The Dilettanti Society Knaptons . 1. Sir James Gray . 1741. Rep. p. 76. In black & white Van Dyck costume. 2. Earl of Middlesex (Duke of Dorset ), 1741. As a Roman Consul returning from a campaign: red scarf over fancy armour. 3. Mr Howe . 1741. Half to left in slate-brown fancy dress. A globe behind to left as a cask, from a hole in whose side he fills a glass of bubbly white liquid. 4. Lord Hyde . 1741. In red, looking half out to leftthe holds up, at the right, a glass inscribed RES PVBLICA. 5 V Sir Francis Dashwood (Lord le Despencer), 1742. As a sham Franc iscan, with tonsure, half to right, holding up a chalice inscribed MATRI SANCTORVM before the lower part of the Venus de Medici, seen in profile. 6., Mr Harris . 1742. In brown coat & white wig, half to right. He holds up a paper inscribed with a list of subscriptions towards a house for the Society. 7. Sir Brownl o w Sherard j.742. Seated in a green gown & a grey cloak, in a 'Savonarola' chair, half to right. 3. Mr Ponsonby (Earl of Bessborough) , 1743. Rep. p. 82. Red & white turban. 9. Mr Fauquier . 1743. Rep. p. 112. In a red coat, with a huge black tie. 10. Hon.Sewallls Shirley . 1743. Rep. p. 14. In dark blue, holding up the lid of a casket inscrib- ed ET VIVAT. 1 1. Lord Galw ay . 1743. Half to left, as a Cardin- al pronouncing absolution. 12. Colonel Denny . 1744. Half to right, as a Roman sttandard-bearer, in greenish & scaly gold. This Edition is limited to 350 Copies. Number HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY OF DILETTANTI SIB JOSHUA. REYNOLDS. V RA HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY OF DILETTANTI COMPILED BY LIONEL CUST, M.A. Director of the National portrait Gallery AND EDITED BY SIDNEY COLVIN, M.A. Keeper of the Prints and Drawings in the British Museum sometime Secretary of the Society PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY LONDON MACMILL AN AND CO., Limited NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 185)8 All rights reserved o OXFORD HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY fY CENTER RARY CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGES Antiquity of the Society — State of England at its foundation — Date of foundation — Date of first records — Character of original members — Young Englishmen on the Grand Tour — Choice of name — Earliest meetings — Members in 1 7 %6 — Dashwood — Middlesex — Harcourt — The brothers Gray — W. Ponsonby — R. Grenville — Howe, Archer, Denny, Strode, Sewallis Shirley — Boone, Liddell, Fauquier, Harris, Dingley, Smithson — Hanbu ry Williams, Mitchell, Villiers — Smyth, Hay, Spence, &c. — Sandwich — Bedford, Brand, Holdernesse — Other members before 1770 I-ZI CHAPTER II Practices and regulations of the Society — Places, dates, and hours of meeting — The President : his toga and curule chair — The Secretary and Treasurer — The High Steward — The Arch-Master and his insignia — The Regalia : Bacchus's Tomb, the Ballot-Box, Seal, and Inkstand — Dining practices : forfeits and fines — Convivial excesses — Toasts — Election practices : qualification, admission, abdication — Committees and quorums . . . zz-^i CHAPTER III Miscellaneous activities ot the Society : the Westminster Bridge Lottery — Foundation of General Fund : building schemes — The Cavendish Square site — Its abandonment and the financial result — Promotion of the Italian opera — Middlesex and Vanneschi — Schemes for an Academy of Arts — Mr. Dingley's plan — Communications with Hayman's Committee of Painters — The Society's plan — a 3 VI Contents Collapse of negotiations — Foundation of the Royal Academy: its relations with the Dilettanti — Proposal to form a gallery of casts from the antique — Revival of the building scheme — Suggested sites : the Green Park — The Star and Garter — Camelford House — Final abandonment of building scheme — Increasing riches of the Society — Face-money : Rule Ann. Soc. Undec. — Other sources of income — Incidental records . . 4.1-67 CHAPTER IV The Dilettanti and Classical Archaeology — Earlier history of the study — The Earl of Arundel — The Arundel Marbles — Other collectors — Explorations in situ : Nointel and Carrey — Spon and Wheler ; Chishull — British artists in Rome ; Brettingham and Gavin Hamilton — Stuart and Revett — Sir James Gray and the Dilettanti — Election of Stuart and Revett — Their expedition to Athens — Dawkins and Wood — Le Roy and Dalton — The Dilettanti and The Antiquities of Athens — Success of the volume — The Society sends an expedition to Asia Minor — Chandler, Revett, and Pars — Instruc- tions to the expedition — Work in the Troad and Ionia — Approval of the Society — Work in Attica and the Morea— Return and reception of the explorers — The Ionian Antiquities : choice of materials — Preparation and publication of the volume — Presentation copies — Chandler's Inscriptions and Travels — Proposed con- tinuation of Ionian Antiquities — The drawings of Revett and Pars : various claimants for their use — Diffi- culties between Stuart and Revett — Appointment of a committee — Death of Stuart : posthumous publication of The Antiquities of Athens^ vols, ii, iii, and iv — Publication of Ionian Antiquities^ vol. ii — Custody of the Society's marbles — Marbles and drawings presented to the British Museum 6%-\o6 CHAPTER V Personal changes in the Society — New members — Deaths of Founders — New spirit among their successors — J. C. Crowle — Sir Joseph Banks — Charles Greville — Sir William Hamilton — Sir Richard Worslcy, Mr. Peachey, and Sir George Beaumont — Charles Townley Contents vii — Richard Payne Knight — Sir Henry Englefield — Hamilton and the ritual of Isernia — D'Hancarville — The Priapeia — Reception of the volume — Retrospect : work of the Dilettanti in Italy — Work in Greece and Asia Minor — Further enterprises : new Publication Committee — Specimens of Antient Sculpture — Mode of publication — Proposed second volume — Opportunities lost meanwhile — Sir William Hamilton's notes and drawings — Letter from Lord Elgin — The Parthenon Marbles since Carrey — Thomas Harrison — Action taken by Lord Elgin — Lord Elgin and the Dilettanti — Influence of Payne Knight in discrediting the Marbles — Champions on the other side : West, Fuseli, Haydon — Progress of the controversy — Crown Prince of Bavaria, Visconti, Canova — The Select Committee — Final result . 107-136 CHAPTER VI Internal changes — The Ballot — Abolition of Forfeitures — Removals : Parslow's : the Thatched House — Researches in Greece and the Levant — Zeal of new members — Colt Hoare, Long, Ainslie, Hawkins — Morritt of Rokeby — Hope of Deepdene — Lord Morpeth, Lord Northwick, Earl of Aberdeen — Wilkins, Leake, Gell — New Ionian Committee — Its report on Gell's proposed expedition — Instructions to the expedition — Researches at Eleusis — Work at Samos, Miletus, Magnesia, &c Work at Rhamnus, Thoricus, and Sunium — The Aegina Marbles — Risks from pirates and privateers — Return of mission — John Peter Gandy — Resolutions as to publication — Congratulations to members of mission — Details of scheme — Sir Henry Englefield's appeal — Its results — The Unedited Antiquities of Attica — New edition of Ionian Antiquities — Further activities : second volume of the Specimens — Difficulties and delays — Mode of meeting expenses — Deaths of Englefield and Payne Knight — Sir T. Lawrence as Secretary — A German scholar's tribute — Distinguished members . . 13 7-1 71 CHAPTER VII Secretaryship of W.R.Hamilton — Reparation to Lord Elgin — Correspondents abroad : the Hon. W. R. Spencer — Sir W. Gell — Mr. Edward Dawkins — The Chevalier viii Contents Brbndsted — The Bronzes of Siris — Subscription for their purchase — Proposed continuation of Ionian Antiquities — Application from Mr. Penrose — Mr. Penrose supported by the Society — Investigations of Athenian Architecture — Latter years of Hamilton's secretaryship — Members elected under his regime : Shee, Mountstuart Elphin- stone, Hobhouse, &c. — Eastlake, Ryan, Munro of Novar, See. — Mr. Penrose, Monckton Milnes, Watkiss Lloyd, Panizzi, Cockerell, &c. — C. T. Newton : his cor- respondence from Syra and Mitylene — The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus — Proposal from the Arundel Society — Dedications of Cockerell's volumes . . . 172-191 CHAPTER VIII Removals : new Thatched House Tavern ; Willis's Rooms — State of the Society — Sir C. T. Newton, Sir F. Leighton, Sec — Art collectors and amateurs ; country gentry, &c. ; Bar and Bench — Pollock, Venables, Bowen — Learning - y the Civil Service ; Foreign Diplomacy — New antiquarian enterprise : Mr. Pullan and the Temple of Teos — The Smintheum — Temple of Priene — Ionian Antiquities, vol. iv — Time and mode of publication — Penrose's Athenian Architecture, new edition — Appeals from various quarters : Temple of Ephesus • British School at Athens — Changes and removals since 1888 — Newmembers — Discussions and resolutions — Retrospect: changed conditions of archaeological study — Decline of classical enthusiasm in England — The Archaeological Institute of Rome ; various foreign schools at Athens — Revival of the study in England, but in another shape — Part taken, or to be taken, by the Dilettanti — Conclusion 192-ai? CHAPTER IX Portraits of members : George Knapton — Institution of face-money — Knapton's resignation — J. Stuart as Painter to the Society — Stuart superseded in favour of Reynolds — The two great portrait-groups — Nathaniel Dance — Various resolutions as to portraits — Death of Reynolds ; Lawrence chosen successor — Motion as to portrait of Sir J. Banks — The Reynolds groups : steps for their preservation — The groups engraved in mezzotint — Contents ix Portrait of Payne Knight — Lawrence on the question of fresh portrait-groups — Portraits and face-money : various orders — Portraits of Lord Dundas and Benjamin West — Lawrence succeeded by Shee — Portrait of Morritt — Inquiries into state of pictures — Shee succeeded by Eastlake — Proposed series of engravings — Applications for loan of pictures : Manchester, South Kensington, National Gallery, See. — Eastlake succeeded by Leighton — Portraits of Lord Broughton and Sir Edward Ryan- Successive Painters to the Society : Sir F. W. Burton and Sir Edward Poynter — Further loans of pictures — Last portraits : Mr. Watkiss Lloyd, Lord Leighton, Mr. Sidney Colvin ...... z 16-13 7 APPENDIX List of Members of the Society of Dilettanti . . 139-3 14. INDEX 3 I 5 , ~33^ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Photogravures from original portraits in the possession of the Society of Dilettanti PAOl Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. (alter Reynolds) Col. G. Gray (after Knapton) The Hon. Sewallis Shirley (after Knapton) . The Earl of Holdernesse (after Knapton) Sir James Gray, Bart, (after Knapton) . The Earl of Bessborough (after Knapton) The Earl of Sandwich (after Knapton) . William Fauquier, Esq. (after Knapton) Richard Payne Knight, Esq. (after Lawrence) J. B. S. Morritt, Esq. (after Shee) Sir Henry Englefield, Bart, (after Lawrence) Sir Edward Ryan, K.C.B. (after Leighton) . Sir William Hamilton and others (after Reynolds) The Hon. Charles Greville and others (after Reynolds) Phototypes from the J^rgalia belonging to the Society 1 Baccbus's Tomb ' To face } i Ivory relief of Perseus and Andromeda, after the antique : from the back of Bacchus's Tomb . „ 34 The Bal lot-Box „ 36 HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY OF DILETTANTI CHAPTER I Antiquity of the Society — State of England at its foundation — Date of foundation — Date of first records — Char- acter of original members — Toung Englishmen on the Grand Tour — Choice of name — Earliest meetings — Members in 1736 — Dashwood — Middlesex — Har- court — The brothers Gray — W. Ponsonby — 7^. Gren- ville — Howe, Archer, Denny, Strode, Sewallis Shirley — Boone^ Liddell, Fauquier, Harris^ Dingley, Smithson — Hanbury Williams, Mitchell, Villiers — Smyth, Hay, Spence, &c. — Sandwich — Bedford, Brand, Holdernesse — Other members before 17 70. THE history to be narrated in the following Antiquity chapters is that of a small private society of °f tloe gentlemen which for more than a century and So " et ?' a half has exercised an active influence in matters connected with public taste and the fine arts in this country, and whose enterprise in the special field of classical excavation and research has earned the grateful recognition of scholars and the cultivated 4 x History of the Society of Dilettanti public throughout Europe. There may be persons, outside the limited circle of its members, who will feel some surprise on learning that such a society exists ; that it was founded in the early years of the reign of George II ; and has maintained its existence with an unbroken record up to the present day. This fact is the more remarkable, since, although the Royal Society and the Society of Antiquaries are actually older in point of date, the Society of Dilettanti was not formed, as these were, with any definite intention of promoting the cause of either science or art, but simply, in the first instance, for the purposes of social and convivial intercourse. state of The foundation of the Society almost coincides England at with what may be termed the birth of modern itsfiunda- England, xhe accession of George II, in itself an tion. o . . , O 5 . . unromantic and apparently unimportant incident in the history of England, nevertheless forms one of the landmarks in that history. The final establishment on the throne of the Hanoverian branch of the Guelphs marks the close of the long struggle which had reached its climax in the Revolution of i<5 8 8. It denotes the complete extinction of any popular sympathy with the Jacobite cause, as was shown by the behaviour of the populace during the events of 1747. A new era had commenced in England, an era of progress, consolidation, and reform, equally marked in matters political, social, and commercial, in questions civil or religious, and in education, science, and art. The long ascendency of Sir Robert Walpole, as first minister of the Crown, taught the country for the first time to look to the prime minister as the real governing power, while the vigorous opposition excited by his administration opened its eyes to the advantages of the party system. It was History of the Society of Dilettanti 3 early in the eighteenth century that the army and navy became permanent institutions and part of the national fabric of government. This without doubt contributed largely to the extraordinary extension of British commercial enterprise which ensued, leading through the agency of the East India Company to the establishment of the British Empire in India, and in later days to the founda- tion of Greater Britain in Australasia, South Africa, and in various parts of the New World. As com- mercial fortunes increased, the merchants of the East India, Turkey, South Sea, and other companies became powers in the State, and began to encroach on the social privileges of the feudal and territorial aristocracy. With the settled stability of the throne and the national institutions, the country grew wealthy and prospered. The foundation of the Bank of England is one of the great events in the history of finance. During this period there began to arise those great manufacturing enterprises which gained for Great Britain the commercial hegemony of the world. In religion, the settled supremacy of the Protestant faith enabled the Church to come to terms with the Nonconformists, whereby the latter gained a position of independence and a distinct voice in the affairs of State. The foundation of parochial schools for the first time opened the doors of education to the masses of the people. The press became an important and active factor in public life, both as a literary resource and as a political engine. Science and research were fostered by the Royal Society and the Society of Antiquaries. The acquisition by the nation of the collections of Sir Hans Sloane, following on that of the Cottonian and the Harleian MSS., resulted in the foundation of the B 1 4 History of the Society of Dilettanti British Museum. A desire was promoted for the es- tablishment of a truly national school of art, leading to the St. Martin's Lane Academy and William Hogarth, and later to the foundation of the Royal Academy in the glorious age of Gainsborough and Sir Joshua Reynolds. The pursuit of knowledge and culture became not only popular but fashionable, and a tour round foreign courts and capitals was considered an indispensable qualification for young men of birth and wealth. These grand tours became the source of the formation of those great private collections for which England long remained so justly renowned. Date of In the midst of such an age as this it happened, foundatiov. to q UOte t h e WO rds of the preface of the Ionian Antiquities (1769), that 'In the year 1734. some gentlemen who had travelled in Italy, desirous of encouraging at home a taste for those objects which had contributed so much to their entertainment abroad, formed themselves into a society under the name of the Dilettanti, and agreed upon such resolutions as they thought necessary to keep up the spirit of the scheme/ It is a matter of regret, and one, it is to be feared, past remedy, that, at the time of the foundation of this Society, the original members had so little idea of the important part which it was destined to play that it was not thought necessary to keep regular minutes of their meetings. Founded essen- tially as a dining society, its future, so long as the strength of the bond which held its members together remained untested and unknown, was very imperfectly foreseen. When, however, after a year or two, it became evident that not mere conviviality (or, as its enemies uncompromisingly alleged, hard drinking), but the love of art, with the ambition of fostering History of the Society of Dilettanti $ the same sentiment in others, was destined to be the genuine ruling principle of the Society, its members seem to have awakened to the fact that they might become a leading power in social life. Through their negligence at the outset the actual Date of date of the foundation of the Society remains un- f lrst certain. At a meeting held at the Bedford Head records - Tavern on March 6, 173d, it was decided to keep a regular minute-book, the records of meetings having been previously merely jotted down on loose papers. The first entries in the red morocco minute- books of the Society are dated April y and May 2, 173 6 — Anno Soc. Ter. in the Latin style adopted (and still kept up) for this purpose. When a separate book was commenced on December 13, 1744, for the minutes of the committee meetings, its date of com- mencement is Ann. Soc. Duodec. From these entries it may be assumed that the first meeting of the Society was held in December, probably on December 5- or 12, 1732. _ The majority of the original members were young ch aracter noblemen or men of wealth and position between of original twenty and thirty years of age, who had just come m home from their travels on the Continent (tours usually made under the charge of some governor of more mature age from the Universities or the Church), and who were eager on their return not only to compare notes of their experiences and acquisi- tions, but also to be regarded as arbiters of taste and culture in their native country. It can easily be imagined that the convivial meetings of a society thus constituted were characterized, in that age, by a vivacity which would be hardly in tune with the soberer ideas prevailing at the close of the nineteenth century. 6 History of the Society of Dilettanti Young The young English aristocrat was a conspicuous Englishmen figure m the chief centres of society on the Con- Grand Tour ti nent - He was as much criticized abroad for what seemed in foreign eyes his insular eccentricities, as he was on his return for his affectation of foreign habits of speech and behaviour. We get frequent glimpses of him from memoirs and letters of the time. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, writing to her daughter about the winter which she passed in Rome in 1740-41, says : c There was an unusual concourse of English, many of them with great estates and their own masters : as they had no admittance to the Roman ladies nor understood the language, they had no way of passing their evenings but in my apartment, where I had always a full drawing-room. Their governors encouraged their assiduities as much as they could, finding I gave them lessons of economy and good conduct; and my authority was so great, it was a common threat among them, " I'll tell Lady Mary what you say." I was judge of all their disputes, and my decisions always submitted to. While I staid, there was neither gaming, drinking, quarrelling or keeping/ In spite of Lady Mary's complacent opinion of her own influence, it is to be feared that the four practices mentioned in her last sentence were sadly prevalent among these young men, and that in many cases it was the governor, rather than the pupil, who profited most by the expedition. In any case, it was from among these young travellers that the Society of Dilettanti was recruited. ckoke of In the absence of original records, there is nothing name. ' beyond the obvious fitness of the name to explain why the original members called their Society the Dilettanti. The Italian word ( dilettante' appro- priately describes the character of these young men. The French word 'amateur ' had not yet been adopted into the vernacular, the word c virtuoso ' had already acquired a professional sound. There was in fact History of the Society of Dilettanti 7 already in existence a Society of Virtuosi founded in 1689, and composed of 4 Gentlemen, Painters, Sculp- tors, Architects, etc., Lovers or Professors of Art.' This society held an annual feast on St. Luke's Day, and on more than one occasion attempted to im- mortalize its existence by portrait-groups. A refer- ence to the name chosen by the Dilettanti for their own Society is made in the preface, already quoted, to the first volume of their great work on Ionian Antiquities (1769) — c It would be disingenuous to insinuate that a serious Plan for the Promotion of Arts was the only Motive for forming this Society. Friendly and Social Intercourse was, undoubtedly, the first great Object in view; but while, in this respect, no Set of Men ever kept up more religiously to their original Institution, it is hoped this Work will show that they have not, for that Reason, aban- doned the cause of Virtu, in which they are also engaged, or forfeited their Pretensions to that Character which is implied in the Name they have assumed.' Taking December, 1732, as the probable date Earliest of the first meeting of the Society of Dilettanti, meetings. there is some ground for supposing that it, and perhaps a few subsequent meetings, may have been held in Italy. Private papers show that some of the earliest members were certainly on the Continent during some part of the winter of 1732-3, and it may well have been that at some common central meeting-place for young travellers, such as Rome or Venice (the latter has been assumed), the idea was first mooted of such a reunion in London. It is difficult to ascertain for certain who were Members the true original founders of the Society, inasmuch m 1 71 He is a mighty sensible man. There are few young people have so good understandings. He is mighty grave, and so are you ; but you can both be pleasant when you have a mind.' But poor Lord Deskfoord's gravity and good understandings had no better end than melancholy and suicide. The fact that military and naval eminence began at the same time to be represented at the Society's board by the presence of heroes such as Granby, Anson, and Rodney, may be taken as farther illustrating the variety of the social elements from which the Dilettanti were from early days, and have ever since continued to be, recruited. CHAPTER II Practices and regula- tions of the Society. Places, dates, and hours of meeting. Practices and regulations of the Society — Places, dates, and hours of meeting — The President : his toga and curule chair — The Secretary and Treasurer — The High Steward — The Arch-Master and his insignia — The Regalia: Bacchus s Tomb, the Ballot-Box, Seal, and Ifikstand — Dining practices : forfeits and fines — Convivial excesses — Toasts — Election practices : qualification, admission, abdication — Committees and quorums. SO much as is known concerning the origin of the Society of Dilettanti having been set forth in the preceding chapter, and brief notes having been added as to the character and individuality of some among the most conspicuous of its early members, the next step is to give such account of the constitution, practices, rules, and regulations of the Society as can be gathered from the official minutes kept during the first half-century of its existence. The text of these minutes has a character and quaintness of its own, which makes it seem desirable to quote them in most instances verbatim. The first meeting of the Society of which a regular record is kept appears to have taken place at the Bedford Head Tavern in Covent Garden on March , 1736, for it was then ord red f That the L d Boyne, M r . How, S r . James Gray, S r Francis Dashwood, M r . Gray, M r . Degge, S r Hugh Smithson, M r . Archer, S r Brownlow Sherrard, M r . Whitmore, M r . Denny, or any five History of the Society of Dilettanti members of the Society, do meet at the Bedford Head on Sunday next to enter the Minutes now in loose Papers regularly in a Book (T. Archer, President). 5 It was from this date that the present series of red morocco minute-books was commenced. The meeting-place seems to have been by no means fixed, for on February 4, 1 7 3 9, it was ordered c That the Society meet no longer at the Bedford Head/ and c Resolved that the next meeting be at the Fountain in the Strand/ A further change was made on March tf, 174*, when it was ' Resolv'd that the Society do adjourn their next meeting in April to the Star and Garter in Pall Mall/ In February, 1 74A it was ordered 'That the s d Committee do meet on Saturday the 18th at the King's Arms in Pail-Mall ' j and on May 1, 17^7, it was again ordered ' That the Society do meet in December next at the Star and Garter in Pall Mall/ and 'That the Regalia of the Society be removed from the King's Arms, Westminster/ In February, 176$, it was ordered ' That the next meeting of the Society be at Mr. Almack's in King Street/ The first rule of the Society is as follows : — That the members of the Dilettanti meet the first Sunday in the month beginning the first Sunday in December and ending the first Sunday in May/ The meetings of the Society were thus fixed to take place on the first Sunday in every month X4 History of the Society of Dilettanti from December to May, but in December, 175^7, the January meeting was postponed to the second Sunday in that month ; and on May 20, 1 78 1, it was resolved c That it appears by experience to be for the advantage of the Society that the meetings be held twice in a month instead of once, that therefore the regulation for so doing be continued for the ensuing year/ But this was rescinded on March 5, 1784, when the Society reverted to c their original institution.' The season during which the meetings were held was after- wards changed : February to July being appointed instead of December to May: and this is the arrangement which holds at the present day. At the date of the foundation of the Society and for many years afterwards, the hour for dining was considerably earlier than at present. Among the early resolutions of the Society are these of February 4, 1739: ' Ordered that the money for the Dinners be collected at the first meeting of every year. c Resolved that no business be transacted till after dinner/ On April 1 741, in consequence of a resolution, *That M r . Gage haveing left the soci. without leave of the President and contrary to a known and ancient custom be censured, it not being seven a clock,' it was ordered c That it be a standing Rule of this Society That the President do call for the Bill at seven a clock (if business will permit) and that he do positively without fail call for it at eight' • and further ordered c That no one be so disrespectfull as to go away before the bill is called for, without leave publickly asked from and obtained of the President/ In April, 1767, a fine of one guinea was inflicted for a breach of the latter order. History of the Society of Dilettanti 25- The President was chosen in rotation from the number of members present, the rule being at first c That every Member be oblig'd to officiate as President accord- ing to his Order on the List of Names contain'd in the Book/ and £ That the Member whose turn it is to officiate as President not being present, the next upon the List then present is to officiate for that Meeting (provided he has been Six Meetings in the Society) and the absent Member or Members who mist their turns be oblig'd to officiate according to their Order upon the List the next time they appear at the Society/ At first the office was compulsory, but on Decem- ber 4, 1742, it was resolved * That any member shall have power to Decline the office of President upon the Penalty of one Guinea and his name be mark'd as if he had actually officiated that time.' By a minute of May tf, 1739, it was resolved 1 That it is necessary that there be an Alteration in the dress of the President'; and on February 1, 1747, c That a Roman dress is thought necessary for the President of the Society.' This having been discussed in committee, the Society on March 1, 174°, £ Agreed with the Committee as to model of the Roman dress, disagreed with them as to the Colour being crimson. Resolved that it should be of Scarlet,' and further resolved * That the President puts on the Roman dress when the Books are open'd,' and * That the President Quits the Roman dress when he leaves the Chair and not before.' The President : his toga and curule chair. i<5 History of the Society of Dilettanti This scarlet toga, in whose folds the President even at the present day sits enveloped, seems to have been from the first an irksome addition to the office. As early as December 6, 1741, a motion was made ' That S r J. Gray for the high Misdemeanour committed during his second Presidentship in neglecting the insignia of the Office be now publickly reprimanded by the President and advised to take care of his behaviour for the future, and he was reprimanded accordingly.' The arrangement of the folds of the President's toga was a subject of care and the duty of the Painter to the Society, for in March, 1778, £ The Painter of the Society [Sir Joshua Reynolds] was repre- manded for not sending the Toga to the Committee nor coming Himself as desired by the Society ' ; and in March, 1 7 8 o, a motion was made 'That M r . Steward be desired to undertake to have the folds of the Toga newly arranged which have been derang'd by the ill Taste of the Painter with whom it had been intrusted.' A still direr tragedy connected with the history of the toga is recorded in the Society's minute- books as follows : c April 18, 1750. The Toga not being Found in the House the Duke of Norfolk was desird by the Society to Lend his Robes for the Use of the President, which his Grace having been pleasd to assent the Robes were accordingly brought and the President arrangd therein.' ' Resolvd that secreting the Toga belonging to the Society is a high crime of misdemeenor. That all such as shall be convicted of being concernd in secreting the said Toga shall be considerd as guilty of high crimes and misdemeenors. That a committee be appointed to enquire into the mode in which the Toga of this Society has been secreted and to draw up Articles of impeachment against all such delinquents as shall be suspected of being principals or accessories in secreting the same. That the said Committee do meet at this house on the second of May next, and that the Duke of Norfolk E.M., the Earl of Sandwich and R. P. Knight Esqre. do attend in their places, and that the Sec. do order Stone the Taylor History of the Society of Dilettanti who is suspected of having the Toga in his Poscssion to attend at the Bar.' c June 6, 175)0. Mr. Stone attended with the new Toga and tried it upon the chairman, orderd that the new Toga be referrd back to R. P. Knight Esq.' From these entries a great crime may be suspected, namely, that the two noble peers and the gentleman mentioned were guilty of making away with the old toga and causing it to disappear. By a minute of March 4, 1 7 3!, it was ordered c That a Chaire be made for the use and Dignity of the PresdV This chair is elsewhere alluded to as the f Sella Curulis.' The following bills in connexion with it are still preserved by the Society : — Sir Brownlow Sherrard, Bart. 1739. Debt to Elka Haddock. May y e that Tui/dL g ' The Words " Lottery Money," placed on the fourth partition schemes. of the Treasure be removed, and the Words " General Fund " placed in their room/ It was at the same time ordered ' That a Building be erected or procured for the more honourable and commodious reception of the Society/ 4-6 History of the Society of Dilettanti c That a Voluntary Subscription be made by every Member of the Society not exceeding five guineas nor less than one guinea.' ' That the General Fund be appropriated and made sacred to the sole use of erecting or procuring Building, etc' ' That an officer be appointed with title of High Steward, etc' (see page a8). c That Mr. Harris be desired and empowered to ask and collect the voluntary Contribution not under one guinea nor exceeding five guineas for the erecting or procuring a Building for the more Honourable and Commodious reception of the Society as he occasionally sees them.' On May i, 1743, it was resolved ' That four Commissioners be appointed to look out for a proper spot to build a Room. The Commissioners Lord Middlesex, S r James Gray, Mr. Boone, Mr. Very High Steward Harris and a fifth added S r Francis Dashwood.' Active steps towards this scheme do not appear to have been taken till May 3, 1747, when a com- mittee of thirteen members (five being a quorum) was appointed 'To enquire and treat for a proper place and ground for the Erecting the Building intended for the Reception of the Society,' and empowered to purchase ground for a sum not exceeding £300 or the value of that in annual rent. The thirteen members chosen were Sir Francis Dash- wood, the Duke of Bedford, Mr. Gray, Mr. Fauquier, Mr. Boyle, Sir H. Liddell, the Earl of Holdernesse, the Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Harris, Mr. Howe, Lord Duncannon, Mr. Boone, and Mr. Brand, and to this number were subsequently added the Earl of Bles- sington, Mr. Knapton, Mr. Berkeley, Mr. Shirley, Sir A. Calthorpe, Mr. Villiers, and Mr. Mackye. The Caven- This committee decided on a site in Cavendish dub square §q uarej w hj c h was purchased by the Society from the Duke of Chandos at a cost of /400, the in- creased expenditure being sanctioned by a minute of December tf, 1747. The ground was situated History of the Society of Dilettanti 47 on the north side of the square, between the houses of the Earl of Abercorn and Sir Richard Lyttelton. The ground was levelled, enclosed with a wall de- signed by Colonel George Gray, who was an amateur architect himself, and eight large elms and six horse- chestnut trees were planted on the north side of the square. Over two hundred pounds' worth of Portland stone was purchased and deposited on the spot, the foundations were actually dug out, and an additional piece of waste ground behind Lady Abercorn 's house was rented, apparently from Sir Richard Lyttelton, in order to afford a back entrance into the Society's premises. On May 3, 17^2, a resolution was passed ' That it is the opinion of the Society that it would be adviseable to come to a Resolution to fix upon some Antique Building as a model for that intended by the Society according to the most exact proportions & measurements that can be procured, this with a view to prevent the numberless difficulties that may come in fixing upon any new modern Plan as such an undertaking when finished must amuse the curious and having been approv'd for many ages must naturally put a stop to all supercilious Criticisms.' On May tf, 17; 3, the Society agreed with the com- mittee in their resolution * That the Temple of Pola be taken as a model for the intended Building and that a Plan or Elevation according to that model be forthwith directed to be prepared that it may be carried into immediate execution.' Sir Francis Dashwood, Mr. Howe, Mr. Dingley, another member who dabbled in architecture and designed the Magdalen Hospital, and Colonel Gray were appointed a committee to carry out the above resolution. The choice of the Temple at Pola was probably due to the drawings by James Stuart and Nicholas Revett, which had been taken there in i7fo, and doubtless submitted to Sir James Gray at Venice (see below, p. 76). 48 History of the Society of Dilettanti Its aban- donment and the financial result. The whole project, however, seems to have been abandoned by April 6, 17? 6, the Society resolving c That a Committee be appointed to meet and that they have full Powers to treat with the best purchaser, that shall offer, and dispose of the Ground in Cavendish Square to y e best Bidder, but that the said ground be not disposed of for any sum under £1800 besides the full value of the stone, and that three be a Quorum provided that S r Fra 8 Dashwood or Col. Gray be one, and that the s d Committee have power of vesting the purchase money in the publick Funds for the use of the Society.' The land was valued at .£2,200, and the com- mittee in May, 17J6, was instructed not to dispose of it for less than £2,400, c if such a sum is offer'd during the course of the summer.' Such an offer does not appear to have been made, for on May 1, 1 7 s 7, it was ordered c That Sir Francis Dashwood and Colonel Gray dispose of the Ground before the next meeting for the best sum that they can get,' and ' That the s d purchase money when receiv'd be vested in Bank Annuities.' It was not, however, till May, 175-9, tnat tne follow- ing order was signed by the members present : — ' At the General Meeting of this Society it is this day order'd that S r Fran 8 Dashwood Bar* in whose name the Land in Cavendish Square was lately purchased of the most Noble Henry Duke of Chandois and his Trustees, in Trust for the use of this Society Do sell and dispose of the same and all the said Society's interest therein unto George Forster Tufnell Esq r and his Heirs for the sum of ,£1800 — which sum he the said S r Fran 8 Dashwood is hereby authorized and required to receive and to give a sufficient Receipt or other discharge to the said Purchaser for the same. Ordered that the said £1800 together with the produce of the General Fund be laid out in Gouvernment Securitys in the names of S r Fran 8 Dashwood and Col. George Grey for the use of the Society.' It is not clear why the Society so suddenly History of the Society of Dilettanti 49 abandoned its plan of erecting a Temple of Pola in Cavendish Square. So keen had the members been about the scheme a few years earlier, that they had passed a resolution in April, 1749, £ That any member who proposes to alienate any part of the Gen 11 Fund to different purposes than for which it was established, viz*, towards procuring or erecting a Building for the more com- modious and honourable reception of the Society shall be declared an Enemy to the Society and that on no account any disposition shall be made of any sum appropriated to the s d Fund except on the day of a Gen 11 call of the whole Society.' Nay more, — a further subscription to a special Build- ing Fund was started at the same date, headed by a subscription of £20 from Dash wood and various sums from other members of the Society, the minimum being five guineas. It may have been the rapid rise in value of the land in Cavendish Square which led to the decision to part with it, for on the whole the Society came well out of the affair, since after defray- ing all the expenses and selling the Portland stone, the Society was left with a clear profit of £1,063 1 is.jd. This sum, added to that specially subscribed and to the General Fund, placed the Society in possession of capital from about £3,000 to £4,000. An attempt was made in April, 1776, to secure a room in Mon- tague House, presently to be occupied by the British Museum, or else in Somerset House ; but this proving unsuccessful, the idea of establishing the Society in a building of its own seems to have lapsed for the next five years, and the Society resumed its ordinary meetings at the Star and Garter Tavern in Pall Mall. Meanwhile the Society had given other proofs Promotion that its members intended themselves to be con- °f the sidered as leaders and arbiters of public taste. On March <5, 1 741, it was resolved * That a Committee of the whole Society do meet at the Star £ 5"o History of the Society of Dilettanti and Garter on Thursday the ioth of March to consider of the Proposals made to the Society in regard to the carrying on of Operas for the next season & if the scheme be found practicable that the Committee have full power to transact the affair with the Proposer the same as if a Society ' ; and it was further resolved, on April 3 following, * That it is the opinion of this Society that the scheme for carry- ing on of Operas is highly worthy of the Countenance of the Society of Dilettanti, that the Society is sensible by the number of subscriptions already obtained amounting in the whole to at least 170 that the scheme is likely to be brought into effect (by which it is the opinion of this Society that great Emolum 13 must redound to the Society) and therefore it is most earnestly recom- mended by the Society the taking the most vigorous measures for the putting this scheme into immediate Execution especially as by the nature of the thing and the necessity of giving an answer to the Performers it can admit of no delay.' This motion of the Society of Dilettanti was obviously due to the Earl of Middlesex, who was a great supporter of the Italian opera, and had in 1 74 1 himself taken the King's Theatre in the Haymarket, which he, as director and impresario, opened on October 31 of that year. This was in direct competition with the Italian opera as directed by Handel and Heidegger, and led to HandePs quitting London for Ireland, almost ruined by opera, but with the newly written score of The Messiah in his coat-pocket. Middlesex Middlesex engaged a new company of Italian artists, a»d with, the celebrated Galuppi as conductor, Monticelli Vanneschi. r i * i ■ as first male soprano, Amorevoli as tenor, Visconti as first female soprano, and the Abbe Vanneschi as general manager. Horace Walpole writes to Sir Horace Mann on November 1741 : — ' Here is another letter, which I am entreated to send you, from poor Amorevoli : he has a continued fever, though not a high one. Yesterday Monticelli was taken ill, so there will be no opera on Saturday, nor on Tuesday. Monticelli is infinitely admired, History of the Society of Dilettanti next to Farinelli. The Viscontina is admired more than liked. The music displeases everybody, and the dances. I am quite un- easy about the opera, for Mr. Conway is one of the directors, and I fear they will lose considerably, which he cannot afford. There are eight, Lord Middlesex, Lord Holdernesse, Mr. Frederick, Lord Conway, Mr. Conway, Mr. Darner, Mr. Brook and Mr. Brand. The five last are directed by the three first ; they by the first, and he by the Abbe Vanneschi, who will make a pretty sum.' On April 1 4, 1 743 , Walpole writes again to Mann : ( There is a new subscription formed for an opera next year to be carried on by the Dilettanti, a club, for which the nominal qualification is having been in Italy, and the real one, being drunk.' This is the subscription recorded as above in the minutes of the Society, but it does not appear to have come to anything, for no operas were given at the Haymarket Theatre from June, 1744, to January, 1745. From that date it was carried on fitfully under Middlesex's direction for about ten years, after which period, what with the whims, squabbles, and ailments of the performers, the in- difference of the public, and the reckless extravagance of Middlesex and Vanneschi, the whole scheme came to grief, and Vanneschi found himself in the Fleet prison. Soon after this somewhat ineffectual attempt Schemes for of the Dilettanti to guide the public into a taste a 0 f^f emy for Italian music, a scheme of a more important °* 1 * ' and very different nature came before their notice : namely, that for founding an Academy of Arts in London similar to these existing in Rcme, Bologna, and other cities on the Continent. The drawing academy which already existed in St. Martin's Lane was entirely in the hands of a committee of artists, who had no wish to enlarge its scope. The Dilettanti evidently aimed at the foundation of a new institution on a broader basis, E 1 5"i History of the Society of Dilettanti and including some of those social elements which they themselves represented. Mr. At a committee meeting held at the King's Arms, Dingle fs Pall Mall, on February 18, 174-f, the members * lan ' present being Lord Holdernesse, Lord Duncannon, Sir Francis Dashwood, Mr. Fauquier, Mr. Berkeley, Major Gray, Mr. Gell, and Mr. Dingley, 'Mr. Dingley laid his scheme before the Committee which after having examined Resolved That it is the opinion of this Committee That it is highly worthy the Consideration of the particular members of the Society and recommend it as a scheme that deserves all encouragement. ' Resolved That it is the opinion of this Committee whenever Mr. Dingley's or any other scheme for an Academy shall take place to show their readiness to promote and encourage such scheme. 'That the Society of Dilettanti do give ten pounds per ann. out of their General Fund for the second best Performances in the three different Branches mention'd in the said scheme. ' Holdernesse, Chairman.' This was the meeting to which allusion has already been made (p. 37), and at which a postscript was added to the effect that * The Committee growing a little noisy and drunk and seeming to recollect that they are not quite sure whether the Report of the Committee signed by Chairman and Toast-master Holdernesse may not be so intelligible to the Society as the meaning of the Committee have intended, that there should be inserted after the word "encourage " and before the word " such," " having premiums assd." and after the word "that" and before the word "the" the word " then " be inserted and that the words " the " and " said " before the word " scheme " be expunged and the words " Mr. Dingley's" be inserted. Resolved in the negative.' The precise nature of the scheme proposed by the versatile Mr. Dingley has not been recorded. A too adventurous bark, amply christened at its launching, it seems to have promptly foundered in port. However, the desire of the Dilettanti to promote History of the Society of Dilettanti si some such scheme seems to have got abroad, for on February 2, 1755-, c A Paper from Mr. Newton secretary to the Committee of Painters directed to the President was deliver'd to them by Colonel Gray and read accordingly/ This paper accompanied an introductory discourse Communka- and plan of an Academy for the Improvement of tions ' w ' th Arts in General, and was drawn up by the select com- Co ^ mjttee mittee of painters, statuaries, architects, engravers, &c, 0 f Painters. which had originally met at the Turk's Head Tavern, Gerrard Street, Soho, with Francis Hayman in the chair, on November 13, 1 7 5 3 ; a momentous date in the history of British art. The concluding paragraph of the said discourse contains a distinct reference and appeal to the Society of Dilettanti, as follows : — ' As then the undertaking is of a public nature ; as the expense to the public will be inconsiderable in comparison to the advantages to be expected from it ; as a distinguished set of Noblemen and Gentlemen, long ago convinced of the necessity of such a plan, set apart a sum of money to be applied to a similar use, when opportunity shall offer; as pecuniary rewards have been offered by another society of Noblemen and Gentlemen, to stimulate and encourage young beginners ; and as no founda- tion however narrow in its views and purposes whatsoever, has ever yet wanted patrons and benefactors, it would become criminal even to suppose a possibility that such an one as this would be suffered to perish in the birth for want of assistance only.' On March 2, 1777, it was resolved * That it is the opinion of the Society that a Letter be wrote to the Members of the Academy of Painting &c, to return them thanks for the particular regard shown in their application to them as a Body and to every member respectively and that as soon as the proposed scheme is brought to any maturity and a Charter obtain' d they will be ready to give them all the assistance that shall be in their power. (Bedford, president.)' On April 6", 17 r?-, a letter from the Academy of Painters, &c, signed by the Gentlemen of the said Academy, among whom James Stuart and Nicholas $4* History of the Society of "Dilettanti Revett were also members of the Dilettanti, was read. The contents were as follows : — * Gentlemen of the Dilettanti Society. * May it please you to accept the sincere acknowledgments of us the Committee of Painters, Statuaries, Architects, etc., for the condescending Resolution passed in our favour, and com- municated to us by Colonel Gray, as also to permit us, in the most respectful manner, to represent, that in consequence of the encouragement derived to us from it, we have entertained thoughts of enlarging the plan of our Charter, so as to make room for the reception of a number of Members not of the professions above specified, to assist conjointly with us in directing and governing the Royal Academy, of which we are now soliciting the establish- ment; and that we should think ourselves highly honoured and extremely happy in receiving the number which may be proposed out of your Society ; to which we are also desirous to submit the nomination of our first President ; being persuaded that with your countenance and assistance we cannot fail to obtain the counten- ance and assistance of the public. But then we beg leave to add, that, such an alteration in our original plan making it absolutely necessary to have a suitable alteration in our Charter, it will be out of our power to bring it to an issue as required, till your pleasure with regard to this is made known to us. ' We are, Gentlemen, £ Your most obliged and most devoted humble Servants, F. Hayman J. Gwyn Robt. Taylor Chas. Grignion G. M. Moser Wm. Hoare Thos. Hudson Sam. Wale L. F. Roubilliac George Lambert Ric. Yco Thos. Carter Samuel Scott R l . Strange James Stuart Richd. Dalton G. Hamilton Fr. Milr. Newton Is c . Ware J. Reynolds John Astley Hy. Cheere Nicolas Revett John Pine Thomas Sandby ' April 2, 175^ After reading this letter it was resolved 'That the consideration of the said Letter be referr'd to the General Meeting in May,' and 'That Col. Gray be desir'd to inform himself from the Academy of Painters etc., of their scheme for a Royal Academy and the History of the Society of Dilettanti 57 purport of their intended Charter, which he is requested to produce at the next general meeting ' j and ' That an extraordinary and General Committee be appointed to meet on Sunday the zoth of April to consider of the proposition of the Academy of Painters etc., and that Circular Letters be sent/ At the committee meeting of the Dilettanti on The Society's April 20 the following resolutions were passed, and f lan - adopted by the general meeting of the Society in May following: — * That it is the opinion of that Committee That the President of the intended Royal Academy be all wayes and annually chosen out of the Society of Dilettanti.' 'That all the members of the Dilettanti be members of the Academy, but that only twelve of the Senior members Present at the meeting shall have votes.' * That any artist may be chosen a Member of the Academy, but that only twelve of the Artists to be chosen annually out of their Body shall have votes, and that upon an equality of Votes the President shall have a second vote. \ Sandwich? chairman.' In the minutes of the same meeting it is recorded that * A printed paper of a scheme for a Royal Academy 1 being read to the Society it was agreed that Colonel Gray be desired to obtain one of the said printed papers from the author and to enclose the same in a letter to the Society of painters acquainting them that the Society of the Dilettanti approve of that as a groundwork to proceed upon tho' liable to alterations, and to desire their opinion thereupon and report the same at the next meeting of the Dilettanti in Dec' No mention of such a report occurs in the minutes of the Society for December, 17 ff ; but the following was addressed to the Society by the Committee of Painters on December 30: — 4 To the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Dilettanti Society. Wc, the Committee of Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, beg leave to remind the Honourable Dilettanti Society of two Resolu- tions of theirs j the one signed by His Grace the Duke of Bedford, encouraging us to proceed with our design of preparing and soliciting a Charter for the establishment of a Royal Academy • 1 Perhaps Mr. Dingley's scheme. $6 History of the Society of 'Dilettanti and the other by the Earl of Sandwich, Chairman of the Committee, for considering our proposals in relation thereto : assuring us that their determination thereon should be communicated to us; as also to intimate in the most respectful manner, that the sooner we can be favoured with the said determination, the more a favour we shall esteem it, — it appearing to us as highly unbecoming to proceed in an affair once laid before them, till we have been made acquainted with their sentiments upon it. * We are, Gentlemen, * Your most obliged and most devoted humble Servants, F. Hayman G. M. Moser Jas. Paine Robt. Taylor Saml. Scott Frs. Milner Newton Saml. Wale Thos. Carter C. Grignion.' J. Gwyn J. Reynolds Collapse of There is no record in the minutes to show that negotiations, j-^jg i etter was ever submitted to the Society, or of any further communication with the Society of Painters on the subject. The Society of Dilettanti seems at first sight to have been rather high-handed in passing the resolutions detailed above, which were hardly consonant with the scheme set forth by the committee of artists ; but at that date circumstances had already shown the difficulty of carrying on an Academy managed by artists alone, and some of the artists themselves appear to have been of opinion that a strong infusion of unprofessional members would make the scheme more workable. It is evident that the Dilettanti would be content with nothing but the complete control of the new Academy, and that, their help not being forthcoming on any other terms, the whole scheme collapsed. One member however of the committee of artists, Sir Robert Strange, has in his Inquiry into the jf^ise and Establishment of the Jtyyal Academy left the following tribute to the behaviour of the Dilettanti on this occasion : — ' A Society composed of a number of the most respectable persons of this country, commonly known by the name of the History of the Society of Dilettanti si Dilettanti, made the first step towards an establishment of this nature. That society, having accumulated a considerable fund, and being really promoters of the fine arts, generously offered to appropriate it to support a public academy. General Gray, a gentleman distinguished by his public spirit and fine taste, was deputed by that Society to treat with the artists. I was present at their meetings. On the part of our intended benefactors, I observed that generosity and benevolence which are peculiar to true greatness- but on the part of the majority of the leading artists, I was sorry to remark motives apparently limited to their own views and ambition to govern, diametrically opposite to the liberality with which we were treated. After various conferences, the Dilettanti finding that they were to be allowed no share in the government of the Academy, or in appropriating their own fund, the negotiation ended.' The Society nevertheless took a cordial interest Foundation in the Royal Academy when that body eventually °f the Ro y al came into existence and obtained its charter in ^ cadem y- r . r its relations 1768. As it turned out, the first President or the with the Royal Academy, Sir Joshua Reynolds, was actually Dilettanti. a member of the Dilettanti at the time of his election. The Society showed its interest in a practical way, for on March 6 y 1774, it was ordered * That the Interest of four Thousand pounds three pr Cent. Annuities be appropriated to the use of sending two students recommended by the Royal Accademy to study in Italy or Greece for three years, and no longer, from the time they are appointed • that tho: due attention is to be paid to the recommendation of the Royal Accademy the Dilettanti shall not be oblidged to receive the persons they propose except they are approved by a majority at a Call of the Society when if they think them insufficient they may nominate others/ [Seaforth.] On February 2y, 1775-, a call of the Society was ordered for the first Sunday in the following month of March, and Sir Joshua Reynolds was desired to bring the students appointed by the Royal Academy to pursue their studies abroad to receive the approba- tion of the Society. The Dilettanti exercised their power of selection, for in March, 1 7 7 Mr. JeiFeries, ?8 History of the Society of Dilettanti painter, and Mr. Banks, sculptor, being recommended by the Royal Academy, it was ordered * That Mr. Jeffries be appointed as a student to go into Italy under the Protection of the Society 'j and also f That Mr. Pars also go into Italy claiming the same Protection, Their salaries to begin from the date of their arrival at Rome.' The two students named arrived in fact at their destination on October 7 and December 21, i77y, respectively. Proposal to The object of establishing a national drawing form a academy in London had been materially advanced castslram ^ mum fi cence of Charles Lennox, third Duke of the antique. Richmond, who, after returning from the usual tour in Italy, formed when twenty-two or twenty- three years of age a collection of paintings, sculpture, and casts from the antique in a gallery in the garden of his house at Whitehall. This he opened in March, 17^8, as a gratuitous school of drawing for students under the direction of G. B. Cipriani the painter and J. Wilton the sculptor. This was the first attempt to make a collection of such casts in England, and the first school in which the systematic study of antique sculpture was rendered possible to young students of small means. Horace Walpole says : * The institution of a school of statuary in the house of a young nobleman of the first rank rivals the boasted munificence of foreign princes.' The Duke of Richmond was not at the time a member of the Society of Dilettanti, which he did not join until March, 176" y ; but it may safely be attributed to his example that on March 1, 1 761, it was moved by Sir Francis Dashwood and carried, 4 That a Committee be appointed to consider of the expence, and how far it is practicable to procure the first and best casts of the History of the Society of Dilettanti 5-9 principal Statues, Busto's, & Bass Relievo's great or small in order to produce something from this Society that may be bene- ficiall to the publick.' In the original plan for the formation of a Royal Academy such a collection of casts, etc., had been contemplated, but only c for the improvement of the students.' The resolution of the Dilettanti, although not carried into effect, appears to be the earliest scheme in England for founding a set of casts from antique sculpture for the use of the public, such as have been recently formed at Cambridge, Oxford, and the South Kensington Museum. This scheme had the effect of reviving the idea of Revival of a separate building to be erected for the use of the buildlv Z Society, since the committee to which it was referred, sc eme ' its members being Sir Francis Dashwood, Colonel Gray, Colonel Denny, and Sir Thomas Robinson, were of opinion 'That some Act should be undertaken to show to the World the Intention of their Original Institution — in order to wh. they agreed. First— that some proper place should be found out, in order to build a Room, to hold any purchases of the Virtu kind the Society may hereafter make, and also it was Resolv'd that Enquiry should also be made with regard to any room or rooms, now built, which may answer the said purposes — to make a report to the Society on these heads, at their next meeting. 