i i I HAND-WOVEN CARPETS VOLUME I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/handwovencarpets01kend Persian carpet, I5th-i6th century. (See pages 19, 103.) Victoria and Albert Museum, .'i'ifrtns? rUoi-rijji .Jsq-ss (.joi ,Qi c'jgsq 9fi>8) jji-xobrT HAND-WOVEN CARPETS ORIENTAL & EUROPEAN BY A. F. KENDRICK KEEPER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TEXTILES AT THE VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM AND C. E. C. TATTERSALL WITH 205 PLATES, OF WHICH 19 ARE IN COLOUR VOLUME I TEXT NEW YORK: CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1922 kIK Kr-: V. i text PRINTED AND MADE IN GREAT BRITAIN THIS EDITION IS LIMITED TO 1000 NUMBERED SETS, OF WHICH THIS IS SET.^fk5 V PREFACE A brief explanation of the nature of the link between this volume and Neugebauer and Orendi's excellent Handbuch der Orientalischen Teppichkunde, published in 1909^ is due to the reader* By arrangement with Messrs* Hiersemann of Leipzig many of the illustrations in that volume have been made use of^ and these have been supplemented by a large number of new ones in colour and half-tone* The scope of that handbook did not render the text easily adaptable as a basis for the text of the present volume* The necessary amplification and revision would have entirely destroyed its character, and to undertake the task would have hindered rather than furthered the end in view* These considerations explain why the text of the present volume is entirely new* Responsibility must in no case be laid, therefore, at the door of the earlier writers, except in regard to a few statements, of no vital import, which could have only been verified by reference to the original carpets illustrated but not now accessible* The great value of Neugebauer and Orendi^s work lay in the varied and admirable series of illustrations of carpets woven within the last hundred years and in the descriptive notes appended* When it first appeared, there was no other book of so modest compass and price which aimed at classifying the bewildering variety of types of Oriental carpet obtainable by those who had the money to buy, and no other book has since taken its place* The literature on the subject of the older carpets was already fairly voluminous* Of all such works, that published under the auspices of the Austrian Government after the great exhibition of carpets at Vienna in 1891 remains the chief* The truly magnificent series of coloured illustrations to that work places it beyond all chance of rivalry for many years to come* But they also render it unobtainable, except occasionally at a price which would represent more than a year’s income of many a serious student* The text was naturally subject to the limitations of the time* The day had not then come when a sound historical survey, covering as wide a range as the exhibition itself, could be written* A supplementary volume, with descriptive text by Dr* Friedrich Sarre, was published in 1907* Next followed Dr* F* R* Martin’s book. Oriental Carpets Made Before V PREFACE 1800. This eminent Swedish traveller and writer took a fearless and original line, and although the lapse of time has not since tended to confirm some of his theories, a great deal was added to the common stock of knowledge. Martin's work was published in 1908. Two years later the exhibition of Muhammadan art was held at Munich. A remarkable collection of carpets was brought together on that occasion, and they received due attention in the fine publication, Meisterwerke Muhammedanischer Kunstf produced at the close of the exhibition as a record of the principal works of art shown. All the books so far mentioned are costly and scarce. The frequent references made to them in the following pages are called for by the impossibility of adequately illustrating, especially in colours, a subject of so wide a range in any volume of moderate si2;e and cost. The books are accessible in our national libraries, and the student of the subject cannot afford to miss any available assistance in consulting them. The number of smaller and less ambitious volumes on the subject of carpets is gradually growing. Few of them claim to embody much original research, although in their discursive way they are not without value, and they do a useful service in contributing to the available stock of illustrations. They have a place in the list of useful works at the end of this volume. Dr. W. von Bode's book, Vorderasiatische Kniipfteppiche, published in 1902, should be particularly mentioned, as being, within the modest limits set by its author, a scholarly and indispensable book. Work still remains to be done in clearing up obscure points, especially, though not entirely, in regard to the early history of the subject. A number of the carpets illustrated in this volume are already well known to students, but they are such as cannot be ignored without disadvantage in a volume dealing, however briefly, with the subject as a whole. The Council of the Royal Society of Arts have kindly accorded permission to adapt a paper on English carpets read before them and published in the Journal of the Society (Vol. LXVII, 1919^ p» 136) for the purposes of this work. My collaborator and colleague, Mr. Tattersall, is responsible for the classification of the modern carpets and the technical notes throughout. Such value as the book may have is largely due to him. My thanks are due to the following for their courtesy in allowing vi PREFACE the reproduction of carpets in their possession : — The Duke of Buccleuch, The Duke of Northumberland, Lady Cunliffe, The Hon, Lady Hulse, Lord Verulam, The Hon, H, McLaren, M,P,, The Earl of Ilchester, The Mobilier National (Paris), The Louvre, The Gobelins Museum (Paris), The Museum of Decorative Arts (Paris), The Vienna Museums, The Berlin Museums, The Leip2;ig Museum, The Victoria and Albert Museum (London), Mr, George Mounsey, Mr, Lionel Harris, The Girdlers^ Company, Dr, W, von Bode, Dr, Friedrich Sarre ; and to M, Albert Levy, of the Librairie Centrale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, for permission to reproduce Plate 26 from his Exposition des Arts Musulmans, It is an agreeable task to record my indebtedness to Mr, Victor Gollancz for dispositions which have lightened the labour and added to the pleasure of writing the following pages, A, F, Kendrick, September t 1922* Vll CONTENTS VOLUME L—TEXT Page PREFACE .............. V LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN VOLUME I . . . . . . . . xi PART I.— HISTORICAL I INTRODUCTORY ............. 3 II PERSIA ............... 8 III INDIA 37 IV TURKEY ............... 43 V THE CAUCASUS ............. 58 VI EASTERN ASIA— (a) TURCOMAN TRIBES 61 (&) CHINA AND CHINESE TURKESTAN ......... 62 VII EUROPE— (а) SPAIN 68 (б) POLAND .............. 72 (c) FINLAND 72 (d) FRANCE 73 VIII ENGLAND 75 PART II.— TECHNICAL I THE TECHNIQUE OF HAND-WOVEN CARPETS— (a) KNOTTING AND WEAVING 87 (b) GROUP CHARACTERISTICS OF EARLY CARPETS ...... 99 (c) MATERIALS ............. 114 (d) DIMENSIONS AND SHAPE . . . . . . . . . .116 (e) COLOUR AND DYEING ........... 118 II THE DESIGN OF CARPETS ........... 123 III PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS— (a) PURCHASE 133 (b) PRICES .............. 142 (c) TREATMENT 145 IX CONTENTS IV CARPETS IN THE MARKET— GROUPING AND IDENTIFICATION— Page (а) TURKISH 149 (б) CAUCASIAN i6i (c) PERSIAN .............. 172 (d) CENTRAL ASIATIC 186 BIBLIOGRAPHY 193 INDEX 1 95 VOLUME II —PLATES LIST OF PLATES v PLATES xiii MAPS ............ At end of volume X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME I Plate I. PERSIAN CARPET, isth-i6th CENTURY Frontispiece Plate 89. ENGLISH CARPET, DATED 1614 ..... Frontispiece to Part I Plate 53. GHIORDES PRAYER-CARPET, LATE 17th CENTURY . Frontispiece to Part II DIAGRAMS OF KNOTTING AND WEAVING, ETC.— Fig. Page A. DIAGRAM OF LOOM, ILLUSTRATING THE SEPARATION OF WARP-THREADS FOR INSERTION OF WEFT-THREAD 90 B. DIAGRAM OF LOOM ILLUSTRATING SEPARATION OF WARP-THREADS FOR PASSAGE OF WEFT-THREAD IN REVERSE DIRECTION . 91 C. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING KILIM WEAVING 92 D. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING SOUMAK WEAVING 93 E. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE GHIORDES KNOT 94 F. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE RIGHT-HAND SEHNA KNOT . 94 G. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE LEFT-HAND SEHNA KNOT . . . . 95 H. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE SEHNA KNOT WITH THE WARP ON TWO LEVELS . 95 I. DIAGRAM OF KNOT FOUND ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY IN EARLY SPANISH CARPETS . 96 J. PLAN ILLUSTRATING THE CONVENTIONAL ARRANGEMENT OF CARPETS IN A PERSIAN ROOM 117 XI PART I HISTORICAL T ',,1 ^r>v' plAte 89. English carpet, dated 1614. (See pages 79. II4-) The lion. ImUu llulse. Chapter I INTRODUCTORY The pile-carpet, though long ago naturali2;ed in Europe, is an alien in the Western world* Its origin, in the East, is the outcome of conditions very different from those which control its use in Europe, and if pile- carpets are now made to serve similar purposes in their native home, the reason must be sought in the spread of western habits of life* With us carpets serve as an agreeable background for chairs and tables ; they help to cure draughts and give the room a cheerful tone ; they soften the impact of the shoe on the floor, and deaden noise* Their use is warranted by these services, which the pile-carpet renders better than any other floor-covering ; but they are not indispensable* The mind must be disencumbered of such associations before the genesis of this toilsome and ingenious type of weaving can be made clear* To produce a pattern by interlacing continuous threads of different colours is natural enough, and there is general agreement that the simple process of weaving is to be reckoned among the earliest artistic efforts of prehistoric mankind* But to set the threads in a vast number of short lengths up on end, and to pack them so tight together that they keep that position, entails so much toil, and uses up so much material, that the contrivance can only be regarded as a response to conditions not common to all men* There can be little doubt that a wandering shepherd -life, which involved the need and at the same time provided the means of supplying it, gives the right explanation* We think of some nomad tribe of shepherds, following their flocks from one pasture to another, with no roof or floor but such as they could carry with them from place to place* They needed a tent over their heads, and at times they needed even more a dry and warm covering for the ground of their temporary abode* The wool of the flocks — ^whether sheep or goats — or even of the camel and yak — offered an ideal material for weaving into a compact and durable texture* The invention did not merely provide an agreeable addition to the household effects ; it met an elementary need and became indispensable* From these nomad surroundings the carpet found its way into the 3 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS dwellings of agricultural neighbours^ and its adoption by all classes of people came about in due course. In the West, it is now completely domesticated, and consequently we find it hard to realize that the pile-carpet was practically unknown among us before the fourteenth century, very rarely seen before the fifteenth, and not in general use before the eighteenth. The date of its advent may be approximately traced. Its strange patterns and bright colours excited wonder and interest, and painters everywhere made use of its decorative qualities.^ Centuries were yet to pass before it superseded the layer of rushes or the plaited rush matting in general use, and still common in great houses in England as late as the days of the Stuarts. As the Oriental carpet became known and used over a wide area, the obvious simplicity of the knotting process caused attempts to be made here and there to meet demands by local production, and at last in this way a craft evolved by nomad shepherds in the heart of Asia spread thence over the civilized world. The machine-made ** Axminster of modern times, with a daily output amounting to thousands of square yards in Great Britain alone, is a direct successor in one line of descent. It is only in general terms that the origin of carpet-knotting can be discussed. The clue to the actual locality, and even to the approximate date, of the invention is lost beyond prospect of recovery. It has been suggested that pile-carpets were made as early as five thousand years before Christ.^ Carpets of some sort must have been used in very primitive times. Homer refers to them by a name which they still retain over a large part of Europe ; but the unchanged name must not be taken to signify that the nature of the fabric to which it is applied has not changed. While it is just possible that pile-carpets were known to the Asiatic Greeks of Homeric days, it would be rash to base any argument on such an assumption. The designs most favoured by the ancient Greeks for the textile ornamentation of their houses were hunting scenes and subjects from mythology and history. The carpet-kiiotting method would be tedious and cumbersome for such representations. It is true that such subjects ^ Dante achieves an effect no less vivid by similar means. In describing the bright markings on the back of the monster Geryon he says, “ Never did Tartars or Turks make cloth with more colours in ground or pattern ” {Inf. xvii). 2 The late Sir G. Birdwood, in Oriental Carpets, Vienna, 1892. 4 INTRODUCTORY are to be found in the days of the highest development of the industry in Persia, but they tax the utmost skill of the carpet-knotter, and they would not have been deliberately chosen under the primitive conditions of Homeric life. As records of the Mesopotamian civili2;ations we have the marble slabs from Nineveh. Those showing floor-coverings have patterns of lotus-flowers, rosettes and diapers. Nothing is left to show how they were made, but the tapestry method is more likely to have been used than any other.^ The skins of beasts, or some kind of pileless woven stuff, would serve in a primitive community as a floor-covering for special occasions, and those who could not come by such luxuries, or whose habits of life did not admit of their use, found a sprinkling of rushes or leaves a passable substitute. It is indubitable, though surprising, that somehow the Oriental method of pile-knotting in wool became known in Europe by the end of the twelfth century of our era. A happy chance has preserved to the present day some portions of a panel made then at Quedlinburg, in the Har^-Mountain region, by this method, and now preserved in the Schlosskirche there. This work, which measured about 24 ft. high by 20 ft. wide, represents rows of scenes illustrating Martianus Cappella's ** Marriage of Mercury and Philology.'' It is obvious that it was not intended to be spread on the floor, although it was found in use on the floor of the Abbess' Stall in the church early in the last century. The nuns by whom the work was done must have had access to a piece of carpet-knotting, probably without realizing that it was made for a floor- covering. The method of knotting is that used in Turkey carpets, but the need of fine lines for the figures was met by devising a single-warp knot, unknown in the East, for those parts. ^ The possibility that the nuns of Quedlinburg made an independent discovery of this knotting process is so very slight as to be negligible. The hanging is known to have been made in the time of the Abbess Agnes (1186-1203) and it affords a unique piece of evidence of the actual importation of pile-carpets into Europe before the end of the twelfth ^ See A. H. Layard, Second Series of The Monuments of Nineveh, London, 1853, Plate 56. 2 J. Lessing and M. Creutz, W andteppiche und Decicen des Mittelalters in Deutschland, Berlin, Pis. 1-7. The process continued to be used for wall-hangings in Germany until the sixteenth century, although for such a purpose it is wasteful both of time and material. Its use for small details to relieve tapestry-work, as seen sometimes in mediaeval German hangings, is effective. 5 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS century* There is nothing else to show that they were brought in earlier than the fifteenth century, except representations in paintings ; and even those are not conclusive* Carpets seen in pictures of the fourteenth century might equally well have been woven by the more primitive tapestry process* A strange obscurity hangs over the origins of carpet- knotting everywhere* In considering the traces left in the East itself we are much in the dark* There are no pile-carpets existing which are demonstrably earlier than the Quedlinburg hanging, except the fragments lately found in the desert sites of Central Asia* Those regions must be very much nearer the original home of carpet-knotting than Quedlinburg, and anything of the kind discovered there has a peculiar interest* Nothing but small fragments have been found up to the present* Von le Coq's expedition brought to light at Qyzil a red piece with portion of a pattern in yellow outlined in brownish black, but there is not enough to reveal the nature of the pattern*^ Sir Aurel Stein's excavations afford no better clue*^ These fragments are obviously worthy of the closest examination, as presumably they were all made well within the limits of the first millennium ; their significance cannot properly be measured until further investigation and research are made possible* Leaving them out of account, the oldest existing Oriental carpets appear to be those in the mosque of Ala-ed-Din at Konia, first brought to notice by Dr* F* R* Martin,^ and attributed by that eminent authority to the early years of the thirteenth century* Towards the end of that century, the Venetian traveller, Marco Polo, wrote that the finest and handsomest carpets in the world " were made in Turkomania (i.e* Asia Minor ^)* The conditions under which pile-carpets may have been first devised have already been touched upon* Where the invention took place is still an open question* Sir George Birdwood ^ is inclined to favour Egypt as the home of a very early civilisation* But it is a real question whether civilisation had much to do with the discovery* Moreover, there are serious objections to the claim of Egypt* The soil and climate of the country render carpets a luxury rather than a necessity ; wool, the natural ^ F. Sarre and T. Falkenberg in Berliner Museen, Berichte, XLII, 1921, p. no. 2 Sir M. A. Stein, Desert Cathay, London, 1912, Fig. 116, 4 ; Serindia, 1922, Vol. IV, PI. 37. ^ Oriental Carpets, 1908, PI. 30. See post, p. 45. ^ The Booh of Ser Marco Polo, translated and edited by Colonel Sir Henry Yule, 3rd ed., London, 1903, Vol. I, p. 43. ^ Vienna, 0 .( 7 ., 1892. 6 INTRODUCTORY material for making them, was not used by the ancient Egyptians ; and the wealth of textile material hitherto turned up by excavators in the burying-grounds, varied as it is, includes no example of carpet-knotting. Arguments of a similar nature apply to India, China has no better case. The native textile materials of these three countries are, respectively, linen, cotton, and silk. We shall do better to look for the ideal home of woollen pile-carpets in uplands where the cold is sharp at times, where a nomad people require a portable floor and keep flocks for the provision of the wool. On these grounds, the great plateau of Persia, the highlands of Anatolia or the plains of Central Asia have the best claim. Carpet- weaving reached its highest limits of attainment, and is known to have been practised from early times, both in Persia and Anatolia, The task of balancing the claims of these two regions to priority might be endlessly pursued without getting any nearer to a solution. There is more hope of further developments in regard to Central Asia, where so much research is going on, and the near future may throw a flood of light on this question, as well as on others equally obscure. 7 Chapter II PERSIA In any systematic record of pile-carpet weaving it is advisable to begin with Persia. To do so is convenient^ and almost inevitable. It is true that the Persian carpets were not the first to become known in Europe. All available evidence seems to show that they were not known at all for some centuries after pile- carpets were first brought in from the East. Of all the carpets represented in European pictures of the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, not a single one is Persian. The configuration of Persia and its place on the map were obstacles to the transport of bulky wares which long continued to be almost completely effective. A few carpets from Persia found their way to Europe in past centuries. Here and there a Persian carpet in a church or palace in Italy may have been imported straight from the loom, just like the Anatolian. The carpet shown in Plate 5A belonged formerly to Signor Stefano Bardini of Florence. Others also from the same collection had probably been long in Italy ^ ; but had there been many of them in that country before the end of the sixteenth century they would assuredly have been copied by the painters. A woollen carpet with inscrip- tions and arabesques in silver was in a Spanish cathedral until a few years ago.^ A very remarkable Persian carpet from Mantes Church was acquired for the Louvre in 1912, where it is exhibited in the large Oriental gallery.® It has a pattern of Chinese dragons, phoenixes and unicorns ** amid cypresses and fruit trees, on a blue middle ground and a red border. This carpet was probably made in the last years of the sixteenth century. A fragment of the border of another fine Persian carpet of about the same date, with a pattern of interlaced arabesques, formerly in the Cathedral of Troyes, is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum.^ A carpet in the Cathedral of Cracow will be referred to later. The famous hunting-carpet in the Austrian imperial collections (Plate 10) ^ See {e.g.) Martin, 0 .( 7 ., Figs. 6i, 109, 127. 2 Illustrated in colours, Ancient Oriental Carpets (supplement to the great book published at Vienna), PI. II ; see also Martin, 0 .( 7 ., Fig. 131. ® Illustrated in colours in G. Migeon, L’Orient Musvlman, Paris, 1922, PI. 36. Illustrated in colours, Martin, O.O., Fig. 108. 8 PERSIA is supposed to have belonged at one time to the Czars of Russia. The neighbourhood of Russia to the north-western provinces of Persia accounts for the number of fine Persian textiles in that country. Probably it was in North-West Persia that these carpets which have long been in Europe were made. They would have been conveyed to the nearest port on the Black Sea^ and thence by water to Constantinople (whither multitudes of Persian carpets have since been carried) ; or perhaps in some instance by direct passage in trading ships of the countries concerned. The carpet in the Salting Collection (Plate 14) with an ode by the Persian poet Hafiz worked into the border in silver thread is supposed to have been sent from the loom to the Turkish sultan's palace at Constantinople ; from thence it passed into Mr. Salting's possession not many years ago. The celebrated silk and gold carpets were exceptional, as they were borne by special embassies from the Shah to the European Courts (see p. 31). The British Muscovy Company of Merchant Adventurers found their way through Russia to Persia before the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, but it was a troublesome and interminable land journey from Persia to the White Sea or the Baltic, and in the meanwhile the harbours of Asia Minor afforded easy access to the carpet-producing districts of Anatolia. The consequence was that most of the carpets imported were from Anatolia, and the term Turkey-carpet " bid fair to make good its claim to be applied to all pile- carpets.^ The subsequent fame of Persian carpets brought about a reaction, and to-day the appellation as often as not is inexcusable, unless it be conceded that the name of the country whence the best pile-carpets have come may be legitimately applied to any carpets of the kind. How far back the making of pile-carpets goes in Persia we do not know, and probably we never shall. The oldest existing carpets to which dates can be assigned with confidence are not Persian ; but that is probably due to accidental circumstances. It is safe to assume that carpet-knotting was either invented in Persia or came in with nomad tribes from the North at an early date in the history of the craft. Whether that happened two thousand years ago, two thousand five hundred years ago, or even fifteen hundred years ago we cannot say. A description of a sumptuous carpet of very early date has long ^ The French traveller Jean Chardin, who visited Persia in the second half of the seventeenth century, explains that Persian carpets were still included in this general term in his day, because they came by way of Turkey before the ocean route was explored (J. Chardin, Voyage en Perse). 9 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS survived the carpet itself^ as well as all others of its time^ in the annals of the Arabian writers who recorded the conquest of Persia. When Ctesiphon^ the Sassanian capital near the site of the later city of Baghdad^ fell into the hands of the Arabs in A.D. 637^ the carpet was found in the famous White Palace. The late Dr. v. Karabacek^ of the Vienna Royal Library^ extracted from the Arabian manuscript the following account of the carpet.^ It was originally made for Chosroes I (a.d. 531-579) and his successors used it ever after until the last Sassanian king Jazdegerd, but only during the stormy and rough winter seasons when it was impossible to stay in the garden. On these occasions the drinking feasts which usually took place outside were transferred to the carpet^ for its pattern represented a garden in the bloom of spring. The carpet was called The Winter Carpet or '' The Spring of Chosroes.'' The materials of this carpet were notable and rich : silk^ gold, silver, and semi-precious and precious stones. The middle space of the carpet represented a pleasure-garden planted with trees and spring flowers, and intersected by brooks and pathways. The broad surrounding border represented magnificent flower-beds, and the blossoms were shown by blue, red, yellow, white and green stones. The yellow colour of the earth was represented in the background of the carpet with gold ; the banks of the streams were rendered by stripes, between which stones clear as crystal made the representation of the water so perfect as to deceive the eye. The pathways were indicated by stones as large as pearls, stems and branches were made out of gold and silver, the leaves of the trees and flowers as well as all the plants were made out of silk, and the fruit out of coloured stones. Though it would be expecting too much of us to ask that we should accept this description as a bare statement of facts, especially in view of the lively fancies of the Oriental imagination, it would nevertheless be a mistake to treat the description of this carpet as being a pure fable. To judge from the nature of the materials and the size (it was said to be 60 ells square), it cannot have been of knotted pile. Rather must it be classed with the elaborate embroidered carpets such as have been made elsewhere in the East down to modern times. For all that, account should be taken of it, since the description of the pattern is one that might be used with little modification for carpets made in Persia more than a thousand years later. No such carpet is shown in any of the Sassanian ^ Pers. Nadelmalerei Susandschird, Leipzig, 1881. 