheat and Imposture, by Cy. Ahlers, 1726 ; The several Depositions of Six ' Persons relating to Mary Toft, being delivered of several Eabbits, 1726 ; Narrative of an Extraordinary Delivery of Eabbets, perform'd by Mr. John Howard, Surgeon at Guilford, 1727. In one vol. gr949 Trench (Eichard Chenevix) Justin Martyr, and other Poems, y 1836 — Salvation ; Honor Neale ; and other Poems, 1838 2 vols. /^y;'2950 Trenck (Baron de) Memoires de, traduits par lui-merae, / C port, and plates hy Borel, 3 vols. French calf gilt, eine COPY Strasbourg, 1789 2951 Trials. The Tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New York, Printer, 1738 — Eemarks on the Trial of John Peter , / Zenger,1738 — Proceedings between Lady Prances How- ^ ard, and Eobert Earl of Essex, 1737— Trial of Eich. ''^ Weston for the Murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, 1737 — Trial of John Lilburne for High Treason, 1737 — with other Trials, in one \o\. ports, of Lilhurn and two of the Earls of Essex inserted, hf bowid calf 4to. ,2952 Trials of the Three Sons of Eob Eoy, with Memoir and "^yy Anecdotes of Eob Eoy and Family, 1818 — Criminal ^ Trials illustrative of " The Heart of Mid-Lothian," with Life of Capt. Vovteus, plates 1818 ^/'2953 Trial of the British Soldiers of the 29th Eegt. for the Mur- /y^ der of Crispus Attucks, Gray, Caldwell and others, at Boston, in 1770 £oston, 1824 ;?*-j^2954 Tryals for High-Treason, Murder, and other Crimes, for 300 ^^// years past, with Preface, Tables, etc. including Trials of / Capt. Kidd, and Capt. Green, for Piracy, etc. 6 vols. original calf gilt 1720 2955 Trimmer (Mrs.) Sacred History, with Annotations and Ee- i>y y flections, 6 vols, bright old crimson morocco, richly gilt, ^X icith gilt edges, a beautiful specimen of binding, in very / fine condition 1782-5 2956 Trip to the Moon, containing an Account of the Island of •/' Noibla, its Inhabitants, Customs, etc. by Sir Humphrey / Lunatic, 2 vols, calf {Vol. 1 loanis title) 1765 , TENTH day's sale. 235 ■ • 2057 Trumbull (Jolin) McFingal : an Epic Poem, in Four Cantos PJiiladelpliia, 1791 ^y 2958 Trusler (Jno.) The difference between words esteemed Sy- /^ nonymous, and the proper choice of them determined, 2 vols, calf Bodsley, 1766 >- /'2959 Tryon (Thos.) Treatise of Dreams and Visions, wherein the communications of Good and Evil Angels, and departed Souls are Theosophically imfolded, calf 1689 ^ 2960 Tryon (Tho.) The A¥ay to Health, Long Life and Happi- j^ ness: a Discourse of Temperance, calf, 1691 — Tryon, The Good Housewife made a Doctor, by Diet and Kitchen Physick only 1692 2961 Tryon. New Art of Brewing Beer, Ale, and other sorts of y y Liquors : with the Art of making Mault, etc. xcith long ''^y MS. note and the following autograph, " Given me hy Sr ^ Harry Fane, January y^ 4th, 1699, Senry Cope'' 1691 — 29^ Tryon. Good News for the Poor, and better for the Eich, uncut, rare 1694 ^ 2963 Tryon. New Method of Educating Children 1695 2961' Tryon. Miscellanea ; or a Collection of Necessary, Useful, ^-Z and Profitable Tracts on a Variety of Subjects, London, 1696 — Try on' s Letters (on Astrology, to a Sugar Planter, to a Cotton Planter, etc.) 1700 2965 Turell (Jane) of Boston, Neio England, Memoir of the Life and Death of, collected chiefly from her own MSS., with Two Sermons preached by her Father, Dr. Benj. Colman 1741 / 2966 Turkey. The present State of Turkey .; or a Description of ■^ the Ottoman Empire, and of the Principalities of Mol- davia and Wallachia, Ids. 4to. 1807 - . 2967 Turner's Picturesque Tour, "Wanderings by the Seine, by L. <^ Eitchie, 20 plates after Turner — Heath's Picturesque ^ Annual for 1833, plates 2968 Turner (Col. James) Account of his Speech and Deportment ^^/ at his Execution in Leadenhall Street, for Burglary and Eobbery of Mr. Francis Tryon, of Lime Street, uncut 4to. 1663 y / 2969 Turner (Eobert) The Brittish Physician : or the Nature ^ and Vertues of English Plants, fine portrait, calf extra 1664 ^^2970 Turner ("Wm.) History of Eemarkable Providences, title / mounted, half hound calf folio, John Dunton, 1697 .2971 Twynus (Brianus) Antiquitatis AcademisB Oxoniensis Apo- "^/''^ logia, presentation copy from Dr. F. Wise to Dr. Thomas ^ Warton, with autograph inscription 4to. Oxon. 1608 2972 Tyerman and Bennet. Voyages and Travels in the South ^'r'y^ Sea Islands, China, India, etc. compiled by James X '^i.ontgoraery, portraits a7id plates, 2 xol&. 1831 -^ 236 TENTH day's SALE. 2973 Tyndale (J. W.) The Island of Sardinia, including Pictures yy/ of the Manners and Customs, Notes on the Antiquities, / and some Account of the House of Savoy, 3 vols, maps and 'plates 1849 2974 Tyson (Edw.) The Anatomy of a Pygmy compared with that ^y of a Monkey, an Ape, and a Man, with Discourses on /^ the American Eattle Snake, the Mexican Hedge Hog, / etc. xoith elaborate copper plates 4to. 1751 .,,^^2975 Tytler (P. P.) Essay on the Principles of Translation, lest edition, hds. imcut Edin. 1813 _^/ 2976 Tytler. Elements of General History, with continuation by X Dr. E. Nares, half hound 1840 2977 TJbaldino (Petriiccio) Narration of the Glorious Victory ob- y^;^ tained by Her Majesty's Navy under Lord Howard of / Effingham over the ftilsely styled Invincible Armada of Spain, A. D. 1588, with Appendix of varioiia Papers and Letters, Account of the taking of Puerto Bello by Capt. Morgan in 1660, etc. plans 1740^ 2978 Ulloa. Voyage Historique de I'Amerique Meridiouale qui contient une Histoire des Tncas du Perou, par Don George Juan et Don Ant. de Ulloa, 46 maps and plates, 2 vols, calf (jilt 4to. Amst. 1752 ,^^2979 TJlloa's Voyages to South America, describing at large the ^ Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, etc. with Notes by J. Adams, map and plates, 2 vols, calf, fine copy 1772 2980 Umfreville's Present State of Hudson's Bay, and the adjacent yK^ country ; with an Account of the Eur Trade, and a ^ ^ specimen of Eive Indian Languages, frontispiece, calf gilt, fine copy 1790 2981 Universalist's Miscellany, of Philanthropist's Museum, in- y0^^ tended chiefly as an Antidote against the Antichristian X Doctrine of Endless Miserv, edited by "W. Vidler, por- traits, 9 vols, in 7, calf ' 1797-1803 2982 Urbigerus (Baro) Rules closely demonstrating the Three" Infallible Ways of Preparing the Grand Elixir or circu- latum majus of the Philosophers, in one hundred and one Aphorisms, with the three certain ways of prepar- ing the Vegitable Elixir, or circulatum minus in thii'ty- one K-^ovx^m.^, frontispiece hy Faithorne folio, 1690 2983 Usher (Archbishop) A Body of Divinity, or the Summe and Substance of Christian Eeligion, portrait hy Marshall, fine clean copy folio, 1648 ^^2984 Usher. Annals of the Old and New Testament, hrilliant ■^-^ portrait and engraved title hy Gay wood, remarhahly fine / clean copy in the original calf binding folio, 1658 2985 Vaillant (M. de) Travels into the Interior Parts of Africa, ^y plates, 2 vols. 1790 — New Travels into the Interior^ ^Y Parts of Africa, maps and plates, 3 vols. 1790 ; together 5 \o\b. half caf uniform, fine copy 1790-96 y// TENTH day's SALE.' 237 2986 Yaldesso (John) The Hundred and Ten Considerations of, ^ treating of those things which are most profitable and fy most necessary in our Christian Profession ' 4to. Oxford, 1638 2987 Valentine and Orson, the Sons of the Emperor of Grreece (the History of), with new pictures, lively expressing the history, very fine clean copy, Jif. calf gUt 4to. Belfast, 1782 Valentine (Basil) The Triumphant Chariot of Antimony, Englished by J. H. Oxon. 1660 Valentine (Basil) The Last Will and Testament ; with XII. Keys and Appendix of the Great Stone of the Ancient Philosophers, also two Treatises of Manual Operations and Things Natural and Supernatural, tvoodciifs 1761 The woodcuts in this volume are exceedingly curious. JiddO Valiancy. Collectanea de Eebus Hibemicis, Vol. 6, con- ^^/^ taining Essays on the Eound Towers, Ogham Inscrip- / tions, Ancient Money, etc. ^or^. and plates 1804 y^y2,991 Valladares (Don Antonio) Historia Geographica, Civil y y^ Politica de la Isla de S. Juan Baptista de Pui rto Eico, ^ calf, fine copy 4to. Madrid, 1788 . 2992 Valle (Pietro deila) a nolle Homan, the Travels of into East '^y'c^ India and Arabia Deserta, with Sir Thomas Eoe's ^ Voyage into the East-Indies, map and plates, original calf folio, 1665 2993 Valpy (Eev. E, E. J.) An Etymological Dictionary of the Latin Language, Tialf russia, Lond. 1828 — Etymotonia; a Guide to the right pronunciation of Greek and Latin Words and all Scientific Terms, by A. Mclntjre, Jialf calf gilt edges 1836 2994 Vancouver's Voyages of Discovery to the North Pacific y^^v^ Ocean and round the World, in which the North-west ■^ X^^ Coast of America has been carefully examined and surveyed, with atlas of plates, 7 vols, half hound, uncut 1801 ] ^ y 2995 A^'ane (Sir Henry) The retired Man's Meditations, or the ' Mysterie and Power of Godliues, fine copy, calf '"• 4to. 1655 2906 Vane (Sir Henry) Life and Death {icith account of his visiting Kew England), 1662 — Trial, with Speeches and ' Prayers on the Scaffold, 1662 — Two Treatises, viz. ^/j Epistle to the Mystical Body of Christ, and The Pace — of the Times, all fine clean copies, in one volume, vellum vyrapper, tcith the rare portrait 1662 y 2p97 Vakgas (Don Thomas Tomaio de) Eestauracion de la Civdad ->2iSy^ del Salvador, en la provincia del Brasil, calf gilt, rare 4to. Madrid, anno 1628 ^y 238 TENTH, day's SALE. ^^^ 2998 Varillas, Histoire Secretes de la Maison de Medicis, ealf^ / La Saye, 1685 — Ordonnance de Louis XIV. donnee Avril 1667, Paris, 1668 2 vols. ^^>/'2999 Vaughan (Henry) Silex Sciutillans : Sacred Poems and Pri- vate Ejaculations Picherlng, 1847 ' 3000 Vaughan (Thos.) Anima Magica Abscondita : or, a dis- Ay/i^ course of tbe universall Spirit of Nature, with his "yr f^ strange, abstruse, miraculous ascent and descent, Tialf lound 1650 3001 Vaughan. Magla Adamica: or tbe Antiquitie of Magic, ^y with a Discoverie of Coelum Terrse, or tbe Magician's jT Heavenly Chaos, 1650 ; Tbe Man-Mouse, taken in a Trap, and tortur'd to Deatb for gnawing the margins of Eugenius Pbilaletbes, 1650. In 1 vol. S002 Vaughan. The Pame and Confession of tbe Fraternity of y/Y El* C., commonly, of tbe E-osie Cross, witb a Preface and / Declaration of their Pbysicall Work, very scarce 1652 3003 Vaughan. Lumen de Lumine : or a New Magicall Light / discovered and communicated to tbe World, 165 1 ; J^'^ Tbe second Wash, or tbe Moore scour'd once more, ■ being a charitable cure for the Distractions of Alazono- mastix, witb a Poetical Epistle on tbe Erenzies of Harry Moore tbe Ballad-monger. In 1 vol. 1651 Dedicated " To my deare motber, tbe famous TJniversitie of Oxford." 3005 [Vatjghan (Sir William)] The Golden Fleece, divided ^ / y into tbree Parts, transported from Cambrioll Colchos, ^-^■^jf^^L^ out of tbe Soutbermost part of tbe Hand, commonly X r ^ called the Newfoundland, fine large copy, in crmison morocco gilt, and gilt edges 1626 ^ 3006 Vaughan. The Church Militant bistorically continued from ""^^^ tbe Teare of Our Saviour's Incarnation 33, untill this present 1640 1640 vL-^ 8007 Vaughan (W. O. Gwin) Voyages, Travels, and Adventures, "^^^ witb tbe History of bis Brother Jonathan A'^aughan, six years a slave in Tunis, frontispieces, 2 vols.^we copy in the original calf 1736 x/SOOS Vega Carpio (Lope de) La Circe, con otras Eimas y Prosas, X vellum 4to. Madrid, 1624 /y^009 Vega (Garcillasso de la) Histoire des Guerres Civiles des y Espagnols dans les Indes, mise en Erangois, par J. Bardoin, 2 vols, in 1, vellum Paris, 1658 ^■- 8010 Vegetable Substances used in tbe Pood of Man, 2 vols, in ^ 1, half hound, 1846 — New System of Practical Domestic Economy, hf. Id. 1823— Catechism of Gardening, 1850 3011 Venegas (Miguel) Natural and Civil History of California, y^ vvitb an Account of tbe several Voyages and attempts ^ made of Settling, map and plates, 2 vols, calf 1759 TENTH day's sale. 239 ^ y 3012 Venette (Nic.) Doct. Med. La Generation de 1' Homme, ou Tableau de I'Amour conjugal, considere dans I'Etat ^' du. 'Ma.riage, plates, 2 Yo\s. 1751 3013 Venius (Otho) Les Emblems de I'Amour Humain, 125 plates, with explanations in Latin, Italian, and French, vellum oblong 4to. 1667 _^y 3014: Venner (Tobias) Briefe and accurate Treatise concerning .-^^ taking the fume of Tobacco, 1621 — ViaEecta ad Vitam ^ Longam : with Introduction of the Bathes of Bathe, 1622, in 1 vol. vellum 4to. A^y 3015 Veeardus (CaeoIiTJs) In laudem Serenissimi Eerdinandi yy^^-Z^i^ Hispaniarum Eegis . . . et de Insulis in Mari Indico '"'^ nuper inventis, very curious woodcuts, vellum, fine clean copy 4to. absque notd, sed Basilece, l-194i . 3016 Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, hf. hd. 1851 — :^^ The Relation between the Holy Scriptures and Geo- logical Science, by J. Pye Smith 1854 yir/^ 3017 Vieyra's Dictionary, Part I. Fortuyuese and English, 1813 X — Part 11. E^iylish and Portuyuese, 1827 2 vols. 3018 Vincent (W.) The Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to <.,^i/^ the Euphrates, containing an Account of the Eirst Navigation attempted by Europeans in the Indian Ocean, maps and frontispiece 4to. 1797 3019 Virgil, the Works of, translated by Dryden, with port, and ^v^ numerous plates by Fourdrinier, 3 vols, calf ^ ' Tonson, 1730 y^/^ 3020 Virgin's Nosegay ; or the Duties of Christian Virgins — '^/^ Advice to a new married Lady 1744 / ^021 Virginia. Some Observations made upon the Virginian ^ y Nutts imported from the Indies 4to. London printed, etc. 1682 ^^^3022 Virginia. Acts of the Assembly, passed in the Colony of ^'^ Virginia, vol. 1 from 1672 to 1715, calfyilt folio, Lond. J. BasJcett, 1727 3023 Virginia. A brief Narrative of the Revival of Religion in (^^ Virginia, in Letters to aEriend (signed Thos. Saunders, / John Dickins, Devereux Jarratt, and Thomas Jiankin), 1779 3024 Virginia. Proceedings and Debates of the Virginia State j^y ' Convention of 1829-30 ; to which are added the New / Constitution of Virginia, and the Votes of the People, '' Bichmond, U.S. 1830 j^y^ 3025 Vision of Purgatory, Anno 1680, written by Heraelito /^ Democritus, curious engraved frontispiece, calf 1680 >y' 3026 Vitruvii Architectura, first edition haviny illustrations, / margin of last leaf cut close; with the Index, ivhich is / yenerally wantiny, rare folio, Venet. 1511 ^/ 3027 Voiture (M.) The Works of, translated by Dryden, Cheke, ■ ' Ozell, AVebster, etc. portrait, 2 vols, calf 1736 240 TENTH day's SALE. 3028 Volney (E. F.). "^iew of the Climate and Soil of the -^Z United States, with accounts of Florida and certain ^ Canadian Colonies, the Savage Natives, etc. ma;ps and plates, calf 1804 3029 Voltaire, (Euvres Completes de, numerous fine plates y illustrating tlie Pucelle, Henriade, Theatre aoid Somans, ■^/A^j^ 69 vols. A REMAEKABLY EINE COPY, French calf gilt, //Y^^ 9^^^ et/jres de V Imprimerie de la ' / Societe Litteraire Typographique, 1785 *-,,* Fine paper (third quality of impression) as denoted by the * before each signature. 3030 Voltaire, La Henriade, plates and vignettes, 2 vols, calf, ^y^y gilt edges Paris, 1770 With the folio vring inscription : " donne par Madame la Vicomtesse de Beauharnois " " pensez a elle, aime la, n'oubliere jamais quelle est votre amie le plus attachee." ^^>^031 Voyage a la Martinique, contenant Observations sur la "'V^ Physique, I'Histoire Naturelle, F Agriculture, les Moeurs et les Usages de cette Isle, map, calf 4to. a Paris, 1763 3032 Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in ^^/y 1824-5, Capt. the Ht. Hon. Lord Byron, Commander, "^/^ map, ports, and plates, beautifully engraved hy Mnden and others from original designs hy lioht. Dampier 4to. 1826 // 3033 Voyages and Travels of a Sea Officer, Francis V. Vernon, calf Dublin, 1792 ^ 3034 Voyages and Travels (A General Collection of) from the ^=^^^ Discovery of America to the commencement of the / XlXth Century, majis and plates, 28 vols, calf gilt 1810 ^•'3035 Voyages Imaginaikes, Songes, Visions, et Eomaus Cabilis- '/^^y tiques, numerous fine plates hy Marillier, 39 vols, calf / gilt, VERY EINE COPY Amst. 1787 ^^^ 3036 "Waddington (George) A. Visit to Greece in 1823-4, map ~^^ and plan, crimson morocco, gilt edges 1825 yv/3037 Wade (J.) British History Chronologically arranged, half y^ bound calf _ 1739 yy/ 3038 Wafer (Lionel) A New Voyage and Description of the 'y Isthmus of America, the Indian Inhabitants, etc. map ^ and plates, original calf binding 1699 _^3039 Wafer. Another copy, second edition, with the Natural y^/ History of those parts, and Davis's Expedition to the / Gold Mines, in 1702, map and plates, calf gilt, very ^ FINE COPY 1717 /y 3010 Wagstafie (Dr. Wm.) Miscellaneous Works, with his I^ife -^ and an Account of his AVritings, ^Zrt/v^3072 AVard (Thomas) England's Reformation, a Poem in Four y^ Cantos, 2 vols, copper plates 1747 3073 Warden's Collection from the Spectator, Tatler and Guar- '■^/^ dian, calf, Neiccastley 1752 — Tlie Lover and Reader; /^ The Whig Examiner, and a Medley of Papers, portrait of Steele, calf (/iU 1789 -^ff^ 3074 AVarner (Rev. Rich.) Topographical Remarks, relating to ^ the S. \V. parts of Hampshire, 2 vols. 1793 ^^^ 3075 Warner (Rev. R.) A Walk through Wales, hf U. 1798 — '''^ A Second Walk through Wales, plates in uqiiatinta, calf, fine copy 1800 .3076 Warton (Dr. Thos.) The History of English Poetry, from (^/ the close of the Xlth century to the commencement of / the XVlIIth century, 3 vols, with the unpublished fragment of vol. 4, uncut 4to. 1774-81 077 Another copy, best edition, with Dissertations, Notes and Index, 4 vols, calf gilt 1824 3078 Washingtok (George) Life of, from original Papers, with ^^/ an Introduction, containing a View of the Colonies, /^^ planted by the English on tlie Continent of North America, by John \\.\ix^Q}\, portrait, maps and plates^ 5 vols, calf gilt 4to. 1804-7. 3079 Washington ( George) Life of, by John Marshall, portrait^ maps and plates, 5 vols. bds. uncut 4to. 1801-7 080 Washington. Lite of George Washington, by Aaron Ban- '^/^ croft, of Worcester, with an Appendix containing hia ^ Will, Notes, etc. 1808 3081 Washington. Monuments of AVashington's Patriotism, con-, - y taining a facsimile of liis Publick Accounts kept during ^^y the Revolutionary War, and some interesting Docu- ments, connected with his Military Command and Civil Administration, etc. portrait and plates, and facsimiles of early Dollar notes folio, Washington, 1838 The following MS. note inside the cover. " S. Stockdale Hardy, the gift of his Relative Joseph Sill of New Orleans, 18th Sept. 1839." 3082 Watkins (John) Universal Biographical Dictionary, calf !^ 1823 y3083 Watson (Bp.) Collection of Theological Tracts, best edition, ^/ 6 vols, calf 1791 V^' 'A 244 TENTH Day's sale- 3084 AVatts. Memoirs of the Life of Thomas Haliburton,se(70«f/ ^/ .edition, with a large Recommendatory Epistle by I. V^?_W'atts, (dated "Theobalds, May 1, 1718") London, 1718 A presentation copy from the Editor " to Mrs. Cook," with the following highly interesting Autograph Inscrip- tion : " Madam, " Having nothing new of my own to present you with, I take the freedom to put this into your hands. If among y^ variety of Experiences in the Christian Life w'^'^ this holy man past thro,' you find any assistances to your ft'aith or joy, you will bless y'^ Divine Spirit, and forgive the Hecommendation of Theobalds, Madam, June Both Tour obliged servant, 1718. I. W. 3085 "Watts (Dr. Isaac) Horae Lyricas, or Poems chiefly of the Lyric kind, -portrait, 1770 — Discourses of the Love of God, old blue morocco gilt, gilt edges 1746 ^ ySOSS Watts. Memoirs of, by Dr. Thos. Gibbons, portrait, calf /^ gilt 'l780 , / 3087 Waynflete (William) Bp. of Winchester, Life of, by R Chaudler, portrait and plates royal 8vo. 1811, 8088 Webb (T.) New Select Collection of Epitaphs ; Panegyrical "''^^y and Moral, Humorous, Whimsical, Satyrical, etc. / 2 vols, half morocco 1775 3089 Webster (John) The displaying of supposed Witchcraft, ^ wherein is utterly denied that there is a corporeal -'^^/^3ll4 West Indies. A True Narrative of the late Svccess of the ^^ Fleet of this Common-Wealth, upon the Spanish Coast / against the King of Spain's West-India Meet, htacfe letter folio, 1656 y 3115 West Indies. Description of the Windward Passage, and i^.-f Gulf of Florida, with a Chart of the Coast of Florida, / and the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, etc. with a Letter on the Spanish West Indies, map 4to. 1789 , /3116 West Indies. Original Letters to an Honest Sailor (Ad- 'yv miral Vernon) relating entirely to the Spanish Settle?nents, uncut (1746) ^^3117 West Indies. A Short View of the Encroachments of France '^^^ — ^^ America, and of the British Commerce with Spain, uncut 1750 3118 West Indies. The English Pilot, the Fourth Book : de- scribing the West India Navigation, from Htidson'a ^ y Bay to the River Amazones ; Particularly delineating fjyCc^r the Sea-Coasts, Capes, Headlands, Rivers, Bays, Roads, /^ Harbours, etc. with all the Islands therein : also a New Description of Newfound-Land, New-England, New- York, E. and W. New-Jerzey, Dellawar-Bay, Virginia, Maryland and Carolina, illustrated with 27 majjs and 230 woodcuts royal folio, 5y Boulter Grierson, Dublin, 1767 The Maps, which have a clear, rough, old-fashioned appear- ance, are nearly all expressly engraved for this edition, and difffer materially from the London Editions of the work, containing generally more minute particulars. Among them will be found a very interesting " Map of the South part of Nova Scotia, and its Fishing Banks," coutain- n\g a curious " View of Halifax, drawn fromy^ Topmast head." The town presents a very primitive appearance, and is surrounded with Stockades and rude Forts. ^ TENTH day's sale. 247 ^Y~s 3119 West Indies. History of the British Colony in the West A '' Indies: with Survey of the Trench Colony in St. Domingo, abridged from the History of Bryan Edwards, map, calf 1798 3120 Westminster Election (History of the), containing every / material occurrence from its first commencement in yy^ April 1st, to its close on the 17th of May, 1784, with /'^ 130 pp. of Electioneering Songs and facetious poetry, fourteen folding caricature flateshy Hmnplrey 4to. 1785 3121 Westminster Hall ; or Kelics and Anecdotes of the Bar, Bench, and Woolsack, portraits^ plates, and facsimiles, 3 vols. 1825 y/ 3122 Whaley (John) Collection of Original Poems and Trans- ''^ lations, dedicated to Horace Walpole, old crimson mor. gilt, herders of gold on the sides 1745 3123 Wharton (Geo.) Calendarium Ecclesiasticum, or, a New Almauacii after the Old Fashion, fine portrait hy Cross, uncut 1(559 -^:^3124 Wharton (Sir Gr.) Worhs (on Astrology, Chiromancy, Poems, etc.) by J. Gadbury, /;je portrait, calf 1683 ^JJ5 Wharton's Historian Pueriles, 1734— Uncle Philip's Con- ^-^^ versatious, plates, 1835 — Books of Birds, Fishes, and Insects, cuts, Parlcer, 1835— Ty tier's Mary and Flo- rence, 1838— Youth's Magazine, 1821 7 vols. .3126 Whately (Archbp.;) Elements of llhetoric, calf, Oxford, 1828 — Karnes' Elements of Criticism, eleventh edition, ivith additions 1840 ^^^.3127 Wheatley (Jas.) The Lives, Tryals, and Sufferings of the ^^^ Holy Apostles, Primitive Fathers, and Martyrs, half "^ hound, uncut, fine copy Bristol, 1751 c^ 3128 AVheatley (Phillis) Negro Servant to Mrs. John Wheatley ^^^ of Boston, N.E., Poems, calf gilt, portrait 1773 ^ 3129 Wheelock. Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian ^jC^ Charity- School, in Lebanon, Conn., New England, ^ founded and carried on by Dr. E. Wheelock (pp. 146) 1759 3130 Whiston (AVilliam) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, yy^^ with Memoirs of his Friends, written by himself, 3 parts in 1 vol. half hound 1753 3131 White's Natural History and Antiquities of Selbome, with /^>y the Naturalist's Calendar, Poems, etc. Notes by E. T. ■ / Bennett, 46 plates, liEST edition- 1837 3132 White (John) Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales, ^/ 65 heautiful coloured plates of Nondescript Animals, /y Birds, Lizards, Serpents, curious Cones of Trees, etc. hds. uncut 4to. 1790 3133 Whiter (W.) Etymologicon Universale ; or Universal Ety- y!^^/ mological Dictionary, on a new plan, in which con- / sonants alone are regarded in discovering the affinities of words, 3 vols. 4to. Camh. 1822-25 ^e ^/ A 248 TENTH day's sale. 3134 Whitefield. The Christian's Companion, or Sermons on several subjects, with Forms of Prayer, curious portrait 1738 jf^y 3135 Whitefield. Several Discourses upon Practical Subjects : to X which is added The Oxford Methodists, with Poem " On His Design for Greorgia" hy J. Hodges, on London Bridge, 1738 y//i^V?>Q Whitefield. Sermons on various subjects, 2 vols, in 1, Mora- ^ vian edition for Jas. Sutton, 1739 ^' 3137 Whitefitld. Sermons on various subjects Bivington, 1739 ^138 AVhitefitild. Three Letters from, to a Friend in London, and to the Inhabitants of Maryland, Virginia, and North and South Carolina, concerning their Negroes Bliiladelphia : printed and sold hy B. Fbanklin, 1740 139 Whitefield. Collection of his Journals in a Voyage to Savannah, Maryland, Carolina, New England, Philadel- phia, New Brunswick, etc. etc. the seven parts com- \Aeie,Jine copy in tlie original calf 1739-43 3140 WHiTEriELD. Works, 6 vols. plates, 1772 — Journals, com- _9 -^y^ plete in seven parts, 1743-4 - Eighteen Sermons bj y/^' Gritford, 1771 — and Life by Gillies, 2^ort. and plates, ^ 1772 : together 9 vols, lialf calf uniform 1743-72 /y, 8141 Whitefield. Two first parts of his Life, with his Journals, ^^ revised, corrected, and abridged by himself 1756 ^^^3142 Whitefield. Ten Sermons, witli Breface by Gilbert Ten- / nent of Philadelphia Brinted in the year 1760 /143 Whitefield. Narrative of his Life, with the History of his Travels through America, etc. by T. Eobert, with ex- tracts from the Sermons on his Funeral preached in England and America, eaee Bond. n. d. (1770) 3144 Whitefield. A Collection of Ten Funeral Sermons, Elegies, and Tokens of Respect, on the Death of the Rev. George Wliitefield, by De Courcy, Ellington, Edwards, '' Fellows, Knight, Parsons, Pemberton, Venn, C. Wes- ley, and S. Wesley. In 1 vol. calf 1770-71 ^/ 3145 Whitefield. Memoirs of his Life by D. Gillies, jjor^. and / plates, fine copy 1772 "^ ; 3146 Whitehead ( George j The Power of Christ Vindicated, against the Magick of Apostaey, In Answer to George Keith's Book abusively stiled the Magick of Quakerism, cf 1708 ^y 3 147 Whitfield (Thomas) The Extent of Divine Providence, uncut y^'' 4to, 1651 3148 Whitford (Helena) A Protestant Nunnery; Thoughts on Establishing an Institution for the Support and Edu- cation of uuportioned respectable Females, very scarce 1809 3149 Whitgift (John) Archhp., The Defense of the Aunswere to j i- . the Admonitions against the Replie of T. C. blacfe^ Ui^t /4 I Utter, clean copy in the original oaken binding V \ ' ' folio, Lond. H, Binneman, 1574 ^^^ r Y^ -^ TENTH day's SALE. 249 8150 Whitgift. Life of, by Sir Geo. Paule, with a Treatise on Presbyteriall Discipline by Dr. E. Cosin, calf 1G99 ^8151 Whitgift. The Life and Acts of, by John Strype, portrait /^' hy Fertue, calf gilt folio, 1718, -y 0152 Whiting (Sam.) Pastor of the Church at Lynne, New Eng- land, Discourse of the Last Judgment Cambridge [New England"], 1664 3153 Whitlock (E.) Zootomia highly anatomising the Living by ^y//' the Dead ; with a Detection of Mountebanks, frontis- /^ " 'piece, calf, 1654 — Larken's Speculum Patrum ; with Character of Philosophers, Poets, etc. calf gilt 1659 ^ 3154 Whyte (S. and E. A.) Miscellany of Curious Eemarks on Johnson ; Essay on Eeading, etc. calf gilt, 1799 — What is Luxury ? with Etymological Nugse 1829 3155 Widegren (Gustaf) Suenskt och Engelskt Lexicon, calf, ,,:^Y StocJcholm, 1788— Delen (Carl) Engelskt och Suenskt ^■^ Lexicon 4to. StocJcholm, 1788 The two vols, make the best Swedish Lexicon extant. ^g-^156 Wight (Eob ) Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 1, coii- / taining 95 heautiful coloured plates, ivith, descriptions, etc. hf hd. morocco 4to. Madras, for the author, 1812 jC<^3157 Wigstead (Henry) Eemarks on a Tour to North and South Wales, in 1797, tvith plates hy Boiclandson, etc. 1800 ^ 3158 Wilkinson (E.) The Seaman's Preservation from Shipwreck, Disease, and other Calamities, jilates, second edition, tvith the title to First Edition inserted, old cf gt. 1763 >^159 Wilkes (John) Letters to his Daughter from 1774 to 1796, ^y^^ with his Miscellaneous Poems and Life, portrait, 4 vols. half hound 1804 ^yf 8160 Wilkos. The North Briton, from No. 1 to No. 46 in- / elusive, with Notes and Index folio, 1769 y 3161 Wilks (Eev. S. C.) Memoirs of Sir Wm. Jones and of Lord 'V^ Teignmouth, with Notes, Selections, etc. map and por- traits, 2 vols. 1835 3162 Willard (Samuel) President of Sarvard College, Compleat •^ Body of Divinity in Two Hundred and Pifty Lectures ^^Zy on the Assembly's Catechism, Preface by Sewell and / ~ Prince, list of subscribers and list of his icorks, tall good copy in the original binding, veky eabe folio, Boston, 1726 3163 Williams (Ed.) Poems, Lyrical and Pastoral, with an Ac- count of the Welsh Bardic Triades, 2 vols, half bound ^^/ London, Philadelphia, etc. 1794 Includes a poem of 36 stanzas written at sea by an early settler in Pennsylvania exhorting the Welsh to emigrate with Wm. Penn. The list of subscribers includes the names of Washington, Pownall, Pinckney, and other Americans. 2 I 250 TENTH day's SALE. y/^J^/^Vo^ Williams (Edward) Cyneirlyfr : neu, Eiriadur Cyniraegj a Welsh and English Dictionary, two vols, in one, half ' calf, scarce Aherlionddu, 1826 3165 Williams (Eev. John) An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition concerning the Discovery of America by y^y Madog al Owen Gwynedd, about the year 1170, 1791 ^7 — Farther Observations on the Discovery of America and an account of a Welsh Tribe of Indians in the Western parts of North America, 1792, in 1 vol. calf 1791-2 3166 Williams (John) The Children of Thespis, a Poem, portrait, ^^ 1792— The Pin-Basket to the Children of Thespis, with ^ ^ Notes, 2 vols, in one, half calf 1797 3167 Williams (John) Cabinet of Miscellanies by Anthony Pas- quin, containing Looking- Glass for the Eoyal Family ; liecent Mysteries of Carlton House ; New Brighton Guide, etc. 1794 ; Ex^istle to Col. Mark ; Life of the Earl of Barrymore, 1793 ; Legislative Biography ; Home Took stripped Naked ; Erauds of the London Markets upon Bread and Porter ; Cutting Butchers' Appeal, 1795. In 1 vol. half bound ^ 3168 Williams (John) Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea \'^^u^'s,, 'portrait and flates 1837 y3169 Williams (Eoger) Founder of Bhode Island State, The ^ Bloudy Tenent of Persecution for Cause of Conscience / discussed Hanserd Knollys Society, 1848 ^ 3-170 Williams. Wholesome Severity reconciled with Christian V/^ Liberty, wherein the chiefe Arguments and Exceptions used in the Bloudy Tenent, the Compassionate Samari- tan, etc. are examined 4to. 1645 ^ -5i74-A William 8, Symbolical 'EuqYiA, fourth edition, 1833— Taylor's Algebra compiled from Euler, 1824 2 vols. 5 Williamson (Peter) Narrative of the Life and Surprising Adventures of, who was kidnapped at Aberdeen, when an Infant and sold for a Slave in America, his Perils, Hardships, and Escapes, among the Indians, etc. uncut (179-) 8176 Willis (Thomas) Two Discourses concerning the Souls of Brutes, Englished by S. Pordage, calf folio, 1683 3177 Willock (Jno.) Mariner, Voyage to Various Parts of the World, with Customs and Manners of the People JBenrith, n. d. ^178 Willsford (Thos.) Nature's Secrets, or the Admirable and "^ Wonderful History of the Generation of Meteors, toith remarkable dedication to his kinswoman Lady Stafford 1658 3179 Wilson. A Supplement to the Account of the Pelew ^/ Islands, by tlie Hev. J. P. Hockin, xoitli a Poem on Capt. / Wilson, Vocabulary of the Pelew Language, and Opiates 4to. 1803 yZ TENTH day's SALE. 251 jP y 3180 Wilson (J, M.) Rural Cyclopedia, or G-eneral Dictionary ~^/ of Agriculture, 4 vols, in 10 parts, numerous plates, some coloured Edinh. 1849 ^^S181 "Wilson (Rev. J.) Frencli and English, and English and c^/ French Dictionary, compiled from the Dictionaries of X the Academy, Boyer, Chambaud, Garner, Johnson, AValker, etc. impl. 8vo. 1841 3182 Wilson (J. R ) of Newhurgh, Xew York, Historical Sketch j^J^ of Opinions on the Atonement, with outlines of the ^ Sections of the Church in North America Paisley, 1827 ^^y 3183 Wilson (Professor) Noctes Ambrosianre (Vol. I. of the '^ Works) 1855 l^y 3184 Wilson (Tho. Bp.) Life of, by Rev. H. Stowell, portrait, / calf gilt, marl), edges 1819 3185 Wilson (Thomas) Brief Journal of the Life, Travels, and ,^^ Labors of Love in the Work of the Ministry {in Caro- X Una, Virginia, Barhadoes, ^'c.) of that Eminent and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ 1784 3186 Wilson (Walter) History and Antiquities of Dissenting ^~^/ Churches and Meeting Houses, portraits, laege papee, 4 vols. 1814 187 Winchester (E.) Lectures on the Prophecies, 4 vols. ; Uni- versal Restoration, 1 vol. ; Process and Empire of Christ, 1 vol. ; Sermons and Miscellaneous Pieces, 1 vol. ; together 7 vols, all tincut 1790, etc. ^ / 3188 Winchester, History and Antiquities of, with its Charters, Laws, Customs and Privileges, 'plates, 2 vols. Winton, 1773 _^ 3189 Winterbotham (W.) Historical View of the American United / States, maps and plates, 4 vols, in 3, half bound 1795 v/3190 Winterbotham. View of the Chinese Empire, with an '/ Account of Lord Macartney's Embassy, map and plates 1795 x/ 3191 Winter's Wreath, plates — Blossoms at Christmas, plates — / The Casket, for Youth, plates 1834 V 3192 Witchcraft. An Advertisement to the Jvirymen of England, ^/C^ touching Witches, together with the difference between an English and an Hebrew Witch 4to. 1653 3193 Wither (Geo.) Campo-Musae ; or Field Musings of Captain ^^y' George Wither, touching his Military Ingagements for / the King and Parliament, and the present distractions of these l&XviixdiS, frontispiece, vellum Lond. 1643 3194 Wither. Opobalsamum Anglicanum : An English Balme, for the cure of some Scabs, Gangraves and Cancers indangering the Bodie of the Common Wealth, a few lines at end in very neat MS. 4to. Printed in the yeare 1646 ^ ' 3195 Wittie (Robert) Survey of the Heavens, to which is added Gout-Raptures in English, Latine, and Greek Verse 168i 'y 202 TENTH day's SALE. 3196 Wolcott (John) The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq. portrait, 4 \o\^.Jlne bright copy, calf 1797-1802 3197 Wolfe Toue (Theodore) Memoirs of, written by himself, edited by his Son, 2 vols, portrait, 1827 3198 Wolff (Ernst) En Dausk eg Engelsk Ord-Bog 4to. London, 1779 3199 W[ol]aston] (G[eorge]) The Life and History of a Pilgrim, Ji7^st edition Dublin, 1753 3200 W[ollastou] (W.) on the Unreasonableness of Mens conten- tions for the Design of Part of the Book of Ecclesiastes, present enjoyments, represented in an English Poem 1691 A very scarce volume by the author of the Beligion of Nature. ■^ y 3201 Women. The Lawes Resolutions of Womens Eights, or /(^ the Lawes Provisions for Woemen, calf, fine copy 4to. 1632 3202 Wood (Ant.) Athense Oxoniensis ; An Exact History of y^/ all the Writers and Bishops, who have had their Educa- Y^ tion in the University of Oxford, second edition, with additions, 2 vols, in 1, calf, fine copy folio, 1721 203 Woodhouse. Natvrall Philosophy, or a Description of the World, namely of Angels, of Man, of the Heavens, etc. by I. Wydovves, alias Woodhovse, xbncut 4to. 1. D.for lohn Bellamie, 1621 ..-^ -S304rW(ood3 (Leonard) Frof of Theol. at Andover, Sermon at Haverill (Mass.) in Remembrance of Mrs. Harriet Newell, with Memoirs of her Life, Boston and Utica, 1818 — Memoirs and Writings of Miss Panny Wood- bury, who died at Beverly, North America, 15 Nov. l'&\\, portrait Udinb. 1816 y y 3205 Woodward (Eichard) Bishop of Gloyne, Present State of the ^/ Church of Ireland, crimson morocco, richly tooled on / hack and sides, gilt edges, lung William IVtVs copy, with Ids book-plate, a fine specimen of binding 1787 .:-- &207 W oolman (John) of Mount Holly, New Jersey, Works, in two parts, original American edition Philadelphia, 1774 3208 Woolman (John) of Mount Holly, New Jersey, Journal of his Life, Gospel Labours, and Christian Experiences, with his Works, Last Epistle, and other Writings, calf, fine copy Dublin, 1794 • / 3209 [Worcester] The Eriend of Peace by Philo Pacificus, 2 vols. y^ Boston and Camb. 1821 / y 3210 Wordsworth (W.) The White Doe of Eylstone, or the fate ^"^r of the Nortons, a Poem, j^rs^ edition, plate, half russia r gilt 4to. 1815 /f/ 3211 Wordsworth (Wm.) Poetical Works, portrait, clath, 6 vols. ^ Moxon, 1836 TENTH day's SALE. 253 , '^3212 Workman (Griles) Private Men no Pulpit Men, or, a Modest Examination of Lay-Mens Preaching, Discovering it to be neither warranted by the Word of God, nor allowed by the Judgement or Practise, of the Churches of Christ in New England 4to. 1646 ^/ 3213 Works of the Author of the Whole Duty of Man,^ne sound y copy, old calf gilt, front, folio, Lond. J. Baskett, 1725 /y 3214 World's (The) Wonder, being a True Relation of the Strange ^^^ and dreadful Apparitions seen in the Air at Newmarket Heath, etc. uncut 4to./or George Horton, 1659 y y/6215 World in Miniature (The) : or Entertaining Traveller, giving '^^(^ an Account of every Thing necessary and curious, cuts / and maps, 2 vols, calf gilt 1752 'Y 3216 Worsley (Israel) View of the American Indians 1828 I V 3217 Wotton (Sir H.) Reliquiae: or Lives, Letters, and Poems p^ with Characters, portraits, 1672 — Works of Francis ^ Osborne, Esq. 1682 y 3218 Wotton (W.) Miscellaneous Discourses relating to the Tra- ^y^ -J , ditions and Usages of the Scribes and Pharisees in our ^ ~^ " '■ Saviour's iixae, plates, 2 vols, in 1, calf, fine copy 1718 y/ 3219 Woty (W.) Poems on Several Occasions, half calf / Derby, printed for the author, 1780 3220 Wright (Edw.) Certain Errors in Navigation detected and -^y corrected, third edition, with cuts, maps and engraved / title, including a very large map for rectifying some received errors as to the West Coast of America 4to. 1657 // 3221 [Wright (Miss)] Views of Society and Manners in Ame- ■^ • rica, by an Englishwoman New York, 1821 ^^' 3222 Wright (J.) The American Negociator, or the various Cur- / rencies of the British Colonies in America 1761 ^j, .3223 Wright (Tho.) England under the House of Hanover, illus- ^^ trated from the Caricatures and Satires of the day, nu- merous woodcut illusti'ations hy Fairholt, 2 vols, 1848 3224 WUNDEEWEECK, oder GoTTES TJNEB&KiiNDTLICnES VOR- BiLDEN das er inne seinen GschbpfFen alien so Geyst- lichen so leyblichen in Fewr, Lufft, Wasser, Erden, auch auBz den selben vier urhaben, etc. by Johann Haeold, "/ onanv hundred woodcuts folio, Basel, 1557 A Chronicle commencing 3959 years berore Christ, and ending a.d. 1557, and Illustrated with nearly two THOUSAND woodcuts depicting Historical events, judg- ments, plagues, prodigies, monstrosities, strange ani- mals, monstrous births, astrological phenomena, etc. A VERY REMARKABLE AND RARE BOOK, with Autograph " Matthaei Herrenbergers, J.V.D." ^/ 3225 Wykeham. Historica Descriptio complectens Yitam ac Res Jy^ Gestas Gul. 'Wicami, frontispiece of arms, uncut ' 4to. OxonioB, 1690 firfl 254 TENTH day's sale. 3226 Wyndham (H. P.) "Wiltshire, extracted from Domesday Book, with a translation of the Original Latin, calf Salisbury, 1788 y/^y&l'n "Wynne (J. H.) General History of the British Empire in / America, map of North America, 2 vols. Tialf hound, fine copy 1770 .^^^^3228 Winne (J. H.) History of Ireland, from the Earliest Ac- ^ counts to the present time, 2 vols, map and plates 1774 S229 Xavier. The Admirable Life of S. Erancis Xavier, deuided into "VI. bookes, written in Latin by Ea. Horatius Tiir- //^/ sellinus of the Society of Jesus, and translated into /yy English by T. E. engraved title containing portrait ; in / ! the original hinding, loith autograph of William Hone ^ 4to. Paris, 1G82 ^ 3230 Tearsley (Ann) . Poems on several Occasions, by a Milk- ^/ woman of Bristol, j^rs^ ec?i7«o«, 1785 — The Adventures ^ of the Six Princesses of Babylon, an allegoiy, dedicated to the Princess Mary, 1785. In 1 vol. half russia 4to. /V'3231 Young (Edw.) The Complaint ; or Night Thoughts, crim- py son onorocco, riclily gilt, fro7it. 1822 -3232 Zarate (Aug.) Histoire de la decouverte et de conquete du Perou, map and plates, 2 vols. French calf gilt, fine copy Paris, 1716 y^"3233 Zornlin (Eosina M.) ^Recreations in Physical Geography, /^ plates and cuts, 1840 — The "World of "Waters, or Ee- creations in Hydrology, cuts 1843 3234 Zufiiga (Martinez de) Historical View of the Philippine Islands, translated by John Maver, map, 2 vols, calf extra, very fine copy 1814* m' r ADDENDA-BOOKS OMITTED. 3235 Adventures of Capt. Greenland ; written in Imitation of all those Wise, Learned, Witty, and Humorous Authors, who already have, or hereafter may write in the same Style, 4 vols. c«Z/ ' 1752 ^ / 3236 Alcedo (Antonio de) Geographical and Historical Description '-^/ of America and the West Indies ; translated by Thomp- / son, b \oh. half hound russia, TiSE copy 4to. 1812 3237 Arabian Nights ; translated by the Rev. Edward Forster, with _^^/ engravings from pictures, by K. Smirke, R.A., 5 vols. / calf gilt, *' a very elegant translation'^ — Lowndes 1802 . 3238 Barrow's Collection of Authentic, Useful, and Entertaining ^-^ Voyages and Discoveries, 3 vols, calf, maps and plates 17^5 TENTH day's SALE. 255 ^ S239 Betty Barnes (The History of), 2 vols. 1753— Memoirs of ^ Parnese, a Spanish Lady of vast Fortune 1751 3240 Biondi (Sir F.) History of the Civill Warres of England, be- ^2 /^ tweene the Houses of Yorke and Lancaster, engraved ^/ frontispiece by Elstracke, with ports, of Charles \st and his Queen folio, 1641 ^ 3241 Book of Gems. The Poets and Artists of Great Britain, /^y edited by S. C. Hall, 3 vols, green morocco, elegant, / \oO plates 1848-49 ^^3242 Chesterfield (Earl) Letters to his Son, with other pieces, 4 vols, calf gilt, 23ort. fine copy Bodsley, 1775 7/ 3243 Chytrsei (Davidis) Chronicon Saxonise et Vicinarum aliquot Gentium ah A. C. 1500 usque 159.'^, calf Lipsice, 1593 f^yZ2AA Clavigero. History of Mexico, translated by Cullen, 2 vols. y^ calf gilt, numerous maps and plates 4to. 1/87 ; / 3245 De Foe. Life and Adventures of Signer Rozelli, with the '' Continuation, 2 vols calf 1/24-5 ^ 3246 De Foe. Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe; with "y Life of De Foe by Chalmers, plates by Stothard, 2 vols. calf gilt Stockdale, 1790 y^^ 3247 De Foe. The Supernatural Philosopher ; or the Mysteries of •^ Magick clearly unfolded, 2j/«^e« 1828 ^^3248 Dodsley (J.) Fugitive Pieces, on various Subjects, by several /^''^ Authors, calf, 2 vols. 1 765 3249 Jamieson (John) Hermes Scythicus, calf gilt, Edin. 1814 — _^7 Wallis (Joan.) Grammatica Linguae Anglicana?, port. /^ calf gilt Bowyer, 1765 250 Johnstone (J.) Antiquitates Celto-Scandicae ; sive Series Re- rum Gestarum inter Nationes Britannicarum Insularum et Gentes Septentrionales, uncut 4to. HavnicB, 1786 ^3251 Morell. Tales of the Genii; or the Delightful Lessons of y Horam the Son of Asmar, plates by Heath and Land- seer, from Craig's designs, 2 vols, calf gilt, best edition 1805 ^ ' 3252 Fellow (Thomas) History of his Long Captivity and Adven- / tures in South Barbary Lond. It. Goadby, n.d. 3253 [Percy (Bp.)] Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, first ^ ^^ EDITION, with autograph of Wm. Cole, the Antiquary , y several MS. Notes by him, and a very remarkable addi- -vTiON OF TWO STANZAS (^omitted by Bp. Percy), to " The Lye, by Sir W. Raleigh." (See Second Series, Book III.) 3 vols, vignettes Dodsley, 1765 ^_^ 3254 Percy Society. Ancient Poetical Tracts, 1842 — Popular ' English Histories, 1848 — Notices of Fugitive Tracts and Chap-Books 1849 3255 Crown Garland, two jyarfs, 1842-5 — Boke of Curtasye, 1841 — Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage 1840 3256 Popular Songs, Hlustrative of the French Invasions of Irehnd, fotir 2)arts 1845-7 ^^^8257 Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of ^^ England, by J. H. Dixon 1816 ^ ^ 256 TENTH day's SALE. -„;^y^ 3258 Percy Society. Satirical Songs and Poems of Costume, from "^ 13th to 19th Century 1849 ^/ 3259 Introduction to the Seven Sages, 1846 — The Seven Sages, 1845 — Proverbs and Popular Sayings 1846 y/ 3260 Perriu (J. P.) Histoire des Vaudois, (et Albigeois) en trois parties, 2 vols in 1 Geneve^ 1618-19 J;/^ 3261 Philip (Dr. John) Researches in South Africa, map and 'plate, / 2 vols. 1828 y/rj 3262 Retrospective Review, vols. 1 to 3, in parts, uncut 1820-21 y y2^263 Svpplication (A) of certain Masse Priests falsely called Catho- ■^y/ likes, calf extra, fine copy for Will. Apsley, 1604 ^^ y3264 Sutcliffe (Matth.) A Treatise of Ecclesiastical Disciphne, calf •^^^y^ extra, fine copy hy George Bishop, 1591 ^ 3265 Sutcliffe (Rob.) The Svbversion of Rubert Parsons, his con- ^ y y fused and worthlesse Worke [*' Three Conversions"], ^^'^—'^^ hlacfe letter, calf extra, fine copy ^ for John Norton, 1 606 ^,'i<^3266 "Wakefield (Gilbert) Memoirs of the Life of, written by Him- V self, 2 vols, calf gilt, port. 1804 3267 Watson (W.) A Dialogve betwixt a Secvlar Priest and a Lay . y Gentleman, being an Abstract of the most important cs>^^:^i^y-"'^-^ Matters that are in Controuersie betwixt the Priests and y the Spanish or lesuiticall factiou, c«7//"e^<;'a, ^i7^ ec?^*?*, fine copy printed at Rhemes, 1601 3268 Whole Duty of Man (The), laid down in a plain way, for the / use of the meanest Reader, with Private Devotions, ''^ engraved title and frontispiece, first edition, rare, with note and autograph of " Tho. Pierce, Rector of Brington" For T. Garthwait, 1659 x^3269 Ximenes (Cardinal) History of, from the French of Baudier, /y^ by W. Vaughan, /Jo/'^raiY hy Cross 1671 ^ 3270 Young's Night Thoughts, with notes, by C. E. De Coetlogon, ^ portraits and plates 1806 3271 Yriarte (Don Toraas de) La Musica, Poema, fne pilates, calf gilt Madrid, 1784 32/2 Zimmerman (F. G.) The Influence of Solitude, with Life and Notes, port, and plates by Ridley, and cuts by Beivich, — ^ London, 1804 — The Echo of the Study, or Lectures, etc. on Character and Sentiment, 1819 — Earle's Micro- Cosmography, calf 1786 end of sale. /^ BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. U-l.-:- r:_-l.P ^ '^ 6 6 i> '^' '^ i i- li i' rS '^ ^ ":■ i r- i 6 ' '^i i: A i' -^ i' i /^ i 'r^-" ':-!-'' A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE HISTORY LO AND LITERATURE OF AMERICA. f PART I. A-K. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messes. PUTTICK and SIMPSON, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 47, LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON, On Wednesday, jAxrAEY 23, 1861, and Theee following Days. '^ 1 A . t CONDITIONS OP SALE. I. The higliest Bidder to be tlie Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, tlie Lot so disputed to be immediately put up again and resold. II. No person to advance less tlian Is. ; above Five Pounds, 2* 6d, and so on in proportion. III. Tlie Purchasers to give in their names and Places of Abode, and to pay doAvn 5s in the Pound, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased shall be immediately put up again and resold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Hisk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendor, on or before delivery ; in default of which Messrs. Puttick and Simpson will not hold themsslves re- sponsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they M ill be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed in the Catalogue, or at the time of Sale ; but if upon collating within one week of the Sale, they should prove defective, the Purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them. VI. The sale of any Book or Books is not to be set aside on account of any Stained or Short leaves of Text or Plates, want of List of Plates, or on account of the Publication of any subsequent Volume, Sup- plement, Appendix, or Plates. All the Manuscripts, all Magazines, and Reviews, all Books in Lots, and all Tracts in Lots or Volumes and all Books described as being in any way imperfect, will be sold with aU Faults, Imperfections, and Errors of Description. The sale of any lot of Prints or Drawings in Illustrated Books, or otherwise, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or for any error of description therein. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money deposited in part Payment shall be forfeited; and all Lots left uncleared, in conformity with these conditions, may be re-sold by public or private Sale without further notice ; and the Deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be made good by the Dfeaulter at this Sale, together with aU charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they tkinh fit. *^* No Lots can be delivered at the time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed hy their obedient Servants, PUTTICK AND SIMPSON. Auction Eooms for the sale of Literary Property, Music, and Works of Art, 47, Leicester Sqtjaee. *^* Libraries Catalogued, Arranged, and Valued for the Probate or Legacy Duty, or for Public or Pi'ivate Sale. Small consignments of Books, Music, etc. received and inserted in occasional Sales with property of a kindred description, thus giving the same advantages to the owner of a few lots as to the possessor of a large collection. Established, in Piccadilly, 1791. The Books described in this Catalogue were collected, seve- ral years since, by Mr. Henry Stevens, Literary Agent in London of the Smithsonian Institution, as material to be used in the completion of his yet unfinished Work upon American Bibliography. Having made such use of the Books as was necessary for this purpose, he described them, with collations, and prices for sale affixed, in a Catalogue, printed about four years ago, entitled Ameri can Kt jgqets* Only three or four copies of that Catalogue were permitted to go out of his hands, and a few of the Books have been sold ; but, on account of his large accessions of works of the same class, the public circulation of the Catalogue was delayed until the prepara- tion of other volumes of the series could be completed. The greatly altered value of many of the books described in the Ntiggets, — some having much increased, and others probably diminished in price, — has induced the conviction that the circu- lation of that Catalogue now, or at any future time, as a means for the sale of its contents, would not be fair either to buyer or seller, Mr. Stevens has therefore determined to submit the entire unsold portion of the N'uggets to unreserved public com- petition, in the hope and belief, that, though many of the articles may fall below the prices affixed to them in his own Catalogue, the prices of others, with whose rarity and importance Collectors have become better acquainted, will be found to be enhanced ; and thus such a result may be obtained as, on the whole, will justify the course proposed. In the Nii^ggets, the title of each work is printed, word for word, as in the original, and exact collations of each are appended. The titles in the following catalogue have been abridged, but it is hoped, not to such an extent as to hinder the exact identification of any work or edition. By the kind permission of Mr. Stevens • See under Stevens, in this Catalogue. >-^ " we have availed ourselves of the collations printed in the Nuggets, which, with some corrections and occasional additions of our own, will, we trust, be found of utility to collectors. It should be ob- served that all half-titles and titles are reckoned as preliminary leaves, and as the collations in this Catalogue are, almost without exception, taken from the identical copies now for sale, there may sometimes occur a discrepancy between the collations here printed as compared with those of copies found elsewhere, arising from the presence or absence of the half-title preceding the title in one or other copy. It is however believed that the descriptions are so exact as to diminish the difficulty thus anticipated, to the least practicable extent. The copies now offered for sale will, unless otherwise described, be sold as in accordance with the col- lations herein printed. All imperfections known are stated. The expressions scarce, rare, etc. with their customary superla- tives, have been omitted from this Catalogue, except when used upon the authority of others ; such commendations are not needed by the well-informed collector, while they might justly be applied so frequently in this Catalogue as to bewilder a tyro. We have rather chosen to add occasionally notes explanatory of the character, history, or peculiarity of the books, such as were fur- nished by our own experience, or as we could glean from the admirable BibliotJieca Americana of Mr. Eich, and from other sources. We have during the last ten years been honoured with the dis- posal of so many Libraries of peculiar interest to American collec- tors, that it would be ungenerous to begrudge to them a fair share of the treasures now offered for sale, but still the hope may, with- out offence, be indulged, that the collection submitted may help to fill many chasms in the shelves of more than one of our own public Libraries, as well as contribute to satisfy the longings of enthu- siastic English Amateurs. PUTTICK AND SIMPSON. 47, Leicester Square, London. Dec. 1st, 18G0. CATALOGUE OF A TALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, WHOLLY EELATING TO THE HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF AMEEICA AND THE INDIES. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTFALLT. i. / ^ 1 Abbot (Hull), Minister at Charlestown, The Duty of God's People to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, a Sermon preached on occasion of the Rebellion in Scotland, at Charlestown in New England, Jan. 12, 1745, 6 Boston, by Bogers and FoivUf 1746, 8° Title and pp. s'to 26. y^ 2 Abingdon (Earl of) Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, Esq. to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the Affairs of i\merica Oxford, [1777], 68 pp. 8° -y - 3 — The same, the 4th edition, hf. mar. Oxf. [1777], 68 pp. 8° 4 — The same, the 6th edition, if. mor. Oxf [1777], 8" Title ; ' Dedication,' pp. iii to xci ; text 60 pp. The long ' Dedication to tbe Collective Body of the People of England,' in -which the author en^ larges upon his theme, and replies to the several answers to his previoui editions, appears for the first time in this sixth edition, / 5 Abridgement (An) of the Laws in Eorce and Use in Her Ma- / ' jesty's Plantations, (viz.) of Virginia, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Maryland, New-England, New-Tork, Carolina, etc. fine copy, calf Land. 1704, 8° Title and preface, 2 leaves; text, 284 pp.; 'Maryland,' 71 pp. ; 'New- England,' 100 pp. ; ' Appendix,' pp 285 to 304. J^. 6 Abstract (An) of the Charter granted to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Eoreign Parts ILond. 1702], 3 pp. fol. J* . 7 Abstract (An) of the Proceedings of the Corporation, for the Relief of the AVidows and Children of Clergymen, in the Communiou of the Church of England in America, half mor. Philad.J, Humphreys, jun. 1773, 52 pp. 8° B / 2 riEST dat's sale. J. ^ 8 Acadia, Remarks on the Prencli Memorials concerniug the » Limits of, to which is added, An Answer to the Summary Discussion, &c. lialf mor. Lond. 1756, 8°/ /Title ; explanation of maps, 1 leaf; text 1 10 pp. ; 2 copperplate maps. ^ 9 Acadia. Pieces Justificatives des Memoires concernant les ^Jy Limites de I'Acadie, old calf Faris, 1754, 4°/7A^^ , Title and 646 pp. y }. /lO Account (An) of the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colo- /2/^ nies, half vior. Lond. 1780, 55 pp. 8° y / 11 Account (An) of the Donations for the Eelief of the Sufferers ^ ' ^ by Tire, at Bridge Town in the Island of Barbadoes, in May and December, 1766 Lond. [1769], 4° Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves ; ' A List of the Donations,' etc. 40 pp. ' Contra" 1 page. 12 Accoimt (An) of the Loss of his Majesty's Ship Deal Castle/ off Port Eico, 1780 Lond. 1787, 8^' /Three prel. leaves and 48 pp. 13 Account (An) of the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Load. Jos. Downing, 170'4, 4 pp. fcl. J^ 14 AcosrA (Joseph de) Soc. Jesu, De Natyba Novi Obbis / Libri dvo, et de Promvlgatione Evangelii, apvd Barbaros, sive /V^ de Procvranda Indorvm salvte Libri sex, eirst edition, fine "^^ COPY, original vellum Salmanticce, Giiill. Foq^iiel, 1589, 8° Eig-ht prel. leaves and 640 pp. — Another edition, in Latin, vellum /I Col. Agripp. In officina Birchmannica, 1596, 8'' /I'Lf-^ Eight prel. leaves and 581 pp. ^//^ /^. 16 AcosTA (Joseph de) Historta Natyeal t Moral de las ^ lNDiAS,^«e copy, Sj)anish binding MtK^ Seuilla, en casa de luan de Leon, 1590, 4" Title, reverse blank; followed by one leaf ' Yo Christoval de Leon,' 1 p.; errata 1 p ; Text, pp. 3 to 535 with * Tabla' 18 leaves. J^ . 17 — Another edition, in S}mnis]i,fine copy, cf Madrid, 1608, 4° / . Title, reverse blank ; ' Tassa' 1 p ; ' Erratas' 1 p ; ' Licencias,' pp. 5, 6 ; Dedi-^/^r**// cation * A la Serenissima Infanta,' pp. 7-9 ; ' Proemio,' pp. 10-12 ; Text, pp. 13-535; 'Tabla,' 21 leaves. /.5 - 18 AcosTA (Joseph de) Historia Nattrale, e Morale delle /- 15 Indie, j^;2e copy Veneiia, Bern. Basa, 1596, 4° //^^ Twenty-four prelim, leaves, and text in italics, folioed 1-173. ' ' ' 19 AcosTA (Joseph de). The Nattrall and Morall His- ^, ^ TORiE OF the East and West Indies, Written in Spanish // by the E. P. loseph Acosta, and translated into English by / E[dward] G[rimstone], fine copy o^-i^ Lond. by Val. Sims for Ed. Blount and Will. Apsley, 1604, 4° Four prel. leaves, viz. 1st blank, 2d title, 3d and 4th Dedication and to tiie Reader. Text 590 pages, followed by seven leaves of Table and Errata. Acosta is one of the earliest writers, who has treated philosophically of America and its productions. — Jtich, rinsT day's sale. 3 ^l / 20 ACOSTA. AxoTHEB COPT, with title page slightly differing, the / _ "E. P." befure Acosta's name being omitted; loanting j.<^i^ Dedication and Table , . Lond. hy Val. Sims for Ed. Blount and Will. Apsley, 1604, 4P ,/ 21 AcrNA (Christoval de) Voyages and Discoveries in South- America — The First up the River of Amazons to Quito ia Peru, and back again to Brazil, by Acvgna — The Second up the Eiver of Plata, to the Mines of Potosi, by Acaret3— The Third from Cayenne into Guiana, in search of the Lake of Parima, by M. Grillet and Bechamel, done into English from the Originals, being the only Accounts of those Parts hitherto extant, calf Lond. for S. BucTcley, 1698, 8° On the reverse of the title, * Advertisement' ; ' Introduction,' pp. iii-viii ; Map, 'The Course of the River of Amazons'; text, 190 pp. ; Title, "An Account of a Voyage up the River de la Plata, etc. By Mons. Acarete du Biscay, 1698.' ' A Map of the Provinces Paraguay,' etc. Text, 79 pp ; Title, ' A Journal of the Travels of John Grillet, and Francis Bechamel into Gviana, etc. 1698.' ' A Letter,' 1 leaf; and text 68 pp. y 22 Adair (James) The History of the American Indians ; parti- // cularly those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and y^j^^ West" Florida, G-eorgia, South and ISToi'th Carolina and Vir- c^^-^*'^^ ginia : containing an Account of their Origin, Language, Manners, Eeligious and Civil Customs, Laws, etc. calf Lond. 1775, 4P Six prel. leaves, viz. Half title, title; ' Dedication,' 2 leaves ; 'Preface,' 1 leaf; ' Contents,' 1 leaf. Text, 448 pp. and Appendix, ending on page 464, With Map of American Indian Nations 1-3 by 9^ inches. Mr. Adair points out various customs of the Indians, having a striking re- semblance to those of the Jews ; and the great object of this work appears to be, to prove that the aborigines of America are descended from that /race. 23 Adams (Amos), Pastor of the first Church ofBoxbury,k. Con- cise, Historical View of the Difficulties, Hardships, and Perils which attended the Planting and progressive Improvements of New-England. "With a particular Account of its long and Destructive Wars, Expensive Expeditions, etc. Boston printed. London rejir.for Ed. and Ch. Billy, 1770, 8° Title and 68 pp. ^- 24 Adams (John) A Defence of the Constitutions of Govern- ment of the United States of America, riEST edition, very fine copy in calf Philadelphia : Hall and Sellers, 1787, 12° Twenty pp. prel. and Text pp. 3 to 390. ^ . 25 Adams (John), Defence, etc. a new Edition, Syoh.fi^e copy, half calf Lond. J. StocMale, 1794, 8" Vol. I. 22 prel. leaves, viz. Half-title, Portrait, Title, Life, Preface and Con- tents ; Text, 392 pp. II. Half-title, title and 451 pp. III. Half-title, . title, and 528 pp. ; Index 18 leaves, ^.^26 Adams (John) Political Sketches inscribed to his Excellency John Adams, by a Citizen of the U.S. half morocco Lond. 1787, 8° Three prel. leaves aud 96 pp. 4 piEST day's sale. '. / 27 Address (An) from the Brethren's Society for the furtherance / of the Gospel among the Heathen, half morocco //^VL«- \London, 1781], 20 pp. 8" ^/'-'i^' This tract relates chiefly to the great Storm and Hurricane at Jamaica and Barbadoes in 1780. ^ - 28 Address (The) of the People of Great-Britain to the Inhabit- ^ I ants of America, Tif. mor. Lond. 1775, S"*^-^^ Title and 60 pp. "This address is said and believed to have been written by- Sir J. D. (Sir John Dalrymple), and printed at the public expense, to be distributed in America." — Montldy Rev. //^ , 29 Address (An) to a Provincial Bashaw. O Shame! where is thy Blush ? By a Son of Liberty. Printed in the (Tyrannic Administration of St. Prancisco) [Gov. P. Bernard], lialf /I / morocco \Boston\ 1769, 8 pp. ^^ ^4/lA This Address consists of 27 four-line stanzas against Sir Francis Bernard, Governor of Massachusetts. The following being the last stanza, will serve as a specimen of the versification. Yet trust me B not the Heartwrung Tear, Shall snatch thy Name from obloquy below, Nor sore Repentance, which absolves thee there, J Shall sooth the Vengeance of a mortal Foe. ? - ^ 30 Address (An) to Protestant Dissenters on the Approaching Election with respect to the state of Public Liberty in Gene- ral, and of American aifairs in Particular, lif. mor. Lond. 1774, 16 pp. 8° JJ, 31 Africa. A Short Account of that Part of Africa, inhabited by the Negroes. With Quotations from the Writings of ^/l/ several Persons of Note, viz. George Wallis, Francis Hutche- C't^'^ son, and James Poster, the 2nd Ed. with large Additions FMladelpMa : ly W. Bunlap, 1762, 8" Title and pp. 3-80. t/- - 32 African Company, An Answer to the Seasons against an (o^k Lond. 1711, 31 pp. 8° '^ . 33 — True State of the present difference between the Eoyal African Company, and the Separate Traders. . . . the Advantages of an Open Trade ; and the Danger of an exclu- sive Trade, not only to the Traders of South and North • / Britain, but, to our American Plautations Lond. 1710, 4° Forty pp. with plan at page 5. V / 34 — Importance (The) of Effectually Supporting the Eoyal £y /* African Company of England Impartially considered, half ^V^ morocco Lond. 1745, 4*' Half-title, title and 47 pp. Map of the Gold Coast of Africa, 1744. A ^, 35 African Trade (The), the great Pillar and Support of the Bri- fh tish Plantation Trade in America Lond. 1745, 4° /v^ Title and 44 pp. /^ 36 — Some Eemarks on a Pamphlet, call'd, Eeflections on the / Constitution and Management of the Trade to Africa, half (^ morocco [io«f/.] 1709, 32 pp. 8° "^ " I- p. riEST day's sale. 5 '\ ^ 37 African Trade. A Letter from a Mercliant at Jamaica, to a Member of Parliament in London, touching the. To which is added A Speech made by a Black of Gardaloupe, at the Funeral of a Fellow-Xegro, uncut, half morocco Land. 1709, 31 pp. sm. 8° 38 Aitken (Robert). Aitken's general American Eegister, and the Gentleman's and Tradesman's complete Annual Account Book, and Calendar, for the Pocket or Desk ; for the Tear, 1773 FliiladeJpMa: Joseph GruTcskanlc,for B. Aitken, 1773, 8° Two prel. leaves, and text A to M in fours & N in five leaves, followed by a second title ' Aitken's General American Register for the Year of our Lord 1773 ;' etc. Title and 64 pp. This volume is interesting from the fact of its being- the first attempt of this kind in the American Colonies, 39 Albarez de Toledo (Fr. Domingo), Copia de la Espantosa Carta, embiada desde la Ciudad de Lima, al Eev. P. Com- missario General en Estecharque, que su fecha es de 29 de Oct. 1687, dandole cuenta de los lastimosos estragos y des- gracias que ban sucedido en dicha Ciudad ,, , Barcelona, Vicente Suri^, 1688, 4 pp. 4P jf- 40 Alcafabado (Feai^cisco), An Historical Eolation of the First Discovery of the Isle of Madera, calf extra, ly Bedford Bond, for Will. Cademan, at the sign of thei^ Bopes-Head at the Entrance into the New Exchange in the Strand, 1675, 4° Title and 37 pp. Not mentioned by Lowndes or Rich. '^ 41 Alcedo (Antonio de). The Geographical and Historical Dic- tionary of America and the West Indies, translated by G. A. Thompson, 5 vols, half riissia Bond. 1812, 4° Vol. I. 10 prel. leaves, 1st blank ; and Text, 574 pp.; II. Title & 597 pp.; III. Title & 512 pp.; IV. 1814, title and 636 pp.; V. 1815, 20 preL leaves, 1st blank ; Text 462 pp. ' Errata' to the 5 Vols. 1 leaf; ' General Appendix' 105 pp. The utility of this work cannot be overrated. It was formerly a dear book, and will assuredly again become so. \ 42 Alexo de Oeeio (Feaxcisco Xayiee) Solucion del gran / ^ problema acerca de la poblacion de las Americas, en que ' sobre el fundamento de los Libros Santos se descubre facil camino a la transmigracion de los Hombres del uno al otro Continente ; y como pudieron pasar al Nuevo Mundo, no solamente las Bestias de servicio, sino tambien las Fieras, y nocivas, vellum Mexico : Herederos de Bona Maria de Eilera, 1763, 4° Twenty-two prel. leaves and 72 pp. /y 43 Allex (Ethan) Eeason the only Oracle of Man, or a Com /■ penduous System of Natural Eeligion,/«e copy, in the ori-^ ginal binding Bennington, Vt.; ly Sasivell and Bussell, 1784, 477 pp. 4° The major part of this impression was destroyed by fire; the few copies that have been preserved are of great rarity. 6 riBST DAY S SALE. ^/ 44 Allen (Ethan) A Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen's Captivity, Containing his Voyages and Travels, with the most remark- /J able occurrences respecting himself, and many other conti- / Z nental Pinsoners, particularly the destruction of the prisoners'' ■^'^ at New-York, by General Sir AVilliam Hovre, in 1776-7^ lif. cf. WaJpole, N. H., ly Thomas and Thomas, 1807, 12" Hundred and fifty-eight pp. ' Subscribers' Names ' 1 page. ^ • 45 Allen (Ethan) Captivity of, Another edition, half morocco Albany : Pratt ^ Clark, 1814. 144 j)p. sm. 8°^ A . 46 Allen (Ira), The Natural and Political History of the State / of Vermont. With an Appendix, half morocco, uncut JQ-xj- London : J. W. Myers, 1798, 8" *^^^ vii and 300 pp. Large copper-plate map of Vermont. y , ^ 59 — America: or An exact Description of the West Indies: More especially of those Provinces which are under the Dominion of the King of Spain, by N. N. Lond. hy Sic. Hodghinsonne for Edio. Dod, 1665, 16° ' Seven prel. leaves; viz. Title, dedication, the Publisher's Advertisement, and the Contents; text 484 pp. 'Errata' 1 p. ; * Book printed,' 1 p. Apparently written with the view of instigating the English to the conquest of the Spanish dominions in America. — RicJi. 60 — Another copy, tvanting the map ih. 1655 L 61 — A true Account of the Aloe Americana or Africana, which ^/ is now in Blossom in Mr. Cowell's Grarden at Hoxton ; the fX^ like whereof has never been seen in England before, lialfa^yY^ morocco Lond. 1729, ^° // Four prel. leaves and text, 44 pp. With copper-plate of the Torch-Thistle' at page 40. Curious as aflbrding a date for the introduction of some . varieties of Cacti into England. /) 62 — The Importance of the British Plantations in America to /yA this Kingdom, uncut, liaJfmor. Lond. 1731, 120 pp., ^•^^^'^ //> . ^ 63 — Eepresentation from the Commissioners for Trade and y^. Plantations relating to the State of the British Islands in ^^ ^ America Lond. J. BasTcett, 1734, 19 pp. 4P Q / Q>^ — Considerations on the American Trade, before and since / ^ ' ^ the Establishment of the South Sea Company, 2nd ed. with Additions, halfmor. Lond. 1739, 8° ^^^ Title, and pp. 5-36. Written by a Jamaica merchant of credit and reputa- tion. — Rich. yj ' 65 — A List of Copies of Charters, from the Commissioners for ,"1 Trade and Plantations, viz. for Maryland, Connecticut, /^!^ Ehode Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusets Bay, and G-eorgia/ halfmor. Lond. 1741, 8-^ Title: 12, 10, 14, 12, 21, and 18 pp. / riBSi day's sale. 9 Ameeica : continued. / QQ — The Conduct of a IN'oble Commander \theEarl of Loudon'] /7 in America reviewed, with the Causes of the Discontents /J^ at New York and Halifax, lialfmor. Land. 1758, ^"^ Jw^^^ Title and 45 pp. Written with a view to exculpate Lord Loudon, / 67 — Occasional Reflections on the Importance of the "War in ^ America, half mar. Lond. 1758, 8" Half-title, title, and 139 pp. 68 — A Political Analysis of the "War, lialfmor. Lond., Tho. Fayne, 1762, 8'^ Title and 86 pp. /69 — The G-rievances of the American Colonies candidly Exa- mined, half mor. Printed at Providence in Rliode Island, Lond. repr. 1766, 47 pp. 8" 70 — An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the present Dis- , 136 American Stamp Act. Protests. Correct Copies of the Two /v. Protests agaiust the Bill to Repeal the American Stamp Act, //^M with Lists of the Speakers and Voters, lif. mor. /^ Paris, J. W. 1766, 8° , y Twenty-two pp. ' A List,' etc. 8 pp. . '^'^ 137 — A Short History of the Conduct of the Present Ministry, yf vrith Eegard to the American Stamp Act, half morocco £>Cy~^ . / Land. 1766, 21 pp. 8° / /■ b 138 — A Short History, etc. 2nd ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1766, 21 pp. 8° xO^ / / 139 — Speech (The) of Mr. P and several others, in a cer- , ^ tain august Assembly on a late important Debate >^ {Lond?^ -66. [1766] Title and pp. 5—34, 8° '^ / 110 — The Justice and Necessity of Taxing the American y Colonies, demonstrated, lif. mor. Lond. 1766, 36 pp. 8° /^ " This is, in truth, a most fiery politician, and his pamphlet a mere fii'ebrand. Ixi/jfjjp^ j'eply to the objections of the colonists to a ttanding array, he says th&tr^ they have need of the gentlemen of the blade, to polish and refine theii' manners, to rub off the rust of puritanism," etc. — Monthly Review. ^ ^ 111 — The General Opposition of the Colonies to the Payment of the Stamp Duty ; and the Consequence of Enforcing Obedience by Military Measures ; impartially considered, i^" LARGE PAPER Lond. 1766, 40 pp. 8<» " "Written partly in a serious, and partly in a ludicrous vein," — Monthly lie view. /f _ 112 — The Conduct of the late Administration Examined, rela- c/ • tive to the American Stamp- Act, with an Appendix con- iV> tainiug Original and Authentic Documents. 2nd ed. Lond. 1767, 8° Title; and pp. 5-lCO. Appendix and Advertisement, 1 leaf; text liv pji. /' 6 143 — Two Papers on the Subject of Taxing the British Colonies y/ in z\.merica, lif. mor. Lond. 1767. 22 pp. 8° ^' /^ ^ These papers were drawn up by a club of American merchants, at the head'/^'*^ <^;/; of whom, were Sir William Keith, Mi-. Joshua Gee, and other eminent pei-sons. — Rich. 144 America {North). Some Considerations on the Consequences ssissippi, with ish Plantations \a]f mor. Lond. 1720, 8° tmerica {^i\ortn). Dome uonsiaerations on tne uonsequences ^.^ of the Erench settling Colonies on the Mississippi, with //p respect to the Trade and Safety of the English Plantations v'^^-^ in America and the West Indies, wilh maj), half mor. . Half-title, title, and 60 pp. y / 145 — Erench Policy Defeated. Being an Account of all the /f '^" hostile Proceedings of the French against the Inhabitants of //^ the British Colonies in North America, for the last Seven - /^^ Years. With tioo curious Maps, describing all the Coasts, '^^ Says, Lakes, Hivers, Soundings, principal Toicns and Forts, on the British Plantations in Ametica, half mor. Lond. 1755, 8° Title and 114 j^p. Two Maps. 16 FIRST day's sale. America: confirmed. C' 146 America (North). The Present State of North America, etc. Part 1. 2nd ed. half mar. Land. 1755, 8° Two prel. leaves and 88 pp. ^ ^ 147 — State of the British and French Colonies in North America, jy-ir- Jif. mor. Land. 1755, title and 150 pp. 8° 2.. 148 — Proposals for uniting the English Colonies on the Continent /^ of America so as to enable them to act with Force and 'Cr^ Vigour against their Enemies, half mor. y Lond. 1757, title, and 44 pp. 8" / ^ ^ 149 — Some Hints to People in Power, on the Present Melancholy o^-^r" Situation of our Colonies in North America, hf. mor. y Lond. 1763, 48 pp. 8° i ■' . -6 150 — An Essay on the Trade of the Northern Colonies of Great /Xp , Britain in North America, hf. mor. j/C/^^^^ Printed at Philadelphia : Lond. repr. 1764, 42 pp. 8° "The subject is treated in a masterly and judicious manner." — Montlihj /Re'tiiew. 151 — Some Thoughts on the Method of Improving and Securing /J the Advantages which accrue to Great-Britain from the/^'L Northern Colonies, hf.mor. Lond. 1765, 8° f - 152 — A Succinct View of the Origin of our Colonies, whereby (^-r- the Nature of the Empire established in America may be ''^T^ / clearly understood Lond. 1766, title and 46 pp. 8° ^ ^ ^153 — The Present State of Great Britain and North America, ^ with regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade, and Manu-^7'^''^^ factures, impartially considered, [by Dr. Mitchil,] old calf Lond. 1767, 388 pp. 8° 154 — [Robinson (Matthew)] Considerations on the Measures /? carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North //f America Lond. [1774] So/W^ , Title and 160 pp. \ 6 155 — Considerations, etc. 2nd ed. with Additions and an Ap- ,^z?- pendix, half mor. Lond. [1774] 8^ ^ Half-title, title, and text 176 pp. ' Appendix,' 45 pp. ^ " - •• J56 — The other side of the Question : or a Defence of the Li- j/.£,f,(^ berties of North- America. In Answer to a late Friendly^ Address to all reasonable Americans, half mor. New York, James Rivington, 1774, 30 pp. 8" ^ , 157 — A Summary View of the Eights of British America, [by ,, "" Mr. Jefferson : intended for the Delegates of Virginia]^;/!j^ half mor. Williamshtirg , printed : Lond. repr. 117 4i,^° Two prel. leaves, viz. Title and Preface ; Dedication ' to the King,' pp. v — xvi, Signed 'Tribunus." Text pp. 5— 44. ^ ^, A 158 — A Further Examination of our Present American Mea-/ ./y sures. By the Author of Considerations on the Measui*esv '^/l^-^^ etc. [Mat'hew Eobinson], uncut Bath, 1776, 8<^ Title, and 256 pp. ••/ :/ 162 //A FIEST day's sale. 17 Ameeica: continued. /f 159 — The History of North America Lond. 1776, 12° /^ Two pvel. leaves, 284 pp. and Map of North America. '/J^^f ' / 160 — The North American and the "West-Indian Grazetteer, with ' ^ maps, old calf Lond. 177G, 12« Three prel. leaves; Introduction 24 pp ; text, signatures B. to T, in 6. U. 1. Addenda 2 pp. 2 maps. See Bristol, N.E., where a curious blunder is made accidentally or intentionally, by confounding^ an Indian Chief, called " King Philip," with " the King of Spain." ^ 161 — The North American and the "West-Indian Gazetteer, 2nd ed. Lond. 1778, 12o Three prel. leaves. Introduction 24 jjp. Text, signatures B to T. in 6. U. 1. 2 maps. — Letters and other Papers relating to the Proceedings of his Majesty's Commissioners. By the Earl of Carlisle, Sir Henry Clinton, William Eden, Esquire, and George John-/ stone, Esquire, Commissioners, upon Disorders now sub- sisting, Proposed Appendix, peitatelt peikted, hf. mor. [Bivington, New TorTc], 1778, 8° Text 55 pp. " Proposed Appendix," 10 leaves. 163 — Succinct Account of the Treaties and Negociations rela ting to the Boundary between the British possessions of- Lower Canada and New Brunswick, in North America, and the United States [Lond.] 8° Two hundred and six pp. Contents 1 page. Map of North America. Privately printed, this copy having the autograph of the Earl of Anglesey. — Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississipi, ou des Pro- vinces de Louisiane et Ploride Occidentale, en 1' Annee 1802, hf. cf Paris, 1803, 8° Twenty and 318 pp. Table Abregee 5 pp. Avis au Relieur, and, Errata et Additions, 4 pp. With 2 coloured maps. , C- /^ 165 — History of North America, 2 vols. Leeds, 1820, 8» ,^^-^ Vol. I. 4 and 498 pp. Vol. II. Title and 458 pp. Portrait of Thomas Jef- /ferson, and 2 Plates of American Coins. 166 — Travels in North America, calf Dullin, 1821, 12° *■• One hundred and eighty pp. including Frontispiece and title ; woodcuts on pp.93, 123, 140, 145. — A Northern Tour, being a Guide to Saratoga, Lake George, Niagara, Canada, Boston, etc. half calf Fhiladelphia: IL C. Careij and L Lea, 1825, 287 pp. 12" — Some Account of the North- America Indians, hf. mor. _ Lond. [1754] 68 pp. 8" American Lndians (Worth). A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America, since the Connexion of the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company Lond. 1817, 8" Fourteen and 152 pp. ' Appendix ' 2 pvel. leaves and H? pp. / / 164 L^^ 167 / . 