4 It was then proposed to recommend to the Society to purchase Casts of the best Statuery Busts or Basso-relievo's etc., that may be now in Great Britain or Ireland. ' It was further agreed by the Committee to recommend to the Society to purchase abroad any fine Casts of the best statues &c. in the manner and att the time the Society shall direct — & it is left to the consideration of the Society to make out the names of such Gentlemen abroad, who they think might be willing to assist in procuring those pieces of Virtu, which are the objects the Society have in view & letters to be wrote to 'em, signed by their members, desiring their assistance on this occasion.' Keeping in view the requirements of this scheme, St ?g& ested 1 • 1 1 1 • 7 sites: the the committee made an attempt to secure the auction- Greeu Fark 6o History of the Society of Dilettanti rooms of the well-known Mr. Cock, the auctioneer, for their premises. But the negotiations proved fruitless owing to a complication of leases between Mr. Cock, a Mr. Smith, the Crown, and the French Protestant refugees, whose chapel the building had once been, while Mr. Cock asked an exaggerated sum for his share in the lease. The committee then stated their opinion c That if a piece of ground could be obtained from the crown, adjoining to the Park Wall in Piccadilly situated between the Duke of Devonshire's and Lord Bath's in order to build an exact copy of an antique Temple, that it would be the properest way of disposing of the Society's money, according to their Intention, and would be a publick ornament, and the first example of this kind in his Majesty's Dominions — and redound greatly to the honour of this Society.' No further action, however, was taken in the matter until March 28, 1764, when the committee declared, and on April 1, 1764, tne Society ordered c That the Original Resolution viz*. That a Building be erected, for the more Commodious and Honourable reception of the Society for which purpose the money has hitherto been collected, be speedily taken into consideration being consistent with the Honour and Dignity of the Society.' The committee further recommended c That a memorial be presented to His Majesty beseeching His Majesty that he will be graciously pleased to allot a proper piece of ground in the Green Park next Piccadilly, or wherever else His Majesty shall think fit, on which a building may be erected for the more commodious and honourable reception of the Society, according to the Order of the Society at the last General Meeting j and that Lord Le Despenser, Lord Charlemont, Mr. Wood and Colonel Gray be desired to prepare such memorial to be laid before the Committee.' A draft petition was prepared and Sir Francis Dashwood (now Lord le Despencer) 1 was desired to present the same to His Majesty, and if it meets with His Majesty's approbation to forward the petition to History of the Society of Dilettanti 61 the Treasury.' On April 20 Lord le Despencer reported { that he had presented to His Majesty the petition agreed to at the last committee, which His Majesty received very graciously and was pleased to say he would consider on it.' This, however, proved a barren effort, for on May 1 a resolution was passed (and subsequently ordered by the Society) 'That it was the opinion of the Committee viz. Lord Le Despenser, Lord Middlesex, Mr. Howe, Colonel Denny, Lord Charlemont, Mr. Wood, Colonel Gray, Sir James Gray, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Fauquier, Secretary, that another Petition be presented to His Majesty, specifying particularly the ground in the Green Parke, on which it is proposed to erect the intended Building viz. to commence opposite the East End of Whitehorse Street next below the Earl of Egremont from thence one hundred and twenty four feet westwards towards Hyde Park Corner and projecting into the Green Park one hundred and forty Feet/ This petition was likewise presented to His Majesty by Lord le Despencer, who on June 5- following- reported to the committee that £ the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. G. Grenville, had returned him the Petition to His Majesty, desiring ground in the Green Park, to erect a building on, and at the same time acquainting him that His Majesty desired to see a Plan of the Intended Building first.' At this gentle but obvious snub the Society The star abandoned their designs on the Green Park, but in Garter. May, 1 76s;, they made an attempt to secure for them- selves the premises of the Star and Garter Tavern in Pall Mall, at which they were accustomed to hold their monthly meetings. The tenant, Mr. Fynmore, was willing to part with his lease, which had twelve years to run, but on application to Mr. James Beau- voir of Danharn Hall, Essex, the lessee under the Crown, it was discovered that Mr. Beauvoir had no power to sell. No further steps were taken for 6z History of the Society of Dilettanti some time towards erecting a building, but in April, 1770, it was resolved * That any member making any motion for the appropriation of any part of the General Fund exceeding One hundred Pounds to any purpose but that of erecting the new Intended Building should for leave to make such motion pay the sum of two guineas, & in case the motion is rejected by a majority of the Members present, he is to forfeit the further sum of three guineas/ The matter, however, only advanced in fits and starts, though never dropped out of sight. In May, 1772, it was resolved * That a Committee be appointed to Consider of a proper manner of effectually carrying into execution the resolution of the Society with regard to the New intended Building, — that Lord Dispenser, S r James Gray, Mr. Howard, L d Clanbrasil, Mr. Ascough, S r Jos. Reynolds, Mr. Crowle, Be of that Committee and to meet next Saturday 9th May 177X5 — That all members who come have Voices and that Cards be sent to all acquainting them of this resolution, — That this Committee be Called the Grand Committee ! ' On May 2, 1773, it was resolved * That during the Recess the Society be formed into a Committee to Consider of purchasing a piece of Ground to erect a Building upon for the use of the Society and that Five Members be a quorum, — That the Committee do not exceed the sum of one Thousand Pounds for the purchase of the Ground.' Then nothing more was done until April, 1776, when it was ordered 4 That there be a Call of this Society next meeting to take into Consideration the disposal of a certain sum from the Publick Fund towards Building a Temporary Room for the Reception of the Society next year/ But this proposal was negatived in the following May. In April, 1777, it was proposed by the committee to take permanently a room at the Star and Garter Tavern, and in the following May the Society resolved to agree e with the Determination of the Committee of the acth April History of the Society of Dilettanti 63 1777 and Recommend it to the members of the Society to pay a guinea per annum for 3 years to come to the Master of the Star and Garter tavern for the Recompense to him for the use of this room, — That the Secretary do pay two Hundred guineas to the Master of the Star and Gaiter Tavern upon His signing the Article of Agreement this day produced by the Secretary and laid before the Society for their inspection.' It is not clear from the records of the Society camelford whether this arrangement was actually carried out House. or not. But the idea of erecting a separate building for the use of the Society seems to have been again abandoned about this date (1777) owing to heavy expenditure from its funds in another direction, as will be recorded in the succeeding chapters. It was once more revived in February, 1785-, by a proposal from Lord Camelford to sell to the Society the shells of two new houses adjoining his own in Hereford Street, which might be thrown together to form a museum 4 for what is properly called virtu.' The offer, however, was declined by the Society on discovering that in addition to an initial cost of £2,5-00 for the completion of the buildings by Sir John Soane, they would incur large ex- penses for furniture, decoration, ground-rent, taxes, service, &c. ; moreover, Lord Camelford made it a condition that he was to be allowed a special door and key leading from his own house into the gallery on the ground floor. The last flicker of the building scheme seems to Final aban- have occurred in March, 1790, when it was resolved donment °f building < That a Committee be appointed to meet here on Sunday the scheme. aist instant; and that they do take into Consideration the sums that have been expended by the Society in attempting to provide a room ; and inquire into the state of the site of the Opera House, that was burnd down last summer, and how far the same may be proper to be purchasd for the purpose of building one, and to such other matters as they may think Fit.' 64 History of the Society of Dilettanti Nothing appears to have come from the above resolution ; and thus the idea of a separate build- ing or even a separate room for the use of the Society was finally abandoned, and the Society continued to hold its meetings at the Star and Garter Tavern up to the end of the eighteenth century. Increasing The voluntary subscriptions, however, of the rkhes of the senior members, and the customary contribution Society. tQ t j ie budding fund, paid as an entrance fee by all newly elected members, added to the profit made by the sale of the land in Cavendish Square, had increased the riches of the Society and placed them in command of capital of no inconsiderable amount. This was further augmented by two enactments of great importance in the history of the Society. Face-money, On January 4, 174I, it was ordered c That every member of the Society do make a present of his Picture in Oil Colours done by Mr. Geo. Knapton, a member, to be hung up in the Room where the s d Society meets; (Sam 1 Savage, President.) ' and on February 3, 174^", it was ordered, nomine contradicente, c That every member of the Society who has not had his Picture painted by Mr. Knapton by the meeting in February next year, shall pay One Guinea per Annum till his Picture be Deliver' d into the Society, unless Mr. Knapton declares that it was owing to his want of time to finish the same.' As many of the members did not care, or did not find opportunity to comply with this order, the pay- ments on this account, known as ' Face-money produced a considerable sum every year. Rule A?m. On February 5-, 1 74^, it was ordered Soc. Undec. CThat aftef thc first of March I7+ j every member who has any increase of Income either by Inheritance Legacy Marriage or preferment do pay half of one p. ct. of the first year of his History of the Society of Dilettanti 6s additional income to the Gen 11 Fund, but that every member upon paymt. of £10 shall be released from such obligation.' [Strafford, Presid*.] This enactment, known as Rule Ann. Soc. r Undec.^ and still solemnly recited at every meeting of the Society, seems to have been first received in a rather ribald spirit, for on April 7, 1745", it was ' Resolv'd that the Committee have leave to sett again and that it be an Instruction to the said Committee to Consider and explain the word Preferment in the order dated Ann: Soc: Undec: Feby. ?th.' In May, 1747, it was resolved ' To agree with the Comittee in their first Resolution That all Titles and Honours are deem'd Preferment. Also in their Comittee's second Resolution viz: That all Preferment shall be valued according to the subsequent rates viz : An Arch Bishop A Duke . A Marquiss An Earl . A Viscount A Bishop A Baron A Judge . A Knight of the Garter A Knight of the Thistle A King at arms His Majesty's Ratcatcher A Knight of the Bath his Blessing his Grace his Honour nothing something n ... . 6 pence 6s. U. lis. 4J. 10 pounds Scotch 5 pounds English 8 pounds 9 pounds 10 pounds.' A Trumpeter On May 7, 1769, it was resolved * That it is the opinion of this Society that the word Inheritance means any encrease of income by the death of another person $ but that this be not meant to extend to the falling in of Leases for Lives or Lands and Tenements.' The payments on this account also produced annually a fairly large sum, and as it is one of the few orders dating from the early years of the Society's existence which remain in force at the present day, the full list of such payments gives 66 History of the Society of 'Dilettanti a most interesting insight into the rank and position of the members. The first few entries give a good idea of these payments. c March 4, 174I. Mr. Secretary Gray paid in the sum of eighteen shillings & threepence being the half of one p. ct. of £i%6 ior. conformable to the Resolution of Feb. 5th being appointed Major of Brigade.' c Dec. 2, 1 744. Mr. Fauquier paid in to the Gen u Fund the sum of fifteen shillings being the half p. Ct. of £1^0 ann. Conformant to the Resolution of Feb. 5th and appointed Director of the London Insurance Company ; Lord Middlesex being married to the Honble. Miss Boyle Daughter to the late L d Viscount Shannon paid into the Gen 11 Fund the sum of Twenty Guineas (not taking the advantage of the Resolution of Feb. ye 5th which admitts of compounding for ten pounds being the nearest calculation to his Increase of Income).' e Jan. 6, 174I. Received of the Duke of Bedford Eleven guineas for having accepted the Place of First Commissioner of the Admiralty; Receiv'd of Lord Sandwich Five guineas for having accepted the Place of one of the Lords of the Admiralty.' The principal sources of the funds in the posses- sion of the Society of Dilettanti up to 1778 may therefore be briefly enumerated as follows : Dinner Money. Lottery Money. Face-money. Fines and Forfeits. Entrance subscriptions to Building Fund. Fee of I per cent, on Increase of Income. Profit from sale of land in Cavendish Square. Interest on investments in bank or other annuities. Interest on the sum of i^o guineas lent on mortgage to the Earl of Sandwich, paid up to 1791, when the earl died and the capital was never recovered. To these funds must be added a legacy of £?oo made to the Society of Dilettanti by Mr. James Dawkins in 175*9. By accumulations derived from these various sources the riches of the Society, which in 1743 amounted to £321 $s. %d., had in May, 1778, increased to £4-,o66 19s. 2d. The following incidents recorded in the minutes History of the Society of 'Dilettanti 67 seem worth noticing as among the obiter dicta and facta of the Society. At a committee meeting (where the company seems to have been invariably very lively) on February 7, 174^, it is recorded : ' The Committee met. Resolved That it is the opinion of this Committee that Mr. Brand will be Damned. ' Resolved That it is the opinion of this Committee That all Publick pious Charities are private Impious abuses/ 'March, 1747. Resolved that the Honble. Richard Edgecumbe be Bard to the Society.' This was the Dick Edgcumbe already mentioned, the friend of George Selwyn and Gilly Williams and Horace Walpole, one of the choicest wits of his day. 'April 5, 1 75" 5". Whereas a very extraordinary message was sent up to the Society, by a Divine of the Church of England for ought it knows, with a couple of Books fairly bound, which the Society never can or will read, It was thought absolutely necessary to prevent any further interruption to send him one Guinea of publick money for the Society's private convenience.' 'March 2, 1760. John Russell a Boy between 14 or 15 years of age produced to the Society several drawings which were judged to be very deserving and therefore for his encouragement It was agreed to make him a present of £j 5. o.' This entry appears to note the first appearance in public of John Russell, the well-known painter of portraits in pastels and afterwards a Royal Acade- mician. Russell seems to have enjoyed the special favour of the Society, for he was their guest at dinner on at least two occasions in 1774 and 1778. On March 1 7 8 o» and in 167 j and 1676, a learned antiquary of Lyons, ^'fj^j Jacob Spon, in company with an Englishman, Mr. ' (afterwards Sir) George Wheler, travelled through Greece and the Levant. Theirs was the first anti- quarian expedition in those regions of which a careful record has been kept, and although the in- formation gathered by them has been supplemented and in part superseded by subsequent travellers, their labours served as a starting-point for all those which immediately ensued. Spon published an account of the expedition in 1 67 8 3 , and Sir George Wheler an account in English four years later 4 . 1 Carrey's drawings of the Parthenon pediments are preserved in the Louvre, and are well known by numerous reproductions in archaeological works. But there exist other pictorial records of M. de Nointel's expedition, in all likelihood also by Carrey's hand, which have until recently escaped notice. These consist of (i) two paintings in one of the upper galleries of the palace at Versailles, representing the reception of the Embassy at Constantinople ; and (1) a large picture recently deposited in the town museum at Chartres, in which are represented M. de Nointel and his suite received by the Turkish pasha at Athens. The town of Athens appears in the background, with the Acropolis, on which are seen the Parthenon, the Turkish minaret, and the mediaeval tower, surrounded by the red roofs of houses standing crowded up to the very walls of the enclosure. 2 Relatione della Citta £ Athene, colle Provincie delP Attica, Focia, Beozia, etc. net Tempi che furono passeggiate da Cornelio Magni, Parme- giano, Vanno 1674, e dallo stesso publicate V anno 1688. 3 Voyage d'ltalie, de Dalmatie, de Gre~ce et du Levant. Lyon, 1678. 4 A Journey into Greece by George Wheler, Esq., in company of 74 History of the Society of Dilettanti Another traveller in classical lands whose work deserves recognition was Edmund Chishull of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Having received from his college the 'traveller's place,' he was in 1698 appointed chaplain to the factory of the Turkey Company at Smyrna, and during his residence there made various expeditions in Asia Minor and Turkey, of which he published ac- counts which proved valuable to later explorers *. Chishull found a friend and editor in the well- known antiquary Dr. Mead, and also owed some of his information to a French explorer in Asia Minor, M. Pitton de Tournefort, the botanist, whose voyage into the Levant was translated into English in 171 8. The published accounts of these several travels, together with the impetus given to the taste for Greek art by the marvellous yields of archaeological excavation in Italy, and the attrac- tion of an added spice of adventure, no doubt supplied the stimulus which induced some young English aristocrats on the Grand Tour, such as Lord Sandwich, Lord Charlemont, Mr. Ponsonby, and others, to extend their travels to Greece and the coasts of Asia Minor. The experience gained and interest awakened during these journeys were reflected in the subsequent action of the Society of Dilettanti. British Another group of persons who shared the pre- artists in vailing enthusiasm for classical antiquity and 4 virtu ' BrZlL ham was to ^ e found among the colony of British artists and Gavin wno made Rome their head-quarters from the Hamilton, early part of the eighteenth century. Among these Dr. Span of Lyons, Lond. l(>8a, folio. Spon and Wheler met and compared notes with M. de Nointel at Constantinople. 1 Inscriptio Sigea antiquissima, ijxi ; Antiauitates Asiaticae, etc., 1728; Travels in Turkey and back toEngland, 1 747 (a posthumous work). History of the Society of Dilettanti 75- were two who are particularly identified with the cause of archaeology, and whose services to the collectors and amateurs of their age appear to have been free from the charges of extortion and falsifica- tion to which other purveyors of the antique then laid themselves open : viz. Matthew Brettingham the architect, who built the Earl of Leicester's house at Holkham (1699-1769), and Gavin Hamilton the painter (17 3 0-17 97). In the course of the year 1742 there arrived two stuart and others whose names were destined to be still more Revett, honourably connected with the progress of the same study, and with the work of the Society of Dilettanti in particular. These were James Stuart and Nicholas Revett. James Stuart was the son of a mariner of North British extraction, and was born in London in 1 7 1 3 . Losing his father at an early age, he for a time supported his family by painting, and according to tradition painted fans for Goupy, the celebrated fan-painter in gouache. In 1742 he determined to go to Rome, and made his way there on foot. At Rome he not only studied art, but acquired a sufficient know- ledge of the classical languages at the College of the Propaganda to publish in 175*0 a treatise in Latin 1 on the obelisk found in the Campus Martius, which attained sufficient notice to gain him a personal intro- duction to the Pope. Nicholas Revett was a member of a very ancient Suffolk family, being the second son of John Revett of Brandeston Hall near Framling- ham, where he was born about 1721. Determining to become an artist, he left England on September 22, 1742, for Leghorn, and thence proceeded to Rome, 1 De Obelesco Caesaris August'/, Campo Mart'to Nuperrhne Ejfoso, Epistola Jacobl Stuart Angli, ad Carolum Wentworth, Comitem de Malton. Roma, 1750. 76 History of the Society of Dilettanti where he studied under Cavaliere Benefiale, a painter then in repute. In April, 1 748, he joined Brettingham, Stuart, and young Gavin Hamilton in an expedition to Naples, which they accomplished on foot, and it appears to have been during this expedition that the project of a journey to Athens was first mooted. At any rate it was towards the close of this year that the young men drew up the prospectus of a scheme entitled c Proposals for publishing an accurate descrip- tion of the antiquities of Athens, &C.' The idea seems to have originated with Hamilton and Revett, and to have been eagerly and warmly taken up by Stuart. Their scheme receiving support and financial aid from distinguished amateurs like Lord Charlemont and Charles Watson-Wentworth, Earl of Malton (after- wards Marquess of Rockingham), Stuart and Revett quitted Rome for Venice in March, 1770. At Venice they failed to obtain a ship for Greece and were delayed for several months. Three of these months they spent at Pola on the Dalmatian coast, occupying themselves with a careful examination of the theatre and other remains of classical antiquity in that city, The result of these researches was subsequently printed in vol. iv of The Antiquities of Athens : and it was no doubt due to them that in 17^3 the Dilettanti, as set forth in Chapter III, contemplated constructing their new building on the model of the temple of Pola. sir James At Venice Stuart and Revett were thrown much Or ay into the society of Sir James Gray, with con- Wettojrt' seQ L uences of great importance both to the Society of Dilettanti and to their own future labours. It has been noted in Chapter II that at a meeting of the Society on January <5, 1747, a mot i° n was carried permitting any member residing in Italy to pro- SIR JAMES GRAY, BART. K B History of the Society of Dilettanti 77 pose candidates by letters; and at the same time it was resolved that a letter be sent to Sir James Gray acquainting him of this resolution. Gray's situation, first as Secretary to the Embassy and afterwards as British Resident at Venice, afforded him special opportunities for enlisting young English travellers in Italy among the ranks of the Dilettanti ; but for a time few such travellers seem to have passed his way. In May, 1746, it was resolved nem. con. 'That the Secretary do write to Sir James Gray to remind him of his proper situation & peculiar ability to procure members for this Society/ He had already proposed by letter in May, 1745", Election of the Earl of Holdernesse, the Earl of Ashburnham, Stuart and and Mr. St. George \ and in December, 1746, in Revett - response to the above reminder, he wrote to propose Lord Hobart and Sir Thomas Sebright. His next candidate was Mr. Steavens, in May, 17x0; in the course of same year he proposed his new acquain- tances Stuart and Revett, together with a Mr. Trench; and the three were duly elected at the meeting in March, 17 s 1 - The election of the two young artists was a new departure for the Dilettanti, since their members, with the exception of Knapton, had hitherto been drawn from those who by rank or wealth figured as social leaders, and proved an important event for the Society, leading, as we shall presently see, to its first corporate venture in the domain of Greek archaeology. It was not until January, 175-1, that Stuart and Their Revett succeeded in embarking from Venice. They expedition to travelled by Zante, Chiarenza (or Cyllene), Patras, Athens - Corinth, Cenchrea, Megara, Salamis, and arrived at the Piraeus on March 17, and at Athens on the following day. In the following May there arrived 78 History of the Society of Dilettanti at Athens two English gentlemen of culture and learning, who were engaged, like themselves, on a voyage of archaeological research, and only wanted the services of practical artists to give greater utility and completeness to their work. Dawkins In 17 jo Mr. John Bouverie, Mr. James Dawkins, and Wood, and Mr. Robert Wood had started on a journey of exploration through the west of Asia Minor ; they had visited Cyzicus, Pergamus, Sardis, Teos, Ephesus, Miletus, and Magnesia on the coast, and at the last place Bouverie had died. Dawkins and Wood came to Athens soon after, and remained there some time, joining with Stuart and Revett in explorations, but not interfering with their work. In fact it was by means of the liberality of Mr. Dawkins that Stuart and Revett were enabled to carry through their work at Athens. In March, 175-1, Dawkins and Wood left for their celebrated expedition to Palmyra and Baalbec. Not long afterwards tumults arose in Athens, due to the misrule of the Turkish Govern- ment, and in March, 17^3, Stuart and Revett thought it advisable to go to Smyrna for a short time, visiting Delos and Scio on the way. They returned in June, but were again driven away in the follow- ing September both by the tumults and by a more formidable enemy, the plague, without having com- pleted their work of measuring all the buildings on the Acropolis. They became involved in a serious dispute with the British Consul, a Greek, and as a new pasha was appointed to govern the district about the same time, Stuart decided to avail himself of the escort of the retiring pasha to Constantinople to have his position secured by a firman. The escort proved treacherous, and Stuart more than once ran considerable risk of being murdered. He succeeded History of the Society of Dilettanti 79 however in escaping, and arrived at Salonica, where he was subsequently joined by Revett, and whence the two made their way together again to Smyrna. The continuance of the plague rendered it impossible for them to return to Athens to complete their measurements and researches, and they arrived in England,after a long quarantine at Marseilles, early in 175-7. Meanwhile a fresh prospectus of the proposed publication of their researches had been issued in London by Colonel George Gray of the Society of Dilettanti in 1771 ; another was provided and issued in 17 s 2 by Mr. Dawkins and Mr. Wood ; and another in 17 si by Consul Smith at Venice. It is important to notice these dates, because a Le Roy and Frenchman, M. Le Roy, was moved to undertake a rival Dalton > journey in the interests of France, and was supported both by royal favour and private interest. He did not however leave Rome for Athens until 1773. He published an account of his researches illustrated with plates, and an English translation, also illustrated, was brought out by Robert Sayer in 175*9, evidently in rivalry with the projected publication of Stuart and Revett, whose appearance it anticipated by three years. Richard Dalton also, who accompanied Lord Charlemont to Greece in 1749, an d was afterwards employed by George III, made several drawings of Athenian antiquities which he engraved ; but they are of little value either for art or archaeology. On their return to England Stuart and Revett The were at once admitted as members of the Society of ^'j^ffj 1 Dilettanti, to which, as we have seen, they had been Antiquities elected at Venice four years before ; and in April, of Athens: 17 57, Stuart proposed Mr. James Dawkins as a member. Stuart's patron, the Marquess of Rockingham, had been elected in the preceding February ; Lord 8o History of the Society of Dilettanti Charlemont was proposed by Mr. Dawkins and elected in. March, 1756 ; Mr. Robert Wood joined the Society a few years later, in 1763. Stuart and Revett set to work to arrange their notes and draw- ings for printing and engraving, and issued a fresh prospectus of their intended publication. In their expenses they were assisted by many members of the Dilettanti. In March, i7 5"7, it was resolved 'That the Society do present the Authors of the Antiquities of Attica with the sum of Twenty Guineas for their first Volume and for the further Encouragement of so great and usefull a Work do intend the same sum for each Volume as they shall be published/ It was not however until 176 2 that the authors were able to issue the first volume of The Antiquities of Athens, measured and delineated by James Stuart, F.j\S. and F.S.jf., and Nicholas Revett, painters and architects, with a dedication to the king. Many names of the Dilettanti appear in the list of subscribers \ the Duke of Bedford took two sets, Sir Francis Dashwood five, Mr. James Dawkins (who died in 1779) na d subscribed for twenty, the Marquess of Rockingham for six, in addition to those taken by other members of his family, and Mr. Wood for eight. On January 23, 1763, it was ordered by the Dilettanti ' That the thanks of the Society be returned to M rs . Stuart and Revett for their attention in presenting them with their Book of the Antiquities of Athens so magnificently and elegantly bound.' :ess of The success of this volume was instantaneous and volume, remarkable. Stuart found himself famous, and was for ever afterwards known as 4 Athenian Stuart M 1 It would appear that even before the publication of the work Stuart had expatiated freely upon its merits and those of the artists concerned, for there is a tradition, apparently well founded, that Hogarth's caricature of ' The Five Orders of Perriwigs,' published in 1 76 1, was intended as a satire on the authors of The Antiquities of Athens. This engraving is styled by Hogarth 4 The Five Orders History of the Society of Dilettanti 81 The work for the first time revealed to the educated public the important place in the history of art which the existing remains of Greek sculpture and architecture still have a right to hold. The pub- lications of Dawkins and Wood on the ruins at Palmyra and Baalbec had excited interest, but had not appealed to the imagination of a class mainly educated on classical lines in so direct a manner as The Antiquities of Athens. ' Grecian Gusto ' became the fashionable craze of the moment, and Stuart and Revett found themselves elevated to the posi- tions of fashionable architects in a new but, it must be confessed, sadly inadequate application of the classical style to domestic use. It is from the publication of this first volume of Stuart and Revett's researches that the modern study of Greek archaeology may be said to date ; and although the Dilettanti were not responsible as a body for its publication, yet without the support which they gave to it, individually and as a society, the book might very probably have never seen the light. The success of this publication, and the accession The Society to the Society, not only of Stuart and Revett, sends " n but also of Dawkins, Wood, Charlemont, and '^Asia* Rockingham, led the Dilettanti to concentrate Minor. their thoughts on a new scheme for the continua- tion of these researches in Greece and Asia Minor. On the regretted death of Mr. Dawkins in 17J9, he left a legacy of -£yoo to the Society, of which the following notices occur in the minutes — * May, 175:9. Mr. Revett deliverd a message from Mr. Dawkins of Perriwigs as they were worn at the late Coronation, measured Architectonically,' with a further statement that ' Least the Beauty of these capitals should chiefly depend, as usual, on the delicacy of the engraving, the Author hath etched thtm with his own hand.' t G 8i History of the Society of Dilettanti that he was ready to pay the £^oo, left as a Legacy by his Late Brother towards the Building or an Academy whenever the Society are ready to receive the same. £ Order'd Mr. Revett to return the Thanks of the Society to Mr. Dawkins and that they will lett him know when they think themselves Intitled to receive the said legacy. * In order to show the Society's great regard for our late worthy member Mr. Dawkins, the Society proceeded to Ballot for the Deceas'd's Brother and he was Elected.' On May i, 1763, it is recorded c Received of Col. Gray £^00 paid to him by Mr. Henry Dawkins, being a Legacy left to the Society by his Brother Mr. James Dawkins, and for which sum Col. Gray has given a receipt sign'd by him to s d Mr. Henry Dawkins.' After some consideration, actuated no doubt by a desire not to interfere with the future publication of Stuart and Revett's remaining material from Athens, and also probably at the advice of Mr. Robert Wood, the Society in 17^4 determined to apply a portion of the funds — which had accumulated to a fairly large sum since the last scheme for erecting a building had been abandoned — to sending out an expedition to Asia Minor at the cost and under the control of the Society. In the words of the preface of the Society's first publication — ' Upon a Report of the State of the Society's Finances in the year 1764, it appeared that they were possessed of a Considerable Sum above their current Services required. Various Schemes were proposed for applying part of this Money to some Purpose j which might promote Taste, and do Honour to the Society, and after some Consideration it was resolved " That a Person or Persons properly qualified should be sent, with sufficient Appointments to certain Parts of the East, to collect Informations relative to the former State of those countries, and particularly to procure exact descriptions of the Ruins of such Monuments of Antiquity as are yet to be seen in those Parts." c Three Persons were elected for this undertaking. Mr. Chandler of Magdalen College, Oxford, Editor of the Marmcra Oxontensta, was appointed to execute the Classical Part of the Plan. The Province of Architectuie was assigned to Mr. Revett, who had HON . WILLI AM PONSONBY, afterwards Earl of rjesstorough . History of the Society of Dilettanti 83 already given a Satisfactory specimen of his Accuracy and Diligence in his Measures of the remains of Antiquity at Athens. The choice of a Proper Person for taking Views, and copying Bass ReliePs, fell upon Mr. Pars, a young Painter of promising Talents. A Committee was appointed to fix their Salaries, and draw up their Instructions, in which, at the same time that the different objects of their respective Departments were distinctly pointed out, they were all strictly enjoined to keep a regular journal, and hold a constant Correspondence with the Society.' It is interesting to record the names of the com- mittee who were appointed to draw up the instructions for this expedition. They were Lord le Despencer (Sir Francis Dash wood), chairman ; Sir James Gray, Mr. Shirley, Lord Hyde, Colonel Denny, Colonel Gray, Mr. Howe, Mr. Fauquier, Earl of Bessborough, Earl of Sandwich, Mr. Ellis, Duke of Bedford, Duke of Kingston, Mr. Dingley, Mr. Stuart, Mr. Revett, Mr. Berkeley; and the committee called to their assistance Lord Middlesex, Mr. Wood (of Palmyra fame), Mr. Robinson (afterwards Sir Thomas), Marquess of Tavistock, Lord Warkworth, Earl of Charlemont, and Mr. Brand. It is to the credit of these gentlemen and noblemen, some of whom have borne but little character for seriousness in their life, that the instructions laid down by them were not only clear and distinct in their conception, but were carried out with conspicuous success by those upon whom they were enjoined. At the meeting of the Society in April, 1764, the chandler, resolutions of the committee were adopted, it being Revett > at also ordered ars ' ' That a sum not exceeding Two Thousand pounds be appro- priated to the above excellent Purpose ; ' and ( That when such Persons properly qualified can be procured and are approved of by the Society, an application be made to His Majesty and His Ministers for the strongest and best Recommendations to the Embassadors, Ministers, and Consuls, and also to the Turky Company in order to facilitate the Operations of such Persons/ G 2 84 History of the Society of Dilettanti At their meeting in the following May the Society agreed to the appointment of Messrs. Chandler, Revett, and Pars, and ordered that e Upon the best Calculation that can be made the scheme proposed may be carried into execution at the rate of about eight hundred pounds a year/ The choice of Mr. Richard Chandler to take charge of this expedition shows the serious spirit in which the Dilettanti set about this work. Chandler, a Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, was introduced to them by Mr. Robert Wood, who had helped and advised Stuart and Revett in their Antiquities of Athens, although he only joined the Dilettanti in 1763. Chandler had already performed an important service to Greek archaeology by his description of the Arundel Marbles at Oxford, published in two folio volumes, entitled Marmora Oxoniensia, at the expense of the University Chest. He was thus admirably fitted by previous training for such a task as that now entrusted to him. Revett's skill in measuring and drawing monuments of sculpture and archi- tecture had already been tested. William Pars was a young painter who had just gained a medal from the Society of Arts. Instructions The following instructions were drawn up by to the Mr. Wood 1 : — expedition. 'Instructions for Mr. Chandler, Mr. Revett and Mr. Pars. Whereas the Society of Dilettanti have resolved that a person or persons properly qualified be sent, with sufficient appointments, to some parts of the East, in order to collect informations, and to make observations relative to the ancient state of these countries, and to such monuments of antiquity as are still remaining ; and the Society having further resolved that a sum not exceeding £xooo be appropriated to that purpose, and having also appointed you 1 Dr. Chandler's Travels in Asia Minor, ijj^. History of the Society of "Dilettanti Sf to execute their orders on this head • We the Committee, entrusted by the Society with the care and management of this scheme, have agreed upon the following instructions for your direction in the discharge of that duty to which you are appointed, i. You are forthwith to embark on Board the Anglican a, Captain Stewart, and to proceed to Smyrna, where you will present to Consul Hayes the letters which have been de- livered to you from one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and from the Turkey Company and you will consult with Mr. Hayes about the most effectual method of carrying these instructions into execution, z. The principal object at present is that, fixing on Smyrna as your head-quarters, you do from thence make excursions to the several remains of antiquity in that neighbourhood, at such different times and in such manner as you shall, from the information collected on the spot, judge most safe and convenient j and that you do procure the exactest plans and measures possible of the buildings you shall find, making accurate drawings of the basreliefs and ornaments, and taking such views as you shall judge proper; copying all the inscriptions you shall meet with, and remarking every circumstance, which can contribute towards giving the best idea of the ancient and present state of these places. 3. As various circumstances, best learnt on the spot, must decide the order in which you shall proceed in the execution of the foregoing article, we shall not confine you in that respect, and shall only observe in general, that by a judicious distribution of your time and business you may, with proper diligence, in about twelve months visit every place worthy your notice within eight and ten days journey of Smyrna. It may be most advisable to begin with such objects as are less distant from that city, and which may give you an opportunity of soon transmitting to the Society a specimen of your labours. You will be exact in marking distances and the direction in which you travel, by frequently observing your watches and pocket compasses, and you will take the variation as often as you can. 4.. Though the principal view of the Society in this scheme is pointed at such discoveries and observations, as you shall be able to make with regard to the ancient state of those countries, yet it is by no means intended to confine you to that province : on the contrary, it is expected that you do report to us for the information of the Society whatever can fall within the notice of curious and observing travelleiSj and, in order to ascertain more fully our meaning on this 86 History of the Society of Dilettanti head, we do hereby direct, that, from this day of your departure from hence to that of your return, you do each of you keep a very minute journal of every day's occurrences and observations, representing things exactly in the light in which they strike you, in the plainest manner and without regard to style or language, except that of being intelligible ; and that you do deliver the same, with what- ever drawings you shall have made (which are to be con- sidered the property of the Society) to Mr. Hayes, to be by him transmitted, as often as conveyances shall offer to us, under cover to William Russell, Esq., Secretary to the Levant Company, and you shall receive from us, through the same channel, such further orders as we may judge necessary. f. Having ordered the sum of £xoo to be invested in Mr. Chandler's hands to defray all expenses which may be in- curred till your arrival at Smyrna, we have also ordered a credit in your favour to the amount of £800 per annum , to commence from the date of your arrival at that place ; you giving drafts signed by Mr. Chandler and Mr. Revett, or Mr. Pars ; the whole to be disposed of as follows, viz : — £100 a year to Mr. Revett, £80 a year to Mr. Pars, who are each of them to be paid one quarter in advance ; the remaining £6ro to be applied to the common purposes of the Journey by Mr. Chandler, who is to be Treasurer, paymaster and accomptant, and may appropriate to his own private use such part of that sum as he shall find necessary, informing us of his management of the common stock, and transmitting to us his account from time to time. 6. And though our entire confidence in your prudence and dis- cretion leaves us no room to doubt but that perfect harmony and good understanding, which are so necessary as well to your own happiness as to the success of the undertaking, will subsist among you, yet in order to prevent any possible dispute which might arise about different measures in the course of this expedition ; we expressly declare, that the direction of the whole is hereby lodged in Mr. Chandler, assisted by Mr. Revett. And though Mr. Revett and Mr. Pars should protest against any measure proposed by Mr. Chandler it is our meaning that any such difference of opinion should not in the least interrupt or suspend your operations ; but that, at the same time that such persons as dissent from or disapprove of what is proposed shall transmit to us their reasons for such dissent, they do notwithstanding continue to pursue Mr. Chandler's plan until they receive our further orders for their conduct. History of the Society of Dilettanti 87 Given under our hands, at the Star and Garter, this 17th day of May 1764. (Signed) Charlemont Middlesex Rob. Wood Le Despenser Tho. Brand J. Gray Wm. Fauquier Besborough.' James Stuart In accordance with the above instructions Chandler, Work in the Revett, and Pars quitted England on June 9, 1764, J™?f and in the ship Anglicana, Captain Stewart, bound for Constantinople. They were landed in the Darda- nelles, and took the opportunity of visiting the Troad with the plains of Troy and the Sigean promontory, where Chandler copied the celebrated inscription, which was in later days brought itself to England. On leaving the Dardanelles they travelled by Tenedos and Scio to Smyrna, where they arrived on September 11. Making Smyrna their head-quarters, as directed by the Dilettanti, they made two prolonged excursions in the neighbour- hood (September 30 — October 29, 1764, March 25- — August 8, 1765)- Among the most important antiquities explored by them were the temple of Apollo Didymaeus, near Miletus, and the Sacred Way leading up to the temple from the harbour, with the seated figures of the priestly clan of the Branchidae, which were destined, nearly a century later, to be secured for the British nation by another explorer, Mr. Newton, also a leading member of the Dilettanti Society. They also explored Clazomenae, Erythrae, Teos, Priene, Tralles, Laodicea, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Magnesia. Further work in Asia Minor was, however, checked by the most serious enemy which foreigners could encounter — an outbreak of the plague. The party nevertheless succeeded in getting to Smyrna, and left that place on August 20 88 History of the Society of Dilettanti for Athens, which they reached on August 31, after touching at Sunium and Aegina on the way. From time to time they sent home to the Society of Dilettanti a consignment of journals and draw- ings, as appears from the report in the committee- book. Approval of At a committee meeting on May 1, 176 tie Society. Mr. Fauquier reported e That Messrs. Rivett, Chandler and Pars had drawn for £800 viz : — .£400 on the 3rd August 1764 from Leghorn, and .£400 on the 2.2nd January 1765 from Smyrna which Drafts had been paid, and that their credit was now out. Ordered that a Letter of Credit be sent to Leghorn to empower the said Gentlemen to draw on the Society for £800 more, viz : — £4.00 in July next and £400 in January next. Mr. Wood produced to the Committee Letters from the said Gentlemen viz : — one from on board the Anglicana dated 25th Augt. 64, three from Smyrna bearing ztfth Sept. and. Novr. and the 5th of Jany. last and also a Journal from the 51th of June to the 3rd of September last. c Order' d the said Letters and Journal be enter'd in a fair hand in a Book to be provided for that purpose. c The Several Drawings following made by Mr. Rivett and Mr. Pars were produc'd to the Committee viz : — Two views and a plan of a ruin'd Building at Troas an Inscription on a Pedestal with the ornaments of the same a Fragment of a Basso Relievo, and a Copy of the Sigean Inscription/ All which met with the approbation of the com- mittee. c Resolv'd that it is the opinion of this Committee that Messrs. Rivett, Chandler and Pars have (as far as they have gone) complied with their Instructions, and answer'd the intent and meaning of the Society in sending them.' At a committee on December i o — £ A Letter from Mr. Chandler dated Smyrna 14th Augt. was read. Mr. Fauquier reported to the Committee that Messrs. Chandler, Rivett, and Pars had drawn on Messrs. Backwells & Co., two Bills for £400 each and that these Bills had been paid. Several Drawings of Architecture and Basso relievos and many Greek Inscriptions sent by the said Gentlemen were produced to the Committee and met with the approbation of the Committee. History of the Society of Dilettanti 89 c Resolv'd that it is the opinion of this Committee that Messrs. Chandler, Rivett and Pars have so well answer' d the meaning and intent of the Society in sending them to Greece that they deserved commendation and further encouragement/ In the minutes of December if, 1765", it was ordered 'That the Drawings sent by Messrs. Chandler and Co., from Greece, be sent to the Star and Garter in Pall Mall on the first Sunday in Febry to be seen by the members of the Society from the hours of Eleven o'clock to four o'clock and not afterwards that day.' On February 6, 1766, at the committee c Mr. Wood produced to the Committee several Views and Drawings of Architecture sent by the Gentlemen in Greece all which met with the approbation of the Committee.' e The Committee took into consideration the Order of the Society at their last meeting (On Feb. z) viz : — that the Further sum of £^oo be granted to the Committee for the use of the Gentlemen employ'd in the East, in order to bring them home through the Morea or Magna Grecia if Practicable • if not that they be confined to such a sum as will bring them home in the most frugal and expeditious manner any former resolution to the contrary not- withstanding.' 'Resolv'd that it is the opinion of this Committee that the Gentlemen in Greece have taken great Pains in the several Draw- ings transmitted to the Society.' ' Resolv'd that a Letter be wrote to the said Gentlemen acquaint- ing them that their Performances had given Satisfaction to the Society, and that in consequence thereof They had granted a further sum of £%oo> to the Committee for the purpose of bringing them home through the Morea and Magna Grecia, if Practicable.' Chandler's party remained at Athens until June 1 1, Work in 1766^ completing 1 some of the work which Stuart ^ ttlca a ' and Revett had been compelled to leave unfinished, * e m and visiting Marathon, Eleusis, Megara, Epidaurus, Delphi, Salamis, Aegina, Nemea, Corinth, and in the Peloponnesus Nauplia, Argos, Mycenae, and Chiarenza (or Cyllene), Patras, Olympia, and the plain of Elis. From the latter place they made their way to Zante, from whence they eventually 90 History of the Society of Dilettanti Return and reception of the explorers. took ship on September i, 1766, for England, and landed at Bristol on November 2 following; their return having been hastened by an illness which most of the party contracted in Elis. On reaching London Chandler lost no time in handing over to the Society his journal, drawings, copies of inscriptions, and all the marbles collected by him during the expedition. At the committee on December 2, 1766, c Mr. Chandler and Mr. Pars attending were called in. Many Drawings and Measurements of Architecture were produced by Mr. Revett and also a great Variety of Views and Drawings of Basso relievos of the Temple of Minerva at Athens and others were produced by Mr. Pars, which appeared to the Committee to be all done with Taste and Accurateness.' c Mr. Chandler brought to the Committee a Basso Relievo part of the Frieze of the Temple of Minerva representing a Horse's Head and Bust of a Man of Exquisite Workmanship, and acquainted the Committee that He had some other Marbles brought from Athens particularly a very Curious Inscription relating to the architecture of the Temple of Minerva.' ' Resolv'd That it is the opinion of this Committee that Mr. Chandler, Mr. Revett and Mr. Pars have each of them in their respective departments fulfill'd the Expectations of the Society, and that They deserve the Thanks and further Encouragement of the Society.' On December 1 1 the committee met and resolved c That at the next meeting of the Committee the Gentlemen who are return'd from the East do deliver into the hands of the Committee the Journal Drawings and Marbles, which they have brought with them. 'Resolv'd that at the next meeting of the Committee the remaining part of the £^oo granted to the Committee the and of Feb. last for the use of the Travellers in the East be disposed of by that Committee in the manner they think most proper.' The sum amounted to £400, and on January 17, 1767, ' The Committee having very maturely consider^ the Works perform'd by Messrs Chandler, Rivett & Pars and their Gratefull and Proper behaviour, came to the following resolution. History of the Society of Dilettanti 91 c ResolvM that Four hundred Pounds (being the remaining part of the £,%oo voted the 2nd of Febry. last) be divided equally between them and to be paid to them directly, on condition that they each of them in their respective departments do Promise to deliver their works in such Order and Arrangement as shall appear satisfactoiy to the Committee.' The journals, drawings, marbles, and inscriptions, The c Ionian copied by Chandler, Revett, and Pars during their 7 expedition, having been delivered up by them to Iboie" of the Society of Dilettanti, the committee appointed materials. to supervise the expedition proceeded to make a selection from them of what seemed most suitable for publication. In view of the projected continuance of Stuart's publication, The Antiquities of Athens, the committee evidently considered it advisable not to spend their money on that part of the material before them which would be likely to conflict with Stuart's work, and was really little more than a supplement to it. In the preface to the Ionian Antiquities the Society state that c The Materials which they brought home were thought not unworthy of the Public : The Society therefore directed them to give a Specimen of their Labours out of what they had found most worthy of Observation in Ionia ; a Country in many re- spects curious, and perhaps, after Attica, the most deserving the Attention of a Classical Traveller. Athens, it is true, having had the good Fortune to possess more original Genius than ever was collected in so narrow a Compass at one Period, reaped the Fruits of literary Competition in a degree that never fell to the lot of any other People, and has been generally allowed to fix the Aera which has done most Honour to Science, and to take the lead among the antient Greek Republics in matters of Taste : However, it is much to be doubted, whether, upon a fair Enquiry into the Rise and Progress of Letters and Arts, they do not, upon the whole, owe as much to Ionia, and the adjoining Coast, as to any other Country of Antiquity.' c The Knowledge of Nature was first taught in the Ionic School : And as Geometry, Astronomy, and other Branches of the Mathematics, were cultivated here sooner than in other Parts of Greece, it is not extraordinary that the first Greek Navigators, History of the Society of Dilettanti who passed the Pillars of Hercules, and extended their Commerce to the Ocean, should have been Ionians. Here History had its Birth, and here it acquired a considerable degree of Perfection. The first Writer who reduced the knowledge of Medicine or the Means of preserving Health, to an Art, was of this Neighbourhood : And here the Father of Poetry produced a Standard for Composition, which no Age or Country have dared to depart from, or have been able to surpass. But Architecture belongs more particularly to this Country than to any other • and of the three Greek Orders it seems justly entitled to the Honour of having invented the two first, though one of them only bears its Name; for though the Temple of Juno at Argos suggested the general Idea of what was after called the Doric, its Proportions were first established here. As to the other Arts which also depend upon Design, They have flourished no where more than in Ionia ; nor has any Spot, of the same Extent produced more Painters and Sculptors of distin- guished Talents. Among the Remains of Antiquity which have hitherto escaped the Injuries of Time, there are none in which our Curiosity is more interested than the Ruins of those Buildings which were distinguished by Vitruvius and other antient Writers, for their Elegance and Magnificence. Such are the Temple of Bacchus at Teos, the Country of Anacreon ; the Temple dedicated to Minerva, at Priene, by Alexander of Macedon ; and the famous temple of Apollo Didymaeus, near Miletus. However mutilated and decayed these Buildings now are, yet surely every Fragment is valuable, which preserves, in some degree, the Ideas of Symmetry and Proportion which prevailed at that happy Period of Taste.' The three temples mentioned in this extract formed therefore the material for the volume to be issued by the Society of Dilettanti. The committee on January 31, 1767, recorded that c Having considered the Drawings of the Views, architecture, and Bass Reliefs, of Asia Minor, It is their Opinion, That they be engraved at the expence of the Society, and that such part of the Journals and Inscriptions be published as relates thereto.' On February 7, 1767, { It appears to the Committee that the Publishing the Drawings etc. by Degrees is the properest method, and have selected from them Three of the most curious and Interesting subjects as the first specimen of the intended work : viz : — one view of the Temple of Apollo Didymaeus, called the Branchidae, Four pieces Preparation and publication of the volume. History of the Society of Dilettanti 93 of Architecture and Views, The Temple of Minerva Polias at Priene, and five Pieces of Architecture, Two pieces of architecture of the Temple of Bacchus at Teos, The engraving of which will amount to about the sum of ;£i8o.' This was agreed to by the Society in March. On February 14, 1767, c Mr. Rivett was desired to shade some of the drawings of Architecture ready for the Engraver, and to produce them to the Committee on Saturday the z8th instant to which day the Com- mittee adjourned/ At this next meeting of the committee (of which no record has been kept) it must have been decided to publish a volume to be entitled a Specimen of the work intended by the Society, for on March 7, 1767, it was resolved £ That it is the opinion of the Committee That at least One hundred and fifty Copies of the first specimen of the intended work be engraved, and Printed, for the use of the Society.' And on March 8, 1767, it is recorded that c Majr Genl Gray laid before the Committee the sums already expended in the plates for the specimen amounting to about £x<)0 and was desired to proceed as he shall find necessary.' In March, 1768, it was ordered by the Society ( That a Committee of the whole society be appointed to meet on Teusday {sic) the 8th day of March at 1 1 o'clock in the morning to consider further on the publication of the first specimen of the intended work. That five members do constitute a Committee, and that they be empower'd to give such orders and directions with respect to the said work, or any other matters relative thereto as to them shall seem necessary, and that they have power to adjourn themselves from time to time.' The meetings of this committee have not been recorded, there being a hiatus valde deflendus (as a later Secretary has it) in the committee-book for some years. The work, however, progressed, as is shown from the payments in the minute-book. 94- History of the Society of Dilettanti 'May 1768. Paid to Mr. Revett and Pars an account for Copper Plates for specimen . . . 2 o To Do. on Do. account .... £^0 o o Presentation The specimen was, however, ready for publication copies. j n the following March, 17^9, when it was ordered that copies of the same should be sent to the King and Queen, the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Dublin ; the Royal Society, Royal Academy, Society of Antiquaries, and British Museum. In April it was further ordered that copies should be sent to the King of Spain and the Universities of St. Andrews and Aberdeen. The book was ready in the following May, when it was resolved c That the books of the specimen of Ionian Antiquities be pre- sented to the several personages and Societies according to the list sent in by Coll. Gray ' ; and the following payments were made among others : To Mr. Revett on account ..... £-^ over to Mr. Chandler to publish at his own risk travels' and discretion. At a meeting of the committee on March 8, 1768, it is recorded that £ Mr. Chandler desiring permission to publish the Inscriptions collected by him in the Expedition to Asia Minor and Greece, the Committee are of opinion That he be permitted to publish them and that he place such Title to the said Work as the Society shall judge proper/ In 1774 Chandler, who had returned to Oxford and taken the degree of Doctor of Divinity, published at Oxford the inscriptions in a volume entitled Inscriptiones antiquae, pleraeque nondum editae : in Asia Minori et Graecia, praesertim Athenis, collectae. Cu?n Appendice. In 1775- he published, also at Oxford, the first instalments of his journals as Travels in Asia Minor, and in 17 76 the second part as Travels in Greece. All these three works are dedicated to the 9 6 His tor}' of the Society of Dilettanti Society of Dilettanti, and were published with their assistance, as is shown by the following entries : — 'March 1773. Order'd That the Secretary do write to Mr. Chandler that as a Mark of the Society's approbation of the intended Work They have orderd their Secretary to pay Mr. Chandler Twenty five Guineas upon his delivering a compleat Bound Sett for the use of the Society.' c Feb. 1774. The officiating Secretary having read a Letter from Dr. Chandler desiring to dedicate his Book of Inscriptions to the Society, the Secretary was order'd to write to Dr. Chandler to acquaint him that the Society did accept of His Dedication as proposed and to make him a present of Twenty five Guineas for the same, when He shall deliver the Book properly bound to the Society.' 'March 1775". Read Dr. Chandler's Letter and order'd by the Society to inform Him they accepted of His offer of dedicating His Travels &c. to them.' 