10 PERSIA reliefs or silver-ware now existing, but the veracity of the story is attested by several existing carpets of far later date*^ Some years ago a carpet made a thousand years after the one described by Karabacek was dis- covered in a Styrian hostelry ; it has since passed into the possession of Dr* A. Figdor in Vienna. The design obviously represents the flower- beds of a garden through which runs a maze of water-channels opening into small lakes, much in the manner of Chosroes' carpet. The water is represented in silver thread, and fish are seen, with water-fowl swallowing them. There are flower-beds, and the streams are bordered by trees with birds in the branches. The carpet is knotted in wool, with gold and silver threads for many details. The variations, which bear the character of a much later epoch, cannot efface the impression that here is a striking confirmation of the old description ; in fact, one may almost suppose these later carpets to be conscious imitations. The design is peculiarly suitable for a carpet, and it is one which would naturally be evolved in a country where flower- gardens have always been so intimately associated with daily life. Conse- quently there is no occasion to assume that the theme of Chosroes" carpet was singular in Persia at the time. A few more such carpets are known, but there is nothing to bridge the gap of more than a thousand years between the time of the Sassanian ruler Chosroes, when the first was made, and that of Shah Abbas the Great, in whose reign Dr. Figdor's carpet was most probably woven. Two garden- carpets are in the possession of the Hon. H. D. McLaren. One of them, made perhaps a little later than the carpet just described, is the largest existing of its kind. It measures 31 ft. by 12 ft. 6 in., and it seems to have been even larger originally. The water is rendered by a clever arrangement of zigzag lines producing a shimmering effect when seen foreshortened. This is the usual convention where metal threads are not employed. There is a square pond in the middle with a central island and four swimming birds. A broad water- channel runs off from this in four directions as far as the borders of the carpet. Minor channels, interrupted at intervals by circular mounds, divide up the rest of the space. The water is everywhere edged with a strip of soil represented in dark blue, upon which trees and flowering plants grow, with birds in the branches. Square and star-shaped beds with blossoming ^ A Sassanian silver dish in the Stroganov Collection shows a king seated on a mat of some kind with a free floral pattern and a wavy stem border (A. Riegl, Ein Or. Teppich, p. 16). II HAND-WOVEN CARPETS trees and plants fill the intervening spaces » The narrow floral border all round is on a white ground.^ Mr, McLaren's smaller carpet is of the same type, but less complete (Plate 2). Another carpet of the kind, but more diversified, with ducks and fish in the water, and hunting-animals and birds on the land, is here illustrated (Plate 3). This fine carpet passed some years ago from Constantinople to America by way of Berlin, but it has since been brought back to Europe, Mr, Carl Robert Lamm of Naesby House, near Stockholm, the possessor of some fine carpets (several of which will be mentioned later), has two woollen carpets of the garden ** type. Both are relatively late examples — perhaps not made before the eighteenth century. The finer of the two, measuring about 10 ft, by 6 ft,, has a large pond in the middle from which branch four broad water- channels, all showing fishes and water-plants* At the sides are four square ponds. The zigz^ig lines for the water are in red, green, blue and white, giving a rippling effect of colour. Broad deep blue borders, varied with flowering plants, edge the water. More formal arrangements of flowers, on a red ground, fill the remaining space, Mr, Lamm's other carpet is not complete ; it shows a stream running throughout the length, while the ground on either side is divided into squares with formal floral patterns in fairly light colours,^ It draws near in design to the carpet reproduced in Plate 4, but the latter shows a further modification of the earlier motives. The large rectangular space in the middle with the flowering plant replaces the pond, unless indeed the plain dark background is meant for water. The small squares covering the rest of the space, each with its plant, shows that a garden is depicted, though without the almost indispensable water-channels. This carpet brings us to the point where the traditional garden " design dies away into the general stock of decorative motives. But in order to grasp the basic idea of Persian carpet designs it must be borne in mind that most of them have some relation, more or less direct, to a garden or park. Inevitable modifications, brought about by centuries of repetition, may have reduced the scheme to a formula, but even under its disguises the origin is often unmistakable. The designer of Chosroes' carpet aimed at bringing indoors for the winter-time the outdoor setting of a Persian garden in spring. Let this conception be widened to bring within its compass the sports in ^ Reproduced in colours in W. A. Hawley, Oriental Rugs, New York, 1913, Colour- plate VI. 2 These two carpets are reproduced by Martin, O.C., PI. 24 (in colours) ; Fig. 104. 12 PERSIA the open country, with the huntsmen and animals, the trees, birds and flowers, and let allowance be made for the conventional perspective proper to Eastern art, and the majority of Persian carpet patterns are made clear* Brief reference to the varied guises these designs assume will be made later. Some other features foreign to the soil of Persia, but appearing there at an early time, must first be accounted for. In the art of Western Asia, and even of Europe, during the last thousand years there is abundant evidence of the subtle and penetrating influence of Chinese design. The outward forms in which the singular art of the ancient and exclusive civilization of China found expression — the dragons, phoenixes, con- ventional clouds and waves, symbolic objects, and the peculiar types of architecture and costume — seem to have acted like a spell on the crafts- men who met with them, although there is nothing to show that a moment's thought was given to the complex philosophy which called them into being. It is natural that Manchurians, Mongolians, Coreans, Tibetans and people of more or less kindred stock to the Chinese, though of ruder civilization, should make use of Chinese wares and copy their ornamentation so far as they were able. But the effect of Chinese art upon a people of totally different race, like the Persians, with a great artistic tradition of their own, is not so easy to understand. Yet it is there. No more potent external influence is to be found in the carpet designs of Persia and Western Asia than the Chinese. The question when it first made its appearance is involved in another, that of the date of the earliest existing Oriental carpets. Two examples reproduced in this volume may be instanced. The first (Plate 37A), a carpet of Asia Minor, has a design obviously representing the Chinese dragon and phoenix. The carpet will be dis- cussed in a later chapter (p. 46) ; it need only be pointed out at the moment that, whatever the actual date of this carpet may be, the motives repre- sented on it had certainly found their way to Asia Minor before the fifteenth century, the period to which the carpet has been assigned. The other carpet (Plate 5A) is Persian. It belongs to a group to which an even earlier origin has been ascribed. The intention of the craftsman to represent the Chinese dragon is again beyond dispute. The archaistic rendering has led an eminent authority. Dr. F. R. Martin, to attribute the carpets belonging to this group to the thirteenth century, a period when Chinese motives are already quite frequently seen on the lustred pottery of Persia. Even this is not the first appearance of such motives in Western Asia ; it is rather due to the fresh impetus given by the irruption of Hulagu the Mongol, who caused Chinese craftsmen to follow the 13 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS track of his conquering armies. He is said to have transferred a hundred families of Chinese craftsmen to Persia about the year 1256. It is per- fectly safe to assume that Chinese motives were to be found on the Persian carpets at that time^ but it may be questioned whether any existing carpet is so old. The complexity of the subject requires a cautious student to be on his guard, for such motives persisted for at least four centuries after, and the relatively coarse texture of such a carpet as that reproduced in Plate 5A might account for the angular rendering, and in some degree for the archaic appearance. A very similar carpet with the same motives on a brilliant red ground, belonging to Mr. Lamm at Naesby House in Sweden, is attributed by Dr. Martin to the middle of the thirteenth century. Another carpet, with leopards attacking various animals among trees, rendered in the same primitive angular manner, he assigns to the end of the century. A third, with large angular palmettes and floral patterns, is ascribed to about the year 1320 ; and a carpet in the Kaiser- Friedrich Museum at Berlin, with floral ornament within formal com- partments, to the middle of the fourteenth century.^ Thus several distinct Persian types are traced back to a remote period, the evidence adduced being that of lustred pottery and dated Persian miniature paint- ings. The eminent Swedish authority has done a great service to students by investigating and recording these parallels, which are perfectly just. But the example of the garden-carpet of Chosroes is a warning of the length of time that pattern motives linger in the East with little essential change. The risk of error is particularly to be guarded against in the case of pile- carpets. Wherever the fineness of the texture is reduced, and this may take place at any period, and at any place, an angular treat- ment is inevitable, bringing about a deceptive appearance of archaism. Similar problems have faced those who have attempted to assign dates to the carpets of Asia Minor by comparison with representations in European pictures, and the consequences have been the same, although each line of inquiry is in the right direction, and most valuable in its results.^ As an illustration of the difficulties met with, the carpets reproduced in Plates 5 and 6 may be compared. The first belongs to the group attributed to the thirteenth century. It came from an Italian church. Oriental Carpets, PI. 28, Figs. 58, 59 and 64. ^ See Dr. von Bode’s important essay on Decorative Animal Figures in old Oriental Carpets in the great publication Oriental Carpets, Vienna, 1892-4, p. i. Also J. Lessing, Alt Orientalische Teppichmuster, Berlin, 1877. 14 PERSIA whither it probably went as a new carpet ; but that circumstance affords little help in dating it* The other (Plate 6) is similar to a carpet exhibited in 1910 at the Munich Exhibition^ and attributed there, no doubt rightly, to the sixteenth or seventeenth century*^ In each, the field is broken up into irregular lozenge shaped spaces by means of broad multi-coloured bands, intended at least in part, and perhaps entirely, for long leaves overlapping one another, and relieved with slender floral stems super- imposed.2 The enclosed spaces are filled with dragons or palmettes, and other palmettes are placed at some of the points where the bands join. There is a narrow border of angular floral forms on a white ground. This description serves equally well for both carpets, and it is almost a question which is the older of the two. A greater multiplicity of detail, with a certain waywardness of treatment in Plate 5A, singles that out as the earlier, although there is little likelihood that it was made much before the sixteenth century.^ These carpets were probably made in N.W. Persia or Armenia. The Armenians, of kindred stock to the Persians, were skilful carpet- weavers. One argument in favour of this attribution is the existence of such examples in Italy The Armenian region was conveniently situated for the transit, having access to the Black Sea, while the difficulties of transport from the heart of Persia excluded bulky goods of that country almost entirely from the Mediterranean trade. Another point to be ob- served is that the prominence of Chinese motives excludes the south of Persia, where such motives hardly penetrated at all. Greater help still in placing these carpets is afforded by a remarkable example which found its way to London in 1899 (Plate 7). This carpet resembles in texture and colour, and to some extent in pattern, that illustrated in Plate 6. The chief difference is that there are no dragons. The spaces are larger, and the middle paimette is replaced by a radiating floral device. Its special significance lies in the Armenian inscription knotted in at the upper end. It reads thus : ** I, Gohar, full of sin and feeble in soul, have knotted this with my own hands. May he who reads pray for my soul.’' Then follows the Armenian date 1129, corresponding to a.d. 1679. ^ Munich, Meisterwerke, PI, 65. 2 The use of leaves or leaf-shaped panels as a background to hold floral forms is a common feature of Persian textile design in the seventeenth century. ^ Dr. F. Sarre [Ancient Oriental Carpets, Leipzig, 1906-8, p. i) considers the fifteenth century the earliest possible date. ^ Besides the example already mentioned Dr. von Bode obtained one from a church near Venice (W. Bode, V orderasiatische Kniipfteppiche, Leipzig, ist ed., p. no). 15 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS The route this carpet took to the West late in the nineteenth century- may be that by which such carpets in Italy came long before. It was taken by Turks from an Armenian church and was carried through the province of Batum to the Black Sea, whence it found its way to London.^ The first carpet of this class to attract general attention was shown at the great exhibition of Oriental carpets held at Vienna in 1891.^ It had been obtained from a mosque in Damascus, and was then the property of Herr Theodor Graf, but it has since been acquired by the Kaiser- Fried- rich Museum at Berlin. Both Chinese dragons and unicorns (cfii-lin) are represented ; an effect of considerable age is given to this carpet by the unusually subdued colouring. A few years ago the Victoria and Albert Museum acquired the example (already mentioned), with dragons and ** unicorns,'" remarkable for its black ground which gives full salience to the archaic forms. The dividing bands are in pale blue and yellow, and the narrow formal border is white (Plate 8). Another example in the same collection, less archaic in design, has dragons on a red ground (Plate 5B). This carpet is rather later in date, and obviously not earlier than the seventeenth century. Agreement is more universal in regard to the early origin of another type of design. There is generally a large central panel extending practically across the whole width of the carpet, and broken up by different-coloured grounds ; smaller panels extend to the right and left. The ornament throughout consists of slender floral stems, running into spirals, interlaced with arabesques. The restraint and severity of the design point to a date before that of the Ardabil carpet, and probably within the limits of the fifteenth century, though features of the type are retained in later carpets. There is an example in the Victoria and Albert Museum (Plate 9).^! Before reverting to the carpets with the simpler patterns of trees and flowers, some other more complex types may be mentioned. One is the hunting " carpet, which first appears in the sixteenth century. The best example, and one of the most celebrated of all carpets, is in the Imperial Austrian collections at Schonbrunn (Plate 10). It is woven in silk and gold and silver thread. The huntsmen, mounted and armed with spears, swords and arrows, attack lions, leopards, wolves, boars, deer, antelopes, wild asses, jackals and hares. The ground of the carpet ^ The Victoria and Albert Museum was not able to do more than take a photograph of this carpet before it left the country again. 2 Vienna, O.C., 1892-4, PI. 36. ^ Others are reproduced, in colours in Martin, 0 .( 7 ., PI. 2, and in Ancient Oriental Carpets, Leipzig, 1906-8, PI. 4. 16 PERSIA is salmon-pink. A large eight-lobed green compartment in the middle has great gold dragons and phoenixes^ following Chinese models more closely than those on the carpets hitherto described. The deep crimson border has a succession of winged figures repeating a scene in which a kneeling figure offers a bowl of fruit to another^ who is seated and wears a crown. Such winged personages, often engaged in the ordinary occupations of humanity, will be met with again. Each of the corners of the carpet shows a fourth part of the central design. The heads of men in the palmettes of the outer green border, and of lions in those of the inner white border, will be noticed. The miscellaneous nature of the quarry and the confused haste of the riders galloping pell-mell in all directions give a pantomimic air to the scene, but the picture is true to the traditional way of hunting in Persia, as well as in India and Central Asia,^ still followed, at the time this carpet was woven. All the animals in the neighbourhood were driven into a prepared enclosure, which the hunting-party entered afterwards, to engage in an indiscriminate massacre. The elaborate dress of the figures on the Schonbrunn carpet suggests a royal hunting-party. The carpet was probably woven in the time of Shah Tahmasp (i 524-1576) There is an old tradition that it was received by the Austrian Emperor as a present from Peter the Great of Russia. Another carpet no less celebrated, though of a different type, is dated within the period of Tahmasp's reign. This is the great carpet from the mosque at Ardabil, a small town of the province of Azerbaijan, in the north-west of Persia (Plate ii). The reason why such a work of art should have come from a town of so little note is made clear by the circumstances of the time. Tahmasp was the second king of the Sefavi or Safidian dynasty — the first line of native rulers since the overthow of the Sassanian dynasty by the Arabs more than eight centuries before. The eponymous ancestor of the new dynasty was Sheikh Safi-ed-Din who, dying in 1334, was buried at Ardabil. There also Shah Ismail, father of Tahmasp, was buried. The veneration in which the tombs were held, and the association with the ruling house, raised Ardabil to ^ The cheetah or hunting leopard is not seen in this example, though it is found in others. The animal was employed in Persia from an early date, and was still used when these hunting-carpets were woven. 2 Dr. F. R. Martin suggests that Tahmasp ’s Court painter, Sultan Muhammad, may have designed the carpet (F. R. Martin, Miniature Painting, p. 117). It is illustrated in colours in Vienna, Oriental Carpets, Pis. 81, 86-89. See also Munich, Meisterwerke, Pis. 42, 43. A carpet of somewhat similar design, in the collection of Baron Maurice Rothschild, is illustrated by Bode [V orderasiatische Kniipfteppiche, 2nd ed., Fig. 3). It was obtained from the Marchese Torrigiani in Italy. 17 0 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS the dignity of the religious and national capital of Persia ; its prestige lasted until Shah Abbas rebuilt Ispahan. A carpet of this size and importance can only have been made to the order of Tahmasp himself for the mosque where his ancestors were buried. The date upon it (A.H.946 = a.d. 1540) is sixteen years after the death of his father, and most of that time would have been taken up in making it and its fellow. A cartouche at one end of the carpet contains a woven inscription which has been translated as follows : “ I have no refuge in the world other than thy threshold. There is no place of protection for my head other than this door. The work of the slave of the threshold, Maqsud of Kashan, in the year 946.” The first two lines are the beginning of an ode by the Persian poet Hafiz (d. 1389). It is most likely that the carpet was made at Ardabil; the Court would naturally wish to watch its progress, and it would have been as easy for the weaver to go there to make it, as for a carpet of this size (34 ft. 6 in. by 17 ft. 6 in.) to be transported from Kashan when made. It remained in the mosque until shortly before its acquisition by the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1893. Fifty years earlier it was seen by an English traveller, W. R. Holmes, who visited Ardabil in 1843. He wrote of it as follows : On the floor (of the long lofty ante-chamber to the principal tombs) were the faded remains of what was once a very splendid carpet, the manufacture of which very much surpassed that of the present day. At one extremity was woven the date of its make, some three hun- dred years ago.'' ^ The disparaging note of its condition, if ever warranted, is no longer applicable. The carpet has been skilfully repaired, parts of another carpet of similar design, removed from the mosque at the same time, having been sacrificed for the purpose.^ Some idea of the design of the carpet will be gained from the illus- tration. The pulsating blue ground is covered with thousands of flowers. The great circular panel of lobed outline in the middle is yellow, with sixteen pointed compartments radiating from it in yellow, green or red. All are filled with cloud bands, arabesques and floral stems in colours. Two hanging lamps are represented, to the right and left of this central device, A fourth part of the same device is repeated at each corner. The panels in the border are red and yellow, on a ground of deep purple tone. ^ W. R. Holmes, Sketches on the Shores of the Caspian, 1845. 2 What remained of the second carpet passed into the Yerkes Collection ; it has since been sold again, but it remains in America. 18 PERSIA It will be observed that human and animal forms^ both prevalent in Persian carpets of the time, are not included* Such representations would not have been suitable for a mosque* The design is of a double character* The central ornament, with its sixteen radiating ogival panels, belongs, not to the ground like the floral stems, but to the dome overhead* Such embellishments may be found on Persian domed ceilings* There is an example in the vestibule of the college of the Shah Hussein at Ispahan, where the ceiling has in the middle a circular panel with sixteen pointed projections and sixteen ogival panels radiating from them, very similar to the device on the carpet*^ The two mosque lamps are appropriately introduced as hanging from the ceiling on either side* The pile is entirely of wool, on silk warps* There are about three hundred hand- tied knots to the square inch, making a total of about 30 million knots for the whole carpet* This represents approximately twenty-four years^ work of a single skilled weaver* It is probable, however, that several assistants worked with the master-weaver* Assuming that so many as eight people were able to work together at the loom, even then the carpet would take three years^ continuous labour to make* Another carpet in the Victoria and Albert Museum almost challenges the claim of the Ardabil carpet to the first place in the collection* Both are the most famous examples of the respective classes to which they belong — for they are conspicuously different in design, as well as in colour* Every detail of the elaborate design is planned with the utmost care, and copied by the weaver with consummate skill* The colouring is harmonious, with a simplicity and at the same time a subdued splendour which never wearies the eye* The knotting is very fine, as required by the design* The warps are of silk, and the pile is of wool throughout, with about 450 knots to the square inch* The first plate of this volume reproduces the carpet in colours* It will be seen that the ground is a purplish crimson of a carmine tone, although no coloured plate can do justice to the colouring of the original* Upon this ground is a network of panels in very deep blue, almost black* There is a large circle of lobed outline to the right and left of the centre of the carpet* In the middle of each side is a half- section of this panel, and a quarter-section in each corner* Eight pointed oval compartments unite the central panels with the sections round the edge* This disposition recalls the scheme of the Ardabil carpet, but it is less elaborate and more closely linked up* The panels are filled with a pattern of arabesques and palmettes, and each pointed oval has two ^ P. Coste, Monuments modernes de la Perse, Paris, 1867, PI. XXI. 19 HAND -WOVEN CARPETS flying ducks in addition* The centre of the carpet^ often made the most conspicuous feature by the Persian designer, is here occupied by a small round pond with fish. On either side of the pond stands a large two- handled vase supported by two dragons on a lion-pedestal, and containing flowers. One vase and half of the pond is repeated in the middle of each of the short sides of the carpet. The rest of the field is covered with blossoming and fruit-bearing trees and floral stems, amid which are lions (some preying on antelopes and black oxen), gazelles, and falcons pouncing on herons. The wide border is divided in counterchange fashion by slender arabesque stems, with a dark blue and crimson ground matching the middle colours. It has a pattern of slender floral stems, and cloud forms, with animals, birds and dragons. The heads of lions and other animals among the interlaced stems of the narrow outer border should be noticed. There is a restraint and regular sequence both in design and colouring which have induced writers to attribute it to an early period. Dr. von Bode ascribes it to early Safidian times. Martin assigns it to Eastern Persia at an earlier date still — about the middle of the fifteenth century.^ The place of the design in order of sequence is undoubtedly where these experts put it. We must, however, admit the greater probability of a sixteenth-century origin until more light is thrown on the problem of early Persian carpets. The use of silk warps, and the character of the vases and other details of the pattern, favour that view. This carpet, with that from Ardabil, has an indisputable place in the foremost ranks of the great carpets of the world. Several of the classes of motives used in it are retained as the main theme of Persian carpets in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A remarkably fine carpet belonging to the Earl of Ilchester is of that time (Plate 12). The hunting animals are set in a pattern of floral stems, on a red ground. One of the best known of the carpets representing roaming animals is in the Museum of the Gobelins, Paris (Plate 13).^ The lions, tigers and leopards, seen preying on oxen, stags and antelopes, are on a red background, covered with conventional stems in place of the naturalistic trees usually shown. A lobed circular compartment in the middle is in pale blue and red, with animals, floral stems and cloud-bands. On the right and left of this compartment there is a device, half-finial, half-vase, evidently a modified rendering of the vase with two peacocks shown on the carpet just described (Plate i). The spandrel in each corner is ^ Bode, V orderasiatische Knupfteppiche, 2nd ed., p. 33 ; Martin, O.C., p. 33. 2 Reproduced in colours in Vienna, O.C., PI. 74. 20 PERSIA brownish yellow with floral stems and arabesques interlaced. The longer panels in the border are inscribed with a poem, describing the carpet as pressed by the foot of a world-ruling monarch, and beautiful as Eden, so that it is an object of envy to Chinese art. Its flowery bed shows an ever-lovely spring, that no gales or storms can touch. Verses which have given the inspiration for the design, or perhaps in some cases have been suggested by it, are inscribed on numbers of Persian carpets. They are usually to be seen, as in this instance, in bold letters on a row of panels in the border. Sometimes they run continuously along narrow bands, or fill smaller spaces. They speak of the springtime, of the stars, the clouds, the winds, the dew and the raindrops ; of gardens, flowers and birds ; of love, and the wine-bowl ; they give expression to good wishes for freedom from care, and for springtime all the year round. Sometimes these verses are borrowed from their national poets, whom the Persians never weary of quoting. A poem in praise of the spring flowers — the rose, narcissus, tulip and violet — is woven in silver thread on a carpet with a similar border to the last, in the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris.^ There is a large circle in the middle of this carpet with blossoming trees, flowers and peacocks, on panels of different colours. The ground beyond is black, and covered with stems and cloud forms in colours and silver thread. An ode to the nightingale among the rose-bushes is on the inner border of a carpet in wool, gold and silver lent by Baron Nathaniel Rothschild to the Vienna Exhibition of 1891.2 The bird and the flowers are represented in the middle of the carpet, round a small pond. The rest of the design consists of a formal arrangement of arabesques and palmettes. Verses describing the delights of spring, and others praising the nightingale are inserted on a carpet with arabesque patterns in a private collection in Paris.