168 J^ 18 FIRST day's sale, Ameeica : continued. X ' 170 America {Spanish). Eeprensentacion Politico Legal, que haze a miestro Senor Soberano, Don Phelipe Quinto, E,ey de ^ las Esparias, para que se sirva de declarar, no tienen los Es- ' pniioles ludiauos obice para obtener los empleos Politicos,/ ', /L / J Militares d>e la America, unbound, 22 foUoed leaves . //^^^ Don Juan Antonio de Almmada, Colegial actual de el Mayor de Santa Maria de Todos Santos de Mexico, y Ahogado de su Heal Audiencia, folio , / / ■ 171 — Commentarius de Uepublica in America Lusitana, atque ^ -//A/^ Hispana a Jesuitis instituta, belloque ab his cum Hispaniae, '^ ./j' / etc. Title, and 77 pp. small 8» ^' ' - ^ ' ^ 172 — Eelacion de las Vitorias qve Don Diego de Arroy o y / Da(;^a, Grovernador y Capitan general de la Prouinci de /^^^y— Cumana, tuuo en la gran 8alinade Arraya, a 30 de Nov. de' '' 622, contra cicnto y quatro nauios de Olandeses, unbound Madrid, [1623], 4 pp. fol. Nos. 172 to 191, (except 186) are probably nearly all either privately printed, • ^ or were taken in small numbers for official use only. Other copies cannot probably be found. ^y/ ^' 6 173 — Eelacion de Como Martirizaron los Hereges Olandeses, ^^ -^"^ Gelandeses, y Pechilingues, en odio de nuestra santa Ee Catolica, al Eeligioso y obseruante varon el Padre Presentado v, ' fray Alonso GTomez de Enzinas, en la entrada que hizieron este mes passado de lunio de 1624, en la Cuidad de Guayaquil, en la Prouincia de Quito, que es en las Indias, y Eeynos J / del Peru Ji«^/n^, 1625, 4 pp. fol. Jyir ^ ' ° 174 — Eelacion y Copia de vna Carta, de las Companias de In- fanteria, y de Acauallo, que svi Magestad tiene en el puerto , > de Callao, para defensa del dicho puerto, y de la Isla del Brasil, lif. mor. . ^ r Madrid, Bernardino de Gkizman, ]625, 4 pp. fol. /k fi* o 175 — Eelagara verdadeira, e breve datomada da Villa de Olinda, ^>^^ Elvgardo Eecife na Costa do Brazil pellos rebeldes de Olanda, / s lif. mor. Lisboa, 1630, 6 pp. fol. - /■. ^176 — Eelacion de la lornada qve la Armada de su Magestad a <^ hecho al socorro del Brazil, y batalla que entre ella, y la de "' , y' los Estados de Olada, lif. mor. Sevilla, 1631, 4 pp. fol. , ^ ' o 177 — Eelacion de los muertos, y hevidos que huuo en la Eeal vi^_ Armada de la guardia de las Indias, las dos vezes que peleo -. . con el enemigo, sobre Pan de Cauanas 1038, 4 pp. 4° ^ V 178 — Eelacion de lo Svcedido a la Armada Eeal de la guarda :' ^ . de la carrera de las Indias, desde el dia que se hizo a la vela/'Xy!^ / en la Vaia de Cadiz, hasta el en que dio fondo en el puerto /' tie la Vera Cruz en la Nueua Espaila / ^Mexico, 1038], 8 leaves, 4° (<*. S 170 — Eelacion. Mverte de Pie de Palo. Segvnda EelacioD, de la batalla que ban tenido los Galeoues con 40 Nauios de Olandeses, siendo General de ellos Pie de Palo Madrid, 1638, 4 pp. 4« FIRST DAY S SALE. 19 / AmEETCA: continued. '.<> 180 America (Spanish.) Eelacion Verdadera, de la Grau Vitoria qve han alcan^*ado en el Brasil la gente de la Baia de Todos y Santos, contra los Olandeses Seuilla, 1638, 4 pp. 4" "*// 181 — Eelacion Verdadera de la Eefriega qve Tvvieron nuestros Galeones de la Plata en el Cabo de san Anton, con catorzo / navios de Olada Sevilla, 1638, 4 pp. 4*' ^ ■ o 182 — Eelacion Verdadera del viaje de los G-aleones, y de laa dos batallas que ruuieron sobre Pan de Cauanas, con los . Olandeses, en este ailo de 1638 Seuilla, 1638, 4 pp. 4" ?, ^ 183 — Eelacion de la Vitoria qve Alcanzaron las Armas Catolicas en la Baia de Todos Santos contra Olandeses, hf. mor. y Madrid, 1638, 6 leaves, fol. f, ^184 — Eelacion Verdadera de las Pazes que Capitvlo con el Aravcano Eebelado, el Marques de Baides, Conde de Ped- roso, Grouernador, y Capitan General del Eeyno de Chile, etc. Madrid, 1642, 8 pp. fol. C 185 — Eelacion de Todo lo Svcedido en estas Provincias de la Nveva Espana, desde la formacion de la Armada Eeal de Barlovento, despacbo de Plota, y sucesso della, hasta la salida deste pi'imer Aviso del ano de 1642, Tif. mor. 1642, 4 pp. fol, f^ ^'^186 — Eelations Veritables et Cvrievsesde I'lsle de Madagascar, et dv Bresil. Auec I'histoire de Ja derniere Guerre faite au Bresil, entre les Poi-tugais y les Hollandois. Trois Eela- tions d'Egypte, et vne du Eoyaume de Perse, calf gilt Faris, 1651, 4fi Eight prel. leaves ; the 4th blank, and 307 pp. Map at page 1. ^ , / XS7 — Eelacion de los Socorros, que ha remitido a Tierra-Pirme el Excelentissimo senor Conde de Lemos, Virrey, Governa- dor, y Capitan General de los Eeynos, y Provincias del Perii, para la restauracion del Castillo de Chagre, y Ciudad de Panama, de que se apodero el Enemigo Ingles, Zt/ mor. . , [1671], 4 pp. fol. 0- ^ 188 — Eelacion de la Salvd Milagrosa, qve dio el Bieuaventurado Stanislao Kost Ka, Novicio de la Compania de lesus, a otro Novicio de la misma Compania, en la Casa de Provacion de San Antonio Abad de la Ciudad de Lima, el dia 13 de Nov. ^ , 1673 Madrid, 1674, 6 leaves, 4« ^^ 189 — Copia de dos Cartas Eseritas de vn Missionero, y del Superior de las Missiones de los Maynas, en el Eio Marafion, jurisdiccion de la Eeal Audiencia de Quito, avisando al Padre Vice-Provincial de la Compania de lesvs, del Nuevo Eeyno de Granada, Primera Carta, lif. mor. [1681] 4 pp. fol. 190 — Eelacion del Exemplar Castigo qve embio Dies a la Ciudad de Lima Cabeza del Perij, y su Costa de Barloueuto con los espantosos Temblores del dia 20. de Oct. 1687 lAma, loseph de Gontreras, 1687, 8 pp. fol. 'I ^. i\^' A 20 FIEST day's bale. Ameeica : continned. '^ ^ 191 America (Spanish). Eelacion de lo Svcedido a la Armada de Barlovento a fines del aiio passado, y priucipios de este de 1G91. Victoria, que contra los Franceses, que ocupan la Costa y del morte de la Isla de Santo Domingo tuvieron, con el ayada/f^ de diclia Armada, los Lauzeros, j milicia Espanola de aquell Isla, abrasando el Puerto de Guarico, j otras Poblacione^ uncut and unhound Mexico, por los Serederos de la Viuda de Bernardo / ^ Calderon, 1691, 16 pp. 4° 192 — Stories of popular Voyages and Travels ; with illustra- tions. Containing abridged Narratives of Travels in South America, New ed. Lond. 1730, lloj-^^^^ Half-title, title, iv and 259 pji. With engraved title, map and 3 plates. , - 193 — A Concise History of the Spanish America, with an Ap- pendix, in which is comprehended an exact Description of ^ Paraguay. Collected chiefly from Spanish Writers, [by Dr. ^-af^'^ Campbell ^^fine copy in old calf Lond. 1741, 8® Title and dedication 2 leaves ; ' Preface,' pp. v-viii ; table of contents 2 leaves ; and text 336 pp. > ' 194 — The Spanish Empire in America, with an exact Descrip- J^ tion of Paraguay. By an English Merchant, old calf /v/'^'^ Lond. 1747, 8<^ Six prel. leaves and 330 pp. The same as the preceding', with a new title. ^ 195 — A True and Particular History of Earthquakes, contain- /^ ing a relation of that which happen'd at Lima and Callao, in //%/rj Peru, Oct. 28, 1746, by Philotheus, old calf //^i^* / Lond. for the Autlior, 1748, 192 pp. 8^ ^ 196 — An Account of the Spanish Settlements in America. In four Parts minb. 1762, 8» / Sixteen and 512 pp. Copper-plate map ICf by 13| inches. The value ofi-' "■ this work is greatly enhanced by the addition at the end, from page 472 to 512, of the Official "Accounts of the siege and suiTender of the Havannah"in 1762, consisting of a Journal of the Siege, the Articles of /Capitulation, the Dispatches, etc. // 197 — Observations on the present state of Spanish America, ^Y (/ji^ a Spaniard, 4^. wor. io«^. 1817, title and 45 pp. 8°''^ . 198 — Ensayo sobre la Topografia de los Eios Plata, Parana, /M. Paraguay, Vermejo y Pilcomayo, para servir de memoria 2k^/^^^ su Navegacion con uji Mapa Buenos Aires, Hallet y Ca. 1831, 8° Sixteen pp. signed ' Herman C- Dwerhagen.' 000 American Poetry. See Andre; Boston; BosicortJi; Brad- street; IIum2)liries ; Oriyin; Sottceed liedivivus 000 America. Common Sense (and replies to same). See Baine (Tho.) 000 America (Spanisb). See Granada; Lima; Mexico; Bara- yuay 203 Anderson (William Wemyss) A Description and History of the Island of Jamaica, reprinted from the Work, by John Q/. Ogilby, first published in 1671, with additions to our own "^^ times, with a map of the island, uncut Kingston, Jamaica, George Henderson, 1851, 8° Forty-six pp.; errata, 9 lines, on a shp. -// - 204 Andre (Major John) The Cow Chace : an Heroick Poem, in ^ Three Cantos ; written at New York, 1780, with Explanatory , p Notes by the Editor, hf. moi\ / . Lond. John Melding, 1781, 32 pp. 40C -^^^ The following' is the last stanza of this mock-heroic poem, to which subse- quent events gave a melancholy interest, probably little dreamed of by the writer. And now I've clos'd my epic strain, I tremble as I show it. Lest this same warrior-drover, Wayne, Should ever catch the poet. 000 Andre (Major). See Boyal Gazette. 205 Anson (George, Lord). A Voyage round the world, in the Tears 1740-1-2-3-4, of His Majesty's Ships, sent upon an Expedition to the South Seas ; compiled from Papers and other Materials of the Eight Houom-able George Lord Anson, and published under his direction, by Eichard Walter, M.A., Chaplain of His Majesty's Ship, the Cen- turion, in that Expedition, 2nd ed. with charts, calf Lond. 1748, 8° y^ Twelve prel. leaves and 548 pp. ; 3 charts. /yV f / 206 Anson (George, Lord) Voyage, 3rd ed. calf Lond. 1748, 8<» ^'^~^ Idem. :/ / /: _^- / 22 FIRST DAT S SALE. / ( 207 Anson (George, Lord) Voyage, 6tli ed. calf Lond. 1749, 8» y^:^^ , Twelve prel. leaves, 548 pp., 3 charts. J 208 Anson (George, Lord) Voyage, 7th ed. calf Dublin, 1748, 8° V Nine prel. leaves and 350 pp. ; 8 copper-2>]ate charts and plates, with a list '^ ' thereof. >6 209 Anson (George, Lord) Voyage, 14tli ed. large paper, calf . L Lond. 1769, ^'^'//JP-^^' Twelve prel. leaves, 536 pp. 3 charts. 210 Answer (The) of the Assembly of Divines tinto the Reasons given by the Dissenting Brethren, of their not bringing in a Model of their "Way, hf. mor. Lond. 1615, 4P Two prel. leaves; text, pp. 3 to 2i. 211 Answer (An) to a Pamphlet call'd, The Conduct of the '^f/y. Ministry Impartially Examined, by the Author of the Four / Letters to the People of England Lond. 1756, 100 pp. 8o ^ 212 Answer (An) to the Declaration of the American Congress, y)^^^ hf. mor. Lond. 1776, 132 pp. 8« ^ 213 — The same, 4th ed. Jif mor. Lond. 1776, 132 pp. 8° ''■^' ^ 214 — The same, 5th ed. hf. mor. Lotid. 1776, 132 pp. 8° . ; - - / 215 Antequera y Castro (Joseph de). Colleccion General de Do- /) cumentos, que contiene los sucesos tocantes a la segunda / epoca de las commociones de los Regulares de la Compariia '/y/yy^ en el Paraguay, y senaladamente la persecucion, que hicieron 'Cy^^y^''^ a Don Josef de Antequera y Castro. Tomo Tercero, vellum x Madrid, 1769, 4P Fourteen prel. pages ; teit, 239, 374, 64 pp. and 2 sequent leaves. 210 Anticipation: Containing the Substance of His M y's Most Gracious Speech to both H s of P 1 1, on -7 ^ the Opening of the approaching Session, together with a '////y full and authentic Account of the Debate which wdll take' I /-^-^ place in the H e of C s, on the Motion for the Address, and the Amendment, with Notes, (first published three days before the opening of the Session) 3rd ed. [by Eichard Tickell] Lond. 1778, 8° Four prel. leaves and text, 74 pp. " That which raised him (Tickell) to imme- diate celebrity was his admirable political pamphlet, called Anticipation; in which, with the most successful humour, he imitated the manner of the principal speakers in parliament, and defeated the force of the arg;uments of the opposition by pre-occupying them." — Clialmers' Biog. Diet. / / 217 Anticipation continued ; containing the Substance of the Speech intended to be delivered from the T e to both H s of P— r — m — t, on the Opening of the ensuiug Session, to w-hich is added, A Sketch of the Debate which will take place in the H e of L ds on the Motion for an Address and Amendment Land. 1779, 57 pp. 8" '^^ /-- FiEST day's sale. 23 / 218 Anticipation : For the Tear 1779, (first published five days before the Opening of the Session), 2ud ed. Lond. 1779, 59 pp. 8° ^ , 219 Apianus (Petrus). Cosmographia per Gemmam Frisivm apvd Lovanieuses Medicvm et Mathematicvm insiguem Col. Agrip. 1574, 4° '^ Two prel. and 58 folioed leaves, with revolving diagrams, and with woodcuts. 220 Apollonius (Levinius) de PERUvUi Eegionis, inter Noui ^ 4 ^ Orbis prouineias celeberrimfe, iuventione : et rebus in eadem //^ ^ '' gestis, FiEsT EDITION, Very fine copy, in citron morocco '/'/ Antv. ap. lo. Bellerzm, 1566, 8° /' ' ^ Eij.'-ht prel. leaves ; text folioed 9 to 236, followed by index, errata, and colo- /' pliou, ' Antverpiae, Typis Amata Tavernerii,' 8 leaves ; woodcut map. 221 Apollonius (Levinitts). Another copy, map 1567, 8° X^ This copy is the same as the preceding-, except that the date on the title- '> r ^^ page, is 15G7 instead of 156(3. 222 Apollonius (Levinius). Another copy, stained^ map wanting 1567, 8« 223 Apology (An) for the Builder ; or, a Discourse shewing the Cause and Eflfects of the Increase of Building, half morocco Lond. 1689, title, and 37 pp. 4"/ /^ Among the several references to America in this quaint little book, the fol-/^^ lowing extract is not the least curious : — " Now the reason of this was, the people of England were a little before that time under the same mistake, ns they are generally now, and cried out against the Builders, that the City would grow too big ; and therefore in the 38 of Queen Elizabeth they made a law to prohibit buildings in the City of London; which, though it ■was hut a probationary Act, to continue only to the next Sessions of Par- liament (which was but a short time), yet its effects were long ; for it frighted the builders, and obstructed the growth of the City; and none built for thirty years after, all King James His Reign, without his Ma- jesties License ; but for want of Houses the increase of the People went into other parts of the world ; for within this space of time were those great Plantations of New- England, Virginia, Mariland, and Bermudas began; and that this want of houses was the occasion, is plain; for they could not build in the Country, because of the Law agiiinst Cottages. For people may get children and so increase, that hud not four Acres of ground to build on." — Page 28. y . 6 224 Appeal (An) to the Justice and Interests of the People of / y^-cA Great Britain, in the present disputes with America, by an' old M.P. lif. mor. Lond. 1774, S" Half-title, title, and 63 pp. " An able advocate for the colonists." — 31. Rev. ^ Z - 225 Appeal (An) &e. 4th ed. Jif. mor. yO/ Rep)r. at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1776, 72 pp, ^'^vJ^^^^^ /, ^ 226 Appeal (An) to the Unprejudiced, concerning the present Discontents occasioned by the late Convention with Spain, half morocco Lond. 1739, 32 pp. 8° 24< riEST day's sale. 227 Appeal (An) to the Sense of the People on the Present Pos- ture of Affairs, wherein the Nature of the late Treaties are / inquired into, and the Conduct of the M — i — y with regard / to M — n — ca, A — r — ca, &c. is considered, uncut ' Lond. 1756, title, and 54 pp. 8° Lppendix (An) to the Memoirs of the Duke de Hipperda, on /J the Balance of Europe, the present State of Spain, and tVo,///. Consequences of a War in the West Indies Lond, 1740, ^^//^^ (tL. Title, and text, pp. 356-390. - 6 229 Appendix (An) to the present State of the "Nation, contain- ing a Eeply to the Observations on that Pamphlet, lif. mor. Lond. 1769, 8° ^ Title, and text pp. 5-68. - ^ 230 Application (An) of some General Political Eules to the pre- CXf. « sent State of Great Britain, Ireland, and America, in a.^'^-^ Letter to Earl Temple, lif. mor. Lond. 1706, 86 pp. 8<> 7 9 ^ 231 Arango (Jose de). Nadie se asuste por la segunda y ultima vv^ esplicacion mia sobre la Independencia de la isla de Cuba,'^ '''^^^ hf. mor. [1820], pp. 4-42, 8" ^ /^232 Arciidale (John), Oovernor of Carolina. A New Des- CEIPTIOlSr OE THAT EeBTILE AND PlEASANT PeOVINCE OP /y Carolina, j^ne eop]f, lif. mor. Lond. J. Wi/af, 1707, 4°/-/^^ Half-title, title, ' To the Courteous Readers,' 3 pp. ; text, 32 pp. It was Governor Archdale who introduced the cultivation of rice into Carolina. — Rich. 233 Aedas. DocTRiNA Cheistiana : y explicacion de sus Mis- ^ . terios, en nuestro idioma Espanol, y en lengua Arda, ^ne /)/ '/y ■ f/ copy, original vellum //y Madrid, por Domingo Garcia Morrds, 1658, sm. 8**^ ^ c>t/^ Title, with 19 lines on the reverse; Text, 13 folioed leaves in double columns. Signatures A in 8, B in 4, and C in 2 leaves. The Ardas are a barbarous tribe of Indians dwelling between the rivers Napo and Marafion, in the Province of Quijos, in Quito. This, as far as we can •• learn, is not only the sole book published in the Arda Language, but is the t ^ only copy of it known. / • o 234 Argensola (Bartolomeo Leonardo). Histoire de la Conquete^ Jf(yj. des Isles Moluques, 3 vols, old calf Amst. 1706, Vl*^ J^^^ Vol. T. 7 prel. leaves, and 405 pp. Vol. II. 2 prel. leaves, and 402 pp. ani Table, 15 unnumbered leaves. Vol. III. 3 prel. leaves, 388 pp. and Table, 10 unnumbered leaves. Maps and plates in each volume. Not mentioned y, by Rich. . 6 235 Argument (An) in Defence of the Exclusive Eight claimed bvx the Colonies to Tax themselves t Z'/^^^^- Lond. for the Author, 1774, Title, contents, pp. v.-vii. and text 163 pp. "A solid and judicious advocate for the colonies." — 31. Rev. ►riginal /^ [istory,yyv^ // FIRST day's sale. 25 //^ 236 Armitage (John). The History of Brazil, from the period of the Arrival of the Bragauza Family in 1808 to the Abdica- y^ tion of Don Pedro the First in 1831, compiled from Origi Sources, forming a Continuation to Southey's Hi 2 vols, cloth Lond. 1836, 8« Vol. I. 9prel. leaves, viz. half-title, portrait, title, dedication, preface, con- tents; text 371 pp. Vol. II. 5 prel. leaves, viz. half-title, portrait, title, contents; text 141 pp. ' Notes,' pp. 144-155. ' Appendix,' pp. 157-297. / - 237 Arthur (John). The Genealogy of Jesus Christ, according to St. Matthew and St. Luke, Esamined, Illustrated, and Vindicated, lif. mor. New Torh, James Parker and Co. at the Neio Printing Office, in Beaver Street, 17G2, 8° Title, text, pp. 3 16. 238 Arthus (Grotard) Historia Indiae Orientalis, ex variis /^ Avctoribvs collecta, et ivxta Seriem Topographicam Regno- f/- rum, Prouinciarum & Insularum, per Africaa, Asiaeque lit- tora, ad extremes vsque laponios deducta CoL Agrip., Wit. LutzenTcirck, 1608, sm. 8<» Ten prel. leaves (8th blank) and 616 pp. This abridgment of the Petits Voyages of De Bry is not mentioned by Rich or Brunet. 239 Articles of Agreement for carrying on an Expedition, by Hudson's Straights, for the Discovery of a North-AVest Pas- sage, dated March 30, 1745 Builin, 1746, 16 pp. 8° ^ 240 Asher (Adolph) Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of ^j Voyages and Travels edited by Levinus Hulsius and his sue- -^^^"^^ cessors at Nuremberg and Francfort, from anno 1598 to 1660, bds. Lond. and Berlin, 1839, 4° Three prel. leaves, and 118 pp. A series of the rare first editions of Hulsius* Collections, 27 vols, small quarto, was sold by us in July last for £335. j^ 241 Ashley (John) Memoirs and Considerations concerning the ,<0^ Trade and Revenues of the British Colonies in America, hf. mor. Loud. 1740, 160 pp. 8° ^ 242 Ashton's (Philip) Memorial ; or, an Authentick Account of ^ j^ the Strange Adventures and Signal Deliverances of Mr. c/*^ Philip Ashtou, who, after he had made his Escape from the Pirates, liv'd on a desolate Island for about 16 months, etc. with a short Account of Mr. JSficholas Merritt, who was taken at the same time ; to which is added, a Sermon on Dan. iii. 17, by John Barnard, V.D.M. calf Lond. for Rich. Ford and Sam. Chandler, 1726, 156 pp. 12" Philip Ashton was a native of Marble Head in Massachusetts, and on the 15th of June, 1722, with Nicholas INIerritt, his kinsman, w'as taken pri- soner by the Pirate Low, at Port Rossaway, C^ipe Sable, and carried into tlie West Indies, Central Amei ica, etc. He returned after long' wanderings and many hardships to New Euirland, and landed at Siilem on the 1st of May, 17'25. Mr. Barnard, the Minister of Marble Head, preached a Ser- mon upon the Joyful occasion of his return to his native town. The book is full of incident, and little known to the book collectors of New England. I ,26 FiEST day's sale. *.c 243 A spinwall (Thomas). Catalogue of Books relating to Ame rica, in the collection of Colonel Aspinwall, Consul of the United States of America at London, privately printed, hu very few copies issued \_Faris, 1832 ?] 8"/ Two prel. leaves, and 66 pp. ' - 244 Aspinwall (Thomas). Catalogue of extremely Rare Books and MSS. relating to America, with an Appendix of Books from the Library of Col. Aspinwall, 5 days' sale, fine paper, printed prices Lond. Putticlc and Simpson, 1854-, 8° {' . 245 Assiento, y Capitvlacion que por mandado de su Magestad se ha tornado con diuersas personas interessadas en el co- mercio de las Indias, ivanting the last leaf, hf mor. hound hy ^ Hayday 1618, 30 leaves, folio ~ - 246 Assiento y Capitvlacion, qve los sefiores Presidente, y del ^ ConsejoEeal delas Indias tomaron co Adriano deLegaso . . . ^iyi^ y despacho de las armada y flotas de las Indias, por tiempo de seis anos, If. mor. hound, hy Hayday , Madrid, luan 'Qonqalez, 1627, 44 leaves, folio / 247 Assiento y Capitvlacion, qve los sefiores Presidente, y del //^ Consejo Ileal de las Indias, y despacho de las Armadas, J '/\j,-^-^t riotas de las Indias, por tiempo de tres anos, If. mor. hound hy Hayday Madrid, And. de Parra, 1640, folio Title, and 50 leaves. - 248 Assiento. \_Begins'] En en Nombre de Dios, Amen. Sepan qvantos esta carta viere como nos Crhistoval de Barnvevo Bonifaz, y Ivan de Vergara Gaviria, etc. [Assiento del Aueria de prior y Consules auo de 1618], If mor. hound hy f Hayday 27 leaves, folio 249 Assiento Contract (The) Consider'd, as also the Advantages ,^/ and Decay of the Trade of Jamaica and the Plantations 'V/^.^f^t^ Lond. 1714, 8° Title ; preface, 4 leaves, and text, 50 pp. 250 Atkins (John). A Voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the "West QiL^ Indies, calf, very fine copy Lond. 1735, 8° *C/^ Title ; xxv. pp. ; text, pp. 1-2, and 19-254. ' An Abstract,' &c. pp. 255-2G5. ' Errata,' 7 lines. ^ - 251 Atkinson (Eev. "W. Chr.) A Historical and Statistical Ac- count of New Brunswick, roan Edinb. 1844, 12°^ Eijht prel. leaves : viz. title; 'contents' pp. iii-v; 'Preface' pp. vii-xvi ; and text pp. 14-284, with map. ' Sketch of the River St. John.' : - 252 Atlas Geographus: or, a compleat System of Geography, /, /, (Ancient and Modern) for Amekica. Containing What '\'s>J^ ^^^ of most Use in Bleau, Varenius, Cellarius, Cluverius, Luyts, Bavidrand, Sanson, the Eoyal Commentaries of Peru, &c. , maps hy Herman Moll. Vol. V. (complete for America) 1717, 4^ Title ; ' Preface,' 1 leaf; text 798 pp. ' Index,' pp. 799-807. ' An Account of the Plates, Maps, and Tables,' 2 leaves. i-iEST day's sale. 27 253 Atlas zue ENTDECKUNGSGESCHicnxE Amerikas, aus liaud- p jy scliriften der K. liof-und Staats — Bibliotliek, der K. Uuiver- ^ ' y sitjBt und des hauptcouservatoriums der K.B. Armee heraus- gegeben voa F. Kunstmanu, K. Vou Spruner uiid Gr. M. Thomas, in atlas folio, with 4ito. letterpress Miinchen, 1859, fol. Title, contents, 13 maps. Letterpress: — Title, and pp. 151. ^ - 25i Atwater (Caleb), The AVritings of, cloth , Columbus. Piihlishecl by the Author, 1833, 408 pp. 8» . -^ 255 Auchiucloss (.!..) D.D., The Sophistry of both the first and second part of Mr. Paine's Age of Reason. In Four Ser- mons, uncut Edinh. 1796, 8" Title and Dedication 2 leaves. Text, pp. 5-96. '' - 256 Australia. Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes, 2 vols, old calf Paris, 1756, 4" Tome Premier. Title, xir and 463 pp. Errata 4 pp. Tome Second. Title and 514 pp. Errata 2 pp. With Charts, No. 1 to 7. / / 257 Auteroche (Chappe d'). A Voyage to California through Mexico, to observe the Transit of Venus. Also a Voyage t Newfoundland and Sallee, to make experiments on Le Eoy's' Time Keepers. By M. De Cassini, old calf Lond. 1778, 8o Half-title, title, * Advertisement,' and 'Contents,* 4 leaves. Text 215 pp. Plan of the City of Mexico 10 by 7^ inches. i. , 258 Authentic (An ) Narrative of Facts relating to the Exchange of Prisoners taken at the Cedars ; with Ilemarks tipon the Eeport and Resolves of the American Congress on that sub- ject, half mar. Land. 1777, 52 pp. 8*^ ^^ 259 Avendano. Carta, qve el P. Francisco Xavier Eector del A ' Colegio IMaximo de S. Pablo, y al presente Preposito Pro vincial de la Provincia del Peril. Dandoles vna breve notici de la exemplarissima vida, y dichosa muerte del Ven. P. Diego de Avendano, Spanish binding Lima, For losehp de Contreras, 1689, 66 leaves, 4*^ /". 260 Avity (Sieur d') Les Estats, Empires, et Principavtez dv Monde, old calf Paris, 1619, 4" Ten prel. leaves ; Text 1467 pp. followed by 'Privilege.' The History of the New World in this volume occupies 67 pages ; viz. from page 255 , to 322. /. ^ 261 Azara (Felix de), Apuntamientos para la Historia Natural de los Quadriipedos del Paraguay y K.io de La Plata, Tomo Primero, uncut Madrid, Viuda de Ibarra, 1802, 4P Half-title. Title, and 8 other prel. leaves: Text 318 pp. ' Erratas.' 1 page. .f /2Q2 Azara (Felix de). Voyages dans L'Amerique Meridionale, 4 vols, calf, marbled edges 1809, 8° I. Half-title, Title, & pp. v to Ix prel. Text 389 pp. II. Half-title, Title, and Test 362 pp. III. Half-title, Title, and Avis, 3 leaves ; & Taxi 47a pp. IV. Half-title, Title, and Text 360 pp. /-- 28 FIRST day's sale. 263 Backus (Isaac), Pastor at Middleborough, A Fish caught in his own Net. An Examination of Nine Sermons, from Matt. xvi. 18. Published last Tear, by Mr. Joseph Pish of Stonington ; Wherein he labours to prove, that those called Standing Churches in New-England are built upon the Eock, and upon tlie same Principles with the first Pathers of this Country: and that Separates aud Baptists are joining with the Grates of Hell against them Boston : ly Edes and Gill, 1768, 8" One hundred and thirty pages. ' Errata,' 1 page. : ^ 261 Backus (Isaac) A Histobt of New-England, with parti cular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists, 3 vols. Tial/ calf Boston, Edward Braper, 1777, 1784, 1796, 8° Title and Preface, 4 leaves ; Text 544 pp. ' Appendix' IS pp. Errata I p. Vol. II. Providence, 1784. Title & pp. Vol. III. Boston, 1796, 334 pp. and Advertisement, 1 p. 265 [Bacon (Thomas).] Two Sermons, preached to a Congregation of Black Slaves, at the Parish Church of S. P. in the Pro vince of Maryland, Jif. mor. Bond. 1749, 79 pp. 12° - // 266 Bailey (John), Bastor in Watertown, N. E. Man's chief End to Glorifie Grod, or Some Brief Sermon-Notes o" 1 Cor. X. 31, l)lue morocco Boston, ly Samuel Green for Bichard Wil Joins, 1689, small 8° Four prel. leaves; viz. Title reverse blank ; ' To the Reader' 6 pp. Signed 'J. M.' Text 100 pp. 'To my Loving and Dearly Beloved Christian Friends, in and about Lymerick.' 40 pp. dated ' May 8, 1084.' Signed ' John Baily.' ' Postscript.' 3 pp. signed ' John Baily.' ' i» 267 Baker (Daniel) Yet on© Warning More, to Thee Eng land ... to awaken tlie Nations and Inhabitants of, the Earth . . . and ring again in the ears of New Eng- land, etc. Bond. Bob. Wilson, 1660, 4« Title and 37 pp. / . 268 Baker (James) The Life of Sir Thomas Bernard, Baronet, morocco extra Bond. 1819, 8° Thirteen pp. and text 190 pp. With a portrait of Sir Thomas Bernard^ Sir Thomas Bernard was of the same family as the famous Governor of Massachusetts. /^ 269 Ball (John) An Answer to two Treatises of Mr. lohn Can the Leader of the English Brownists iu Amsterdam. The former called a Necessitie of Separation from the Church o; England. The other a Stay against Straying: wherein in opposition to Mr. John Robinson he undertakes to prove the unlawfulnesse of hearing the Ministers of the Church of England, very fine copy, calf Bond. 1642, 4" Title, the reverse blank ; ♦ To the Christian Reader' 4 leaves ; * An Ad- vertisement to the Reader.' 1 leaf, the reverse blank ; ' The Answers to the Epistles.' 4 leaves ; text, 144 pp. ' Chap. II.' 92 pji.; ' Table,' 2 pp.; ' Errata/ 1 page. FIRST day's sale- 29 5 , 270 Bancroft (Aaron), Pastor at Woi'cester. Life of George ^A^ AVasliington, half morocco Lond. 1808, 8° Jv^- ^ Title ; Preface and Contents, xii. pp.; text, 5G0 pp. Z ' 271 Bancroft (Aaron), Letters and Kemarks, occasioned by a /2 /^ Sermon, delivered by the Eev. Aaron Bancroft, A.M., No-/^^ vember 30, 1791;, in Opposition to the Doctrine of Election /Worcester, L. Worcester, 1795, 30 pp. 8° 272 Bancroft (Edward) An Essay on the Natural History of Guiana, in South America, fine copy, calf Lond. 1769, 8^ Frontispiece, Title, Dedication, and Advertisement, 5 leaves ; text, 402 pp. * Contents,' 1 leaf. /(j ~ 273 Baebadoes. Acts and Statutes of the Island of Barbados, made and enacted since the Eeducement of the same, unto the Authority of the Commonwealth of England Lond. hy Will. Bentley, and are to he sould hy him at the India Bridge [1651;] small 8° Title ; Dedication and Table, 8 leaves ; text. 176 pp. An important volume. ;^ , 271; Barbadoes. A Representation of the Miserable State of, under the corrupt Administration of his Ex. Hob, Lowther, Governor, half mor. Lond. [1719] 8° Half-title and 23 leaves. ^ . 275 Barbadoes. A Detection of the State and Situation of the Present Sugar Planters of Barbadoes and the Leward Islands, dedicated to Sir Bob. Walpole, half mor. Lond. 1732, S^ Half-title, title, viii, and 99 pp. f ^ 276 Barbadoes. A Supplement to the Detection of the State and Situation of the Sugar Planters of Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands, haJf mor. Lond. 1733, 8° Half-title, title, and 84 pp, y->, 277 Barbadoes. Memoirs of the Eirst Settlement of the Island of Barbados, and other the Carribbee Islands, from Ancient Records, Papers, and Accounts taken from Mr. Wm. Arnold, Mr. Samuel Bulkly, and Mr. John Summers, some of the Eirst Settlers, the last of whom was alive in 1688, aged 82, calf Lond. 1713, sm. 8° Title ; the Publisher to the Reader, and Introduction, 3 leaves ; text, 84 pp, * An Appendix,' 15 pp. y / 278 Barbadoes Packet (The), giving an Account of the most ma- ,^ / " '^ terial Transactions that have lately happened in a certain /j^ part of the West Indies Lond. 1720, 8« ^>^ 6 preliminary leaves and 68 pp. y^, 279 Barbadoes. The Groans of the Plantations . . . by the Heavy Impositions upon Sugar . . . relating more par- ticularly to the Island of Barbados, calf extra hy Bedford Lond. 1689, 4« Title and 35 pp. ?./ 30 FIRST day's sale. 280 Barbadoeg. A Short Account of the Manifest Hand of Grod that hath Fallen upon several Marshals and their Depu- ties, who have made great spoil and havock of the goods of the people of God called Quakers, in the Island of Barba- does, for their Testimony against going or sending to the Militia, with a remarkable Account of some others of th^ Pei'secutors of the same People in the same Island; toge- ther with an Abstract of their Sufferings Lond. hj T. Sowle, 1696, 4P Twenty-three pp. ' An Abstract.' &c. a folded sheet. 281 Barbadoes. A Declaration of the Inhabitants respecting the yj Demolition of the Methodist Chapel, with an Appendix, uncut Barbados : printed at the Barhadian Office, 1826, 20 pp. 8° 000 Barbadoes. See BnsJiel (John). 282 Barbe-Marbois. Histoire de Louisiane et de la cession de cette Colonie par la France aux Etats-Unis de I'Amerique^ Septentrionale, half calf Paris, 1829, 8° Three prel. leaves and 485 pp. Map at p. 109. 283 Barclay (Eobert) The Anarchy of the Eanters, and other Libertines : the Hierarchy of the Romanists, and other Pre- tended Churches, equally refused and refuted, in a two-fold Apology for the Church and People of God, called in deri sion Quakers, 2 vols, in \,fine copy, original binding Bhiladelpliia, repr. and sold by B. Franklin and D. Sail, 1757, S^ viii. and 112 pp. followed by ' An Epistle to the National Meeting: of Friends in Dublin, concerning- g-ood Order and Discipline in the Church,' written by Joseph Pike. Philadelphia, repr. by B. Frankliti and D.Hall, 1757, 23 pp. 284 Barham (Plenry) Hortus Americanus : containing an Ac >T-.-. count of the Trees, Shrubs, and other Vegetable Produc tions of South America and the West India Islands, an particularly the Island, of Jamaica, with a Linnsean Index, etc. eicfine copy, calf Kingston, Jamaica : Alexander AiJcman, 1794, 8° Title, Dedication, and Preface, 4 leaves; text, 212 pp.; ' Linnsean Index,' 7 leaves; ' Index of Diseases, llemedies,' &c. 11 leaves. ^ . 285 Baring (Alexander) An Inquiry into the Causes and Con sequences of the Orders in Council, and an Examina- tion of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral' y Commerce of America Lond. 1808, 183 pp. 8'' ^ ^ 286 Baring (Alexander) An Inquiry, etc. 2nd ed. Lond. 1808, 8; Title and Introduction, 2 leaves; text, 179 pp. y--/ ; FIRST day's sale. 31 /^ 287 Barlffius (Caspar) Brasilianisclie Geschichte, vellum J ^ Cleve, hey Tobias Silberling, 1659, 8° //^ Fifteen prel. leaves, viz. engraved title, title, portrait and arms of Count AJ.fwn Muritz, Dedication in 10 leaves, and 1 blank leaf. Text, 848 pp. with /'^^'^^ 10 leaves of Rejxistei" ; 8 maps and plutes at pages 111,213,352,418, 422 (2), and 5G'J (2). ^ - 288 Barlasus (Caspar) Rervm per Octennivm in Brasilia et alibi ^ / gestarum Clivis, Tobice Silberling, 1660, 8° \y^ Ei^ht prelim, leaves, including the engraved title, portrait, and arms ; / text, 664 pp.; index, 11 leaves; maps or plates at pp. 1, 2, 58, 121, y 242, 248 (2), 342. X/ 289 Barlow (E.) An Exact Survey of the Tide, explicating its J^ Production and Propagation, Variety and Anomaly, in all ^c/^^ Parts of the "World, 2nd ed. "with curious Maps." Lond. 1722, 8« Eight prel. leaves ; text, 122 pp. followed by a second title and 212 pp.; 12 /copperplate maps. /J 290 Barlow (Joel) The Columbiad, a Poem, with the last cor- J^ rections of the Author, laege paper, fine copy, calf i^:^^ Paris, 1813, 8° Title; Preface, pp. v.-xx. 'Introduction,' pp. xxi.-xl. ; half-title; text, 448 pp. ; 4 plates. ^ ^ 291 Barnard (Hannah) A jSTarrative of the Proceedings in Ame-^ rica of the Society called Quakers, in the Case of Hannah' Barnard, uiicut Lond. 1801, 8° 161 pp. Errata, 1 p. ^ . & 292 Barrere (Pierre) Nouvelle Eelation de la France Equinox- iale, contenant la Description des Cotes de la Guiane ; de risle de Cayenne ; le Commerce de cette Colonic : etc. calf^' Paris, 1743, sm. 8° Half-title, title, and Advertisement, 4 leaves ; text, 240 pp. ' Table,' pp. 241-250. ' L' Approbation,' 1 leaf; 19 small maps and plates. ^ ^. ^ 293 Barreto (^^icolas) Contestacion al Manifiesto que ha dadoy^l^r^ elEscmo. Sr. D. Francisco de Arango sobre la .Junta proyec- tada en la Habana en Julio del ano de 1808, half mor. Rahana, 1821, 8° Thirty-one pp. Errata, 1 leaf. >^ ^ ■ a 291 Barreto. Contestacion que da el Conde de Casa Barreto, al *cy^ papel del Escmo. Seiior D. Francisco de Arango ; contray- endose en parte a los publicados por el Senor D. Jose del mismo appellido, half mor. Habana, 1821, 18 pp. 8" ^ . 295 Barrjngton (Daines) Miscellanies Land. 1781, l" Title; ' Contents,' pp. iii. iv. ; ' Possibility of Approncliing' the North Pole,'^ &c. 1 leaf; ' Preface,' pp. iii.-viii. and text 558 pp. 2 portraits and maps, /This copy has a rare portrait of Sir Watkiu Williams Wynn inserted. _ . 296 Barrington (Daines) The Possibility of Approaching the North Pole asserted, new ed. with Appendix, by Colonel Beaufoy, hoards, uncut Lond. 1818 8*^ Twenty-four pp. and 258 pp. Map of the North Pole. 32 SECOND day's sale. J' 297 Bartlett (J. E.) Dictionary of Americanisms, or a Glossary rV ■ - of AVords and Phrases peculiar to the United States, second xy^ edition enlarged Boston, 1859, 556 pp. 8° y . 6 298 Bartolozzi (Francesco) Eicerche Istorico-Critiche circa alle ^j scoperte d' Amerigo Vespucci Firenze, 1789, 8''( A^, One luiudred and eighty pp. ' Indice,' pp. 181-182, 'Errori Corvezioni,' >^ \. 1 page. '^ yj • 6 299 Bartram (William) Travels through North and South Caro- lina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Coun- try, the Territories of the Muscogulges, and the Country of the Choctaws, calf Dublin, 1793, 8° Twelve prel. leaves ; viz. title, contents, and introduction ; text 520 pp ' Index' 11 p:io;es; Directions to the Binder, 8 lines. With Frontispiece Portrait of ' AJico Chlucco/ Map and 7 plates. ^ . / 300 Bartram (William) Travels, 2nd London edition, calf " Lond. 1794, 8° Twelve prel. leaves, viz. title, contents, and introduction. Text 520 pp. _^^^^^ ' Index 3 leaves ; ' Directions to the Binder, 1 page. With Frontispiece Portrait of ' Mico Chlucco,' Map and 7 Plates. /^.^ SECOND DAY'S SALE. AT ONE o'clock MOST PUNCTUALLT. /. 301 Bates (Joshua), Pastor of tlie First Clmrch, Dedham, a Ser- mon delivered before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, at their Anniversary, Nov. 4, 1813 Boston, 1813, 44 pp. 8" 803 Beatty (Charles) The Journal of a Two Months Tour ; with a view of Promoting Eeligion among the Frontier Inhabi tants of Pennsylvania, and of Introducing Christianity among the Indians to the Westward of the Alegh-geny Mountains, with Eemarks on the Language and Customs o, some particular Tribes among the Indians, hf. mor. Lond. 17C8, 110 pp. 8° . SECOND dat's sale. 33 > . 303 Beach (John), Minister of the First Church, Beading, Vindi- cation of the Professors of the Church of England, against Misrepresentations of Xoah Hobart. Humblj offered to the Consideration of the good People of New-England, with a Preface by Er. Johnson, and AVetmore's and Caner's Vindication of their own Cause and Characters from the Aspersions of the same Author, hf. cf. Boston, 1749, 4" Title, reverse blank ; ' Preface,' 8 pp. ; text 75 pp. / \ / ZOiL Belcher (Joseph) of Declham, JST.E. The Life of Eaith, Exem- ^^ plified, in a Letter, to which is added a few A'erses by the Rev. Mr. Killinghall, upon reading of it Lond. 1741, 8 pp. 8° A 305 Belena (Eusebio Bentura) E-ecopilacion sumaria de todos los Autos acordados de la Eeal Audiencia y Sala del Crimen de esta Nueva Epafia,y providencias de su superior Gobieruo / de varias Reales Cedulasy Ordenes que despues depublicada la E,ecopilacion de Indias, etc. 2 vols, fine copy, vellum Mexico, Don Felipe de Ziiniga, 1787, fol. Vol. I. Title, port, on reverse ; xxxvi prel. pp. ; 2nd title, ' Recopilacioa sumaria;' pp. 1 to 100; 3rd title, ' Recopilacion de algunos;' pp. 1 to 114; 4th title, ' Recopilacion sumaria ;' and pp. 1 to 373. Vol.11. Title, ' Copias a la Letra afi-ecidas en el Primer Tomo,' etc.; ' Erratas,' 1 leaf; 'Indice,' 1 leaf; text, 429 pp.; ' Articulos,' Ixxxvi pp. 9 306 Bellamy (Jos.) of Bethlem, JSf.F. Letters and Dialogues be- ^^-^^^ tween Theron, Paulinus, and Aspasio Lond. 1761, 240pp. 12° /307 Beltrami (J. C.) A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, lead- /j _ ing to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and 'yiJ^z'^, Bloody Eiver ; with a description of the Ohio, 2 vols. '"'^ Lmid. 1828, 8" Vol. I. Ixxvii and 472 pp. II. Title and 545 pp. ' Errata ;' 7 lines with 4 sequent leaves. With Portrait, 2 Plans, Map, and three Plates. /308 Benezet (Anthony) A caution and warning to Great Britain -yjy ^ and Her Colonies, in a Short Representation of the cala- ^-^^"^^ mitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British Do- minions, hf. mor. Philadelphia: Henry Miller, 1766, 8" Thirty-five pp. and ' Extract of a Sermon,' 4 pp. ' / 309 Benezet (iVntoine) Observations sur I'Origine, les Principes, ^ et L'Etablissement en Amerique, De la Societe Connue sous la Denomination de Quakers ou Trembleurs, uncut ^ Philadelphie : rimprime a Lond. per Jacques Phillips, en George-Yard, Lomhard-Street, 1783, 12° Title, and 48 pp. / /A 310 Benzo>t (GiEOLAMo) La Histoeia del Mondo Nvovo ^y^ey ' ^ Tenet. Fr. Eampasetto, 1565, 8° First Edition — Title, reverse blank; Dedication, 2 leaves; ' Tavola ;' 1 leaf; text 175 folioed leaves. V 311 BEyzo>"i (GiEOLAMo) La Histobia del Moxdo Ntovo, ^-J^ ^- fine copy Tenet. Pietro ^ Fr. Tini, 1572, 8° 7^^^^ Second Edition, 4 prel. leaves ; text in 179 leaves, followed by a colo- phon leaf. F 34 SECOND day's sale. ^ ^ 312 Benzoni (G-ieolamo) Novae Novi Orbis Historiae, id est, Eerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali bactenus gestarum, et acerbo illorum in eas gentes dominatu, a little wormed iii^' the margin \_Genev(f\, apvd Evstathivm Vignon, 1578, 8° Title, reverse blank ; ' Epistola,' 5 leaves; ' Prsefatio,' 8 leaves ; ' Epigram- mata,' 1 leaf; ' Prinii Libri Svmma,' 1 leaf ; text 480 pp. 'Index,' 6 leaves; Errata, 1 pag-e. /f^ r o 313 Bekzoni (Gibolamo) Novae Novi Orbis HistoriaBj^we copy A/ \_Genev(s\, apud Sceredes Eustathij Fignon, 1600, ^^ y/f^* Title, reverse blank ; ' Epistola,' 5 leaves ; ' Prsefatio,' 8 leaves ; * Epigram- mata,' 1 leaf ; Primi Libri Svmma, 1 leaf ; text 480 pp. ' Index,' 6 leaves. /". 314 Benzoni (GtIEolamo) Histoire Nowelle dv Novveauv Monde /j jL [Geneve] par Evstace Vignon, 1579, ^'0^'=^ Twelve prel. leaves; Text 726 pp.; Floride, 104 pp; Indice 7 leaves. ^/^ 315 — Der Newenn Weldt vnd Indianiscben Konigreichs, newe vnud wabrbaffte History, etc. vellum Basel, Seb. Senricpetri, 1579, foli^ Four prel. leaves and 219 pp. 7^ ^ 316 — De Historie vande Nieuwe werelt Indien. "Waer in verhaelt wert, van de Eylanden eri Zeen nieuwlicx gbevonden, • ende van den nieuwen Steden die by daer zell's ghezien o(/ J, heeft, ende 'tgbene daer is gbebeurt te water ende te lande,*^ '^ ' in veertien jaren tijds die by aldaer gbeweest is. Door leronimus Benzonius van Milanen. Wt bet Italiaens over- gbezet in Nederduyt door Karel vander Mander Scbilder, wanting the 5th and (5th preliminary leaves t Haerlem, hy Paschier van Wesbus, 1610, 8° Ten prel. leaves, 404 pp ; an extremely rare volume. , ^. /^317 Benzont, Mabtyb, Apollokius. Der Newenn Weldt vnd ^ Indianiscben Nidergangiscben Konigreicbs, Newe vnd,/y Wabrbaffte History, etc. 3 vols in 1 _ ^/^'<^ Basel, Seb. Henricepetri, 1582, folio Ten prel. leaves and text of Benzoni 243 pp. followed by the ' Ander Theil,' or Peter Martyr, 12 prel. leaves and text pp. 245-602 with the colophou leaf. 'Dritte Theil,' or Apolloniiis, 6 prel, leaves and text 406 pp. with a colophon leaf; an extremely interesting volume. Z- 318 Benzoni (Girolamo) History of tbe New World from 1541 //fj.^^ to 1556. Now first translated by Bear Admiral W. H.^ Sraytb Hakluyt Society, 1857, 280 pp. 8° ^ ' - 319 Berk el (Adrian van) Bescbreibung seiner B-eisen nacb Eio ^y de Berbice und Surinam, Aus dem Hollandiscben iibersetzt, ^Jjf^^^^ calf Memmingen, And. Seyler, 1789, S"-^ . Eight prel. leaves, and pp. 5 to 278. ^ 6 320 Bernard (Prancis), Letters to tbe Ministry from Governor // /7 Bernard, General Gage, and Commodore Hood, hf. mor. // cA^ Boston, Edes and Gill, 1769, 108 pp. m ' ' SECOND day's sale, 35 2 ' 321 Bernard (Prancis) Select Letters on the Trade and Govern- ment of America ; and the Principles of Law and Polity, applied to the American Colonies Lond., 1774, 8" Title and 137 pp. ^ /. i/322 Bernard (Francis) Select Letters, 2nd ed. Lond., 1774, 8" Half-title; tide, vii. and 130 pp. 323 Beroa (Jacobus de) Litterse Annvse Provincise Paraqvariae Societatis lesv, calf extra, ly Bedford. A few words of the title restored in exact facsimile Insvlis, Typis Tossani Le Clercq, 1642, 8" Title and 3 prel. leaves. Text 347 pp. followed by 1 page of Errata. 324 Berrimau (William) A Sermon Preach'd before the Honour- able Trustees for Establishiug the Colony of Georgia in America, at their Anniversary, March 15, 1738-9 Lond., 1739, 24 pp. 4° ^. que recopik gas, quitadas, y anadidas algunas cosas, y acomodado ala capacidad de los Indios ; imperfect Lmpresso en el Puehlo de lull, de la Prouincia de Ghueuyto, .... as well in Cosmographie, Astronomic, and Geographic, as /V also in the Art of Navigation, 6th ed. black \tiitx,fitie copy, in old calf Lond. printed by William Stansby, and are to be sold by Richard Meighen, at his shop vnder Saint Clements Church icithout Temple Jiarre, 1622, 4° Seven prel. leaves and 799 pages. This is a work indispensable to the Student of Geography, Maps and Globemaking, so far as they relate to America. There are folding sheets inserted at pp. 80, 690, 695, 785, and 798. 'J\ 38 SECOND day's sale. ' 347 Bonnycastle (Eichard Henry) Spanish America; or a De- ^ scriptive. Historical, and Geographical Account of the , f// Dominions of Spain in the "Western Hemisphere, Conti- ^/-^ nental and Insular, 2 vols, hds. uncut Lond. 1818, 8" Vol. I. 32 pp. prel.; text, 336 pp. II. vi. and 359 pp. ; with maps of North y and South America, and plate of the altitudes of the mountains. ^ - 348 Book (A) of the Continuation of Foreign Passages, that is, -V of the Peace made with the United Provinces of the ISTether- ^)^-<^ lands, Apr. 5, 1654 ; Treaty at Vpsall, May 9, 1544 ; Treaty "^ of Peace betwixt England and Prance, 20 of Nov. 1655 ; Prom Q-enerall Blakes Fleet, the Turks in Argier do con- sent to deliver up all the English Slaves, and desire a firme Peace for ever, April 9, 1655 ; an attempt on the Island of Jamaica, and taking the Town of St. Jago de la Viga, May 10, 1655 ; Narrative of the late success against the King of Spain's West India Fleet, 1656 Lond. 1657, 4° Title, and 61 pp. illustrated with 8 copper-plate engravings in the text. 349 Bordone (Benedetto) Isolario nel qual si ragiona di tutte 1' Isole del mondo, con li lor nomi anticbi e moderni, historic, fauole, e modi del loro viuere, ed in qual parte del mare/ stanno, ed in qual parallelo e clima giaciono. Con la giont del Monte del Oro uouamente retrouato, very jine copy, vel- lum Vinegia, Nic. d' Aristotile, detto Zoppino, 1534, fol. Ten prel. and 74 folioed leaves. On page 10 is a woodcut plan of the City of Mexico as it was before its destruction by Cortes. C ' 350 Bosman (William) A New and Accurate Description of the // / Coast of Guinea, Divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the^S^^ Ivory Coasts Lond., 1705, 8° Four prel. leaves and 493 pp. Copper-plate Map of the Coast of Guinea (not in the Dutch ed.) and 7 Plates. J C- 351 Bosman (William) Description, etc. 2nd ed. iowf^., 1721. 8** ^JyC^ Four prel. leaves and 456 pp. Index 16 pp. Map and 7 Plates, the same as in the first edition. y^ ^ 352 Bossu (Capt.) Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Transl. by John Eeinhold Forster, 2 vols, calf Land., 1771, 8° Vol. I. 4 prel. leaves ; viz. half-title, title, dedication, and preface ; text, 407 pp. II. Half-title, title ; and 432 pp. Valuable for the Botanical information which it contains. ^ ;./ 353 Boston. A fair Account of the late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston in New England ; containing some Affidavits an ' other Evidences, not mentioned in the Narrative published at Boston, half mor. Lond., 1770, 8^ Half-title, title, jjp. 5-28 ; ' Appendix ' 31 pp. A defence of the Massacre at Boston. The ' Affidavits ' however are mostly of military officers. 354 Boston. Catalogue of Books for Sale by E. and S. Larkin, No. 47, Cornhill, Boston, consisting of the most esteemed Authors, half mor. Boston, LJ. and S. Larkin, 92 pp. J 2° SECOND day's sale. 39 355 Boston. A Catalogue of Books in various Branches of Litera- ture, and in the Oriental, Greek, Latin, Saxon, French and English Languages. To be sold on Thursday, May 27th [1802] at Samuel Bradford's Auction-Eoom, in Boston, lialf mor. Salem, Joshua Cusliing, 1802, S** Title and pp. 3-58, and 1 p. of Corrections' 12 lines. 356 Boston. Entertainment for a Winter's Evening: Being a //■^ / Full and True Account of a very strange and wonderful /> Sight seen in Boston, on the twenty-seventh of December y^^^i^ at K'oon-Day. The Truth of which can be attested by a"^ i*-**-^ great 2<'umber of People, who actually saw the same with their own Eyes, By me, the Hon. B. B. Esq ; Boston, Frinted and Sold hy Q. Rogers, next to the Prison in Queen-street. [1750] 8° Title, 'To the Reader,' ii. pp. Text in veree pp. 5-15. This curious and early piece of American Poetry is believed to be by Joseph Green. It is not mentioned by Rich or Kettle. 7- 357 Boston. The Yotes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and <-~^ other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting *^^^^ assembled, half mor. Boston : Edes and Gill, and T. and J. Fleet, [1773] 8° iv. and 43 pp. The original edition, afterwards reprinted in London. J " 358 Boston, The Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and X4^-. other inhabitants of, hf. mor. ^^ Boston, printed : London, repr. 1773. * Half-title, title, 8 prel. and 43 pp. Reprint of the preceding with a preface giving an account of the discontent arising from the tax on tea. /_/' 359 Boston. Description of the Town and Harbour of Boston. '^ , [at end] Given (gratis) with M. Armstrong's Plan of the ,. Country, Thirty Miles round Boston. A broadside folio y /- 360 Bosworth (Benjamin), Signs of Apostacy Lamented. [A /.^x^ Poem, signed] Benjamin Bosworth, of K'ew England. \x/y c>^/^, the 81st Tear of my Age, 1693 4 pp. 12° Upon the question of perriwigs, the author has this passage : — " Art thou a Christian, then why dost wear Upon thy Sacred Head, the filthy Hair Of some vile wretch, by foul Disease that fell, "Whose Soul perhaps is burning now in Hell? " jjk It need scarcely be remai'ked that American Poetry of this period is alike rare and curious. ' / 361 Botello de Moraes y Yasconcelos (Francisco) El Nuevo ' Mundo. Poemm.a heroyco ; con las Alegorias de Don Pedro de Castro, Cavallero Andaluz, vellum Barcelona, Francisco Barnola, 1701, 4° Sixteen prel. leaves, and 476 pp. 40 SECOND day's sale. • ^ 362 Botero (Q-iovanni) Le Eelationi Vniversali Divise en Qvattro y. Parti Venetia, Nicolb Polo, 1597, 4° /V^ l8t Pt. sixteen prel. and 240, and 80 pp. with 4 Maps. 2nd Pt. 1598, 10 ^^^'0^ prel. leaves and 152 pp. 3rd Pt. 1597, 18.3 pp. and 9 pp. of Table. 4th y^ Pt. 1597, 8 prel. leaves, 79 pp. Not mentioned by Rich. / , / 363 EoTUEiKi Benaduci (Loeenzo), Idea de una Nueva His- ' /^ toria General de la America Septentrional. Fundada sobre A^ Material Copioso de Figuras, Symbolos, Characteres, JtxU^,tit-i. Geroglificos, Cantares, j Manuscritos de Autores Indies, ultimamente descubiertos, vellum Madrid, Juan de Zuniga, 1746, 4° Twenty-two prel. leaves, including the engraved frontispiece and portrait; Text 167 pp. followed by 4 leaves and 96 pp. Written during an eig-ht years' residence in Mexico, and as the resultof a considerable acquaintance with the manners and customs of the Indians ; ancient manuscripts and pictures preserved in the Monasteries, etc. " It contains much important information not before published." — Clavigero. ^ 364 Bouchette (Jos.) British Dominions in North America, 2 vols. .^^ Lond., 1832, 4« /^ Vol. 1. Title, dedication, and preface 20 pp. Table of contents, 6 pp. List/y'^^*^ of Plates, 1 pp. Text, pp. 1 to 420. Appendix, pp. 421 to 498. Portrait and 21 plans and vignettes. Vol. 2. Title and Table of Contents, 12 pp. Text, pp. 1 to 247. Appendix, 249 to 296. Tables of Post Towns, 4 leaves. 8 plates. / . 6 365 Bougainville (Louis de) The History of a Voyage to the Malouine (or Falkland) Islands, uncut Land., 1771, 4° Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves ; ' Preface ' xvii. pp ; Text, 294 pp. With 16 Copper plates. ^ ' 366 Bougainville CLouis de) A Voyage round the World. Transl. / by John Eeinhold Forster, F.A.S. Dublin, 1772, ^"^ 0j.^- xxxii. and 480 pp. Map and plate. At the end of the volume is a Voca*" bulary of the language of Taiti Island. () ^- 367 Bouquet (Henry) Eelation Historique de L'Expedition, j centre les Indiens de I'Ohio en 1764; avec un Becit de la ^j^^„ Bataille de Bushy-Eun, calf Amst. Marc-Michel Bey, 11 QQ, 8"^ A' Half-title and title 2 leaves; ' Preface,' pp. vi.-xvi. ' Introduction,' 26 pp. Text pp. 27-147. 'Avis au Relieur' 1 page. * Table,' 5 leaves. With 6 maps and plates. This French edition contains some biographical notices of Bouquet not to be /found in any of the editions in English. 368 Bowles (William Augustus), Authentic Memoirs of, Ambas sador from the United Nations of Creeks and Cherokee Lond., 1791, 12^ Title, *To the Public,* vi. pp. Text 79 pp. The Author was a native of Mary*^ land, who married an Indian girl, and being enamoured of a savage life, became by adoption an Indian Warrior. '/ // 369 Boylston (Zabdiel) An Historical Account of the Small-Pox /J A inoculated in New England, upon all Sorts of V er&ons, /jy^yCci Whites, Blacks, and of all Ages and Constitutions, 2nd ed.^ Corrected Land., 1726 ; repr. at Boston in JST. JE. for S. Oerrish and T. HancocTc, 1730, 8° Eight prel. leaves, viz., half-title, title, dedication and preface. Text 53 pp. ^ SECOND DAX'S SALE. 41 , ^ 370 Brackenridge (Henry M.) Views of Louisiana ; together with /A a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River, in 1811 //^^^ Pittsburgh, Cramer, Spear and Mclibaum, 1811^, S, Title and 37 pp. ^ .^. 420 Burgoyne (Lt.-Gen. John). A Eeply to Lieutenant General Burgoyne's Letter to his Constituents, 2nd ed. half mor. Lond, 1779, 8° Half-title, title, and 46 pp. f- 421 Burgoyne (Lt.-Gen. John) The Substance of his Speeches on Mr. Vyner's Motion and Mr. Hart's Motion, May 26 and 28, 1778, with an Appendix, containing Gen. Washington's Letter, 2nd ed. Lond. 1778, 8" Half-title, title, 48 pp. > - 422 Burgoyne (Lt.-Gen. John) The same, 3rd ed. half mor. Lond. 1778, 8° Half-title, title, and 43 pp. 423 Burgoyne (Lt.-Gen. John). Essay on Modern Martyrs, with a Letter to Gen. B. half mor. Lond. 1780, 8^ Half-title, title, and 52 pp. ^^, 424 Burgoyne (Lt. Gen. John) A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, half calf-- Lond. 1780, 4" viii. prel. pp ; Text, 140 pp ; Appendix, Ixii pp ; Advertisement, 1 page. 6 maps and plans. "Tlie materials of his interesting story will be held in high estimation by the historians, who shall record the events of the • unhappy war, to which they owe their birth." — North Am. Itev. 4 - 425 Burgoyne (Lt. Gen. John) The same, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1780, 8° JO^ej- Title ; Dedication, pp. iii-vi ; ' Introduction,' pp. vii-ix. * Advertisement,' ^ 1 leaf; Text 191 pp. * Appendix,' cix pp. 6 Maps and Plans. ^^ 426 Burke (Edmund), Speech of, on moving his Eesolutions for ^ Conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, 1775. 2nd Ed. ecrj^ hf. mor. Lond. 1775, 8" Half-title, title and 107 pp. This is the speech containing the famous sentence. " Whatever England lias been growing to by a progressive increase of government, brought in by varieties of people, by succession of civilizing conquest and civilizing settlements, ina series of seventeen hundred years, you shall see as much added to her by America in a single life !" 427 Burke (Edmund), A Letter from, to John Farr and John J^ Harris, Esqrs. Sheriffs of Bristol, on the Aifairs of America, '^'^ X hf mor. Lond. 1777, 75 pp. 8° ,/f,p^ ^-^ 428 Burke (Edmund). The same, 3rd Ed. Lond. 1777, 75 pp. 8° y. f 429 Burke (Edmund). The same, 4th Ed. Lond. 1777, 79 pp. 8°^/^^^ SECOND day's sale. 47 ^ , 430 Burke (Edmund), An Answer to the letter of, to the Sheriffs of Bristol, hf. mor. Loud. 1777, 8° Half-title, title, and 60 pp. 431 — The same, 2ud Ed. Lond. 1777, 2 pr. Is. and 60 pp. 8° 2 432 Burke (Edmund), Speech of, on American Taxation, April 19, 1774. 2nd Ed. /{/"wor. Zo?2(Z. 1775, 96 pp. 8" ^ 433 Burke (Edmund), An Answer to the Speech of, in the House of Commons, April 19, 1774, hf.mor. Lond. 1775, iv. and 222 pp. 8° ^ . 434 Burke (Edmund), A Letter to, Controvei'tiug the Principles of American Government, laid down in his Speech on Ameri- can Taxation, hf. mor. Lond. 1775, 30 pp. 8° f^^ 435 [Burke (Edward)] an Account of the European Settlements ,^ in America. In Six Parts. 2 vols. Jirst edition., fjuUisJied^^f^ anonymously Lond. JR. and J. Dodsley, 1757, 8'*'^ Vol. I. 5 prel. leaves, and text pp. 3 to 312. Map of ' South America, 1747' ; II. Title, half-title and text pp. 3 to 300, 'Contents' 10 leaves, map of ' North America,' 1747. 'y^j^ Z 436 — The same. 2nd Ed. 2 vols. Lond. B. and J. Dodsley, 1578, 8» V/^ Vol. I. 5 prel. leaves, text pp. 3 to 3'24. 'Contents' 5 leaves j II. 7 prel. leaves, text pp. 3 to 308, Maps as in 1st edition. ^. / 437 — The same. 4th Ed. 2 vols. Dublin : Peter WUsoii, 1762, 12°^;^^^^ Vol. I. 8prel. leaves and text 319 pp. II. 5 prel. leaves and 301 pp. No maps. /■^ 438 — The same, 4th Ed. 2 vols. Lond. 1765, 8" ^^ Vol. I. 11 prel. leaves and text pp. 3 to 324. II. 7 prel. leaves and text pp. 308. No Maps. ^ Z • 439 — The same, 5th Ed. 2 vols. Lond. 1770, 8« ;//^^ Vol. I. 11 prel. leaves, and pp. 3 to 324. II. 7 prel. leaves, and pp. 3 to 308. Maps as in 1st. ed. but with date 1747 omitted, .■ ^- 440 — The same, 6th Ed. 2 vols, hf. of Lond. 1777, 8° /^ Vol. I. 11 prel. leaves and pp. 3 to 324. — II. 7 prel. leaves and jip. 3 to 308. -^^^ Maps as in 5 th ed. J^' 441 Burke (Edmund) Account of the European Settlements in ^^^ America, also his Correspondence with Dr. French Law- rence, cloth Boston, 1851, 687 pp. 8*^ ^r 442 Burke (Edmund), A Speech of, at the Guildhall, in Bristol, /^ upon certain points relative to his Parliamentary Conduct. "^^ 2nd Ed, Lond. 1780, 8" Half-title, title, and 68 pp. /A y^ • . . -'* ^. t> 443 Burke (William) South American Independence : or, the yw^ Emancipation of South America, the Glory and Interest oVy' ^^-^^ England Lond. 1807, 8" Title, preface, and advertisement, 4 leaves; text 82 pp. ^ - 444 Burney (James) A Memoir on the Geography of the North- Eastern Part of Asia, (From the Philosophical Transactions.) y Lond. 1818, title and 15 pp. 4° ^ ;^. <^ 445 Barney (James) Memoir of the Voyage of D'Eutrecasteaux, ,/^ in search of La Perouse. Lond. 1820, 21 pp. &•> '^c^ ^ 48 SECOND day's sale. >» 446 Bums (Eobert). Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, with /f Grlossary, riEST Ameeican edition, uncut (M^^^ New Yorh, 1788, ^/^ Title, Dedication aud Table of Contents, 8pp. Poems pp. 9 to 284 ; Glossary pp. 285 to 306. /, // 447 [BuBROiTGH (Edward)] A Declaration of the Sad and Great Persecution and Martyrdom of the People of God, called y Quakers in New-England, for the Worshipping of God. g//^ Whereof 22 have been Banished, 03 have been Martyred/^ 03 have had their Ears cut. 01 hath been burned in the Hand. 31 Persons have received 650 Stripes. 01 was beat while his Body was like a jelly. Several were beat with Pitched E-opes. Five Appeals made to England, were denied by the Eulers of Boston. One thousand forty four pounds worth ^ of Goods hath been taken from them. One now lyeth in Iron-fetters, condemned to Aye,Jine copy Loud, for Bobert Wilson, [1660] 32 pp. 4P '^y 448 Burroughs (Cornelius) Eich Newes from Jamaica of great * Spoyl made by the English upon the Enemy, both by Land and Sea Loncl. M. Simmons, 1689, title and 4 pp. 4' The ' Rich Newes' of this rare little tract is chiefly on the title-pag'e. ^ - 449 Burton (Eobert) The English Empire in America ; or a Prospect of his Majesties Dominions in the West Indies. To w^hich is prefixed a Eolation of the first Discovery of the fV/^ New World called America by the Spaniards, 'poor copy Lond. 1685, 12° Two prel. leaves, and 209 pp. Copperplate map facing' the title, aud another at p. 21. Two copperplates representing 'Strange Creatures' at pp. 165 y and 180, 1^ /^ 450 Burton (Eobert) The same, 3rd ed. If. russ. Lond. 1698, 12° Title and 170 pp. Map before the title, and one at p. 21; woodcuts on' pp. 157 aud 166. '^ - 451 Bushel (John) A true and perfect Narrative of the late dread- ^ ^ ful Eire which happened at Bridge-Town, in the Barbadoes,/yV/^ April 18, 1688, hf mor. Lond. [1688], 4^^^^^^ Title and 6 pp. Not mentioned by either Lowndes or Rich. ^ ■ 452 Byers (John) Eeferences to the Plan of the Island of St. Yin"/ cent, as surveyed from the Tear 1765 to 1773 Lond. 1777, 8 Title ; ' Alphabetical List,' etc. * General State and Disposition of Lands ; /etc. viii. pp. ' Lands Sold, etc' 8 pp. / 453 Byers (John) Eeferences to the Plan of the Island of Domi- ,^i-o- nica, as surveyed from the Year 1765 to 1773 Lond. 1777, 8** Five prel. leaves and 30 pp. f ^ 454 Bteield (Nathaniel) An Account of the late Eevolution in New England, morocco extra hy Bedford Lond. hy JRic. Chisivell, 1689, 4*^ Title; text, pp. 3 to 20, Not mentioned by Lowndes. SECOND day's sale. 49 455 Byron (John) Narrative, containing an Account of the great Distresses Suffered by Himself and his Companions on the ^ Coast of Patagonia, from 1740 — 1746, with a Description of t,-^/ St. Jago de Chili ; also a Relation of the Loss of the Wager, c / now first published Lond. 1768, 8" Half-title, title, viii aud 257 pp. with copperplate frontij-piece. ^. ^ 456 Byron (Commodore) A Voyage round the "World in H.M.S. /i the Dolphin: Description of the Streights of Magellan, and //^ of the (xigantic People called Patagonians, together with an / ' ^^^^^ accurate Account of Seven Islands lately discovered in the South Seas Lond. 1767, 8° Title and Preface, 2 leaves; text, 186 pp. ; copperplates at pp. 45 and 130, besides the frontispiece. ,n j f . /^457 Cabot (Sebastian) A Memoir of, [by Eichard Biddle, of Phi- j^^ ladelphia], boards, uncut Lond. 1831, 8" Thirteen prel. pp. and text 333 pp. 458 Calancha (Antonio de la) Cobonica de S. Augustin en el ^^ Peef con sucesos exemplares de esto Monarquia /^-^ r ^ // Lima, 1653, folio/ ^^^ This is the second and most important volume of the Chronicle of Calancha, and was printed at Lima in 1653, but was never published, owing pro- bably to certain obnoxious passages contained in it. It is a smaller volume than the first, which was printed in Barcelona in 1638, and is of much rarer occurrence. This copy wants the title, and some of the marginal notes have been cut off, possibly by the Officers of the Inquisition. It has 6 pre- liminary leaves, without the title. Book I. is folioed to 15, and paged thence to 268. Book II. has one preliminary leaf, and breaks off abruptly with the 42nd page. Then comes Book V. in 92 pages, followed by two leaves, containing the table of the whole volume. In this the Fifth Book is called the third in oi-der. No other copy is known, the work having probably for some reason been suppressed. J^- 459 Calatayud y Boeda (Cypriano Geronimo de) Oracion Pu- ( /) nebre que en las solemnes Exequias de la E, M. Maria An- 3^'^^^ tonia de San Joseph, Larrea, Arispe, de los Eeyes : Quatro ./ veces Ministra en el Monasterio de Trinitar.S s Descalzaa de esta Ciudad de Lima, vellum Lima, en la Imprenta de los Sicerfanos, 1783, 4" Thefirsthalf of the volume (53 leaves) unpaged ; the second, 144 pp. '_ 460 Caldwell (Charles). A Discourse on the Genius and Cha- /?/ racter of the Eev. Horace HoUey, LL.D., late President of 9^^^<. Transylvania University, hoards, uncut «/ Boston, RiUiard and Co. 1828, 8" viii. prel. pp. and 294 pp. with portrait of Horace Holley; and two plates. 461 Callava (Jose) Manifesto sobre las tropellas y bejacioues que cometio el Gobernador Americano de Panzacola Ardres Jackson, contra Don Jose Callava, hf. mor. Sahana, 1821, 70 pp. 4» H 50 SECOND day's sale. / . O 462 Calee (Eobeet), Merclmnt of Boston. Moee "Wondees of THE Invisible Woeld ; or, the Wonders of the Invisible World, display'd in Pive Parts, calf extra hy Bedford Lond.for NatJi. Hillar, 1700, Title ; ' The Epistle to the Reader,' 6 pp. ; Index, 3 pp. Letter of Cotton Mather, 1 page. Text, 156 pp. The author gave great oiFenee by opposing the then popular belief concern- ing witches. " In his discussion with Cotton Mather, he is as superior to liim in reasoning as he was in good sense and courage." — North Am. Rev. in. p. 316. \^^ . 6 463 Callander (John) Voyages to the Terra Australis, or South- , ern Hemisphere, during the IGth, 17th, and 18th Centuries, ^y 3 vols. Udinb. 1766, SV/^ Vol. I. Title ; ' To Chai'les Townshend, Esq.' ' To Sir Lawrence Dundas, Bart.' ; 2 leaves. ' Contents,' pp. v.-vi. List of Books, 2 pp, ' Preface,' viii. pp. ' A Map of the Straits of Magellan.' etc. Text, 516 pp. II. 1768. Title, Contents, and Preface, 3 leaves; text, pp. 3-692 j map. III. Title and Contents, 2 leaves; text, 74.5 pp. ; map. Rich suggests that Callander was little else than a translator of the President De Brosse's work, printed at Paris in 1756. /r ^ 4G4 Calle (Juan Diez de la) Memoeial Ineormatoeio . . . ^ ' Contiene lo qve sv Magestad Provee en su Cosejo, j lunta, /7 ^ y por las dos Secretarias de la Nueua Espafia, y Piru, Ecle- /^^ siastico. Secular, Salarios, Estipendios y Presidios, su Gente^v y Costa, y de que Cajas, y Hazienda Eeal se paga: valor de las Encomiendas de Indies, y otras cosas curiosas, y neces- sarias,^we copy, in mor, hy Bedford 1645, 4° Title, reverse blank ; ' Senor,' 4 pp. ; ' Indice' & ' Nota,' 2 pp. ' En este afio de 1C45,' etc. 8 pp.; * Al Lector,' 2 pp ; ' Consejo Real de las iiidias,' etc. 6 pp. Second title. • Memorial Informatorio, al Rey Nuestro K eflor', etc. reverse blank ; text, ' Memorial Ajvstado,' etc. folios 2 to 32. Rich has no mention of this volume, which was privately printed for the use of the King and Council. It must not be confounded witli the book described in the following number. It is a book of the utmost importance to the his- torian of Spanish America, being a kind of private official Handbook or Directory of Mexico, Yucatan, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, etc. * The Author was Secretary to the Council of the Indies. / . // 465 Calle (Juan Diez de la). Memoeial, t Noticias Saceas ^y^^ yUeales delImpeeio de las Indias Occidentales, pei- tatelt PEi]STED,^?ee copy, original Spanish binding 1646, 4° Twelve prel. leaves, viz. half-title, title. Epistle, 'Senor' signed luan Diez -* de lii Calle, 5 pp. followed by 1 blank page ; ' Cedvla en qve sv Magestad liizo merced a luan Diez de la Calle,' 4 pp. ; ' Indice, y Compendio, 10 pp. Text in 183 folioed leaves, followed by ' Errata s' 1 page, reverse blank ; ' Meinoj'ial breve,' 8 pp. and ' Noticias iinportantes,' .5 leaves. On the reverse of folio 180 the author says. That only a few copies of the woik hsid been printed for the use of the King, his Council, and Ministers. Hence its extreme rarity. SECOND day's sale. 51 466 Calle (Juan Diez de la) Memoeial, an'other copy, t?<;ry fine, in Hue morocco by Bedford 1646, 4° ^ \ This is probably a later issue of the preceding', with several important addi- ^y/ ' /y , M. tions, alterations, and corrections. Two of the preliminary leaves have /^ '■/■^ . '' been cancelled and reprinted with alterations, viz. the last leaf of ^ef^^-'^^'' Epistle Dedicatory and the first leaf of the Indice. Two preliminary leaves are added, making' in this impression 14, viz. ' Proseg^ue el Indice deste Memorial' and ' Notas' 2 pag'es ; and ' Erratas' 1 pag'e, reverse blank ; folios 10, 11, 22, 23, 33, and 35 of the text are reprinted, with considerable additions and some omissions. The Errata after folio 183 are cancelled, and placed here on the IJth preliminary leaf, reprinted with corrections. This copy possesses all these reprints, as well as the can- celled leaves. 467 Calle>'der (Johx) An Historical Discourse on the Civil /^ and Eeligious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island and '^^ ' Providence Plantations in New England, in America, from the first Settlement, 1638, to the end of first Century, calf extra hy Bedford Boston, S. Kneeland and T, Green, 1739, 8" Title; Dedication, 14 pp.; text, 120 pp. 'Advertisement,' 1 p. A few letters on the title supplied in exact facsimile. ^y Z - o 468 Campe (J. H.) Pizarro, or the Conquest of Peru : being a //^ continuation of the Discovery of America, for the use of QMA'^/^^^^'^ dren and Toung Persons, lif cf Birmingliam, 1800, 12° Title, ' Errata' 6 lines ; text, 243 pp. ' Map of South America.' (^ ^. ^69 Campe (J. H.) Columbus, new ed. Lond. 1811, 275 pp. 12° '^'^ 470 Canada. Copies and Translations of the Eoyal Charters by X / which the Territories of Nova Scotia and Canada were /I ^ /. 6 granted in 1621, 1625, and 1628 to the Eight Hon. Sir W. ^A^ Alexander, afterwards Earl of Sterling Lond. 1831, folio Title ; Prefatory observations, 3 pp. Charter of J^ova Scotia, 34 pp. Trans- lation of the Novodamus of Nova Scotia, 1625, 18 pp. Charter of Canada, / 6 pp. Charter of the Lordship of Canada, 6 pp. /i P / 471 — Tlie Interest of G-reat Britain considered, with regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guada- loupe, 2nd ed. Lond. 1761, 8" Title, and 58 pp. //. 472 — From Canada. An Address and Caution to the Public J^ [dated from] Montreal, 9th October, 1789, hf mor. ^^^^ [ion J. 1789], 4° ^. A single sheet. 2 pp. This address is signed by Boucherville and 22 other Canadians. ■if, ^ 473 — Papers and Letters on Agriculture, recommended to the Attention of the Canadian Farmers, by the Agricultural So- ciety in Canada, thick paper, old green morocco extra, tooled sides, ivith the autograph of Bishop Inglis of JS'ova Scotia on the title jiage Quebec, Sam. N'eilson, 1790, 8° In English and French on opposite pages, 5 prel. leaves, and 34 doubly numbered pages. ? , 474 — Thoughts on the Canada Bill, hf. mor. Lond. 1791, 8° Half-title, title, and 50 pp. 62 SECOND day's sale. 475 Canada. Extract from the Minutes of Council, containing His Majesty's late Eegulations relating to the Waste Lands of '^/P^rin. the Crown, with order of reference respecting the same to a /f. . . ... .._._. y^ Canada, the said Committee's Report thereon, and his Ex cellency's Speech in reply, both parts bound in 1 vol. hf. mor. Quebec^ 1798, 8° Title; Introduction, iv pp. Signed ' William Berczy.' Text, 45 pp. Extract of the Minutes, 20tli Sept. 1798 ; continuation of the Extract, 11th of ^ June last, Quebec, 1798. Title and pp. 47-133. • Errata,' 1 pag ' 476 — Some Considerations on this Question, Whether the Bri- ^/£/£* tish Government acted wisely in granting to Canada her present Constitution ? With an Appendix, Jvf. mor. a Montreal, J. Brown, 1810, 26 pp. 8° 2 - 477 Candid (A) Examination of the Mutual Claims of Grreat Bri- j^ tain and the Colonies, lif. mor. "^ New York, Jas. IRivington, 1775, S** On the reverse of the title* Errata,' 22 lines; text, 62 pp. Said to be the . production of Mr. Galloway. r/^ •^ - 478 Candid Thoughts ; or, an Enquiry into the Causes of Na- tional Discontents and Misfortunes since the commencement . of the present E-eign io«d?. 1781, 73 pp. 8° ^ , ^A . 479 Candisch. Beschryvinge vande overtreifelijcke ende wydt- //J^ vermaerde Zeevaerdt vanden Edelen Heer ende Meester i^'^^^^^ Thomas Candisch Amst, Michiel Colijn, 1617, obi. 4" . Title, and 39 leaves. /T' 6 480 Caner (Henry). The Piety of Eounding Churches for the Worship of Grod : a Discourse upon Nehemiah ii. 20. ^ , Preach'd at King's Chapel in Boston, August 11, 1749, upon /..^ occasion of laying the First Stone for rebuilding the said Chapel Boston, J, Draper, 1749, 8'' Three prel. leaves and 18 pp. ^^^481 Caribbeana ; containing Letters and Dissertations, together / with Poetical Essays on various Subjects and Occasions, V/ j chiefly wrote by several hands in the West Indies, and some*^^^-*'*^'^ of them to Gentlemen residing there, 2 vols, fine copy, UNCUT Land. 1741, 4" Vol. I. Title; ' Preface,' pp. iiix ; and text, 404 pp. ' Index' and ' Errata,' 5 leaves. II. Title ; ' Preface,' xvi. pp. ; and text, 368 pp. ' Index' and ' Errata,' 4 leaves. yy A. y 482 Caeochi (Hoeacio), Soc. Jesto, Compendio del Aete de l ^^ ^ ' '^ Lengua Mexicana, vellum tr^^'^c^ Mexico, en la Imprenta de la Bibliotlieca Mexicana, enfrente de S. Augustin, 1759, 4° Twelve prel. leaves ; text, 202 pp. With copper-jDlate frontispiece repre- senting^ S. Ignacio de Loj'ola. Within the last year or two a copy has been sold by public auction for £17. It appears to have been unknown 10 Rich. SECOND day's sale. 5B *^ ' 483 Carolina ; or a Description of the Present State of J THAT Country, and the Natural Excellencies thereof, pub- ^^4 lished by T. A., Gent., calf extra, hy Bedford Lond. 1682, 4° "^^ ' Title ; ' To the Reader,' 2 pp. Text, 40 pp. signed ' T. A.' ^ 481 Carolina. The Humble Address of the Eight Honourable / the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, 'y/ presented March 13th, 1705, relating to the Province of *^ '' Carolina, with Her Majesties Answer thereunto, last line ofind leaf cut off, Itf. mor. Lond. 1705, 2 leaves, folio /^, /J 485 Carolina. The Two Charters granted by Charles II. to the Proprietors of Carolina, with the First and Last Qf^ Fundamental Constitutions of that Colony, fine copy, hf. v-/' onor. Lond. [1705], 4P Title and 60 pp. followed by ' The Copy of an Act lately pass'd in Carolina,' etc. 8 pp. y^ 48G Carolina (North), Informations concerning the Province of, ^. / ' uncut Glasgow, 1773, S* ^^^ 32 pp. signed, ' Scotus Americanus.' jy 487 Carolina (South), A True State of the Case between the In- */\^ habitants of, and the Lords Proprietors of that Province *^ 4 pp. folio ^ry /^ . 488 — A New and Accurate Account of the Provinces of South a^^ Carolina and Greorgia, hf. mor. Lond. 1732, 8'' Half-title, title, and 76 pp. This appears fo be the Tract referred to by Nichols (^Lit. Anec. ii. p. 19"*, as written by Gov. Oglethorpe. ^n ,y "l 489 — A New and Accurate Account ; another ed. Lond. 1733, So //^^ Half-title, title, and 76 pp. ^ - 490 — Considerations on certain Political Transactions of the X Province of South Carolina, lif. mor. Lond. 1774, 8^ V^ Half-title, title, and 83 pp. " A shrewd and dispassionate examination." M. Rev. ^ f 491 — An Historical Account of the Eise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Q-eorgia, 2 vols, calf >^ Lond. 1779, 8«r^=^ Vol. I. xiv and 347 pp. Vol. II. ix and 329 pp. By Alexander Hewatt, who was for sometime resident at Charlestown. — Rich. /J 492 Carthagena. Viage, y svcesso de los Carauelones, Galeon- ^ cetes de la guarda de Cartagena de las Indias, y su costa. y^^ T la grandiosa victoria que han tenido cotra los Cossarios^V^^ Piratas en aquel Mar, este ano 1621, hf. mor. [Colophon:'] Madrid, por la viuda de Cosme Delgado, 1621, 2 leaves, fol. 493 — Cosas Notables, Svcedidos en las Costas de la Civdad de Lima, en las Indias, y como el armada Olandesa procuraua /) coger el armadilla nuestra, que baxa con la plata de ordi- //C^i nario a Cartagena, ano passado de 1624, hf. mor. [Colophon ;] Madrid, por luan Gonzalez, 1625, 4 pp. foL 54s SECOND day's SALE. Cakthagena : continued. 494 — Relation de ce qui s'est fait a la prise de Cartagene, par I'Escadre Commande'e par Mr. de Pointis, old calf Brux., chez Jean Fricx, 1698, 12° Title and 141 pp. 495 — An Account of tlie Expedition to Carthagena, Jif. mor. Lond. 1743, 8« Half-title, title, and 58 pp. 496 — An Account, etc. 2nd ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1743, 8" Half-title, title, and 58 pp. 497 — An Account, etc. 3rd ed. lif. onor. Land. 1743, 8° Half-title, title, and 58 pp. 498 — Authentic Papers relating to the Expedition against Carthagena, with Copies of Letters between Adm. Vernon and Gen. Wentworth ; and between the Glovernor of Car- thagena and the Admiral, lif. mor. Lond. 1744, 8" Half-title, title, and 100 pp. , , 499 — A Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena, in answer to An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena, lif. mor. Lond. 1744, 8° Half-title, title, and Introduction, 3 leaves; text, pp. 3-59. This Pamphlet is attributed to General Wentworth, who commanded the Land Forces. ' - 500 — A Journal, etc. 2nd ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1744, S** Half-title, title, and Introduction, 3 leaves; text, pp. 3-59. "> / 501 — Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Cartha- // ^ gena. If. mor. Lond. 1744, &« ' '^^^> / Title and Preface, 2 leaves; text, 154 pp. : . b 502 — Original Papers, 2nd ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1744, 8" J^-^r Title and Preface, 2 leaves ; text, 154 pp. "^^ 4 503 Cartwright (Greorge). A Journal of Transactions and Events, yy during a Residence of nearly Sixteen Tears on the Coast of /^ Labrador, by George Cartwright, 3 vols.^;^e copy ^-^...^-v^ Newark, 1792, 4P Vol. I. Title, and Explanation of the Frontispiece, 2 leaves ; ' Preface,' pp. iii-viii; ' Glossary,' pp. ix-xvi, and text, 287 pp. II. Title; ' Glossary,' pp. iii-x; and text, 505 pp. III. Title; ' Glossary,' pp. iii-x; and text, 248 pp.; ' Labrador: a Poetical Epistle,' 15 pp. -with portrait of Captain Cartwright, Map of ' The Island of Newfoundland, etc. by Lieut. Michael Lane, 1790,' 23 by 28 inches ; * Chart of part of the Coast of Labrador, etc. by Michael Lane, 1792,' 17 by 24 inches ; and a ' Chart of Mecklen- burgh Harbour, etc. 1792,' 18^ by 24 inches. Rich (^Blb. Am.) has a note highly commendatory of this work. The author was brother to the famous Major Cartwright. 504 [Cartwright (Major John)]. American Independence the J Interest and Glory of Great Britain, hf mor. /2 Lond. H. S. Woodfall, 1774, ^/^ ^^- xvi, iv and 72 pp. A second edition was published in 1775. Speaking of this publication, the author's biographer says, " at a time when no Mem- ber of Parliament had sufficient decision of mind to propose the Indepen- dence of America, Major Cartwright suggested the expediency of an Union between Great Britain and her Colonies under separate Legisla- tures." /.^ SECOND day's sale. 55 ^ . 505 Carver (Jonathan) Travels through the Interior of North '/ America, 1766-68, /;ie coi^y BiihJin, 1779, 8° Title and dedication, 2 leaves ; contents, 8 leaves; ' A New M;ip of North^ America;' ' Introduction,' xiii pp.; and text, pp. 15-508; 2 plates, at p. 50 and p. 279. ^. 