'March 1776. That the Secretary be order'd to give Dr. Chandler twenty five guineas, upon the completion of the Pub n . of His Travels and think a further Dedication totally unnecessary.' A second edition of the Travels in Asia Minor and Greece, containing many emendations by Nicholas Revett, was published in 1 8 1 7 ; Revett's copy with his manuscript corrections is now in the British Museum. A new edition, with a memoir of Chandler by Ralph Churton, was published at Oxford in 1 82$-. Proposed That the Society intended to continue the publica- continuation tion of the Ionian Antiquities is shown from minutes VJZtL' dated res P ec tively January, 17.71, April, 1771, and April, 1772. c That General Gray be directed to enquire of Mr. Revitt what Expence will attend preparing for Publication of the Drawings belonging to the Society.' — ' That L* Gen 1 Gray who has given in a List of the Drawings in Mr. Revett's possession in con- sequence of a order of the Society be empowered to pay Mr. Revett fifty pounds towards finishing the same.' — ' That General George Gray do pay to Mr. Rivett (out of the General Fund) a further sum of Fifty pounds and desire him to continue his drawing for the use of the Society.' History of the Society of Dilettanti 97 The matter, however, made slow progress, for in March, 1774, a further minute occurs, c That Mr. Rivet having wrote to the Secretary of the Society desiring the Society woud assist Him farther towards the compleat- ing the Publication of the Asiatic and Grecian drawings, Agreed that He be paid Ninety nine pounds nineteen shillings out of the General Fund.' Little progress was, however, made with the work, although the value of the drawings was well known. In 1776 and 1777 Paul Sandby, the well-known Drawings of artist, made applications to the Society for leave to ^vett and publish a series of aquatint engravings from Pars's Fars . : drawings of Athens. This request was acceded to claimants in a minute of March, 1777. for their use. ' That Mr. Sandby have permission to engrave all the Views belonging to the Society and that Mr. Greville be Intrusted with them to deliver them two at a time to Mr. Sandby and to see they are properly engraved according to the specimens produced with a proper dedication to the Society. That the Society do not divest themselves of their Property in the Drawings It being understood Mr. Sandby is to present the Soc. with four engravings of each drawing and to return the original drawings.' Meanwhile, as Mr. Revett delayed so long with the drawings, a fresh competitor appeared in the field in the person of Stuart, Revett's former colleague, and apparently now his rival. Stuart contemplated a continuation of his Antiquities of Athens, and (having purchased all Revett's rights in the book) applied to the Society for the use of their drawings in order to complete his work. In March, 1777, it was ordered c That Mr. Rivet be orderd to attend with the Drawings belonging to the Society that are in his possession this day foithnight and that a Committee who are appointed to meet do take into consideration whether Mr. Stewart is to be permitted to have any of them for his use ' ; and in May, 1777, * That L d Mulgrave, Mr. Dundas, & Mr. Crowle be appointed H 98 History of the Society of Dilettanti to inspect the Drawings and Sketches belonging to the Society in the possession of Mr. Rivett and to give Him such directions as they think proper which of the unfinish'd sketches He shall first proceed to execute.' All schemes for further publication however hung fire, for in February, 1 7 8 o, it was ordered c That the Sec*, do deliver the Drawings belonging to the Soc. to Mr. Wyndham and that he have the custody of them for one year giving a proper receipt for them to the Sec.' ; and again in March, 1780, * Mr. Banks movd that the Sec. do order Mr. Revett to deliver all the drawings belonging to them finishd and unfinishd into the hands of the Secretary before the next meeting.' Mr. Sandby, who had been entrusted with certain drawings belonging to the Society in order to engrave them in aquatinta, returned the drawings to the Society, and begged leave by the Secretary to thank the Society for the use of them, and to present a set of the prints to them for their use. In the following April ' Mr. Wyndham to whom the Soc. had entrusted the Care of their drawings requested that they would empower him to deliver to Mr. Stuart for the use of his intended publication of a second volume of Athenian Antiquities the Drawings of the Eastern View of the Temple of Minerva at Athens taken by Mr. Pars and such of the Basso releivos belonging to the same Temple as he may wish to make use of to which request the Soc. agreed.' In March, 178 1, Sir John Taylor moved and Mr. Wyndham seconded the following motion, viz.: — ' That Mr. Peachy be allowd the use of such Drawings the Property of the Soc. now in the custody of Mr. Windham as he shall think fit to have copies made of the same for his use promising the Soc. that he will not permit the artist who copies them to take any other copy than that intended for his use nor will communicate the copies taken by him to any other person.' Difficulties It would appear that the dilatory progress made between t ^ Q f urt h er publication of these drawings History of the Society of "Dilettanti 99 was due to difficulties between Stuart and Revctt, Stuart and and that the Society decided in favour of the former j for at a committee held on April 21, 1782, it was £ Resolv'd That it is the opinion of this Committee that a Sum not exceeding £\oo be granted to Mr. Revett as a full compensation for all his Claims upon the Society including his payment for finishing Drawings by order of the Society and for work done upon and paid for an unfinished plate. c On condition that he gives up to the Society as there property all Memorandums, Scetches and other Private Remarks taken by him during the voyage to Greece and Asia Minor which he made under the Patronage of the said Soc' c That whereas the Learned Judge Potter by his hereditary Knowledge of Grecian Antiquities and that he has acquired of the Laws of his Country is amply able to prepare a proper acquitance to Rivett the said Mr. Rivett to the Performance of his pait of this Contract he be requested by the Society to produce a Draught of the said acquittance at their next Meeting.' ' That whereas the Secretary has receiv'd information that the Plates of the Ionian Antiquities Formerly publish'd by this Society were in the Possession of the Late Ld. Le Despencer at the time of his Death the Secretary be empower'd to apply to the executors of the said Late Ld. Le Despencer for the said Plates the Property of the said Soc. and empower'd to receive the same.' 4 That all the Drawings and Plans of the Propylaea and all others of Fragments of Antiquities in the Acropolis belonging to this Society be lent to Mr. Stuart for the space of one year in order for their publication in the second volume of the Antiquities of Athens.' These recommendations of the committee were ratified by the Society with the further proviso, evidently passed in the hope of hastening matters, c The said Mr. Stuart agreeing to return the same into the hands of the Secretary within twelve months from the Day when they shall be deliverd to him and to publish engravings of each and every one of them in the second vol. of his Work entitled Anti- quities of Athens within eighteen months from the said day on which they shall be delivered by hand or present to the Society finishd proofs of all of them under the Penalty of 10 guineas to be paid by him the said Mr. Stuart and applied to the General Fund.' h a ioo History of the Society of Dilettanti Appoint- ment of a committee. Revett still, however, had to be disposed of, and in May, 1782, the committee for publishing the drawings resolved c That the Receipt prepared by Mr. Justice Potter according to the order of this Committee at their last Meeting does appear to this Committee to be a proper and sufficient Receipt/ * That it is the opinion of this Committee that all the Remain- ing perfect Copies of the Ionian Antiquities now in the Hands of Mr. Revett be bought by the Society at 1? shill. a piece.' 4 That every member of this Soc. who shall desire to purchase (Bona fide for himself) the Ionian Antiquities, shall have them at the Price paid to Mr. Revett by the Society and that all profits by the future public sale of the Ionian Antiquities shall be applied to the intended publication of the Remaining Antiquities in addition to the £150 proposed to be given out of the Income of the Society. 5 It was also resolved £ That in order for the Publication of the Remaining unpublished Drawings made by Messrs. Revett and Pars in Ionia and Asia Minor the Society be requested to appoint a Select Committee of its own Members to take the Charge of, and direct the said publication — which Committee shall be answerable for the care and accuracy with which the publication shall be conducted.' * That a sum not exceeding ^i^o for one year be appropriated out of the Income of the Soc. to the engraving of such Drawings etc. as the Committee shall judge worthy of Publication, together with such Letterpress as shall be thought necessary for the Explan- ation thereof, and that the Committee shall at the end of the year report to the Society the progress of their said work.' £ That when any Numero of the said work shall be fit for Publication, a perfect copy of the said Numero shall be presented by the Society to each of its members.' The committee appointed for this purpose of the Society consisted of Mr. Knight, Mr. Windham, Mr. Peachey, Mr. Stuart, and Mr. Gore. In May, 1783, Mr. Revett produced 200 copies of the Ionian Antiquities, which were collated and found correct. On March, 13, 1785-, it is recorded * That Lord Sandwich moved, Mr. Potter seconded that in- History of the Society of Dilettanti 101 structions be given to the Committee of Publication to assist Mr. Stuart immediately and effectually towards the Publication of his Athenian Antiquities but that the said Committee be answerable to the Society for the Property of the Plates engravd at their expence untill the Publication of the second volume of the said Athenian Antiquities be actually effected which motion being put was agreed to nem. con.' On February 26, 1786, i Mr. Stuart attended and informed the Committee that he had been prevented by indisposition from Collecting together the Drawings belonging to the Society but intended to do so forthwith.' And on March, 19, 1786, c Mr. Stuart delivered in the Drawings intrusted to him by the Society for the Finishing his Athenian Antiquities which being compared with the scedule were found right and return'd to him.' The second volume of Stuart's Antiquities of Death of Athens made this slow progress, no doubt, owing to Stuart: the increasing age and infirmities of the author. C^JJJ Stuart had been appointed Painter to the Society, and 0 f Hospital. He was employed in architectural work of a classical nature by Earl Spencer, Lord Anson (whose house in St. James's Square, designed by Stuart, is stated to have been the first building of Grecian architecture in London), and Lord Eardley. He was helped in the preparation of the volume by his assistant and successor at Greenwich, William Newton, whose brother, James Newton, engraved some of the plates. It was almost ready for publica- tion toward the end of the year 1787, but its final appearance was delayed by Stuart's death, which occurred in February, 1788. It was then at last issued by his widow, although it bears the date 1787. Prefixed was a 'Letter to the Public from Elizabeth widow of James Stuart,' in which she ioi History of the Society of 'Dilettanti states, 4 to the gentlemen of the Dilettanti Society I am greatly beholden, they having, with the utmost liberality, presented me with many of the plates, necessary to complete the volume, from original drawings in their possession'; and again, 'Com- pleted by the assistance of William Newton of Greenwich, having been left unfinished by the sudden death of Stuart, who had been very infirm for some years and left his papers in great disorder. The completion of the work is entirely due to the Society of Dilettanti.' In a minute of June i, 1788, Mr. Windham moved and Mr. Knight seconded, 'That the vote of March 13, 1785: in Favor of Mr. Stuart be renewed on behalf of his Widow on condition that the expenditure of the money of the Society be limited to the Paying for Plates of the Drawings lent by them for the completion of the second volume of the Athenian Antiquities. It was understood that .£300 would fully answer the purpose and that probably the business would be effected for Less money but it was thought proper to Leave the Committee without any Limitation.' In 1794 Stuart's executors published a third volume, the editing of which was entrusted to Mr. Willey Reveley, the architect. To this volume the Society of Dilettanti contributed, as appears from a minute of May 10, 1790 — . 'The 3rd volume of the Antiquities of Athens being undertaken under the direction of the executors of the Late Mr. Stuart, Mr. Windham proposd that two drawings now in the possession of the Committee of publication viz : — the two views of the Temple of Jupiter Olympius at Athens be Lent to the managers of that work in order that a plate may be engravd from them to be inserted in it which was unanimously agreed to.' In 1 8 14 a fourth volume was published by Mir. John Taylor and edited by Mr. Joseph Woods. This last volume contained biographies of Stuart and Revett, an engraved portrait of Revett, and numerous extracts from Stuart and Revett's miscellaneous notes History of the Society of Dilettanti 103 and journals, including their notes on the antiquities of Pola K Meanwhile the Committee of Publication con- Publication tinued to prepare for publication a second volume of 'Ionian of the Ionian Antiquities. In 1783 the committee A ^^ ttes » resolved at successive meetings : — * That the Drawings of the Temple at Jackly should be engraved — Mr. Byrne upon being applied to agreed to undertake the engraving the View of the said Temple for the price of 70 guineas and to finish the same by Christmas next.' — 'That the plan and parts at large at Jackly be delivered to Mr. Newton to whom they were accordingly given for engraving.' — < That the Drawing cf the Elevation of the Columns of the temple at Jackly be delivered to Mr. Newton for the purpose of engraving the same/ The number of drawings selected for this work did not however appear to be sufficient, so the com- mittee in June, 1784, resolved ' That the No. containing the drawings of the great Theatre of Laodicea together with the view of the Stadium be fixed upon for the next publication.' In May, 1790, Mr. Windham gave notice £ That the number which is at present in hand under the direction of the Committee of publication is in great forwardness and will he hopes be ready for delivery in the beginning of the next year.' The publication of the volume still hung fire, for 1 In 1830 a supplementary volume to the Antiquities of Athens, intended to form a fifth volume to the whole, was published under the title ' The Antiquities of Athens and other places in Greece, Sicily, etc. Supplementary to the Antiquities of Athens by James Stuart and Nicholas Revett, delineated and illustrated by C. R. Cockerell, W. Kinnaird, T. L. Donaldson, W. Jenkins and W. Railton.' A new edition of vols, i, ii, and iii, edited by Kinnaird, was published on a reduced scale during the years 1815-30, with a fresh volume of new matter, of which a limited issue was also printed on large paper as vol. v, of the old edition. An abridged version or epitome of the whole, with reduced copies of the plates in outline, was published in manual form in 184.1, and the third edition of this abridgement was issued as one of the volumes in Bohn's Illustrated Library. 104 History of the Society of Dilettanti on April y, 1795-, Mr. Windham, on the part of the Committee of Publication, * Informed the Society that the Second volume of the Ionian Antiquities is Finishd as far as the engravings and that nothing remains to be done but printing the Letterpress and engraving the vignettes, that he had examind the engraving bills delivered into the hands of the Committee by the Secretary and found them rig;ht. He remarkd that some views had been brought home by Sir Rob 1 Ainslie of which the Architectural parts of similar buildings were already engraved and that S r Rob 1 had Liberally offered them to the Society in order to their being engravd for the completion of the work.' It was resolved i That S r Rob* Ainslie's Liberal offer be accepted on the Part of the Society and that the Committee be directed to avail themselves thereof}' according to their discretion.' The second volume of the Ionian Antiquities was at last published in 1797 as a continuation of vol. i. Chapter v (the first of the second volume) contained views of the Temple (of Jupiter Panhel- lenius) at Aegina, the Temple of Sunium, the Temple of Jupiter Nemeus between Argos and Corinth, and the Temple of Ceres at Eleusis. Chapter vi con- tained a miscellaneous collection of antiquities at Mylasa, Stratonice, Ephesus, Miletus, Laodicea, and in Lycia and Troas. Four of the Lycian views were taken from the drawings done by L. Mayer (otherwise Myers), a German artist, for Sir Robert Ainslie. It would seem that the volume was issued in numbers, but there is no mention of any number, except No. y, being issued separately. Custody of The marbles brought home by the members of the marble** 7 ' * on * an ex P e< iition had been at first entrusted by the Society to the care of one of its members, Mr. Brand. On his death in 177 1, it was ordered ' That the Secretary do write a Letter to Mr. Brand to desire him to deliver the Antiquities belonging to the Society of the History of the Society of Dilettanti 105- Dillettanti which were deposited at his Father's House (our late worthy member) to the care of Lord Clanbrassil : ' and in May, 1771, it was reported ' That Mr. Revett received the Antiquities belonging to the Society from Mr. Brand and delivered them to the care of Lord Clanbrassil.' In December, 1775", tne y were again transferred, this time to the care of Lord Bessborough. In May, 1778, the Secretary reported to the Society ' That in consequence of their orders he had waited on Ld. Bessborough and reccivd from him the Marbles belonging to the Society, which he had deposited in his own house ; that Ld. Bessborough had presented 3 marble heads to the Society which the Secretary had deposited with the rest of the marbles of the Society, that a peice of the principall inscription was wanting when the Secretary reccivd it.' The Secretary at this date was Sir Joseph Banks, who seems from this to have received them into his own house. On May 11, 1783, an interesting minute occurs. 4 Resolvd that Mr. Flaxman have permission to modell a Bass Rcleif of a mans and a horses head the property of the Society in the Secretary's house.' This appears to have been the fragment of the frieze of the Parthenon, brought home by Chandler, and now in the British Museum. On April 6, 1784, Mr. Colman moved and Lord Mulgrave seconded £ That the marbles formerly a part of the Frieze of the temple of Minerva Parthenon the property of this Society be deposited in the custody of the Royal Academy, until reclaimd by us their owners, the President of the Royal Academy signing a receipt in the name of the Royal Academy Binding the President and Members of the said Royal Academy to return the said Marbles whenever they are Demanded by order of the Dilettanti Society signified through their Secretary for the time being.' io6 History of the Society of "Dilettanti Marbles and drawings presented to the British Museum. These fragments of the frieze from the Parthenon appear to have remained in the custody of the Royal Academy until 1817, when they were handed over to the British Museum. On May 22, 1784, Mr. Peachey moved, Mr. Windham seconded, ' That all Marbles the Property of the Dilettanti Society, on which are inscriptions, be presented to the British Museum which motion being put was carried on condition that they are placd in such situations as the Members of the Dilettanti Society who are Trustees of the British Museum shall approve and proper inscriptions be affixed to them Commemorating the gift of the Dilettanti Society.' On March 13, 1785-, the secretary read a letter from the Trustees of the British Museum by the hands of their secretary, the Revd. Mr. Harper, as follows : — British Museum, January 7/1785-. Sir, I am orderd by the standing Committee of the Trustees of the British Museum to request the Favor of you to return their respectfull Thanks to the Society of Dilettanti for the very valuable present of Marbles with which they have been pleasd to enrich this Collection and to assure them of their readiness to comply with the conditions annexd thereto. (Signed) J. Harper, Sec. Sir Jos. Banks, Bart. Sec. to the Society of Dilettanti. At a later date all the drawings made by Revett and Pars were deposited by the Society of the Dilettanti with the Trustees of the British Museum. They were entrusted to the care of the Keeper of the Greek and Roman Antiquities, but were transferred to that of the Keeper of the Prints and Drawings until 1893, when they were, with the exception of certain selected water-colour drawings by Pars, retransferred to the department of Classical Antiquities. CHAPTER V Personal changes in the Society — Neiv members — Deaths of Founders — New spirit among their successors — J. C. Crowle — Sir Joseph Banks — Charles Greville — Sir William Hamilton — Sir Richard Worsley, Mr. Peachey, and Sir George Beaumont — Charles Town ley — Richard Payne Kjnght — Sir Henry Engle- field — Hamilton and the ritual of Isernia — DHan- carville — The 'Priapeia ' — Reception of the volume — j\etrospcct : work of the Dilettanti in Italy — Work in Greece and Asia Minor — Further enterprises: new Publication Committee — f Specimens of Antient Sculpture' — Mode of publication — Proposed second volume — Opportunities lost meanwhile — Sir William Flamiltons notes and drawings — Letter from Lord Elgin — The Parthenon Marbles since Carrey — Thomas Harrison — Action taken by Lord Elgin — Lord Elgin and the Dilettanti — Influence of Payne IQiight in discrediting the Marbles — Champions on the other side : West, Fuseli, Hay don — Progress of the Con- troversy — Crown Prince of Bavaria, Visconti, Canova — • The Select Committee — Final result. IN narrating the circumstances attending the long- -personal delayed publication of Ionian Antiquities, vol. ii, changes in we have passed somewhat beyond the proper tke Smet y' limits of the last chapter, which deals in the main with the period in the Society's history comprised between 1770 and 1790. During this interval the personal changes arising from the election of new members and the disappearance of old had naturally io8 History of the Society of Dilettanti been many. We have seen how, about the beginning of the period, fresh blood was introduced in the persons of several artists and scholars engaged in the practical labours of exploring and publishing the remains of ancient art in Greece and Asia Minor. At the same time the original character of the Society was kept up by the admission of a steady flow of new members, recruited chiefly from the governing families of the country, and including many names well known in political and social life. Such were Charles Watson-Wentworth, Marquess of Rockingham, the Whig Prime Minister and friend of Burke, who was the fourth of his family to join the ranks of the Dilettanti ; the Dukes of Rich- mond, Roxburghe, Buccleuch, and Marlborough; the Earls of Charlemont, Upper Ossory, Clanbrassil, and Earl Spencer; Sir Thomas Robinson, afterwards Lord Grantham ; and Viscount Palmerston. Charles James Fox was elected at the age of twenty : and there ap- pear on the list some members of the family of Pitt, but not those either of the Great Commoner himself or of his father. The army sent Lord Ligonier and Colonel Henry St. John ; the navy, Augustus Hervey, the original husband of the bigamous Duchess of Kingston, and his nephew Constantine Phipps, the Arctic explorer, afterwards Lord Mulgrave. Other sections of society and fashion were represented by such men as the Honourable Charles Greville, George Selwyn, the famous wit, with Bennet Langton and Topham Beauclerk, the friends of Johnson. One member earned distinction of a fortunately unique description ; Robert Fitzgerald, by birth and marriage connected with the best families in the land, was found guilty of murder of a very atrocious descrip- tion, and suffered the just expiation of his crimes upon History of the Society of Dilettanti 109 the gallows. The bar was represented by John Charles Crowle, of whom more hereafter. Commerce sent Luke Scrafton, who was for some years governor of Bengal, and being sent out with Governor Van- sittart to inquire into the affairs of India was lost at sea in the Jurora frigate in 1 7 7 o. Science furnished a powerful representative in the person of Sir Joseph Banks, who was destined, as we shall see, to take a very prominent place in the affairs of the Society. The drama and dramatic literature con- tributed David Garrick and George Colman. From the ranks of art came first and foremost Sir Joshua Reynolds (who was elected in 1764 and appointed Painter to the Society in 1769, an office which he continued to hold until his death), as well as Nathaniel Dance, and (coming down to a date a few years later than the limit mentioned at the beginning of this chapter) Sir Thomas Lawrence and Benjamin West, who were both elected in 1792. At the same time it happened that antiquaries and dilettanti properly so called, the professed lovers, collectors, and connoisseurs of art, began to hold an increasingly prominent place in the Society's ranks. Distinguished among these were Sir William Hamilton (unless he is rather to be counted in his other capacity as a diplomatist), Sir Richard Worsley, Sir George Beaumont, the Honourable John Peachey, afterwards Lord Selsey, Philip Metcalfe (one of the executors of Sir Joshua Reynolds's will), Joseph Windham (a member of the Norfolk branch of that family), Richard Payne Knight, Charles Gore, Charles Townley, Sir Henry Englefield, Dr. Ash, and in the last years of the century the Rev. C. M. Cracherode. To most of these names we shall presently recur : four at least of them, viz. Hamilton, Payne Knight, no History of the Society of Dilettanti Townley, and Cracherode, will be held in permanent remembrance on account of the great collections of works of art which passed by bequest or purchase from their hands into those of the nation, and between them compose no inconsiderable proportion of the public treasures at the British Museum. Deaths of In the meantime most of the founders of the Founders. Society, and not a few men of those who may be regarded as belonging to the second generation of its members, had in the course of nature fallen out of its ranks. Mr. Harris, its first Treasurer, was one of the earliest to go in 1764, followed in the next year by the gay Sewallis Shirley. In 1 7^9 died Mr. Howe and the Duke of Dorset, better known to the Society as the Earl of Middlesex ; in 1 77 1 Daniel Boone, the Duke of Bedford, and Mr. Robert Wood, the explorer and first director of the Society's archaeological ventures. In 1773 both the brothers Gray, who may be ranked among the true founders of the Society, followed each other quickly into the grave ; Sir James first, leaving the baronetcy to be held for a few months only by his brother, the General. Both died past the years of the Psalmist, but, curious to say, left a mother to mourn their loss. Earl Harcourt died in 1777, Knapton the painter and the Earl of Holder- nesse in 1778, Earl Temple in 1779, ' Athenian ' Stuart in 1780. In 178 1 Lord le Despencer (under which title the conspicuous name of Sir Francis Dash wood was somewhat obscured) paid the debt of nature after a long and varied, not wholly in- famous, nor even wholly inglorious career. Fauquier the banker, who had been Treasurer to the Society for a few years, died in 1788. The Earl of Sandwich succumbed in 1792, dying, as he lived, hard, and EARL OF .SANDWICH History of the Society of Dilettanti in leaving a name to be battened upon by literary and historical scandal-mongers. With all his vices, he was a man of unquestionable ability, and a true and industrious servant of his sovereign and his country. The last survivor among the original members was William Ponsonby, Earl of Bessborough, who did not quit the scene until 1793. The leading place which had at first been held in New spirit the councils of the Society by such men as these was among their gradually assumed by successors of a somewhat successors ' different stamp. The first Dilettanti had been a company of gay and brilliant carousers, animated both by the passion and the fashion for art, but professing no special knowledge of their own. They wrote no essays and delivered no oracular opinions upon the subjects in which they took a common interest. What they did was to select the best men they could to carry out the work they desired to see accomplished, and in most instances to testify to their sense of the workers' merits by electing them in due course members of the Society — a highly coveted social distinction. The work done, they presented it to the world at large in as handsome and complete a form as they could, displaying thereby not only their true enthusiasm for the subject, but a generous and honourable public spirit. But from the beginning of the period on which we are now entering (about 1 78 0-18 20) the guiding spirits of the Society were chiefly drawn from the special group of cultivated amateurs whose accession to their ranks has just been mentioned. Some of these gentlemen were not content to be merely patrons and collectors, but must needs take the tone of savants and professors. To their minds the pursuit of antiquarian knowledge was a perquisite of wealth and influential position, in History of the Society of Dilettanti and under their guidance the Society was sometimes induced to pose as the oracle and arbiter of taste and learning, pronouncing judgement with dogmatic authority, and not always according to wisdom. In some directions they did excellent work ; in others they were betrayed into errors of judgement which will have to be recorded in the present chapter. The names of members on whom we have to dwell as taking a special prominent place in the records of the Society, after the gradual disappearance of its founders, are John Charles Crowle, Sir Joseph Banks, Charles Greville and his uncle Sir William Hamilton, Sir Richard Worsley, the Honourable J. Peachey, Sir George Beaumont, Charles Townley, Richard Payne Knight, and Sir Henry Englerield. J. c. In 1774 Mr. Fauquier, who had succeeded Lieu- crowle. tenant-General Gray in 177 1 as Secretary and Treasurer, resigned his post, and, as entered on the minutes of February 6, 1774, £ Mr. Fauquier desiring to quit the post of officiating Secretary the Society accepted of the same, and Mr. Crowle was desired by the Society to accept of the said post, and He was pleas'd to consent to the wishes of the Society.' John Charles Crowle was a barrister, who earned some notoriety at the time of the Westminster election in 1749, which resulted in a scrutiny being held that lasted for five months. Crowle, who was counsel for Sir George Vandeput, was accused of having un- duly prolonged the scrutiny, and also of having spoken of the orders of the House of Commons as brutum fulmen. For this misdemeanour he was ordered to appear at the bar of the House of Commons, and solemnly reprimanded upon his knees by the Speaker. On rising Crowle wiped his knees, and said that it was the dirtiest place he "WILLIAM FAUQUIER, ES History of the Society of Dilettanti 113 had ever been in. Crowle was the owner of Fryston Hall in Yorkshire, the seat in the present century of another well-known Dilettante, Lord Houghton. He was a noted joker and boon companion, and left a tangible proof of his interest in art and antiquity in the illustrated and interleaved copy of Pennant's History of London which he bequeathed to the British Museum. He was the hero of a duel with Lord Hervey, celebrated by Sir Charles Hanbury Williams in some satirical verses entitled 'The Merry Campaign ; or, the Westminster and Green Park Scuffle, a New Court Ballad To the Tune of " Chevy Chase." ' Crowle seems to have been somewhat irregular in his business habits, for on January 2 2, 1 77 7, it is recorded : ' Nothing more done, Mr. Secretary Charles John Crowle being absent without leave, having neglected to prepare the Books, and having appointed a Deputy totally incapable.' Crowle held office until March, 1778, when 4 Mr. Crowle Having desired to resign the Office of Secretary He was permitted so to do and Mr. Banks was desired to accept the same which he accordingly did.' Sir Joseph Banks holds so high a position among sir Joseph the ranks of English worthies that it is hardly Banks. necessary to give any account of him here. His succession to the family estate of Revesby in Lincoln- shire put him in a position while still young to satisfy his passion for botanical science and for travel ; and his indomitable strength of character carried him victoriously alike through the adventures of his earlier and the conflicts of his later career. Through the influence of Lord Sandwich, Banks and his friend Dr. Solander were enabled to accompany Captain Cook's first famous voyage in the Endeavour, which lasted from 1768 to 1771- It is noteworthy that whereas a former prominent member of the Society, 1 ii4 History of the Society of Dilettanti the Earl of Sandwich, gave his name to the Sandwich Islands, the once famous Botany Bay owed its name to the field for successful research which it afforded to Banks and his companion Solander. Banks was proposed as a member of the Society of Dilettanti by 4 Athenian ' Stuart and elected on February <5, 1774. In November, 1778, he was elected President of the Royal Society, a post which he held — for a while in the face of vehement opposition — until his death in 1820, when he bequeathed his valuable library to the British Museum, thus becoming a second founder, after Sir Hans Sloane, of what is now the Museum of Natural History. Banks was one of the most dis- tinguished and honoured members of the Society of Dilettanti. In spite of his numerous occupations elsewhere, he continued to act as Treasurer and Secretary of the Society until June, 1794, when he resigned the former office to Mr. Philip Metcalfe, and as Secretary alone until February 19, 1797, when the following entry was made in the minutes : — ' A letter was received this day from Sir Jos. Banks to the great Regret of the Society, expressing his intention of resigning the office of Secretary (which he has performed so much to their satisfaction & advantage for eighteen years). ' Order'd That a Letter be written to him by the Treasurer conveying in the Strongest terms their regret at losing so good & usefull an officer, & hoping shou'd he persist in his determination that he will attend the Call on Sunday 5th March & to hope that he will retain the office, till a successor be appointed.' Charles Greville, who on the promotion of Banks to be Secretary of the Society succeeded him in the office of Very High, was a younger son of the Earl of Warwick and nephew of Sir William Hamilton. He was one of the best-known men in the England of his day, a leader of haut ton, member of Parliament, and well-known amateur and collector of coins, Charles Greville. History of the Society of Dilettanti nj gems, and engravings. He has earned a niche in the temple of history less for his wit and culture than for the circumstances of his connexion with the beautiful Emma Lyon. She had lived with Greville for four years as his mistress and received from him a kind of education before he passed her on to the protection of his uncle. Moreover, it was through Greville that the famous Emma received her introduc- tion to Romney the painter, the results of which have perhaps done more to recommend her to the favour of posterity than any of the other adventures of her life. A portrait of Greville appears in ZofFany's picture of Charles Townley in his gallery of antiquities, and an- other in one of Sir Joshua Reynolds's famous groups of Dilettanti portraits, reproduced in the present volume. Sir William Hamilton, K.B., was a diplomatist of sk William distinction, and rendered important services to his country and to the kingdom of Naples during the twenty-six years that he acted as British envoy and plenipotentiary to that court. He was more fortu- nate than his nephew Greville, in that his connexion with the woman who eventually became his wife and Nelson's mistress did not obscure the considerable and not to be forgotten services which he contributed to the cause of classical archaeology. His earliest studies were chiefly connected with the volcanic phenomena of Vesuvius and the excavations then in progress at Pompeii and Herculaneum, which he supported both by his enthusiasm and his purse. In 1766 Hamilton commenced his famous collection of Greek vases, terra-cottas, bronzes, and gold ornaments, which he sold to the nation in 1772. This collection formed the nucleus of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities in the British Museum. While it was still in Hamilton's hands, he caused it to be illustrated 1 2 ii(5 History of the Society of "Dilettanti and described in a great work of four volumes with text by D'Hancarville, a French antiquary and scholar then in undeserved repute ; but deeply as the world of art is indebted to Sir William Hamilton for his col- lections of Greek vases, it is rather from the vases themselves that the modern student acquires informa- tion than from the splendid and ponderous folios on which Hamilton lavished so much time and expense. A second collection formed by Hamilton passed — at least as much of it as was rescued from shipwreck — into the collection of Mr. Hope of Deepdene. Elected a member of the Dilettanti in 1777, Hamilton was prevented by his residence at Naples from being more than a rare attendant at its meetings. sir Richard Sir Richard Worsley, who, like Sir James Gray, was Worsley, for some time British Resident at Venice, made a tour through Greece and the islands and coast of Asia sir George Minor in 1 7 8 y-6. He formed a large and valuable Beaumont, collection of classical antiquities on the spot, and was fortunate enough to succeed in bringing his collection safe back to England. He spared no expense in following the examples of Stuart and Revett and of the Society of Dilettanti in causing the most im- portant specimens of his collection (and with them some drawings done for the Dilettanti by Pars) to be engraved and published in two important and valu- able volumes, known as the Museum Worsleyanum. His collection, formerly stored at Appuldurcombe, in the Isle of Wight, passed to his niece Miss Simpson, afterwards wife of the Earl of Yarborough, and is now housed at Brocklesby Park \ The Hon. John Peachey, who afterwards succeeded his father 1 A new catalogue of this collection has by desire of the present Earl of Yarborough been prepared by Mr. A. H. Smith, of the British Museum. History of the Society of Dilettanti 117 as second Lord Selsey, was another young English nobleman who had been captivated in Rome by the remains of classic antiquity, and had formed a small collection of marbles under the auspices of Jenkins and Gavin Hamilton. Sir George Howland Beau- mont, Bart., was a well-known figure in the history of art in England. His name is more closely con- nected with the art of painting and the foundation of a National Gallery than with the antiquities of Greece and Rome, and will perhaps be longest re- membered by reason of his friendship with the poet Wordsworth j but there was no branch of art in which he did not take a genuine and a liberal interest. Charles Townley, of Townley in Lancashire, is Charles perhaps the most conspicuous figure among those Townley. amateurs of art in the eighteenth century who devoted zeal and money almost entirely to the acquisition of the remains of classical antiquity which were being yielded up by the golden soil of Italy. A Catholic and a Jacobite by family, he was brought up on the Continent, and lived at Rome from 176? to 1772. He was an intimate friend of Sir William Hamilton, and associated himself with Gavin Hamilton and Jenkins in pro- moting the excavations at Rome and partaking of the fruits thereof. Many of the chief prizes fell to Townley's purse, in spite of the rivalry of the potentate collectors at the Vatican. These included bronzes, vases, gems, and coins, as well as marbles. In 1772 Townley brought his collection to London and fitted up a gallery at 7 Park Street, Westminster, losing no opportunity of adding to it any treasures from private collections in England which came within his reach. His house was the centre of an artistic circle, which n8 History of the Society of 'Dilettanti included many members of the Society of Dilettanti, but was by no means confined to those who were amateurs of his own particular line of art. A well- known painting by Zoffany shows Townley in his gallery with D'Hancarville the writer, Charles Greville, and Thomas Astle. In 179 1 Townley was made a trustee of the British Museum. The purchase of Sir William Hamilton's collection in 1772 had laid, as has been said, the foundation of a Department of Classical Antiquities. In order to further this object and to create a public collection which could compete with that which was rapidly being formed in the Vatican at Rome, Townley decided in 1 802 to bequeath his collection of marbles to the British Museum. After his death in i8oj- circumstances prevented his wishes from being carried out ; but the nation were enabled to purchase the marbles for the very moderate sum of £20,000, and with this purchase the history of the Department of Classical Antiquities in the British Museum may be said to commence so far as concerns the acquisition, in any considerable quantity, of ancient sculptures. Richard A third Englishman of this time who may be Vayne ranked with Hamilton and Townley among pioneers ntg *' of classical archaeology, enrichers and benefactors of the British Museum, and guiding spirits of the Society of Dilettanti, was Richard Payne Knight. A member of a well-known family in Herefordshire, Payne Knight went to Italy in 1767 at the age of seventeen, and paid repeated visits there of more or lessprolonged duration for about twenty years, in close association with Townley, Hamilton, and other ama- teurs. In company with Charles Gore, an enthusiastic artist and antiquary, and Johann Philipp Hackert, a well-known German landscape painter at Rome, he R I'AYNK KNIfillT . F, SQ History of the Society of Dilettanti 119 made in the spring of 1777 a three months' tour in Sicily, visiting the great temples of Agrigentum, Selinus, Egesta, and other spots famous for their remains of antiquity and art. Knight kept a careful diary of this journey, and Gore made several impor- tant drawings, some of which are now in the print- room at the British Museum. Knight and Gore were elected members of the Society of Dilettanti on May d, 178 1. Gore's connexion with the Society was ter- minated a few years later by his taking up his final residence at Florence, but Knight became the ruling spirit of the Society so far as concerned the study of classical archaeology, and remained so until his death in 1 8 24. Knight's Sicilian diary gained for him an unexpected immortality. It came into the hands of no less a person than Goethe, who was so deeply interested in it that he translated it into German, and published it under the title of Tagebuch einer J{eise nach Sicilien. This was the second time that a treatise by an individual member of the Dilettanti had the good fortune to act upon the general mind and culture of Europe, producing effects out of proportion to any critical or scientific value of its own. First the Polymetis of Spence, the elegant compilation of an old-fashioned scholar on whom a sense of the true methods of archaeological study had not yet dawned, provoked from Lessing the chief part of the arguments in his immortal Laocoon ; and now the travelling diary of Payne Knight helped to awaken and stimulate in Goethe that deep and luminous appreciation of classical art which became so large a part of his intellectual endowment, Knight posed as the arbiter of taste in London society; he delivered his opinions with somewhat the air of an oracle, and published various essays no History of the Society of Dilettanti on ancient art, literature, and antiquities, written with a genuine enthusiasm for his subjects, but with a love of strained interpretations and a some- what unsound and fantastic quality of erudition. Posterity therefore has inclined to rate him perhaps below the value of the influence which he un- doubtedly exercised on the culture of his time. It was as a collector that he was chiefly and really eminent. His cabinet of antiquities included marbles, gems, coins, and bronzes, and was strongest in the last three departments, in which he had real discrimina- tion, although little, as the sequel will show, in sculpture. He was also an energetic collector of drawings by the old masters, especially Claude ; and his acquisitions in both kinds formed a very impor- tant addition to the treasures of the British Museum, to which they were bequeathed on his death. Yet another enthusiastic antiquary among the Dilettanti was Sir Henry Englefield, Bart. He joined the Society in the same year as Payne Knight (1781); but his most active participation in its affairs took place after 1808, when he was appointed Secretary. He was a Catholic gentleman of cultivated tastes and charming conversation, the owner of an important collection of Greek and Etruscan vases, a Fellow of the Royal Society and the Society of Antiquaries, who contributed to the Transactions of both bodies, writing and speaking with claims to authority on subjects so diverse as botany, astronomy, church architecture, English topography and landscape, and Catholic practice and doctrine. On May 22, 1784, it was resolved 'That the Committee of publication be requested to undertake to Print Sir William Hamilton's letter concerning the great toes of the Holy Martyrs S. Cosmo & Damiano with such illustrations History of the Society of Dilettanti ixi as they think proper & to cause the drawing annexed to be ingraved for the use of the members of the Society and that the expence of doing it be not considered as part of the original grant. 1 This somewhat cryptic minute is the first record of what proved an unfortunate error of judgement on the part of the Society. Sir William Hamilton, in the course of his long residence as envoy at Naples, lost no opportunity of searching the kingdom of Naples for any remains of classical antiquity which could be discovered. In the course of these investigations he discovered that at a small town in that kingdom called Isernia a curious ritual still survived, in which the ancient phallic worship of the Romans was maintained in all its primitive simplicity, in combination with and under the shadow of the rites paid at the shrine of the two martyrs, St. Cosmo and St. Damian. Struck by the curiosity of this direct survival from classical times, Hamilton communicated an account of what he had witnessed to the Society of Dilettanti in a letter addressed to Sir Joseph Banks from Naples on December 30, 178 1. This letter is the one alluded to in the above minute. In 1784 Pierre Francois Hugues, better known by jytianear- his assumed name of D'Hancarville, came to London ville. on a visit to Townley in Westminster. He had, as has been already mentioned, been associated with Sir William Hamilton in the production of the famous work illustrating Hamilton's first collection and entitled Anttquttes, grecques, et romainss, (1766—7). Since then he had been engaged for many years in compiling a vast work, entitled Recherches sur I'Origine^ I'Esprit et les Progres des Arts de la Grece, which was published in London in 1785-. The work in question has been appropriately described as c a fantastic farrago of mystico-symbolical revela- ill History of the Society of Dilettanti tion and groundless hypotheses.' At this date there was nothing approaching to an exact or scientific appreciation of the symbolic rites observed in the worship of their deities by pagan or Oriental races. D'Hancarville, in spite of the gross absurdities which abound in his work, must be regarded as one of the earliest writers to attempt any such solution of these difficult questions, which in the course of the next hundred years have furnished matter of research and speculation to so many more competent minds. Among the subjects treated by D'Hancarville was that of phallicism in ancient religious rites. His theories and arguments completely fascinated the minds of Townley and Payne Knight, and this infection was communicated by them to the Society of Dilettanti. The Society therefore, as recorded above, decided to print and illustrate Hamilton's letter on the curious rites which he had witnessed at Isernia. The The work was entrusted to Payne Knight, who 'Pnapeia: added an essay of his own composition. The work was ready for publication in 1786, and bore the title of An Account of the Worship of Priapus, lately existing at Isernia in the Kingdom of Naples : in Two Letters j One from Sir William Hamilton, IQ.B., His Majesty s Minister at the Court of Naples, to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., President of the j\oyal Society ; and the other from a Person residing at Isernia : To which is added, A discourse on the Worship of Priapus, and its Connexion with the Mystic Theology of the Ancients by j\ P. Kjiight, Esq. (London. Printed by T. Spilbury, Snowfall, 1 7 8<5 .) It was known shortly as the Priapeia. On March 3, 1787, it is recorded in the minutes that c Mr. Windham on the part of the Committee of publication reported that the Priapda ordered by the Society to be printed is Finishd & ready for delivery. History of the Society of Dilettanti 123 c Ordered, motion made by Ld. Bessborough, Father of the Society, That the Thanks of this Society be given to R. P. Knight Esqre. for the able & elegant manner in which he has investigated the interesting & diricult subject of this valuable work & that they be delivered to him at the next meeting he shall attend by the arch-master or his deputy appointed by the Society, dressd in his Crimson Taffety Robe & other insignia of his office. ' That the Copies be lodg'd in the custody of the Secretary & one of them deliverd to each member of the Society, & that except these he do not on any Pretence whatever part with any other copy without an order made at a regular meeting/ c That each member be allowd once & no more to move the Society recommending by name a Friend to whom he wishes the Society to present a copy.' And again on April 1, 1787, 'Mr. Wilbraham as Deputy Arch-Master Dressd in all the insignia of office returned the Thanks of the Society to R. P. Knight Esq r . for his able work of the Priapeia.' c Ordered that the Secretary do inscribe on the back of the title- page of each the name of the Person to whom it is presented 6c the circumstances of its being a Present from the Society of Dilettanti.' Copies of the work were presented under the above orders to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, the British Museum, the Society of Antiquaries, the Royal Society, the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, the Royal Academy, the Royal Library, Copenhagen, &c. Six extra copies were presented to Sir William Hamilton, and twenty-five others to be distributed among foreigners. The names of about eighty noblemen, gentlemen, clergymen, antiquaries, and others occur in the minutes as recipients of presenta- tion copies, including those of Horace Walpole, Dr. Combe, D'Hancarville, the Duke of Portland, Lord Thurlow, Mr. Planta, Charles James Fox, Mr. Astle, Mr. Malone, Mr. Gibbon, Mr. Wilkes, the Duke of Roxburghe, Caleb Whitefoord, and other notable persons, including distinguished foreigners. It is evident that the Society in issuing this work -Reception of had no intention of publishing anything calculated to the 'volume. Ti4 History of the Society of Dilettanti give offence or to be considered a breach of morality. Its spirit is meant to be truly antiquarian: if the result is both dull and grotesque, that is due partly to the far-fetched mythological fancies which passed for learning at the time, partly to a failure of tact and humorous perception in the authors. Offence at any rate the publication did give, and Payne Knight, whose name was chiefly identified with the publica- tion, was vehemently assailed on its account. Mathias, a satirist of a violent and reckless description, dubbed 'a miserable imp ' by Dr. Wolcot, and branded by De Quincey for c much mean and impotent spite 9 and 4 systematic pedantry,' made a severe attack on him in the work known as The Pursuits of Literature. These and other attacks affected Payne Knight so much that he did his best to call in all the copies he could of the offending work, which is consequently of great scarcity and especially in an unmutilated condition. Retrospect -. At the close of the eighteenth century the Society ™^ °^ ^^ ettant ^ notwithstanding such a slip in taste and initJ". ' judgement as this, might well look back with satis- faction upon the work done by its members, both collectively and individually, in the cause of classical archaeology. Sixty or seventy years earlier, the study of classical antiquities could hardly be said to exist, while the collection of specimens and the description of ancient buildings and sites were left to a few casual travellers. The foundation of the Society of Dilettanti brought together all the rich young travellers of British birth in a kind of healthy competition towards a single goal. Under the spur of this competition purses were opened freely, and with the help of English gold the soil of Rome and the Campagna yielded up its long-buried treasures. Without the zeal and perspicacity of such men as History of the Society of Dilettanti 1x5- Gavin Hamilton, Byres, Fagan, and Jenkins the excavations might have been fruitless or barren, and without the money of the Dilettanti they might have been indefinitely postponed. The exertions of the earlier English excavators, dealers, and collectors had a further good effect in stimulating native rivalry. Prelates like Cardinal Albani, popes like Clement XIV and Pius VI, becoming alive to the value of the treasures that the foreigner was exporting from under their very eyes, were aroused to greater energy in the formation of those marvellous collections of marbles which are now displayed in the galleries of Rome. In other countries the leaven of classical enthusiasm worked more slowly. France, despite the zeal of an amateur like Caylus and an artist like Cochin, took little share in the classic revival of the eighteenth century until after the storms of the Re- volution. Germany, it is true, produced in the person of Winckelmann an archaeologist of far greater power and insight than any of his English contemporaries y but in historical order the fame and European influence of Winckelmann follows and does not precede the efforts of the earlier English Dilettanti. More important and more vital to the future of Wwk /» the study than the recovery and export to this Greece * country of classical remains from Italy, had been the ** * work of the Society in exploring, measuring, and publishing the antiquities of Greece itself and of Ionia. It is to the credit of the Dilettanti that at the outset they recognized the true and guiding principle in classical archaeology, that the numberless monuments of sculpture, architecture, or painting which were continually being dug up in Rome, Naples, or the surrounding districts, were in the main but imperfect reflections of the pure light of iz6 History of the Society of 'Dilettanti Further enterprises : neiv Publi- cation Committee. ' Specimens of Antient Sculpture' Hellenic art and culture, the true source of which was to be found alone on the soil of Greece, the Greek provinces of Asia Minor, or the islands of the Archipelago. The great works of Stuart and Revett, which the Dilettanti encouraged and assisted, the Ionian Jntiquities of Chandler, Revett, and Pars, for which they were entirely responsible, remain as the basis from which all classical archaeologists have since worked. Together with this honourable record of work accomplished, the Society, as the century drew to an end, found themselves in possession of an incentive to new exertions in the shape of a comfortable balance of about .£10,000 in hand. Accordingly they decided to embark on further ventures in the domain of classical archaeology. On Feb. 10, 17995 a motion was made and seconded * That a New Committee of Publication be appointed.' At a ballot held on March 3 the new committee was constituted, its members being Mr. Knight, Mr. Windham, Mr. Peachey, Mr. Townley, and Sir Henry Englefield. It promptly commenced work on a publication of a new kind, the object of which was to illustrate and make known the choicest specimens of ancient sculpture which had been acquired by members of the Society abroad, and now adorned their private mansions in England. On May 10, 1799, the committee resolved 'That Mr. Townley and Mr. Knight do inquire for proper engravers, and put a certain number of the drawings now selected into their hands to be engraved duiing the summer ; and also do employ draughtsmen to make additional drawings fiom the different collections of antiquities in London, giving draughts upon the Treasurer of the Society for the work as it is executed, not exceed- ing in the whole the sum of £zco till further ordeis.' History of the Society of "Dilettanti 117 The undertaking thus set on foot took shape in due course in the beautifully executed work entitled Select Specimens of Antient Sculpture preserved in the several Collections of Great Britain. It was, as might be expected, mainly promoted and carried out by Payne Knight and Townley. The engraving of the plates occupied eight years, from May, 1799, to May, 1807. The sixty-three works of art selected were chiefly taken from the collections of these two gentlemen, twenty-three being from Mr. Knight's collection, and twenty-three from Mr. Townley's. Of the remainder, four came from the Marquess of Lansdowne's collection, nine from the Earl of Egremont's, two from Mr. Hope's, and one each from those of the Earl of Yarborough and the Earl of Cork. The volume contained seventy-five plates, exclusive of head and tail pieces, and was entrusted to the best draughtsmen and engravers of the day. During its progress the Publication Committee had been strengthened by the addition, on February 10, i8oy, of Lord Northwick and Mr. Thomas Hope, and later of the Earl of Aberdeen, c Athenian Aberdeen.' The Specimens were ready for publication in 1808, Mode of about £2,300 having been expended upon the plates. P ubllcatw The Society took a new departure in determining to issue the volume to the public. In March, 1808, an agreement was made with Mr. Thomas Payne of Pall Mall and Mr. John White of Fleet Street, booksellers, to publish the work on the following terms. Messrs. Payne and White agreed to purchase the work and the engraved copperplates for 2,000 guineas, and to print it in Colombier folio in the most magnificent style; and the Committee of Publication agreed to purchase fifty-five (afterwards n8 History of the Society of 'Dilettanti increased to sixty) copies at fifteen guineas each for distribution among the members of the Society, these copies to be printed on paper of a larger size than those to be issued by Messrs. Payne and White for sale to the public. A copy was pre- sented to the King through Mr. F. A. Barnard, the royal librarian, another to the Prince of Wales through Colonel MacMahon, and a third to the British Museum. The expense borne by the Society amounted therefore merely to the value of the copies purchased by them; but they retained no copies for distribution to subsequent members, a motion being made in April, 1808, by the Earl of Aberdeen, seconded by Sir H. Englefield, and carried unanimously, < That no member elected into the Society after March 21, 1808, shall be entitled to receive the work now about to be published,' a rule modified on March 4, 18 10, in favour of Mr. F. Foster and Mr. Wilkins the architect, the only two members who had been elected during this interval. The full title of the book as published was — Specimens of Antient Sculpture, Aegyptian, Etruscan, Greek, and Roman : selected from Different Collections in Great Britain, by The Society of Dilettanti. Vol. I. T apyjai 6t oioBa, kcu to Kaiv' avei oam. London : Printed by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, For T. Payne, Pall Mall- and J. White and Co., Fleet Street. 