Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/manuscriptsoflorOOgrea HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. FOURTEENTH REPORT, APPENDIX, PART lY. THE MAJJ SCRIPTS OF LORD KENYON. ta of ^parliament ip Commautf of ^tv ^ajerftp. LONDON: FEINTED FOE HEE MAJESTY’S STATIONEEY OFFICE, BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYEE AND SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, E.C., and 32, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W. ; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limited, 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1894. [0. — ^7571.] Price 2s. 10<7. SALE ;OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS rhe under-mentioned Firms have been appointed sole Agents for the sale of Gk)vernment Publications, including Parliamentary Reports and Papers, Acts of Parlia- ment, Record OfiBce Publications, &c., ) and Margaret his wyffc, beinge a verie poore, aged, and impotent couple : and my father, in his lyfe tyme, did, in charitie, give them house roome in a peece of buildinge (called a kitchin) belonging to a house of his ; they beinge soe poore that they are not able either to pay rent or keep 49 it in repaire. I could never else bee content to give them houseroom, still soe I might not incurre anie danger thereby ; but if I cannot doe it without danger, I must turne them upon the parish to provyde them house room.” Begs the Court will grant him licence “for a cottage,” to continue for as long as “ poore people of the parish of Leigh should inhabit therein.” Ralph Assheton to Henry Gerard. 134, 1631 [-2], February 11. Whalley.— The vicar of Wh alley is dead. I have written tetters of recommendation to my Lord of Canter- bury and Mr. Dobson on behalf of Mr. Burne, whom I labour for. If Mr. Warriner come up about this business, seek by all means to prevent him. Seal of arms, broken. R[ichard], Archbishop of York, to the Bishop op Chester. 135. 1632, June 18. Winchester House. — “ I have received letters from the Lords of his Majestie’s most honorable Privy Councell, the tenor whereof followeth : After ourverie heartie comendations to your Grace. Whereas wee are informed that sometymes it hath hapned that those ministers who are appointed to preach before the Judges of Assises in theire severall circuits, are either men of ill disposition to the present state or government, or want sufficiencie or experience for those places and auditories (being assemblies of the principall persons of each Countie), and have given cause of scandall and offence, which is of dangerous consequence, and might bee easily prevented, if ellection were made of discreete and able men, but if yt shoulde fall out otherwise, that then such as give the scandall bee reprehended and punished for their in- discretion. Wee do therefore earnestly recomend unto your Grace the serious consideration hereof, and do accordingly pray and require you to direct your letters to the severall Bishops within your Province, willinge and requiringe them to take carefull and effectual! order that from henceforth the elections of preachers for those tymes and places be either made by them in their severall dioceses, or (at least) with their knowledge and approbation. And that the said preachers bee chosen of the gravest and most discreet and learned ministers in the counties respectively, with expresse directions to handle only such points as are seasonable and fitt for such assemblies, and that they for- beare to medle with the persons of men, or anything prejudicial! to the lawes or present government, or anything els not befittinge their callinge. And, lastly, with intimation unto them that if they faile herein they shalbee censured and punished by them, being theire Ordinaries, secundum canones et gradus delecti. And so wee bidd your Grace verie heartily farewell. From Whitehall, the last of Maye 1632. “ I have found by experience that usually the Sheriffs make choiee of the preachers without eyther leave or practice of the Bishop of the Diocese ; out of which libertie, so taken by the Sheriffs, the abuse com- plained of to the Lordes of the Councell, hath grown. I do therefore pray your Lordship to lett the High Sheriff of every County in your Diocese know that, by comaund from the Lordes of the Councell, you have re- ceived direction not to suffer it to be so hereafter, but that whosoever shall preach in any place to the Judges maye thereunto bee allowed of by you, and that you will make choice and allowance of such discreet and learned men as will not rune into the errors which the Lords o\ tlie Councell have noted in theire said letters.” Copy. 73480. D 50 Order made at tlie Session of tlie Peace held at Preston. 136 . 1632, July 11. Preston in Amounderness. — ‘‘ Whereas this court was this daye informed, as well by some Justices of the Peace of this countie inhabiting within the hundred of Blackburn, as by sundrie gentlemen and others of that hundred, that therein is a verie dangerous passage within the said hundred, over the river of Calder, called Fenys- ford, lying betweene the Townshippes of Whalley and Great Harwood, within the countie and hundred aforesaid, and being in the King’s high- waye, between the burrow-town of Clitherowe and the townes of Whalley, Wisswall, Pendleton, and other townshipps on the one side of the river, and the townes of Manchester, Burye, and other markett townes and townshippes on the other side, over which ford, when the water is little, there is commonly tow or three hundred lowden horses everie daye passe over, besides great numbers of other passingers; but the river being very often (especially in the winter season) soe great, that there is no passage for man or horse, and many attempting at suche time to passe, have been drouned, and almost daylie some persons are there putt in danger of their lives, and have their loades and car- riages drowned and lost ; and that the said ford is of late years so worne and groune so rocky, that in short time it is thought will become alto- gether impassable, being almost impossible to be amended by the charge and labour of man. Whereupon some gentlemen of those parts have endeavored to obtaine from the bordering townes and some personages of worth, a voluntary contribution, or gratuity, for erecting of a stone bridge over the said river, in the passage or highway aforesaid ; wherein we are credibly informed that a good sume will bee that way raysed towards the said worke, to the value of one hundred pounds or there- abouts, which, as is thought, will halfe suffice to build a bridge. This Court, considering that it weare much pittie that suche a worke should go backe for want of a tryfie or small contribution, to go through the said Hundred by way of fifteenth. It is therefore this daye ordered by an unanimous voice of all the justices of peace present, with con- sent of all the constables and inhabitants of the said Hundred, assembled at this Sessions, that a taxe of two fifteenes shall be assested and paid throughout the said Hundreud of Blackburne, to be employed towards building of the said bridge ; the same to be collected by the high constables of the said Hundred and paid over unto the hands of Sir Baph Asheton, Barronet, Thomas Walmisley of Dunckenhalgh, Esq., Sir Thomas Walmisley, Knight, and Roger Kouell of Read, Esq., or anie of them, whoe this court doth intreat and authorise to be over- seers of the said work. Provided that this assessement shall not be hivyed nor go forth until suche time as the Clerk of the Peace for this county be certified by the said overseers, under their hands or the hands of two of them at the least, that there is apparent hopes that the money voluntarily contributed, together with this taxation, will per- forme the saide worke.” Copy, Seal of arms. Edmund Pollard to Henry Gerrard, at Preston. 137 . 1632, July 20. London. — I have directed to you a box, with a hat for my sister Isabel!, which I entreat you to have carried to her. Postscript . — “ This comes a week after the date, now 27. Yesterday, a post from the King of Sweden sang Victoria as he rode through the streets towards the Court.” 51 Accounts connected with working the Lead Ore at Theefley, 138 . 1 632 [-3], January 2 to March 16. — ‘^Samuel Robinson, 37 dayes and nights, at Sd. per diem ; Sara’s wiffe’s wadges, for 24 dayes and nights, ^d, per diem,’’'' The rest of the payments are to other male labourers, and for candles, washing the ore, wood, nails for the corfes,” &c. Sale of an Outlaw’s Goods. 139 . 1632[-3], January 3. — Deed of sale by John Hilton, of Preston in Araounderness, farmer unto his Majesty, of the goods and chattels of all persons outlaAved, or to be outlawed, within the Hundreds of Salford and Blackburn, of the goods and chattels of Roger Kenyon, of Park- head in Whalley, now standing several times outlawed, to Robert Cunliffe of Sparth and Thomas Turner of Preston. Robert Mawdesley to his ‘‘brother,” George Rigby. 140 . 1632[-3], February 17. Wigan. — Is sorry his father [William Mawdesley] will not part with a certain hawk ; but “ ould men, as the auncyent proverb goeth, are twys children.” Mi’. Edward Bridgeman desires copies of the informations or examinations taken and certified against “ Mr. Cade, the precher.” Seal of arms. Wines, 141 . 1632[~3], February 18. — “A Proclamation for Prizing of Wines.” Sir Ralph Assheton to Sir Henry Agard, “ at his house, Fosson in Derbyshire.” 142 . 1633, March 25. Whalley.— “ Mr. Wright hath been here with us at the lead-mynes, and seen and understood what his place, undertak- ing, and entertaynment, should bee” ; he is not anxious for the appoint- ment, which is only fit for “ a man that hath been reallie brought up a myner, or an overseer of myne-workes, or a berghmaister : such a one as hath speciall good judgment in lead oare, in the lyeing of the vaines and rakes in the earth, and can be able to direct the groof workes for orderly working, and tryall of the myne, that will go doune into the workes, twice or thrice a weeke, and oftener, if need bee, can judge what wages are fit for the King to give, and who are, or are not, expert and fit men to sett on work .... and do all things that belongs to a skillful mynerall man. Such a one it is Mr. Chancellor expects.” Recommends sending for a man from Derbyshire, where many such men may be found “versed and trayned upp in that profession, even from their cradles.” Copy. Richard Hallywell to [George Rigby.] 143 . 1633, March 25. Manchester. — “ You wry t for the larger rund- let to be filled with whyt wine, but, trulie. Sir, altho’ the whyt bee vorie good, yett it will not be nether for your credet nor mine to send wdiyle ; for it will, within 2 or 3 dayes, both lose hed and culler .... I would advise you to claret, for it will hould best.” Sends a “ bottle ” of each for trial. D 2 52 Sir Henry Agard to Thomas Eyre. 144. 1633, April 1. Foston. — The Chancellor of the Duchy desires Eyre to recommend a man skilful in lead -mining, as there is great hope of working a lead-mine in Lancashire for the King’s use. Signed. Seal of arms. Dorothy Legh to George Rigby. 145. 1633, April 29. Lyme. —Great complaint is made of the foul- ness ” of the highways, especially in Little Hulton. Prays him “ to bee a means, that everie one that ought to worke in those wayes, may come and doe their duties therein .... now whiles the season of the yeare doth fitt for it.” Repair of St. Paul’s Cathedral. 146. 1633, June 7. — An account of the sums subscribed by various towns in the County of Lancaster, for the repair of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Sum total, 19/^. 10^. Zd. Alexander Rigby to his brother, George Rigby. 147. 1633, June 17. Gray’s Inn. — Desires search made ‘‘ in your office” as to the whereabouts of Sir John Pilkington’s manor of Eves- green, in Lancashire. Conceives his land at Evesgreen was no part of Sir John’s property, ‘‘for it was only a little common in Gosenargh, which, before the enclosure, was called Evesgreen, and noe manor ; and there is also another little common neere the burgh, called Eyvesgreene, but I know not whether any more lands in that place are conteyned under that name.” Sir John was Escheator of Lancashire. Has spoken with “ your glass man about your glass works, and he will not work them for 1.9. apeece, as you writt, but demaundeth H. Qd. for every quarrell ... I think you might have them done in Preston.” Seal. Robert Mawdesly to George Rigby. 148. 1633, August 13. Wigan. — Sir Peter Leighe, who is at Haidock, desires copies or notes of the orders made at the sessions, for building bridges, for two or three years last past, since the building of Newton Bridge. Seal of arms., broken. [Sir Ralph Assheton ?] to Thomas Covell, at Lancaster. 149. 1633, October 20. Whalley. — “ I understand by Tom Green- feild, my cosen Braddill’s man, that you have removed my cousin from the Receaver’s Chamber into the Gatehouse, a place of much lesse ease, and (belike) more incomodious for health, his privacy, and bestowinge and placeinge of his necessaries, &c. ; and this his remove, comeinge so soon after my beinge at Lancaster, may, by the jeleous, bee suspected to have been brought to this passe, out of some speech or conferrance between you and mee, which (if any such conceipt bee) you know is most untrue and misgrounded. But to let that passe. Yt is like enough my cosen Braddill, in his old garbe of talke, hath provoked you justlie to this course, but I know your generous disposition dispiseth revenge, especially when it is in your owne power, which more assures me of prevailinge in my sute, which is, that you wilbee pleased, for my sake, to returne him to his former lodginge, the Receavor’s Chamber, and to restore him to 5 :^ the eojoyment o£ all the ease and libertie hee had there before. I am the more earnest in it for that 1 heare his wife is to come unto him and stays for a time ; whilst, for his more profitt, hee gives over housekeepinge here. I praie you deny me not. I shall take it as a curtesie done at my request, and will place it as a speciall one amongst the rest.” Draft. [Sir Ealph Assheton] to Mr. Covell. 150. 1633, October 29. Whalley. — I lately wrote unto you (and some- what ernestly) for my cousin Braddill’s restoration to such chamber and ease as, till of late, by your good permission, he enjoyed in this his durance. The good gentlewoman, ids wife, as you may perceive, is now- come to him to stay for a time, and I should be no little grieved she should be lodged in a 4 or 5 bed chamber, and most of them therein men. There be also many other inconveniences, and therefore, as I may move you in any thing, deny me not again. James Anderton to Eogek Kenyon. 151. 1633[-4], January 31. Cleyton. — I thank you for your love, care, and pains taken, touching the CoucherBook, which 1 have sent you by this bearer, and I wish 1 had sent it you sooner, as Sir Ealph Assheton hath this night sent to me for it (very ernestly), but in respect of my promise to you, I have returned him answer that I am assured it is safe and it shall be with him before Tuesday at night. Seal. Christopher Hall to Eoger Kenyon, at his house near Whalley. 152. 16343 May 14 Clitherce, — You cannot but wonder at my more than boldness, having so largely of late tasted your kindness, to solicit you for a second favour. I ma.ke no question but you know" of my too long continued imprisonment. My father-in-law is still obstinately churlish, and doth not only refuse to purchase my freedom, but, to add more to my bondage, hath sent my wife and child to me, so that I am constrained, in great extremity, to purvey for maintenance botli for them and myself. The debt and charges for which I am here imprisoned, will not all amount to above 16/^., and my creditor offers me seven years to pay it in, so he may be secured by sufficient bond. Now my purpose is, to procure eight friends for the accomplishment hereof ; two have alieady under- taken a share ; will you make a third and procure me a fourth ? Egbert Blundell to George Eigby, Clerk of the Peace at Wigan. 153. 1634[“5], January 7. Tnce Blundell. — “ There is a fffteene charged upon Darbie hundred, to make a new stone bridge in North Meales, which was never laid on the hundred before ; but it was still made, at the charge of the toune, with plankes, and it is but a })rivate waie, and no high waie, and therefore the hundred ought not to bee charged with it.” Seal of arms, brokevi. The Lords of the Council to the Justices of Lancashire. 154. 1635, March 31. Whitehall. — Eequiring them to send a true particular of the names and qualities of all malsters within the County, and what number they think should be allowed ; so that his Majesty may take further course for the reformation of the damage to the kinguoin, by the excessive number of malsters. Copy. 54 William Horrocks to Koger Kenton. 155. 1635, December 26. — “ I have, by my messenger purposely sent, saluted all Mr. Sequestrators with my Lord’s letter, save Mr. Starky and John Robinson, whom he (sic) could not meet with, but now, in the sending of this letter from the knights and us two blackccats, they with the rest (Grod willing) shall have shown them what is to be done.” Seal. Acknowledgment by the Churchwardens of Wigan as to a Pew. 156. 1636, May 10. — “ Whereas,we Eaph Broune and Bichard Turner, gentlemen, elected Churchwardens in the town and parish of Wiggan for the year of our Lord Grod, 1633, did, upon Sundays and hollydayes during that whole yeare, kneele, sitt in, and make use of, one certaine place or pew, lying and being in the uper end of the north syde of the midle-ile, within the Church of the affbresaid parish of Wiggan, and next adjoyning to a place in the same Church, commonly called the parsons chancell. Now this our present act testifyeth that we, the foresaid Baph Browne and Bichard Turner, had and used the afforesaid place or pew during the tyme afforesaid, lying and being as afforesaid, in the parish Church afforesaid, not making any challendge, title, or claim, unto the same, as of due or right, either to our person’s, houses, or office for that year belonging or anywyse, or at any tyme, then or heretofore, appertaininge ; but by the sole and speciall leave and permission (by intreatie obtained) of Joseph Bigbye, gentleman, one of the same parish, to whom, and whose house, of ould, we have heard the forenamed place or pew of right to belouge.” Signed, ‘^^Bautfe Broune . . . Bichard Turner, the other churchwarden, died before his hand was required to this writing.” Katherine Badcliffe to her son-in-law, George Bigby. 157. 1636, August 10. — “ It hath pleased God to call my brother Harrie, who desired to be buried at Todrnerden, whither we do carry his body tomorrow. Mr. Badclif and I would be glad of your company there tomorrow night.” Belief of Poor Prisoners. 158. 1637, August 23. — The weekly taxation of the several parishes within the Comity of Lancaster. Subscribed by the Justices of the Peace for the County. Endorsed ‘‘ A Taxation for the relieffe of the poore prisoners within the Gaolc at Lancaster, agreed upon 23 die Augustin Anno 13 Caroli Regis Anno Domini 1637.” Peter Heywood to George Bigby, at Lancaster. 159. 1636, August 24. — If there be any mention at the Board of Jus- tices’ wages, do me the favour to inform them that, not ten days since, I received the first extracts of fines imposed since our grant began. I find the sums so small that, were they wholly gathered, the money will not amount to wages for the justices, nor for meaner men, the collectors. Seal of arms. 55 “ Gaeryt Wynnan, Dotchman within the Minster of Chester,” to Mn. George LIigbye. 160. [1637, July 14.] — I have sent your worship four dozen “ qarnls [quarrels] and one ovall.” I will come and stay a day or two with you, for to draw these pictures you were desirous to have. I can hardly sell these “qarels” after the rate of the first, for I sell none under 6s. a peice in Chester, but if your worship will not have all the four dozen, you may send me the rest again, and the oval broke in the burning, but it will not be much worse when it is set up. Joseph Tompson to his cousin, George Rigby. 161. 1637, December 16. — Asking that an “antimoniall cup ” may be intrusted to his brother, as he is i)ersuaded of its great virtue, and is willing to take it, for he has long been, and still is, tormented with some such diseases as the “ printed copy ” saith it hath virtue to I'emove. Portion of seal. Peter Winn to Mr. Rigey. 162. 1637 [-8], January 14. Latliom. — “The bearer hereof, Sara Crosse, wife to one Richard Cross, deceased, beinge a longe tyme servaunt to my Lord, and beinge, as all the neighbours conceave, and by his owne confession, all the tyme of his sickness and at his last departure, most grieviously tormented with sundry torments, by the wichcrafte of one Anne Spencer, a knowen wich, and, as by her examinations, beinge taken before mee and Mr. Ashurst, doth appeare, who, in regard of my sudden goeinge upp to London, the poore woeman’s cause hath beene a little neglected, for I would desire you to certify this my letter to the Bench, and withall to doe the poore woeman that favour ' as to get her a mittimus where the said Spencer may forwith bee sente to Lancaster, there to remaine till shee receaveher further tryall accordinge to equity and justice.” Seal of arms. Alexander Tompson to George Rigby, at Peel. 163. 1638, June [4]. — He came, last week, to Peel, intending to stay and wait on Mr. Radcliffe, to make up the books, and have “ our meeting of Wiganers and Cowbent dogs at some indifferent place.” Hugh Hargreaves to George Rigby. 164. 1638, September 11. — -Desires to have the names of those which are licenced within these hundreds,” and also “ word ” what he shall do with ‘‘ butchers and bakers, as well as badgers,” which are not licenced. “ There are divers, both badgers and baiters, that will not take licences, but say they will give over; but yet they will continue.” These dispute his authority. Thomas Covell to George Rigby, at Peel. 165. 1638, September 18. Lancaster. — “ I, hearing, as well by yourself as by dy vers others, of the great cures and good that have been donne by the vertue of your antimoniall cupp, earnestly desyre to make tryall there- of, in regard of ray infirmilie ; and, therefore, doe intreat you heartily to doe me the favour to send the cupp and your servant maide, who knoweth the use of the same.” Seal of arms. John Wiswall to Gteorge Rigby, at Peel, “in old England, Lancashire, Deane Parish.” 166. 1638, September 27. “ Dorchester in ISTew England.” — “ Being mindfull of your worshipes kindnes and readynes, at all tymes, to doe me good and rescue me out of the handes of immeritinge and men, accordinge to the place and power God had stt you in, I could not excuse myselfe of great ingratitude if I should not show my thankefull- ness some waye, and not knowing how more acceptably to doe it, I have adventured to present a few rude lynes unto your worshipes veiwe, certifieiiige your worshipe of our prosperous, pleasant, and speedy jorney unto New England, in seven weekes and odd dayes. Twenty three shipes more besides us, I think have come, but none so speedy : we were the first of all in Nantasket. It is a place where shipes oftymes anchor, before they goe downe into Boston or Chari estowne river. In the waye, there is a pritty castle and fort to which the shipes lore [lower] their top gallans before they passe into Boston, and divers there, shoot two or three canons, and then the fort will welcome and salute them with one. For the land, it is a fyne land, good for come, especially Indian, which is a very precious graine for divers uses beside bread, good for pasture, and good haye land, plenty of wood. It is a pleasant country to looke upon. Truely Sir, I like it very well, and soe I thinke any godly man God calls over will, when he sees Moyses and Aaron, I meane magistrate and minister, in church and commonwalke {sic) to walke hand in hand, discountenancing and punishinge sinne in whomsoever, and standinge for the praise of them that doe w(dl. Our sovereigne Lord and Kinge, is Kinge Charles, whose crowne and honnor is dayly jirayed for in all the churches. Under him we have a Governour, Deputy, and Counsell, and men called Assistants, in power, much like your justices; Constables we have in every towne ; men we call Comittyes we send from every towne to the Generali Court. Plantations there are divers, and they succeed and prosper well. Boston is a pritty towne ; in it there are fyne houses and some six or seven shopes fynely furnished with all commodityes. There is a prity key and a crane, as at Bristol!, to lade and unlade goods. There is a warehouse v/herein strangers and passengers’ goods may be put. Newtowne now is called Cambridge. There, is a University house reared, I heare, and a prity library begune. There is also Boxbury, Dorchester, Salem, and divers townes. At Conectichute, there are some pritty plantations. But to wind upe all in one word, thinges prosper well, and men of pritty parts, God sends over, both for church and comonweale. The Indians are a prity active, ingenious people in kind, yet loveinge to us For personal! strength, I thinke it not inferiour to us, if not exceed[ing]. They are active to cram (?) as they speake, that is : kill deere, fishe, fowle, beaver, and divers wilde beastes, in the woods. Our plantations are not anoyd with any. Some W(dves now, at this tyme of the yeare, come downe after deere, and doe some hurt to calves, goats, and swine, &c. but it is but little.” Postscript . — “ I have for my owne share, a pritty house and outhouses with 12 (?) acres of my owne land, besides half a good house, to which p(‘rtaines 47, my share being then 23^.” Endorsed, “John Wiswull’s letter to me; received 22 January 1638 [-9].” Seal. 57 Miles Atkinson to George Rigby, at Peel. 167. 1638, November 21. Lancaster. — The bearer’s son is “ diseased, very vehemently,” with the falling sicknesse.” Begs the aid of the antimoniall cupps,” and a ‘‘ sufficient quantity of the liquor wherein the cupps shall be boyled.” Also begs the “ best directions ” for taking the cups. Seal of arms. Giles Heysham to George Rigby, at Peel. 168. 1638, November 26. Lancaster. — A friend and neighbour has come from Scotland witli a hundred “weathers,” not large, but “ well coloured mutton.” They cost him about 4/. 10^. a score, at Dumfries, and he was offered 7/. a score at Lancaster. Fragment of seal. Hugh Hargreaves to George Rigby, at Peel. 169. 1638, December o. Wiswall. — Numerous “ badgers ” about ; say they were licensed at Manchester Sessions, but will not show their licences ; shall these be indicted at the next sessions ? Thinks he has heard of Rigby’s “ bed-fellow’s ” ring, lost near Whalley. Robert Ouldfield “ the bell-founder,” who lives in Preston, found it, and offered to “pawne it ” in Whalley. Ellen Bent to George Rigby, at Peel. 170. 1638, December 31. Hulme. — “Since my beinge with you, 1 received a precept from Mr. Hughe Rigby, the escheator, for the ffndiuge out of an office, after my husbands death ; thetyme is verie short, beinge nppon the 16th of Januarie next, to be sitten at Boulton. And nowe, you beinge absent (on whome I onlie relyed) I am forced to write unto you desiringe your answer and advice herein. You knowe good cosin, how farr unable and unfitt I am for such a busines, and therefore in this extremitie, must crave your helpe and other of my friends. Yetr, your judicious uudcrstandinge and hel[)e herein, 1 most wisli ; wherefore, I luunblie intreate your best assistance herein and your advise, by waie of your letter, what to doe in the meane tyme.” Seal of arms. “ A brief Note of Remembrance for the Lord’s Prerogative in the Isle of Man.” 171. 1638. — As to the dower which Ann, Countess Dowager of Derby, claimed in the said Island, It was agreed that the Island formed no part of the realm of England, and therefore the Council had no jurisdiction. Organist of Prescot Church. 172. 1639, April 16. — Order by J. Aldem, the vicar of Prescot, and the eight men of the Chappelry of Parnworth, to increase the salary of Mr. Parker, organist of Piescot parish church, from 611. 13^. 4 and that Sir Ellis, Serjeant Pemberton, Serjeant Eaymond, Mr. Edward Atkins, Mr. Leake, are to be admitted into their places of Mr. Baron Littleton. But now there is further discourse conserning my Lord Chief Justice North, my Lord Chief Baron and Mr. Justice Windham &c. I have asked the opinion of some of the Exchequer Olficers concerning the method of returning 113 recusants and quakers, who assure me ’tis all alike, but they say there is something under consideration, in order to the distinguishing them after they are returned.” Postscript , — “ My Lord Treasurer haveing bene assigned this day to answer whether he would stand to his pardon or plea of not guilty, hath chosen to rely upon his pardon.” News Letter. 368. 1679, July 10. London. — It is this day generally affirmed that his Majestie hath desclosed in Councill the Parliament is dissolved, and will forthwith issue a Proclamation thereof and for assembling a new Parliament upon the 7th of October. Mr. Langhorne, who was repreived till Munday next, is said to have discovered 20,000/i. of the J esuits money, and 40,000/^. more upon mortgages, and it is thought there are more hopes of a further discovery from him since his Majestie hath written to Spayne to have his two sons sent home from Vallodolid. It is like- wise said, Dr. Wakeman doth not intend to be Colmanized (the Sessions draw neare) and that the Portugall Embassador moves earnestly to have the great lady retyre for some time, till things be a litle setled ; and some say the French Duchess is about to visit her owne countrey, and that the other Duchess hath lost much money there and is comming back hither in hopes to gain by play, the same way she got this, though not the same way she lost it.” The Earl of Derby to Roger Kenyon. 369. 1679, September 22. Knowsley. — The Election for burgesses at Preston was very strangeley carried on. If Sir Robert Carr will, I shall bee glad to have a petition put in the House of Commons, and when I know his mind I will act accordingly, for I am absolutely at his dispose, and when you see him, doe me the kindnes to tell him soe.” Thomas Walsh to Roger Kenyon. 370. 1679, October 11. Aswarby. — His Majestie has determined the blynd horse match and hath agreed it shall be drawne, so that you may conclude your live gineys are safe, but I feare Mr. Curtis’s half crowne is in the hucksters’ hands. Postboy hath won his match ; my master hath two or three more to run, but he intends to be at Aswarby the midle of next weeke.” Seal of arms, broken. Guicciardini Wentworth to Roger Kenyon. 371. 1679, November 6. — For news, I believe there is abundance, but it is out of the reach of such poor mortals as myself, “ only Mr. Danger- feild alias Wiloughbie has plotted himself into Newgate, and my Lady Pewes(?) into the Tower, and detected Sir R. Peighton to have been a decoy who may possibly this night be sent after him, though the rabble was last night pleased to burn him and the Pope together.” Seal of arms. Leftwich Oldfeld to Roger Kenyon. 372. 1679, December 21. Leftwich. — I am but newly returned from Knowsley to take leave of honest Robin Oholmondeley, who expired on Monday, to the great discomfort of that family. If you have any 73480. H 114 comfortable news for the ‘‘ Church-of-England-men/’ who will always be found the Kind’s truly (if not only) loyal subjects, pray refresh us with it. Seal of arms. Phillip Lloyd to Roger Kenyon. 373 , 1679 [-80], January 8. Council Chamber. — “ The Lords Com- mittees of Councell having been made acquainted with a letter of yours (without date) to Mr. Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster, giving an account of the remissenesse of some of the Justices of the Peace at the last Quarter Sessions at Preston, in prosecuting popish recusants, their Lordships have comanded me to send the inclosed order to you, requiring those Justices to appear before tliem to give an account of their pro- ceedings ten days after the end of the approaching Sessions, which you ai‘e to acquaint them with, but so as that no interruption may bee given to the Sessions thereby. At the time that the Justices attend, I am commanded to let you know that you are likewise to attend and bring up with you any such further information concerning this matter as you have or may come to your knowledge. The Lords are sensible and well satisfyed with your diligence and have comanded me to tell you so, and to desire you will continue it and to assure you that they will not be wanting to give you all manner of encouragement in it.” John Bullyn, alias Edwards, to Roger Kenyon. 374 , 1679[-80], January 13. Lancaster Castle. — I am not able to come down and see you, and dare not assume the boldness to ask you to come and see me. I know not upon what ground I stand, nor what will be done with me, nor have I any friend in the world to advise me, unless I could have one minute’s discourse with you. Seal. John Bullyn to Roger Kennion. 375 , 1679[-80], January 14. Lancaster Castle. — ‘‘ The sadd prospect of afflictions that surround me and, like a hurricane from all poynts of the compass, invade my perplexed soule, make me alsoe troublesome to others, as yourselfe [as] by these [you] may experience. The tedious night being gone with the break of day, I renew my addresses to you. To you, in whom my chief hope Res, I have sought alwaies imaginable to give the world satisfaction of my integrity, and if anything you could dictate to me remay ned, it should be imbraced. And beer 1 doe againe call God to witnos I am alltogether innocent, and free from having any hand or knowledge of this plott, directly or indirectly, and wish God may never forgive me but condemn me to the eternall flames of hell, if in this ascertion I tell a lye or equivocate or mentally reserve.” Seal. The Lords of the Council to Roger Kenyon. 376 . 1679 [-80], January 19. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — Enclosing certain Acts of Parliament for granting a supply to His Majesty for paying off and disbanding the forces raised since the 29 September, 1677, to be put in force in the County of Lancaster. Christopher Marsden to Roger Kenyon. 377 . 1679[-80], January 30. Bolton. — “ I am certayne that war- rants came to the severall churchwardens, and other offlcers, in Rivington, 115 Lostocke, and some other places, reqnireing them to meet the gentlemen at Wiggan on Monday last. I beleive theire desyne may bee to know how you have putt the laws in execution against. Sir Charles Anderton and others of his religion whether too much favor bee not sliewne to some and to much severity upon others. What I gather of their designe, is from some discourse I had with Mr. James Lever who had discoursed with some of the churchwardens in Lostocke.” Seal, broken, Dorothy Lagoe to Mrs. Kenyon, at Peel. 378 . 1679[-80], February 4. Manchester. — ‘‘I have been in- quireing (and spoke to Mrs, Cash) for maids for you ; and she brought one to mee, which would come to you to be a chamber-maid. She is a very pritty woman, and can sow. I have made some inquiry after her conditions. They say she is true, but hath sweethearts, and is not mindful to take much pains.” Seal of arms. Leftwich Oldfeld to Mr. Kenyon. 379 . 1679[-80], February 7. — My wife tells me that, by your pro- curement, the grant of her seats in the gallery in Manchester Church was obtained from the Bishop, which seats, we and our assigns have quietly enjoyed till of late the covetuousness of the Chaplain, who pretends to have a power to make leases of the said seats. The Chaplain’s power is short of what he boasted. It is true indeed that their grant precedes ours, being by Bishop Wilkins, but it reaches no further than to receive the rents and rates of the said Gallery. Desires advice. Order signed by W. Spkncer, Thomas Preston, Miles Dodding, CuRWEN Bawlinson, William Kirkby, and Thomas Cole. 380 . 1679[-80], February 14. Lancaster. — ‘‘Whereas the Maior and Councell of the Corporation of Lancaster have received information from Mr. Cobb, deputy prothonotarie of this county, that the Judges are dissatisfied to keep the Assizes at Lancaster, in respect of the mines of the castle of Lancaster, conceiving some danger to sitt there untill the same be repaired. In order, therefore, for their satisfaction and better security to sit in safety, it is by us, whose names are hereto subscribed. Justices of the Peace for the said county, within the Hundred of Lonsdall, ordered, that the late High Constables of the said Hundred of Lonsdall, or such other person and persons as have received any of the moneys for the repaire of the said Castle, shall, upon notice hereof, pay all the said moneys unto Mr. Fleiiry Johnes, according to an order made att the Sheriff’s table of this county, and a roll for that purpose, to be by him disbursed and paid over to the Maior of Lancaster for the time being, Francis Medcalfe, gentleman, Henry Johns, John Hodyson and William Penny, of Lancaster, in the said county, gentle- men, who wee hereby appoint overseers of the said works, and to be imployed for the present repairs of the courts in the said Castle.” Guicciardini Wentworth to Boger Kenyon. 381 . 1679[-80], February 28. — “ The Chancellor went out of town on Tuesday was seven ight and, in good health (a cold excepted) came to Aswarby this day sennitt. The Lord Mayor, &c., coming by appoynt- ment to return his Majesty thanks for his favor towards them in their. u 2 116 pretentions to the disposicon of the water bayliffes place, were, by Sir George Jeffries (as ’tis said) trickt into a desire to kiss the Duke’s hand, and accordingly performed to his Majesties good likeing, of which Mr. Recorder may heere more next Comon Councell, which will be shortly. My Lady Carr has had two fitts of an ague, but hopes it will not return. Murthers and dewells wee have frequent, and one last might between the Earl of Plymoth and Sir George Hewett, princepalls, the Lords Mordant and Cavendish as seconds ; the latter has wounded his man very shrewdly but not mortally ; the quarrell about words, and that they were idle ones, the parties considered.” Pe : Brooke to Roger Kenyon. 382. 1679[-80], March 11. Astley. — I communicated your letter to Sir Richard Standish and others, and find those I discoursed to on the business rather desirous to build a new prison, which it is said may be done at an easier rate than to repair the ruinous castle. I am old, near 68 years of age, and full of infirmity, and shall be a petitioner that I may have some space betwixt the business of life, and death. Seal of arms, W. Andrewes to Roger Kenyon. 383. 1679[-80], March 18. — The great business against Manchester is committed to Sir John Stringer to try if, by industry, he can make more of it by re-examining the informers. I only give you this hint, that if you have conveniency. Sir Thomas may have it intimated to him of how ill consequence it maybe to him to hunt for amendments to an informa- tion, the utmost of that delivered in being copied. Jo. Chorley to Roger Kenyon. 384. 1680, April 28. Liverpool. — Asking that one James Leech, who lately broke out of Liverpool gaol, may be taken into custody upon the Mayor of Liverpool’s warrant. Justice Dolben to Roger Kenyon, Clerk of the Peace for Lancashire. 385. 1680, May 27. — “ I am commanded to give in the names of the persons that were presented by the Grand inquest, last Assizes at Lancaster, for recusancy. I know not how to write to the Clerk of the Crown. I hope you may be able to do the thing. I desire to hear from you with all speed. One Thomas Abbott, of Adlington, was returned on the Grand inquest. I have received good satisfaction for his non- appearance ; therefore lett his fine be discharged.” Seal of arms, broken. Endorsed : “ The Judge’s letter for sending up recusants’ names.” Seal of arms. News Letter. 386. 1680, July 15. Whitehall. — “Yesterday, in the morning, the Comon Hall in London met to chose two Sheriffes in the roorae of Mr. Bethell and Mr. Cornish who had been both discharged from the first election by the Court of Aldermen, for that they were not quallified, according to the Corporation Act, but kaveing since received the sacra- ment, they were by the par tie putt up againe yesterday with one 117 Mr. Box, a drugstor, Mr. Nicholson, a packer, and Sir Wm. Russoll, a mercer. After some howres had been past in disputeing who should bee named first, Mr. Bethel and Mr. Cornish had visibly the more hands, next Mr. Box, and next Mr. Cornish, but because many were in the Hall and held up their hands that were not of the Livery, it was neces- sary to come to a poole, which the sheriffe said hee would begin this morning bee 6 of the clocke for tliat they were to bee that afternoon at the Sessions at the old Bay ley, which was purposely adjorned to the afternoone, for the tryall of Griles, and accordingly made a proclamation and adjorned the Court. Some of the most hot and factious cryed out that they would have a poole imediately and that they would not stick, and my Lord Mayor offering twice to goe away, was hindred by severall that purposely crowd in his way, but at last they let him pass, but they kept the Sheriffes there above an houre afterwards ; they made a pro- clamation that all should depart and keep the peace, in pursuance of which all sober people went their way, but those whose business it is to bee very busie and active on those occasions would nor yet stir and would not lett the Sheriffes doe soe, who endeavoured to goe away, and Osburne, a Draper, struck Sir Simon Lewis on the brest, and bee sides, hee received severall other thrusts and punches on the brest, soe that when hee gott home hee was forced to lett blood. The King, haveing understood what had past, extreamely recentcd, caused the Privie Councell to meete in the evening and sent for the Lord Mayor and the Aldermen thither, who gave an account of all the whole transactions ; upon which it was ordered that those persons who had thus misbehaved themselves should bee indicted for Riot, and that a Commission of Oyer and Terminer should accordingly bee imediately issued, and the said Osburne and severall others have been taken into custody by a warrant from my Lord Mayor, and have given poole (sic) for their appearance. This Comon Hall met againe and now they are pooling, which will not bee finished to day, and in the meanetime the King continues in towne, while all sober people are extreamely scandilized at the insolence of those factious spiritts. Two dayes since, the Earle of Maxfield kissed the Duke’s hand, to whom have [he has] reconsiled himselfe. Just now I heare that Osburne is in Newgate; the King returnes to morrow morning to Windsor.” R. Heywood to Roger Kenyon. 387 . 1680, August 2. Castle Rushen. — Thanking Kenyon for ob- taining Lord Derby’s licence for him to return to England, but regretting he is unable to do so on account of his debts. Seal of arms. Richard Kirkby to Roger Kenyon. 388 . 1680, September 30. London. — Pray let me hear from you how the red- letter men are proceeded against, from every place this next session, and to whom the estreats of the defaulters will belong. The town begins to fill with Parliament men, and the Court is expected here by the latter end of the next week. Seal of arms, broken. The Justices of the Peace for the County of Lancaster to Lord Sunderland. 389 . 1680, October 7. — Whereas by the royal prociamation of 28 De- cember, 1678, we were charged and commanded to apprehend, disarm, and secure, all Popish Recusants or other suspected to be Popish Recusants, 118 and to require them to enter into recognizances with sufficient sureties to keep the peace, and be of good behaviour, and to return such recognizances to the next General Sessions of the Peace where they were to be pro- ceeded against according to law. We, in obedience thereto, have bound a great number of Popish Recusants with sureties to appear at tlie next Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and in the mean time to keep the peace and to be of good behaviour and not to depart the Court without licence. Most of the said Recusants appeared at the Quarter Sessions and took the oath of allegiance, but the Court, upon their refusal of the oath of supremacy, made an order for their continuance, and they were continued from Sessions to Sessions, until they lately neglected to appear. We have therefore ordered the recognizances to be estreated into the Exchequer of such as have neglected to appear ; but such persons as did appear and take the oath of allegiance we make bold to delay the estreating of their recognizances until your Honour will be pleased to acquaint us with his Majesty’s pleasure: for divers learned men in the law are of opinion that such recognizances are not forfeited by reason of the said Recusants appearing, keeping the peace, and being of good behaviour, according to the condition of their several recognizances. The sum in dispute upon the forfeiture of the recognizances in this county is esteemed above 60,000/^. and many Protestant sureties are deeply concerned therein. Copy. Order in Council concerning Recusants. 390. 1680, October 27. Whitehall. — “ There being this day presented to the Board by the Right Honourable Sir Robert Carr, Chancellor of the County Palatine and Dutchy of Lancaster, a state of the case about binding popish recusants to the peace and good behaviour, and of the proceedings thereupon had within the said County, whereby it appears that notwithstanding the severall directions given by his Majesty, as well by his royall commissions and proclamations as by divers orders of this board, for the effectuall prosecution of Popish recusants, the justices of the peace of the said County Palatine of Lancaster have forborne to estreat the forfeited recognizances of divers popish recusants, and their sureties, upon pretence of receiving his Majestie’s further directions therein. His Majesty, taking the same into consideration, was pleased to order, and accordingly it is hereby ordered, that the said justices of the peace for the County Palatine of Lancaster be, and they are hereby, required forthwith to proceed to the signing and certifying the estreats of all the forfeited recognizances whatsoever of popish recusants, and their sureties, within the said County, according to the usuall and ordinary course and method of the lawes in that case provided.” Annexed is : “ The State of the Case about binding the popish recusants to the peace and good behaviour, and the proceedings thereupon and how they now stand in the county of Lancaster. “ 17 November, 1678. — His Majestie upon the humble petition, and at the desire of the Lords Spirituall and Temporal! and the Com- mons in Parliament assembled, did, by his royall proclamation, command the parish officers wdthin their respective precincts in each county, to take the names of all popish recusants, or so reputed, and their iiam(‘S, surnames, age and quality, above 16 yeares of age, to deliver to a justice of the peace, who are required to send for such j)apists to tender them (to whom by law they might) the oathes of allegiance and supremacy, and on refusall, to require them to enter into recognizances to 119 appeare at the next sessions of the peace, and in defalt, to • com mitt them till the next sessions, there to he proceeded against according to law; the said Justices to bee armed with a commission to tender the said oathes. — See the proclamation. “ 23 November, 1678. — His Majesty, by commission under the greate scale of England, did empower, authorize, and comand, ihe justices of the peace in the County of Lancaster to require and receive of all and singular his Majestie’s subjects, above 18 years of age, being popish recusants, or so reputed, residing within the said County, the oathes of allegiance and supre- macy. — See the Commission. “ 20 December, 1678. — His Majesty upon the humble desire of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in Parliament a.ssembled, for prevention of the present dangers, threatening his Majestie’s sacred person and government from the pernicious plotts and contrivances of popish recusants, universally spread over this his Majestie’s kingdome, did, by his Majestie’s royall proclamation, strictly charge and command all justices of the peace, &c , within their respective counties, &c. ; with all speed and dilligence, to apprehend and disarme all who are, or should bee justly suspected to bee, papists, and to require them to enter into recognizance, with suficieiit sureties, to keep the peace and bee of good behaviour, and to return such recog- nizances to the next sessions of the peace, where they are to bee proceeded against according to law, and, on refusall to give such recognizances, to committ the refusers to the comoii gaole. — See the proclamation. ‘‘ Some papists, pursuant to these proclamations and commission, were bound over to the January sessions, and more to the Aprill sessions then next, and some since ; but not a sixth part of the papists in severall hundreds of this county are, or ever were to this dajq at all bound, as wee are informed bj the clerke of the peace. Such as were bound, and did appeare, had the oathes of allegiance and supremacy tendered to them, and such as tooke both the said oathes were forthwith dis- charged of their recognizances to keep the peace and bee of the good behaviour though some of those that took both the oathes are papists and since prosecuted to a conviction. Such of them as tooke the oathe of allegiance, butt refused the oath of Supremacy, were not discharged, butt required to find new sureties, which some did; others, at their owne or their solici- tors prayer, were continued upon their first recognizances, and their refusall of the oath of Supremacy certifyed into the King’s Bench. ‘^23 Elizabeth ca. 1. paragraph 5. — Every popish recusant lawfully convicted (besides the payment of 20/. a month) forbearing, by the space of 12 months, to come to the Church, shall for his or her obstinacy (the conviction being certifyed ut per Statute) bee bound with two sufficient sureties in the sume of 200/., at the least, to the good behaviour ; and so c.ontinue bound till such time as hee doe conforme, and come to Church. ‘‘At the Court at Whitehall, 17 January 1678-9. — There having beene (after the first sessions of binding over recusants) presented by the justices of the peace, six queries to his Majestie in Councell, which his Majesty referred to the judges ; who gave answer to his Majestie, in writing, what persons were fitt to bee bound over. Which report, his Majestie approved, and 120 ordered thiit the justices of the peace take notice thereof and conforme thereunto. ‘‘At the Court at Whitehall, 31 January, 1678-9. — Ordered that his Majestie’s justices of the peace doe, with all care and dilligence, pursue his Majestie’s commands, signified in his Majestie’s proclamations. And his Majestic appoints that the justices of the peace, who shall neglect or refuse, shall bee putt out of commission, as disaffected to. the government and religion established. “ At the July Sessions, 1679. — The papists who had refused the oath of Supremacy, and were therefore kept bound, knowing the refusall of the said oath had beene certifyed into the King’s Bench, did not appeare at the Sessions, but made defalt. The justices of the peace then ordered a scire facias to bee issued, returnable at the next quarter Sessions ; the defalters then to shewe cause why their recognizances shold not bee estreated. “At October Sessions, 1679. — At the sessions begunne at Lancaster, all the papists bound thither were called upon their recognizances ; severall did appeare and were anew bound, or continued, and none of them then ordered to be estreated ; butt had further time at the same sessions adjourned to Preston. Mr. Sarjeant Rigby, one of the justices of the peace on that bench, saying he was not satisfied to bind over popish recusants upon a proclamation. He then gave order none of them should bee then particularly called, butt appointed the sessions to bee adjourned. At the same sessions, held by adjournment at Wigan, the justices appointed the recusants to bee called, butt few of them (by example from Preston Sessions) did appeare ; then, however, the Court recorded the appearances of such as came, and respited the estreating of the defalters, for that time. At the same sessions, holden by adjournment, the like was done at Manchester. “ At January Sessions, 1679-80. — At Lancaster, all the recusants bound thither were called : some did personally, others by their Attorn eyes (showing some cause) were admitted to appeare, and an other scire facias was then ordered for the defalters to show cause, or bee estreated. At the same session, held by adjournment at Preston, there came an order from the councell to Mr. Sarjeant Rigby, and others, the justices there, to appear before the Lords of the Councell to answer for former recusants. And it was then there allsoe ordered, as at Lancaster, to send forth a scire facias. The like orderes were allsoe made at the sessions at Wigan and Manchester. “ 18 March, 1679-80. — An other (Commission, under the greate scale of England, came forth, empowering and commanding the justices of the peace (as commissioners so appointed) to tender the oathes of allegiance atid supremacy to certaine persons therein named, being recusants of best quallity in the said county. With this Commission came a letter, and printed instructions, directed to the justices, from the Lords of the Councell; the letter mentioning, that his Majestic, by his personall com- mands to the judges, by severall proclamations, comissions, and orders, had endeavoured that the lawes against popish recusants should have been putt in effectuall execution ; but, through favour, connivance or abuse were not : therefore, this second Commission was in order to prosecute the persons therein named to 2 , premunire. 121 The said commission, and letter, was brought to the judges and most of the justices of peace, at the Assizes at Lancaster, the 26th of March, 1680, and, shortly after, sent to all the rest of the justices of peace in the county, who agreed, each in their respective hundred, or division, would send for the persons therein resident, in the commission named, to doe pursuant to the said instructions ; but no papist, so sent for, would be found or came at. “ At April Sessions, 1680. — The5c^Ve facias, sent forth, was returned by the Sheriff at Lancaster sessions. The papists were all called. Severall did appeare, butt not one of those named in the said second commission to bee presented to 3i prenmnire ; howbeit, there were then, for that time, so many of them as had any to sollicit for them, allowed to bee continued, and their continuances recorded ; those that neither appeared, nor sent to bee excused, were ordered to be estreated, so soone as the estreate was prepared. At the same sessions, held by adjournment at Preston, the papists were all called; none of those named to bee prosecuted to a premunire, did personally appeare ; others did, and were continued. But the Court did not consent to continue those other upon record ; howbeit, an opinion being read from Sir Thomas Stringer, that they ought to bee admitted to plead to the scire facias, and first enter their appearance thereunto, they allsoe were admitted, by their Attorneys, to appear accordingly. The like was done at Ormeskirke and Manchester Sessions thenafter held. “At July Sessions, 1680. — At Lancaster, it was ordered that all papists who were bound as such, and continued to that session, shold likewise bee continued to the next quarter sessions there: And, unless then they did appeare in person, or bring some order, from the judge of assize, for their discharge, their recognizances should bee defalted and estreated ; and the clerk of the peace to prepare estreats accordingly. At the same sessions, held at Preston, by adjournement, the like order was made ; at the same session, held by adjournement at Ormeskirk, it was ordered that the then defalters shold bee estreated, and an estreate prepared for the ensueing sessions there ; and the like order, as at Ormeskirke, was made at the same sessions holden by adjournement at Manchester. And, shortly after, the said estreats and duplicates thereof were all ingrossed and prepared accordingly, and brought to the next assizes. “At the Assize holden at Lancaster, in August, 1680, Mr. Sarjeant Rigby, of Councill with all the popish recusants that were bound over in that county, moved the judge that their recog- nizances might bee, by his Lordship’s direction, discharged; butt his Lordsliipp contrarily declared the justices ought to signe and certify the estreats. “ At the meeting of the justices of the peace at Lancaster, in the Assize weeke, at the Sheriffs table, 24th August, it was then the opinion and agreement of the table, that the estreats of all forfeited recognizances of popish recusants, should bee signed by the justices of peace that were at the severall sessions; before whom the said recognizances were defalted : And that the clerke of the peace doe tender them to bee signed, accord- ingly. “At the Quarter Sessions holden at Lancaster, in October, 1680, the said estreates, and duplicates thereof, being brought by the 122 clerke of the peace and tendered to the justices, the same, after long debate, were all forborne to bee signed, and it was then ordered in the words following : Upon hearing of Thomas Patton, Esquire, Christopher Greenfield, Esquire, and George Pigott, Esquire, of counci 11 with the popish recusants bound over to the quarter sessions, in pursuance of his Majestie’s proclamation, it is oidered, that all recognizances of such of the said popish recusants as have neglected to appeare, accord- ing to the condition of their respective recognizances, shall bee estreated ; butt the recognizances of such of them as did appeare and take the oath of allegiance, it is ordered that the estreating of such bee forborne till his Majestie’s pleasure therein bee knowne. At the same sessions, held by adjourne- ment at Preston, the justices were in opinion devided ; but the major part agreed to make the same order; and the same was confirmed at Wigan. Butt at Manchester Sessions, it was, by the whole Court, contradicted, as contradictory in itself. Howbeit, because the gentlemen from Lancaster had writt to know his Majestie’s pleasure in the matter, the justices of the peace at Manchester adjudged it their duty, humbly to waite his Majestie’s direction therein, and ordered that the state of all the proceedings in this particular should bee carefully in- spected, and forthwith sent to the Chancellor of the Eutchy of Lancaster, humbly intreating his honour, from the said justices, with all humility and dutifullness, to acquaint his Majesty in Counciil therewith ; and that the pei’sons appointed by his Majesty in Counciil to bee presented to a premunire, are the chiefe of those that thus withdraw themselves, contrary to the condition of their recognizances to avoid the said prosecu- tions.” Copy, Dorothy Lagoe to Mrs. Kenyon. 391 . 1680, December 16. Manchester. — Is so troubled for her dear mother; her cousin, Anne Assheton^hasbeen with Mr. Minshall to ncquaint him how she is. Mr. Minshall says some sack is the best cordial, and if she think it not hot enough mulled, then burn it with some hot spices. He says as to the “ neare sand,” blood is the best thing toannoint it with, enough cat’s blood cannot be got, but calf or sheep’s blood will do, and rub it often, if it make her not sick. Keavs Letter. 392 . 1680, December 23. — “ It is sayd that the Empresse is brought to bed of a young princes. “ The Holland letters say that they continue to see the commett there, and that the astronomers aflirme that the tayle of it is above 60 degrees in length. “ When the Lord Stafford was before the House of Lordes last Sattur- day, the substance of his confessions sayd to bee as followeth {videlicet). Wee have beeiie long in hope of a change of our religion, but have melt Avith rubbes. 1 went to Breda to the King, amongst others. I did propound 1('0,000/. from the Catholiques to take off thepenall lawes againste them. That after the King came in, the Lord of Oxford pro- pounded in the House, the takeing off the oathes of allegiance and supremacy, Avhich tooke noe effect. The Lord of Bristoll propounded a 123 new oath, which I att first lyked of, but after disapproved. After this, the Duke of Yorke brought in a bill which the Lord Chancellor Hide opposed, and said that if that passed, the Kinge might make a popish preist a Bishop of London. Wee then, as I thought, practised our religion too openly, and the Dutchesse of Yorke dyed a supposed papist, and I offered some proposall to my Lord Chancellor. I offered the same o or 4 tymes to the Duke of Yorke, for the dissolveing of the Long Par- liament. I did conceive that if the King lived and the penall lawes could be got off, when the Duke should come to the Crowne there would bee hopes of setting up our religion. Hee made protestations of know- ing nothing more of the plot, and soe was remanded backe to the Tower, The Sheriffes of London and Middlesex makeing some scruple concerne- ing the execution of the Lord Stafford, applyed themselves to the Lordes thereupon, and theire Lordships judged their scruples to bee unneces- sary, and declared that the King’s writ ought to bee obeyed.^ “ Articles of impeachment were ordered to bee drawne up against Lord Cheife Justice Scroggs, Judge Jones, and Judge Vv^eston, for dis- solveing the grand jury before the last day of Trinity Terme.” News Letter 392a, 1680, December 28. — “ The Lord Stafford hath wrote to the 2 Sheriffes, requesting foure thinges of them : first, that they would take care to prevent the people from makeing a noise : secondly, that they would permit the scaffold to bee hunge with blacke ; thirdly, that they would not suffer the scaffold to bee crowded; and fourthly, that they would permit his friends to take away his body in his cloathes, without stripping of him ; hee satisfyeing the executioner. The Sheriffes readily graunted the latter, and promised to doe what they could in the former. “ On Fryday the House of Commons ordered a bill to be brought in for repealing the lawe made for regulateing of corporations. Yesterday there was an extraordinary Councell ; all the Clerks were ordered to withdraw, and what past is kept private.” News Letter. 392b. 1680, December 30. — “ About 9 of the clocke yesterday morn- ing the Sheriffes of London and Middlesex went with a guard of about 500 men to the Tower, to receive the Lord Stafford and carry him to the place of execution. About 10, his Lordshipp came upon the scaffold on Tower Hill, his cofiine being carried up a little before him. After some tyme, his Lordship read a speech, in writeing, to the specta- tors, which were judged to bee above twenty thousand, in which hee protested, with all the asseveration imaginable, his ignorance of the plot, his loyalty to his Majesty, and that the doctrine of deposeing kiuges is contrary to the fundamental! lawes of the Kinge and Kingdome, impious and damnable, though hee acknowledged that many learned men of the Bomish Church did afffrme it. Hee denyed all indulgences, dispensa- tions, and pardons to murder, rebell, lye, forsweare, &c. and that hee believed hee was brought to his tryall on a beleife that, to save his lyfe, hee would have made some greate discovery. Hee prayed for the King, alleadgi ng that noe power upon earth, either singly or altogether, can legally allow him or any other persons to lift a hand against him or his legall authority. Hee desired pardon of God for all his offences, de- siueing all people to forgive him as hee did those that had injured him, not exclude! ng those perjured men (as hee was pleased to terme them] Ste also No. 354 ante. 124 that had brought him to the blocke by theire perjuryes. Hee then de- clared, upon his death and salvation, that hee never spoke either to Oates or Turbervile, and that iiee never saw them till his tryall, and that hee never spoke to Dugdale, unlesse aboute a footeman or a fooie race, and that hee was never then alone with him. Hee begged God not to revenge his innocent blood on the nation, nor on those that were the causers of it, &c. -About halfe an hower after hee had read his paper, hee went to the fewer severall quarters of the stage, declareing, in a short speech, his innocency to all the spectators and hee forgave them all. Which being done, hee began to prepare himselfe for the fatall strike, and being stript, hee layd downe his head twice upon the blocke to fit his necke to it, and the last tyme, the executioners severed his head from his body by one stroke, though hee was forced to make use of his knife to cut the outward skin. Many persons threwe up their handkerchers to theire Catholicke friends upon the scafibld, who, haveing dipt them in his blood, returned them to the owners. The people were very silent dureing this tragedy, only they gave 2 shoutes, one at his first comeing upon the scafibld, the other when the executioner gave the stroke and carryed the head round the scaffold, sheweing it all bloody to the spectators, saye- ing — behold the head of a tray tor. “ d'his day. Judge Raymond informed the House of Commons that Mr. Sheridon, committed by them, had demanded his habeas corpus ; soe desired the directions of the House therein, but they deferred the debate till another tyme. They ordered that the Committee of Im- peachmentes should looke into the evidence against the fower Lordes in the Tower, and report theire opinion to the House, in order to receive further directions therein. “They ordered an addresse to his Majesty that the information of Mr. Serjeant in the case of Gawen, and all other papers and informa- tions relateing to the plot, should bee communicated to the House. They ordered that all the writeings and papers in the last Parliament relateing to the pentioners, should bee produced to the House. They resolved that no member should accept of any office or place of profit from the Crowne, without the leave of the House, and the offenders therein should bee expelled the House. A Bill to bee brought in to dis- cover landes imployed to popish uses.” News Letter. 393. 1680[-81], January 13. London. — “ Several persons going from Encham, in Oxfordshire, to Abbington Market! as the sun was riseing, saw the perfect representation of a crowne over it. The spectators were very numerous, but all agreed that it seemed to be as bigg and as glorious as the sunn. This relation by a letter from Oxford which came yesterday to hand, attested by the subscriptions of the minister of Encham and many other credible witnesses. Yesterday, the Duke of Monmouth, accompanied wdth many of the Nobility and a considerable [number] of Members of Parliment, dyned at the Sunn Taverne, behind the Exchange. The vast sumes of mony lately arrived, of which 1 gave you an account in my last, is said to be the Prince of Hanover’s, but considering the revenues of all his father’s territories doe not amount to above 00,000/. per annum and that it is not the fashion nowadayes to buy wives, it’s very improbable. “From Norwich, the 10th instant, they write that in thatCittye, the last Sessions, above oO protestante decenters were prosecuted upon the Act made against j>apists, notwithstanding the King, Lords, and Comons, have declared that it was intended against papists only, and that no one 125 papist was prosented. The last packquett from Ireland gives an account of a greate light in the heavens, bigger then the moone, ap- peared directlye over the Citty of Dublin, which in one night’s time moved over severall parts of the Citty and at length, in sight of multi- tudes of people, fell through the aire into the sea, as they judge, and was seen no more, and that the Protestants there have dreadfull appre- hentions of aproaching danger. From Scotland wee have account that the Councell there had granted that the Duke of Y[ork] should have liberty to [have] 3,000 French to bee added to his guards, and that the protestants there are extreamely discountenanced, but are resolved to stand one by another, and to hazard all rather then the Romish Super- stition should overspread that Kingdom, and that certaine persons endeavour to distinguish themselves by weareing a blew ribbin and a roll of parcbmentt on their hat : in the parchment is writt — no pope. This day the Courte and the Comon Councill of this Citty sate at Guild Hall, the Courte of Aldermen brought a Letter from his Majestie to put them in mind to enquire into the quallifications of the members, according to the Act for regulateing Corporations. It was put to the vote whether it should bee imediately read, carried in the negative by one voice. Then Alderman Hayes, with others, brought in a petition for the citting of the parliament. The Alderman told them that hee thought it concerned them to perform it, as much as the rest of the fellow cittizens who desired it, upon which a generall hum passed through the Hall, and the Alderman with the rest were ordered to with- drawe, who, after a small debate, were called in and told by Mr. Meaby, theire new Recorder, that the petition should be presented with small alterations in the forme but not in the matter, for which the Alderman returned thanks in the name of the rest and withdrew, but upon a motion that thanks should bee given for bringing in the petition, it passed with generall applause to the mover, and they were againe called in and received the thankes of the Courte. Then the Courte debated aboute the petition carried in the affirmative, nemine contradicente, that the petition should be this night presented to his Majestie by 4 Alder- men and 6 Comoners. The heads of the petition were chieflye that the ])arliament might sitt while the grievances of the nation was redressed and the Bill of Exclusion passed, with an intimation that the whole Citty were resolved to live and dye Protestants.” Accordingly the peti- tion is carried to the King. [Thomas Hodgkinson] to Roger Kenyon. 394 , 1680[-1], January 25. Preston. — On Friday last came the news of the Parliament’s dissolution and of another to be called. On Saturday last, I was called for to “ the Hynd,” where I found Mr. Fleetwood, Mr. Clayton, and others. In a very short time the company proceeded to elect Mr. Fleetwood, and moved my concurrence, all which was answered with silence ; but I discoursed with Mr. Fleetwood, who promised that his interest would be devoted to Lord Derby’s service. I summoned a council yesterday and told them the advantage of unity among ourselves, and the particular obligations this place lay unto Lord Derby and Sir Robert Carr. Fragment. William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon. 395 . 1680[-1], PYbruary 8. London. — Sunday last brought us to London. We hear that Lancaster Assizes are to be held the 16th of 126 March. Judge Dolben is to come the circuit, Sir Robert Sawyer is to be Attorney General, and Sir Creswell Levinz, a judge of the Common Pleas. We hear his Majesty has complimented Oxford for the sitting of the Parliament there, and taken up Christ Church College for his own lodgings. Seal, William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon. 396. 1680-81, February 10. London — ‘‘We had a meeting yester- night proposed by Mr. Grahem to severall receivors and officers about methodizing our proceedings, but Mr. Grayhem beeing princepall and called to read in the Inn, could not meet us. Wee was with him againe to daye, and have this night fetched out of the Exchequer office a Comission of rebellion against Sir Thomas Preston, and made returne thereof that, att the end of the terme, a motion may bee made for a seizure of his estate into the King’s hands. Mr. Graham’s Clerke tells us they have had a tryall to day of 2,000/. laid upon a mortgage for the use of the Jesuites in London, which is gone for the King, and a rule is made that the defendents shall either paye the principall and interest money, or the land to be seized of for the king’s use. Wee are dayly and hourly attending the offices, but by reason of the infinite number of Recusants within our County, wee are much delayed. Wee are advised to marke and cull out upon the Roll in the Pipe, such as are of the best account and ability, and to goe to the Lords Comissioners for a warrantt for process, and for the rest, to have them prepared against the next terme. There is little newes stirring. All the Citty is generally afraid of troublesome times. From Holland they write that the States Generali are resolved to put the Prince of Orange out of the place of Stadtholder. From Oxford wee hear that the heads of the Colledges held a Convocation and have agreed that all schollers under the degree of master of arts should remove out of towne during the time of the Parliament. They say the Grand Jury of West- minster, Sir Wm. Waller beeing foreman, hath presented the King’s horse and foot guards as a grand nuisance and unnecessary charge, and some say as a tumultuous riott ; they have likewise presented the Duke of York as a popish recusant to convict him. His Majestic goes to Bur- ford, near Oxford, where hee will divert himselfe with horse races till the sitting of the Parliament. It is reported that Sir Stephen Fox will bee made Earle of Plymouth, and that Sir Robert Carr is to be made a Lord.” Seal, broken, William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon. 397. 1680[-1], February 12. London. — We are daily and hourly using out utmost endeavours to dispatch our business, but the numer- ousness of our recusants and the attendance and delays we meet with, make us move slowly forward. We design to take out process for 20//. per mensem against such as have been lately returned convicted, which we fear will be as much as can be got down this term. Seal, Thomas Marsden to Roger Kenyon. 398. 1681, April 5. Walton. — Asking his favour on behalf of Mr. Norres of Derby, who is not yet cleared in the Exchequer for his recusancy, and who hears his name is in the list of such as sliall have 20//. per mensem levied upon their heads. Mr. Norres’ conformity “ to our church ” is as full as it can be. 127 Elizabeth, Isabell, and Ann Westby to Koger Kenyon. 399. 1681, April 7. Windar.” — We are informed you are supposed to be Receiver General of Recusants’ estates, and we, being in the number of those that are under sequestration, send you forty shillings by Cousin Preston, which is according to what we always paid since this charge was laid upon us. R. Graham to Roger Kenyon. 400. 1681, April 21. — If Mr. Golden and his wife were convicted upon the same indictment, you n\ay then levy her penalties upon her husband; but if she was convicted upon another indictment, then you may not. But yet you may bring an action against him and her for the debt of Ids wife’s, which is Mr. Attorney’s opinion. Mr. Attorney is really resolved to make Sir Thomas Preston’s commissioners examples. Guicciardini Wentworth to Roger Kenyon. 401. 1681, April 21. — “ Having received intimation of your faire daughter’s ill hap, but, my honour and satisfaction to be her vallentine {sic), 1 have adventured to send her a little present.” Seal. Zachary Taylor to Roger Kenyon. 402. 1681, April 28. Ormskirk.—“ If you be pleased to move any- thing in our business, I beg you would give me the favour of a line that, if the Bishop (who I understand hath made some progress in it) can any way assise you, we may entreat his endeavours. We commit our cause wholly to your management and to the returns of friendship and those obligations of kindness which we must stand indebted to you for, shall labour to express our gratitude in more legible terms, the rest of my brethren concurrinor.” Seal. O William Patten to Roger Kenyon. 403. 1681, April 30. London. — This day, Fitz Harres pleaded to the jurisdiction of the Court of Kings Bench for that hee was impeached by the House of Lords ; his plea wanted Councells hands, which the Court tould hee might get, otherwise it could not be received. Hee saide hee could not procure Councell to signe it and prayed to have Councell assigned. The Court wished him to consider of the plea least, if over- ruld, it might prove fatall, and hath given him tyme to consider of it, and afterwards they received him privatly aboute Sir Edmundbury Godfrey’s death, wherein (as is reported) he hath made a large dis- covery.” Seal of arms. J. Rowe to Roger Kenyon. 404. 1681, May 17. Wigan. — This day the Mayor, two Sir Rogers, and Mr. Recorder, met and concluded the following address. Then folloAVS the address of the Mayor, Aldermen, Bayliffs, and Burgesses of the Borough and Corporation of Wigan, setting out that they have heard the tenor of the King’s declaration, published in their parish church, of his intention to preserve inviolable the rights and con- stitutions of the Government, both in Church and State. “And though others have addressed your Majesty more early, yet none ever shall go before us in all dutiful allegiance to your Majesty.” 128 Thomas Hodgkinson to Roger Kenyon. 405 . 1681, May 29. Preston.— Great numbeJ’S of children here have the small pox and many die. We are almost undone for want of rain, very little barley sown, and that which is, comes not up for want of moisture. Seal of arms. Alexander Norres to Mrs. Alice Kenyon, at Peel. 406 . 1681, June 4. Liverpool. — His master has received an account, from Captain Farlton, of the safe arrival at Barbadoes of the ship on which her son embarked, after 32 (?) dayes sayle from the Irish coast, which was more than ordinary.” Thomas Winckley to Roger Kenyon. 407 . 1681, June 19. Preston. — Mr. Sheriff writes me of the numer- ous company of complainants in the bills brought by the Papists in the Duchy, a number of whom I believe are dead. I am sure several of those that came down in the estreats are in their graves. Seal of arms. John Roscoe to Roger Kenyon. 408 . 1681, July 13. Wigan. — We went to Wigan to Madam Pennington, and demanded the money, which she refused to pay. I told her we must then be forced to distrain her goods, but would give her an hour or two to consider of it, and, if she pleased, to send to Sir Roger Brad- shaw to advise with him. We left a bailiff or two in the house (because we but got into it by a wile), and when I thought she had had sufficient time for consideration, I waited on her, but found her in the same mind still, so I ordered the Bailiffs to remove some of her goods and went into the town for help to carry them up to Mr. Rowe, but in the meantime she had got several persons into her house and locked the doors. I therefore applied for assistance from the Mayor, who sent a sergeant with me, whereupon Madame Pennington came after us to the Mayor, and after a great deal of discourse, she agreed we should be free to remove some unnecessary goods. But when we returned, a great rabble assaulted and rescued the goods from the bailiffs and we were fain to take sanctuary in a house hard by. The names of some of the rioters follow : Mrs. Pennington and her daughter, young Doctor Worton, Ralph Lancksliaw, Elizabeth Scott, James Scott, and others. Seal, broken. William Banks to Roger Kenyon. 409 . 1681, July 19. Winstanley. — I hear some of the loyal corpora- tion of Wigan have affronted the King’s officers ; how that will prove an argument of their loyalty, it is beyond my capacity to find out. Seal, broken. News Letter. 410 . 1681, September 1, London. — ‘‘ Yesterday, the Lord Mayor with Mr. Slieriff Cornisheand severall Aldermen waited upon his Majes- tie to welcome him to Whitehall. Yesterday began the Sessions at the Old Bailey, where Councill moved that the writ of habeas corpus should be granted to the Earl of Shaftsbury, Lord Howard, Wilmore, &c. that they may be either tryed or bailed, but the Courte answered that they not being charged with any crime in that 129 Coiirte, that Courte would take no cognizence of it, and referred them to the King’s Bench Barr for remedy. The Councill would have argued the point, saying they were relievable and ought to bee relieved there, as they could prove by the statute and common law of the land, but the Court overruled and referred as before. Yesterday Mr. Baldrou, who w^as one of the evidence against Sir Miles Stapleton, and the same who, at Colledge’s tryall, accused the evidfmcc against him for subornation with high treason, was apprehended at Hixe Hall and com - mitted to the Gatehouse, and it is credibly reported that hee retracts his evidence and now saith hee was hired by great persons to charge the witnesses against Colledge with subornation, and also to accuse Justice Walcopp of the same crime. The Queen’s head-cook is taken into custody, being accused by the doorekeeper of her Majesties kitchin of preaching the art of poisoning, that hee was confederate with Sir George Wakeman in the murder of Sir Edmundberry Godfray, and that he had twice poisened him (the said doore-keeper) once with broth, and another time with a frigase of eggs. That hee was poisened, was testi- fied by Dr. Joanes. Hee was examined before the Greencloth and the Secretary of State. It is reported that the Judges have consulted whether an in^ctment against a peer may bee laid in a county, where the fact was not committed, and it is said they were devided — seven that it could not, and five that it could. A warrant is out against Dr. Oates, Baldron having sworue high treason against him, notwithstand- ing which hee walks publickly, but it is thought hee will speedily bee comitted. Presentments were made against Thompson, Herreclitus, and Mr. L’Estrange and the Bill found against them. It is said that this day Mr. Thompson is arrested at the suit of Mr. Hickeringill, in an action of 1,000/. for defamation. Indictments of subornation, perjui’y, and forgery, are given in against Justice Warcopp and six of the evidence ; but it is questioned whether the Judges will receive indictments against the evidence. Orders are issued out to severall countyes in England for the prosecution of the Papists, as allso Middlesex and Westminster. The Mayor hath likewise orders to proceed against them in this Citty. Letters from Tangiere say that they expect an Embassedor from the Alcade of Alcazor, a person so quallified that hee may bee accepted in the Courte of England, where hee is expected. Sir James Lashley is prepareing to accompeny him to London. Yesterday morning early, Colledge was executed, a paper being this day published for his speech, but thought not to bee his. Finis'^ R. Heywood to Roger Kenyon. 411. 1681, September 5. Wigan. — ‘‘Yesternight my Lord received a letter from my Lord Chamberlain, who tells him that he showed a letter which my Lord lately wrote to him to the King, wherein my Lord signified his intention of waiting upon his Majesty this meeting, at Newmarket. My Lord Chamberlain says the King commanded him to acquaint my Lord that he takes it very kindly. My Lord resolves to go immediately after the race at Wallessy, and, in the meantime, has a great desire to see you.” Portion of seal. R. Graham to Roger Kenyon. 412. 1681, September 13. — Mr. Turbervile, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Dugdale, I have examined, but not one of them remember anything of Sir Thomas P[reston ?] because they never were acquainted with him. 73480. I 130 [Roger Kenyon to — .] 413 . 1681, September 18. Peel. — “ Being a Commissioner for the Earl of Derby, and his Lordship intending for Newmarket to kisse the Kinge’s hand, I have been this last week with his Lordship and about his bussines. One day his Lordship took mee to a race in Cheshire, where his Lordship had a horse to run for a plate, and there I mett and saw most of our great papists of this Countv, amongst others my Lord Molinex his son rideing for the ]3late. My Lord Molineux himselfe was there, so was Mr. Dalton. They look mightily ascue at mee. There was a great number of that clan and most of them did ride Avith swords. When I came home last night, I find yours of the 13th, for which I thanke you. Very considerable things have been hitherto done by the Undersheriffe, but hee premisses to be more vigerouse. The truth is, I was consenting hee should try, if by giveing a meeting to such as are in the first processe, hee could have quietly paid him such proportionable partes of their forfeitures as might be adequate to two parts of the yearly vallew of their estates, to have seen what that would have produced, and, given you an estimate of what would be had that way, and hee gave notice by his bayliffs to them to see if they would meet him, and accordingly has been in most of the divlssions in every hundred, and hath had with him one of ray ofiicers almost in every place, but very few have come to him, so that this way will do no good. Such as did come, most of them come to produce some settlements to shew the estates, though in their possession, are con- Yejed away to others, and, indeed, what can be devised by them to elude the King is done to the vtmost, and vpon such pretensions w^hen the Sherifie hath sent his baylifies to distreine, they have endeavored to rescue the distresse. One of the bayliffs, the last week, had his finger struck off, though, indeed, it was partly by accident, for he had taken a young mare with other horses and cattle and w^as tyeing the mare to a peece of wood, and some comeing to make a rescusse, the mare being frighted, pluck’d back her head of a sudden with such force as the mans finger was pluck’t off.” Draft, Edward B[eresfor]d to Roger Kenyon. 414 . [1681? September] 18. — ‘^Mrs. L[eigh] show’d me a letter that came from you, giving some amount of supposd witnesses. If you can learn any thing to blast the reputation of Lunt, Brown alias Wilson, or one Waring, ’twill be of service, for there is reason to believe they may be Mr. L[eigh’s] accousers. The talk grows very hot amongest them that pretend to know, of speciall commissions going down into Lanca- shire and Cheshire in a very short time, and the gentlemen along wdth them, to find bills and then try ’em ; but whether (sic) county Mr. L[eigh]s fact {sic) will be laid in, wee do not yet know : one of them certain. I doubt not your concern and kindness in this affayr ; the methods of itt, you know best, and I shall not pretend to direct. Mr. L[eigh] is well, but no one has seen him. Mrs. L[eigh] has got an order and goes to morrow morning to continue close pris’ner with him. We can learn nothing of the crime ; strong evidence, my Lord S y says there is ; and there is not upon eai’th a man more innocent.” Seal of arms. Postscript . — “Aaron Smith comes down King’s sollicitour. Lancashire most probably the county — great odds ! ” Seal. 131 Thomas Dod to Eoger Kenyon. 415. 1681, October 10. — At the last Assizes, the Judge set aside the order of Sessions made at the last sessions at Wigan, for allowance of 50/2. per annum to maintain Sir Edward Stanley’s children, declaring it was against law, as it was to the prejudice of the creditors. Sir Eobert Carr to Eoger Kenyon. 416. 1681, October 24. — All I can say is that we both have enemies, and I think the cause is the red-lettered men, which I hope will be always so. Portion of seal. E. Graham to Eoger Kenyon. 417. 1681, October 27. — You may prosecute the Mayor of Wigan by an information, and so you may do all the rioters. I have inquired after Mrs. Pennington’s sons, but cannot be informed where they are. Seal of arms. Edward Baynard to Eoger Kenyon. 418. 1681, Kovember 5. Gray’s Inn. — ‘‘This day Will [Patten] and I and divers .... of thy health, drauke it ; not one pope mungare amongst us and, as Cicero begins, I end : If thou art well, it is well, I am well.” Seal, broken. Eobert Eoper to Eoger Kenyon. 419. 1681, November 7. — Asking if he has any directions as to the payment by Mr. Hey wood for “ a parcel ” of Manx cattle bought from “my Lord ” [of Derby ?J. Asks him to remember the creation money. Seal. Gdicciardini Wentworth to Eoger Kenyon. 420. 1681, November 8. — I came last night from Newmarket, where I left Sir Eobert [Carr] in good health, expecting the success of Thursday next, when Postboy is to run with Dragon, six miles. Seal of arms. Eobert Barber to Eoger Kenyon, at “ The Sword and Buckler,” in Holborn. 421. 1681, November 16. Scone. — Pray, sir, present my service to Mr. Justice Lighbound ; and I hope, betwixt you and him, that you will not forgett the bad wayes att Talke-on-the-Hill ; by which you will very much serve both King and country.” Thomas Hodgkinson to Eoger Kenyon, London. 422. 1681, November 22. Preston. — He has already “discoursed ” as to keeping the Count 3 ^ Palatine seal, for which he had, as yet, received nothing. “ Old Luke,” ever since he kept the seal, had the benefit of making all writs of “entry and covenant,” which used to amount to about 7/. or 8/. a year, “and some particular allowances from Mr. Vice- Chancellor, when hee made his accompts,” which made the custody of the seal worth 20/. a year. But since he has had the seal, he has only I 2 132 retained his ‘‘ proportion ” of the tees, which he has shared with the clerks, as they justly demanded. “You know the constant attendance required in keeping the seal ; and (I am sure) I have not, as yet, carry ed the same into Alehouses, or so much as putt it into my pockett, but given attendance due to such a trust.” Desires the matter to be brought before the Chancellor, in order that he may authorise the pay- ment of an allowance. Seal. L- Eawstorne to Roger Kenyon. 423 . 1681, November 28. Kewhall. — I am a little troubled to hear of the confidence of our red-lettered gentlemen. Shall we not live to see their combs cut, or their tethers made shorter ? Portion of seal. Robert Roper to Roger Kenyon, at “the Grridiron,” in Holborn. 424. 1681, December 13. — The Commissioners of the Kavy are de- sirous to buy Derby House in Cannon Row, and my Lord thinks to sell it, believing that he can dispose of the money to good advantage ; it now gives 160//. per annum and is in good repair. His Lordship would have 3,000//. for it, and will not take under 2,500//., but this you may keep to yourself. My Lord desires you to speak to Mr. Brisbane, the Com- missioners’ Secretary herein. I believe he is well known to your friend, Mr. Graham. Sir Thomas Stringer’s Brief at the August Assizes, concerning the Rioters of the Corporation of Wigan. 425 . 1681. — “ The number of Popish Recusants convict, iuhabitting in the Town of Wigan, now 91 persons ; the charge against, them for their Recusancie, after 20/. per mensem.^ is 12,820/. “ 12 July, 1681 (which was the day the Quarter Sessions began at Lancaster) the Sheriffe’s Baylifies went to Wigan, and first came to the house of Ann Pennington, relict of Richard Pennington, Esq®, against whom they had in charge to levy 100/., and there haveing showed their warrant, after her denyall to pay, they made distresse, which, whilst they were doing in some upper roome to which she brought them, severall gentlemen of the town came into the house, followed by a rable in great numbers ; These gentlemen called the Sheriffes agents roages, and told them they had noe authority in tiiat town without the Maior or his officers, and told them they deserved to be sett in the stocks or sent to prison, and one said they deserved the gibbet, which sayings encouraged the rable, that one woman, with a penknife in her hand, set her back to the dore, which was shutt, and swore shee would stab that man that dared to- take any distress thence. And on this wise they kept the Baylifies as prisoners in the house about an hower and a halfe, in which time one that the Sheriffes had deputed to goe with the Baylifies to see to their orderly actings, who was gone out of the house before ihis rable came in, hearing how they were detayned in the house, went to the Maior and desired his aid to keep the peace, but not witlistanding what Mr. Maior thought fitt to doe, soe little care to keepe the peace was taken that, when Mrs. Pennington’s dore was opened, she bidding the Baylifies carry away the distresse at their perills and the Baylift'es takeing up the distresse and carrying the same forth of the house, they were set upon by some hundreds in the street, the distresse rescussed, the Bayliffes many ways abused, stoned, wounded, and hardly escaped with their lives.” 133 The King of Moeocco to the King of Great Britain. 426. 1681. — ‘‘ From the servant ol the high God, Governour over all people, Ishmael Keriffe, overflowing with good deeds, he, though higl', demandeth of the Most High God and the Angels, but of none other, he that hath millions of horse at his command, Sendeth peace unto you that follow the truth. We have understood by the way of Tangier, that we are in perfect friendship and that peace is concluded over all our countries, and, therefore, the letter we send is to confirme this peace and the treaty we have made with you, for we have a desire to trade with you, but let us not make the same tearmes that we had in the beginning of the warr, wherein so many dyed by the sword when we were enemies, but let our enemies dye. We, therefore, have slayn such as have run away from you to us, but you have not done the same, for the second act, that if any renegado shall run from us to Tangier you shall be obliged to send them back again. And for your security in this treaty, we send you our servant, Hada, for the management of it. And our will is that it shall be like the things that begin to grow. And I, who am the tree itselfe, have sent you one of my servants (being a branch of myselfe) which I recommend to you as if it were the tree itselfe. And we have strictly charged him what he shall say unto you. Looke upon him as you would doe upon myselfe. That which he shall doe shalbee well done and you shall value it as a gemme from heaven. We heartily desire you to write to us, for neither our habits nor our customes are like yours, but if you will build anything upon our ground we will pull it downe and we shall doe ourselves right. Also we have amongst us some Christians who understand themselves and are more esteemed than our own servants. They have eagles eyes, but hate us and our beleife, and thereupon are a scandall to us. He that valueth our honour honoureth God. And because it is our desire you should receive something from us, we send you 30 estridges out of the deserts, and we expect that you should furnish us with 6,000 pieces of eight yearely. As for Tangier we stand in no manner of feare of it. And aftei* the ratification of the peace, all hostility shall cease. Ishmael son of the beloved Keriffe, descended from God.” Copy. Eline Cottam to Koger Kenyon. 427. 1681 [-2], January 9, Blackburn. — Asking his interest for the abatement of the penalties imposed on Henry Cottam, of Thorneley, a papist, her late husband’s brother. Miles Dodding to Koger Kenyon. 428. 1681 [-2], January 10. Conishead. — “ If Madam Andeiton of Bardsey, with her sons, Mr. Thomas Polewheele, and Baskervill, and the rest of their family be convicted, it would not be amiss to humble them, for they are very ill neighbours and highly injui'ious to me. When you send any officers on this side, let them call at my house and I will put them in a way how to get something, for though they have few goods, yet rather than go to gaol they will assign part of their estate to pay the King’s due. Good sir, do not forget this whereby it will oblige me.” Seal of arms. Guicciardini Wentworth to Koger Kenyon. 429. 1681 [-2], January 14. — “The report made by Mr. Attoiny Generali upon the warrant from the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, 134 upon thepetiton you saw, is,, I beleeve, returned to them, though I cannot yett have a sight of itt, my reason beeing this : there is a warrant issued out to the Lord Treasurer’s Eemembrancer directing you to return forth- with all Eecogneizences of recusants now before you, as belonging to the King and not Duke of Lancaster, for, being taken from papists, they are pleased to suppose they are for recusancy. So soon as I have seen the report you shall not faile of a copy.” Seal of arms, broken. George Hilton to Roger Kenyon. 430. IbBl [-2], January 21. — I hearttaly wish you a good jorney to London, and suckcesfull, otherwise I am undone, and I praye be pleased, as soon as the tryall is over, to lett me receive a line or two of an account how the cause goes, whether for the King or Jesuits. I also intreat you to imploy some for me to search the returns in the Ex- chequer, whether that Francis Lord Carrington be returned a convicted recusant or not, ether returned out of Warwickshire or Oxfordshire. His two places of aboaJ is Howton in Warwickshire and Leadwell in Oxfordshire. If the cause goe against the King, I must expect nothing but to be prosecuted and tormented as much as tliey can, for I am threattened beforehand. I desire to have a copy of the record of his conviction attested under seale, or so as it will serve in court to be pleaded against him, in case I be forced upon such a plea for my own safety and preservation.” Seal of arms. Zachary Taylor to Roger Kenyon. 431 . 1681 [-2], January 23. Ormskirk. — “I received from Mr. Hunter the inclosed, which I have sent you and returned this answer to him — that you were pleased to promise us your assistance in that concern, than whom I conceived no friend he had, could do more ; and there- fore desired he would acquiesce in your endeavours that I would acquaint you with the purport of his letter, which if it could anything advantage us from your kindness we should understand that we might make the way more easy to you. If a petition from us, with letters from the Bishop, would anything promote it (if you will give yourself the trouble of a line or two that we may know to direct it to you at London) we will procure and send it to you. Mr. Tench’s discourse with Mr. Andrews, you will best understand from himself, whom I suppose you will see in London (to whom I beg you would give my service) and whatever you do, will be gratefully acknowledged by us.” Sir Thomas Preston to Roger Kenyon. 432. lG81[-2], February 5. Haigh. — “ I have been out of doors but once since I came hither on Friday. 1 went about two miles with the corps of my cousin, .John Culcheth, who died very suddenly of pleurisy, if the trial go for the King, and you think my presence absolutely neces- sary, I hope I may be in a condition to come to you.” William Hayiiurst to Roger Kenyon, in London. 433. 1G81-2, February 12. Peel. — “ Uppon Friday last, 1 came from Preston to Ormesehurch, on purpose to see the poor wounded people whom we had employed in his Majestie’s service : two of them, George Flitcroft and James Nicholson, lye in a very miserable condition and, in all humane probability, cannot recover. Dr. Richmond and Dr. Alcock are veiy dilligent to use all meanes to help them. Upon 135 Wensday last they, searching to the bottom of George his wound in his head, which is a wide gash cutt three wayes, they found the skull crushed downe, just above the braiiie pan, so that pressing his finger upon it, the blood issued out of the braine j>ann ; whereupon they con- cluded there could bee noe way to doe him good but cutting away that part of the scull that did so much prejudice the braine, which Dr. Richmond did by a round dented instrument, and took of the scull to the breddth of a threepence, which 1 have to show you when I come up to London. Upon Saturday last, Dr. Richmond dressed him againe, and raised up the scull in severall places, where it was cracked, and beaten downe ; since which time hee hath been something better, and the Doctors hope he may recover, but James Nicholson they dispaire of ; he lies a dreadfull spectacle, his right side is quite perished, hee has a great wound in his head, and nothing the Doctors can doe, works upon him. Hee is sensible of nothing, but allwaies lyes as if he were a dying. The rest of them, being fower, are all cruelly bruised and wounded, and though not mortally, yett ’tis feared they can never have the right use of their limbs. The rioters are said to bee all papists and above eight and twenty in number. Mr. Justice Entwisle has been active to apprehend them, but the constable of the towne, one John Tyrer (?) (who denyed to goe with the officers to preserve the peace) made not that quick execution of his warrant against them hee ought to have done, so that they all fledd, and theres none to bee light on. Afterwards, Mr. Entwisle sent hue and cry after two of them, Thomas Tickle and Edward Tickle, his brother, who were the authors of all the mischief ; but that waye proved ineffectual!, and now Mr. Entwisle and Mr. Mayor of Lerpoole, have appointed a Sessions to be held at Ailcarr upon Monday sennitt, for inquiery. After yesterday, wee privately got a warrant directed to Mr. Gillibrand and severall other Militia officers, to make a privy search in every house in Alkarr, and about it, to apprehend the offenders, which I hope, if well managed, will bring some of them to light.” Postscript . — “We have but yett gott the names of twelve of the ryoters.” Seal. Sir Thomas Preston to Roger Kenyon, London. 434 , 1681 [-2], February 12. Haigh. — Has received his letter, by which he perceives “ the tryall is deferred untill Tuesday next, and that it may he dubious of holding then.” Would, on this, have come up as far as Coventry, but his daughter is ill with “ a distemper which they call heire the hen-pox ” and also with “ a greate swelling in her lipp which is thought may be the evill”; for this, his wife is determined to take her to Chester, to be “ touched.” Francis Jakson to Roger Kenyon. 435 . 1681 [-2], February 14. Requesting favour on behalf of his Aunt Elizabeth La who is very ancient, being above 80 years. He only [just] heard that all Roman Catholics in Lancashire were to he prosecuted, he knows not what she is, but some people term her a Roman Catholic. Seal. The Earl of Derby to the Commissioners of the Customs. 436 , 1681-2, February 16, Whitehall. — ‘ I expected you would con- sider some way of repairing the injury done me by your agent Deny, for 136 his false and scandalous information against me, preferred by you to the Lords of the Treasury. It is no wonder my complaining of the behaviour of those sent into the Isle of Man, has had .so little effect, when I cannot have justice done me against one who has not spared me, after which, the people and merchants who come there, will have no reason to expect better usage. So long as there appeared the least ground for his Majesty’s service, I patiently suffered my property to be invaded (which is a tender thing to an Englishman), but I am sure it is not the King’s intention I should be thus used, and it is now time for me to complain and tell you plainly that the ten years’ trouble which I have had from the Commissioners of the Customs, by sending such officers (as they call themselves) into the Isle of Man, might convince you, if you reflect upon the charge and little advantage those men have been to tl e Crown, of thinking it to be of advantage to their Majesties to continue them there. They act without any conformity to the laws of the Island, they affright almost all boats, especially the Scottish, from all manner of traffic with the Island, and boats passing as usual betwixt England and Ireland, dare scarce touch there to take in passengers or otherwise, as was always usual. It is a thing never offered to be done to any of my ancestors, and my sufferance so long, begins to be challenged as a custom; it is therefore high time I tell you I have been too much abused to suffer so any more. What is truly for their Majesties’ service to be done there, my officers shall on all occasions have in charge to take care of and communicate to you, but I shall not admit of any commission or private instructions from you to be obeyed in the Isle of Man.” Draft, with corrections in the Earl of Derby's handwriting . Sm Thomas Preston to Roger Kenyon. 437. 168 1 [-2], February 17. Haigh. — We think it not convenient to delay having my little girl touched, and on Monday next set forward from Chester. The persons at Alkar are all yet living, but of one or two there are little hopes. The grandee Papists here seem much concerned at it, thinking it an obstruction to their false petition which before, they hoped might have prevented any new process against them. Seal of arms. E. Bradshaigh, Junior, to Eoger Kenyon. 438, 1681 [-2], February 19. Wigan. — “Yesterday my brother Preston, with my sister and his girl, went home for Chester in order to a journey for London to-morrow, tlicugh the business of Sir T[homas] P[reston] be deferred till next tearme, yet bis daughter’s too apparent symptoms of the Kings-evil occassions this sudden motion, and he is ad- vised by us all here to goe too, or that it may not be amiss for him to pre- })are his way to the King before the next terme, and especially such an occasion as at present offers itselfe for him to attend his Majesty with. “ Yesterday, at a publick hall (notice whereof was given to all persons 3 days before) we did unanimously agree of our abhorrence against the association soe positivily sworne to be found in the Earl of Shaftsbury’s clossett. It is passed (by a consenting huzza of the numerous burjesses of our Corporation) under the towne seale, and my brother Preston is to wayt uppon the Duke of Albemarle with it to the King. Sir, this is all the news I have to send you hence. As for the ill treatment of your officers in Alker, I suppose you have had a more 137 early accompt, nor can I add to your account anything but ray opinion, which is, that it farre exceeds the unjust proceedings of the riott that was in this towne.” Seal, broken. Eiot at Wigan. 439. 1682, February 20. — Inquisition taken at Altcarr before Richard Windall, Mayor of Liverpool, and John Entwisle, Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County of Lancaster, by Silvester Sutch of Ormeskirk, gentleman, William Male of Maghull, gentleman, Laurence Hulme of the same, gentleman, John Tatlock of Melling, gentleman, Humphrey Greaves of Scarisbrick, gentleman, Laurence Enron of Sefton, gentle- man, Bryan Fleetwood of the same, gentleman, James Farrer of Orme- kirk, gentleman, John Berey of the same, gentleman, John Heyes of the same, gentleman, Henry Barton of the same, gentleman, James Goare of Lydeate, gentleman, Gabrel Greaves of Ormskirk, Thomas Pye of Aughton, gentleman, Roger Parr of Sefion, gentleman, Roger Pye of Aughton, gentleman, Richard Hodgkinson of the same, gentle- man, James Blackbeach of the same, and Thomas Harrison of Lyther- land, gentleman, jurors, by whom there is returned a true bill against Thomas Tickle of Altcarr, yeoman, John Sutton, senior, yeoman, Edward Tickle, husbandman, Ralph Starky, miller, Thomas Massam, husbandman, John Wilson, husbandman, Thomas Lunt, husbandman, John Reynold, senior, husbandman, James Reynold, labourer, John Speakman, husbandman, Richard Linnaker, servant to Margery Tickle, Ellen Speakman, widow, and the servant of Thomas Massam, whose name is not known, all of Altcarr, for riot, assault, and a rescue of the goods and beasts of John Sutton and Margery Tickle, made on 2 February, upon John Smethurst, George Flitcroft, John Hardman, George Hatton, Henry Morres, James Ashcroft, James Nicholson, and James Fazakerley, who were authorised by virtue of a writ of Laurence Rawstorne, sheriff of the County of Lancaster, to seize the goods of the said John Sutton and Margery Tickle, being persons mentioned in a schedule annexed to the said writ. Henry Rowe to Roger Kenyon. 440. 1681 [-2], February 21. Wigan. — Yesterday, I and my sonn were att the Sessions kept at Alkar j the Justices were Justice Entwisle and Justice Windall, Maior of Liverpoole. Justice Entwisle gave an ex- cellent charg sutable to the occasion. Truly he has beene all along verie forward to discover all the rioters ; but the most, nay, I may [say] all, the towne beeing papists, or popishly affected, they will not tell who they were, only upon the Inquisition, ten were discovered, whereof one is taken and sent to Gaole ; warrants are out against the rest, who as I told you in my last, are fled and lye hidden privately in the cuntry waiteing what will beecome of the man that is soe sore wounded, who now, as the Doctor supposes, cannot live long alive, beeing everie day weaker and weaker. The rest, God bee tlianked, mends well now. Wee have verie great hopes of George Flitcroft’s recovery.^’ Seal. Mr. Entwisle to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 441. 1681[-2], February 21. Ormskirk. — On the 2nd of February the Sherilfe’s bayliffes, by vertue of his warrant, distrained the Recusants mentioned in the Inquisition, for their severall forfeitures, after a demand and denyall to pay them, and brought the distresse to the Constable’s 138 house, where they stayed from nine till three a clock in the afternoon, expecting the persons distrained, to redeem their cattle, haveing left that notice at their severall houses, but were privately informed some oppo- sition would be given them, and that they should not take the cattle out of the towne, which they then suddenly prepared themselves to do ; but at a distance, they discovered a party of about 18 men and 3 women standing overthwart the King’s highway, who, upon the SherifFes ministers approaching, immediately with their long staflfes, pitchforkes, and musketts, beat them down, and whilst they lay upon the ground, continued strikeing them, saying — Wee hope to see you all in the like condition ere it be long, and so drive their cattle away, leaving the poore men wallowing in the mire and their own blood, the darkness of the night approaching, and farr from any house or persons to relei ve them. I saw most of the men barbarously beaten and wounded. Two lye here in this town, mortally, so their Chirurgion yesterday affirmeing upon his oath, he despaires of their recovery, one of them haveing lost the use of all the one side of his body and has no way of easing the same but by vomitting. The offenders are fled, or sculke and lye hid. Though I have sent out 3 several! warrants for search after them, I am jealous they are not farr from home, but the whole parish is generally in the Roman Comunion, and, therefore, it is very difficult by the ordinary course of justice to discover these offenders. I have bound one of the Constables of that towne to the Assizes for his remissnes, and whilst I am now writeing, the other brings before mee one of the ryotters lately taken, who, I understand, hath absconded in a Protestant’s house, and indeed, I fear that party in Allcar is so slender that they dare not deny the Roman whatsoever he is pleased to call a neighborly civility. I have found the insolence of that party so high in that town, that the officers, in retorne to my warrants for their presentments of absentors from Church, upon the laws of 12(i. a Sunday, have told mee they durst not do it for feare of the Tickles, whose house I have also been informed was, 4 or 5 yeares since, a great receptacle of the Roman Pj iests and usual place of resort to masse. Such informations came not to mee in time nor so legally as to proceed upon them judicially, yet sufficient to satisfy mee in my private judgement that these sanguinary proceedings are the workes of men of that religion. But this, with your Honor’s favor, is my private conception, wherewith I shall not presume to give you any further disturbance. The names of the wounded men, James Nicholson, Greorge Hatton, James Ashcroft, Geo. Flitcroft, John Hardman, James Fazakerley. The names of the persons indicted, Thomas Tickle of Altcarr, yeoman ; John Sutton of the same, yeo- man ; Edward Tickle of the same, husbandman ; Thomas Massam of the same, husbandman ; John Wilson of the same, husbandman; Thomas Lunt of tlie same, husbandman ; John Reynold of the same, husband- man ; John Spakman of the same, husbandman ; James Reynold of the same, laborer ; Ralph Starky of the same. Miller.” Draft, J. Entwisle to Roger Kenyon. 442. 1681 [-2], February 21. Ormskirk. — The Bailiff of the Hundred of Derby had mucli ado to refrain from being “ an embrateor ” or maiu- lainer, within the statute of 19 Henry VIJ., cap. 13. I wonder how he, in his own right, comes to have that office, when in all other Hundreds 139 other sort of persons have it. This day, Mr. Taylor tells me, there is a report about that, upon this riot, a stop is put upon all proceedings against “ the E ” by the King’s special command. K. Fogge to Roger Kenyon. 443. 1681 [-2], March 6. Chester. — Giving the characters of “Ned” and George Kenyon while at College at Cambridge. R. Bradshaigh, Junior, to Roger Kenyon. 444. 1681 [-2], Maich 18. — 1 have been in the company of old Dr. Worthington, and he has very earnestly intrcated me to be his friend with you, to withdraw the warrant out against him, and though you told me you could not do it, yet give me leave to propose a medium. If you would write but two lines to Bailiff Laurence Anderton, asking him — since he has such a warrant and does not execute it — to deliver it to me in order to return it to you for better execution. I do faithfully promise you that the warrant shall not be embezzled, but shall be forthcoming whenever you, or any authority, shall require it from me. William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon. 445. 1682, April 8. — “ On Friday morning, wee concluded upon and dispatched our business with the Under-Sheriff and Mr. Winkley. By intreaty, &c., hee was pleased to accept of their oune security to bee one bound with another. I stickled at one part of the condition, and would have it altered ; but Mr. Roscoe, and the rest, were contented with it. And, thereupon, all Salford Hundred and about 16 or 20 schedules for Derby Hundred. Mr. Wentworth went along with mee to Mr. Greenfield, and gave him 10^. for stating the case, in which hee hath taken a great deale of paines, stating everye man’s particular case upon the whole record. This day I presented it to Sir Thomas Stringer, with a broad-piece from Mr. Wentworth; he desired to have it left with him, being long, and hee would return it with his opinion, upon Monday.” Appointment of Surveyor, Waiter, and Searcher at the Isle OF Man. 446. 1682, April 14. — Appointment by Charles, Lord Cheyne, Vis- count Newhaven ; Andrew Newport ; Sir Richard Temple, Baronet, K.B. ; and Sir Nicholas Buffer ; Commissioners of Customs, on the nomination of the Commissioners of the Treasury, of Christopher Eyans as surveyor, waiter, and searcher, at the Isle of Man. Copy, “ The humble Address of the Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff, Deputy Lieutenants, Justices of the Peace, and other officers, as well civil as military, of the County Palatine of Lancaster, at a general meeting at Preston.” 447. 1682, April 21. — “ We, with sincerest loyalty, in unity of minds, doe, with all humility, dedicate our hearts, hands, fortunes, and lives, to your Majestie’s service, solemnly acknowledging your Majestie’s inherent supremacy in Church and State, and protesting according to 140 our allegiance, still dutifully to serve you with that alacrity that becomes subjects sensible of the transcendant goodness of the best of Princes : In your Majestie’s long and prudent raigne, are wound up in a great measure the blessings wee enjoy and the establishment of those felicities wee hope for, the peace of our true Church, the preservation of your subjects’ property, the quiett of your kingdomes, our freedom from the feares of popery, schismatical contrivances and arbitrary government, and our trust that your gracious example will have that prevailing influence upon your lawfull successors, that wee may never despair of these injoy ments. Certainly, the Church of England, the true protestant Church, Avas never better pleased then at your Majestie’s happy restauration, never more gladd then when shee joyfully sett the English diadem upon your royall temples ; since Avhich time your gracious declarations, your royal administracons, have many a time (to our just satisfaction) evinced it to all, that your Majesty is the same Defender of the Faith wee then were transported with. And since your Majesty hath given leave to others to open their loyall hearts (wee otherwise have judged a submissive silence our greatest duty) doe, for your Majestie’s satisfaction, in judging of the minds of your people, most faithfully, before God and the world, profess that wee are the same towards your Majesty wee then were, undoubtiugly satisfyed in what your Majesty hath said and done for us, for which wee celebrate your royall care and goodness. Wee paye your Majesty our most humble and gratefull acknowledgments and repeate our constant and inviolable resolutions, Avith our Hats and fortunes, to seiwe your Majesty, your heires and lawfull successors, and defend (so far as in us lyes) the tiue protestant religion, as now by law established, against all popish and phanaticall plotts and treasonable associations Avhatsoever, and, with loyall hearts and hands, constantly to discharge those trusts which your Majesty hath been pleased to repose in us.” Names of the signers. Copy. Concurrence with the above, by Justices of the Peace at Quarter Sessions at Lancaster, Ormskirk, and Manchester. Address to the King by the Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff, Deputv Lieutenants, Justices of the Peace, and other officers, civil and military, of the County Palatine of Lancaster. 448 . 1682, April 22. Preston. — “ Great and sacred Sir ! Wee, with sincerest loyalty, in unity of minds, doe, with all humility, dedicate our hearts, hands, fortunes, and lives, to your Majesty’s service, solemnly acknowledging your Majesty’s inherent supremacy in Church and State, and protesting according to our allegiance, still dutifully to serve you with that alacrity that becomes subjects sensible of the transcendent goodness of the best of Princes. In your Majesty’s long and prudent reign, are wound up in a great measure the blessings we enjoy, and the establishment of these felicities we hope for : the peace of our true Church, (he preservation of your subjects’ property, the quiet of your Kingdom, our freedom from the fears of popery, chysmatical contrivances, and arbitrary government : and our trust that your gracious example will lijive that prevailing influence upon your lawful successors, that we may never dispair of these enjoyments. Certainly the Church of England, the true protestant Church, was never better pleased then at your Majesties ha])py restauration, never more gladd, then when shee joyfully sett the English diadem upon your royal temples ; since which time your gracious declarations, your Royall administrations, have many a time, (to our just satisfaction) evinced it to all, that your Majesty is the same Defender of the Faith we then were transported with ; And since your 141 Majesty hath given leave to others, to open their loyall hearts ; wee (who otherwise have judged a submissive silence our greatest duty), doe, for your Majesty’s satisfaction, in judging of the minds of your people, most faithfully, before God and the world, profess, that wee are the same towards your Majesty wee then were, undoubtingly satisfied in what your Majesty hath said and done for us, for which wee celebrate your royall care and goodness, wee pay your Majesty our most humble and grateful acknowledgments and repeat our constant and inviolable resolu- tions, with our lives and fortunes to serve your Majesty, your heirs and lawfull successors, and defend (so far as in us lyes) the true protestant religion, as now by law established, against all popish and phanaticall plotts and treasonable associations whatsoever, and with loyall hearts and hands, constantly to discharge those trusts which your Majesty hath been pleased to repose in us.” R. Legh to [Roger] Kenyon. 449. 1682, April 24. Lyme. — “There is an old proverb or saying : whose presence does no good, theire absence does noe harm. Had your Lord Lieutftenantt given me notice I should not have deserted my Kinge’s service, but I never heard of your meeting.” Seal. Richard Holt to Roger Kenyon. 450 and 451. 1682, April 29. Ashworth. — I desire your aid that you will do me the favour to go to Parke to Mr. Hilton, and know of him whether he will grant me his consent or liking to come to his house and see his daughter, for whom I have a particular kindness. Seal of arms. Dorothy Ashton to Roger Kenton. 452. 1682, May 9. Peel. — Requesting him to remind her brother “ to lett his picktore be taken twice ” for her. Seal of arms, William Ashton to Roger Kenyon, at “ the Hand and Sword,” near Turnstile Alley, Holborn. 453. 1682, May 18. Cambridge. — When he came to Cambridge, the “ Master,” and a great part of the University, had gone to Loudon, where, by order of the King, they chose the Duke of Albemarle as Chancellor. On return of the Master, he consulted him about Kenyon’s son ; the Master found no fault with him, except in “ neglecting chappell ” and triding away his time. Seal, broken. Matthew Bootle to Roger Kenyon. 454. 1682, May 23. Manchester. — “I was truly glad to heare the hopes of the comon enemy (the Papists) defeated, for I was in the midst of them a weeke after I sawe you, and they did hughly rejoyce att the confirmed news of Sir Robert Carr’s death which, God be thancked, is not soe, and nowe I very heartely congratulate your good suckses in your busynes in the north, which wee have here in the public news letters, and intreate you to thinke of my brother Abram’s busynes, and the rest is to wish you soone and well home. For news, I have none for you.” Postscript. — “ I begg you will boye mee a hansome small stick with a silver head, for a Sundaye stick, a stronge one I have allready, and if 142 one of your servants rydes with it downe, I will, with all thancks, paye you att sight, but when you please to boye it, remember I am of the longer sise and in the greatest measure.” Seal. R. Hey WOOD to Roger Kenton. 455 . 1682, May 23. Knowsley. — My Lord [of Derby] desires you to buy him some glasses ; he would have two dozen of little round glasses from Sir Robert Carr’s glass man, each dozen must be of equal size. Seal of arms. The Earl of Derby to Roger Kenyon. 456 . 1682, May 23. Knowsley. — I long to hear how the address will be received, though I do not much question it will be well taken, since I hear it has been already approved of. Since you make no mention of Sir Robert Carr, I hope there is no danger of his death, for I believe, if there had been ill news, I should certainly have heard of it. When you write to him pray present my humble service, and let him know I have got a painter to draw Darcy’s picture, and, if it is well done, I will send it him. I am glad of your success against Sir T. Preston. Seal of arms. Zachary Taylor to Roger Kenyon. 457 . 1682, May 26. Ormskirk. — The news we have of Sir Thomas Preston’s estate in Lancashire being found for the King, is the occasion of this trouble. If we could reap any advantage in order to the settling of our King’s preacher’s revenue, we promise our selves all the assistance you can give us. And if you think it convenient that the Bishop should, in this opportunity, appear, or that anything we could do in so favourable juncture might be successful, our interest will engage us to be guided by your counsels.” Thomas Hodgkinson to Roger Kenyon. 458 . 1682, May 30. Knowsley. — You will receive by this post our Preston Addresse from the hande of my good Lord Derby, who was humbly desired to cause the same to be presented to his Majestie. His Lordshipp shewed me your letter by this post, which is all that I heard of you since you went. I shold bee very glad to heare that our worthy Chancellor is restored to his perfect health. I beleeve }mu will bee directed to deliver the addresse to my Lord Arlington, who will bee desired to present the same which, I hope, will bee equally gratefull with others, to our most gratious Soveraigne. When you have received it, bee pleas’d to send for Mr. James Ashton and Cousan Winckley to signe it. All the rest of the Aldermen and Councell have already sub- scribed. Yesterday, Sir William Glerrard was here, who hoped that his Majestie would restore Eurnese to Sir Thomas Preston ; that there would be another bout for it ; that Sir Thomas Preston showed him the draught of a conveyance whereby Eurneis was setled upon his lieirs generall, in case his children dyed without issue, and some other such like uncompetent discourses. My Lord tould him, as to the first, that it was improbable his Majestie should proceed so farr as a charge- able suite and restore the booty recovered. The rest ended with a guinney, which the Barronet paid his Lordshipp, at cards, for his en- tertainment. Sir William was pleas’d to repeate, over and over againe. 143 that it was never his fortune to win of my Lord at any sort of game, which caused some reflexions in the company upon theire foi*mer acquaintance.” Seal of arms. Matthew Bootle to Boger Kenyon. 459. 1682, May 30. Manchester. — My brother, Abraham, is returned among the Recusants for 20li. per month, although he constantly goes to the Parish Church, viz., Warrington, both to the service and sermon, and receives the sacrament there ; and to this purpose I send you a cer- tificate under the [>arson’s and churchwarden’s hands. “ I believe he was returned out of malice, for I doubt he is a little Presbiterianly effected. I am sorry Sir Robert Carr mends so latly ; I pray God mend his pace. We had here yesterday burnt, some say old John Presbiter, some the Lord Shaftsberry, but most say it was an old Crete carrier that was squeezed to death at the back of a door for filshing. Capt. Haworth was master of the ceremonies, and led it up, attended by some five or six men, all the rest being children, and scarce so much as one either laughed or cried, but we were all here very merry with bells, bonfires, and small guns.” Seal of arms. Edward Tyldesley to Roger Kenyon. 460. 1682, May 30. — He is not desirous of having his name and fame enrolled in the Treasury, and is much more desirous to remain in Mr. Kenyon’s unwritten, than in his written, list of friends. His uncle Banaster says Scotland Yard is removed now to Knowsley, for Robin Herwod does there “ obumbrace ” {sic). Seal. [Roger Kenyon ?] to Miles Dodding and M^illiam Kirkby, two of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Lancaster. 461. 1682, May 31. Treasury Chamber. — Directing them to prevent the killing of deer or committing of waste on the estate of Sir Thomas Preston, in Fumes, lately recovered by his Majesty, during the perfect- ing of a decree which is pronounced, till his Majesty’s agents shall come. Draft. William Patten to Roger Kenyon. 462. 1682, June 9. Gray’s Inn. — ‘‘ Create matters since my come- inge hether have occurred, for the Lord Mowgrave [Mulgrave] hath made soe briske attempts upon the Lady Anne that lie is forbidd the Court, St. James Street and St. James’ Parke. All his offices and employments, as that of Governor of Hull, one of the Attendants of the Bedd Chamber, and some place in the Guards, taken from him and disposed to other persons of quallity. The Lord Gray was, by the King’s Bench, com- mitted, and still standes committed, for detayneing the body of the Lord Barkley’s younger daughter, and as the reporte goes, hee saith that hee marryed her eldest sister and expected a maidens-heade, but not findeino- it, hee resolved to have one in the family, if any bee left ; hut lest this should tende towards scandelum magnatum, pray keep it to yourself. The Sheriffs are not as yet pricked, but it is supposed ours will bee Mr. Doddinge, none being his competitors but Mr. Norres and Mr. Bennet Sherrington. The Duke of Munmouth is not to bee discharged till towards the latter ende of the term, and I doe not heare that anythinge then will be offered against him.” Seal of arms. 144 Arthur Ashton to Roger Kenyon, in London. 463 . 1682, June 20. Clitherow. — Having received your letter, not knowing how, or what person, to employ to procure a draught of the Cor- poration armes in so short time, Mr. Robert Slater, intending a journey towards London tomorrow morning, 1 thought it might not be a miss to send one of the conyzans off the coats, which I have sent by Mr. Robert Slater, who promises to deliver it into your hands : and, if you please, he will bring it to Clitherow again. Upon Sunday last, about five of the clock in the evening, Mr. John Webster, your old doctor, departed this life ; [he] is to be buried at Clitherow tomorrow.” Seal, broken. Peter Bold [to Roger Kenyon]. 464 . 1682, July 3. Bold. — “ Mr. Penketh was with me before I went for Yorkshire and aquainted me that he had very hard usuage from some of your officers, and, he belives, without your order. 1 know the gentle- man very well ; he is a neare neighbor to me, and his condition is not unknown to me ; he faithfully served his late Majestie all the first warr, and in that service behaved himself very gallantly and with great loyal- tye. He received many wounds and was so great a sufferer that he was reduced to a very poore condition. He now lives an undertennant to a small messuage in Bold, not above 5 acres. I looke uppon him to be as great an object of charity as any in that neighborhood. I, beinge very sensible of theise things, have formerly writt uppon his behalf to Sir Peter Brooke and others, and spoke to you myself, that he might be favorably dealt with, and I heare that both your self and Mr. Sherriffe were very kinde to him and, when his goods were destrained, ordered restitution and promised he should not be trebled for the future. Notwithstandinge all this, they have since taken his goods.” Sir Thomas Preston to Roger Kenyon. 465 . 1 682, J uly 18. London. — Concerning the drawing of a lease from the Crown to Sir Thomas Preston. On Saturday last, by adjournment of ray Lord Mayor, the Court was held again for the election of sheriffs, and, in the first place, he declared it as his right to name one, which was Mr. North, and ordered the other three should poll de novo for the othei*, which is said was then carried, by the majority of votes, for Mr. Box, and they two are like to be sworn, but that it will, neverthe- less, be a contest at law. The King went for Windsor about 2 o’clock the same night, and the part of the guards ordered to their country quarters again, who have been all in town since Friday morning. Seal of arms, broken. Roger Kenyon to . 466 . 1682, July 21. Manchester. — “ Mr. Tilsley, when I was in towne, did once or twice someAvbat remotely mention to mee his project (as he names it in his letter) that there miglit be obtained from their Lord- ship[)s a pow(U’ to mee, or to me and some others, of agreeing with every recusant of some reasonable yearly summe proportionable to their estates, which way, he said, would no doubt bring more money, with lesse noyse and treble, into the Exchequer, and l)e more quietly con- tinued then by the course now taken. I then told him, if their Lord- shipps did tliink litt to try that way, I did, and 1 do still believe, it Avould amount to more, but not by waiveing the processe of 20/. per mensam, for if the recusant should gaine that point, then should tiie 1-15 Prerogative Writt be forborne, the arreares due upon it lost, and whatever agreement is made with the papist to day shall last no longer then he is compellable’ to performe it; nay, if the papists were all undertakers to his Majestie for payment of any summe agreed on, they would never agree amongst themselves, without this statfe of authority to collect it. So I am by no meanes of opinion that it is for his Majes- tie’s service to waive the 20/. per mensam^ I mean the processe for it. ’Tis true wee in this county take it against all, that is, against many thousands whose estates are inconsiderable, and ’tis but from a very few that can pay so much, yet it is the strongest processe and gives the King a title to goods, landes, and, for want of satisfaction that way, to the body, by which mean such persons whose estates are not leviable, some who are great money maisters are brought to pay, which other ways could not bee. But whilst these processes are out as a rod over them, if their Lordshipps shall think it meet when we have sale inquisitions, for that we must do to empower me to make any compositions or agree- ments with them, or to treat with them in order to that, and from time to time to certify their Lordshipps, by acquainting you that their Lord- shipps may direct me, as they approve or disapprove, or, if their Lord shipps shall think fitt to join any with mee in it, I shall, to my power, faithfully and impartially performe their Lordshipps commands, whilst I have the honour to be in their service.” Draft. William Patten to [Koger Kenyon]. 467. 1682, July 26. Preston. — Has received the commission for supplemental proof between the FCing and Lord Mollyneux, and others, the execution of it must be either before, or on the last day of, the Assizes, or not till after our Guild be over. Seal of arms. Thomas Hodgkinson to Roger Kenyon. 468. 1682, July 29. Preston. — “ It is now almost twelve of clocke, and I am just parted with Mr. Fleetwood ; you must not, therefore, expect very comunicable. Let me onely advise you that, at our guild, there will bee severall presents from the gentry of our countrey ; a good fat oxe or cow, with a brace of bucks from our chancellour, wold fully bespeake his place and character, but let mee conjure you not to speake of this intimation.” Seal of arms. The Rev. John Lake to Roger Kenyon. 469. 1682, July 30. — Whether yours, which 1 have newly received, was more kind or surprising, I know not, but it is very much both. Besides the consciousness of my own insufficiencies, there are sundry other things which dissuade and discourage my acceptance. To mention no other but the circumstances of my person ; you know I carry a crazy body at best, which 1 doubt would not well comport with the island, and a present, through the effects of my unhappy fall, I cannot go but with two underhand crutches, and am thereby incapacitated to attend a matter of this nature. Seal of arms. William Bankes to Roger Kenyon. 470. 1682, July 31. Winstanley. — There is now a very sorrowfull house at Knowsley, upon the death of my Lady Betty. She is to be buryed to night at Ormschurch.” Seal. 73480. K 146 The Rev. John Lake to Roger Kenyon. 471. 1682, August 16. — I beseech you, when next you see his Lord- ship [Lord Derby], to procure such an instrument as is usual in the case wherein I am not capable of directing it, being a bishoprick of a peculiar constitution and I do not understand the method of it. I suppose his Lordship grants the bishoprick by a solempn instrument, then application is made to the King, who issueth out his mandate to the Archbishop of the province, and he consecrateth the Bishop by himself, with two other Bishops, or giveth a commission for other Bishops to do it. For this cause I would discourse my Lord Archbishop of York (in whose province the Bishoprick of Man is) before I goo to London, and also consult his Grace’s registry touching the ceremony and solempnity of it, and I would not seem busy before I had a formal grant of the Bishoprick. If his Lordship pleaseth to sign and seal such an instrument, I beseech you, upon receipt of it (for I must desire you to take and transmit it to me) to make a present of some guineas to the Secretary (as you shall think tit or be advised) and to do what is further to be done (if there is any thing further) in my Lord’s family, and I will take speedy course to reimburse you. The value, as it is represented by Mr. Roper, is beyond my expectation, but it is a somwhat cooling consideration that the executors of the last Bishop must have all the profitts until Easter next, especially if inclusive of Easter next, so as that the succeeding Bishop shall receive nothing until perhaps half a year or a year after. Be pleased therefore (at your convenience) to explain this to me and to inform me what the state of the revennue is and whence it ariseth.” Seal of arms. Thomas Walsh to Roger Kenyon. 472. 1682, August 18. Aswarby. — His master’s [Sir Robert Carr’s] health is better. Mr. Carr regrets that his father’s illness should prevent him from waiting upon the Mayor of Preston and the guild. His master desires a young harbour to wait on him ; if Kenyon cannot light on one, he will send to London. Seal of arms. The Lords op the Treasury to the Justices op Lancashire. 473. 1682, August 23. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. — As to smiths being liable to pay hearth money for their forges, of which they hear the Justices had neglected to enforce the payment. Signed. W. Hilton to Roger Kenyon. 474. [16] 82, August 24. — ‘^Mr. Harry Withington is of opinion that if you tell Hartley that he shall be better used, and have his irons taken off, he will confesse. Mr. Withington doth not know Pendlebury, but he thinks his name is James Pendlebury, and that he dwells about Chew More.” Seal of arms, broken. Richard Clegge to [Roger] Kenyon. 475. 1682, August 25. Kirkham. — “ There is a place in this parish, wee call Brewers-yeard, four or five miles distant, where the Quakers (the most incorrigible siners that I know) doe use to bury, which is a hazard unto me, in respect of the Acte for burying in wollen, and, which is worse, being thither, they can draw such neighbours as will not be in- 147 vited unto others of their conventicles. They begin, I hear, of late to have speakers to their huryalls, and severall that doe speake there (who, or fro/ll whence, is not easy for us to discover) and this place no par- ticular man doth owne, soe that conventicles are more dangeroiise and lesse punishable than the rest. I desire you, therefore, you would pro- cure this may bee spooken of at Sheriff’s table, that these places may be laid wast, or if not soe, some other remedy may be thought of for the preventeing of their diabolicall infatuation and infection.” Benjamin Symons to Bobert Heywood, at Knowsley. 476. [16] 82, August 26. London. — Will not send the ‘‘ tankert ” till he has accomplished the other orders. Has commenced “ the iiigravingof the arms of the island, three tryangell leggs. I intend to show my art on it ; and I hoop I shall, in so doing, nott only give my Lord and you good satisfaction, butt allso gaine more of his honour’s work. I intend to follow itt close till itt is done. But ingraveing in stone requires more time than ordinary : it will be worth fifty shilling, the engraving of it, well ; and the gold and setting will be abought twenty-five shilling more. You may be sure to receive them by the fifteen or sixteen of the next month.” Seal of arms. The Bev. John Lake to Boger Kenyon. 477. 1682, August 26. — By a letter from my Patron (your cosin Ashton) which surprized me almost as much as your first intimations of the Bishoprick of Man (whereof I had not then thought so much as in a dream) I perceive that the Bishoprick is intended in exchange for Prestwich, and my patron seemeth to desire and expect the present resignation of it, which I cannot consent to for these reasons. “(1) I am not yet Bishop, and many things may fall in betwixt cup and lip. “ (2) The value of the Bishoprick will not compensate any great loss sustained by it, especially if it be considered that “ (3) I shall not come into profits until Easter, and if that be inclusive of Easter (as I suppose it is) I shall not actually receive anything until some considerable time after — meanwhile “ (4) The charges of consecration and other formalities will be very great, so that the profits when they come in, will not in a short time reimburse them. “ (5) It will likewise be a great trouble and charge to go into the Isle and to remove myself and my appurtenances, beside that the name and stile of a Bishop requireth a different port and draweth a yet further expense after it. “ (6) It will necessitate me to relinquish my Residentiarie’s place at York, which, for 12 years together, hath been worth 130/. per annum. “ (7) If it should be inconsistent with my health, and perhaps life, to reside in the Isle constantly, Prestwich would be my only convenient retreat. “ (8) I should seem too fond of a bubble of honour to purchase it so dear, and it would look, in the eye of the world, like bargain and sale too, and scarcely reconcileable with the oath against simony. ‘‘ Sir, in all this it is not my meaning to lessen the favour and honour designed me, or the kindnes of those that have engaged themselves in it, whereof I have a very great sense. But if it be attended with these, or any terms at all, I shall most willingly quit my pretensions and super- sede your further trouble.” Seal oj arms. K 2 The Eev. John Lake to Roger Kenyon. 478. 1682, September 4. York. — Letter of thanks for services regarding the presentation to the Bishopric of Man. Seal of arms, Robert Roper to Roger Kenyon. 479. 1682, September 15. Knowsley. His Lordshipp [Lord Derby] takes his journey on Munday next, straight for Newmarket, but does not call at Aswerby. Have-at-all wonne all with ease ; there was about 2 lengths distance between Black How and Sweet Lipps. My lord’s mare was lame and thereby was beaten sufficiently.” Roger Kenyon [to the Rev. John Lake, Bishop Elect of Sodor and Man]. 480. 1682, September 16. Peel. — ‘‘ On Sunday I went to Knowsley. The next day my Lord gave the inclosed his hand and scale, but took mee with him into Cheshire, whence I returned not till Thursday. I sent for your clerk to come to me yesterday, but not being come home, causes this messenger to your Lordship, with that which makes you Lord Bishop of Soder and Man. I have some Londoners now at my house, and this evening Sir John Molineux, his Lady, and their family, wilbe with me here, so that I cannot come to you, as otherwise I willingly would have done, for no other reason but that inter nos I might have discoursed with you, my Lord Derbys genius and temper, which I doubt not will no way be unpleasant to you. He is not sway’d with the violent humour of this impetuous age, and [the] discourses of the high dyers of either side find no hearty entartainement with him. Hee is faithfully loyall and a true son of the Church of England ; free from fanatacisme, and farr from popery as any subject whatsoever. I say this because you are not yet so well knowing of him as a little time will make you. You will laugh at my fooleish boldnes in takeing this freedome with you to discourse of him ; but my meaneing by it is but to possesse you with that apprehension of him, as to make your first acquaintance acceptable to each other, and when you have perused this foolish freedom, that none els may laffe at mee, burne this paper, or rather send it back by the bearer that I may burne it. “ My Lord goes towards Newmarket on Monday, and when the King goes thence, waits on him to London, where you will, I suppose, at the Duke of Ormond’s house, meet with his Lordshipp. I gave my Lord’s Secretary a handsom present, viz. 10/.; it was not for any manner of aid I had from him in the doing it, but he was not against mee, and some thing was due as a perquisite of his place. I name this to you that you need not be at any farther charge with him. My Lady Derby meets my Lord at London ; shee goes about a three weekes hence. Mr. Roper, my Lord’s Secretary, I beleve, comes up with her Lady- shipp. His acquaintance wilbe of good use to your Lordshipp, both there and hereafter. Neither hee nor Mr. Hey wood could certainly tell me when the profitts of your Bishoprick commence, but they say they think Easter is exclusive to the late Bishopp’s Executor, and that then there may be halfe a yeares profitt due to your Lordship ; and inquire- ing of Coson Heawood of the profitts, hee saith — the Bishopps Palace is a good house, to which there is a faire demesne, many glebe tenants, and goof tythesdue. Ilee said hee was present when two sufficient persons, one Wood and another, offered Bishopp Bridgman to give him clere 149 350/. per annum for the proffitts, but it was esteemed considerably more worth. Mr. Roper tells mee, hee thinkes your way, when you come to London, is [to] addresse to one of the Secretarys for the King’s fiat upon this ; but 1 need not derect your Lordshipp therein. I purpose, the latter end of this terme, to be at London, and if your Lordshipp have leisure when there, shalbee in the mean time much honored with a line from you.” Draft. The Rev : John Lake to Roger Kenyon. 481. 1682, September 17. York. — On Michaelmas day I purpose to set out for London. If some indisposition of my wife’s had not pre- vented, I had purposed to have set out upon Friday next. Touching the value of the Bishopric, I am not anxious ; your kindness is the same as if it had been the Archbishopric of Toledo. Seal of arms. Collection of Customs in the Isle of Man. 482. 1682, September 20-1691, April 1. — Copies of Letters, between these dates, from the Privy Council and the Custom House in London to the Earl of Derby, concerning the irregular collection of the Customs in the Isle of Man. The Council has reason to believe that there is laid up in the Island, a great store of tobacco, awaiting the opportunity of being “ privately stolen ” into England. John Tench to Roger Kenyon. 483. 1682, September 23. — Mr. Wentworth was with me this day ; he gives but an incerteyne account of our worthy Chancellor, but we will hope better of him than his secretary reports, whose nevvs, you know, is not alwayes told to the best advantage of our good friend and master. Wee have had great relations heare of the splendid entertainments of the Duke of Monmouth in his Northern expedition, but Mr. Sargeant Ramsey was sent to hasten him back in safe custody, and ’tis conlideiitly reported Sir Thomas Armestrong obtained a habeas corpus for the Duke from Mr. Justice Raymond the last night. He is expected to towne this day. Our great matters in expectation are the Lord Marquess Hallifax’s being made Lord President of the Councell in the roome of the Earle of Radnor, and Mr. Seymour, Lord Privy Seale.” Arthur Assheton to [Roger Kenyon ?]. 484. 1 682, September 27. Clitheroe. — “ Yours received with a very large present — a peece of plat, a bowle which, being filled with strong liquor, may, it’s like enough, dissolve some of our Lord’s Burgesses ; alsoe I received [the] Corpartions arms, and the kind token, a guiney. Att which time I sent for Mr. Bayliffe Robinson, Mr. Lister, Mr. Christopher Kendall, and some others. Our Court day being upon Thursday next, it was agreed the bowle should then be presented in the Moot Hall to Mr. Eayliffs, and the Burgesses then present, and the healths to be drunke the day of election of Baylifies, which is to bee the 13th of October next. The persons thought upon for Bayliffs this ensueing yeare, [are] Mr. Thomas Braddyll and Mr. Robert Walmsley, for out Bayliffs, and Thomas Binder and Thomas Oddy, inn Baylifis. If you please, in the interim, to give yourself the trouble to writ two lines to Mr. Apleton or me, which you approved on, it shall be ndevoured to be performed.” 150 Sir Richard Bradshawe to Christopher Wilkinson and Roger Kenyon. 485. 1682, October!. — I hope you will both show your kindness in endeavouring to free the house and heir of Mearly from the affront of serving the constableship by traverse or otherwise. William Ashton to Roger Kenyon. 486. 1682, October 7. Cambridge.~‘‘ It can be no news in Lanca- shire that the King is come to Newmarket, but it is the thinest court that ever I saw there. Yesterday was the great match betwixt Dragon and Postboy^ the latter beat him above four lengths. I am heartily sorry for Sir Robert Carr that he was not there, for it was 6 and 7 to 4 against his horse, before the race begun.” Seal^ broken. Richard Bradshawe to Roger Kenyon. 487. 1682, October 10. Pennington. — The bearer will acquaint you how Pennington would now, at Wigan sessions, put him on to be Constable for the Hall of Bradshaw, a thing never done before. They gave him notice but yesterday to appear, and Sir James Bradshaw living far off, in Yorkshire, he cannot possibly give him notice in time to defend himself from an affront that was never put upon that house before. Information of Edmund Thelfall of “ the Ashes ” in Goosnargh, Gentleman, given at Hulton before William Hilton and Thomas Leavers, Justices of the Peace. 488. 1682, October 19. — '‘The said informant upon his oath saith that the copy of a letter, to this information annexed, beginning with these words ‘on my landing at Whithaven ’ and ending with these words, ‘ but those who board (.^) the Crowne, your Lordshipps,’ is a true copy of the first draught of a letter penned by Edward Tildesley, of Mierscough, in the county of Lancaster, Esquire ; which first draught was and is the propper handwriteing of the said Edward Tildesley, and which was by the appointment and dirrec- tion, and at the instance of, the said Edward Tildesley, fairly transcribed, and so directed and sent by the post from Preston, in Lancashire, to his Grace, the late Duke of Lowderdale, dated, to this informant’s best remembrance, from Warrington, the 28th of January, 1679. And this informant saith that the second paper to this information annexed, beginning with these words ‘ Ileasons offered by a well wisher to the King and Kingdom to some Justices of the peace,’ and ending with these words ‘ to obey the King’s proclamation, the onely way to secure the peace of the Kingdome and their owne,’ is a true copy of a paper penned by the said Edward Tildesley, with his owne hand, and fairly transcribed at the instance of the said Edward Tildesley, and sent inclosed in the said letter, directed to the said Duke. And this informant saith that, by the said Edward Tildesley’s appointment and direction, besides the addition of the complement to these words ‘your Lordshipps’ there was added, postscribed, to this effect ; that if his Lordshipp thought fitt to returne any answer, to derect the same ‘ Por Thomas Bateson, at William Tomlinson’s house in Preston.’ And this informant further saith that the third paper to this information annexed is a true copy of a letter, the cover whereoff was endorsed, ‘ For Thomas Bateson 151 at William Tomlinson’s house in Preston,’ and beginning with these words ‘ Sir, this is, according to your direction, to acknowledge the receit of your letter of the 18th instant, from Warrington,’ and ending with these words *from him at whose command this is sent to you.’ And this informant saitii that the said letter came to this informant’s hand, and that on the same page, which was cover to the said letter, so directed, this informant took a copy of the letter, which enables him now more particularly and certainly to depose thereunto. And this deponant saith that the said letter was delivered by this informant to the said Edward Tildesley who, in answer thereunto, and within a few dayes after the receipt thereof, viz*^ about the latter end of the month of eJanuary, or the beginning of February, 1679-80, writt another letter to the said Duke. The first draught whereof was, and is, the propper hand- writeing of the said Edward Tildesley, which letter, beginning with these words Tis no want of duty and allegiance to his Majestie,’ and ending with these words ‘ vour next may command your most obedient servant,’ was allso by the appointment and direction, and at the instance, of the said Edward Tildesley, fairly transcribed, directed, and sent by the post from Preston, in Lancashire, to his grace, the Duke of Lowderdale. And this informant saith that the fourth paper to this information annexed, is a true coppy thereof. And this informant further saith that afterwards, viz*, on or about the 25th of February, 1679-80, the said Edward Tildesley writt an other letter beginning wdth these words, ‘ The enclosed is a copy of what I writt you,’ and ending with these words ‘ as is this that 1 am your grace’s most obedient servant ’; a postscript to which was added by the hand of Mr. Thomas Tildesley, beginning with these words ‘ My Lord, I shall not stay ’ and ending with these words ‘to get this into the Yorkshire road.’ And saitli that the first draught of the same letter was and is (save the postscript) the propper hand writing of the said Edward Tildesley. And that the same, as allso the postscript, was fairly transcribed, and by the appointment, direction, and at the instance, of the said Edward Tildesley, directed and sent to the late Duke of Lowderdale, by the post. And this informant saith that the fifth paper to this information annexed, is a true copy of the said letter and postscript.” Lawrance Oldfield to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 489. 1682, October 26. Leftwich. — “I thought you not unwilling to part with your grey-pad the Judge and although I suspect his age is past marketable knowledg, and therefore considerably less worth now than two years agoe, yet, if you’ll put him to me for sound wind, lymb, and eyes, Pll pay you fifteen guineas for him.” James Lightboune to Roger Kenyon. 490. 1682, November 4. Gray’s Inn. — I thought a word of my Lord of Derby’s business would not be inacceptable to you. Mr. Justice Dolben gave judgment against my Lord, but Mr. Justice Jones gave judgment for my Lord. Seal. William Patten to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 491. 1682, November 4. Gray’s Inn. — Enquiring of “My Lord of Derby’s successe,” be was informed that Judge Dalbin, “ contrary to our expectation,” gave his opinion against “ my Lord ” ; but Judge Johnes for him. Sir Robert Carr is still dangerously ill. Seal of anns. 152 George Allan son to Roger Kenyon. 492. 1682, November 4. London. — I was yesterday to wait on Mr. Graham, touching Mr. Preston’s business, who informs me that you have the writ of execution against Sir Thomas Preston’s trustees, under seal, so that Mr. Weld cannot be served (although Lord Carrington is) till the return of the decree under seal. 1 was not a little joyful to understand that we were likely to have the honour of your company in London, but on the other hand, I hope it is not, in order to your quietness against the Papists for this night. I was informed amongst the Romanists that Mr. Tilsley had farmed the Papists’ forfeitures of Lancaster at the annual rent of 12,000/2. ; this sounds too much, and so I hope it is false. William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 493. 1682, November 6. Preston. — Has sent to Lancaster, to Styth, to enquire into the estates of the “most eminent” recusants in Lonsdale Hundred. Has provided evidence “for those in Araounderness and Blackburne to give their accompts here upon Friday next.” Swaney has made returns of Sir William Gerrard and Mr. Dickonson. “ Things move slowly, here, and as Mr. Winckley pleases, who is resolved to stand by his old clyentes.” Postscript. — “ Mr. Under-Sheriff’s brother is like to dye. . . . He [the Under Sheriff] desires the witnesses may come hither, I intend for Wygan, to morrow night; if the Inquisitiones be adjourned hither, it will be better for the jury.” Seal. William Hulme to Roger Kenyon. 494. 1682, November 6. Hulme. — Is informed that Kenyon is going to London ; desires “ to kiss his hand ” before he sets out. Sir Thomas Stringer to Roger Kenyon. 495. 1682, November 6. — “ The news of the Chancellor’s death, your deare friend and mine, is too true ; the place is given to Sir Thomas.” Vide No. 521. Seal of arms. John Tench to Roger Kenyon. 496. 1682, November 7. — Mr. Chancellor is relapsed, and in so weak a condition that they begin to doubt of his recovery. The Duke of Ormond is made a Duke of England. Good Sir Thomas Jones argued on my Lord of Derby’s side, but the doubting judge was against him. Edward Fleetwood to Mr. Kenyon. 497. 1682, November 7. Penwortham. — I hear you intend to hold inquisitions ui)on several gentlemen’s estates, upon Wednesday and Thursday next, and not knowing but Cousin Anderton of Exton may be one of the number, this comes to desire (if you can do it with security) to look upon him at this time “ as a reprobate.” He has a great many children, and the estate l)ut small. Seal. William Prabin to Roger Kenyon. 498. 1682, November 12. Matishall. — I am very desirous to know how you and your lady and the rest of your good family are in health, 153 particularly that sweet lady whose charming siren’s voice had like to have shipwrecked an afflicted mariner. I am glad to hear Mr. Starkey has obtained his desire and is married to Madame Hilton. I have a friend who would fain engage you to do him a kindness. The business is this : Sir W. Martin lent Mr. Sherrington, of Bootle, a considerable sum of money ; now. Sir William being dead, his son would be thankful if you would act for him. Seal of arms. William Patten to Roger Kenyon. 499. 1682, Kovember 14. Gray’s Inn. — I did expect your order for a motion before Mr. Justice Johnes, against the rioters at Wigan, for you promised it, but in regard I have not heard from you since I left Peele, I have not done anything therein. The sheriffs are not yet pricked, but it is thought they will be to-morrow, and some report that none of the three presented by the Chancellor will be elected, for some say Mr. Parker, and others, Mr.-Rigby. By letter yesterday from Mr. Welsh, we understand that Sir Robert Carr is much worse, and they now seem to despair of his recovery. Seal of arms. William Patten to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 500. 1682, November 18. Gray’s Inn. — “ This day, Mr. Justice Windham and the Lord Chief Baron argued the Earle of Derby’s case, and both gave their judgments for his lordshipp ; soe that nowe bee has got the day, beinge 7 to 3.” Hopes the news of the chancellor [of the Duchy’s] death will bring Kenyon to London. Seal of arms. Thomas Dod to Roger Kenyon. 501. 1682, November 19. — The good town of Ormeskirk under- standing you are for London on Munday next, engaged me, on their behalfe generally, to acquaint you they are about to make application to my Lord Derby that, in this present commotion of affaires as to the Burrough of Wigan, which setts up for a principality of it selfe, there may bee a meanes found out, and effecred, to reduce all the four sessions to this place. You know it lyes convenient to the countrey, and I hope the alteration noe way against your likeing, especially since it would conduce to the benefitt of the place, wherein my Lord is soe much interested, and has beene pleased to manifest his favors thereunto upon all occasions.” Seal of arms. R. Heyavood to Roger Kenyon. 502. 1682, November 22. Castle Rushen. — “I landed on the island the 28th of October in 12 hours from the Black Rock. I brought all .my little doggs safe over, except 2 or 3, which, by the boy’s carelessness, ran back from Knowsley, and I hud not time to send for them.” Seal of arms. William Ashton to Roger Kenyon. 503. 1682, November 25. London. — “Doctor Lake’s business mett with a rub nt the PrWy Seal, but my Lord Derby promised to remove it, and I think it is already done. I do not yet know what the Doctor will do with Prestwuch, nor will I ask him till the consecration be over, which I suppose will be very shortly, because he told me he should be at Yorke within 6 weeks. Wee have no news but what Westminster Hall 154 affords ; I know, by this time, you have heard of Lord Derby’s try all and success, and likewise of the difference betwixt the Lord Berkley and Lord Gray, about the lady Henrietta, the Lord Berkley’s second daughter. The case was tryed last Thursday, and the Lord Gray, one Crarrock and his wife, and one Jones, were found guilty of carrying away the young lady. The Court hath not sett a fine, but every one thinks it cannot be so great as is deserved. It is the foulest story that ever eyes saw or ears heard ; in short, the lady was pretty round about the w^ast, and the proofs given in Court make it too plain (if she is with child) who is tlie father. When the try all was over, the Lord Cheife Justice told the Lord Berkley, he might take his daughter, and he held forth his hand to receive her, but she refused to goe with him, telling them all that she was marryed to one Mr. Turner (a ])articular favourite of the Lord Gray’s and, if I mistake not, one of Sir William Turner’s younger sons) who was called into Court and owned her for his wife. But Sir George Jefferyes (who was Councell for the Lord Berkley) said that man was marryed to, and had children by, another woman in Westminster. This put the Lord Cheif Justice to a little pause, but immediately recollecting himself, he ordered the lady and Mr. Turner, her reall or pretended husband, to be committed to the King’s Bench, till such time as it might appear that they were marryed. The Lord Cavendish and the Lord Wharton’s eldest son (the Lord Clare haveing refused to stand) were bayl for the Lord Gray. This tryall lasted 4 or 5 houres ; the cheif wittnesses were the Lady Berkley, mother, and the Lady Arabella, sister, to the Lady Henrietta. The Lady Arabella was the first that discovered the intreague betwixt them, by a letter left in Madam Henrietta’s chamber and directed for the Lord Gray, intima- ting a very scandalous fiimilarity between tliem, and this letter was produced and read publickly in Court. Most people wonder my Lord Berkley should expose his daughter so infamously in open Court, and all are amased at her impudence; but for my part, I have a worse opinion of another Lord. Yesterday, the Duke of Yorke tryed his action against Pilkington, who was cast, and the Jury gave the Duke 100,000/. damages.” Seal. J. Eowe to Roger Kenton. 504. 1682, December 5. Liverpool. — It is greatly reported that my Lord Derby is made a Marquis, but of this we have no second news. Seal of arms. William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon. 505. 1682, December 21. ‘‘The Sword and Buckler,” London. — “ They say my Lord North is made Lord Keeper ; hee brought the Mace with him yesternight from 'Whitehall, but I doe not hear forcertaine who is in his place ; they say Sir Wm. Scroggs. Sir Thomas Stringer was robbed of the 30/. I presented him for you, by his footman, who had gott away with it as farr as Stepney and was going over sea, but Mr. Stringer and Frank tooke post and catched him, and about 20/. in his pockett, and hee had given eight pound for a watch, which they gott againe. Sir Thomas has him now in his house, has pardoned the crime, but turnes him away shortly.” Seal. Samuel LIanmer to Roger Kenion. 506. 1682, .... ber 10. — Mr. Daubabbin {sic) preaches to-day at Leigh, and Squire Atherton may possibly come along with him; however, 1 doubt not but that the parishioners will consult about the business after 155 evening service. 1 humbly beg that you would be pleased to honour me so far, as to make one amongst them to hold up a side against (the once Lord President) Bradshaw\ Case, and opinion by Sergeant Manyard -Title to Property in Furness, formerly belonging to Sir Thomas Preston and held by the Court of Exchequer “ as being settled to superstitious uses.” 507 . [1682.] — “ T. P., the 26th of May 1682, having petitioned his Majesty e for an estate, late Sir Thomas Preston’s, in Furness, in the County Pallatine of Lancaster, which m as before recorded in the Court of Exchequer, as being settled to superstitious uses, and his Majestye thereupon obtaining a decree, was graciously pleased to referre the said petition to the Lords of the Treasury, who gave directions and paid the charge for the prosecution thereof; which said petition, being by them referred to the examination of Mr. Grayham and Mr. Burton, who made their report to the Lords of the Treasury, the said T. P. did thereupon contract with the Lords for a certain rent and term of years, which w^as again reported from the Lords to His Majestye, who was pleased to give direction that a bill should be forthwith prepared for the passing of a lease, upon the terms and years agreed upon with the said Lords ; and a warrant being sent to the Attorney General from the Lords, upon his perusal thereof, his opinion then was, that the King not being in posses- sion, nor the trustees having conveyed their right, that His Majestye could not make a good lease to the lessee. “ But the possession being now in the King, and the Trustees having now conveyed their right to His Majestye, the Lords of the Treasury ordered a w'arrant to be drawne, pursuant to their former contract, which was signed by His Majestye, and countersigned by the Lords, directed to his Attorney or Solicitor Generali. Upon which, a Bill was drawn and signed by the said Attorney Generali (as the usual course is) and afterwards by his Majestye, which said bill is mentioned to pass a lease of the said lands to the said T. P., under the Great and Duchy Seal of Lancaster, without any further warrant or direction, for a rent and term of years therein mentioned. The said T. P. hath proceeded soe farre upon the said bill as that he hath passed the Signet, the Privy Seal, and Great Seal, upon the method aforesaid, and hath a duplicate ready from the Privy Seal, and a docquetl from the Lords of the Treasury for the passing of the Duchy Seal. 1st Query. — Whether, having already passed the Great Seal, that be sufficient ; or that the Duchy and County Palatine Seals be both necessary, or the Duchy Seal, or whether of them. Note . — The lands men- ^ I conceive that this land is now no parte of the Duchy, for it comes not to the Crown as an escheat of the Duchy, but as a new purchase and passetli well from the Crown by the Great Seal. But to avoid questions and charges, ’tis wisdom to take both Seals. 