Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2010 witli funding from Researcli Library, Tine Getty Researcli Institute http://www.archive.org/details/secondwashormoorOOvaug gt ' ■ ^ ft *T 1.J "C ^ ►SECOND TFJSH'i SI- ^^ I The oS'Wbofe Scourd | IJ once more^ % Ik «» I Being I;; ► A Charitable Cure for the D/'/?rd- ^ JJ Elioris or Jldz/^nomajiix. |; » ^ » -^ ^ U By EugeniU'S FhildetHes. % ^ . «•• » ^ %Lorifedemre6ius der ideate iy£THI'% I OP EM Albus. % » ^ g. — ■ ■ ■■ ' '■■ I ,ig^ J LONDON, % $ Priced by T. ^T. and are to beS X fold at the Caftlc inCornhill. % t 16-% 1. % To the Reader. Ben I looke Reader on my prefent De- fign, / think it an Ahfurditie like that of Homer : Whoje Battail ofVxogs and Mice had the very tme Vcnmth his Iliads. Some fuch )efcent I hold it ^ to coni^^ with a. •ophifter, 4/^^r ^ Pofitive deliverie of ligh Truths r^^ performance indeed contemptible, ^ec4///^ 7»)i Adverfary : fo: for rvho admires Domitian for /> Butcherie ()/ Flyes.^ But I have onfide/d that in great Undertakings there arefomc Circumftances whichan- fwer not to the Aftion it felf •, and ifwt look upon the Inventions ofAvt^ there h a Tv2iffor a Mottfe^ as rv ell as a Grate for a Lion. / hdve rejolvd then ti fit my Difcourfe to the Pcrfon, like tht Satyr to the Viccifor mad men have nc cure hut theirConxCtionjf I am bittei in this Difpute^ it is more a Pill than a P^ffion'^and when you know the Difeafe. you will commend the Phyfic.JV/yAdver- idiX^Y pretends to a Dciforme^ Univerfa- lizcd fpirit, he incounters me with Su- pernatural! Revelations, and I arr. come to the old Otccflion^ Is Saul alfc amon^ft the Prophets :' The Parte rr ^y^/jt)ivinitie jv.^ taken from Mun- fter .* for I find him in the fame Equi; page ?r/r/; Knipperdoling, he mount: upon the Shoulders of Men, ar/d ther, breaths oia his Metaphyfic Calen tures. This Reader^ is not my Jeft hut /;/V Sobrietie : / will give you hi own wordS; for he [peaks like a Pro phet lotneKeacitr. phct, and the Son of a Prophet. Wherefore i[Aith he) v/ith my Feet p.^^- ' lightly {landing on the flioulders of all the Seds of the Earth, and with rny head (looping down out of the CloudsJ will venture to try the World with this foberQueftion. Tell me, O all ye Nations, People, and Kindreds of the Earth, what is the reafon that the world is fuch a ftage of miferie to the fons of men f \s it not from hence, that that which fiiould be their great guidance, their Religion, and higheft light of their minds, is but heat and fquabbling about fubtil uncertainc points, and foolilli affeftationof higfi myfteries , while the uncontro verted fober Truths of vertue and pietie are neglefted, and the fimplicitie of the life of God defpifed, as a moft con- temptible thing/* And 1 had no fooner uttered the fe ' words in my mind, but me thought I ' heard aa Anfwet from aU the ^JJartcr^ t , A. 2 of of the Earth, from Eaft, Weft, North and South, like the noife of many wa- ters, or the voice of Thunder, faying. Amen. Hallelujah. This is true. Toii' rvill tell me ferhap^ this is hut a Rattle of Sei-aphicall Tropes , and a myfterie (^/Metaphors.F^r//)' I thought fo myfelfat firfly but Harry Moore teh us in the very fame f age, it is no vaine Enthufiafm, and he f roves it by the E^cSxs it prodHC*d,¥oi' my Head {faith he) was fo filled with the Noife, that it felt to me as bound and ftraitncd, as being not able to containeit, and coldnclte and trembling feifcd upon my Fleili. Tou are gone Readers^ you are gone : Theje are right Profheticall fafpons^ Ezekiel and Daniel had not more formall Ecftafics. But in good earnefl G^v\x\c\\\cr\3, what think you of this Spirituall Ague, r^/j Trembling he was troubrd wUhall f Indeed this Age a^ords a Sc£tJo qualified, and I iilHv^ hi is one o/th& Shakers. BHt But this vizard mil off: The'RhC- hemics he breaths, tell us what fpirit ath pofleft him. He makes his abufive anaalaus Verfe as lading as the li- ing word of God : for having Jlth- lied a hobling lying Tetraftich, which e refers to Philalethcs, he cryes out to he men of Ephefus (jvho they are^ I now not) that they iTiould reare him Trophey , and infcribe his Tetra- tich therettfon. But it fcems he rvas ^alous of their Pcicfonn^ncc^and there - orefals to work with his men of Ephe- \is in thefe words. But that I may conceale nothing : romyou^Omen of Ephefus, I muft ell you that whether you reare up this nonument, or whether you forbeare, ill is one. For the truth of thefe ver- fesis already written in the Corner- Hones of the Uni verfe, and engraven Dn the lading pillars of Eternitie. Heaven and Earth may pafTc away^ but not one Tittle of this truth fhali K 3 paffe pafle away . What horrible , intdU rable Blafphemie is thisl Our Savi] owv fpeaks not in this Text of the deac Letter, rvhichisbut Inke 4W Papyri for without dojibt that word cannot out] laJlHta.vcnandE2ivth^unle/e we fan flea Library in the new Jcrufalem and a Tranflation of fome Gcnev* Bibles into thofe et email Archives Befpeaks here ^/^^eSubftantiall fpi- rituallword, rvhich he mentions elfe- wherc expreJly.^Mzn lives not by Breac alone, but by every word which pro- ceeds out of the mouth of God. It is a fad Impietie, that this Barbarous Scribler fhould drive/lout foure rotten Y exits J and then tell us , they are Coa?- ternall with the word of Godi, Thefe pajjages Rc^dtVy I have cited, to ^ive\ thee an ExpreiTe of the Man and his qualities , and now I refer it to thy Judgement, //^^deferves not a [harp Reproof. Itmayhe a Corrofivc well applyed may make him fenfible of his BlafphemicSj lafphemies, and force him tc a jufi evcrence ofGofi and Nature. But I IV e done tvith him^ and now Reader %aII desire thee to favour the Errors ' the PrcfTe : / have prefix'd them I to the Book, and if thou art one of lofe , who would underftand their Liithors, he fleas' d to doe me the Ju- ice, andthjjelfthe Service to corrcvft Hm. I could rvijh the Copies were ixkA^htitthe Nativitie ^/ Books is kethat of Children/ they Lifp both r firft, though their P 3.rents fpeak everfovJcW. This if the only Fault/ novp of^ and I fubmit it to thy Pen, ? fleas d to pardon it ^ and ftre- /ell. E.P- fo the moft Excellent Philolbpher Eugenius ^hiUlethes^ Ipon thtfreriTjes oi Harry Moore^ JOw ! Is the BedUm out ? and to be fccn Chain'd in the Stanyi^s of Mm Spencers Qucca * Meore amongft the fairies ? Comes he now '^ith Revelations from the Lunar bow ? dth ! Maby look to'i ; If you admit the Mou!e^ our court had need turn a Com6lion-hoH[e ; 'is a diflra^ed vermin^ and runs on s if he would depofe your Obeforty ngroffe the ChyyJiaU'Caflle to himfelf nd wear by risfjt the (lylc ot ^<»t/V^^» £//! Poor I Popr pyognlJe yqurs ! An Orchard and a Vame ^ Were the known haunts of the moft Enant fairU^ t But Moore Commands time worlds, I $ Brother to I The Sww and Afoow, hath the Moguls below His TnbutarUsy and is held the WdJi Whofc ftyle out-goes the Sons of Ottoman, He like thofe G)ants which in Sh'inar built Czn Jcale the skycs, and from the Center till Himfelf into the Clouds^ where he will lye As Ixioa did, a P«rrf«e and a Spye-y So ^aifi^: and clofe too, that in this Repap He riifec the devitl) doth feeme P>wre offfo' ^f^* Nor fets this />'e/;ct in a Cloudy for he CTo fhew more l(flacl(^s to dull humamttt) D^fcends againe, and through thofe hloudieportali Steals (like the night-mare) to ride weary mortals -, He Treads their Shou'ders, qucfiions, anfwers toq. And w.ththe woilds foure ^uoiters huh to doe^ Both Eaft and wVj?, the farthcft North and So««fo Make /oint Replycs to his AUmighty mouthy VJiiKAcclamations (too) ne'r us'd to men. As Hallelujahy It is foe. Amen ! I And yet he*s no Enthujtafty nor allfd To Indepencie^ but Scotifiedy For though he makes fome lomitiys to the /%)Vi, Yci he was ne*r Caught up to Varadifty is ro Sa'mt (urc, but a xca^ous Moore ole CBnfcitnce cals his Mather-church a iii)Qre^ .ugh in gaodfaefneffeht hath wondious fir^s^ I may well ;^/c che Scoff & and Endijb Kkkf, y, l^nipr^erdolitigy (earch him o*r and o*r, r fancied ^jofftr lytSy nor vented more^ ^\\(AX volant Goofe, C«c5;^co Dmingo*s trainee Ictaphypclid Ganfa, vvhofe lewd brainc c-Iyes old Lucinn, and like feme florvn Gaffer vet talcs more mmjiYOni than doth Lto Aftr ; ;ft chink the '^orCd^ivthzn they thelew?i[;i/zj^i^f Ice) II ou^hc admire but a mad head in thee ? that thy ^^d' iliallmake thee Platoni^ :au^e that Star thou tancyeft is a M:[i ? ,e, frontlefTe foolc ! who for the active day i Inlaig^d Light miftak'ft the Mom dull Ray, d ike fomc bird ct night, *caufc thine Eycs/i;/* •eft adore Sbaduivs^ and at St/ti beams taIIc, 3ut aread, Er/d P:r/fr will fubmit all the i'iaccts of thy S"o^o;wif ? : thou his Hackney-? a thicii ? wilt allow le /«/?j of his rank vpity and f oiy too ? muft: none under ftand what PUto did t Moorrt^ and AjieY his tp/;^« Gammed } ift that delicious f pint be confined : .to h's £(>^jf^ fo unto thy Miiihi ? Speak Speak man,lrtj?iJ2«to'?ortrtthouwtfi> Muft wc, to make thee gW, be all judg'd bsd I Muft white and redior approbation fiic Becaufe the latc-fnund world is ^/a«i|[ and hlC» ? P ithee declare \ lc:*s have thy Kr thy madn(ffe feen, (Who, while his £ v? did hold the candlt^ read Spencers provocative, and fo to Bed) He would have fa'tdy and Avoya it by himfelf Thofe wia/fy Leflurcs had pioduc'd an £//*. But th' haft a C«yf for all,fince thou haft drawi Over thy l^egro's looks a borrow*d lawn, (flee Th'haft Cloath'd the fcah'd Jkep'inthc Lambkins Making thy Punie patron to the pcece } Sure I commend fhcc, 'twas iirudent care To truft thy PupiH only with thy Wrfvr, A Severe Tutonr thou durft not ordain The C^fitrero{ thy grojfe, Mmi^ft brain^ ?or he ( no doubt ) had vohipt thee for abfurdy And on thy Stcond la[h beftow*d a third. And thou his riming fo9k whofe one halfe lurks in Fhilo-Mafiixy and Pja;»/5 to his works, Tl BU Crutch In Meeter, a mecrc K«^fi|| to begg, e gpodyOHr wor[bip^ on a wooden Leg^ 1 down thy Clouty the A^e Is grown too waric be calch'd with, Hf re'i a md Ordinary, ut thou (adaiir'd Eugeniiis, } whofcgrM^far/j I* above Erroy, and the Common ArtSy DU ij;w CD i4;;^£/i, and fHpe/ioHr lights, parl^e of the fy(i fire ! whofe Eagle-fl'ghts de not with f^rrfe, and grofsnes, but do'ft paffe ihc fure beav'ns, and mak'ft thy God thy g/^j!