1809. History of the Society of Dilettanti 129 The book commences with a 'Preliminary Disserta- -proposed tion on the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Antient second Sculpture ' from the pen of Payne Knight. A second volume - volume was in immediate contemplation, some of the plates even having been engraved before the publication of the first; but this sequel was in point of fact not completed until many years later. During the years when the leading spirits among opportu- the Dilettanti were thus engaged in preparing the nities los * first volume of the Specimens, they unfortunately meanvj 1 e ' turned a deaf ear to other, and what in one instance at least ought to have been far stronger, claims on their attention. Such neglect was due partly, no doubt, to pre-occupation with their own chosen task, and partly also, it may perhaps be feared, to some touch of that spirit of jealousy and prejudice from which the pursuits of the collector and con- noisseur are not always exempt. One example occurs in the spring of 1803, when sir William it is recorded under date March 6 that Hamilton's notes and « The Right Hon ble . Sir William Hamilton, K. B., offered to drawings. this Society a collection of the original Notes and Drawings relative to the Discoveries in the City of Herculaneum made during the course of the excavations in that City by the Padre Antonio Piazzi & by the Padre himself given to Sir W m . Hamilton, in order that the Society might publish the same in such manner as they may think Proper. ' Resolved That the Society do accept from their worthy member S r W m . Hamilton this most valuable present & do return their sincere thanks for the same. 4 Secondly That the Papers presented by S r William Hamilton be referred to the Committee of Publication, who on inspection of them shall report to the Society their sentiments with respect to the most eligible mode to be pursued in their publication. c grdly. That the next ordinary meeting of the Society shall be on Sunday April 17th on account of the Easter Holidays and that an open Committee of this Society shall meet on Sunday, March 27th to consider of the Publication of the Manuscripts communicated by Sir W m . Hamilton.' 130 History of the Society of Dilettanti In spite of the above minutes and of Hamilton's own anxiety about these papers, which he described in a letter to the President, dated March 25-, 1803, as < a favourite child of mine,' the records of the Society contain no further mention of the subject. It cannot but be regretted that the Dilettanti did not take advantage of this opportunity of identify- ing themselves with the introduction to the world of the long-buried treasures of Herculaneum, treasures which, though for the most part of the late Roman date, possess both from the artistic and the anti- quarian points of view so profound and many-sided an interest. Hamilton himself had been too ill to attend the meeting where his offer was made, and died within a month afterwards. Letter from Another and far more regrettable mistake was Lord Elgn. ma de about the same time by the Society under the guidance of Payne Knight. The minutes for 1803 contain the following entry : — '1803, Feb. 13. Read a Letter from Ld. Elgin to Th os . Harrison, architect & from him to Mr. Townley on the subject of his collection from Athens & other parts of Greece. c Ordered that the said Letters be referred to the Comm ee of Publication for them to report their opinion on the said papers.' The Par- Before narrating the sequel it is necessary to t ^ t0 ? l revert for a moment to the history of the sculptured decorations of the Parthenon at Athens from the since Carrey. point where we left it in Chapter IV. Allusion was there made to the drawings from those sculptures executed in 1674 for the Marquis de Nointel by Jacques Carrey. While Carrey was engaged on these drawings, Spon and Wheler made their expedition to Greece and the Levant, during which Spon made hasty notes of the sculptures of the Parthenon and other buildings of History of the Society of 'Dilettanti 131 the Acropolis. In one of these notes Spon hazarded the opinion that two of the figures of the west pediment resembled the Emperor Hadrian and the Empress Sabina, and from this cursory note deduced a theory that the sculptures, at least in the pedi- ments, were a later addition to the temple. In 1687 came the bombardment of Athens by the Venetians under Morosini and the partial destruc- tion of the Parthenon. From this date onwards the sculptures were exposed to constant injury from the ravages of time and still more from the hand of man, Venetians, Turks, and even Frenchmen having their share in the work of spoliation and destruction. Many portions of the sculptures noted by Carrey had disappeared before 175T, the year of the visit to Athens of Stuart and Revett. The appearance of the successive volumes of Stuart's Athens revealed to the world the beauty and value of the portions which remained, and the Society of Dilettanti may fairly claim some credit for the part which they had taken in assisting that revelation. Meanwhile the work of decay and destruction at Athens progressed slowly but steadily. In 1 79 6 Thomas Harrison, a Yorkshire architect Thomas of eminence, was employed to build the house of Harr>s0> Broom Hall in Fifeshire for Thomas Bruce, seventh Earl of Elgin. Harrison had studied in Rome, and was a proficient enthusiast in the classic style which had been revived by the publications of Stuart and Revett and the Society of Dilettanti. When in 1799 tne Earl of Elgin was appointed to the embassy at Constantinople, Harrison suggested to him the possibility of obtaining casts and drawings of the remains of ancient sculpture at Athens for his new mansion of Broom Hall. K 2 igx History of the Society of Dilettanti Aahn taken Fired by Harrison's suggestion, and undeterred by Lord by ^ ne discouraging attitude of Government, Elgin &a *' consulted Sir William Hamilton in Sicily, and on his advice sent a Neapolitan painter, Lusieri, with two draughtsmen, two modellers, and a Calmuck figure-painter to carry out this work at Athens. Difficulties however occurred with the local autho- rities, so that in 1 8 o i Elgin obtained from the Porte a firman not only to mould casts of the figures, but also to take away any pieces of stone with old inscriptions or figures thereon. Shocked by the deliberate destruction which went on almost before his eyes, Elgin determined to use the firman to remove as many of the marbles as he could from Athens with the view of preserving them from further ravages. Into the detailed history of his operations it is unnecessary to enter here. Lord Elgin When they were completed, he addressed to the and the Dilettanti through Thomas Harrison the letter of which the receipt is acknowledged in the minute above quoted. Here was an opportunity for the Society to take the lead in recognizing the deserts of the man whose action has in truth done more than that of all others together to further the know- ledge and love of Greek art throughout cultivated Europe. But the opportunity was deliberately missed. A chilling silence conceals what the real feelings of the Society were concerning Elgin's < collection from Athens and other parts of Greece,' and not even the text of his letter has been pre- served. No answer is recorded, and no steps what- ever appear to have been taken. Very soon after- wards Elgin was recalled, and the greater part of his collections were shipped to England, the first part reaching London, after undergoing shipwreck History of the Society of "Dilettanti 13 3 and other adventures, about 1805-. His desire at the beginning was that the marbles should be handed over unconditionally to the British Government. But presently the silent neglect of the Dilettanti influence of turned into active hostility. Townley was dead ; v J ytie , . Payne Knight ruled supreme over the Society, dhcfedithtg and in cultivated circles generally was regarded the marbles. as a kind of dictator in the domain of antiquarian knowledge. Busied as he was upon his cherished Specimens of Antient Sculpture, he may have thought that the Greek marbles would endanger the reputa- tion of the Graeco-Roman works which formed the bulk of his and of his late friend Townley's collection. At any rate, without even seeing them, Payne Knight declared war upon the marbles, boldly appropriating Spon's original and perfectly futile suggestion that they were Roman works of the time of Hadrian. In his Preliminary Essay to the first volume of the Specimens he goes out of his way to cast discredit on them. The Dilettanti, including men like Aberdeen and Englefield, followed him, although it is by no means clear that they really agreed with his opinion. That the Society cannot, at any rate, have been wholly unanimous on the point we may gather from the known opinions of one member, Mr. Morritt of Rokeby, as well as from the fact that Elgin's former secretary, William Richard Hamilton, who had superintended the re- moval of the marbles to England and published a memoir upon them, was proposed and in the end received as a member. He was indeed twice rejected in spite of the influence of his proposers — first Sir H. Englefield and the Earl of Aberdeen, and next Sir H. Englefield and Mr. Symmons ; but on January 6 y 1 8 1 1, he was elected, his proposers being Sir William 134 History of the Society of Dilettanti Drummond and the Marquess of Douglas. Meantime the corporate attitude of the Society continued hostile to Elgin and his treasures. Largely in con- sequence of this attitude, the unfortunate marbles languished in unmerited neglect, severe attacks being made not only on them, but on Elgin's private character and behaviour in the matter of their acquisition ; and eventually Elgin determined to offer the collection for sale. champions But by degrees the marbles began to find powerful on the other champions in the art world, including the Presi- S &seli WeSt> ^ ent °^ t ^ ie Rova l Academy, Benjamin West; the Hay/on. Keeper of the Royal Academy, Henry Fuseli; and most important of all, the ill-starred genius Benjamin Robert Haydon. Few chapters in the history of art are so picturesque and thrilling as that which narrates the campaign carried on by Haydon, almost single-handed, in favour of the Elgin Marbles against the whole weight of opposition brought by Payne Knight, Aberdeen, and the Society of Dilet- tanti. Payne Knight was no craven fighter, but it must be confessed that in the controversy with Haydon he, and through him the Society, came off decidedly second best and with greatly impaired reputation. Progress In 1 8 1 1, when the marbles were first offered to of the t j ie Government by Elgin in return for some com- controversy. • r t • j •• r 1 • J pensation for his expenses and recognition or his services to his country in this matter, the Premier, Spencer Perceval, returned an answer as contemptuous and insulting as if it had been dictated by Payne Knight himself. Lord Byron in his impassioned poem, the Curse of Minerva, threw into the attack on Elgin, West, and others a touch of real warm- hearted sentiment for Greece, which was entirely History of the Society of Dilettanti 13? wanting in the shallow and pedantic criticism of Payne Knight. But before long authoritative foreign opinion came to declare itself on the side of Elgin's English champions. A Deus ex machina appeared in the person of the Crown Prince of Bavaria, who lately had purchased the pedimental sculptures of Aegina, and during a visit to London in 1 8 1 4 made no conceal- ment of his admiration for the Elgin Marbles and his desire to acquire them. The Government, impelled by W. R. Hamilton, who had become Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, at last showed some signs of moving in the matter, but during the excitement that preceded and followed the Battle of Waterloo no action was taken. Meanwhile, however, Haydon had not relaxed his Crown efforts to convince his countrymen of the value of the Frmce °f marbles both by his pen and by oral and practical j^^ri' exposition. He was now strongly reinforced not canova-. only by the Bavarian Crown Prince, but also by the the Select great Italian archaeologist Visconti, Director of Commttee - the Musee Napoleon, and the great Italian sculptor Canova. These were regarded in England as better prophets than any person of British birth and education, and their estimate of the marbles gradually permeated society and converted polite opinion. At last a Select Committee was appointed by the House of Commons to inquire < whether it be expedient that the collection mentioned in the Earl of Elgin's petition, presented to the House on the fifteenth day of February last, should be purchased on behalf of the public ; and if so, what price it may be reasonable to allow for the same.' The evidence given before the Committee shows individual members among the Dilettanti in a more favourable light than that in which they had hitherto appeared by their 136 History of the Society of Dilettanti corporate action or inaction. Payne Knight stood almost alone in his unflinching condemnation of the marbles, and it is impossible to withhold some sense of admiration for the courage with which he main- tained what was obviously a losing cause. Wilkins the architect and the Earl of Aberdeen both deserted him, and admitted, though somewhat un- graciously, the value of the marbles. Another dis- tinguished member, Mr. Morritt of Rokeby (of whom more hereafter), was an enthusiastic supporter of Elgin throughout. The sculptors Nollekens, Flaxman, Chantrey, and Westmacott, the painters West and Lawrence, with Alexander Day, the art collector and dealer, were all on the same side. Only Haydon was not examined by the Committee, probably in view of the intense personal animosity which he had shown to Payne Knight and Knight to him. Haydon, however, fulminated in the press with an article 'On the Judgement of Connoisseurs being preferred to that of Professional Men.' Eventually the Elgin Marbles were acquired by the Government for ^"3^,000, not much more than half of the expenses incurred by Elgin in their acquisition and removal. Payne Knight had enjoyed for several years a temporary triumph, but in this triumph his reputation as a connoisseur and critic was for ever engulfed. CHAPTER VI Internal changes — The Ballot — Abolition of Forfeitures — Removals : Parslow's : the Thatched House — Re- searches in Greece and the Levant — Z^eal of new members — Colt Hoare, Long, Ainslie, Hawkins — Morritt of Rokeby — Hope of Deepdene — Lord Mor- peth, Lord Northwick, Earl of Aberdeen — Wilkins, Leake, Gell — New Ionian Committee — Its report on Gell's proposed Expedition — Instructions to the Expedition — Researches at Eleusis — Work at Samos, Miletus, Magnesia, Gfc. — Work at Rhamnus, Thoricus, and Sunium — The Aegina Marbles — Risks from pirates and privateers — Return of mission — John Peter Gandy — Resolutions as to publication — Con- gratulations to members of mission — Details of scheme — Sir Henry Englefi eld's appeal — Its results — < The Unedited Antiquities of Attica ' — New Edition of ' Ionian Antiquities ' — Further activities : second volume of the ' Specimens ' — Difficulties and delays — Mode of meeting expenses — Deaths of Englefield and Payne Benight — Sir T. Lawrence as Secretary — A German scholar's tribute — Distinguished members. AT this point it becomes desirable briefly to internal interupt our account of the Society's doings chan & L in the fields of antiquarian research, publica- tion, and controversy, in order to give some account of certain changes which were made in its internal economy. These changes coincide in es. ig8 History of the Society of Dilettanti date with the period chiefly occupied with the preparation of the Specimens of Antient Sculpture. The ballot. The ballot for the election of members seems to have been a source of difficulty. Whereas in former days the non-election of a candidate duly proposed and seconded by members of the Society was a matter of rare occurrence, for a few years follow- ing 1799 ^ became much more frequent, the same candidate being proposed and rejected meeting after meeting under circumstances which argue some want of unanimity among the members of the Society. In April 3, 1796, £ It was moved and seconded that the 5th Rule respecting the Election of Members be rescinded. Resolved in the affirmative. i It was moved and seconded that in future ballots for the election of a member z black balls do exclude. Resolved in the affirmative. 'It was moved and seconded that in future the name of every candidate for election at this Society be Proposed at the meeting previous to his being put to the Ballot. Resolved in the affirma- tive.' The new rules appear for the next few years to have been exercised with some severity. We even find, in certain of the opening years of the century, the number of the rejected exceeding that of the successful candidates. This appears to have produced some feeling in the Society. On January 3 o, 1 8 04, it was resolved ' That no Ballot for a new Member take place but in the presence of either the Mover or the Seconder of the motion for his admission/ implying that a candidate proposed at one meeting was in danger of being blackballed if his supporters were not present to speak for him. A more serious state of things is suggested by the following minute of June 7, 1807. It was moved by Mr. Wilbraham and seconded by Mr. Windham, History of the Society of Dilettanti 139 4 That in future when there are more than one Candidate to be ballotted for the ballotting box be not opened till the ballott for each Candidate be finished & that Quilted Balls of different Colours be provided by Parslow a different Colour to be appropriated to each Candidate.' A further indication of feeling upon the subject is shown by a minute of March 3, 1 8 1 1 : c Moved by Ld. Borringdon & seconded by Ld. Dundas That in future when only two Negative Balls shall appear in a Ballott the Ballott shall be repeated.' The collection of forfeitures for non-attendance Abolition of and of the debts of members who abdicated either Forfeitures. of their own will or by compulsion began to prove an irksome business. On March 11, 1797, it was resolved in committee < That it being a Rule of the Society to dine together the first Sunday in every month from the ist Sunday in December to May, Every Member absent on such days shall forfeit | guinea & no letters of excuse to be admitted. That any member incurring twelve forfeitures & not paying his Arrears in one month after they are demanded be considered, as excluded from the Society & such notice to be put by the Secretary in the accustomed form.' This arrangement, however, does not seem to have worked very much better, the sending of c Medusas ' and the collection of forfeitures still proving an irksome business. On February 14, 1808, a lengthy list of alterations in the rules relating to forfeitures and abdications was resolved upon by the Society. * Resolved that the law which enacts that no letter shall in future excuse the forfeit for nonattendance not being generally known to those members of this Society many of whom have continued in consequence of their ignorance of it, to write letters of excuse thereby showing their respect for the Society & their desire to continue Members thereof- no member shall on account of his having incurred more than six forfeitures under the above recited circumstances, be considered as having abdicated, & that no more than 6 forfeitures shall be demanded of any member for non- attendance up to the present day. 4 Resolved That the Secretary shall write to those Members, who 140 History of the Society of Dilettanti have incurred six forfeitures, informing them of the Law abolish- ing letters of excuse, &c likewise of the Vote of indulgence now passed in their favour, & requiring their personal attendance at the next Meeting under pain of Abdication unless they can show such cause for their Absence as shall appear satisfactory to the Society. c Resolved, That the Secretary shall write letters to all such members as shall have incurred five forfeitures, admonishing them of their danger, & communicating to them the law abolishing letters of Excuse. c Ordered That the Abolition of letters of excuse shall be announced by the Secretary at the Six next Meetings of the Society. c Resolved That it having been the antient usage of this Society to grant leave of absence for a limited time, to such of their Members as have asked in writing for the same, either on account of business of importance detaining them in the Country, or ill- health confining them to their houses in London, the Secretary having on due consideration of such request judged that sufficient reason appeared for granting the same ; and it being evident that such indulgence to their Members is by the abolition of letters of excuse rendered more Necessary & that it will tend much to the welfare of the Society to grant it, as thereby the abdication of many Valuable members may be prevented, That any Member desirous of Leave of Absence on account of business detaining bim in the Country or ill-health confining him to his house in London, shall request the same by a letter addressed to the President of the Soc. of Dilettanti at Parsloes or wherever the Society may in future hold their Meetings stating the cause of such his request ; which shall be taken into consideration at the meeting when such letter is received ; and on leave of absence being granted, the members shall be excused from forfeitures for non attendance; but not from the Payment of Dinner or Face Money : and that the Secretary shall inform him by letter of the grant or refusal of his request. But that his leave of absence shall ipso facto expire on proof being given to the Soc. of his having been seen in town or if absent for illness of his having gone into Publick. And that nothing in this resolution shall be understood to relate to members of this Society absent in foreign parts on the Publick Service; who have ever been exempted from the payment of all sums due to the Society, during such their absence, the same having been duly notified by them to the Society by a letter addressed to the President. c Resolved That all new Laws or Orders and all alterations in the now Existing laws or orders shall be read by the Secretary at the Six meetings following such enactment or alteration ; that no member may plead ignorance thereof.' History of the Society of Dilettanti 141 An important step was therefore taken by the Society on February 4, 18 10, when it was moved by the Secretary ' That the collection of forfeitures being very inconvenient to the Society and productive of much labour to the Secretary it would be advantageous to the Society to adopt the following regulations, ' First That every member do pay to the Society four guineas annually as dinner money. ' Secondly That from this day all forfeitures for non-attendance do cease and be abolished. 'Thirdly That no Reckoning shall be collected from the Company but that the Bill shall be paid by the Secretary out of the Dinner Money. Tea & Coffee not to be included in the Bill. 'Fourthly That the dinner shall be ordered at 10/6 pr. head, the number provided for to be as formerly at the discretion of the Secretary. 'And the above 4 Resolutions being severally put from the Chair & seconded were unanimously carried and recommended for confirmation at the next meeting.' And on March 4, 1 8 1 o, ' The four Resolutions of the meeting of Feb. 4 relative to the Change of the Dinner Money & abolition of Forfeitures were put & confirmed.' The new regulations thus removed the difficulties of forfeitures and the collection of the dinner- money at the table itself, providing also for the contribution of absent members to the expenses of the Society's dinners. This annual payment for dinner-money, with the subscription for the building and face-money, from this date constituted the liabilities of members of the Society. A change also took place in the meeting-place Removals: of the Society. In 1 8 o o it was decided to transfer the Par slow' s : meetings of the Society from the Star and Garter ™* Tltatcht T> • T» 1 1 ■» r 1 1 ■ House. Tavern in Pall Mall to a great room in a tavern owned by Mr. Parslow in St. James's Street. This, it will be remembered, had been for some years also the meeting-place of another famous dining society, i^z History of the Society of Dilettanti the Literary Club founded by Johnson and Reynolds and known by custom as 4 The Club.' The following minutes record this removal : — 'Feb. 16, 1800. Ordered that a Committee do meet on Sunday 2 March to settle a place for the permanent meetings of the Society/ ' March 2, 1800. Ordered That the Very High Steward be desired to enter into an agreement with Mr. Parslow for the use of a Room for the pictures belonging to the Society for their meetings exclusively.' 'Feb. 8, 1 80 1. Ordered that the Very High Steward do pay Mr. Parslow's bill for removing their pictures from the Star and Garter & putting them in his room. £8 14 4.' £ Nov. 2, 1 801. Ordered That the Very High Steward do pay Mr. Parslow Ten guineas for one years use of his great Room. £10 10 o.' This arrangement lasted till 18 10, when it was terminated by Mr. Parslow's death, and the Society had to seek for quarters elsewhere. 'January 21st, 18 10. The Society met in the Rooms in Argyle Street to consider of the future place of their meetings Parsloes Tavern being shut up in consequence of his decease. The Secretary did not attend being confined by gout. The meeting was con- sidered as a Committee the Duke of Norfolk in the Chair. Mr. Windham acted as Secretary. ' It was resolved that the next meeting be at Willis's Tavern in St. Jame's Street called the Thatched House on Sunday Feb. 4th.' 'Feb. 4, 1 8 10. The Society met at the Thatched House for the first time, when Mr. Knight informed the Society that H?. Greville Esq. had offered the use of his Rooms in Argyle Street gratuitously to the Society for their meetings, at the same time stating that it would not suit his convenience to provide the Dinner for the Society but that they must in the event of their acceptance of his offer employ their own servants for the dinner & wines etc. The Society were of opinion that it would be more eligible to meet at a Tavern but voted their unanimous thanks to Mr. Greville for his very liberal offer and desired Mr. Knight to convey to him the same. 4 Ordered that the ensuing Meeting of the Society be held on the 4th March at the Thatched House.' 'April 1, 1 8 10. It was proposed by the Duke of Norfolk & seconded by Mr. Dickinson that a Committee of five be appointed to examine into the particulars of the Premises late Parslows as to their Value 8c eligibility for the future use of the Society and that History of the Society of Dilettanti 143 they do report on the subject to the next meeting of the Society. Ordered unanimously. c Mr. Gore then proposed that the following five members be the Committee : The Earl of Aberdeen The Earl Cowper Viscount Morpeth Mr. Wilkins and the Secretary. Ordered unanimously/ f Jan. 6, till. It was ordered on the Representation of the Secretary that the future meetings of the Society should be at the Thatched House and that the pictures of the Society shall be moved from the house late Parslows to the Thatched House and all expenses relative thereto shall be paid by the Secretary out of the Funds of the Society.' The Thatched House Tavern, St. James's Street, con- tained a well-known large room for meetings of all sorts, from the days of Swift until its destruction about 1843, when the Conservative Club was erected upon its site. Returning to the learned activities of the Society, Researches it must not be supposed that they were confined, ** Greece during this period of Payne Knight's ascendency, entirely to the two works with which the name of that gentleman is identified, or to the mistaken aim of seconding his attempts to discredit the marbles collected by Lord Elgin. The honourable and useful object of ambition and expenditure which the Society had set before itself, that of promoting original research in Greece and the Greek provinces of Asia Minor, was never abandoned. The Society was reinforced during the period in Zeal of new question by the election of new members who threw mem ^ ers - themselves vigorously into every scheme of this nature that might be brought before them. Most of these recruits had before their election travelled in Greece, benefiting largely from the impulse given to classical archaeology by the previous publications of and the Levant. 144 History of the Society of "Dilettanti the Dilettanti. The fact that they supported Payne Knight in the unfortunate position which he adopted, does not diminish the credit otherwise due to them for receiving and handing on the torch of enthusiasm in the cause of Greek archaeology. Among the members joining the Society between 1789 and 1815-, whose names are most connected with the study of classical antiquities, were Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Sir Charles Long (afterwards Lord Farn- borough), Sir Robert Ainslie, John Hawkins, John Bacon Sawrey Morritt, Thomas Hope, Lord Morpeth, Lord Northwick, the Earl of Aberdeen, William Wilkins, William Gell, and Colonel W. M. Leake. colt Hoare, Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart., the eminent Wilt- shire antiquary, made two tours in Italy and Sicily Hawkins ^ or tne stu< ^Y anc ^ discovery of classical antiquities, and published two works upon the subject, based upon journals and notes made during his travels. At his house, Stourhead, a perfect museum of anti- quities and works of art, he possessed among his collections a great number of books and drawings relating to the antiquities and topography of Italy, a great part of which he presented to the British Museum. Sir Charles Long, a well-known if not very prominent Government official, inherited a large fortune with his wife, one of the heiresses of the Earl of Bridgewater, and at the close of his life, after being raised to the peerage as Lord Farnborough, devoted himself to forming a collection of paintings and sculpture. Long and his brother-in-law, Sir Abraham Hume, who was also for a short time a member of the Society of Dilettanti, were in their day recognized in London society among the leading authorities on the fine arts, and as true scions of the old c Dilettante ' stock. Sir Robert History of the Society of Dilettanti 145- Ainslie was appointed ambassador to the Ottoman Porte in 1775-, and resided at Constantinople from 1776 to 1792. Having gained the confidence of the Sultan, Ahmed IV, Ainslie found himself in a peculiarly advantageous position for assisting and promoting the work of the Dilettanti. He formed a large and important collection of Oriental coins, of which a description was published by the Abbate Domenico Sestini in 1789. John Hawkins, F.R.S., a distinguished naturalist, resided for a considerable time in the island of Zante, and from thence travelled frequently throughout Greece, acquiring occasionally objects of great value and beauty, espe- cially at Janina in Thessaly. Some of these he ceded to Payne Knight, and a few he retained at a house, Bignor Park, which he purchased for himself in Sussex. John Bacon Sawrey Morritt inherited at the age Morritt of of nineteen the estate at Rokeby, which his father had Roie h- purchased from a former member of the Society of Dilettanti, Sir Thomas Robinson. His own name has been made memorable through his intimate and affectionate friendship with Sir Walter Scott, as has that of his home through Scott's poem, to which it gives the title and of which it is the scene. After taking his B.A. degree at Cambridge in 1794, Morritt travelled for two years in Greece and Asia Minor, accompanied by the Rev. James Dallaway, the art historian, and others. He made a special study of the plain of Troy and the various localities connected with the Iliad, and, having been at Athens in 179?, was thereafter a consistent supporter of Lord Elgin, both on account of his high opinion of the Parthenon Marbles as works of art, and of Lord Elgin's wise policy in removing them from the risks to which they were L 146 History of the Society of Dilettanti Hope of Deepdene. Lord Morpeth, Lord Northwkk, Earl of A her dee?!. exposed in their original situation. Morritt was elected a member of the Society of Dilettanti on June 2, 1799, and became one of the leading and most popular spirits of the Society. He was also one of the foundation members of the Travellers' Club. Thomas Hope was a member of a rich family of bankers at Amsterdam, which contributed more than one amateur to the ranks of art. Nurtured in his father's house at Haarlem on a superb collection of pictures, Hope travelled for eight years early in life in Egypt, Greece, and the East, mainly for the pur- pose of architectural study, and on his return settled in England. He acquired a valuable collection of marbles, which was at first deposited in his London house in Duchess Street, Cavendish Square, and later removed to his seat at Deepdene, near Dorking. Hope was an enthusiastic amateur of the fine arts, of classical antiquities, and of literature, his taste for furniture causing him to be dubbed by Sidney Smith as ' the man of chairs and tables, the gentleman of sofas.' These tastes were illustrated in his two well- known works, On the Costume of the Ancients, and Anastastus, or Memoirs of a Greek. Hope was elected a member of the Society of Dilettanti in 1800. His younger brother, Henry Philip Hope, was elected in 1807, and the family connexion was kept up by the election of his two sons — Henry Thomas Hope in 1834, and Alexander J. B. Beresford-Hope in 18^5*. George Howard, Lord Morpeth, afterwards sixth Earl of Carlisle — eldest son of the well-known amateur and collector, the fifth earl, and grandson of the fourth earl, who had formed a collection of marbles at Castle Howard — was better known in political than in artistic circles, but he continued the family tradition of interest in art and antiquities, J. B . S. M0RR1TT. ESQ History of the Society of Dilettanti 147 and eventually became a trustee of the British Museum. Sir John Rushout, afterwards Lord Northwick, was noted for a very remarkable collec- tion of Greek coins and for a fine collection (since dispersed) of paintings by the old masters. George Hamilton-Gordon, fourth Earl of Aberdeen, after succeeding to the title in 1801, travelled for some years on the Continent, spending a long time in Greece. So imbued was Aberdeen with his Hellenic studies, that on his return to England he founded a society known as the ( Athenian Society.' He formed a small collection of marbles and bronzes, which were afterwards presented by his son to the British Museum, and was elected a member of the Society of Dilettanti on March 9, 1806. Aberdeen, who was satirized by Byron as c The travell'd thane, Athenian Aberdeen,' was a friend and strong supporter of Payne Knight, and did not escape from the influence of D'Hancarville. Into his subsequent career as Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister, it is un- necessary to enter here. A portrait of Aberdeen, painted by Partridge and now in the National Portrait Gallery, shows him engaged in his favourite pursuits as a student of Hellenic art. William Wilkins, the architect, after graduating wilkins, as sixth wrangler at Cambridge, travelled in Italy Leake, Gelt. and Greece as a student of architecture. He is well known for the numerous buildings designed by him in the 1 Grecian ' style, although he seldom had a free hand in completing them after his original design. Wilkins published several works on classical architecture. He was elected a fellow of the Society of Dilettanti on April 2, 1809, and was, as a pro- fessional man, a member whose word carried much L 2 148 History of the Society of Dilettanti weight with the Society. Another distinguished traveller and collector was Captain (afterwards Lieut-Colonel) William Martin Leake, who, being sent on a mission to Turkey for military purposes, took the opportunity of travelling in and ex- ploring Asia Minor. He was associated with William Richard Hamilton in conveying the Elgin Marbles to England. Leake had a special genius, as well as an indefatigable zeal, for topographical research, and in spite of the multifarious researches of later scholars, his works relating to his explorations in Greece and Asia Minor, and to classical topography in general, still retain their position as standard authorities. He had a small collection of marbles, which he presented to the British Museum, and one of bronzes, vases, gems, and coins, which were pur- chased by the University of Cambridge and are now in the Fitzwilliam Museum. He was elected a member of the Society of Dilettanti in 1814. On March 1, 1807, the Society elected Mr. William G ell, proposed by Sir Henry Englefield and seconded by Lord Northwick. Born in Derbyshire and educated at Cambridge, Gell had in 18 01 visited the Troad, of which, in 1804, he published an account as the Topography of Troy. According to Byron, who satirized him in the 4 English Bards ' as ( Of Dardan tours let dilettanti tell, I leave topography to classic Gell, Gell < topographized and typographized King Priam's dominions in three days.' In 1803 Gell was sent on a diplomatic mission to the Ionian Islands, for his conduct of which he was knighted \ and from 1804 to 1 8 06 was travelling in Greece and the neigh- 1 It would appear that Gell's knighthood was of foreign bestowal, since for years afterwards he was commonly spoken of as ' Mr. Gell.' History of the Society of Dilettanti 149 bouring islands. It was on his return from this journey that he was elected to the Dilettanti. In the summer of 1 8 1 1 the Dilettanti found them- Meiu Ionian selves possessed of sufficient funds in hand to enable committee. them to continue their much-cherished schemes for a further expedition for archaeological research, directed especially towards the remains of classical architecture in Greece and the Levant. In April of that year a committee had been appointed to report on the condition of the Society's two great portrait-groups by Sir Joshua Reynolds (see below, p. 227); and on June 2, 1811, it was moved by the Secretary and seconded by Mr. Knight, 'That the Committee of Painting appointed on April 7, 18 11, shall in conjunction with the Committee of Publication be a Committee empowered to take measures for sending persons into Greece or Asia Minor, should an opportunity offer, & that the Committee shall be empowered to engage for payment to such persons in any sum not exceeding .£1000 & that four members be a quorum.' The opportunity offered itself at once, Mr. Cell its report being both willing and anxious to start on a third on Ge ^' s expedition. A full and succinct account of the ^pedltion arrangements for this new e Ionian Mission ' is to be found in the minutes of the joint committee appointed as above recorded (and thereafter known as the Ionian Committee) under date January y, 1 8 1 2. ' The Committee report that soon after their appointment they made enquiry relative to some Gentlemen already in the Turkish Dominions, and employed in Architectural Pursuits, whose co- operation with the views of the Society it was hoped might have been obtained j but their Enquiries in this line proved fruitless. Early in the month of August William GELL Esq 6 , a member of this Society whose learned Researches in different parts of Greece, the fruits of two Voyages into those countries, are alieady well known to the public, informed the Secretary that he was desirous to make a third voyage into any part of Greece or Asia Minor which might suit the views of the Society, should they honour him - ISO History of the Society of Dilettanti with their confidence. Those of the Committee who could be assembled were called together without loss of time, and those who were too far distant were informed of Mr. Gell's proposal. They were unanimous in their wish that a person so eminently qualified for the Undertaking should be without delay enabled to proceed upon this business- and the Committee having agreed with Mr. Gell as to the pecuniary arrangements which will be hereafter specified, proceeded to chuse Draftsmen to accompany him. Mr. Wilkins whose professional Skill rendered him a most perfect Judge of the qualifications of the numerous Artists, who offered themselves, kindly gave his assistance to the other members of the Committee, and Mr. Francis Bedford was selected as Draftsman ; but Mr. John Gandy, brother to the eminent Drafts- man & architect, & who himself is a Draftsman of great excellence, having expressed a great wish to be of the Party, your Committee thought that it would be for the evident advantage of the Mission to employ him, and as two artists were sent on the former Voyage, they had that precedent to guide them on the present occasion. c The Committee confided the whole and uncontroul'd command of the details of the Expedition to Mr. Gell, in whom they can place the most entire confidence. The whole Expenditure is entrusted to him, and he is to receive as a Salary over & above his expenses the veiy moderate sum of fifty pounds per month. Each of the Artists is to receive £200 per annum — all his expenses being paid. Mr. Gell is empowered to draw from time to time on the Society for such monies as he may want, and will keep an account of the whole Expenditure. c It is expressly stipulated with the Artists that everything they do, whether as to Journal notes or Drawings, of every kind, is to be the sole property of the Society, and they are desired to keep Journals of all that appears worthy of their notice. 'The Mission besides all instruments and materials requisite for Drawing and Measuring, are likewise furnished with Instruments proper for Geographical Observations, and it is hoped that much valuable Information may be obtained in that line, though it is not the primary object of their Researches : They will also not be unmindful of the Natural History of the Countries they visit. 'Mr. Gell also suggested the propriety of carrying out with him an assortment of such Articles as would be acceptable to the men in authority in the countries they were about to visit. Bacchish under different names has a great degree of influence in every country yet known, but in the East it is indispensable, as it would be an actual affront to appear before a Superior empty handed. Presents therefore if not provided beforehand must have been purchased in the Country at an advanced price, & inferior in quality- a circumstance, which the Turks now well know how to appreciate. History of the Society of "Dilettanti iyi 'Telescopes, Pistol barrels and Locks, some articles of cut Glass, and some Shawls of British Manufacture, compose the assortment, and it may be observed, that the articles carried, are such as may be at any time sold to advantage, should they not be wanted as presents. c It is to be considered as a fortunate circumstance, that an intimate friend of Mr. Gell's, the Hon. Keppell Craven, ac- companies the mission at his own expense. In case of any Accident, whether by illness or other misfortune, the addition of a man zealous in the pursuit of knowledge and of the most amiable manner must be at great advantage, and at all time his co-operation may be depended on. ' Fortunately for the expedition a Turkish Ship of War com- manded by a Man of Science far superior to most of his countrymen, had last year arrived in the Thames, and had been there completely refitted at the expense of the English Government, in the best style of a Sloop of War of 24 guns. Her commander Captain Ismael Gibraltar was particularly well known to Mr. Gell, and on hearing of his Intention, immediately offered a passage to Rhodes to himself & his party in the handsomest Manner. It would have ill suited the Dignity of the Society to have accepted this offer without some Retribution • the Artists and Mr. Gell's servant were to pay the Sum usually taken by the Packets to Malta, & Mr. Gell makes him a present nearly of the same value. It may be observed that by this mode of conveyance, the party is for the same expense carried over 700 miles further ; and as Captain Gibraltar is a native of Rhodes & is extremely well acquainted with the contiguous parts of Asia Minor, he cannot only furnish information, but valuable Recommendations to the Travellers. 4 His Majesty's Ministers, who were applied to for letters to the British Ministers and Consuls, most readily forwarded the Views of the Society, and Mr. Liston, just now appointed Ambassador to the Porte, gives every assistance in his power. c Our venerable Father Lord Dundas ever desirous to promote the Interests of Science and Art in general, and actuated by paternal Affection for this Society, stated the circumstance of our Mission to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, who with his well known love for the fine arts, and his constant desire to promote their progress in this Country, honoured the Undertaking by every attention, which it was in his power to show. c The written Instructions delivered to Mr. Gell were principally drawn up by the Earl of Aberdeen, following as far as appeared desirable those which had been formerly given to Dr. Chandler. A copy of them is annexed. c Under these favourable Auspices the party went on board the Turkish frigate "The Africa" the 5th day of October 181 1, and i$z History of the Society of "Dilettanti reached Portsmouth on the 8th. An unusual continuance of westerly winds and stormy weather detained them after two fruitless attempts to sail, till the aoth of November, when in company with near 400 sail they left the Mother Bank. ' A letter received from Mr. Gell on the idth of January announces the safe arrival of the party at Gibraltar on the first of December — His letter bears date the 2nd of that month, and states that as " the Africa " was to touch at Sicily on her way to Malta, he proposed to obtain, if possible, measures of the Temple of Jupiter Olympius at Agrigentum of which recent Excavations have discovered many curious parts hitherto unknown ; and also to measure, if time would permit, that Temple at Selinus, which is not given by Mr. Wilkins. c For the ultimate Success of an Expedition like this, no human prudence or foresight can answer. Pestilence may render the access to many places too dangerous to be attempted ; Insurrection, so common in the countries subject to the Sway of the Porte may completely shut up at once a great tract of country ; but it appears that the present Ruler of Asia Minor, principally the object of our Researches, Kara Osman Ogli, is a man of great talents and singular probity — and possessing an authority far beyond what the Pashas generally have. He has also been considered as very friendly to the English nation, and as we may be assured that the Spirit* and perseverance of Mr. Gell are such as no common difficulties or dangers will terrify, or subdue, we may indulge the fair hope that he may return to his brethren fraught with such Information as may at once be a Honour to the Society, and an Advantage to the Country.' Instructions The instructions referred to by the committee in to the their report were drawn up by the Earl of Aberdeen, Expedition. and forwarded to Sir Henry Englefield, the Secretary to the Society, on September iy, 18 11. They were as follows : — c Instructions for Mr. Gell, Mr. Gandy and Mr. Bedford. c Whereas the Society of Dilettanti have resolved that a person or persons properly qualified be sent with sufficient appointments to some parts of the East, in order to collect information, and to make observations relative to the ancient state of these countries, and to such Monuments of antiquity as are still remaining, we the Committee, intrusted by the Society with the care and management of this scheme, have agreed upon the following instructions for your direction in the discharge of that duty to which you are appointed : — History of the Society of Dilettanti 15-3 ( i. You are forthwith to embark on board such ship as may be found most eligible for your purpose, and to proceed to Smyrna. Our principal object at present is, that fixing upon Smyrna as your head-quarters, you do from thence make excursions to the several Remains of antiquity in that neighbourhood, at such different times and in such manner as you shall, from the information collected on the spot, judge most safe and convenient; and that you do procure the exactest plans and measures possible of the Buildings you shall find, making accurate drawings of the basreliefs and ornaments, and taking such views as you shall judge proper, copying all the inscriptions you shall meet with, and remarking such circumstances as they contribute towards giving the best idea of the ancient and present state of those places. ' a. As circumstances, best learnt upon the spot, must decide the order in which you shall proceed in the execution of the foregoing article, we shall not confine you in that respect, but shall only enumerate, for your information, the principal objects of your research in the order in which they are most interesting to the Society: — Samos,Sardes, Apbrodisias, Hierapolis,Tralles, Laodicea, Telmessus, Patara, Cnidus. 4 3. We cannot too strongly urge you to exercise the utmost accuracy of detail in your architectural measurements j recollecting always that it is the chief object of the Society to promote the progress of architecture by affording practical assistance to the architects of this country, as well as to gratify a general curiosity respecting the interesting monuments of antiquity still remaining in those parts. '4. You are hereby requested to correspond with the Secretary of the Society, stating at length from time to time, your own proceedings; and although the principal view of the Society is directed towards the ancient state of those countries, it is not intended to confine you to that province ; on the contrary, it is expected that you transmit together with such drawings as you shall have made (all of which shall be considered as the property of the Society), a full narrative of occurrences, with all the in- formation you may be able to obtain, accompanied by such observations as you may consider to be worthy the perusal of the Society. ' 5. Having entire confidence in the knowledge and zeal of Mr. Gell, we hereby declare that the direction of the whole of the expedition is intrusted to his care, and state implicitly, that it is our intention he should be vested with the sole management of the undertaking as well in the necessary expenses to be incurred as in the manner and time of carrying into effect the general objects of the Society. 15*4 History of the Society of Dilettanti Researches at Eleusis. Work at Samos, Miletus, Magnesia, c 6. In addition to the expense of the undertaking (the accounts of which Mr. Gell will from time to time transmit to the Secretary) the Society engages to pay to Mr. Gell the sum of per month, which in case of his decease, shall be paid up to the time of his death to such person or persons as he may appoint to receive it. The Society further engages to pay both to Mr. Gandy and to Mr. Bedford the sum of £zoo per annum, on condition that they shall accompany Mr. Gell and follow his directions and instructions relative to the objects of the mission. (Signed) Aberdeen. Hardwicke. Benj. West. Thos. Lawrence. H. C. Englefield, Secretary.' These conditions were accepted by Mr. Gell as follows : — C I, William Gell, accept the conditions specified in the six preceding articles, and engage to fulfil to the utmost of my powers the instructions contained therein, and generally to act in such a manner as in my judgment shall most conduce to accomplish the purposes of the Society. (Signed) William Gell.' From an abstract of this voyage it appears that the party arrived early in 1 8 1 2 at Zante, from whence they repaired to Athens, and being there delayed by the difficulty of procuring a safe passage to Smyrna, they employed themselves in excavations at Eleusis, where the temples, although of a high importance, had never yet been examined by reason of the depth of soil under which their ruins were buried. The result of their labours was the discovery of the great mystic temple of Demeter, consisting of a cella about 180 feet square, with a portico of twelve magnificent Doric columns of white marble more than six feet in diameter. From Athens the mission proceeded to Asia. The plague, the most dangerous enemy to explorers, pre- vented them from exploring the temple at Sardis. June, 1 8 1 2, was spent in examining the temple of Juno at Samos and other remains of classical buildings in that island. From thence they proceeded to the History of the Society of Dilettanti 157 temple of Apollo Didymaeus, near Miletus, and added some valuable information to that already published in the Ionian Jntiquhies. They then proceeded by Halicarnassus to Cnidus, where they explored ana measured the principal buildings of classical date. From Cnidus they visited Telmessus, and thence to Patara. In Lycia they visited the cities of Myra and Antiphellus. The plague proved an insur- mountable obstacle to their visiting Laodicea and Hierapolis, but they made a successful exploration of Aphrodisias, which produced valuable results. They measured the temple of Diana Leucophryne at Magnesia, which had been discovered by Mr. W. R. Hamilton in 1803, and they also visited Priene. They thoroughly surveyed the regions at the mouth of the Maeander. From Asia Minor the expedition returned to Work at Athens about the end of 1 8 1 2, and during a second Mamnus, delay there excavated and measured the temple of ^sunium. Nemesis at Rhamnus, and examined Thoricus and the promontory of Sunium. During all these researches Gell carried out his instructions to the entire satisfaction of the Society, sending home regular letters and batches of drawings. 1 The plans and elevations,' as the subsequent report says, c of all the Edifices were correctly ascertained and detailed in the most elegant Drawings by the Artists of the Mission, it being the Intention of the Society of Dilettanti to Engrave and offer them to the Public for the Improvement of National Taste. 5 On May 17, 18 12, it was resolved The Aegna c That the Earl of Hardwicke be requested to lay the letter and Marbles. Drawings sent by Mr. Gell relative to the Aeginetan Marbles before the Trustees of the British Museum & to inform them of the wish of the Society to encourage by any means in their power the acquisition of the same for the Publick V 1 The letter here referred to, together with tracings of the draw- ings (which are by Foster), is preserved in the British Museum. i$6 History of the Society of Dilettanti The temple of Aegina had been just excavated in 1 8 1 1 by an expedition including Barons Stackelberg, Haller, Kestner, Mr. Linckh., and the zealous young English architect and explorer, Charles R. Cockerell. Negotiations were at once commenced through Mr. W. R. Hamilton to secure the admirable archaic sculptures of the pediments for England ; but the German authorities succeeded in outwitting the British Government, and the marbles were purchased at Zante by the Crown Prince of Bavaria, who deposited them at Munich. Risks from On September 17, 1 8 1 2, at a meeting of the Ionian pirates and Committee a letter was read from Mr. Gell dated friva eers. 5 mvrna) M av 1 ^ setting forth the risk the mission ran from privateers and pirates in the seas near Asia Minor, and praying for an application to Government for assistance. The Earl of Hardwicke accordingly drew up a letter to the Secretary of the Admiralty, which being signed by the members present was by the Earl of Hardwicke transmitted to the Admiralty, together with a note from his lordship to the First Lord, and a note from the Secretary to Mr. Barrow, Secretary of the Admiralty, enclosing Mr. GelPs letter. In May, 1 8 1 2, a further credit of £i y yoo was required for the mission, in connexion with which an interesting incident is worth recording. 'Jan. 3, 18 1 3. Upon a letter being read from Sir Henry Charles Englefield to Lord Dundas as well as another from the same to the President of the day Mr. Dickenson expressing that he had received from Mr. Gell some time since a draft for between nine hundred and a thousand pounds and being at that time in the country and not being certain of the amount of the balance of the money belonging to the Society in the Bankers hands he had paid this draft from his own pocket. The whole Society appeared extremely sensible of the handsome proceeding on his part and Lord Morpeth immediately got up and moved that the thanks of the Society be given to Sir Henry Charles Englefield our History of the Society of Dilettanti 15-7 Secretary for his liberal conduct, which motion being seconded by Mr. William Spencer was carried unanimously and with applause. ' A vote of the further credit of ^"1,5-00 was moved and carried. It was also ordered that the first payment from that sum should be employed in repaying Sir H. C. Englefield the sum he had so liberally and kindly advanced.' The first instalment of drawings and measurements sent home by Mr. Gell, comprising the antiquities of Eleusis, was put in hand for engraving at once. The travellers returned in the summer of 1 8 1 3 ; and Return of the Dilettanti at their next meeting, on February 6, mission. 1 8 14, unanimously voted their thanks to Mr. Gell for his great services to the Society and to learning in general during his late voyage. It was further moved by Mr. Knight, seconded by Mr. Wilbraham, c That the Secretary do direct Mr. Lawrence painter to the Society forthwith to paint the picture of Mr. Gell at the expence of the Society and that the picture when finished be hung up in the Room of the Society.' The thanks of the Society were also voted to Messrs. Gandy and Bedford, draughtsmen to the Society, for their constant attention to the objects of the mission and their very meritorious exertions of skill and talent in making measures and drawings of the several remains of antiquity met with in the course of their voyage. It was ordered, on the motion of Mr. Gell, ' That the Secretary do enquire what mark of the sense the Society entertain of their Merits as an honorary memorial of their sentiment would be most agreeable to Messrs. Gandy and Bedford & that the Ionian Committee do prepare such present to be presented to them.' At a committee of the Ionian Committee on March 14, 18 14, it was ordered £ That 50 Pounds be given to the two Draftsmen of the Society Mr. Gandy and Bedford viz. £-2.^ to each of them & that they shall lay out the same in the purchase each of them of a piece of Plate 15*8 History of the Society of Dilettanti John Peter Gandy. Resolutions as to publication. Congratula- tions to members of mission. according to their own wishes, on which shall be engraven an Inscription to be furnished to them by the Committee expressive of the satisfaction the Society feels at their successful and laborious exertions during their late voyage.' John Peter Gandy, one of the draughtsmen in question, was a younger brother of Joseph Michael Gandy, a well-known architect. On his return from Greece he was patronized by Lord Elgin, and afterwards associated in further works by Gell and Wilkins. He inherited from a friend, a Mr. Deering, an estate in Buckinghamshire, and assumed his name. He became M.P. for Aylesbury, and was elected a member of the Society of Dilettanti in May, 1830. The expenses of this mission to Ionia had proved rather heavy, and as it was not the only matter which the Society had in hand, the funds available for the purpose of publication proved insufficient. It became necessary therefore to appeal to the liberality of the members to further this important sequel to the mission. It was resolved by the joint Committee c 1. That it will be impossible to proceed with any despatch in the publication of the Drawings Measures & Inscriptions, collected by the Gentlemen employ 'd by the Society in the late expedition to Greece & Asia Minor, without some aid from the members of the Society. e i. That it will be proper to print for the use of The Members (and the information of the public) A short report of the proceedings of the Mission. '3. That this report do consist — r. of the Abstract of their Journies published by them in the Zante Newspaper & x 1 ? of a List of the Drawings plans and maps made by the Mission, 3 rd of the Report drawn up by Mr. Wilkins on the value & importance of these Drawings, 4? of a general Estimate of the expenses necessary for the publication in a manner worthy of them, & suitable to the honour of The Society; 5? Of the Report read by the Secretary at the last meeting of the Society on that subject.' It was further resolved by the said committee (or Ionian Committee) at a meeting in 18 14, at which Mr. William Gell was present, History of the Society of Dilettanti 15-9 ' That the Committee do most sincerely congratulate the Society of Dilettanti on the Result of the Ionian Mission, which owing to the Talents of the Artists employed, and the Judicious measures of the Leader, who so ably directed their Researches, has been successful beyond their most sanguine Expectations. ' That every Individual Member of the Ionian Mission is entitled to the warmest Approbation of the Society, for the Enthusiasm displayed, and the diligence exerted by each in his separate capacity ; by which more numerous and important Documents, relating to Grecian Architecture, have come into the possession of the Society, than have been produced by the united efforts of all Europe for the last forty years. ' That the elaborate and accurate Drawings from the Buildings of Attica alone, hitherto unknown, and brought to light thro' the exertions of the Ionian Mission, are abundantly sufficient to form a volume ; which in point of Interest, would be surpassed by no Architecture publication extant and equalled only by the second volume of the " Antiquities of Athens," which derives no incon- siderable portion of its interest from the contributions of the Society of Dilettanti. 