2nd Query. — Whether the rent being made payable into the Exche- quer, or to the Deceiver of the County Palatine (as it is men- tioned in the lease to T. P.) the tenant may safely pay the same to such Receiver, without the same being made payable or paid to the Receiver of the Duchy of Lancaster. I conceive he may, without danger, pay it to the Exchequer, or Receiver of the County Palatine. The expresse words of the reservation beinae soe. Maynard.” tioned to be granted are Duchy lands, lye- ing in the County Palatine of Lancaster. 156 W. Hayhurst to Eoger Kenyon. 508. l682[-3], January 6. London. — I went to Mr. Marsden, to know when he could pay. He said he could not tell, but not the next week. I saw him turn away several that had bills upon him. There are a great many bankers lately gone off, but I hope he suffers not by them, nor is in any danger. It is reported my Lord Chief- Baron will be dis- placed, and Sir Robert Sawyer in his place, and Sir George Jeffreys in his, and that Baron Atkins is very like for the same fate, to give place to Sir Robert Wright, and that Judge Dolben sits very slippery. Prepara- tions are making for the trial of the City Charter, the next term. Six young clerks, said to be gentlemen’s sons in the North, are committed to Newgate for the “ Highpadd.” Seal. Mary Ball to Roger Kenyon. 509. 1682[-3], January 9. Ormskirk. — Asking that the money due to her for the wounded soldiers, should be paid, as she has been put to great expense in food, clothes, and washing for them. Seal, broken^ William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 510. 1682-3, January 1 1. London. — ‘‘ There hath been great gaming at the Temple this Christ inas time. Upon the Twelfth-day, at night, the Templers, in a great number, went to gather their rents of the houses in Fleet Street ; for their lights into the Temple, they demanded halfe-a- crown a house and all arreares, which, for some houses, came to 20^. Where they denyed payment, they forced them to it. Whereuppon the constables were sent for ; whereuppon the Templers having notice, 200 rose againste them and some harme was done, but none mortally wounded. They have since made an order at a Parliament of theirs, as they call it, that all Councillors of that Society who take part with any who shall sue any of the gentlemen upon that pretended ryott, shall be judged enemies to the auncient priviledges and honour of that House, and that none of the Society should have any dealing with any trades- man who would not pay that rent, or prosecuted any of them upon the ryott. ’Tis reported the Earle of Shaftsbury is dead in Holland.” SeaL John Tench to Roger Kenyon. 511. 1682[-3], January 11. — “ There be great muttering of storms rising beyond the seas. God keep us in peace, and when we are in danger of others, [give us] good council and unanimity at home ; and, when his Majesty pleaseth to take the advice of his Commons in Parliament, honest loyal members,” and one of them “honest worthy Mr. Kenyon.” William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon. 512. 1682[-3], January 16. London. — Concerning warrants for recusants. Many of the great Bankers are gone aside. The great fund of Europe, the East India Company, is shut up and will pay no more till Michaelmas. Seal. William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon. 513. l682[-3], January 22. Loudon. — The new project, Mr. Burton tells nie? is to make a certain revenue of the Papists. The estates of 157 those of the better rank and quality are valued at nine or twelve thousand pounds per annum, and the two thirds are to be farmed by the parties, to pay yearly 6,000/i. into your hands, to be constantly paid into the Exchequer. This to be done by way of inquisition, the witnesses to be brought by the recusants, and all inquisitions to be held anew. I made severall objections against it; as what inquisition they v/ouldhold could, that way, be found but of small value and that there vras no recusant of an estate but had foreseen his conviction and had settled his estate, and so could plead it otf when they pleased. For those, says he, we will have process against them for 20/e. per mensem. If this project take, and 6,000/e. yearly be paid to you, and you have your 18^. per /e., it will amount to 4o0/e. per annum to your purse, and if you have your salary besides, it will be 5^0li.per annum. “ This will come to you with ease, without clamour or noise.” Proposal to be Deputy to Kenyon. The new judges have this day taken their places. Seal. Thomas Holden to Eoger Kenvon. 514. 1682[-3], January 29. — “There was a silent meeting of Quakers, in this towne, taken upp and dispersed by the officers here, a litle before Christmas; and I observe att the Sessions, you proceed by way of indictment in the nature of a riott ; which, if that may serve your turne, I shall not trouble my self to draw upp a record of your conviction, haveing drawme one att large against all or most of these persons, for a Con venti call, a little before, and issued out warrants, and severall distresses made ; but their goods, most of them, cannot bee sold, nor have the officers gott expenses in money yet, as they tell me.” Thomas Hodgkinson to Eoger Kenton. 515. 1 682[-3], January 29. Preston. — Will meet Kenyon at Wigan on Thursday, when he will be proud to contribute anything to a perfect conciliation between Lord Derby and their friends at Haigh. Seal of arms, broken. Eoger Kenyon to Thomas Hodgkinson, at Preston. 516. 1682[-3], February 3. Bolton. — Has sent the bearer, Mr. John Eoscoe, for the 300/. or more, payable upon the processes against popish recusants. Eoscoe, John Smethurst, and Serjeant Hatton, have left the writer a sealed bag containing 96/. d^. The processes, returned “ this time twelvemonth,” yielded 1,296/. 55. Hopes, “ except what must be expected,” that sum will not be lessened now. Seal of arms. Thomas Hodgkinson to Eoger Kenyon, “at his Peele.” 517. 1682[-3], February 5. Preston, — Was under a gross mistake in sending the process against recusants, as he had not noted who were “ charged upon the long process and who by fieri facias T Begs the return of the process for alteration and completion. Seal of arms. William Hayhurst to Eoger Kenyon. 518. 1682-3, February 8. Southampton Buildings. — The Northern Circuit is to be performed by the same .ludges as last time, but Mr. Baron Atkins is to sit on the Crown Side. Lord Derby has been victorious 158 this term ; “ there hath been great arguments about the demurrer upon the plea to the Quo Warranto, Sir George Treby and Mr. Solicitor, argued yesterday, and Mr. Attorney-Generall and Mr, Pollexfen, to-day ; and two eminent Councell to argue the next term. The Worcester City Charter was found forfeited to the King. The defendants excepted against the Jury, being very few of them freeholders. After some debate, the Court sent Judge Eayniond to know the opinion of the Common Plees, where they whispered together, and after. Judge Ray- mond and the rest declared it to bee the opinion of the Court of Common Plees and of that Court, that that was no legal exception ; whereupon the Jury was sworn ; but the defendants would make no defence, and soe the Jury found for the King.” Seal. W. Hilton to Roger Kenyon, in London. 519. 1682[-3], February 19. — Hopes Kenyon has arrived safely at the end of his journey ; if he had stayed, his list of coiners and clippers would have been longer, “a kennel of whom was discovered, and dis- armed of their wicked tooles, by the honest constable, John Monk, on ' Thursday last.” The judges will hardly be able to deliver the gaol as fast as the justices fill it, if the discoveries hold on. If the rogues are too many to be hanged, they might be transported to Pensylvania or the other Plantations. If they be not totally suppressed, and clipped money prohibited, all the old coin of England will be spoilt. Desires Kenyon to take a catalogue of the books of the virtuosi^ and the prices at the Bell, in Paul’s Churchyard.” Seal of arms. Francis North, [Lord Keeper,] to Mr. Justice Jones, 520. l682[-3], February 24. — His Majestie haveing received com- plaints that many persons of raeane condition lye in prison upon criminal prosecutions in severall gaoles of this kingdom, where they endure great hardshipp and misery, because of the straitness of the prisons, in respect of the number of prisoners, and for want of necessarys ; is desirous, for their releife, to extend his royall compassion to such of them as shall be capable thereof, upon consideration of their particular cases. In order whereunto, his Majestie would be informed by his judges of Assize, in their severall circuits, or by some justices of the peace in the severall countyes and places where the prisons are, who may receive an account thereof from the Sheriffs, gaolers, or other persons of credit, whether the number of prisouers is so great that the prison cannot conveniently containe them. And if it bee, then further to certify the names of such persons as are in prison upon such prosecutions and if any bee under the age of twenty one yeares, and what their offences are, and how long they have layne there ; whether they are poore and unable to mayntayne themselves [and] whether they are papists or quakers, or what other sect, if it can be knowne.” Copy. Thomas Stringer to Roger Kenyon. 521. 1682[-3], March 6. Chancery Lane. — “ These are to acquaint you that your good friend and myne. Sir Robert Car, is dead.” Vide No. 495. Seal of arms. Thomas Hodgkinson to Roger Kenyon. 522. 1682[-3], March 13. Preston. — Sends a warrant to levy the monies upon the recusants in Kenyon’s Hundred, and three receipts for Sir 159 Charles Anderton and Mr. Trafford. If Kenyon thinks it prudential to accept 100//. from Sir Charles, instead of the whole, he would consent to it ; but refers it to Kenyon’s discretion, Avhether it be not a season- able time to oblige Sir Charles, or no. Thanks him for the carriage of his peruke. His wife was yesterday delivered “ of another young tory, so that I do not follow your example in the acts of generation.” Seat of armSf broken. John Lomax to Roger Kenyon. 523. 1683, March 25. — Asking Kenyon’s interest on his behalf, for the presentation to Aldingham, in the gift of the Commissioners of the Treasury. Seal of arms^ broken. R. Bradshaigh, Junior, to Roger Kenyon. 524. 1683, March 27. Haigh. — ‘‘ Pray intercede for me to my cozen Copley that she will favour me withe acceptance of a small present here- with sent her, as having done me the honour to weare me for her valentine.” Coin-clipping. 525. 1683, March 31. — Informations of John Birchall, a prisoner in his Majesty’s gaole at Lancaster, and condemned for clipping and diminishing his Majesty’s coin. The Petition of Thomas Preston, of Holker, in the County of Lancaster, to the Lords op the Treasury. 526. 16S2[-3], [March?]. — That in Easter term last, his Majesty, . having recovered, by a decree in the Court of Exchequer, part of the estate late Sir Thomas Preston’s in Furness, as given by him to supersti- tious uses, your petitioner, being very instrumental in the recovery thereof in discovering the said estate, your Lordships did offer, as your opinion, that your petitioner should have a lease granted to him of what was then recovered of the said estate, for the term of 7 years, and a warrant for the possession of the said estate was granted to your petitioner. But there being some lands adjoining the said estate which were purchased by one of the trustees of Sir Thomas Preston, the possession thereof is refused to be delivered to your petitioner. The amendment of the houses, fences, hedges, and ditches, are a heavy cost, etc. IMay it please your Lordships, that a lease may be granted to your petitioner. \The Petition is ordered to be referred to Richard Graham^ Esquire.^ Roger Kenyon [to the Earl of Derby]. 527. 1683, April 20. Preston. — In obedience to your Lordship’s command, I humbly present you an account of the condition of the gaole at Lancaster, as it was on Tewsday last. Prisoners for debte, 44 ; most of them very poor persons. Prisoners condemned for felonies and ordered to be transported, 6. Preists condemned and reprieved, 2. Two other persons condemned and reprieved, not ordered to be transported. One condemned and reprieved for 6 weeks, and no longer, from the 26th of March. Two others not condemned, but by their owne consents, after conviction for felony, ordered to be transported. Six indicted as clippers and continued in the gaole, one fined 100 merks, and committed till he pay his fine. Eight quakers committed upon writts de excommunicato capiendo. Eight persons in the calendar, committed neer 2 years agoe 160 for refuseing the oath of supremacy, and outlau^ed, upon that account, in the Kings bench, at the Kings suite, all papist recusants, and all of them much above the age of 21 yeares Kone of them very rich nor very poore. In all, 80 persons. ‘‘Kow my Lord, I dare not but acquaint your Lordshipp the whole truth of everything of the eight quakers. Three of them were permitted by the gaoler to go home, and were not, when wee called for them, at the Sessions to be had. And of the 8 popish recusants, not one of them lyes in the gaole, and but one of them to be produced, but were lodged in or about the towne. Wee at the Quarter Sessions, unexpected by the gaoler, called for those eight, and did indeed surprise him ; and haveing thus, in duty to your Lordshipp, accused him, I with all humility ask your Lordshipp’s favor for him and humbly beg leave, further to acquaint your Lordshipp that a writ issues every terme forthe of the King’s Bench, against severall hundreds of papeist recusants that have taken the oath of allegeance, but refuseing: the oath of supremacie were, by the justices of the peace, pursuant to the statute, certifyed into the King’s Bench; wherepon, they are outlawed. These Writs are sent to the Sheriffe every terme, against many that are indigent, and the reverse, [and] cost, every person, 6 six or seaven pounds. Some, against whom these are sent, are not so much worth. The strict prosecution of these processes might indeed fill the gaole with persons not able to subsist there and it turnes to no manner of account to his Majestic to prosecute any this way. “ My Lord, wee have fresh informations against a great many more clippers, and against some that were discharged the last assizes. The poor fellow, John Birchall, that was reprieved by your Lordshipp for 6 weekes, and no longer, saith, with abundance of tears, he can make no further discoverie though it were to save his life, and I verily beleive hee can not.” Draft. Richard Rigby to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 528. 1683, May 12. London. — ‘‘ The great news in toune, this day, is that my Lord Gray’s house was searched last night by the secret inquisition, and 4 score arms sessed, and my Lord taken into custody.” William Patten to Roger Kenyon. 529. 1683, May 19. Gray’s Inn. — ‘‘ Sir Patience Warde was this day tryed upon an information of perjury; a privy verdict was given in, but assure yourselfe hee is found guilty. Say not one worde of this, till the return of the next poast, for it will not bee discovered till Munday next, but assure yourselfe of the truth of it, for the jury, at the King’s charge, was treated.” Seal of arms. J. Rowe to Roger Kenyon. 530. 1683, May 25. Liverpool. — Asks Kenyon’s assistance to get employtnent in an office wliich is inten'led to be shortly established in Liverpool, Lancaster, and Manchester, called the Corporation Credit, ora Bank of Credit, the use of whicli will certainly be of great advantage to the advance of trade. Seal. William Patten to Roger Kenyon. 531. 1683, May 26. Preston. — I am in hopes you will be set out for London ere this reach you. Mr. Burton desires you to bring up with you 161 the large bill wherein 1,200 papists were plaintiffs, in the Duchy Court, against you and others. Seal of arms, broken. Thomas Hodokinson to Eoger Kenyon. 532 . 1683, June 22, Preston. — I hope that our famous metropolis will, at least, become Christian and loyal. I cannot sufficiently acknow- ledge my obligations to you for your great trouble about my wife. Seal of arms. William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon, 533 . 1683, July 7. London. — I was up and down Fleet Street to inquire of the wether glass you bought, as I remember you told me near Serjeants Inn ; but I can hear no tidings of it.” Seal. Jo : Chorley to Roger Kenyon, at Preston. 534 . 1683, July 9. Liverpool. — “There is one Ro ; Clerke (ap- prentice to Mr. Henry Thorpe, master and owner of a London ship) in the House of Correction, for refusing to do his service, and committing many foule things against his said master, and merchants who freight him. The matter was fully heard before the Mayor of Leverpoole and the Aider- men, and appeared so foule that he might have beene more severely dealt with. The Mayor sent him to the House of Correction, by the advice of Mr. Eutwisle, Recorder of the Corporation, who was also present at the hearing. I humbly beg of you he may be kept to labour and receive due correction, and not suffered to be a tapster in the house, as wee heare hee is, and lives very pleasantly, and writes home that he finds such favour there that the time of his stay will not be tedious to him.” Sir Roger Bradshaigh to Roger Kenyon. 535 . 1683, July 10. Haigh. — I received the proclamation against the Duke of Monmouth, etc., this day; “for all it came not soe late, and upon receipt of the former proclamation, I appoynted theprivie Sessions and inserted part of it in the warrant, with strict orders to sett watch and ward for the vilains in all my divitions, and had it proclaimed at Wigan the last Fryday.” Richard Rigby to Roger Kenyon. 536 . 1683, July 12. London. — “ This day was brought to tryall Captain Walcutt (?). Colonel Rumsey, Porn (?) Keeleing, and Mr. West was witness against him {sic), who prooved the thing very plane. A great part he confessed, which was that he had beene at severall meetings and heard them discourse of insorection, but did not concern himself further; and Mr. West did give a very full account of the conspercey, and after that he had little to say. Besides, there was a letter addrest under his hand to the K[ing] to implore his mercy, and he would let him know more then any culd yet. The jurey went out and staid but a little, brought him gilty. Tomorrow will be tried Hone, Rouse, and Captain Blagg.” Postscript . — “ Hone, when he was caled to the barr and his indite- mont red, he tould the Courte he was gilty in some mcsure ; being asked what he ment, answered — of consperacey.” 73480 . L 162 Ki CHARD Rigby to Roger Kenyon. 537. 1683, July 14. London. — “My Lord Russell yesterday, at the Ould Bayley, took his tryall ; makeing but smale defence, was found gilt}^, as alsoe Mr. Rouse and Hone ; and this morning Lord Russell, Captain Wallcut, Rouse, and Hone, receved sentance ; but that most wonderfull, my Lord Essix, yester morning in the Tower, cut his one throat ; the manner thus : — askt his Frenchman for a penknife to cut his nailes, and then a raseyer, pretending it would not do. His man borrowed one of the warder. Hoe sooner had my Lord got it, but he went into his clositt. Presantly after, his man heard a noyse as if the cover of the close stoole had falen ; upon that, he went in, and found my Lord walloing in blood ; called for help, but he had cut the jugler faine. The King at the same time, with the Duke, was a fueing [viewing] the works in the Tower. We received, just now, of the newes of my Lord Graye being taken in Rotterdam, with some others, not yet knowne. Today, by the Flanders and Duch Gazet, comes the sad newes of the J arman Armey being routed ; a great part of the foot cut olf, and the rest devided. Hungarey have submitted to the Turks . . . The Court is mooved from Viena; and, as a great carridge of Jesuits was going out, the multietud fell upon them and cut them to peeces. Graying that they had brought this misery upon them. An express came to oure King for suplyes.’* T. Leigh to Roger Kenyon. 53S. 1683, July 16. Croxteth. — He spoke to Mr. Entwisle, about a year and a half ago, about the repair of Mabb Lane, and hears money has been gathered for that purpose. Edward Tarleton to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 539. 1683, J uly 1 9. Liverpool. — “ My sonne Edward, beinge arrived from Barbados, gives mee account that your sonne tooke occasion to leave Barbados, and is safely arrived at New Yorke, in America, where he teacheth gentlemen’s children, and is engaged there to continue for two or three yeanes, by covenant with a gentleman there.” Seal. Joseph Sabey to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 540. 1683, July 21. London. — “ All I have now to inform you with, is cheifly to give you an account that I was myselfe an eye-witness to the execution of Captain Walcott, John Rouse, and William Hone, the former of which, declareing that hee was guilty of the conspiracy as to the knowledge thereof, and that he was drawne into the conspiracy by some persons that promised him great matters ; but, in short, he per- ceived there was no truth in man. Rouse confessed hee had been at divers consults, and that hee was to have acted, but, as to particulars, hee \ras ignorant, and that hee had been privy to many treasonable discoveries relateing to an insurrection and the like. Hone spoke little, but confessed hee was to have been one of the number that was to have assassinated the King in his return from Newmarkett. They are all quartered and their bowells burnt. This day, likewise, was executed the Lord Russell, attended att the scaffold by ten companies [of] foot and three troops of his Majesty’s guards ; but what confession his Lordshipp made there, I am not able to give you any certain account. 163 his stay att the scaffold not being half an houre, where the executioner made three blowes att his head ere hee parted it from his body. Hee was conveyed thither in his owne coach, which is all the newes this city offers att present.” “ The Judgment and Decree of the University of Oxford, passed in their Convocation against certain pernicious books and damnable doctrines, destructive to the sacred persons of Princes, their state and government, and of all human society.” 541. 1683, July 21. — Although the barbarous assassination lately enterprised against the person of his sacred Majestie and his royall brother, engage all our thoughts to reflect with utmost detestacon and abhorrence on that execrable villany, hatefull to God and man, and pay our due acknowledgements to the divine providence, which, by extraordinary methods, brought it to pass that the breath of our nostrills, the anointed of the Lord, is not taken in the pit which was prepared for him, and that under his shadow we continue to live and enjoy the blessings of his government ; yet, notwithstanding, we And it to be a necessary duty at this time, to search into and lay open those impious doctrines, which, have- ing of late been studiously disseminated, gave rise and growth to these nefarious attempts, and pass upon them our solemn publick censure and decree of condemnation. Therefore, to the honour of the holy and undivided Trinity, the preservation of Catholick truth in the Church, and that the King’s majestie may be secured both from the attempts of open bloody enemies and machinations of traytrous, hereticks, and schismaticks, we, the Vice-Chancellor, Doctors, Proctors, and Masters, regent and not regent, met in Convocation in the accustomed manner, time, and place, on Saturday the 21th day of July, in the year 1683, concerning certain propositions contained in divers bookes and writings publisht in the and allso [in] the Latin tongue, repugnant to the holy scriptures, decrees of councells, writings of the fathers, the faith and profession of the primitive church, and allso detractive of the kingly government, the safety of his Majestie’s person, the publick peace, the laws of nature, and bonds of human society, by our unanimous assent and consent, have decreed and determined in manner and forme following ; — “ The first Proposition. — All civil authority is derived originally from the people. Second.— There is a mutuall compact, tacit or express, between a prince and his subjects, and that if he performe not his duty, they are discharged from theirs. ‘‘ Third. — That if lawf ull governors become tyrants, or govern other- wise than [as] by the laws of God and man they ought to do, they forfeit the right they had unto their government. “ Fourth. — The Soveraignty of England is in the three estates, viz. King, Lords, and Commons. The King has but a co-ordinate power, and may be over-ruled by the other two. “ Fifth. — Birthright and proximity of blood give no title to rule or government, and it is lawfull to preclude the next heir from his right and succession to the Crown. “Sixth. — It is lawfull for subjects, without the consent, and against the comand of, the supreme magistrate, to enter into leagues, covenants, and associations for defence of themselves and their religion, solemne league and covenant, late association (sic), “ Seventh. — Self-preservation is the fundemental law of nature, and supersedes the obligation of all others, whensoever they stand in com- petition with it. L 2 164 Eighth. — Tho doctrine of the Go?pell, concerning patient suffering of injuries, is not inconsistent with violent resisting of the higher powers, in case of persecution for religion. Ninth. — There lies no obligation upon Christians to passive obedience, when the prince comands anything against the laws of our country; and the primitive Christians chose rather to die, than resist, because Christianity was not settled by the laws of the Empire. “Tenth. — Possession and strength give a right to govern, and success in a cause or enterprise proclaims it to be lawfull and just. To pursue it, is to comply with the will of God, because it is to follow the conduct of his providence. “ Eleventh. — In the state of nature, there is no difference between good and evill, right and wrong ; the state of nature is a state of war, in which every man hath a right to all things. “ Twelfth. — The foundation of civil authority is this naturall right, which is not given, but left to the supreme magistrate upon men’s entring into societies, and not only a foreign invader, but a domestick rebel, puts himself again into a state of nature, to be proceeded against, not as a subject, but an enemy, and consequently acquires by his rebellion the same right over the life of his prince as the prince, for the most heinous crimes, has over the life of his own subject. “ Thirteenth. — Every man, after his entring into a society, retains a right of defending himself against force, and cannot transfer that right to the comoiiwealth when he consents to that union, whereby a comonwealth is made; and in case a great many men together have allready resisted the comonwealth, for which every one of them expecteth death, they have liberty then to join together to assist and defend one another. Their bearing of arms, subsequent to the first breach of their duty, though it be to maintain what they have done, is no new unjust act, and, if it be only to defend their persons, it is not unjust at all. “ Fourteenth. — An oath superadds no obligation to pact, and a pact obliges no farther than it is credified ; and, consequently, if a prince gives any indication that he does not believe the promises of fealty and allegiance made by any of his subjects, they are thereby freed from their subjection, and, notwithstanding their pacts and oathes, may lawfully rebell against, and destroy, their soveraigne. “ Fifteenth. — If a people, that by oath and duty are obliged to a soveraign, shall sinfully dispossess him and, contrary to their covenants, chuse and covenant with another, they may be obliged by their later covenants, notwithstanding their former. “ Sixteenth. — All oaths are unlawfull and contrary to the word of God. “ Seventeenth. — An oath obligeth not in the sense of the imposer, but the takers. “Eighteenth. — Dominion is founded in grace. “Nineteenth. — The powers of this world are usurpations upon the prerogative of Jesus Christ, and it is the duty of God’s people to destroy them, in order to the setting Clirist upon his throne. “Twentieth. — The Presbyterian government is the scepter of Christ’s Kingdome, to which kings, as well as others, are bound to submitt; and the King’s supremacy in ecclesiasticall affairs, asserted by the Church of Enghind, is injurious to Christ, the sole King and head of the Church. “ Twenty-first. — It is not lawfull for superiors to impose anything in ihe v/orship of God that is not antecedently necessary. 1G5 ‘‘ Twenty-second. — The duly of not oifending a weak brother is incon- sistent with all humane authority of makeing laws concerning indifferent things, “ Twenty-third. — Wicked kings and tyrants ought to be put to death ; and if the judges and inferiour magistrates will not do their office, the power of the sword devolves to the people. If the major part of the people refuse to exercise this power, then the ministers may excom- municate such a king, after which it is lawfull for any of the subjects to kill him, as the people did Athaliah, Jehu, and Jezabel. “ Twenty-fourth. — After the sealeing of the Scripture canon, the people of God, in all ages, are to expect new revelations for a rule of their actions, and it is lawfull for a private man, having an inward motion from God, to kill a tyrant. ‘‘Twenty-fifth. — The example of Phincas is to us, instead of a comand ; for what God hath comanded or approved in one age, must needs oblige in all. “ Twenty-sixth, — King Charles the First Avas la.Avfully put to death ; and his murderers were the blessed instruments of God’s glory, in their generation. “ Twenty-seventh. — King Charles the First made war upon his Parlia- ment ; and in such a case, the king may not only be resisted, but he ceaseth to be king.” “ Wee decree, judge, and declare, all and every of these propositions to be false, seditious, and impious, and, most of them, to be allso heretical and blaspliercous, infamous to Christian religion, and destructive of all government in church and state. Wee farther decree that the bookes which contain the aforesaid propositions and impious doctrines, are fitted to deprave good manners, corrupt tiie minds of unwary men, stirr up seditions and tumults, overthrow states and kingdoms, and lead to rebellion, murder of princes, and atheism itself. And, therefore, we intradict all membeps of the University from the readeing of the said bookes, under the penalties of the statutes expressed. We allso order the before recited bookes to be publickly burned, by the hand of our Marshall, in the court of our schools. LikeAvise Ave order that, in perpetuall memory hereof, these our decrees shall be entered into the registry of our Convocation, and that copyes of them be coniunicated to the severall Colleges and Halls Avithin this University, there [to be] publickly affixed in the librarys, refectorys, or other fitt places, Avhere they may be seen and read of all. Lastly, we comand and strictly enjoyne all and singular the readers, tutors, chatechists, and others, to Avhom the care and trust of institution of youth is comitted, that they diligently instruct and ground their scholars in that most necessary doctrine, which, in a manner, is the badge and character of the Church of England, of submitting to every ordinanee of man, for the Lord’s sake, Avhether it be to the king as supreme, or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him, for the punishment of evill doers, and for the praise of them that do Avell, teaching that this submission and obedience is to he cleare, absolute, and without exception cf any state or order of men; allso that they, according to the apostles’ precept, exhort that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercession, and giveing of thankes, made for at/ men, for the king, and all that are in authority, and that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour ; and in especiall manner, that they press and oblige them, humbly to offer their most ardent and daily prayers at the throne of grace, for the preservation of our sovereign lord. King Charles, from the attempts of open violence and secret machinations of perfidious traytors ; that the Defender of the Faith 166 being safe, under the defence of the Most High, may continue his raign on earth till he exchange it for that of a late and happy immortality.” Copy, Richard Rigby to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 542 . [16]83, July 26. London. — “Upon the Chainge, I met, this day, with Captain Chappley ... I told him, in part, my business, and [he] gave this answer : that he would undertake to bring my cousin Roger home for 20/., that is, 10/. to redeem him, 5/. his passidge, and 5/. to bear his [own] charges : and he tells me it will be very necessary to send him a sute of clothes, being very naked, and a perriwigg.” Lawrence Rawstorne to Roger Kenyon. 543 . 1683, J uly 26. Newhall. — “ The world has altered its aspect; the subtle papists has {sic) overwitted the presbiters and made them put on their vizard, and act in their stead, but not soe as to acquit them, but to aggravate the guilt of both ; and, being so near allyed, ought to partici- pate of the same punnishement.” John Tench to Roger Kenyon. 544 . 1683, July — . — “ I did not forget my promise on Thursday, but that day produced noe more than the conviction of one Captain Walcot, an old captain in Oliver’s time. Yesterday’s news is extraordinary ; the Earle of Essex (being prisoner in the Tower) cut his owne throat at a time when his Majestic and the Duke happen’d to be at the tower, view- ing the fortifications. He (as appears) had, some dayes before, had it in designe, haveing severall times comanded a sharpe penknife to be got, as he did just before he executed that horrid act upon himself; but the penknife (as he thought) not being sharpe enough, he comanded his servant to get him a razor, which being don, and he haveing spent some small time on pretence of pareing his nailes, at last shut himself into a closett, where he had a close stoole, cut his throat, and was found dead. And this day the jury have found him felo tie se, whose inquisition is to be printed. “Yesterday, likewise, the Lord Russell (after a long tryall, but little excuse for himself) was, upon full evidence, found guilty of treason ; as were Hone and Rouse. Mr. Booth was comitted to the Tower yester- day. And this day the Bishop of Rochester is declared to be Archbishop of York. The Emperor’s army is said to be beaten by the Turk. This, with the news that Mr. Wentworth and I are now drinking your health, may suffice at one time.” Postscript. — “ My Lord Gray is taken in Holland, and comeing over.” Seal of arms. Richard Rigby to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 545 . 1683, August 2. London. — Captain Shapley {sic) will sail on the lOtli instant, “ and hopes to be there in October ” ; he returns in May, but will send “your son” before, if an opportunity offers. “He tells me [that your son] is extraordinary penitant, and undergoes his slavery as con- tented as the thing will bear ; but he has noe more for his day’s work then meat and drink. His work is, every day, to carry timber from the water side to make fences. It is very happy that he came acquainted with soe honest a mnn as this captain ; for he tells me that cousin Roger 167 works so ill, that his master designed to sell him, Avhere it might have beene much wors. He iiitreated the captain much to have brought him, and had don it, but that his wife persuaded to the contrary, because he undertook such a thing before, and the j)ai ty run away as soone as he came to shore.” The Earl of Derby to Koger Kenyon. 546 . 1683, September 7. Lathom. — Colonel Kigby is using me so ill, I hope I shall not want power to express my resentment ; and I have a mind to address a letter to the justices of the peace, when they meet at Lancaster. Seal of arms. Information against Kalph Live say and Mr. Braddyl. 547 . 1683, September 7. — Informations, taken at the house of Alexander Browne of Blacklanehead, in the County of Lancaster, inn- keeper, before Lawrence Rawstorne, one of the Deputy-Lieutenants for the County, and Thomas Holden, Justice of the Peace. Depositions of various witnesses, that Mr. Ralph Livesay of Livesay, the younger, at a christening dinner, in discoursing about the late plot, affirmed that if there was a plot, it was made worse than it was by the hot-headed people of the Church of England. A complaint also that Mr. Braddyll, Justice of the Peace, would not make inquiry therein, but gave notice of the matter to Mr. Livesay, the father. A letter, signed Roger Kowell and L. Rawstorne, exonerating Mr. Braddyll. Copi/. Humphrey Trafford to Roger Kenyon. 548 . 1683, September 10. Houghend. — By order of the High Sheri tf, I applied to his under-Sheriif, touching the prisoners whom he had promised me the transporting of. I had a second order to write to you about them, and I am informed there is some mistake committed, and that you have occasion of one of them for an evidence. You would much oblige me by informing the bearer what method he ought to take for the secure conveyance of them from Lancaster to Liverpool. Nicholas Knoavles to [Roger] Kenyon, at Peel. 549 . 1683, September 27. London. — Asking him to inform Sir John and Lady Molyneux, that Mr. John Molyneux died yesterday morning, between 3 and 4. Sir Charles Anderton to Roger Kenyon. 550 . 1683, September 28. Lostock. — Enclosing an estimate of his estate, showing the rental, and the various charges upon it to Lady Anderton, his mother, to his three brothers, Christopher, Francis, and John, and to old Mrs. Ireland, for her jointure. Seal of arms. Richard Rigby to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 551 . 1683, October 4. London. — “ Our thoughts was imployed to . . . some part of our charter ; but all in vain, for the King hath ent[ered] judgment, and have changed the Recorder, for Sir Tliomas Jenner, who this day was knighted ; and my Lord Mayor, made custos princeps rotulorum magnce civitatus {sic), Lond : Seven Aldermen turned oute, viz. : Sir John Lawrance, Sir Patiance {sic), Sir Robert 168 Clayton, Sir Thomas Gould, Sir John Shorter, and Sir Thomas Allin and Mr. Cornish. Tuesday, ’tis said, the King goes to Kew Markit; and this day, news comes of the death of the King of Portigall.” John Kisley to Roger Kenyon, at Wigan. 552 . 1683, October 8. Risley. — “ Unexpected occasions fall so out, that I cannot possibly beat .... this Sessions, which I really in- tended to have beene at, by reason of the highwayes within our townshipp, which Cousen Culcheth, Cousen Geffrey, and I, with severall other inhabitants, took the role, and saw the highwayes measured, upon Tuesday last. And severall people have owned their parts, and some already amended, and others have promised to do the like ; but the places most in decay belongs to the Lordshipps of Holcroft and Resfar- long, but the tennants have, most of them, repaired their proportions, so that what will appear defective, may he certified by our Constable’s presentment, which John Holcroft will deliver in. I desire you would contribute your oppinion to John, what method were best to proceed to cause such persons as are deficient, to make good their respective parts and proportions. There is a certificate drawn, which will come to your hands, concerning the audit money belonging to Hollinsgreene chappell, where Parson Hatton hath officiated for this five or six yeares last past, for which time Parson Ward hath received all the money and hath paid him only two yeares, keeping the rest to himself, who hath neither read prayers, nor preached in the said chappell, since he received the last audit money, as the churchwarden will inform you ; so that the inhabitants of Rixton and Glasbrook think they have a great deal of hardship, in the moneys not being paid to the curate of the said chappell, according as it was intended.” Seal with crest. I Roger Nowell to Roger Kenyon. 553 . 1 683, October 12. [Isle of Man.] — “ These will give you notice that there is a great law-suit depending betwixt Captain Edward Brabazon and Cicilia his lady, both my very great friends, and one Levett, and Ward, sonne to Lord Ward, who marryed the co-heires and sisters of Sir Thomas Brereton of Cheshire, to whose writings, I mean to Captain Brabazon’s, my mickle Henry Nowell is a subscribing wittnesse ; and, lest the said Levett or Ward, or any other for them, might doe my freind a prejudice, I thought fit to intreat you, amongst the many kindnesses that I have found you always ready lo doe me, not to give ear to any of their requests, by giving them any account of what nature soever, ether of my unckle’s concernes in England, or of the time of his being there, till you heare further from mee.” Seal, broken. Richard Rigby to [Roger Kenyon]. 554 . [16]83, October 13. London. — “All things here are at a stand, and will be, I suppose, till the King comes from New Markitt, which will be the latter end of the next week.” William Patten to Roger Kenyon. 555 . 1683, November 8. Gray’s Inn.- — “ Grayham and Burton give you their service, and say they will be glad to see you, and the sooner tlie better. J had not much discourse with them, for they were very lusic 169 about the wiltnesses whoe weare to swerire to the Bill of ludictiueiit against Algernoone Sidney, whce was yesterday founde guilty by the Grand Jury, and, by a stronge guarde, brought to the barr to plead. He w'ould gladly have given a special plea, and desired it might bee read, but the Lord Chiefe Justice denyde the readinge it, and withall, bid him bee careful how hee olfred a speciall plea, for if Mr, Attorney Generali should demurr to it, and if, upon argument, the lawe was against him, they might give judgment of death against him, and hee could not plead oyer ; whereupon hee pleaded not guilty, and is to bee trycd on Wednesday seavenight.” Seal of arms. W'lLLiAM Patten to Koger Kenyon. 556. 1683, November 13. “ The Griffin.” — “ The oncly newes is that the Attorney-Generall has entred a nolli ‘prosequi in the concern of run- ninge the Duke of Monmouth to the outlary, for his flight ; and some are of opinion that hee may returne into England, for it is reported that his Duches was privately with the King the last Sunday, and the nolli prosequi was since entred.” Seal of ar?ns. Thomas Braddyll to Boger Kenyon. 557. [16J83, November 15. Portfeild. — “ Mr. Graham hath been writt to, to prosecute the information against me, and put me out of the Commission of Peace.” Seal of arms. Lady Anne Middleton to Boger Kenyon. 558. 1683, November 17. Leighton.-— Wonders why Kenyon is so set against her, that he would not accept of the Constable’s return for her estate, as he had done I'or others. She thinks he must have some unkindness for her, more than for the rest of the recusants. She has, how- ever, reason to acknowledge his favours, especially when her husband was prisoner at Preston. Seal of arms. Laavrence Bawstorne to his “ Cousin Kenyon.” 559. 1683, November 18. Penwortham. — “ Your intended watch is aiiiakeing, and if you have any old silver lace, it will be the best that can be, for a figure plate. You may send it to Holcom, directed to John Holt, cutler, post, Holcom Hill, and Bobert Starkie will take care to get it him. I have contributed a case, which will save some charge, if you approve thereof, and if not, you may alter that at pleasure.” Sir Boger Bradshaigh to Boger Kenyon. 560. 1683, November 30. Haigh. — Concerning a stipend belonging to the Chantry of St. Katherine, in the Chapel of Blackrod. I was certified from London, “that my Lord Derby had seconded his letter to our Chancellor, in speaking to him himself, to remove the sessions from Wigan, Avith several reflections, as if the town had never heen so loyall as to deserve any favoui s. Now, though I know the thing Avill not be done, yet I am sori*y his Lordship will offer at so meane a revenge, to a town that never made him fault, but by adhering to the Earl of Ancram, to whom, in my knoAvledge, they have beene, and are dayly more obleiged, in many particulers, than ever any town that I haAe 170 knowne, hath heene to any burges that ever served them, not only in time of Parliament, but every day in the interval of every Parliament, to this very day.” Thomas Preston to Eoger Kenyon. 561 . 1683, December 3. Holker — On behalf of Lady Middleton, who desires to compound for her recusancy. Seal of arms, H. Hulme to Koger Kenyon. 562 . 1683, December 4. Davyhulme. — Kequesting to be put in the Commission of the Peace. Seal, Christian Eigby to Dorothy Kenyon. 563 . 1683, December 6. London. — Sending sundry recipes (torn). ‘‘ For. a Bouillon : — Boyle a knockle of veale too houres, take of salory, succory and endiffe, of each a handfull, two handsful of sorrell, which you must boyle in that liquor, halfe an houre ; then put in youre knokle of veale, and boyle all together a quarter of an houre. Beate half a duzen yoalks of eggs in some of the liquor, and season according to your disscretion, and give them a warme over the fire. Serve up the knokle in the dish with the broth. To make Black Cherye Brandye : Take, to every pound of black cheries, a quart of the best Kants brandy, breach the stones of two pounds of cheries, put in spermint, bame, rose- marey, 6 sprigs of each, a littell cinamon, ginger, nuttmeg, what quantey you pleas. You may let theese stand alltogether to months, and then bottell ; or to keep it all in a large bottell is the best.” John Adams to Eoger Kenyon. 564 . 1683, December 18. Inner Temple. — “ I doubt that my long absence from your county may occasion some persons to suspect that, either I am negligent, or doe not intend to proceed in the general .survey of England ; but really there is noe reason for the one or the other, for I hope (if God spare my life) to render a good accompt of my under- taking. And as for industry in the prosecution of my work, I never took greater pains in my life then last summer. My being in the north, did occasion some persons in the south to raise a report of my being dead, and perhaps my being here ma}' give birth to the like report in your neighbourhood. 1 hint this to you, because it is very probable that the gentlemen who subscribed upon your recommendation of my work, will ask you what is become of me and my designe, and this I offer, in excuse for the trouble of this letter.” Eichard Eigby to Eoger Kenyon. 565 . 1683, December 23. London. — We received the sad news of nephew Eigby being killed at Luxemburg. He, being in Paris Avith the Duke of Northumberland, was persuaded to go with him to Luxem- burg, the French having laid siege to it, and he, being in a barn at dinner with the great officers, a great shot came from the tOAvn which hit him on the head. Guicciardini Wentworth to Eoger Kenyon. 566 . 1683, December 29. — “ This comes to give you the welcom home, and of a happy new year ; but, withall, to give you the less pleasing 171 account of the death of Sir Edward Carr, who, after 10 dayes sickness, dyed last of the small pox, about 8 in the morning, to the no small greef of all the family, and more especially of his deare mother, who is the most sorrowful woman liveing, and an object of great pitty. They intend to bury him by his father, att Sleeford, and cary him hence on Tuesday next, if possible, or Wednesday. The small pox is very mortall, and att this time, severall persons of quallity of both sex, lye by the walls.” Seal of arms. Guicciardini Wentworth to Roger Kenyon. 567 . 1683[-4], January 5. — I came just now from my poor Lady Cust, who really is an object of great pity, since her bloud letting ; her favour [fever] has pretty well left her, and the family begins to recover, having been all sicke. This night Sir Edward’s [bones] are deposited by those of his father. Seal, broken. William Assheton to Roger Kenyon. 568 . 1683[-4], January 5. Salford. — Asking for Kenyon’s interest to procure him the office of coroner, vacant by the death of Mr. James Gartside. Seal. [Lady] Anne Middleton to Roger Kenyon. 569 . 1683 [-4], January 15. Leighton. — Begs that he will accept the value of her estate returned by the constables, and that she may have the same usage as other recusants. Seal of arms. R. Leigh to Roger Kenyon, at the “ Sword and Buckler,” in Holborn. 570 . 1683[-4], February 14. Lyme. — “I have not heard from die Chancleor since I saw you ; tlierefore conclude you must submitt to his orders, and, if you will take my advice, you must be as diligent to find out for him, as you were for the last Chancleor. I know the Orange is squeezed ; the Duchy is grown to be a barren pasture ; but, if you can find out any improvements, it will bee acceptable ; and, though at pre- sent it looks hard upon you to pay in this mony, I am confident you will have a reparation some way. But, I must say to you, as the King said to the Chancleor — you must hunt. I wish the King had either given him a better place or none.” Seal with crest. J. Rowe to Roger Kenyon. 571 . 1683 [-4], February 26. Liverpool. — The affront which he received from the Mayor of Liverpool and others, when he was competitor for the office of Town Clerk, will excuse him in what he “ shall *act.” Is informed that the present Mayor has declared that the power of choosing a town clerk is with him. He calls attention to the case of the Dean and Chapter of St. Peter’s, A"ork, who, upon the King’s happy restora- tion, accepted a Commission of the Peace for their liberty of St. Peter’s, York, and several prebends, and other gentlemen, within the said liberty, were named justices ; but the Dean and Chapter had omitted to have a commission for a Gustos Rotulorum, which was not perceived till a barrister, without the consent of the De.an and Chapter, applied to 172 Lord Chancellor Hyde for a patent to be Cnstos Roiulormn^ and who, by virtue thereof, nominated a clerk of the peace under him, to execute the office, and so continues to take his fees, to the value of 20li. per annum. He does not find any difference between this and the Corpora- tion of Liverpool, who have lately accepted a Commission of the Peace. Seal, broken. William Hayhuest to Rogee Kenyon, at Peel. 572 . 1683-4, March 14. Plymoutb.— Has arrived safely, but is sur- prised not to find Kenyon’s son ; ‘‘ immediately upon comeing hither, I went to Mr. Carkett, an eminent merchant, Serjeant Maynard’s kinsman, who . . . sent immediately to inquire if any such was prisoner, and there is none, nor ever was there Except hee bee a souldier in the cittadell, I cannot imagine hee should be here.” Seal of arms. Directed to be left “ at the Generali Post Office in London, to be sent as directed — in all, 6t/.” Thomas Hod to Rogee Kenyon. 573 . 1683 [-4], March 24. Wigan. — ‘‘I come not along with Mr. Woods, because to morrow morneing, I have a retl'errence betwixt the two Lady Stanleys, wheiein your assistance will be desired for the young lady.” Seal. William Kiekby to Rogee Kenyon. 574 . 1684, April 7. Kirkby. — “ I am sure you are not a stranger to the great care and toil my nephew Kirkby and myself hath had, in putting the laws in execution against all absentees from our Church, the lawes against Conventakells, &c., and that as our duty, and in obedience to the King’s commands ; in which, I thank God, we have had very good successe. For several, both quakers and other dissenters, are (upon our putting the laws in execution) become conformists to the Church ; and those who are most obstinate and disaffected to the government, is {sic), by these methods, plainly pointed out. But Avhile we thus struggle amongst our neighbours, with loyalty and all integrity, to serve our gracious King, and our country, here is some of our neighbouring justices, who you well know, Mr. Rawlingson and Mr. Knipe, who refuse to join with us in this good service, which makes both us, and the King’s business, very uneasy to our country, and us to be very ill represented, and thought to be busy in that wdiich is not required of us. 1 presume you will, ere long, have opportunity to wait on our worthj^ Chancelor, to whom I pray give my most humble service ; and I intreat you will acquaint him with this matter, to whose great wisdom I shall humbly submitt.” 8ie R. BifADSIIAIGH to RoGEE KeNYON. 575 . 1684, May 2. Haigh. — Asking for a coj)y of Lord [Derby’s?] letter to Mr. Rawlinson, concerning the return of his Mayor’s Com- mission. Infoemations against Clippees of Coin. 576 . 1684, May 23 and 25. — “ True copies of the informations and confessions of Edward Jackson, a prisoner in New^gate, convicicd and 173 condemned for clipping his Majesties lawful! cojne (and since executed), written with the said Jackson’s own hand, and sent by him at severall times, to Sir Thomas Wharton, one of the wardens of his Majesties Mint. “ The first, 23rd of May [16]84. in that time he packs, which much I Mr. William Crook, who I lived with about > eight yeares and 3 quarters, and was his factor J at London about four yeares and a half, and did send great sums of money up to me in of it was clipped and showed to be newly done, and it was severall times returned back on my hands, and I was threatened ofen to be in treble for it. I remember, at one time, there came a gentleman to me and, to the best of my knowledge, he had a bill on me for SOI., and I took a batke of money out, which had about 70/. that was newly comen from the above said Mr. Crooke, out of Lancashire, and it was so much clipped, that I could not pay 30/. out of it, and the gentleman that came for the money, took 7 or 8 halfe crownes and set them on edges and wipt his hand over them, and there came filings of them, as he called it, and I writt to Mr. Crooke severall times and tould him the money that he sent to me, much on it caused my name in question, and I was afraid that I should be in trouble, and his answer was that he advised me to put a good face on it and tell those people that found fault with it, it is such money as he receves ; and when I went from him out of Lancashire there came one Mr. Davi Solam, that was his prentis, and I can make it appear that he did carry severall sumes of money of his master to be clipped, and I found it out by making some enquiries after Mr. Crooke, how it fell out that he had so much dipt money. 1 can make it appear where severall sumes have been changed, and, a little before I left him, there came to my hands above 140[/.] all or most of it clipped. ‘‘ Mr. Thomas Marsden, he always is for large money, when he receives any, and he is mighty difficult in takeing any little money, but, on my knowledge, he payes as much little money as any man does ; and I heard Mr. Marsden say to me, about 6 months agoe, that he had sold a great sum of melted silver, which he did say was clippings, as we were drink- ing a glass a wine at the Mite Tavern, in King Street, but there was no one by but he and I. About two yeares ago, one John Eclston, that was Mr. Marsden’s man, and I, drunk a pint a wine together in Milk Street, at the King’s Armes, and we fell in discourse together about his master, and I tould him that I heard he struck him ofen, and I said : John, I heard your master put you in Kewgate ; and he said : yes, it is soe, but I maid him fetch me out presently, or else T would a had company of him ; and sume time after this, his said man went from him into Flanders, which he pretended went against his will ; but I am informed that he sent him there, and of my knowledge he have sent severall sumes of money to him; and I have heard his man say that he did not value his master, for he said his master durst do no other but let him do what he pleased, for if he pleased, he could say something against his master would make him repent stricking of him ; and I remember Mr. Marsden asked me if he might trust Kichonson ; for what, said I ; in business said he ; but, said he, I heare he have been a clipper; so have 1 toe heard soe, but I cannot tell how true it is ; and I know that Kichonson have been at his house since. “ Thomas Wiggins, over against the White Cross Tavern, in White Cross 8ti-eet, received tnoney from one John Edgleston, who wa.s Thomas Mar.sden’s man, which the said Marsden pretended would arrest him for it, but I tould him that Wiggins replied, he e all forthwith raised, to lye, part in Lancaster, part in Preston; Collonel Nowell’s regiment to go to Manchester ; my Lord’s own regiment of foot to be at Ormskirk, Prescot, Wigan, and two companys at Warrington which were ordered, if any force were heard of, to come against Dunham, to draw thither forthwith in defence of that house and family ; and that speedy notice should he given to my Lord, who would follow them with sufficient force. This was somewhat beyond what the Militia Act aj)points — that the force of one county do not march out of the county without the King’s speciall order ; wherefore, the afore- said direction was probably given. The like direction was intended to be given at Manchester. Warrington is but 6 myles, and Manchester but 6 myles or 7, from Dunham, on each side it.” 203 Dorothy Lagoe to Roger Kenyon. 636. 1688, October 1 1. — ‘‘ The 3rd of August, John Digle, a Callender man, one of the overseers of the highways, required a lay of mee for the higheway. I refused to pay it, and hee took a pewter dish out of my howse and said Mr. Kenyon could not bring mee off for this, if hee could for otlier layes.” Seal. Laurence Rawstorne to Roger Kenion. 637. 1688, October 16. Preston. — ‘‘ The busines of this day has been a consultation of the Lord-Lei vetenant and his deputies, and what the result of that is, wee poor inferiours know not; but the matter of your enquiry I suppose to be how the old deputy leivetenants came of. There was no more then Mr. Fleetwood, Colonel Rigby, and Cousin Preston, who, after they had dyned at [the] ‘ Mitre ’ together, came to resolve that they would waite on his Lordship and give this answer, (to wit) that in regard they had been formerly under the Lord of Derbye’s command and that they understood hee was in the King’s favour againe, they thought hee might comand their service, and they were ready and willing to serve his Majesty, in what capacity soever, to testifie their loyallty, but would not take commissions at present, till they heard from him ; with some other more pleasant words and expressions then I can give and would be tedious to relate, for I had it but at second hand and am imperfect in it. Cousin Preston had received his commission and returned it then, which my Lord said was strange, after acceptance ; his Lordship being in a jocose and pleasant humour, and Captain Glreenhalgh had the same fate and sent his man with his, which was received. The conclusion was that hee dranke the King’s health to them and wished, as they had been friends, they might part in charity. This small account accept, and for the news 1 suppose you have it, onely wee have 3,000 Scotch foot under Leivtenant General Douglas will be with us tomorrow, and wee hope will but stay one night.” Seal of arms. Kathantel Molyneux to Roger Kenyon. 638. 1688, October 18. London. — “As to forraigne newes, and domestick alsoe, it is so various, that wee cannot tell what to creditt. Wedensday night last, and most of yesterday, it went for current that the Dutch was landed at Sole Bay, but proves a meere roraan[ce]. The truest newes, and that wliich wee moste confyde in, is that was appointed a publike fast throughout Holland to implore [God’s] assistance and blessinge upon their designes, in the defence of the protestant religion, till which was over, the Prince resolved not to way anchor, or put to sea; soe that, it is concluded, they sayled not till today, or last night. It is sed, by all inteligence that comes from good handes, that the Prince has great forcses, both of foot and exelent horse, far more then our newes makes it, or the common report. Their navy consists (besydes an expectation, or rather an assurance, of 20 saile of Swedes ships) of 87 men-of-warr above shipps and att leaste 400 flatt bottomes and good shipps that them for carry inge men and horse. The great los that was said they sustained by the stres of wether, is a meere storye, all falce. Their navye is in excellent good order, and every- thing in good redines. Prince and all imbarke, but not one word sed there what their designe is, or whear their tradeinge voyige lyes. Our Dutch Embassador assures the Kinge they have noe designe against him, and pawns his head out, but if he forfeit yt, you know it is pretty secure. 204 because hee is what Jiee is. I hope it will prove as hee ses, and that they are not so foolehardy as to atack us, who are soe strong, potent, and in such an equipage that wee are able almoste to blowe them home againe. The King {laus Deo) is in good health, and Prince of Wales alsoe, who was christened this weeke — Jacobus Franciscus Edwardus. The Pope and French King wear his godfathers, and Queen Dowager, godmother. There has been great pressinge hear of late, both for sea and land. A great army the King has, and in good equipage, and great preparations hee makes of wagons, and in all other respects, that such an ocasione requires for carryinge all warlike instruments to destroy theis fooles, forraigners, and strangers that cannot be soe wyse as to stay in their own countrye. And now. Sir, I thinke you have newes enough to fill, till theis madmen invade us, and then (if I continue hear soe long) will tell you both of their landinge and sending home again (if not well mannered).” Postscript . — Lord Derby is in statu quo prius — has his commission again of Lord-Leivetenant, as I am informed by a very good hand.” Seal of arms. Warrant by James II. to the Earl of Derby. 639 . 1688, October 1 9. Whitehall. — “ Whereas wee find it necessary, upon this intended invasion, that the kingdom should be in a posture of defence. Wee doe hereby authorise and require you, forthwith, to raise such part of the horse militia, as you think requisite, for preventing evill disposed persons to goe to the enemy, and for securing the peace and quiet of the country ; leaving it to you, upon any exigency that may happen, to raise such part of the foot militia as you shall think necessary for the purposes aforesaid. And our further pleasure is, that in case you shall find that any person, of what quality soever, endeavoring to raise, without a comission from us, or doeing any thing else which may disturb the peace of our government, you forthwith give orders for seizing and securing the said persons, with their adherents and accomplices. And we doe also authorise and require you to doe what you shall further think requisite for our service and the security and peace of those parts, relying entirely upon your prudence and conduct.” Copy. William B[ankes] to Roger Kenyon. 640 . 1688, October 23. Wigan. — “ The Corporation here is going about this afternoon to place their old aldermen and officers. My sister, Betty Leigh, writes me a piece of news which looks strange, but 1 will venture it with you : that the Lord Sunderland and his Lady are said to be gone into Holland, and that our great Lord Chancellor would have a quicks (5^c).” Seal. Thomas Braddyll to Roger Kenyon. 641 . 1688, October 25. Portfield. — “ On Saturday, we received the unwelcome news of the death of my little grandson at Connishead, who died on 19th instant, of convulsions. We have very good news of my Lord of Derby, that he hath a commission for Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire and Cheshire, which rejoices the hearts of the generalities of the country, for the red-letter men talk very high. Young Townley, of Townley, is raising a troop of horse, and Mr. Holman, your acquaintance of Loudon, is his colonel.” Portion of seal. 205 Draft of a Petition, giving particulars of a dispute between the Earl of Derby and Lord Delamere. 642 . 1688, October to December. — “ In October last, when the late King had apprehensions of the then Prince of Orange his preparations for coming into England, he, observeing he had put the lieftenancy of Cheshire and Lancaiishire into unserviceable handes, thought fitt to restore them to the Earle of Derb}' ; for, in that family, they had both been for many generations, some hundreds of years. “ The Earle of Derby, consulting with such as were promoters of the then Prince of Orange his interposing to redress the kingdom’s greevances, they concluded it was very adviseable to reaccept the late King’s comission for his lieftenancies, which the Earle of Derby himselfe had possessed 13 yeares ; for, thereby, he would be enabled to secure those two county s, which were not onely most pestered with papists, but likeliest to be the inlets of the Ireish. The late King desired the Earle of Derby to go down to those countys, and sent him first a warrant to raise all or part of the militia for preservation of the peace, and after, a comission for the lieftenancy of both countys. “ 30 October, 1688. — The Earl of Derby, when in the country, kept an intimate correspondence with his freinds above, and being thence informed of the Lord Delamer’s complyance, sent to desire a meeteing. “ 1 November. — These two Lords met, had secret discourse some howers, [and] imparted, each to other, diverse wayes to manage them- selves. The Earle of Derby’s part was to be acted with secrecie, least his comissions might be recalled ; and in raiseing the militia, to comisionate such as might be relied on, or as time might work upon, and not to declare till things were riper. “The Lord Delamer’s undertaking was to rise so soon as newse came of the Prince’s landing ; of which the Earle of Derby was to take no notice, till the Lord Delamere was gone. The Earle of Derby, when the militia were raised, to quarter some near the Lord Delamere’s house, with private intimation to secure it and the family. “15 November. — -The Lord Delamere writt to the Earle of Derby that he was riseing. “ 16 November. — The Lord Delamere randevouzed his men onBoden Downes, and (perhaps to encourage them to come in) gave it out that the Earle of Derby would go the same way, which report alarumed his neighbouring intended deputy-lieftenents, and somewhat impeded their proceeding, haveing not yet been ail acquainted with what was intended to be done. “ 19 November — Being but two days after the Lord Delamere’s going, the Lady Delamer sent to Knowsley, the Earle of Derby’s house, his Lcrdshipp being then abroad ; her gentleman publickly told it there, that the Earle of Derby had promised to quarter part of the militia at Altringham in defence of Lord Delamere’s house ; which was a second publication of what was promised to be kept secret. “ 24 November. — ^The Earl of Derby met Mr. Shakerley, then governor of Chester Castle, who secretly corresponded with his Lordshipp to secure that castle; and the Earle of Derby then gave him orders to raise the militia of the city of Chester forthwith, for his assistance. The same day, the Earle of Derby sent, by Mr. Birlow, to the Lady Delamere to assure her of his constant care for her safety ; that she had been, and should be, ever in his care, and that her house Dunham should be so, as much as Knowsley. “ 26 November. — The Earle of Derby sent severall foot companies to quarter at Warrington, five miles from the Lord Delamere’s house, and 206 one foot company at Manchester, within 6 miles of the Lord Delamer’s house, who had secret orders that if any force were observed to draw towards Dunham, they should ini ediately march thither to defend it ; and hiraselfe, upon notice, would forthwith follow with his troopes. “ 27 ISTovember. — Colonel Gage his E-omish regiment, raised in Lan- cashire, before the militia was raised, grew uneasie (though they were not yet disturbed) of being in that county, and went to Chester ; and comeing thither in the night, the City militia being in armes, they, were forced to be put and kept in the old town hall for that night, and not received into any quarters. “ Before this time, the Earle of Derby had comissionated 29 deputy- leiftenants, all Protestant gentlemen of best quality and interest in the two countyes, and comissionated fitt persons for militia officers in both countyes, and raised, besides the militia of the City of Chester, 4 good and great regiments of foot and 5 troopes of horse, all which, in con- venient time, did unanimously declare for his Highness the Prince of Orange ; and the declaration proclaimed in the head of every troop and company. “15 December. — All the country was greatly alarmed with the noyse of the Ireish Papists, burneing and killing all before them. The Earle of Derby thereupon, forthwith, with his own hand, writt and sent to the Lady Delamere to assure her that in this exigencie, she should assuredly find his particular assistance, and that he would send her what force she thought needfull to secure her person and house. “16 December. — The Earle of Derby received a letter, which was sent open, or opened by the way, and copies taken before it came to his Lordshipp. It is the Lord Delamere’s own hand in these words, viz : — Superscribed. ‘ For the Earle of Der% at Knowsley in Lancashire. ‘ My Lord, December 10th. Had I foreseen how backward your Lordshipp is in doing your part, I should have told your Lordshipp that it was not worth the while to mention your name to the Prince ; for you cannot forgett you promised to raise the militia imediately, and to quarter Bucklow Hundred at Altrincham, and that if, in case the Papists comitted any outrage, or rose in armes, that then you would fall upon them and leave neither root nor branch. How farr you have made this good, your Lordship can best tell ; but I hear, that on the 3rd instant, no militia of Buckley Hundred was up, and, though the Papists made an attempt to burn my house, yet I don’t hear of any resentment your Lordship has expressed against it. Your Lordship must think you cannot be esteemed by the Prince, or those with him, as a man that has given any assistance to the cause, and I beleeve the nation will have the same opinion of you. But God be praised, we need none of your help, or, if we be distressed, wee shall, not seek to you for succor. Thus you have the opinion off. Your humble servant, Delamere.’ ‘ Just now I hear you have suffered the Papists to possess themselves of Chester.’ “ In this account, many matters done by the Earle of Derby are omitted, which perhaps in another, might have seemed meritorious ; but for the Earle of Derby to have deserved so ill of his great neighbour, the Lord Delamer, to be thus treated by him, and to add to his triumph, that the leiftenancy of Cheshire, which so many ages remained in the house of Derby, and the Gustos Rotulorum^s office, which the Earle of Derby 207 held at his .... Majesty’s accession to the Crowne, must be taken from the one, to be, given to the other, it must be endured with humblest submission as to his Majestie ; but whether, in honor, the Lord Derby could take one without both, is the humble question, and how accountable (so doing) he can be to his countrymen and freinds in both countyes, who have hitherto been allwaies united. ‘‘ To answer each part of the above mentioned letter : never were any Papist, or other, in all this time, near the Lord Delamer’s house, to burne or harme it, nor was any manner of hurt done to it ; nor did any Papist in either county, save those which were raised before the Lord Delamer’s going, rise, or attempt to rise, nor did those who were before raised, committ anything, but were kept in awe after the militia were up, which were all up before the time in this letter supposed, nor did the Papists ever possess themselves of the government of Chester Castle or the city of Chester ; they were only quartered there, one fortnight and 3 dayes, and might have been at any time, and then were taken prisoners by the governor, the city militia, and townsmen.” [ •] to the Eaul of Derby, at Knowsley. 643. 1688, November 13. — “ Eight frigatts more are ordered to bee got ready with all speed, and his Majesty has sent to Trinity House, for them to provide him a thousand seamen. Yesterday, two batallions of the King’s and one of the Lord Craven’s regiment, marched, as also the Lord Churchill’s troop of guards, and part of the Lord Dover’s (?), and this day, the rest with the Duke of Northumberland’s troop, and to- morrowe the Earl of Eeversham’s marches, and on Thursday his Majesty intends to goe for Salisbury to view the ground and order matters fit for the rendevous of his army, which will bee on the 28th instant. It will consist of 21,000 men ; all old souldiers of the English, Scotch, and Irish, leaving the new raised . . . with some old ones, in garrisons, &c. A whole regiment is to guard the citty every night while the King goes for the west, but his Majesty will stay but 3 dayes there, att present. The western letters tell us that the Prince of Orange landed but 16,000 foot and 5,000 horse, and those were numbered by some persons of discretion ; that the Earl of Shrewsbury, Earl of Macklesfeild, and Lord Wiltshire, came to Exeter on Wednesday, but the Prince of Orange did not come thither till Friday, and lodged himself at the Deanery. That his horse are pretty good, but the foot very ordinary, and much inferiour to ours ; that some of his troops were advanced to Honiton, Tiverton, and other places, in order to go for Bristol ; and that he had sent to bespeak 7^00 pair of shoes and 7,000 yards of cloath there. The Lord Colchester, lieutentant of the first troop of guards, Colonel Godfrey, Mr. Thomas Wharton, and 4 or 5 of that troop, and a brigadier, are absent, and supposed to be gone to the Prince of Orange, in calashes, last week. The Duke of Grafton came from sea last night. It is discoursed that one of the Prince of Orange’s gunners has deserted and is come up, and gave his Majesty an account of their army, much to his satisfaction. On Sunday, the rabble got together to pull down the Popishe chapel at St. James’, and broke the windows, &c., but the Lord Craven and guards coming, and promising to blow it up next day, they were dispersed ; but yesterday, as the preists were removing their goods, they seized on two cartloads and burnt them on Holborn Hill and in Smithfeild ; whereupon the guards were sent to suppress them, with orders to fire with bullet, which they did, and killed 4 or 5, and forced the rest to retreat.” Seal of arms. 208 Peter Egekton and William Hulme to Koger Kenyon, “ at Knowsley, or elsewhere.” 644. 1688, November 14. — You are very sensible we know what a consternation the country is in, upon the account of the late potent in- vasion, and what a clatter the red-letter men make, and in what a readyness they unanimously shew themselves to be to serve the King, upon that occasion. Now, it is some surprise to us, that it should be thought needless (by wise and thinking men) to put the country into as great a forwardness for action as they. It is now some weeks agoe since we had it from any good hands, that the Earle of Derby had received againe his commission and was restored to his full power, as before, and we have been in expectation of his calling the militia together every day. Now, good cousen, we desire to be informed by you of the truth in that matter, and what you doe conceive that his Lordship does design to doe, for we doe apprehend the consequences of sitting still at this time to be as fatal as those of doeing something; provided alwayes, that a man have but the good luck to doe that little thing that he does, wisely ; but, hit or miss, we are at his Lordship’s devotion, and if we may but be thought worthy to understand his mind, nobody shall be more ready to the utmost extent of our power to serve him than we.” Seal of Egerton armes. Petition to James II. by the Nobility and Gentry of the County of York, City of York, and County of the same City. 645. 1688, November 17. — “We, your Majestie’s most loyall sub- jects, in a deep sense of the miseries of a warr now breaking forth in the bowells of your kingdomes, and of the danger to which your Majestie’s sacred person is thereby like to be exposed, and also of the distractions of your people, by reason of their present grievances, do think ourselves bound, in conscience of the duty we owe to God and our holy religion, to your Majestie and our country, most humbly to offer to your Majestic that, in our opinion, the only visible way to preserve your Majestie and this your kingdome, would be the calling of a Parliament — regular and free in all its circumstances. “ We, therefore, do most earnestly beseech your Majestie that you will be graciously pleased, with all speed, to call such a Parliament, wherein we shall be most ready to promote such councells and resolutions of peace and settlement in Church and State, as may conduce to your Majestie’s honour and safety, and to the quieting of the mindes of your people. We do likewise humbly beseech your Majestie, in the meantime, to use such means for preventing the effusion of Christian blood, as to your Majesty shall seem most meet.” [Roger Kenyon] to Sir William [Hulme]. 646. 1688, November 28. Wigan. — The reports, you may believe, were as surprising to me as they could be to any other ; but coming so many ways, at sundry times, from divers places, and so sober persons, though I am not apt to be too credulous, yet, pondering the circumstances and discontents of some impatient to be anything but uppermost in every- thing, it seems as if such gave leave to their passions per fas vel nefas to hurry them on to what they aim at by the most unaccountable methods. The original reporters are jirofessors of the Roman religion, and seem rather religiously than maliciously to make the discoveries. Minutest means are not despicable to detect conspiracies. Draft. 209 Roger Kenyon to the Mayor of Wigan. 647. 1688, November 28. — I heartily thank you for your intima- tion, though the matter of it, for those soldiers to demand of the militia som6 compauyes to deliver up their guard is, I think, what ought not to have been done without pre -acquainting mee, who ordered the militia of your city (sic) to be at this time raised. You tell mee their entrance into your city, in the night, with light[ed] matches, put your town into a great consternation; and so it well might. If the thing is over, and all at quiet, I shalbe very glad ; if otherwise, pray let mee forthwith hear from you agaiue, and I will readily contribute that power the King hath entrusted mee with to preserve your peace ; and if you write againe, bee, I pray, as particuler as you can, that the remedy may not too much exceed the necessity of what aid is sent you, if occasion be.’^ Draft. News Letter addressed to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 648. 1688, November 29. London. — “ In my laste, I tould you that the Lords Spirituall and Temporall were ordered to attend his Majesty, the effecte of which meeting hath produced a free Parliament ; for, yesterday, the Lord Chancellor came to the severall Courts of Westminster Hall and declared his Majesty’s resolution of a free Parliament, in all its cer- comstances, being called immediately, and had given orders to the Clerk of the Petty Bagge to prepare the writts for passing the seales, and they will be issued out immediately. Three things, I am told, were agreed on in Council, viz., a free Parliament, a generall pardon, and commis- sioners to be sente to the Prince, who lay on Sunday night at Crake- hurne, haveing hunted (?) in the Lord Pawlett’s parke, and, on Tuesday, was expected at Sherburne, designed to lye at my Lord of Bristill’s. His army marches three roads towards London, viz., by Sherburne, Marleborrow, and the Devizes We are advised from Birmingham that, on the 26th, the Lord Delameere, with severall other Lords, came to that place, with about 500 horse, well armed, and expected as many more in a few dayes. They marched to Edgbaston Hall, where they found a greate quantity of armes, which they seized. The Lord Dauby, with severall other Lords, are still in Yorke ; they have just sent parties of horse to bring in some companyes of foote which were marching southwarde, which, as soon as they met them, laide downe their armes and joyned the horse, declaring for a free Parliament and the Protestant religion. “ Nottingham, the 26th instant. — The Lord Devonshire, Sir Scroope How, &c., are going to Derby, with about 200 horse ; severall stout fellows are there ready to mounte horses. One Cornet Gree, late of the Lord Arran’s regiment, is gone to Liester, to raise men for Sir Scroope How. The Duke of Newcastle, having ordered the militia to meete him at Southwell, severall came, but had their armes seized ; and partyes are sent out to seize the rest. All the Papists have there armes seized. In short, the generality of the people came into them, declareing for a free Parliament and the Protestante religion. The Lords Northampton, Gray of Ruthin, Manchester, and severall gentlemen, came to North- ampton, the 26th, and marched towards Harborrow. Those in Oxford- shire are alsoe for a free Parliament, and severall gentlemen have joyned them. Yesterday, the Common Council of this City was chosen, being most of them Church of England men. The Kinge sente to the Lord Mayor that hee would not have them meete till he gave order. I am tould that the Commissioners that are to goe to the Prince of Orange are the Bishopps Ely and St. Asaph, the Lords Godolphiu, Hallifax, 73480. O 210 Nottingham, and Rochester. The Parliament is to meete the 15th of January. The Duke of Albamarle is dead, in Jemeca, and Dr. Oates dyed last Tuesday. It is said the Earl of Salsbury and Lord Milford are made Groomes of the Stole to his Majesty. Sir Nicholas Butler hath laide downe all his places.” J. Keeling to Roger Kenlon. 649. [1688, November.] — Mr. Corbet and Mr. Ormeston are here ; the occasion thus : one of our towne was tould by a soldier that our companies were to march out privately, this morning, and that some designe was against my Lord of Derby, which wee sent to acquaint Mr. Banks with, and hee, being at Knowesley, the person who heard the words v/ent thither; upon which they came to inquire if there were anything in it ; but, I believe, very little — only the jealousies, perhaps, of some Protestant soldiers, by reason of their sudden and private departure. Mr. Corbet was to order mee to send a messenger to you to let you know his Lordship’s desires to see you today.” Postscript. — If you have anything extraordinary of my Lord Dela- more, pray let us have it. Pray let Dick give the messenger my hand- kerchief. The newes speaks little but that my Lord Lovelace is taken, with 13 of his horse (by the militia), goeing to the Prince of Orange. Severall killed on both sides. Hee intends to fortifye the line for his winter quarters. The Bishop of Exeter is made Archbishop of Yorke.” Seal, broken. Thomas Preston to Roger Kenyon; to be left “att the three Legs of Man,” in Wigan. 650. 1688, December 4 . Lancaster. — The officers are so clamorous I know not what to do with them ; therefore, I desire you will not fail in sending me orders to receive the sum laid upon Lonsdale Hundred, and a discharge to the High Constables.” Seal of arms. The Earl of Derby to Roger Kenyon. 651. 1688, December 8. — “ I am, I assure you, out of order, having been ill last night — much worse than I shall own. This may excuse me to the gentleman that designed to meet me ; and, to tell you truly, I do not see any great necessity for it, my opinion being so well known for Lord Colchester and William Holt, for the King’s proclamation removes all scruples, and I hope his carriage may take off the objection of a Court employment, so far am I from thinking it to his prejudice, as things go now.” Seal of arms. William Banks to Roger Kenyon. 652. 1688, December 9 . Winstanley . — “ Mr. Keeling had a letter, by the last post, from my Lord Ancrin [Ancrum] ; it is more remarkable than any of his former, which makes Keeling impatient till my Lord [Derby] and you have i»ad a sight of it.” Seal. Lord Delame re to the Earl of Derby. 653. [1688,] December 10. — Original of letter quoted in No. 642. News Letter addressed to Roger Kenyon. 654. 1688, December 13. London. — Yesterday, neare Wapping, my Lord Chancellor, in a seaman’s habitt, was seized and brought before my 211 Lord Mayor, and from thence committed to the Tower. Lord Chief Justice Herbert [and the] Bishop of Chester are seized. Wright and some other of the Judges are fled. Prince George is alreddy come to White- hall, and the Prince of Orange is expected tomorrow. “ Yesterday morning, severall of the Lords, Aldermen, and Comis- sioners, went in theire coaches and 6 horses to meet the Prince of Orange, to present him with a very complementall address, as, amongst others, that the King had left his people, and therefore prayed his high- ness to make hast to London to settle affaires.” Mr. Hammond to Eoger Kenton. 655. 1688, December 13. Whalley. — -‘‘Mr. Parker, of Bradkirk, came to Clitherow, and, with his son, discoursed in the lawyer’s behalf, who declared himself willing to serve in Parliament, if they should think him fit ; he joins with none ; several promised him their votes. Mr. Pudsay offers himself. Mr. Wilkinson, of Waddow, makes interest for himself or Mr. Waddall. Sir Edmund says little of it.” Seal. [Roger Kenyon] to the Earl of Derby. 656. 1688, December 18. — ‘‘ Sunday last, his Majesty returned to Whitehall and was received with great joy. A Council was held and an express sent to Ireland to supersede the Earl of Tirconnel’s Comission and to constitute the Lord Grenard in his room, who is to turn all papists out of comysion and disarm them. But the news of TirconneFs being secured, proves false. “Father Hall is comitted to Newgate, as is F. [Father?] Peters’ brother and Sir Roger L’Estrange, for writing and dispersing treason- able papers against the government. “ The King’s forces are marched out of town, to make room for those of the Prince of Orange, who entered on the guard att Whitehall last night, and the King has ordered the Duke of Berwick to deliver Ports- mouth peaceably, &c. “ Major Littleton is killed by Captain Atherley, in a quarrel. “ The Lord Chancellour is writing a narrative in the Tower, and will discover all he knows. Wee are told he will discover something about the death of his late Majesty, and that he is much troubled in mind about his evidence concerning the birth of the Prince of Wales. His Lordship delivered the seal to his Majesty, and the writts for the Parliament to Mr. Chiffins, “ This morning, his Majesty went for Rochester, and some of the Prince of Orange’s troops are his guard. The Prince of Orange has confined the Marquis of Hallifax, as some say, for advising a private treaty with his Majesty, and not in Parliament. And a guard is sett upon the Earl of Feversham and Collonel Oglethorpe, about some words of the Earl of Essex’s death. “ The Bishop of London is Clerk of the Closet, and the Bishop of Durham turned out, and Dr. Hickman is made subdean of the Princess’s Chappel. “ The Prince lay last night att Syon House, and this afternoon came to 8t. James’s, being met by the Sheriffs and Aldermen in their formali- tyes, &c. “ Sir John Fenwick and the Lord Newburgh have layd down their Comissions. “ The Lord Mayor continues very ill. “ The Catholiques in Cheshire have layd down their arms. o 2 212 “ The tryall of the 7 Bishopps is now printing by order. ‘‘ The chusing Parliament men here, was putt off to-day by reason of the Prince’s coming to town. “ Att Oxford Sir Thomas Clargis and Mr. Finch are chosen for the University, and Sir Edward Norris and Captain Berty, for the town ; but it is said Mr. Finch will bee made Lord Chancellour, and Sir John Powel, Lord Cheif Justice.” The Declaration of the Lord Lieutenant, the High Sheriff, Deputy Lieutenants, Justices of the Peace, Officers of the Militia, and other Protestant gentlemen of the County Palatine of Lancaster. 657. 1688, December. — We being heartily and zealously concerned for the protestant religion, the laws of the land, and the liberties and properties of the subject, cannot, without being wanting to our duty, be silent under those calamities wherein late prevailing popish councils have miserably involved these kingdoms, and do therefore unanimously resolve to apply ourselves to his Highness the Prince of Orange, who, with so great kindness to these realms, so vast expence, and such hazard to his person, hath undertaken, by endeavouring to procure a free parlia- ment, to rescue us, with as little effusion as possible of Christian blood, from the eminent dangers of popery and slavery. And we do hereb}^ declare that we will, with our utmost endeavours, assist his Highness in the obtaining such a parliament wherein our laws, liberties, and proper- ties may be secured, the Church of England in particular, with due liberty to protestant dissenters, and, in generall, the protestant religion and interest may be supported and encouraged, to the glory of God and the happiness and reputation of the established government in these kingdoms. In the meantime, we will endeavour to preserve, as much as in us lies, the peace and security of this county, by taking care to disarm all papists, and to secure all Jesuites and Romish preists within the same. And if there be anything more to be performed by us for pro- moting his Highness’ generous intentions for the publick good, we shall be ready, as occasion requires, to contribute our best endeavours.” The Convention. 658. 1688. — “ Remarques upon a free conference in the Convention.” Observations on Lord Brandon’s Lord Lieutenancy and the State of the County of Lancaster. 659. [1688-1689.] — “That Lord Brandon, before the late King James his comeing to Chester and Holliwell, writ to the Lancashire Noncon- formists, it being his post to introduce that party to complement that King, and on a large common, short of Chester, the Lord Molineux and his popeish spark es standing on one hand in the King’s way, and the Lord Brandon at the head of his tender iiolders-forth, some 16 or 17 of them haveing buds on, on a very hot day, and backed with a small mob of the same complexion, stood on the other hand to receive the late King. “ That the Lord Molineux was, at Chester, made Lord Leiutenant of Lancashire, who, thereupon, afterwards made 13 Deputy Lieutenants, 7 convicted papists and 6 reputed protestants; of all the 13, Lord Brandon was his first-named Deputy Leiutenant, 213 January 22th, 1687-8.— Lord Derby put out from being Gustos Eotulorum and Lord Molineux made Gustos. ‘‘11 April 1688. — Earl of Derby and 43 more of the Protestant Justices were turned out of the Comission of Peace, and 27 rejectors of the penall lawes and test came in, of which 16 were papists, the rest had the name of Protestants ; Lord Brandon one of these. “ May 1689. — Lord Delamer made Lord Leiutenant of the county of Chester. Lord Derby, whose ancestors had had it above 200 years, himself haveing been Lord Leiutenant 13 years, was turned out to give place to Lord Delamere. This, ])erhaps, was too much resented by Lord Derby, to find his freinds, who were the ancient Deputy Leiutenants and militia officers there, turned out, and thereupon he quitted the Leiutenancy of Lancashire too, so [that in] “ June 1689, Lord Brandon, who had been, within less then a yeare, a Deputy Leiutenant with the papists, was made, and is now. Lord Leiu- tenant of Lancashire. Lord Derby, who was before Gustos Rotulo^'um, is laid aside for that too, and Lord Brandon in that place, “ Lord Brandon hath not, in Lancashire, ever qualified himself accord- ing to the Act of 25 Car. 2 for these places. Quere^ if he have done that anywhere, and if he have not done. Quei'e, whether all the Comissions given by him, his being fallen, be not allso void, and then what a condi- tion is the Lancashire Leiftenancy in, though the Deputy Leiutenants and militia officers did duly qualify themselves. “ The Lord Brandon was a regulator of the Lancashire Corporations, and very unaccountably removed the Mayor of Lancaster, the Mayor of Preston, the Mayor of Wygan, and other officers, sure that was an employment of trust under the late King, and in those days he never qualified himself accordeing to the said law. Quere, if his disability be, or can be, restored, without an Act of Parliament. “ The Lord Brandon had diverse of the cheefe papists, in Lancashire, in prison, but so as in the townes of Manchester and Salford where they were, each had so much liberty as to choose his lodgeing, to remove at pleasure upon any dislike to any other lodgeing, to meet and dine together where they pleased, to converse without any restraint with any that came to them, together or apart, and some of them were frequently permitted to go to their own homes and to retorne upon paroll without any keeper, which gave them a much greater opportunity then they could have otherwise had, had they not been thus kept together. “ That a little before the election of this Parliament, to sweeten them for their interest, they were ail discharged upon baile. “ That when the Lord Brandon came downe and set up his friend Sir Samuel Grerard to be chose at Lancaster, severall papists, which before absconded, came to give votes for his friend. Sir Samuel, his Lordshipp personally appeareing to manage that election. “ That some of the papists have owned a protection under the Lord Brandon. “ That there are now in Lancashire, many new companies, who have colours, drums, and armes, and frequently traine, formed into companies. Quere, by what Comission, they are not of the militia, viz. : — “ Captaine Bight, Captaine Bootle, Captaine Hooper, Captain Browne, Captain Andrews, Captaine Crompton, Captain Sharpies, Captain Bigby, Captain Willoughby, Captaine Clayton, Captain Astley, Captain Dor- neinge. “There are several others who have sometimes appeared in com- panies, but whether they have done of late, Quere, viz. : — Captaine Cross, Captaine Lever, Captaine Egerton, Captaine Birch, Captaine Hulme. 214 Petition of William Richard George, Earl of Derby, to James II. 660. [1688.] — “ I had not at this time in this matter appeared, when your Majestie’s troubles are too many ways multiplied upon you, but that if opportunities of this nature are slipped they are past retreeve. “ Your royall brother. King Charles the Second, was generously bounti- full to the late Duke of Albemarle’s father, for the doings of that brave manj so eminently instrumental! in his Majestie’s restoration, in con- ferring upon him considerable estates in divers countys, which, I suppose, by his late Grace his dyeing without issue, do revert to the Crown and are now in your Majesty’s disposition. ‘‘ Might I offer to your royall consideration in the other scale, my grandfather’s and father’s sufferings, the consequences whereof have sunk mee, comparatively to theirs, so low in estate (which, without derogation, methinks I may mention, since by no prodigality, but by the effect of faithfullest loyaltie, their losses came) that as I bear their quality, which I would not eclipse, I have often chosen rather to disapear then not support ; I hope this may, with such proportion, weigh in your compassionate thoughts, as in some degree to restore mee, if it were but granting to mee and my family so much of that late Duke’s lands and estate as lye in Lancashire, where most of what lemaines to mee of my ancestors’ estate is. To enumerate our losses (for theirs are now mine) would make it too long for a petition, but by a moderate estimate, made 37 years ago, they did amount to 209,000/. “ If I have sometimes failed in my attendance at Court, and suffered for want of those influences which your benigne aspect hath enriclied others, which it hath never been my want of perfect loyaltie, but because I was afraid to express my other wants. I have, I hope, no way diminished my ancestors’ character in these countryes where I live, but if your royall heart shall incline by granting these lands to enable mee to make a good figure abroad also, a much fallen family will, to ages to come, celebrate your gracious Majestie’s memory.” Drafts in Roger Kenyon's hand. Edward Chippindall and John Webster to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 661 , 1688-9, January 3. Cliderow. — They have received the Sheriff’s precept for the election of burgesses for Parliament. Not being sure whether they ought to proceed thereon, or new orders,” have called a “ Hall ” for the next Monday, “ when we desire your company.” Seal of arms. Thomas Greenhalgh to Roger Kenyon, at Peel, 662 , [16]88[-9], January 9. — “ There was 2 men this day with mee, the one lives in Bolton, the other on Tonge Moor, that were but a few days since at the ale-hous on Hindley Common, when Mr. Langton of Loe beinge gone out to look on the wall, the landlord begun the Earl of Derby’s health, which Mr. Langton hearing, broke the landlord’s head with his cane and threw him in the fyre. One of the witnesses blaming of him for his abuse, he fell upon him, who threw Mr. Langton in the fyre ; but Mr. Langton goes and fetch’ t 4 more, soe that they being but 2, thought it convenient to march off*.” Seal of arms. 215 J. Rowe to Roger Kenyon. 662a. 1688[-9], January 10. [Isle of Man ?] — “ I have noe newes to send you hence in this great conj uncture, but can truely tell you that we are of one minde, unanimous, and of one true protestant religion, in this litle quiet nation; and if we have noe disturbances from abroad, we are assured of peace at home, not being (God be thancked) infested with Rome’s incendiarys ; yet we cannot but admire the suddaine and great revolu- tions, and with great eagernes expect to heare of the established peace of the three kingdoms. It would be too tedious to express here my earnest desire, for the welfaire of England to be restored to its pristine glory and happines.” [^Postscripts] — Captain Charles Christian gives his humble service to you.” Seal. R. Heywood to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 663. 1688 [-9], January 13. Castle Rushen [Isle of Man]. — “ I hope you and I may now drink a bottle of wine, without danger of our throats, by the sparks lately soe much in fashion . ... We have been much amazed and distracted here, by the various reports wee have received of the affairs of England, not knowing what to believe ; but of late we have received better satisfaction There are severall of the Popish recognizauces, forfeited 9 or 10 years agoe, yett uncompounded for, and you may please to remember I excepted them, and the remainder of Lever’s fine, in the deed of conveyance to Tom Dod and his partner. If there bee any hope of getting any thing . . . I will come over.” Seal of arms. Viscount Colchester to Roger Kenyon. 664. 1688 [-9], January 24. — ‘‘ I have sent you the Prince’s order to mee to seise horses of my Lord Branden’s, or the Marquess de Miremond’s regiment. I am informed there are severall run into Lancashire. My request to you is that you will employ your people to seis such horses as they shall find did belong to either regiment, and send them to Wardly (?), and I will order Richard Lightborn to satisfy them for their expences.” Seal of arms. Justices for Lancashire. 665. 1688-9, January 29. — The names of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Lancaster. . c to Roger Kenyon. 666. [1688-9 ?] February 2. Whitehall.— “ The late King, as he is now stiled, has still a great party in the House of Lords, many being for calling him back, though it is declared by them, he has broke all the lawes and deserted the Government, as you may find by the votes, but we that se through it, are resolved to stick to the Prince and do not question our success at last.” Seal. George Allanson to Roger Kenyon. 667. 1688 [-9], February 2. Temple. — The Lords begin to come pretty near a closure with the Commons, only they cannot agree that the Government is vacant, but the next week is supposed will settle that matter, by two or one crowned heads. 216 [William Banks to Koger Kenyon.] 668. 1688 [-9], February 2. London. — There seems to be a differ- ence in opinion between the Lords and Commons, about the vote sent up to the Lords relating to the vacancy, about which the Lords do not concurr; a conference is designed to be had on Monday. There are some sort of people that begin to threaten the Bishops, because all but two of them went against the vote, and, as I am told, their own house has a great many in it that would gladly have them only there as cyphers. It is said two letters were delivered this day to each house, one sent by the Lord Preston, and are supposed to come from the King. Neither house gave them reading, so that they cannot be certain who they come frorn ; they lie upon the tables, and I hear the Lords’ house will look into them on Monday. “ Two petitions were brought to the houses this morning, delivered- by ten of the mobile; the substance of them was to have some one put into the throne, the King being gone. They report every one of the ten was deputed to this by 5,000 of the tike, which, if not satisfied, will come themselves. These petitions were not read.” This gang expressed their kindness to the Bishops, saying if they would deliver their chaplains, as they called them., into their custody, they would take care of them. Seal of arms, hrohen. William B[anks] to [Roger Kenyon]. 669. 1688[-9], February 7. — ‘‘ After the Free Conference was over yesterday, the Lords, upon the return to their house, voted an agree- ment with the Commons as to the vacancies. About twelve this day, they sent them to us for our concurrence, but our Committee having not then drawn up all the heads judged necessary to be redressed and allowed by those who are to be set in the throne, they put off the con- sideration of the Lords’ resolution till tomorrow.” Seal, Nicholas Starkie to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 670. [16]88[-9], February 9. Gray’s Inn. — Craves his “assistance and advice, which will be the most proper and best course to take, to get to be Attorney Generali of Lancashire,” which place, he supposes, will be vacant, when the Prince is proclaimed King. He would not doubt of success, if he could make Lord Derby and Lord Colchester liis friends. “ I hear that Mr. Greenfield and Mr. Barty Entwisle, who are now in town, intends to make what interest they can, but through whom, I cannot learn. It is said that the Prince and Princess will be proclaimed King and Queen of England on Munday.” William Banks to Roger Kenyon. 671. 1688 [-9], February 14. — Has spoken in his favour to Lord Derby. Lady Derby has been made, by the Queen, Groom of the Stole, a place of great profit, \,000li. per annum at least, “ and to take place of all Duchesses. This will let some people see there is merit in that person that hath been so neglected. The Lord Sunderland was seized at Rotterdam, in woman’s habit. The Lord Chief Justice Wright was taken this morning in the Old Bailey and sent to prison. The King having chosen a council this day, they sat, and it is said that the great men will find it an easy matter to turn this Convention into a Parliament. I hear the lawyers engage to find law, so there is like to be a dull time for the poor alehouses that expected new treating of parties.” SeaL 217 William Assheton to Eogee Kenyon. 672 . 1688[-9], February 14. London. — The enclosed paper contains the substance of what the Convention has done since their meeting, and was perfected and concluded by both Houses last Tuesday night. That same night, the Princess of Orange came to Whitehall ; she was met at Greemvich by the Prince and Princess of Denmark, and was received at Whitehall by the Prince of Orange himself. Yesterday, both Houses w^aited upon them both, in the Banquetting House, and, according to their resolution, at eleven o’clock they were proclaimed King and Queen. Their Majesties went to chapel at Whitehall the same day, and in the King’s seat appeared his Majesty, with his Queen on liis right hand and the Princess of Denmark on his left. The Bishop of London preached upon these words, ‘‘Neither circumcision availeth any thing nor uncir- cumcision, but a new creature.” This morning I saw a list of the Privy Councillors, great officers of State, Judges, etc., but I am told it is imper- fect ; it is certain the Lord Delamere is of the Privy Council, but I do not learn that our good Earl is amongst them. Seal, William Banks to Eoger Kenyon. 673 . 1688[-9], February 16. — The enclosed was their Highness’ answer to the declaration presented by both Houses, in the Banquetting House, immediately after which they were proclaimed. Thanks was ordered to be returned them for their gracious answer. On Monday, their Majesties will come to the Lords’ House, to which day we are adjourned. They had designed to have been there on Friday, but the Master of the Wardrobe to their late Majesties had laid the robes out of the way, so that they could not be found, therefore, new ones are to be ready for Monday. Seal, William Banks to Eoger Kenyon. 674 . 1688 [-9], February 19. — “ Tomorrow we appointed to wait on my Lord Derby and Lord Colchester, the later of these I met with to day, gave him. your service, and told him the contents of yours. He said he should be ready to do what lay in his power, when he was put in a way how to proceed. Mr. Starkey will direct him, I suppose, as to that. As to Vernon’s place, I writ to you three or four posts agoe ; there are several aiming at it, but no one yet hath a promise that I can hear. Mr. Hulme, of Urmstone, hopes for successe on my Lcrd Delamer’s interest, having ingaged him at his first comming up, and his brother, Mr. George Booth, is made one of the Commissioners for the Customs, so that he stands in all likelyhood fair. My Lord Derby told me he had also desired the favour of recommending one, at the same time I put him in mind of you. When next I see him, you shall know more. The Lord Maxfield is made Captain of the first Troop of Guards, but it is believed his mind is not thoroughly satisfied with that command. His Grace the Duke of Ormond is first Bedchamber man (next to the Groom of the Stoole) if he pleases. This, if accepted on, it is hoped will let him in to greater preferment. I have inclosed you the King’s speech and the Order for rectifying the prayers. To day we had designed to have considered his Majesty’s speech, and accordingly had entered into a Grand Committee of the whole house, but the Lords sending us down a Bill to prevent and remove all doubts, questions, surmises, and difficul- ties, concerning the assembling and sitting of this present Parliament since February 13th, it was read, and ordered to be read again tomorrow, 218 upon which the debate will be, whether we shall be a Parliament or not. To day, the King viewed in Hide Park about ten thousand of the Dutch forces, one half of which are to goe forwards tomorrow towards Holland, the rest are to follow, all but about 200 horse, which they call his Guard de Core.” Portion oj seal. Nicholas Starkie to Eoger Kenyon. 675. 1688[-9], February 19. — Concerning his appointment as Cus- tomer for Liverpool, for which office several persons are applying. Lord Delamere has great hopes of getting one of his brothers to be a Com- missioner of the Customs. This day the Convention have turned them- selves into a Parliament. William Banks to Roger Kenyon. 676. 1688[-9], February 21. — Lord Derby and Lord Col[chester] will deliver Mr. Starky’s petition to his Majesty this night. As to Mr. Vern[on’s] I find, by his Lordship, it is filled up, as he says, by a friend of Lord Delamere’s, his brother George being made one of the Com- missioners for the Customs. I can assure you I often remind him of you, but I know his slow way of proceeding so well that I must confess 1 was afraid he would let someone step in his way ; “ for my part, I cannot hear that he hath opened his mouth for any soul living.” However, Mr. Stanley was to-day made one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, which I am glad of, but whether it was upon any motion of his, I cannot learn, “ for his shy reserved humour sticks so close to him that I believe he will befriend but few.” Joining Lord Colchester with him will make him more active. When William Ashton sees you, he will tell you more than I can well write, for I have told him all. The resolution of the Grand Committee yesterday was, that we were a Parliament ; the House agreed to it and gave the Lords’ Bill a second reading ; it is committed, and will not be long, I suppose, before it be passed into an Act. There being several regiments of the Dutch forces ordered by his Majesty to return back into- the States’ service, there was a motion made in the House this day that his Majesty might be desired to bestow a donation on those forces that came over with him, that were now going back. It was agreed to, and the Lord Wiltshire ordered to present the desire of the House to his Majesty. It was also ordered that Sir Robert Howard bring in an account of all moneys issued out of the Exchequer to Burton and Graham, for prosecutions at law, etc., termed by some, blood service. Also, that he bring in an account of all moneys paid during the reign of King Charles II. and King James, for secret services. Last night. Lord Arran, Duke Hamilton’s son, was set upon by six men, as he was going home in his chair, one of them ran the chair through and scarred his throat, but he got out, drew and defended himself, till his men got people together. He has several slight wounds in his hands and head. The men are not to be discovered, running away as his servant came up. This I had from one he told it to himself. They were English, and he heard them call him a ‘‘ Papist dogg,” though he is none of that religion. It is talked here that the Paptists in our country are inquiring who those were that pulled down or defaced their chapels. I can scarce believe they would be so silly at this time of day to act so imprudently. Nicholas Starkie to Roger Kenyon. 677. [1688-9,] February 28. — “The news here is, that the King is landed in Ireland with a great many French officers, and that Tarconnell {sic) 219 is 70,000 strong, and 30,000 of them very well armed, and it is reported that they are very mutinous in Scotland. It is not certainly known who will be Judges Commissioners of the Grreat Seal, or Commissioners of the Treasury. The Commons have voted the king 70,000/. per mensem for six months, and are this day about setting the Revenue, it is doubtful whether for life, or from three years to three years, that there may be a tryennyal Parliaent.” The Eaul of Debbv to [Roger Kenyon?]. 678. 1688-9, February 28. Whitehall. — Being informed of the Popish meetings lately, in several places, and having acquainted the King with it, I am commanded by his Majesty to desire you and the rest of the Protestant gentlemen, to take such care as that they keep the peace, and also to desire that you will use your endeavours to suppress them, if they should attempt anything against the Government. William B[ankes] to Roger Kenyon. 679. 1688[-9], March 9, — “ The House hath had nothing before them these two days but the Bill for the Aid, which is to be read again on Tuesday next, and will afterwards be ordered to be ingrossed. All the Commissioners for each county are already added to it. The Councill is now, as I am told, putting the King in mind of filling the Commissions for Justices and Leiftenants. The Lords Leiftenants that were, and others of the members for each county, have delivered in lists of such as they think fit to serve, in order to it. You may guesse who did it for Cheshire. For Lancashire, my Lord Derby gave in one, but I am apt to think there might be some other papers delivered in besides, by others that pretend to as great interest there. After a while, when wee see who are the Lord Leiftenants, wee can easily guesse at the other commissions for all places, [which] I am told are ready. Reflections are cast on the Cheshire Deputies and ofiicers as being persons of the least estates, least interest, and not liked by the souldiers, who are well affected, as they say, but Ido not hear they will afford their officers so kind a character. You may guesse from whence this arises. I shall be glad to hear from you, after you have met Sir Ralph and Cozen Rawstorn. It is reported here, the Papists and others as disaffected, as themselves are very high in your parts, as though they had something in prospect.” \^Postsc7'ipt.'\ — My Lord Colchester’s Regiment is to march through our county to Carlisle. If there be any young fellow^s about you that will bring in horses of fiveteen hand high, he will take them into his troop. Richard Lightbound {sic) can tell you the certain time of the regiment’s coming.” Seal, The Earl of Derby to Roger Kenyon. 680. 1688-9, March 14. Whitehall. — “ I am very glad you have thoughts to come up, and I desire you will lose no time. I shall defer re- solving upon a seal keeper until I see you. Roper has writ on behalf of two, but I tell him I am engaged to you, which I suppose will stop his mouth. Expecting to see you soon, I shall not mention the chancellor- ship nor anything else, only I showed the King Col : Rawstorne’s letter ; his Majesty is very well pleased with it. I trust now, in a short time, the lieutenancy will be settled, and that I shall be continued, notwithstanding the endeavours of some to the contrary.” Seal of arms. 220 L. Rawstorne to Roger Kenyon, at the ‘‘ Sword and Buckler,” in London. 681. 1688-9, March 17. Preston. — Asks Kenyon to speak to Lord Derby on behalf of Capt. Bellingham, to procure him a captain’s place in some regiment going to Ireland. Seal of arms. S. Richmond to Roger Kenyon. 682. 1688-9, March 24. Liverpool. — Asking for Kenyon’s influence to get his son the post “ of one of the Lord of Derby’s titular chaplains. It is generally observed that the Papists are as high and brisk as in King James’ reign.” Several of them abscond, which makes him apprehend they must have some pernicious design on foot, and now the soldiers are leaving the country and marching for Ireland, he could heartily wish that such a care were taken to secure them, that his Majesty’s good Protestant subjects may be delivered from their fears and apprehensions. [S.] Richmond to Roger Kenyon, in London. 683. [1689,] April 2. Liverpool. — Thanks him for his “friendly intercession ” with Lord Derby on behalf of his son. “ We have received nothing of late from Ireland. The .... opinion here is that [the] Protestants have little .... left but Londonderry, and should that place [be given] up by the Irish (with conveniencys for a siege) .... supplys reach them out of England or Scotland, the town must of necessity surrender ; and then, farewell Ireland till a new conquest at ... . must cost millions of treasure and tliouvsands . . . . Our Papists are still very uppish and, it is said, some of the best of them are absconded, for what end, may be easily supposed. Pray God protect us from all their designs, and settle these distracted nations in peace and quietness.” Torn. Leftwich Oldfield to Roger Kenyon. 684. 1689, April 15. — “I am informed that my brother Tom — after having bin plundred and fearing wors usage — with som gents of consider- able estates, made escape out of the River Shanon (many others, attempting the same thing, being taken), and is coming almost round Ireland, at last arrived at Plymouth, is now coming up to London. I hope he may come to find you in town \ have therefore advised him to find you out (I hope the stationer in Gray’s Inn Gate knows your lodging), because I tell him you will, as a true friend, direct and introduce him to my Lord and Lady Derby, and probably otherwaise to his hopefull advantage. He writes that King James landed, 13 March, at Kinsal with several French and Irish officers that escaped out of England, and that the Bishop of Chester is with them.” Seal. [The Same] to Roger Kenyon. 685. [1689?] April 20. — “Here is terrible apprehensions of Northern disturbances ; the imposing of oaths and necessary taxes to support new impositions, I expect will make diveilish fractions. Every man is apt to stick to his purs, and not willing to part with it to everyone who bids him deliver. If the nation be measured by the rable, it will be found like recconing without the host. The division of the partys spoken of, threatens confusion. Many false steps and fatall omissions irremediable without wonderfull providence. The State proprietors and undertakers may answer, for sure they begin to find themselves out in their 221 polliticks; but c:m falling all to pieces be avoided^ when they come to determine and settle religion; that word imbroyleth (?) most part of the world at present, and raiseth .... that the thing itself is almost lost in the disputes. Many Babells are built upon that basis.” Postscript . — “ The account of the King’s landing in Ireland seems to agree with the Butler’s letter to his mother in Wales. Here is report that he took 1,000, some say 10,000, hors with him, the Duke of Luxemburg, and many extraordinary officers.” Unsigned. Seal. Thomas Rishton to Roger Kenyon. 686 . 1689, April 26. Greengore. — Asking for Kenyon’s influence with the Chancellor, to have Mr. George Tounson made a Justice of the Peace, as he lives amongst a numerous neighbourhood of Papists in Chipping, Bleadale (?), Goosnargh, andBolland, and he thinks there are some feuds betwixt him and them, as they are now strangely impudent in the country. The Papists here are so uneasily troublesome, they never carried themselves at a greater height and confidence than now, frequently and publicly libelling and rediculing the King and Queen and all such as side with them ; they know at present they may do it with impunity, because there is nobody to complain to. [Thomas Kenyon] to Roger Kenyon. 687. 1689, May 14. London. — The King went this morning towards Portsmouth, took with him 19,000//. to distribute amongst the sailors, who, it is said, behaved themselves very bravely in the late engagement. The Dutch fleet, consisting of 39 men-of-war and 10 tenders, joins the English to-morrow at Portsmouth, and will receive, it is believed, some private orders from the King, so that in a little time we may expect to hear of some signal action. Commissions for raising 50 regiments more will immediately be issued forth, five regiments arrived from England at Londonderry, and the garrison there has, in a late sally, entirely cut off the Royal regiment and most part of the Duke of Berwick’s regiment of horse, and made a great slaughter amongst the rest. Sir Roger Strickland was killed in the engagement at sea. Colonel Lundy is committed to the Tower, and offers to impeach Colonel Richards and Cunningham of High Treason. The Parliament, resolving to set closely to the business of the kingdom, have ordered that no Private Bills shall be brought in during this session. William Banks to Roger Kenyon, [M.P.]. 688. [16]89, May 21. London.-— I received yours, and acquainted as many with it as I knew. For that purpose I staid in town last night. I have delivered the case to Sir Edward Chishenall, who is very much your friend and takes a great deall of care in it ; and because it is thought necessary to have more writ, I have desired him to imploy two or three scriveners to write out about a dozen off them, which we will distribute to such as we hope will make the best use of them for you. To-morrow, it will be brought before the House. I am forced to goe back this morning to Richmond, but will be here to-morrow to doe you the best service I can. I suppose you know who did you this dissarvice in the other House. Iff we can but gett it back to a conference (which will be all the tugg !) I hope it may goe well ; we have a great many enymes in our House, because no other county hath the like .... I 222 The Dutch have joyned our fleet with seventeen men-off-war. Peter Shakerley is sent to the Tower, as the warrant is for treasonable practices .... Lord Derby is gone into Gloster shire.” [Leftwich OldpieldJ to Eoger Kenyon. 689 . [1689,] June 5. — ‘‘ On the other side is, I believe, a prettie exact account of what passed this place. It would be a wild thing to say anything of reports how many passed Stockport, since we hear they came two or three days^ march from or by Warrington, whence the most notable was a parcell of boys that mimicked granadeers and were very ready in their exercise ; little exercising of any, either foot or horse, that I hear of, saving drawing up and saluting the lord with volleys, as he came nere them. Great thancks returned them, with money to the severall troopes and companies to drink, shouting and clawing one another. His lordship, they say, had pen and ink in his hand, and noted the names of the officers and number of their men, in his book, and the officers gave listes of them to his clerk, as is said. Great declaring of readiness, at his call, to fire and to die, as some say, but of any speech, petition, or address, can learn nothing to be relyed on. Some whispering or soft discourse passed between his lordship and the officers, when he came to them, and the largess given. Some companies had 20^., some 30^., some five or six half-crownes, as said, when the silver grew low, and afterward, the guineas went till all had some touch of the Generali’s liberality. It is talked as if the Lancaster men designed a petition (if he pleased to undertake the delivery and redress) against Lord Brando])’s being their Lord Lieutenant, but closly caryed. Some pretend to know, others do but guess at the growth of strawberries. This towne is now full of the retorning rout, for the rare-show ended Tuesday evening, but reports differ soe much about the gross number, that there is no ofering at an estimate — the difference being between five thousjind and fourty thousand, besides spectators innumerable. The greater part mustered, are thought to be foreigners. I hear not of any man of note in Cheshire, save Colonel Legh; be brought in, as reported, 200 (not of the militia, but volunteers). Captain Low, of Korth . . . brought on Monday, foot, and on Tuesday, hors, but it is the other county-men are to mee most remarqerable, their principles considered, which you know better than I, and therefore I leave them to your further consideration. . . . “ I have, in all, a regard to our lord ; if, out of these broken hints you can spell any thing worth his notice, I have my end. I make noe com- ments and admitt noe gloss yet. Besides, I perceive by yours, it is dangerous writing. Mine to you have been with most freedom. I cannot imagine who should be sent for up, or who should be suspected. I have heard talk of an association at Chester ; but, sure, it will prove noe more then making Mr. Leving an alderman by fair voting, though to the great dissatisfaction of the all-pretending party. And I would hope nothing wors can be charged or proved against P. Shakerley, and that the trick of putting him by, being restord [resorted ?] to, that government is att (?) the end on it. “ On Monday morn, at 3 o’clock, a pack of Ashton’s foot, between two and three hundred, condiictyd by Captain Wright, passed towards Bowden. At 7 o’clock another parcell, called Blakley Lyon, with two collours (with a lyon displayed in the said collours), about six score foot, lead by Captain Leaver, of Olerington, and Sam Dickinson, junior, with two drums and two pipers, and followed by about 40 hors, passed through this towne. 223 “ About an hour after, Captain Parson-Duhurst passed, followed by about 80 hors, six abreast, all with drawn swords, but neither col’lours nor trumpeters, besides the parson, not above six carrying pistolls of the whole. ‘‘A collours, with about 80 foot, from Radcliff, under Captain Seddon. ‘‘ Out of Salford went Birch of Ordsall, with a parcell of hors and a company of foot, very full and well armed. “Out of Manchester, Captain Joshua Brown, with 60 hors, and Captain John Digles, with about 120 foot with armes and trophies, some trumpetts being sent in on Sunday by his Lordship, enquiring for Captain Brown. “ Egerton of Shaw^ with others, passed at Barton, I hear. “ Monday night came into quarters at Manchester, Captain Cross, of Darwen, with about 50 hors. Lord Willoughby’s second son with 72 foot. Captains Throp and Smith, of Bolton, with about 120 foot, all which marched out early on Tuesday morning for Bowdon, that being the principall show day. “ Same night came also to quarter in Manchester, a parcell of Cheshire hors, about 60 (with two trumpetts), from about Sandbach, conducted by one Cotton, a pettifogger, and nephew to Mr. Acton, of Crew. These had been at Bowden on Monday, where they had left their foot to ly all night in Bowden church, with a cart-load of Sand- bach ale, brought thither for succour. The said hors returned to Bowden early on Tuesday. “On Tuesday night, in their return from Bowden tumult, came to quarter at Manchester, about 60 foot in a company, from Saddleworth, in Yorkshire, headed by one Captain Bulkeley. “It is said that old Colonel Dukenfeild undertook for a regiment of true old stagers.” Unsigned. Seal. Safe Conduct. 690 . 1689, June 6. — Safe conduct for Edward Henshaw, master of the ship Dove, of Dublin. Henry Rowe to Roger Kenyon, in London, 691 . 1689, June 7 . Peel. — “This is to give you an account of my travels (since you went for London) about the sheareing (sic) of the Justices that wold take their ooths. On Wednesday, after the receipt cf the Commission of Peace, I went to Warrington, thinking to find there Mr. Bold and Mr. Risley. Mr. Bold was gone for London, Mr. Risley took his oath that night. I went to Liverpoole, thinking Dr. Richmond would have taken his oath, but he desired tyme till you come home, and would not then take it. I went on Thursday to Ormskirk, and Dr. Alcock gave me the same answer. 1 went afterwards to Preston to a general meete, where I thought I should have mett some gentlemen that were in commission, but there was none. Afterwards, I went to the assizes, and there I swore Judge More, Mr. William Kirkby, Mr. Cole, and one Mr. Fenwick. There was none that came beyond sands but Mr. Kirkby. Mr. More, Mr. Cole, and Mr. Fenwick appointed Quarty Sessions to be at Lancaster on Tuesday, the 11th of this month, and appointed me to be there .... Mr Kirkby, hereing of it, told me he would gett the gentleman in commission beyond sands, to meet two days after the Sessions at some place, and w'ould give me notice, that I might come over and swere them. After the assyses were ended, I went into Blackborne Hundred, and first I 224 went to Mr. Osbaldeston to have sworn him, but he lay upon his death- bed, and died the day following I met with Mr. Braddylland he would not take it till you came home, saying, he had nobody to join with him but Mr. Holden, and he would joyne none with him. I went to Black- borne to see what Mr. Livesay would doe, and he desired to bee excused, being 81 years of age, and weeke and feeble.^’ Seal. Certificate of the Arrival of Lunt and Threlfell. 692 . 1689, June 17. — Certificate, by James Crosfield and Henry Jaynson, that the Lyon, of Lancaster, came to Beathaven (?) from Ireland on that day, between .3 and 4 o’clock in the morning, and at that time her longboat put Lunt and Threlfell on shore. Trained Bands of Lancashire. 693 . 1689, June 1 8, — Commission from Charles, Lord Brandon, Lord Lieutenant of the County Palatine of Lancaster, to Sir Richard Standish, Bart., as Lieutenant-Colonel of a regiment of foot of the trained bands within the County of Lancaster. Copy. [The Earl of Derby] to Roger Kenyon. 694 . [1689?] July 4. — 1,000 foot and 1,000 horse are marching for Ireland under the command of Counte de Solmes. It is certain King James’ affairs go ill, many of his own religion growing discontent[ed], and I am assured, from a very good hand, the gentlemen of best quality who are protestants, in and about Dublin, are at this time forced to beg their bread. I am sure I need not comment upon this to you, but I woud have others, if there can be such fools or knaves, to se what they must all come to if the late King should prevail.” Seal. [The Earl of Derby] to Roger Kenyon. 695 . [16]89, August 13. — The Parliament is expected to rise this week, and, so soon as I have freed a friend, and a near relation, out of trouble, I resolve to go straight into Lancashire. By the informations and the letters, I find the Papists were in great expectation of the late King’s and their great master’s coming into Lancashire. I believe the Protestants will not envy their having such a one, and, for my part, I wish all popish governments had exactly the same for their heads. Their in- telligence, I find, still fails them, for Ireland will certainly be very sud- denly reduced, Kirk having at this time 15,000 men with him. I am very glad you have got those letters, I hope the authors will be found out. Holograph, hut unsigned. “Mr. Higiisheriff John Birch’s Order concerning the House of Correction at Preston in Amonderness.” 696 . 1689, August 26. — Ordering that John Willacy “ do continue governour of the said House of Correction, as it appears that Willi.am Tomlinson, of Garstang, is a very disloyal and disaffected person to the Government, a great favourer of Papists, and did very much mishehave himself in the governing of the said House, formerly, and is not fit to be intrusted with so great a charge.” Copy. 225 The Declaration of the Right Reverend Father in G-od, John, late Lord Bishop op Chichester, upon his death-bed. 697. 1689, August 27. — ‘‘ Being called by a sick (I think a dying) bed, and the good hand of God upon mee in it, I take the last and best viaticum^ the sacrament of my dear Lord’s body and blood. I take myselfe oblidged to make this short recognition and profession, that whereas I was baptized into that religion of the Church of England, and sucked it in with my milk, and have constantly adhered to it through the whole course of my life, and now, if so be the will of God, shall dye in it, and had resolved through God’s grace assisting mee, to have dyed so, tho’ att a stake. And whereas that religion of the Church of England taught me the doctrine of non-resistence and passive obedience, which I have accordingly incullcated upon others, and which I took to be the distinguishing character of the Church of England, I adhere no less firmly and stedfastly to that and, in consequence of it, have incurred a suspension from the exercise of my office and expected a deprivation. I find, in so doing, much inward satisfaction, and if the oath had been tendered at the peril of my life, I could onely have obeyed by suffering. “ I desire you, my worthy friends and brethren, to bear witness of this upon ocation, and to beleive it as the words of a dying man and who is now ingaged in the most sacred and solemn act of conversing with God in this world, and may, for ought he knows to the contrary, appear with these very words in his mouth att the dreadfull tribunall.” “ This Declaration was read and subscribed by the Bishop, in the presence of Dr. Green, the parish minister. Dr. Hicks, Dean of Wor- cester, Mr. Jenkins, his Lordship’s chaplain, Mr. Powell, his secretary, and Mr. Willson, his emanuensis, who all communicated with him.” Copy. Daniel Fleming to Roger Kenyon, Clerk of the Peace. 698. [16] 89, September 23. Rydal. — When they meet, he is ready to take such oaths as are appointed by law. ‘‘ You may acquaint eJudge Powell, that I am much his Lordship’s servant; that the Clerk of the Peace for Cumberland and Westmoreland have been with me ; that I have taken the oaths fcr Justice of the Peace in those two counties, and that I shall doe the like for Lancashire.” Seal of arms, hrohen. Letter from the Lords of the Treasury. 699. 1689, September 26. Whitehall. — Ordering the enforcement of the Act for the better securing the Government, by disarming papists and reputed papists. Copy. A. Rigby to Roger Kenyon. 700. 1689, October 12. London. — He has a great liking to a certain young lady, as well as to the excellent tempers of the father and mother ; otherwise, as he hopes to be saved, he can have a very fine young lady with 8,000/^. “ on the nail.” with a prospect of much more. The Justices at Manchester Sessions to the Earl of Shrewsbury. 701. 1689, October 18. — “ Wee account it our humble duty to make his Majestic, by the favour of your Lordshipp’s relation, acquainted that many of our Romann Catholique younger gentry, some of good quality, 73480. P 226 have for some months absconded, though wee have assurance they renaaine in our cuntry. Wee have had diverse discoveries, by informa- tion, that their hath been some medelling of officers and men, prepara- tory to their hopes of an invasion or an insurrection, and after severall too plaine [ ] though not affecting us to that degree as to think materiall enough to trouble your good Lordshipp with, yet the con- tinuance of them, and the observation which spreads and becomes a public remarque, puts us upon it to present your Honour the account that, to some of the gentlemen now absconded, there hath been sent from London, boxes with scarlet and loke pistolls, swords directed for safe conveyance to protestants who knew nothing of them, and, by neglect of the correspondents, unintentionally delivered as directed, and so dis- covered. That there hath been warr sadles bespoke and privately conveyed to disafected persons, 5 or 6 months ago, that our gaoles are full of Irish papists yet, we have frequent accounts of many others at popish houses, and that which gives the occasion of this is, that the last day but one, six new warr sadles, made by a popish sadler, were sent for in the night by a popish gentlewoman, one Mrs. Outhbert, a widow, who hath three brothers now absconded. Wee have five persons in prison, about them all papists, and the rumour so possesses the enraged rable, that wee are more solicitouse to appease than afraid of what those male- content restles gentlemen can do ; for wee, without aid, are sufficiently able and vigilant to free our cuntry from danger. There are some constables and others do deserve rewards for their extraordinary care. What wee shall do with those offenders, with these sadles or with others, upon like occasions, your Lordshipp’s appointement, according to his Majestie’s good pleasure, will, with greatest humility and faithfull- ness, be complyed with and obeyed.” Thomas Hodgkinson to Roger Kenyon. 702. 1689, October 23. Preston. — I went on Wednesday last to Browsholme, to the christening of Cousin Parker’s son and heir, where the child was no sooner christened but the mother died, so that our designed rejoicing was turned into mourning. Seal of arms. William Banks to Roger Kenton. 703. 1689, October 26. Winstanley. — Is sorry he disappointed him to day at Wigan; he rose early intending to be off* by eleven o’clock, but Mr. Holt not being up, he was forced to stay till ten, before he came down, after which Mr. Holt would not let him go without a breakfast equal to a dinner ; then they tossed off some “wooden cans” which took till half past two. “We drank your health and a great many more that we took to be no flinchers,and then, in hopes to have found you at Wiggan, I rid ray mare so as to get there before five I must desire you will deliver the enclosed to my Lord Derby ; it is only to pay my service to him before I leave the country, and assure him I am the same man (whatever he may think to the contrary) both to him and his family that I always professed myself.” Seal. Richard Langton to Roger Kenyon. 704. 1689, November 21. London. — His affairs are in good posture, which he ascribes to Kenyon’s assistance. Lord Rawlinson chosen referee, in the matter betwixt the Chancellor and clerks, who was of opinion “ we ought to be restored, and an order accordingly, last post, went from the 227 Chancellor to Preston for that purpose, and Tom White is to be removed, and I hope we are in a fair way for settling ourselves more steadfastly than heretofore. The Chancellor is very generous, and insisted not upon one penny more than our generosity would advance.” Seal of arms, William Banks to Koger Kenyon. 705. 1 689, November 23. London. — I cannot yet learn who is to be our sheriff. Lord Delamere intends,! perceive, to top over our Chancellor, but who it is he hath recommended, time must only show. Last night, at a Committee, upon a full hearing, we voted his brother (though our sitting member) unduly elected for Dartmouth, so one Mr. Horne who opposed him, but could not have so much justice of the Mayor as to be returned, was voted into his place. We have no further account of Irish news but that they are gone into winter quarters ; all former extravagant stories are contradicted. The Earl of Derby to Eoger Kenyon. 706. 1689, November 24. — “ I can more easily believe Lord Delamere designs that office for himself than you would imagine. I stood near half a quarter of an hour in the Court of Bequests this morning, within four yards of Mr. Banks, who would not vouchsafe so much as to stir his hat ; after this, I suppose, you will be of my mind.” Seal of arms. Boger Kenyon to his father, Boger Kenyon. 707. 1689, November 26. Cambridge. — I must thankfully own your kind concern for me, in wishing my judgment (as you think mistaken) rectified, and indeed, sir, your thinking it so, were it a case where authority should prevail, would go a great way towards the setting it right, but authority seems there only to have place where reason is wholly at a loss and cannot direct, which is quite otherwise in the case before us, and I must confess, that of all those reasons made use of for the taking of the new oaths, not one appears to me forcible or convinc- ing, but, on the contrary, there are a great many difficulties, which to myself are insuperable. This, I believe, will be the case with me on the thirty first of .January. “I have tried all our booksellers for the Oxford decree in ’83, where the solemn dedication of it to the Holy Trinity is expressed at large, but cannot meet with it, though there is a late pamphlet, called the History of Passive Obedience, which gives some few of them, together with the doctrines of our Canons and Homilies, the judgments of our Univer- sities, and the opinions of our divines in full, as to that case.” Boger Kenyon to his uncle. 708. 1689, December 7.— Our news here (as I suppose everywhere else) is very different, everyone telling his story according to his wishes and inclination, nor is it possible how to fix it. The Convocation, I believe, will consent to no alterations, for which reason they are already severely lashed in print, and what will be the issue of this great meeting we arc yet to learn. L[aurence] Bawstorne to Boger Kenyon. 709. 1 689, December 18. Preston. — “ This world, this degenerate age wee live in, is soe addicted to lyeing, that one can credit nothing beyond p 2 228 their owne knowledge. The storie of hideing armes at Sir Thomas Clifton’s, when fixidlj examined, amounts to nothing; the persons that should have proved it, denies flatly, they never saw armes, nor did any expressions ever come from them that they did. Mr. Rigby, of Riby, tould me uppon Monday last, that hee was urgent with theim to tell the trueth therein, but they know nothing of any such matter ; this account I had from him on Monday last, and so could not write sooner. The countrey is troubled with the fears they lye under of the Irish Papists who are, under bail, at liberty, and it is thought many more appear under that pretext, which did not before. House-breakings and stealing of horses, and such rumors of misdemeanours are abroad, as are strange to hear ; and yet not an information come[s] to mee about any. What such things will result in, I cannot define, but deme them presages of some ill consequences and effects ; the Lord turne all to the best ! I long to see you to conferre. The sessions will be too far of, if wee could with litle trouble doe it sooner, but I refferre that to you ; the face of affairs has but an ill aspect, to say no more.” Seal of arms. Bond to Abstain from Excess op Drink. 710. 1689. — Bond by William Erankland, of Clare Street, in St. Clement’s Inn, in the County of Middlesex, barber surgeon, to Nathaniel Molyneux, of Dez Hill, in West Houghton, in the County of Lancaster, gentleman, for 100/i. to be paid to the said Nathaniel on the 6 May next, if the said William do, from the date hereof to the said time, drink any brandy, either entirely by itself or mixed with any other liquor or liquid stuff, or be drunk, or drink above one bottle of wine to his share, in any company. Seal of arms. The Earl of Derby’s Claim to Service at the Coronation. 711. [1689.] — The petition of William George Richard, Earl of Derby, to the Lords Commissioners of the Court of Claims, to carry before their Majesties, at their coronation, the sword called Curtana, by reason of his tenure of the Isle of Man. Copy. Names op Conformble Clergy” and of Chapels and Meeting Places in Lancashire. 712. [1689.] — “ The names of our conformable clergy who have taken the oathes, within this County [of Lancaster] : — Alcham — John Taylor, curate. Ashton-under-Lyne — Thomas Ellison, parson. Astley — John Battersby, mioister. Atherton — James Wood, minister. Aughton — John Brownsword, rector. Billinge — Nathan Golborne, minister. Blackburne — Francis Price, vicar; Henry Walmsley, curate. Blakeley — John Moreton, curate. Bolton-by-the- Sands — Thomas Garforth, vicar. Bolton- in-the-Moore — John Lever, vicar. Broughton — George Sedgwick, curate. Burneley — Thomas Kay, curate. Bury — John Lomax, curate. Caiton — Anthony Prockter, curate. Cartraell — John Armestronge, curate; Rowland Johnson, curate. Cartmell Fell — John Macdowell, curate. 229 Chipping — Richard White, minister. Chorleton — Joshuah Hide, curate. Chorley — Benjamin Edmunson, minister. Church — John Barlowe, curate. Cliderow — William Banck, curate. Cockerham — Lawrence Shaw, vicar. Colne — James Hargreaves, curate. Coniston — John Byrkett, curate. Coulton — Thomas Myers, curate. Crossby Magna — John Waring, curate. Crosshall — James Werden. Crosston — John Ryley, rector. Dean — Richard Hatten, vicar. Denton — Roger Dale, curate. Downham — Richard Wright, vicar. Eccles — Thomas Hall, vicar. Eccleston—Robert Linethurst, curate. Ellinbrook — Myles Atkinson, minister. Farneworth — Christopher Marsden, curate. Flixon — John Usherwood, curate. Flookebrough — George Bateman, curate. Goosenargh — James Butterworth, minister. Gorton — Robert Dewhurst, minister. Gressingham — Richard Thompson, curate. Hallsell — Nathana
