jfgg niY |A ' ^R. PLATE II. Shews the cornice and bafe mouldings to the piers in plate VI. (Sc. ' I ' H E bafe D is half a diameter or 24 parts thick, and projects 6 \ ; the feveral members are figured in the draught, whofe ftrait lines muft firft be laid down; then defcribe the curves of the cima reverfa, and torus: draw the dotted line A C and middle it, then ftrike the arches a and b, which are the centers of the curves A C, and the line B C will be equal to ^of A B. To defcribe the curve of the torus, draw D E, which divide into 11 equal parts, the 6th from D, as at G is the center of ID H F, and H will be perpendicular over the face of the plinth. The cornice E is \ of a diameter or 16 parts thick, and projects 10 | ; and the feveral members are figured on the draught: S Tand S I are equal: and the curves of the cima reCta 1 7 , are defcribed from the interfering afches c d. ) The bafe F is half a diameter or 24 parts thick, and projects 7 ‘; and the feveral members are figured on the draught, whofe ftrait lines muft be laid down, then de¬ fcribe the curves of the cavetto and torus thus: draw the perpendicular line K L, which will be found 5 ‘ longer than L M, then take L M and ftrike an arch at f interfedt the fame from e , which is the center of the curve M e, and the remainder e K is a ftrait line; again, let fall the perpendicular line Ng^, and divide it into 11 equal parts, the 6th from IV as at O, is the center of N P R , and P will be perpendicular over the face of the plinth. PLATE III. Shews two different cornices to the piers in plates IX, X, and XI. T H E cornice G is ^ of a diameter thick, and projects 9 i A B is equal to B C, and is divided into 6 equal parts, 1 is given to the projection of the fillet at A , and 1 to the foot of the cima reverfa at C, and 4 remains to its moulding, the curve is defcrib’d from a and b: draw E F perpendicular over the face of the lower fillet, which will be found equal to E D ; then middle the bipothenufe line D F, and defcribe the interfeCting arches at c and d, from whence ftrike the curves F D ; then fet on j of a part beyond the face of the lower fillet, as defcribed by the dotted line G, which middle as at H, and ftrike the nofe of the bead, whofe projection is \ of a part more than a femicircle. The cornice H is j of a diameter or 16 parts thick, and projeCt 11 i ; and the feveral members are marked on the draught. IK and IL are equal, and the curves are ftruck from eand f ; the corona projects 8 *, from whence fet back 1 i for its lip, and 1 i for the center of the throat as at g-, rife the perpendicular ON over the face of the lower j J7 < O'^ze fiesr'* [ 3 lower fillet, then will N M be J of N 0 : draw the line O M, and ftrike the interfering arches at i and h, from whence defcribe the cima recta O M, then add J of a part to the projection of the bead, as the dotted line P, and ftrike its curve O PLATE IV. Stews the cornice to the piers in plates V, VII, and XII. and a bafe moulding, which may be ufed at difcretion to either of the large piers. HP H E cornice /is i of a diameter, or 12 parts thick, * and projedts beyond its facia 10 and the latter is the fame thicknefs, and projedts 4, and the leveral mem¬ bers are mark’d on the draught, A B is equal to B C, and the cima redta is defcrib’d from the interfecting arches at a and b, alfo E D and E F are equal, and the cima re- verfe FD is ftruck from the curves at c and d. The bafe K his half a diameter, or 24 parts thick, and projects 7, and the feveral members are mark'd on the draught, whofe ftraight lines muft be drawn, then the different curves, firft IG from e, and the cima reverfa K L from the interfections at/'and g: then draw M N, which divide into 1 1 equal parts, and the 6th from Mas at O is the center of the torus MSfP, and i^will be perpen¬ dicular over the plinth. ] cornice with the facia the fame, the feveral proportions of the latter are taken from 1 plate IV. and thofe of the bafe from D or F plate II; the margents on the pier is 12 parts each, and the projection of the rufticks from the body, if plain, is 2 parts, and if frofted 3, all the other parts may be meafured by the fcale. See the gate. This manner of framing is much ftronger, and lefs fubject to fwag than in the common way, and is a good method for doors to offices, &c. PLATE VI. Shews the plan and elevation of a plain pier, and diagonal fram'd or buttin'd gate, fuitable to the entrance into a Court or Garden. See the plan M with the diameter. See. 