6 But the Excavations of the Eleusinian territory, made by the Agents of the Society at a very considerable Expence, and upon a scale of unrivalled extent, have afforded facilities of investigation to the Travellers of every European Nation; amongst whom some one might be found, who jealous of the honor resulting to the English Nation from the Spirit & Enterprize of the Society of Dilettanti, might endeavour to anticipate the appearance of the publication, already in progress, if it be not pursued with prompti- tude and vigour, that the apprehension of Anticipation is founded on the fact of the actual publication of the work of Le Roy, which was undertaken with the view of claiming for his nation the merit of having been the foremost in making known to the world the beauties of the Grecian Architecture, before the pre -conceived & published Intentions of Revett and Stuart could be carried into effect. * That the Cause of Grecian Architecture, no less than the Vindication of the Claim of the Society of Dilettanti to the honor of the important Discoveries lately made, demand that no delay should occur in publishing the beautiful Drawings, already laid work before them, in a manner equally splendid with the former publi- cations of the Society.' The work was accordingly put in hand early in Details 1 8 14. On February 2 the Ionian Committee passed s < :heme - a series of resolutions approving of the plates of the 160 History of the Society of Dilettanti Temple of Eleusis engraved under the superintendence of Mr. Wilkins, and ordering other drawings of Eleusis to be put in hand under the superintendence of Mr. Wilkins and Sir H. C. Englefield, and that this section of the work, viz. that on Eleusis, 1 as soon as completed shall be offered to the Publick under the title of Antiquities of Eleusis.' Mr. Wilkins under- took to give a written explanation of the archi- tectural plates, Mr. Knight to draw up an account of the mysteries at Eleusis, and Mr. Gell to give an account of the mission and their transactions at Eleusis. On June 3 Mr. Knight undertook to draw up an abstract of the voyage and mission to be pre- fixed to the publication of the Antiquities of Attica^ Lord Aberdeen to examine and correct the account of the Sacred Way by Mr. Gell, and Mr. Wilkins to superintend the description of the plates, and to obtain from the artists full accounts of the circum- stances attending the excavations made at Eleusis and elsewhere in Attica. Of these projected essays only one by Mr. Wilkms on the Sacred Way was com- pleted, and that in a greatly condensed form. sir Henr Acting further under the influence of the financial Englefeld's apprehensions expressed in the resolution already Appeal. quoted, the committee instructed the Secretary, Sir Henry Englefield, to draw up the follow- ing appeal to the Society, the terms of which are interesting as giving a resume of the position which the Society claimed to hold with regard to the promotion of the study of classical architecture : — 'Resolved, That the valuable and extensive Collection of Measures and Drawings of Ancient Buildings in Greece and Asia Minor, brought to this country by Mr. Gell in his late voyage, undertaken by him under the auspices of the Society of Dilettanti, cannot be given to the public without a very considerable further expense, of which, though the sale of the works, History of the Society of 'Dilettanti 161 if published, may be expected to repay a part, yet an entire reimbursement can scarcely be hoped for ; and, at all events, such money must be laid out before any return can be made. It is, however, by thus incurring risk of ultimate loss in giving to the world valuable information, that the Society render themselves most useful to the cause of literature. Individuals cannot in general incur the expense necessary for the publication of great works on the arts ; and persons engaged in publication in the way of trade are not to be expected to publish, without pretty nearly a certainty of profit. It has been highly to the honour of this Society, that without any support from the public, or any funds but what have arisen from the liberality of its Members, the only two literary expeditions which, during a period of eighteen years, have been sent from England for the purpose of investigating the remains of Grecian taste and splendour, have sailed at their expense. 4 Whilst, however, we justly claim to ourselves great merit from this, we ought not totally to forget, that, although this employment of our funds is highly creditable to ourselves, we are in fact merely disposing of what we have had very little share in collecting, and that the spirited liberality of our predecessors, and the fortunate purchase and re-sale of a piece of ground in Cavendish Square, have put it in our power to do what perhaps has not ever been done by any private society of individuals in Europe. ( As the Society now stands, we can scarcely be said to have given anything towards the Promotion of these noble ends. Our annual subscriptions just defray our annual expenses. No one has paid more than £10 ios. as his contribution on admission, the great majority only £5 p : and the guinea which most of us pay as face money is all that can properly be said to be our annual contribution to the promotion of the aits • except the occasional contributions on marriage or increase of income, which form a very inconsider- able branch of our revenue. Is not this the moment to do something more ? The African Association, the Palestine Association, have had the Merit of contributing essentially to the great cause of literature by the annual contributions of their Members, and it would be a sort of insult to this most respectable and illusti ious Society to doubt of their readiness to complete the work, of which the most difficult part is already so happily done, and diffuse the information now in our own private possession. It must also be remembered, that, as life is frail, if we neglect to employ and arrange what has thus been collected, the common lot of mortality may deprive us of those distinguished talents, so absolutely necessaiy to their being reduced to a complete readiness for publication ; and that, if that publication be as slow as without further aid from M i6x History of the Society of Dilettanti ourselves it must necessarily be, few of us can hope to have the honour and credit, which will certainly result to us from their being spread over Europe. 'The Committee does therefore unanimously recommend to the Society that they do annually subscribe ten guineas each for the next five years, for the purpose of promoting the publication of the drawings collected by the Ionian Mission, over and above the other payments made to the Society ; and further, that any Member choosing to pay the whole fifty guineas in one payment, shall receive from the Society his copy of the works published within the five years, with the plates taken off on Indian paper; and that should any Member having so subscribed his fifty guineas die before the expiration of the five years, his heir, or any person appointed by him, shall receive the work in the same manner as he would himself have received it, if he were still living. 'The Committee also beg leave to inform the Society, that the First Part of the Antiquities of Eleusis, containing general views and plans, and the details of the Temple of Diana Propylaea, are so far advanced, that it will be ready for delivery to the Members early in the next winter ; and that the Second Part, which will give the details of the Doric and Ionic Propylaea, is in hand, and consider- ably advanced ; and they beg leave to observe, that it is important that the engravers engaged by them should be, as far as is possible, kept constantly employed, or otherwise they may be induced to seek other engagements, which may materially delay the publications of the Society.' its results. This earnest appeal to the memory of former achievements, with its reflections on mortality and the effects of procrastination, seems to have produced a deep effect on the members of the Society. On May i, 1 8 14, it is recorded ' That the Report of the Ionian Committee drawn up & printed & distributed to the Members in consequence of the Orders of the Meeting on March 6 was read & taken into consideration. It was unanimously agreed by the z6 members present that the proposed subscription of ten guineas each for five years certain for the purpose of forwarding the publications of the Society be adopted. Eleven votes by letter or Proxy were also given in favour of this measure making on the whole 37 affirmatives, and only one negative letter has been received. The thanks of the Society were voted to the Duke of Somerset for his Grace's proposed donation of fifty pounds made previous to the proposal of the subscription now voted, to which he has added his assent to the History of the Society of Dilettanti 163 proposed Annual Subscription and the Secretary was ordered to communicate the same to his Grace/ Later it was ordered that the payment of ten guineas annually should begin with the year 1814, any member being entitled to pay the fifty guineas down at once if he chose. This order was to apply to all members elected within the five years, who would thereby be entitled to the publications ; and the proposals of the committee with regard to members who might die during this period of their subscription were adopted. The portion of the work in hand was then continued. During its progress the idea of a separate publication of the discoveries at Eleusis was abandoned, and it was resolved to incorporate the whole in one volume, which should include also the other Attic sites of Rhamnus, Sunium, and Thoricus. On March 8, 18 id, Mr. Wilkins, into whose o towards the Expense of such scaffolding — that if within these limits Mr. P. was enabled to extend his operations to the Temple of Theseus also & other buildings at Athens of that age, he would be at liberty to do so. 5 Application was therefore made to Lord Palmerston, who furnished Mr. Penrose with the requisite letter for Sir E. Lyons, and on February 7, 1847, the Secretary was able to report that Mr. Penrose had already commenced his operations. Mr. Penrose communicated the results of his investi- gations in letters to the Society, and after his return, towards the close of the same year, a portfolio of drawings was submitted to the Society, which i8x History of the Society of Dilettanti ' Investi- gations of Athenian Architec- ture. Mr. Penrose was willing to place at the disposal of the members, if they should be inclined to publish them. The Committee of Publication reported on March 6, 1848, ' That they have examined in company with Mr. Penrose the plans & working Drawings made by that Gentleman at Athens and since he left that City which were submitted to the Society at their last meeting, and which related to certain recently verified principles in the construction of the Parthenon, & other Greek buildings, to which subject his attention had been drawn by the Society when he left England last summer. c That they have been much gratified by the evidence, which these Drawings offered of the labour and zeal, which Mr. Penrose has applied to the object of his Researches, and he seems to them to have satisfactorily proved his positions by the accuracy of his observations, & by mathematical calculation. That they are of opinion that it will reflect honour and credit on the Society, if they undertake the publication of these Drawings, or a sufficient portion of them, which Mr. Penrose has very liberally placed at the disposal of the Society. c If the Society should adopt their proposals the Committee recommend that the List of Drawings appended to this Report, should be selected for publication. ( That each of these Drawings should be accompanied by a page or half-page of letterpress explanatory of its contents, and Mr. Penrose could prepare a short account of his proceedings during the progress of his labours on the Parthenon and the few difficulties he had to surmount, the facilities supplied to him, and any particular details, which occurred at the time, illustrative of the subject he had in hand, & which may serve to give to the Public a more comprehensive View of the Construction of Greek Temples in the most flourishing period of the arts in Greece, especially in reference to the newly advanced principles which have been more or less alluded to, or obscurely indicated by antient writers. ' The Committee have been given to understand that the prepared Plates being twenty-six in number, may be engraved on an average expense of from six to ten pounds each : the letterpress would comprize about thirty pages of the usual size of the Society's publications : Say nine sheets at £j 1^0 per sheet, paper included, i.e. £ji 1? o.' The Society unanimously resolved that the above report be approved and adopted. A notice of the History of the Society of Dilettanti 183 proposed publication was therefore printed and distributed to the members of the Society. The work was at once put in hand, and was originally intended to form a second volume to the Unedited Antiquities of Attica. This idea was however aban- doned, and in May, 185-0, it was decided to issue the work as a separate volume, under the title of Investigations of Athenian Architecture. Proofs of the plates and text were laid on the table at various meetings of the Society, and in February, 185-2, the volume itself was at last laid on the table. The usual number of presentation copies was distributed, and each member received a copy with an accom- panying portfolio of prints, the remaining copies being offered to the public at £4, afterwards raised to £? js. od. apiece. After the publication of Mr. Penrose's work,, the Latter energies of the Society of Dilettanti slackened for ^ rs .°f , some years. It would seem that the repeated infliction secreta ry- of additional subscriptions, in order to defray the ship. expense of successive publications, not only proved irksome to members, even when they bore their share ungrudgingly, but also had a deterrent effect on obtaining fresh candidates, as the members of the Society from this time fell far short of the seventy to which number its circle had been limited. The Secretary, Mr. W. R. Hamilton, occupied some of the leisure of his declining years in compiling a list of the members of the Society from its foundation, which was finished in 185-4 an d printed for the use of members shortly afterwards, as well as a com- pendious history of the Society, which was completed and distributed to members in 185-5-, under the title 'Historical Notices of the Society of Dilettanti. Printed for Private Circulation only. Seria Ludo. 184 History of the Society of "Dilettanti 7ro\\oi 8e /xefivaurai, KaXou et tl irovaOfj. Pindar, 01. vi.' To this work, which was printed by John Bowyer Nichols of Parliament Street, a portrait of the author, lithographed by R. J. Lane, A.R.A., from a portrait by H. Phillips, was prefixed by order of the Society. The present work is based upon Hamilton's brief history, largely supplemented and amplified from a study of the original records of the Society and its committees. Hamilton, in spite of repeated offers to resign owing to his in- creasing age, continued to act as Secretary to the Society until the month before his death, which took place in June, 185-9. Sir Edward Ryan at once took over the management of the Society's affairs, but at first only in the capacity of acting Secretary, and it was not till the beginning of 1863 that he was finally confirmed in the appointment. Members During Hamilton's regime of all but thirty years, ehcted under tne personnel of the Society had naturally undergone s'Le^'T many changes. The new members elected in the Mountstuart first years of his secretaryship included Mr., after- Elphin- wards Sir, Martin Archer Shee, P.R.A., who succeeded hothouse Thomas Lawrence as titular Painter to the Society ; & c% ' the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone, one of the most gifted and far-seeing of the great succession of Indian commanders and administrators under the Company, who on his return home from office as Governor of the Bombay Presidency in 1829 had travelled and studied to good purpose in Greece and Italy ; Lord Burghersh, afterwards Earl of Westmorland, H.B.M.'s ambassador to Berlin and Vienna ; the Marquess of Northampton, afterwards President of the Royal Society and the Society of Antiquaries ; Sir Alexander Baring, afterwards Lord Ashburton, the well-known politician, diplomatist, and amateur History of the Society of Dilettanti 185" of art ; Lord Heytesbury, another diplomatist of varied experience who was also an amateur and collector ; the aforesaid Mr. Edward Dawkins,, fresh from the legation at Athens ; and Sir John Cam Hobhouse, well known as the intimate friend and companion of Lord Byron. Hobhouse's incautious expression of his radical opinions in politics once brought him within the gates of Newgate ; but he afterwards served his country honourably in successive cabinets as Secretary of War and President of the Board of Controls and eventually entered a haven of repose by being called up to the House of Lords as Lord Broughton of GyfFord in i8j-i. Hobhouse was elected in 18 39, and continued for many years to be a leading spirit among the Dilettanti. The next ten years were a period of quietude in the history of the Society,, only broken by the publication of Mr. Penrose's important work on the Principles of Athenian Architecture. Among the few members elected some well-known amateurs and collectors found a place, such as Sir John Hippisley,, M.P., and Beriah Botfield, M.P., the bibliographer and antiquary, who was for some years one of the most regular attendants at the Society's meetings. In 1848 the post of Painter to the Dilettanti again EastUke, fell vacant, through the death of Sir Martin A. Shee, and descended to the next holder of the presidential chair at the Royal Academy, Sir Charles Lock Eastlake. In the same year the Society gained a valuable recruit in the person of Sir Edward Ryan, lately returned from his position as Chief Justice of Bengal, and about to serve his country still more usefully as head of the Civil Service Commission during a prolonged period of transition and reform. 186 History of the Society of Dilettanti During the fifties there came in a number of wealthy amateurs and picture-collectors (the fashion of forming private collections of ancient marbles had by this time passed away), foremost among whom were Mr. R. S. Holford ; Mr. H. A. Johnstone Munro, of Novar ; Mr. William Stirling, afterwards Sir William Stirling-Maxwell, of Keir; Mr. Henry Danby Seymour, of Knoyle, M.P. ; Mr. George Tomline, M.P., of Orwell Park ; the Hon. Francis Charteris, best known for many years as Lord Elcho, now Earl of Wemyss ; Mr. Wells of Redleaf; and the Hon. Charles Hardinge, afterwards Viscount Hardinge, in later life an active trustee of the National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery. Some of these long remained active members of the Society ; others re- signed (the word < abdicated ' had by this time fallen out of use) within a few years of their election. Mr. Penrose, In 1 8^2 the Dilettanti were joined by a pro- Monckton fessional member, Mr. F. C. Penrose the architect, Watkhs whose labours in elucidating the subtler principles Lloyd, of Athenian architecture they had already en- Panizzi, couraged and given to the world, as above narrated, cw-W/, an( j w j 10 gt - jj survlves as f atner Q f t he Society (1897). In the same year the Society elected Mr. Richard Monckton Milnes, afterwards so well known as Lord Houghton, the most genial and accomplished of men of society, politicians, and poets, than whom few men have ever seen more varieties of life, or taken their experiences with a gayer curiosity and zest. In 18^7 Monckton Milnes contributed to the Edinburgh Review an article on Hamilton's Historical Notices of the Society, and up to the time of his death in 1 8 8 j- remained one of its most active and devoted members. The more strictly scholarly group of Dilettanti was increased in 1874 by the election of History of the Society of Dilettanti 187 Mr. William Watkiss Lloyd, a gentleman of means who enthusiastically devoted his life to the study of ancient art, antiquities, and literature, and was the author of a large number of treatises, published and unpublished, on these and cognate subjects, as well as of two remarkable historical works, the Age of Pericles and the History of Sicily. Until his death in 1893 Mr. Lloyd was one of the principal guides and advisers of the Dilettanti in their archaeological undertakings. Subsequently to the publication of Mr. Penrose's book on Athenian Architecture, he elaborated and published a Theory of the Proportions of Archi- tecture as used by the Ancients, which was adopted by Mr. Penrose in his revised edition of the above work. The year 1877 was marked by the election of Baron Marochetti, the Parisianized Piedmontese sculptor who in those days enjoyed in England a reputation and a practice beyond what now seem to us his deserts ; of the naturalized Italian exile Panizzi, a man whose gifts of organization, force of character, and subtlety of brain might have made him the equal of the foremost statesmen of his time, but whom the chance 3 of life caused to devote his extraordinary powers to the service of the British Museum, of which he had just been appointed Principal Librarian ; and, finally, of a member still living, Sir William Augustus Fraser, afterwards M.P., author of Poems of the Knight of Morar, Disraeli and his Day, Hie et Ubique, &c, &c, and compiler of a list of members of the Society down to 1874, copies of which he presented to the existing members at that date. In 18^8 was elected another member who is still active, Mr. W. Cornwallis Cartwright, long M.P. for Oxfordshire : and in the same year a veteran among professional architects and archaeologists in 188 History of the Society of Dilettanti the person of Charles Robert Cockerell, R.A. Thirty-seven years earlier Cockerell had been one of the most enterprising of students and travellers on classic soil, and had taken an active part in the expedition of Stackelberg, Haller, and the rest, for exploring the temples of Aegina and Phigaleia, by the results of which the museums of Munich and London respectively have been so memorably enriched (see above, p. i?6). It was only now, after a professional career of great activity and success, that Cockerell found leisure to prepare for publica- tion an account of those explorations of his youth. c. T. New- Meanwhile a comparatively young archaeologist, ton his destined for many years to be the most distinguished correspon- Q £ ca nj n g m England, had entered into relations dence from • i i r _ D . D . . ' . . Syra and with the Society without as yet having become Mitylene. a member. At the meeting held on February 5-, 185-4, it is recorded that 'Mention having been made of the very exemplary zeal, activity and intelligence in the Study and Investigation of Greek Antiquities in various parts of the Levant shown by Mr. Charles T. Newton, lately an Assistant in the Department of Antiquities in the British Museum, and who is now Her Majesty's Vice Consul at Mitylene, & has lately been Resident at Rhodes as H. M. acting Consul & Reference having been made to a corre- spondence between the Society and the late Sir Wm. Gell whilst residing at Rome. . . It was unanimously Resolved on the motion of Mr. R. M. Milnes seconded by the Secretary, that Mr. C. T. Newton be requested to allow himself to be named a correspondent of the Society of Dilettanti in the Archipelago, and in the Hellenic Cities bordering on the Coasts of that Sea ; and that the Secretary do acquaint him that the Society will be extremely gratified if he will have the kindness from time to time to address to them thro' the Secretary, such notices of Archaeological Research, as he may be of opinion will be interesting and welcome to the Society ; and that these communications be read to the Society at their Meetings.' This invitation was gladly accepted by Mr. Newton. On July 2, 1 8 j 4, the Secretary laid on the table a History of the Society of Dilettanti 189 letter from Mr. C. Newton dated Syra, June 8 pre- ceding, and reported to the Society the general contents of the same, relating to the Museums of Classical Antiquities which the writer had visited at Paris, Nimes, and Aries. On May <5, 1 8 5-5-, another letter was read from Mr. Charles Newton, dated Mitylene, March 22, in which he gave an account of the excavations which he had been carrying on for Lord Stratford de RedclifFe among the ancient tombs in the island of Calymnos. A further communication was received on May n, 1876, from Mr. Newton, dated Budrum, February 1 , announcing his discovery of the remains of the ancient city of Lagina, mentioned by Strabo, with a temple of Hecate, at Mughlah. On February 1, 185-7, the Secretary re- ported that in consequence of Mr. Charles Newton, Vice-Consul at Mitylene, having been deputed by the Government to conduct several archaeological re- searches in the Levant, and particularly on the coast of Asia Minor, such researches being almost identical with those which had engaged for so many years the attention of this Society, he had taken upon himself to present to that gentleman, in the name of the Society, a copy of the Society's publications, which Mr. Newton considered would be of great use to him in the prosecution of his researches. The Society were pleased to approve of what the Secretary had done in their name. In another letter dated Budrum, March 19, 185-7, The and read May, 185-7, Mr. Newton communicated to Mausoleum the Society the progress of his important operations °f Hal '- J jt o 1-1 carnassus. in excavating the site of the Mausoleum at Hali- carnassus. The result of these operations was, as is well known, not only to solve a topographical and artistic problem of the highest interest, but at the same time ipo History of the Society of Dilettanti to enrich the British Museum with the most important series of original Greek marbles which had been recovered from any ancient site since the Phigaleian explorations of 1811-12. The consideration of Mr. Newton's letter led to an important step on the part of the Society, for on July y following, 'Mr. Penrose represented to the meeting that in consequence of the very interesting & impoitant Discoveries lately made by Mr. C. Newton at Halicarnassus, by which the real site & general Disposition of the Mausoleum had been ascertained and several specimens of antient art belonging to that monument had been brought to light, It seemed to be an object well worthy of the character of the Society, and strictly consonant to its former pursuits, To send to Budium a qualified Architect, with Instructions to note such designs & ornaments (sculptural as well as archi- tectural) as would be sufficient to illustrate the Art of the period and to make out a perfect plan & elevation of this celebrated Structure. After some discussion, it was Resolved that the subject be forthwith referied to the Committee of Publication for their consideration & inquiry. Resolved also that considering the period of the year and that no meeting of the Society would take place before next Febiuary, That if the Committee should decide that such a measure was under all circumstances expedient & desirable, they have full authority to take steps to put it into immediate execution. 'Resolved also that the said Committee be instructed to limit the whole expense of the proposed Mission to a Sum not exceeding £z*)0. Resolved also that the Committee do furnish the Architect so to be appointed, with full and proper Instructions for the guidance of his conduct.' When the Society reassembled in February, i8y8, the Secretary reported that an architect had been sent out by H. M. Government to assist Mr. Newton in his work at Halicarnassus, and that this architect was Mr. Pullan, the very man whom Mr. Penrose was prepared to recommend to the Society, so that there was no need for any expenditure on the part of the Society of Dilettanti for that particular object. Proposal The next question which occupied the attention from the G f the Society was an invitation made to the Society History of the Society of Dilettanti 191 in March, 185-9, by tne Arundel Society through Sir Arundel Coutts Lindsay, Bart., to co-operate in a scheme for Society. making reduced copies of the Elgin Marbles and other works of Greek sculpture, in order to facili- tate their acquisition by artists and others, and to promote the study and appreciation of the finest works of Greek sculpture. Although the Society showed a disposition to assist in the matter, the scheme of joint action appears to have been abandoned by the Arundel Society. On June 3, 18 do, the acting Secretary (Sir Dedica- E. Ryan) called the attention of the Society to "/ Mr. Cockerell's work on the temples at Aegina vo i u ^ efi and Bassae, then on the eve of publication., and Mr. Penrose read to the members a description of its contents. In this important work the first part was dedicated to the Society's late Secretary, Mr. W. R. Hamilton, and the second to the Society itself, a sufficient tribute to the importance of the work done by the Dilettanti in the domain of archaeological exploration. The Society agreed to purchase seventy copies of Mr. Cockerell's work, distributing a copy to each present member of the Society and retaining the rest for the use of future members, and wrote to Mr. Cockerell ' That this tribute to the Memory of their late Secretary whom the Society so highly valued & whose loss they so deeply deplored was most grateful to the feelings of the Society — That the Society most cordially accepted the honor of having the second Part of the work dedicated to them — That it is so perfectly in harmony with their own publications that they are anxious in some degree to identify themselves with this most valuable work, and are desirous of becoming subscribers for seventy copies, & if not attended with any inconvenience would be glad to have the names of the present members of the Society inserted after the dedication to the Society/ CHAPTER VIII Removals ; ne tne Publication Committee presented mode of a re p 0 rt, in which they estimated the cost of pro- publication. j • i j j • c i i • t ducing one hundred copies or a volume, equal in bulk to the first volume of the Ionian Antiquities, at £810. It was not found possible, however, to raise the necessary funds, so on April 4, 1875-, a special minute was drawn up, printed and circulated among the members, calling their attention to the danger of abandoning the publication in question, after expending nearly £2,000 in obtaining the drawings and letterpress. A special subscription was History of the Society of Dilettanti 203 therefore invited, and Sir Frederic Leighton was unremitting in his efforts to secure the execution of the work of engraving and publication in a manner consonant with the honour and dignity of the Society, and at the same time at the most reasonable expense. Sufficient response was made to this appeal to enable the work in question to be put in hand, and on February 1, 1877, it was announced that the work had been entrusted to M. le Chevalier Chevignard of Paris, and had actually been commenced. In April, 1879, tne Publication Committee, represented by Mr. James Fergusson, Mr. Watkiss Lloyd, Mr. Knight Watson, Mr. Penrose, and Sir Frederick Pollock, reported to the Society that the whole of the artistic work had been brought to completion in Paris, the plates having been engraved by M. Pennei under the superintendence of M. le Chevalier Chevi- gnard, and that the letterpress alone remained for completion. Over £600 had been subscribed by members of the Society, but a further sum was needed. In February, 1880, the Committee reported great progress with the completion of the letterpress, and that negotiations had been commenced with Messrs. Macmillan & Co., who were willing to undertake the publication of the work. On June 28, 188 1, the Committee were enabled to announce that the work had been completed and arrangements made for its publication. The final expenses were assisted by a generous gift from Mr. Ruskin, and by the sale of the remaining stock of the Society's previous publications. Each member received a copy gratis, and each of the thirty subscribers to the special fund a second copy, if applied for ; additional copies were to be supplied to future members at two guineas, and the price to the 10^ History of the Society of Dilettanti general public through Messrs. Macmillan & Co. to be three and a half guineas. Copies were presented to the Royal Institution, in whose rooms the Publication Committee had been allowed to meet, the Institut des Beaux Arts at Paris, the French and German Schools of Archaeology at Athens, the Istituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica at Rome, and the Department of Antiquities in the British Museum. Also to Mr. Ruskin, Baron Heath the younger, M. le Chevalier Chevignard, Mr. Clarke of Sokoi near Smyrna (who had presented to the Society a valuable coin of Orofernes, King of Cappadocia, found on the site at Priene), to Mr. Falkener, architect, who had prepared a careful plan of the site of the temple at Priene, to Mr. Pullan, and to M. Waddington of Paris. Penrose's In June, 1 88 3, it was proposed to reprint Mr. 'Athenian Penrose's treatise on The Principles of Athenian twi s new Architecture^ and Mr. Penrose undertook to revisit edition. Athens in order to obtain fresh material. In addition to the new Theory of Proportion advanced by Mr. Watkiss Lloyd and adopted by Mr. Penrose, successive visits of Mr. Penrose to Athens produced so much fresh material for the revision of the work that it was not until May, 1887, that the Publication Committee were in a position to report to the Society that Messrs. Macmillan had the material in hand for publication, and to invite fresh special subscriptions to derray the expense of the work. This was readily responded to, and Mr. Penrose was able to lay a specimen copy of the new edition of his work on the table at the meeting of the Society on July 1, 1888, although it was some time before the Society's account with Messrs. Macmillan for the expenses of publication could be defrayed. History of the Society of Dilettanti 205- While engaged on the two publications in question, Appeals the Society found it impossible to respond to various f rom . appeals made to their generosity in furtherance of JJJjJJJ!,. schemes in which they took a deep and genuine Temple of interest. One of these, which seriously engaged Ephesus-, the attention of the Society, was the important and ^ 0 f at valuable series of excavations carried out by Mr. Athens. J. Turtle Wood on the site of the temple of Diana at Ephesus in 1869-72. In the latter year the Pub- lication Committee circulated a report on this subject, but in view of the limited resources of the Society they were unable to do more than address a memorial to Her Majesty's Government in favour of a further resumption and support of Mr. Wood's work. Another important scheme, the origin of which may fairly be attributed to the past influence of the work done by the Society of Dilettanti, was the establishment of the British School of Archaeo- logy at Athens in 1883. On July 1 of that year the Secretary reported that he had been invited to attend the meeting held at Marlborough House, under the Presidency of the Prince of Wales, on June 25-, to promote the establishment of a British School of Art and Archaeology at Athens, and it was resolved 'That the Society cordially welcomes the announcement of a scheme for a permanent institution on the soil of Greece for the promotion of objects so entirely in harmony with the best work and traditions of the Dilettanti Society.' In June, 188 in response to an appeal from the British School at Athens for the assistance of the Dilettanti Society, the Society was compelled to resolve 'That the Secretary be desired to express, in reply, the deep interest taken by the members of the Dilettanti Society in the success of the new institution of the British School of Archaeology zo6 History of the Society of Dilettanti at Athens, in promoting the same objects as those for which the Dilettanti Society has so long been at work, and their regret, that for the present they are unable to undertake to offer any pecuniary support, the funds at their disposal being required for the preparation of the new edition of Mr. Penrose's Athenian Architecture^ upon which the Society is now engaged.' changes and The new edition, therefore, of Mr. Penrose's work removals remains the last work which, in this 1 6 3 rd year of smce 1 . J j ie 5 oc j et y? s existence, it has been able to carry through. The years succeeding its publication have been years of unsettlement and change, both in regard to the officers having charge of the Society's affairs and to the places appointed for its meeting. In the spring of 1888 Sir Frederick Pollock was disabled by ill health, and died about Christmas in the same year; Mr. Watkiss Lloyd officiating temporarily as Secretary and Treasurer in his place until March, 1889, when the Earl of Strafford was formally elected to those offices. Resigning in February, 1891, Lord Strafford was succeeded by Mr. Sidney Colvin, who held the double office alone until March, 1893, and afterwards in conjunction with Mr. E.H. Pember, Q£., until February, 1896; when Mr. Colvin resigned, and Lord Welby was appointed joint Secretary and Treasurer with Mr. Pember. At the beginning of these changes, in 1889, the well- known establishment known as 'Willis's Rooms' was closed, the building soon afterwards changing ownership, as above narrated ; and the Dilettanti were obliged to look for quarters elsewhere. In February, 1890, their meeting was held at Limmers' Hotel, and subsequently for upwards of three years they met at the Grand Hotel. Various places of meeting were suggested, Sir Charles Newton generously offering the use of his house in Montague Place, Bloomsbury. The pictures belonging to the History of the Society of Dilettanti 207 Society were, with the exception of the two great groups by Sir Joshua Reynolds, deposited under the care of one of the members, Sir William J. Farrer, at 66 Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. At last the erection of the new Grafton Galleries in Grafton Street, Bond Street, afforded the Dilettanti exactly the home which they required, a large banqueting-room, con- venient both for their meetings and the display of their pictures, having been constructed in that building. It was unanimously decided to make of this their new home, and all the portraits belonging to the Society were hung there, including the two groups by Sir Joshua Reynolds ; a special vote of thanks being passed to the trustees of the National Gallery for the care which they had taken of them. Meanwhile the flow of new members has continued New as usual. In 1889 was elected M. Waddington, members. the Ambassador of France, who had been a Rugby and Cambridge scholar before he elected to adopt the French nationality, and was in later life a master of archaeological and numismatic science ; as well as Lord Savile, an English diplomatist who revived the traditions of the eighteenth century by his love of art and antiquities, and his prosecution of excavations on Italian soil. In the same and the next following years the public service sent Mr. Spencer Walpole, Sir Ralph Thompson, Sir Nigel Kingscote, Sir Colin Scott MoncrierF, Sir Charles Fremantle, and Lord Loch ; the British Museum furnished two new representatives in the persons of its chief, Sir E. M. Thompson, and one of its family trustees, Mr. George Cavendish Bentinck ; the Bench and Bar contributed Sir Francis Jeune, Mr. Under- down, and Mr. Darling, Q^C., now Judge ; the io8 History of the Society of Dilettanti Discussions and resolu- tions. Retrospect : changed Army, Sir Francis Grenfell ; the Navy, Sir Anthony Hoskins ; the House of Commons, Sir Stafford Northcote; Sir F. W. Burton was succeeded as Painter to the Society by Sir E. J. Poynter, P.R.A., and from the ranks of amateur artists and art-lovers came Mr. Heseltine and Mr. Arthur Lucas; while airs from the Alps, the Caucasus, and the Himalayas were brought by two distinguished mountaineers and explorers who are also lovers and students of art, Sir Martin Conway and Mr. Douglas Fresh- field. The state of their income and the uncertainty of their future have prevented the Dilettanti during these last years from doing any active work. In July, 1 89 1, a proposal was made to raise a fund to aid the work of archaeological research at Salamis, in the island of Cyprus, but without success. In May, 1 891, Mr. Penrose reported to the Society the result of further investigations made by him at Athens, especially in regard to the ancient Heca- tompedon; and in 1 8 $6 the Society displayed a proper solicitude as to the effect of a somewhat alarming earthquake at Athens. In 1894 the Dilettanti took a prominent part in opposing the scheme for effecting the barrage of the river Nile at Philae. In the same year the Secretary was instructed, in the name of the Society, to sign the memorial to the Government of India on behalf of the better preservation of the ancient buildings and historic monuments of India. In June, 1895-, the Society added what support they could to a renewed appeal, destined this time to be successful, for State assistance to the British School at Athens. Such has been the past history of the Society of Dilettanti, and such is its present position. In any History of the Society of Dilettanti 209 speculations as to its future, regard must be had to conditions of the greatly changed conditions under which the tud~ work of archaeological research is now carried on, * $u y ' as compared with those which prevailed in the days when the Dilettanti were its first pioneers. Foreign nations, especially the German, in course of time took up the cause of classical archaeology, and carried on the scientific and speculative parts of the pursuit, if not its practical and exploratory parts, with more system and more enthusiasm than the English. Partly the posthumous fame of Winckelmann (who died in 1768), partly the attractions of the Eternal City itself, together with its importance as a diplomatic centre, caused Rome to become the seat of a learned and culti- vated cosmopolitan society, the members of which devoted themselves enthusiastically to the revival of the classic past in the light of antiquarian research. This state of things continued through the last quarter of the past and during a great part of the present century. Winckelmann's immediate suc- cessors, and the continuators of his work at Rome, were the Italian Ennio Quirino Visconti and the Dane Zoega, soon after whose death appeared another Dane, the afore-mentioned Chevalier Brond- sted. From among the group who in 1811-12, with the young Cockerell in their company, ex- plored the temples of Aegina and Bassae — Stackel- berg, Ha Her, and Kestner — several took up their residence for some time at Rome, and the last named for many years held there the diplomatic post of Hanoverian representative. The kingdom of Prussia was represented at the Vatican by three great scholars and historians successively, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Niebuhr, and Bunsen, and about no History of the Society of "Dilettanti these the learned men of their country gathered. Welcker, Gerhard, and Panofka were among the more famous German scholars the greater part of whose life-work was done at Rome. At the same time the illustrious Bockh was strenuously con- tending on behalf of a comprehensive or encyclo- paedic method in the study of the classic past, which should give the researches of the archaeologist and the epigrapher their place beside those of the literary critic, the philologist, and the historian. The result of his teaching was shown in the con- ception of classical learning formed by such men as Carl Otfried Muller — cut off too soon in the first ardour of his researches on Greek soil — and a whole generation of scholars of similar aim and breadth of grasp. In the second and third quarters of the present century Graeco-Roman archaeology and art history had become recognized and vital branches of teaching in all the great Universities of Germany. Notwithstanding the fruitful initiative of the English Dilettanti, and the acknowledged success of their practical ex- plorations and publications, no such recognition was for many years obtained for those studies in England. With very rare exceptions, such as that of Rose in the early and Donaldson in the middle years of the century, the attention of our great University scholars was for the most part rigidly confined to literary materials, and to textual and philological criticism. While every German University of note had its active and often brilliant school of classical archaeology, the subject was to all intents and purposes ignored in the curriculum and the class-lists at Oxford and Cambridge. The only academical recognition which it obtained was History of the Society of Dilettanti 211 the foundation, in 185-1, of a meagrely paid chair of general archaeology at Cambridge through the gift of Mr. Disney. Throughout this period — say roughly 183 0-1880 Decline of — the Dilettanti and the British Museum were the clas " ca } . ... i-i 11 1 1 j enthusiasm only two institutions which practically kept the study - m England. alive in this country ; and even among the former the old zeal had to a great extent abated. The fashion of forming private cabinets of antiques in town or country houses had, as already noted, passed away, and those collectors who from time to time joined the ranks of the Society were almost exclusively collectors of pictures. A wave, moreover, of Gothic enthusiasm had succeeded the preceding wave of classical enthusiasm among the most cultivated circles in England. The influence of Pugin and his followers, the influence of Ruskin and the Prae- Raphaelites, told against the taste for Greek and Roman art. Again, among persons really interested in antiquarian explorations, the brilliant discoveries of Sir Henry Layard and his coadjutors on the sites of the ancient Assyrian civilization served for a while to divert attention from Greece and Rome. Amidst this general indifference of academic and cultivated circles, the few Englishmen who kept the torch of classical archaeology alight felt themselves for many years to be working in isolation and with scant encouragement. Such work as the Dilettanti, cor- porately or in the person of individual members, succeeded amid this general indifference in doing for the cause, under the regime of Hamilton, Ryan, and Pollock, has been above narrated. Meantime the exertions of Bunsen, Gerhard, The Kestner, and their friends and fellow-enthusiasts of <*rch«eo- various nationalities at Rome, had succeeded in & p 2 xix History of the Society of 'Dilettanti Institute of Rome ; various foreign schools at Athens. Revival of the study in England, but in another shape. founding and maintaining the famous Archaeological Institute in that city. Since 1839, tne Y ear °^ i ts foundation, that institute has remained the chief centre for the study and publication of the monu- ments of the classic past. It has had fluctuating fortunes, first as a cosmopolitan society supported entirely by the subscriptions of its members, then for a considerable period assisted by a subvention from the Prussian Government, and lastly, since the war of 1 870-7 1, as a German imperial establishment j and has supplied training and opportunity of study to generations of European scholars. Other schools of classical study have since been founded on the soil of Greece itself : the French school of Athens in 1 847 — those of other countries much more recently ; the German, as a branch of the Archaeological Institute, soon after the Franco-German War ; then the American ; and last of all, through private effort powerfully supported by the Prince of Wales, the English. For it happened about twenty to fifteen years ago, in the early eighties, that a change came over the spirit of English academical scholarship. Partly from a growing knowledge of the value of the work done by continental and especially German archae- ologists, partly through the efforts and the example of individual scholars, among whom Newton stood far the foremost, the claims of classical archaeology and the history of art to their place among the other classical disciplines began at last to be adequately recognized in this country. The admission of the study among the several branches of the highest classical honour examination at Cambridge ; the establishment at the same University of an adequate museum of casts and an archaeological library, History of the Society of Dilettanti 213 followed by a similar provision on a more ex- tended scale at Oxford ; the foundation of pro- fessorships or readerships in the study at both Universities ; the formation and prosperity of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies ; and finally the establishment by private effort and initiative of an English school at Athens ; — all these have been the signs and evidences of that change of spirit to which we have referred. At the opening of the Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology in 1884, Sir Charles Newton, whose career had been to some extent clouded by his sense of isolation among the English scholars of his own race and generation, uttered in welcome of such evidences a touching Nunc Dimittis, which those who heard it are not likely to have forgotten. The consequence is that the study of classical art and antiquity at this moment stands in one sense in a more flourishing position in this country than it has ever occupied before. But the new phase upon which the study has now entered is essentially different from that through which it was passing in the days when the Dilettanti took the chief part in promoting it. Classical art and antiquities were then a matter of more or less amateur interest to every leisured and cultivated gentleman. Now they are so no longer, but have become, on the other hand, a matter of special study and research to a not inconsiderable number of well-trained scholars, both men and women. The new societies and institutions for classical research, whether continental or English, have each their separate journal or organ of publication, in which the progress of work and discovery is recorded in a constantly increasing number of special essays and memoirs, and illustrated xi4 History of the Society of Dilettanti at relatively small expense by one or other of the various modern means of mechanical reproduction. At the same time greater and more varied resources are forthcoming than ever before for the work of excavation and discovery. The German Government with its great undertaking at Olympia, the French with theirs at Delos and at Delphi, the Archaeo- logical Society of Athens with its fruitful industry in the city and neighbourhood, the American school, and lastly our own school, which is the youngest of all, and whose resources have most need of rein- forcement, have all been diligently at work on Greek soil j the foreign institutions disinterestedly so far as concerns the acquisition of the objects found, since export is forbidden by the new laws both of Greece and Turkey, but with none the less gain to know- ledge. Part taken, Under these circumstances and amidst these "tafon^b the a ^ terec ^ conditions, it is hardly to be supposed that Dilettanti. tne Society of Dilettanti can maintain or assume again its old lead along its old lines. Our narrative has shown, indeed, that the progress of all these changes has by no means found it idle or left it in the cold. When the Archaeological Institute was founded on cosmopolitan principles at Rome, the secretary of its English section was W. R. Hamilton, the Secretary also of the Dilettanti Society. When,, nearly half a century later, a British school was at last established at Athens, the initiative was largely due to a famous scholar who is also a member of the Dilettanti, Professor Jebb; moreover, the first director for the school was found in the person of the father of the Dilettanti, Mr. Penrose. The good work done by the Society for so many years was amply acknowledged by one of the leaders of History of the Society of Dilettanti 215- classical archaeology in Germany, Professor Michaelis of Strassburg, in the monumental volume on English private collections of antiques which he published in 1882 1 . In that volume, as well as in a series of separate papers 2 , Professor Michaelis told as much of the history of the Dilettanti as could be gathered from the historical evidences and notices of its activity without access to its private archives. At the present juncture of the Society's history, it conclusion. has seemed to the members desirable that a fuller record of its past, alike from the social and personal and from the antiquarian and working points of view, should be drawn up from these archives, for the information primarily of members, and in the second place of so many of the general public as may be found to take an interest in the subject. The present narrative is the result of this decision. Let it close with the ancient toast of the Society — esto praeclara, esto perpetua : an aspiration which will probably be fulfilled or otherwise in proportion as the Society may find a way, under the altered conditions above described, to persevere in pursuit of the ideals expressed in two other of its traditional mottoes, seria ludo and Grecian taste and roman spirit. 1 Ancient Marbles in Great Britain^ described by Adolf Michaelis. Translated from the German by C. A. M. Fennell, M.A. Cam- bridge : University Press, 1881. 2 Zeitschrift fur bildende Kunst^vol. xiv. CHAPTER IX Portraits of members: George IQiapton — Institution of face-money — Knapton^s resignation — J. Stuart as Painter to the Society — Stuart superseded in favour of Reynolds — The two great portrait -groups — Nathaniel Dance — Various resolutions as to portraits — Death of Reynolds; Lawrence chosen successor — Motion as to portrait of Sir J. Banks — "The Reynolds groups: steps for their preservation — "The groups engraved in mezzotint — Portrait of Payne Kjiight — Lawrence on the question of fresh portrait-groups — Portraits and face-money : various orders — Portraits of Lord Dundas and Benjamin West — Lawrence succeeded by Shee — Portrait of Morritt — Inquiries into state of pictures — Shee succeeded by Eastlake — Proposed series of engravings — Ap- plications for loan of pictures: Manchester, South Kensington, National Gallery, &c. — Eastlake succeeded by Leighton — Portraits of Lord Broughton and Sir Edward Rjyan — Successive Painters to the Society: Sir F. W. Burton and Sir Edward Poynter — Further loans of pictures — Last portraits: Mr. Watkiss Lloyd, Lord Leighton, Mr. Sidney Colvin. Portraits of TV T O history of the Society of Dilettanti would members : ^ Q com pl e t e without some descriptive notice Knapton. ^ of the interesting collection which it pos- sesses of portraits of members from its foundation to the present day. On January 4, 174I, it was ordered (as already quoted, p. 64) ' That every member of the Society do make a present of his Picture in Oil Colours drawn by Mr. Geo. Knapton, a member, to be hung up in the Room where the said Society meets.' History of the Society of Dilettanti 117 Mr. Knapton, a painter both in oils and crayons of some merit, is best known to posterity through his part in preparing, from various sources, the drawings from which Houbraken produced the famous series of engravings published in Birch's British Worthies. In early life he had resided for some time in Italy, whence he sent home an account of the then newly discovered remains of Herculaneum. He was an original member of the Dilettanti, and was appointed Painter to the Society. The order above quoted was at once responded to by some of the original members. It is in accordance with a taste in portraiture common in the previous generation, and not yet extinct at the date of this order — it is also in keeping with the festive and jocose nature of the Society's proceedings — that the early por- traits of its members are all in fancy dress, with accessories of a more or less emblematical character. In 1 74 1 Knapton painted the portraits of Sir James Gray, the Earl of Middlesex, Mr. Howe, and Lord Hyde. These gentlemen are, as all those painted by Knapton in this series, shown in life size to the waist. Sir James Gray is represented as Don Quixote de la Mancha ; Middlesex as a Roman consul returning from a campaign ; Mr. Howe, perhaps as a magician, pours wine from a vessel shaped as a terrestrial globe; Lord Hyde holds a large glass inscribed res publica. In 1742 Knapton painted Sir Francis Dashwood, Mr. Harris, and Sir Brownlow Sherard. Dashwood is repre- sented as one of the sham Franciscan friars of Medmenham Abbey, holding a goblet inscribed matri sanctorum, in an attitude of devotion before a figure of the Venus de' Medici ; the picture, the motive of which is both indecorous and profane, is 2i8 History of the Society of Dilettanti inscribed san Francesco de wycombo. A somewhat similar portrait of Dash wood has been engraved as from a painting by Hogarth. Mr. Harris, the first Treasurer of the Society, holds in his hands the first list of subscriptions towards erecting or pro- curing a house for the more honourable and commodious reception of the Society, signed Thomas Watson, President, with the names of the subscribers and the date Anno-Non. Soc. March 7,1741. Sir Brown- low Sherard, in a green gown and grey cloak, has no very defined accessories. In 1743 Knapton's series was continued by the portraits of Mr. Ponsonby, Mr. Fauquier, Mr. Sewallis Shirley, and Lord Galway. Mr. Ponsonby (afterwards Earl of Bessborough) is represented in oriental costume, to denote his having travelled in the East; Mr. Fauquier appears as a musician with an immense black tie ; Sewallis Shirley holds the lid of a casket, inscribed et vivatj Lord Galway is repre- sented as a cardinal. In 1744 followed the por- traits of Colonel Denny, as a Roman standard- bearer ; Major-General Gray, as Secretary to the Society, writing in the red morocco minute-book on a page inscribed Soc. Dec. ; Mr. Savage in masquerade costume ; and Sir Bourchier Wrey with a punch- bowl, on which is the inscription dulce est desipere in loco. All of these portraits are in kitcat size to the waist. Institution On February 3, 174^, it was °f f ace - c Ordered nemine contradicente that every member of the money. Society who has not had his Picture painted by Mr. Knapton, by the meeting in February next year, shall pay One Guinea per Annum till his Picture be deliver'd to the Society, unless Mr. Knapton declares that it was owing to his want of time to finish the same.' This annual payment became known as c face-money,' History of the Society of Dilettanti 219 and soon became a regular annual subscription, the custom of paying it in lieu of having a por- trait painted being continued up to the year 1809. An attempt to abolish the tax as oppressive was made in 1 7 8 1 , but failed. Face-money was escaped in 1745- by Viscount Barrington, Sir John Rawdon (afterwards Earl of Moira), and the Earl of Sandwich, who all three sat to Knapton in that year. Bar- rington appears in classical costume with a dagger and a spear, Rawdon in furred robe, and Sandwich in oriental costume, with rapt gaze fixed upon his wine-glass. In 1747 the Duke of Bedford, who had twice been mulcted for face-money, was painted in scarlet uniform with the Order of the Garter ; and in the same year the Earl of Blessington, playing a guitar. In 1748 Mr. Brand, who had paid face-money twice, was painted by Knapton ; and in 1749 tne Earl of Holdernesse, who paid face-money once, was also painted by Knapton, appearing as a gondolier, in allusion to his services as British Envoy to the Signory of Venice. One portrait, that of Baron Hochberg (or Hohberg), who was painted by Knapton as a flute-player, bears no date. Among the earliest members to pay face-money, whose portraits were never painted, were Mr. Boyle, Mr. Bristow, Mr. Colebrooke, Mr. Boone, the Duke of Kingston, Mr. Welbore Ellis, Mr. Archer, Mr. Norborne Berkeley, Mr. Ross Mackye, Sir Henry Liddell, and Sir Henry Calthorpe. On February 6 y 1 7 6 3 , it was ordered Knapton s 'That Mr. Knapton having signified his Resignation of the resignation. office of Painter to the Society, the said Resignation be accepted.' Mr. Knapton was then about sixty-five years of age. At the same time it is recorded that c A motion being made and the Question being put that James no History of the Society of Dilettanti Stuart Esq. F.R.S., F.S.A., be appointed Painter to the Society in the room of Mr. Knapton, with the usual Sallary. It passed in the affirmative nem. con.' J. Stuart as James Stuart, although he had practised as a Painter to painter, was better known for his work in the t e oaety. Q £ Q ree k archaeology, as recorded above in Chapter IV. On May i, 1763, it was ordered 'That Mr. Dawkins be requested to sit for his Picture to Mr. Stuart the Painter of the Society at their expense/ and also that ' Mr. Dawkins be desired to Permit the Picture of his Brother to be Copy'd by the Painter of the Society.' These orders were never carried out, for in April, 1766, it was ordered ' That the Secretary be desired to speak to Mr. Stewart the present Painter of the Society to know if He will undertake to paint the Portraits of such Members who have not already given their Pictures to the Society, and to Report his answer at the next meeting ; and to acquaint Mr. Stewart that if he declines it, the Society will give leave to the members to present their Pictures painted by any other Painter, or pay a guinea a year to the General Fund for the article of Face-Money.' At the next meeting in May, 1766, £ Mr. Stewart, the Painter of the Society, being present declared that He was ready to Paint the Portraits of those members that chose to sett to him.' It was also on this date ordered afresh that £ All such Members as have not their Pictures finish'd by the meeting in Febr. next do pay one guinea to the General Fund and that they continue to pay the same annualy until they present the Pictures to the Society,' and also that 'The Painter of the Society be desired to Paint the pictures of Mr. Harry Dawkins & to copy the picture of the late Mr. James Dawkins as ruled in the meeting in May, Ann. Soc. Trig™ 0 .' History of the Society of Dilettanti zzi No result was, however, obtained from Mr. Stuart. Either he could not, or would not, paint the portraits in question, or the members would not sit to him, for on December 7, 1766, it was ordered 6 That the names of those Members who have been already painted be wrote on their Respective Pictures to be referred to the Committee.' On January 17, 1768, it was ordered £ That the officient Secretary do write the following Letter to Mr. Stewart, Painter to the Society : — £ S*, at the next meeting of the Society viz*. 