/<^, whom thou fee ft :l\1 forms, and fo doe ft give efc Rare difcov'*ries, how things move and live, •cccd to make thy^J'f^i dejign Complete, 1 let not this bath'd Moore our hopes defeate; ike oft'the Eclypfe, this dark Intruding vejle Jch would force night upon us^ and Intayle I (aoie gorjje Igno-rance, in whoi^cjhades he :h lofi himfelfe, on our pofkritie, ivn all you (iale impofiuresl Cajilcs reared hh" Aire, and guarded by thy rev%end beard, ItofSichomachtu! I will no more IV to thy hoarie bmdfull, nor adore yf Tyrant-text ; but by this dnvning light lich^re^Wiuponme through thy thy(s^pii*d night Tc to the Eafi oitruthy 'till I may fee fif^^fi'fli f^'^ ^^i a whcn/42« Simplitiriey Tfcj The D^e and Scffmt^ Innocent and wife Dwell in his bnjty and he in Paradifi, There from the tree off(iioivkdge his bc(i boughei Vic pluck a ^ai land for Eugtfntts browcs^ Which to fuccccding rimes fime fhall bequeat' With this mofl;.'/// Applaufc,C>^tf^/K/2«^Wi w H. M. Oy n the Authors Vindication and Icplic to the Blafphemicy and Ef^- thufiafiicall Frenzie of the Diftraded AUzonomnjiix, [Ail great£^^^«//^/IIookwhat force you bad To wind and tnm yotir Adverjary m^d, ith ! He Petition for him : will you be c were tf fill ^d.nd cure his Lethargie ? )) : hath forgot his Name, and bids us call m i\\t grarjd S ignor, Em^eroar of all. fine King Harry ! who with frantic Blifts »th (^od and Nature in one Breath c/recdfls, "^TtHS^ SabelltHs^ AH that ever writ )me Qiort of thee for a BUfphemotis (Vtt. \y breath difpcrfeth Clouds ^ the vaiV^^/>ff • the fame breath is chtcht^zn^i /////'^againf, ithoucanrtf/^r^ the ^^^ in it's protid heme^ I'hy did'fi not ftop the late \nvafton (Others ;n TarmoHth Roads ? and fomething done for i Amflerdam^ zndfave thy //o/jy Brothers ? Ifad'^ejfe alone makes Thee a ivondreusElf^ ly Mir^cUs v>'ork not beyondiXhyfelf. Such 1 When rare Eugenius routed thy fir ft hm He added to his Truth, and thy blacky Qirm Baft/ico : Italian powder ftron^. Which drove thee into Fttrie all alon^ Thou taking thence the Se»t, it quickly bred A Neft ofScjrpto»tin thy pf^tr id Head, Thy good Thiiofipher, and Poet rare, Whofe learnir,g lie not in his Head^^^wx, Ha Will CUvelayia*i fanfies ever fcan and rhynK Bold Beggar he, to come the Second time \ Look to your BdUas both, review and fcan Your Cantings^ yoxxc gray Goofe is not a Sw^ Indeed I never knew that >toife ofirords Us'd by us mortals^ which thy .5 ^^i^ affords, Such lowd obftrep'rous (^aAences^ and kr^^^K As if thy tongue (like Nilus) ran on rocks, \^t(\^fondthing\nG^ we have knowfi thy-/^ All thou haft alied^ is the njadma^s part. But what haft^or by this ? the ivor Id doth fa Eugen/us learm^g^ and thy fooler ie. The weights you put «;7^« him , doe at bcft Speak him but Talm^ he cannot be opprcfl ; For again ft vertue there is no Succlfe^ You make him more^yihen you would ma (him /(t/ P. Be A. Mo Oxonienfi iii-tiiiii THE SECOND ff^i^H. ^ T is the advice of ^ Solomon , and he is fome-body in my Likrarjy Anfwer d : foole according to his folly 5 kit he feeme w'fe in his owne conceit , It ay be the Proverbs arc not in the Ca- n of Grant A , it being her Intereft to Itrate Fooles in favour of her chit' ^^ -en . However 1 believe my Author ''^ >rthodox> and on his Precept I build y hberty . He is a good Chriftian ifiataftsbythe Text, and becaxife I ^^ B will ^5 jrvc o econa rr aw will not tranfgrcfle , thus I obey Bear back there you f prats oichat you double faced frte^ fiflj and flefb the Verfity , Mafiix arid Fhilom ftix I 'Coram quern quaritis , adfun iloome for your betters you ^rimp you jhbale ofdrieffjells I t am for th Maftix^ once more , and may the w forgive me this footing of a crac fcul/l But Knipperdoling is barric do'd5there is a Block between us whi I mtrfl kick out of n^y way . It is j hannes Philomafticx , a ncvf John Leyden^ and peer to brother X"/;//^. is that ingenious young mail J • T , is it not Jack Taylor the Watcr-Poc Ahs poor John I I (imAd condcr thee to a thin Lent, but^ thy Vc hath fo much of Fawin , it may r paffe for a faff from mtt . Thou h indeed very ftrange proprieties* tl. canji ftfng with thy teeth: Go ty waics for Juv/t Straw ^ thou haft ni fubftar^l The Second Walh. ^ h^zncttnovighiox Tack Blocky lain :pt over thee already . And now my dirty Marram , I can rco'ver a fcar-crm 5 a ryming Bug^ 7httindjcleped Moore • He is^ Rea- Ir, a meerfhade^d. Mafcara^ 2l thing fo noved from learning , he is fcarcc Hafhor to a Scholar . He hath irt- ed a certain Patavimtie, fome rude filufiohs like Macaronics to Latine , Jtifwefitthe Cenfure to his Dif- \ urfe, 'tis a compleat Body of foU- ms . To reply to his Froltcks as he Is them, were to bray to an A(je ,• e the Aldermen in Cervantes : it is '![egree of MadnefTe to imitate one litis fo, and I love not z Bedlam Co 'ill, as to make one for company . 'lis my intention to juffifie the Truths f'tmyfelfe, for the Quarell is not yrfonall, iiis N'atures Intereft more KiVi mine . Where he pretends to ^afon , there will I manifeft his dir %k^icn : I will difprove Usfoirieties 4 iVeoecondWajh. ^s fo many Remifiom of the Fit , an thefcalfo proceed from my correBio. for he is chained in my Principles . you take him in his owne Lihertie ^ wadds it all over, only this you fh; obferve that he Ehhs and Flomsy co; tinues the fame Frenzie, butinfev rail Degrees . The firft thing I meet vvithall , is Ti^le to his Fupill , and this I fcor to looke upon . It is a Confedera like that of Ju^lers , for he durft dire(a: his Scriblings , but to one trucJcrdundcr him.His next Lamem tioB is to the R eader^ and here this I vine univerfalized Knip ^doih, char me with unchri(lian littemejje. this ivhine I fliall an fwer with a Tru that I was more ]ufl than hitter. 1 language I beftowed on him in t Reply ^ was appofit and like himfel I did but hold the Glaffe for hii J and now having feen liis fcurviefa^j he condemns his own Phjfiognon i 'wo confiderable Motives had I for lat peiformance , Pronjocation and eafon. both which were wanting to is firft LiheL That I have been f ro- oked Al the world knowes 5 and this )0 moft virulently , and without a- Y offence given . That I had Reafon apparent, for I fpake no more lan what I knew,and the Trueth is in- irious to no man . My pen applied not 'hpapyr, without a certain expreflc "" nowledge of my Adrjerfary , and !iis under his owne hand, for ich as I found him in his own dif- iourfe 5 fuch have I alfo render d him \mine. It will be obje died perhaps ^iiat I have call'd him an Owle y a iou^e 5 a Moore : Termcs that confift lot with the Zeale of fome precife jiroptProfeffors . -Sj' wjf rra/y Gentle- j[\en you avc fcrupulous , thele are not "tiich Thorns , but a veiy tender Con- science may reft on them without an^ %'icking. If i]; be a fault to call him a moufe , whataTranigreffor is he that made himfelfe fo 1 why did h friike about, and nibble at the Margin of my Booke ^ why did he vomit o my innocent and fnome Pages ^ or t rpeake in my firft Allufion leave h fxyox^'^^'behindhimjand then run'iw to his Hole'', I muft confeffe I had x.