® The most celebrated of all Persian poets, Hafiz, is quoted at some length on a remarkably fine carpet in the Salting Collection at South Kensington (Plate 14). The materials are wool and gold and silver thread on silk warps, and the texture is very fine. The verses are in silver thread on elongated dark red panels in the border. They have been translated as follows : — Call for wine and scatter roses : what dost thou seek from Time ? — thus spake the rose at dawn, O nightingale, what sayest thou ? ^ Reproduced in colours, Vienna, O.G., PI. 71. 2 Reproduced in colours, Vienna, O.C., PI, 97. ® Illustrated in colours in Ancient Oriental Carpets, Leipzig, 1906-8, PI. 2. 21 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS Take the cushion to the garden, that thou mayest hold the lip and kiss the cheek of the beloved and the cup-bearer, and drink wine and smell the rose. Proudly move thy graceful form and to the garden go, that the cypress may learn from thy stature how to win hearts. To-day while thy market is full of the tumult of buyers, gain and put by a store out of the capital of goodness. Every bird brings a melody to the garden of the King, — the nightingale, songs of love, and Hafiz, prayers for blessing.^ The pattern of floral sterns^ cloud-bands and birds, and tigers fighting dragons, betrays Chinese influence. The device of a lion's mask within a palmette, frequently seen on Persian carpets, is repeated several times ; the masks are sometimes merely attached to the stems like flowers. In spite of the wonderful freshness of colour and the fine state of preservation of this carpet, it cannot very well be attributed to a later date than the seventeenth century. It was obtained in Constantinople rather more than thirty years ago, when it was stated to have been in the collections of the Sultan. Another carpet reputed to have come from the Turkish sultan's palace is of the same class, in the same materials and equally well preserved. It was obtained by Prince Lobanoff-Rostowsky when Russian ambassador in Constantinople in the late 'seventies of last century, and afterwards ceded by him to the Stieglitz Museum in Petrograd.^ The border has an ode to a conqueror, greater than Darius, Alexander and Feridun, before whose victorious progress throne-carpets are spread. The central panel is similar to that on the carpet in the Salting Collection. The white ground around is covered with delicate interlacing stems of flowers and cloud-bands, amid which tigers, leopards stalking stags, jackals and Chinese dragons are seen. Among the stems in the green spandrels are parrots, pheasants, and a falcon seizing a heron. The alternation of inscribed elongated panels with circular panels to form a border, as exemplified in the carpets just described, is quite often found in other Persian works of art. A segment of a damascened brass dish, showing such a border, is illustrated on Plate 15B. A Persian begging-bowl, of engraved copper, reproduced on the same Plate (15A), shows the Chinese cloud-band as seen on the carpets. These animated forest or park-land ^ Hafiz, Divan (ed. H. Brockhaus, Vol. Ill, p. 175-6). 2 Illustrated in colours in Vienna, 0 .( 7 ., PI. XI. A description of this carpet by M. A. Polovtsoff, Director of the Museum, has been published in the Burlington Magazine (Vol. XXXV, 1919, p. 16). 22 PERSIA scenes have not always the accompaniment of descriptive verses in gold and silver, A woollen carpet in the possession of Prince Schwarzenberg ^ has a pond with ducks in the middle. The deep blue ground beyond is closely covered with cypresses and blossoming trees and plants naturalistically drawn^ with a great phoenix sei 2 ;ing a small bird in each corner, and more birds and animals below. Half of a carpet, in wool on silk warps, with a similar design in different colours, is in the Cathedral of Cracow ; the other half found its way to Paris, where it is now in the Musee des Arts Decoratifs,^ In other examples, which need not be specified, the trees and flowers cover the whole ground, not balanced in opposing directions from the middle, as is usual in carpets Vv^ith central panels, but continued in an unbroken stretch from one end to the other. The borders of such carpets vary considerably ; they are generally wide, with a formal design as a contrast to the free rendering of the middle pattern,® One example, in which the landscape idea is very clearly marked, should not be allowed to pass unnoticed. It is in the Museum of Art and Industry at Vienna, The trees, shrubs and plants are represented with careful fidelity to nature. There are peacocks, pheasants and storks on the ground, and various smaller birds in the foliage,”* Much help may be derived from Persian miniature paintings, particularly from those of ascertained date, in the study of carpets. Their rendering of landscape often explains a carpet design, and sometimes an actual carpet is represented, A painting of the seventeenth century, here illustrated, will suffice to show the lines on which comparisons may be made (Plate i6), A Persian prince is seen in a garden with its central pond and ducks, its straight water- channels and vases. Carpets with figures remain yet to be described ; the other motives have already been met with. Beyond the enclosure are the cypresses and blossoming trees so often seen on the carpets. Suspended over the princess head, ignoring in its delineation all rules of perspective, is a floral carpet serving as a canopy. Courtiers are seated on others spread on the ground. Another ^ Illustrated in colours in Vienna, O.C., PI. XXXI. See also Meisterwerke, Munich, PI. 45. 2 Vienna, O.G., PI. 31 ; G. Migeon, Exp. des Arts Musulmans, Paris, 1903, PI. 73. 2 There is a specimen in the Victoria and Albert Museum, No. 3 — -1887. ^ Reproduced in colours, Vienna, O.G., PI. I. Dr. Martin [Oriental Garpets, Fig. 236) claims an Indian origin for this carpet. It may have been made in India, but the motives are Persian. 23 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS miniature of about the same period shows three pile-carpets — one spread on a low platform for a prince to sit on, another forming a canopy over his head, and a third thrown over the back of an elephant (Plate ly)* One of the simplest and most pleasing kinds of Persian carpet-design is based on plant forms throughout. An incomplete carpet of this type in the Austrian Museum of Art and Industry, Vienna, is illustrated in Plate 1 8. The white ground is covered with an arrangement of trailing floral stems, while another system of slender stems superimposed and carrying large palmettes suggests a partition into panels of regular shape. In the middle of one of these is a vase ; there would have been several others in the entire carpet.^ In many of these carpets the stems issue from vases, generally disproportionately small, placed at regular intervals. They may seem a little tame after such carpets as have been described hitherto, in which much use has been made of the enlivening effect of animals and birds, but the variety of plant forms and the usual quiet harmony of the colouring make amends. Two examples in the Victoria and Albert Museum show a variation in the design. Instead of the trailing stems, flowering plants are shown entire to the roots, as they would be seen in a garden-bed. They are enclosed by the stems bearing palmettes, as in the carpet just described. The larger one was formerly a valued possession of William Morris. The other was obtained in Constantinople. Each has a deep red ground and a blue border.^ The naturalistic floral treatment is somewhat modified, in a fine carpet in the same Museum, by a succession of large lozenge -forms of lobed outline in dark and light blue, purple-brown, salmon pink and white (Plate 19). The carpet is large, and the panels are introduced to give relief to the wide stretch of deep crimson colour. The stems pass through them without interruption. The vases are shown sometimes in the panels and sometimes beyond. There is a deep blue floral border. When the vases disappear from these carpets, there is sometimes a more assertive arrangement of the floral motives in panels. A carpet belonging to Mr. Lamm of Naesby has a series of panels, each nearly 4 ft. long, in various colours, containing formal floral ornament ; the intervening spaces each contain a blossoming tree on a dark blue ground.® ^ Reproduced in colours in Ancient Oriental Carpets, Leipzig, 1906-8, PI. ii. 2 The first is illustrated in colours in Ancient Oriental Carpets, Leipzig, 1906-8, PL 19. Others similar are reproduced in Pis. 5, 9, and 10. Sir Isidore Spielmann has a portion of a very fine carpet of this type (Victoria and Albert Museum, Catalogue of the Franco- British Exhibition, 1921, PI. 32). ® Illustrated in colours in Martin, 0 .( 7 ., PI. i ; also in Meisterwerke, Munich, PI. 66. 24 PERSIA A very effective design of the type was exemplified by a carpet lent by Count Clam-Gallas to the Munich Exhibition of igiod The panels are alternately quatrefoil and fan-shaped^ with floral and arabesque patterns^ cloud-bands and peacocks on grounds of several colours. The background is dark red^ with flowering trees. At the same exhibition was to be seen a carpet belonging to the Imperial Ottoman Museum at Constantinople in which the ground is entirely divided up into large lozenge-spaces of various colours containing floral forms.^ A portion of a very similar carpet is in the Victoria and Albert Museum (Plate 20 b) and another is in the Kunstgewerbe Museum^ Berlin,® These floral carpets are generally attributed to the weavers of the province of Kirman in the south-east. It is not without significance that a favourite type of carpet made there in more recent times shows close rows of vases of flowers^ generally on a white ground.^ The almost entire absence of Chinese motives in these carpets is a strong argument in favour of a South Persian origin. Occasionally carpets of this type have a long looped nap at the back^ like a bath towel, for warmth. This would be a very suitable provision at Kirman, where the cold is sometimes severe, owing to its altitude of 6,000 ft. A modern loom from Kirman, with a typical carpet of the district partly woven upon it, is illustrated in Plate 92. One of the largest Oriental pile-carpets ever made, and one of singular design, was formerly in the Hall of the Forty Columns (Chihal Sutun) at Ispahan, It measured more than 70 ft, long by 30 ft. wide,® So wide a loom for a finely knotted carpet must have been a prodigious affair to work at, and the difficulty of keeping the carpet even and straight during its manufacture must have been great. It had a red ground, with a formal arrangement of large white flowers and green stems behind a trellis of yellow stems, each opening being 9 ft, in length. The border, which was 6 ft, wide, was filled with the same ornament on dark blue. This carpet was placed in the great hall behind the throne-room.® It has been gradually dismembered by travellers within the last forty years. Three fragments ultimately found their way to the Victoria and Albert Museum, where also ^ Illustrated in MeisUrwerhe, PI. 50 ; in colours in Vienna, O.C., PI. 32 ; also in Martin, O.C., Fig. 102, and Bode, Vorderas. Kniipfteppiche, 2nd ed., Fig. 19. 2 Meisterwerke, PI. 52 ; Martin, 0 .( 7 ., Fig. 86. 3 Reproduced in colours in Ancient Oriental Carpets, Leipzig, 1906-8, Pis. 9, 21. ^ A fine example is in the Victoria and Albert Museum, No. 100. It is inscribed with the name of a Kirman weaver. ® See p. 106. ® There is a plan of the Pavilion, showing the room in which the carpet was placed, in P. Coste, Monuments modernes de la Perse, Paris, 1867, PI. 41. 25 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS may be seen a drawing reconstructing the design (Plate 21 )* The carpet was of the period of Shah Abbas the Great (1586-1628), who built the hall in which it was placed ; it was probably made during the latter part of this monarch's reign* Dr. F. R. Martin, who emphasises the approximation of the design to those on Indian carpets at Jaipur, claims it for the Indian weavers. The arguments against such an attribution are formidable. Why should Abbas, under whom carpet- weaving in Persia flourished greatly, have the carpet for the great open pavilion of his own palace woven in India s' And assuming that he did, how was the wellnigh insurmountable task of transporting such a bulky object over the difficult country between the Panjab and Ispahan overcome s' Dr. Martin claims that all such carpet designs were woven in India. It appears easier, on the whole, to adapt the theory to fit the carpet than the carpet to fit the theory. What was done at Lahore in factories inaugurated by Persian weavers may have been done in Persia as well. The Persians have not shackled their artistic gifts by notions about the precedence of one kind of art over another. They have ignored all distinctions of the sort, and much of the fine quality of their art is due to this. The range of design seen in their carpets, for example, is no less extensive than that in their paintings, and it includes every class of subject attempted by carpet-weavers elsewhere. Hunting scenes, first shown on the carpets of Persia, are only found outside that country in Indian copies. Figure-subjects form another special group, shared only by India (again as a copyist) and China, if we may pass over the diminutive and grotesque human forms which occasionally fill odd corners in Caucasian and Turcoman work. It has been reserved for the modern Kirman weaver to turn his whole carpet into a picture in semi- European style.i In older Persian carpets figures are freely introduced, though with a better sense of restraint. In hunting scenes the theme requires the figures to be generally distributed. In most other cases they appear singly or in small groups — in the border or spandrels, or in compartments upon the central field. In the silk brocades of Persia, where a better opportunity for showing detail renders comparison with 1 A carpet of extraordinarily fine technique, in the possession of Sir Charles Marling, shows a group of figures taken from Watteau’s Fetes venitiennes. An inwoven inscription states that it is from the Atelier of ‘ All Kirmani, and the dates a.h. 1324 and 1327 (a.d.= I9o6, 1909) are both woven. It must have taken several years to make. Other Kirman carpets of similar type showing groups of ancient and modern worthies, or single portraits of the Shah, are not rare. 26 PERSIA dated miniature paintings an easier task^ the weaving of figure-subjects appears to have been in vogue during the reign of Shah Tahmasp (1524-1576)^ lasting well into the seventeenth century. In the carpets these subjects are found about the same time^ and they remain popular throughout the following century. Figures are represented among the trees of a garden^ eating fruit, drinking wine, or listening to music. By a strange convention the figures are sometimes winged, but their occupations are still the same, or they are seated alone. By the time these carpets were woven the wings had lost all significance they may ever have had, A remarkable carpet in the possession of the Duke of Buccleuch (Plate 22) is divided up into pointed oval and lobed compartments. The former contain repetitions of three scenes — a falconer on horseback ; two standing figures in a garden, one giving drink to the other ; and three seated figures in a garden, one with a tambourine, another with a bottle, and the third with a cup. In the oblong compartments are birds and flowers. The red ground beyond these compartments is covered with beasts of prey — lions, tigers, leopards and wolves — hunting stags, antelopes and goats. The broad border has a succession of elongated yellow panels enclosing dragons and phoenixes, alternating with pairs of dragons intertwining in circles. The dark blue ground is covered with running animals amid floral stems. The narrow outer border has masks of lions and heads of oxen connected by slender stems, A group of figures drinking and listening to music, seated round a pond with water-fowl, is represented on a carpet formerly in the Bardini Collection at Florence,^ The seated winged figures in the border of the great hunting-carpet at Schonbrunn (Plate 10) are found again in several carpets. One in the Lyons Museum has them in the border, and scenes similar to those on the Duke of Buccleuch's carpet in the middle,^ Single-winged figures are to be seen on the spandrels of a remarkable carpet (of which barely one-half is preserved) of the sixteenth century, given to the Victoria and Albert Museum by the late Mr. C, T. Garland, It is in wool and gold and silver thread, with a fine design of hunting animals,® A later hunting-carpet, entirely in wool, made in the first half of the seventeenth century, has on each spandrel a group of three ^ Martin, O.C., Fig. 127. 2 Martin, O.C., Fig. 138 ; R. Cox, L’Art de decorer les Tissus, Paris, 1900, PI. 53. ® V.A.M. Notes on Carpet-knotting and Weaving, 1920, frontispiece. See also Bur- lington Magazine, XXV, 1919, p. 12. 27 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS winged figures, in this case appropriately in cloudsd There is one more instance in which some ultra-human attribute is apparently assigned to the winged figures, on the celebrated silk carpet in the Poldi-Pe^2;oli Museum at Milan,^ Among the trees and plants two of them are seated before a bowl of flowers overshadowed by a canopy of Chinese form. Perhaps in earlier versions of the motive the bowl was an altar. There were originally two figures on the spandrels of a carpet in the Kaiser-Friedrich Museum at Berlin ; one is seated and the other, probably an attendant, standing. Nothing more than the lower portion of these figures is preserved. The carpet was formerly in the synagogue at Genoa, and the Jewish objection to the representation of human figures is thought to explain the mutilation,® Two old love-stories of Persia have kept their popularity for many centuries — those of Khusrau and Shirin, and Laila and Majnun, They appear again and again in Persian miniatures and textiles. Both are shown on a carpet in the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris (Plate 23), Each scene is rendered in the traditional manner. In the first, the beautiful Shirin has dismounted from her horse to bathe, and she is seated dressing her hair, with her garments hanging on the bough of a tree above, when Prince Khusrau (Chosroes), who has been out hunting, rides past. The hunting-party, from which the Prince has strayed, has the authority of the old story. The appearance among the riders, of Laila encountering the poor distraught poet Majnun in the desert, may perhaps be explained on the supposition that it was thought appropriate to bring in this story where the other was shown. It will be noticed that two of the huntsmen throw their bows over the necks of antelopes. The ground is deep blue, and that of the border red. The outer stripe of the border is dark blue, and the inner white. The latter has a fantastic pattern of heads of men, lions and horses linked together by blossoming sterns.^ A strange nautical scene is occasionally found in the spandrels of carpets of a relatively late class, probably made towards the end of the seventeenth century. One example, in the Lyons Museum, shows two ^ In the Victoria and Albert Museum. Reproduced in colours, Ancient Oriental Carpets, Leipzig, 1906-8 (supplementary volume to the great work published in Vienna in 1892), PI. 22. 2 W. von Bode, V orderasiatische Kniipfteppiche , 2nd ed., Fig. 5; Martin, O.C., Figs. 118, 119. ^ Bode, Vorderas. Kniipfteppiche, 2nd ed.. Fig. 12 ; Martin, 0 .( 7 ., Fig. 85 ; Vienna, O.O., PI. 62. ^ Illustrated in colours in Ancient Oriental Carpets, Leipzig, 1906-8, PI. 15. 28 PERSIA boats filled with figures^ and a man apparently drowning among the fishes,^ The clue to this subject is not known ; the boats and figures are European* Another carpet in the Reynolds room at Knole is closely similar. A thirds belonging to Mr. Lamm, at Naesby, has the same scene but there is only one boat.^ Two other carpets of the same class are in the Metropolitan Museum, New York, and the Kunstgewerbe Museum, Berlin. Each carpet shows a singular 2;ig2:ag arrangement of the central space, with floral patterns on successive grounds of different colours. This expanding 2;ig2:ag form of ornamentation is to be found on the well-known velvets of Kashan in Central Persia. This town has long been famous, and is still, for its carpets, and the theory that the carpets with the nautical scenes were made there has much in its favour. Ye^d also, the other great centre of velvet- weaving in Persia, made carpets, but the industry there in modern times has declined.^ In considering figure-subjects on carpets the remarkable cope of Persian workmanship in the Victoria and Albert Museum should be studied. It is very finely knotted in silk, like a carpet, with details in gold and silver thread. Representations of the Annunciation and the Crucifixion are seen, among the usual floral motives. The description of the famous carpet of Chosroes (see p. lo), tells of the use of silk, gold and silver, and even jewels, in a floor-covering. It has already been pointed out that this sumptuous work cannot have been a pile-carpet. For many centuries the knotting of Oriental carpets was done in wool, and no material produces a more beautiful pile-surface. When costlier threads began to be introduced, a type of carpet was made which attracts the collector by its richness, though it is unsuitable for placing on the floor. The first step was taken, so far as we can tell, about the beginning of the sixteenth century, when the Persian state, after a long period of alien rule, was becoming unified under the native Safidian dynasty. The epoch was marked by an output of artistic wares on a most generous scale, as the museums of Europe now bear witness. The elaboration of carpet-patterns, involving the tracing of delicate curves and minute details, called for a finer texture, and this necessitated the use of a warp at once thin and strong. The luxury of the times permitted the employment of silk for the purpose, although the thread formed ^ R. Cox, L’Art de decorer les Tissus, Paris, 1900, PI. 52 ; Martin, O.C., Fig. 149. 2 Martin, O.C., PI. 6. 2 It will, of course, be understood that there is no technical affinity between velvets and carpets. 29 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS only the foundation of the fabric^ and was hidden in the finished texture. The pile was still entirely of woofi the warp threads on which the knots were made and the weft shoots passed through to keep them in line being alone of the richer material. The ** Ardabil carpet, of the year 1540, was thus woven. The next step seems to have been the introduction of gold and silver threads, sparingly at first, for details of the pattern. As the use of metal threads was gradually extended silk was substituted for the wool of the pile, until at last carpets were made entirely of silk on a gold or silver ground. Wool thus disappeared altogether in these sumptuous carpets. Sometimes the metal threads were dispensed with, and the material used was silk throughout. The evolution was com- pleted by the end of the sixteenth century. Meanwhile the making of woollen carpets went on. The seventeenth- century carpets woven entirely in silk, with metal threads for the ground, have for long been the subject of conflicting views. Attention was first drawn to the problem of their provenance at the time of the Paris Exhibition of 1878. A very fine example, the property of Prince Czartoryski, was then shown in the Salle polonaise of the Palais du Trocadero.^ The ground of this carpet was of gold and silver thread, not knotted but wrought into the warps by a method analogous to tapestry. The design, of palmettes and floral stems, quite Persian in character though arranged in a somewhat formal manner, was knotted by the ordinary method in coloured silks. In the middle, and again at each corner, was the coat-of-arms of the owner's family. The European heraldry, associated with the unfamiliar materials of the carpet, raised doubts in the minds of the experts of the day as to its Oriental origin, and the theory was advanced that it was the work of a member of a well-known family of weavers established in Poland, Madziarski by name. The appellation of '' Polish," given to carpets of this class in consequence, clung to them for many years. Doubts afterwards arose, which were strengthened when it became clear that the weaving establishment of the first of the Mad^arski was not in operation early enough. But the theory served a good purpose, for when its foundation was seen to be insecure an incentive was given to further investigation. M. T. Krygowski, writing in the Orientalisches Archiv,^ quoted an inventory of a member of the household of King Albert of Prussia, made ^ E. Guichard and A. Darcel, Tapisseries decoratives du Garde-Meuble, 1877, PI. 94. It is now in the Czartoryski Museum at Cracow. 2 II, 1911-12, pp. 70, 106. 30 PERSIA in 1578, in which three Polish carpets are mentioned, and another of the Treasury of Prince Ostrogski in Dubno, of the year 1616, with an entry of a Polish carpet inwrought with gold. He also showed that there was a silk factory in Poland as early as the first half of the seven- teenth century. All this is useful, but so far it does not involve the assump- tion that carpets like Prince C2:artoryski's are Polish. The Poles, like the Russians, always had a liking for rich Oriental stuffs, and many must have been imported. So far as Mad2;iarski^s weaving establishments are concerned, there is no evidence that they ever made carpets. The first weaver of the family, John, was established about the middle of the eighteenth century at Sluck. The discovery that his signature to an agreement with Prince Rad2;iwill, for conducting a ** Persian ** factory and teaching Persian art, was in the Armenian language, lent colour to the theory that he was an immigrant weaver of carpets. It appears, however, that the name Mad^iarski means Magyar,"" and it is surmised that the weaver"s father may have lived in Hungary, whence he would have been carried as a prisoner to Stambul by a raiding-party of Turks. It was from Stambul that John Mad2;iarski smuggled the first weaving appliances in pieces into Poland. He wove girdles and brocades of silk and gold and silver after Persian models.^ It is beyond dispute that carpets woven in gold, silver and silk were made in Persia. These are the materials of the famous Schonbrunn carpet already described (p. 16). The French traveller Jean Baptiste Tavernier, as Dr. Sarre points out,® saw "" rich carpets in gold and silk "" in the Royal Palace at Ispahan in the first half of the seventeenth century. Rather earlier than the date of Tavernier "s journey, carpets of these materials arrived in Venice direct from Persia. Four fine silk and gold carpets are still preserved in the Treasury of St. Mark"s at Venice. There is satisfactory evidence that three, at least, were presented to the Doge by Shah Abbas the Great of Persia. An embassy from the Shah, arriving at Venice in 1603, brought a carpet in silk and gold and silver, with the suggestion that the church treasure should be displayed upon it at the time of the annual exhibitions to the public. In 1622 the Persian ambassador brought two more.® ^ There is a collection of these in the Victoria and Albert Museum, one having Madziar- ski’s name. Others were shown at the Munich Exhibition of Muhammadan art in 1912 {Meisterwerke Muham. Kunst, PI. 222). 2 Ancient Oriental Carpets, Leipzig, 1906-8, p. 3. ^ G. Berchet, La repubblica di Venezia e la Persia (Turin, 1865). See A. Pasini, Tesoro di 8 . Marco in Venezia, Venice, 1885-6, Pis. 77, 89-92. 31 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS A beautiful silk and gold carpet is in the Royal Palace at Stockholm. Like the Austrian Emperor's, it has a ** hunting " subject, but much simplified. The huntsmen are afoot — some struggling with lions, and others carrying slain bears on their shoulders. There are also deer, antelopes and other animals. The colours are full and deep. The crimson ground is relieved by a large central panel and spandrels in gold thread. There is a wide pale yellowish border, with an inner and outer stripe, the former black and the other crimson.^ The famous Coron- ation carpet " of the Danish royal house is kept at Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen. The ground is entirely of gold thread, producing an effect of great richness. The pattern consists of floral stems, palmettes, arabesques and cloud-bands in silk pile with touches of silver thread.