6 506 Carver (Jonathan) Travels, 3rd ed. half calf Lond. 1781, 8" Title, and advertisement, 1 pagre, signed ' John Coakley Lettsom ;' ' Some Account of Captain J. Carver,' 22 pp. ; dedication to Sir Joseph Bankes, / 1 leaf; 'Address,' 2 leaves; ' Contents,' 8 leaves; * Introduction ' xvi pp.; text, pp. 17-543; directions for placing the maps and plates, 1 p.; ' Index,' 1 leaves ; portrait of Capt. Jonathan Carver, 2 maps, and 4 plates, coloured. ^ ■ 507 Carver (Jonathan) Three Tears Travels through the Interior ^^^ parts of North America ^^/l^^ PhiladelpMa, Key and Simpson, 1796, S'' Title; dedication, pp. iii-iv; address, pp. v-vii; contents, pp. ix-xx ; 'In- troduction,' ix pp. ; text, pp. 11-349; ' Ap^jendix,' pp. 351-360; ' List of y Subscribers,' 20 pp. ' de). Primera Parte de las Elegias de Varones Illystres de Indias,^?«e tall copy in vellum ^ J . // Madrid, la viuda de Alonso Gomes Lmpressor, 1589, 4P Fifteen prel. leaves, viz. title ; ' Yo Miguel de OndarfH,' 1 page ; ' Erratas^ 1 page ; ' El Jley,' 2 pp. ; ' Mvy Poderoso Sefior,' 5 pp. ; ' Sefior,' 2 pp. • a -woodcut filling 1 page; ' Hispanum regnum,' etc. 1 pas-e ; ' Tabla* ' 5 pp.; Epigiamma, etc. 9 pp. ; woodcut portrait of Castellanos 1 pa°-e' Text, in double columns, pp. 1 1 to 382. The first part only was printed' " After employing the greater part of his life in writing the bio-raphy of the discoverers and conquerors of the New World, Castellanos devoted the remainder to putting his writings into verse." — Rich. './.// /■ 56 SECOin) day's sale. 514 Castell ("William) A Short Discoverie of the Coasts and Contiuent of America, from the Equinoctiall Northward, aud of the adjacent Isles, title and leaf of dedication in exact facsimile a/nd one line repaired, calf extra, hy Bedfor Land. 1644, 4° Title ; dedication, etc. 2 pp. ; " An Ordinance,", etc. 6 pp. ; text, pp. 9-48 ; " The second Booke," pp. 1-54. 515 Castres (Caille de). De Wilde, ov les Sauvages Caribes Iiisul- lairres d'Amerique et Histoire Nouvelle, par M. Caille de Castres cy deuant Employe aus affairres d'vne compagnie Eoyalle en Affrique et eu Amerique 1694, 4° An important, original, unpublished manuscript, of 196 pages y ^ 516 Cathcart (John) A Letter to the Hon. Edward Vernon, /"I j concerning some Gross Misrepresentations in a Pamphlet, /^^ intitled Original Papers relating to the Expedition to the Island of Cuba, If. mar. Land. 1744, 8" ^ Title, and pp. 3-55. -/ - 517 Cavendisli (Sir Henry). Debates of the House of Commons in the year 1774, on the Bill for making more effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec. Drawn up from the Notes of the Eight Hon. Sir Henry Cavendish, cloth, uncut Lond. 1839, 8" Six prel. leaves: viz. Title Preface, pp. iii-x; 'Contents,' pp. xi and xii. Text, 296 pp. Appendix, pp. 297-30:3. 2 Maps. // // 518 Cepeda (Peenandode) Eelacion Vniversal Legitima, y ^^ verdadera del sitio en qve esta fvndada la muy noble, insignej^^^^/^^ y muy leal Ciudad de Mexico, Cabe^a de las Provincias de toda la Nueva Espana. Lagunas, Eios, y Montes que la cirien y rodean. Cal^adas que las dibiden. Y Azequias que la atrauiesan, etc. \_Colo^hon'\ En la Emjyrenta de Francisco Salhago, \_Mexico'] Ministro del sancto Officio, en la calle de san Francisco, 1637, folio Two prel. leaves. Text in 31, 42, 30, and title and 39 folioed leaves. /^, /519 Chalkley (Thomas), A Collection of the Works of, in TwO/ Parts,3?we copy in calf extra, hy Bedford /c^ Fhiladelphia : Printed hy B. Eeanklin and D. Hall, 1749, 8° Title; The Testimony, etc. pp. v to xiii, signed by Israel Pemberton ; The Contents, 1 page ; Title to the First Part, 'A Journal,' etc. 1 leaf; Text, 326 pp. ; followed by one blank leaf. The Title to the Second Part, con- taining the Epistles, and other writings ; Text, pp. 329 to 590. " He was a man of many virtues." — liicJi. ^- 520 Chalkley (Thomas), A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels and Christian Experiences of, 2nd ed. old calf ' Lond. 1751, ix and 32G pp. 8° J^. 521 Chalmers (George) Opinions on interesting Subjects of Public / Law and Commercial Policy, arising from American Inde-^^^^^ pendence, new ed. hf mor. Lond. 1785, 8^ Title, and 200 pp. SECOND DAT'3 SALE. 67 522 Champlain (Sieuh Samuel de) Les Voyages de la NorTELLE Fraj^ce Occide>'tale, dicte Canada, j?/2e copy, /7 //^ , morocco extra, by Bedford ' ■•/i , f/ Paris, chez Clavde Collet an Palais, en la Gallerie des Prisonniers, d VEstoille d' Or, ] 632, 4° Sixteen prel. pages ; Text, 308 pp. ; 'Seconde Partie,' 310 pp. ; one blank ^/^ leaf; 'Table povr co|^noistre les Lievx remarqvables en ceste carte,' 8 pp. ; * Traite de la Marine,' 54 pp. ; one blank leaf; ' Doctrine Chres- tienne,' etc. 20 pp. Larg-e copper-plate map, entitled, ' Carte de la Nouuelle Finance, 1632,' printed on 2 sheets, 35 by 21 inches. This copy contains the objectionable passage on page 27, wiiich caused the two leaves Dij and Diij to be cancelled and reprinted. We usually find that the first paragrapti on page 27 ends with the words " telles des- couuertes," but in the original issue it reads "telles descouuertes; ce que n'ont pas les grands homnies d'estat, qui s(;auent mieux manier et conduire le gouuernement et I'administration d'vn Koyaume, que celle de la naui- gation.des expeditions d'outres mer, et des pays loingtains, pour ne I'auoir iatnais practique," ^. ^ 522* — AxOTHEK COPT, iciihoiit the map, hut liaving tlie cancelled ^^i^:^ leaves Dij and Diij, old calf ib. 1632 523 Champlain (Sieur Samuel de) Les Yotaoes et Descovver /. / y. tvres faites en la Novvelle France, depuis I'annee 1615, >7 iusques a la fin de I'annee 1618, Seconde Edition, fine /^A copy, vellum Paris, cliez Clavde Collet, 1627, 8"^ /^^^-^^ Eight prel. leaves: viz. 2 Titles, Epistre av Roy, Preface, and Privilege; Text, 158 folioed leaves. AVith 2 folding copper-plates, at folios 44 and 52, and three others in the text, on the reverse of folios 87, 99, and recto of 110. 521: Chappell (Edward) Voyage of H. M. Ship Eosamond to New- foundland and the Southern Coast of Labrador, large// PAPER, calf, marbled edges Lond. 1818, Five prel. leaves; viz. Title, Dedication, List of Engravings, and Contents. ' Introduction,' xix pp. Text. 270 pp. AVith Frontispiece, Map of New- foundland, coloured ; and 2 plates at pp. 25, 42. j/ - 525 Charles II. His Majesties Propriety and Dominion on the / Brittish Seas Asserted : together with a true Account of -// — the JSTeatherlanders Insupportable Insoleucies, and Injuries t^^*^^-*^ they have committed; and the Inestimable Benefits they have gained in their Fishing on the English Seas : as also their Prodigious and Horrid Cruelties in the East and "West Indies and other Places, If. riiss. Lond. 1665, 8" Eight prel. leaves; Dedication signed *R. C; and Text, 176 pp. Portrait of Charles II. and copper-plate map of Great Britain and Ireland. ^ 526 Charlestown Library Society, The Eules and By-Laws of the, j^ and the Act of the Legislature of South Carolina incor- porating the said Society, 4th ed. ivith MS. corrections, hf. mor. Charleston, for the Society by Nathan Childs, 1785, 26 pp. 4° I '■M 58 SECOND day's sale. y 527 Charlevoix (P. de) Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France, 3 vols, fine copy, old calf Pm'is, 1744, 4" Vol.1. Half-title; Title; Dedication, 2 leaves; ' Advertissement,' viiipp,; ' Histoire Abregee,' pp. ix-xxvi ; and Text, 600 pp. Table, pp. 601-644,^ With 10 Maps.— II. Half-title; Title; ' Projet,' ivpp.; Tastes Chrono- logiques,' pp. v-xl ; ' Liste et Examen des Auteurs,' pp. xli-lxj ; Table, 1 p. ; Permission, Approbation, and Privileg'e, 1 leaf ; ' Table,' xv pp.; Fautes, 1 p.; Text, 502 pp.; 'Table,' pp. 503-582; with 8 maps. * Description des Plantes Principales de I'Amerique Septentrionnale,' 56 pp; with 22 plates. — III. 19 prel. leaves and 543 pp. Ten maps. . "This is one of the most important works relating to Canada." — Rich. y- 6 528 Chastellux (M. le Marquis de) Eeisebeobachtungen iiber America Hamh. 1785, viii. and 182 pp. sm. 8°^ J? 529 Chastellux (M. le Marquis de) Voyages dans I'Amerique, ~ ' Sept. 1780-82, 2 vols. Paris, 1786, 8« Vol, I. 8 prel. pp. ; text, 390 pp. ; with map. II. Half-title, title, and text, 338 pp.; 'Table,' 339-362; 'Fautes a Corriger,' 1 page; and /'Approbation,' 1 page ; with map and 3 plates. 530 Chastellux (Marquis de) Travels in North America in 1780-1782, 2 vols. Lond. 1787, 8^ Vol. I. XV and 462 pp. with 2 charts. II. ' Second Edition,' xii and 432 pj! with 3 plates, \S ' 531 Chastellux (M. le Marquis de) Travels, another ed. 2 vols. Dublin, 1787, Vol. I. XV and 462 pp. ; map. II. xv and 430 pp. ; map and 3 plates. ^^^^532 Chatham (William Pitt, Earl of) Speech on the 20th of January, 1775 [on the motion for removing his Majesty's Forces from the Town of Boston, etc.] h/. mor. Lond. 1775, 4" Title, and pp. 5-18. / / . 533 Chatham (William Pitt, Earl of) Plan, offered to the House ^-^ of Lords, entitled, A Provisional Act for Settling the Troubles in America, which was rejected and not suffered to lie upon the table, Jif. mor. Lond. 1775, 14 pp. 4° 534 Chatham (William Pitt, Earl of) Abstracts from Two Speeches /? of, and his Keply to the Earl of Suffolk, hf. mor. ^^0''*^ Lond. 1779, viii. and 58 pp. 8" These are Chatham's famous speeches upon American affairs. /\ ^535 Chauncy (Charles) Pastor at Boston, Marvellous Things done . by the Eight Hand and Holy Arm of God in getting him the A^ Victory, a Sermon preached the 18th of July, 1745, being ^JlA^^, Day set apart for Thanksgiving for the Reduction of Cajjjg^^^^ Breton, uncut Boston, T. Fleet, 1745, 8° Title, and pp. 5-23. Original edition, afterwards reprinted in London, ^-^ 536 Chauncy (Charles) The Counsel of Two Confederate Kings to ^ set the Son of Tabeal on the Throne, a Sermon occasion'd JP^ by the Present Eebellion in favour of the Pretender, preach'd in Boston, Eeb. 6, 1745-6 Boston, D. Gookin, 1746, 8° Title, and pp. 5-43. y- SECOND day's sale. 69 yl / 637 Chauvenet ("Wm.) Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, tldrd^ //l,, edition Philadelphia, 1854., 261 pp. %^ //^ ^x. 538 Checklet (John) The Eeligion of Jesus Christ the only v ^*' True Eeligion, or, A Short and Easie Method with the Deists, in a Letter to a Friend Boston, T. Fleet, and are to he Sold hif John Chechley, 1719, 8° Title, reverse blank; 'The Preface,' [By Checkley] 12 pp.; Text 51 pp.; ' The Epistle of St. Ignatius to the Trallians,' 7 pp. This book is a re- print of Charles Leslie's ' Short and Easie Method with the Deists,' first published in London in 1699, but Mr. Checkley prefixed to this edition a preface of his own of 12 pages, not in the 8th ed. (see No. 539). This edition does not contain Checkley's Discourse concerning Episcopacy. / Thomas, vol. ii. p. 428, says, " Whether he [Checkley] was a regular bookseller or not, I am not prepared to say; I have seen no book printed for him in America." 539 [Checkley (John)] A Short and Easie Method with the Deists, in a Letter to a Friend, 8th Ed. Presentation co^ry / // Lond. hy J. Applehee, and Sold by John Checkley, at the ^ ' ^ Siqn of the Crown and Blue-Gate, over against the West- 'End of the Town-House in Boston, 1723, 132 pp. 8" Considerable interest attaches to this very rare book, in consequence of the alarm that it raised in New England, and the litigation that ensued. It contains Leslie's ' Short and Easie Method with the Deists,' but with the preface described in the previous article omitted. But instead of this there is appended (pp. 41 to 127) A Discourse concerning Episcopacy [By John Checkley], wherein he endeavours to prove that Dissenters, not being Episcopally ordained, are no ministers, etc. and comments rather harshly upon the Church Courses of New England. This gave great ofi"ence, and Checkley was prosecuted in 1724 at the Inferior Court for publishing " a false and scandalous libel." He was convicted, but appealed to the Superior Court, where, after a long speech in his own defence, endeavour- in"- to show that this Book is not a Libel, the jury found the following verdict : " The Jury find specially : viz. If the Book intituled, A Short and Easie Method with the Deists, containing in it a Discourse concerning Episcopacy (published, and many of them sold by the said Checkley) be a false and scandalous Libel : Then we find the said Checkley guilty of all and every Part of the Indictment (excepting that supposed to traduce and draw into dispute the undoubted Right and Title of our Sovereign Lord King George, to the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Territories theie°o belonging)— But if the said Book, containing a Dis- course concerning Episcopacy as aforesaid, be not a false and scandalous Libel • Then we find him not guilty. Att' Samuel Tyley Clerc." The Defendant then put in his ' Plea in Arrest of Judgment,' which is given in extenso in his Speech (See No. 540), concluding, " But be that as it will, the Dissenters are affirmed to be no 3R»isters, to be Schis- matics, and excommunicate by the Canons of the Church of England, ■which are part of the Law of the Land ; and therefore, to ^ say the same things of them, I humbly hope shall not be deemed a Libel." The Sentence of the Court, at a Court of Assize, &o. Nov. 27, 1724 : " The Court having maturely advised on this special Verdict, are of Opinion that the said John Checkley is guilty of publishing aud selling of a false and scandalous Libel. It's therefore considered by the Court, That the said John Checkley shall pay a fine of Fifty Pounds to the King, and enter into recognizance in the sum of One Hundred Pounds, with two Sureties in the sum of Fifty Pounds each, for his good Behaviour for Six Months, and also pay Costs of Prosecution, standing committed until this sentence be performed, Alt' Samuel Tyley, Clerc." 60 SECOND bat's sale. 540 Checklet (John). The Speech of Mr. John Checkley upon his Tryal, at Boston in New-England, for publishing The Short and Easy Method with the Deists Lond. 1730, 8^ Title, and text 40 pp. 641 Checkley (John) A Discourse Shewing Who is a true Pastor of the Church of Christ. 16 pp. Errata 1 p. This tract is without separate title-page or imprint, but was probably printed in London soon after Mr. Checkley's ti-iai. In a note on page 11 , he says, " % Those who have a mind to see the Propositions in this small Tract prov'd beyond the Possibility of a Reply, are desired to read a Discoui'se concerning' Episcopacy, which tliey may have at the Crown and Gate opposite the West End of the Town-House in Boston. Where likewise may be had Barclay's Perswasive, printed in London, by Jonah Bowyer, with other Books of a like nature." 542 [Checkley (John)].ASpecimenofaTrueDissentingCatechism, upon Eight True-Blue Dissenting Principles, with * learned Notes, by Way of Explanation. Question. Why don't the Dissenters in their Publick Worship make use of the Creeds ? Answer. Why ? — Because they are not set down Word for Word in the Bible. Question. Well, — But why don't the Dissenters in their Public Worship make use of the Lord's-Prayer ? Ansiver. Oh ! — Because that is set down Word for Word in the Bible. * They're so perverse and opposite. As if they worship'd God for spite. The foregoing is a single page 8vo. quoted entire as above. It would be difiicult to find another copy. y^ 543 Chew (Samuel) Chief Justice, Delaivare, The Speech of, to the ^ On the reverse of the Title is the privilege; 'Al Mvy Alto,' etc. 2 leaves; * Prohemio del Autor :' etc. 5 leaves ; Text 204 folioed leaves. Reprint of the foregoing. A^ / 557 62 SECOKD day's sale. ^/ /^ 553 Cicero (Marcus TuUius) Cato Major, or lais Discourae of Old Age, with Explanatory Notes, good copy, old calf PJiiladelpMa, Printed and Sold by B. Feanklin, 1744, 4" ^/-i^ Title in black and red, reverse blank : ' The Printer to tlie Reader,' ' Corri- genda ' and ' Index to the Notes ' pp. iii, to viii. Text, 159 pp. This book Franklin always considered the clief d^auvre of his press. He brought copies to England, and distributed them with evident satisfaction. . f • 554 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Cato Major, by Ben j. rrauklin, LL.D. JA^^a uncut Land. rep. 1778, 8** Portrait of Dr. Franklin. Title ; ' Introduction ' 1 p. signed ' B. Franklin.' ' Index ' 1 p. and text 163 pp. J ■ 555 Clap (Thomas) of Yale Coll. A Brief History and Vindication of the Doctrines Received and Established in the Churches of New-England, with a Specimen of the New Scheme of Keligion beginning to prevail New-Haven: Jm. Parher, 1755, 44 pp. 8" . 556 Clap (Thomas) An Essay on The Nature and Foundation of pO~^^ Moral Virtue and Obligation ; for the Use of the Students of Tale-College New-Haven: B. Mecom, 1765, 8° Title, ii and 66 pp. Contents and Errata 2 pp. ,'^ ^ Clap (Thomas) The Annals or History of Tale-College, in //y^ New-Haven, halfmor. j 4^0^ New-Haven : J. Hotchkiss and JB. Mecom, 1766, 8° Title and preface 2 leaves. Text 103 pp. ' Errata ' 1 page ; * Gatalogus ' pp. 105-124. 558 Clark (Samuel) A New Description of the World, last T'^of J^/ mutilated Lond. 1708, 3 pr. Is. & 218 pp. Vl^^y^^e^^i 659 Clavigero (Francesco Saverio) The History of Mexico. Collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from Manu- ^ scripts, and Ancient Paintings of the Indians, translated by /^ Charles CuUen, Esq. 2 vols.^we copy, old calf gilt /y/l^'''^'^ Lond. 1787, # Vol. I. Title and dedication, 2 leaves. ' Translator's Preface,' pp. iii-iv. 'Preface,' pp. vii-xi. 'An Account,' etc. pp. xiii-xxxii. 'Contents,' 2 leaves; and text 476 pp. Map, and 24 numbered plates. Vol.11. Title and Contents, 2 leaves; text, 463 pp. Map and 1 plate. . 560 Clavigero (F. S.) History of Mexico, 2nd Ed. calf /h Lond. 1807, ¥/c^:n Vol. I. 18 prel. leaves and 476 pp. Map and 24 numbered plates. II. , A 2 prel. leaves and 403 pp. 1 plate. .', , ■ - 561 Cobbet (Thomas), Minister at Lyn, N.E., A Practical Dis- v<^v^^> course of Prayer, calf Lond. 1654, 8° Half-title, title, ' To the Reader.' 4 leaves and 1 p. * The Heads of the p^ / Chaptei-8,' etc. 1 p. and 1 leaf, and text 561 pp. fj/ ■ -6 562 Cobbet (Thomas) Discourse of Prayer. Another Ed. calf 7%^ Lond. 1654, 8° ^ Title, ' To the Reader.' 4 leaves and 1 p. • The Heads of the Chapters,' etc. 1 p. and 1 leaf; and text 551 pp. ' ^ 563 Cobbet (Thomas) Discourse of Praver. Another Ed. calf Jf^^^ Lond. 1657, ^'^Jv^^^ Half-title, title, ' To the Reader,' 4 leaves and 1 p. <■ The Heads of the Chap- ters,' etc. 1 p. and 1 leaf; and text 550 pp. / SECOND day's sale. 63 2. . o 564 Cobbet (Thomas) Civil Magistrates' Power in matters of / Eeligiou Modestly Debated. Together with A Brief Answer (2\/^ to a certain Slanderous Pamphlet called 111 News from Xew^-'^'^ England ; or, A K^arrative of New-England's Persecution. By John Clark of Koad-Island, Physician, half cdf Lond. 1653, 4« Title and dedication to Cromwell, 4 ieaves ; table 3 pp. ' Errata ' and Privilege 1 page; text 108 pp. The second part of this rare book, con- taining the answer to Clark's 111 News, is wanting in this copy. , Laws, Politics, and Resources; of the characters of their Presi- dents, Governors, Legislators, Magistrates, and Military Men ; and of the Customs, Manners, Morals, Religion, Vir- tues and Vices of the People, 12 vols, half morocco Lond. Cohhett and Morgan, 1801 Vol.1. 400 pp. Vol. II. 2 prel. leaves and 472 pp. Vol. III. 2 prel. leaves and 440 pp. Vol. IV. 2 prel. leaves and 444 pp. Vol. V. 2 prel. leaves and 432 pp. Vol. VI. 2 prel. leaves and 432 pp. Vol. VII. 2 prel. leaves and 430 pp. Vol. VIII. 2 prel. leaves and 480 pp. Vol. IX. 2 prel. leaves and 412 pp. Vol. X. 2 prel. leaves and 440 pp. ' Postscript. — To the Public,' 3 pp. Vol. XI. 2 prel. leaves and 434 jip. Vol. XII. 2 prel. leaves and 252 pp. ' Index ' 81 pp. ^ . 567 Cochrane (Ciiarles Stuart) Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia in 1823-21, 2 vols, hoards, uncut Lond. 1825, 8*> Vol. I. 8 prel. leaves, and text 524 pp. Frontispiece and ' Map of Colom- bia, by Sidney Hall.' II. Title, contents pp. iii-viii; text 498 pp. ' Appendix.' pp. 499-515, Frontispiece. f / 568 Cochrane (Lord). Manifiesto de las Acusacioues que a " ' nombre del General San j\Iartin hicieron sus Legados ante el Gobierno de Chde contra el Vice-Almirante Lord-Coch- rane y Vindicacion de este dirigida al Mismo San Martin, closely cut Lima, 1823, 12*^ Three prel. leaves and 68 pp. errata 1 p. f 569 Cockbum (James). The Trial of Lieutenant Col. Cockburne, late Governor of the Island of St. Eustatius, for the Loss . of the said Island, half mor. Lond. [1783] 71 pp. 4° ^ A 510 Cockburn (James), Proceedings on the Trial of, half mor. Lond. 1783, 8^ Title and dedication, signed ' William Rogerson,' 2 leaves; and text 194 pp. with ' Return,' etc. a folded sheet. G4 SECOND day's sale. 571 Cockburn (John) A Journey over Land, from the Gulf of /ly Honduras to the Great South Sea. To which is added the "/^ Travels of Nicholas Withington, a Factor in the Eastf/^'^ Indiase, very fine copy, old calf Land. 1735, S** 357 pp. and map. This work is sometimes, as in the French edition, erro- 1 neously stated to be by Nic. AVithington. /^ 572 CoDDiNGTON ("William) of Rhode Island, A Demonstra- / TioK OF True Love unto You the Hulers oe the Colokt QL^ OF THE Massachusets IN Netv En&lande, ret? worocco, '^^^ hy Bedford [Lond.] 1674, 4" Title; reverse blank; 'To the Reader,* pp. 3,4, signed ' William Codding- ton ;' Text, pp. 5-20. This, one of the most important of the many histo- rical tracts relating to the early disputes in New England, is mentioned neither by Lowndes nor Rich. 573 Coello (Manuel) Sargento Mayor de la Gente de Guerra, que Qj lleuo cl Excelentissimo Senor Conde de Lemos Yirrey del "^^^ Peril, Carta para la Pacificacion de las Lrouincias de Puno, • tmcut, hf. mar. [Colophon'] Cadiz, luan Lorenzo Machado, Impressor de la Ciudad, 1670, 4 leaves, folio r\ , 574 Coke (Eev. Dr.) A Journal of his Visit to Jamaica, and of his tJy^ Third Tour on the Continent of America Land. 17S9, Vl^t^^-^ Title, and IG pp. 575 Golden (Cadwallader) The History of the Five Lidian Nations of Canada, 2nd ed. old calf Lond. 1750, S" xvi pp. ; Contents, 4 pp. ; Text, Part I. 90 pp ; Part II. pp. iv and 91-204; /^ Papers, etc. 283 pp. ; Map. Identical with the first London edition, ex- '^"^-^ cepting only the title. The Dedication in the original edition (New York) ^ to Governor Burnett, is in the London edition transferred, without the knowledge or consent of the author, to General Oglethorpe. There are , some other such liberties taken in the London edition. ^ 576 Colden (Cadwallader) Memoir of the Celebration of the Com- pletion of the New York Canals, with an Appendix, con- taining an Account of the Commemoration of the Com- ^' pletion of the Erie Canal, Portrait, plates and facsimilS autograph letters of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and others, 2 vols, in 1, calf Presentation copy from the City of New York to Pdbert White, Esq. calf gilt , / New York, 1825-6, 418 pp. 4P ^ . i» 577 Collection (A) of Speeches and "Writings on the Commitment /^ of the Lord Mayor to the Tower, etc. hf. mor. ^^-^^ Beprlnted hy John Holt, New York, 1771, 8° Title, ' A Short Account,' etc. pp. iii-iv ; Text, pp. 5-48. 578 Collection (A) of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East ny India Company, for the Improvement of Trade and Navi- <^'^ gation, old calf Lond. 1703, 8°'-^"'^ Title and Introduction, 16 leaves; text, 336 pp. ; with 10 maps at pp. 3, 9, 20, 48. 98, 103, 131, 136, 179, 252. Not mentioned by Rich. C// SECOND day's sale. 65 579 Collection (A) of Devotional Tracts, viz. An Extract of the Spirit of Prayer, by W. Law, A.M. — A Discourse of Mis- takes concerning Eeligion, etc. by Thomas Hartley, A.M. — Christ's Spirit, a Christian Strength, by "William Dell — ^ The Stumbling Stone, by ditto — The Doctrine of Baptism, i//^ by ditto— The Trial of Spirits, by ditto— The Liberty of lyr^/' Flesh and Spirit distinguished, by J. Eutty — Observations on Enslaving, Importing, and Purchasing of Negroes, etc. — The Uncertainty of a Death-bed Eepentance. Fine copy, calf, by Bedford jPJiiL and Gerynantown, 1759-60, 8° General title ; title, ' An Extract,' etc. pp. 3-47 ; title, ' A Discourse,' etc. pp. 3-71 ; title, 'Christ's Spirit,* pp. 75-168 (the last two paged con- secutively); title, 'The Doctrine,' etc. 'To the Reader,' pp. iiiiv, and pp. 5-43 ; title, ' The Trial,' etc. pp. 3-55 ; title, ' The Liberty,' etc. pp. 3-64 ; title, ' Observations on the Enslaving-,' etc. pp. 3-16. This Collection consists of six tracts, printed in 1759 and 1760; four by Franklin, and two {Discourse of Mistakes, and Christ's Spirit — and Ohscrvations on Enslaving Negroes) by Christopher Sower at German- ^ town. 'i- ' 580 Colliber (Samuel) Columna Eostrata : or, a Critical History of the English Sea Aftairs ; wherein all the Eemarkable _ Actions of the English Nation at Sea are described, _^«e cop^) old calf Lond. 1727, 8° Title ; Preface, pp. iii-vi ; and Text, pp. 7-312 ; ' Index,' 4 leaves. A large part of this volume relates to affairs in America : it is unnoticed by Rich. Z.. 581 Collins (John) of tlie Royal Fishery Company, Salt and Fishery, a Discourse thereof, half calf Lond. 1682, i** Four prel. leaves, and 164 pp. 'The Contents' and 'Errata,' 2 leaves. IS'ot mentioned by either Lowndes or Rich. 7 /'582 CoXxn^axi (^en22i\mn) of Bath, afterwards of Boston, Practical y^ Discourses upon the Parable of the Ten Virgins /^f^L-i^r:^ Lond. 1707, 8<^ Four prel. leaves and 423 pp. / -^ 583 — The same, 2nd ed. laege papee, uncut Boston, N.F. Rogers and Foicle, and J. Edwards, 1747, 8° Title, and 350 pp. <^ amendments Newburgh, David Lenniston, 1800, 288 pp. 12° / 629 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, etc. The whole 'j( arranged, with a Preface and Dedication, by the Eev. Will, tc/^ Jackson, half calf Lond. 1783, 8° Portrait of Washington. 18 prel. leaves, and 472 pp. '- 630 Constitutions (The) of the several Independent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, etc. published by Order of Congress, hf. mor. ^/£4y*^ Philadelphia printed, Lond. repr. 1783, 8° Portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Title, ' In Congress,' 1 page ; 'The Editor's Advertisement,' pp. v-viii ; text, 168 pp.; 'Appendix,' pp. 169-189; 'A List of the Presidents,' etc. 1 leaf. C , 631 Constitutions (The) of the United States, according to the latest amendments, etc. ; also, the Amendments to the Con- \;^ stitution of Maryland, not in any former edition Philadelphia, Bob. Campbell, 1800, 12° Title and contents, 2 leaves ; ' Declaration,' etc. v-xxiv ; text, pp. 5-272. ^ , 632 Contestacion Rapida al Diseurso Opinado que Pronuncid un M. con Motivo de la Plancha que el Q. Cons. Circulo a las / 11. simb. del rito esc. sobi-e el nuevo Juramento exigido y ,^^^^ demas de su contenido, hf. mor. Habana, 5821 [1821] 15 pp. 4° /./e THIRD day's sale. 71 y. ^ 633 Controversy (The) between G-reat Britain and her Colonies A' Reviewed, hf. mor. Boston, Mein and Fleeming, 1769, 8° /c^^ Title, and pp. 3-100. By Will. Knox, Under Secretary of State for American ^ Affairs. : . 634 Conway (Greneral) The Speech of, on moving in the House of Commons (May 5tli, 1780), " That leave be given to bring in a Bill for Quieting the Troubles now reigning in the British Colonies in America," hf. mor. . Lond. 1781, 2 pr. Is. and 51 pp. 8° / . 635 Cooke (Edward) A Voyage to the South Sea, and round the "World, perform'd in the years 1708, 1709, 1710 and 1711, 2 vols. Lond. 1712, 8° Tol. . I. Title; dedication, 2 leaves; contents, 2 leaves; introduction, 6 leaves; and text, 432 pp.; index^ 5 leaves ; -with 18 plates at pp. 23, 25, 84, 99, 108, 114, 119, 127, 147, 162, 163, 252, 300, 306, 312, 316, 322, 325 ; a Map of the World at p. 1, and Map of the River Amazon at p. 248. II. Title, dedication, and contents, 4 leaves; introduction, xxiv pp.; test, 328 pp.; index, 4 leaves ; 3 Journal Tables at pp. 3,66, 92. 636 Cook (James). An Abridgement of Captain Cook's last Voyage, performed in the years 1776-80, extracted from th; 4to. edition in 3 vols, by Capt. King / Lond. 1784, frontisp. and 465 pp. 12" • <^ 637 Coole (A) Conference between the Scottish Commissioners /?V Cleared Eeformation, and the Holland Ministers Apologeti- j/^.p call Narration, hf. mor. 1644, 4° Nine prel. leaves and 1 8 pp. <^ 638 Cooper (Eev. Mr.) The History of North America / *^ Lond. [1780 ?, date cut off^ 12° \^^ Four prel. leaves and pp. 13-184. Frontispiece and plates at pp. 60, 70, 82, 127, 180. Z^ ^ 639 Cooper. Another ed. Lond. 1789, 12° Frontispiece, title, preface, and contents, 5 leaves; text, 184 pp. 5 plates, ^ _ 640 Cooper. 2nd American ed. calf ^ Lansinghuryh, Silvester Tiffany, 1795, 12° "^j/^ Four prel, leaves and 159 pp. Copper- plate frontispiece and plates at pp. 44, 55, 66, 108, 156. 641 Cooper (Eev. Mr.) The History of South America Bennington, Anth. Haswell, for Tlio. Spencer, [1793], 12° Six prel. leaves, and 168 pp. Copper plates, ' A. Reed, sculpt. 1793,' at pp. 48, 61, 105,153, 166. The copper plates are curious as specimens of American book illustrations of this period. ^, 642 Cooper (Thomas), President of the College, South Carolina^ Some Information respecting America, hf. mor. Lond. 1794, 8° Four prel. and 240 pp. ' Errata,' 1 pa^e. With Map of the Middle States of America, 12^ by 18j inches. ^ 643 Cooper (Thomas). 2nd ed. Lond. 1795, 8° Four prel. and 240 pp. With Map of the Middle States of America, 12^ by ISi^ inches. ? 72 THIRD day's sale. 2 . o 644 Cooper (William) The Doctrine of Predestination unto Life Explained and Vindicated, old calf Boston printed : London, o'epr. 1765, title, and '1.46 pp. 12" ^ 645 Coppinger (Jose) Manifesto, que demostrando el injusto y violento proceder que se ha observado en San Augustin de Florida, despojandole de Orden de la Autoridad gobernante, 0/ de los Archives de su Gobierno y otros papeles, despues de JorS^^i^ la Entrega de la Provincia a los Estados IJnidos de America, hf. mor. Filadelfia, Juan F. Rurtel, 1821, 8° Half title, title, and pp. 5-36. 646 Coreal (Erancois) Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, depuis / 1666, jusqu'en 1697. Avec uue Relation de la Gruiane die/f Walter Raleigh, et le Voyage de Narborough a la Mer d^y<5-«*^^ Sud par le Detroit de Magellan, &c. Nouvelle Edition, rev6e, corrigee, et augmentee, 2 vols, old calf Paris, 1722, 8-^ Vol. I. title; text 438 pp. ; table 4 pp. ; privilege 2 pp. Map at p. 1 and plates at pp. 50, 157, 304, 324,326,352. Vol. II. Title and 406 pp. ; table 2 pp.; 3 maps. The existence of Francis Correal has been doubted by some writers, but his bondjides is believed in by Mr. Rich. ^ ' 647 Cornelius (Elias) The Little Osage Captive, an Authentic /y.^^* Narrative : to which are added some interesting Letters written by Indians YorJc, 1824, frontisp. and 182 pp. 12'' /^ 648 Cornwallis (Earl). An Answer to the Narrative of Lieut. Gen. Sir Hen. Clinton Land. 1783, Title; Introduction, xvi pp. ' Contents,' 3 leaves, and text 260 pp. 'Errata' 8 lines on a slip of paper. With ' State of the Troops in Virginia, to face p. 236,' a folded sheet. The work comprises the correspondence of the noble commanders during the North American Campaign of 1781. /Jf - 649 Coronado (Carlos Vasquez). Por Don Carlos Vazquez Coro- /f{/£^ nado, vezino de Guatiraala. Con El Senor Eiscal. Sobre los treynta y vn mil Tostones, en que se le remato el Officio de Alguazil mayor de la Audiecia de Guatimala, para don Antonio Vasquez Coronado su hijo, lif. mor. [1632], 5 leaves, folio , ^ . 650 Correa (Diego). El Ciudadano Don Diego Correa al Escmo. // Sr. Capitan General Gefe Superior Politico, etc. etc. etc. fff-^ Cuarta edicion, gratis, lif. mor. Habana, 1822, en la oficina Liberal, 13 pp. 8" /a ^ 651 Correa (Juan Nunez). El Eey. Lo qve por mi mandado se assieta, y concierta con luan Nunez Correa Portugues, vezino L de la ciudad de Lisboa, sobre la haberia que en las ciudades de Seuilla, Cadiz, y otras partes, se cobra de todo el oro, y, plata, piedras, per las y joy as, y otras cosas que vienen de las Indias : y de todas las mercaderias que van a ellas, y a las Islas del mar Oceano, hf. mor. IDated] Valladolid, 26 Sept. 1603, 15 leaves, folio 12" 2. THIED day's sale. 73 652 Corro (Juan del). Forma de el nvevo beneficio de metales de plata, por el Capitan de luan del Corro, Ivf. mor. [Dated] Potosi, y Junio 2-1, 1676, 4 leaves, folio 653 Corry (John) The Life of George Washington, and of the Most Eminent Men who effected the American Revolution Lond. 1800, S" Two hundred and twenty- eight pp. Index 3 pp. Portrait of Washington. 654 Cortes (Hernando). Ferdinandi Cortesii Von dem Newen Hispanien, so im Meer gegem Nidergang, Zwo gantz lustige vnnd fruchtreiche Historien, an den groszmiichtigisten vnii- berwindtlichisten Herren, Carolum. V. Eomischen Kaiser etc. Kiiuig in Hispanien, eic.fine coi^y Augspiirg, Fhilipp Vlliart, 1550, folio Six prel. leaves. Text in xxxix folioed leaves, followed by one blank and two leaves not numbered, and folios i to Ix. This edition in German con- tains at the end several letters concerning the settlements of Germans in Spanish America not found in the Latin or Spanish editions. 655 Cortes (Hernando). Historia de Nueva-Espana, escrita por \J ,// su esclarecido Conquistador Hernan Cortes, aumentada con otros Documentos, y Notas. Por el Ilustrissimo Senor Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzobispo de Mexico, vellum Mexico, 1770, folio Eleven prel. leaves including the title, frontispiece, dedication, Prologue and erratas ; copper-plate map; ' Viage de Hernan Cortes,' 16 pp. ; copper- plate ' El Grande Templo de Mexico ;' text 400 pp. Between pp. 176 and 177 is a title, 'Cordillera de los Pueblos,' etc. with 31 copper-plates, re- presenting Mexican Hieroglyphics; Indices 9 leaves. Map of California in 1541 at page 329. The three celebrated and highly important Letters of Cortes are here reproduced. , ■" , 656 Cortes (Hernando) Carta de Eelacion, embiada a su Sacra magestad del Emperador Nuestro Serior, por el Capita General de la Nueva-Espana, uncut absque notd, folio Text, pp. 1—128 without separate title. From Barcia's Historiados Primitivos. 657 Cortes (Hernando) Correspondance avec L'Empereur Charles- Quint, sur la Conquete du Mexique. Trad, par M. le Yi- comte de Flavigny Suisse, 1779, 487 pp. 8» ^ 658 Cortes, Correspondance ; another ed. calf Paris, 12" Half-title, title, Epitre, Avis, and Sommaires, 26 pp. and 508 pp. of text, ■with 2 sequent leaves. / 659 Cortes (Hernando) The Despatches of, now first translated into English from the original Spanish, with an Introduc tion and Notes, by George Folsom, one of the Secretaries of, the New York Historical Society, etc. large paper. Ids' imcut New TorJc : Lond. 1843, 8'' Twelve prel. pp. Introduction 36 pp. Text 431 pp. I , 659* — Another copy, small paper, tree marbled calf gilt, mxrb. edfjes, by Riviere ib. J 843, 8' L 74 TniED day's sale. ^ , 660 Cosmopolita (El), Prospecto and No. 1, July 18 to No. 9, Sept. 21, 1822 Santiago de Chile, 1822, 4° ,5^^ Prospecto in 4 pp. Nos. 1 to 8 in 8 pp. each, and No. 9 in 16 pp. ^ - 661 Coste (John Praucis) Oratio Habita in Capitolio Gvilielmo- '/ politano in Comitiis TJniversitatis Virginias, die xii Junii Half-title, title, dedication to Washington, 3 leaves; text, 103 pp. A ^ ^ 662 CoTTOK (John) Gtods Promise to His Plantatioh", y y 2 Sam. vii. 10, red morocco, by Bedford XJa/^ London, hy William Jones, for John Bellamy, 1630, 4" Title, reverse blank ; ' To the Christian Reader,' 2 leaves, signed ' I. H.'; text, 20 pp. /^^ - 663 Cotton (John) The Churches Eesurrection, or the Opening /"^A of the fift and sixt verses of the 20th chap, of the EevelatioUv^^^^f^ corrected by his own hand, green morocco, hy Hayday . Lond.for Henry Overton, 1642, 30 pp. 4° y^. •^ ■ 664 Cotton (John) The Powring oyt of the Seven Vials; or an Jy Exposition of the 16 chapter of the Eevelation, with an^^'^^ Application of it to our Times Lond. 1642, 4*" Title; 'To the Christian Reader,' 1 leaf, signed 'I. II.'; and text, 35, 24, 24, 43, 16, 14, and 19 pp. /t^ -t 665 Cotton (John) The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and /^ Power thereof, according to the Word of God, vellum \y^ Bond. M. Simmons, for Hen. Overton, 1614, 4° Title; * To the Reader,' 5 leaves, signed 'Tho. Goodwin, Philip Nye;' text, 59 pp. '^ - 666 Cotton (John) The Keyes, etc. 2nd ed. vellum, Lond. M. Simmons, for Hen. Overton, 1644, 4°^ Title ; * To the Reader,' 5 leaves, signed ' Tho. Goodwin, Philip Nye ;' text, 59 pp. /^ • 6 067 Cotton (John) The "Way of the Churches of Christ in New Q{ England, vellum Bond. Matth. Simmons, 1645, 4** ^^ Title ; ' f The Epistle to the Reader,' 5 pages, signed ' N. H., I. H.' ; text, 116 pp.; and table, 2 leaves. /- 668 Cotton (John) The "Way of the Churches, another ed. Of Lond. Matth. Simmons, 1645, 4° ^^"^ Four prel. leaves ; viz. Title, reverse blank ; ' The Epistle to the Reader,' etc. signed ' N. H., I. H.' 5 pp.; text, 116 pp.; 'An Alphabeticall Table,' etc. 3 pp. / /> 669 Cotton (John) The Bloudt Tenent, Washed, and made ^^ ^ ' ^ white in the Bloud of the Lambe ; being discussed and dis-''^^ charged of bloud-guiltinesse by just defence : wherein the great questions of this present time are handled, viz. How farre Liberty of Conscience ought to be given to those that truly feare God ? etc. Whereunto is added a Eeply to Mr. [Eoger] Williams Answer to Mr. Cottons Letter, very fine large copy, old calf Lond. Maitli. Symmons, for Hannah Allen, 1647, 4° Title; and text, 195 pp. ' A Reply to Mr. Williams,' 144 pp. ^^v: THIED day's sale. 75 ^ / 670 Cotton (John). Severall Qvestions of serious and necessary Consequence, propounded by the Teaching Elders unto M. lohn Cotton of Boston in New England, with his re- spective Answer to each Question, lif. mor. Lond.for Thomas BanTcs, 1647, i'' Title, and 10 pp. » ^ 671 Cotton (John) Singing of Psalmes a Gtospel Ordinance, '^^^y^ nearly uncut Lond. hy M. S.for Hannah Allen, 1647, ^^^^ Title, and 72 pp. / 672 Cotton (John) Singing of Psalmes, etc. another ed. hf. ef. yJ Lond. 1650, 4»cyV^^^^^ Title, and 72 pp. ^ . 673 Cotton (John) Of the Holiuesse of Church-Members, hf. rV_ mor. Lond.for Hanna Allen, 1650, 4"' -cT^^ Title; dedication, 2 pages, signed ' John Cotton;' text, 95 pp. , Af674 Cotton (John) An Abstract oe Laws and Government, > " ^ wherein as in a Mirroar may be seen the AVisdom and Per- X^^^ fection of the Grovernment of Christs Kingdome ; now pub- - lished after his [Cotton's] death, by "William Aspinwall Lond. hy M.S. for Livewel Chapnan, 1655, 4° Title ; ' To the Reader,' 3 leaves, signed ' Will. Aspinwall;' text, 35 pp. ; 'An Analysis of Lawes and Government accomodated to New England,' with errata, 2 pp. . 7^ 7^675 Cotton (John) A Brief Exposition, with Practical Obser- ^-i/~ ■ vations upon the whole Book of Canticles, never before printed, published by Anthony Tuckney, D.D. fine copy, original binding Lond.for MaJph Smith, 1655, 8" Half-title, imprimatur, and title, 3 leaves ; ' To the Reader,' 5 leaves, signed ^ * Anthony Tuckney;' text, 238 pp. ^ • ^ 676 Cotton (John) An Exposition upon the Thirteenth Chapter of the Kevelatiou ; taken from his mouth in short-writing Lond.for L. Chaiyman, 1655, 4° Title ; To the Reader, signed by Thomas Allen, 4 pages'; text, 2C2 pp.; fol- lowed by one blank leaf and 3 leaves of Table and Errata. y^. 677 Cotton (John) A Briefe Exposition, with Practical Obser- -/ vations upon the whole Booke of Eeclesiastes, the second ij/^^ impression, corrected, j/???e copy, old calf y Lond. hy W. W.for Ralph Smith, 1657, S^ Title ; dedication, 3 leaves, signed by Anthony Tuckney ; text, 258 [for 260] pp. ^ 678 Cotton (John) A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace, as it is dispensed to the Elect Seed, effectually unto Salvation ; ,/^, being the substance of divers Sermons preached upon ^/l Acts 7, 8 ; the second edition, by a copy far larger then the former, and corrected also by the Authors own hand, calf Lond. hy Ja. Cottrel,for John Allen, 1650, 16" Twelve prel. leaves and 250 pp. 76 THIED day's sale. > - 679 Cotton ( Jolin) Covenant of Grace, corrected, and very much /J ^ » enlarged, bj the Author's own hand, 3rd ed. /jT/A/ Lond.for Peter Parlcer, 1671, Sr^^"^^^^ On the reverse of the title, ' To the Reader ;' ' A Table of the Contents,' 7 leaves ; and text, 223 pp. y 680 Cotton (Eowland) Cain's Lamentations over Abel, in Sis Books, 3rd ed New York : Wayland and Davis, for tlie Autlior, 1795, 12" Two hundred and thirty-nine pages; ' A List of Subscribers' Names, Phila- delphia,' 9 pp. ny £ - 681 Cowdell (Thomas D.) A Poetical Journal of a Tour from.^^*<' British North America to England, with Two Pieces of the Intended Jubilee, uncut Buhlin, 1809, 76 pp. 12" ^/ 682 Coxe (Daniel). A Description of the English Province of /y( Carolana, by the Spaniards call'd Florida, and by the -cyt/ Erench La Louisiane; as also of the great and famous Hiver Meschacebe or Missisipi, the five vast navigable lakes of fresh water, and the parts adjacent Lond.for B. Cowse, 1722, 8° ; Title ; ' The Preface,' 25 leaves; ' The Contents,' I leaf; ' Map of Carolana,' etc. 22 by 17 inches; and text, 122 pp. P , 683 Coxe (Daniel) Description of Carolana, another ed. old calf Lond. Olive Payne, 1741, 8« >" Twenty-seven prel. leaves; map; text, 122 pp. This and the preceding' edition are alike, with the exception of the title- pag-es. ^ 684 Coxe (Tench) Commissioner of Revenue, Philadelphia, A View ■" ' of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written at various times between the years 1787 and 1794,' calf Philadelphia, printed 1794 ; Lond. repr. 1795, S"* Eight prel. leaves — viz. title; prefatory note, pp. iii-x; table, pp. xi-xiv. Book I. 1 leaf; and text, 512 pp. ^ 685 Coxe (William) Account of the Eussian Discoveries between Asia and America, 4th ed. enlarged, calf Lond. 1803, S** xxiv and 500 pp.; ' List of the principal Books,' etc. 3 pp.; 6 maps. ^ 686 Craig (N. B.) History of Pittsburgh, cloth, 2 map>s J^L Pittsburgh, 1851, 312 pp. 12" "^^ .^ 687 CraM^ford (Charles) An Essay on the Propagation of the y ^ - Grospel, in which there are numerous facts and arguments Jy^ adduced to prove that many of the Indians in America are descended from the Ten Tribes, 2nd ed. bds. uncut Philadelphia, James Humphreys, 1801, 154 pp. 8" y. / 688 Crisis (The) of the Colonies considered, with some Ob- v C ^ servations on the Necessity of properly connecting their^ Commercial Interest with Great Britain and America f/(?4^trt Lond. 1785, 8° Title; dedication, pp. iii-v ; To Lord Penrhyn, pp. vii-viii; text, 38 pp. eig-ned ' John Williams.' / THIED day's sale. f?' ^^ 689 Ceusius (Maetlst) D. Solomoni SchvTeigkero Sultzensi, qui Constautinopoli in Aula Legati Imp. Kom. aliquot Annos Ecclesiasta fuit; et in Aegj-pto, Palsestina, Syria, pere- griuatus est, cum Descriptione illius peregrinationis, calf ^ extra, hy Bedford Argent. Xic. Vvi/riot, 1582, 18 leaves, 4° ^^ 690 Cuba, Original Papers relating to the Expedition to the /^ Island of, hf. mor. Lond. 1744, 8° >^ Half-title, title, and pp. 5-219. /^^ 691 CuEVAS, Agitieee y Espi]s-osa (Joseph Feancisco de) /^ ; // Extracto de los autos de diligencias, y reconocimientos de los Kios, Lagunas, Yertientes j Desagues de la Capital A Mexico y su Valle.^^e copy "^ Mexico, por la Viuda de D. Joseph Bernardo de Sogaly 1748, folio Title in red and black -v^ithin a liglit border, having a ' Soneto' on the re- verse; text, 71 pages. At page 42 is a Jlap 14 by IG2 inches, engraved on copper by Antonio lilorino of Mexico, entitled, ' Mapa de las Aguas que por el Circulo de 90 leguas uienen a la Ltiguna de Tescuco y de la Esten- Bion que esta ylade Chalco tenian sacado del que en el Siglo antecedente deligneo D°. Carlos de Siguenza.' This book is of the utmost topographical ^ and historical importance. f 692 Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho (Joze Joaquim da) Ensaio /-y Economico sobre o Comereio de Portugal e suas Colonias «^ Lishoa, 1794, 6 prel. leaves and 153 pp. 4" ^ . 693 Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho (Joze Joaquim da) A political ^ Essay on the Commerce of Portugal and her Colonies, par- cJ^ ticularly of Brasil, hds. iiRciit Lond. 1801, 8° l7/-^ Nine prel. leaves; text 198 pp. [wanting pp. 1-6] ; ' Errata' 2 pp. /{/'. 694 Cure (A.) for the Spleen. Being the Substance of a Conver- sation on the Times, taken in short Hand, by Sir Eoger de Coverly,_/?;ie copy, half morocco ,-] America, 1775, title and pp. 3-32, 8° />i^^ The scene of this Conversation is laid near Boston, and the book is an amus- ing Exposition of the Grievances and Politics of the Colonies. On page 30 of this copy are four lines of the text with this manuscript note at the bottom of the page, " From this to the conclusion of the period is omitted in all the vendible impressions, as the printer was a woman and ashamed" [illegible]. 695 CuETis (Maetin) The Aete of ]S"ayigatio>', first writ- ten in the Spanish tongue, from thence Trau slated into ^/^ // English by Eichard Eden : and now newly Corrected and / iularged, with many necessarie Tables, E-ules, and Instruc- y^ tions, for the more easie attaitiing to the knowledge of Na- C^^^ uigation. By John Tapp, calf Load, for Lohn Tapp, 1609, 4° Title, reverse blank ; Dedication to Sir William Wade signed by John Tapp, 4 pp.; 'To the Ileader,' 1 page ; ' How to use the next table' 1 page ; ' A Table' 1 page; Kalendar 7 pp. ; text in black letter, 157 pp.; 'Table of the Chapters' 4 pp. Lowndes does not refer to the sale of any copy, nor is the work mentioned at all by Rich. 78 THIRD DAT's sale. '> . 6 696 CusACK (Geoege). The G-rand Pjrate ; Or, the Life and Death of Capt. George Cvsack the great Sea-E.obher, toge- ther with his Trjal, Condemuation, and Execvtion,j^;ie co])y,^ half calf Loud. Jon. Edwin, 1676, 31 pp. 4° ^ ^ Cusack was much in New-England and Vii'giuia. ^ C - 697 Dalcho (Frederick) of Charlestown. An Historical Account »// of the Scottish Episcopal Church, in South-Carolina, calf «/^-^^ Charleston : JE. Thayer, 1820, 8" . viii and C13 pp. Subscribers names 3 pp. ^ . o 698 Darapier (William). Capt. Dampier's Vindication of his /} Voyage to the South-Seas in the Ship St. George. With//;^^ some small Observations for the Present on Mr. Eunnell's'^ Chimerical Eelation of the Voyage Eound the "World, half calf Loncl. [1707], 4° Eight pp. without a separate title. The date is erroneously printed 2707. // 699 Dampieb (William). A Collection of Voyages. Con- taining I. Captain Dampier's Voyages round the World. II. The voyages of Lionel Wafer. III. Capt. Dampier's Expedition iuto the South-Seas. IV. Capt. Cowley's Voy- age round the Globe. V. Capt. Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, and into the South Seas. VI. Capt. Wood's Voyage through the Streights of Magellan. VII. Mr. Koberts's Adventures and Sufferings amongst the Cor- sairs of the Levant, 4 vols. Lond. 1729, 8° This is generally considered the best edition of Dampier's Voyages, though it contains much that Dampier not only had no hand in writing, but against •which he protested. (See preceding article). The truth appears to be that he was at the mercy of his publisher, Knapton, who used Dampier's saleable volumes as mules for carrying off his unsaleable stock. Volumes I. and II. of this edition are reprints of the earlier editions, page for page, and with the same plates and maps, except that in the first volume, the publisher has suppi'essed Dampier's Dedication to Charles Mountague, Pre- sident of the Royal Society, to make room for a second title, " A New Voyage round the Woi-ld," etc. " The Seventh Edition Corrected," which here occupies A 2. Vol. III. is a reprint of Dampier's third volume, de- scribed below (No. 700), but in a broader page, and paged continuously. It has eight preliminary leaves, and the text is paged 1 to 260, including the Index. The plates are the same as in the previous editions. Beyond this Dampier had nothing to do with the work. The remaining half of this third volume consists of a reprint of Wafer's Voyage, which is here called The Third Edition. It contains title and pages 2C3 to 463, followed by 9 pages of Index. The map and the three plates are the same as in the first and second Editions, published also by Knaj^tou in 1699 and 1704. Volume IV. contains Funnell's Voyage, exactly as described in No. 897, with a new title, thus working in bodily the remainder of the edition of 1707, against which Dampier protested. [See No. 698.] To this are added reprints of Cowley's, Sharp's, AVood's, and Roberts' Voyages, filling 175 pp. and 6 pp. of Index, with 5 maps. In some copies, however, Funnell's Voyage is reprinted with the same maps and plates, but in a closer type, it being in 8 prel. leaves, 208 pages of text, with 8 pages of Index. With these facts in view, it seems to the writer that it is better to have Dampier undefiled, and therefore the best editions of Dampier are his three volumes as originally published. Then let the other works by Fun- iiell, Wafer, Sharp, etc. stand on their own merits, in their own editions, under their own names. .M^ ? THIED day's sale. 79 r - 700 Dampier. The same, first and best edition, 3 vols, maps and plates Lond. Knapton, 1697-99-1703, 8° Vol. I. 5 prel. leaves (including title), text 550 pp.. Errata 1 page. Books sold by Knapton 3 pp. ; 5 maps, before title and at pp. 1, 25, 282, and 381. Vol. II. 4 prel. leaves (including' title), text, part I. 184 pp., part II. 132 pp., part III. 2 leaves and 112 pp., Index and Errata 37 leaves. Catalogue of Books 1 leaf; 4 maps. Vol. III. 12 prel. leaves (including title, text 162 j)p.; Index 9 pp.; " Books printed by Knapton " 5 pp. ; 10 . / plates. / 701 — The same, ^rd ed. of Vols. I. II., 1st ed. of Vol. III. Vols. I. and II. same as 1st ed. with errata corrected; Vol. III. as in No. 700. In subsequent editions a second part has been added to Vol. 3. 702 Dampier (William) The Voyages and Adventures of, 2 vols. Lond. 1776, 8° Vol. I. Title; ' Preface ' 2 pp.; text pp. 5-454. II. Title ; text pp. 3-396. This edition contains only the three volumes written by Dumpier himself,,, and is without Maps or Plates. In the Preface the Editor says, " The/ first edition of Dampier's Voyages was published by himself, but not in the same order they were performed, which has a little perplexed the narrative ; the language is now partly become obsolete, which renders the perusal more difficult to common readers ; and the edition is now also ex- tremely scarce. To remedy these inconveniences, the chronological order wherein the series of events happened is observed in this Edition ; all old phrases and expressions are modernized ; and to render this publication still more acceptable to naturalists and geographers, where our author has only given the common country names of natural subjects, the present systematical names are added without altering his descriptions, which have always been quoted as of the greatest authority by writers on Natural History, and the names of places are corrected according to the modern spelling of the latest geogi'aphers." 703 Dampier (William) Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde, -^^ 5 vols. Amsterdam, 1717, 12° -'■/<:^ Vol. I. 7 prel. leaves, including the engraved title ; Text 408 pp. Table 12 / V >^^ leaves. Maps or plates at pp. 1, 6, 58, 119, 294, 345, (2), 370. Vol. 11."^ engraved title and 2 prel. leaves; 396 pp. and Table 5 leaves; Maps or plates at pp. 74, 75, 77, 79, 117, 273, 275 (2), 339. Vol. III. 4 prel. leaves ; 393 pp. and Table 10 pp. Maps or plates at pp. 1, 3, 69, 218, 227 (2), 356, 361. Vol. IV. 10 prel. leaves; 309 pp. and 15 pp. of Table and errata. Maps or plates at pp. 1, 4, 15, 41, 85, 106, 110, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 (2), 149, 169, 221, 248, 286. Vol. V. 2 pre], leaves; Text 363 pp. Table 23 pp. followed by 1 leaf containing the Privileges. Maps or plates at pp. 1, 10, 28, 51, 74, 70, 81, 84, 90, 95, 108, 123, 127, 135, / ^ / 139, :66, 255, 305, 325 ^•o 701) Dampier (William 5 vols. ' Hoi/en, 1723, 12V'^'^^^ ^ , i.J^, JUU, ^l..', ^V/.^, W.^U. ^ > ' o 701) Dampier (William) Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde, a / 5 vols. VniiP'n 179.'^ 19o,/V^z»^ This edition is a reprint of the preceding, page for page. The plates are the , same, and from the same coppers. /-"d 705 Dana (James), 'Pastor of the First Church, Wallingford. A .-^ Sermon preached before the General Assembly of the State /^/ of Connecticut, at Hartford on the Day of the Anniversary^' '^'^'^ Election, May 13, 1779, uncut ^ Hartford : Hudson and Goodwin, 1779, 47 pp. 8*' /■. ^ 706 Danforth (John) The Blackness of Sins against Light, im- ^J^ perfect, ivanting all after page 34 f/y^^ Boston, Timothy Green, 1710, 12° ^.// 80 THIED day's sale. ^' 707 D'Anvers (Caleb) Some Tartlier Eemarks on a late Pam- ^ pblet, intitled Observations on tbe Conduct of G-reat-Britain/!^^/^-^ Lond. EiCHARD Francklin, 1729, title and 38 pp. 8° '^' ^ 708 Dakien. Act for a Company Trading- to Africa and the In- dies, June 26, 1695 Edinb. 1696, 7 pp. folio Neither this, nor the four following articles are mentioned by Rich. ^_ f - 709 Darien. An Act of tbe Parliament of Scotland for Erecting 0/ an East-India Company in tbat Kingdom, half calf t//^ JEdinh. 7'epr, London, [1695], title and 8 pp. folio y // 710 Darien. A Letter from a Member of the Parliament of Scot- land, concerning their Late Act for Establishing a Company of that Kingdom Tradeing to Africa and the Indies Lond. 1695, title and 14 pp, folio 711 Darien. A Perfect List of the several Persons E-esidenters in Scotland, who have Subscribed as Adventurers in the Joynt-Stock of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa^ and tbe Indies JEdinl. 1696, folio Title and 14 pp. of Names. y y, 712 Darien. An Exact List of all the Men, "Women, and Boys ' ' -^ that Died on Board tbe Indian and African Company's . Elect, during their Voyage from Scotland to America, and^ since their Landing in Caledonia, hf. mor. Edinh. 1699, fol. A broad sheet printed on one side. r - 713 Darien. A Defence of tbe Scots Settlement at Darien, half mor. -Ef^M^S. 1699, 8°/^' On the reverse of the Title, ' Errata,' 2 lines. Dedication 3 leaves, signed ' Philo-Caledon.' Text 86 pp. i / 714 Darien. k. Defence of the Scots Abdicating Darien : includ- ^ ing An Answer to tbe Defence of tbe Scot's Settlement there. Authore Britanno sed Dunensi, lif. mor. \Edinl.'\ 1700, 12" Six prel. leaves, viz. Title, and Dedication signed ' Phil. Scot.' Text 50 pp. This Pamphlet was ordered by the Parliament of Scotland to be burnt. See Scotch Acts, William III. 9th Session. /^ _ 715 Darien. A Supplement of Original Papers and Letters, re- lating to the Scots Company Trading to Africa and the Indies, half mor. 1700, 16 pp. 8° 716 Darinel de Tieel. La Sphere des detjx mondes, com- ^. /^ posee en Erangois, par Darinel pasteur des Amadis. Auec /7 vn Epitbaiame, que le mesme Autheur ha faict, sur le^y^ nopces et mariage de Tresillustre, et Serenissime Prince/''^'^^*^*' Don Philippe Eoy de Angleterre, etc. haJj" calf Anvers, Le. Bichart, 1555, 4° Four prel. and 58 folioed leaves, followed by a Colophon leaf. Signatures of / text A to Fiij. folio 58 erroneously numbered 57. 19 woodcut maps. A // folding Map (N iij.) between folios 50 and 51. y ?. 717 Dartmouth College, Sketches of tbe History of, 1779 to 1815, c^^ uncut 88 pp. 8" '^^ ^ THIED day's sale. 81 ? - 718 Dartmouth College. A Viudication of the Official Conduct of the Trustees of, [in Answer to preceding], xmcut Concord, Geo. Hough, 1815, 101 pp. 8" -poet (John) The Saints Anchor- Hold, in all Storms and Tempests. Preached in Sundry Sermons, 7?/2e cop^j Lond. Benj. Harris, 1701, 12« Title ; Preface, 3 pp. signed * W. H. J. C and 4 verses 1 page, signed ' B. H.'; text, 156 pp. '. X722 Davidson (George) The Case of the Caribbs in St. Vincent's ' ^ [Lond. 1787], 12^ Twenty-three pp. At page 21, signed ' George Davidson.' Probably pri- vately printed. .0 v ^ 723 Davie (John Constanse) Letters from Paraguay : describing : Jj/^g^ the Settlements of Monte Video and Buenos Ayres ; the c^^^-^^*" residences of Eioja Minor, Xombre de Dios, St. Mary and St. John, &c. hds, Lond. 1805, 300 pp. 8° '/ 721 DAA^ES (JoH>^) The History or the Caeibbt-Islakds, ^ ' viz. Barbados, S* Christophers, S^ Vincents, Martinico, Doiiu- nico, Barbouthos, Monserrat, Mevis, Autego, &c. in all XXVIII. In Two Books. The First containing the ]S"atural; the Second, the Moral History of those Islands. With a Caribbian-Vocabvlary, old calf Lond. for Thomas Bring and John Starlceg, 1666, fol. Four prel. leaves; viz. Title, Dedication, and Preface; text, 351 pp. 'A Caribbian Vocabulary,' .5 leaves; Table, 3 leaves. A considerable part of the impression was destroyed in the Great Fire of London; hence its rarity. 725 Davila (Gil Go>-zalez) Teatro Eclesiastico de la Primitiva /■? ^ Iglesia de las Indias Occideutales, Vidas de svs Arzobispos, ^ Obispos, V Cosas memorables de svsSedes. 2 vols. ^/ 'Madrid, Biego Biaz de la Carrera, 1619-1655, fol. O'^-tyt^ Vol. I. 7 prel. leaves and 308 pp. with 4 seq. leaves. 16 extra leaves are in- serted as titles, etc. in the text. There is a Map engraved on copper at p. 105. Vol. II. 1655. 8 prel. and llOfolioed leaves. This book abounds with carious statistics and memoranda of memorable occurrences, and of the first introduction of arts and letters, priuliug, etc. See p. 7, etc. The Vocabularies are also highly valuable. M 82 THIED day's bale. ', t> 726 Day (Jeremiah), Pastor, New Preston. The Dhine Eight of /^ Infant Baptism, concisely proved from the Holy Scriptures. ^Xf^ A Sermon Litchfield, Tho. CoUicr, 1790, 43 pp. 8» ? , 727 Deane (John) A Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Netting- a ham-Galley, [in her Voyage to Boston]. Publish'd in 1711. c/y Eevis'd, and Eeprinted with Additions in 1726, hf. morocco,^ *^^^^^ tliicJc paper [London^ 24 pp. 8*> / '^ S 728 Deane (John) Narrative, 5th ed. J^ [Lond.] 1762, 2 prel. leaves and 28 pp. So/^ ^^ ^ _ ^ 729 Deane (Silas) An Address to the United States of North /? America, half morocco Lond. 1784, 8* / Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves; text, 95 pp. .^>C^^Pt/ Tbis is the author's vindication of himself from a charge of mismanagement of the public money. 730 De Bow (J. D. B.) Industrial Eesources, etc. of the Southern^J>y and Western States, 4 vols, cloth J ^f^-^'* Neio Orleans, 1853, 2216 pp. 8^ 731 De Castro (Henriquez), or, the Conquest of the Indies. A ■/ Spanish Novel, calf Lond. [16S5], 12» ^^^r Six prel. leaves ; viz. License, Title, Advertisement, and some book sprinted; text, 1(37 pp. 732 Decker (Adolf) Diurnal vnd HisToniscnE Bescheet- 0\ BiiNG DER Nassawischen Flotten SO vnder dem Admiral -v/'^ Jacob rileremite umb die gantze welt gefahren ist, Im 1623, 1624, 1625, vnd 1626, Jahr. very fine copy Straslurg, Eberliard Zetzners, 1629, 4° Six prel. leaves iucluding engraved and printed title pages ; text, 68 pp. Maps and plates at pp. 24, 2S, 34, 45, 50, 52, 56, GO. This original edition is highly prized, particularly by possessors of the collec- tions of Voyages by HuLSius and De Bry, both of whom reprinted Decker. 000 Declaration of the Persecution of the Quakers in New Eng- land. See Burroughs {Edw.) 733 Definitive (The) Treaty of Peace between His Britannick Majesty and the King of Spain, 10th Peb, 1763. To which. The King of Portugal acceded on the same Day Lond. 1763, 48 pp. iP 734 Delafield (John) An Inquiry into the origin of the Anti- quities of America. With an Appendix. By James Lake)'', /^/i M.D. morocco Cincinnati, N. G. Burgess ^ Co. 1839, 4** One hundred and forty-two pp. With 10 plates at pp. 17, 30, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 55, 6), and large folding plate to face the title. 735 Delaroche (Peter), JfmeoMffl/-^. The Gospel of Christ preached to the Poor, half morocco Lunenburg, \Nova Scotia] Printed, at the Author s expence, to he given and not to be sold, 1773, 8" Five prel. leaves ; viz. Title, Dedication, and To the Reader ; text, 09 pp. / / . THIRD day's SILE. 83 • ^730 Dennis (John) Liberty Asserted. A Tragedy, half morocco Lond. 1704, 4" Seven prel. leaves and 64 pp. The scene of this Trug-edy lies at Agnie in Canada. The principal characters Governor Frontenac (French) and Ge- neral Beaufort (English). The author, a man of consummate vanity, deemed his censure of the French, in this Tra;jedy, to have been so severe, that he supplicated the g'overnment to have him mentioned by name in a sub- sequent treaty of peace with France, lest the French King should demand his extradition. ", 737 Dennis (John) Liberty Asserted. Another ed. Jine copy in old red morocco Lond. 1704, 4" Eig-ht prel. leaves; viz. half-title, title, dedication, preface, prologue, epi- logue, and dramatis personse ; text, G8 pp. These two editions are identical as far as page 25, but from thence to the end they difter, the preceding being in fewer pages and with two or three more lines on a page. 738 Denny (Joe). A Narrative of Tacts relative to the Tryal of Joe Denny a Free Coloured Man, for the Murder of John Stroud, a White-Man. And of a Conditional Pardon granted' to the said Joe Denny, unbound BarhaJoes, Edw. Archer, 1797, 2 pr. Is. and 4-5 pp. 4« /■- 739 Denys (Mr.) Description Geographique et Historique des Costes de I'Ameriqve Septentrional e. Vol. I. only Paris, 1672, sm. 8° Vol. I. 16 prel. leaves; text, 267 pp. Large Map. An exceedingly rare volume, especially so when with the map. It is highly commended by Charlevoix. 740 Description (A) of the Pour Parts of the "World .... How America vi^as First Discovered by the Europeans, and what Purchases they have made therein. Collected from the Writ- ings of the best Historians, calf extra, red edges, hy Bedford Edinh. 1695, 23 pp. 8° 000 Description des Terres Magellauiques. See Magellan. y y^741 Devotion (John), Pastor, Third Church, Sai/broo/c, The Duty and Interest of a People to sanctify the Lord of Hosts. A Sermon, preached before the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, at Hartford, on the Day of the Anniversary Election, May S**", 1777, uncut Hartford, Eben. Watson, 1777, 39 pp. 8o Diaz del Castillo (Berkal) Historia Verdadera de X /% LA CONQUISTA DE LA NdEYA EsPAiIA, Calf gilt J' // Madrid, en la Imprenta del Bey no, 1632, fol. Original Edition. Title; Licences, Epistles, etc. 5 leaves; 254 folioecf leaves ; Table, 11 pp. Bernal Diaz was the companion of Cortes in his adventures and battles. See an interesting note as to the author and his work in Robertson's History, Vol. II. note 1. Diaz del Castillo (Berxal) Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva EspAiiA, 4 vols, old Spanish calf Madrid, Benito Cano, 1795-96, 16° Vol. I. 4 prel. leaves; viz. half-title, title, and ' El Autor' ; text, 367 pp. II. 179fi', 382 pp. ; Erratas, 1 page. III. 1?9G,3G4 pp. ; Erratas, 1 page. IV. 1796, 573 pp. y7 Y '^.6 742 // 743 1» '^ 84 THIED day's bale. '. ^ 744 Diaz del Castillo (Bernal) The True History of the Conquest ^T*^ . of Mexico. Trausl. by Maurice Keatinge, bds. uncut ^^^ Lond. 1800, 4"'^ viii. prel. pp.; text, 514 pp, ; ' Notes and Errata,' 1 page. Plan of Mexico. ' ' 745 Dickinson (Jonathan), Minister, Elisabeth-Toxon, A Sermon Preached at the opening of the Synod at Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1722. Wherein is considered the Character of the Man of God, with the true boundaries of the Churches Power,' half morocco Boston, T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish, 1723, 8° Half-title, title, and 24 pp. / , / 746 Dickinson (Jonathan) A Defence of Presbyterian Ordination ; 'a in answer to a Pamphlet, entituled, A Modest Proof of the ^c//, Order and Government settled by Christ in the Church, closely cut Boston, Ban. Hencliman, [1724] 5 pr. Is. and 44 pp. 8o 747 [Dickenson (Jonathan)] A Display of God's Special Grace ; in a Familiar Dialogue between a Minister and a Gentleman of his Congregation, about the "Work of God, in the Con- viction and Conversion of Sinners, so remarkably of late begun and going on in these American Parts ; to which is prefixed an Attestation, by several Ministers of Boston, calf Boston, Bogers and Fowle,for S. Eliot, 1742, 12° Title; ' The Attestation,' vi. pp. signed ' Benjamin Colman, Joseph Sewall, Thomas Prince, John Webb, William Cooper, Thomas Foxcroft, Joshua Gee;' text, 111 pp. This fine copy bears on the fly-leaf, in the hand- writing of the donor, " For the Rev. Dr. Watts, from Dr. Colman of N. E. . 1742." ? ^ - 748 Dickinson (Jonathan) Pamiliar Letters to a Gentleman upon r/ a variety of seasonable and important Subjects in Eeligion, '->^ calf Boston, Bogers and Fowle, and Blanchard, 1745, 8° Title ; preface, 5 pp. ; contents, 1 page ; text, 424 pp. -^ - 749 Dickinson (Jonathan) Pamiliar Letters upon a variety of J^^ Eeligious Subjects, 4th ed. Glasgoio, 1775, 376 pp. 80 9 / 750 Dickenson (Jonathan) God's Protecting Providence .... evidenced in the remarkable Deliverance of Eobert Barrow, with divers other Persons, from the devouring Waves of the Sea, amongst which they suffered Shipwreck, and also from the cruel devouring Jaws of the inhuman Cannibals of Florida, 7th ed. hf cf. Lond. 1790, 130 pp. 12« 9 ^ / 751 Dickinson (Moses) An Answer to a Letter from an aged Layman to the Clergy of Connecticut ; in which the Eights of the consociated Churches are maintained, the con- sociation that appeared against the Ordination of Mr. Dana at Wallingford vindicated, etc. New Haven, James Farlccr, [1707?] 30 pp. 8« iniED day's sale. 85 ^ • 752 DiZRETiLEE. Eelatiou du Voyage duPortEoyal de I'Acadie, ou de la Xouvelle France, calf, hy Clarke and Bedford Amst., F. Humlerf, 1710, 12o J^ Teu prel. leaves, consisting of engraved frontispiece, title, ' Epitre,' and 'Catalogue;' text, 230 pp. ; -with 4 sequent leaves. This is a fine copy, Tvitb the autograph of THOM.A.S Gray, the author of the " Elegy written in /a Country Churchyard," on the title-page. y- — 752*— Another copy ib. VJlOj^^' jr, /753 Discourse (A) on Trade, more particularly on Sugar and ^^> -^ '^ Tobacco, THICK paper, hf mor. Load. 1733, 24 pp. 8° ^^^ _ 751; Dixon (George) A Voyage round the "World, but more par- ■^ • ticularly to the North-west Coast of America, in 1785-88, calf Lond. 1789, 4P Fifteen prel. leaves — viz. Title, Dedication, Introduction, Contents, Errata, and Directions to the Binder ; text, 360, and ' Appendix No. II.' 47 pp. ; 22 maps and plates, ?• o 755 Dobbs (Arthur) An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay, in the jSTorth-west Part of America, If. russ. Lond. 1744, 4" Title; dedication, 2pp.; text, 211pp.; with map of North America, by Joseph La France. f ^ 756 Doty (John) 3Iissionart/, A Sermon preached at the opening '^ of Christ's Church at Sorel, in the Province of Canada, Dec. 25, 1785, If. mor. Montreal, Fletiry Mesplet, 1786, 14 pp. 8" 757 Douglass (AVilltam) A Summary, Historical and Political, ■ y- of the Pirst Planting, Progressive Improvements, and Present y'^ /'^' ^ State of the British Settlements in North America, 2 vols.^^^ fine copy in old calf Lond. 1755, 8*"^ Vol. I. 5 prel. leaves and 568 pp.; Map of North America. Vol. II. 3 prel. leaves and 416 pp. An exact reprint of the Boston edition of 1749. Y 758 Douglass (William) Another edition, 2 vols, fine copy Zo;?^. 1760, 8° The same collation as the edition of 1755. This is a reprint of the edition^ of 1755, almost page for page. There are a few alterations and cor- rections. At the heads of each page are placed the Parts and Sections. Although at the end of the Contents oi Yo\\xn\e I. there is "Place the Map to face the Title of Vol. I." no copy has yet been met with in the original state bearing the Map. 759 DowTfixG (Sir George) A Eeply to the Eemarks of the Deputies of the Estates General upon his Memorial of December 20, 1644, Old Style, uncut Lond. 1665, 4» Title, and 104 pp. Sir G. Downing was one of the earliest Graduates of Harvard College, and fouuder of Downing College, Cambridge. A large part of this volume relates to the affairs of New Netherlands, now New York. ^ 760 Drake (Daniel) An Anniversary Discourse, on the State and •^ ' Prospects of the Western Museum Society Cincimwti, Ohio, 1820, 36 pp. sm. S" ^. 86 THIBD day's sale. '- 761 Drake (Sir Francis). The Trumpet of Fame, written by H. E. "/L^j. and first printed in 1595, 2nd ed. If. mor. /A^ Kent., 'private i)r ess of Lee Trior jj, 1818, 12" Preface, pp. iii-iv, signed ' T. Park ;' text, 14 pp. ^ . 762 Drake (Sir Francis). The Life of the celebrated Sir Francis Drake, the First Circumnavigator Lond. 1828, 4" , rive prel. leaves and 8.3 pp.; with portrait of Drake, plate of a chair, an verses; ' Richmondsof Highhead Castle, Pedigree,' at page 72. Privately printed. Copies with the Genealogies are uncommon. ^ - 7G3 Drake (Samuel Grardner) Genealogical and Biographical Ac- / cou]it of the Family of Drake in America, with some Notices (A/^^ of the Antiquities connected with the early times of person^'^^'^^^ of the Name in England, hf. mor. [_£oston], private jjress of George CooUdge, for Samuel Gardner Dralee, 184:5, 8° Title and dedication, 2 leaves ; preface, pp. iii-viii, signed ' Sam. G. Drake ;' text, pp. 9-51. 701 Drake (S, Gr.) History and Antiquities of Boston, from its first Settlement in 1630 to 1770, onaps, plates, portraits, fac- similes of autogra'phs, etc. hf. mor. Boston, 1856, 840 pp. royal 8« 765 Drewe (Edward). Dedicated to the British Army, Military Sketches Exeter, 1781, 8« Title, and 15G pp. On page 117 of this quaint book begins a Poem (ufc*^ vulgo) ' An Elegiac Epistle, addressed to a Priend, on my leaving Boston in 1775, for the cure of my Wounds, sustained at Bunker's Hill.' *, 6 766 Duche (Eev. Jacob) of Philadelphia, Human Life a Pilgrim- / age ; or the Christian a Stranger and Sojourner upon Earth : o<5^ a Sermon, occasioned by the Death of the Hon. Eichard Penn, Esq. one of the Proprietaries of the Province of Penn- sylvania, preached April 21, 1771, uncut . Philadelphia, D. Hall, and W. Sellers, 1771, 23 pp. 8« >*. 6 767 Duche (Jacob) Discourses on Various Subjects, 2nd ed. /^f 2 vols. LAsaE PAPEE, old tree calf fine copy Lond. 1780, 8" rJ^/c^ Yol. I. xii pp. ; contents and subscribers' names, 4 leaves ; text, .302 pp. ; with froutisp. and port. H. Title and contents, 4 leaves; text, 430 pp.; with frontisp. y( ' - 768 Dummer (Jeremiah) A Defence of the New England Charters, 1st ed. hf.mor. Lond. 1721, 8°^ Title, 5 and 80 pp. Dummer was the Agent of Massachusetts in England. ^ . 769 — New England Charters, another ed. hf.mor. 7^^^ L.ond. [1765], 88 pp. 8«^'^ 770 Dunton (John) The Life and Errors of, 2 vols. hf. cf / ^tr'^ i Lond. 1818, 8° Y. Vol. I. xxxii pp. and 413 pp. II. Title, and pp. 414-776 ; with portrait of 'JohuDuuton, 1817.' ^ J^ ^ THIED day's sale. 87 771 Duquesne (Marquis) Vindicated from the Aspersions cast on his Conduct while Commander of Tort Charles, at Port Eoyal in Jamaica, thick papee, lif. mor. Load. 1728, 42 pp. 8° 772 Durham (Earl of) Eeport on the Affairs of British Korth America, with Appendix, 2 parts Lond. 1839, 181 pp. fol. 773 Dvtch (The) Svrvey ; wherein are related and truly dis- y^ coursed the chiefest Losses and Acquirements which have ■'Cr^ past betweene the Dutch and the Spaniards in these last four yeares Warres of the jS^etherlands, with a comparative ballancing and estimation of that which the Spaniards haue got in the Dutchies of Cleeve and luliers, with that which they haue lost vnto the Dutch and Persians in Brasilia, Lima, and Ormus Lond. 1625, 4*' Title ; Dedication to Cromwell, 3 pp. signed ' W. C. ;' To the Reader, 2 pp, ; text, 36 pp. 774 Du Tertre (Jean Baptiste) Missionaire, Histoire G-enerale des Isles de S. Christophe, de la Gvadelovpe, de la Martiniqve, et avtres dans I'Ameriqve, 1st ed. old calf Paris, 1G54, 4P ^ Eig-ht prel. leaves — viz. Title, Epistre, Av Lectevr, Table, and Licentia ; test, 488 pp.; ' L'ImiMession de ce Livre,' 6 pp.; Errata, 1 pa^e ; Maps at pp. 1, 27, and 6S. / 775 Dwight (Timothy) The Conquest of Canaan, a Poem, in /,/^a^ Eleven Books, 1st ed, •^ t/^^^ Hartford, Elislia Bahcoch, 1785, 4 pr. Is. and 304 pp. 12° 776 Dwight (Timothy) A Statistical Account of the Towns and Parishes in the State of Connecticut, published by the J/ /-^^ Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Yol. I. No. 1, lif. mor. New Haven, Walter and Steele, 1811, 8*' xi. and 83 pp. Has the autograph of Adam Seybert on the title. y 777 Eachard (Laurence) Compendium of Geography, General and Qf^ Special, calf Lond 1691, 12« ""^^ Nine prel. leaves ; text, 168 pp. ; ' Index,' 17 pp. ; two maps of ' Europa — Asia,' facing the title ; ' Africa — Amei-ica,' at page 116. 778 East Ixdian Yotage (The Last) containing mvch varietie of the State of the seuerall Kingdomes where they haue traded ; with the Letters of three seuerall Kings to th Kings Maiestie of England; begun by one of the Voyage, since continued out of the faithfull obseruations of them that are come home, hf. mor. Lond. T. P. for Walter Burre, 1606, 4° Title, reverse blank ; ' To the Reader,' 1 page, signed ' W. B. ;' text, sig. B to K in fours. \ 779 ''Eastman (Tilton) Pastor at PandolpJi, A Sermon, preached in Sharon, Vermont, March 12, 1806, at the. Ordination of the Eev. Samuel Bascom Hanover, JV. H. Moses Davis, 1806, 31 pp. 8'' 88 THIED day's sale. ^ 780 Eckley (Joseph) Minister ^ of Boston, A Discourse before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, Nov. 7, 1805, uncut Boston, E. Lincoln, 1806, 36 pp. 8° 781 Eden (Eichaed) The History of Teauayle rsi the \ /^ - /? West and East Indies, and other Countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Mohiccaes ; newly set ^r- in order, augmented, and finished by Eieharde Willes^^^;^^ hlach. lttttt,jfine co])y, in red morocco, hy F. Bedeord Bond. Rich. Btgge, 1577, 4P Ten prel. leaves ; half-title, ' Certayne Preambles,' etc. the reverse blank ; text in black letter, 4C6 folioed leaves ; ' I?. VVilles Speciall aduises,' ' 5 pp. ; ' The Table,' 7 pp. This is a reprint of The Decades of the Nerve World, 1555, with some additions. Rich devotes two pages to the de- scription of this important historical book. ./ f/ 782 Edwards (Brian) Thoughts respecting the Trade of '^\q Jyt/ "West India Islands with the United States of America, 2nd y.. • Ed. with a Postscript, hf. onor. Bond. 1784, 8<^ Four prel. pp. text 91 pp. An important Tract in reference to free trade in shijipinj. t/~ 783 Edwards (Bryan) Historical Survey of St. Domingo q( Bondon, 1797, ^^ €>^ Title, table of contents, 24 pp. Text pp. 1 to 247. "2, 784 Edwards (Bryan) The History of the British Colonies in the West Indies, 2ud Ed. 2 vols. cf. Bond. 179 i, 4« Vol. I. liv. prel. pp; and text in 494 pp. 12 Maps and Plates. Vol, II. Title and 520 pp. Errata 1 page. 4 plates. ^_ /785 Edwards (Jonathan) Minister, iVbrf/iomjj^oj?, A Eaithful Nar- rative of the Surprizing Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northampton, etc. New-Englandf with a Large Preface by Dr. Watts and Dr. Guyse, calf . . / Bond. 1737, 148 pp. 12° '^' ^. 786 — Narrative, etc. 2nd Ed. Bond. 1788, 142 pp. 12° 2 . 6 "7^7 — Narrative, etc.— Another Ed. Bdinb. 1738, 105 pp. 8° ^ / 788 — Narrative, etc. Extracted from Edwards' Letter to Dr. "^ • ^ Coleman, by John Wesley, 2nd Ed. {sic.) Zon^.3755, 48 pp. 12" 789 — Narrative, etc. — Another Ed. Bond. C. WJiittinffJwm, 99 pp. 12" ^ . ^790 Edwards (Jonathan) Some Thoughts concerning the present -^ Eevival of Eeligion in New-England, calf vC/^ Boston, printed: Bdinh. rcpr. 1743, 225 pp. 8° f. /791 — Thoughts, etc.— Another Ed. Abridg'd by John Wesley y^ Bond. 1745, 124 pp. 12° /*^ .^ t^792 Edwards (Jonathan). The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of ^ / the Spirit of God. Extracted from Mr. Edwards, by John ^^ . Wesley, 2nd Ed. Bond. 1755, 48 pp. 12« ' ^ ■ ^.r ^793 Edwards (Jonathan). Life of the late Eev. David Braincrd, A Missionary to the Indians, with an Appendix relative to the "O^ Indian Alfairs, cf. Bdinb. 17G5, 510 pp. 8° I./ 9 Z.J THIRD day's sale. 80 j7. a 794 Edwards (Jonathan) The Injustice and Impolicy of the Slave Trade, and of the Slavery of the Africans : a Sermon Preached before the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Freedom, uncut, icanting the Ajjpendix \^New London f ] Thomas and Samuel Oreen, 1791, 8" Half-title; title, and pp. 3-30, and Appendix pp. 795 Edwards (Jonathan) Life of, calf extra, hy Bedford ^^^ Boston, S. Kneeland, 1765, 8° /^^^ Four prel. leaves and 97 pp. 796 Edwards (Thomas). A Letter to Mr. Thomas Edwards. The Dedication of the Letter to our much suspected friend, INIr. T. Edwards, Scavenger General!, throughout Grreat-Britaine, New-England, and the united Provinces, chiefly Amsterdam, and Munster, and indeed by vertue of some fair pretences, Intermedler in all the States of Chri3tendome,_^;je copy Land, for Tho. Yeere, 1647, 12 pp. 4° ^ ^ , 797 Egede (Hans) Mission'drs und Bischofes in Ch'onJand, 3es- r y// chreibung und Xatur-Geschichte von Gronland, iibersetzet von D. Joh. Ge. Kriinitz, hf. cf. Berlin, 1763, 8° xii. pp. and 237 pp. Jlap at page 29, and 10 plates at pao^es 69, 85, 89, 98, 107, 125, 127, 137, 178, 179, 798 Eleutherius. The Scripture-Bishop Vindicated, A Defence .