i Toxteth Park chappell, / ‘congregation. Rainford chappell in Rainford, for James Bradshaw and his con- gregation. Birch chappell in Manchester parish, for Henry Finch and his congregation. “ Presbiterian parsons and theyr meeting places : — Thomas Whalley — Christopher Parkinson’s house in Chipping. Charles Sagar — his owne house in Blackburne, William Harwood’s house in Lower Darwen. Thomas Jolly — New Chappell in Pendleton, his dwelling house, John Holkar’s house in Read, Agnes Atkinson’s house in Clayton- super-Moras, Abram Haworth’s house in Haslinden. Robert Waddington — Cleaveley chappel in Cleaveley, Thomas Key — -Thomas Livesay’s house in Over Darwen, William Waddington’s house in Alcham, Walton Hall in Walton-in- le-Dale. John Parr — Elswick chappel in St. Michaell’s parish. Samuell Augier — New chappell in the Castle Hey, in Liverpoole, Toxtetli Parke chappell. Peter Aspinall — Eccleston’s barne in Warrington. Nathanaell Heywood — Bury’s house in Ormkirk. James Bradshaw — Rainford chappell in Rainford. Thomas Risley — Richard Jackson’s barne in Culcheth. 232 William Birchall — John Hasleden’s house in Ashton-in-Makersfield. Henry Finch — Birch chappell in Manchester parish ; his owne house in Manchester. John Walker — John Hasleden’s barne in Park Lane, in Ashton-in- Makersfield ; William Lathwait’s barne in Wygan. Henry Pendlebury — Oliver Nab’s barne in Walmsley and Bast house. Joseph Whitworth — Mr. Mathew Hallowe’s house in Hundersfield. Henry Newcome — an outbuilding in Dean’s gate, in Manchester, belonging to the heirs of Thomas Stockton. Kobert Eaton — William Walker’s barne in Pilkington. Robert Constantine — an edifice of J ohn Jackson’s in Grreenacres, in Ouldham parish. John Lever— John Boardman’s barne in Bolton. Roger Baldwin — Mr. Roger’s barne in Maunton, in Eccles parish. Thomas Kinaston — William Broom’s barne in Chorleton, in Man- chester parish. George Benson. William Aspinall. Jeremy Alredd. James Naylor of St. Ellen’s chappell, in Makersfield. John Compton — Cockay chappell. “ Other meeting places for Presbiterians, certified and recorded, but appropriated to no particular persons, viz.: — Meeting places certified by laymen, the preacher not named. Mr. George Benson’s house in Netherkellet. r Richard Willson. Certified by < John Willson. } L William Brathwait. An upper chamber over a warehouse Moor Lane in Lancaster. in Augustine Greenwood, Thomas Hodgson, William Townson, Shyreshead chappell in Cleeveley. Richard Diccon son’s house in Whittingham. Mrs. Mary Preston’s house in Preston. Bispham schoolehouse in Bispham. Tockholes chappell. Hor witch chappell. Roger Kitchen’s house in Wood Plumpton. Robert Swarbreck’s house in Rossiker. Lawrence Livesay’s barne in Upper Darwen. Thomas Slater’s house in Whittington. Thomas Dugdall of Baery his barne in Whalley. Ralph Walmsley ’s house in Tockholes. Thomas Thomason’s house in Edgeworth. William Holder’s barne in St. John’s Wind in Preston. John Sanderson of Hardhornend and Newton his house ; his barne belonging to the said house. John Park, of Longton, his house ; his barne belonging to the said house. Mary Collinge’s house in Blakeley. James Hardmans of Brodefield’s house. Ann Entwisle’s house in Edgeworth, in Bolton parish. Francis Beckett’s house in Tatham. Richard Jones’ house in Caiton. Nicholas Charnock’s house of Barniker, in Garstang parish. Mathew Hoole, of Martin, his house.” 233 Petition against the Sheriff of Lancaster. 713. [1689.] — Petition against the appointment of Mr. Birch as SherilF of Lancaster, his quality not being greater than is fit for a high constable, and ‘‘ instead of our dear and noble Lord Derby, who certainly had been fittest for our Chancellor, he knowing all men in our country, and who is fitt for the several 1 places, and would have placed men in them without being presented ; but that ray Lord Brandon should be pitched upon to succeed him in the Lieftenancy of Lancashire, one who, but a while since, was for takeing away our penall lawes . and test, was a Deputy Lieftenant to the Lord Molineux, put in for a Justice of Peace when our Protestant Justices were turned out, and a late Begulator of our corporations. What interest can this worthy lord expect if he resort to his old acquaintance? It must be to papists and arch fanatiques. We did not oppose his being a Parliament man upon the account of his father ; but it is severe to reject our old Lord Lieftenant who hath governed us and Cheshire, himselfe 13 yeares, and his ancestors time out of mind, whose services to your Majestic, when justly considered, have been inferiour to none, whose interest in the North is not to be vyed with, and we hope and beg you will not reject it him nor us.” Copy. “A Particular of some Letters sent from the Councell to the House of Commons.” 714, 715. [1689 .] — To Wm. Pigot, the King’s own hand, but no name subscribed, purporting that the Foster was safe arrived, but had been in great danger. That care should be taken for landing the goods, but that it might do well to wait a convoy from the French fleet. Dated 8 June. “To Mr. James Goodlad, same hand and same date, purporting that the writer would take care to send the goods, but desires to hear where they might be landed, unknown to the Custom House ofiicers — adding that Londonderry still holds out. “ Another, the same hand, under the same cover, that he hoped ere long to be on their side of the water with them. That their good in- tentions and endeavours were satisfactory. “ To John Lane, merchant in Broad Street, London, same date. In- forms ’tis dangerous passinge to Ireland, but that, being got thither, he was well, and that what he asked the King was granted. That the person sent to the Lord Melford was not trusted, but kept in custody ; that money wilbe sent by the way of France, for the Lord Walgrave is to pay 25,000/. per week till the whole be payed you. — C. Powell. “ A printed paper, directed to the Convention in Scotland, inveighing against the illegall and unnaturall proceedings of the Prince of Orange, that he had fayled in making out the French league — the P[rince] of M[ales] being illegitimate or imposture, that the blood spilt and to be spilt would lye at their dores ; that all the judges who condemned any person would be guilty of bloodshed, and that he desired they would chuse a President and proceed, &c. That he had sent to Dundee and Gorden. Dated 16 May, Dublin. “ To Mr. Abbot, subscribed W. B. Imports the security of his pas- sage ; that Londonderry is not taken. Kirk cannot land by reason of a bomb. Hopes to visit him ere long in some parte of England and bring the goods along. Dated 9 June. *‘ To Geo. Frogmorton, Esquire, at Hichin, in Hartfordshire, from . B. Same date. Purporting the King is very well. Derry not yet 284 taken ; that when he went down himselfe they fired at him, which caused a closer siege. Kirk at sea and cannot land. I have sent the commissions for Sir C. C. and Sir F. F., and hope, when F. F. comes, not to long from them. A blank commission undirected inclosed. “To James Brig, at Charles Pigeon, Esquire, his chambers in Cray’s Inn, from W. B., to the same effect of the former. If any letter be sent to you, subscribed C. Powell, it comes from a friend, Grooden, in White Heart Court, Lombert Street, [who] will pay the money when called for. “ These to be kept by the Attorney Grenerall.” Copy. Lord Brandon’s Lord Lieutenancy. 716. [1689 -1690,] — “It will not easily be fogott in Lancashire, that the Lord Brandon has had two pardens — one for murder, another for high treason — and that after the late Kinge had forgiven him, he was a violent asserter of that Kinge’s dispenceing power to the highest degree, in that County, and in that raigne, when he was a Deputy Lievtenant to the Lord Mollineux, a grand papist. He was one that pressingly moved the people to promise to chuse men for the Parliament that would take away our penall lawes and testes. He was intimate with Father Leaburne, Father Groodon, and all the popish gentry. He was made a justice of the peace and never was soe before, together with all the grand papistes of that county, at the very time when forty-four protestant justices, firme to the Church of England, were all turned out of commission for noe other fault then for being soe. After all this, he was a colonel of horse for the late Kinge, and actually in armes till, and after, his abdication. His ancestors, and not very longe since, were dependents upon this Earl of Derby’s ancestors, and the Lord Warrington’s ancestors were Deputy Lievtenants to the Earle of Derby and his ancestors. In the late Be volution, this Earle of Derby acted his part, and was in his place much more instrumental! then any for the accession of their present Majesties to the Crown. There is no blott in his ancestors’ escucheon ; they have borne the office of Lord Lievtenants of Lancashire and Cheshire above two hundred yeares, except in the time of the late horrid rebellion, in which this Earles grandfather, for his loyalty, lost his life, and a great part of his estate. And what has this Earle of Derby done soe much to demeritt, as to be turned out of these Lieftenencies } The Lord Warrington is a minor and cannot personally execute the place of Lord Lieftenant of Cheshire. And as to the Lord Brandon, besides what hath been before observed of him, his actings may administer suspicion what his designes are, if these thinges were enquired into, viz. : what armes, besides the militia arraes, of which every souldier keeps his owne, are stored up in Lancashire h} that Lord, part at Hallsall, part at Liverpool Castle, and other partes elsewhere, in the custody of some dissentors. Sir Ilichard Standish said he believed there might be as many as would arme ten or twelve thousand men, and gave this account from whence they were had, viz. : some bought in and brought over from Irland, for which Sir Richard was asked, as he was a Deputy Leiftenant, to give a receipt, but he said he refused soe to doe, not knowing to what purpose they were brought over, for the Lord Branden, as was, two or three j^eares agoe, informed to the House of Commons, had given commissions to a great many to be captaines &c., besides the captains of the militia, all or most of them being dissenters — of which he could give noe good account. And it is not forgott that his Lordship summoned the Lancashire dissentinge ministers and their clan, to meet King James at Stocken 235 [Stockham ?] Heath, in Cheshire, at which place the Lord Branden, as their cheiftaine, presented them to King James. Besides these armes, all the old Lancashire militia armes, his Lordship tooke to himselfe, and sent down new ones from London, and made the countrey take them at his rates, and in sending down those. Sir Bichard said he had an opor- tunity of sending down what greater number he thought fitt, and of storing up the overplus imperceptibly. Besides these, it is supposed his Lordship found a considerable stock of armes which were left at Liverpool Castle by the Lord Mollineux, layd up there by that Lord (who is a papist) when he was owner of that Castle and Lord Lieftenant of that County under the late King James. Besides all these, severall packes of swordes within this year or two have been pretendedly seized, carried from London by a Lancashire carrier, which, as it was given out, were goinge to some Lancashire papiste’s, hot, when the swordes were disposed of according to his Lordship’s order, noe farther inquiry was made after the party, whoever it was, to whom they were soe suppo- sicitiously sent. Sir Bichard said there was a Lancashire man could cleanse armes who had a great deale of money owing by the Lord Branden, for dressing of all these armes. Sir Bichard also told that the Lord Branden has now given protections to many of the great papists and other Jacobites. His Lordship makes himself very busey in every corporation, soe often as there is occasion to choose any new Member of Parliament, soe much concerned as if he, as Lord Lieftenant, must govern the election, and in these he fades not to have the whole interest of papist and Jacobite, tho’ all that seldome makes his endeavours success- full ; for the countrey, generally speaking, neither loves him nor feares him.” Order by Baphe Ashton, Bichard Standish, James Holte, Henry Farington, L. Bawstorne, L. (?) Bichmond, and Balph Long- worth, to the Bailiff of the Corporation of Wigan. 717. 1689[-90], January 11. Wigan. — “ These are to require you, in their Majesties names, strictly to comand you, that you upon the twenty- seventh day of January instant, take to your assistance a competent nomber of such Protestant inhabitants as are well affected to their present Majesties’ Groveriiment, and that you and they, the said 27th day of January instant, so soon as you can discern day, being well and sufficiently armed, repair to the houses of all Papists Becusants, or other houses, suspected secretly to harbour any absconded Papists which, in the late King’s time bore arms or bore office, or to harbour any Irish, Scotch, or other popish Soldiers, or such as have harboured emissaries to the late King, since the Coronation of their present Majesties, or such as are reasonably suspected to keep to the use of any popish recusant, or for their assistance, any arms, armour, ammunition, horses fit for the warrs, warr saddles with furniture, or any other habiliments of warr whatsoever, and where you find any such absconded Papist, any Irish, Scotch, or other popish Souldiers, so secretly harboured, or any horses, arms, armour, ammunition, (U* other habiliments of warr, or you find any thievish, roguish, or other felonious or suspected persons to be robbers of houses or the like, that you forthwith seize and secure every such person’s horses, arms, ammunition, or other habiliments of warr, and the master or owner of the said horses, where they shalbe so found, and them bring before some of their Majesties Justices of Peace in the said county, togather with this Warrant, to be examined, disposed of, and dealt with according to Law. And for as much as we are informed that several of the Irish, Scotch, and other popish souldiers, do lurk and 236 hide themselves in the day time in woods, rocks, or other secret places, now, if any of the inliabitants of your town shall informe you of the places where they do so hide themselves and frequent, that then you fail not to search the said houses and places and to apprehend the said persons so lurking and hiding themselves, and bring them before some of their Majesties justices as aforesaid. And hereof faile not att your perill/’ Seven seals. Sir Eoger Bradshaigh to Eoger Kenton. 718. 1689 [-90], January 19. Haigh. — “ My cozen Shakerley is recom- mended to the Corporation of Wiggan by the Eight Honorable the Earle of Derby, to searve for burgess of that town, in the roome of my cozen Banks, deceased. I hope you will favour that his Lordship’s inclina- tion.” Seal broken. John Entwisle to Eoger Kenyon. 719. 1689 [-90], January. — Eequesting a copy of the record of the conviction of Lord Molyneux as a popish recusant. Seal. Thomas Kenyon to his Father, Eoger Kenyon. 720. 1689[-90], February 5. Chester. — It was on Monday lust I received the news of my Lord Derby’s appointing Mr. Arthur Bennett (our Attorney Bennett’s younger brother) his Deputy Bailiff Itinerant for Cheshire, allowing him, for his services, 30/L a year. We have little news now in Chester besides the adjournment of the Parliament till 22 April, and a great expectancy of seeing the King here, ere long, in his passage for Ireland ; whether it is real or a state trick to make soldiers come in faster, I must leave to wiser heads. Seal, The Earl of Derby to Eoger Kenyon. 721. 1689-90, February 8. — “My last gave you a short account of the parliament being dissolved, and this post will bring, dear Eoger, the proclamation for calling another. We must now bestirr our selves, and I hope every one will do so ; I am sure I question not your endeavors. I intend to make what hast I can into the country. Major Preston writes to-night to the same effect. I did, the last, post to Mr. Holt. I hope all our party will unite and lay aside all animosities among one another. My Lord Colchester and my brother stand for Liverpool, which I hope will keep out Norris.” Seal of arms. Eoger Kenyon to Various Constituents of Clitheroe. 722. 1689-90, February 12. Peel. — Asking for their votes for the next parliamentary election. Promises to serve the church, king, country, and borough. Draft, Thomas Hodgkinson to Eoger Kenyon. 723. 1689-90, February 15. Preston. — “ As to Mr. Highsheriffe’s , . . am not much concerned further then to observe your kindnes and civility, which he ought to take more particuler notice of, if he rightly apprehended his owne interest. As to the other concern of Clitherow, I shall go to Cuerdall too-morrow and engage him, and quantum in se I do not expect to bee deiiyed. If I bee, I shall not take it kindly; but do not 237 much question what hee can do to the utmost. The mob here are mad and (I beleeve) that Greenfield will carry it, for one; whether the Chancellor will carry it or no, I know not, but it is reported he is coming down. I cannot say that his clearke has been over sedulous for him. However, I meddle none. I was summoned upon Thursday last (and only three more in this tonne) to take the oaths before the Commissioners of the Tax, but did not appeare ; the worst (as to that) is double charge. I am praying for the continuiiiice of the last Parliament, having no prospect of a better.” Seal of arms. Thomas Kenyon to Roger Kenyon. 724 . 1689-90, March 19. Chester. — “ Theellection of members for the ensiieing Parliament of this citty, began Monday morning last, and con- tinued till near 7 att night, att which time. Proclamation beinge thrice made, by the common cryer of the court, that if any freeman of this citty were yet to vote, let them come forth, the Sheriffs would take their pole, otherwise the books would be closed ; but, none answering, the Court ad- journed, till 9 next day, to give judgment ; about which hour, the court sat againe and the severall candidates attended, both sides having rakt together the small remainder of freemen which had not voted the pre- cedeing day. Upon the first meeting. Colonel Whitley and Alderman Manwaring demanded the pole for some more of their party, which the said sheriff refused, answering, that haveing caused Proclamation to bee made the day before, as aforesaid, and none Jippoaring, the Court was adjourned to this time and place to inspect the books and give judgment, pursuant to which he was resolved to take no more votes of either side; in whose Judgment Sir Thomas Grosvenor and Leeving (unwilling to give the Court further trouble, though they had as strong a party in readiness) acquiest. The other Sheriff (who is supposed to have been tampered with) resolving to make difference, protested his brother’s pro- ceedings, but being hastil}’ asked again of them, and surprized for want of sufficient instructions what to say, was at a loss for an answer. By and by, a paper was put into his hands to read ; but, not used much to writing, was consequently as unready as afore in speaking, but clapping it into a young clerk’s hand at his elbowe, made him his deputy pro tempore.^ and desired him to read it for him, who instamtly begins — the Protestation of Mr. Sheriffe’s brother; at which the head Sheriff (Mr. Partington) commands him silence, who, not readily obeying, wtis forced from his standing by the Sheriffs officers. Sir John Man- waring (present at the election) takes the paper, together with his office, out of his hand, and gets up to read it, but the noise of the ruble’s con- tinued shouting, prevented. Some time after, silence being made, the books were openly inspected, and the Sheriffe declared Alderman Man- waring, 457; Colonel Whiley {sic), 483; Mr. Leeving, 494; Sir Thomas, 498; and then adjourned to the pentice, to scale and signe the Indentures; which being accordingly done by the Mayor, Aldermen, &c., and affixt to the Chamberlain’s mandate, indorsed with the Sheriffes returne, was by the head Sheriffe (the proper and usual officer) delivered into the seal keeper’s hands, whose office it is to return, together with the Indenture, the Originall writ out of Chancery, before directed to the Chamberlaine with the Sherriffes answer to him indorst, affixed thereto ; which was by him accordingly done and delivered to the hands of the chief member elect, by him to he retorned above .... Sir Thomas, Mr. Leeving (and I hear just now), my Lord Cholmondeley, are on their way already to London. The election for the county is not yet over, but I suppose may end to-night in disfavour of Sir Philip.” Seal broken. 238 Laurence Rawstornb to Eoger Kenyon. 725. 1689-90, March 24. Preston. — Captain Bellingham desires “ horse,” and “ if he had a regiment with us now, they would be few (sic) enough to scour the countrey of the Irish disbanded souldiers, who are, by 2 at least, in some of our Papists’ houses ; may be, 8 or 10 in a house, as they are of ability to receive theim. They alarum the country mightiely; but, in regard we have some foot companies here, our feares are the lesse. I signified so much to Cozen Bancks and wished he would impart it to my Lord, and his Lordship was pleased to write to me ; yet nothing of command how to behave our selfes in that case, and so w^ee are meerly passive, and hope they have not the spirit to attack us. I desired Mr. Patten, who by this time is with you, to put you in mind of our concerns with theim, which would make them a little more mute, and animate us to act more vigourously. You may set it a- work, now you are there. You knowe the way and means how to begin ; pray you omit not. It would be good allay to cook their brags.” Thomas Kenyon to Roger Kenyon. 726. 1690, March 29. Chester. — We have no newes from Ireland since the last account of 8,000 French that landed. Sir James Poole is already secured by order of Councell, and committed for high treason ; it is reported some others are in danger to undergoe the same fate. Seal broken. William Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon, M.P., in London. 727. 1690, April 1. Lancaster. — “ Mr. Rowe and myselfe were, but a while agoe, before the Judge, upon a petition preferred against us by honest Richard Royd (?) ; the judge was a little brisk upon Mr. Rowe, and told him the words spoken against, were not indictable nor action- able ; and Mr. Rowe being something peremptory, hee grewe angry at him. Hee gives it out for law that no words are indictable, but such as touch the Government ; though a man call you traytor and murderer, you cannot indict him ... We had a very good charge, princi- pally relating to an unity, and to lay aside animosities and distractions and to exhort the people to a hearty contribution to supply the King’s occasions. There is a story of a plott in Lancashire for raising 3 troops of horse, discovered by one Dodsworth, a papist. Mr. Standish of Standish’s house was besett, but 1 hear he escaped. Most of the princi- pal! papists are in it, and some protestants. This is a whispered thing ; some give it credit, some otherwise.” Sir Ralph Assheton to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 728. 1690, April 1. Middleton. — “Your unanimous agreeing to supply his Majesty, is extreame good news to us. Give what you will, so Ireland may speedily be reduced. I mension this because I know our cnimies are still at worke, and, so long as the Frence have any hold in the aforesaid kingdom, we must expect it, to say no more. J am now to my part against those that would destroy his Majesty and our happy government.” Seal of arms. C. Greenfield to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 729. 1690, Aprils. Preston. — The assizes ended on Friday. There is “ a poll-bill in preparing, but the nomination of commissioners, I pre- 239 sume, will not be yet. If it should bee before I come up, pray name for this toune : — The Mayor for the time beinge ; Laurence Rawsthorne, esquire ; Edward Rigby, esquire ; Chr ; Grreentield ; Law: Wall ; Gieo : Addison ; William Lemon; Tho : Winckley (?) ; Jo: Kellett ; Nath: Walmsley ; Daniell Chadocke ; Rich : V . . . ; Roger Sudell, junior; William Hebson ; John Cockshull ; [and] Tho: Greenfield.” Seal of arms. Thomas Winckley to Roger Kenyon. 730. 1690, April 13, Preston. — On Saturday last was sennight, two strangers, who had been in the town a day or two, were brought before Mr. Mayor and Col. Rawstorne ; by their brogue they were discovered to be Irishmen. They pretended they were protestants, designing for Ireland to serve King William and Queen Mary, as volunteers in Duke Schombergh’s camp. One says his name is Dore and the other, Burke. The first pretends he was sent out by the late King James with a detachment from Hounslow Heath to the Island of Bombay, as far as the River Euphrates, and returned to England about a year ago, knowing nothing of the revolution. The other came over from Ireland about Michaelmas 1688, being a corporal of dragoons to one Major Mathews, in Col. Butler’s regiment, was wounded at Reading, and lay a long while in London. Upon being searched, letters were found on them to Sir William Creagh, Sir Rowland Stanley, and Sir James Poole, and the idle Mr. Molyneux ; the contents had nothing extraordinary but recommend- ing the bearers, with some hints of their usefulness. They are in the Serjeant’s custody, and copies of the letters have been sent to Lord Brandon. Seal of arms. Jo. Hulton to Roger Kenyon. 731. 1690, April 19. — ‘‘Since my last, wee have had our shipping returned from Belfast that went with the last recruites, by whom severall letters cam from persons in the Army to their freinds here. One of them, being more particular than the rest, I have sent you a coppy of it. I only tell you that our Irish gentlemen give great credit to it. If it should prove true, I am of opinion there will bee no action in the field. The Irish and French will get into strongholds and put our army on seiges, which will make tedious worke. Wee have a great many recruites of horse pas through this town for Highlake. {Enclosure.) “Dublin, April 12, 1690. — Our account of the French supplys are different. It is certain there are but four regiments, one red, one bleu, and two white, and the most they pretend is 1,600 in a regiment. The supplys of stores are, 1,000 barrells of powder, 10 feild peeces, 4 morters, witli bombs, carcases, ball, and other necessarys for warr, as pistolls swords, &c., the number not knowne ; they are 8 battalions, whereof 4 are Switzers, Walloones, and other strangers, and severall Germans, prisoners that are entertained, and about 300 English, Scotch, and Irish. That the Lord Hunsden had been at Corke neer two months with King James. He ordered the English, Scotch, and Irish, that came from France, into his regiments, but Lieftenant-Generall Loozon would not suffer him to have a man. That one of the French regiments are as far as Waterford, where they stay till they heare how we move. There is already shipt on board the French ships, five regiments of Irish, viz. : — the Lord Mountcashell’s, Colonel Brown’s, Colonel Cha : O’Brion’s, Colonel Butler’s, and Colonel Feilding’s — all of foot. They say they 240 force protestants on board — the Irish running away. Their eight regiments of dragoones are in a very bad condition, also four of the eight regiments of horse. Oates sould for 20^. per barrel!, and but few to be had. Pease straw and other straw are their generall food, and the worke horses are so weak that carriages are not to be had. The Spring comes on apace about Dublin, and if grass can be had, their numbers will make them more formidable, but at present they are in a sad condition. On the 20th March, dyed the Grovernor of Drougheda ; also Duke Mollass is dead. The force at Dundalke, Ardee, Cavan Castle, Blany, Drougheda are in a bad condition, dying in great numbers for want. Colonell Sarsfeild is come from the borders of Cavan, and Brigadeer Hamilton and Lord Galmoy are goeing to governe there. Sarsfeild is falne sicke since he came to towne. The [death] of Colonell Nugent is much lamented by the Irish. They lost a many brave men in that action with him at Cavan. The Duke of Berwick was there, and had his horse twice shot under him. He hath been heard to say he feares the Irish will never stand the English rebbles, as he calls them. This, a protestant gentleman at Dublin sent, by water, to the north ; several! have soe made their escape of late from Dublin.” [Thomas Hodgkinson] to his cousin, Roger Kenyon, M.P, 732 . 1690, May 6. Preston. — ‘‘ Upon Sunday last, I received a letter from Mr. Roper, wherein he desired an account what Colonel Mathews had done here, touching the papists, whereunto I recounted what I had heard, viz. : that Mr. Barlow and Mr. Harrington were taken, and sent to Lancaster, but do not hear that any other is apprehended. A detach- ment (of 42) of the Dutch troopers were sent from Lancaster hither, where they have quartred about three weekes and were sometimes (as I am tould) sent into the countrey to seize the old sinners, but returned re infecta. Colonell M. went from hence, upon Sunday morning last, towards London, and the Dutch troopers returned from hence, this morning, towards Lancaster, and this is all the account I can give, touching this affaire, whereof, I pray, acquaint my Lord Derby. I am mightily your debtor for your frequent letters. I have (according to your desire) burned your last, and did not think it prudentiall to com- municate the same to any person, being morally certaine that noe certificate would have been sent upp by any sort of persons. More of this at our meeting. The gaole was broke upon Sunday night by the Irish soldiers, and onely three of them escaped. I tould you formerly that Edm : Threlfall’s son was taken, but hath since made his escape, whilst his mother plaid at tables with his keeper. Nothing more here worth communicating.” . . . . WiNCKLEY to Roger Kenyon, M.P., at Westminster. 733 . 1690, May 9. Preston. — On Wednesday, Sir Edward Chisnal came to towne, and has been here ever since. He seems not fond of petitioning. His reason is, that if there be either motion or petition for a short day, there wil be noe lesse then a moneth given the other side, considering the distance of place to attend and bring up witnesses, if any (as certainly some wil) move for reasonable time, and that Mr. Patten may not be surprised, liveing 160 miles from London, and before the moneths end, he supposes there will be a recesse. But Sir Edward is full of belief that, as this case happens, the House wil grant a new writ, and leave Mr. Patten to prosecute, or let fall his peticion, as he thinks fit ; for, seeing my Lord Willoughby is removed to the House of 241 Lords, and soe noe longer a member of the House of Commons, there is a vacancy, as in case of death, and a writ to issue to elect another in my Lord Willoughby’s roome ; and, if Mr. Patten make good his peticion, then the person that succeeds his Lordship is removed, and Mr. Patten comes in ; but if he fayle to procure his peticion, then the new member continues. How consonant or agreable this is to the rules and practice of the House, those that are the old members, can best tell ; and he desires that you and Mr. Greenfield wil be laboring to informe your selves sufficiently in the thing, and if you see a fair prospect of obtaining such a writ, then to venture a motion ; and I believe Sir Edward will be with you before the end of the next week. And by this post a short state of the case will be sent to Mr. Greenfield for you and him to advise upon with Sir Robert Sawyer, Mr. Finch, or such other eminent members as you judge most proper. It would be a great prejudice to us, if a day should shortly be assigned for hearing this matter, and a recesse happen, after a hurry up to London, and charges layd out, and all to noe purpose. Soe that we should have a fair pros- pect that the Parliament wil be sitting at the day to be assigned for hearing, or else we shal be spoyled, and not able to bear another journey. . , . . As to the petition concerning the gaol, I finde all here very cold m the matter ; they think the castle will take up as much cost in keeping up and repaires, as building and maintaining a new gaol at Preston, which, being the middle of the county, wil save the country abundance of money, in carrying presoners as far as Lancaster, from your part of the county.” Seal of arms, Thomas Kenyon to his father, Roger Kenyon, M.P., at Westminster. 734. 1690, May 17. Chester. — Has received a letter from ‘‘Mr. Barton ” stating that “ My Ijord ” [Derby ?] designed to wait on the King at Chester “ as chamberlain of this county ” and “ for that end commanded me to get a new purse made, bearing their present Majesties’ armes and cypher.” Has consulted “ the upholsterers here, and severall others [as to] the best artists in imbroydery, Chester affords, who unanimously agree that the old one is a peece [of work] not to be sampled in this toune : the goodnes of the worke richnes of the materiall, not being here to be met w[ith] Those frie[nds who have] seen the old one, and with whom I have advised, considering the work is but little decayed — except the ground upon which the motto is wrought — have perswaded me to have that took out, and a new one layed on, the which is very sensible, and with altering the cypher and -setting new tassells to, will (it is not doubted) under the whole [look] very sumptuous and gay.” Desires to know “ his Lordship’s ” pleasure; if a new one is required, it must be prepared in London, “ Chester not being able to afford it.” ... Its make “ is the same with that carryed before the Chancellor of England, bearing the armes of England in embroydery and the cypher of their Majesties, viz. : .XXX. in the upper part ; on one side the arms, and OR on the other side.” Thomas Rishton to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 735. 1690, May 17. Whalley. — “ I have promised Sir Edmund Ashton to write to you, by this post, and it is to let you know his design of having a free plate, to be run for at Clitheroe, at such times as will be agreed to by consent. The contributers he has prickt down are a great 73480. Q 242 many, and he thinks they will most of them willingly club with him. The town it self intends to make a joynt stock. He says he thinks he ought first to acquaint the burgesses and bayliffs.’’ Seal of arms. Eobert Sclater to Koger Kenyon, M.P. 736. 1690, May 19. — We should be glad to hear that the Protestants would unite more than they do, to discourage the common enemy. The Papists make great boasts of our differences, and they and others disaffected, are at a great height. We would gladly know something of his Majesty’s going for Ireland, which we hoped the last post, but had no letter from you. Sir Edmund Ashton laid his commands upon me to write to you, about a plate of 15 or 20/^. to be run for at Clitheroe at midsummer. Seal. Thomas Kenyon to Eoger Kenyon, M.P. 737. 1690, May 19. Chester. — In my last, I had not time to give you an account of the taking of Charlemont, which was then spoken of, but since confirmed. It surrendered on Wednesday last, the garrison having suffered much for want of provisions, and constrained thereby to yield it up. John Apulton to Eoger Kenyon. 738. [1690, May?] — ‘‘His Lordship may be assured of officers that will stand and fall with him. I had the happiness to recommend Mr. Leiftwich Oldfeild for a captain of horse, whom I hope his Lordship was well pleased with. I do think Mr. Shakerley the fittest person in our county to bee a collonel of foot, and to make a good militia, in a short time, and I do not doubt but he will readily and willingly serve his Lordship, but I leave it to your consideration whether you think fit to propose him. On Sunday last, came a vessell to Highlake fr[om] D , loaden with tallow and hides, her cockett was for France. Sir Cloudesly Shovell has secured all the men and put them on board severall vessells. The master pretends he made his escape, but that that gives mee suspition of him, is the relation hee gives of the affaires there. He says that the French were landed at Cork, but not above 3,000, and with very little ammunition or armes ; that the Irish are very much dis[contented] at it, expecting much greater supply.” Much decayed. A Manchester Hews Letter. 739. 1690, July 5. — “ On Thursday, in the afternoone, the Earle of Devonshire and Pembrooke were sent from Whitehall, in order to goe on board the fieete, as yet not known on what occasion, though various conjectures are made of it, though it is generally said, on complaint of some Dutch ministers, because my Lord Torrington did not releive the Dutch squadron,when they were soe warmely engaged, for we say here, he fought at too far a distance and might have come neerer the weather- gage. Our last advice from the fleet, left them of from Dunagence, on Thursday, in the afternoone, plying to the eastward, the French fieete tydeing it upon them within two leagues. Two Dutch disabled ships were left att Hastings, and haveing drawne them on shore, soe that the French could not get them of, who sent their boats on shore and burnt them. We are makeing our fieet towards the gunfleete, and it is believed that this day, both fleetes are seen of Dover. Expresses have been sent 248 to the Mayor and cheef officers of the ports, both of Sussex and Kent. “ Since the before written, we have the following account (viz.) from Dover, on the 4th instant, it is writt that the Saldadoes was sent thither by the Lord Torrington for 40 or 50 pilots to cary the fleet up the river, they making for the Downs. The Earle of Devonshire and Pembroke were just arrived there and goeing to the fleet at Eye, from which place they write, the 3rd instant, that our fleete came to an anchor neare that place, and the French fleete followed, and came to an anchor two leagues from them, haveing chased two Dutch men of warr on shoare at Hastinges, from which place the weman and children were sent, the 3rd instant, with what goods they could carry, feareing the French should land, which they had not at 5 that after- noone, but had sett fire to the two Dutch ships, which were then burneing, and that two other Dutch ships were on the sands by the White Rocks, about a mile to the west of Hastings, at whom the French fired, without much damage, about 60 guns, and the Dutch kept firing at them from one of their sliips, the other being left by all their men, and in case they see no hopes of saveing them, they are resolved to sett fire to them to prevent their falling into the French hands, who, it is thought, will come up to them the next tide, which would be about 4 o’clock next morneing. The Dutch Vice-Admirall and his son are buryed there, and about 250 sick and wounded were brought thither, and to Battle. Severall gentlemen have been on the guard all this night, feareing the landeing of the French, which as yet have not appeared, and it is thought they have gone of to sea. The French sent five long boats on shoor at Flastings, but were kept of that place by their greate guns. Five of the French men of war came soe nigh, that they fired severall guns on the sands. A1 the pilotts, as well from Deale as Dover, are sent to the fleet, and all the merchant ships that were in the Downes are sent for back againe. Our Irish letters of the 26th past, say that our army were in possession of Dundalke, that the enemy had drawne their army on the south side the river Boine, where they were secureing all the passes to hinder us from marching tov/ards Dublin. All the ships from Belfast are ordered to Highlake and Carlingford. The Commissioners at Carriekfergus are ordered not to sufter any to depart ' that kingdome, without his Majesty’s pasport. By a vessel arrived at Milford Haven, we are tould that the late King had drawne his army towards Ardee, and left but one regiment in Dublin, the Protestants being secured in the churches and colledges. The Parliament of Scotland satt the 26th past, and agreed upon an Act to appoint Com- missioners to visit all scholes and universities of learning, ordeineing all the regents and masters to heighten the confession of faith and take the oath of allegiance, and be assured that there principles be agreeable to the present Government. The new Commission for the Privy Councel was read this day, and all the present members took the oaths. By ex- press from Plymouth, we hear that Sir Cloudesley Shovill, in the Monke, with the Experiment and Dovei\ arrived, the 30th past, at the Lands End, and were hourely expected at that place ; and from the Isle of Wight they say that the fleet that cam.e from Plymouth, being eleven saile, were plying windward of that place, supposed to be as high as Dunnese (?), the wind at east north east. Our Holland letters yester- day say that the Duke of Savoy had totally defeated the French army and tooke Mounsier Callivate prisoner, but this merritts confirmation. Sir, this is all the Bull’s head post news in Manchester.” [P.S.] — “ In Manchester here they be carrying a thing made like the Pope, upon a man’s shoulder, on a long pole, rownd the towne, and Q 2 244 a drum before it, and bonefires made, and ringing, for joy of the good newes last night out of Ireland of Dublin and Drocheda being taken, and King James fled away towards Kingsaile.” Order by the Justices of the Pea.ce for the County of Chester to Lieutenant William Churcu and Cornet Eobert Lee. 740. 1690, July 9. — We, haveing receaved her Majesty’s Order in Councel to secure all such papists and other persons whom we shall have reason to suspect to be disafiected to the Government, as may probably be active against it in case of an insurrection or invasion ; and for as much as Sir Philip Egerton, knight, Francis Cholmoley, esquire, and Thomas Minshall, of Erdeswick, in the said county, esquire, and Leftwich Oldfeld, of Leftwich, in the said county, esquire, have not taken the oathes to their present Majestyes, whereby they have rendered themselfs justly suspected to the Government; these are, therefore, in there Majesties’ names to authorise and require you, or ether of you, imediatel}' to aperehend the said Sir P. E., F. C., and Tho. Minsh : and L. O., and convey them to the castle of Chester, and deliver them into the custody of Sir John Morgen, governer of the said castle, who is hereby required to receive. and safely to keep the said persons there, until they shall be thence discharged by due order of law.” Copy. Note . — ‘‘ There was likewise an order of same date, to the same persons, to search for and seize all arms in the houses or places of abode of the said Sir Philip Egerton, Francis Cholmondeley, Thomas Minshall, and Leftwich Oldfeld.” Copy. Order by the Justices of the Peace for the County of Chester to Sir Thomas Bellot and Major John Davenport. 740a. 1690, July 21. — “ We, having received her Majestie’s order in Councell to cause all horses belonging to papists and persons disaffected to the Government, or who shall refuse to take the oathes to their present Majesties, to be seized, and forasmuch as the persons here undernamed are either known papists, or reputed papists, or persons disaffected to the Government^ or have refused to take the oathes to their said Majesties, these are, therefore, in their Majesties’ name, to authorize and require you, or either of you, imediately upon sight hereof, to make dilligent search for, and seize and take into your custody, all the horses of the said persons here undernamed, that you shall anywhere find in their possession, or in the possession of any others for their or any of their use or uses, and that you speedily give an account, unto us, of your doings, to the end that such horses may be disposed of according to order of law.” Copy. Schedule of names of recusants — viz. : “ Tho; Holford of Newbrook, esquire, John Holford of Kinderton, Ger; Croxton of Eavenscroft, Ea; Walley of Stanthorn, gentlemen, Jer. Eooth of Twemlow, Leftwich Oldfeld of Leftwich, Tho : Minshull of Erdswick, esquires, Wm. Lownds of Clverton, gentleman. Sir Phi : Egerton, knt., Francis Cholmondeley, esquire, Peter Yates of Church Hulm, innkeeper.” Thomas Kenyon to Eoger Kenyon. 741. 1690, July 30. — The wind blows fresh from Ireland, and it is said the King resolves (if that gives leave) to set sail thence to-night. Seal of arms. 245 [Leftwich Oldfield] to the Earl of Derby. 742. 1690, July 31. — Recounting the substance of discourses with Sir John about the condition of Lancashire. “ That tlie old divisions in these parts were well known, and the original thereof was Cavalier and Rounded. That we thought it not advisable to petition the King, not from any sullenness or disaffection, but lest it should be mis- construed by the same interpreters that sent us hither, complaining against the Queen, from whose order in Councell our committment is pretended to derive itself, as also the warrant for taking horses, and applications of that kind, if approved good manners would have directed that way, wherewith the King, in all likelyhood, would not at present interfere. That we were careful to avoid giving offence, and for any offence taken, or for anything acted, don, or said, or any just cause or reason of suspicion, by us or any of us given, for such dealing with us, we are ready to put ourselves, severally, upon God and the eountrey, and to the ordinary cours, tryall, and determination of the laws of the land, with dutifull patience submit ourselves, hoping no more at the hands of our friends, then that they will opportunely say and doe for us, what common justice and charity shall prompt. That the quiett enjoyment of our legal I properties and liberty is all .we desire, and that the harder dealing we find, and the longer causlesly held in durance, the harder will the reflection be, we conceive, upon those who take pleasure in our sufferings. That the root of animosities here, the old cause of new doeings, hath layn bare many years. Probably, we may never be mentioned, but if we should, or any questions should be asked, our friends should not differ in their accounts.” Order at a General Meeting of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Lancaster. 743. 1690, August 25. — Whereas, William Tomlinson, late Governor of the House of Correction at Preston, had been turned out of his place and one William Higginson, put therein, the said Tomlinson having been represented to his Majesty as one obnoxious to the Government, and in no way qualified for the said em.ployment, the said Tomlinson petitioned that the charge might be examined, and, if innocent, he might be restored. It was thereupon ordered by Lord Nottingham, Principal Secretary of State, that the allegation be examined; and upon its examination, it was found that the said Tomlinson was a fit person to be Governour of the House of Correction. It is thereupon ordered that he enjoy the said place. Orders at General Meetings of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Lancaster, held at Lancaster, &c. 744. 1690, August 25-1693, April 4. — Meeting held at Lancaster 25 August, 1690. — Whereas, upon the hearing of counsel on behalf of Nicholas, Bishop of Chester and Rector of Wigan, and on behalf of the parishioners of Wigan, and especially the inhabitants of Hindley, against John Greene, upon his tendering a certificate to the Clerk of the Peace, to record the Chapel of Hindley, in the parish of Wigan, as a place appointed to dissenting protestants for their religious worship, it was shown that in the year 1641 the said chapel was erected for the ease of the inhabitants that were above two miles distant from the parish church ; that it was built by the approbation of the then Bishop of Chester, and the first minister who settled there was conformable to 246 the Church of England ; and it was supplied by conformable ministers till they were turned out of their livings. And the nonconformist who got in was, at Bartholomewtide, 1662, put out by the Act, and a con- formist restored, and it has since been possessed by conformists. That at communicating times, the inhabitants repair to Wigan to receive the sacrament, owning thereby their dependence and subjection to the mother church. That the generality of the inhabitants of Hindley are very conformable. That this chapel is endowed with 22/e. by the year, and upwards, besides the benevolent contributions of the chapelry. That the donatives of the endowment have been by persons of the Church of England, and one sum of 6Z^. by the year, which had been for some time withheld, was, in 1669, by the Duchy Court, decreed to be yearly paid to the minister of Hindley Chapel. That a very pious, orthodox minister is, about a month ago, dead ; who had been long pos- sessed of the place, and that another conformable minister had offered to come into the place, but had been kept out by the said Green on pre- tence that he, and some few other dissenters, are feoffees for the ground on which the chapel stands. The whole Court (the Honourable Hugh Willoughby excepted) were of opinion, and ordered, that the Clerk of the Peace should not record Mr. John Green’s certificate, and that Hindley Chapel should not be used by dissenters for their pretended religious worship. Meeting held at Ormskirk, April 11, 1692. — Whereas motion was yesterday made by Thomas Patten, Esqr., ‘‘ counceller at law,” for the recording of St. Ellen’s Chapel for a meeting house for a congregation of dissenters from the Church of England ; and upon hearing of counsel on behalf of Mr. Byrom and others of the Church of England, showing that the chapel is a consecrated chapel-of-ease within the parish of Prescott, which anciently was, and now of right ought to be, supplied with a minister of the Church of England, for the ease of the inhabitants within the parish aforesaid, particularly within the town of Hardshaw- within-Windle : Now, upon full hearing, the motion was lost by a majority of 26 to 1, and it was agreed that the said chapel be not so recorded, &c. Meeting held at Lancaster, 4 April, 1693. — Whereas, upon reading the petition of Thomas Sharp, clerk, rector of Tatham, and other the parishioners of Tatham Parish, concerning Tatham Chapel, it appearing that the said chapel is an endowed ancient chapel, wherein the sacra- ments and prayers of the Church of England have been duly ministered and used, time out of mind, till, about two years last past, some of the dissenters living near the chapel, surreptitiously obtained the same to be recorded as a meeting place for dissenters, and, by colour thereof, have used the same ; upon consideration whereof, the justices recommend it to the Justices of Peace, at their next Quarter Sessions, to order that the dissenters, for the future, shall not presume to meet and exercise their religion in the said chapel of Tatham, on any pretence whatsoever, &c. The recommendation was confirmed at a meeting of the justices on 25 April 1693. At the General Quarter Sessions for Lancashire, held at Ormskirk, 20 July, 1693. — The petition was read of James Naylor, of Windle, clerk, shewing that by the Act for exempting their Majesties’ Protestant subjects, dissenting from the Church of England, from the penalties of certain laws, the places of meeting are required to be certified at the next Quarter Sessions. In pursuance of this, the said James Naylor certifies that St. Helen’s Chapel in Hardshawm, is intended as a meeting place for Protestant dissenters, and desires it may be so recorded. Upon the motion put, whether it be recorded or no : — Lord Willoughby, 247 Mr. Walmesley, Mr. Herle, and Mr. Samuel Crooke, for recording it; Mr. Bertie Entwisle, Captain Clayton, and Mr. Johnson, Mayor of Liverpool, against recording it. Therefore, ordered to be recorded. Memoranda follow, dated 1 August 1696, as to the necessary steps to be taken by dissenters, for exempting themselves from penalties, and of the numbers of dissenting meeting places in Lancashire. Sir Richard Sta.ndtsh and Alexander Rigby, Justices of the Peace for the County of Lancaster, to their Fellow Justices. 745. 1690, September 17. — “Pursuant to your order, made at an adjornement of the last generall quarter sessions of the peace for this County of Lancaster, to the Sheriffs board at Lancaster, in the assize week, the 25th of August last, ordering that William Higginse be, for the reasons therein set forth, removed, and William Tomlinson restored to his place of Governor of the House of Correction at Preston in this County of Lancaster, and nominating and desireing Sir Richard Standish, Barronet, Alexander Rigby of Layton, Henry Farrington and Char lees Parker, Esquires, or any two or more of them, to put the said Tomlinson into possession of ilie said house and place: Wee the said Sir Richard Standish and Alexander Rigby, on Saturday the thirteenth of Sep- tember instant, went to the House of Correction at Preston aforesaid, but found there the doors locked or bolted, which were refused to be opened to us ; Higginson, in the said order enjoined to yeild obedience thereunto, not thinking fit to be seen, if he was in the house, nor then, nor ever since, to speak with us. Howbeit, some person imployed by him, a man unknowen to us, did come to the dore when wee demanded entrance, according to the said order, and that wee might restore the said William Tomlinson, in the order mentioned, to his said place ; but the persons within, still kept the dores shut against us, and positively denyed to us entrance, one of them sayeing they had as good power to keep it as wee to demand it, and, as wee have since heard, they had then within the said house an armed rable to keep the house, and whilst wee were but a litle way gone from the place, wee heard a gun or guns go oF in or about the said house.” Henry Rowe to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 746. 1690, October 6. Wigan. — On Saturday last, Alderman Bancks, the town clerk, was chosen and sworn Mayor. “ If you would be pleased to write two words to him, to desire him to take the oath of a justice for the whole county, I am sure he wold doe it, which would not be only a great service to their Majesties, but, I am sure, will be much to your advantage.” Seal^ hroken. Thomas Green to Roger Kenyon. 747. 1690, October 6. — Having been sent to prison the previous year, on a charge of high treason, upon the information of one Kelly, a person he never knew, he begs Kenyon’s assistance that he may be admitted to bail. Enclosure . — Copy of a petition, by Thomas Green, to the Justices of Assize for the County Palatine of Lancaster, that he may be brought to trial. R. Longworth to Roger Kenton. 748. 1690, October 7. St. Michael’s. — Thanks Kenyon for his kind- ness in that “ my good Lord Derby was pleased to honour my poor house with his presence.” Hopes his letter will find Kenyon at the House of 248 Parliament. Commissioners [of the Peace ?] are wanted for his part of the Hundred of Amunderness, and he hopes the following names, or some of them, may be added, viz. : — John Veale, Esq. ; Mr. Pichard Longworth ; Mr. Thomas Smith; Mr. Thomas Fiffe ; Mr. William Slater ; and Mr. Richard Rivingtou, all living convenient for this part of the Hundred. “ When money is given, if I had the casting vote, it shold be by a land tax, for certaynely it is the safest and readyest way to raise money, and with the most equallity.” Seal of Arms, Edward Chisenhale to Roger Kenyon. 749. 1690, October 10. — “ Pray give my serviss to all our Lan- cashire members that are com up. I wish they were all up to have heard soe gratious a speech as the King has made, and especially in that all accounts are redy to be layd downe before you — a suer way for his Majesty to be supply ed by all of you, and, by all you represent, will be most chearfully paid. Seeing our moneys fairely disposed, we think we cannot pay too much, onely doe what you cann, that we may make money of our land, as one way we want an Act to put downe all common bruers in Norfolke and Suffolk, or that none shall be quallifyed to keepe inn or victualling house, except they brue their one drink. All this inquire of Sir William Cooke, farther ; another, that theire may not be any under- takers to laye in the Kinge his beefe and swyne for sea, for by that the country is beaten downe to theire owne price, and especially by having it all bought at Smithfield, which is great charge to the farmer by drive- ing, and heats the King’s beefe, but that the King would have his stores at London, Bristoll, Hull, Ipswich and Dover, Chester or Liverpoole, &c. This would be a vast advantage to the farmer, and better for the King, and prevent a privatt running man forestoleing all the markett in England, by drawing all to London.” The Earl op Derby to Roger Kenyon. 750. 1690, October 10. Kn[owsley]. — Refers to his indisposition, which, he thanks God, is much abated. It lies most in his head, and this is the first day he attempted to write. There was an earthquake the other night. John Hulton to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 751. 1690, October 31. — “A relation of mine, that lives in Chester, was lately at London, and lodged at Mr. Laurence Baskervile’s ; she has an extraordinary art in cutting of paper, in imitation of point, and brought some up with her, with design to present [it] to the Queen. Baskervile understanding it, took her to the Lady Delamere, who was very fond of it, and [told] her she would present it, but could not take her .... this gave my kinswoman a jealousy that she would not perform her promise, or, at least, tell her Majesty who did it; so that, a little before she came out of town, she waited on the Lady Delamere to know whether she had presented the Queen with that point. She replied, she had not done it herself, but had given it to my Lady Derby, who had given it to the Queen, and that she very much admired it. Now, a friend of my kinswoman’s writes her word that it is believed the point was never given to the Lady Derby ; and if the Queen has it, the Lady Delamere presented it as from her daughter, or not from my relation. I heartily beg the kindness of you that you would wait on my Lady Derby, and know whether such point came to her ladyship’s hand; u 249 so, we are satisfied. I have sent you, enclosed, a little for you to see, but this was her first work. That she took to London was ten times finer cut, and more in imitation of point. I should be glad to hear from you of your strength and procedeure in your House, and that, in a short time, you will call on our independent companies in Lancashire and Cheshire to account ; for I take them to be as dangerous to our government as any enemy whatever. I suppose you have heard what industry is used by that party to make Cornet (?) Whitley mayor [for] this year, in this Corporation; he feasted the mob every day .... We have mayor and sherilf to our minds, and hope you will appoint us honest Com- missioners for the monthly tax, for hitherto there has been the most impartial dealings in the world. I have paid twice as much as their adored coxcomb, Alderman Mainwaring, and, indeed, the fanatics in general, have paid little or nothing ; they preserve themselves and purses for the good old cause ! ” Robert Roper to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 752. 1690, Kovember 11. — “ 1 have this day given my Lord an ac- count of the contents of Sir Vere Fane’s paper, inclosed in your letter to me of the 1st instant, by which bee mentions 887/. 105. 2<7. to be already paid, in part of 1,730/. 10^. 7c/., due at Michaelmas last. 1 have examined the receavor’s accounts of the Isle of Man, and therein is charged 989/. 175. Ic/. paid to Mr. Greenwood, of Lancaster, b}^ Alderman Bence’s order, and for his use, which is 1477. 5s. 8c/. more, and must bee in Mr. Greenwood’s hands, if he hath not accounted for it. When it is seasonable, I know you will put my Lord in minde of this arreer, and also what is due to Mr. Stanley, upon the account of his rent charge; for I doubt my Lord will not bee able to stave off payment, noe longer then priviledge of Parliament doth continue, and when that is ended, these arrears will fall very heavy, unlesse, in the meane while, some course be taken for payment.” Seal. W. Hayhurst to Roger Kenyon. 753. 1690, December 5. Preston. — Making application for an appointment in Lord Derby’s service. Lord Brandon has not thought fit to appear at the election. Mr. Buckingham, his gentleman, came up, on Wednesday, to Mr. Patten’s, and went yesterday with Mr. Patten, and several of his party, to Mr. Mayor, to acquaint him that my Lord recommended Mr. Patten as the most proper person to represent them in Parliament. “ I doe not hear, for certaine, of any indirect methods used of either side, though there is discourse of gold being offered by Buckingham, on behalfe of Mr. Patten. The comon method is for some two of acquaintence and interest to goe from house to house and ask their votes, and to drink them well. After the call book was called over and the defaulters, it was asked Mr. Patten’s party if they had any more to poll, or if they could except against any that had polled for Sr. Edward, both which they did in a fewe, and were allowed to give Mr. P[atten] his due. Hee, carried beyond expectation, . civill and willing to suppress any disorders. There was some fighting at the further end of the Court, but soon over. The Mayor and gentlemen of the town mett Sr. Edward into the town, with threescore and twelve horse, and ringing of bells. The Indenture was scaled in Court, and you need not fear any further appeales. Colonel Rawsthorne gave his vote for Sir Edward.” 250 Thomas Hodgekinson to Koger Kenyon, M.P. 754. 1690, December 5. Preston. — “ This day, our election began, about eleaven of clock, and continued until three this afternoon. There was never an election in this place managed with more calmne& on both sides, saving some few rude disturbances by Mr. Patten’s creatures, but (indeed) against his inclinations. Sir Edward Chisenhale carried it by 57 votes, soe that you will have no further trouble, in the comittee of priviledges, about this corporation. Bee pleased to rectify my mistake to my good Lord Derby, for I have (by this post) given his Lordshipp an account that wee outvoted Mr. Patten 60 votes, whereas (upon a more exact scrutiny) there only appeares 57, which mistake (though not very considerable) I thought fitt to correct, being sent to a person of that honnor and quality. Sir, I am now with Mr. Maior, Sir Edward Chisenhale, and many more of your friends, who have already drunke his Lordshippe’s health, and are now remembering (their worthy friend) the sitting member ; unto whom they do owne themselves particularly obliged, in their late dispute in the senate The company is pressing mee with glasses, and only give me time to tell you that I am, sir, your very affectionate servant.” Seal of arms. Army Accounts. 755. 1690, December 9. — The answer of Pichard, Earl of Eanelagh, Paymaster-General, etc., “ to soe much of the reporte, observations, and resolutions of the Committee for examining the accompts of the army,” etc., as concern him. Army Accounts. 756. 1690, December 9. — Kemarks concerning the Report of the Committee for examining the Accounts of the Army. The State of the Kavy. 757. 1690, December 23. Admiralty Office.— An account of the present state of the ships of war of their Majesties’ Royal navy. The Earl of Derby to Roger Kenyon. 758. 1 690 [-1], January 15. Whitehall. — ‘‘We are every hour in expectation to go ; all our coaches were ready this morning, the King resolving to set sail this afternoon, but the wind changed, not above three hours before, for Jast night it blew as [hard as] could be, so that we are all ready, upon an hour’s warning. You will hear, in the public letters, of some persons taken who are lately come out of France ; they had letters about them which confirm very much what was my Lord intentions.” Seal of arms. Nicholas Stratford, Bishop of Chester, to Roger Kenyon. 759. 1690-1, January 22. — Encloses the charge against Mr. Braddyll. Thinks Mr. Gey has “ done the part of a good Christian and a good subject,” and that “ Mr. Braddyll, who has been so unfaithful, and abused his truest to so high a degree, deserves to be excluded, with some note of infamy, from an}' public trust for the future.” Seal of arms. 251 John Barton to Roger Kenyon. 760 , 1690[-1], January 22, Knowsley. — As to Kenyon’s being the fittest man in Lancashire, i£ not too old, for the government [of the Isle of Man ?]. The Earl of Derby to Roger Kenyon. 761 , [1691,] February 1. The Hague. — ‘‘ It happens unfortunately for mee, that the Grovernor should dye whilst I am here ; all that I need to say, I continue of the same mind I was of, when I last saw you ; but that is not the thing I must now consider ; it is sending someone to supply the place untill my return into England, I must first say I am sorry William Hayhurst is not gone, but that cannot be helped now. Yet I do not see any reason why he may not go still, for that instrument I signed for him, gives him greater authority than I have skill to dr[aw] here, for you or him, being directed to the Governor and the rest of my officers ; suche latter are obliged to give all the light they can, and hee may instruct them, by your advice, what is to be done in the meantime, onely keep the letter I writt to the Governor ; and since I am out of the king-dome, I fancy you and the rest of my Commissioners may have power to graft an order to them in the Island, upon what I have signed and sealed to William Hayhurst, to bee of force untill they heare from mee. All things go as well here as I can desire, but, upon my word, I have very litle time for writeing, especially tonight, for I am to goe tomorrow morneing very early to Amsterdam. The gazette and the newse letters will be very full of the King’s reception here, and the joy all people are in with the sight of him, which is not to be expressed, for I could not have imagined half so much, if I had not been eye-witnes.” Original and Copy, in Roger Kenyon^s handwriting. Thomas Braddyll to Roger Kenyon. 762 , 1690[-1], February 2. Portfield. — Desires a copy of the information, “ or what you are pleased to call it,” which ‘‘ Cousin Gey ” has laid against him to the Bishop of Chester. Appended is the copy. “ T. B., esquire, a Justice of the Peace and a Commissioner in the severall Polls and 3^. Subsidy Act, who was a long time before he would take the oaths to the present government, dealt thus in his actings as Commissioner with the King and countrey in Whally, in the county of Lancaster, where he liveth. ‘‘1. Hot one child in that township (though some scores taxable and taxed by the sworn assessors) would he suffer to pay, but struck them out of the assessment. “ 2. At the 2s. in the pound, an assessment was made up by the assessors, for 2s. in the pound only ; but he causes his clerk to interline the other tax of \2d. in the pound, in that assessment, so that the King was cheated of the third part, through the whole town, and if enquired into, probably in many others. “ 3. His own demesnes of Braddyll and Brockall, and as it is believed, of Samsbury, to the valew of severall 100/. per annum, were clearly, by his procurement, left out of the tax, and not one penny paid for them. “ 4. In the review of the 1st poll, not a child in the town (though a great number) save his 2 daughters, the vicar’s three children, and about 4 more, at most, put into the assessment, and his own wife omitted. “ 5. Numbers of papists of quality, freed by him (as it is presumed) because R. Grimshaw, esq., G. Talbot, gent., Justic Cotterell, Attorney 252 ftt law, being doubly assessed, according to the Act, as professed papists were struck off by him, the 2 last, 40/. a peece, the 1st, a far greater sum. ‘‘ 6. Servants, wages of whole townships (as it is believed) particularly the township of Osbuldalston, there being a great family in it, nearly related to him, by his means were wholly left out, and never paid [a] penny , “ 7. Exclaimed on the vicar, telling him he deserved to be pulled out of the pulpit, for preaching against perjury, and pressing all concerned, to make just and true taxes, according to their oaths. ‘‘8. Grave the countrey, in one assessment, no time to appeal, but instead of 14 days allowed by the Act, would have them pay within 4, and threatned and distreyned upon such as would not submit to his arbitrary commands, particularly the vicar of Whallay.” Egbert Roper to Roger Kenyon. 763. 1691, March 31. — The bearer brings you a letter from my lord ; and, this day, I have another from his lordshipp, wherein .hee acquaints mee that hee hath appointed you Governor of the Isle of Man, but not to go over hither, untill his lordshipp’s returne to England, and in the meanwhile, to appoint your deputy to stay in the Island about a moneth, and to bring his lordshipp an account how afiaires stand there, and you and I to meet forthwith, to consider the affaires of the Island.” Seal. Thomas Gipps to Roger Kenyon. 764. [16]91, April 4. Bury. — ‘‘ There is a gentleman at Manchester (one Dr. Buck) that designs to sett up, either at Manchester or at Warring- ton, in the practice of physick. He has a letter from some of your friends, recommending him to your favour and countenance to promote his interest, what in you lies.” The writer has also one from a special friend and kinsman (a doctor in physic of the first rank in England) w^ho gives a satisfactory character of this Dr. Buck. Seal of arms. Ralph Jackson to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 765. 1691, April 13. Middleton. — Has, for several years, been exercised in military affairs, “ and does, in some measure, understand them,” and, to satisfye any person that he is qualified for a commission, “ will not onely perforrne the exercise before any commission officer what- ever, but, at the same time, will undergoe the examination upon that account.” Begs, therefore. Lord Derby’s interest to obtain for him the King’s commission. Seal of arms. Genebal Ginckle to “ Mr. Roe, Comptroller of the Isle of Man.” 766. 1691, April 29. Dublin. — “I am informed by Mr. Daniel IL lyes, a merchant of this city, that the ship St. Stephen., of St. Sebastian, wl'creof John Lebarta is master, loaden at St. Sebastian with wine and brandy, and bound to this place, was, by distress of weather, in her voyage hither, driven to the Isle of Man, and there seized by your order, upon pretence of belonging to their Majesties’ enemies. I can assure you that we have made it our particular care to encourage the trade of this dis- tressed kingdom, in order to supply their Majesties’ army with so necessary refreshments, of which we have great want. Therefore, I desire you will give him, in the release of said ship and her cargoe, the latter belonging to subjects, confederates to their Majesties, a friendly and 253 impartial assistance, in order that their Majesties’ army in this kingdom under our command, may have the benefit of those necessary refreshments in the field.” Adrian Venn to the Earl of Derby, at Ormond Gate, near Whitehall. 767. 1691, May 14. Harwich. — Has brought his lordship ‘Gwo casts of Lenteners ” from Antwerp. In the packet coming from “ Helford Sluice,” were 16 or 18 recruits for the Coreland (?) Regiment in Ireland, under the command of Colonel Shock. Some of the recruits took him for a spy, and, having no pass, he was brought before Justice Seamans, of Harwich, and one of the recruits swore that he was in the French army before Mons. Prays for his Lordship’s intercession. Stephen Gey to Roger Kenyon. 768. 1691, May 27. — When he got to Wigan, Lord Derby, with his whole family, went to Winstanley to dinner. Is a little amazed that he has not heard from Lord Derby nor Mr. Entwisle, but believes “ that per fas nefasque he will continue to mischiefe me and mine, if possible, but I know God has a hooke in every manes nostrills.” The Earl of Nottingham to the Earl of Derby. 769. 1691, June 4. Whitehall. — “I send your lordship enclosed, by the Queen’s command, a warrant for releasing a Spanish ship called the St. Stephen^ of St. Sebastian, driven into the Isle of Man by stress of weather, and there arrested, contrary to the constant practice everywhere observed in the like cases, and the provision made by the treaty between us and the Crown of Spain, for the security of the subjects of both nations against any such irregularity ; and her Majesty is the more concerned to see the partys releived herein, in regal’d of the strict union and friendship, at this time, between us and Spain, and the benefit which accrues to this nation by the Spanish trade, which may be liable to suffer much, by such an example as this, if not timely redressed ; and that this may be done the sooner, her Majesty has signed a duplicate of this order, which will be delivered to your Deputy Governour, and Ido not doubt but j'our lordship will immediately issue such directions, on your part, as may prevent any delay in the execution of her Majesty’s commands, in so just and necessary a cause.” Signed. Enclosed., Warrant for release, signed “ Marie R.” The Ship St. Stephen. 770. 1691, after June 4. — Paper stating that the Queen’s order of this date, touching the release of the St. Stephen, is based upon an entirely wrong supposition that she is a Spanish ship, manned by Spaniards, laden with goods the growth of Spain, bound from Spain to Dublin, on the account of the King of Spain’s subjects, forced by stress of weather into the Isle of Man, and had not been guilty of any act of forfeiture ; and setting out answers that will be “ well proved ” to each of these suppositions. The answers are to the effect that the vessel is ‘‘ a sloop, built in New England” and that she had her name given her by Hilary and Peter Reneu — French merchants, living in London, but born at Bordeaux — ‘‘ before she was ever at Spain.” Printed. 254 The Earl of Derby to the Earl op ^Tottingham. 771. 1691, June 7. Knowsley. — I received your Lordship’s letter this day, by the post, and also her Majestie’s order, dated three days ago, for releasing a wship seized in the Isle of Man, pretending to come from St. Sebastian, in Spain, laden with claret and brandy. When I was with the King in Holland, my Governor of the Isle of Man died. I have appointed a new governor, who is going over, so soon as the wind will serve. This ship was seized by my officers of the Customs there, but that this ship was drove in by stress of weather, I believe is misinforma- tion, and I am very doubtful whether, in truth, it be French or Spanish wine. A French merchant, one Mr. B-enue, was divers times with me at London, and showed me a certificate from the Commissioners of the Customs, Sir Richard Temple and others, who, I am sure, never heard what my officers in the Isl3 of Man, who seized or stayed the ship, can say to this matter, and I suppose your Lordship will think it reasonable the whole truth should be known. This Mr. Renue would have sould me the claimer pretences (sic), I understood it to be his own, if I would have given him an inconsiderable sume in comparison of the real value, after he had showed me the Commissioners of the Customs discharge would have let the rest go ; all these made me desirous to know the whole truth. My officers having done no wrong, I should not be blamed for their irregularity, and if the statute which prohibitts the importation of brandy into Ireland or the Isle of Man from any kingdom or place, under the penalty of forfeiting the brandy and the ship may be punished, I hope what is done, is not of very ill example. All I would, with all humility, beg of her Majesty, is that this strict order of delivery of this ship forthwith, may be dispensed with, till her Majesty and your Lord- ship may, so soon as the Governour, who lies at Liverpool, waiting for a wind, can goe over, by examination of the matter, be truly certified and fully informed. Or, if this may not be, I pray your Lordship’s advice by the return of this post, for none shall more readily and humbly comply with all her Majesty’s commands.” Cop^, The Earl of Derby to Roger Kenyon, at Liverpool. 772. 1691, June 8. [Knowsley.] — tias received the Queen’s order to deliver the ship and cargo now “stayed” in the Isle of Man. Has written to Lord Nottingham “ to desire of her Majesty that order may be suspended, until due examination of all matters, in the Island, relating to the ship and goods, and that you have certified the truth of the whole matter under your hand, which I desire you to do with all care and speed, and so soon as I have heard from my Lord Nottingham, you shall hear further and receive my order, touching the said ship and goods, and in the meantime you are to keep the same in safe custody.” Signed. The Earl of Nottingham to the Earl of Derby. 773. 1691, June 16. Whitehall. — “ I have receaved your Lordship’s letter of the 7th instant, about releasing the ship St. Stephen, of St. Se- bastian, and liad sooner returned you an answer, but that I was willing to acquaint the Queen with what your Lordship writ, and receive her direc- tions. Before her Majesty signed the warrant which was sent to your Lordship, she referred this matter to the Commissioners of the Customs, upon whose report of the case, and upon consideration of the treaty with Spain, and the strict obligations of complying with it, her Majesty 255 directed the immediate release of this ship, and I am now commanded to acquaint you, that her Majesty sees no reason to recede from her former orders, and does therefore expect your punctual complyance herein without any further delay.” C. Wharton, Sir Thomas Travers, and Wm. Sacheverell to the Earl of Derby, at Knowsley. 774. [1691,] June 22. Castletown, Isle of Man. — Upon the Grover- iior’s desire, they have been on board the seized vessel, and tasted three of the casks in her hold. They are of opinion that the casks contain ‘‘ small French wines, and truly the growth of France.” Signed, Seal. Information of William Cooper, of ‘‘Peeltown.” 775. 1691, July 7. — “ In April, 1689, one Mr. Jackson of the County of Downe, in Ireland, sent into the Isle [of Man] by one William Duglass, 82 tanned hydes and other goods, to save and secure them from the enemy ; being at that ti.me when the Irish Protestants fled into the Isle for security.” These were seized, because no cocket could be produced for the same. Examination of “ Mr. David Murray, merchant at Douglas.” 776. 1691, July 18. — He had received from his brother, Mr. Kobert Murray, of Chester, the copy of a letter from Peter Penewe to Mr. William Clayton, merchant, of Liverpool, telling him of the seizure in question, stating the vessel — which was built in New England — was going from St. Sebastian to Dublin, and begging his aid in obtaining her release, &c. Signed. Examination of James Chenneau, taken before the Earl of Derby. 777. 1691, July 25. — -Knows Stephen de Fernandis, who is a Spaniard; they, with two other Spaniards, sailed from London to St. Sebastian, in the ship in question, which was then called the St. Stephen. He was present at the lading of the said ship ; the cargo was not taken out of any other ship, but was brought direct from the Custom House at London. Mr. Peter Renewe sent him with the ship and cargo to Spain. Hillary Renewe is Peter’s brother and partner ; they are Frenchmen, born at Bordeaux. Believes that Mr. Hilliary Lesseur, who now lives at St. Sebastian with Mr. Stephen Cadroy, is nephew to the Renewes. The examinat was born at the Isle of Oleron, and does not know that he is a denizen of England, but Peter Renewe wrote to him, in the previous May, that he would send him his free denizenship, &c. “ The manner of his Lordship’s [the Earl of Derby’s] goeing to the Tinwall, from Castle Rushen.” 778. 1691, July 30. — “ About 7 of the clock in the morning, all persons who are to attend his Lordship from Castle Rushen to the Tinwall, to wit, the Governor, with his staffe of authority, all the officers and Lords Council (except such as are military, and except the deemsters and 24 Keys, who are to go before to the Tinwall, and attend there the Lord of Man’s coming) all knights, gentlemen of quality, strangers and natives. “ At half an hour past 7 of the clock, the bell rings for half a quarter of an hour ; which done, the Constable of that Castle, with the other 256 officers of that Castle, go forth of the Hall to the gates there, to order the guard, and to doe their obey sauce at his Lordship’s passing by. ‘‘ When the Governor hath notice that the guards are so sett, and his Lordship’s horses and all things in readiness, he acquaints his Lordship therewith, who, thereupon, arises and commands the Governor, with his * staffe, to goe, which he doth, walking harehead before him. Then folio wes my Lord, and next after him all the best gentlemen of quality that are strangers, and allsoe his Lordship’s cheif servants, &c. When his Lordship is come out of the gate, the groomes stand ready with their horses, and whilst the Lord, the Governour, the persons of quality, &c. are mounting, the Constable of the Castle, with his guards, march for- wards, with his Lordship’s musick playeing before them ; and when all are on horseback, then the Comptroller on the right hand, and the Steward of the Household on his left hand, rideing bare before the Governour. Then comes the Governour, allsoe rideing bare, before his Lordshipp, thorrow the towne, with his staff in his hand. Then the guards march, the musick playeing before them, thorrow the towne, all the best gentlemen of quality that are strangers, two by two, following next after his Lordshipp, and in like manner, his Lordshipp’s cheife servants, and after them, the meaner persons accordingly. ‘‘ When his Lordship is about the middle of the town, the great guns from the Castle goe off, 5 at the least ; and haveing marched thorrow the town, those footguards and musick take horse, and attend his Lordship, with the rest, to the Tinwall. “ When, in this order, they have passed the town, the Governor, &c. ride covered, till they come to the Tinwall feild, where his Lordship’s guards, consisting of a thousand firelocks, are posted in great ordre. His Lordship, after he hath taken a view of them, passeth thorrow them on horseback, and in that passage is decently saluted by all the military officers commanding those guards. And thus his Lordship, the Governour, and persons of quality, &c., with him, ride on till they meet the Bishop and Clergy, the Deemsters, and the 24 Keys of the Island ; the Clergy on the right hand, the other on the left. “ Then his Lordshipp alighteth, the Bishop, or in his absence the Archdeacon, or in his absence the Vicar -General, holding the right styrrup, accordeing to the ancient custome. When his Lordshipp hath saluted them all, they march ; that is to say, the fower and twenty, in decent coates, and the Deemsters after them, in gownes, the Clergy in their habitts, and the Bishop after them. Then the Governor, my Lord, and after him all the gentry passing thorrow a guard, to witt, of Peele garrison, on one hand, and the garrison of Castle Bushen on the other hand, which make a lane to the church door. My Lord being thus conducted goes up into a chaire provided for that day, and then heares a sermon. The sermon ended, all goe forth of the church but my Lord, the Governor, the Lordes Councill, the Deemsters and twenty four Keys, the Secretarys, Clerke of the Bolls, and such as the Lord will comand to stay. “ If his Lordship have anything to propound to the country, he moves it to the Deemsters, and fower and twenty, who, debateing the matter, do agree thereunto, or give his Lordship satisfaction, by their sufficient reasons to the contrary. And if the Deemsters and fower and twenty have any request unto his Lordship, they move it themselves, in an humble manner. If my Lord approve thereof, he commands it to be inserted in the statute book, where it is mentioned as an humble request of the Deemsters and fower and twenty, on behalf of the country, setting all tlieir names unto the same, as allsoe the Governoi’ and ail of the Lords Councill, subscribe ; then my Lord confirmes the same with his own 257 subscription, under these words ; — ‘ Be it enacted as it is desired ’ ; but if his Lordshipp like not the motion, then he tells them that he will take it into consideration against another time. ‘‘ Note. — That when his Lordship intends to propound something that day, which he conceives may probably find some opposition, or require some long debate, to prevent an inconveniency, his Lordship appoints a meeteing some day the week before, where all things are well weighed and considered, to the contentment of all parties. ‘‘ When there is no more for his Lordship and the rest then with him to doe of themselves, his Lordship sends one of the Deemsters forth of the church into the feild, where the said Deemster comands the cryer to proclaime that if anyone have complaint to make, thoe it be against any of the otficers, or any request by petition, or difference between e party and party, he, or they, whoever they be, may come into the Church and be heard, and his Lordshipp will take order that right shall be done, accordeing to justice and the lawes of the land. Then such as have any business, present themselves before the table humbly, on their knees, and deliver their petitions to the Comptroller, who is there ready to receive the same and to read, when the Lord commands him; which being done, the Lord heares the matter, if he please, or appoints another day. “ All this being done, one goeth forth to cause the drums to beat ; then the people gather together expecting his Lordshipp’s coming forth ; the souldiers stand to their armes, and then the Bishop and Clergy come into the church ; then the fower and twenty march, two in a brest, thorrow the guards up to the Tinwall hill, the Deemsters followeing them, then the Clergy, Bishop, &c., as before, two and two. The officers follow his Lordship, soe doe the gentlemen strangers and others, the Bishop and Clergy on the right hand ; the Deemsters and four and twenty, on the left, standing bare, make a lane for his Lordship to goe betwixt them up the degrees to the top of the hill, where, when his Lordship is arrived, he sitts in a chaire of state, with his face towards the east, the Governor standing or sitting on my Lord’s right, and the Bishop on the left, the sword of state holden before his Lordship with the point upward, by whom his Lordship thinks fitt to honor therewith. The gentlemen strangers stand or sitt behind his Lordship ; the Deemsters and officers stand one degree below the Governor ; the Guards (to witt of the two garrisons) stand at the foot of the hill, with matches lighted, bullets in their mouths, &c. Then the people draw nigh to understand what is said unto them. “ The first busines on the hill is that the six Coroners or Sheriffs present themselves before his Lordship, with white rods in their hands, which were given to them at the late Tinwald, as markes of their office, to continue from that time for one year. They are to come one after another, on their knees, before his Lordship, presenting their staves which he receives and (haveing been but lately elected and sworn, and recommended unto him as able and honest men) he returns them their staves, being satisfyed that they are fitt persons for such a place of creditt, advantage, and trust. My Lord haveing a note of their names, and haveing comanded the Deemster to call them in order, he restores them their white rods, and each Coroner, as he receives the same on his knees, bowes towards his Lordship’s feet, riseth, maketh his reverences as he retires to one side, his face still towards my Lord ; and, in like manner, all the rest. “ After this, if any new law be made, or old altered, it is proclaimed by the cryer, in Manckes, being read and dictated to him by the eldest Deemster. 73480. R 258 “ In conclusion, the Lord commands the cryer to lett the people know (in Mancks) that his Lordship continues his love unto them and his care of them, and prayes God to bless them. ‘‘ So, commonly, they crye aloud — ‘ God allso bless his Lordship and all his,’ and with a ffreat huzzah and shout, concludes the business of that day.” Examination of Robert Burdett, Junior, of Dublin, merchant. 779. 1691, August 3. — At the instance of Mr. Daniel Hayes, merchant of Dublin,he came to the Isle of Man to look after the ship [the St. Stephen] and mariners in question. Had no orders to vend, retail, or utter ” any of the wine, &c. on board, but ‘‘ he was left at liberty, at his discretion, to have presented some of it to the Earle of Derby and Governour of the Island, if the ship had been released accordinge to her Majestie’s order.” The Earl op Derby’s Instructions to his Governor op the Isle OP Man, his deputy or deputies. 780. 1691, August 4. — “That whereas many complaints have been made to me since my coming into this Island, against those persons, their actings here, who have been, by commission of the Commissioners of the Customs in England, sent hither to act, upon pretence for their Majesties’ service, as surveyors of the Customs of this Island, and who have, contrary to law, as I am informed, taken upon them, in many particulars, very arbitrarily to act, to the great oppression of the people and with much contempt to me and my officers in the said Island; I do, therefore, hereby require you to have particular regard to these men, their demeanors and actings ; and, whilst they behave themselves accord- ing to law for their Majesties’ service, they, desiring your aid, that you very readily assist them, but when and where they otherwise act, that you, upon good proof of their misdemeanour, impartially put the law in execution against them ; and for your so doing, I do hereby promise to indempnify you against any prosecution ; notwithstanding their threats, insolencys, or the utmost they can do you. And I do expect your constant complyance to these my directions, with care and without timerity. And that in any case where any seizures are to be made, that you make seizures, and not permit them to make any seizures, or other- wise to act what is the part of my officers, properly to perform.” Copy. Order directing the release of the ship St. Stephen. 781. 1691, August 13. Whitehall. — Order in Council — made on the petition of Andrew de la Barthe, master of the St. Stephen, of St. Sebas- tian, belonging, with her cargo, to the subjects of Spain, seized in the Isle of Man by the Earl of Derby — directing the immediate release of the said vessel and her crew, or the attendance of the Earl of Derby and the master of the vessel, on 24 Sept. next. Annexed. — Copy petition. Petitioner with his vessel, being forced by stress of weather into the “ road of the Isle of Man,” the vessel was seized by the Earl of Derby’s officers, and carried into “ a harbour ” [Derby Haven] and Petitioner and his crew turned out of their vessel. Previous orders of Council, for restitution of the vessel, have been ignored by the Earl, &c. An Account of the Earl of Derby’s proceedings in disturbing the King’s officers of the revenue in the Isle of Man. 782. 1691, August 13. Whitehall.— -Order in Council stating that the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury had that day presented an account 259 of the proceedings of the Earl of Derby and his officers in the Isle of Man, against the King’s officers there, and directing the attendance of some person or persons, sent by rhe Earl, at the board to be held on the 24 September following, to give an account of the whole matter. Appended . — “ An account of the proceedings of the Earle of Derby, Eoger Kenyon, Esq., Governor, and other his Lordship’s officers in the Isle of Man, against the King’s officers and other their Majesties’ sub- jects : — “ It being apparent, since the death of the late Governor Haywood, that their Majesties’ officers in the said Island do meet with strange interruptions, in the execution of their offices, by the said Earl of Derby, Roger Kenyon, Esqre., and other his Lordship’s officers there, both to the prejudice of their Majesties’ interest and other their Majesties’ subjects as fall in there, by wreck or otherwise. ‘‘ 1st. That on 29th January, 1690, there hapned a vessell to be cast away upon the said Island, that had been in their Majesties’ service, in the master’s chest whereof, there was found by the said Earl of Derby’s officers, an account that did discover a great abuse to the prejudice of their Majesties’ interest ; which account coming to the knowledge of Benjamin Dewy, the King’s officer there, strange endeavours were used by the said Earl’s officers to keep the said Dewy from a sight thereof, and although at last, with some trouble and charge, he got a copy of what liad relation to the King, yet they would by no means part with the original, though it no ways belonged to them. ‘^2nd. That General Ginckell’s cornet, being one of them that was saved in the said vessel, who, with others, were going for England for recruits, with considerable sums, though it was known there was saved both money and goods of some value, yet the said Earl’s officers, in whose hands it was, keeps the most part of it, whereby the said cornet was forced to go thence without money to bear his charges ; and although he left a letter of attorney with the said Dewy, to take care of, and receive what should be found in his absence, and there being some goods taken up, which had been some small time in the possession of the said Dewy, yet the said EaiTs officers came and took them away, never restoring them afterwards. “3rd. That in May, 1691, the said Dewy had an account that there was imported into the said Island, some goods without cockett, and the •said Earl’s officers, to baffle the said Dewy in this business, entred the said goods in an other man’s name, then what the said Dewy had an account of, and before the said Dewy could find out the intrigue, the goods w'eie conveyed away, and never after could be discovered. “ 4th. That in the beginning of June following, the said Dewy received an other account that there was lodged in one of the said Earl’s officer’s house, 1,100 yards of linen, imported into the said Island without cockett ; he did not deny but he had the goods, yet would not suffer the said Dewy to have so much as a sight of them, of which the said Dewy complained to Mr. John Rowe, the Earl’s comptroller, wffio declares he would not meddle therein. “ 5th. That on the 8th of April, 1691, there hapned, by contrary winds, to put into Darby Haven, a small vessel loaden with wine and brandy, the pilot whereof informed that he took in his goods at St. Sebastian, and [was] bound for Dublin, but the said Earl’s officers first, and afterwards the said Earl and Governor themselves, against all law and precedent, stopt the said vessel, and still detein her, notwithstanding they have the Queen’s order to release her. But the said DeAvy, to prevent embezlement of the said goods, and not knowing but the same R 2 260 may more properly belong to the King, put a lock upon the hatches, till the business should be determined in England. “ 6th. That the said Earl’s officers when they first stayed the said vessel, declared that they only staid her, as being fallen into their Lord’s priviledge, but yet about a month after, when required by some to know for whom they acted, the said John Rowe declared that he acted for the King, but being asked by what commission, to this he was silent. “ 7th. That the said Dewy (as his duty w'as) made all the enquiry he could, to know what was the occasion that brought the said vessel into the Isle of Man, and cannot find but that what the said pilot pretended was really true, for that one Anthony Thompson, master of the Lyon of Lancaster, whowasloaden with salt, and bound for Bristol, declared that he, being off of Wexford in Ireland, or thereabouts, met with this vessel, who followed him into Darby Haven, and could not, as the said Thompson informed the said Dewy, get Dublin, for that himself would fain have been there, as being a better outlet for Bristol than Derby Haven ; and further, the said Dewy was informed that the said pilot, the same day, or the day after he came to an anchor in Derby Haven, not being willing to depend wholly upon his own judgment, was about hiring one Duncan McLoughlan for 50s. to pilot him to Dublin. “ 8th. Also, after the said vessel had been in Derby Haven 6 or 7 days, the said Earl’s officer, against the said Dewy’s will, removed her, with the help of several boats, to Castle Town bourn, a very dangerous place, and, therefore, the said Dewy tould them that he would run no risque if she miscarried ; to themselves be it. ‘‘9th. That on the l7th of June, [16]9l, the said Roger Kenyon, the Grovernor, landed at Darby Haven, and sending for the said Dewy (he being then at Douglas) to Castle Town, he attended him there the next day, and the said Governor told the said Dewy that he had an order from the Earl of Derby, to send him two bottles of wine out of each cask aboard the said vessel for a taste, which were 48 bottles in all, but the said Dewy scrupling it, the said Governor tould him he would break up the hatches if he did not open them ; the said Dewy seeing no remedy, suffered the said 48 bottles of wine to be drawn off, which was sent into England, and owned to be received by the said Earl of Derby. “ 10th. That on the 21st of June aforesaid, the said Governor sent his warrant, or token, for the said Dewy, who was then at Douglas, to come away presently to Castletown ; according, he went thither ; but because the said Dewy had not brought the key with him, to give some gentle- men (newly landed from England) a taste of the wine, the said Governor tells him, very angerly, that he would break up the hatches, and that he should have no key at all upon them, and further said that the King had nothing to do in the said Island, the laws of England was nothing there, neither had the said Dewy any power there, forasmuch as he knew who gave it him ; and the said Dewy telling him that his business was to take care that the King’s service received no prejudice, the said governor hastily asked, / What King, what King.^’ The said Dewy tould him that he knew no king but one, meaning King William, to which the said Governor muttered some words, which the said Dewy could not understand, but by his fury in delivering them, they seemed to be dangerous. “ 11th. That on the 22nd ditto, the said Dewy attended again at Castle- town with the key, but because he did not open the hatches presently at the said Governor’s command, he swore he would break them open, and that he would commit the said Dewy, and said that he should have no key at all upon them, and that he would take it away by force, in order to which, the said John Rowe, the comptroller, being present, and 261 a very officious man against the King’s officers, was sent out, to call in some soldiers, and had not the said Dewy comply ed to open the hatches, and give those gentlemen a taste of the wine, he must have been committed by two soldiers which the said comptroller had got ready. “ 12th. That the same day and the day following, the said Governor being gone to Peel Town, summoned Jonathan Antrobus, the other King’s officer, before him, and, amongst other discourse, tould him that the King had no right in the Isle of Man, neither had his officers anything to do there, nor should they make any stop or seizure of any goods imported without cockett, and that the King had no more to do in the said Island than he had to do in Normandy or Gascony, and that he, the said Antrobus, should not presume to write to the Commissioners without first giving him an account of it, nor meddle with any goods there imported, but first make him acquainted with it. “ 13th. That on the 3rd of J uly following, the said Earl himself landed at Darby Haven, and about ten o’clock the same night, gave order for the King’s lock to be broken ofif the hatches, which accordingly was done, and the said John Kowe being present, together with one Beck, a cooper, which the said Earl had sent over some time before, and one Nicholas Harlowe, a very pernicious man in all this business, drew off some wine and brandy, and the said Earl never after would suffer the said Dewy to put a lock on for the King any more. “ 14th. That on the 4th ditto, the said Dewy being at Castletown, was summoned by the said comptroller before the Earl of Darby, where he attending in the dining room of the Castle, in the presence of divers gentlemen, his Lordship asked the said Dewy how he durst meddle with this wine vessel, as being fallen into his right, and bid him, if he dared to give an account into England that the lock was broke off, which his Lordship owned to the said Dewy was done by his order, and further tould the said Dewy that he had nothing to do there, nor should not meddle wdth the staying or seizing of any goods imported into the said Island without cockett ; I will humble you,’ said his Lordship, ‘ I will make you know yourself, I will lay you by the heels, get you gone out of the room ’ ; with several other expressions to this purpose, which the said Dewy cannot remember. loth. That on the 9th ditto, the said Earl of Darby, notwithstanding he* had received the Queen’s order for the releasing the said vessel, gave order to the Governor for the wine and brandy to be taken, from on board, into the Castle, of which the said Dewy and Antrobus having private notice, they, as their duty was, gave their attendance at Castle- town, to take the account of what should be landed, and although they were often affronted by the said Earl’s officers, yet the same day they took an account of 46 hogsheads of brandy, which was all that was then landed. “ 16th. That on the 10th ditto, the said Earl’s officers landed 13 pipes of wine out of the said vessel, which the said Dewy and Antrobus, and also one Mr, Robert Burdett, took an account of ; after which, the said Dewy (having the Commissioners’ leave to come to England) went for Douglas, to prepare himself for his voyage, leaving the said Antrobus behind, to take an account of the rest. “ l7th. That on the 1 1th ditto, the said Earl’s officers landed 7 pipes and 4 hogsheads of wine more, which the said Antrobus and Burdett took the account of, and thereupon, they were both immediately committed to prison, without any reason showed ; and presently, a special messenger sent away with the Governor’s warrant or token to I)ouglas, to fetch the said Dewy back to Castletown a prisoner, which said messenger was so 262 severe, that he would not suffer the said Dewy to speak, or do anything out of his sight. “ 18th. That the same day, the said Dewy being brought prisoner to Castletown, and so before the Governor, who asked him for his papers by which he had taken the account of the goods that were landed, demand- ing of the said Dewy why and for what reason he did so, and why he took men’s names, and because the said Dewy tould him he had not brought the papers with him, the said Governor said he would commit him to prison, until he did produce them, there being all the while two soldiers to guard him. The said Governor further required the said Dewy to shew him the copies of all his letters to the Commission, about the said vessel, and to give bond to answer to what he should object against him ; all which being so unreasonable, the said Dewy did abso- lutely deny him, and presently, thereupon, in came the said Earl of Darby, who only said, ‘ What this Dewy has to do to take the account of the landing these goods, I cannot tell ; but I doubt not,’ said his Lordship, ‘but I shall find friends to disappoint them all,’ and so went out; whereupon, the said Dewy, telling the said Governor that the papers signified but little, and that Mr. Antrobus had the same (who was still a prisoner), they being sent for, and nothing what was expected found therein, the said Dewy and Antrobus were both released, and ordered to attend the Governour again in the evening. “ 19th. That the said Dewy and Antrobus appearing in the evening, according to order, the Governour only said, that as the said Dewy was to go for England, and Antrobus to stay in the country, he should not presume to write anything to the Commission, but first shew it him, nor meddle with anything, but first acquaint him with it.” Proceedings before the Commissioners, appointed under the Statute of 43 Elizabeth, entitled. An Act to redress the misemployment of lands, goods, and stocks of moneys, given to charitable uses. 783 . 1691, September 8, Wigan. — The jurors present that there then was, and for time immemorial there had been, a consecrated chapel in Hardshey-cum-Windle, in the parish of Prescot, called St. Ellen’s Chapel; and that the said chapel, about 70 years before, being old and decayed, and. too little for the “auditors,” was taken down, and a larger chapel was built in the same chapel yard; and that divine service, according to the usage of the Church of England, had constantly, till of late, been used and exercised there, the sacraments administered, the dead buried, and all other ecclesiastical rites performed therein, as a chapel- of-ease, belonging to the parish church of Prescott. But of late, Thomas Roughley and others, trustees for the several gifts bequeathed for the use of a preaching minister at the said chapel, have brought in a minister of the Presbyterian persuasion to preach there, and have misappropriated the funds. It is therefore ordered by the Commissioners, that John Byron, of Parr, Nicholas Rigby, the younger, of Harrocke, and others, be appointed trustees, in the place of the said Thomas Roughley, and others. Information of Thomas Corbin, of Liverpool, mariner, taken before Thomas Brookbank, Esqre., Mayor of Liverpool. 784 . 1691, September 14. — Was born in New England, and has been a seaman 16 or 17 years, during which time he was taken prisoner by the Turks, and carried captive to “ Argiers,” where he was kept four years, and learned to speak Spanish. On the Wednesday before 263 Easter last, he came from Drogheda in the ship John and Anne, of which Mr. John Bradshaw was master, into Derby Haven and there saw the sloop in question. One of the Frenchmen on hoard her was a very able seaman and had been first mate to Captain Wright, master of a “ transport ship,” and after Captain Wright’s death was himself master of her. The informant says he is hired to go with the ship Barhadoes Merchant, to Virginia, &c. Order postponing the hearing of the cause concerning the ship St. Stephen. 785. 1691, September l7. Whitehall. — Order in Council, con- senting, at Lord Derby’s request — his witnesses being unready — to the postponement of the hearing of the cause concerning the St. Stephen, to the 22nd of October next. Petition of the Shipowners of Liverpool to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 786. 1691, October 23. Liverpool. — Pointing out that the ship- owners, by constant victualling of their ships used in their Majesties’ service, by supplying them with materials, and paying the poor seamen only so much as to keep alive their almost starved families, have so sunk under the burden, that, if not relieved, it will end in their ruin. They hope that supplies may be given, this session of Parliament, and a “ branch ” appropriated to the payment of these transport ships. Signed by Richard Houghton, the mayor, Thomas Brookbancke, William Williamson, Richard Windall, James Prescott, William Clayton, Peter Arberton, John Thomas, S. Richmond, John Molyneux, A. Norres, Thomas Johnson, senior, S. Richmond, junior, Thomas Johnson, junior, William Chantnell, Ed: Tarleton, Thomas Jumpe, William Roe, Daniel Chaddocke, Thomas Clayton, William Preeson, James Barton, Thomas Sneeling, Tho : Edwardson, John Sinkler, Thomas Reynolds, Jno. Rymmer, John Fells, William Webster, William Reynoldes, Thomas Bayly, and James Skinner, James Gourdon. Attached are papers showing the comparative price of freight given hy their Majesties and hy merchants. William Patten to Roger Kenyon. 787. 1691, December 20. Preston. — I have seen a letter from our good Lord Bishop, wherein he gives two reasons for not licensing Parson White to Wigan; one is, because it is a place of no certainty, for every bishop or new rector of Wigan, may displace him at pleasure ; and the other, because he is informed the parson has a great many children, and he is afraid that may prove a charge to the^ town. The latter reason cuts the poor parson to the heart ; and, considering he is not under these circumstances, it grieves him that the Bishop should be misinformed. Certificate of Captain Phineas Pett. 788. [1691.] — I having received orders to wait on the Right Honour- able the Earl of Derby, at the Isle of Man, to transport his Lordship from thence to England in their Majestys’ yacht The Navy (under my command), being present at the examination of Monsieur Cheveaux, who calls himself the pilot of the St. Stephen, of St. Sebastian, touching 264 the reasons of their coming with that ship into the dangerous haven called Derby Haven, in the said Isle, to which the master (as ho pretends) was forced by ill weather ; observed [the] matter of fact to bee as followeth : — That coming, as he affirmed, from the southward, having passed the narrow between the Tuscar and the Smalls, that olf of Arklee Head (which land they made and knew, as the said pilot himself says), they met with a hard gale of wind at S.W., whereupon the master (though he was bound for Dublin) bears away to the Isle of Man, for the safety of the ship and cargo, as is pretended. When I saw so great a fault in seamanship as this, I thought myself obliged to give my poor opinion in the matter, which is that none but a madman, or one that had no good design, would leave a weather shoare in a storm, to go to a place thirty-five leagues out of his way, to the manifest hazard of the ship and their lives, when he might, without any danger of weather, have kept the weather shoare on board, and, more than that, have got into Dublin (whither he was bound) at his pleasure, as the wind was, or, in great security, have kept sea, until better weather, as will be plain to any seaman which knows that coast, or to any body else that will give themselves the trouble to look on a chart of these seas. And I must further observe that there are many safe harbours which a good man might, with all the security in the world, have made use on, upon the coast of Ireland, where they were, and that there is not one in the whole Isle of Man which is not very dangerous in the fairest weather. All which I justify to be truth, and, therefore, give it under my hand. Signed, ‘‘Mr. GtRAham’s and Mr. Burton’s Answers.” 789 & 790 . [After 1691.] — Answers to certain inquiries made by the House of Commons, concerning the Treasury accounts, principally rela- ting to the cost of law suits. Among other things, that as to the charge against them for their exorbitant expenses in presenting the Lord Bussell, Colonel Sydney, Sir Thomas Armstrong, Lord Brandon, Lord Delamere, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Cornish, Sir Samuel Barnardiston, Sir Patience Ward, Sir Thomas Pilkington, Mr. Bethell, Sir William Williams, Mr. Johnson, Dr. Oates, etc., the answer states that Lord Bussell’s trial came to but 18Ze. 17^. 6c?.; Colonel Sydney’s, to 51/2. 3^. 5c/.; Sir Thomas Armstrong’s, to lO/e. 14^. 2d . ; Lord Brandon’s, to 63//. 9s. 8d. ; Mr. Hampden’s trial, finding inquisitions, and seizing his estate, to 339//. 2s. 8d. ; Mr. Cornish, as to his trial only, 30//. 15s. 6d.. As to the causes of Sir Patience Ward [and] Sir Thomas Pilkington, about the 100,000//. fine, these are not all brought to account, nor was the said Burton concerned in the same, nor in the causes of Sir William Williams, or Dr. Oates, otherwise than by paying 1,800//. to Mr. Hause, by the direction of the Lord Treasurer ” ; the said four causes being directed by the late king, wh6n Duke cf York, and followed by Mr. Swift, who was then his solicitor. As to money paid to jurors, the answer states that, in cases of life and death, the,y never paid a penny to any juryman, or spent a farthing on them ; but, in all indictments of trespass, etc., they did as is usual, and the constant practice of the Court and not otherwise. Mr. Hause says he was recommended to the King by Sir Boger Lestrange, to be assistant to Mr. Graham and Mr. Burton, in the prosecution of Dr. Oates. As to Cragg’s testimony, that Burton and Graham endeavoured to procure accusations against divers of the subjects, and solicited him to give information against the Earl of Macclesfield, with promise of a discharge, 265 and 100/^. to be paid him quarterly, which was refused, they say that after Cragg had given to his late Majesty an information (all of his own handwriting) of the invasion of the late Duke of Monmouth, Mr. Bridge- man, Graham, and Burton were directed to go to Cragg, in Newgate, to desire him to explain some passages in his information ; but, as he gave no positive answer to anything, he was never called as a witness, nor was his evidence ever made use of. As to Aaron Smith’s information, that they solicited against and prosecuted Stephen Oolledge, and denied him a copy of his jury, they say that he had made his application to the Attorney- General and the Court, for a copy, before he came to them for it ; and the same, being denied by the Attorney and the Court, it was not in their power to grant it. The Commissioners of Customs to the Earl of Derby. 791. 1691-2, February 19. Custom House. — Wee have, not without some surprise, read your Lordship’s letter to us of the 16th instant, whereby we presume your Lordship hath had our intentions represented, very diferent from what they are. Wee are so far from thinking to infringe your Lordshipp’s rights in the Isle of Man, that wee have never soe much as questioned them, but, in all our proceedings, have desired the concurrence of your Lordship’s authority, in secureing their Majesties’ customs, and executing the laws of England. Your Lordship may also please to remember that, though complaints of no inconsider- able nature (and such as are proved upon oath) have lately been laid be- fore the Council, wee have desisted from any prosecution thereof. And, in further deference to your Lordship, have placed another officer in the room of that person who seemed under your Lordship’s displeasure, our end not being so much to vindicate the behaviour of any particular officer, whether discreet or not, as to obteyne those helps from your Lordship and your agents, as may best conduce to the performance of those instructions which are derived from an authority superiour to ours, and pursuent to the laws of England, and highly necessary for the security of the revenue of customs. We were in hopes your Lordship would have approved our proceedings in this matter, and complied with their Majesties’ desire, signified in the late letter from the Lords of the Council. But, forasmuch as your Lordship seems resolved not to admit of any commission or instructions from us, to be obeyed in the Isle of Man, there remains nothing further for us to doe, but to report the whole matter to our superiors, as your Lordship is pleased to state it.” Thomas Kenyon to Roger Kenyon. 792. 1692, May 19. Chester. — It is probable you have had an account of the death of Mr. Bennett, late parson of Winwicke. The Dean, finding an inclination in himself to serve the house of Derby, and believing such a post not inconsistent with his deanery, begs you will be his assistant, by recommending him to my Lord. How far your interest might prevail with my I^ord, I could not tell, since it is probable my Lord might expect other returns for such extraordinary favours than barely thanks. “ He presently smelt out what it was I meant, and told me that, though it was contrary to his oath, and consequently to his conscience, to drive bargains beforehand, yet withall I might assure you in his name, and you his Lordship, that he never was ungrateful where he received kindness, nor would he carry himself in this, as unbecoming a gentleman or undeserving your friendship. I have sent two hundred and a half of asparagus for a taste.” 266 Robert Roper to Roger Kenyon. 793. 1692, May 20. — “ My Lord [of Derby] being now in his bath, hath commanded mee to acquaint you that, this day, his Lordshipp hath receaved a letter from my Lord Rochester intimateing that, to prevent the report which Mr. Attorney -Generali must make to the Oouncell Board, touching the Isle of Man, it is necessary that my Lord doe, forth- with, signifie his mind to his agent in London, that hee doth comply with what is desired, touching those officers of the Customs sent thither by his Majestie’s Commissioners ; and his Lordshipp not knowing how far re you have proceeded heerin, doth therefore desire you to satisfy e his Lordshipp in this point, by the bearer.” Seal. Charles Hilton to Roger Kenton. 794. 1692, May 21. Gray’s Inn.-— By an expres this morning, we have an account that on Thursday last, the two fleets engaged and fought for 12 hours incessantly, in which action the French lost 18 of their capitall shipps. And about noone this day, by another expresse, Tve heare they renewed the fight on Friday morning, and the French have since lost two of the Admirall’s seconds. Severall of the French shipps were seen on fire, and for two leagues together, tlie sea was full of wrecks of shipps, and that, if the wind continued, it was not dough ted but we shod make an intire defeate of their whole fleete.” Seal of arms. Thomas Taubman to Roger Kenyon. 795. 1692, May 24. London . — The French fleet are reduced to forty - two, the rest being sunk, burnt, and disabled, and the abovesaid remainder, divided east and west, are so closely pursued, that the Admiral is sure no one of them can escape. We have only disabled (not one lost) come in, the Windsor^ Hampton Court., Barwick, Sandwich^ and Montague ; and killed. Carter, Hushings (?), Wheler, and Gray don, “ A full Account of the late dreadfull Earthquake at Port Royall in Jamica, written in two letters from the minister of that place, from a board the Granada in Port Royall Harbour.” 796. 1692, June 22. — ‘'‘I doubt not but you will, both from gazetts and letters, hear of the great calamity that hath befallen this island, by a terrible earthquake, on the 7th inst., which has thrown down allmost all the houses, churches, sugar-works, mills, anc] bridges, through the whole country. It tore the rocks and mountains, and destroyed some whole plantations and threw them into the sea ; but Port Royal had much the greatest share in this terrible judgment of God. I will, therefore, be more particular in giving you account of its proceedings in that place, that you may know wffiat my danger was, and how unexpected my preservation. “ On Wednesday, the 4th (?) of June, I had been at church, read- ing prayers, which I did every day, since I was Rector of Port Royall, to keep up some shew of religion amongst a most ungodly and debauched people, and was gone to a place hard by the church, where the merchants used to meet, and there the President of the 267 Councell was, who acts in chief, till we have a new Governour, who came into my company and engaged me to take a glass of worm- wood wine with him, as a whet before dinner. He being my very great friend, I stayed with him, upon which he lighted a pipe of tobacco, which he was very long a-taking, and not being willing to leave him before it was out, this detained me from going to dinner to one Captain Rudens, where I was to dine, whose house upon the first concussion sunk first into 1,he earth, and then into the sea, with his wife and family and some that were come to dine with him. Had I been there, I had been lost. But to return to the President and his pipe of tobacco. Before that was out, I found the ground rowling and moving under my feet, upon which I said to him — Lord, sir, what is this ? He reply ed very composedly, being a veiy grave man — It is an earthquake ; be not afraid, it will soon be over. But it increased, and we heard the church and tower fall, upon which we ran to save ourselves. I quickly lost him, and made towards Morgan’s Fort, which being a wide open place, I thought to be there securest from the falling houses ; but, as I made to- wards it, I saw the earth open and swallow up a multitude of people, and the sea mounting in over the fortification. I then laid aside all thoughts of escaping, and resolved to make towards my own lodging and there to meet death in as good a posture as 1 could. From the place where I was, I was forced to cross and run through two or three very narrow streets ; the houses and walls fell on each side of me, some bricks came rolling over my shoes, but none hurt me. When I came to my lodging, I found there all things in the same order I left them ; not a picture- — of which there were severall fair ones in my chamber — being out of its place. I went to my balconey to view the street in which our house stood, and saw never a house down there, nor the ground so much as cracked. The people seing me there, cryed out to me to come and pray with them. When I came into the street, everyone laid hold on my clothes and embraced me, that, with their fear and kindness, I was almost stified. I perswaded them at last to kneel down and make a large ring, which they did. I prayed with them near an hour, when I was allmost spent with the heat of the sun and the exercise. They then brought me a chair, the earth working all the while with new motions and tremblings, like the rollings of the sea, insomuch that when I was at prayer I could hardly keep myself upon my knees. By that time, I had been halfe an hour longer with them. In setting before them their sins and hainous provocations, and in seriously exhorting them to repentance, there came some merchants to me in the place, who desired me to ’go aboard some ship in the harbour and refresh myselfe, telling me they had gotten a boat to carry me ofiT. So, coming to the sea, which had entirely swallowed up the wharf, with all these goodly brick houses upon it — most of them as fine as those in Cheapside — and two entire streets beyond that, I, upon the tops of some houses which were levelled with the surface of the water, got first into a carol, then into a long boat, which put me aboard a ship called the Siam Merchant^ where I found the President safe, who was overjoyed to see me. There I continued that night, but could not sleep for the returns of the earthquake, allmost every hour, which made all the guns in the ship to jarre and rattle. “ The next day, I went from ship to ship, to visit those that were bruised and adying, and to pray with them, and likewise to doe the last office at the sinking severall corps’ that came floating from the Point ; which, indeed, hath been my sorrowfull employment ever since I came aboard this ship, with design to come for England. We having nothing but shakings of the earth and thunder and lightening and foul weather, ever since, and the people being so desperately wicked, makes me afraid to 268 stay in the place ; for that very day the terrible earthquake was, as soon as night came on, a company of lewd rogues, whom they call privateers, fell on breaking open warehouses and houses deserted, to rob and rifle their neighbours, whilest the earth trembled under them, and some of the houses fell on them in the act, and those audacious whores that remain still in the place, are as impudent and drunken as ever. I have been twice on shore to pray with the bruised and dying people, and to christen children, where I found too many drunk [and] aswearing. I did not spare them, nor the magistrates neither, who have suffered wickednes to grow to so great a hight. I have, I bless Grod, to the best of my skill and power, discharged my duety in this place, which you will hear from most persons that came from hence. I have preached so seasonably to them in the church ; I set before them what would be the issue of their impenitence and wickednes, that they have since confessed that it was more like a prophecy than a sermon. I had, I confesse, an impulse upon me to do it, and many times I have preached in this pulpit, things that I never premeditated at home, and could not, methought, do otherwise. “ The day when all this befell, it was very clear, afforded not the suspition of the least evill, but in the space of three minutes, about half-an-hour after eleven in the morning. Port Roy all, the fairest town of all the English Plantations, [and] best emporium and mart of that part of the world, exceeding in its riches, plentifull in all good things, was shaken and shattered to pieces, sunk into and covered, for the greatest part, by the sea, and will, in a short time, be wholly eaten up by it, for few of these houses that yet stand, are left whole, and every day we hear them fall, and the sea daily incroaches upon it. We guess that by the falling of the houses and opening of the earth, there are lost fifteen hundred persons, and many of good note. I came, I told you, on board this ship, in order to come home, but the people are so impor^ tunate with me to stay, I know not what to say to them. I must under- go great hai'dship if I continue here — the country being all broken to pieces and dissetled. “Ever since that fatall day, the most terrible that ever I saw in my life, I have lived on board aship, for the shakings of the earth return every now and then. Yesterday, we had a very great one, but it seems lesse terrible on ship-board then on shore, yet I have ventured to Port Royall no lesse than three times, since its desolation, among the shattered houses, to bury the dead and pray with the sick and christen the children. Sunday last, I preached to them in a hut, the houses that remain being so shaken that I durst not venture to preach in them. dRe people are (werjoyed to see me among them, and wept bitterly when I preached unto them. I hope by this terrible judgment, Grod will make them reform their lives, for there was not a more ungodly people upon the face of the whole earth. It is a sad sight to see all this harbour, one of the fairest and goodlyest I ever saw, covered with dead bodys of people of all conditions, floating up and down without buriall, for our great buriall place, called the Palasidoes, was destroyed by the earthquake, and the sea washed the carcases of those that were buiycd, out of their graves; their tombs were dashed in pieces by the earthquake, of which there were hundreds in that place. Wee have had accounts from several! parts of these Islands of the mischief done by the earthijuake. Prom St. Ann’s we . . .of above 1,000 acres of wood- land changed into the sea, and carry ed with it whole plantations, but no place suff ered like .... so [me] were swallowed up to the neck and the earth shut upon them and squeezed them to death, and in that manner severall are found buryed, with their heads above ground ; only, 269 some heads the dogs have eaten, others are covered with the dust, by the people that live, to avoid the stench. Thus I have told you a long and sad story, and God knows what worse may happen. Yet the people tell me they hear noises and bellowings on mountains, and some think it is by tire. If so, I fear it will be more distructive then the earthquake. I am afraid to stay, and yet 1 know not how, in such a case as this, to quit my station.” The Earl of Derby to Roger Kenyon. 797. 1692, October 6. Lathom. — The day resolved upon for Bury, happens to be the very day of the month my poor grandfather was murdered, which I do not think proper at all to travel on, especially in those parts, for I suppose too, I roust go through Bolton. Another day, the following week, must be taken. R. Stevenson to Roger Kenyon. 798. 1692, November 18. Balladoule. — Thinks it would be better to have only one Deputy-Go rernonr of the Isle of Man; if not, he prays someone else may be joined with Mr. Rowe, as their tempers do not agree. Thinks they should have free intercourse with the English markets. Seal of arms, 0. Greenfield to Roger Kenyon. 799. 1692, November 19. Gray’s Inn. — This day came on the man- damus about St. Ellen’s Chapel. Nobody spoke in it but Mr. Finch and myself. All the Court declared their opinion, seriatim, that the return was a good return, that the justices may refuse certificates where church and property is concerned. Portio'u of seal of arms. Peter Shakerley to Roger Kenyon. 800. 1692, December 31. Westminster. — There is like to be some difference concerning Lord Nottingham and Admiral Russell, the two Houses useeming to assist each their member. Yesterday, the Lords sent a message to desire a free conference, which is this day, at 11 o’clock, but the Admiral’s friends, here were not willing to come to that “touch,” and so ceased to agree to the conference. The debate was taken up late ; the Hearse had sat till so dark, we could not see each other ; few stayed in. The Heads of certain Acts as to Linen Manufacture in the Isle of Man. 801. [1692 ?] “1. That every farmoiir that holds a quarter of land, is to plant halfe an acre thereof either with flax or hemp, and see pro- portionable to greater and lesser holdings. “ 2. That every woeman native, or maryed to a native of this isle, is to spin as much yarn as will make 12 yards of linen cloath, and to produce the same in yarn or cloth, at the Sheading courts, holden after May in every year, which is to be valued by 2 weavers; one chosen by the Governor and Officers for the Lord, and the other by the Deemsters and the great enqnest for the countrey ; and whosoever doth produce the finest yarn or cloath in a Sheading, is to have 20.*?. as a reward, besides the price of her yarn or cloath ; and she that produces the finest in the 270 whole island is to have 5/. (which is to be produced at the Tynwal), and if she be a maid or servant, she is to be freed from yarding or serveing, by a jury, while she lives. ‘‘3. That a workhouse be erected where all such flax and hemp as the country can spare (besides what is for their own use) is to be brought in, and a matron to be placed there, to teach all young girls, and a weaver to learn weaving, and other persons [to] dress flax and hemp ; to which workhouse, all vicious and debaucht persons, all loyterers, and vagabonds, are to be condempned ; and that all tenants are to give their assistance, by labour and carriages, to the erecting of the said house. ‘‘The penalty for not planting flax and hemp -according to the first parte of the Acte, is 3^. 4cZ. for every offence, and upon the seacond, fur not spinning the quantit}' of yarn or cloath (after the firste admonition) to be fined and punished &c.” “ For advancing value of money. “ 1. That all crown peeces are to passe at 6s. 4d. apeece. “ 2. That all half crown peeces at 2s. Sd. per peece, soe that they be of the new coyne called milned money.” “ For non-residence. “ That all persons that have any promotions, places, offices or other liveings in this parte, to the value of 10/. per annum, or upwards, shall be obliged, after the 29th of September next, to reside in this Isle ; and live upon their promotions, and not otherwise, and in default thereof, they [are] to forfeit the 4th part of the proffitts of their liveings, which is to goe to the use of the workhouse aforesaid.” [Roger Kenyon to the Bishop of Chester.] 802 . 1692[-3], January 6. Peel. — There is not any place for dis- senters to meet at, in Hindley, nor was any ever asked to be recorded, by the Justices ; neither was the Chapel ever asked of the Justices, by any man, but John Green, who lives three miles from the Chapel. In Wigan, where they have two meeting places for dissenters, he and “ his Mr. Whalley,” who would be preacher at Hindley, have one, and there is another for dissenters, who do furiously dissent from each other. Mr. Green, I hear, talks very loud of his powerful friends in London, and mentions several I shame to name. “ God grant King William may truly know who are his truest friends ; things would not be ordered in this country as they are.” Mr. Green is very gracious with the Roman- ists about him ; he, indeed, has taken the oath to their Majesties, but for all the noise and clamour the dissenters make, very few of them have hitherto taken the oath. C. Greenfield to [Roger Kenyon ?]. 803 . 1692[-3], February 16. — As to the Manchester petition about the linen manufactory, I have taken all pains possible in it. I find, by Mr. Mercer’s letter, that their desire is to lay such an imposition upon French linen as may amount to an exclusion of it, viz. : 30//. per cent. Now, I have looked into the Bill, and find that the French goods are to 1)C charged at 25//. per cent, (which is as near their desire as possible), and 1 liave advised with the ancient members, upon the petition, and all tell me (indeed common reason tells us) that if we lay such a rate as will exclude them wholly, then the million given, by this Act, is so impaired, that the Act will not be worth a groat to the King. But this 25//. per cent, will set the English and the French upon an “ even 271 balance and foot of selling ” ; nay, it will be much better on the English side, and hurt no trade in England, that is sufficiently wretched already. John Wood to Roger Kenyon. 804. 1692-3, March 3. Castletown.— Haveing this optunatie of The Wheele of Fortune — David Christian maister and owner, now bound for Liverpoole, and Mr. Lesque, passenger, goeing to see you — I thought fit to aquaint you that all things here of yours are in good order ; onely the old oats consumed by rats and myse, but [I] preserves them as well as I can. The 2 hodggsheads of beere and one of ale, that was brewed Christmas was twelvemonth, must bee made use of now this springe, or els the heat of this next summer will turn them sower. I har e 12 boules of new malt, against your comeing, and will make more. I desire to know how many feathers for beding you will have bought ; I have layd out 3/. in feathers att 2>d.per pound ; and what more I shall lay out, pray lett mee knowe. You have 4 bullocks, kept with best hay, and tended day and night, well, will bee good beefe. Make use of them when you please, besides the stoale-fed oxe, and 6 more, which will bee beefe soone, att grasse. Worthy sir, old Captain Robert Collcott is dead, commander of Darby Fort. Mr. Lesque, wFo has 2 souldiers places and the falkners place, and now [d]esignes to gett the command of Derby Fort and severall others, both to you and Governor Secheverell has write, as I am informed, but my dependance being wholy on your worship for some place here, desires if it lyes in your power, which I know it does, to procure mee a warrant either your Worshipp or my Lord. The sallary is 8/. per ann[uni\F Seal with device. Nicholas [Stratford], Bishop of Chester, to Roger Kenyon. 805 . 1692[-3], March 16. — “ A was sent, the last weeke, to Doctor Pope, to register Hindley Chappell. Mr. Greene’s frendes here threaten him with such formidable eviles, in case he refuses, that the Doctor seemed to be in some fear ; but I thinke 1 have eased him of his feares, and fully satisfied him that he is in no danger. I intend to bring the mandamus down with me, and to have an answer drawn to it in the country, and returne it to London before the next terme. I wish the Comission for pious uses might be speedily prosecuted ; w'ere the decree of the Comissioners once confirmed by the Chancellor of the Duchy, I hope that would put an end to all our troubles about Hindley Chappell.” Francis Bayly to Roger Kenyon, one of the Pears of the Parliment House in London.” 806. 1693, March 26. — I presume the bouldness to write to your worship oust againe ; the ocesion of my writing is that the gelor hath hared that I have written to your worship, and he is mad at me ; wherein he hath poot a pere of irns on me, and locked me to a post, from morfiing to night, wherein he would not let nobody come to me, neither with meat nor drink ; and when he had done soe, he put me in the dungin all night. I continew there, and must be there, without your worship tack some ceare of me. And he hath torn my coat all to peses and hath abused me, that I am werey of my life. If I had born with him and not dis- covered his rogrey, I should aben beter used. His draure, that fills the drink, tould me that he would have me to say nothing of his master, and it woulde be beter with me. Here is the tinker of Stretford has fallen 272 to work again, for there is one of the prisoners did see him clip, in the pasag going in to the Chancery roome. There he sat, and his wife lieled hur apron to kach the cli pings as they fell from the shears. . . . . I thought it fit to tell you that there is one Isrell Smith, who was in hear for clipping, [and] he sent to all the Justices fare and nere, and none of them would teak beall for this Isrell Smith, and Elison [the gaoler?] took 4/. of him and let him goe I humbly beg that your worship would tak some cear of me to get the irns off me and [get me] out of the dungin, or els it will spojle me, for I am very nesh (sic) and tender, for I shek and trimble every night when I goe to bed. I could wish meney a time that I wear dead. He tells some of the prisnors that I most not pech no mor.” Seal. Peter Collier to Mrs. Kenyon, at Peel. 807. 1693, April 12. Warrington. — Understands that “the school at Clethero ” is vacant by the death of the master, that it is worth 40/. a year, and that Mr. Kenyon has an interest there. Begs, therefore, that Mr. Kenyon’s interest may be used on his behalf. Is curate at War- rington. His allowance is but small, “ and the people none of the easiest to please,” which makes him “ inclineable ” to “ take a school,” that he might preach “ seldomer.” Would have applied in person, “but that we have two sacrament days, Good-Friday and Easter- Sunday, very near, besides praiers every day, till Thursday in Easter-weeke.” [The Earl of Derby] to Roger Kenyon. 808. 1693, May 13. — “ My Lord Willoughby’s locking up a chappie, I think, is very extraordinary ; if you desire any assistance from hence, put it into forme, and I dare assure you I am able to do the Church some service, and to humble these uppish sparks.” Seal of arms. Thomas Wilson to Roger Kenyon. 809. 1693, June 2. Knowsley. — “My Lord Strange had a letter from Mr. Archdeacon, who tells him that, the day he writes, he saw a lamb taken from the dam, with a head exactly made like a raven.” Guicciardini Wentworth to Roger Kenyon. 810. 1693, June 6. — Begging Kenyon to use his influence on behalf of Mr. Bertie, for the Clitheroe election. Seal of arms. “ The account of RogeiT Kenyon, Esquire, of what hath been done by him, pursuant to his deputation from the Warden of the Mint, bearing date 23 June 1693.” 811. 1693, July 8 to August 24. — An account of 30 persons in Lancashire and Cheshire taken up, or against whom warrants were issued, for clipping coins or issuing bad money. John Lomax to Roger Kenyon. 812. 1693, July 8. Kirk Andrew [Isle of Man.]- — Ko sonner was I landed on this dull solitary place, than several of your faithful servants and well wishers did passionately enquire after your health and return to the Island. When I assured them of your intention to visit them before the Tinwell, they were transported with joy; but when Mr. Sacheveril arrived, and was sworn Governour, then I perceived their bright coun- tenances were eclipsed by an “ earthisli dullness.” Sea/ of arms. Eoger Kenyon to Guicciardini Wentworth, Secretary to Lord Willoughby, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. 813 . 1693, July 22. Manchester. — ‘‘ My last to j'^ou promised to be followed with a representation of the management of matters here, and of the parties managing ; but though I have many things which I could freely and justifiably say to our w[ort]hy Chancellor, yet is my pen re- strained by second thoughts, as convinced that such things are better said than writ. ‘‘Things very imusuall are done, but who knows the intregues of State ; for so it seems, when such things are acted, by such who are set to governe us. Could I, as secretly as the things are carry ed, ask what can be the meaning of gathering armes, some thousands more then our militia ever uses ? What can be the meaneing, if there be an order of councell in other countyes to disarme papists and nonjurors, that instead of that, protections are given here to such, that none shall molest them? When packs of swords, sent from London, and seized, are committed to the custody of the most violent and active dissenter in our country time after time ? How comes our commission of the peace to be filled with justices of so many minds, that those whose office it is to preserve the peace are too often divided upon the Bench ? So in separation that the solicitor knows his opportunity who will befriend his motion ; and thus things are done and undone by divided parties. Why should there be 206 places for the dissenters and religiouse meetings — as they call them — and not but barely one hundred persons of all sorts of dis- senters that have so qualifyed themselves as to be exempt from the penalties of the former laws, by doing what the late Act for such exemp- tions requires ? Sure it is demonstration that either the dissenters do not give that satisfaction to the Government which the law requires, or that their party is not so numerous as they would be esteemed. It is obvious that our Magistraticall {sic) Dissenters bear themselves exceed- ing high as if it were meritoruouse, and the way to advancement to act so. We have had twenty-five Justices give an opinion one way, and but one dissenting Justice oppose them, and yet glory in the opposition. It is notoriously obvious, to want observation, that the Dissenters’ chiefe favourers are, some of them., the same persons that, in the late raigne, were as active in asserteing the dispenseing power, as forward to take away the penall laws and tests, and as busy in the then regulation — as they call it — of our Corporations, as they now are contenders for tender consciences. I give you these whispering hints, to be told to none but the Chancellor, but this is but that any reservednes may not be censured by his Lordshipp, when I say what perhaps I am full enough of, yet may be better said than writ. I have severall times sent to Clitherow, and have had two gentlemen of the Corporation with me, who tell me the warmest applications are on behalf of Mr. Fitton Gerrard and Mr. Weddall. For the assurance I have by your letter that the Honorable Philip Bertie, Esquire, whom I have heartily proposed, will go the same way my Lord Willoughby did, full willingly should he have all the votes I could make him, would those avayle him ; but without some probable prospect of that, I thinke our noble Chancellor will give me leave, if not command mee, rather than lose both that are good by divideing ... to push on his brother’s appearance too far for it, without some seemeing 73480. S 274 assurance. I speake not this as an apology for my desertion of the worthy Mr. Bertie, nor without a beleef that it would bee much my own, as well as the kingdome’s interest, and particulerly our burrough’s, were I confident that it were in my power to do so acceptable a thing to him and the great personages his honor relates to. But considering how far Mr. Weddall got the start, and that his uncle, Mr. Wilkinson, who lives within halfe a mib of Olitherow, who is constantly intent and daily solicitous for him, and on the other hand, our potent Lord Lief- tenent hath honored our little town with his great presence, two or three days together, and hath planted one of his gentlemen, some considerable time, caresseing the mobile, yea, more kind then were any of bis prede- cessors, hath sent a regiment of the militia to exercise there four days, to the honour of the towne and advantage of the alehouses.” Drajt. Roger Kenyon to Benjamin Overton, Warden of the Mint. 814. 1693, July 28. Peel, near Manchester. — ^Griving an account of his proceedings for the apprehension and commitment of coiners and clippers. Draft. Guicciardini Wentworth to Roger Kenton, at Peel. 815. 1693, July 29. [London.] — Encloses a warrant for a buck out of “ Mierscoe.” Is not certain how they should be directed, having sent no warrants thither, since the Revolution. The Lord Warington is, in his patent, called master forester and keeper of the game, and, I am told. Sir Thomas Stanley is bow bearer, and you know there is no very good understanding between my Lord and T. P. {sic), who will perhaps lay hold of a wrong direction, to excuse the not serving it ; therefore, I have left the direction to you. My Lord and his brother are bent on this affaire, and desire you will carry it on as far as you may. The account of the last fight in Flanders is a very bad one, and seems not to mend, but the truth of all relations ridds on a lame post, which will bring more certainty of the affair then is at present known, or willingly believed. It is said there has been some action on the .... Seal of arms. Enclosure. — 1693, July 17. — Warrant by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster for the delivery of a Buck. — ‘‘ These are to require you forthwith to deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the bearer hereof, one fatt buck of this season, fairly killed, due to me as Chancellor of their Majesties’ Dutchy and County Pallatine of Lancaster.” (Signed) Willughby.” Ann Holland to Roger Kenyon. 816. 1693, August 14. Manchester. — Asking for a protection from quartering soldiers. Seal, Nicholas, Bishop of Chester, to Roger Kenyon. 817. 1693, August 23. Chester. — “ I again most heartily thank you for your constant paines and diligence in asserting and defending the just rights of our Church ; and I hope that I may, some time or other, be in a condition to return you more than bare thanks, though I cannot hope that I shall ever be able to make you a requital. “Upon the receipt of your letter, I presently sent for Mr. Prescott, who told me that he had made a thorough search in the Registry, and could find nothing more than what he had already communicated to you, 275 and I have no reason to question the truth of what he says, because I have ever found him faithful and diligent in his place. However, since the Lord Willoughby will not proceed to a tryall at the next Assises (as I find by your letter, you before suspected), I will myself make search in the Registry, and if I can find anything before the wares, which may be of advantage to our cause, I will not fail, in due time, to acquaint you with it. In particular, Mr. Prescott tells me that he can find nothing, either in the visitation books, or in the Acts of the Court relating to Mr. Johnson. “ I shall say nothing to that part of your letter in which Mr. Chancellor and Mr. Prescott are concerned, because the Chancellor tells me that he will return an answer to it under his own hand. am told that my Lord Willoughby regrets that ever he set on foot this controversy, and that he would gladly retreat, if he could see how he might do so, with safty to his honour. “ P.S. — Since I wrote my letter, a paper of yours was brought to me, directed to hlr. Bridges or Mr. Prescott ; in which you desire that several enquiries may be made relating to Ellenborough Chappel. I will therefore see that the Registry be again searched, and that thoroughly, and if anything can be there found concerning any of the persons or willes you mention, notice shall be given you thereof.” Seal of arms. Guicciardini Wentworth to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 818. 1693, August 28. [London.] — Is sorry Mr. Kenyon has had so much trouble in Mr. Bertie’s affairs. ‘‘ Your endeavours have made two Parliament men att Clitherow; and it seemed to me probable you might have sett faire for a third, but it may be tempora mutantur. There can be no room to question your friendship and justice to Mr. Bertie and mee ; but I think there may be to yourselfe, to spend your pretious tyme and mony for another ; the 5/. being only designed to bea[r]e that weeke’s charge, to try whether there would have been room for the expence of 200/. or 300/. which I had order to employ for that service.” Seal of arms. The Charge of the Civil List. 819. 1693, Michaelmas, to 1694, Michaelmas. — Customs : — The duties by the Act of Parliament determined at Christmas last past, were divided in three fourth parts, and one fourth part. The three fourth parts were constantly paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer, and applied towards the payment of the principal moneys borrowed, with the interest thereon. And out of the one fourth part, the Receiver-General paid so much of the charge of managing the cus- toms as was payable by his hand, and the residue was applicable to the uses of the Civil List. The receipt for the year ending Michaelmas, 1694, over and above the debentures, discounts, and the charges of management, amounted to 406,987//. 165. 7fc/., besides 24,282//. 75. 7^(7., which was not the real product of the Revenue, but money within the said year, advanced by the Receiver of the said fourth part. Coffee and Tea : — These new duties were applicable to the Civil List, The net receipts thereof were 2,153//. 95., but these expired at Christmas last, and were not regranted by the Act newly passed. Excise : — The rates of excise granted in fee, and those now enjoyed during his Majesty’s life (which are called the hereditary or tem- porary excise), did produce (over and above the charges of manage- ment) 413,053//. 145. 0|c/. Money borrowed by tallies amounted to s 2 276 260,748/e. Il5. 3c?., besides which, it was charged with an old debt of l,333,873/^^ 14s. T^c?. due to several bankers and others or their assigns, for which Charles II. granted to them and their heirs, several sums amounting to 80,032?^. 8s. Ic?. per annum in the nature of perpetual interest, until they should be respectively satisfied. The principal and interest is in arrear for eleven years and three quarters, amounting to 940,380/^. 14s. 11c?. or thereabouts. Low Wines: — The duties thereon amounted to 13,698/^^ 15s. 8jc?., and have no debt thereupon. Letter Money : — The revenue from the Post Office, over and above the charges for management, amounted to 59,972?^. 14s. 9c?. There was a charge thereupon to the Civil List, of 21,200/^. per annum. Small Branches and Casualties : — Excluding the coinage, which was appropriated to the Mint, this branch of revenue amounted to 77,435?^. 1 Is. ^\d. Charged, by Letters Patent or other special grants, on the Customs : — The Consul at Algiers, 600?2. ; the Consul at Tripoli, 380/^. ; the Con- troller of the Treasurer of the Chamber Office, 150/^. ; the two Secretaries of State, each l,850?i. ; the Lord Privy Seal, 365?^. ; Amiasand Juliana Hext, 200?^. ; Samuel Clerke, 300?^^ ; Ceorge Tuthiil, 100?z. ; Corpora- tion of Lyme, J 00?^. ; Chancellor of the Garter, 570?z. 5s. ; Thomas Hyde, 50/^. ; Corporation of Berwick, 100?^. ; Corporation of Dart- mouth, 40?^. ; Charles Fairfax, 100/^. ; the master of the otter hounds, 28?^. Os. 11^^. Charged, by Letters Patent or other special grants, on the hereditary and temporary excise : — The Queen Dowager, 12,209?^. 15s. 2d. ; the Prince and Princess of Denmark, 50,000/^. ; the Duchess of Buccleuch {sic) 4,000/i ; the Duchess of Richmond, l,000/^. ; the Duke of Grafton, 4,000/^. ; Duchess Dowager of Grafton, l,000?z. ; the Duke of South- ampton, 3,000/?^; the Duke of E’orthumberland, 300?z. ; Sir William Killegrew, 500?z. ; Samuel Morland, esquire, 200?z. ; the Fishermen and Adventurers of Great Yarmouth, 160/^. Charged on the Post Office Revenue : — The Earl of Rochester, 4,000?^. ; the Duchess of Cleveland, 4,700/^. ; the Duke of Leeds, 3,500?z. ; the Duke of Schombourgh, 4,000/^. ; the Earl of Bath, 2,500?i. ; the Lord Keeper, 2,000?i. ; William Dockra, to the end of midsummer, 1697, 500?2. Charged on the 12c?. per chalder on Sea Coals : — Sir Thomas Clarges, 500/^. Charged on the Alienation Office : — The Countess of Plymouth, part of her jointure, 1,000?2. ; Sir William Morris, 300?2. ; the Duke of St. Albans, part of 2,000?^., 500/^. Charged on the Duchy of Cornwall : — The Earl of Bath, 3,000?i. ; the Lord Keeper, 2,000?^. ; Sir Peter Killegrew, 300?^.; the minister of Lostwithiel, 30?^. Charged on the Revenue of Wales : — Henry D’Auverquerc, 2,000/e. ; the Duke of St. Albans, part of 2,000/^., 500/^. Charged on the First Fruits and Tenths : — The Earl of Oxford, 2,000?^. ; the Countess of Plymouth, part of her jointure, 2,000?2. ; the Countess of Bristol, 2,000?^'. ; the Earl of Bath, 2,500/^. ; the Duke of St. Albans, part of 2,000?e., J,000?^. ; Sir {sic) Samuel Morland, 600?^. ; Elizabeth Hamilton, bOQili. ; James and William Hamilton, 850?i. i Charged on the Letter Rent : — Solomon Foubert, 500/e. ; Philip Howard, 400/e. ; James Grey, 400/e. ; Sir Gabriel Selvins, 300/e.; Lady Armstrong’s daughters, 200/e. ; Charles Killegrew, 200/e. ; Susanna Leighton, 100/e.; Jane Berkley, 200/e. ; Elinor Needham, 300/e.; Mary Fanshaw, 200/e. ; Captain .John Richards, 200/e. ; Sir Charles Slingsby, 40/e. ; Mallet SlingsVjy, 20/e. ; Elizabeth Slingsby, 45/e. 12^. 6e/. ; Colonel 277 Henry Ubank, 45/«. 125. 6J. ; Richard Sydenham, and Grace his wife, 40/^^ ; Ann Duke, 45/^. 125. Qd. ; Captain John Baker, 36//. IO5. ; Captain Hetleby’s grandchildren, 36//. IO5. ; Captain John Watkinson, 18//. 55. ; Ann Ashbary, 20//. ; Widdow Collins, 20//.; Mr. Rosse’s three daugh- ters, 60//. ; Mr. Bass, 20//. ; Edward Duke, 24//. ; Colonel Vaughan, 300//. ; Dame Martha Cary, 20//. ; Dame Petronella Cary, 20//. ; Captain James Vosper, 20//. ; Captain Griffith Standon, 20//. ; Ann Acton, 20//. ; Anny Goldsbrough, 20//. ; Elizabeth Hall, Jane Bell, and Margaret Pretty, each 20//. ; Victoria Slingsby, 20//. Charged on the Exchequer in general : — The Duke of Norfolk, 3,000//. ; the Duke of Ormond, 2,500//. ; the Duchess of Buckingham, 1,200//.; Ann Golding, 120//.; Nicholas Needam, 120//.; Catherine Gunter, 200//. ; the Earl of Derby, and others, for poor ministers in the Isle of Man, 100//. ; Rachell and Francis Wyndham, 400//. ; Ann Law- ton, 250//. ; William Levett, 200//.; Dr. Nicholas Gibbon, 100//.; Robert Berty, 40//. ; Lodowick BrayJ 40//. ; James Browning 60//. ; Charles Dormer, 120//. ; the Earl of [Kinnoull?] 120//.; Christ’s Hospital, 370//. IO5. ;. the poor of St. Martin’s, 100//. ; the poor of V^estminster, and King Charles I.’s Hospital there, 100//. ; the poor of St. James’, 50//.; the poor of St. Michael’s, Cornhill, a perpetuity, 12//. 45.; the poor of St. Magnus’ parish, London, 21//. 45. 8t/. ; the poor of St. Bo- tolph’s, 7//. ; the poor of Walbrook, 7//. 135. 4c?. ; the master of South- well School, 10//. ; Eton College, 42//. ; Emanuel [College] in Cam- bridge, 16//. 135. 4(i. ; Reader of Civil law, 40//.; Reader of Physic there, 40//. ; University of Cambridge, 10//. ; Lady Margaret’s profes- sion at Oxford, 13//. 65. 8c/. ; Reader of Civil Law there, 40//. ; Reader of Physic there, 40//. ; the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, 10//. ; the Vicar of Lichfield, 15//. ; the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, for French ministers in the Savoy, 60//. ; the Master of the Temple, 37//. 65. 8c/. ; the Vicar of the Tower, 6//. 135. 4c/. ; Sir John Cotton, a perpetuity, 5//. 6s. 8c/. ; the poor of the town of Hampton, 50//. ; Thomas Lane, esquire, 500//. ; John Rogers, and Ann his wife, 100//. ; Rachell and Francis Wyndham, 400//. ; Sir Thomas Wyndham, 600//. ; Colonel Gifford, 3o0//. ; Th'omas Whitgrave, 200//. ; Nicholas Yeates, 200//. ; the four King’s preachers in Lancashire, out of the rent of the dissolved monastery of Furness, 200//. Various sums to officers of the household, and also payments for secret service, as follows: — Per Flenry Guy, Esquire, 37,106//. 7s. 8 Jc/. ; per the Earl of Nottingham, late Secretary of State, 3,000//. ; per Sir John Trenchard, Secretary of State, 2,500//. ; per the Duke of Shrewsbury, Secretary of State, 1,000//. Roger Kenyon to • 820. 1693, October 25. Chester. — It is now impertinent to attempt the discription of the partiality, precipitency, and fury, of the fanatick party, and particulerly of Sir William Williams, who presided as a judge, the Mayor being a party at the election. The votes on the one side were indeed made with as much courage, and the aldermen behaved themselves with as good resolution and constancy, as men in the right ought to doe. The Lord Warrington was there, on the other side ; but scarce gave a word, save his vote as alderman, or looke, on behalfe of it. It was Williams his impetuosity, and the Mayor’s partiality to himself, that carryed the matter violently against Alderman Allen, when it came to the last question about Mr. Hand’s incapacity ; and if, in this time, my Lord Derby’s presence and personall authority had interposed (having so great a majority of the Bench with him) it is beleeved it would have 278 awed the unfaithfull and furiouse Recorder into regularity, justice, and manners. Mr. Shakerley’s presence was of that satisfaction and service to the honest side, and they attribute that advantage very much to my Lord’s letter to him ; and now Mr. Shakerley is statu quo prius in their esteem, and by vertue of the majority by his vote, they succeeding in the election of a very honest man, for the first Sheritfe who is alwayes chosen by the Bench, for herein the 1 1 votes were admitted, though not in that of the Mayor. They hope for some redresse for a right so violated and abused. Sir Thomas Grosvenor and Mr. Shakerley seem now very sensible of the mistaken measures in the last business ; for the mandamus taken out of the King’s Bench, stopt that proceeding in Councell. As greater affaires stand for examination, I fear litle wilbe done in this, and that, at last, will almost mine them in Westminster Hall to be rectifyed.” Draft, Christopher Wilkinson, Jo : Lister, H. Pudsay, Thomas Lister, Edward Parker, Henry Maksden, and Robert Sclater to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 821. 1693, Kovember 25. Clitheroe. — ‘‘This day, Mr. Manwaring, with Mr. Gerrard and the greatest part of Mr. Gerrard’s friends in town, finding the Moothall dore open for some workmen imployed there for some repairs, took possession thereof, and as it is reported, swore Mr. Manwaring bayliffe, who, with the High Sherrifie of the County, and the rest of the company, made proclamation for an election of a member to serve in Parliament, to be made on Thursday next. We therefore desire that you, with your son, would please to let us have your company here as soon as possible on Tuesday next, to meet us and other your brother burgesses, to consider what may be most expedient to be done for the Corporation’s safety. “ P.S. — If possible bring Sir Richard Standish, Bart., along with you, to whom our service.” Seal, Proposal for Raising Money. 822. 1693, December 3. — “ A Profitable Adventure to the Fortunate, and can be unfortunate to none ; being a proposal for raising one million of money, by setling a fund of one hundred and forty thousand pounds per annum for fifteen years only, for it.” London^ “ printed by F. Collins in the Old Bailey.” Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 823. 1693, December 22. Peel. — “ My mistress has tould me that you say I must be one to attend the Committee, about Cliderow election, on the 12th of the next month, which (though it be Preston Sessions) if I be alive and well, will certainly attend. . . = Mr. Warren has offered himself at Wygan, to stand for their representative, and has offered to build them a conduit in the market place and bring water to it, to supply it at his own charge. Mr. Richard Lightbourne went yesterday to Wygan, by my Lord Colchester’s order, to offer and recom- mend to them Colonel Mathews as a fit person for the said service. Mr. Byrom stands very fair in the generallity of the townesmen.” Seal^ broken . Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 824. 1693, December 28. Waddow. — “ I came this day to Cliderowe, where I find great preparations are making on both sides. I am told 279 that Mr. Edmund Robinson his son John, the late Baylift'e Stockes, Tom Dugdale, Coleborne, the quaker, George Langford, and Madam Parker, sett out for London on Saturday next, on Mr. Gerrard’s party. That Colonel Pudsay, Mr. Lister of Westby, Mr. Edward Parker, Mr. Robert Sclater, Mr. Oddy, the town clerke. Dr. Whittacre, and two or three more that can speake about bribes, will certainly sett out, about Tuesday next, on Mr. Weddall’s party. But I am afraid we cannot get Bayliffe Lister up to London. I spoke to Mr. Oddy and Mr. Sclater, and they tell me they have informed themselves of every thing, as well as they can.” Seal of arms. Thomas Maksden to Roger Kenyon. 825. 1693, December 28. — It is a pity that a strong hand should prevail against justice, which I hope it will not do in the case of Clithe- roe, you being upon the spot to manage the matter. Honest Mr. Preston will stick close to you, and toil for the public interest. Mr. Bootle is gone into the other world, and was, sometime before he fell sick, stripped of all relation to Mr. Mol[yneux]’s concerns. He was not, indeed, a good man, but had been good to the interests of Croxteth, without reaping any advantage from its service ; but so the devil uses to reward his drudges. “ O ! what a loss have we of Sir Richard Standish ; I never heard that the dragooner who is recommended to succeed him was a man either for Christianity or Monarchy ; but, be he what he will, 1 hope he will not obtain at Wigan.” Richard Richmond to Roger Kenton. 826. 1693, December 29. Walton.— I shall add a request that is, indeed, made to you by many others of your true friends, besides myself, viz., that when the time comes for nominating commissioners to act in the several subsidies and taxes, to be collected for the ensuing year, yourself, Mr. Preston (and such other Lancashire members as you confide in), would please to take care that we be not plagued at Liverpool with such fellows as Clayton, and a number of fanatics, from whom a churchman can expect little justice in his appeals. Mr. Byrom stands fairest to succeed poor Sir Richard Standish. Major Richard Stevenson to Roger Kenyon. 827. 1693, .... [Isle of Man.]~“ I have received your orders by Parson Lomax to send you over 4 or 5 of the oxen ; I had rather, for severe!! reasons, you would bring your family, and eate them here ; besides, I must acquent you that my Lord’s orders to Governour Rowe is (as he sayes) that his honour is to have, this year, the full number of cattle (that is allowed) for his owne use ; so that if there be any above that, they will be seized on. . . . We have lately buried honest ould Deemster Christian, and, that which adds to the whole country’s great greeffe, have no man therein that is fitt or capable to supplye his plase, unless it be given to his brother, who, with much perswasion, I and many more of his friends, have prevailed with to write to you to gett him that place, who will be boath lawgiver and speaker.” Seal of arms. Dispute as to a Monument to Colonel Birch. 828. 1693. — An account of a dispute between the Bishop of Here- ford and John Birch, Esquire, concerning the erection of a monument, in the chancel of Weobly Parish Church, to the memory of Colonel Birch, and an inscription reflecting upon King Charles I. o. 280 [Richard Edge] to Roger Kenyon, M.P., at Westminster. 829. 1693[-4], January 2. Peel. — ‘‘ Here has been a great failing out betwixt Lord and Lady W[illoughby] . . . the Yfarden of Man- chester can give you the best account. It is reported . . . down the country, that the Warden has done some ill thing against . . which he has since owned himselfe in fault, and begged pardon . . . say it is not true. I allsoe hear that my Lady had gott away a . . . deedes and writings, by getting a counterfeit key of my Lord’s . . . his Lordshipp has since got them againe. They are all going into mourneing at Manchester for L . . . .” Major Richard Stevenson to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 830. 1693-4, January 4. Balladoule, [isle of Man.] — Has previously sent him a letter by David Christian. It is reported here we are to have a new controwler, at which the people are reddy, with one hart and voice, to sing te Deum. And as, in truth, it would be the blessing of peace to this people, so it would be the satisffaction of interest to our honourable Lord ; for this accumulation of offices upon him, by his honour, hath put him past all equality with his fellow officers, so that he now despises, scornes, and quarrels, with all ; and I humbly leave it to your judgement how it is possible his Lordshipp’s concernes can be well managed whilst such hart burnings and differences remain e amongst his servants, and how the people can ever be thought to comply, in any reasonable termes, with his honour, whilst theire supposed (if not avowed) enemie is con- cerned ! If you consider him in his naturall endowments, you will find him made of a complication of ill quallities ; of a moroseness towards inferiors ; of a disegreeable temper towards his equalls (if he hath the modesty to acknowledge any as such); and of pretending forwardness towards his superiors ; dogmatically dictating where he ought to be but a pupil, mightily magnifying himself, in all company, of his great know™ ledge, both in the theorike and practicall parts of the lawes of England . much mistaken, in the metall, if, like gold, he refine upon the tryall, in his pretended ... as a great statesman to serve his Majesty, he minds other people’s business (beyond the duty of a Christian) more than his owne, and measures their steps by the rules of his new geometry ; prys like a pimp into all theire actions, with a malicious design to pick up some matter of complaint, which, whether he observes any outstepings or no, he wants not invention to feign he did ; and, rather than be baflied in the fruit of his expectation, he will im- prove a mole into a beam, a mole-hill into a mountain, by his magnify- ing art of representation, &c. But now, upon consideration, I am a foole to give you a discription of the monster, who knows him much better than tis possible for me to describe him . . . Deempster Norris is dead ; you would do well to remember your ould friend, Charles Christian.” Seal of arms. Abraham Allred to Roger Kenyon, M=P., at Westminster. 831. 1693[-4], January 6. — “My brother James Allred’s wife is dead, and the toune hath met about some concerns, and, amongst other things, the question was put whether he would continue to keepe ale, or to teache schoole ; and, after some deliberation of the matter, he gave them his possiiive answer, that he would leave off keepinge ale and con- tinue teaching schoole, and designs to brew noe more.” The writer, therefore, begs to be admitted tenant. 281 William Shuttleworth to Roger Kenton, M.P., at Westminster. 832. 1693[-4], January 9. Preston. — Finds himself daily less able to support his charges, and without prospect of receiving his just demands, “ either of the King of Sweden ” or of his father-in-law, Holt. Begs, therefore, that some “ beneficiall place ” may be bestowed upon him. Seal of arms. GtEORge Macy to Roger Kenyon, at the “ Blue Boar ” in Holborn. 833. 1693[-4], January 10. Tower [of London]. — Arranging an appointment with Mr. Overton, Warden of the Mint. Seal, hrohen, Alice Kenyon to her husband, Roger Kenyon, M.P., at Westminster. 834. 1693[-4], January 12. — Fears he will sulFer much in London from the cold weather ; ‘‘pray thee, keep warm as thou can, and take some- thing in thy pocket to the House, to supp olf ; thy age and weakness requires it.” Hears that Mr. Kathaniel Hilton is dead, and that his body “ comes along ” with Lord Warrington’s. . . . Lord Willo[ughby] and his Lady are fallen out extreamly ; they are the talk .of the toune and country.” Postscript. — “ Cosin Hilton was telling me he heard you are doeing something about clippers ; hee says bee thinks the best way to lessen the number of them, would be to abate of the value of dipt moneys. He remembers it was so when he was a boy ; a shilling went but for 9i lately came from St. Germans) told him, this informant, Mr. Whitfield, and another, Mr. Kingsley being present, that since there was an account given there that the late Kentish designe upon the life of King William, was by some traytor or other, prevented, it was there resolved to try another way upon him, in Flanders, which was by causing several resolved gentlemen and others, of the English, Scotts, and Irish nations, and some French, of seeming (piality, to desert from the French army in Flanders, as early this cam- paigne as tiiey could, that would undertake to watch and take all and the first oporiunity they could, in their severall posts, to attempt upon his life. This informant further saith that he is very sure that hee, this informant, can point to and carry anybody to the very places (some, he believes, in or neer this town, but more particularly in several parts of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Staffordshire, and Cheshire, and other ad- jacent countreys) where theie were and, this informant is very confi- dent, yet are lodged, secured, and kept, great quantity es of armes and warlike equipage of all sorts, with great numbers of horses fit for 301 service. And this informant saith that if hee were authorized and impowered thereunto, he, this informant, would undertake to seize and secure them, etc. And this informant further saith, that in the year one thousand six hundred eighty nine, when hee, this informant, brought over the comissions aforesaid from King James, out of Ireland, which this informant delivered to the gentlemen in Lancashire, as aforesaid, this informant saith, by mistake, he hath, in the foregoing narrative, omitted one gentleman to whom he did at that time deliver a Colonell’s comission for a regiment of horse, which was Sir Henry Titchbourne, a Hampshire gentleman, as this informant believes, but hee, the said Sir Henry Titchbourne, was then at my Lord Molineux’ house in Lancashire, where he, this informant, delivered him the said comission. “ Juratus 27® die Junii, 1694, coram me, J. Trenchard. John Lunt.” Copy. The Information of George Wilson to the Secretary of State. 874. 1694, June 27. — “This informant, upon his oath, saith that in or about the monthes of April or May, 1689, one Dr. Bromfield came to William Fitzherbert, esquire, of Wapra(?), near West Chester, in Flintshire, where he, the said Bromfield, ley concealed for some time, for a passage into Ireland, from whence he was recommended to this informant to assist him, who then lived near the sea-side, at a place called Bedland, where, after the said Bromfield had stayed about a week, this informant did assist him in the buying of a boat of about 25 tunn, which said boat, being vitualled and ready to sail, was seized by Mr. Morston [Mostyn ?], and Bromfield escaped to Mr. Crosbye’s in Lancashire, from whence, by the assistance of Mr. Perce Morston [Piers Mostyn?], Mr. Wynne of Gop (?), Mr. Loyde of Greith, Mr. Bobert Briarwood of West Chester, Mr. George Pennant, Mr. Pue of Pendrell, and this informant, afterwards gott over in a open boat. “ This informant further saith that being searched for by troopers from West Chester and other souldiers, and by the civil officers of the country, was forced to leave his house and family, and hide himself in the woods for many days, and could nevei’ returne to his house again, but gett into Lancashire, whither his wife and family followed him, where hee, this informant, was received and entertained by Lord Mollineux, Collonel Tildesley, Mr. Staudish of Standish, Sir Howland Stanley, Sir Thomas Poole, Sir William Gerrard, Collonel Townley, and others, sometimes in the house of one gentleman, and for some time at another. “ This informant saith, about Midsummer, 3 689, he, this informant, and others, were ordered and directed by the gentlemen aforesaid, and others, to look out about the sea coast thereaboates, for any gentlemen that should come from Ireland, for at that time he, this informant, was told they expected some friends and news from Ireland, which hee, this informant, did. And about the beginning of July, 1689, Mr. Edmund Threlfall of the Ashes, in Goosener, and one Mr. Lunt, arrived at Cockram, and came imediately to Colonel Tilsdley, with several bundles of papers and other things in several cloackbaggs, where this informant then was attending their comeinge. This informant saith that upon their coming to the said Colonel Tilsdley, the said Mr. Threlfall and Mr. Lunt imediately opened their cloackbaggs and look out several commissions, declarations, blanks, and sealed papers, from King James to several persons and gentlemen of quality in that countrey, and 302 divided them; and those for Yorkshire Mr. Threlfall put up and undertook to deliver, and had a guide imediately provided. The others for Lancashire and Cheshire, Staffordshire and partes thereaboutes, Mr. Lunt tooke to himself to deliver, and had this informant with him, from place to place, to guide and assist him in the delivery of them, and after they had left, and delivered to Colonel Tilsdesley his, for being a Colonel (which hee, the said Colonel, recieved upon his knees and kissed it), with the blankes for his inferiour officers they proceeded and went to the Lord Mollineux his house, and delivered one Colonell’s commission to Mr. Mollineux his son, for a regiment of horse, with blankes for his inferior officers, hee, the said Collonell Mollineux, immediately filling that blanke for the Lieuetenant Colonell, delivered it in the presence of this informant, to Mr. William Gerrard, who was with the said Colonell Mollineux when hee, this informant, and Mr. Lunt came in. ‘‘ This informant further saith hee, this informant, was present and did see Mr. Lunt deliver to Sherburne of Stonyhurst, esquire, a Colonell’s comission, with blankes, as aforesaid, for a regiment of horse; to Townley of Townley, esquire, the like for horse; to Girlington of Girlington, esquire, a Colonell’s comission ; to Westby of Mobricke, esquire, the like for dragoones ; to Lee of Lyme, a Colonel’s comission, with blanks as aforesaid; to Sir Thomas Stanley of Aldersay, the like for horses ; to Chumley of Vale Royall, the like for horses ; to Sir Roland Stanley, the like for horse, etc. ; to Sir Robert Throgmorton, the like for horse, etc. ; to Sir Henery Tichbourn (hee being then at the Lord Mollineux’), the like for horse ; to Sir Giferd of Chillington, the like for horse; to Sir James Simmons of Ashton in Staffordshire, the like for horse. This informant saith that he alsoe saw Sir Robert Throgmorton fill up a Lieuetenant Colonel’s comission to his own regiment, and deliver it to one Sir Charles Weale, who accepted the same, and kissed it on his knees. And that hee, this informant, also was present and saw Sir James Simmons deliver a Captain’s commission to Mr. William Fowler of St. Thomas, near Stafford, and alsoe when Sir Thomas Gifford delivered a Captain’s commission to Mr. Augustin Gifford, and also to Captain Gowre, the like Captain’s commission, and to Bazill Brookes, esquire, the like Captain’s commission, and to Mr. John Pursell a Cornett’s commission, and to Thomas Pursell, a warrant for quarter-master, and to several other inferiour officers, under the several Colonells aforesaid. “ This informant saith that all those Collonel’s commissions, with the blankes as aforesaid, were delivered by Mr. Lunt in the presence of this informant; and this informant saith he knows they were such com- missions, because he saw them, and heard most of them read at the end of the delivery of them. And for the Lieutenant Collonel’s and other inferior officers’ commissions hee, this informant, saw most of them filled up by the superiours, and delivered to the inferiour officers, as aforesaid. And this informant further saith that at the same time aforesaid hee, this informant, saw the aforesaid Mr. Lunt deliver to my Lord Mollineux a sealed paper which hee, this informant, saw him, the Lord Mollineux, open and read, which, to the best of this informant’s memory, was pur- porting a conjmission and instructions for the care and government of Liverpoole. This informant also saith that hee was at a meeting at Sir John Lawson’s, in Yorkshire, about the month of March, then next following, with Mr. Lunt, where were the gentlemen Mr. Lunt names in his information (page the 6th), where hee, this informant, then heard most of them publickly own that they had received comissions, by Mr. Thriefall, some time before, from King James, and would there 303 have oblieged this informant and Mr. Lnnt to have engaged with them the gentlemen of that country, etc. “This informant further saith that about the beginning of the year 1691, hee, this informant, heard that Mr. Lunt was imployed in and about London to list men. And this informant saith that some short time after, several men came into Lancashire, as from London, and said they were listed by the said Mr. Lunt, and sent down to serve under the command of some of the officers aforesaid. And hee, this informant, saith that as fast as they came down, he was ordered by my Lord Mollineux, Sir Thomas Cliffton, Colonell Mollineux, Colonel Tildesley, Colonel Townley, Sir William Cerrard and his son, and severall others, the officers aforesaid, to take care of them and provide quarters or lodgings for them, which the informant did accordingly ; and that at several times he, this informant, had and did receive money from my Lord Mollineux and Colonell Tildesley, Colonell Townley, Sir William Gferrard, and some others, to pay the said souldiers for their subsistance. And this informant saith hee did pay and distribute the money he soe received, amongst them, which this informant saith, in the whole, did amount to (to the best of his memory) about 3 or 400// And this informant saith that hee is very well assured that the said Mr. Lunt did, at several other times, before and after, list a great many moore than these aforemencioned. “This informant further saith that, about the month of February 1691, hee, this informant, was at a general meeting of several gentlemen att Collonel Walmesley’s at Dungenhall, in Lancashire, many of whom he yet remembers, namely, Collonel Townley, Collonel Tildesley, Collonel Mollineux, Collonel Dalton, Sir William Gerrard, Mr. Gerrard, Mr. Dicconson, Mr. Stanley, Mr. Shuttle worth, Mr. Tilsdesley of S4ansacre, Mr. Macy of Puddington, Mr. Langton of the Low, Mr. Gerrard of Ince, Sir Thomas Cliffton, Mr. Blundell of Crosby, Collonel Westby of Mabrick, Collonel Parker, and others. The said Collonel Walmesley being then lately came out of France, hee, the said Collonel, then produced publickly, in the said meeting, several comissions, declara- tions, grants, or patents, that hee had then lately brought from King James, of several gentlemen’s esstates of that country, to other gentle- men there, that were King James’ friends, as to Collonel Treldesley (sic), Lord Mollineux, Colonel Westby of Mobricke, Collonel Townley of Townley, Sir Thomas Cliffton, Sir William Gerrard, Collonel Mollineux, Mr. Gerrard of Ince, Mr. Langton of Low, and some others. This informant further saith that about a fortnight after, hee, this informant, was at the like meeting att Phillip Draycott’s of Painsley Hall, in the county of Stafford, esquire, of most of the aforesaid gentlemen and others, as Mr. Bazill Brookes, Sir James Simons, Sir Richard Fleet- wood and his sons, William and Rowland, Cuny of Cuny, esquire, and others, where were produced several of the like grants and patents, as aforesaid, brought over by the Lord Stafford, and there alsoe given out to those they did belong to. “ This informant saith that, at this meeting aforesaid, Collonel Parker being also there, and was then alsoe lately come out of France, hee, the said Collonel, did then publickly produce and deliver to one Captain George Penny (then in the company) a comission from King James for the said Penny to bee a Major of horse, wliich hee, the said Captain Penny, accepted of, with many thankes and premisses to doe the King the best service with it hee could. “ And this informant further saith that at another time, being at a meeting with the said Collonel Parker, at thesigne of ‘ the Starr,’ an inn m Holywell, in Flintshire, and about twenty gentlemen, where hee, this 304 informant, there saw the said Parker deliver one other comission from King James to one Mr. Pue of Pendrell, to bee a Captain of horse, and at the same time hee, the said Parker, delivered another comission, in the presence of this informant, to one Mr. George Davis of Trelough- nell, and to several others, and that the said Parker did there, and at several others, as well as at the aforementioned meetings, order, direct, and desire, all the officers to take care to have their men ready at an hour’s warning, with a pound of powder and ball, preportionable to each man, for that hee expected newes of the King’s landing every day. “ This informant saith that about the beginning of the year 1689, hee, this informant, was ordered and imployed by Mr. Massey, Sir James Simmons, Sir Thomas Gifford, and Captain Fowler, to list as many men as hee could, in Staffordshire and North Wales, for King James and his service, under their command; and that hee.Jhis informant, had money of the aforesaid gentlemen for that purpose. And this informant saith that hee did at that time (that is to say) within the space of three weekes, list about sixty men, whose names this informant has by him, ready to produce, as hee then tooke them. ‘‘ This informant alsoe saith that hee hath been since imployed to list men, several times, in the latter end of the year 1691, and in the beginning of the year 1692, by severall other gentlemen, as Collonel Walmesley, Captain Penny, Mr. Standish of Standish, Mr. Morston [Mostyn ?] of Delalery, and Captain Pennant of Baggall [Baghilt?]. “ And this informant saith hee did at those times, by the order and directions of those gentlemen last above mentioned, list about the number of six score, and had money of the said gentlemen, by the hands of Captain Pennent, for that purpose. “ And this informant further saith that hee did, severall times, after hee had soe listed the said souldiers, pay them subsistance money, Cy the order of Penny and Pennant, from whom hee had the same. “ And this informant further saith that hee has severall times seen great quantity of armes, in the houses of the gentlemen hereafter mentioned, in North Wales, Cheshire, Staffordshire, and Lancashire, viz. : — in the house of Mr. Massy of Paddington, Captain Penny, Captain Pennant, Sir James Simmons, Sir Thomas Giffard, Mr. Fowler, Mr. Draycott, Sir William Garrard, Mr, Walmesley, Mr. Standish of Standish Hall, and in some other houses that hee cannot att present remember. “ In the whole, this informant verily believes that there were in the several houses abovesaid, that hee, this informant, saw armes for att least a thousand men, and that it is not above two years, at the most, since hee, this informant, saw them there.” Rev. Thomas Wilson to Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 875 . 1694, July 7. Lathom. — ‘‘ I cannot yet give you any certain account of my Lord’s voyage. The yatch is come, a week since, to Liverpool ; but we do not seem more in hast to be gone then we were when you were here. Colonel Vaughan is here too, and goes over Governor. My Lord Dunmore is come, with his family, to Ormeskirk, and designes for the Island, with my Lord Derby, if he goes this summer. As little time and room as I have, I must not forget to beg your pardon for a rudeness I committed, at your leaving of Knowsley ; for, while you were at the bowling-green, I was suddenly sent for, and bad neither time to leave word whither I went, nor to come back before you left Knowsley.” Fragment of seal. 305 Robbery with Violence. 876. 1694, July 14. — The information by John Burch, of Man- chester, linen draper, setting forth how he was attacked by four horsemen and robbed of \20li. in his money bags, and had a part of his tongue cut out. Gteorge Macy to Roger Kenyon, at Lancaster. 877. 1694, August 21. The Tower of London. — “ I came, acciden- tally, to my house in the Tower, this day, from my country house near London, where my wife lies dangerously ill of the small pox, and found your letter here, directed to Mr. Overton, who is also in the country (whether at the Bath or at Tunbridge, I know not), having not seen him since 3rd of August, when we were together at Kingston Assize. I have not left him nor my place here, but we are both cautious of laying out money, expecting satisfaction from the Sheriffs of London of what we are in disburse ; mine is many hundreds of pounds, haveing not received a penny for my last tedious and chargeable journey into your parts though I paid Mr. Hall, the apothecary of Manchester, his charges there, and have also taken Mr. Booth, of the Castle, in Chester, his account of charges being 30/. for carrying witnesses from place to place ad testificandum. My expectation is to be reimbursed from [the] said Sheriffs, against whom the King’s tryall will go on, next terme, for what they have in their hands of clippers’ forfeitures, to the value of 1,200/. or more. You are upon the same termes as myself, and I hope, in time, to receive mine as you will yours. So that I have thought it very necessary to answer your letter, in Mr. Overton’s absence (who leaves all these affairs to me) concerning John Hartley, the old hardned, impenitent coyner, as you describe him. If he inclines to make a candid and ingenious, as well as thorough, discovery of all his accomplices, you may take it, and be expeditious in apprehending them ; but this fellow shall not play such tricks as Tom Bailey did ; let him rather receive his trial with utmost severity and proof you can make against him, and truly my opinion is that you hang them as you catch them, and not trust to their false discoveries.” Seal of arms. Lady Standish to George Kenyon, at Peel. 878. 