'T' HIS pier is 4 diameters high from the bottom bed of the plinth to the upper bed of the cornice, the bafe is half a diameter thick, and the cornice j; and their feveral proportions are taken from E D or E F, plate II. the margents on the fronts of the pier is 12 parts wide, and the pannels 24, all the other meafures may be known by the diagonal fcale. PLATE VII. PLATE V. Shews the plan and elevation of a ruflick pier, with agate fram’d or battin'd in a diagonalpofition, adapted to the entrance into a Court or Garden. See the plan marPd L, with its diameter and diagonalfcale of 48 parts. HP HIS pier is 4 diameters and 40 parts high from the bottom bed of the plinth to the upper bed of the cornice; the bafe is half a diameter high, and the Shews the plans and elevations of two piers futiable to the entrance into the front Court or Garden, &c. of a well finifod building. See the plans N N with their dia¬ meters. r I * H E S E piers are each 4 diameters high, from the bottom bed of the plinth to the upper bed of the cornice; their bafes is i a diameter thick, and their cor¬ nices ’; and the feveral proportions are taken from ABC plate 1 . Thele and all the other parts may be meafured by the fcale. PLATE ( 4 ) PLATE VIII. Shews the plans and elevations of 2 piers, adapted to the entrance into the front Court , or Garden, &c. of a -well finifid building. See the plan O with its diameter equal to both piers. T HESE piers are each 6 diameters high from the bot- tam bed of the plinth to the top of the cornice; their bafe is j a diameter thick, and their cornice and fa¬ cia the fame ; their feveral proportions are taken from IB plate IV. and all the other meafures may be known by the feale. PLATE IX. Shews the plan and elevation of a rufhek pier, proper for the entrance into the Gardens, See. of a well fnijh d building. See the plan P with its diameter. T HIS pier is 4 diameters and 30 parts high from the bottom bed of the plinth to the top of the cor¬ nice ; its bafe is f a diameter thick, and its cornice r ; the feveral proportions of the bafe is taken from D, plate II. and thofe of the cornice from G or II, plate III. all the other parts may be meafured by the feale. PLATE X. Shews the plan and elevation of a ruftick pier, fuitable for the entrance into the outer court oj a building, where gravity is the proper J'ymbol, fucb as Bifops Palaces, Halls for Iujlices, See'. See the plan Q jwith its dia¬ meter. '"IP HIS pier is 5 diameters high from the bottom bed A of the plinth to the top of the cornice; its bafe is | a diameter thick, and its cornice \ ; the proportions of the bafe are taken from D, plate II. ar K, plate IV. and thofe of the cornice from G or II, plate III. the other parts may be meafured by the feale. PLATE XI. Shews the plan and elevation of a rufiick pier, proper for the entrance into the outer court of a building whoje charatderiftick is to reprefent defence, viz. the dwellings of Admirals, Governors of garrijons , &c. See the plait R with its diameter. T HIS pier is 5 diameters and i high from the bot¬ tom bed of the plinth to the top c.f the cornice; its bafe is j a diameter thick, and its cornice ‘ ; the feveral proportions in the bafe are taken from D, plate II. or K, plate IV. and thofe of the cornice from G or H, plate III, all the other parts may be meafured by the feale. PLATE XII. Shews the plan and elevation of the pier, fuitable for the entrance into the outer court of a Nobleman or Gentle¬ man’s dwelling, where hojpitality and grandeur ere the proper emblems. See the plan S with its diameter. T HIS pier is 5 diameters high, from the bottom bed of the plinth to the top of the cornice ; its bafe is i a diameter thick, and the cornice with its fafeia the fame; their feveral proportions are taken from I and K, plate IV. and all the other parts may be meafured by the feale. PLATE . - . ■ : \ . ' . ' ' « • v ' ■ - . -' . ■ - . : - '■ . . . lo PLATE XIII. N Q i. ( The plan and elevation of a defign for a houfe 48 feet 6 in¬ ches front , and egp feet 6 inches deep , divided into rooms , &c. in the following manner. A TJTALL and flairs 12 feet by 12 feet. IT B Kitchen 20 feet by 18 feet. C Larder, &c. 13 feet by 12 feet. D Scullery, &c. ditto. E Little parlour, ditto. F Great, ditto, 20 feet by 18 feet. G Study, &c. 12 feet by 12 feet. H Dark clofet 7 feet by 6 feet. 1 Stable 13 feet by 12 feet. The parlour flory is 12 feet high in the clear, and that of the chambers over B F G 10 feet, but thofe over C D E 1 are no other than fheaded lofts; fee the f@mt. There are fuppofed to be vaulted cellars under ABC, v.'hofe floor ought not to be lefs than 5 feet 6 inches below the furface of the earth; the walls which rife two flories to be 2 feet 6 inches thick, from the foundation to the top bed of the front plinth (not including an offset of 6 inches to bear the vaulted arches) and from thence upwards two feet thick. The front walls of G D IF need be no more than 2 feet thick, from the foundation to the top bed of the plinth, and 1 foot 6 inches from thence upwards. If the building be carried up of brick, the foundation of thofe walls which rifes 2 flories ought to be three in length to the top bed of the plinth, and from thence up¬ wards 2; but the front walls of the flieads need be no more than 2 briclt6 thick to the top bed of the plinth, and from thence upwards 1 {. ; ) EJlimate to N° 1. That part of the houfe mark’d A B G F, which rifes 2 flories above the parlour floor, with garrets over, con¬ tains r 5 fquare f and may be built in a flrong and middle finifh’d manner for 35/. per fquare. Thofe parts mark’d C D IE, which riles one flory, and lofts over them con¬ tains 8 fquare, and may be built in proportion to the other at 20 /. per fquare. £. *. 