7th Feb y . when the Tax is to be paid by the Members, whose pictures have not been painted, You are desired by the Society to give an account by letter of the pictures of the two Mr. Dawkins's of which you was ordered to paint in May 1763, as yet painted, with any very forwardness, in order that the Members may judge whether they shall sett to you or any other Painter for their Pictures.' Nothing, however, in the way of portraits could be Stuart super - extracted from Stuart, so on his declining to comply a&d ** with the demand of the Society, they in March, ^wjf 1769, declared Mr. (afterwards Sir Joshua) Reynolds to be Painter to the Society. The Society, however, tried to get Stuart at least to paint his own por- trait, for in December, 1776, it was ordered c Mr. Stewart to pay the forfeit if he does not present his Picture to the Society before this day six months.' The portrait was, however, never painted. Rey- nolds was proposed by Lord Charlemont, and elected a member of the Society in May, 1766. There is no record of his having paid face-money, so that it is very probable that he presented his own portrait on becoming a member of the Society, as the portrait is dated in that year. In January, 1777, Lord Carmarthen, Lord Sea- The two forth, Mr. G. Pitt, and Mr. Banks great por- trait-groups. c Agreed to set for their Pictures to Sir Jos. Reynolds for the xxx History of the Society of Dilettanti Dilettanti Soc. either separately or in a group, the size to be at Sir Jos. Reynolds' option/ There is no record in the minute-books of the Society of the decision come to by the painter to paint the members of the Society, who were willing to sit, in two groups, the next mention being in December, 1778, when it was ordered < That the Secretary do write to the Painter of the Society to attend the next meeting to shew cause why he should not be punish' d for having neglected so long to finish the two groups which he undertook to do and several members to suffer to be done.' In the account-books of Sir Joshua Reynolds for this period the names occur as sitters of the various persons represented in the two groups, and the pictures were completed in 1779. On January 26 , 1783, it was recorded that c The Sec. having produced a Bill delivered to him by the executors of Mr. Vials deceased for Frames of the Groups painted by S r Joshua Reynolds & presented to this Soc. amounting to £ifTL 8j od. Resolved that as no instance occurs in the Records of the Dill. Soc. of their paying for Frames of Pictures presented to them the gentlemen subjects of the said groups do pay for the Frames & that the executors of the said Mr. Thos. Vials be referred to S r Joshua Reynolds Painter to the Soc. by whose order the Frames was made, whose duty it is to collect the requisite money for the said gentlemen & pay it to them, etc. etc. 1 ' 1 The bill in question is interesting and is as follows : — The Hon. Gentlemen of the Dilettanti Society's Bill to the Executors of the Late Mr. Viall, Carver. 1780, March 1 2 — To two large (bold) burnished gold ^ -' ^' frames, carved with antique eggs, ribbon and water leaf outside, with a scrolling fluted frett, rich ornament tops, with shield and palm branches, for pictures painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds . . . . . . . 4.2 o o To self and three men to fix up the two pictures over the chimnies ...... 80 £\t. 8 o History of the Society of Dilettanti xx^ These two well-known groups are among the most remarkable works of England's great portrait- painter, being characterized not only by skilful grouping, but by the most vivacious and character- istic portraiture. In each group seven members of the Dilettanti are represented seated at the festive board, and to the joviality of the scene are added the distinctive signs of connoisseurship in virtu. In one group the members represented are Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, Bart., Mr. Smyth of Heath (elected in 1775-), Sir John Taylor, Bart., Mr. W. Spencer-Stanhope, Mr. Stephen Payne-Gallwey, Mr. Richard Thompson (elected in 1776), and Sir William Hamilton, K.B. (elected in 1777). Sir William Hamilton is seated at the table with a Greek vase and open volume, and the others are grouped round him drinking wine. In the other group appear the Earl of Seaforth (elected in 1741), Mr. Crowle and Mr. Thomas Dundas (elected in 1 764), Sir Joseph Banks, the Marquess of Carmarthen, the Hon. Charles Greville, and Lord Mulgrave (all elected in 1774 or the following year). The charge to each of these gentlemen was £1 y each, as appears from an application made in January, 1 7 9 o, by Mr. Thomas Grenville, on behalf of Lady Wynn, for leave to have a copy made of the portrait of the late Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn in the group, which was granted, but the painter was ordered not to remove the group till he was ready to begin his copy, or keep it after the copy was finished, because it cost 245- guineas. On March 2, 1777, it was ordered ' That the Portraits belonging to the Society be cleaned and the Frames new gilt, and that S r J. Reynolds be desired to appoint a proper Person or Persons to do the same/ 224 History of the Society of Dilettanti Nathaniel In February, 1777, Mr. Nathaniel Dance, R.A. Dance. (afterwards Sir N. Dance-Holland, Bart.), was elected a member. It has rarely been the custom of the Society to elect more than one professional painter as a member, but Mr. Dance had in 1776 retired from professional life on inheriting a fortune. In March, 1777, it was ordered e That Mr. Dance have permission to present the Society with his own Picture painted by Himself, Sir J. Reynolds Painter to the Society having waved His right to paint the same/ On May 2, 1782, £ Mr. Dance, who was elected in Feb. 1777, having asked a further indulgence in regard to his Picture the Soc. ordered that he be excused the payment of his face-money till the first meeting of the next year when if he does not deliver it to the Soc. the utmost rigor of the law is to be inflicted upon him.' The portrait was, however, not completed at the time of Dance's abdication in 1784. Various It was some years before another portrait was resolutions added to the collection, although attempts were trJts^" ma( ^ e to ODtam more portraits by Sir Joshua Reynolds. In March, 1785-, the Society agreed c To return to Lord Wentworth the guinea, which he has this day paid as face -money, provided he does before the next call present to them his Lordship's picture painted by one of the liege painters of the Society.' The portrait was never received. In May, 1787, it was ordered c That no picture be in future removed from the meeting-room of the Society without an order First obtained by the vote of a regular Meeting thereof, and that the Painter of the Society be required to repair the Damages the Group of his Painting has suffered in consequence of being removed from thence by his order signified in writing to Mr. Hunt, and entrusted into the possession of an engraver, & that a copy of this order be sent to the Painter.' In March, 1788, the Duke of Norfolk gave notice History of the Society of Dilettanti that he intended to be painted for the Society in a group j Mr. Knight and Mr. Townley volunteered to accompany his Grace. All agreed that the numbers admitted should not exceed five. The group, however, was never accomplished, so busy a painter as Sir Joshua Reynolds having probably no longer any time to spare for a work on this scale. Sir Joshua Reynolds, President of the Royal Death of Academy, died in 1792. On April 1 it is recorded Reynolds } .1 A Lawrence that chosen 'Mr. Lawrence Proposed by Mr. Knight 6c seconded by S r Jos. successor. Banks as Painter to the Society in the Room of our worthy member Deceased S r Joshua Reynolds was put to the Ballot & elected unanimously. 'Mr. Lawrence Painter to the Society was then Proposed as a member thereof by Mr. Knight & seconded by the Duke of Norfolk— Elected.' In April, 1793, a motion was made and seconded Motion as to « That the Sec. do set for his Picture for & at the expense of portrait of the Soc ' s,r J' Banks. which was carried, and 'That a sum not exceeding 70 guineas be expended in the said Picture.' In response to this request to Sir Joseph Banks, at the following meeting in May, ' At the Particular request of the Sec. who tho' gratefull in the highest degree for the honor intended him express' d the utmost possible disinclination to every kind of alienation of the General Fund from the purposes to which it has originally been destined, & in consideration of the Society being already in Possession of a Picture of him painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, the resolution of the last meeting by which £70 was ordered to be disbursed for another Picture of him out of the General Fund was tho' reluctantly unanimously rescinded.' In March, i8oy, the state of the two great groups T ^ e by Sir Joshua Reynolds was found to be rather Reynolds bad, and Mr. West, P.R.A., having inspected them i r0M t t: sie P s zx6 History of the Society of "Dilettanti by request, reported that they were in a state of decay, menacing ruin, and that they required im- mediate care for their preservation. A committee, consisting of Mr. West, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Dundas, Mr. Henry Hope, Mr. Thomas Hope, Lord North- wick, and Sir Henry Englefield, was appointed to inspect the pictures and report at the next meeting of the Society. A few days later West, Lawrence, and Englefield inspected the pictures, and reported that no time should be lost in repairing them, as not only many parts were peeled, but many square inches now adhering to the canvas were in a blistered state, and could be detached by a slight shake given to the pictures. Mr. West recommended the employment of a Mr. Milles to repair the pictures without removing them from Parslow's Tavern. The Society, however, did not take any action in the matter. In June, 1810, another committee, consisting of the Duke of Somerset, Lord Dundas, Earl Cowper, Lord Morpeth, Lord Selsey, Mr. Metcalfe, Mr. Mitford, Mr. Williams, Mr. Hope, Mr. Morritt, Mr. Knight, Dr. Burney, Mr. Dawkins, Sir J. Coxe Hippisley, and Sir Henry Englefield, resolved, if necessary, to put the two groups into the hands of Mr. William Conyers, of Great Coram Street, for repair. Mr. Conyers, however, reported that in their bad condition relining would be im- possible, and would only make them worse. It was ordered in January, 18 n, that the pictures should be delivered to Mr. Conyers for repair ; but this does not appear to have been done, for the pictures were still at Parslow's Tavern in the following February, and were finally left there until the Society transferred its quarters to the Thatched House Tavern. In April, 18 n, the following members Group of Members of THE SOCIETY OF DILETTANTI. 1779 History of the Society of Dilettanti 2x7 were appointed a Committee of Painting to inspect and remove the pictures belonging to the Society, viz. the Earl of Hardwicke and Lord Selsey, Mr. Thomas Hope, Mr. West, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Wilkins, and the Secretary. In May, 1812, this Committee was empowered to consult with Mr. Rising as to the state of the two groups. Meanwhile a scheme had been proposed for The groups preserving the pictures by engravings, and on engraved in May 17, 18 12, Mr. Lawrence reported that Mr. mezzotmt - Turner and Mr. Say were severally ready to execute plates in mezzotint from the two groups by Sir Joshua Reynolds belonging to the Society, the size of the plates to be 23 inches by 16, and the plates to be the absolute property of the Society, at the price of 2^0 guineas each. It was resolved that it was the opinion of the Committee that the pictures should be delivered to Mr. Turner and Mr. Say without delay for the purpose of engraving. It does not appear that the pictures were at once delivered over to the engravers, for in January, 18 1 3, the Society consented to lend the pictures in their possession by Sir Joshua Reynolds to the British Institution for an exhibition of that painter's works. It was not until March, 18 17, that the Secretary informed the Society that the plates would be soon finished and the pictures returned, and that finished proofs were laid before the Society. It was then ordered by the Society that the two pictures before being returned should be placed in the hands of Mr. Bigg for cleaning, which was done at a cost of sixty guineas. In April, 1 8 21, the two plates were finally finished, and after some attempts to place them in a dealer's hands, the Society decided to print 300 copies, 100 on India xi8 History of the Society of "Dilettanti Portrait of Payne Knight. Laiorence on the question of fresh portrait- groups. paper for the use of the Society, and 200 to be disposed of to the advantage of the Society, and the plates then to be destroyed. Each member was to receive a copy, and also the representatives of the members portrayed in the groups. Members were to be permitted to purchase additional copies, not exceeding three, at thirty shillings each. Proofs of each group were presented to the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge in May, 1822, and to the National Gallery. The next portrait acquired by the Society was that of Mr. Richard Payne Knight, who paid face- money for the last time in 1805-, and presented his portrait painted by Lawrence in the same year. The idea, however, of a further commemoration of the Society by a great group of portraits was again renewed in 1807, and a proposal made to Mr. Lawrence upon the subject, in reference to which he addressed the following letter to the Secretary : — g m Greek Street, March 1809. I take the liberty of addressing you on the subject of the pictures which many of the Members of the Society of Dilettanti appointed me to paint for them. The pleasure of being so honourably distinguished by them, and of being employed upon a work of magnitude, made me at the time regardless of the disadvantages necessarily attending the execution of so large a picture composed entirely of portraits. These, however, appeared on reflection to present so many obstacles to the completion of a work that should do justice to the liberal intention of my employers, that on communicating them to my earliest friends in the Society, it was determined to propose for the consideration of the subscribing Members the substituting in the place of that picture an historical composition, appropriate in its subject to the first views of the Institution. This proposal was accordingly mentioned to the Society by the gentlemen to whose friendship I am indebted for my introduction to it. The adoption of this measure, should it meet the con- currence of its Members, must still entirely depend on the approbation of such committee as might be appointed to form History of the Society of Dilettanti 2x9 some judgment of the work, from a sketch submitted to their inspection ; and this I have not yet been enabled to prepare. The gentlemen I have consulted on this occasion are acquainted that the number of my present engagements compels me to decline any new commissions. The early claim, however, of the Members of this Society forms an exception to this rule, and I shall therefore be proud and happy to exert the utmost efforts of my pencil on any single portraits they may command me to paint for them, at the fixed price given me for my labours when the picture above mentioned was first ordered. I have the honour to be, &c, Thomas Lawrence. On the above date, when this letter was written Portraits and read, it was ordered that a committee do meet and face- on Sunday, March 20, for considering the business ^° a "^ u ' s of portraits, and that the same be an open com- orders. mittee, and that all who attend have voices. The committee resolved that the Treasurer should not collect any face-money due from members previous to March, 1809, but that after that date the tax should be exacted as before l . On May 17, 18 12, at an open committee of the Society, Lord Dundas in the chair, it was resolved 4 That the Secretary [Sir Henry C. Englefield] is commanded, with all possible expedition, to put his face into the most picturesque order in his power, and as soon as he shall have succeeded in this great and difficult work, to present himself to Mr. Lawrence, the Painter to the Society, to the end that a Portrait of the said Secretary be painted with all speed by him for the use of the Society. ' N.B. — The Father of the Society ordered that, instead of the word use, the word ornament be inserted in the Motion — Ordered nem. con. 5 The portrait of Englefield was completed by Law- rence, and bears the date of 1812. At the same meeting in May, 1812, it was resolved also 1 It does not appear that face-money was collected after this date, although there seems to be no minute recording the actual abolition of the tax. xgo History of the Society of Dilettanti 'That the Painter to the Society be requested and enjoined forthwith to paint, for the ornament of the Society, his own portrait/ This command, however, also remained unfulfilled, as was also the order on June 7, 1 8 1 2, 'That the Duke of Norfolk be requested to present to the Society without delay his portrait by the Painter to the Society, in the robes of Arch-Master of the Ceremonies.' A similar want of success attended the order of the Society on February <5, 18 14, 'That the Secretary do direct Mr. Lawrence, Painter to the Society, forthwith to paint the picture of Mr. Gell at the expense of the Society, and that the picture, when finished, be hung up in the room of the Society.' Portraits of The Society was more fortunate in June, 1817, L,ord , , when it was resolved Dundas and Benjamin c That the Secretary do write to Sir Thomas Lawrence re- West. questing him to finish the picture of our venerable father, Lord Dundas, if possible previous to the next meeting.' This picture was completed by Sir Thomas Lawrence in the same year. In 18 21, after the death of Lord Dundas, permission was given to the second Lord Dundas to have an engraving taken of it, and in 1822 Sir Robert Dundas was allowed to have a copy of it made by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Lord Dundas had figured previously in one of the groups painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds in 1778, nearly forty years before. On April 26, 18 18, Mr. Benjamin West, P.R.A., presented a portrait he had just painted of himself. He had been elected an ordinary member in 1792, and addressed a letter to the Secretary as follows : — Dear Sir, Having the honour of being a Member of the Society of Dilettanti, and in conformity to one of its laws, which renders History of the Society of Dilettanti 231 it necessary for every one who claims that distinction to send a portrait of himself to be therein deposited, I shall think myself highly flattered by the noblemen and gentlemen, who are its members, accepting the one painted by myself as President of the Royal Academy of Arts in London, and which I trust will be honoured by their approbation. I shall take care that the picture is properly framed, before it is placed in the collection ; and, as I have been solicited for two portraits of myself, one to be placed in the Capitol at Rome, and the other in the Gallery at Florence, I shall be obliged to you to make known to the Members of the Society my request for the indulgence of painting the two pictures from the one I now have the honour of sending them, which I hope to do in the course of next summer, after which the portrait shall be restored to the Society of Dilettanti. Be so good to make my best respects to its Members. „ Benjamin West. The unanimous thanks of the Society were voted to Mr. West upon the same day. Mr. West abdi- cated in 1819, on account of increasing age and infirmity, but was desired to remain a honorary member. He died in 1820, and was succeeded in the Presidency of the Royal Academy by Sir Thomas Lawrence. In May, 1822, another attempt was made to secure Lawrence a portrait of Sir Thomas Lawrence, who had now succeeded by become Secretary to the Society, he being, on the shee ' motion of Mr. Wilkins, directed c To obey the commands formerly issued to him as their Painter to paint his own Portrait for the Society, additionally ordering him to paint it in the Secretary's dress.' This command, however, like the previous one, remained unfulfilled. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A., died in 1829, and was succeeded as President of the Royal Academy by Sir Martin Archer Shee, R.A., who also succeeded him as Painter to the Society of Dilettanti, of which he was elected a member in July, 1830. i^t History of the Society of Dilettanti Portrait of On May i, 1 8 3 1, it was resolved Morntt. e That Sir Martin Archer Shee, Pres. R.A., be commanded by the Society to paint the Portrait of Mr. Morntt, Arch-Master of the Ceremonies to this Society, in the long crimson taffety- tasselled robe of that great and most respectable officer, and that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the Secretary to Sir M A. Shee for his information and guidance.' Sir Martin Shee faithfully obeyed these instruc- tions, and completed the portrait, a very fine and characteristic one, in 1832. The Society had in- tended to defray the cost of the portrait, for which Sir M. A. Shee at first declined payment, out of the General Fund ; but Mr. Morritt himself insisted upon paying the painter, in which the Society, not choosing to decline his generosity, somewhat re- luctantly acquiesced. It was ordered that the portrait of Mr. Morritt should be engraved in mezzotint, but this order was never carried out, and the picture, which is one of the finest Shee ever painted, is reproduced for the first time in the present volume (p. 146). inquiries In 1 8 3 9 the state of the two groups by Sir into state of Joshua Reynolds again called for attention, and pictures. j n consequence of the report of Sir M. A. Shee, the Society decided in February, 1840, to place them in the hands of Mr. Seguier, the picture- restorer then most in vogue, for repair. They remained in Mr. Seguier's custody during 1841 and 1842, while the quarters of the Society were trans- ferred to the premises occupied by the Albion Club, and were returned in February, 1842. In May, 185-0, the state of one of the aforesaid groups again gave cause for anxiety, and it was decided in February, 185-1, that the two pictures should be protected by plate glass. History of the Society of Dilettanti 133 Sir Martin Archer Shee, P.R.A., resigned his shee membership of the Society in July, 1845-. He was succeeded ty succeeded in the Presidency of the Royal Aca- East ake ' demy by Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, who was also elected to be a member of the Society, and its official Painter, in June, 1848. In 18 do a further inquiry was made into the state of the pictures, and the whole collection was entrusted in this and the following years to Mr. John Dujardin, junior, by whom they were .relined, covered with plate glass, and the frames regilt, prior to the re- arrangement and rehanging of the portraits in the Society's new room at Willis's Rooms in King Street, St. James's. In 185-; a project was started for reproducing Proposed by some process of engraving the whole of the serm °f Society's collection of portraits. Sir Richard West- en z rav - n &' macott, R.A., communicated with Mr. George Scharf, junior (afterwards Director of the National Por- trait Gallery), and received from him an estimate of the cost of engraving the thirty-one portraits in question on wood. The cost, however, was probably the reason which deterred the Society from proceeding in the matter. In February, 1877, an application was received Applications from Mr. Peter Cunningham, the manager of the fa ' 0 "* 0 / Historical Section of the great Exhibition of Art Manchester, Treasures at Manchester in that year, requesting South the loan of the portraits belonging to the Society Kewwg^w, for this exhibition - but, after some correspondence, Gallery &c. the Society declined to accede to this request. In April, 1867, the Society agreed to lend the whole collection of portraits (except that of Lord Broughton, not yet received) to the National Exhibition of Portraits, held at South Kensington, 1^4 History of the Society of Dilettanti in 1 8 68, on condition of their being kept together in a separate room, and no photographs being allowed to be taken of them. For this loan the Dilettanti received the thanks of the Lords Com- missioners of Education in February, 1869. In the same year the Society received a request from Sir William Boxall, Director of the National Gallery, for a temporary loan of the two portrait- groups by Sir Joshua Reynolds. The Society con- sented to lend them from August 1, 18(59, to January 31, 1870, during their recess. On the latter date they were replaced in the room of the Society by Sir William Boxall, who addressed the following letter to the Secretary : — National Gallery a8 Jan., 1870. Sir, On behalf of the Board of the National Gallery I have to beg that you offer to the Members of the Dilettanti Society, the best thanks for the generous permission they have enjoyed for the pleasure and instruction of the Public, to exhibit for six months the two groups of portraits belonging to the Society. It may be interesting to the Society to know that since the 1st of August last, & notwithstanding the closing of the Gallery during the month of October, more than 583 thousand people have visited the National Gallery. In accordance with the conditions of the Loan I have to inform you that on Monday next, being the 31st of Jany. 1869 (*/V), the two pictures will be replaced in the Society's Room in King's Street, St. James', free of all costs and charge for removing and replacing them, though not without silent regret. I have the honour to be, Your obed. servt, To the Honorary Secretary William Boxall, of the Dilettanti Society. Director. Eastlake Sir Charles Eastlake died in i8<5y, and was succeeded by succe eded in the office of Painter to the Society e,g on ' by Mr. Frederic Leighton, R.A., who eventually History of the Society of Dilettanti z%s also succeeded to the Presidential Chair of the Royal Academy. On July i, 1 8 66, the Society Portraits of Lord c Requested Lord Broughton to Present to them a Portrait of Broughton himself. Lord Broughton said he would comply with the wishes anc i $; r of the Society.' Edward Eventually the Society received from Lord Ryan ' Broughton a portrait of himself painted by the Hon. Henry Graves. On July 2, 1871, it was resolved ' That a portrait of the Secretary [Sir Edward Ryan] be painted at the expense of the Society by an artist to be selected by the Secretary.' Sir Edward Ryan selected Mr. Leighton as the artist, who completed the portrait during the next six or seven months. On March 3, 1872, it was resolved < That aoo guineas be paid with the best thanks of the Society to Mr. Leighton, and that he be requested to order a frame for the picture of the Secretary at the charge of the Society with the Society's usual Inscription thereon.' At the same time it was resolved £ That Mr. Leighton receive the cordial assent of the Dilettanti Society to his wish to exhibit the portrait of the Secretary at the Royal Academy, and that if Mr. Leighton obtain permission to withdraw the picture from the Rooms of the Academy for exhibition in those of the Dilettanti Society on the 7th April, he be requested to communicate the fact to the Secretary in order that the Secretary may inform members with a view to a full gathering of the Society.' The portrait of Sir Edward Ryan is one of Sir Frederic Leighton's happiest efforts in portraiture, conceived and carried out in the original spirit of the Society of Dilettanti. The genial Secretary to the Society is represented in his official dress, 13 6 History of the Society of Dilettanti Successive Painters to the Society : Sir F. W. Burton and Sir E. J. Poynter. Further loans of pictures. Last por- traits : Mr. Wat kiss Lloyd, Lord Leighton, Mr. Sidney Colvin. standing at the dinner table and reading the minutes. In March, 1879, Sir Frederic Leighton, having received a French diploma as 'Sculpteur Anglais,' begged leave to be allowed to serve the Society in the office of Sculptor ; and on this being granted, the Society elected Mr. (afterwards Sir) F. W. Burton, R.H.A., Director of the National Gallery, to be Painter to the Society. In 1894 Sir F. W. Burton resigned his membership, and in 1897 Mr. Poynter was elected a member of, and Painter to, the Society in his place. Since then Mr. Poynter has become President of the Royal Academy and received his knighthood ; events strictly in accordance with the traditions of the Society. In 1884 the two groups by Sir Joshua Reynolds and the portrait of himself were lent by the Society to the Grosvenor Gallery for an exhibition of the collected works of Sir Joshua Reynolds. In March, 1 8 90, on the Society's removing from Willis's Rooms, the two groups by Sir Joshua Reynolds were once more deposited on loan with the Trustees of the National Gallery, until the whole collection of pictures was removed and rehung in the Society's new room in the Grafton Gallery. In January, 1894, a portrait of Mr. William Watkiss Lloyd, painted by Miss Bush, was received by the Society from his daughter, Miss Ellen Watkiss Lloyd, having been bequeathed to the Society by Mr. Watkiss Lloyd, who had for many years been one of its most active and respected members. After the death of Lord Leighton, President of the Royal Academy, in January, 1896, the Dilettanti, being anxious to obtain a portrait of one of the most illustrious of their body, History of the Society of Dilettanti 237 decided to have a copy made of the portrait painted by Lord Leighton of himself for the Uffizii Gallery at Florence. The work was en- trusted to Mr. Charles Holroyd (now Keeper of the National Gallery of British Art), and completed before the close of the same year. In February, 1895, on the resignation by Mr. Sidney Colvin of his post as Secretary and Treasurer of the Society, the Society ordered that a portrait of that gentleman should be added to their collection. Sir Edward Poynter undertook to paint the portrait of Mr. Colvin, which was sent by permission of the Society to the Royal Academy Exhibition of 1897. This addition completes the list of the Dilettanti portraits up to the present day. a c ur' D u. twit,' ( l^c A < List of Members of the Society of Dilettanti, according to the Order of Election, dating from the 6th of March, 1736,' was compiled by Mr. William Richard Hamilton and appended as a supplement to his Historical Notices of the Society of Dilettanti published in 185-5-. Copies of this list were printed separately and distributed to members. A second List of Members, brought up to date, was printed by Sir William Fraser, Bart., in 1874, and presented by him to the members of the Society. The following List of Members has been compiled from the elections recorded in the Minute-Books of the Society. An attempt has been made to identify the members and to enumerate the various dis- tinguished positions which so many of them have occupied in the public service. APPENDIX LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY OF DILETTANTI Viscount Harcourt. Lord Middle- sex. 1736. Simon Harcourt, born 17 14.; only son of Hon. Simon Harcourt, and suc- ceeded his grandfather, 1717, as second Viscount Harcourt ; travelled in France and Italy, 1730-34; Lord of the Bedchamber to George II, 1 73 5'— 5*7 i created Earl Harcourt, 1 74.9 ; governor to the Prince of Wales, 1 7 5-1 ; Ambassador to Meck- lenburg-Strelitz, 1761, for the marriage of Princess Charlotte and George III; Ambassador to Paris, 1768-9; Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, \7~l1-7 ; died 1777. Charles Sackville, Earl of Middle- sex, born 171 1 ; eldest son of first Duke of Dorset ; travelled in France and Italy; M.P.; Lord of the Treasury; Master of the Horse to Frederick, Prince of Wales ; suc- ceeded as second Duke of Dorset, 1763 ; died 1769. Earl Harcourt. Duke of Dorset. X4-0 List of Members of Viscount Boyne. Sir Lionel Piikington. Mr. T. Grimston. Hon. W. Ponsonby. Mr. R. Grenville. Gustavus Hamilton, Viscount Boyne, born 1710; succeeded his grand- father as second viscount; travelled before 173 1 ; M.P.; P.C.; a Com- missioner of Revenue ; died un- married 174.6'. Sir Lionel Pilkington, born 1706-7 ; succeeded as fifth baronet 1716; travelled in France and Italy ; pur- chased Chevet Hall, near Wakefield; M.P.; died unmarried 1778. Thomas Grimston, of Grimston Garth and Kilnwick, near Hull: died 175T. born 1702; William Ponsonby, born 1 704, ; eldest Earl of Bess- son of second Viscount Duncannon, borough, and first Earl of Bessborough; travelled in Italy, Greece, and the East for some years up to 1739; friend and companion of J. E. Liotard the painter ; a member of the Ac- cademia del Disegno at Florence, and noted collector of marbles, gems, and other works of classical antiquity; styled Viscount Duncannon, 1739; M.P. ; Lord of the Treasury ; Post- master-General; succeeded assecond Earl of Bessborough, 1758; died 1793 as * Father of the Society.' Richard Grenville, bom 171 1; eldest Earl Temple, son of Richard Grenville and Hester, Countess Temple, and brother-in-law of the Earl of Chatham; travelled for four years up to 1734.; M.P. ; styled Viscount Cobham, 1749-5-1; succeeded his mother as Earl Temple, 1752; First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, and other state offices ; one of the fore- most statesmen of his day ; died J 779- the Society of Dilettanti 24-1 Mr. J. Howe. Lord Robert Montagu. Sir Robert Long. Sir Francis Dashwood. Mr. Mitchell. Sir Brownlow Sherrard, Bart. Mr.T. Archer. 1736 {continued). John Howe, of Hanslope, Bucks, born 1707 ; married Caroline, daughter of second Viscount Howe; died i 7 6 9 . RoBERTMoNTAGU,born 1 7 1 3 (?) j second son of first Duke of Manchester; M.P.; Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen; succeeded as third Duke of Manchester, 1739; Lord of the Bedchamber to the King, and Lord Chamberlain to the Queen; died 1 j6i. Sir Robert Long, born 1705; succeeded his father as sixth baronet of Dray- cot, Wilts, 17x9; M.P.; married heiress of Earl Tylney; died 1767. Sir Francis Dashwood, born 1708 ; travelled in France, Italy, Russia, etc.; M.P.; Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, 176'a— 3 ; confirmed in his mother's barony of Le Despencer, 1763 ; Postmaster-General; F.R.S., LL.D. ; died 1781. Sir Andrew Mitchell, born 1708; tra- velled and studied at Leyden Uni- versity and elsewhere on the Continent ; M.P. ; Under-Secretary of State for Scotland, 174a; Am- bassador to the Court of Prussia, 175-6', and Envoy Extraordinary to the same court, 1765-; K.B., 1765-; confidential friend of Frederick II ; died at Berlin, 1771. Sir Brownlow Sherard, Student at Leyden University, and travelled in the East; succeeded his father as fourth baronet, 173!-; M.P.; married Mary Sidney, co-heiress of the Earl of Leicester; died 174.8. Thomas Archer, of Umberslade, War- wick, born ; M.P. ; created Baron Archer, 1747; died 1768. Duke of Man- chester. Lord le Despencer. Sir Andrew Mitchell, K.B. Baron Archer. List of Members of Mr. R. Bristow. Hon. Thomas Villiers. Mr. E.Clarke. Mr. W. Degge. Mr.T. Anson. Sir James Gray. Mr. William Denny. Mr. William Strode. Hon. James Noel. Hon. Sewallis Shirley. 1736 (continued). Robert Bristow, of Micheldever, Hants; M.P.; Clerk Comptroller of the Household; died 1737. Thomas Villiers, born 1709; second son of Earl of Jersey ; Minister Plenipotentiary to Dresden, Vienna, Berlin, and other courts ; M.P. ; created Viscount Hyde, 1756, and Earl of Clarendon, 1776'; Postmaster- General and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; died 1786. Edward Clarke. William Degge, bo - n 1698; second son of Simon Degge, of Derby ; Lieutenant-Colonel of Dragoons. Thomas Anson, of Shugborough, Staf- fordshire; M.P.; elder brother of Ad- miral Anson; died unmarried 1773 . Sir James Gray, eldest son of first baronet; British Resident at Venice, 1 746"— 73 ; Envoy to the Court of Naples and the Two Sicilies, 1 7 54.-66, and to the Court of Spain, 1766-73 ; K.B., i76"i; P.C, 1769; died 1773. William Denny, Colonel in the Army; Deputy-Governor of Pennsylvania, i75'(5'-p; died about 1770. William Strode, born 165)8; Colonel 6and Foot, and Lieutenant-General, 1 765'; served under the Duke of Cumberland; M.P. ; died 1776, buried in Westminster Abbey. James Nosl, third son of third Earl of Gainsborough ; M.P. ; died 175:1. Sewallis Shirley, born 1709; fourth son of first Earl Ferrers; M.P. ; Comptroller of the Household to Queen Charlotte ; died 1765". Earl of Clarendon. Sir James Gray, Bart., K.B. the Society of Dilettanti Mr. George Knapton. Rev. Arthur Smith. Mr. D. Boone. Sir Henry Liddell, Bart. Mr. George Gray. Mr. William Fauquier. Mr. Henry Harris. Mr. Thomas Whitmore. 1736 {continued.') George Knapton, born i6"o8 ; painter in oil and crayons ; resided for many years in Italy; surveyor and keeper of the royal collection of pictures, 176?; first Painter to the Society; died 1778. Arthur Smyth, son of the Bishop of Limerick ; travelled after leaving Oxford ; Dean of Raphoe, 1 743 , and Derry, 1744; Bishop of Clon- fert, 175:2,, Down, 1752, and Meath, 1765-; Archbishop of Dublin, ij66 ; died 1771. Daniel Boone, born 17 10; son of Governor of Bombay ; Director of the East India Company and the Bank of England ; M.P. ; Clerk of the Household to Frederick, Prince of Wales; died 1770. Sir Henry Liddell, born 1 708 ; suc- ceeded his father as fourth baronet, 1723; M.P.; created Baron Ravens- worth, 174.7; died 1784.. George Gray, second son of Sir James Gray, Bart. ; Colonel of 3 7th Foot and Major-General ; succeeded his brother as third baronet, 1773; Secre- tary and Treasurer to the Society, 1738-71; died 1773. William Fauquier, banker and Direc- tor of the South Sea Company ; Secretary to the Society, 177 1-4; Registrar and Secretary of the Order of the Bath, 1785; F.R.S.; died 1788. Henry HARRis,Commissioner of Wine Licences and Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod in Ireland; first Treasurer and High Steward to the Society; died 1764. Thomas Whitmore, of Apley, Shrop- shire; M.P., K.B. ; died 1773. r 2 Archbishop of Dublin. Baron Ravens- worth. General Sir George Gray, Bart. Sir Thomas Whitmore,K.B. List of Members of Mr. Robert Dingley. Sir Hugh Smithson, Bart. Mr. Turner. Mr. Spence. Mr. Phillips. Mr. Delme. Hon. Robert Hay. 1736 {continued}. Robert Dingley, of Lamb Abbey, Chiselhurst, merchant, born 1709; contested Middlesex in 1768 against John Wilkes; founder of the Mag- dalen Hospital, 175-8 ^ died 1781. Sir Hugh Smithson, born 171 5; suc- ceeded as fourth baronet, 1719; M.P. ; married, 1740, Elizabeth Seymour, daughter and heiress of sixth Duke of Somerset and grand- daughter of eleventh Earl of Northum- berland ; succeeded as Earl of North- umberland, and assumed the name of Percy, 175^0 ; K.G., Lord of the Bedchamber, Lord Chamberlain, and Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland ; created Duke of Northumberland, 1766; died at Syon House, 1786. Joseph Spence, born 1695) ; Fellow of New College, Oxford ; travelled in France and Italy, 1730-33, with the Earl of Middlesex, and in ijiy-^z with the Earl of Lincoln ; Professor of Poetry and Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford ; author of Polymetis, The Anecdotes, etc. ; and friend and correspondent of Pope ; died at Byfleet, Surrey, 1768. [? Sir Erasmus Philipps, Bart., of Picton Castle, born 1 700 ; M.P. ; succeeded his father as fifth baronet, 1736; died 1743.] Peter Delme, born 1710; son of Sir Peter Delme, Lord Mayor of London ; M.P.; died 1770. Robert Hay, born ijix; second son of seventh Earl of Kinnoull; Bishop of St. Asaph, 174.8, and Salisbury, 1 761 ; Archbishop of York, 1761 ; assumed additional name of Drum- mond j died 1776. Duke of Northumber- land. Rev. Joseph Spence. Archbishop of York. the Society of Dilettanti 245- Mr.S.Luttrell. Mr. Bowman. Hon. Charles Feilding. Mr. Williams. LordGallway. Mr. Darcy. 1 [Count Nassau. Mr.Watkins.] 2 Earl of Euston. Mr. Thomas Steavens. 1736 {continued}. Simon Luttrell, born 17 13; M.P. ; created Baron Irnham, 1768 ; Vis- count Carhampton, 1780-81; Earl of Carhampton, 1785; died 1787. Charles Feilding, third son of fourth Earlof Denbigh; Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army ; Gentleman Usher to Queen Caroline; died 174?. Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, born 1708; M.P.; spent most of hislife in the diplomatic service at Dresden,Berlin, Vienna, and St. Petersburg ; author of many satirical poems; died 175"^. John Monckton, born 169?; M.P. ; created Viscount Galway, 1727; Commissioner of Revenue and Sur- veyor General of Woods and Forests; died I75"i. Patrick Darcy. George Fitzroy, Earl of Euston, born 1715" ; eldest son of second Duke of Grafton ; M.P. ; died before his father, 1747. Thomas Steavens, son of Sir John Earl of Car- hampton. Sir Charles Hanbury Williams. Viscount Galway. Steavens of Eltham : died 1737. Mr. George George Stanhope, [? second son of Stanhope. first Earl Stanhope; born 1717]- Mr. Knight. [? Robert Knight, of Barrels ; M.P. ; afterwards Baron Luxborough and Earl of Catherlough.] Mr. Gore. [? Arthur Gore, elder brother of Lord Annaly; M.P. ; died 1758.] 1 In the list published for the Society by Sir William A. Fraser, Bart., the two names occur here as original members, but there is no trace of the names in the original list as given in the minutes. a The first member whose election is recorded in the Minute-Books. List of Members of Mr. Stewart. Earl Cowper. Hon. James Hamilton. 1737 {continued), [? William Stewart.] William Cowper, second Earl Cowper, born 1 709 ; Lord of the Bedchamber to George II ; F.R.S., LL.D. ; married Henrietta, daughter and heiress of Henry d'Auverquerque, Earl of Grantham ; died 1764. [? James Hamilton, born 1712 ; eldest son of seventh Earl of Abercorn ; summoned to Irish House of Lords as Baron Mountcastle, 1738; suc- ceeded his father as eighth Earl of Abercorn, 174!; died 1789.] Earl of Abercorn ? 1738. The Duke of Kingston. Mr. Samuel Savage. Lord Rock- ingham. Mr. Samuel Feake. LordSunbury. Evelyn Pierrepont, second Duke of Kingston, born 1 7 1 1 ; succeeded as second duke, iji6 ^ Lord of the Bedchamber and K.G., 1741; held various commands in the army and fought at Culloden ; married ' Miss Chudleigh'; died 1773. Samuel Savage. Lewis Watson, born 1 705) (?) ; second son of Viscount Sondes ; succeeded his grandfather as second Earl of Rockingham, 17x4.; died 174.5". Samuel Feake ; a Director of the East India Company. George Montagu, born 1716; son of George, first Earl of Halifax ; married, 1741, Miss Dunk, a rich heiress, whose surname he assumed ; Lieutenant-General in the Army ; President of the Board of Trade, and 'Father of the Colonies' ; Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland ; First Lord of the Admiralty, and Secretary of State; K.G. ; died 1771. Earl of Halifax, K.G. the Society of Dilettanti z^y Hon. Thomas Watson. 1738 {continued). Thomas Watson, born 171 5- • younger son of Viscount Sondes ; M.P. ; succeeded his brother as third Earl of Rockingham, 1745- ; died 1746". Earl of Rocking ham. Lord Barring ton. Mr. News- ham. Mr. Mallet. Mr. Norborne Berkeley. Mr. Henry Ciowley. Mr. Varey. Mr. Vernon. 1739. William Wildman, second Viscount Barrington, born 17175 travelled on the Continent, 1735-8; M.P.; Lord of the Admiralty, Secretary at War, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Treasurer of the Navy; died 175? 3. James Newsham, born 1715"; nephew of James Craggs, Secretary of State, and stepson of John Knight of Gosfield. David Mallet (or Muloch), born 1705 (?) ; author of numerous poems and tragedies, and friend and cor- respondent of Pope, Bolingbroke and others ; tutor to various members of the aristocracy (including Mr. News- ham), and a follower of the Earl of Bute and the Prince of Wales ; died 176?. Norborne Berkeley, son of John Symms Berkeley, of Stoke Gifford; M.P. ; successfully claimed the barony of Botetourt, 1764; Governor of Virginia, and died at Williamsburgh, 177*. Henry Crowley. William Varey ; mentioned in the correspondence of G. A. Selwyn and others as a man of fashion. Francis Vernon. Lord Botetourt. Mr. Grim- stone. 1740. (Re-elected.) X4-8 List of Members of Mr. Bristow. Earl of Sandwich. Lord Galway. Mr. W. H. Gage. Mr. Wellbore Ellis. Marquess of Hartington. Lord Quarendon. Mr. Nel- thorpe. 1740 {continued}. William Bristow ; Commissioner of Revenue in Ireland ; M.P., F.R.S.; died 1758. John Montagu, fourth Earl of Sand- wich, born 1 718 ; succeeded his grandfather, 1715); travelled in Italy, Sicily, the Greek Islands, Turkey, and the East up to 1739 ; First Lord of the Admiralty; Plenipotentiary at the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748 ; died 179a. I74f- (Re-elected.) William Hall Gage, born 171 8 • eldest son of first Viscount Gage; M.P. ; and succeeded as second viscount, 175*4. 5 Paymaster of the Pensions; F.R.S. ; created Baron Gage, 1780; died 1791. Welbore Ellis, born 171 3; son of Bishop of Meath ; M.P. ; Lord of the Admiralty, 1747; Vice-Treasurer of the Household, 17??; Secretary of State for America, 1782; created Baron Mendip, 1794; F.R.S., D.C.L., and a trustee of the British Museum; died 1802. William Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington, born 1720; M.P. ; summoned to the House of Lords as Lord Cavendish, 17^1; Lord-Lieu- tenant of Ireland; succeeded as fourth Duke of Devonshire, 17 5* ?; Prime Minister, 17 5:6; K.G. ; died 1764.. George Henry Lee, Viscount Quaren- don, born 1718; M.P.; succeeded his father as third Earl of Litchfield, 1 74.3 ; Chancellor of the University of Oxford, 1762; died 1772. James Nelthorpe ; died 1767. Viscount Gage. Baron Mendip. Duke of Devon- shire. Earl of Litch- field. the Society of Dilettanti x^y I74y (continued). Sir Charles Bunbury; succeeded as fourth baronet, 1733 • M.P.; died 1742. Edward Coke, born 1710- only son of Thomas Coke, Lord Lovel ; MP. ; styled ViscountCoke, 1744.-5:3 ; mar- ried Lady Mary Campbell ; died 17 5: 3. Thomas Coke of Holkham, born 1695: ; M.P.; created Baron Lovel, 1718, and Earl of Leicester, 1744; Post- master-General; died 175-9. 1741. (Re-elected.) Sir John Rawdon, born 1720; suc- ceeded as baronet ; travelled in Greece and the East; M.P.; created Baron Rawdon, 175:0, and Earl of Moira, 1761; F.R.S. ; died 175)3. Thomas Dampier, born about 1704; Under-Master of Eton School; Canon of Windsor and Dean of Durham; died 1777. Henry Fiennes-Clinton, born 17x0; succeeded his brother as ninth Earl of Lincoln, 1730; Lord of the Bed- chamber; K.G.; succeeded his uncle as second Duke of Newcastle, 1768 ; died 175)4. Kenneth Mackenzie, born 1 7 1 8 (?) ; eldest son of fifth Earl of Seaforth ; attainted for his share in the Jacobite rebellion ; M.P. ; sometimes styled Viscount Fortrose; died 1761. Charles Ross, of Balnagar, second son of Viscount Ross; MP.; killed at Fontenoy, 1745". William Wentworth, born 1 72a ; succeeded his father as second Earl of Strafford, 1739; a well-known amateur; died 175)1. Viscount Coke. Earl of Leicester. Earl of Moira. Duke of New- castle. Earl of Strafford. List of Members of Mr. Cole- brooke. Mr. Cotton. 174I {continued}. Robert ooke, born 17 18 ; elder brother of first baronet; M.P.; minis- ter to the Swiss Cantons and am- bassador to the Ottoman Porte ; died 1784.. John Hinde Cotton, born 171 8; succeeded as fourth baronet, 1752; M.P. ; died 175^. Sir John Hinde Cotton, Bart. Mr. J. Ross- Ma ckye. Lord Deskfoord. Lord Mansel. Mr. Frederick. Mr. Thomas Brand. Duke of Bedford. 174*. John Mackye, of Polgowan ; M.P. ; assumed name of Ross on marriage with daughter and co-heiress of thirteenth Lord Ross; Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance ; died 1797. James Ogilvy, Lord Deskfoord, born I7i4(?); eldest son of fifth Earl of Findlater; Commissioner of Customs and Lord of Police; succeeded as sixth Earl of Findlater, 1 764 ; committed suicide, 1770. Thomas, second Lord Mansell of Morgan ; succeeded his grandfather, 1723 ; died 1744. John Frederick, eldest son of first baronet ; succeeded as second baronet, 175:?; a well-known collector of antiquities and works of art; died Thomas Brand, of the Hoo, Herts. ; M.P.; married daughter of Duke of Kingston; died 1770. John Russell, fourth Duke of Bedford, born 1710; succeeded his brother, 1732,; First Lord of the Admiralty, Secretary of State, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, Ambassador Extra- ordinary to the Court of France ; K. G. ; died 1771. Earl of Findlater. Sir John Frederick, Bart. the Society of Dilettanti 15-1 174^ (continued}. Hon. Henry Henry Bilson Legge, fourth son of Legge. first Earl of Dartmouth, born 1708; M.P.; Secretary for Ireland; Lord of the Admiralty, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Prussia ; Chancellor of the Exchequer ; died 1764. Mr. Liddell. Sir Charles Wyndham. Captain Lushington. Mr. Cal- thorpe. Mr. Blyth. Mr. Lascelles. Mr. William Williams. Mr. Vernon. Mr. Robert Coke. Sir Bourchier Wrey. 1742. [? Richard Liddell, fifth son of third baronet.] Sir Charles Wyndham, born 17 10; son of third baronet, and succeeded his father, 1 740 ; succeeded his uncle as second Earl of Egremont, 1750 ; Secretary of State ; died 1763. William Lushington, second son of Thomas Godfrey Lushington cf Sittingbourne ; Captain in the Army ; died 1 763. Henry Calthorpe, son of Reynolds Calthorpe of Elvetham, Hants; K.B.; died 1788. John Bligh, born 1719 ; succeeded his brother as third Earl of Darnley, 1747 ; died 1787. Edwin Lascelles, of Harewood, born 171 3; M.P.; created Baron Hare- wood, 175)0 ; died 175)5". [? William Peere Williams ; suc- ceeded his father as second baronet, 1758; M.P.; killed at Belleisle, i 7 6i.] Henry Vernon, of Hilton Park, Staf- fordshire, born 1 71 8 ; died 1777. Robert Coke, of Hillingdon ; married sister of last Duke of Wharton. Sir Bourchier Wrey ; succeeded his father as fifth baronet, ijz6 ; M.P. ; died 1784. Earl of Egremont. Sir Henry Cal- thorpe, K.B. Earl of Darnley. Baron Hare- wood. Sir William Peere Williams, Bart. ? List of Members of Mr. George Dodington. Lord George Graham. Mr. Patrick Darcy. Earl of Rock- ingham. Mr. Pitt. Lord Conway. Mr. B. Boyle. Mr. Dingley. Viscount Midleton. Captain Churchill. Lord Gowran. I742 {continued). George Bubb-Dodington, born 1691; M.P.; the well-known politician • Treasurer of the Navy- created Baron Melcombe Regis, 1761 ; died 1762. George Graham, younger son of first Duke of Montrose- R.N., M.P.; died 1747. (Re-elected.) (Re-elected.) Francis Seymour-Conway, born 1718- succeeded his father as second Baron Conway, 173a • created Earl of Hertford, 1750, and Marquess of Hertford, 1751 3; K.G. ; Ambassador to Paris, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, Master of the Horse, and Lord Chamberlain- died 1794. Bellingham Boyle, son of first Earl of Shannon 1 venue ; married Commissioner of Re- to daughter of Archbishop Hoadly ; died 1 771. (Re-elected.) 1743. Alan Brodrick, second Viscount Midleton, born 1 702 ; succeeded his father, 1733; Commissioner of Customs ; Joint Comptroller of the Navy; died 1747. George Churchill, son of Lieu- tenant-General Charles Churchill and Anne Oldfield; Lieutenant- General in the Army ; died 1753. John Fitzpatrick, second Baron Gowran, born 17 19; succeeded his father, 1727 • created Earl of Upper Ossory, 17?!; died I7f8. Baron Melcombe Regis. Marquess of Hertford, K.G. Earl of Upper Ossory. 1 Or perhaps of the Hon. Richard Boyle and his second wife Madeline Bellingham. the Society of Dilettanti 25-3 Mr. Nel- thorpe. Sir Everard Falkener. Mr.Fanshawe. Marquess of Granby. Baron Hopberg. Mr. Berkeley. Mr. Feilding. Hon. Richard Edgcumbe. Mr. Lascelles. Mr. Foster. (Re-elected.) I744- I 74f Sir Everard Fawkener, born 1684- merchant • friend of Voltaire ; Am- bassador to the Ottoman Porte- Postmaster-General j died 1758. Simon Fanshawe, of Fanshawe Gate, born 1716 • M.P.; died 1777. John Manners, Marquess of Granby, born 1711 • eldest son of third Duke of Rutland; Commander of the British forces at the victory of Minden, Commander-in- Chief of the land forces in England ; died 1770. Baron Hochberg (or Hohberg). (Re-elected.) (Re-elected.) Richard Edgcumbe, born iji6 ; eldest son of first Baron Mount-Edgcumbe; Major-General in the Army, Lord of the Admiralty, and Comptroller of the Household ; wit and poet ; succeeded as second Lord Mount- Edgcumbe, 1758; died 1761. (Re-elected.) John Thomas Foster, of Dunleer; M.P. ; married Lady Elizabeth Hervey (afterwards Duchess of Devonshire); died 1761. Baron Mount- Edgcumbe. Duke of Kingston. Marquess of Granby. 1745. (Re-elected.) (Re-elected.) List of Members of Earl of Holder- nesse. Earl of Ash- burnham. Mr. St. George. 1745 {continued). Robert Darcy, sixth Earl of Holder- nesse, born 1718- succeeded his father, 17x2 ; Lord of the Bed- chamber in attendance on the King at Dettingen; Ambassador to the Republic of Venice, and to the Low Countries- Secretary of State and Lord Justice of the Realm ; died 1778. John, second Earl of Ashburnham, born 1724; succeeded his father, 1737; Lord of the Bedchamber- died 1812. Chevalier St. George (? Henry St. George, born 1716; M.P. ; died 17*3); F.R.S. Mr.Aldworth. I74§. Richard Aldworth, of Stanlake, born 1717- married daughter of Richard Neville, of Billingbere • assumed name of Neville- Aldworth ; M.P. ; Ambassador to Paris ; Under-Secre- tary of State ; died 1793. Lord Hobart. Sir Thomas Sebright. Earl of Bless- ington. 1746. John Hobart, second Earl of Bucking- 17x2; Ambassador Lord-Lieutenant of hamshire, born Russia ; died to Ireland f Sir Thomas Saunders Sebright, of Beechwood, Herts., born 172.3 j succeeded as 5th baronet, 1 736" ; died 1761. I74f. William Stewart, second Viscount Mountjoy, born 1709; succeeded his father, 172.8 j created Earl of Blessington, 1745; died 1769. Earl of Bucking- hamshire. the Society of Dilettanti is$ Hon.Capt.G. Edgecumbe. *74f {continued). George Edgcumbe, born 1711 ; younger son of first Baron Mount- Edgcumbe ; R.N. • Admiral; suc- ceeded his brother as third Baron Mount-Edgcumbe, 1761; Treasurer of the Household; created Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe, 1789; died 1795". Earl of Mount- Edgcumbe. Mr. Dun- combe. Earl of March. Mr. Tilson. Dr. Gamier. Mr. Freeman. Mr. Gell. Sir William Milner. Mr. Dingley. 1747. Thomas DuNcoMBE,of Duncombe Park ; died 1799. I74f William Douglas, third Earl of March, born 1725:; succeeded his father, 1731; Lord of the Bedchamber; succeeded his cousin as fourth Duke of Queensberry ; as ' Old Q.,' one of the noted characters of his day ; died 1810. James Tilson, of St. George's, Hanover Square ; died 1 764. Thomas Garnier, of Wykeham, H ants ; Apothecary-General to the Army ; died 1763. Sambrooke Freeman, of Fawley Court, born 1 7 10; M.P. ; son of John Freeman and Susanna, daughter of Sir Jeremiah Sambrooke ; died 1781. Philip Gell, of Hopton, Derby ; died 1748. Sir William Milner, born 1719; succeeded his father as second baronet Receiver-General of ; died 1774.. Excise . the (Re-elected.) Duke of Qaeens- berry. List of Members of Mr. Moun- tague. Lord Eglinton. Sir Robert Hildyard. Capt.Rodney. Lord Drum- lanrig. Mr. George Rice. Mr. Bowlby. Marquess of Granby. Mr. Dundas. Earl of Galloway. 1749. Edward Wortley Montagu, born 171 3; son of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu; M.P., F.R.S. ; well known for his travels on the Con- tinent and in the East, and his ec- centric life and adventures; died 1776. Archibald Montgomery, eleventh Earl of Eglinton; born 1716; third son of ninth Earl. Sir Robert Hildyard, third baronet, born 1716; M.P.; died 1781. George Brydges Rodney, born 171 8; R.N. ; the distinguished Admiral and victor at Cape Finisterre and other sea-fights; created a baronet, 1764., and Baron Rodney, 1782; M.P.; died 1792. Henry Douglas, Earl of Drumlanrig, born 1722; eldest son of third Duke of Queensberry ; an officer in the Army; accidentally killed, 175-4. George Rice, of Newton, born 1724; M.P. ; married Baroness Dynevor; Commissioner of Board of Trade ; Treasurer of the King's Chamber; P.C.; died 1775). Thomas Bowlby, of Durham, born 1698; Commissioner of Excise; married daughter of Earl of Cardigan and sisterof first Duke of Montagu; M.P.; died 1778. (Re-elected.) I750. Lawrence Dundas ; Commissary- General; created a baronet, 1762; died 178 1. Alexander Stewart, sixth Earl of Galloway, born 1694; Lord of Police; succeeded his father, 1746; died 1775. Admiral Baron Rodney. Sir Lawrence Dundas, Bart. the Society of Dilettanti 15-7 Mr. Robert Joscelyn. Earl of Sussex. Mr. Chaplin. Mr. Steavens. Lord Anson. Mr. St. Leger. Mr. Humber- ston. 1750 (continued^. Robert Jocelyn, born 1688 ; fifth son of Sir Robert Jocelyn, Bart., M.P. j Solicitor-General, Attorney-General, Lord Chancellor • created Baron Newport and Viscount Jocelyn, 1 75:? ; died i"T)6. George Augustus Yelverton, second Earl of Sussex, born 1717; succeeded his father, 173 1; Lord of the Bed- chamber to the Prince of Wales ; died 175:1. John Chaplin, of Blankney ; married, 1757, the daughter of Earl of Exeter • died 1764.. (? Re-elected.) George, Lord Anson, born 1717; younger brother of Thomas Anson, of Shugborough; R.N.; distinguished Admiral and victor off Cape Finis- terre, 1747; created Baron Anson, 1 747 • First Lord of the Admiralty ; victor over the French at Quiberon, 1759 ; died 1762. [? Anthony St. Leger ; fourth son of Sir John St. Leger, of Grangemellan, Kildare; M.P. ; died 1770.] Thomas Humberston, of Humberston, co. Lincoln. Viscount Jocelyn. Mr. Watson. Mr. Trench. Mr. Stewart. 1751. Lewis Monson, born 17x8; son of first Lord Monson by daughter of first Earl of Rockingham ; assumed additional surname of Watson ; created Baron Sondes, 1760 j died James Stuart, painter and architect; * Athenian Stuart ; ' born page 7 y. 1713. See Baron Sondes. List of Members of 175I {continued). Mr. Revett. Nicholas Revett, born 17x1 ; second son of John Revett, of Brandeston Hall, Suffolk • architect. Seepage 75. Viscount George Brodrick, third Viscount Midleton. Midleton, born 1730; succeeded his father, 1747; M.P. ; friend of Frederick, Prince of Wales ; died 1753. Lord Charles Charles Douglas, born 17x6'; second Douglas. son of third Duke of Queensberry; M.P. ; succeeded his brother as Earl of Drumlanrig, 175-4. ; died 1756'. Mr. Dundas. (Re-elected.) Mr. Berkeley. (Re-elected.) 1754. Mr. Leeson. Joseph Leeson, born ijzz ; M.P. ; created Baron Russborough, 175:6', and Earl of Milltown, 1763; died 1783. 1755. Lord Rock- Charles Watson- Wentworth, second ingham. Marquess of Rockingham, born 1730; only son of first Marquess, and succeeded 1750; K.G. ; Prime Min- ister, ij6f-6 and 1782 ; died 1781. Earl of (Re-elected.) Galloway. Earl of Hold- (Re-elected.) ernesse. Mr. James James Dawkins, born i-jzz^ M.P. Dawkins. travelled with Mr. Robert Wood to Palmyra and Baalbec • noted for his Jacobite sympathies; died 1759. Mr. Knight. (Re-elected.) Mr. Gordon. Sir William Gordon, Minister Pleni- potentiary to the Diet of Ratisbon, 1764. ; Envoy Extraordinary to Den- mark, etc. ; M.P. ; K.B. Earl of Drum- lanrig. Earl of Milltown. Marquess of Rockingham. the Society of "Dilettanti 1756. Lord Charle- James Caulfeild, fourth Viscount Char- mont. lemont, born 1728 ; resided for some time in Italy ; afterwards highly dis- tinguished as a politician, and patron of art and letters in Ire'and ; created Earl of Charlemont, 1763 ; F.R.S., F.S.A., K.P.; died 1799. Earl of Charlemont. 