1694, September 11. Huxbury. — “Pray, sir, if you see your father, let him know that I have made some inquiry of the man called Lunt, but cannot yet here that he had a wife in our neighbourhood^ nor that [his ?] family does not own that they know him ; but I will enquire farther after him, although I hope there will be no occation to fear him.” Seal. [Mrs.] E. Leigh to Mr. Kenyon. 879. [1694,] September 14. — “I doe beg the favor that you will make what inquiry you can of Brown. I thank God my son is in good halth, but so close confined that his wife and sisters was at the Tower to have sen him, and thay would not so much as permet him to loock out of the window to speke to them, nor his footman to tell them he was well, and he is put in the worst lodging in all the Tower, and in a rome but four yards square, and a warder leys by him ; but the pore warder is so sory for him that he cannot speke of him without tears in his eyes. We are petitioning the Queen that his wife may goe to him, but Lord Lucous {sic) benders it all he can, to see if, by that mens, he can get 73480 , U 306 his fees out of them. I think the prayers of our freinds were never more necessary then now to preserfe the inosent from falls wetneses, and shuer, the Parliment will thinke it hard to gife monny to mantane such a pack of hel-hounds that honts after the lifes and estats of inosent men. I pray God open the eyes of the King and Quene that they may deserne there frends from there foes.’’ Seal. Thomas Hodokinson to [Koger Kenyon]. 880 . 1694, September 29. Preston. — About ten daies agone I received a letter from my worthy friend, Mr. Pigot, to enquire after the character of one Warring, who is supposed to be a witnes in the new plott, and saw your letter to Mr. Brooke, upon Wednesday last, touching the same matter. Since which time, I have made all the enquiries imaginable ; and, although there be severall Warrings in Goosemargh and Whittingham, yet I cannot heare of any that can be imagined to bee a witnes in this prosecution ; there being none (that I can hear of) that can speake to any point, save that of a spade, or a plow ; and, there- fore, cannot think there is any such witnes, in these parts, of that name.” George Macy to Koger Kenyon. 881 . 1694, October 11. The Tower of London. — “I sent you, in a letter, last Saturday, the confession of Hartley and Hulme, and now I have received yours of the 7th instant, which doth confirm what I before imagined, that Elliotson came up on the business of Hartley, and that guineas are not spared to be disposed of, if they could accomplish their ends. I could do no less then send you those papers, because my Lord Chief Justice Treby desired it ; though I believe it will come to nothing. I perceive that Elliotson did not only compliment you, but your son too, with the offer of guineas ; he hath often muttered to me in the same manner (after that he found I guesst right the cause of his comeing up) how well I should be rewarded if I would not hinder the proceedings, but he found me very cool to accept of any such proposals, haveing experienced, when I was last at Lancaster, that no bribe would take with me. Caveats have been entered in both the secretaries’ offices here, to prevent any pardon for Hartley, which he hath found to be so ; and, therefore, came to me yesterday, declaring his dispair in the matter, and of his resolution of going this day out of town, and at last spoke out that he had 20 guineas to present some person, for his favor and assistance. I askt him why he did not do it to Mr. Pierce, my Lord Treby’s gentleman ; he answered that was done already, and was very sorry he had spent so much of the poor fellow’s money, with so little success. If you desire it, I doubt not but a warrant may be had from the Queen, both for Hartley’s and Hulrne’s executions, though, perhaps, it would nettle my Lord Chief Justice Treby. T know that your cheif design is that they should both discover all their confederates, without reserve, and if you will put me in way how to frighten them into it, you shall speedily have it, but as I wrote you formerly, that their bounceing, at Lancaster, how easily and speedily they could get a pardon because that gold was plentiful, was no more than common breath. It would have been more prudent for them to engage those on their side that could hinder their proceedings, than barely to make friends towards the procuring a pardon. Pray give my humble service to Mr. Justice Yeates. I thank him for his kind lines, and when he sees this, will find that no care is wanting here lo prevent clandestine contrivances to the 307 King and country’s damage, and I hope, when he comes to London, that he will honour me with his company at my house in the Tower, and I can expect no less from yourself, because you have often promised me so to do. My opinion is that Hartley’s estate, both real and personal, ought to be enquired after, lookt into, and secured for their Majesties’ use, persuant to the authority you have, by virtue of the privy seal, even to the very guineas that have been given Elliottson to dispose of. In order to which, do send me the names of such persons that you can learne have any effects of the said Hartley’s in their possession or disposal, and I will send you down suhpcenas out of the Exchequer, to be speedily served upon them, returnable the first of next term, which proceeding will abate the courage of Hrrtley and bring him to a thorough confession, or that he do prepare himself for the gallows. The rogues have got a new way here in London to acquit themselves, when charged with clipping or coyneing; at the time when they are brought before a judge or justice, to swear that such persons who came to apprehend them and search their houses or lodgings (not spareing the constables and the warden’s officers) to have robbed them of moneys, plate, &c., thereby not only to lessen the evidences, but put them on tryals for their lives. Thus, I have written you a large letter in testimony of my zeal in promoteing good and public services.” Eleanor Bunbury to Koger Kenyon, ‘‘ by the Church Gate,” Manchester. 882. [1694,] October 12. — “ Let me know when these great trials against our co untrey gentlemen begins at Manchester. I hope God will preserve them, for I hear they have a company of sad witnesses against them. It will be an act of merit to protect them against false swearing. Pray God, make you and other good men useful to them as you have been to me.” Seal of arms^ broken. Indictment of Sir Kowland Stanley and others. 883. 1694, October 17.--Indictment against Sir Rowland Stanley, Sir Thomas Clifton, William Dicconson, Philip Langton, and William Blundell, for treason and rebellion in receiving commissions from James II. to levy soldiers, and treating with Louis, King of France, for the invasion of England. R. B[rook] to Roger Kenyon. 884. 1694, October 18. — Is glad Lord Strange “layes hold of so considerable an opportunity of reading men ; a very useful part of learning at this time a day. And you will joyne with me in opinion that his Lordship is as capable to make observations as most gentlemen of his yeares.” Speech of the Judges to the Jury at the Trial of Lord Mollyneux and others for High Treason, at the Manchester Assizes. 885. [1694, October 20.] — “ Gentlemen, we must acquaint you that these five prisoners at the barr stand indicted for high treason, imagining and designing our most gracious King and Queen’s death ; also that they accepted comissions from King James, for levying a warr here against us. ^ g u 2 308 The next thing is that they did adhere to their Majesties’ enemies without this Kingdome, being an open and notorious act of rebellion. That they held correspondance with the French King, adhereing to that party. One part of their indictment is that they imagined and designed to depose their Majesties, King William and Queen Mary, from their regall Crown and Government, and to bring them to death and other destruction. “ Another part of their indictment relates that they imployed one Mr. John Lunt as their agent into France, which said Lunt, being dis- carded by King James in Ireland, came over into England, and that he then knew none of these gentlemen, but was conducted to their houses. He tells you that these gentlemen sent him as their messenger into France, and haveing received commissions from thence, delivered them to these gentlemen prisoners, who, upon their receiveing of them, kissed them, and drunk King James’ and his Queen’s and the Prince of Wales’ health upon their knees ; that they gave him about five pounds apiece. Afterwards he went to London, and listed about 60 men for soldiers, and provided a great quantity of armes, amounting to the value of 50/i. or thereabouts, and that these armes were sent into the countrey, in severall boxes, and they were allowed of by these fi^e gentlemen. He tells you that these armes were sent to Standish Hall ; he also saith that he Avas directed by these gentlemen to goe for France, to acquaint King James of their proceedings in England, and that the said King James bade him tell his friends in England, that he would be ready for them the Spring following, viz., 1690, and this he did positively swear. “ One George Wilson evidenceth that he was to goe to the waterside, to wait for some friends that were to come over sea, with commissions from France. “ Colonel Bruerton, he onely relates that he had some moneyes given him, to bee assisting to these five prisoners for preparing an army. You have also heard what the rest of the witnesses have said, to witt, Mr. Baker, &c. But now on the other side. That, that is most materiall against the aforesaid witnesses for the King, is that of one Parsons, who tells you that one of them offered to tempt him with the reward of 150/z. if he would assest him against some of these gentlemen prisoners. You have heard it sufficiently proved that they have indea- voured, at severall times and places, to tempt men with large rewards to assist them in their treatrous designes against their Majesties of this Kingdome. And Avdien that would not take effect, they turned enemies to these prisoners, and tempted several men to assist them against these prisoners, witness Mr. Parsons aforesaid. Also for Colonel Bruerton, there are witnesses enough who doe confirm that this Bruerton, being in a poor condition, complained much against Mr. Liegh of Lyme, and Sir Rowland Stanley, who, because they would give him little or nothing, swore he would be revenged on them, if ever time served. “ Soe that if you doe believe that this is a perfect contrivance of Lunt, Wilson, Wombell, Bruerton, Baker, and the rest, whereby to discredit! these gentlemen at the barr, and to inhance themselves by their estates, hopeing to compass a third part of them at the least, as these witnesses have proved it against them, then these prisoners are more innocent, and the fault will lye more upon their accusers, soe that this is a great mystery of iniquity contrived by one of the two partyes. We give you Avhat time you ))lease to bring in your verdict.” The prisoners were brought in not guilty. 309 Account, in the handwriting of Roger Kenyon, of the Trial of Sir Rowland Stanley and others, at Manchester. 886 . [1694, October 20.] — “ The two Lancasliire Justices writ to by the Secretary to assist Captain Baker in takeing up the prisoners, were the Lord Willoughby and Mr. Norres, the first made, by the Com- mission of Oyer and Terminer, one of their Judges, the latter reserved for foreman of the Grand Inquest. The persons joyned with the Judges in that Commission were, three of them, viz., the Earl of M[acclesfield?],the Lord W[illoughby ?], and Sir E[dward] M[oseley], strenuous asserters of the late King’s dispenseing power, each of them subscribeiug or declareing their consents to take away the penall lawes, [and] tests, and none greater with the Lancashire prisoners then they were. Sir William Gerrard, who was first arraigned, prayed hee might have a copy of the indictment ; the Judge, Sir Gyles Eyres, told him that was not allowable by law. The rest of the prisoners, in their turn, prayed the like, which in like manner were denyed. Captain Baker, a captain in Munmouth’s insurrection, now commanded a Dutch troop to guard him, with his prisoners, to London, to make them a spectacle in all county es and townes thorow which they were carry ed. Mr. Aaron Smith, the furious phanatick, so styled in the raigne of Charles the Second, sent down, in great pomp, to manage these tryalls. The Lord Molineux, upon his arraignment, presented a petition to the Judges that, in regard of his deafnes and of the defects of his memory, hee might have councell or a solicitor to assist him at his tryall. Sir Gyles Eyres said it could not be allowed. Sir Rowland Stanley, Sir Thomas Clif- ton, William Diccon (sic), esquire, Philip Lawton (sic), esquire, and Mr. Blundell, were all indicted in one bill, and the first tryed, and the Court proposeing to try them together, if they, in all, would but challenge 35 peremptorily. They did accordingly consent, and being bid to prepare for their tryalls the next morneing, they were took from the barr, and so soon as they were gone, it was ordered, upon Mr. Aron Smith’s motion, that the Sheriffe was ordered forthwith to summon at least 40 ireeholders more, to attend these tryalls the next day, though hee had then allready reiorned a pannell of 76 summoned for that service, besides the 24 retorned upon the Grnnd Jury. The reason of this was apparent the next day, for the King’s Councell, with [out] shewing any cause, challenged 20 of the cheefe gentlemen reteyned. Query — how this sudden short summons accorded with the Act of 4th and 5th of this King and Queen, that jurors for tryalls of issues should have six days’ notice, &c. Before any evidence was given, the prisoners petitioned that the witnesses against them might be examined apart, but that was not thought fit by Sir Gyles Eyres. John Lunt, the first witnesse, being bid by the King’s Councell to look upon the five prisoners, and asked if he knew them all, hee answered hee did know them all ; and Sir Rowland Stanley desireing Lunt to shew which was Sir Rowland Stanley, Lunt pauseing upon it. Sir William Williams said, Why do not you shew which is Sir Rowland? Lunt thereupon pointed at Sir Thomas Clifton, saying that was Sir Rowland, which mistake causing a lafter and a noyse, the Judge, Sir Giles Eyres, bid Lunt take one of the officer’s white staves and lay it upon Sir Row- land’s head. Lunt, taking the staff, layd it upon the head of Sir Thomas Clifton, and poynted after at Sir Rowland, and said that was Sir I’homas Clifton. After this. Sir Gyles Eyres, the Judge, asked Lunt if ever, before the time of giving them those commissions, hee had seen those two gentlemen ; hee replyed hee had not. Upon which, the judge said there was no such mighty matter in the mistake, for being 310 told that those were the two gentlemerij in diversifying their names, takeing the one for the other ; and though Lunt after this, swore that Sir Rowland Stanley gave him 5Z., viz., two guineas, and the rest in silver, and that about February, 1690, Sir Thomas Clifton at his house, Lithom, had given him ten poundes to buy armes for him, and that before that time Lunt had been with Sir Rowland Stanley, who had given Lunt 4Z. to buy armes with ; that about July or August 1691, Lunt was at Standish with Sir Rowland Stanlow (sic), Mr. Dicconson, Mr. Blundell, Mr. Lameton (sic), et aliis, and by them sent into France to acquaint King James with their forwardnes ; that at his retorne hee acquainted Sir Thomas Clifton, Mr. Legh, and the rest, that King James would be in readiness the Spring follovkdng. By all which, besides Lunt’s positive affirmance what sort of moneys Sir Rowland had given him, hee the said Lunt tells, two severall times and different places, that hee had seen Sir Thomas and Sir Rowland severally and not together before their being at the tryall, yet the Judge did not think fit to correct the excuse hee had made for the mistake. When Colonel Brereton gave his evidence that hee had received of Sir Row- land Stanley moneys for the service of King James, but for his own use, it was asked him what summes. Hee replyed small summes, five or ten or twenty shillings at a time, but not ready at telling what it was ; for the Judge helped him with an answer, saying it might be for subsis- tence money.” Mrs. E. Leigh to Roger Kenyon. 887. [1694,] October 25. — Thanks Kenyon for clearing the inno- cent. Lady Mollyneux said she never expected him to be a friend to the Roman Catholics. Despairs of anything being done for the Church party, because the Commonwealth party fills the Council Board and all the great places. She prays the King’s eyes may be opened, and that he may not be ruined, as Father Peters ruined King James. Seal. “ The following Account of Lunt is what hath been attested by particu- lar witnesses, not otherwise worth the reading, but as an index, if turned to, to show from the circumstances of times and places, what construction may be made as to the truth or improbability of his evidence, with some deviations observable to the same purpose.” 888 . [1694, October .] — Anno 1666, the year when London was burned, Lunt, who sets the crountryes where he comes, in combustion, was borne at a place called Crooked Yard, on the edge of Maclesfield Forest, two myles from Maclesfield town, in Cheshire, and christened at a little ale-house near Hassop, in Derbyshire, son to a bungling book- binder, who ther pedled with pamphlets and ballads, and now keeps a common ale-house in Nottingham. His father is a protestant, his mother was a papist, who, in the sickness whereof she died, recommended her son’s education to the piouse care of a popeish priest, to be brought up i)i her religion. The holy father (so soon as the youth was grown old enough to go on errands) got him into the service of Mr. Smith of Qiiiny burrow, in Leicestershire, where, after some years’ stay, the strip- ling (grown so sawcie as to pretend love to his master’s doughter), hee was presently packt from that place. “ Anno 1680, Lunt’s next service was with Captain Walter Hastings, at Plumptree, three myles from Nottingham, who kept him as footboy and waiter. 311 “ Anno 1682, Lunt went to serve the Lord Oswaldston as postilion and under-groom. When his Lord or Lady went abroad with their coach and six, hee was postilion, and when in town, but with two horses, hee sometimes drove the coach. In that service, after some weeks’ stay, hee cut out and sold the rich lineing of his Lady’s coach, for which hee was stripped of his livery and sent to Bridewell, in Westminster, and there lay very poor and almost naked, for a considerable time, without any releefe but what Bridewell afforded, except what he found from an old laundresse, one Bety Langley, who said shee was his wife. “ Lunt, after he came from Bridewell, for some short time served a shoemaker, and, about Whitsunday, 1684, hee went to live Avith Collonell Staples at his house, ‘ the Iron Balcony’ in St. Alban’s Street, St. James’s, and there, till August following, served him as footman and groom. ‘‘In August, 1684, Lunt went to live as under-groom and postilion to Sutton Lodge, the Lord Carrington’s house in Warwickshire ; hee some- times there (tho’ not good at it) drove the coach, and stayed in that service about nine months. “ In June, 1685, Lunt retorned to the service of Collonell Staples, in St. Alban Street, whence, after about two months’ stay, he was turned out againe. “ In or about October, 1685, Lunt went to live with Captain Talbot, and abode with him about a quarter of a year. “In or about January, 1685[-6], Lunt went to serve Captain Ucworth (.^>), son-in-law to Collonell Staples, who then lived with the Collonell at his said house in St. Alban’s Street, and in that service, on Thursday, June 3rd, 1686, John Lunt, in Knightsbridge Church, by the minister of the place, was marryed to Ann Tatham, widow, Collonell Staples his kinswoman and servant, and thence they retorned to their respective services, where, for a considerable time, though marryed, they continued as servants. “ On or about the 10th of June, 1688, John Lunt, Avith his said wife, kept a publique house, at the signe of ‘the Golden Square,’ near Golden Square, in St. James’s, and Lunt, whilst hee there lived, was a frequent companyon of Pour, Neland, and Fetherston, the three notoriouse theeves of that time for breaking and robbing of houses. The same year Lunt got himself listed a horse granadeir in the late King’s guards under Captaine Guy, and in that post went that year in the expedition to Salisbury, to oppose the Prince of Orange after his landing. “At Christmas, 1688, Lunt crowded in amongst the Lord George Howard’s retinue, and so came to King James’ forces in France, England being scarce safe for him, considering the company hee had kept, and about the 12th of March, 1688, Lunt, in King James’ army, landed in Ireland. “In Aprill, 1689, Lunt, who never wanted confidence, claymed a right to ryde in King James’ lifeguard in Ireland, boldly affirming to the King himself that hee had been of the lifeguard in England, but upon search of the muster-roll, it appearing that Lunt in England Avas no more but a horse granadeer, hee being detected of telling the King a lye, was casheered and sent away, not in pretended, but in reall disgrace. “On or about the day of , 1689, Dr. Bromfield, as they call him, being sometimes an apothecary in Warrington in Lancashire, and there turned quaker, and sometimes since goes by the name of Berkley, a broad, fat, well-complexioned man, of a midle stature, aged about 50 years, in a blacke or sad-colored suite, came to one James Williamson’s, an alehouse in Great Crosby ; his man’s name, as he called himselfe, was Morgan, a slender man in plaine habit. At that 312 alehouse they left their horses, and there hyred an open boat to carry them, as they gave it out, into IreJand, but as is supposed, it carryed them along the sea-coast till they came unto Mr. Edmund ThrelfalU who had a small ship ready for them in the rever of Lune. “ On Tewsday, May 14th, 1689, the Lyon of Lancaster, a small brigue, Charles Cawsoii, master, sayled out of the river Lune about two in the morning. Shee had then in her the master and five marriners, a boy, with Mr. Edmund Threlfall and two other passengers unknown. JShee went without cocket or certificate, and without fraight at her going off, pretending to stand for the Isle of Man, but when at sea, made straight for Dublin, and on Saturday, May 18th, 1689, that ship came to anchor in Dublin Bay, and there continued till the lOth of June following, waiting Mr. Threlfall’s retorne, who had hyred her thither and back. “ On Sunday, June 9th, 1689, Oollonel Mathews his regiment of dragoons began to take up the cheef of the papists in Lancashire, and that day. Bichard Townley of Towidey, Esquire, and his brother, Mr. Charles Townley, were taken at Townley and brought prisoners to Preston. “ Munday night, June 10th, 1689, there was brought on board the vessell that waited for Mr. Threlfall, one tun and an halfe of iron pots, halfe a tun of iron barrs, and nine barrells of beef, the same master and ship’s crew, the same Mr. Threlfall, after his stay of three weeks and two days in Dublin, and with him onely one other passenger, called Mr. Lunt, who pretended he was going to an uncle of his in England. How Lunt (whose wits had been at worke how to get a passage to England) became acquainted with Mr. Threlfall, doth not appear ; hee, at his comeing on board, was an absolute stranger to all the ship’s crew, and perhaps not till then acquainted with Mr. Threlfall. The vessell set saile that night. Whether Lunt, in their passage, might pump from Mr. Threlfall, by his insinuations, a discoverie of Mr. Threlfall’s errand, or how hee knew, it is uncertaine. ‘‘ On Thursday morning, June 13th, 1689, Mr. Threlfall and Lunt with him were set on shore near Cockeram, about a league from Lancaster, at a place called the Crooke, on the south side the river by the Cock Boat, and as the boatmen were rowing back towards the vessell, Mr. Lunt called after them (perhaps by Mr. Threlfall’s bidding) and said hee liad left his two lethern bags in the hold of the vessell, and desired them to bring them to him to Cockeram. It was observed by the seamen that these passengers had twm case of pistolls and one sword, a hair port- mantle trunk, and two lethern bags. The trunk, being heavie, was hid so soon as might bee, after they came on shore, and so continued, till, by a dog’s scratching to it, where it was covered with earth, and gnawing the skin that covered it, it was found, and when opened, there were found in it six case of large pistolls, marked J. R., an old campaign wig, two pair of old stockens, some sully linnen, which was all — no papers ; but in the bags left in the ship were all their papers — King James’ declarations and commissions, and many papers printed and written. They had no j)a(iuets to divide on shore, nor commissions to carry to Croxteth ; but that morneing, so soon as those papers which they brought over were, by the custom-house officers, seised in the ship, Mr. Threlfall, observeing the boat coming towards the shore, hee and Lunt with him fled, and at a place called Thurnham Mosse, betwixt 'rhnrnham Hall and Cockersand Abby, they lay hid under a hedge till night came, and then going some myles together, Mr. Threlfall, who well knew the country, got Lunt a guide to bring him to Mr. Tildsley’s house-lodge, and so Threlfall and Lunt ))arted. What Lunt’s pretence to go thither was, being an absolute stranger, wee know not, but Mrs. Tildsley, who is since dead, 313 her Imsband beiug then from home, sent, as is said, one John Nickson forthwith to bring Lunt the sand-way to Ince, where the Lady Tildsley, who is since also dead, then lived. Nickson took with him a horse, on which both Lunt and hee rid over the sand, and Friday, June 14th, 1689, at 2 afternoon, N"ickson brought Lunt to Ince from Cockeram. Where Threlfall and Lunt landed is nine myles to Lodge, and from Lodge to Ince 22 myhis. In going that way, no such person as George Wilson was with them, nor did any person, either at Lodge or Ince, ever see Wilson, as they say. Lunt stayed at Ince two nights. “Saturday, 15 June, 1689, at night. Captain Brereton, with a party of dragoones, took the Lord Molineux a prisoner, at Croxteth, and set soldiers to guard him whilst they searched the house; at which time, his Lordship being very ill of the gowt, prevayled with the Captain that the Lord Brandon might be acquaynted, who was then at Preston, that the Lord Molineux was not then able to remove, and upon his honor pro- mised, if able, hee would come wdien required. The Captain thereupon, for that time, let his Lordship remaine. “ On Sunday morning, June 16th, 1689, the same party of dragoons which had been at Croxteth, came to Garstwood, Sir William Gerard’s house, and there took up Sir William, and that day brought him prisoner to Preston. “ The same 16th of June, 1689, another party of Collonel Mathews' dragoons went to Lithom, Sir Thomas Clifton’s house, above 30 myles from Croxteth, and there took up Sir Thomas Clifton and brought him prisoner to Preston. “ The same Sunday, June 16th, 1689, Lunt haveing stayed two nights at Ince, and haveing by some meanes got a bay nag, supposed to be one of the horses left by Dr. Bromfield with James Williamson of Great Crosby, hee was guided from Ince by Edward Parker, the Lady Tildsley’s servant, to Runcorn boat, and so passed, without calling at Croxteth, or anywhere else, into Cheshire, on his way to London. “On Monday, June 17th, 1689, one Lieftenant Isherwood, with another party of dragoones, took up Mr. Dalton and carryed him from his house, Thurnham, to Gars tang, and the next day prisoner to Preston, and at the same time were taken up, many more of the popeish gentry, and brought prisoners to Preston, “The same 17th of June, 1689, the Lancashire Militia were raised, and came to their Lord Lieftenant, Brandon, at Preston. “On Tewsday, J une 18, 1694,^ an account of what papers, commissions, declarations, &c., that were seised in the ship were, by Mr. W. K certifyed to the Commissioners of tlie Custom-House, London, and shortly after, they were all sent up to the Principall Secretary of State, by a special mes singer. “ On Thursday, 20 of June, 1689, Lunt lodged, by the name of Benet, up two pair of staires over the gatehouse at the ‘ Cock and Dolphin ’ Inn in Gray’s Inn Lane. Hee there stole a case of pistolls belonging to a gentleman that then lay at that Inn, and William Hopkins, the then chamberlain there, for not paying the value of the pistolls, lost his place. The said Hopkins saith Lunt came thither on a bay nag. “ The popeish gentleman brought prisoners to Preston were af terwards thought tit to be removed, and June 24th, 1689, the order following was made, directed to the Constables of Manchester : — These are to will and require you to receive and take into your custody all such persons as shtill be brought to you by Captain Stanley, Captain Penington, and Captain Nones, or any under their command, and that you place such 1 Sic. In another copy 1689. 314 persons in such protestant houses, that they may not conferre or discorse together, and that you see that guards of the militia be set upon their severall and respective lodgings, the better to secure them. Given under our hands and seales the 24th of June, 1689. C. Brandon, L. Rawstorne, R. Longworth, T. Patten. “ June 25th, 1689, the aforenamed prisoners, with many more, were, by a part of the militia soldiers appointed thereunto, carry ed to Manchester, where two of them dyed. The rest, all save Sir Thomas Clifton, who was left at Preston, were kept in custody at Manchester, till January following, save that two or three had leave to go to their houses, on extraordinary occasions, for a day or two, but went with a guard of soldiers to bring them back. They were lodged as followeth : — At ‘ the Bull’s Head ’ : — Mr. Sherburne of Stonyhurst (he dyed at Manchester), Mr. Dicconson of Wrightington, Mr. Stanley of Preston, Mr. Barlow of Barlow. At Peter Tickles’ : — Christopher Cams of Halton, Esquire, William Anderton of Euxton, Esquire, Mr. Robert Bryers [and] Mr. Roger Bryers of Walton. At Mr. Swartbreck’s : — Sir William Gerrard, Richard Townley of Townley, Esquire, Mr. Charles Townley, his brother, Robert Dalton of Thurnham, Esquire, William Blundell of Crosby, Esquire. At the ‘Rose and Crown’: — Doctor Thomas Worthington, Mr. Thomas Lancaster, Mr. Christopher Anderton, At ‘the Wheatsheaf ’ : — Thomas Worthington of Blanisco, Esquire^ Mr. Richard Worthington, his son, Richard Chorley of Chorley, Esquire, Mr. William Clifton, brother to Sir Thomas, Mr. James Clifton, another brother, Mr. John Blundell. “ The Lord Molineux, after some days that Captain Brereton had left him at Croxteth, too unfit to be removed, was a second time sent to, to be brought by Sir Thomas Stanley, a militia captain of horse, but being then also unable to bee removed, hee was, after a litle longer stay at Croxteth, a third time, by Sir William Pennington, another captain of horse of the militia, sent for, with positive orders to bring him, and then, his Lordship being utterly unable to ride on horseback, and haveiug no coach at home. Major Generali Kirk, who then lay at Leverpool, lent his coach, and therein, on Sunday, 30th June, 1689, the Lord Molineux came to Manchester, in Major Generali Kirk’s coach, and was there made a prisoner with the rest; but two days before that time, viz., June 28, 1689, the order following was made at Manchester : — ‘ Whereas there are severall pi*isoners in custody at Manchester, this is to authorize you to deliver them into the custody of Captaine Dicconson, them to keep untill hee shall receive further order from me. (Signed) C. Brandon. To the Constables of Manchester.’ “The forenamed gentlemen were not discharged till January following. In January, 1689, they were all set at liberty without any impeachment, either for the crimes, whatever they were, which they were taken up for, or for whatever could be charged upon any of them by what was found of Threlfall or Lunt’s bringing over, and even the absconders which could not be taken when the rest were, did then shortly after appeare to vot(; at the election of Members of Parliament as the great man would have them. “ Digression : — Wilson swears Threlfall and Lunt landed at Cockeram in the beginning of July, and that hee, after Lunt’s coming to Mr. Tildsley’s house, called the Lodge, went thence with him to Croxteth, and there saw him deliver commissions from King James. It is there- fore observed that none of those gentlemen could then be found at Croxteth, and if Lunt had come to Croxteth after his landing, as it is plain he difl not, how fit a man was the Lord Molineux to be then drinking healths on his knees. 315 . ‘‘But to retorn to Mr. Lniit, whom wee brouglit, 20 June, to ‘the Cock and Dolphin ’ inn, in Grray’s Inn Lane. Whilst hee stayed at that time in town, hee continued at that inn, and on or about Saturday, 29th of June, 1689, Mr. Lunt, in a hackney coach, called at his wife’s dore, who then lived at the sign of the Golden Square, near Golden Square, in St. James’s. Shee saith that, at her first comeing to him, shee did scarce know him ; hee had so blacked his eyebrows to disguise himselfe. That he then took her in the coach to the ‘ Cock and Dolphin ’ inn, in Gray’s Inn Lane. That at night shee returned to her house, and that the next day shee and her brother Burges came againe to the said Inn to see and take leave with Mr. Lunt, who was then, as hee said, to go a jorney northwards. “ Whilst Lunt lay at that inn, one Mr. Thomas Stafford, a famed highwayman and an old companyon of Lunt’s, being newly come out of [the] New Prison, became Lunt’s bedfellow at that inn, about two nights before Lunt and Stafford went thence northwards. On 5 July, 1689, Lunt and Stafford were committed to gaol at Coventry, on suspicion of being persons disaffected to the Government. In August, Lunt was, by order of the Council, committed to Newgate, but in November he was released on bail. “ In December, 1689, Lunt went down to Mr. Threlfall’s house in Goosenargh, in Lancashire, and stayed there, by the name of Jackson, until towards the end of January following. “ In Hillary term, 1689, Lunt, appearing at the Court of King’s Bench, was thence, at the instance of Mr. Aaron Smith, bound over to the then next Assizes at Lancaster, but whatever Mr. Smith meant by it, there was no prosecution. “March 31st, 1690. Upon Lunt’s appearance in court, he was com- mitted, and though there was no prosecution, he was continued in prison there, until the August Assizes following. “24 August, 1690. Mr. Edmund Threlfall (with whom Lunt came out of Ireland) was buryed. “At Lancaster Assizes, in August, 1690, Lunt, though there was no prosecution, was but discharged upon bail, himself bound, by the name and addition of John Lunt, of the parish of St. James, Westminster, in 500/^., Peter Bradshaw of Scale, in the county of Lancaster, in 250//., Mercer of Lancaster, in the counW of Lancaster, in 250/., on con- dition that John Lunt appear at the then next Assize, and, in the mean- time, be of good behaviour. “ On or about the 6th of September, 1690, Lunt came from Lancaster. His friend, Mr. Threlfall, was dead. He had then no gentleman of his acquaintance to go to. His sureties were the common bail for many popish recusants that then were bound over, so he then came againe to John Wilson’s house, a linnen weaver, and then was called Mr. Lunt. “At Lent Assizes at Lancaster, 1690-1, Lunt appeared, and was discharged, and thence came and stayed at Isabel Burton’s house in Chippie, and sometimes at John Sharpies his house in Lagrum, and continued in that part of the cun try till May following. Lunt, in this mouth of May, before hee left Chippin, being in an house with Cuthbert Wilson, desired Wilson to walk with him into a field, and there moved Wilson, saying he was a strong man, to go with him to rob upon the highway, telling Wilson it was a very merry way of living. “August, 1691. In Bartholomew Fair time, Lunt came to his wife at ‘ the White Hart,’ in St. James’s parish, and stayed with her somewhat more then a mouth, save that two or three nights in that September he lay at Mr. Whitfield’s house in Bear Street, in Leicester Fields, at which time Lunt told Mr. Whitfield that hee had that summer lived near Hull, 316 in Yorkshire, and that whilst hee was in that cuntry, a French man-6f- warr had taken some ships that belonged to Hull. Though he told them not, at Chippin, whither hee was to go, yet he then told Mr. Whitfield where he had been. “ October, 1691, Lunt being about to leave London, hee told his friend, Mr. Whitfield, hee had then to pay for his mare’s keeping for a month and nine nights, in Bloomsbury. ‘‘In October, 1691, Lunt came again to Chippin, in Lancashire, and ther stayed, till about Christmas following. Where Lunt was, from Christmas till 29 January following, appears not; but what hee had been doing, the next paragraph but two sheweth. “ Friday, 29 January, 1691 [-2], Lunt was at Robert Clerkson’s house in Chippin. “ Wednesday, 3rd of February, 1691 [-2], Lunt lay at ‘ the White Bull ’ in Bilsburrow^, and stayed two nights. “ Friday, 5 February, 1691 [-2], Lunt lay at Thomas Plant’s house in Myerscough, Lancashire, and there stayed ten days, at which place, “ Friday, B'ebuary 12, Cuthbert Wilson being in Lunt’s company, Lunt took him to the 'stable to shew him two horses, and asked Wilson what he thought of them, who answering one seemed a broken bellyed horse fit for the cart, Lunt thereupon replyed that that horse, about a fort- night agone, had carryed him off 200/. upon the pad, and brought him with it, 50 myles in one day. After such an exploit, Lunt could scarce have come to so safe a retirement as Chippin, it being in an obscure part of the cuntry, scituate betwixt the great forrests of Rowland and Wyersdale, in a boggie, mossie, neighborhood. And Lunt, who had no estate, no trade, nor other way of getting money, being out of service, but this, save selling a horse which, perhaps, hee never bought ; though hee came often, after he had found it, to that retirement, yet hee never stayed long at any one house there. “ Wensday, 17 February, 1691, Lunt lay at John Anderton’s house, an inn in Walton, where hee was so sick as hee sent for a ghostly father. “ On Thursday, 19th, being better, he took horse to go, as he said, towards London, but went to Mr. Richard Wood’s house in Ormskirke, and there lodged three or four days, till he got Mrs. Ann Wrennall, in mind to go to London with him, as his wife. “The next account we have of Mr. Lunt is that, in the beginning of March, 1691-2 Lunt lodged three or four nights at Mr. Whitfield’s house in Bear Street, in Leicester Fields, and told Mr. Whitfield hee had brought a gentlewoman out of Lancashire, whom hee had promised to marry, that hee had laine with her all the way up. At this time of Lunt’s lodgeing there, one night after Mr. Whitfield was gone to bed, Lunt, sitting by the fyer with Peter Rogers and Mathew Turner, two of Mr. Whitfield’s servants, who had then ended their day’s work, said to them, he wondred that they, being strong men, would so toyle and drudge for a livelybood, as they dayly did, since much more might be easier got another way ; as for him, hee would rather adventure to be shot, padding upon the highway, then take such paines. And haveing so said, hee took out of his pocket and shewed them the instruments which hee said hee used in his way of getting money, which were a dark lanthorn, a wax caudle, gags and cords to bind and gag the persons robbed ; but they telling him they contented themselves in their own way of liveing, after that Lunt urged them no further, but put up his tackle, saying no more upon that subject. “ 28 March, 1692, being Easter Munday, Lunt was marryed by Mr. Lacy, the Spanish Embassador’s priest, to Ann, relict of Richard Reynolds, who had been an Ireish exciseman, and dyeing so, had owing to him from King James’ Exchequer in Ireland, two or three hundred pounds. She it was which Lunt brouglit from Lancashire. The bride, on the wedding night (they haveing before had their fills of love) went to lodge with her sister, Taafe, at Mr. Taafe’s house in St. James’ Street, in the parish of St. James’, Westminster, and after some days, Lunt, the bridegroom (who had another forsaken wife and three children, then liveing in that parish), came to Mr. Taaf’s said house, calling himself Captain Widrington, and told Mr. Taaf he was marryed to his wife’s sister. Lunt lay with this woman after they came to town, but before the wedding, at a little alley near Long Acre, and after that, removed to Jin alehouse in the Savoy, and Mr. Widrington, when he came to St. James’ Parish, to which his first wife and children were then a charge, hee was there known to bee Lunt, and his lodging in the Savoy being found, 4 May, 1692, Lunt was taken before William Bridgman, Esquire, Justice of the Peace, charged, ut per warrant, with suspicion of going away and leaveing his wife and children to the charge of the parish ; and for want of suerties for his personall appearance at the next Sessions, and to answer the same, hee was committed to the Gatehouse prison, Westminster, where hee lay untill 20 December, 1692. Lunt was discharged by the same Justice and Justice Tully. Whilst Lunt lay in prison in the Gatehouse, there were brought in thither, his three theeving companyons — Pour, Keland, and Fetherston ; and Pour, foreseeing his doom (for they all three, after the then next Sessions, dyed at Tyburn e), gave Lunt a blew cloke by which hee was known a great while, and likewise left him halfe a crowne. In December, 1692, Lunt being got out of the Gatehouse, came not to his true wife and children, but having taken up above 30/. in hand off Mr. Whitfield, secured by the assignement of a collusive, fraudulent bond, under which cheating security Lunt was also to receive from Whitfield ten shillings a week for some time. Lunt, thus furnished, took his new wife, who was then with child, to lodge at one Mrs. Cooke’s house in King’s Street, in Southampton Square, calling himself then, Mr. Jackson, and hee had from Mr. Whitfield his lOs. a week untill May 15, 1693 ; Mr. Whitfield being then informed that the bond assigned to him, which was from Lunt’s brother-in-law, a supposed preist, was a meer contrivance for a fund of ci*edit, and released at the same time it was made ; and the cheat being discovered, Lunt’s weekly allowance ceased. Then Lunt lived by running on the score, where hee could, and selling his wife’s apparell, and at last, put beyond all his shifts, in the midle of July, 1693, Lunt went to Highgate, and was there employed as a day laborer by one Mr. Bridges, from that time till the midle of September, 1693, to wheel gravell and sand to make ponds to hold water for a constant supply of the water conveyed by pipes to London. In this month, Lunt informs the Secretary hee was sent by the Lancaster gentleman to King James, to let him know their readines to serve him, and to know when they might expect his landing. “ Lunt’s true wife hearing of his being at Highgate, went thither, with a warrant from a justice of the peace, but he got away, and coming to his other wife, hee had a project to black her and there child, and to go as gipsies, and tell fortunes, but that wife being faire, or conceited, would not be blacked. “ Lunt, after this, compelled by necessity, adventured to go again to Mr. Whitfield, and with too many asseverations that Woodward, the priest’s, bond was a good bond, and not released nor assigned to any but himself, and telling Mr. Whitfield of a new way by which hee had hopes to g(it 700//., as he called it, owing to his new wife’s former husband, by King James, which, when got, should pay all that Lunt 318 owed to Mr. Whitfield. This so took with Whitfield that hee, like him that shootes a second arrow to find a first that was lost, was prevayled with, and, 17 September, 1693, Mr. Whitfield let Lunt have the further sum of three pounds six shillings, and with that supply, 19 September, 1693, Lunt went with his new wife and child from London towards Flanders, his said wife haveing a sister at St. Clare’s nunnery, in the town of Ayre (?), and thither comme, Lunt left his wife and child for some time to be provided by her sister there, and went, as hee said, into France begging or gipsying to St. Germain, to try if hee could get from King James any of the money due to Kichard Keynolds, his said wife’s former husband, and at his retorne to Flanders, hee told that he had got 30 pounds, but said he was robbed of it coming back, and that helped his pretence to beg by ; but wherever hee had been, or however hee had sped, hee came back to St. Clare’s nunnery as pore as hee went. ‘‘In the midle of December, [16]93 Lunt, with his wife and child, comeing back, landed at Dover. “ The 21st of that December, having stayed some days at Dover, they thence came towards London, and Mr. Lunt, having forgot to pay his reckoning at Dover, was overtaken and arrested at Canterbur}'. The debt and charges being under 20^., some gentlemen drinking in the Inn where Lunt was arrested, did contribute three or four shillings apiece to dis- charge the traveller, which Lunt afterwards ill requited, as hee also did his old friend Mr. Whitfield, putting their names amongst those hee informed against as plotters. “In the beginning of Christmas, 1693, Lunt came to London and went to Mr. Whitfield. “January 6th, Lunt’s said wife and child lay at Mr. Taaf’s house in Bury Street, St. James’, unto which place, near a fortnight after, Lunt also came. “ In the third week of that January, Lunt, by the name of Johnson, lived chamberlain at ‘the George’ inn, in Holburne. Hee stayed not there full three weekes, for whilst there, hee several! times borrowed a sword and a peruke, and went out in the nights, which his master, not endureing, turned him away. “ In the midle of February, 1693 [-4], Lunt lodged at a little court in Exeter Street, and there, by the name of Smith, lay about three weeks. At the first week’s end, in March, 1693- [4], Lunt removed into Duck Lane, in the Savoy, and there stayed till the latter end of that month, in which time, being at ‘ the Boyal Oak ’ in Drury Lane, and told Mr. Whitfield was there, Mr. Lunt sent to speak with him. Mr. Whitfield, asking who was with Lunt, was told Lunt was drinking in the kitchen witli Gray and Woodman, two reputed highwaymen. Mr. Whitfield hearing that, went not, but Mr. Lunt went up to him, asking why he would not come down, who answered, because your companyons are no company for mee. Lunt huffingly told him that though hee did, indeed, then owe him money, hee was now in a way to be able to pay him. The plot was then ahatching, and Mr. Whitfield was one that was after informed against. “ In April, May, and June, 1694, Lunt lodged in Greyhound Court, in Milford Lane, near the Temple, in which time, viz., April 6th, 1694, Lunt was sworn to his examination before Mr. Baron Powell, in the cause concerning lands given to superstitious uses. “ 22 June, 1694, publication passed in the cause about lands given to superstitious uses. “Wednesday, 27th of June, 1694, Lunt gave his information upon oath to Sir John Trenchard, then one of the Principall Secretarys of State, concerning his plot. 319 Munday, July 9th, 1694, Lunt, with Captain Baker and the rest of the informers and witnesses, lay at Dunstable. “On Thursday, July 12, 1694, that company lay at Manchester at severall inns, and severall of them by borrowed names. Captain Baker by the name of Harris, Mr. Taaf by the name of Johnson, Lunt by the name of Captain Smith, Greorge Wilson by the name of Mr. Brown, and there stayed till Munday following. “Munday, 16 July, Lunt went with Captain Baker, etc., to Worsley Hall, the Lord Willoughby’s house in Lancashire, to meet the four messengers that were sent down, Morisco, Clerk, Sutton, and Heaward, to be ordered how to divide and proceed the next day, with severall parties of Dutch troopers, to the severall gentlemen’s houses, that were to be taken up. And it was thought fit and necessary that the in- formers should be sent with the messingers and their guards, whereby the informers might see and learn to know those against whom they had informed, and to enable them to give an account of their seats, as well as of their persons, when they should be called to give their evidence against them. “Tewsday, July 17th, 1694, Lunt went with Clerk, the messinger, and 14 Duch troopers, to Mr. Legh’s house [at] Lyme, to which place they came betwixt six and seven in the morning ; the messinger, with three or four Dnch troopers, apprehended and carryed Mr. Legh, in his morneing gown, from his dressing room to his closset, where Mr. Lunt stood with three or four more Duchmen, and Lunt searched amongst Mr. Legh’s papers, from 7 till 12, and put up what he pleased. Mr. Legh afterwards was taken to a parlor, and there a guard set upon him, whilst Lunt and the rest searched every room and place where they pleased, in that great house, for armes, which gave Mr. Lunt opportunity sufiicient to know both Mr. Lee and his house. The armes they found were a case of pistolls and a carbine, which were in Mr. Legh’s closset. Mr. Legh had a fine horse, and the more by him vallued being the legacy of a dying kinsman, which Mr. Lunt seised, and set his own Sadie upon him, and thus (leaving Mr. Legh to be brought by forraigners to the common gaole of the county, Chester Castle), hee, better mounted then hee came thither, retorned into Lancashire, a thoroughly instructed informer against Mr. Legh. “Friday, July 20, 1694, Lunt, at Wigan, in Lancashire, seeing Symon Arrowsmith, who theretofore, when under gaoler at Lancaster, had had Lunt in custody, he then invyted Symon to drinke ; Symon replyed, ‘ How come you to know mee here, who would not know mee the last week at Manchester when I saluted you by your name, Mr. Lunt ? you then turned away from mee saying I was mistaken, your name was Smith.’ To which Lunt replyed, ‘ Your calling me Lunt there might have spoyled the project I was then upon, being the King’s informer.’ “ From Wigan, Lunt went into Blackburn Hundred, and at one Peele’s house, two myles from Blackburn, hee endeavoured, by large promises, to inveigle Mr. James Parkinson to turne informer and to swear, as Lunt should instruct him, against the prisoner. Thence Lunt, for a week or more, went up and down the cuntry seiseing horses ; in the Hundred of Blackburne, at Mr. Catterall’s and other houses ; in Amoundernes Hundred, at Mr. Tilsley’s and other houses ; in the Hundred of Loyns- dale, at Mr. Dalton’s and other houses. “Munday, July 30th, 1694, Lunt, with Wombwell, Ellis, and three messengers, were at the hall of Crosby, in Derby Hundred, seiseing of horses and searching the house for armes. There Wombwell, instead of armes, picked up money, the sinues of warr, which some of the company were ashamed of, and for which Mr. Marisco made amends. 320 “ Munday, 27th August, 1694, John Lunt, at the generall Sessions of the peace held at Hicks Hall, in St. John’s Street, in the County of Middlesex, was indicted for marrying Ann I’atham at St. Martin’s in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, widow, on the 3rd of June, 1692, and afterwards, that the said John Lunt did, on the 30th day of Aprill, 1694, anno 4 William & Marie, at the parish of St. Gyles in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, marry Anne Reynolds, widow, the afforesaid Ann Tatham, otherwise Lunt, being then living, against the forme of the statute, &c. “ The — day of September, 1694, John Lunt, by a warrant pur- suant to that process upon that indictment, was taken up by the Constable of and carryed before , and bayled by Mr. Aaron Smith.” Instructions for the Examination of Lunt and others. 889. [1694, October.] — Instructions to counsel as to the examination of Lunt, W ilson, and others. Rev. Thomas Wilson to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 890. 1694, November 11. Knowsley. — Desires Lord Derby should “ goe to Parliament,” since ‘‘ his duty, honour, and interest oblige him to it.” As to the progress of the “ Leverpooll affair,” Lord Derby is “hearty” for Mr. Brotherton, which gives great satisfaction to the Liverpool aldermen, who, on learning it, “ swore ” the writer “ free of the town.” Mr. Arthur Bold will vote as Mr. Byrome directs him. Seal^ broken. Thomas Marsden to Roger Kenyon. 891. 1694, November 18. — “You have already heard how zealous the Earle of Derby was for our friend, against Mr. Maudit, and how zealously the body of the dissenters acted for the contrary interest, together with a deal of inconsiderate churchmen, draun in by crafty insinuations and confirmed in their opposition by a letter from the Lords Rivers and Macclesfield. It is most evident it was not the single concern of Mr. Maudit, as a private person, that was transacted, but that of the mis-called good old cause. After Mr. Mayor had demanded the freeman to say who they were that stood candidates for the vacant burgesship, and it was answered Mr. Maudit and Mr. Brotherton, and no other, he ordered the oaths of the Mayor and freemen to be publickly read by the town clerk, and added that he could not admit a poll for Mr. Maudit, who, as coroner, could not appoint a deputy, nor could be sent away from the town without the violation of its priviledges, or words to that effect. And to convince us that the matter, indeed, so stood, he caused also to be read Sir Francis Pemberton’s opinion to that purpose. This done, the Mayor also told our people, if they would name any qualified person against Mr. Br[otherton], he would willingly admit them to a poll. But nothing Avould serve our opposites but a poll for Mr. Maudit ; iheir cry and clamours being thick and loud for that end. After the aldermen and gentlemen upon the Bench had declared for Mr. Brotherton, the Mayor pronounced him to be elected, dissolved the court, and went away. 1 leave it to them that were then personally present, to acquaint you with the mobbish rudenesses our opposites were guilty of, in court. This I will only mention, that Mr. William Norres of Speak, and apothecary Moliueux of Leverpool {fanaticorum caput), enraged the people against 321 us by their own very unmannerly example, and the Recorder vaunted a flood of canker upon Mr. Brotherton, which he overcame by a generous silence. We want the utmost of your interest and industry to enable us to keep our ground, and I am sure we shall not misse of it.” Seal ivith crest. La-DY H. Willoughby to Mr. Kenyon, Burgess of Clitheroe, at the House of Commons. 892, [1694,] November 23. — “I thank you for your civility in calling, and those other kindneses you offer my most unhappy condition, to which it is the highest agrivation to find myself disapointed where I might have had the greatest hopes of a friend to do me that justice my sad case requires, and which he solomley ingaged to per forme, before our marriage, which infidelity wold have an ill reflection on the wholl sex, but that it is to be hoped some are better then others, as farr as wit and good parts excell those that want them, of which you have a competent share, which makes me hope that good Judge Powell and you may find oat some way, seiice itt is such a piiblick grevance to the common people that they have given that villan Blacksmith’s house towards Islington, the name of the English Inquisition, and to my knowledge there was a discours of the mob rising and pulling itt downe, and there being noe less than aleaven aflidavides taken by Justice Grorge Evens of Surry, some of which contains murders dun in that house. I remember one old gentlewoman, Mrs. Rackliff, that was beat to death there, which Parker, a manservant to Newton, swears, and was privatly buryed, it is sayed, in his garden at Clerkenwell, where was a heap of earth att one end, like such a place. As for myself, I can easely prove that he was to have had two hundred powud to dispatch me in eight months’ time, besides five pownd a weeke for my diet and lodging, and that I had poysonous powders given me, unknowne to me, in my spoone meat, to make me mad, but that 1 timely discovered itt, as Hod wold have itt, that sent me a friend, good Lady Littleton, Sir Thomases mother, of the House of Commons, to healpe me to the benifitt of the lawe, which so frighted my enemeys, that they, rather then there villany shuld be discovered in Westminster Hall, imediately drew up private articles with an Ant of mine, to bring me out, otherways I had bin in my grave before this, and my son also, that they might have the estate which Massey told me they sent to inquire of him the value of, soon after Sir William Egerton’s death, which showes what there hearts were sett on. And now, if yet liveing, there is three young heirs in Sir Thomas Willis, Barronett, Sir Richard Eanshaw, and one Mr. Collett, not mad, but to be destroyed for the same cause, “Now, sence these horriable oppressions are a publick grevance, and made knowne to the Government, I suppose they ought to be redrest, upon a publick account. For my part, since I am deneyed it other ways, by this ungratefull, falce, and covitious person, who is now my husband, I must demand that justice of the Government which belonges to me as a subject of England and the Perrage, and desire you, as a Christian and gentleman, to assist me what you can in the obtaining of it, which will be in ittselfe so merritorious an act as will engage the prayers and highest esteeme of all, perticulerly those that shall be delivered out of that lyon’s den of distraction.” [P.S.] — “I have written the judge, on the same account, and desire your good assistance when you writ, direct to the Wardens to Mrs. Heap, but put not my name on itt. Praye let me heare if there Ijc any hope.” ^eal of arms. 73480. X 322 Examinations taken before the House of Commons in connection with the Lancashire Trials. 893. 1694, November 23, to 1694-5, February 5. 23 November, 1694. ‘‘ stake you I thinke you say you J une or July last? Mr. [Aaron] Smyth. — In July. Mr. Speaker. — You say you were sent for to the secretary’s, and he delivered you some bookes ? Mr. Sm. — 3 books of Examinations. Mr. Sp.^ — And directed you to abridge them ? Mr. Sm. — Yes, and I have the abridgement here. Mr. Sp. — Then you had these men under your own examination ? Mr. Sm. — Yes, but that was not till after the gentlemen were seized. I think it was about 3 weekes before the tryall. Mr. Sp. — When were they first seized ? Mr. Sm. — I cannot tell, but I suppose they might bee seized the latter end of July or beginning of August. Mr. Sp. — And then after they were seized, were the witnesses brought to you, in order to take their evidence and prepare for their tryall ? Mr. Sm. — Yes, to distinguish their evidence as to the severall persons. Mr. Sp. — Have you any other papers to deliver to the House but those papers the secretary delivered to you ? Mr. Sm. — None but those and the examinations of Kelley, which was in confirmation of their evidence as to some parts of the fact they had given evidence of. Mr. Sp. — I apprehend that you make use of the discovery in Flint- shire, and Bromfield’s going into the hireing the boat by Muwson, and the examinations in Worcestershire, and of the other examinations to induce the discovery of the gentlemen in Lancashire. Have you a list of them ? [Mr. Sm.] — They are all marked of them Dowds- worthy [Mr. Sp.] — Have you anything to say these gentle- men in their bringing up, or carrying down, or the proceeding at their tryall ? Mr. Sm. — I was not present at their tryall, for I was taken very sick, in Court, and was forced to withdraw. I heard noe part of this tryall. Mr. Sp. — Can you say anything relating to the proceedings to the tryall ? Mr. Sm. — Noe, otherwise than the takeing their informations from their mouths and giving them to the King’s Councell, and their con- sulting about them ; and then a comission was taken out, upon which they were tryed afterwards. Mr. Sp. — How many papers in number have you ? Mr. Sm. — Here are 31 papers in number, that I have here. Mr. Sp. — Besides the 3 bookes ^ Mr. Sm. — With the 3 bookes. Mr. Sp. — Have you the Examinations you tooke yourselfe ? Mr. vSm. — I luive the Examinations I tooke myselfe here. The 3 bookes are as J had them from the Secretary, save that I have made a figures of tlie outside of them. Mr. Smith withdraws. Mr. Leigh Bankes brought in. Mr. Ba. — Supposing that Taffe and Lunt had been people to trapan me, on Monday I went and tendred it to my Lord Chiefe Justice. I told him I had conversed with a villan. Hee said he did not think it propper to take it then, but would take time to consider of it till 4 a’clocke and (sic) the aforenoon. Hee then told me it would not bee proper then, but he thought it would bee serviceable to the gentlemen, in case they should be tryed. Mr. Sp. — This was before the tryall ? Mr. B. — This was the 28th. The 27th I was with TafFe ; the 1st of October I tendered the Afidavid to my Lord Chiefe [Justice], and I think the gentlemen went down on the 9th or 10th. Mr. Sp. — Have you a coppye of the Affidavit you tendered to my Lord Chiefe Justice? Mr. B. — I left it in the coimtrey. There was one of Mr. Beresford’s, a second of Mr. Bagshaw’s, my own was the third. Mr„ Sp. — Did you give this information upon the tryall of the gen- tlemen, in Lancashire ? Mr. B.— I gave very little but my own there. Mr. Sp. — Was you examined as a witness there ? Mr. B. — Yes, and I gave the evidence there that I have given here. Mr. Sp. — Did you tell any other circu[mstance] . . . you doe now here ? Mr. B. — I doe not remember any now. Mr. Sp. — You say the coppeys of those affidavits that you offered to my Lord Chiefe Justice, are in the countrey ? Mr. B. — Yes, I left them with Mr. Pigott, a lawyer in Lancashire. Hee hath mine and the declaration I made, after I had been conversing with Taffe. Mr. Sp.— Did Mr. Berresford goe with you to my Lord Chiefe Justice ? Mr. B. — Mr. Beresford and Mr. Bagshaw went both with me to my Lord Chief Justice. Mr. Sp. — You. say you heard from severall persons that Mr. Taffe could discover the villiany ? Mr. B. — Mr. Beresford lay at my chamber and sayd it would be dangerous for us to goe about to detect, etc. Mr. Taffe’s wife went to Mrs. Dickonson ; she related it to one of the gentlemen in the countrey ; she sayd she never saw Mr. Taffe himself, but his wife had come crying, several times, and said she was sorry for her landlord. Mr. Dickonson, says she, my husband can descover a great part of the villiany if any gentleman — Mr. Sp. — Did you hear it from any other person ? Mr. B. — Mrs. Dickonson told me to the same effect, for Mr. Beresford had it from her. Mr. Bankes withdraws. Mr. Bankes brought in again. Mr. Sp. — I am commanded by the House to ask you severall ques- tions. First, how long have you been acquainted with Mr. Taffe ? Mr. B. — I had noe acquaintance with Mr. Taffe before the tyme I met him about this buisness. Mr. Sp. — When was the first time ? Mr. B. — The 27th Sep., when the prisoners came to Coventry. I went down to meet them to pay my respects to Mr. Lee, and I dined at the same house the witnesses did, and I knew him when I saw him again. Mr. Sp. — This discourse you speake was after they were brought to town ? 324 Mr. B. — Yes, within 9 or 10 days of their going down. I knew him, and he knew mee again, and he asked me if I did not come as a spy at Coventry. Mr. Sp. — What did you answer ? Mr. B. — We heard there was a parcel of King’s evidence at Coventry, soe I and some gentlemen went to dine with them out of curiosity. I did not see him afterwards till September. Mr. Sp. — Had you any discourse with Mr. Taffe at Coventry ? Mr. B. — Noe, only there was a merrey gentleman with me, and he asked him a great, many of questions. Mr. Sp. — Who was that gentleman ? Mr. B. — His name was Mr. Milward, clarke to my Lord Lovelace’s troop. I went down from hence to Coventry. I came on Sonday, and went away again on Monday morning. Mr. Sp. — Did hee come backe with you on Monday ? Mr. Ba. — No, I left him there ; he was about his concerns there, pay- ing of quarters. Mr. Sp. — You say you heard some of the King’s evidence were in a house and you went to see them ? Mr. Ba. — ?>Ir. Milward knew the house. I designed to dine with Mr. Lee and the rest of the prisoners, but at night, we asked what a number of people was there. They sayd there was a parcell of Captain Baker’s servants, soe wee supposed they must be good men, and wee went among them to dine with them. Mr. Sp. — Who did you meet at dinner ? Mr. Ba. — There was Mr. Milward, the only man I knew, the landlord of the house, Mr. Taffe, and 4 or 5 scoundrel! fellows. Mr. Sp. — Did you or Mr. Milward ask any questions relating to the evidence against the gentlemen ? Mr. Ba. — Yes, Mr. Milward did, but Mr. Taffe, taking us to be strangers, was very shy iii answering of them. I sayd very little to them, but laughed at them. Mr. Sp. — Why did you looke upon Mr. Taffe as a dangerous man ? Mr. Ba. — I saw his name in a certain pamphlet directed to my Lord Chiefe Justice Holt. Mr. Sp. — Was that lettei* printed before 27th ? Mr. Ba. — Yes, a considerable while before. Mr. Sp. — What evidence did you give at the tryali, concerning Lunt’s having told you that, as soon as these gentlemen were taken off, there would be a further prosecution against severall other gentlemen ? Mr. Ba. — I forgot to tell you that upon Lunt’s reading his narrative, that a vast number were concerned. I asked him how it came to pass that soe few were taken up Says hee, it is noe matter, for that, for after ^voe have cut off 3 or 4 of these, we shall run through the body of England ; there is not a county of England shall escape us. Mr. Sp. — But was this all you said upon this head when you gave your evidence at Manchester ? Mr. Ba. — Yes ; I do not remember anything more that I said. I remember one thing more, but I do not know that I did say it at Manchester. Hee said he delivered a commission to one Lee, of Lime, and one Shalcross, and Beresford. 1 asked him what Beresford sayes. Is he not a tall black man ? He said he was a tall black man, and knew him very well, and Mr. Beresford is a middle sized man and weares a flaxen wigg. Mr. Sp. — Had you any coppye of the narrative ? Mr. Ba. — Hee said, at our next meeting, I should have a coj^pye of the narrative, and sonuHbrged commissions from King James. 1 asked him 3*25 liow hee would have King James’ hand, and I understood he had King James’ hand. Mr. 8p. — Did he read over all the narrative ? Mr. Ba. — I was then under an apprehension of their being all roo-ues, and did not take much notice of it. Mr. Taffe read it. I know not whether Lunt can read or noe. Mr. Sp. — Did Taffe tell you ? Mr. Ba. — Mr. Taffe said Lunt would have brought- him to be witness, but Mr. Taffe told him he did not care to swear himself, but he would bring him some other persons. Mr. Sp. — I am to aske you what you know concerning some warrants issued out against any persons for suborning witnesses against the King’s evidence. Mr. Ba. — I know nothing of that, only the common report that there were warrants against some, for suborning persons to descredit the King’s witnesses. I had a caution given me by some of my friends. I heard they were against me and Mr. Beresford. I heard it from a woman, but it might bee only her feares. Mr. Sp. — You say you looked upon Mr. Taffe to bee a dangerous man, and the reason was because you found his name in a libell; had you noe other reason ? Mr. Ba. — That made me the more to enquire what he was, and 1 heard hee was a runagate priest. I heard hee was a chiefe evidence in this plott, but I fond him very just, after he did pretend to discover this matter. Mr. Sp. — When you mett Lunt and Taffe, who shewed it you ? Mr. Ba. — Mr. Lunt pulled it out of tiis 2 ^ocquett and he gave it to Mr. Taffe. Wee stood in a cluster, and I looked upon it and said it was a good handwriting. Mr. Taffe read it. Mr. Sp. — How much did he read of it ? Mr. Ba. — I think he did not read it all. Mr. Sp. — How much ? Mr. Ba. — 1 cannot bee positive. Mr. Sp. — What was the subject matter of the narrative ; can you re- member the names of the persons mentioned in it ? Mr. Ba. — Noe ; but it named the [jersons in cuslody and some others. I found very few ca^otains, but there was a jjretty many colonels and lei u ten a t-colou els . Mr. Sp. — In the narrative Mr. Taffe read, there were severall persons named to bee in the conspiracy, besides those gentlemen that were tryed. I aske you now to declare as many of those persons’ names as you can. Mr. Ba. — Really, at that time, I thought only of Mr. Lee, he being a near relation ; not thinking but I should have another opportunity, I tooke notice of very little but that. Mr, Sp. — Cannot you remember none of the names ? Mr. Ba. — Noe, indeed, sir, 1 cannot. Mr. Sp. — You were speaking of Lievetenant-colonels ? Mr. Ba. — He named Mr. Lee as Colonel of Horse, and Mr. Shacroft as Lievetenant-colonel, and Mr. Beresford as Captain. Mr. Sp. — You said there was Commissions to bee writt over, &c. How was it that you came to understand that Lunt had something under King James’ hand ? Mr. Ba. — I asked him how he would get King James’ hand, and how he would counterfeit it, unless he had some of King James’ handwriting, and I understood him that he had a commission of King James in his pocket, for he said he would doe it effectually. Mr. Taffe and he afterwards went to the window, and he pulled out an old ^wchment ; what it was I cannot tell. 326 Mr. Sp. — You said Mr. Taffe asked you whether you were not a spy, when you were at Coventry ; where was that question asked you ? Mr. Ba. — When I met him, the 27th September, at one Barns his house in Brownlow Street, in Drury Lane ; that was the day I mett Mr. Taffe. Mr. Leigh Bankes withdraws. Called in again. Mr. Sp. — I am commanded to ask you, when he went to my Lord Chiefe Justice and tendered him those affidavits, what reason did he give why he would not take them ? Mr. Ba. — My Lord said it was not proper at that time, and lie thought he would not take them, and he would take it into considera- tion, and he desired me to come again at 4 in the afternoon, and accordingly I did come, and then he said it was discursing the King’s evidence, and it was not proper, but in case the gentlemen should be tryed, it would bee of service to the gentlemen. Mr. Sp. — Did my Lord Chiefe Justice direct you to goe to any other person ? Mr. Ba. — Noe. I prayed my Lord Chiefe Justice to advise me whether I might proceed with safety any further with these fellows, and hee told me I knew my own business best, he could not advise me. Mr. Sp. — You were pleased to say, when you mett Taffe and Lunt there was an appointment to meet him on the Saturday after, and that you and Mr. Beresford did advise about going to meet him, and that you did not thinke fitt to meet him any more. The House hath com- manded mee to aske you who you advised with ? Mr. Ba. — If I must give answer to it, it was Sir Bartholomew Shower. [Mr. Sp.] — made a proposall to you of swearing [to] some things, as he should direct you, wer you to swear the whole narrative, or some particular point ? He made a proposition to you of swearing a falsity ; what proposall did hee make you of a rewarde for it? Mr. Ba. — All he said was that if I did him service, I should be plentifully provided for. I told him it was a shrewd temptation, and I should doe him what service lay in my power. Mr. Sp. — Did you ask him how much ? Mr. Ba. — Wee were not come to bargain, for on Saturday after, 1 was to have received further instructions. Mr. Sp. — Well, hee did not propose to you any particular sume, or any estate ? Mr. Ba. — Noe, sir, hee said I should bee plentifully provided for, and I seemed satisfied with it. Mr. Leigh Bankes withdraws. Called in again. [Mr. Sp.] — 1 am commanded questions. When again on Saturday yo was to goe to the Secretary’s . . . you had had it under his hand to goe to tlie Secretary, and clear these gentlemen. Why did you not meet Lunt on Saturday, according to appointment ? Mr. Ba. — I and Mr. Beresford advised about it, and we thought it might be dangerous to the gentlemen. Mr. Sp. — Why did not you goe to the Secretary’s and discover what you had already found out, for you had sufficiently found out that this was a conspiracy and design against the gentlemen, by what discourse you had with Lunt and Taffe ? Mr. Ba. — I acquainted my Lord Chiefe Justice with it, and 1 thought he was fitter to represent to the Secretary than I was. 327 Mr. Sp.' — How lon^ was it after the Saturday ? Mr. Ba. — On Monday morning after, about 10 o’clock . . . . , 24th November, [16] 94. [Mr. Taffe brought in.] Mr. Sp. — Pray, Mr. Talfe, where is your house ; where do you live ? Mr. Taffe. — I live in Berry St., by St. James’. Mr. Sp. — When was it that Lunt came to you first ? Mr. Ta. — A little after Christmas, I tooke noe note of it. it is easily known, because he hath given an information, to the Secretary of State, of the very time. Mr. Sp. — What doe you mean by a little after Christmas ? Mr. Ta.^ — believe it might be a month or 6 weeks. Mr. Taffe withdraws. Brought in again. Mr. Sp. — I am commanded by the House to ask you severall ques- tions, which most part of them do arise from the narrative that you have made to the House, and they expect you should explain it. You say your house is in Berry Street. How long have you lived there ? Mr. Ta. — I have lived there a year and halfe at Christmas. Mr. Sp. — But where did you live before ? Mr. Ta.“ In St. James’ St., next street to it. Mr. Sp. — How long there ? Mr. Ta. — Since the Revolution. Mr. Sp. — What do you mean by since ? Mr. Ta. — From the begining. Mr. Sp. — Did you know a gentleman called Count Taffe ? Mr. Ta. — I never saw him. Mr. Sp. — What Count Taffe is it you know ? Mr. Ta. — I know him that was killed at the Boyne. Mr. Sp. — Where did he lodge when he was here in town ? Mr. Ta. — He lived in Wild House, and was sent Embassador into Germany, and then he went to France and thence to Ireland, [to] the Earl of Carlingford. Mr. Sp. — Did any person under the name of Count Taffe lye at your house ? Mr. Ta. — Noe, sir, never. Mr. Sp - Did .my Lord Car[lingford] lye at your house Mr. Ta. — Noe. Mr. Sp. — Did any letter come to your house directed to Count Taffe ? Mr. Ta. — Not as 1 know of. Mr. Sp. — Did any letter come enclosed to you directed to any person called Count Taffe ? Mr. Ta. — That could not be, for Count Taffe, in Germany, is a man I never had corrospondance with, and as for the Earl of Carlingford, I never saw him since he went into Germany ; the reason was, I was of the Church of Rome, and changed my religion ; the Bishopps were sent to the Tower, and I have had noe correspondence with them since. Mr. Sp. — Did ever any letter that was directed to you, either by mistake of direction or any other wayes, come to the hands of Count Taffe ? Mr. Ta. — Noe, not as I know of ; but there was a yonge man, some tyme last yeare, that received a letter, directed to me by the penny post ; the penny post that brought my letter asked for one Taffe, and they directed him to the King’s Head, and he opened it, and came and beged my pardon, and sayd there was a letter soe directed, but it was not to him ; but it was a letter of no consequence. 328 Mr. Sp. — What was in that letter ? Mr. Ta. — I cannot tell, but it was a letter of no consequence. Mr. Sp. — Did you inquire who the yonge man was ; did you know him ? Mr. Ta. — Noe, truly, J do not thinke I do. Mr. Sp. — Have you the letter ? Mr. Ta. — I threw it upon the table, I know not what is become of it. Mr. Sp. — Did Lunt goe down in a borrowed name ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, by the name of one Smith. I asked Captain Baker why he would bring the witnesses down ; he sayd he had a particular reason, but would not tell it. Then I asked Mr. Lunt, Sayes he, you must know I do not know these houses, and soe I goe to them, that I may know the place and people, and, sayes he, I have fixed upon a matted roome or matted gallery. And ; sayes he, I will sweare to that place, for, in my narrative, I have not put it down the particular place, but I will put it into my information, when I come to London. Mr. Sp. — When was this discourse ? Mr. Ta. — It was at W^igan. Mr. Sp. — Who v/as present when yon discoursed this with Lunt ? Mr. Ta. — Noebody, for I called him aside to discourse witli him. Mr. Sp. — Had you noe time to aske Lunt this question, till you came to Wigan ? Mr. Ta. — It never came into my mind till then. The countrey people said, that those people that were come to take them up are to be witnesses. Mr. Sp. — What do you know of any articles for dureing of the gentlemen’s estates, that were thus prosecuted ? Mr. Ta. — There are a great many articles. I know not the contents of them. There were articles made i)etween Mr. Wybraham and others. Mr. Sp. — How many articles doe you mean ? Mr. I’a. — There were several gentlemen that made articles with the undertakers, about begging their estates of the King. Mr. Sp. — When were those articles made ? Mr. Ta. — There have been severall, since these 4 yeares. Some articles were between the Marquis of Winchester and Mr. Samd(?) and Mr. Wybraham, and between Sir Scroope How and Sir J. Guise. Mr. Sp. — When were these articles made ? Mr. Ta. — Some tyme the last yeare. The articles are in being, if this House desire them to be produced. Mr. Sp. — You speake of ai ticles. Doe you know of any articles that you are a witness to ? Mr. Ta. — Noe. Mr. Sp. — How do you know that there were articles ? Mr. Ta. — I know notliing but what they told me. There were articles between Mr. Wybraljam, Goddard, and Hall. I saw them in Wybraham’s hand and Captain Baker’s band. They were left at my house once. Mr. Sp. — Did you read them ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, sir. Mr. vSj). — Why were they left at your house? Mr. Ta. — Mr. Wybraham went out of town, and he left all his writings, to keep for him in iny scrutore. There was a noise they were in trust for the witnesses. Says I, I will have nothing to do with them. Mr. Sp. — Why did you looke into them ? 329 Mr. Tn. — He ^ave me leave, and we read them together. Mr. 8p. — Why did you deliver them to Mr. Baker, without Wybraham’s leave? Mr. Ta. — There was a report that these articles were in trust for me, because in my custody, and to shew they were not, I delivered them to Captain Baker, for he was undertaker of the whole matter. Mr. Sp. — Were you to have noe share ? Mr. Ta. — Not as I know of. They told me when the business was done, they would reward me very well. Mr. Sp. — What doe you know of articles about their estates in Lancashire ? Mr. Ta. — I know of noe other. It was the estates of 2 or 3 gentle- men at Manchester, for setting their estates to superstitious uses. Mr. Sp. — Pray tell mee what was your share ? Mr. Ta. — -I do not know. They never specified to me anything in pariicular, but said I should be well rewarded. Mr. Sp. — Who is your trustee among all these men ? Mr. Ta. — Truly 1 have none at all. Mr. Sp. — What were you to doe ? Mr. Ta. — I was to be rewarded for making a discovery. Mr. Sp. — Were you examined as a witness ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, in the Exchequer, upon the Commissions of Inquiry, in the countrey. Mr. Sp. — When you were here last, you acquainted the House that Captain Baker tooke you along with him, to assist him to take the gentlemen in the countrey ; I ask you whether you did see the list of the gentlemen that were to be taken up ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, I saw the list in Lunt’s narrative, and warrants against them. Mr. Sp. — I ask you if you saw any list in Captain Baker’s hands, or any other person’s hands, of the persons to bee taken up ? Mr. Ta. — I did not see it at that tyme, but I saw it before, when they were writeing, when Lunt brought the narrative to Mr. Leigh Bankes. Mr. Sp. — When ; who was writeing of them ? Mr. Ta. — When ? Captain Baker’s clarke and he himself. Mr. Sp. — Had you ever any coppy of them ? Mr. Ta. — Noe, sir; I had a list of them, but I cannot tell what has become of it. Mr. Sp. — Can you remember any of their names ? Mr. Ta. — There was my Lord Molineux, Garrard, Stanley, Clifton, Dickinson, Standish, Girlington, Blundell, Langton, Jackson, Wood, Wilson, Lee, Townley, Gerrard, and Esquire Molineux. Mr. Sp. — Did you see any of the warrants ? Mr. Ta. — Yes. Mr. Sp. — Were there warrants against all those ? Mr. Ta. — Yes. Mr. Sp. — Were they all taken up ? Mr. Ta. — Noe, a great many got away ; Standish and Esquire Molineux made his (sic) escape. Mr. Sp. — You saw Lunt’s narrative. Did you read it over ? Mr. Ta. — Yes. Mr. Sp. — Can you remember the names that were in that narrative ? Mr. Ta. — I can remember some of them. Most of the gentlemen that I have named were in. In the fii st narrative, there was the Marquis of Carmarthen, Lord Hallifax, Sir John Manwaring, Ashby, Lord Nottingham, but they broke the list, for they asked mee my opinion of 330 it, and I told them if they accused those gentlemen, they were soe much for the government, they would not be believed. Mr. Sp. — Who shewed you this narrati've ? Mr. Ta. — ^Lunt was the chiefe. There was Captain Baker. I thought it to be a reall thing then. Says I, I know not hut they may be guilty, but you will not be believed. Mr. Sp. — Where was it ? Mr. Ta. — In Captain Baker’s office. Mr. Sp. — Now I ask you, was the narrative that Lunt produced when Mr. Leigh Bankes and you and Lunt were together, was that the same narrative ? Mr. Ta. — Noe, that narrative was the narrative when the plott was perfect ; upon that they grounded it. Mr. Sp. — Did they make any more narratives but one, before they made that ? Mr. Ta. — They have made severall broken papers — rough draughts — but I never saw any other in forme, that was approved. Mr. Sp. — You read over the nari’ative, did not you ? Pray give an account to the House, of the names of the persons that were named and mentioned in the narrative. Mr. Ta. — As far as I can remember, there was my Lord Mollineux, Sir William Gerrard, and all that were taken up, and one Symonds. Mr. Sp. — Was there any there in any other county es than Lancashire and Cheshire? Mr. Ta. — Yes, there was one ; I thinke Wilson named Symonds. Mr. Sp. — I ask you whether there were any other gentlemen that you know of, of any other countyes, named in that narrative ; not what Wilson told you ? Mr. Ta. — Truly, to the best of my remembrance, I thinke there were some Yorkshire gentlemen. I think my Lord Dunbarr was there. Sir John Lawson, but I am not positive, because I am not acquainted with those gentlemen ; and severall of the men taken up in Kent, that were to murder the King, I think were in it. Mr. Sp. — Doe you know any particular county in England, one more tlian the other ? Mr. Ta. — Lancashire. Mr. Sp. — Was there any more you have not named in Lancashire ? Mr. Ta. — >Not that I remember at present. Mr. Sp. — You were speaking of Roger Dickonson, and sayd that when you and Lunt and he were together, you sayd Lunt turned you out of the room ? Mr. Ta. — They desired mee to goe out of the room, soe I went down stay res. Mr. Sp. — What did they say to you when you came up ? Mr. Ta. — That they had agreed an appointment to meet in the after- noon. Mr. Sp. — Doe you know Mr. Dickinson ? Mr. Ta. — Hee said he was a Roman Catholic, but was brought up in the Church of England. Mr. Sp. — When was the first time that you and Mr. Bankes met together ? Mr. Ta. — Sir, I cannot call to mind at present, but it was about a month or 3 weeks before the tryall. Mr. Sp. — When did you meet the first time ? Mr. Ta. — It was in Russell Street, at one Mr. Banister’s house, where Mr. Dickinson appointed mee to meet him. I am not positive it is Russell Street. I was never there before ; it is in Bloomsbury. 331 Mr. Sp. — Who was with you besides Mr. Bankes ? Mr. Ta. — There was noebody but hee and I. Mr. Sp. — Who was it told you he was to meet you there ? Mr. Ta. — Mr. Dickinson. Mr. Sp. — Were you there first, or Mr. Bankes ? Mr. Ta. — I thinke I was there first. Mr. Sp. — Who brought Mr. Bankes into the room to you ? Mr. Ta.—The woman of the house ; shee knew we were to meet there. Mr. Sp. — What was the next time ? Mr. Ta. — The next morning. Mr. Sp. — Where was that ? Mr. Ta. -- Att his chamber in Gr.ay’s Inn. Mr. Sp. — Who was with him there ? Mr. Ta. — Mr. Beresford and another gentleman. Mr. Sp. — Was there any more in the company but you and Mr. Leigh Bankes and Mr. Beresford and the other gentleman ? Mr. Ta.—Noe, sir. Mr. Sp. — When was the next time you and Mr. Banks mett ? Mr. Ta. — That very afternoon. Mr. Sp. — Where was that ? Mr. Ta. — At the ‘ Ship ’ alehouse, in the Butcher Row, without Temple Barr. Mr. Sp. — Who mett you there ? Mr. Ta. — Mr. Lunt and I came there first, and when wee had been there a little while, Mr. Leigh Banks and Mr. Beresford came in and took a room and sent for mee. They were loth to speake with Mr. Lunt, but I perswaded them to speake with him. Mr. Beresford went away, and I brought Mr. Lunt to Mr. Banks, and wee were all three together. Mr. Sp. — Was there any other persons at that meeting but Mr. Lunt and you and Mr. Leigh Banks and Mr. Beresfoi'd ? Mr. Ta. — Noe, but Mr. Beresford did not speak to Mr. Lunt. Mr. Sp. — When was the next time you mett with Mr. Leigh Banks? Mr. Ta. — I saw him very often, almost every day. Mr. Sp. — When was the next time you a,nd Mr. Leigh Banks mett ? Mr. Ta.— I came to his chamber next morning again, and then found him shy of mee, because they had had some lawyer’s advise, and I went to see if he had got another man to goe with him, and then J went to Mrs. Dickinson, and then I found Mr. Roger Dickinson. Mr. Sp. — After the meeting you had in the Butcher Row', was there any other appointment between you and Mr. Leigh Banks and Mr. Beresford to meet ? Mr. Ta. — There was noe meeting betwmen Mr. Lunt and Leigh Banks and mee, afterwards, but wee appointed, that night, to meet next morning, but Mr. Leigh Banks would not come. Mr. Sp.— Where ? Mr. Ta. — Wee did not fix on any particular place then, but I was to give Mr. Lunt notice of it. Mr. Sp.~ What was the meeting you talked of ? Mr. Ta. — We were to meet somewhere thereabouts, and then to goe into the Savoy and counterfeit comissions. The reason wee were to goe into the Savoy was because Mr. Lunt would goe to noe place but some priviledged place, for he was afraid to bee taken up. IMr. Sp. — When did you come to Lunt to tell him of this meeting in the Savoy ? Mr. Ta.—I was to come to him the next morning. 332 Mr. Sp. — Did you goe to Lunt first, or Mr. Leigh Banks ? Mr. Ta. — I was to goe to Mr. Leigh Banks first, and accordingly did goe to him first, but Mr. Banks was shy, and instead of bringing Mr. Leigh Banks, I brought Mr. Roger Dickinson. Mr. Sp. — VVhat house were you in at the Savoy ? Mr. Ta. — Wee never were there. Mr. Sp. — Where was it that Lunt was taken by the constable ? Mr. Ta.- — Att a little cofi’ee house in Fetter Lane. Mr. Sp. — Who was there at the time when he was taken ? Mr. Ta. — None but he and I. Mr. Sp. — Where was it that Mr. Banks went away ? Mr. Ta. — It was at that coffee house. He came with Mr. Dickonson and Mr. Beresford, but hearing of a constable, they went of. . Mr. Banks did not see Lunt there. , Mr. Sp. — You say Capt. Baker writt a letter to you into Lancashire, and that you answered that letter again ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, sir. Mr. Sp. — Have you that letter that Capt. Baker writt to you ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, I have it in my pocket. It is directed to an attorney that it might the better come to mee. [He read the letter at Barr.] Mr. Barrow was the attorney that was employed for the Comission below, and he had layd out some money, and I wrote to Capt. Baker to get him paid. Mr. Sp. — You say you had several! discourses with Mr. Smith and Capt. Baker. Pray how many meetings had you with Mr. Smith? Mr. Ta. — I had noe meeting ever with Mr. Smith, but by chances ; when Mr. Lunt was taken up by a constable, he then came to goe with him before my Lord Mayor. That was the time I had most discourse with him. Mr. Sp. — How long since is it that you knew Mr. A[aron] Smith ? Mr. Ta. — I never had familiarity with that man, but he used to come often to Capt. Baker’s office. But when I came out of the countrey, I went to him about an horse I had hired. Mr. Baker directed me to Mr. Smith, and he sayd he had noe order to doe any such thing. That was the first time I spoke to him and had any conversation with him. The second time bee came to baile Mr. Lunt, and then hee called me aside, and said it was a sad thing, he was an ill man ; and he desired me to goe to my Lord Mayor’s, and because I told him Lunt had twowifes, he turned me off. Mr. Sp. — Y^ou sayd you had some offers of money by Mrs. Dickinson ? Mr. Ta. — They did not offer mee money, but they asked me wliat summe I would have and name my summe, and I should have wffiat I pleased, for they had resolved, if I had named any summe, they would not have taken any notice of me, and when I told them I did not do it for reward, they thought I was reall. Mr. Sp. — But how did you know this before ? Mr. Ta. — I knew it but since; they told mee soe. Mr. Sp. — Have you had any money since ? Mr. Ta. — I have had money to bear my charges up and down. Mr. Sp. — Have you had money from those gentlemen ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, 1 had 6L to bear my charges down, and post. And when the tryalls were over in Chester, Mr. Beresford, that payd the charge of the witnesses, asked me if I wanted money for my charges, soe he gave me 20/. I told him I had been there a fortnight. Mr. Sp. — Who paid you the 61. ? Mr. Ta. — It was sent to mee by Mr. Leigh Banks. Mr. Sp. — Have you had any more money ? 333 Mr. Ta. — Noe, sir. Mr. Sp. — You say you went down with Lunt and Capt. Baker into those conntreys. How instrumental were you now to Capt. Baker or Mr. Lunt ? What hand had you in seizing of horses ? Mr. Ta. — I had noe hand in it ; there were 4 messengers and they toke 4 parts, and I went with one when hee tooke up Sir William Gerrard, and was at Standish Hall when that was searched, and was then about seizing of horses and seaching for armes. Mr. Sp. — What other service did you doe ? Mr. Ta. — That is all. Mr. Sp. — But it is pretty strange that Capt. Baker and Lunt should carrey you into the countrey and you should not bee more servicable than this ? Mr. Ta. — The reason was, Capt. Baker did not care to trust him soe far with these men, and he was willing to have my advice. Mr. Sp. — And you did advise from time to time ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, I gave him my advise as well as I could. Mr. Sp. — What way of living have you in this town ? Mr. Ta. — I have an house and let lodgings. I have a pension from the King ; the King allowed me 100/. a yeare. Mr. Sp. — How long have you had it ? Mr. Ta. — About 3 or 4 yeares. .Mr. Sp. — Upon what account had you that pension ? Mr Ta. — My Lord Bellamont introduced me to the King, and spake for me, as I had been a sufferer in King James’ time and had noe estate to live upon. Mr. Sp. — What sufferer were you in King James’ time ? Mr. Ta. — When the seven Bishops were sent to the Tower, I changed my religion. I was a clergyman of the Church of Boome, and asked to say mass at the Pope’s Nuncio’s, and after, came into England and had a designe to change my religion, and thought I could not have a better time for it than when popery was in its height, to shew the world 1 did not doe for interest, and soe the day the Bishopps were sent to the Tower, I recanted before Mr. Tenison, and afterwards I was tra- panned and put into prison, and lay there 28 days. I had a knife to cut my victualls, and with that cut through the bricks and got out and leaped into the garden, and then put on my clothes and got a ladder and got atop of the wall, and leaped into the street and bi’oke my leg, and lay there a good while. There was an acquaintance of mine, a Roman Catholic; I thought if I could get to his house, he would save mee, so I went as well as I could to his house, and he received mee, and keept me till I was pretty well, and lent me his horse and clothes and sent me to Dunkirke, and came over at that time King James went to Salisbury Place, and my bookes, my writings, and clothes, were all taken from my lodgings. I cannot say the pension was granted par- ticularly for that, but Lord Bellamount had some business in the countrey, and desired me to goe along with him, and when I came home, he spake for mee to the King, and said I was very serviceable. Mr. Sp. — What were you to doe for my Lord Bellamount ? Mr. Ta. — This was one reason. Wee went into the country to follow one Shynner that was gone into Ireland. My Lord Bellamount was sent to examine him. Mr. Sp. — How many pentions have you received ? Mr. Ta. — It is about 3 or 4 yeares. Mr. Sp. — When was the last payment paid you ? Mr. Ta. — At our Lady day last. Mr. Sp. — What, are you in arrear then ? 334 Mr. Ta. — Noe more but from that time. Mr. Sp. — Were you paid it yearly, half yearly, or quarterly ? Mr. Ta. — Every halfe yeare. Mr. Sp. — How much is due to you now ? Mr. Ta. — 3 quarters at Christmas. Mr. Sp. — Have you demanded what was due ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, my wife has. Mr. Sp. — From whom? Mr. Ta. — From my Lord Portland’s secretary. The first time she went, he told her it would come in two days, then she went and he put her off till next Monday. Mr. Sp. — You say you never saw Lunt till after Christmas ? Mr. Ta. — Noe, I doe not say soe, but I say he came to rny house, at that time, to acquaint me of the plott ; but I have known him 2 years before that time. Mr. Sp. — How come you to bee acquainted with Lunt, and how long have you been acquainted with him before Christmas last, and upon what occasion ? Mr. Ta. — I cannot possitively, but the year is remarkable ; it was when the French were beaten by Admiral Russell. The Easter Monday before la Hogue buisness, he came to my house in St. James’, and told me he was newly come from Lancashire, and that he had married my wife’s sister. I asked him what name, and he said Capt. Witherington. Says, I, what is your religion ? Says he, a Roman Catholicke, and I would faigne goe to King James. Says I, if you would goe to King James, I will have nothing to do with you. Hee delivered a letter of recomendation to Mr. Walmsley, in France. Afterwards, he was taken and comitted to the Gate House, and I never saw him afterwards, till after last Christmas. Mr. Sp. — When did you carry Mr. Lunt to my Lord Bellamount? Mr. Ta. — It was a little after Christmas last. Mr. Sp. — About what time, doe you thinke ? Mr. Ta. — As I told you before, it may bee a month, or 6 weeks, or 3 weekes ; I cannot tell. Mr. Sp. — Had hee been with the Secretary before you carryed him to my Lord Bellamount ? Mr. Ta. — It was after, for my Lord Bellamount spake for him to the Secretary of State. Mr. Sp.— Is there any relacion betwixt you and Mr. Lunt ? Mr. Ta. — He told me he marryed my wife’s sister, but he had a wife before, soe it was but a cheat upon her. Mr. Sp. — Hid you see the passe that Mr. Lunt had from my Lord Melford ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, Mr. Lunt has it, I suppose. Mr. Sp. — Hid you see it in Hunt’s hands ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, I read it, and it is in French. Mr. Sp. — When did you see that passe first ? Mr. Ta. — The first day he came to mee. Mr. Sp. — Hid you see it at any time afterwards P Mr. Ta. — When I brought him to my Lord Bellamount, he shewed it to him and several 1 people, to Capt. Baker. Mr. Sp. — You mentioned some money that was given to witness. Pray, by whom was that money given, and wh.at money ? Mr. Ta. — I was never at the payment of any considerable summe, but Capt. Baker payd them money, and Aaron Smith at other times, as they told mee. Mr. Sp. — Hid you see any money payd ? 835 Mr. Ta. — I doe not remember I was present at any payment, but I have seen them come with summes of money from Capt. Baker and Mr. Smith, and shewed me they have had guinneas. Mr. Sp. — Did Capt. Baker ever tell you that he had paid money ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, he said there was 50 guinneas, and that Mr. Lunt and he had divided it. Capt. Baker said he had only 10 of it. Mr. Sp, — Did Aron Smith ever say that he gave any money ? Mr. Ta. — hfoe, I do not remember he did. Mr. Sp. — For what was this money ? Mr. Ta. — It was to maintain the witnesses and encourage them, and that Mr, Lunt might goe among his friends and see whether they would come in with him and confirm e what he said. Wilson, that had not bread to eat before, was tempted with soe many guineas. Mr. Sp. — What doe you remember of the narrative that Mr. Lunt drew out when Mr. Bankes was there ? What doe you remember, besides the names of the persons ? Mr. Ta.~I remember he declared he followed King James into France, and from thence into Ireland, and that he was introduced to King James by my Lord T. Howard and George Howard, and they told him he was a very trusty man, and that he was sent with one Melford to carry coniissions, and that they landed in Lancashire, and had delivered comissions to the severall gentlemen in custody, and how they kissed the comissions, and drunke King James’ health, and gave them money. Mr. Sp. — Have you any coppye of the narrative ? Mr. Ta. — I had a coppye of some of it, but I can’t tell what has become of it. Mr. Sp. — What is Capt. Baker’s office ? Mr. Ta. — A place they call his office. Mr. Sp. — Why doe you call it an office ? Mr. Ta. — It is a name they gave it. It was appointed to examine what money the dissenters had payd in King Charles’ time. Mr. Sp. — Who was that divided among ? Mr. Ta. — I cannot tell. Mr. Sp. — You were saying Mrs. Dicconson was very much concerned to know the witnesses’ names ? Mr. Ta. — Yes, sir. Mr. Sp. — Was that concern of Mrs. Dicconson and that discourse you had with her, before you spake with Mr. Leigh Banks, or after ? Mr. Ta. — Before, sir. Mr. Sp. — How long before ? Mr. Ta. — I thinke it was about a fortnight or 10 dayes. It was at the beginning, when my wife spake to her. Mr. Sp. — I need not ask you what religion you are of ? Mr. Ta.--I am of the Church of England. Mr. Sp. — You were giving an account to the House, of Mr. Leigh Banks his going to my Lord Chief e Justice. Pray, who was in company when he went to my Lord Chiefe Justice ? Mr. Ta. — I doe not know, for I did not know of their goeing till afterwards. Mr. Sp. — Who told you of it afterwards ? Mr. Ta. — Mrs. Dickinson told mee first, and afterwards I asked Mr. Banks, and bee told mee he was there, and he told mee there was Mr. Leigh Banks and Mr. Beresford ; I know not who else. Mr. Ashton brought in. Mr. Sp. — What countrey man are you ? Mr Ashton. — Lancashire; I lived at the ‘‘Three Tunns,’ in Bread Street. 336 Mr. Sp. — How long since ? A. — A matter of 6 weekes. I came out of Lancashire, and lost my place in going there. Mr. Sp. — With whom did you live in Bread Street ? A. — Mr. Wright, I thinke they called him. I lived with him a month or 5 weeks. Mr. Sp. — In what quality did you live with this gentleman ? A. — 1 was under-chamberlain. Mr. Sp. — What doe you know of the proceedings against severall gentlemen that were indicted and tryed in the County of Lancaster and Chester ? A. — I doe not know that ever I knew any thing against them. Mr. Sp. — What doe you know of the proceedings against them ? A. — Why, there was one Wombell, a carrier, and I was a carrier. I asked him how he lived, and he said he was the King’s messenger. I asked him if he could doe me any kindness in that concerne, and he said he did not know, but he might. He asked me to come to his lodgings, and I came and lay with him, and he said he did not know but he might helpe mee to a place, in a short time, and said if I could swear that I bad carryed armes for such and such a gentleman, hee would helpe mee to a place, or money to maintain me. He named Mr. Legh of Lyme, and . Hee said he would help mee to 50/. a year or 27s. a weeke. I told him I knew nothing of it. Mr. Sp. — Was you at Manchester A. — Yes. Mr. Sp. — Were you examined as a witness there ? A. — Yes, I gave that evidence there. Mr. Ashton withdraws. 28 November, 1694. Capt. Baker, after he was withdrawn, being called in again. Mr. Sp. — I am commanded by the House to ask you severall questions upon the narrative you have made to the House, that it may be the better understood. You were pleased to say that you searched Mr. Standish’s house yourself, and that you tooke some papers there ; have you those papei’s about you ? Capt. Ba. — Yes, sir. Mr. Sp. — What papers are they ? Capt. Bu.— There is a paper relateing to the tryall of some pyrates, the other is called Rules for Exercise. I thinke the other is a paper that I marked. I tooke it to be heads for a declaration upon the intended insurrection. (He delivered in the papers, and that importing heads of a declaration was read by the Clarke.) Mr. Sp. — You should acquaint the House with the matter of this paper. Did you thinke tliis was a paper fitt to make a declaration out of? It is fitt to be burned, and not produced to the House. Where did you find these papers ? Capt. Ba. — I found them at the house of one Mr. Standish called Standish Hall. I found them above staires in a bed chamber. ^r. Sp. — You say Lunt went down along with you into Cheshire; I am commanded to ask you by what name did he goe down with you ? Capt. Ba. — He went mostly by the name of Smith. Mr. Sp. — By what other name ? Capt. Ba. — By the name of Lunt, 337 Mr. Sp. — Did he pretend to know any of the gentlemen that were to he taken up ? Capt. Ba. — Yes, sir, he pretended to know Mr. Leigh of Lyme. Mr. Sp. — What house did Mr. Lunt go to, in Lancashire and Cheshire for [which] you had the warrants ? Capt. Ba. — Sir, I sent him to noe house in Lancashire or Cheshire, but only to Mr. Legh of Lyme. Mr. Sp.— Did he obey your commands in that, or goe to any other ? Qapt. Ba. — I know not that he went to any other ; I gave noe warrants to Mr. Lunt, or any other but the King’s messengers. Mr. Sp. — You were speaking of Mr. Taffe, that when he returned from Cheshire and Lancashire, that he came to you for a reward, to satis fye him for his journey, and afterwards he desired you to goe along with him to Mr. A. Smith ; that you did not goe with him that morning, but he went afterwards by himself, and you said you were told Mr. Taffe was angry, and threatened revenge ? Capt. Ba. — I did soe. Mr. Sp. — Who was that person ? Capt. Ba. — There was one Dibidderon that told me he talked of revenge, and there was one Wybraham that was one in the lobby, when I came into the House. Mr. Sp. — Where is the other ? Capt. Ba. — I doe not know where he lodges, but I believe I can find him, in a day or two. Ml*. Sp. — By whose order did Mr. Lunt goe down ? Capt. Ba. — By the Secretary. Mr. Sp. — What Secretary ? Capt. Ba. — Both of them. Mr. Sp. — For what reason, to what purpose, did he goe down ? Capt. Ba. — I doe not know the reason; I suppose there was cause and reason in the information before them. Mr. Sp. — In your information to the House, you made mention of one Wilson, that I thinke you say you met at Manchester ? Capt. Ba. — I mentioned one Wilson that was taken up for high treason, among the rest ; he was carryed down to Manchester, among the rest. Mr. Sp. — Why was not he made use of as a witness ? Capt. Ba. — I cannot answer that reason, but he was upon the briefe, and the councell pressed to call him. Mr. Sp. — Which of the King’s councell did you speake to, to call Wilson ? Capt. Ba. — Sir, it was Mr. iS app that told mee hee had received hard language for pressing him to be called. Mr. Sp. — Who was the King’s councell ? Capt. Ba.-— There was Sir William Williams, Serjeant Gould, and Mr. Hawles. Mr. Sp. — But you say you spake to some of the King’s coimcell, yourselfe ? Capt. Ba. — Yes, I did speake to Mr. Sergeant Gould and to Mr. Ball and some of the managers. Mr. Sp. — When you pressed that hee should bee called, what answer was given to you ? Capl, Ba. — None at all. Mr. Sp. — Did you hear the King’s councell give a repremand to Mr. Napp for pressing the calling him for a witness ? Capt. Ba. — Noe, sir. Mr. Sp. — When you were at Mr. Standish’s house, you came into the lady’s chamber, and the lady told you you came too late, for that she 73480. Y 338 had an information, some time before, of your coming into the countrey, and since that time, you said you came to understand how the intelli- gence came to be given ? Capt. Ba. — I did say I thought there was some reason to believe how. I believe it came from Mr. Taffe’s wife, who is godmother, &c. Mr. Sp. — You say you had money for dischargeing your expenses ; pray, what money, and from whom ? Capt. Ba. — From the Secretary. Mr. Sp. — From both or from whom ? Capt. Ba. — From both. Mr. Sp. — Was it one summe from both, or severall summes ? Capt. Ba. — It was a summe from each, 100/. Mr. Sp. — You were saying there was some discourse of Mr. Taffe’s, that he should say he could serve Mr. Legh. Now, the House desires to know who it was that told you soe. Capt. Ba. — It was one Mr. Wybraham. Mr. Sp. — What did he tell you ? Capt. Ba. — He told me he was walking with Mr. Tatfe, and that he told Mr. Taffe that such a one did wonder he would be concerned in the matter. Why, says hee, why does he wonder I am noe evidence. But, says he, there is evidence that will certainly goe to the lives of every one of them, it is soe clear. But, says he, Legh of Lyme is Protestant ; for the rest, he did not care if they were hanged. He asked if he knew him, and sayd he wished he could come to some relation or friend of his, for he could put him in a way to save his life, but there was noe comeing to Lee of Lyme, for he was in the Tower. Mr. Sp. — You say Mr. Lunt was examined; before whom was he examined ? Capt. Ba. — He was examined before the Secretary. Mr. Sp. — Was he examined before any other person ? Capt. Ba. — They were together. Mr. Sp. — Was he examined before any other person ? Capt. Ba. — I believe my Lord Keeper was at the Secretary’s at that time ; they did all ask him questions. Mr. Sp. — Was he examined by any other persons than them 3 ? Capt. Ba. — Not that I know of. Mr. Sp.— You were speaking of some warrants that were delivered to you, when you went into the countrey ? Capt. Ba. — Yes, they were soe. Mr. Sp. — Were the warrants all filled up when they were delivered to you ? Capt. Ba. — Every one of them, all but the directions, all but the messengei’s’ names ; the body of the warrants were all full. Mr. Sp. — Were the persons’ names inserted in the warrants against whom they were issued ? Capt. Ba. — Yes, they were. Mr. Sp. — Were there any blanks ? Capt. Ba. — Perhaps for a Christian name, not otherwise. Mr. Sp. — Had you any blank warrants ? Capt. Ba. — Not one. They were directed to blank such a one, messenger to their Majesties in ordinary. Mr. Sp. — You did inform the House that about August was 12 months, you were employed in the buisness concerning finding out lands given to superstitious uses ? Capt. Ba. — I was employed to execute a comission in the countrey. Mr. Sp. — Doe you know of any articles for dureing those lands, in case they should be discovered and found out ? 339 Capt. Ba. — The lands were to be the King’s. I never was in any articles. Mr. Sp. — I aske you whether you know of any articles that were made, concerning the devision of such forfeited lands ? Capt. Ba. — Sir, I have heard of an order of the Lords of the Treasury, for inquireing after such lands, and that, for recovery of such lands, there should be a third parte for the undertakers, and did hear there were some persons did enter into articles to bear the charge, and that when they were recovered, they should have them amongst them, soe and soe. Mr. Sp. — Doe you know of the undertakers’ names ? Capt. Ba. — I have heard there was one Goddard Stepkyn. Mr. Sp. — Who employed you in the comission ? Capt. Ba. — I was employed by one Docwra of London, and severall other gentlemen. Mr. Sp. — Please to name them. Capt. Ba. — My Lord Monmouth was one, Sir Scroope How, Sir. J. Guise. Mr. Sp. — Any other person that you can remember ? Capt. Ba.— Not that I remember. Mr. Sp. — Is there any determination of the matter in the Exchequer ? Capt. Ba. — Noe, sir ; there is an information, but the answers some are in and others are out. Mr. Sp. — It is still in procecution ? Capt. Ba. — Yes, sir. Mr. Sp. — What other comissions doe you know of ? Capt. Ba.— I have heard of one in Lancashire. Mr. Sp. — What proceedings upon that ? Capt. Ba. — -There have been proceedings to the examininge of witnessees. Mr. Sp.— What witnesses were examined in the last comissions ? Capt. Ba. — great many. I cannot remember all their names. Mr. Taffe was examined, and one Nevill, and De la Gard, Barrow, and some others. Mr. Sp. — -Has Lunt been examined ? Capt. Ba.— Yes. Mr. Sp.— Has Wombell ? Capt. Ba. — As to the credit of the witnesses, noe otherwise, that I remember. Mr. Sp. — -Was Wilson ever tryed ? Capt. Ba. — Wilson was never tryed. Mr. Sp.— Were you at the tryall at Manchester? Were you there when the Grand Jury did appeare? Capt. Ba. — -Yes, sir. Mr. Sp. — What did you observe ? Did you observe there was any alteration to the pannel of the Grand Jury? Capt. Ba. — Noe, sir ; nor I believe there was none. Mr. Sp. — There was noe names aded nor none struck out ? Capt. Ba. — Noe, sir, that I know of. Mr. Sp. — Was you there when the prisoners were arraigned ? Capt. Ba. — I was soe, sir. Mr. Sp. — Did you observe that the pannel of the Petit Jury was either altered or any added to it ? Capt. Ba. — The pannel of the Petit Jury there was an edition to it, and the reason was because it was supposed to be too small, for there was not above 65, soe there was an edition to 112, or 114, or 120 at the most. Y 2 340 Mr. Sp. — Was there any Act of Parliament or Statute read con- cerning pannells ? Capt. Ba. — There was a Statute read, but I cannot charge myself what Statute or to what purpose. It was something about Grand Jurys, as I remember. Mr. Sp. — What was done upon it ? Capt. Ba. — I know nothing that was done upon it; the Grand Jury was impannelled and sworne. Mr. Sp. — What was the occasion of the reading of it ? Capt. Ba. — Upon some speach the Judge made, they called for the booke and ordered it to be read. Mr. Sp. — What did he say upon the reading of it ? Capt. Ba. — I cannot tell ; it did not concerne me. Mr. Sp. — Was there any decla,ration made by the Judges, relateing to the law upon the point whether a pannell might be altered ? Capt. Ba. — I believe there was something said that the law was soe and soe, but I cannot remember particularly what it was. The Statute that was read was not relateing to the Petit Jury, but the Grand* Jury. Mr. Sp. — The House have been informed of an office that you keep, in the Temple ? Capt. Ba. — I am ready to give an account of those chambers they call an office. It was upon this occasion : about 2 or 3 yeares agoe, there was an order issued to some gentlemen, who had made a proposal to make a discovery of great summes levyed upon dissenters, and not paid into the Exchequer. The people that undertooke that, made some progress in it, and thought fitt to make choice of some chambers near the Exchequer office, for the purpose. They discovered 3,000/. upon Sir Thomas Jenner, and he pleaded it. Severall great summes were discovered, to the value of 20,000/. I was not one of them, but a well wisher to them, soe they called me to their assistance, I haveing laid in goale almost 2 yeares for the service of my countrey and the Protestant religion, as I tooke it, at that time. They tooke these chambers, and I lodged in them ever since they have proceeded to tryall, and there are severall summes of money paid into the King’s receiver. Mr. Sp. — Who are the undertakers ? Capt. Ba. — There was a brother of mine in it, Mr. Dockwra, and one that belonged to Sir William Godolphin. Mr. Sp. — You say there have been examinations of witnesses upon a comission into Lancashire ; has there been any indictment against any of those witnesses for perjury ? And what doe you know of any Cer- tiorari ? Capt. Ba, — Never that I heard. Mr. Lunt and Mr. Taffe were both witnesses, but I know of noe Certiorari in that matter. Mr. Sp. — When you went down into the countrey was there any horses seized ? Capt. Ba. — Yes, a great many. Mr. Sp. — Of what value ? Capt. Ba. — Some were worth 50/., 40/., 10/. 7/., but the lowest, I believe, was worth 7/. Mr. Sp. — From whom were they taken ? Capt. Ba. — From a great many persons. I suppose Mr. Smith hath given in a memorial whose horses they were. I seized none. I believe a great many was returned. I believe 30 that I thought barely within the Statute. They were seized by virtue of warrants. Mr. Sj). — How could you direct the returning of them ? Capt. Ba. — Advised it. Mr. Sp.-— Were any taken, under the value of 5/. ? 841 Capt. Ba. — None that I know of but was returned. Mr. Sp. — Pray, how were they disposed of ? Capt. Ba. — According to the orders I received. I believe there are a matter of 30 at Coventrey. I thinke all the rest are at London. Mr. Sp. — Who did you give an account of these matters to ? Capt. Ba. — To the Secretary of State. Mr. Sp. — I thought you sayd to Mr. Smith ? Capt. Ba. — 1 suppose he communicated my letters. Mr. Sp. — Doe you know of any warrants that were issued against any persons to be used as witnesses for the prisoners ? Capt. Ba.— Noe, sir; there were warrants, I believe, against Mr. Taffe. I know none against any body else, nor heard any talk of it. One thing I had forgot. When we were searching at Standish Hall, after a great deale of searching, comeing into the lady’s chamber, putting by the hanging by the chimney sidt?, says the lady — Why do you put it by ? upon my honour there is nothinge there in the bricks. He put in his hands, and pulled out a matter of 10 yellow swords blades and scabbords, such as the soldiers wear now. Mr. Sp. — I thinke when you were here before you mentioned a silver chalice and a silver hilted sword that Mr. Taffe had ? Capt. Ba.~There was soe at Standish Hall, and Mr. Taffe threw by his own blacke hilted sword. I did not then contradict him, but afterwards it was sent backe because it was sould away, and caused a fowling peece to be returned, which she said was her son’s. Mr. Sp. — If you found Mr. Taffe such a filching fellow as to rob instead of searching, perhaps if you had not returned it, you might have been in danger of robbery ? Capt. Ba. — I did not take the sword to be robbery, because it looked like armes ; it was seized as armes ; but I did take the chalice to be robbery. I did injoyn them to goe into noe chappell. Withdraws. Called in again. Mr. Sp. — You have delivered a paper in here to the House, that was found at Standish Hall, that was read while you were here. Have you kept that paper ever since yourself ? Capt. Ba. — Noe, sir. Mr. Sp. — Who did you deliver it to ? Capt. Ba. — To Mr. Aaron Smith. Mr. Sp. — How long did he keepe it ? Capt. Ba. — I believe he might have had it for 10 days or more. Mr. Sp. — When did he deliver it to you again ? Capt. Ba. — I believe a weeke or 10 days agoe. Mr. Sp. — You cannot say whether he showed it to any person ? Capt. Ba. — Noe. Mr. Sp. — Why did not you carrey it to a Secretary of State? Capt. Ba. — I believe Mr. Smith did. Mr. Sp. — Was there any agreement of the prisoners that they should take but one challenge for all, and tlmy all should be concluded by that challenge ? Capt. Ba. — I know not of such agreement. Mr. Sp. — This was in open court ? Capt. Ba. — Noe, sir, I doe not remember any such agreement ; but they did talke to one another and mind one another. Mr. Sp. — You were saying there was some adittion, upon the read- ing of the vStatute, to the pannell, which was at first about 65. Had the prisoners a coppye of the first pannell of the 65 ? Capt. Ba. — I believe they had. 342 Mr. Sp. — Was the addition made after the coppye of the panned was delivered to the prisoners, or before ? Capt. Ba. — I cannot tell that, for I had not the manageing of that part, nor had nothing to doe with the pannell. Mr. Sp. — I only asked you if you observed that matter. Can you give an account to the House what the Judges said, upon the adding to the pannell ? Capt. Ba. — I cannot give you any other account than that the Judge sayd he must make a full pannell, and that he would not make it less than 120 : but I thinke they did not amount to soe many at last. Mr. Sp. — You say that Mr. Lunt gave information that Walton was a dangerous man. Why was not he seized ? Capt. Ba. — I believe he was seized. I thinke 1 saw him once’ in New- gate when I went to visit one of the prisoners. Mr. Sp. — But why was not he seized immediately, as soon as he was found out ? How long was it after that, that you saw him in Newgate ? Capt. Ba. — I believe it was 2 months and more ; but I beared he was seized that very day we went out of . Mr. Sp. — Hov/ long was that, after you saw him in the Temple ? Capt. Ba. — T believe a fortnight or 3 weekes. Mr. Sp. — Doe you remember the time when the pannell of the Petit Jury was altered ? Was it when the prisoners were present ? Capt. Ba. — I believe they were present. Mr. Sp. — You were speaking concerning one Wybrand ; was he a party to the articles that were made for deviding the estates given to superstitious uses ? Capt, Ba. — I believe not. Mr. Sp. — Was he to have any part ? Capt. Ba. — Not that I know of. Mr. Sp. — Doe you know of any affidavits offered and tendered to my Lord Chiefe Justice ? Capt. Ba. — In what matter ? Mr. Sp. — Concerning the information here, and the conspiracy ? Capt. Ba. — Noe, sir ; I never heard of any affidavits that were offered to him. Mr. Sp. — Did Mr. Aaron Smith ever tell you of any affidavits that were tendered to my Lord Chiefe Justice ? Capt. Ba. — Not that I know of. I believe he did say that Mr. Taffe or some body had offered affidavits in the countrey, or just going out of town. I believe he or Mr. Ball told me soe. Mr. Sp. — Has Mr. Taffe and you held any correspondence by letters ? Capt. Ba. — Sir, I have told you how, and how long the acquaintance, and upon what occasion I sent him 2 or 3 letters, upon executeing the comission he went down about. Mr. Sp. — Give an account of persons meeting you at Dunstapie. Capt. Ba. — Mr. Parsons is brother-in-law to Mr. Taffe, and lives within a (piarter of a mile of Standish Hall. I thought it an odd thing that Mr. Taffe should meet him at such a time. Mr. Sp. — You were speaking of the money exacted upon dissenters, and that tlie money was paid to the receiver. Did he account to the Exchequer, or any other person ? Capt Ba. — He had an express Privy Seale to receive the money and give discharges. Mr. S]). — To whom was he accountable ? Capt. Ba. — To the Exchequer, I believe. Mr. Sp. — You said you were ill-used in the late reignes, and was a prisoner for the Protestant religion. What was you a prisoner for? 343 Capt. Ba. — I was first taken up for treasonable practice. Atterbury tooke me up, and I lay all that while upon the King’s account. I was charged upon other accounts, but, as soon as I had a pardon for that, I superseded the other, or else they withdrew, and I was discharged. Mr. Sp. — You could not be charged while in Atterbury’s hands ? Capt. Ba.' — I was, by judgment of the Court, commited to the King’s Bench for a fine. Mr. Sp. — Did you observe the prisoners desired that the witnesses might be examined apart ? Capt. Ba. — I cannot tell ; I doe not remember any such thing was insisted on. Captain Baker withdraws. Mr. Wybrand called in. Mr. Sp. — Doe you know one Mr. TafFe ? Mr. Wybrand. — Yes. Mr. Sp. — How long have you known him ? Mr. Wy. — Three or four yeares. Mr. Sp. — Have you had any discourse with Mr. Tafie concerning Mr. Legh of Lyme ? Mr. Wy. — Yes, I had some in the Temple, a little before the prisoners went into the countrey. Mr. Sp. — What discourse ? Mr. Wy. — He pressed me severall times, whether I knew any one that was a particular friend of Mr. Lee’s of Lyme, for that he could put him in a way to save his life, and he was sure, if he did, he should make his fortune by it. I asked him, how can you save his life when you said the evidence against him was enough to hang him ? Ay, says he, but I have a way to doe it, for all that. Mr. Sp. — -Upon what occasion was this discourse? Mr. Wy. — Why, sir, being acquainted with Mr. Tafie, a gentleman that was an acquaintance of mine said he heard such a one was an evidence against Mr. Legh of Lyme, and, says he, I wish he was not, because there is one Legh of Lyme, a Protestant and an honest gentle- man. I went to him, and he sayd he was not a witness. I pressed him again as to Mr. Legh, and upon that occasion he told me there was evidence enough to hang them all, but there was some disgust ; he sayd they did not use him as kindly as he ought to be, and upon that occasion he sayd he would put them in a way to save Mr. Legh of Lyme’s life. Mr. Sp. — Did he complain of ill usage ? Mr. Wy. — He said he was not rewarded well enough for his journey. They would not give him money enough. Mr. Sp. — Did you see this matter any further, for it seems you were spoken to by a friend of Mr. Legh of Lyme’s ? Mr. Wy. — Noe, sir. Mr. Sp. — That was pretty strange, when he told you he could doe Mr. Legh any service. Did you acquaint him with what Mr. Tafie tolcl you? Mr. Wy. — Noe, I never saw the gentleman or him afterwards, till I saw him in the lobby. Mr. Sp. — Doe you know of any articles made by any persons con- cerning the dividing the forfeited estates that were to be superstitious uses ? Mr. Wy. — Yes, I doe know of articles. Mr. Sp. — Between whom ? Doe you know of one Stepkins ? Doe you know of any articles with him ? 844 Mr. Wy. — There are some articles I have with him myself, upon the comission that was sent into Lancashire. He was to have such a share for being at the charge of speeding the comission. Mr. Sp. — Who was to have a share ? Mr. Wy. — I was to have a share. Mr. Sp. — What share ? Mr. Wy. — I can’t particularly tell you the articles. I thinke 100/. for every 1,000/. that came to their share. Mr. Sp. — What power had Mr. Stepkin to make the agreement ? Mr. Wy. — He said he had a power from the Treasury. Mr. Sp. — Were you a trustee for any person, or concerned in your own right ? Mr. Wy. — Only for myself. Mr. Sp. — You have those articles, have you not ? Mr. Wy. — Noe, I have not, but I can have them. Really, I cannot tell very well, for Mr. Taffe asked me one day for them, and I doe not know whether I had them out of his hands since. Mr. Sp. — Why did you deliver them to him ? How was he con- cerned ? Mr. Wy. — Hee and I was friends, and had been concerned in this buisness, and I used to leave sever all of my writeings at his house. I asked him severall times for them, and he would not give them me. I suppose he hath them. 6 December, [16]94. Lunt at the Barr ; after he had told his story. — Mr. Sp. — Let me ask you 2 or 3 questions. You gave evidence at Manchester against the prisoners ; you did observe there, I suppose, that Mr. Legh Bankes gave evidence for the prisoners ? Mr. Lunt. — Yes. Mr. Sp. — You observed likewise that Mr. Dicconson was a witness for the prisoners ? L.— Yes. Mr. Sp. — And that Mr Taffe was also examined there ? L.— Yes. Mr. Sp. — Well, you heard them tell a long story concerning you, of procureing witnesses for the King against those gentlemen. Now, I would ask you, why did not you clear yourself to the Judges and the Jury, and answer those severall objections against you ? L. — I was willing, but they stopped me and bid me hold my tongue. Mr. Sp. — Who bid you hold your tongue ? L. — The King’s councell, till they liad done, and after they had done I was never asked. I had severall witnesses that were not examined ; I know not the reason. Mr. Sp. — Who interrupted you ? L. — I doe not know them if I saw them again. Mr. Sp. — Doe you not know the names of the King’s councell that were there that examined the witnesses ? L. — Sir William Williams, I thinke it was. j\Ir. Sp. — Why did not you desire to be heard, after the evidence was (lone, to clear yourself, for they gave very strange evidence against you, as wee understand, for they say you went about London to get witnesses to swear falsly against these gentlemen. L. — 1 never did. 1 will tell you all that I know of Mr. Legh Bankes and Mr. Dicconson. I will give you a just account, as I hope to be saved. 345 Mr. Sp. — You are now at full liberty to say what you please, as you would have done at Manchester. L. — If it pleases your honour, Mr. Taflfe came to me. Sayes he, did not you know one Captain Howard. Noe, sayes I, I never had much acquaintance with him ; there was one Howard in la Hogue buisness, and should have been an officer, but I had noe acquaintance with him. Sayes he, what will you say if he will come in, and evidence for the King ; he hath a comission in his pocket. Says I, if he would, it would do a good deal of service ; you know how to take him to the Secretary as well as I. But, says he, he hath a great mind to see you. Sayes I, with all my heart. Says he, I would have you tell Mr. Smith of it. That there is such a person, says he, you may take my word, aud I believe he knows a great deale, as much as you almost. Sayes I, it may be he does. Sayes I, I will meet him at any time. This passed on for a fortnight. Afterwards, Mr. Taffe comes one morning. Sayes he, you must goe out to see the gentleman, and bring me to ‘ the Ship ’ ale house in the Butcher’s Bow, where I sat, and he went out. I admired he left me in that manner. At last he comes. Sayes he, he is come; let you and I goe above. When I came in, there was a gentleman sat. Sayes he, I beg your pardon, I am in drinke ; I am not fit now, but if you will met four a’clocke, I shall bee glad to see you. Mr. Taffe would have been faign putting on what I had to say to the gentleman, in Lancashire. Sayes T, I know not the meaning. Sayes I, is this the gentleman you pretended to have a comission ? Noe, sayes he. I told him I had nothing to say to him, and never saw the man afterwards till he came to be an evidence against me. Monday after this I was a little angry with Mr. Taffe. Sayes I, what in the name of Jesuss is the meaning of it, to bring me into such a man’s company to make a fool of me ? Sayes he, he knew a great deale, but he had dranke soe much he knew nothing of it. On Monday after, sayes he, we shall meet with Mr. Howard as tomorrow. The morrow I came, according to my promise, and saw noebody but Mr. Taffe. He sayd he was engaged with a Jacobite club, but he would meet me next day. Sayes I, I doe not desire to see any of them. On Monday he takes me to meet him, and there I met a gentleman which, if it was Mr. Dicconson, my eyes were not well my own. Mr. Taffe, when he came, he went to the staires. Sayes he, it may be you may have some buisness. Well, sayes he, I will but just goe to the wall ; calls in for a pint of mum. Sayes he, I hear you are going to be evidence against some Lancashire gentlemen. Sayes I, who told you ? Sayes he, Mr. Taffe. Sayes he, I believe I know and can prove as much as most can, but would not willingly have my name known. Sir, sayes I, if you please, I will send for a gentleman that will take your information what you can say, and I believe it will be kept private. But, sayes he, I can’t stay now, but I will meet you in the after- noon. Sayes I, if you please, let it be between 2 or 3 a’clock, and then the gentleman will be within, and 1 will send for him. I payd for the mum and we parted, and that was all that was sayd upon it, one way or other, in that gentleman’s company. lusted of meeting at 3, Mr. Taffe came to my lodging and there dined with me. His wife, Taffe, and I, went to meet him at 2 or 3 a’clock, and I never saw him afterwards. Mr. Sp. — Mr. Lunt, you heard v/hat Mr. Taffe sayd against you at Manchester, and the other gentleman. How long have you been acquainted with Mr. Taffe ? L. — This 2 yeares and upwards I have known him. ]\Ir. Sp. — Did you never tell Mr. Legh Banks and Mr. Dicconson they shoud have good rewards out of those gentlemen’s estates, if they would swear against thena, and they were convicted ? 346 L. — Never since I was born. Mr. Sp. — Did you never tell Mr. Legh Bank and Mr. Dicconson that you would make a plot of your own ? L. — Noe, never in my days, as I hope to be saved. Mr. Sp. — Did you never tell him you would carry the plott through all the countys of England, if you could convict these men ? L. — I never said any such thing in my dayes. Mr. Sp. — What a company of people these are ; they have told this House you did say soe. L. — I cannot help it if they threw 1,000 aspersions upon me. Mr. Sp. — Tou say you bought armes, severall times, for these gentle- men in the country ; where did you buy them ? L. — I bought some in Middle Row, in Holborne. I bespake above a 100 swords and sword hilts, for they had blades, in the country. Mr. Sp. — Who paid for them ? L.— Mr. Whitfield. Mr. Sp. — You bought armes at other times ; where did you buy them ? L. — Some armes I bought at Chearing Cross. Mr. Sp. — You were in Ireland and in France, and have been, after, in prison ; you were a prisoner and gave bayle. Who were your bade ? L. — Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Rogers another. Mr. Sp. — You have been employed by the late King in England, and my Lord Melford employed you ; what money was given you ? who maintained you ? L. — The Lancashire gentlemen allowed me money in prison, and gave me money when they received comissions of me, and tooke care to main- tain me. And when I was at St. Germans, the King gave me money to bring me backe. He gave me 100 livers and 15 pistolls, and another time 200 livers. Mr. Sp. — Was this all the reward you were to have ? L. — As soon as I came into England, I was to have some forfeited estates. Mr. Sp. — You had great hopes of these forfeited estates in England ? L. — If King James had come, I should have been sure of it. Mr. Sp. — You have given your information before some magistrate ; before whom was it ? L. — Before the Duke of Shrewsbury and Secretary Trenchard. Mr. Sp. — Were you sworn to that ? L. — Yes, they Avere all true ; I am sure there is noe person can prove anything false. Mr. Sp. — What money have you had for bearing of your charges, since those examinations, and for your going doAvn into Lancashire and Cheshire ? L. — I have had in all (but then Sir John Trenchard employed in buisness, sending me down into Essex, that cost me a great deal of money), I believe I have had three score pounds. I have not had four score pounds in the whole world. Mr. Sp. — But Mr. Taffe sayes you were to have a great share of the estates of those gentlemen in Lancashire, if they were convicted. L. — Noe, I did not doe it for that; I did it to serve the Govern- ment. Mr. Sp. — You say you have a paper, and you can produce severall witnesses to prove a great many particulars, and to verifye the depo- sitions and your information. What is your paper ? L. — That is a paper of evidence ; names that can prove a great deal of what I say, to be true. 347 Mr. Sp. — Is there only their names ? L. — Their names and Avhat they will speake to. (Lunt delivered in the paper.) L. — Here is my pass I had from my Lord Melford, at my coming over last. (Which he delivered in.) Lunt withdraws. Called in again. Mr. Sp. — In this paper you delivered in, it is that William Cooper and Robert Dandy can prove Mr. Walmesley to be in Lancashire, about the time you have mentioned in your information ; were these 2 persons at the assizes at Manchester ? L. — Yes, they were there. Mr. Sp. — Were they examined in Court ? L. — Noe. Mr. Sp. — Were they in town then ? L.~Yes. Mr. Sp. — You say the King’s counsell omitted to call severall per- sons that were in their breviates. Did you see their breviates ? L. — These evidences were at Manchester, and waited to be [called, but] they were not called. Mr. Sp. — Who ordered them to attend there ? L. — They were subpoenaed in. Mr. Sp. — You are shure they were subpoenaed in ? L. — I am sure they were ; 2 or 3 came in of themselves, and the rest were subpoenaed. Mr. Sp. — When these men were there, and your evidence soe con- fronted by these evidences that appeared against you, why did not you desire that these men should be called in, to justify e your credit ? L. — I expected those that managed the King’s affairs would have called them. Mr. Sp.—When you came out of France, had you a signall or a signet ? L. — Noe, a seale. Mr. Sp. — When you came over to Dover, you met 4 men there. At what house ? L. — Why, they tooke me to their own house. Captain Noell’s house. Capt. Walton lives 7 miles off. Captain Walton came to me to his house, and Preston came there and Captain Roberts. Mr. Sp. — What house is Captain Noell’s ? L. — It is a private house. I was there a weeke. He was Sergeant of the Admiralty, under King William. Mr. Sp. — What was the day you came over to Dover ? L. — I cannot tell just the day. Mr. Sp- — What time in the yeare ? L. — In December last. Mr. Sp. — Was it the beginning, or end, or middle of the month ? L. — Towards the latter end, I thinke. Mr. Sp. — What was the signet you brought over ? L. — It was the Binkes (?) head. Mr. Sp. — And what was writt upon the paper ? L. — There was a seale upon the paper. I was to shew it Captain Griffith’s lady, who then lodged at Pepper’s, in Newgate Street. Mr. Sp. — You said you were advised by a particular person to disclose this matter. Who was that person ? L. — Mr. Taffe knew of my comeinge over out of France because of his wife, and he introduced me to my Lord Bellamount. 348 Mr. Sp. — Did Mr. Taff induce you to discover it ? L. — My Lord Bellamount did. Mr. Sp. — When you were examined at the tryall at Manchester how many places there did you mention that you did buy armes at ? L. — I mentioned Middle Row, Charing Cross, Drury Lane, and the Citty. Mr. Sp. — Where, at Charing Cross, did you buy the armes ? L. — I am not certain of the place. I was taken down to Charing Cross, and Mr. Whitfield brought me into his company, at the ‘ Cheshire Cheese,’ soe that I was not at his shop. He said he would furnish me, and he had furnished for the north parts. In London, he took me to the ‘ Swan with Two Hecks,’ and there came a man that sayd he would provide any armes whatsoever, as pistolls, &c., but I was at none of their shopps but in Middle Row. In Drury Lane, he came to the ‘ Royall Oake ’ to me ; where he did live, I know not. Mr. Sp. — You delivered me a paper of the names of witnesses ; were any of these examined at the tryall ? L. — Hot in the Court. Mr. Sp. — Were they examined by anybody else ? L. — They said they were examined by somebody. Mr. Sp. — You sayd, at the tryall, that you did deliver comissions to Sir Rowland Stanley and Sir Thomas Cliffton. Were you ever at Sir Rowland Stanley’s house ? L. — I have seen his house ; was never at it to lye all night. I was once at it, but I delivered his comissions at my Lord Mollineux’. Mr. Sp. — Were you acquainted, before the tryall, with Sir Thomas Cliffton ? L. — I had seen him twice; once at his own house, then in his night dress ; and at his own house it was, he desired me to buy some swords. Another time I saw him at Standish Hall. Mr. Sp. — How long before the tryall ? L. — Two or three yeares. I see him once after, at Dungan Hall ; I but just see him. Mr. Sp. — Were you in Court when the gentlemen were arr[aigned] ? Remember, you were asked the question which [was] Stanley and which Sir Thomas Cliffton. L. — Y^es ; they asked me a question very hastily. I tooke a stick and mistooke, but I meant Sir Rowland. Mr. Sp. — How came you to make that mistake ? L. — As 'soot» as I tooke the sticke again, I layd it upon every one there ; they never told me when they gave me time. I am a little short-sighted. Mr. Sp. — What religion were you of, when you discovered the plot ? L. — I was a Roman Catholicke. Mr. Sp. — What religion are you of now ? L. — I did not change my religion ; the King does not desire any man to change his religion. Mr. Sp. — You say you were to have noe reward for giving your evidence against these gentlemen, at Manchester. What made you, then, discover this matter, when you were to have noe reward for the evidence that you gave agaijjst these gentlemen, when you were to have soe great a reward if the plott went on ? L. — I was satisfied, by severall priests of the Church of Rome, that it would have been a notorious and bloody murder. Mr. Sp. — When you came over from Ireland, where did you land ? L.— Att Cockermouth (^/c), within 4 miles of Lancaster. 849 Mr. Sp.— You speake of a trunke, wherein were papers and comis- sions ? L. — Wee tooke those out, and left the trunke in a ditch. Mr. Sp. — Have you any of those comissions and papers by you, that you did save at that time ? L. — Noe, I have none by me now ; I had a comission that I had at that time, but at my last comeing over from France, I was surprised by some persons, and my wife had them and delivered them to Taffe. [Mr. Sp.J — When you spake of the 4 persons, I think you named 5, you mett at Dover ; there was 16 in all. Can you name the names of the rest ? [L.] [No]e, I cannot. Capt. Floyd said he would engage his son, and Capt. . . . Icot sayd he had 6 more. [Mr. Sp.] — You have been at Dungan Hall, Mr. Wahnesly’s house ? L.-^Yes. Mr. Sp. — You came there in February, [16]91 ? L.— Yes. Mr. Sp. — And brought comissions along with you ? L.— I ? noe ; Mr. Walmesley. Mr. Sp. — Did you observe Mr. Legh of Lyme to he there at that time ? L. — Yes; he was there at that time. Mr. Sp. — Was you ever at Mr. Legh of Lyme’s house ? L. — I was there in 1689. Mr. Sp. — Was Mr. Legh of Lyme then at home ? L.— Yes. Mr. Sp. — Did you ever tell Mr. Taffe that you were not acquainted with Mr. Legh of Lyme, or knew his house ? L.— I never told him soe, nor he asked me such a question. Mr. Sp. — What occasion brought you to Mr. Legh of Lyme’s in [16]89? L. — I was ordered by the King to deliver a comission for a collonel of horse. Mr. Sp. — And you did deliver it him ? L.— Yes. Mr. Sp. — Was anybody by? L. — Yes, there was one Wilson by, that shewed me the way, and he delivered a comission, forthwith, to another that was there. Mr. Sp. — What time was it you were there ? L. — About June it was. Upon my arrival, the gentlemen in Lanca- shire, upon those blank comissions that were taken in the boat, were taken up. Mr. Sp. — What was the day you landed out of Ireland ? L. — I cannot exactly tell the day. I thinke it was Thursday. I beli[eve] the Mayor of Lancaster, that brought up the comissions, [can] give an account of the day. Mr. Sp. — You sayd you went to Croxteth ; how long did y[ou stay] ? L. — I came in the night and went before day. I cam[e] . . . . to Tildsleye’s, and thence to Croxteth, and thence to Tow[nley’s]. Mr. Sp. — That was 3 dayes ? L. — Not in 3 dayes, I went as fast as I could. Mr. Sp. — How long did you stay at every one of these places ? L. — I went away the night, or next morning. I humbly beg of this honorable House I have not had a bed these 3 dayes. 350 Lunt withdraws. Called in again. Mr. Sp. — Mr. Lunt, I am commanded by the House to ask you some more questions ; if you can remember what day of the week you went to Croxton [Oroxteth ?] L. — I cannot tell truly. I did not keep an account of the day. Mr. Sp. — Can you remember what day of the weeke you went to Tov/nley ? L. — Noe. Mr. Sp. — Was Mr. Townley at home then ? L. — Yes, I am sure he was at home ; he received a comission from me. Mr. Sp. — -Well, you were acquainted with Wilson ? L.^Yes. Mr. Sp. — How long have you been acquainted with him ; he that mett you when you came out of Ireland ? L. — I had been once at his house before that. Mr. Sp. — What is his name ? L. — George Wilson. Mr. Sp. — What time did he come to you, at your landing ? L. — He was at Esquire Tinsley’s [Tildesley’s], of the Lodge. Hee was ordered to wait for our comeing. [Mr. Sp.] — Where did you part with him ? L. — He went away with me from the Lodge to my Lord Molineux’s to shew me the countrey. [Mr. Sp.] — Did he goe with you to all the places ? [L.] — All, till I came to Sir Roland Throckmorton’s, and there I [par] ted with him. [Mr. Sp.] — [Yo]u say you delivered a comission to Mr. Lee of Lyme, in 1689 ? L.— Yes. Mr. Sp. — In what part of the house did you deliver the comission to him ? L. — It was above staires. I did not take a particular account of the roomes that I deliyered the comission in, but it was matted, a kind of a gallery. Mr. Sp. — Did you take notice of anything else, besides that it was matted ? L. — Noe, indeed, not I. Mr. Sp. — Who was in the room when you delivered him the co- mission ? L. — There were severall. Mr. Sp. —Can you name them ? L. — There was Mr. Shallcross ; he delivered him a comission to be lieutenant- colonel. Mr. Sp. — Was there any other person there? L. — Some gentlemen ; I doe not know their names. Mr. Sp. — Did he open the comission ? L. — Yes, he did, and delivered it to him. Mr. Sp. — Was there any table in the roome ? L. — I did not see any table; he signed it in the window. Mr. Sp. — What, did he call for a pen and inke ? L. — There was a pen and inke. Mr. Sp. — Was Wilson there? L. — Yes, Wilson was there at the same time. Mr. Sp. — Was Wilson acquainted with Mr. Legh of Lyme ? L. — I know not whether he was or noe. 351 Mr. Sp. — It was a strange thing that you should carry comissions, which was a secret thing, and carry a man, that was a stranger, from house to house ; how came you to carry Wilson up staires to Mr. Lee of Lyme ? L. — Hee went with me everywhere I was to give an account to the King recomended Mr. Wilson to me might trust my life. Mr. Sp. — What reward had you from Mr L.—»I had 5 guineas. Mr. Sp.— Had Wilson anything ? L.— JSTot that I saw. Mr. Sp. — Did he make you drinke ? L. — Yes, he downed on his knees and drank King James’ health, and kissed the comission. Mr. Sp. — Did you deliver any more comissions there besides that ? L.—Noe. Mr. Sp. — -Did Mr. Lee deliver any other comissions ? L.— I saw him deliver 2 or 3, but did not know their names ; they were captains’ comissions. Mr. Sp. — Were you not to give King James an account of the comis- sions ? L. — Yes, I delivered none but collonells’ comissions, and they were to make their under officers. Mr. Sp. — You were in Lancashire along with Capt. Baker; what horses were taken by you or him, in the County of Lancaster ? L. — I cannot give an account of them; the messengers can, I thinke, they had the Secretary’s warrant. Mr. Sp. — What became of them ? L. — They are all in being, I suppose. Mr. Sp.— How are they disposed of ? L. — I know not, I have none of them. Mr. Sp. — Of what value were the horses ? L.— They were good horses and fit for service. Mr. Sp.- — Were they all above 51. ? L. — If I had had money, and occasion for horses, I would have given 51. for the worth [worst ?] of them. Mr. Sp. — There was a mistake, it seemes, at your pointing out Sir Thomas Cliffton and Sir Howland Stanley. Did you mistake any other of the prisoners at the barr ? L. — Koe, Sir. Langton and Blundell ? the one and the other ? Langton for Blundell. know Mr. Beresford ? [L.] — I have noe acquaintance with Mr. Beresford ; I have heard of such a man. Mr. Sp. — Have you seen him ? L. — I cannot tell, by his name, whether I ever saw him or noe. Mr. Sp. — Where are Cooper and Dandy ? L.' — They were in Lancashire. Mr. Sp. — Are they there now ? L. — Yes, and have estates there, indifferent good estates. Mr. Sp. — Why were they not made use of at the tryall ? L. — I doe not know. Withdraws. 352 5th Feb., [16]94[-5]. Oliver Peirson at the Barr. Mr. Speaker. — Oliver Peirson, I think your name is ? O. P. — Yes, sir. Mr. Sp. — Do you know Mr. Wombell ? O. P.— Yes. Mr. Sp. — How long have you known him ? O. P. — I have known him 20 years. Mr. Sp. — Were you at any time a servant to him ? O. P.— Yes. Mr. Sp. — How long agoe ? O. P. — A matter of halfe a year ago I came from him. Mr. Sp. — How long did you serve him ? O. P. — A matter of 2 years and an halfe. Mr. Sp. — Dureing that time of your being his servant did you goe along with his horses into the countrey ? O. P. — Noe, I went sometimes. I was his husband-man at home. Mr. Sp. — Did you use to come up to London with his horses? O. P. — Never, but 2 or 3 times. Mr. Sp. — Where did he use to inn, in town ? O. P. — At ‘ the Castle,’ in Wood Street. Mr. Sp. — Doe you know of any armes that were brought to ‘ the Castle,’ in Wood Street, to carry down into the countrey ? O. P.' — Yes, I know of armes that were carried down into the countrey. Mr. Sp. — Do you know of any armes brought to ‘ the Castle,’ in Wood Street? O. P. — There was pistolls and kettle drumms; there might be other armes, but I never saw none else. Mr. Sp. — Did you open any of the packs that went into the countrey at any time ? O. P.— Yes; I will tell you our misfortune. As I went to meet my master, there was the young lord of Standish and my old lord of Standish a-drinking, and, in Wigan Boad, my master had a mare down and fell, and with much adoe wee got her out, and as soon as we came home we opened the pack to see if any damage. In the meantime came my young lord of Standish, and asked for my master. He sayd he had some goods directed to one Lightboune, and had such a marke, and desired the goods home that night. My master broke open the goods, to see what they were, and they proved to bee pistolls. On Saturday or Sunday night, he and I saddled two horses, and put the kettle drums on my head, and went to Standish, and delivered them to the steward, on the bowling green. Mr. Sp. — When was this? O. P. — This is 2 years ago, as well as I can remember. Mr. Sp. — Well, you packed up these armes again ? O. P.— Yes. Mr. Sp. — Did you carry a year together with your master ? O. P. — I was his husband-man at home. He kept 2 men besides me. I often went out wdth the goods when they came home. Mr. Sp.— How many packs did you see ? O. P. — I never saw any armes but those, but I went severall times with goods to the same place, that were expected to bee armes. Mr. Sp. — Well, you say you helped to open the armes at Standish Hall? 353 O. P. — I opened no armes at Standish Hall but wnat I brought there. Mr. Sp. — Did you help to open them there ? O. P. — Yes, I delivered them to the steward. Mr. Sp. — At the opening them there, who did you see ? Did you see any but the steward ? O. P. — I saw the steward and some of the servants ; most of them were gone to bed. It was between 12 and 1 on Sunday night. Mr. Sp. —What did the steward with them ? O. P. — 1 did not see where he carried them. Mr. Sp. — How many packs of goods can you remember that went there ? O. P. — T cannot tell you. Hardly ever came down but there went less or more goods thither. Mr. Sp. — Doe yon know Mr. Walmesley ? O. P. — I was going by Lightbourne, and called to drink a pot of ale, and there was some gentlemen drinking in another roome, and I inquired who such a one was, and they told me, one Walmesley, and about 3 years after, I met him about and some 3 men along with him. Mr. Sp. — Did you know him before? 0. P. — ^loe. About 3 years after, I mett the same man, three quarters a mile of Dungan, a place they called Chester parish; there was two or three men along with him. Mr. Sp. — What sort of a man was Mr. Walmesley ? O. P. — He was a gentillman, a young man. Mr. Sp. — What size ? O, P. — A middle sized man. Mr. Sp. — What complexcion ? O. P. — A blacke complexcion, I think he was. Mr. Sp. — Did he wear his own hair, or a peruque ? O. P. — He had a peruque. Mr. Sp — Did you see any man in his company that you knew ? O. P.— Noe. Mr. Sp.‘ — Who told you it was Mr. Walmesley ? O. P. — Some woman in the house, when I went to drinke a pot of ale. Mr. Sp. — What quantity of armes do you know Woombell carryed? 0. P. — There came, every time almost, goods directed to one place, and went to another. Mr. Sp — Name the places ? O. P. — I cannot name the places, but 1 remember they were directed to other places ; the reason was wee thought they were armes. Mr. Sp. — 1'herefore, name the places. 0. P. — There was goods to Blackbonrne and to Standish Town, and they went to the Hall and other places. I did not goe along with them. Mr. Sp. — Did you see any other goods opened, besides the pistolls ? O. P. — No, never none but those. Mr. Sp. — Did Woombell tell you he had armes ? O. P. — He told me he mistrusted such things were armes, though I doe not know whether he saw them or noe. If it please this honorable House, I will tell you somethinge more. One Thomas Clayton was a currier at the same time, and he was gotten fuddled, and he said he would hang my master for carrying of armes, and Thomas Smith, belonging to the same inne, bid him hold his tongue, for he would undoe himself, and others too, Mr. Sp. — Where was this ? O. P. — In Wigun Lane, at one Thomas Smyth’s. Mr. Sp. — How long agoe ? 73480. Z 354 O. P. — A matter of 2 years, or somewhat more, agoe. Mr. Sp. — Can you inform this House of anything more ? O. P. — Yes. My master used to bee often at Standish Town ; and being there late, I used to watch him home, and coming along, he told mee he had been with a deale of gentlemen, and how they had concluded to give him something, and my Lord of Standish stepped up amongst them, and said hee would not have them trouble themselves, for hee had rewarded him himself. Mr. Sp. — What did my Lord of Standish doe for him ? 0. P. — ISTothing at all. He was in a very good way of trading, and well beloved among the gentlemen. His horses never stood nor prospered, after he began to carry armes. Mr. Sp. — Did he name the persons to you that were there ? O. P.— I believe he named them all. - Mr. Sp. — Can you remember their names ? O. P. — There was Mr. Townley of Townley, and severall other gentlemen. Mr. Sp. — Did he use to be among these gentlemen ? O. P. — Yes, no [it was ?] great day of bowling but he went up still. Mr. Sp. — What reputation had he among them; you say he was very well beloved of all the countrey ? O. P. — Yes, he was. Mr. Sp. — What occasion made him fail and breaks ? O. P. — I cannot tell. He broke for a small matter, at first. He broke, at first, for the summe of 20/., and th ey promised to raise him a place to pay it. Mr. Sp.— Who did ? O. P. — The Lord of Standish. Mr. Sp. — How much ? O. P. — I cannot tell, Hee told me he was to have money of him, but I doe not know that ever he had any. The War on the Continent. 894 . 1694, November 26. — A document relating to “ the quotas, which the confederates and allies do severally furnish.” George Kenyon to his father, Koger Kenyon., M.P., at Westminster. 895 . [ 1694,] December 1 . — “If I could have given you any satis- factory account in the business of Lunt, I had done i( long agoe. Mr. Threlfall’s widow cannot, or will not, take upon her to remember the week, month, or year, her husband came from Ireland ; Mr. Winckley continues to say it was the 13th of June. Mr. Patton, nor no others in Preston, can give an account when the Papist gentlemen wei-e brought prisoners, nor when discharged. But, as to the buisiness of Hartley, he took time, as he said, to recollect himself, and now does offer, if I will go over to Lancaster, that he will give me an information against a very great number in Staffordshire, Shropshire, and Worcestershire, and Avill undeitake, upon pain of his life, if I will follow his directions, to instruct me how to take a very great many, actually at work. I have appointed Wednesday next to take his information, and, if you think fitt on it, and I can be empowered and incouraged from above in it, I will take a journey on purpose into those counties, and doubt not to secure them ” [the coiners ?]. Seal of arms. 355 Charles Rigby to Roger Kenyon, M.P., in London: 896 . 1694, December 4. Lancaster. — Encloses Hartlej-’s informa- tion, by which he will stand or fall. He always said that he and Richard Allen of “ Wallesie ” could discover “ a vast number, in severall countys, and thinks Allen would readilly joyne with him, if he was apprehended.” Though pressed, he denies knowledge of the “ robbery.” Encloses a certificate by James Ci osfield — one of the Custom House officers that pursued Lunt, when he landed — which gives, from a memorandum in his pocket-book, the time. Jaynson was witness of the chase. J. Hartley to Roger Kenyon, M.P., in London. 897 . 1694, December 4. — “ I doubt not but a greate many honest gentlemen are well pleased with what the King said, as to the witnesses produced at the triads in Lancashire ; and whether Lunt, or who else was concerned, ought not to give account who should have been tooke up, had the business succeeded, by virtue of those blancke warrants, after their names had been inserted.” Seal of arms. Jane Howorth to Roger Kenyon, M.P., in London. 898 . [16]94, December 6. Parkhead. — Finds Mr. Brady 11 ‘‘eagerly seeking for seats in Whaley church.” Entreats Kenyon’s assistance in “ breaking with the Bushopp, and who ellse may be conserned therein,” if he can do anything, on her daughter Oldfield’s behalf, either for the two seats next the chancel “ which my father might, in his time, have- had, or my mother’s own seat, with that next before it, in exchange for part of two seats behind.” Seal of arms, broken. Dr. Richard Rowe to Roger Kenyon, M.P., in London. 899 . [16194, December 7. — The account of the election at Liver- pool is dull. “If the Bill for a new Parliament goes on, perhaps both [members ?] will wish they had spent less money ; and, if what some very honest men say, be true, it is no great matter which of them carryes it.” Finds Monday’s vote about Kitson and Coachman variously con- strued ; hopes the whole mystery will be discovered, and looks for the account of Wednesday’s examination. Wishes the Archbishop “ be no worse disposed on that you mention, though he be young enough.” William Hayhcrst to Roger Kenyon, M.P., in London. 900 . 1694, December 7. Preston. — “Wee have a report there are Irish witnesses come over, to corroborate the testimony of Mr. Lunt ; that place used to be very fruitfull of such creatures, which will seldom fail to help a lame dog over stile. I pray God direct the councills of the nation ; so that, hereafter, it may bee safe for an innocent man to follow his own business with safetie.” The Lords of the Treasury have appointed him (the writer) Receiver-General of Lancashire, Westmore- land, and Cumberland; and he has given 1,000/. security for the due execution of his office ; but the auditor, Mr. Marriott, “ makes my place as uneasy and unprofitable as he can. He has sent a messenger, one of the King’s messengers, [as] a spy, along with mee ; and, though the Lords have appointed mee, hee has appointed this messenger, Mr. Boddison, to receeve the best rents (pretending them to bee purchased by the Duke of Leeds), and I am only to receive the small ones.” Begs that Kenyon will speak on his behalf, to the Treasury. Seal of arms. z 2 356 The Earl of Derby to Koger Kenyon. 901. 1694, December 7. Knowsley. — The last year, Sir Christopher [Greenfield] took, or rather bought, the office of Bailiff of this Hundred, in my name. He has agreed with Ned Darbishire about it, and I am to consign it over by a deed. “ Now, my objection is, that by my doing so, it obliges me to take the oaths and test, for which I shall hardly do, after refusing a more considerable thing. Pray let me have your thoughts upon it, for your judgment, as it ever has been, must be esteemed by your most afi’ection ate, faithful friend, — Derby.” Seal^ broken. Lady Standish to Kogf.r Kenyon. 902. 1694, December 14. Duxbury. — My adversaries, upon re- ceiving the news, from London, that their indictment had not that success which they designed, have set another inquisition, privately, at Bolton, before lawyer Leaver and lawyer Starky, and yesternight, when we least thought of it, they brought the under-sheriff, Valentine, and a great deal of the mob, armed with “ pikforks ” and other offensive weapons; they broke the doors and locks of the mines and have put in their men, so that now they and the water are in possession of the mines. I caused the wheel to be stopped, so that they will be drowned out before to-morrow morning. Thomas Pierce to Eoger Kenyon, at the ‘‘ Blue Boar,” in Holborn. 903. 1694, December 15. — Mr. Hartley solemnly declares he can make no further discovery. “ My Lord has signed a warrant for his execution ; and, 1 think, it was delivered to Mr. Sergeant, who, T pre- .sume, sent it down, last post, to the High Sheriffe of Lancashire.” Seal^ broken. William Haydock, ‘‘ the parson of Standish,” to Koger Kenyon, M.P., in London. 904. 1694, December 16. [Standish.] — “My poor Lady Standish has met with a great disturbance, notwithstanding my Lord Chief Justice Treby’s order, &c. . . . pray use your interest (?) for her. She designs honestly, and I hope that right will take place.” Seal of arms. Lady Standish to Koger Kenyon, M.P., in London. 905. 1694, December 16. Duxbury. — “I hope, by this time, you have my other letter, with the account of Mr. Shaw’s proceedings about the lead mines ; in short, the water has put both them and me out of possession, for they are quite drowned up ... I hope you will not blame me for letting you know who is Clerk of the Peace now, in Lancashire ; it is Mr. Morton, an attorney in Bolton. I suppose he expects thanks for easing your family of the trouble of that office, and I hope you will not forget that he is rewarded. Sir, if this be mallice in me to put you in mind that you are affronted, as well as myself abused, I hope God will pardon it, for I think it is for the public good that these people be made to know themselves ... I find there is nothing but punishing their purses can procure my peace. Your son advises me to pay them in their own coyn, and indite all but the Sheriff himself.” Seal. 357 Alice Kenyon to her husband, Roger Kenyon, M.P., at Westminster. 906. 1694, December 18. — “ Thj friends begin now to wish for thy return. I hope when you have finished the great business, that of the moneys given to his Majesty, thou may then get leave to come home. I am sure thine own family wants thee much. I pray thee, in what part of the world is my Lord Derby, and what is he doing The drum is beating here for soldiers for Col. Stanley, but he gets few. I pray thee, Huy me ‘ The Art of Patience,’ written by the author of ‘ The Whole Duty of Man,’ and when thou art alone, read it; thou wilt like it Avell.” 8eal of arms. William Dicconson to Roger Kenyon, M.P, 907. 1694, December 21. — “ Tou need not begg excuses for your man bringing mee, or others, a draught of the tryalls, for it was my own request to him soe to do . . . I hope, if it be proper, some of our friends will move that the witnesses who have been examined, may be discharged from any further attendance of the House, for the charge will be very great as it is ; soe I hope they will not spitefully increase it. Methinks the Court party itself cannot refuse the reasonableness of this ; they should, indeed, rather, in honer, make us some amends for our great charge, wrongfully sustained; and, usque wee have runn of our lives, exempt us, who were tryed, from dubble taxes for 7 years ; but I doubt they will scarce consider us soe farr.” Edmund Hornby to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 908. [16]94, December 22. Poulton. — “ About ten this evening, I received a warrant (but with some mistakes) from the Attorney- General, to make copy of the indictments against Sir Rowland Stanley, and the other 4 gentlemen tryed with him at Manchester, which my inclinations, as well as profit, would readily have prompted me to, if my (perhaps causeles) apprehentions that some trouble might ensue thereon, had not discouraged me from. But, if that copy be designed to be read in your house, it is naturall enough to believe that the opposing party in that matter, will presently enquire how, or by whom, it was made. If answered, by the Clerke of the Crowne, upon the Attorney-Generall’s warrant, and by any considerable part of your great and honourable body objected that that cause being taken notice of by, and now depending before that great counsell, nothing on record relateing to it ought to have beene copyed without their order, it is probable enough that I may be put to the charge of a journey, to shew my warrant, and answere that account, if noe further. To obviate which, and render me easy and safe, I humbly beg your direction ; and that the House may (if in your better judgment it be thought proper) be moved to make their order that the Attorney-Generall may send his warrant to us, to make a copy, and that we, thereon, may make one. I made my clerk transcrible {sic) this, and have sent the same to Mr. Shakerley, this post. I beg you will please to consider whether the warrant of the Attorney- Generall for the kingdom or for the county, shall be more proper to be sent to us.” Seal of arms. Richard Towneley to “ Captain Berisford, at Mr. Legh’s, in Legh Street, near Red Lion Square, in Holburn.” 909. 1694, December 23. Towneley. — In complyance with your desire, I have here sent you what I have found was noted down by 358 others, as well as myself, about the times you mention. And first, that on the 9th of June, 1689, I was apprehended here, and, by a partie of dragoons, that night carried prisoner to Preston. I was, by virtue of a warrant Tif I remember right) from Col. E-octhern and Mr. Patten, [at] once called before them and some other justices, else, for the most part, confined to my chamber, under a guard, till the arrival of the then Lord Brandon, who was, [on] the 14th, pleased to see me, and that night tooke off the confinement to my chamber. On the 16th, I find it noted down that Sir William Gerard and severall others were that day brought in prisoners allso, to Preston, where wee remained till the 25th, when wee were all, under a guard, carried to Manchester, where wee continued prisoners till the 2nd of January following ; during which time I was never at home but twice. The first time was on the 1st of August, when I was allowed, with a guard, to go to Towneley, to assist at the buriall of Mr. Kennett, who, not many months before, had married a daughter of mine. The particular time of my being secured, besides its being written down, was remarkable, and not to be forgot, because on the 13th of the said June, my daughter Towneley was brought to bed of her eldest sonne, and a servant was dispatcht to me at Preston, with that pleasing news, and besides, my sonne then absented himself from home, upon the score of his being on the same warrant that I was apprehended by ; and by these circumstances, all the familie remember that they tooke notice of everie person that came to the house, and assure me that Lunt came not hither about that time, for had he bene here, he would then have bene particularly remembered, since he had before that, by lettres, made dame, and pretended to be contracted, to a cookemaidof mine, and the yeare following, hereabouts, made a great bustle about her, even after she was married; the dame he made caused a servant of mine, the year, as I take it, before, to enquire of him, meet him, and found he lived with another woman, who was esteemed, and owned herself, his wife ; and upon this account, when he afterwards came into these parts, and made these stirs, and came hither, he was always looked upon as an idle and ill man ; inso- much, that my sonne would not be seene by him. As for Sir Thomas Clifton, I can give you no satisfactory account, for he was not a prisoner with us at Manchester, nor, that I remember, in the same condition as we were at Preston, if there ; but answered for, and under, Mr. Patten. But particulars I cannot remember. However, I hope you will take in good part what I have been able to recollect.” Seal of arms. Charles Bigby to Eoger Kenyon, M.P. 910. 