5/6/189: to 12/1^8921 i;.^jcr.-..::;^-.^^l..t- I I M. u. ^-C J t0^A ,:.^<:^^<^ >T^g^< ^^.)i^^^ A^ PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS, FROM THE COLLECTION OF F. D. REYNOLDS, ESQ., DECEASED; &c., <&c., &c. OA-T-A-XjOO-XJE or PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS OF THE Italian, Dutch and English Schools, Sold hy order of the Bf. Hon. the Vice-Chancellor of Ireland, on behalf of the Administratrix of F. D. REYNOLDS, ESQ. Deceased, late of Dublin ; Also a few PICTURES, THE PBOPERTY OF LADY ALEXANDER CUNLIFFE; AND fptctur^s of tlj^ CSngltsIj, Butrlj antt Italian .^rljools, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, ffiSaill be ^o\^ ts xluftion, tip Messks. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TSEEIE (SKEAT EOQMi, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1893, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Man son and \\'oods' Offices, 8 Kinc/ Street, St. James's Square, S.W. \ ^\J ^ \ - CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute ari?o between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s,; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrii:»tion, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be ren)Ovcd during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of comj^lying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, CATALOGUE. ot*i€>=:o The following are Sold hy Order of The lit. Hon. the Vice- Chancellor of Ireland, on behalf of the Ad- ministratrix of F. D. REYNOLDS, Esq., deceased, late of Diddin. ENGRAVINGS. Jr — 1 Hargreaves (Richard), after Sir J. Reynolds, by J. Jones — /lA,/^ p-oof y _ 2 Whitefoord (Caleb), after ditto, by ditto — ditto ^-^>.^>^^?^ DRAWINGS. /^ _ 3 PiiiAM Lamenting over the Body of Hector ^..g^^^-Jo-z-^t^ LEEDER, 1826. y _ 4 PuiNCE Metternich : a miniature / J. ' /3 // J. S. COTMAN. 5 A Coast Scene, with boat and figures /J ?- /^ HILDA MONTALBA. 6 Column of St. Mark, Venice E. DUNCAN, 1863. 7 A Coast Scene, South Wales, with ruined castle 4' >^^ O J. MAHONY. 8 Leading to the High Altar : the cathedral, Cordova ^^'^^;:^t:;r/^z^ PICTURES. P. F. POOLE, K.A. y/y 9 A Girl at a Spring ^ ^ v F. E. LEE, E.A. /^ 10 Thr Rabbit Warren ^ ^ x j?S ^^ ^^ ^/ D. ROBERTS, R.A., 1856. 11 The Tower op Santa Fosca: Torcello J. A. O'CONNOR. 12 On the Dargle / P ?^ 2 a J. A. O'CONNOR. 13 The Devil's Glen /z ^ /^ '^ 14 A Landscape J. A. O'CONNOR. P. NASMYTH. S 4^ 15 A Landscape, with a donkey and figures on a road /^ X-O-ix^e-^^ P. NASMYTH. /(^/^ 16 A Landscape, with a cottage, peasant and animals L^ . c/--^-»'Z-o<^:!t- P. NASMYTH. ^ ^^ VJ K Landscape, with a peasant on a road, and horse near a pool of water •< ^ P. NASMYTH. ^ 18 A Landscape, with "a round tower, peasants and animals ^ J. S. COTMAN. y^A. 19 Lyme Regis Bay : a storm coming on /UH^^-U^X-^o^'A J. S. COTMAN. /^- - 20 A Coast Scene, with boats ;Z2 y^ 2 ^ ^^ J. CONEY. y: -- 21 Edwaed the Confessor's Chapel , SHAW, jf /^^U^. c/" 22 A Landscape /t /■ >.J6. c^crt^c^J^^ SIR T. LAWRENCE. / p 25 Portrait of Robert Hobart, fourth Earl of Buckinghamshire ; and the engraving Z^^ x ^ ^ 2 SIR J. REYNOLDS. //' 26 Portrait of Colonel Townshend >;^2<^.-aL«^ G. ROMNEY. J' 27 Portrait of a Lady, seated in a landscape, holding a piece of music J^ >: ;2 < From the Hon. St. John Butlers Collection W. HOGARTH. Z 28 A Gentleman, in blue waistcoat /jyAA^^a^c-'i^ T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. /J-^ 29 A View in Suffolk .Uyj'4 /^^v^^ R. CARVER. / 30 A Landscai'e, with ruins Signed, and dated 1753 31 General Monk ^^aZ4, 32 Head of a Senator ;^6-y.