-n of the Dialogue between Prajlaticus and Eleutherius, upon /Jy the Scripture-Bishop, or the Divine Eight of Presbyterian/>^^^^ I Ordination and Government : against a Pamphlet, Intitled The Scripture-Bishop Examin'd. By Eleutherius, V.D.M. In a letter to a YrienA., fi^ie copy, original binding Boston, S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1733, 8<» ^ Half-title, title, and 126 pp. followed by a Second title, ' Eusebius Inermatus. Just Remarks on a late Book,' Intituled ' Eleutherius Enervatus,' etc. . By Pliileluth Bangor, V.E.B.' etc. Title, and 158 pp. / t^/ 799 Eliot (Andrew). The Faithful Steward. A Sermon, by,^^^ Andrew Eliot, ]\I.A. At his Ordination to the Pastoral Charge of the ]S"ew ]S[orth Church in Boston, in conjunction with the Eev. Mr. Webb, Ap. 14, 1742 Boston, Tho. Fleet, for Samuel Eliot, 1742, 8" Title and pp. 5-35. ^'''^800 Eliot (Andrew) An inordinate Love of the "World inconsis- tent with the Love of God. A Sermon preached in Boston, Aug. 2, 1744 Boston, Rogers and Fowle,for S. Eliot, 1744, 8"' Title and pp. 5-31. ^ . 801 Eliot (Andrew) An evil and adulterous Generation. A / Sermon preached on the Public Fast, Ap. 19, 1753 /^y^ Boston, S. Kneeland, for J. Winter, 1753, 8" ''^^ /Title and 26 pp. 802 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached at the Ordination of /^ the Eev. Joseph Roberts, to the Pastoral Care of a Church ^Jy in Leicester, Oct. 23, 1754 Boston, D. Foide,for J. Winter, [1754] 41 pp. 8<^ N J 2.1 90 THIED day's sale. / 803 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached Oct. 25th, 1759. Being a Day of Public Thanksgiving for the Success of the Britisli Arms this Tear ; especially in the deduction of Quebec, the Capital of Canada Boston, Daniel and John Kneeland,for J'. Winter, 1759, title and pp. 5-43, 8^ 804 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached Sept. 17, 1766. At the Ordination of the Eeverend Mr. Ebenezer Thayer, to th Pastoral Care of the Pirst Church in Hampton Boston, Kneeland S[ Adams, for Thomas Lcverett, 1766, 35 pp. 8° ^ . h ^^^ Eliot (Andrew) A Discourse on Natural Eeligion, delivered /^ in the Chapel of Harvard College, Cambridge, May 8, 1771 /JA Boston, Daniel Kneeland, for Nicholas Bowes, 1771, 8<'/'^*^'^ Title and pp. v-xlv. ' A List' etc. 2 pp. ^ - 806 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Eev. Joseph Willard, to the Pastoral care of the first Church in Beverly, in conjunction with the Bev. Joseph Champney, Nov. 25, 1772. To which are annexed, The Charge, by the Eev. Dr. Appletou, and the Bight Hand of Pellowship, by the Eev. Mr. Holt Boston, Thomas and John Fleet, 1773, 8° Title and pp. 5-47. > 2^ , 807 Eliot (Andrew) Christ's Promise to the penitent Thief. A ^ Sermon preached the Lord's-Day before the Execution of "^-^ Levi Ames, who suftered Death for Burglary, Oct. 21, 1773, .^t. 22. N.B. This discourse was preached at the desire of the Prisoner, who was present when it was delivered ^ Boston, John Boyle, 1773, 36 pp. 8" '^ ' 808 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached at the Ordination of [his / Son] Andrew Eliot, A.M., to the Pastoral care of the Eirst cS^ Church in Eairfield, June 22, 1774 Boston, John Boyle, 1774, 8° Title, dedication, and pp. 7-46. 809 Eliot (John) A Biographical Dictionary, containing a brief account of the Eirst Settlers, and other Eminent Characters, in New-England, half calf Boston, 1809, viii and 511 pp.; Errata, 1 pa^e. This volume is from the library of the late Robert Southey, it having; been sent to the Poet laureate by Prof. Tickuor. On the fly-leaf is a manuscript note, — " This book is worthy of the strictest faith and credit. G. T." ^ /y 810 Eliseo (Padre) Aviendo Eepresentado el Conde de Monterey a su Magestad los agrauios y molestias, que los Indies de la Nueua Espafia recibian, por orden de los juezes que los re^'. partian, para seruicios personales, se le mando que no se repartiessen, pero que se diesse orde como se alquilassen, y no estuuiessen ociosos : con la qual los de buen zelo quedaron . contentosy satisfechos,^?2ecoj5i/ [1643], 8 folioed leaves, fol. y^ ^ 811 Ehzabeth (Queen) The Life and Glorious Eeign of. Like- ^ wise. An Account of Sir Erancis Drake's Yoyage round th^ 7^^^ "World. Also, An Account of the Destruction of the grear Fleet, call'd the Spanish Armado, etc. Bond. 1708, 16 pp. 8° //• ,/ THIED day's sale. 91 812 Ellis (Heury) A Voyage to Hudson's Bay, by tlieDobbs Gral- ley and Caltfornia, in the Tears 1746 and 1747, for Disco- // vering a North West Passage ; with An Accurate Survey of V/ the Coast, and a short Natural History of the Country, //7^ LAEGE PAPEH, old Calf Loud. 1748, 8° xxviii pp. and 33G pp. Cbart of North West Passage, and 9 Plates. ? - 813 — Another copy, small paper ib. 1748, 8° 814 Ellwood (Thomas) An Epistle to Friends .... 'warning A ^ thein to beware of that Spirit of Contention and Division /i jf, which hath appeared of late in Greorge Keith, and some few /J/{y^ others that join with him, who have made a Breach and Separation from Friends in some Parts of America Lond. 1694, sm. 8° Seventy-three pp. Postscript, etc. pp. 74-75. / » 815 Ellwood (Thomas) A Further Discovery of that Spirit of Con- tention and Division which hath appeared of late in Greorge Keith, &c. Lond. 1694, 128 pp. 8° Much of this has relation to America. ^_ 816 Emerson (George B.) A Report on the Trees and Shrubs growing naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. Pub- lished by the Commissioners of the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the State, cloth Boston, 1846, 8° XV pp. ; and 534 pp. Explanation of the plates, 1 page. Index, pp. 538- 547, 17 plates. ^ . 817 Emigration to America, candidly considered. In a series of Letters, uncut \Lond.\ T. Clio Richman, 1798, 72 pp. 8° ^ 818 Emmons (Nathanael) Pastor, in Franklin, A Discourse, ■^ ' delivered on the Annual Fast in Massachusetts, April 9, 1801, uncut Salem, repr. by Joshua Cusliing, 1802, 36 pp. 8° ^ ^ 819 Englishman Deceived (The) ; A Political Piece : wherein some very important Secrets of State are briefly recited, hf. morocco Lond. New York, repr. by John Holt, 1768, title and 42 pp. 8° //^ 820 Ens (G-aspar) I>diae Occidentalis Histoeia : in qva /^ prima regionum istarum detectio, situs, iucolarum mores, aliaque eo pertinentia, breuiter explicantur. Ex variis Avto- ribvs collecta, calf, by Bedford, fine copy Coloniae, anno 1612, 8" Four prel. leaves ; text, signatures A to Z in eight, and A a in 4 leaves. Pagination very irregular. Last page 370. This is an abridgement of the Petit Voyage of De Biy, and is generally attached to that collection. f 821 Entick (John) The General History of the Late War : Con- taining it's Eise, Progress, and Event, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, 3rd Ed. corrected, 5 vols, old calf Load. 1775, 8« Vol. I. 2 prel. leaves and 495 pp. With 8 copper plates and maps, II. 4G4 pp. 11 copper plates and maps. III. 4S0 pp. with 9 portraits. IV. 480 pp. with lOmapsand portraits. V. 470 pp. with 11 portraits. Index, 25 pp. with list of plates. 92 THIED bat's sale. \ // 822 Eecilla y Cuniga (Alonso de) Peimeea, Segtnda, y Teeoeea Pastes "de la Aeatcana, Hue morocco, by Bed- H^/^ ford Anvers, Fedro Bellero, 1597, sm. 12° Part I. 12 prel, nnd 146 folioed leaves with 8 pp. of Table. Part II. Title; 1 leaf and folios 149 to 273. Part III. Title and folios 275 to 330. /a // 823 EsQUEMELiNG (John) Bucaniees of Ameeica : or, a true Account of the most remarkable Assaults committed of late years upon the Coasts of the West-Indies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French, more especially, the TJnparallerd Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, ^ our English Jamaican Hero, who sack'd Puerto Velo, 'h\xTnt^^,/j^^^ Panama, etc. 2 vols, laege papee, calf extra, hy Bedford, SPLENDID COPT Lond. Will. CrooJce, 1684-5, 4° Six prel. leaves ; viz. title, and To the Reader ; text, ' Part I.' 115 pp., with copper plate engraving on page 24 ' Elisa, y Piilas ;' portrait of ' Barto- lomew Portugues' at page 95 ; and portrait of 'Rock Brasiliano,' at page 102. 'Part II.' 151 pp., with a copper plate of 'The Spanish Armada destroyed by Captaiue Morgan,' at page 135. 'Part HI.' 124 pp., with a copper plate 'A Map of the Countrey and City of Panama,' at page 31. 'The Table,' 11 pp. Part IV. Title, ' Bucaniers of America, The Second Volume, 1685;' preface, 13 pp.; text, 212 pp.; Table, and Catalogue of Books printed by Crooke, 12 leaves (viz. Table, 17 pp. ; Catalogue, 7 pp.) ; folded map, ' Description of the South Sea and Coasts of America, 1680-81 ;' 'Description of Hilo,' a folded slip map, at p. 98 ; also several maps printed with the text. The following is from the London Gazette of June 8, 1685, and probably refers to this first Edition. " Westminster, June 1. There have been lately Printed and Published two Books, one by Will. Crook, the other by Tho. Malthas, both Intitled The History of the Bucaniers : both which Books contained many False, Scan- dalous and Malitious Reflections on the Life and Actions of Sir Henry Morgan of Jamaica Kt. The said Sir Henry Morgan hath by Judgment had in the King's-Bench-Court, recovered against the said Libel £200 Damages. And on the humble Solicitation and Request of William Crook, hath been pleased to withdraw his Action against the said Crook, and ac- cept of his Submission and Acknowledgement in Print." J 824 — Bucaniers. Another Ed.j^^ie copy, old cf. Lond. 1699, 8° Title and Preface 2 leaves ; text to end of the Third Part, 180 pp. with ""^^ Sharp's Map of South America at p. 1 ; portraits of Bartholomew Porta- /^* gues at p. 43, Rock Brasiliano at p. 47, Francis Lolonois at p. 52, and of Sir Henry Morgan at p. 79; copper plates, Cruelty of Lolonois at p. 66, Sacking of Puerto del Principe at p. 80. Text of the Second Volume, or Part IV. 180 pp. with maps at pp. 15, 17, 21, 22, 33, 128, 133, and 160, besides several smaller ones inserted in the text. Index, 6 leaves. Title ' A Journal of a Voyage,' etc. by Lussun, followed by 1 leaf; text 180 pp. Voyage of De Montauban pp. 181 to 204. / S , 825 — Bucaniers. 3rd Ed. Lond. 1704, 8o 0^ y The collation and list of plates the same as in the Edition of 1699. / ^*- ^ 826 — Bucaniers. Another Ed. Glasgow, 1762, 132 pp. ll^J^^^^ P X 827 — Bucaniers. 5th Ed. 2 \o\.i.flne copy in old tree calf ^ Lond. 1771, 12-' ^V Vol. I, title and preface 2 leaves ; text 360 pp. Vol. II, title and 360 ^"^./ZcC ' Index,' 12 pp. ' THIRD day's sale. 93 ^ , 828 Essay (An) on the Legality of Impressing Seamen ^ Lond. 1777, title and 126 pp. 8° iJ ^-C^ 829 EsTACio DO Amaeal (Melchioe) Tratado Das Batal- HAS, E SvcESSos DO Galeao Sanctiago COM OS Olaxdeses KA Ilha de Sancta Elena. E da Nao Chagas com os Yn- . J . // gleses antre as Ilhas dos Azores : Ambas Capitainas da car- reira da India. E da causa, & desastres, porque em vinte annos se perderao trinta & oito naos della : com outras cousas curiosas, red morocco extras hy Bedford Lisboa, Antonio Aluares, 1604, 4° Title having' on the reverse the Licences; Dedication 'A Doiio Theodosio' 1 page; ' Errata' 1 page ; text in 65 folioed leaves, followed by a leaf with 4 woodcuts upon it. At folio 23 is a copper-plate map of the Island of St. Helena, 14 by 10 inches. We cannot trace the sale of any other copy of this valuable book. // 830 Esteada (Pedeo de). Eelacion Symaeia del Auto parti- /O' f/ cvlar de Eee, qve el Tribvnal del Santo Officio de la Inquisi- /y cion de los Reynos, y Prouiucias de la Nueua Espaiia, cq\q-//^^ bro en la muy noble, y muy leal Ciudad de Mexico a los/ ^'^ diez y seis dias del mes de April, ario 1G46 Mexico, Fr. Mohledo, Impressor del Secreto del Santo Officio, 1646, title and 26 leaves, 4° 831 Evans ( Jobn) Memoirs of the Life and "Writings of the Rev. ^f / William Richards, LL.D. who died at Lynn, Sept. 13, 1819. /)/ With some Account of the Rev. Roger Williams, Foujider 'f/Y^ of the State of Rhode Island, hds. uncut ^ ' ChiswicJc, C. Whittinffhmn, 1819, 12° xxxii and 396 pp. With portrait of William Richards. 832 Evans (Lewis) Greographical, Historical, Political, Philosophi- ' 'P // cal and Mechanical Essays. The Eirst, containing an Ana- /^ '^' ' lysis of a Greneral Map of tiie Middle British Colonies in/^// America ; and of the Country of the Confederate Indians/'c>'^^^^*""^ lialf morocco Philadelphia, printed hj B. Eeais^klix, and D. Sail, 1755, 4" Thirty-six pp. and Map. {/. 833 — The same, 2nd Ed. with map, hf. morocco Philadelphia, printed hy B. Fbanklik, and I>. Sail, 1755, 4° 834 — The same, 2nd Ed. large papee, half morocco, iincut Philadelphia, printed hy B. Eranklin, and D. Sail, 1755, fol. ? ^ , iv. and 32 pp. With the large Map 27^ by 20^ inches, coloured. This is • — - ^ a presentation copy from the Author to Dodsley the Publisher. On the , back of the Map is the following Letter, in the autograph of Mr. Evans. y'„ " To Mr. R. Dodsley, Bookseller in Pall Mall, London. Sir, I am uncer- 4_^>'^ tain whether I shall be able to transmit to New York, to overtake a ship to Hull, a parcel of these Maps intended for you. Your most humble Servt, Philadelphia, July 30, 1755. Lewis Evans. " This comes under of favour of the Revd. Mr. Php. Frances." ^ / 835 E^'^ans (Lewis) Essays. Number II. Containing a Letter / ^ representing the Impropriety of sending Forces to Virginia: -vX.^ The Importance of taking Frontenac, etc. half morocco '" f-f^ Lond. 1756, 35 pp. 4P The continuatiou of the preceding number. 94 THIRD day's sale. ^ 836 Evergreen (The) An offering for all Seasons, edited by J. , . Salkeld, ^/«^es New York, 1850, 380 pp. 8°'^''^^ ^ 837 Examination (An) of the Eights of the Colonies upon Prin- Of '^ ' ciples of Law Lond. 1766, title, & pp. 5-42, 8° "^^ ^ 838 Examination (An) of the British Doctrine which subject to j6j^ rupture a Neutral Trade not open in time of Peace. Second "^^^ ^ / edition Lond. rej)r. 1806, title, & 200 pp. 8° i. . ^ 839 Eyquem du Martineau (Matburin) Le Pilote de I'onde vive, ou le secret du Elux et Eeflux de la Mer ; Contenant xxj / , Mouvemens ; et du Point Eixe. D'un Yoyage abrege de^^^^^i^^ Indies, & de la Quadrature du Cercle, composez sur les Prin- cipes de la Nature ; nouvellement decouverts, & mis en lumiere Paris, Jean Dhoury, 1678, 8 pr. Is. and 221 pp. 16° / , 840 Eabry (Joseph Antonio) Compendiosa Demostracion de los Crecidos adelantamientos que pudiera lograr la Eeal hacienda / de Su Magestad mediante la rebaja evel precio del Azogue^^^^^K^ que se consume para el laborio de las Minas de este Eeyno, etc. vellmn Mexico, par la Tiuda de D. Joseph Bernardo de Sogal, 1713 39 pr. Is. & 178 pp. 4° ^ ^ 841 Eaction Detected, by the Evidence of Facts, containing An Impartial View of Parties at Home, and Affairs Abroad, 4tb ^J^* Ed. Lond. 1743, 8° Half-title, title, and pp. 5-175. ^ . 842 Eage (Eobert) Cosmography, or, A Description of tbe "Whole ^ World. Enlarged with very many and rare Additions. Very delightful to be read in so small a Volum Lond. S. Grijfinfor John Overton, 1667, 8° Three prel. leaves; viz. Title and 'To the Reader.' Text, pp. 3-166. A great part of this book pertains to America, especially from page 1 12 to 166. A^A 843 Ealconer (Richard) The Voyages, Dangerous Adventures and jn^ imminent Escapes of : containing the Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Indians in America: his being taken by the Indians of Virginia, etc. old calf Lond. 1720, 8'^ Title, and Preface, 2 leaves; text in 136, and 180 pp. With copper-plate frontispiece. ^^j, ^ . ^844 — Voyages, 6th Ed. corrected Lond. 1769, 12" ^2 Three prel. leaves ; and 276 pp. Index, 5 pp. ' Narrative of a Great De- liverance at Sea,' etc. viii and 46 pp. Without the frontispiece. ^Jy ^ ^ 845 Ealconer (Thomas), Barrister at Laio, A Statemsent of ihefjf^^ British Claims to the Oregon Territory, in Opposition to the Pretensions of the Government of the United States of Ame- y rica Lond. 1845, 46 pp. Index 1 p. S" ^(^ 2,. 846 — Oregon Question, 2ud Ed. \U/>^ Lond. 1845, 50 pp. postscript 4 pp. 8° ^ 847 Ealkner (Thomas) A Description of Patagonia, and the Ad- A^ "^ - joining Parts of South America Hereford, C. Pugh, 1774, 4° <>^ Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves; Contents, iv pp.; text, 144 pp. With the Map of South America, in 2 sheets. 'S THIBD day's sale. 95 ^ , 848 False Alarm (The) [By Dr. Samuel Jolmson], lialf morocco Land. 1770, 53 pp. 8° 9 ^ 849 Fancourt (Charles St. John) The History of Yucatan from its Discovery to the Close of the 17th Century, map of Yucatan, cloth, uncut Lond. 1854, 356 pp. 8° . 850 Faeia t Sousa (Maxuel de) The Portugues Asia : or, the History of the Discovery and Conquest of India by the Por- tugues : containing all their Discoveries from the Coast of Africk, to tlie farthest Parts of China and Japan ; all their Battles by Sea and Land, Sieges and other Memorable Ac- tions ; a Description of those Countries, and many Particu- lars of the Religion, Grovernment and Customs of the natives. Translated by Cap. John Stevens, 3 vol^.Jine copy Lond. for C. Brome, 1695, 8« Vol.1. 16 prel. leaves and 448 pp II. 12 prel. leaves and 526 pp. III. 1 1 prel. leaves and 440 pp. 851 Farnham (Thomas J.) Travels in the Great "Western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Ter- ritory, 2 vols, cloth Lond. 1843, 12» Vol. I. xxiii and 297 pp. A'^ol. II. viii and .315 pp. _ - 852 Fearon (Henry Bradshaw) Sketches of America, 2nd Ed. calf Lond. 1818, title, v-xi and 454 pp. 8° (, /SSS Federalist (The) : a Collection of Essays, written in Favour • ^ of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal Convention, Sept. 17, 1787, 2 vols. JS^'ew York, J. and A. M'Lean, 1788, 12«' First edition. Vol. I. vi and 227 pp. II. vi and 384 pp. Nos. 2.'3, 4, 5 and 64 were written by Mr. Jay ; Xos. 10, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 37 to 58, 62 and 63, were written by Mr. Madison ; the rest by Gen. Hamilton. P _ 854 Federalist (The) : Another copy, Labge and thick papee, calf extra, full yilt backs and sides There is a slip pasted into the first volume containing the words, " Printed and Bound at Franklin's Head, No. 41, Hanover Square, [New York]." So fine a specimen of an American book of this period is seldom met with. ^ , 855 Federalist (The), New Ed. The Numbers Written by Mr. Madison corrected by Himself Washington, Jacob Gideon, Jim. 1818, 671 pp. 8° /- 856 Fish (Joseph) Pastor of Stonington, The Church of Ciirist a firm and durable House. In Sermons on Matth. xvi. 18. delivered at Stonington, 1765, unbound New-London, Timothy Green, 1767, 8* viii. pp. Errata 1 pnge, and text 196 pp. \ 857 Fletcher (J.) of ATadeley, American Patriotism farther con- fronted with Reason, Scripture, and the Constitution : being Observations on the Dangerous Politicks Taught bv the Rev. Mr. Evans, M.A. a)id the Rev. Dr. P. ice. With a Scriptural Plea for the Revolted Colonies, hf mor. Shrewsbury, 1776, 138 pp. 12° 96 THIRD day's sale. / -^ - 858 ninn (Andrew) A Sermon occasioned by the Death of the 'ny. Honble. Judge Wilds, April 1st, 1810 ti^ ^ Charleston, J. Hqf, 1810, 23 pp. 8° ^ - 859 Flint (Timothy) A Condensed Geography and Hist the Western States, or the Mississippi Valley, 2 vols, hds uncut Cincinnati, E. H. Flint, 1828, 8° ^ y Vol. I. 592 pp. II. 520 pp. y ^ " -o 860 Florida. A Description of a Great Sea-Storm, that happened ^-vV" to some Ships in the Gulph of Florida, in September last ^^r*^ Lond. 1671, fol. . / A broad sheet, in verse. O • b 861 — A Description of the AVindward Passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the Course of the British Tradiug Ships to, ''^ and from the Island of Jamaica Lond. 1739, 4° Twenty-three pp. Index and Catalogue, 5 pp. Chart of the Bahama Islands. J- . 802 Flurieu (M. L. C. D.) Discoveries of the French in 1768 and / 1769, to the South-East of New-Guinea, with the subsequentv^s^ Visits to the same Lands by English Navigators, who gave them new names. Lond. 1791, 4'' xsiv. prel. pp .; text 323 pp. Maj^s and plates numbered i-xii. p ^ 863 FoNSECA. A DiscovEET OF FoNSECA, in a Voyage to Sur '^' ranam. The Island so long sought for in the Western Ocean, Inhabited by Women ; with the Account of their Habit Customs, and Religion, calf extra, hy Bedford / / :Rep. at Buhlin, 1682, 8 pp. Signed ' I. S.' 4° ^ • ^ 864 Forbes (Alexander) History of Upper and Lower California, ^ from their first Discovery to the present time, cloth /t-^ Lond. 1839, 8° xvi and 352 pp. 1 lithcg. plates and map of California. ^ i/~ ^ 865 Form (A) of Prayer, Proper to be used in the Churches throughout the Province of New- York, May 12th, being the yy, day appointed for a General Fast and Humiliation. . . . Sind^^^^ to implore the Divine Protection and Blessing on His Ma- jesty's Sacred Person, His illustrious Family, His Kingdoms - and Colonies, His Fleets and Armies, hf. mor. New-Yoric, J. Parker and W. Weyman, 1758, 12 pp. 4*' /y~ 866 Forma, y Modo Breve para tener a Punto de guerra vna nao en ocasion de dar vista al enemigo en esta mar, segun ha /^ instruccion y orden, con que Guarnecio el Galeon Ilamado^/^fj ^., S. Joseph Almiranta Real deste mar del Sur, al segundo dia que salio del Puerto del Callao para el de Panama, Ano de , 1Q1 2, calf extra, hy Bedford {Lima\lQ74i,l^ leaves, 4^ ^ . ^ 867 Forrest (Capt. Tho.) Voyage to New Guinea and the Mo- y luccas, including an Account of the Magindano, Sooloo, and // other Islands, with a Vocabulary of Magindano TonguevV*^ *■ portrait and plates, presentation copy to Governor Phillip, with Autoyraph of the Author 1780, 4° Title, Dedication 2 pp. Introduction 9 pp. Table of Contents, 10 pp. Text pp. 1 to 388. Vocabulary of the Magindano Tongue, pp. 389 to 402. Index, pp. 103 to 411. Directions to the Binder, 1 pp.;^27 Maps and Plates. THIED day's sale. 97 8G8 Foster (Nicholas). A Briefe "Relation of the late Horrid Ee- /bellion acted in the Island Barbadas, in the West Indies. W herein is contained their Inhumane Acts and Actions, in ^ Fining and Banishing the well affected to the Parliament of ^y^ England (both men and women) without the least cause given them so to doe, etc. Acted by the Waldronds and their Abettors, Anno 1650. Written at Sea by Nicholas Foster London, I. G.for Richard Lowndes, 1650, 16° Title, Preface to the Reader, 2 leaves ; text 112 pp. 869 Fowler (Mr.) A General Account of the Calamities occa- sioned by the late tremendous Hurricanes and Earthquakes in the West India Islands, Foreign as well as Domestic : < also a List of the Committee appointed to manage the Sub- scriptions, }if. mor. Lond. 1781, S" Title, Contents, and 86 pp. Advertisement 1 p. ' - 870 Fowler (John) Journal of a Tour in the State of New York, > in the year 1830 Lond. 1831, 12° ^ Title, and 333 pp. . 871 Fox (George). To Friends in Barbadoes, Virginia, Maryland, New-England, and Elswhere, Dated ''London, 2Qth of tlie- 9th Month, 1666,' Signed, 'G. F.' 3 pp. 4° , 872 Fox (George) An Epistle to all Professors in New-England, Germany, and other Parts of the called Christian VVorld. Also to the Jews and Turks throughout the World. That they may see who are the true Worshippers of God, that he seeks, and in what he is worshipped [Lo^id.'] 1673, 16 pp. 4** ^ 873 Fox (Geoege) An Answer to several New Laws and /-, // Orders Made bt the Eulers of Boston in New Eng- land. The Tenth Day of the Eighth Moneth, 1677, red mo- rocco extra, by Bedford [Lond.'] 1678, 7 pp. Signed ' G.F.' 4P 874 Fox (George) Something in Answer to a Letter (which I have seen) of John Leverat, Governour of Boston, to Wil- /y^ '^ liam Coddington Governour of Ehode Island. Dated, 1677. ^ Wherein he mentions my Name, and also wherein John Leverat justifies Eoger Williams' Book of Lyes [Lond. 1677 ?] 11 pp. 4° 875 Fox (George) A Vision concerning the Mischievous Se- , /v y paration among Friends in Old England, uncut y^^ /* ■ Printed and Sold hy Will. Bradford, at ^y^'f . Philadelphia, 1692, 7 pp. 4« ^ -'^^^ Highly curious as an early example of Philadelphian typography. 876 Fox (George) and Burnyeat (John) New England Fire-Bkand Quenched, being an Answer unto a Slander- t/',-.-^ ous Book, Entituled ; George Fox Digged out of his Bur- X rows, &c. Printed at Boston in the Tear, 1676, by Eoger rrx^'" Williams of Providence in New-England \Lond?\ 1679, 4** Fourteen prel. leaves ; and 233 pp. ' The Second Part.' Title and 2.')6 pp. O 98 THIED day's sale. J2 - 877 Fox's Martyrs. An Entire New Work. A New Book of the Sufferings of the Faithful, uncut Lond. 1784, S'' Half-title, title, and 70 pp. Index 1 page. ^ - 878 Foxcroft (Thomas) of Boston, A Practical Discourse Eela- ting to the Gospel-Ministry, preached at his Ordination in Boston, Nov. 20, 1717 Boston, Nic. Buttolpli, 1718, sm. 8° Title, iv, and 65 pp., Errata. f 879 Foxcroft (Thomas) Eli the Priest dying Suddenly. A Ser- ' mon Preach'd in Boston, June 19, 1729, upon Occasion of /jL the Sudden Death of the Rev. John Williams, and of the Jj^e Eev. Thomas Blowers, Imlfmor. Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1729, 8° Title, Dedication to Samuel Sewall, ii pp.; text 36 pp. ; ' Addenda.' 5 pp. P ■ 880 Foxcroft (Thomas) The Pleas of Gospel-Impenitents Ex- . amined and refuted. In Two Sermons, very fine copy in the /j/ original hindinq l^f^ Boston, S. Kneeland and T. Green, for S. Gerrish, 1730, 16° Half-title, title, and 76 pp. On the fly-leaf is the present;ition, in the liand writing of Dr. Foxcroft, "For the Revd. Isaac Watts, D.D. In London." Underneath, in the hand- writing of Dr. Watts, is "from the Author, 1731. A very good book." In the body of the book many passages ai'e marked by Dr. Watts, and in several instances he has made notes, e.«pecially on page 51. 881 Frank (Sebastian) Weltbuchs, von Newen erfundnen Landt- schafften, 2 parts in 1 \o\. fine copy Franckfurt, 1567, folio S'x prel. leaves ; text folioed i to ccxlii ; Register, 7 leaves and one blank y leaf. Followed by ' Ander Theil dieses Weltbucbs von Schiftahrten', et(y^y Title; Dedication 4 leaves; one blank leaf; text folioed 1 to 110, and yc/^ to 59. Colophon 1 page. A large section of this volume relates to America. The second part of the volume, with separate title, consists of Ulric Smith's Indian Voyages, ^^ which was afterwards printed as a distinct volume. 882 [Feanklin (Bei^jamin)] A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, half morocco /_ {^ // London, printed in the Year 1725, 32 pp. 8£^^V^ Unique. This is the long lost but much sought for wiclied Tract of the Youth, Benjamin Franklin. It eluded even the research of Mr. Sparks, who ransacked European and Ameiican libraries for it, and says (vol. viii. p. 405), "No copy of this tract i^ now known to be in existence.'' Franklin, in his Autobiography, says of it, " At Palmer's [in Bartholomew Close, London] I was employed in composing for the second edition of WoWaston's lieligion of Nature [See W'ollaston]. Some of bis rea- sonings not appearing to me well founded, I wrote a little metrtphysical piece in which I macle remarks on them. It was entitled ^ A Dissert a- tioJi on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain.' I inscribed it to my friend Ralph, [that Ralph of whom Pope wrote in the DuNClAD : Silence, ye wolves, while Raljjh to Cynthia howls. And makes Nicjht hideous ; answer him, ye owls.] I printed a small number. It occasioned my being more considered by Mr. Palmer as a young man of some ingenuity, though he seriously expos- tulated with me upon the principles of my pamphlets, which to him ap- J-.// THIRD day's sale. 99 peared abominable. My printing this pamphlet was another erratum." Two years later, after his return to Philadelpiiia, Franklin says in his Autobio|^raphy, " lly London Pamphlet, printed in 1725, . . . ap- peared now not so clever a performance as I once thought it." Many years later, in a letter to his friend Benjamin Vaughan, he wrote, "There were only a hundred copies printed, of which I g'ave a few to friends; and afterwards disliking; the piece, as conceiving; it might have an ill tendency, I burnt the rest, except one copy, tlie marg-in of which was filled with manuscript notes by Lyons, author of the Infallih'ilit)j of Human Judgme)it, who was at that time another of my acquaintance in London. I was not nineteen years of ag-e wlien it was written. In 1730, I wrote a piece on the other side of the question This pam- phlet was never printed, and the manuscript has been long lost." An interesting article upon this tract of Franklin appeared in Notes and Queries, Jan. 3, 1852, from the pen of Mr. James Crossley, who describes a copy in his possession in such a manner as to leave no doubt that his is not the original edition of 1725, but a reprint in sixteen closely printed pages. This original edition fills 32 pages, and cannot be called closely printed. We cannot learn of a copy in any other collection, public or pri- vate. It has never been reprinted in any of the editions of i)r. Franklin's AVorks. As a memorial of the ' youthful indiscretion' of one of the greatest men of his age this little book must ever rank as one of the curiosities of literature. 000 Free Thoughts, etc. See Seabury (Sam.) 000 French Policy Defeated, ^ee America (North). 883 Frezier (Mr.) A Voyage to the South Sea, and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, 1712-14, with a Postscript by Dr. Edmund Halley,^we copy, old calf Lond. 1717, 4P Six prel. leaves: viz. Title, Preface, Letter, and Directions to the Binder; text 335 pp. Index 9 pp. with Maps and plates numbered i-xxxvii and 36. i,^ SBli Frezier (Mr.) Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chili, du Perou, et du Bresil, 1712-14, 2 vols, old f _ calf Amst. 1717, 12« Vol. I. Title, and prel. pp. v-xx ; text 294 pp. with Maps and plates num- bered i-xxii. II. Title and pp. 297-600, with Maps and plates numbered xxiii-xxxvii. ') /885 Frezier (Mr.) Voyage de la Mer du Sud : autre edition, fine ' " cojjy, old calf Paris, 1732, 4° Half-title, and xiv prel. pp. ; text 298 pp. ; Approbation and Privilege 2 pp. 'Reponse,' etc. 63 pp. ; maps and plates numbered i to xxxvii and 36. ^86 Friendly (A) Address to All Reasonable Americans on the ' , 2/ Subject of our Political Confusions : in which the necessary Consequences of Violently opposing the King's Troops, and of a General Non-Importation are fairly stated, imperfect, wanting all after page 16 America : Printed for the Purchasers, 1774!, 8<> Ascribed to Dr. Myles Cooper, of known Tory principles. /887 Friendly (A) Address. Another Ed. halfmor. ^ New York, printed : Lond. repr. 1774, 56 pp. 8° Z4/t / 100 THIED day's sale. / /• 888 Feobisheb (Martin). Angli Navigatione in Eegiones '*' ' Occidentis et Septentrionis Narratio historica, ex Gallico sermone in Latinum translata per D. Joan. Tho. Preigivm. russia NoribergcB, 1580, 8"* Forty-four leaves. Signatures A and F in sixes and B to E in eights; with a woodcut ' Pictvra hominum nvper ex Anglia advectoruni.' > - 889 Proger (F.) Eelation of a Voyage made in 1695-97 on the Coasts of Africa, etc. translated, J^?^e co]py, old calf Lond. 1698, Six prel. leaves including the engraved frontispiece; text 173 pp. with 3 seq. pp. 15 copper plates and maps. 890 Proger (F.) Eelation d'un Voyage fait en 1695-97, aux Cotes D'Atrique, Detroit de Magellan, Bresil, Cayenne et, Isles Antilles Amst. 1699, 12° Eng. title ; title ; Dedication 4 pp. ; Preface 6 pp. ; text 227 pp. Maps or plates at pp. 7, 11,14.16,21,32,41,43,46,57,65,73,79,87,94,101, 103, 104, 106, 119, 127, 130, 140 (2), 154, 162, 172, 218. / - 891 Froger (F.) Voyage : autre ed. Amst. 1715, 12° /Y Title in red and hlack ; ' Avertissement ' 6 pp.; text 227 pp., with the 28 "^ maps and plates from the same coppers as the Lond. ed. of 1698. This edition is a reprint, almost page for page, of the edition of 1699; hut the Dedication to Count Maurepas, and nearly all the dates of the year, are omitted, so as to make the book read as if the events narrated might have been recent. i/' - 892 Frost (John) Pictorial History of Mexico and the Mexican AVar; comprising an Account of the Ancient Aztec Empire, the Conquest by Cortes, etc. calf, marb. edges Fliiladelphia : Tho. CowpertJiwait and Co. 1849, 652 pp. 8" y 893 Fruits (Some) of Solitude, in Eeflections and Maxims relating ' / ^ to the Conduct of Human Life, in two parts, the 8th ed. ^0 imperfect Newport, Bhode Island : Printed ly James Feakklin, at the Town School-House, 1749, 12° Six prel. leaves and 158 pp. ; Table, 7 pp. * More Fruits of Solitude; being the Second Part of Reflections and Maxims, relating to the Conduct of Human Life. Newpoi't, Rhode Island : Printed by James Franklin, at the Town School-House, 1749.' 3 prel. leaves, wanting all after p. 106. Printed by the brother of Dr. Franklin, who established himself at New- port, Rhode Island, and introduced printing there, having left Boston. ^ - 894 Full (A) and Free Inquiry into the Merits of the Peace, with 7^^ some Strictures on the Spirit of Party, hf. mor. fine copy, uncut Lond. 1765, 2 pr. Is. and 160 pp. 8° , / 895 Fulton (Eobert) Torpedo "War, and Submarine Explosions, hf. mor. New York, William Elliott, 1810, oblong 4'' Fifty-seven pages; 'Number and Nature of Ordnance,' 1 page; 'Dimen- sions of Ships,' etc. 1 page; ' Note on Vessels of War of the United States,' 1 page ; with plates numbered i-v. ij FOURTH day's SALE. 101 896 Funes (G-regorio) Ensayo de la Historia Civil del Paraguay, Buenos Ayres y Tucuman, Vols. II. and III. uncut Buenos 1.1. uncui // V Ayres, [1816], ^^ M^ Vol. II. Half-title, title, and 409 pp. ; ' Indice,' 11 pp. ; ' Erratas,' 1 page. III. (1817) 532 pp.; ♦ Indice,' 9 pp. ; * Erratas,' 1 page. y / 897 Funnell (William) A Voyage round the World, containing an Account of Captain Dampier's Expedition into the South Seas in 1703 and Yi()^,fine copy, old calf Lond. 1707, 8° Title ; Dedication, ' To the Honourable Josiah Burchett,' 6 pp. ; ' The Pre- face,' 6 pp. ; 'The Contents,' 10pp.; text, 300pp.; 'Index,' 17pp. First edition, generally considered as the fourth volume of Dampier's Collection, though there is no indication of its having been so intended at the time of publication. There is a map of the the World facing the title, and 14 other copper-plates at pages 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18, 40, 105, 120, 122, 131, 230, 254, and 26fi, See Dampier. ^ / 898 Furlong (Lawrence) The American Pilot; containing the - ■ ^ Courses and Distances between the principal Harbours, Capes and Headlands from Passamaquoddy through the Giilph of Florida, 3rd ed. Neichimjport, Edm. If. Blunt, 1800, 251 pp. 8° ^ / 899 Furlong (L.) American Coast Pilot, 6th ed., Jlne copy in old ' ' " calf Newluryport, Mm. M. Blunt, 1809, 8« Three hundred and eighty-nine pages ; 15 plans and charts. 900 Furlong (L.) American Coast Pilot, 7th ed. New York, Edm. M. Blunt, [1812], 8« Three hundred and eleven pages; Tables and Appendix, 63 pp.; with 15 plans and charts. 'yc A/. / FOURTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE o'clock MOST PTJNCTtrALLY. ^: 901 Gage (Thomas) A full Survey of Sion and Babylon, and a clear Vindication of the Parish Churches and Parochial Ministers of England, from the uncharitable Censure, the infamous Title, and the injurious Nickname of Babylonish, half mor. fine copy Lond. 1654, 4° Nine prel. leaves; text, 86 pp. 102 FOTIETH day's SALE. 902 GrAGE (Thomas) The English American, his Travail by Sea and Land ; or a New Survey of the West India's : likewise / his Journey from Mexico through the Provinces of Guaxaca, In Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagua ; with/^^^^^^t^r, a Grammar of the Indian Tongue, called Poconchi, old calj Lond. hy R. Cotes, 1648, folio First edition. 5 prel. leaves, viz. Title, Dedication, and To the Reader, in verse, signed 'Thomas Chaloner;' text, 220 pp.; the Contents, 12 pp. Presentation copy from the author, " Ex dono Authoris, Tho : Gage, Novemb 5to 1648." The author appears to have been a believer in witch- craft and sorcery, and admits into his work many curious relations on those subjects. 903 Gage (T.) A New Survey of the West India's, 2nd ed. old calf Lond. hy E. Cotes, 1655, folio/ Five prel. leaves, viz. Title, Dedication, and To the Reader, signed ' Thomas Chaloner;' text, 220 pp. ; The Contents, 12 pp.; 4 copper-plate maps, viz. 1. ' Americaj Descrip.' facing the title ; 2. 'The Ylandes of the West Indies,' at p. 20 ; 3. ' Hispania Nova,' p. 68 ; and 4. ' Terra Firma,' at p. 118. . 904 Gage (T.) A New Survey of the West Indies, 3rd ed. JU^^ Lond. 1677, ^^ Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, and To the Reader; text, 577 pp.; Contents, 18 pp. The 22nd chapter, relating to the author's journey to Rome, was omitted in this edition, owing, as it is said, to its reflecting on the cha- racter of Abp. Laud. — Lowndes. /] , / - 905 Gage (T.) A New Survey of the West Indies, 4th ed. old//yA. calf Lond. 1699, %^^ von Eiorida Zelle, Franchfurt, und Leii^zig, 1753, 52 and 456 pp. 8" /v ^ 923 Garden (Alexander) of Charles Toivn, So. Car., Eegenera- / tion and Testimony of the Spirit, Two Sermons occasioned 0^ ^^' by some erroneous Notions of certain Men who call them-*^ selves Methodists Charles Toion, Feter Timothy, 1740, 8° Title, iii. and 33 pp. ^ " 924 Gardiner (Eichard) An Account of the Expedition to the "West Indies against Martinico, Guadelupe, and other the Leeward Islands, old calf Lond. 1759, 4<'^'^ Two prel. leaves, and 75 pp. Map of Guadeloupe ; and Plan of the General . Attack. y {\ ^ 925 Gardiner (E.) Expedition to the "West Indies, 3rd ed. ^j//j Birmingham, John Baskerville, 1 762, 4°^'^^''^ Half-title, title. Dedication, and 92 pp. ; 4 plates. Beautifully printed. J/. 926 Gardiner (E.) Expedition aux Indes Occidentales, 3me. ed. Jy '^' Birmingham, Jean Baskerville, 1762, 4V/^^**^ Half-title, title. Dedication, and 91 pp. ^, 927 Garella (Napoleon) Projet d'un Canal de Jonction de I'Ocean / Pacifique et de I'Ocean Atlantique a Travers I'lsthme ^^/^i^Z' Panama, uncut Faris, 1845, 8° Two hundred and forty-one pp. ; plans on a larg^e sheet. y ^ 928 G-ass (Patrick) A Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a /7 Corps of Discovery from the Mouth of the Missouri, through ^^u^A^^^ the Interior Parts of North America, to the Pacific Ocean, uncut Fittshurgh : London, repr. 1808, 8° Four pi'el. and 381 pp. J- 929 Gass (Patrick) Journal, 4th ed. old calf FhiladelpUa, 1812, 12^; X. and 262 pp. ; 6 plates. ^ ^- ^ 930 Gauld (George) Observations on the Florida Kays, Eeef, and / Gulf; also, a Description of the Coast of AVest Eiorida be- o^i^ tween the Bay of Spiritu Santo and Cape Sable, hf mor. . jr Bond. 1796, 28 pp. 4° [7 . -O 931 Gee (Joshua) The Trade and Navigation of &reat Britain / considered ; shewing that the surest way for a nation to P^ increase in riches is to prevent the importation of such i>^ foreign commodities as may be rais'd at home, 2nd ed. hf. mor. Land. 1730, 9 pr. Is. and 147 pp. 8° FOTJBTH day's SALE. 105 000 Genuine Letters. See Pinchon {Tho.) ^ / 932 Georgia, An Account shewing the Progress of the Colony of, / - * ends on p. 64 Land. 1741, folio ^/y^ Title, and 71 pp. / 933 Georgia, An Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of, Q ■ ^ Tif. mor. Land. 1741, 8" '^ Half-title, title, and 104 pp. Written in defence of the colony. . 6 934 Georgia, A State of the Province of, attested upon oath in * President of the College of Nassau Hall in New Jersey ; with some Memoirs of INIr. Da\des, and Extracts from his Letters Lond. 1761, 31 pp. 8° y 938 Gibson (James) A Journal of the late Siege by the Troops from North America against the Prench at Cape Breton, Qtyj— the City of Louisbourg, and the Territories thereunto be- ''y'^ longing, hf. mor. Lond. 1745, 8** Title, and 49 pp. Large map of Louishurg. ^939 Gill (John) A Eeply to a Defence of the Divine Eight of Infant Baptism, by Peter Clark, A.M. Minister at Salem, etc. uncut Lond. 1765, 116 pp. 8" ^ - 940 Gillespie (Alexander) Gleanings and Remarks : collected during many mouths of residence at Buenos Ayres, anc^j/^^^'^^ within the Upper Country, halfbound Leeds, 1818, 8° T-wo prel. leaves ; and 242 for 342 pp. Map of South America. ^ / 941 Gillies (John) Memoirs of the Life of the Eeverend George ,^y^ - ^ Whitefield, with an Extract from his Tracts '/c7-^^ New-London^ {Conn.) S. Green, for Corn. Davis, N. York, 1798, 287 pp. 12° ^ /^^^ Gillies (John) Appendix to the Histoi-ical Collections, /? " ' relating to the Success of the Gospel. By the Compiler of y^^ said Collections GIas//oio, John Orr, 1761, 12o J--^^^ Two prel. leayes and 250 pp. Largely relating to America. P 106 FOURTH day's sale. . ^ 943 GlOEGiNl DA Jesi (G-iovanni) II Mondo Nvovo, vellum lesi, Pietro Farri, 1596, 4" Jy Title within border the reverse blank ; Text in double columns folioed 2 to l//^^ 153: with 5 sequent leaves. This scarce historical Italian Poem is not , / noticed by Haym, nor apparently by any other Bibliographer, — HicJi. ■. ^ 944 Grlareanus (Henricus) Foe'tae Zavreati, De Geographia, /^ Liber vnvs Fasil. 1528, 4>\^^^ Thirty-five folioed leaves. For an account of this curious and interesting y^ geographical Tract see F. A. Brockhaus, Bibliotheqiie Aviericaine, No. 3. V ■ 945 GlareaBus (H.) &eograpliia Fribvrgvm Brisgavdiae, 1530, 4°^ Thirty-five folioed leaves; and 1 with woodcut on the reverse. ^ • 946 Glareanus (H.) Geographia Fribvrgvm Brisgoviae, 1533, 4'» ^ Idem. ^ I _ 947 Glareanus (H.) G-eographia, unbound Q\L-r Frihurgum Brisgovice, 1551, 4" xy^ Thirty-three folioed leaves. / ^ 948 Glas (George) The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands : translated from a Spanish Manu-, script, lately found in the Island of Palma, Jif. mor. Lond. 1764, 4» Four prel. leaves ; viii and 368 pp. Map of the Canary Islands at p. I, and two Charts at p. 183. 000 Glass for the People of New England. See New Fngland. A, 949 Glover (Mr.) A Short Account of the late Application to. Parliament made by the Merchants of London upon \)a&./^ Neglect of their Trade, 2ud Ed. lif. mor. Lond. 1742, 61 pp. 8° f / 950 Glover (Mr.) A Short Account, etc. 6th Ed. half morocco - ' ^ Land. 1742, 1774, 71 pp. 8"' z 951 Glover (Mr.) The Substance of the Evidence delivered to a J • Committee of the Honourable House of Commons by the y. Merchants and Traders of London, concerned in the Trade /^ to Germany and Holland, and of the Dealers in Eoreiga^^V* Linens, unbound Lond. 1774, 8** Half-title, title, and 72 pp. ^ ^ 952 G-lover (Mr.) The Substance of the Evidence on the Petition '^^^ presented by the West-India Planters and Merchants to the House of Commons Lond. [1775], 8° Half-title, title, and 47 pp. 953 Glover (Mr.) The Evidence Delivered on the Petition P^e^^/Z, sented by the West-India Planters, lif. morocco /O 7^ [Lond. 1775], title and 95 pp. 8° ^ /^ 954 GoDDAED (William) The Partnership : or the History of the Eise and Progress of the Pennstlvanian Chronicle, /U &c. Wherein the Conduct of Joseph Galloway, Esq. ; Speaker ^;^i^!<^ of the Honourable House of Eepresentatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, Mr. Thomas Wharton, sen. and their Man Benjamin Towue, my late Partners, with my own, is properly delineated, and their Calumnies against me fully refuted, calf FMladelphia, William Qoddard, 1770, 72 pp. S'» ./- //. FOTJETH day's SALE. 107 955 G-ODWor (Moeoan) The Negro's & Indians Advocate, suing for their Admission into the Church: or A Persuasive to the Instructing and Baptizing of the Negro's and Indians in^ our Plantations, _7?«(? coinj /Lond.for the Author, 1680, 7 pr. Is. and 174 pp. 8° 956 Groes (Damiani a) Hispania Lovanii, B. Sescius, 1542, 4" Thirty leaves, the first pa»e being occupied by the title, the last being blank. The Spanish possessions in America, their produce, etc. are referred to ia this Tract. 957 GoMABA (Francisco Lopez de) Histoeia dellb Ntovb ^ . / Indie Occidentali, con tvtti i discoprimenti, & cose nota- bili, auuenute dopo I'acquisto di esse. Tradotta nella Ita- liana da Agostimo di Cravaliz, vellum / ^.j^ Venetia, Francesco Loremini da Turino, 1560, sm. 8" Ten prel. and 306 folioed leaves. £, ^ 958 GoMAEA (Francisco Lopez de) Histoire Generalle des / Indes Occidentales et Terres Newes, qui iusques a present (^ ont este descouuertes. Traduite en frangois par M. Fumee, "^^^ ^ Sieur de Marley le Chastel, calf gilt Paris, Michel Sonnius, 1577, 8" Six prel. and 355 folioed leaves ; table 29 pp. y / 959 GoMAEA (Francisco Lopez de) The Pleasant Histoeie ^' ^ of the Conquest of the West India, now called New Spaine, X^ atchieued by the most woorthie Prince Hernando Corte3^//j^^ translated by T[homas]. N[icholas]. ftlacfe letter, verrj fine clean copy Lond. hy Thomas Creede, 1596, 4" Title ; Epistle to Sir F. Walsingham, 6 pp. ; " To the Reader," 2 pp. ; lau- datory Verses, 2 pp.; text, 405 pp., and Table, 6 pp. The Laudatori/ Verses are by Stephen Gosson, author of 27ie Sehoole of Abuse. 960 GoNCALEZ DE CuETO (Damiano). Oratio Fvnebris Habita /7 a Magistro Damiano Goncalez de Cveto, Patris Antonij /^^ Arias e Societate lesu, in Collegio Mexicano eiusdem Socie-X^^^^^ tatis, decimo Kalendas lulij. Anni IQO^, fine copy Mexici, apud Senricum Martinez, [1603], 4P Title and 8 leaves, /^ 961 Goncalez de Nageea (Alonso) El Qvinto, y Sexto / ' Pvnto de la Eelacion del Desengafio de la guerra de Chile, sacados de 14. de su declaracion, cuyos titulos han de series que estan puestos al fin, calf , [Madrid, 1647 ?] IQ folioed leaves, 4° ^.y^962 Gonzales Carranza (Domingo) A Geographical Description /? of the Coasts, Harbours, and Sea Ports of the Spanish "West Vy Indies ; particularly of Porto Bello, Cartagena, and the ^ Island of Cuba, hf mor. Lond. 1740, 8° xii. and 124 pp. Index 8 pp. Map of the West Indies, and 4 Plans. ^ . zj 963 Goodwin (Thomas). An Apologeticall Narration, hvmbly / svbraitted to the Honourable Houses of Parliament, by Tho. /^/ Goodwin, Philip Nye, William Bridge, Jer. Burroughes, ^J^V^ Sidrach Simpson, hf mor. Lond. 1643, 4" Two prel. leaves and 31 pp. //. './ 108 FOURTH day's SAI/E. \ 6 964 Goodwin (John). Moro-Mastix : Mr. John Goodwin whipt with his own Eod, or the dissecting of the sixteenth Section ^ of his book truly nam'd by Himself, Hagio-Mastix : So far as hh it falsly and frivously mentions a late disputation in Christ-j;^!!^-^^ Church Parish, concerning the lawfulness of paying Tythes, fine copy Lond. Tho. Underhill, at the sign of the Bihle in great Woodstreet, 1647, 15 pp. 4° 965 Goodwin (Thomas). A Copy of Eemonstrance lately delivered in to the Assembly, by Thomas Goodwin, lerem. Burroughs, / William Greenhill, William Bridge, Philip Nie, Sidrach (Y/r^ Sim son and William Carter, declaring the Grounds and/^'^^ Eeasons of their declining to bring it to the Assembly, their Modell of Church Government, hf. mar. Lond. 1645, 8 pp. 4« 966 Gordon (William) Pastor of the third Church, Moxbury, The Doctrine of Final Universal Salvation Examined and '/^ Shewn to be Unscriptural ; in Answer to a Pamphle|^^^^f^^ entitled Salvation for all Men Illustrated and Vindicated^ as a Scripture Doctrine, uncut Boston, printed and sold ly T. and J. Fleet, 1783, 8° Title; Preface ii pp ; Text 96 pp. On the title-pag;e is; — " For the Rev. Dr. John Erskine, from the Author." If ~ 967 Gordon (William) The History of the Eise, Progress and Jy Establishment of the Independence of the United States of JL^^*^ America : including an Account of the late War ; and of the Thirteen Colonies, from their origin to that period, 4 vols. hf. morocco, uncut Lond. 1788, 8° Vol. I. 13 prel. leaves and 504 pp. * Plate 1. The United States of America.' II. 4 prel. leaves and 584 pp. ' Plate 2. Boston with its Environs.' ' Plate 3. New York Island.' ' Plate 4. The Jerseys.' ' Plate 5. New Hampshire, Vermont.' III. 4. prel. leaves and 499 pp. ' Plate 6. The Carolina's with part of Georgia.' ' Plate 7. A Sketch of the Operations before Charles- town.' IV. 4 prel. leaves and 445 pp. Index 34pp. 'Plate 8. The Part of Virginia which was tlie Seat of Action.' ' Plate 9. York Town and -* Gloucester Point.' This work, the major part of which was written in America, is said to be distinguished by great fidelity. ^ 968 Gordon (W.) History of the United States, 3 vols. cf. n. New-Yorh, hy Hodge, Allen and Campbell, 1789, '^'^'^j/^t/P Vol. I. 6 prel. leaves and pp. 25-443. With Map. II. 5 prel. leaves and pp. 25-474. With Map. III. 18 prel. leaves and pp. 17-446. t /^ 969 Gorges (Pebdinando) Ameeica painted to the Life. The true History of the Spaniards proceedings itt the Con- cf. quests of the Indians, and of their Civil Wars among them- ncrtT selves, from Columbus his first Discovery, to these later Times. More especially an absolute Narrative of the North parts of America, and of the Discoveries and Plantations of our English in Virginia, New-England and Berbadoes. The 4 parts complete in morocco, ly F. Bedford. The portrait / FOURTH day's SALE. 109 called ' America,' representing a female feeding off a roast human leg, sometimes found as a frontispiece to this important work, is ivanting in this copy. In every other respect it is a desirable copy Lond.for Nath. Brook, 1659, 4P Title; 'To the Judicious Reader," 4 pp. Text, 51 pp. Map, ' Americae Descrip.' Part II. 1658. Title and 57 pp. Part III. 1658. Title; 'To the Reader,' 1 leaf; Text, 236 pp. Part TV. 1659. Title, 'The Pre- face,' 2 pp. Text, 52 pp. « The General Table' of the Four Parts, and ' Books lately printed,' 10 leaves. 970 Graham (John Andrew) A Descriptive Sketch of the Present /P State of Vermont, uncut Lond.for the Author, 1797, 8° -C^^^^ viii and 187 pp. Portrait of the Author. ^ 971 Graham (Maria) Journal of a Residence in Chile during the n j year 1822, and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823, uncut ^1^/ Lond 1824, ^^i/ f^^ Four prel. leaves and 512 pp. ; 14 mezzotint plates. ^ ■ 972 Grahame (James) The History of the Rise and Progress of the United States of North America, till the British Revo-/ lution in 1688, 2 vols, calf Lond. 1827, 8*^ ' Vol. I. xvi and 531 pp. II. viii and 528 pp. ^ . ^ 973 Grahame (James) History of North America, 4 vols, uncut Lond. 1836, 8° Vol. I. xxiii and 451pp. II. viii and 448 pp. III. viii and 436 pp. IV. vii and 462 pp. 974 Gbanados y Galyez (Joseph Joaquin) Takdes Ameri- CANAS: GoBiERNo Gektil y Catolico: Breve y particular Noticia de toda la Historia Indiana : Sucesos, cases notables, y cosas ignoradas, desde la entrada de la Gran Nacion Tulteca a esta tierra de Anahuac, hasta los presentes tiempos Mexico, D. Felipe de Zxmiga y Ontiveros, 1778, 4" Thirty-six prel. leaves; text, 540 pp.; 3 plates. A curious work relating to the early history of the Mexicans, unknown to Clavigeio, and not men- tiontd by Meusel. — Rich. ^ /075 Great Plot (A) Discovered, or the notorious and wicked Design upon the River of Thames, put in execution on Monday last, with a Hu-and-Cry after the Condemnedii^' Prisoners that made their escape upon their removing from Newgate to be transported for Jamaica Lond. G. Horton, 1661, 7 pp. 40 976 Grece (Charles P.) Pacts and Observations respecting Canada and the United States of America, uncut Lond. 1819, xv and 172 pp. 8^ y / 977 Greenwood (Isaac) A Philosophical Discourse concerning the f^' ^ Mutability and Changes of the Material AVorld ; read to the Students of Havard CoUege, April 7, 1731, upon the news of the Death of Thomas Hollis, Esq. of London, the most/ bountiful Benefactor to that Society Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1731, 2 pr. Is. and 24 pp / 110 rouETH day's sale. ' 978 Gregg (Josiah) Commerce of the Prairies, or tlie Journal of o a Santa Fe Trader, during eight Expeditions across the A/J Great Western Prairies and a Residence of nearly nine c7/^^* years in Northern Mexico, 2 vols. New Yoric, Henry Q. Langley ; London, Wiley ^ Putnam, 1844, 12° Vol. I. 320 pp. ; Map of the Indian Territory, and 3 plates. II. 318 pp.; Map of the Interior of Northei'n Mexico, and 3 plates, ', / 979 Grenada. A Brief Enquiry into the Causes of, and Conduct /^ pursued by, the Colonial Government for quelling the Insur- //j^^, rection in Grenada Land. 1796, ^"^^ Half-title, title, and 125 pp. ; ' Appendix,' 20 pp. ; ' Observations,' etc. pp. 127-204 ; Errata, 1 page ; Map. 000 Grynseus (Simon). See JVovus Orbis 000 Guard (Theodore de la). See Ward (IVatJianiel) //, // ^SO GuEEEEiRO (Feekam) Eela^am Aunal das Covsas qve J)/ Eezeram os Padres da Companhia de lesvs nas Partes da j/^^ India Oriental, & no Brasil, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiue, etc. vellum Lishoa, lorge Hodrigues, 1605, 4° - Title, reverse blank ; ' Aprouafam ' et ' Lisemgas,' 1 page ; ' Ao Lector,' 2 pp. ; ' Errata,' 2 pp. : text, ' Livro Priuieero,' signatures A — N in fours, in two ; ' Livro Segvndo,' signatures A — Nnn in fours. //>'/ X. 981 GuMiLLA (Joseph) El Orinoco Ilustrado, y Desendido/x^*^^^"^ Historia Natural, Civil y Geographica de este Gran Rio, y de sus Caudalosas Vertientes, Govierno, Usos, y Costumbres de los ludios, 2 vols, half hound Madrid, 3Ianuel Fernandez, ano 1745, 4" Vol. I. 24 prel. leaves and 403 pp.; 'Indice,' 4 pp. ; map at p. 1, and plate at p. 209. II. 4 prel. leaves and 412 pp; 'Indice,' 16 pp.; plate at p. 112. * / 982 Gumilla (Joseph) Histoire Naturelle, Civile et Geographique /V de rOrenoque, 3 vols. caJf Avignon, 1758, 12<» -^/TX Vol. I. xviii pp.; Advertissement 7 and Text 388 pp.; Table, 4 pp. ; copper- plate map at p. 1, and plate at p. 303. II. Title, and 334 pp.; Table, 4 pp.; plate at p. 304. III. Title, and 332 pp. ; Table, 4 pp. 6 , t> ^83 Hacke CWilliam) A Collection of Original Voyages (Capt. Cowley's, Capt. Sharp's, Capt. "Wood's, and IVIr. Roberts'), calf Lond. 1699, %Y^*<^ Eight prel. leaves, viz. Title, Dedication, Preface, and Index ; ' A New Map of the World;' 'Cowley's Voyage,' 45 pp. Plate at pp. 8, 9 ; 'Sharp's and AVood's Voyages,' 100 pp. Plate at p. 1 ; ' Roberts' Voyage,' 53 pp.; Map at p. 1 ; Plate at p. 18. 984 Haiti, The Rural Code of, in French and English Lond. 1827, 8° J/f^/-^ Half-title, title, iii to xviii and 100 pp. ^^ FOUETH day's SALE. Ill 985 Haklutt (Kichard) The Peincipall Natigations, VoiAGES AXD DiSCOVEEIES OF THE ENGLISH NatIOjST, made by Sea or ouee Land, to the most remote and FARTHEST DISTANT QUARTERS OF THE EaRTH AT ANY TIME WITHIN THE COMPASSE OF THESE 1500 YEERES, Colf extra, by Hay day, fine tall copy Lond. hy George Bishop and Ralph Xeivherie, 1589, folio Eig'ht prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank ; ' To the Hight Honorable Sir Francis Walsing-liam,' etc. 3 pp.; ' Ricbard Hakluyt to the fuuourable Reader,' 3 pp. ; 1 page of Epigrams ; ' The order of ;ill the voyages,' etc, 7 pp.; text, 825 pp.; ' A Table Alphabeticall,' etc. 9 pp.; also large folded map. [Colophon^ Imprinted at London, etc. 1589, 1 page. This copy contains, between pages 490 and 506, the Voyage of Sir Jerome Bowes, " printed this second time, according to the true copie I receiued of a gentleman that went in the same voyage, for the correction of the errours in the former impression," together with the eight original cancelled leaves. It also contains, between pages 643 and 644, the six suppressed leaves of Sir Francis Drake's Voyage "about the whole Globe." The very rare Map, referred to in the preface, is contained in this copy. 98G Hakluyt (Eichaed) The Principal iSTATiGATioNS, VOIAGES, TrAFFIQTES AND DiSCOUERIES OF THE ENGLISH . Nation, etc. fine copy in red morocco ly Eogbe Payne, ^' ^/ 3 vols. Lond. George Bishop, Balph Nexoberrie and Robert Barker, 1598-1600, folio Vol. 1. Title, reverse blank; Dedication to the Earl of Nottingham, 4 pp.; Preface, 10 pp. ; Poems, 2 pp. ; A Catalogue, 6 pp. ; text, 619 pp. ; end- ing with the original Voyage to Cadiz, (p. 607 having eight para- graphs, in the reprint only seven) cancelled and suppressed. II. Title, reverse blank; Dedication to Cecil, 6 pp.; A Catalogue, 8 pp.; text, 312 and 204 pp. III. Title, reverse blank; Dedication to Cecil, 4 pp. ; A Catalogue, etc. 10 pp. ; text, 868 pp. 987 Haklutt (Eichaed). Vieqtnia richly valued, by the y description of the maiue laud of Florida, her next neighbour : V^ y o Out of the foure yeeres continuall trauell and discouerie, for above one thousand miles East and West, of Don Eerdinando de Soto, and sixe hundred able men in his companie, written by a Portugall gentleman of Eluas, and translated by Eichard Haklvyt,^ne clean copy in brown calf Lond. by Felix Kyngston,for MattJiew Loiones, IGOO, 4** Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, reverse blank ; Dedicatory Epistle, 6 pp. ; text, 180 pp. Translated from the rare little volume printed at Evora in 1557, apparently with the view of inducing settlers to go out to the new colony of Virginia. — Rich. 988 Haliburton (Thomas C.) An Historical and Statistical Ac- count of Nova Scotia, 2 vols, tincut Halifax, Joseph Howe, 1829, 8° Vol. I. viii and 340 pp; Index, viii pp.; Map and 2 Plans. II. Title, and 453 pp. ; Index, 3 pp. ; 7 Engravings and Plans ; the Publisher's Apology for the view of Halifax, on a small slip ; 3 fold^d sheets, viz. Statement, Comparative State, etc. and Account, at page 388. 989 Halkett (John) Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America, uncut Lond. 1825, viii and 408 pp. S"* ^ Z- 112 FOURTH day's SALE. 990 Halley (Dr. Horace) President of Transylvania XTniversity, J)/ A Discourse on liis G-enius and Character, by C. Caldwell;^^^^^^ with an Appendix and Notes, lif. mor. Boston, 1828, 302 pp. 8° ^ 991 Hamilton (Alexander) Report of the Secretary of the C/j^ ^ ' Treasury of the United States on the subject of Manu- factures, hf. mor. Lond. 1793, 8° Two prel. leaves and 129 pp. Hi^hlj' commended in the Monthly Review. /i/ ^ 992 Hamilton. Articles exhibited against Lord Archibald Ha- ,0'^^ milton, late Governour of Jamaica Lond. 1717, 8° Half-title, title, pp. v to viii and 32 pp. ^ . 993 Hamilton (Archibald, Lord) Answer to an Anonymous QLg/- Libel, entitled, Articles exhibited against Lord Archibald ^i^"^^ Hamilton, hf. mor. Lond. 1718, 92 pp. 8° 994 Hancock (John) Observations on the Climate, Soil, and Pro ductions of British Guiana , Lond. for the Author, 1840, 2 pr. Is. and 92 pp. _ ? ~ 6 995 Hansen (Leonard) Vita mirabilis et Mors pretiosa ^ene^^^V^^ bills Sororis Eosse de S. Maria Limensis, calf ^^^^^^ Bomae, 1664, 4^ Five prel. leaves ; text ends abruptlywith the 356th page: Index, Sphal- . mata, and Protestatio, 2 leaves. f^ 2^996 Hansen (L.) Vita B. Eos», 3d Ed. Lovanii, 1668, 12«^ Twelve prel. leaves, and 549 pp.; Index, 3 pp. r. / I// ^ / 997 Hanson. An Account of the Captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, / late of Kachccky in New England, who, with Four of l^er^V^ Children and Servant Maid, was taken Captive by the In-y^^^^ dians and carried into Canada, taken from her own Mouth by Samuel Bownas, half mor. uncut Lond. 1782, 26 pp, ' books,' 2 pp. sra. 8° 998 Hanway (Jonas) An Account of the Society for the Eucout^^^X^-^ ragement of the British Troops in Germany and Nortn^ America, cf Lond. 1760, viii. 91, and 55 pp. 8o 999 Haecourt (Robert) A Relation of a Voyage to Gviana, describing the Climat, Scituation, Eertilitie, Prouisions, and Commodities of that Country, containing Seuen Prouiuces. and other Signiories within that territory, halfrussia ^ Lond. Lohn Beale,fur W. Welhy, 1613, 4° Ei^ht prel. leaves, viz. title leverse blank. 'To the High and Mighty Prince Charles,' 3 pp. next page blank. ' To the Readers, Adventvrers, etc' 10 pp. ; text, 71pp. 1000 Harcouet (R.) Voyage to Gviaxa. Another Ed. newly ^/) ,/^ reviewed and enlarged by addition of some necessary Notes, py russia Lond. hy Edio. Allde, 1626, 4o^,>J^^*^ Eight prel. leaves, viz. title reverse blank. ' To the most high and mightie Monarch Charles,' etc. 4 pp. ' To the High and Mighty Prince Charles,' 2 pp. ' To the Readers, Adventvrers,' etc. 8 pp. ; text, 84 pp. ■-/l FOTJETH day's SALE. 113 ^ L/ 1001 Hardie (James) An Account of the Malignant Fever lately /^ prevalent in the City of New York, uncibt ^^:^-^'^^ New Yorh, Hurt in and M'Farlane, 1799, 148 pp. 8" . '', ^ 1002 Hardy (John) A Description of tlie Last Voyage to Ber- r^,^^ mudas, in the Ship Marygold, calf, hy Bedford „>7»^^tC>->^ Lond.for Bowland Beynald, 1671, 4P Fourprel. leaves, and text pp. 1 to 24, in verse. 1 , 1003 Hardy (E. W. H.) Travels in the Interior of Mexico in 9/ ^^^ 1825-28, cloth Lond. 1829, 558 pp. 8 illust. 8" ^ \ ^ 1004 Harper (Eobert Goodloe) Observations on the Dispute be- n{ tween the United States and France, 5th Ed. x7^^ PJdladelphia printed : Lond. repr. 1798, 8° Title and text, pp. 5-109. Relating to what is commonly termed the " W. X. Y. Z. question." 9^ 1005 Harper (Robert Groodloe) Observations on the Dispute be- /y-tr- tween the United States and France, 5th Ed. hf mor. PMladelpliia printed : Lond. repr. 1798, 12" Four prel. leaves, and pp. 7 to 86. 1006 Harper (E. G.) Observations, etc. 6th Ed. hf. mor. Bhiladelphia printed : Lond. repr. 1798, /viii. pp. and pp. 5-1 10, 8" ' 1007 Harper (E. G.) Observations, &c. 10th Ed. ^ Philadelphia printed : Edinh. repr. 1798, 89 pp. 12" cp. 71 to 78. Maps numbered I to 14. TJjis reprint of tlie ilrst Edition usually ac- companies the General History, and forms part of that work. FOURTH day's SALE. Il7 / 1034 Herrera (Antonio de) Histoire Generale des Voyages et / __ Conqvestes des Castillans dans les Isles & Terre-ferme ,2^/1^ des Indes Occidentales. Par N. de la Coste, calf cr^rv<^^ Paris, 1671, 4° Nine prel. leaves, and 790 pp. Table 12 pp. This volume is a translation into French of Herrera's Third Decade, 1521 to 1526. 1035 Heereba (Antonio de) Notts Orbis, sive Descriptio AT Indiae Occidentalis accesserunt Ind. Occ. Desc. et Na\i- ^ /. ' gationis Jac. Le Maire Historia, etc. very fine copy, original ///x^ impressed calf Ainst. 1622, fol. ^ Four prel. leaves including the engraved and printed titles ; text 44 folioed leaves; followed by a half-title ' Ephemerides,' etc. 3 leaves and text folioed 46 to 83. Followed by another half-title ' Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis, etc. Avthore Petro Ordonnez de Cevallos,' 9 leaves, suc- ceeded by a half-title * Brevis ac Succincta Americae,' 11 leaves. The first part has the 1 4 maps copied from the Madrid edition of 1601 of the Indias Occidentales, and Le Maire is illustrated with the three maps taken from De Bry, tog;ether with 4 plates inserted in the text on fols. 60, 61, 65, 67. In the Preface to Barcia's reprint of Herrera's works at Madrid, 1726-30, the editor repudiates this edition, as being full of typo- graphical errors, and saddled with matters not pertaining to Herrera. 1036 Herrera (Antonio de) The G-eneral History of the vast Continent and Islands of America, commonly call'd, The /j // West Indies, from the first discovery thereof: with the ^ ' ^ best Accounts the People could give of their Antiquities. Collected from the Original Relations sent to the Kings of Spain, translated into English by Capt. John Stevens, old calf, 6 vols. Lond. 1730, 8° Vol. I. 4 prel. leaves; viz. Title and Preface; text 379 pp. With 2 maps. Portrait of Columbus and 2 plates. II. Title and 436 pp. 4 plates. III. 1726, title and 418 pp. 3 plates. lY. 1726. Title and 422 pp. Portrait of Cortes and 2 plates. V. 1726. Title and 430 pp. 2 plates. VI. 1726, Title and 408 pp. Index 30 pp. plate at p. 1, . / / ^037 Herrera (A. de) History of America, 2nd Ed. 6 vols. cf. 0_^_ Or ^ extra hy Bedford, fine copy Lond. 1740, 8° -^^^^"^^ This second Edition is the same as the preceding, with new title-pages. ^ f , 1038 Hey (Eichard) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, ^~7\A and the Principles of Government, If. mar. Lond. VnQ, 8" ^^^^^^ Two prel. leaves and 70 pp. Highly commended by the Monthly Beview. p 1039 Hickeringill (Edmond) Jamaica Viewed, with all the Ports, ■^ ' Harbours, and their several Soundings, Towns and Settle- ments thereunto belonging, together with the nature of its Climate, fruitt'ulnesse of the Soile, and its suitablenesse to English Complexions, 2nd Ed. Une copy, cf. Lond. 1661, 16" Eighc prel. leaves and 87 pp. with map of Jamaica on copper. Copies with the map are very uncommon. Barcia says that this work is a paraphrase of all that had been previously written on the subject. ^_ 1040 Higgins (Bryan) Observations and Ad\dce3 for the Im- provement of the Manufacture of Muscovado Sugar and Rum, second Part, If. mor. uncut St. Jayo de la Veya, A. AUcman, 1800, 8** Two inel. leaves, 1 32 pp. and 9 plates. 118 roTJRTH day's sale. ^ lOil Hill (Anthony) Afer Baptizatus: or, The Negro turn'd . Christian, being a Short and Plain Discourse, shewing, ^/jy^ I. The Necessity of Instructing and Baptizing Slaves 'wipvtr/^ English Plantations. II. The Folly of that Vulgar Opinion, that Slaves do cease to be Slaves when once Baptized, hf. mor. Lond. 1702, 8° Three prel. leaves and 55 pp. with the autog^raph of White Kennett on the title-page. ^- 1012 Hinton (J. E.) History and Topography of the TJnited yy// States, ma'ps and plates, 2 vols. Lond. 1834, ^'^//^^^^/lu Vol. I. Half-title, engr. title, Portrait of Washington; dedication, prefac^ and contents, 9 leaves ; text, 520 pp.; 59 plates. II. Half-title, engr. title, frontispiece, 4 prel. leaves, plate of /ac- similes; text, 580 pp. ; /38 maps and plates. 1013 Hippisley (G.) A Narrative of the Expedition to the/^ ^ Eivers Orinoco and Apure, in South America, lif. hd. '^ Lond. 1819, 673 pp. 8° ^ f 1014 Hireling, Artifice Detected : or, the Profit and Loss of ^/^.o/ Great Britain, in the Present War with Spain, set in its true Light, with an Appendix, containing a List of the Ships taken, lif. mor. Lond. 1742, title and 76 pp. 8° y ^ , 1045 Historical (An) Essay on the English Constitution : or, an ^-^ '" Impartial Inquiry into the Elective Power of the People, 7/f. mor. tmctU Lond. 1771, 218 pp. 8" <^ 1046 Historical (An) Memorial of the Negotiation of France and ^ *^^ ' England, from the 26th of March to the 20th of Sept. ^^y^^ 1761, with the Vouchers Lond. 1761, 64 pp. 4° ^ - 1047 Hodgson (Adam) Letters from North America, 2 vols, j hoards Lond. 1824, 8° /<7> Vol. I. XV and 405 pp. Errata on slip, and 1 plate. II. Title, iv. and 473 pp. Errata on slip, and 1 plate. 9 1048 Holme (Benjamin) A Collection of the Epistles and r/ ' "Works of, to which is prefix'd, an Account of his Life "-^ , and Travels through several parts of Europe and America Lond. 1754, vii and 194 pp. 8° £ , 1049 Holmes (Abiel) Pastor, of Camhridge, The Life of Ezra ^J- Stiles, D.D. Boston, Thomas and Andrews, 1798, 403 pp. S" A- 1050 Holmes (Abiel) American Annals, from its first discovery ^ in 1492 to 1806, onaps, 2 vols, halfhound Lond. 1813, 8"^/j^27- Vol. I. Title, iv and 412 pp.; map. II. Title and 457 pp.; map. /^, 1051 Holyoke (Edward) of New England, The Doctrine of . Life, or of Man's Eedemtiou, by the Seed of Eve, the Seed /^ of Abraham, the Seed of David, &c. as it was taught in A^^*^ severall Periods of Time, from Gen. 3. 15. till Christ came in the Flesh, calf Lond. 1658, 4° Nine prel. leaves, and 426 pp. Table 17 pp.; Errata, 1 page. ^, /l052 Hooker (Nathaniel) Pastor, of Hartford, Six Discourses /J^^ ou diliercut subjects ^*' Hartford, Ehcnezer Watson, 1771, 99 pp. 8° 1053 [ /1054. ' 1055 \ 1056 / 1057 / 1058 :/ 1059 ./ 1060 1061 ?, 1062 \^ 1063 FOTTRTn day's SALE. 119 HoOKE (William) of Taunton, N.JE., New EN'aLAND's Teares for Old England's Feares, preached in a Sermon on July 23, 1640, being a day of Publike Humiliation, ap- pointed by the Churches in behalfe of our native Countrey in time of feared dangers, j^«e copy in calf, by Bedford Loud. 1641, 40 Two pre!, leaves and 23 pp. There appear to have been two editions the same year. Hooker (Thomas) of Hartford, Connecticut, The Sovles Ingrafting into Christ Lond. 1637, 4° Title and 30 pp.; followed by The Broken Heart, pp. 1-320. Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Vocation, or EfFectval Call- ing to Christ, ^we copy, old calf Lond. 1638, 4° Twelve prel. leaves, viz. Title, and Table of Contents. 2nd Title, * The Sovles Effectval Calling to Christ, etc. by T. H., Lond. 1637 ;' Text, pp. 33-668. Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Exaltation, a Treatise, con- taining The Soules Ynion with Christ, on 1 Cor. 6. 17; The Soules Benefit from Vnion with Christ, on 1 Cor. 1 . 30 ; The Soules Justification, on 2 Cor. 5. 21, old calf Lond. 1638, 4« Eight prel. leaves, viz. Title, Table, and Severall Treatises, etc. Text, 311 pp. Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Preparation for Christ, or, a Treatise of Contrition, 4th Ed. Lond. 1638, 4» Three prel. leaves, viz. Title, and Table of Contents ; Text, 242 pp. — The same, 6th Ed. Lond. 1643, 12° Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, ' Contents,' and ' Severall Treatises ;' Text, 386 pp. — The same, 7th Ed. Lond. 1658, 12« Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, A Table of the Contents, and Severall Trea- tises ; Text, 386 pp. Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Hvmiliation Amst. 1638, 302 pp. 16° Hooker (Thomas) The Ynbeleevers Preparing for Christ, old calf Lond. 1638, 4° Two prel. leaves, viz. Title, and Severall Treatises, etc. ; Text, 204 pp. ; The First Table, 4 pp. Second Part, beginning on signature Aaa, 119 pp. The Table, 4 pp. Hooker (Thomas) The Immortality of the Soule : The Excellencie of Christ Jesvs treated on Lond. 1646, 4° Title and 21 pp. Hooker (Thomas) A Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline ; wherein the Way of the Churches of New England is warranted out of the Word, and all Exceptions of weight, which are made against it, answered, fine copy Lond. 1648, 4« Eighteen prel. leaves; text. Part I. 139 and 185-296 pp.; Part II, 90 pp. the Third Part, 46 pp. ; Part IV. 59 pp. iZe^-c^. ^ /- 'Jj^ Jzr~ ^..^..t^ 120 FOURTH bat's SALE. ^" 6 1064 Hooker (Thomas) The Poor Doubting Christian drawn to /] // Christ Lond. 1659, title and 185 pp. 12o/^^t/' 7 y 10G5 Hooper (William) Pastor of the West Churcli, Boston, The • ' Apostles neither Impostors nor Enthusiasts, a Sermon Ql^r- Boston, Bogers and Foiole, 1742, title and pp. 5-48, 8" ^ Mr. Euller, and Mr. Sutcliff, unbound Clipstone, J. W. Morris, 1803, 2 pr. Is. and 241 pp. 8° / J/ . 1069 Hopkirk (J. Gr.). An Account of the Insurrection in St.^;:^ Domingo, 2nd Ed. Edinh. 1833, 59 pp. s/^^*^