1694, December 25. Lancaster. — Sending a list of persons against whom Hartley (who had been reprieved) had informed ; — Christopher Cams, Esquire ; Taken prisoner in his own house, on 24 June, 1689, by three or four soldiers of Lieutenant Huddleston’s (then Sir William Pennington’s) troop of militia. Was carried, the same day, to Lancaster and Garstang ; next day to Preston — there kept two days — and thence to Manchester, where he found Mr. Dalton, Mr. Sherburne of Stonyhurst (who died there), and several others. He continued a prisoner there till the latter end of the January following, when he had leave to go home; he fell sick, and did not return to prison, as soon after Candlemas, “ a releasrnent came for them all.” Mr. Dalton was apprehended at his own house, on 17 June, 1689, by Lieutenant Usherwood and his men, and taken, about mid- night, to Preston, where he found Sir William Gerrard, Mr. 359 Dickinson, two Mr. Tounleys,” Mr. Chorley, Mr. Stanley, Mr. Blundell of Crosby, Mr. Worthington of Bleciskow (?) and his son, Mr. Andrew Mores, and some others. He was kept at Preston 4 days, in the custody of Captain Etogh {sic), and thence carried to Manchester, by Captain Ralph Egerton. There, Mr. Dalton and Mr. Stanley were kept prisoners at Mr. Newcome’s house, with two men to guard them, to whom they were forced to pay 1/- a day each. Mr. Dalton continued a prisoner at Manchester till the beginning of February following. The other prisoners then at Manchester were : — Lord Molyneux, “ who lay at Mrs. Byrom’s.” Mr. Dickinson and Sir William Gerrard, at Captain Dickinson’s house. Mr. Townley, his brother Charles, and Mr. Blundell, “ at Newton’s, the clerk.” “Two Mr. Worthingtons” and Mr. William Clifton, “at a private house in Millgate.” Mr. Anderton, Mr. Robert Bryon and Roger, his son, at a house near the bridge end. Mr. Cams, at Lieutenant Ashton’s. Richard Cher of Atherton, nailer. Richard Houghton [Stoughton ?] of the same. Thomas Allen of Smalibrooke, “ lives at a place called the Mault House ” near Newcastle, Staffordshire. William Lathom of Hartington, Derbyshire. George Hulme of Languor, Staffordshire, drov[er]. Francis Stealy of Yeograve, near Hartington. John Sherbotham of Hulton Hey, near Norton, Staffordshire. Samuel Nuttall of Yeograve. Richard Foxley of Buxton, Derbyshire. Richard Allen of Wallasey, Cheshire. Ralph Crompton of Tongue-fold, near Bolton. Ralph Brotherst of Megg Lane, near Maxfield, Cheshire. Simon Hurst of Deanchnrch, Lancashire. “ Two brothers, surnamed Sparrows,” betwixt Newcastle and Nantwich. Elizabeth Redfearne, near Langnor. “ Thomas Allen lives at an house called Malt house, near Weston Cony, near Newcastle, in Staffordshire; Randle Bagnell lives near Allen. They work in Allen’s house, in a roome on the second flore ; there being a ladder which goes up out of a ground room, on the right hand of the first room [on] entering the house, up into the working room, w[here] there is an hole in the wall of the room where [they] hide their work. J'hey are weekly supplied by Joseph Hoyle, near Uxeter [Uttoxeter ?], for keep, with clippings; he hath a wodden legg.” Seal. Sir William Gerard to Roger Diconson, at “the Barber’s Powle in Fullwood Street, neare Gray’s Inn.” 911. 1694, December 28. — “ I finde that I was caried to Preston prisoner, by the dragoons, the 16th of June, [16] 89, where I found Mr. Towneley in custody. Wee staled there about 10 dales, and then I and old Blundell went by Wigan, where we staled all night, to Man- cliester, and wee kept there untill February after. Now, the Militia had then been raised severall dales before, so that there was no likele- wood of meeting at others houses. Robert Molineux is here now, and 360 says that Lunt was with him at Mosbrough, about Midsummer in 1690, niid then, told him, severall times, that he then never had seen my Lord Molineux nor me, and desired him he would begg some relief of . . for him, and that Lunt came hither once in hopes of meeting him, and that he would get something for him ; but Lord Molineux not coming, hee got nothing, nor did see me then, nor ever else, at any time that I know of, for I never as yet spoke with him or saw him, that I know. My coachman tells me that at Coventrie, in his journey home, he met Bandy, who was well acquainted with Roger, Sir Thomas Clifton’s coach- man, and there Bandy protested to them that he knew nothing against any of the prisoners. I should think it would be much to clearing of your (?) prisoners, and the lessening of the r[epu]tation of Baker, if Woods of Wigan and W . . . Jackson did declare how often they were tempted by Baker and others, to become evidence against us, and doubtless, no man can thinke that there had been listed above 500, as Lunt and Wilson sweares, but that' some of them made (sic) have appeared. How should anyone think tliat so many regiments of horse could have been raised here when, in King James’s raigne, all our in- terest, backed by his authority, could not raise one regiment of foot ! I doubt not but all reasonable men will be easily satisfied of the false oathes of our adversaries, and all parties concerned will be ever obliged to you for your great paines and labour you have undertaken for the publick.” Seal. Robert Dalton to Roger Diconson. 912. 1694, December 29. Thurnham (?). — In answear to yours, John Carson’s ship came into our port the 13th of June 1689; and it was sayd that Threlfall and Lunt arive[d] in that shipe. I was not then a prisoner, but upon suspicion that they might bee att my hous, which they were not. That night, about 10 of the clock. Sir John Bloud, with a party of hors, came to search my hous and seas me, which they did, and I being much out of order, lett me remayne all night att my owne hous, upon my parole that I would go to them att Lancaster the next day, which I did, and there was bound, in 500/^. to apeare upon summons. Upon the 20th, Livetenant Ussherwood came allso, about 10 o’clocke att night, and searched agayne, and tooke me away to I^reston that night, whither we arive[d] next morning about 5 o’clocke. There I was delivered to the Militia souldiers, and there kept untill the 26th of June, on which day I was conveyed, with severall other gentle- men, to Manchester, by Captin Ralf Egerton, with a party of the Militia hors. If you see my Cousin Kenion, you may give him this account, for itt iss exactor than that I gave lawier Rigby, who came, with his Secretarie, about itt.” Charles Rigby to Roger Kenyon. 913. 1694, December 30. Lancaster. — Giving an account of the confession of Hartley, the coiner, who had been condemned, and was reprieved upon giving information against other coiners and clippers. “ But the trouble, at this time, is to acquaint you with Hartley’s com- plaints against Mr. Elletson, the goaler, since he hath relied on the dis- covery he hath made for procureirig Ids pardon, and hath left of feed- ing the gaoler with monye. He says the gaoler, soon after the Assizes, had a considerable sum of money.of him, in order to procure his pardon. 361 and, though he effected nothing, yet keept his moneye > Hartley allso gave 12/. more, or upwards, to keep the yrons of him ; but this not- withstanding, the gaoler now threatens him with grievous ill usage, unless Hartley will weekely pay him his owne demands, which are very large ; and not only so, but this day the goaler threatned that he would, by this post, write some things of him that should do his worke, which makes Hartley fear that because the goaler cannot have his end of him, he will endeavour, by some false story, to incence you, or others, against him. Hartley therefore desires that, since he is resolved to deal ingeniously in his discovery, that he may not be discouraged in it by the goaler, who hath no ends but his owne private gaine.” Seal, broken. Account of the Akrest and Imprisonment of Mr. Leigh, of Lyme House. 914. 1694. — The 17th of July, 1694, “ Mr. Clark, the messenger, and Mr. Lunt, together with 14 Dutch troopers, came to Lyme, between 6 and 7 of the clock in the morning. That the messenger, with one Oldham, who was their guide, with two or three Dutch troopers, came up the great stairs in Lyme House, and apprehended Mr. Leigh in his night- gown ; and the messenger charged him with a warrant for high treason, and carryed him, the said Mr. Leigh, out of his dressing roome to his closett, where stood Mr. Lunt, with two or three Dutchmen, and then all went into the closett. The messenger and Lunt searched through Mr. Leigh’s papers from 7 till 12, and Lunt, when he mett with any paper that pleased him, putt it in his pocket. And from thence they carryed Mr. Leigh downstairs into the parlour, and there sett two Dutchmen to guard him whilst they searched every roome and place for armes, finding onely a case of pistolls and carrobin in Mr. Leigh’s closett, which they carryed away. And that night, they took Mr. Leigh from his house and carryed him to Knutsford, guarded by the messenger and 12 Dutchmen. That Lunt seized one of the best horses Mr. Leigh had, sett his owne saddle upon him, and carryed him quite away. That they carryed Mr. Leigh to Chester Castle the next day, where he re- mained till the last day of August, or the first day of September. Then he lodged ther with were carryed from Chester to London guarded by 4 messengers and 21 Dutch troopers, cornanded by Captaine Baker in person, and at St. Griles Barr’s house, committed to the hands of the messengers, and there kept three dayes, and then brought down to the Secretary’s office, Duke of Shrewsbury, piuncipall Secretary, who examined Mr. Leigh and remanded him back to the messengers for three dayes more, and then committed to the Tower. Whilst Mr. Leigh was in the Tower, and in the worste roome in all the Tower, [he] had very hard usage ; that his lady, at the first, was denyed either to see him or heare him speak. That old Madam Leigh came under the window where Mr. Leigh lodged, and asked her sonn, Mr. Leigh, how he did ; and [the] sentinel!, with his gun cockt,said, if she spoke another word, he would shoot her. That he had notice to pre- pare for bis try all at Chester Casthi in fourteen dayes, and within six dayes after, was removed out of the Tower and carryed down to Chester, guarded by a party of horse, the gentleman porter, and the gentleman gaoler of the Tower, and each two warders, and committed to the ConstaVfie of Chester Castle, after which, he was onely called to the barr, and discharged without tryall.” 362 Account of the Arrests of Philip Langton and Mr. Blundell. 915. [1694.] — 27 July, 1694. — ‘‘Philip Langton, when gone to Wapra, in Flintshire, to the buriall of his sister-in-law, was there taken up by Marisco, the messinger, alone, and the same day taken to Chester Castle, and there kept till Thursday the 30th of August, and then brought by Captain Baker and his Duch Guards to London, upon Wensday, 5th of September. And there, at one Beak’s, a messinger’s house in Warwick Street, near Golden Square, in St. James’s, was kept with Sir Lowland Stanley, Sir Thomas Clifton, and Mr. Legh, till Tuesday the 11th, and that day brought before the Duke of Shrews- bury ; and the next day, September 12th, carryed to Xewgate, where he remained prisoner with Mr. Blundell, but in different rooms, till Wednesday the 10th of October, and there was then brought down to be tryed with the rest of the gentlemen, at Manchester. “ 30 July, 1694. — About half [an] hower past five in the morning, three of the King’s messengers, Francis Clark, Richard Heward, and Peter Moriscoe, together with John Lunt, John Wombell, and Christopher Ellis, came to the hall of Crosby, to take up Mr. Blundell ; and young Mr. Blundell, being the first person the messingers there met, which Clark and Heward, with pistolls in their hand, asked if Esquire Blundell was stirring, hee told them hee thought hee was not. They then required him to bring them to Esquire Blundell’s chamber, which forth- with he did, and called of his father, who arose and unlocked his door ; then Haward, the messinger, went into the roome, desiring the other messinger, Clarke, to go down the stairs to call up some more of their company, who went accordingly, and young Mr. Blundell followed him down and went away. The house was then very strictly searched, and a case of pistolls, two swords, one birding piece, seaven horses, and two hackney saddles were taken, and brought to Captain Baker at Wigan, But the old gentleman, Esquire Blundell, who for more than thirty years hath been very lame, when they saw what a man hee was, they did not think fit to carry him with them. And at young Mr. Blundell’s return, his horses, though of small value, being taken, he went (in hope of- his aid to get his horses agane) to his neighbour Mr. Norris, who com- mitted him to the care of Mr. Mawdit, then Mayor of Levepoole (now Mr. Norriss’s brother-burgess in Parliament, for Leverpoole), with whom Mr. Blundell must stay till Captain Baker’s comeing thither the next day, and then hee, instead of his father (as the likelyer man of the two, though he also is very lame), was then sent to Chester Castle a prisoner, and thence, with the rest of the prisoners, taken to London.” Note, in the handwriting of Roger Kenyon, of the arrest of Sir William Gekrard. 916. 1694, . — “ Sir William Gerrard taken up on Tuesday I7th of June, 1694, about 7 in the afternoon, at Garsewood, his own house, by Marisco, the messenger, accompanyed by Mr. Taaf and John Womwall (sic), and attended by eight Duch troopers. They suffered Sir William to tarry at his own house that night, and the next day, the messenger, with four Dutch troopers, carryed Sir William to Chester Castle, where he was kept prisoner six weeks and one day, and, the 30th of August, taken with the rest, by 30 Dutch troopers or thereabouts, towards London, whither they came the 5th of September, and then Sir William, for a week, was kept at Morison’s house in Dartmouth Street, Westminster. No other gentleman was there, except a Frenchman, upon some other account. Six days after Sir William’s being first in 368 that house, hee was taken before the Duke of Shrewsbury, and a few questions asked. He was after that remanded to the messenger’s house, and, the 12th of September, at night, brought to the Tower, and after a month’s stay there, brought thence by Major Hawley and the gentleman gaoler, sixteen of the Tower warders, and 32 of the Earl of Oxford’s troop, to Coventree, and thence by a party of Dutch horse, commanded by the Tower Major, Major Hawley, who brought them to Manchester, and there delivered to the Sheriff of Lancashire on Teusday, 16 October, 1694.” The Case of Peter Leigh of Lyme, in the County of Chester. 917. [1694 .] — “Peter Legh cf Lyme, in the County of Chester, Esquire. Hee hath allways lived in the communion of the Church of England, free from any factiouse hankering, either towards Rome or Greneva. A gentleman of a plentiful estate, under no necessitouse exigencies to induce him to a change for the bettering his conditions. A man of great moderation and temper, both in his words and in his actions ; so far from being a busie body, that hee never had nor sought for any office. Hee was, in the reign of King [Charles] the Second, a Member of Parliament, and on that occasion onely tooke the oaths of allegiance and supremace, and never els, till of late, being subpoenad a witness, on his now Majestie’s behalf, did he, in all his life, take any oath. “ His case and usage. On the l7th of July, 1694, betwixt 6 and 7 in the morning, in his morneing gown, just come from his bed, hee wa> seised in his dressing room at Lyme, by Mr. Clerke, one of the King’s messengerrs, accompanied by John Lunt, the informer, guarded by a party of Duch troopers, charged with a warrant for High Treason ; his house ransacked for armes and papers from 7 till 12 o’clock, but nothing to their purpose found. Hee was, that day, by the messenger and 12 Duch troops, taken to the market town of Knutsford, and thence, the next day, to Chester Castle, the common gaol for that county, and there kept prisoner 6 weeks and 2 days; and thence, by about 30 Duch troops, commanded by Captain Baker, carryed to London, and for some time kept a close prisoner at a messenger’s house in Barwick Street ; and, after, by the Duke of Shrewsbury’s warrant, committed to the Tower of London, and had there a bad room and ill usage. His wife was denyed to see or speak to him, but she obtained the Queen’s order to be kept with him. His mother, though under his window, was denyed the satisfaction to hear him speak to her, and after one month’s endurance there, hee was, with other prisoners, taken by the Tower officers and a numerouse guard of troopers, exposed as a show, through the streets of London and through the severall countys and townes in the road, from thence to Chester. And when thither comme, kept in gaol there till the comeing of the Judges, at whose sitting in Court, he, together with Sir Thomas Stanley, being by the gaoler brought to the barr, they were without any impeachment, arraignment, or anything layed to their charge, discharged. But Mr. Legh, in fees and payments under his several confinements, and in preparation for a tryall for his life, his charge of witnesses and counsel, and in his expenses at those charge- able places for himselfe, his wife, and their attendants, besides the hard usages, the indignity and reproaches he sustained, at least the charge of [ ]. Such as sit at the helme seem not yet at leisure to think how disagreeable such usages are to our civil constitution; that our English laws — leges Anglice quas nolumus mutare — should endure such sufferings, remediless of relief. 364 Do our English laws authorize a Minister of State, by his arbitrary warrant, to empower any common person, that hee will style the King’s messenger, to break and enter into any man’s house, all England over, to search for and seize armes, commonly shewed at musters, or armes usually worn by the maister and servants, park guns, or fowling or birding pieces, or to break into and ransack and search every room, cabinet, and drawer, chest, trunk or box ; break locks, bolts, and barrs, to come to everything jewells, gold, silver, plate, evidences, bonds, bills, bookes of accounts, letters of a man’s most important and secret correspondencie, and to take away what he shall judge 6t to be seised, and to seise and carry away with him the master of the house, from his house and from his county, supposing him a criminall; may he be carryed quite away from that county where the fact is supposed to be done, and is onely tryable, and carryed into a far remote county, to the great minister by whose warrant he is seised; and to be committed close prisoner to no known prison, but to a messenger’s private house, and there kept day by day, nor friend, nor servant suffered to see him ; and, after that, sent to the Tower of London, to be there kept some weekes, in order to be sent to his tryall at Chester, from which county he was first sent for, and when thither brought, on pretence to bee tryed, after ail, neither prosecutor noi‘ witnes appear there against him ; nor more to be done, but pay the fees demanded and go home ? “ But the thing done — if pretending to be a legall prosecution — was not more unusual than was the manner of doing it ; for the laws of England establish to us known officers, judiciall and ministerial!, in the Crown Office, or Court of Pleas ; wee know none by the name of King’s Messenger. However, his coming might be more formidable by being accompanyed by an armed power of aliens, never naturalised nor made denizens, and by his associate Lunt, more dangerous and dreadfull than them all. “ It was, sure, an extravagant apprehension possessed the Minister of State, that he durst not rely upon the Posse Comitatus, to bring Mr. Legh, if a criminall, to the propper tribunall, to receive his doom. It is, by our English laws, a part of the civil magistrate’s oath, when he takes his office, not to send his warrant against any man to be taken up and abridged of his liberty, directed to the party upon whose information, or at whose instance, the man is to be apprehended, but to direct it to such indifferent person as will do right. Now that Mr. Lunt, upon whose information Mr. Legh was to be taken up, must be one to take up Mr. Legh, and one to go through his house, which he had never seen before, and have the perussall of his study and papers, from 7 o’clock till 12, and make his observations upon the person of Mr. Legh, whom, though he had sworn against, hee had never, till then, seene. This, one would think, may pass at least for a peccadillo, when our laws are consulted on the case. “ And surpassing were the unparalleled preparationsforthe management of the ensuing tryalls. Mr. Aaron Smith, solicitor of the Lords of the Treasury, who, to the fame of their choyce, had in the late reign stood in the pillory, in regard of his parts, was, with a good purse, sent in state with his coach and six, first to Manchester, a trading town in Lancashire, where never an assize had been before kept, to appear great there, where the tryalls were to be begun, as principal solicitor against the prisoners; who, after he had convicted there (for nothing less than convictions were thought on) eight red-letter criminalls, he was to take Chester in his way home, to do Sir Thomas Stanley and Mr. Legh’s businesse there, both gentlemen of the Church of England. 365 ‘‘ But some months before this, Captaine Baker, who, in the late raigne, had received a harder sentance than the pillory, though he escaped the execution, he was not so soon acquainted with Lunt, as Mr. Smith was; but he, after he had licked into forme Lunt’s, Wilson’s, and Womb- well’s infoi mations, and introduced those informers to a great Minister of Shite, hee was thought fittest, before Mr. Smith, to be dispatched into Lancashire and Cheshire, with a purse, to take down 4 messengers, and more informers, with letters to 2 Justices of each County to assist him, and a power to command a party of Duch troopers to take up and carry the gentlemen, in the messenger’s warrants, first to Chester Castle, and after, together, to London, which, when hee had performed, hee againe came downe at their returne to be tryed, his chiefe charge being then to take care of the witnesses, hee having most reason to know best how- to manage his own creatures. “The two entrusted Justices, writ to in Lancashire : — one was made one of the commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, and sate as Judge; the other, reserved for .... of finding the bills, to be foreman of the Grand Jury. The bills, being long and of unusuall forme, they were brought down ready drawn. And, least the Clerk of the Crown of Lancashire, whose office it is, by the King’s letters patent, that hee, or his sufiBcient deputy, sit under the Judges to dispatch the business of ihe Crown iii that County Palatine, least they should not manage to Mr. Aaron’s mind, hee brought down one Winter, from the King’s Bench, who did officiate, and, which was more than usuall, went from the Court to read the bills to the grand jury. Mr. Boyd, another King’s Bench practiser, came down as a second-rate solicitor, with briefs to instruct and inform the King’s counsell. No lesse than 5 lawyers were brought down, to be of counsell for the King and Queen. 137 gentlemen, from all parts of the County of Lancaster, were summoned for Jurors, and with 4 of the Judges (duble the number of our circuiters) sate, and 4 other great persons joyned with tliem in the commission of Oyer and Terminer. No person that could be any way usefull, was unbrought. Nothing was omitted tc agrandize the solemnity of this session ! “ The first try all was agamst 5 of the prisoners, indicted together In one bill : — Sir Boland Stanley, Sir Thomas Clifton, Mr, Licconson, Mr. Langton, and Mr. Blundell, against whom wmre produced 8 witnesses, who severall of them gave a full evidence against the five. But, when all that evidence was over, the prisoners called 34 witnesses, by whom the said former witnesses were so disproved and detected, that the Judge said it was a great mystery of iniquity on one side, saying to the Jury, if the first witnesses be believed, there is a plaine proofe of a great contrivance to bring in the French King, and raise a rebellion here ; but if you believe that Lunt and the rest have contrived this way to ruin the gentlenif n, and take away their lives and estates, in hope to enrich them- selves, then the fait will lye more upon the accusers. Then the gentle- men are innocent; you must acquit them. The Jury, without going forth of Court, sayd they were agreed of their verdict. And being called to give their verdict, and demanded to each of the prisoners wliether guilty or not guilty, they gave their verdh^t to each apart, not guilty. After which the Lord Molineux, Sir William Gerard, and Bartholomew Walmsley, Esquire, the other prisoners there, being on Monday brought to the barr, and the Jury to trye them, sworn and charged, and the indictment opened to the Jury, no witness appeared against them, so the Jury, to each of them apart, gave their verdict not guilty. Where- upon, Mr. Justice Eyre said: ‘Gentlemen, you that are acquitted, you have a very pregnant instance shown to you that the Court refuses to give credit, or so much as an ear, to what the witnesses on Saturday 866 have sworn to ; and since there are none to accuse you (for the witnesses were sent away), I do not condemn you/ “ The assizes, for the tryall of Sir Thomas Stanley and Mr. Legh, being appointed to be two days following, at Chester, viz., on Wensday, 24 October, 1694, the Judges were thither comme, but Lunt, Wilson, Wombel, and Bruerton, the four principle witnesses, being vanished, there was none found to swear to the bills against Sir Thomas Stanley or Mr. Legh ; and no bill being found against them, there was nothing to try, nor to do, but dismisse them ; the cryer’s proclamation being far from so loud as the acclamation of the people. “Now, as to Mr. Legh, of whom particularly this paper is intended to give an account, it may very truly be said hee is a gentleman well known, and as well beloved, who never did a thing offensive to the government hee lived under, and as seldom as any to anybody in it. A gentleman who avoyds disputes, meddles not in the controversies of the time, it may perhaps be hard to find one to whom this character is so truly due ; and can this his case and usage, were the lawes of England had in due execution, lye long unremembered, or, when remembered, remaine unresented ? Would it not beget at least a hard thought, if not a sensure, which should by no means be suffered towards our government, which hath enemies too many, that would be too ready to improve it, being that which cannot by reason be justified. It is from no disafected wish to pray that justice and right may be done ; for it is justice doth establish the throne ! ” Depositions of Edward Beresford. 918 . [1694.] — “ Edward Beresford of London, gentleman, maketh oath That Mrs. Dickenson, wife of Mr. Dickenson, now in custody, hav- ing several tymes desyred this deponent to meet, or procure some one to meet, one Mr. Taffe, who told her that he had some things to say of im- portance, relating to the service of the Cheshire and Lancashire gentlemen now in prison, and that he desyred very much to meet any one that he might declare his mynd to. That this deponent, having noe inclynation to meet or converse with him, had put it off for above a weeke, during which tyme, as the said Mrs. Dickenson told this deponent, the said Mr. Taffe, or his wife, had severall tymes presst to have some one to meet him. At last one Mr. Bankes, of Cray’s Inn, did consent to meet the said Taffe, saying he would hear what the gentlemen had to say, and thought there could be noe danger in it, and accordingly did, as this deponent beleeves, meet the said Mr. Taffe on the twenty seaventh day of September last in the afternoone. That on the twenty eighth of the same month, in the morning early, the said Mr. Taffe came to Mr. Banks at his chambers in Gray’s Inn, where this deponent alsoe then was. That after some complements past betwixt Mr. Banks and Mr. Taffe, the said Mr. Taffe tooke occasion to say that he was very much concerned for those gentlemen that were prisoners, meaning those of Cheshire and Lancashire, as this deponent beleives. “ That he was noe witnesse himselfe, nor any wayes concerned, but that there was one Lunt, alias Smith, who, he said, was a wit- nesse against them, in relation to a plot against the Government, and that he reposed an intyre confidence in him, the said Taffe. That he, the said Lunt, had often read to him his narrative of the said plot; that he was a loose, extravagant talking fellow, and would expose and reveal himselfe at first sight to any one or more that he, the said Taffe, recommended, or to that effect. And farther said that 367 Lunt was a great rogue ; and he, the said Taffe, proposed to recomend someone to his acquaintance as a certayne means to detect him, or to that efPect. That what he proposed was in respect to the Govern- ment as well as truth. That he had great obligations, and was zealous for the interest of the Government. That he began to have a dis- trust of the plot, and in particular of Lunt’s testimony, upon the said Lunt and a messenger going lately to seize young Mr. Blundell of Crosby, now a prisoner, against whom Lunt was a witnesse, as the said Taffe declared; that he, the said Lunt, met the prisoner, Mr. Blundell, and askt for Esquire Blundell, and the prisoner showed them upp to his father and then left them ; upon this accident the said Taffe said he began to conceive a bad oppinion of him and his evidence because he knew not the man against whom he had sworne, or to that effect. “That Lunt had often complayned to him that he wanted a man or two — as this deponent supposed, to he evidence in his plot ; but he desired one of credit, that was a protestant and lookt like a gentleman or an officer, and had often prest the said Taffe to helpe him to some such, according to his promise. That Mr. Taffe farther sayd that yf some gentleman woud consent to see him upon his, the said Taffe’s, recommendation, he questioned not but upon the first or second tyme of seeing him, he, the said Lunt, would give the said gentleman what he would have him to swear, in wryting, relating to his plot, as this deponent beleeved. He, the said Taffe, prest his method very much, and said he beleeved it the only way to discover the rouges, whereupon Mr. Bagshawe of Gray’s Inn, who was then by, consented to meet him, the said Taffe, at the ‘ Ship ’ alehouse, by Temple Barr, at three of the clock in the same day, the said Taffe undertaking to bring the said Lunt thither. “ Thereupon, Mr. Taffe instructed Mr. Bagshawe what to say and how to behave himselfe, and so Mr. Taffe went away. Mr. Bagshaw afterwards, upon further thought and reflection, was unwilling to goe till hec had further consulted what was adviseable and safe, and it was agreed that Mr. Bankes and this deponent should go to the place named, and disappoint the meeting by telling Mr. Taffe the reason of Mr. Bagshawe’s not coming, which this deponent did, upon which Mr. Taffe seemed very much concerned that he must disappoint Lunt, who was very eager, he said, and would not stay to be sent for, as was agreed, but would come along with him. And the said Taffe was particulerly concerned that Mr. Bagshawe would not come, because, he said, he was mightily taken with his countenance. Mr. Taffe was very urgent with Mr. Bankes or this deponent to stay, though it were only to drinke a glasse of ale with Lunt, and nothing of business should be talked of. Thereupon, Mr. Bankes consented to stay, and this deponent imedeately left him and Mr. Taffe together, and went to the ‘ Rainebow ’ coffee-house, to Mr. Bagshaw. About an hour afterwards, or something more, Mr. Bankes came to this deponent and Mr. Bagshaw, and all three imediately went into Lincoln’s Inn walks, where Mr. Bankes gave a relation to this deponent and Mr. Bagshaw of what passed at the ‘ Ship ’ alehouse, betwixt him, Mr. Taffe, and Mr. Lunt.” Lancashire Plot. — Depositions of Laurence Parsons and James Parkinson. 919. [1694]. — Laurence Parsons, of Shavington, in the parish of Standish, in the county of Lancaster, dyer, deposes that in May last, he met Lunt in London, and that Lunt promised, if he would swear that 368 they together did deliver commissions from King James to gentlemen in Ormskirk and other places, that he should receive 150/2. and be entered into Capt. Baker’s office and have the King’s pay of 205. a week. And Lunt told him that he should soon have a commission from the Secretary of State and Privy Council for seizing of horses and arms in Lancashire, and requested deponent to join with him in the execution thereof. Deponent afterwards travelled to Manchester with Lunt, Taaffe, John Woombell, Captain Baker, Christopher Ellis, and' George Wilson. James Parkinson, of Carhall, in the county of Lancaster, gentleman, deposes that one Ellis, servant to Captain Baker, and one of the King’s messengers, had seized two of his horses, and deponent sent his wife to try if she could prevail on Ellis and his company to restore his horses, and his wife informed him that John Lunt, who was with Ellis, said he had matters of consequence to impart to deponent. And deponent went to Lunt, who asked his assistance in giving evidence against Lord Molyneux and other gentlemen in the county ; to which deponent said, “ I know nothing against them ” ; to which Lunt replied, ‘‘ You know as much as I do” ; and added, We have taken Lord Molyneux and Sir William Gerrard ; if we could but take Master Molyneux and Esquire Gerrard we would let the Lord Molyneux and Sir William Gerrard go.” Depositions of William Whalley concerning the Lancashire Plot. 920. [1694.] — “ I doe remember that on Saturday, the 20th of October, 1694, I was on the jury that tryed Sir Bowland Stanley, Sir Thomas Clifton, William EHckonson, Esqre., Philip Langton, Esqre., William Blundell, Esqre. Att which tryall John Lunt was produced as an evidence for the Kinge and Queene, and swore that, att Dunkenhall (which to the best of my remembrance as to the time) he affirmed to be in the yeare 1691, in his presence, Mr. Walmsley did then and there deliver to Mr. Dicconson, of Wrightington, a comission from Kinge James to bee a Lieftannant Collonel of Horse, and that Mr. Dickonson did then and there take and receive it att his hands. ‘‘ I doe alsoe remember, at the same tryall, George Wilson was then and there produced as an evidence for the Kinge and Queene, and swore that hee was in the company of John Lunt att Croxtath, and there found the Lord Mollineux, Sir Lowland Stanley, Sir William Gerrard, and others, mett together, and lhat hee was present when John Jmnt att Croxteth did, with his owne hands, deliver to the Lord Mollineux a comission under or from Kinge James, that made him Governor of Liverpoole. And that hee was present alsoe when John Lunt did deliver, then and there, to Sir Bowland Stanley a comission, from or under Kinge James, to make him a Collonel of Horse ; and alsoe when John Lunt did then and there deliver to Sir William Gerrard a comission under or from King James to make him a Collonel of Horse (and this to the best of my remembrance as to the timej Wilson swore to bee in the month of June or July, 1689. “ I doe alsoe remember, att the same tryall, the said Wilson swore that hee was present at Dunkenhall, and that Mr. Walmsley did then and there, in person, with his ov/n hand, in the presence of him, the said Wilson, deliver to Mr, Dickonson a comission in writinge, under and from Kinge James, to make him, the said Mr. Dickonson, a Lief- tennant Collonel of Horse, and that Mr. Dickonson did then and there, in his presence, receive and accept the same att his hands, and this, to the best of my knowledge (as to the time) Wilson affirmed to bee in February, 1691. 869 •; .~r :v.'rr.'r srT‘.'^ . 'S^'. J ‘‘I do alsoe remember that John Wombell, at the same tryall, was produced as an evidence for the Kinge and Queene, and swore that hee came to Standish Hall with armes, and then and there found and saw Mr. Dickonson, Mr. Blundell, and others, present and mett to- gether, and that hee then and there saw great quantity of armes to be divided, and that a certain part of the said armes to be shared and distributed between Mr. Dickonson and Mr. Blundell, and that Mr. Dickonson and Mr. Blundell did, in his sight, take their share of the arms soe divided, and this to the best of my remembrance (as to the time) Wombell swore to be about December, 1691. “ I do alsoe remember the said Wombell, att the same tryall, being asked by Mr. Blundell whether hee was not att Crosbie with the Kinges messengers, att the search for arms. Hee answered, hee was there. Mr. Blundell asked him whether he knew anything of any moneys taken there by any of the company, and whether none was found about him, being searched, who answered, no money was found about him butt his owne, which as I remember hee said was about 12s. Copy. {^Depositions to same effect made hy Hugh Holme. ^ Names of those appointed to make arrests, and of informers. 921. [1694] — “The names of the persons employed to take up persons impeached, as also of the informers, u ith an account of who and what they are or have been.” The Names of the Gentlemen ‘informed against by Lunt. 922. [1694.] — In all, there are the names of 103 persons, viz : — Lord Thomas Howard, Lord George Howard, Dr. Bromfield, the Earl of Melfort, Mr. Edmund Threlfall (dead), Mr. Gourden, the Lord Moiineux’s son, Thomas Tildesley, Esquire, Mr. Dalton of Thurnham, Mr. Sherburn of Stonyhurst, Mr. Townley of Townley, Mr. Girlingtou, Mr. Westby of Mowbreck, the Lord Molineux, Mr. Legh of Lyme, Sir Thomas Stanley of Aldersley, Mr. Cholmondeley of Valeroyall, Sir Bowland Stanley, Sir Thomas Clifton, my Lord Brudenall, Sir Troogmorton (?), the Lord Dunbar, the Lord Preston, the Lord Fairfax, Mr. Strickland, Sir Thomas Gascow, Sir Stapleton, Mr. Tempest, Mr. Vavasour, Mr. Harrington, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Ryder, Mr. Traps, Mr. Lawson, Major Moor, Sir William Gerard’s son, Mr. Dicconson of Wrightington, Capt. Griffith, Whitney the highway- man (dead), Mr. Stanley, Mr. Shuttleworth, Mr. Tildsley of Stonesacre, Mr. Langton, Mr. Chantrell, Colonel Walmsley of Dunghall, Mr. Dracot of Pansley, Staffordshire, Sir Richard Fleetwood, Mr. Roland Fleetwood, Mr. Whital, Mr. Cuny of Cuny, Mr. Stacy of Reddington, Sir James Simons, Mr. Bazil Brook, the Lord Stafford, Mr. Stafford, the Lord Stafford’s brother, Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Basell, Capt. Goodman, Mr. Pollard of ‘ the Blue Posts ’ in the Haymarket, Mr. Towgood at ‘ the Griffin ’ in Bloomsbury, Mr. Clarkson at ‘ the Lancaster Castle ’ in Red Lyon Square, Mr. Vaughan at the ‘ White Horse’ inn in .... , Mr. Eason at ‘ the George ’ inn by Holborn Bridge, Mr. Carre at ‘the Roy all Oak ’ in Drury Lane, Mr. Jolly of ‘ the Black Posts ’ in Drury Lane, Mr. John Sharpies in the Haymarket, Mr. Rigby in Covent Garden, and his son, the Lord Arundell, Lord Barimore (?), Lord Griffin, Sir William Goreng, Colonel Tufton, Colonel Holeman, Colonel Bernard Howard, Lieutenant - Colonel Bankes, Colonel Porter, Lieutenant - Colonel Griffith, Captain Goodman, Capt. Nelson, Captain Tozar, Captain 73480. A A 370 Spencer, Mr. Standish, Captain Noell, Captain Walton, Mr. Pepper, Mr. Preston, Captain Roberts, the Lord Feversham, Mr. Tasbrough, Mr. Kingsley, Colonel G-riffin, Colonel Tufton, Lord Strangfort, Mr. Basteen, Mr. Clark, INIr. Loe, Alderman Crosse of Rochester, Lcrd Carrington, Lord Salisbury, Lord Huntington, Sir Henry Tichburn, Sir John Friend. In the hfindwriting of Roger Kenyon. Draft Speech, probably to be delivered to the House of Commons by Roger Kenyon. 923. [1694.] — “Wee are now to consider the present posture and condition of the nation, and this our resolution being published, the eyes of our countrey are upon us, and makes them hope for and expect redress of those grievances under which they labour. You had some of them hinted at the other day, under the heads of false evidence, forrainers in our councells, and an unequall burthen of the warr upon us. But the first of these is that which most sencibly affects mee and my countrey, where the blackest of vilanyes has been most plainly detected, and the thoughts of it strikes all men with horror and amazement. Gentlemen of peaceable dispositions (but, indeed, they had good estates, and that was their greatest crime) were under Dutch guards, to the great expence of their fortunes and hazard of their lives, hurryed from their own house to Chester Castle, thence to the Tower and Kewgate, thence down again to the countrey, and there arraigned and tryed for high treason, but, God bee thanked, acquitted. I happened to bee at the try all, and shall, by your permission, give you a short account of some transactions I there observed, the legality of which I shall not take on myself to determine, but sure I am, most people thought they were very great hardships. A power was avowed, in open court, that the judges might put into, and put out of, the pannell of the Grand Jury what persons they pleased, and that in cases of high treason. The Judge, in his charge, passed his censure upon the gentlemen before any bill was preferred against them, telling the jury that the occasion of their coming armed with that commission was the treachery of their own countrymen ; but this was also accompanyed with a side blow at the Church of England, hee adding that those countrymen of theirs were Protestants and Papists : ‘ Protestants,’ sayes hee, ‘ of the Church of England, as they call themselves, who mingle with Papists, as the iron and the clay at the feet of Nebuchednazer’s image.’ The Lord Mollineux, upon his arraignment, put in a petition, that, by reason of his great age and infirmityes, hee could neither see, hear, nor understand, soe prayed that councell might bee assigned him, but this the Court very truly told him could not be granted by law; yet Barron Powell, one of the judges, in tender compassion and commiseration of his condition, said that if he had a friend or two to stand by and assist him they would connive at it, but this the judge who managed the Commission opposed, and sayd it must neither be granted nor connived at. Five of the gentlemen being put into one indictment, and a coppye of their pannell given them, the Court terryfyed them, telling them that if they would not wave their seperate challenges and consent that one of them should challenge for the whole, the Court would proceed to try one of them presently. Whereupon they waved their right, given them by law, and consented ; which being done, and they withdrawn under their guards out of Court, the judge ordered 40 more to bee added to that pannell, which was accordingly done. Tenn gentlemen of quality, some of them members of this House, some of them deputy lievetenants, but all of them justices of the peace for that county, were all excepted against by the King’s 371 councell, without cause shewn, by direction, as was reasonably supposed, of* Aron Smith, and not one gentleman of note was allowed to serve on that jury ; soe the foreman was an ordinary tradesman and the landlord of the house where the judges lodged. The prisoners desired that the evidence against them might be examined seperately and apart, but this was denyed, the judge saying it would cast a reflection upon the King’s evidence. Lunt, the first evidence, said he knew the prisoners very well, that he had been often in their company es, done business for them, and given commissions to them, but being demanded which was Sir Rowland Stanley, he pointed to Sir Thomas Cliffton and called him Sir Rowland Stanley, and pointing to Sir Rowland Stanley and called him Sir Thomas Oliffton, which caused some just muttering against him by the people in the Court. Therefore, to rectifye this his mistake, hee -was bid to take the cryer’s staffe and lay it upon Sir Rowland Stanley. Hee tooke the staffe and layd it upon Sir Thomas Oliffton, and again called him Sir Rowland Stanley, and Sir Rowland Stanley he again called Sir Thomas Cliflfton. Now, to help this lame evidence out of this ditch, which the cryer’s staffe was not stronge enough to doe, the judge asked him if those were the two knights for whom hee had done bnsness and to whom hee had delivered commissions, to which leading question the profligate wretch could easily make an affirmation, and soe he said that they were. ‘Why then,’ sayes the Judge to the Jury, ‘ gentlemen, you are not to lay any stress at all upon his mistaking of one for the other, nor is it to weigh anything with you.’ “ These, sir, are some of the hardships I observed at this tryall, but how the evidences were confronted and their perjurys manifested, and how it was made to appear that had those knights of the post succeeded in this first essay of their plott, they would have caryed it on to the gentlemen of the best estates in England, and where and by whom an office is kept, where informers are listed into pay, I hope other gentlemen who were there and have better memoryes than I have, will acquaint you. And then I hope you will not only pass your sensure upon the wrong-doores but that you will also by some good bill or bills ” [ends abruptly^. In the handwriting of Richard Edge. Edward Finch to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 924 . 1694, “ Friday, 9th.” Winwick. — “ We expect my Lord Derby here to day, whom I beleive I shall perswade to go up to parliament earlier than he used to do. I shall meet the Chester coach at Whitchurch next Monday night, and go up to London in that. I have so many things to confer with you about, that it would be in vain to attempt it by letters, in so short a time as I have to stay in the country. But thus much I think I ought to hint to you, viz. that I heai' the wittnesses are clapped up and ordered to be prosecuted for perjury. I hope your illness will not hinder your early attendance in parliament, and the rather because what you are able to make out concerning our sham plott’s being built upon Dodsworth’s, will be so verry material that it may be a means effectually to prevent the game which I apprehend they will endeavour to play, because it was what they did do in Admirall Russell’s business — voted him first the thanks of the House for his courage and conduct in beating the French fleet, and thereby precluded them- selves from examining into my brother Nottingham’s papers and orders, which were sent down to our House from the House of Lords, and sent back again, without examining or suffering them to be on the table, as usual in such cases, whereby it wmuld plainly have appeared that had A A 2 372 it not been for Admiral Russell’s missmanagement and disobedience to positive and repeated orders, he had wholly destroyd the French fleet. Just so, I suppose, they will convict these people of perjury, to stop higher inquiry; vote Trenchard, Shrewsbury, Willoughby, and Xorris (and for ought I know Baker and »Tudge Eyre) the thanks of the House for their watchful care of the Government, in his Majestie’s absence, so that their scandalous grafting upon Dodsworth’s plott will be looked on as a pardonable over-forward zeal. The wittnesses being pilloried, all is done that can be ; f or shall the House find fault with the same people they thank ? This they will urge as a ridiculous thing to appear in our votes. By all means possible hasten your own journey to London, and the rest of our Lancashire members, for I wonder to find that severall of them that were present at the tryalls, intend to stay so long in the country. If they cry ‘ whose first ’ (as the saying is), we come upon a disadvantage, and a very great one.” Seal with crest. CuTHBERT HeSKETH tO [RoGER KeNTON]. 925 . 1694[-5], January. — ‘‘I have seene John Wilson, who was a prisoner at lardge, and accused for to bee guilty of the late plott, and have discoursed him, and desyred him to lett me know how farre he was moved to bee a witness against Mr. Walmesley of Dunkenhalgh; and hee tells me that Aron Smith, Captayne Baker, and Lunt, did much solicite him to sweare that Mr. Walmesleye was att Dunkenhalgh about three years since, to which hee did say, and is ready to testify, that bee never knew or saw the said Mr. Walmesley till hee saw him att Manchester Sessions, in October last, nor was ever at Dunkenhalgh in his lyfetyme. Upon which, Avon Smith, Captayne Baker, and Lunt, did threaten him that, if hee would not testify the same, hee should bee indicted and hanged for being guilty of the plott. Wilson says he was never a prisoner in N’ewgate, but was still kept a prisoner with the messenger that apprehended him. Hee was lykewyse moved by Aaron Smith, Beaker, and Lunt, to bee a witness against severall other gentlemen in this county, upon the same score, three of which were Mr. Towneley, Mr. Warren, and Mr. Walmesley of the Hall, against whome, or any of them, hee neither could at that time, nor now, say anything in that business, being {sic) hee never had any acquaintance with any of them. Hee further sayes that hee heard the said Aron Smith, Beaker, and Lunt say at the Sessions att Manchester, that if the buisiness against the gentlemen at that time did not take effect hee would have another way for it.” John Assheton to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 926 . 1694[-5], January 10. Clitheroe. — “The death of the Queen was a great surprize to us, whose death is by all here very much lamented The known experience of your readinesse to assist us, and your repeated promises, incouraged us to crave your help in relation to our burruogh and county in particular. The poore of these parts mostly employ the winter in spinning flaxen yarne, and formerly made advantage thereof’; which forreigners seeing, have under- mined us, buying the best of flax and irnploying their owne poor to spin, about Hamborow, etc., where tliey live cheap and send us the yarne, which we must either take at their rates or bee content with the worst sort of flax, litle else now comeing ; by which meanes, our poore complaine they cannot get for their yarn what their flax cost, and must either turne l»eggers, or worke to no purpose. And soe the poore are ruined, and the better sort sore layne upon to relieve them, which might 373 be remedied were a smart duty (the qua7ihim we dare not preseribe) layd oil forreign yarne, and to promote that is our request, wherein wee are seconded by many other burroughs, our neighbors, to their representative. It meets here with soe general! approbation, that wee cannot find any inconveniency, publicke or private, to object thereto, and therefore hope you will find the lesse opposition, in soe generall a good worke. The advantage will be farther in the advance of his Majesty’s revenue, and, being in nature of a subsidy bill, it perhaps may bee season- ably moved at this time when you are cons[idering] the poore, to whose act this may bee added. Tour thought and advice herein, with your assistance, is earnestly entreated.” Joseph Yates to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 927 . 1694f-5], January 14. — Our great surmise in the country is, (1) Will the King go into Flanders, or no ? (2) Why did Parliament desire, “ with that strictness,” all members to attend, on Thursday last ? and (3) “ What will be the event of the Parliament’s enquiry after the Manchester trials ?.,... In my mind, an imposition upon perri-wiggs and topp-knotts would be easier to the poor sort of people, then that proposed of leather ; but doe begg your pardon in presuming to mention any of these things, which chiefly concerne your honourable assembly.” There is talk in this town of new county justices, “ not to adorn (?) the church,” viz. : Mr. Worsley of Platt, Mr. Nathaniel Gaskell, Mr. Joseph Hooper, Mr. Richard Percivall, and several others of this town and near it. Other justices are to be “ put out,” because not brisk enough against the prisoners.” Seal of ar'ms. Thomas Wilson to Roger Kenyon. 928 . 1694[-5], January 18. Lathom.~On Wednesday last, my Lord Derby went to Preston, in order to promote an address to his Majesty upon the death of the Queen. His Lordship was met at the town by the High Sheriff and a handsome appearance of gentry, and, in the town, met with a very welcome reception, offered an address, which was kindly and unanimously received and signed, and will be signed by most of the gentry of this county in a few days. From all which, it is mani- fest that the hearts of the people are yet very much towards his Lordship. This address his Lordship designs to send up to Colonel Stanley, who is the fittest person in the world to represent it fairly to the King. To this purpose, his Lordship writes this post to his brother to know his thoughts and resolutions. In the meantime, I desire this favour of you, that you will take an occasion to discourse with Colonel Stanley upon this subject. Seal of arms. Charles Rigby to Roger Kenyon, M.P., in London. 9 29 . 1694[-5], January 18. Lancaster Upon the receipt of yours of the 6th instant, I pressed Hartley to recollect with himselfe for a further discovery, assureing him of the want of your friendship, whilst there was reason to believe bee consailed any of his associates; and for this purpose I gave him two days to consider in, but when I came to him again, he still protested he had not missed one that he could remember to be liveing, or that had not been tryecl. 1 then shewed him your letter, and to the persons named therein he gives this answer : that as to Murrean, the Scotch pedler, he was acquainted with him before his owne goeing into Ireland, but since his comeing back, he heard that about seven years agoe the pedler was tryed at Shrewesbury and 374 acquitted, but was so frighted then, that he believes he never medled since. And that himselfe had a young wife who used to come with him to Hartley, but neither hath she medled since her husband’s tryal, that he knows ot He averrs he never knew either Laith or Steward on any account ; that Smith, alias Buffer, is the same in the last information named alias Chamber ; that John G-oulton hath been dead above 15 years : that it is 20 years since he had broad moneys from Samuel Bromley, but believed him dead, not having dealt with him since ; that Leek never clipped, that Hartley knowes of, nor he never worked at Leek’s house ; that Wheck was hanged soon after Jo : Thomasson was robed ; [and] that he hath sent to his brother, in order to make what discovery he can of that robbery. Sir, what I wrote of Hartley being bailed till the Assizes, though under sentence of death, is not without president, for Sir Walter Rawleigh was (when under the sentence of high treason) let out of the Tower, and entrusted with a commission beyond sea, in the King’s service, and after that executed (ut vide Cros.jur. fob 495), and there resolved the King might make use of the service of any subject in that condition, and yet it should not be any dispensation of former crime. I never meant that Hartley, whilst unpardoned, should be evidence against any ; but might, with assistance, apprehend the persons accused, which he still sais he can do, either at baile or under such circumstances as will be strong proof es against them. Sir, if you please to signifie my Lord Cheife Justice Treby’s sentiment of the last information, together with your commands, 1 will, to my power, observe them. Hartley sais Mr. Elleson, the gaoler, had ten pounds from him to keep the yrons of [f] him, and eleven pounds to bear his charges up to London, which is all the moneys he hath had of him, except for his dyet. But Hartley lodged a greater sum, he sais, in a frind’s hands of Ellesson, which he should have had, if he had proved his pardon. And Elleson, hearing that Hartley had a watch in a watchmaker’s hand, in this towne, by dilusion got it into his hands, after the warrant came down for Hartley’s execution, and still keeps it. Last Wednesday I was at Thurneham (?) with Mr. Dalton, he being returned from Parke Hall. He shewed me his book, wherein he sets down not only his travels, but the remarkeable passages of his life. He there sais on the 13th of June, 1689, he was apprehended in his owne house by Sir John Bland, then an officer quartered in Lancaster, and he sais, he does remember they searched his house for Thelfall and Lunt, and he believes they did land near Cockerham that morning, and I am induced to believe they were that night entertained at Thurnham, though he does not say so, and that the certificate I sent you mistakes the day.” Seal of arms. Alice Kenyon to her husband, Roger Kenyon. 930. 1694[-5], January 20. — Mrs. Marcer was here to-night, and tells me there is to be many new justices such as never was made justices : — Mr. Edward Boodle, Hilton of Willingrave, Jo: Diggle, ‘‘a calendar man,” and young Gaskill ; she says it is thought Lord Willoughby is the cause of their being put on. Seal. The Earl of Derby to Roger Kenyon. 931, 932. 1694-5, January 22. Knowsley. — I cannot forbear thinking of, and owning, how much I am beholden to your eldest son and my seal-keeper, in following so well the steps of their father. I am not able to imagine what should be the cause that my wife never wrote 375 one word to me, nor James, since tlie Queen’s death ; though letters and condoling, and inviting down here, have not been wanting. If you do, or can, know anything what should be the matter, an account of as much as is fit for a letter, will be very acceptable. Seal. W. Dicconson to Eoger Kenyon, M.P. 933. 1694-5, January 25. Wrigh[tington]. — “ Pursuant to direc- tions, 1 have this day sent for Jo ; Wilson; hee is very weak in health, and 1 fear much whether hee will bee able to perform his journey, at least it will be to morrow seavenight before he can reach the ‘ Blew Boar ’ in Holborn, whither I have directed him. Hee has his brother with him, who goes on fott, and is not willing to leave alone because of his illness. If hee goes on to London with him, hee may perhaps bee of use too as a wettness to testify Luntt’s acknowledging that hee had robbed on the highway ; butt I know that is not needful now, soe I did not send him, and if hee accompanys his brother quite thorough, it is on his owne accord. For my part, I could not find Jo : Wilson’s testimoney very materiall as to my judgment.” Seal of arms. William Hayhurst to Eoger Kenyon, ‘‘a member of the honourable House of Commons, at Westminster.” 934. 1694- 5, January 26. Preston.- — “ As for the precise day laid in the indictment, we have not usually such a particular regard to it as to observe to laye it the very daj, but suppose it good enough though laid after the day ; and where it relates to seYerall facts, wee lay one day with a diversis aliis diebus et vicihus tam antea quam jwstea. And so for the place, wee doe not much regard it, if it bee in the same county. The record against Darlington is at Lancaster, so I fear cannot come to you in time. Mr. Walmsleye’s neighbours suppose that if he came to Dunkenhalgh when Mr. Lunt swore hee did, that hee rid upon Paccolett’s horse, or that hee came over in a flying coach, either of which will as soon bee believed as that hee was there ; but when I reflect of the certain reports of troopes of horse exercising underground, wee may easily believe the former. I pray God direct you, that are the protectors of the liberty of the people of England, so to determine matters, that innocent men may not bee run down by false accusers, and that it may not bee judgd a crime to have a good estate.” Seal of arms. T. Winckley to Eoger Kenyon, M.P. 935. J694[-5], January 27.— When Threlfal and Lunt left the ship they forgot something like a saddle-bag, which fell into the customs otficers’ hands at Lancaster. Seal of arms. Lady Standish to Eoger Kenyon, M.P. 936. 1694[-5], January 28. Duxbury. — ‘H wish you all health, and safe into Lancashire. If I consulted my own intrest, I should wish to send my Lord Willoughby to the Parliament and fetch you home, but for the publick it is beter ordered. He is almost as great a plauge to me as he is to his wife and her maids, for my Lord, feighting with my Lady’s woman, she has broak his shins with a brass candle stick, and he is a criple.” Seal. 376 Information by Sir Edward Ward, Attorney- General, against John Lunt, for perjury. 937. [1695,] Hilary Term. — Reciting the indictment against Sir Rowland Stanley, Sir Thomas Clifton, William Dicconson, E*hillip Lang- ton, and William Blundell, and that, upon the case coming on for trial, before Sir Giles Eyre, Sir John Turton, Sir John Powell, and Sir Samuel Eyre, at Manchester, the said Sir Rowland Stanley, and the others, pleaded not guilty. And at the trial, one John Lunt, late of the parish of St. Martin’s in the Fields, in the county of Middlesex, labourer, swore that in February,! 1691 [-2], he was present at “ Dunginhall,” the dwelling house of Bartholomew Walmesley, Esquire, in the parish of Whalley, with the said Walmesley, when he, the said Walmesley, delivered to William Dicconson a commission from James the Second, late King of England, as lieutenant-colonel of horse ; whereas the said Walmesley was not at “ Dunginhall ” at any time within the month of February, 1691 [-2], nor did he deliver such a commission to the said Dicconson, and thereby the said Lunt committed wilful perjury. Also a like in- formation against George Wilson. J. Hartley to Roger Kenton, M.P. 938. 1695[-5], February 1. — ‘‘Koe doubt there are pressing reasons of state for these very great taxes ; and I doe not thinke any Englishman but would willingly pay what he is asked, if that would prevent it, rather then this nation should bee made the seate of war. The inequality of the taxes is the greate thing complained of. For, you will owne, it is very hard lor some to pay above halfe as much for 30/. per annum, singly taxed^ as others for 200/. per annum, in the same parish.” Seal of arms. Charles Rigby to Roger Kenton, M.P. 938a. 1694[-5], February 19. Lancaster. — As to proof that Captain Clent supplied his soldiers and officers under him, with his own moneys, and sold his plate and jewels for that purpose, we can produce the tes- timony of persons that heard him on his death-bed say, and it was well known to his relations, that he was, at his last going into Ireland, rich both in that and clothes, and returned “ very ordinary,” and his colonel knew him to be a civil and a frugal brave man.” Hartley is advised by his friends in the castle to apply for a pardon, and, for that purpose, has written to Mr. Pears, the Lord Chief Justice’s secretary, with whom he has held a close correspondence all along. He expresses a true service to the government, and promises, when at liberty, to discover all or most of the clippers in Staffordshire. And now, sir, as to the time of Lunt’s landing, though, in answering yours in the order it is writt, I postponed this to other buisness, yet it bath been the chiefe of my endeavours to learne the true time for your in- formation. In the first place, yesterday morning I went to Mr. William Kirkby (who is now in this towne, and presents you with his service). I told him of the matter, and after a searche in his booke, wherein he transcribes coppys of his letters and takes account of his travells, he found that on Tuesday the IHtli of June, 1689, he came to Lancaster, and the same day, being informed by Mr. Jo : Foster, then collector of the Customs liere, that Carson’s vessel was come in from Ireland, he, the same night, wrote up to the Commissioners of the Customs above, and in his letter, finds that he tells them of Carson’s vessell coming in, and for the rest referrs to the collector, Mr. Foster’s letter ; but whether 377 Mr. Foster’s letter was wrote the post before, or no, he remembers not, nor any more thereof ; but he thinks amongst the letters kept by the Com- missioners above, of that month of June, 1689, Mr. Jo: Foster’s letter may be found, which acquainted them of the landing. Wee after went together to Mr. . , . . , now our Mayor, who, though not then con- cerned in the Custom House, did business for Mr. Jo : Foster. He remembers letters wrote to the Commissioners, but no particulars. We then went to the Custom House, but can lind no letters or coppys of letters about it. Charles Carson, the master of the vessell that brought them over, as allso one Peter Gourden, who was then baililfe of this towne, and was the man that was sent up with the informations (as I have, or ought to have, wrote to you before), are both dead ; nor hath Mr. Sherison, who was then Mayor, and tooke Carson’s information, any coppyes or other papers relaiteing thereunto, in his hands, nor can he remember anything of particulars ; but this afternoon he tells me old Mr. Cole, who joyned with him in taking Carson’s information, did keep coppyes of them, and believes his son may find them, and if so, be assured you shall have them by the next post. I am sensibly troubled that I have not yet been able to answer your expectation in this matter, but to recount the contradictions I have mett with in my enquiry, would almost breed distraction ; however, I will not desist till I can send you such account as you may depend on.” Information of Oliver Pierson, of Wigan Lane, in the Parish of Standish, carrier. 939. 1694[— 5], February 23. — Concerning the bringing of pistols and kettledrums to Mr. Standish, at Standish Hall. John Heys (.?) to Roger Kenyon. 940. 1694[-5], February 26. — John Breers believes that Lunt was at his house at Lathom in February, or at the beginning of March, 1691-2. The death and funeral of Sir Thomas Stanley’s lady, at Preston, has so busied Die. Woods, of this town, and his wife, that I am at want of an opportunity to discourse them upon tlie point. There is a well-founded report that there will be a great alteration of Justices of the Peace in tliis county. Those to be “ outed ” are Cornet (?) Mawdesley, Mr. Farrington, Mr. Blackburn, Mr. Nicholas Starky, and some others. Those to be put in “ are of meane qualitys, none being of the degree of a gentlernan, save the two Pattens These alterations make honest gentlemen’s hearts very heavy.” Seal of arms^ broken. Thomas Mercer to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 941. 1694[-5], March 12. — Sends him, from Colonel Stainbuck (?), an account of what is due to the innkeepers, of Manchester and Salford, from the “ Dutch troops, from 18(h August last, 778/. 65. 6c/.” Difficulty experienced in obtaining payment of accounts, in the past. Seal, broken. William Patten to Roger Kenyon, M.P., in London. 942, 1694[d], March 12. Preston. — My brother Patten readily shewed me the information he took about Threfall and Lunt’s land- ing. There were 3 of the ship’s crew gave informations, but Henry Knowles gave the fullest. About 5 weeks before the taking of the information, they sailed from the Lune for the Isle of Man ; but, before 878 they came there, Threlfall desired ttiey might go for Dublin. They sailed there and stayed 3 weeks, and then the master, and Threlfall, and a stranger, whoe was called Mr. Lunt,” came to the ship, and they sailed back to England and landed near Cockerham, on the Thursday morning before the taking of the information. When they landed, the crew gave Threlfall out of the ship “ his haire portmantu truncke,” and afterwards, Lunt called to them that he had left his two leather bags, but he would call for them afterwards. Immediately after this, the Custom House boat came and seized Lunt’s two bags, wherein were several printed and other papers. This information was taken 18 June, 1689. Dr. Bichard Wroe to Roger Kenyon, M.P., at Westminster. 943. 1694-5, March 12. — The sudden death of Mrs. Noel has carried away your good family to-day to the funeral. The talk of a new set of justices revives again. A pleasant bench we are like to have ; but probably “ the timing of the Assizes to begin on Good Friday portended some unusual and strange alteration, since some here say that it never happened so since Pontius Pilate sat judge.” John Assheton, Bailiff of Clitheroe, to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 944. 1694-5, March 14. Clitheroe. — “Nothing could bee more acceptable to this burrough then a duty uppon forrin (?) yarne, as H ambro, &c. . . . The motion you have made has given no small sort of satisfaction to the common sort of people, whose livelyhood much consists in spinning ; and, indeed, is well taken by all.” Describes the funeral of Mistress Townley, at Wh alley, who recently married Mr. Nowell. Believes Kenyon’s letters are opened before they come to “ our ” hands. “ The scale seemed to be a wax impression.” Christopher (?) Norres, Mayor of Liverpool, to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 945. 1694-5, March 16. Liverpool. — “ The two great heads (repre- sentatives of our poor burrough) are laid so close togather that none but P , and their party, must be obliged with the votes of the House ; the Mayor and bretheren must depend on good Mr. Kenyon, or some other worthy member, to make up that misfortune, and I am sure the honest part of the towne will be very thankfull, if I may judge by the last you sent me. The two parsons of Walton, all the aldermen, and many more, desired me to give you their humble service.” • Robert Whiteord to [Roger] Kenyon, at the “Blue Boar” Inn, in Holborn, near Red Lion Square. 946. 1694-5, March 19. — Promising to bring “ Mrs. Lunt” for an interview “one of these mornings.” She “goes from her kej)eing to night, and then will be at libertie.” Jo: Hkys to Roger Kenyon, M.P. 947. 1695, April 2. — “ I have made it my purpose to go unto and send for Mr. Breers to this town, to examine him to the points you desire. And all that I can gather from him is that about the middle of February, [16]91-2, Lunt was at liis house, went to Ormskirke, and Mr. Breers’ neice with him, to buy linnens, which they did. Mr. Breers 379 does uot remember how long* before that tyme Luut was at his house, but referred himself to a more particular accouut he says he has already given to Mr. Dicconson, of Wrightington, a copy whereof, he says, you may have at your command next week. Your son George and I have agreed to discourse some things, in order to the tryalls of perjury, next assizes, against Womball, and the rest of his gang. Mary, wife of Richard Wood, of this town, says she dare depose that Lunt was at her house the I7th, 18th, 19th and 20th [of] February, 1691-2.” Fragment of seal. Thomas Fleetwood to Roger Kenyon, M.P., in London. 948 . [16]95, April 3. Nottingham. — I, this morning, went down to old Lunt’s, but the old fellow was very ill in bed; his wife gave me this account : — Lunt was born in Manfield [Mansfield]; his godfather’s name is Blunt, a papist gentleman that lives 3 miles from here, worth about 200/. a year. “ She told me many of his rogerys, too long to writ, whilst he was young. His first master was one Mr. Hastings, with whom he stayed not long ; then went to the Mr. Smith you mention, and he, beginning to beare up to his daughter, he turned him off. Hence he went to London, and one of Smith’s servants, that was in love with him, followed him to London and put him prentice to a shoemaker, where he stayed 2 or 3 years, and then fell out with his master and listed himself a soldier. His godfather being a papist, I presume he was christened by a Romish priest, and then you will find no register ; but, if any be to be found, it must be at Manfield [Mansfield]. This is the best account I can get you. I return you thanks about my bill, and desire you wfill see it pass when the King comes to the House 1 have bin in the fens in Lincolnshire, and have vewed all their works and ingens, and have found out the ablest man in England for my purposes, who is not only rich, but has the caracter of a very honest man.” Norres, Mayor of Liverpool, to Roger Kenyon. 949 . 1695, April 5. Liverpool. — As to the charter, by which now we govern, it is that granted in King Charles II.’s time, >vhereof we have an exemplification by King William and Queen Mary, at the charge of my Lord Colchester (now Earl Rivers) ; for King Charles II.’s charter was lost, by the negligence of Alderman Clayton, senior. There is no endorsement on the exemplification, but the learned in the law tell us that we are safe in acting by it, because a confirmation ; and all conclude the Duchy seal is of validity sufficient, and that in that office a record may be found. Margaret, Lady Standish, to Roger Kenyon, M.P., “ to be left at the loby door, Westminster.” 950 . [1695, April 10.] Manchester, “11 a’clock, Sunday night.” — “ I received your letter this morning, and though it was Sabath day, I went to the parsonage, having but few friends to advise with ; and Mr. Hadock was so kind [as] to go along with me to Manchester. We waited on my Lord Willowby ; he declared he had nothing to do with the thing, further then as a trusty [trustee] .... He seemed to be a little heated when he saw the petition, and said he would be ready to answer it, so I have signed it and sent it up.” Mr. Cheetham advises me to prevail with Lord Derby to do my son the honoui’ to be called his guardian, and, in his name, to employ workmen, and to bring a petition 380 in Lord Derby’s name, Mr. Cheetham thinks this might be a short way to get into possession, and keep the works going. Postscript. — ‘‘ I have sent up two letters, one from Sir Jolin Ardern to my Lord Chnmley, another to my Lord Cornbury. Though these Lords sit not in the House, they may influence those that do. . . . My Lord Willowby passionately said, he was sure nobody durst present this petition to the House of Lords.” Petition of Margaret, Lady Standish, widow of Sir Richard Standish, to the House op Lords. 951. [1695, April 11.] — Sets out that Peter Shaw and George Smith were in possession, under a wrongful title, of a lead mine, lately open in the manor of Aulezargh, in Lancashire, which was settled towards the petitioner’s jointure. To recover possession, she caused an action of trespass and ejectment, to be brought in the name of Thomas Morris, upon several demises of the petitioner, and John Abbot, to whose father the land, in which the mine lay, was anciently leased for a term of years, yet enduring. Shaw and Smith were duly served with copies of the declaration in that action, and they — “ to shelter and cover the possession, by and under a mortgage made to one Thomas Wadington” by Sir Richard Standish -agreed with the said Wadington to assign over the mortgage, in trust for them, to Lord Willoughby of Parham. At the time the said Shaw and Smith should have defended their title in the said action, they offered a rule, in Lord Willoughby’s name, to make him defendant ; but the plaintiffs’ attorney refused it, “ in respect of his Lordship’s privillege of parliament.” At the last assizes at Lancaster, the plaintiffs moved for judgment against “the casual ejector,” for want of a proper defendant. The Judge — on hearing afterwards that Lord Willoughby, after the action brought, disowned that he had any title, and that if his name was made use of, it was only in trust — refused to give judgment till the House of Peers determined how far Lord Wil- loughby’s interest was really concerned. Prays, therefore, that — as Lord Willoughby is no ways concerned in this cause, but as trustee — privilege may not obstruct the petitioner and the said Abbot, in prosecuting their rights. Draft. Order on the above., referring it “ to the Lords Committees for prive- ledges,” who were to meet in the House of Peers on the 22nd of April, at 4 o’clok in the afternoon; Lord Willoughby to have a copy of the petition, and to give or send his answer, at or before the above named day and hour. Copy. Thomas Kenyon to his father, Roger Kenyon, M.P., “att the doore of the House of Commons att Westminster.” 952. 1695, April 12. Manchester. — “ I had like to have forgott to tell yon, that Simon A.rrowsmith, and another bayliffe, haveing a warrant from the vShcrriff, against James Rogers of this towne, upon an execution, last night, about 10 a’elock, arrested him in the churchyard, neare his ownc house there, and struggling together, Simon had him downe ; but whilst he was so, Mr. Rogers drewe a bayonett from under his coat and stabbed him in three severall places in the lower part of his belly ; one of which wounds, being searched by the Coroner, was found to be two inches deej) and very wide. Of these wounds, Syrnon, halfe-an-hour after, dyed ; but the other bailiffe, and Mr. Betton(?), who came in a while after, secured Mr. Rogers, and he is prisoner now, as well upon that execution, as upon the Coroner’s warrant for murder. His bayoiiett 381 is found all bloody, though he threw it away, and two pocket pistolls taken from him, loaden. The like accident happened the other day at Preston ; a gentleman, Mr. Walsmisly by name, borne at Bury, and then a gager att Preston, was murdered basely, by a Dutchman at Preston, who is committed to Lancaster.” Seal. J. Leigh to Peter Leigh, “ at Lyme, by Poynton Lane end, near Disley, Cheshire.” 953 . 1695, May 18. — “It is not easy to find what is pardoned but by observing what is, or is not, excepted as to treasons ; there are exceptions of all prisoners of warre, synce June, 1689; all prisoners under bayle, synce 29 April, 1695; all persons in the French King’s dominions, or employed in his service, or of King James ; all treasons committed out of England, since 13 February, 1688 ; all treasons com- mitted upon the high seas, and generally all treasons and offences, where- by any indictment is depending, or was, att any time within two years next before the assembling of this Parliament. I doe not see that you can be brought within the exceptions, or any of them, and [you are] consequently pardoned. There is a particular exception levelled against Mr. Standish, thus ; — An exception of all persons against whom there was published any proclamation, synce the 27th of April, 1694, and before the 29th April, 1695. The miscreants who have beene the occasion of soe many gentlemans’ trouble, are eccepted thus : — ‘ And alsoe excepted out of this pardon, all offences of perjury and subornation of wittnesses, and en- deavouring or conspireing to bribe or corrupt any person to give false testimony,’ etc. Soe that as they are excepted and open to a procecu- tion, it is surely safe to have them procecuted vigourously, and the rather, synce other prosecutions against them for perjury of another kind, have received interuption ; and it is to be feared this may be so too, in case any occasion be given by a neglected procecution. They have pleaded, and the records, if you will give order, shall be sent downe by NisiPrius, to be tried next Lancaster assises, by which tyme (or the sooner the better) it is safe and prudent to be provided of witnesses, to make out the matters wherin the perjurys are assigned.” Portion of seal. Lady Standish to Roger Kenyon, 954 . 1695, May 23. Duxbury. — Is removing her family to Preston. Will be glad to receive his commands to wait upon him, “ when your business will permit you to loose halphe a day, in hearing an impertinent woman talk.” Can never express her obligations to him. Thomas Hodgkinson to Roger Kenyon. 955 . 1695, June 24. Preston. — Asking for his interest with Lady Derby to procure a scholar’s place in the Charterhouse, for the son of young Mr. Osbaldes^^on. Leigh Bankes to Peter Leigh, at Lyme. 956 . 1695, June 27. Cray’s Inn. — “It is high time to think of our late friends L[un]t, W[ilson], and Wombell ; for, Lancaster assizes drawing near, it will be necessary to find out proper persons that can remember what was given in evidence at Manchester. I trouble you of this, because I do not find any one else takes either care of their persons or the publick, and, though the storm is over at present, yet slothfullnesse 382 in these cases may cause a relapse. I am apt to beleeve that these villayns will never appear ; however, after they are once convicted, the foundation of their contrivances is totally destroyed.” Jo : Leigh, Junior, to [Mrs. Kenyon]. 957. 1695, June 27. [London.] — Does not know where certain papers, required by Mr. Kenyon, are, but they are not material for the trials at Lancaster. The assizes are on the 7th August. Cannot leave “ the town ” so early, nor take a journey into Cheshire, till he has been “ att the Bath or Tunbridge.” J. Leigh to Eoger Kenyon, M.B., at Manchester. 958. 1695, July 4. [London.] — The Informations against Lunt, &c., are brought on behalf of the King by the Attorney-General. The venue is laid at Manchester, the perjury being committed there, and the trials must be at Lancaster. “ As for your Attorney -Generali and Clerke of the Croune, neither of them have anything to doe in this businesse ; their power and jurisdiction is only of such matters as purely arise, and are depending, in their oune county.” I never heard of an Assignment of perjury in an Information, in English ; for, as it is laid in Latin, it maj^ easily be proved, and doubt not but you will find apt and proper witnesses who can doe itt.” Seal. Robert Roper to Roger Kenyon. 959. 1695, July 5. — His Lordship commands me to acquaint you that he brings on a trial the next assizes at Lancaster, for the manor of Broughton-in-Furness, wherein, if his Lordship have good success, he will bring ejectments for all the lands in Bury and Pilkington which were sold by his father, because these lands and Broughton do depend upon the same title. Margaret, Lady Willoughby, to Mr. Kenyon. 960. 1695, July 10. — ‘‘ Being at present indisposed, I have sent you the inclosed, which I suppose will, in most perticulars, raise your admiration, as itt has dun mine, to see my cozens great partiallity to others, in acquiting the guilty and accusing the innocent, so contrary to truth, aud what I might expect from him ; but, as I have sayed, this Whitchurch plan has made up all there mouths. I sopose you can very well make out what you told me of the waste that has been made, not- withstanding all is saye[d] in the inclosed to the conterary ; and for his vindication of Masterson, you yourselfe are a witness how false that is, being you heard him take the other side in all company is against me, so not like to be my friend. Since things are thus, I have noe reason to reliey on my coscn Bromley, noe more then his brother-in-law ; he is not the man I have taken him for. There is a great league betweene liim and my Lord, and he payes so great an obsequeousness to him, that he sends him coppyes of what he writs to me. All the good he did me, is that Jack will be sent into Warwickshire, and now I must, as advised, get an address for myself to my Lord-keeper, in which I desire your assistance, that we may part ; for I can safely sweare, that I goe in danger of my life of him, since he once attempted to choack me with both his hands att my throth (.9^c), and will not let me have one servant I can trust, which shews some ill designe, and deneyes me that healpe 383 and advise for ray health, which I so ranch neede for the rectifieing of my blood, by those persons I can trust, and talks of goeing to London this winter ; but I must be a prisoner in this countrey, out of which I must not stir by his good will, and he not affording me better usage, nor being willing to a faire parting, plainly shewes he has some wicked desine, and my death ; clearing all his accounts for w^ast. And the hopes of a fortune in the City with money, and one he may have children by, makes him in hast to be a widower, to which his haveing the advantages of haveing married one of quality and estate, will the more recommend him. For God’s sake, give me your advice which way I may get well rid of him. For my case is as desperate as his wicked desines, in the opinion of the best judges as . . . owne that know more of him then the world will beleeve . . . trouble.” John Fenwick to Roger Kenyon. 961. 1695, July 13= Burrow Hall. — Desiring to know by whose means he was turned out of the quorum. J. Leigh to Eoger Kenyon, M.P., at Manchester. 962. 1695, July 18. [London.] — I believe Lunt, Wilson, and Wombell, will not oppose at the Assizes; but, as they have pleaded, you may proceed to try them. The warrant for their commitment to the King’s Bench was made by the late Mr. Justice Giles Eyre, and I have applied to the Marshal for a copy, but he refuses it, as he has “ directions to the contrary.” As for their being bailed, it was done by Mr. Justice Samuel Eyre. He being gone circuit, 1 cannot give you the names of their bail, for the bail-piece is with him, and was not filed in the Crown Office. Seal, broken. William Patten to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 963. 1695, July 29. Warrington. — “I am free and forward to remember those villoiins, as any one,” but cannot call to mind that Lunt swore he saw the Lord of 8- at Dungkinhall, or Mr. Walmesley. Seal, broken. Thomas Assheton to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 964. 1695, August 1. Staple Inn. — As to the trials of Lunt and others, for perjury, Mr. Cheshire has retained me for the King; so I shall be at Lancaster on the evening of the 7th instant. 1 was with Captain Rigby at Portsmouth on Tuesday. Seal with crest. Roger Kenyon to John Ashton, Bailiff of Clitheroe. 965. 1695, August 28. Manchester. — 1 received, from London, this advertisement, that the more knowing persons there do , talk as if we should soon have a dissolution of this Parliament, which, to my real belief, is not very probable. However, since if it should be so, it will be of the greatest importance, perhaps, that ever befell this kingdom. Thomas Wh alley to Roger Kenyon. 966. 1695, September 13. Sparth. — “ As to Mr. Walmsley’s con- finement, it was thus : On Sunday, the 15th of July last, aboute 7 in the inorninge, the messenger Hopkins, witli 2 or 3 constables, and some 884 others, came to his lodgings att Mrs. Procer’s house in Southampton Street, and i here served him with a warrant from Sir John Trenchard, for high treason, and from thence carjed him to Hopkins’ own house near Charinge Crosse, where hee stayd not above an houre, in respect of the inconveniencj of the lodginge, hut was caryed to the house of one Kidson, another messenger, in Barwick Street, where hee stayd till the 31st of the same month, and that day was caryed with Kidson, the messenger, to the Tower, where hee continued till, with the other prisoners, hee was sent downe into Lancashire to be tryed, which is all the account that I can have now, in his absence.” [Charles] Rigby to [Roger Kenyon]. 967. 1695, September 17. Lancaster. — As to the prospects of Pres- ton election, “ Sir Christopher” has little hope, the majority seeming to be with Sir Thomas Stanley and ‘‘my cousin M.” If Sir Edward Chisnell will strike in time, I believe it will be Sir Thomas and him. Yesterday, Mr. Foster and I rode to Sunderland, to enquire for eJames Crossfield, one of the Custom House oflScers who signed the certificate T formerly sent you, of the Lyon of Lancaster coming to anchor at Cockerham, with Lunt and Threlfall, on 17 June, 1689 (?). He “ stuck ” to that day ; but says, after he had given the certificate, Mr. William K — took the book from him, wherein he entered a memorandum of the day and hour of the ship’s coming to Sunderland. “ I believe the fellow hath had very severe rebukes from Mr. K about it, and, therefore, cannot be got to discover further. 1 find Mr. Justice Sheirson as unwilling to discover the truth as the other.” Sir Alexander Rigby to his cousin, Roger Kenyon, at Peel. 968. 1695, September 24. London. You have often assured me of being my friend, on any occasion, but particularly in the affaire of Parliment man ; I now have need of your performance, for [I] am en- couraged to stand for Wiggan. Who I shall oppose, I am not certaine of ; but I hope, bee it who it will, that your kindness will not bee lost for sake of any other person. ... I do not sett up on any particular party. 1 will always bee true to the church and my countiw. Lord Derby has assured me of his friendship, under his hand, and the Lord Lieutenant is resolved to do what he cann.” Thomas Wilson to Roger Kenyon. 969. 1695, September 24. Knowsley. — My l.ord [Derby] presents his services to you, and desires to know your thoughts, in relation to Clitheroe. My Lord has some intimation that you will be chosen for Newton ; if you have any thoughts that way, his Lordshit) would lu'opose a colleague to Colonel Pudsey. The gentleman whom he would propose to you, is Sir Godfrey Copley, a Yorkshire gentleman, of a good estate, and, they say, of an extraordinary character. Roger Kenyon to Charles Rigby. 970. 1695, September 30. Manchester. — The gentleman you mention, is my fellow member, and our House is not yet dissolved; though words should happen to be scattered, yet, whilst boys are under the lash, school tales are not to be told. Our rules in Parliament 385 are to give nobody a hard word, much more not to write it of any, for the vox audita perit^ in littera scripta manet. I say not this for fear that I ever have said anything that I cannot justify. Draft. [Dr. Roger Kenyon] to “ Madam Kenyon, at her house near Stockport, in Cheshire, England.” 971. 1695, October 5. — You will be content by this, only to know that I am very well in all circumstances. Be pleased to write to me, as if you wrote to a neice, and send it undirected, but under cover, to Madam Boile, Prioress of the English Convent, called Spiliken, at Brussels ; only ask her to direct and send it to Mr. Charles Lee, who will take care of it for me. W. Blunder, Junior, to Roger Kenyon, “at his house in Manchester, post paid, 2d.” 972. 1695, October 11. Crosby. — James Williamson can give no account of Dr. Bromfield or his man, Morgan. Believes they were at his house in April, 1689. The doctor took an open boat at Wallesey (not at Crosby), and went direct to Ireland. Peter Leigh to Roger Kenyon. 973. 1695, October 20. Lyme.— -Is sorry to think there is a chance of Kenyon losing his seat at Clitheroe, in the “ new Parliament.” “ I was sollicitied by Sir J. Arden, sometime agone, to stand for Newton.” Believes Sir John is “ what you say : true to the church, monarchy, and the old laws”; but his (Leigh’s) “unfortunate circumstances” prevent his complying with the request. Seal. Thomas Wilson [to Roger Kenyon]. 974. 1695, October 28. Liverpool. — I had my Lord’s commands to write to you about the election at Liverpool, and to desire your company there, on Friday next. We have the whole Presbyterian party, to a man, engaged against us, and, unless the country burgesses come in, we are in some danger of losing our point. There is one Hugh Brobbin, of Street Gate, who must be secured for us by your, or your son’s, solicitation. I am also desired to write you to get Mr. Hulm, of Deaf (sic) Hulm, to stay at home if he will not be for us. J. Leigh to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 975. 1695, October 31. [Furnival’s Inn, London.] — Lunt, Wilson, and Wombell, upon their own affidavits, have moved the court for a new trial, on your informations against them, upon a pretence they had no notice of the trial. Due notice was given, as is shewn by the book in the Crown office, and notice was also given to Mr. Winter, their attorney, who now denies he was ever retained for them. “ I discovered this disposition in the court, that, in case Winter swears that he was never employed by the defendants, nor anyone els, on their behalf, nor ever acted for them, a new tryall will be granted.” Winter will swear any- thing. “ I will continue to do all I can to prevent a new tryall.” Our counsel are Mr. Attorney General, Sir William Williams, Sir Bartho- lomew Shore, Mr. Northey, and Mr. Harcourt. If a new trial be had, “ I doubt not that they [the defendants] will be readily convicted ; but, as it is a matter of great charge and trouble, it is very mischeevouse.” 73480, B B 3S6 Roger Kenyon to John Legh, ‘‘at his chambers in Furnivall’s Inn, in Holborne/’ 976. 1695, November 10. Manchester. — “ Mee thinks this extra- ordinary strugling to evade the convicti[on] and punishment of these infamous purjured knaves, looks as if fools would not rest it so low as upon these only ; for that which has appeared will allwayes be manifest, and the more it is storred in, the more will come out. If I aright remember, one of your former letters told me that the three sparkes, Lunt, &c., had made application to the Lords- Justices to have obtained an order from them to stay the last tryalls ; that, mee thinks, is an indi- cation that they had notice of them At our assizes at Lancaster, before those tryalls came on, all ways and means that could be, were attempted to prevent the tryalls ; this was not the work of Lunt, Willson, or Wombell, but of severall who would not care what becomes of them, if they looked no further ; and, if anything occasion the carreying of this matter further, such may thank themselves for being so needlesly busie, when the whole is laid open by the further ripping up the sore.” Seal of arms. Thomas Kenyon to his father, Roger Kenyon. 977. 1695, November 16. — My Lord^ is uneasy under his disappoint- ment, and quarrelsome with everybody that is concerned with him. Jo : Leigh to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 978. 1695, November 22. — “ As to Lunt, Wilson, and Wombell, the Court of King’s Bench hath thought fitt to grant them new tryalls, not withstanding it was opposed by Mr. Attorney-Generall, Sir Bartholomew Showre (?), Mr. Wortley, Mr. Harcourt, and Mr. Chesshyre. But — Wilson’s and Lunt’s bail not being willing to stand any longer, but prayed to be discharged, and they not able to find further bayle — they were committed to the Marshal of the King’s Bench, where they now remain prisoners. As to Wombwell, he continues at liberty, on his former bayle.” Application was made to the Lords- Justices and Council for stopping the trials. Seal of arms. Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, in Manchester. 979. 1695, December 15. “ Blew Boar in Holborne.” — Mr. Legh considers that the verdict, given at the last Assizes against Lunt and the others, cannot be exemplified nor given in evidence. It is not known who will be “our sheriff” ; if the King names him, it will be Mr. Norres. Who the Chancellor names, is not known. Mr. Pudsay votes with the Court party, “ but they like him not, saying, it is only to make his election sure, and when that is over they will loose him.” Meantime, he has lost his interest with the other party. The Scots have got an Act passed by “ our King ” touching their trade to the East Indies, “ which very much distastes both our Houses of Parliament. They have addressed him in it, and he has answered : he is ill served there, but will remedy the greevance as soon as he can.” Sir John Bland to Roger Kenyon. 980. 1695, December ,31. Soho Square. — “ The last night was the first time that there was any tryall of skill betwixt coui t and country, at ’ Lord Derby. 387 the Committee of Elections this session, and it was a very full Committee. The petitioners were my Lord Orrery and Spencer Compton, brother to my Lord Northampton ; the sitting members were Sir Thomas Dyke and Mr. Conyers, the former of which, you remember, always behaved himself very honnestly and like a lover of his country, all the last Parliament. At his election, he met with all the opposition the c[ourt] party could give him, and they did not forget to call him ‘ Jacobite,’ and toold the town, if he was chose, and 60 more of the old members of his principles, they would be turned out of the House. “ Sir Thomas Dyke was elected by the burgesses, and they insisted the right of election was in them and the inhabitants togeither. There was 2 questions put ; the first was, whether it was in the burghesses alone, or in them and the inhabitants, and there was in that division 198 and 129. But before the latter question was put, it was one o’clock, and the numbers were then 168 and 113 to the court party, and somebody else was disappointed. ‘‘ The Act about coinage, which the House of Commons have put to the Lords, and the Proclamation about mony, hath had this effect, as to put a stop to trade ; but, at the same time, it hath, in some measure, opened some peoples eyes, and in the west of England they regret it very ill. The flying post will let you see we are apprehensive of the French visiting our costes, and if the accounts be true which we have, that the French are 67 at Tholonn, and Admirall Rooke but 38 sayle, it will be an easy matter for them to passe the streightes. There is a great many projects for mony, and glasse windowes, it is thought, will be one of them. Guinueyis is now come to 30^. again, but half-crowns are now condemned quite, and it is the goldsmiths’ trade to buy them at an underworth. Shillings and sixpences do passe pretty well, though not worth Id, a peece, except at the markett.” Mr. Taaffe’s Discovery. 981. [1695.] — A copy of Mr. Taafle’s discovery of the practices and contrivances against the gentlemen of Lancashire and Cheshire, late impeached for high treason, and sent prisoners, some to the Tower, and some to Newgate, and from thence sent to be tryed for their lives, some at Manchester and some at Chester, which, his discovery, was prefaced with a dedication to the King.” “ The gentlemen tryed at Manchester were the Lord Mollineux, Sir William Garrard, Sir Rowland Stanley, Sir Thomas Cliffton, Barronets, Bartholomew Walmisley, William Dicconson, Phillip Langton, Esquires, and William Blundell, gentleman. The gentlemen sent prisoners to be tryed at Chester — Sir Thomas Stanley, Barronet, and Peter Legh, Esquire. “ Sometime after Christmas last, 1693, John Lunt came to my house, and told me he had a discovery of great consequence to make to the government, but was unwilling to comunicate it to any, except some man that had an interest at Court. Whereupon, I acquainted the Earl of Bellamount with it, who desired me to get Lunt to set down in writeing what he had to say ; and then, said his Lordship, I will intro- duce him to the Secretary of State. I went and told Lunt what my Lord said, and he accordingly brought me a paper importing, to the best of my remembrance, that himself and one Bromfield were sent from France to murder King William, and that severall others were to joyn with them in the attempt ; which paper I carried to my Lord Bellamount, who acquainted Secretary Trenchard with it. The Secretary desired to speake with Lunt, who accordingly waited on him severall times. B B 2 I cannot say whether the Secretary believed him or not, but I remember Lunt told me this : he was sure the Secretary was a Jacobite, for that he seemed to take little notice of him, and gave him but e guineas. Then the said Lunt desired me to bring [him] acquainted with Captain Baker, for that the said Lunt knew a great deal concerning the estates given to superstitious uses. I brought him to Baker’s office, where he was entertained as a witness, receiving a sume of money in hand, besides a pension of twenty shillings a weeke. Lunt and Baker were alwayes together, till all the witnesses were examined, who pretended to know anything concerning those estates ; after which. Captain Baker, having nothing to doe, resolved upon another project, which was to sue all the English gentlemen, then in France, to an outlawry, in order to which, he desired Lunt to give him the names of some of the gentlemen then in France. Lunt names Mr. Walmesley, promising to prove him there. Baker acquaints Mr. Aron Smith with the matter, who was very glad to hear of the forfeture of soe considerable an estate as Mr. Walmesley’s, and desired Baker to keep his witnesses private, and to get some person of quality to beg that estate, and bargain with him for a third part thereof, to bee divided betwixt Aron Smith, Captain Baker, Lunt, and the rest of the witnesses. ‘‘ Captain Baker came to me and told me the discourse he had with Mr. Aron Smith, and desired me to speake to the Lord Port- land, to beg the estate, and I should come in for a share with them. I answered, I was sure my Lord Portland was a man of more honour then to meddle with any such thing, that his Lordship was upon his journey for Flanders, and that it was reported Mr. Walmesley was returning for England with his Majesty’s pass. This surprized Baker a little, who thereupon bethought him of another designe, which was to go on with Lunt on his first discovery of murdering King William, and still Aron Smith was consulted, who was never backward to any of Baker’s projects, finding them very useful for getting good estates for himselfe and his ‘ fellow-sufferer,’ for soe he called Captain Baker. Wherefore they gave Lunt considerable sumes of money, till they had got his narrative in writing. Mr. Aron Smith gave it to Mr. Ellis to coppye it over fair, he haveing first corrected it (Mr. Ellis was their clerk), who was to deliver [it] to Lunt, to be got by heart, for which service, the said Ellis had ten shillings a weeke. Captain Baker and Lunt shewed me, from time to time, what they had done, asking my opinion or approbation, which I freely gave them, believing, at that time, what Lunt said, to be true. “ They brought into their plot a vast number of nobility and gentry, viz.: Carmarthen, Hallifax, Kotingham, Devon, Sir John Mannering, Sir Willoughby Ashton, Sir Balph Dutton, Mr. Norris, of Sprake, and Mr. Rigby, &c. I told them I did not know but these Protestant gentle- men might be guilty, but my opinion was, that if they accused them before they made out the truth of the plott, noebody would believe them. Wherefore, they resolved to begin with the Nonjurants and the Papists ; and Lunt’s narrative being at length compleated. Captain Baker and Lunt told me they were advised by Aron Smith not to bring the matter before the Privy Counsell, for that some of the Counsell was guilty, and that they should get some gentleman, who was a Parliment man, to prevaile with her Majesty to let noe- body be acquainted with the thing but my Lord-Keeper, and the Secretaryes, for which I then thought they had good reason, but now I am convinced it was because they thought it easier to impose on three persons then the whole body of the Counsel, Not long after this, I went on vigorously with their plot. 389 “Aron Smith gave them great sumes of money, which Baker and Lunt divided between them, and bought such tine cloathes with the money, that I scarce knew them. In the meantime, Lunt had pickt up one Wilson, a fellow that made the beds for the guestes at the ‘ Bear and Bagged Stalfe,’ in Smithfield ; and whilst I was in Lancashire, Captain Baker wrote to me to bring up one Womball, a broken carrier, who pretended he could make a discovery of armes, sent by him into the countrey. On the road, I asked the said Womball what he knew concerning the plott. He protested to me severall times he knew nothing of it, more than that he once carried swords into Lancashire, but knew not to whom they belonged. He then alsoe denyed he knew Lunt. When we came to London, I shewed Lunt to him. Womball said he had never seen him before ; but when he came to Baker’s ofdce, and had two or three dayes conversant {sic) there, my carryer knew both Lunt and the plott, as well as any man in England ; and haveing got a spill of money, grew soe elevated, that he threatened to bring all into the plott that he owed money to, in case they asked him for it. After this, I desired Lunt to give me some account of Wilson, when and where he became acquainted with him ; who answered, he was a gentleman that came from near Preston, in Lancashire, to whom Mr. Aron Smith had given ten pound to bear his charges to London. “After this, they passed the time merrily, for most commonly they went to the tavern every night, where they used to instruct one another, even in my presence, sometimes, but telling me that if I discovered them, they would swear treason against me, soe that I was forced to wait an oportunity for the unravelling this piece of villany. After this, all things being ready, they went into the countrey [with] what warrants, messengers, and whatsoever was necessary, for seizing men, arrnes, horse, &c. Captain Baker told me if I would go along with him he would bear my charges, and be oblieged to me for my company, for he did not like Limt’s nor Willson’s. Upon his saying soe, I made bold to tell Captain Baker I doubted they did not, in everything, speake truth. The Captain replyed, whether they speake truth or noe, I am sure to make out a hainous plott, for if these witnesses fail, Aren has more in store, and, if armes and horses can be found in the hands of the Papists, we will certainly make a plott which shall goe over all England, and make a thorough reformation, pull down Bishops and their cathedrall law ; for, says he (the said Captain), ‘ we shall never be happye whilest there is any bishoppe or priest of the Protestant religion in England.’ This, and a great deal of discourse, was to this effect. I consented to goe for sundry reasons ; first, because I feared they would doe me some mischief if I refused; secondly, they would not trust me more, and that then I should loose an oportunity of discovering their mass of villany, and be deprived of an oportunity of serving the government, as I was oblieged to doe. “ Should I give you a description of their impiety on the road, and tell you their atheism, swearings, blas])hemie, and all their many different sorts of prophaness that was acted amongst them, you could not read it without a thousand teares, and as many blushes. They made it a capital fault to say grace, or goe to the church on Sun dayes, or any other dayes, and allthough they were all arrived to a tollerable piece of villany, that Captain Baker did much excell them all ; he was arrived to the very Tenarife of villany. He did always exclaime against bishops, and the religion, as well as clergy, of the Church of England, and for the truth of this, I appeal to the people of all the houses they lodged in ; vizt,, at the ‘ Bullhead,’ in Manchester, the ‘ Eagle and Child,’ in Wigan, [and] the ‘Golden Lyon,’ in Warrington. Captain Baker did often say that 390 he thought the time was now come to pull down all ecclesiastical law, and that he thought God had preserved Aron and himself e to be the Church of England’s ruin. He said he had not soe great an animositie against the priests of the Church of Eome as against those of the Church of England, because they were for monarchy and hierarchy. He wished for Old Oliver again, saying the kingdom was never soe happye as under him. With these, and such like sayings, the Captain entertained us, Wombell confirming, with bloody oathes, his worship was in the right. When we came to Lancashire, and all things were in readiness for seizing the horses and armes of the Roman Catholickes, Captain Baker had gotten togetlier a company of the greatest rakehells that the countrey could afford, who minded nothing but rapeing and plunder. Wherever they came, they used to search houses and seize upon horses, without constables, and sell them again to the owners for five or ten shillings a horse. Sometimes they would bring the horses to Captain Baker, who kept and restored what he pleased, though I never heard he restored any without money. I told him of the irregularities of such proceedings, because when he first invited me down, he said he would be advised by me, but he would be advised by nobody. “ The messengers were used to curse and say ‘ God daram Taafie ; he would perswade Captain Baker to return, for that if he did, thej^ should never have such an oportunity of getting money.’ Soe I let them goe on to their own ruin, being very uneasie in my mind for want of some- body to whome I might reveale the matter. I gave some hints of it to the parson of Newton, but he, seeing me in such company, would not trust me ; soe I thought it my best way to goe to London and to find out some meanes to acquaint the government with it, but Mr. Aron Smith did so threaten all who contradicted him, that I durst not doe it. It was his custome to come to Captain Baker’s office and instruct and cross-examine the witnesses against the tryall, and sometimes he would assure them that, in less then halfe a year, he would have the lives of five hundred persons. In short, I knew not what to resolve upon, till the quarrells of Wilsone, Womball, and Lunt, gave me oportunity of detecting their unpararleled villany, which I hope will be acceptable to your Majesty. “ In short, I must confess, I knew not what to resolve on, till the quarrels of Lunt, Wilson, and Womball gave me oportunity, as I thought, of doing good to the gentlemen, my countrey, and selfe ; to effect which, I thought it necessary to find out Wilson, which, when I had done, I invited him to dinner, that I might learn of him what the matter was between them. Wilson told me Lunt had cheated him of money that was given him to bear his charges out of Lancashire, from whence he made the Secretary believe he came, though he dwelt in Smithfield. Wilson told me the sume given him to bear his charges up was ten pound, which Lunt and Baker did divide betwixt them, except five shillings w'hich they gave to him. Then I asked Wilson how he would doe if he should disobliege Lunt, since Lunt was the first man that taught him his lesson. It is true, says Wilson, Lunt first taught me my lesson, but now I am acquainted with Mr. Aron Smith and Captain Baker, who looke upon me to be a soberrer man then Lunt, and they will teach me what to say. Moreover, said Wilson, John Wombell and I agree very well; but besides myself and Wombell there is one Dr. Dandy, and Peirson, kept on purpose by Captain Baker, at Coventry, to swear, and after we have hanged the gentlemen in custody, we wdll turn of[f] Lunt and employ Dr. Dandy and Peirson for evidence over the whole kingdome. He told me this, and a great deal more to the same purpose. The day following, I went to Lunt to enquire what was the 391 matter between him and Wilson. Lunt answered, Wilson and Wombell were a couple of ungratfull rouges, because they expected to have as much as he, though he was the chiefe evidence. After which, he said, ‘I wish with all my heart that I had to doe with some gentleman.’ He alsoe said to me, ‘ if you, Mr. Taaffe, would swear with me, I would introduce you to the Secretarys of State, and would have nothing to doe with those fellowes, Wilson and Wombell,’ I answered, ‘ I would not doe any such thing myselfe, but I would make it my buisness to find out some gentleman to swear him.’ ‘Then,’ said Lunt, ‘Mr. Aron Smith tells me that, unless I produce some commissions, I cannot doe my buisness soe well. Wherefore,’ saith Lunt, ^ Mr. TaafFe, if you will write them, I will gratify you very largly.’ “ Mr. Aron Smith told me he would procure a warrant to search in what house I pleased, where I may drop the commissions myself, and get the messengers to find, and swear these were the very commissions I brought from King James. Lunt and I parted, and then I went to severall of my acquaintance, to desire them to help me in the discovery of a piece of rougery, but nobody would concern themselves with it, lest Lunt and Wilson should swear something against them, and I myself was apprehensive that if I went to the Secretary he would not believe me, but looke upon me as a man not well affected to the government. Whereupon, I thought it my best way to find out some persons who would pretend to swear with Lunt, and counterfeit the commissions he desired, and then goe to the government and acquaint them they were imposed upon by a parcell of villans. I was very uneasie to thinke that soe many innocent gentlemen should suffer by the evidence of men whom 1 knew perjured, fearing both for the gentlemen and myself, that [if] I did not discover the villany cf the plotters, that not only they, but most of the nobility and gentry in England would, in a short time, have followed their fate, it being the designe of those plotters, by their false evidence, to take away the lives of most of the prime nobility and gentry in England. For myself, I was afraid of endangering my own life by endeavouring to preserve theirs, and on the other side, I was afraid, that if 1 did suffer these gentlemen to dye innocently, I thought their blood would be required at my hands, and therefore bethought me on what means I might most conveniently doe it. “ Once I thought that if I did acquaint some of the prisoners’ friends, they would soon find out somebody to list himselfe with Lunt, but I was unwilling to have anything to doe with the prisoners’ friends that I knew were reputed Papists or Jaccobites ; yet finding the day of tryall drawing on, and Lunt impatient to drop his commissions, and Aron Smith very eager to hasten his worke, I resolved, rather then fail, to send to some of the ladyes, whose husbands were in custody. My wife undertooke the thinge and went to Madame Dicconson, who, after severall meetings, prevailed with one Mr. Legh Bankes to give me a meeting. I told that if he and some others w^ould goe to Lunt and tell him they wanted money, and that, if he could put them in a way to get money, they would be oblieged to him and doe what service he could. Banks said he would consider on it, and desired to meet next morning, and there I went to him and found him with two other gentlemen. The gentlemen who were with Mr. Legh Bankes liked the project, and promised to meet him at 4 o’clocke in the afternoon. In the meanetime, I went and acquainted Lunt with the thing, who was overjoyed to have gentlemen swear him, and swore a great bloody oath he would turn off Wombell and Wilson, and them to returne to their old employment. Lunt and I went to the place appointed, which was the ‘ Ship ’ ale- house, in Butcher Bow, without Temple Barr, where the gentlemen 392 came and sent for me, and told me they would willingly put off the thing till next day, but I told them if they put it of, Lunt would mistrust something, and such arguments, that Mr. Bankes was perswaded to speake with Lunt. “As soon as Lunt saw him, he complemented him, saying, he thought himself very happy to be concerned with a gentleman, for that he had to doe with a company of machenick fellows that knew nothing of the plot but [what] he told them, and that he would turn them off if Mr. Legh Bankes would joyn with him in the discovery, and swear what Lunt would have him swear. Mr. Legh Bankes seemed very modest, and pretended to have been in company all that day, and would be glad to get money, but was not prepared at that time to undertake a busness of that consequence, yet he then desired Lunt to give him some insight into the matter. Lunt immediately draws out his narrative in very good form, writ by Captain Baker’s clerk, and gave it us to read. ‘ I know nothing of this matter,’ said Mr. Bankes, ‘therefore, pray, Mr. Lunt, tell me what I must doe.’ Lunt answered, ‘ Sir, you must swear you know all this to be true. I am,’ said Lunt, ‘ upon counterfeiting commissions, and you must have a commission, and you must swear you had it from one of the gentlemen in custody.’ After this, says Lunt, ‘ But, sir, can you write a good hand ? for if you doe, you must write the commissions yourselfe, because we must not trust too many in our affaires.’ ‘ I doe not write well,’ sayes Mr. Legh Bankes, ‘ and if you intend such a thing, how can you counterfeit King James’ hand ? ’ ‘I have,’ replyes Lunt, ‘an old com- mission in my pocket, and have likewise my Lord Milford’s hand, and I will have all the commissions signed by King James, and we must drop a bundle of them in some house, and when Mr. Aron Smith sends to search the house, the messenger will find the commissions and wee will swear they were the same King James sent by me to the gentlemen in custody and to severall others, for,’ sayes Lunt, ‘ I intend to goe all over England with my plott if you will but joyn heartily with me, and bring some friend along with you that will swear the same thing with us. And,’ Lunt said, ‘ I was to be of Dodsworth’s plott, but I refused, re- solveing to have a plott of my owne making and not of another’s.’ Mr. Legh Bankes replyed he had a friend of his that understood these things better then himself, and therefore he desired him to meet him the next day. “ Lunt consented freely to ii, and soe we parted for that day. Next day, some lawyers perswaded Mr. Legh Bankes to acquaint my Lord Cheife- Justice with what he had done, unknown to me ; wherupon, T found Mr. Bankes a little shy of me, and he would not tell me the reason, upon which I went to Mrs. Dicconson and desired her to find out somebody to goe to Lunt, according to Bank’s promise, or I was sure the buisness was ruined. As I and Madam Dicconson was talking, Mr. Boger Dicconson came in, and his sister did noe sooner propose the thing, but Mr. Roger freely offered himselfe, and he went along with me to Fetter Lane, to a little coffee house next the ‘ Globe,’ where I left him, and went for Lunt, who was not at his lodgings, but as soon as he came home he ran to us where we were, and made this excuse for his absence — that Mr. Aron Smith sent him to John Wilson, the prisoner, [for?] two shirts, for that they intended to make him a witness. In short, Dicconson and Lunt fell upon their buisnes. Lunt asked Dicconson what his name was. Dicconson answered, ‘ Howard.’ Lunt asked again which religion he was. Dicconson said he was of tlie Church of England. ‘Then,’ sayes Lunt, swearing a great oath, ‘you must have a commission under Lee of Lime, for he is of that religion.’ 393 “ Then Dicconson began to swear as hard as Lunt that he would doe anything to get money, but that he was not acquainted with any of the gentlemen in custody, and that he must know them before he could swer against them. [Lunt replyed,] he would shew them to him and give in writeing what he would have him swear. Then Dicconson said he was acquainted with one Roger Dicjconson and all the rest of the Dicconsons. In a short time, Captain Howard replyed he would help him to swear against Roger Dicconson in particular, but that he was unwilling to swear without considerable reward. ‘ We shall have,’ sayes Lunt, ‘ the third part of all those gentlemen’s estates, and then will goe all over England and hang up whom we please. I will turn off Womball and Wilson, and deal with none but your friend. I will likewise turn off Aron Smith and Baker, for they doe not give us the whole sume that is allowed us ; we will goe to the Secretary ourselves and liave the whole credit of the busness. We must,’ sayes Lunt, ^ counterfeit commissions, and you shall have a captain’s commission under Mr. Lee of Lime, and you must swear you had it from his own hand. In the meantime, you must swear,’ sayes Lunt, ‘ to be true to me, and not to discover me.’ Upon this they desired me to goe out of the room, and after they had been together awhile they called me in again, and told me they had agreed together to meet at 2 a’clocke in the afternoon and go to the Savoy, or over the water, to get the commissions counterfeited, upon which we parted, and at 2 a’clocke, according to our appointment, Lunt and I came to the aforesaid coffee house, into which we were noe soonei' entred, but in comes one of Lunt’s wifes with a constable, and makes him prisoner. ‘‘Lunt immediately begins to mistrust Captain Howard, alias Dicconson, and I myselfe knew not what to thinke of it, till saw Mr. Dicconson and Mr. Lee Bankes, w ho, hearing there was a constable, began to mistrust that was a trick put upon them, soe they got away, and I followed them into the street and told them v/hat the matter was, at which they seemed to be concerned. I returned to Lunt again and stead with him till Mr. Aron Smith came, who hectored Lunt’s wife at a strange rate, and threatened what he would doe to her for takeing up the King’s evidence. Then Mr. Aron Smith called for a coach, saying he would give bail for Lunt’s appearance, and desired me to goe with him in his coach. As we were goeing, he swore he did not know what to doe in relation to Lunt, and asked my advice. I answered I believed Lunt to be an ill man, and that I knew he had two wifes, at least, upon which, he fell into such a passion, that I thought he would have cast himself headlong out of the coach, upon which, Aron said I must not goe with him before the Lord Mayor, least his Lordshipe should examine me and I should be such a fool as to tell the truth of Lunt, for that he intended to make my Lord Mayor believe Lunt was an honest man, and that it was but a trick of the Papists to take him up, because he was the King’s evidence. Then Aron desired me to go home, which I very freely did, for I began to be weary of his company. “in the evening, I called at Captain Baker’s office, where I found Lunt giving an account of what happened that day, but soe little suspecting the designe we had to discover the rougery, that, on the contrary, he desired me to goe to Captain Howard and tell him he would meet him next morning, but, notwithstanding, Lunt thought himself secure in his plot as evei’, yet. Aron Smith found out, that very night, either at my Lord Chiefe Justice’s, or at some other place, that we were sufficiently prepared to expose their sham plott, and accordingely gave notice of it to Lunt and Baker, who kept Lunt out of the way till the tryall. In the meanetime they threatened what they 894 would doe to me. But notwithstanding all their menaces, I was re- solved to be soe just to my King and countrey as to become a sacrifice myself e to the fury of these conspirations rather then have the raign of soe great and good a King sullied with the innocent blood of so many nobles and gentlemen. Baker sent for me the night before he went out of town, and asked me who that Captain Howard was. I answered, he was one of Lunt’s acquaintance, and therefore I desired him to ask Lunt, upon which he perceived I did but banter him. Whereupon, he began to threaten me, saying the law was very severe against all men that went about to put tricks upon the King’s evidence. I answered, ‘ I had not offended against the law, and therefore the law would not meddle with me; and,’ said I, ‘Mr. Baker, if you will goe with me before the Secretary of State, I will justify myself.’ ‘If the Secretary of State saw you,’ replyed he, ‘ he v/ould commit you.’ When I heard that, and next morning they went out of town, saying nothing, but taking my saddle and bridell away with them, whereupon I tooke post and went to Manchester, wher I was informed by severall, how Lunt, Baker, and the messengers, had reported in that countrey that they had left me in Newgate, for endeavouring to corrupt the King’s evidence. “ My intention [is] here to give any account of the tryali, whereof the reader may better informe himself from those many able lawyers that were present, only I must not forget to acquaint the world how Aron Smith, as soon as he had heard the names of the gentlemen’s witnesses in court, feigned himself sicke ; knowing very well that, when I was called, I could discover the mistery of his plot. I call it his plot — though since the miscariage of it, he was willing to cast it on me — for I have severall arguments which doe demonstratively shew the plot to be his ; first, because he furnished the evidence with large sumes of money to carrye it on ; secondly, because it was he that fashioned and formed their depositions ; thirdly, he bailed Luiit, and made the Lord Mayor believe he was an honest man. It was he, in fine, that threatened to have me punished for striveing to detect the villany of his witnesses ; in a word, he is so well known, that I need say noe more.” Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon. 982. 1695 [-6], January 4. London. — The Council is not sitting. In the list, are Mr. Richard Fleetwood, Mr. Robert Mawdesley, and one Mr. Dionisius Byron. The Lords and Commons cannot yet agree about the Coin Bill, but have appointed another conference on Monday next. The King has answered the Commons that he will issue out his pro- clamation for receiving the clipped standard money, as they desire. Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 983. 1695-6, January 7. London. — “No sheriffe for our county yet pricked. Taaffe is at liberty, upon bayle, to appear in the King’s Bench. The House of Commons did nothing yesterday, and to day only called over the House.” Seal, P[eter] Shakerley to Roger Kenyon, at his house in Manchester. 98f4. 1695[-6], January 8. Westminster. — “I am under som straights on account of the designes of my enemies against mee, at Wigan, which they are verry industrious in forming and suiteing their evidence to ; whilst my friends there are too slack in finding out what the intended objections and evidence against mee are 395 I have noe friend in all that county to whom I can committ this great trust, or hope to procure the great favour from of putting this affair into order, besides yourself. And, considdering that your Quarter Sessions at Wigan is to be next week, where it is possible you may be, I begg yon will be pleased to give yourself the trouble to stay there som few days, to make enquirey what the objections intended against mee are, and the persons designed to proove the same, and put all that into one breviate. I am under another misfortune, that I cannot, with safety, write any letter on this affair, or any other, by the way of Warrington, because you know who is the postmaster there, and who it was procured him to be soe. Therefore, I pray, doe not you send anything that way, concerning the premises; and I beseech you mannage all this matter with great secrecy and caution .... and what charges you are at in stay- ing at Wigan, to make enquireys and putting matters into method, I will thankfully repay you.” Richard Edge to George Kenyon, at Manchester. 985. 1695-6, January 9. London. — Commences with private busi- ness matters. “ I have no forreigne news to tell you both, but a peece of domestick newes which comes in time, and will mightily help the Sessions ; for it is to-day resolved that all clipped money, which is silver, though of a coarser alloy than the standard, shall pass in payment of taxes, and that all persons, whatever, shall so take it in payment ; that any person may pay his next yeares tax, to the 4^. in the pound, at one in tire payment in clipped money ; that all Commissioners to be appointed, shall be sent into all countyes of England, to disperse the new coynd money and receive clipped money for it. Here was such a decay of trade and such a work about it that caused the House of. Commons to sitt de die in diem, about the coyne, and come to this resolution, which is generally well pleaseing. The Sheriffe of Lancashire, I hear, [is] to be pricked to-night.” Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 986. 1695-6, January 11. London. — ‘‘On Thursday night last, Mr. Norreys, of Speake, was prickt at Kensington, by the King, for our High Sheriffe. I am privately told that the Chancellour went to wait upon the King, on Wednesday, at which time, the King wished him to strike out one of his 3 names returned, and put in Mr. Norres. You may guess how things go by that. This day the Commons passed the bill for preventing charge and expense in elections, etc. . . . By all our forreigne posts, we have advice that the French fleet will pass the streights this year, if they can.” John Hartley to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 987. 1695-6, January 15. Lancaster (?). — Is sorry he could not discourse with Mr. Kenyon, during his last visit. Finds it was a “ designed thing ” on the part of the gaoler, who set persons to drink with the writer, lest his (the gaoler’s) “ rogurys ” should be discovered. Endorsed “ John Hartley, Esqre.” Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 988. 1695-6, January 16. London. — Sir John Bland is gone into Yorkshire. Lady Moseley is well ; a letter will find her at her lodgings, in Soho Square. Has waited on Sir John Leveson-Gower. “ You bid S96 me tell you how the Cliderow members go, in Parliament ; they go with the Liverpoole members perpetually. I think I need say no more than that.” Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon. 989. 1695[-6], January 18. London. — I received your last long letter by the post, which was not sealed with your own seal ; therefore I reckon it had been opened by the way. There are some rascals who do frequently open letters, and these are called “ secret friends to the government.” All this preparation the French are making at sea, seems to be designed on our foreign Plantations, to ruin them We shall have an army of 140,000 in the Netherlands, the next campaign, and the discourse there is of our besieging Dunkirk. The Lords will pass the Coin Bill on Monday or Tuesday, and then they will begin coining ; our coin is to be as good as it was. There is already brought into the Exche- quer 1,700,000/z. in clipped coin. Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 990. 1695-6, January 2 L London. — “This day the King came to the House of Lords and passed four publick bills (besides private bills), videlicet : — the treason bill, the coyn bill, the bill for preventing expenses in elections, and the bill for continuing duties upon spirits, etc. The House of Commons have ordered in the bill for preventing and punishing of perjury before the sheriffes, at the elections of knights, at the county court ; that a forme of an oath be brought in to be taken by the freeholders, which will hinder the Jacobites from voteing, which some say will be thrown out. The report about the Scotch East India Company was likewise to day made ; that it was guilty of a high crime and misdemeanour ; and resolved that the English and Scotch subscribers to that company, resideing in England, shall be impeached of high crimes and misdemeanours. Some people dread the ill consequence of this. You know these votes are not printed till to morrow morning, and are not written. I have them allwaes from a freind, which is no member. I know not how safe it is to give such account, but I presume you have the same in written news letters, which I have not seen in any place, since 1 came to town, for in the coffee houses are no letters, but printed. Some of our primed news letters say the French will have 95 men of war in a line of battle. 50 of them to go from Brest, Port Louis, etc., and to joyn the Thoulon fleet, which 50 will saile in a fortnight. And this is sworn to by a prisoner, come from Brest, before our Commissioners of the Admiralty. Olliers say it is false ; some few ships are ordered to transport men from Catolonia into Piedmont, against the Duke of Savoy. Others say that a great many private persons, in France, are concerned, and furnish the fleet at their own private charge, to go upon some enter- prise. The King of France is to have a third part of what they gett. Some say our Lords of the Admiralty have not behaved themselves as they ought to do ; that our shipping is not in so great forwardness as it ought to be. Some .say it is in greater forwardness than ever, but I observe Sir Jn. Louther, of Whithaven, is getting off. T forgett to tell you that the House of Commons go to morrow to wait upon the King, with an address against the Lord Portland, who had thought to have been Prince of Wales. One Mr. Price made a very learned speech against his Lordshijjp, and, as Mr. Shakerley told me, left nothing unsaid. I cannot yet learne when Cliderow election comes on, for I avoid seeing either side.” 397 Peter Shakerley to [Roger Kenton]. 991. 1695[-6], January 23. Westminster. — Would have him keep the “ breviate ’’ as long as necessary. The petition now stands, accord- ing to course, not to come on or be heard before the 10th or 12th of March next, and it is possible it may be April before it comes on. We have much business to do, and it is possible Committees may be frequently adjourned; however, it is best to be prepared. The first preparation must be fully to answer all objections which you can possibly learn are intended to be made ; and the next thing is to recriminate upon the opponent, in such substantial objections and proofs as will stick fast upon him ; “ but those should not be too levious ; such as his caresses of the woman, which will not signifye any thing. But if, in kissing of them, hee hurryed guinneas into their mouths (as was done at one place), that will be to purpose, provided it is proved ; and that hee used that sollicitation to gett, and that hee did thereby gett, their husbands to vote for him.” Richard Edge to George Kenyon. 991a. 1695-6, January 23. London. — The House of Commons has nipped the Prince of Wales (who should have been) in the bud, and waited on the King yesternight with their address. At the Admiralty Office, they are taking care to send a re-inforcement to Sir George Rooke, and a squadron, as some say, to block up Dunkirk. SeaL P[eter] Shakerley to Roger Kenyon, at his house in Manchester. 992. 1695[-6], January 25. Westminster.— “ I thank you for your continued care in my affair ; inclosed is Mr. R — ’s petition, which is very dark, as are the intended objections against race. I under- stand the petition was concerted with Mr. Mountague, who brought it in, and it is timed so that F conceive it is intended to come on towards the end of the Session, when the House is thiner, for it stands now to be about the 10th or I2th of March, though noe time is yet appointed for it, nor has it yet been read in the committee. Mr. Harvey and Mr. Tattlock are made Commissioners for the Land Tax, so is Mr. Harvey’s father, Mr. Brown, Mr. Ralph Markland, and Mr. Wells. Inclosed I send you the Act about clipped and counterfeit money, which please to communicate to Mr. Warden, who will allso communicate to you three other Acts I send to him this post, viz., the Act for trial of treason, the Act for preventing expenses at elections, and an Act about . , . . and annuities. I doe perceive that Mr. R ’s designe is onely to make my election void, and not to come in himself but by a new election. I am informed they intend to charge me with som words, said to be spoken by mee, but what they are, where, when, or before whom spoken, I cannot learn. The condition of our navy is very deplorable ; and had I not seen a peece of one of the great shipps, I could not have believed it possible that the worm could have made such great and soe many vacuitys in the sound heart of oak. God Allmighty preserve ould England from a French conquest ! ” Seal. Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 993. [1695-6, January 28 ?] London. — Commences with family matters. “ I cannot yet tell you when Cliderow election comes on, nor concerne myself in that matter. The House of Commons were to-day in a comittee for trade, and came to severall heads, which will be reported 398 on Friday next. The House of Lords have been all this day about our East India Company, and divided about it, and carryed by 22 that there shall be an East India Company established by Act of Parliament, and carryed on by a joynt stock. I hear allso that there is to be an imbargo laid upon Scotch East India ships which are fitting out in the river of Thames. The Royall Soveraigne, a ship of 104 guns, is burnt, as some people say, by an accident of a snuff of a candle, and some say done a purpose. Our fleet at Cadiz will be all careened in a three weekes, and then will put to sea, which will be as soon as the Thoulon fleet can go to sea. The squadron at Spitthead, which waits for a fair wind to joyne our fleet, are to be doubled in the number which was so lately ordered. A great overgrown French man-of-war mett with one of our cruisers in the Straits and sunk him. But all honest persons conclude that all our nien-of-war are in good order and will be ready to sail eearlier than in any spring before. I mett with a Jacobite yesterday (a great rogue I beleeve) and he tells me the Thoulon fleet is out allready ; that they have taken one of our cruisers in the Straits, sunk another, and sent another, ragged and shattered, into Cadiz ; that the French fleet may goe where they will, for a great many of our great ships in England will not be fitt to saile this year, nor scarce ever ; that we shall have no money presently, but guineas, which are coined, a great deal of them, in Holland ; that what milled money is made, or making, must be all sent to Holland; and that there can be no circulation of the milled money this six months ; and a great deal more of these roguish stories, which I would give no ear to. I will take care to buy you an almanack, but you writeing so late that I have not yet mett with such a one as you use[d] to have ; and if I bespeake it they will excise me. The word excise putts me in mind of proposalls offered to the House of Commons for a penny a peck upon bread, and allso duties proposed to be laid on periwigs, comodes, swords, and a great many things more, which I cannot name.” P[eter] Shakerley to Roger Kenyon, at his house in Manchester.” 994. 1695[-6], February 1. Westminster. — “Yours, dated the 26th instant, came to my hands but yesterday, but in such a condition that I cannot possibly read it, and is all dirt and daub even on the inside, where it is impossible that such dirt could com but by opening it, and daubing it so on purpose. The post mark on it, viz., the Generali Letter Office mark, when it came hither, is January the 31st, and your other letter, dated the 28th January, has allso the same mark, and they both came together yesterday. Therefore, I pray, inquire of your postmaster at Manchester, how long the said letter dated the 26th of January, did lye in his hands, and how and when hee did dispose of it, viz. : (1) whether he sent it away immediately there ? (2) whether it was so besmeared and daubed before hee sent it ? (3) whether he sent it sealed up in his bagg ? and (4) whether his bagg is opened at any place before it corns to London, and where ? When he has answered to these questions, if hee is clear and innocent in the matter, I desire hee will make affidavid of it that liee did send the said letter sealed up in his bagg, without blem- mish, &c., and send the same to mee, I pray you, by next post. I perceive the superscription is Mr. Tattlock’s handwriting ; therefore, to trace this matter right, know of him in what manner, when, and to whom, he delivered it ? And I desire you will have his affidavid of it and send it up to mee immediately, with the postmaster’s affidavid. Wee had a long debate yesterday about the Oath, [as] I writt to Mr. Warden, which was at last, upon a division, rejected ; Sir Thomas Stanley, Sir Ro. 399 Bradshaigh, Cozen Preston, Mr. Puddsey, Mr. Brotherton, Leigh Banks, and myself, were together in the division ; all the Foleys were also with us.” Postsci'ipt . — ‘‘ Since I writt this, I hear that other letters in that packquett were all used as mine. . . . Wee have this day carryed, by ballotting, all the Commissioners of Accompts.” P[eter] Shakerley to Koger Kenyon, at Manchester. 995, 1695[-6J, February 4. Westminster. — ‘^Dick Edge was with mee last night, just after the election for Clitheroe was determined in the comittee, for Mr. Pudsay against Mr. Stringer, which was soe deer a case that it was rather a nemine contradicente. Our success in carrying, by ballotting, a, 11 the seven Commissioners wee named for the publick accounts, was very good, and therefore I will give you their names and the names of the other seven who came next to them, and seemed to be compettitors : Paul Foley, Esq., Speaker - - _ - 238 Henry Boyl, Esq. ------ 228 John Granville, Esq. ----- 227 Sir Thomas Dyke - - - - - 185 Mr. Bromley, of Warwickshire - - • 200 Eobert Harley, Esq. ----- 243 Francis Gwynn, Esq. ----- 188 Sir Thomas Pope Blunt - - • - 178 Sir John Thomson - - - - - 160 Sir William Ashurst - - - - - 163 Mr. Mouldsvvorth - - - - - - 118 Mr. Norris - - 134 Mr. Booth - - 131 Sir Edward Abney _ - _ - _ 155 ” Postscript , — Aron Smith was called to our bar this day, for having received nineteen thousand pounds and refused to give accompt of it to our Commissioners. Hee has term days time to make his accompt in, and if hee does not in that time, you will hear of him in custody.” Kichard Edge to Eoger Kenyon, at Manchester. 996. 1695-6, February 4. London. — “ I was with Mr. Shakerley yesterday, and [he] shewed me a letter from you, but it had been in some bottom of a ditch, for neither your letter, nor the inclosed, was legible ; it was so all dirt. I am sure no stranger could have read it. Here and there it was plain, and I, knowing your hand, guessed at the rest, and have since transcribed it for Mr. Shakerley As I observe, all that they can pretend to is that he [ ?] is a Jacobite, an enemy to this government, and I cannot see that can make an election void ; it is the first, if such thing be done. But they are mistaken, the Committee is not so much a committee of affections as they think. Collonell Granvill is the Chairman, an ingenious, honest, bold gentleman, and vallues nere a courtier of them all. The Committee for Cliderowe was last night, who, after heareing councell and witnesses on both sides, never debated, but put the question whether Mr. Pudsey was duely elected and returned. It was carried in the affirmative ; I think, nemine contradicente. Sir Thomas Powis [and] Sir Bartholomew Shore, councell for Mr. Stringer ; Mr. Dormer [and] Mr. Dobbins, councell for Mr. Pudsay. 400 “ The Committee sate till 12 at night ; there was a pretty full Committee. I crept into the gallery above, to avoid being seen. I think all our Lancashire members attended, save Collonells Stanley and Kirkby. Mr. Molineux asked a question in favour of Mr. Pudsay, so did Mr. Brotherton, and so did Mr. Preston. And Mr. Norris, who is a violent man, but speakes well, asked half a dozen questions in favour of Mr. Stringer, whose councell opened the cause, and pleaded that he had the same case as Mr. Gerrard, which was (they doubted not) remembered by a great deal of the members in this Parliament. They agreed that, as the poll was taken at the day of election, they had a minority of votes by 12, but had 15 freinds, who had a right to be found by the ceremonial inquiry jury, and were ready to have given their votes ; that the present bayliffes obstructed the calling of a jury, and that the sitting member, Mr. Pudsay, had, by his agent, given a bribe of 30^. to one Nowell (one of Mr. Stringer’s friends, but not found freeman) to keep out of the hall at the time of election ; and that the House declared in favour of such cases at two former committees. This was the substance of their allegations. They made it out by 15 Cliderowe witnesses, the chief of which were Tom Dugdale and John son of Edmund Robinson. Mr. Pudsay’s councell answered they had the majority of quallifyed voters; moreover, that they had freinds of the same number, 15, which would have voted for Mr. Pudsay had they been found, and had the same qualificacons as Mr. Stringer’s, but the present bayliffes refused to call a jury after the test of the writt for either side, that if such thing were done, which was never known, it would brake a constitution of the burrough and consequently be per- nicious. Besides, Mr. Pudsay made it appear to the Committee that the 15 freinds of Mr. Stringer never demanded to be polled, which was looked upon by Mr. Stringer’s freinds in the House to be a great omission of his agent, Troy, who was called to answer to that point. One of the members asked him his profession ; an attorney in London, he answered. Some members cemented upon him, saying what did you go into the North 200 miles to sollicit at an election, so that he was not well heard. Mr. Pudsay called Mr. Sclater, Ned Parrer, and Dick Wilson, who are now three thorrow paced Committee witnesses, and made out what Mr. Pudsay’s councell had asserted, and called one Nowell to dis- prove his own brother, about the 305. bribe, who, with two others, did it with effect, and affirmed he di*ew ale and beer (the word beer smelled of London discipline) before the election, and Mr Pudsay’s voters drunk as much as that came to, and his agents paid the reckoning. Nowell, that had the bribe, was called againe to confront his brother, had gott some brandy into his noddle, and said with a loud voice that his brother was a Iyer, and the greatest that did come there. The Chairman was hearty for Mr. Pudsay, and Mr. Pudsay had got all his friends there, and cryed withdraw, withdraw, half an hour together, and then put the question as before. Paul Folie, Esquire, Collonell Granvill, Mr. Harley, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Bromley, of Staffordshire (who brought in the petition against Lord Portland), Sir Thomas Dike, and are the Commissioners for the publick accounts. None of them had the nomination from the Court party, so that I reckon it is as good a choice as the Pope has made of Cardinalls, and both alike to me. “ This day Mr. Aaron Smith was called into the House, and ordered to give in his accounts in 10 dayes to the Commissioners, or incurr the dis- pleasure of the House of Commons. This good man has something in hand, and now on the anvill, against the stifiers of the Lancashire plott. Now we have an account from abroad that the French fleet will not be 401 equipped before the latter end of March; that our Lords of the Admiralty have given positive orders to the commodore of the squadron, designed for the reinforceing of Sir George Eook at Cadiz to be in areadiness to sayle the first fair wind ; that there has been a great buzzle at Amsterdam about a placart for a tax upon burialls ; that the mob risse three dayes together against the governours, but after hanging of half a score of them, the matter was appeased, and all now quiett. Here is a rumour here as if there were some disturbances in Scotland, but I think it is but a story, for commonly one post contradicts another.” Kichard Wroe to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 997. 1695-6, February 6. — “ My last told you that the Capitation Bill was a long one, and I believe you will think so by the enclosed abstract, which Mr. Shakerley has franked for you, and had sent you one if I had not prevented him. It was given for four millions, but Mr. Montague informed the House yesterday, that it would not raise above three millions, so that they have yet 1,800,000/. and 500,000/. for the Civil List to raise, and were yesterday upon ways and means, but without any certain resolution. It was talked of 2s. more per pound upon land, and the Plate Bill was voted to pay Gd. per ounce, for all plate under three ounces value, or weight, which, it is concluded, will passe. They have been this day upon prohibiting East India silks, Bengalis, calicoes, but I know not the issue, though, it is said, it will passe. However, some say it is a giving up our East India trade to the Dutch. They that pretend to know news from Court, say that all the preliminaryes of the peace are adjusted, and that it will certainly be concluded, which some believe and others take for a jest; but the news that more concerns us is better, I mean in relation to the business I came hither upon. Yesterday, being a day of great business in the Exchequer, we moved to deferr judgment in our case till to-day, because it would be long in giving, as it proved full two bowers ; every baron giving his opinions and the reasons of it, with answers to all the argu- ments that had been urged on the other side, and every one of them was clear in their opinion for us, that the lease was expired six years since, being onely for 21 years and 99. Their resolution seemed very clear and satisfactory to the whole Court, and even to Mr. Trafford’s counsel and attorney, who attended there, and who told me afterwards that they would acquiesce in it without bringing any writ of error, which is the onely remedy they have ; and on Weddensday next, judgment is to be recorded, and then we shall know what costs they will allow, which I hope will be favourable, and for the mean profits, we are left to our action at law, if Mr. Trafford will contest it, and not compound fairly with us. Pray communicate this, with the enclosed, to Mr. Yates, with my respects, not having any other news for him nor time to transcribe this, having stayed long and late at Westminster ; and if you please to be so kind as to let my niece know the successe of our business, you will further oblige mee, having nothing more but my health to acquaint her with. Mr. Preston’s corps set out on Munday or Tuesday, but privately, that no notice may be taken of it. I was with our bishop yesterday, but shall have more time to acquaint him with yours on Weddensday, when his tryall about Hindley Chappel comes on.” Seal of arms. Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 998. 1695-6, February 8. London. — “ The House of Commons have this day agreed to the Lords’ amendments to the bill for recovery 73480. C C 402 of small tithes. A petition was made and presented to lower the extravagant price of guineas ; it was referred to the Committee for the second coinage bill, but since withdrawn. They have resolved that no plate shall be used in the publick houses after the 4th of May, except spoons. The tryall de novo of Lunt, Wilson, and Womball, which should have come on this terme, is putt off to the next. Some sayes Sir George Kooke has orders to go to sea immediately, and some say not till 18 Dutch joyn him ; and that the squadron designed heare to reinforce him are countermanded. But it is certaine that 51 great men-of-war at Thouloii are ready to sayle I hear Mr. Shakerley has, upon Mr. Rigby’s promiseing to withdraw his petition, writt to the mayor of Wygan to tell him that he will sollicit no more to be chosen there, which I think (but a fooll’s boult is soon shot) is the meanest thing he ever did in his life.” Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 999 . 1695-6, February 10. London. — In a weeke or two, in this town, there will be no silver to be had. I was with Mr. Legh, to take a copy of the postea about Lunt, Wilson, and Womball’s verdict. He tells me it was never returned to him, in regard that verdict was sett aside, and the three gents are as clear as before that assizes. I see Capt. Baker frequently conversing with great men. Saturday’s votes will tell you of Aaron Smith’s being sent for, in custody ; I did not hear that he is taken up, as yet. There is no news, for we have had no foreign mailes. Admirale Aylmer is to command 8 men of-warr that are to go in quest of Du Bart. We have an account hov\^ that one man (with his accomplices) in Derbishire, have allready made, coined, and counterfeited, to the likeness of the new milled money, 700/., and is now in custody for it. Guineas are current here, but at 27^., and silver growes very scarce.” Seal, The Same to the Same. 1000 . 1695-6, February 11. London. — I was at Mr. Legh Banke’s chambers this morning, but he has not been there this two nights, and am told that he lodges sometimes with Sir Thomas Stanley in Pell Mall ; but I very well remember one morning I went to Mr. Banke’s chambers, there was this taylor Barnes, which has arrested me upon Mr. {sic) Thomas’s account. Had I not niett with him there, he had not known that I was in town. I forgott to tell you that the sume I was forced to pay was 4/. I 5 . I beg, if Mr. Thomas be in Lan- cashire, you will please to order him to remitt it me hither, for I cannot move till 1 have it, for the landlord will not let the horse stirr till he be paid, and my acknowledgment besides Yesterday the House of Commons ordered the election of Cliderowe to be reported tomorrowe. I cannot tell what the House has done today. The resolutions of the House are ordered to be kept more secret, for the printer’s sake, and [I] could not meet with any of the members tonight. I doe not yet hear that Aaron Smith has given in his accounts. The news from I landers is that the French seem to talke of opening their cam- pagne with the seige of Namur; that their fleet at Thoulon is allready careened and the guns on board, yet one account sayes they are takeing off their guns; that Adrnirall Rooke is very vigilant in observeing the French feet’s motions, and has got most of his ships new careened; that the French King has transmitted a great sume of money to the grand Seignior with 300 [or 3,000] officers and engineers, to carry on the war 408 against the Emperor, and that he will be 40,000 stronger in Flanders than last year. Guineas are lowered in their price to-day 2^., but Thursday is the day to regulate that matter.’^ Eichabd Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1001. 1695-6, February 13. ^^Westminster, 9 o’clock at night.” — “ This day the King has been here and passed the three publick Acts. The House has been in a grand Committee about guineas, and is so still Here is a mighty full house, and all the halls, painted chamber. Speaker’s chamber, and the lobby and coffee houses, full of people, watching the result the House will come [to] about guineas. The House had an account from the Mint that 700,000 guineas have been coined, since Candlemas 1694-5. The Court party are for lowering them to 27^^.; the other party, for keeping them at 30s. Lancaster assizes to be the 25th of March ; Kevill and Turton [the] judges. If the House come to any resolution before the post goes out, I will write.” The Earl of Derby to [Roger Kenyon]. 1002 . 1695-6, February 13. Knowsley. — have thought it a long while since I saw or heard from dear Roger ; the last time the seal keeper was with me, I enquired how you did, and T think he then said you had the gout upon you, so that you could not stir ; I had els de- sired your company to have advised about my trial again, this next assizes, which I design to bring on ; and in order to it, there are 24 to be named by each side, out of the freeholders’ book, which I send you, that you may consider who they are I can most depend upon, and to send me the names in writing, as, I take it, the 21st is the day appointed for the prothonotary to stiike the names. This, you must be sensible, is of great moment to me, as I shall look upon your assistance to be in this affair ; for I do think this preliminary is of great consequence. But I shall not enter into particulars ; you know them so well, and I so little.” Peter Shakerley to Roger Kenyon. 1003. 1695[-6], February 13. — Advising him, if he has any guineas at 305., to part wdth them forthwith, as a vote is passed in Committee that they should not go for more than 285., and the Court party pushed hard to have them at 265. Guicciardini Wentw^orth to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1004. 1695[-6], February 15. — ‘‘And now I must acquaint you with an affaire which allarums u.s much. There is, as I am well informed, a Bill ready (upon leave) to take away the Dutchy and County Pallatine and annex them to the Exchequer, and this is in the hands of Mr. Korns’ brother, of Speake. Who the sellers (?) are I know not, nor the suggestions of the Bill. It is yett a secrett ; but, plow^- ing with the heifer, I found out the riddle. Wee want your assistance in this affaire very much, and must, in behalfe of the Dutchy, and all others concerned, begg itt att your hands with what speed you may ; and that you will be so kind to send us a copy of that colection relating to the Dutehy, you made when last this matter was on foot, which, with som few coments on it, by your hand, will, I question not, but be artillary sufficient (if well managed) to stem this tyde. Please you to write to mee under cover to Sir Gervas Elwes, or Mr. Preston ; it will com safe.” Seal of arms. c c 2 404 Postscript. — “ I remember Thomas Killegrewe was for goeing to Manchester, to heare news ; and though you do not want it, yett I cannot forbeare to tell you that Admirall Rooke is makeing the best of his wey home ; his brother beeing killed for a little familiarity with a Spanish lady. The French are makeing vast preparations by sea and land, and have, as it is said, as good as concluded a peace with Spaine. The affaire of guinies gives great disturbance. A committy to that affaire have stated them att 28^., but the House has not yet past it into a vote. Divers angry questions seem prepared, ready against an opportunity. I doe not see any likelyhood of compromising that matter with the Spanish ambassador; but he is like to depart in a huff. There be that think Sir John Somers will survive the Lord Keeper.” Roger Kenyon to Mr. George Macy, an officer relating to the Mint, at his house in the Tower of London.” 1005 . 1695[-6], February 20. Manchester. — Has heard of him by his letter to one Ralph Thompson, a scandalouse fellow,” in the gaol at Lancaster, “ w^hich letter shews mee my great mistake in your acquaintance. . . . You tell Thompson of 7/e. which Mr. Charles Rigby had of Hartley for writeing to mee. I am sure hee writ nothing to mee but one or two letters with long informations which Hartley, as he said, desired him to take against many persons, to be transcribed to mee. I no sooner received them, but immediately waited with them upon my Lord Chief Justice Treby, who thereupon thought fit further to reprieve Hartley ; and his Lordship gave or sent those papers, I think, to you. Mr. Rigby, [who] is a lawyer, lives next house to the Castle in Lancaster, was sent for to do a public good, tooke those informations without asking or expecting anything for his paines, and Hartley sent them away by a special post to mee. After the man’s returne with a reprieve. Hartley sent Mr. Rigby forty shillings as a gratefull present, which, as Mr. Rigby saith, w'as alltogether unexpected, and all he had upon that account. Mr. Rigby had before that, as councell at the Assizes, when Hartley was convict, a fee of 20^. to move upon the Habeas Corpus Act, that Hartley might be tryed or not kept in prison ; and hee had, the last Assizes, as councell for Hartley, 10^. to move the Judge in Court, upon your petition, that Hartley might be bayled, for the Judge ordered it to be moved in Court. These are all the summes Mr. Rigby ever had from Hartley, which are but halfe 7/., and this is an answer to the account you say you had from your correspondent, Russell. Had it been 7/., I would not descant upon the implication. “ Your letter mentions your 205. charge of post letters from your choyce correspondents, two wretched gaole birds, Thompson and Russell ; I thinke neither your choyce nor your charge is envyed by any. You tell your intimate, Tompson, in that letter, you are to be trobled no more, but Hartley must imploy his gaoler, or els Mr. Kenyon. Mr. Macy, I am not wont to be so cupled, nor so imployed. Your next lash is : Mr. Kenyon, without your knowledge [. . . . your leave], got Hartley a reprieve. You know the fellow was to have dyed on Saterday forenoone. The letter I had, came lo mee in Parliament at 12 o’clock the Tewsday before ; I carry ed it forthwith to my Lord Chief Justice, which I thought my duty. The matter admitted of no delay. I never asked in that for any reward, nor any way disrespective to you then, or since. Thus I leave you, in the word of your letter, to your study to serve Mr. Tompson, and to dispose yourself charitably in I’eleeveing that ingeniouse gentleman. You betake yourself to . . . by postscript, with a secret, which none els must know; that no pardon 405 will this circuit, nor the circuit after, go into the north ; and yet your special confidant sends your letter abroad. Sir, after all, I do tell you, and I think whilst you have time, you have, I think, done an unkind thing to your own reputation, if Hartley have not his pardon this Assizes. Nor is your letter, meethinkes, kind to Mr. Pierce. When the Judges see it, with one you writt to one of them, the last Assizes, their Lord- shipps’ construction will be known. In the meanetime, I am uneasy under your sensorious pen, not that I am unable to do myselfe right, but because meethinkes Mr. Macy is not that Mr. Macy to whom I have often very heartily subscribed, &c.” Copy. Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1006 . 1695-6, February 27. London.— Does not hear that any Bill is yet brought in to “ destroy the Duchy ” ; weightier matters are in hand. “ I very well remember I writt, at the time you were sick, two bookes about the Duchy ; the first draught is in my keepeing, but the fair one, and which has more in it, is in your keepeing amongst your papers, if Sir G-ervase Elwes had it not. ... I beseech you not to mention those three rascalls in any of your letters to me. I hear Captain Baker, who is a gentleman of great reputation and affection to the Governernent, officiates in the roome of Mr. Smith, who is under confinement because he will not come to account. I cannot tell you more than you will hear by the printed papers, of this horrid plott (yet there are some infidells make light of it) ; the person that discovered it, desired his pardon, that he might not be an evidence, nor that his name should be known, which the King, out of his wonted clemency, consented to ; that there were 60 readye to do it ; and that [the] Duke of Berwick was in town, ready to head his Majesty’s and the nation’s enemyes ; that King James and Boufflers, with 20,000 men, lay ready at Cal lice, and other places on those coasts, to invade tliis kingdome, upon a signall to be given from Dover, when the King was assassinated, which signall was ordered to be given by the Earl of Rumney, he being ready there to receive those rogues, by his Majesty’s orders. That Amirall Russell, haveing first impressed seamen enough out of 600 merchantmen that lay in the Downes, is sailed, or ready to sail, with 48 ships of war. That . . . . is off the Isle of Wight with 15 French men-of-war. That Chasteau Renaut is off the Isle of Hieres, with part of the Thoulon fleet, so that we are in hopes of some sea action, and doubt not of suc- cess, being in greater readiness to receive them than they think we are. ‘‘ There are about 100 non-associators in ail in the House of Com- mons ; I told you who the Lancashire were, in my last. The ring- leaders are Mr. Finch, Sir Edward Seymour, Mr. Harcourt, Lord Digby, Lord Norres, and his brothers, Mr. Bromley, Collonel Granvill, tvho is the Chairman of Privilidges and Elections. I cannot particularly name them, and, as I heare, in the Lord’s House [there are] about 30 that will no[t] subscribe — Marquis Halifax, Marquis Normanby, Lords Nottingham [and] Rochester; nay, I heard, but I beleeve not, that the Duke of Leeds, etc. ; I cannot justly name them. I heard Mr. Norres made a speech, that the House would vote that the French King and the late King .lames were the promoters of this wicked designe against the King; but the courtiers did not think well of that,,because it had not yet appeared so to the House, and Mr. Berty and Sir Richard Atkins, two great courtiers, stood up and opposed that, and so there was an end of Mr. Norres’ speech. I have but things by hearsay, and I dare not write, for fear they should be Jacobites that tell me any- thing.” Seal. 406 Bichard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1007. 1695-6, February 29. London. — I have, but with no small difficulty, gott the copy annext. I am told the Lords’ association differs from the Commons ; that the whole purport of it is, that King William is lawfull King, and that the late King James and the pretended Prince of Wales have no right to the Crown. We have severall accounts that the late King James was at Callice ; that there were severall men-of-war in that port and ports adjacent, and a great many transport vessells, and that they had imbarqued severall thousands of men with all warlike amunition, in order for an invasion upon us, but was beleeved they had got advice that they were discovered, and so the men were deimbarqueing. But fresher advice tells us, they are begun to imbarque againe, but it is certaine that Admirall Bussell is now upon their skirts ; for on Thursday last, at 4 in the afternoon, he was saluted from Dover, and had then under his command 48 men-of-war, besides a great many tenders, and steered with a fair wind directly for Callais. We have an account that 12 of the.traytors mentioned in the proclamation are allready taken, but not the Duke of Berwick. “I saw a printed paper to-day that mentions the association and the justness and reasonableness of it, and that the address presented formerly by the present Earle of Macclesfeild, signed by 28,000 per- sons in Lancashire, was the same in effect, which I will assure you is a great peece of honor to our county of Lancaster ; and for that reason, the King and parliament, sure, will never take away our Duchy, the very quintescense of loyalty haveing appeared in us so early, before the rest of the kingdome. I am told the Earl of Chesterfeild has since signed, and that, though the Duke of Leeds spoke against it, yet he signed at the latter end. I am allso told that there are more members which have not signed, neither Avill signe, which were absent on Tuesday.” Kichard Edge to George Kenyon, at Manchester. 