^ Both these carpets have been in Scandinavia since the seventeenth century. They were probably brought by embassies from the East, but there is no precise record. During the seventeenth century large numbers of carpets in silk pile, mostly with gold and silver thread as well, were made. The patterns show interminable variations of floral stems, palmettes and arabesques, with occasional additions of cloud-bands. A common form of border is the counterchange cresting. There is often a liberal range of colour, with pale, pure tones predominating. Pinks and pale greens are favourites, with deep blue sometimes to give emphasis. Undoubtedly the silk carpets have faded more than the woollen ones, but the contrasts aimed at seem to be rather that between metal and colour than between one colour and another. An example of the best kind, the property of the royal house of Saxony, is reproduced in Plate 24.^ The ground of the middle is gold, and of the border silver. The colours are mostly pale in tone ; the dark parts conspicuous in the reproduction are deep blue. The Duke of Buccleuch possesses a very similar carpet. ^ There is an excellent coloured illustration in Martin, O.C., PI. 5 (half-tone reproduc- tion of the whole, PI. 4). The crimson is a little deeper than there shown, and the border paler. The carpet is large, measuring rather more than 18 feet long by 9 ft. 4 in. wide. It is very finely knotted ; Martin computes that there are 20 million knots. 2 Reproduced in Martin, O.C., Pis. 7, 8. The attribution to Persia of the four embroi- dered carpets in silk and gold thread at Rosenborg Castle, also illustrated by Martin (Plates 11-14) and considered by him to have been brought from Persia with the Coronation carpet, hardly carries conviction. The Chinese motives are too true to type, and the Persian motives look like the work of an imitator. Their appearance strongly suggests an Indo-Chinese origin. ^ Reproduced in colours in Vienna, 0 .( 7 ., PI. 46. 32 PERSIA There is a good example, though incomplete, in the Salting Collection at South Kensington,^ with floral and palmette ornament, and an inter- laced border, on gold and silver grounds* This carpet bears some resem- blance to one of those in the Treasury of St. Mark’s, Venice. Other specimens are to be found in the principal museums of Europe and America, and in the possession of wealthy collectors. Though very sumptuous, they are not altogether satisfactory as carpets. They are unsuitable for placing on the floor, and the effect of richness is overdone. Although it is now generally agreed that they were not made in Poland, there is still some mystery about their place of origin. They are not always entirely true to the Persian tradition of carpet-design. There can be no doubt, however, that some were made in Persia. Perhaps, when more is known about carpet-making in India, evidence may be forth- coming that the manufacture was taken there from Persia. Wherever the weaving was done, it does not seem to have been carried on very long. This sumptuous manufacture appears to have died out before the end of the century which saw its rise. A carpet in silk only, without metal threads, belonging to the Gobelins Museum is reproduced in Plate 25. The central quatrefoil is green and the spandrels white. The rest of the middle space is red. The wide border is yellow, with a red outer and blue inner band. Before returning to the later woollen carpets of Persia, reference may be made to another type, woven in the same materials as those just described, but by the tapestry process. The thin and delicate texture may perhaps account for the small number now known to exist — hardly more than a dozen altogether. Carpets of this class, in silk, gold and silver, are occasionally enlivened with human or animal forms. A fine example, with animals attacking one another, besides grotesque Chinese dragons and phoenixes, is in the Royal Bavarian Collection at Munich.^ The colours used are the same as those of the silk pile-carpets, but the different texture produces a much harder effect, more like mosaic- work. The best known example, and one of the most interesting, is in the Louvre (Plate 26). A pointed oval in the middle contains a representa- ^ Reproduced in colours in Vienna, O.C., PI. 96. The statement, published at the time of its exhibition at Vienna in 1891, that heraldry was represented upon it was incorrect ; it is still repeated. 2 Munich, Meisterwerke, PI. 55. 33 D HAND-WOVEN CARPETS tion of a horseman fighting a monstrous serpent — evidently meant for the Persian national hero Rustam^ on his horse Reksh, encountering the serpent while on his way to deliver the King Ky-Kaoos from captivity in Mazanderan, The story^ taken from the Shah-Namah^ the national epic of Persia^ may be given in the words of Sir John Malcolm, In the middle of the night a monstrous serpent, seventy yards in length, came out of its hiding-place, and made at the hero, who was awakened by the neighing of Reksh ; but the serpent had crept back to its hiding- place, and Roostem, seeing no danger, abused his faithful horse for disturb- ing his repose. Another attempt of the serpent was defeated in the same way ; but the monster had again concealed himself, Roostem lost all patience with Reksh, whom he threatened to put to death if he again awakened him by any such unseasonable noises. The faithful steed, fearing his master's rage, but strong in his attachment, instead of neighing when the serpent again made his appearance, sprung upon it and commenced a furious contest ! Roostem, hearing the noise, started up and joined in the combat. The serpent darted at him, but he avoided it, and, while his noble horse seized their enemy by the back, the hero cut off its head with his sword," ^ The spandrels contain illustrations of the old Arabian love-story of Laila and Majnun — the scene where Laila visits the poor poet in the desert,^ Three carpets of this kind were lent by the King of Bavaria to the Exhibition of Muhammadan Art at Munich in 1910, One of them has in the middle a shield-of-arms, misunderstood by the weaver, but sup- posed to be intended for those of a Polish princess married in 1642 at Warsaw,^ Another shows the usual hunting scene — men on horseback and on foot attacking wild animals. Garden scenes fill the spandrels, with figures by a stream. In the border winged attendants are playing music or offering fruit to a winged prince seated on a throne, and the middle panel contains other winged figures. The third carpet has a conventional floral pattern. An example with a pattern of arabesques, floral stems and cloud-bands is in the collection of the King of Saxony,* In the later woollen carpets of Persia the floral types survive almost alone. Subjects with figures and animals are not common, and when they again achieve popularity during the course of the nineteenth century, ^ Sketches of Persia, 1828, ch. xii. 2 Another representation of this story, on a carpet in the Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, has already been mentioned (p. 28). ^ Meisterwerke, Munich, PL 60. See also Pis. 61, 62. ^ Vienna, O.G., PL 30. 34 PERSIA the effects aimed at are more naturalistic if less happy. The varieties of floral patterns are almost endless. While some tend towards the direct imitation of natural life/ others show a more or less formal arrange- ment of palmettes and stems covering the whole ground, A fragment of a carpet reproduced in Plate 27A, made in the seventeenth century^ is of the latter class. It shows the usual red colour of the central panel and the dark blue border, A more elaborate example, probably made early in the seventeenth century, is in the Kunstgewerbe Museum at Leipzig (Plate 28), A further stage in the formalizing of the pattern is shown in Plate 29, At last it breaks up into a kind of colour-mosaic, often effective enough, but no longer to be regarded as an organic and intelligible design (Plate 27B), The later stages of another Persian type, already spoken of as associated with Armenia, may be traced in Plate 20A, where the long leaf-forms covered with floral motives dominate the whole pattern ; and in Plates 132A and 134, where old motives may still be traced. The double prayer- carpet reproduced in Plate 30B belongs to a class of which few examples are known. Knotted prayer- carpets are unusual in Persia, such articles being mostly made of cotton, either embroidered or printed. The type of pattern in which the design is composed entirely of palmettes and floral stems, sometimes with the addition of cloud-bands (Plates 27 and 28), is one of the best known of all. It is ascribed to the province of Herat, now united to Afghanistan, though under Persian rule during the flourishing days of carpet-weaving. Early in the seven- teenth century the province had the reputation of making the best carpets in Persia (see p, 39), The capital city, Herat, was the chief centre of the manufacture. The industry flourished there until the desolation of the province by Nadir Shah in 1731, when many weavers were trans- ported to the western provinces. Although Herat never recovered, carpet-weaving did not entirely cease, and it is still carried on there at the present time. There is evidence that such carpets reached England early in the seventeenth century. King James I is seen standing on one of them in a State portrait, attributed to Vansomer, at Hampton Court, They are also represented in pictures of the Netherlands and Spain in the seventeenth century. The carpets of Kirman have already been noticed. The French traveller Chardin, who visited Persia in the second half of the seven- ^ Example in the Victoria and Albert Museum, No. 3 — 1887. Another in Lyons Museum. (R. Cox, L’ Art de decorer les Tissus, Paris, 1900, PI. 56.) 35 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS teenth century, speaks of the carpets of the provinces of Kirman and Seistan. Carpets were also made at Ispahan, though apparently not in great numbers. There is little justification, as a rule, for the frequent attribu- tion of old carpets to this former capital of Persia. Other well-known centres of carpet-weaving in Persia have been mentioned in the preceding pages. There is much uncertainty in regard to the locality of manufacture of old Persian carpets, and attributions should be accepted with reserve. It is seldom that they bear the hall-marks of their origin in the unequivocal way of the ** Ardabil ** carpet. In this connexion a carpet belonging to Mr. G. Mounsey merits atten- tion (Plate 30A). The inscription has been interpreted by Sir Thomas Arnold as meaning ** Jaushaqan work 117 ** — apparently locating the carpet as Jushagan work of the year 1170 of the Muhammadan Hegira (=A.D. 1757). The pattern is in red and white. The three elaborated fleurs-de-lys betray European influence — perhaps Florentine rather than French. It is in all respects a singular carpet. 36 Chapter III INDIA Abul Fazl, the devoted admirer and servant of the great Mogul Emperor of India, Akbar (1556-1605), and the author of the Institutes of Akbar, in which the events of his reign are set down, writes as follows : — ** His Majesty has caused carpets to be made of wonderful varieties and charming textures ; he has appointed experienced workmen, who have produced many master-pieces. The carpets of Iran and Turan are no more thought of, although merchants still import carpets from Goskhan, Khu2;istan, Kirman and Sab2rwar. All kinds of carpet-weavers have settled here, and drive a^ flourishing trade. These are found in every town, but especially in Agrah, Fathpur and Labor.'' ^ In this account we have the record of the real beginning of carpet- knotting in India. It is not difficult to suggest a reason why India was late in the field. Pile- carpets were devised to meet the needs of colder climates than that of India, and in such climates suitable wool for making them can be more easily grown. Before Akbar's time the floor-coverings in India would have been for the most part the cotton daris or tapestry- mats such as are still made and used. The implication in Abul Fail's chronicle that before Akbar's reign Persia and Turkestan Iran and Turan ") provided such pile-carpets as were required to satisfy the demands of wealth and luxury is confirmed from other sources. Even when the new Indian factories were started, their output did not meet all needs. Persia still continued to send supplies. Abul Fa2;l says they came from Jushagan (near Ispahan), Khuzistan (S.W. Persia), Kirman (S.E. Persia) and Sab2;war (in Khorassan, N.E. Persia), places where carpets have continued to be woven down to the present day. On the other hand, there was a small export trade in Indian carpets which began, if not in the reign of Akbar himself, at any rate in that of his successor. In the latter half of the seventeenth century the number sent out of the country must have been considerable. ^ The Ain i Akbari by Abul Fazl ‘Allahmi, translated by H. Blochmann, Calcutta, 1873, Vol. I, p. 55. He goes on to give particulars of prices and sizes in the Imperial Work- shops. The writer was born in 1551, and died in 1602. 37 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS In spite of the labours of such competent authorities as Colonel Hendley^ Vincent Robinson^ Sir C. Purdon Clarke ^ and others^ the subject of Indian carpets still offers a field for study and investigation. Besides the valuable, but somewhat equivocal, witness of Akbar's chronicler, there is the account of Sir Thomas Roe, the first English ambassador to the Mogul Court, who arrived in India in 1612, when Akbar^s successor Jahangir was on the throne. He states that he saw Persian carpets spread before the Emperor on the festival of the New Year, and he records a promise of Jahangir to send Persian carpets to England. That the ambassador took pains to discriminate between Persian and Indian carpets may be doubted.^ So far as actually existing specimens of the seventeenth century are concerned we have chiefly those in the palace of the Maharaja at Jaipur, so fully described by Col. Hendley ; a few similar carpets noted as being in mosques at Berhampur and Bijapur, besides some at Ahmedabad ; the Girdlers^ Company's carpet ; the Fremlin " carpet ; and a number of others scattered about the world which are ascribed, on one plea or another, to the factories started by Akbar. The most characteristic of the carpets at Jaipur seem to be certainly Indian, though not of Akbar's time. The design of these represents rows of flowering plants each delineated separately and entire to the roots as if planted in a garden, or else set in the interstices of a trellis as though climbing. They were brought to the Treasury at Jaipur from the old Palace at Amber near by, about the year 1875. Col. Hendley, who examined the old tickets upon them, points out that some are described as Lahore carpets, and that the dates, where given, are not earlier than the middle of the seventeenth century, though it is not clear whether such dates are those of manufacture or of the inventories. The shapes of some are unusual. One is circular and others have a polygonal inset contour on one side. These have been ascertained to have been specially made for an apartment of the palace at Amber built in 1630. In view of this evidence, it seems quite safe to assign the carpets of this class at Jaipur ^ Colonel T. H, Hendley, C.I.E,, Asian Carpets : Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Designs jrom the Jaipur Palaces, London, 1905. V. Robinson, Eastern Carpets, London, 1882. Oriental Carpets, Vienna, 1892-4. F. R. Martin, Oriental Carpets, Vienna, 1908. 2 The language of these days took little heed of geographical precision in matters of the kind. The minutes of the Girdlers’ Company, of 1634, describes the carpet then given to them by Sir Robert Bell as a Turkey carpet, though it was known to have come from India. Later in the century, the terms Chinese, Japanese and Indian are applied almost indiscriminately to artistic imports from the East. 38 INDIA to the Indian looms in the seventeenth century. Two of the carpets from Jaipur^ with flowers on a red ground^ have recently been brought to England, They are reproduced on Plate 31, The further claim which has been put form^ard that all existing carpets showing such patterns are Indian seems more open to question,^ If that be so^ then very trouble- some points must arise in regard to velvets^ brocades and other works of art with plant designs treated in the same way. In fact, these motives were long popular with Persian craftsmen. They may even have been carried into India by the Persian weavers who, as all authorities agree, worked in Akbar's factories, A fine carpet showing plant-forms similar to those on the carpets from Amber, and done in similar colours, is in the Salting Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum (Plate 32), It will be seen that the plants are each in a separate compartment. This example is incomplete. An- other in the Diisseldorf Museum is probably part of the same carpet. It has a broad border of floral forms resembling the middle pattern. Another class of carpets in the Jaipur treasury shows palmettes and floral stems disposed in a somewhat formal manner on a red ground, with a wide border of palmettes and leaves on dark blue or green. Some- times there are hunting-animals in the middle field, and occasionally Chinese phoenixes and dragons. Such designs are obviously modifications of the finer and freer patterns of Persia in the sixteenth century. The scheme of colouring often has a quality of its own in warmth and depth ; but are we to say that these phenomena were peculiar to India s' Until a score of years ago, these carpets were all attributed to Herat, and the attribution to that celebrated centre of Persian carpet-weaving must still be allowed to have been often correct, Olearius, who went to Persia with the embassy of the Duke of Hol- stein- Gottorp about 1639, says that in the city of Herat the most hand- some carpets of Persia were then made,^ At the same time, it is a plausible theory that if any of the carpets actually made under Akbar exist to- day, some of this class are among them, Herat was favourably situated for transporting either its carpet-weavers or their products to Akbar's Court. The most completely authenticated of all Indian carpets has already been briefly referred to — that in the possession of the Girdlers" Company ^ F. R. Martin, Oriental Carpets, p. 89. 2 Adami Olearii, Reisebeschreibung nach Muskow und Persien, Hamburg, 1696. Quoted by F. R. Martin, O.C., p. 69. 39 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS of London (Plate 33), The elucidation of the history of this carpet a few years ago threw a new light on the problem of Indian carpet-weaving. It measures about 8 yards in length by 2,^ yards in width. The coat- of-arms and motto of the Company are represented in the middle. At each end is a shield azure, an eagle displayed argent, in chief three fleurs- de-lys or. Between each of these and the central coat is seen a bale of goods with the monogram R.B. and a merchant's mark. The researches in the books of the Company and in the records of the India Office recovered all material facts. The arms at the ends were identified as those borne by Robert Bell, master of theGirdlers' Company in 1634, and a director of the East India Company. The records of the India Office showed that the carpet was made for him in the royal factory at Lahore, and those of the Company recorded the gift by him in the same year.^ The middle of the carpet is red, the wide border being in dark blue. The identification of the Girdlers' carpet helped towards that of another carpet which left England for America some years ago. A coloured illustration in Vincent Robinson's Eastern Carpets preserves a record of the design (Plate 34). The middle has a pattern somewhat like that of the Girdlers' carpet, but with the addition of hunting animals among the stems. The wide border is blue, with the arms of the Kentish family of Fremlin at intervals with palmettes and stems between.^ The points of resemblance between this carpet and the Girdlers' prompted a reference to the published literature of the East India Company, where the name was found to occur several times. The conclusion that a member of this family arranged for the carpet to be made in India through the agents of the company seems fairly safe. There is little else but conjecture to aid in carrying farther forward the record of the factories in India founded under Akbar. An interesting fragment in the collection of Dr. Friedrich Sarre of Berlin is shown to be Indian by the pattern of two fighting elephants ridden by their mahouts.^ Two other fragments — one in the possession of Dr. Roden of Frankfurt, and the other formerly in the collection of M. Jeuniette, and now in the ^ Information collected and published by the Company. See also Art Workers' Quar- terly, Vol. Ill, July, 1904, p. 97 ; T. H. Hendley, Asian Carpets, 1905, p. 8. 2 Or Framlingham, of Hartlip, Kent. Gules, a chevron between three close helmets argent plumed or. Crest, an elephant or, armed gules, gorged with a chaplet vert. The arms were identified by Mr. Van de Put, and first published in The Times special Textile number, June, 1913. In V. Robinson’s book (London, 1882, PI. 9) the carpet is attributed to the weavers of Alcaraz in Spain. ^ Illustrated by Martin, 0 .( 7 ., Fig. 235. His attribution of the carpet to the sixteenth century seems rather too early. 40 INDIA Louvre, have fantastic patterns of heads of elephants, lions, oxen and horses with diminutive serpentine bodies, and floral sprays interspersed. They are probably of the seventeenth century, contemporary with Dr. Sarre^s piece. A singular carpet in the Museum of Fine Arts at Boston in America has, in a medley of motives, a hunting-cheetah driven to the chase on a bullock wagon covered with a brightly-coloured textile, to which it is chained.^ This recalls Abul Fail's account of Akbar's hunting expeditions, where he says that the hunting leopards got Jushagan carpets to sit on, and even had carts made for them.^ The French traveller Francois Bernier, who visited India in 1656-68, refers to the practice of keeping the hunting-leopards chained on a small car. The importation of carpets into England through the East India Company appears to have been considerable in the seventeenth century. Great families, notably that of the Duke of Buccleuch, whose ancestor the Duke of Montagu was a director of the Company, still possess fine specimens. They are mostly of the ** palmette '' or Herati type. Whether any were brought into India from Persia it is difficult to say, but it is to be remembered that the Company traded in Persian goods, thus supplanting the more difficult route of communication with Persia established by the English Mucovy Company by way of Archangel in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The weaving of pile- carpets in India appears never to have quite ceased from the time of Akbar onwards. The types of the nineteenth century are varied. On the one hand there are the sumptuous silk carpets of Warangul, with floral patterns, made about the middle of the century ; on the other, the exceedingly coarse wool carpets, with animals, birds and floral forms, of Tanjore and Malabar. A carpet made at Tanjore in the Madras Presidency is illustrated in Plate 35. Its principal interest lies in the fact that the design is typically Indian in character, without Persian influence. The compartments enclosing the floral sprays are red, buff and pale blue. The border is white. The knotting is coarse and the colours are dull. Soon after the middle of the century, carpet-knotting was begun in the jails, with the object of providing useful and remunerative employment for those detained there. This object was to some degree attained. The scheme had another aspect — whether it tended to raise or depress the standard of the industry in India. That question need ^ Martin, O.C., Fig. 234. ^ Blochmann, Ain i Akbari, I, p. 287. 41 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS not be discussed here. Most of the jail-carpets ** were old patterns. The cotton pile-carpets made in several districts of latter half of the last century are, it is to be hoped, unique. copied from India in the 42 Chapter IV TURKEY Beyond all question the best carpets in the world are the Persian^ whether the point of view taken be that of design, colour, or craftsmanship* Little imagination is needed to appreciate the skill demanded of the weaver in keeping a great carpet like that from Ardabil straight and even in the making, and to give it a texture which should outlast five hundred years of use* Such mastery of the technicalities of the craft is often combined, as in that carpet, with resourcefulness in design and true genius for colour* Every other carpet-weaving country has felt the influence of Persia* In Asia Minor that influence prevailed to such a degree that it almost becomes a question whether the best carpets made there should properly be called Turkish* This designation is not altogether satisfactory for the art of Asia Minor, but there is no better comprehensive term. Traces of the native Turkish art of their old home in Central Asia are rare, although they are sometimes to be found in nomad carpets. The art was the outcome of a more advanced civilization. In the course of history, successive waves of humanity have been pressed into the narrow limits of Asia Minor after a fashion which may be compared, in another element, with those bays into which the waters of the ocean rush from time to time in a tidal wave. An enumeration of the races represented in Asia Minor includes Turks, Greeks, Jews, Persians, Turcomans, Tartars, Yuruks, Circassians, Armenians, Nestorians, Syrians, Kurds, Cossacks, Bulgarians, Arabs and gypsies. Not all these people are carpet -weavers, but several of them are. The pressure of the Mongolian horsemen which set the Seljuks moving westward, and after them the Ottoman Turks, drove Persian craftsmen and poets to seek the same asylum, and the latter brought with them a proficiency in the arts of which the Turks were not slow to take advantage. In 1514 the conquest of Tabriz was effected by the Turkish Sultan Selim I, and that city was again entered by his successor Suleiman I twenty years later. Craftsmen were carried away into Asia Minor by the conquerors. Some, indeed, have attributed 43 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS the brilliant height attained by Turkish art in the sixteenth century to that event. The Turk was a Sunni — an orthodox and literal observer of the precepts in the sacred writings. He could not therefore permit the representation of figures of men and animals, which the sectarian Persian allowed. But for this, the most accomplished of the carpets of Asia Minor might be regarded as an offshoot of Persian art. The mixture of races in Asia Minor finds expression in a variety of types often having little relation one to another. The ** Turkey '' carpets used in Western Europe during the last five centuries are the work of the uplands of Anatolia behind the port of Smyrna, whence so many were shipped. For a long time these were practically the only pile-carpets brought to Europe. The relative inaccessibility of Persia, and the almost insuperable difficulties of transport rendered the Persian carpets practically unknown until the seventeenth century, and even after they began to be imported they were called ** Turkey ” carpets like the rest. The seafaring communities of Italy had trading settlements dotted along the coast of Asia Minor as early as the thirteenth century. With the abandonment of these posts under pressure from the Ottoman Turk during the course of the fifteenth century, commercial activity was not put an end to. A lively trade still went on between the Venetians and the Turks. The Italian traders also had their agents in the countries of Western Europe, and by such means the carpets were obtained which are seen represented in early pictures. The carpets of Asia Minor first became known in the West in the fourteenth century, and in the two following centuries they were imported in large numbers. Their strange exotic beauty rendered them popular at once with the painters, who obviously copied them with much fidelity. These pictorial representations of the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries have greatly simplified the task of classification. The first essay on this subject was contributed by Dr. Julius Lessing of Berlin. His book,^ published at Berlin in 1877, reproduces a series of illustrations in colour from carpets represented in paintings by, or attributed to, Jan van Eyck, Memlinc, Van der Goes, Mabuse, Holbein, Ghirlandajo, Pinturicchio, Montagna, Moroni, Girolamo dai Libri and others. Most later writers on Oriental carpets have either made use of Lessing^s work or made further comparisons for themselves. The subject requires ^ Alt Orientalische Tep'pichmuster nach Bildern . . . des XV-XVI Jahrhundert. 