1081 Hudson (Samuel) An Addition or Postscript to the Vindi- C^/^s^t^ cation of the Essence and Unity of the Church Catholick visible, and the Priority thereof in regard of Particular Churches Lond. 1658, 2 prel. leaves and 52 pp. 4" R 122 FOTJETH day's SALE. 1082 Huit (Ephraim) Pastor, of Windsor, Connecticut. The whole n Propheeie of Daniel explained, by a Paraphrase, Analysis c^^ and briefe Comment, old calf c/J'et^ [Lond."] Henry Overton, 1644, 4" Two prel. leaves and 358 pp.; with ' Analisis' at p. 4, and 10 folio folded sheets of Analyses. ,^ f _ 1083 Humboldt (Alexandre de) Essai Politique sur le Eoyaume de la Nouvelle Espagne, 5 vols. hf. cf gilt Paris, 1811, 8°// Vol. I. Half-title, title, iii and 456 pp.; with map. II. Half-title, tit]eC^^/Z>-^ and 522 pp.; with tableau. III. Half-title, title, and 420 pirf'^ IV. Half-title, title, and 365 pp. V. Half-title, title, and 352 pp. ^ . t^ 1084 Hume (Sophia) An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the^/l^^ Province of South Carolina Philadelphia, William Bradford, [1747], 158 pp. 8" /%/ ^ . 1085 — An Exhortation, etc. Another ed. m^ u.X-tU4r Bristol, Samuel Parley, 1750, 80 pp. S" ^ 1086 — An Exhortation, etc. Another ed. (^ Bond. BuTce Hinde, 1752, 152 pp. 8« •'^^^''^ y 1087 Hume (Sophia) An Epistle to the Inhabitants of South Carolina, containing Sundry Observations proper to be 9i*-. consider'd by every Professor of Christianity in general Bond. Bulce Hinde, 1754, 114 pp. 8* ^ ^ 1088 Humphreys (David) An Historical Account of the In- //^ " corporated Society for the Propagation of the Grospel ^V^/^/^^wjO Poreign Parts, very fine copy, calf Bond. 1730, ^«^^^^ xxxi and 356 pp.; 2 maps. Containing some cui'ious particulars of different parts of North America. /7 1089 Humphreys (David) An Account of the Endeavours / used by the Society for the Propagation of the Grospel inx^ Poreign Parts, to instruct the Negroe Slaves in New Tork,'^^^*^^ together with Two of Bp. Gribson's Letters on that sub- ject Bond. 1730, 45 pp. 8" ^ . 1090 Humphries (David) A Poem addressed to the Armies of ^. the United States of America, hf. mor. i^/'^a^ Neio-Haven, T. and S. Green, 1784 ; Paris, repr. 1785 ; ^^ and Bond. 1785, 28 pp. 4" 1091 Hunter (John) Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of North America, from Childhood to the age of Nineteen, ^/ with Anecdotes descriptive of their Manners and Customs, (/' -''^^e^^ new ed. Bond. 1823, 8° Ei^ht prel. leaves, including poi-trait, and pp. 3-147. 1092 Hutchins (Thos.) A Topographical Description of Virginia, , Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, comprehend- vy/ the Eivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Sioto, Cherokee, Wabash-jT^^^^^^ Illinois, Missisippi, etc. List of the Nations and Tribes of Indians, etc. Bond. 1777, 8° Two prel. leaves, and 67 pp. with 2 plans and a Table of Distances. ^.A FOUETH day's SALE. 123 1093 Hutchinson (Samuel) of Boston, N.E. A Declaration of a Future Glorious Estate of a Church to be here upon /"/ // Earth, at Christ's Personal Appearance for the Restitution /j/l/^ of all things, a Thousand Tears before the Ultimate Day ^ of the General Judgment, half mor. Lond. 1667, 36 pp. 4° 1094 Hutchinson (Thomas). The Letters of Governor Hutchin- son and Lieut.-Governor Oliver, etc. Printed at Boston, / uncut Lond. 1774, 8" (v/ ^ Title and 1-34 pp. These letters were procured by Dr. Franklin, and sent*" ^ to Boston to his friend Dr. Samuel Cooper, with strict injunctions not to allow them to be published. They were, however, printed in Boston, and made a great noise at the time. The present edition was published with re- marks in exculpation of Gov. Hutchinson, by his friend, Israel Maudit. , -6 1095 Hutchinson (T.). Letters of Governor Hutchinson, 2nd ed. 5?^ }f. mor. uncut Lond. 1774, 8° '<^^ Half-title, title, and 142 pp. ^- 1096 Hutchinson (Thomas) The History of the Colony of Massachusett's Bay, from the First Settlement thereof in 1628, until its Incorporation with the Colony of Plimouth, Province of Main, 2nd ed. 2 vols. Lond. 1765, 8° Vol. I. Three prel. leaves; iv and 566 pp. II, Twoprel. leaves; iv and 539 pp. This second edition was issued in London at first with the date 1760 in error for 1 765, but the title was cancelled, and the date corrected. Volume II. of this set has the date 1760. - 1097 — History of Massachusetts Bay, from 1749 to 1774, edited ^ by the Author's Grandson, the Eev. John Hutchinson, Ms. /^^ /' Lond. 1828, 571 pp. 8»/^^^^^^ " 1098 HuTTEN (Flrich). Of the YYood called Gvaiacvm, that healeth the Erenche Pockes, and also Helpeth the Govte in the Feete, the Stoone, the Palsey, Lepree, Dropsy, r// ^ Fallynge Euyll, and other Dyseases {xoanting the 24!th leaf)-'^'^'^ Londini in Aedibvs, Tho. Bertheleti, ] 536, 1 6° Title, reverse blank. ' The Preface,' and ' IT The Table of this boke,' to- gether 5 pp. Text, 82 folioed leaves for 79, in tilactt Ultcr. . 1099 — Of the YYood called Gvaiacvm. Another ed. ^^v Londini, TJiomce Bei'theleti, 1540, 4° t:i^'V^ Title, reverse blank. ' The Preface,' 2 pp. ' The Table.' 2 pp. Text, 58 folioed leaves, in Clacfe Utter. '^ 1100 Imlay (George) A Topographical Description of the West- em Territor}^ of North America, 2nd ed. Load. 1793, 8° Title, xvi and 433 pp. ; Index, 19 pp. ; Errata, 1 p. ; 2 Maps, Plan, and Table. 1101 Impartial (An) Sketch of the various Indulgences granted by Great Britain to her Colonies, upon which they have ^Jy^ / founded their Presumption of soaring towards Independence ^y^^^^r^ Lond. 1788, 2 prel. leaves, and 43 pp. 8« 124 rOUETH DAY S SALE. ? - 1102 Importance (The) of Gaining and Preserving the Friend- ship of the Indians to the British Interest considered, hf., mor. Lond. 1752, S*"" / Title, and 46 pp. By Archibald Kennedy. '■ ■ 1103 Importance (The) of the British Dominion in India, com- j>Q-ir pared with that in America, hf. mor. Lond. 1770, title, and pp. 5-60, 16° '^ , llOli Important (Some) Observations, occasioned by and adapted ,v > / to, the Publick Past, Ordered by Authority, December 18th, A.D. 1765, half calf Neivport, Sam. Hall, 1766, hf. -title, title, and pp. 3-61, 4° 6 1105 Inc' Wadi Yokugala Ka^Towannes Intloko Yokugala, uncut, A y hf. mor. ^/^ \_Colopho7i] IbisMcilelwe E-Ghumie Emaxoseni, 1832, 16 pp, sm. 8° Presumed to be in tbe Mohawk Indian Language. /j ^ - 1106 Indarte (Jose Eivera) Efemerides de los Deguellos. Asesi-*-//^ natos y Matanzas del DegoUador Juan Manual Rosas '^ Montevideo [1829], 32 pp. 8° /. 1107 Independent Whig (The), oZf?c«Z/" C^^ \Colo]^hon^ Printed and sold by Samuel Keiiner, in Philadeljihia [1720], 4" Eight prel. leaves, and text 227 pp. The hidejiendent Whig consists of an Introduction of 1 6 pages and 53 numbers, generally of four pages each, I'eprinted from the London edition. /"- 1108 India. Letera de la nobil cipta: nouamente ritrouafca aUe q/ Indie con li costumi & modi del suo lie & soi populi : Li z7^ modi del suo adorate con la bella vsanza de le donue loro : & de le dua persone ermafrodite donate da quel Ee al Capitano de larmata, hoards [at the end] Data in Peru adi. 25 de Nouemhre, 1534, [Beprint, Milan, 1830 ?], 8 pp. 4° /^. f 1109 Indiat^ Laws. Letes t oedenanzas nuetamente hechas / POE su Magestad, paea la gobernacion de las Indias .^^j^ T BUEN TEATAMIENTO T COKSEEYACION DE LOS IndIOS Alcala, Joan de Srocar, 1543, folio The First Collection of Indian Laws. — The title and last two or three leaves are in MS. — the original printed leaves being folioed ii to ix. When perfect the volume should consist of 20 pages. It is the first collection of printed laws relating to the New World, and (according to Mr. llich, who in 1832, priced a copy £21.) is of the utmost rarity. • o 1110 Indian Treaties, and Laws and Eegulations relating to Indian Affairs Washington, 1826, 881 pp. 8° ,^ 0000 Indian and Ameeican Languages. See Ardas ; Bcr- /j^^. tonio; Gaona; Hoiose; Inc^ivadi YoJcugala; Long; Lutheri' Catechismus, in Virginian; MacKenney; Molina; Morning Frai/er, in Mohawk; Neve y Molina; Noceda ; Occam; Ockanickon ; Bamimngo ; Parkinson ; Perez ; Primer, in Mohawk. FOTTETH day's SALE. 125 5 1111 Interest (The) of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain, in the present contest with the Colonies, stated and considered, lif. mor. Lond. 1776, title and 50 pp. 8° / 1112 Ireuicvm ; or, an Essay towards a Brotherly Peace and Ynion, between those of the Congregational and Presby- terian "Way Lond. 1659, 4° Seven prel. leaves ; viz. title, reverse blank ; the Preface ; the At- testation; to the Judicious Reader ; and an Advertisement to the Reader. Text 75 pp. A great part of this book pertains to the Church affairs of New England. Mr. Cotton's, Mr. Hook's, and Mr. Shepard's books / are frequently quoted. 1113 IsEAEL (Menasseh Ben) Spcs Israelis, calf, ly Bedford Amst. 1650, 12° Six prel. leaves and 111 pp. Concerning the identity of the Aborigines of America with the Hebrew Race. / O^ 1114 ' , 1115 1116 ' 1117 r ^ 1118 '- 1119 '. /ll20 Izquierdo. + El Padre Sebastian Izquierdo, Assistente en Eoma por las Provincias de Espana, mando al Procurado G-eneral de Indias en esta Corte, al ano de 1673, dar a la estampa, este Papel, unbound {Lima, 1673 ?] fol. Eight folioed leaves. lacquin (Nic. Joseph) Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum Historia in qua ad Linnaeanum Systema Determinatae De- seriptaeque, imcut Manhemii, 1788, 378 pp. 8" Jamaica. The present State of Jamaica, with the Life of the Great Columbus the first Discoverer : to which is added an Exact Account of Sir Hen. 'Morgan's Voyage to, and famous Siege and taking of Panama from the Spaniards Lond. Fr. Clark for Tho. Malthus, 1683, 12» Five prel. leaves ; viz. title, reverse blank, ' to the Reader.' 4 pp. Books sold by Tho. Malthus 4 pp. Text 54 pp. Title. ' Sir Henry Morgan's Voyage to Panama, 1670. London, Printed for Thomas Malthus, at the Sun in the Poultry, 1683.' Text pp. 57 to 117. This is probably one of the Books containing the libel upon Sir Henry Morgan, for which he recovered the sum of £200, in an action against the publisher, T. Malthus. See London Gazette, June 8, 1 685. Rich says this work was published in order to make a favourable impression as to Morgan. — A Narrative of Affairs lately received from his Majesties Island of Jamaica, uncut Lond. 1683, title and 6 pp. fol. — Account of the late Earthquake in Jamaica, June the 7th, 1692, calf extra, hy Bedford, with the Autograph of White Kennett on the title Lond. 1693, ^ Four prel. leaves and 26 pp. — The Truest and Largest Account of the late Earthquake in Jamaica, June the 7th, 1692, hf. mor. Lond. 1693, 4<» Four prel. leaves and 26 pp. — The following Address, and particular Instances as to the Duties demanded on Prize Goods brought into Jamaica, etc. hf mor. folio Four pp. With 'The Account,' a folded Sheet. 'An Answer to some False and Malicious Objections given out, to prevent the Duties on Prize Goods being remitted, with some Observations.' 2 pp. Bound together. 126 FOURTH day's SALE. Jamaica : continued. \f, 1121 — The Trade Granted to the South-Sea Company : con- X sidered with Relation to Jamaica, hf .mor. aX^^z^ Lond. 1714, 30 pp. S** f . 1122 — A View of the Proceedings of the Assemblies of Jamaica, j^y for some Tears past. With some considerations on the /vC^-m' Present State of that Island Lond. 1716, 48 pp. 8" t / 1123 — A Vindication of the late Grovernor and Council o^ //j ' Jamaica Lond. 1716, 32 pp. ^o/c^^^r^i { A 1124 — A True Account of the late Pyracies of Jamaica, hf. mor. 'Jd- Vol. I. Title, and 628 pp. Copper-plates numbered 1 to 4. II. Title; ^ and 600 pp. Plates numbered 5 to 15. III. Title, viii and pp. 595-976. Plate numbered 16. By Edward Long^, Esq. The work has now become exceedingly rare. — Nichols. 6 1138 — Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of Jamaica, from '^^L,,.^?^ 1770 to 1783, inclusive, hf. calf .^'^^-^^c Kingston . , . Jamaica, 1786, 4" Three prel. leaves; 31 pp. and pp. 3-424. ' An Abridgment of the Laws of Jamaica, etc. by way of Index,' etc. 40 pp. / ]139 — The New Jamaica Almanack, and Eegister, calculated to the Meridian of the Island for the Year 1798, [2nd ed. '/^/^r^r^-z carefully corrected], morocco ■' ' ' Kingston: Stevenson and Aihnan [1798], 12"^ One hundred and fifty-seven pp. Index, etc. 15 pp. Map of Martinico. ^ 1140 — The Rev. Mr. Cooper and bis Calumnies against Jamaica, -^^X-, by a West Indian, /?/: won /«maica, 1825, 67 pp. 8° c^ /-^-^^ 1141 — Observations on the System by which Estates have been . and are still Managed in Jamaica, and on the Apprentice- ,01 ship introduced by the recent Abolition Act '^ Kdinh. 1836, 27 pp. 8" 1142 — The Revised Statutes of Jamaica, as to Crimes and Mi?- y^ demeanors, Analytically and Alphabetically Arranged \o'>^'^^^^''^^ 1842-3 Lond. 1844, 384 pp. 8" 1143 — Appendix to the Report of the Central Board of Health Q'^^<_ of Jamaica, uncut .^v^<^^ Spanish Town, F. M. Wilson, 1852, 3 pi. Is. and 282 pp. 8° 0000 — See Brief {A) Journal ; Burroughs ; CoJce 1144 James (Thomas). The Steange and Dangeeovs Vot- y^ AGE OF CaPTAINE ThOMAS IaMES, IN HIS INTENDED DiS- _^ , "/> COUBRT OF THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE INTO THE ^OVSll^^^./^^^ Sea : wherein the Misei'ies indvred both Going, Winter- iug. Returning, and the Rarities obserued, both Philoso- phicall and Mathematical, are related in this lournall of it, wants the map, blue morocco extra hy Hagday Lond. ly lohn Legatt for John Partridge, 1633, 4° Three prel. leaves, viz. title, reverse blank. ' To the Kings most excel- lent and sacred Maiestie,' 2 pp. • To my worthy friend and fellow-Tem- A 128 FOURTn day's sale. plar Captaine lames,' signed ' Thomas Nash,' 1 page, ' The Printer de- sires,' etc. 1 page. "Text, 120 pp. ' The Names of the seuerall instru- ments I prouided and bought for this Voyage,' 2 pp. ' This was the man- ner that we tooke the variation of the compasse,' etc. 4 pp. and blank leaf. ' An Appendix touching Longitude,' 6 pp. signed ' H. Gellibrand.' ' To the venerable Artists and younger Students in Divinity in the famous Vniuersity of Cambridge,' 10 pp. signed ' X. Z.' This account, printed by King Charles's command, contains some remarkable physical observa- tions respecting the intensity of the cold and the accumulation of ice in northern latitudes. — Lowndes. "y 1145 — The same. The Second Edition, revised and corrected /^^ / ' Lond. 1740, 5 prel, leaves and 142 pp. map, S"'^^^ ■(- 1146 Janeway (James). Mr. James Janeway's Legacy to his Friends, containing Twenty-seven Famous Instances of Grod's Providences in and about Sea Dangers and Deliver- ances, old calf Lond. Dorman Newman, 1674, 16"^ Four prel. leaves, viz. Title and ' The Epistle to the Reader,' signed 'John Ky ther ;' text, 134 pp. A great part of this book relates to New England, / and other parts of America. Z - o 1147 Janney (Thomas). An Epistle from Thomas Janney to/y*^^^ Friends of Cheshire, ^row^ margin mutilated Lond. T. Sowle, 1694, 8 pp. 4° //- 1148 Japan. A Briefe Eolation of the Persecvtion lately made against the Catholike Christians in the Kingdome of laponia, deuided into Two Bookes, Taken out of the jP Annuall Letters of the Fathers of the Society of lesvs, and^^;^^^^ other Authenticall Informations. "Written in Spanish, and printed first at Mexico in the West Indies, the yeare of Christ 1616, and newly translated into English by W. W. Grent. The First Part, old calf 1619, 350 pp. ' The Table' 2 pp. 16° Z ' 1149 Jay (Sir James) Knt. M.D. of New TorTc, A Letter to the /^ Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, etc. in respect to j/Su,- the Collection that was made for the Colleges of New York and Philadelphia, Tif. mor. Lond. 3774, title and 20 pp. 8« ^ - 1150 Jay (James) Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis, de FluorevO( Albo, If. mor. Edinh. 1753, 2 prel. leaves and 28 pp. 4^^ rr ^ ■ 1151 Jay ("William) A Eeview of the Causes and Consequences ,^ of the Mexican "War, calf gilt, marhled edges / //A Boston : Benjamin B. 3Iussey and Co. 1849, 333 pp. 12°/^^^ ^ . 1152 Jefferson (Thomas) Am. See. of State, Authentic Copies of the Correspondence of, and George Hammond, Esq. Vy^' Minister Plenipotentiary of (jreat Britain, on the l^ou- M/ycJ^ Execution of Existing Treaties, the Delivering the Frontier Posts, etc. Tf. mor. PJdlad. printed, Lond. repr. 1794, 8'' Two Parts. Part I. Title and 89 pp. Part II. Title and 11 pp. ' Papers relative to Great Britain,' 59 pp. These papers comprehend everything necessary to afford coni]ilete information with respect to the grounds of the disputes between Great Britain and America. — Itkh. FOTJIITH day's sale. 129 / 1153 Jefferys (Tliomas) The Natural^ and Civil History of the / 'ip--^ 1154 Erench Dominions in North and South America, calf y^ Lond. 1760, folio y^^ Part I. 4 pi-«I. leaves and 168 pp.; 8 maps. Part II. 2 prel. leaves auci 246 pp.; 10 maps. Jefferys (Thomas) A Description of the Spanish Islands and /■. / Settlements on the Coast of the West Indies, old calf / 1159 ; ^ iiGO \ /1161 Three prel. leaves, xxLv and 106 pp.; Index, 2 pp.; with the 32 maps and plans. ^--, Jefferys (Thomas) Voyages from Asia to America, ^ov/^ Completing the Discoveries of the North-west Coast oU//^/-^^ America ; to which is prefixed, a Summary of the Voyages made by the Russians on the Frozen Sea in search of a North-East Passage, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1764, 128 pp. and 2 maps, 4" /_ Jefferys (Thomas) The Great Probability of a North-west (VYj^ Passage, deducted from Observations on the Letter of r^^^^^ Admiral De Fonte Lond. 1768, 4° One hundred and seventy-eight p.igres and 3 maps. Jefferys was rather the publisher than the author. The author, according to Meusel, was Theodore Swindrage ; but is named by Watts, Dragge. Jeverum (Jo.) Verzeichniss allerhand Pietistischer Intrigueu und Unordnungen, in Litthauen, vielen Stadten Teutsch- landes, Hungarn, und America 1729, title and 173 pp. 8" John tlie Painter. A Short Account of the Motives which determined the Man called John the Painter, and a Justi- fication of his Conduct; written by himself, and sent to his Friend, Mr. A. Tomkins, with a request to publish it after his execution, lif mor. Lond. 1777, 4° Half-title, title, and 15 pp. Johnson (Charles) A Greneral History of the Eobberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates, and also theii: Policies, Discipline and Grovernment, from their first Rise and Settlement in the Island of Providence in 1717 to the present year 1724 ; with the Remarkable Actions and Adventures of the two Female Pyrates, Mary Read and Anne Bonny Lond. 1724, 8° Eleven pre), leaves and pp. 17-320; 3 copper-plates at pp. 86, 117, 202. An appropriate sequel to the Historij oj' the Bnccaniers. Johnson (Mrs. James) of CJiarlesfoicn, J^. H. The Captive jZ/^Z/^ American; containing an Account of thd Sufferings oi^^^^'^^^^ Mrs. Johnson during four vears with the Indians and French, If mor. ' Air, 1802, 21 pp. 12° s / K^*i^ ?./ 130 POTJETH DAT S SALE. ^. 1162 Johnson (Samuel) D,D. of Connecticut. A Letter to Mr. Jonathan Dickinson, in defence of Aristocles to Authades, /a concerning the Sovereignty and Promises of Grod, hf. mor. y^/^-zr-^ Boston, Bogers and Foit-le, 1747, 28 pp. 8<=^ f , ^ 1163 Johnson (Samuel) The Chi'istian indeed; explained in y Two Sermons of Humility and Charity, preached at ^'S^-gv^^r^^- Haven, June 28, 1767, hf. mor. "^ New Haven, Tlio. and Sam. Green, 1768, 24 pp. 8° 1164 Johnson (Samuel) A Demonstration of the Eeasonableness, /^ Usefulness, and Great Duty of Prayer, hf. mor. t7~^ New York, TV. Weyman, 1760, S^ Twenty-eight pp.; 'A Letter to a Friend, relating to the same subject,' 6 pp.; 'Advertisement' and 'A short Tract on Mysteries,' 4 pp. 0000 Johnson (Samuel) LL.D. See Taxation no Tyranny ; Thoughts respecting the Falkland Islands. /7 ^^^1166 Johnston (Thomas) Travels through Lower Canada, inter-^^^,.,^^ spersed with Canadian Tales and Anecdotes /■'cr* Edinh. 1827, frontisp. and 96 pp. 12° ^,/ll67 Johnstone (Walter) A Series of Letters descriptive of J^l^,.^ ' Prince Edward Island, in the Gulph of St. Laurence a.-''^^^ Dumfries, 1822, 72 pp. 12° J ' 1168 Johnstone (Walter) Travels in Prince Edward Island, Grulf ^ of St. Lawrence, North America, in 1820-21 M^-^ Edinh. 1823, 132 pp. and map, 12o /J . 1169 Jones (Paul). Paul Jones, ou Propheties sur I'Amerique, I'Angleterre, la Prance, I'Espagne, la Hollande, etc. par ^J^ Paul Jones, Corsaire, Prophete et Sorcier comme il n'eruy^ f6t jamais, hf. mor. uncut [1797], 120 pp. 8" • 1170 Jorgensen (Jorgen). State of Christianity in the Island of ^^.^ Otaheite Bond. 1811, title and 175 pp. 8o/^^'^- 9 1 1171 Joseph (E. L.) History of Trinidad O,^ Trinidad, H. J. Mils, [1838], 281 pp. 12° ^^'^ /- /ll72 Joseph [Emperor of Germany'] and Benjamin [Pranklin], j ' a Conversation, translated from a Erench Manuscript ,ozr^ Bond. 1787, 2 prel. leaves and 253 pp. 12° Q . 1173 JossELTN (John) Ak Account or Two Voyages to /? ^ O' New England, fine clean copy j/X'Pt^ For Giles Widdows, 1674, sm. 8° License, 1 leaf preceding title; Title; Dedication and Errata, 2 leaves; text, 279 pp. followed by 3 pp. of advertisements. /C- 1174 Joutel, A Journal of the last Voyage Perform'd by Monsr. y/ de la Sale, to the Gulph of Mexico, to find out the Mouth //^'*^ of the Missisipi Eiver, cf Bond. 1714, 8° Sixteen prel. leaves, 205 pp. and 5 pp. of Index. Chailevoix speaks highly of Joutel, and of the services he rendered to M. de la Sale, in his unfor- tunate expedition. — Rich. f-/ ^ POUETH day's sale. 131 1175 JouEDAN. A Plaine Desceiption op the Baemtdas, NOW CALLED SoMMEE Ilands ; with the ISIanner of their Discouerie anno 1609, by the Shipwrack and admirable „ . , /l/^ O Deliuerance of Sir Thomas Gates and Sir George Sommers, ^Iw wherein are truly set forth the commodities and profits of Jt^-e^t^i'^ that rich, pleasant and healthful! covntrie, cut close, and the last page in exact facsimile by Harris, blue mor. extra, by Bedford Lond. by W. Stansby, for W. Welby, 1613, 4P Four prel. leaves, viz. Title, the reverse Wank ; ' To the trvly Honorable and Right Worthy Knight Sir Thomas Smith,' etc. 6 pp. in roman letter, signed 'W. C.;' text in large ]3Iac& letter in 20 unnumbered leaves ; ♦A Copie of the Articles,' etc. 3 pp. in roman type. Not mentioned by Rich, nor does Lowndes refer to the sale of any copy. ,^ 1176 Juan (George) and A. de UUoa, A Voyage to South America : /A^^^^^ describing at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, /<=='~^^'*^ etc. on that extensive Continent, 2 vols, calf Lond. 1758,8" Vol. I. xxiv and 509 pp. Vol. II. 3 prel. leaves ; and 420 pp. Index 18 pp. Plates in the two volumes numbered i to vli. , 1177 — The same, 2nd Ed. calf Lond. 1760, 8" Vol. I. xxiv and 498 pp. Plates i to v. Vol. II. 2 prel. leaves; and 410 pp. Index 18 pp. Plates vi and vii. 1178 — The same, 3rd Ed. 2 vols, calf Lond. 1772, 8° /^ _,^ Vol. I. xxiv and 479 pp. Plates i to v. Vol. II. 2 prel. leaves, anc^/v^^'^ 419 pp. Index 14 pp. Plates vi and vii. - 1179 — The same, 5th Ed. 2 vols, calf Lond. 1807, 8° ^^^ Vol. I. xxvii and 479 pp. Plates i to v, VoL II. iv and 419 pp. Index 14 pp. Plates vi and vii. , 1180 — The same, Another Ed. 2 vols. cf. Dublin. 1758, 8<» Vol. I. 378 pp. Plates at pp. 127, 159, 341. Vol. II. 2 prel. leaves, and^ text pp. 9-356. Plates at pp. 15, 192. 1181 Juan (George) Historiche Eeisbeschryving van geheel Zuid- _^ America, 2 vols, uncut Q-ravenhage, 1771-72, 8° yy^y^^ Vol. I, 4 prel. leaves ; xxiv and 428 pp. Frontispiece and plates i to xii, jy^^ II. viii, iv, and 407 pp. Plates xiii to xxv. /^ , / 1182 Julius (N. H.) Nordamerikas sittliche Zustande. Nach ^--y eigenen Anschauungen in den Jahren 1834, 1835, und 2^-^^^ 1836, 2 vols, uncut Leipz. 1839, 8" Vol. I. xxviii and 514 pp. Map. II. xxii and 504 pp. 67 'Tafel' and 13 plates. ^ l ^ 1183 Julian (Antonio) La Perla de la America, Provincia de Santa "T^^^x^g*. Marta, reconocida, observado, y expuesta en discursos his- ''^^^ toricos, hf cf Madrid, 1787, title and 310 pp. 4P ^ ^1184 Jiidson (L. Carroll). A Biography of the Signers of the De- claration of Independence, and of AYashiugton and Patrick Henry. With an Appendix, containing the Constitution ; of the United States and other Documents ^Philadelphia, Dobson and Cowperthicait, 1839, 8° ix and 9-354 pp. 7. / 132 pouETH day's sale. 1185 Kalm (Peter) Travels into North America, 3 vols. Warrinffton, William Eyres, 1770, 8° Vol. I. xvi and 400 pp. ' Advertisement,' 1 page. Copperplates at pjfr 273 & 322. II. London, T. Lowndes, MDCCLXXI. 352 pp. Copper- plates at pp. 79, 82, 90, 274. III. London, T. Lowndes, MDCCLXXI. viii and 310 pp. Index 14 pp. List of Subscribers, 8 pp. Map of North America. A valuable work. The author's name has been immor- tidized by Linnaeus, in the beautiful Genus Kahnia, so common in the United States. — Rich. 2 . 6 1186 Kamschatka (Histoire de), des Isles Kurilski, et des eon- trees voisines, 2 vols, calf Lyon, JB. Duplain, 1767, 12^ Vol. 1. 4 prel. leaves; xv and 327 pp. With ' Carte de Kamtschatka. 11/ 4 prel. leaves, and 369 pp. With ' Carte des Isles Kurilski.' ^.o 1187 Keath (Sir William) A Collection of Papers and other/ Tracts, written occasionally, 2nd Ed. Lond. 1749, Vl'^fy^ Eleven prel. leaves, and 228 pp. /- 1188 Keating. The Grenuine Nari-ative of the Life and Transae- -^ ' tions of Major Maurice Keating, the noted Pirate and Murderer, who was executed on Monday the 27th of De-^^ ^ cember, 1784, at Cuckold's-Point, near Port-Royal, in \\\v'^^^ "^ Island of Jamaica, to which is added, A True and Paithful Account of the Loss of the Brigantine Tyrrell, and the uncommon Hardships suffered by the Crew, hf. mor. Lond. [1784] 16 pp. 8° / . 1189 Keating (William H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's Eiver, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the yf Woods, etc. performed in the year 1823, by order of the/^^^5^ Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, 2 vols, uiicui ' Philadelphia, H. C. Carey and J. Lea, 1824, 8° Vol.1. 7 prel. leaves, and pp. 9-439. With 5 plates. II. 3 prel. leaves, and pp. 5-459. With 10 plates. / 2 . /^1190 — The same, another edition, 2 vols, uncut Lond. 1825, 8° Jy~^ ' Vol. I. xvi and 458 pp. With 5 plates. Vol. II. vi and 248 pp. ' Ap- *^ pendix.' 156 pp. 3 folded Sheets and 10 plates. ^ /^1191 Keene (Eichard Raynal) A Letter of Vindication to Colonel^ ' Munroe, President of the United States, imcut ^rr^'P^ Land. 1824, 86 pp. 8" 1192 Keith (Gteoege) The Peesbtteeiak and Independent VISIBLE Chueches in New-England and elsewhere, // /^ brought to the Test, and examined according to the Doc- /^r- trin of the Holy Scriptures, in their Doctrin, Ministry ^T/W*- Worship, Constitution, Government, Sacraments, and Sabbath Day, more particularly directed to those in New- England Lond. 1691, 4 prel. leaves and 230 pp. sm. 8*» / y 1193 Keith (GtEOEGe) The Notes of the True Church, with the ^V/ /- Application of them to the Church of England, and ^kiQ^/^^/- ^ great Sin of Separation fi'om Her, a Sermon preached at Trinity Church in New York, lif. mor. New York, Will. Bradford, 1704, 4« Four prel. leaves ; viz. Title and Epistle, and 20 pp. FOUKTU day's sale. 133 ? ' 1194 Keith (Geobge) The great Necessity and Use of the Holy ^/ Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, a Sermon y/^^-^^ preached at Trinity Church in New York, If. mor. ^ / New York, TV. Bradford, 1704-, 24 pp. 4« i 6 1195 Kennedy (Archibald) Serious Considerations on the Pre- (A sent State of the Aflairs of the Northern Colonies, lif. mor. 'O^^ New York, printed : Lond. repr. [1754] 24 pp. 8*^ A 1196 Kent (James) Commentaries on American Law, ninth and ^. > ' best edition, 4 vols, calf Boston, 1858, 8° /^'.^^^ Vol. I. xxxvi and 687 pp. II. Ixxii and 877 pp. III. Iv and 662 pp. ^ IV. xlvii and 709 pp. ,^ 1197 Kentucky, A Description of, to which are prefixed Miscel- y^ laueous Observations respecting the United States ^^^-'Z^^'^t \Lond.'] 1792, 124 pp. 8-^ 1198 Ker (John), of Kersland, Memoirs of, 3rd Ed. 2 \o\%.fine copy, half calf Lond. 1727, 80 / Three Parts in Two Volumes. Part I. 8 prel. leaves, 180 pp. Index 4 W' i^f^T'^ Part II. 1726. Title, viii and 184 pp. Index 6 pp. Part III. and ^ Last. 2 prel. leaves, vi and 221 pp. * Eemarks,' etc. 1727. 160 pp. ' Appendix.' 16 pp. . ^ 1199 Kidd (Captain William), A full Account of the Proceedings in relation to, in two Letters, If. mor. Lond. 1701, 4° Four prel. leaves and 51 pp. Captain Kidd was employed by the Earl of Bellomont, to whom bis Letters are addressed, to act ag-aiust the pirates who infested the coasts of North America, in 1696, but turned pirate himself. — Rich. • ^1200 — The same, 2nd Ed. Tif. mor. Lond. 1701, 41 pp. 4" ^^ 1201 Kingsley (James Luce) A Historical Discourse, delivered ' by request before the Citizens of New Haven, April 25, 1838, the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Eirst Set- tlement of the Town and Colony New Haven, B. and TV. Noijes, 1838, 115 pp, 8° / 1202 Kirby. An Account of the Arraignments and Tryals of Col. Eichard Kirby, Capt. John Constable, Capt. Cooper // "Wade, Capt. Samuel Vincent, and Capt. Christopher Fogg, -y^ for Cowardice, Neglect of Duty, Breach of Orders, andyV^-^*^ other Crimes, committed by them in a Eight at Sea, com- menced the 19th of August, 1702, hf. mor. Lond. folio Title and 10 pp. <;> ^1203 Knox (John) An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in // ' ^ North America, for the years 1757-60, 2 vols. Iialf calf ,JL-r-nr Lond., for the Author, 1769, ^^C7^^^'~'^ Vol. I. 8 prel. leaves, 405 pp. and 1 leaf of errata. Large Map and Por- trait of Gen. Amherst. Vol. II. Title and 465 pp. with 1 leaf of errata. Portrait of Wolfe. A very valuable collection of materials towards a history of our late war in North America. — M. Rev. y, 134 FOUKTH day's SALE. ^ , 6 1204 Koster (Henry) Tra\rels in Brazil, calf Lond. 1816, 4° Five hundred and thirteen pp., 10 plates. y^ 1205 — The same, 2nd Ed. 2 vols. Ms. wicut Lond. 1817, S^ /^ Vol. I. xii and 406 pp. 8 plates. Vol. II. iv and 380 pp. 2 plates. ^1/^^^^ END OF FIEST PAET. CATALOGUE ig^ A COLLECTION OF A'ALUABLE fflQf. MISCELLAMOUS BOOKS, f coirpRISI^-a A LARGE NUMBER OF EXTREMELY RARE AXD INTERESTING BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA AND THE INDIES, AND ILLUSTEATIVE OF THEIE HISTORY, TOPOGEAPHY, PHILOLOGY, A>T) THEIE RELATION TO THE NATIONS OF EUROPE, THE WHOLE IN FINE CONDITION, MANY BEING- IN ELEOANT BINDINGS BY F. BEDFORD, HATDAT, W. PRATT, Etc. AN EXTEAOEDINAET COLLECTION' OF EARLY AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS j THE MOST ESTEEMED AMERICAN LAW REPORTS, STATUTES, STATE PAPERS, OFFICIAL SURYETS, Etc. ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF STANDARD ENGLISH AND FOREIGN BOOKS IN GENEEAL LITEEATUEE ; BIBLIA LATINA, 1462, the eiest Bible with a date, COYEED ALE'S BIBLE, 1535, eiest Editiok, DIBDINS BIBLIOGRAPHICAL TOUR, 3 tols. laege papee, CAXTON'S CHRONICLE, 1482, xeaelt complete, AND MANY OTHER VERY IMPORTANT WORKS; ETC. ETC. Wilnclx aill lie sold h) ^ndmx, BY MESSRS PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, AUCTIONEERS OF LITERARY PROPERTY AND WORKS OF ART, AT THEIR NEW AND YERY SPACIOUS PREMISES, No. 47, LEICESTER SQUARE, ^ '' On TUESDAY, MARCH 25t^^1862Axd foue following Days, AT ONE o'clock MOST PUNCTUALLY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday before the sale, and Catalogues had of the principal Booksellers throughout europe and america. ^ i ouq CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The higliest Bidder to he tlie Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, tlie Lot so disputed to be immediately put up again and resold. II. No person to advance less tlian 1.'^. ; above Five Pounds, 25 'od, and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their names and Places of Abode an d to pay dwn 5s. in the Pound, if required, in Part Payment of the Purchase-money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and Eisk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendor, on or before delivery ; in defaid.t of which Messrs. Puttick and Simpson will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. V. The Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed in the Catalogue, or at the time of Sale ; but if upon collating within one week of the Sale, they should prove defective, the Purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them. VI. The sale of any Book or Books is not to be set aside on account of any Stained or Short leaves of Text or Plates, want of List of Plates, or on account of the Publication of any subsequent Volume, Sup- plement, Appendix, or Plates. All the Manuscripts, all Magazines, and Eeviews, all Books in Lots, and all Tracts in Lots or Volumes, and all Books described as being in any way imperfect, will be sold with all Faults, Imperfections, and Errors of Description, The sale of any lot of Prints or Drawings in Illustrated Books, or otherwise, ia not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or for any error of description therein. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money deposited in part Payment shall be forfeited ; and all Lots left uncleared, in conformity with these Conditions, may be re-sold by public or private Sale without further notice; and the Deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaidters at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. *^* No Lots can be delivered at the time of Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their obedient Servants, PUTTICK AND SIMPSON. Auction Eooms for the sale of Literary Property, Music, and Works of Art, 47, Leicester Square. *if^ Libraries Catalogued, Arranged, and Valued for the Probate or Legacy Duty, or for Public or Private Sale. Small consignments of Boots, Music, etc. received and inserted in occasional Sales with property of a kindred description, thus giving the same advantages to the ow)ier of a few lots as to the possessor of a large collection. Established [in Piccadilly] 1794. CATALOGUE OF A A' alt: ABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, PRINCIPALLY RELATING TO THE HISTOET AND LITERATURE OF AMERICA AND THE INDIES. FIEST DAY'S SALE. o *^* All in Svo. or lesser sizes, unless otherwise mentioned. ^ 1 Abbot. A Grenealogical Register of the Descendants of the ^ Abbot Family Boston, 18-17 Abbott. New-Eogland and her Institutions, by one of her Sons, [Jacob Abbott] Loud. 1835 /^^ Abingdon (Earl of) Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke,/^-^-^ Esq. to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the AHairs of America, half morocco Oxford, [1777] Abridgement (An) of the Laws in Force and Use in Her Ma- y jestj's Plantations, (viz ) of Virginia, Jamaica, Barba- i^ does, Maryland, ]S"e\v-England, New-York, Carolina, etc. fine copy, calf Lond. 1704 ^ Abstract from the Charter granted to the Society for the pro- '^^jf pagation of the Grospel in Foreign Parts, 3 pp. fol. 1703 G Abstract (An) of the Proceedings of the Corporation, for the Relief of the "Widows and Children of Clergymen, iu the '<^ Communion of the Church of England in America, half , morocco Phil ad. J. Humphreys, jun. 1773 .^7 Acadia, Remarks on the French Memorials concerning the ^p^, Limits of, to which is added, An Answer to the Sum- mary Discussion, etc, half mor. Lond. 1756 8 Account (An) of the Propagation of the Grospel in Foreign Parts folio, Lond. Jos. Downing, 1701! B /5 s y FIEST day's sale. 9 Account of the Society for the Encouragement of the British Troops in Germany and North America, with the motives /yt of making a Present to those Troops and the Widows and ^ ^^ Orphans of such as have died in Defence of their Coun- try, particularly at the Battles of Thonhausen, Quebec, etc. calf 1760 J' . 10 Account (An) of the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colo- .^y-^^ nies, lialf mor. Lond. 1780 ill Account (An) of the Loss of His Maiesty's Ship Deal Castle, ^ off Port Eico, 1780 " Lond. 11 Si ^^^ 12 AcosTA (Joseph de) Historia Natural t Moral de laS "^ Indias, Spanish binding, clean copy 4to. Sevilla, 1590 ^ // 13 Acosta (Joseph de). The Natvrall and Morall His-^^ TORiE OE THE East AND West INDIES, written in ' Spanish by the E. E. Joseph Acosta, and translated into English by E[dward] G[rimstone], veJlum 4to. Lond. hy Val. Sims for l£d. Blount and Will. Apdey, 1604 ^ 14 Acosta (Joseph de). De Natvra Novi Orbis Libri dvo, et de Promvlgatione Evangelii, apvd Barbaros, sive de^ Procvrfinda Indorvm salvte Libri sex, fine copy, original' stamped pig slcin Colon. 1596 Acosta is one of the earliest writers, who has treated philoso- phically of America and its productions. — Rich. /. 15 Acts of Congress (General and Public) respecting the Sale and ^^ disposition of the Public Lands, with Instructions issued from time to time, 2 vols, calf scarce Washington, 1838' ^ ^ / 16 AcTJNA (Christoval de) Voyages and Discoveries in South America — The First up the Eiver of Amazons to Quito in Peru, and back again to Brazil, by Acvgna — The j/ Second up the Eiver of Plata, to the Mines of Potosi, by -^^^^ Acarete — The Third from Cayenne into Guiana, in search of the Lake of Parima, by M. Grillet and Be- chamel, done into English from the Originals, being the only Accounts of those Parts hitherto extant, maps, calf Lond. for S. Buckley, 1698 '(J ■ 17 Adair (James) The History of the American Indians ; parti- cularly those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East A / and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina/'^^^-^ and Virginia : containing an Account of their Origin, Language, Manners, Eeligious and Civil Customs, Laws, etc. witli map of the American Indian nations, calf 4to. Lond. 1775 Mr. Adair points out various customs of the Indians, having a striking resemblance to those of the Jews ; and the great object of his work appears to be, to prove that the abori- gines of America are descended from that race. 4 ^ / 18 Adams (John) A Defence of the Constitutions of Government j^ of the United States of America, 3 vols. Ids. uncut ''--^ Lond. 1794 FIRST day's sale. .3 . ^ 19 Adams (Amos), Pasfo?' of tlie first Church of Boxbury, A Con- cise, Historical View of the Difficulties, Hardships, and 7 / Perils which attended the Planting and progressive Im- yv^ provements of New-England. With a particular A.c-.'^'^-^^ count of its long and Destructive Wars, Expensive Expeditions, etc. ^ Boston 2)rinied. London repr. for Ud. and Ch. I>iU)/, 1770 20 Adams (Eliphalct) Eminently Good and Useful Men, the Grlory and Defence of the places where they live, as it , , was set forth in a Sermon on the Death of the Rev. James ^ Noyes JVeio London, T. Green, 1720 x/ > (/ 21 Adams (Hannah) View of all Eeligions Boston, 1801 ;^#^ , / 22 Adams (John) History of the Dispute with America from 1754 . ^ to 1771, 1781 — Address and Recommendations to the X^ States, 1783 — Considerations on the present State of ^ , Great Britain and the United States of North America, - ^^^^"^ 1781— A letter from an American, 1781 — Edwards (B.) Thoughts on the AVest India Trade, etc. In 1 vol. TiaJf bound V. y. /■ 23 Address (An) to Protestant Dissenters on the Approaching y^ Election with respect to the state of Public Liberty in^^^-25'-^ General, and of American affairs in Particular, lif. mor. / ^ Lond. 1774 . ^ 21 Address (The) of the People of Great-Britain to the Inhabit- ants of America, hf. mor. Lond. 1775 y/f " This address is said and believed to have been written by ^'''^^' Sir J. D. (Sir John Dalrymple), and printed at the pubhc expense, to be distributed in America." — Monthly Rev. 25 Address to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, by those Ereemen of the City of Pliiladelphia who are now confined in the yj_^ Mason's Lodge, by virtue of a general warrant, signed •^'^^"^'^^ in Council by the A^ice President of the Council of y ^ Pennsylvania, hf. mor. Philadelphia, Robert Bell, 1777 , ry 26 African. Importance (The) of EfFectually Supporting the Royal ,><^ African Company of England impartially considered, map ycJ^i^ 4to. Lond. 1715 /] 27 Alcedo (Antonio de) Geographical and Historical Dictionary / " // of America and the West Indies, translated by G. A. ///y'^. Thompson, 5 vols, half bound russia 4to. 1812''^^ 28 Alexo de Oerio (Frakcisco Xayier) Solucion del gran /- -^ problema acerca de la poblacion de las Americas, en /^ que sobre el fundamento de los Libros Santos se des- /^,_^ cubre facil camino a la transmigracion de los Hombres'''^ del uno al otro Continente ; y como pudieron pasar al Nuevo Mundo, no solamente las Bestias de servicio, sino tambien las Eieras, y nocivas, vellum 4to. Mexico : herederos de Bona Maria de Ribera, 1763 _ . ^ 29 Alfieri and Goldoni, their Lives and Adventures, 1857 — Faith- /■■^^^ ful for Ever, by Coventry Pat more, 1860 — Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Practice 1840 4 FIEST day's sale. ""] 30 Allen. Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen's Captivity, containing )/£- Lis Voyages and Travels, and an Account of the Destrue-/^^^'^^ tion of the Prisoners at New York, by Gen. Sir "Wm. Howe, scarce Walpole, N. H. 1807 '/^ 31 Allen (Ira) The Natural and Political History of the State J of Vermont, with an Appendix, large copper-plate map ^^i^/^i^ ^ of Vermont, hf. morocco, uncut London, J'. TP'. Myers,!'/ 98 '-/ ' 32 Allen (William) American Biographical and Historical Dic- tionary, 2nd edition, calf extra, hy Bedford ■ » Boston : William Hyde and Co. 183^ A 33 Allen (John) of Bedlam, and Shepherd (Thos.) of Cambridge, N. jE. Defence of the Answer made unto the Nine Questions or Positions sent from New-England, against . the Eeply thereto by the Kev. J. Ball 4to. 1648 / , 34 Allin (Johis^). An Exact Eelation of the most Execrable Attempts of John Allin, committed on the Person of J // His Excellency, Francis Lord AVillovghby of Parham,,^^:>^ Captain General of the Continent of Guiana, and of alir the Caribby-Islands, and our Lord Proprietor 4to. Bond, for Bic. Lowndes, 1665 This Account of John Allin was drawn up hy William Byam. It is not mentioned by Lowndes. ^ . 35 Almanack (A Pocket) for the year 1783, being the third year X > after leap year and the seventh of American ludepen-' JQ/vv^ dence, calculated for the use of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Boston, 1783 /i <7 . 36 America. State of the British and French Colonies in North i^A/t . America, half morocco 1755 /5 - 37 America (North). The Present State of North America, etc. A^ / Part 1, 2nd ed. halfmor. 4to. Bond. 1755 /. ^ 38 America. A short Address to the Government, the Mer- ji~o— chants, Manufacturers and the Colonists in America, halfmor. 1775 . / (39 America. Tratado de Amistad, Liraites y Navigacion, 27 de ^ • o < Oct. 1795, Spanish and Enrjlish, hf. Id. 4to. Madrid,Vl9Qy/l^^^ (^40 American Independence, the Interest and Glory of Great Britain Bhiladelpliia, 1776 > / " 41 America. A Collection of Papers relative to the Dispute ^^ between Great Britain and America, from 1764 to 1775,, / lif Id. uncut Lond. 1117 / ■ // 42 America, Thoughts on the present State of Affairs with Ame- rica, by W. Pulteny, halfmor. Bond. 1778 Z - 43 America. Considerations on the Provisional Treaty with J^, . America Lond. 1783 / -^^ . ^ 44 American Aloe (An x\ccount of the) which is now in blossom /^ , in Mr. Cowell's Garden at Hoxton, Jialfbotmd 1729 '"r^^ ^ 45 American Agriculture and Commerce, Communications con- cerning, by a Spanish Gentleman in Philadelphia, half ^ morocco Bondon, 1800 FIEST day's SA.LE. ^^ //• // 46 American Gazette, a Collection of Addresses, Memorials, Let- ters, &c. relating to the Dispute between Great Britain and her Colonies, Nos. 1 to 6, Boston, 1768, and an Appendix, Boston, YlQd— The Case of Great Britain and America, 2nd ed. 1769 — Considerations on the propriety*^' of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies [by D. Dulany], Annapolis by J. Green, 1765 — A Letter from a Farmer in Pennsylvania [by J. Dickinson) Philadelphia, 1768 ; etc. in 1 vol. v. y. ^ y. / ^ Amekican Almanacks for the years of Christian Account, (p ^ 1727 to 1736, by Titus Leeds, {those for 1727 and 1728 i/ imperfect) in 1 vol. hf. Id. yeet eaee Philadelphia and New Torh, 1727-36 / . 48 American's Guide (The), comprising the Declaration of Inde- pendence ; The Articles of Confederation ; Constitution • / of the United States ; etc. Philadelphia ' J 49 American Independence, Consolatory Thoughts on, by a Mer- chant Edinl. 17S2 ^ 50 American Institutions and their Influence, by A. de Tocque- ville, 1851- Census of Boston, U. S. 1846— Handbook , of Universal Geography New YorJc, 1853 /\ ^ 51 American Military Pocket Atlas, au approved collection of Maps of the British Colonies, especially those which are, or probably may be the Theatre of War [1776] ' „ / ■ 52 American Missionary Herald, 10 vols, in 5, hf. hound 1821-30 j/V^ // 53 American Oriental Society (Journal of the), 2 vols, half mo- y. , rocco Boston, 184:9-51 y^"'^ . ^ 54 American Querist, or some Questions proposed relative to the present disputes between Great Britain and her Ame- -^ rican Colonies, by a North American, half morocco y^'^ Boston, 3Iills and Sicks, 1774 y- 55 American Review of History, Politics, etc. 4 vols, calf yZ, Philadelphia, 1811-12 V^ y 56 American Sermons and Tracts. The Great Evil of Sin, as it is ' '^ ' committed against God : A Sermon preached at Goshen, X INIay 30, 1753, by Joseph Bellamy, Boston, N. E. by S. ; 61 American States, Observations on the Commerce of the, half /^X-^^^^^^ hound, uncut 1783 ' 62 American Tracts. Buonaparte in the "West Indies ; or, the History of Toussaint Loaverture, the African Hero, two parts, 1803 — Minot (G. R.) History of the Insurrec- tions in Massachusetts in 1786, ver-y scarce, Worcester, Mass. 1788 — Eemarks on the American Universal Geo- graphy, Boston, 1793 — A True Picture of the United States, 1807 — Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Juno — "Wright's Memoir of the Mosquito Teri'itory, scarce, 1808 — Letters and Papers relating to the proceedings of H. M. Commissioners for quieting the disorders sub- sisting in certain of the Colonies, Plantations, etc. — ;' Holmes (A.) Address before the American Antiquarian Society, Boston, \S14t< — Catalogus Harvardianus, 1815 ; yi etc. — in 1 vol. half hound / 63 American "Wanderer, through various parts of Europe, in a '^^^^^-^^ series of Letters by a Virginian, calf Bub. 1782 64 Americans against Liberty : an Essay on true Freedom, shew- W y ing that the Designs and Conduct of the Americans/- "^^^'^^ tend only to Tyranny and Slavery 1775 j 65 Analyse de la Carte Generale de 1' Ocean Atlantique on Occi- ^ dental 4to. Paris, 1786 V^66 Anburey (Thomas) Travels through the Interior Parts of America, plates, 2 vols, calf Lond. 1789 67 Anderson (C.) Annals of the English Bible, 2 vols. / W. Pickering, 1845 , «^^^ Among the several references to America in this quaint little book, the following extract is not the least curious : — "Now the reason of this was, the people of England were a little before that time under the same mistake, as they are gene- rally now, and cried out against the Builders, that the City would grow too big ; and therefore in the 38 of Queen Elizabeth they made a law to prohibit buildings in the City of London ; which, though it was but a probationary Act, to continue only to the nest Sessions of Parliament (which was but a short time), yet its effects, were long; for it frighted the builders, and obstructed the growth of the City ; and none built for thirty years after, all King James His Eeign, without his Majesties License; but for want of Houses the increase of the People went into other parts of the world ; for within this space of time were those great Plantations of New England, Virginia, Mariland, and Ber- mudas began ; and that this want of houses was the occasion, is plain ; for they could not build in the Country, because of the law against Cottages. For people may get childi'en and so increase, that had not four Acres of ground to build l) on." — Page 28. .^';5 ApoUonius (Levinius) De Peruvise Eeligionis, inter Woui^ Orbis prouincias celeberrira?e inventione, stained, and . ; the corners of a few leaves defective Antwerp. 1567 6 '-86 Appeal (An) to the Sense of the People on the Present Pos- ,4^ ture of Affairs, wherein the Nature of the late Treaties /\J-^f^ are inquired into, and the Conduct of the M — i — y with regard to M — n — ca, A — r— ca, &c. is considered, uncut Lond. 1756 87 Appeal (An) to the Unprejudiced, concerning the present Discontents occasioned by the late Convention with Spain, half morocco Land. 1739 ,^ 88 Appendix to tlie Memoirs of the Duke de Eipperda, on the Balance of Europe, the present State of Spain, and the Consequences of a War in the West Indies Lond. 1740 8^9 Appeal (An) to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain, in the present disputes with America, by an old M.P. hf mor. Lond 1774 // 90 Aechdale (John), Governor of Carolina. A New Des- fp CBIPTION^ OE THAT FERTILE AND PlEASANT PROVINCE /d^' or Caeolina, hf. mor. 4to. Lond. J. Wyat, 1707 It was Governor Archdale who introduced the cultivation of rice into Carolina. — Rich. / FIRST DAY S SALE. 9 r <^ 91 Archer Family. Memorials of Families of the Surname of J'C^^f^ Archer 4to. 1861 '^'^^ ' f) y/92 Arenas (Pedeo de) Vocabulaeio Manuel de las Len- GUAS Castellana y Mexicaxa, a single perforation ji^y^^ by a icorm {in mani/ places not affecting the type) is all /^'^^-'^ that detracts from this othenvise fine copy, green mo- rocco extra, by Pratt en la Puebla de las Angeles [^Mexico'] 1793 /■ 92* Another, the First edition of the same, wanting Title, Prologue, first leaf of the Vocabulary, and a few other/C^^ leaves Mexico, 1583 A complete copy of this edition is scarcely known. 93 Argensola (B. L.) Histoire de la Conquete des Isles Moluques, "t ^/^^^<^' 3 vols, calf gilt Amst. 1706' 94 Argument (An) in Defence of the Exclusive Eight claimed by the Colonies to Tax themselves, io;2<^. /or f/^e ^j^^^or, Q^rj— 1774— Appendix to the present State of the Nation, (>^^^ containing a Reply to the Observations on that Pam- phlet, hf mor. Lond. 1769 — Application of some Political Eules to the present State of Great Britain, Ireland, and America, hf. mor. Lond. 1766 95 Armin (R.) Nest of Ninnies, 1842— The Battle of Trafalgar, a Poem, by L. Halloran, 1806 — Memoirs of Richard Cum- berland New York, 1806 ty 96 Armitage (J.) History of Brazil, 2 vols. 1836 — Expedition to St. Peter's River, and Lake Winnepeek, under the ^ Command of S. H. Long, 2 vols. 1825 97 Arthur (John) The Q-enealogy of Jesus Christ, according to St. Matthevs^ and St. Luke, Examined, Illustrated, and Vindicated, hf. mor. ^ New York, James Parker and Co. at the New y Printing Office, in Beaver Street, 1762 ^ <> 98 Arthus (Gotard) Historia Indiae Orientalis, ex variis y^-^^^^^a^ Avctoribvs collecta, et ivxta Seriem Topographicam Reg^^ norum, Prouiuciarum & Insularum, per Africae, Asiaeque littora, ad extremos v?que lapouios deducta, calf Col. Agrip., VVil. Lutzenkirch, 1608 This abridgment of the Petits Voyages of De Bry is not men- tioned by Eich or Bninet. yC^ 99 Aspinwall (Thomas). Catalogue of Books relating to KmQ- y^^A^ rica, in the collection of Colonel Aspinwall, Consul of the United States of America at London, privately printed, , but very few copies issued [^Paris, 1832 ?] ,, .^100 AsTOE LiBEAEY. Catalogue, or Alphabetical Index of the ^ ^ Astor Library, 4 vols. royal 8vo. New York, 1857-61 ' ^••^■^^ The Astor Library in New York, formed within the last dozen years, contains about 120,000 volumes, and this c 10 FIBST day's sale, catalogue is said to be the best printed of any large modern Library. As an aid in the selection of standard " miscellaneous and scientific books it is invaluable. j 101 AtkiriSon (Eev. W. Chr.) A Historical and Statistical Ac- j count of New Brunswick, roan IJdinb. 1844^ C_ 102 Atlas (Comprehensive) G-eographical, Historical, and Com^ mercial by T. G. Bradford, maps, and plates coloured, hf. hd. 4to. '" ' ^ 103 Audubon (Johk James) The Birds of Ameeica, from ^ Original Drawings. One volume containing seventy- jA^-^^^^ FIVE consecutive plates, representing Birds of their natural size, printed and coloured by R. Havill, superbly hound by P. Bedfoed in French gros grain crimson morocco, double bands, full gilt backs, rich dentelle borders on the sides; the plates interleaved with stout highly glazed drawing paper. A NOBLE volume elephant folio Owing to the larger portion of the copies printed of this superb work having been sold to public libraries, and the stock and copper plates having been destroyed by fire, a perfect set is scarcely to be procured. So fine a volume as the present would be an ornament to any hbrary, and even where a complete copy is possessed this would serve admirably as a show volume, to the relief of the set, too often spoiled by the exhibition of the first volume. y ^ Christiana, Confessionum, LXXXIII Qusestionum ev ^'^ Retractationum, Tabella sive Eepertorium super Libris Eetractationum, Enchiridion, LXXXIII Qusestionum, de Pide, de Trinitate, super Genesim et de libero Arbi- trio, Manusceipt fol. Sjsc. XV. Written on paper, having a goose for the watermark. The first page is surrounded by an elegant Italian border, which, with the Initial Capital, are richly illuminated in gold and colours. At the end of the MS. is a note in a hand of the XVth century, " In hoc volumine continent? " Eepertoria sive tabule super libris Augustini qui sequntur quorum repertoriorum autore ignoro." ^, ^ • 105 Aurora and General Advertiser. Daily Newspaper, Jan. 1, ^^^ 1799, to Oct. 31, 1800, 2 thick vols, not quite perfect folio, Philadelphia, 1799-1800 The Congress of the United States was held at this time at Philadelphia, where the Aurora was published. This Paper is most important for Political History, supplying in many cases the only report of Debates in Congress. Even odd volumes are eagerly sought after in America. . y ' 105*Auteroche (C. d') Voyage to California through Mexico, j^Zow /^^ of the City of Mexico 1778 '-^ - 106 Atmaea (Lenoua). Vida y Milagros de N. S. Jesu Christo ' - en dos Lenguas, Aymara y Romance, per L. Bertonic .' FIE3T day's sale. 11 tcanfs title and preliminary matter, and ends on p. 658, also damaged by worm 4to. Puehla de Jull, de la Provincia de Chucuyto [Peru] 1612 This very rare volume tliough imperfect, must be of consider- able use to a student of the Indian Dialect of Aymara, from its unusual bulk and tbe consequent number of words and pbrases employed, as compared with other works of a like nature. 106*Azara (Felix de) Apuntarai antes para la Historia Natural de los Quadrupedos del Paragiiay y Kio de la Plata, Vol. 1 4to. Madrid, 1802; Vj07 Azara (Felix de). Voyages dans I'Amerique Meridionale, 4 vols, calf 1809 . '/■ ^ 108 Backus (Isaac) of Middleborough, History of New England, jx with Particular Eeference to the Bapists, in the Five>5^^^>'-?^ States of New England, 3 vols. Ids. unctit, very scarce Boston, 1777, Providence, 1784, and Boston, 1796 /. /" 109 Backus (Isaac). The same. The third volume only. Un- ^^^^^^ CUT, very scarce Boston, 1796 Almost all sets want this third volume, and opportunities seldom occur of procuring it separately. ^ . S 110 Bacon (Lord) Personal History of, from unpublished papers, .^~t^ by W. H. Dixon 1861 / . Ill [Bacon (Thomas).] Two Sermons, preached to a Congrega- >? tion of Black Slaves, at the Parish Church of S. P. \n^^iyiyi the Province of Maryland, hf. mar. 1749^ /' ■^ 112 Bailey (Johk), Pastor in Watertown, ^. E. Man's chief ^ End to Gi-lorifie God, or Some Brief Sermon-Notes on /y^^^-^fr-, 1 Cor. X. 31, hlue morocco Boston, hy Samuel Green for PicTiard Wilhins, 1689 .S . 6 113 Bale (John) Comedy or Interlude of Johan Baptistes preach- ^ ynge in the Wildernesse, reprinted— A. Mad World my y^y Masters, by Thos. Middleton, 1640— The Present State - of Spaine, Lond.for P. Serger, 1594 — Suitte de Petits Traitez en forme de Lettres 4to. Paris, 1651 -y ■ 114 Bamfylde, Moore Carew, Life and Adventures of, com- monly called King of the Beggars, with a Dictionary of Cant Language, calf 1789 y^. 115 Bancroft (Aaron), Pastor at Worcester, Life of George Washington Zond. 1808 y""- 116 Bancroft (E.) Essay on the Natural History of Guiana in ^^^k^z. ^ South America, ^Za^e, coZ/" 1769 ^. 117 Barbadoes. A Short Account of the Manifest Hand of God - that hath Fallen upon several Marshals and their Depu- >^^^ ties, who have made great spoil and havock of the goods -"^^ '^ of the people of God called Quakers, in the Island of Barbadoes, for their Testimony against going or send- ing to the Militia, with a remarkable Account of some others of the Persecutors of the same People in the same Island ; together with an Abstract of their Sufferings 4to. Land, hy T. Sowle, 1696 12 FIRST day's sale. / • 118 Barbadoes. A Eepresentation of the Miserable State of, under the corrupt Administration of his Ex. Eob./^-^^^^^^ ^ y Lowther, Governor, Jialfmor. Lond. [1719] ^ <>^ ■ p 119 Barbadoes. An Account of the Donations for the Belief of Cc^ ' 121 Barham (Henry) Hortus Americanus : containing an Account of the Trees, Shrubs, and other Vegetable Productions of South America and the "West India Islands, and particularly the Island of Jamaica, with a Linnsean Index, etc. hds. uncut Kingston, Jamaica : Alexander Aikman, 1794 J 1 122 Baring (Alexander) An Inquiry into the Causes and Con- u/ ■ < sequences of the Orders in Council, and an Examina- tion of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neu- tral Commerce of America, 2nd ed. Lond. 1808 23 Barlseus (C.) Eerum per Octeunium in Brasilia et alibi nuper Gestarum, sub prefectura Comitis J. Mauritii Nassovise, etc. Historia, plates, vellum fol. Amst. J. JBlaeu, 1647 124 Barlseus (C.) Eervm per Octennivm in Brasilia et alibi gest- arum, engraved title, maps, portrait, and arms Clivis, TohicE Silherling, 1660 / ) 125 Barlow (Joel) Two Letters to the Citizens of the United j States and one to Gen. Washington New Haven, 1806 \ 126 Barrington (Hon. Daines) Miscellanies, including a Treatise on the possibility of approaching the North Pole, half -^ hound, portrait of Sir W. Watkin Wynn inserted ^ 4to. 1781 / ^ 127 Barrington (Hon. D.) on the possibility of approaching the ^ North- Pole, OT«/) 1818 128 BARTHOLOMiEi de S. Concordio, " Pisani, Ordinis Prsedica- torum" Summa Casuum Conscientise secundum Alpha- yf betum ordinata et absoluta anno domini Mcccxxxviii, j^^^^,^^ original binding, with brass ornaments ^ fol. Scec. XV (1444) This important Manuscript appears to have been written in 1444, that year being placed at the top of the first page, the date of 1338 being, doubtless, that of the composition of the work itself. The author. Father Bartholomaeus, was one of the most celebrated Italian writers of the fourteenth cen- tury. At the end of the MS. there are Qutedam Declara- Hones ahbreviaturum ; most useful to the student of old •'7) MSS. and a copious Index. / 129 Bartolozzi (F.) Eicerche Istorico-Critiche circa alle Scoperte d' Amerigo Vespucci Firenze, 1789 / A riEST dat's sale. 13 130 Barton (B. S.) New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America, Philadelphiu, 1798 — Bisset (Eob.) ^ Sketch of Democracy, 1796: in 1 vol. Italfrussia (131 Bartram (William) Travels through North and South Caro- lina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Territories of the Muscogulges, and the x^z^ Country of the Choctaws, portrait and plates, portion of the title cut off Dublin, 1 793 ^132 Basire's History of English and Scotch Presbytery, curious frontispiece, calf Printed in Villa Franca, 1659 133 Bates (Joshua) Pastor of the First Church, Dedham, a Ser- i^ mon before the Society for Propagating the Gospel /^^A among the Indians, Nov. 4, 1813 Boston, 1813 134 Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. A Biography by J. C. Eobertson, 1859 — Pagan or Christian ? by W. J. Muir . / 1860 /y ■ ^ 135 Beckford (Wm.) Italy, 2 vols, half calf gilt 1834 ^A^-^^ 136 Belena (Eusebio Bentura) Eecopilacion sumana de todos los Autos acordados de la Eeal Audiencia y Sala del Cri- men de esta Nueva Epana, y providencias de su superior Gobierno ; de varias Eeales Cedulas y Ordeues que , despues de publicada la Eecopilacion de Indias, etc. 2 vols.^we 'D Ne"w Testament, faithfully aio) ^ ^ , <^. <^ TEXJLY translated OUT OF DoUCHE A^'D LaTYN INTO //' Englishe (by Miles Coteedale), woodcuts hy S. 8. /\^^^^„^.^f^ JBeham ; black Ittttr, rich brown morocco super extra, tooled sides, gauffered edges, bound by F. Bedfoed in Ms best manner folio, 1535 The FIEST English Bible pbinted, the fibst Pbotestant TKANSLATION OF THE WHOLE BiBLE INTO ENGLISH, AND ONE OF THE BAREST BOOKS IN THE LANGUAGE. The pos- session of a fragment only has always justly been esteemed a treasure by our Biblical Collectors, no perfect copy being as yet to be found in any Library, public or private. Mr. J. Dunn Gardner's copy, notwithstanding it was perfected by means of facsimile leaves, sold in 1854 for £365 ; and a copy, on the whole less desirable than that now offered for sale, though with fewer facsimile leaves, sold in 1857 for £190. Fragments only have produced from £50 to £150. The facsimile leaves in the present copy are as follows : — Title, ii and iiii to viii of the preliminary leaves, folios i to iv, and vii, viii, ix, xi and xii in the first part of the Bible ; the map ; and folios xci to xcvii, ciii, and cviii to cxiii in the New Testament. A few of the head-lines and marginal notes have been touched by a former binder, the only leaves, however, which have suffered to any extent are folios xl, Ixiii, Ixxxiii of the Apocrypha. The majority of the facsimile leaves are by the elder Harris, and made with his accustomed skiU ; so much so as in more than one instance to render it difl&cult to decide whether they are originals or copies. The translation is generally considered as the joint produc- tion of Tyndale and Coverdale, and it is usually caUed " Coverdale's Bible." The printing is commonly attributed to Froschover of Zurich, the type being the angular Swiss or German. Mr. Anderson, va.\ns Annals of the English Bible, asserts that he has ascertained that Froschover was not the printer, but does not give the grounds for this opinion. The ty^e and woodcuts much resemble those used by Egenolf of Frankfort, as seen in books printed by him between 1534 and 1539, but the most exact inquirers have as yet failed to discover with certainty to whom the printing of this Bible should be attributed. 155 Bible (Holy) G-enevau Translation, or Breeches Version, /^^/ / , black letter, calf 4to. Land, R Barker, 1611 /^^^"^ 1(5 FIKST day's sale ^tP 156 Bible (The) wliych is all tlie Holy Scripture truelye and n, purely translated into English by Thomas Matthewe, Jy/^ 1537, blacfe IctUr, imperfect ^ fol. T. Baynald and W. Sill, 1549 ' 6 157 Bible (Holy) Eoyal Version, 2 vols, old blue morocco Lond. J. Field, 1658 4 /^ 158 Bible (Holt) with the Apocetpha, with Marginal Eefer ences, half viorocco 4to. Oxford, 1675 /Z^ This first edition of the Bible, printed at Oxford, is of gi:ea.V rarity, only three or four copies being known. It contains a great many undoubted revisions of the text, upon what authority we know not, and it is also peculiar for its numerous typographical blunders. ^ / ■ 159 Bible, Eoyal Version, Lond. H. Rill and J. Field, 1660 ; and^^^^^ y. ^ other editions 6 vols: • o 160 Bible. Another copy, {impft. at end), Lond. J. Field, 1658 ^^ ^ — New Testament, with Notes by J. ^. Pasham, uncut /-^l^i 1> 1776 X o 161 Bible, Eoyal Version, 2 vols, {impft.) Edinb. R. Wat]cins,y^y^ / 1743— Holy Bible, 2 vols, calf Oxford, T. Baskett, Vl^¥ O , 6 162 Biblia Gerraanica, {the fourth edition of the German Bible, yy//^ published in America), loants first title 4to. Beading, Pennsylvania, 1805 O - 163 Bibliotheca Americana; or, a Chronological Catalogue of the most curious and interesting Books, Pamphlets, State /i Papers, etc., upon the subject of North and South Ame- Jyy rica, from the earliest period to the present, in printr ^^'^^ and manuscript, [by the Eev. Mr. Homer ?] bds. uncut, title in MS. 4to. Lond. 1789 i/' /^ 164 Bibliotheca. Americana. Catalogue of American Publi- , /y cations, including reprints and original "Works front*^ -^"^ 1820 to 1852 inclusive, with List of Periodicals, also Supplement and Addenda, continuing the Work to March 1858, compiled and arranged by 0. A. Eooubach, 3 vols, in 1, half calf out of print and very scarce New York, 1852-8 t/ • o 165 Biluao (Luys de) Sermon de la Pe, en el solene y General ^^i^ Auto, que su Tribunal Santo celebro en la Ciudad de-^ '^ Lima, calf, 3 leaves mended and slightly defective, babe ^ 4to. Lima, 1626 /^ \ 166 Bishope (George) New England Judged, Part 1, imperfect yv '^'^ ' < 4to. 1661 ^ lj.67 Bishop (Geo.) New England Judged by the Spirit of the " Lord, containing a relation of the Quakers' Sufferings, in two Parts, with an Answer to Cotton Mather's abuses of the Quakers, old calf 1703 ^ / ■ .:? 168 Bishops in America. A Critical Commentary on Archbishop > Seeker's Letter to the Et. Hon. Ho. Walpole, concern-/ -'^'^ ing Bishops in America Lond. 1770 FIKST day's sale. 17 ^< 169 Bisselius (Johannes) Soc. Jesu, Argonauticon Americano- ^ mm, Jine copy in old red morocco, from Lord Stuart de c^Z^^^^tfc^ Rothesay s library 31onachii, 164)7 170 Bisselius. Another Edition, vellum Gedani, 1688 171 Blake's Eemarks on Com. Johnstone's Account of his engage- ment with a Prench Squadron in Port Praya Eoad, iu the Island of St. Jago, new ed. with a Letter from Blake to the Commodore, and a Plan of the Harbour, etc. with Plan of Praya Bay, half morocco Lond. 1782 172 Blake (W. J.) History of Putnam County, N. T. New TorTc, 185J 173 Bligh (Wm.) Voyage to the South Sea, with an account of the Mutiny on board the Bounty, lae&e paper 4to. 1792 174 Blome (Richard) A Description of the Island of Jamaica, with the other Isles aud Territories in America, to which the English are related, viz. Barbadoes, St. Christophers, Nievis, or Mevis, Antego, St. Vmcent, Montserrat, Anguilla, Barbada, Bermudes, Carolina, Tirginia, Maryland, New York, New England, New- foundland, portrait and 5 maps Lond, 1678 175 Blundeville (Thomas) Exercises, coutayning Eight Treatises, .... as well in Cosmographie, Astronomic, and Geo-, graphic, as also in the Art of Navigation, 6th ed. blaci \tiitx,fine copy, in old calf, loanting 2 preliminary leaves dito. Lond. printed hy William Stansby, and are to be sold hy Richard Meighen, at his shop viider Saint Clements Church tvithout Temple Barre, 1622 This is a work indispensable to the Student of Geography, Maps and Globemaking, so far as they relate to America. There are folding sheets inserted at pp. 80, 690, 695, 785, and 798. 176 Blunt (J. J.) Essays contributed to the Quarterly Eeview 1860 BoUaert (W.) Antiquarian, Ethnological and other Eesearches in New Granada, Peru, Chile, etc. plates 1860 Bonnycastle (Richard Henry) Spanish America ; or a De- scriptive, Historical, and Geographical Account of the Z^*^,^^^?^ Dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere, Con- ^ tinental and Insular, maps, 2 vols. bds. imcuf . P Lond. 1818 179 Bosman (William) New and accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea, divided into the Gold, the Slave, anc' the Ivory Coast, map and plates, second edition, cf. 1721 180 Boston. The Votes and Proceedings of the Preeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting assembled, half morocco 4to. Boston : Edes and Gill, and T. and J. Meet, [1778] The original edition, afterwards reprinted in London. D / /m ^/ ^O 18 FIRST day's sale. ^ • ^ 181 Boston. Some observations on the Bill, Intitled " An Act for ^ granting to his Majesty an Excise upon Wine, and Spirits^^^;;^ distilled, sold by Eetail, or consumed within this Province, and upon Limes, Lemons and Oranges, calf extra, lound by Pratt Boston, printed in the year 1754 The printing of this little hook gave great offence to the General Court of Massachusetts, and the printer (if he could be found) was ordered to be brought before the As- sembly, and to be prosecuted. The work was suppressed. . yj^ . ^^182 Boston Evening Post, an important series of above 100 ^^^ Numbers and Supplements of one of the few early/^^^ American Newspapers folio, Boston, 1769-1775 As no complete series is known we give the dates to enable collectors to complete their sets. 17G9 : Feb. 6 ; Apl. 3, 10 and Suppt. ; July 10, 31 ; Aug. 7, 14, 21 ; Sept. 4, 11, 25 ; Oct. 9, 16, 23, 30; Nov. 6, 13, 20, 25—1770: Jan. 8; Feb. 6, 19, Stippt. 26 ; March 19 ; Apl. 9, 16, 30, and Suppt. ; May 21, Suppl. ; June 11, 18, 25 and Suppl. ; Dec. 10, 17, 24, 31—1771 : Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28 ; Feb. 11 ; Apl. 22, 29 ; May 6, 13 and Suppl., 27 Suppl. ; June 10 to Nov. 11— 1772: Feb. 3 ; May 4, 11, 18, 25 ; June 15, 22, 29 ; Aug. 17 to Sept. 14 ; Nov. 9, 16, 23—1773 : March 29 ; Dec. 13, 20, 27—1774: Jan. 10, 17, 24; Feb. 14,21 and Suppl. Apl. 11, 18, 25 ; May 9 and Suppl., 16, 23 and Suppl., 30 : June 6 and Suppl., 20, 27 ; July 4, 25 ; Aug. 18, 22, 29 Sept. 5 and Suppl., 12, 19 and Suppl., 26 ; Oct. 3, 10 : Dec. 26—1775 : Feb. 13, 20 ; March 6 ; Apl. 10. The above-named dates cover an interesting historical period subsequent to the Stamp Act, and includes the Boston Massacre, and " Tea Party," etc. The advertisements are quaint and amusing, and afford much information as to the commercial and social condition of the country. For an account of this Newspapei", see Thomas's History of . Printing in America. . oc . 6 183 Bosweli's Life of Dr. Sam. Johnson, with Notes and Biogra- . // , phical Illustrations by E. Malone Bond. J. Sharpe, 1830 ^""^ / . o 184 Botello de Moraes y Yasconcelos (Francisco) El Nuevo Mundo. Poemma heroyco ; con las Alegorias de Don Pedro de Castro, Cavallero Andaluz, vellum 4to. Barcelona, Francisco Barnola, 170l , -^ . 185 Botta (Chas.) Histoire de la Guerre de I'lndependence des /^ Etats-Unis d'Amerique, trad, de I'ltal. portrait, maps, y. and plans, 4 vols, calf gilt Paris, 1812 ^ ■^ ■ 186 Botero (Gio.) Le Relatioui Universali, onaps, calf, (not men- /O . tioned by Bicli) ^to. Venetia, 1597 ' "^ '' y - 187 Bouchette (Jos.) British Dominions in North America, 2 vols. ^ . 4to. 1832 yX^ ^'^ ^^' 188 Boylston (Zabdiel) An Historical Account of the Small-Pox' inoculated in New England, upon all Sorts of Persons, , .. Whites, Blacks, and of all Ages and Constitutions,^'^ 2nd ed. corrected, fine copy, calf extra, bound by ■ W. Pratt Bond. 1726 ; repr. at Boston in N. E. for S. Qerrish and X, iLancoch, 1730 riBST day's sale. 19 ^ o 189 Bougainville (Lewis de) Voyage round the "World, translated/^^^^^^^^ by Foster BuUin, 1772^^ ^ • 190 Brackenridge (H. M.) Voyage to South America, 2 vols, half ^y'^^.j^.^^ 7^ bound 1820 / /l91 Brackenridge (H. M.) Views in Louisiana, Pittsburg, 1814 — j Spafford (H. G.) Gazetteer of New York Albamj, 1813 V 192 Bradbury (Thomas) The Necessity of Contending for Eevealed Religion: with a Sermon on the Fifth of November, 1719. To which is Prefix'd, A Letter from the Eeverend Cotton Mather, D.D. on the late Disputes about the Ever- Blessed Trinity Lond. 1720 ^ 193 Braddock (Major-Gen.) Expedition against Fort du Quesne in 1755, edited by W. Sargent FhiladeJpliia, 1855 6 194 Bradford (T. G.) Comprehensive Atl.is, Geographical, Histo- rical and Commercial, maj^s and plates, coloured, hf. bd. 4to. JS'ew York ^ // 195 Beadfoed (William) History of Plymouth Pla>'tatio>'^, x> edited with Notes by C. Dean, laege papee, cloth ^''^ ^^ Boston, peiyately peinted, 1856*^ c-«>z-«?^^^ Only 50 copies printed. . 196 Beainekd (David) An Abridgment of his Journal ; or, the Eise and Progress of a Remarkable Work of Grace among the Indians in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, ivant'mg before page 3 and after 224 1746 197 Brainard (John) Missionary to the Indians in America, Letter, giving an account of the success of his labours, as well as the difficulties that attend his Mission among those ^ Savages 1753 '<^198 Brand (John) Popular Antiquities, revised by Sir H. Ellis, 3 vols. 1841 / 199 Bray (Thomas) The Necessity of an early Religion, being a Sermon Preach'd the 5t}i of May before the Honorable Assembly of Maryland ; afeio letters on page 5 wanting, half morocco 4to. Annapolis, by Thos. Trading, for Bvan Jones, 1700 '. 200 Bremer (F.) Two Tears in Switzerland and Italy, 2 vols. 1861 — Beaton (P.) Jews in the East, 2 vols. 1859 j/201 Breton (Cape). The Importance and Advantage of, maps, half morocco Lond. 1746 Stated to have been written by Bolan, for Charlevoix's Nou- velle France. /^ 202 Breton (Cape). Remarks upon a Letter Published in the London Chronicle, or Universal Evening Post, No. 115, containing an Enquiry into the Causes of the Failure of the late Expedition against Cape Breton, half mor. Lond. 1757 d 203 Breton (Cape), Genuine Letters and Memoirs relating to the Natural, Civil and Commercial History of Cape Breton and St. John, calf " 1760 20 FIRST day's sale. A /{ 204 Brissot de "Warville, Travels, Corrected, 'portrait, 2nd ed. • ^ j 2 vols, calf Lond. 1794 ( 205 British Colonies in America. Two Papers on the Subject of^^^ Taxing the, lif. mor. Lond. 1767 These papers were drawn up hy a club of American merchants, at the head of whom were Sir William Keith, Mr. Joshua Gee, and other eminent persons. — 'Rich. ^ . / 206 British Museum. A List of the Books of Reference in the^:^ Reading Room of the British Museum, cloth 1859 207 Brougham (Henry, Lord) Speech, before the House of Commons, April 1, 1808, in support of the Petitions // against the Orders in Council Lond. 1808 y^-^ 208 Brown (Sir Richard) Baronetage, 1844 — Howard on the Teeth, 1860— Hunter (R.) on the Throat and Lungs // New York, 1854 ' ^ 209 Browne (Patrick) History of Jamaica, map and 50 copper- ^^ plates folio, Lond., printed for the Author, VJ^fy^'^' Only 250 copies printed, many of which are said to have ^-^ been destroyed in a great Fire that occurred in CornhUl / / ^ in 1765. / ' ' ^ 210 Browne (Patrick) History of Jamaica, caJf folio, 1789/^-t^ /''^211 Bryan (Hugh). Living Christianity delineated in the Diaries .- ^ and Letters of Mr. Hugh Bryan and Mrs. Mary Hutson,^^/-^ , ^ both of South Carolina Lond. 1760 ' o 212 'Q\xQ\i^n2i-n.{Zdi\viQ'&) Consul for the State of New Yorlc. Sketches of the North American Indians, with map of North ^ America Lond. 1824 Contains copious extracts from Heckwelder's Account of the Indian Nations. S ' <^ 213 Buckle (H. T.) History of Civilization in England, vol. 1/^^ 1858^"*^ / . // 214 BuDD (Thomas) GtOod Order established est Pennstl- YANiA AND New Jersey in America, being a true ^^ Account of the Country, with its produce and cova-yy^'t modities there made, uncut, calf extra by Bedford 4to. Lond. 1685 Not mentioned either by Lowndes or Eich. / ( 215 Budget (The), Inscribed to the Man who thinks himself ■' ' Y Minister 4to. Lond. 1764 ^ V216 Bugg (Francis) The Pilgrim's Progress from Quakerism to/C^-^ Christianity, 1700 — Egyptian History, 1672 — Romaine's ^ Life of Faith, 1764 — Wadsworth's Remains, 1680; etc. . 6 vols. ^ /- 217 Bulkley (Charles) The Signs of the Times, in a Sermon //, preached, Oct. 21, 1759, on occasion of the Surrender of /'^^ Quebec, hf mor. Lond. 1759 218 Bulkeley (Peter) of Concord, The Gospel Covenant, or the Covenant of Grace opened, {loanting pp. 17 to 47) 4to. Lond. by M. S.for Benj. Allen, 1646 {^/f FIEST day's sale. 21 V 219 Bullock (W.) proprietor of tTie Museum, Six Months' Residence and Travels in Mexico, plates, cloth Load. 1824! . ^ 220 Bunyan (John) Pilgrim's Progress, with Life, 32nd edition, plates, old blue morocco, gilt edges 1775 1 , 6 221 Burgovne (Lt.-Gen. John) The Substance of his Speeches on Mr. Vyner's Motion and Mr. Hart's Motion, May 26 and 28, 1778, with an Appendix, containing Gen. "Washington's Letter, 2nd ed. Lond. 1778^' '.^ 222 Burgoyne (Lt.-Gen. John), A Letter from, to his Consti- tuents upon his late Eesignation, with Correspondences ,^ relative to his return to America, fifth ed. half morocco i Lond. E. and J. Bodsley, 1757 ^^ / FIRST DAT S SALE. 234 Burke. European Settlements, second ed. map, 2 vols, calf Jf 1758/9*^^ ^35 Burke. The same, 5tli ed. maps Lond. 1770' -9 236 Burke. The same, 6th ed. 2 vols, calf 17776^35^^ 237 Burke (Edmund) Account of the European Settlements in V America, also his Correspondence with Dr. 'Evenchj U^^''>^ Lawrence, cloth Boston, 1851 238 Burnet (Bp.) A Collection of Papers relating to the Present /^ 1 Junction of Affairs in England, in twelve parts, old /vV/Vj calf, rarely met with complete 4to. 1680^'^''^ The sixth Collection contains a Narrative of tlie Miseries of New England by reason of an arbitrary Government erected there. Also the Petition and Address of John Gibson, aged 87, and George WiUow, aged 86, on belialf of the Inhabitants of Cambridge, in New England ; and another Petition by Increase Mather, and two New Eng- land Gentlemen. 239 Burney (James) A Memoir on the Geography of the North- ,' Eastern Part of Asia, (from the- Philosophical Trans- /^ actions) 4to. Lond. ISIS/^:^^^'^^ :40 Burns (Sobert) Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, with a Glossary, the first American edition, {impft.) New York, 1788 y ', // 241 [BunnouGH (Edwaed)] A Declaration of the Sad and Great^^^^^^,^^ Persecution and Martyrdom of the People of God,-^ called Quakers in New-England, for the Worshipping of God. Whereof 22 have been Banished, 03 liave ,/ been Martyred, 03 have had their Ears cut, 01 hath .X^.5^ been burned in the Hand. 31 Persons have received' 650 Stripes. 01 was beat while his Body was like a jelly. Several were beat with Pitched Hopes, Five Appeals made to England, were denied by the Eulers of Boston. One thousand forty four pounds worth of Goods hath been taken from them. One now lyeth in Iron-fetters, condemned to dye,7??ie cojjy 4to. Lond. for Bohert Wilson, [1660] 242 Burton (Eobert) The EngHsh Empire in America ; or a x? Prospect of his Majesties Dominions in the West -^ Indies. To which is prefixed a Eelation of the first //f^- Discovery of the New World called America by the Spaniards, poor copy Lond. 1685 243 Burton (Eobert) English Empire in America, 3rd ed. map and woodcuts, wants page 173, hf. russia Lond. 1698 244 Bushel (John) A true and perfect Narrative of the late dread- ful Fire which happened at Bridge-Town, in the Barba- does, April 18, 1688, hf. mor. 4to. Lond. [1688] ' Not mentioned by either Lowndes or Eich. FiEST day's sale. 23 ~N I 2^15 Byron (Commodore) A Voyage round the World in H.M.S. '1 I the Dolphin : Description of the Streights of Magellan, ■A and of the Grigantic People called Patagoniaus, together/ with an accurate Account of Seven Islands lately dis- covered in the South Seas, plates Land. 1767 246 Byron (John) Narrative, containing an Account of the great Distresses Suflered by Himself and his Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, from 1740—1746, with a De- scription of St. Jago de Chili; also a Kelation of the ^ Loss of the AVager, now first published Lond. 1768 ( 246*Byron. Another copy ih. 1768 7^247 Cabinet of Curiosities, or the Wonders of the World dis- played, Nos. 1 to 29, in 1 vol. 1824^' ' / 248 Calatayud y Borda (C. Gr. de) Oracion Funebre que en las solemnes Exequias de la E-. M. Maria Antonia de San Joseph, Larrea, Arispe, de los Eeyes: Quatro Yeces Ministra en el Monasterio de Trinitarias Descalzas de^ esta Ciudad de Lima, limp vellum 4to. Lima, 1783 249 Caldwell (Charles). A Discourse on the Genius and Cha- ' racter of the Eev. Horace Holley, LL.D., late President of Transylvania University, portrait and 2 plates, half 'fZ-'C^^ morocco Boston, Ililliard and Co. 1828 \ 250 California, the Natural and Civil History of, by M. Venegas map and plates, 2 vols, calf gilt 1759 . ^ 250*Callander (John) Voyages to the Terra Australis, or South- ern Hemisphere, during the 16th, 17th, and 18th Cen- 7^"^^ y^ turies, maps, 3 vols, calf Edinh. 1766 251 Calle (Juan DiEz DE la). IMemoeial, t Noticias Saceas Y E-EALES DEL ImPEEIO DE LAS IndIAS OcOIDENTALES '/Y 4to. Privately pei>-ted, 1646 r^-^-t^^ On the reverse of folio 180 the author says, That only a few copies of the work had been printed for the use of the King, his Council, and Ministers. Hence its extreme rarity. f. ^- 252 Calvet (P.) Appel a la Justice de I'Etat 1784^^^^ / , 253 Calvetonis (Urbani) Novae Novi Orbis Historiae, id est Eerum y ab Hispanis in India Occidentali hactenus Grestarum, /y et acerbo illorum in eas Gentes dominatu libri tres ; et ' de GaUorum in Ploridam Expeditione ; etc. vellum Genevce, 1600 \ 254 Campbell. A Concise History of the Spanish America, with an Appendix, in which is comprehended an exact De-^ scription of Paraguay. Collected chiefly from Spanish / AVriters, [by Dr. Campbell ?], oZrf caZ/* Lond. 114^1 , S 255 Cambridge. Documents relating to the University and Col- , leges of Cambridge, 3 vols. Lond. 1852 256 Canada. Additional Papers concerning the Province of Quebec, Ms. uncut 1776 24> riEST bat's sale. 257 Canada. The Interest of Great Britain considered, witli re- gard to her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe, 2nd ed. Loud. 1761 258 Canada. State of the Form of Government of the Province ^^^^ of Quebec, with a Large Appendix, Jialf mor. 1789 259 Canada. Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled " A State of v^ the Present Porm of Government of the Province of ^cy'^ Q^aehec," half mor. Lond. 1790 y ^ 260 Canada. Thoughts on the Canada Bill, hf. mor. Lond. 1791 -^^^^ / 261 Canada. History of Canada, by J. Eoy, Montreal, 1850 — ^ Guide to Montreal, etc. — Ware (I)r.) on the Eelation y^^^;^ of the Sexes Boston, 1850 ^''''^ '- b 262 Canada. The Conquest of, by the Author of" Hochelaga," 2 vols, cloth 1850- S 263 Canadian Freeholder (The) : shewing the sentiments of the ^ Bulk of the Freeholders of Canada, concerning the late //y//^ Quebec Act, etc. [by Bp. Shipley], 2 vols. 1770'^'^ - 6 264 Candid (A) Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Bri- tian and the Colonies, hf. mor. New Yo7-k, Jas. Mivington, 1775^ Said to be the production of Mr. Galloway. . " <^ 265 Cape Breton. The Importance and Advantage of, hf Id. 17-16 — ->^ / 266 Carew (Sir Peter) Life and Times of, with Historical Preface /;^ and Notes by MacLean 1857^-^*^^^ ^ 267 Another Copy, 1857 — Memoirs, Letters and Speeches of /^ the first Earl of Shaftesbury 1859-'^^'^*^ ' 268 Carlisle (Earl) Two Lectures on the Poetry of Pope ; and on >^y his own Travels in America /xV 4t0. PRIYATELT PKINTED, ] 850 ^ ■ 269 Carolina. A New and Accurate Account of the Provinces of ^ South Carolina and Geoi'gia, hf. mor. Lond. V1^'2/\J,^^.^ This appears to be the Tract referred to by Nichols (Lit. Anec. ii. p. 19^ as written by Gov. Oglethorpe. '^- o 270 Carthagena. Cosas Notables, Svcedidos en las Costas de la ^ Civdad de Lima, en las Indias, y como el armada ^/tj- Olandesa procuraua coger el armadilla nuestra, que baxa con la plata de ordinario a Cartagena, ano passado de 1624, If. mor. fol. \Coloplion ;] Madrid, por Luan Gonqalez, 1625 c- . 271 Carthagena. An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena pz .^ hf. mor. Lond. 1743 • ^ 271* The same, etc. 2nd ed. Lond. 1743 ^ / , 272 Carthagena. A Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena, in ^ answer to An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena ^ Lond. 1744 '-^ This Pamplilet is attributed to General Wcntworth, who commanded the Land Forces. FIRST day's sale. 25- ^ ' 273 Carthagena. A Journal, etc. 2iid ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1744 y . 274 Carthagena. Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Carthagena, hf. mor. Lond. 1744 / 275 Carter and Glossbrenuer's History of Tork-County York Pa. 1834 '^ . 276 Carver's Travels in North America, large paper, hoards, uncut 1778 "^■^ 277 Carver's Travels. Another copy, large paper, half hound, ^ hlue morocco, iiactit 1778 ^ 278 Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, as represented J^ p by themselves, /?/-. OTor. 1733/^^^-^^^ / 279 Case (A) decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, ^^ Feb. 1793, " Whether a State be liable to be sued by a ^^y^ private Citizen of another State ?" uncut, hf mor. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1793 280 Castellaxos (Iuax de). Primera Parte de las Elegias de ^ 9^^ Varones Illvstresde Indias,^«e ^cZZeo^?/ /« t"eZ/w»« ^[t^.^jL^2'^ 4to. Madrid, la viuda de Alonso Gomez Impressor, ISSSP'"'^ The first part only was printed. — " After employing the greater part of his life in writing the biography of the discoverers and conquerors of the Xew World, Castellanos devoted the remainder to putting his writings into verse." — Rich. 281 Catalogue of the Library of the American Philosophical . / Society, held at Philadelphia, for Promoting TJseful 4 y^ Knowledge, ^«//(>rJ/ ^.y^^^^^ Philadelphia, Jos. B. A. Skerrett, 1824 .282 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Writers to H. -^ M. Signet, part I. Jurisprudence Edinb. 