\. life of this Notion from a Chrifiian^y the Reafon from a .i/oore , The glc rious and axverend SpaUto is my Pr< fident, Fgr, this learned F^tW, t wafli offthe diit o? Leonardus Mar us ^ publifbed a fmart Reply y ar with this appofit Title Sorex primus It is the quality of that Vermine \ gnaw the out- fide of things , and d jndeayours of this Cambridge Scri> ler being but fo many margins [cratches , I could find nothing lil him but a rnoufe . But there is a fau more in my //o<:/^ 5 I have call'd hi .a Moore , and how fliall I rraPrj that u^a) i I belive I need nor tell you ± rjt yj cLona ^r (tip, n i his name, and if you take it in my f/ife it is his Nature , for he is no' tiing Candid . As for the Owle I tell imof", had he been hatcht under a f^/?, he could have been no other ird y for he hath much of the Spe- 'es in him : He avoids the Light fo erfeftly , as if he had newly caft is feathers ^ and were a man only by 'etempfychofis . But to give you a lore ferious account of thefe Terwes, is the praBue of Chrift himfelfe , id that I hope is not unchriflian , to iharader men by thofe thi/2os , to ■ hich they afimilate . Thus hath he '^\Yd Herod d. Fox y and elfevvhere he ^[ks Judas 3. Devttl'j falfe padors he ^'llspvolves , the Buyers and Sellers [heeveSy and thofe Hebrevp puritans^ ^ e Pharifees , Hypocrites . This Rule ^id Juftice of his Mailer , St. Paul ^ithwellobferved, and he acis freelf f.ereby. For when he reproves the [cetia/is y he makes ufe of that ig- I B ^ nominioiis nominlous Proverb 5 Evilli^eafls ajt (low bellies . When the High-prie commanded the Jewes to fmite hir ©n the face ^ he replied to him* , nc without fome bitterneffe, God fh fmtte thee thou fvhrf^e wall . I cite nc thcfe places to juftifie an in]uriot fplee^/e , but to argue the liberty of t^ Trueth , for Chrift and his Apoft" did not attribute thefe Termes to tf- ^u(l but to the un]uli-, neither did I r< prove my Adverfary till I found hii liich as I defcrib'dhim. But he hat 4xbH$'d2. man anknown^ and one ,th jiever offended him in the leaft im; ginabk circumftance^this is the true. Reader, and no other. But this Kni this diftraded mulatto complaines b caufc I tell him of his faults , and a iumes to himfelfc a Prerogative Roy* to offend without correBion . Y( muft know Sir, that if God ( as yc fay ) hath confiituted you Emperour theivorldy he hath nude me a Prin ElcHo'i tclor : You muft receive your Title \my hands y and purchafe your /^^^^e ibmyfatisfaBicm. The next thing in this Piftle which llsforanddeferves my anfwer, is nalitious fednddl of nis , that my efentPhilofophie is pernicious to the * ature of Man , and Chriflianity it \fe. I preethee Maftix wherein^ ■caufe I rejed the Principles of the eeke Satan , that vain babling as . jPWftiles it, which is after theRu- ments of thisivorld^ andnotofGod} ave I not pablickly profeft that i^ttAn: none thatjiands up for a true Natu-'^'^^^ II Philofophie , i?uilt as Nature it \lfe is ^ on Chrift Jefus^who is the oundation of all things Naturally and pernaturalK Is this a Dodrinc ;iat's pernicious to Chriflianity , thou eliall thou falfe accufer of the Truths .s for pretences to fupernatrArall \ ighty and intoxicating Imaginations ^ i ley belong to thy ownc BlocH ^ to that ' that Head of thine , which was iot ICC hisRe- tip and flrettned mth Thur.der , a >lie Pag .• ^ijg |b//«^ of many n^aters. Thefe p (^^- ^^^'tences my friend, have made tf both Fanaticall and Impious: I having derided my laudable Deft^ * of reconciling Dtvinity and Fhi fophiey and this by a Difcovery that Unfon or Correlation^ which is fc tween God and Nature , thou do« refcue thy fplee^e with B lafphemj^ ai iag c i^.thyLaft isworfe than thy Firft . ^the end is not Harry Moore that fins 5c," ^^" laughing at the Truethy it is ^odth laughs in him , for he is a D eifoi^ Univerfalized man . Goe thy wai Knip y thou art more Raunter th; I Precifian, though in my Opinion the maift paffe for both . As for tho Sattin Eares which thou doeft n wcare , they are not worth the croi ping , and therefore not worth tl anfwering : It is enough that the haft Leatherne Eares y and fuch ; f:l 1 within the Compare of the Fa- it. This- is all that is confiderahle \r% ofe purpofes and principles^ which ; acquaints his Reader withall. Dirt d Dung there is good ^ore ^ if I Duld defcend to ferfonall Abufes ^ t thefe being fo many flam and acks of his Scully when he was tinder'llruck with Amen and Hal" 'u-jah^ I cannot think them mrthy ' my Vindication . The next Pi- e is to Eugenim Philalethes ^ for ^ have ^fcr^e Portals to this Moufe* le^ and here he tels me that in tha hurt of Heaven^ and according to \e DoBrine of Cbrift Jefu^^ I dm r?o itter than a Murtherer, I have air jady Mafiix fliewed you his Do- \ritdeinhispranice,hut if you fum- = o«metqyoUB: own Bar^ I will apr i!al from the Jem to Cefar^ and luftmy felf to the Trthuml of my jZ'iour, If I have murtherd thee. [v. where where is thy Evidenced Doth tf Carkdije bleed at the A^cf^ ^ or 2 chou fo much a Moore^ that thy 5 /oi is Black 't I muft confefTe there //^j^inthy i?oo/{' , I meane that Pa^ fhlet^ which in tiie fljle of Camhria was Printed by the Printtn. \ t( thee O //^rry Moore^ I have not mi: ther'd Theey but Tfc/V/e : Thy Oh //^fr/>/>^ indeed I have layd the Lt to, and indeavour^d to make a Cn kedThingflreight. Now my frien this is not Murthery but a ^(?o<5/ a^or It is Mortificatioffy and thou art t holding to me for it mfome Meafu, The reft of thy Letter Maliix, zThingi/iJJpid/y ahufivey a block fenfeleue fuppofition . Thou do write to me as to onelhd.t is ajle but look to it, the Lionis guarda?, And now Sirrah Qui va U < ftar and take Quarter for Life : Th art come within Command^znd thou thou art a Poet of her Court , Fay I m Second yyajh. t trie-Queen fhall not /^x;^ thee. Though I know it an ABion infe- r to myfelfy to anfwer this ridi- ous fcrihlery it being fome De- tion of fohietie to profccute a ilam^ yet I will doe, him this Ho- (/for the Truths fake, for I look vphom I (>/?/^c>/i, but what I defend. \^ Supernatural fir ks and Raptures his ^(^r^jt are evident proofs of his tftraBion, and I doubt not but the fes will fcoore at him, when they are ce acquainted with his Tricks. He mad indeed in a ;?^rr^r7 meafurey d wants nothing to his D egree^ but ?tftf^^ to celebrate his Commence- snt. I have no way to fave my Cre- r, but to cuU out his Intermijfions^ id fpeak to him where the j'/r leaft o«^/ey him. This is the course I opofe to my felf^ and Readers you at /&«o» 7w^ , think not that 1 am ad^ becaufe I deale with one that Jq: I doe it for his Cure, not for * Imitation* 14 TbeSecond mafh. [ Imitation. Vrom xhc firft page of Sook^ which by his Computation is t Third, to the very 57. he is in med/ey of Infirmities. Sometimes would excufe his Incivilities to n with a faint Extenuation of his (i fpleen^ but whiles he hlots out the ( Libel ^ he makes up, and fcribles 1 New, Sometimes hee forgets mc gaine, nor doth he only leave n but poor Man in generall •, He is hoji above us with a fuddain Metaphy cdllPullej^ and rapt up to a wild niverfalization of Spirit . At tl /r^/j?fc^Ithought I had loft him^ f I never excpeded his Returne: B my Stentor opens unexpededly, n fpeaks he from Earth , Gentlemei but from Heave^^ and in a fiyle li thztof Ottoman, Behold ! / leap down js from the 1 offome white rockie Cloud, up the ifrajfiefpot where my Phila! thes j?^W/. Th( x^j^vjrcci//a wain* 15 rhou aft welcome Moore to this row Region^ and truly thou foea- t like a Gyanty a Forter of fomc hanted Caftle^ that would rout a r^fcr JS^^yj/^J with fyllables. I have my part neither MorgUy nor >f- //^/j but rie make thee wifh thy 'intheC/oflfliagainejOr that thou Ift brought Thunder in thy hands ^econd Thee. It will be faid per- )S that this is defperat^ but Reader mayfpeak unto Thee (for hap- r thou wilt not heare me, now that nin^tf^^^rj we are like to have a e Game of it. This tall thing is ^ady ihrunk to a Moufe^ and hec c made fuch 2Lfi?ot of the Earthy \ht commit tedx.o a Trap. Strange '.eratiom indeed ! but of fuch mi- les Gentlemen be confident* They not altogether impofihle^ doe but d Qx\y and 1 will give you Evi- ce* Ai T?r JheiecM^Jh. Pag. ^"j.Line z, I Say the force and warrant hoth Nouns and Verh is from th ufe^ &c. O yez ! Mafter Bh^ of J r them contrary to that foi we Ihall fpeak Bulls^ as thou haft d^ inthy Oi^fervatiom. I will give t an Inftance ; Thou doeft aske m< I can unbare the fubftance ofaforrt Thy meaning is, if I can make it I ox difcoverhy h\xx.x\\cufe which t haft made of this Term , being ( traryio'iis naturall Energie or /^ fication^ hath made thee fpeak A fenfe:iox to unbare^ if there be 1 % :h word beyond thy fcriblings^ is cozer^ not to ciffrozer. It is plairie m thit the ufe of sVou/iS and rerii ?6rids on their ^brce^ and not their fie on their ufe^ and this is a '^uth :lear^ and kmipa even to ChMlre^^ t none but a ^f after of ^rn- of mbridge could be ignorant of it, t yon nave anorfcer T^. i^«// j?/^ y^;?