15 fquare * at 35 l. per fquare, -. 551 3 8 fquare at 20/. per fquare, .- - 160 o Total expence, 711 5 N° 2. The plan and elevation of a defign for a fmgle houfe 77 feet 6 inches front, 1 flories high, with garrets, andjloeadsfor offices on each wing, and the whole length of the back front i which is divided in the following manner. K 'Ll" ALL and flairs 14 feet by 13 feet. L Kitchen 18 feet by 16 feet. M Pantry 7 feet 6 inches by 4 feet. N Study or clofet 12 feet by 10 feet. O Parlour 1S feet by 16 feet. P Clofet 7 feet by 4 feet. i^Brewhoufe, &c. 26 feet by 14 feet. R Half funk cellar 14 feet by 10 feet. S Ditto jo feet 6 inches by 10 feet. T Cellar, fleps. V Stable 12 feet by to feet. W Saddle room 4 feet 6 inches by 4 feet. The kitchen, hall, and parlour L K O are i2 feet high in the clear, and the chambers over them 10 feet; all the C floors ( <5 ) floors over the lheaded rooms are 2 feet lower than thofe of the chambers, to gain the better headway in the lofts over them, except the brewhoufe which is clear up to the roof, in order to carry off the fleem, &c. The walls are fuppofed to be built like thole of N® 1. Eftimate to N u 2. The body of the houfe L K O contains 10 fquare §, and may be built in a ftrong and middle finilh’d manner for 34 /. -per fquare. The flieaded parts N R S 3 feet 6 inches by 10 feet, F Great Ditto 18 feet by :y feet. G Diningroom 29 feet 6 inches by 18 feet. The parlour ftory is 12 feet high in the clear, and the chambers 11, the latter may be divided into 6 rooms, but the moft commodious is to make a bed-room over B, with a dreffing and dark clofet over C and D ; alfo a room over G with a dreffing room, whofe windows fhail be over the back front door, and Angle rooms over E and F. The ftairs muft begin next the front, otherwife there will not be head-way to land in the garrets, except fmall ftairs be made for that purpofe, which may be done be¬ tween thedrefiing clofet to the room over G, and the gal¬ lery over A, therefore it’s bell to begin the ftairs next the rooms, E not only for the conveniency of being nearer the parlours, but the kitchen and the cellar ftairs will be much more private. If other offices be wanted they may be built on the flanks of the houfe and cover’d with fheaded roofs or if the ground be dry, and healthy, they may be made in the cellars. Eftimate to N° 7. This plan meafures 26 fquare, and may be built in a ftrong and middle finifh’d manner for 33 pounds per fquare, which amounts to 910 pounds. N° 8. The plan and elevation of a defignfor a ftngle houfe, and of¬ fices 74 feet 6 inches front, is 2 jlories high and a cellar under L, with garrets in the roofs, and lofts over the fheaded offices, the plan is divided as follows. H pRont court which rifes 2 feet above the furfacc 1 ■*- Porch or entrance. K Pafiage 6 feet 6 inches wide, and ftairs 3 feet going. L Kitchen 14 feet by 13 feet 6 inches. M Pantry 5 feet 9 inches by 5 feet. N Common kitchen 13 feet by 12 feet. O Ditto pantry 4 feet 9 inches by 5 feet. P Parlour 20 feet by 20 feet with a recefs for a bed or fide-board, 8 feet 6 inches by 6 feet. ^Clofet or ftudy 7 feet 6 inches by 7 feet. R Mailer’s clofet or counting houle to do bufinefs with workmen, &c. for which conveniency a fmall window may open into the porch I. S Stable 12 feet by 10 feet. T Saddle room 7 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. The parlour and chamber ftories are each 12 feet high in the clear, the latter may be divided into two bed rooms, the one over P, and the other over L, with the recefs of the parlour and back paflage ; the entrance into the loft over N muft be from the half pace of the ftairs, whofe floor C 9 floor may be brought down to the bead rjf the common k]jchen windows, to make better headway ; and that over the ftable likewife; which may be obferved in all (headed offices oPth-is kind. EJlimate to N 8. The body of thishoufe contains n fquare, which may ~ be built in a fubftantial and middle finiffied manner for 32 pounds per fquare; the (headed offices and porch con¬ tains 7 fquare §, at 15 pounds per fquare. £■ s - 1 1 fquare, at 3 2 1 . per fquare. - — 352 o 1 Ditto f, at 15-/. per fquare. - •—- 112 10 Total expence 464 10 N. B. The value of the court walls with its Jleps and pavement is computed in the whole. PLATE XVII. N° 9 . The plan and elevation of a defgn jor a houfe 5 5 feet 6 inches front, is 3 /lories \ high, turned with well burl?d brick, in order to help the found of mufick ■, the kitchen and other offices are under the body of the houfe ; and the parlour plan is divided as follows. A A A Reas and fteps leading to the lower offices, B