1856 / 283 Catechism. Some Deductions from the Systems promulgated />^ in the page of Divine Eevelation ranged in the Order "^^^^^^^^^"^^ -^ and Form of a Catechism Portsmouth, N. H. 1782 284 Cathcart (John). A Letter to the Hon. Edward Yernon, x concerning some Gross Misrepresentations in a Pam- x^-^ phlet, intitled Orit,nnal Papers relating to the Expedition to the Island of Cuba, hf. mor. Lond. 1744 285 Caxtox's Chronicles. The Ckonicles of ~Eis&i.xsj), large and generally fine copy, a few worm holes skilfully re- paired, bound in tnorocco extra, by F. Bedford folio, Westmynstre, 1482 This copy is of the edition having the long commas, of which, it is believed, no perfect copy is known. The following leaves are supplied in facsimile, being printed from type cut in exact imitation of the original, viz. the 7 prelimi- nary leaves; text, a i to a vii (a i being blank), x i, x ii, x vii, X viii, y i to vi. This Chronicle being edited by Caxton as well as printed by him, is generally regarded as one of the most interesting of the volumes which proceeded from his press. The present is \ inch taller than the fine copy, late the Earl of Cawdor's, now in the British Museum. , /■Z J T ^' /^ 26 FiKsi" day's sale. 286 Caxton (Wm.) The Game of Chess. Eeproduced in fac- simile from a copy in the British Museum, with a few -^^y remarks on Gaston's Typographical productions, by N< Figgins, black IcttfV, icoodcuts, half morocco 4to. 1861 287 Cessares. An Account of the first Settlement, Laws, Form of y^ Groverument, etc. of the Cessares, a People of Soutly^^^ America, in nine letters from M. Vander Neck, witn Notes, calf 1764 X 288 Chalkley (Thomas) Journal of the Life, Travels and Christian ^ Experiences of, fine copy 1751^ ^^^^^ Chalkley travelled and laboured for forty years almost entirely in New England and the "West Indies, and died in the Island of Tortola. 289 Chalmers (George) Opinions on interesting Subjects of Public / Law and Commercial Policy, arising from American^2^^ Independence, new ed. If. mor. Lond. 178o , // 290 Champlain (Sieite Samuel de) Les Yotaqes be la Nov- ^ VELLE Prance Occidentale, dicte Canada, fine copy jf^g^, no map, calf extra, bound hy Fratt /p 4to. Paris, cliez Clavde Collet an Palais, en la Gal- ■■ ^"^ , lerie des Prisonniers, « VPstoille d' Or, 16S2 ^- 291 Chanvalon (Thibault) Voyage a la Martinique, contenant yf observations sur la Physique, I'Histoire Naturelle^^^:^^ I'Agriculture, les Moeurs, usages de cette Isle, et(^' y^ plates, calf gilt 4to. Paris, 1763 ^ 292 Chappell (Lieut. Edw.) Voyage to Newfoundland, and the -p Southern Coast of Labrador, calf 1818--^^ ^^ /f 293 Charlevoix (P. de) Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle Prance, 7naps and plates, 3 NoX^.fine copy, old . calf 4to. Paris, 1744 y^^ " This is one of the most important works relating to Canada. Rich. 294 Charlevoix (P. P. Xavier) Histoire du Paraguay, maps, ^^oh.y^ A calf gilt 4to. Paris, 1756*^-^ y. 295 Chastellux (M. le Marquis de) Voyages dans I'Amerique, ^y- Sept. 1780-82, map and plates, 2 vols, calf Paris, 1786- ^^^ cJ « ^ 296 Chatterton (Thos.) Life of, by J. Dix, If. bd. 1837j>^^ / 297 Chauvenet (Wm.) on Plnne and Spherical Trigonometry /. ^ ■ Philadelphia, 1854 .^ /^ 298 Cheistendoms Saga Hliodande um pad hvornenn Christen, '^ ' etc. [The Saga (History) of the planting of the Christian ^^ faith for the first time in Iceland under King Olaf/^^ Tryggvason], hf mor. / / 4to. Prentvd i 81ialhollti ap Sendrick Krtise, 1688 'V ■ ^ 299 Chronicles of Cartaphilus the Wandering Jew, edited by Dr. ///^ .p Hoflman, 2 vols. 1853^' ^ 300 Church Discipline (A Platform of) : Agreed upon by the ^ Jfilders and Messengers of the Churches assembled in ;^7^ the Synod at Cambridge, N. E. 1648 Boston, 1808' Y. FiEST day's sale. 27 301 Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Cato Major, orliis Discourse of Old y Age, with Explauatory Notes. A eemaekably fine > COPY, in a wholly uncut state, superbly hound in green morocco extra, hy W. Pratt 4to, Philadelphia, Peixted and Sold by B. Feanklin, 1744 This book Franklin always considered, the chefd'ceiivre of his press. He brought copies to England, and distributed them with evident satisfaction. 302 J.^ 4. 304 305 306 /- 307 . t? 308 , /^309 y 310 ^ 311 f^ Cie^a de Leon (Pedro de) Paete Peimeea Dela cheo- NiCA del Peru. Que tracta la demarcacion de sus -^y prouincias : la descripcion dellas. Las fundaciones de ^''' las uueuas ciudades. Los ritos y costumbres de loi^'^'^-^^^^*^ iudios. Y otras cosas estraiias dignas de ser sabidas, raimerous curious icoodcuts, fine large and clean copy, but 10 anting folio 21 fol. [Colophon] % Iinpressa en Seuilla en casa de Martin de montesdoca, 1553 With the Autograph signature of the author at the end, over the Colophon. " The first part only was printed : the 2nd and 3rd parts were seen in MS. in Madrid some time ago, but it is not known what became of them." — Rich Clap (Thomas) An Essay on The Xature and Foundation oiy Moral Virtue and Obligation ; for the Use of the Students of Tale-College New-Haven : B. Meco?)i, 1765 Clap (Thomas) The Annals or History of Tale-College, in Xew-Hnven, halfmor. New-Haven : J. Hotchkiss and B. JTecom, 1766 Clark (Samuel) A N'ew Description of the "World, last leaf mutilated Lond. 1708 Clavigero (Francesco Saverio) The History of Mexico. Col- lected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, and from Manuscripts and Ancient Paintings of the Indians, translated by Charles Culleu, Esq. map and plates, 2 vols, calf gilt 4to. Lond. 1807 Cobbet (Thomas), Minister at Lyn, N.E., A Practical Dis- course of Prayer, calf Lond. 1654 Cobbet on Prayer. Another copy 1654 Cobbet on Prayer. Another edition 1657 Cochrane (Lord). Manifiesto de las Acusaciones que a nombre del General San Martin hicieron sus Legados ^^^ ante el Gobierno de Chile contra el Yioe-Almirante Lord-Cochrane y Vindicacion de este dirigida al mismo San Martin, closely cut into the print of one or two pages 12mo. Lima, 1823 Cochrane (Charles Stuart) Journal of a Eesidence and Travels in Colombia in 1823-24, map and plate, 2 vols, hoards, uncut London, 1825 Vf^ / 28 FIRST day's sale. 312 Cockburn. A Journey over Land, from the Grulpli of Hon duras to the Great South Sea, performed by J, Cock burn and five other Englishmen, containing th Manners and Customs of the several Indians ; the / Travels of N. Withington ; etc. viaj), calf 1735 / - ^ 313 Coello (M.) Carta para la Pacificacion de las Provincias de / Puno, 4 leaves, half morocco, uncut fol. Cadiz, 1670^ / r 6 314 Colebrooke (H. T.) Eeligion and Philosophy of the Hindus, 1858— Brand's Voyage to Peru 1828 / , 6 315 Coleman. Some of the Griories of our Lord and Saviour ex- hibited in Twenty Sacramental Discourses, preached at Boston, N.E. portrait, caf Land. 1728/ Series of rare Voyages, printed hy M. Colijn, of Amsterdam. / ^ / 316 VajS^ Keck (Cornelts) Historiale Beschrijvinghe, lu- houdende een waerachtich ver hael vande reyse ghedaeu;/^*^ met acht Schepen van Amsterdam, ouder't beleydt van den Kloeckmoedighen Admirael lacob Cornelisz Neck. Hier is by-ghevoecht een Vocabulaer in Duytsch, Mal- leys, ende lavaens obi. 4to. Amst. MicJiiel Colijn, 1G19 ^ / 317 Weeedt (Sbbald de) Historisch ende VVijdtloopigh ver- , hael, van'tghene de vijf Schepen (die int Jaer 1698, tot ^ Rotterdam toegherust zijn, om door de Straet Magel- laua haren handel te dryven) vredervaren is, tot den 7 September, 1599, op welcken dagh Capiteyn Sebald de VVeerdt oblong 4to. Amst. Michiel CoHjn _^, ^' 318 Spelbeegen (Joris Van) T'ilistoriael Journael van tgeue ^ Ghepasseert is Van AVeghen dric Schepen Ghenaement den Ram Schaep ende het Lam, Ghevaren uyt Zeelandt Vander Stadt Camp-Vere d'Ost-Indien onder t'beleyt van loris Spelberghen, Generaal anno 1601, plates ^ / oblong 4to. Amst. 31. Colijn, 1617 V ^ • w 319 Beschrijvinghe ende Historische verhael, vant Gout ,jySi Koninckrijk van Guinea, anders de Gout-custe de Mina ^ , ^QVi'AQmi, plates oblong 4to. Amst. MicJiiel Colijn, 1617 . ^ • o 320 Candisch. Beschryvinge vande overtreffelijcke ende wydt- ^ vermaerde Zeevaerdt vanden Edelen Heer ende Meester y Thomas Candisch oblong 4to. Amst. Michiel Colijn, 1617 (/'- 6 321 Ealegh (Sir AValtee). VVarachtighe ende grondige be- schryvinghe van het groot en Gout-rijck Coningrijck van Guiana, gelegen zijnde in America, by Noorden de^ groote Rivier Orelliana ; etc. Door den E. Heere Walter Raleigh oblong 4to. Amst. Michiel Co/ijn, 1617 ^ Not mentioned by Rich. •c ' (^ 322 Bicker akd Heemskeeck Iovenael oft Daghelijcx-register van de Voyagie na Rio de Plata, ghedaeu met het Schip ghenoemt de Silveren Werelt, het welcke onder't Ad- piRST day's sale. 29 mirael-schap van Laurens Bicker, ende het hevel van Cornelis van Heemskerck als Commis die Custen van ^^ / Guinea oblong 4to. Amst. Michiel Colijn, 1617 ' , 6 323 'Te erste Boeck. Historie van Indien ,^ oblong 4to. Amst. Michiel Colijn, 16 L7 /^/^y^^ The author of this Eelation, which wiU be found in De Bry, is unknown, though many may have been the inquiries and speculations concerning him and his mysterious initials '^ G. M. A. W. L." ^ o 324 Oost-Indische ende Vvest-Indiscbe voyagien, Namelijck, de 0^ waeraehtighe beschrijvinghe vande drie seylagien, drie Jaren achtermalkandaren dear de HoUandtsche ende Zeelandtsche Schepen, by noorden Noorvveghen, Mos- covien ende Tartarien nae de Coninckrijcken, van Catthay ende China ghedaen, de eerste voyagie der HoUandtsche Schepen op de Landen van lava, plates, wanting pp. 57 and 58 oblong 4to. Amst. Michael Colijn, 1619 Some of the Relations of Van Noordt, D^Weerdt and Can- .'-) disch, will be found in this rare volume. , ^ 325 Collection (A) of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East India Company, for the Improvement of Trade and' Navigation, old calf, with 10 maps Lond. 1703 o Not mentioned by Eich. ' cp 326 Colliber (Sam.) Columna Rostrata: or, a Critical History of x^^ J) the English Sea Affairs, calf 1727 ' S 327 Collins (John) of the Royal Fishery Company, Salt and /^ Eishery, a Discourse thereof, half caf 4to. Lond. 1082 Not mentioned by either Lowndes or Hich. "328^ Colman (Benjamin) of Bath, afterwards of Boston, Practical Discourses upon the Parable of the Ten Virgins, title torn and stained Lond. 1707 829 Columbus (Cheistopheu). Etist scHoisr hUbsch lesen . VOK ETLICHEN INSZLEN DIE DO ITS KURTZEN ZTTEN / . /if, ^y EUNDEJf STND DUECH De KUNIG VON HISPAKIA, VND //"^ SAGT TO GROSZEN WUN DEELICHEN DINGEJS^ DIE IN D^ '^ ' SELBe INSZLEN STND, morocco extra, by Bedford 4to. \_Colophon] Getruclct zu straszhiirg vff gruneck vo meister Bartlomesz kilstler ym iar. 1497, vff sant Jeronymus A FACSIMILE OF THIS RARE TrACT BY THE ELDER Mr. Harkis, made with such marvellous exactness, that it re- quires no ordinary expertness to detect it from the original. Eive copies were only taken from the excessively rare ori- ginal in the Grenville Library. It is a translation into German, with some alterations and additions, of the famous Columbus Letter, first printed in Latin, in 1493. It con- sists of seven leaves, with 30 lines in a full page. The wood-cut on the title page is repeated on the last page. ^ 30 FIEST day's sale. 330 Columbus. Del Primo Scopritore del Continente del Nuovo j/ Monde e Dei piii antichi Storici che ne scrissero Ba- ^^^"^'^ / / gionamento Mrenze, 1809 ■^ ' ^ 331 Columbus. Vita di Christoforo Colombo scritta e corredata /. y di nuove osservazioui di note storico-critiche e di un'^j^^^^ Appendice di documenti rari o inediti dal Cavaliere 'Z^(JZS Luigi Bossi, uncut MiJano, 1818 ^ . u |332 Commentarius de Eepublica in America, Lusitana atque His- ^ pana a Jesuitis iustituta, belloque ab Lis cum Hispamse/ /^^ ^ ' ^""V . . . J ,j ' ' 333 Concessions to America the Bane of Britain, half morocco ^ ' ' .. 1807^^^*^ , / 334 Conciliatory Address to the People of Great Britain and of . the Colonies, on the present important crisis, lif. '>^^or. ^Y^ / '^ 335 Condamine (M. de la) Relation abregee d'un Voyage fiait dans rinterieur de L'Amerique Mei'idionale, depuis /f^ / la Cote de la Mer du Sud, jusqu' aux Cotes du Bresil^^^^^^ et de la Guyane, en descendant la Eiviere des Ama- zones. Nouvelle Edition, Augmentee de la Relation de I'Emeute populaire de Cuanga an Perou, et la Relation du Voyage de Madame Godiu, map and plate '\ Maestricht, 1778 '336 Conduct (The) of the Ministry Impartially examined. In a Letter to the Merchants of London Lond. 1761 (^37 Conduct (The) of a R. Hon. Gentleman in resigning the Seals of his Office justified, by Pacts, and upon the Principles ^ / of the British Constitution, 2nd ed. Lond. 1761 ^ . o 338 Conduct of the late Administration examined relative to the /^ American Stamp Act, with an Appendix of original '^^-/^a pers 1767 ^^-^ ^ > /-^SSO Congress oe the United States (Annals or the) Debates and proceedings from the first Congress in 1789 to the eighteenth, 1823, 42 vols, calf, Washinc/ton, 1834-56 — Register of the Debates in Congress, from the second session of the eighteenth Congress to the first session of the twenty-fourth, 27 vols, calf Washington, 1825-36 These 69 volumes form a complete set of the " American Hansard," or Debates in Congress, from the origin of the United States Government in 1789 to the 24th Congress in 1836. The work was printed at the cost of the Government, 5 dollars a volume, but was never published for sale. Seta are consequently now very dilficult to procure complete. In 1837 the third series was commenced in quarto imder the name of the Congressional Globe, which has now reached P 54 volumes. The Globe may be purchased separately. ' ^ 340 Congress Canvassed: or an Examination into the Conduct of the Delegates at their Grand Convention, held at Phi- ladelphia, half morocco printed in the year 1774'^'^^'^^^ /' '\y FIRST day's sale. 31 S . 6 341 Connecticut. A General History of Connecticut, from its first Settlement under George Penwick, Esq. to its latest Period of Amity with Great Britain ; including a Description of tlic Country, and many curious and interesting Anecdotes, with an Appendix. By a Gen- tleman of the Province [Eev. Samuel A. Peters] Lond. 1781 See a wonderful account of the falls of the Upper Cohos, amongst other marvels contained in this work. Dr. Peters, like most of the Church of England Clergy in America, at the breaking out of the Revolution, espoused the Tory side, and rendering himself, as many thought, too conspicuous in his opposition to the popular cause, was presented with a coat of tar and feathers by the good people of his parish in Connecticut, and compelled to evacuate his living. He came to England, and published this book in ridicule of Connecticut It is often, by foreigners, regarded as a true history, but is about as much entitled to that character as Knickerhocker s History of Neio York. //■ 342 Connecticut (A Register for the State of), with an Almanack, for the Tear of our Lord 1785. Calculated for the Meridian of New- London, Lat. 41. 25. North, by Na- than Daboll, Teacher of the Mathematics at the Aca- demic School in Plainfield New London, hy T. Green, [1785] Few of the ephemeral productions of New-England are of j greater rarity than its early Almanacs. /J^ /■ 343 Connecticut. The Code of 1650, being a Compilation of th«^/^^'^^-^ ' Earliest Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut ; to which is added some extracts from the , * Blue Laws ' Hartford, Silas Andriis, 1825 ^ . ^S4<4< Considerations of the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, for the purpose of raising a Eevenue, ' by Act of Parliament, [by Mr. Dulaney, Chief Justice of Maryland, North America] / 4to. Annapolis, J. Green, 1765 / • 345 Considerations on the Dispute now depending before the Honourable House of Commons, between the British Southern and Northern Plantations in America, half morocco Lond. 1731 /i 346 Considerations upon the Present State of our Aflairs at Home ''. /-\ and Abroad Lond. 1739 \_J347 Considerations on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, half moronco ""7 ^ — ";: North America : Printed, hy a North American, -C r ^. S New York, J. Holt, 1765 32 SECOND DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. o . ^ 348 Considerations of the Propriety of imposing Taxes in the ^ British Colonies, for the purpose of raising a Kevenue^^^^^"'^ by Act of Parliament, [by Mr. Dulaney, Chief Justice of Maryland, North America], lialf morocco "^ Northampton printed, London 7-eprinted, 1766 ' p 349 Considerations on the Imposition of 4| per cent, collected ^ on Grenada and the Southern Charibbee Islands, half ^t. / morocco 1774 (•/, t^ 350 Considerations on the Nature and Extent of the Legislative /i. _ Authority of the British Parliament, liaJf morocco z^^^^^-*'^ . '^ Philadelphia, Will. ^ Tho. Bradford, VJli • / 351 Considerations on the relative situation of France and the United States of America, Translated from the French /^ of Claviere and Brissot de Warville, half bound 178^^!^^ y ■ 352 Constitutions of the Thirteen States of North America, calf a Glasgoiv, 1783 y^j\, ^ f 353 Constitutions (The) of the United States, according to the' ' latest araendmeuts, etc. ; also, the Amendments to the / Constitution of Maryland, not in any former edition ,x5^ ^ Newhurgh, 1800 . / 354 Contest in America (The) between Great Britain and France, with its Consequences and Importance, in which a ^ proper Barrier between the two Nations in ^o^th^T^^ America is pointed out, hoards, uncut VlbT^^'^'^^^ ,/ _ 355 Contestacion Eapida al Discurso Opinado qui Pronuncid un M. con Motive de la Plancha que el G. Cons. Circulo y^ a las 11. simb. del rito esc. sobre el nuevo Juramento ,^^^ exigido y demas de su contenido, half morocco Habana, 5821 [1821] t / . 356 Controversy (The) between Great Britain and her Colonies ^ Eeviewed, half 7norocco Z^ Boston, Mein and Fleeming, 17G9 ^c) By Will. Knox, Under Secretary of State for American Affairs. , / 357 Conway (General) The Speech of, on moving in the House oi/j. ° Commons (May 5th, 1780), "That leave be given to bring in a Bill for Quieting the Troubles now reigning in the British Colonies in America" Bond. 1781 './ SECOND day"s sale. 33 /./ 358 Cooper (C. H. & T.) Athenae Cantabrigiensis, Vol. 1, half calf gilt, marlled edges 1858 359 Cooper (J. F.) History of the American Navy, 2 vols. 1839 ' / 360 Cooper (Thomas) President of the College, South Carolina, Some Information respecting America, loith Map of the Middle States of America, Yl\ by ISy inches, half mor. / Lond. 1794. ■ ^ 361 Cooper (Mr.) History of North America, j^/r/^es Lond. E. N'eivberry' , i? 362 Copia de dos Cartas Escritas de vn Missiouero, y del Supe- rior de las Missiones de los Maynas, en el Kio ■; y Marauon, jurisdiccion de la Real Audiencia de Quito, /^y^'y^ avisando ai Padre Vice-Provincial de la Compafiia de lesYS, del Nuevo Eeyno de Granada, Primera Carta, ,/ / half morocco fol. [1681] ^ • '^ 363 Coppier (Guil.) Histoire et Voyages des Indes Occidentales ^,^^- a Lyon, 1645 ' 364 Coppinger (Jose) Manifesto, que demostrando el injusto y violento proceder que se ha observado en San Augustiu de Florida, despojandole de Orden de la Autoridad goberuante, de los Archivos de su Grobieruo y otros papeles, despues de la Entrcga de la Provincia a los Estados Unidos de America, half morocco Filadelfia, Juan F. Rurtel, 1821 /. 6 365 Corn wallis (Earl). An An.swer to the Narrative of Lieut.-Geu. Sir Heu. Clinton Lond. 178t The work comprises the correspondence of the noble com- manders during the North Ameiican Campaign of 1781. ^ 366 Cornwallis (Marquis of) Correspondence edited by C. Rose, ^^1^.:^ '6 Yo\s. half calf gilt, marhled edges 1859' • ^ 367 Anotlier copy, 3 vols, tree-marbled calf extra, by Siviere ^^;^ '2 368 Coronado (Carlos Vasquez). For Don Carlos Vazquez Coro- nado, veziuo de Guatimala. Con el Seiior Fiscal. ■ Sobre los treynta y vn mil Tostoues, en que se le/y^ remato el Officio de Alguazil mayor de la Audiecia de^ Guatimala, para don Antonio Vasquez Coronado su hijo, half morocco fol. [1632] ^369 Correa (Diego). El Ciudadano Don Diego Correa al / Escmo. Sr. Capitan General Gefe Superior Politico, ^^y"^ etc. Cuarta edicion, gwiti?., half morocco Habana, 1822, en la oficina Liberal -370 Correa (Juan Nunez). El Rey. Lo qve por mi mandado se assieta, y concierta con luau Nuriez Correa Portugues, vezino de la ciudad de Lisboa, sobre la haberia que en lasciudades de Seuilla, Cadiz, y otras partes, se cobra de todo el oro, y plata, piedras, perlas y jo3'as, y otras cosas que vienen de las Indias : y de todas las mercaderias que van a ellas, y a las Islas del mar Oceauo, (15 leaves') half morocco fol. [Dated^^ Talladolid, 2Qfh Sept. 1603 34 SECOND day's sale. ^ ■ 371 Corro (Juan del). Forma de el nvevo beneficio de metales de plata, por el Capitan de luan del Corro, lif. morocco Ci p Ibl. [Dated'] Potosi, y Jiinio 24, 1676 / ■ 372 Correspondencia entre el General D. I. O. Donoju D. Fran- ^'y_^ cisco Lemaur, y las ultimas Cartas de aquel al General ^'^'^'^ . Davila, con las respuestas de este, ha^f morocco . /■ 373 Corry (John) The Life of George Washington, and of the ^i«^ Most Eminent Men who effected the American Eevo-/^ ^^■^^ . \ution, poriraii, half tnorocco Lond. ISOO •^Z- 374 CoETES (Hernando). Ferdinandi Cortesii von dem Newen / ' Hispanien, so im Meer gegem Nidergaug, Zwo gantzv- (^-^^^^ lustige vnnd fruchtreiche Historien, an den groszmachti- gisten vniiberwindtlichisten Herren, Carolum V. Ko- niischen Kaiser etc. Kunig in Hispanien, etc. fol. Augspurg, Philipp Vlhart, 1550 Tills edition in German contains at the end several letters concerning the settlements of Germans in Spanish America not found in the Latin or Spanish editions. y ' '/ 375 CoETEs (Hebnando). Historia de Neuva-Espafia, escrita por Ja^ su esclarecido Conquistador Hernan Cortes, aunientada con otros Docameutos, y Notas. Por el Ilustrissimo Sefior Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzobispo de Mexico, vellum fol. Mexico, 1770 The three celebrated and highly important Letters of Cortes are here reproduced. ^ ■ 376 CoETES (Hernando) Carta de Eelacion, embiada a su Sacra- magestad del Emperador Nuestro tSeiior, por el Capitari / General de la Nueva-Espafia, uncut fol. absque notd // ■ 377 Cortes (Hernando) CorrespondanceavecL'Empereur Charles- ^ Quint, sur la Conquete du Mexique. Trad, par M. le Yicomte de Flavigny, half hound Suisse, 1779 378 Cortes (Hernando) Despatches translated from the Spanish, ^^ / / with Notes by Geo. Folsom Neio York, 1843 ^-^ '^ / / 379 Cosmopolita (El), Prospecto, and No. 1, July 18 to No. 9, ^ Sept. 21, 1822 4to. Santiago de Chile, 1822'^ ' 380 Coste (John Francis) Oratio Habita in Capitolio Gulielmo- politano in Comitiis Universitatis Virginije, die xii Junii // M.DCC.LXXXii, half morocco Lugd. Bat. 1783^!.^;:^^ Dedicated to Washington. 881 Cotton (John) The Way of Life, or God's Way and Course in bringing the Soule into, keeping it in, and carrying it on, in the Wayes of Life and Peace, old calf 4to. 1641 382 Cotton (John) The Churches Kesurrection, or the Opening y^y^ of the fift and sixt verses of the 20th chap, of the Beve-X^'^ lation, corrected by his own hand, green morocco, by A Hay day 4to. Lond.for Henry Overtoil, 1642 ,'/ ^ . 383 Cotton (Joun) The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, ^vA./^/^, Power thereof, 2ud ed. vellum ^ 4to. Lond, M. Sitnmons,for Hen. Overton, 1644 4 SI SECOND day's sale. 85 / 384 Cotton (John) The Way of the Churches of Christ in New y.^ England 4to. Lond. Matth. Simmons, 164;5 //^-^ , 385 Cotton (John) The Blotjdt Tenent, Washed, and made * ^ white in the Bloud of the Lambe ; being discussed and discharged of bloud-guiltinesse by just defence: wherein the great questions of this present time are handled, J viz. How farre Liberty of Conscience ought to be given ^^yy-c to those that truly feare God ? etc. Whereunto is added a Eeply to Mr. [Roger] Williams Answer to Mr. Cotton's Letter , 4to. Lond. Ilattli. Sijmmons,for Hannah Allen, IQ^l - o 386 Cotton (John) Severall Qvestions of serious and necessary Consequence, propounded by the Teaching Elders unto / M. lohn Cotton of Boston *^in New England, with his _^^ respective Answer to each Question, uncut Lond. for Thomas Banks, 1647 337 Cotton (John) Singing of Psalmes a Gospel Ordinance, stained and 6 leaves defective / . 4to. Lond. by 31. S.for Hannah Allen, 1647 /^^^^^ ^388 Cotton (John) The Way of Congregational Churches clearedr 4to. Lond. M. Simmons for John Bellamie, 1648 389 Cotton (John) Way of Congregational Churches cleared, Lond. 1648 — Hooker (Thomas) of Hartford, N. E. /9 Survey of the Summe of Church Discipline, wherein^/^^^^ the way of the Churches of New-England is warranted / out of the Word and all exceptions of weight answered, 1648, 2 vols, in 1, calf 4to. 1648 Cotton (John) An Abstract of Laws and Goternment, , wherein as in a Mirrour may be seen the Wisdom and 7^^^ Perfection of the Government of Christs Kingdome; "^^ now publislied after his [Cotton's] death, by William Aspinwall ^ v y^ 4to, Lond. hy JIL S. for Livewel Chapman, 1655 yy-^ ^ 391 Cotton (John) Treatise of the Covenant of Grace, cal^ 1659 ^^4 392 Cotton (John) Treatise of the Covenant of Grace, calf 1671 ^ '393 Cotton (John). A Brief Discourse concerning the Lawfulness y^^ of Worshipoing God by the Common Prayer [in An- ^ y swer to John Cotton,] hf. mor. 4to. Lond. 1694 o 394 Cotton (John) of Boston, N. E. Way of Life, or God's Way y^y and Course in bringing the Soule into the Wayes of />Z^>i life and peace, 1641— Hickeringill (E.) Tracts, calf 4to. Lond. J. Bunton, 1692, etc. ^ 395 Cotton (John) Memoir of, by J. Norton, with Preface and Notes, by E. Pond New York, 1842 896 Cowdell (Thomas D.) A Poetical Journal of a Tour frotn British North America to England, with Two Pieces of the Intended Jubilee, uncut Dublin, 1809 397 Coxe (Tench) View of the United States, calf 1795— Ee- ponse a la Declaration du Cougres Americaiu, calf 1778 36 y SECOND day's sale. . {3§§ Coxe (Daniel). A Description of tlie Englisli Province of Caro- lina, by the Spaniards call'd Florida, and by the French La Louisiane ; as also of the great and famous Hiver Mescbacebe orMissisipi,the five vast navigable lakes of fresh water, and the parts adjacent, Jarc/e map Lowd.for B. Cowse, 1722 399 Coxe ("William) Account of the Russian iJiscoveries between Asia and America, 4th ed. enlarged, maps, calf ^//}Ay/ Lond. 180r "^^ .400 Craig (N. B.) History of Pittsburgh, 2 maps Fittsburyh, 1851 ^ 401 Crawford (Charles) An Essay on the Propagation of the /^ Gospel, in which there are numerous facts and argu- f/,^^ ments adduced to prove that many of the Indians in America are descended from the Ten Tribes, 2nd ed. hds. uncut FJiiladelphia, James Humphreys, 1801 '^ 402 Cruising Voyage round the World : first to the South Seas, ' tlience to the East Indies, and homewards by the Cape ^^^ of Good Hope, 1708-11, by Woodes Eogers, half mor. , 1718 -V . 403 Crusius (Martin) D. Solomoni Schvveigkero Sultzensi, qui Constantinopoli in Aula Legati Imp. Eom. aliquot " Ji Anuos Ecclesiasta fuit ; et in Aegypto, Palsestina, Syria, "^ peregrinatus est, cum Descriptioue illius peregriuationis, j . calf gilt, hound hy Bedford 4to. Argent. 1582 ^ ■J . ^ 404 Cuba, Original Papers relating to the Expedition to the ^'^'/^-tt^ i land of, lif mor. Lond. 174C x o 405 Cunha de Azeredo Continho (Joze Joaqnim da) A political j^ Essay on the Commerce of Portugal and her ColomeSy^frf^,.^^^ y particularly of Brasil, hds. uiicut Lond. 1801 ; ^ - 406 Currencies of the British Plantations in America (Discourse ^^^ on the) especially with regard to their Paper Money, (j> more particularly to the Province of Massachusetts-Bay u i^^^ /"^ in New England, half morocco Lond. 407 Dalrymple. Address of the People of Great Britain to the ^ Inhabitants of America, ArtZ/«?orocco Lond. 117 5, J^ " This address is said and believed to have been written by Sir J. D. (Sir John Dalrymple), and printed at the public expense, to be distributed in America." — Monthly Itev. 408 Dampier (Capt. "W.) Voyages round the World, describing \^ • the Isthmus of America, the South Sea, Coasts of Chi]i, ^ ^< 411 Dampier's Voyages, Vol. 1, 4ith edition, Vol. 2, 2nd edition 1699—1700 — 413— Dampier's Voyages, Vol. 1, ^tli edition, Vol. 2, 2nd edition 1703—1700 413 Dampier's Voyages, Vol. 1, Qth edition. Vol. 2, 3?y/ edition, from the Library of King Georye III. 1717 — 1705 '- ^ 414 Dampier (William). A Collection of Voyages. Vols. 1, 2 and 4, containiug Captain Dampier's Voyages round the World. Expedition into the South Seas. Capt. Cowley's Voyage round the Griobe. Capt. Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, and into the South Seas. Capt. Wood's Voyage through the Streights of Magellan. jNIr. Eoberts's Adventures and Sufferings amongst the Corsairs of the Levant, maps and plates, (map in Vol. 4 defective) Lond. 1729 - 41u '' Dampier's Voyages, Vol. 2, \st edition 1699 — 4i6" Dampier's Voyages, Vol. 2, \st edition {wanting title) 1699 / f4il7 Dampier's Voyages, Vol. 2, Srd edition 1705 C,418 Dampier (Capt.) Vindication of his A^oyage to the South ^ Seas in the ship St. George, scarce 4to. 1707 / ( 419 Danforth (John) The Blackness of Sins against Light, im- -6 ^ perfect, -wanting all after page 34 I Boston, TimotJnj Green, 1710 V420 Dapper (Gr.) Die TJnbekante Neue Welt, oder beschreibung des Welt-teils Amerika und des sud-Landes, maps and numerous curious plates fol. Amst. 1673 (^421 Darien. A Defence of the Scots Settlement at Edinl. 1699 ^__422 Dartmouth College. A Vindication of the OflBcial Conduct of the Trustees of, uncut Concord, Geo. Hough, 1815 ^ 423 Datexpobt (John) of New-Haven, N. E., The Saints Anchor-Hold, in all Storms and Tempests, Preached in Sundry Sermons,j^«e co/)y, calf extra, hound hy Pratt Lond. 1661 V , 424 Dave;kpoet (John) The Saints Anchor-Hold, in all Storms and Tempests, Preached in Sundry Sermons, ^?2e copy, calf extra, hound hy Pratt Lond. Benj. Harris, 1701 425 Dayila (Gil Gonzalez) Teatro Eclesiastico de la Primitiva ^y f ,/■ Iglesia de las Indias Occidentales, Vidas de svs Arzo- c:^<^ bispos, Obispos, y Cosas memorables de svs Sedes, map, 2 vols. Spanish binding fol. Madrid, Diego Diaz de la Carrera, 1649-1655 This book abounds with curious statistics and memoranda of memorable occurrences, and of the first introduction of arts and letters, printing, etc. See p. 7, etc. The Vocabularies are also highly valuable. -,_t<:i-i / 38 SECOITD day's sale. > ^ ' 426 Davie (John Constanse) Letters from Paraguay: describing jy tlie Settlements of Monte Video and Buenos Ayres ; the ■^"^^'^'"^ residences of Rioja Minor, Nombre de Dies, St. Mary / and St. Johu, etc. lif. mor. Lond. 1805 tyy's^ ^ ' 427 Davis (Dr. N.) Carthage and her Remains, cloth 1861 — 066-Beclaration of the Persecution of the Quakers in New Eng- land, See Burroughs (Edw.) 4to. >^ / 429 De Bow (J.D. B.) Industrial Eesources, etc. of the Southern i^ and Western States, 4 vols, {wantmg Vol. 3) t//^^^^ Neio Orleans, 1853 / - 430 Deane (John) A Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Notting- ^^ ham-Galley, [in her Voyage to Boston]. Publish'd 'vl\./^[J2-a^, -. 1711. Eevis'd, and Eeprinted with Additions in 1726, hf. mor. thick paper ^^London] y; Declaration. An Answer to the Declaration of the American /AZ.^ Congress, ^th Ed. 1776 ^'^^" ^ 432 Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of ,7 North America, now met in General Congress at Phi-/^ ladelphia, setting forth the necessity of taking up Armsy^^^^'^^''^^ nncut 1775 /'^ / • 433 Declaration. Another copy, hf. mor. uncut 177^;^^'^,^ /? / 434 Delaroche (Peter), iWissjonory, The Gospel of Christ preached -' ' to the Poor, half morocco iJ' Lunenhurg, \_Nova Scotia^ Printed, at the Author' s /i ^^"^ expence, to he given and not to he sold, 1773 ^^ 6 435 De Solis. History of the Conquest of Mexico, translated by , '• Thos. Townsend, revised and corrected by N. Hooke, AyWc portrait, map, and plates, 2 vols, original caf gilt 1738' —43^ De Ville (J. B.) Histoire des Plantes de I'Europe et des plus XJsitees, qui viennement d'Asie, d'Afrique et de Ameri- ^ que, miinerous woodcuts Lyon, 1707 y^ . 437 Diaa'ies and Correspondence of Rt. Hon. George Rose, edited ^ P by Rev. L. V. Harcourt, 2 vols. 1860 u^^^ 438 Diaz del Castillo (Bebnal) Historia Verdadeba de la / , CoNQUiSTA DE LA NtJEVA EsPAiiA, calf gilt, the notcs ^ orb the fore-edge of some feio leaves slightly cut into // /'' fol. Madrid, en la Imprenta del Reyno, 1632/>,<:i^ Oeiginal Edition. Bernal Diaz was the companion 01 Cortes in his adventures and battles. See an interesting note as to the author and his work in Robertson's History, Vol. II. note 1. , ^\ ^^439 DiBDiN (Dr. T. E.) Bibliographical Antiquarian and yJ Picturesque Tour in Erance and Germany, nu — ^x^ merous heautiful portraits, plates, woodcuts and vignettes, /^ the latter on India paper ^ LARGE PAPER, UNCUT, 3 vols. russiu extra, loith joints, . FINE COPT impl. 8vo. 1821 v '-J- 440 Dickinson (Jonathan) Eamiliar Letters, calf /^ Boston, Bogers and Fowle, 1745 /v"^ yA SECOND day's sale. 39 { 441 Dickinson, (Jonathan), Minister, Elizabeth-Town, A Sermon Preached at the opening of the Synod at Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1722. Wherein is considered the Character of the Man of Grod, with the true boundaries of the Churches Power, hf. mor. Boston, T. Fleet, for S. Gerrish, 1723 442 Dickinson (Jonathan) A Defence of Presbyterian Ordination ; in answer to a Pamphlet, entituled, A Modest Proof of ^ the Order and Government settled by Christ in t\w^ Church, closely cut Boston Dan. Henchman, [1724] 443 Dickinson (Jonathan) Familiar Letters upon a variety of <^ Eeligious Subjects, 4th ed. Glasgow, 1775 ^y:^ <^444 Dickinson (John) A New Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great-Britain over the Colonies in America, hf. mor. Philadelphia, printed ; Lond. repr. 1774^ 445 DiEEEviLLE. Eelation du Voyage du Port Eoyal de 1' Acadie, ^ ou de la Nouvelle Prance, calf, hy Clarke and Bedford Amst. P. Humbert, 1710 This is a fine copy, with, the autograpli of Thomas Geat, the author of the " Elegy written in a Country Church- yard," on the title-page. /. 446 Display of God's Grace in a Familiar Dialogue between a / Minister, and a Gentleman of his Congregation about Q^^f^ the Work of God in the Conversion of Sinners ^ Boston, N. E. printed by Rogers and Fowle, 1742 4tt7 " D ixon (George) A Voyage round the World, but more par- ticularly to the North-west Coast of America, in 1785-88, 22 maps and plates, half calf 4to. Lond. 1789 >^y •^. 448 Dixon (George) A Voyage round the World, but more par- ///^y^ ticularly to the North-west Coast of America, in 1785- 1 ^ 88, maps and plates, calf 4to. Lond. 1789 rp X449 Don Henriquez de Castro, or the Conquest of the Indies, a y^ , 2 Spanish Novel, calf Lond. lQS5y^^^if^^^ \450 Doran (Dr.) Lives of the Princes of Wales, 1860— Frier's His- tory of the Eeign of Henry IV. of France, 2 vols. 1860 ' - 451 Doran (Dr.) Table Traits 1854 ,,^^^ ' ^ 452 Douglas (Gen. Sir H.) On Fortification, 1859— Memoirs of ^^-^ the American Army and Navy, 82 engravings on steel ^y/^y^ 1848^ . 453 DoiJGLASS (William) A Summary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, Progressive Improvements, and ^^ [y Present State of the British Settlements in North /^^^'^ America, map, 2 vols, old calf Lond. ] 755 *^^J 454 Another edition, 2 vols, calf Lond. 1760 This is a reprint of the edition of 1755, almost page for page. ^ ^ ^^ There are a few alterations and corrections. At the heads ^"'^ /^ of each page are placed the Parts and Sections. Although at the end of the Contents of Volume I. there is " Place the Map to face the Title of Vol. I." no copy has yet been met with, in its original state, bearing the Map. /' //. / 40 SECOND BAY S SALE. 455 Drake (3. G.) Researches among the British Archives for ,J/ information relative to the Pounders of New Euglandv^^ 4to. Boston, 18(50 456 Dresser (Matth.) Historien und Bericht von dem Newlicher zeit eufundenen Kouigreich China . . . Item von dem auch new enfundenen Lande Virginia 4to. Ijeip. 159 Unmentioned by Brunet or Ternaux. The second part is a translation from English into German of Harlot's Virginia, the original of which, by De Bry lias been several times , » sold for one hundred guineas. 457 Dulane}'' (M.) Chief Justice of JSIarylanA, Considerations /^ on the Propriety of imposing Taxes in British Colonies <^.^^ North America, Printed by a North American, New York, reprinted 1765 458 Dummer (Jeremiah) A Defence of the New England Char- (2^ ters, 1st ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1765 "^-^ Drummer was tlie Agent of Massachusetts in England. . 459 Du Pratz (M. Le Page) Histoire de la Louisiana, plo'tes, j^^t^ ? 3 vols, calf 1758^ ^^^ 460 Duquesne (Marquis) Vindicated from the Aspersions east o\x /h his Conduct while Commander of Port Charles, at PorV^^<«^ / Royal in Jamaica, thick paper, hf. mor. Lond. 1728 / ■ 461 Durham (Earl of) Report on the Affairs of British North _^y^/y America, with Appendix, 2 parts fol. Lond. ISSO'''^'^''^ V 2? •^62 Du Tertre (Jean Baptiste) Missionaire, Histoire G-eneralo '^ " des Isles de S. Christophe, de la Crvadelovpe, de la ^/V Martiniqve, et avtres dans I'Ameriqve, 1st ed. Quaps, old^ ^ ^ / eaJf 4to. Paris, 1654 ' ' O 463 Dwight (Timothy) Sermon preached at Northampton, Nov. y1 28, 1781, occasioned by the Capture of the British/^ ^ Army under the Command of Eai'l Cornwallis / ^ ' , JIartford [1781] ^ ■ 461 Dwight (Timothy) The Conquest of Canaan, a Poem, in yj^ Eleven Books, 1st ed. Hartford, Elisha Babcoch, 11^6 /tj'^^- i> . . . ' , The first Epic Poem published in America. ' O 465 Dwight (Timothy) A Statistical Account of the Towns and /, Parishes in the State of Connecticut, published by the , ^'^^' Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 1, No, 1, with autograph of Adam Seyhert, If. morocco New Haven, Walter and Steele, 1811 /l 466 Eachard (Laurence) Compendium of Greography, General /^ and Special, calf, maps Lond. \Q^\.^^ji/iy, Contains a curious account of America. . 467 Eastman (Tilton) Pastor at Randolph, A Sermon, preached ^^ in Sharon, Vermont, March 12, 1806, at the Ordiuation^^y^j of the Rev. Samuel Bascom Hanover, N H. Moses Davis, 1806 SECOND DAT S SALE. 4i ^ - 468 Earthquakes. History of Earthquakes, including those at Lima and Callao, in Peru, 1748— The Allies and the late Ministry defended against France, 1712— Life and - Death of Count Patkul, who was broke alive on the^ '^ Wheel in Great Poland 1717 i 469 Eckley (Joseph) Jlinister of Boston, A Discourse before the j Society for Propagating the Grospel among the Indians \ and others in JS'orth America, Nov. 7, 1805, uncut \ Boston, E. Lincoln, 1806 V470 Edwards (Bryan) The History of the British Colonies in the West Indies, 2nd ed. maps and plates, 2 vols, calf y ^ 4to. Land. 1794 . o 471 Edwards (Jonathan) Narrative of the surprising Work of God in the Conversion of many hundred Souls in Northampton, N. E. {^poor copy) 1737 — Narrative of' -^ the Conversion of W. Mooney Fitzgerald and J, Clarke / ^ ' 1790 ^ 472 Edwards (Jonathan) Some Thoughts concerning the present Revival of E-eligion in New-England, calf / Boston, printed : JEdinb. repr. V74'Z 473 Edwards (Jonathan) Life of Boston, S. Kneeland, 1765 474 ' E dwards (President) Religious Intelligence and Seasonable Advice from Abroad, concerning Lay-Teaching, etc., from the Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, hds. un^ cut " Edinb. 1801 475 Egede (Hans) Mission'drs und Bischofes in Grdnland, Bes- chreibuug und Natur-Geschichte von Gronland, iiber- setzet von D. Joh. Ge. Kriiuitz, majy and plates, half calf Berlin, 1763 ,^,2^476 Eliseo (Padre) Aviendo Eepresentado el Conde de Monterey a su Magestad los agrauios y molestias, que los Indios de la Nueua Espafia recibian, por orden de los juezes que los repartian, para seruicios personales, se le mando que no se repartiesseu, pero que se diesse orde como se alquilassen, y no estuuiessen ociosos : con la qual los de buen zelo quedaron conteutos y satisfechos, Jliie copy folio, [1643] 477 Eliot (Andrew) Christ's Promise to the penitent Thief. A Sermon preached the Lord's-Day before the Execution of Levi Ames, who suffered Death for Burglarv, Oct. 21, 1773, iEt. 22. N.B. This discourse was preached at the desire of the Prisoner, who was present when it was delivered Boston, John BoyJe, 1773 478 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Rev. Joseph Willard, to the Pastoral care of the first Church in Beverly, in conjunction with the Rev. Joseph Champney, Nov. 25, 1772. To which are annexed, The Charge, by the Rev. Dr. Appleton, and the Right Hand of Fellowship, by the Rev. Mr. Holt Boston, Thomas and John Fleet, 1773 G y /. :i^ 42 SECOND day's sale. ■^ - 479 Eliot (Andrew) A Sermon preached at the Ordination of [his ^4 Son] Andrew Eliot, A.M., to the Pastoral care of the /^^ First Church in Eairfield, June 22, 1774 /^ Boston, John Boijle, 1774 y 480 Ellis (Henry) A Voyage to Hudson's Bay, by the Dobbs ^ Galley and California, in the Tears 1746 and 1747, ^oiZ/f^ Discovering a North West Passage ; with an Accurat^ ''^^ Survey of the Coast, and a short Natural History of the Country, chart of the North-West Passage and plates Loud. 1748 ,^ ^ ^ 481 Ellis (H.) Voyage to Hudson's Bay, in 1746 and 1747, for discovering a North West Passage, map and plates,^ LARGE PAPER, calf 1748 / - 482 Ellwood (Thomas) An Epistle to Eriends .... warning them to beware of that Spirit of Contention and Division which hath appeared of late in George Keith, and some iew^-t others that join with him, who have made a Breach ana Separation from Friends in some Parts of America ^ / Lond. ] 694 y. J . A 483 Emery (S, H.) The Ministry of Taunton, 2 vols, cloth 1853 /^> / 484 Emigrant's Guide through the Western States, and the Terri- tory of Michigan, 1832 — Fairburn's Account of Buenos ,y Ayres —Journal of Dr. Coke's Visit to Jamaica, Vi'&d—y^'^^ Plain Truth, a series of numbers from the New York Daily Advertiser, 1821 — Drake's Discourse on the Western Museum Society Cincinnati, 1820 485 Emmons (Nathanael) Fastor, in FranMin, A Discourse, deli- vered on the Annual Fast in Massachusetts, April 9, ^^ 1801, uncut Salem, repr. hy Joshua Gushing, \^Qfl/^ -y/yy 486 Endeavours need by the Society for the Propagation of th6 Gospel in Foreign Parts, to Instruct the Negro Slaves in New York, 1730 — Account of the Insurrection of the Negroes in St. Domingo, {corner of title torn) 1792 ^ ' 487 Ens (Gaspar) Indtae Occidektalis Historia: in qva ^ prima regionum istarum detectio, situs, incolarum mores^ ^t,.,*/ aliaque eo pertinentia, breuiter explicantur. Ex variis-^^^'' Avtoribvs collecta, calf Colonics, 1612 This is an abridgement of the Petits Voyages of De Bry, and is generally attached to that collection. 488 Espy (J. P.) Fourth Meteorological Eeport, plates 4to. Washington, 1857 489 Esqtjemeltng (John) Bucaniees of Amerioa : or, a true Account of the most remarkable Assaults committed of ^y late years upon the Coasts of the West-Indies, by the ^^/^ Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and '^^ French, more especially the Unparallerd Exploits of SECOND day's sale. 43 Sir Henry Morgan, our English Jamaican Hero, who sack'd Puerto Yelo, burnt Panama, etc. plates, three parts in 1 vol. hf. bd. 4to. Lond. Will. Crooke, 1684-5 The following is from the London Gazette of June 8, 1685, and probably refers to this first Edition. " NYestminster, June 1. There have been lately Printed and Published two Books, one by Will. Crook, the other by Thos. 31althus, both Intitled The History of the Bucaniers ; both which Books contained many False, Scandalous and Mali- tious Eefleetions on the Life and Actions of Sir Henry Morgan of Jamaica Kt. The said Sir Henry Morgan hath by Judgment had in the King's-Bench-Court, recovered against the said Libel £200 Damages. And on the humble Solicitation and Eequest of William Crook, hath been pleased to withdraw his Action against the said Crook, and accept of his Submission and Acknowledgement in Print." C . 490 Esquemeling. Another copy, with the fourth part, plates, Xr^ 2 vols, in 1, {wanting title to Vol. 2, and 1 leaf mended) /^'^ /y calf 4to. 1684-5 ''^ ' 491 Esquemeling (John) History of the Bucaniers of America, from their first original down to this 'time, 7na2)s and-' plates, calf Lond. 1699 ^ . 492 Eecilla t Cuniga (Aloxso de) Peimeea, Segt>'da, t Teeceea Paetes de la Aeatcana, calf Aiivers, Fedro Bellero, 1597 493 Essays and Eeviews, 9/7* edition 1861 494 Evans (Lewis) G-eographical, Historical, Political, Philo- sophical and Mechanical E:-says. The Eirst, containing an Analysis of a General Map of the Middle British ^^^ Colonies in America ; and of the Country ot' the Con- ^ federate Indians, 2nd ed. laege papee, lif. mor. iincut folio, Pliiladelpliia, Printed by B. Eea^'KLIN, and D. Hall, 1755 AVith the large Map, 27^ by 20| inches, coloured. This is a presentation copy from the Author to Dodsley the Publisher. On the back of the Map is the following Letter, in the auto- graph of Mr. Evans. " To Mr. E. Dodsley, Bookseller in Pall Mall, London. Sir, I am uncertain whether I shall be able to transmit to !New York, to overtake a ship to Hull, a parcel of these Maps intended for you. " Your most humble Servt. Lewis Evans. " Philadelphia, July 30, 1755. " This comes under of favour of the Eevd. Mr. Php. Frances." Ay 495 Evans (Lewis) Essays. Number II. Containing a Letter re- / J4yj presenting the Impropriety of sending Forces to Yir- ginia : The Importance of taking Fronteuac, etc. half morocco 4to. Lond. 1756 ^ /■ 496 Evergreen (The) An Offering for all Seasons, edited by J, //Z^ Salkeld,^7a^e« New York, 1850 A<^^^ //. 44 SECOND day's sale. ^^ 497 ExPLORATioKs and Subvets for a Eaileoad Eoute from the -, Mississippi Eiter to the Pacific Ocean, made under / (y the direction of the Secretary of War, 9 vols, pla tes, ^>-<^^ cloth 4to. Washington, 185 5-8 ^ This is, perhaps, the most important series of Scientific Eeports --^ as yet issued by the American Government, embracing, as ^ , t/ it does, almost every branch of Science, natural and physical. / 514 Fisher (Dr. John) Bishop of Rochester, Life of, by John '^^'y Lewis, with an Introduction by F. H. Turner, 2 vols. ^ 1855 / 515 Fisk (Sam.) The Character of the Candidates for Civil Government, a Sermon at Boston before His Excel- ^ lency Jonathan Belcher Boston, 1731 ^ ■ 516 Fisk (Nathan) Sermon at Brookfield, Mar. 6, 1778, on the interment of Mr. Joshua Spooner who was most bar- barously Murdered at his own Gate, by three RuiBans,' hired for the purpose by his Wife, uncut Boston, N.E. 1778 ^ /. 517 Fisk (Nathan) Sermon at the Dudleian Lecture, Sept. 7, 1796 J Boston, 1796 // 518 Fiske (N.) Moral Monitor, 2 vols. Worcester, Mass. 1801— ,/J^"^^^ Wilkins (Bp.) Mathematical Magick 1648^''' ' ' /v 519 Fitch (Jabez) Gospel Ministers considered under the simi- litude of Fishers of Men ; a Sermon preached at Gos- ^'^ port or the Shoals, July 26, 1732, at the ordination of ^'^ "^ the Rev. J. Tucke, half hound Boston, S. Kneeland 8/- T. Green, 1732 '^ • ^ 520 Fletcher (J.) of Madeley, American Patriotism farther con- ^^^ fronted with Reason, Scripture, and the Constitution : /^■^■'^ being Observations on the Dangerous Politicks Taught by the E-ev. Mr. Evans, M.A. and the Rev. Dr. Price. With a Scriptural Plea for the Revolted Colonies, half morocco Shrewsbury, 1776 ►, /I 521 Flinn (Andrew) A Sermon occasioned by the Death of the ^' 6) Honble. Judge Wilds, April 1st, 1810 Charleston, J. Hoff, 1810' 522 Flint (Timothy) A Condensed Geography and History of the Western States, or the Mississippi Valley, 2 vols. hoards, uncut Cincinnati, E. H. Flint, 1828 , I 523 Fontana (F.) on the Venom of the Viper, or the American , s J Poisons, and on the Cherry Laurel, translated by J. ^ "i Skinner, 2 vols, half hound 1795 y^' V524 Foote (Sam.) Works with Life by J. Bee, 3 vols. 1830 ^' ^ 525 Foster (Nicholas). A Briefe Relation of the late Horrid Re- bellion acted in the Island Barbadas, in the West / Indies. Wherein is contained their Inhumane Acts "^ and Actions, in Fining and Banishing the well affected to the Parliament of England (both men and women) without the least cause given them so to doe, etc. Acted by the Waldronds and their Abettors, Anno 1650. Written at Sea by Nicholas Foster London, L. G. for Bichard Lowndes, 1650 / / 46 SECONB day's sale, 526 Foulkes (Eobart) Executed in tie Old Bailetj, 1678. Au ^^ Alarme for Sinners, or his Confession, Prayers, Last AVords, etc. 4to. 1679 jp 527 Fowler (John) Journal of a Tour in the State of New York, /^ in bhe year 1830 Lond. 1831 "'^^^ 528 Fox (George) An Epistle to all Professors in New England, .V Grermany, and other Parts of the called Christian /^^-^ World. Also to the Jews and Turks throughout the'^^'" /" World. That may see wdio are the true Worshippers of God, that he seeks, and in what he is worshipped, y last leaf mended 4to. Lond. 1673 -y- 529 Tox's Martyrs. An Entire NeAV Work. A New Book of .^y^^^ , , the Sufferings of the Faithful, uncut Lond. 1784'^^ y- 6 530 Foxeroft (Thomas) Eli the Priest dying Suddenly. A Ser- mon Preach'd in Boston, June 19, 1729, upon Occasion 2^/^C of the Sudden Death of the Rev. John Williams, and of the Rev. Thomas Blowers, lialf morocco y, Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1729 y n / j 531 Foxeroft (Thos.) Divine Providence Justified, a Sermon on /^ C^ -o A the Death of W. Waldron Edinh. 1746 /gA (j532 Franklin Family Primer (The) ; a Useful Selection of Moral Lessons, adorned with a variety of cuts calculated to strike a lasting impression on the minds of children . Boston, 1807 ,-, '^ ■ 533 Freedom the First of Blessings, half hound ^•' 4to. Sold at thefleart and Crown in Corn hill, Boston [l754}-^''2<^ A rare Tract, published at the commencement of the -, American grievances, when the Excise of Wine Bill was <^ imposed. (See No. 181.) ■ o 534 Free Thoughts on the proceedings of the Continental Con- / gress held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774 /-t / ^ New York ^printed, Lond. reprijited 1775 .-^ ' 535 Friend's Evening's Amusement, 11 vols, various, and 3 others [^^^ .' J 536 Friendly (A.) Address to All lleasonable Americans on the ^ Subject of our Political Confusion : in which the neces- ^ sary Consequences of Violently opposing the King'^'^/*^''''^ Troops, and of a General Non-Importation are fairly stated 1774 Ascribed to Dr. Myles Cooper, of known Tory principles. 537 Frieze (J.) Concise History of the Efforts made to obtain an Extension of Suffrage in Rhode Island, Providence, ^y^ 1842— Our Book. A Call from Salem's Watch Towers /^^^ Salem, 18 i4^ ' 538 Frezier (Mr.) A Voyage to the South Sea, and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, 1712-14, w'ith a Postcript by Dr. Edmund Halley, ma]ps and plates 4to. Lond. 1717 539 Fruits of Solitude in Reflections and Maxims relating to the ^ Conduct of Human Life, %th edition Newport, Ehodc Island, printed hy James Franklin, at tlie Town School House, 1749 sEcoxD day's sale. 47 i - 540 Fulke (Win.) Hhemish Testament with a Confutation, half hound fol. 1601. ^ / 541 Funnell (Wm.) "Voyage round the World, containing an Ac- ^ count of Capt. Dampier's Expedition into the South .xy^ . Sea, in 1703 and 1704, etc. map and plates 1707 ^ /■ 6 542 Gage (T.) Voyages dans la Xouvelle Espagne, onaps and /f'^A plates, 2 vols, calf Amst. 1699 ^ '^^^^^ (J_ /^ 543 Gage (Thomas) The English American, his Travail by Sea and Land ; or a jN'ew Survey of the West India's : like- - wise his Journey from Mexico through the Provinces^ -•i^^-''-'^ of Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagua ; with a Grammar of the Indian Tongue, called Poconch!,_^rs^ edition, old calf fol. Loud, by B. Cotes, 1648 /^ / / 544 Gage (T.) A Xew Survey of the West Indies, 3rd. ed. / \:-t^ Land. 1677 Chapter 22nd, relating to the author's journey to Eome, was omitted in this edition, owing, as it is said, to its reflecting on the character of Abp. Laud. — Loiondes. X, / ■ 545 Galloway (Joseph) Cool Thoughts on the Consequences to '"'f^./^i^ . Great Britain of American Independence Lond. 1780 / • 546 Galloway (Joseph) Historical and Political Reflections on ^ the Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion, half ^^~y~ morocco Lond. 1780 ^ 547 Gaecia (Gkegoeio) Origen de los Indies de el Kuevo Mundo, e Indias Occidentales. Segunda impression, A^ vellnm, (jcormed) fol. Madrid : Fr. Martinez Ahad, 1729 (^ ^^2^7^, Some curious speculations for the American philologist will be found in this rare volume. ~-^48' Garcilasso de la Vega, Historia General del Peru fol. Codova, 1617 J^ . 549 Garcilasso de la Vega. Le Commentaire Eoyal, ou I'Histoire des Tncas, Roys du Peru, 2 vols, calf 4to. Paris, 1633 ^ . 550 Garcilasso de la Vega. Histoire des Guerres Civiles des Espagnols, vellum 4to. Paris, 1650 ''^ • 551 Garcilasso de la Vega (El Tnca) Histoire de la Conquete de ^ la Eloride, 2 vols, half calf Leide, 1731 ^ / |552 Garcilasso de la Vega (El Tnca) Geschichte der Eroberung • ^ 1 von Elorida Zelle, Franckfurt, und Leipzig, 1753 V553 Gardiner (Richard) An Account of the Expedition to the West Indies against Martinico, Guadelupe, and othe the Leeward Islands, map of Guadeloupe ; and Plan of the General Attack, old calf 4to. Lond. 1759 '' ^ 554 Gastelu (Axt. Vazquez) Arte de Lexgua Mexicana, Segunda Impression, red morocco extra, by Pratt, zx- cessitelt eaee 4to. Puebla de los Angeles [Mexico'], 1693 An almost unknown volume. X 48 SECOND day's sale. 555 G-azette of the United States and Philadelphia Advertiser, August to Nov. 1796, scarce folio, Fhiladelpliia, 1796 556 Gellatly (A.) Member of the Associate Preshytery of Pennsyl- vania. Some observations upon a late piece entitled, "The Detection detected," showing how theEev. Mess. S. Pinley and E,. Smith, handle the obligation of the Solemn League, etc. {wants all after page 200) Germantoton, 1758 ^ - 557 General Opposition of the Colonies to the Payment of the ^/^ Stamp Duty; and the Consequence of Eaforcing Obe- ^^ dience by Military Measures ; impartially considered, ^ ''^^ LARGE PAPER, some newspaper cuttings inserted 4to. Lond. 1766 " Written partly in a serious, and partly in a ludicrous vein.'' Monthly Review, ' O 558 Gentlemai^'s Magazine from its commencement Jan. 1831 Aj^^ to June 1830, with Ayscough's Index to the first 56 vols/ , , \JSO \o\^. hound and half hound 1731-1830 ^ v< o 559 Gentleman's Magazine. A selection of Curious Articles^ ^j^^ from the Gentleman's Magazine, 3 vols. 1809 . J 560 Georgia, A State of the Province of, attested upon oath in ^ the Court of Savannah, Nov. 10, 1740, hf. mor. ^"^' ^^ ^ Lond. 174<2 l/ - 561 Georgia -. Historical Collections of, containing Tracts, Tradi- ^f tions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc. map and ^■^ SECOND day's sale. 49 5G8 Glareaims (Henricus) Poetae Lavreati, De Geograpliia, Liber /a7 vnvs 4to. Ba&il. 1528^^^^^ For an account of this curious and interesting geograpliical Tract see F. A. iirockliaus, Bibliothhque Americaine, No. 3 • — 5^9'~01areanus (H.) Greographia 4to. Fribvrgvm Brisgovice., 1533 ^ ' — 670 dareanus (H.) Gcographia 4to. Frihurgum Brisgoviae, 1551 571 Grleason's Pictorial Drawing Compauioii, numerous woodcuts, 4 vols. Vols. 8 and 4 hf. bd. morocco fol. Boston, 1851-53 572 Gloucester. Tiu'enodia, on the Death of the High born _^. Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, by Arthur Brett, /^;^^ in Verse, half hound 4to. Oxford, 1660 573 Glover (Mr.) The Evideuce Delivered on the Petition pre- sented by the West-India Planters, half morocco \Lond. 1775] 574 Glover (Mr.) A Short Account of the late Application to Parliament made by the Merchants of Loudon upon the Neglect of their" Trade, 2nd Ed. hf mor. Bond. 1742 /^ 575 GoDDAED (William) The Partnership : or the History of the Rise and Progress of the Penjs'stlvanian Chro- nicle, etc. Wherein the Conduct of Joseph Galloway, Esq. ; Speaker of the Honourable House of Represen- tatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, Mr. Thomas Wharton, sen., and their Man Benjamin Towne, my late Partners, with my own, is properly delineated, and their Calumnies against me fully refuted, calf extra, bound by Pratt Philadelphia, William Goddard, VlTQ Goes (Damiani a) Hispania 4to. Lovanii, B. Bescius, 1542 /^y' The Spanish, possessions in America, their produce, etc. are "^^^ ^ referred to in this Tract. 576 /• 577 ^. 578 Goldsmith (Oliver) Works, Edited by Peter Cunningham, . vignettes, 4 vols. 1854 "^ GoMAEA (Fr. Lopez de) La Historia General de las ludias, j la Conquista de Mexico, 2 vols, original binding Anvers, 155 579 GoMAEA (Francisco Lopez de) Histoire Generalle des Indes Occidentales et Terres Nevves, qui iusques a present ont este descouuertes. Traduite en frangois par M. Fumee, Sieur de Marley le Chastel, calf gilt Paris, Michel Sonnius, 1577 580 GoNCALEz DE Nageea (ALOifso) El Qvinto, y Sexto Pvnto de la Kelacion del Desengaiio de la guerra de Chile, sacados de 14. de su declaraciou, cuyos titulos ban de , / series que estan puestos al fin, cffZ/'4to. [Jfa^Hc?, 1647?] 6 581 Gordon (William) The History of the Rise, Progess, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America : including an Account of the late War ; and of the Thirteen Colonies, from their origin to that period, plates, 4 vols. Bond. 1788 H / 50 SECOND day's sale, ^- ■<^ 582 Gorton (Samuel) of Warwick, Naragansett, N. E. An Anti- ^^ dote against the Comniou Plague of the World, or an/^ *^ answer to a small Treatise, intituled Saltmarsh E.eturned^--''^''^^ from the Dead, with dedicatory epistle of 18 pp. to Oliver Cromwell, and several of Gorton'' s Letters at the . end of the volume, calf gilt, ttkiqtje 4to. 1657 /^ ^ ■ 583 Gosse (P. H.)Eomance of JS"atural History, woodcxits 1860/^'^^ / - 681 Graham (James) History of the United States, 2 vols, calf/) — &85~ Graham (Maria) Journal of a Residence in Chile during the year 1822, and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823 4to. Lond. 1824 --5S6--Grant (Andrew) History of Brazil, 1809 — Documents of the Constitution of England and America Ckimh. 1854 - 5 S ?- Grece (Charles F.) Facts and Observations respecting Canada / and the United States of America, uncut Lond. 1819 ^ - • -o 588 Gregg (Josiah) Commerce of the Prairies, or the Journal of ./P^ ,, a Santa Fe Trader, during eight Expeditious across the-' ^ Great Western Prairies and a Residence of nearly nine years in Northern Mexico, 2 vols, maits and plates . New York, 1844 k^ ^. i^ 589 Gbote (Geo.) History of Gueece, with portrait, maps and /^^ O Index, 12 vols, cloth 1854-57 . ^ 590 Grotius (Hugo) De E-ebus Belgicis : or the Annals and His-/"^^^ tory of the Low-Country Warrs, calf 166o" / / 591 Grynaeus (Symon) Novus Orbis Kegionum ac Insularum ^^ Veteribus Incoguitarum a variis descriptus L-^^^ / fol. Basil. 153^ /; ' • / 592 Gryujeus. Another edition fol. ib. 1537 ,^^ ? , 593 GuMiLLA (Joseph) El Orinoco Ilustrado, y Desendido, Historia Natural, Civil y Geographica de este Gran /' Eio, y de sus Caudalosas Vertientes, Govierno, Usos, y^^^juj c Costumbres de los Indios, 2 vols, vellum, loanting map ^ ^ , 4to. Madrid, Manuel Fernandez, ano 1745 ^ ■^ • 6 594 Gumilla (Joseph) Histoire Naturelle, Civile et Geographique y^^y de rOrenoque, inap and plates, 3 vols, calf f-iif^^ Avignon, 1758 • 5 95' Haiti, The Eural Code of, in French and English Lond. 1827 — ©Qt^Hakewel (W.) Manner of holding Parliaments in England 1671 /, ^ 597 Hakluyt (E.) Ditees Voyages, touchiko the Dis^ /^ COUEUIE OF AmEEICA AND THE LaNDS ADJACENT /^O^ tnto the ^k.TA^, facsimile maps, fine copy, morocco extra, bound by J. Bedford 4io. Tho. Wbodcocke, 1582 This excessively rare volume is Hakluyt's first publication. The " two mappes" mentioned in the title are not to be cP found in any copy in this country, except that in the British Museum. y 598 Hale's History of the United States 1826 ^'^'^ ^*> 8BC0XD day's SALK. 61 ' ^ 599 Haliburton (Thomas C.) An Historical and Statistical Ac- count of JS^ova Scotia, plates, 2 vols, calf extra, W'^^"^>^^_y,^;,^ top edge yilt, hound by W. Pratt Halifax, Joseph Howe, 1829 ^ ,7 - - 600 Halkett (John) Historical Notes respecting the Indians of y^f^^^'-t y North America, uncut Land. 1825 ' jy 601 Hall (Capt. B.) Forty Etchings from Sketches made with the ^^"^ Camera Lucida in North America 4l0. 1829 ^- 602 HalliwelU J. O.) Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial AYords, ^^^ 2 vols. 1860 <■• 603 Halliwell (J. O.) Dictionary of Old English Plays, existing ^ either in Print or in MS. from the earliest period to ,y-i^ /^ the Close of the XVIlth Century 1860 , jp 604 Hamilton (Alexander) Eeport of the Secretary of the Trea- /^ sury of the United States on the subject of Manufac- ^x^TA;:^ tares, hf. mor. Lond. 1793 ^ Highly commended in tlie Monthly Review. . S 605 Hamilton, Articles exhibited against Lord Archibald Ha- ^-^ s milton, late Grovernour of Jamaica Lond. 1717 - /? 606 Hansen (L.) Vita Mirabilis et Mors pretiosa Venerabilis // Sororis Eosse de S. Marise Limensis, calf yilt y^-^ 1 4to. Eomce, 1664 ;;;, . 5 607 Hanson. An Account of the Captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, late of Kachecky in New England, who, with Four of / her Children and Servant Maid, was taken Captive by '\/ the Indians and carried uito Canada, taken from her own Mouth by Samuel Bownas, hf. mor. nncut, scarce Lond. 1782 — 6G8-Happelii (E. G.) Thesaurus Exoticorum,oderSchatz-Kammer, die Asiatische, Africauische, utid Americanische Na- , tiones, maps and plates fol. Hamb. 1688 '/ 609 Hardy (R. S.) Manual of Budhism, e/o/A 1860 / 610 Hardy (E. "W. H.) Travels in the Interior of Mexico in 1825-28, map and 2)lates Lond. 1829 ^ , 611 Harper (E. G.) Representative of Georgia. Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France, 1798 — The Conduct of a Noble Commander in America, Impartially reviewed, 1758 — Eamsay (J.) Address on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1788— The Chronicle of the City Le-Moors, Bolton, 1809— The Court Secret, a Melancholy Truth, 1742 ; etc. In 1 vol. hf. bd. v. y. 612 Harper (Eobert Groodloe) Observations on the Dispute between the United States and France, 5th Ed. hf. mor. Philadelphia printed : Lond. repr. 1798 613 Harrison (John) Narrative of the Proceedings relative to the ^ discovery of the Longitude at Sea, 1765 — An Essay upon Plantership, by S. Martin, Antigua printed, Lond. reprinted 1765 — An Act for permitting the Free Im- portation of Cattle from Ireland, 1765, in 1 vol. half hound 1765 52 SECOND day's sale. kJ ■ 614 Hart CWilHam) Brief Eemarks on a number of False Propo- Ay sitions and Dangerous Errors which are spreading in / 621 Haven (Jason) Pastor of JDedham, A Sermon preached be- ^y fore Sir Fr. Bernard, Bart. Governor of the Province ^:^ of Massachusetts Bay, May 31st, 1769, being the/ '"^^ Anniversary of the Election of His Majesty's Council, half mor. Boston, Rich Draper, 1769 ' 022 Hawkesworth (J.) Account of Voyages of Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, plates, 2 vols, calf 1775 y . 623 Hawley (Zerah) A Journal of a Tour through Connecticut, 'z^;^ Massachusetts, New York, the North Part of Penn- ■^■'/^' y '^ sylvania and Ohio New Haven, 1822 y • / 624 Heath (Dr.) Catalogue of his Fine Library, 32 days Sale,/:^^^ half russia 18 1(/ ,, y - 625 Henderson (G-eorge) An Account of the British Settlement of Honduras, map, uncut, hds. Lond. 1809 /626 Hennepin (Louis) Aenmerckelycke Historische Reys- Beschryvinge door verscheyde Landen veel grooter als die van geheel Europa onlanghs ontdeckt, map and ^ 4i plates 4to. Utrecht, Anthony Schouten, 169& •i^627 Hernandez (Francisci) Novae Plantarum Animalium et ^ Mineralium Mexicanorum Historia, clean copy, morocco, k/ gilt edges fol. Romce, 1653^-^^^'*^ ^^ ^ 628 Heeeera (Antonio de) Historia General DE LOS HECH OS DE LOS CaSTELLANOS EN LAS IsLAS I TiERRA FIRME DEL Mae Oceano, eight Decades, hound in 4 vols, calf^"^'^'^ gilt ' fol. Madrid, 160 /; / SEcoNB day's sale. 53 629 Heeeeba (Antonio de) Novts Obbis, sive Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis accesserunt Ind. Occ. Descr. et Navigationis Jac. Le Maire Historia, etc. maps and /O plates, very fine copy, original impressed calf Amst. \.Q''12£^^r^ In the Preface to Barcia's reprint of Herrera's works at Madrid, 1726-30, the editor repudiates this edition, as being full of typographical errors, and encumbered with matters not pertaining to Herrera. , ^ 630 Herrera (A. de) Descriptio ludise Occidentalis access. Indiae Occident. Descriptiones et Navigatiouis J. Le Maire/ Historia, large paper fol. Amst. 1622 • /^ 631 Hey (Richard) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, and the Principles of Grovernment, Jif. mor. Land. 1776^ , / 632 Hickeriugill (Edmond) Jamaica Viewed, with all the Ports, Harbours, and their several Soundings, Towns and //" Settlements thereunto belonging, together with \}iiQ yf^2^. nature of its Climate, fruitf ulnesse of the Soile, and its * suitableuesse to English Complexions, 2nd Ed. wanting the map {which is seldom found) calf Lond. 1661 Bareia says that this work is a paraphrase of all that had been previously written on the subject. ^ . 633 Hickeringill (Edm.) Tracts : viz. The Test and Trial of the ^ Goodness and Value of Spiritual Courts, with a Table of Fees — Priest Craft, its Character and Consequences, with Vindication, 3 parts — The Survey of the Earth in its General Vileness and Debauch, with some new pro- jects to mend or cobble it — Parliamentary Tacks in- , quir'd into — Essays, 2 parts in 1 vol. calf gilt 4to. v. y. ^ ./ 634* Higgins (Bryan) Observations and Advices for the Improve- y^ ment of the Manufacture of Muscovado Sugar and /y^-c^ Hum, second Part, half mor. uncut / ^ St. Jago de la Vega, A. Aikman, 1800 ^:^^ , / 635 Highraore (A.) History of Public Charities in London 1810 '^C 636 Hippisley (G.) Expedition to Orinoco and Apure in South • /^ America, half bound 1819 ^p^:^ (j537 Hireling, Artifice Detected : or, the Profit and loss of Great ^ Britain, in the Present War with Spain, set in its true Light, with an Appendix, containing a List of the Ships taken, hf. mor. Lond. 1742 /. 638 Historia de America. Noticia de un Manuscrito muy in- ' teresante, hf. mor. [^Habona 1820 ?] ^ /^639 Histoire Naturelles et Morale des lies Antilles de 1' Amerique, par C. de Hochefort, plates, second edition / 4to. Rotterdam, 1665^^ 640 Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries Concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of America, 2 vols, y 4to. 1858'"'^ :P./' ^^^C 672 673 ^ . 674 ^ 675 Hone (Wm.) Ancient Mysteries described, especially the English Miracle Plays, plates, calf antique, top edge gilt, autograph letter of the Author inserted 182 HooKE (William) of Taunton, N.E., New England's Teaees foe Old England's Eeares, preached in a Ser- mon on July 23, 1610, being a day of Fublick Humilia- tion, appointed by the Churches in behalfe of our Countrey in time of feared dangers 4to. Lond. 1641 Hooker (Nathaniel) Pastor, of Hartford, Six Discourses on different subjects Hartford, Ehenezer Watson, 1771 Hooker (Thomas) of Hartford, Connecticut, The Sovles In- grafting into Christ 4to. Lond. 1637 Hooker (Thomas) The Soules Humiliation, calf Amst. 1638 Hooker. The Soules Vocation, or Effectual Calling to Christ, The Soules Exaltation, contaying The Soules Union with Christ, The Soules Benefit fi'om Union with Christ, and the Soules Justification, also The Soules In- grafting into Christ. In 1 vol. original calf hinding 4to. 1638 Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Vocation, or Effectual Calling to Christ, fine copy, old calf 4to. Lond. 1638 Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Exaltation, a Treatise, con- taining The Soules Vnion with Christ, on 1 Cor. 6. 17 ; The Soules Benefit from Vnion with Christ, on 1 Cor. 1. 30 ; The Soules Justification, on 2 Cor. 5. 21, old calf 4to. Lond. 1638 Hooker (Thomas) The Sovles Preparation for Christ, or, a Treatise of Contrition, 4th Ed. 4to. Lond. 1638 Hooker (Thomas) Soules Preparation for Christ, ^th edition 1643 Hooker (Thomas) The Unbeleevers Preparing for Christ, part 2, calf 4to. 1638 Hooker (Thomas) A Survey of the Summe of Church Dis- cipline ; wherein the Way of the Churches of New England is warranted out of the Word, and all Excep- tions of weight, which are made against it, answered, Lond. 1648— Cotton (John) of Boston, N.E. The Way of the Congregational Churches Cleared, 1648, 2 vols, in 1, clean copies, in original hinding 4to. 1648 Hooker (Thos.) The Souls Preparation for Christ, calf, 1658 Hooker (Thomas) The poor Doubting Christian drawn to Christ Lond. 1659 Hooper (William) Pastor of the West Church, Boston, The Apostles neither Impostors nor Enthusiasts, a Sermon Boston, Rogers and Foicle, 1742 HooRNBEKK (John) De Conversione Indorum et Grentilium, Libri Duo, accessit ejusdem Vita ab Amico edita, with large folding copperplate portrait of Hornbeek inserted 4to. Amst. 1669" 56 SECOND day's sale. y ' 676 Hopkins (Dr. J. H ), Bishop of Vermont, On tlie Primitive Church Burlingt07t, 1836^^^^^^ y ' 677 Hoi)bins (Dr. Sam.) of Newport, B.I. Sketches of his Life, ^ with a Dialogue on Christian Submission, An Address (^ to Professing- Christians, etc. published by S. 'West,^A^^ portrait Hartford, 1805 ^ . 678 Hopkins (Samuel) Pastor, of Newport, The Life and Cha- J^ racter of Miss Susanna Anthony, who died in Newport/^^^^V^ (E.L), June 23, 1791, in the 65th year of her age Worcester, Mass. : Hartford, repr. 1799 ^ . 679 Hopkins' Memoirs of Mrs. S. Anthony, new Edition with a ^ Z i Preface by Dr. Eyland, Mr. Fuller, and Mr. SutclifF X ^ Clipstone, J. W. Morris, 1803 '^/^ 580 Hopkins (Sam.) Minister of Great Barrington, Two Dis- courses, I. On the Necessity of the Knowledge of the Law of God ; II. Inquiry into the Cause of that Change in which Men are born of God, Boston, by Mr. M'Alpine, 1768— A Sure Guide to Hell; and various other Tracts, in 1 vol. 7if. bd. v. y. —©Si- Horace's Works, with Notes by Francis, 4 vols, calf 1743 f 682 Horace's Odes, translated into English Verse, with a Life y^^ -^ ~ and Notes by Theod. Martin, dotJi 1860^^%^ ^ - 683 Hornius (Georgius) De Originibvs Americanis, calf yf^ llagce Comitis. \_Colop7ion] Lvgd. Batav. 1652 Vv^y^ ,'f . 684 — De Originibus Americanis, Another copy ih. 1652 <_^ This work was written at the instance of John de Laet, iq/^/^ opposition to the opinions of Grotius on the subject to ^ which it refers. ' 6 685 Houston (J. A.) Proceedings and Debates of the United States Senate, first Session, 30th Congress ; 4to. Washington, 1848 n '/^ . 686 Howitt (Mary) Popular History of the United States, nu--f^^^^. merous engravings, 2 vols. 1859 ^ . Z' 687 HowGiLL (Francis) The Deceiver of the Nations Disco- vered, and his Cruelty made manifest . . . more espe- jQ^ cially his cruel Works of Darkness laid open and *^^^^ reproved in Maryland in Virginia, and the sad Suffer- ings of the Servants of the Lord there by his cruel instruments, haf mor, X 4to. Loud, for Thomas Simmons, 1660 / 688 Hubbard (William) The Present State op New Eng- land, BEING A Narrative of the Troubles with THE Indians in New England ; to which is added a Discourse about the War with the Peqvods in the year 1637 {no map) 4to. Lond. 1677 ^,/ '■^ . 6 689 Hubbard, The Pbeseet State of New England; riN-E/v>;^ COPY, with the rare woodcut map 4to. Lond. IQIT-"^ 'I SEC02^D day's sale. 57 690 Hudson (Samuel), Minisier in JVew England. The Essence and Unitie of the Church Catholike visible, and the Prioritie thereof in regard of Particular Churches dis- . cussed 4to. Lond. 1645 J . 691 Hudson (Samuel) A Viudication of the Essence and Unity of the Chvrch Catholike visible, and the Prioritie thereof/ in regard of Particular Churches ; in answer to the Objections made against it, both by Mr. John Ellis junior, and by Mr. Hooker in his Survey of Church Discipline 4to. Lond. 1650 f , ^ 692 Hudson (Samuel) An Addition or Postscript to the Vindica- /^ tion of the Essence and Unity of the Church Catholick > .^ visible, and the Priority thereof in regard of Particulajr ' '^ ^ Churches 4to. Lond. 1658 "^ ■ 693 Humphries (David) A Poem addressed to the Armies of the United States of America, hf. mor. 4to. New-Haven, T. and S. Grreen, 1784 ; Paris, repr. 1785 ; and Lond. 1785 // . 694 Hudson's Bay. Papers presented to the Committee ap- pointed to inquire into the State and Condition of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay fol. Printed in the year 1749 / ^ . 695 Hudson's Bay. Eeport from the Committee appointed to x^^ enquire into the State and Condition of the Countries ^a adjoining Hudson's Bay fol. Printed in the year 1749 J 696 Hudson's Bay (The Present State of) and of the Pur Trade, with a Specimen of Five Indian Languages, by E. Urn- '^z freville, calf 1790' /■ 697 Hudson's Bay. Voyage to Hudson's Bay, by the Dobbs -, Galley "and California in 1746-7, for discovering a v^ North- West Passage, by H. Ellis, map and plates, calf 1748 /^ ^. 6 698 Humboldt (Alex, de) Essai Politique sur le Eoyaume de la ^''^y ^ Nouvelle Espagne, 7nap, 5 vols, hf cf. gilt Paris, 1811 /' '^^ ^699 Hume (Sophia) An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the ^^ Province of South Carolina y/x^f-c-^ Bristol, Samuel Farley, 1750 ^ / 700 Hume (Sophia) An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the ^:^^^_ Province of South Carolina Lond. 1752 ' •7 701 Hume (Sophia) An Epistle to the Inhabitants of South Ca- / "^ ' rolina, containing Sundry Observations proper to be ^^^5^ consider' d by every Professor of Christianity in general Lond. Luke Hinde, 1754 y. 702 Humphreys (D.) Historical Account of the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Grospel in Foreign parts [many curious particulars relative to North Ame- , rica] calf 1730 ,n / - 703 Hungary from 1848 to 1860, by B. de Szemere, 1860— His- ^ tory of Austria, by A. H. New 1859^=-^^ I 68 THIRD day's sale. b • o 704 Hutchinson (Samuel) of Boston, N. E. A Declaration of a Future Grlorious Estate of a Church to be here upon Earth, at Christ's Personal Appearance for the Restitu- tion of all things, a Thousand Tears before the Ul^ mate Day of the Greneral Judgment, lialfmor. 4to. Lo7%d. 1667 - 705 HuTCimfSOif (Thomas) The History of the Colony of ^ Massachu sett's Bay, from the Eirst Settlement thereof^ ^^^^ in 1628, tintil its Incorporation with the Colony (»-*^'^A^ Plimouth, Province of Main, 2nd ed. 2 vols. Lond. 1760-68 C ^ ^ 706 Hutchinson (Thomas) History of Massachusetts Bay, from /^ 1719 to 1774, edited by the Author's Grrandson, the/"-^^^^ , Eev. John Hutchinson, hds. Lond. 1828 ' , ^ 707 Hutchinson (Thomas). The Letters of Governor Hutchin- v" son and Lieut.- Governor Oliver, etc. Printed at Bos- ^6^ ton, uncut Boston, hy Edes and Gill, 1773 These letters were procured by Dr. Franklin, and sent to Boston to his friend Dr. Samuel Cooper, with strict injunc- tions not to allow them to be published, They were, how- ever, printed, and made a great noise at the time. '^ '- 708 Hutchinson (T.). Letters of Governor Hutchinson, 2nd ed/ Tif. mor. Lond. VJ^^'J-/>^^ /. 709 Hypocrisy Unmasked ; or a Short Inquiry into the Religious ^ Complaints of our American Colonies, 3rd edition, ^^;:^1 maps, half morocco Lond. 174a 717 Importance (The) of the British Pominion in India, com- // pared with that in America, calf Lond. 1770 c/'9't^ 718 Indarte (Jose Kivera) Efemerides de los Deguellos. Asesi- y^ uatos y Matauzas del Degollador Juan Manual Eosas j/cy^ P Montevideo [1829] / 719 Independency (An Anatomy of), half hound 4to. 1644 _^^ 720 Independent Whig (The), calf extra, hound by Pratt, exces- sively RARE y^^ /^ A' 4to. \fJolo'phon'\ Printed and sold by Samuel Keimer, c/y^ in Philadelphia, [1720] The Independent Whig consists of an Introduction of 16 pages and 53 numbers, generally of four pages each, re- printed from the London edition. ^ /^^ ^ 721 Independent Chronicle and Universal Advertiser, (semi- j/ weekly) 1800 to 1807, (wanting, June to Dec. 1801, (/i^t^ and 1802), 13 vols, folio Boston, 1800-1807 American Newspapers of this early date are very rare, even in the United States. This important series just prior to the last war is particularly interesting for the large amount of historical and political matter it contains. .^ , 722 India. Letera de la iiobil cipta : nouamente ritrouata alle Indie con li costumi & modi del suo Ee & soi populi: Li modi del suo adorate con la bella vsanza de la donne loro : & de le duapersoneermafrodite donate da quelEe al Capitano de larmata, boards 4to. \at the end] Lata in Pern adi. 25 de Nouembre, (1534, \_Beprinted, Milan, 1830 ?] 