/- i ? I aske not what the Soule doth^ t what the Soule is 1 But Artjlofle )Ughhe h2ith proposed md pr^sjcrtkd ': Q}}c{{'ion Quia fit^ as the mAinc ndamentall of Demonflrations^ an- ersnotatallf^ /r in his Dejimtiot}i : he only tcls me whaxfaculties the ule ^^^^5 not \\\\2.i jMance the 'ule/^, and thus is he jfwrt of his 'n Zd?g-/V . As for tnat Heathen ^eek cited by thee , it proves him Ajfe^ znd thy fcl? another^ for it is ^7trary t;o the principles of his 'o'/^ifi 1 feek not his Autoritie iAT, but his Reafon, and this laft aynotexped fromf^^-f, for thou ■^eft call that Definition E([entiail^ Hiichis meerly Circumflantiali.Thou h indeed a blank blind . Buzzard^ %u caaft not diftihguiih between * C a the ^'aa I he SecondWajh] 20 .... ••J,. . the OferAtions and the B(fence of rfi) SmU. ^ Paqe 59. Line %u THe farts of the rvorld acc& ding ta the Peripatetics DoUriney are jet ir^ this dery they are from an inm frineifle of Motion j &c. This /?/A? is thy Conceffion^ and verily in Generations it is true^ for the Body fgu/dfind all the parts therof broug to their Order and Symmetries by certaine imvard frincifle ^ whi works in the Matter ^ and is the Cai of Alteration and Motion . To t Truth you adde a X/>, namely thati fliould fay, that the parts of the rvo^\ doe not move themfelves , Whugh: he makes bold with the Fe^ atetics as w^ll as with mi , aftd kes them'T/^e^i', what he thinks 5 fee plainly (faith he) that accor^. ig to the Arifloteleans^ all to tht yy Concave of the Moon have an vard principle of Motion. And is fo Harry Moore ? what thinkft 3U of the Flux and Reflnx^ for the « is within the Concave f Doth this ^cetd from an inward principle^ or .t ]oggd by Miftris Moon and her mf Queftionleffe thcf m/^^z-m^:^ rnotofthy Opinidn, But this dt I vcivSi for give him : he \s> grown tymrteoas^ for he itiakes the Ari- C 3 floteUans fiotekdns fubfcribe to my Argument and blame mc for not concludingi that they holdlnftifton cf Life. Coirj then yon Father soHhs. Sed, Conim^ Iricenfes and Comflutenfes , and a^ the Schoolmm that ever followed Jt Ytflotlc ! Doc you maintaine the nimation of the world ? why no fur^ not any one of them. O thou fenft( lefle inffpid Marrano I Hang a S\ ehellto thy neck^ and goc to. Schooi^ againe with the bearded Novices the Antipodes. Page 6^, Line 2. NOrxf me are come to that ra piece ofZoografhie of thm &c. It is well indeed tli thou knoweft to what th< art come, but truft me Mapx it is ; cafv matter to some on^ the Quefti< is, how thou wilt come off. Thy mai JXeftgnem this Obfcrvation is to co ,1. i^^ my fimilitudes^ and the firft A- f^i/tliou wouldft difprove, is that 3?4rMand Flejh. To effcft this^ »u doeft forfake the Earthy where eed thou ihouldft dwell ^ and fly to the Moon^MercHrj^2ind Venus Ai i mad-mans tricky and fuch art Thot4^ leave Certainties h^ uncertainties^ cell us oi Habitable Planets ^mxhz ralitie o( Worlds and il/fT^^andall s by Divination in a Glaffe. Thefc Principles inconfiftcnt with Serif- e and with the Bloud of Chrijl tts^ if we confider either the Caufe^ the Extent of his P^*ffion • but :aufe thy Madneffe in this ^/^rf prar- ids- to Argument and Eeafon , I ll^^;^^r thee with a Confutation . ^ rAe Planets ( fayft thou ) ^rc /«• tchjlefhas the Earth ^^ that iSy thej dark and op ace as rvell as fbe^ But tfiix^^o^{i thou make the dark O" :ous farts of any Planet to be earth ? hcvc me my friend thou art Lu- C 4 natij; patic^ but no Factor of the world \\ the i\/tf^>75 nor haft thou r^^^ th6:l tooting Scrihlers^ who did firft t.ut\ with thofe farts. They tell us their Books that the dark farts Water ^ and the Luminous Earthy this Element being Jolid, refleds tij Sun- If earns ^znd is gujlded theremm but the water takes them in, wit) any Repercujjion that is fenfi hie to and hence it looks like jfots^m t Mart' in the Moon^ and he is a Moore \ Comflexion, Thy Argnrncnt. .thej ifplac'd in that ^r^^r which the f^y of thefe Planets require^ will bee Vind o(C£leJlia/l new. fen fc^ and.fu as they perhaps in the C^leJlialL.n^ World. All the Planets are as \Mu Jlefl) as the Earth ^ becaufe thhy 'i dark and opacc^ that is hecdufe t are Water as well as the Earth. ha! he I what a flue is mother C bridge ? Doth Ihe take the. ^^mk'^ the Beard^ and give her Chilarm lih h of his Light ? Come Knipfer- ^ng^ I will make up thy Argument • thee, and when I have done, I 11 confute it. Thy mind is that there Earth in all the Flmets^ and this ieed I doe freely gnim thee. It is mown Tenet or the Magi^ Terr am •hiC^k^fedmodo Catefii^ and a- •line Cdtim effe in Terra^ fed mcdo y'reflri. But the Thing to be pro- t d 'Mafiix is this-, that the Earth ?i in/ff^'V^/^inthe very fame impure t\ omplcxion^ wliich it hath here : that in isalfo/^r^^/^»^/;^4;;^ there, in a /eron(iyyajr7. fart of the xvorld^ and fo is Flefh a of the Bodj. This Element witha not hard like Stones and Metals, it is of Complexion /^/t, and fuch 2^ flix is the Flefh of all particular A mals, Secondly, the Fapours or E. datians of the great world proc from the Earthy as the ftveat or « fture of living Creatures proce from their j?^/?? , and ex fires at p too. 3^ '"Twremrrnjir too, and the fux k cannot proa fvom the Lu^ar mflmnce. Rcafon it IS this. It is imfoffihle that Moon being but Earth and WaU Ihould have zxxy Dommion over Ea and Water ^ for inter fares non e(l tefias : water cannot work upon "^ tcr, r) of the great worlds for there is ^nng in the world that answers to \ Hearty and the Sjfiole and Dia- }? thereof. Pujje take thee for a ineer hfe ! how doe ft thou alwaies nilfl?le \tbc Margin of things ^ I tell thee .Cf»^fr an fwers to the Hearty and i^Jithc Motions thereof. This Cen- Waftix^ as one hath well obferv'd, Sindiv^. locus vAcuus^iot it hath Ventricles i the Heart. It is an emftyflace tiQnothir^g caa reft^ for the con- i tinyall . JO The Second ^Vap. tinuall hcAt and aLtion of the fph {vmkh the Fhtlofofhcrs call the, Ce trail Stm) excels the Tnojflure to t Circumference ^ and with a reftle: Pnlfe keeps it in Agitation^ left p^rr/ might reftagnat ^ and /^//fr// This my friend is very naturally f every Agent Lyes in the Center his ^t^<^j', and this is the reafon x\ all Phjficall motions proceed frc the Center to the Circumference^ r from the Circumference to the Ccnti Such a motion is this ^//^j ox flux the 5ir^5 for the ir^/rr^ are not Jlin from the Top to the Bottome , 1: from the Bottome to the T^?/^, and t) hpldine by their dtffufion to the y/:>t?r and their fvvelling upwards^ above t ordinary tvater-marks . But -Af^)? you are a CMoufe militant^ you lia rjvf? Arguments more againft ti P«//^5 and you heave your nofe abc the flottds 5 left you lliould fink a drown^ There is wanting (fay yc iht Flux and Reflux^ R^refacfionf i univerfall Dijfufion of the ftroke once^ both which are found in the fe of a true Animal^ but not in the I. Tothis I anfwer, thatby Rare- fion thou docd either underftand abfolutc Converfion of fome farts the Bloud into FapourSyOV clfe a vi- i fubtileatton^ by which the bloud hinder'd to thicken and corrupt, ii this is nothing elfe but a Comfno- n or ftirring of the farts . That , :re is a Commotion of farts in the ^,j is evident ^ for what elfe is the yix znd Reflux IT lut there is alio farefacf ion oi' {oruQ farts into Fa- ^rs^ is a Thing known to all the .J dd, and this not only in the Ele- j nt oi Water ^ but in the Earth which [jjAvers to the fie j}: : from the C^/^- ^1 / 5/^;? ox f fir it J doth not only r^///^ y^lux and i^^//^Ar but with his Heat ;jj»limcs the moyflure into Clouds y iich trariffire at the P^^r^j of the Barth. And thus CMafiix^^ the ff>i hath a dotfl^le aBiony anfwerable to t performances of L ife in Amma,ls,V\ of all he h3.th a pulfe in the Sea^ as i ^^«/^ hath In the ^/^/^^. Secbfldly. Heat convcvis (omc parts o( the h ter into Vapours^ which Cxpiire at i Superficies oi ihc Earth: and t a^ion anfwers to that of our Ani?i heate , which expels the frtfcrflu^ moyftttr eat the fpres -^atld this fubB evaporation \vc commonly call/ji^i] ting. I have now Sirrah, confuiij thy TO0I of Rarefactior^ •, the nextjf thy univerfall BijftifioH of the Jl at once. This I muft confeile it blind Expreffion, but elfewhere tm doeft expound it : Thy- meaning lh?Ltthe FIhx and Refiiix iir^.^vt in places at once. Thou art indeed Oxvl'iw Cuerpo^2L^\vLW^unftedg di^'\ not fo much as pin-featherd , '^ thou not alham'd to lliew thy Mfmp .? Thou haft not fo mitcfe ^Aedfe to hide thy Ignorance ^ and ^eformitie. Every Motion Mafiix:^ ind'y«r^isthis^^.v)hath two diftincS: termes, a Quo and ad Quern. Every kdmm^Ko thorough which a Mo- imisxoht made y hath as the Thilo- hhers expreffe k^ partes extra partes. tJhe movent then is neceflitatcd to iwe (rom part to party that is to fay i'ced'iveljy for motion is a jii€ce([ive fion. How is it po^ihle then for mpulfe to be in 4// />^r^y or places at t:ey unlefTe thou doeft dreame of an t' icjuitarie Metaphyseal motion,wbich mottohcfmndin nature? Goe thy iiys to Matter Buft of Baton 5 ana k only for a Second Lafh^ but for at ;i?ir(?^ and /f/^)f firipes. Thus you fi'Sifj what pimfu/l objections you iVe made , but notwithftanding oil iiirfc very Clacks of your Scu/l^ have jtx^ilt your Victory and Triumphs fa tell me, I {hall never make finfo iiiQ Flux md refinx^ till/ ar^ aU^ to read Des Chartes , and then Jk adde a/^ry of the H^^/^/^j and She fthtis of Sir Kenelm Dighie . Ta thefc Latine Clouts my friend a) Kveare them, for they looke like Knights Cafi Cloaths . As for Z chartes yht is a ridiculous Scrihh and I underfiandbcxtcii Authors th ever Moore or Mounfieur did r^^^^ advife thee Majlix to burne his jv^/. 