Halfpace or landing of the front fteps under cover of an archade. CHall 1 1 feet by 11 feet. D Lobby and great (fairs 18 feet by 16 feet 6 inches. E Parlour 18 feet by 18 feet. F Clofet 11 feet by 10 feet. G Back (lairs. H Parlour 18 feet by ] 8 feet. 1 Breakfaft parlour 11 feet^ inches by 11 feet. 1 K Great room 2 4 feet by 24. feet, not including the re¬ cedes of the bow windows which are 9 feet wide and 6 feet deep. L Back door and fteps into the garden, &c. The plinth in front is 4 feet high, and its top bed is level with the parlour floor, from whence take one foot 4 inches for the crown of the arch, with joift and board¬ ing, and 2 feet 8 inches remains for the ceiling of the offices above the lurface; then fink the floor 4 feet 10 inches below the furface, and their bight will be 7 feet 6 inches in the clear; the kitchen may be under K groin’d over from angle to angle, and its chimney under the bow window to the right; a larder may be made under one of the bow windows, and a fcullery under the other ; and windows may be made in the fquare wall, to give light to the kitchen ; the front entrance into the offices muft be at the foot of the fteps in the area againft A, leading into the fervants hall under E ; the butlers pantry under F ; the houfe-keepers room under /; a dark cellar under C B and a light cellar under H, with an open paflage under D, lighted by a window in the angle. Note, an other en¬ trance may be made by the fide of either chimney under E or H. The bight of the parlour and chamber ftory, is 12 feet in the clear, and theattick 8 feet. The great room I< is fuppofed to be 24 feet in the clear, with a cov’d ceiling of 4 feet j high, and the fee projection, with an impoft moulding of 12 inches at the foot, and a collofs of 10 inches at the head ; the room to be wainfeotted 4 feet high, it’s bafe to be 10 inches, and the capping 5 inches ; therecefies of the bow windows, to be made in the nature oi plain netches, and their crown to be 9 inches below the foot of the impoft, at the bottom of the cove; a gallery for mufick is fuppr.o’d to be fix’d on corbies o er the door of the great room, and the en¬ trance thereto muft be from the great flairs. D Ffimate ( 10 ) Efimate to N 9. The plan meafures 30 fquare, at 40 pounds per fquare, which amounts to 1200 pounds. N° 10. The plan and elevation of a defign for a houfe 78 feet 6 inches front, and 44 feet deep and is divided in thefollow¬ ing manner. M |_T ALL 14 feet by 12 feet 6 inches. N Stairs 7 feet wide. O Parlour 17 feet by 14 feet 6 inches, with a recefs of 9 feet 9 inches by 9 feet for a clofet. P Clofet 8 feet by 5 feet. ^Diningroom 20 feet by 16 feet, with a recefs for a fide-board 9 feet by 9 feet. The offices is below, and may be divided thus; the kitchen under R-, the fervants hall under M-, butlers pan¬ try under P ; larders and houfe-keepers room under O, and cellars under The parlour ftory is 14 feet high in the clear, and the chambers •• 2, and the attick which runs through the mid¬ dle of the houfe over M N R is 8 feet high. Eftimate to N° 10. The middle part of this houfe contains to fquare f, and maybe built in a lfrong middle finifh’d manner for 44 pounds per fquare. The two Tides contains 3 fquare J, at 40 pounds per fquare; the two ffieads contains 2 lquare at 20 pounds per fquare. * £■ 10 fquare at 44/. per fpuare,-— 462 o 8 ditto J, at 401, per fquare. ’- — 350 o 2 ditto at 20 /. per fquare. - -- 40 o 852 o PLATE XVIII. N° 11. The plan and elevations of a defign for an cblagon lodge or fummer-houfe. A Reat room 24 feet diameter. B 'VE Hall 10 feet cube. C Parlonr ditto. D Stairs leading to the lower offices and lofts above. E Bed room fo feet cube. F Clofet. G G G Archades 10 feet wide and 12 feet high. H Front Reps. 1 Archade ditto. KKKK Opening to Archades. The great room is 20 feet high in the clear, the ceil¬ ing to be cov’d 4 feet down, and the fame proiedtion, with a moulding of 10 inches at foot, and a collofs of 9 inches wide at the crown; the room to be wainfcotted 4 feet high with a 10 inch moulded plinth and a 5 inch capp or waift moulding, The kitchen is fuppos’d to be under E F B-, the butlers pantry under C; the fervants hall under A-, and cellars with openings for light under G G G ; and lofts for fervants beds in the (headed roofs over E F B C. The great room is defign’d to be cover’d with a Rat of lead, inclofed by a balliftrade, hut in this defign, there is no way of leading thereto, which if requir’d, a room may be rais’d over FB D, cover’d with a flat, level with the other, and inclos’d with the fame kind of balliftrade; then the flairs may be carried up to land thereon; the {headed roofs are fuppos’d to be cover’d with Hates. N. B. The fairs leading up to the lofts muft begin in the hall , and thofe leading to the offices muft land in the paffiage, between B and C, otberwife headway will be want¬ ing /°SoUc zo So -o ^%aSf/1 cynny sm *. f’hz'n JZjcte-ndo . f'arr i/w^ /ccf 1 ? iJ •_>''■ rer?i4> J?jc6esnt/j So - c I -E-xfrnc/d 44-0 (») ing above ; and obferve to bring down the floors of thofe lofts , 2 feet below the front cornice , and ceilings of the archades, for the take of headway, 10 feet being a deficient height for the /mall parlours, &c. This plan contains 21 fquare and may be built in a ftrong well finifh’d manner, for 30 pounder fquare, which amounts to 645 pounds, PLATE XIX. N° 12. The plan and elevation of a deflgn for a lodge or Jummer- houfe. A p Ront fleps, B Great room 18 feet by 18 feet, and 12 feet high in the clear. C C Palfages 3 feet 4 inches wide. D D D Clofets 1 o feet by 3 feet. F Parlours 12 feet by 12 feet, and 10 feet high in the clear. G Stairs leading up to the bed room over B, and lofts in the roof over F F C C. H (See front Is the outfide entrance into the fervants ball) from thence to the other offices. The kitchen is intended under B ; the cellar under F, and proper pantries, cTc, under D DD. N. B, The flairs leading from the offices muft land un¬ der the flairs G, clofe to the parlour door , and objerve the floors over F C D are brought down 2 fleet below that over B, to make headway above. Fflimate to N° 12, The middle part mark’d B contains 6 fquare, and may be built in a good workman like manner (including front fleps) for 35 pounds per fquare, all the other parts contains 7 fquare j, at 25 pound per fquare. 6 fquare, at 35/./^ fquare. - - 2x0 o’ 7 fquare at 25 /. per fquare. - — 193 13 Total expence 403 15 13. The plan and elevation of a deflgn for a circularfummer- houfl'e. A pRont fleps. B Hall 8 feet by 8 feet, and 10 feet high in the clear. C Great room 20 feet diameter, and 20 feet high in the clear. D D Little rooms 8 feet by 8, feet and 1 o feet high in the clear. E E Tarras not cover’d 3 feet 6 inches wide, inclos’d by an iron rail 3 feet high. F Steps to ditto. G Paffage 3 feet 6 inches wide and 7 feet high. H Stairs to lower offices 3 feet 6 inches wide. I See front entrances to lower offices. The kitchen is fuppofed to be under C, lighted by arches under the tarras E E, and pantries, cellar, &c. under D D B, with a paffage at the lower entrance/, un¬ der G. The great room ceiling to be cover’d 4 feet down, and the fame projection, with a plain import moulding of 9 inches at loot, and a collofs of 8 inches on the crown, and a moulded plinth of 9 inches round the room, with a waift moulding 4 inches i wide, and 4 feet above the floor. Eftimate ( 12 ) EJUmate to N« 13. The room C with its walls contains 4 fquare and may be done in a good manner for 40 pounds per fquare. The other parts including the tarras, and throwing in the value of the fteps, contains 6 fquare, at 26 pounds per fquare. £■ s - 4 fquare ', at 40 l. per fquare. •— —- 180 o 6 fquare, at 26/. fquare. -• — 1 59 0 Total expence 339 o PLATE XX. N° 14. Fhe plan and elevation of a defignfor a chapel, with apart¬ ments for the chaplain, &c. A pR 0111 Reps- B a Archade portico 26 feet by 9 feet. C Entrance of the chapel with a gallery over it for an organ, &c, level with the upper rooms. D Body of the chapel 25 feet diameter. E Study 18 feet by 12 feet. F Parlour 18 feet by 18 feet. G Stairs leading to rooms over E F, and gallery over the parlour; the ftudy E F is 12 feet high in the clear, and the rooms over them 8 feet. The chapel is lighted by 3 vitruvian cimacircle win¬ dows, 7 feet diameter, whofe fill ought to be not lefs than 4 feet above the crown of the nitches, and by 4 circular windows in the doom, at equal dillance from each other. Efim ate to No 14. The middle of the building JB C D contains 14 fquare ], and may be built in a good middle finifh’d manner for 7© pounds per fquare, including the value of the front fteps. The 2 wings contains 8 fquare and a half at 36 pounds per fquare. £■ s - 14 fquare |, at 70/. per fquare.-— 1015 o 8 fquare |, at 36 l. per fquare. - — 306 o Total expence 1321 o N. B. Vaulted cellars is intended under all the building. N° 15. The plan and elevation of a defign for an oBagon openfum- mer-houfe with four [mail waiting rooms. See. and the fame number of collonades or portico's. HHHH f '< Ollonades 9 feet wide. 1111 Waiting rooms 11 feet by 9 feet. K Odtagon room 24 feet diameter, lighted by 4 vitruvian windows above the collonades. Efimate to N° 15. The middle room K with its walls contains 6 fquare, and may be built in a well finifh’d manner for 55 pounds per fquare. The waiting rooms and collonades contains it fquare at 38 pounds per fquare. £• s - 6 fquare at 55/. per fquare. --- 33 ° 0 11 fquare f, at 38/. per fquare. - — 437 0 PLATE XXL 767 N° 16. Fhe plan and elevation of a defign for a farm houfe, with its proper offices as follows. A 7 Me garden or court. B •k-' Paffage and flairs 8 feet wide. C Parlour 20. //^'Jfiid/yiewnsy taw-. A Z*it rr c Zc tt' fa/ Watt 23 L / f ^/t a /// 6c' /' c ? c Srcnit JS’a-fr'ndf lJcsiU 3o -?o j?o /ec4> L // iS (^rr/wr /°Yostij? 6e //jt r /*las/i // //ny ///?• Z?