44 TURKEY careful handlings for Oriental motives often have a long life, and similarities between representations in old pictures and actual carpets obviously of far more modern times are occasionally quite startling. Even these cases afford useful evidence, for they tend to confirm the conclusions made on various grounds that the old painters were remarkably true to their models, and that the origin of designs still in use must be traced to a remote past. An example is afforded among the illustrations in the present volume. The painting at Vienna by Hans Memlinc (Plate 36) shows a carpet with a central pattern almost identical with that of the carpet reproduced on the same plate — yet the picture is of the fifteenth century and the carpet is of the nineteenth.^ Relatively few carpets of the time of the paintings are now to be seen in the land of their origin, although some of the greater mosques contain important specimens. On the other hand, it is not beyond the bounds of probability that a few carpets depicted by the European artists mentioned above are actually in existence to-day. Considerable numbers found their way into the churches of Italy, where infrequent use has guarded them from destruction. Many have been sold during the last forty years, and are now to be found in the museums and private collections of Europe and America. The earliest Turkish carpets we know of are in the mosque of Ala- ed- Din at Konia (the ancient Iconium). That city was the capital of the Seljuk Sultans of Rum, and Dr. Martin, who was the first to detect their significance, attributes the carpets to the reign of the sultan whose name the mosque bears (a.d. 1219-36). The question whether they are as old as that may be debatable, but there need be no hesitation in ascribing them to the times of the old Seljuk line at Konia, before it was superseded in the fifteenth century by the Ottomans, whose capital was far to the west at Brusa. There are four carpets, all somewhat dilapidated, and two fragments. The patterns are primitive diapers and interlacings of geometrical form, and two of them have archaic Kufic lettering in the borders. The colours are chiefly shades of blue and red, and yellow.^ ^ A very similar carpet is reproduced in a French romance of the fifteenth century at Vienna, Goeur d’ Amour epris, Cod. 2597. (See Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, V, 1902, P- 307-) 2 Martin, 0 .( 7 ., PI. 30. Their resemblance to the heraldic carpets made in Spain in the fifteenth century is quite striking (see p. 68). It seems likely that some of the motives of the Spanish carpets were borrowed from the successors of these Konia carpets in Asia Minor which have since disappeared entirely. See also article by F. Sarre in Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, Vol. X, 1907, p. 503. 45 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS A carpet preserving a tradition no less remote is here illustrated (Plate 37A). In its present incomplete state it shows two octagonal compartments, each filled by an angular and disguised, though unmistakable, rendering of a Chinese dragon and phoenix in red and blue on a yellow ground* The pattern is obviously archaic, and the difficulty of assigning a date to the carpet itself is considerable. Dr. von Bode, who obtained this carpet many years ago in Rome, has pointed out the remarkable similarity to the pattern of a carpet represented in Domenico di Bartolo's fresco of the Marriage of the Foundlings,'^ painted between the years 1440 and 1444 in the Hospital of Sta Maria della Scala at Siena. Animal forms, even thus disguised, are rare in Turkish carpets. Restrictions in regard to such representations were not so rigidly observed under the Seljuks as under the later Ottomans, and it is probable that the tradition of this carpet goes back to Seljuk times. There is no difficulty in accounting for such Chinese motives. They found their way to Asia Minor in the first instance through the Mongolian conquests, but they were reinforced afterwards by the immigrant Persian craftsmen. However early in origin the patterns may be, few existing carpets from Asia Minor were actually made before the sixteenth century. The finest in texture and the most intricate in design of all Turkish carpets were made during that time. Like some of the contemporary woollen pile-carpets of Persia, they are generally woven on silk warps to secure a closer texture, although at times a fine woollen warp is used. They show such uniformity in design and colouring that it seems almost beyond doubt that all were the work of a single locality. Some of them are of large si2;e. It has been suggested that the factory was an Imperial one, and this seems likely, for the carpets must have been too costly for the general markets.^ The location is not known ; perhaps it was in the neighbourhood of Brusa, the Asiatic capital. The best work was done in the sixteenth century, although some examples appear to belong rather to the seventeenth. The patterns are floral and very gracefully drawn, with roses, carnations, tulips, irises and hyacinths, and long curving leaves, rendered in the same manner as on the exquisite painted pottery of the time (see Plate 38). The colouring of the ground is almost always a bright crimson of a characteristic tone, though blue is occasionally used. There is often a central panel and ^ A later Imperial factory was situated at Hereke on the eastern shore of the Sea of Marmora, at a short distance both from Constantinople and Brusa. A modern Hereke carpet is reproduced in Plate 97. 46 TURKEY spandrels in dark or light blue, green, yellow or white, or border-panels in the same colours. Floral ornament, contrasted with the rest of the design by its formal character, and arabesques generally fill these panels. A carpet, unfortunately not complete, in the Victoria and Albert Museum (Plate 39) has the crimson ground with a typical pattern. Another carpet which falls within the same group is illustrated in Plate 40. The distribution of the floral stems here shown is unusual for a carpet, although parallels may be found in the painted tilework. The ground is again red. The salience of the small white flowers is due to the use of cotton instead of wool for those parts, giving a dead white in place of the softer tones of the wool. Several examples are illustrated in colours in the great Austrian book. Two are in the Museum of Art and Industry at Vienna, one in the museum at Leipzig, and a fourth in the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris.^ Another in the last-named collection is on a blue ground, which is very exceptional.^ A few prayer-carpets of this class are known. One, in the Austrian Imperial Collection, was shown at Vienna in 1891, and again at Munich in 1910. Two more were shown in the latter exhibition. The first belongs to the Kunstgewerbe Museum, Berlin, and the second to Prince Liechtenstein.® It is a point which may not be entirely without significance that two of these prayer- carpets have borders from which those most frequently seen on the later prayer- carpets of Ghiordes (see Plate 53) are obviously derived. Thus the possibility of an origin in the same locality is suggested. A different type of carpet is illustrated in Plate 41. These contrast so forcibly with the kind just described that it seems almost beyond belief that both should have been made in the same part of the world at the same time. The knotting is coarser and of another kind ; the colouring is simpler and quite different in tone. The designs are stiff and formal where the others are free and natural, and the motives are geometrical rather than floral.^ Persian influence is strong in the first group. In ^ Vienna, O.C., Pis. 40, 85, 15 and 68. See also Martin, 0 C., Figs. 328-30. 2 Reproduced in colours in Ancient Oriental Carpets, Leipzig, 1906-8, PI. 25. See also Martin, O.C., Fig. 327. ^ Oriental Carpets, PI. 14 ; Meisterwerke, Munich, Pis. 74, 75 ; Martin, Fig. 331. ^ Dr. F. Sarre, in an illuminating paper on early Turkish carpets (Kunst und Kunst- handwerk, X, 1907, p. 513) suggests that the border of the first example on Plate 41 is a modified Kufic inscription. It appears rather to be a counterchange cresting like Plates ii8a and 141. 47 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS the latter the type of design is Turkish, and in modified forms its continuity is traceable down to the present day. Large numbers must have been exported to the West, The two in question were both obtained in Italy, and such carpets are not now found in Asia Minor, They are often to be seen in pictures of the Italian, Flemish and German schools in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Ghirlandajo, Memlinc, and Holbein, among others, certainly had access to carpets of the kind,^ There is almost a suggestion of primitive austerity in these large and uncom- promising geometrical forms, and there can be no doubt that they are descended from an early type. Another geometrical type popular with these painters is reproduced on Plate 42, in a carpet belonging to Mr, George Mounsey, The interlaced border associates this carpet also with the well-known rugs showing arabesques in the middle field (see Plate 43B), The carpet illustrated in Plate 37B represents a step towards greater freedom of design. Small shaped panels in dark blue on a red ground are distributed over the surface. The ** Oushak ” carpet, the real forerunner of the ** Turkey carpet ** of to-day, was much in demand in Western Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The name is derived from a town situated in the middle of the carpet-weaving districts of the Anatolian uplands some distance due east of Smyrna, These carpets are generally of convenient si^e for transport, perhaps 6 ft, wide and twice as long, though far larger examples are sometimes met with. The colours are generally brilliant and pure but not in great variety, A succession of large panels occupies the middle space, either in blue on red or red on blue ; sometimes there are two shades of blue. One well-known form of design is illustrated on Plate 43A, The large star-shaped panels are dark blue and the ground is red. Carpets of this type are to be found in pictures, A well-known example is in a painting by Paris Bordone, in the Academy at Venice, representing the Fisherman restoring the lost ring to the Doge, King Henry VIII stands on another carpet of similar style, in a portrait at Belvoir Castle,^ Sometimes large pointed-ogee panels are substituted for the star-forms ; they are generally placed close together, with half- ^ A very good example is Holbein’s great painting of the “ Amabassadors ” in the National Gallery, London ; another is seen in a painting by Memlinc in the same gallery. Several patterns of the type are illustrated in J. Lessing’s Alt Orientalische Teppichmuster nach Bildern , . . des XV-XV IJahrh., Berlin, 1877 ; see especially Pis. i, 19, 26 (Memlinc); 9, II (Holbein) ; 13, 14 (Ghirlandajo) ; 21 (Anguissola). 2 Connoisseur, Vol. VI, 1903, p. 67. This shows that such carpets reached England before the middle of the sixteenth century. 48 TURKEY panels at the sides. An example in the Victoria and Albert Museum is reproduced (Plate 44),^ In the sixteenth and early part of the seventeenth century there was a large output of these Oushak carpets. At the same time, smaller rugs with a class of pattern of their own, were carried to Italy in considerable numbers. These, like the Oushak carpets, were probably made principally for export. There are two chief kinds of design — one in which the middle is covered with repeating arabesques (Plate 43B), and the other with a plain middle space relieved only with a small central ornament and spandrels in the corners. The colour of the ground is generally brick-red, sometimes blue. Yellow enters largely into the pattern as a rule, relieved by blue and white, Chinese cloud-bands are not unfrequently used in the borders, repeated at close intervals, and occasionally in the middle. The most usual border is the conventionalized Kufic lettering, generally interlaced. The arabesques are drawn in an angular manner and closely packed to cover the surface. The Kufic border is found so frequently in the Italian, Flemish and German paintings of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries that there is no need to single out examples. The arabesques, too, are often seen — more especially in the paintings of the Venetian Lorenzo Lotto, The Kufic border continued to be used until the eighteenth and even the nineteenth century with little change (see Plates 63 and 64), A small carpet in the Victoria and Albert Museum, obtained from a church in Italy, has the same pattern of floral ornament and cloud-bands carried through the middle and the border alike. The ground of the middle is blue, and of the border red. The demand for these carpets by the Venetians and other seafaring traders calling at Smyrna was considerable. Evidences of concessions to Western taste may be seen not only in the subdued colouring, but also in the general uniformity of shape and size and to some extent in the design, A carpet lent by Frau Limburger to the Munich Exhibition of 1910 had the usual yellow and blue arabesques covering the red ground everywhere except in the top left-hand corner, where there was a shield- of-arms of the Genoese families of Centurione and Doria impaled,^ ^ Other examples, mostly in private possession, are illustrated in Vienna, O.G., PI. 17 ; Martin, O.C., Figs. 315, 317-20 ; Meisterwerke, Munich, Pis. 70, 71. There is a carpet with the star-shaped panels in the Victoria and Albert Museum (No. 138), and two with ogee-shaped panels (Nos. 135 and 136). 2 Meisterwerke, Munich, PI. 72. The arms have been identified by Mr. A. Van de Put. Cardinal Wolsey’s insistent demand for these carpets is referred to later (p. 76). 49 E HAND-WOVEN CARPETS The rugs with the space of plain colour in the middle convey more forcibly still the impression of having been made to suit the taste of the European customer. The eye of the Oriental is not so partial to those mono- tonous spaces^ which might have been relieved by a simple pattern with very little extra trouble. We have in these rugs the first signs of an adaptation, as early as the sixteenth century, to the exigencies of the foreign market for which they were destined. In later days those influences were so potent that the survival to the present day of the beautiful craft of carpet- weaving as a native industry is almost to be wondered at. Yet it would be hard to point out any great branch of the artistic handicrafts now practised in the East with better results. It is true that we cannot hope to see carpets made again to rival the great work of the past, any more than we can look for a revival of the conditions under which it was produced. The royal patron, with the resources of the whole kingdom at his command, has given way to the commercial trader. It is due to the latter to say that he has done much to keep the industry alive, but whether modern conditions are favourable to the development of the highest qualities in design and craftsmanship is another matter. At any rate it may be justly claimed that surprisingly beautiful modern carpets may still be bought at a trifling cost. Other types of carpets made in Asia Minor are contemporary with the small rugs just described. Somewhere about the end of the sixteenth century a white ground was used. The choice of colour may again have been a concession to Western taste. White grounds are occasionally found in old Persian carpets (e.g. Plate i8), but they do not cover the whole carpet, border and all ; and where used they are more broken up by close patterns. The colours are chiefly red, blue and yellow. The carpets illustrated on Plates 45 and 46A are of this kind. It will be noticed that the former has the cloud-band repeated at intervals in the border. Various explanations have been given of the nondescript forms in the middle, but they are nothing more than angular renderings of the S -shapes often found in Persian design. The other carpet has in the middle repetitions of the double stripe and the group of three discs below (see Plate 205), which appears so often in the art of Asia Minor in the sixteenth century. The double stripes may have originated either in cloud-forms or in the fur-markings of animals. The three discs appear to have been devised, or at any rate adopted as a badge by the great Mongol conqueror Timur in the latter part of the fourteenth century. When Ruy Gonzales de Clavijo, who went with an embassy from 50 TURKEY Castile to the Court of Timur at Samarcand in 1403^ arrived at the town of Kesh, 36 miles from Samarcand^ he was shown a palace which had been many years in buildings and was not then finished. Over a doorway he noticed the figure of a lion and a sun^ which are the arms of the lord of Samarcand ; and, though they say that Timour Beg ordered these palaces to be built, I believe that the former lord of Samarcand gave the order ; because the sun and lion, which are here represented, are the arms of the lords of Samarcand ; and those which Timour Beg bears are three circles like O's, drawn in this manner and this is to signify that he is lord of the three parts of the world. He ordered this device to be stamped on the coins, and on everything he had.^^ Later the ambassador mentions that the judges in the city of Samarcand use ** the seal of the lord, having three marks upon it, like this, Timur penetrated into Asia Minor, but it is not necessary to connect the appearance of his device there with his invasion. The use of the three discs was rendered so widespread by his orders that in course of time they must have become merely a trite motive of ornamentation. Another kind of pattern, an arrangement of interlacings in star-form, generally surrounded by diminutive trees and floral stems, placed in radiating fashion, sometimes covers the middle of the carpet. These carpets seem to form a link between those of the mosque at Konia and the Anatolian examples described above. There is something in them which suggests North Africa or even an approximation to the carpets of Spain, but they may be Asia Minor work of the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries (Plate 47). A more intricate design, with similar tendencies, is of equally uncertain origin (Plate 48). Three specimens of a class of carpets not unfrequently seen, both in actual examples and in pictures, are reproduced in this volume (Plates 49-51). Carpets of this group are singularly uniform in design. There can be little doubt that they were made in a single district of Asia Minor, though it is not known where. They have acquired the name of Transylvanian carpets from the accidental circumstance that considerable numbers have been found in that province, which lies at the south-eastern corner of the old Austro-Hungarian lands, separated by the Carpathian Mountains 1 Narrative of the Embassy of Buy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the Court of Timovr, at Samar- cand, A.D. 1403-6, Translated by Clements R. Markham (London, Hakluyt Society, 1859, pp, 124, 175), Dr. F. R. Martin first drew attention to this passage in connexion with the appearance of the device on works of art. 51 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS from Roumania* While the latter country remained annexed to the Turkish Empire these carpets were imported by way of Kronstadt, thus making Transylvania a centre for their distribution farther afieldd The earlier type is represented by Plate 49. This carpet resembles closely a specimen in the Victoria and Albert Museum ; the chief difference is that the spandrels of the latter carpet are filled with a kind of arabesque design instead of the floral motives, indicating an earlier date. Examples must have reached the Low Countries by the seventeenth century, for they are to be found faithfully reproduced in pictures. There is a good example in the London National Gallery, a painting of two men in a room (called A Merchant and His Clerk by Thomas de Keyser.^ The colouring of the earlier specimens is subdued and varied, the central field being usually of a deep purple tone, and the border panels in four or five different colours. The relatively numerous examples extant afford a very good opportunity of tracing first their Persian derivation, then the gradual appearance of Turkish colouring and motives, and finally the complete subordination of the original design. For this reason it is proposed to discuss these examples more fully. If the four spandrels of the carpet reproduced in Plate 49 had been united into a star, they would have formed quite a good central pattern, and this treatment of the spandrels is more Persian than Anatolian in origin. The method of treatment of the central field and of the spandrels, however, shows a tendency to geometrical conventionali2;ation which is aided by the coarse knotting employed in this type of carpet. It will be seen that the middle space is occupied by two vases placed in the niches formed by the spandrels and still provided with the chains which betray their derivation from hanging lamps. The shape and filling of the narrow border panels show quite clearly their relation to the well-known Persian border pattern in which arabesques surround a flower. Specimens of more recent date do not have the small star-panels in the border and the narrow panels are immediately adjacent to each other. Later on the central vase-pattern with the conventionalized floral stems disappears. In its place we sometimes find a central ornament of a totally un-Persian character, surrounded with flowers (Plate 50). In the spandrels appears a geometric pattern which can scarcely be recognized as consisting of ^ Several examples in the Victoria and Albert Museum actually came from Transylvania about forty years ago. Dr. Martin states that the Transylvanians retained a percentage of the carpets passing through, as a tax (O.C., p. 130). 2 Lessing reproduces the border of another in a portrait by Cornelis de Vos at the Brussels Museum {Alt Or. Teppichmuster, PI. 29). 52 TURKEY flowers or leaves* After a lapse of only a few years the flowers in the narrower panels of the border lose their natural character^ while the arabesques become stiffened almost beyond recognition. In order to leave no doubt that these carpets come from Anatolia^ we find sometimes those conventionalized carnations springing from the spandrels and reaching into the central panel which are so common in the Anatolian prayer-carpets. The last carpet of this type here illustrated (Plate 51) shows these motives. The central panel reveals its connexion with its predecessors (Plates 49, 50)^ and there are other traces of good tradition — but there is hardly anything in this carpet to remind us of its original Persian ancestry. Prayer-rugs have already been briefly referred to. They were nowhere so popular as in Asia Minor. Every Muhammadan has to perform five ablutions daily, which are followed by five prayers. Just as specially shaped vessels have to be used for these ablutions, so have all particulars for the prayers been laid down. The prayer-rug in the mosque is placed immediately in front of the prayer-niche (Qiblah), which indicates the direction of Mecca, towards which the faithful have to pray. For this reason the carpet has a special design, which in itself is reminiscent of the niche, so that the apex may be pointed towards Mecca. The true believer has to step on to the farther end in order that, after bowing towards the angels on the right and on the left, who record his good and his evil deeds respectively, and murmuring several prayers, he may kneel down and, while resting upon his hands, touch the earth, that is to say the carpet, with his head. The type from which the Anatolian prayer-carpets are derived is a niche supported by one or two columns at each side, and provided with a lamp of vase-form hanging from the apex, and perhaps having two pricket-candlesticks below.^ Several of these constituent parts have undergone radical change at the hands of the carpet designer, no doubt due to successive copying through the centuries. If the earliest prayer- carpets had come down to our times the original type would have been shown more clearly. The niche is the most constant feature. The lamp becomes a hanging vase of flowers with the chains still seen, though the vase is inverted (see Plate 49). Sometimes a spray of flowers hangs ^ See an early carved wood panel belonging to M. Gillot, in Exposition des Arts Musul- mans, by G. Migeon, Paris, 1903, PI. I. 53 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS alone (Plates 53 and 54)* Quite often the lamp is replaced by an inverted ewer with handle and spout, generally containing flowers (Plate 98). ^ Occasionally it is transformed into a nondescript ornament (Plate 102), and in a few instances a central panel is connected by a line with the head of the niche, as though it too were derived from the hanging lamp. The supporting columns remain as a rule in some form or another (Plate 55). At times they become ornamental stripes sprouting into floral forms at top and bottom (Plate 54) ; or the niche head may even be provided with the unsubstantial support of a mere succession of floral forms (Plate 53), Floral sprays or stripes may also represent the pricket- candlesticks, which are not found in an intelligible guise on existing carpets. The three best-known types of these prayer- carpets have been associated with the localities of Ghiordes (Gordium i)t Kula and Ladik (Laodicea), but this classification (for it cannot safely be regarded as a precise statement of geographical fact) takes no account of some important specimens of which the carpet reproduced in Plate 52 is an excellent example. Here the spandrels are a deep red, and the niche itself a very dark blue, but the colour reverts to red again below the large pale blue cloud-band which in form almost repeats the niche-head, though this is perhaps accidental.^ The carpet is Anatolian. In some respects it resembles the small rugs imported into Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (see p. 44). It has been attributed to the end of the fifteenth century by Bode, and to the middle of the sixteenth by Martin. Much depends on whether the exaggerated angularity of the pattern is a sign of primitive origin, or whether the impression that it may be a good design breaking up, is altogether without foundation. The carpet is a fine one, but the possibility of an origin in the seventeenth century cannot safely be overlooked. The three classes of prayer-carpets referred to above are mostly of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, though a few examples are as early as the seventeenth. The most familiar type of Ghiordes prayer-carpet is illustrated in Plate 98. It shows a well-known border with palmettes and rosettes and numerous little stripes of conventional ornament. The extra stripes ^ A Ghiordes prayer-carpet belonging to the Duke of Buccleuch has in the niche a lamp, with foliations springing from it, suspended by chains, and beneath that an inverted ewer containing carnations. A Turkish prayer-carpet is usually woven upside down ; this may account for the inversion. 2 There is an excellent coloured illustration in Vienna, O.C., PI. 3. See also W. von Bode, V orderasiatische Kniipfteppiche, coloured frontispiece to 2nd edition. 54 TURKEY above the niche will also be noticed. The hanging lamp has become an inverted ewer. A simpler and more unusual form of Ghiordes prayer- carpet is shown on Plate 54. The carpet reproduced in colour on Plate 53 is again more elaborate. It is one of a few examples woven with inscriptions. That in the two panels above the niche is as follows : ** My lord^ my august Padishah — may you be joyful and happy unto the days of the last judgement.'