1759- Earl of Henry Herbert, twenty-ninth Earl of Pembroke. Pembroke and Montgomery, born 1734; General in the Army; suc- ceeded his father, 175*0; Lord of the Bedchamber; died 1794. Mr. Stopford. James Stopford, born 1700 (?) ; created Baron Courtown, 175-8, and Earl of Courtown, 1762; died 1770. Earl of Courtown. Hon. Captain Hervey. Mr. Gordon. Earl of Galloway. Admiral Rodney. Sir Thomas Robinson. 1760. Augustus John Hervey, born 1724; second son of John, Lord Hervey ; R.N. ; Vice- Admiral ; succeeded his brother as Earl of Bristol, 1775'; first husband of Miss Chudleigh ; died 1779. (Re-elected.) (Re-elected.) (Re-elected.) 1761. Sir Thomas Robinson, born 1693 (?); fourth son of Sir William Robinson, Bart., of Newby ; M.P. ; Ambassador to Vienna and Joint Plenipotentiary at the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle ; K.B. ; Secretary of State, Lord Justice of the Realm ; Postmaster- General 1761 ; died 1770. , created Baron Grantham, Earl of Bristol. Baron Grantham. s 2 List of Members of 1761 {continued). Mr. Dering. Edward Dering, born 173a; son of Sir Edward Dering, Bart., of Surren- den ; succeeded as sixth baronet, ; M.P. ; died 1798. 1763. Mr. Richard Richard Phelps, Under-Secretary of Phelps. State; Provost-Marshal to the Lee- ward Islands. Mr. Boothby. [? Brook Boothby, of Ashborne Hall ; younger son of second baronet.] Mr. James. Haughton James, born 1738 ; ofjamaica. Hon. Thomas Thomas Robinson, born 1738; eldest Robinson. son of first Baron Grantham; suc- ceeded his father, 1770 ; Ambassador to Spain; President of Board of Trade and Foreign Secretary; died 1786'. Mr. Robert Robert Wood, born 17 14. in Ireland; Wood. travelled with Mr. James Dawkins to Palmyra and Baalbec; M.P.; Under- Secretary of State ; died 1 77 1. Mr. Thomas Thomas Pitt, bom 1737; nephew of Pitt. the Earl of Chatham; M.P.; a well-known amateur ; created Baron Camelford, 1784; died 1793. Marquess of Francis Russell, Marquess of Tavis- Tavisto ck. tock, born 1739 ; eldest son of fourth Duke of Bedford; accidentally killed, 1767. 1764. Mr. Mackye- John Ross-Mackye (re-elected). Ross. Lord Wark- Hugh Percy, Lord Warkworth, born worth. 1742 ; eldest son of Sir Hugh Smith- son, afterwards Duke of Northum- berland ; General in the Army and Colonel of the Horse Guards ; M.P. ; succeeded his mother as Baron Percy, 1776", and his father as second Duke of Northumberland, 1786; K.G., F.R.S., F.S.A.; died 1817. Sir Edward Dering, Bart. Baron Grantham. Baron Camelford. Duke of Northumber- land. the Society of Dilettanti Mr. Dundas. Col.Carleton. Lord Montague. Mr. Crowle. Duke of Man- chester. Mr. Mytton. Lord Middle- sex. Lord Clan- brassill. Mr. Stuart Shaw. 1764 (continued}. Thomas Dundas, born 1741 ; only son of Sir Lawrence Dundas, Bart., and succeeded his father as second baronet ; M.P. ; created Baron Dundas, 1794; died, as 'Father of the Society,' 1820. Guy Carleton, born 1724; Governor of Canada and Commander-in-Chief in America ; K.B. ; created Baron Dorchester, 1786; died 1808. John Brudenell-Montague, Lord Montagu, born 1755^ son of George Brudenell, third Earl of Cardigan, and Mary, daughter and co-heiress of Duke of Montagu ; created Baron Montagu of Bough- ton, 1762. ; styled Marquess of Mon- thermer on his father's creation as Duke of Montagu • died 1770. John Charles Crowle, of Fryston Hall, Wakefield ; a well-known lawyer and antiquary; Secretary to the Society, 1774-78; died 1811. George Montagu, fourth Duke of Manchester, born 1737; M.P. ; succeeded his father, 1762 ; Lord Chamberlain and Ambassador to Paris; died 1788. John Mytton, of Halston, Salop, born 1737; died 1783. (Re-elected.) John Hamilton, second Earl of Clan- brassil, born 1729; succeeded his father, 17^8 ; died 1798. John Stewart-Shaw, eldest son of Sir Michael Stewart, third baronet ; M.P. ; assumed name of Shaw, and succeeded his father as Sir John Shaw-Stewart, Bart.; died 1812. Baron Dundas. Baron Dorchester. Marquess of Monthermer. Sir John Shaw Stewart, Bart. hist of Members of Mr. Thomas Wynn. Mr. Richard Pennant. Mr. Brand. Mr. Crewe. 1764 {continued}. Thomas Wynn, born 1736; son of second baronet, and succeeded his father as third baronet, 1773 ; M.P.; Colonel in the Array; created Baron Newborough, 1776; died 1807. Richard Pennant, of Penrhyn ; M.P.; created Baron Penrhyn, 1783; died 1808. (? Re-elected.) John Crewe, of Crewe Hall, born 1 741 ; M.P. ; created Baron Crewe, 1806 • died 1815). Baron Newborough. Baron Penrhyn. Baron Crewe. Col. St. John. Duke of Roxburghe. Mr. Topham Beauclerk. Sir Charles Coote. Lord Hin- chinbroke. 1765. Henry St. John, Colonel in the Army ; M.P. ; Groom of the Bedchamber ; a well-known social figure in his day ; died 181 8. John Ker, third Duke of Roxburghe, born 1740 ; K.G., K.T., F.S.A., etc.; Lord of the Bedchamber ; the well- known antiquary and bibliophile; died 1804. Topham Beauclerk, born 1739; grand- son of first Duke of St. Albans ; the well-known wit, man of fashion, and antiquary ; husband of Lady Diana Beauclerk; died 1780. Sir Charles Coote, Bart., born 1738 ; natural son of Earl of Bellamont; K.B., 1764 ; succeeded his cousin as Baron Colrony, 1 j66 ; created Earl of Bellamont, 1707, and baronet 1774; died 1 800. John Montagu, Lord Hinchinbroke, born 174! ; eldest son of fourth Earl of Sandwich, and succeeded his father, 175)1 ; died 18 14. Earl of Bellamont. Earl of Sandwich. the Society of Dilettanti 263 1765 {continued}. Mr. Langton. Sir William Boothby. Mr. Crawford. Sir Lawrence Dundas. Duke of Marl- borough. Duke of Richmond. Lord Grosvenor. Lord Spencer. Lord Palmer- ston. Bennet Langton, born 1737^ a well- known member of polite and literary society; friend of Dr. Johnson; married the Countess of Rothes ; died 1 80 1. Sir William Boothby, Bart. ; suc- ceeded his grandfather as fifth baronet ; Major-General in the Army; died 1787. (Re-elected.) George Spencer, fourth Duke of Marlborough, born 1759; succeeded his father, 1758 ; Lord Chamberlain, Lord Privy Seal; K.G., F.R.S.; died 1 81 7. Charles Lennox, third Duke of Richmond and Lennox, born 1735; succeeded his father, 1750; Colonel of Horse Guards, Lord of the Bed- chamber, Ambassador to Paris, Secretary of State, Master-General of the Ordnance; K.G. ; died 1806. Richard, Baron Grosvenor, born 1 7 3 1 ; succeeded his father as seventh baronet, 175-5:; M.P. ; created Baron Grosvenor, 17 61, and Earl Grosvenor, 1784.; died i8oa. John, Baron Spencer of Althorp, born 1734; created Viscount Spencer, 1761, and Earl Spencer, 1765; died 1783. Henry Temple, second Viscount Palmerston, born 1739; succeeded his father, 1757; travelled and collected works of art and anti- quities; M.P. ; died 1802. Earl Grosvenor. Earl Spencer. List of Members of Mr. Charles Howard. Mr. Southwell. Col. Nugent. Mr. Luke Scrafton. J 777 1765 {continued}. Charles Howard, born 1710; son of Henry Charles Howard of Grey- stock, F.R.S., F.S.A.; succeeded his cousin as Duke of Norfolk, died 1786. John George Southwell, born 1721 • officer in the Guards ; succeeded his father as third Viscount Southwell, ij66 ; died 1780. Edmund Craggs-Nugent, born 1731- son of first Earl Nugent; Lieu- tenant - Colonel of Foot Guards ; died 1 77 1. Luke Scrafton ; Director of East India Company; Governor of Bengal; drowned by shipwreck on his way to India in 1767. Duke of Norfolk. Viscount Southwell. Earl of Ossory. Lord Mount- stuart. Mr. Weddell. Col. Ligonier. 1766. John Fitzpatrick, second Earl of Upper Ossory, born 174.5"; married to the divorced Duchess of Grafton ; M.P., F.R.S.; died 1818. John Stuart, Viscount Mountstuart, born 1 744 ; eldest son of Earl of Bute; succeeded his mother as Viscount Mountstuart, 1 794, and his father as fourth Earl of Bute, 1 79a ; created Marquess of Bute, 1796; died 1 8 14. William Weddell, of Newby, co. York, born 1736; M.P. ; a well- known amateur and patron of art ; died 179a. John Ligonier, born 1 740 ; succeeded as second Viscount Ligonier, 1770 ; created Earl Ligonier, 1776; a distinguished General in the Army ; F.R.S.; died 178a. Earl of Upper Ossory. Marquess of Bute. Earl Ligonier. the Society of Dilettanti Mr. Reynolds. LordFortrose. Sir James Porter. Duke of Buccleuch. Mr. Fitz- gerald. Earl of Carlisle. Capt. Keith Stewart. Sir Sampson Gideon. Hon. John Darner. 1766 {continued'). Sir Joshua Reynolds, born 1723 ; the eminent painter and President of the Royal Academy ; died 1792. Kenneth Mackenzie, born 1744; grandson of the attainted Earl of Seaforth ; created Viscount Fortrose, 1766, and Earl of Seaforth, 1771 ; died 1 78 1. Sir James Porter, born 1710; Am- bassador to the Ottoman Porte, 1 746- 176a; F.R.S.; died 1776. 1767. Henry Scott, third Duke of Buccleuch, born 1746; succeeded his father, 175-1 ; K.G., K.T. ; succeeded to dukedom of Queens- bery, 1810; died 1812. George Robert Fitzgerald, born 1748 (?); nephew of the Earl of Bristol ; known as ' Fighting Fitz- gerald' ; tried on a charge of murder, and executed at Castlebar in Ireland, 1786'. Frederick Howard, fifth Earl of Carlisle, born 1748 ; succeeded his father, 1758- K.G., K.T.; Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland ; died 182?. Keith Stewart, third son of sixth Earl of Galloway ; R.N. ; Admiral ; died 1 75>5". Sir Sampson Gideon, Bart., born 1 744 j M.P., created a baronet. F.R.S. ; assumed name of Eardley, 1780; created Baron Eardley, 1789 j died 1824. 1768. John Damer, eldest son of Lord Milton ; married Anne Seymour-Conway, the sculptress; committed suicide, ijj6. (Did not accept election.) Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Earl of Seaforth. Baron Eardley. List of Members of 1769. Earl Fitz- william. Hon. Charles James Fox. Hon. George Hobart. Mr. Mytton. Lord Sydney. Mr. Gregory. Hon. Stephen Fox. Mr. Payne. Mr. Charles Howard, jun. William, second Earl Fitzwilliam, born 174.8 ; succeeded his father, if)6 ^ inherited estates of Marquess of Rockingham ; Lord President of the Council, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland; K.G. ; died 1833. Charles James Fox, born 174.51; third son of first Baron Holland ; M.P. ; the eminent statesman and orator ; died 1806. George Hobart, born i72£>(?); younger son of first Earl of Buckinghamshire ; succeeded his brother as third earl, I 793 '■> one °f the chief supporters of the Haymarket opera house ; died 1804. (Re-elected.) Dudley Alexander Cosby, Baron Sydney, born i73o(?); Minister to the Court of Baron Sydney of Leix, 1774. Robert Gregory, of Coole Park, Galway; M.P. ; died 1810. Stephen Fox, born 1 74.5 ; eldest son of first Baron Holland ; succeeded his Denmark ; created 1768 died father, 1774; died 1774. Clerk of the Pells; Ralph Payne, born 1735; Clerk of the Household; M.P., K.B. ; Governor of the Leeward Islands; P.C. ; created Baron Lavington, 1795 ; died 1807. Charles Howard, born 1 74.6 ; son of Charles Howard, afterwards Duke of Norfolk ; M.P. ; Lord of the Treasury; styled Earl of Surrey, 1777-86; succeeded his father as Duke of Norfolk, 1786; died 181 5. Earl of Bucking hamshire. Baron Holland. Baron Lavington. Duke of Norfolk. the Society of "Dilettanti 1770. Lord Robert Robert Spencer, third son of third Spencer. Duke of Marlborough; Commissioner of Trade; died 1831. Mr. George George Augustus Selwyn, born 1719 ; Selwyn. the well-known wit ; Surveyor-Gene- ral of the Land Revenue ; died 1791. Hon. Mr. Richard Fitzpatrick, born 1747; Fitzpatrick. second son of first Earl of Upper Ossory; M.P. ; Secretary at War; General in the Army ; a writer of" social and satirical verse ; died 181 3. Lord Henry Thomas Fox-Strangways, Stavordale. born 174.7 ? eldest son of first Earl of Ilchester; M.P. ; succeeded his father, 1776; died 1802. Earl of William Henry Nassau de Zulestein, Rochfbrd. fourth Earl of Rochford, born 171 7; succeeded his father, 171 8; Am- bassador to Paris and Madrid ; Secretary of State and Lord Justice of the Realm; K.G.; died 17 81. Mr. Price. Uvedale Price, born 1747 ; friend of Charles James Fox ; author of an Essay on the Picturesque^ created a baronet, 1828 ; died 18251. Mr. Henry Henry Seymour-Conway, second son Conway, of first Earl of Hertford ; Clerk of jun. the Crown and Hanaper ; died 1830. Colonel Henry Theophilus Clements, younger Clements. brother of first Earl of Leitrim, born 1734 (?) ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Paymaster-General in the Army ; M.P., P.C.; died 1797. Duke of William Cavendish, fifth Duke of Devon- Devonshire, born 1 748 ; succeeded shire. his father, 1764; Colonel in the Army ; Lord High Treasurer of Ireland ; K.G. ; married first Lady Georgiana Spencer, second Lady Elizabeth Foster; died 1811. Mr. Wil- George Wilbraham, of Nantwich and braham. Delamere, born 1741; died 1813. Earl of Ilchester. Sir Uvedale Price, Bart. List of Members of Mr. Fitz- herbert. Mr. Hanger. Mr. William Hanger. Mr. Ascough. Mr. Arthur Freeman. Lord Melbourne. Lieut.-Col. Burgoyne. Lord Petersham. 1770 (continued}. Alleyne Fitzherbert, born 17 5 3; Ambassador to Paris, St. Petersburg, the Hague, and Madrid; G.C.H., F.S.A., etc.; created Baron St. Helen's, 1801; died 1839. John Hanger, born 174.3 ; elder son of first Baron Coleraine; succeeded his father, 1773 ; died 1794. William Hanger, born 1 744 ; younger son of first Baron Coleraine ; M.P. ; succeeded his brother as third Baron Coleraine, 1794; died 18 14. George Edward Ayscough ; son of Dean of Bristol and nephew of Lord Lyttelton ; Captain in the Guards; author of Semiramis, a drama pro- duced at Drury Lane; died 1779. 1771. Arthur Freeman, of the Island of Antigua ; married daughter of Sir George Thomas, of Ratton. 1772. Peniston Lamb, first Baron Melbourne, born 1740; son of Sir Matthew Lamb, Bart. ; created Baron Melbourne, 1770, and Viscount Melbourne, 1 78 1; Lord of the Bedchamber; died 1828. John Burgoyne, born 1 740 (?) ; eldest son of sixth baronet; Colonel of Dragoons, Lieutenant-General ; succeeded his father as seventh baronet, 17 80; died 1785". Charles Stanhope, Lord Petersham, born 175:3; eldest son of second Earl of Harrington ; M.P. ; succeeded his father as third earl, 1 799 ; General in the Army, Colonel of 1st Life Guards and Commander- in-Chief in Ireland ; G.C.H. ; died 1829. Baron St. Helen's. Baron Coleraine Baron Coleraine Viscount Melbourne. Sir John Burgoyne, Bart. Earl of Harrington. the Society of Dilettanti i6<) 1773. Luke Gardiner, born 1745; M.P. ; created Baron Mountjoy, 1789, and Viscount Mountjoy, 1795: ; killed at the batttle of Ross in Ireland, 1798. (Re-elected.) 1774. Sir Joseph Banks, born 1744 ; son of William Banks, of Revesby Abbey ; celebrated as a traveller and naturalist; President of the Royal Society ; Secretary to the Society, 1778-97; created a baronet 1781 ; K.B.; died i8ao. Francis Godolphin-Osborne, Mar- quess of Carmarthen, born i75"i; eldest son of fourth Duke of Leeds ; M.P. ; succeeded his father as fifth duke, 1789; Ambassador to Paris and Foreign Secretary ; K.G., F.R.S. ; married to Amelia, Baroness Conyers, heiress of the Earl of Holdernesse, who eloped with Colonel Byron; died 1799. Charles Francis Greville, born 1 74.9 ; second son of first Earl of Warwick M.P. ; a well-known amateur man of fashion ; F.R.S.; died 1809 and Viscount Mountjoy. Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S. Duke of Leeds. 1775. Constantine John Phipps, born 1744; eldest son of first Lord Mulgrave (Ireland); R.N. ; in 1773 com- manded the Racehorse on a voyage to the Arctic seas; succeeded his father, 1777; M.P.; Paymaster- General; created Baron Mulgrave (England), 1790; F.R.S. ; died 1792.. (Re-elected). Baron Mulgrave. x7o List of Members of Mr. Smyth. Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart. Earl of Sandwich. 1775 {continued}. John Smyth, of Heath Hall, Yorkshire, born 1748; M.P. ; Lord of the Admiralty and Master of the Mint ; P.C.; died 1812. Sir Watkin Williams- Wynn, Bart., ofWynnstay, born 1 74J (?) ; succeeded his father as fourth baronet, 174.9; M.P., F.R.S.; died 1789. (Re-elected.) Mr. Spencer- Stanhope. Mr. John Taylor. Mr. Harvey. Mr. Pierse. Duke of Dorset. Mr. Bennett. Lord Guern- sey. 1776. Walter Spencer-Stanhope, of Hors- forth and Cannon Hall, Yorkshire, born 1749; M.P.; died i8zr. John Taylor, of Lyssons, Jamaica ; created a baronet, 1778; died i 7 8|. Henry Peirse, of Bedale, Yorkshire, born 1754; M.P.; died i8a4. John Frederick Sackville, third Duke of Dorset, born 1745'; grandson of first duke ; M.P. ; succeeded his uncle as third duke, 1769; Am- bassador to Paris; Lord Steward of the Household; K.G. ; died 1799. Henry Astley Bennet, third son of third Earl of Tankerville ; General in the Army ; died i8if. Heneage Finch, Lord Guernsey, born 1 751; eldest son of third Earl of Aylesford; Lord Steward of the Household, and Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard ; succeeded his father as fourth earl 181a. F.R.S.; died Sir John Taylor, Bart. Earl of Aylesford. the Society of "Dilettanti X7T Capt. Wal- singham. Mr. Earle. Mr. Brand. Mr. George Pitt, jun. LordMonson. Mr. Richard Thompson. Mr. S. Payne. Gallwey. Sir William Hamilton. Mr. Dance. Mr. Charlton Leigl.ton. Captain Gardner. 1776 {continued}, Robert Boyle- Walsingham, born 1736' 5 fifth son of first Earl of Shannon ; R.N. ; drowned in H.M.S. Thunderer^ 1780 ; married to daughter of Sir Charles Hanbury Williams. George Earle. Thomas Brand, of the Hoo, Herts ; married heiress of eighteenth Lord Dacre; died 1794. George Pitt, of Strathfieldsaye, born 1751; M.P. ; succeeded his father as second Baron Rivers, 1803 ; died i8a8. John, third Lord Monson, born 175-3 • succeeded his father, 1774; Recorder of the City of London; died 1806. Richard Thompson, of Escrick Park, Yorkshire, born 1745:; died 1820. Stephen Payne-Gallwey, born 175*0; son of Ralph Payne, of Tofts Hall, Norfolk ; assumed name of Gallwey. 1777. Sir William Hamilton, born 1730; Ambassador to Naples; distinguished as an antiquary and man of learning; K.B.; died 1803. Nathaniel Dance, born 1735' ; Royal Academician and portrait painter; assumed name of Holland and created a baronet, 1800; M.P. ; died 18 11. Charlton Leighton, eldest son of third baronet; succeeded his father, 1780; M.P. ; died 1784. Alan Gardner, born 1742; R.N. ; served under Lord Howe on the First of June, 1794; M.P. ; Lord of the Admiralty ; Admiral and Com- mander of the Channel Fleet; created a baronet, and Baron Gardner, 1806; died 1819. Baron Rivers. Sir Nathaniel Dance- Holland, Bart. Sir Charlton Leighton, Bart. Baron Gardner. List of Members of Mr. B. Langlois. Sir George Shuckburgh. Lord Chester- field. Mr. Garrick. Marquess of Granby. Hon. John Dawson. Sir Richard Worsley. 1777 {continued). Benjamin Langlois, born 1727; Secretary to Embassy at Vienna; M.P. ; Under-Secretary of State and Storekeeper of the Ordnance ; died 1803. Sir George Augustus William Shuck- burgh, sixth baronet; succeeded his uncle, 1773 ; distinguished for his philosophical researches; M.P., F.RS.; died 1804. Philip Stanhope, fifth Earl of Chester- field, born 1755:; succeeded his cousin, 1773 ; Master of the Horse; Ambassador to Spain; K.G. ; died 1815-. David Garrick, born 17 17; the famous actor; died 1779. 1778. Charles MANNERs,MarquessofGranby, Dukeof Rutland, born 1754; succeeded his father, 1770, and his grandfather as fourth Duke of Rutland, 1779; M.P.; Lord Steward of the Household, Lord Privy Seal; Viceroy of Ireland; K.G.; died 1787. John Dawson, born 1744; eldest son Earl of of first Viscount Carlow; M.P. ; Portarlington. succeeded his father, 1779; created Earl of Portarlington, 1785"; married daughter of Earl of Bute; died 1798. Sir Richard Worsley, Bart., of Appul- durcombe, born 175: 1 ; succeeded as seventh baronet, 1768; British Resident at Venice; travelled in Greece, Asia Minor, and Italy, and formed an important collection of ancient marbles, published as the Museum Worsleyanum in 1794, and now at Brocklesby Park; M.P.,F.R.S.; died 1805-. the Society of Dilettanti 273 Mr. George Colman. Mr.Fortescue. 1778 {continued). George Colman, born 1751; the eminent dramatist; died 1794. Hugh Fortescue, torn 175:3 • eldest son of second Baron Fortescue; M.P.; created Earl Fortescue, 1789 • F.S.A.; died 1841. Earl Fortescue. Mr. Osborne. Mr. Peachey. Sir Edward Swinburne. Mr. Lewin Smith. Marquess of Graham. Mr. Joseph Windham. Viscount Went- worth. Judge Thomas Potter. 1779. John Osborn, born 1 743 ; second son of SirDanversOsborn, Bart.; Minister to Dresden; M.P. John Peachey, born 1 749 ; only son of first Baron Selsey; M.P.; succeeded his father, 1808; died 1816. Sir Edward Swinburne, Bart., born z 7 3 3 ; younger son of third baronet; succeeded his brother as fifth baronet, 1763 ; died 1786. John Lewin Smith. James Graham, Marquess of Graham, born 1755 ; eldest son of third Duke of Montrose ; M.P. ; Vice-President of the Board of Trade; succeeded his father. 179°: Master of the Horse, Lord Chamberlain ; K.G. ; died 1836. Joseph Windham, of Felbrigg and Ears- ham, Norfolk, born 1739; traveller, scholar, and amateur ; F.R.S., F.S.A.; died 1 8 10. 1780. Thomas Noel, second Viscount Went- worth, born 1745"; only son of first viscount, and succeeded 1774; M.P.; Lord of the Bedchamber; died 181 Thomas Potter; son of Thomas Potter, wit and politician. Baron Selsey. Duke of Montrose. T X74 List of Members of Mr. John Campbell. Mr. Brown. 1780 {continued}. John Campbell, of Calder,born 1753 (?)• M.P.; created Baron Cawdor, 1796; F.R.S., F.S.A.; died 1821. Lancelot Brown, born 1749 ; M.P.; sonof 'Capability Brown'; died 1802. Baron Cawdor. Lord Caith- ness. Sir G. Onesi- phorusPaul. Mr. Charles Gore. Mr. Payne Knight. Sir Henry C. Englefield. Mr. Francis Mackenzie. 1781. John Sinclair, eleventh Earl of Caith- ness, born 1757; succeeded his father, 1779; died 1789. Sir George Onesiphorus Paul, Bart., born 1746; succeeded as second baronet, 1774; died 1820. Charles Gore, of Horksted, Yorkshire; lived many years in Florence, and travelled in Sicily with R. Payne Knight and J. Philipp Hackert in 1777, of which Goethe afterwards published the diary; resided some years at Weimar as a friend of Goethe; died 1807. Richard Payne Knight, of Downton, Herefordshire, born 17^0 ; resided in Italy for several years; distin- guished as an amateur and antiquary; M.P. ; bequeathed his collections to the British Museum ; died 1824. Sir Henry Charles Englefield, Bart., born 1752; succeeded his father, 1780; distinguished as an antiquary and man of science; President of the Society of Antiquaries; Secretary to the Society, i~ 1822. -1822; died 1782. Francis Humberston Mackenzie, born 175-4; M.P.; Lieutenant-General in the Army ; Governor of Barbadoes ; created Baron St afoith, 1797; F.R.S.; died 18 iy. Baron Seaforth. the Society of Dilettanti z^f Mr. Johnnes. 1783. Thomas Johnes, of Llanvairclydogau and Hafod, born 1 748 ; M.P. ; printer and antiquary; died 1816. Sir George Beaumont. 1784. Sir George Howland Beaumont, Bart., born 1758 ; succeeded his father as seventh baronet, 1762; the eminent amateur and collector; died 1817. Mr. Bowles. Mr. Ellis. 1785. Oldfield Bowles, of North Aston, Oxford, born CO. died i8to. 174°, John Thomas Ellis, of Wyddial, born 175-6; M.P.; died 1836. Mr. Metcalfe. Mr. Knight. Mr. Sylvester Douglas. Mr. Townley. 1786. Philip Metcalfe, born 1733; younger son of Roger Metcalfe, of Hawstead, Suffolk; M.P.,F.R.S.,F.S.A.; friend and executor of Sir Joshua Reynolds ; amateur and scholar; Treasurer to the Society, 1794; died 18 18. Edward Knight, of Wolverley, Wor- cestershire; born 1734; first cousin to Richard Payne Knight; died 1812. Sylvester Douglas, born 1743; M.P.; Chief Secretary for Ireland; Pay- master-General, Surveyor-General of Wooc's and Forests; F.R.S.; created Baron Glenbervie, 1800; married a daughter of Lord North; died 18x3. Charles Townley (or Towneley), of Towneley, born 1737; F.R.S.,F.S.A.; the eminent collector of marbles and antiquities, which he bequeathed to the British Museum. t 1 Baron Glenbervie. List of Members of Mr. Roger Wilbraham. Mr. Henry Crathorne. Mr. James Dawkins. Mr. Cous- maker. Mr. Crache- rode. Mr.Symmons. Mr. Charles W.Herbert. Col. Mitford. Dr. Ash. Mr. William Parsons. Mr.Christian. 1786 (continued). Roger Wilbraham, born 175:0; younger son of Roger Wilbraham, of Nant- wich; collector of pictures and books; M.P., F.R.S., F.S.A.J died 1836-. Henry Crathorne ; F.R.S. ; died 1797- 1787. James Dawkins, of Over Norton, Oxford, born 1760; nephew of the explorer ; M.P. ; assumed name of Colyear; died 1843. George Kein Hayward Coussmaker; M.P. ; Colonel in the Army; married daughter of Lord Clifford ; died 1801. R EV . C LAYTON MoRD AUNT C R ACHERODE, born 1730; the eminent collector of books and engravings, which he bequeathed to the British Museum; F.R.S., F.S.A.; died 175,9. (Pro- posed by the Society.) John Symmons. Charles W. Herbert. William Mitford, of Exbury, Hants, born 1744; Colonel in the Militia; author of the History of Greece; M.P., F.S.A.; died 1817. John Ash, born 1713; M.D., F.R.S. ; founder of the Eumelian Society ; died 1798. 1788. William Parsons, F.R.S. ; poet and member of the 1 Delia Cruscan ' Society ; joint author of The Florence Miscellany. John Christian, of Milata and Ewan- rigg ; M.P.; assumed name of Curwen; died l8ac,. the Society of "Dilettanti 177 1788 (continued}, Robert Wood, son of Robert Wood, the explorer of Palmyra ; M.P., F.R.S. James Hugh Smith-Barry, of Marbury Hall, born 174.6^ - died 1801. Edward Winnington, born 1749; succeeded as second baronet- F.R.S.; died 1805-. 1789. Alexander Brodie, of Madras, born 1728 ; third son of James Brodie, of Spynie; M.P. ; died 1812. Roger Pettiward, of Great Finborough, Suffolk ; son of Roger Mortlock, D.D., afterwards Pettiward ; F.S.A. Master of the Stationers' Company ; died 1833. Sir James St. Clair Erskine, born Ij6x ; succeeded as sixth baronet, 176*) ■> General in the Army; suc- ceeded his uncle as second Earl of Rosslyn, 1805; died 1837. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart., born 1 749 ; M.P., F.R.S., F.S.A. ; a well-known amateur and collector; died 1838. Sir Edward Winnington, Bart. Earl of Rosslyn. 1790. Frederick North, born 1766; third son of second Earl of Guilford ; M.P.; Comptroller of the Customs of Lon- don; G.C.M.G., F.R.S. ; succeeded his brother as fifth Earl, 1 8 1 7 ; died 18x7. Philip Yorke, born 1757 * son of Lord Chancellor Charles Yorke ; suc- ceeded his uncle as third Earl of Hardwicke, 1790; Viceroy of Ireland; K.G. F.R.S., F.S.A. George Pocock, born F.R.S. ; created died 1840. died 1834.. 17^; M.P., a baronet, i8ai Earl of Guilford. Earl of Hardwicke. Sir George Pocock, Bart. X78 List of Members of Mr. Dundas. Mr. Bury. Mr. Stanley. Mr. Roger Palmer. Mr. Curwen. Mr. Ellis. Mr. A. M. Storer. Earl of Wycombe. I 79° {continued). Lawrence Dundas, born 1766 ; eldest son of first Baron Dundas ; succeeded his father, i8zo; created Earl of Zetland, 1838 ^ died 18351. Charles William Bury, born 1764; F.R.S.,F.S.A.; created BaronCharle- ville, 1806' • died 1835-. John Thomas Stanley, born ij66 ; M.P.; succeeded as seventh baronet ; created Baron Stanley of Alderley, 1835,- F.R.S., F.S.A.; died 185:0. John Roger Palmer; succeeded his father as second baronet ; died 18 19. John Christian Curwen (re-elected). (Re-elected.) ANraoNY Morris Storer, of Purley, born 1742 ; M.P. ; Minister Pleni- potentiary to Paris ; bibliophile, and bequeathed his library to Eton Col- lege ; died 1799. John Henry Petty, Earl of Wycombe, born 1765"; M.P. ; succeeded his father as second Marquess of Lans- downe, 1805- ; died 1809. Earl of Zetland. Baron Charle- ville. Baron Stanley of Alderley. Sir John Roger Palmer, Bart. Marquess of Lansdowne. Sir Richard Worsley. Mr. Andrew Barnard. Marquess of Abercorn. (Re-elected.) I79L Andrew Francis Barnard, born 1773; General in the Army ; distinguished in the Peninsular War; G.C.H., 1834; G.C.B., 1840; Equerry to George IV, and Clerk Marshal to Queen Adelaide ; died 1855. John James Hamilton, first Marquess of Abercorn, born 1756; succeeded his uncle as ninth Earl of Abercorn, 1789; created Marquess, 1790; K.G.; died 1818. Sir Andrew Barnard, G.C.B. the Society of Dilettanti X79 Sir Richard Colt Hoare. Mr. Thomas Lawrence. Lord Eardley. Mr. William Sotheby. Mr. Charles Long. Mr. Benjamin West. Mr. Walpole. 1792. Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart., born 175-8 ; succeeded as second baronet, 1787; the eminent traveller and antiquary; F.R.S.,F.S.A.; died 1838. Thomas Lawrence, born 1 j6y ; the eminent portrait painter and Presi- dent of the Royal Academy; Secretary to the Society, 1812-25); knighted, 1815 ; died 1830. Sampson Gideon, Lord Eardley. (Re- elected.) William Sotheby, born 175-7 • officer in the Army; author of various poems and translations of Homer, Virgil, etc.; F.R.S., F.S.A.; died 1833. Charles Long, born 1760; son of Beeston Long, of Carshalton, Surrey M.P.; Paymaster-General; G.C.B. created Baron Farnborough, 1826 a well-known amateur and patron of art ; died 1838. Benjamin West, born 1738 in Penn- sylvania; the eminent painter; Presi- dent of the Royal Academy, 1792; died 1820. Thomas Walpole, of Stagbury, born 1755; Minister to the Court of Bavaria ; died 1 84.0. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. Baron Farnborough. 1793. !; M.P., F.R.S.; Gover- Sir William Sir William Young, Bart., born 1742 ; Young. succeeded his father as second baronet, 17! nor of Tobago; died 1811. Mr. Tighe. Robert Stearne Tighe, of Mitchels- town, born 1760; F.R.S.; died 1835. Sir Henry Sir Henry Gotjgh Calthorpe, Bart., Gough born 174.5); succeeded his father as Calthorpe. second baronet, 1774; assumed name of Calthorpe, 1788; M.P. ; created Baron Calthorpe, 175X) ; died 1798. Baron Calthorpe. x8o List of Members of Colonel Fullarton. Lord Eardley. Mr. Robert Chester. William I794- Fullarton, of Fullarton, born 175-4 • M.P.; Colonel and after- wards General in the Army; raised Fullarton's horse for the war in Spain ; Commander-in-Chief in India ; Go- vernor of Trinidad ; died 1808. (Re-elected.) Robert Chester, of Bush Hall, Herts., born 1768; Master or the Ceremonies. Sir Robert Chester. Sir Robert Ainslie. Mr. Hugh Scott. Mr. Pole Carew. Mr. Womb- well. Mr.Symmons. Mr. Mathew. 1795. Sir Robert Ainslie, born 1730 (?); Ambassador to the Ottoman Porte ; M.P. ; a well-known collector of coins and other antiquities ; created a baronet, 1804.; died 181 2. Hugh Scott, born 175-8 ^ M.P. ; as- sumed name of Hepburne; succeeded his mother as Baron Polwarth, 1835"; died 1 841. Reginald Pole Carew, of Antony, Cornwall, born 17^; M.P. ; Com- missioner of Trade ; P.C., F.R.S. ; died 1835-. 1796. George Womb well, born 1769; suc- ceeded as second baronet ; died 1846. (Re-elected.) Francis James Mathew, born 1 768 ; eldest son of first Earl of Llandaff ; M.P. ; succeeded his father as second earl, 1806; died 1833. Sir Robert Ainslie, Bart. Baron Polwarth. Sir George Wombwcll. Bart. Earl of LlandafF. Sir John Throck- morton. 1797. Sir John Courtenay Throckmorton, born 1753; succeeded his grandfather as fifth baronet, 1791 ; died 18 15). the Society of "Dilettanti 281 Mr.Champer- nowne. Hon. William R. Spencer. Mr. Brian Edwards. Mr. John Hawkins. Mr. J. B. S. Morritt. Duke of Somerset. 1798 [continued). Arthur Champernowne, born 1769; son of Rev. Richard Harington, of Dartington, Devon; assumed name of Champernowne ; M.P. ; a well- known collector of pictures ; died 1819. 1799. William Robert Spencer, born 1769; second son of Lord Charles Spencer, grandson of third Duke of Marl- borough ; Commissioner of Stamps ; well known as a wit and poet of society ; died 1834.. Bryan Edwards, F.R.S., born 1743 ; author of a history of the West Indies; M.P. ; died 1800. John Hawkins, of Bignor Park, born 1758 (?); traveller and collector of antiquities; F.R.S. ; died 1841. John Bacon Sawrey Morritt, of Roke- by,born 1771 (?); travelled in Greece and Asia Minor; M.P. ; friend of Sir Walter Scott; died 1843. Edward Adolphus Seymour, Duke of Somerset, born 177?; succeeded his father, 1793 ; President of the Lin- nean Society and the Royal Institu- tion ; K.G., F.R.S.; died 185-5. 1800. Mr. W. William Drummond, born 1770 (?) ; Sir William Drummond. Minister at Naples and Ambassador Drummond. to the Ottoman Porte ; author of Odin, a poem, and various archaeo- logical works ; F.R.S. ; died 1828. Hon. John John Trevor, born 1749; younger Viscount Trevor. son of Viscount Hampden ; Minister Hampden, to Diet of Ratisbon and to Court of Sardinia ; succeeded as third Vis- count Hampden ; died i8a8. List of Members of Mr. Willet. M r . Thomas Hope. Mr. Strickland Freeman. Mr. Henry Hope. Lord John Town- shend. Lord Morpeth. Lord Northwick. Marquess of Douglas. 1800 (co?itinued}. John Willett Adye, of Merlye, born 1 744 ; assumed name of Willett ; M.P., F.S.A.; died 181 5. Thomas Hope, of Deepdene, born 1770 (?) • travelled in the East; amateur and collector; author of Anastaslus^ F.R.S., F.S.A.; died 183 1. 1801. Strickland Freeman, of Fawley Court ; born 175-4. • died 1821. Henry Hope, born 1736; banker at Amsterdam and London ; D.C.L. ; died i 81 1. John Townshend, of Balls Park, Herts, born 1757; younger son of first Marquess Townshend ; M.P. ; Pay- master-General ; wit and poet ; died 1833. 1802. George Howard, Viscount Morpeth, born 1773; eldest son of fifth Earl of Carlisle ; M.P. ; succeeded his father, 1825; Lord Privy Seal; K.G.; died 1848. John Rushout, first Baron Northwick, born 1738; succeeded as fifth baronet, 1773; M.P. ; created Baron North- wick, 175)7; an eminent collector of pictures and works of art ; died 1800. 1803. Alexander Hamilton, Marquess of Douglas, born 1767; eldest son of ninth Duke of Hamilton; M.P.; succeeded his father as tenth Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, 18 19; Ambassador to the Court of Russia Lord High Steward ; K.G eminent collector of pictures, MSS etc.; died 1852. Earl of Carlisle. 5 an Duke of Hamilton. the Society of Dilettanti 283 Col. Turner. Mr. W. Maddox. Sir John Coxe Hippisley. 1804. TOMKYNS HlLGROVE TURNER J Colonel and afterwards Major-General in the Army 3 F.R.S.; G.C.H. ; Lieut- Governor of Jersey j died 1843. William Alexander Madocks, of Tremadoc, born 1774; philanthro- pist ; M.P. ; died 1818. Sir John Coxe Hippisley, first baronet, born 1748; resided some time in Italy ; M.P. ; created a baronet, 175)6'; Manager of the British In- stitution ; F.R.S. ; died 1815-. Sir Hilgrove Turner, G.C.H. 1805. Earl Cowpcr. Lord Bor- ringdon. Mr. John Towneley. Mr. Charles Watkin Williams- Wynn. Mr. Samuel Rogers. Earl of Aberdeen. Peter Leopold Cowper, of third his brother, 1837. Nassau, fifth Earl born 1778; younger son Earl Cowper; succeeded 1799; F.R.S. ; died John Parker, second Baron Boringdon, born 177a; succeeded his father, 1788 ; created Earl of Morley, 1815-; F.R.S.; died 1840. John Towneley, of Towneley, born 173*5 F.R.S. ; died 1813. Charles Watkin Williams- Wynn, born 1775; second son of Sir Watkin Williams- Wynn, Bart. ; M.P. ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Secretary at War; F.S.A.; died 1850. Samuel Rogers, born ij6z; the eminent poet ; collector of pictures and works of art ; F.R.S.; died 185?. George Hamilton-Gordon, fourth Earl of Aberdeen, born 1784; travelled in Greece and collected antiquities; statesman, diplomatist, and scholar ; Foreign Secretary, Secretary at War, and Prime Minister; died i860. Earl of Morley. List of Members of Lord Ebrington. Dr. Charles Burney. Mr. Charles Hanbury Tracy. Sir Watkin Williams- Wynn. Hon. Henry Bennett. Lord Charle- ville. Mr. Henry Philip Hope. Mr. William Gell. Mr. Spalding. 1805 {continued^ Hugh Fortescue, Viscount Ebrington, born 1783 • eldest son of first Earl Fortescue ; M.P. ; succeeded his father, 1841; Lord Steward, Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland ; K.G. : died i8(fi. 1806. Charles Burney, born 1726 ; the emi- nent musician and author ; F.R.S. ; died 18 14. Charles Hanbury Tracy, of Todding- ton, born 1778; son of John Hanbury, of Pontypool; assumed name of Tracy; created Baron Sudeley,i838; died i8?8. Sir Watkin Williams- Wynn, Bart., born 1771; succeeded his father as fifth baronet, 1789; M.P. ; died 1840. 1807. Henry Grey Bennet, born 1777; second son of fourth Earl of Tanker- vine; died 1836". Charles William Bury, Baron Charleville (re-elected). Henry Phtlip Hope, younger brother of Thomas Hope ; banker and col- lector of works of art ; died 1839. William Gell, born 1777; son of Philip Gell, of Hopton ; knighted for his services in the Ionian Islands, 1803; travelled in Greece, the East and Italy, and on the Ionian Ex- pedition ; resided latterly at Naples ; F.R.S.; died 1836. John Spalding, of Holm, born 1763 ; M.P., F.R.S. ; died 1815-. Earl Fortescue. Baron Sudeley. Sir William Gell. the Society of "Dilettanti 1808. Mr. William Dickenson. Mr. Frederick Foster. Mr. William Wilkins. Earl of Dunmore. William Dickinson, of King's Weston, Somerset; 00011771; M.P. ; Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty ; died 1837. 1809. Frederick Foster, of Dunleer, born 1777; elder son of John Thomas and Lady Elizabeth Foster; M.P. William Wilkins, born 1778; archi- tect, Royal Academician, and author; died 1839. 1810. George Murray, fifth Earl of Dunmore, born 1762; M.P. ; succeeded his father, 1809; died 1836". 1811. Mr. W. R. William Richard Hamilton, born Hamilton. 1777 ; son of Rev. Anthony Hamil- ton, Archdeacon of Colchester ; Secretary to the Earl of Elgin in Greece ; M.P. ; Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; Minister to the Court of Naples, 1821-4; Secretary to the Society, 1830-5-9; F.R.S.; died 1879. Mr. Foster Foster Cunliffe, born 1782; eldest son Cunliffe. of Sir Foster Cunliffe, third baronet ; assumed name of Offley ; died 1832. 1812. Col. William William Sotheby, born 1781 ; son of Sotheby. William Sotheby the poet ; Colonel in the Army; died 1815-. Mr. Peregrine Peregrine Towneley, of Towneley, Towneley. born 1762; F.R.S. ; died 184.6. List of Members of Mr. Henry Drum- mond. Mr. William Fitzhugh. Mr. Edward Davenport. Major Leake. 1812. Henry Drummond, of the Grange, Hampshire, born 1785-; M.P., F.S.A.; died i860 William Southampton Fitzhugh, of M.P. banker. Millbrook, 1814. Edward Davenport [? Edward Davies Davenport, of Capesthorne, born 1778 ; died 184.7]. William Martin Leake, born 1777; Major and afterwards Colonel of Royal Artillery ; travelled in Greece, Turkey, and the East ; collector of coins and antiquities, and author ; F.R.S.: died i860. Mr. H. C. Howard. Lord Ebrington. Mr. John Hookham Frere. Marquess of Stafford. 1815. Henry Charles Howard, born 1791 ; only son of Bernard Howard, after- wards Duke of Norfolk; M.P., F.R.S.; Treasurer of the Household ; succeeded his father as Duke of Norfolk, 184.x; K.G.; Master of the Horse and Lord High Steward; died i8?6. (Re-elected.) John Hookham Frere, of Roydon Hall, born 1769 ; M.P. ; Minister to Lisbon and Ambassador to Madrid ; author and antiquary; P.C.; died 184.6. George Granville Leveson-Gower, born 1758 ; second son of second Earl Gower ; M.P. ; married to Countessof Sunderland; Ambassador to Paris, 1790-9X5 as Earl Gower; succeeded his father as Marquess of Stafford, 1803 ; created Duke of Sutherland, 1855 ; K.G. ; died 1833. Duke of Norfolk. Duke of Sutherland. the Society of Dilettanti 187 Mr. Richard Heber. Marquess of Lansdowne. Earl of Charlemont. 1815 [continued^. Richard Heber, of Hodnet, born 1773 ; M.P. ; scholar and bibliophile; died 1833. Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, third Mar- quess of Lansdowne, born 1780; M.P. ; succeeded as Earl of Kerry, and as Marquess, 1809 ; Home Sec- retary, Lord President of the Council; K.G., F.R.S.; died 1863. Francis William Caulfeild, second Earl of Charlemont, born 1775"; K.P.; died 1863. Mr. Francis Horner. Col. Legh. 1816. Francis Horner, born 1778; M.P.; statesman and political economist ; died 1817. Thomas Legh, of Lyme, born 18 14.; M.P., F.R.S., F.S.A.; died 1857. Mr. Richard West- macott. Sir John E. Swinburne. Mr. Dundas. Mr. J. N. Fazakerly. Mr. Gaily Knight. 1817. Richard Westmacott, born 177?; sculptor and Royal Academician ; knighted 1837; died 18 5- 6. Sir John Edward Swinburne, Bart., born 1762; succeeded as sixth baronet, 1 786; F.R.S., F.S.A. ; died 1860. Thomas Dundas, born 1795; eldest son of first Earl of Zetland; succeeded his father, 1839; K.T. ; died 1873. John Nicholas Fazakerly, of Stodley, Devon, and Burwood Park, Surrey, born 1787; M.P. ; traveller and antiquary; died 1851. Henry Gally Knight, born 1786 ; traveller, antiquary, and author ; M.P., F.R.S. ; assumed name of Knight ; died 184.6". Sir Richard Westmacott, R.A. Earl of Zetland. x88 List of Members of 1817 {continued}. Mr. Charles Charles Standish, of Standish Hall, Standish. born 1790 ; son of Thomas Strick- land, of Sizergh ; assumed name of Standish; died 1863. 1818. Earl of Archibald John Primrose, fourth Earl Rosebery. of Rosebery, born 1783; M.P. ; succeeded his father, 18 14; K.T., F.R.S.; died \%66. 1819. Mr. Henry Henry Hallam, born 1 777 ; the Hallam. eminent historian; F.R.S., F.S.A. ; died 185"^. Hon. Robert Robert Henry Clive, of Oakley, born Clive. 1789 ; second son of first Earl of Powis ; M.P. ; married to Baroness Windsor; died 1854. Duke of John Russell, sixth Duke of Bedford, Bedford. born 1766; M.P. ; succeeded his father, i8oa; Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland; K.G. ; died 1839. 1821. Hon. William William Ponsonby, born 1787; third Ponsonby. son of third Earl of Bessborough ; M.P., F.R.S.; created Baron de Mauley, 1838; died 1855:. Mr. William William John Bankes, of Kingston J. Bankes. Lacy, born iy%6(})$ M.P.; died 185?. Hon. G. A. George James Welbore Agar-Ellis, Ellis. born 1797; son of second Viscount Clifden; M.P., F.S.A. ; amateur and antiquary; Commissioner of Woods and Forests ; created Baron Dover, 183 1 ; died 1833. Baron de Mauley. Baron Dover the Society of "Dilettanti 189 182I (continued}. Mr. Greville Fulke Greville Upton, born 1773; Howard. second son of first Baron Temple- town; married Miss Howard of Castle Risingand assumed nameof Howard; M.P.; died 182a. Earl Clan- Richard Meade, third Earl of Gan- william. william, born 1795"; succeeded his father, 1805 ; Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs ; Ambassador at Berlin ; died 1875?. 1823. Marquess of Richard Plantagenet Temple Nu- Chandos. gent Brydges Chandos Grenville, Marquess of Chandos, born 1797; M.P. ; succeeded his father as second Duke of Buckingham, 185-9; K.G., G.C.B. ; amateur and collector at Stowe ; Lord Privy Seal ; died l%6l. Duke of Buckingham. Mr. James Christie. 1824. James Christie the younger, 1775 ; auctioneer, author ; died 183 1. amateur, born and 1826. Mr. Wood. Robert Henry Wood. Mr. Peel. Robert Peel, born 1788 ; the eminent statesman; succeeded as second baro- net, 18 jo; Prime Minister; died 1850. Sir Benjamin Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart., born Hobhouse. 17^7 ; M.P. ; created a baronet, 1811; F.R.S., F.S.A. ; died 183 1. u Sir Robert Peel, Bart. 190 List of Members of 1826 {continued}. George George Villiers, born 1800; grand- Villiers. son of first Earl of Clarendon • suc- ceeded his uncle as fourth earl 1858 ; Ambassador to Madrid ; Sec- retary for Foreign Affairs; Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland ; K.G. ; died 1870. Lord Dudley. John William Ward, fourth Viscount Dudley and Ward, born 1 78 1 ; M.P. ; succeeded his father, 181.3 ; Secretary for Foreign Affairs ; created Earl of Dudley, 18x7; died 1833. Right Hon. Frederick Robinson, born 178a; Frederick second son of second Baron Grant- Robinson, ham ; M.P. ; President of the Board of Trade ; Chancellor of the Ex- chequer; created Viscount Goderich, 181 7; Prime Minister; Lord Privy Seal; created Earl of Ripon, 1833 ; died 185-5). Sir Archibald Sir Archibald Edmonstone, Bart., Edmon- born 175)5"; succeeded his father as stone. third baronet, 1821 ; died 18 71. Earl of Clarendon. Earl of Dudley. Earl of Ripon. 1828. Capt. Fitz- George Augustus Fitzclarence, born clarence. 1704. ; eldest son of William IV and Mrs. Jordan; Captain and afterwards Colonelinthe Army; F.R.S.,F.S.A.; created Earl of Munster, 1831 ; died 184.2. Mr. Philip Philip PusEY,born 1 790; M.P., F.R.S. ; Pusey. died 185-5% Earl of Munster. 1829. Sir George Sir George Henry Staunton, Bart., Staunton. born 1781; succeeded his father as second baronet, 18 10; Commissioner to China; M.P., F.R.S. ; died 185-5,. the Society of Dilettanti 191 1830. M r. Davies Davies Giddy Gilbert, born i j6 7 ; Gilbeit. chemical philosopher and President of the Royal Society ; assumed name of Gilbert; M.P. ; died 1839. Mr. Deering. John Peter Gandy, born 1757 architect and Royal Academician travelled with Sir William Gell assumed name of Deering, 1827 M.P.; died i8?o. Sir Richard Sir Richard Rawlinson Vyvyan, Bart., Vyvyan. born 1800; succeeded his father as eighth baronet, 1820; M.P. ; died 1 8 79. Mr. Terrick Terrick Hamilton, born 1781 ; Hamilton. younger son of Archdeacon of Col- chester, and brother of W. R. Hamilton; diplomatist; residedsome time in Greece; died 1876. Mr. M. A. Martin Archer Shee, born 1769 ; por- Shee. trait painterand Royal Academician; President of the Royal Academy, and knighted, 1830; Painter to the Society; died I8JO. Sir Henry Sir Henry Bunbury, born 1778; son of Bunbury. Henry E. Bunbury, artist ; succeeded his uncle as baronet, 1820; General in the Army; M.P.,F.S.A.; died i860. Sir Martin Archer Shee, P.R.A. 1831. Earl of Du Pre Alexander, second Earl of Caledon. Caledon, born 1777 ; succeeded his father, 1 802 ; first Governor of Cape Colony; died 1839. Mr. Mount- Mountstuart Elphinstone, born 1 7 79; stuart El- fourth son of eleventh Baron Elphin- phinstone. stone ; Indian Civil Service ; Envoy to Afghanistan ; Governor of Bom- bay ; died 185-9. U 2 Viscount Valletort. Mr. Barthole- mew Frere. Mr. C. R. Vaughan. Earl of Beverley. Lord Burg- hersh. Sir Robert Gordon. Mr. Charles Sheridan. Marquess of North- ampton. List of Members of 1831 {conthiued}, Ernest Augustus Edgcumbe, Viscount Valletort, born 1797 ; eldest son of second Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe ; Officer in the Guards; M.P.; suc- ceeded his father as third earl, 1839 ; died 1Z66. Bartholomew Frere, born ij66 ; Am- bassador to Madrid ; died 18 yi. 1832. Charles Robert Vaughan, born 177?; Minister to the United States; G.C.B.; died 18+9. George PERCY,second Earl of Beverley, born 1778 ; M.P. ; succeeded his father, 1830; Lord of the Bed- chamber ; succeeded his cousin as fifth Duke of Northumberland, 1865- ; Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard; died 186 7. John Fane, Viscount Burghersh, born 1784; General in the Army; Am- bassador to Berlin and Vienna ; suc- ceeded as eleventh Earl of West- morland; G.C.B. ; wrote several operas; died 1859. Sir Robert Gordon, born 1791; younger brother of fourth Earl of Aberdeen; Ambassador to Vienna, Brazil, and Constantinople; G.C.B., G.C.H.; died 184.7. Charles Brinsley Sheridan, born 175)6; son of Richard Brinsley Sheridan by his second wife ; travelled in Greece and translated Songs of Greece ; died 1843. Spencer John Alwyne Compton, second Marquess of Noithampton, born 1790; M.P. ; resided some years in Italy ; succeeded his father, 1828; President of the Royal Society and of the Royal Society of Anti- quaries ; died 1851. Earl of Mount- Edgcumbe. Sir Charles R. Vaughan, G.C.B. Duke of North- umberland. Earl of West- morland. the Society of Dilettanti 293 Marquess of Douglas. Mr. George Aylmer. Duke of Buccleuch. Sir Stratford Canning. Capt. Charles Sotheby. Mr. Henry Hope. Mr. Alex- ander Baring. Lord Prudhoe. Mr. John Fuller. Sir Charles Bagot. 1833. William Alexander Hamilton, Mar- quess of Douglas, born 1811 ; suc- ceeded his father as Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, iS^z; died 1863. George Aylmer, of Petersfield, Hants. 1834. Walter Francis Scott, fifth Duke of Buccleuch and seventh Duke of Queensberry, born 1806 ; succeeded his father, 1819; Lord President of the Council ; K.G. ; President of the Society of Antiquaries and of the British Association, 1867; died 1 88+. Sir Stratford Canning, born 1786 • Ambassador tothe Ottoman Porte and the United States ; G.C.B., M.P. ; created Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, 1852; K.G.; died i860. Charles Sotheby ; Captain R.N. and Rear-Admiral ; died 1854. Henry Thomas Hope, of Deepdene, born 1808; M.P. ; collector of pictures, marbles, vases, etc.; died i26i. Alexander Baring, born 1774; second son of Sir Francis Baring, Bart. ; M.P. ; President of the Board of Trade ; Minister to the United States ; created Baron Ashburton, 1835; amateur and collector; died 1848. Algernon Percy, born 1791; brother of third Duke of Northumberland; Admiral R.N. ; created Baron Prud- hoe, 1 8 16; succeeded his brother as fourth duke, 1847 ; K.G.; died 1865. John Fuller, of Chesham. Sir Charles Bagot, born 1781 ; second son of first Baron Bagot ; Minister to the Netherlands; Governor-General of Canada; G.C.B. ; died 1843. Duke of Hamilton. Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. Baron Ashburton. Duke of North- umberland. List of Members of 1834 {continued}. William A'Court, first Baron Hcytcs- bury, born 1779; Ambassador to Naples, Madrid, Lisbon, St. Peters- burg, etc.; created Baron Heytesbury, 1 8x8; Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland; G.C.B.; died i860. 1835. John Mansfield, of Diggeswell House, Herts. ; son of Lord Chief Justice Mansfield; died 184.1. George Robert Smith, of Selsdon, born 175)3 ; M.P.; died 1865). David Baillie, F.R.S. Philip Davies Cooke, of Owston and Gwysaney, born 1793 ; amateur and antiquary; died 185-3. 1836. Edward James Dawkins, born 175)1; Minister at Athens; died 1865:. 1837. William Vesey-Fitzgerald, born 1783; M.P.; Chancellor of the Exchequer and First Lord of the Treasury in Ireland ; Minister to Stockholm ; succeeded his mother as Baron Fitzgerald and Vesey, 1^1 ; F.R.S. ; died 184.3. Charles Richard Fox, born 1796; son of third Baron Holland ; Colonel and Major-General in the Army ; M.P. ; collector of Greek coins ; Surveyor-General of the Ordnance ; died 1873. George Vivian ; amateur and collector of pictures. the Society of Dilettanti 1837 (continued). Marquess of James Hamilton, second Marquess of Abercorn. Abercorn, born 1811; succeeded his grandfather, 1818; Lord-Lieu- tenant of Ireland ; created Duke of Abercorn, 18^8 • K.G.; died 1885. Duke of Abercorn, K. 1838. Lord Wharn- James Archibald Stuart- Wortley, cliffe. first Baron Wharncliffe, born 1776 ; M.P.; Lord Privy Seal, Lord Pre- sident of the Council; created Baron Wharncliffe, \%x6; died 184. 5*. Mr. Walter Walter Campbell, of Islay, born 1798; Campbell. M.P. ; died 1855. 1839. Sir John Cam Sir John Cam Hobhouse, Bart., born Hobhouse. I 75 ,( >; succeeded as second baronet, 1 83 1 • M.P., F.R.S.j created Baron Broughton of Giftbrd, 1 8 5 1 ; die d 1 8 6 9 . Baron Broughton. 1840. Sir John Sir John Stuart Hippisley, Bart., born Hippisley. 1791 j died 1867. 1841. Mr. Charles Charles Towneley, of Townelcy, born Towneley. 1803 ; F.R.S., F.S.A.; died 1876. Sir Augustus Sir Augustus Foster, Bart., born 1780; Foster. younger son of Mr. J. T. Foster, of Dunleer, and Lady Elizabeth Foster ; Minister to the United States, Sweden, Denmark, etc. ; created a baronet, 1831; G.C.H.; died 184.8. Mr. Robert Robert Stayner Holford, of Weston- Holford. birt and Dorchester House, born 1808; M.P. ; a well-known amateur and collector of works of art; died 1891. List of Members of Sir Thomas Colebrooke. Mr. Horsman Solly. Mr. Beriah Botfield. Mr. Keith Stewart Mackenzie. Mr. Edward Tunno. Sir Edward Ryan. Mr. Charles L. Eastlake. Major-Gen. Kenah. Mr. Quintin Dick. 1843. SirThomas Edward Colebrooke, Bart., of Crawford, born 1813; succeeded his uncle as fourth baronet, 1838; M.P. ; died 1890. 1844. Richard Horsman Solly, born 1778 ; F.R.S. ; died 1858. Beriah Botfield, born 1807; M.P., F.R.S. ; eminent book-collector and antiquary - died 1863. 1846. Keith Stuart Mackenzie, of Seaforth, born 1818 j died 1881. 1847. Edward Rose Tunno, of Llangennech, born 1796 (?); M.P. ; died 1874.. 1848. Sir Edward Ryan, born 1793 • Chief Justice of Bengal ; Assistant Comp- troller of the Exchequer, 185-1-62; Civil Service Commissioner, 1862; F.R.S.; Acting-Secretary of the Society, 185-9-63; Secretary, 1863- 5-7 ; P.C; died 1875. Charles Lock Eastlake, born 1793; painter and Royal Academician; Pre- sident of the Royal Academy, and knighted, 185-0; Director of the National Gallery; F.R.S. ; died 1865-. Thomas Kenah, born 1782; Major- General in the Army; K.C.B. ; died 1868. Quintin Dick, born 1777; M.P. ; died 1858. Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, P.R.A. Sir Thomas Kenah, K.C.B. the Society of Dilettanti 197 Mr. Hugh A. J. Munro. Mr. Walter Ewer. Mr. James Broderip. Marquess of Northamp- ton. 1 Mr. F. C. Penrose. Mr.Monckton Milnes. Lord Cran- stoun. Mr. William Stirling. Mr. G. Dodd. Mr. Danby Seymour. 1850. Hugh Andrew Johnstone Munro, of Novar, born son of Sir Alexander Munro ; a well-known collector of pictures ; died \%6\. 1851. Walter Ewer, F.R.S. William John Broderip, born 1789; eminent naturalist and bencher of Gray's Inn ; F.L.S., F.R.S., F.G.S. ; died 185-5). Charles Douglas Compton, third Marquess of Northampton, born 1 8 16; succeeded his father, 1851; died 1877. 1852. Francis Cranmer Penrose, born 18 17; architect and author; F.R.S., F.R.I.B.A.; Father of the Society, i8c>8. Monckton Milnes, born created Baron politician; Houghton, F.R.S. ; died 1885-. Richard 181 9 ; poet, wit, and M.P.; Charles Frederick, eleventh Baron Cranstoun, born 1825) ; died 1869. 1853. William Stirling, of Keir, born 1 8 1 8 ; succeeded his uncle as ninth baronet, 186?; assumed name of Maxwell; M.P.; amateur and historian of art; K.T.; died 1878. George Dodd, M.P. Henry Danby Seymour, of Knoyle, born 1820; Secretary to the Board of Control; died 1877. Baron Houghton. Sir William Stirling- Maxwell, Bart. 1 Member of the Society, 1898. List of Members of Mr. Van de Weyer. Mr. William Wells. Mr. George Tomline. Hon. Francis Charteris. Hon. Charles Hardinge. 1853 [continued). Sylvain Van de Weyer, of New 1802; died Lodge, Windsor, born Belgian Minister to England • 1874. William Wells, of Holmewood, Hunt- ingdonshire, born 181 7; M.P. • son of the well-known amateur and collector of works of art ; married daughter of Earl of Wemyss ; died 1889. George Tomline, of Orwell Park, Suffolk, born 1812; M.P.; died 1889. Francis Charteris, born 181 8; eldest son of eighth Earl of Wemyss ; for many years known as Viscount Elcho, M.P., collector . well-known succeeded as amateur and ninth Earl of Wemyss, 1883. Charles Stewart Hardinge, born 1 8-ia ; succeeded his father as second viscount, 1856'; M.P.; Trustee of the National Gallery and National Por- trait Gallery; F.S.A.; died 1804.. Earl of Wemyss. Viscount Hardinge. Lord Ward. Sir Francis Scott. Mr. J. Leslie. Lord Foley. 1854. William, Baron Ward, elder son of tenth Baron Ward; born 181 7; an eminent patron and collector of works of art; created Earl of Dudley, i860 ; died 1885. Sir Francis Edward Scott, Bart., born 1814 ; succeeded his father as baronet, 1 8 5 1, and his grandfather in the Bateman baronetcy, 1824; assumed name of Bateman-Scott; died 1863. John Leslie, of Glaslough,co.Monaghan, born 1822; M.P. ; amateur artist; created a baronet, 18 j6. Thomas Henry, sixth Baron Foley, born 1808; MP.; Captain of the Corps of Gentlemen at Arms; died 1869. Earl of Dudley. Sir John Leslie, Bart. the Society of 'Dilettanti 199 1854 {continued). Sir Thomas Erskine Perry, born i8o£ ; Judge of Supreme Court of Bombay • M.P.; died 1882. Robert Henry Cheney, of Badger, co. Salop; born 1801 ; died 1886". Frederick Temple- Blackwood, fifth Baron Dufferin and Clandeboye, born 1 826 ; succeeded his father, 1 8+1 ; created Earl of DufFerin, 1 8 7 1 ; Gover- nor-General of Canada, Viceroy of India; Ambassador to St. Peters- burg, Constantinople, and Paris ; M.P.,G.C.B.,G.C.S.I.,6cc; created Marquesa of Dufferin and Ava, 1888; P.C. William Watkiss Lloyd, born 181 3 ; an eminent writer on art ; Acting Secretary to the Society, 1888-9; died 1803. Sir John William Ramsden, Bart., born 183 1 ; succeeded his grandfather as fifth baronet, 1839; M.P. Hay, 1855. Earl of Giffbrd, born George 1 8x2 ; eldest son of eighth Marquess of Tweeddale; M.P. ; died 1862. Alexander James Beresford-Hope, born 1 820 ; son of Thomas Hope, of Deepdene ; M.P. ; a well-known amateur of art and literature Trustee of the British Museum and the National Portrait Gallery ; P.C. died 1887. John Benjamin Heath, born 1790 Consul-General for kingdom of Italy; director of the Bank of England; created a Baron of the Italian kingdom; F.R.S.; died 1879. John Lodge Ellerton, born 1801 ; musical composer; assumed name of Elleiton,; died 1873. Marquess of Dufferin. Right Hon. A.J. Bercs- ford-Hope, M.P. Baron Heath. 3oo Earl Somers. Mr. Ponsonby Barker. 1 Sir William Fraser. Baron Maro- chetti. Lord Ernest Bruce. Mr. A. Panizzi. Mr. Ralph Neville- Grenville. 1 Mr.Corn- wallis Cartwright. Mr. C. R. Cockerell. Hon. Robert Windsor- Clive. List of Members of 1855 (cont'mued), Charles Somers-Cocks, third Earl Somers, born 1 8 ic> • M.P. ; succeeded his father, iS^xj Trustee of the British Museum and National Por- trait Gallery • died 1883. 1857. William Ponsonby Barker, of Kil- cooley, born 1795; died 1877. Sir William Augustus Fraser, Bart., born 1 ; succeeded his father as fourth baronet, 1834 j M.P. ; author. Carlo Marochetti, born 181 5; sculptor and Royal Academician • Baron of the Italian kingdom • died 1867. Ernest Bruce, born 181 1 ; second son of first Marquis of Ailesbury ; Vice- Chamberlain of the Household ; succeeded his brother as third mar- quess, 1878- P.C.j died 1886. Antonio Panizzi, born 1 707 ; principal librarian of the British Museum j knighted, 1869; died 1879. 1858. RALPHNEVILLE-GRENVILLE,of Butleigh, born 1817- eldest son of Dean of Windsor- M.P.- died 1886. William Cornwallis Cartwright, of Aynhoe, born 18x5 • M.P. Charles Robert Cockerell, born 1788; architect, author, and Royal Academician - died 1863. 1859. Robert Windsor-Clive, born 1824; eldest son of Baroness Windsor j died 1 85: p. Marquess of Ailesbury. Sir Anthony Panizzi. Meinbei of the Society, 189S. the Society of Dilettanti 301 Lord Ravens- worth. Lord Delamere. Mr. Thomas Baring. Marquess d'Azeglio. Mr. C. T. Ntwton. Mr. Cyril Graham. Mr. Peter Dickson. Sir Matthew White Ridley. Mr. Thomas Gaisford. 1859 (continued), Henry Thomas Liddell, third Baron Ravensworth, born i 797 M.P. succeeded his father, iSf?; created Earl of Ravensworth, 1874; died 1878. l86l. Hugh Cholmondeley, second Baron Delamere, born 1811; M.P. ; suc- ceeded his father, 1855 ; died 1887. Thomas Baring, born 1799; M.P. • Director of the Bank of England • F.R.S.; died 1873. Massimo Tapparelli, Marchese di Azeglio, born 1800; Italian novelist, patriot, and statesman; died i%66. 1863. Charles Thomas Newton, born 1816"; Vice-Consul at Mitylene ; archae- ologist, explorer, and Keeper of the Department of Classical Antiquities at the British Museum ; K.C.B., 1887 ; died 1894. Cyril Clerke Graham, born 1834; third son of second baronet of Kirkstall; succeeded his brother as fifth baronet, 1890; Governor of Grenada, 1877-77; C.M.G. ; died 1897. Peter Dickson. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart., born 1807 ; succeeded his father as fourth baronet, 1836; M.P. ; died 1877. 1864. Thomas Gaisford, of Offington, born 18 16; son of the Dean of Christ Church; Captain in the Army. Earl of Ravens- worth. Sir Charles Thomas Newton, K.C.B. Sir Cyril Graham, Bart. List of Members of Mr. Charles Buxton. Lord Somers. Mr. Arthur Russell. Mr. Christo- pher Sykes. Hon. E. Twisleton. Mr. Frederic Leighton. Mr. Charles B. Marlay. Mr. Baillie Cochrane. 1864 {continued). Charles Buxton, of Foxwarren, Surrey, born 1 8 ii- younger son of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart.; M.P.; died 1871. Charles Somers-Cocks, third Earl Somers. (Re-elected.) Arthur Russell, born 18 a? ; second son of Lord George Russell and brother of seventh Duke of Bedford; M.P.; died 1891. Christopher Sykes, of Brantingham- thorpe, born 183 1; younger son of Sir Tatton Sykes, Bart, ; M.P. 1865. Edward Twisleton, born 1 809; younger son of Baron Saye and Sele; Com- missioner for Public Schools and Civil Service; died 1874.. Frederic Leighton, born 1830 ; painter and Royal Academician; President of the Royal Academy; created a baronet, 1886, and Baron Leighton of Stretton, 1896; died 1896. Charles Brinsley Marlay, of Bel- vedere, co. Westmeath, born 1829. Alexander Dundas Cochrane-Baillie (afterwards Baillie Cochrane), born 1 8 id; M.P. ; created Baron Laming- Lord Arthur Russell. ton, 1. Jo; P.C.; died 1890. Baron Leighton of Stretton, P.R.A. Baron Laming- ton. Mr. Wode- house Currie. Sir Coutts Lindsay. 1866. George Wodehouse Currie, born 1 826; banker; died 1887. Sir Coutts Lindsay, Bart., of Bal- carres, born 1824.; succeeded his maternal grandfather as second baronet, 1837. the Society of Dilettanti Earl Cathcart. Mr. Edmond Waterton. Mr. Reginald Cholmon- deley. Earl of Warwick. Lord Wenlock. Mr. Butler Johnstone. Col. George W.Higgin- son. Sir Henry Lytton- Bulwer. Mr. Charles Wynn- Finch. l866 (continued}, Alan Frederick, Earl Cathcart, born 1828; succeeded his father as third earl, 185:9. Edmund Waterton, of Walton Hall, Yorkshire, born 1830; Chamberlain to Pope Pius IX- F.S.A.; died 1887. Reginald Cholmondeley, of Condover Hall; born 1826; died 1896. George Grey Warwick and Brooke of Greville, Earl , born 1828; succeeded his father as fourth earl, 185-3 ) died 18^3. Beilby Richard Lawley, Baron Wenlock, born 1818; succeeded his father as second baron, 185a; died 1880. 1867. Henry Alexander Butler-Johnstone, born 1837- grandson of twenty- second Baron Dunboyne ; assumed name of Johnstone ; M.P. George Wentworth Higginson, born of 1826; Colonel Guards, and General ; the Grenadier Lieutenant- Governor of the Tower of London ; K.C.B. and Knight of the Legion of Honour. 