^^ E. MENGS. 1 38 Prinoe John Sobieski ^ f ^ 2. z- S^. y'*(j'^'t/t,'Cift, ^. ^^■c^c-^'t.-fr,.^^^^ KNELLER. / 34 Portrait of Dr, Pridbaux /i 35 Pope Pius VII. R. LE FEVEE. yV^e^ GREUZE. '4 36 A Girl, in blue dress, holding an orango -?^>^ za A. BOONEN. J" ■ 37 A Ladt with a Parrot /Z x/^ rU-.-^^c^t^-t-ty-g..'^^ DIETEICY. 38 A Rooky Landscape, with figures From the Papin Collection DIETRICY. 39 The Companion From the Papin Collection /^i^^-^t-^^y^.^^ f TENIERS and VAN UDEN. 40 A Dutch Merrymaking Before an Inn Door /4- t^jijL ^ // JAN TEN COOMPE, 1753. 41 A ViBW IN Haarlem j.^ ^^^ Sl(}ned /dMA/(tZ>Ly A. VAN DEE WERFF, 1700. // 42 POBTRATT OF A GENTLEMAN //^^^ ^h^et^rvu^-^^ G. NETSCHEE. 43 Portrait of De Witt Signed, and dated 1668 From the Redleaf Collection /4r X /O MIREVELDT. y ^ 44 The Artist's Mother, Seated , J)ated\^\Z -^--^6^ /^^at'j^t-i^^^ S. EUYSDAEL. /- o 46 A EiVER Scene, with ferry boat Signed, and dated 1654 C?6 7^ ^-i. /^ X^e-ts^t.-'-*^ PANNINI. /Z 46 A Hall in the Vatican 4'^xJ'^ PATEL. / g 47 A Classical Landscape, with Tobit and the Angel ExJiihited at Burlington House . 9 S. RUYSDAEL. ^2 48 A River Scene, with boats and figures /LC'i>^~€Z/ug'6a^tn^ J RUYSDAEL. ^ 49 A Coast Scene, with boats and figures J2 EOTENHAMER. 60 The Massacre of the Innocents rf^t£y,ryi> Signed, and dated From Lord Northwick's Collection /otz^e>6o0^.^^^^it- G. SCHALCKEN. ' ^ 51 A Lady, seated in a landscape Signed, and dated London 1690 ^e- e.-d^d-.e^ ■J' G. SCHALCKEN. 52 The Dejeuner /^^ // From the Van Slinglelandt and the Papin Collections Smith's Catalogue, No. 66 ^ 2^ BERCHEM. 63 A VIEW IN Italy, with peasants and cattle crossing a bridge / Signed, and dated 1666 Jcf K. DU JARDIN. 54 The Return ov the Holy Family from Egypt Signed, and dated From the Due de Mornys Collection Smith's Catalogue, No. 78 A.^-^-*^^-^^ 10 C. JANSSENS. ^, /J ^ 55 Sir Dudley Carleto.v, ambassador in Holland, in black dress / and ruff, holding a letter Dafed 1659 J6 >^ 2 r J. WEENIX. /^ 56 PoRTEAiT OF SiB Thomas Lawley, of SpoonhiU, Sliiopsliire, the First Baronet With arms, dated 1646 Signed J. W. J^ f ^ :2 o JAN LE DUCQ. J^ 57 The Captain of the Guard _ £C-^X (^U,^.^ From the Van Loon Collection 'f /f D. VAN DELEN and PALAMEDES. 58 The Hall of a Palace /^, Signed, and dated 1652 J. BOTH. 59 The Muleteers : An Italian river scene, with muleteers on a road under a lofty rock From Mr. WardelVs Collection BEKCHEM. / ^ 60 THE FAKKIEE /.^.^.-..W^ Signed From the Papin Collection Engraved /^ X/<^ 11 D. VAN DELEN and VAN HARP. ^2 61 AN ITALIAN PALACE, of rich arctitecture, with the subject /2Xt,^^.A^<^. of The Return of the Prodigal Son introduced in the fore- ground Signed, and dated 1649 From the Collections of John Shaw Phillips, Esq., and John Wardell, Esq. /n^x/ CANALETTO, 1754. / Q, 62 The Interior of the Rotunda, Ranelagh ^^it^otG>cy From the Disney Collection ^ CANALETTO. ^(^ 63 A View on the Grand Canal (?-u W ^^-,^e^ From Lord Harberton's Collection ^ /■L >cj^ GUIDO. //7 _ 64 EooE Homo 2^ '•U/A-.^^jt.'^ /^ 7^/