2:.fVj,they zxc fanatic infiptdTheori and as that Poet fard of the Annals Voltififis^ Pleni Ruris & Inficetiaru?n, Vov d, C/ofe to this pointy and p ly for thy Injlruciion^ I will give tl lome ^rc^/^^/^ of that Analogic w' is between Bloud and Water. F of all then, as the Sperm of man, \ all other Animals^ is made of J5/^ fo the Sperm of the ^r^d^ vporlc made of ^T'ii^^r. Secondly as the Bi is full ofSalt to prefcrve it from tref action^ fo is ^I'^ry ^^r^r alfo^ efpecii "fpecially that of the Sea^ and for the '^ciy fame end and Rcafon, Thirdly as the B loud is the very feat and De- ferent of ^ir;>i in the C^ficrocofme^ fo is the Water alfo in the cJ^/rf- rrocofme . Fourthly as the Blond hath a P/^//^ xofiir^ and freferve it, fo hath the P^'^f^ r a /'///x and reflux to achat ^ and ^'^^^ it from flagnatj on- J Fifthly arid Laftly, they are hth of f^^w of the fame Complexion inward- Ijy for I have many times turn'd wa- iter to the Complexion of Blotid^ and !this without all violence^ or mixing 7cherewith any other fubftance what- Ifoever. There is Oliajlix between jthefe trvo a miraculous incredible ^^Sjmbol^ but thou hall not defrved fo ,^well at my hands^ that I (liould tell ^^teofm-jfleries : It is my Veftgne xo vindtcat my felf, not to teach thee, %tid now I come to thy next Cavil- ^\l at ions* '^- D 2 P.r^. ^ ^6 IheSemdW.jh. Tage.6Z.Line 17. But now to fut the Bloudy flefh , and bones together of your rvorla Animdy&cc, Here cJ^/'/r//.v,I pro-f pounded a Qfiefiion to thee , wnicfil thou durjl not anfrvcr^ thou haft avoy- ded it like xvildjire^ and thou appcar'J to mt with long dcjcded i^/^/j, lit imqu£ mentis Ajellus. • Prick up thy Bars thou man o\ might ! I know thee too well, to ex feci thy Re f lie : five Lives and D^. Chartes cannot help tliee away witl this Puzz^le . My Quejiion^ was whether Nature in her Comfofition did mix the Elements anatice^Jo mud efeach^ or did her fcales admit oflm parities ? What faith Harry OVfoor to this ? not oncfyllabley not a breah comes from him, he is Reader a jJf !i lenc^d Fhilofopher. Poor Quiverinf^ CMoufc I he faw the 7r4p was lay {o or him^ and dt^rfi not ?2i6hle with hcBayt.. Whatlhall I doe now in his Condition '! he cryes out he hath onfutedmcy when in very truff^ he ^ath nptarfJivereJmt. It is a Maxime >f the Camp> A Silver bridge for ^ ]ftngEnem'j^ But to this Fugitive (hall not allow Chams wooden bridge ^ I will chaje him in hisovvn r^^r/E', and force the Cowatdtofa^e botit. The firft Thing he excepts c, is a Qu£re of mine , and this I i'ropos'd to dtfprove his Amfarcay ^Dr thus it runs, if there he not Earth I ^ough in the world^ L dejired to knom ' 'here it rvas wanting .^ To this hee ' nfwers with an abfolute Confejfm^oi AS Ignorance: Doe ndt think (feitb Te) to fhMe it off by demanding , if fyere be fo little Earth in the wortd^ o tell thee rvhere it is wanting ?" for I (Mj 1^1-y ^^^^ if the world he an Ai^i^ ^'jal^ there mU he much blotted and fef}} Wanting Phildethes ., for fo^ great a 5 ^ ' Di ^^^/v 3» Ibe^ewd'^'y^jl? Beafl. A rare Jheoreme^ and vcrj f tut able to the Philofofhie oi^Harr U\'toore. If the world be ^n Animal he can tell that much fleili and blooc will be wanting^- hwx. where it will h wanting^ he cannot tell. Heare m then thou UVtaJler of Arts ! If tho doeft not know where this Befe^i is ^(?n? canft thou kiiow there is 4;^)/ de fe6i at all :r But my friend I hav not yet done with you, I muft wht you for your Gontradtciion, Yo tell me there will be ?niich Blond \^:kv ting to my Animal ^ and here you kic your own Breech : for elfewhei you would co/?fute my Animal^ b( caufe the Element oi water which ar fwers to Blotid^ is fo excefj'tve in yoi Opiniony that this Creature labou with an Anajarca, Why how no Harry I Docft thou make the fan "Thing., at xhtfame Ttme^ and in 0^ :SLndu\c fame Body, to be both Exce Jive and Defe.ciive ^ Get thipe goi •' th( J vjt o tcona yy ^jty. 3 9 hou Scrihlmg Bedlam^ and learne for umc to fpeak/^';?/^ . The next Thing e takes in hand, is an Inflance of nne^ by which I would prove the ^iffrofortion or exceffe of the fluid Tfrf/ in relation to their Barth^ and his not only in the great rvorldy hwt r\f articular Comfofitioris. To avoid his infallible exprimentall Argu- nrnt , he tels me that the -farts of e- )€ry Body are to he confidered iri the tme Bxtenfton that they now acfually re 5 not how they maj he altered by laref action. I am glad to find thee v^fitive in fome pints^ and becaufc u wifli theey?^^^ ftill^ I wilier/?;;? what rhou haft/z^j'^^and confute tnee by thy tywnThcorie, The Body of any A- mmall being confidered in its own iuturallExtenfion^ hath in that very f^xtenfon an imparitie or Dijpropor- iliono( part s^ for the fluid watery fui- ''Iwces are by much more than the .^^irthy dXidfoUd. This is plaine : for ^. D 4 the ^be life cannot oferat in drie hard Be for this [ore , and indcavours to :^ut tne with a certaine formidable r^e, a Company of J?^^^ and Strag- rs^iox I may nor cal them arguments. cjhefe fubfequent things arc (is hce i.Jsthem) io many be fides ^ and the frflisz vciy gro(fe Exception agair Rarefaction. The proportion (fai he ) hetvjixt the vapour or thinn partf JExtenfion to the remapnu ajhes^ is not jet fo big us of the th parts of the Word' Animal in re fpeci its foltd parts by many thousand a thoufandcMiliions, This is grant iji^ajlix, but what is the Confequem It is not only the fluid parts of t great xv or Id ihzx exceed xnc fluid pa. oi Individuals^ but the Earth of t great xTf^rWexceeds the Earth of a particular Animal^ by many thouf^ and thoujand millions. The Difp portion then upon which thou woul infifl^ is between the parts of fo Individually and xhc parts of this gr animated Sjjlem : But if the Ea and VTater of the great Worldhc co par'd amongft themfelves they h no Irregularitte at all , for there neither too little Earth^noY over m Water, but fuch a pr^portipn of b '^ necejfary to a vita/i Confiitution. le re art thou now thou bungling, ing Cantabrigian 't Thy next O?- /r;^/-himfelf .' He cande- Dnftrat, That a Body rvhofe Bafts is at \': Center of the Earthy and his Topi^iS r. cals it) as far abo've the flarrie I'aven , as it is from thence to the ^ r^rtfy^ is but squall in Dimenfions to lody that will lie in the Boll of a To- ^h:co fipe : and this he will prove, 't taking taking the Body in that 'uafi aEtu. Extenfton^ without any Co?idenfati ufed thereunto. How now Reader and mifcrahle Philofophafiers^ whc arc yotinow :* By the Tame Demo fir at ion he miyproz^e^ that a point parallel to a line^ his Mite as big his Cheeje ^ and the Earth which an Jtom in his opinion^ if compa? with the «?^ left it might work too violcmly in " Blond : for the Bloud of it /^// ^ t is to hy rvithout this Ipirit^ is not at all, as it is manifefl in thofe t , are dead. If the aire then (as I h ^■ formerly rcpliedj retards^ or al [' ; that ^^/r^, which is inclosd in the |f ^ of the C7r^4f worlds left it m: f' work too ^Holently upon the wa f doth it not then rf^^/7; the iv^/^r, ['5^ fo fully ^;^/rve'r to the office oi R( ''!' ration 1 Get thee gone thou g ?'J^ (7That the aire is the outward refreshing fpirit of the great world. Here thou doeft objed: that the aire cannot be the outward fpirit of the whole world, becaufe it is outward onlyinrcfpedofthe Earth and Wa- ter: and this thou doeft call a jugu- lating oh]ecfiony thou oh]eUing J-ug- \^ler. To this I anfwer, that the aire 'doth not only include the Earth and ^Water , but the /even Planets alfo : jforthefe y^T/^;^ move (if we believe Jthe noble Tycho) in aura Cxlefliy and jithis can be nothing elfe but aire. But j:o give a more generall folution, I Jfay the aire is an ambient free jftrit, njForitis not impnfond as other jpi- ^•Hts are , but moves freely like the jiireath in Animals : my meaning is. It is not incorporated in any one part jjpf thp world vvhatfoever : it is not ^■jeaxo Heaven ox: Earth, for it is no \pomfonent^ or fart of either^ and Jiiherefore froprly an outward fpirit , E 3 even S4 J- ^^ even to all the ^a,Yts of the rvorld\ And now my Friend take up youm Iptmdlc offimfles: you muft ivalf with them on your ^ack in Cambridge^ like the i\/^;? in the Moon with his ^///ii| of thorns. Your next and laft ob je5tion is againft the Earth, for thii Element {(zyyoVi) cannot be anima- ted^ becaufe it is not a breathing Ani\ tnal: For what Refpiration^ what Atl traction and Rcddition of Aire is ther{\ in it ? Ha ! ha ! he ! It feems xh world cannozbc animated^ but it mu'i have lungs^ and the fame difpofition o' Organs with Individuals. Thou dci cdcofifine the rvifio?ne of the Almi'^- tie God to the narrow apprehenjlo of il^y blockhead: as if he had but c way of animation^ or infufion of /// . Doeft thou not fee, that feme fa ticular creatures ("for example wprrn. have ///e in them, and yet have r) rejpjration^ov attraction and reddtt- pnoiair^e^ It IS enough that the//- H of the gredt world hath motion , rhich is anfwerable in effect to rej- iration: for it refrigerats the w^y/? jir^Xjand preferves them from that w/-, which without this mediator light prevaile over tfjem^ and grow X) violent. I This is the fumme of thy obftinat i^nd malicious /(?