1008. 1695-6, February 29. London. — have sent my old master a list of the non-associators [see previous letter], by which you will see that it is my sad fortune to deal with Jacobites.” Describes events, as in previous letter to Roger Kenyon. Seal. Margaret Osbaldeston to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1009. 1 695 [-6], March ‘S. Preston. — The Countess of Derby is willing “to assist our design,” though she said “that her interest, since the Queen’s death, was diminished,” and that she did not see the governors so frequently. Dr. Brabant will also assist “our cause,” betv/een this and All Saints, “ in which time, it is soposed, will be two elections of scoffers.” Seal of arms^ broken. Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1010 . 1695-6, March 5. London. — “The conspirators will not be tryed tiff the next week ; Newgate is so fuff of them that the City train bands guai d them day and night. We have no news from Admirall Itiissell, but whai the publick prints mentioned by the last post, which were that he hojjed to give a good account of 14 French men-of-war that lay in Flemish road near Dunkirk, if they creep not into Dunkirke. The ships mentioned in my last to be taken by our grand fleet was a mistake, they being taken by Guernsey privateers.” 407 Eechard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1011 . 1695-6, March 7. London, — Prothonatory Foster went hence yesterday for Lancashire, and told me from his master, Sir Gervase Elwes, there was no danger of anything being done against the Duchy of Lancaster, this sessions. Our great fleet is still off Gravelins, on the coast of France, with at least 90 men-of-war ; but not yet able to make any considerable attempt on the enemy, for want of bomb vessels and fireships, which are here ready to saile, but the wind is in their teeth. Charnock, Keyes, and King, three cf the conspirators mentioned in the proclamation, will be arraigned on Wednesday next, upon indictments (as is said) allready found against them at Hicks Hall, and will be allowed the full benefitt of the late acts for try alls of treason, etc. I would fain come out hence; for every day, either pressmasters or the Kinges messengers, are laying hold on me.” iSeal. The Same to the Same. 1012 . 1695-6, March 12, London. — Has been with Mr. Ayleffe to enquire about any lands alienated from the Duchy. He states that the Duchy burroughs are as follows : “ the county and burroughs of Lancashire” ; the boroughs of Monmouth, Thetford (Korfolk), Higham Ferrars (Northamptonshire), Stockbridge (Hampshire), Newcastle-un- der-Lyne (Staffordshire), Sudbury (Suffolk), East Grinstead (Sussex), andKnaresborough, Ripon,Bourroughbridge, Pontefract, and Alborough, in Yorkshire. ‘‘ Yesterday, Charnock, King, and Keyes were tryed at the Old Bailey, and upon a clear, fair, and full evidence, found guilty, and sentence past upon them ; and I believe will be executed on Wednesday next. I was there, but could not come near enough to hear. The tryall will be printed, and you shall have it. Ferguson, who has been in all plots, is in this, and [is] in prison. I hear a great many warrants are signed and sent down to take up persons in Lancashire. The good news of the Earl of Athlone, with a great body of men, haveing burned the great provisions of the French, laid in at Givet, is confirmed ; it is said there was as much as would have kept 50,000 horse, three months. They intended to have used it at the seige of Namur this year, at the same time the late King should have invaded England; but they are happily prevented. The bill for suppressing hawkers and pedlars is ordered to be engrossed, which will please the shopkeepers. [The] Duke [of] Wertemburgh is with the King, at Kensington, but the forces he brought, will be sent back and never come ashore.” Seal, George Macy to Roger Kenyon. 1013 . 1695[-6], March 14. The Tower. — Touching a pardon for one Hartley, a coiner and clipper of coins. Regarding the proj^osal for four mints in the country, besides the one in the Tower, viz., at York, Exeter, Chester, and Norwich. The number was reduced to two, and this week, the Lords of the Treasury have resolved that one shall be at York and the other at Exeter. Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1014 . 1695-6, March 21. London. — Commences with family matters. ‘‘ This day, at Hicks Hall, bills of high treason were found against Sir John Freind and Sir William Perkins, in order to be tryed on Monday and Tuesday ; but I hear since, they will not then be tryed, for they would both squeak and make discoveryes, if the King would 408 pardon them. This day, the Earl of Aylesbury was committed to the Tower, for high treason ; and it is now sayd that far greater men are concerned in the intended invasion. The three assassinates (sic) that were executed on Wednesday (as the last post would tell you) confessed the fact, but, by their equivocateing words, would seeme to clear the late King and the body of the Roman Catholicks ; but nobody of sense beleeved that part. The burrowes within the Duchy of Lancaster, mentioned in my last, all send two burgesses, except Higham Ferrers, which sends only one. Mr. Ayloffe either cannot, or will not, tell me what is paid from the Crown to the Duchy officers. I cannot tell you who are our new Lancashire Justices. I hear Mr. Foster, the sub- prothonatory, is to be one. Our printed news letters say that the Lancashire gentlemen in the late plot are in this, and most of them in custody.” Seal. Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1015 . 1696, March 28. The “Blew Boare in Holboune.” — “ Mr. Shakerley’s antagonist was introduced into the King’s presence by the right honourable the Earle of Macclesfeild, and was knighted. Sir John Freind and Sir William Perkins are to be hanged on Wed- nesday next. The Sessions at the Old Baily is adjourned to the 22nd of Aprill. The Commons have passed the bill for the bringing in of plate to the Mint, and sent it to the Lords, in which is enacted that no dipt money (except sixpences) shall pass in payment, after the 4th of May next, and guineas to pass at 22^. I hear the Lords have thrown out the bill against hawkers and pedlars. I hear Captain Porter has con- firmed that part of Mr. Wombell’s evidence, of carrying vast quantityes of armes into Lancashire to Standish Hall.” Seal. Peter Shakerley to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1016 . 1696, April 9. Westminster. — “ I writt, last post, to Mr. Warden, and I think I desired him to thank you for the account you sent mee of Mr. Shar {sic), but whether I did soe or not, I cannot well tell, neither can I remember well what 1 did write, for I must own to you I had that day som of my fellow-members [to] dine at my house, and upon such an occasion, you know a little libberty of transgression is allowable. The bill for better preserving his Majesty’s person and Goeverment went up yesterday to the Lords ; it is a smart one. It enacts that persons refusing to take the oaths shall incur the pain and penalty of Popeish recusant convicts; that all persons in any civill or millitary employ, and every member of a future parliament, shall sub- scribe the association ; that persons refuseing to take the oaths at any election of Members to serve in Parliament, shall have noe voice in that election ; and for any one to declare by writeing, printing, preaching, or adviceing, speaking against the King’s right, it is a praemunire, and there are som few other things in the Bill which I cannot well remem- ber, but these are the chief. A duty is layd upon tobacco-pipes and earthenware, viz., 12c?. per gross upon the first and 10c?. per cent, ad valorem on the latter ; therefore I advice you and Mr. Warden to stock your selves well with pipes and piss-potts presently, because this duty is to be perpetuall.” Edward Kenyon to his father, Roger Kenyon. 1017 . 1696, May 7. London. — “ Upon Tuesday last, I got hither, where, at my arrivall, I found the King and Collonel Stanley gone. 409 Next day, I went to Cosin Molleneiix, wlio was soe kind to write and send his man along with me to Mr. Charles Stanley, who, though I could not meet with, yet there I heard of the Collonel’s agent, to whom I went, who told me that the Collonel, at his departure, said there were two Lancashire gentlemen to follow him over, and named me for one. . . . . What it will cost is imcertaine, but Cozen Moleneux’s brother’s was betwixt 4/. and 51. .. . ‘‘Upon Tuesday, the King sailed from Sheerneest, and it is believed is in Flanders ere this.” [Roger Kenyon] to “Mr. Macy.” 1018 . 1696, June 13. Manchester. — “ The cuntry is in so great disti'esse for want of current money, that without some speedy supply, all traffick will cease. Our markets cannot be continued. The poor have been, in severall markets, tumultuously murmuring ; and we are, I think, in great danger of greater unquietnes. I write to you, to acquaint the worthy Warden of the Mint who will, perhaps, think fit to let the Lords of the Treasury, or who he think es most proper, if possible, to helpe us.” Draft. William Patten to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1019 . 1696, June 20. Gray’s Inn. — “ I have, these ten dayes, forbore writeinge to you, according to my promise at Wigan, in expectation of having some newes worth writeing, but no newes as yet comes from Flanders, of any action or intended speedy action, that I heare of, and in this towne, lonne and tradinge are at a great stande, by reason of the scarsity of money ; litle newe money is to be seen, where T goe, and noe old moneys goe, but such as was never clipped, let them have never soe many letters to be seene. I this daye sawe a shillinge refused that out- weighed a millde shilling, and you cannot exchange an hundred shillings of old money, though it be not much clipped, under 25s. or 30.9. in ex- change, and how those will at the last end, God knowes ! but there is great murmuring about it. Yesterday Sir John Feineicke was examined by the Lords Justices at Duke Shrewsbury’s office, and afterwards sent to the Tower, and one W ebber (?), an attorney of Furvivalls Inne, whoe was taken in the company of Sir John, and who was solicitor to the late General who dyed for the plott, is sent to Newgate. 1 question not but you have in your common newes letter an accompt of the tryall betwixt the Earles of . . . and Montague, which lasted 27 howers, and a verdict given in favour of the latter ; they are to have another tryall at the King’s Bench barr on Thursday.” Edward Kenyon to [his father ?] 1020. 1696, June 23. — “ Upon the 2oth of May, I came to the camp before Gaunt ; and the day following, I met with the Colonel, who received me with abundance of kindness and, according to promise, gave me my commission, the 18th. All the officers express a great deale of kindness, esspessially Captain Fleming (the gentleman I spake of, when with you), whose guest I have been ever since. Dear sir, before this, I had not the opportunity of writing, or else would not thus long have been silent (noe post goeing from hence), but att this time I am forced to give you a further trouble, which is the paying of a 20/. bill to Mr. John Morden, upon 4 days’ sight ; the reason why I trouble you is 410 that the buying a horse to ride, a horse to carry my trunk, a tent bed, with other necessaries, not to be avoided, myself being not able to foot it, by reason of my weakness. That 1 have not been any way extravi- gant, tlie Colonel will witness for me.” Representation of the Tradesmen in Manchester.” 1021. 1696, June. — A true representation of the case of the tradesmen of Manchester ; for the want of currant coyn, not beeing able to employ the many families that depend upon them for work ; and* [the] miseries of those that know not how to buy bread at present, for the want of their wonted employments. “ Wee, therefore, being sensable of our great miseries at present, and of more we are in danger of for the future, if wee have not seasonable relei f, thought it nesesarie, and our duty, for the releife of the poor and the peace of our country, to represent our condition to the worshipfull Justises of the Peace, at there meeting upon the 20th day of June, 1696. ‘‘Wee have been labouring sume time under the dificulties of trade, by the scarseness of currant coyn, and have, to our utmost, improved our credit and intrest to supply -the nesesities of the poor ; but are not able to proceed, unless some speedy cource bee taken as to the state of the coyn, to enable us to keepe the poore with work, and to prevent there starving, and the many mischeifs that may ensue. “ The number of the poor that are employed in the manufactures of Manchester, by a modest computation, are above fourtie thousand. “ Wee, whose names are hereunto supscribed, doe earnestly desire your Worships’ consideration : — “ Joseph Scott, William Scholes, Joseph Leeth, John Deggles, Rich : Worthington, Edm ; Traves, Edw : Scott, Edw : Syddall, James Moss, Tho : Moss, Miles Bradshaw, Tho : Bradshaw, John Walker, Tho : Buerdsell, Jno. Wroe, Jiio. Browne, James Bayley, Edw ; Bootle, Ralph Worsley, Samuell Pendleton, Josiah Walker, Richard Taylor, Will: Holme, Thomas Hartley, Sam: Worthington, Erancis Cartwright, Diniss Cass, Edm : Johnson, Sam: Tinney (?), John Dickanson, Richard Davenport, Jos : Byrom, Mich : Pimlott, Samuell Brooke, Charles Beswicke, R. Percivall, Joseph Hooper, John Hewood, Joseph Slater, Joseph Sherwin, Dan : Woolmer, Geo: Lloyd, Samuell Clowes, Samuell Wharmbye, Ralph Poole, William Crompton, Jonath. Nicholls, James Travez, Ralph Hall, Peter Wagstaffe, John Schoales, Michaell Stockton, Joshua Crompton, Cha : Broster, Joseph Walker, Samuel Haward, Samuell Drinkwater, John Collier, Chr : Lancashire, Tho : Collier, Jno : Lancashire, James Both, Fran : Davenport.” Indictment of John Leeds, of Manchester, at the Sessions of the Peace held at Lancaster. 1022, 1696, July 14. — That John Leeds, of Manchester, chapman, on 30th June, in the 8th year of this King, at Manchester aforesaid, did maliciously publish these words : “ The Book of Common Prayer ; the afforesaid book, meaning nothing but masse in English. The Book of Common Prayer ; the aflbresaid booke meaning now used in the Church of England, was popery, and that whosoever prayed by that booke, their prayers never prevailed. That the service of the Church of England was diabolical, and no true divine worship, and not pleasing to God Almighty.” 411 Guicciardini Wentworth to Eoger Kenyon. 1023. 1696, September 10. — The names of the Justices of the Peace for Lancashire, thought fit to be turned out : — William Farrington, P. Shakerlj (under the last name was subscribed Maclesfield), Ralph Ashton, Eoger Kirkby, William Korrice, Thomas Moulyneux, Jasper Mauditt, Christopher Lister, and Ambrose Pudsie. Eoger Kenyon to Guicciardini Wentworth. 1024. 1696, September 13, Manchester. — “Yours gives (which I thank you for) what the certificate of a noble peer, and seven of our members, did certify, for the turneing out of severall of our Justices of the Peace, who might be largely certified for, were true lovers of the present government to appearance in all their demean ars, neither non- jurors nor non-residents ; but most of them of that quality, as their ancestors had born the same ofiBce for generations past, and these very gentlemen of great acceptation in their cuntry. “ I do truly thinke, though perhaps it is not seasonable for mee to say so, that most of the members that did so certify, if it were demanded of them to tell the falts of these gentlemen they have certifyed against, must say either they do not at all know them, or do not of their own knowledge certify any one misdemeanor that can look like a disafection to King William or to the Governement ; but this was done at the instance of the noble Lord, as some of them vvere told, who would take it kindly, &c. Now, sir, can it be for the service of the Governement to have such gentlemen turned out without being told why ? “ The carriage of him that is cheefe of this in the late I’aigne is not forgotten, and the King was very kind if it bee forgiven. “ As to those formerly put in, who have not taken their oaths, two of them are by name Poughley — I think the father and son ; the grand- father, as I have heard, was a collier-banksman at a colepit belonging to Mr. Bold. The house they dwell in is certifyed to the Quarter Sessions for a place for Dissenters to meet at, and allowed by the Justices for their way of worship, as they call it. Molineux, of Liverpool, is an apothecary, as I am told ; Johnson, a shopkeeper there ; Mathew Holies, a trader with Eachdale baise, or some cloth ; Eadcliffe Scofield, you may remember, was Mr. Jessop’s man, and of late a preacher at con- venticles ; bee, when holding forth, was inveighing, as it is said, against top-knots ; his text was about the strait way, and if heaven was so strait, hee would have it considered how top-knots would get thither, and was, as is said, answered, though strait, it was high enough overhead. Another of your new Justices was one Gaskell ; there are two brothers of that name, tradeing men, and it being told that one of them was in the Commission of' the Peace, they going together to the last Assizes save one, at Lancaster, the elder brother, supposeing it was hee, desired his younger brother to let his bags be laid upon his horse, who did so, but comeing to the Assizes, it proved the youjiger brother was the Justice, and, retorneing, he said to his elder brother his horse should carry their bags home. These are none of them sworne, but these are placed in the same Commission with the Lords of the Councell, and called as Justices, fellow Justices, with them, and no doubt but they had before now been sworn but for the snake in the grasse ; they will not come to church to receive the sacrament, so [long ?] as the sting in the Test Act, the 500/. forfeiture, keeps them in awe. Now some other of the Dissenters, rather then be kept from their office, for a time will come to receive the sacrament, though they never come to church againe, unles upon a like occasion for some other office. This is enough 412 at this time on this subject, but [not] all that might be said of it, if things were narrowly looked into, but I ... to tell you of the three new Justices who lately have taken their oath. Edward Herle, esquire ; he is an ancient, though no eminent lawyer, not well to passe in the world, though hee hath beene much better ; his wife is a constant Oonventicler, and he uxoriouse. The next is Mr. John Walmsley, who, 1 doubt not, but you may remember ; hee was Henry Roe’s clerk, and after served Sir Richard Hoghton, who had a doughter married to a rich man who dyed and left his wife very rich, but stone blind. Mr. Walmsley was since called to the barr, and haveing carryed himselfe so long since as to be well liked by that lady, shee hath since marryed him. She is a constant Oonventicler, and hee also uxoriouse. The third is Mr. Crocke, a young unmarried man, and no housekeeper. His father dyed rich, was a fustian man, and bred him to the University; his mother and freinds, most of them Dissenters. Colonel Sawrey, who was a major in Cromwell’s own regiment, and a tub preacher, was another of our great Lord’s putting in, before these, but never swore for the reason aforesaid.” Draft. Sir Charles Greenfield to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1025. 1696, October 15. Orrnskirk. — “ Coming through Ormskirke, I mett with a most heavy complaint, that a captaine here (a Scotch man) takes upon him, just like the town of Royston case, to exact and demand 3^. a weeke from everye private centinell, and soe proportion- able for every officer, else to make good their quarters. This is soo much against the lawe of England [that] it cannot be putt upp. Worthy Mr. Charles Stanley hath been so kind [as] to assert the illegality, and take notice of the boldness of this impudent action.” Seal of arms, hroJien. The Earl op Derby to [Roger] Kenyon. 1026. 1696, October (?) 24. — “ I send, dear Roger, a letter en- closed, the contents of which the bearer, Mr. Serjeant, is able to informe you, and so will save me that labor. I freely tell you it is a thought of my own, which I shall be proud of, if it is approved of. I am sure I mean it well ; and if it is rightly managed, I will venture to say it will do our whole county justice, and, perhaps, produce good effect in what you will easily gues at.” Seal of arms. William Aspinall to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1027. 1696, December 8. Haslingden. — Desires that some one else may be put in to gather the tolls, as he grows old, and cannot stand the cold. There is now at hand “ a sort of faire or meeting, on St. Thomas, at Colne, which is very little but hides and flesh, and nothing but peneyes to be gathered ; which, for my part, I do not understand how it can be gathered, for to stand to weigh everyone’s money is a thing the time will not permit. Besides, the people will not suffer their broad money to be weighed, and will be so tedious in their change that, for my j)art, 1 doe not understand how it can be gathered, except you be pleased to take money, iff it hath not beene dipt, though it want of weight.” Sir John Fenwick. 1028. 1696. — 4’he reasons of the Lords against the attainder of Sir John Fenwick. 413 K[oger] K[enyon] to his sister, ^nne Kenyon, at Stockport. 1029 . 1696-7, January 25. Venice. — This town is in the height of its frenzy, and one would almost despair to see it reduced to reason again ; man, woman, and child go masked, so that nobody is known, and I perceive it is only from fear of one another that keeps us ever sober. It would be a sort of madness now to be wise. HeaL Robert Weddell, Warden of the Mint at Chester, to Roger Kenyon. 1030 . 1696[-7], January 25. Chester Castle. — Asking for infor- mation concerning one Ferdinando Croudson, a coiner. Seal of arms. Richard Wroe to Roger Kenyon. 1031 . 1696-7, elanuary 26. — ‘‘ Though I have not the same oppor- tunity that you had when in the House, of giving an exact account of pro- ceedings there, yet what I can learn, I am very glad to communicate. The capitation bill is now the great point, and goes on, though not well liked either by the court or country party, but must pass, as it is said, rather than a general excise. They talk today of tacking to it the bill for qualifications of elections, which was thrown out by the Lords on Saturday ; but others say that cannot be and is unpresidented. Sir John Fenwick will certainly dye on Thursday, and the late Bp. of Peterborough, Dr. White, is allowed to be with him to prepare him for it. Sir Ralph Ashton’s bill will now pass easily without opposition, the Collonell and he bring agreed, as he told me this day.” Richard Wroe to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1032 . [16J96-7, January 30. — “ Yesterday the King passed the Capitation Bill, which it is said staines 100 sheets of paper, without Com- missioners’ names. I am told the Earl of Macclesfeild has already named those for our county. Our Cheshire Members have brought in a Bill to make the river Dee navigable, and perswade themselves it will be effected. The enclosed shews you how little Sir Jo: Fenwick thought himself concernd to repent of his J acobitisme ; he would faine have had a reprieve till this day, in hopes to have been reckoned a martyr too.” Seal of arms. Accusation against Dr. Richard Wroe. 1033 . 1696-7, January. — Informations of various persons, taken at Manchester, that John Leeds, of Manchester, chapman, did, at the inn called “ the Swan with the two necks,” and at other places in Man- chester, say that Doctor Wroe, Warden of Manchester, was a papist, and knew “ of the late assassinations against the present King William.” Dr. Richard Wroe to Roger Kenyon. 1034 :. 1696[-7], February 4. — Mr. Preston died on Sunday last; he is to be buried at Cartmell. He has left his lady and his daughter his executrices ; he has made an addition to his lady’s jointure of 100//. per annum, so that, she has now 300//. per annum. Flis daughter’s fortune will be worth near 30,000//., and, you may imagine, she will not want looking after. I received a message yesterday from Colonel Stanley, by Mr. Wilson, to pump what I knew of her concerns, but at an unlucky place, being at Mr. Shakerley’s. It is said here Mr. Fitton Gerrard puts in for Lancaster ; I wish Mr. Charles Rigby would stand. 414 Great complaints were made yesterday in the House that several dyes and stamps were conveyed out of the Tower, chiefly by one Rotiere (?), and they talk of disfranchising the Mint from being a Corporation, and to oblige them to work more briskly. They seem resolved, too, to bring the Bank to rights, which made the discount fall yesterday from 19 to 15 ; but this day it is 17 again. Great expectation of the Commissioners for the grand capitation, who, it is said, will be named on Saturday under the great seal. Major Richard Stevenson to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1035. 1696-7, February 9. Douglas [Isle of Man]. — Last month, I writt to Mr. Edge, wherein I desired him to give you an account of my late suspension from all offices whatsoever, under my honorable Lord, without any offence or fault by me, to my own knowledge or, by what I can learn, from any other. I was in very easy [ ] under my dismission, having the example of so worthy and honourable a person as yourself, who, by my Lord’s permission, first made me an officer, and in- deed, since you left the Isle, never enjoyed it with true contentment ; but since I have been prossecuted (I may say persecuted) by the Governor and all the officers for erecting a miln upon my own estate. My ances- tors have had that privelige above a hundred years, and were never before disturbed or molested. [ have been likewise required to pay for all the puffins I have had since my father’s death (which was always paid to him ever since the surrender of the Calfe Isle to Earle James), and since his death to myself. In which particular you were, as also all the Governours that were before you, since Earle James’ time, well satisfied when I shewed you my papers ; and notwithstanding I showed the same to the present Governour and that I have his refference to my petition to make my application to my honourable Lord, yet this day had I been at home my pawnd should have bein taken for the value of them, though there be more money due to me for my sallery than the price of the puffin comes to, for they would not let me stopp any of my sallery in my office account, but made me cleare those books imme- diately. And on Thursday last, att a Chancery Court, I had herring of the premises, where I had scarce leave to make my own defence, by reason I Avas disturbed with scandalous reflections from the Governour, such as were never heard in these Courts before, insomuch that the whole Court was amased at it. The words he used and called me was (besides some others) a rascall, a villain, and a scoundrell ; all which I patiently tooke in respect to his office, and for fear of disturbance amongest the people, who were highly displeased, &c. Kow, deare sir, you cannot but imagine this to be a great trouble to me and all my rela- tions and friends, that I am thus abused, and I have not a friend in England whose advice I would desire in this weighty affaire before your own, wherein I hope you will not fade .... I have writ to my Lord, and given him an account thereoff, wherein I have begged his leave to come for England, that the whole concerne may be heard before himself.” Seal of arms. Appended . — A letter from Richard Wroe to Roger Kenyon, express- ing the hope that justice may be done to the writer ; and the draft of the latter’s letter to Lord Derby, which is as follows : — 1696-7, March 19. Manchester. — “ The account upon which this comes is veiy unwonted, and not very Avilling from me at this time, who am always nfraid to write to your Lordshipp under any umbrage of a doubtful acceptation : sed si crimen erit^ crimen ainoris erit. With all humility I presume to acquaint your Lordshipp that I am, by my old friends 415 in the Isle of man, particularly Major Stevenson, desired to intercede with your honor that he may by your Lordshipp’s leave have accesse to your honor in England, and to lay his causes of complaint of his hard and ungentlemanly usages, both in words and actions, before your honor, to whose justice hee humbly desires to appeale. If it be as related to mee, I am sure there is cause for it ; and I more than thinke it cannot be a disservice to your Lordshipp and family to keep the hearts of your Islanders, by such administrations as they may always naturally, chear- fully, and unanimously discharge their utmost duties to your honor ; without their doing which, I am farr from saying one word on any of their behalfes. An appeal to your justice you will never deny, least the complaint, if just, should be carryed higher and be made more general than you are aware of. I could much better discourse than write more on this subject.” Draft. Eichard Wroe to Eoger Kknyon, at Manchester. 1036 . 1696-7, February II. — The trial about Hindley was heard yesterday before the Chancellor, Lord Chief Baron, and Judge Turton, and lasted nearly four hours, but all on a single point, which was the exception to the decree. It was begun by Jo : Green’s counsel, because — if for them — they thought the whole point was determined, namely : whether the erecting an oratory or chapel was within the power of the Commission for Charitable Uses, “ which we, [who] had learned distinctions between charitable and pious uses, as well ridiculed.” After all the ‘‘ bandying,” the judges took time to consider till Tuesday next. Must stay and “ arm ” for Mr. Trafford’s writ of error, though he does not much fear it; for “we have already the opinion of five judges in twelve for ns, and I doubt not but I can secure the Lord Keeper for our interest.” Seal, broken. Thomas Wilson to Eoger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1037 . 1696[-7], February 20. Whitehall. — “ My Lord [Derby] has yet had no positive answer from my Lord Nottingham ; his Lordship is at present out of towne . . . This day, the Lords were in a committy about the East India Bill ; those who were against it gott a clause put into it, which they say will certainly be the occasion of flinging it out. Lord Portland has a Blew Eibon given him. This day the Commons were making enquiry into the loss of the 25 ships which Du Earl took lately, but I cannot tell what resolutions they made.” Seal, with Lord Derhfs arms. Paper relating to Major Stevenson’s Petition. 1038 . 1696[-7], February. — “My appeal, shewing that notwith- standing your honour was pleased, the last Chancery Court day, to refer the detirmination of the difference touching the puffins, to our right honourable Lord, yet now your appealant is committed into Castle Rushen, for not delivering a pawne to answer the demands of the comp- troller for the value of the said puffins for many years past, although there was always allowance took for the same in the accounts, and these accounts never questioned by our honourable Lord ; whereupon your appealant conceived himself to be greatly aggreived, and therefore appeals from the proceedings here unto our most honourable Lord. Humbly beseeching that this his appeale may be accepted and sufficient time given to your appealant to make his address to his Lordshipp, and his releasement granted thereupon.” 416 At Castle Rushen, the 13th February [16]96-[7]. — The Honour- able Grovernor having sent unto us the above appeale to certifie him whether the first part thereof, videlicet^ that his honour referred tlie detirmination of his differences touching the puffins, to our right honourable, be true, we do hereby declare that we heard his honour say, that although he had allowed Major Stevenson to make his appli- cation to his Lordshipp, yet he declared at the same time that he would not interfere betwixt the complainant and his duty. — W. Sach- everell, J. Rowe, T. Huddlestone.’’ “Being present in Court the same time, I also heard the honourable Governor express himself as is above mentioned ; and his honour desireing my opinion touching the acceptance of this appeale, I say that since the said Major Stevenson hath suggested a falles allegation therein, as is within certified, that his honour need not to accept of the same for that reason. — Jo: Raw. “The words of the Governor’s answer to Major Stevenson’s petition about the puffins. “ Castletowne, Feb. 4, 1696-7. “ I allow the petitioner to make his application to my honourable Lord. — N. Sankey.” Peter Shakerley to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1039. 1696[-7], March 6. Westminster. — “• The Bill for incloseing of commons would allso have inclosed forrests, &c., out of which large estates might have been carved for forraigners, but the evill consequences of it appeared soe vissible, that, upon the second reading, noe one mowed for the committing it ; therefore the question passed for rejecting it. We have now a very thinn House ; it is near eleaven o’clock in a morn- ing before 40 be gott together to make a House. The weather is very faire. Cozin Preston and her daughter are gon down into the country (I supose to pass fines, &c., at Lancaster Assizes). Mr. Lowther, 1 am told, is the person must have her.” Thomas Mather to [Roger Kenyon?]. 1040. 1697, March 30. Manchester. — “I humbly make bold to write to you, accquainting your worshipp of the trouble I am brought in. First, that I got a kay made at Boulton for a man that said he came out of Durham (?) There was severall by, when the man delivered the patten in clay to mee, in Bolton, and at the delivery of the kay to him the same day. And within a short time, it happened the kay was found in a doore, and two men was there, and was seased by some other men that lay in waite, and by reason I gott the kay made, those two persons swore I was one of the men, and they never saw mee till after it was done, in their lifetime, but upon that I was committed ; and I, knowing something of the charges if I was imprisoned, besides I was tould Mr. Plumer, goldsmith, had put the bonde in suite which he had against mee for twenty pounds, and would lay it upon mee as soon as the Assizes were over, and likewise I being much afraid your worship would not be my friend, concerning the ould business, I made my escape and went away, but not that I was anything afraid, but onlye of that which I know, if you were my adversary, my life was gone. And now, since I went away, they have apprehended mee and a neighbour of mine, upon suspi- tion of staleing a horse and some fustian, upon Wednesday night last, and wee have produced severall witnesses to the men that wee were in Stock- port all that night, which hath satisfyed the persons that v^ee were not 417 there at any such thing ; but for all this, they have sent us to the House of Correction here in Manchester, because Lord Willougliby was not at home to have a hearing of the business. So, sir, I humbly beg your worshipp’s advice herein, I not haveing any other I dare trust or confide in for good counsell ; for if I must dye this minute, I dare take it upon my death I am not guilty of any such thing as is laid to my charge. However, before I would be imprisoned to my utter ruine, both I and the man that is with me, are free and willing to serve the King under your sone before wee goe before Lord Willoughby, if your worshipp may thinke it convenient ; for if wee goe before him, wee are afraid hee will send us to Lancaster, soe wee humbly beg your worshipp’s answer tonight. Sir, if you please, wee will serve faithfully, but are not free to goe with anyone else save your sone.” J. Thornton to Eoger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1041 . 1697, Aprils. Preston. — “ The bearer, it seems (one Edward Kenyon, a clothier, and a very honest man), has a pack of cloth detayned and searched at Chorle by the allnigers (one of which, he is informed, is Mr. James Edge, formerly your servant), who, with others, has a com- mission to search cloth, whereby to see that it be right sealed. If it lye in your way to doe him any kindness in it, whereby to help him to his cloth, I begg you doe it.” Roger Kenyon to the Bishop op Chester. 1042 . 1697, April 7. Manchester. — ‘‘ Your Lordshipp has been so kind, not long since, to preach to us at Ellenbrook Chapel. Your Registrar hath in his book a copy of a decree exemplified octavo EHzabethcp,, 1565, 132 year ago, evidenceing it at that time a very ancient chapel, before the Reformation ; and to it, ever since, they of the chapelry, who are numerouse, and far from any other chui ch, have con- stantly come to hear divine service. The parish church is three myles from it. The parish hath never [had] another chapel of ease but this, and is accounted 20 myles in circuit. “ Our Lord Willoughby, whose lady’s house is not much above a myle from the chapel, and his Lordship, I think, the only nonconformist of anything that hath the name of a gentleman in our country, hath, by undue means, possessed himself of the key of the chapel dore, and locks out Mr. Atkinson and any sent by him, and puts in to preach there one Cheney, who, as is said, never saw an university, but has been a justice of peace his clerk, and, proveing a guifted brother, used to preach at all the conventicling barns about him, and now frequently uses so to do. “ 1 was, my Lord, for more then thirty yeares together, with a greater family then ever my Lord Willoughby yet had, a constant comet {sic) to that chape]. I am one of the feoffees for that small endowment it hath, which is but, besides contribution, about per annum. Mr. Atkinson has been our minister, I think, at least a dozen years, and his local licence was exhibitted and allowed at your Lordshipp’s late visitation, as it had often been before ; but hee now saith hee is willing to resigne when your Lordshipp and the minister of the parish and the feoffees have a parson such as they approve of, ready for the place. I have been sent to, and I suppose the other feoffees, to order the payment of the minister’s wages to Mr. Cheney. My Lord Willoughby pretends not to be patron, and I think the Conventicler hath no licence from your Lordshipp. I humbly beg your Lordshipp’s direction what 1 shall do. I consider it is a time that such as truly wish well to the present government should 73480. D D 418 suffer, [rather] then create such a disturbance as a violent opposition of these incroachnients might occasion ; but, on the contrary, the sufferance of such is a reproach to the government. 1 shall, my Lord, if your Lordshipp soe advise, be very willing to releoffe (sic), and much rather do so tlien apply the wages, which should go to an orthodox minister, to this (Mr.) Cheney. “ Wee were seaven feoffees, but one of the seven never yet acted, and three of them are lately dead. There are enow gentlemen of quality, who have good estates within this chapelry, [who] might be added to make up the old number, and such as well love the government, but would not be well pleased with Mr. Cheney for their minister.” Copy, in Roger Kenyon^ s handwriting . N[icholas], Bishop of Chester, to Koger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1043 . 1697, April 14. — I received your letter by Mr. Warden, in which (as in many others I have I'eceived from you) you give ample testimony of your kind affection to our Church, and your readiness upon all occasions to promote its interest. I should highly deserve to be blamed, should I not readily concurr with you, and employ that little power 1 have to prevent those encroachments which its adversaries daily endeavour to make upon it. I am satisfyed, by what you have formerly told me, that the Lord Willoughby has no title to the Chappel of Ellen- brough, and, consequently, that a clerk of his nomination cannot, upon that account, justly challenge the profits which belong to it. Mr. Cheney has no licence from me, and you may rest assured that he never shall have one. I think it most advisable that you proceed, with all convenient speed, to fill up the places of the dead feoffees (?), in the choice of whom you must observe the directions given you by the decree in Chancery. I leave it to Mr. Warden to tell you my thoughts more fully upon this subject.” Seal of arms. Thomas Mather to Roger Kenyon. 1044 . 1697, April 21. Lancaster Castle. — Begs Kenyon to procure his liberty, and, if it can be obtained, he will list under Kenyon’s son. “ The execution-day was this day, being the 21 of this instant Aprill ; there was executed six men ; there names were : Edward and his brother Henry, Brearly, and Robert Clea:g, [who] were executed for cliping and coyninge of new moneys. There was Edmund Barlowe, and John Bury, for robbings on the high-way. The others was John Hill, for taking money out of a house in Ratchdale. John Dixson was condemed, but was the tops-man to them all.” RiCHiiRD Edge to Roger Kenyon. 1045 . 1697, June 2. Liverpool. — “We came to Knowsley [on] Wednesday last, at which time I delivered your letter to Mr. Willson. My Lord Derby askt where you were, whether at Peele or Manchester. We staaid at Knowsley till Monday last, and now we are ready the first wind, [ami] have a ship ready bound for the Island. My Lord and Lord Strange are at Knowsley, keepe a very few servants, and no gentlemen come there whilst we staid, onely Mrs. Lime one day, and Pai son Richmond, another day. My Lady will be in the country after midsumer. My Lord’s youngest daughter is named Elizabeth. My Lord Rochester, godfather, the Dutchess of Somersett and Marchioness of Halifax, godmothers. The Bishopp of St. Asaph christened it. Major 419 Stevenson, who has been in close prison, is at liberty, but is yet under my Lord’s displeasure. Collonel Sancky, the governor, has a mind yet to do his buisness, that is, to do him all the hurt he can. The Major writes to Mr. Willson, who seemes to speak much on his behalfe to my Lord. My Lord Derby did intend to goe himself for the Island, but is off that, because of the danger of the sea, and the many privateers who are now in St. George’s Channell, waiteing for the ships that will come to Highlake for Chester fair. There is there a man-of-warr waiteing to con- vey the Lords- Justices to Ireland, who came to Chester Thursday last, and will saile the first fair wind. Mr. Sacheverell is in England, at his father’s house in Oxfordshire, but whether ever he returnes to the Island, I know not. Mr. Huddleston hath all Major Stevenson’s planes. The Major, by Mr. Willson, has promised to lay all his papers before my Lord, and put himselfo wholly at his mercy, when his Lordshipp has seen his writeings. I observe my Lord is considering of my Lady Westmorland, and his mother’s, petitions, either to pay them what due, or how to avoid it. But I doe not heare that he is inclineable ever to be freindly with Master Charles Stanley, who brought his mother’s petition to the House of Lords, rneeteing my Lord in the Painted Chamber, and not saying a word of it. Mr. Willson has promised to write to you, and then you will have account of all matters. Postscript . — “ Mr. David Murray is this day gone to Knowsley, to petition his Lordship, in his OAvn cause, being sued by the officers of the Isle for 500/. ; in the matter where Mr. Cholmondley is concerned [he] has taken advice at London, and, if my Lord will not dismiss him, resolves to remove it before the House of Lords, and wholly give up his concernes in the Island. I hear Collonel Sankey has 200/. per annum sallary [as] Comptroller ; though [he has] a great many places, yet a pension besides, and so hath Deempster Parr. Your horses are at Lathom, onely two left. The black-eyed mare’s colt dyed of the stackers. The wind is now fair. I hope to goe off this afternoon. The Marquess of Winchester, Earl of Gallaway, and other persons of quality, went to sea, Sunday last, in a man-of-warr, from Highlake, for Ireland, but the ship run upon a sand, so they were forced to go in another ship to Holyhead, but 1 since hear the man-of-warr is gott off' again without damage.” Thomas Marsden to Boger Kenyon. 1046. 1697, June 14. Walton. — I purpose to set forth to-morrow towards Furness, where I shall, for some time, officiate as King’s preacher. If the confederacy crumble, who forbids the French King to become Emperor of the West ? If no peace this year, what will become of us the next ? If war cannot be waged without money, we shall shortly leave it off. H[onora, Lady] Willoughby, [of Parham,] to Roger Kenyon. 1047. [16]97, June 16. — “ I had written one letter before this daye too you, but he t^sic) found itt and took itt by forse from me ; he so much fears his villany coming to light, as I trust it will in lime. The contents were onely to give you and Mrs. Kenyon thanks for your kind enquiry after me (?) when you were at Peale, and how uneasy it is for me to be neare such good neighbours and engenous company as yours and nott enjoye itt ; as allso to lett you know the great and heavey oppressions I suffer under in being so horridly abused and keept a prisoner by him, and denyed all meanes for my health, as Dr. Banne, if he dare speake truth, very w-ell knows, when bee, as our butler told me, had pen and paper to write to me, and was not suffered to give me any D D 2 420 advice. (I thought he had bin coming, and bloted my paper.) T was forst to borrow money of the chaplain to give, last sacrament. So I leave you to judge if my usage can bee indured. Hee is such a devil, noebody can live with him, and one of the greatest cheats that ever were, and marryes only to rob and plunder all he can, and then, if he could, wold sett them goeing, to be at liberty to cheat somebody else, and get, if he could, by the help of this match, one with money in the City, which he is in hast of, and, therefore, tryes all ineanes to sett me goeing, because I escaped the poyson I was so longe sicke of att Manchester, as Dr. Leeds sayed ; and the winter following, another dose by his house- keeper, that confest she could poyson in butcher’s meat, for which she was soon turned away, and the doctor I then had, advised me to fa and knowes it very well shall not outlive him, which shows against my life, and also his strange usage of me, and endeavouring to posses the world that I am mad, when all see the conterary, and that all he can doe cannot make me so, though oppression is the way ; and such as was never heard of to be keept thus a prisoner from my only son that so much wants a mother’s care, and may lose his life for want of itt, for I doe not yet heare anyone is gon to the Bath with him, but his man, that I can put no confidence in, and not fitt for so great a trust. He wold not let me have money to send him till 1 sent to my friends, or he shold not have last time, which has opened my relations’ eyes, so that I am in great hopes of assistance by them ; and if you, as a kind neigh- bour, wold writ in my behalf to my good unkle that is trustee for the children, now, this next post, with John Parkinson, the testimony of a Parliament man wold doe me a kindness under this oppression, for I am now locked up in my chamber for writing to you and noe soule with me, which pray let my unkle know that I cannot live long at this rate, and direct your letter for the Honorable Charles Leigh, at his house in Leighton, in Bedfordshire ; I know not if by Brickhill bag, and be so charitable to doe this.” Postscript . — “ He says he will complain of you in Parliament if you encroach upon his prerogative.” Seal of arms. William Patten to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1048. 1697, June 17. Greye’s Inn. — “I have no news save that the Parliament is prorouged to the 22 July ; and that Dr. Baynard yesterday buried his daughter at Bp^rne Elms, wherre shee died of a consumption, got by over much studdy.” H[onora, Lady] W[illoughby, of Parham,] to Roger Kenyon. 1049, 1697, June 23. — I am much obliged to you for your redyness in afi'ording me your charitable assistance now, in this great oppression I suffer under, being kept prisoner in my owne house, and every night loocked into my chamber, as fast as any in Lanchaster Jayle, and run down for a mad woman, by a villan that tells me will sell my life, and dares doe anything too my children, and twice deneyed me money to send uiy son to the Bath, who might have perisht, but that T sent a messenger on purpose to my friends, and by delayes, made him loose the spring season in May, as the doctors advised, and denys me all advice, as I writ you word, for my owne health ; all which plaitdy showes his desines on our lives, and that, haveing robed us of all, he thinks, by the healp of this match, to get one with redy money in the City, and so purchase land of inheritance, and have one to have children by (perhaps 421 not his owne) ; and too excuse his ill usage of me to the tenants, tells them that my relations writ to him to lock me up, and to be very strict with me, which he would soon doe, were it so; but they are so farr from that, that my unkle has lately, in all their names as his own, desired we might part, and offers to joyne my brother in security ; but he is one so govereued by people, not my friends, that as he acts not in his own concernes, will not be prevailed with to, ingage in an} business, being not skilled in it. Now, if you could get me any kind neigh Lour to joyne with my unkle to be my security, he says 1 shall have my liberty, and I doe faithfully promise you and them, on the parole of honour, that they shall never be any way damaged by itt; if either the good Bishopp, or Sir John Bland, or any other charitable person you can think of. And allso I entreat the favour of Lord Darby, by your mediation, to give James clearly (?) his Lordshipps protection ; for this divill, rather then man, threatens him very much, and I wold not have him lye att his mercy.” H[onora, Lady] Willoughby, [of Parham,] to Roger Kenyon. 1050. 1697, July 13. — “The bearer hereof. Alee Leigh, that served [me] very faithfully and well, is turned away only for her good nature and charity to my missirable condition, which this is an instance of the horriable oppression I suffer under, when I am so inhumanly denied all conversation with my friends, that it is as bad as treason here for a servant but to carry a lerter for me, which was all her crime. So I beg of you and Mrs. Kenyon to doe her all the kindness you can, to any friend that wants a servant; she is very desirous to serve you, and can tell you how villanously and barbourously I am treated by him, that by his denying me all advice for my health, nay, necessary food, as she can tell you he did lately ; and also she heard him tell me that he wold chain me to the bed-post, and set a keeper on me, and feed me with bread and water; all this she can witness to be true, if called to itt. So I beg of you, as you are a gentleman and Christian, that you will do all that is possible to procure me my liberty, or I am a dead woman, for there is no subsisting under such a loade, and that I may be sent for by an order from the King and Councell, to be tryed by my Peares if I be a mad woman ; and then his villanous lyes will apeare. If you wold writ to Lord Darby and get him to speak in my behalfe to Lord Shrowosbury (sic) to writ for me, when he writes to the King, itt wold be dun, and a handsora peece of plate shuld be att Mrs. Kenyon’s service.” R. Bradshaigh to Roger Kenyon. 1051, 1697, July 18. Haigh. — At a privy session held at Newton on the 12th instant, Mr. Entwisle and others, of Wigan, made an order for settling William Balshaw, a shoemaker, in this township of Haigh. His settlement ought to be at Wigan, for he has not been in Haigh more than five or six months ; but Mr. Entwisle insisted on the fact that Balshaw was made a sidesman in Haigh, which was, however, done contrary to the election of the inhabitants. “ I think I need not mention here the ill will Mr. Entwisle bears to everything which concerns or relates to Haigh. . . . The thrusting this Balshaw, with a wife and likely charge of children, into this town, I take to be a gi’eat oppression upon my tenants. ... I humbly conceive this office of sidesman, thus obtayned, shall not be adjudged a good cause of settlement.” Seal. 422 1052. 1697} July — Proceedings at a Court Martial at the camp at before Brigadier Thomas Fairfax, President, upon the complaint of John Reddish, Henry Hayes, Thomas Cooke, Thomas Parsons, Stephen Penicuick, and William Holliday, Captains in the Honourable Colonel James Stanley’s regiment of foot, against the said Colonel. J udgment of the Court, that Captain Thomas Cooke shall be cashiered from his Majesty’s service; that Capt. Henry Hayes, Capt. Thomas Parsons, Capt. William Holliday, and Capt. Stephen Penicuick, shall be suspended during his Majesty’s pleasure. Appointment of George and Thomas Kenyon as gamekeepers to Peter Shakerley. 1053. 1697, August 1. — Appointment of George Kenyon, of Peel, and Thomas Kenyon, of Manchester, as gamekeepers to Peter Shakerley, for his manor of Shakerley, in the county of Lancaster. James Stanley to Roger [Kenyon] 1054. 1697, August 12. Kockelberg (?). — “ Your young spark heir is verry well. You may be shure I shall be glad when it is in my power to doe him a kindnesse. The King left us mutch sooner this yeir then he used to doe, which made us thinke of peace, which we are thorrowly perswaded heir is as good as don, and we hope the buisness of Barselona will be no hinderang to it. I hope, when this hurleburle is over, I shall goe and see my frends in Lancashire.” 1055. 1697, August 25. — Address of the Justices of the Peace of the County of Lancaster to the King, concerning the encouragement to Dissenters, who have lately certified, as meeting houses, several ancient chapels-of-ease, and have threatened the Clerk of the Peace with actions, if he do not record such certificates, although the Justices of the Peace disallow them. Draft. P. Shakerley to Boger Kenyon. 1056. 1697, October 2. Wigan. — “ This comes to acquaint you that my cousin, Robert Penington, the bearer’s son (Mr. Nicholas Penington), takes his bachelor of arts degree at Brasenose, in Oxford, at Midsummer, 1699, and intends to stand then candidate for one of Captain Holmes’ scholarships. I desire you will assist him therein by your interest with Mr. Ashton, the parson of Prestwitch, and that you will, in order thereto, make speedy application to him. Since writing, the election here is concluded for alderman : Harvey, Mayor, and your son George, Recorder.” Richard Edge to Roger Kenyon. 1057. 1697, November 16. “The Blue Boar,” in HoJborn. — “ His Majestie landed on Sunday last, about 1 1 a’clock in the aforenoon, at Margret, came that night to Canterbury, last night to Greenwich, where this morning most of the great officers and persons of quality in the town, waited of him, and about two this afternoon made his publick entry into the citty ; came through Fleet Street about 4, and so went to Whitehall. The ceremony was thus, as near as I can remember : ringing of bells, the streets lined with the citty trainbands, here and there a conduit running with wine. First, a company of granadeers, a troop of the royall dragoons, next 3 of the King’s coaches, with several persons of quality in them — Collonel Stanley I saw in one of them ; 423 next was the messengers on horseback, next the (htty trumpetts and waits, next the serjeants of the counters, next the Common Councell on horseback, next the Aldermen on horseback, next the Lord Mayor, carrying the sword, on horseback, then the heralds, all bare, then the kettle-drums, next the yeomen of the guard, then the King’s coach, very fine, in which was the King, who looked very brisk, and made his com- pliments to each side the street, and the Prince of Denmark and Earl of Rumney, next Prince George’s empty coach, then a troop of the life guard, then the Archbishopp of Canterbury, then the Lord Chancellor, then the Duke of Leeds in his coach besides his grace the Earl of Pembrooke, then the Duke of Norfolke, then the Duke of Devonshire, then several dukes’ coaches, then severall earls and lords, amongst which I saw the Earls of Macclesfeild and Warrington, then severall bishopps, amongst whom was the Bishopp of Chester, then all the j udges’ coaches, then severall persons of quality’s coaches ; all the coaches before had six horses each, and footmen and laques going by. “The Prince of Conti has left Poland, and taken 4 of their ships; but the Poles have gott three times as much of the French elfects. The Elector of Saxony is now absolute King of Poland, the Saxony troops haveing taken severall of Prince Conti’s attendants, his coaches, and his plate, the French ambassador narrowly escaping to sea ; all the nobility of Lithuania haveing forsaken the French. The Emperor has gott all Bosnia. When the souldiers came before a fine citty called Serraglio there, they sent a trumpeter to them to surrender, who they put to death, at which the souldiers were so enraged they sett fire to it, burnt 6,000 houses, and 150 mosks or temples. “ The people in the streets here are makeing bonfires, throwing of squibs, and ringing of bells ; all persons, as the King came by them, huzzaed,” Peter Shakerley to Roger Kenyon. 1058. 1697[-8], January 6. Westminster. — Concerning the enclo- sure of Walkden Moor. “Whitehall is burnt down, except the banquetting house ; it was a dismal sad spectacle to see the flame and the silly weak methods used to stop the fire, such as no boys at school but would have given and followed better directions Had it not been for the Duke of Leeds, I really believe all Westminster had been burnt, but he came at last and ordered them to pull down all the wainscoat and pluck up the boards in the stone Gate house, by the Cock Pit, and to throw them out of the windows ; and so the fire (not having wood to work on) stopped there.” “ The Humble Answer ” made to the King by the Mayor, Bailiffs, Aldermen, and principal inhabitants of Wigan. 1059. 1697-8, January 13. — Touching the revenues of the borough, and complaining of Mr. Entwisle, who was “ intruded ” on the Corpora- tion as Recorder, under “ a pretended” charter of eTames II. Draft. Written in the margin : “ To the women he does send raisins To make up their Christmas pies. To the lawyers he does send florins. That they may support him with lies.” Sir R. Bradshaigh to George Kenyon. 1060. [16]97[-8], January 15. — “ I have had very good encourage- ment from the King that he will confirme you the Recorder of Wigan, 424 and I hope in a short while it will be done. Sir Alexendar [Bigby] is sensible of it, or at least fears the interest I have made with the King, so has delivered another petition into the Council, signed by as many hands, as well those that were burgesses as those that were none, to make it seeme as if it were the general desire of the town to have a new charter and their old Recorder I desire you will goe speedily to the Mayor of Wigan, and advise with him and some other ancient burgesses what answer they can best return, which I would have you put into a method and get it signed, first by Mr. Mayor, and then let it be delivered to Charles Lee and Mr. Sumner, to goe about the towne and get all the hands, as well free-men as burgesses. Let it be drawn on a large role of parchment to hold a great many hands.” Seal, broken. Dr. Richard Wroe to Roger Kenyon. 1061. 1697-8, February 1. — I prevailed with the good Bishop of Chester to go with me to Kensington on Sunday evening, to present our address, where we were fortunately introduced to the King, in his bed- chamber, by the Lord Chancellor (who^ by the way, refreshed his memory of the Warden and Fellows of Manchester’s case, and his promise), and our address was very graciously received, but with few words — the King’s usual way. Dr. Richard Wroe to Roger Kenyon. 1062. 1697[-8], February 8. — On Thursday last died old Mr. Rigby, of Layton, and it is said that his last words were that his son’s un- kindness had broken his heart ; it is the great subject of discourse amongst all that knew him, and little to Sir Alexander’s reputation, who, if he were as little valued at Wigan as here, I think might save himself the labour of putting in for the town. Tomorrow, the Lady Macclesfield makes her defence, and the most say it will be a good one, and that the noble peer says that if he cannot carry his point, he will leave England, and then, alas ! what will become of us in Lancashire ? R. Bradshaigh to — . 1063. 1698, May 12. — I am just now come from Councell, and have onely time to tell you that his Majesty has been pleased to nominate George Kenion, Esq., your Recorder, so wishing both you and him much joy of each other.” John Harvey to George Kenyon, at Bolton. 1063a. [16]98, May 25. Wigan. — “By the bearer, you receive Mr. Shakerley’s last letter, with instructions for the afidavids hee mentions in his. Now, if Jack Byrron be a Master in Chancery, and Mr. Lawson commissioned to tsike afidavids in the King’s Bench, that will doe ; if nott, we desire to be informed of you. Our leet court is adjourned a month longer. I am just takeing horse for Chester ; I will be back, by the grace of God, tomorrow.” Enclosyre . — May 24, 1698. — “Then, at the house of Charles Leigh, in Wigan, were demanded of the present Towne’s Clerke of Wigan aforesaid, viz., Mr. Ralpli Bankes, all the records, papers, and parch- ments, belongeing and relate! ng to the said Corporation, by Mr. Maior, viz., Ja; Harvey, and the present Bailiffs, viz., Robert Hollingshead and Roger Browne, in order they might be now, as the case stands, nott 425 onely of use to their Councell concerned in the High Court of Chancery, hutt alsoe to their Councell in the King’s Bench, in matters then de- pendinge. His answer was, ‘Noe, noe,’ twice togeather. ‘But,’ says hee att last, ‘ if any person will come and copy them over — soe ; if nolt, I will not part with them out of my handes,’ says hee, ‘ I being the fittest man to keep them. Therefore,’ says hee, ‘ as I have told you before, I will not parte with them.’ ” Petition against the infringement of the riglits of the Palatinate of Lancaster. 1064 . 1698, May. — Petition of the High Sheriff, Justices of the Peace, and Grand Juries, assembled at the Quarter Sessions, against the infringement of the rights of the Palatinate of Lancaster, by the practice of transmitting of causes out of the Chancery Court of the County Palatine into the Court of the Duchy Chamber at Westminster. Peter Shakerley to George Kenyon, Recorder of Wigan. 1065 . 1698, July 7. Westminster.—I hope by this time you are “ perfect. Recorder,” and easy in that station I wish you and the town much comfort and long peace and amity. “ I presume you will goe to church Sunday next, in your Recorder’s gown, and Sir Roger in his Alderman’s gown. I am tould here that James Anderton is, by Lord Maxfield, made Deputy Gustos Rotulorum of your county, and that this is done to nip (?) you of some proffitts, by his having the records of our county and of our estates in his hands. This is what 1 think all the gentlemen there should highly resent, and should remonstrate by petition to the King and Councill.” I think Lord Derby, and Lord Rivers, and Lord Bridgewater, &c., should be well and speedily informed of this matter. Poll at Wigan Election. 1066 . 1698, August 5. — Poll of the Wigan election, taken by Ralph Bankes, Town-Clerk. The result of the poll was as follows : — Sir Roger Bradshaigh, 96 votes; Sir Alexander Rigby, 73 votes; Orlando Bridgeman, Esquire, 73 votes: James Anderton, Esquire, 25 votes; Mr. Sharkerley, 1 vote ; Sir Edward Chisnall, 1 vote ; William Bancks, 1 vote ; Mr. Bald, 1 vote. James Harvye (?) to George Kenyon, Esq., “ at his house in Bolton.” 1067 . [16]98, August 20. Wigan. — “ The affairs of the Corporation necessarily require your presence here. Till I have had some hours’ talke with you, I cannot proceed to keep the Court Leet tomorrow at ten a clock, with safety, for, on Monday last, iinmediatly after the adjouim- ment of the Court, Sir Alexander [Rigby’s] party, in a tumultuous manner, headed by John Green, went up into the room above, and elected both Aldermen and Burgesses, and design to tender them to morrow to be sworn.” broken. Order for Returns of the Poor. 1068 . 1698, October 28. — Order to the Constables of the parish of Hanmer, in the County of Flint, to send in returns of their poor, ac- cording to the Statute, 40 Elizabeth. 426 The Method for Settling the Poor, taken at Kanvair(?), in the County of Flint. 1069. 1698, N'ovember 23. — 1. An exact account was taken of all the begging poor of the parish, by the curate; with an account of their condition, the age of each of them ; in all about 80 persons. “ 2. Severall of them were struck out, who were either able to main- taine themselves, or whose parents were able to maintaine them ; whereof some were bastards, who were fixed upon their parents, though alwaies before mantained by begging ; in number, aboute 15. “3. The allowed poor were divided into 3 classes : — (1) Persons of age, able to worke. (2) Children fit fur service. (3) The impotent poor, disabled by youth, old age, or any other disability. “4. Towards the imploying of the working poor, a tax of 15/. was laid upon the parish, and, although so moderate, has imployed hitherto all the working poor, without being any way burdensome ; and have not yet laid out a third part of the stock, though the poor have beene imployed neer halfe a year. “ISTow that these poor being once imployed, it appeared they either found themselves work, or were otherwise imployed by the parishoners, so that they were seldome obliged to stick to the publick work, which was given them for their support onely when they were otherwise out of imployment, from whence it may be inferred that a much smaller stock will serve to sett the poor att work in any parish then is usually imagined, and will be found so, whoever makes the experiment. The working are aboute 25. “ The children fitt for service, aboute 20 in number, were divided among the parishoners as followeth : — “ First, the parish was divided, according to the parishoners, into so many parts as we had poor children, the next neighbours always together ; then wee putt each child’s name in a hatt, like so many valentines, and put a child to draw them, one by one, for each division, till all were drawn ; and to what division soever any child fell, those persons were obliged to take him. By which meanes, all the children were provided for and imployed, the persons who were to mantaine them takeing them week fi)r week, or otherwise, as they agreed among themselves. “Not that the parishoners were easier brought to this method then by fixing each of them upon one parishoner ; for, by that meanes, some must bee excused, and but few bear the burden, which would not well take among men for the generality of equal state and condition. “The impotent poor were also quartered among the parishoners, each in his own neighbourhood, the parish being divided, as before, into as many parts as there were impotent poor, and some places into larger divisions, where 2 or 3 poor are to be quartered together. “ As it sometimes happened, where more than one impotent poor were in the same family (sic), none of the impotent poor are to wander out of their limits, but are to be mantained wholly in their own quarters, and to be imployed in anything they are capable of, by their benefactors. “ By this means the parishoners find some service done them, even by many of the impotent poor, and more then they liad before from all the numerous company of beggars putt together. The impotent poor are about 20.” Sir Orlando Bridgman to “ the Reverend Mr. Sumner, att Wigan, near Warrington.” 1070. [16]98[-9], March 7. — “The petition stands now for the 24th of this month, but it will be yett postponed, so that I believe you 427 need not begin your journey till Monday the 20th, for there is two, petitions for breach of priviledge to be heard before it, so that, in course, it will not come on till the 29th. If the Town-Clerk refuses to bring up the charters, &c., it is a contempt of the order, and I will take care he shall be punished for it; but if he only refuses upon the account of expence, the chairman sayes he must be att the charges ; therefore, pray give the necessary orders as above.” Agreement to supply Meat. 1071. 1699, April 21. — Agreement between George Kenyon, of Peel, in the county of Lancaster, and James Hilton, of Manchester, butcher, that tlie said James shall supply the said George, his servants and others, with “beef, mutton, veal, pork, neats tongues, suet, tallow, or any other shambles meat,” usually sold in the shambles at Manchester, at 2\d. the pound, excepting “ beeves heads, calves heads, sheeps heads, and swines heads, brawn, and lamb,” upon condition that the said George deals at no other butcher. Roger Kenyon, [Junior,] to his sister-in-law, “Mrs. Kenyon, Junior,” at Peel. 1072. 1700, July 16. — I have yet heard nothing of Mr. Kightingale, but I suppose I shall, ere long. I am extremely concerned for what you tell me of Sir Fr : Leister, but I hope my mother’s enmity to tobacco and drinking makes her complain of him though bat in a small degree; for, of all men alive, I should the least have suspected Sir Fr: to have been much guilty that way. I have a very great friendship for Sir Fr : and would have him without blemish, because he may be so, nor do I know any difficulty I would refuse to serve him in. Roger Kenyon to his mother, “ Mrs. Kenyon, Senior,” at Peel. 1073. 1700, October, 10. Paris. — “ It is a filthy life to have to do with English men, where they know nothing of the language of the country they are in. Honest Ked Berisford is not ten years old in this country, and when he will come to his age is hard to say ; a man ought to love talking wondrous well that has six people to ansv/er for, especially in a place where impertinent questions are very much in fashon. We ran away from poor Ked once, and he was lost for one day and a night. You would wonder what a world of French he gott in that time ; it did him abundance of good, and the history of it was pleasant enuf. “ Such sort of divertisements as these, are all this way of life will afford ; but I have assured all my company that, if they cannot get French enuf to do their own business, I will sell them, every one, when I get near a seaport town. Jack Warren is with us still, and I doubt whether 1 shall be able to make a market for him without his perceiving it ; if I can, he and Ned Ber[esford] may go for a pretty considerable sum, which may be of good use to us ; they both send you all their most affectionate service. “It is our last day here, and I am not a little busy; for, without laughing, I am forct to run the errands of everybody into the town, as well as do their business. 1 am sure you never wished more that Dol : Ashton would hold her tongue, than I do that any of these creatures coud speak.” The Earl of Derby to . 1074. 1700, December 12. London. — “ For some perticular reasons, I must desire you will not fade to keep a court at Manchester on the 428 27 instant ; and that you will give express notice to the darks and officers to attend you at that time ; and that you give me an account who are absent.” Signed. Roger Kenyon to Mrs. Kenton, Junior, at Peele. 1075, 1701, September 7. Paris. — On Monday, it was in every- body’s mouth that King James was dead ; but yesterday assured us that it was false, though he had been, and was still, dangerously ill. A few days will let us see what is like to be expected of that, though the news of last night was that he was much better. R. Bold to George Kenyon. 1076. 1702, April 2. London. — Having served for the county of Lancaster in the two last Parliaments, makes me venture a third time to offer myself. Sir Thomas Hanmer to the Rev: Richard Hilton, Vicar of Hanmer. 1077. 1702, April 7. London. — “I fear the next election for the county and town of Flint will not be made with that quiet which I could wish, and which, indeed, I did expect If Sir John Conway will not be content to be out ol Pai liament once in ten years, when other gentlemen require to liave their turn of serving, it must be disputed with him. 1 doe not find he is in any such temper of resigning ; but, on the contrary, I believe he is forming an interest against that which Sir Roger Mostyn and I shall joyntly prosecute on our own behalfs. The county, I shall appear for ; and Sir Roger, fur the burrough ; both mutually assisting one another, and so I desire you will understand our interest to be united .... that in both you will take all the pains you can to assist us.” Roger Kenyon to his sistei>in-law, Mrs. Kenyon. 1078, [1702?] May. — ‘‘It is the best convenience of this country that, in the boats by which wee pass from one town to another, every- body has the liberty of di veiling themselves with reading, writing, playing, talking, or any other way they can think of to pass their time better. I, for my part, take them all in their turn, and, whether you will or no, I am resolved you shall make one voyage with us. I am now going betwixt Utreckt and the Hague, which will be about 11 or 12 hours, and the company is as various as that in Koah’s Ark, for you must know we live here without any manner of respect or disposition. There is a Dutch parson, and his wife, half a dozen market-women, a great Doctor, who is making speeches over his pots and plasters, one of the Lords of the States Generali, a fellow with a lottery, and two young gentlewomen of the country, who are prodigiously hansome, and by whom, betwixt you and I, I have plact myself. They are two sisters who speak French very well, and they tell me they take it very ill I can find no diversion but in writing. “ We have had abundance of disputes about this letter, and the knotting has been twice laid by, upon condition I would throw away my pen ; but you see how much you are obliged to me. 1 have assured them it is to the woman in the world I love best, and that she had obliged me, when I left England, to write to her from the place where I thought myself in the most agreable company which 429 I could have in this country, so, at last, the peace is made and they both send their humble service. This freedom is not much of the scoll of this country, for the women are generally sleepy enuf, and keep a <:ood distance, especially from strangers ; but these two good Ciiristians are indeed of the best sort, and with the F"rench which!,^ they have learned perfectly, and which they love to speak, much rather than their own language, they have gott a little of the French air, and have more life and easiness than is common in this country. The grave, sage parson, who sits over against me, says he has seen me in the College at Utrecht, and we are got into a very weighty discourse of the history of learning, for you must know that Latin, which is the language we converge in, is a very untoward one for jest and drollery. He tells me the major criticks are almost finish[ed] of at Amsterdam; that Grevins (?) is very busy in his Thesorus, and that we are to have a mighty auction shortly at Leyden, where, if I do not appear, I doubt I shall forfeit all my pretence to letters. It is very well, good brother, but what care I for all this? Well, good sister, believe me, 1 care no more for it than you, and yet I am forced to hear it, and so shall you too, I am resolved of that, like it as little as you please. To keep my hand in in all the languages, I had no more grace than to ask a fellow who sits near me, a question or two in Dutch, and he has put me into a cruel swett with a hideous long story, or else is telling, and ot which, God knows, I understand not half, for, though I can converse daintily in short sentences, when they stray into large discourses, I am quite lost. “ My good women have just opened their basket of cake and pro- visions, and we are makeing collation ; for it is thus I always trust to providence, without tak[iiig] care for myself. And, as good chance will have it, here is a fellow lately come into the boat with a bottle or two of wine; he says he has been in England, and has learnt the language, but the other fellow’s Dutch was much more intelligible. However, be his language what it will, his wine is very seasonable to our cake, and he pays me very well for lying, and saying I understand him. You see how gloriously we live in this country, and yet 1 warrant you, think all this nothing to the diversion of Stockport ! Well, we will not dispute that at present. I find 1 am at the end of my paper, and must bid thee farewell.” The Poll at Wigan. 1079. 1702, July 28. — The poll at Wigan election. Candidates ; — Sir Roger Bradshaigh, Sir Edward Chesenhall, Sir Alexander Rigby, and Mr. Bridgman. Reasons humbly offered by Henry Jones, Esquire, for building a Mould or Harbour in Whitsand Bay, at the Land’s End, in Corn- wall. 1080. 1702. — Estimated cost of the work, 30,000/z. The place will, for the future, prevent our merchant ships being taken by our enemies, as they were during all the last war, this being a place of safety for them, and where our cruisers, of betwixt forty and sixty guns, may, on all occasions, have re .course to. Hence, I gave the Admiralty a list of about forty sail of ships retaken, and a greater number preserved by a fishing boat, for which service the Admiralty Board ordered the boat’s master a commission and a medal. Reasons 9 to 12 ai-e as follows : — “ (9) It is observable that when the wind is east on land, it is always (off the Land’s End) E.S.East in the South Channell, and 43Q E.N.East in the North Channell, by which it happens, ships from the northward cannot, so far, weather the Land’s End, as to get into the South Channell, neither can those from the south get into the North Channell. And on the 9th of December, 1693, by a storm, shifting from east to westward, one hundred sail (under convoy of the Prince of Orange and Quaker, ketch), being off the Land’s End, were, for want of harbour in Whitsand Bay, driven back into the North Channell, and above seventy sail of them wrecked. And I believe the ships lost by storms, and taken by the enemies during the last war (for want of such an harbour), came little short in number with those lost on all the coast of England besides. “ (10) By all the above it is likewise further manifest that even in times of peace there hath not nor can be secure trading ’twixt St. Greorge’s and the British Channels, or anywhere to the west- ward of the Land’s End, without this proposed mould, and that, for want of it, there hath been and may be more ships lost (yearly, besides the men’s lives) than three times the value of what would erect the same. Hence, the Leverpoole merchants, during all the last war, possessed those who trade from London that their ships might come safer north about Ireland, unload their effects at Leverpoole, and be at charge of land-carriage from thence to London, rather than run the hazard of having their ship taken by the enemy, or wreckt, by reason of the great dangers of Scilly, the Land’s End, Mount’s Bay, Lizzard, and all the South Channell to London, which hath proved an unspeakable detriment to all the trading seaport towns that border upon the British Channell; which evills would effectually be prevented were there an harbour and lighthouse at the Land’s End of England. ‘‘ (11) It is apparent the thirty thousand pounds proposed will not be money lost or hazarded, but entirely applied in employing of poor labourers, and three years’ time may finish the proposed mould or harbour. And further, that the most eminent merchants and commanders of ships belonging to London, Exon, Topsham, Dartmouth, Plymouth, Looe, Fowey, Penzance, St. Ives, Barnstaple, Bideford, Bridgewater, Bristol, 3'rinity House of Hull, and ports adjacent, are well satisfied by certifying their opinions, that an harbour in Whitsand Bay would be an advantage to England and greatly encourage trade and navigation. “ (12) The charges of building the said mould will be very small, and easy to the publick, but the benefit being greater than I can express, refer to Mr Hautecourt and Mr. Mitchill, engineers, who with Mr. Tuttell, his late Majesty’s hydrographer, did survey the western coasts, and approved of this place as the most convenient receptacle for shipping, being the in and out-let of the kingdom and opposite to Brest.” An Address, signed W. S.,” to James, Earl of Derby, in which the writer proposes certain new laws for the Isle of Man. 1081 . 1702-36. — For the better maintenance of the clergy. As “ most men love religion best when it costs them lest,” the burden to the people should be as light as possible. ‘‘ The likelyest way for this, it is sug- gested, will be to assign the clergy some land, say 100 acres, and accustom the people to manure it for them, and let no man be suffered to meddle in his own husbandry till he has performed this service for the minister, as suppose every man was obliged to give him a week’s labour either with his team or person, according to his ability. This would be very little burden to the people, and yet of great advantage to the minister.” 431 For the erection of schools in every parish, where parents should be obliged to send their children, from 8 to 12 years of age, where they should be taught to read English, say their prayers and catechism, so that they may be confirmed at 12. The eldest son only to be left with the parents, and the rest to undergo 7 years apprenticeship in husbandry, fishing or weaving, etc. In every town, to have a “ matronlike woman ” to teach girls to read, spin, and do needlework, to whom parents should be obliged to send their daughters. To encourage public diversions to render people more civilised, ‘‘ as particularly for the service of Sunday, the parishes being wide, I would have the younger sort to be in church an hour before divine service, where the person who teaches the children should catechise them carefully.” After morning service, the whole parish to dine together in a public booth, where the better sort should send what provisions they could spare, and the poor be entertained, “ and the wliole parish kept together in reading and laudable conversation uutill the evening service. Holidays to be spent in the same manner till mfter dinner, when all sorts of martial exercises should be performed by the youth, and the evening spent in dancing.” A proposal also that “ an honest history ” should be placed in every church, that those who desired to read might do so. That “ a company ” be established which shall manage all the trade of the island ; that no man subscribe more than 1 ,0()0/^^, or less than 100//, to it; that the Lord Derby coin to the value of 10,000//. — one half silver and one half brass ; and that the company be divided into separate com- mittees to supervise the different trades. That encouragement be given for the immigration of strangers, and that waste lauds be allotted them That the population be increased by encouraging persons to marry by 25 years of age; when, if they are not bred to a trade, that 100 acres of land be allotted to them. That manufactures be thus encouraged ; that every woman, without distinction of quality, be obliged to spin a sniMll quantity — such as 20 pounds — of wool or flax every year, and deliver it to the company at a set price ; and that those who spin the finest and make most cloth in every parish, should be rewarded with a spinning-wheel ; and if any young woman gained the prize twice, the magistrates should be obliged to offer her a suitable husband, or some reasonable I’eward towards her fortune, “ which would be a great encouragement.” That the breed of cattle be improved. That persons having estates in the Island, be obliged to live there at least 6 months in the year. That a public workhouse he erected for the punishment of criminals, so that nothing but murder, blasphemy, and rebellion should be punished with death. That a public register be kept, and no title or security to be good in law that is not entered there. That a town be built, where all persons having 1,000 acres of land, and 600//. stock in the company, be obliged to build houses, and that there be public fairs and markets granted to the town. A Paper about the Character and Deeds of Lord Derby. 1082. [1702?] — “In publick and laudible undertakeings, he that has the prospect and prudence to see and keep his way, and art to avoyd the dangers he may passe in attaineing the ends, and manages 432 these with resolution, elFect, and successe, is weighed in an unequall scale of consideration if his performances passe not in some measure for meritoriouse. If the Lord Derby’s doings were had in remembrance, his det ractor mustconfesse he acted the part he undertooke ; he raised four regimenfs of foot and five troops of horse, and these he did without noise, censure, or the complaints of any ; he made the adverse party submissively send in what they were charged with by law, and made them then submitt to those lawes which till then they, had made so much ado to suppress. In his charge, care, and attendance of that business, he never spared the expence of his time oj- his money ; his life was diverse times threatned to be taken away, his house to be burned ; night after night, and messenger after messenger, he had expresses to advertise him of parties to be drawn out against his house and to surprize his person ; letters were intercepted going to the late King to certifye his Lordship’s adherence to the Prince’s party and to render him to the utmost obnoxiouse to that King. And besides his hazards by the machinations of the aforementioned, had the enterprize rniscarryed, the sequel must certainly have been this Lord’s attainder, which must have cost him his estate, his honor, his life, and put a period to one of the most ancient, noble families in England, which comparatively transcends the adven* ture that person could make that doth traduce him; for where severall hazard ail that they have, he hazards most that hath most to lose. “ The undertaking pretended to, was the preservation of our property, our liberty, our fundamental! lawes, and our religion by those lawes esta- blished. To have defended these by force without conduct, had been for- tunate beyond beleefe ; to attempt it by art without visibility of force, all former successeless essays had shewed was hopeless. But to accomplish it by an appearance of force without useing it, was the well useing his well timed endeavours with providentiall successe. If the lord we are mentioning acted this part to convince gainsayers without detriment, to keep complyers within the bounds of moderation when successful!, the conduct was not so despicable ; but if it merited no more, it might seem thanksworthy. “ But consider the detractor. If the obtaineing what we pretended to be not our reward, our contending for more seemes to bespatter our pretensions as if the project of the warr were not more for the victory then the pillage. When such desires are let loose the designes are limitless, and he that lyes upon the catch grasps att all he can gett without distinction, whether it was the spoyle of an enemy or the pro- perty of a friend ; to such, all’s fish that comes to the net, and all must come that can be hooked or drove in. To do this he bids fair for out- doing posture John, in signalizeing hiraselfe in such sundry shapes; he is now, haveing jusled out his neighbour, displaying the banners of his selected militia ; anon, he is mustered in bufie in the head of another neighbour’s regiment. The next shape he assumes is his tufted gown upon the Bench — cedant arma togse. From thence he struts into the Treasury for his diversion, to lord it there. Anon, yee hear of his speecheing in the vSupreme Court, and thence, for his universality of notions, promptness of parts, profundity of judgment in the secrets of the empire, he is wooed to be one of the Privy Councell.” Edward Kenyon to his brother, George Kenyon. 1083. 1703, May 20. “ Cabu Corsu Castle, on the south side of Africa.” — “ Aprill the 23rd, I landed here, and the same day was put into possession of the castle. On the 14th of May, the proffits of the 483 seller was given me (it is to sell liquor to the officers and soldiers of the garrison, besides some other sort of provisions), which, would the Com- pany continue to me by a commission from themselves, is a better post than e’re a factor on the coast, who is not a cheife. If my friends will take pains to ask it of them heartely, by the name of the Lieutenant of the Castle, it is not to be questioned, but it will be granted if none other be already sent over. If that should happen, then my humble petition is you will endeavour to get me made factor, for, without one of the two things, it is impossible to live here ; all eatables and drinkables, as well as wearing cloaths, being sold at least 200 per cent, above their prime cost in England. The gentlemen that first engaged me in the Company’s service may further the tiling a great deale, but Sir Master (?), though none of the Company, if he could be brought to undertake it, would certainly succeed. I may be authorized, if one of the two things happen, to see England in a few years, possessed of a competency to live on ; if otherwise, to live miserably here ; the income of the post I came over in, not being enough to buy food lit for man to eat, not recconing drink or cloathing To let you judge of the whole by part: — a cow, not larger than a 3-months old Lancashire calf, is sold at 12 pound; fowl, like wild pidgions, 3 for a crowne ; 5 pound for an ordinary sheep, and English flower, 1/. \0s. per hundred-weight; cheese, four pounds for a crowne; beere \l. lOs*. per dozen bottles. But enough of this. From Grambia, I writt to you; the conclusion of which letter was like most of my others, viz., begging. But, least Mr. Frenchman has mett with it, it was for a few necessaries to wear, such as shoes, thread stock- ings, and a few callicoe shirts; but, rather than by asking too much I lose all, pray doe not forget belly-timber, and the raaine supporter of life — good beere. I doe assure you when your lowest seller comes into my mind, which it never fails to doe when I goe into my own, I break a commandment. My teeth waters, too, when Mr. Moody, of the Bank, also is remembered. This castle is well built, being founded on a rock ; seventy odd guns well mounted, thirteen of which are cannon mounted on a platform which commands the rode the shipping rides in ; the others placed for commanding the country. I have noe news, except our loseing a briganteene by an hurricane, where a great number of my fellow passengers lost all their goods, all the men, except one, lost, and the Company, above 2,000/. worth of effects. The . . . man-of-war, sails this day for England, in which comes this. Enclosed is a ring made in this country ; pray give it my sister, and desire she wear it for the sake of her sincere well wisher.” C. Lyttleton to “ Doctor Eoger Kenyon, at the cor ner of Lincoln- Inn-fields, on the garden side, the end of Great Turn Stile.” 1084 . 1703-4, February 5. Hagley. — “I thank jon for the skech you give me of your thought of the present affaires, which I think very just, and there is no remedy for, in the age we live, wherein every one resolves to keep what he has and get what he can ; and which puts me in mind of my old Lord Herbert of Cherburye’s answer to Jack Henham, upon a time when King Charles 1st sent him of a message from Oxford to the Parliament, bidding him tell him that he as little expected he woud have left him as anybody, for he knew he had obliged him, and had made the greatest professions of returns of per- sonal love and kindness, which my Lord replyed to, pray tell his Majesty, so I have, as much as any man can, that intends to keep his estate ! This was told me, upon a like ocasion, by a very great man in this Lord’s time I have as good appetite as ever, but a E E 73480 . 484 very weake digestion ; but what is that, after 74, which is now gone. You are very kind in your offer to my sons, and it will be a mighty in- ducement to venture one or both into this wide world under so good advice and conduct, and which I may some time put upon you. Thom : is so grown that you cannot imagine, and big withall. Charles is well grown too You will have the goodness to excuse these blots of a septuaginarian shaking hand The Presby- terians (?) and Whigs are very busy to make votes against a new parliament, with us.” Thomas Fleetwood to ‘‘Mr. Keynion.” 1085 . 1704, October 3. Bank. — ‘‘ The persons under named, I hear, stands indited for keeping greyhounds and guns, through a mistake of the constables ; they being my tennants, and the greyhounds and guns are mine, and kept by them for my use, being obliged by their leases. Whose names I desire you to take out of the inditement and acquitt them from any further trouble or charges ; — Edward Blackledge in Bretheton. Kalph Withington") Henry Dobson 1 rp i , William Dobson r ® Henry Leadbetter J If this be not practicable, I will try whether I am qualified or not ; so that insolent bailifs may not come to my house to inquire, for the future, into such matters.” B. Bradshaigh to GtEorge Kenyon. 1086 . 1704-5, February 8. — I am writing to all the freeholders about Lancaster, and beyond the sands. Perhaps, taking notice of them in that manner may oblige them. I find most gentlemen will be determined, as my Lord Derby recommends, and that I am sure of, and [I] hope he will go down, as soon as possible. He can settle his matters after matrimony, which is either concluded or very near it, to a fortune of sixty thousand pounds. [Rev.] Jo : Sumner to George Kenyon. 1087 . 1^04[-5], March 20. — It is said, with assurance, that my Lord Derby will forthwith be declared Chancellor of the Exchequer, and that he laid down his colonel’s commission. He assures Sir Roger [Bradshaigh] for the county election, and says he will be down soon. Shakerley, they say, is out of his government, and my Lord Cholmon- derley has it. W. Delaune, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, to . 1088 . 1705, September 21. St. John’s [College, Oxford]. — “ Whereas Mr. [Samuel] Wesley, rector of Epworth, in Lincolnshire, has made known the deplorable condition he is brought into, by the inveterate malice and persecution of the Dissenters, for his vindicating the Church of England from their scandal, and detecting their villanous practices in their schismaticall schooles and seminaries, set up in opposition to the Church, and prejudice of tlie Universities, we thought fitt to recomend this, his pressing case, to all the members of our University, as a great object of their charity and compassion, and such as requires speedy releif to deliver him out of prison, and the calamitous sufferings he at present labours under.” 435 Appended. — A copy of Mr. Wesley’s letter : — On my printing a poem on the battle of Blenheim, I was sent for to London by a person of quality, in January last, the Duke of Marlbrough haveing promised me a chaplain’s place in one of the new regiments, and another honourable person greater favours. I had writt two books against the Dissenters, at which they were very angry. The person who sent for me told me I must drop that controversy, and, at last, that I must publickly, and in print, recant or palliate what I had writt against the Dissenters ; he added, that those people expected so many friends in the next House of Commons, more than they had in the last, that when they came to sitt they had resolved to call those to account who had affronted them ; this had a contrary effect to what was expected. I left my fortunes in Grod’s hands, and resolved to act according to my con- science. And as soon [as I could] 1 came into the country, to use what little interest I had in our election, to serve those who were not likely to be partial to the Dissenters ; but before I would act, I was so nice as to write to Collonel Whitcheott, because there had been some intimacy between us, giveing the reasons why I thought myself obliged to vote against him. This letter he exposed, and his friends reported there was treason in it. After which I gave copies of it. They likewise threatned to write up against me, and throw me out of my chaplaine’s place which the Duke had given me, and throw me into gaol ; all which, I thank them, they have fully effected. I writt to London to know why I was turned out without knowing my accusation. My Collonel Lepel answered that a person of the greatest quality told him it was for some- thing I had published which was not approved of at Court, and for haveing concerned myself too much in some other matters. The first must be my books against the Dissenters, the latter my acting in the election for my own country, which I thought I had as much right to do as any other freeholder. God be praised, these two crimes were linked together. After this the friends of the new candidates, the Dis- senters, and their adherents, charged me with preaching treason, and reported I was distracted ; where then was their mercy ? But at last were content to throw me into prison, according to their promise, for no great debt, to a relation and zealous friend of one of the new members. They knew it was sufficient to do my business, I haveing been thrown behind hand by a series of misfortunes; my parsonage barne was blown down e’re I had recovered the takeing ray liveing; my house, great part of it, burnt down about two years agoe ; my flax, great part of my income (now in my own hands), I doubt, wilfully fired and burned in the night, whilst I was last at London ; my income sunk, about one half, by the low price of grain ; and my credit lost, by the takeing away my regiment. I was brought to Lincolne Castle, June 23 last past. About three weekes since, my very unkind people, thinking they had not yet done enough, have, in the night, stabed my 3 cowes, which was a great part of my numerous family’s subsistence, for which God forgive them.” The Lords of the Council to James, Earl of Derby, Custos Rotulorum of Lancashire. 1089 . 1705, November 29. St. James’. — Requesting him to raise recruits in the County of Lancaster. The Same to the Same. 1090 . 1706, March 25. Kensington. — It being highly requisite for her Majesty’s service, in the more speedy manning and maintaining a E E 2 486 powerfull fleet at sea against the common enemy, that all possible ways and means be used for the supply of the Eoyall Navy with seamen and other able-bodyed men, for which purpose her Majesty has likewise issued out her royall proclamation, bearing even date herewith, and an Act of Parliament (a copy whereof is herewith sent you) having been lately past by her Majesty, entituled ^an Act for the encouragement and encrease of seamen, and for the better and speedier manning her Majesty’s Fleet,’ the successe whereof cheifly depends upon the care, diligence, and zeal of yourself, and of her Majesty’s justices of the peace, in finding out and impressing such seamen and able-bodyed landmen and prisoners for debt as are intended by this Act for her Majesty’s Fleet, her Majesty has thought fit to command us, on this extraordinary occasion, most earnestly to recommend to your Lordship and the justices of the peace the vigorous execution of the said Act, so far as is incum- bent on you and the said justices ; and in order to so great and important a service, we cannot but hope your dutifull regard to her Majesty and her Grovernment will make you resolve to improve every opportunity, and to agree immediately so to distribute yourselves that no part of your county may want the number of justices required by the said . . . And for the more eftectual carrying on this work, [dirjections will be likewise given to the otficers of her Majesty’s navy to be ready, with the least trouble possible to the said juctices, to receive such seamen and able-bodyed landmen and prisoners for debt as shall be raised and pro- cured in pursuance of the said Act of Parliament. This being a service so necessary for carrying on the war, and consequently most acceptable to her Majesty, we cannot doubt of a ready and hearty complyance with these directions. And we are further to acquaint you that it is her Majesty’s pleasure that, besides the severall particulars directed by the Act, you take care to send up an account, to be layd before her Majesty in Councill, of your proceedings herein, and of the number and names of such seamen and able-l)odyed landmen and prisoners for debt, respec- tively, as shall be raised and procured as aforementioned. We are like- wise to recommend to your Lordship, that all possible care be had that no person be taken up and delivered to the officers of her Majesty’s navy who are boys or aged persons, or uufitt for her Majesty’s sea service by infirmities or otherwise.” The Lords of the Council to James, Earl of Derby, Gustos Rotulorum of Lancashire. 1091 . 1706, April 4. Kensington. — “ Whereas the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled have, by their humble address, acquainted her Majestic Avith severall instances of the very great bold- ness and presumption of the Romish priests and papists in this kingdom, together with their humble opinion that, for the safety of her Majesti(.‘s royal person and government, a more watchful eye should be had over them for the future, and for that purpose that a distinct and particular account should be taken of all papists and reputed papists in this king- dom, with their respective qualities, estates, and places of abode. We do therefore, in her Majesties name and by her express comand, hereby pray and require your Lordshipp to cause all the Justices of the Peace of the County of Lancaster to assemble together, and, being so as- sembled, there to agree on the most propper manner to subdivide themselves unto severall subdivisions for the more effectual! performing the said service within such subdivisions, where they are to take a distinct and particular account of all papists and reputed papists within the same, with their respective qualities, estates, and places of abode, 437 above mentioned ; and it is her Majesties further pleasure that^ at such generall meeting, an account be taken, distinctly, of the names of the severall Justices of the Peace designed for the said several subdivisions, and that the said Justices of the Peace do, under their hands, returne unto you a particular account in writeiug of what they shall perform in the said severall subdivisions, which account you are thereupon to returne to her Majesties Privy Councell, together with the names of every one of the Justices of the Peace who shall neglect or refuse to performe their dutys in relation to that service.” R[oger] K[enyon] to Mrs. Kenyon, Junior, 1092. 1706, May 25. — “ The Dutchy of Lancaster has changed its face a little since my last, or, at least, I have heard of the change since then. My Lord Gower gave up the seals to the Queen this day sennight, and my Lord Darby generally understood to be his successor, though I have not heard that the latter is actually in the place, as yet. This change, I hope, may be of some service to my brother, in securing at least one point he has great reason to wish done. If there be any other place my brother could wish himself possest of, I sopose his personal knowledge with my Lord Darby may be his best way of applying, and the sooner the better ; for the other thing, it may not be amiss to let my lord settle in his place, ere it be moved. I saw Sir R Br- the midle of this week ; he shewed me a letter from T. Kenyon, who had cut him out work enuf, but the thought about it will not, I sopose, disturb Sir P’s rest ; he made great professions of his willingness to serve my brother upon this change, if my brother would instruct him ... to ask, and, if my brother thinks it will be of any significance, I sopose he will not let him dye ignorant. Well, rain or fair, high church or low, it is much at one with me, my hopes or fears are not exercised either way; and, excepting a few smiles to seethe merrymentof the world and the different countenances of winners and losers, it gives me no more concern than a game att all-fours.” John Sumner to George Kenyon. 1093. 1706, June 18. — “The Queen being altogether at Winsor, Sir Roger is obliged to be there often to expedite the coming out of his coramision, and ordered me, if he did not return to town this evening, to write to you that you would, with all hast, send an address to him, with the town’s seal only affixt. He desires he may receive it Fryday sennit, without fail, for he has a perticuler reason why he shoud, by all means, present it the Sunday following ; he would have it as short as may be, and if you think fit to take notice of my Lord Peterborough in it, he would have you also to mention my Lord Galway, by no means omitting the Church being out of danger. I hope to be in Lancashire the beginning of the next week, whither Sir Roger will hasten as soon as the commissions come out, which will be now very soon, my Lord Treasurer having delayed halfe a year Monday next, and thereby saved the Government forty thousand pound. We have no news but Avhat you will find in your prints, nor pamphletts worth sending. My Lord Rivers’ expedition is mighty secrett ; no one here does know where it is intended. It is rumoured Mr. John Howe is to be removed.” Postscript . — “ The Government has ordered forty thousand flam- beauxs for my Lord Rivers’ expedition. I have spoke about your [debt ?], and he will pay you part of the principall and the interest att his coming down.” 438 John Sumner to George Kenyon. 1094 . 1706, June 20. — I think Lord Derby really designs to come to Manchester, and bring my Ladj" with him. Great William is to be a captain in his regiment. He has swopt his commission with one Wallis, who had got a commission in Sir Roger’s.” The Earl of Derby to George Kenyon. 1095 . 1706, September 4. — ‘‘ I have heird from several! hands how much I am obliged to you in the opposition we are like to meet with at Preston, which I beleve you think, as well as my self, very unacountable. I beleve you have found the Dons very stiff, but ye shall find me as stiff as themselves. I know, when you goe that way, you may doe good service, for which I shall alley endeavour to shew my gratetude, as soon as an oppertunety offers. I have written to severall gentilmen in and about Preston, which I hope may have good success. I beleve they industriously spred it about as if I would not stand it out, but they shall find themselves much mistaken.” Christopher Parker to Roger Kenyon, at Manchester. 1096 . 1706, October 31. Clitheroe. — -Upon the death of Col; Stringer (my uncle), there being now a vacancy here, I expect a new election very soon. I have offered myself to the town, and should be very glad to serve as their representative, in his room. Seal of arms. The Earl of Derby to George Kenyon. 1097 . 1706, October 31. London. — Offering him the post of Vice- Chancellor of the Palatinate of Lancaster. Alexander Rigby to George Kenyon. 1098 . 1706, Kovember 12. Westminster. — ‘‘I am just come from my Lord Derby, and he tells me he has made you his Vice-Chan color, at which I demonstrated my great satisfaction, both as you are my kinesman, a good lawyer, and one that nothing can byass, where friend- ship and equity is in the scale. I layed hold of this opportunity, humbly to throw in my mite in favour of your brother, at Manchester. I hope now, sir, it will ever be our fortune to drawe together ; our anchestors did. My Lord is certainely one of the best men that lives upon God’s earth. I was very endeavouring to gett in Brenaud, as pittying the errors of youth, considering him of a brisk temper, of a good presence, voluble and dilligent, related at Preston, &c., but my Lord, who is eagle-eyed, resolute in being served by honest men, and informed fully of every minute passage in Lancashire, stood in a clearer light, and hath so convinced me why he past by Brenaud, that I am under the greatest admiration of his Lordship’s goodness and wisdom immaginable. I am sure you will not think that 1 knew till now that my Lord aimed at my couzen Kenyon. I did not so much as dreame of it, because that you are Clerk of the Peace. It is very unkind in the people at Preston to give my Lord so much trouble, and I doubt not but you will use all your force to make them sensible. Mr. Maynwaring is such a sorte of person that, in my' lifetime, I never mett a greater man of sublime witt and judgement, are what renders a mortall most to be admired. I wish you saw a letter he writt last week to Mr. Wrickley ; that paints him better then any thing I am able to express. 439 “ Pray, sir, if ever you see my old friend Mr. Luca, of Parke-hall, be so kind as to give him my service. I wish you would bring him under my Lord in the malitia. He is brave, he is honourable, a sincere freind where he takes, and everybody knows he is a man of substance ; he is also your neighbour. Postscript. — The towne is full of a peace between the King of Sweden and the King of Poland, and it is the more admired at for that Stanislaus is to be over Poland, and Augustus is to returne to Saxony ; if so, hee is a poor spirited blockhead. The Hague letters mention all tins, and the Swedish envoy tells it. ‘‘ Duke Marlebro’ comes over with the first faire wind.” The Earl of Derby to George Kenyon. 1099 . 1706, Kovember 16. London. — Expressing pleasure at Kenyon’s acceptance of the post of Vice-Chancellor of the County Palatine, to which he has joined the Stewardship of Salford. Seal of arms. John Haerisson to George Kenyon. 1100 . 1706, Kovember 20. Clitlieroe.— I hope you will pardon this trouble, which comes att the request of Mr .Lister, Mr. Pudsay, Mr. Sclater, and other gentlemen in this neighbourhood, to desire the favour of your vote and interest for Major- Generali Harvey, the Duke of Mountague’s nephew, this next election. Mr. Parker (notwith- standing the endeavours of many of his own well-wishers to the contrary) is resolved to oppose him, but we hope you, sir, will joyn with the rest of the gentlemen to assist Mr. Harvey, and free the town from such arbitrary proceedings as have too much of late prevailed in it.” Nicholas Starkie to George Kenyon, at Manchester. 1101 . 1706, November 30. — The 20/. bill received. Mr. Wolfe has promised to get your patent passed, so that you may not lose the benefit of the next court. They tell me that if the warrant the Queen should sign be for life or years certain, it will not pass ; they have known such rejected, and that no such grant has been made since the Revolution, except Lord Derby’s as Chamberlain of Chester, which had been usually granted for life. Your cousin, Charles Rigby, has his late father’s gown, which you may either borrow or buy, on easy terms. “I shall top a justice of peaceship upon you before I leave the town.” Seal of arms. The Earl of Derby to George Kenyon. 1102 . 1706, December 5. London. — “ Mr. Maynwaring will be at Preston, Wednesday next; your company at that time will be very acceptable, as well as usefull. No stone must be unturned in order to bring it to a good effect, otherwise, I am shure, we shall be scoft at, which must be prevented, if possible. I am shure no one knows the method of it better then yourself. I shall be in pane till I know how matters are like to goe.” C. Z. Stanley to George Kenyon. 1103 . 1706, December 9. Preston. — “ 1 had a letter yesterday from my brother Derby, that he had writ to you by that post. This is, there- fore, to let you know that I belive Mr. Manwering wil be at Wigan on 440 Wedensday next; therefore, I think it wil be absolutely necessary for you to be their that day. I hear the High Sherrif has said, if he knew when Mr. Manwering will be down, he would meit him at Wiggan ; if he should be at home, I think it would do wel to fell his pulce. I do not mein for him to bring his spear-men with him.” The Earl op Derby to George Kenyon. 1104. 1706, December 10. London. — I send you, enclosed, the warrant for Vice-Chancellor. I shall be glad to be informed by you how Mr. Maynwaring likes his reception, and what you think of the election. Mr. Starkie set out yeisterday in the Warington coche, and, I beleve, will be with you on Sunday, if his consiens will give him leve to travel that day. I should be glad to here that the Chancery clarkes have repentyd, for there sakes as well as my owne.” John Watson to Rev. John Sumner, at Wigan. 1105. 1706, December 19. London. — Acquainting him that, at the Hague, coming to England, the “ Lord Duke ” thought fit to put another chaplain in Sumner’s place, one Mr. Durrell, brother to Colonel Durrell, aid-de-camp to his grace,” by reason of his not giving attendance. John Sumner to George Kenyon, “ att the Great House in Bromley Street, near Drury Lane.” 1106. 1706[-7], February 11. Wigan. — Has previously written to him about procuring the discharge of “ one Richard Whalley, a soldier in Brigadeer Howl’s regiment, in Captain Johnson’s company.” Dr. Wroe “ has preach’t an extraordinary reformation sermon here, this day. Pray be sure to remember the written sermons I desired you to procure Pray remember the arms of the crucifix.” Seal. Richard Wroe to George Kenyon, “at the Great White House in Brownloe Street, in Drury Lane.” 1107. 1706-7, February 23. — Speaks of living “in such a place and post as Chester is, since Wigan is actually given from it.” Has “been moved by one good friend, if I would have made use of my friends for the Bishoprick, to see if the wardenship might be held with it, as it has been twice before — by Bishop Stanley, of the house of Derby, and Bishop Chadderton ; and are consistent enough, though the advantage would be but small, not much above per annum, which is yet half as much as Wigan iDrings in, clear ; but this I onely mention to you, as suggested to mee, without any designe to attempt it, nor need you men- tion it, save onely in discourse with friends, as from yourself.” Thomas Martin to George Kenyon, at Salford. 1108. l706[-7], March 17. Wigan. — “Being lame of the gout, I was not at church, [and] there came the Rector, the Dean of York, Mr. Boyer, Mr. Hindley, and Mr. Smith, to see me. . The Rector told me there was one John Ley land come to Winwick, to desire his admittance to be the church-clerk of Wigan, [and] told him he was chosen by the Jury, according to the ancient custom of the town ; [and] if he was not pleased, he (Leyland) would try with him, this Assize.” The Rector is uneasy, and desires it “ composed ” without a law suit. 441 Roger Kenyo^^ to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Kenyon. 1109 . 1707, September 13, [St. Germains.] By a letter I saw from Lancashire, not long since, I perceive there was another dispute at the Assizes, besides the Lord Derby’s, in which I fancy my brother was concerned; and that was about the parish clerk of VVigan, which, it seems, Mr. Finch has recovered into his own power again. This honest gentleman will revive their diversion again at Wigan, which was got so much before on one side, that it grew dull.” Postscript . — “ My lady master is near me, and bids me wish you all happiness from her.” Declaration by the Corporation of Wigan, of the Title under which they hold the Fair, Markets, and Leet, in Wigan. 1110 . 1708, April 8. — ‘‘ Whereas, by an Award made by Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Knight, then Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, between the Right Reverend father in God, George, Lord Bishopp of Chester and Parson of Wigan, the said George Lord Bishopp being then Parson and Ordinary there, of the one part, and the Mayor, Bayliffes, and Burgesses of Wigan, on the other part, bearing date the twenty-eighth day of September, in tlie fifteenth year of the reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second, annoque Domini.^ 1663 ; it is, amongst other things, therein and thereby declared, ordered, and awarded, that the then Parson of Wigan and his successors, parsons of Wigan, should for ever, as in right of their Church of Wigan, have the Assention Faire, the Munday Markett, and the Easter Leet, within the said towne of Wigan, with the profhtts of the same. ‘‘But for the establishing peace between theParson and the Corporation, hee did award that the then Parson of Wigan, and his successors, should execute a lease for the tearme of one and twentie years of the said Faire, Market, and Leet, to the said Corporation, under the yearly rent of five markes, payable at Christmas and Midsummer yearly, by equall portions, and that upon the expiration of the said lease, by surrender, efiluxtion of time, or otherwise, the Parson of Wigan, for the time being, should at the request and cost in law of the said Corporation of Wigan, make a new lease, by Indenture, of the premises for the terme of one and twenty yeares, under the like reservation of rent of five markes yearely, dureing the said tearme. And that upon the makeing of every new lease, the counterpart thereof should be delivered to the said Parson, under the seale of the said Corporation, as by the said Award, relation being there- unto had, may appeare. Which said Award was confirmed by the patrons of the said Parish Church. And Avhereas, since the makeing of the said Award, the Corporation of Wigan have constantly held and enjoyed the said Faire, Markett, and Leete, from the successive parsons, under the yearly rent of five markes, pursuant to the said Award. And whereas the late Right Reverend Father in God, Nicholas, Lord Bishopp of Chester and Rector of Wigan, did execute a lease of the premises to the said Corporation, for the tearme of one and twentie yeares, and dyed before the expiration of that tearme, notwithstanding which the Corporation did hold the last Easter Leet, and received the profiitts of the last Assention Faire, before any application was made to the Honourable and Reverend Edward Finch, then and now Parson of Wigan. “ And whereas, the said Corporation, in owneing of the Parson’s right, have this day requested a lease, to bee by him executed, of the premises, and likewise offered to deliver a counterpart of the said lease from the Corporation, pursuant to the said Award, which said lease the 442 Parson has consented to execute, upon their owning that they did not hold the said Leet or receive the profitts of the last Assention Faire, by any other claime or title whatsoever, but under the said Award. We therefore, the Mayor, Bayliffes, and Burgesses of the said Corporation, doe declare that wee did hold the said Leet and receive the said profitts in submission and obedience to the said Award, and by noe other claime or title whatsoever. And the said Mayor, Bayliffes, and Burgesses, for themselves, and the said Kector of Wigan, for himself, doth hereby mutually agree and declare that they will now, and at all times here- after, on their respective parts and behalfes, in all things observe and performe the said Award.” Lord Gower to Georoe Kenyon. 1111 . 1708, April 18. — “ The occasion of my writing to you is to beg your assistance to my friend, Mr. Bridgman, in his election at W igan. I know your obligations to my Lord Derby are such, that on his account you will serve Sir Boger Bradshaw in the first place ; and therefore, I only beg your second vote and interest for Mr. Bridgman ; you must allow me to press you to this in such a manner, as to tell you that I shall not take any excuse or refusall well from you.” R[oger] Kenyon to his brother, George Kenyon. 1112 . 1708, June 1. — I perceive, by Mr. Starkey, that you have been busy in your county amongst the Roman Catholics. I know none of them, but if you could do any favour to Mr. Oldfield I should be glad of it, for the relation his lady stands unto some friends I love very well. Seal. Repair of Chester Cathedral. 1113 . 1708, October 4. — The case for the repair of the Cathedral Church of Chester. George Kenyon to . 1114 . l708[-9], March 4. Salford. — Giving the bounds of a seat in [Wigan ? ] Church, viz. : — on the north, by the reading desk ; on the west, by the clerk’s desk ; on the east, by a seat claimed by Richard Bolton ; and on the south, open to the middle aisle. Length 2^ yards, breadth yards. Sir R. Bradshaigh to George Kenyon. 1115 . 1709, June 16. London. — Lord Derby is gone into the country for these holidays. I have left the papers and grant of the gallery in Winstanley’s hands, to be delivered to yourself when re- quired; they are sealed up. 1 hope the Bishop will think the gallery at the west end of the Church [of Wigan ? ] to be the proper place for the organ ; if so, and that our seats may be erected again at the rector’s charge, I believe the money which may be spent in law-suits had better be applied towards the organ, if the town and parish thinks fit to consent to it, and that upon a full hearing of the matter before the Bishop, it be done by his direction. You know best what to say in this matter, and 1 doubt not but you will push everything to the utmost, to prevent the organ being put upon our gallery floor. Roger Kenyon to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Ejenyon. 1116 . 1709, August 2. — “ I was yesterday to make a visit to the Palatines, as we call them, who are encamped, to the number of six or 4^43 eight thousand, upon Blackheath, near Greenwich. They are all poor as may be, and a good many sick, as a great many more will soon be, if some means he not found out to put them into houses and other con- veniences of living. What freak brought these poor creatures hither, is not easy to guess ; but it seems there has been some bookes sent among them (by whose means I know not) with flattering descriptions of Caroline (sic)^ and they are mad to go thither. This account Dr. Hobart (?) gives me, who is in the very country they come from, which is not the Palatinate, but on the other side of the Rhine, at some distance from Mayence, and most of them where under Protestant princes ; so religion, or a persecution upon that account, was not in the case. Upon whose motive they were encouraged to come hither, and what they are to do now they are here, is out of my reach.” John Sumner to George Kenyon, at his house in Salford. 1117 . 1709[-10], January 8. — “The Rector will certainly be here this week ; his maids and provisions are already here. It is talkt among his people, with great assurance, that the organ will be soon up, so that it is expected a vestry notice will be given on Sunday next, and, pray, after you have notice of it come forthwith hither, though it should be a day or two before. Mr. Bancks having been abroad, and not yet returned from Preston fair, I sent last night for some of those in this town, chiefly concerned in the linnen affair; they were glad to hear you made any enquiry how that matter proceeded, and desired me to acquaint you they were resolved to try the matter, let the success of it be what it would. They have been at Leverpoole about il, and sent to York, and are not without encouragement from both places. I find, by them, they think their greatest discouragement proceeds from what you have given, both as to your talking too hearllessljq and by your delaying to draw the petition to be signed by the Websters, and which has hindered some subscriptions, which, however, they doubt not will be retrived, when the petition is tendered to be signed. This week, they will send for all the money already collected, and would be glad you would appoint some place to meet them, which pray do, and I will come along with Mr. Bancks and them. I was coming to Peele on Wednes- day, to have seen you, as you said you would be there this Christmas, but meeting your letter by the way, I took up at Heelen’s. Ral[ph] Winstanley and William Glazbrook are ordered by Sir Roger . , . will appear in Mr. Warmisley’s room. Pray direct me in a . . . line or two, as soon as possible, how that matter is to be done ; because Mr. Warmisley is very uneasy, if they are to sign any instrument. Pray send it drawn, or order them to meet you to do it. I have not seen William Green since I had yours, but will bring him over to you when you appoint. The linnen men say they have already collected, in divers places, a considerable sum, and are resolved nothing of that kind shall be wanting. Pray send or step to Captain Leigh and deliver him the enclosed ; it is concerning a man to be rendered in Leiuftenant-General Steward’s regiment, in the room of a servant of Bayliff* Acton’s, for which Sir Roger prevailed with the Leftenant-General to give him a furloug, and after promised him a discharge, upon promise Sir Roger would render a man in his room. Sir Roger has ordered me to treat with the Captain about it. Pray use your intiX'st with the Captain to take two guineas, or less, and then, perhaps, a man may get one to his pockett, but a man must forthwith be rendered, or Sir Roger forfeits his honour. Pray write to me by the first opportunity. I wish you a flippy, merry new year.” Seal. 444 K[oger] K[enyon] to his sister[-in-law], Mrs. Kenyon. 1118 . 17()9[-10], January 14. [London.] — The great amusement of this town is the affair of Sacheverell, about which all companys squabble and box, as they find themselves inclined. For my part, I look on with calmness enuf, and if one cannot but observe, on one side, that there are some inconsistencys in the Doctor’s sermons, yet the moderation (which has been the word so long) of the other side is ad- mirable. But let them go on as they please ; my rule is that whatever happens is best.” Seal of arms, broken. The Same to the Same. 1119 . [1709 -10,] February 28. London. — I am just come from the baiting of Dr. Sacheverel. It is past seven o’clock, and I have not eat one bit all day. Yesterday, the inditement was read, and a little opened. To-day, the managers of the House of Commons have brought the two first articles, the first of which relates to passive obedience, which was mauld (?) to purpose. The other related to the toleration, and what was said about it. They having low voices who spoke, I can- not so well tell you the Avhole of the matter. If one may be allowed to guess at these gentlemen’s meaning, [it] is to establish some new oath or declaration against passive obedience, and to affirm the righteousness and lawfulness of all the steps of the revolution. The Doctor has yet said nothing for himself, but stands it very well, with all shews of resolution and modesty.” Charles Rigby to George Kenyon. 1120 . 1710, May. 5. Lancaster. — ‘‘ This application is on behalf of my near kinsman, Sawney Rigby, who is the top of my kin, by my father’s side, as he is yours by the mother’s ; but it is not that con- sideration which moves me to this, so much as the service or dis-service that he may do the house of Derby, as he shall be obliged or disobliged. It was some time before this last assizes that Sawney had the compli- ment from Colonel Stanley that he should be put into the Commission of the Peace; but he not being found in this last Commission, it has been some disgust to him. I believe his wife (who is a discret woman) wishes him in, for no other reason than it may estrange him from some very mean associates of his, and ashame him out of an idle habit of profane swearing. It can have no ill to the government, and will be a lasting tie upon him to my Lord’s interest.” Seal. J[ames] H[ilton] to George Kenyon, Vice-Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster. 1121 . 1710, July 20. Gray’s Inn. — “I should be very glad to hear from you often, especially in these bustling times, wherein Whig and Tory is the only conversation, but the Tories talk the loudest now in the coffee houses, and it is agreed of all sides that the judgement of the Court is against the Whiggs ; the only dougt is whether there must be a cwff'al execuco (?) against them or noe. Some say that upon that, the Whiggs have promised to mend, which they have roome enough to do. Quere, if they are to be trusted ? My Lord Rivers has an interest in the Middlesex freeholders, as Constable of [the] Tower, which he gives to Smithson and Ba[r]tie, Tories ; queere, under the rose, if this will not mend Wigan? I am afraid I have quite lost Mr. Okeley and my Lord Anglesey, who has a place of 6,000/. per annum; for, since the time that 1 refused to be concerned against you, they seem not to speak to 445 me so freely as formerly : howsoever, if it were [to] do again, I would doe if, for I always be true to my friend, whatever happens. N’ot withstand- ing this, if affaires turne, I believe I have a good friend remaining who will be of service to me in the matter of an office, but 1 have the hard fortune to be such a naked gull, that I am so far from having cloaths fit to appear in and money in my pocket, that I have scarcely so much as pockets left to put it in, if I had any. I hear my brother is to receive, by the hands of Jack Phim, who is my friend, 200/. out of Ireland ; if so, this sum would come very opportune to make interest for an office with, or if that faild, I could put it to such advantage as never to troble my relations, which is the thing I do heartily alfiiorr. My brother H[ilton] has given my other brother, besides making him master of everything, 700/. upon the bankers’ buisness.” — to his cousin, George Kenyon. 1122. 1710, September 19. Gray’s Inn. — This day, the officers of the Duchy waited upon the Lord Berkeley of Berkshire, as Chancellor of the Duchy. He has a very good character, was a younger brother, and educated to the law, and is an ingenious man, and commended for his mildness and temper. He is of the same party with yourself, that is, a churchman ; though you have seemed to act another part of late years. It is said the Parliament will be dissolved on Thursday. My Lady Anglesea is with child, and so Arthur Annesley does not take upon him- self yet the title of Earl. It is said Sir Thomas Pois, Baron Price, and Mr. Ettrick, will be Commissioners of the Great Seal. . . . It is thought the Tories will luave a majority in the elections, though some say the City will be but indifferent, by reason of the Bank and Com- panies. Eoger Kenyon to his sister[-in-law], Mrs. Kenyon. 1123. 1710, October 7. — It is not impossible but I might find some- body who would mention the matter you speak of to Lord Berkeley, if it be true that he is indisposed to keep the old officers, but then it will undoubtedly be expected in these elections, and especially at Preston, where the Courts are held, that the Chancellor and his Vice-Chancellor should be on the same side. I have heard that the present Chancellor has recommended Mr. Ansly for member there, having formerly served for that place, and if Mr. Manwaring give up all thoughts of appearing, as it is likely he will, and the measures my brother may think fit to observe with the late Chancellor, will allow him to appear for Mr. Ansly, who in truth is a very honest gentleman. I do not doubt but I can engage him to move my Lord in my brother’s cause. My poor Lord Kilmorey, after the small-pox was all gone off, died the 20th day for want of strength to spit up what fell upon his lungs, he being inclining to a consumption before he fell ill. Seal of arms, hrohen, Bichaed Edge to George Kenyon. 1124. 1 710, October 30. — “ It is ten to one you had the newes yester- day that Sir George Warburton and Mr. Cholmondeley carried it for knights for Cheshire, by a great majority, but perhaps you have not heard }et how yesterday morning, about two, they sett the bells on ring- ing at Manchester, and rang till service time for joy thereof.” Seal. Sir B. Bradshatgh to George Kenyon. 1125. 1710[-11], March 6. — “As to sending you some wine to Bolton, it will so much exceed the price you mention, that, unless you 446 require it in your next, I shall not venture to send any. Florence is sold here at 4^. Qd. per flask, new French wine at 6s. and 7s. a bottle, nothing of Spanish wine worth drinking, under 2s. 6d., so that I believe you might be better and cheaper fitted from Chester or Liverpool. The Lottery Bill passed the Royal assent this day, and how it will fill is yet uncertain, but the advantage is much greater than in the last, which, though it may be a means to raise the money at present, yet at long run it will help to increase the debt of the nation.” Sir R. Bradshaigh to Q-eorge Kenyon. 1126. 1710[-11], March 24.- — “ You may assure yourself I used my endeavours to have put your money in the Lottery, but it was impos- sible to do it, though I was very early that morning in the City, and a vast number of persons was disappointed as well as myself. It is thought there may be another Lottery. As for buying up any of the tickets, I cannot tell how to advise you, such advantage is made of them by the stock-jobbers. As to our business with the Rector [of Wigan ? ], counsel believe if we cannot carry it to have the gallery put up in the old place, that we shall so far prevail as to have a proper place given us in the room of it, and that the organ will not be allowed to be set up there, and that we shall be considei’ed for the damage done in pulling it down. As to a Quo Warranto^ which you hear the rector intends to bring against the town, I do not fear any motions that way. Seal of arms. Sir R. Bradshaigh to the Rev. Mr. Sumner, in Wigan. 1127. 1711, March 31. — It will be verry materiall to knowhow the Corporation came to sitt in those seates where the Rector’s servants now sitt, and whether they had not a right to them, but I understood always that the Rector’s seate was the place where they used to sit, be- fore the gallery was built ; likewise, how they came to leave the north isle, and what right they had to that seate, and what title they have to it, who enjoy it now. It will be very necessary to prove titles to all or most of them seates where the Rector calls the Old Chancell, for their councell said Bishop Brigman built the present cliancell, which was an addition to the church, for that the lenth of the church was no ferther than the Maior’s gallery, which I must owne I cannot believe, because my chancel must have been built at the same time, and I beleive it is as old as any part of the church ; but pray informe yourself about it. They have got an old book of Bishop Brigman’s which they intend to give as evidence, and in the beginninge of it, the Bishop calls God to witness the whole contents of it to be true. Remember the old man in Scarsbrick.” C. Z. Stanley to George Kenyon. 1128. 1711, April 5. London. — There is a bill before the House of Commons for qualifying justices. It is proposed 300/^. a year to be the qualification. “ We are now in a vein for building churches; I do not know why you may not have as much reason to desire help as others. If it is thought proper, I shall be very glad to do what you think may promote the same good for yours that is in my power.” Seal. R[oger] Kenyon to his brother, George Kenyon. 1129. 1711, April 7. — You are so much a college man still, that I dare say you will be concerned to know that we have lost Dr. Gower at St. John’s, who died about ten days ago. His place, indeed, is very 447 worthily filled by Dr. Jeokins, wha was a part of our family in Brown- low Street, 2 or 3 months since Christmas. He is likewise chosen Margaret professor. Sir B. BitADSHAiGH to George Kenyon. 1130 . 1711, May 5. — The qualification for Justices of the Peace for our county is an hundred pounds per annum, which is less than other counties, except Wales. As to the new lottery, it is not yet settled, but nobody can subscribe less than an hundred pounds. Proceedings in a Suit between Balph Banks and others against the Honourable and Beverend Edward Finch, Clerk, Bector of Wigan, and others. 1131 . 1711, May. — The suit relates to the church of Wigan. The respondents claimed that the two chancels — called by the names of the upper and lower chancel, the old and new chancel, and sometimes the bishop’s and parson’s chancel — belonged to the rector of the said church, but the appellants contended that in reality, notwithstanding the several names, there was only one chancel, and that part of the church called the old chancel was, upon the fall of the rector’s chancel, borrowed from the parish, and was part of the nave, and in that part of the said church was the gallery, wherein the Mayor, Bailiffs, and other officers of the Corporation of Wigan used to sit, and that the parishioners paid for the repair of the said old chancel. It appears that the rector collected a fund for erecting an organ in the old chancel, for wliich purpose the gallery, where the Corporation sat, was pulled down, and no provision made for the Corporation. The appellants said that the said fund was insufficient to maintain an organ in repair, or to pay an organist, and in that part of the church called the old chancel, are divers vaults and burial places belonging to several families in the parish of Wigan, where the parishioners have immemorially buried, without leave of the rector; that there was particularly a vault pertaining to the estate of Gorse, formerly belonging to the family of Lowe and then to the family of Bigby, and another to the family of Ashurst, of Ashurst, and that over the same vaults were pews or seats belonging to the same families ; that the only old and proper chancel, now called the easternmost chancel of the Church of Wigan, being ruinous or fallen down before the time of Bishop Bridgeman, late Bishop of Chester, the same was, in part only, rebuilt by the said Bishop upon the old foundation, and that the “ ranke or range ” of single pillars in the old chancel was of the same figure and size with the rest of the pillars in the middle aisle, and the place called the old chancel was separated from the easternmost chancel by two double hollow bulky round pillars, which were fluted and worked in small rounds down to the bottom, and upon a view, it would appear that the said two pillars could not be placed there but as bounding or flank- ing a passage into some more easternly building. Depositions in support of above allegations, 22 pp. brief. B[oger] K[enyon] to his sister[-in-law], Mrs. Kenyon. 1132 . 1711, October 27. — “ I saw Mr. W. Shippen, who told me he had received a letter from the head of Brazen-nose, who said he would favour what he could Mr. Entwissle’s pretensions, but he added that the young man, he finds, was a Whig, which was against the present humour of the College. In truth, unless the young man’s learning distinguish him a good deal, I doubt not the party he is of will be some prejudice to him, 448 for our Colleges, like all other places, get into parties. You have a new scene among you, the courting of Mrs. Walmesley ; there seems to be a great deal of knight errantry in it.” Seal of arms. Roger Kenyon to his sister [-in-law], Mrs. Kenyon. 1133 . 1712, July 10. — “We have news to-day, by an express from Dunkirk, that we are in full possession of the town and citadel, etc., and now whether our allies will come into the peace or continue the war by themselves, is no very great matter, in my opinion. Certain it is the war is at an end as to England, unless our allies will needs have us against them. The guns of the Tower have gone olF this morning, upon this account.” The Same to the Same, at Salford. 1134 . 1712, September 6. — “ I met Sir R. Brads [haigh] a day or two ago ; he intends to be in the country, as he says, about a fortnight hence, and though I do not always give him credit, in this matter I do, because he is pretty watchfull about his elections, and who is chose Mayor this next term, may probably serve for the election the next sumer ; accordingly he told me his brother is chose Alderman, and is designed for next Mayor. I tell you that, if he should not have acquainted my brother with it before, my brother may have begunn to think whether it be altogether safe to trust so near a relation of Sir Roger’s with a power of being partial, if he pleases, and how near soever the time seems, yet nobody can well foresee what alterations of partys and interests may happen by that time. “ Lord Rivers’ will is very much blamed for forgetting his legitimate daughter, in favour of his natural one. It is probable some disputes may arise about it, and I sopose Lord Barramore is got into Lancashire to get possession of all he could ; it may happen to be of some use if my brother went to wait of*him.” Lord Berkeley to [George Kenyon]. 1135 . 1712, October 23. — “ Since you cannot, at present, think of any body soe proper for the office of Sherif as Mr. Valentine, I am very willing he should have it, having noe objection to him, but what I told yon in my last of the apprehension I had, that he would not be thought soe impartial as were to be wished in a Sherif, in case of any tryals in the great cause wherein he was concerned, but by what you tell me of him I do not doubt but he will behave himself like an honest man, and I desire you will let him know that I will offer his name to the Queen, when the time comes for pricking of Sherifs, and that you will send me his Christian name. I have been very much pressed from Preston to send the name of the gentleman I intend to recommend att the next election, because Sir Harry Houghton and Mr. Fleetwood have declared they would stand, but besides that, the gentleman I have a mind to is out of town, and the distance to the election. I have some other reasons that make me unwilling to recommend soe long beforehand. I will acquaint you with them when you come to town, which you gave me hopes would be before Christmas, for your advice in that, as well as in other things, will always be much esteemed.” Sir R. Bradshaigh to George Kenyon, 1136 . 1712, November 15. — Duke Hamilton and my Lord Mohun fought this morning in Hyde Park, and both died before they were brought home. The quarrel was about their law suit. 449 F. Cholmondeley (?) to his cousin, [George Kenyon J. 1137 . 1712, November 15. — ‘‘This evening I saw the good Doctor [Kenyon], who, betwixt some city patients and suburb attendances, is fully employed. This day, the death of Duke Hamilton and Lord Mohoun, both killed, is all the noise of the town. They met in the Park this morning. Hamilton killed Mohoun at the first thrust, and Mohoun’s second, Macarty, killed Hamilton as he was getting into his coach, and after he had run his sword through him, hit him as he stood on the step of the coach, down right butchering with his back on him all the while. A-S yet he his not taken, but I hope he will be. Mr. Manering died on Thursday last, and the town reports he hath left his daughter (?) Oldfield, the player, twenty thousand pounds, following Lord Livers’ example.” Sir R. Bradshaigh to George Kenyon. 1138 . 1712, November 18. — “Last Sunday, my Lord Willoughby and I dined with my Lord Berkley ; he has promised to write to Mr. Walls, of the Moore Side, he has interest with him to engage him. My liOrd Berkley and I have had a good deale of talk about your standing the next Parliament, and you may depend upon his friendship, as likewise what service he can doe with whomsoever is made our Lord Lieutenant to engage him immediately. It is thought my Lord Cardigan will be the man, but this is onely surmise att present. I do not doubt but we shall doe well enough with my Lord T , and, the first opportunity, will mention it to him, and nothing else shall be wanting. The Bishop of Chester is not in towne, but will see him when hee returns out of the country. I think the death of D[uke] H[amilton] is no loss to us, for he had no great mind you should be chosen att Wigan, if he could have found out means to hinder it. Mr. Fleetwood has lost a friend of him, for he was endeavouring to have sett him up att Preston as the Chancelour’s man. I received Mr. K pe’s letter to Mr. S r last post ; the contents are a little extraordinary, but I do not doubt we shall manage matters well enough. I will let you know what passes when I have seen my Lord B re [Barrymore ?], and if I find him resolved to stand, I will lose no time in securing that T r and all other persons here. Nobody can tellyett how matters stand betwixt the two lords, as to the Yorkshire estate, but I believe there is like to be some difference, so I shall take proper measures as I see occasion offers.” A Scheme for raising Money. 1139 . 17 12. — A scheme for raising 1,800,000//. upon standing orders in the Exchequer, payable, in course, out of a fund of 168,003//. annum for thirty-two years ; with a certain increase of principal and interest, according to several classes, in the same manner as the two million classes were last year ; and in this scheme there are 1,800 pre- miums or prizes, which make the premiums or prizes just one to nine over and above the certain increase of principal and interest in every class. Printed hy John Barber. R[oger] K[enyon] to his sister [-in-law, Mrs. Kenyon]. . 1140 . 1712 -13, January 3. — Recommending her to send his godson to Westminster School, where there are houses at which boys (at least those no older than his godson) ^my but 20//. a year for boarding, and the schooling but 5 or 6 guineas. 73480. F F 450 Peter Shakerley to George Kenyon. 1141 . 1712[-13], January 20. Westminster. — ‘‘If you find you shall meet with oposition at the next election of a member to serve for Wigan, in the. room of my cozen, Henery Bradshaigh, deceased, give due notice to my cozen, John Booth, ironmonger, in Warrington, to his brother, Laurence Booth, esquire, at Tremlow, in Cheshire, and to Doctor Fogg and Mr. Callis, at Chester, and they will com and vote for you. I could not see Parson Walls, of Sanbach, nor Mr. Brayon, but I spoke to cozen Swettenham, and hee will stay at home. I could not prevail with Tom Cow per, of Chester (Mr. Callis, his son-in-law), neither to vote for you nor to promise to stay at home, but I am tould you will not meet with opposition. “ Last night Sir Roger shewed me your draughts of petitions from Wigan and the Fylde country, for makeing Douglas navigable, but the first petition for leave to bring in the Bill, should have been from the Justices and Grand Jury at the Quarter Sessions at Ormskirk, Preston, or Wigan. I doubt it is now too late for that, therefore, inclosed is such a draught of petition as I conceive will be propper enough for leave to bring in the Bill, it being signed by such Justices of Peace, gentlemen, and freeholders, as have estates adjacent to the said river, from Wigan to Hesketh Bank.” R. Bradshaigh to George Kenyon, “att his house in Manchester.” 1142 . I712[-13], March 21. — -Captain Lee, who sets out for Lanca- shire this afternoon, will give you a full account of what passed. I think “ the Lord ” has tied himself down not to oppose you, if you stand ; “ this should not be talked on, least it putt somebody els upon the thoughts of standing ; which Mr. Vernon told Captain Lee, Mr. Brigman intended. But my Lord B[arrymo]re says quite otherwise. I hope you will be in towne as soone as possible after your election ; I shall want you about the River Act, and other matters of consequence, not proper to write about.” What is Lord Willoughby doing, and “ how do you stand with him, since his coming down ? He is in bad health, and does not intend to live at Shaw Place.” Richard La.ngton to George Kenyon, M.P. 1143 . 1713, May 8. Preston. — The news of Mr. Southwell being lately elected as a member for Tregony, in Cornwall, has made great alarm amongst us here, and though, to all thinking people, it is no reason but that gentlemen may serve for this place in the next Parliament, but our adversaries make use of it as an argument to the ordinary people, that they are discharged from their promises to him. Seal of arms, broken. Richard Langton to George Kenyon. 1144 . 1713, May 15. Preston. — I believe Mr. Southwell’s friends have already spent 100//. amongst his voters here, and their bellies and ])ockets are as empty as at the beginning ; and further expenses are ne(;essary to establish an interest (if possible), but to name a sum I can- not tell how, for the expense will be uncertain. If you please, you may hint to the Chancellor, or Mr. Southwell, that letters of compliment fiom one of them to Mr. Aldermen Sudell, Lemon, Gruddell, and Lamjdugh, and also to Mr. Rawstorn, Mr. Foster, Dr. Farington, and Mr. Thornton (which two last are useful and zealous friends) might be of good service. 451 Ralph Assheton to George Kenyon. 1145 , 1713, May 17. Preston. — Mr. Houghton, of Ormskirk, died on Friday, and Mr. Eyre was with me yesterday and desired I would procure a writ dc coronatore eligendo from you. He tells me he intends to offer himself to the county, as coroner. Sir T. Stanley died about half an hour before Dick Houghton. Seal. William Bradshaigh to George Kenyon, M.P., to be left at Sir Roger Braidshaigh’s house, in Frith Street, near Soho Square.” 1146 , 1713, May 22. — ‘‘I received both your letters, the latter of which I shewed to the Corporation, who are very well pleased with the tender of your service to represent us [in] the next Parliament.” Since I am at the head, I will answer for the body that they think you most capable of serving them, in conjunction with my brother. Captain Shakerly is very much in your favour. 1 thank you for sending me the Votes. Seal of amis, broken. Dr. R. Wroe to his brother-in-law, George Kenyon, M.P. 1147 , 1713, May 24. — “ I am very heartily glad, by yours, of the right understanding between Sir Roger and you, the doubt of which gave your friends no little uneasiness. If Lord Bar[rymore] has already trickt you, you have less reason to expect very faire play for the future. It is said he hopes to unqualify you, in point of estate, which is another proof of his disingenuity, and I mention it as such, not that I think it can hurt you, nor that his interest can be considerable, if your friends stick by yon, as I hope they will. I have writ to Mr. Pigot, Mr. Shaw, and Mr. Blackburn. I met Mr. Pigot yesterday at the funeral of Mr. Newcome, of Middleton, who very freely promised his vote, and presence if need be, though he would not do so for Sir Roger, unless on my account. Mr. Shaw says (as formerly) that he never promises, but I doubt not but you may depend both on him and Mr. Blackburn. I have not yet writ to Chester, because I think to be there shortly, but would have you get Mr. Shakerley’s letter to his friends there, which will much prevaile with them. If the Parliament end as you mention, it is well that it is with a thanksgiving. The Treaty is not yet come down that I hear on, and if you could strive to send it, it will be acceptable. I am sorry your indisposition returns, and wish you could vote all your members free from the gout and all other ill humours. I am glad to see, today, that the Yorkshire bill for enclosing commons for the benefit of poor vicarages and chappels, is like to pass. I hope we shall have the like in other places.” John Sumner to George Kenyon. 1148 , 1713, May 31. — ‘‘ I thought it most adviseable to have had all the burgesses together at Serjeant Langshaw’s, but he enclined to go from house to house to them, so I let him have his mind. You were saying you had a mind to oblige Ralph Ashton, so the last week, I told him that if three or four pound would do him a kindness, I did believe I could prevail with you to lend it him ; it will engage both him and his son, but it must be done soon. Tho : Mullineux has promised me to vote for you, and I believe will. I have reason to think BaylifI: William Brown will vote for you and Sir Roger. My Lord Barrymore’s steward was in town, drinking, Thursday and Friday last, and Calvert keeps drinking continually ; he is much at Randle Crooks, and Randle F F 2 452 will, I believe, be for my Lord, in hopes of great shotts, unless Mr. Mawsdesley can get a promise from him for Sir Roger and you. Mr. Mawdesley makes him Bayliff of the Hundred, and Mr. Mawsdesley being now at home, on this side, it would do well for you to write to Mr. Mawsdesley to send for Randle and get a positive promise from him, or threaten to turn him out of his place, otherwise he will be lost, and perhaps giving his place to another (if he will not promise) may get another vote — but do it forthwith. There should be some money ordered to be drunk, at times, with halfe a dozen or halfe a score bur- gesses ; it is what they expect, and Calvert gives drink to all that came to him. I have spent all I could shift for. I have told the two Lang- shaws I will contrive some way to get them in serjeants, at Miclemas ; there is no other way of keeping them, from going over to my lord.’’ Richard Langton to George Kenyon, M.P., “ at his lodgings at the White House, in Brounlow Street, near Drury Lane.” 1149 . 1713, June 12. Preston. — I have inquired of Mr. Stanley, Governor of the House of Correction, concerning Johnson, the land- waiter, named in your letter, who tells me that Johnson is under a very dull and melancholy distraction, and, in all probability, never likely to be restored so farr to his senses as to be capable for business. He keeps him very close, and so tyed or chained, that he cannot do himself any mischief, for he lias attempted to cut his own throat since he came into the House of Correction. Mr. Stanley says that Mr. Smith, the Collector at Leverpool, told him that he onely intends to continue Johnson in his place till his halfe yeare is up, which ends in the latter end of July next. We are all under great expectations what the House of Commons will do upon the Articles of Commerce and Trade. There is a great many severall sortes of trades and manufactures to be con- sidered. I wish these points well setled 1 hear that the Judges in the Queen’s Bench will, next week, give their opinions about a petty-bagg in the Chancery here, and that there is hopes we shall have their judgment for it, notwithstanding the great opposition and struggle made by the other side will it not be proper to acquaint the Chancellor with the design against the juris- diction of the County-Palatine, and the pains and charge hath been to maintain the point about a petty-bagg ? I wish his Lordship would be prevailed with to grant me transmission orders out of Court; for g . . . . ing them upon petitions has been of no long standing, and is of very pernicious consequence, and oftentimes detained upon false suggestions, on the petitions, and without hearing both sides.” All this was provided against by recently drawn rules, which, however, he can- not get signed by the Chancellor and officers. John Sumner to George Kenyon, M.P., at the Great White House,” in Brownlow Street, London. 1150 . 1713, June 14. — Advising him to pay certain expenses at his election at Wigan. Lord Willoughby went to London on Friday ; they say Bland, the late lord’s gentleman, came down for him. Richard Wroe to George Kenyon, M.P. 1151 . 1713, June 19. [Manchester.] — “ I am got so far at liberty from the gout as to be free from paine and able to ride out as far as Newton, hut dare not yet attempt a journey to Chester, but have not 453 been wanting to do you what service I can there, by writing, and do not find there they have any great opinion of Lord Bar[ymore]. However, some of them, I believe, will be for him. Mr. Knipe is now at Wardley, where Mr. High Sheriff was with him on Weddensday, as hee told mee yesterday, and says hee does not seem so confident as hee was, nor can I learn that he has done any great feats at Wigan, and would do less, if either Sir Roger or you were present, or at least some one for you to warm their memory es ; and, perhaps, if neither of you can be there, it might be a proper time at the Thanksgiving Day, to help on the lejoyceing, and promote your own interests. 1 onely give the hint, and leave it to your thoughts, supposing Mr. Knipe may be busy at that time. Mr. Serjeant, of Stand, is to be buryed on Monday, said to be dead very rich. I heare much of a poem called, I think. The Fable of the Birds ; if worth while, pray send it in a post letter. Give service to all friends in your house.” John Walmesley to George Kenyon. 1152. 1713, June 23. Wigan. — have received from Sir. H. Houghton a request for my vote for Sir R. Bradshaigh and yourself, at the next election. “ Sir, it is not my temper to naake myselfe busey, and yet I have a desire to acquaint you with townes-talke, on confidence you will suppress it. That through the rector’s and Mr. Bridgman’s interest, and a disgust that some burgesses have taken against Sir R. B., it is believed tlie Lord Barrymore may make a prity strong intrest. As to yourself, I hear not any personal dislike, but only that Sir R. should assume upon himself to impose one, without the town’s consent.” Seal of arms. ‘‘The Englishman; or, A Choice Speech at the Election of A Speaker, Etc.” 1153. [1713.] — “ Since you are now upon the choice of a Speaker, give me leave, as an Englishman, to acquaint you that her Majesty, the last session of the last Parliament, at which time I had not the honour to be a member of this House, promised to lay before us the Treaty of Commerce, which treaty, I beg leave to say, is demonstrably against the interest of Great Brittain, and for that reason I cannot but highly applaud the proposall made you for supplying the Chair with so honor- able and worthy a member as Sir T[homas] H[anmer] must be allowed to be. 1 think I am not irregular in nameing him, since the Speaker is not in the Chair, nor would I, gentlemen, take this liberty, but that I find it impossible to omitt this 0 ])pertunity of doing an honour to Sir T[homas] H[anmer] by ])ublickly asserting that Dunkirk is not yet demolished. And now 1 am upon the affair of Dunkirke, permit me, sir, to say I shall never be satisfied till the House of Han[ove]r shall think fitt to give the same assureance of a good correspondence betweene them and this Crown, which her Majesty hath been pleased frequently to give us. And this I say out of the profound respect I have for her Majesty, and the duty I owe to the house of Han[ove]r, and therefore I cannot but again repeat that I entirely concurr with that ivorthy gentleman who thought fit to propose Sir T[homas] H[anmer] for their Speaker. But at the same time, I must affirme that had I been to name you one, it should not have been this gentleman. I hope this is no reflection upon Sir T[homas] H[anmer]. The House, out of their candour and great temper, I am persuaded, will not think it one, when I say that I would not have named the same person which the worthey 454 member has named you. I must confess, Mr. Jod . . el, the qualifications which I should have regarded should have been such as, in my humble opinion, are absolutely necessary to qualifie a person for this great em- ployment. I would have proposed to you, sir, one who had thoroughly applyed himselfe to the perusall of ‘ The Crisis,’ a book lately published, the perusall of which will, I believe, more certainly make him who shall think fitt to study it, a good Speaker, than him who wrote it, a good member. I find gentlemen are diverted with what I say ; I acknow- ledge the honour this day done me in their great desire to hear what I had to say, and in their just reception they have given to what I have said. But, sir, to come to the purpose, I will demonstrate the Bill of Commerce to be a bad bill, and therefore I hope that we shall agree upon Sir T[homas] H[anmer] for our Speaker. Those gentlemen who are not of my opinion will, I hope, in this debate, confine themselves to the subject; and as to that gentleman whom I rise up to answer, I hope, if I have offered anything irregular, that he will consider I am but a new member, and that as I came much later into this House, I may chance to get much sooner out of it. Servetur ad imum qualis ah incepto,^^ Roger Kenyon to Mrs. Kenyon. 1154. 1713 - 14 , February 9. — “ I fancy, with all my skill, I could not invent a tale which would surprize thee more than what I am going to tell thee, with great truth, that 1 was this day marryed. The times, you see, are calm and promise great security, so that for the prudence and seasonableness of it, in that point, you cannot doubt ; and for the rest, all that I can tell thee at present is, that her name was Cotton, daughter to Sir John Cotton, of Huntingdonshire ; in stature and fattness not much different from myself, about as good a Jacobite, and in every other quality and circumstance a great deal better. When you come to know her more I will let you judge for yourself, and I make no doubt but you will love one another very well.” Mr. Steele’s Speech upon the proposal of Sir Thomas Hanmer for Speaker of the House of Commons. 1155. 1713 - 14 , February 16 . — “At the close of the last session of Parliament, her Majesty was graciously pleased to declare from the throne, that the late rejected Bill of Commerce between Great Britain and France should be offered this House. That declaration was certainly made that every gentlemen who should have the honour to be returned hither, might make himself master of that important question. It is demonstration, that Bill ought to be taken notice of, and no man can have so great meritt to this nation att this time, as his by whose weight and authority that Bill was thrown out. I rise up to do him honour in some measure, and distinguish myself by saying I wish him our Speaker for that his inestimable service to his country.” Peter Shakerley to George Kenyon. 1156, 1713 [- 14 ], March 6. Westminster. — “ By the resolutions of the Committee of the whole House this day made (who were, by order of the House, to take into consideration the Act for quallifying members to sitt in Parliament, and which resolutions come witli this), you will see how ])lainly they are levelled against you, in particular. They were brought in ready cooked (pockett questions) by Mr. Ward, for Newton, 455 and the time proposed for giving in rent rolls, &c. was to have been })ut ten days from the time of reading the petition, which was Wednesday last, so that you would have been an offender, for want of due notice of the order, for it will be Tuesday next before the House can have agreed to these resolutions, the House being adjourned to that day; and if the House do agree to them, it will be Wednesday before they come out in print, and Thursday before they can be sent by the post to you. I opposed these unfair proceedings, and, upon debate, instead of 10 days, 15 days was incerted. So that you are now to suppose the worst, which is that the House, upon the Report, Tuesday next, will not allow a longer time then fifteen days from Wednesday last. “ Therefore, send up forthwith such paper, fairly written, signed by you, as the said resolutions require, and, least one should miscarry, send one to Sir Roger and another to me, both signed by you.” [George Kenyon to Peter Shakerley ?] 1157 . 1713[-14], March 10. Manchester. — There is an objection against one of the petitioners (Mr. Bridgman) which I think wee ought to have advantage of, and which Sir Roger was acquainted with, but what time is most proper to try the House’s sence in it, I submitt to you. The matter is this. At the election, it was demanded that all the candidates should take the oaths prescribed by the A ct. Mr. Bridgman, who was absent, has, as I believe, never taken them yet, and the Act declares such a one’s election to be voyd, if he refuse or neglect to take tliem before the returne of the writt of election. I therefore hope he can be no legall petitioner, and, if so, I further hope Lord B [Barrymore?] joyneing in petition with him and makeing it but one petilion, will destroy that likewise. To this I know but one answer, that wee have not personally demanded of Mr. Bridgman to take tlie oath, which was occationed by his perpetuall absence, and I presume, if he had been out of England, it would not have been intended wee should seeke him out, especially since, by his petition, he takes upon him to be apprized of what was done and demanded all the election.” Election Petition. 1158 . 1713[-14], March.^ — Petition of James Barry, Earl Barry- more, in the kingdom oi' Ireland, and Orlando Bridgman, Esquire, to the House of Commons, against the election of Sir Roger Bradshaigli and George Kenyon at Wigan, they not having estates of the annual value of 300/t. to qualify them to serve as members. Receipt for a Salver, and for engraving the same. 1159 . 17 14, April 9. — Receipt, given by Thomas Beech, of “ the ‘ Blackamoor’s Head,’ in Cheapside,” to Dr. Kenyon : — “A salver at 6s. 2d. the ounc, weing 28 oz. 7 pe. - Si. I5s. 2d. For graving the salver - - - - - - 0/. 2^. 6d. 81. I7s.8d.” George Kenyon to his wife. 1160 . 