/*(p, O^AT-^X-,OG-TX:E OF THE Cellars of Wines U MaA SIR PEREGRINE P. F. ACLAND, Bart, DECEASED, Late of FAIRFIELD, BRIDGWATER; W. Gr. C AETWEIGHT, ESQ. Deceased, late of Fairwater, Cardiff; AND OTHER FINE WINES: WHICH mill be £olti t)y Auction b\) Messrs. CHRISTIE, IANS0N 4 WOODS, AT ■mKia GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. Samples may be had, on paying for the same, One Week preceding the Sale, and Catalogues, at Messrs. Christie, Man son and Woods’ Offices, 8 Kiny Street, St. James’s Square, S. W. ZV05'IH\ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall he immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required-, in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. YII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be-forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. (N.B.—Purchasers can have their wine delivered in town at a charge of one shilling per dozen; or packed, for the country, at a charge of two shillings and sixpence per dozen.) The Cellar of SIR PEREGRINE P. F. AC LAND, Bart., deceased, late of Fairfield, Bridgwater (by Order of Sir Alexander A eland Hood , Bart., M.P.). The whole of the wine has been in the cellar upwards of twenty-five years. N.B.—Lots 1 to 99, for the greater part, are slightly ullaged, and are sold as such. SHERRY. 1 Three Dozens of Sherry, Carbonell, binned 1869, more or less /&/„ Bin 69, top 2 Three Dozen and Three Bottles of Sherry, bottled 1864, Hoare, more or less / fy, Bin 22 F 3 Three Dozens of Sherry, Campbell, binned 1867( more or less /cH* Bin G, bach 4 Three Dozens of Sherry, Campbell, binned IS67 *3 Bin I. 5 Three ditto (*/; 6 Three ditto 7 Three ditto /IV, 4 8 Three ditto 9 Four ditto and one bottles, more or less S’ ‘ 10 Theee Dozens op Sherry, Campbell, binned 1867 -Bm J. 11 Three ditto 12 Three ditto 13 Two ditto and eleven bottles, more or less 14 Two Dozens op Sherry, Campbell, binned 1867, more or less /ffiBin N., bad 15 Three Dozens of Sherry, Campbell, binned 1867 4^/* Bin T. 16 Three ditto &/* 17 Three ditto 18 Three ditto 19 Three ditto 20 Two ditto and nine bottles, more or less y ■*> — 21 Three Dozens of Sherry, Campbell, binned 1867 Bin U., back (P/j 22 Three ditto ffyy 23 Three ditto and nine bottles, more or less 24 Three Dozens of Sherry, Campbell, binned 1867 /A/, Bui V. r~~ 25 Three ditto y’yy y^ 26 Three ditto 27 Five ditto, more or less 28 Three Dozens of Dry Sherry, Carbonell, binned 1869, more or less Bin 32>^~ 29 Three Dozens of Pale Sherry, Snow and Sanders, binned 1870 'Z*/ Bin 34 30 Three ditto / £~l- 31 Three ditto ^ 32 Three ditto £jj7 33 Three ditto 34 Five ditto, more or less £. 07 . /%~~ £ //» 5 35 Three Dozens of Pale Sherry, Campbell, binned 1868 Bin 30. 36 Three ditto, more or less 4 ^ a— 37 Four Dozen and Eight Bottles of Pale Sherry, Snow and Sanders, binned 1859, more or less /y,Bin 64, below e/T^a**-**-*^ 38 Two Dozen and Two Bottles of Pale Sherry, Snow and Sanders, more or less (two hinds of bottles ) / . Bin 31 F. 39 Two Dozen and Ten Bottles of Sherry, more or less Bin 72 B. 40 Two Dozen and One Bottles of Sherry, Beveridge, binned 1854, more or less, (Bin 12); and Two Dozen and Four Bottles of Pale Sherry, Beveridge, binned 1867 (Bin 38 FJ more or less yy 41 Three Dozens of Pale Amontillado Sherry, Carbonell, binned JL- 1869 /y. Bin 47 B. 42 Two ditto, more or less /4f/~ 43 Three Dozens of Amontillado, Campbell, binned \8QS//Bin 15^/ V/. 