723 Indian Treaties, and Laws and Eegulutious relatiug to In- dian Affairs Washington, 1826 724 Indians. The Manners, Customs, and Antiquities of the, half calf Boston, 1744 ^ 725 Indian Charity School in Lebanon, Connecticut (A Brief '^ Narrative of the) founded and carried on by E. Whee- lock 1766 60 third dat s sale. ^ , ^ 726 Indian Laws. Letes t oedenakzas nuevamente hechas POR su Magestad, para la gobernacion de las Ik- DIA8 T BUEN TBATAMTENTO T CONSERVACION DE LOS Indios fol. Alcala, Joan de Brocar, 1543 fl The First Collection of Indian Laws. — The title and last y two or three leaves are in MS. — the original printed leaves^^ being folio'd ii to ix. When perfect the volume should consist of 26 pages. It is the first collection of printed laws relating to the New World, and (according to Mr. Hich, who in 1832, priced a copy £21.) is of the utmost rarity. j /^, ^5 727 Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the present Disputes ^ between the British Colonies in America and theiij^-^^*"^ Mother-Country, hf. mor. Lond. 1769 / ' 728 Interest (The) of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great /^ Britain, in the present contest with the Colonies, stated/ ^^''^ and considered, hf. mor. Lond. 1776 / - 729 Izquierdo. +E1 Padre Sebastian Izquierdo, Assistente en ,///, Roma por las Provincias de Espafia, mando al Procurado;>^^% Greneral de Indias en esta Corte, al ano de 1673, dar'a la estampa, este Papel, unbound fol. \_Lima, 1673 ?] Jc 780 Jamaica. The Truest and Largest Account of the late Earth- // quake in Jamaica, June 7th, 1692, hf. mor. /^■u4-f- 4to. Lond. 1693 / ■ 731 Jamaica. A View of the Proceedings of the Assemblies of "^ Jamaica, for some Tears past. With some consideration^ f^^'y^ . on the Present State of that Island, hf. mor. Lond. 1716 / / ' 732 Jamaica. The Eepresentation and Memorial of the Council^^^^^ of the Island of Jamaica 1716 l/ - 733 Jamaica. The Politicks and Patriots of Jamaica. A Poem, hf. mor. Lond. 1718 734 Jamaica. The State of the Island of Jamaica. Chiefly in Relation to its Commerce, and the Conduct of the Span- yQ iards in the West-Indies, hf. mor. loants the last leaf,'^^-t>^ hut one {pp. 77-8) Lond. 1726 / 735 Jamaica. Mary Carver, Executrix of John Carver, Esq. and others, Appellants. David Polhill, Esq. and others, proprietors of shares in the Gold and Silver Mines in Jamaica, Eespondeats. The Appellants Case. To be heard at the Bar of the House of Lords on [Monday] the [second] day of [February], 1746 ' '' ^ PP- large folio, folded into 4to. size 736 Jamaica. Mary Carver, and others [as preceding]. The q Case of the Respondents on both these Appeals to be ) heard at the Bar of the House of Peers the day of '^ 4to. 1746 f 737 James I. An Account of his Life and Writings, by Harris^^^t^-i^t' calf 1753 / I'U^^yni THIRD day's sale. 61 ', ,^ 738 James (Thomas). The Stkange and Dangerovs Voyage • '' OF Captaine Thomas Iames, in his intended Dis- couEBT OP the Northwest Passage into the South Sea: wbereiu the Miseries indvred both Groing, Win- ^ tering, Returniug, and the Rarities obserued, both Phi- cJ^ losophicall and Mathematical, are related in this lour- *^ nail of it, wants the map, blue morocco extra hy Ilayday 4to. Land, hy lohn Legatlfor lohn Partridye, 1033 This accoiint, printed by King Charles's command, contains some remarkable physical observations respecting the in- tensity of the cold and the accumulation of ice in northern latitudes. — Lowndes. 739 Jameson (Mrs.) Memoirs of Early Italian Painters, ^Zo^e^ and ^yy^ woodcuts 1859-^ \ ^ 740 Janeway (James). Mr. James Janeway's Legacy to his Friends, containing Twenty-seven Pamous Instances of ^ C God's Providences in and about Sea Dangers and ^^x-^p-^^^ verauces, old calf., wants pp. 121-2 r Lond. Dorman Newman, 1674 A great part of this book relates to New England, and other parts of America. ^741 Jay (James) Dessertatio Medica Inauguralis, de Pluore Albo, / -< hf. mor 4to. Edinh. 1753 I 742 Jay (Wm.) Life of, with Selections from his Correspondence, etc. edited by his Son, 2 vols. Neio Toric, 1833^ A 743 Jefferys (Tnomas) The Natural and Civil History of the ■ Prench Dominions in North and South America, maps, yj calf fol. Lond. 176( "744 Jefferys. Another copy, t^ncw^ 176( ;; / 745 Jefferys (Thomas) A Description of the Spanish Islands ana yy Settlements on the Coast of the West Indies, plates and J/^^'"^ onaps Lond. 1762 — A Description of the Windward Passage and the Gulph of Mexico, map, 1739, in 1 vol. ^ calf 4to. , ^ 746 Jefferys (Thos.) Voyage from Asia to America for completing /^ the discoveries of the North-west Coast of Amevics^f'.^>^-ur^ maps 4to. 1764 747 Jefferson (Thomas) President U. S. Life and Correspondence^ /7 of, with Notices of his Opinions, by Geo. Tucker, 2 vols J^'^''**^ 1837 ^, / 748 Jefferson (Thos.) Message to Congress, Nov. 8, 1808— Mes- ^ • "^ sage of the President of the U. S. transmitting a letter '^ from Mr. Pinkney, WasJdngton, 1806 — Eeport of the number of Persons who have been registered as Ameri- can Seamen, Washington, 1809 — The Life and Exploits of Tammany the famous Indian Chief, by S. L. Mitchell, Hifew York, 1795 — Eeturnof the Deaths in the City of New York for VSO^t-l^O^, scarce, New TorJc, 1809; etc. in 1 vol. hf bd. V. y. / nr^o 62 THIRD day's sale. 749 Jesuits' Travels in India, China, and America, calf 1714^ 750 Jeverum (Jo.) Verzeichniss allerband Pietistischer Intriguen und Unordnungen, in Litthauen, vielen Stadten Teut- //& schlandes, Hungarn, und America 1729'^'^ John the Fainter. A Short Account of the Motives which ^ determined the Man called John the Painter, and %\.ij?-a»^ Justification of his Conduct ; written by himself, ancT ^ sent to his Priend, Mr. A. Tomkins, with a request to publish it after his execution, hf. mor. 4to. Lond. 1777 Johnson (Charles) A General History of the Jobberies and A^ Murders of the most notorious Pyrates, and also their ^^^^ Policies, Discipline and Government, from their first Rise and Settlement in the Island of Providence in 1717 to the present year 1724 ; with the Remarkable Actions and Adventures of the two Female Pyrates, Mary Read and Anne Bonny Lond. 1724 yy /^ ■ 753 Johnson (Dr. Sam.) Thoughts on the late Transactions tq-^:^^^.^^ . , specting Falkland's Islands, hf. mor. Lond. VTT\.^ : ^ • ^ 754 Johnson (Dr. Sam.) Taxation no Tyranny, j^r^^ edition 1775;, /^^^^ 755 Johnson (Dr. Sam.). An Answer to a Pamphlet, entitled Tax- ' ^ ation no Tyranny, addressed to the Author and to/>^ Persons in Power Lond. VI^I^lT^-^^' The " Monthly Review" styles this one of the best of the answers to Dr. Johnson's Pamphlet. • o 756 Johnson (Mrs ) Narrative of her Captivity, and an account ^^^^ of her Sufferings during four years, with the Indians ^x and the French New York, 1841 /' o 757 Journal of the Expedition to La Guira and Porto Cavallos in /^ the West Indies, under the command of Commodore A y Knowles, Jrf. mor. Lond. 1744 / ' / 758 Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, held at Phila- delphia, Sept. 7, 1774, half morocco 1775 y, 759 Journals of the General Conventions of the Church in the . United States of America from 1784 to 1814 ^^ FMIadelpMfi, 1817-^'/' «/ - 760 Juan (Geo.) Historiche Reisbeschryving van Geheel Zuid- Araerica, majys, 2 vols. 4to. 1771-2 ^ , 761 Juan (George) and A. de Ulloa, A Voyage to South America: describing at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Pro- ^^\ vincee, etc. on that extensive Continent, Jifth edition, '^"^-^'y^ y^ 2 vols, plates, half hound 1807 ^ , 762 Juan and Ulloa's Voyage to South America, maps and plates, /"^ ^rd edition, 2 vols, calf ViTlC-'^^' / ■ 763 The same, another ed. 2 vols, calf, one map defective ,q Dublin, 1758 ^^^t^^^ y 764 Julian (Antonio) La Perla de la America, Provincia de Santa , - Marta, recouocida, observado, y expuesta en discursos ^^^^ historicos, hf calf 4to. Madrid, 1787 '^"^ THIRD day's sale. 63 765 Julius (N. H.) Nordamerikas sittliche Zustande nach eige- nen Anschauungeu in den Jahren 1834, 1835, uud/^ 1836, 2 vols. Leipzig, 183$ 766 Kalm (Peter) Travels into Xorth America, map and plates, 3 vols. JVarrington, William Eyres, 1770 f-^^^ > A valuable work. The author's name has been immortalized by Linnaeus, in the beautiful Genus Kalmia, so common in the United States. — Eich. ' /767 Kean (Charles) Life and Theatrical Times of, by J. W. Cole, /f.^^z 2 vols. 1859 ^'^^^ 768 Keith (Geoege) The Pbesbttertax axd Independent . . VISIBLE Churches in New-England and elsewhere, ' ' ^ brought to the Test, and examined according to /^ the Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures in their Doctrine,^^^^^^^^^^^ Ministry, Worship, Constitution, Government, Sacra- ments, and Sabbath Day, more particularly directed to those in New-England Lond. 1691 : X769 Keith (George) The great Necessity and TJse of the Holy J Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, a Ser- ^ .jfC^.J^. nion preached at Trinity Church in New York, hf. viory^'^ 4to. New York, W. Bradford, 170$ f 770 Kennedy (A.) Importance of Gaining and Preserving the ^ Eriendship of the Indians to the British Interest con- K^ --^^'^^ y sidered, Irf. mor. Lond. 1752 ' 6 771 Kettell (Sam.) Specimens of American Poetry, 3 vols, half morocco, yert scarce Boston, 1729 / '^^-^rT- '/. 772 Kidd (Captain William) A full Account of the Proceedings'^ / in relation to, in two Letters, lif mor. 4to. Lond. 1701 Captain Kidd was employed by the Earl of Bellomont, to ^ whom his " Letters" are addressed, to act against the ^-^^-^.^i«^ pirates who infested the coasts of North America, in 1696, but turned pirate himself. — Eich. 773 Kirby. An Account of the Arraignments and Tryals of Col. Richard Kirby, Capt. John Constable, Capt. Cooper Wade, Capt. Samuel Vincent, and Capt. Christopher ^ Eogg, for Cowardice, Neglect of Duty, Breach of Orders, and other Crimes, committed by them in a Eight at Sea, commenced the 19th of August, 1702, hf. mor. fol. Lond. n. d. J'^ 774 Knickerbocker (The) : or Neav York Monthly Maga- J^ ziNE, containing j)ortraits of distinguished American lyy^^^"^' characters, tcoodcuts, etc. A complete set from its com- mencement in Jan. 1833 to Dec. 1858. 52 vols, half hound, calf gilt, marb. edges, a pine set, yeby scarce / 1833 52 ' ^^ 7 vols, calf gilt 1767 64 THIED day's sale. / • 776 Koster (H.) Travels in Brazil, coloured plates, calf 4to. 1816 _^ //, 777 Koster (H.) Travels in Brazil, 2 vols, plates, bds. uncut ^i Lond. V^VJ^^ / - 778 Labat (Jean Baptiste) Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de I'Amerique, 2 vols, plates La Haye, 1724 //^ ' 6> 779 Laet (Jean de) Beschrijvinghe van West Indien, ?«ff/js, 3rcL edition, half vellum fol. Ley den, Elzevir, 163w //^ ^ / 780 Laet (Jean de) Nows Orbis, sen Descriptionis Indiae Oc- cidentalis, libri XVIII. 14 majis, old calf fine copy fol. Lvgd. Batav. apud Elzeviros, 1633 iP^ • 781 Laet (Joannis de) Historie oete Jaeulijck Verbael van a de Verrichtinghen der Geoctroyeerde West-Iudische . Compaguie, maps, calf gilt folio, Leyden, 1644 t^"', ^ 782 Lafitau (J. F.) Algemeine Grescbichte der Lander und Volker ^ von America, maps and plates, 2 vols, vellum ^w-e^ . / 4to. Halle, 1752 . ^ ' ^ 783 Labontan (M. le Baron de) Nouveaux Voyages dans I'Ameri- ^^^ . que, map and plates, 2 vols, calf gilt La Haye, 1703 ^ ■ 784 La Hontan (Baron de) Voyages, 2nd ed. 2 vols, old calf gilt ^ Amst. 1705 ^_ 0> 785 La Hontan (Baron de) New Voyages to JSTortb America, tbe y second edition. A great part of wbich never printed in^^ . tbe original, maps and plates, 2 vols, old calf Lond. 1735 /- 786 La Hontan. Dialogues de Monsieur le Baron de La Hontan et d'un Sauvage, dans I'Amerique. Contenant une de- scription exacte des moeurs et des coutumes de ces/^ Peuples Sauvages {imperfect) Amst. 1704" Not mentioned by Eich. ^ • 6 787 Lambrecbtsen (N. C.) Korte Bescbrijviog van de ontdekking 6 en der verdere lotgevallen van Nieuw-Nederland, [New York] map, uncut Middelburg, 1818 Lancaster (D.) History of G-ilmanton, from its first settle- ment, map Gibnanton, 1845 ^ Landsborougb (D.) History of Britisb Zoopbytes or QovoS.-^'^ lines, coloured, plates 1852 /// , ^ 790 Las Casas (Bartb. de) Eutre los remedios q" Bartb. de Las ^ Casas refirio por mandad del Emperador, black Icttcr^^ , Spanish binding 4to. Sevilla, 1552^-^ ty ' 791 Las Casas. Aqui se Contiene una disputa o Coutroversia entre el Obispo Bartb. de Las Casas y el doctor Gines y / / de Sepulueda 4to. Sevilla, \h^%^^-f /^^ ^792 Las Casas (Barth. de) Tratado coprobatorio del Imperio soberano y principado vniuersal que los Reyes de Cas- tilla y Leon tienen sobre las Indias, Spanish binding /p 4to. Sevilla, 1552 ^ ' 793 Las Casas. Newe Welt. Warbafftige Anzeigung der Hispanier grewlicben, absebewlicben und unmensch- /^ licben Tyrauney von ibnen inn den Indianiscben-^ Landern 4to. 1597 794 ./ 795 / 796 / ''' 798 _ 799 soo 801 / 802 thtud dat's sale. G5 Las Casas (Bartholome de). A complete Series of his rare Relations of Transactions with tlie Indians 4to. I. Aqui se contiene vna disputa o controuersia entre el Obispo Barth. de las Casas j el doctor Grines de Se- pulu^da, G2 leaves {the last blank) Sevilla^ 1552 II. Aqui se cotiene treynta proposiciones muy juridicas, 10 leaves ib. 1552 III. Aqui se cotieue vros auisos y reglas para los confes- sores, 16 leaves ib. 1552 IV., IV.* Breuissima relacion de la destruycion de las Indias, 5-1 leaves (the last four leaves, or sig. g, consist of a separate Tract, commencing Lo que se sigue es vn pedaqo de vna carta) ib. 1552 V. Entre los remedios q Barth. de Las Casas refirio por maudad. del Emperador, 52 leaves (the last blank) ib. 1552 VI. Este es vn tratado q el obispo Barth. de Las Casas coinpuso por Commission del Consejo Heal de las Indias, 36 leaves ib. 1552 VII. Principia queda ex quibus procedendum est in dis- putatione ad manifestaudam defendeudam et iusticiam Yudorum, 10 leaves {the first and last in facsimile) ib. 1552 VIIL Tratado coprobatorio del Imperio soberano y prin- cipado vuiuersal que los Reyes de Castillay Leon tienen sobre las Indias, 80 leaves ib. 1552 Las Casas. Another copy of No. V. 4to. 1552 Las Casas. Another copy of No. V. 4to. 1552 Las Casas. Spieghel der Spaenscher tyrannye, in West- Indien, map of America engraved on the title-page, blnck letter 4to. Jmst. 1C07 Las Casas (Bartholome de) Le Miroir dela Tyranuie Espao;- nole perpetree aux Indes Occiden tales, plates, clean cnpy, half bound 4to. Amst. 1620 Las Casas (Baetholome de) Istoria 6 breuissima relatione della Distrvttione dell' ludie Occidentali, vellum 4to. Venetia, Marco Ginammi, 1626 Las Casas. La Liberta Pretesa dal supplice Schiauo Indiano, vellum Venet. 1640 Las Casas. Conquista dell Indie Occidentali, vellum 4to. Venet. 1645 Las Casas (BAKTHoLo:\rE be) The Tears of the Indians: being an Historical and true Account of the Cruel Massacres and Slaughters of above Twenty Millions of innocent People; committed by the Spaniards in the Itjland of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, &c. As also, in the Continent of Mexico, Peru, and other Places of the "West Indies, vjunting plate, but has some cuts inserted Lond. by J. C. for Nath. Brook, 1656 K. 66 TniED day's sale. / ' 803 Las Casas (Barth. de) La Decouverte des Indes Occidentales, ^, par les Espagnoles, calf Amst. leO^c^-"^^ ■^ ' 804i Las Casas (Bartholome de) An Account of the First Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards m./t/' America. To which is added, the Art of Travellingi^^^?^ wants plates, old calf / Lond. J. Darby for D. JBrown, etc. 1699 '^^ • 805 Latin Grammar (A Short Introduction to) for the use of the // > University and Academy of Pennsylvania in Philadeibi^^^*^^^^^ / phia, Qth edition Exeter, 1794 '^ ' 806 Laso de la Vega. Per D. Antonio de Cordova Laso de la Vega, Capitan de las Guardas de el Governador, y Teniente General de la Cavalleria del Eeyno de Chil Con El Senor Fiscal del Consejo de Indias, y el Pro- motor Fiscal de Cobran^as de el, unbound folio, [Lima, 1620 ?] Ameeican Standard Law Reports. j/~^ 807 Eepobts of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit ^^ Court of the United States, for the Third Circuitf 1803-18, Vol. 1, {all pub.) neiv law calf y Fhiladelphia, 1819 'k/^- 808 Eepoets oe Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the First Circuit, 1812- -<^ 1815, 2nd edition, by John Gallisou, 2 vols, new law calf Boston, 1845 / • /^ 809 Eepoets of Cases argued and deteriDined in the Circuit . Court of the United States for the First Circuit, 1816- ^ 1830, by "W. P. Mason, 5 vols, new law calf Boston, 1824-1836 . • .2 , // 810 Eeports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme A Court of the United States, 1816-1827, by Henry -"^^ Wheaton, 12 vols, nexo law calf . PhiladelpMa, 1816-1827 / - / - 811 Eeport of a General Plan for the Promotion of Public and xJ^. personal Health, by the Commissioners of the Legisla- ture of Massachusetts, new law calf Boston, 1850 -/^, /^812 Eepoets of C.\ses argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, 1840-1844, by T. Metcalf, 5 8 vols, new laio calf Boston, 1843-46 ? /y 813 Eepoets of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme / '/^ -^ Qourt of the United States, 1828-1836, by Eichard .^^ Peters, 10 vols, new law calf Philadelphia, 1828-1836 ^ / // 814 Eepoets of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme ' ^' ^ Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1822-1840, by O. / Pickering, 2nd edition, neio law calf, 24 vols. *^ ib. 1826-1812 THIKD day's sale. 67 /f 815 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme / Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1804-1822, by E. / Williams and others, with notes and references to Eng-^ V^^i^- lish and American Cases, 17 vols, neio law calf Boston, 1833-1843 ^ . 816 New York Teem Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of that State, 1803-5, second edition, with additions by George Cains, 3 vols, new ^ law calf Xeio York, 1813-14 - - 817 Eeports of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United St^ites, for the First Circuit, 1829- 1837, by Charles Sumner, 2 vols, new law calf Boston, 1836-7 / 7./y 818 Eepoets of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme '^^ Court of the United States, 1801-1815, second edition, 9 vols, new law calf ^^' . New York and Washington, 1812-1816 1/ ' ./ 819 Hoffman (D.) Course of Legal Study, 2 vols. Baltimore, 1836 c/'^-^ J- f 820 Lawson (John) Surveyor General of South Carolina, Intro- duction and Journal of a New Yoyage to Carolina/ half morocco, scarce 4to. Loud. 1709 J, // 821 Lechford (Thomas) Plai>'^ DEALrxG : or, Nevtes from New-Exglakd. a short view of New Euglands pre-^^^^^^ sent Government, both Ecclesiasticall and Civil, com- pared with the anciently received and established go- vernment of England, in some material points ; fit for the gravest consideration in these times {front margins cut close) 4to. Lond.for JSfath. Butter, 1642 ^ 822 Lee (Charles) Second in command in the Service of the United States, during the Revolution, INIemoirs of his Life, with his Political and Military Essays and Letters, calf'^ 1792 Leeven ek Daden der DooRLtrcHTiGHSTE Zee Helden" en Ontdeckers van Landen, deser ecuwen. Begin- nende met Christoffel Colorabus, Yindervan de Nieuwe Wereldt, 2 vols, in 1, plates, vellum 4to. Amst. Jan Claesz, 1676 823*Leeven en Daaden, etc, Another edition, 28 2^^'^tes, vellum 4to. Amst. Jan ten Hoorn, en Jan J3oitman, 1683 ( 824 Leguat (Francois) De Gevaarlyke en Zeldzame Eeyzen, J maps and 2^lates 4to. Utrecht, 1708 \^825 Leigh (Egerton) Extracts from the Proceedings of the High Court of Yice-Admiralty, in Charlestown, South Caro- lina, upon Six several Informations, 2nd ed. with an Appendix, scarce fol. Charlestown, David Bruce, 1769 ,

^/ 829 Lery. Another copy, first edition 1578 ^y^ « / 830 Lery (Jean de) Historia Navigationis in Brasiliara, quae ^^ ,/ '^ et America dicitvr, hf. hound [Genevce'], 1586^^^ At page 178 is a woodcut 6j by 9 inches. ^y / , ^ 831 Lery (Jean de) Historia ]N"avigationis in Brasiliam, qua? et y%^ America dicitvr, old ca/f, wormed 1594 v A ^ - 882 Lery. Another copy 1594/^^=*^ / /SSS Lesseps (M. de) Travels in Kamtschatka, 2 vols, map 1790 J ^831; Letter to the Kight Eeverend the Lord Bishop of London^7^ Gage, and Commodore Hood, lif. mor. ^^^-^-^^-^i /^ Boston, hi/ Udes and GUI, 1769 ^ 846 Letters (Select) On the Trade and Government of America, and the Principles of Law and Polity applied to the American Colonies, written by Governor Bernard, of Boston, in the years 1763-68 1774 ^ C 847 Letters (Select). Another copy, xoanthuj last leaf 1774 /^ 1,848 Letters to a Nobleman, on the Conduct of the War in the <^«s^^^^ Middle Colonies Lond. YllW / 849 Levini Apollojsii, de Peruuia3 Eegionis inter Noui Orbis provincias celeberrimae inventione : et rebus iu eadeni /^ Gestis, libri V. Antverp. 156 1 . ^ 850 Lewis (John) History of the Translations of the Bible, wants ^-^^ folding plate, half bound 1818 '^-^^^^ 851 Lewis (John) Life of Dr. John Fisher, Bishop of Eochester ^ in the Eeign of Henrv VIII. with an Introduction by >^^ T. H. Turner, 2 vols.' 1855 ^ 852 Lewis (Merriwether). The Travels of Capts. Lewis and Clarke, from St. Louis, by way of the Missouri and Columbia Eivers, to the Pacific Ocean, in 1804-6 ; con- taining Delineations of the Manners, Customs, Eeli- / gioi3? etc. of the Indians, map Lond. 1809 • A 853 Lewis (Merriwether). Travels to the Source of the Missouri Eiver and across the American Continent to the Pacific , Ocean, performed iu 1804-6, by Captains Lewis and Clarke. Published from the Official Eeport, maps, hf. calf 4to. Lond. 1814 854 Life and Adventures of Eobert the Hermit, of Massachusetts,/ who has lived 14 years in a cave secluded from Humafi d:^"'^^'''^ ^ Society Froindence, 1829 / 855 Lima. Casos Notables, sucedidos en las Costas de la Ciudad /^. de Lima, en las Indias, Jif. mor. fol. Madrid, 1625^ 70 THIKD day's sale. ^ 856 Lima. Insigne victoria que el Seiior Marquez de Guadal- / cazar, Virrey en el Eeyno del Piru, ha alcan^ado en los puertos de Lima, y Callao, contra vna armada poderosa ///£^ de Olauda, despachada por orden del Conde Mauricio > ~^ Ibl. 4 pp. Lishoa, Geraldo da Vinlia, [1625] Probably a privately printed account for officials only. 857 Lima. A True and Particular Relation of the Dreadful Earthquake which happen' d at Lima, the Capital of Peru, and the neighbouring Port of Callao, on the 28th^ of October, 1746, 2nd ed. map and plates, old calf Lond. 1748 A translation, by Henry Johnson, from the account of Pedro Lonzano, vrritten in Spanish and published in 1747. ^ ■ 858 Lima. Histoire des Tremblemens de Terre arrives a Lima,^- Capitale du Perou, et autres lieux ; avec la Description du Perou, etc. Premiere Partie, old calf, Arms on the y sides La Haye, 1752 859 Lind (Jenny) Tour in America, New York, 1851 — A Northern /'^ Tour, being a Guide to Saratogo, Niagara, etc. 1825 — /^-^ Guide to the Eastern Townships of Portland ■' Montreal, 1853 /' 860 Linschoten (J. H.) Itinerario, Voyage ofte Schipvaert,^;Zfl^e5, First Edition, some plates mended and the margins of/ a few leaves slightly defective fol. Amst. 1596 A 861 Linschoten (Jan Huygen van) Histoire de la Navigation /p et de son Voyagees Indes Orientales, title and some ^'.^^ maps mounted, 1 map wanting, sold with all faults y^ fol. Amst. Theodore Fierre, 1610 The plates to this volume are printed from the identical cop- perplates used by De Bry in Parts II. and III. of the Petits Voyages, to which it forms a suite. /"' 862 Linschoten (J. H.) Histoire de la Navigation de, aux. Indes ^ Orientales, avec Annotations de B. Paludanus, maps, portrait and plates fol. Amst. 1619 863 Linschoten (J. H.) Histoii-e de la Navigation de, aux Indes Orientales, avec Annotations de B. Paludanus, maps, portrait, etc. calf gilt fol. Amst. 163^ /^ 864 Linschoten (Jan Huygen van) His Discoubs oe Voy- ages into y= East and West Indies. Diuided into foure Bookes, black letter, wanting 11 plates, title, folio 79, and a portion of folio 307, 8 plates from the Dutch edition inserted {sold with all faults) fol. Lond. by John Wolfe, [1598] 865 Litteraj Annuce Provincise Paraquariaj Societatis Jesu, ad admodum R. P. Mutium Vitellescum, calf gilt, {title mended), rare Lnsulis, 1642 ^.■/ S 866 TUIRD day's sale. 71 867 f 68 869 Vs70 ^-) y- 72 THIRB day's sale. /• ^f 876 LoEEZANO. Another copy with the rare third Volume, viz. Cartas Pastorales y Edictos, 3 vols, vellum fol. Mexico, 1769-70 Besides the Three Councils these volumes contain an account of the prelates of the Mexican Church, occupying ahout half the work. 'C - 877 Lorenzo de San Milian. Por D. Francisco Lorenzo de San Milian. Eii la Cavsa qve en virtvd de cedvla de sv/ Magestad se ha actuado, contra el dicho Don Francises sobre sus procedimieutos en el juizio de visita de las Caxas, y Minas de la Ciudad da Zacatecas, half morocco fol. [1672 ?] A privately printed official account. /■ 878 Losa (Francisco), Cure de VEglise Cathedrale de Mexico, La/;^y^^ Vie de Grregoire Lopez dans la Novvelle Espagne, 2ade ed. old calf gilt Paris, lean Henavlt, 1656 879 Loskiel (George Henry) History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America, in^ three parts, translated by C. I. La Trobe, map, uncut Lond. 1791 / , 880 Louisiane (Voyage a La) et sur le Continent de 1' Amerique ^^ Septentrionale, fait dans les Annees 1794 a 1798, mor. J^^^x Paris, 170^'^'^ / . 881 Lovelace (E.) Lucasta, {ivants a leaf) 1649 — Phillips (J.) / Poems, Lond. E. Gitrll, 1/41 — Ramsay's Gentle Shep- J/ herd, ivith Music Perth, 1786.'/^^^ 882 Low (Conrad) Meer oder Seehanen Buch, etc. [ti-ansl.^ '^ Book of the Ocean or Sea-cocks, in which are related /. ^ the wonderful memorable travels and voyages which the ; ' rightly and justly called Ocean or Sea-cocks of the Kings of Spain, Portugal, England, and France have^ made within the last past hundred years, etc. vellum folio, GdUn, B. Buchholtz, 1598 The Sea-cocl's, whose voyages are here described, are Colum- bus, Ponce de Leon, Cortea, Magellan, Juan Sebastian, Loaysa, Saavedra, Vasco de Gama, Pedro Alvares Cabral, Juan de Nava, Corteral, Sebastian Cabot, Frobisher, Drake, Eichard Grenville, Thomas Caudish, Ealeigh, Sir John Hawkins, Verazzans, Jaques Cartier, etc. The title, of unusual length, is itself a curiosity. Amongst other mar- vels of which it promises account, is mentioned a wonderful bird lohich sxvallows red hot coals, brought home by the voyagers. We only recollect one other copy of this re- . y markable book having occurred for sale in London. - V 883 Lussan (Raveneau de) Journal du Voyage fait a la mer de Sud, avec les Filibustiers de 1' Amerique en 1684, et y/ annees suivantes, seconde edition, old calf /^A-^^ Paris, Jean Bapt. Coignard, 1693 J^ THIED day's sale. 78 d 884 Lyne (Charles) A Letter to the Eight Honourable Lord /O Castlereagh on the North American Export Trade / > / during the "W"ar, etc. unbound Lond. 1813/:^^^^"^^^ \ 885 Lyttelton (Thomas Lord) A Letter from, to 'William Pitt, ^ Earl of Chatham, on the Quebec Bill, half morocco /^^.^ Boston, Mills and Hicks, for Cox and Berry, V7'74i ^z"^^"^^' 886 Mably (Abbe de) Kemarks concerning the Government and the Laws of the United States of America: in Four „ Letters addressed to Mr. Adams> half mor. Lond. 1784 87 Mably. The same, another ed. old calf Dublin, 1785 /^-^^ , ^ 888 Macaulay (Lord) Biographies contributed to the Encyclo- paedia Britannica 1860 889 Macaulay (Catharine) An Address to the People of England, Scotland and Ireland, on the Present Important Crisis ^ of Aftairs, ^/, wor. Bath, 1116 /a-^ C - 890 Mac Kenney (Thomas L.) Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, ^ of the Character and Customs of the Chippewa}' Indians, and of Incidents connected with the Treaty of Pond du Lac; also, a Vocabulary of the Algic, or Chippeway / y Language, 29 plates Baltimore ; F. Lucas, 1827 l/^/^^<^ ^ ,^ 891 Mackenzie (A.) Voyage from Montreal, on the Eiver St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, with a History of the Fur Trades, and Examples of the Indian Dialects, por*- , trait and maps, calf gilt 4to. 1801 892 Mackenzie's Voyages. Another copy, hf. bd. uncut 4to. 1801 ^ . 893 Mac Clure (David), of Byfield, Mass. Memoirs of the Eev. Eleazar Wlieelock, D. D., Founder and President of Dartmouth College and Moor's Charity School ; with copious Extracts from Dr. "Wheelock's Correspondence, :^ portrait, calf Newburyport : Ed. Little & Co. 1811 894 McKinnen (D.) TourthroughtheBritish Westlndies,«mp 1804 895 Maduit's Short View, 3rd ed. to which is now added the Original Charter granted to that Province in the 4th of Charles I. and never before printed in England, half morocco Lond. 1774 '/ - 896 Maffeii (J. P.) Historiarum Indicarum, libri XVI. stamped hoyshin binding Antverp. 1605 / 897 Magellans. Appendice a la Eelacion del A-^iage al Magallanes de la Fragata de Guerra Santa Maria de la Cabeza, que contiene el de los Paquebotes Santa Casilda y Santa Eulalia para completar el Eeconocimiento del estrecho en los Auos de 1788 y 1789. Trabajado de Orden ''^ Superior 4to. Madrid, 1793 898 Mahon (Lord) " The Forty-Five," 1851— Saul a Mystery New tor/c, 1845 /^ 899 Mansfield (Lord) Speech in the Cause of Campbell against Hall, respecting the King's Patent for raising a Duty y of 45 per cent on all the Exports from the Island of /^i^^ Grenada, half morocco 1775 ''^ L / 74 THIHD day's sale. ''"' o 900 Manusckipt. De Wilde, ou les Sauvages Caribes Insul- /^ y laires d'Amerique et Histoire Nouvelle, par M. Caille/^ ''^ / de Castres, unpublished 4to. 1694 ^ - /^ 901 Markham (A.bp.) Sermon before the Society for the Vvo^SLga.- ^/^J^ tion of the Gospel in Foreign parts, half morocco 1777 / - 902 Marshall (Humphry) Arbustrum Americanum : The American ^^ Grove, or an Alphabetical Catalogue of Forest Trees aud Shrubs, natives of the American United States, arranged according to the Linnsean System, unbound , ^ Philadelphia, Joseph Crukshank, 1785 /> '^ ■ <^903 Marshall (John) History of the Colonies planted by theEng-^X^ lish on the Continent of America, calf ib. 1824^ /^ - 904 Marston (Edward) To the Most Noble Prince Henry, Duke of Beaufort, Marquiss and Earl of Worcester, Baron /^ Herbert, Lord of Eagland, Chepstow and Gower, Pala- ^■^^'^^^ tine of the Province of South Carolina in America, half morocco 4to. \^London, 1712] Probably privately printed. The author solicits redress on account of his ejection from his rectory in South Carolina.

Samb. 1675 /- 906 Martens (Frederich) Naukeurige Beschryvinge van Groen- s^__ ^ land of Spitsbergen, plates, uncut axT"^ •^ 4to. Dordrecht, Hendrik Walpot, [1710?] / 907 Martin (J.) Art of Dying— Letters by the Earl Dundonald -^ on making Bread from Potatoes, 1791 : in 1 vol. Z v^^ /(J^ 908 Martyr (Peter) De Ntper stb D. Carolo eepertis^^^^ 'X^' Insulus, simulque incolarum moribus 4to. Basil. 1521 /^^^/ // 909 Martyr (Peter) De Eebus Oceanicis et Novo decades tres : ^^ ' ejusd. prseterea Legationis Babylonicae libri tres, clean %^ > copy folio, Basil. l^^Z^^^ / 910 Martyr (Peter) Historie oe the West Indies. Con- /^ /^ tayning the Actes and Adventures of the Spanyardes, . which have conquered and peopled those Countries, ^ inriched with Varitie of pleasant relation of the Man-^^5*^ ners. Ceremonies, Lawes, Governments, and Warres oi the Indians, translated into English by E. Eden, andM. Lok (wanting page 159) 4to. London for T. Adams, 1612 '^11 Martyr (Peter) De Orbe Novo, decades VIII. labore et ^^ industria, R. Hakluyt, fine copy, calf, gilt edges, ex^'^ -' ' cessively rare Paris, 1587 912 Maryland. A Eelation of Maryland : together with c/- 4^ a Map of the Countrey, the Conditions of Plantation, ^ His Majesties Charter to the Lord Baltemore, translated into English, blue morocco, ivanting map, and two leaves supplied in facsimile by Bishop 4iio. Lo7id. 1035 t): together with , a Map of the Countrey, the Conditions of Plantation, /^^ His Majesties Charter to the Lord Baltemore, translated CY^r^. into English, (loanting Map and Charter) 4to. Lond. 1635 '' The imprint is curious — " These Bookes are to bee had, at Master William Peasley Esq ; his house ; on the backside of Drury-Lane, neere the Cock -pit Playhouse ; or in his absence ; at Master John Morgans house in high Holboum, over against the Dolphin." 914 Mason (J. M.) Pastor, Neio York, An Oration, commemo- rative of the late Major- General Alexander Hamilton, pronounced before the jN^ew York State Society of the Cincinnati, July 31, 180i, uncut Lond. 1804-' 915 Massachusets. Petition a>t> Kepeesentation of the House of Eepresentatives of Mass. Bay to the King and H. M. Ministers, 1768, with Letters ; etc. fol. 1768 * . 916 Massachusetts Bay. Extract of a Letter from the House of Eepresentatives of the Massachusetts-Bay, toDennysDe Berdt, Esq.; with some remarks, hf. mar. Lond. 1770 / . 917 Massachusetts Bay. A Speech never intended to be Spoken in answer to a Speech intended to have been Spoken on the Bill for altering the Charter of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, halfmor. Lond. 1774 ^ 918 Massachusetts. Acts and Laws passed by the Greneral Court )^^^ or Assembly from June 1692 to 1714, {wanting title, //^ first leaf, and after page 234), Jif. mor. folio, 919 Massachusetts Bay. History of Massachusetts Bay, from ^ 1749 to 1774, by Tho. Hutchinson, edited by the Author's 't.-'^*''*' Grrandsou, Ms. Lond. 1828 920 Massachusetts Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, An Account of the Camb. 1806 .^ . 921 Massachusetts Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, p' ^^Z^^^ An Account of the Andover, Flagg and Gould, 1815 922 Massachusetts Convention, 1820, Journal of the Debates and Proceedings in the Boston, 1853 923 Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings of the, from / 1855 to 1860, 2 vols. Boston, 1859 '. ^ 924 IMassachusetts Histoeical Society's Collections, the first three series, 30 vols, in 16, and vols. 1 to 4i of the fourth series. Together 34 vols. — 28 vols, half bound, and 6 vols, in boards, eaee Boston, 1792-1858 925 Massachusetts G-azette, a weekly Newspaper, 2 Jan, to 31 July, 1786 folio, £os^on, 1786 { ^ 926 Massachusetts. Eeport on the Trees and Shrubs growing in the Forests of Massachusetts, scarce Boston, 1846 927 Massachusetts. Official Eeport of the Debates and Proceed- ings of the State Convention assembled May 4th, 1853, to Eevise and Amend the Constitution of Massachusetts, / 3 Tols. royal 8vo. Boston, 1853 76 THIRD day's sale. 928 Massachusetts Centinel ; with continuation under the title of Columbian Centinel, 1784 to Dec. 30, 1829, ^y^^ . an exceedingli eaee and intebesting series /^^cAyyi. Boston, 1786-1829 Tliis series for nearly lialf a century of tlie Centinel, the most important and influential historical and political newspaper published in New England, is believed to be the most com- plete in existence. The following is an exact statement of its condition : Vol. L (1784) : Nos. 2, 3, 9, 17 to 25, 29, 30, 31, 33 to 42, 45 to 49, 51— Vol. II. (1784-5) : Nos. 3, 11, 17, 20, 23, 25 to 27, 31, 45, 47, 52— Vol. III. (1785) : Nos. 3, 6, 9, 11 to 15, 17, 20 to 25, 27, 31 to 34, 37, 38, 41, 48, 49, 52— Vol. IV. (1785-6) : Nos. 19^ 27,33— FoZwwes V. to the end are complete^ except 18 Nos. only (viz. : in Vol. V. 17, 25, 28, 36, 45— in Vol. VI. 2, 3, 7, 8, 18, 19, 25, 27, 28— in Vol. VII. 1, 6— in Vol. XVII. 46— in 1826, Dec. 16.) The Extras and Supplements, are so rare, and so numerous in this set, that we give a list of them : — In vol. 1, May 12 and June 23, 1784— in vol. 3, April 23 and 27, 1785— in vol. 8, Sept. 26, 1787 and Feb. 2, 1788— in vol. 10, Dec. 3, 1788— in vol. 11, with Nos. 21 and 43— in vol. 12, with Nos. 21, 36, 40, also Feb. 22, March 10 and 15— in vol. 13, March 24, April 28, May 1, 15, 22 and 29, June 5 and 25— in vol. 15, April 14, 1791— in vol. 16, Dec. 19, 1791— in vol. 17, April 28, May 12 and 26, and June 13, 1792— in vol. 18, Nov. 7 and 14, 1792— in vol. 19, May 22, 1793— in vol. 22, Sept. 13, Oct. 12 and Nov, 1, 1794— in vol. 23. July 8, 1795— in vol. 24, Oct. 14, 1795— in vol. 25, April 25, 1796— in vol. 29, March 21, April 16 and May 19, 1798— in vol. 30, Jan. 2, Feb. 6, 1799— in vol. 32, Oct. 16 and Nov. 6, 1799— in vol. 33, March 26 and May 28, 1800-in vol. 34, Oct. 15, Nov. 12, 1800 and with No. 33— in vol. 35, Nos. 15, 25 and 29, 1801— in vol. 36, Sept. 23, Oct. 7 and 17, Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1801-in vol. 37, March 24 and 27, May 19, June 16, 1802— in vol. 38, Oct. 9, Dec. 4, 1802— in vol. 39, May 14, 1803— in vol. 40, Deo. 7, 1803- in vol. 41, April 4, 1804— in vol. 42, Oct. 10 and 24, 1804— in vol. 43, April 27 and May 29, 1805— in vol. 44, Nov. 6, 1805, and Feb. 1, 1806— in vol. 46, Oct. 29, 1806— in 1808, April 30— in 1809, Jan. 14— in 1811, July 3— in 1815, March 22, June 21, July 26, and Aug. 2 —in 1824, Oct. 28 and 30. 929 Massachusetts. The Landing at Cape Anne; or the Charter ^^^^^j^^^ of the first permanent Colony on the Territoiy of the Massachusetts Company, by J. "W". Thornton, facsimile Boston, 1854 930 Massachusettensis. Letters numbered I. to XVIL If. mor. First Edition [Boston, 1775]^ The author was Jonathan Sewall, Attorney General for the King, in the province of Massachusetts. THIED day's sale. 77 \ - 931 Massachusettensis : or a Series of Letters, containing a faith- ful state of many important and striking facts, which laid the foundation of the present Troubles in the Pro- vince of the Massachusetts-Bay, 4th ed. hf. mor. Boston printed: Londo?i, repr. 1776 > ^ 932 Mather (Cottojt) Late Memorable PR0vIBE^'CE3 rela- ting TO Witchcrafts and Possessions, clearly manifesting, not only that there are Witches, but that Good Men (as well as others) may possibly have theii Lives shortned by such evil instruments of Satan. The Second Impression. Recommended by the Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter in London, and by the Ministers of Boston and Charlestown in New England, calf extra by Bedford, margins of 3 leaves sligJttly defective Lond. 1691 y. /f 933 Mather (Cotton) Memorable Providences relating to AfVitchcrafts, original calf 1691 y, /) 934 Mather (Cotton) India Christiana, a Discourse delivered unto the Commissioners for the Propagation of the Gospel among the American Indians, which is accompa- nied with several Instruments relating to the Glorious Design of Propagating our Holy Religion in the Eastern as well as the Western Indies, fine copy, calf extra, lound by W. Pratt Boston, B. Green, 1721 A considerable portion of this book is in the Indian language of New England. ^ ^ 935 Mather (Cotton) Ratio Disciplinje Frateum Not. Anglorum. a Eaithful Account of the Discipline Pro- fessed and Practised in the Churches of New England, with " an Attestation from the Rev. Dr. Increase Mather," prefixed, fine copy, calf extra, bound by W. Pratt Boston, N. E., for S. GerrisJi, 1726 y. 936 Mathee (Cotton) Desiderus; or, A Desirable Man De- scrib'd, in the Characters of One Worthy to be a Man Greatly Beloved; given in some Commemoration of the very A-^aluable and Memorable Mr. James Keith, Late Minister in Bridgewater Boston, 8. Kneeland, 1719 ^ . 937 Mather (Cotton) An Abridgement of his Life, taken from an account of him published by his Son, Rev. Sam. yy- Mather, by D. Jennings, Lond. 1744 ; Two Discourses of Preaching Christ and of Particular Preaching, by J. 7 Jennings, 1754. In 1 vol. calf 1774-54 938 Mather (Increase) The Mystery of Israel's Salvation, Ex- . '^ plained and Applied: or, a Discourse concerning the/ -j^^ General Conversion of the Israelitish Nation, (ica?its y^ iitle) Lond. John Allen, 1669 / ^ 939 Mather (Increase) The Doctrine of Divine Peovi- ^/ dence opened and applyed, also sundry Sermons on^^^^ several subjects, fine copy, calf extra, bound by W.^^'^'^^^ Pratt Boston, N.E. by B. Price, 1684 fip 78 THIED DAX'S SALE. 940 Mather (Increase). Meditations on the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ ; Delivered in several Sermons. By Increase Mather, corners of the first two leaves slightly defective, and wants all after pp. 162 Boston in New England : Printed ly Bartholomew Green, for Benj. Eliot, at his Shop under the West-End of the Town-house, 1705 ^ ^^ fence of the Answer to Eev. Mr. Herles Booke against^ the Independence of Churches 4to. Lond. 1647 / THIED day's sale. 79 949 Mather (Eichaed) A Modest and Brotherly Answer to Mr. Charles Herle his Booke, against the Independency of Churches 4to. Lond. 1644 950 Mathee (Sara.) Pastor of a Church at Boston, N.E. An Attempt to shew that America must he known to the Ancients, with an Appendix concerniug the American Colonies, Boston, by J. Kneeland, 1773 ; and various Tracts. In 1 Yol. half bound v.y. 951 Manduit (Israel) History of the Colony of Massachusetts, 4th edition, to which is now added an Account of ^/^^j^^^^iS? a Conference between the late Mr. Grenville and the several Colony Agents, in the year 1764, previous to the Passing of the Stamp Act; also the Original Charter, half morocco Lond. 1776 952 Maw (Heniy Lister) Journal of a Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the Northern /P Provinces of Peru, and descending the Eiver Maranon, z^^:*^^?^ or Amazon, map Lond. 1829 ^ 953 Mayhew (Jonathan) Seven Sermons 1750 954 Mayhew (Jonathan) Observations on the Charter and Con- ^--"^ duct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel J^ in Foreign Parts; designed to shew their 1^ on-con- J /^^^^ formity to each other : with Eemarks on the Mistakes of East Apthorpe, M.A. Missionary at Cambridge, in Quoting and Kepresenting the Sense of said Charter, , half morocco Boston : Lond. repr. 1763 ^ 955 Mayhew (Jonathan) A Defence of the Observations on the /y^ Charter and Conduct of the Society for the PropagationJ:;^^'^'^'*^ of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, against an Anonymous Pamphlet falsely entitled, a Candid Examination of Dr. {Mayhew's Observations, etc. Boston : Lond. repr. 1764 956 Mayhew (Jonathan) of Boston, N.E. Sermons to Toung ^<^ Men, 2 vols, old calf Lond. 1767 ^^'^^s^ 957 Mead (Matthew) The Almost Christian discovered Boston, for Jos. Edwards, 1730 ty 958 Medina (Antonio de) Sermon predicado en el Castillo deSan /^ /^ Pelipe del Puerto del Callao, a su Dedicacion y hQne-/yCy2^ dicion ; estando descubierto el Santissimo Sacramentaf^ y en presencia de todo el Presidio, half morocco ^ 4to. Idma. Geroni/mo de Contreras, 1625 /^ 959 Memorial addressed to the Sovereigns of Europe on the J^ present State of Affairs between the Old and New-"^*"^^^ . World 1780 960 Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, j^ vol. 3, pt. 1 4to. Cambridge, 1809 ""^^ 961 Memoirs of an unfortunate Toung Nobleman, return'd from y a Thirteen Tears' Slavery in America, where he had ^/^^^^ been sent by the AVicked Contrivances of his Cruel Uncle, a Story founded on Truth, aud address'd equally to the Head and Heart, old calf Lond. 1743 80 THIBD day's sale. 962 Memoirs of the Principal Transactions of the last "War be- tween the English and French in North America [JojC , y, "William Shirley], Jiulf morocco Lond. 1757 ' ' ^ 963 Memoires tovchant I'Establissement d'vne Mission Chres- tienne dans le troisieme Monde, autrement appelle, la _ Terre Australe, Meridionale, Antartique, et Inconnu'e, ' / y old calf, map of the ivorld Paris, Clavde Cratnoisy, 1663 ^ - y ^ • ^964 Mercator. Historia Mvndi : or Mercator's Atlas. Engy^^^j^ ) lished by W. S. old calf fol. Lond. 1635 965 Mexico. Memorial de lo Svcedido en la ciudad de Mexico, de^de el dia primero de Nouiembre, de 1623 hast^ quienze de Enero de 1624, uncut folio Apparently a privately printed Official Helation. 966 Mexico. Coleccion de Ordenes t Decketos de l^ '^ SoBEEANA Junta, Provisional Griibernativa, y Sobera- nos Congresos Grenerales de la Nacion Mesicana, i 5 vols, in 3, Spanish binding 4to. Mexico, 1829-31 ,.-' ' • 967 Mexico, History of the Conquest of, by the Spaniards, trans-^y^ lated from the original Spanish by Ant. de Solis, by'^^^'''^^^^'^* T. Townsend, and revised by N. Hooke, portrait of Cortes, third edition, 2 vols. hf. mor. uncut 1753 -' , 968 Mexico. Eeales Ordenanzas para la direccion, Regimen y Gobierno del importante cuerpo de la Mineria Nueva Espaiia y de su Eeal Tribunal General fol. Madrid, 1783 > - 969 Mexico. Eepresentacion del Ilmo. Sr. Arzobispo de Mejico ^^ concerniente a algunos sucesos anteriores a la Inde- pendencia proclamada en aquella Capital, hf. mor. . 4to. Habana, por Campe, en la Oficina Liberal, 1822 /^ . ^ - 970 Michaux (P. A.) Travels to the Westward of the AlleganV^z^^^ Mountains, in the States of the Ohio, Kentucky, ana^/^ Tennessee, and return to Charlestown, through the Upper Carolinas. Translated by B. Lambert, map, ^ / second edition, calf Lond. 1805 J^ 971 Michigan. The Early History of Michigan from its firsib^^-^*^ -^ settlement to 1815, by E. M. Sheldon New York, 1856 ,. ^ /^ 972 Michuacan. Analysis Estadisticode la Provincia de Michua-^^!!^^^ can, en 1822, por J. J. L. 4to. Mexico, 1824r ^ , 973 Middleton. A Vindication of the Conduct of Capt. Chris- / topher Middleton, in a late Voyage on board His^j,,^^^-;^ Majesty's ship the Purnace, for discovering a North- west Passage to the Western American Ocean. In ~» answer to certain objections and asi:ersions of Arthur Dobbs, Esq. ; with an Appendix, old calf . . ^ Lond. Jacob Robinson, 1743. ^^ .- 974 Middleton (Christopher) Porgery Detected. By which ii^^/^'- evinced how groundless are all the calumnies cast upon the Editor, in a Pamphlet published under the name of Arthur Dobbs, Esq. hf mor. Lond. 1745 THIED day's sale. 81 ' , 975 Middletou (Christopher) A Reply to the Eemarks of Arthur^ Dobbs, Esq. on Capt. Middleton's Vindication Lond. 1744 976 Military Collections and Eemarks, Published by Major^ Doukin, uncut JSfew York, 1777 - 977 Mills (Henry James) Trinidad Almanac and Pocket Register for the Tear of our Lord 1840, being Bissextile or -->^ Leap Tear, calculated to the Meridian of Port of Spain ^ -^ Fort of Spain, IT. J. Mills, [1840] ^ 978 Mills (Samuel J.) and Daniel Smith, Report of a Missionary Tour West of the Allegany Mountains ; performed under the direction of the Massachusetts Missionary Society, unczit Andover, 1815 /. ^979 Milton (John) Peose "Woeks, with Life by C. Symmons, Laege Papee, 7 vols, calf, marb. edges 1806 { . 980 Ministerial (A) Catechise, Suitable to be Learned by all Modern Provincial Governors, Pensioners, Placemen, etc. hf. mor. Boston, Isaiah Thomas, 1771 Refers to Governor Hutchinson, in form of a parody or imi- tation of the Assembly's Catechism. One of the earliest books printed by Thomas, Historian of American Typo- graphy. ' ^ >^981 MissA GoTHicA seu Mozababica, et Officium itidem Go- ^y,.^^ • ^ thicum diligenter ac dilucide explanata ad Usum Per-'^^'^ Celebris Mozarabum Sacelli Toleti a Munificentissimo Cardinali Ximenio erecti ; et in Obsequium Illmi. Pe- rinde ac Yenerab. D. Decani et Capituli Sauctae Eccle- siae Toletanae, Plispaniarum et Indiarum Primatis, 3 large copperplates hy J. Nava, old red morocco fol. Angelopoli, \_Arexico^ Tgpis Palafoxiani, 1770 Contains some musical notation printed from copperplates. As a specimen of Mexican typography alone the volume is one of considerable interest. Ajigelopolis is the same as La Puebla de los Angeles, or more briefly. La Puebla. /' V-^^ 982 IVIitchil (Jonathan), Fastor, of Camlridge, N.E. A Dis- course of the Glory to which God hath called Believers by Jesus Christ, delivered in some Sermons out of the 1 Pet. V chap. 10 verse, together w'ith an annexed Letter, (last five leaves mended) calf extra, hound hy W. Fratt Lond. Nathaniel Ponder, 1677 983 Modern Songster ; consisting of a Collection of American and English Songs, including a variety of scarce old Songs, the second Baltimore edition, hf. hd. Baltimore, 1816 984 Modern View of the thirteen United States of America, also of the Independent States of Vermont and of East and West Elorida Lond. D. Walker M X 82"' THIED day's sale. ^ 985 Modest (A) Proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ and his Apostles in the Church Boston, reprinted by Tho. Fleet, and are to he sold hy / Benjamin Eliot in Boston, Daniel Auranlt, in New- Jy port, Gabriel Bernon in Providence, Mr. Gallop in^^J^i-^^^ Bristol, Mr. Jean in Stratford, and in most other towns within the Colonies of Coimecticut and . Bhode Island, 1723 ^ 986 Mohawk. The Common Prayer — Some Chapters in Genesis and Matthew — Gospel of St. Mark — Select Sentencea /q of Scripture — Comumnion, Baptism^ and Burial Ser- J/a,^^ vices, and part of the Singing Psalms, all in Mohawk y^ and English, ^/a^f?5 hy Peachey, calf Lond. 1787 , ^ ^987 Mohawk (The Gospel of St. John in) ^ ^"^988 Molina (Juan Ignatius) Essai sur I'Histoire ISTaturelle du J/^ Chili, traduit de I'ltalieu, et enrichi de notes, par M. ys> . Gruvel, old calf _ Paris, 1789 C^^^ /- 989 Molina (Juan Ignatius) The Geographical, Natural and Civil A^ History of Chili, 2 vols, hf hd. uncut 1809 990 Monardes (Nicolo) Delle Cose che vengono portate dall' Indie Occidentali pertiuenti all' uso della Mediciuj] limp vellum Venetia, 1582 / 991 MoNABDES (Nicolo) Primera y Seguuda y Tercera partes de ^ la Historia IMedicinal de las Cosas que se traen ^Q^y!i,^.-c^. Nuestras Indias Occidentales qiie siruen en Medicina tratado de la Piedra Bezaar, y de la Terua Escuer- couera, stained, vellu7n 4to. Sevilla, 1574 \ 992 Monardes (N.) Simpliciura Medicamentorum ex Novo Orbe^ d^latorum quorum in Medicina usus est, Historise lib6r teriius, Antverp. 1582 — Clusii Atreba, aliquot Nota? in Garcise Aromatum Historiam, title mounted and three leaves defective Antverp. 1582 , 993 Monardes (Nicolo) Histoire des Simples Medicamens Ap- y portes de I'Ameriqve, desqvels on se sert en la Medicine, /^^ traduicte en Prangois par Anthoine Colin, edition se- conde Lyon, 1619 /, 994 MoNTANUS. Eelacion Cierta y Verdadera del famoso sucesso y vitoria que tuvo el Capitau Benito Arias Montano, sobriuo del doctissimo Arias Montano, natural de Estre- madura, Governador y Capitan general de la Provincia de la nueva Andtduzia, y cindad de Cumaua, y Alcayde de la fuerea de Araya, por el Bey nuestro sen or, contra los enemigos Oladeses, este aiio de 1G33, hf. mor. /folio, [^Colopihon'] en Sevilla por Fran, de Lyra, 1634 995 Montauban (S. de) Voyage on tho Coasts of Guinea in 1695^ calf 1698 — Drake (Sir P.) Two Voyages, morocco /} 996 Montcalm (Marquis de). Gov. Gen. en Canada. Lettres de le Marquis de Montcalm ; a Messieurs de Berryer et de la Mole, Ecrites dans les Annees 1757, 1758, et 1759. Avec une Version Angloise, hf. mor. Lond. 1777 TniuD day's sale. 83 . 6^ 997 Monthly Anthology and Boston Eeview, containing Sketches / , and Eeports of Philosophy, Religion, History, etc. x^^j^-^-.^ 10 vols. Jif. hd. calf gilt, by Bedford 1804-11/ The most important American Literary Periodical of the period. y f , 998 Monthly Review, Greneral Indexes, by S. Ayscough and others, ,<^ Scripture, (title mended, and wanting pp. 37-44 and pp. 93-96) Autograph of " Samuel Sewull, Aug. 1740," on the reverse of Contents Boston, by B. Harris, 1693 '. /> 1010 Morton (lSrATii.\j!fiEL) of New Plimouth, N.E., New Eng- land's Memoeiall ; or a Relation of the most remark- able Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to tlie Planters of New England in America, with special Reference to the first Colony thereof, called New Plimouth, FINE COPY, crimson morocco extra, bound by Bedford y . 4to. Cambridrje, N. E. for J. Usher of Boston, 1609 yy- • 1011 Motley (J. L.) History of the United Netherlands, 2 vols, ^^^y^i 1860^ / / 84 THIRD day's sale. =^ ' ■^ 1012 Mountgomery (Sir Eobert) Bart. A Discourse concerning the design'd Establishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina, hf. mor. large plate Lond. 1717 "A very curious tract. Sir Eob. Montgomery liaving ob- tained a grant of all the land between the rivers Alatamaha and Savanna, now part of Georgia, which he called Azilia, issued these proposals for settling the colony."— i2^<;A. / \ 1013 Muhlenberg (Henry) Descriptio Uberior Grraminum et D \ Plantarum Calamariarum Americse Septentrionalis m.- J^ digenarum et cicurum ^ycrz^l^o^ PliiladelpJiia:, Solomon W-. Conrad, 1817 ,1014 Munoz (Juan Baptista) Historia del Nuevo-Mundo, Tomo I. LARGE PAPER, half calf, portrait and map 4to. Madrid, par la Viuda de Iharra, 1793 Owing to the death, of the Author, the second volume was never published. The work is a most valuable com- pilation from original MSS. in the archives of Spain and Portugal. -pj ' ■ 1015 Munoz (Juan Baptista) The History of the New World, -^-^ Vol. I. Translated, with Notes, map and portrait of Columhis, hf. mor. Lond. 1797 ^ ^ 1016 Murray (James) An Impartial History of the present War '^P' in America, 2 vols, in 1, 22 copper-plate portraits, and ■, plan of the Town of Boston, calf Lond. [1778] 1017 Murray (J.) Nehemiah, or the Struggle for Liberty never / in Vain, a Sermon at Newbury-Port, Nov. 4, 1779, uncut /iy_^ Newbury, J. Mycall, 1770 ^^ 1018 Mystery (The) Eeveal'd; or Truth brought to Light (pp.320), (relating entirely to American Affairs, chiefly among the Indians), hf. bd. mor. 1759 ' . 1019 Narborough (Sir John) and others. An Account of several -r^ late Voyages and Discoveries to the Sovth and North : J^^ towards the Streights of Magellan, the South Seas, the vast Tracts of Land beyond Hollandia Nova, etc. ; also towards Nova Zembla, Greenland or Spitsberg, Groyn- laud or Eugroudland, etc. map and plates, old calf V / Lond. 1694 . ' ^ 1020 Narrative of the Capture of certain Americans by Savages, _^ at Westmorland ; with an Account of the Aborigines / of North America, hf. mor. New London, T. Green, 1784 1 ^(^ 1021 Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson, with an Account / *^[^ of her Sufferings during four years with the Indians and ^ -^^^"^ the French ; with an Appendix Windsor, Vt. 1814 „ . /^ 1022 Neal (Daniel) The History of New England, map, 2nd and y^^,^^. best edition, 2 vols, old calf Lond. 1747 '' / 1023 Negroes. A Short Account of that Part of Africa inhabited by the Negroes, 3ixl ed. AO Bhiladelphia, printed; Land. rcpr. 176^^-^^^^^ THIRD day's sale, 85 , ^ 1024 Newberry (F.) Historical Accouut of all the Voyages round /fj the World performed by English Navigators, maps and ( ^^^^^ plates, 4 vols, half bound 1774 / -4025^ New Brunswick, Hand Book for Emigrants to the Province of Fredericton, John Simpson, 1841 _ ^ 1026 New Exgland, An Abstract of the Lawes of, as they are now established, calf extra, bound hj W. Pratt Land, for F. Coules and W. Ley, V^^l// The fiest feinted Collection of Laws foe New England. ^ . /^1027 New England. A Brief Narration of the Practices of the Churches of New England, in their solemne "Worship of God 4to. Lond. by Matthew Simmons, 1647 /^ "/ /j 1028 New England. The Secret Works of a Cruel People r.y MADE MAjarEsT ; whoso little finger is become hevier ^ '^^^ than their persecutors the bishops Loyns, who have set up an Image amongst them in New-England, which all that will not bow down unto, and worship, must under- go all such Sufierings as can be invented and inflicted by the hearts and hands of such men whose tender mercies are cruel, crimson morocco extra, by Bedford 4to. Lond. 1659 This very interesting Historical Tract, concerning the per- secutions of the Quakers in New England, seems to be quite xmknown to all American bibliographers — no copy, we believe, having occurred for sale. 1029 New-England Charters, A Defence of, by Jer. Dummer /^M-a^^^ Lond. 1765 - / . 1030 New-England Charters, A Defence of, by Jer. Dummer, hf. <^72?- ^ . .mor. " 1770 ^ '. 6 1031 New-England. The Order of the Churches in New-Eng- ^^^ > land Vindicated, («o title) ^ "^^ /. 1032 New-England and her Institutions, 1835 — Philadelphia as ^/^^_^ it is, by E. A. Smith Philadelphia, 1852 >, '''^ ^ 1033 New-England. Historical and Genealogical Eegister from ^^^^ 1847 to 1S55, portraits, 9 vols, cloth Boston, 1847-55 ^^^^"-^"^ 1034 New-Hampshire. Collections of the New-Hampshire His- > torical Society, 6 vols, {wanting Vol. 3), a very scarce -^ and important publication Cbwcorr?, 1824-50 ' - / 1035 New-Haven Colonial Eecords from 1638 to 1665, edited /n with Notes and an Appendix by C. J. Hoadly, 2 vols. ^ cloth Hartford, 1857-8 1036 New- Spain. Al Eey Nuestro Senor. Satisfacion al memorial de los Eeligiosos de la Compaiiia del nombre de Jesus de la Nueva Espafia. Por la Dignidad Episcopal de la Puebla de los Angeles, limp velhtm fol. 1652 Y ' 1037 New York. Acts of Assembly passed in the Province oi\^yO'^/ New York from 1691 to 1718 folio 88 THIRD bay's sale. 1038 New York. Journals of the Votes and Proceedings of the /j Q-eneral Assembly of the Colony of New York from the/^^^j^ 9fch of April, 1691 to the 23rd of Dec. 1765, 2 vols, half ^ / bound fol. New York, 1764-66 / / / 1039 New York. History of the City of New York, by D. T. y^^ , Valentine, map New York. 1853 1040 New York, Account of the State Prison in New York, New York, 1801 — Annual Eeports on the State Prisons of /^ . New York, for 1851 and 1854, 3 vols. L^^f-^^ 1041 New York. Catalogue of the Cabinet of Natural History of the State of Allany, 1853 1042 New York, Catalogue of the Mercantile Library, 1844— Account of the Pree-School Society, Neio York, 1814 — Art and Industry as represented at the New York Exr- hibition Bedfield, 1853 1043 New York Meteorological Observations by F, B. Hough, ^^^ mapt cloth 4to. Albany, 185^-'''' A 1044 New York. Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, procured in England, Hol-^ land, and France, by J. R. Brodhead, Esq., edited by E y B. O'Callaghan, 10 vols, 4to. Albany, 1856-8 /^ y ^^ ,0 1045 New York Historical Society. Catalogue of Printed Books ^«:^ .S in the Library of the, cZoifA New York, 1^57 ^ ^ 1046 Nisbet (Dr. Charles) Monody to the Memory of, half mor./i,.^^>~^i- 1805 1047 Nodal (Bartolome G-arcia de, and GtONQalo de). Ee- // / LACiow DEL ViAJE qve por orden de svMagd.y acverdo^^^ ^ ' del Real Consejo de Indias hezieron los Capitanes Baiv-^-.^:^^:-^^^ tolome Garcia de Nodal, y Gongala de Nodal hermanos, naturales de Ponte Vedra, al descubrimiento del Estrecho nuebo de S. Vicente y reconosinjo. del de Magallanes, fine copy, in old red morocco, ivitli the majy from the second edition ./ 4to. Madj'id, Fernando Correa de Montenegro, 1621 /9^ //5 1048 Nodal, Eelacion. Another copy, {no map) ^Qz^ 4to, Madrid, 1621 87 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. AT ONE O CLOCK MOST PUNCTUALLY. £. 1049 NoORT (Olivier du) Description du penible Yojage fait au- // / tour de I'Uuivers du Globe terrestre, numerous curiou8 /^^^^ y, flates, similar to tliose of De Bry, scarce {o\.Amst.lG10 . n.050 Norgate (E.) Mr. John Dunu Hunter defended ; or, some /. ) Eemarks on an Article in the North American Review, "X in which that Grentleraan is branded as an impostor /'c/ I Lond. 1826 /i;»-;^ V1051 North-American and "West-Indian Gazetteer, maps 1776 -^ 1052 North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle, composed ^ during Capt. Parry's Arctic Expedition, half hound k^^ . 4to. 1821 ^.^1053 Norton (John) The Orthodox Evangelist: or, a Treatise wherein many Great Evangelical Truths (not a few whereof are much opposed and eclipsed in this perillous^ ^^^ hour of the Passion of the Gospel) are briefly Dis*'^''^^^ cussed, cleared and confirmed ' ^ 4to. Lond. John MacocJc,for Henry Oripps, ]651< ^^ ' jO 1054! Norton (John) Abel being Dead yetSpeaketh : or the Life //^ ' ' and Death of tliat deservedly famous Man of God,'^^v<2^ Mr. John Cotton, late Teacher of the Church of Christ, at Boston in New England 4to. Lond. Tho. Neiccomb for Lodowich Lloyd, 1658 /C •^^ 1055 Isorion {Zo\m) of Lpsivich, New Encjland, A Discussion of ^^^. that Great Point in Divinity, the Sufferings of Christ ; and the Questions about his Kighteousnesse Active, Passive : and the Imputation thereof Lond. 1653 One of the few books printed by order of tbe General Court of Massachusetts. 1056 Norton (.John) Address to the Six Nations recommending ^^■:y^ the Gospel of St. John, in Mohaiok and English 1805 >^ / 1057 Nova Scotia. The Conduct of the French with regard to Nova Scotia, from its Eirst Settlement to the Present Time, hf. mor. Lond. 1754 Highly commended in the Monthly Review. J "" 1058 Nova Scotia. Explanation of the New Map of Nova Scotia and Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of New England and Canada 4to, Lond. T. Jeffreys, 1755 88 rouBTH dat's sale. ^ - 1059 Novus Oebis, id est, Navigationes Pritnse in Americam : quibus adjunximus Casparis Varrerii discvrsvm super,. Ophyra Eegione. Elenchurn Autorera versa pagina / Lector iuveniet, original cf. fine copy Roterodami, 1616 ^ 1060 NoYVS Orbis Regiouvm ac Insvlarum veteribvs incogni- y^ tarvm, una cum tabula cosmograpliica, et aliquot '^Vi^/^^Ay// consimilis argumenti libellis, quorum omnium catalogue ^'^ eequenti patebit pagina, [by S. Grynseus] best edition, {no map) vellum fo\. Basileae,apvd lo. IIervagivm,\Qb5 yy"^,^ o; . 1061 Novum Testamentum Grrsece ex antiquissimo Codies Alex- y:^^.!^^ andrino a C. G. Woide, edidit B, H. Cowper 1860 . Z . /l062 Noyes (D.) History of Norway, 1852— The Druses of ^t^ Lebanon, by G. W. Chasseaud 1859 5 1063 Nunez de Haro (Alonso). Nos el Dr. D. Alouso Nunez de y'^// Haro, y Peralta, por la Gracia de Dies, y de la Santa/yV'^^-*' Sede Apostolica, Arzobispo de Megico, del Consejo de '^ ^ Bu Magestad, etc. \Mexico\ a broadside in folio f) , «5 - 1064 Nut-Brown Maids : A Family Chronicle of the days of Eliza- t^y^' beth, 1859— Julian Home, by F. W. Farrar Edinh. 1860 t/^-^^'^ / 1065 Observations on the Conduct of Great Britain with Regard y^ to the Negociations and other Transactions Abroad, ^yy^^ half morocco Lond. 1729' 066 Observations on the several Acts of Parliament passed in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th years of the Eeign of George IV. half morocco 177 1067 O'Donoju. Eefutaciou, con notas interestantes, al parte que dirigio a Superior Gobierno el Teniente General Don Juan O'Donoju sobre el Tratado que Firmo en Cordoba, half mor. 4to. Hahana, 1822 ^y 1068 Oexmelin (Alexandre Olivier) Histoire des Avanturiers (\\xq/ Z^ ^y. se sont signalez dans les Indes, maps, 2 vols, old calf \^^> 'i-^y^ Paris, 1688 7 __ 1069 Ogle (Sir Chaloner) Admiral, The Tryal of, for an Assault , on the Person of his Excellency Mr. Trelawney ^'Qy^:^^%^ Governor [of Jamaica] committed in his own House ^"^^ Spanish Town on the 22d day of July last, half morocco Lond. 1743 , '^ . 1070 Oglethorpe (General) An Impartial Account of the late ^ / Expedition against St. Augustine. "With an Exacfe/^^^^^.^;^ Plan of the Town, Castle and Harbour of St. Augustine, and the adjacent Coasc of Florida, with plan of Si. Au- ^ gustine, hf mor. Lond. V74Sli \ 1071 Ohio. Annual Repoi't of the Commissioners of Statistics to T the General Assembly of Ohio, for 1857 Columbia, 1858 (l072 Orders in Council ; or, an Examination of the Justice, Le- gality, and Policy of tlie New System of Commercial ' Eegulations, with an Appendix of State Papers, Sta- tutes, and Authorities, 2d ed. Lond. 1808 1074 1075 ^1076 / 1077 ^ 1078 FOURTH DAY S SALE. 89 ^/^ 1079 / 1080 1081 1082 / 1083 1084 L085 ^ 1086 Original Papers relating to the Scots Company, trading to Africa and the Indies, halfmor. Frinted anno 1700 Osgood (F. S.) Poems, illustraiions by Darley and others 1850 Otis (James) The Eights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved, 3rd ed. halfmor. Boston ; Lond. repr. 1766 Otis (James) A Vindication of the British Colonies, half morocco Boston ; Lond. repr. 1769 The writer, a native of Boston, was cue of the first and most influential of the contxoversialists on the popular side. Otis (James) Rudiments of Latin Prosody, hf hd. Boston, 1760 Ouseley (Wi'liam Gore) Remarks on the Statistics and Political Institutions of the United States, with some Observations on the Ecclesiastical System of America, her Sources of Revenue, Statistical Tables, etc. Lend. 1832 Oyalle (Alonso de) Histoeica Relacion del Retno DE Chile, y de las missiones, y ministerios que exer- / cita en el la Compania de lesvs, plates, half bound, no^ map fol. JRoma, Francisco Cauallo, 1616 The highly curious portraits of the prmcipal Spaniards who had conquered or governed in Chile, are not in the Italian edition. The leaf preceding the title is generally wanting, it not being known in more than two or three copies. OviEDO (Gr. F. de) Historia G-eneeal x Natueal de LAS Indias, Islas y Tierra-Firme del Mar Oceano, Publicada la Real Academia de la Historia por J. M. de los Rios, 4 vols. royal 4to. Madrid, 1851-55 Pacetti (Diegh.) Obedienti Poteutissimi Emanuelis Lusi- tanise Regis, etc. Oratorem ad Julium II. Pont. Max. A.D. 1605, Pridie no. Junii, 4 leaves, eaee 4to. [1513] Containing allusions to Africa, the Indies, Prester John, etc. Page du Pratz plates, 3 vols, calf gilt Pages (M. de) Voj'ages autour du Monde, et Vers les deux Poles, par Terra et par Mer, en 1767-1776, 2 vols. Faris, 1782-3 Paine (Thomas) A Letter addressed to the Abbe Raynal of the Affairs of North America, in which tiie Mistakes in the Abbe's Account of the Revolution of America are corrected and cleared up, hf. mor. London, repr. 1782 The same, another Ed. Lond. 1792 Paine (Thomas) The American Crisis, and a Letter to Sir Guy Carletou, on the Murder of Captain Huddy, calf Lond. ^ Mi^ (M. le) Histoire de la Louisiane, map and 3^^?-^ 1758/^^ / / 90 1087 / / 1088 / . / 1089 1090 FOTJIlTn DAT S SALE. Paine (Thomas) Eights of Man : being an Answer to Mr./. Burke's Attack on the French Eevolution Lond. 1792 ^ Paine (Thomas) Kights of Man, part the Second, combining 98 Parry (Capt. "W. E.) Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole, maps and plates, calf 4to. 1828 FOURTH day's SALE. 91 ^1099 Parsons (Jonathan) of Neiohiiry, Justification by Faith \ asserted and explained Boston, hy J. Baylei/, 1748 /i^/ 1100 Parsons. A Letter from a Gentleman in the Country to j^''^/ ate observations /^^^^'"^^ /?: his Friend in Boston, respecting some late upon the Conduct of Eev. Mr. J. Parsons, while he was Minister of Lyme in Connecticut, uncut Boston, Z. Foiole, 1757 x/ 1101 Paschoud (Mr.) Historico-Political Geography, or a parti-^ cular Description of the several Countries in the World, 2nd Ed, with Additions, old calf Land. 1729 ^ 1102 Patrick (John) Psalms of David in Metre, ^r*^ edition, calf /-^^^^^ 1694 1103 Pauw (M. de) Eecherches Philosophiquessurles Americains. /' Avec une Dissertation sur 1' Amerique et les Americains,/^^^^^ par Don Pernety. Et la Defense de I'Auteur des B-e- cherches centre cette Dissertation, 3 vols, old calf P Berlin, 1770 -p 1104 Peale (Rembrandt) Account of the Skeleton of the Mam-j;^^::^-^^-^ moth, a non-descript Carnivorous Animal of Immense ^ /^ Size, found in America Bond. 1802 1105 Vec^. [i. H.) Judge for the District of Missouri. Eeport of <^^ his Trial before the United States Senate, for High Misdemeanors in Office Boston, 1833 1106 Pemberton. A Testimony of the Monthly Meeting of / Friends, at Pyrmont in "Westphalia, Germany, concern- -^^-^^ ing John Pemberton, of Pliiladelphia in North America, with his Epistle to the Inhabitants of Amsterdam Bluladelpliia, S. Tuckniss, 1798 z 1107 Pemberton. A Testimony of the Monthly Meeting of ^- perfidy and cruelty, title and 6 leaves reprinted, calf rare Boston, 1726 , 1110 Pennsvlvania, a Further Account of the Province of, and its Improvements, for the Satisfaction of those that are Adventurers, and inclined to be so, lialfmor. 4to. ILond. 1685] 1111 Pennsylvania. An Historical Review of the Coiistitutiou and Government of Pennsylvania from its Origin, old calf Bond. B. Grijitlis, 1759 By De. B. Feanklin. , 92 FOURTH day's SALE. -■ c> 1112 Pennsylvania. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, /p etc. Sept. 5th, 1774, to which is added, (being now first ^c^ printed by authority) an Authentic Copy of the Peti->^^^^ tion to the King, half mor. Lond. 177o This Pamphlet contains only that part of the Journal of the proceedings of the Congress that was omitted in the Pam- phlet entitled, " Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings . of the Congress." /^ 1113 Pennsylvania. A New Essay [by the Pennsylvanian EarmerJ^^^f^ on the Constitutional Power of Great-Britain over the '^^^'^^ " Colonies in America, half mor. /; Philadelpliia, printed; Lond. repr. 1774 y ■ ^ 1114 Pennstltakia Packet and Daily Advertiser thick folio, Dunlap and Claypole, Philadelphia, 1786 American Newspapers of this period are very rare, and are indispensable to the historian. / , 1115 Pernett}^ (Dom) Histoire d'un Voynge aux Isles Malouines, //^ y^ en 17G3-4, avec des Observations snr le Detroit ^q/ '^ Magellan, et sur les Patagons, ^^^wi^^"*, 2 vols, old calf / Paris, 1770 . y • 1116 Perez (Ebancisco) Catecismo de la Doctrina Cristiana ^i^/Jy/y^ lengua Otomi, traducida literalmente al Castellano, hal^f^^ mor. Mexico, 1884 /- 1117 Peru. Eolation of the dreadful Earthquake which happened at Lima the Capital of Peru, and the neighbouring Port^' of Callao, map and plates, second edition Lond. 1740^'^^^ 1118 Peru. Constitucion Politica de la Eepublica Peruana Ju- rada en Lima el 20 de Noviembre da 1823 i Xf y Lima, 1825. Impi'enta del estado por J. Gonzalez A'^ ^ • ^ 1119 Peters (Hugh) An Historical and Critical Account of, after J^^^^^i^ the Manner of Mr. Bayle, hf. mor. Lond. 1751 ^ ■ 1120 Peters (Sam. A.). A General History of Connecticut, from its first Settlement under George Fenwick, Esq. to its ^^ Latest Period of Amity with Great Britain ; including a Description of the Country, and many curious and interesting Anecdotes, with an Appendix. By a Gen- tleman of the Province [Kev. Samuel A. Peters] Lond. 1781 1121 Philadelphia. The Congress Canvassed, half mor. New York, printed ; Lond. repr. Vlli y , 1122 Philadelphia. The Declaration by the Eepresentatives of the United Colonies of North-America, now met in General Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the Causes and Necessity of taking up Arms, half. mor. Lond. 1775 First printed in Philadelphia ; reprinted in this country at Bristol in 1775, and as above, the last with some additions. FOUKTJi day's sale. 93 ^ 1123 Philadelphia. Extracts from the Votes aud Proceedings of y y the American Continental Congress, held at Philadel-f ^^;<»2^^!^ phia on tlie fitth of September, 1774, containing The /^ Bill of Eights, etc half mor. FMladelj)}iia, 2^rinted ; Boston, reprinted 177-i - 1121 Philadelphia. An Address to the Inhabitants of Pennsylva- nia, by those Freemen of the City of Philadelphia whc are now confined in the Mason's Lodge, by a General Warrant signed by the Vice-President of the Council of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, H. BeJl, 1777 - 1125 Philipot (Thos.) The Original Growth of the Spanish^^ Monarchy United with the House of Austria, portrapc^^^'^^^^'^ 1664 , /> 1126 Philoponus (H.) Nova Typis Transacta Navigatio, Novi. Orbis India? Occidentalis, curious plates fol. 1621 1127 Philips (Miles) A West Country Sailor. Voyages and Ad- ventures of, written in the plain style of an English Sailor, imperfect 128 Phipps (J. C.) Voyage to the North Pole in Mn, plates 4to. 1774 ^ / 1129 Pickell (J.) New Chapter in the Early Life of "Washington >^ in Connection with the History of the Potomac Cotrv- '" pany New York, 1857 1130 Pii, Pont. Max., In Decades Blondi Epitome folio, Basil. 15i 1131 Pike (Major) Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, -^^^y^ and thi-ough the Western parts of Louisiana, maps and/^'^^^'^*^^ charts, (no jjortrait) calf gilt Bhiladelphia, 1810 / 1132 PiMiENTA. Eelacion del Svcesso qve two Francisco Diaz / Pimienta, General de la Eeal Armada de las Indias, e^/^?^^^ la Isla de Santa Catalina, half morocco ^^ fol. Madrid, luan Sanchez, 1642 Probably a privately printed official account. 1133 Pinto (Ferdinand Mendez) Wunderlicheund Merckwiirdig^ Eeisen durch Europa, Asia, uud xA.frica, und dere Konigreiche und Lander ; als Abyssina, China, Japon, Tartarey, Siara, Calamiuham, Pegu, Martabane, Ben- gale, Brama, Ormus, Batas, Queda, Aru, Pan, Ainan, Calempluy, Cauchenchina, und andere Oerter verrichtet, 7nap)s and plates 4to. Amst. 1671 ^-> 1134 Pinto (J. de). Eeponse de Mr. J. de Pinto aux Obser- .,,,^^Sr- vations d'un Homme Impartial, sur sa Lettre a Mr. S. B., Docteur en Medecine a Kingston dans la Jamai- que, ou sujet des Troubles qui agitent actuellement toute I'Amerique Septentrionale, half morocco La Saye, 1776 / 1135 Pisonis (Gul.) De Indiae utriusque Ee Naturali et Medica^ libri XIV. engraved title, calf folio, Amst. 1656 '3. 94 FOUKTH day's SALE. /& 1136 Pitkin (Timothy) Political and Civil History of tlie United 7/^^ States of America, 2 vols, calf JSTeio Haven, 1828 /f^^^ ll37 Pitt (Wm.) Life of, by Earl Stanhope, 2 vols, cloth 1861 i^^u^^*^ Z' - 1138 Another copy, 2 vols. 1861 ;^^ pWS,^ Plan (A) of a Proposed Union between Great Britain and ' o the Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, , y > Ehode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,^^'-^^'^^ Maryland, Delaware Counties, Virginia, North Caro- lina, South Carolina, and Georgia, [a portion of a larger work], half morocco yj //. /; 1140 Plaktagenet (Beauchamp) A Desceiption of the ^^^-//Z^,^-^ YiNCE OF New Albion, {wants title) 4to. Land. YQ^w^^'^'^ / - 1141 Plain Truth, with Eemai-ks on " Common Sense," Tif. onor. ^ uncut Philadelphia, Lond. reprinted, I776^^wj(^ —^t^ASr Plain Truth (Additions to), with further Eemarks on " Common Sense," uncut Philadelphia, hy B. Bell, 1776 ^ . 1143 Plays. A Dictionary of Old English Plays, existing either 7/^ in print or in MS. from the Earliest times to the close //-^^ of the XVIIth Century, by J. O. Hailiwell 1860 '7^1144 Plutarch's Lives, Dry den's Translation, corrected from the ^^ Greek, and Kevised by A. H. Clough, 5 \o\s. folded yy^ Boston, 1859 / - 1145 Pointis (Sieur) Account of the Taking of Carthagena by the/^^^^^ French, in 1697, calf Vo^i^A-^^^^' 1^^1146 Pointia (Sieur) . The same, 2nd Ed. half morocco, flan z? " ^ Lond. 1740/^;^^^ /^ J1147 Political Controversy : or "Weekly Magazine, containing Articles on America, E. and "W. Florida, Grenada, etc. y half hound 1763 ^i^C^^/^ 1148 Political Register; or Proceedings in Congress, 1794-5, with an Appendix, by J. T. Callender, 2 vols, boards, uncut Philadelphia, 1795 ^ /r-j 1149 Poor Soldier (The), an American Tale, founded on a recent /j^^c^-^W Fact, 2nd Ed. 7efl// morocco Xo«J. 1789 '' >'<^ . 1150 Poole (W. F.) Index to Periodical Literature :^^^ royal 8vo. 1857/^^ / 1151 Pope (A.) Essay on Man, Hartford, Conn. 1824 — Life of Caroline E. Smelt, Neio York, 1819 — Corderius's Collo- Qi'-'iy quies, 1775 — Life of Baron Trenck, (imperfect) — Paul '0^'=*^ and Virginia ; etc. 6 vols. y 1152 Porcacchi (Tomaso) L'Isolepiv Famose del Mondo, ^/«ifcs 4to. Venetia, 1686 The plates to this edition are printed separately, in the othi editions they are printed in with the text. ^ 1153 PoECEL (Feancisco Moeeno) Eetrato de Manuel de Faria y Sousa, Cavallero del Orden Militar de Christo, y de la Casa Real. Contiene mm Relacion de sua Vida, un Catalogo de sus Escritos, y uu sumario de sus Elogios fol. Lishoa Occidental, en la Officina Ferreiriana, 1733 /. > %f-^ FOURTH day's SALE. 95 ^ 1154 Porter (Eliphalet) Pastor of Soxhury, A Discourse before the Society for Propagating the Grospel among the '/ '^^ Indians and others in North- America, delivered Nov. 5tb, 1807, uncut Boston, Munroe, Francis and Parker, 1808 ^ . ■^' 1155 Porteus (Beilbj) Bp. of London, A Letter to the Governorsi^'-z';;^'-^ Legislatures, and Proprietors of Plantations in the British AVest-India Islands Lond. 1808 ; , 1156 Pownall (Thomas) The Administration of the Colonies, 3vi /^ "" ed. revised, corrected and enlarged, bds. uncut /^,^^0^f^ Lond. 1766 . C- ' 1157 PoTvnall (Thos.) Administration of the Colonies, half calf , ^o^-ty Presentation copy from the autho-r to Nath. Rogers 1768 ^ 1158 Pownall (Thos.) The Administration of the Colonies, fifth/^^j^/ ed. revised, corrected and enlarged, 2 vols, calf 1774 ^ ^ 1159 Pownall (T.) Three Memorials addressed to the Sovereigns of Europe, Great Britain and North America, bds. /% uncut vj^^^-i^^^z^ 1160 PoTNTz (John) The Present Prospect of the Famous and Pertile Island of Tobago, to the Southward of the Island of Barbadoes, 2nd Ed. /^ 4to. Lond. by John Attwoodfor the Author, 1695"^ / (1161 Practical Geometry, MS. with diagrams fol. (1775) xf ^ "|ll62 Pradt (M. de) Des Colonies, et de la Hevolution actuelle de/^^j-^,^ I'Amerique, 2 vols, calf Paris, 1817 / 1163 Prescott (W. H.) History of the Eeigns of Ferdinand, Isa- / bella and Philip II., also of the Conquests of Mexico ^5^ and Peru, 4 vols. 1854-5 1164 Price (Eichard) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and the Justice and ^ Policy of the "War with America, etc. halfmor. /^^^-az^ JVeio York, repr. by S, Loudon, 1776 The Monthly Review speaks of the author as " one of the most respectable writers on American Affairs" — " the indepen- dent man, and the uninfluenced friend of his country." This tract passed through fourteen editions in three months. ,^ J165 — The same, 3rd Ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1776 CJ^^^^ . _ ll66 — The same, 4th Ed. ib. 1776 S-t^ . /ll67 — The same, 6th Ed. ib. 1776 iSi^iZ^ , / ±168 — The same, 7th Ed. ib. 1776 ^^X^^^-^X. Z ' 1169 — The same, 8th Ed. ib. 1776 ^^^ Z . ^1170 - The same, 9th Ed. 1776 _J^ I , 1171 Price (Eichard) Additional Observations on the Nature and Value of Civil Liberty, and the War with America, . .^^-^^^ ^ / half morocco Lond. 1777 ^ • ^ 1172 — The same, 2nd Ed. hf. mor. ib. 1777 y€P / 1173 Price. Additional Observations on the Nature of Civil L^-^f^'^^t- Liberty, second edition, 1777 ; Eeport of the Secretary /( of the Treasury of the United States on the Subject of ^ Manufactures, Dublin, 1792 : in 1 vol. hf bound /. 