//v* ^Jca/o ( *3 ) C Parlour 18 feet by 16 feet. D Mailer’s cellar or {lore room 14 feet by 12 feet. E PafTage 3 feet 6 inches wide. F Kitchen 20 feet by 18 feet, with a long table reprefented by a dotted line. G Pafiage 4 feet wide. H MiftreiTes {lore room 12 feet by 9 feet. I Brew-houfe, bake-houfe, &c. 26 feet by 12 feet. K Pantry 8 feet by 6 feet, L Dairy 20 feet by 12 feet' M Common cellar 20 feet by 12 feet. N N Courts 10 feet wide. O Well. P Cart and cow-houfes. Stairs to lofts over ditto and {tables. R Stables 16 feeet wide. S Barn. TT Ditto yard, &c. VV Reak yards, &c. The body of the houfe FBC is two {lories, of 10 feet each, with garrets in the roof, and G H IK L MD is no more than one ilory, with lofts in the fheaded roofs. EJlimate to N° 16. The body of the houfe contains 11 fquare and may be built in a good workman like manner for 28 pounds per lquare. The fheaded parts GH 1 KLMD, contains 13 fquare, at i8pounds/>£r fquare. £■ s. II fquare at 28/. per fquare, ■—. -- 329 o 13 lquare, at 18/. per fquare. .— -■ 234 o Total expence 363 o N. B. This houfe isfufpot'd to be built on ajpot where cellars can’t be funk. PLATE XXII. N° if. Is the plan and elevation of a defign for a gentleman's houfe, who is fuppos'd to occupy his own eft ate. AAA /^Ourt yard. B Hall 18 feet by 8 feet. C Paffages 5 feet wide. D Parlour 18 feet by 18 feet. E Stairs 7 feet wide. F Kitchen 20 feet by 18 feet, with a long table reprefent¬ ed by a dotted line. G Cellar 14 feet by 13 feet. H Ditto 18 feet by 13 feet. 1 Clofet 11 feet by 8 feet. K Dark clofet. L Dairy 19 feet by 18 feet. M Brew-houfe 26 feet 6 inches by 18 feet. N N Inner courts. O Well. PPPPPP Sheads. ^Coach and cart houfes. R Stable. SSS Barn. The {lories is each 10 feet in the clear, and garrets are in the whole length of the roof. The plan of the houfe contains 36 lquare, and may be built for 30 pounds per fquare, which amounts to 1080 pounds. PLATE XXIII. N° 18. Is the cellar , parlour , and chamber flans, with the eleva¬ tion of a houfe 78 feet 6 inches front , See cellar Plan. ^TOAffage 19 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches, B Cellar 16 feet 6 inches by J3 feet 2 inches. E C Ditto C Ditto 5 feet 6 inches by 5 feet 6 inches. D Butler’s pantry 16 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 5 inches, E Kitchen 28 feet by 19 feet 6 inches. F Scullery 1 6 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 5 inches. G Larder 5 feet 6 inches by 5 feet 6 inches. // Servants hall and ftairs r6 feet 9 inches by 16 feet 5 inches. 1 Houfe-keeper’s room 16 feet 6 inches by 16 feet 2 in¬ ches. I\ Ditto cellar 5 feet 6 inches by y feet 6 inches. L Stairs leading from the offices to the attick ftory, with¬ out communication with the firft and fecond floors. MM Steps leading down to the offices. Let the height of the lower offices be 8 feet 6 inches in the clear ; the parlour floor is 4 feet above the furface of the earth, front which take 1 foot 4 inches, for the thicknefs of the arch, with joift and board, and 2 feet 8 inches remains for the fofeta of the vaulted arch above the furface; then the floor of the offices muff be funk j feet 10 inches below, and their height in the clear will be 8 feet 6 inches. See the parlour plan. N Hall 20 feet by 8 feet. O Parlour 17 feet by 14 feet. P Clofet 6 feet by 6 feet, with fteps leading to the garden. Dining room 20 feet by 17 feet. R Clofet 6 feet by 6 feet. S Great room of a diagonal proportion 28 feet 3 inches by 20 feet, and 25 feet high, equal to the height of the two (forks, and the thicknefs of one floor, the ceiling to be cov’d 5 feet down, and the fame projection, with a cornice at toot and collofs above as ufual, and thecove to be groin’d to receive the light of all the upper win¬ dows, and a gallery for mufick over the entrance, See X i. chamber plan. T Parlour 17 feet by 17 feet. C 14] V Clofet 6 feet by 6 feet. U Stairs to attick (lory continued. W Great (fairs no more than one (fory, 17 teet by 17 feet. The parlour (fory is 12 feet high in the clear, the chambers the fame, and the attick 10 feet. See the chamber plan. X Paffage and (fairs leading to the attick floor 20 feet by 8 feet. T Landing of (fairs and paffage 4 feet wide. Z Bedchamber 17 feet by 17 feet. a Dreffing clofet 6 feet by 6 feet. b Paffage 6 feet 6 inches wide. c Study or bed room 14 feet by 10 feet. d Clofet 6 feet by 6 feet. e 20 feet by 17 feet. f Drefling clofet 6 feet by 6 feet, g Great room continued. h Stairs to attick (fory continued. i Mufick gallery to great room. The attick floor maybe divided into 4 bed chambers, with dreffing clofets, and 3 without clofets, viz, over c t Z, with their adjoining clofets, and one next the back front over g, with a clofet, by dividing of one window to which muft be a paffage over i, with a fmall room on each fide, and may be lighted from the roof, and another room over the great ftairs lighted from the flank, becaufe a paffage muff be referv’d next the front, fora communication' to the flairs leading from the lower offices. The EJlimate to N Q 18. This plan contains 29 fquare j, and may be built in a fubftantial well finifli’d manner for 55 l.per fquare, which amounts to 1622 pounds 10 (hillings. PL AT S 7 / // // ?