1714, June 5. — “ The Princess Sophia is dead, and of an oppo- plexy, as it is said. The Exclusion Bill was read yesterday a first time, and ordered a second reading on Monday, without a division upon that point, though many speeches. Lords Bull ke [Bollingbroke], Angl y 456 [Anglesey], and Abington, amongst those for the Bill; Lord Nott[ing- bam] with those against it. There was a division about hearing council against the Bill, and carried against it 72 against 66, which was a full House, and may perhaps show the fate of the Bill.” 1161 . 1714, June 15, — Estimate for Funeral Charges, given by Philip Morris. “ For a leaden and elme coflSn covered with fine cloth, £ s. d. sett off with the best guilt worke - - - - 8 0 0 A herse and 6 horses, at IL 2s. Qd. per day - - - 6 10 0 Two mourning coaches and six horses ditto - - 13 0 0 Velvet covering for herse and horses - - - - 1 10 0 Seventeen plumes of feathers for herse and horses - 2 10 0 Twenty four buckram escutcheons for herse and horses 2 8 0 12 shields and 6 chapperons - - - - - 250 12 large pencells and 36 small pencells - - - 3 0 0 A pall — the journey - - - - • - - 100 12 silk escutcheons for the pall - - - - 3 0 0 A lid and feathers for the top of the corps - - - 10 0 3 horsemen, and [to] bare their own charges, at 9^. per day 580 6 footmen to attend the herse to the stone’s end - - 15 0 12 escutcheons for the pulpit - - - - - 14 0 6 yards cloth for the pulpit at — per yard ; a hatchment for the house - - - - - - - 300 4 gentlemen’s cloakes, at 5^. apiece - - - - 10 0 12 pair shamy gloves, at 3^. 6d. a pair - - - 2 2 0 12 hats (?) at 3^. Qd. apiece, for gentlemen - - - 2 2 0 6 scarves at 10^. apiece - - - - - - 300 12 hatbands for servants, at 2s. apiece - - - 14 0 12 pair gloves for coachmen, at Is. apiece - - - 12 0 12 pair gloves for servants, at H. 6d. a pair - - 18 0 19 yards of bayes for the chancell, [and] bayes for the life and deth ------- - 19 0 12 paper escutcheons for the chancell - - - 12 0 66 19 0 “ This 15 June, 1714, I agree with Roger Kennyon, Esquire, to perform all the articles above recited for the sum of sixty four pounds.” Roger Kenyon to his brother, George Kenyon. 1162 . 1714, July 29. — ‘‘The quarrels at Court, indeed, are ended, but it is by the rout of the Lord Treasurer. Yesterday, or the evening before, his staff was taken from him, and the Treasury is to be [in] commission, for some time, at least. Lord Bolinbroke, and the Chancellor, are to rule the world, and it is said they will be swingeing Torys, and not a Whig left in place a month hence ; however, I do not find that the Court will have many more removes in it, either from their own affection to (piitt with the Treasurer, or the Court’s aversion to them. The City seems so unconcerned at this work, that I do not find the stocks to alter one bitt upon it. It has one present ill effect, that it furnishes an excuse to let poor Mr. Bedford (?) lye where he is, and when they w'ill come to themselves upon that head, 1 know not.” 457 R[oger] K[enyon] to his brother, George Kenyon. 1163. 1714, August 12. — The event of the Queen’s [death] was generally expected to be attended with confusion ; nothing like it has occurred. Everything is in tranquillity, and the stocks rise upon the bettering of the times. Indeed, to tell the truth, the Queen and her Ministry seem very clear of the charge some people made against thena, of endeavouring to bring in the Pretender. Whatever thoughts she had upon that subject, she is gone to answer for to Him who only can judge of thoughts. Seal of arms. The Earl of Derby to George Kenyon, at Manchester. 1164. 1714, September 14. London, — “ When I came hither, which was within few days after the Queen dyed, my sister, Colchester, gave me a letter from my Lord Baramore, by which he desired the same thing you did some time after. I did not then believe you would have stud Q^c) at Wigan, so I made no difficulty to let h[im] know I should be glad it were in my powre to serve him. I thought I could doe no less, sinsT had refused him last time; you haveing spoken to me furst, 1 hope you will think this a suffitiant excuse.” Seal of aimis. John Su3iner to George Kenyon. 1165. 1714, September 19. — “On Friday last, John Rigby (steward to the late Lord Rivers) came to me and, after some talke about the election of Mayor, and the differences that were in the town, told me it was in my power to make peace. I said I wisht it were. ‘ Yes,’ says he, ‘you may’; and the expedient he offered was that I would pro- pose to you to desist, and he would undertake my Lord should repay all the expence you have been at. He pressed me mightily, and made me promise to propose this to you and to meet him at Betty Bolton’s, in the Scoles, on Tuesday next, and give him your answer. I therefore send the bearer over on purpose, and desire you will, by him, let me know in a line what answer, and in what manner, I must give Rigby on Tuesday. I have good reasons to think that he was ordered to make this proposall ; Knipe was then in Wigan, and Rigby would gladly have sent for him to us, but I would not suffer him.” [George Kenyon to John Sumner.] 1165a. [1714, September.] — “ I wonder you should entertain a propo- sition of that sort from that quarter. I hoped you had more discretion than to suffer yourself to be amused with it, from so unlikely a hand too, which I looke upon no other than an artifice to draw off some of my friends by it. You may be sure I will give no manner of answer to it, nor would I have writt, but in respect to yourself. Now to speak to yourself. You must be witness I have allwayes declared that to the reall quiett and settlement of the towne I would be a willing sacrifice ; and if I be the Jonas that keeps up the storm, that you throw me overboard. You say you have not acquainted Sir R. Bradshaigh with it, which I much wonder att. However my own inclinations stood, 1 will not move the least step in that affair without his.” Draft, on bach of 'preceding letter. John Beresford to his brother. 1166. 1714, December 21. — “I could exchange a sheet of storys with you, but have lost the pleasure on’t ; since, by gradation, they gott 458 to the top of villany at Derby, which was to make about 92 more burgesses of the Duke, and Lord James’ tenants, sent for out of Scarsdale (in all about 200). The wonder is over, and talke ceases. The last account is from the King’s Bench, where attachments were granted, in extraordinary manner, upon bare motion of the Attorney- Generall, against five or six gentlemen, in and about the towne of Derby, to appear and traverse without any notice of the information or sum- monce, to shew cause why attachments should not goe out ; and all the while, the Lord Chief J ustice seems to bee sorry, and wonder at the violent proceedings of the Corporation, though the cheife manager (Tom Gisborne) has letters from him every weeke. Some applications luive been made (as I perceive by Tom Bagshaw) to give disturbance in the county, but I do not find they take. Wee have now got a Sheriff, which relei ves us of some fees, and gives some hope as to jurys, upon proceed- ings that may happen in his yeare. The man lives in Derby, and hath been offered Tom Gisborne’s friendship and interest to gett him off for a summe of money which .... Tom thought the covetous wretch would readily swallow, by which hee might gett both the bribe and his owne ends ; but the man generously refused his friendship, and though his father, Mr. Burton, of Weston, was sheriffe but nine years ago, hath taken, and goes on with the office, which animates our Derby friends in some measure.” The African Company. 1167 . 1714. — The case for and against the African Company. Various 'printed papers. Wigan Election. 1168 . [1714.] — Depositions of William Low, of Wigan, in the County of Lancaster, labourer, who says that ‘Ghe night before the last election of Parliament men for Wygan, he, together with Matt : Turner, a comon bayliff, arrested one John Bullock, att the suit of Mr. Boyer, and the same night gave notice of the said arrest to the said Mr, Boyer and Mr. Alexander Leigh, the attorney, who were both friends, and the said Mr. Leigh an agent or manager was commonly reported to be for the Lord Barrymore, att the said election, whom he found in the great room att the ‘ Cross Keys,’ apublick house in Wygan, with a great deal of company, amongst whom was whom this deponent was then told was Lord Barrimore. 'J’hat thereupon, the said Mr. Boyer, Mr. Leigh, and the rest of the company, very much presst this deponent to carry the said Bullock forthwith away to Chorley, which is six miles distant from Wygan, but it being then very late, this deponent desired to be excused, as fearing the prisoner might escape in the dark. And this deponent further saith, that the said bayliffes had then, warrants against Mr. John Sumner, Ralph Langshaw, James Leyland, and other Burgesses of the said burrough, which, he conceives, were then intended to be made use off to prevent their vetoing att the said election, for that the said Mr. Leigh and the Lord [Barrymore], and others there present, did appoint this de])onent and Alexander Horrocks, servant to the said Matt : Turner, to watch at the town hall of Wygan that night, and that if any of the before named persons, against whom they had warrants, did attempt to come into the Ksaid hall that night, this deponent and Horrocks should seize and carry them aw'ay ; and that this deponent and the said Horrocks did watch all or most part of the said night accordingly, and Mr. Leigh and the said company ordered them to call for 459 what drink they had a mind to, and he would take care it should be paid for, and this deponent and the said Horrocks had what drink they pleased, accordingly. And this deponent further saith that he was im- ployed the next day, being the day of election of members of Parlia- ment, by the said Mr. Leigh, together with Matthew Turner, William Turner, and other baylifFs and assistants, to arrest the said persons be- fore mentioned, as they came to vote ; and by direction of the said Mr. Leigh, this deponent and others, the said baylitfes placed themselves upon and att the foot of the said hall-stairs, that being the onely passage into the said hall, with intention to arrest the said persons accordingly, and carry them away as they were severally arrested .... And this deponent liirther saith that he heard the said Lord, togetlier with Mr. Kobert Holt, of Wygan, and the said Mr. Leigh — who was likewise, as this deponent has heard and believes, a manager or agent for the said Lord att the said election — speake to and encourage Thomas Mitton and John Barrow, hatter, and others, to get their friends together the next day, and to stand true to each other and to knock down, or words to that effect, and beat such Haighmen as should appear in the town, and that they would bear them out in so doing ; and that the said Mitton and Barrow thereupon declared to their companions below stairs, the said encouragement, and accordingly, with multitudes of their friends armed with clubs and staves, they assembled the next day. And this deponent further saith that he very well remembers that the said Mr. Sumner, Ralph Langshaw, and (he beleeves) James Leyland, did publickly appear and were seen abroad in the town of Wygan, without any manner of absconding, for severall months before the said day of election for members for Parliament, and he beleeves there was no attempt in that time to arrest them, and that from and after the said day of election, for members of Parliament, they likewise appeared })ublickly in town ; and this deponent had no orders, and beleeves no other person upon the said warrants had orders, to arrest them untill the day or near the time of choosing a Mayor for the said town, which was upon the third day of October then following.” The humble Address of the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgesses of the Corporation of Wigan, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, presented by Sir Roger Bradshaigh. 1169. 1715, March 27. — Dread Sovereign, we begg leave to condole with you the death of her late Majesty, whose memory ought to l)e dear to the present generation, and whose reigne will be esteemed glorious and happy to the latest posterity, glorious in tryumphs of war and carrying the reputation of the English arines to a height unkiiowne to former ages ; happy in seeing that warr terminate in a generall, solid, and beneficial peace for her people, herself being the arbitress thereof. ‘‘ Give to us leave, as the first fruits of that, happy peace, to congratu- late your Majestie’s quiett accession to the Imperiall Throne of these kingdomes. Your Majesty’s consummate prudence in government, know'- ledge and abilities in warr, gives us confidence ; your piety and virtues gives us assurance ; and your royal! issue gives us a prospect of the long continuance of all the blessings that a gratefull and dutifull people can wish for. “ We take this opportunity to return our thanks for your Majesties gracious assureance of protecting the episcopall churches of England; this, with your being in full communication with that church, must make you dear to all the members thereof. We cannot but please our- selves with the hopes that, by the establishment of your family amongst 460 us, the favourable conjuncture which has been so long wished for is now come, to extend the episcopall government to the reformed churches abroad, which, as we believe the only foundation possable to unite the Christian world upon (if ever it must be so happy), so it must render you, above all things, glorious to the whole reformation, by being the happy instrument of so universal I a benefitt. “ Upon all these hopes and prospects we are tyed, as well by our in- terest as the principles of our holy church, to pay you our allegiance in an inviolable manner, and pray that after a long continuance of a prosperous reigne here, you may be translated to one eternall here- after” “ Conic ” Lamps. 1170. 1715, J line 25. — Receipt for ds. given to Dr. Kenyon by Richard Post, collector, for the use of ‘‘ the Proprietors of the Conic Lamps.” Registration of Papists’ Lands. 1171. [after 17 15. ]~ -There are particulars of the lands in the county of Lancaster, of the following Papists, viz. : — Hugh Bulling, of Lathom, yeoman ; Humphrey Orrell, of Parr, in the parish of Piescot ; Thomas Johnson, of Downholland, in the parish of Halsall ; William Bradshaw, of Burscough ; Lawrence Wilson, of Ormskirk ; Margaret Assheton, of Abram, widow ; Francis Farrar, of Downholland, in the parish of Halsall ; Richard Moor, of Downholland ; John Boardman, of Ashton, in the parish of Winwick, linen webster ; John Fletcher, of Windle ; and Richard Cropper, of Burscough. P (?) Kenyon to Mrs. Kenyon, at Gredington. 1172. [1715-16,] January 10. — We have just received an express, dated Dumfries, January 3, which gives an account that the rebels were then at Glasgow, where they are raising a large contribution in cloth, linen, stockings, tartan, bonnets, and cash to a (considerable sum. They are not yet joined by the rebels in the north at Perth, Dundee, Aberdeen, etc. Part of General Hawley’s army has got to Edinburgh, and the rest expected in a day or two, so far our letter. As to Manchester, they are ready to pull one another’s eyes out, and the country is full of thieves and rogues. Voting on the Triennial Act. 1173. 1716, April 24. — An exact and correct list of the members of the House of Commons who voted for and against the Bill for repealing the Triennial Act. Also of the absent members, which makes this a compleat list. T. Stafford to “ Captain Martell, of Colonel Stanhope’s Dragoons, or, in his absence, to Captain Deleuzf (?), of the same regiment.” 1174. 1716, October 16. Dumfries. — “The misfortunes, disapoint- iiients, and ingratitude, I have met with in this vile world, are soe many and great, that I cannot longer bear them, therefore have thought fit to retire, beleiveing it better to dye than to live miserable, which I have already done too long. I beg you will order sentrys on my room and 461 stable, that the people of this town and country may have nothing to doe with my person nor effects. The bearer brings you my writing box, the key of which is here inclosed. In that part of the box that holds the pens and ink, you will find my purse with 29 guineas; in the other, my pockett book relateing to paying the regiment, &c. I beg you will pay my landlord, Gripton, about 40^. for some hay and corn I had of him ; my servant about 3/. or 4/. due to him for wages ; what you think fit, for burying me; and the rest of the money I desire may be returned to my wife, by bill or otherwise. You may please to direct to Mrs. Stafford, att Mr. Congreaves, of Stretton, in Staffordshire, by Wolverhampton bagg, per London, and represent my misfortune as favourably as you can to her. And if you please to write to my father, Thomas Stafford, Esq., at Maxfield, in Cheshire, I desire you would condemn his severe usage of me, as you will see he deserves by the inclosed letters, though I might very reasonably have expected better, considering I have paid severall thousand pounds for him. The books and accounts of the regiment are in my trunk, the accounts and vouchers sealed up in a canvas bagg marked Stanhope, iSTo. 6, where you will find the vouchers for all, except the 14/. 18.?. 6r/. continjencys, and the 41/. lO^. Od. I have charged myself with for paying the regi- ment, which the colonel will please to order, as he thinks fit. This tragicall action has been thought of for some time. I am sorry it has hindred me takeing care of your troop, and doing my duty in the regiment I ought, but hope that will all be forgiven, since it was my misfortune, not my fault ; for it was wholly out of my power to alter my dismal temper, nor could anything divert my melan- choly, it was soe deeprooted. If the major and you secure my horses and effects to be disposed of by auction in the regiment, I hope they will be sufficient to answer anything that I may be charged with by Mr. Bourn, &c., for I would not have Colonel Stanhope suffer the loss of a farthing on my account, nor any officer in his regiment, I hope, and doubt not, but you will have hat reguard to a dead friend, and the rest of the choar to a brother officer, as to insist upon a decent buiyall, and in such place as you shall think proper, notwithstanding the clergy and their creatures may object against iL I have ten thousand pardons to ask for giving you this trouble, and many others, but when I consider it will be the last, I readily ghess it will be forgiven. I wish all happiness, glory, and conquest, may ever attend you.” Postscript . — I beg you will take your fine new hat again, it is in the top of my trunk, but has never been worn. I am very sorry you put yourself to that expence for soe miserable a creature as I am. . , . . I desire you would accept of my little gun, to keep for my sake. Part of my linen is at wash with Radclyff’s wife, of your troop. . . . It will be very kind in Colonel Stanhope if he will get my wife in upon the widows’ list.” Anthony Barlow to George Kenyon, “ at his house in Salford.” 1175. 1716, Kovember 18. Stopford. — Is it necessary for me to come to Salford to-day, in order to make a new will to-morrow, for the benefit of my estate and children “ before I am any way convicted ” ? For I think I was told by a lawyer that, by the Act of Parliament “ made about the time they pulled downe meeteing-houses,” any person summoned by Justices to appear before them to take the oaths, upon a refusal was immediately convicted. And shall be apprehensive it will l)i’ove so, unless you send me word to the contrary, and that I have longer time to make my will in than to-morrow, unconvicted. 462 Petee Shakerley to the Mayor and Magistrates of the Corporation of Wigan. 1176. 1717[-18], January 23. Hulm. — ‘‘ My desire was, and is, that you might take possession of the west end gallery in Wigan church, the 2nd of next month, at which time, I am tould, the interest of those who rent seats therein, expires ; and I writt to Sir Roger Bradshaigh a good while since to take elfectuall care that not any seat therein should be disposed of from that time, which hee writt to me hee had don by giveing a caution thereof to the clerk, who had the disposall of those seats. “Last post, I received a letter from Mr. Prescott, the Register at Chester, to whom I writt before Christmas last, and sent him your Recorder, Mr. Kenyon’s, objections (which hee sent to Sir Roger) for . the title to be the purchaser of the said gallery. This inclosed is in answer to it, which I desire you forthwith to communicate to Mr. Kenyon. I am entirely a stranger to the methods of the Eccle- siastical! Court, and hope I shall always continue soe. I am ready and willing to pay you the 100/. I promised, for the purchase of the said gallery for you and your successors, haveing good and sure title made to it ; but if there is any debt to workmen or others for building it, or otherwise, that must be paid out of the 100/. purchase money, for every estate must be freed from debts, &c., to a purchaser.” [Dr. Roger Kenyon] to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Kenyon. 1177. 1718, May. — “I am now removing from Paris; two days more will be all my stay in it, and where my next to this will be dated, is hard to say — EJanders or Holland, for I shall go through them both, in my way home. I could not but be sensibly touched for my -relations in their loss for so good a man as the late worthy warden.^ As death is the lot of every man, so is the history of it the subject of all times and all countries. Saturday last, about 7 in the morning, dyed the Queen of England, at St. Germains, of a pleurike (sic) fever, after 4 or 5 days’ illness. She was a lady of great virtues and great sufferings. The worldly blessings of this life are surely of small esteem in the eye of Providence, or its ways are very impenetrable to us, or, what is as true as either, there is another time and place where all accounts will be most justly stated. Her enemies, too, will dye, and if they have caused her sufferings wrongfully, I do not envy them their success.” Seal of arms. The Same to the Same. 1178. 1718, September 6 (N. S.). Amsterdam. — “You do well to visit Peel sometimes and keep it in repair. When there are a great many good fires in it and a great deal of good company. Peel is not an un- pleasant place. It is now almost three weekes since I came to this pious town of Amsterdam, a place of little mirth, but busy enuf, in a country where scarce anything grows but where everything abounds, and yet, in this abundance, where they eat and drink, themselves, the worst things they have, and send the best abroad; in short, where the whole pleasure and i)ent of their mind is to get together a great heap of money, and make very little use of it when they have done. An idle person is one of the greatest raritys in the country, seems out of his place and in their * Dr. Wroe, Warden of Manchester. 463 way ; so I will even leave them where I found them, and where, I beleive, the last day will find them — in the search of wealth, with all the powers of body and mind. They do, however, say their prayers, and in great variety of languages and all sorts of forms : but the petitions in which they are most devout, I fancy, have a view towards this world.” The Same to the Same. 1179. 1718-19, March 17. — The end of this week, or the begin- ning of the next, I intend to go down to Cambridge, and design to lodge in the College, where they have promised to get me a room ; or, if anything alters that purpose, I shall be found at the ‘ Bear Inn,’ which is one of the best houses in the town, but more convenient, it may be, for me than my brother, being, as he knows, at a small distance from the College, but very near to Mr. Thomkinson. The ‘ Sun,’ or ‘ Queen’s Arms,’ are nearer to St. John’s, but what sort of landlords they have at present I am too much a stranger there to know. We abound here in reports of, I know not what invasions from Spain. That they are frightened in Exchange Alley is certain, but what projects Cardinal Alberoni may have in his head is [out] of my reach, and whether they will . . . here [or] where, though we do well to take our precau- tions ... I fancy, as yet nobody is very sure.” The Same to the Same. 1180. 1719, June 9. — ‘‘ Rumours abound here, as with you, and truth is so mixed with falshood that it is most difficult to separate them. It is, however, no longer doubted but that the Princess Sobiesky is at Rome, and Lord Mar stopt at Geneva, wdiither K[ing] G[eorge] has writt to thank them for their zeal in his cause ; will take a little time to consider what to do with him, but in the mean time, would have him well used. I have heard nothing spoke yet of the deeds of our [vice kings, unless some debate they had about sending a squadron to the Baltick, which the majority of them, being against Mr. Crags, produced an order from his Majesty that one should be sent of 12 men of- war. For the rest, people seem to wait for some great matter with very curious ears, but upon what ground I know not, I believe they neither.” Edward Beresford to Dr. Kenyon, “ at his lodgings, number 31 in Gloster Street, near Red Lyon Square.” 1181. 1719-20, January 17. [Stockport.] — I have such a great sensibility and soreness in the “ joyning” of my head, that I cannot bear the touch of a light wig, but almost always wear a thin silk cap, yet without ever getting cold. What methods are taken to advance a subscription in other parts, this and the neighbouring counties, or in the kingdom in general, I know not ; but undoubtedly an application might be made, which would turn to very great account. You are very generous to our design of a new school. Church Seats. 1182. l7l9[-20], February 20. — Case and opinion of counsel, upon the validity of a grant of a seat in the l)ody of the parish church of Manchester, made by the Bishop of Chester, in 1630, to Sir Alexander Raddifie. 464 Information as to Treasonable Language. 1183 . 1720, August 31. — Information of Henry Harris, a soldier ‘‘ in his royal highness George, Prince of Wales’, own regiment of Welsh Fuzilleers, commanded by Major General Sabin, now quartered at Manchester,” taken before George Cheetham, esquire. Justice of the Peace, that on the 30th August, at ten o’clock at night, he heard John Whiteley, of Manchester, yeoman, say, I am the man that says, downe with the Rump, and downe with King George, and be damned.” Eights over Tonge Moor. 1184 . [1720.] — Statement about rights over Tonge Moor, in the township of Tonge, claimed as belonging to the owner of the capital messuage called “ Hall of Wood, in Tonge.” George Kenyon to Mr. Moss. 1185 . 1720[-1], February 17. Salford. — ^‘Charles Beswick was with me yesterday, with orders from Mr. Egerton, Mr. Chetham, Mr. Eatcliffe and Parson Ashton, and to-day again from Mr. Warren and Mr. A rderne, all trustees for Manchester Schoole, to tell you they doe noe way intend to oppose your [Navigation] Bill, but that they expect the Schoole Mills to be effectually secured.” They suggest a clause, relative to the mills, to form part of the bill ; this recites that the revenue of the mills “ is an antient charity, founded for the maintenance of a free schoole ” within Manchester^ and enacts that nothing in the bill shall be taken to give power to the ‘‘ undertakers ” to construct any works which should obstruct the free working of the mills. Copy. Hr. Eoger Kenyon to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Kenyon. 1186 . 1721, November 2. — “I affirm nothing, but every body talks of a new Parliament. Whether my brother has any sort of intention to busy himself about it, either upon his own account or anybody’s els, I know not; but I heard, by Mr. Masters, that he was lately at Wigan, and that Sir E. Br[adshaigh] intends for himself and son. If my brother is of that side, I hope he will put himself to no charge about it, for what- ever Sir E. may be in other respects, he is certainly as bad a member of Parliament as can be had. Y esterday, it being moved in the House to lessen the forces, being now in an universall tranquillity, and it being much preston one side that if it was not now done, a standing army and a land tax would be perpetuated without one word of answer, though desired to say somewhat, the question was called for and carryed, to continue the army, by 99 against 40.” Thomas Eobinson, curate of Mottram, to ‘‘ Mr. Kenyon, counsellor-at-law, living in Salford.” 1187 . 1722, December 6. Mottram. — “ A purchase is proposed for the augmentation of Mottram; and, therefore, the Bishop of Chester desires me to lay before you an abstract of all the writings belonging to the estate, and to ask your opinion. I have sent your {qq per bearer.” Benjamin Grosvenor to “ the Eev : Mr. Wood, in Chowbent.” 1188 . 1722[-3], February 18. Hoxton Square. — This comes to desire you to send up an account of your labours at the late rebellion. 465 your dangers and hazards, your expenses and charge, your sufferings and damages, and what you are yet out of pocket. Make it appear as much for the King’s service as it really was, and, I believe, it will be an hundred pounds in your way ; for, as far as 100/. goes, we have a prospect of procuring it for your reimbursement. You are also to send up a letter of thanks (after we have the money secured) to a certain great man, whose name you shall hereafter know. Be as quick as you can. If your former account had been a little more particular, I do not know but it might have been two hundred, instead of one. I leave it to you to servare modum. Between tediousness and dryness be a little distinct, but do not be long, and touch it up so as to make the represen- tation as advantageous as you can. God be with you, and give you such success as is hoped for.” Postscript, — “ Something about the state of the country about you, how affected ; and if you can, suggest anything for the King’s service. Direct yours to Mr. Holding, merchant in Fenchurch Street, Fan Court, London.” Edward Hulton ‘‘ to the Feoffees of the Free School at Manchester.” 1189. 1723, May 17. Manchester. — “ These lines are occasioned by some apprehensions of hard usage, which I have met with, relating to my concern with the school, upon the death of the two masters, a year ago ; for upon the demise of the late Mr. Barrow, one of the body engaging me to do the office of a school-master there till the patron had filled up the two vacancies, promised, before Mr. John Kay and the steward, that I should be very well satisfied for my diligence during service in that trust. Notwithstanding which, it has happened otherwise with me, as I hope will appear to you by the following account. From the death of Mr. Barrow, March the 4th, to April the 26th, inclusive, are seven weeks and 3 days, for which time’s service there was due to me, according to your own allowance of a guinea and a half per week, 11/. Oa’. Od. and upwards ; instead of which sum, I have only received six guineas, to wit, one month’s payment, which falls a great deal short of the first sum. And further, since you were pleased to assign me half a guinea per week, as a recom pence for my care of Mr. Thompson’s school for the said 7 weeks, I apprehend that if I really desired such a consideration upon that account for that term, I did also for all the time besides it, which, besides the 3 weeks 3 days already intimated, includes in its account the time from February 17 to the said 4th of March ; for upon February 17, Mr. Gray deserted the said school. This is the state of the most material of my present grievances, though I doubt not but most of you are sensible that I have reason to complain of severe treat- ment in other respects, though at the same time, justice requires that I should acquit the gross of the worthy body, which I accordingly do, hoping that your generosity will engage you to give me satisfaction in what I have chiefly here insisted upon, which will oblige me to a behaviour towards each and all of you, suitable to the dignity and merits of such worthy gentlemen.” Following is a copy^ attested hy Roger Bolton and J. Richards,, of a receipt, as folloivs : — ‘‘April 9th, 1722. “ Received of Mrs. Thompson the sum of ten pounds, as a gratification for my assistance of the late Mr. Barrow, in teaching the free school. “ As witnesseth my hand, “Edward Hulton.” 73480. G G 466 E[oger] K[enyon] to Mrs. Kenyon, ‘‘at her house at Salford.” 1190 . 1723, July 25. — “You are like, I perceive, to have your old parson at Peel ; the lay-brother has complied and taken the oath, to the great disappointment of some good Protestants, who had prepared them- selves to bid for his estate, when it came to be auctioned. Poor man, I believe it was a bad morning’s work with him, but I must own I was not a little pleased to find they were all disappointed. These new Acts of Parliament will possibly revive old doubts and disputes, and bring some gentlemen in the neighbourhood to a resolution who have wavered, as I hear of late ; in truth, I am sorry for them either way The lottery is almost at an end.” Egbert Bromley to George Kenyon, “ or his clerk, Mr. Banks.” 1191 . 1723[-4], February 18. Warrington. — The bearer comes to know whether {sic) the last Quarter Sessions was, and whether it stands now adjourned, in order to give the Roman Catholics who have not already registered their estates, an opportunity of doing it, betwixt this and Lady-day. Seth Broxup to “ the Worshipfull Feoffees at the Free Schoole in Manchester.” 1192 . 1724, June 30. Manchester. — “Most worthy patrons and my noble benefactors, upon the l7th of this instant, which was the first time that I heard you had a design of displacing me, it was sur- prising and amazing unto me, and I was almost sunk down with horror and despondency ; but my sorrow was soon alleviated when Mr. Richards informed me you would continue me in my place until the 25 of March next ensueing, which comfortable news brought great serenity to my mind and filled me with transports of joy ; moreover, a worthy friend of mine told me that you would allow me a hansome maintenance for my life, which added a greater degree of satisfaction unto me, inasmuch as in a manner (under God) you have given a new being unto me. If you please to continue me in my station after Lady Day next, I shall be glad to serve you and the town ; but if otherwise, I shall confide in your generosity and the bounty and provision you make for me. I have taught at the free school in Manchester ever since the year of our Lord God, 1688, and am 68 years of age, and begin to feel myself to decline. I hope you will be kind unto me for my father’s sake, who lived in the town many years, in good credit and esteem : he suffered very much in the times of the late usurpation and was a true Royalist. I myself was born in this town, and had my education in it. I rely upon your innate principle of goodness that, if I am removed, you will grant me a handsome donation that I may live comfortably in the world, amongst my townsmen and acquaintance : my abode cannot in all probability be long here, therefore I desire you would continue your favours and com- passion unto me, who am a poor object of your bounty and charity.” Petition of Seth Broxup, “ late Under-Master of the Free School of Manchester,” to the Feoffees of the said School. 1193 . [1724, after June 30.] — “Your humble petitioner, having been Master of the Lower School ever since it was builded, and your honours knowing my (sic) being superannuated and uncapable either to serve your honours or my self, humbly begs leave to informe your honours that my circumstance is very deplorable, and unless your 467 honours will please, not only to consider my condition, but grant me something yearly, I shall certainly want common necessaries of life. My thanks and gratitude for your kindnesses received since I have left the School, are sincerely acknowledged.” Catalogue of the Pupils [“ discipulorum ”] of Joseph Hobson, [at Manchester]. 1194. 1725, June 7. — Charles Hobson, John Leigh, Samuel Haven- port, Burton Brace, Thomas Seddon, Daniel Pollit, John Benshaw, John Hobson, John Walker, Thomas Baffold, John Adams, Henry Lees, William Barlowe, Robert Bradshaw, William Barrow, Thomas Robinson, John Baker, Noah Hallows, Thomas Boardrnan, Peter Tickel, James Clough, Samuel Oakes, Henry Gore, William Crompton, William Tom- linson, Thomas Gothard, William Hey wood, Thomas Tinsley, John Jones, Samuel Goodgear [Goodyear John Goodgear, Hugo Whittle, Richard Thorpe, John Bell, James Somister, James Barlowe, Daniel Mode, George Hulton, John Hulme, Peter Heywood, Joseph Bancroft, Samuel Kinder, John Whitley, James Rowe, James Berry, James Jonson, Thomas Stretch, James Crompton, John Pemberton, Robert Adcroft, James Hall, John Smith, Thomas Gathorne, John Warming- ham, Thomas Ashley, James Priestnal, Richard Brookes, William Barlowe, John Thorpe, Charles Hadfield, Henry Tonge, Nathaniel Winterbotham, John iRedford, Thomas Hudson, Samuel Wolmore, John Wadsworth, James Bradshaw, Thomas Hibbard, James Holden, Samuel Lees, James Heywood, James Birchall, James Wagstaff, Robert Aspinal, Robert Philips, James Heys, Thomas Kyrke, Charles Hey- wood, Jeremiah Gothard, James Ridley, Thomas Barrow, Thomas Chadock, Alexander Holbrooke, and Thomas Haworth. Thomas Gellybrand to George Kenyon. 1195. 1725, June 14. Leigh. — ‘‘ I make bould to retorn you thanks for your former kinness to me and my poor wife, who continus in a wacke condishen, in so much that she is not abell to help her selef, without one or two to help her, and the town will not do nothing to- wards her relife, unless she and I will ware the bag, which she is un- willing.” Sir R. Bradshaigh to George Kenyon. 1196. 1727, July 10. Haigh.— -Asking for his vote at the election of members to represent the Borough of Wigan. Seal of anns, broken. Resignation of the Second Master of Manchester School. 1197. 1727, September 15. — ‘‘I, William Purnell, second master of Manchester School, do by these presents resign any right of succeeding which may be granted me by the statutes or ordinances of the Free Grammar School of Manchester, upon the death or departure of any head master, for the next turn, upon the following conditions (viz.) : to have the arrears for the three last years, and the money that I laid out upon my house, and to have my house either rebuilt or repaired.” Draft. Samuel, Bishop of Chester, to Rey. Mr. Oldersey, Rector of Wigan. 1198. [1727.] — Enclosing the draft of an address from the Bishop, Dean, and Prebendaries, of the Cathedral Church of Chester, to George II., upon his accession. Seal of ar7ns, broken. G G 2 468 ‘‘Count Sinzendorf, Chancellor of the Court of his Imperial and Catholic Majesty, to Monsieur de Palm, the Emperor’s Resident in the Court of Great Britain.” 1199 . 1727[-8,] February 20. Vienna. — “His Imperial and Catholick Majestie judges it indispensably necessary, upon the step which has been lately taken in the country where you are, to send you, in the dispatch here annexed, a memorial which you are to present to the King of Great Britain, and to publish afterwards, that the whole nation may be acquainted with it, whilst answers are prepareing to certain pamphletts, published before the opening of the Parliament. “ It is easy to see that the speech was made for no purpose but to excite the nation to a rupture and open war with the Emperor and with Spain, and to make the Parliament approve the precipetate and burthen- some measures which the Government has taken for private ends, but too well known. Not only unwarrantable inferences and pre- tences have been made use of, but manifest falsehoods have been boldly advanced for indisputable facts, a proceeding never seen before among Powers who ought to respect each other, when in the most flagrant wars, from whence it ought to be presumed that the King, whose sacred mouth ought to be an oracle of truth, must have been him- self abused by the suggestions and false reports of those who have the honor to possess his confidence, and who think it their interest to inflame, by these meanes, both the Prince and the nation, for their own private views and personall preservation, without any regard to the honour of the majestie of the throne, or to the evils which may result from hence to their own country, and to all Europe. “ For these purposes they establish a foundation, and lay down, as a certain fact, that there is a positive article in the Treaty of Alliance, between the Emperor and the King of Spain, to place the Pretender on the throne of Great Britain, and to invade that kingdom with open force, and this they do, a few dayes after the Minister Plenipotentiary of the Catholick King had, before his departure from London, in a memorial presented in the sacred name of his master, publickly and in the most authentick manner, disavowed these imputations, which sufficiently prove the Emperor’s disavowall of the same, since the pre- tended article was equally imputed to the two Powers, and one of them could not have stipulated anything in the same treaty, without the other. Besides which, it is to be considered that 6 months ago, upon the first reports of these false suppositions, the Emperor and King of Spain, in order to silence them, proposed a formall de non offendendo^ into which all the allies, on one side and the other, might enter, and which would effectually have secured the peacable possessions of each of the Powers contracting, either in the Treaty of Vienna or that of Hanover, till such time as it had been possible, by one generall treaty, to remove and quiet the complaints of all sides. But these proposalls were rendered ineffectual by the same views of those persons who chose rather to hinder the peaceable effect of those just designs, by attacks and open hostilities. “ It is further known, and it is ever notorious by the solemn comuni- cation made to the King of Great Britain by the treaty of peace con- cluded at Vienna between the Emperor and the King of Spain, that the treaty of the Quadruple Alliance, made at London the 2nd of August 1718, has been laid down as the unalterable basis of their peace, and that all the articles of this Quadruple Alliance are therein confirmed and corroborated, as if they had been inserted anew. How, then, can it bee supposed, and even given out as a matter of fact, that by another secret 469 treaty, signed on the same day, conditions have been established and engagements taken, entirely repugnant to the same. “ Such a thing cannot be advanced without insulting and injuring, in the most outrageous manner, the majesty of the two contracting Powers, who have a right to demand a signall reparation and satisfac- tion, proportioned to the enormity of the affront, which equally interests their honour, and that faith (?) which ought allwaies to be respected amongst Sovereign princes. “ But if those who endeavour to avail themselves of such feigned recriminations, and to excuse themselves from the blame which their rash and turbulent measures deserve, imagine that this unjustifiable conduct may at last oblige the Emperor and King of Spain to repell force by force, and to defend themselves, by all those meaues which God has put into their hands, from the mischeifs with which they are threatned, and from the insults and attacks which have been actually made use of against them, so far that it has been even attempted to engage the Ottoman Porte in these unparelleled designs, at least, ought they not to publish, as antecedent facts, those things which they have reason to apprehend may bee the consequence of a war into which they will have forced these two Powers to enter, in their own just defence. “ The Emperor and King of Spain hope, however, from the Divine good- nes, and from the wisdom of persons less prejudiced and less passionate, that more mature and serious reflections will be made, in order to restore amicably the publick tranquility, and to save all Europe from the misfortunes of a war, stirred up by motives so trifling and ground- less, which can tend to nothing but the distinction of the subject, of his estate, and of his countre. “ Their Majesties, the Emperor and the King of Spain, ardently de- sire the blessing of peace, and to observe their treaties with all their allies with the strictest fidelity. But, as a mutuall contract can subsist no longer on one side then while it remaines unbroken on the other, the evill consequences of a rupture, if that should happen, ought to be imputed to those alone who have been the authors of these instructions. “ I have the Emperor’s express order to write this to you, in his name, that you may be able to destroy the falshoods and calumnies which have been charged on the high contracting parties of the Treaty of Vienna, who have no other view but that of making peace between themselves wdthout hurting any one else.” Copy. Appended . — The representation made, according to the foregoing instructions, by Monsieur de Palm. Copy. A Pkotest. 1200. 1729.-— The protests of the Lords in Parliament. Printed. Election Address. 1201. 1733, October 12. Dunham.— Address by Lord Warrington to his tenants, and other freeholders, in the county of Chester, in favour of the election to Parliament of Mr. Cholmondeley, of Vale Koyal, and Mr. Crew, junior. Copy. George Parry to the Eeverend . 1202. 1735, October 21. Holywell, [Flintshire]. — Sending the translation of a grant by Queen Anne, dated 20 January, in the second year of her reign, to Sir John Egerton, baronet, of a market, to be 470 held every Friday, in the town of Holywell, and three fairs there every year. A question seems to have arisen as to the right of taking toll. Petition of Jane Akrowsmith, widow, to the Feoffees of the Manchester Free School. 1203. 1736, April 5. Manchester. — My son,. John Arrowsmith, now at Oxford, some time since officiated in the free school of Manchester for the space of twenty-three weeks, at the request of the town, upon the account of Mr. Richards’ indisposition, the late head-master. My son was desired by several persons to assist in the school, who proposed to make contributions in return for his time. The late Mr. Foxley collected a sum in order for him, but being told by Mr. Purnell that the worshipful trustees would pay him, occasioned Mr. Foxley to return the collected sum ; so I humbly desire your worships will take this affair in consideration.” Petition of John Arrowsmith ‘Ho the worthy gentlemen concerned for the Free School in Manchester.” 1204. [1736, April.] — “ The humble memorial of John Arrowsmith, born in Manchester, Tate a scholar of the free school there, sheweth — “ That he was lately nominated by Mr. Richards, master of the said School, to go to the University of Oxford (where he now is), bopeing to make a good use of the improvement he has received in Manchester. Your petitioner being informed there is an allowance to be given to the scholars going from the said school to Oxford, humbly hopes he may, towards his encouragement, be admitted to a share of such benevolence, his present dependance being only on a mother, who is a widow, with many children to provide for.” James Oldham to George Kenyon. 1205. 1736, July 27. Manchester. — Mr. Egerton desires counsel about Holywell affairs, before Kersall Moor Races, where he hoped to have seen Mr. Kenyon. Seal with crest. Croston Church. 1206. 1739, October 8. — Petition from the Justices of the Peace for the County of Lancaster to Philip, Lord Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor, for Letters Patent for a collection to be made for rebuilding a portion of the Parish Church of Croston; the foundations of the church being weakened by the overflowing of the River Yarrow, so that the pillars and arches which support the middle aisle must be rebuilt. Copy. Order made at Lancaster Sessions. 1207. 1740, July 15. — The Justices at Lancaster desire the justices at Preston, Ormskirk, and Manchester, to direct what rate or allowance per mile, or otherwise, shall be made, for “ passing” vagrants, according to the late act. “ The gentlemen at Lancaster think 8c?. a mile sufficient for one vagrant, if conveyed on horseback ; if two vagrants, 6d. each ; and if more, in proportion, accordingly.” The justices at Preston agree ; but they recommend that vagrants should pass on foot, where prac- ticable, and they suggest the allowance of 6c?. each per mile, or 4c?, each, 471 if more than one is passed. The justices at Ormskirk consider the passing of Irish vagrants out of Cheshire to the House of Correction at Manchester, is contrary to the act, Park Gate being the next port.” Draft table of rates for conveying vagrants to Ireland follows : — ^‘For passing vagrants from Liverpool to Dublin, to the master - - - - - - 2s. 6d. For maintaining while on board - - - - D. Od. From Liverpool to Cork, or to the north part of Ireland - - - ~ - 5s. Od. For maintenance - - - - - - l^. 6d. From Liverpool to the Isle of Man - - ~ 2s. 6d. [For] maintenance - ----- H. Od. For maintenance whilst in port, till they can be shipped, not exceeding, pe?' day - - - O^. 6c?.” Kobeet Tayloe to Geoege Kenyon. 1208. 1741, April 23. Nantwich.— Was in hopes not to have troubled Mr. Kenyon more, about his affair with Mr. Manley, but hears he intends to go to law. He is a very ignorant countryman, and I find is advised by a very ill man, though, I am sorry to say it, a clergy- man, one Mr. Wright, of Hazlington, who gets more by being con- cerned in law than by preaching. [He] keeps his chambers at this town and Sandbach every market day, and takes any thing in hand ; draws the person on he is concerned for, just comes to tryal, and then generally persuades them to agree. Ko question but you have heard his character.” The Same to the Same, ‘‘near the old church in Manchester.” 1209. 1741, May 28. Kantwich. — As to the procedure in the Court of Chester. “ Mr. Willett desired. I would let you know they have 6 weeks from the filing of the declaration to plead in.” According to the rules of that Court, “ all the rules there are 6 weeks.” . . . I see the fourth edition of Collins’s Peerage is reprinted ; “ if you would have them (5ec), I shall be very glad to serve you with them.” R. Molyneux to Geoege Kenyon. 1210. 1744, “May-day.” Preston. — It has been confidently re- ported in our coffee-house that you, as clerk of the peace, have received a letter from the Duke of Newcastle, directing you not to return the con- victions into Chancery, and ordering you to send them up to him at his office at Whitehall, and furthur, that the Duke wrote you word that the justices for this county were the only justices in England that had pro- ceeded so far against the papists. I should be extremely glad to know the truth of this account, as I think it is very extraordinary, and, therefore, beg the favour of a line by the return of the carrier (or otherwise) to clear up this affair, and if you have any such letter, I should be very much obliged to you for a copy of it. Seal of arms. N. Paekee to Geoege Kenyon. 1211. 1744[-5], February 21. Chancery Lane. — To-day the report has again got about of Mr. Fazakerley being Chancellor, as soon as a place 472 is found out for Lord Edgecumbe, whose temper is said to be much altered by being very good natured to the late minority, insomuch that a new Commission of the Peace, it is said, will be made out at the next assizes ;• this I cannot think, but perhaps it may be, against the summer assizes, if this Lord keeps this place. K y to George Kenyon, at Peel. 1212. [1745,] July 1.^ Manchester. — There was, on Sunday, a Gazette extraordinary, which in your own paper, but 1 had not heard of it when your servant .... in to-day’s Gazette is an account of the loss of the English, Hanoverians, and Hessians [at Eon tenoy], which, in the whole, amounts to 4,930 — English, 2,100; Hanoverians, 2,500; and Hessians, 300 — the odd numbers, I forget. Above a thousand horses killed, &c. ; seven pieces of cannon lost, and some things belonging to the artillery. Ho account yet of what the Dutch and Austrians have lost. They say the French have 6,000 wounded, and leave us to guess the number killed ; but I believe it is all guess work. Two of the Duke’s [the Duke of Cumberland] Aids-de- Camps are prisoners, and several officers of note, wounded or prisoners, not in the first list. The French King is (sic) at the Commanderie, where the battle was fought, and Saxe at Hoesfelt. Lowendal is to be sent somewhither with a detachment, but his design uncertain. Prisoners on both sides are released, except officers. It is said a new camp is marked out for the Duke, I think Gronvelt, or some such name, is the place. The Duke is providing the army with such things as are com- monly lost in a battle, as the Gazette gently expresses it, though it is thought the single word baggage would have been the properest term. An article from Marseilles, in the Gazette, says the Genoese are going to be bombarded, which will soon oblige them to capitulate ; and another, from Kotterdam, mentions a report of Belisle’s having met with a repulse at Yentrinolia, but neither of them seem to be very authentic, as there is no news from the General or our resident there. So far the Government is pleased to go, and as to other news, I suppose your Evening Post will inform you as well as I, though we have no mails this post. I fancy you must have heard that Captain Barlow has written to his friends. He fixes the loss in his regiment at 160 killed, &c., which does not exactly tally with the Gazette. His own company lost 22, himself slightly wounded. Ho says it was a very bloody and desperate action, and continued 4 or 5 hours. He writes that all the foreign troops behaved ill, but afterwards, in a postscript, has a saving clause for the Hanoverians, which occasions much speculation here. I fancy you will be diverted, as well as we have been, with a strange piece of Irish in Sunday’s Gazette, about the village of Val, which, it is there said, was taken and retaken several times, after which immediately follows — that the English, ing whether this can be done without affecting the constitution of this country; if not, there is no occasion to view whether this measure, in itself, be not highly improper. “ The only laws which now affect the Papists in Ireland, are the Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity, the Test Act, and the Bill of Eights. 543 It seems to require very serious investigation how far the King can give his assent to a repeal of any one of these Acts, without a breach of his coronation oath and of the Articles of Union with Scotland. ‘‘ The construction put on the Coronation Oath by the Parliament, at the Revolution, seems strongly marked in the Journals of the House of Commons,^ where the clause was proposed by way of rider to the Bill for establishing the Coronation Oath, declaring that nothing contained in it should be construed to bind down the King and Queen, their heirs and successors, not to give the royal assent to any bill for qualifying the Act of Uniformity, so far as to render it palatable to Protestant Dissenters, and the clause was negatived upon a division. This leads to the implication that the Coronation Oath was understood, at the Revolution, to bind the Crown not to assent to any repeal of any of the existing laws at the Revolution, or which were then enacted for the maintenance and defence of the Protestant religion, as by law established. If the Oath was understood to bind the Crown not to assent to the repeal of the Act of Uniformity in favour of Protestant Dissenters, it would seem to bind the Crown full as strongly not to assent to the repeal of the Act of Supremacy, as the Test Act, in favour of Roman Catholics. Another question arises from the provisions of the Act limiting the succession to the Crown, by which a forfeiture of the Crown is expressly enacted, if the King upon the throne should hold communication, or be reconciled to, the Church of Rome. May not the repeal of the Act of Supremacy, and the establishing the popish religion in any of the hereditary dominions, bo construed as amounting to a reconciliation with the Church of Rome ? Would not the Chancellor of England incurr some risk in affixing the great seal to a bill for giving the Pope a concurrent ecclesiastical jurisdiction with the King? “ By the Articles of Union with Scotland, it is declared to be an essential and fundamental article that the King of Great Britain shall maintain the Church of England, as by law established, in England, Ireland, and Berwick-upon-Tweed. “ The bargain made by England in 1782, by Yelverton’s Act, gives rise to the question whether the repeal of any of the English statutes adopted by that Act would not be a direct violation of the compact made by the Parliament of Ireland with Great Britain.” Holograph. Seal of Royal arms» Thomas Pennant to Lord Kenyon. 1392. 1795, March 8. Downing. — On Friday I attended the meet- ing respecting our internal defence. In respect to the Yeomanry- Cavalry, nothing was done, and I rejoice to think that nothing can be done, for it will cost more than double the remaining part of our stock. “ My reasons against Yeomanry-Cavalry are inclosed. I may, to your Lordship, add another, which is, that our worthy Dean is warm for it, and would be real commander of this civil-military, as he is, wonderful to relate, of the ecclesiastical government of the diocese.” Mary, Lady Kenyon to the Hon. George Kenyon, at Oxford. 1393. 1795, May 25. London. — “ I need not caution either of you to keep out of the way of entering into election disputes or scrapes ; it is a time that calls for great circumspection and conduct, in talking as well as acting, and yet, when one feels very anxious for or against, it is a difficult thing to keep clear of offence. We have nothing riotous or 544 troublesome yet, though Horne Tooke and Mr. Fox are busy canvasing, whether together or separate, I cannot tell. Tooke lodges at Hardy’s, near Covent Garden — the man that was tried. This can never help him to good votes, one would think. Harry Tomkinson called here yesterday ; [he] says Sir Eobert Cotton has give up in a pet, for being refused some little place he had asked for, for a Cheshire man. He has given great offence by doing it so suddenly. The other members have not had time to canvas ; this has made Lord Grey give up, and I fancy poor Cholmon- deley will come in, owing to this sudden resolution, which makes Lord Stamford’s party very angry. There are five candidates for Liverpool. Thelwell, we hear, is gone down to stand for Norwich. Martindale, who deals at all the Faro tables, and one Philips, who keeps a gaming house in St. James’s Street, are likewise trying to get into Parliament, but T cannot tell you for what places. There is a violent opposition at Grantham, I fear, against Mr. S. Yorke ; Sir William Manners is the opponant, very rich and so tumultuous. He has already destroyed some houses, and threatens to pull down the market place, and remove the market to his own land in the town. At Preston, there will be an opposition. The county is safe for the two old members ; so, I fancy, Chester will be, but H. Tomkinson says Lord Grosvenor encouraged Cholmondeley to stand for the county, for fear he should be troublesome to him in the city. He likewise said there had been a deal of money lost at Chester races by gaming, but as we never asked by whom, neither heard of winners or losers, we were sorry to hear there had been any. There are sad stories of the Prince’s behaviour to his wife ; so much, that a seperation is talked of, but how that can be I do not know. It is his. Lady J[ersey’s], and Mrs. Pelham’s amusement, to tease, ridicule, and torment her all day. This is what is said, but one would think he could never be such a brute. Mr. (sic) Kenyon must finish at Guildhall to day, because they want the hall for the election.” Mary, Lady Kenyon to Lord Kenyon. 1393a. 1795, July 16. London. — “I feel quite sorry for poor Mr. Burke, and do not wonder at his retiring from the world. We had no riot last night at all, but the night before, they were very violent, wanted to get to Mr. Pitt’s house to pull it down, but were kept off by the military. The Duchess of Gloucester was in great danger, returning from the circus ; she was pursued by the mob, crying no Eoyalty, no Pitt, till she got very near to her own house.” The Same to the Same. 1394. [1795.] — ‘‘I met Miss H[annah] More, and her sister, today, and thanked her for her book ; she says she has sold 10,000 copies ; what a deal ! ” Sir F. Buller to the Same. 1395, 1796, March 11. Salisbury. — As soon as the circuit is finished, I shall endeavour to get a little rest and take Bath water, but quiet and horse exercise are most likely to prove efficacious ; “ that the leisure of the Common Pleas will [not] fully admit of. And, therefore, though I shall quit your court with great reluctance, I must try the effect of the other; for though I have been a judge 16 years, I dare not yet ask the rude donatum, and I cannot live without it. If I get through the summer well, it may set me up for 6 or 7 years longer ; but if not, I shall hardly sit in the Common Pleas for a greater length of time than Yates did.” 545 Key. William Jones to the Hon. Lloyd Kenton. 1395a. 1796, July 16. Nayland. — Asking for Lord Kenyon’s interest for a prebend. William Pitt to Lord Kenton. 1396. 1796, July 31. Downing street. — “ On receiving your Lord- ship’s letter, 1 took the earliest opportunity to apprise the King of your wishes, respecting the lieutenancy of Flintshire in case of Sir Roger Mostyn’s death, and have received, as I had no doubt I should, the strongest assurances of his Majestie’s readiness to comply with them. It might possibly, however, prevent some embarassment, that the appoint- ment should be given to yourself, rather than to your son ; and, on that ground, I have his Majesty’s commands to propose to you that it should be so arranged.” Lady Kenyon to the Same. 1397. 1796, November 11. — ‘‘The Dean had a little lash at you, for ommitting the usual style of address, in the middle of his speech ; but concluded with a high panegeric on you and } our son. I am sorry you find trouble in your new honours, but as this is, I fancy, rather an unusual thing, and you asked for it, I would not give it up too hastily; it will keep these turbulent spirits in order There is a sad story, Mr, Davies says, a duel (sic) between Mr. Puleston, Mr. Owen, and Mr. Dodd, of Edge. But things are so much afioat that, Mr. Davies said, it is quite dangerous to talk about it, for fear of making bad worse, so that I could get at no particulars.” Thomas Pennant to the Same. 1398. 1796, November 16. Downing. — “The faction exults highly on the neglect of your Lordship’s agent in not producing to the sheriff, on the day of election, the certificate of Sir T. M.’s birth. Mr. Kenyon was advised to it by myself, at Wrexham, and he promised to do it In these days, so notorious an affront to the laws and constitution should not pass unnoticed; your Lordship’s conduct in putting it in a train, by the offer of your son, had the applause of all good men, and it is to be hoped you will proceed with the perseverence and dignity worthy of yourself. I^he advertisement of thanks by Sir R. W. in this day’s paper, is certainly the Dean’s, by the bad stile and impudence. That profligate man has been the origin of all the mischief, and merits the most exemplary punishment. He had fair warning, by his trial. By the manner he has past his probation from that time to this, convinces every one of his incorrigibility. I inclose words attributed to him last year. One man of character would swear to the words ; I think two. But such is the profligacy of many, that several, I fear, would take a false oath and explain them away. I am sorry to say that the Bishop, seduced by the Dean, has taken a great part in encouraging the unhappy young man to persevere in standing, unqualified as lie is. It is in vain to talk to the prelate, for he has an implied faith in all the Dean says. If there is a possibility of calling up that worthless wretch, for his dialogue, to judgement, as is asserted in Mr. William Jones’s letter, it would be a happy thing. The tenor of his whole conduct, from his trial in 1784, will be a full vindication of the proceedings.” 73480. M M 54-6 Thomas Pennant to Lord Kenyon. 1399. 1797, January 8. Downing. — “We have gone through the greater part of the supplementary militia business, and that with perfect good humour. I am glad to find it reduced to two battallions, one of which my son will be happy to command. I imagine that Sir Thomas Mostyn will take the other. Everything is at present quiescent. Within about a week, our worthy Dean had a quarrel with a man about a pig, which he said had trespassed on his land. A quarrel arose ; the Dean levelled his gun and shot the man in his face and hands, for, perceiving the attitude of the dignitary, he put bis hands up to save his eyes. Enraged, he ran after the divdne with his spade, but could not overtake him. I am told the affair was made up with a sum of money.” Thomas S. Champnets to Kathaniel Jepfereys, M.P., 57, Pall Mall, London. 1400. 1797, February 27. Orchard Leigh, Frome. — “ The consterna- tion at Bristol, on the reports from South Wales of the French having landed, is not to be described. I am just called out to head a Volunteer Corps of almost all the inhabitants capable of bearing arms in Frome.” W. D. Shipley, Dean of St. Asaph, [to Lord Kenyon]. 1400a. 1797, March 4. Bolton Street.— “ Many respectable gentlemen and yeomen in that part of the county of Flint which is situated at the extremity of the Vale of Clwydd are desirous of arming themselves and their dependants in support of the Government they live under, and for the more immediate purpose of protecting their families and their property from any predatory incursions that may be attempted by the enemy, on that coast. I am commissioned by them to solicit your Lordship’s advice and assistance, as lieutenant of the county, upon the proper measures to be taken for carrying their design into effect. Whether your Lordship’s authority is sufficient, or whether application must be made immediately to the Crown, and in the latter case through what channel. “ It is proposed to muster about fifty cavalry, if each man could be supplied with a sabre and one pistol; and here another difficulty occurs, as to how these are to be procured. Your Lordship’s commands upon the subject shall be immediately communicated to the country.” D. Pennant to the Same. 1400b. 1797, March 9. Mold. — “In reply to your favor which followed me to Mold, where I have performed my duty with much satisfaction from the orderly behaviour of the men, I can only thank you for the honor of seeming to consult me on the purport of the Dean’s letter. It seems to confine itself to the neighbourhood of St. Asaph, unconnected with the association at Holywell, of which my father is chairman, and your Lordship will consider in these times whether advan- tage should not be taken of the infiuence even of bad men, if their self interest coincides with the public good. Sir Edward Lloyd has certainly offered himself to take tlie command of the Holywell Volunteers. If a corps is raised nearer Pengwern, I think he had better act with that, and allow me to say at the same time that if it can be done with honour, .D 647 and my country equally well served, I should be glad to exchange a militia duty, which may carry me far from home, for a service more congenial to domestic life, but not till the militia have gone through their exercise.” Thomas Pennant to Lord Kenvon. 1400c. 1797, March 27. Downing. — “ Do not let your Lordship be surprized when I say that my opinion is much changed as to volun- teer corps in general. Our corps was to be formed by the manufac- turers, tradesmen, and country people, in the neighbourhood. A most respectable head of our cotton manufacturers set the plan first agoing, and he and friends subscribed near a fifth of the money and twenty men. A sudden jealousy seized the trading part of the town and some others, who, on hearing I intended to nominate Mr. Smalley, the cotton manufacturer, as lieutenant, declared they would take their names out of the list. This forebodes such want of subordination and such want of respect to their old friend and neighbour that I sincerely hope that there will be a lack of arms, and so we may be dissolved quietly. Certainly the exercise of two afternoons in a week will never form soldiers. I think Government perceive it, and possibly are wisely damping the spirit of excess of armament ; entre nous, a certain gentleman is arming without permission, and that with pikes ; which, if left in the country people’s hands, may, in cases of riots, be turned against ourselves.” The Same to the Same. 1400d. 1797, April 26. Downing. — “I return with thanks the enclosed; then, with great joy, congratulate your Lordship on the sup- pression of the mutiny of the Port.^mouth Fleet. No calamity during the whole war affected my spirits to lhat degree. Had it been democratical, ruin inevitable must have followed. What could have hindred myriads of Gallic banditti from pouring in on us ? ” Lord Thurlow to the Same. 1401. 1797, June — . — “ Counsel are to be heard for the general body of the surgeons against the bill on Friday next ; but the Bishop of Bangor supposes that your great objection against the bill had been softened, and that you have altered your opinion that the surgeons are a part of the City of London. If that be so, and you mean to take no more notice of it, I wish you would give me your bill, with the notes upon it. I have some general prejudice against it, arising from the quarter which I imagin originated it ; but more seriously, I think the placing the whole corporation, consisting of 300, in the present circumfurence of seven miles, or 500 in the proposed one of 10 miles, under the management of 21, is too much. Perhaps the popular administration of so many would be inconvenient, but I think a select body of 50 or 100 would be a council to select superior officers, and that they should be elected annualy. ... I think separating them from the City of London may not be wrong, but it should be so declared, and a new body, of a more general description, be appointed.” Thomas Pennant to the Same. 1402, 1797, July 13. Downing. — “ From a strange mistake of the volunteers imagining that they had martial law impending over them, mm2 548 we had a defection of near two thirds of the Holywell part. It was a wicked report, studiously inculcated. Yesterday, they all returned true penitents, except one, who knew he ouj^ht not to be received, another, whose health would not permit his return, and a third, who got well thrashed, and his cockade burnt by his fond wife, who would not suffer him to incur the dangers of war ! My son is arrived and is indefati- gable. The mutiny I allude [to] was founded on a republican, levelling principle ; I inclose the infamous hand-bill circulated. The authors were ashamed, and it was soon drawn in. A friend writes me word that it may be a design of government to give volunteers opportunity of continuing themselves ; it will certainly be a prudent measure, even should peace be concluded, for the inveterate enemies of order will exert every nerve to disturb and destroy our excellent constitution.” Lord Thurlow to Lord Kenyon. 1403 . 1797, July 14. — “The surgeons bill comes on Monday next. I expect it will take up no time. . . . The Bishops and Chancellor are shaken ; a single jog, even your presence, would dissipate it.” Lady Kenyon to the Same, on the Oxford Circuit. 1404 . [1797,] August 3. Peel. — “ This country is so covered with smart new houses, all the way from Prescot to this place, it is quite astonishing. St. Helens was a poor little place when I passed through it, 30 years ago, and now is a very neat, pretty country town ; the roads all as good broad pavements as can be.” Thomas Pennant to the Same. 1405 . 1797, August 25. Downing. — “The volunteers of Holywell and Whiteford gratefully acknowledge their many obligations to your Lordship for procuring from Q-overnment numberless favors. We received, this week, 100 stand of arms, ammunition, &c., &c. ; and an army of taylors will put the volunteers in full feather, in less than a fortnight. Still, I must lament that our rulers are deaf to our applica- tion for a quantum of officers . . . We really and truly cannot do without five officers. We shall have 100 privates besides non-commis- sioned officers . . . . We have two pair of colours, to be carried occasionally, besides the other duties of officers to perform ; three officers cannot perform them.” The Eev. William Jones to the Hon. George Kenyon. 1406 . 1797, September 2. [Nay land.] — “ I have left off* my doctor and my medicines, for some days . . . It is happy I got well, for I have enough to do in making one house answer the pur- pose of two, my neighbour, Whitaker, having taken the adjoining house to his own use. The room over the kitchen is now filled on every side with books. ... It seems there is a son of the Bishop, a nephew of Lord Thurlow, who, by Tom’s description of him, would suit so well with us, that if there should be any chance of his coming, I would put aside every other application and keep one place open for him. If you know of any such thing in the wind, let me know of it, privately. . . . . It is a matter of indifference to me whether I take another pupil or not. “ The case is this : my friend and pupil, Reginald Cocks, has questioned me about a son of Lord Lyttelton’s, at whose house he 549 now is. Do you know the young man, or does he know him ? because, for your brother’s sake, and my own comfort, I shall be very tender what sort of person I take into my family. Reginald, if he knows the lad, would not deceive me. He is now at Rugby School, a seminary not upon a level with Cheam, in my opinion, as a preparation for my house .... Now I talk of pupils, I can tell you that, since your brother went home, I have had a female pupil of a very unusual descrip- tion. In the first place, a Quaker ; in the next place, one of the finest and most amiable young women I ever saw ; allied to the first Quakers in the kingdom, and the admiration of them all. Robert Barclay, the famous apologist of the Quakers to Charles the Second, was her grandfather. Pupils I have had, some of whom have been, to be sure, very extraordi- nary, but none more so than this young woman. When I thought her sufficiently instructed, we made her a Christian, by baptism, in Nayland Church, and next week, to my great surprize, our William is to make her his wife. Things are to be well or ill in this world, according to God’s blessing, and not without; so of this, I can only say that it appears well. Her name is Margaret Lindoe, and your brother Tom dined with her at ray table, together with two presbyterians who intro- duced her here, when I knew nothing of what was approaching. . So you met with the little obsolete first treatise on philosophy ; I was a bold man to publish it, and lost the gift of a. degree from the University by it, together with some favour and reputation from the world, but — floreat veritas, ruat eceLum — there is a fine prospect which deserves to be opened upon the world by some man more able and more popular than the curate of Nayland. If you would understand that first work better, it should be compared with the introduction to the Physiological Disquisitions. I wrote an Hebrew letter once to your elder brother ; but of philosophy, the best piece, in ray judgment, is yet behind, written in a series of letters to your friend Reginald, which he has never yet seen.” Lord Thurlow to Lord Kenyon. 1407. 1797, December 28. — “ Since I sent you my last note, I have been commanded to dine with the Prince to morrow, which you courtiers have settled must be obeyed. Give me leave, therefore, to hope for the pleasure of seeing you and the family some other day.” Rev. William Jones to the Hon. George Kenyon. 1408. 1798, May 13. — “ A gentleman wrote to me a while ago, from Oxford, whose name is the Honourable Pearce {sic) Meade, and pro- mised me a copy of Lord Clare’s speech, in answer to Lord Moira ; which, as I understood, was to be sent to me through your hands, Mr. Meade himself not knowing the conveyance. But it is not yet arrived, and I am disappointed, for I wished to see it, Ireland being now the chief point to which our attention is turned. It is now evident to me that an Irish insurrection and massacre was to have been the French introduction, and that they have been waiting about their coasts in expectation of it ; but the plot has appeared bottom upwards, a little too soon, God send the government may see an end of it, for it is a perilous business. Providence seems to have been with us as in the old powder plot, and the picture of the eye looking out of the cloud upon the dark lanthorri of Guy Fawkes, often recurrs to my mind, which was greatly delighted with it when I was a child. Thank God, we are as well heie as we can expect. I sometimes remember what Lord 660 Kenyon said of old Lord Camden, who took his declining years with impatience, and am under some anxiety for myself, lest I should not go down the hill of life with any degree of dignity or prosperity. I have, therefore, good reason to say, in the simple words of Sternhold and Hopkins : ‘ Eefuse me not, O Lord, I pray. When age my limbs doth take, And when my strength doth waste away, Do not my soul forsake/ ’’ The Kbv. William Jones to Lord Kenyon. 1409 . 1798, July 1 . Kayland. — “I have just now parted with that fine young man, the son of Lord Lyttelton. From the first of his appearance in this house, your son and I were afraid of him, though it was impossible not to admire him Of late, we have been among so much of the higher pursuits of Creel?, Hebrew, and philosophy, that we are fallen somewhat behind in common Latin.*' The Same to the Hon. George Kenyon. 1410 . 1798, November 30 [Nayland]. — “The Anti-Jacobin is in earnest, and will have the encouragement of the whole honest party, who are now a very great majority I wish the Government would lay such a tax on circulating libraries as would amount to a prohibition ; they are among the chief engines of Jacobinism, and do a great mis- chief; we have now got one in this paltry place, undoubtedly set up by the Dissenters. ... I like squire-soldiers better than parson- soldiers, of which sort, how^ever, I believe my son is one of the best in the kingdom, and his corps the best disciplined. ... I rejoice with you at the punishment of the booksellers. Johnson, for years past, has kept the grand shop for heresy, schismatology, and rebellion, and I hope Wakefield will follow in order. That fellow is one of the learned ruffians of the age. If learning does not humanize, it turns man into a demon, and adds him to the pedants of pandaemonium. I am not yet firm enough to think with pleasure of a journey to London. My touch- wood will never be turned into timber, till the resurrection, when all things shall be made new. How I lament that we are never more to see Brother Horne’s Apology, but in the little extracts I have from it in his life ! I then wished that it might be republished, but my wishes have been abortive, and I am not quite master of the reason, for I am still persuaded it must do good.” Postscript. — “ I open this letter to reassure you that Dr. Horne’s Apology and Case will soon be out. Brother Stevens sees a new dawn in the hemisphere, and acts accordingly, with hope and spirit. You see I am detected as an author, but I hope I shall not be subject to a pro- secution with G[ilbert] Wakefield. Pray ask Lord Kenyon what he thinks of my case ; for they have put me in for ‘ Tom Bull ’ and ‘ Church and State.’ I am now in for both ; nothing wanting now but a prosecu- tion to make me as great as Horne Tooke.” George Hill to Lord Kenyon. 1411 . 1799, June 15. St. Mary’s College, St. Andrews. — “ We have observed in the newspapers that Hugh Moises, plaintiff, was non-suited in an action for slander which he brought against Dr. Thornton, who had called him a quack, and that on the 8th of this month, the court, in which your Lordship presides, refused to grant a new trial. So long as 651 the private cause was in dependance, we thought it highly improper to interfere, any further than as we were called upon by the plaintiff, at whose desire we subscribed our names, in presence of a commissioner whom he sent from London for the purpose of authenticating the sub- scriptions, which, on the 13th of April, 1798, we had adhibited to the diploma by which we created him Doctor in Medicine. But now that the private cause is disposed of, we hope we shall not be thought pre- sumptuous if, with a grateful sense of the handsome manner in which your Lordship was pleased to speak of the character of the University, when you gave judgment in that cause, and from an earnest desire to sustain the good opinion of a person whom all good men must honour, we take the liberty of submitting to your Lordship, merely as a matter of historical importance, a simple account of the manner in which this University confers degrees in medicine.” [The account is appended.] Lady Kenyon to the Hon. George Kenyon, at Peel, near Manchester. 1412. 1799, July 4. — “ The Chief Justice is still in great danger. . . . Would you believe it, the Master of the Boils sat for the Chancellor yesterday, that he might be drilled as a light horseman in the morning.” John Walter to Lord Kenyon. 1413. 1799, July 6. Teddington Grove. — “I am impelled by grati- tude to return your Lordship my sincere thanks for the favourable opinion you entertain, and reported as due to my character, and I defy any man, separate from political opinion, which has no doubt created me many enemies, to accuse me on any act but what will appear to my credit in upwards of 40 years commerce with the world. I received the public thanks of a meeting held of the body of the coal trade, when I resigned being their chairman, after 25 years. I pursued that business, though I raised it at the envy of those I was a competitor with. I was 12 years an underwriter in Lloyd’s Coffee House, and subscribed my name to 6 millions of property ; but was weighed down, in common with above half those who were engaged in the protection of property, by the host of foes this nation had to combat in the American War. I paid all my private creditors what was due to them, before I stopped payment. “ I did not resort to false credit ; for such was my character, that I could have raised any sum on my credit, when I stopped pay- ment Neither a single note, bond, or any security, were exhibited under the commission, but the policies of Lloyd’s Coffee House. My creditors were my friends. I lived at that time in Queen Square, Bloomsbury, in the house Sergeant Adair left, when he went to Lincoln’s Inn Fields. No messenger was put in my house, as usual under the Bankruptcy Laws. They made me a present of all my household furniture, plate, and effects, which it contained, gave me my certificate the very day of the third meeting, appointed me to collect in above 20,000/. due to my estate, without taking any security, with a per centage for collecting it, made me a present of a freehold share of the Coal Exchange, which had been raised under my direc- tions. With 6 children growi.ag to maturity, I was left to begin the world again ; when, from the large scope of business I had been con- cerned in, I might reasonably have expected an easy fortune to have had the enjoyment of life with. It was difficult for me to establish myself. A memorial was presented to the Minister, stating my case, 552 signed by 12 of the most respectable merchants of the city of London, for his appointing me to some official situation. I was personally introduced to Lord John Cavendish, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, by Mr. Dent, the banker, and Mr. Robert Palmer, of Great Russell Street, who were trustees for the Duke of Portland, and afterwards by Lord John to him, who made use of the handsome expression, ‘ That he would endeavour to clear the cloud from my brow.’ But nothing happened worth my acceptance, during the short time he continued in administration. ' “ Among many other projects which offered to my view, was a plan to print logographically. T sat down closely to digest it, and formed a fount which reduced the English language from 90,000 words which were usually used in printing to 1,500, by reducing all compound words into simple, and by keeping a separate case for particles and terminations. By this means, I was enabled to print much faster than by taking up single letters. I first printed a pamphlet dedicated to his Majesty, which was presented to him by the Duke of Portland, the day before he quitted the administration. I was advised to get a number of nobility and men of letters to espouse it, among whom was Lord Mans- field, then in your situation, to patronize the plan, to which his Majesty was to have been the patron. But happening, unfortunately as it turned out, to correspond on the subject with Dr. Franklin, then Ambassador at Paris, whose opinion I wished for, his name was among ray list of subscribers, and when it was given, among near 200 more, to the King’s librarian, and a fount of the cemented words had been sent there for his Majesty’s inspection and acceptance, I found an increasing coolness in the librarian, and afterwards a note from him, saying the King had viewed it with pleasure, but, there being no room in Buckingham House, he desired I would send some person to take it away. Thus ended royal patronage, and when it [the invention] was used by me in business, the journeymen cabaled and refused to work at the invention, without I paid the prices as paid in the common way. “Thus all the expence and labour I had been at for some years fell to the ground. In the course of conducting the printing business, I was advised to publish a newspaper, as my acquaintances were numerous. I succeeded in establishing it, and kept consistent to my opinion to defend the administration during the Regency, when the other papers veered round to the rising son (sic), though many temptations were made me by individuals of the opposite party. I was accustomed to receive communications from the Treasury, with a private mark, by direction of one of the Under Secretaries of State ; by the insertion of one of them, I was prosecuted at the instance of the Prince of Wales, at the suit of the Treasury, for a Treasury offence. Expecting remuneration, I gave up no author, and suffered a long and painful imprisonment, under a delusion of being soon released, though it lasted 16 months ; and after all the promises made me from time to time, years, months, and days, have passed without any appointment to print for Government or any other remuneration, and I now despair of it, though had I disclosed the authors and their employers, I might have escaped prosecution myself, and proved it on others. “Now I am brought into a very disagreeable predicament, from an incautious insertion of ray eldest son, on whom I have for several years committed the guidance of the paper. The long confinement I underwent, and want of exercise, produced a corpulence of habit, and I was frequently attacked by fits of the gout. About 4 years since, I gave up the management of the business and retired into the country, intending to enjoy the few years I have to live in otium cum dignitate. -653 The Act made last session of Parliament, has disturbed mj quiet, and involved me in difficulties. I cannot help observing, that it was unwise in its formation, as it subjects innocent individuals to punishment with- out intention of guilt, as the law was laid down on the trial against ine, who was utterly ignorant of the paragraph complained of, till I read it in the ‘ Times/ The Act has bound the proprieters, who frequently have no concern in its conduct, and left free the only two persons who are culpable, and should be amenable to the law — the Author and Editor of a newspaper. In this case the Act is unjust, and ought at least to be amended. I never knew, before the late trial, that a person, totally ignorant of a fact could be tried criminally, and that a jury would find a man guilty of wickedly, wilfully, and maliciously, doing an act, of which it was admitted I was wholly ignorant and unconscious. Thirty years ago, I was frequently on special juries, and remember many actions brought civilly against principals, for the acts of their servants, by which injury was sustained, but never criminally ; otherwise, I should never have submitted to a general, but have given a special verdict, as, on my oath, I should have conceived it contrary to every principle of justice and common sense. ^‘As for the insertion of the paragraph, it never was my idea to defend it ; but when I am accused falsely by the inuendos of the declaration, I considered it right to clear my character from such aspersions. And there was another strong circumstance which did not appear before the court, on which I mean to apply, next term, for an arrest of judgment, which my counsel were instructed to represent, but it past by, and I hope it will have its force ; but from motives of delicacy for your high station, it would be improper to mention, till it comes before the court. I believe there are few advocates at the Bar who would have advised the friends of Lord Cowper to have pursued the present vindictive prosecution.” Concludes by stating the circumstances which led to the insertion of the paragraph of which Lord Cowper complained. J. Kyn ASTON Powell to Lord Kenton. 1414 . 1799, September 10. Hardwick. — have taken the liberty of enclosing the Curzon case. ... I possess volumes of papers, now properly scheduled ; but I do not wish to trouble your Lordship further than to request your opinion, whether there is ground for me to prosecute my claim to the barony in question. My grandfather was oppressed by Sir Kobert Walpole, and by ill health. He petitioned in 1731. The petition, and the counter petition of the Curzous, were referred, as usual, to the Committee of Privileges. The Committee heard evidence, and then adjourned by order of the House — first from week to week, and then by fortnights, to the end of the session of Parliament. My grandfather did not renew the petition, and the Curzons could not, as their claim was in abeyance.” The Same to the Same. 1415 . 1799, September 18. Hardwick. — “I feel myself highly obliged by the indulgence granted me of leaving the papers. By that, I do not wish to give any unreasonable trouble, but to request your Lordship’s opinion, whether my claim appears to be such as to justify the prosecution of it — that is, that I may not throw away my time, or, what is more valuable to me, my moneyy on a fruitless or wild scheme. Government will not, I trust, cast delays or obstacles in my way, as Sir Robert Walpole did against my grandfather. I shall ask them but for 554 justice, and to allow me to stand on equal terms with my opponents (if I have any), so that alliance, wealth, and great connections, may not weigh down a country gentleman petitioning for what he conceives his birth-right/’ George Rose to Lord Kenyox. 1416. 1799, October 24. Old Palace Yard. — The second Spanish frigate is taken ; the two have, I really believe, more than 800,000/. worth of silver. It comes very opportunely.” Henry Clive to the Hon. George Kenyon, at Clifton, Bristol. 1417. 1800, June 23. London. — ‘‘Did not Erskine’s apology, for his defending Hatheld, make you smile ? What stuff to say he shewed his loyalty and affection to his sovereign best by complying with the prisoner’s request; I believe he could not refuse. Hatfield has not shewn any symptoms of madness, I think, in chosing one whose elo- quence can touch the feelings of a jury, and another whom we must allow to be best in his profession.” Lady Kenyon to Lord Kenyon, on the Home Circuit. 1417a. 1800, July 19. London. — Referring to the rain, she says : — “We had a deal here, but luckily not to incommode Lady Gray and me in our visit to St. James’s. She was so good to send the coach at half- past one. I called for her, and she brought me back to this door at 10 minutes past 3. The King asked where you was (sic), how you did, and whether you had not altered the places on the circuit this year. 1 told him you never thought it right to do so, but wished to keep to settled rules. ‘That is right, that is right,’ [he said]. He likewise asked how Judge Buller did. The Chancellor was surrounded with black gowns. . . . Mansfield looked well pleased, and is to set out for the circuit to-day. His Honour says he has been in a great fidget about it, but seems satisfied at last. Sir Richard Arden dines here to-day ; he called this morning, and stayed some time. He tells me Sir John Scott’s title is Lord Eldon ; the one he had fixed on, we heard, gave offence to some noble family it had formerly belonged to — Lord Derwentwater’s, I think he said — and Eldon is Sir J. Scott’s own property in Durham, and can offend nobody. Lord Carlton, of Ireland, Sir William Scott, and the Master of the Rolls, were all at Court, so were the two Lady Elgins ” Thomas Erskine to [the Same]. 1418. 1800, October 15. Hampstead. — “ I have heard of some desponding expressions which fell from you, most naturally, in the moment of affliction, which pointed towards retirement. You may remember that you consulted me, many years ago, before you became Chief- Justice, when I was less your friend, because I knew you less, and when I was less capable, from years and experience, to advise you. I now give my advice unasked. Let nothing (whilst your health remains) induce you to quit your station. The sudden transition from great activity to retirement, unless as vigour ebbs and calls naturally for ease, ever has been, and ever will be, mortal to mind and body. You have, besides, great duties to perform. You are perfectly right in the view you have taken of the evils arising from the high prices of pro- visions, and of the law which visits and corrects them. I have looked at the subject since we met, and am sure of what I say. The war, un- doubtedly, and the vast circulation of paper, increases the public suffer- ing ; but, depend upon it, the whole system of trade in provisions 555 has been entirely changed. There are now only great landholders (the farmers) and great merchants with great capitals, in lines which were not formerly considered as the occupations of merchants. They sweep the whole country before them, in the purchase of the necessaries of life, and they command the markets. I have talked with Fox, who thinks all this is visionary (taught, I suppose, in other days, by Burke), but who has not, in the least, convinced me. I have not found a case, almost, in which I have been consulted, that the common law will not reach; and perhaps that is one of the evils attending the repeal of the statutes ; they served at once as helps and as qualifications of the common law, in cases where its principles might have reached too far We have always differed, my dear Lord, upon political questions, and, above all, upon that grand'one, which I am affraid, if not attended to, will materially affect us all — I mean this ruinous war. But I have always been steadily your friend, from a thorough conviction that you act frojn your conscience and feelings in all things, and from the recollection that you have never ceased to be mine.” William Wilberforce to Lord Kenyon. 1419. 1801, January 9. ‘‘ Near London.” — Some words which dropped from your Lordship, as the newspapers reported, intimated that you conceived it not impracticable to impose and enforce a maximum price for corn. I own frankly, and I have made no secret of my opinion, that I think it would be a perfectly just measure, but I fear it could not be carried into execution. Ever since I heard of your Lordship’s declaration, I meant to request your Lordship to be so kind as to open to me a little on this subject, and I still should be happy to hear your Lordship’s sentiments.” The King to the Same. 1420. 1801, February 13. Queen’s House. — “The King judges that, the term being over. Lord Kenyon probably has a day or two of leisure, previous to his sittings ; should that be the [case], Lis Majesty would be desirous of seeing Lord Kenyon here to-morrow. But if that is inconvenient, on Sunday, at one.” Holograph. Lord St. Vincent to the Same. 1421. 1801, February 15. Mortimer. — “ I have many apologies to make for waiting upon your Lordship at so late an hour last night, but m}^ time is so much occupied (as you may imagine) at present, I cannot command it. The principal object of my visit was to inform your Lord- ship that I am extremely desirous to name my near relation, Mr. Thomas Jervis, to succeed Mr. Percival at the Admiralty, and I only wait your Lordship’s sanction, as to his fitness for the office, to do it.” Lord Loughborough to the Same. 1422. 1801, February 26. — “ It appears to me a possible case, that, in the administration of justice upon the ensuing circuits, a case may occur which would extremely embarrass the several Judges. There are Acts which, being passed for a limited time after the commencement of the next session, may possibly be contended to have expired during the time of the assizes ; and the question, as it seems to me, will turn on the point, what constitutes the commencement of a session, or, as in the present case, of a session of Parliament. This may either be (1) the 666 day at which, by the writs of proclamation and summons, the Lords and Commons are ordered to be at the place to which they are called ; or (2) the day on which the House of Commons, by virtue of the King’s appro- bation of their choice of a Speaker, is formed into an active body; or (3) the day on which, by the King in person opening* the causes of calling the Parliament, both Houses are constituted deliberative bodies, and each, according to ancient form, proceds to what is stiled opening the session by reading a Bill. “ I have only to state the question, and to refer your Lordship to all that I know relative to it, which is in Mr. Hatsell’s Book, vol. ii., p. 288, and to what your own memory will suggest, at the unhappy period of Koven.ber, 1788. I submit to your judgement whether it would not be right to apprize the Judges of the possibility which I forsee, of this question arising when they are separated, and of the pro- priety of their holding some communication upon it, that an equal rule may (if it can) be observed in all places. My constant, zeal for the public service dictates this address to your Lordship. It is no neccessary function of that station from which his Majesty was graciously pleased to permit me to retire, but with which, unfortunately, I still remain charged, and shall, under the most trying circumstances, continue to execute on all necessary points, as long as it is the will of God that I should be so committed. I should have equally troubled you with this notice, had I been entirely and officially discharged, from the zeal I shall ever entertain for the honour of that profession which has ever been so kind to me above my deserts.” Postscript. — “ I shall send to Lord Eldon and to the Lord Chief Baron, a short note to the same effect.” Lady Kenyon to Mrs. Kenyon, at Chester. 1423. 1801, March 2. London. — Poor Pepper looks sadly; had been very ill the night before, but was better. He has lost his own self- approbation by not exerting [himself] in this great point against Pitt, who has behaved in the most shameful way ; and almost everybody says so, when they dare speak out. But such mincing, foolish things are said to paliate for Pitt’s going out, as disgrace people one never suspected being wrong in so material a point as religious support. My dear Lord is worth a host of them, and has made many look about them by his plain, open-spoken reproof. Do not expose poor Pepper. Leycester is in the same paliating mood, and thinks an oath should be made to suit Pitt’s coming in again, I believe. I have never named this even to Lord Kenyon. Let people get right if they can, and Pitt stay out till he learns to know the value of such a King as he has forsaken, in a most perilous moment. Abbott (would you believe it ?) is to be Secretary of State for Ireland ; live here during Parliament, and in Ireland the rest of the year ” “ Young people can hardly guess how far they may be forced to mix in the world. Who would have thought little Abbott would have been a Secretary of State I ” Perigrina Kenyon to the Samb. 1424. 1801, March 9. — “ I am more shocked at the loose faith and want of right principles in this kingdom, both in Church and State, than I hoped had been in our Christian Church. I pray God support us steadily in it, and the sooner we get out of this world the better Thank God, my brother is firm and right as anything can be, and not afraid to declare it, in an open, positive 557 manner, that does him honour ; says Mr. Pitt has behaved vilely (whicli he has), and is the most ungrateful, unfeeling man that ever was born. But when be deserts his King of Kings, no wonder he forsake[s] his earthly one. Poor Pepper is so wavering, and Pitt bitter, that he frets and wearits (sic) himself that I should think his health will give way. He knows it is wrong, and yet worldly interests, and [the] uncertainty which turn things will tahe, make him net at all know what to do or say. “Kow do you know that [the] opposition are rejoicing in the King’s recovery, for they have found out that the Prince of Wales was determined to keep Mr. Pitt in as Prime Minister, as so good a friend to the Roman Catholics "J'hey have had a great many meetings, and Pitt and many of them would have been glad the poor King could have been proved mad, that there might have been a Regency. But, thank God, the King’s recovery put? an end to this. This day the doctors would have been summoned to give an account, but now he is known to be so much better, they will wait. I supose the Marquis of Bucking- ham and his Lady have been very violent for this imancipation ; so much so, that my brother was told from the first authority, that at Court, when Lady B. should have thanked for the title the King had given her and her eldest son, she would not speak to the King. But do not name this to any one, that it should get out, as you know where it came from “ The account to day was not so good; again it was the high fever returned in the night, and was not yet subsided, so what they will do yet, heaven only knows. I hope he will get well, and Pitt keep out. Sure abilities may be found with good Church principles. His letters and arguments were so positively wrong, you would have no patience; but be sure do not betray n»e. I shall be hanged for telling, and the good master, though steady to what was right, spoke with so much kindness and sorrow to part with him, that he was a hard, unfeeling mortal. You would have thought by his stile that he was the master and the other the inferior. Mr. Abbot is to be Secretary for Ireland ; but the papers will soon tell you what they are to be, and who will come in.” Margaret, Lady Hanmer to the Hon. George Kenyon. 1425. 1801, Good Friday. Bettisfield. — “I should be glad to hear our good King had been to pay his usual Easter visit to my dear uncle ; when the weather is fit, going to the sea, I should think, would help to re-establish his health I dare say the Marquis of Buck- ingham is too great and grand to think as I do ; but to me it appears as if the family of Grenville had much to regret tliat he had married a Roman Catholic, however delightful and charming she may be, as I have always understood she is ; perhaps the more to be regreted, in consequence, from that very reason.” Lord Eldon to the King. 1426. 1801, May 5 , 9 a. m. — “The Lord Chancellor, tendering to your Majesty his most humble duty, offers also Lord Kenyon’s, Sir J. Mitford’s, and his own most grateful acknowledgements for the testimony of regard, which they learn from the communication, trans- mitted through Mr. Strong, it is your Majesty’s gracious purpose to bestow, by appointing them trustees of part of your Majesty’s property. They all hope that 3 our Majesty will find, in a conscientious discharge of their duty as such, a proof of their earnest desire to manifest their gratitude. 568 ‘‘ Your Majesty’s Chancellor presumes to add, that, highly as he should have thought himself honoured under any circumstances by such a testimony of your Majesty’s regard, he cannot but feel particular satisfaction in being associated in this trust, with persons whose advice and assistance he knows to be highly valuable, with one from whom, in the course of his professional life, he has received marks of kindness almost parental, and with another with whom he has long lived in habits of brotherly regard, and of both of whom he can most truly represent to your Majesty that, in private life as well as in public, their conduct has been uniformly and strongly marked by a dutiful, anxious, afPectionate, and loyal attatchmeiit to your Majesty.” Mary, Lady Kenyon to the Hon. Gteorge Kenyon. 1427. 1801, July 11. — I asked Leger (?) how the Chancellor and Lord Alvanley were liked in their courts ; he says the first is very great in his manner of doing business. His summing up is very instructive and great, but takes too much time, as he gives his full reasons for his judgement, in all cases, which can never get on, and he complains he finds it hard work. Lord Alvanley does extremely well in his business, but talks to the jury and witnesses so much, it lets down the dignity of the court, and as this is more publick than the Rolls, it is much to be lamented.” The Hon. George Kenyon to Lady Hanmer. 1428. 1801, Kovember 8. Lincoln’s Inn. — Mr. F. Filmer was one of the callers ; he pointed out to me an excellency in his coat, which 1 should not have discovered (it looked as other coats do), that it was waterproof ; and said that there was a method used by a man at Chelsea which would make muslin or the thin bank note paper waterproof. Mary, Lady Kenyon to her sisters. 1429. 1801, November 29. London. — “I was most kindly received on Thursday. The King asked how my dear Lord did, hoped business was of use to him, said he was doing all he could to keep these forestallers in order, and thought they would feel it ; seemed pleased with what he had done about Waddington I never felt Court so oppressive and unpleasant as this week.” M. Lee to the Dowager Lady Kenyon. 1429a. 1805, September 20. Staindrop.^ — By the death of Sir William Pulteney, 40,000/. per annum devolves on our neighbour. Lord Darlington, and since, that excellent Miss Lowther, after a long and most severe suffering from a cancer, is released, and she has left Lady Darlington 40,000/. Lady Darlington is at a hunting place near Doncaster. She is said to be better than she was last year, but I am afraid she is in a very delicate state of health. Hears that Lord and Lady Darlington intend to fit up, each year, two rooms in their venerable old castle ; “ this year they have fitted up a drawing room and a bed- chamber and dressing room, the former in the Chinese stile, the latter, I suppose, the same as the furniture, in chintz ; the bed has something the appearance of a Persian tent. This appartment is stiled ‘the Prince’s,’ and is not to be used until his Royal Highness has occupied it, which, it is said, he means to do next summer. In the bedchamber are an arm 559 chair and sofa ; in the dressing room, a sofa and a small chair, the back upright (this is called a dressing chair), and I think there is a stool or two. The drawing room is so full of various articles, painted glass, transparent lamps, china, furniture, etc , that there is no describing it ; the paper is India, the curtains blue (chintz they call it), with scarlet drapery, the carpet plain mulberry cloth, with a scarlet cloth, about a yard wide, with a small pattern black border, laid over the carpet, loose both length ways and across ways ; the toute ensemble is certainly very handsome. I hope, however, they will not entirely adopt this newly adopted eastern stile, but will fit up some of the apartments in what seems to old fashioned folk the true taste of that Pile Gothick.” Lord Kenyon to Lady Kenyon. 1430. 1806, May 28. — “ 1 am not sure, however, that I shall feel justified in leaving town before the case of Miss Seymour is considered, I feel so extreme a horror at the Prince’s intentions on that subject.” I met at dinner at Mr. Percival’s, Mr. Leycester, who brought me home in his carriage as far as Pall Mall. We were talking all the way about Lord Melville’s case, about which he is quite a partizan. I am afraid there are but few persons in the House who intend to endeavour to do strict justice in that business. I do not expect that there will be a perfect acquital, though I am not sure whether that may not turn out to be the only mode of not doing injustice. From the framing of the articles of impeachment, I understand people will endeavour to drive conscientious persons away, by including a good number of charges in different articles, and persuading folks they cannot justly vote not guilty, without being convinced that there is no ground for any charge. I for one will not be so barafoozled {sic^. If they choose to reduce it to distinct charges, that a vote may take place on each ground, which in itself may constitute a charge, I shall be very well satisfied to vote guilty to a certain extent ; but if they will not do that, then I shall not hesitate to vote ‘ not guilty,’ as nothing can be more unjust than to drive away those voters who do not allow of the charges to a high extent, by mixing up the articles. 1 think that there can be no question but that if you do not think a person guilty of the article to the extent alleged in it, that the just course is to vote that he is ‘ not guilty ’ of it. That, at least, is my perfect conviction on the subject.” The Same to the Same. 1431. 1896, June 1. London. — “I have had a long and very pleasant walk to day with Mr. Illingworth, in Kensington Gardens, and saw all the extreme crowd there about 3 o’clock, and between that and 4. The most conspicuous figure was Mr. Skefiington, with Miss Duncan leaning on his arm. He is so great an author that all which is done is thought correct, and not open to scandal. To be sure, they looked rather a comical pair, she with only a cap on, and he with his curious whiskers and sharp sallow face.” The Same to the Same. 1432. 1807, March 6. ‘ Warrens.’— ‘‘ The^ Prince of Wales was at the concert on Wednesday, [and] looks extremely altered, and it is said is really in a very bad way. Lord Curzon was there, looking very well; said he had that morning seen the Prince’s apothecary, Mr. Walker, who said he did not drink a drop of wine. Lord C. told him that would not do, after all his full habits ; he said it would. . . . He and the Chancellor have completely quarrelled.” Lord Kenyon to Lady Kenyon. 1433 . 1807, March 21. ‘Warrens.’ — Is coming to Shropshire, but fears his stay will be short, as he must be in London again to attend Parliament “ if they try to pass the K[oman] Catholic Bill I hear Sheridan says he has heard of people running their heads against a wall, but never knew, till now, of people making a wall to run their heads against ! ” Kobert Howarth, of the 95th “ Rifle Regiment,” to his father. 1434 . 1807, September. — “I shall give you an account of what has happened since I left England. I embarked on board the Urania^ transport, at Harwich, on the 25th of July, and remained in harbour till the 1st of August, when we set sail and arrived safe on the coast of Denmark, on the 9th, and anchored close under Elsinore Castle, one of the strongest places T ever saw in my life. We remained there till the 16th, when we lauded within a few miles of Copenhagen and marched up the country. Early the next morning, the 17th, we came within about two miles of the city, when we were ordered to halt at some small villages to get some refreshment. About two o’clock, our regiment was ordered to advance upon their outposts, which were about one mile from the town. We marched down upon them without firing one shot ; but when they perceived we advanced, they began to fire upon us with their artillery very smartly, but without effect. We gained our position within one mile of the city and remained there till the 21st, during which time the enemy kept up a brisk fire from their battery upon us, and we had severe skirmishes with their outposts and piquets ; but early in the morning of the 21st, our regiment was ordered out to drive them all into the town if possible. We marched down upon them with as little noise as possible, and was (s 2 c) ordered not to fire till we came close to them, when we fired a few shot at them. When they perceived us, they gave way, and we took up our position over the first drawbridge, and drove them over the second. “ On the 25th, the whole of the array was ordered under arms, about two o’clock in the afternoon, and received orders to advance upon the town. We all thought that we were going to make the grand attack, but we only drove them all from their batteries, and made them to fly into the city, the only place left them to go to, for we had the possession of the suburbs, and the action lasted about two hours, during which time the enemy lost a great number of men, killed, wounded, and prisoners. Our regiment had only one man wounded and none killed, for we have always the best chance, although we are always in front of the rest of the regiment, being riflemen. On the 26th, the light brigade, consisting of 9 companies of our regiment, the 43rd, 52nd, 92nd, and two brigades of artillery, with four troops of the Grerman legion light dragoons, was ordered to the rear of the army to attack an army of the enemy that we heard was coming to attack our army in the rear ; their strength was reported to be between 8,000 and 9,000. We marched three days, and could hear nothing of them till late on the 28th. On the 29th, we marched early in the morning to a town called Kioge, where we were informed the enemy was. About ten o’clock we came in sight of the town, where we halted, and sent the 661 artillery and light dragoons in front of the town. When the enemy perceived them, they began to fire on them from their batteries. We were then ordered to fall in, and marched up to the town. Our 5 com- panies of the first battalion, which I belong to, were ordered out to the front of the other regiments. The action began a little before eleven o’clock and continued till about five in the afternoon. When we began to advance upon the town they fired very smartly both great and small guns. When we came within 50 yards of the enemy, our five companies, that were in front, were ordered to the rear of the other regiments to let them charge, but they would not go, so we gave three cheers and charged them ourselves, with three companies of the 92nd and two troops of light horse. We drove them all out of the town with great loss on the enemy’s side. We pursued them for two or three miles into the country. “ When all was over, we found ourselves in possession of 9 pieces of cannon, besides a great number of ammunition and provision waggons, and fifteen hundred prisoners. That day, and the two following days, their own account of their killed, wounded, and prisoners, are, 840 killed and wounded, and 3,100 prisoners. On the 6th of Sep- tember, the city of Copenhagen surrendered, after being burning two days and nights, and the same day there was a great quantity of money taken that they were sending away. The whole amount of money taken is twenty one millions and some thousands, but you will hear more in the papers than I am able to tell you in a letter. Do not write again, as we expect to leave this place in a short time, as we have nothing more to do here, and British soldiers must not lie idle at this time.” Copy. John Gifford to Lord Kenyon. 1434:A. 1807, October 18. Penge Cottage, Bromley. — I have, for some time, been busily engaged with the political life of Mr. Pitt, which I have undertaken to finish by the month of April. The task is a laborious one, and requires constant attention. Mr. York had originally engaged to write one half of it, but after some months, at a time when I thought he was considerably advanced in the work, he declined to write it, and the whole burden was thrown upon myself. I am pretty far advanced in the second volume (it is to extend to four), but the difficulty I have experienced in obtaining information, even from some of Mr. Pitt’s bosom friends, has rendered the task extremely irksome to me ; indeed, nothing but the prospect of pecuniary emolument could have led me to persevere in it under such dispiriting circumstances. You will scarcely believe that the Bishop of Lincoln refused to give me the smallest information respecting the last moments of Mr. Pitt, or even to assign the motives lor his conduct. Lord Chatham, too, never answered the letter which I wrote to him on the subject. On the other hand, the Marquis Wellesley, Lord Melville, and Mr. Charles Long have been as friendly and communicative as I could wish them to be. Lord Ellenborough to the Same. 1434b. 1811, November 7. St. James’ Square. — The writer of the inclosed letter is entirely a stranger to me. I find he has written a similar letter to several of the judges, in respect to which they all think as I do. I shall not answer him myself nor, perhaps, should have noticed his application at all, if it had not been for the mention he has introduced of your lordship’s name. As I feel an anxiety, second only to that of your lordship’s, that so delicate and important a subject as 73480. K N 562 the writing of the history of the life of my virtuous and very learned predecessor should not be committed to any but the most able, judicious, and respectable hands, I am induced to request that your lordship will pause, and inquire very fully respecting the fitness of the proposed biographer for the work he is desirous of undertaking, before he receives any more avowed countenance from your lordship on this subject. Your lordship may recollect how very little Lord Mansfield’s celebrity was advanced by the indiscreet life of him by Holliday. I am not aware that Mr. Blagdon is at all likely to perform his task better. The lives of the most distinguished persons in the law contain little of interest for the world at large. Their history is best to be found in their judgments and in the other recorded memorials of the courts in which they sat. If, however, your lordship should, from motives the most respectable, still incline that a life of your excellent father should be published, I am sure your lordship will forgive me when I suggest the propriety of considering well the description and character of the person, his talents and means of knowledge upon such a subject, before he is handed forth to the world as the authorized biographer of the late Lord Kenyon.” H. Hanmer to his father. 1435. 1813, June 22. Salvatierra. — “Yesterday was gained one of the greatest victories of our country and one, perhaps, of more im- portance in its consequences than any hitherto in the Peninsula. The battle of Vittoria will ever be esteemed another proof of British superiority, and a lasting monument of the talents of our great general. Vittoria is situated in a valley about four miles in breadth but the ground is uneven and intersected with ditches. The hills on our right are con- siderable and woody ; on the east is an unfordable river protected also by hills. The enemy had taken up an excellent position, their right on the river, their left on the heights. Our army advanced in three columns — the right commanded by Sir Rowland Hill, the left by Sir Thomas Graham, the centre by Lord Wellington. The action was begun [by] Sir Rowland Hill attacking along the heights, and the enemy, though retiring, fought resolutely for some hours, especially in the village, which was charged and carried by the light division. Owing to some impediments in the roads, General Graham’s column was an hour or more behind its time, which caused some loss to General Hill. However, it came up about 11 o’clock, and immediately attacked and turned the enemy’s right ; now the action became general. “ We advanced by the great centre road and the enemy retired to their second position, suffering immensely from our artillery. This they main- tained but a short time, and after driving them through Vittoria to their east, it became a complete rout, and nothing but night saved them from annihilation. Though the longest day in the year, we thought it too short for our successes, and never saw the sun go down with such regret. The progress of our brigade I have marked with red ink, in the hasty plan I have sent you of the battle, though in the midst of the enemy. Neither their Imperial Guards nor infantry would wait our charge, but fled immediately at our approach. We lost some horses by the cannonade, but, fortunately, had only one man wounded. The distance we drove the enemy during the action was upwards of three leagues. We have taken 132 pieces of cannon, all they had but two howitzers, the military chest, containing an immense treasure, the whole of King Joseph’s baggage, plate, diamonds, carriages, and other valuables, together with that of all the other generals and officers of that immense army. The 563 number of prisoners I have not yet heard. Our loss has been consider- able, upwards, I fear, of 3,000. We are now following up our successes, and shall inevitably cut off two more corps of the enemy that were coming to support the defeated army. Marshal Jourdan commanded, but his dispositions and arrange- ments were overruled by the King, who thought himself quite secure in his position, and bears now all the blame of the defeat. It is the opinion that Spain will be entirely liberated from the French in three months. I can only add that I am quite well, and that the brigade obtained the approbation of Lord Wellington, for its behaviour and activity in all parts of the action.” Lady Kenyon to her Son, at Christ Church, Oxford. 1436. [1814,] November 17. Marlborough. — “Now for my jour- ney, but it is well you do not name any difficulty to your father, as I have not yet told him, nor mean to do so, in full. We set out at ^ past 6, with William Thor})e’s two horses, and John to drive, and the .... mare for Charles ; us three in the chaise. We left London in such peaceful repose it grieved one to think what a tumult it might be in, in a few hours. We went on well, met a large party of ‘ Blues ’ going to town, and before we got to Cranford Bridge, our poor horses smoked and sweated so sadly (with over feed, I fancy) I feared they would not do well. There we got hay and water, and got to Salt Hill at past 10 and stayed two hours, and got well to Reading before five. We met another strong party of soldiers before we got to Maidenhead, which were sent for to quell a riot at Iver and Slough, about corn. ... I never left your father with so much regret as now. I thought there was danger of riot from so full a meeting as was expected at West- minster ; but, thank God, all was quiet at 4 yesterday, and [I] trust remained so.” Rev. W. Allen to Lord Kenyon. 1437. 1815, April 22. Bolton. — “ As for Mr. Jones, I am sure that our venerable establishment never had a firmer friend than he was. The very name of ‘ Nayland Jones ’ makes all the Unitarians and Methodists tremble.” Robert Southey to 1438. 1816, November 12. Keswick, — “I am glad to hear of your safe return and of your good progress on the Continent. Lord Kenyon has sent me one of your letters (that from Yverdon, Aug. 1), and I am looking with some eagerness for another, which is to tell me concern- ing Pestellozzi. Do not fail to let me see your correspondence with the French authorities, and all the minutes which you have made upon your travels. You know how much these (?) things interest me, and the knowledge may be made useful. We have had Mr. Nash with us during the summer — the artist who was our fellow traveller in the Low Countries and made my Waterloo drawings. If when you return to town, and are in the neighbourhood, and will call at No. 6, George Street, Hanover Square, he will show you a drawing of the twins, with which you will be pleased, and sundry other memoranda of this house and its inhabi- tants. The Beaumonts were also in Keswick, but the birds of passage have all taken their departure now ; premature winter has set in, and I am settled to my desk for the dark season, with little heart to stir from it, or set foot beyond my own threshold, for there is an end to my N N 2 564 morning walks. My spirits carry a fair outside, and are, indeed, as well as they will ever be ; nor do I, nor ought I, to complain of them. Not an hour passes in which I do not feel the change. Scarcely a circum- stance occurs that does not bring it home to my heart ; but the result is a composure of mind, a livelier faith, and an habitual aspiration after that state of existing in which our enjoyment shall be permanent. Part of that paper upon the lower classes, which you are pleased to commend, came from my own immediate feelings. If it was the system of our Church to admit volunteers, I should gladly becom.e one. And I am inclined to think that something of the kind would be the best means of preventing her overthrow. Very easily might she have Methodists of her own ; all of them would else be enlisted against her. But I think seriously of girding up my loins for an arduous undertaking — that of writing upon the present state of things — fully, unreservedly, and with my whole heart. What I have done in the Quarterly has been by piecemeal, and has generally suffered something by repression on my part, and much afterwards by the editor’s mutilations. But knowing as I do what has been in the world and seeing, as I believe, farther before me than most of my contemporaries, it may be in my power to produce such an estimate of the wants as might possibly avert great danger, or lead to great benefits \ and, if I have the power, the sin of omission would in this case be a heavy one. Another month or six weeks will clear off immediate business and provide for my ways and means. Meanwhile, these thoughts will ferment and ripen. All here desire their love. Believe me, my dear sir, most truly and affectionately yours. Holograph. Christopher Wordsworth to Lord Kenyon, at Gredington. 1438a. 1816, December 5. The Rectory House, Lambeth. — “ So far as I understand Mr. Southey’s views, from the partial disclosure contained in his letter, I apprehend his inclination leads him to set about the giving an estimate of the religious, moral, and, perhaps, political (in the more elevated sence of the term) state of the country, particularly with regard to the deficiencies in these several respects, and to such remedies as might be suggested. The term ‘ estimate,’ used by him, leads me to suppose that he may have had in his thoughts what was done by Dr. Brown, something more than half a century ago, in his ‘ Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times.’ To a work of this kind Mr. Southey would come with more singleness of aim, and with incalculably more talents, than Dr. Brown did. And, judging from the paper on ‘ The Poor,’ in the Quarterly Review, which is evidently written from the heart, I doubt not he would produce a very interesting and impres- sive work. Still, unless Parliament are likely themselves to buckle to the difficulties of the times, in good earnest, and especially to treat [the] most important of all objects, the provision of an increased number of churches, I can hardly feel a wish even that Mr. Southey’s pen should be engaged. If nothing is to be done, the most impressive appeal would only increase our national responsibility, and further tend only to render us callous and insensible. If we are to act, then I would say, ‘ O for a tongue of fire and for a prophet’s voice.’ But if Government will not act, then I would rather have the friends of the Church, and even the moving eloquence of Mr Southey, to be silent The doing nothing, in the midst of so many moving cries, begets a habit of despair, even in the best disposed, and a kind of lurking feeling that there must be some- thing of unseen lurking (?) difficulty, some kind of fatal necessity, against ^ hicb it is vain to struggle. The only help the Church wants 565 is fair play and more churches ; but, while dissenters are at liberty, and the Church, by its connection with the State, completely tied up and handcuffed by the very increase of population, things must grow worse and worse, and the activity, even of the most able advocates of the Church, inevitably tends to the increase of the malady. Their appeals increase the aggregate of religeous feeling; but then the Church has no receptacle for that feeling, and the very animation of those appeals increases the vigilance and zeal of the enemies of the Church, who have no such impediments and bars to their proceedings as we are shackled by. The Methodists studiously conform in, the service in the numerous chapels which of late years they have erected, to a resemblance in form and substance with the service of the Church of England, which is a decisive proof that the people would have the Church service if they could get it. Nay, the very alterations which the Methodist introduces into the liturgy are not so much from principle, as to enable them to open their chapels under the plea of dissent, which, if they avowed themselves to be Churchmen, they could not open. After all, anything that they can do, and anything that all the other sects of dissenters can do (even if it were free from all other objections), is, and will be utterly insufficient to the supplying to the people at large, the oppor- tunity of public worship and public instruction, in places of public worship, on the Lord’s day. Here then, is the field which Parliament ought to occupy, and they ought to do it in connection with the Church ; for one reason, among others, that they will not let the Church do it for its self. Who can wonder that there should be faction, bloodshed, and rebellion, where there is no religion ; and how can there be religion when, amid thousands of temptations to evil, the great bulk of the people, especially in the metropolis and in large towns, are living in a state of excomunication and necessary separation from all religious exercises and religious instruction? We are doing well with respect to schools ; but, unless churches are added, nothing will be effective. Nay, schools themselves would be much larger and more numerous then they are, had we any possibility of giving them accommodation on Sun- days. In one word, my Lord, I think the religious responsibility of the legislature and the government of this country, at this time, is tre- mendous. If they would permit us, I think we might be a religious and happy people.” Memorandum by Lord Kenton. 1439. 1821, February 5. — “The Bishop of Salisbury (Dr. Fisher) has just left me ; he mentioned to me the following instances of con- versations which took place at the table of the Princess of Wales, the Princess Charlotte sitting between her and Sir W. Drummond. Sir William Drummond told Princess Charlotte he understood she was reading history, and asked what history it was that most interested her ; without waiting for her reply, he went on, and said that he had latterly been in the habit of reading Oriental history, as the most amusing, and added, as to what is called Scripture history, I can assure your Royal Highness there is nothing in it, it is all an allegory, and norhing more. The next time of his being by Princess Charlotte, he brought forward several of Paine’s objections against Christianity, which she met and confuted, and Lady E. Lindsay said she never saw any man in her life so completely thrown on his back. The third time of their meeting. Sir William Drummond was beginning again in the same style, by saying that the education of the nobility and of all ranks, even the highest in 666 this country, was oh a very bad plan, all in the hands of priests ; and, addressing her Royal Highness, he said, you know that priests have always been the most corrupt and contemptible of mankind. She replied, ‘ Sir William, you are now for the third time so good as to be giving me instruction in the same way ; I do not know what your object can be; you seem to be an Atheist, or at least a Deist, and I must beg to refrain from holding any more such conversation with you. I will, therefore, take my leave, and have only to thank you for the pains you have been so good as to take to enlighten my darkened understanding,’ and so with- drew.” The anecdote is marked as communicated to the Bishop of Salisbury by Lady E. Lindsey and Lady de Clifford, and confirmed by the Princess Charlotte, then about 14 years old. The Bishop informed the Prince, and the intercourse was lessened.” «K — , an English gentleman,” [Lord Kenyon?] to the Earl OF Liverpool. 1440 . 1821. — “ As a gentleman of England, I am inclined to request, for a few moments, the attention of the Prime Minister of my Sovereign. Were that minister not an Englishman, I should neither waste my time nor his in so doing ; were he not a Minister, in my judgment sincerely attached to the welfare of his country and to its constitution in Church and State and imbued with true English feelings, I should not intrude myself on his notice ; were a certain noble Marquis in his lordship’s place, I should despair of producing the slightest impression on his all Irish mind. “ My Lord, I much regret that my King is again quitting the British shores. After the convulsive state in which the public mind has been for the last 15 months, at least after the happy change which the coronation, for a short interval, appeared to produce, I cannot but think that the retifrning spirit of loyalty and affection in Engand well deserved the fostering smile and encouragement of royalty. The selfish, insidious huzzas of Irish popery, industriously stimulated by the pure promoters of the Irish Union, by the celebrated invention of the two stringed bow, are not — never can be — to a monarch with a truly British heart, such as, we doubt not, beats in the breast of George IV., of a tenth part the value which must be attached to the genuine affections of honest John Bull, by the general and generous attachment of the gentry, yeomanry, and population of England. “ My Lord, it is much to be regretted that the King could not be dissuaded from visiting Hanover this year. It will be deeply to be regretted if, in addition to Hanover, in which kingly duty and attachment have some part, his Majesty should visit Vienna and Paris. The interests of the British Empire can nowise be promoted by the King of England travelling incog. ^ and forming personal attachments to foreigners or to foreign manners. Nothing contributed so much to fix George the Third in his people’s hearts as his being altogether English ; of him it could justly be said, as of Nelson, ‘ O thou, in whom no thought of self had part. But thy lov’d country filled up all thy heart.’ “ The visit to Ireland will soon lose all its grace, if other visits for pleasure’s sake become the royal habits. The most popular of actors, though known as such, and valued as an imitator only, in time loses his popularity by his frequent appearance. I should regret that my Sove- reign should (by making it be thought he affected popularity rather than followed the gracious dictates of his heart) lose that attachment of his 567 subjects, which, coming from their hearts, should be worn in its newest gloss, and not capriciously be forgotten for newer and valueless applause. “ Our country, my Lord, is in a state of great delicacy and danger. The loyalty of the yeomanry I trust will never fail, but their distress is very far greater than your lordship knows, or will believe ; the prevalent opinion that great official characters, like the Jews of old, wish that there should be told to them ‘ smooth things, and that there should be pro- phecied deceits,’ prevents your lordship’s hearing and knowing the truth. “ My Lord, the mass of landlords are now in debt for interest, to the extent of from one quarter to one half of their incomes ; and the mass of tenants are at least one half of their rents in arrear, and have greatly reduced their capital, to enable themselves to be more so. “ My Lord, be pleased to inquire, from those who have honesty to tell you the truth, if this be an exaggeration respecting tenants at rack-rent, or who have taken leases within the last ten or fifteen years. Be pleased, then, to look forwards. If foreign corn be imported in November or February next, what will be their condition, and what must their feelings be as to warmth of attachment to the Government ? My Lord, the sympathy of the great has deep effect on the distresses of their more humble countrymen. What then will be the effect of the supposition that there is no feeling of sympathy towards them, that foreign gaities, pageants, feastings, and perhaps cabals (for the author of ‘the Union of Ireland ’ is there), possess the royal thoughts, and England, the source of his power and glory, is — forgotten I will not say — but deserted. “ My Lord, we live in times that no one can say what a day may bring forth ; the day of the Queen’s funeral brought forth rebellion in the metropolis. Is the spirit crushed ? My Lord, it is not dead, and some question whether it even sleepeth. No one can say when the aid of Parliament may be wanted ; and that George IV. may be excited to hallow his blessed father’s memory by treading in his steps and applying all his thoughts and energies to promote his country’s welfare, is prayed at your lordship’s hands.” Lady Eleanor Butler and Miss Sarah Ponsonby^ to Lord Kenyon. 1440a. 1822, January 1. Llangollen. — “Most sincerely and most fervently do we pray that many and many happy years may dawn upon your lordship with intelligence equally gratifying to your feelings as that, with which you have honoured us by this morning’s post, has been to ours. We intreat you, dear Lord Kenyon, to accept a thousand, thousand thanks, and to believe that, important as such an addition ot income will be to our comfort — and there are circumstances which, indeed, make it most materially so — its value is more than doubled, in our estimation, by being indebted for it, solely and entirely — as we must ever gratefully acknowledge — to the interest and friendship of a nobleman whose character, conduct, and principles stand so high in our esteem and respect, and whose kindness has such claim upon our affection. We can only repeat our earnest hope that our obligations may be repaid with the most abundant interest, by the amiable persons who, as we calculate, at this moment surround the best of fathers. We truly rejoice in the report you indulge us with of their good health, mingled with some fear that, if you could have accompanied it with one equally satisfactory of your own, it would not have been withheld from those to whom it would have been so infinitely acceptable. ' The Ladies of Llangollen. 668 ‘‘We return the two letters so kindly entrusted to us, without a moment’s delay, but cannot do so without offering additional acknow- ledgments for a favour of which we are so deeply sensible as that of the manner in which, under your representation, Lord Sidmouth has been pleased to express himself on our subject. It is appreciated much beyond what, had his lordship been in the Minister’s place, we can have no doubt he would have granted us, through your lordship’s patronage. But, with that, and the good opinion of such a character as Lord Sidmouth, we hope that we can truly acknowledge ourselves more proudly content than we should be with treble the pecuniary emolument obtained through a different protection.” Mart Anne Kenyon to Mrs. Kenyon, at Peel. 144:1. 1826, May 30. P[ortman] Square. — “ I sit down to give you an account of our evening on Saturday at the Hayraarket, where we were very much amused with Liston, who acted in two very droll things — Quite Correct and Paul Pry Paul Pry is a regular busy- body, who just ‘ drops in ’ at every house he goes by, and says, ‘ I hope I don’t intrude,’ and then begins asking all sorts of impertinent ques- tions. . . Lord Stowell went with us, and enjoyed it very much.” Ernest, Duke of Cumberland, to Lord ICenyon. 1442. 1832, November 3. Kew. — “ Naturally, both the Duchess and myself have been in the greatest misery about our darling boy, who originally met with an accident, about tw’o weeks ago, and give {sic) himself a violent blow on the left eye, which occasioned him much pain ; but he perceived no consequence from it for the first 24 hours, and made light of it, nay, he even went out and shot a rabbit, and wounded another ; but towards the evening of the 2nd day, he lost the vision of his left eye We all go, in a few days, to Hastings, and I trust, by the aid of that salubrious air, and under Divine Pro- vidence, whose mercy is so great, that he will take pity of our beloved child, and restore him the blessing of sight — the greatest blessing of all. Though he is my child, yet, I must say, never did I see any one bear his misfortune with greater patience or resignation. Never has he uttered one single murmur, and, knowing him as you do, his activity of mind and body, you must own it is a severe trial.” Holograph. Robert Southey to Lord Kenyon. 1443. 1834, July 16. Keswick. — “ The condition of this distracted country is such that, at this time, I know neither what to expect, nor what to wish. That any Conservative administration could go on with the present House of Commons, seems impossible. A new election might throw out many Whigs, but they would mostly be replaced by Radicals. I do not say this would be casting out devils by Beelzebub, because it is difficult to say which of the two parties is worst. Perhaps Lord Althorp might be the best Premier that could, at this juncture, be chosen. His tried and proved incapacity would draw more disgrace upon a set of men who could find no better head ; and, if it be not the will of Providence to punish us by such a revolution as we most righteously have deserved, nothing is more likely to avert it than the continuance in authority, for a little while longer, of men who have no pretensions to talent, and are fast losing all pretension to character. 569 It is far better that they should go on bringing contempt and odium on themselves than that we should see a pseudo-Tory administration treading in their steps, and thereby deserving both.” Holograph, Egbert Southey to Lord Kenyon. 1444. 1835, May 20. Keswick. — The enclosed letter is for Mr. Bamford, if you see nothing to disapprove in it. Tue temper in which his notes were written has been my reason for entering so fully into the character of our late friend. If you had seen his papers, you would clearly perceive how desirable it is that I should endeavour to bring him to a better man (?), and this seemed the best, or, at least, the most inoffensive way in which it could be attempted. You may believe that I have written with extreme care and caution. “ I have heard from Mr. Cook, who expresses a disposition, on the part of the Edinburgh Trustees, to be guided by Murray’s opinion ; but he had not heard from Murray, neither have I received the farther com- munication which the bibliarch promised. I will rub up his memory in a few days.” Holograph, The Same to the Same. 1445, 1836, January 11. Keswick. — “ Yours was the first greeting that reached me at the opening of the New Year, and I am fully sensible of its kindness. Seasons of festivity become seasons of melancholy when those with whom we formerly enjoyed them are removed from us by dis- tance or death, 'Uhis I was made to feel early in life, and expressed, in consequence, reflections in a New Year ode, two and forty years ago, which are brought home to my heart now. “ A man of great, but crazed, genius, whom I was once well acquainted with, chose to cast my nativity. He promised me, on the faith of the stars, great good fortune, either at Berlin or Algiers, and pronounced that 1 possessed, according to my horoscope, ‘a gloomy capability of walking through desolation.’ Were he alive, he would probably say that I have lost the good fortune by not going to look for it where it was to be found. But if he had known me as well as I know myself, he would not have predicated gloominess of one who has no such ingredient, either extant or latent, in his nature. Glod has left me with a cheerful and contented spirit, and lays on me no burthen which He has not given me strength to bear. I have enjoyed a larger portion of happiness than falls to the lot of most men. Whatever may be the complexion of my remaining years, they cannot be many, nor can they be miserable, while I am capable of employing myself, and retain that faith of which nothing can deprive me. ‘ ‘ The printers are pressing on me at this time. In the course of a few weeks, I hope to work my way to some leisure, which will be employed in bringing up the arrears of other business and in beginning new. My motto is In Lahore Quies. I borrowed it from the Spanish historian Garibay.” Holograph. The Same to the Same. 1446. 1836, January 22. Keswick. — I take the liberty of enclos- ing a note for Davies, in reply to a letter of his, received this morning. You will see by it that Professor Haldane has written to me, and the substance of my answer. I am glad to hear that the Madras College at 570 St. Andrews is going on prosperously, but the University (thanks to Sir John Campbell) was probably never before in so distracted a state, except during the storms of a religious revolution.’’ Holograph. Lord Eldon to Lord Kenton. 1447. 1836, September 3. Encombe. — After again reading the King’s Speech, I am still to say that there is nothing in it. The papers intimate that he read it well. I was once joked by Gleorge III. ; whilst unrobing after a speech, in the House of Lords, he said to me, ‘ I hope I read it well.’ My answer was, ‘Yes, sir.’ ‘ That,’ replied he, ‘is not sincere. How could I read well what had nothing in it ? ’ ” Kobert Southey to the Same. 1448. 1836, September 21. Keswick. — “ If no mishap should inter- vene, I hope to leave home on Monday, the I7th of October, and to reach Gredington on the Wednesday following ; Friday, to pay my respects to Mr. Parker, and on Saturday to halt with my son-in-law’s parents at Crickhowel (?) We are bound for Bristol and the West of England. I wish to show my sou what no one else can show him — the scenes of my childhood and youth, and to introduce him to a few old and dear friends, whom it is most likely I may never again visit in this world, and whom hereafter he will be glad to have seen. To lay up stores for memory, is the next best thing to laying up treasures in heaven.” Seal of arms. Holograph. The Same to the Same. 1449. 1837, December 5. Keswick. — “In my case, a deliverance from what might truly be called ‘ the body of this death,’ was to be de- sired, when it became no longer possible to entertain a hope of mental restoration. Yet, when the separation took place, I felt how verily we had been one, during the far greater part of our lives, and, consequently, how great a change has now taken place in my own condition. My dear Edith had been so long the chief object of my thoughts, as I had been of hers, that it seems as if I had lost part of myself. But all losses will be restored in God’s good time. It behoves me to be thankful for a greater portion of happiness than falls to the lot of most men, and for the unusual length of time that I was permitted to possess it. And it is with thankfulness alone that I would recall the past, if it were possible to exercise a complete control over our own thoughts.” Holograph. 571 EXTRACTS FROM A MEMORANDUM BOOK, IN THE HANDWRITING OF VARIOUS DATES. A News Letter. £. 1. [1588.] The names of the writer and of the person to whom it is addressed, do not appear. The first part is torn away. “ Some saye the King of Spain’s fleete was at sea three weeks past, but our 106 shippes that then were owt with the Lord Admyrall and Sir Francis Drake, colde heare of none, though they, against wynde, b 3 ^d forthe on the Coaste of Brytaine 7 daies, but now are at Plom- mouthe [Plymouth] and readie to goe out with 14 more, and vyctualled till the last of Auguste. The Lord Henry Somerset feared them muche when hee ryde afore Graveline with 36 greate shippes, till my Lofd your father, att the great entreatie of the Commissioners for the King of Spaine, wryte hys letter to the Lord Henry that they were well used, yet desyred him to departe, which he presentlie did, with protestation if the Earl Darby or the Lord should not be well used, hee wolde returne and batter their towne on their heades. “ From thence hee wente to Dunkirk and shewed the like force, and from thence before Slewse, to shew her Majesties readiness to defend them. The forces at home are now called to be readie, for that her Majestie will staunde upon her garde and have sea . . . army with oflicers apointed forthwith to resist invasion. “ The Frenche King, as is reported, is agreed with the Duke of Guise by artycles [to] the King’s dishonnoure, the certaintie not yet knoune which by the ne sende. “ Mr. Bodlye, sende to him, returned with great thankes, since Sir Thomas Layt[oun] to him and returned this morninge, leaving the King at Rowan and the Paris. “ Daniel Rogers going to condole the death of the King of Denmarke and a messenger the Emperoure of Muscovia, who is Doctor Fletcher. And one Folkes to be there residente for the marchaunts, as her Majesties Agente. ‘‘ So with my humble dewtie to your Lordship tyll the nexte, when your more and more particuler. (JPostcript .) — “ Since the wrytinge hereof, this more is knowen unto me, which amisse to lette your Lordshipe know. Sir Thomas Laytoun brings bathe of the King, and that shee hath done more then all the Princes which he hathe unfaignedlie protested, he to requite in like to h and that he will not put upp the injuryes the Duke of Guise offers ^‘The Spanish fleete sett owt, as is said, 500 shippes, the fyrste the 20 of Maye after our accompte, and are at a haven in Biscaye Zarmin’s dyrections, the haven called Calbone. “The resolutions heare, that 2,000 souldiars shall come out of the Low country . . . with ther leaders to be her Majesty’s garde. “ The shippes are to sea and all the forces on the costes to be . . to be tended. 572 “ The noblemen and Bishopps, by Letters from her Majestie, for to enforce with horses and men, to withstande the invacion. “The pensioners send for all to with horse and armour. “ A newe bande of horse of all her Majesties servauntes, ordinarye and extraordinarye, to attende att Courte. “ The Lyetennants to have ther force in all readines to marche. “ To assure Scotland to be at her Majesties devotion by money, to that end privie seals to be out of a losane [loan ?]. “ The cytye of London to be full mustered and to have ther 6,000 men to courte at dies warninge and they to garde the cytye for a reall army to be appointed by her Majestie. “ The chief recusants to be to [the] Tower, and a new constable thereof, and the seminaries and practizers, with other persons, under a garde. “ A proclamation to putt doun all letters or bookes to seduce the people to rebellion. “ The Commissioners to returne, if the season be not to ther desyre, and all other thynges. “f. Id. The namysof them that commytted the disorder in Burye, on Sondaie, beinge the xiiijth daie of June.” “ Of Leeze [Leeds]. — Paul Ogden, Thomas Travis. “ Of Oldham . — James Tayler, Peter Bexwicke, William Hall, the son of Robert Jackson, the wife of Edmund Oreave, Alice Taylor, Alice Tetlawe, Margaret Hopwoode, George Tetlawe. “ Of Chatterton. — [E]llis Whitaker, Richard Thorpe, four daughters of John Goddard [names torn away], Henry Whitaker, of Old- ham, one Bowtree, one Nylde, and the eldest son of John Whitaker, all of Hollinwoode.” E[dmund] H[opkins] to . f. 2. 1588, July 21. — On the 14th, being Sunday, “there was, by certain of Oldham parishe, in tyme of divine service, gallowpinge of horses in the streete of Burye, showtinge and pypinge, with other fowle disorders, in the forenone of the same daie, a lamentable spectacle in the place of preachinge ministerye, of all good men to be pytted and reformed.” Hopes the offenders may be apprehended and punished. Weaving. f. 2d. The Vycare of Leedes sente for Rauf Mathewe, who ys very skelfull in all thinges apperteyninge to his trade of clothinge. “ Instruments : — Wheels, cardes, combes, leades, swinginge, combe stocks, loomes, sheares, handles, tassells, tenters. “Threescore persons are thus to be devided : — xii for sortinge, dressinge, and lyttinge the wolle; xxx*^® for spinninge and cardinge ; xii for weavinge and shearinge ; the odd vj persons to helpe the reste, as to goe to the myllne and tourle, &c. “ Syx stone of undressed woole will make ij dqssens, or a whole clothe, contayninge xxiij yardes in lengthe and vij quarters in bredgthe. 573 “ Twelve stone woolle will serve lx persons in a week. “Four gallons of cyvill [Seville ?] oyle will serve to xij stone of woolle, and looke what the wool doth cost after the maner of makiiige clothe at Leades, the cost wilbe as much more before it can be converted to good and perfect cloth. “ One stone of woole spinninge, xxc?. ; weavinge a dossen, iij^. iiijc?. ; walking a stoke, viijc?. ; shearinge and dressinge, xc?. ; and this after the use of Leades, where only brode clothe is made. “ Threscore persons are thus to be devided : — Sorting and dressinge, vj ; spinninge and cardinge, xl; weavinge, viij ; sheremen, vj ; whereof ij maye be to helpe the rest. “Two stone beinge xxviij/i. will make xviij yardes, yarde broade. “ One stone spinninge, ij^. iiij5 - - 10/. Dorathie Brewrtoun - - - 1005. John M aider - - - 405. Thomas Willote - - - - 605. William Radcliffe - - 405. Robert Holme - - - 605. Robert Clayden - - - - 4/. John Gregorie J? - - 41(?)5. John Chethome - - >5 - 405. The heirs of Ralph Culchethe - 205. Thomas Trafforde - - - 405. Thomas Hyde - » - - 405. George Byrche - - - 3/. Lady Elizabeth Byroun, widow - - 3/. Anne Bocke - in goods - - 3/. The wife of William Edge - - 31. Frauncis Pendletoun - - - 1005. William Baggerley - - - 1005. Humphry Houghton - - - 71. George Pendletoun - - - 61. John Houghton - - • - >5 - - 6L Christopher Graunt - - - 4/. George Travis - - 4/. James Rydellsonne - - - 4/. Mylles Willsonn - - » - - 1005. Richard Fox - - - 31. Ralph Prowdeloofe [Prowdlove] 55 - - 31. Robert Langley - - 55 - - 31. John Davie - - - - 55 - - 41. Richard Gee - 55 - - 1005. Robert Marler - 5> - - 41. 587 John Radcliffe - - in goods - - 4/. Hugh Shaclocke - - - - - 3/. James Chowtertoun - - „ - - 3/. George Worall (?) - - „ - - Si. George Prowdlove - - „ - - 4/. Subsidy. £P. 38-43d. — Sums of money levied by subsidy. [No names of persons.] Persons chargeable for Horse and Arms. ff. 44-47. 1569. — Return by a Jury of persons chargeable with the maintenance of horses, armour, and weapons, within the hundred of Salford. Sabbath Breaking. f. 47d. 1574, April — Orders taken at Manchester by eiglit of the justices of the peace for Lancashire. Amongst them is one which directs that “ every churchwarden, cunstable and sworne man shall, everye Sondaye and holydaye, take the names of suche persons as doe walke in places ordeyned for divine service, in the time of sermons or divine services ” ; the names of such, or of those who go out of churcli before the end of the services or sermons, are to be presented to the justices. Archers in Lancashire. f. 49.~The appointment and taxation of 200 soldiers, all archers, levied within the county of Lancaster, to serve the Queen, under Sir Robert Worsley and Edward Tildsley, esquire, in 1556 ; every archer had 105. allowed to him besides “ his furnyture ” : and the taxation of 300 men (whereof 78 were archers) within Lancashire, in 1559, to serve the Queen at Berwick, under Sir John Sowth worth. Soldiers in Leigh. f. 49d, — Soldiers appointed to serve the Queen at Leigh, in 1559, under Thomas Butler, esquire : — Soldiers, 200 ; pioneers, 267. Archers for Ireland. 1567. — The taxation in Lancashire for 50 archers for Ireland. “ Memorandum, that everye of the said archers was furnished with a cassocke of blewe clothe, garded with two small gardes of white clothe, a view bowe, a sheaffe of arrowes in a case, a skull in a redd cappe, a jerkin of a stagge or bucke skinne, sworde and dagger; and everye one in hys purse had in redye moneye 135. 4d., besides 45. to evei'ye of them, delivered for their coate and conducte money, at their cominge to Chester. And for the furnishinge of the said souldiers, the countrye [county ?] was taxed at the rate of 605. for everye the said archers or souldiers.” Soldiers for Ireland. 1574, Feb. 13. — Taxation of the county for sending 100 soldiers (“ archers, byllmen, and qualy vers ”) into Ireland. Every archer to have a bow, a sheaf of arrows, ‘‘a stile cappe or a skull,” a sword and a dagger. Every billman to have “ a byll, a coat of plate, a sallette, a sworde, and a dagger.” Every “ caliver ” to have a caliver furnished morrian, or burgonette, a sworde, and dagger.” Every man to have in 588 his purse, besides his ‘‘furniture,” 16^. 8d. For the “furnishing” of every archer 3/. 10^. 8d. was levied, for every billman SI. 16«. 2d., and for every “ caliver ” 4/. 10s. \0d. “ Allso the Queen’s Majestie did alio we for conducte moneye to everye souldiare, a half penie a myle from the hundred where they dwelled unto the toune of Lyverpoole, and 2s. a peece for their tr an spor tinge.” Taxation of Lancashire. f. 50. 1575. — A taxation, within Lancashire, for the “ levyinge, makinge, and setting furthe ” thirty labourers and soldiers to serve in Ireland ; from each hundred, one of the men is to be a “ smithe.” They are to be at Chester on 10th May ; each is to have for his “ whole furni- ture,” 30s. “There coates are to be redde, of 6s. 8«:?. the yarde, gascoine fashion, tyed under the arme with whitte incle,^ everye one to have a sworde, dagger, and gyrdle.” The Same. f. 50d. 1576, June. — Taxation made within the same county for “ makinge of 6 masons, 6 carpenters, and 12 labourers,” to be sent into Ireland. A note states that these never went. 33s. 4c?. was to be levied towards their “ furniture,” with which was to be provided for each man “ doblette, hose, showes, dagger, and a coate of whytte clothe made of the fashione of a cassocke, garded with two laces of conies [?], the one of the coller of redde, and the other grene.” Parochial Armour. f. 51. — List of “ common armour ” delivered to the several parishes in Salford hundred ; the articles are chiefly “ coarslettes,” “ morrianns,” “ flaxboxes,” “ moldes,” and “ calivers.” Cost of Soldiers’ Outfits. f. 53. 1577, January 30. — Taxation of Lancashire, made at Ormskirk, “ for the making readye of 300 men within one houres warniiige.” The cost of “ furniture ” for an armed pikeman was Hys dublette of white homes {sic) fuscion - Hys hose of watchet kersaye, venisioned fashione, 2 yardes and a halfe Thre quarters of whyte kersaye netherstocke Two yards and a halfe of course canvas for lynninge - One yard and half a quarter of flaxoun, for straite lyninge --------- For makyng hys hose ------ Hys shyrte ..---- For hys showes -------- Carters and poincts - - - - - - - Hys coate of watchet, fashione gascoine, of Yorkshire broade clothe, one yarde and three quarters Y elowe or redde broad clothe for two gardes about the coate, two gardes douue the hose, two fingars broad, one quarter and a halfe ------ 6«. 8c?. 5^. 10(?. I8d. 15J. 15c?. 8d. Ss. 4c?. 2s. Qd. 1 1 8d. 2s. 6c/. ^ A sort of tape. — Bailey . 589 Hys corslett furnished Pike ---------- Hys sworde and dagger, and sword gyrdell - Moneye in hys purse, over and besydes suche moneye as her Majestie shall allowe for coate and conducte money 335 . 4d. 2s. Sd. Ss. 105 . “ Furniture ” of a billman : — f. 52d. — For hys apparell, armoure, byll, sword, dagger, money in hys purse, and in all sortes as the pikeman - 41. lU. 2d. “ Furniture ” of an archer ; — Hys apparell, allowed as a picke, vew bowe - Hys sheaf of arrowes and a case to the arrowes - Hys coate of plate ------- Hys skull and Scottishe cappe to cover the same - Hys sworde, dagger, and sworde gyrdell to the same Hys shootinge gloves, bracelette, and stringe Money in hys purse besides hys conducte monye, as her Majestie shall alow, ys ------ The ‘‘ furniture ” of a pioneer • Hys cassocke watchette, 1 yard 3 quarters - Hys shyrte Hys doublette, whytte Hys hose of whyte, two yardes - - - - - Makyng and lyuinge ------- Hys showes Garters and poincts ------- Hys sculle cappe - = Hys sword, dagger, and sword gyrdell Mony in hys purse over and besides suche money as her Majestie shall allowe for coate and conducte money - 5s. 35 . 4d. 135 . 4d. 3s. 4d. Ss. I2d. [blank] 85. 9d. 2s. 9d. os. 5s. 4d. 16d. 2s. 6d. 3s. 4d. 8s. IO5.” Lancashiric Hundreds. f. 55d. 1582, April 5 . — A “ divisione ” of the hundreds of Lanca- shire, taken at Wigan. Fireman’s Dress. “ The pike’s ” coat was of ‘‘ broade blewe ” at 85. the yard, each coat containing one yard and a quarter. The billman’s “jacke or coate of plate” cost 135. 4d.j and the bowman’s “shootinge glove, bowe stringes, and braselettes ” cost 1 6d. Thomas Preston to the Justices of the Peace within the Hundred of Salford. f. 59. 1584-5, January 9. — Has received the Privy Council’s direc- tions for “ ellectinge ” 50 soldiers to be employed in Ireland, out of the 200 before appointed by the Queen’s letters of 16 August last. The 50 men are to be at Chester on 15 February, furnished and sorted as follows : — 20 with “ calivers,” 10 with “ corslettes and pykes,” 10 with 590 bowes and arrows, and 10 with “ halberts or good black bills.” He therefore desires the Justices to direct the Constables to bring before him, at Preston in Amounderness, on the 21st January, all the 200 sol- diers, that he may select therefrom 50, according to the order given him, “and withall, to have the raonye ther readie, accordinge to the rates sett doune att the time, for their furniture and allowance for the fourthe parte of the said 200 men being then sessed.” Suggestions for reforming “ the Enormities of the Saobothe,” signed by Henry, Earl of Derby, and Sir Francis Walsingham. f. 63d. — “ Wakes, fayres, markettes, bayrbeytes, bullbaytes, ales, maygames, resortinge to alle howses in time of divine service, pypinge and dauncinge, huntinge, and all manner of unlawfull gaminge. “ The meanes how to reforme the same. “1. To give charge, att the publique Quarter Sessions, to all mayores, bailiffes, constables, and other civill offycers, churche wardens, and other offyceres of the churche, to suppresse, by all meanes jawfull, the said dis- orderes of the Saobothe, as allso to present the said offendours at the Quarter Sessions, that they maye be dealt with for the same, so farr as lawe will beare. And for the present time, to apprehende the minstrelles, bearewardes, and other suche lyke cheif authores of the said disofderes, and them to briuge imediatlie before some justice of peace, to be punished att ther discretion. “2. That the churchwardens and other churche offyceres be enjoyned to appeare at the Quarter Sessions, and ther to make presentmente of all that neglecte divine service upon the Saobothe daye, by absence or otherwise, that they may be indycted upon the statute which imposethe a penalltie of xij*^ for every suche offence. “3. To abridge the immeasurable multitude of allehowses to the poincte of the statute. “ 4. To take order that the allehowses shall utter a full quarte of alle for a pennye, and none of any lesser sysse. “ 5. To bynde the allehowse keepers by speciall terms in the condition of ther recognizaunce, for receiptinge (sic) any that are chief maintainers, partakers of thafforsaid disorderes of the Saobothe, as sellinge alle and other victualles, in time of dyvine service. “6. That constables and other civill offyceres, and churchwardens and other the churche offyceres, be enjoyned, at the Quarter Sessiouns, to make presentmente to the justices of the peace of all those allhowse- keepers that have broken the condition of ther recognizaunce, and the justices to take orders with the clarke of the peace, or otherwise, for the further presentinge of the said forfaitors, accordinge to the righte course of lawe. ‘*7. That the saide officeres be enjoyned to make presentmente allso att the Sessions of all those that sell alle, havinge therto lyceaunce. “ 8. That your worshipps woulde take order amongste yourselves that no lycence be given to any to keepe allehowse, but onlie in publique Sessiouns. “ 9. That your worshippes would enjoyne the aforesaid offyceres of the churche and comone wealthe that they make due presentmente att the Quarter Sessiouns of all bastardes borne or remayninge within ther several! precinctes, and that, therupon, a straite course be taken for the due punishmente of the reputed parenntes, accordinge to the statute, as allso for the conveniente keepinge and relief of the said infauntes. And allso for vacaboundes, accordinge to the statute. — Henry Derby, Francis Wallsingham,” 691 Suggestions for the Eeformation of Defaults of Lancashire Freeholders and others, signed by the abovesaid Earl of Derby and Sir Francis Walsingham. f. 64d. No. 6 reads : — Concerning justices of peace, yt were con- veniente that a sermond should allwaies be had, at everye quarter sessions, and att a conveniente howre of the daye, whereat the presence of justices of peace, and other otfycers of that courte, were especiallie to be re- quyred, wherefore yt were good they endeavoured to come to the place of justice sette betime of the daye.'’ No. 8 reads : — “ To the end they may more willinglie bestowe their continuall attendaunce in this so necessarye a service and so properlie belonging to their charge, the Chauncler will take order they shall enjoye the allowance owt of the fines and issues for the ease of ther chardge, according to the statute.” It is considered expedient that the sessions should begin at Man- chester and thence proceed to Wigan or Ormskirk, then to Preston, and end at Lancaster, ‘‘ which rightlie maye falle owt for the conveniente placinge of the records of all proceedings before hadd in the severall sessions, as beinge a place generallie assigned therunto.” The Council to the Sheriff and Justices of the Peace for Lancashire. f. 75d. 1584, August 17. Oatlands. — Wheras the Queue’s Ma- jestic, at this presennte, sennte her letters unto you, for the levyinge of 200 able men in that County of Lanncaster for her service in her warres in the realme of Yrelaunde, albeit ther ys suche truste reposed as that you will, with all your indeavoure, further suche service, yet to thintente ther may be noe defaulte therof, wee have thought good to recomende the same unto you, upon conference amongste yourselves, howe the same nomber ys to levyed in every particuler divisione of that county, to have an especiall care that choise be made of able personns meete for this service, and that the furniture of them be suche as maye not by the cap- taine, or any other that shall have the view and charge of them, uppon juste cause, be misliked, so as the said nomber be in a readiness to marche towardes Chester by the day of September, as you shalbe dyrected by us, there to be imbarked ; againste which time wee have allreadye given order that conveniente shippinge shalbe provided for ther transportation. “And wher heretofore information hathe bene given, bothe to her Majestic and us, that in suche lyke services, by reasonne that the men were in this realme, or in Irelaunde, commytted to straunge cap- taines, who for the moste parte have not used ther souldiours with that love and care that appertained, ther was not so good choise made of them as was fytte ; and allso the furniture of the shire never returned, so as the souldiours have bene therby greatlie discouraged in the services, and the countrye wher the levyes have bene made, more burdened; and yet wee have done what wee can for the redresse of ther disorder, thoughe our care therin hathe lytell or nothinge pre- vailed : her Majestic, therfore, for the avoydinge of the lyke incon- venience hereafter, and for the benefytte of that countrie and en- couragemente to the souldiaurs, hathe thoughte good that some gentle- men of that countrye and shyre shoulde be the captaine under whom they shoulde serve, and not to have them committed to any other straunger, neyther here nor in Yrelaund ; and for that purpose her Majestie hathe, by her letters, recommended unto you the eldeste sonne of Edmunde Trafibrd, knighte, to whom her pleasure ys you shoulde signifie so rnuche as to make him privie to your saide choise and levie of 592 men, changinge suche of the men and furniture as he shall, uppon juste cause to be shewed unto you, mislike and desire to have yt altered, so as hereafter hee maye have noe excuse or exception, y£ defaulte shalbe founde to the contrarie. “ It ys allso thoughte conveniente that yf the said nomber of soul- diars shoulde be certified, with ther severall kindes of weapons, as ys prescribed in Her Majestie’s said letters, and that they shoulde be furnished with swordes and daggers, and lykewise conv^eniente doblettes and hose, and allso a cassocke of the same motley or other sad greene color, or russette, and lykewise, upon the deliverie of them to the said captaine or his lyvetenaunte, to be [by] hym or hys lyve- tenaunte conducted to the seaside, and so over into Yrlauiide ; which wee thinke meete to be done by true perfytte byll indented betwene you and the captaine specified, bothe names of the men, and the manner of ther furniture, wherof the one copie to be sente unto us and the other to remay ne with you, and the third with the saide captaine. It ys allso thoughte requisite, and so wee praye you procure, that there maye be delivered unto hym, for every souldiare beinge harquebussed, two poundes of good powlder, with conveniente matche and bullette, for use of hys peece. And lykewise, for every souldiar, v® of mony, to provide a mantell for him in Yrelaunde, besides hys lyverie coate, when he shalbe ther arived. Wee praye you allso, upon the computation of the myles, to cause so muche mony to be delivered to the said souldiaurs as shalbe conveniente for ther journey, the charge of whiche coate and con- ducte monye, accordinge to her Majestie’s usuall rates, shalbe repaied by the maior ther to suche as you shall appoincte to receave the same. “ Finallie, wheras upon the vew of the late certificate of musters of that countye wee doe not finde the same furnished with suche proportion of armoure, especiallie of calivers and corslettes with pickes, as wee thinke were conveniente for her Majesty’s service and defence of this realme ; so as yf any parte ther shoulde be sennte owt for this presente service yt woulde growe therby the worse furnished, wee therfore thinke yt beste ther shoulde so muche mony levyed within the said county as maye suflG.ce to provide the calivers and corslettes for the nomber appoincted ther to be levyed, for which purpose wee have caused a certaine proportion of bothe corslettes and calivers to be sente to the porte of Chester, which, before wee sennte them downe, wee appoincted certaine of skill to view the same, to see them good and servicable, havinge allso agreed with the owner of the said armoure to be uttered and delivered to the captaine at the rates contained in the scedule enclosed.” The Council to [the Sheriff and Justices of Lancashire]. 1584, August 27. Oatlands. — “Wheras the Queenes Majestie hathe occasione, for this presente service in Yrelaunde, to sende certaine horsrnen into that realme and understaundinge that ther be within your county certaine gentlemen and others that [are] recusantes, who, not- withstaundinge that in poinctes of relligion they do not shewe themselves so conformable as appertainethe and her Majestie most earnestlie de- syrethe, yet in all ther matters, when they are chardged wdth undewti- fullnes, they doe professe all dewtifull affection unto her Highnes, so farre furthe as to adventure bothe ther lyves andgoodes in Her Majestie’s service ; shee therfore, beinge desirous, upon this occasione, to make some profe therof, hathe thought meete that those whose names wee send you here, which are contayned in a scedule subscribed by us, shoulde by you be dealte withall in that behalfe, and for that purpose 593 ehee bathe comaunded us that wee shoulde dyrecte you to repaire to the places wher the recusantes doe reside, takinge with you two of the commissioners for musters or any two justices of peace within the said countye neere to the residentes of the said parties ; and, after you have acquainted them with the contentes of these our letters, to requyre them, in her Majesties name, as so dyrected by us, that they give order owt of haunde for the preparinge, by the xv*^ daye of September, so manie horse or horses as are taxed upon eche of ther names, in suche sorte furnished as ys contained in the said scedule, lettinge them understande that, in case her Majestic shall finde them conformable in that behalf, they shall give her cause to use them with more favoure, and to qualifie some parte of the extremitie that otherwise the lawe dothe laye upon them ; and for that wee doubte that they maye not so convenientlie, and within the time apoincted, provide the men and horses furnished, accordinge as in that scedule ys expressed, you shall offer unto them that on paymente of xxiiij**, which ys the leaste some that maye be to serve that proportion, to be paide within tenn daies after knowledge given to them by you of her Majestie’s pleasure, that then you will see them dischardged. And in case any of them shall refuse to doe eyther one or other, then yt ys her Majestie’s pleasure that you shall cause the parties soe refusinge to sett downe under ther haudes the causes of ther refusall and to certifie the same unto us, as allso to deliver into our handes so manie of them as by this notice siiall dewtifullie assente or yealde therunto ; to the end that therupon wee may take such order therin as shalbe thoughte meete.” The Schedule : — “ The names of suche personns as are apoincted to fynde lyghte horsemen within the countye of Lanncaster, every one to be furnished with a good, large, and servicable horse or gelldinge, a lyghte horseman’s staflfe, a jacke, a burhonette, scleeves of male, a case of pistolettes, and a cassocke of suche a color as shalbe here- after signified from the Lordes of her Majestie’s moste [honourable] Previe Counsell, or elles to paye so muche money as shalbe sufly- ciente for the furnishinge of the same. Alexander Barlowe, j. Sir John Sowthworthe of Sainsbury, j. Thomas Clifton, j. John Talbotte of Salebury, ij. Ry chard Blundell, j. William Orrell, j. Thomas Singleton of the Tower, j. William Thornborough, j. Thomas Assheton, j. William Haydock, j. Albaine Butler, j . John Westby of Molebrigge, j. William Hesketh, j. John Rygmarden, j. Peter Stanley, j. Robert Blundell, j.” John Byron to . f. 76d. 1587-8, February 20. Knowsley. — Has received letters lately from the Earl of Derby, “ her Majesties lyvetennaunt of these partes, to Sir Richard Sherborne and me dyrected,” stating that “ a gentleman, an experensied souldiaure of credytte, shall presentlie come 73480. P P 694 downe into this Countye of Lancaster, by apoinctmente of the Lordes of her Majestie’s moste honourable Privie Counsell, by her Highness’ speciall comaundemente, to take a full and perfecte viewe in what redines he fyndeth all the forces, aswell horsmen as footmen, within this shire furnished. These ure, therefore, forthwith, with all speede possible, to requyre you and every of you the justices of peace and gentlemen, with the freholders within the Hundred of Derby, to put in a readines all your forces, aswell demilaunces, lyghte horses as footemen, with your tennantes and folowers, furnished with armoure and weaponne, to serve her Majestie as staundethe with your credyte, so as you have them all readie to be showed within these viij daies nexte cominge, yf need so requyre. Thus hopinge hereof you will not faile to use your best diligences as you tender her Majestie’s service and your owne credytte.” The Council to Lord Straunge, the Bishop of Chester, the Sheriff of Lancashire, and the Justices for the County. f. 77. [Undated.] Bequiring improvement in the system employed by clmrch wardens in levying and bestowing penalties for not attending church ; “ the said churchwardens being in manie places (as wee heare) men of meaneste qualitie.” Instructions as to taking Musters. ff. 77d-80. [Undated.] Instructions, given at the Queen’s com- mand, by the Council to the Commissioners for taking the general musters in Lancashire; one of the instructions is that “ none suspected in religion have the chardge of any nomber of soldiaurs.” Further Instructions as to the Same. £f. 8l-83d. [Undated.] Instructions, given at the Queen’s command, by the Council to the late Commissioners appointed for taking musters in Lancashire. They commence, ‘‘ Her Majestie’s clemencie ys not to charge the poore.” Orders howe every personne that shalbe trained, shalbe taught to handle hys ])eece.” f. 84. ‘‘ Fyrste, that every harquebushire, utterlie voide of the know- ledge of the use of hys peece, be instructed in maner and forme following : — ‘^Imprimis, that every such personne be instructed how to handle and carrye hys peece, flaxe, and touche boxe. Then to teache him how, in handsome maner, hee shall charge hys peece, and after, how to laye yt on hys cheike ; and beinge once acquainted how to charge them, to teache him to carrye and to shoote off hys peece att raundome, and afterwardes to be taught to shoote at a marke certaine, the same to be distaunte the uttermoste levell of the peece. Item, after beinge, at the two fyrste meetinges, experienced how to handle and charge hys peece and to shoote at a marke, att the laste meetinge, they are to be trained further how, uppon a small staye, either in marche or in skirmishe, tliey maye moste readilie shoote and speedilie chardge and dischardge ther said peeces. “ Item, att every daye appoincted in the instructions for ther trayninge, that the gentlemen appoincted to this chardge shall give order that the private personnes appoincted to be trained shall not use any disorderlie shootinge, but discharge and shoote off hys peece att suche time and in suche order as hee shalbe comanded so to doe ; provided that att every 595 suche time of meetinge hee shall not shoote above tenn shootes of the com on allowaunce of bullettes and powder allotted unto him by the charge of the countrye. “ Item, that the peeces, before there traininges, be vewed by gentlemen to be good and meete for the purpose, and not suche as are lyke to breake or doe any harme. ‘‘ Item, good care to be hadd and greate charge to be given, that in the time of the skirmishe or exercize at ther last meetinge, no peece be laden with bullettes, or otherwise to be shotte of, wherby any personn may be maymed or put in hassard of lylfe or lymme. “ Twentye bullettes for the caliver of the Tower ys juste a pounde weighte, and one pounde of powder will make xxv*^® shootes, allowinge three quarters weighte of powder to every bullette, and the overplus, after that rate, ys fyve shoote more, which ys for tuche powder ; so that, in the whole, xx*‘® bullettes are to be made of the pounde, and thirtye shootes to the pounde of powder, whereof fyve allowed for tuche powder.” The Wool Trade in Rochdale. f. 86d. 1588, June 26. An order taken by Sir John Byron and Edmund Hopwood, esquire, at Rochdale. Recites that sundry informations have been exhibited in the Court of Exchequer against sundry the inhabitants of Rochdale (and process was served upon them to appear at the Easter term last past) for dealing in wool, contrary to the statute 5 Edward VI. Supplication was thereupon made by the writers, and other justices of the county, to the Master of the Rolls, “ signifyinge that yf the same statute were executed in this countrie, where the poor clothier ys not able to go to the grower of the wooles, neyther the grower able to come hither, ther were thousandes of poore people utterlie undone.” The matter was considered and referred back to the writers to see that there was no forestalling, regrating, nor engrossing, ‘‘ neyther that the wooles were sold oftener than to buy yt of the grower and sell it to the maker of clothe, which libertie the men of Hallifax have.” The writers, therefore, order that no man inhabiting in Rochdale parish shall buy wool therein and sell it again, nor use any forestalling, regrating, nor engrossing of wool, neither sell it, except in the market town there ; and that none buy wool to sell it again except of the grower, nor sell it except to the cloth maker. ‘‘ Provided allwaies that the northren men shall have libertie to sell woolle in the toune of Ratchdall to any person or persons which will buyethe same, bycause he knowethe not the clothe makers. But let the same buyer be well advised he sell not the same again, but converte it into clothe.” An “ Easter- Book.” ff. 93d-97. 1569. — The Easter booke” of the hamlets of Middleton, Hopwood, Thurnham, and Pilsworth, gives the names of the inhabi- tants, and the tax on “ house, hay,” &c. Examination of Myles Rosse and John Brindley. f. 97d. 1595. — Notes of the examination of Myles Rosse of Man- chester, goldsmith, and John Brindley, “ tinker or plummer.” Rosse says that John Brindley, a “ tynker,” showed him certain “ lytell portions of plate,” and that he afterwards bought of him the “ bottome of this silver tunne, now shewed him,” and other small portions of plate, to the value of 3 ounces of silver, for 13^. P p 2 596 Henry, Earl of Derby to . f. 98d. 1589-90 (?), February 20. — By means of the death of sundry gentlemen and the departure of others out of the county, ‘‘ upon the troubles latelie fallen owt in this shire,” he is forced to alter, in some places, the first rate for furnishing the 25 (?) demi-lances specially required. Co'py, The Same to the Gentlemen of Sallford Hundred.” f. 100. 1590, June 2. “^^'ew Parke, my house.” — ‘‘By letters which this laste nighte were delivered me from there lordships of her Majestie’s most honourable Privie Councell, I understand of an attempte entended againste Lancashire, Cheshire, and Anglesey, wherupon I am straitelie required to put in a readines, and see pre- sentlie furnished with armoure and weapon, my whole lyvetenancie. These therfore, are, on her Majestie’s behaulf, to chardge and comaunde you that, accordinge to the tenor of my late letters, you presentlie (for her Majestie’s service and your owne defence) see furnished with sufficiente armoure and weapon, yourselves, servauntes, tenantes, and followers, in suche warlicke maner as, upon an hour’s warninge, you and they dare and will adventure to withstande any and all attemptes that shalbe proffered or made, eyther againste these two {sic) shires or any other parties of this realme. Hereunto faile not, but have suche regard as standethe with your duties towardes God, her Majestie, and the realme.” Kichard Holland to Eichard Assheton, Eichard Brereton, and others. f. lOOd. 1590, June 4. Heaton.— “For better preparation and warn- ing of the country againste some newe entended invasions upon these partes, especiallie as by my Lord Lyvetenante his letters, which here- withall I have sente you, maye partlie appeare, and for the enterceptinge and discoverie of suche intelligences or devices as in this dangerous time may be sente from one lewde persone to another, — his lordshipe hathe comaunded that presente order be taken for watchinge of the beacons in every place throughout his lyvetenancie, and in like maner, for straite watche and warde to be kepte in places usuall and of moste importaunce. These maie be, therfore, in her Majestie’s namf‘, to lequyre you, with all speed and dilligence, to [see] the same his lordship’s order and comande- mente fullie accomplished within your severall divisions, untill suche time as you shall be warned to surceasse or forbeare the same. And withall, that you comaunde all and every the cunstables that, in there watch and warde, no suspitious or unknowne person be suffered to passe eyther by daie or nighte, untill suche time as hee hathe reudred a lawfull and due accompte of his order of lief and the presente occasione of his travell, before you or suche discrete person as in every place of watche and ward you shall appoincte for better assistinge of the constable in that behaulf, where suche assistaunce shall seeme requisite.” Eichard Holland and E[dmund] Hop wood to the Bishop of Chester. f. 101 1590, July 19. — The bearer, Ealph Holland, by order of the Bishop and other the Queen’s Commissioners, “hath done all his penance, saving the inninge (?) of his bodie prisoner to the castell of Chester, certaine daies,” which he is ready to do, as by certificate of the vicar of Eochdale appears. He is bound by recognizance to perform the order, ^597 and not frequent the woman’s companie hereafter, by whom he had the bastard childe.” The woman is a bad character, and if, hereafter, she should wron^fullie father a childe upon him, and hee, by reasone of this former offence not able by the lawe to purge himselve thereby (though in no faulte), should forfaite his recognisance.” The writers, therefore, beg the Bishop to accept his abjuration and cancel his recognizance, and — after being for one day and one night in the castle — to discharge him ; particularly as Holland ‘‘ hathe worne papers in Ratchdall markette, which never none did heretofore to our knowledge, althoughe this be his first offence.” to Lord Burghlet. f. 102. 1590, September. Wigan. — Miles Gerrard, esquire, of Ince, was lately indicted for fourteen months absence from church, and is “estreated into the Exchequer, without any tryall of jury,” though he traversed and pleaded for the same. The “commone voice of his country ” imputes this to the negligence of his attorney. The truth is, he was most part of the time “ so extreame sicke that he was, nexte under God, preserved by drinkinge of goates milke,” and for rest of the time too weak to “ come aud abide one houre in ihe churche.” The writers certify that the said Miles, under ordinary circumstances, is a regular attendant at church. Oliver Carter, “ preacher, of Manchester,” Edward Fleetwood, “ parsone of Wygan,” William Leighe, “ parson of Standishe,” Edward Assheton, “ parson of Mydleton,” Peter Shawe, parson of Bury, Edward Welshe, “vycar of Blakeburne,” William Langley, “par- son of Prestwiche,” John Buckley, “ preacher att Manchester,” John Hill, “preacher at Prestwiche,” Thomas Hunte, “ preacher at Oldham,” and Richard Mydgley, “ pastour of Ratchdall,” to the Archbishop [of York]. f. 103d. 1590, October. — At the Archbishop’s late visitation, they were commanded by “ Mr. Doctor Gibson ” to appear before the Bishop [of Chester], at Manchester, and give evidence as to their conformity. This they did, and were enjoined to make answer to the Bishop, by November 1, as to their future action with regard to conformity. As they understand that this action originated with the Archbishop, and as it is to “receive its end” before him, they think it their duty not only to return their answer to the Bishop, but also to send it to the Arch- bishop, and beg he will require no “ more particular ” answer than that set down, because none of them, so far as they can perceive, were pre- sented at the said visitation for not using “ the commone booke,” or for refusing “ to weare the surpleasse att any tyme, beinge duelie tendered unto us,” or for preaching “ againste the commone booke or any parte thereof” ; and, moreover, because it “ woulde requyre a more particular consideration of all poinctes in the common booke then the tyme lymited unto us ” would afford. They ask the Archbishop — in considering their actions— to remember “ the generall state of the people amongese who wee live, standinge of two sortes : the obstinate papists and the zealous professours of relligione. The one sorte beinge (as St. Paule speaketh of the Athenians) in all thinges too superstitious, and therefore make every ceremonie of our churche, but especiallie that of the crosse, as an idoll of their churche ; the other sorte, so farre carried into scandall at those thinges which so greatlie are drawen into abuse by the papists, that ^98 plainlie many of them woulde in sondrie places leave us and our ministration, yf wee shoulde be broughte under the power of the same, whome to grieve in any thinge of that kind, it maye seem no small matter to such of their pastours, especiallie by whom they have been reclaimed from poperie and broughte to the ghospell, in respecte of bothe ; which, howsoever otherwise they may be thoughte lawfull and toiler- able ells where, yett assuredlie in these partes of our country, they may seem lesse expediente then in any other parte of the realme/’ The Archbishop is also reminded that, for many years, the writers have been called — both by the Ecclesiastical Commission, ‘‘ when it was,*’ and by the civil authority, since the former has ceased — to make presentment of the “ papists ** amongst them, by which means many have been reformed, but the greater part ‘‘ styrred up in rancour and mallice againste us ” ; these persons, taking advantage of the present proceedings ” against the writers, and thinking all protection to be taken from us,” begin ‘‘ to make revenge of our former dutifull ymploi- ments againste them by briiiginge ijs in questione att the Assizes and •sesses, for these matters of inconformite.” The writers also feel “a grievous smart ” at their prosecutions, by those “ whom wee hould for reverend fathers and protectours.” Consideration of all this has hitherto led their own bishop to deal favourably with them in such matters, and they do not doubt that, of himselfe,” he intends to continue so to do ; they also presume that like considerations have drawn similar favour from the Archbishop him- self and his predecessors; therefore, as their latter dealings have not altered from their former, they trust to receive similar favour to that which they have before received, by which they “ doubte not but your lordshippe shall finde a farre greater blessinge to the good refor- mation of our country from the grosse idolatory and heathenish propha- nations which yet contynue with many amongste us, then yf a more strycte course were taken in these smaller matters of inconformity in the preachers.” In this behalf they have requested Mr. Hopwood, a justice of the county, one of the Ecclesiastical Commission, and “ an earneste favourer of the preachers and the worke of the mynesterie,” to attend the Archbishop with the present letter, that the Archbishop may be by him more fully informed of their doings. Postscript . — For satisfaction of the Archbishop’s order proposed to the writers in the College of Manchester, on September 2, their joint answer is, that they have “ heretofore generallie used the commone booke in all dyvine service and none other ; and in all other thinges which concerne our public mynistery have so peaceablie carried ourselves, as well in practyze as doctrine, that the adversaries of religione amougeste whom wee live are not able justlie to charge us to have bene contemners of authoryty or recusants of any thinge by lawe prescribed, [and] so wee meane (by God’s grace) hereafter to contynue.” to Bunny, forwarding the foregoing letter. f. 105. 1590, November 14. StainclifF. — I receaved upon Mundaye laste this letter, dyrectedto my Lord Archbishop, and beinge acquainted with his purpose to wryte to our bushoppe, and hopinge his Grace will, the xvj*^ or xvij^^ of this instante, be in Yorke, I thoughte yt my duety to sende this bearer to you, entreatinge you to deliver the same to his grace, yf hee be in Yorke; yf not, then helpe this bearer, and I praie that you will deliver them to my Lorde of Yorke. “ I have delivered to Mr. Fleetwood that his Grace woulde, att the returne of Dr. Gybsoune (which in fewe dales, hee expected) wryte to 699 the Bushoppe of Chester his pleasure concerninge the letters re- ceaved by me, and that his Grace charged me, in his name, to desire them to be carefull of themselves and not give their adversaries cause to rejoyce by withdrawinge ther dueties from ther gratious Prince, in matters of endefferencie, but rather of ther owne accordes to take some time betwixte this and nexte Candlemas to put on the surpleasse, eyther by themselves or ther curates, and yf any of them did thinke yt not a matter endifferente, that then they would take ther journey to Yorke, and conferre with his lordshipp, who was in good hope to persuade them to conform! tie, as all the preachers within the diocesse of Yorke are, excepte one onlie man. And this is the effecte of my speache from my Lord his Grace to them. ‘‘You knowe, Mr. Bunye, his Grace’s respyte was till our Lady daye in Lente, but I have not acquainted any therwith, excepte Mr. Fleet- wood, by cause I would have them to come on speedilie in this action, and I meane, this nexte Christetyde, to admonishe all and every of them which have not then done as ys required and desired, to be mindfull of his Lordshipp’s milde dealinge towardes them, and yf this course have no goode effecte, I will, JDeo volente, nexte Candlemas, chide with them severelie, and yf that take no good successe, I will, before our Lady daye in Lente, exclame and in sorte braide against them. And now, Mr. Bunny, yf I might, by your good meanes, be so boulde with my Lord Archbishop as to begge att his Grace’s handes the enlargeinge of this tolleration for one syx weekes longer then our Ladye daye in Lente, then woulde I frame myselve to deale by all courteous persuations with them, as att the fyrste I begunne, and yf then I can- not prevaile, I wil leavel them to taste the fruites of there owne humoures.” Postscript . — “ I praye you deale earnestlie with my Lord Archbishop for the tolleration for one syx weekes, bycause some of them have bene planters or founders of religion in these partes, contynuall well users of ther lyberty so many yeares enjoyed, and therfore yt behovethe me to use all goode meanes I maye, that this corner of my country mighte still enjoy e them, excepte they shall endirectlie cutte of themselves, and I feare none of them more then your and my old friend, that moste honeste natured gentleman, Mr. l. Sir Peter ; 276. Thomas ; 404. Sir William ; 276. Kilmorey, Lord (d. 1710) ; 445. Kilrush, Kilrusshe ; 610. Kinaston, Thomas. See Kynaston. Kinder, Samuel; 467- King, the, v. William Fowden, brief for the defendant in; 478-486. King, Edward; 407. Gregory, Rouge Croix (? Rouge Dragon); 176. Mr. ; 8. Kinghorn; 21. King’s or (Queen’s Bench, Court of ; 72, 82, 119, 120, 127, 129, 143, 154, 160, 191, 192, 278, 290, 315, 365, INDEX. 661 King’s or Queen’s Bench, Court of — cont. 383, 386, 394, 409, 424, 425, 452, i 458, 474, 475, 476, 490, 491, 531. ! Marshall of. See Walker, Mr. prison; 108, 343, 535. inhabitants of; 533. King’s evil, the, touching for; 135, 136. Kingsley, Mr. ; 299, 300, 370. King’s Lynn, co. Norf. ; 23, 24. mayor of. See Stonham, Richard. Kingston ; 305. Kingston, Duchess of (1790) ; 529, 530. Kinnaird ; 20, 21. Kinnoull, Earl of (1694); 277. Kinsale ; 220, 244. Kioge, (Denmark) ; 560. Kippax, Archippus ; 230. Richard ; 229. Kirby, [co. Nthmp.] ; 25. Kirby, — , a merchant ; 106. Kirby, Kerby, Colonel; 79, 94. Kirk, Kirke, Kyrke : [Colonel Percy] ; 224, 233, 234. Major-General ; 314. Thomas ; 467. Kirk Andrew, Isle of Man, letter dated at ; 272. Kirkby, co. Lane. ; 13, 229. letter dated at ; 172. Kirkby Ireleth, co. Lane. ; 7. Kirkby, Kirkbye : Colonel ; 400. Isabel, wife of William, of Raweliffe ; 585. Richard, letter from ; 117. Roger; 60, 93,411. , letter from ; 59. William ; 223, 376. letter from ; 172. letter to ; 143. order signed by ; 115. his nephew Kirkby; 172. Kiikham, co. Lane. ; 9, 45, 47, 229. letter dated at ; 146. Kirkham, Mr., a priest ; 18. Thomas, curate of Woodplumpton ; 230. Kitchen, Kytcheu, Kychyn : Barnaby ; 583. Ric. ; 1. Roger ; 232. Kitson, — ; 355. Knagge, Donell ; 610. Knai esborough, co. York ; 407. Knight, Henry ; 195. Knightley, Sir Richard ; 615. Knipe, K — pe, Mr. ; 172, 449, 453, 457. Knott, Edmund, of Knott Laine ; 64. Knowles, Knowlles, Knowelles : Sir Francis; 615-618. Henry; 377. Mr. ; 13. Nicholas, letter from ; 167. Knowsley, CO. Lane.; 95, 113, 143, 145, 147, 148, 153, 198-202, 20.5-208, 210, 255, 282, 284, 285, 304, 418, | 419. 2 Know'sley, co. Lanc.^ — cont. letters dated at; 113, 142, 148, 175, 178, 190, 248, 251, 254, 272, 281. 286, 320, S56, 374, 384, 403, 593. Knutsford; 62, 361, 363. Kockelberg, letter dated from ; 422. Kychyn, Ric. See Kitchen. Kynaston, Kinaston : Mr.; 502. Thomas; 232. Kyrke, Thomas. See Kirk. Kytchen, Barnaby. See Kitchen. L L , the Lord of ; 383. Lacy, Mr. ; 316. Lagoe, Dorothy, letters from ; 78, 82, 83, 89, 103, 115, 122, 203. her sister Alice ; 83, 89. her cousin Betty ; 78. Waldine, letter from ; 79. La Hogue ; 334, 345. Laith, — ; 374. Lake, John, afterwards Bishop of Sodor and Man ; 153. letters from ; 145-149 letter to ; 148. Lambert, — ; 58. Lambeth, the Rectory House, letter dated at ; 564. Lameton, Mr. See Langton, Philip. Lamplugh, Alderman ; 450. Lamps, Conic, the proprietors of the ; 460. Lancashire; 2, 15, 40, 52. 54, 87, 88, 93, 98, 99, 114, 118, 142, 150, 173- 176, 185, 200, 212, 213, 215, 219, 224, 234, 238, 245, 249, 272, 279, 289, 291-293, 296, 297, 300-304, 316, 317, 319, 365, 368, 375, 384, 387, 389, 390, 402, 406-408, 422, 424, 428, 437, 441, 448, 450, 491, 497, 499, 583-585, 593, 594, 596, 601, 602, 604-606, 620. Attorney-General of ; 216. See also Hesketh, Thomas. Chancellor of County Palatine of. See nnde7' Lancaster, Duchy of. Chancery Court; 65, 425, 452, clergy and parishes in, list of (1604) ; 6-13. Clerk of the Crown ; 116, 288, 365. Clerk of the Peace for ; 65, 119, 121, 122, 245, 422,473-476. See also Rigby, Alexander. Kenyon, Roger. Morton, Mr. Clerkship of the Peace, suit concern- ing (1662) ; 69. Commission of the Peace for; 169, 170, 213, 223, 273, 444, 604. Constables in ; 28. conformable clergy (1689), names of : 228-232. 662 INDEX. Lancashire — cont. Corporations ; 213j 273. in, chief officers of, letter to ; no. Gustos Rotulorum of j 213. letter to ; 100. See also Derby, James, 10th Earl of. Deputy Lieutenants of ; 35, 111, 139, 140, 167, 188-201, 203, 212, 213, 603. letter to ; 110. order by ; 35. deputy prothonotary of. See Cobb, Mr. Dissenters’ meeting-houses in ; 231, 247. elections for ; 59. Escheat or of. See Pilkington, Sir J ohn. freeholders in ; 586. a book to be made of ; 31. defaults of, suggestions for the reformation of; 591. gentlemen, &c. of, petition of ; 65. j government of, changes made in the, I by James II. ; 187, 188. I Grand Jury; 309,425. i the address by ; 179. I High Sheriff of; 86, 139, 140, 167, I 278, 287, 288, 291, 356, 373, 395, ' 425, 440, 453. | letter to ; 42. ! See also Assheton, Richard. j hundreds of, a division of ; 589. juries in ; 31 . Justices of Assize for ; 247, 585. orders by ; 28, Justices and Grand Jurors of, address of; 68. .Justices of the Peace for ; 16, 24, 28, , 30, 44, 50, 54, 111, 115, 118-121, I 137, 139, 140, 167, 189, 215, 225, j 235, 236, 377, 408, 411, 422, 425, ! 436, 437, 447, 470, 491-493, 583, ! 587, 620. i letter from ; 117. i letters to ; 31, 33, 38, 42, 45, 46, ! 53, 75, 76, 95, 110, 143, 146, 247, ! 591, 592, 594. address of ; 187. instructions to ; 34, 35. orders by ; 245, 475. See also Standish, Sir Richard. Rigby, Alexander. the King’s ministers and bailiffs in, names of ; 28, 29. | the four King’s preachers in ; 277. I Knight of the Shire for; 282, 284, | 286. i Lord Lieutenant of; 141, 199-201, 203, 219, 234, 281, 285, 286,291, 384, 473, 581. addresses of ; 139, 140, 205, 274. declaration of, (to William, Prince of Orange) ; 212. ' See also Derby, William, 9th Earl of. Molyneux^ Lord. Brandon, { Lord. ' Lancashire — cont. maltsters in ; 53. members of Parliament for ; 248, 286, 372, 400. petition to ; 487. military companies in ; 213. militia of; 201, 202, 204-206, 209, 235, 273, 274, 288, 313, 314. militia officers ; 213. musters in ; 593, 594. Nonconformists in ; 212. palatinate of, petition against the in- fringements of the rights of ; 425. Papists (Roman Catholics) in ; 135, 212, 213, 312, 460, 584. Popish recusants within ; 59, 109, 110, 603. Presbyterian parsons and meeting- houses in ; 230-232. Protestant gentry in; 198. Quaker meeting-houses in ; 230, 231. Quarter Sessions ; 109, 111, 132, 246, 247. Receiver of County Palatine ; 155. Receiver-General of. See Hayhurst, William. recruits to be raised in ; 435. seal of County Palatine ; 131, 155. Sheriff of; 68, 115, 121, 132, 153, 363, 386, 394. letters to ; 591, 592, 594. See also Spencer, William. Rawstorne, Laurence. Sheriffs of, letter to ; 3 1 . soldiers in, levying of ; 587-589, 591, 592. special commissions to ; 130. trained bands of; 35. Jjieut.-Col. of. See Standish, Sir Richard. trials, the (1694) ; 307, 355, 400. information of John Lunt ; 292- 301. George Wilson ; 301-304. speech of the judges to the jury at the trial of Lord Molyneux and others ; 307, 308. account of the trial of Sir Row- land Stanley at Manchester ; 309, 310. examinations taken before the House of Commons ; 322-354. depositions, papers, &c., relating to; 359-371. names of the gentlemen informed against; 369, 370. Mr. Taffe’s discovery ; 387-394. troops in (1689) ; 222, 223. Vice-Chancellor of County Palatine ; 131. See also Kenyon, George. Lancashire, Christopher; 410. Elizabeth ; 485. John ; 410. Lancaster ; 4, 8, 46. 52, 54, 55, 57, 99, 109, HI, 112, 122, 152, 160, 167, 192, 202, 222, 229, 230, 240, 241, 24.5- 247, 282, 283, 293, 305, 306, 315 INDEX, 663 Lancaster — cont. 319, 348, 354, 358, 360, 374-376, 381-383, 413, 417, 470, 479, 482, 484,493, 501, 516. letters dated at ; 44, 55, 57, 115, 210, 238, 283, 291, 355, 358, 360, 373, 376, 384, 395, 444. Assizes at ; 4, 70, 77, 90, 115, 116, 121, 125, 179, 192, 315, 381, 386, 403, 411, 416, 485, 586. burgesses of; 196. Castle ; 115, 404. letters dated at ; 86, 114, 418. • gaol in ; 28. Clerk of the Peace at. See Pigby, George. freeholders about ; 434. gaol; 42, 54, 159, 192, 404, 420. the Gatehouse ; 52. General Sessions of the Peace at ; 65. Judges of Assize at ; 109. Mayor of; 283, 349. Mayor and Corporation of; 115, 213. Moor Lane in ; 232. the Receiver’s Chamber ; 52. Sessions; 110, 120, 121, 140, 198, 223, 410, 470, 591. Popish Justices at; 198. Sheriff of, petition against 233. Town Hall ; 493. Lancaster, Richard ; 29. Thomas ; 314. Lancaster, Duchy of ; 43, 128, 403, 405- 407, 437, 495. Attorney-General of ; 382. boroughs of ; 407, 408. Chancellor of, and of the County Palatine of Lancaster ; 7, 51, 52, 68, 91, 114, 122, 132, 142, 145, 149, 153, 169, 171, 172, 179, 221, 226, 227, 233, 237, 271, 386, 395, 452. See also May, Humphrey. Seymour, Francis, Lord. Ingram, Sir Thomas. Carr, Sir Robert. Willoughby, Lord. Berkeley, Lord. - — Clerk of the Crown of ; 382. Court of ; 500. the Duchy House. See under W estminster. King’s Auditor of. See Trevor, Sir Thomas. lands belonging to ; 155. Receiver of ; 155. seal of; 155. Secretary to. See Wentworth. Guicciardini. Lander, John ; 194. Lands End, co. Cornwall ; 243, 429, 430. Land tax ; 82, 248. Commissioners for the ; 397. Lane, John, of Bentley ; 103, 104. John, a merchant ; 233. Thomas ; 277. Langford, George; 279. Langho, Langoe, co. Lane. ; 9. 229. Langhorne, — ; 107, 113. Langley, Betty ; 311. Mr. ; 599. Mr., a preacher; 11. Robert ; 586. William, letter to ; 66. William, parson of Prestwich, letter from; 597. Langshaw, Lanckshaw, Ralph; 128, 458, 459. Serjeant ; 451. Langshaws, the two ; 452. Langton, Lameton, Lawton: Mr. ; 46. Mr., of Loe ; 214. Philip ; 194. Philip, of the Low ; 295, 303, 307, 309, 310, 329, 351, 362, 365, 368, 369, 376, 387. Richard, letters from ; 226, 450, 452. La Rochelle, siege of ; 27. Lashley, Sir James ; 129. Lassells, Darcy ; 82. — ~, Henry ; 82. Latham, George, the wife of ; 582. Lathom, CO. Lane.; 13, 109, 284,377,419. letters dated at ; 43, 55, 167, 269, 304, 373, 603. Lathom, Lathome: — , of Misseherowe ; 603. Henry ; 194. Richard; 109. Thomas ; 11, 583. William, of Hartington ; 359. Lath wait, William. See Leathwaite. Latimer, Thomas Osborne, Viscount (after- wards Earl of Danby, q.v.), letter from ; 97. Latus, IMr. ; 7. Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury. See binder Canterbury. Lauderdale, [John Maitland], Duke of ; 105, 150, 151. Lauzim, Lieut.- General ; 239. Law suits, the cost of; 264. Lawe, Richard, letter from ; 48. Lawrance, Sir John ; 167. Lawson, Sir John ; 73, 294, 302, 330. Mr. ; 369, 424. Thomas, vicar of Wartou ; 230. Lawton, Ann ; 277. Phihp. See Langton. Laykin, alias Knylye, — , a priest ; 585. Layland hundred. See Leylaud. Layrbreck, letter dated at ; 47. Layton, John, of Whiston ; 281. Laytoun, Sir Thomas ; 571. Lea, Captain : 610. Leabume, Father. See Leybnrn. ! Leach, Samuel, curate of Newton ; 229. i Zachary ; 229. j Lead mines ; 40, 41, 51, 52. ore, accounts of working ; 5 1 . j smelting ; 40. j Leadbeater, John ; 181. ' Leadbetter, Henry ; 434. Leadwell, co. Oxf. ; 134. i Leake, Mr. ; 112. 664 . INDEX. Leathwaite, Lathwait : John ; 110. William; 232. Leathwood, Hugh ; 42. Leaver, lawyer ; 356. Leavers, Thomas ; 150. Lebarta, John ; 252. Leche, Robert; 1. Lee, Captain ; 450. Elizabeth; 109. John ; 603. his wife Mary ; 603. M., letter from ; 558. Mr., parson of Standish ; 15. Mr., Solicitor- General ; 515, 527. Cornet Robert ; 244. See also Leigh. Leech, James ; 116. Mr., attorney-at-law, letter to ; 177. Nathan ; 182. Leeds ; 572, 573. Mayor of ; 523. the vicar of ; 572. Leeds, [Thomas Osborne, 1st] Duke of, (previously Earl of Dan by, q.v.) ; 276, 355, 405, 406, 423. Dr. ; 420. John, of Manchester; 413. indictment of; 410. Leek, — ; 374. Leeming, Dr. ; 193. Lees, John, smith ; 583. Henry; 467. John; 483. Samuel ; 467. Leeth, Joseph ; 410. J.ieeving, — ; 237. Leitwich; 201. letters dated at ; 113, 151. Leger, — ; 558. Legg, Colonel; 186, 187, Leicester ; 209. Leicester, [Sir Robert Dudley], Earl of; 615, 626. Leigh, CO. Lane. ; 13, 49, 154, 194, 229. letters dated at ; 467, 502. parish church of, seats in ; 494. soldiers in ; 587. Leigh, Lee, Legh, Leighe, Leghe ; Alexander ; 458, 459. Alice ; 421. Betty ; 204. Captain ; 443. Charles ; 385, 424. Hon. Charles ; 420. Colonel ; 222. Dorothy, letter from; 52. Mrs. IL, letters from ; 305, 310. John ; 386. letters from ; 381-383, 385, 386. letter to ; 386. Jo., Junior, letter from ; 382. John, a pupil at Manchester ; 467. Mr.; 7, 16, 130, 357, 602. Mr., a preacher ; 11. Mrs.; 130. P., letter from ; 491. Peter ; 194, 583. Leigh, Lee, Legh, Leighe, Leghe — cont. Peter, of Lyme ; 103, 293, 299, 302, 308, 310, 319, 323-325, 329, 336- 338, 343, 349-351, 362, 369, 387, 392, 393, 402. letter from ; 385. letters to ; 381. account of the arrest and im- prisonment of ; 361. the case of; 363-366. his mother; 361, 363. Sir Peter; 52. R., letters from ; 141, 171, 179. T., letter from ; 162. Thomas ; 583. William; 195. William, parson of Standish, letter from ; 597. Leighton, co. Bedford ; 420. [co. Lane.], letters dated at; 169, j ' 171. i Leighton, Susanna ; 276. Leister, Sir Fr. ; 427. Leith; 19, 21. Island of ; 477. ! Road; 19, 20. j Lemon, Alderman ; 450. I William ; 239. j Lenteners, two casts of; 253. j Lepel, Colonel; 435. j Lesque, Mr. ; 271. 1 Lesse, the fort of the; 609, 610. ' Lesse, Samuel ; 181. i Lesseur, Hilliary ; 255. L’Estrange, Mr. ; 129. Sir Roger ; 211, 264. Letter Rent, the, charges on ; 276. j Lever; 41,574. ' Hall, letter dated at ; 44. i Lever, Leaver : ; Sir Ashton, letter from; 515. — ; 215. Captain, of Olerington ; 213, 222. James ; 115. John; 232. John, vicar of Bolton-le-Sands ; 228. Mr.; 80. [ Rawstorne ; 195. Robert; 77. , letter from ; 81. Robert, of Preston; 485. Thomas; 195. , Leveson- Gower, Sir John ; 395. Levett, — ; 168. William; 277. Leving, Mr. ; 222. Sir Creswell ; 126, 292. Lewis, Sir Simon ; 117. Ley, Roger ; 9. Leyburn, Leaburne, Father ; 234. Leycester, Mr. ; 509, 556, 559. W., letter from ; 508. Leyden ; 429. Leydone, John ; 609. I Leyland, co. Lane. ; 10, 229. i hundred ; 29, 583, 585, 607. , bailiffs of ; 28. chief constables for ; 29. INDEX. 665 Ley land, co. Lane. — cont. hundred ; clergy in (1604) ; 10, 11,13. Justices of the Peace in ; 583. Leyland, Janies ; 458, 459. John ; 440. Leyver, James; 39. Librarian, the king’s ; 552. Libraries, circulating ; 550. Lichfield, dean and chapter of ; 12, 277. Lichford, Eobert ; 195. Lidiate, Thomas ; 194, 195. Lightboune, Lighbound, Lightbourne, Lightbrowii : — ; 352, 353. James ; 195. letters from; 99, 151. John; 182. Justice; 131. Mr.; 176. Richard; 195, 215, 219, 278. Samuel; 181. Lilly, Matthew ; 483. Lime, Mrs. ; 418. Lincoln, [Thomas Cowper] , bishop of, afterwards translated to Winchester; 602. bishop of ; 510, 561. earl of (1586) ; 622. Lincoln Castle ; 435. Lincolnshire ; 379, 573. Lindale, co. Lane. ; 229. Lindall, Mr. ; 7. Lindley, Madam ; 176. Lindoe, Margaret; 549. Lindsay, Lady E. ; 565, 566. Linen, French ; 270. Linen, manufacture of, in Isle of Man ; 269, 270. Linethurst, Eobert ; 229. Linnaker, Richard ; 137. Lisbon ; 65, 497. Lister, Bailiff ; 93, 279, 284. Christopher; 290,411. Jo.; 291. letters from ; 278, 287, 289. John; 181. Mr. ; 149, 287, 288, 290, 439. of Thornton ; 284. — - of Westby ; 279, Thomas, letter from ; 278. Liston, Mr., the actor ; 568. Lithom, co Lane. See Lytham. Lithuania; 423. Little Bolton. See Bolton, Little. Littleborough, Little Burgh, co. Lane. ; 12 . Little Harwood. See Harwood, Little. Little Hulton. See Hulton, Little. Littleton, Lyttelton, Lyttleton : Lord (1797), his son; 548, 550. Baron; 112. — ; 100. C., letter from ; 433. C,, his sons Thom, and Charles ; 434. Lady, (mother of Sir Thomas) ; 321. Major; 211, Sir Thomas ]) 321. Liverpool; 13, 160, 167, 178-180, 198,202, 223, 236, 248, 254, 271, 279, 281, 284, 293, 302, 304, 314, 320, 385, 396, 430, 443, 446, 471, 500, 516, 529, 544, 588, 601. letters dated at; 102, 103, 116. 128, i 154, 160, 161, 171, 220, 378^ 379, 385, 418. ! Castle ; 234, 235, 285. I the Castle Hey in ; 231. j corporation of; 172. I charter of ; 379. 1 collector of. See Smith, Mr. I customer for ; 218. election at ; 355. gaol; 116. governor of ; 368. House of Correction at ; 161. mayor of; 116, 135, 161, 171. See also Windall, Richard. Johnson, Mr. Brookbank, Thomas. Hough- 1 ton, Richard. Maudit, Jasper. Norris, Christopher, newspaper, the ; 501. Recorder of the Corporation of. See \ Entwisle, Mr. i volunteers, the ; 507. I shipowners of, petition of ; 263. I Town Clerk of; 171. I Liverpool, Earl of (1821), letter to; 566. j Livesey, Livesay : I George, letter from ; 45. I Lawrence; 232. i Mr.; 167, 224. j Ralph, information against ; 167. Thomas; 231. i Lizard, the, co. Cornwall ; 430. : Llandaff, bishop of (1791) ; 534. i Llangollen, letter dated at ; 567. I the ladies of ; 567. j Lloyd, Loyd, Loyde : I Sir Edward; 546. I George; 182, 410. I Luke, letters from ; 63, 64. j letter to ; 62. I his wife K., letter from ; 62. i — ~ letters to ; 63, 64. I — her sister Ellen ; 62. , Mr., of Greith ; 301. i Philip, letter from ; 114. Roger ; 64. Loe, Mr. ; 370. Lomax, John, letter.s from ; 159, 272. clerk ; 195. curate of Bury ; 228. Richard ; 195. Londesdale, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas ; 36. London ; 15, 19, 29, 36, 47, 55, 58-60, 62, 66, 69, 71, 72, 88, 93, 95, 102, 103, 105, 107, 110, 112, 125, 126, 134- 136, 144, 146, 148, 149, 152, 153, 158, 160, 169, 173-176, 185, 186, 189, 192, 198-200, 202, 204, 209, 211, 220, 223, 226, 235, 238-241, j 248, 249, 253-255, 266, 270, 271, I 273, 279, 281, 283-285, 287, 288, I 292, 294, 295, 297, 299, 300, 303, 666 INDEX. London — cont. 305, 307-310, 313, 316, 318, 328, 341, 344, 352, 355, 356, 361-263, 365, 367, 371, 372, 375, 377, 379, 383, 389, 390, 400, 419, 430, 435, 461, 488, 497, 498, 503, 505, 521, 536, 542, 550, 560, 563, 606, 607, 612. letters dated at ; 2, 3, 27, 44, 50, 67- 69, 79, 91, 95, 99-101, 113, 117, 124-128, 144, 147, 152, 153, 156, 160-162, 166-168, 170, 177, 178, 184, 188, 189, 192, 196, 203, 209, 210, 216, 217, 221, 225-227, 266, 274, 275, 382-384, 394-397, 399, 401, 402, 405-407, 427, 428, 438- 440, 442, 444, 446, 457, 494, 503- 505, 509, 514, 519, 522, 524, 526, 527, 530, 534, 538, 542-544, 554, 556, 558, 559. aldermen of; 115, 117, 125, 128, 167, 211, 423. Aldermen, Court of; 116, 125, j citizens of ; 60. city of; 108, 129, 184, 186, 192, 207, ! 348, 420, 445, 456, 547, 572, 607. ; Act for building. See under Acts. merchants of ; 552. City Charter, trial of the : 156, 167. restoration of (1688) ; 197, 198. clergy, 497. Common Council of; 116, 125, 423. Common Hall ; 116, 117. fire of ; 107. Lord Mayor of; 108, 109, 115, 117, 128, 129, 144, 167, 209, 211, 332, 393, 394, 423. the Port of. Collector of the Customs | in ; 513. Recorder of; 116, 167, 609. See also Meaby, Mr. searchers of ; 604, 606. (and Middlesex) Sheriffs of; 1 1 6, 1 1 7, 123, 211, 305, 613, 615, 618, 619. trained bands of ; 109, 406. London, places in and near : Adelphi, letter dated at ; 534. Apsley House, letter dated at ; 535. Austin Friars, letter dated at ; 17. Baldwin’s Gardens, “ the Hole in the Wall” in; 297. Berkeley Square, Charles Street, letter dated at ; 500. Berwick Street ; 363, 384. Blackfriars ; 607. Bloomsbury ; 316. “ the Great Tavern ” in; 296. “the Griffin ” in ; 297, 369. King’s Street, “ the Crown ” in; 297. Queen’s Square; 551. Russell Street in; 330, 552. Bolton Street, letter dated at ; 546. 1 London, places in and near — cont. Bow, letter dated at ; 192. Bread Street, “ the Three Nuns ” in ; 335, 336. Bridewell Hall ; 107. Broad Street ; 233. Buckingham House ; 552. Butcher Row without Temple Bar, “ the Ship ” alehouse in ; 331, 345. Cannon Row, Derby House in ; 132. Chancery Lane ; 517. letters dated at ; 89, 158, 471. Charing Cross ; 296, 346, 348, 384. “the Cheshire Cheese” in ; 296, 348. , “ the Red Lion Inn ” in ; 296. Charles Street, letter dated at; 508. Cheapside ; 267, 607, 609. “ the Blackamoor’s Head ” ; 455. Clare Market ; 510. Clerkenwell ; 175,321. the Cockpit ; 523, 528. Coleman Street, “ the Maiden Head ” in ; 174. Cornhill, St. Michael’s, the poor of; 277. Covent Garden ; 297, 369, 544. York Street, “ the Golden Ball” in; 176. Cripplegate, “The Black -a-morse Head,” Grubb Street ; 88. Drury Lane ; 348. “ the Black Posts ” in ; 297, 369. Brownlow Street in ; 326, 447. the Great White House in ; 440, 452. “ the Dog Tavern ” in ; 297. “ the Royal Oak ” in ; 297, 318, 348. Duke Street ; 509. the Exchange (Chainge) : 166. the “ Sun Tavern ” behind the; 124. Exchange Alley ; 463. Exeter Street ; 318. Fenchurch Street ; 86. — Fan Court ; 465. Fetter Lane ; 332. “The Globe” in ; 392. “ the Fleece ” ; 101. Fleet Street ; 156, 161, 422. the prince’s council chamber in ; 26. Fullers Rents, letter dated at ; 190. Furnivall’s Inn ; 386. letter dated at ; 385. the Gatehouse ; 61, 129, 334. General Post Office ; 172. INDEX. 667 iondon, places in and near — cont. Gratious (f? Gracechurch) Street, the Crown ” in ; 17.5. Gray’s Inn ; 26, 27, 30, 58, 93, 220, 234, 331. letters dated at ; 24, 52, 57, 59, 70, 80, 131, 143, 151, 153, 160, 168, 191, 192, 216, 266, 269, 381, 409, 420, 444, 445. rent in; 17. Full wood Street, “ the Bar- ber’s Pole ” in ; 359. Gray’s Inn Lane, “the Cock and Dolphin Irm” in ; 313, 315. the college in ; 79. Great Wild Street; 510. “ the Griffin,” letter dated at ; 169. the Guildhall ; 125, 544. Hanover Square, George Street ; 563. the Hay market; 297,369. “ the Blue Posts ” in ; 296, 369. “ the Figure of Three ” in ; 296. “ the George Inn ” in ; 296. Pauton Street in; 296. Haymarket Theatre ; 568. Hill Street, letters dated at ; 523, 528. Holborn; 82, 88, 542. letter dated at ; 176. “ The Blue Boar (Boav) ” in ; 281, 356, 375, 378. letters dated at ; 386, 408, 422. “ The Gridiron ” in ; 132. “The Hand and Sword” near Turnstile Alley ; 141. Middle Eow ; 346, 348. “ The Sword and Buckler ” in; 89, 90, 93, 131, l7l, 175, 176, 220. letter dated at ; 154. — — Bridge, “ the George Inn ” by; 297, 318, 369. Court ; 26. — Hill ; 207. Hoxton Square, letter dated at ; 464. Hyde Park ; 218, 448, 449. Inner Temple, letters dated at; 170, 491. Islington ; 321. King’s Street, “ the Mite Tavern ” in; 173. Knightsbridge Church ; 311. Leicester Fields, Bear Street in 315, 316. Leicester House ; 82,516. letter dated at; 515. Lincoln’s Inn ; 187. letters dated at; 515,517, 537 558 Fields; 505, 509, 512, 530, 551. letter dated at : 509. . Great Turnstile ; 433. | I London, places in and near — cont. Little Queen Street ; 510. Lloyd’s Coffee House ; 551. Lombert Street, White Heart Court in ; 234. London Bridge ; 607. Longacre ; 317. Mansfield Street, letter dated at ; 525. Middle Temple Hall ; 498. Middle Temple, Society of the ; 494. Milford Lanei Greyhound Court in; 318. Milk Street, “ the King’s Arms ” in; 173. Montagu House. See British Museum. Moorfields ; 510. Newgate; 113, 117, 156, 172, 173, 211, 264, 315, 342, 362, 370, 372, 387, 394, 406, 409, -607, 608. Gatehouse; 108. Street ; 347. North Audley Street, letter dated at; 501. Old Bailey; 117, 128, 162, 216, 278, 407, 408. Pall Mall; 402, 546, 559. letter dated at ; 501. Piccadilly, St. James’s House; 89. Portman Square, letter dated at ; 568. Primrose Hill ; 106. Purple Lane, “ the White Horse Inn” in; 297. “ the Rainbow ” coffee-house ; 367. Red Lion Square, Gloster Street in ; 463. — — “ the Lancaster Castle ” in ; 297, 369. Leigh Street in ; 357. Rolls House; 26, 517,518, 521, 527. St. Botolph’s, the poor of ; 277. St. Clement’s Inn, Clare Street in; 228. St. George’s fields ; 509. St. Giles in the Fields ; 320. St. John’s Street, Hicks Hall in ; 320. St. Katherine’s ; 299. St. Magnus’ parish, the poor of; 277. St. Martin’s Church ; 107. St. Martin’s, the poor of; 277. St. Martin’s in the Fields ; 320, 376. St. Paul’s Cathedral, repairs of ; 52. St. Paul’s Churchyard, “ the Bell ” in ; 158. “the Prince’s Arms” in; 185. St. vSwithins (Swithingsl Lane, “ the Five Bells ” in ; 174. 668 INDEX, London, places in and near — cont. Salisbury Place ; 333. the Savoy; 106, 317, 331, 332 393. Duck Lane in; 318. French ministers in ; 277. Serjeant’s Inn; 161, 526. letter dated at ; 177. Smithfield; 175, 207, 248,390. “ The Bear and Bagged Staff” in ; 389. East ; 299. Soho Square ; 395. letter dated at ; 386. Frith Street near; 451. Somerset House ; 84. Southampton Buildings ; 157. Southampton Square, King Street in; 317. Southampton Street ; 384. Staple Inn, letters dated at ; 59. 383. Stepney ; 154. the Strand; 31, 88. “ the Queen’s Head ” in Whitehart Yard ; 295, 299. “ tlic Seven Stars ” in ; 296. Strand Bridge, “ the Three Crowns and Naked Boy ” in ; 175. Suffolk Street ; 87. “ The Swan with Two Necks ” ; 348. the Temple ; 156, 340, 342, 343. letter dated at ; 215. Lamb’s Buildings, letters dated at; 512, 514. Master of ; 277. Temple Bar, “ the Ship ” in Butcher Row without ; 3 6 7 , 3 9 1 . Thomas Street; 299. the Tower; 40, 59, 105, 108, 113, 123, 124, 162, 166, 191, 192, 211, 221, 222, 299, 305, 307, 327, 333, 338, 361, 363, 364, 370, 374, 384, 387, 404, 407- 409, 414, 448, 572. letters dated at; 281, 305, 306, 407, 511. constable of. See Rivers, Lord. lieutenant of ; 611. vicar of ; 277. Tower Hill ; 123, 299. Tyburn; 317, Walbrook, the poor of; 277. Wallingford House, letter dated at; 96. Wapping; 210. Welbeck Street; 535. letter dated at ; 513. WhitecrosB Street, “ White Cross Tavern” in; 173. the “ White Horse ” in ; 369. White’s; 497. Wild House ; 327. Wood Street, “the Castle” in; 352. London, places in and near — cont. Worcester House ; 69. York House ; 88, York Street. See Covent Gar- den. London, Bishop of; 70, 108. his chaplain ; 70. [Henry Compton] ; 197, 198, 211, 217. Londonderry ; 220, 221, 233. Londsdali, Mr. ; 498. Long, Charles ; 561. Longridge, co. Lane. ; 9. Long wood. Major ; 295. Longworth, Captain, his foot company ; 202 . R. ; 314. Ralph ; 235, 289. RieWd; 248. letter from ; 247. Lonsdale hundred ; 152, 210, 319, 583, 585, 586, 607. Wliff of ; 28. chief constables for ; 29. high constables of ; 115. clergy in fl604) ; 7, 8, 13. Justices of the Peace in ; 583. Looe, CO. Cornwall ; 430. Loozon, Lieut.-General. See Lauzun. Loppington, co. Salop, vicar of. See Scholefield, Edmund. Lord, James ; 485, Lord Lieutenant of the North ; 4. Lords Lieutenant ; 219. Lords, House of; 30, 59-61, 80, 81, 83, 85, 87, 88, 96, 99, 104, 105, 108, 122, 123, 127, 191, 209, 215, 217,221, 241, 269, 371, 380, 387, 394, 396, 398, 405, 406, 408, 412, 413, 4*15, 419,469, 501, 515, 537, 540, 541, 556, 570. Committee for privileges. See Privi- leges, Committee of. dispute with Commons concerning the vacancy ^^1689) ; 215, 216. peer, indictment against a ; 129. petition of Margaret, Lady Staiidish to; 380. Speaker of ; 536, 537. Lorraine, Loraigne ; 27. Cardinal of, secretary to. See Maw, Jaques. Lostock, CO. Lane. ; 110, 115. letter dated at ; 167. Lostwithiel, the minister of ; 276. Lotteries ; 188, 446, 447. Loughborough, Lord, Lord Chancellor ; 515, 537, 540. letter from ; 555. Louther, Sir Jn., of Whithaven ; 396. Lovelace, Lord ; 210. his troop ; 324. Low, Captain ; 222. William, of Wigan, depositions of ; 458, 459. Low Countries, the; 563, 571. Lowden, Lord (1640) ; 57. Lowderdale, Duke of. See Lauderdale. INDEX. 669 LoAve of Aspull : John; 4, 5. Ralph ; 4, 5. William ; 4, 5. Lowe, Hugh, of Ince ; 4, 5. John, vicar of Huyton ; 229. the family of; 447. Lowendal, — ; 472. Lowick, CO. Lane. ; 229. Lowuds, W m., of Overton ; 244. Lowson, Law., of Chorley ; 174. Lowther, Miss ; 558. Mr.; 416. Loyde, Mr. See Lloyd. Luca, Mr., of Park Hall ; 439. Lucas, Lucous, Lord (1694) ; 305. Edward ; 524. Lumley, Lord (1586) ; 621. Lund, CO. Lane. ; 229. Lundy, Colonel; 221. Lune, the river ; 312. Lunt, John ; 130, 224, 301-303, 305, 308, 309, 320, 323-340, 342, 344-351, 354, 355, 358, 360-369, 371, 372, 374-379, 381-394, 402. an account of ; 310-320. information of ; 292-301 . his wife, previously Ann Tatham; 311, 315, 317, 320. her brother Burges ; 315. previously Ann Reynolds (Wrennall) ; 316, 317, 318, 320. Mrs.; 378. Old; 379. his wife ; 379. Thomas, of Altcar; 137, 138. Luxembourg; 170. Duke of; 221. Lydiate, co. Lane. ; 109. Lyme, co. Chester; 363. letters dated at; 52, 141, 171, 179, 385. Corporation of ; 276.^^ Lyme, Oliver; 194. Ivy on, Robert, M.A. ; 477. Thomas ; 192. Lyons, John ; 25. Lyttelton, Lord. See Littleton. Lytham, co. Lane.; 9, 229, 310, 313. Lyttesay [co. Lane.] ; 48. Lyttleton, C, See Littleton, M M , Sir O. ; 102, 103. M., Sir T. ; 545. Macarty, — ; 449. Macclesfield; 47, 310, 461, 479, 500. Macclesfield, Maxfield: [Charles Gerard, 1st] Earl of; 117, 207, 217, 264. [Charles Gerard, 2nd] Earl of ; 28. I, 286, 309, 330, 406, 408, 413, 423, 425. Lady (1698) ; 424. Macdowell, John; 228. Mackenrots, Mr. ; 501. Macond, Ellis ; 62. 1 Macy, Massey, Massy : — ; 321. — , of Puddington ; 296, 303, 304. I Dr.; 13. Elizabeth; 109. George ; 175. letters from ; 192, 281, 305, 306, 407. letters to ; 404, 409. I Maddock, Peter ; 182.- I Maddox, Mr. ; 478. Samuel ; 485. Madras ; 521. the Mayor’s Court at; 521. Madrid; 497. Maghull, CO. Lane. ; 13, 229. Maglachan, — ; 523. Magson, Mr. ; 7. Maidenhead ; 563. Mainwaring, Manwaring, Mannering, Manering : Sir John; 237,249,329,388. I Mr. ; 278, 287-291, 438-440, 445. I Mr. ; 449. his daughter Oldfield, the player ; 449. Philip, letter from ; 72. Makerfield, co. Lane. ; 232. Male, William ; 194. William, of Maghull ; 137. Mallam, Henry ; 289. Malpas Church ; 508. Man, Isle of; 71-74, 85-87, 95, 136, 252- 255, 258, 263-266, 312, 377, 414, 415, 418, 419, 471. letters dated from ; 168, 215, 279. Archdeacon of ; 256. Bishop of. See Barrow, Dr. Bridge- man, Henry. Lake, John. Bishop and Clergy of; 256, 257. Bishopric of; 73, 75, 146-149. cattle in ; 131. the Clerk of the Rolls ; 256. Comptroller of ; 256, 257, 280. Comptroller of the. See also Rowe, .John. the six Coroners or Sheriffs ; 257. Customs in; 149, 254, 258. the Deemsters ; 255-257, 269. Deputy-Governor of ; 269. forces of ; 73, 74. Governor of ; 254-258, 269. See also Nowell, Colonel. Mus- grave, Sir Philip. Kenyon, Roger. Sacheverell. Rowe, John. Sankey, Colonel N. governorship of ; 251, 252, 254. harbours in; 264. insurrection of William Christian in. See Christian. the twenty-four Keys of ; 255-257. Kings of; 75. the King’s revenue officers in, account of the Earl of Derby’s proceedings I in disturbing the ; 258-262. 670 INDEX, Man, Isle of — cont. linen manufacture in, the heads of certain Acts as to the ; 269, 270. Lords of ; 73, 74. See also Derby, Earls oL the Lords’ Council ; 255, 256. the Lords’ prerogative in ; 57. new laws proposed for ; 430, 431. poor ministers in ; 277. puffins in; 414-416. receiver’s accounts of; 249. the Secretaries of ; 256. soldiers in ; 261. Steward of the Household in ; 256. surveyor, waiter, and searcher at. See Eyans, Christopher, tenure of, claim to service ai corona- tion by reason of ; 228. the Tynwald (Tin wall) ; 270, 273. the manner of the Earl of Derby’s going to ; 255-258. Vicar-General of; 256. Manchester; 11, 14, 15, 31, 40, 50, 61, 64, 67, 84, 89-92, JOO, 110, 116, 160, 176, 177, 179, 195, 201, 202, 213, 223, 229, 231, 232, 243, 252, 280, 283, 287, 305, 307, 309, 314, 319, 320, 324, 329, 336, 337, 339, 344, 345, 347, 348, 357-360, 362- 364, 368, 371, 376, 377, 379, 381- 383, 385-387, 394-399, 401-410, 412-418, 420, 427, 438, 439, 450, 457, 460, 464, 470, 471, 475, 478- 487, 499, 500, 519, 583, 587, 597, 603-605, 619. letters dated at; 48, 51, 58, 68, 78, 79, 89, 103, 115, 122, 141, 143, 144, 176, 273, 274, 282, 286, 379, 380, 383, 384, 386, 404, 409, 411, 414, 416, 417, 452, 455, 465, 466, 470, 471, 475, 498, 604. Assizes ; 307. the Bridewell at ; 193. “The Bull’s Head”; 59, 243, 314, 389, 480. carrier, a ; 71. Church; 115, 463, 499, 584. churchwardens of, presentment by ; 582. College; 16,500, 598. fellowship of ; 102. keeper of. See Stratford, Dr. Nicholas, s.v. Chester, Bishop of. warden of; 15, 16, 102, 499. See also Dee, Dr. John. Wroe, Dr. Richard. Wroe, Dr. William. Collegiate Society of ; 499. constables of ; 313, 314, 479-485. Court Leet at ; 480. “ Dangerous Corner ” ; 498. Deanery, Dean of. See Rych, Thomas. preachers of ; 599. Dean’s Gate in ; 232. Free School ; 466, 467, 470, 519. feoffees of, letters to ; 465, 466, 470. j headmaster of. See Richards, ! Mr. I Manchester — cont. Free School— cowL head-mastership of ; 103. second master of. See Purnell, William. under-master of. See Broxup, Seth. trustees of ; 464. Hobson, Joseph, his pupils, catalogue of; 467. House of Correction in ;’417, 470, 482. inhabitants of (return of the payment of a subsidy) ; 586. volunteering to serve against the Duke of Monmouth; 181-183. Jurors for, names of ; 582. Market Cross ; 483. Market Street Lane ; 483, 500. the Millgate in ; 96. mortality, bill of ; 494. news letter, a ; 242. petition, the, about the linen manu- factory; 270. preacher of. See Carter Oliver. Buckley, John, regiment, the; 477, 507. “ The Rose and Crown ” ; 314, 481. “ The Saracen’s Head ’’ ; 480, 481. School Mills ; 464. Sessions ; 57, 90, 120-122, 140, 225, 292, 372, 591. “The Star and Garter ” ; 483. “ The Swan with the two necks ” at ; 413. tradesmen of, a representation of ; 410. trials, the; 373. “ The Wheatsheaf ” ; 314. Manchester, Lord (1688); 209. Duke of (1783) ; 512, 513. Manfield; 379. Manley, Mr. ; 471. Mann, Mr. ; 8. Mannering, Man waring. See Mainwaring. Manners, Sir William; 544. Mansfeild, Count; 27, 29. Mansfield Lord, Lord Chief Justice; 510. 515, 522, 526, 527, 552, 554, 562. letter from ; 526. Mapill, John; 2. Mar, Earl of (1617) ; 20. Earl of (1719) ; 463. Marcer, Mrs. ; 374. Marchden, co. York; 620. Marchden, James ; 620. Marcrofte, James, curate of Clitheroe Chapel ; 18. his wife Elizabeth, her informa- tion against Popish recusants ; 18. Mr.; 10. Margate (Margret) ; 422. Marisco. See Morisco. Markland, Captain J., letter from ; 62. Ralph; 397. Robert; 194. Marlborough ; 72, 209. letters dated at ; 71, 563. Marlborough, [John Churchill], 1st Duke of ; 435, 439. INDEX. 671 . Marler, Humphrey ; 182. John ; 586. Kobert ; 586. Marriott, Mr. ; 355. Marsden, co. Lane. ; 10, 230. Marsden, Christopher, letter from ; 114. Christopher, curate of Farnworth ; 229. Henry, letter from ; 278. Miss ; 503. Mr.; 156, 178, 287. Thomas ; 195. letters from ; 112, 126, 279, 281, 284-287, 291, 320, 419. Thomas, a clipper ; 173-175. Thomas, Vicar of Walton ; 230. Marseilles ; 472, 504. Marsh, Catherine ; 604. Peter; 194. Marsh Gate; 517, 526. Marshal, Earl. See Norwich, Henry, Earl of. Marshall, Merschelles, Earl of (1617) ; 21 , 22 . Martell, Captain, letter to ; 460. Martin, co. Lane. ; 230. Martin, Thomas, letter from ; 440. Sir William ; 153. his son ; 153. Martindale, — ; 544. Mary II., Queen : as Princess ; 99, 216, 217. as Queen; 216, 217, 239, 245, 248, 253-255, 305, 306. her death ; 372, 373, 406. See also under William III. Mary, Queen of Scots ; 616. conference between, and the Lords, concerning her examination ; 621- 626. her gentleman. See Mel vine, governor and keeper of. See Pow- lette. Sir Amy as. the manner of her death ; 575. Mary of Modena, Queen of James II., her death ; 462. Mary, Princess, (daughter of George III.) ; 514. Mason, John Sandiford ; 183. Massom, Thomas, of Altcar; 137, 138. Massy. See Macy. Master of the Polls, the; 535, 551, 551, 595, 604. See also Egerton, Sir Thomas. Ken- yon, Lloyd, 1st Lord. Masters, Mr. ; 464. Masterson, — ; 382. Mather, James ; 48. his wife Margaret ; 48. Mr.; 492. Thomas, letters from ; 416, 418. Mathewe, Ralph (Rauf) ; 572. Mathews, Colonel ; 240, 278, 282. his regiment of dragoons ; 3 1 2, 313. Major ; 239. Mr., of Brandelsholme ; 497. Matishall, letter dated at ; 152. Maudit, Jasper ; 281, 362, 411. Mr. ; 230. Maunton, co. Lane. ; 232. Mavr, Jaques ; 624, 625. Mawdesley, Cornet ; 377. Mr., ; 452. Robert ; 394. William ; 51. his son Robert ; 58. letters from ; 51, 52. Maxfield, Earl of. See Macclesfield. May, Humphrey, Chancellor of the Duchy . of Lancaster, letters from ; 31. Mayence ; 443. Maylor Hundred ; 500, Maynard, Lord (1682) ; 155. Serjeant; 172. McLoughlan, Duncan ; 260. Meaby, Mr., Recorder of the City of London ; 125. Mead, Mr., a preacher; 12. Meade, Hon. Pearce ; 549. Meadow crofte, Richard ; 29. Meales, co Lane. See Meols. Mearley, [co. Lane.] ; 150. letter dated at ; 90. Medcalfe, Francis ; 115. Mr.; 10. Meereley; 64. Melford, — ; 335. Melfort, Melford, Milford, Lord ; 210, 233, 292-294, 298-300, 334, 346, 347, 369, 392. Melling, co. Lane.; 8, 13, 110. Chapel ; 229. Chm’ch; 229. Melville, Lord (1806); 559, 561. Melvine, — , gentleman to Mary, Queen of Scots; 622. Mendoza, — ; 626. Meols, Meales, co. Lane. ; 229. Mercer, — , of Lancaster ; 315. Mr.; 270. Thomas, letter from; 377. Thomas, of Abram ; 98. Meredith, Sir William ; 493, 501, 516. his confession of faith ; 497. Merionethshire, Lieutenancy of ; 528. Mersey, the river ; 500. Methodists, the; 510, 563-565. Mewremont. See Mormond. Middleham, co. York, manor of; 17. Surveyor of the Lordship of. See Kenyon, Roger. Middlesex ; 129. freeholders, the ; 444. sheriffs of. See under London. Middleton, Mydletone, co. Lane. ; 12, 14, 41, 196, 229, 582, 584, 595. letters dated at; 45, 47, 238, 252, 603. constables of, letter to ; 583. parson of. See Assheton, Edward, the taxation of (1590) ; 574. Middleton, Mydletone, Myddleton : Lord (1694) ; 300. Lady Ann; 109, 170. letter from; 169, 171. Christopher; 582. 672 INDEX. Middleton, Mydletone, Myddleton — cont. Mr. ; 502, 581. Mr., M.P. for Denbigh ; 534. Robert; 109. William; 481, 484. Midford, — ; 508. Midgeley, Mydgley : Mr.; 13. Richard, pastor of Rochdale ; 602. letter from ; 597. letter to ; 601. Mierscough, Mierscoe. See Myerscough. Mildmay, Myldmaye, Sir Walter ; 621, 622. Milford, Lord. See Melford. Milford .Haven ; 243. Militia, the; 67, 200, 204-210, 242, 359, 360. Act, the. See under Acts, officers ; 135, 199. Millom, Millam, co. Lane. ; 229. Milnrow, Milrowe, co. Lane. ; 12. Milward, Mr. ; 324. William, letter from ; 65. Mines ; 42. coal ; 43. lead; 40, 41. Ministers, directions for, (temp. James I.) ; 5. Minshall, Mr. ; 122. Thomas; 182. Thomas, of Erdeswick ; 244. Mint, the; 276, 403, 404, 407, 408, 414. warden of; 272, 283, 409. . See also Wharton, Sir Thomas. Wynne, Owen. Overton, Benjamin. Miracle, testimony as to a ; 1 . Miremond, Marquess de; 215. Mitchill, Mr. ; 430. Mitford, Sir J. ; 557. Mitton, CO. Lane. ; 39, 231, 291. Mitton, Thomas ; 459. Mode, Daniel ; 467. Mohun, Lord (d. 1712) ; 448, 449. Moira, Lord (1798) ; 549. Moises, Hugh ; 550. Mold, letter dated at ; 546. Mollass, Duke ; 210. Molyneux, Molineux, Mollineux, Molli- neaux, Molynex, Mullineux : Lord (1679-1695); 112, 130, 145, 187, 188, 212, 213, 233-236, 293, 294, 297, 300-303, 313, 314, 329, 330, 348, 350, 359, 360, 365, 368- 270, 387. trial of; 307, 309. his son ; 13(>. his son Colonel William ; 293- 295, 297, 302, 303, 329, 368, 369. Lady ; 310. Alexander; 601. — ; 409. — , apothecary of Liverpool ; 320, 411. Francis, nephew of Sir .John ; 188. letter from ; 188. Sir .John ; 148, 167, 188. Lady, wife of Sir John; 148, 167, 188. John ; 167. Molyneux, Molineux, Mollineux, Molli- neaux, Molynex, Mullineux — cont. John; letters from; 86, 103. John, shipowner, 263. K., letter from ; 189. Mr. (1604) ; 13. Mr. (1688-96) ; 189, 190, 196, 239, 279, 400. Mr. (1745) ; 473. Nathaniel, of Dez Hill in West Houghton ; 174, 195, 228. letters from ; 190, 203. R., letter from ; 471. Reginald ; 182. Sir Richard; 13, 583, 601. Robert; 110, 174, 194. his wife, Frances ; 110. Robert, tried for high treason ; 192. Robert ; 359. Thomas; 411,451. Hon. William; 194, 195. Monk, General (1667); 79. John, a constable ; 158. Monmouth ; 407. Monmouth, [James], Duke of; 98, 105, 124, 143, 149, 161, 169, 184, 264, 309. volunteers to serve against ; 181- 183. Duchess of ; 169. [Charles Mordaunt], Earl of ; 339. Monopolies ; 60. Mons; 253. Montague, Viscount (1586) ; 621, 622. [Ralph], 1st Earl, afterwards 1st Duke of ; 409, 439. Montague, [Charles] ; 397, 401. Montcalm, Monsieur ; 496. Montgomery, Lord (1617) ; 20. Montrose, Muntrois ; 20. Moody, Mr. ; 288. Mr., “ of the Bank ” ; 433. Moore, Moor, More, Morre ; Captain ; 202. Sir Cleave ; 284. Edmund; 7. Judge ; 223. Lieutenant; 478. Major ; 294, 369. Richard, of Downholland ; 460. William, letter from ; 70. Mooting, — ; 523. Morcroft, Thomas, letter from ; 176. his son William ; 176. Mordaunt, Mordant, Lord (1586) ; 622. Lord (1680) ; 116. Morden, John; 409. More, Hannah ; 544. See also Moore. Mores, Andrew; 359. Moreton. See Morton. Morgan, Morgen ; — ; 311, 385, 625. Sir John ; 244. Morgan’s Fort, Jamaica ; 267. Morisco, Marisco, Peter ; 319, 362. Morland, Samuel; 276. Sir Samuel ; 276. INDEX. 673 Morley, Lord (1586); 622. Mormond, Mewremont, co. Aberdeen ; 20. Morocco, Ishmael KerifFe, King of, letter from; 133. Hada, ambassador from. See under Ambassador. Morre, Major, See Moore. Morris, Morres, Morey, Morrey es, Morrice : Henry; 137. Mr. ; 288, 530. Mr., Speaker of the House of Com- mons ; 498. Philip ; 456. Richard; 15. Thomas ; 380. miliarn; 63. Sir William ; 276. Morston. See Mostyn. Mort, Morte : Councillor ; 200. Mr., Deputy Clerk of the Peace at Ormskirk, letter to ; 491. Thomas; 194. letter from ; 102. Thomas, of Astley ; 30. letters from ; 43, 48. his uncle Jackson ; 43. Mortality, table of (? Manchester) ; 31. Mortimer, letter dated at ; 555. Morton, letter dated at ; 101. Morton, Mortounes, Earl of (1617); 21. Morton, Moreton ; John ; 228. Mr.; 507. Mr., clerk of the Peace for Lanca- shire ; 356. Richard ; 583. Mosbrough ; 360. Moseley, Sir Edward ; 309. Lady ; 395. Mosley, Edward (1618), letter from; 24. Edward (1685-8) ; 181, 195. Francis ; 229. Mr., 90. Oswald; 182, 195. Moss, Mosse : James; 181,410. Mr., letter to ; 464. Thomas ; 410. Mossack, Anne ; 109. Mostyn, Morston : Mr., ofDelalery; 301, 304. Piers; 301. Sir Roger ; 428, 504, 545. Sir Thomas ; .:46. Mottram ; 464. letter dated at ; 464. curate of. See Robinson, Thomas. Mouldsworth, Mr. ; 399. Mountague. - Nee Montague. Mountcashel, Lord, his regiment ; 239. Mounteagle, Lord (1604); 7, 8. Mountgrivalie, Viscount (1599); 611. Mount’s Bay ; 430. Mowgrave, Lord. See Mulgrave. Moxou, John; 182. Moy, W illiam ; 65. 73480. Mulgrave, Mowgrave, [John Sheffield], Earl of ; 143. Mullineux, Thomas. See Molyneux. Mumgaratt, Viscount (1599) ; 610. Muucaster, James ; 229. Muntrois. See Montrose : Murray, Lord Charles; 178, 179. Murray, — ; 569. [of Broughton] , — , secretary to Prince Charles Edward ; 481. David ; 419. David, merchant of Douglas, exami- nation of; 255.' Robert of Chester ; 255. Murrean, — , a Scotch pedlar ; 373. Muscovia, Emperor of (1588) ; 571. Musgrave, Sir Philip, Governor of the Isle of Man ; 74. Muwson ; 322. Myddleton. See Middleton. Mj’dgley, Richard. See Midgeley. Myers, Thomas ; 229. Myerscough, Mierscough, Mierscoe, co. Lane. ; 8, 274, 316. N Nab, Oliver ; 232. Namptwich. See Nantwich. Namur, siege of ; 402, 407. Nantucket, Nantasket, (America) ; 56. Nantwich, Namptwich ; 62, 63, 359, 493, 494. letters dated at ; 471, 494. Naples, King of ; 496. Joseph Bonaparte, King of; 562, 563. Napp, Mr. ; 337. Nash, Mr. ; 563. Samuel ; 181. Nasse, the, (Ireland) ; 610. National debt, reduction of the ; 522. Navy. See under Ships. Nayland, co. Suffolk, letters dated at ; 53 P, 538, 545, 548, 550. Church; 549. Naylor, James ; 232. James, of Windle ; 246. John; 110. Neale, Samuel ; 175. Needham, Nedham, Needam : Eleanor ; 276. Mr.; 93. Nicholas; 277. Neild, Anne, letter from; 61. Robert; 61. Neland, — ; 311, 317. Nelson, Captain ; 297, 369. Nelson, Lord ; 566. Netherkellet, co. Lane. See Kellet, Nether, Netherlands, the ; 396. Neutoii, [Isaac]. See Newton. U U ‘674 INDEX. Nevill, : — ; 339. judge; 403. New, Kobert ; 182. Newbattle Park (in Scotland) ; 22. New Brunswick, (America) ; 520, 522. Newburgh, Lord (1688) ; 211. E., letter from ; 44, Newbury, co. Berks ; 531. -Newby, Thomas ; 182. Newcastle-under-Lyme, co. Staff. ; 359. 407. Newcastle, Duke of (1680-88) ; 105, 209. Duke of (1744r5) ; 471, 481. New(jhurch in Winwick, co. Lane.; 229. Chapel, CO. Lane. ; 13. Newcome, Henry ; 232. Mr.; 359. Mr., of Middleton ; 451. Robert ; 2. New England ; 56, 253, 255, 262. New Forest ; 83. Newhall, letters dated at; 100, 132, 166. Newhaven, Charles, Lord Cheyne, Vis- count ; 139. Newlyn, Robert, letter from ; 103. Newman, — ; 608. Newmarket; 84, 86, 89, 100, 129, 130, 131, 148, 150, 162, 168, 186. letter dated at ; 25. Newnham, Mrs., Lady Mayoress ; 514. New Park, letter dated at ; 596. Newport, Lord (1644), his eldest son; 64. Andrew; 139. News Letters; 14, 113, 116, 122,123, 124, 128, 209, 210, 242, 571. Newton, co. Lane. ; 229, 231, 384, 385, 421, 452, 454. curate of. See Allanson. parson of ; 390. Bridge ; 52. Chapel; 13, 14. Heath; 11. Newton, Neuton : — ; 321, 359. [Isaac] ; 539, 540. John; 195. Mr. ; 7, 98. Newtown, (America) ; 56. New York ; 162. Nice; 504. Nicholls, Jonathan ; 410. Nichols, Josiah ; 483. Nicholson, Nicolson, Nichonson : Humphrey; 29. James ; 134, 135, 137, 138. John; 173, 174. Mr., a packer; 117. William ; 1. Nickson, John ; 313. Nicoll, Mr. ; 534. Nightingale, Mr. ; 427. Nisbott, Sir William, Lord Provost of Edinburgh ; 19, 20. Noel, Mrs. See Nowell. Noell, Captain ; 298, 299, 347, 370. Nollcrofte, Hamlette ; 582. Nonconformist Minister, a ; 91. Nonconformists or dissenters ; 93, 94, 124, 172, 190, 231, 234, 246, 270, 273, 411, 412, 422, 434, 435, 536, 543, 550. Nonjurors ; 273, 388, 475, 490, 491. Norcross, Mr. ; 9. Norfolk ; 89. brewers in ; 248. Norfolk, Duke of (1571), his submission to Queen Elizabeth ; 573, 574. Duke of (1674) ; 99. Duke of (1694-97) ; 277, 423. Duke of (1747), his steward. See Westby, Mr. Normanby, Marquis (1696) ; 405. Norris, Norres, Norreys, Norrice: Lord. See Norreys. Alexander; 263, 281. , letter from ; 128. — ; 286, 372. Captain ; 313. Christopher, letters from ; 378, 379. Deemster; 280. Sir Edward ; 212. John, letter from ; 43. Mr. ; 143, 309, 362, 386, 399, 400, 405. Mr., of Derby ; 126. Thomas ; 194. William, of Speke (Sprake) ; 320, 388, 395, 411. his brother; 403. Sir William ; 39. Norreys, Norres, Lord (1696) ; 405. Norroy, King-at-Arms ; 176. North, Frederick, Lord ; 504, 512. letter from; 515. Sir Francis, Chief Justice, afterwards Lord Keeper; 112, 154. letter from ; 158. Mr. ; 144. Northampton; 14, 209. Northampton, Lord (1688-95) ; 209, 387. Northampton House, letter dated at ; 25. Northamptonshire ; 608. Northey, Sir Edward ; 486. Mr.; 385. North Meols, Northmeales, co. Lane. ; 13, 53, 195. Northumberland, the king’s receiver- general for. See Assheton, Ralph. Northumberland, Earl of (J;emp. Henry IV.); 73. Earl of (1616) ; 17. [George Fitz-Roy, 1st] Duke of ; 170, 276. his troops ; 207. Northwich, co. Chester; 200, 201, 494. Norton, — ; 495, 499. F., letter from ; 518. Roger; 68. Norway, Kings of ; 73. Norwich; 124,407. Norwich, Dr. Horne, Bishop of ; 538. Henry, Earl of ; 103. Nottingham ; 25, 310, 530. letters dated at ; 209, 379. . INDEX. 675 Nottingham, [Daniel Finch], Earl of; 210, 245, 254, 269, 277, 286, 329, 371, 388, 405, 415, 456. letters from ; 253, 254. letter to ; 254. Nouell, Roger. See Nowell. Nova Scotia ; 520. Nowell, Nouell, Noel : — ; 400. Colonel, Governor of the Isle of Man ; 70. Colonel, his regiment (1688) ; 202. Captain Henry, Deputy-Governor of the Isle of Man ; 70. letters from; 69-72, 80, 87, 91, ’ 101 . — ■ — letter to ; 95. his brother, letter to ; 80. his cousin Lacy; 72. his nephew Bunastre. See Bannaster. his nephew Coplie ; 101. his niece, Jane Nowell ; 80. Henry; 168. John, of Ardsley, co. York ; 584. Leonard ; 93. Mr. ; 5. Mrs.; 378. Robert; 179. Roger ; 167. letters from ; 70, 168. - Roger, of Read ; 38, 50. letter from ; 46. Nugent, Nugente : Colonel ; 240. Richard ; 582. Nuttall, Ellis, letter to ; 93. Samuel, of Yeograve ; 359. Thomas; 195. Nutter, John, letter to ; 24. Mr.; 10. Nylde, — , of Hollinwood ; 572. o Oakes, Samuel; 467. William; 481, 483. Oates, Dr.; 210, 264. Titus ; 105-107, 124, 129. Oaths of allegiance and supremacy; 118- 120, 122, 160. Oatlands, letters dated at; 591, 592. O’Brien, Colonel Charles, his regiment ; 239. Oburne, Mr. ; 7. Octavius, Prince ; 514. Oddy, Mr. ; 279, 289. Thorny ; 149. William, letter from ; 284. Ogden, George; 229. Paul; 572. Ogle, Edward ; 194. Oglethorpe, Colonel ; 211. Okeley, Mr. ; 444. Oldersey, Rev. Mr., rector of Wigan, letter to ; 467. Oldfield, Ouldfield : — , the player. See Mahiwaring. Captain ; 200. Humphrey; 182. John; 182. Lawrance, letter from ; 151. Leftwich ; 242, 244. letters from ; 113, 115, 187, 191, 220, 222, 245. ' his brother Tom ; 220. Mr. ; 442. Philip; 182. Robert ; 57. alias Orford, Thomas, of Finchley ; 174. Oldham, Ouldham, co. Lane. ; 11, 16, 196, 230, 232, 572, 582, 583. preacher at. See Hunt, Thomas. Oldham, — ; 361. Dr. Hugh, Bishop of Exeter ; 103. James, letter from ; 470. Oleron, Isle of ; 255. Olivares, Count ; 29. Oliver, Richard ; 483. Opera House, the ; 528. Oporto, letter dated at ; 65. Oppenshaw ; 89. Orange, (William III., g.v.). Prince of ; 86, 87, 99, 126, 171, 197, 201, 203, 205-207, 209-212,215-217, 311. Princess Royal of ; 68. Princess of. See Mary II., Queen. Orchard Leigh, Frome, letter dated a,t ; 546. Ordnance,. the ; 59. Orford, Thomas. See Oldfield. Orme, Henry; 194. Ormerod, Ormeroyde, Peter, vicar of Whalley; 10, 18. Ormeston, Mr. ; 210. Ormond, Lord (1599) ; 610, 611. [James Butler, 1st], Duke of ; 86, 87, 148, 152, 200. [James Butler, 2nd], Duke of; 217, 277, 286. Ormskirk, Ormschurch, co. Lane. ; 13, 43, 134, 145, 153, 193, 194,202,223, 229, 231, 246, 304, 316, 368, 378, 412, 470, 471, 491, 588. letters dated at; lul, 127, 134, 137, 138, 142, 156, 176, 412. Clerk of the Peace at the Sessions at. See Rigby, George. Sessions; 121, 140, 450, 591. Orrell, Humphrey, of Parr ; 460. William ; 593. j Orrery, Lord (1695) ; 387. j Orrett. See “ Broad and Orrett.” I Osbaldeston, Osbuldalston ; 252. Osbaldeston, John, letter from ; 48. Margaret, letter from; 406. Mr. ; 224, 381. Osbaston, Sir Edward ; 28. Osborne, Sir Thomas. See Latimer, Vis- count. u u 2 676 index; Osburne, — , a draper ; 117. Oswaldston, Lord (1682) ; 311. Oswaldtwistle, copyhold tenants of ; 24. Otter hounds, master of the ; 276. Ottoman Porte, the ; 469. Otway, Jo., letters from ; 85, 87. Sir John ; 101. Oulcome. See Holcombe. Ouldfield. See Oldfield. Ouldham. See Oldham. Outlaws, goods of ; 51. Overton, letter dated at ; 502. Overton, Benjamin, Warden of the Mint j 281, 305. letter to ; 274. Owen, Job ; 231. Mr. ; 545. Robert, letter from ; 59. Oxcliffe, CO. Lane. ; 109. Oxenden, Sir Henry ; 529. Oxford; 67, 71, 86-88, 91, 124, 126, 186, 187, 433, 539, 542, 543. letters dated at ; 76, 492, 493, 499. Circuit the ; 506, 548. Oxford University ; 470, 492, 537. Brasenose College ; 422, 447. letter dated at, 492. Christ Church; 9, 126, 563. Convocation; 126. decree of, against pernicious books; 163-166. Corpus Christi College, President of. See Newlyn, Robert, graduate of; 102. Lady Margaret, professor at ; 277. Magdalen College ; 197, 198. members of Parliament for; 212. Reader of Civil Law ; 277. Reader of Physic ; 277. St. John’s College, letter dated at, 434. Vice-Chancellor of. See Delaune, W Oxford, Earl of (1586) ; 621, 622. the Lord of (1680) ; 122, 186. Earl of (1694); 276, 363. Oxfordshire; 209, 419, 531. justices of ; 531. P Paccolett, — ; 375. Padiham, Padyarae, co. Lane. ; 10, 15, 39 42, 229. Paget, Pagett, Pagette : Lord ; 626. Mr.; 619. Paine, — , his objections against Christi- anity ; 565. Tom, his Rights of Man; 537. Palatinate, the ; 29, 30, 39, 443. Palatine, the Prince ; 33. Paler, Mr. ; 9. Palm, Monsieur de, letter to ; 468. Palmer, Mr. ; 619. Robert; 552. Pamphlets : Cry aloud and spare not; 472. History of Passive Obedience; 227. The humble Apologie of the English Catholicks ; 81. Papal bull, a ; 32. 1 Paper, price of ; 100. Papists or Catholics, the ; 16, 18, 27, 59, 60, 80, 99, 102, 105-107, 118-124, 128- 130, 135-137, 141, 145, 152, 156, 158, 166, 183, 187, 188, 190, 199, 205-207, 209, 211, 220, 221, 224-226, 233-235, i 238, 240, 242, 244, 251, 252, 270, 273, I 289, 292, 299, 300, 370, 388-391, 393, 408, 436, 442, 473, 475, 490, 491, 509, 510, 542, 543, 557. Papists’ lands, registration of ; 460, 466. Pargate; 497. Paris; 27, 170, 462, 497, 529, 535, 552, 566, 571. letters dated at ; 427, 428. Park, John, of Langton ; 232. Parker, — ; 321. Charles ; 247. letter from ; 68. Christopher, letter from ; 438. Colonel ; 295, 303, 304. Edward; 279. letter from ; 278. Edward, servant of Lady Tyldesley ; 313. Mr. and Mrs. Joddrel ; 508. Madam ; 279. Mr. ; 9, 44, 153, 439, 498, 570. Mr., a commissioner in Lancashire ; 290. Mr., organist of Prescot church ; 57. Mr., a preacher ; 12. Mr., of Bradkirk ; 211. N., letter from ; 471. Robert ; 93. Thomas, of Browsholme ; 226. letters from; 192, 193. Parkes, — ; 485. Park Gate ; 471. Parkhead, co. Lane.; 40, 51, 64, 70, 88. letter dated at ; 355. Parkins, Parkines : Christopher; 28. William; 29. Parkinson, Christopher ; 109, 231. James ; 319. James, of Carhall, depositions of ; 368. John ; 420. Mr. ; 8. Robert, commissary of Richmond ; 8. Parliament ; 25, 29, 31, 33, 35, 67, 72, 80- 84, 87, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 105, 107, 108, 124-126, 156, 170, 184, 186, 196, 197, 208, 209, 211, 217-219, 221, 224, 2.S4, 236, 237, 241, 248, 271, 285, 287, 289, 306, 320, 373, 375, 384-387, 396, 420, 428, 433, 434, 436, 449-451, 4.53, 454, 464, 468, 469, 498, 511, 512, 515- 519, 521, 526, 530, 540, 544, 553, 555, 556, 560, 564, 565, 567, 574, 579. INDEX. 677 Parliament — cont. Acts and Bills. See under Acts, the Duke of Buckingham’s relation to; 29, 33. the Convention (1688-9); 212, 218, 216-218. dissolution of; 34, 110, 113, 125, 236, 383. election of members ; 58, 59, 103, 111, 113, 177-179, 212, 214, 237, 250, 278, 282, 283, 288, 314, 384, 408, 458, 459, 469, 493, 500. election petition ; 455. House, the ; 59, 510. the Long Parliament ; 59-61, 74, 123. army of ; 63, 64. Lords and Commons assembled in ; 61, 118, 119. members of; 117, 124, 235. privilege of; 249. Roll, the ; 58. Parnill, — ; 14. Parr, Deemster; 419. John; 231. Roger, of Sephtou ; 137. Parrin, Adam ; 483. Parry, Parrie, — ; 625. George, letter from ; 469. Parson-Duhurst, Captain ; 223. Parsons, Laurence, of Shavington, deposi- tions of ; 367, 368. Mr. ; 308, 342. Captain Thomas ; 422. Partington, John ; 103. Mr. ; 237. Partridge, John ; 61. Mr. ; 534. Paslewe, Francis, of Wiswall ; 38. Pass, — , a militia man ; 485. his wife ; 485. Patten, Patton : — , of Preston; 295. Mr.; 238, 240, 241, 249, 250, 354, 358. Thomas; 122,246, 289, 314. William; 131. letters from ; 127, 143, 145, 151, 153, 160, 168, 169, 176, 191, 192, 263, 377, 383, 409, 420. his brother ; 377. Pawlett, Lord (1688) ; 209. T., parson of Walton ; 230. Pawley, Robert ; 68. Paxton, Mr. ; 502. Peach, Mr. ; 505. Pears, Mr. ; 376. Peel, CO. Lane.; 40, 41, 43-4.5, 47,5.5-59,61, 62, 67-72, 78-80, 82, 83, 85, 89, 91, 98, 99, 101, 103, 115, 128, 152, 153, 156, 157, 160, 162, 166, 167, 172, 176, 177, 184, 188, 196, 209, 214- 216, 272, 275, 278, 292, 304, 384, 418, 419, 42', 428, 443, 462, 466, 471, 491, 501, 5u2, 508, 509, 551. letters dated at ; 80, 130, 134, 141, 148, 151, 178, 183, 223, 236, 270, 274, 278, 280, 290, 475, 490, 496, 500, 516, 548. Peel, CO. Lane. — cont. Clerk of the Peace at. See Kenyon, Roger. Peel Castle, Isle of Man ; 74. garrison of ; 256, 257. Peel Town, Isle of Man; 261. Peele, — ; 319. Peers. See under Lords. Peighton, Sir R. ; 113. Peirson, Oliver; 352-354, 377, 390. Pelham, Mrs. ; 544. Pemberton, co. Lane. ; 230. Pemberton, Sir Francis ; 230, 524. his monument at Highgate; 524. J., letters from; 519, 522. John; 467. Serjeant; 112. Pembroke, Penbrooke, Earl of (1586) ; 622. Earl of (1617) ; 20. ’ Earl of (1690-97) ; 242, 243, 423. I Pendlebury, co. Lane.; 110. i Pendlebury, Henry ; 232. James; 146. j Pendleton, co. Lane. ; 39, 50, 110, 231. Pendleton, Pendletoun, Francis ; 586. George; 586. Samuel; 410. Thomas, of Manchester, clerk ; 230. Pendley, co. Lane. ; 10. Pengwern; 546. Penicuick, Captain Stephen ; 422. Peninsula, the, the war in ; 562. Penketh, co. Lane. ; 230. Penketh, Mr. ; 144. Penn, — ; 184. Sir William ; 294. Pennant, Captain, of Baghilt ; 304. D., letter from ; 546. George; 301. Mr.; 516. Thomas, letters from; 518, 529, 543, 545-548. Pennington, co. Lane. ; 7. letter dated at ; 150. Pennington, Penington : Ann; 128,132. her sons ; 131. her daughter ; 128. — ; 150. Captain; 313. Nicholas ; 422. his son Robert ; 422. Richard ; 132. Sir William ; 314, 358. j Pennsylvania; 158. Penny, Captain George ; 303, 304. William ; 115. Penrith, co. Cumb. ; 477, 479. Penwortham, co. Lane. ; 11, 42, 193 letters dated at ; 152, 169. Penylan, letter dated at ; 500. Penzance ; 430. Pepper, — ; 347. Mr., of Dover ; 298, 370. Pepper Hall, letter dated at ; 519 I Pepjs, Mrs. ; 525. 678 INDEX. Percival, Percivall : Mr. ; 555, 559. Tiiomas, letters from ; 496-498, R. ; 410. Richard; 373. Perkins, Sir William ; 407, 408. Perrjm, Baron ; 507. Perth ; 460. presbyter of. See Lyon, Robert j M.A. Pestellozzi, — ; 563. Peterborongh, Dr. White, Bishop of ; 190, 413. Dean of ; 621. See also Fletcher, Doctor. Peterborough, Henry, Earl of, letter to ; 103. [Charles], Earl of; 437. Peters, Father; 310. his brother ; 211. Pett, Captain Phineas, certificate of; 263. Petty Bag, Clerk of the ; 209. Pewes (? Powis), Lady ; 113. Philips, Philipps, Phillipps : — ; 455, 501. — , a midshipman ; 506, 507. Mr. ; 538, 626. Robert; 467. Phim, Jack ; 445. Phipps, Colonel ; 528. Phytone, Sir Edward. See Fitton. Piccoppe, Roger, of Goosnargh ; 30. Picke, Mr. ; 8. Pickford, Jonathan ; 196. Pickthall, James; 229. Picrofte, [co. Lane.] ; 14. Piedmont ; 396. Pierce, Mr. ; 306, 405. Thomas, letter from ; 356. Pigeon, Charles ; 234. Pigot, Pigott : George ; 122, 195. letter from ; 59. Henry, clerk ; 195. Henry, curate of Rochdale ; 230. Mr.; 176,306,451. Mr., a lawyer in Lancashire ; 323. William ; 233. Pilkington, co. Lane. ; 232, 382. Pilkington, — ; 154. Sir .John ; 52. Sir Thomas ; 264. lulling, CO. Lane. ; 230. Pilsworth, Pillsworthe, [co. Lane.] ; 574, 595. iMm, [John] ; 60. Pimlott, Michael ; 183, 410. Pimlow, Pimloe, Thomas ; 92. letter from ; 83. Ifinder, Thomas ; 149. Pipe, the Roll in the ; 126. Piream, Justice ; 622. Pitt, William, the younger; 495, 496, 515, 519, 52.5-527, 529, 534-536, 544, 556, 557. 561. letters from ; 517-519, 521. 522, 525, 526, 528, 534-537, 545. Pizzoni, iMonsicur ; 512. Plague, the; 14-16,43-47. Plant, Thomas ; 316. Plantations, the ; 158. Platt, George ; 484. Plays : Paul Pry ; 568. Quite Correct ; 568. Plomer, Mr. ; 538. Plowden, Francis, letter from ; 534. Plumer, — ; 524. Mr., goldsmith; 416. Plumtree, co. Notts. ; 310. Plungeon, William ; 182. Plymouth, Plommouthe ; 78, 220, 243, 430, 571. letter dated at ; 172. Plymouth, Earl of (1680) ; 116. Countess of (1694) ; 276. Poaching; 42. Poland; 423. Frederick Augustus I., King of ; 423, 439. Stanislaus I., King of ; 439. Polewheele, Thomas ; 133. Pollard, Pollards, Mr. ; 296, 369. Poll Bill, a ; 82. Poll money ; 67. Pollarde, Edmund, letter from ; 50. Pollexfen, Mr. ; 158. Pollit, Daniel ; 467. Ponsonby, Sarah, letter from ; 567. Pontefract; 18, 407. Pool, — ; 524, Poole, Sir James ; 238, 239, Mr. ; 90. Mr., clerk of the Crown ; 623. Ralph ; 410. Sir Thomas ; 301. Poor, the, method for settling, taken at Kanvair, co. Flint ; 426. order for returns of ; 425. Pope, Doctor ; 271. Pope, the ; 30, 32, 106-108, 113, 204, 243, 543, 603. Popery; 14, 26, 108. a conversion from ; 585. Pope’s Nuncio, the ; 333. Popish Plot, account of; 105-109. Popish Recusants. See Recusants. Porter, Abraham ; 42. Captain ; 408. Colonel; 297, 299, 369. John; 79. Mr. ; 29, 32. Portfield, letters dated at ; 86, 169, 196, 204, 251. Portland, [William Bentinck], Earl of; 334, 388, 396, 400, 415. [William Henry Bentinck, 3rd] Duke of ; 502, 552. letter from ; 500. Port Louis ; 396. Port Royal. See under Jamaica. Portsmouth; 73, 78, 96, 187, 211, 221, 383, 547. Portugal, fleet of; 538. (Peter I.) King of, his death an- nounced; 168. INDEX. 679 Post 0£&ce, revenue from ; 276. charges on ; 276. Poulton, CO. Lane. ; 8, 230. letter dated at ; 357. Pour, — ; 311, 317. Powell, Bob ; 495. C.; 233, 234. Baron Sir John ; 191, 212, 225, 318, 321, 370, 376. J. Kynaston, letters from ; 553. Mr., secretary of the Bishop of Chichester ; 225. Powis, Powys, Pois : — ; 527. Sir Thomas ; 399, 445. Powlette, Sir Amyas ; 621. letter to ; 611. Pratt, — ; 495. Preachers, directions for ; 5, 6. Frees races ; 497. Preeson, William ; 263. Prerogative, the Eoyal, doctrines concern- ing ; 163-165. Presbyterians, the ; 84, 385, 434, 536. Prescot, CO. Lane. ; 12, 25, 194, 202, 230, 246, 262, 548. church, salary of organist of ; 57. vicar of. See Aldem, J. Prescot, Prescott, Prescotte : Edward ; 583. Captain James ; 263, 281. John; 175. Mr. ; 274, 275. Mr., Registrar at Chester ; 462. Preston; 9, 42, 45-47, 50, 52, 57, 109, 111, 113, 120, 134, 142, 150, 151, 157, 161, 169, 175-179, 198, 202, 223, 227, 230-232, 286, 312-314, 354, 358-360, 373, 377, 381, 384, 389, 438, 439, 443, 445, 448, 449, 470, 479, 482, 485-487, 493, 501, 516, 544, 590, 601. letters dated at ; 40, 41, 58, 64, 70, 125, 128, 131, 140, 145, 152, 157- 161, 176, 193, 203, 220, 226, 227, 236, 238-240, 249, 250, 263, 281, 306, 355, 375, 377, 381, 406, 417, 439, 450, 451, 471. distribution of monies to the poor at ; 45. a new gaol at ; 241 . House of Correction at ; 224, 245, 247, 452. Governor of. See Higginson, William. Tomlinson, William. Stanley, Mr. Mayor of; 146, 213, 239, 249, 250, 501. the plague at ; 43, 44, 47. Sessions ; 114, 120-122, 278, 450, 591. order made at ; 50, 192. Preston, Lord (1688-94) ; 200, 201, 216, 294, 369. — ; 127, 203. George ; 7. of Holcar : — ; 60. 2 Preston — cont. Mr. ; 196. Thomas, petition of; 159. Mrs. K. ; 290. Mrs. Mary ; 232. Major ; 200, 236. Mr.; 152, 279, 282, 399-401, 403, 413. Mr., of Feversham ; 298, 347, 370. Mrs. ; 416. Thomas ; 583. , letters from ; 170, 210, 589. order signed by ; 115. Sir Thomas; 126, 127, 129, 136, 142, 143, 152, 155, 159. letters from ; 134-136, 144. Prestonpans, minister of. See Carr, John. Prestwich, co. Lane.; 11, 67-69, 147, 153, 195, 230, 582. parson of. See Assheton, Mr. Langley, William, preacher at. See Hill, John. Prestwiche, Edmund ; 586. Pretender, the. See James Edward, Prince. Charles Edward, l^rince. Pretty, Margaret ; 277. Price, Baron ; 445. Francis ; 228. Mr. ; 396, 496. Priestley, Dr. ; 536. Priestnal, Janies ; 467. Prince, the. See Charles I., King. Charles II., King. Orange, Prince of. Prince Palatine, the. See under Palatine. Prince’s Court, the ; 59. Prisoners, relief of ; 54. Prisons ; 158. Privileges, Committee of ; 380, 553. Privy Council : (Council) ; 15, 38, 57, 7l, 72, 74, 105, 107, 112, 113, 119, 122, 123, 149, 199, 209, 211, 216, 217, 219, 233, 238, 243, 245, 265, 322, 368, 386, 388, 394, 421, 424, 425, 473, 475, 529, 577, 578, 589, 593, 594, 596, 601, 603-605, 607-609, 625. Council Board ; 61,266, 534. Chamber, letter dated at ; 114. clerks of; 86, 123. complaint to, by an anonymous preacher^ 619. Knights of; 622. Lords of ; 49, 120, 217, 411, 490, 492. letters from ; 17, 39, 42, 49, 53, 95, 100, 114, 435, 436, 591, 592, 594, 604. Lord President of; 112, 187. See also Halifax, Marquis of, orders of ; 85, 258, 263, 491. Privy Seal, the ; 155. Lord; 98, 149, 153, 276. Probert, Mr. ; 494. Procer, Mrs. ; 384. Prockter, Anthony ; 228. John; 230. Proclamations; 36, 41, 51, 61, 82, lOJ, 111,118-120,122. Prognostication^ a (1629) ; 37. 680 INDEX. Protector, Lord. See Cromwell, Oliver, Lord Protector Prowdlove, Prowdeloofe : George; .587. Ralph ; 586. Prussia, Frederick the Great, King of ; 497. letter from ; 474. Prussians, the ; 496. Public Advertizer, the ; 513. Puckering, Serjeant ; 623. Pudsaj, Pudsie : Ambrose; 411. letters from ; 287, 289, 291. Colonel ; 279, 384. H., letter from ; 278. Mr.; 211, 28^, 290, 386, 399, 400 439. Pue, Mr., of Pendrell ; 301, 304. Puleston, Tom ; 494. Puliston, Mr. ; 545. Pultcney, Mr. ; 503. Sir William ; 558. letters from ; 530, 534. Puritanism ; 14. Purnell, William ; 467, 470. Pursell, John ; 302. Thoma'5 ; 302. Putney ; 503. Heath, letter dated at ; 519. Pye of A ugh ton : Roger ; 137, 195. Thomas; 137. Pytts, Mr. ; 497. Q Quadragesimes, book of ; 26. Quadruple Alliance, the ; 468. Quakers, the; 86, 101, 113, 146, 157-160, 172, 230, 231, 530, 549. Quarterly Review, the ; 564. Queen, the. See Elizabeth. Catharine of Portugal. Mary of Modena. Mary II. Anne. Sophia Charlotte. Caroline. Queen Dowager, the. See Catharine of Portugal. Queen’s Bench, Court of. See King’s Bench. Queen’s House, letters dated at ; 542, 555. Quo Warranto proceedings against cor pot ations ; 24, 158, 187. R Rabj' manor, 24. Park, keeper of. See Watson, Wil- liam. Kachdall. See Rochdale. Kackliff, Mrs. See Radcliff'e. Radcliffe, Ratcliffe, co. Lane. ; 196, 223, 230, 582. letter dated at; 499. Radcliffe, Ratcliffe, Radclyff, Rudely ve : Alexander; 194. Sir Alexander ; 463. Lady (Mistress; Alice ; 4. *— letter from ; 2. letters to; 2, 3. A wen, of Langley ; 574. Edward, 183. Sir George; 59, 61. Henry ; 58k James ; 583. Jo., letter from ; 90. • his brother Nowell ; 90. John ; 182. John, a guide to the rebels (1745); 482, 486. John, of Manchester ; 587*. Katherine, letter from ; 54. her brother Harry ; 54. Mr.; 15, 40, 48, 54, 55, 464. letter to ; 4. Mrs. ; 331, 461. Richard, letter from ; 60. Robert; 583. Savile, letter to ; 64. Thomas (1550-88); 4, 583. his daughter Cicely. See Farrington, Thomas, wife of. Thomas (1685); 182. William, of Manchester ; 583, 586. Radicals, the ; 568. Radishe, Mr. ; 11. Radnor, Earl of (1682) ; 149. Raebone, — . See Rigby, Alexander of Middleton. Raffold, Thomas ; 467. Rainford, Rainforth. co. Lane. ; 12, 231. Rainhill, co. Lane. ; 109. Raleigh, Rawleigh, Sir Walter; 374. letter to his wife and speech at his death ; 24. Ramsey, Isle of Man ; 73. Ramsey, Serjeant ; 149. Ranelagh, Richard Earl of, Paymaster- General of the army ; 250. Rarl, — du ; 415. Rascow, James ; 174. Rastall, — ; 58. Ratchdale. See Rochdale. Ratcliffe. See Radcliffe. Rathband, — . See Rigby, Alexander of Middleton. “ Rats,” the ; 526, 528. Ravensheaa in Sutton, letter dated at ; 45. Raweliff, Samson ; 36. Rawlett, Mr. ; 94. Rawlinson, Lord (1689) ; 226. Curwen, order signed by; 115. Mr.; 172. Rawstorne, Colonel; 219, 239, 249. Laurence, Sheriff, afterwards Deputy Lieutenant of Lancashire ; 137, 167, 235, 239, 289, 314. letters from; 132, 166, 169, 193, 203, 220, 227, 238. INDEX 681 Rawstorne — cont. Mr. ; 450. Peter; 289. Rajmond, Serjeant, afterwards Judge ; 112, 124, 149, 158. Raynold’s Way, Isle of Man ; 74. Read, co. Lane. ; 39, 231. Read, Matthew ; 231. Reading; 239, 563. Sessions ; 532. Recipes for a bouillon ; 170. for black cherry brandy ; 170. Recusants; 5, 18, 27, 30, 38, 59, 60, 100. 109-111, 113, 114, 116-118, 126, 132, 134, 137, 143, 144, 152, 156- 158, 160, 169, 170, 187, 235, 236, 244, 490, 572, 584, 592, 593, 603, 604. orders in council concerning; 118- 122 . Receiver- General of estates of; 127. Reddish, Redditche, Alexander ; 583. Captain John ; 422. Redfearne, Elizabeth ; 359. Redford, John ; 467. Redland ; 301. Regency, the ; 527, 552, 557. Regent, the. See George IV. Regiments; 99, 107, 109, 200, 202, 207, 220, 221, 223, 238, 293, 294, 302, 360. the Blues ; 563. the Coreland; 253. dragoons ; 239, 240, 293, 294, 302, 312, 313, 487-489. Dutch, in England ; 218, 240, 362, 363, 365, 370, 377. English, in Ireland ; 221. foot; 487-489. French, in Ireland ; 239. the Guards; 143, 144, 162, 207, 311, 510. the Guards, first troop of; 207, 217. the Horse Guards ; 299. Irish. See Irish. the king’s horse and foot guards ; 126. light horse ; 510. Manchester, the ; 477. Scotch. See Scotch. Volunteer Corps, a ; 546. Welsh Fusiliers ; 464. Yeoman of the Guard ; 423. 43rd; 560. 52nd ; 560. 92nd; 560, 561. 95th ; 560. See also under Berwick. Brandon. Brereton. Brown. Butler. Byron. Castlehaven. Churchill. Colchester. Craven. Cromwell. Derby, Earl of. Dover. Fielding. Gage. James ' II. (as Duke of York). Mathews. Mountcashel. Northumberland, Duke of. Nowell. O’Brien. Rigby. Stanhope. Stanley. Steward. Wolfe. Remembrancer, Lord Treasurer’s. See Treasurer, Lord^ Reneu, Renue, Renewe : Hilary ; 253, 255. Mr. ; 254. ! Peter; 253,255. I Renshaw, Ellis ; 182. ; Repton School, co. Derby; 177. i Requests, Court of ; 227. I Resfarlong lordship ; 168. ! Revenue, the ; 219, 275-277. ! to be raised from the Papists ; 156, j 157. ! Rewshaw, John ; 467. j Reynold of Altcar ; James ; 137. John; 137. Reynolds, Mr. ; 516. Richard ; 316, 318. i Ann, relict of. See Lunt, I John. Thomas ; 263. I William ; 263. I Rheims ; 604. Rhine, the river; 443. j Rialie, Sir Francis ; 610. j Ribble, the river, a bridge over ; 493. I Ribchester, co. Lane. ; 9, 230. i Richards, Colonel ; 221. ! J. ; 465. ! Captain John ; 276. I Mr. ; 466, 470. j R., letter from ; 537. j Richardson, — ; 111. I Edward; 195. William, curate of Turton ; 230. I Richmond, commissary of. See Parkin- j son, Robert, j [co. Surrey] ; 221. I the court of; 612. I Richmond, Duchess of (1694) ; 276. I Duke of (1784-89) ; 518, 527. I Duchess of (1784) ; 518. ! Dr. ; 134, 135, 223. I L. ; 235. j Mr. ; 24. I Parson; 418. I Richard ; 284, 285. I letters from ; 279, 281, 285. S.; 263. S., junior ; 263. Silvester; 194. letters from ; 220. Richmondshire, Receiver-General for. See Assheton, Ralph. Ridgeway, Ralph; 231. Ridley, James; 467. Rigby, Rigbie, Rigbj^e : A., letter from ; 225. Adam ; 11. letter from; 26. Alexander, Clerk of the Peace for Lancashire, letter to ; 5. letter from ; 438. Sir Alexander ; 424-425, 429. letter from ; 384. Alexander, of Layton, Justice of the Peace for Lancashire, letter from ; 247. Alexander, of Middleton ; 30, 44, 60. 682 - INDEX. Rigby, Eigbie, Rigbye — cont. Alexander, of Middleton ; letters from; 26, 40, 41, 45, 47, 52, 58, 59, 64. his son ; 58. his children; 47. his cousin Rathband (Rae- bone) ; 41, 47. his nieces ; 64. Alexander, of Shevington ; 41. Alexander, of Wigan ; 17. effects of ; 30. — ; 43. Captain; 213,383. Charles; 404, 413,439. letters from ; 355, 358, 360, 373, 376, 384, 444. letter to ; 384. Christian, letter from ; 170. Colonel ; 61, 167, 203. his regiment ; 202. Edward ; 28. (Ned) ; 101, 239. letters from; 80, 99, 100, 178, 179. George ; 30. — — letter from ; 41. letters to ; 26-28, 30, 40, 41, 43- 45, 47, 48, 51-59, 60-63. his wife ; 48. his mother-in-law See Rad- cliff e, Katherine. his brother-in-law. See Hulton, Captain. inventory of goods of ; 63. Hugh ; 57. John ; 457. Joseph ; 27, 54, 59, 65, 69, 70, 90. Mr.; 8, 153, 388,402. Mr., (in Covent Garden) ; 297, 369. Mr., of Layton; 424. Mr., of Riby ; 228. Nicholas, of Harrocke ; 262. Richard, letters from ; 160-162, 166- 168,170. his cousin Roger; 166. his nephew Rigby ; 170. Sawney ; 444. Serjeant; 110, 120, 121. Urian, letter from ; 57. the family of ; 447. Right. See Wright. Ringley, co. Lane. ; 230. Ripon, CO. York ; 407. Rishton, Nicholas ; 289. Thomas, letters from ; 221, 241. Risley, letter dated at ; 168. Risley, Rizley, John ; 194. letter from ; 168. his cousin Culcheth ; 168. his cousin Geffrey ; 168. Mr. ; 223. Thomas; 23 L Rivers, [Richard, 4tb] Earl ; 230, 425, 437, 444, 448, 449, 457. Rivington, co. Lane. ; 11, 114. Hill, CO. Lane. ; 603. Rivington, — ; 532. Richard ; 248. Rixton, CO. Lane. ; 109, 168. Robbers, proclamation against ; 82. Robert, Prince. See Rupert, Prince. Roberts, Captain ; 298, 299, 347, 370. Robinson, Charles ; 517. Edmund; 71, 279, 287. his son John ; 279, 287, 400. John ; 54. John, son of Edmund. Nee Edmund. John, Surveyor- General of the Woods and Forests ; 541. Mr. Bailiff; 149. Samuel ; 51. Thomas; 467. Thomas, curate of Mottram, letter from ; 464. Thomas, vicar of St, Michael’s, co. Lane. ; 229. Rochdale, Rachdall, Ratchdale ; 12, 195, 230, 418, 573, 582, 620. letter dated at ; 40. Market; 597. pastor of. See Midgeley, Richard, vicar of ; 596. wool trade in, order concerning the ; 595. Rochelle. See La Rochelle. Rochester; 211,300. Rochester, Bishop of; 166. [Lawrence Hyde] , Earl of ; 200, 2 1 0, 266, 276, 405,418. letter from ; 185. letter to ; 183. Rockingham, Lord (1768); 500. party, the ; 504, 505. Rocthern, Colonel ; 358. Rodgers, James ; 183. Roe, Mrs, ; 530. See also Rowe. Roger, Mr. ; 71, 232, 346. Rogers, Daniel; 571. John; 277. his wife Ann ; 277. James ; 380. Peter; 316. Roger; 195. Rogerson, Roger, letter from ; 58. Roman religion, the. See Catholic religion. Rome; 37, 463, 604. Rooke, Admiral Sir George ; 387, 397, 401, 402, 404. his brother ; 404. Booth, Jer., of Twemlow; 244. Roper, — ; 219. Mr. ; 240. Robert; 146, 148, 149, 194, 281. letters from ; 131,132, 148,249, 252, 266, 382. Rorie, Onye Macke ; 610. Roscoe, John ; 157. , letter from ; 128. Mr.; 139. Robert; 195. Robert, junior ; 195. Rose, George, letters from ; 534, 554. Roseacre, Rossiker, co. Lane. ; 232. INDEX. 683 Rosse, Miles, o£ Manchester; 595. Mr., his three daughters ; 277. Rossendale, co. Lane. ; iO. Forest, co. Lane. ; 230. Rossiker, co. Lane. See Roseacre. Rossljn Castle ; 22. Rotche, Lord (1599); 611. Roth well, John; 61. Rotiere, — ; 414. Rotterdam ; 162, 216, 472. “ Rouckhorne Boate ” ; 39. Roughley, — ; 411. Thomas ; 262. Rouse, John : 161, 162, 166. Rowan (? Rouen) ; 571. Rowe, Roe ; Edward; 196. Henry ; 412. letters from; 88, 89, 137, 177, 196, 223, 247. J. ; 416. letters from; 127, 154, 160,171, 215. James ; 467. John, Comptroller, afterwards Gover- nor of the Isle of Man; 259-261, 269, 279. letter to ; 252. Mr.; 128,238. Richard, letters from; 283, 291. Dr. Richard. See Wroe. Thomas ; 62. William ; 263, See also Roe. Rowlinson, Mr., of Carke ; 196. Rowree races ; 497. Roxbury, (America) ; 56. Royd, Richard; 238. Royston ; 25, 412. Royton, letters dated at ; 496, 497. Ruabon Church ; 502. Rudens, Captain; 267. RufEord, [? co,] ; 25. Rufford, CO. Lane. ; 11, 230 Rugby School; 549. Rumney, Earl of (1696-7); 405, 423. Rumney Marsh ; 299. Rumsey, Colonel ; 161. Run ager, Jonathan ; 183. Runcorn ; 313. Rupert, Robert, Prince, afterwards Duke of Cumberland; 64, 73, 77, 87, 95, 96, 105. Russell, [William], Lord (cZ. 1683) ; 162, 166, 264, 524. execution of; 162,163. Admiral ; 269, 334, 371, 372, 405, 406. — ; 404. Mr. ; .88. Sir Wm. ; 1 17. Rutland, Earl of (1586) ; 622. Rych, Thomas, Dean of the Deanery of Manchester, letter from ; 601. Rycote [co. Oxf.] ; 25. Rydal, letter dated at ; 225. Rydellsoilne, James ; 586. Ryder, — ; 294, 369. John; 494,495. Ralph; 485. Rye ; 243. Rygmaden, Rygmayden, Anne, wife of Walter, of Wedeker ; 585. John ; 593. Ryley, John; 229. Mr. ; 10. Thomas ; 229. Rymmer, Jno. ; 263. s Sabbath, the, enormities of, suggestions for reforming ; 590. profanation of ; 16, 587. presentments for ; 582. regulations for ; 16,17. Sabey, Joseph, letter from ; 162. Sabin, Major-General ; 464. Sacheverell, Secheverell : — , governor of the Isle of Man ; 271, 273, 419. Dr. ; 444. Sir Richard ; 2. William; 416. letter from ; 255. Saddle worth, co. York ; 223. Sadler, Sir Ralph ; 621, 622. Sagar, Charles ; 231. Sailesbury, Alexander ; 230. St. Albans ; 107. St. Albans, Duke of (1694) ; 276. St. Andrews, Archbishop of (1617) ; 19. St. Andrews, University of; 551, 570. Madras College ; 569. St. Mary’s College, letter dated at ; 550. St. Ann’s, Jamaica ; 268. St. Asaph ; 546. Bishop of. See Barrow, Dr. [Lloyd], Bishop of ; 190, 209. [Edward Jones], Bishop of; 418. Dean of. See Shipley, W. D. St. David’s, Samuel Horsley, Bishop of, letter from ; 533. St. Ellen. See St. Helens. St. George’s Channel ; 419, 430. feast, a; 78. St. Germains; 292, 295, 297-300, 318, 346, 462. letter dated at ; 441. St. Helens, co. Lane. ; 548. (St. Ellen’s) Chapel; 12, 232, 246 262, 269. St. Ives, CO. Cornwall ; 430. St. James ; 66. Westminster. See under Westminster. St. John of Bletsoe, Lord (1586) ; 622. St. John’s river, the ; 520, 684 INDEX. St. Michael’s on Wyre, co. Lane. ; 8, 229, 231, 584, 585. letter dated at ; 247. St. Omer, Jesuit College at ; 106. St. Sebastian ; 252, 254, 255, 259. St. Vincent, Lord (1801), letter from; 555. Salem, (America) ; 56. Salford, co. Lane. ; 14, 15, 213, 223, 230, 377, 440, 443, 448, 461, 464, 466, 480, 487, 583, 604, 605, 619. letters dated at; 15, 64, 171, 442, 464. Mortality, bill of ; 494. Stewardship of; 439. Sunday Schools in ; 523. Salford Hundred; 51, 139, 178, 583, 585- 588. bailiff of ; 29. chief constables for ; 29. clergy in (1604) ; 11-13. the gentlemen of, letter to ; 596. High Constable for. See Clowes, John, highways in, persons nominated to enquire into ; 195, 196. Justices of the Peace in ; 583. letter to ; 589. Licensing Justices for, letter to ; 92. recusants in ; 603. subsidy in, return of a ; 586. tax levied within ; 14. Salisbury ; 311. letter dated at ; 544. Court, letter dated at ; 5. Salisbury, Dr. Fisher, Bishop of ; 565, 566. Salisbury, William Montague, Earl of {temp. Edward III.) ; 73. [James Cecil 4th] Earl of ; 210,300, 370. Salisbury, Salsburie, Sallesburie, Thomas ; 611, 615, 616. the confession of; 614. Salley ; 24. Salmon fishing in Scotland ; 20. Salop. See Shrewsbury. Salt Hill ; 563. Salvatierra, letter dated at ; 562. Samd (?), Mr. ; 328. Samelsbury, co. Lane. ; 9. Samford, Sir Thomas ; 7. Samsbury ; 251. Sandbach ; 223, 471. Sanderson, John, of Hardhoriiend Newton ; 232. Mr., a preacher ; 11. Saudes, Lord (1586) ; 622. Adam ; 7. — , Clerk of the Crown ; 623. Edmund ; 7. Sandiforth, Ralph; 196. Sandwich, Lord (1664) ; 73. Sankey, Sancky, Colonel N., Governor of the Isle of Man; 416, 419. Sarillos, Sir George ; 510,] Sarsfield, Colonel ; 240. Satire, derivation of ; 540. Savage, John; 611, 624. the confession of ; 614. ! Saville, Sir George ; 501. ' Savoy, Duke of; 243, 396. Sawrey, Anthony ; 7. Colonel; 412. John; 7. Mr., a preacher ; 7. Sawyer, Sir Robert, Attorney-General ; 126, 156, 241. Saxe, [Marshal] ; 472. Saxony; 439. troops of ; 423. Saxony, Prince Elector of ; 37. I (Frederick Augustus), Elector of. I See Poland, King of. I Sciiife, William ; 24. I Scaresbrick, Frances ; 109. I Scarisbrick, co. Lane. ; 109, 446. j Scarsdale ; 458. I Scholefield, Schollefyllde, Scofield, Scol- felde : Arthur, letter from ; 15. letter to ; 15. Edmund, letter to ; 15. James ; 195. Radcliffe; 411. Scholes, Schoales, John ; 410. William ; 410. Schombergh, Duke of ; 239, 276. Scilly ; 430. Sclater, Robert. See Slater. Scofield, Radcliffe. See Scholefield. Scoles, the ; 457. Scolfelde, Arthur. See Scholefield. Scotch East India Company. See East India. Scotch foot, 3,000 ; 203. regiments; 207, 239. soldiers ; 235. Scotland and the Scots ; 19, 57, 59, 107, 125, 219, 220, 293, 300, 386, 401, 477, 478, 479, 503, 524, 540, 572, 615, 626. Scotland : Articles of Union with ; 543. Church Government ; 23. Commissioners from, at London (1640) ; 60. j the convention in (1689) ; 233. ! episcopalians in ; 533. .lacobitism in ; 534. j judges in; 518. Alexander III., King of ; 73. Lords of; 625. j Mary, Queen of. See under Mary. Parliament of ; 21, 23, 243. ! opening of, precedence at ; 22. j revenue of the crown of ; 625. ; Scott, Edward ; 183, 410. I Elizabeth; 128. j James; 128. j John, letters from ; 528, 537. j Sir John. See Eldon, Lord, Joseph; 410. I Mr. ; 516, 522, 524, 525. i alderman of Wigan ; 196. I Ralph ; 603. I Sir William ; 537, 554. I Scottish matters, a composition of ; 57. I Scowes (? Scholes) men, the ; 282. INDEX. 685 Scroggs, Sir William, Lord Chief Justice ; 107, 123, 154. Scrope, Seroope, Lord (1590) ; 581. Sir William le, Chamberlain of the Household to Richard II. ; 73. Seamans, Justice, of Harwich ; 253, Seaton, Setoun ; 19. Seaton, Seetoun, Lord (1617) ; 19. Secheverell. See Sacheverell. Seeker, — ; 497. Secretary of State, the; 129, 245, 276, 301, 313, 326, 327, 3.34, 337, 338, 341, 345, 351, 368, 388, 391, 626 (Mr. Secretary). See also Nottingham, Earl of. Trenchard, Sir John. Shrewsbury, Duke of. Seddon, Captain ; 223. George ; 485. Thomas ; 467. family of ; 102. Sedgwick, Sigeswike: Dr.; 505. George; 228. Lucy; 604. Sedon, John, letter from ; 5. Seenehouse, Mr. ; 7. Selby, Sir William ; 17, 25. Selvins, Sir Gabriel ; 276. Sephton, co. Lane. ; 13, 195. Serjeant, Mr. ; 412. of Stand; 453. Thomas (1623) ; 29. (1688) ; 195. Sermons, directions concerning; 5, 6. Serraglio ; 423 . Setoun. See Seaton. Seymour, Sir Edward ; 405. Francis, Lord, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster ; 72. letter to ; 70. Miss ; 559. Mr., Lord Privy Seal ; 149. Shaclocke, Hugh ; 587. Shaftesbury, [Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, previously Lord Ashley, q.v.^ 1st.] Earl of; 108, 112, 128, 136, 156. Shagh, the ; 47. Shakerley, co. Lane. ; 422. Shakerley, Captain ; 451. Mr.; 494. Peter ; 205, 222, 236, 242, 278, 282, 357, 396, 399, 401, 402, 408, 411, 413, 422, 424, 425, 434. letters from ; 269, 394, 397-399, 403, 408, 416, 422, 423, 425, 450, 454, 462. letter to ; 455. Shalecross, Shacroft, — ; 324, 325, 350. Shallcrosse, Stephen, gunsmith ; 64. Shannon, the river ; 220. Shapley, Captain. See Chappley. Shar, Mr. ; 408. Sharp, Sharpe, Thomas, rector of Tatham ; 230, 246. Sharpies, Captain ; 213. John]; 297, 369. Shaw, CO. Lane. ; 11. Place; 450. Shaw, Shawe: -; 15. John; 194. Lawrence ; 229. Mr.; 288, 451. Peter ; 356, 380. Peter, parson of Bury, letter from ; 597. Thomas ; 181 . Shaweeross, Mr. ; 10. Sheardley, Edward ; 229. Sheerness ; 299, 409. Sheirson, Justice ; 384. Shelbourn, Nova Scotia ; 520. Shelburne, Lord (1772-83) ; 503, 513. Shelmerdine, Ralph; 100. Robert; 481, 483, 484. Shelton, John ; 182. Sherbotham, John, of Hulton Hey ; 359. Sherburne ; 209. Sherburne, Sherborne, Shereborne : — , of Stonyhurst; 293, 302, 314, 358, 369. Isabella; 109. Nicholas; 109. Richard; 7. letter from ; 603. Richard, a recusant ; 109. Richard, of Stonyhurst ; 28, 38. Sir Richard ; 593. Thomas, of Little Mitton ; 38. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley ; 560. letter from ; 541. Sheridon, ^klr.; 124. Sheriffs; 31, 49, 82, 158. Committee for taking petitions against ; 59. under-sheriff, estimate of expenses of office of ; 37. Sherison, Mr. ; 377. Sherlock, — ; 497. Sherrington, Bennet ; 143. Francis ; 195. Mr., of Bootle ; 153. Sherwin, Joseph ; 182, 410. Shipley, W. D., Dean of St. Asaph (the Dean) ; 545, 546. letter from ; ,546. i Ship Money ; 59, 60. Shipowners (of Liverpool), petition of ; 263. Shippen, W.; 447. Ships named : Ann; 77. a pink ; 65. Antelope; 77. ‘ Barhadoes Merchant ; 263. Berwick (^Barwick') ; 266. , Bristol ; 77. Dove, of Dublin ; 223. : Dover ; 243. j Essex; 78. I Experiment ; 243. i Foster ; 233. ■ Gloucester; 77. ! Granada ; 266. :686 , INDEX. Ships named — cont. Hampton Court; 266, Henry, frigate ; 77. John and Anne ; 263. master of. See Bradshaw, John. Loyal George; 78. Lyon, of Lancaster; 224, 260, 312, 384. master of the. See Carson, Charles, Thompson, Anthony. May den ; 71. Monk ; 243. Montague ; 266, iVavy, yacht ; 283. Pean ; 477. Prince; 78. Prince of Orange ; 430. Quaker; 430. Rainbow; 78. Royal Charles; 79. Royal Sovereign ; 398. St. Paul; 77. St. Stephen of St. Sebastian; 252- 255, 258, 263. Saldadoes ; 243. Sandwich; 266. Siam Merchant ; 267. Small Katherine ; 78. Spread Eagle ; 78. Swiftsure ; 77, 78. Urania, transport ; 560. Wheel of Fortune ; 271. master and owner of. See Christian, David. Windsor ; 266. Ships not named : at the buoy in the Ore ; 96. Dutch bottoms ; 77. Dutch; 242, 243. on the Thames ; 79. eight frigates ; 2Q7. engagement with Dutch fleet ; 88. English, against the Dutch (1664) ; 73, 77. English, at Chatham; 79. English and French, engagement of (1692) ; 266. against Holland ; 92. English, notes on (1666) ; 77. French man-of-war, a; 316. ships, wheat from ; 65. a London ship, master and owner of. See Thorpe, Henry, trading with the Isle of Man ; 136. men-of-war (of James II.) ; 300. merchant, in the Downs ; 243. the Parliament’s ships ; 74. Portsmouth Fleet, the, mutiny of ; 547. Iloyal Navy (fleet) ; 78, 82, 107, 221, 222, 242, 243, 250, 299, 397, 398, 401, 402, 406, 407, 436, 571. Commissioners of the. See under Admiralty, a squadron to the Baltic ; 463. transport ships ; 263. Shireside, co. Lane. ; 8. Shock, Colonel ; 253. Shorter, Sir John; 168. Shovel, Sir CJoudesley ; 242, 243. Shower, Shore, Sir Bartholomew ; 326, 385, 386, 399. Shrewsbury (Salop) ; 373. letter dated at ; 475. I mandamus cause, the ; 502. j Shrewsbury Earl of (1586-7); 575, 621, 622. [Charles Talbot], Earl, afterwards Duke of; 197, 207, 277, .346, 361- 363, 372, 409, 421, Earl of, letter to ; 225. Shropshire; 354,505, 560. election ; 504. Shultesworth, Major. See Shuttleworth. Shumley, — . See Cholmondeley. Shuters Brooke, [co. Lane.] ; 14. Shuttleworth, Shutle worth, Shultesworth: George, of Esterlie ; 38, 39. Major ; 295, 303, 369. Mr. Parson ; 5. Sir Richard, letter to ; 603. Richard, the King’s Justice of Chester ; 585. Richard, of Gawthorpe ; 38. William ; 65. letter from ; 281. Shynner, — ; 333. Siddall, Syddall, Syddalls: Arnold ; 183. Edward; 182,410. Mr. ; 476. Mrs.; 476. Sidmouth, Lord (1822) ; 568. Sidney, See Sydney. Sigeswike, Lucy. See Sedgwick. Signet, the ; 155. Office, the; 112. Silverdale, co. Lane. ; 109. Silvis, Sir Gabriel de ; 99. Simmons, Sir James, of Ashton, co. Staff. ; 300, 302-304, 369. Simonstone, co. Lane. ; 36, 39. Sinclair, John, letter from ; 541. Singleton, Great ; 230. Singleton, Singletoun, Mr. ; 8. Thomas, of the Towre ; 593. Sinkler, John ; 263. Sinzendorf, Count, letter from ; 468. Skeffington, Mr,; 559. Skelton, Captain ; 186. Skerton, co. Lane. ; 109. Skinner, James ; 263. Skipton (Sciptoun), the wool about; 573. Slade, Ralph, the wife of ; 582. Slaidburn, Sladeburne, [co. Lane.] ; 67. Slater, Slator, Sclater: Joseph; 181,410. Mr. ; 400, 439. , Robert; 144,279. letters from; 242, 278. Thomas; 232. William; 248. Sleaford ; 171. Slewse. See Sluys. Slingsby, Sir Charles ; 276, Elizabeth; 276. INDEX. 687 Slingsby — coni. Mallet; 276. Victoria; 277. Slough ; 563. Sluys, Slevvse ; 571. Slyngier, Mr. ; 93. Smalley, Mr., a cotton manufacturer; 547. Smalls, the ; 264. Smethurst, — ; 499. John; 137,157. Eobert ; 485. Smith, Aaron; 130, 265, 309, 315, 320, 322, 323, 332, 334, 335, 337, 340- 342, 345, 364, 365, 371, 372, 388- 394, 399, 400, 402, 405. rtZms Buffer, alias Chamber, — ; 374. Captain, of Bolton ; 223. George ; 195, 380. Israel ; 272. Sir Jer. ; 78. John ; 467. John, clerk to John Clowes ; 483. Major; 66. Mr.; 129,440. Mr., chief of the settlement at Gran- jam ; 521. Mr., of Queniborough ; 310, 379. Mr., collector at Liverpool ; 452. Samuel ; 185. Thomas ; 195, 248, 353. Smithson, — ; 444. Smy thills, letter dated at ; 45. Sneeling, Thomas ; 263. Soap ; 59. Sobiesky, Princess ; 463. Sodor and Man, Bishop of. See Bridgeman, Henry. Lake, ,J ohn. Solam, Sollam, Davi ; 173-175. Soldiers ; 64, 184, 201, 202, 207, 220, 222, 223, 294, 301, 303, 304, 584. aged and maimed. Act for the relief of; 604. archers ; 4, 587. furniture of (cost of) ; 587-589. arquebusiers, orders for the instruc- tion of ; 594. billeting of (in Lancashire), petition concerning ; 487-490. billmen, furniture of (cost of) ; 587- 589. calivers (qualy vers), furniture of (cost of) ; 587, 588. Dutch Guards, the; 218. troopers ; 319, 361. English for Flanders ; 79. for Ireland ; 224. French, for the Duke of York; 125 238. in Ireland ; 242. for Ireland ; 587-589, 591, 592. from Ireland ; 62. forces of James II. ; 211. Lancashire, levy of, in ; 587-589, 591, 592. the land forces ; 99. in the Isle of Man. See Man, Isle of. the Parliament’s forces ; 74. Soldiers — cont. pikemen, furniture of (cost of) ; 588, 589. pioneers ; 587. furniture of (cost of) ; 589. quartering, a protection from ; 274. recruits ; 253, 259. trained bands ; 35. (troops), proclamation concerning the raising of (1642) ; 61. troopers, saddles of ; 98. Volunteers ; 546-548. listing of ; 79. against the Duke of Monmouth ; 181-183. See also under Regiments. wounded (in Lancashire); 156. Yeomanry-Cavalry; 543. Solebay; 203. Solicitor-General, the (Mr. Solicitor4 ; 155, 158, 193, 491, 495, 499, 513, 534, 537, 609, 622 (the Queen’s Solici- tor), 624, 626. See also Lee, Mr. Solmes, Count de ; 224. Somers, Sir John, afterwards Lord ; 404, 496. Somerset, Lord Henry ; 571. Duchess of (1697) ; 418. Somister, James ; 467. Sophia, the Electress ; 455. Prineess, (daughter of George III.) ; 514, 525. Sophia Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Queen of George III.) ; 514, 527, 528. Sorocold, George ; 194. John ; 194. Thomas; 195. Thomas, of Barton, letter to; 178. William ; 605. Sothworth. See Southworth. Southampton, Earl of (^ante 1585) ; 578. Lord (1599) ; 610. Lord (1617) ; 20. [Thomas, 5th.] Earl of ; 79. letter from ; 76. Duke of (1694) ; 276. Southey, Robert ; 564. letters from ; 563, 568-570. Southwark ; 107, 533. Angel Alley in, letter dated at ; 83. Southwell ; 209. School, the master of ; 277. Mr. ; 450. Southworth, Sowthworth, Sothworth, Sothworthe : Sir John, of Sainsbury ; 587, 593. Richard ; 603. Thomas, letter to ; 14. Spain and the Spaniards ; 29, 30, 32, 33, 84, 113, 253-255, 404, 463, 468, 563, 604, 606, 616. Ambassador to France. See Mendoza, astronomers of ; 37. fleet of; 571. Spanish frigate, capture of a ; 554. Infanta of, the ; 30. 688 INDEX. Spain and the Spaniards — cont. (Philip IL), King of ; 571, 603, 626. Commissioners of ; 571. (^Philip IV.), King of; 30, 32, 33. (Charles II.), King of; 79, 253. (Philip V.), King of ; 468, 469. (Charles III.), King of; 496. ministers of ; 32. Peace with England ; 41,67. and Holland ; 99. Spanish ship, a. See Ships named, St. Stephen. trade of ;|253. treaty with England; 253, 254. Spakmau, John. See Speakman. Spanish match, the ; 29, 30, 33. Sparrows, two brothers surnamed; 359. Sparth, CO. Lane. ; 5. letter dated at ; 383. Speaker, the. See under Commons. Speakman, Ellen ; 137. John, of Altcar; 137, 138. Speenhamland, co. Berks ; 531. Spencer, Anne ; 55. Captain ; 297, 370. Mr.; 188, 196. W., order signed by ; 115. William, Sheriff of Lancashire ; 77. Spiliken. Nee wwder Brussels. Spisnhamland. See Speenhamland. Spithead; 398, 538. Spragg, Sir Edward; 78. Stacy, Mr., of Eeddington ; 369. Stafford ; 63, 505, 506. governor at ; 63. Stafford, Lord (1586) ; 622. [William Howard], Viscount; 104, 105, 122, 123. his execution ; 123, 124. Lord (1684) ; 175. Lord (1694) ; 29.5, 296, 303, 369. his brother Mr. Stafford ; 29.5, 296, 369. Mrs.; 461. Thomas ; 461. his son T., letter from ; 460. Thomas, a highwayman ; 315. Staffordshire; 103, 176, 292, 296, 300, 302, 304, 354, 376. Stainbuck, Colonel; 377. Stain cliffe, Stanyclyffe, letter dated at ; 598. Staindrop, letter dated at ; 558. Stalmine, co. Lane. ; 8, 230. Stamford, Lord (1795) ; 544. — ; 184. Standish, co. Lane. ; 11,16, 230, 310, 352- 354, 377. letters dated at; 16, 356. parson of. See Leigh, William. Lee, Mr. Haydock, William. Hall; 308, 333, 336, 341, 342, 348, 352, 353, 369, 408. the Lord of ; 352, 354. Standish, Standis, Standishe, Staundishe : Edward ; 11, 583. Mary ; 586. Mr., of Standish ; 238, 297, 301, 304, 329, 336, 337, 370, 377, 381. Standish, Standis, Standishe, Staundishe cont. Sir Richard; 116, 202. 224, 234, 235, 278, 279, 285, 268, 380. letter from ; 247. Lady Margaret; 356. letters from ; 292, 305, 356, 375, 379, 381. petition of ; 380. William; 194. Standon, Captain Griffith ; 277. Stanford, Mr. ; 103. Stangend, co. Lane. ; 231. Stanhope, Lord (1788) ; 525. letter from ; 525. Colonel ; 461. his regiment of dragoons ; 460. Stanislaus. See Poland, King of. Stanley, Standlie: — , of Eccleston ; 295, 303. Bishop ; 440. Captain; 313. Charles ; 409, 412, 419. Colonel; 444. C. Z., letters from ; 439, 446. Edward; 110,195. Sir Edward; 131. Henry ; 603. the Honourable Master; 282, 286. the Hon. Colonel James, (afterwards Earl of Derby, Q-.t;.) ; 286, 357, 373, 400, 408-410, 413. letter from ; 422. his regiment ; 422. Sir John ; 73. the two Ladies ; 172. Major ; 72. Mr.; 178-180, 218, 249, 290, 359, 369. the Hon. Mr. ; 508. Mr., of Preston; 314. Mr., governor of the House of Cor- rection at Preston ; 452. Peter ; 593. Richard ; 194, 195. Sir Robert ; 73. Sir Rowland ; 239, 293,301, 307-310, 329, 348, 351, 357, 362, 365, 368, 369, 371, 376, 387. T., letter from ; 508. Sir T. ; 451. Sir Thomas, of Alderley ; 194, 274, 284, 293, 295, 300, 302. 314, 363, 364, 366, 369, 377, 384, 387, 398, 402. his wife ; 377. family, the ; 285. Stanynought, Thomas ; 112. Staples, Colonel ; 311. Stapleton, Sir — ; 294, 369. I Sir Miles ; 129. i Star Chamber, the ; 45, 61, 84, 626. I Starkie, Starky: lawyer; 356. James ; 289. John, letter from ; 46. John, of Huntrode ; 38. Mr.; 54, 153, 217, 218, 440, 442. INDEX. 689 Starkie, Starky — cont. Nicholas ; 195, 377. letters from ; 216, 218, 439. Ralph, of Altcar ; 137, 138. Robert; 169. Robert, of Read ; 39. W., letter from ; 498. Statutes. See under Acts. Staveley, co. Lane. ; 230. Staynrod, Gervase ; 182, 196. Thomas ; 182. Steaforth Sands, [co. York] ; 1. Stealy, Francis, of Yeograve ; 359. Steele, Mr., speech of ; 454. Thomas, letter to ; 532. letter from; 533. Stepehenson, Mr. ; 72. Stepkins, Stepkyn, Goddard ; 339, 343, 344. Stevens, — ; 550. Stevenson, Major Richard ; 415, 416, 419. letters from; 269, 279, 280, 414. Steward, — ; 374. Lieut.-General, his regiment : 443. Stidd, CO. Lane. ; 9. Stillingfleet, Dr. ; 108. Stockbridge ; 284. CO. Hants ; 407. Stockdale, Joseph ; 181. Stockham Heath, co. Chester ; 235. Stockport; 222, 292, 385, 413, 416, 429, 486, 500. letters dated at; 61, 110, 463. Stocks, George, bailiff ; 279, 287. Stockton, Michael ; 410. Thomas ; 232. Stolte, Adam ; 582. Stone, letter dated at ; 131. Stones, William, clerk ; 230. Stonham, Richard ; 23. Stony hurst ; 38. Stopford, letter dated at ; 461. Stopford, Ralph ; 195,196. William ; 196. Story, Mr. ; 5 1 1 . Stowell, Lord (1826); 568. Stradburye (Ireland) ; 610. Strafford, [Thomas], Lord Wentworth, $'.y., Earl of ; 60, 61. Strange, Straunge, Lord (temp. Eliz.), letter to ; 594. Lord (1693) ; 272, 284, 307, 418. Lord (1768) ; 500, 501, 516. Strange ways, letters dated at; 85, 90. Strangford, Lord (1694) ; 299, 370. Stratford, Dr. Nicholas. See Chester, Bishop of. Strathmore, Countess Dowager of. See Bowes, Lady Mary Eleanor. Streatlam Castle, co. Durham ; 524. Street Gate, Streat Yate, Clerk of the Peace at. See Rigby, (j-eorge. Stretch, Thomas ; 467. Stretell, James ; 231. Stretford, co. Lane. ; 11, 110. the tinker of; 271. Strickland, Mr. ; 369. Sir, — ; 294. Sir Roger ; 221. Stringer, Colonel ; 438. Mr.; 154, 399, 400. Sir Thomas; 116, 121, 132, 139, 154, 177-180. letters from ; 89, 100, 152. Thomas, letter from ; 158. Strong, Mr. ; 557. Mrs. ; 529. Samuel, letter from ; 529. Sturtou, Lord (1586) ; 622. Styth, — ; 152. Subsidies ; 34, 60, 586, 587, 606, 607. Sudbury, co. Suff. ; 407. Sudell, Alderman ; 450. Roger ; 239. Suffolk; 501. brewers in ; 248. Suffolk, Thomas, 9th Earl of, letters from ; 17, 25. Summer, John ; 424, 458, 459. letters from ; 434, 437, 438, 440, 443, 451, 452, 457. letters to ; 426, 440, 446, 457. Sunderland ; 384. Sunderland, [Robert Spencer, 2nd] Earl of ; 200, 204, 216. letter to ; 117. Countess of ; 204. Surrey ; 192. Surrey, Lord (1780) ; 509. Lady (1780) ; 509. Sussex ; 105, 292. Mayor and chief officers of the ports of; 243. Sutch, Silvester, of Ormskirk ; 137. Sutton, — ; 319. John, of Altcar ; 137, 138. Robert; 183. Sutton Lodge, co. Warw. ; 311. Swaney, — ; 152. Swarbreck, Swartbreck, Mr. ; 314. Robert ; 232. William; 182. Swarthmoor, co. Lane.; 231. Sweden and the Swedes ; 78. Envoy from ; 439. (Gustavus Adolphus), King of, a post from ; 50. (Charles XI.), King of ; 84, 281. (Charles XII.), King of ; 439. Ships of ; 203. Swettenham, — ; 450. Swift, Mr. ; 264. Swinley, letters dated at ; 501. Swinton Moor, [co. Lane.] ; 82. Swiss (Switzers), in Ireland ; 239. Sydall Moor ; 621. Syddall, Edward. See Siddall. Sydenham, Richard; 277. his wife Grace ; 277. Sydney, Lord (1786-88) ; 526. letter from ; 522. Sir Algernon ; 1 69, 264. Symonds, — ; 330. Symons, Benjamin, letter from ; 147. Syon House ; 211. 73480. X X 690 INDEX. T Taffe, Count ; 327. • Taafe, Taaffe, Mr., 317-319, 323-335, 337-349, 362, 366-368, 394. his discovery, account of ; 387-394. Talbot, Talbott, Talbotte : Captain; 311. Dorothy; 109. Edward, letter from ; 46. G. ; 251. Jo., letter from ; 40. John, of Salesbury (Saleburie) ; 593. Thomas ; 583. Talke-on -the- Hill ; 131. Tamworth, [co. Staff.] ; 25. Tangiers; 129, 133. Tarbock, Mr. ; 12. Tarleton ; 434. Edward, letter from ; 162. his son Edward ; 162. Ed.; 263. Mr.; 501. Tashrough, Mr. ; 299, 370. Tatam, Edmund ; 230. Tatham, co. Lane. ; 7, 109, 230, 232, 246. Tatham, Ann. See Lunt, John. Tatlock, Tattlock ; John; 194. John, of Melling; 137. Mr. ; 397, 398. Taubman, Thomas, letter from ; 266. Taxes, inequality of ; 376. Tay, the river ; 20. Taylor, Tayler : Alice ; 572. Edmund; 194. James; 572. John, curate of Altham ; 228. Mr. (1672-81) ; 94, 139. Mr. (1694) ; 542. Mr., a silk man ; 66. Ric.hard, minister at Heysham ; 229. Richard, a tradesman in Manchester ; 410. Rohei*t, letters from ; 471. Samuel ; 484. Zachary, letters from ; 127, 134, 142. Zachary, vicar of Ormskirk ; 229. Tea, duty on, receipts from ; 275. Teddington (jrove, letter dated at ; 551. Tempest, — ; 294, 369. Templars, Society of the ; 156. Temple, Sir Richard ; 139, 254. Sir William ; 99. Tench, .John ; 134. letters from; 111, 112, 149, 152, 156, 166. Mr. ; 200. Tenison, Mr. ; 333. Tent wine ; 82. Terrone, the. See Tyrone, Earl of. Tetlawe, Alice ; 572. George ; 572. Teversall, letter dated at ; 103. Thackeray, William ; 483. Thames, the river ; 79,398. Theeffley, Thiefley; 40, 51. letter dated at ; 46. Thelfall, Edmund. See Threlfall. Thellwall, — ; 492. Thelwell, — ; 544. his trial ; 542. Theobalds ; 24, 25. Therlfeild ; 224. Thetford, co. Norf. ; 407. * Thisleworth, letter dated at ; 78. Tholonn. See Toulon. Thomas, John ; 263. William; 485. Thomason, Thomas ; 232. Thomasson, Jo. ; 374. Thomkinson, Mr. See Tomkinson. Thompon, Mr,, prebend of Chester; 282. Thompson, Thomson, Tompson ; Alexander, letter from ; 55. letter to ; 41. Anthony ; 260. — ; 129. Sir John ; 399. Joseph ; 26. letters from ; 30, 55. Sir Henry, of Eskricke ; 96, 97. Mr.; 465. Mrs. ; 465, Ralph ; 404. Richard, curate of Gressingham ; 229. Robert, letter from ; 44. Thornborowe, William; 593. Thornham, [co. Lane.]. See Thurnham. Thornton, [co, York], order dated at ; 18. Thornton, Dr. ; 550. Henry ; 533. J., letter from ; 417. Mr. ; 450, Thorpe, Henry ; 161. John ; 467. Richard ; 467, 572. William (1609) ; 15. William (1814) ; 563. Thoulon. See Toulon. Thrale, Mr. ; 532. Thrale & Co. ; 533. Threlfall, Edmund, of the Ashes, Goos- nargh; 293, 294, 301, 302, 312- 315, 360, 369, 374, 375, 377, 378, 384. information of ; 150. his widow ; 354. his son ; 240. James ; 229. Throckmorton, Throgmorton, Frogmorton: Sir — ; 369. George ; 233. Sir Robert ; 293, 302. Sir Roland ; 350. Throp, Captain, of Bolton ; 223. Thurland, Baron ; 112. Thurlow, Edward, afterwards Lord, At- torney-General; 515, 536, 548. letters from ; 502,512, 516,527, 540, 547-549. INDEX. 691 Thurnham, co. Lane. ; 109, 313, 374, 574, 595. letter dated at ; 360. Hall; 312. Moss ; 312. Thurot ; 496. Thy er, Robert ; 181. Tichbourne, Tychburne : Cheadyoke ; 611, 624. the confession of ; 612. Sir Henry ; 300, 302, 370. Tickle, Tickel : of Altcar : Edward ; 135, 137, 138. Thomas ; 135, 137, 138. Margery ; 137. Peter; 183. Peter, a pupil at Manchester ; 467. Thomas; 195. Tickles, Peter ; 314. Tiddyman, Sir Thomas ; 78. Tilbury Port ; 299. Tildesley. See Tyldesley. Tillney, — , the confession of; 613. Tilsby, Mr. ; 94, 95. Tilsley, Mr. ; 144, 152. Parson; 90,91. Times, the ; 553. Tinney, Samuel ; 410. Tinsley, — . See Tyldesley, Mr., of Lodge. Thomas; 467. Tipping, George ; 14. Thomas; 481, 484. Tirconnel, Earl of. See Tyrconnel. Tiverton ; 207. Tobacco ; 26, 28, 40, 48, 149. Tockholes, co. Lane. ; 10, 230-232. Toddington ; 44. Todmorden, co. Lane. ; 12, 41, 48, 54. letter dated at ; 60. Tomkinson, Thomkinson : Harry; 544. James, letters from ; 494, 530. Mr. ; 463, 494, 495, 503. William ; 503. W. W., letter from ; 501. Tomlinson, George, letter from ; 48. William ; 150, 151. William, Governor of the House of Correction at Preston ; 245, 247. William, a pupil at Manchester; 467. William, of Garstang; 224. Tompson. See Thompson. Tonge, Henry; 467. Mr. ; 105, 106. Tonge Moor ; 214, 464. Tonstalle, Francis ; 583. Toogood, Towgood, Mr. ; 297, 369. Tooke, Horne ; 544, 550. Topcliflfe, Topelyff, Sheriff; 612, 618. Topsham ; 430. Torbay; 506. Tories, the ; 444, 445, 456. Torrington, [Arthur Herbert], Earl of; 242, 243. Toulon, Tholonn, Thoulon; 387, 396, 398, 402, 405. Touneley. Nee Townley. Tounesend, Michael. See Townsend, Tounson, George. See Townson. Towgood, Mr. See Toogood. Townley; 312, 350, 358. letter dated at ; 357. Townley, Towneleye, Towneley, Touneley : Charles; 312, 314, 359. Dorothy; 110. Edmund, of Royle ; 583. Francis; 110. Henry ; 45. Isabella; 110. John ; 1 10. Katherine; 110, Mr. (1604) ; 10. Mr. (1694) ; 372. Mrs. See Nowell, Mrs. Richard ; 110. Scoweroft ; 39. of Townley : — ; 204. Richard; 38. Colonel Richard; 293-295, 297, 301-303, 312, 314, 329, 349, 350, 354, 359, 369. — — letter from; 357. his son ; 358. his daughter Townley ; 358, Townsburgh ; 1. Townsend, Townshend, Tounesend : Viscount (1746) ; 486. General ; 496. Michael, letter from ; 65. Townson, Tounson, George; 221. John ; 230. William ; 232. Toxteth Park, co. Lane. ; 8, 231. Tozer, Tozier, Tozar, Captain ; 297, 299, 300, 369. Trafford, letter dated at ; 59. Trafford, Trafforde: Sir Edmund ; 14. the eldest son of ; 591. Edmund ; 110, 195. his wife, Frances ; 1 10. Humphrey, letter from ; 167. Mr.; 159, 289, 401, 415. Thomas ; 586. Trained bands. See under Soldiers. Traitors, protection for ; 61. Transportation ; 158, 167. Trappes, Traps, — ; 294, 369. Travers, Mrs. Anne, of Nateby ; 584. Sir Thomas, letter from ; 255. Travis, Traves, Travez : — , the confession of; 617. Edmund; 183,410. George; 586. James ; 410. Thomas ; 572, Treason; 60, 68, 221, 307, 381. Treasurer, Lord; 5, 23, 25, 79, 89, 96, 97, 106, 108, 113, 183, 264, 437, 456, 604, 606, 621-626. Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer; 134. Treasury, the ; 143, 264, 344, 456, 552. i Chamber. See under Westminster. 692 INDEX. Treasury — cont. Lords Commissioners of the 133, 136, 139, 155, 159, 183, 219, 258, 339, 355, 407, 409, 486. letters from ; 146, 225. Solicitor to. See Smith, Aaron. Trehy, Sir George, Lord Chief Justice ; 158, 306, 356, 404. Tregony, co. Cornwall ; 450. Trelawney v. Bishop of Winchester ; 502. Trenchard, Sir John, Secretary of State ; 277, 318, 346, 372, 384, 387, 388, 390, 394. Trevor, Treavor, Judge ; 60. Sir Thomas ; 31. letter from ; 44. letter to ; 39. Tripoli, the Consul at ; 276. Troops. See under Soldiers. Troy, T- ; 400. Tufton, Colonel ; 297, 299, 369, 370. Tully, Justice ; 317. Tunbridge ; 305, 382. Tunstall, co. Lane. ; 7, 230. Turbervile, — ; 124, 129. Turenne, [Marshal] ; 100. Turks, the; 162, 166, 262. Turner, James ; 534. Matthew; 316. Matthew, a common bailiff ; 458, 459. Mr. ; 154. Mr., a preacher ; 13. Richard ; 54. Thomas, of Preston ; 51. Sir William ; 154. Turnlay, John ; 2. Turton, co. Lane. ; 11, 230. Turton, Sir John ; 376. judge ; 403, 415. Tuscar, the ; 264. Tutbury, [co. Staff.] ; 25. Tuthill, George ; 276. Tuttell, Mr., hydrographer to James II. ; 430. Tweed, the river ; 1 7. Twhinge, Mrs. Jane, of Kirkland ; 584. Tychburne, Cheadyoke. See Tichbourne. Tyldesley, Tildsley, Tydisleye, Tildesley, Tilsley, Tinsley, Tyddesleye : Captain ; 202. Edward ; 587. Edward, of Lodge ; 111. Edward, of Myerscough; 150, 151. letter from ; 143. Elizabeth, of Merscoe ; 584. Lady ; 313. Mr. ; 8, 93. Mr., of Lodge ; 312, 314, 319, 349, 351. Mr., of Stausacre ; 295, 303, 369. Mrs. ; 312. Thomas; 151, 583. Sir Thomas ; 26. Colonel Thomas; 293-295, 301-303, 369. Thurstan ; 9. Tynmouth Castle,fee for the custody of ; 17. guuners, etc., at ; 25. Tynwald, the. See under Man, Isle of. Tyrconnel, Tirconnel, [Richard Talbot], Earl of ; 211, 218. Tyrer, John ; 135. Thomas ; 281. Tyrone (Terrone), Earl of (1599); 610. u Ubank, Colonel Henry ; 277. Udall, — ; 608. I Ulverston, co. Lane. ; 7, 230. j Unitarians] the ; 563. j United States of America, the. See under i America. Upper House, the. See Lords. Upton, letter dated at ; 506. Urmston, Eleanor ; 109. John; 109. Peter; 110. Richard ; 13. Urswick, co. Lane. ; 7, 230. Usherwood, Isherwood, q.v. : John, curate of Elixton ; 22£. John, of Manchester, clerk ; 230, Lieutenant ; 313, 358, 360. Utrecht ; 428, 429. Uttoxeter; 359. Utworth, Captain ; 311. V Val, the village of ; 472. Valentine, — , under- sheriff ; 356, 448. Edward; 195. Valladolid; 113. Vargyna. See Virginia. Vaughan, Colonel; 277, 304. I Mr. ; 297, 369, 528, 534. j Vavasoifr, — ; 294, 369. I Veale, Edward, letter from ; 47. j John ; 248. I Mr.; 48. I Venetian Resident, the. See Cavalli. Pizzoni. Venice, letter dated at ; 413. Venn, Adrian, letter from; 253. Ventrinolia; 472. Verigny, Mr. ; 175, 176. Vernon, — ; 217,218. Mr. ; 450. Vice-Chamberlain, the (1586) ; 613, 621, 622, 626. Vienna ; 162, 496, 497, 566. letter dated at ; 468. treaty of ; 468, 469. Virginia ; 263. (Vargyna) tobacco ; 40. INDEX. 693 Vittoria, Vitoria, battle of ; 562. Voltaire, [FraD 9 ois Marie Arouet de] ; 474. Volunteers. See wider Kegiments. Soldiers. Vosper, Captain James ; 277. w W., Sir R. ; 545. Waddall, Mr. ; 211. WaddingtoQ, — ; 558. Robert; 231. Thomas ; 380. William; 231. Waddow, letters dated at ; 193, 278, 289. Wadsworth, John ; 467. Wagstaff, Wagstaffe: James ; 467. Peter; 410. Wainwright, William ; 194. Wakefield, Gilbert ; 550. Wakeman, Dr. ; 113. George ; 129. Walcopp, Justice ; 129. Walcot, Walcutt, Captain ; 161, 162, 166. Wales; 36, 80, 221, 475. Justices of the Peace for ; 447. revenue of, charges on ; 276. North ; 304. South ; 546. Wales, James Edward, Prince of. See James, Edward, Prince. Princess of (1821) ; 565. Walgrave, Lord (1689) ; 233. Walkden, — ; 111. Mr. ; 9. Walkden Moor; 423. Walker, John ; 232, 410. John, a pupil at Manchester ; 467. Joseph ; 410. Josiah; 410. Mr., Apothecary to the Prince of Wales (afterwards George IV.) ; 559. Mr., Marshal of the King’s Bench ; 532, 533. Mrs.; 510. Nathaniel; 181. Ralph ; 604. Roger ; 196. William ; 232. Wall, Dr. ; 539. Law. ; 239. Wallace, Wallis, Mr., Attorney-General ; 509, 511, 515. Wallasey, Wallessy ; 129, 385. Waller, Sir William ; 63, 126. Walles, Thomas ; 29. Walloons, in Ireland ; 239. Walley. See Whalley. Walls, Parson, of Sandbach ; 450. Walmsley, co. Lane. ; 232. Walmsley, Walmesley, Walsmisly, W ai- mer sleye : of Dunckenhalgh : Colonel Bartholomew ; 295,296, 303, 304, 365, 369, 372, 375, 376, 383, 387, 388. Thomas ; 50. Edward ; 583. George, vicar of Leyland ; 229. Henry, curate of Blackburn; 228. John ; 412. letter from ; 453. Mr. ; 247, 334, 347, 349, 353, S68. Mr., murder of ; 381. Mrs. ; 448. Nath.; 239. Ralph ; 232. Richard; 110. letter from ; 95. his wife Dorothy ; 110. Robert ; 149. Thomas ; 583. letter to ; 48. Thomas, of Coldcotes ; 38. Sir Thomas ; 50. Walpole, Horatio ; 511. Sir Robert ; 553. Walsall, Wassail, letter dated at ; 63. Walsh, Thomas, letters from; 113, 146. Walsingham, Sir Francis; 590, 591, 622, 624. Walter, John, letter from ; 551. Walton, CO. Lane. ; 13, 48, 194, 316, 378, 601. letters dated at; 112, 126, 279, 281, 285, 419, 473. Walton, — ; 342. Captain, of Folkestone (Foulston) ; 298, 347, 370. Walton-le-Dale, co. Lane. ; 230, 231. Walton-cum-Fazakerley, co. Lane. ; 230. Wapra, co. Flint ; 362. Warburton, Warberton, Francis ; 29. Sir George ; 445. Jo., letter from ; 87. Richard, clerk ; 196. Richard, rector of Middleton ; 229. Ward, Warde: Lord, his son; 168. Sir Edward, Attorney-General ; 376. John, minister at Warrington ; 230. Mr., M.P. for Newton ; 454. parson; 168. Sir Patience; 160, 167, 264. Colonel Philip ; 66. Warden, Mr. ; 397, 398, 408, 418. Wardley, Wardly ; 215, 453, 582. Wardrobe, Master of the ; 217. Wards, Master of the ; 3. Ware ; 107. Waring, — ; 130. Diana ; 26, 28. John, letter from ; 27. John, curate of Great Crosby ; 229. Warmiugham, John ; 467. Warmisley, Mr. ; 443. Warrant, a ; 204. 694 INDEX. Warren, Dorothy, wife of Edward ; 109. Sir George; 500, 516. Jack ; 427. Jo., letters from; 89, 110. his daughter ; 110. Mr. ; 178, 188, 286, 372, 464. Mr. Justice; 278, 282, 283. “ Warrens,’’ letters dated at ; 559, 560. Warriner, Mr. ; 49. Warring, — ; 306. Warrington, co. Lane. ; 12, 98, 143, 150, 151, 194, 201, 202, 205, 222, 223, 230, 231, 252, 272, 282, 311, 395, 426. letters dated at ; 272, 383, 466. coach, the ; 440. “ The Golden Lion ” in ; 389. Warrington, Lord (1689-97) ; 234, 274, 277, 281, 282, 285, 286, 291, 423. Lord (1733) ; 469. Warton, co. Lane. ; 7, 109, 230. Warwick ; 25. Warwick, Earl of (1586) 622, 626. Warwickshire; 134, 382, 608. Wassail. See Walsall. Waste committed by lords and others (1746), opinion touching; 486. Waterford ; 239. Waterloo, drawings of ; 563. Watkinson, Captain John; 277. Mary ; 43. Watmoughe, Mr. ; 12. Watson, John; 183. — — letter from ; 440. Mr.; 530. William, keeper of Eahy Park ; 24. Way, J. ; 526. Weale, Sir Charles; 302. Weaving, notes concerning; 572, 573. Wehbe, John; 582. Webber, — , an attorney of Eurnival’s Inn ; 409. Webster, John ; 144. letter from; 214. William ; 263. Websters, the ; 443. Weddall, Weddell, J. ; 273, 274, 279, 286, 291. letters from ; 289, 291. Robert, letter from ; 413. Wediker, co. Lane. See Whittaker. Weld, Mr. ; 152. Wellesley, Marquis, afterwards Duke of Wellington, g.t;. ; 561. Wellington, Duke of (previously Marquis Wellesley, q.v.) ; 562, 563. Wells, Mr. ; 397. Thomas, vicar of Prescot ; 230. William, vicar of Millom ; 229. Welsh, Edward, vicar of Rlackburu, letter from ; 597. Mr. ; 1 53. Mr., a pi-f‘acher ; 9. Wenlock, Widow ; 62. Wentworth, Lord (1586) ; 622. [Thomas], Lord (afterwards Earl of Strafford, g.u.), letter from ; 38. Wentworth — cont. Guicciardini, letters from; 89, 91, 98, 99, 112, 113, 115, 127, 133, 170, 171, 186, 272, 274, 275, 403, 411. letters to ; 273, 411. Mr.; 139, 149. Weobley; 179, 279, 516. Werden, James ; 229. John ; 182. Wesley, Samuel, rector of Epworth ; 434, 435. West, Daniel, of Burnley ; 42. Elizabeth; 109. Mr.; 161. Westby, Westbie : — , of Mowbrick ; 293, 302, 303, 369. Elizabeth, Isabell, and Ann, letter from ; 127. John, of Molebrigge ; 593. Mr. ; 491. West Chester; 301. West Derby, Darby, co. Lane. ; 13. West Derby Hundred, co. Lane. ; 8, 139, 319, 583, 585, 586, 594, 606. bailiff* of; 29, 138. chief constables for ; 29. clergy in (1604); 12, 13. highways in, order touching, and per- sons nominated to inquire into ; 193-195. Justices of the Peace in ; 583. West Leigh, co. Lane. ; 109, 110. Westminster ; 86, 129, 154, 176, 240, 241, 280-282, 285, 287-291, 297, 354, 357, 375, 378-380, 401, 423, 497. letters dated at; 33, 78, 80-84, 86, 87, 89, 91, 269, 394, 396, 398, 399, 403, 408, 416, 423, 425, 438, 450, 454, 500. the poor of ; 277. Abbey ; 85, 524, 579 (cathedral church of). Dean and Chapter of; 277. King Henry VII.’s Chapel ; 84. the Bridewell in; 311. College, letter dated at ; 27. Dartmouth Street ; 362. Dean Yard, letter dated at ; 82. Downing Street, letters dated at ; 517, 518, 521, .522, 525, .526, 534, 535, 537, 545. Duchy [of Lancaster] Chamber, Court of ; 65. the Duchy [of Lancaster] Court ; 70, 161, 246, 425. the Duchy [of Lancaster] House, letters dated at; 31, 44. the Gatehouse prison ; 317. Grand Jury of ; 126. Hall; 153, 209, 278, 284, 321, 509, 524, 526, 528. letter dated at ; 541. King Charles I.’s Hospital , 277. Palace Yard, letters dated at; 523, 525, 534, 554. “ the Dog ” in ; 101. St. James’; 67, 211, 334, 516, 536, 554. INDEX. 695 Westminster — cont. St. James’, letters dated at ; 435, 511, 522. Bury Street ; 318, 327. Golden Square ; 311, 315. W arwick Street near ; 362. the poor of ; 277. Popish chapel at ; 207. St. Alban’s Street, “ the Iron Balcony ” in ; 311. “ the White Hart ” in ; 315. St. James’ Park ; 143. St. James’ Square, letters dated at; 536, .537, 540, 561. St. James’ Street ; 143, 317, 327, 544. letter dated at ; 512. School ; 449. Whitehall; 29,78, 80, 85, 109, 128, 154, 177, 183, 211, 217, 242, 422. 423, 471. letters dated at ; 17, 24, 39, 42, 49, 53, 95, 111, 116, 118, 135, 204, 215, 219, 225, 250, 253, 254, 258, 263, 415, 491, 515, 537, 604. the Court at; 119, 120. letter dated at ; 100. Ormond Gate near ; 253. Pay Office, letter dated at ; 533. Treasury Chamber, letters dated at ; 114, 143, 146, 185. W estmoreland, Clerk of the Peace for ; 225. Justices of the Peace for ; 225. Receiver-General of. See Hayhurst, William. Westmoreland, Lord (1794) ; 542. Weston, Judge ; 60, 123. Weston Cony, co. Staff. ; 359. Westphalia; 609. Wexford; 260. Weymouth, Lord (1790) ; 530. Whalley, co. Lane. ; 10, 27, 38, 39, 50, 51, 53, 57, 230, 232, 251, 291, 376,378. letters dated at; 45, 49, 51-53, 70, 211, 241. alms for the poor of ; 38, 39. church of ; 39, 355. churchwardens of ; 39. the preacher at ; 36. rectory; 110. vicar of ; 49. See also Ormerod, Peter. Gey, Stephen. Whalley, Walley: Mr.; 270. Ra., of Stanthorn ; 244. Richard; 181. Richard, a soldier ; 440. Thomas ; 231. letter from ; 383. Thomas, of Manchester; 478-482, 485. William, depositions of ; 368, 369. Wharmbye, Samuel ; 410. Wharton, Lord (1682), his eldest son ; 154. C., letter from ; 255. Humphrey ; 24. Wharton — cont. Thomas ; 207. Sir Thomas ; 173, 175. Wheck, — ; 374. Wheler, — ; 266. — , a notary ; 621. Whig Club, the ; 531. Whigs, the ; 434, 444, 456, 568. Whinnybeyes, letter dated at ; 47. Whitaker, — ; 548. Ellis ; 572. Henry, of Oldham ; 572. John, of Hollinwood, the eldest son of; 572. Whitall, — ; 296, 369. Whitchcott, Colonel ; 435. Whitchurch; 371. plan, the ; 382. races ; 497. White, Whyte : Dr. ; 611, 613-619. Mr., a preacher; 8, 12, 16. Parson; 263. Richard ; 229. Thomas ; 183, 227. Whiteford Volunteers, the ; 548. Whitehall. See under Westminster. Whitehaven; 150. Whiteley, John, of Manchester ; 464. Whiteside, Robert ; 230. Whitewell, co. Lane. ; 10. Whitfield, — ; 495. Mr., a cardmaker ; 296. Mr. ; 299, 300, 315-318, 346, 348, 369. Whitford, Robert, letter from ; 378. Whitgrave, Thomas ; 277. Whitley, Colonel ; 237. Cornet ; 249. John ; 467. Whitney, — , the highwayman ; 295, 369. Whitsand Bay, reasons for building a mould or harbour in ; 429, 430. Whittacre, Dr. ; 279. Whittaker, Wediker, co. Lane. ; 230. Whittingham, co. Lane. ; 109, 232, 306. Whittington, co. Lane. ; 7, 63, 230, 232. Whittle, Hugo ; 467. Whitworth, co. Lane. ; 12. Whitworth, Joseph ; 232. Widdowes, John ; 182, 194. Widriugton, Captain, an alias of John Lunt, q.v. Wiersdale. See Wyersdale. Wigan; 4, 13, 41, fc3, 58, 101, 109, 110, 115, 128, 132, 152, 153, 157, 161, 168, 169, 175, 178, 179, 194, 198, 201, 202, 226, 230, 232, 245, 246, 253, 262, 263, 270, 278, 279, 282, 283, 319, 328, 359, 362, 384, 394, 395, 409, 421, 422, 424, 426, 439- 442, 444, 446, 449, 450, 452, 453, 455, 457-459, 464, 479, 485, 486, 500, 589. letters dated at ; 26-28, 45, 52, 88, 127-129, 136, 172, 177, 196, 204, 208, 235, 247, 283, 422, 424, 425, 440, 453, 597. 696 INDEX. Wigan — co7it. Aldermen of ; 127, 189, 204. bailiff of the Corporation of, order to ; 235. book of baptisms, &c., at ; 102. Burgesses of; 71, 127, 493. church ; 4, 5, 54, 442, 462. church of, proceedings in a suit re- lating to ; 447. churchwardens of ; 5, 54. Cocking ; 95. Corporation of ; 236, 447. declaration by, of the title under which they hold the Fair, Markets, and Leet ; 441, 442. “ The Cross Keys ” in ; 458. “ The Eagle and Child ” in ; 389. election ; 455, 458, 459, 467. election, poll at ; 425, 429, 511. inhabitants of (Wiggoners) ; 189. Lane (Road) ; 352, 353, 377. market, tolls received from ; 4. Mayor of ; 58, 71, 127, 128, 131, 132, 189, 196, 202, 213, 288, 402, 422, 424. letter to ; 209. See also Barrowe, Robert. Bankes, — . Harvey, James. Mayor, bailiffs, aldermen, &c., of, “ the humble answer made to the King by ; 423. Mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of, humble address of (to George I.) ; 459, 460. Mayor and burgesses of, petitions of ; 24, 25. Mayor and magistrates of, letter to ; 462. parson of. See Fleetwood, Edward. Recorder of; 127,422, 423. See also Kenyon, George. rector of ; 440, 446. See also Finch, Edward. Older- sey, Mr. rectory of ; 25. riot at, inquisition concerning ; 137. rioters at ; 153. rioters of the Corporation of, brief against ; 132. Sessions ; 93, 120, 122, 131, 150,450, 591. “ The Three Legs of Man ” in ; 210. Wigginton, — ; 608. Wiggins, Thomas ; 173, 174. Wight, Isle of ; 243, 4i05. Wilberforce, William, letters from ; 523, 525, 527, 533, 538, 555. Wilbraham, Mr. ; 494, 495. Wild, Justice ; 112, 290. Wilkes, Mr. ; 502. Wilkins, Bishop. See under Chester. Wilkinson, Christopher, letters from ; 1 50, 193, 278. John, of Preston ; 482. Mr. ; 274, 282, 287. Mr. (brother-in-law of Dr. Priestley); 536. Mr., of Waddow; 211. ’ Willacy, John ; 224. i Willett, Mr. ; 471. I William TIL, King : j as Prince of Orange. See Orange, I Prince of. as King ; 216-219, 221, 233, 236, 238, 239, 241, 242, 244, 245, 248, 250, 251, 254, 260, 270, 285-287, 292, 295, 298-300, 306, 307, 330, 333, 347, 355, 373, 382, 383, 386-388, 394-396, 403, 405-409, 421-424. and Mary ; 217, 221, 228, 234, 235, 241, 308. See also Mary II., Queen. Williams, Abraham ; 29. Captain ; 64. W. ; 528. SirWatkin; 528. Sir William ; 264, 277, 309, 337, 344, 385, 524. Zachary; 540. his daughter, Mrs. Williams ; 540. Williamson, James ; 484. James, of Great Crosby; 311,313, 385. Robert, letters from ; 102, 103. William ; 263. Willis, Martin ; 194. Sir Thomas; 321. Willmott, Lord (1644) ; 63. Willote, Thomas ; 586. Willoughby, Lord, chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster ; 223, 240, 241, 246, 273-275, 280, 281, 287, 289, 290, 292, 309, 319, 372, 374, 375, 379, 380, 382, 417, 418, 449, 450, 452. his secretary. See Wentworth, Guicciardini. Margaret, Lady ; 280, 281, 375, 417. letters from ; 321, 382. her cousin Bromley. See Bromley, — . Honora, Lady, of Parham, letters from; 419-421. Lord (1783) ; 514. Captain ; 213. Hon. Hugh; 195, 246. Wills, Mr. ; 490. Wilmore, — ; 128. Wiloughbie, Mr. See Dangerfeild. Wilpshire, co. Lane. ; 109. Wilson, Willson, Willsonn : — ; 329, 337, 339, 349, — . See also Brown. — , grocer ; 502. Cuthbert; 315,316. Dick ; 400. Edward, letter from ; 110. George ; 308, 313, 314, 319, 320, 330, 335, 350, 351, 360, 365, 366, 368, 376, 381, 383, 385, 386, 389-391, 393, 402. information of ; 301-304. John ; 232 John, a linen weaver; 315. John, a prisoner ; 372, 375, 392. John, of Altcar; 137, 138. INDEX. 697 Wilson, Willson, Willsonn — cont. Lawrence, of Ormskirk ; 460. Miles ; 586. Mr. ; 284, 413, 418, 419. Mr., amanuensis of the Bishop of Chichester; 225. Mr., promoted to the bench ; 522. Kichard ; 232. Robert; 182. Thomas ; 29. Dr. Thomas, letters from ; 272, 281, 284, 304, 320, 373, 384, 385, 415. Thomas, curate of Newchurch ; 229. William ; 603. Wiltshire, Justices of; 531. Wiltshire, Lord (1688-9); 207, 218. Wimbledon ; 526. letter dated at ; 521. Winchester House, letter dated at ; 49. Winchester, [Thomas Cowper] , Bishop of. See Lincoln, Bishop of. Marquis of (1678) ; 108. Marquis of (1694-7) ; 328, 419. Winckley ; 71. . . ., letter from ; 240. Mr. ; 139, 142, 152, 354. Thomas ; 239. letters from ; 128, 239, 375. Windall, Richard ; 137, 263. Windar, letter dated at ; 127. Windebank, Secretary ; 60. Windham, Justice; 112, 153. Windle, Hardshaw-within. See Hardshaw. Windleshaw, CO. Lane. ; 12. Windsor; 25, 86, 87, 107, 117, 144, 437 letter dated at ; 520. Windsor, Wyndesor, Sir Andrew, letter from ; 2. letter to ; 2. Wines ; 48, 51. duties on, receipts from ; 276. Winmarleigh, Wynmerley ; 3. letter dated at ; 2. Winn, Winne, .John. See Wynne. Winnall, — ; 502. Winstanley; 202, 253. letters dated at; 128, 145, 189, 191, 210, 226. Winstanley, James, letters from ; 43, 45. his cousin Jollibrand; 43. Ralph ; 442, 443. Winstay; 502,521. Winter, — ; 365, 385. Winterbotham, Nathaniel ; 467. Winwick, co. Lane. ; 13, 194, 230, 440. letter dated at ; 371. Wiseman, Mr. ; 184. Wiswall ; 39, 50. letter dated at ; 57. Wiswall, John, letter from ; 56. Witchcraft ; 36, 55. Withe, the ; 62. Wither, Bigg (Brigg) ; 531. Withers, Thomas ; 229,230. Withington, Harry; 146. Ralph ; 434. Witton, Mr. ; 9. Woden in Barton ; 582. Wolfe, Woolf, General; 496. his regiment ; 493. Mr. ; 439. Wollsencrofte, George ; 583. Wolmore, Samuel; 467. Wolverhampton ; 461. Church; 104. Wombwell, Wombell, John ; 308, 319, 336, 339, 352, 353, 362, 365, 366, 368, 369. 381, 383, 385, 386, 389-391, 39.3, 402, 408. Wood,—; 148,329. James ; 228. John, letter from ; 271. Mary, wife of Richard ; ^79. Mr., Serjeant-at-Arms ; 498. the Rev. Mr., letter to ; 464. Richard; 316. Woodman, — , a highwaj^man ; 318. Woodplumpton, co. Lane. ; 8, 47, 230, 282. Woods, — , of Halsall, gunsmith ; 285. — , of Wigan ; 360. Die. ; 377. 1 Hamlett; 194. Mr.; 172. William, clerk ; 230. Woods and Forests, Surveyor-General of. See Robinson, John. Woodstock; 25. Woodstorkle, (Ireland) ; 610. Woodward, — , a priest ; 317. Woolfenden, Mr. ; 8. Woolmer, Daniel ; 182, 410. Worall, George, 587. Worcester; 63. battle of; 103. City Charter forfeited ; 158. Dean of. See Hicks, Dr. i Worcester, Woolcester, Earl of (1586) ; I 621, 622. the house of ; 7. I Worcestershire; 322,354. I Wordsworth, Christopher, letter from ; I 564. Worsley, co. Lane. ; 12. Hall, CO. Lane. ; 319. I Worsley, — ; 66. I Mr., of Platt ; 373. Mrs.; 67. Mrs., of Wardley ; 582. Ralph; 195,410. Richard; 58. Sir Robert ; 587. i Thomas, letter from ; 60. Worthington, Dr. ; T 39. James ; 28. John ; 18. his brother Peter ; 18. his sister. See Birtwisle, Dorothy. John; 289. Peter; 194. Richard; 183,410. Samuel; 410. Thomas, of Blanisco ; 314, 359. his son Richard ; 314, 359. Dr. Thomas ; 314. William ; 289. 73480. Y Y 698 INDEX. Wortley, Mr.; 386. Woiton, Doctor ; 128. Wrainsford, Baron ; 82. Wrennall, Mrs. Ann. See Lunt, John. Wrexham ; 537, 545. Wrickley, Mr. ; 438. Wright, Right, Wryht : Lord Chief Justice ; 192, 211, 216. Captain ; 213, 222. Captain, master of a transport ship ; 263. George, of Leigh ; 183, 184. John, letter from ; 16. John; 194, 281. Lawrence; 196. Mr. (1633) ; 51. Mr. (1646) ; 476. Mr., of Haslington ; 471. Richard ; 229. Sir Robert ; 156. Wrightington, co. Lane. ; 110. letter dated at ; 375. Wrightington, Wrightingtone, John ; 583. John, of Wrightington ; 585. Wrigley, Henry; 196. letter from; 67. Writs, the King’s, in Counties Palatine; 68 . Wroe, Rowe : John ; 410. Dr. Richard, warden of Manchester College ; 280, 413, 440. letters from ; 282, 355, 378, 401, 413-415, 424, 440, 451, 452. Rev. R., letter from ; 499. Dr. William, warden of Manchester College ; 229. Wurtemhurg, Duke of ; 407. Wyatt, — ; 625. Wybraham, Wybrand, Mr. ; 328, 329, 337, 338, 342-344. Wyersdale, co. Lane. ; 8, 316. Wyndesor, Sir Andrew. See Windsor, Sir Andrew. Wyndham, Francis ; 277. Rachel; 277. Sir Thomas ; 277. Wyngfeld, Sir Richard, letter from ; 3. Wynmerley. See Winmarleigh. Wynnan, Gaeryt, Dutchman, letter from ; 55. Wynne, Winn, Winne : John ; 181 . Mr., of Gop (?) ; 301. Owen, warden of the Mint ; 185. Peter, letter from ; 55. Wynstay. See Winstay. Y Yale, Doctor David ; 5. Yarmouth, Great, Fishermen and Adven- turers of ; 276. Yarrow, the river ; 470. Yate, William ; 110. Yates, Yeates : Joseph; 181,195. letters from ; 282, 286, 373. Sir Joseph ; 502. Justice ; 296, 306, 544. Lady (1783) ; 514. Mr.; 401. Nicholas ; 277. Peter, of Church Hulm ; 244. Yelland, co. Lane. ; 230. York; 96, 100, 147, 153, 209, 407, 443, 584, 598, 599. letters dated at ; 92, 148, 149. Assizes ; 92. city of ; 97. Dean of ; 7, 440. manor of, letter dated at ; 38. Mayor and Aldermen of, letters to ; 96, 97. the Minster garth in ; 37. St. Peter’s, Dean and Chapter of ; 171. York, Archbishop of: John [Piers] ; 598, 599, 601. letters from ; 599, 602. letters to ; 597, 600-602. Richard [Neyle], letter from ; 49. [Richard Sterne] ; 146. [John Dolben] ; 166, 193. [Thomas Lamplugh] ; 210. York, [Henry], Cardinal, (son of Prince James Edward Stuart) ; 533. York, James, Duke of. See James II. [Anne Hyde] Duchess of; 71, 123. her son. See Cambridge, Duke of. Frederick, Duke of; 525. Mr.; 561. Yorke, Charles ; 524. Philip, letter from ; 524. S. ; 544. Yorkshire; 144, 150, 151, 188, 292,294, 296, 300, 302, 395, 449, 451. broad cloth ; 588. gentlemen, some ; 330. nobility and gentry of, petition of ; 208. West Riding, order to constables for keeping watch in ; 18. Yssherwood, Mr. See Isherwood. Yverdon; 563. z Zarmin, — ; 571. Zouch, Lord (1586) ; 621, 622. 699 HISTORIC A.L MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. Date. Sessional Paper. Price. 1870 (Re- printed 1874.) 1871 1872 1873 1873 1876 First Report, with Appendix Contents : — England. House of Lords ; Cambridge Colleges; Abingdon, and other Cor- porations, &c. Scotland. Advocates’ Library, Glas- gow Corporation, &c. Ireland. Dublin, Cork, and other Corporations, &c. Second Report, with Appendix, and Index to the First and Second Reports ----- Contents : — England. House of Lords; Cam- bridge Colleges ; Oxford Colleges ; Monastery of Dominican Friars at Woodchester, Duke of Bedford, Earl Spencer, &c. Scotland. Aberdeen and St. An- drew’s Universities, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde ; Dr. Lyons, &c. Third Report, with Appendix and Index - - _ - . Contents : — England. House of Lords; Cam- bridge Colleges ; Stonyhurst Col- lege ; Bridgewater and other Cor- porations ; Duke of Northumber- land, Marquis of Lansdowne, Mar- quis of Bath, &c. Scotland. University of Glasgow; Duke of Montrose, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde ; Black Book of Limerick, &c. Fourth Report, with Appendix. Part I. - Contents ; — England. House of Lords; West- minster Abbey ; Cambridge and Oxford Colleges ; Cinque Ports, Hythe, and other Corporations, Marquis of Bath, Earl of Denbigh, &c. Scotland. Duke of Argyll, &c. Ireland. Trinity College, Dublin; Marquis of Ormonde. Ditto. Part II. Index - - - Fifth Report, with Appendix. Part I. - Contents : — England. House of Lords ; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges ; Dean and Chapter of Canterbury ; Rye, Lydd, and other Corporations, Duke of Sutherland, Marquis of Lansdowne, Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq., &c. Scotland. Earl of Aberdeen, &c. Ditto. Part II. Index - - - 2 0 73480. f’cap [C. 55] s. d. 1 6 [C. 441] 3 10 [C. 673] [i?e- ]printing] [C.857] 6 8 [C.857i.] [C.1432] [C.1432 i-] 2 6 7 0 *700 Date. Size. Sessional Paper. Price. 1877 1879 1881 I8H1 1881 1883 1884 1884 Sixth Keport, with Appendix. Part I. - Contents : — England. House of Lords ; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges ; Lambeth Palace; Black Book of the Arch- deacon of Canterbury ; Bridport, Wallingford, and other Corporations ; Lord Leconfield, Sir Eeginald Graham, Sir Henry Ingilby, &c. Scotland. Duke of Argyll, Earl of Moray, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde. Ditto. Part II. Index (Reprinted 1893) Seventh Report, with Appendix. Part I. = Contents House of Lords ; County of Somefrset ; Earl of Egmont, Sir Frederick Graham, Sir Harry Verney, &c. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index » Contents : — Duke of Athole, Marquis of Ormonde, S. F. Livingstone, Esq., &c. Eighth Report, with Appendix and Index. Part I. - » « Contents : — List of collections examined, 1869-1880. England. House of Lords ; Duke of Marlborough ; Magdalen College, Oxford ; Royal College of Physicians ; Queen Anne’s Bounty Office ; Corporations of Chester, Leicester, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde, Lord Emly, The O’Conor Don, Trinity College, Dublin, &c. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — The Duke of IVlanchester. Eighth Report. Part III. Appendix and Index - _ . - _ Contents : — The Earl of Asbburnham. Ninth Report, with Appendix and Index. Part I. - Contents : — • St. Paul’s and Canterbury Cathedrals ; Eton College ; Carlisle, Yarmouth, Canterbury, and Barnstaple Corpora- tions, &c. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — England. House of Lords, Earl of Leicester ; C. Pole Gell, Alfred Mor- rison, Esqs., &c. Scotland. Lord Elphinstone, H. C. Maxwell Stuart, Esq., &c. Ireland. Duke of Leinster, Marquis of Drogheda, &c. Ditto. Part III. Appendix and Index - . - _ . Contents : — Mrs, Stopford Sackville. fcap ii fS a is »» » •> » [C.1745] [C.3102] [C.2340] [C. 2340 i-] [C.3040] s. d, 8 6 1 10 printing] [JRe- printing] 8 6 [C.3040 i.] [C. 3040 ii.] [C.3773] [C.3773 1 9 1 4 [Be- prin/i?ig] 6 3 [C.3773 1 7 ii-] 1 7bi Date. ~ Size. Sessional Paper. Price. 1883 i j Calendar oe the Manuscripts of the Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. (or Cecil MSS.). Part I. - 8vo. 1 [C.3777] 1 s. d. [Re- 1888 Do. Part II. . > - 99 [C.5463] \p7'i7iti7ig‘j 3 5 1889 Do. Part III. 99 [C. 5889 2 1 1892 Do. Part IV. - 99 V.] [C.6823] 2 11 Do. Part V. 1 In the P7'ess. 1885 Tenth Keport . . - . This is introductory to the following ; — 1885 (1.) Appendix AND Index . - - The Earl of Eglinton, Sir J. S. Max- well, Bart., and C. S. H. D. Moray, C. F. Weston Underwood, G. W. Digby,Esqs. 1885 (2.) Appendix and Index The Family of Gawdy. 1885 (3.) Appendix and Index Wells Cathedral. 1885 (4.) Appendix and Index The Earl of Westmorland ; Capt. Stewart ; Lord Stafford ; Sir N. W. Throckmorton, Stonyhurst College ; Sir P. T. Mainwaring, Misses Boycott, Lord Muncaster, M.P., Capt. J. F. Bagot, Earl of Kilmorey, Earl of Powis, Rev. T. S. Hill and others, the Corporations of Kendal, Wenlock, Bridgnorth, Eye, Ply- mouth, and the County of Essex. 1885 (5.) Appendix and Index - The Marquis of Ormonde, Earl of I Fingall, Corporations of Galway, I Waterford, the Sees of Dublin and I Ossory, the Jesuits in Ireland. 1887 I (6.) Appendix and Index - - - j The Marquis of Abergavenny, Lord I Braye, G. F. Luttrell, P. P. Bouverie, j W. Bromley Davenport, M.P., R. T. I Balfour, Esquires. I 1887 Eleventh Report - - - - This is introductory to the following : — 1887 (1.) Appendix and Index - - - H. D. Skrine, Esq., Salvetti Corre- spondence. 1887 (2.) Appendix and Index --- House of Lords. 1678-1688. 1887 (3.) Appendix and Index - Corporations of Southampton and j Lynn. 1887 I (4.) Appendix and Index - - = J The Marquis Townshend. [C.4548] [C.4575] [C.4576 iii.] [C.4576 ii.] [C.4576] 0 3| [Re- printing'] 1 4 2 0 3 6 [C. 4576 i-J [C.5242] [C. 5060 . vi.] [C.5060] [C. 5060 i. ] [C. 5060 ii. ] [Re~ p7'i7iti?ii/'] 1 7 0 3 1 1 2 0 1 8 [C. 5060 I 6 702 Date. Size. Sessional Paper. Price. 1887 (5.) Appendix and Index - The Earl of Dartmouth. 8vo [C. 5060 iv.] S. 2 d. 8 1887 (6.) Appendix and Index - - - The Duke of Hamilton. [C. 5060 V-] 1 6 1888 (7.) Appendix and Index - The Duke of Leeds, Marchioness of Waterford, Lord Hothfield, &c. ; Bridgwater Trust Office, Beading Corporation, Inner Temple Library. 99 [C.5612] 2 0 1890 Twelfth Eeport - - - This is introductory to the following : — 99 [C.5889] 0 3 1888 (1.) Appendix - _ - . The Earl Cowper, K.G. (Coke MSS., at Melbourne Hall, Derby) Vol. I. 99 [C.5472] 2 7 1888 (2.) Appendix . « ~ = Ditto. Vol. II. 99 [C.5613] 2 5 1889 (3.) Appendix and Index = Ditto. Vol. III. ’> [C. 5889 i.] 1 4 1888 (4.). Appendix . _ = _ The Duke of Eutland, G.C.B. Vol. I. 99 [C.5614] 3 2 1891 (5.) Appendix and Index - - - Ditto. Vol. II. 99 [C. 5889 ii.] 2 0 1889 (6.) Appendix and Index - House of Lords, 1689-1690. 99 [C. 5889 iii.] 2 n 1890 (7.) Appendix and Index - S. H. le Fleming, Esq., of Eydal. 99 [C. 5889 iv.] 1 11 1891 (8.) Appendix and Index - The Duke of Athole, K.T., and the • Earl of Home. [C.6338] 1 0 1891 (9.) Appendix and Index - The Duke of Beaufort, K.G., the Earl of Donoughmore, J. H. Gurney, W. W. B. Hulton, E. W. Ketton, G. A. Aitken, P. V. Smith, Esqs. ; Bishop of Ely ; Cathedrals of Ely, Glouces- ter, Lincoln, and Peterborough ; Corporations of Gloucester, Higham Ferrers, and Newark; SoutWell Minster; Lincoln District Eegistry, 99 [C. 6338 i-] 2 6 1891 (10.) Appendix and Index The First Earl of Charlemont. Vol. I. 1745-1783. 99 [C. 6338 ii.] 1 11 1892 Thirteenth Eeport _ - _ This is introductory to the following : — 99 [C.6827] 0 3 1891 (1.) Appendix . . .. . The Duke of Portland. Vol. I. 99 [C.6474] 3 0 (2.) Appendix and Index - - - Ditto. Vol. II. [C. 6827 i-] 2 0 1892 (3.) Appendix. .1. B. Fortescue, Esq. VoJ. 1. 99 [C.6G60] 2 7 703 Date. 18«2 1892 1893 1894 1894 — Size. } ! Sessional Paper. (4.) Appendix and Index = - - Corporations of Eye, Hastings, and Hereford. Capt. F. C. Loder- Symonds, E. E. Wodehouse, M.P., J. Dovaston, Esqs., Sir T. Barrett Leonard, Bart., Eev. W. D. Macray, and Earl of Dartmouth (Supple- mentary Eeport). 8vo. 1 [C.6810]! (5.) Appendix and Index - House of Lords, 1690-1691. » [C.6822] (6.) Appendix and Index Sir William FitzHerbert, Earl of An- caster, &c. [C.7166] (7.) Appendix and Index - The Earl of Lonsdale. jj [C.7241] (8.) Appendix and Index The First Earl of Charlemont. Vol. II. 1784-1799. Fourteenth Eeport. This will be introductory to the following : — (1.) Appendix and Index. [C.7424] The Duke of Eutland, G.C.B. Vol. III. (2.) Appendix. In the Press. The Duke of Portland. Vol. III. [C.7569] (3.) Appendix and Index. The Duke of Eoxburghe; Sir H. H. Campbell ; the Earl of Strathmore ; and the Countess Dowager of Seafield. (4.) Appendix and Index. [C.7570] Lord Kenyon - - - _ In the Press. (5.) Appendix. J. B. Fortescue, Esq. Vol. II. - Ditto. (6.) Appendix and Index. House of Lords, 1692 - Ditto. Price. s. d. 2 4 2 4 1 4 1 3 1 11 2 8 1 2 2 iS!-; ,M s*-.'.' ‘U \ ■ / ;4^--' r ; S>: .% ^ _ .k{K,> ‘ Hit - .V-* fcyT4»*\fr •. #.* ; '* '•.' - ^ ■ .:r ,:'f • • '. L. , ;, /«wif ,1" -:i^r --.: -V.;. f ^''v- fv.vt ^ ^1 '"'I ,■ i(,»;4 >>, %■ ■t2fc.;„v,v;.??v.UK., - : . ,, ^ v-..--i>wU.Lfc"wx ''^ ; ' -v 40 ftA‘in 6 (^^) t *. ■' ■• ' • ' r-s«"‘'::*f’^- ■■' ^*' '-'^- ■- ^;>ji»9wS£; ?v -i r«»<«if .v: f,-i; ' ’ 4. '*• ?, ■•,&.it:?fno';l| ^ 'r^T^? .%n.v;vj, ' I*''' ' tfn ‘ A* \y.:'- v*s(&••'• -'^«ffe ^l ' •; " i ' '•^. 1! > VV ' V. %\ iti ' i£gi-- ■ ■ . .■ ■-•V"' ■’^T. ^ ' ■ ■ ’Wm* - ' ’■* ■ ■- ''‘ ' ■ C- - rv”, '• ‘ ' '■*»' i •*■ ■' •.■•■,• S'f ;. ■ •• . ■.•■-“ I 'l"\. A?/' '-;‘H':' ■' •• .. f ?.•:•, • r* ... i •••'.ijftj'-v-»-. -( ■• ( v'l'^ 'FtiCT . ( :■'■■• f-l."'^A<3t '^t— - .‘A:?^i ’.^.Uta •, '., ,,r- i. t • . X ■•1 •7=' • ■Krltf;;. ‘-7 LONDON : Printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. The following appear periodically, and can be ynbsoribed for Tkade oe the United Kingdom with Bettish Possessions and Foeeign Cohnteies, showing the Quantities and the Declared Valne of the Articles, The Proceedings of Parliament in Public and Private Business are published daily~« House of Lords, price Id. per 4 pp. ; House of Commons, Id. per 8 pp. Teade Eepoets of the several British Colonies, with information relative to their population and general condition. Teabs Eepoets by Her Majesty’s Eepreseutatives in Foreign Countries, and Eeports on Commercial and G-eneral Interests. State Trials, being Eeports of the Chief State Trials which have taken place between 1820 and the present time, published under the supervision of a Committee appointed by tbe Lord Chancellor ; — Boy.Bvo. Yol.L 1820-1823. (1888.) Yol. IL 1823-18.31, (1889.) Yol. III. 1831- 184.0. (1891.) Yol. lY. 1839-1843. a892.) Yol. Y. 1843-44. (1894.) Price lOs. each. 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And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, E.C.,^and 32, Abingdon Street, WESTanNSTER, S.W. ; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limited, 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1894. I GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01498 7255