^^*^ ^^. - . - 70 The Virgin and Child, and St. Jolin 9^ y * / f ^^'-£:CC'lyg't^ 13 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. J. GEEEN. ^ 75 Portraits of a Gentleman and Lady — a pair — drawings //- 76 Cupids 77 Spring UNKNOWN. G. HONTHORST. R. DEL GARBO. P 78 The Madonna and Child, and saints /^C.O-, /cP R. WILSON, R.A. % 83 A River Scene, with Italian buildings, and figures bathing / u T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Si Portrait of Mr. Burrough, in a blue coat Exhibited ivitli GainshorourjVs works at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1SH5 JZ 4( /^ ^ P T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 7 85 Portrait of Mr. Burrough Exhibited ivith Gainsborough's loorks at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1885 Z^ ^ /

/ / 105 A View of the Bay op Naples, with the review of the fleet f c/? X J 6 REMBRANDT (After). 106 A Rabbi /J'?^ // S. VOUET. •//2, 307 A Female Saint /4,^ /^ G. SCHALCKEN. /^cA.^^ ^ 108 Interior of a Cellar, with a girl fetching beer : Lamplight /I ^^ BRONZING. J' 109 A Saint in the Desert A small full length, nearly nude figure of a saint lying on some brambles at the foot of a wooded rock in the foreground, reading a book •which lies open near a scull in front of him ; in an opening to the right is seen the flying figure of a female, and there is another figure at the foot of a cross ; hilly landscape with water and buildings on the left. Signed " Allessandro Bronzino AUori." 18 in. by 23 ^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1891 17 EOSALBA. J " 110 Portrait of Admiral Anson J'^ . /^ ^/j_ 111 Portrait of a Dattqhtkr of Admiral Anson, in a mauve dress ^/'^ > /^ J" 112 Portrait of a Daughter of Admiral Anson, in blue dress The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. PICTURES. EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL. /^ _ 113 A Pair of Landscapes, with figures .Z > /.? p. A. LABOUCHERE. y^ - 114 Luther at Prayer /Z-^S" ^^tC^^^c^*^^^^ W. DOBSON. /^ - 115 Portrait op Sir Kenelm Digby /^^ // LUCAS CRANACH. /^^ ' - 116 LUCRETIA /^yy /^^.tJ^t^^^ VAN DYCK. — - — 117 St. Isidore, holding a book, a rake, and palm branch — in Cc:t.^ty-A-<-^t^ grisaille /^ > P BREUGHEL. 4 /t_ 118 a River Scene, with a village, boats and figures /tUyc-^-a^^^^ /^ > ^J- C 18 VAN LOO. y 119 Portrait of a Lady as Venus, with doves From the Collection of Sir Charles Bushout S WANE VELDT. / ^ (^ 120 A KivER Scene, with figures and animals J. ASSELYX. / y 121 An Italian PiIver Scene, with figures and animals ^6 H. VERSCHURINGH. ( a^ , y' ' 122 A River Scene, with buildings, boats and figures PYNACKER. 6 123 A Landscape, with peasants and animals G. BERKHEYDEN. ^ '/. 124 A View in a Dutch Town, with market figures /J ^ /P G. WLJNTRACK. (^ 1 25 A Landscape /{^ y 2 c> />. <^'u4''i1,C4:yUn^ A. CUYP. ^ ^ 126 Poultry / 2 127 Poui Exhibited at Burlington House, 1880 A. CUYP. SY /cP^^^ A. CUYP. /^ 128 TWO HORSEMEN From the Bale Collection 19 A. CUYP. / ^ 129 A Landscape, with a cavalier, an attendant and dog -i^v /Z OSTADE. // 130 An Interior, with a lawyer seated at a table reading a letter Signed ^>. J^ J. WYNANTS. <. 138 The Madonna and Child, with St. John— circZe A^yd^cZZ^^ •^/' / BOTTICELLI. /^ 139 The Holy Family, with St. John — circle 2y ■' GUIDO. ^ 140 Cleopatra (/X^t-eJe.) ja" From Sir Charles Bushout's Collection TINTORETTO. /^ 141 Portrait of a Doge From the Collection of The Bev. Fuller Bussell From the Collection of W. Graham, Esq. Loudon : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Chiiring Cross. N-«S3^ /""^ir^ r:-.- % 'V • i%^TT^ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00881 9365