///> , and now thou lOtdapply thy felf to a rr^^^, which r.eomes thee far better than Philo- h)phie: Thou art turnd a kind of iellorvs-maker^ and indeed a ;;?y/?^- ot-w one^ for this Engine of ^^/>?^ loilows by an inward vital principle, /(idthout the ^^ //> of hands . Thy ^^Z- iii}rvs is a living creature^ for it hath jm^fj, ^i/r/, lungs ^ and nofe : and this is //if ^/^/^^(fayftthouj as the nofe on a i^ians face, Heare me thou Harry gioore ! Put thy nofe in thy breech , miere thou wilt find another Bellows^ iiaid animated by as proper a refpira- ^\on. E 4 ^^^^. Pi^^^ 77. Line g. HEre 1 object O Eugenii , arc. Here you objeft tli the Inter-ftellar waters .' < too exce([jve in proper t ; to he the fluid parts of a World-ammii Look back my friend, for your Q} jeftion is already anfwered. In ii( next place you ask me, why I callh Inter- ft elUr waters , miraculous n ters't To this Queftion you anh: your felf ; / fee the caufe (lay vd Bone fires and Torches burn in thi / This leflTon you learnt of mee, jt therefore you goe about to conf:( it, Thativere a miracle indeed {h\ (JMoore) but th.it tt is a falfitie : fo . give things falfe names. It is Si;kj proper name , for fire is a prina predominant in the fi:arSy and this froved by their heat^ and comple en, NowX(9g-/Vtels me^ that Dei mini- natio ft a potior i : fo that this f hath hurm you in the ha^d ^ d now you may cry, God fave the irk. Page J^. Line 14, i Tf 7 Hat is thy meaning here^ little W V Phil : &c. Here thou doeft Ike me, If the tvorld hath Jenfe only /i the Stars .<* No Mafiix : not only \s the ftarsy it hath jenfe in all the '.;rf 5 thereof, for it is one animated tflem .- but the fiars being the Mght sHuent parts of the rvorld^ the y/>/r/> il life is more apparently acHve there, ian any rv^^re ^//^, as it is m man at lie eyes. But you proceed Doftor rllows^ and you^/^iv from all points r, the compaffe. You tell me the \irs mujljce^ and hearc^ and tajie. Ihefe my friend^z.xQ particular actions i fenfe ^ and require their feverall ■nalified Organs , fuch as I never affirmed 4 firmed to be in the great world, li Jefjfeofxhcumverfe is indeed a ki o( feelings namely a mutual con-feM or a vitall influent action of the i jerior farts upon the inferior^ \v\ a ready af fit cation and conforms of the inferior to the fuperior : vi this pr^^ee^j from that i//^^/ incloK /r^5 which is the foule of the ^rii ^orld ; This is the truth^ and n?///j fcorns to learn of a Coward^ 1 objerve what thou haft objecfedy ' hus I returne thee a confutation, e is {{diyiklhou) fuch an apparent exion between this Ph^nomenorf e Flux and Reflux^ andfo confiant the courje of the Moon^ that it is unimaginable y bui that there d be the relation of caufe and ef- Utwixt them. To confirme this Zii^Fromondi^y and then repeat ' ftorie oiSca and Mom^ with the ftrange 62 j'heCi ecom yVajh. ftrangc connexion of their mo To this it is anfwercd, that the mzyconcurrewiih the Moon in oftime^ but not as an efecf pro by the Moon : for many things at the fame inflmt^ and yet the notthcr^/(pofthe others motio, that this is but a cert dine faralL a mutuall Harmonie oi motions a dependencie of effecfs and r^i This is enough to confute thee I will not only propound a fr^ VfiW ju(ti fie what I have proposed. thatbyfolidj invincible reafon, of all then , every motion pro' by an extcrnall Sjmpathcticall (and //^r^ you muft fuppofe the tobejisan attraction \ but the is no attracliony for when the is in the Eafl fas youinftance FIhx moves not to her^ but from namely towards the P^fe. I coni then, that the Flux is not prodtic* an extcrnall Sympathmcall ^^ I loe second yyajty. 65 therefore not by the Moor^. Se- dly, if the Moon imparts motion he Sea-jvatefy it will infallibly fol- ', that rvherefoever fiiee finds it ^ re will fhe move it : but this is e^ for if rvater be brought from Sea to Chrtjls Cdlledge in Cam^ ige^ and there expos' dzo the Moon- ms^xh^Moon will not ftirit, not- hftanding all the skill of Harry 'oore . On the contrary if the onhzdzny dominion ov^^ the Sea- ^ery (lie muft needs fiir it, vvhere finds it ; for every Patunt that is :hin the fphare of the agent muft :ds ftffer thereby : but Sea-water ng exposed to the Moon-bea?ns is :hinthc fphare of the LmJar affi- /f 5 for the beams fall «^^;? ;>, and :re is an application of the Moon to : moyfiure^ but no motion or J/«,v ilL I conclude then that the Moon \o t:4«/^5 for {hcproduceth no ^j^^^. aw if we rcturnc to the trfitf;^ name- ly ^1^ rm^reeona yva]n. ly the fulfe of the great world^ we ir | cafily know, why fome f onion of t Sea-water being feparated from i IV hole ^ is noi fnhjeci to a Flux^zs it ni formerly. We fee that the bloudis loi as it is in the veins is actuated by pulf e^hut if any /^^r/^ be /f ^ out^thanp. is no more actuated^ for it is beyc the fp.h.cre of activitic^ and the ^/^/'^//^/(r thatthe Flu;c \A6. depend on the Moon^ and my %i for it is this. The Sea was ie oh the third daj^ and the Moo?i -he fourth^ (o that there was a Fltix Dre there was a Moon. Now if ^^^ ufayft that this motion proceeds the Moon^ thou doe ft put the before the hor[e^ thou doeft ce ejects Pr^exijtent to their cati- This is all Sir, that you have xen, and now Harry Moore^ Hoflis hahet Mnros : have really furfriz^'d thy OHt- ks^ and fr'd them wit hall : nor 1 my flames reft here^ I will bring n to the heart oiTroy •, ^^ am per MAnia clarior ignis \itHr ^ profriufque ^Jius Jncendid 'volvunt. \y Maftix^ fly, for thy building ?^5 and all the tvater in Charj^ ffiall F nor ^5 jm^mTT^r^p. ■ not quench it. It is time for thee look a nerv Syfiem^ for the old (i fals to pieces : Here will be nothij left for thee , imlefTe thou canftii like i^^mi" in the r nines of thy C^ thage.But what haft thou done^^r^i hafrthou made me laugh in this r^ hufiioH't Thou doeft advife mw not what. I fay then, andj?^- vely affirme, that xht foule before 1 1mmerfion in the matter^ is a knoiv- intelligent fpirit^zndthi$ affmlly^ F 3 and TO The SpcQidW.]!)' and explicitly. This is my Bocirin and thus I prove it. If the fotde b not TLniHtcHfzent juhjlance before int ranee 10 iht body, then that fact tie by which Arijlotle defines t foule^nzmdy intelligence, is no effe tiallfacultie^ bur a thing acquird^ t 3/^^r^ hath formerly granted it is effentiallfacidtieErgo^ &c. The n jor is invincible^ for whatfoever ejfentiall to the Joule , can never jefarated from her without the flruction of her Effence^ fo that if telligetice be a facultic ejfentiall^ fotde mufl needs be intelligent^ af\^ before y as 4/?^r her incgrforati Now for her explicit ad:uall ^;/r /^^^in the Jlate of Pr£cxijiencii will prove it thus ^ fortiori. If y^«/^ can actually underfland in ^tf^)', when iLe is />^*(y? and obfa by the Matter^ flie can doe it ;; better in her /^^^ of Praexifiei when (he is a ft^re fpirit^ znd free fil ^ matter ^ But fliee can aBudly jierfland in the hodj^ therefore much ^rf whcnflie is/re*^ from the body. ^aine. If the foule hath an intdli^ \nt e(jentidl facultie^ in the ftate oF ,£exifiencie^ fhe muft alio actually derjimd in the fame ftate ^ and the '«e//I demonftrat thus. Either (lie ith a^ually underftand^ or her /4- f^/>x are fupfreft , and r^/? ajleep , \ihtx faculties are not fuppr eft and *? ajleep^ Ergo\ The divifton immedtat , for ^;?e of ^^/"^ muft eds /'^5 and the w;;?(?r I prove thus. the foule be r^/ ^y?rf/? before her France to the hdy , ihe rrray bee ,i) caft afleep ^ after hex fepat^a- •» from the ^^^^5 for (he returns en to hex former State^znd here vvUl How an Hereticall Pfjchopannuchie^ ^hich fJMoore oppos'd in his Poems ^ j^,gaine, If the faculties of the [oule fuppreft in her Fnftexiftencie^ this i F4 is is done by the matter^ or by fomethi elfe. Uhy fomethiug elfc^ I defire know tvhat that opmm is ^ and he) heloved you are to feek. If you (|/ by the matter, the fiate of the /^.^ confutes you, for as jct ilie hath / - thing to doe with the matter. Ir ^ clear then that ftce aciitdlj und' fiandsy and now Harrj Maore^ v ' : iayft thou '*, Truly Harry fays \ finely: I am (fiith he) a very n'.^j Thtlofof^her^andhe mujl rife bcti^ ' that goes about to impoje ufon my fon. This my friend is nothing c the purpofe : /^;^^r4»//^x faidas mv\ before you, and you ftolc the fhyfi from hun •, Debet jar gere -per temp^. is the originall to your Tranflatii. The fecond mtfluke^-vj\\ic\\ you wo c make me guilt^e of, is your orvn^ y mine. I thtjik ( lay you ) that ia condcmne my opinion^ of the Pr^eJ ftencic ofthefoule. Is this thought Frint^ or in Mamfcri^t f You c^ demlii mn'd an explicit knowledge^ and to 4t only I replied . But in good ear- ;ft Mafter Maftix y what is your imonoixh\sPr£exiflencie? It ism \itter ( fay youj what your opirdon is^ it is yours. Truly Sir you fay very cll, it is no matter indeed.