*S' I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/bowlessnewcompleOOIock Including a curious Print of* the Emperor CHARLEMAGNE’S CROWN. L o . v d Printed for and S old bv Carin gton Bowle s , at his Map and Print Wareliouie , lsl^6^ in S x . Paul’s Church Yard . -Publtflted as the Act directs. i^.Fchfrjjy . ' Price five ShiLLines . * ' 'i . . ' V ' .v ■ •• . ; . > i . ‘k 4 . ■ •• • 1 ' ■ '. V • . ‘ . , -• • • . . Published by Carmc^ton Bevvies ,i£Feb.jj-]j /o // 2*1/2 lifhed by Carington Bowies, 13 Feb. 1777. Published by Cariii^lanBovdeSyi^Peb-i///. - - Published try Caiington B mvle s , jj Feb. 1 7/7 . J4 I*uW.rfi£d by CaiTxigtauBiivrJes ,JQjFeb.ijjj. * J^dflished by Carmglon B owle s t i$Feb. 777 7 . ; | ■ jPuAfcffid/i by CarragtonB owlet , 13 Feb. zjjj Published fry C an u gtoriBowies , lgFeb. 1777. Published by Carington Bowler , igPeb.ijjy. 9 / JPubUrhtd by C armgtanlJ crwie s .j^Ft'b i /// . 22 1 J*ufrlij/udfry CamigtonBovsdt^v^/JrA.////. Published by Carm gton Bowies ,J(}Feb-ijj/. % Prikce of Wales Younger S ons B R OTHER S Nephews of the Blood Royal Marquis Lord or Barok Esquibe or Gehtiemah" Az lire Sable >ure Gold Silver waj to dillinguiih the different Colours in Arm- by Canngtoxi in S.TauJs Cku "^JWLondon . IWiKshed & • i I ? i ' ■* Vsi-^ hljQ I \ * \ ■ >■•" ' \ '