^ This inscription shows that the carpet in question may have been intended as a present for a sultan or some other dignitary. There is also an inscription within the niche^ as follows : ** I come before thy throne heavily laden with sin and pray that my sins and guilt may be forgiven me,** ^ It is in Turkish but contains a few Persian words^ a circumstance which has no bearings however, on the theory held by some that these carpets were actually made by Persian workmen in Anatolia, because a number of Persian words, especially religious terms, are used by the Turks. An inscription in the open space of the prayer-niche is rare. The suggestion of lion-masks in each alternate palmette of the border (to be seen also on Plate 98) may be accidental. On the other hand, it will be recalled that masks of lions are often found in the palmettes of Persian carpets of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, or even attached independently to the sterns.^ The same border is seen in the curious prayer-carpet illustrated on Plate 56, although in that example the palmettes are obviously quite floral in character. The elongated form of the niche- head is unusual. This carpet must be classed with the Ghiordes group. It belongs to Mr. George Mounsey. The hyacinth sprigs within the niche may be compared with those on Mr. Mounsey's small mat illustrated on Plate 46B. The mat is knotted in wools like a carpet, although the design is evidently taken from the well-known silk-velvet divan covers of Asia Minor. The Kula prayer-carpets are generally inferior to those of Ghiordes. The knotting as a rule is not so fine, the design shows a tendency towards monotonous diapers, and the colour is paler and less pleasing, with a predominance of yellow. The blue niche with the strings of blossoms shown on Plate 100 is common in Kula carpets. The wide border is filled with rows of carnation blossoms. It is more usual for the border to be broken up into many narrow stripes ; more than a do^en may be ^ Translated by Professor Dr. von Kaelitz. 2 See Pis. I, 10, 14 and 22 Two Ghiordes prayer-carpets are reproduced in colours in Vienna, O.C., Pis. 57, 60. 55 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS counted in some instances. The carpet illustrated on Plate loi has eleven^ and it is classified as a Kula^ although the little patches of landscape within the niche do not properly belong to such carpets. The difficulties which beset any local classification of the carpets of Asia Minor are demonstrated in an example reproduced on Plate 57. The most conspicuous motive of the pattern is the series of four small landscapes within the niche, with a representation of a mosque in the arch at the top. Such little plots of ground with cypress-trees and buildings are generally supposed to have been intended to represent a Muhammadan cemetery, and from the circumstance the name usually applied to such carpets is derived. Apart from this feature, the design has ingredients both of the Ghiordes and Kula types. The border, with its row of lion-mask '' palmettes and flowers alternating, resembles those of the Ghiordes carpets just described (Plates 52 and 56). The narrow stripes outlining the border on each side, and the filling of the space above the niche, are typical of Kula (see Plate 100). The carpet is Anatolian, and it is unsafe to specify the actual locality of production more closely. The same may be said of another carpet belonging to Mr. George Mounsey, in which the landscape motive is again rendered (Plate 58). The ground is bright red, with rows of houses and trees in strongly contrasting colours. The last of the three principal types of these later Anatolian prayer- carpets is the ** Ladik.'^ A good example is seen on Plate 102. A row of long inverted stems ending in blossoms is generally to be found below the niche in this group. The device filling the niche, with its four ewers precariously balanced, has lost all meaning. A yellow panel under the central arch bears the date 1211 of the Hegira, corresponding to a.d. 1797.^ The fantastic forms of this type of carpets are again exemplified in Plate 103, which has a ewer poised in the niche and two more in the spandrels. Another variation, much simpler, with three distinct arches, is shown on Plate 55. In some Ladik carpets even the niche is reduced to an absurdity (Plates 104 and 105). There are several other types of prayer- carpets of Asia Minor bearing geographical names. These are described in a later chapter (see p. 155 foil.). Carpets such as that reproduced on Plate 114 seem like intruders among the carpets of Anatolia. Their strange barbaric design, their exclusive use of geometrical forms and the multiplicity of hooked 1 A Ladik prayer-carpet reproduced by F. R. Martin {O.C., Fig. 340) is dated A.H. iiio=A.D. 1699. 56 TURKEY contours give them an unsophisticated air which telis of nomad life. They are the work of the Yuruks — nomad shepherds of Asia Minor, Before turning to the consideration of the carpets of the Caucasian region^ two examples of uncertain provenance should be referred to. The first (Plate 59) has the form of an Anatolian rug with a niche at each end, but in some respects it resembles still more nearly the carpets of Western Persia, Were it not for the stiff conventionalization of the floral border, and the trivial diaper-filling of the spandrels, the carpet might almost have been attributed to the weavers of Kurdistan,^ It was probably made in Eastern Asia Minor, The other (Plate 60) conforms still more closely to Western Persian types, but the border is found in Caucasian work, and it should be borne in mind while considering the carpets to be discussed in the next chapter, 1 Cf. Vienna, 0.(7., PI. 66. 57 Chapter V THE CAUCASUS In a present-day classification of Oriental carpets the segregation of a group which it is convenient to describe as ** Caucasian ** is inevitable. After very little acquaintance with the subject this term calls up quite a definite image^ though the carpets to which it is collectively applied vary as much as the people do in that part of the world. Few of the carpets placed in this group are older than the eighteenth century, and most are of the nineteenth, though carpet-weaving was carried on among the Caucasian people considerably earlier than that. The anomaly thus involved may be explained first of all by its practical convenience, and again to some degree by the gradual southward advance of Russia over the Caucasian region, and an apparent localisation and fusion of patterns which followed. The predecessors of these '' Caucasian "" carpets must be looked for among those assigned to Asia Minor, Armenia and Persia. The territories in question lie between the Caspian and the Black Sea, with the Caucasus Mountains running obliquely across from the one to the other. This range forms a natural boundary between Europe and Asia, and until the beginning of the nineteenth century it marked approximately the frontier between Russia on the one side and Persia and Turkey on the other. From time to time the two latter people disputed for a larger share of the southern borderland, but ultimately Russia shifted her own frontier by conquest southwards, and a Trans- Caucasian province of Russia was constituted. In the first year of the nineteenth century the King of Georgia abdicated in favour of the Czar. In 1827 during a campaign against Persia, Erivan and Tabriz were conquered, and in the following year the Russian frontier was fixed by Treaty at the Aras River. The boundary between the Russians and the Turks was thrust forward in the next year, and in 1878 Russia obtained Batum, The whole of this relatively narrow strip of land between the two great inland seas is peopled, as might be expected, by a mixture of racial elements. The carpets are mostly made on the south side of the mountain- 58 THE CAUCASUS range^ but there are carpet-weavers in the narrow angle between the mountains and the Caspian shore on the north side. Motives descended from the old designs of Persia^ Armenia^ Asia Minor and nomad tribes are to be discerned. Generally speaking, these carpets show a stiff conventionalization of floral patterns, and geometrical forms much bolder in scale than those of most nomad carpets. The almost playful introduction of little figures of men, animals or birds, usually in odd corners, is quite frequent. The task of differentiating the various local groups now recognized must be left to a later section of this book, to which it properly belongs. A few general considerations are all that need be set down here. The carpet reproduced on Plate 6i shows roughly what may be expected in the group. The middle design renders the old Persian palmettes and large floral motives in a fashion almost unrecognizable, while the stems have been transformed into a random medley of zigzags. The border is less broken up, forming a strong contrast with the middle pattern. A less drastic change is seen in another carpet (Plate 62) showing the transformation of an entire pattern, not only of single motives, when transplanted to Caucasian soil. The Persian stems and palmettes and cloud-bands are here marshalled into a rigid order quite alien to the old Persian tradition. Although there is no central medallion and no corner spandrels, one need only visualize the stems, flowers and cloud- bands in a freer rendering and a well-known Persian design of the seventeenth century lies before our eyes. The angularity of the design in this case is by no means due to clumsiness or want of technical ability ; on the contrary, it is perfectly intentional. It will be noticed that the ends of the cloud-bands which are repeated so often in the carpet, both horizontally and vertically, have been treated as conventionalized leaves. The local touch which is seldom missing in old imitations of famous patterns, because they were copied in all innocence, without any intent to deceive, may be seen here in the flower consisting of eight curves, which is repeated five times, once almost in the middle of the carpet, and again towards each corner. This motive may often be found in Caucasian carpets (see Plates 125, 132A). The carpet shown in Plate 27B is another link between the Caucasian work and the traditional designs of Persia. Another carpet attributed to the Caucasian region is reproduced on Plate 20A. Its elongated leaf- forms on an unusually large scale, overlaid with conventionalized floral 59 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS stems, have an obvious affinity with the dragon- carpets shown on Plates 5 and 6, and the Armenian carpet dated a . d » 1679 (Plate 7). The border is an angular rendering of one of the type shown in Plate 165* It will be remembered that the extension of the Russian boundary brought Armenia partly within the territories of Turkey, Persia and Russia. A well-known group of Caucasian carpets is represented by Plates 63 and 64. These carpets, with their compressed and angular renderings of Persian floral patterns, usually on a deep blue ground, are admirable from a decorative point of view. The borders are almost invariably of white interlinked bands derived from Kufic lettering. It is a curious fact that the earlier forms of the border pattern are as typical of the art of Asia Minor as those of the middle design are of Persia. Occa- sionally carpets of this class have in the middle field an interlaced design in which the forms of Kufic letters appear. The carpet illustrated on Plate 1 19 shows a similar middle pattern but a different border — of conven- tionalized floral motives. The narrow stripes edging the borders of these carpets are filled with rows of carnation blossoms turned alternately to right and left — a motive found earlier in Anatolian prayer-rugs. This edging is seen on the border of the carpet reproduced in colour on Plate 121. The middle pattern with its row of bold octagons and its uncompromisingly geometrical treatment belongs to a class usually ascribed to the province of Shirvan on the north side of the Caucasus Mountains. The carpet is not older than the nineteenth century, but it is instructive to compare it with Anatolian examples such as those illustrated on Plate 41. A comparison, with the former of these especially, will leave little room to doubt of the derivation of the one from the other, allowing for three centuries of change. It also provides a valuable com- mentary on the origin of the typical modern Caucasian patterns. It is also the favourite pattern of the pileless ** Soumak ” rugs, an example of which is reproduced in Plate 146. The latter again should be compared with the Anatolian rugs above mentioned ; in this case it is the second example which shows the greater similarity. The various types of Caucasian rugs of the nineteenth century, with their territorial names, are dealt with in a later chapter. 60 Chapter VI EASTERN ASIA (a) Turcoman Tribes Although few existing Turcoman carpets are likely to have been made before the eighteenth century, there are no carpets of more primitive type. Carpets of Asia Minor and the Caucasus recall them at times, and the earlier these carpets are the more likely are they to do so. It is the same with the carpets reproduced in pictures ; the oldest are most like them. There can be no doubt that the craft among the Turcoman people dates back many centuries. Had there been an export trade, it might have led to the preservation of a few early examples in the West. The Turcoman carpets follow a line of their own in matters of design, colour and technique. They are made in a greater variety of forms, and they serve more purposes, than those of other lands. The tradition they follow is no doubt of great antiquity, and if the carpets themselves are of no great age, the reason must be sought in the daily use to which they were all alike subjected. They are made in the regions beyond the farther shore of the Caspian Sea, in a tract extending eastwards as far as Bokhara, northwards to the Sea of Aral, and southwards to the boundary of Persia. There are also Turcoman nomads in Afghanistan, Beluchistan, Persia and Asia Minor, most of whom weave carpets. The sedentary population are not carpet-producers, but the nomads for the most part are skilled in carpet-weaving, and different tribes have their own special patterns. The principal equipments of their large movable tents (kibitka) are made by these weavers. Rugs for the floor are never large. The most characteristic production is the tent-band, usually about a foot wide and sometimes as much as 50 ft. long, which is hung round the tent where the sides join the roof. The designs, sometimes including rude figures of men, besides camels and other animals, are usually in knotted pile on a pileless ground of light tone (see Plate 177). Bags of carpet-weaving are hung round the tent to contain the family belongings. There are also portieres, narrow fringed borders for tent-entrances, camel-collars and other articles of the same material. The work is 61 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS done by the women. The ground is almost invariably a deep purple- red, except in those cases where it is pileless and of a natural pale tone. The pattern is mostly in dark blue, white, and shades of red ; sometimes green or yellow are added. The basis of the pattern is usually polygons, star-shapes, lozenges or crosses, containing, and separated by, interlacings, chequer-patterns and geometrical forms perhaps derived from floral motives. The carpets are excellently well made, the wool of fine quality, the dyes good, the knotting close and regular, and the work durable. The different patterns are specified in a later chapter. Rugs with the prayer-niche are not common, although perhaps the specimen illustrated on Plate 190 may be intended to show this feature. There is a prayer- rug in the Victoria and Albert Museum, with a plain niche, apparently of undyed camel-hair ; the row of dark blue cones in the border is a little unusual in Turcoman rugs. It almost seems as though the nomad weaver had borrowed some ideas, for once, from an Anatolian prayer- carpet. The Turcoman carpets made in Afghanistan and Beluchistan are usually rougher and poorer in technique, and simpler in pattern (see Plates 187 and 193). (6) China and Chinese Turkestan The history of Chinese carpets has not yet been written, and the task cannot be undertaken with any approach to finality just yet. There is still need for careful research on the spot and for more representative collections to be formed in Europe so as to provide a field for comparative study. A few Chinese carpets, picked up by travellers, were brought to the West during the course of the last century. More recently still, the vogue which arose for Chinese art generally focused attention on the carpets and large numbers were shipped to America and Europe by commercial agents. For the most part, it was as novelties that they gained their popularity. Reference has already been made to the fragments of pile-carpets found within the last few years in the Gobi desert region (see p. 6). Further developments must be awaited, and proper facilities for study afforded, before a reliable estimate of their age and nationality can be formed. Marco Polo, who makes frequent references to the textile industry of China, says nothing about the weaving of pile-carpets there, although on his way out he remarks how good the carpets of Asia Minor are. Chinese carpets to-day form a group of very pronounced individuality. The main characteristics of this group are common to 62 EASTERN ASIA a large area of Asia extending in a wide belt from the westernmost limits of Chinese Turkestan at the apex of India^ through Tibet, and across the northern provinces of China as far as the Yellow Sea. There are grounds for believing that pile-carpet making among those peoples is not of great antiquity. They seem rather to have picked up the craft from their neighbours. The most vital point of contact would be Turkestan, where they were in touch with the Turcoman and Persian weavers. Carpets have long been made in Kashgar, Yarkand and Khotan, but they are woven also in Turfan and in other outlying parts of the province. The line of advance towards the Eastern seas would be that sketched out above, and the craft appears to have spread gradually from one point to another along the route. The industry in Chinese Turkestan, Tibet and the neighbouring parts of China is carried on chiefly by the women in their homes. As it advances through North China it is taken up by the men, and factories have been established in recent years. The Chinese carpets usually regarded as showing the best evidence of age are those in silk, or silk and gold, commonly attributed to the time of the Ming dynasty, but with small justiflcation as a rule. Silk is not an ideal material for carpet-knotting, and its use for such a purpose, though natural in China, is probably no older there than elsewhere in carpet-weaving countries. The designs of these carpets have an archaic appearance, due largely to the stiff and angular treatment of the floral motives usually forming the pattern. The Chinese way of putting in the gold thread, where that is used, adds emphasis to this angularity, and the pale and faded tones of the silk strengthen the illusion of age. The example illustrated on Plate 65 is typical. The conventionalization, to a point almost past recognition, of the circular dragon-and-phoenix motive will be noticed. The carpet was originally wider, with the motive in each corner and another in the middle. Blue, the colour of the ground, is the prevailing tone. Much of the pattern is in gold thread. In these carpets the floral motives are usually closely packed to cover the whole ground. A remarkable example acquired in the year 1919 by the Stockholm Museum showed repetitions of two plant forms in lobed compartments on a gold ground, and a border of interlaced floral stems on a silver ground, recalling Persian design.^ Sometimes other motives appear as well. Blue is usually ^ Described and illustrated by Dr. Eric Folcker in Burlington Magazine, Vol. XXXV, 1919, p. 61. 63 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS the dominant colour of the silk* Where gold thread is used, it is poor in quality and loosely woven into the texture. The carpet partly illustrated on Plate 66 a is a good example of this type. It has a row of eleven niches, all containing floral patterns in silk on a gold-thread ground. Silver thread forms the ground in the spandrels. There is a similar carpet, but smaller, with only six niches, in the Austrian Museum of Art and Industry, Vienna.^ An example of later date, without the metal threads, is shown on Plate 67. The silk and gold carpets form a strong contrast to the majority of the Chinese woollen- pile carpets, which show a great variety of motives, often in the bright clear colours characteristic of Chinese art. At times the designs show an originality not beyond criticism. Relief effects cannot be banished from carpet- design, and it is no use making the attempt ; but when flower-pots, incense-vases, table-ornaments and the like are rendered as though they were actual objects placed on the carpet, the result is not entirely free from a suggestion of incongruity. The carpet illustrated on Plate 68 is a very favourable example of this class of pattern, on a white ground. The artistic sense of the Chinese, when the balance is not disturbed too much by purely commercial motives, is still genuine and good, and they know well how to harmonize what would appear as absurdities in other hands. The handicap from the beginning in regard to their carpet industry seems to have been that its lineage was not very ancient, and as a late-comer it was pressed into a mould fashioned for other uses. Figure-subjects have been freely used in Chinese carpet-design. For the most part they represent divinities, saints, sages or priests, often with an inscription in Manchurian, Mongo- lian or Tibetan. These carpets are intended for use in the temples. Most of the designs are drawn from the repertory of traditional Chinese art. We find dragons and phoenixes, sometimes together, unicorns ** {ch*i-lin), deer, horses, cranes, bats and butterflies. ** Corean lions ** and various emblems associated with Buddhism are found, as well as emblems of the Taoist philosophy. Landscape effects with trees and animals are sometimes suggested, and the various forms of the long life ** character are introduced. Corean lions and floral sprays in colours on a red ground, form the sole motive of the carpet shown on Plate 69. The dragon-headed horse (lungma) and the phoenix are represented in the middle of the small rug reproduced on Plate 70B. The ground of this carpet is red, and the pattern chiefly in blue and white. 1 Vienna, O.C., PI. 52. 64 EASTERN ASIA A peculiar arrangement of rocks and waves is sometimes disposed round the middle space based on the inner border of the carpet^ and converging towards the centre. Carpets with simpler patterns^ of floral, diaper, or fret motives are often very decorative. The carpet, in v/hite and two shades of blue, with a simple lotus pattern (Plate 71), is an excellent example. The Chinese, and with them the Tibetans, have used the pile-knotting method for a variety of purposes. Some of their carpets are of large dimensions ; others are little mats varying from about 3 ft. to only a few inches square, never intended for the floor. Sometimes two mats are made in one continuous texture to cover the seat and back of a chair — square for the seat and shaped for the back. An example, with a floral pattern in colours on a red ground, is illustrated on Plate 70A. A similar double arrangement of two oblong panels is intended for a long seat. Where three panels are thus woven together, the third is intended to hang down in front. Saddle-cloths are also made in a curved shape. Designs evidently intended to be seen upright, and not suited for a horizontal position, are generally meant to be used as temple-hangings for the wall or altar, or as table- hangings. A species of carpet peculiar to the Chinese and kindred peoples of the Far East is made to be placed round pillars, in such a way as to bring the two side edges together and so complete the design. Sometimes these carpets have standing figures ; more often they have dragons, which appear to be coiling round the columns. There is generally a line of waves and rocks with spray breaking over them below, and a festooned arrangement of jewels and tassels above. The examples on Plates 72 and 73 are shown both flat and in the way they are meant to be used. The carpets of Eastern Turkestan were the first among the Chinese group to find their way to Europe, and as they became familiar in the West before others made farther afield were seen, a habit grew up of assigning all Chinese carpets to this region. Though preponderatingly Chinese in design and colour, they have a character of their own which renders them distinguishable, as a rule, from the carpets of Northern China. A typical example is shown on Plate 74, and a small mat of very similar design, on a red ground on Plate 75A. The pattern of sea waves in the border is very common in these carpets. The fret-ornament in the corners and the rosettes in the middle are motives also frequently found. Sometimes these carpets are more definitely based on those of Western Asia, although the colour-scheme 65 F HAND-WOVEN CARPETS and the details of the pattern are still Chinese. A carpet shown at the Vienna Exhibition of 1891 had a pattern of flowering stems in the middle, partly issuing from two vases at either end, and a border of counterchange cresting.^ The effect is that of an interpretation of an Anatolian design, though delineated quite in Chinese fashion. In the north-eastern provinces, Shan-si, Chi-li and Shantung, the industry appears to have been well established in the eighteenth century. Two small mats reproduced (Plates 75B, 66 b) are probably from those provinces. The latter was brought from North China by the owner. Colonel Croft-Lyons. Many carpets find their way to Tientsin for export, and on that account the term ** Tientsin carpet ** has come into use. The place was merely the emporium for the Far East, like Bokhara for Middle Asia, or Smyrna for the Near East. Ninghsia and Peking have a name for making the best carpets. Kalgan in Chi-li is also mentioned, and at Tsinanfu in Shantung the craft is taught. Fifty years ago, Colonel Yule, the editor of Marco Polo^s travels, recorded that in the city of T'ai-yuan fu, northern Shan-si province, fine carpets ** like those of Turkey ** were made.^ The phrase probably means no more than that the carpets were of knotted pile. The wool of the sheep, goat, camel and yak are used. The material comes chiefly from Mongolia, but local supplies are used where obtainable. A common practice among the Chinese carpet-weavers of cutting into the pile in order to round-off the angular contours produced by the knotting process shows that they do not submit willingly to its limita- tions. The result is that many single tufts are cut away on one side down to the knot itself, thereby impairing the durability of the carpet. This practice is not followed elsewhere and it tends to show that in devising it the Chinese were endeavouring to adapt a foreign process of weaving to their own favourite types of design. The colours used by the Chinese are few in number and generally of strong tone. The ground is mostly red, yellow, blue or white, and a few other colours are used. Blue is greatly employed, as in their pottery ; quite frequently shades of blue and white form the entire colour-scheme. The native dyes are said to be by far the best, and where poor dyes have been used, it is to be assumed that they were derived from foreign sources. The brisk trade in Chinese carpets in recent times has arisen partly ^ Vienna, O.C., PI. 49. 2 Sir H. Yule, The Book of Ser Marco Polo, 3rd ed. 1903, Book II, ch. 37. 66 EASTERN ASIA from an awakened interest in Chinese art generally. At the outbreak of the war an impetus was given by the cutting off of the carpet-weaving centres of Western Asia, resulting in the organi2;ation of the industry in Northern China for export purposes. Experiments in setting the craftsmen there to imitate the patterns of Western Asia have not been an unqualified success. 