* for henfoever you ^f ;^)f the Pr^exi^ten- i>5 I will lo frove it^ that I ftall take you ajham'd of your felf. Jut |)U are growne Magifieriall , 3id !id would make a Clafftc Mo&e: )U refer the Readers to your Poens. crily my friend thy BdLxd to Vti- inffc pfyche^ is no more tothef^jf- fl[T/>iof the foule^ than that (/^/2- ^ uel to his loving Nancy -^ Ohfervation. 2. I'^'jEre Philalethes / charged thee 'ly^ I fv//^ three ahjurdttics^ &c. ake back your charge , and look cielltoit, I have for my pa/t com- mitted i^itted no abfurdities. The Ji thing ycu except at, is a ta^k of w/ that I ftould fpend a whole fpring find out this conclufion : That thii that a:efroducd in nature^ are out fometking in nature unlike the thit frodrc'd. To prove this you m; ufe L)f my own words , which ; theie : / took to task the fruits of < ffiing^ and then follows this learj Ommcnt. I fay (faith Harry Mod thit one ffring rnay fignifie a rvh fprng^ and your making a ttsk aj teens to determine the words to t fene. O rare, Metaphyficall n fenjii Readers, I charge you to t; notice of it. The fruits indeed w tlie /uits of one ffring^ but tha took hem to titsk for one whole fpri, is a fenfe no where to bee four This is as much, as if I fliould that Parry CMoore did read the . fiory of one age^ and therefore ff me whole age ifi reading it. Get t. c thou- ignorant ftupid Scribler i wdurftthou pretend to Philofo- Zy when thou canft not underftand LimoB Engliih /* irhy next Charge Harry is fofalfe^ fiould think thee a C^mmitte-mm , \ that thou haft more to do with WUm than with the Common-rvedth, Hmit ("faift thouj of two ofArifiotles I'ncifles , lM after and Privation . bid thee formerly that Matter was a ^nciple of Nature, and in the Booke Nature I found it, not in Arifiotle. 'ivation indeed is a Creature of the m!es ^ a Greek Fable but no -P//«- le^ for principles properly are fub- ntiall parts, or mgredients of the )mpound, and fuch is not Privatiof?^ It the Moor argues.* viola ( fiiith he ) ex non ^Vo/^, Gene ration is not per- •w^/j/\vithout Privation^ therefore ivation is a Principle . Well done ;)« faithful! Peripatetick ! Now at 1 1 begin to underftand thee; Pdva- tion 76 1 ne^ econa w aw tion condiictth to Ge^erat ion y^nd tf fore it muft be a Principle . If i holds there are more Principles t Three^znd Arffiorh is (hort of tl number. Fir ft of all the i?/z;2 conduc to Generations, or according to a flotle himftlfe , Sol et Homo genet Hominerr?. therefore the Sun is a Py ciple . Secondly thtf Parents do ^ ^/«r^ , and are neccflary Agents in Univocall Generations, therefore * Parents are principles . Thirdly Generation can pofTibly be perforir without Time ^ and Place y no m« than without privation, and therefi Time and Place arc Principles . i now my friend, the Confequences thy Nonfence ^ I muft therfore i thee that a principle is a Conftitut partoi the 5(?^/>, hut privation is ftruBive^ as we fee in Men : For if verit takes place in the Body af Generation^ it is the DeftruBion th< of 5 andthciforcno more a princi ti \ Death it fclfe.To be ihort^Priva- s a Tranfitory accident , for it re- |,es not in the Body, after it is ge- ed: and what is not in the Body frimifleoi xhc^ody-^ Nay it is r from the Nature of a principle^ if it were in the Body , it would oy it . Now if thou wilt tell me, laufafw.e qua ./,tv>. I fay there are f fuch Caufes more, namely the Time^indFiace'^ but a Caufe fo fied is no principle . Thus have I ated thy fecond Frenzie , I am com to thy fiiparlative one of the d Degree . ;.^re Mr. Maliix you fall on the natter as if you were at Long- ,1 and Cuftard : But Sirrah this is Uofophtcall difh , keep to your ing and pycruft, with your Cue ;'and no Salt . Thou art Moore a fre^oman a ridiculous cohling 1 5 and I have form.erly advis'd lot to go beyond thy L aji . The firfi firjl Matter I fpcak of, is x\it matter of all thi^^qsy and 1 have fee nrjcl felt it^ ten thoufand times , 1 my friend I will come to thy \de thou doft barbaroully and blindh it, and this is it. The firft matter (f thou) is afubila-/7ce out ofvphith all foreall thi/ios are made^ tut it feifi of^/othi^o , This is your poffitive fertioii, and you taile it with a Q^ whither tha[ Matter^ which I hate feen and handled^ he fuch as\ ft mth this Idea< It is Sir, for th dea fits with the Matter : It is fferrm w^hich God in the beginiri his w\iics created oi nothing , anc of which he made HeaiJen and £ and all that arc therein . But yo' grown Magicall Harry ^ you what the /zV/f Matter is, as if yov been tutor 'd in the fchoolc oiNa Omfirft Matter ( fay you ) is a prepared and iju aliped hy Art, a reducdh) Chymiflry to fuch a teAji^ m'4 t tt is fit to receive anj Forme nhat- Ver . Ilome thou Mountebank' Monkie I ou Squirt of 'Revealed Non fence ! ith this Inftruftion proceed from Unj^erfality of fpirit^ov doft thoil iimc tofpeake of things thou doft underftand c' I tell thee the firji tier is \:hc Sperm of two Univer- Natures Heaz'en and Earth , nei- ' can it be made by the hands of !.• For as Manis^e/2^?^»j^e^out ofa vm^ and again yeelds a fperm of his ^5 which is the very fame in Na- withthat whereof he was genera^ So rhtq^reat ^orld was made of a W5 which God created of nothing, now that very world is refolvd cU^efted into a fpetm by its proper Dfed Heate, and this fperm is the ' fame with that Originall one reof the world was made . This Matter or fperm do I find, where ur^ ejects it ^ But I prepare it not> that that is the power of God, and not Man. Away then thou impudent, norant Scribler I thou u^ffe in TV fcendenciel^^ but not fo well infpira that o^ Balaam . And here Sir I it tell you, that having fet up your CI you fpend a whole Page at Roz\ and let file your Gooff^fjuill at y Givn l^a^iity^ Thou doft tell me of /?' heates^ and putting the Body into i petttallmotion^ with a kind of And and Genefis^ and all this to confute ^rtificiall fperm or fir(t Matt Whom doft thou oppofe in this Coxcomb:' Eugemus ^ or. thy fel^ Thou art fuch an objiinate tnalic TooU:, thou doft condemn an Art doft no way underftaiid . But I p on to thy laft Argument, which is i teriall ? for it is true . If there Tpet\ nyfuch matter ( fayft thou ) as I mi fo fit for all Forms ^ and fet fitted none , it could not he ken from hlki matched mth one Form or other * T \ fpolcen fenje my friend , and a ;!f/*^ which exf'rieijcc confiXmQ'^ €- [y day • The fr [I- matter is no foo- [' hrn^ but it is actuated by the fre Nature , and tray^sformd without ,into AmmaU-, Vegetalhles ^ and leralls . This I have been a fre- nt Ohfervator oi ^ and therefore I cfpeake it; bat for thy ftirth^r J-it^f- hon^ I referre thee to my Magia A- ma. Asforth^x fan fie c( ihinc J ilhcfrji matter flwuld appear e he- r me tn all P^apes^ k is fuch (JlUta- ftcs^ none but t.hjfjlfe coiiU fpcak For if the CMatter mkjl appear e ire me in all fhapcs^ I muft have the Hr to introduce all Tonm^ aad that mposjible , for O'/fan is not Dator /marum. I is enough for me ihac ^ ture herfelfc producer h a Threefold wily out oi" this Clutter ^ and that I it not by Artific'tdll^ but by iV^ir«- l experience CY^i'Y day . Again my :ni , all fhapes that ^r//^ from the G frft frji matter appeare not in all placi for example not in England^ and tl: fore I cannot fee them . This \ been obfcv'd by Virgil^ the befi the u?//^/ of Poets •, 2^ OH omnis fert omnia Tellus There is not any or*e Climate that { duceth all^^a>;>butfome oney f another-^ and the fame Poet^ thoug general! termes^ gives a Reafon fo Continuo has Leges ^tenracj-^fi ra certis imp of u it Natura Locis As for that Quejlion of thine, Whe thefrfl matter was alter' d before eyes to Doggs^ Lions , and Ladies have fufficiently rf/«r^^/^ already Vcaufc I would difcover thy / rance^\W\\\ fpeake fomihing m< Thou docft miftake the fferme of great world in generally tor partic fpectfied [ptrmes iy the Creatures \ doftfpeak of, are not propagate quivocalljfy that is to fay from an V if ffferm , bjt their Generations ivocall^ for they are ^(7r;^ of a nLir jeed^\v\\\c\i is derived ;;5^;«f- from the bodies of their Pa- . True it is, God made tliem e- dlj ofzhQuntverfill fperm^ but 7ards they had their fperrn^ in- 'elves, fealed with zfartknUy I- 3 that it was dettrmtniXtcd and friatcdto theu* fpecies . On the iry the fperm of the ^r^^t world verfall and determinated to no r at all, till Nature hath firft dif- it to fomc ant mail form , and Animdls are not fuch as are iced by univoi:all Generations ♦ is enough, and now I muft tell •f two ablurdities of thinc^ Firft^ irt fo meer zjchool-boj^ thou haft ken homtinculus for Cercopihe- :>r tho\i doft allow him a take, as a^clfus his Pigmie were a Mcorijh ' ^wot . Thou haft indeed trp(f ;e Cr^.4^;^rfi 5 and I muft infert V G 2. them them here for pofteritie, thy anin hellowcs^ and thy man-monkie . fecond fault is ^ that thou fhoulde! (ohiconftderate^ as to propofe a J?