/ tm*. /°/afr.zj. • /'/-cr //7 Jjate h "ext to which take 8 feet 4 inches from the room over F, and divide it into 2 clofets, which will be each 9 feet 9 inches by 8 feet- be a a tO d th T r0nt l ( f y T ak ‘ ng 3 d °° r throu g h the wdl) will Jillb ^k 8 ^^ ther °° m over A and the other will be dark which may open to the paffage ■ then the room over F, will be , 9 feet , , inches by^o fee? its Stct„n n h?, c “^ by ' t ' fixoi.; harden front S r °° m ° Ver G > then take from the ? . en fro " c of the room over G 7 feet 4 inches and divide it into 2 dreilmg clofets, which will be each 8 feet 10 Vwfeetif inch’’ ‘r™™ ° ver G wil1 he ' 8 feet by at tl e fide nf r t y ma y be fix ’ d hi the angle do e? the ifi 3 f , may be n)ade ,n the ^effing Uolet, the chimney for the room over G may be fix’d in the angle of the building, y nx a tortior^iP^' thegrCat r00m F ila diagonal pro - See the cellar plan. Let the height of the lower offices be 9 feet in the clear - he parlour floor is 5 feet 6 inches above the furface of die earth, from which take r foot 4 inches for the thicknefs of the vaulted arch with joift and board, and 4 fee 2 fo ches remains wich ,s the height of its fofetl above ffie furface, and ffiews that the floor of the offices muff be funk 4 feet 10 inches below to make the, clear of the ftory 9 feet, the plan is divided as follows HH Steps leading down to the offices 1 Paffage and flairs ,7 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 3 inches ^S fe - keeperS r00m 17 fcet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 in- L Paffage 7 feet 3 inches wide. A/Kitchen 19 feet 3 inches by 18 feet. N Larder 8 feet 6 inches by 8 feet. O Cellar io feet 11 inches by 8 feet. P Paffage 4 feet wide. 17 feet 2 inches by * fet y inch « ^Ditto 9 feet 6 inches by 5 f ee t 6 inches. 1 Ditto 9 feet by 5 feet. V Houfe kee P e « ditto 9 feet 6 inches by 5 feet. C A U T 1 O N. Obferve in the laying out groin’d vaults, to place the 'rercia,, near , aSPO f b, r etOP ^ a S ainft ea = h °ther more efpecially when the fpand is large, otherwife thev L and M if rh \ ° f exarn P^ e > ke the buttment between fuff oufff e wfl W n a ^ ge / Pand ’ ^ unavoidably execuffnl the ’ J y " d ° Wn thus > as an example in executing the work, omit the pier L, and troiii finale from the buttments of the 2 angles in the kitchen M &c caufe whereflrength or conveniency is abfolutely necefe fary. ( 16 ) fary (efpecially in the bafer parts of a building) nice regu¬ larity muft give way EJlimate to N y 19. This building contains 25 fquare meafuring but one of the (heads, and computing them both to be equal to fo much of the other plan; for the fame reafon all the out fide 11 ps are throw’d into the plans of the porch ; the whole may be built in a moderate well finifh’d manner, for 64 pounds per fquare, which amounts to 1632 pounds. PLATES XXV, and XXVI. N° 20. ^~ ° • farr high, but d Is cover’d with an arch level with the par¬ lour ceiling, for a paffage of communication in the chamber flairs. C C Parlours 14 feet by u feet 6 inches. D D Stairs 8 feet wide. E E Clofets 8 feet diameter. F F Ditto for butler’s pantry and houfe-keeper’s. G G Paffages j feet wide, leading under the flairs to the offices. FI H Dark clofets. II Parlour and dining room, each 20 feet by 18 feet. K Drawing room 24 feet by 24 feet, and 2 ftorieshigb, not including the recefs of the bow-window, which is 8 feet diameter. L Clofet 12 feet by 6 feet. M Private flairs‘6 feet wide. N N Paffages 5 feet wide. O O Ditto. P Stairs to rooms over the kitchen, &c. ^Cook’s larder 15 feet by 12 feet, R Kitchen 30 feet by 22 feet. S Scullery and bake-houfe. T Pa ffage. V Steward’s room 14 feet by 12 feet. U S fa irs to rooms over the liable, &c. IV Stables. X Coach-houfes. r p *mge. Z Z Courts. a ^ B^ck courts. Th e fervants hall, with cellars, and other offices is Op¬ pos’d to be under this floor. The parlour and chamber flories are each 12 feet high in t he clear, and the attick 10 feet. X B ; The clofets over F F, mujl be come at from the halfface of the fairs. [ 21 ] N 27. Eftimate to The body of the houfe contains 43 fquare |, which may be built in a good workman like manner for 50 pounds per fquare; the offices IfRV W, 27 fquare, at 25 pounds per fquare ; the offices S T X F, and paffages NN, 15 fquare, at 18 pounds per fquare. & s. 43 fquare i, at 50 /. per fquare. - — 2175 o 27 fquare, at 25 /. per fquare.-—. 675 o 15 fquare, at 18 1. per fquare. -. - 270 o Total expence 3120 o PLATES XXXVIII, and XXXIX. N° 28. The plan and elevation of a defign for a houfe and offices extending \qbfect 0 inches. A C T E P S to the great court. 