1869. William Henry LYTTON-BuLWER,born 1 80 1 ; younger brother of first Baron Lytton ; M.P. ; Minister to United States, and Ambassador to Madrid and Constantinople • created Baron Dalling and Bulwer, 1871 j K.C.B., P.C. ; died 1892. Charles Wynne-Finch, of Voelas, born 1 81 5- 3 M.P.- died 1874.. General Sir George Wentworth Higginson, K.C.B. Baron Dalling and Bulwer. List of Members of Mr. George Macleay. Mr. Edward John Sartoris. Sir John Sebright. 1 Mr. Richard H. Paget. 1 Earl of Roscbery. 1 Mr. Edward J. Stanley. Mr. Frederick Pollock. » Lord Col- chester. Col. Dudley Carleton. 1 Mr. Charles Milnes- Gaskell. 1869 (continued'). George Macleay, born 1809 ; Member of Legislature of New South Wales - y K.CM.G. 1879 •■> died l8 9 I - Edward John Sartoris, born 18 17; M.P. ; lived many years in Rome • married Miss Adelaide Kemble; died 1888. Sir John Gage Saunders-Sebright, Bart., born 184.3; succeeded his father as ninth baronet, 1864. j died 1890. 1870. Richard Horner Paget, born 183a; M.P. ; created a baronet, 1886; P.C. 1895. Archibald Philip Primrose, Earl of Rosebery, born 1 847 ; succeeded his grandfather as fifth earl, 1868; Lord Privy Seal ; Secretary for Foreign Affairs- Prime Minister; K.G., P.C. Edward James Stanley, of Quantock, born 1826- M.P. William Frederick Pollock, born 1815"; succeeded his father as second baronet, 1870; Queen's Remem- brancer ; Secretary to the Society, 1875-88 ; died 1888. Reginald 1871. Charles Abbot, Baron Colchester, born 1 84a ; succeeded his father as third baron, i8dc). Dudley Wilmot Carleton, born 1 822 ; succeeded his cousin as fourth Baron Dorchester, 1875; died 1897. Charles Milnes-Gaskell, born 1842 ; M.P. Sir George Macleay, K.CM.G. Rt. Hon. Sir Ri- chard Horner Paget, Bart. Sir William Frederick Pollock, Bart. Baron Dorchester. Member of the Society, 189S. the Society of Dilettanti 305* Mr. Knight Watson. 1 Mr. Sidney Colvin. Mr. George Howard. Mr. Charles Watkin Williams- Wynn. Lord Acton. 1 Mr. M. E. Grant-Duff! 1 Sir Robert Cunliffe. Hon. H. F. Cowper. Mr. W. H. Halliday. 1871 (continued), Christopher Knight Watson ; Secretary of the Society of Anti- quaries. Sidney Colvin, born 1 84.5: ; Slade Professor of Fine Art at Cambridge ; Keeper of the Department of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum ; Secretary to the Society, 1891-96. George James Howard, born 1 843 • grandson of the sixth Earl of Car- lisle; M.P. ; succeeded his uncle as ninth earl, 1889; Trustee of the National Gallery. Charles Watkin Williams- Wynn, of Coed-y-Maen, born 1812; M.P.; Recorder of Oswestry. 1872. John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton, born 1837; succeeded his father as eighth baronet; M.P.; created Baron Acton, 1869; Regius Pro- fessor of History at Cambridge. MoUNTSTUART ELPHINSTONE GrANT- Duff, born 1 819 ; M.P.; Governor of Madras; K.CS.I. ; P.C. 1873. Sir Robert Alfred Cunliffe, Bart., born 1839; succeeded his grand- father as fifth baronet, 1859; M.P. Henry Frederick Cowper, born 1836; second son of sixth Earl Cowper; M.P.; died 1887. William HALLiDAY-HALLiDAY,of Glen- thorne, born 1 818 ; assumed name of Halliday instead of that of Cos- way. Earl of Carlisle. Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant-DufF. 1 Member of the Society, 1898. X List of Members of Marquess of Lansdowne. Viscount Newry. Hon. Everard Primrose. 1873 {continued). Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitz- matjrice, Marquess of Lansdowne, born 1 84. y ; succeeded his father as fifth marquess, i%66 ; Governor- General of Canada, and Viceroy of India; K.G., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., &c; Secretary of State for War ; Trustee of the National Gallery; P.C. Francis Charles Needham, Viscount Newry, born 1842; M.P.; succeeded his grandfather as third Earl of Kil- morey, 1880 ; K.P. Everard Henry Primrose, born 184.8 ; younger brother of Earl of Rosebery; Colonel Grenadier Guards; Military Attache at Vienna; died 1885". Earl of Kilmorey. Mr. Paul Butler. Sir Henry Thompson. Mr. James Fergusson. Mr. Thomas Brassey. 1875. Paul Butler, of Wyck Hill, Glouces- tershire; died 1875". Sir Henry Thompson, born i8zo; the eminent surgeon ; also distinguished as an artist; knighted, 1867. James Fergusson, born 1808; architect and writer on Classical Architecture ; died 1 886. 1876. Thomas Brassey, born 1836; Lord of the Admiralty; created Baron Brassey, 1886 ; Governor of Victoria. Baron Brassey. Viscount Powers- court. Mr. Stewart Hodgson. 1877. Mervyn E. Wingfield, Viscount Powerscourt, born 1836; succeeded his father as seventh viscount, 1 844 ; K.P.; P.C. James Stewart Hodgson, of Lyth Hill, Haslemere, born 18x7. the Society of Dilettanti ion Mr. G. S. Venables. Mr. Algernon Mitford. Mr. Edward Herries. Mr. A. G. Dew-Smith. 1 Mr. William J. Farrer. Mr. John Ball. Viscount Enfield. 1 Mr. Pember. Mr. F. W. Burton. 1877 {continued?). George Stovin Venables, born 1810; son of Archdeacon of Carmarthen: Q\C.; died 1888. Algernon Bertram Mitford, born 1837; Secretary to the Office of Works; assumed name of Free- man-Mitford, 1886. 1878. Edward Herries, born 1815:; in the diplomatic service ; C.B. Albert George Dew-Smith, of Trinity College, Cambridge; amateur and collector. William James Farrer, born 1822; High Bailiff to the City of Westmin- ster and Solicitor to the Grenadier Guards; collector of pictures; knighted 1887. John Ball, born 1818; son of Right Hon. Nicholas Ball; editor of The Alpine Guide ; M.P. ; Under Secretary of State for the Colonies ; died 1889. 1879. George Henry Charles Byng, Viscount Enfield, born 1830; M.P.; Under- Secretary for Foreign Affairs and for India ; called to House of Lords as Baron Strafford; succeeded his father as third Earl of Strafford, 18 86; Secretary to the Society, 1889-91 ; died 1898. Edward Henry Pember, born 1833 ; Q\C. 1874; Secretary to the Society, 1896. Frederick William Burton, born 1816"; painter and member of the Royal Hibernian Academy; Director of the National Gallery; knighted 1 8 84 ; Painter to the Society. 1 Member of the Society, 1898. Sir William James Farrer. Earl of Strafford. Sir Frederick William Burton. go8 List of Members of 1 Professor Jebb. Sir Charles S. Bowen. Earl Lytton. Mr. Nevill Story- Maskelyne. Mr. Charles Elton. Viscount Barrington. 1 Mr. Horace Davey. Sir Watkin Williams- Wynn. 1880. Richard Claverhouse Jebb, born 1 84.1 ; Regius Professor of Greek at Cam- bridge- M.P. 1881. Sir Charles Synge Bowen, born 1836; distinguished as a lawyer and scholar ; Lord Justice and Lord of Appeal ; created Baron Bowen ; P.C. ; died 1894. Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, Earl of Lytton, born 183 1 ; only son of first Baron Lytton; succeeded his father as second baron, 1873 j created Earl of Lytton, 1880; Minister to Lisbon; Viceroy of India and Ambassador to Paris ; G.C.B., G.C.S.I. ; author of various poems; P.C; died 1891. Mervin Henry Nevil lyne, born 18x3 ; Story-Maske- Professor of Mineralogy at Oxford ; F.R.S. ; M.P. 1882. Charles Isaac Elton, born QjC.; M.P.; author of 1835); numerous learned etc. works on law, antiquities, George William, Viscount Barrington, born 1814; succeeded his father as seventh viscount, 1867 ; Vice Cham- berlain of the Household; M.P.; P.C; died 1886. Horace Davey, born 1833; Q.C; M.P.; Attorney-General; knighted 1886; Lord of Appeal; created Baron Davey, 185)4; P.C 1883. Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, Bart., of Wynnstay, born 1820; M.P. ; died 1885-. Baron Bowen. Baron Davey. 1 Member of the Society, 189S. the Society of "Dilettanti 309 Mr. R. M. Newton. Earl of Onslow. Sir Robert Collier. 1883 {continued). Robert Milnes Newton, born 1! 1 Sir Reginald Beauchamp. Mr. H. Jerningham. Mr. J. Russell Lowell. 1 Mr. Arbuth- not. Mr. Cyril Flower. 1 Lord Robert Bruce. Mr. Alexan- der Den- nistoun. son of William Newton, of Elveden • Magistrate at Marlborough Street, London, 1866-97. William Hillier Onslow, Earl of Onslow, born 185:3 ; succeeded his cousin as fourthearl, 1870 ; Governor of New Zealand ; G.C.M.G. Sir Robert Porrett Collier, born 18 17; M.P. ; Solicitor-General and Attorney-General ; Judge of Judicial Committee of Privy Council; created Baron Monkswell, 1885 ; P.C. ; died 1886. 1884. Sir Reginald Proctor Beauchamp, Bart., born 185-3; succeeded his father as fifth baronet, 1874. Hubert Edward Henry Jerningham, born 1 84a ; M.P. ; Consul General at Belgrade ; Governor of Mauritius and of Trinidad ; knighted 185)3. James Russell Lowell, born 18 19; poet and man of letters ; Minister for the United States to England ; died 1891. Foster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot, born 1833 ; second son of second baronet ; Bombay Civil Service. 1885. Cyril Flower, born 184.3; M.P. ; Lord of the Treasury ; created Baron Battersea, 1892. Robert Brudenell- Bruce, fourth son of third Marquess of Ailesbury, born 1845- ; R.N. Alexander Dennistoun, born 1818 ; died 1893. Baron Monks- well. Sir Hubert Edward Jerningham, K.C.M.G. Baron Battersea. Member of the Society, 1 898. List of Members of 1 Sir Reginald Welby. Mr. Robert H. Meade. 1 Lord Houghton. Mr. H. B. Mildmay. Mr. Phelps. 1 LordHylton. 1 Mr. W. Tyssen- Amherst. 1 Sir George Errington. 1 Mr. Justice Chitty. Col. Duncan. 1886. Sir Reginald Earle Welby, born 1831; Permanent Secretary to the Treasury; G.C.B. ; created Baron Welby, 1894; Secretary to the Society, 1896. Robert Henry Meade, born 1835; second son of third Earl of Clanwil- liam ; Permanent Under Secretary of State for the Colonies ; G.C.B. ; died 1898. Robert Offley Ashburton Milnes, Baron Houghton, born i8?8; suc- ceeded his father as second baron, 1885:; Viceroy of Ireland ; created Earl of Crewe, 1895- j P.C. Henry Bingham Mildmay, of Shore- ham, born i8z8. William Walter Phelps, born 1839 ; Minister for the United States to Great Britain. 1887. Hedworth Hylton-Jolliffe, Baron officer in the army ; M.P. ; succeeded his father Hylton, born army; M.P. ; as second baron, 1876". William Amhurst Tyssen- Amherst, of Didlington, born 1835; M.P. j created Baron Amherst of Hackney, 1891. 1888. Sir George Errington, born 1839; M.P.j created a baronet, 1 885-. Sir Joseph William Chitty, born 1 8a8 ; eminent lawyer ; Judge of the High Court of Justice j P.C. Francis Duncan, born 1836; Colonel Royal Artillery- M.P.- C.B.- died Baron Welby. Sir Robert Henry Meade, G.C.B. Earl of Crewe. Baron Amherst of Hackney. 1 Member of the Society, 1898. the Society of Dilettanti 3 11 Viscount Baring. M. Wad- dington. Lord Savile. 1 Mr. Arthur Lucas. 1 Mr. Spencer Walpole. Earl of Ellesmere. 1 Sir Ralph Thompson. Mr. Walter Leaf. 1 Sir Stafford Northcote. 1 Mr. Edward Maunde Thompson. 1 Mr. Mitchell Henry. 1889. Francis George, Viscount Baring, born iS^o- eldest son of first Earl of Northbrook. William Henry Waddington, born i8z6; Ambassador for France to Great Britain ; died 1 894.. John Savile-Lumley, Baron Savile, born 1818; Minister to Dresden, Berne, Brussels, and Ambassador at Rome; G.C.B.; created Baron Savile of Rufrbrd, Trustee of the National Gallery; P.C. ; died 18516. Arthur Lucas, born 184. 5. Spencer Walpole, born 1839; Lieut.- Governor of the Isle of Man ; Secre- tary to the Post Office; K.C.B., 1898. Francis George Granville Egerton, Earl of Ellesmere, born 1847; suc- ceeded his father as third earl, 1 86a. 1890. Sir Ralph Wood Thompson, born 1830; P.C. ; Permanent Under Secretary to War Office; K.C.B. Walter Leaf, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; Treasurer of British School at Athens. Sir Stafford Henry Northcote, born 184.6; second son of first Earl of Iddesleigh; M.P.; C.B.; Surveyor- General of the Ordnance. 1892. Edward Maunde Thompson, born 184.0; Principal Librarian of the British Museum; K.C.B. Mitchell Henry, of Kylemore, born i8a6; M.P. ' Member of the Society, 1898. Baron Savile. Sir Spencer Walpole, K.C.B. Sir Edward Maunde Thompson, K.C.B. Six 1 Mr. £. M. Under- down. 1 Sir Nigel Kingscote. Prof. Middle- ton. 1 Mr. Caven- dish-Ben- tinck. > Mr. W. M. Conway. 1 Mr. J. P. Heseltine. 1 Sir Francis Jeune. 1 Sir Francis Grenfell. Mr. W. Wickham. List of Members of 1893. Emanuel Maguire Underdown, born 1830; qx:. Sir Robert Nigel Kingscote, born 1830; Commissioner of Woods and Forests ; K.C.B. John Henry Middleton, born 1846 ; Slade Professor of Fine Art at Cam- bridge ; Director of the South Ken- sington Museum; died 1896. 1894. George Cavendish-Bentinck, born 1854.- M.P. William Martin Conway, born 18 56; Roscoe Professor of Fine Art at Liverpool; author and traveller; President of the Society of Authors ; knighted 1895-. John Postle Heseltine, born 1843 ; amateur, collector, and Trustee of the National Gallery. Sir Francis Jeune, born 1 843 ; Presi- dent of the Probate Division of the High Court ; P.C. ; Judge Advocate- General, 1891 ; K.C.B. 1897. Sir Francis Wallace Grenfell, born 1841 ; K.C.B.; Sirdar of the Egyptian Army; Inspector-General of Auxi- liary Forces. William Wickham, born 183 1 ; M.P. ; died 1897. Sir William Martin Conway. 1 Sir Colin Scott MoncriefF. Sir Colin 1895. Scott Moncrieff, born 1836; Under Secretary of Public Works at Cairo; K.C.B. 1 Member of the Society, 1898. the Society of "Dilettanti 1 Sir Anthony Hoskins. 1 Mr. E.J. Poynter. 1 Sir Barring- ton Simeon. 1 Mr. Charles Darling. 1 Dr. Aber- cromby. 1 Sir Charles Fremantle. 1 Lord Loch. 1 Sir George Robertson. 1 Mr. Douglas Freshfield. 1895 (continued). Sir Anthony Hoskins, born 1818; R.N.; Rear Admiral; K.C.B. ; Lord of the Admiralty. Edward John Poynter, born 1 836" • painter and Royal Academician ; President of the Royal Academy, and knighted 185)6; Director of the National Gallery ; Painter to the Society. 1896. Sir John Barrington Simeon, Bart., born 1850; succeeded his father as fifth baronet, 1870 ; M.P. Charles John Darling, born 184.9; Q^C; M.P. ; created a Judge and knighted, 1897. John Abercromby, M.D. Sir Charles William Fremantlf, born 1834.; third son of first Baron Cottesloe; K.C.B.;Master ofthe Mint. Henry Brougham, Baron Loch, born 1827; served in India and on special mission to China ; Governor of the Isle of Man and of Victoria ; High Commissioner in South Africa; G.C.B., G.C.M.G.; created Baron Loch; P.C. 1897. Sir George Scott Robertson, K.C. S.I. , born 185a; British agent at Gilgit; author of The Kafirs ofthe Hindu Rush. Douglas William Freshfield, born 1845 ; former President of the Alpine Club, and Hon. President of the Geographical Society ; author of Travels in the Central Caucasus^ &c Sir Edward John Poynter, P.R.A. Mr. Justice Darling. 1 Member of the Society, 1898. 314 List of Members 1897 (continued), 1 Mr. Lyulph f Edward Lyulph Stanley, born 1839 ; Stanley. second son of second Lord Stanley of Alderley ; M.P. ; Vice-Chairman of London School Board. 1 Mr. G. H. George Herbert Murray, C.B., born Murray. l %4-9i formerly private secretary to Mr. Gladstone and to Lord Rosebery ■ Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue. 1 Mr. Murray John Murray Scott, born 184.7 '■> Scott. secretary to the late Sir Richard Wallace, 1871-90; Trustee of the National Gallery and of the Wallace Gallery. Hon. Edward Lyulph Stanley. 1 Member of the Society, 1898. INDEX A. Abdication, or resignation,^-^. Aberdeen, Earl of. See Hamilton- Gordon. Academy of Arts, schemes for an, Academy of Painters, &c, letters from, 74, 77. Acton, Lord, 15)7. Admission of members, form of instrument for, 39. Adye, Mr. Thomas, 31, 32. Aegina Marbles, 155", 176. Ainslie, Sir Robert, 144; ambassa- dor to the Ottoman Porte, 147 • his collection of Oriental coins, 14.7. Almack's, Society's removal to,23. Anson, Mr. Thomas, 8, 21. Antiquities of Athens, The y 79, 80, 101, 103 ». Apollo Didymaeus, temple of, 87, Apollo Smintheus, temple of, -zoo. Arch-Master of the ceremonies, the, 29, 39 j appointment of Earl of Sandwich, 29 5 com- mittee on apparelling, 29 ; robe, cap, and sword, 29 ; suspension of Earl of Sandwich, 30 ; Sir Francis Dashwood appointed, 30; appointment of Mr. Savage, 30; modes of election, 30. Archaeological Institute of Rome, xn, 212, 214. Archaeological study, changed con- ditions of, 209-211 • revival of, 212-214 • Society's attitude towards, 214, 217. Archaeology, classical, 68, 69 ; stimulated by Earl of Arundel, 70, 71 j other collectors, 71, 72 j explorations in situ : Noin- tel and Carrey, 72, 73 ; Spon and Wheler, 73 ; Chishull, 74; Brettingham and Gavin Hamil- ton, 74, 7 7 ; Stuart and Revett, 77-77 j Dawkins and Wood, 78,79 ; Le Roy and Dalton,79. Archaeology, General, Chair of, founded at Cambridge, 211. Archer, Mr. Thomas (afterwards Lord Archer), 8, 13, 14, 219 ; President of first recorded meeting of Society, 23. Arundel Marbles, 70, 71. Arundel Society, 190, 191. Ascough, Mr., 62. Ash, Dr., 109. Ashburnham, Earl of, 77. Ashburton, Lord. See Baring. Asia Minor and Greece, expedi- tion to, 81 ; choice of Chandler, Revett, and Pars, 83, 84; in- structions, 84-87; their work in the Troad and Ionia, 87,88 ; approval of the Society, 88, 89; Index work in Attica and the Morea, 89 ; return and reception, 90. Astle, Mr. Thomas, 118, 123. Athens, expedition of Stuart and Revett to, 77; bombardment of, 73, 131; British School of Archaeology at, 205: ; Mr. Penrose'sinvestigationsat,2o8 ; foreign schools at, 212. Attica, The Unedited Antiquities of, publication of, 163, 164. Avignon declared to be in Italy, 38. Azeglio, Massimo d', 194. B. Bacchus's Tomb, 31-33. Ball, Mr. John, F.R.S., 198. Ballot,the,for election of members, 138, 139. Balloting balls and bag, presented by Mr. Ponsonby, 32. Balloting-box, 31. Bank of England, foundation of, 3. Bankes, Mr. William John, 170. Banks, Mr. (afterwards Sir) Joseph, P.R.A., appointed Very High Steward, 28 ; mentioned, 3T> 9 8 > IO ?3 109, 112, 221 • accompanied Captain Cook in the Endeavour, 1 1 3 j Treasurer and Secretary of the Society, 1 14 j portrait of, by Sir J. Reynolds, 223 • resolutions re- specting a second portrait, 225-. * Bard ' of the Society, appoint- ment of Dick Edgcumbe as, 21, 6j. Baring, Sir Alexander (afterwards Lord Ashburton), 184. Baring, Mr. Thomas, 198. Barrington, Viscount. See Wild- man. Battersea, Lord. See Flower. Baudrier, Arch-Master's, pre- sented by Earl of Sandwich, 30. Bavaria, Crown Prince of, desires to purchase the Elgin Marbles, 135; purchased the Aegina Marbles, 1^6. Beauclerk, Mr. Topham, 108. Beaumont, Sir George Howland, Bart., 109, 112, 117. Bedford, Mr. F., 181. Bedford, Duke of. See Russell. Bedford Head Tavern, Covent Garden, 5" • first recorded meet- ing of the Society held at, 22. Bentinck, Mr. George Cavendish, 207. Beresfbrd-Hope, Mr. Alexander J- B., 14*. Berkeley, Mr. Norborne, 20, 21, 4*, 52, 83,219. Bessborough, Earl of. See Pon- sonby. Birch's British Worthies, 217. Blessington, Earl of, 46 ; portrait of, by Knapton, 219. Bockh, 210. Boone, Mr. Daniel, M.P., 8, \6, 1 1 o, 2 1 9 ; member of East India Company, 14 j confidential friend of Frederick, Prince of Wales, 14. Botfield, Mr. Beriah, M.P., 187. Bouverie, Mr. John, 78. Bowen, Sir Charles (afterwards Lord Bowen), 19* ; his remark- able personality, 197. Boxall, Sir William, letter from, 234. Boyle, Mr., iyw., 46, 219. Boyne, Viscount, 8, 17, 36. Bracciolini, Poggio, 69. Brand, Mr. Thomas, 19, 4*, 51, 6j, 83, 104, 105 ; portrait of, by Knapton, 219. Brettingham, Matthew, 77, j6. Index 317 Bristow, Mr. Robert, 8, 219. Bristow, Mr. William, 34. British Museum, foundation of, 3, 4; Society present marbles and drawings to, 106 ; copy of Pennant's History of London be- queathed to, 113; bequest of Sir Joseph Banks' library, 1 14 ; Sir W. Hamilton's collection purchased by, 11?; and the Townley collection of marbles, 1 18 j bequest of Payne Knight's collection, 1 10 ; bequest by Sir R. C.Hoareto, 144; fragments of frieze, &c, from Teos, and marbles, &c, from Priene pre- sented to, 199, 201. British Museum Marbles, issue of, i6 S . British School of Archaeology at Athens, Society's interest in establishment of, 205, 106 ; successful appeal for State assis- tance, 208. Brbndsted, Chevalier Philip Oluf, student of ancient Greek archi- tecture, 177 ; gifts by, 177, 178 • death of, 180 • mentioned, 205). Brook, Mr., yi. Broughton, Lord. See Hobhouse. Buccleuch, Duke of, 108. Building committees,4^,47, ^,61.. Building schemes, 45 , ~47, yp— cTg. Bunsen, 176, 109, an. Burghersh, Lord (afterwards Ear] of Westmorland), 184. Burlington, Earl of, ji. Burney, Mr. E., 116. Burton,Mr. (afterwards Sir) F. W., 15)5-, 208 j elected Painter to Society, 23 6 j resigned member- ship, 236. Bute, Earl of, 9, 1 1 . Byng, Admiral, 10. Byres, 125. Byron, Lord, and the Curse of Minerva, 1 34 ; his satire on the Earl of Aberdeen, 147. C. Calthorpe, Sir A., 46. Calthorpe, Sir Henry, 219. Calves' Head Club, story of the, 16. Camelford, Lord, proposal to sell Camelford House to Society, <>3. Canova, the Italian sculptor, 135:. Carlisle, Earl of. See Howard. Carlisle, fourth Earl of, 72. Carmarthen, Marquess of, portrait of, by Sir J. Reynolds, 221, 223. Carrey, Jacques, his drawings of the Parthenon pediments, 73 »., 130. Carteret, first Baron, collection of, 71. Cartwright, Mr. W. Cornwallis, M.P., 187. Casts from the antique, proposal to form a gallery of, 58, 5-9. Cavendish Square site, 46, 47 j sale of, 48, 45). Chair, the President's, 25, 27 • bills preserved in connexion with it, 27. Chandler, Richard, had charge of the Society's expedition to Athens, 84 ; mentioned, 90, 105- j took degree of D.D. at Oxford, 9 5 ; his Inscriptions and Travels, 95, 96. Chantrey,Sir Francis, R.A., 13d • his repeated rejection as mem- ber, 171. Charlemont, Lord, 60, j6 } 79, 80, 81, 83, 108, 221. Charles I, 71. Charlotte, Princess, 11. Index Charteris, Hon. Francis (after- wards Lord Elcho, now Earl of Wemyss), 186. Chatham, Earl of, 10, 13. Chevignard, Chevalier, 103, 204. Chishull, Edmund, 74. Chitty, Sir Joseph, 196. Cholmondeley,Mr. Reginald, 195;. Christie, Mr. James, essay by, 166. Chudleigh, Elizabeth, 20. Churchill, 18. Cipriani, G. B., 78. Ciriaco of Ancona, 69. Clanbrassil, Lord, 62, ioy, 108. Clarendon, Earl of. See Villiers. Clarke, Mr. E., 17. Clarke, Mr., of Sokoi, report on temple of Athene Polias, 201 • presented coin of Orofernes, 204. Classical enthusiasm, decline of, in England, 211. c Club,' the, 142. Cock,Mr ., auctioneer, negotiations for purchasing his rooms, 60. Cockerell, Mr. Charles Robert, R.A., iytf, i6y, 188, 1518, 209 • dedications of his volumes, 15)1. Coke, Mr. Thomas (afterwards Earl of Leicester), 20, 74. Colebrooke, Mr., 215). Collier, Sir Robert (afterwards Lord Monkswell), 196. Colman, Mr. George, ioy, 108. Colvin, Mr. Sidney, 19 7 ; ap- pointed Secretary and Treasurer, 206 ; his resignation, 237 j portrait of, by Sir E.J. Poynter, P.R.A., 237. Combe, Dr., 123. Combe, Mr. Taylor, i6y, 171. Commercial enterprise, extension of British, 3 . Committee of Painters, Hay- man's, 5:3—56^. Committees and quorums, 41. Convivial excesses, 36, 37. Conway, Harry, 21. Conway, Lord, yi. Conway, Sir Martin, yi, 208. Cook, Captain, 18, 113. Cooke, Rev. J., tutor to Earl of Sandwich, 18. Corbould, H., i6y, 180. Cork, Earl of, 127. Courten, Sir William, collection of, 72. Cowper, William, 2nd Earl, F.R.S., 20, 143, 226. Cracherode, Rev. C. M., 109, 1 10. Crowle, Mr. John Charles, 62, 97, 109 • Secretary of the Society, 112, 113 ; portrait of, by Sir J. Reynolds, 223. Cumberland, Duke of, 14. Cunliffe, Sir Robert, 196. D. Dahomel, Jacob, jeweller, his bill for the c Medusa ' seal, 34. Dallaway, Rev. James, 145". Dalling, Lord, 196". Dalton, Richard, 79. Darner, Mr., yi. Dance, Mr. Nathaniel (afterwards Sir N. Dance-Holland, Bart.), 109; minutes respecting his portrait, 224. Darcy, Robert, Earl of Holder- nesse, 19, 77 ; ambassador to Venice, 19 ; lord of the bed- chamber to George II, and Secretary of State, 19, 20 • Horace Walpole's description of, 20 ; his death, 20, 110. Darling, Mr., (now Judge), 207. Dashwood, Sir Francis, 8, 28,43, +7> 4 8 > +9> 1h 78, 59, 6x y Index 80, 83, 99; principal founder of Society, 9 ; M.P. and Chan- cellor of Exchequer, 9 • Baron le Despencer, 9; his death, 10, 1 10; appointed Arch-Master, 30 ; his device for great seal of Society, 34; presented petitions from Society to the king, 60, 61 ; and a copy of Ionian Antiquities, 94 ; portrait of, by Knapton, 2 1 7. Davey, Sir Horace (now Lord Davey), 196. Dawkins, Mr. Edward, British Minister at Athens, minute re- specting him, 176" ; mentioned, 1 87, zz6. Dawkins, Mr. Henry, 81, 8a; neglect of Mr. Stuart to paint his portrait, 220, 211. Dawkins, Mr. James, his legacy to the Society, 66, 81, 82; mentioned, 78, 79, 80 ; neglect of Mr. Stuart to copy his por- trait, 220, 221. Dawkins and Wood, their re- searches in classical antiquities, 78, 79. See also Dawkins, J., and Wood, R. Day, Mr. Alexander, 136. Deering, Mr., 181. Degge, Mr. William, 8, 1 7. Delmd, Mr. Peter, 8. Demeter, temple of, at Eleusis, Denny, Colonel William, 8, 14., 36, 59, 6l 9 83 ; portrait of, by Knapton, 218. De Quincey, 124. Deskfoord, Lord, 21. Despencer, Lord le. See Dash- wood. Devonshire, Duke of. See Hart- ington. Devonshire, first Duke of, 72. D'Hancarville, otherwise Pierre Francois Hugues, 116, 118, 121, 122, 123, 14.7. Dickenson, Mr., 142, 156. Dilettanti,Society of,its antiquity, 1 ; state of England at its foundation, 2-4; date of founda- tion, 4; originally a dining society, 4 ; date of first records, 5 ; first meeting, 5 ; character of original members, 5: ; choice of name, 6 ; earliest meetings, 7 ; first probably held in Italy, 7 j members in 1736, 7-1° ; other members before 1750, 20, 21 ; practices and regulations, 22 ; places of meeting, &c, 22-24; officers, 25-— 31 ; its re- galia, 31-34; dining practices, 34-36; convivial excesses, 36, 3 7 ; Horace Walpole's sneer re- specting, 36; election practices, 3 8-41 ; committeesand quorums, 41 ; miscellaneous activities — the Westminster Bridge Lottery, 42-45'; finances in 1740 and 1 741, 45; foundation of General Fund — building schemes, 45, 46 ; the Cavendish Square site, 46, 47 ; its abandonment and the financial result, 48, 49 ; promotion of the Italian opera, 49, 50 ; schemes for an Academy of Arts, 51-55; the Society's plan, 55, 56; collapse of ne- gotiations, 56 ; relations of the Royal Academy to the Society, 57, 58 ; proposal to form a gallery of casts from the antique, 58, 59 ; revival of building scheme, 59 ; suggested sites — the Green Park, 59-61 ; the Star and Garter, 61-63 ; Camel- ford House, 63 ; final abandon- ment of building scheme, 63, 64 ; increasing riches of the Index Society, 64 ; face-money, 64, 141,218,219,229; KuleAnn.Soc. Vndec, 64.-66 ; various sources of income, 66 $ incidental re- cords, 66, 67 ; the Dilettanti and classical archaeology, 68, 69 ; Sir James Gray and the Society, 76, 77 • election of Stuart and Revett and others as members, 77, 79; send an expedition to Asia Minor, 81- 83 j appoint Messrs. Chandler, Revett, and Pars, 84 ; their in- structions, 84-87 j their work in the Troad and Ionia, and the Society's approval thereof, 87-89 ; publish Ionian An- tiquities, 91-94- present copies to the king, &c, 94, 9? ; pro- pose to continue the publication of the work, 96, 97 ; grant leave to Sandby and Stuart to use Pars's and Revett's drawings, 97-100 j appoint- ment of a committee, 100, 101 ; publish vol. ii of Ionian An- tiquities, 103, 104- custody of their marbles, 104, 105- • present marbles and drawings to British Museum, 1 06 ; personal changes in the Society, 107, 108 j new members, 108-110; deaths of founders, no, 111; new spirit among their successors, in, 112; issue the Priapeia, 122- 124; work in Italy, 114, 125- • in Greece and Asia Minor, 12 5-, 116; further enterprises, 1x6; publish Specimens of Antient Sculpture, 1 26-128 ; lost oppor- tunities, 129, 130, 132 ; action of the Society during the con- troversy respecting the Elgin Marbles, 132-134, 136 ; in- ternal changes in, 137; the ballot, 138, 139; abolition of forfeitures, 130 ; removal to Parslow's, and afterwards to the Thatched House, St. James's Street, 141-143 ; zeal of new members, 143 ; new Ionian Committee appointed, 149 ; its report on Gell's expedition, 149-15-2; Sir H. Englefield's appeal to the Society in respect totheGell expedition, 1 60- 1 6 1; its results, 162, 163 ; issue of new edition of Ionian Antiquities, 164; further activities : second volume of the Specimens, 164, 165-; difficulties and delays, 16 166 ; mode of providing for publishing expenses, 166- 168; a German scholar's tribute to the work of, 169, 170; number of members limited to seventy, i6j, 171; tardy re- paration to the Earl of Elgin, 173, 174; set on foot a sub- scription for the purchase of the Bronzes of Siris, 179, 180 ; supported Mr. Penrose's ap- plication to Government in respect to his investigation of the Parthenon, 181; issue of Investigations of Athenian Architecture, 182, 183 ; members elected during W.R.Hamilton's secretaryship, 184-188; ap- pointment of Mr. C.T.Newton as correspondent, 188; his correspondence from Syra and Mitylene, 188, 189; on the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, 189, 190; removals: new Thatched House Tavern and Willis's Rooms, 192, 193 ; state of the Society, 193, 194 ; accessions to its ranks, 194- 198 ; new antiquarian enter- Index prise : Mr. Pullan and the temple of Teos, 198-200 • the Smintheum, 200 ; temple of Priene, 201, 202 ; appeals from various quarters, 105: ; changes and removals since 1 888, 206, 107; new members, 207, 208 ; discussions and resolutions, ao8 ; retrospect, 208-214; conclusion, 215 ; portraits of members, 216-237. Dingley, Mr. Robert, 8, 47, 52,, 83 ; collected works of art, 15. Dining practices, 34-36". Dinner money, 141. Dinners, resolutions and regu- lations respecting, 24, 3 5. Dodington, Bubb, a patron of art and poetry, xi. Dodwell, Mr., 175-. Donaldson, 210. Dorset, Duke of. See Middlesex. Douglas, Marquess of, 134. Drummond,SirWilham,i34, 164. Duncannon, Lord, 46, 5:2. Dundas, Sir Lawrence, 171. Dundas, Lord, the venerable father of the Society, 97, 1 39, 1 56", 167, 171, 222, 226, 229; portraits of, by Sir J. Reynolds and Lawrence, 223, 230. Dundis, Sir R., 230. Dundas, Mr. Thomas (afterwards Earl of Zetland), 171, zz6. E. Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock, P.R.A., Painter to Society, 185:, 233 ; death of, 234. Edgcumbe, Hon. Captain G., quaint resolution to enable him to become a member, 38. Edgcumbe, Hon. Richard, wit, versifier, and draughtsman, 21 • appointed c Bard' to the Society, 21,67. Egremont, Earl of. See Wyndham. Elcho, Lord. See Charteris. Election practices of the Society, 38-41. Elgin, Earl of, letters from, minutes respecting, 130; appointed to the embassy at Constantinople, 1 3 1 ; Harrison's suggestion re- specting casts, 8cc, of ancient Greek sculptures, 131; action taken, 132- mentioned, 158; reparation to, 173, 174; death of, 174. Elgin Marbles, 1 31-136'. Ellis, Mr. Welbore (afterwards Lord Mendip), 21, 83, 219. Elphinston, Hon. Mountstuart, 184. Elton, Mr., Q^C, 196. Englefield, Sir Henry C, Bart., 109, 112, 126, 128, 133, 149, 15-2, 160, 226; ap- pointed Secretary of Society, 120 • minute respecting him and the Gell expedition, 156, 15-7; his appeal to the Society in respect to publication of drawings, &c, collected by the expedition, 160-162; its re- sults, 162, 163 ; his death, 168, 169 ; portrait of, by Law- rence, 225). Ephesus, temple of Diana at, Mr. J. T. Wood's excavations at, 208. Esterhazy, Prince, 171. F. Face-money, 64, 141,229; institu- tion of, 218, 219. Falkener, Mr., architect, 204. Farnborough, Lord. See Long. Index Farrer, Sir W. J., 196, 207. Fauquier, Mr. William, 8, 32, 46, 52, 61, 66, 83, 88, no, 112; Registrar and Secretary of Order of the Bath, 1 ? ; Secretary and Treasurer of Society, 15:; death of, 1 5-, no; resignation of office, 112; portrait of, by Knapton, 218. Fazakerly, Mr. John Nicholas, 170. Fielding, Mr. Charles, 8. Fergusson, Mr. James, 195, 203. Fines for non-attendance at dinners, &c, 3 First rule of the Society, 23. Fitzgerald, Mr. Edward, 1 y6. Fitzgerald, Mr. Robert, 108. Flaxman, Mr., minute granting him permission to model a bas relief, 105 ; mentioned, 13*. Flower, Mr. Cyril (now Lord Battersea), i^y. Forfeitures, abolition of, 1 39-141. Foster, Mr. F., 128. Founders of the Society, deaths of, no, in. Fountain, the, in the Strand, removal to, 23. Fountaine, Sir Andrew, 72. Fox, Mr. Charles J., 108, 123. France, its share in the classic revival of the eighteenth cen- tury, 125-. Fraser, Sir William Augustus, M.P., 187. Frederick, Prince of Wales, 9, 10, 16 n. Frederick II of Prussia, 16. Fremantle, Sir Charles, 207. Frere, Mr. John Hookham, 170. Freshfield, Mr. Douglas, 208. Fuseli, 134. G. Gage, Mr., minute respecting, 24. Galway, Viscount, 8, 17; por- trait of, by Knapton, 218. Gandy and Bedford, Messrs., draughtsmen to Society, thanks and rewards to them in con- nexion with Gell expedition, 157, i?8. Gandy, Mr. J. M., i?8. Gandy, Mr. J. P., 158, 17?. Garrick, David, 109. Gaskell, Mr. Milnes, 196. Gell, Sir William, 52, 144, 158 ; Byron's satire on him, 148 ; sent on diplomatic mission to Ionian Islands, 148 ; his knight- hood, 148 n. ; his proposed ex- pedition to Greece and Asia Minor, 149— 152; Mr. Lawrence directed to paint his portrait, 157, 230 ; settled in Italy, 174 ; devoted himself to Pompeian antiquities, 175; appointed Resident Plenipotentiary of Society in Italy, 175 j his corre- spondence, 175 ; assisted by Society in publication of his Topography of Rome, 175", 176; death of, ij6. General Archaeology, Chair of, at Cambridge, foundation of, 211. General Fund, foundation of, 45, 46 ; resolution against its alienation, 49. George II, his accession a land- mark in English history, 2 ; mentioned, 11. George III, 11, 79. Gerhard, 210, 211. Gibbon, 123. Goderich, Lord. See Robinson. Index Goethe, translated Payne Knight's Sicilian diary, 119. Gore, Mr. Charles, artist and anti- quary, 100, 1 op ■ his tour in Sicily, 118, 119; his drawings, 110. Goupy, the fan-painter, 7?. Grafton Galleries, removal to, 207. Granby, 21. Grand Hotel, removal to, zo6. Grand Tour, the, considered indis- pensable, 4 ; young English- men on, 6, 74. Grant-Duff, Sir Mountstuart, 198. Graves, Hon. Henry, his portrait of Lord Broughton, 234. Gray, Mr. (afterwards Sir) George, 8 , 3h 4T, + 8 , T9, 6o, 61, 66, 8a, 93, 94, 96, no; major-general and colonel of 37th Foot, ix; Secretary and Treasurer of Society, 13, 27; death of, 13, 110; portrait of, by Knapton, 218. Gray, Sir James, Bart., 1 1 ; Horace Walpole's description of, 12. Gray, Sir James (eldest son of the above), 8, 16, 36", 46, 6i, 76, 77, 8 ?> 5>?i appoint- ments held by, 12; death of, 12, no; reprimanded by Society, 16 ; directed construc- tion of Bacchus' s Tomb, 31 ; portrait of, by Knapton, 217. < Grecian Gusto, 5 a fashionable craze, 81. Greece and Asia Minor, Mr. Gell's expedition to, 149-164. Green Park, attempt to secure a site in, 60, 61. Grenfell, Sir Francis, 208. Grenville, Hon. Richard (after- wards Earl Temple), 8 ; public appointments of, 1 3 ; death of, 13, no. Greville, Hon. Charles (younger son of Earl of Warwick), 35^ 108, 112, 118; Very High Steward of Society, 113,114; his connexion with Emma Lyon, 11?; portraits of, n?, 223. Greville, Mr. Henry, offer of use of his rooms in Argyle Street, 142. Grimston, Mr. Thomas, 8. H. Hackert, Johann Philipp, tour in Sicily with Knight and Gore, 118, 119. Haddock, Elka, bill for Presi- dent's chair, 27. Halifax, Earl of. See Montagu, George. Hallam, Henry, the historian, 170. Haller, 156, 209. Hamilton, Gavin, the painter, 75-, 76, 117, 12?. Hamilton, Sir William, K.B., lop, 112, 123; his collections of Greek antiquities, n?, 116 ; his discovery of the Isernian ritual, 120, 121 ; his notes and drawings, 129, 130 ; death of, 130; portrait of, by Sir J. Reynolds, 223. Hamilton, Mr. W. R., secretary to Lord Elgin, 133 ; twice re- jected as member of Society, 133 ; mentioned, 13 1^6, 15)1,192; succeeded Sir Thomas Lawrence as Secretary, 172 ; latter years of his secretaryship, 183 ; compiled list of members of Society from its foundation, 183, 184; members elected under his regime, 184-189 ; secretary of English section 2 Index of Archaeological Institute of Rome, 214. Hamilton-Gordon, George, fourth Earl of Aberdeen, 127, 128, 1335 l l 6 > HJj j 44j 160 •■> took both sides in Elgin Marbles controversy, 133, 134., 136; founded the Athenian Society, 147 ; satirized by Byron, 147 ; his portrait, 14.7 • drew up in- structions to the Gell expedi- tion, 15-2. Handel and Italian opera, 5-0. Harcourt, Mr. Simon (afterwards Viscount Harcourt), 8, 36, 43 ; public appointments held by, 1 1 ; sent to Germany to marry by proxy the Princess Charlotte, ii- death of, 11,110; Horace Walpole's description of, 11. Hardinge, Hon. Charles (after- wards Viscount Hardinge), 186. Hardwicke, Earl of, 15-5:, 15:6^ Harley, Edward, second Earl of Oxford, 72. Harper, Rev. J., letter from, 106. Harris, Mr. Henry, 8, 43, 44, 46 ; High Steward of Society, 15, 28; Commissioner of Wine Licences, 1 ? ; death of, 1 5, 1 10 j firstTreasurer of Society, 27 - y de- nominated Very High Steward, •2,8; portrait of,by Knapton,ai8. Harris, Mr. James, letter of, 95. Harrison, Thomas, 130 ; his sug- gestion to Earl of Elgin, 131. < Harry the Fifth,' the, or < The Gang, 1 a dining society, 1 y w. Hartington, William, Marquess of (afterwards Duke of Devon- shire), ai ; Prime Minister, 21. Hawkins, Mr. E., 16*;. Hawkins, Mr. John, F.R.S., the naturalist, 144; collected ob- jects of Greek art, 145". Hay, Hon. Robert (afterwards Archbishop), 8, 16; his death, 17- Haydon, Benjamin Robert, the painter, his campaign in favour of the Elgin Marbles, 134, 135. Haymarket, the, Italian opera at the King's Theatre in, 50, yi. Health drinking, resolution against, 35;; rescinded, 37. Heber, Mr. Richard, 170. Heidegger and Italian opera, yo. Hervey, Mr. Augustus, 108. Hervey, Lord, duel with Mr. Crowle, 113. Heseltine, Mr., 208. Heytesbury, Lord, i8y. Higginson, Colonel (now General Sir George), 196. High Steward, the, 28, 46 ; a dress suggested, 28 ; his staff" or baton of office, 28. Hippisley, Sir John, M.P., 185-, 226. Hoare, Sir Richard Colt, Bart., made tours in Italy and Sicily, 144; presented books and drawings to British Museum, 144. Hobart, Lord, 77. Hobhouse, Sir John Cam (after- wards Lord Broughton of Gyf- ford), his Radical opinions, 185 ; Secretary of War and President of Board of Control, i8y; mentioned, 198, 233; portrait of, by Graves, 235". Hochberg (or Hohberg), Baron, portrait of, by Knapton, 215). Hodgson, Mr. Stewart, 195. Hogarth, William, 4 j his carica- ture of £ The Five Orders of Perriwigs,' 80 n. Holdernesse, Earl of, 12, 46, 51, 5"2, 77, 1 10 j portrait of, by Knapton, 219. See also Darcy. Index Holford, Mr. R. S., 186. Holroyd, Mr. Charles, copied for the Society Lord Leighton's picture of himself, 237. Hope, Mr. Henry Philip, 14.6, 116. Hope, Mr. Henry Thomas, 14.6. Hope, Mr. Thomas, of Deepdene, 116, 127, 144, 226, 227; his collection of marbles, 146' ; his taste for furniture, 146 ; works written by him, 146'. Horner, Mr. Francis, inscription on his presentation copy of TheUnedited ' Antiquities of ^Attica, 164.; mentioned, 170. Hoskins, Sir Anthony, 201. Houghton, Lord. See Milnes. Howard, George, Lord Morpeth (afterwards sixth Earl of Car- lisle), 62, 143, 144, 146", 1 56, 226. Howard, Mr. George (present Earl of Carlisle), icjy. Howe, Mr. John, of Hanslope, 8, ifn., 46, 47, 61, 83 ; an active member of the Society in its early days, 13 ; death of, no; portrait of, by Knapton, 217. Hyde, Lord. See Villiers. Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 205). Hume, Sir Abraham, a leading authority on the fine arts, 144. I. Inkstand, silver, 34; presented to Sir H. Englefield on resig- nation of secretaryship, 34 ; presentation of a, to Mr. Wilkins, R.A., i6 9 . Investigations of Athenian Architec- ture issue of, by Society, 182, . .. Ionian Antiquities^ quoted, 4, 7, 82, 83, 91, 92; choice of materials for, 91 ; preparation and publication of volume, 92- 94 ; presentation copies, 94., 9 5 • proposed continuation of, 96, 97; appointment of a com- mittee, 100, 101 ; publication of vol. ii, 103, 104; new edition of, 164 ; proposed con- tinuation of, 180; fourth volume proposed, 201, 202 ; time and mode of publication, 202-204 ; Mr. Ruskin's gift in aid of expenses, 203. Ionian Committee, new, 149 ; report on GelPs proposed ex- pedition, 149- 152; publish The Unedited Antiquities of Attica^ 164. Isernia, the ritual of, Sir William Hamilton and, 120, 121. Italian opera, promotion of, 49, yo. Italy, leave to propose members by members residing in, 38. J- Jebb, Professor, 197, 214. Jeffries and Pars, Academy stu- dents sent to Italy by Society, % %. 'Jemmy Twitcher,' nickname of Earl of Sandwich, 18. Jenkins, 117, 125. Jeune, Sir Francis, 207. K. Kestner, 1 yd, 209, III. King's Arms, Pall Mall, a meet- ing-place of the Society, 23 ; regalia removed from, 23. Kingscote, Sir Nigel, 207. Kingston, Duchess of, 108. Kingston, Duke of, 83 ; paid face-money, 219. Index Knapton, Mr. George, Painter to Society, 8 ; designed balloting box, 3 1 ; directed ornamenta- tion, &c, of lid of Bacchus's Tomb, 32 ; mentioned, 46, 64, 77; death of, no; portraits painted by, 116-219 ; resig- nation of office, 219. Knight, Mr., azf, 226. Knight, Mr. Henry Gaily, 170. Knight, Mr. Richard Payne, 100, 102, ioc), 1 ia, 123, 126, 127, 129, 130, lp, 164, Itfo ; tour in Sicily with Gore and Hackert, 118, 119; his Sici- lian diary translated by Goethe, 119; wrote essays on ancient art, 1 20 ; his collection of antiquities and drawings by old masters, 120; compiled the Priapeia, 122 ; his influence in discrediting the Elgin Marbles, 133; death of, 16^, 169; his essay on An Inquiry into the Symbolical "Language of Ancient Arts and Mythology^ 165, 166 ; portrait of, by Lawrence, 2.28. Kruse, Dr. F. C. H., tribute to the Society's work, 169; correspon- dence with Mr. Gell, 1 70 n. L. Landor, quoted, 198. Langlois, Mr., Langton, Mr. Bennet, 108. Lansdowne, Marquis of, 127, 198. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, P.R.A., 109, 136, 1 57, 226, 227; Secre- tary to Society, 169, 131 ; ap- pointed Painter to Society, 22?; portraits painted by him, 228, 229, 230 ; letter on question of portrait-groups, 228, 229 ; un- fulfilled orders to, 230 ; or- dered to paint his own portrait, 230, 231 ; succeeded Mr. West as P.R.A., 131. Layard, Sir Henry, in. Leake, Captain (afterwards Lieut.- Colonel) William Martin, 144; assisted in conveying Elgin Marbles to England, 148 ; his collections of marbles and bronzes, 141 ; his share in super- intending issue of The Unedited Antiquities of Attica, 1 6 8. Legge, Mr. H. Bilson (afterwards Chancellor of Exchequer), 21. Leicester, Earl of. See Coke. Leighton, Mr. Frederic (after- wards Sir F. and Lord), P.R. A., his accomplishments, 195- ; his compliment to Sir C. T. Newton, K.C.B., 195- ; men- tioned, 202, 203 ; succeeded Sir Charles Eastlake as Painter to Society, 234 ; his portrait of Sir Edward Ryan, 235; granted leave to become Sculptor to Society, 236 ; death of, 236. Le Roy, 79. Lessing, indebted to Spence's PolymetiSy 119. Liddell, Sir Henry (afterwards Baron Wentworth), 8, 46, 219, 224; father of the Countess of Upper Ossory, 1?. Ligonier, Lord, 108. Limmers' Hotel, removal to, 206. Linckh, i<;6. Lincoln, Earl of, 17. Lindsay, Sir Coutts, 195:. Lloyd, Mr. William Watkiss, an enthusiastic student of and writer on ancient art, &c, 187; mentioned, 198, 199, 203, 104; temporarily officiated as Secre- tary and Treasurer, 206 ; por- trait of, by Miss Bush, presented to Society, 236. Index Loch, Lord, 207. Long, Sir Charles (afterwards Lord Farnborough), a leading authority on the fine arts, 144. Long, Sir Robert, 8. Louis XVIH, 17?. Lowell, Mr. J. Russell, American ambassador, 198. Lucas, Mr. Arthur, 208. Lusieri, Neapolitan painter, made drawings of Greek sculptures for Earl of Elgin, 132. Luttrell, Mr. Simon, 8. Lyon, Emma, mistress of Hon. Charles Greville, n^r. Lytton, Lord, 196. M. MACHiAVELLi,his dress to be model for that of Secretary, 28. Mackenzie, Kenneth, de jure Earl of Seaforth, 21. Mackye, Mr. John Ross, 21, 46; paid face-money, 219. Malone, Mr., 123. Malton, Earl of. See Watson- Wentworth. Marbles, the Society's, custody of, 104, 105 ; presented to British Museum, \o6. Marlay, Mr. Brinsley, 19^. Marlborough, Duke of, 108. Marochetti, Baron, 187. Mathias, the satirist, attacked Payne Knight for writing the Priapeia, 124. Mayer (otherwise Myers),L., 104. Mazarin, Cardinal, 71. Mead, Dr., collection of, 71 • mentioned, 74. Meade, Hon. R. H., 198. Medmenham Abbey, orgies at, 9, 18. Mendip, Lord. See Ellis. Metcalfe, Mr. Philip, 109, 226; Treasurer to Society, 1 14. Michaelis, Professor, his Ancient Marbles in Great Britain, 215". Middlesex, Charles Sackville, Earl of (afterwards Duke of Dorset), 8, 36, 46", 51, 61, 66, 83 j tour in France and Italy, 10 • a great supporter of the Italian opera, 10, 5-0- death of, 10, 110; Horace Walpole's description of, 11 j his company of Italian artists, 5-0 • failure of the scheme, 51 ; portrait of,by Knapton,2i7. Midleton, Viscount, i<$n. Milnes, Mr. Richard Monckton (afterwards Lord Houghton), 113, 188, 201; his article on Hamilton's Historical Notices of Society, i%6. Minute-book, first entries in, 5" ; Latin style adopted for dates, 5- ; commencement of present series of red-morocco books, Minutes of committees, separate book provided for, 31. Mitchell, Sir Andrew, 8 ; envoy to Court of Prussia, 16. Mitford, Mr., 226'. Moira, Earl of. See Rawdon. Moncrieflf, Sir Colin Scott, 207. Monkswell, Lord. See Collier. Montagu, George, Lord Sunbury (afterwards Earl of Halifax), 20. Montagu, John, fourth Earl of Sandwich, his birth and edu- cation, 17- his tour in the Mediterranean, 6cc, 18 ; British plenipotentiary at the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle,i8; a supporter of Captain Cook in his expedi- tions, 1 8 ; Sandwich Islands and sandwiches named after him, 18; nicknamed 'Jemmy Twitcher/ Index 1 8 • his great capacity for work, 19; the Society greatly indebted to him, 1 9 ; mentioned, 29, 3 5, 34 38, 83, 10?, no, 123; Lord of Treasury and Postmaster- General, 13 ; a most active art Index collector, 13; death of, 13, in ; presented Society with balloting balls and bag, 32 ; pTrtrait of, by Knapton, 218. Portland, Duke of, 123. P rtrait-gr ups. See Reynolds. Portraits of members, 216-237 ; various resolutions and orders as to, 224, 227, 229, 230 ; proposed series of engravings of, z 33 ', applications from Man- chester, South Kensington, &c, for loan of pictures, 233, 234; letter of thanks from Sir W. Boxall, 234. Potter, Mr. Justice, 99, 100. Powerscourt, Lord, 195- . Poynter, Mr. (afterwards Sir) E. J., Painter to the Society, 208, 236; P.R.A., 236; his portrait of Mr. Sidney Colvin, air- President, the, first chosen in rotation, 25 ; office compulsory, 25 ■ power to decline upon paying fine, 25 ; a scarlet Roman dress decided on, 25: • this form of dress still used, z6 ; duty of Painter to arrange its folds, 16 ; suspicious dis- appearance of old toga, z6 ; new one provided, 27 ; special chair, the < Sella Curulis,' 27 ; bills in connexion therewith, 27. Priapeia, the, 122, 123 j reception of the volume, 123, 124. Priene, excavations by Mr. Pullan at the temple of Athene Polias at, 201 ; marbles and inscriptions from thence pre- sented by Society to British Museum, 201. Principles of Athenian Architecture, publication of, 18? ; new edition, 204. Publishing expenses, mode of providing for, 166-16%. Pugin, 211. Pullan, Mr. R. P., appointed by Government to assist Mr. Newton at Halicarnassus, 190 ; andatBudrum, 198; his proposal to Society to examine sites of Teos, &c, 198 ; authorized to explore temple of Bacchus at Teos, 199 ; minute upon his report, 199 ; Mr. Lloyd's opinion on result of exploration, 1 99 ; supported by Society in candidature for post of Vice Consul, 200 ; again employed by Society in the Troad, 200- mentioned, 201. Qualification for membership of Society, 38. R. Ravens worth, Baron. S^Liddell. Rawdon, Sir John (afterwards Earl of Moira), 32 • portrait of, by Knapton, 219. Ray, Miss, mistress of Earl of Sandwich, murder of by the Rev. J. Hackman, 18. Redcliffe, Lor a Stratford de, 189. Revett, Mr., prepared design for further adornment of Bacchus's Tomb, 33 • mentioned, 47, 5:3, %3,H, 93, 94> 9 6 , 97, 99, IO °, 105-, 116; Stuart allowed to use his drawings of Athens, 97. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Painter to Society, received a reprimand, z6 ; first President of Royal Academy, 57 ; mentioned, 62, 1 09 ; his appointment as Painter to Society, 221 ; his portrait, Index 221 ; his two great portrait- groups, 221-223 ; death of, 22? • loan of his portrait to the Gr s- venor Gallery, 23 6. Reynolds portrait -groups, the, 207, 221-223 ; bill for fram- ing, 222 n. • committees ap- pointed to report on condition of, 149, 226, 227 j members represented in, 223 ; steps taken for their preservation, 225", 227 ; engraved in mezzotint by Messrs. Turner and Say, 227, 228 ; inquiries into state of pictures, 232, 233; loan of, to Grosvenor Gallery and National Gallery, 23*). Richmond, Charles Lennox, third Duke of, 58, 108 ; his collection of paintings, &c, 58. Ridley, Sir Matthew White, M.P., 1 9 1 )' Robinson, Hon. Frederick (after- wards Lord Goderich and Earl ofRipon), 170. Robinson, Sir T. (afterwards Lord Grantham), <^^ y 83, 108, 145-. Rockingham, Earls of. See Wat- son. Rodney, 21. Roe, Sir Thomas, 70. Rolle, Margaret, Countess of Orford, 14. Rome, British artists in, 74, 75. Romney, the painter, 115". Rose, 210. Rosebery, Lord, 198. Roxburghe, Duke of, 108, 123. Royal Academy, foundation of, 4, 5-7; its relations with Society,? 7. Royal Society, older than Society of Dilettanti, 2 ; fostered science and research, 3. Rule Ann. Soc. Undec, 64.-66. Rushout, Sir John (afterwards Lord Northwick), 127, 144, 145), 227 ; his collection of Greek coins and paintings by old masters, 147. Ruskin, Mr., gift from, towards publishing vol. iv of Ionian Antiquities, 203 ; mentioned, 204, 211. Russell, John, fourth Duke of Bed- ford, Lord-Lieutenant of Ire- land and ambassador to France, 19 • Horace Walpole's descrip- tion of, 15); his characteristics, 19; mentioned, 38, 46, 5-3, 6V>, 80, 83, 171 j his death, 110 • portrait of, by Knapton, 215). Russell, John, R.A., well-known painter, first appearance in public, 67. Ryan, Sir Edward, Secretary to Society, 184, 193 ; mentioned, 1 8 5, 1 97 ; death of, 1 96 • portrait of, by Leighton, 23?. S. St. George, Mr., 77. St. John, Colonel Henry, 108. St. Martin's Lane Academy, 4, 51. Salamis, proposed fund to aid archaeological research at, 208. Sandby, Paul, artist, granted leave to publish engravings from Pars's drawings of Athens, 97; presented a set to Society, 98. Sandwich, Earl of. See Montagu, John. Savage, Mr., appointed Arch- Master, 30 ; portrait of, by Knapton, 218. Savile, Lord, 207. Scott, Sir Walter, 145-. Sc afton, Mr. Luke, 108. Seaforth, Earl of, 221 ; portrait of, by Sir J. Reynolds, 223. Index Seal of the Society, 33 • proposed device and motto, 33 ; aban- doned in favour of the 'Medusa,' 34 j bill in connexion with the latter, 34. Sebright, Sir Thomas, 77. Secretaries of the Society : Col. George Gray, 13, zy, 45 ; Mr. William Fauquier, 1 5, 1 1 2 • Mr. Crowle, 112; Sir Joseph Banks, 113, 1 14 ; Sir T. Law- rence, 169, 231 j Mr. W. R. Hamilton, 172,214- Sir Edward Ryan, 184, 193- Sir W. F. Pollock, 193, lyj ; Mr. W. Watkiss Lloyd, 206 ; Earl of Strafford, 206; Mr. Sidney Col- vin, 206,23 7; Mr. Pember, joint, 206" ; Lord Welby, joint, 206". Secretary, the, 27 • special dress, 28. Selden, John, 70. Select Committee of the House of Commons on the purchase of the Elgin Marbles, 135-. c Sella Curulis,' or President's chair, 27. Selsey, Lord. See Peachey. Selwyn, George, 67, 108. Sestini, the Abbate Domenico, published a description of Sir Robert Ainslie's collection of Oriental coins, 145-. Seymour, Mr. Henry Danby, M.P., iU. Shee, Sir Martin Archer, P.R.A., 171 j Painter to Society, 184, 23 1 j his portrait of Mr. Morritt, 232. Sherard, Sir Brownlow, 8, 17 ; portrait of, by Knapton, 218. Shergold, Richard, lottery-office keeper, 34. Shirley, Hon. Sewallis, 8, 36, 46, 8 3 j younger son of Earl Ferrers, 14 ; had relations with the cele- brated Lady Vane, 14 ; and with Margaret Rolie, Countess of Orford, 14 ; M.P. and comp- troller of the household to Queen Charlotte, 14; his death, 14, no; portrait of, by Knap- ton, 218. Siris, the Bronzes of, 177, 178; subscription for their purchase, 179, 180. Sloane, Sir Hans, 3, 114. Smith, Rev. Arthur (afterwards Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland), 8; travelled abroad with Earl of Middlesex, 16 ; Dean of Raphoe and of Derry, and Bishop of Clonfert, of Down, and of Meath, 16 ; death of, 16. Smith, Sidney, quoted, 146'. Smithson, Sir Hugh (afterwards Duke of Northumberland), 8, 1 5"».; married heiress of duchy of Northumberland, 15 ; father of founder of Smithsonian Institu- tion, 15-. Smithsonian Institution at Boston, U.S.A., 15-. Smollett's Peregrine Pickle, Lady Vane original of ' Lady of Quality ' in, 14. Smyth, Mr. John, portrait of, by Sir J. Reynolds, 223. Society of Antiquaries, founded before Dilettanti Society, 2 ; fostered science and research, 3. Solander,Dr., accompanied Banks and Cook in first voyage of En- deavour, 113. Somers, the late Earl, 19?, 202. Somerset, Duke of, 162, 164, 227. Somerset House, attempt to secure a room in, 49. Sotheby, William, his panegyricon Sir Henry Englefield, 168, 169. Index Specimens of Antient Sculpture, 1 26, 1 27 ; mode of publication, 127 • proposed second volume, 129, 164, 165 ; difficulties and de- lays in publication, 16?, 166. Spedding, James, iy6. Spence, Rev. Joseph, 8 • author of Polymetis, 10 ; tutor to Earl of Middlesex, 10, 17 j governor to Earl of Lincoln, 1 7 ; Pro- fessor of Poetry and Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford, 17 ; friend of Pope, 17 ; his death, 17 ; his Polymetis stimulated Lessing in com- posing the Laocoon, 119. Spencer, Earl, 108. Spencer, Percival, Prime Minister, 134- Spencer, Hon. William Robert, 157; his poems, 174.; minute respecting him, 174. Spencer-Stanhope, Mr. W., por- trait of, by Sir J. Reynolds, 223. Spon and Wheler, their expedi- tion to Greece and the Levant, 73j 13°, 1 3 I - ' Squire Gawky,' nickname of Hon. Richard Grenville, 13. Stackelberg, Baron, 186, 209. Star and Garter, Pall Mall, meet- ing-place of Society, 23, 4.9- abortive attempt to purchase, 61. Steavens, Mr., 77. Stirling, Mr. William (afterwards Sir William Stirling-Maxwell), Strafford, Earl of, appointment as Secretary and Treasurer, 206. Strange, Sir Robert, 5 6, 57. Strode, General William, 8, 36 ; friend and ally of Duke of Cumberland, 14; donor of the duke's statue in Cavendish Square, 14. Stuart, Mr. James, 33, 47, 5-3, 61, 76, 83, 97, 99, 116 j appointed Painter to the Society, 101, 220; death of, 101, 110 j did not comply with Society's demands, 220, 221 • superseded by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 221 • minute respecting his portrait, 221. Stuart and Revett, their early history, 75, 76; elected members of the Society, 77, 79 • expedi- tion to Athens, 77 ; join with Dawkins and Wood, 78 ; visit Smyrna, 78 ; Stuart nearly murdered, 78 ; return to Eng- land, j 9 ; publish first volume of Antiquities of Athens, 80 • its success, 80 ; a continuation contemplated by Stuart, 97 • difficulties between, 98—100 • posthumous publication of vols, ii-iv of the Antiquities, 101- 103 • supplementary volume, 103 n. See also under each name, Sunday, meetings held on the first in every month from December to May, 23 • postponed in December, 1757, to the second Sunday in January, 24 ; altered to twice a month in May, 1781, 24 ; again altered, 24 ; season of holding meetings changed to February to July, the present arrangement, 24. Sutherland, Duke of, 171. Symmons, Mr., 16 7. T. Tanner, Ridley, bill for supplying Arch-Master's robe, &c, 29. Tavistock, Marquess of, 83. Taylor, Sir John, Bart., presented 334 Index an ivory bas relievo of Perseus and Andromeda to the Society, 33; mentioned, 98; portrait of, by Sir J. Reynolds, 2x3. Tea and coffee debarred at dinners, Si- Temple, Earl. See Grenville. Tennyson, Lord, 196. Teos, temple of, committee on its exploration, 198 ; Mr. Pullan's proposition, 198 ; ac- cepted by Society, 199 ; results of exploration, 199 ; fragments of a frieze and an inscribed stele presented to British Museum, 199. Thatched House, St. James's Street, removal to, 142, 14.3. Thompson, Sir E. Maunde, 207. Thompson, Sir Ralph, 207. Thompson, Mr. Richard, portrait of, by Sir J. Reynolds, 223. Thompson, W. H., late Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 196. Thorwaldsen, 178. Thurlow, Lord, 123. Toast, ancient, of the Society, 215. Toasts, 37, 38, 215-. Toga, the President's, 16 ; sus- picious disappearance of, 26, 27. Tomline, Mr. George, M.P., 186. Tournefort, Pitton de, botanist, 74- Townley, Mr. Charles, 109, 110, 112, 122,126,130, 22?, 235'; an intimate friend of Sir William Hamilton, 117; collected anti- quities, 117; removed to London and formed a gallery, 117; made a trustee of British Museum, to which he bequeathed his collec- tion of marbles, 118. Travellers' Club, the, Mr. Morritt one of the founders of, 146. Treasurers (or High Stewards) of Society: Mr. H. Harris, 15, 27 ; Mr. Philip Metcalfe, 1 14. Trench, Mr., 77. Trevor, Hon. Mr., 164. Troad, the, visited by Chandler, Revett, and Pars, 87 ; Mr. Pullan employed in, 200. Twistleton, Hon. Edward, 198. U. Underdown, Mr., QC!., 207. Unedited Antiquities of Attica, Tke y publication of, 163, 164. Upper Ossory, Countess of, Horace Walpole's friend, 15-. Upper Ossory, Duke of, 108. V. Vane, Lady, 14. Vanneschi and Italian opera, 5-0, ?*• Venables, Mr. George, C^C., 196 ; friend of Thackeray and reputed original of ' Stunning War- rington ' of Pendennis, 197 ; his remarkable literary powers, 197. Very High Steward, Mr. H. Har- ris denominated, 28 ; lapse of this office, 28 ; revived, and accepted by Mr. Banks, 28 ; a special dress suggested, 29 ; Mr. Greville, 114. Villiers, George, Duke of Bucking- ham, 70. Villiers, Thomas (afterwards Baron Hyde and Earl of Clarendon), 8, 46, 83, 170; his long and remarkable career in diplomacy, 16; death of, 16 ; portrait of, by Knapton, 217. Index Virtuosi, Society of, 7. Visconti,Ennio Quirino, 135, 109. W. Waddington, M., French ambas- sador, 204, 207. Walpole, Horace, on Charles Sackville, Earl of Middlesex, 11 • on the brothers Gray, 12 • mentioned, 14, if, 67, 123; on John Russell, Duke of Bed- ford, 19 ; on Lord Deskfoord, 21 ; on the Dilettanti, 36, 51 • on Italian opera, yo, 51 • on Duke of Richmond's school of statuary, 5 8. Walpole, Sir Robert, 2, 14; initiated the Westminster Bridge Lottery, 42, 43. Walpole, Mr. Spencer, 207. Warkworth, Lord, 83. Warwick, the late Earl, 195-. Watson, Mr. Knight, 203. Watson, Lewis, second Earl of Rockingham, 20. Watson, Thomas, third Earl of Rockingham, 20. Watson- Wentworth, Charles, Earl of Malton (afterwards Marquess of Rockingham), 76, 75), 80, 81, 108. Watson-Taylor, Mr. George, 170. Welby, Sir Reginald (now Lord Welby), 158; joint Secretary and Treasurer to Society, 106. Welcker, 210. Wells, Mr., of Redleaf, iU. Wemyss, Earl of. See Charteris. West, Mr. Benjamin, P.R.A., 109, 136, 227; consulted on state of the Reynolds groups, 225, 226; presentation of his portrait, and letter therewith, 230, 231. Westmacott, Sir Richard, 136, 170, 171. Westminster Bridge Lottery, the earliest recorded transaction of Society, 42 ; a scheme initiated by Sir Robert Walpole, 42, 43 ; Act of Parliament passed in 1736", 42 ■ minutes of Society respecting first lottery, 43 • prizes won, 44. ; resolutions in connexion with second lottery, 44; resultedinlosstoSociety,45'. Westmorland, Earl of. See Burghersh. Whitefoord, Caleb, 123. Whitmore, Mr. Thomas, 8. Wilbraham, Mr., Deputy Arch- Master, 123, 157. Wildman, William, second Vis- count Barrington, 20; Secretary of War and Chancellor of Ex- chequer, 20 ; portrait of, by Knapton, 21 p. Wilkes, 15", 18, 123. Wilkins, Mr. William, R.A., the architect, 128, 136', 143, 144, 147, 158, itfo, 163, 171, 227- sixth wrangler at Cambridge, 147 j studied architecture in Italy and Greece, 147 ; writer on classical architecture, 147 ; edited The Unedited Antiquities of Attica^ 163 ; death of, 168, 180; presentation to, 169. Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury, 8, 226 • famous wit and satirist, 16 ; lived abroad as envoy, 16 ; retained his interest in Society, 16$ his poems offered to Society by Mr. Johnnes, 6j ; verses on Crowle's duel with Lord Hervey, 113. Williams, Gilly, 67. Williams- Wynn, Sir Watkin, portrait of, by Sir J. Reynolds, Index 223 ; leave granted to Mr. T. Grenville to copy it, 223. Willis's Rooms, formerly c Al- mack's,' removal of Society to, 193 ; closing of, ^o6. Winchilsea, third Earl of, collec- tion of, 71, Winckelmann, ixy, 209. Windham,Mr.J.,^8, 100, 102, 103, 104., 106, 109, 122, 126, 14.2. Wolcot, Dr., 124. Wood, Mr. J. T., excavations by, at the temple of Diana at Ephesus, 205. Wood, Robert, first director of Society's archaeological ven- tures, 6b, 61, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,83, 8 4' 88 > deathof j IIQ - Worsley, Sir Richard, 35, 109, 112; British Resident at Venice, 116; his tour through Greece, &c, 1 16; his collection of antiquities, 11 6. Wrey, Sir Bourchier, portrait of, by Knapton, 218. Wyndham, Charles (afterwards second Earl of Egremont), 20, 127. Y. Yarborough, Earl of, owner of Worsley collection of antiqui- ties, 116 and note, 127. Z. Zetland, Earl of. See Dundas. Zoega, 209. Zoffany, the painter, 1 1 5-, 118. OXFORD : HORACE HART PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00106 '"§226