/V;/ which returncs to thy ovvnd grace. The World fufficiently k[ thy Condition^2in6. how ridiculous haft made thy f elf e^ by thy /7ihli^> gnawing of my margins ^ Yet :fil doe ft aske me , if ever I made 'fl Vpith the fir (I matter in the figure Moufe^ and f laid with the LZiufl $f it < Truly , my friend^ I mi; Aver thee , and I tell thee f fly, I never took any moufe b. Mufiachocs but the Man-moujc . Okfervatiun 4. DOjou mention no life het genius 1 but the» Ceorgi\ P netus does for you^ &c. I teljj ' ^ajiix^ xhsLtGeorgius Venetus rp fnsnolifc for mc, nor i$ th^rji m he flioiild , for I did not cite to that end ^ but to prove that It was not Created, but Manifefied Communicated to the Creatures^ Ijvvhat is this to Lifel But I have ^'lone with thee thou CMoore^ thou ';^z Rencgado ! In this ohjervation I '^lot only charge you with Blaffhe- ; igainft the fecond Per/on^ in that /make^/wtobe ^ Common Life* • Icharg'd you with Herejie y and pfolute Deniall of the Third Per- ) for in this jour Note you make ^^olj Ghofi to be nothing elfe but ^turall warmth . What have you •'^/^ef, nor Profe^ but a lame uneven Hutch a Speach without Styky aqd a without Cadence , But roome f Toet\ he enters with his Stanza i| mouth y and a Bulho beare it c ny. Xff /^.f (faith he)bnng it ^// imire into view . _, J he Seconder .[h. «7 hfi Extreme the f4rdefl off from Ligf^ *s Natures ilcad/j fhadavf^^ H , It's ce/i, rridCave^ and womb of dreaded ntght j loer offVitchcraft,ar.d accurfcd fpsll ^ 'hKotl'jyig CAnavatle *;^4/>f/? ifracl , Magicksan him hurt^^c* 1 this your observation Sir 5 you iemned me for calling the ^rfi fer an horrible empty darknefe^ and |ed your verfe to difprove your lie |:hc fame motttfrthdxfpoke it . I did liall Maflix annex a Predichon^ and iliefe very words . Tou wtll tell me Jjvfp/ yoii mind not the Matter , ha rhing elfe , yoti know not rvhat . I ^! now fee how trtte this prediff ion is, ^ verily it is all Oracle^ For thou haft P:ten thou knowejt not rvhat • I can- '!( faift x\'\o\x)exprelJe rvhat Imeane ^hr than I have already in that Stap- '\ Come then my friend, thy Stan- hlegiblexhoM^h it he not intelhgi- |, and now Mrs, Stanza what fay ' you fay there h^^uarrell be- C 4 Wccn twcen ifrael and Bsle^ or the j?r/? ter 5 but Mrs. Hjle Can nothin^r avajle 'gawfl ifr, T prcetbee Moore , how came th/fe to fall out ? is Hyle one of the Pi fl tries , or hath Ihe a forves face , the fa ulcus bewitched Madam < forfooth, flie is norjc ohh^ former\ at an humble dilhncc flie relates t( / ter : llie is Reader , Mother ofwitchcra ~t^and accu^rfed^ Sure then flie lives in Lancaflnrc Lapland^ and verily it feemes in l lafi Region , for it is farth:ft of \ Light. Hal Ha: He! I befeech I Gentlemen^ take notice th;:t the matter IS 2. Witch^ for it mry b hath bewitch'd Harry Moor ^ an( tharrnd his f'nje that he can 7iqthing but N on- fence . But enough oi accurfcd fj^ell a\i Moores extreme , which is /ir j^^»;,. X/^/;i, becaufe far from Truth. li ik, ^ now com to ih^So^oi Nichomaau^i •r this BdlUdmonger having nothing fpeak him fe If cmdkcs another fpeak )r him . I told thee Ma/lix that A- flotle's defcription of the jirjl mat- r convty (iiZ)ufl nothing to the un- rfiandi'ng^ for he describes it Nee hid^ nee ((uale, nee Qjfantum . To ifprove this ^•^ef r^ of mine concer- ing Artflotle and his Materia frima^ hou doe ft cite a Text where he dc- cribes Materia fecunda , which his '^ollowers call Materia Jignata. But let IS apply to the Text it felfe . ^^y )«> V'xit.0-r. D/r^ enim ( faith he) mate- namy quod rei cujujque jubje5fum eji vrimum^ c quo infito^ non ex acciden- :r/ all quid oritur y et in quod^Ji quidpiam [interit^ ultimum aheat . Here he fpeaks not of ameer Potentiality^ and fuch is his Materia prima , but he fpeakes of a fubjedl^^/z^/vexiftent, as being d.part of the thing generated: ii^\yuvtif. x»'»»f, c quo infito altquid oritur. Again he hiii\felfe tells ^s in his frji booh of Fhyjies 90 J i?e o econa yr If) Fhjfics 5 Chap. 7. that his L^tatei^ prima, ortus efi expersy et expers int ritus'hwi the matter here defcrih*d\s met fo^ ?.s it appeares by the fu^feq words of the Text^which you have pu pofcly avoyded'^ fl»Vn#5«^/4j»iM/,»^i»f^«^Mi>( Sj^are exit inter empta , anteqtiam ii t ere at . Get thee gon thou igmrat fcrthler , for thou doeft not unde ftand the Peripatetics. They have twofold matter : One that is really an qualified with their prdvid dtfpoftth ms , andthis Jriotle defines in tl precedent Text ^ Another that is ^d ^ndphantafiitk ^ for it is not in N; ture t^x-fjneither is it -d K^rd r',But ho now Harryl docftthou undertake t corred: Greek , when thou doeft nc junderftand EngUp?': I will correci" the and whip thee for an Jffe . My ^ xft-ni ( faieft thou ) is a Morifier , and hat Qii€ ♦* too much . Readers I reque your Attention^ be pleased to obferv ^his / a^age , for my words are thefe Aript ^ ' J" • -7- riJlotUs matter ( which is nothinj^ to \e matter ) is nut in Nature •«>«'« ♦ ■iihcr ts it liKstvxTt. This appofitap- arcnt Senfe he hath transform'd to bfplute Nonfenfe ;, and that by a ri- iculpi s alteration of his own . 7hoi^ ^It not fay ( faith he ) that this mat- ^ris in Nature neither dTrMc, nor n^ww«, IS thou tarharouflj fpeake(l , Thou loeft indeed ffeak harl?Arm[ly, and as !, told thee elfewhere, it is very natu- [all loihce ; but are thcfe my words Slow Barbarian!' I told thee Arifiotles '^natur was not in Nature •»a«;, neither \vas ity namely the matter it felfe « w» 'h or Ens fecunduw Quid , Where is jQOw thy w too much^ thou fenfeles illi- jCerate Blockhead-lBm becaufe thou do- eft pretend to Greek and the Correction of It , I tell thee it is Artfiotles Greek, I nor mine^ for they are his orvne rvordsy ras he is citcdjnot by his profeft enemy Magkus^vx by lus lovingfriend Ma- 'girus: Non autcm Materia per f^fola, {ubjipt fuhfifiit necjue -n'Ks^y' m efi . This is fi' language Ith. i.Phyficorum Cap.j. there be any Truth in his Profelytes Thy next Ar^ume t in thisO^y^^ 'VAtion ( for I value not thy perfona; Scandalls^khdngvny defigne to an fiver nought , but what offofeth m Principles ) is zg^'mO: that Darknejfe which I hold to be the frjl matter Was that darknejfe ( faift thou ) ah d terno^ or not r* I will anfwer thee Mi fiix in plain pofitive Englifl) : It vn not from Eternity . As for the Bivin Light ^ had the darknejfe been ah ater m 5 it could not have fhind'm it ah terno , for it was repugnant to the Bi vine Will .* the Light being not mam feficd^ till He pronouuc'd his ft Lux' which was his fir ft Motion to Creatt en. And now mj friend^ Ifhallrc queft you to publifli thofe things i your next Pamphlet^ which I have pu Jo ilfavourdlj together , that they im ply a blindneffc in the Holy Gh j le interim remember your Sinn a- j ainft that Holj Sprit , and repent if iere be any place left for Repentance: ['ou have Mr. Moore moft trnfioufly \^d audacionjly ^ffivmcdy That the Ho- ] Chojt was not able to jee • Ohfervatioi 6. ITES^ I fpake of them ^ and moved j[ a very materiall queflion^ &c. In our frfi. ohfcrvations Maflix , you id much queftion, rvh ether there were *7yfuch Things as the Rationes Semi- ales , or no ? But being fince con- inc*d, you alter your Qu^re, and ask le what Doctor 3/^rry's Experiment. I a Glafs can do^ for the co?}firming or ic confuting the Rationes Seminales? ' 'his IS your own lubberly language , id your la ft part I will anfwer to "/ . His Experiment indeed can no. 3.y confute the Rationes Simivales, iSCaufe it tmfirmcs them , for that whicK which conjirmes ^ in my Opinion ft vpdifccmfutes. This is plain HAtrfy zn I have made icfo in order to rhy at -prehtn^fim^ which is veiyD»//. Tii pfi fcrupU arifeth from this lafi namely now this Experrment cxn coyi Jirme the Rat tones Semi tidies < Trul Majlix thou art an Invincible Block for Reafon afords no wedges that ca enter thee. Had it thou ferus'd and ui derjlood my BovL\ thou hadft not bec to feek in this thing . But for all th Coxcomb is ^^^'iand ftupid, Philo tf g^^ hath a Beetle (hall knock it im Senje . Plants ( faith h\: ) have i zhcmfpermaticall Principles, in whic i'Xijp', or the Rationes fcminrits ^\ made manife(l and vifibleln their ^, /f^ T;r;??^j . Now I defire to knd of thee wherin this Maitfefiation* the a^^^w ^ ct>ar«f \63,, confifts 1 for they be manifcfted by the outward j gure orjhape of the individually whi( is ^r«^ ; then this inward jigure and \rance , or to fpeake properly, this ^re^e of the idea in the looje fluid 9u:ifles^mv& needs he a moft excel- t invincible confirmMton of the xey». lims Sir, have you your Queflion an- hi^d , and now I proceed to your >