67 Chapter VII EUROPE (a) Spain It has been known for many years that pile- carpets were made in Spain, but the long record of the industry there, and the extent to which it has been carried on, were unsuspected until recent times* On the one hand, the Spanish weavers had attributed to them typical Oriental carpets with devices, such as heraldry, for instance, betraying Western connexions, while some of their own carpets were ascribed to the East ; and on the other hand it has been hinted that they were slavish copyists of Eastern work, and poor at that* Sheer weight of facts gradually coming to light is correcting such views by the best of all methods, that of demonstrating the truth of contrary ones* During the past forty years the spoils of many churches, convents and mansions have found their way into the market, and although the necessity is to be deplored, there is at least one advantage — that museums have been provided with the material for arriving at a truer understanding of Spanish art* So far as carpets are concerned, we do not know everything yet, but the main facts have been made clear* Not every pile-carpet known to have come from Spain, or still there, is Spanish* Carpets were imported from Anatolia ; many such have been found in Spain, and others may be seen represented in old Spanish paintings* Like all other European countries where carpet-knotting has been carried on, Spain learnt the craft from the East, but she learnt it early, and developed at once on independent lines* There is a decidedly individual character in Spanish carpets, both as regards design and technique* Some of the oldest carpets now in existence are Spanish* This conclusion, which sounds improbable at first, is provided with a sound historical basis by the heraldry usually found on these early carpets* They are mostly abnormally long in proportion to their width, a char- acteristic pointing to a local and domestic origin* A carpet may be as long as the weaver desires, but its width is determined by that of the loom, and domestic looms are usually narrow for convenience* It is quite likely that these long heraldic carpets were convent work* Two 68 EUROPE very important examples, shown at the great exhibition of Muhammadan art at Munich in 1910/ came from the Convent of Sta Clara in Valencia, Old Castile, One has a shield-of-arms three times repeated in a line down the middle, on a dark blue ground of diaper ornament. There is an inner geometrical border, and an outer border of slim formalized Kufic characters ^ with human figures, animals and birds filling the spaces between the letters. Along each end outside the border there is a white strip with a design of wild men attacking animals in a wood. The inscribed outer border is a special feature of these early Spanish carpets, and the extra white band at the ends will be met with again. The arms are those of the family of Enriquez* The anchors flanking the shield show that the bearer held the rank of Admiral of Castile, and this places the carpet between the year 1405 and the end of the fifteenth century. The other carpet generally similar, but much larger, is partly reproduced on Plate 76. There are three shields, each several times repeated. They refer to Marina de Ayala and Fadrique Enriquez, Admiral of Castile (d. 1473)*® The carpets may therefore be dated approximately in the middle of the fifteenth century. A few other carpets of the kind are known. One similar to the two described, but without heraldry, was shown at the Munich Exhibition.^ Two more are in the Kunst- gewerbe Museum, Berlin. One of these has shields-of-arms at present unidentified, on a blue ground, and the other has elaborate palmette forms branching on either side from a central stem, in blue, red and white on a dull red ground (Plate 77A). The latter is reputed to have come from a church in the Tyrol. Both appear to be of the fifteenth century. Although the Victoria and Albert Museum has not yet succeeded in obtaining one of these rare carpets, some useful fragments, acquired by gift from Mr. Lionel Harris, show the character of the work. Another type, of which a few examples still exist, is no less early in origin. A representative example is illustrated (Plate 78). The arrange- ment of octagons enclosing geometrical forms recalls that of Anatolian carpets illustrated in early pictures — those of Memlinc and his school ^ Lent by Mr. Lionel Harris, of London. It is understood that they are now in America. 2 Sir Thomas Arnold states that there can be no certainty as to the actual significance of letters on carpets of this type. ® The identification of the arms on both carpets is due to Mr. A. Van de Put (see Bur- lington Magazine, XIX, p. 344). See also Meisterwerke Muhammedanischer Kunst, Munich, 1910, Vol. I, Pis. 85, 86; Museum, I, 1911, p. 431. The sizes are : (i) L. m. 5.90, W. m. 2.64 ; (2) L. m. 8, W. m. 2.30. * Meisterwerke, PI. 87. . 69 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS (Plate 36), or Holbein^ for example* The octagonal spaces which occur so frequently in carpets illustrated in pictures of the fifteenth^ and even the fourteenth century^ are probably primitive and convenient renderings of circles* In the Spanish carpets^ the form is shown in its stiffest convention^ but redeemed by the variety and brilliancy of colouring* The example illustrated has a row of three large red octagons enclosed by rectangular compartments* Within each octagon is a large and elaborate star-device in polychrome on a bright red ground* The star is filled with a variety of diaper patterns and modified Kufic letters* The space around each octagon has a trellis pattern on dark green* There are borders of conventional ornament on pale blue and black* Another example, the property of Dr* Ludwig von Buerkel, was shown at the Munich Exhibition of 1910* It had a double row of octagons, but otherwise it was very similar though less varied in detail* It was probably a few years later in date than the London carpet*^ The later development of this pattern of octagons in Spain is exemplified in a carpet with a red ground in the Victoria and Albert Museum (Plate 77B)* Both the types of Spanish pile-carpets hitherto described have originality enough to render them fairly easily recognisable* A third group, now to be discussed, is quite unique* There is nothing in the whole range of carpet-knotting like them*^ They reproduce the patterns of contemporary Spanish woven silk stuffs, much enlarged in scale, but with no further modification beyond that required by the technique* Such patterns make considerable demands upon the skill and patience of the carpet-knotter where fine lines and curves have to be rendered* The adoption by the Spanish weavers of a single-warp knot (see p* 95), perhaps invented for the very purpose, made the task easier, though it involved great manipulative skill* The earliest-known example of the class is the fine carpet in the Victoria and Albert Museum with a pattern found in several variations among Hispano-Moresque silks. Two lions stand to right and left of a pointed fruit device from which branch downward two long stems which curl round to enclose the lions, uniting above where they end in elaborate foliations* The design is in red and yellow on a dark blue ground* There is a narrow border of dragons, with interlinked necks, in yellow* This carpet has the early Spanish characteristic of inordinate length in proportion to its width* ^ Meisterwerke, PI. 88 ; Museum I, 1911, p. 429. See also F. R. Martin, O.C., Fig. 342. 2 The nearest approach, in principle though not in detail, is made by the English carpets yet to be described. 70 EUROPE The collection of Spanish carpets in the Victoria and Albert Museum is the largest and most varied existing^ and it includes other remarkable examples* Reference must be made to a few of them in tracing the later development of the craft* One of these (Plate 79) has a variation of the familiar ** artichoke ** pattern in green and blue on a red ground* The white outer edging at the two ends, with the pattern of primitive tree-forms and birds, links this carpet with the long heraldic ones described above* It was probably made in the last years of the fifteenth century* A very fine strip, with the lobed pattern so familiar in Italian and Spanish silk velvets of the fifteenth century, belongs to the Hon* H* D* McLaren, M*P* The colours are unusually subdued, on a black ground (Plate 80)* Reverting to the Museum collection, a carpet with another render- ing of the "" artichoke ** pattern in green, has a flame- coloured ground, of glowing red dying off into orange — a most beautiful effect of colour* A typical example of the sixteenth century has a fine blue-and-white damask pattern in the middle, with five yellow shields superimposed (Plate 81)* Upon that in the middle is the Sacred Trigram I H S, while those in the corners have the familiar memento mori, a skull and cross- bones* The conventional renaissance border is principally in red and yellow* In the seventeenth century the design of Spanish carpets becomes a little uncertain* On the one hand there are the true successors of the frankly Spanish carpets of the sixteenth century, and side by side with these there are deliberate adaptations of the Turkish carpets which were probably to be found in considerable numbers in the peninsula at the time* One example in the Museum has a copy of a floral Turkish carpet-design in the middle, done in blues and greens and yellows, and a border of double-headed eagles* Another with an Oriental design throughout has the word ** Trinidad " wrought into the border — no doubt representing the name of the church or convent for which it was made* The carpet reproduced in colours on Plate 82 is perhaps one of the Spanish adaptations of an Eastern design* An interesting carpet of the early eighteenth century given to the Museum by the late Sir Charles Dilke returns to the heraldic tradition* The central field is taken up with a shield-of-arms and an inscription apparently referring to the title Vi^conde de los Villares, created in 1708*^ Two other types of carpets were made in the Spanish peninsula in considerable numbers* One has a looped pile surface in wool or silk 1 The identification of the arms is due to Mr. A. Van de Put. 71 HAND- WOVEN CARPETS on a linen ground. These were made in the Alpujarra Mountains near Granada and perhaps in other districts. As they are not hand-knotted they need not be described in detail. Others are boldly embroidered on linen and therefore they do not concern us here, (6) Poland Some reference to the question of carpet-knotting in Poland has already been made, in connexion with the mistaken attribution to Poland of the Persian silk-and-gold carpets. There is ample evidence, however, that pile-carpets were made in Poland, Both Polish and Persian carpets are mentioned in old inventories, and examples undoubtedly of Polish origin exist to-day. Two are preserved in the Museum at Lemberg, One has shields-of-arms and the date 1698, The other has a floral pattern. Another carpet with heraldry is in a private collection at Cracow,^ The carpet illustrated here (Plate 83) is the property of Dr, Friedrich Sarre, The pile is wool, and the pattern is in colours on a white ground. The general appearance of these Polish carpets recalls the English work, but the treatment of the design is more angular, (c) Finland The making of hand-knotted carpets probably dates back several centuries among the peasantry of Finland, The question whether the carpet-knotting method is indigenous there, or whether it was borrowed from neighbouring peoples is considered as debatable by investigators of the national arts of the country. Considerable numbers of pile-carpets of local origin exist to-day. They are invariably of modest dimensions, mostly about the si^e and proportions of a hearthrug. The knotting is not very fine, and the carpets consequently have a rough and fleecy appearance. The patterns are mostly simple peasant designs based on floral motives, done in bright and varied colours. One of these rugs usually formed part of a bride's trousseau, and many have the initials of the owner and the date. Examples with dates earlier than the middle years of the eighteenth century appear to be unknown, but the craft goes back very much farther. At one time the work declined, but in recent years efforts have been made, not altogether without success, to revive it. The example here 1 Orientalisches Archiv, II, 1911-12, Pis. 11-13. 72 EUROPE illustrated, with the date 1799, is in the Victoria and Albert Museum (Plate 84). The colours are red, green, blue and white on a black ground. The broad border is in blue, white and black on a red ground ; there is a narrow edging in blue. Tapestry-woven mats of Finnish origin are known, although they are rare. Others have been made in Norway and Sweden, but they may be more suitably classed with tapestries, and they hardly come within the scope of the present work. (d) France The makers of hand-woven carpets in France, as elsewhere in Europe, borrowed the processes from the East. In regard to design they followed a course no less independent and original than the English craftsmen. The real beginning of carpet-knotting in France cannot be traced to an earlier date than the opening years of the seventeenth century. A guild of carpet-makers existed in Paris four centuries before, but nothing now remains of their handiwork, and we are even ignorant of its nature. In the year 1601 a craftsman, Jehan Fortier, claimed to be the originator of a process of carpet-making which was described as being after the manner of Turkey and the Levant, and a similar claim was made by Pierre Dupont in 1605. Privileges were granted for carrying on the work. A factory was established by Henry IV in the Louvre under Dupont, and artists of repute were commissioned to make designs. These were probably from the beginning in the style of contemporary French decorative art, like those made under Louis XIV and later. In consequence, French carpets have a very distinct originality. The factory of the Savonnerie, which has provided a generic name for all French hand-knotted carpets, was founded in 1626. Its site was a building originally used as a soap-works, on the banks of the Seine at Chaillot, then a suburb of Paris, but since united with the city. Simon Lourdet, a pupil of Dupont’s, was the first director. In 1672 the Louvre atelier was transferred to the Savonnerie, where work for Louis XIV was already in progress. Ninety great carpets were ordered for the Louvre, many measuring as much as 30 ft. in length by 16 ft. or more in width. These commissions kept the looms at work for the greater part of the long reign of Louis XIV. The designs were characterised by the magnificence and splendour associated with that monarch’s name. They were based largely on the acanthus foliage and scrollwork belonging 73 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS to the period, forming a setting for the royal arms and emblems, the trophies of arms, the gods and goddesses and other devices. The effect aimed at, and attained, can only be properly gauged in their appropriate surroundings, lying on the floors of the great saloons of Louis XIV, and associated with the ponderous boule-work and inlaid furniture of the time. More than thirty of these great carpets are still in the French Mobilier National. By the kind dispositions of the administrator, M. Dumonthier, and with the sanction of the French Government, a fine series of these carpets, numbering eleven in all, was placed on public view in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, in the years 1912 and 1921. Two of these carpets in the Mobilier National are here illustrated, with the permission of M. Dumonthier (Plates 85, 86). The existence to-day, in a remarkably good state of repair, of so many of these carpets witnesses to the high quality of the craftsmanship and materials. Work at the Savonnerie went on during the course of the eighteenth century, and under the First Empire. Numerous carpets in the Mobilier National are of those times. In 1825, after a career of two centuries at the Savonnerie, the works were united with the national tapestry-factory of the Gobelins. In these new quarters carpets were made for the palaces of the Louvre, the Tuileries, the Elysee, St. Cloud, Compiegne and Fontainebleau, for the Cathedral of Notre Dame and for the Pantheon. The work is still carried on at the Gobelins. The modern carpets not infrequently exceed the older in weight and size. At times their designs are based on earlier traditions, in order to adapt them to their destined entourage. 74 Chapter VIII ENGLAND The making of pile-carpets by hand in England followed very closely upon the first importation of Oriental examples. In the sense in which the term carpet ** is used to-day^ and in any sense cognate to it^ carpets were unknown in this country five hundred years ago. In the West their gradual adoption has kept pace with progressive ideas of comfort. In the East they are the outcome of the conditions of daily life^ and they have always been indispensable. There are very few carpets now in the world more than five hundred years old^ but that fact provides no clue to the antiquity of the carpet^ since such goods were liable by their nature to perish in the using. Whatever our uncertainties may be in regard to the East^ we can be pretty sure that practically nothing was known in England of the pile-carpet before the reign of Henry VII at the earliest, if not that of his successor. There are many illustrations of interiors in English paintings and miniatures executed before those times, but in none of them is a pile-carpet represented. As late as the fifteenth century a flooring of stone or earthenware tiles, or, perhaps, wood-boards, was considered to need no covering for the sake of comfort or appearance. The occupants of the more modest dwellings probably had often to be content with the bare earth ; and, indeed, some of our country churches were no better off at a much later time. A foot-cloth,"^ a piece of rich stuff of some kind, would be laid down before the altar of a church or before the throne in the royal presence-chamber. These cloths, spread out in special places on occasions of ceremony, were only in a very limited sense the predecessors of the modern carpet. They did not entirely meet the problem of the treatment of the floor in mediaeval times. In the houses of the well-to-do, sweet rushes, hay, straw, foliage, fragrant herbs or flowers were scattered over the floor. These could be renewed at will, and the broom might be more or less drastically used, at regular or irregular intervals, according to the taste of the individual. An illustration from a celebrated manuscript in the Library of Lambeth Palace, entitled Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers, a Latin 75 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS book translated into English by Earl Rivers^ shows the translator offering the book to King Edward IV. The cloth of honour is brought forward so as to pass under the feet of the king^ while loose rushes, painted bright green in the picture, cover the whole of the rest of the floor.^ Even after another century had passed, at the end of Eli2;abeth's reign, the state of affairs was very much the same. Paul Hentzner, a German who came to London in 1598, states that Queen Elizabeth's presence-chamber at Greenwich was strewn with hay. In fact, the interior economy of our houses seems to have been in harmony with their outward appearance. We recall the picturesque exclamation of the Spaniard in Queen Mary's time : '' These English have their houses made of sticks and dirt, but," he is careful to add, " they fare commonly as well as the king." Rush-matting, although used to cover the floor by our nearest neighbours, the French, at the beginning of the fifteenth century, does not appear to have been adopted in England before Henry VIII's reign, and its general use cannot be ascribed to an earlier time than that of James I. One of the earliest representations of rush-matting in an English picture is in a portrait of Henry VIII at Belvoir Castle.^ The rushes are simply plaited in a diagonal fashion. In this reign the pile- carpet first comes on the scene. Cardinal Wolsey was probably the first Englishman, for a subject at any rate, to bring pile-carpets into use. They had long been known, though only as rare and valuable commodities, on the Continent. A minister who, if rumour spoke truly, fed his aspiring soul with dreams of the papal tiara, and who at one time would have rejoiced to secure the imperial crown for Henry, must not be chargeable with insular habits. He must be equipped in the fashion of the times, and carpets must be got. The foreign trade of the country being then largely in the hands of Continental merchants resident in London and the seaports, he could apply to the Venetian factors ; but that course would be tedious and slow. The steps he did take lifted the question out of the sphere of commerce into that of international diplomacy. The dispatches and reports of Sebastian Giustinian, then Venetian Ambassador in England, show how much significance that dignitary attached to a request from the Cardinal for some carpets.^ Negotiations went on for ^ Allen, Selections from Erasmus, p. 126, gives a criticism of the practice. 2 The Drapers’ Hall is said to have had mats in the Chequer Chamber, and rushes in the hall, in 1495, but we have no information as to the material of the mats. 3 Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII. Selections of dispatches, etc. Vol. II., pp. 198 foil. 76 ENGLAND more than a year. In June^ 1518^ Giustinian writes home to the Signory from Lambeth that the Cardinal had promised to take him before the Council and obtain audience for his arguments in regard to the repeal of the duties on Candian wines imported into England by the Venetian traders. ** After these colloquies^'^ the ambassador proceeds, ** his right reverend lordship requested me very earnestly to contrive with the magnifico the captain and the masters that, paying for the same, he might have certain choice carpets and some other articles, but above all the carpets. I told him that I did not know whether there were any, but that if there were, his lordship should have them. I suspect he will not be accommodated, which will prove of serious detriment to us ; whereas had he received twelve or fifteen small handsome carpets, he would have been extremely satisfied. Should your Excellency think fit, you might see either to forwarding them by land, or promise that he should receive some by the next galleys.'^ In November of the same year the ambassador writes again from Lambeth. The Cardinal, he says, was extremely angry with the Venetian merchants in London, who appear to have done something which led him to believe that they thought too lightly of his authority in the kingdom. Giustinian had been to see him with the object of arranging the dispute. He appears to have been in some degree successful. The Cardinal sent for the merchants, who offered him seven very handsome Damascene carpets. He was willing to accept this present from the ambassador, but not from the merchants. In the end, he agreed to regard them as the joint gift of both. These carpets were but a drop in the ocean. The autumn of the next year came, and still the request for the carpets, and the contingent question of the duty on the Cretan wines remained as before. Giustinian is by this time back in Venice. In October, 1519, he makes a report in the Senate on his legation in England. The Cardinal is still very anxious, he says, for the Signory to send him one hundred Damascene carpets, for which he has asked several times. The Senate is urged to make the gift, and even if the Signory does not choose to incur the expense, the London factory will take it on themselves. The gift might easily settle the affair of the wines of Candia, whereas it would be idle to discuss that matter further until the Cardinal receives his hundred carpets. In October, 1520, Wolsey received sixty carpets from Venice. Doubtless they were similar in character to that shown in the full-length portrait of Henry VIII at Belvoir Castle, to which reference has already been made. The king stands on a carpet with a pattern of arabesques in 77 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS large compartments. A royal portrait- groups painted by Holbein^ in the Privy Chamber at Whitehall, after that palace had been handed over to the king by Wolsey, perished in the fire of 1697-8, but copies made before that date show the king standing on a carpet somewhat similar to that at Belvoir.^ Still another portrait of Henry, in Earl Spencer's collection at Althorp, claims our attention. The king is seated at a table with the Princess Elizabeth ; the jester Somers stands behind them. On the table is spread a small Oriental rug. It will be remembered, of course, that for a long time after Oriental carpets were first brought into Europe it was far more common to use them as tablecloths than as floor- coverings. Evidence on this point meets us continually in Flemish, Dutch, and Italian pictures of the fifteenth to the seventeenth century. The actual making of pile-carpets in this country followed hard upon their first importation from the East. A carpet represented in part on Plate 87A has in the middle the royal arms of England, with the initials of Queen Elizabeth and the date 1570. On the left are the arms of the borough of Ipswich, and on the right those of the family of Harbottle. The whole of the pattern is thoroughly English and typical of Elizabethan times. In particular, the borders of honeysuckle and oak-stems are to be noticed. The carpet is the property of Lord Verulam. It is probably the oldest existing example of carpet-knotting in England. Attempts at carpet-weaving may have been made at an earlier date, even under Wolsey himself ; for among his household goods at Hampton Court were several woollen table-carpets of English making." The patterns of these are described, and they are not inconsistent with the idea that the carpets may have been of knotted work ; but, still, we can- not be sure. It may be taken for granted that, in view of the wide disparity as regards the cost of labour, the English craftsman in the days of Elizabeth was no better able to enter the lists against the skilled Oriental weaver than he is to-day. But for all that, the English worker had his own sphere, and the craft, once taken up, was long kept alive. Before the end of Elizabeth's reign, the English Turkey (or Levant) Company had begun direct trading with the Eastern Mediterranean, and carpets were more easily obtained. Some of these were copied, more or less faithfully, in England. A carpet in the Victoria and Albert Museum has a stiff geometrical pattern (Plate 88). The shield-of-arms ^ There is a copy by Remigius van Leemput at Hampton Court. 78 ENGLAND in the middle of three of the borders is that of Sir Edward Apsley* An unusual feature is the inscription, along one of the short sides, in beautiful Elizabethan characters in knotted pile, like the rest of the carpet. It reads as follows : Feare God and keepe his commandements made in the yeare 1603/' The knighthood was conferred in that year, and the carpet may have been made to commemorate the event. The design is Eastern in origin, but the carpet is English. In the same museum there is a small panel bearing the arms of Queen Elizabeth, with her initials and the date 1600 (Plate 87B). The design is typical throughout of the English art of the time. It is not a large piece, and it could hardly have been intended for the floor. This knotting process came to have the name of ** Turkey work ** in England. The knot is quite a simple one — the same as that generally used in Turkish carpets. Panels made in this way were often used for upholstery, and numbers of them exist to-day.^ The carpet reproduced in colours on Plate 89 is a very fine example of the time of James I. The date 1614 will be found in the border, and the whole design is characteristically English of the period. The carpet is in the possession of Lady Hulse. There is an English carpet of similar design at Knole. A second example at Knole has the arms of the Countess of Dorset, who died in 1645. English travellers got to Persia early in Elizabeth's reign, and a little later an effort was made to find a Persian carpet-weaver who might be induced to come to England. A chapter in Hakluyt’s Voyages is entitled Certaine directions given ... to M. Morgan Hubblethorne, Dier, sent into Persia, 1579/^ In this chapter we read as follows : In Persia you shall finde carpets of coarse thrummed wool, the best of the world, and excellently coloured : those cities and towns you must repair to, and you must use means to learn all the order of the dyeing of those thrums, which are so dyed as neither rain, wine, nor yet vinegar can stain. ... If before you return you could procure a singular good workman in the art of Turkish carpet- making, you should bring the art into this realm, and also thereby increase work to your Company.” We have no evidence that Hubblethorne secured his Persian workman. Carpet-knotting in the old style went on, however, until ^ In the Inventory of 1679 there were mentioned four Turkey-work carpets in the Wardrobe, and twelve Turkey-work chairs and one Turkey-work carpet in the lower offices. (Mrs. Charles Roundell, Ham House, pp. 50, 51.) 