96 FOURTH day's SALE. ^, / ' 1174! Price. Remarks on Dr. Price's Observations on the Mature/ fv^ of Civil Liberty, etc. liaJfmor. Lond. 177(^'«^^^ y"- y 1175 Price. Three Letters to Dr. Price, containing Remarks on. , his Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, etc. //> lif. mor, London, 1776 Probably by Mr, Lind. They discover great abihty in the writer. — JRicli . / ' 1176 Price (Richard). Remarks on a Pamphlet lately published by Dr. Price, intitled, Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, etc. half morocco Lond. 17/6 These remarks have been attributed to Dr. Ferguson. / ■ 1177 Price. Cursory Remarks on Dr. Price's Observations on Civil Liberty, half morocco 1776 / ■ 1179 Price (Dr. R.) Observations on the Importance of the ^^^ American Revolution, hf mor. 1785 / • 1180 Price (Richard) A Sermon delivered to a Congregation of v Protestant Dissenters, at Hackney, on the 10th of /-^ ' Signed in and on behalf of the Yearly Meeting, by James Pemberton, Clerk.' ■/ • 1209 Quakers. A Eepresentation on behalf of the People called / / Quakers, to the President and Executive Council, a.ix^^^/^^ the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, etc. / York, repr. 1782 yj /\ ^ 1210 Quebec. An Appeal to the Public ; stating and considering /V/y the Objections to the Quebec Bill, hf mor. Lond. Vn^"^^ /^^ ^ 1211 Quebec. Additional Papers concerning the Province of Quebeck ; Being an Appendix to " An Account of the Proceedings of the Inhabitants of Quebeck to obtain a House of Assembly in that Province," Ms. uncut Lond. 1776 By Baron Maseres, at that time Attorney-General for Quebec. V* • 1212 Quebec. State of the present form of Government of the /^ Province of Quebec, with a large Appendix, If. mor. Lond. 1789 1213 Quebec. Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled ' a State of ^ the Present Form of Government of the Province of <^ Quebec,' lif mor. 1790 % ^. FOUETH day's SALE. 99 1214 Quebec. Answer to an Introduction to the Observations made by the Judges, etc. morocco Land. 1790 Mr. Rich describes this Tract as hem^ privately printed. ,) ^1215 Quebec. Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society/ y'U.-^^^^ ^ of Quebec : Vol. 1. Quebec, Fr. Le Maitre, 1829 ' 1216 Quincy ( Josiah) Junior, of Boston. Observations on the / i/ Act of Parliament, commonly called the Boston Port- Bill, half morocco Boston, N.JE. printed. Lond. repr.l774i 1217 Quincy (Jos.) Municipal History of Boston, during two Centuries Boston, 1852 1218 Eaine's History and Antiquities of the Parish of Blyth, in ^^^/. the Counties of Nottingham and York, clotJi 4to. J. B. Nichols, 1860 1219 Ealeigh (Sir Walter). A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, as well in his Voyage, as in, and sithence his return, hf. calf, from the Duke of Sussex's library 4to. Lond. 1618 Written by or under the special direction of King James, as an apology for putting Kaleigh to death. — Rich. ^1220 Ealeigh's (Sir Walter) Ghost, or England's Porewarner. Discouering a secret Consultation, newly holden in the Court of Spaine {wanting sheets B and C) / 4to. Vtricht, John Sehellem, 1626 ^1221 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) The Prerogatiue of Parlaments in _^ England : Proued in a Dialogue (pro & contra) be- tweene a Councellour of State and a Justice of Peace, half morocco 4to. Midelb. 1628 1222 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) Tvbvs Historicvs : an Historical Per- ^ spective, discovering all the Empires and Kingdomes of V -^ the World as they flourisht respectively under the ^ foure Imperial Monarchies, half mor. 4to. Lond. Tho. Harper, for Ben. Fisher, 1636 1223 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) The Prince, or Maxims of State, half ^/f^/U mor. 4to. Lond. 1642 1224 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) The Cabinet- Council : containing the j6-yer' Chief Arts of Empire, and Mysteries of State. Pub- c^ don (Wm.) Justices and Constables Assistant /r.^^- ^ Sarrisburg, Penn. 1805 ^ -, 1257 Eemarks on the Principal Acts of the Thirteenth Parlia- ^ ment of Great Britain, by the Author of Letters con-v^ cerning the Present State of Poland. Vol. I. {all fuhy^'^^^'^ lished^ containing Eemarks on the Acts relating to the Colonies Lond. 1775 , 6 1258 Eemarks on the Patriot, including some Hints respecting Americans, half morocco Lond. 1775' 102 roTJETH day's sale. ^ • 1259 Eemarks on the New Essay of the Pensylvania Farmei*, by the Author of the Right of the British Legislature vin- y / dicated, half morocco Lond. 1775 ' 6 1260 Eemarks on the Rescript of the Court of Madrid, and on the Manifesto of the Court of Versailles. In a Letter to the People of Great Britain, with an Appendix, con- ^ taining the Rescript, the Manifesto, and a Memorial of yyZf- Dr. Franklyn to the Court of Versailles, half morocco Lond. 1779 *' The author of these Remarks employs in them the united force of reason and ridicule, aided by the powers and em- bellishments of oratory," — M. Rev. C- ■ 1261 Eemarks on the Review of Inchiquin'a letters published in //j' the Quarterly Review Bonton, 1815 /^=^^'' ^> 1262 Repeetort (The), {A semi-weehly Newspaper) 5 vols, / ' folio, Boston, 1805 to 1810 {wanting 1808) A Journal of considerable repute and seldom to be met with. It is only within a very few years that pains have been taken in America to preserve files of their periodicals and Journals ; hence those of half a century ago have become rarities. ^-j ' o 1263 Republican Institutions (A Specimen of), morocco C^^^^ FMladelpUa, 1802 ^ 1264 Resolutions (The^ of the House of Commons on the great / and constitutional questions between the Privileges of 1^ the House of Commons and the Prerogative of the y Crown, half morocco Lond. 1784 f \ ^ 1265 Retrospective View of the Causes of the diflference between /y Great Britain and her Colonies in America ^A^^' Not 'printed for Sale, V7%^ / 1266 Review (A) of all that hath pass'd between the Courts of ^ , ^ Great Britain and Spain, relating to our Trade and ^^^-^f^i^ vigation from the Year 1721 to the Present Conven- X V tion, half morocco Lond. 1739 ^^ ^ - 1267 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Notes on Pictures, edited by W. y-g^-^^ Cotton 1859^ / . 1268 Reynolds (Theoph.) Cursory Observations addressed to the ^^ Planters and others interested in the West India Trade ^>;^>^^^^ Liverpool, 1808 /J^ ^1269 Rhode Island. Colonial Records from 1636 to 1756, ^^ ^ edited by J. R. Bartlett, 5 vols, calf (Vol. 5, cloth) /^^^ /p / Providence, 1856-60 , ^ ' T1270 Rhode Island. The Early History of, cloth Boston, 1843 ^^J^ V / 1271 Rhode Island. History of, by Rev. E. Paterson ^ New Yorh, 1853 x^^^^ n A 1272 RiBAS (Andees Peeez de) Historia de los Trivmphos '^' DE Xtjestea Santa Fee entre Gentes las mas /? Barbaras, y fieras del nueuo Orbe, vellum, {wamting^-^^-^"^^^ fol. 529-30 and 539-40) fol. Madrid, 1645 ,/ 1273 , /l274. ? . 1275 ? . 1276 / 1277 f 1278 ^ ■ 2^1279 1280 /1281 •> , 1282 ' ' 1283 . ,J 1284 / 1285 1286 '. / 1287 ^ 1288 FOFETH day's SALE. 103 Eibera (Diego de) Concentos Fvnebres, Metricos Lamentos, qve explican, Demostraciones publicas, de reconcidos afectos, en los Fvnerales devidos al Illust. Eev. y Excel. Senor Maestro D. Fr. Payo Euriquez de Ribera, Dig- nissimo Argobispo, que fue de esta Ciudad de Mexico, Yirrey, y Capitan General en ella, que descanza en Paz 4to. Mexico, por la Viuda de Bernardo Calderon, 1684 EicHAEDSo>' (C.) New Dictiokaet of the English La^'guaqe, with the Supplement, 2 vols. 4to. 1858 Eichshoffer (Ambrosius) Brasziliamsch und West Indian- ische Eeisze Beschreibung, maps and plates Straszhurg, Joszias Stddehi, 1677 Eiddle (J. E.) History of the Papacy, 2 vols, in 1 1854 Eights (The) of Great Britain Asserted against the Claim of America : being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress, half morocco Loud. 1776 Ascribed to James Macpherson, Translator of Ossian, but, attributed by Rich on the authority of a note in the hand- writiQg of Sir James Mackintosh, to Sir John Dalrymple. Eights of Great Britaia Asserted, 2nd Ed. with Additions, half morocco ih. 1776 Eights of Great Britain Asserted, 3rd Ed. hf. mor. ih. 1776 Eights of Great Britain Asserted, 4th Ed. with Additions ih. 1776 Eights of Great Britain Asserted, 6th Ed. with Additions Edinh. 1776 Eights of Great Britain to Tax the American Colonies Vin- dicated, half hound 1774 Eights of the British Colonies asserted and proved, by J. Otis Boston printed, London reprintCi EiNCOK (Antonio del) Arte Mexicana,^^!? copy, greeii morocco extra, hy Pratt, yery eare Mexico, en casa de Pedro Balli, 1595 Eio (Antonio del) Description of the Euins of an Ancient City, discovered near Palenque, in the Kingdom of Guatemala, in Spanish America, translated from the Original Manuscript Eeport : followed by Teatro Cri- tico Americano ; or, a critical investigation and research into the History of the Americans, by Doctor Paul Felix Cabrera, of the City of New Guatemala, curious p lates 4to. Lond. 1822 Eitson (Joseph) Select Collection of English Songs, 3 vols. 1783 Eitson, Bibliographia Poetica, a Catalogue of English Poets, of the 12th to the 16th Centurys, bds. uncut 1802 Eitson, Essay on Abstinence from Animal Pood, as a Moral Duty 1802 >v ^:i^ 104) FOURTH day's SALE. 1289 Eitson, The OfBce of Constable, a new Compendium of the Law relating to that Ancient Minister for the Conser- vation of Peace, interleaved, half hound 1815 o^V-^ 1290 Ritson, Jurisdiction of the Court Leet exemplified 1816 1291 Eitson, Practical Points, or Maxims 1820 jLr 1292 Eitson, Caledonian Muse: a Chronological Selection of Scotish Poetry, vignettes, engraved hy Heath, after ^^^y , designs of Stothard, no portrait /r/^'iyc^ . Printed 1785, frst published 1821 . / ■ 1293 Eitson. Poems written Anno 1352, by L. Minot, with In- --^ ■^ troductory Dissertations, Notes and Glossary, by J. . Eitson 1825 ^ ^ ■ ]294! Eitson, Life of King Arthur from Ancient Historians, and Arrr 1^ / Authentic Documents 1825 ^ / ■ ^ 1295 Eitson, Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls 1827 /^ /f 1296 Eitson, Annals of Caledonians, Picts, and Scots, 2 vols. ^t^^. tree-marbled calf gilt 1828''^''^^ / 1297 Eitson, Ancient Songs and Ballads, 2 vols. 1829 ^$^^ '^ . 1298 Eitson, Fairy Tales, half morocco, uncat 1831 ,^,)^-ii' // 1299 Eitson, Eobin Hood : a Collection of Poems, Songs, and 1^ Ballads, relative to that English Outlaw, with Histori- ^^^ cal Anecdotes of his Life, by Jos. Eitson, 2 vols. "^ W. PicTcering, 1832 1300 Eitson, Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry, woodcuts iV. Pickering, 1833 ^ . 1301 Eitson, Some Account of the Life and Publications of the late Joseph Eitson, by J. Haslewood, ^or^m^V 1824 ^ . /i302 Eitson' s Letters, with Memoir of his Life, by Sir H. Nico- las, 2 vols. 1833 j2 - 1303 Eivero. Meritos, y Servicios de Diego Miguel Bravo de Eivero, Capitan del Eeg. de lufanteria el Eeal de Lima, . / half morocco ioiw^- -? -6 1304 Eoberts (George). The Four Years' Voyage of Capt. ^ George Eoberts ; being a Series of Uncommon Events -^ which befel him in a Voyage to the Islands of ^"^f^y^.^ Canaries, Cape de Verde, and Barbadoes, from whencer''^ y he was bound to the Coast of Guiney, 4 plates and draunht of all the Cape de Verd Islands, old calf Lond. 1726 / ./ . 1305 Eobertson and Prescott's History of Charles V. 1857^/ >« 1306 EoBlNSON (JoH>) the Pihjrim 'Father, Essayes ; OR, Ob- y y SERVATiONS DiviNE AND MoRALL, collected ovt of holy /; ^^ ^ Scriptures, Ancient and Moderne Writers, both divine, ^^?i2 1324 Eodriguez (Antonio) Eelacion delas Fiestas qve ala Imma cvlada Concepcion de la Virgen, N". Seiiora, se bizieron en la Real Ciudad de Lima en el Peru, y principalment^ de las q hizo la Congregacion de la Expectacion d Parte en la Copaiiia de lesus aiio 1617 4to. Lima, par Francisco del Canto, 1618 1325 Eodriguez (Manuel). Senor. [Commences Manuel Eodri- ^^ / guez de la Compafiia de lesvs, Procurador general V^/V/yX las Provincias de Indias, dize: etc.] [Ends, liberar^ Mano, y Catolico zelo de V. MagestadJ, hf. mar. fol. Four unnumbered pages. Eespecting the Missions amongst the various Indian Tribes of Maynas, Hoamaynas, Coca- mas, Chepeos, Xitipos, Chamicuros, Gayes, Eeberos, Coca- millas, Guallagos, Vcayales, Aguanos, Coronados, Jand others. _,■? ^\ / 1826 Sogers (A.) Offne Thur zu dem Yerborgenen bey dentbum^ Saint. Christ. Arnolds auserlesenen zugaben, voi{ den Africaniscben, Asiatiscben und Americaniscben Eeligions-Sacben, plates, vellum Nurnherg, 1663 /a / 1327 Eogers (Eobert) A Concise Account of North America: ' containing a Description of the several British Colonies on that Continent, including the Islands of Newfound- land, Cape Breton, etc. Lond.for tlie Author, 1765 The writer commanded the provincial troops, or Itangers, during the whole of what were called the French Wars in America. -^ __ 1328 Eogers (Woodes) A Cruising Voyage round the World ; "^ first to the South Seas, thence to the East Indies, anc homewards by the Cape of Good Hope, 1708-11, otd calf Loud. 1712 "Woodes Eogers commanded the DuJce, and Cooke was second in command on board the Duchess, the ships engaged. Dampier projected the expedition, and accompanied it as pilot, in the Jbuhe, Burney gives the preference to Woodes Eogers' Journal and Charts over those of Cooke. ,^ y ■ 1329 Eogers (Capt. Woodes) Cruising Voyage round the World^^^^^^ y ma'ps, second edition, calf 1718 ' y • t 1330 Eogers (Capt. Woodes) A Cruising Voyage round the^ -^^ /"World, maps and plates, calf Lond.l72Q 1331 Eogers (T. J.) American Biographical Dictionary '''^^,^ ^ Faston, Penn. 182^-^"^^ 1332 Eolt (Eicbard) A New and Accurate History of South America : containing a Particular Account of some ^ Accidents leading to the Discovery of the New Worl^^-*^^ of the Discovery made by Columbus, etc. no map ^ Lond. 1756 / FOUETH day's SAIE. 107 ' 1333 Eomero. Por Don Nicolas Eomero de Mella, Contador de tributos, y azogues de la Nueua Espana. En el pleyto que trata con el senor Eiscal. Sobre la restitucion del dicho oficio ; y en satisfaction de los cargos que le hizo el senor Licenciado Don Pedro de Galuez, del Consejo' de su Magestad, en el Supremo de las Indias, el ano de 53. En la visita de los Ministros, y Oficiales Eeales del ^ , Eeyno de Mexico, hf. mor. fol. \_Mexico, 1655] ^-^^^^^^ - 1334 Eose (Et. Hon. Geo.) Diaries and Correspondence of, y^'^ O edited by L. V. Harcourt, 2 vols. 1860 p ^ 1336 Eoss (John) An Explanation of Captain Sabine's Eemarks /^^^^-^jr;^ on the late Voyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay ^^ .^ Zow J. 1819 ^^ /) 1337 Eoss (Mr.) American Latin Grammar, Jifih edition, revised ^^^t^i^^-'^-^* ^ by Burr, Pinley and others Providence, 1780 n ^ 1338 Eotheram (J.) Essav on Faith, and its connection with Good ' '^y-^ry^ AVorks, 3rd: edition New York, 1767 '' /" 1339 Eoussignac (Jacques de) The Earth twice shaken wonder- fully : or, An Analogical Discourse of Earthquakes, its Ci_ Natural Causes, Kinds, and Manifold Effects; occa- cy^^^^'^^ sioned by the last of these, which happened on the Eighth Day of September, 1692 / 4to. Lond.for tlie Author, at Sion^s Colledge, 169|- /y' n ^ 1340 Eowlandson (Mrs. Mary) Narrative of her Captivity (amongst "^^■^y^.^^i/^ the Indians) Sufferings and Eemoves, hf. bd. y^ Boston, 1794 1341 Eoy (J.) History of Canada, 1850 — Histoire du Canada, Montreal, 1854— The New Guide to Montreal, 1851-^ ' Guide to the Eastern Townships in Portland 1853^ 1342 EoTAL Gazette, Nos. 405, 409, 416 ^^ fol. New Torh, James Bivington, Aug. 16, 30, Sept. 23, 1780 ^ These curious old newspapers contain the original publication ^^"^^^ of Majoe Andre's Cow Chace, one Canto in each number. The last of them was published on the very day of Major Andre's arrest as a spy. 1343 Euling and Ordaining Power (The) of Congregational Pres- byters defended, being remarks on Barclay's Persuasive, lately distributed in New England Boston, S. Gerrish, 1724 1344 Euskin (J.) Elements of Drawing, xooodcuts 1859^^/^' , 1345 Eussell (John) History of the Vermont State Prison ,^ Windsor, Vt. 1812 / ^ , 1346 Eussell (TVm.) The Decay of Love to God in Churches ' Offensive and Dangerous, shewed in a Sermon, uncut ^^-zy<. ^ New London, 1731 ^ 1347 Sack (Albert von) A Narrative of a Voyage to Surinam, of ^ a Eesidence there during 1805-7, and of the Author's \o A Eeturn to Europe by the way of North America, hal/"""'^^ ^y^ morocco, wants engraved title and map 4to. Lond. 1810 / , 108 FOURTH day's SALE. - /? 1348 Sackville (Lord George) The Trial of, &t a Court Martial held at the Horse Guards, February 29, 1760, for an /) Enquiry into his Conduct, being charged with Disobe- ' dience of Orders, while he commanded the British Hors in Germany; together with his Lordship's Defence, / / {wanting pp. 319-20) hf. mor. Lond. [1760] ^ . 6 1349 Sagan Landnama vm pyrstu bygging Islands af Nord- monnum. Symbolum Eegium. Pietate et luatitia, hf. ^ mor. 4to. SkalholUe, Sendr. Kruse, 1688^^:^^ A Chronicle of the first Colonisation of Iceland, by the Nor- wegians (Northmen). ^ /^ 1350 Sagaed (Gabriel) Le Geakd Voyages dv Pays des ^^ HvEONS, situe en I'Amerique vers la Mer douce, ^^ J//^ derniers confins de la nouuelle France, dite Canada^-'^^^^ Auec vn Dictionnaire de la langue Huronne, old calf Paris, Denys Moreav, 1632 The Vocabulary, the most valuable portion of Sagard's work, and of which it forms about a third of the bulk, is here com- plete; but the Voyage wants pages 150 to 173. It was the perusal of this Dictionary which led Lord Monboddo to un- , / dertake his work on the Origin and Progress of Language. l/ - 1351 St. Hilaire (J. B.) Egypt and the Great Suez Canal 1857^"^ / 1352 Sandoval (Prudeueio de) Historia de la Vida y Hechos de -p '^^ ' Emperador Carlos V. 2 vols, vellum {title to Vol. 2/ *^ mended) fol. 1604"^^^ // 1353 Sandys (Geo.) Secretary of tlie Virginian Company, A ^^ Paraphrase on the Psalmes of David, and upon the^^^ Hymns dispersed throughout the Bible, fine copy^^^^^ y original calf binding Lond. 1636 ^^ Xj 1354 Santerem (Viscount) Eesearches respecting Vespucius and ^ his Voyages 185GP^^^^^ ^ ^ 1355 Sargent (L. M.) Dealings with the Dead, by a Sexton of - the Old School, morocco, uncut, some cuttings inserted ^^^/^^^ Boston, 1856 ^ , 1356 Sarmiento de Gamboa (Pedro) Viage al Estrecho de Magal- lanes en los annos de 1579 y 1580, laege papee, calf .. y. / 4to. Madrid, 170' / ~ ^ 1357 Sartine. La Cassette Verte de M. de Sartine, trouvee chez Mad. du The, hf mor. a la Haye, 177^ ,^^. ^ A 1358 Savage (J.) Genealogical Dictionary of the first Settlei'sK'^'^' ■^ ■ of New England, showing three generations of those -y who came before May 1692, Vols. 1 and 2 [D— J.] all/^yi^^ •published, already out of print and scarce ^ royal 8vo. Boston, 1860 -? "^' 1359 SchediB Ara Prests Eroda vm Island, hf. mor. /J/a/ 4to. Skalhollte, Hcndrich Kruse, 168&^^^ FOXJETH day's SALE. 109 1360 Schmidt (TJleich) Warhafftige Beschriebunge aller vnd xn mancherley sorgfeltigen Scbiffarten, auch viler vnbe- / kanten erfundnen Landtscbefften, Insulen, Konigrei- (_^^'^y^> cben, vnd Stedten, 2 vols, in 1, stamped pigskin binding, ivanting title to Vol. 1 fob Franf. 1567 /O . 1361 Scboepf (lo. Davidis) Materia Medica Americana potissimvm ry/v^ ^ Kegiii Vegetabilis, old calf Erlangae, lo. lac. Palmii, 1787 ^'^ ^ 1362 Scbomburgk (Eobert H.) A Description of Britisb Guiana, u.^>-tr^> /'^ Geographical and Statistical, cloth, onap Lond. 1840 /i 1363 Scboner (Jo.) Opusculum Geograpbicum, {Chapters XX , ^-^~z^ and XXT. refer to America, the Indies, etc.) / ^ 4to. [Basel, 1533] c^^ a 1364 Scboolcraft (H. E.) Discovery of tbe Source of tbe Missis- 4to. [Basel, 1533] urce of tbe Missis- sippi, map Neio York, 1834 f ■ 1365 ScHOUTEN (GuLiELMus CoEisTiLius) Diarlvm vel Descriptio -^v laboriosissimi, et molestissimi itineris. Cum a parte vf^^ Australi freti Magellanici, novum ductum, aut fretum, in Magnum Mare Australe detexit, totum q'Orbem terrarum circumnavigavit, maps and plates , 4to. Amst. Petrum Kcerium, 1619 / 1366 ScHOUTEN (GiJLiELMUS CoENEHus) lovrnal, ov Relation exacte dv voyage dans les Indes, par vn nouueau^ destroit, et par les grandes Mers Australes qu'il descouuert, vers le Pole Antartique, no maps Paris, M. Gobert, 1619 p 1367 ScnouTEN, Jouenal, autre Ed. (wants all after p. 80, beim,g X? y— the journal for the 17ih Aug.) 'CyT^ 4to. Amst. Ian lanssoon, 1619 /. 1368 Seabury (Samuel). Tbe Nature and Extent of tbe Apos- tolical Commission. A Sermon, preacbed at tbe Con- secration of tbe Rigbt Eev. Dr. Sam. Seabury, BisbojK of tbe Episcopal Cburcb in Connecticut 4to. Lond. 1785 ^ , 1369 Seccombe (Jobn) Sermon preacbed at Habfax at tbe Ordi- nation of tbe Eev. B. E. Comingoe, being tbe first/^;^^^^**"^^ preacbed in tbe Province of Nova Scotia on sucb an J occasion Halifax, 1770 , 1 ^1370 Seeker (Thomas) A Letter to tbe Eight Hon. Horatio A^^L^^ Walpole, concerning Bishops in America, unbound ,-^ Lond. 1769 y /' 1371 Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America, xx^ and tbe principles of Law and Polity applied to 'Cm^'^^^^ American Colonies, written by Governor Bernard, at yi / Boston in the years 1763-68 1774 /S^ 1372 Select Letters. Another copy, uncut 1774 ^ 1373 Sentimental Traveller, and Adventures of a Gentleman in/ ^^^^ the East Indies, 2 vols, calf "L-^^ 4- 110 FOUETH day's SALE. y, rY >■ 1374 Sentiments (The) of a Foreigner, on the Disputes of Great /Lf Britain with America, translated from the French, ^lf//^^ ^ y mor, Fhiladelphia, James Humphreys, 1775 ^^^ ■ & 1375 Sergeant (John) of StocJchridge, The Causes an3 Dauger of /^ Delusions in the Affairs of Eeligion Consider'd and '^^/^ Caution' d against, with particular Eeference to the Temper of the present Times. In a Sermon Preach'd at Springfield, April 4, 1743, hf. mor. / Boston, S. Miot, 1743 ^ ' 1376 Sepp (Antonii) Societal Jesu. Neuvermehrte Eeiss Besch- /c' reibung, wie selbe auss Hispanien in Paraquariam^/x^^ kommen, 'drd and lest edition, old calf ' / Passau, G. A. SdUer, 1698 ^ ' 1377 Sewall (Joseph) Precious Treasure in Earthen Vessels, a Sermon on the death of Eev. E. Pemberton Boston, by B. Green, 1717 1378 Sewall (Joseph) Eepentance the sure way to Escape De- x;^ struction, Two Sermons, occasioned by the Earthquakes '^(^^ on Oct. 29 and on Dec. 24, 1727 / Boston, for D. Henchman, 1727 -V ' 1279 Sewall (Joseph) The Duty of the People to stand in Aw of ^ God, a Sermon the Evening after the Earthquake, which was in the night between the 29th and 30th of / Oct. 1727 Boston, for D. Renchman, 1117 /. -^ 1380 Sewall (Joseph) The Holy Spirit Convincing the World of ^>^ Sin, of Eighteousness, aud of Judgment, considered in / Pour Sermons Boston, J. Draper, f or D. Henchman, 1741 / - 1381 Sewall's Treatise on the Desires that Joshua's Eesolution / may be revived, imperfect ^-"""'^ 1382 Sewel (William) The History of the Eise, Increase, and /n Progress of the Christian People called Quakers, 3rd -^^ yp ed. corrected, calf fol. Burlington, New Jersey, 1774^^ 1383 Seybert (Adam) Statistical Annals of the United States oi /^ America 4to. Philadelphia, 1848*--^^^ 1384 Another copy, half hound, uncut 4to. y 1418 Sigfrid (Isaac) Theological Theses, containing the chie Heads of the Christian Doctrine, deduced from Axioms, to which is added a Discourse by Grerrit Lydekker, A.B. New YorTc, &amuel Brown, 1766 ~^y^ \ . 1419 Signs of the Times Considered : or the high probability that /Y^^O^ the present appearances in New England and the West of Scotland, are a prelude to the Grlorious things promised to the Church in the latter Ages, uncut / Lldinb. 1742 -^ ' • o 1420 Silliman (Prof. B.) Visit to Europe, 2 vols. 1853 1421 Sillery (Madame) A Selection from the Annals of Virtue, containing Anecdotes from the Histories of Spain, Portugal, China, Japan, and America, translated by E. M. James Bail, 1794 1422 Simon (Mrs.) Ten Tribes of Israel Historically Identified with the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere, map S 1836 , // 1423 Simon (Pedbo) Primera Parte de las Noticias historiales de las Conquistas de tierra firme en las Indias Occi- dentales, vellum (2 of the 7 prel. leaves icanting) folio, Cuenca, Doiningo de la Iglesia, 1727 ^ — s An important relation prepared under the direction of the ^ Council of the Indies. / 1424 Simonde de Sismondi (J. C. L.) De I'lnteret de la France a I'egard de la Traite des Negres Geneve, 1814 /^ 1425 Sims (R.) Manual for the Grenealogist, Topographer, Anti- / ^^ quary and Legal Professor 1861 Q ./ 114 FIFTH day's sale. A 1426 Sivers (Henricli) Bericht von Grohnland, gezogen aus zwo ^y//t Chroniken : einer alteu Ihslandischen, imd einer neuea'-'^ Daaischen, «?«/>, Tialf russia 4to. Hnmb. 1674 ja £ - 1427 Sloman (Dr. H.) On the Claim of Leibnitz to the Invention <^ of the Differential Calculus 4to. Camh. 1860 J^ ■ 1428 Smalley (John) Pastor of Farmingfon, The Consistency of the Sinner's Inability to comply with the Gospel ; with his inexcusable Guilt in not complying with it, illus- trated and confirmed, in two Discourses y Hartford : Green and Watson, 1769 ^j? / -^ 1429 Smith (Aaron) The Atrocities of the Pirates ; being a faith-/^^ ful Narrative of the unparalleled Sufieriugs endured by' /^ the Author during his Captivity among the Pirates of the Island of Cuba Lond. 1824 Aaron Smith was himself afterwards tried at the Old Bailey as a pirate, but acquitted. 'T 1430 Smith (Capitain John) Eeisen, Entdeckungen und Unter- '^'^'^^ nehmungeUj^we cojpy, calf extra, hound ly Pratt Berlin, 1782 \ ^ 1431 Smith (Captain John) The General Histoeie ofjj "Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles f WITH the Names of the Adventurers, Planters, AND Govern OURS, from their first beginning ANO° 1584 TO THIS PRESENT 1626, fine large clean copy, brilliant impression of tlie first issue of the Frontispiece, and the 4 maps folio, Lond. printed by I, D. and I. IT. for Michael SparJces, 1627 r/ If . /^ 1432 Smith (Captain John) The True Teatels, Adventures, <^^ AND Observations of, in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from Anno Domini 1523 to 1629, no plate . folio, Lond. by J. H.for Thomas Slater, 1630 q^ ^ ' 1433 Smith (Capt. J.) True Travels, Adventures and Observa- j^^fi tions in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America, 2 vols. calf Pichmond, 1819 1434 Smith (Mary). An Affecting Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Mary Smith, who with her Husband and three Daughters were taken Prisoners by the In- dians, curious frontispiece, printed in colours, hf. bd. / Providence, L. Scott . ^ 1435 Smith (Samuel) The History of the Colony of Nova- C^SARiA, OR New JERSEr,,^/?^ copy, old calf / Purlington, in JVew Jersey : James ParJcer, 176 The author was a native of the Colony the History of which he writes, and his work is much esteemed, Rich (in his Bih. Am. 1846) describes it as having become " very scarce and difBcvilt to be met with." FIFTH day's sale. 115 /- 1436 Smith (Wm.) Histoire de la JSTouvelle-Tork, depuis la De- couverte de cetfce Province jusqu'a notre Siecle, par William Smith, traduite par M. Yi.Jine copy, calf extra, hound hy W. Pratt Lond, 1767 ^ ' 1437 Smith (William) A New Voyage to Gruinea, 'plates Lond. 1744 / 1438 Smith (Eev. William) A Natural History of Nevis, and the rest of the English Leeward Charibee Islands in Ame- /^ rica, old calf Camb. V74<5 -^ 1439 Smith (William) A Sermon on the Present Situation oi /^/u.^ American AiFairs ^ Philadelphia printed : Lond. repr. 1775 ' . 1440 Smith (IMr.) of South Carolina, Friendship with Britain the True Interest of America, a Speech Philadelphia printed : £dinb. reprinted, 1794* j^ / . 1441 Smyth (J. F. D.) A Tour in the United States of America, /-^ containing an Account of the Present Situation of that Country, 2 vols, calf Lond. 1784 9. The author, who was a zealous loyalist, lost his property during the war ; and his work is said to have been written to gain favour with the Government, by abusing the Ame- ricans and magnifying his own losses. 1442 Smyth (W. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Duke of /^ Northumberland's Cabinet of Eoman Coins 4to. Peivately Petnted, 1856 ^ , // 1443 Smyth (W. H ) ^des Hartwellianae, or Notices of the Manor and Mansion of Hartwell 4to. Peivately Pbixted, 1851 jy 1444 Snowden (Eichard) The American Eevolution : written in Scriptural, or Ancient Historical Style, Baltimore : W. PecJiin — The Columbiad : or a Poem on the American War, in Thirteen Cantos, by Eichard Snowden, Balti- / ,' more : W. Pechin. In 1 vol. ,/? ~, ^ 1445 Sober Eemarks on a Book lately reprinted at Boston, en- titled a Modest Proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ and his Apostles in the Church, calf extra, bound by Pratt Boston, for S. Gerrish, 1724 f . 1446 Solis (Antonio de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, pro- blacion, y progressos de la America septentrional, cono- cida por el Nombre de Nueva Espana, First Edition, . half bound Madrid, 1684 fyl^"^ y ' 1447 Another copy, Laege Papee fol. ib. 1684 J^ Z ■ 1448 Solis. Another Ed. old calf fol. Barcelona, 1691 J^ ^ ■ 1449 Solis. Another Ed. 2 vols, in 1 La Haye, 1692 ^^^-^ 1450 Solis. Another Ed. vellum /^ fol. Madrid, Antonio Goii^alez de JReyes, 1704 1451 Solis. Another Ed. map and plates, 2 vols, calf gilt Paris, 1704 ^, ^ 116 riFTH day's sale. / ' 1452 Solis. Another Ed. 2 vols, calf gilt Paris, 1714 /' / 1453 Solis. Another Ed. 2 vols, calf JParis, 1730 y •• 1454 Solis. Another Ed. 2 vols, calf gilt JParis, 1759 ^/. 1455 Solis. Another Ed. limip vellum 4to. Madrid, 1763 1456 Solis. Another Ed. vellmn 4.0. Madrid, 1768 /' 1457 Solis. Another Ed. calf 4to. Madrid, 1790 /' 1458 Solis. Another Ed. 2 vols. Spanish binding Barcelona, 1771 J- 1459 Solis. Another Ed. 3 vols. <^ Madrid, Placido Barco Lopez, 1791 :2. ^ 1460 Solia y Eibadeneyra (Antonio de) The History of the Con- quest of Mexico by the Spaniards, done into English by Thomas Townsend, Esq. portrait of Cortes, plate and map, old calf fol. Lond. 1724 ^^ / ' 1461 Solis. Another Ed. 2 vols, calf Duh. 1727 /C^ / 1462 Solis. Another Ed. revised by N. Hoole, portrait of Cortes, maps and plates, 2 vols, calf 1738 // 1463 Solorzano Pereira (Juan de) Politica Indiana. Sacada en Lengva Castellana de los dos tomos del derecho, i govi- erno mvnieipal de las Indias Occidentales, vellum ^ fol. Madrid, Diego Diaz de la Carrera, And 1648 This first edition io Spanish of De Jure Indiarum, published in 1629, contains much more than does the Latin work. / - 1464 Solorzano Pereira (Juan de) De Indiarum Jure ; sive de justa Indiarum Occidentalium Gubernatione, Vol. 2 limp vellum fol. Lugd. 1672 J- 1465 Some Things briefly offered for Information of the Churches, ^V signed at the end Nath. Stone and Joseph Lord /'^ 4 pp. Svo. n. d. - //. 1466 Soto (Hernando de) Letter of, and Memoir of Hernando de ^^ Escalante Fontaneda, translated from the Spanish by ^^^ Buckingham Smith, only a few copies pkivatelt pbjnt- YS) for presents fol. JVashington, 1854 1467 Soule, Gihon, and Nisbet's Annals of San Erancisco, 150 /^j, engravings New York, 1855 ' ■0 / 1468 Sousa Continho (F. de) Propositie Ghedaen ter Vergaderinge / "^ ^ van hare Hoogh Mog d' Heeren Staten Generael der ^^ Vereenigde Nederlanden, in 's Graven-Hage den 16 " " Augusto 1647, calf, hound hy Sayday 4to. 1647 ^ ^ ,^ 1469 Southerne (Thomas) Oroonoko : A Tragedy, as it is acted />^ at the Theatre-Eoyal, by His Majesty's Servants, hf.J^~r>^ / mar. 4to. Lond. 1696 / j , /} 1470 Southey (Robert) History of Brazil, 3 vols, cloth /y 4to. 1819-22 ^^^ /• . 1471 Sowerby (G. B.) Popular Conchology and Mineralogy, // ^ coloured plates, 2 vols. 1850-54 ^'^'^ / 1472 Spaftord (H. G.) Gazetteer of the State of New York, Al- y • ^ hany, 1813 — Adams (H.) History of All Eeligions '' % New York, 1817 ^"^ y-/ FIJFTH day's sale. 117 Spanish America. 1473 Eelacion de las Vitorias qve Dou Diego de Arroy o y Daqa, Governador y Capitan general de la Prouinci de / i^O^^^ Cumana, tuuo en la gran Salina de Arraya, a 30 de Nov^ '^ de 622, contra ciento y quatro nauios de Olandeses fol. Madrid, [1623] ^ 1474 Eelacion de Como Martirizaron los Hereges Olandeses, j Grelandeses, y Pechilingues, en odio de nuestra santa Fe JQ-^ Catolica, al Eeligioso y obseruante varon el Padre Pre- sentado fray Alouso Gomez de Enzinas, en la entrada que hizieron este mes passado de luuio de 1624, en la Cuidad de Guayaquil, en la Prouincia de Quito, que es en las Indias, y Eeynos del Peril fol. Madrid, 1625 1475 Eelacion y Copia de vna Carta, de las Compauias de In- / fanteria, y de Acauallo, que su Magestad tiene en el X/^ puerto de Callao, para defensa del dicbo puerto, y de la Isla del Brasil, hf. mor. / fol. Madrid, Bernardino de Ouzman, 1625 /^ ^^^.^^ 1476 Eelagam verdadeira, e breve datomada da Villa de Olinda/^4^^/^ Elvgardo Eecife na Costa do Brazil pellos rebeldes de / Olanda, hf. mor. fol. Lishoa, 1630 ', S 1477 Eelacion de la Jornada qve la Armada de su Magestad a ^Q ^. becbo al socorro del Brazil, y batalla que entre ella, y "^^^^^ la de los Estados de Olada, hf. mor. fol. Sevilla, 1631 ' . 1478 Eelacion de la Vitoria qve alcanzaron las Armas Catolicas / en la Baia de Todos Santos contra Olandeses, hf. mor. ,- 1529 Story (Jos.) Constitutional Class Book, Boston, 1834— The Young Lady's Companion by M. Coxe, Culumhia, 183 ^ — Sullivan's Moral Class Book Boston, 183S. ■<- ' 1530 Story. A Determination of the Case of Mr. Thomas Story, and Mr, James Hoskins, relating to an affair of th / /- Pennsylvania Company, etc. imcut 4to. JLond. 172 •^ t c> 1531 Stotjghxon (William) Magistrate, Colony of Mass., An Assertion for True and Christian Church Policie ; wherein certain PoHtike Objections made against the Planting of Pastors and Elders in every Congregation are sufficientiv answered, etc. wormed, the title in MS. 4to. Lo7id. 1642 // ^ . 1532 Stoughton Collection of Church Music : selected and ar-/^^ ranged by the Stoughton Musical Society , second edition, hf. hd. oblong 4to. Boston, 1831 y^ , ^1533 Steawbeert Hill. A Description of the Villa of Horace "Walpole, with Inventory of the Furniture, Pictures, v\ Curiosities, etc., illustrated with numerous en-//^ gravings, representing Yiews of the House and its y Grounds, the various Apartments, their architectural and other embellishments. Furniture, many Portraits of Persons named in the book, etc. all fine impressions, many scarce, hoicnd in crimson morocco, joints, and gilt edges, formerly in the Fonthill Library y 4to. Peiyatelt peikted, Straivberry Hill, 1774 y "^ c/ ' ^1534 SuAEEZ DE PiGTJEEOA (Christoval) Hechos de Don Garcia^^/ Hvrtado de Meudoga, Marques de Caiiete, old calf /r^y^ 4to. Madrid, 16l6 Mendoza, the 4th Marquis de Oanete, was Captain General of Chile, and afterwards Yiceroy of Peru. Hich says of this work, which relates chiefly to the afiairs of Peru, that it is extremely weU written, and is highly esteemed in Spain. 1535 Succinct Yiew of tlie Origin of our Colonies, with their ^^, Civil State, founded by Queen Elizabeth, whereby ther ^^^'' Nature of our Empire established in America may be / / clearly understood 1766 /'T/ ^ * O 1536 Sueyro (E.) Anales de Elandres, 2 vols, lim-p vellum. //J/ji- fol. Anvers, lQ24i ^ ^ - 1537 Sugar-Trade (The State of the) ; showing the dangerous /0/ consequences that must attend any additional duty/'c^ / thereon, hf mor. 4to. 1747 ^ {j ■ 1538 Summary Yiew of the Eights of British America, intended x^^ for the Delegates of Virginia, hf. mor. 177^^^^^>^ y ^ 1539 Supremacy (The) of the British Legislature over the Colo- --^ nies candidly discussed, hf. mor. Lond. I775^^\j».^ J, 1540 Swallow (G. C.) Geological Survey of Missouri (The Fir^'^'^ ^ and Second Eeports) Jefferson City, 1855 ^^jm / ■ FIFTH DAT S SALE. 123 <, P 1541 Talbot (E. A.) Five Tears' Eesidence in the Cauadas, /^^ 2 vols. 1824 / ^^ y 1542 Tamaio de Vargas (Thomas) Restauracion de la Ciudad y^ "' del Salvador, i baia de Todos- Santos en la Provincia^^y^^^^ del Brasil, Urn]) vellum 4to. Madrid, 1628 1543 Tapia (Caklos de) Arte IS'ovissiiiA de Lengua Mexi- / ,^ CANA, gi^een morocco extra, by Pratt, EXCESSIVELY hare 4to. Mexico, por la Viuda de D. Joseph Bernardo de Hogal, 1753^^ A curious example of tliat ingenious trifling, in which the Spanish writers delight, vr'\\l be found in this volume in the form of an Acrostic made upon the author's name, printed in the shape of a wheel, all the lines converging to the centre, where they end in "a," the hues being further complicated by a concentric inscription running through them. ^ /• 1541 Taxation no Tyranny : an Answer to the Resolution and^^^ Address of the American Congress, half morocco /CT"^'^ Lond. 1775 A very celebrated Tract by Dr. Samuel Johnson, and one which gave occasion to an animated controversy. ^-, 1545 The same 3rd ed. half morocco Lond. 1775 /l^J^^' 'y - 1546 Taylor (Sam) Essay on Short-Hand, hf. hd. Albany, n.d, ^^^,^ y 1547 Templeman (Thomas) A New Survey of the Grlobe ; or, an Accurate Mensuration of all the Empires, Kingdoms, Countries, States, principal Provinces, Counties, and . Islands in the World .... Also the Settlements and Eactories belonging to the English, Dutch, Erench, Portuguese, Spaniards, etc. in the East and West- Indies. Africa, and other Parts, old calf . fol. Lond. [1776?] X ,^ 1548 Tertre (J. B. du) Histoire Generale des Isles des Antilles, ''^ calf 4to. Paris, 1654 z?^ 1549 Testament (New) translated by Theodore Beza, etc. Eng- .-^ - ' lished by L. Thomson, blacfe Itttcr, 2 copies, imperfect C-^^^^'-^ 4to. 1596 /, 1550 Testament (New) translated, with Annotations and Helps Ji^ ^ ■ by the English College of Eheims {icants sheet E) half'^7^~z^ bound Antwerp, 1621 1551 Testamentum: Novfm:, Latine, cum Prologis: Manuscript OK PURE TELLUM, original binding long fol. Scec. XII. ,/) This manuscript is very beautifully written, and forms a volume of the unusual shape known as " agenda" or " forma longa." The text occupies the centre of each page, leav- ing ample margins on each side, which, as regards the Evan- gelists, are filled with Glosses in a beautifid and very minute hand. Two fly-leaves at the beginning are occu- pied with " Concordantise EvangeHorum," and on two fly- leaves at the end are " Glosste de Mathseo et de Marco obmissse." 124 FIFTH day's sale. ' _ 1552 Testament (The New) ruled with red lines, and bound in old , ^-^ viorocco, gilt on bach and sides t- '^^y , 4to. Camb. J. Meld, 1663 ^ 1553 Testamentum (Novum) Gr. et Lat. Oenevce, 1609 /<^ ^ / 1554 Thacher (Peter) A Sermon, preached to the Society in Brat- y^ '' tie Street, Boston, Noveinber 14, 1790 ; and occasioned //^^ by the Death of the Hon. James Bowdoin, Esq/ '^^'^'^ LL.D., F.E.S., lately Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, half morocco /4to. Boston, I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1791 v^ 1555 Thackeray (W. M.) The Newcomes, illustrations by Doyle, (Jv^ 2 Yoh. cloth 1855 ^ \ 1556 Thatcher (B. B.) Indian Biography, 2 vols. 1845 — Manners /^^ and Customs of the Japanese, 1843 — Lives of Early hr^^>^ Navigators 1846 j/,^557 Thevenot (Melchisedech) Relations de Divers Yot- AGES Cvrievx, qui n'out point este publiees ov qvi ont este tradvites d'HACKLUTT, de Purchas et d'antres Voyageurs Anglois, Hollandois, Portugais, AUemands, Espagnols, e^i^/i numerous maps and plates, the 4 parts in 2 vols, red morocco extra, by W. Pratt, a fine, large, clean and desirable set fol. Farts, 1663, 1664, 1666, and 1672 A complete and perfect Thevenot is quite as rare as a De BitY or HuLSius. The present copy is a remarkably fine one, comprising the first editions of all the four parts as originally published, together with some of the "Frag- ments" of the last part, with such additions from the edi- tion of 1696 as were deemed important to complete the work without addiagmere typographical variations. There were even more title-pages printed to work off the edition than there were to Paradise Lost, but the proprietor of this set has confined himself to the genuine first editions, and eschewed, as the Astor Library Catalogue has it, mere . " bibliographical quiddling." /fj S'^ 1558 Thevenot (Melchisadec). Eecueil de Voyages de Mr. '^''^ Thevenot, maps and plates, fine copy, crimson morocco extra, bound by Bedford Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1681 This little volume is particularly valued on account of its containing the first edition of Father Marquette's Eelation of his voyage down the Mississippi Eiver in 1673, with the ^ ' . / map of his route, etc, / A V 1559 Thomas (Pascoe) A True and Impartial Journal of a Yoja.g&C-"'^^'^ to the South Seas and round the Globe, in His Majes- ty's Ship the Centurion, under the Command of Com- ^ modore George Anson, calf Bond. 1745 /j . 1560 Thomas (Dalbt) An Historical Account of the Eise and Growth of the West-India Colonies, and of the Great Advantages they are to England in respect of Trade, ' half calf 4to. Bond. 1690 Not mentioned by either Lowndes or Eich. FIFTH day's sale. 125 ^' ^ 1561 Thevet (Akdeew). The Nevvfovnd vvorlde, ob Ai^ttaec- TiKE, wherein is contained woderful and strange things as well of humaine creatures, as Beastes, Fishes, Poules: and Serpents, Trees, Plants, Mines of Grolde and Siluer : garnished with many learned aucthorities, trauailed and written in the French tong by that excellent learned man, master Andrevve Thevet, and now newly trans- lated into Enghshe, wherein is reformed the errours of auncient Cosmographers 4to. Lond. hy Senrie JBynneman,for Thomas Haclcett, 1568 ', C 1562 They Run and We Run, written on the late Engagement *^ between Admiral Keppel and the Due de Chartres, Znly /.-^^'-^ 27th, 1788, off Ushant, a Song, with music, half mor. '^ /fol. (folded in 8vo.) 1563 Thomson (A. S.) The Story of New Zealand, 2 vols. 1859— ^/ Hill (S. S.) Travels in Siberia, 2 vols. 1854 /^''^ A 1564 Thoeowgood (Thomas) Ievts in Ameeica, or Probabili- ties that the Americans are of that E-ace, with the x''^ reraovall of some contrary reasonings and earnest desires '^/;;i-<;^^ for effectuall endeavours to malse them Christian y. 4to. Lond. for Tito. Slater, 1650 ^ , o 1565 Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Falkland's Is- ^7 lands. [By Dr. Samuel Zo\m.%Qixi\, second edition,, T^<^Tf/ ^^^-^ morocco Lond. 1771^'^^ ^ /l566 Thumb (Thomas) The Monstee of Monsters ; a true and faithful Narrative of a most remarkable Phsenome- non lately seen in this Metropolis, to the great Surprize and Terror of his Majesty's good Subjects ; humbly de dicated to all the Virtuosi of New England, fine copy, calf extra, hound hy W. Pratt [Boston'], 1754 Thomas, in his Sistory of Printing in America, has a long account of the arrest of Dauiel Fowle on suspicion of being the printer of this obnoxious pamphlet (vol. i, 332). Fowle himself printed an account of the indignities he suffered in this behalf, entitled Total Eclipse of Liberty. Of the work itself (Tom Thumh) which occasioned all lliis mischief not ^ more than 3 or 4 copies are known. ^ ' 1567 Thysii (Antonii) Historia Navalis, calf 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1658 . /1568 Titford (W. J.) Sketches towards a Hortus Botanicus Ame- ricanus, 18 coloured plates /4to. Lond. for the Author, 1811 1569 Tjassens (Johan) Zee-Politir, der Vereenigde Nederlan- / den, vertoont in een Tafel, ende in twee Boecken be- x;^^ schreven, laege paper, vellum 4to. Graven-JLage, hy Johan Yely, 1669 E-elates mainly to America. ^ 1 2S 1570 Tobago. A Summary Account of the present flourishing /^-^ State of the Island of Tobago, with a Plan of the Island'^^"^^^^ Lond. 1777 ^ 126 FIFTH bat's sale, ^ • /p 1571 ToRQUEMADA (Juan de) Las Veinte y un libros rituales y / Monarcbia Indiana con el Origen y Guerras de los /^ Indies Occidentales, map, A bemaekablt fine gq'sx, ^y^^ IjAbge paper, 3 vola. crimson morocco, uncut, top edge^^'^^ gilt fol. Madrid, 1723 " This liistory is, without question, the most complete in res- pect to the Antiquity of Mexico, of any hitherto published." y ^ Clavigero. / " 1572 Touchstone for the Clergy, to which is added a Poem wrote by a Clergyman in Virginia, in a Storm of Wind anc Hain Printed in the year 1771 ^ . 1573 Tracts on America. The Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America, {title torn) — ^ Tucker (J.) Humble Address and Earnest Appeal, 1775X^ — Letter to Lord Camden, on the Bill for restraining tlm^^C^^x^ Trade and Pishery of the Four Provinces of New EnJ- land, 1775 — Taxation no Tyranny, [byDr. S. Johnson], 1775 — Answer to Taxation no Tyranny, 1775 ; etc. /In 1 vol. uncut v. y. / 1574 Tracts. The proper Object of the present War with France y^ and Spain considered, [a/so relates to America and "^^ Neivfoundland'] — Supplement an Ministere de M. Pitt, \_al)ove 40 pages on the American stand against Taxa- tion, etcl — A Counter Address to the Public, [on the dismissal of a General Officer {Gen. Conwaij) for Inde* /7 / ^e^^c?e?^cJ/] ; and other Tracts in 1 Vol. 7«fflZ/''^02«2c? v.y. V, 6 1575 Tracts. Observations on Paine's Eights of Man — Common j^ Sense addressed to the Inhabitants of America, Fhil- '^ adelphia, 1776 — Large Additions to Common Sense, ib. 1776 — Dialogue between the Ghost of Gen. Mont- gomery and an American Delegate, ih. 1776 — A Col- ■* lection of Acts of Parliament relating to Patronage, /1 772— Fingal, King of Morven, 1776 ; etc. in 1 vol. v. y. , 1576 Tracts. A Letter to his Excellency Gov. Wright, on the Conversion of the Georgia Orphan House into a Col- lege, by G. Whitfield, /j/a/es, 1768- A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity School, in Lebanon, N. E. founded by Eev. E. Wheelock, 1766 — A Continuation y of the Narrative of the Indian Charity School, 1769 ; X / etc. In 1 vol. half bound v. y. V f c? 1577 Tracts. A Letter from a West India Merchant to a Gen- tleman at Tunbridge concerning that part of the French Proposals which relate to North America, particularly Newfoundland, 1712 — Account of the Eise and Pro- gress of the South Sea Company, 1743 — Proposals coU' cerniug the Navy, 1745 ; and others in 1 vol. v. y 1578 Tracts. Observations on a Sermon by Bp. Warburton, wherein our Colonies are defended against his mos injurious and abusive Eeflections, by Andrew Croswell, //. //. / riFTH dat's sale. 127 Boston, N. E. by T. and J. Fleet, 1768— Infant Bap- tism sent from Heaven, two Discourses at Haverhill, by J. Parsons, Boston, W. IF Alpine, 1767 — A Sermon before Governor Barnard, Tho. Hutchinson, and the Eepresentatives of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, by D. Shute, Boston, N. E. 1768 ; and others in 1 vol. /half hound v. y. 1579 Tracts. A Discourse before the Humane Society of Mas- sachusetts, by Thomas Gray, Boston, 1S05 — Letter of Instructions to the Catholic Missionaries of Nors Scotia, Halifax, 1801— Dr. Belknap's Letter to Dr. Kippis, 1795 — Eliot (John) Sermon before the New- North Religious Society, Boston, Boston, 1801 ; and others in 1 vol. half bound v. y. 1580 Tracts. Observations on the Waste Lands of Great Bri- tain, published on occasion of the Establishment of New Colony on the Ohio, [by Young], 1773— Consi- derations on the Present State of Public AjEFairs con- nected with America, by W. Pulteney, 1779 — Conso- latory Thoughts on American Independence, by a Merchant, 1782 ; and others in 1 vol. v. y. 1581 Tracts. On the State of the Sugar Islands, 1772 — Speech of Edmund Burke on American Taxation, 1775 — Thoughts on the present Discontents, 1775 — Observa- tions on the State of the Nation [as to America], 1769 — The Present State of the Nation, 1769 : in 1 vol. half bound /^ 1582 Tracts. Cathcart (J.) Letter on the Cuba Expedition, 1741 — Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Cuba, 1714 — Original Papers relating to the Expedition to / Panama, 1744 ; and others in 1 vol. calf y ^ 1583 Tracts. The History of the Misfortunes of John Calas, a Victim of Eanaticism, 1772 — Lives of John Trueman and E. AVorthless — Seven Letters on the Causes of^ Depravity amongst the Lower Orders, 1785 — The Coin Act, 1775 ; etc. in 1 vol. / / . 1584 Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New . ^^2 York, cloth 1858 yy 1585 Travels of the Jesuits, with an Account of the Spanish Set- / '^ tlements in America, by Mr. Lockman, 2 vols. hf. bd. /S^ 1762 / ( 1586 Travels in North America, calf Bublin, 1824 ^ 1587 Traveller's Guide (The) to America ; comprehending a con- /^t^ cise and accurate description of the Western States L-^'-:^ Cork, John Bolster, 1818 1588 Treaties (Several) of Peace and Commerce concluded be- / tween the late King of Blessed Memory Deceased, and /^ other Princes and States, hf. mor. *4to. Lond, 1686 128 FIFTH day's sale. / ■ 1589 Treaties, A G-eueral Collection of, relating to Peace and , War, calf 1710 ^^ , >^1590 Treaties. A General Collection of Treaties, Declarations of War, Manifestos, etc. second edition, 4 vols, calf / . . ^^^^ / • 159 L Trial and Acquittal of Edward Shippen, Esq. Chief Justice, and Jasper Teates and Thomas Teates, Assistant Jus- tices of the Supreme Court of Penusylvauia, on an Im- peachment, E-eported by W. Hamilton, calf / Lancaster, 1805 / • 1592 Trumbull (John) Poetical Works, 2 vols, in 1, half hound Hartford, 1820 / 1593 Trumbull (John) M'Eingal, a Modern Poem, fftli edition, with Notes 1792 ^ , ^ 1594 Trve Sentiments of America : contained in a Collection of Letters sent from the Hovse of Representatives of the ■ Province of Massachvsetts Bay to several Persons oj , High Eank in this Kingdom, If. mor. Loud. 1768 / . 1595 Tucker (John) of Newbury. A Sermon preached at Cam- bridge, before his Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esc Grovernor, May 29th, 1771 [Anniversary of the Elec tion], If. mor. JBostun, 1/71 ^ / 1596 Tucker (Josiah) Dean of Gloucester. An humble Address ^ ' ^ and earnest Appeal, etc., as to "whether a connection ^^ with, or a separation from the Continental Colonies oi/)^\, America, be most for the national advantage, and the^/^^^' lasting benefit of these Kingdoms," hf onor. Glocester, R. Raikes, 1775 This is the Tract in which the Dean counsels the abandon- ment of the Colonists to themselves, they being unworthy of the protection of the mother country. ^ ^ Xl597 Tucker (Josiah) A Letter to Edmund Burke, Esq., Member of Parliament for the City of Bristol, and Agent for the (/ Colony of New York, etc. in answ^er to his Printed ':--f 1838 to 1852, 31 vols. (25 vols, half bound, and 6 vols, t/ "^^^ in nos.) Wasliington, 1838-52 //, IGll United States Literary Gazette, Vol. I. half hound 4to. Boston, 1825 /-, 1612 United States Coast Survey, 1856 and 1857 (Reports of the Superintendent of), 2 vols. 4to. Washington, 1856-7 -^ This is one of the most valuable and elaborate surveys issued / /i/^ under the auspices of the American Government. All ' '^^ soundings, shoals, navigable ways, lighthouses, etc., are carefully marked ; and a trigonometrical survey of the coast for 30 miles inland is also laid down. y^^ ^1613 Utenhove (Johan.) Comnientariolus Parallelos, sive Libellus Assertorius quo Principium duorum Reg. Pliil. II. et Mahumetis III. Viris, Opes, Provincia, atque forma<; eas bene administrandi et regendi tempore belli atque pacis explicantur armaque et arcana deteguntur infinita, nunc pi-inium ex Joh. Botero versus in Latinum ex Italo Sermone, curious maps, one including America, hf. y morocco 4to. Col. Ag. 1597 • 5\ 1614 Yaldes (Antonio) Derrotero de las Costas de Espafia en el /q^ Oceano Atlantico, y de las Islas Azores, laege papee, ^^^ calf 4to. Madrid, 1789 /' 1615 Yalle. Memorial y Carta en que el Padre Alonso del Valle Procvrado general de la Prouincia de Chile, re- presenta a N. mny Reuerendo Padre Mucio Vitilesqui^ Preposito general de la Compafiia de lesvs, la necessidac que sus missioues tienen de sujetos para los gloriosos ^ — \ empleos de sus Apostolicos ministerios ^ '^ io\. [at the end] Seuilla, 1^2 i616 Vallette (E.) The Deputy Commissary's Gruide, within the y Province of Maryland, {title torn) Annapolis, 17 — I 1617 Van dee Bos, Leben und Tapffere Thaten der aller-beruhm- *•— stesten See Helden Admiralen und Land Erfinder un- serer Zeiten angefangen mit Cristoforo Colombo Ent- deckern der Neuen Welt, mani/ plates, fine copy, very / baee 4to. Nurnb. 1681 This is a German translation of Van der Bos, by Matthias Kramer, having the addition of an Appendix by Erasmus Francisci, containing Lives of Almeida, Alfonso of Albu- querque and Tristan and Nuno de Acuna. 1618 Varenius (Bernhardus) Greographia Generalis, vellum Amst., ex Offi. Elzeviriana, 1671 1619 Vasquez de Medina. Por Ivan Vazqvez de Medina, vezino /I / de la Ciudad de Mexico, y Tesorero de la Casa de \^ /J/^^ moneda de ella, en el Pleyto con D. luan Prancisco Centeno, y D. luan Ansaldo de Vera, sobre la confir- macion del dicho oficio fol. [1662] 6( /;/ 132 FIFTH day's Si-LE. / /^ 1620 VATjaHAN (S.) Minutes made from Stage to Stage on a Tour to Fort Pitt, or Pittsbourg, in company with Mr. Mich, p Morgan O'Brian ; from thence by S. V. only through -^ Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania J^^dy/y^ autograph and unpitblisJied manuscript, calf extra, 74 pp. (1784 ?) Mr. Vaughan was an English merchant and an intimate friend of Greneral Washington. His tour appears to have occupied 79 days, of which 35 were spent in actual travel- ling. His remarks, though brief, appear to be judicious, and as recording the state of the roads, population of the various towns, public and private buildings, natural con- formation and peculiarities of the country, etc. may be read with much interest. There are several clever pen sketches in the volume, amongst them a plan of General y Washington's House and grounds at Mount Vernon. / ■ 1621 Vayer (De la Mothe le) De la Vertu des Payens 4to. Paris, 1Q4 S\ h 1622 Veee (Gieard de) Vrate DESCEiPXioiir de trois Voyages de Mer . . . faits . . . par les Navires d'Hollande et^ Zelande, au Nord, par derriere Norwege, Moscovie et yy Tartaric, etc. numerous curious plates io\. Amsf. 1609 ^^^ ^ . 1623 Veitia Linage (Joseph de) Norte de la Contratacion de ^^^ las Indias Occidentales,_;??2e cop'i/ folio, Sevilla, Vol^>6^yC-i^ An important work, containing an abstract of the Laws re- . lating to the Indies. ' , 1624 Veita Linage (Joseph de) The E,ule Established in Spain, /^ for the Trade in the West Indies ; being a proper Scheme^^^T^:*^ for Directing the Trade to the South Sea, now by Act o^ Parliament to be established in Grreat Britain, translated from the Spanish by Captain John Stevens, old calf , Lond. [1700] /^ 1625 Velasquez de Cardenas, t Leon (Carlos Celedonio) y^ Breve Practica, y Eegimen del Confessonario de^^? Indios, en Mexican©, y Castellano, wants title, ^ ^^"^ morocco extra, by W. Pratt In the Mexican language, with a Spanish Translation. 1626 Veneoas (Miguel) A Natural and Civil History of Cali- fornia, 2 vols, calf Lond. 175(1 ^ 1627 Vetancert (AuGusTiN de) Teatro MExiCANoDescripcion Breve de los Svccessos Exemplares, Historicos, Politicos, Militares, y Religiosos del nuevo mundo Occidental de ^^ las Indias, 2 vols, in 1, vellum ^^Cfi^ folio, Mexico, por Dona Maria de Benavides Viuda de luan de Bihera, 1698 llich, who had an unusually good acquaintance with books of this class, does not notice this ; nor docs Salva. A copy was sold by us last year for £13. / riFTTI day's SA.LE. 133 7^ ^ 1628 Vernon. Specimen (A) of Naked Truth, from a British Sailor, lif. mor. Lond. 1746 It was for publishing this pamphlet, relating to the expeditions ' against the Spanish possessions in America, that Admiral Vernon was struck off" the list of flag officers. / > /j 1629 Viaud (Captain Pierre) The Shipwreck and Adventures of, -a-t^ translated by Mrs. Griffith, hf. mor. Lond. 1771 New Haven, B. Mecom, 1764 ^, ^1630 View (A) of the Controversy between Great-Britain and her. Colonies, Itf.mor. New YorJc: ly James Bivington, 1774 y' By A. W. Farmer, Author of Free Thoughts, etc. '' ^ 1631 View of the Controversy. Another copy, /j/". «wr. io?2f/. 1775 y 1632 View of North America, in its former happy, and its present y^ Belligerent State ; with the History of the War with /^?hf^ -^ 1634 ViLLAGUTiERRE (Dou Juan de) Histoeia de la Conquista DE LA Provincia DE EL Itza, rcducciou y progresses de //y la de el Lacandon, y otras Naciones de Indios Barbaro3j;;;^^;vi de la Mediacion de el Eeyno de Gvatimala a las pro- vincias de Tvcatan en la America Septentional folio, {Madrid, 1701] The title has a slip pasted over the words "primera parte" (obviously a contemporary emendation). Rich, who states that this work was unknown to Meusel, says that the plate of arms is frequently wanting. No more than this first part -, was pubUshed. ^U ^ 1635 Vincent (Thomas) sometimes Minister of Maidlin-Milh/f^ / ' Street, in London. An Explicatory Catechism, or afi^-^"^^^ Explanation of the Assemblies Shorter Catechism, fine copy, calf extra, bound hy Pratt Boston, N. E. for D. Henchman, 1729 /■> 1636 Vindication (A) of the Proceedings of the Eastei'n Asse- ts ^ ciation in Fairfield County, and of the Council that^^ censured Mr. "White, and dismissed him from his Pas^/^^'*"' toral Relation to the First Church in Danbury A/16S7 Virginia. The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, J^ ■ ^ as represented by themselves, to which is added a ^ J^^^ Vindication of the said Eepresentation, /f. mor. y"'^ 'p Lond. 1733 ^ d 1638 Yolney (C. F.) View of the Climate and Soil of the United ,^C^ States, maps and plates, calf X^Q'if'^^ ^ 1639 Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Con- /;7 gress, held at Philadelphia, 5 Sept, 1774 1774 C^^t!^ / ^z. 134 riFTH day's sale. 1640 Voyage dans la haute Pennsylvanie et dans I'Etat de New York, par un Membra adoptif de la Nation Oneida/ map and plates, 3 vols, lialf caJf gilt Paris, 1801 y ^ ' 1641 Voyage to South America, performed by order of the -A-ine-^^^V^^^ rican Government, in the years 1817 and 1818, by'^^^ , H, M. Brackenridge, 2 vols, calf Baltimore, 1819 ' 1642 Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North, towards .-t/ the Streights of Magellan, the South Seas, the Vast/---*:^^^ Tracts of Land beyond Hollandia Nova, by Sir John Narborough and others, loants map and some plates ■ o 1613 "Wachsmuth (W.) Historical Antiquities of the Greeks, translated by E. Woolrych, 2 vols. 1837 •^ A 1644 Wagenae (Luke) The Makinee's Mibeofb, wherein may ^ ' playnly be seen the courses, heights, distances, depths, soundings, flouds, rocks, sands, shoalds, etc. of the/ greatest part of Europe, with additions by A. Ashley. Herein may be understood the exploits of Sir Francis Drake, engraved title and maps royal folio [1588] 1645 Walkee (Sie Hovenden) A Journal ; or Full Account of the late Expedition to Canada, with an Appendix , Lond. 1720 ^ This volume was written by Sir W. Hovenden in exculpa- tion of himself and others who commanded the unfortunate expedition against Canada, when, by the unskilfulness of the Pilots, eight ships and nearly a thousand men were /^ lost in the river St. Lawrence. • ^ I<346 Walpole (Horace) Catalogue of Eoyal and Noble Authors, Enlarged and Continued by Thos. Park, portraits, /^ -M 5 vols. Iialf morocco 1806 /l . 'I 6 1647 -.."Walter (Thomas) Flora Carolina, secundum System a Vege-/!^^ tabilium Perillustris Linnsei digesta, Ms. uncut, with 7 . / several Manuscript additions, plate Lond. 1788 U^^ ' O 1648 Wi^ltoni (Briani) Biblicus Apparatus, calf fol. Tiguri, 1673 ^-^^^ / / 1649 Ward (Andrew H.) History of the Town of Shrewsbury, ^ ' "^ Massachusetts, from its settlement to 1829, with an "^^ extensive Family Eegister, lialf hound Boston, 1847^,^^^^ ^ /y > 1650 [Waed (Nath.)] The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in Americ^ '-^ ^ willing to help mend his Native Country, lamentably a tattered both in the upper leather and sole, xoanting //'Z^ pages 75 and 76 4to. Lond. S. Bowtell, 1647 This rare and curious work, which abounds in quaint imagery and doggrell rhyme, was published under the assumed! name of Theodore de la Guard. An Account of the Au- y ^ thor will be found in Mather's Magnalia, / ^ 1651 Ward Family ; Descendants of William Ward, who settled // in Sudbury, Mass. in 1639, with an Appendix by A.o^^ H. Ward, p>ortraU Boston, 1851 ^ FIFTH day's sale. 135 -n • , ^ 1652 Wabren (J. C.) Mastodon Griganteus of North America, ,/y^^ plates, cloth, gilt edges /'^^ ^ Printed for 'presents only, 4to. Boston, 1852 ^ ^ ^^1653 "Washington-. Joiirnal of Major George "Washington, >'' sent by Hon. R. Dinwiddie, Esq. Commander-in-Chief^^i!!^;^^^ of Virginia to the Commandant of the French Forces' on the Ohio, map, scarce yy WiUiamsburgh printed, London reprinted, 1754 ''^(l654 "Washington. Observations on the Debates of Congress, ^^ on the Addresses presented to General "Washington on/y>;^^ his Eesignation; etc. 1797^^^^ 1655 "Washington (George) Letters from, to Arthur Young, con- taining an Account of his Husbandry, with a Map of his Farm, etc. calf Lond. 1801 ^ / 1656 Washington and Adams. Memoirs of the Administrations 6^y. of, edited from the Papers of O. "Wolcott, by Geo. >^^^^ Gibbs, 2 vols, scarce New York, 18^3 y^ 1657 "Washington (George) Life of, by David Eamsay,^o?7. 1807X^^>-^ 1658 "Washington (George) Life of, by Aaron Bancroft 1808 r^ 1659 "Washington. An Address of the Eoman Catholics of Ame- '^^'^ rica, to George AVashington, with his Reply ^// folio, Lond. 1790 e/^^ , 1660 "Watt (Da. Eobeet) Bibliotheca Britannica, or a ^ General Index to British and Foreign Literature, 4 vols, half russia, marh. edges 4to. 1824! 1661 "Watts (Isaac) Astronomy and Geography, loith the auto- -t y graph of Samuel Adams {Father of the Patriot) ca//'172S^— ^^^^ ^ 1662 "Wayland (Francis) Political Economy, 1846— Guide to p^ X Scientific Knowledge t^"^'^ <^ 1663 "Webb (John) The Young-Mans Duty, Explained and Pres- sed upon him. In a Sermon, recommended by the y Reverend Increase Mather, D.D. Boston, (ivantinq alli-A/C^^ after page ^2) tVY-^. Printed by S. Kneeland, for D, Henchman, at the Corner Shop over against the Brick Meeting House, 1718/'^ 1664 Webster (Daniel) Diplomatic and Official Papers, New Yorh/^rf-^-^ 1848 — A Memorial of Daniel Webster from the City -^ of Boston, cloth Boston, 1853 ^ 1665 Webster (]S'oah) Collection of Papers on Political, Literary J^ / and Moral Subjects New York^ 1843 > , ^ IQQQ Webster (Noah) Dictionary of the English Language, re- /'<^ vised and enlarged by C. A. Goodrich, calf 4to. 1852^^-^22^ ^-^ 1667 AVesley (John) Narrative of the late Work of God at and ^ near Northampton in New England l^^^^^^^zJ^ / 1668 Wesley (John) A Calm Address to our American Colonies, half mar. Lond. 1775 Mr. Wesley here reproduces some of the arguments of Taxa- tion no Tyranny, and his Tract elicited almost as many replies as did that of Dr. Johnson. / 136 FIFTH day's SAiE. ' - 1669 "Wesley (JohB) A Calm Address to our American Coloniea, ^/y^ lialf mor. Lond. R. TLawer^^^^^^' ^/j 1G70 Wesley (John) A Plain Account of the People called Metho- ^~ dists, Bristol, F. Farley, 1749 ; Thoughts on Single / Life, Bristol, W. Pine, 1770 ; An Extract from Mrs. xA?" Mary Gilbert's Journal, 1769 ; Thoughts upon Slavery, Philadelphia, 1774 ; Substance of a Sermon preached at Baltimore by Thomas Coke, 1785 ; Various Sermons, / / etc. In \ \o\. hnlj hound T. T. » /!^ 1671 West Indies. West-vvnd Ost Indischer Lustgabt : ^ das ist, Eygentliche Erzehlung, wann vud von wem dAgy^-^^yi^ Nevfe Welt erfunden, besagelt, vmd eingeuommen wor- den, vnd veas sich denckwiirdiges darbey zugetragen, j/ / vellum 4to. Collen, bey Wilhelm LulzenJcirdien, 1618 .-7 ^^ ^ 1672 West Indies. A brief and perfect Journal of late pro-.6s^_^ ceediugs and Successe of the English Army in the/*^^^"^^^ West Indies, continued to June 24, 1655. by J. S. a'n • Eye-Witnesse, half mor. 4to, Lond. 1655 c? 1673 West Indies, A New Survey of the, by Thomas Gage 1677<^l-«^^ / / 1674 West Indies. Nader Prolongatie van het Octroy voor de "* ' ^ Westindische Compagnie, en van de eerste prolongatie ,, van dien, voor den tyd van nog dertig jaaren, geary resteert den 8 Augusty 1730, calf, by Hayday y 4to. Gravenhage, Jacobus Scheltiis, 1730 . '' 1675 West Indies. Copyen. [ Aen de Hoogh-Mogende Heeren , . J^;^ Staten Generael der Vereeueghde Nederlanden 4it(^^^^i^^^^ , Helating to Brasil and the West India Company. > -> 1676 West Indies. Journal of the Expedition to La Guira sindL^^^^^, Porta Cavallos in the West Indies, under the commanc^ -^^^^ . of Commodore Knovrles, half morocco Lond. V74!4i -25 1677 West Indies. Candid and Impartial Considerations on VaQ y^ Nature of the Sugar Trade ; the Comparative Import^^ ance of the British and French Islands in the West-'' ^^*^^ Indies : with the Value and Consequence of St. Lucia , and Granada truly stated, half morocco 1763 1678 West Indies. A State of the Exports to and Imports from /'t/ the British Sugar Colonies, {imperfect at end) 4to. n.d/: j^'-i^'^i /^ 1679 West Indies. Copye, vande Eesolutie van de Heeren Bur- gemeesters ende Eaden tot Amsterdam, op't stuk vande pf West Indische Compagnie, genomen in Augusti 1649, /i>^. y half morocco 4to. /^^_^1680 West Indies. To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, '^ and Burgesses in Parliament assembled. The Humble Petition of several Proprietors of Plantations in the Islands of Nevis and St. Christophers in America, and Merchants trading to the same ; on behalf of them- selves and other Inhabitants and Traders to the afore- said Islands \Lond?^ a single sheet, folio FIFTH day's sale. 137 / ■ 1681 "West Indies. An Inquiry into the Causes of the Insur- Jn rection of the Negroes in the Island of St, Domingo, /^^ , . with the Observations of M. Garran-Coulon on th^/ /^^''^ , same subject, half morocco hond. 1792 6 1682 What think ye of the Congress now ? or, an Enquiry how /I far the Americans are bound to abide by, and Execute /W^^^^ the Decisions of the Continental Congress, lialf morocco ' . \Ti^ / f . 1683 Wheeler (J. H.) Historical Sketches of North Carolina, -^^ . from 1584 to 1851, 2 vols, in 1 PJdladeljyhia, 1851 -"' C . / 1684 Wheelock (Eleazer) A plain and faithful Narrative of the Original Design, Eise, Progi-ess, and Present State of ^^V^ the Indian Charity School at Lebanon, in Connecticut, half morocco Boston, Richard and Samuel Draper, 1763 /J?y / . 1685 Wheelock, A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity School yyj^'^-^ in Lebanon, Connecticut, half morocco Lond. hy J. and W. Oliver, 1766 / • 1686 Wheelock, Continuation of the Narrative Boston, 1765 ^, / 1687 Wheelock, Another Edition Hartford, 1773 r> 1688 AVhitaker (Nathanael) Mi^iister, of Salem, Two Sermons on ' ' the Doctrine of Reconciliation ; together with an Ap- c pendix, in answer to a Dialogue wrote to Discredit the main Truths contained in these Discourses, by the Reverend William Hart, of Saybrook, in Connecticut, imcut Salem, Samuel Hall, 1770 ^ 1689 White (Adam) Popular History of Mammalia, coloured plates ' ' 1850 1690 White (Adam) Popular History of British Crustacea, coloured plates, 1857 — Roberts (M.) Popular History of the JNiollusca, coloured plates 1851 ./^ 1691 White (Sam ) History of the American Troops under the Command of Colonels Fenton and Campbell f Baltimore, 1830 1692 Whitefield. A Continuntion of the Reverend Mr. White- field's Journal, from his arrival at Savannah, to his Re- turn to London, half morocco Lond. 1739 .. » This may be regarded as the p;enuine edition ; in it the author says that the Journals already published were printed without his knowledge. • . / 1693 Whitefield (George). A Continuation of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's Journal, from a few d^ys after his Return to Georgia to his ariival at Falmouth, on the lltli of March, 1741. Containing an account of the Work of God at Georgia, Rhode Island, New England, New- York, Pennsylvania and South Carolina. The Seventh Journal, 2nd ed. half morocco Lond. 1744 j>i- 1694 Whitefield (George). A Continuation of the Account of the Orphan-House in Georgia, from January, 174^^ 138 riFTH DAT S SALE. to June, 1742, to which are also subjoined, some Ex- tracts from an Account of a A¥ork of a liiie Nature, carried on by the late Professor Frank in Grlaucha near Hall in Saxony, unbound Lond. 1739 ' . ^ 1695 Whitefield (George) An Account of Money Received and Disbursed for the Orphan-House in Georgia, xoith Flan //^ , of the Orphan-IIouse Lond. 1741 /. / 1696 Whitefield (George) The heinous Sin of Drunkenness, a /i Sermon preached on board the Whitaker, wanting all "^^^ after page 20 Lond. 1739 J - 1697 "Whitefield. An Extract of sundry Passages taken out of ^yy Whitefield' s Sermons, Journals, and Letters /c/c>-^ Pliiladelpliia, 2)rinted : Lond. reprinted, 1741 ^ ■ 1698 Whitefield (George) Britain's Mercies, and Britain's Duty ; ^ Eepresented in a Sermon Preach'd at the New-Building %/[/ in Philadelphia, on Sunday, August 24, 1746, occasioned^ ' by the Suppression of the late unnatural Eebellion, hf , mor. Philadelphia, printed : Lond. repr. 1746 £ . /l699 Whitefield (George). A Short Account of God's Dealings ^^ with the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, from his Infancy Ai/^ to the time of his eutring into Holy Ordei'S. Written by himself, on board the Elizabeth, Captaine Stephen- son, bound from London to Philadelphia, and sent over by him to be published for the Benefit of the Orphan House in Georgia, 2nd Ed. hf. mor. Lond. 1744 /. 1700 Whittelsey (Sara.) Public Spirit described and recommended, /»> in a Sermon before the General Assembly of Connec- L^i^^ ticnt, at Hartford, May 13, 1731 Neio 'London, 1731 ^■f" , 1701 Wigglesworth (Edward) Ilollis Professor of Divinity, The /i Llessedness of the Dead who die in the Lord, a Ser- <^^y^ mon, in the Hall of Harvard College, upon the News of the Death of Thomas HoUis, Esq. of London, the most bountiful Benefactor to that Society y Loston, S. Gerrish, 1731 , J^ /l702 Wilberforce (Sam.) Bishop of Oxford, History of the^^';^ °^ American Church 1844^ /■ 1703 Wilcocke (Samuel Hull) History of the Yiceroyalty of Bue- /^ nos Ayres, map and plates, hf. mor. uncut Lond. [180Q'^^J^-^<^ /■ 1704 Wilkes (Commander) Narrative of the United States Ex- ploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, q / 1841, and 1842, half bound royal 8vo. ^^-^ O - ^ 1705 AVilkinson (Gen. James) Memoirs of his own Times, 3 vols. ^ hf. mor. Philadelphia , 181Qc>^U^^ /■ / 1706 Willard (E.) History of the United States I^ew York, 1830 ^^ J'. 6 1707 Williams (Daniel) Man made Eighteous by Christ's 0hQ{J^r2r^ dience : being two Sermons at Pinners-Hall ; also some Bemarks on Mr. Mather's Postscript, etc. old calf //^^^ Lond. J. L union, 1694^^ / FIFTH day's sale. 139 1708 Williams (JoLn) LL.D., An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition concerning the Discovery of America, by Prince Madog ab Owen Gwynedd, about the year 1170, hf. mor. uncut Lond. 1791 /- 1709 Williams (Jonathan) Thermometrical Navigation, being a X^ Series of Experiments and Observations tending to -^^/^ Prove, that by ascertaining the Eelative Heat of the / Sea- Water from time to time, the passage of a Ship through the Gulph Stream, and from deep water into Soundings, may be discovered in time to avoid Danger, old calf Philadelphia, JR. Aifken, 1799 -j ^ , 1710 Williams (Eoger) Bloudy Tenent of Persecution, edited by /^:^-c Dnderhill, cloth 1848 ^. <^J1711 Williams (Wm.) of Hatfeld, uY.i:. The Great Duty to y advance the Kingdom of God, a Sermon Boston, 1726 V1712 Williamson (Peter) Life and Adventures during his Capti- vity among the Indians in America . London, printed for the unfortunate Author, 1759 /- S 1713 Willyams (C.) Campaign in the West Indies 4to. 1796 y . 1714 WiLMOKE (John). The Case of John Wilmore truly and ^ impartially related ; or a Looking-Glass for all Mer- chants and Planters that are concerned in the Ameri- ^ can Plantations fol. Lond. 1682 ^ ^ 1715 Wilson (Dr. Dan.) Bishop of Calcutta. Life of, with Ex- tracts from his Journals and Correspondence, 2 vols. 1860 / 1716 Wilson (James) Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States of America, with that Constitution pre- fix' d, in which are unfolded the Principles of Eree Government, and the Superior Advantages of Eepub- -^ licanism demonstrated Lond. 1792 / 1717 Wilson (J.) and McKean (Tho.) Commentaries on the Con- stitution of the United States of America, hf mor. 1792 /- 1718 Wilson (M.) American History, including Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes New York, 1847 / , 1719 Wilson (Thomas) The Knowledge and Practice of Chris- tianity made Easy to the Meanest Capacities ; or, an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians, 12th Ed. calf Lond. 1776 *? 1720 Winterbotham (W.) An Historical, Geographical, Commer- cial and Philosophical View of the American L^nited <^^ States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies, 4 vols, calf Lond. 1795 /- 1721 Wirt (William) of Bichmond, Fa. Sketches of the Life ^ and Character of Patrick Henry, 2nd Ed. corrected "^ Philadelphia, 1818 2 ^ 1722 Witherspoon (John) Christian Magnanimity : a Sermon, preached at Princeton, September, 1775, the Sabbath preceding the Annual Commencement ; and again with Additions, September 23, 1787, etc. Princeton, James Tod, 1787 ^ t^-? 140 riFTH day's sale, 1723 Witherspoon (John) The Dominion of Providence over the ; Passions of Men, a Sermon, preached at Princeton, / ^ ^ May 17, 1775, being the General Past appointed by iy^'^ the Congress through the United Colonies, lif. onor. , Philadelphia, printed : Lond. repr. 1778 o 1724 Witherspoon (John) A Sermon on the E-eligious Educa- ^ tion of Children, preached in the Old Presbyterian /^^^^^-zn Church in New York, to a very numerous Audience, on the Evening of the second Sabbath in May Elizabeth-Town : Shepard Kolloclc, 1789 1725 Wollaston (William) The Eeligion of Nature delineated, calf extra, by Bedford 4to. Lond. Samuel Palmer, 1726 This is the Book which Pranklin mentions in his Autobio- graphy as having worked upon, while a press-man with Samuel Palmer, in London. 6 1726 Wood (A. a) AiHEKyE Oxonienses, with additions and ^^/ji continuation of Philip Bliss, 4 vols, half russia 4to. 1813 1727 Wood (William) New EjS'aLANDS Prospect: a true, ,-/ lively, and experimentall description of that part of Ame- -^-^l,^. rica, commonly called New-England : discovering the ^-'''^^^ state of that Countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English Planters ; and to the old Native Inhabitants, second edition, corners of the last 6 leaves defective 4to. Lond. hy Tho. Cotes, for Lohn Lellamie, 1635 1728 Wood (William) Appellant. David Polhill, Esq. ; and /'^ ^ others, on Behalf of themselves, and other, the Proprie-^-"^*"^/^ tors of Grold and Silver Mines in Jamaica Eespondents. The Appellant's Case. To be Heard at the Bar of the House of Lords on [Wednesday] the [Fourth] Day of [February], 1746 ' ^ 3 pp. ioWo, folded in 4'^yyn. the former Editions, calf 4to. Lond. 1657 '' /'l733 Wynne. A General History of the British Empire in America, 2 vols. //. calf London, 1770. FIFTH day's sale, 141 l) 1734 Wirs^KELMAXi^' (Haxs Just) Dei' Americanischen Xeuen •Welt Besehreibunir, lif. hound oblong 4to. Oldenburg, Henrieli-Conrad Zimmern, 1664 Full of interesting matter with, respect to the early Mstory of America, with bibliographical notices of writers thereon. The woodcuts are highly curious, exemplifying the manners and customs of the Aborigines, their cannibalism, etc. /j ^. 1735 Yale College. A Catalogue of the most valuable Books in aJa/o^ /, the Librar}'- of Yale-College, disposed under proper beads, uncut 1755 vr ' -o 1736 Young (A.) Chronicles of the Planters of the Colony of ^^^^ Massachusetts Bay, 1623 to 1636, scarce Boston, 1846 ^<^^^^ '•. 6 1737 Zarate (Aug.) Histoire de la decouverte et de conquete X^ du Perou, map and plates, 2 vols. French calf gilt, Jtne 'rcp^-t^- / copy Paris, 1742 '. h 1738 Zarate (Augustin de) Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou, 2 vols. Paris, 1774"^ ' - 3739 Zarate, Another ed. loitli map and plates, 2 vols. Paris, 1716 .^ 1740 Zexo (Cateei^jo) De i Co:irMEXTAEii del Yiaggio i:?? ^ ■ Peksia, Libri Dve, et dello scoprimento dell Isole Prislanda,Eslanda, Engrouelanda, Estotilanda, et Icaria, fatto sotto il Polo Artico, da due fratelli Zeni, M. T^icolo il K. e M. Antonio, the map u-anting Yenetia, per Francesco Mcireolini, 1558 ' . 1741 Zenger (John Peter) Printer, of New York, The Tryal of, for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Govern-^^^-^^^ ment ; with the Pleadings and Arguments on both , sides, second edition, hf. inor. 4to. Land. 1738 ^ V74i2 Zenger's Tvyixl, fourth edition, hf. mor. 4to. 1738 .^1^ This trial presents the first instance on record where truth was admitted as justification of a libel, a doctrine since admitted ia American jurisprudence. . y 1743 ZuELA (Placido) II Mappa Mondo di Era Mauro Camal-/^^^^"^ dolese Descritto ed Illust. large paper fol. Venezia, 1806 1744 AuDiJBOX (J, J.) BiEDS OP Ameeica, FEOii Deawings '^^ ^. /J MADE DrEl>^G A EeSIDEXCE OF TWENTY -FIVE TEAES >^V^ IN THE United States and its Teeeitoeies, 294 plates of Birds, all of the statural size, beautifully co- loured ; in a portfolio, eaee elephant folio, 1 S28 The above consists of ahout two -thir ds of the entire wcrk, and cost, at subscription pi^e^l^gulftea9?~^^O^p«»g>■•tC»'t'hg^' destruction by fire of the stock and copper-plates, the woi'k has become extremely rare, and even small sections com- mand high pi'ices, j^ //^1745 Audubon (J. J,) Oenithological Biogeapht ; or, an Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United / /r 7? States of America, 3 vols. royal 8vo. 1835 END OF THE SALE. /y^ J • o y/I>/i /i^. GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00952 6241 fj'r9i'-':y?^T^r 0EnnrcENTiR„