'D B Hall 27 feet by 24 feet, 2 flories high. CC Parlour 20 feet by 18 feet 6 inches. DD Clofets 12 feet by 10 feet. EEEE Paffages. F F Clofets. G Befl flairs 8 feet wide. H Back flairs ditto. I Lobby 5 ! feet 6 inches by 15 feet. K Great room 38 feet by 24 feet, 2 flories high. L Drawing room 25feet by 20 feet. M Clofet i 2 feet by 1 o feet. N Dining room 25 feet by 20 feet. O Side-board in ditto. P Private flairs from the butler’s pantry, ^Garden front fleps. R R Paffages 5 feet wide. G S S Steps t'/Tc it tie ? /tr///a r ' L 2 * 1 6' 5 Steps to the garden. •/Matter’s boating room, or Reward’s hall, 22 feet by 16 feet. V Stable 40 feet by 22 feet. W Coach-houfes, X X Steps leading down to a paflage under R R to the lower offices. TY Bale courts. Z Z Great front court. a a a a Little inward courts and entrances. b b Steps up to the palfages R R. c c Steps down to the lower offices. r/Houfe-keeper’s room 2 2 feet by 16 feet. e Kitchen 30 feet by 22 feet. /'Cook’s larder 22 feet by 9 feet 8 inches. g Back kitchen and fcullery. N. B. The flairs up to the rooms over the kitchen and Jlables, &c. begins in the faffages II R, clofe to the jleps b, and flies over c, winds over a, and from thence in a Jlraightflight over b ,J'o into rooms over T and d, &c. The parlour Rory is 15 feet high in the clear, and the chamber ftory 14; the attick which Rands over the lobby I, may be divided into lodging rooms, or made a billiard room ; the way into it mult be from a building rais’d at the head of the flairs, to make headway for the fame, as is reprefented in the front, by dotted lines, which will be no eyefore, becaufe it can’t be feen in the great court, the front building projecting fo much before it; there is garrets fuppos’d to be in the roof, and there may be a fquare ftory of 6 feet 4 inches under the billiard room, becaufe the floor of the latter is fuppos’d to be but 2 feet 6 inches below the ridge of the roofs, and there will be 4 rooms of 12 feet by 10 feet in the fquare territt, over the clofets, &c. D D MR, Eflimate to N° 28. The body of the houfe (except the lobby Z) contains 67 fquare -, and may be built in a good middle finifh’d manner for 60 pounds per fquare; 11 fquare ( on the lobby at 65 pounds per fquare; 18 fquare and j of offices d efVT, at 25 pounds/er fquare; 9 fquare 7 of paflages R R, at 14 pounds per fquare. 67 fquare J, £■ s. d. at 60 /. per fquare. — 4050 0 0 11 fquare at 6 5 /. per fquare. — 763 0 33 f q uare f, at 23/. per fquare. — h'33 6 $ 6 fquare (, at 14 l . per fquare. — 88 13 4 Total expence 5685 15 o PLATES XL, and XLI. No 29. Yhe ground plan and two elevations of a deflgnfor a houfe and offices-, fee the following divifions. A /^tReat court 100 feet wide. B Hall 26 feet by 26 feet, one ftory high. CCCC Paflages 6 feet wide. D Little parlour 11 feet by 11 feet. E Back flairs. F Paflage 6 feet wide. G Beft flairs. H H Paflage 6 feet wide. 1 Parlour 18 feet by r 8 feet, K Dining room ditto. L Drawing room 25 feet by 16 feet, not including the recefs for the bow window. M Great room 35 feet by 23, feet two ftories high, not including the recefs for the bow window. N Steward’s room 11 feet by 11 feet. O Servants hall 23 feet by 2 2 feet. P Stairs to rooms over the liable, £?c. .^Paflage. R Stable /' /r//r . Y K far fur flaw. S/ro7u?id flaw rtatfdyiir/u/reAt /Add n/etA AfadAeat. J). Jyumdre/i /f a/Af Ft'm/'e'r A C. r,/te rj/tt cfav test; of ttedeond //<’?•, andt/f tn/o tfd/o//at?a/ drrfitj, a/ ffcoT/nonJfe-T ; tf Jd'tc?nf/y (f//mf to tfe cow/doratton of tfr /f//ft\ tfoddr t/or/’f'' Sfts ton/mc //■// // tni>. A dtA- /fffd ■ Made doton idle- 2 -fla/nay d AfaccAed and carry did dvr £0 /At yproyier He tyAit, on tv j&t 4 framed Arndt in ymamneir Airyired&nteed in y^MreftAe, at JdyaadJ/tdtanca', if 2 Pu/ermodt to AeyjTncAiedJrom iffon/Ada/At, t/iem turn over ^f mKasnE! ^^ fCii/Jtenc doc/iedfad f7?'orA' yoed on, Act on dr on Aramyid nf/Ac to ifT/mAer . . (• /,v ’ fd) ed tyn ) f made y taurded atcac/i tsrernfn efontZea/r A at ifToyiAeaceyi/tdode 1 (( pi B . n ff'erntd) // f /ai//y Aetfe/r Aledtdt y drifted ; dm Awdd\fiatd/iamAr'eAA/rieAo for: m H /Ad/A', of 2. A/rAeA MtcA, 4 IncAcv from f Frame , ad f //‘orA //Aid, ft//An foot'd Jfiarcd, Aetnrm do/n and f 7ft/nAt r /a Ad tounded AAarooaA, m fn/rAAyiscdertit ? /Ac Wood many /Ayed; deal /na n f Arun/ir t/reAcd m/er f/ui/J '/rne, Ae/n/ern jU deJyuindriAZZ/aA/d; A from t/iede 6/taAAd dyi nay JAArc/icd ofd/rAcA n/Aioje Area'// /nudtAe ayireyier dteyAtAt reeetae yfare mm /vfr-. aAAnd At A, ^ j a ' .- ntm y/redumiO -B artonAy/ire. rent ify/eat///ntfA/e/A/aAAoet, Att/divn■ ama/etyior/e/f/ A/tttv,-// t>tt f ndAA dt'd theorduny to t/ct 0/ ParAtamiemt Ay 1 7. /OrAndAey An, Zk rtt /?tr?id J'tree/ . (hi a far/Ae?- e-nyuiri/ aond ///endure wen/ < ^ /end /Afire, to ArnAe feet of c AAa/Aeot on /die, ytart n^/iereon Me . Aru/ded etr/enef , eneda Mop/ ' ran An An Any A?ne AuinidreeA We /y/tn , tr/ic/ aanoun/o to uytn/ar/Ad oj tfzy Adit aid ef nrfueWjoo AA/Atna Ad not onAy itde/e/j A//A ? /i reyt/d/ma / An -