79 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS the middle of the seventeenth century. By that time the country was richer^ and the trade of the East India Company having developed^ there was no real difficulty about getting carpets from India and Persia, though it was a costly business. The Girdlers' carpet, as already stated (p. 39), was obtained through the East India merchants in 1634. The quantity of carpets of this Indo-Persian class still to be seen in old English houses bears witness to the extent of this commerce, and, incidentally, to the national wealth in the latter half of the seventeenth century. As a consequence, the industry at home seems practically to have died out ; and when, as we shall see in a moment, it was revived in the middle of the eighteenth century, it was regarded as a new industry. Meanwhile, experiments in carpet-knotting ** after the manner of Turkey and the Levant ** had been made in France, as already related. Two craftsmen in the Savonnerie at Chaillot, having some difference with the administration, removed to London in 1750, and began making a carpet in a room at Westminster. They had raised some money by subscription, but they soon got into difficulties. In the end they applied to a fellow-countryman in London, Pierre Parisot, a tapestry-weaver. Parisot succeeded in interesting the Duke of Cumberland, and engaged the men in 1751. The factory was removed to Paddington, and the first carpet made was presented by the Duke to the Princess of Wales. After two years the works were removed to Parisot's tapestry-factory at Fulham. Great expectations were raised by the undertaking, but its career was short. The entire works of the Fulham factory were sold by auction in London in 1755. It is the usual story of such enterprises in England. The work was costly, and there was only a limited demand. Perhaps had the factory been able to pull through the first few years of effort and financial straits, its career might have been assured; but even that is doubtful.^ The models and appliances thus fell into other hands, and so the failure of Parisot^s venture must have helped towards the success which attended other efforts made about that time. In 1756, the year following the sale of the Fulham works, the Society of Arts offered a premium for making carpets in England in imitation of those made in Turkey and Persia. The name of Thomas Moore, of Chiswell Street, Moorfields, is the first on the list of recipients. A carpet he produced to the Society was considered to be ** in many respects equal, and in some respects superior, to those imported from Persia ^ See the Gentleman’s Magazine, Vol. XXIV, 1754, p. 385. ■ 80 ENGLAND and Turkey/' ^ He received a premium of £25 in 1757^ and a like sum was awarded to Thomas Whitty of Axminster» The next year Whitty received £25 again ; while Passavant of Exeter received an equal amount. Again^ the following year (1759) the Society made an award of £50^ giving £30 to Whitty and £20 to William Jesser of Frome. More than twenty years later the good results of these awards were apparent. There is a note in the first volume of the Society's T ransactions (1783) that by them the manufacture of carpets is now established in different parts of the kingdom, and brought to a degree of elegance and beauty which the Turkey carpets never attained." That expression of opinion is coloured by the tastes of the day, which would have discovered more beauty in the Graeco- Roman elegancies of the brothers Adam than in anything the East ever had, or ever could have, produced. But we are in a position to judge for ourselves. Not much appears to be known of the subsequent career of Jesser's factory. In regard to Passavant's at Exeter, the carpet illustrated on Plate 90 was doubtless made there. It bears the inscription Exon and the date 1757. A carpet very similar in character, but different in design, is at Petworth House. It has the same inscription, with the date 1758. The other two recipients of the Society of Arts' awards, Moore and Whitty, attained a greater celebrity. Moore seems to have attracted the favourable notice of Robert Adam, and this brought him commissions for carpets for mansions built or enlarged by that celebrated architect. The carpet illustrated on Plate 91 is in the red drawing-room of Syon House. The design is in the style which we have learned to associate particularly with the brothers Adam. There can be no doubt as to the craftsman responsible for the weaving. His name, Thomas Moore," with the date 1769, is woven into the border. At Osterley, another house associated very extensively with Robert Adam's activities, the Earl of Jersey possesses several carpets which are shown by the records to have been made by Moore. The designs for four of these are in the Soane Museum. Those for the Tapestry Room and Etruscan Room are dated 1775 ; that for the State bedroom is dated 1778. There is no date on the design for the drawing-room. The Soane Museum has an extensive collection of Robert Adam's designs for carpets. Thomas Whitty's factory outlasted the others. The industry which ^ A Concise Account of the Rise ... of the Society. . . . By a Member of the said Society, 1763, p. 58. 81 G HAND-WOVEN CARPETS still flourishes at Wilton traces its origin to him. He first started carpet- making at Axminster^ in the Court House near the churchy in 1755. There carpets continued to be made for about eighty years. That factory was succeeded by Moody's^ at Wilton^ where carpet-making has gone on ever since. Among the Axminster products were some very elaborate and costly carpets made for the Pavilion at Brighton. The expenditure on the building and equipment of this royal residence was very lavish, and the carpets were in keeping with the general scale of magnificence. An enormous carpet was made for the Saloon about 1823. It was shaped at the ends to fit the room. A portion is still preserved at Buckingham Palace. The pattern is on a light ground, and shows the influence of the Chinese taste so conspicuous in the decoration of the Pavilion. In another carpet, made for the Music-Room, the pseudo- Chinese style is still more marked. It is now only a fragment, but an account is given by Nash and Brayley,^ who describe it as one of the largest in the kingdom, its dimensions being 61 ft. by 40 ft., and its weight about 1,700 lb. It was made at Axminster to fit the room, costing £700. The Saloon carpet cost £620. Another carpet, for the Banqueting Room, was made at Axminster to Mr. Jones' design, costing £735. An account of the carpet-knotting industry in this country would lack its natural counterpart if all reference were omitted to the weaving of carpets in Scotland and Ireland. The manufacture of carpets in the south-west of Scotland was carried on with much success in the second half of the eighteenth century. The industry has had an unbroken and prosperous career ever since. It seems likely that hand-knotting was not adopted there at first, but in 1831 the Trustees for Manufacture in Scotland awarded two premiums — of £150 and £30 — for four Turkey- carpets to a Kilmarnock firm. These are said to have been the first of that luxurious and costly type manufactured in Scotland.^ Hand- knotted carpets continued to be made in the south-west of Scotland for about twenty years. Early in the present century efforts were made to start carpet-knotting among the fisher-folk of Sutherland and Caithness, but in the end it was found impossible to induce the girls to settle down to regular work. The looms were removed to Glasgow, where they 1 Illustrations of Her Majesty's Palace at Brighton, 1838, p. 9. 2 This is completely outclassed by a carpet lately made in Donegal, weighing 2J tons. ® British Association Reports, Glasgow, September, 1876. The Textile Industries, by James Baton, pp. 204-6. 82 ENGLAND were kept going until the outbreak of the war. There are still deft fingers ready to make carpets to-day, whether knotted after the Turkish or the Persian manner. But the mainstay of the carpet industry of Scotland has ever been the use of those ingenious contrivances for producing a pile-surface by mechanical means. When we come to Ireland we must begin a little farther back. Irish ** rugs ** were in demand in this country in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. But the rug ** of those days was a rough material, shaggy in appearance, perhaps like a modern blanket. Holinshed has a story of a man who went to a bear-baiting in London on a frosty morning wearing a Waterford rug. ** The mastiffs,^' says the Elizabethan chronicler, ** had no sooner espied him than they set on him, thinking him to be a bear.'' It is a long stride from the Waterford rug of Queen Elizabeth's days to the Donegal carpets of our own times. Perhaps the chief link connecting them is the quality of the Irish wool. The hand-knotted carpet industry was introduced, or revived, in Ireland about twenty years ago. A factory was opened at Killybegs in 1898, and the work was soon extended to other centres in North and South Donegal. Before long, hundreds of workers were employed. Some very good results have been obtained. An imposing product of the Donegal factories is in the Library of Australia House in London. It measures 46 ft. 6 in. by 23 ft. The general tone of the ground is brown. There is a fine border of wattle and vine-leaves. This carpet is matched by others of the same manufacture now in this country. Others are also to be found in Scotland and Ireland and on the Continent, as well as in Canada, the United States, Egypt and South Africa. Fine carpets have also been made in Kildare and in Queen's County. In conclusion, the carpets made by our great craftsman William Morris must not be forgotten. It was in 1879 that his first experiments in carpet-knotting were made in Queen Square. Then carpet-looms were set up at Hammersmith, and finally the work was transferred to Merton. A careful study of the old productions of the East was the foundation of his work. ** They show us the way to set about designing such things," he said. Modern carpets, ** while they should equal the Eastern ones in material and durability, should by no means imitate them in design, but show themselves obviously to be the outcome of modern and Western ideas." Morris made some noble carpets. The large carpet made for the Earl of Carlisle's drawing-room at Naworth, was finished in 1881. It 83 HAND-WOVEN CARPETS took nearly a year to make^ and ** weighed about a ton/' Another fine carpet was made for the late Earl of Portsmouth. It was arc-shaped, made so as to fit the place for which it was destined at Hurstbourne. The floral pattern is interrupted by three large shields bearing the arms of the Earl and the Countess. 84 PART II TECHNICAL ■ I V I . ■ '(.' .’ ' /■'''■ ''.Iff ^ ' ■ ■ ■ ' ■‘..■■'Y't ii ;•■.■*•■ . '■■■' •> ■'• "• '■ ' . -f ;/•: i. -Vc.v?) London : H.M. Stationery Office. 1920. Martin, F. R. — A history of Oriental carpets before 1800. Plates and illustrations in the text, many chromo. (26 X 20.) Vienna : I. R. Court and State Printing Office. 1908. Mumford, John Kimberly. — Oriental rugs. 33 (i6 chromo) plates, 2 maps, and illustrations in the text, (ii X 8.) London : Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. 1901. Mumford, John Kimberly. — The Yerkes collection of Oriental carpets. 62 pp. 27 chromo process Ulus. (22 X 14.) London : B. T. Batsford. 1910. NeugebauER, Rudolf, and Orendi, Julius. — Handbuch der orientalischen Teppich- kunde. Mit einer Einfiihrung von Richard Graul. Process Ulus., many chromo. (9 X 6.) Leipzig : K. W. Hiersemann. 1909. INVENTAIRE G£n£ral des Richesses d’Art DE LA FRANCE. Vol. IV. Tapis en Savonnerie. P. 173 foil. Paris. 1913. Riegl, Alois. — Altorientalische Teppiche. 36 process Ulus. (9 X 6.) Leipzig : T. 0 . Weigel Nachfolger. 1891. Robinson, Vincent J.— Eastern Carpets : twelve early examples. With descriptive notices by V. J. R., and a preface by Sir G. Birdwood. 44 pp. 12 chromo- photo-lithogr. (20 X 15.) London : H. Sotheran. 1882. Sarre, Friedrich, and MARTIN, F. R. — Die Ausstellung von Meisterwerken muham- medanischer Kunst in Miinchen 1910. Vol. I. Miniaturen und Buchkunst : die Teppiche. i chromo-photo-lithogr., and 46 phototype plates. (10 X 15.) Miinchen : F. Bruckmann. 1912. Stebbing, Edward. — The Holy Carpet of the Mosque at Ardebil. 18 pp. 7 (6 col.) photo-lithogr. (25 X 21.) London : Robson. 1893. Van DE Put, Albert. — Some 15th century Spanish carpets. 8 pp. Process Ulus, inch I chromo. (In Burlington Magazine, XIX, 344 ; XX, 124.) 1911. Vienna. — K. K. Oesterr. Handelsmuseum. Katalog der Ausstellung orientalischer Teppiche im . . . Museum, 1891. (Preface by A. von Scala.) Cuts and 2 plans. (10 X 7.) Wien : Verlag des K. K. Oesterr. Handelsmuseum. 1891. Vienna. — K. K. Oesterr. Handelsmuseum. Oriental carpets. Published by Order of the Imperial and Royal Ministries of Commerce, Worship and Education. English edition edited by C. Purdon Clarke. Chromo-photo-lithogr. and photo- types. (26 X 20.) Vienna. 1892-96. Vienna.— K. K. Oesterr. Museum fiir Kunst und Industrie. Ancient Oriental carpets. . . . With preface by A. von Scala ; introduction by W. Bode ; text by F. Sarre. 16 pp. 2^chromo-lithogr. (27 X 20.) Leipzig ; K. W. Hierse- mann. 1906-08. 194 INDEX Abul Fazl on carpet-making in India, 37 Adam, Robert ; encouragement by, of carpet-making, 81 Afghan carpets, 189, 191 Akbar, Emperor of India : encouragement of carpet- making, 37-40 Anatolian carpets, 1 51-153, 155, 158, 159, 160 Saph prayer-carpets, 158 Kilim prayer-carpets, 159 Ardabil carpet : description of, etc., 17-19, 30, 43, 104 Ardelan carpets, 177. See also the following names : Bijar Karaje Kermanshah Kurdistan Lule Mosul Sarakhs Sehna Armenia : examples of Armenian carpets in Italy, 15 Arts, Society of : premiums offered by, for carpet- making in 1756, 80 Axminster ; carpet-making in eighteenth century, 82 Azerbaijan carpets, 174-175. See also the following names : Bakshi Gorevan (or Yoraghan) Herez Karadagh Serapi Tabriz Bakshi carpets, 175 Baku carpets, 164, 169, 170 Bardini, Signor Stefano : Persian carpet owned by, 8, 27 Bell, Robert : Master of Girdlers’ Company, 40 Beluchistan or Beluchi carpets, 189, 191, 192 ; price of, 143 Bergama rugs, 155, 159 Beshire carpets, 189, 191 Bijar carpets, 178 Lule, 178 Sarakhs, 178 Birdwood, Sir George ; on origin of pile-carpets, 6 Bode, Dr. von : Comments on Turkish carpet, 46 Bokhara, 187, 190 ; price of, 143, 144 Royal Bokhara, 188 Border designs, 125, 126-7 Brighton Pavilion : Axminster carpets supplied to, in 1823, 82 Buccleuch, Duke of : Persian and Indian carpets owned by, 27, 32, 41 Buerkel, Dr. L. von : Spanish carpet owned by, 70] Camel-hair carpets, 183 Carlisle, Earl of : Morris carpet made for, 83 Caucasus, The : Baku rugs, 164, 169, 170 Daghestan carpets. See that name [Designs of carpets, 162 Caucasus, The {contd.) : Historical records of carpet-making, 58-60, 161 Kilim rugs. See that name Kutais rugs, 165 Manufacturing methods, 161 Price of carpets, 143 Shirvan. See that name Shusha carpets, 165 Soumak carpets, 165, 172 Tcherkess (or Circassian) rugs, 165 Tiflis rugs, 165 Central Asiatic carpets, 186-192 ; price of, 144. See also the following names : Afghan Beluchistan or Beluchi Beshire Bokhara Khiva Kisiliyak Pinde Tekke Turcoman Saddle Bag Yomud Chichi rugs, 164, 169 China : Chinese design in Persia and Western Asia, 13 Croft-Lyons carpet, 66, 110 Cunliffe carpet, 109 Price of carpets, 143 Records of carpet-making, 62 Stockholm Museum carpet, 63 Chinese Turkestan : Carpet types, etc., 65-67, 190 Tientsin carpet, 66 Chosroes I : description of carpet made for, 10, ii, 12, 14, 29 Circassian (Tcherkess) rugs, 165 Clam-Gallas, Count : Persian carpet owned by, 25 Clarke, Sir C. Purdon : on Indian carpets, 38 Cleansing of carpets, 146 Cone (or crown-jewel) motive, 131 Convent of Sta Clara, Valencia : carpets owned by, 69 Cracow Cathedral : Persian carpet in, 8, 23 Croft-Lyons, Colonel : Chinese carpet owned by, 66, no Cunliffe, Lady : Chinese carpet owned by, 109 Czartoryski, Prince : carpet owned by, 30 Daghestan carpets, 163, 166. See also the following names ; Derbend Genghis Kabistan Karabagh Kazak Kenguerlu Kuba Mosul Demirdji carpets, 150 Denmark : Coronation carpet, 32 Derbend carpets, 163, 167, 169 Design of carpets, 123-132, 152, 187. See also names of countries Animals, 46 195 INDEX Designs of Carpets {eontd.) : Figures, 26 Flowers and plants, 18, 24, 34, 46, 152 Heraldry, 45 {3), 68, 72 Hunting, 16, 26, 32, 41 Love stories, 28 Nautical, 28, 29 Timur device, 50 Dilke, Sir Charles : Spanish carpet presented to the Victoria and Albert Museum, 71 Dupont, Pierre : originator of carpet-making process, 73 Dye-stuffs and dyeing, 118-122, 135-136, 140 England : Hulse carpet, 79, 114 Inscription on early English carpet, 79 Parisot’s factory : the first in England, 80 “ Turkey work,” 79 Use of carpets and carpet-making in England, 75-84 Farsistan (or Kashkai) carpets, 181 Niris (or Laristan), 182 Mecca, 182 Feraghan carpets, 175, 182, 183, 184 ; price of, 143, 144 Field designs, 127-132 Figdor, Dr. A. : early Persian carpet owned by, 1 1 Finland : Carpet-making in, 72 Victoria and Albert Museum carpet, 73, 113 Fortier, Jehan : originator of carpet-making process, 73 France : Dupont, Pierre : originator of carpet-making pro- cess, 73 Early records of carpet-making, 73 Fortier, Jehan : originator of carpet-making process, 73 Savonnerie factory : carpets made for Louis XIV, 73 ; union of, with the Gobelins factory, etc., 73-74 Fraudulent carpets, 138-142 Fremlin carpet in India, 38 Garland, Mr. C. T. : Persian carpet owned by, 27 Genghis carpets, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171 Ghiordes carpets, 150, 153 ; prayer-carpets, 54, 156 ; value of, 144 Ghiordes knot, 93-95 Girdlers’ Company : Indian carpet owned by, 38, 39-40, 80, 106 Gobelins factory, 74 Gorevan (or Yoraghan) carpets, 174, 183 Grouping and identification of carpets in the market, 149-192 * Guli Hinnai pattern, 128 Hamadan carpets, 175, 183, 185 Harris, Mr. Lionel : Indian and Spanish carpets owned by, 69, 69 (i ), 106 Hendley, Colonel T. H., C.I.E. : authority on Indian carpets, 38 Herat carpets, 35, 39, 180 Herati pattern, 128 Hereke carpets, 150 Herez carpets, 175 Hulse, Lady : early English carpet owned by, 79, 114 Ilchester, Earl of : Persian carpet owned by, 20 India : Buccleuch carpets, 41 Carpet-making in, 37 Fremlin carpet, 38 Girdlers’ Company carpet, 38, 39-40, 80, 106 India {conid.) : Hunting designs, 41 Jeuniette carpet, 40 Lionel Harris carpet, 106 Nineteenth century and ‘‘ jail carpets,” 41 Persian carpets and weavers supplied to India, ^7, 29 Roden carpet, 40 Salting Collection carpet, 39 Sarre carpet, 40 Irak-Ajemi carpets, 175-177. See also the following names : Feraghan Hamadan Jushaghan Kashan Mahal Muskabad Saraband Saruk Savalan Sultanabad Iran carpets, 185 Ireland : carpet-making in, 83 Ispahan : Hall of the Forty Columns carpet, 25 ; car- pets made at Ispahan, 36, 184 Italy : Armenian carpets in, 15 “ Jail carpets ” in India, 41 Jakshibehdir prayer-carpets, 159 Jesser, William ; carpet factory in 1759, 81 Jeuniette, M. : Indian carpet in collection of, 40 Jushaghan carpets, 176, 184 Kabistan rugs, 163, 167, 168, 169 Karabeck, Dr. v. : Description of early Persian carpet, 10 Karabagh carpets, 165, 166, 167, 170, 171, 182 Karadagh carpets, 174, 182 Karaje carpets, 179 Kashan carpets, 29, 176 ; price of, 143, 144 Kashkai carpets. See Farsistan Kazak carpets, 164, 166, 168, 170, 171 Kenguerlu rugs, 166 Kermanshah carpets, 179 Khiva rugs, 188, 190 Khorassan carpets, 179, 185 Herat, 180 Meshed, 179 Kilim rugs and prayer-carpets, 159, 165, 166, 186 ; price of, 143. See also Sile and Verne carpets Kir-Shehr rugs and prayer-carpets, 155, 158 Kirman carpets, 25, 35, 180, 183, 185 ; price of, 143 Kis carpets, 156 Kisiliyak carpets, 190 Koltuk carpets, 169 Konia (Iconium) ; Oriental carpets discovered in, by Dr. F. R. Martin, 6, 45 Konia rugs, 155 Koula rugs. See Kula Kuba rugs, 163, 167, 168, 169 Kula rugs and prayer-carpets, 55, 154, 157 Kunstgewerbe Museum, Leipzig ; Persian, Spanish, and Turkish carpets owned by, 35, 47, 69 Kurdistan carpets, 178, 185 ; price of, 143, 144 Kutais rugs, 165 Ladik rugs and prayer- carpets, 56, 154, 157, 158 Lamm, Mr. Carl Robert ; carpets owned by, 12, 14, 24, 29 Laristan carpets. See Niris Lemberg Museum : Polish carpets in, 72 Lesghian rugs, 163 Lessing, Dr. Julius : carpets represented in paintings, 44 196 INDEX Liechtenstein, Prince : Turkish prayer-carpet owned by, 47 Local origin of early carpets : inaccuracy of records, 38 (2) Looms for weaving carpets, 88-90 Louis XIV : carpets made for, at the Savonnerie fac- tory, 73, 1 13 Love stories depicted on Persian carpets, 28 Lule carpets, 178 McLaren, Hon. H. D. : Persian and Spanish carpets owned by, 1 1, 71, 1 12 Madziarski, John ; weaving establishments of, 30, 31 Mahal carpets, 177 Makri carpets, 155, 160 Manufacture of carpets. See also Technique Caucasian methods, 161 ; Persian, 173 ; Turkish, 46, 151 ; Western Turkestan, 186 Materials used, types, etc., 31-36, 161, 173 Superiority of Persian carpets, 43, 172 Tapestry process, 33-34 Marling, Sir Charles : Kirman carpet owned by, 26 (i) Martin, Dr. F. R. : Oriental carpets discovered by, in Konia, 6, 45 ; Asia Minor carpet, opinion as to, 13 ; Ispahan carpet, 26 Materials used in carpets, 114-116 Mecca carpets, 168, 169, 170, 182, 184, 185 Medallion or Ushak carpet, 150 Melas carpets, 155, 160 Meshed carpets, 179 ; price of, 143 Mina Khani pattern, 128 Moghan carpets, 167 Moore, Thomas : carpets made by, in the eighteenth century, 81 Morris, William : carpets made by, 83 Mosul carpets, 167, 178, 185 Moth, to combat, 147 Mounsey, Mr. G., carpets owned by : Persian, 36, 106 ; Turkish, 48, 107, 108, 109 ; prayer-carpet, 55, 109 ; Oriental, 108, 109 Mujur rugs and prayer-carpets, 154, 158 Muskabad carpets, 177, 184 ; price of, 143 Nigde rugs, 155 Niris (or Laristan) carpets, 182 Northumberland, Duke of : early English carpet owned by, 1 14 Oushak carpets. See Ushak Paintings : carpets represented in, 23, 44, 48, 68 Parisot, Pierre : first carpet-maker in England, 80 Passavant, of Exeter : carpets made by, in 1758, 81 Persia : Ardabil carpet, 17-19, 30, 43, 104 Ardelan carpets. See that name Azerbaijan carpets. See that name Bardini carpet, 8, 27 Buccleuch carpet, 27, 32 Camel-hair carpets, 183 Chinese design in, 13 Chosroes carpet, 10, ii, 12, 14, 29 Clam-Gallas carpet, 25 Cracow Cathedral carpet, 8, 23 Czartoryski carpet, 30 Design of carpets, 173 Farsistan carpets. See that name Figdor carpet, 11 Figure subjects, 26 Floral designs, 18, 24, 34 Garland carpet, 27 Gobelins Museum, Paris : Persian carpet owned by, 20 Herat : carpet-making in, 35, 39 Persia (contd.) : Historical records of carpet-making, 8 et seq. Hunting designs, 16, 26 Ilchester carpet, 20, 104 India : carpets and weavers supplied to, 37, 39 Irak-Ajemi carpets. See that name Ispahan. See that name Kashan : carpets made at, 29 Khorassan carpets. See that name Kirman carpets, 25, 35, 180 Kunstgewerbe Museum carpet, 35 Lamm carpets, 12, 14, 24, 29 Love stories designs, 28 McLaren carpets, ii Marling carpet, 26 (1) Materials used in carpets, etc., 29, 173 Miniature paintings and carpet designs, 23 Mounsey carpet, 36, 106 Nautical scenes, 28, 29 Plant forms, 24 Poland : silk and gold carpets erroneously attri- buted to, 30, 72 Poldi-Pezzoli carpet, 28 Rothschild carpet, 21 Salting carpet in silk and gold, 9, 21, 22 SchSnbrunn carpet, 16, 27, 31 Schwarzenberg carpet, 23 Stieglitz Museum carpet, 22 Superiority of Persian carpets, 43, 172 “ Turkey ” carpets sometimes made in Persia, 44 Verses inscribed on carpets, 21 Victoria and Albert Museum carpet, 19 White grounds, use of, 50 Yezd : carpet industry, 29 Pile-carpets : origin of, etc., 3-6, 29 Pinde carpets, 188 Poland : Lemberg Museum carpets, 72 Persian silk and gold carpets erroneously attributed to, 30, 72 Poldi-Pezzoli Museum : Persian carpet in, 28 Portsmouth, Earl of : Morris carpet made for, 84 Practical considerations : Purchase and prices, 133-145 Treatment, 145-148 Prayer-carpets : various types, etc., 47, 53-56, 62, 130, 132, 152, 154, 157, 158, 159, 160, 166, 171, 191, 192 Prices of carpets, 143-145 Purchase and prices of carpets, 133-145 Quedlinburg : panel made by nuns of, 5 Repair of carpets, 148 Robinson, Vincent : on Indian carpets, 38 Roden, Dr., of Frankfurt : Indian carpet owned by, 40 Roe, Sir Thomas : on Indian carpets, 38 Rothschild, Baron Nathaniel : verses inscribed on carpet owned by, 21 Royal Bokhara carpets, 188 Rush matting, 76 Salting collection : Persian and Indian carpets, 9, 21, 22, 39 Saph prayer- rug, 158 Saraband carpets, 175, 184 Sarakhs carpets, 178 Sarre, Dr. F. : Indian and Polish carpets owned by, 40, 72 Saruk carpets, 177, 184 Savalan carpets, 177 Savonnerie factory : carpets made for Louis XIV, 73 ; union of, with the Gobelins factory, etc., 73-74, 113 Schonbrunn carpet, 16, 27, 31 Schwarzenberg, Prince : Persian carpet owned by, 23 Scotland : carpet-making in, 82 197 INDEX Sehna carpets, 177, 185 ; price of, 143 Sehna knot, 93-95 Serapi carpets, 175 Shah-Abbas carpets, 184; pattern, 128 Shiraz carpets, 182, 184, 185 ; price of, 143 Shirvan carpete, 164. ^See also the following names : Baku Chichi Derbend Genghis Kabistan Kazak Koltuk Kuba Mecca Moghan Talish Tchetcen Tzitzi Shusha carpets, 165 Sile rugs, 165, 172 Silk carpets, 115 Single-warp knot, 95-96 Smyrna carpets, 149, 150 ; price of, 143. See also the following names : Demirdji Ghiordes Hereke Sparta Ushak or Medallion Soane Museum : collection of carpet designs of the eighteenth century, 81 Soumak carpets, 165, 172 ; price of, 143 Spain : Buerkel carpet, 70 Convent of Sta Clara, Valencia : carpets in, 69 Dilke carpet, 71 Early records of carpet-making, 68 Kunstgewerbe Museum : Spanish carpets in, 69 Lionel Harris carpets, 69, 69 (i) McLaren carpet, 71, 112 Spanish and Eastern designs, 71 Victoria and Albert Museum collection of Spanish carpets, 71, 112, 113 Sparta carpets, 150 ; price of, 143 Stieglitz Museum : Persian verse-carpet owned by, 22 Stockholm : Royal Palace carpet, 32 Stockholm Museum : Chinese carpet in, 63 Sultanabad carpets, 177 Symbolism in carpet-design, 131-132 Tabriz carpets, 174, 183, 185 ; price of, 143 Talish carpets, 167, 168, 169 Tapestry process (Persian), 33-34 Tcherkess (or Circassian) rugs, 165 Tchetcen rugs, 164 Technique : Colour and dyeing, 118-122 Dimensions and shape, 116— 118 Group characteristics of early carpets, 99-114 Knotting and weaving, 87-98 Materials, 114-116 Tekke rugs, 188, 190 Tientsin carpet, 66 Tiflis rugs, 165 Transylvanian carpets, 51 Treatment of carpets, 145-148 Turcoman saddle-bag carpets, 191 Turcoman tribes ; carpet-making by, 61 Turkestan, Western : carpet-making in, designs, etc., 186, 187. See also Chinese Turkestan Turkey : Anatolian carpets. See that name Bergama rugs, 155, 159 Bode comments on carpet, 46 Factory carpet work, 149-151 Historical records of carpet-making, 43 Home Industry carpets, 151-161 Jakshibehdir prayer-carpet, 159 Kir-Shehr rugs, 155, 158 Kis carpets, 156 Konia : Oriental carpets discovered in, by Dr. F. R. Martin, 6, 45 Konia rugs, 155 Kula rugs and prayer-carpets, 55, 154, 157 Ladik rugs and prayer-carpets, 56, 154, 157, 158 Makri rugs and carpets, 155, 160 Melas rugs and carpets, 155, 160 Mounsey carpets, 48, 107, 108, 109 Mujur rugs, 154, 158 Nigde rugs, 155 Prayer-carpets, 47, 53-56, 109, 152 Smyrna carpets. See that name Turcoman tribes : carpet-making by, 61 “ Turkey-carpet ” : origin of name, etc., 9, 44, 149 Tuzla rugs, 155 Ushak carpets, 48, 100, 149, 150 Yuruk carpets, 156, 161 “ Turkey-carpet ” : origin of name, etc., 9, 44, 149 “ Turkey work ” : knotting process, 79 Tuzla rugs, 155 Tzitzi rugs, 164 Ushak Turkish carpets, 48, 100, 149, 150 Verne rugs, 165, 172 Verses inscribed on carpets, 21 Verulam, Lord : early English carpet owned by, 78 Washing carpets, 146 Washing carpets chemically, 139 Whitty, Thomas : carpets made by at Axminster, in 1757, 81 Wolsey, Cardinal : early use of carpets by, 76~j8 Yezd : carpet industry, 29 Yomud rugs, 188, 191 ; price of, 143, 144 Yoraghan (or Gorevan) carpets, 174, 183 Yuruk rugs, 156, 161 Printed in Great Britain by Butler & Tanner, Frame and London 198 — . 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