44 Three ditto and three bottles, more or less 45 Three Dozens of Amontillado, Snow and Sanders, binned 1867 Bin IB iStt j 46 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less 47 Two Dozens of Amontillado, Justerini and Brooks, binned 1867, (Bin 65 F., top ); and One Dozen and One Bottles of Amontillado, Snow and Sanders, binned 1867 (Bin G., /roiif^ more or less 48 Four Dozens of Brown Sherry, “particular,” Snow and Sanders, ~ . Bin S. //ytrvi-a 49 Three ditto and five bottles, more or less 50 Two Dozens of Brown Sherry, Snow and Sanders (Bin 31 B.) ; and Two Dozen and Six Bottles of Brown Sheiuiy, Carbonell, binned 1868 (Bin 69, top), more or less / 6 51 Three Dozens of Golden Sherry, Leveridge, binned 1869 Bin 52 52 Three ditto, more or less !u/ 53 Three Dozens of Golden Sherry 54 Three ditto 55 Three ditto 56 Three ditto 57 Three ditto 58 Three ditto 59 Three ditto and ten bottles, more or less jjy: Bin 56^^ /f, ^ 60 Three Dozen and Nine Bottles of Golden Sherry', Harveys and White, binned 1856, more or less Bin 45 61 Two Dozen and Nine Bottles of Golden Sherry, Carbonell {Bin 72 F.) ; and One Dozen and Eight Bottles of Golden Sherry, Leveridge, binned 1869 {Bin 40 B.), more or less iure ur / MADEIRA. 62 Three Dozens of Bual Madeira, Shepherd, binned 1829, more ~ or less £ Bin 51 63 Three Dozens of Madeira, Hoare, binned 1824 ^ Bin 53 64 Two ditto and eleven bottles, more or less 65 Two Dozen and Five Bottles of Malmsey Madeira, Denman, more or less Bin 71 B. and /■ 66 Iwo Dozen and One Bottles of Madeira, Hoare, more or less, {Bin 10 B .); and Two Dozen and Seven Bottles of Madeira, Hoare {Bin 41), more or less CLARET. 67 Three Dozens of Claret, Snow and Sanders 68 Two ditto, more or less 69 One Dozen of Claret, Hoare ; and Six Magnums^ of Bin vLARET, more or less /*/. 1YI 1 ^ PORT. 70 Three Dozens of Tort, Leveridge, binned 1869 Bin 49 B. 71 Two ditto, more or less '- j 72 Three Dozens of Port, Carbonell, binned 1869 z, j-y Bin 25 B. > /3 Three ditto, more or less __ 74 Two Dozen and Six Bottles of Port, Snow ami Sanders, binned , 1867, more or less Bin 3 75 Two Dozen and Five Bottles of Port, Campbell, binned 1867, (Bin 25 F.); and One Dozen and Seven Bottles of Port, ^ Carbonell (Bin 23), more or less ^^4 76 Three Dozens of Port, Campbell, binned 1867 (Bin N front)] and One Dozen and Three Bottles of Port, Snow and Sanders, binned 1866 (Bin I)., bade), more or less y ^~Zr~ — 77 Four Dozen and Ten Bottles of Port, Hoare, binned 1859, * more or less Bin 22 B. ** 78 Two Dozen and Four Bottles of Port, Snow and Sanders, binned 1853 (Bin 54); and Four Bottles of Port, Snpw z / and Sanders, binned 1851 (Bin 39 F.), more or less 'tyA 79 Two Dozen and Three Bottles of Tort, Snow and Sanders, binned 1847 (Bin 60); and One Dozen and Eight Bottles of Port, Leveridge, binned 1867 (Bin 38 B.), more or less 80 Two Dozen and Eleven Bottles of Port, 184 i, Snow and Sanders, bought 1863, more or less 81 Three Dozens of Tort, Carbonell 82 Three ditto, more or less sv/ Bin 18 F., below. ' //// Bin 29 J 7/ -—~ 8 HOCK, Etc. 83 Three Dozens op Johannesberg, 1862, Campbell, binned 1867 7%*/™ f rl 84 Three ditto and five bottles, more or less 362, more 85 Three Dozens of Johannesberg, Campbell, binned _, or less P-, front ^ 86 Two Dozen and Ten Bottles of Johannesberg, Campbell, binned 1862, more or less Bin P., bach 87 Three Dozen and F our Bottles of Assmanshausen, old, Hoare, more or less Bin 48 B. A 88 Two Dozen and Three Bottles of Assmanshausen, Hoare {Bin 39 B.); and One Dozen and Four Bottles of , , Assmanshausen, Hoare, binned 1834 {Bin 27 B), more or less 89 Three Dozens of White Hermitage, Spenc evZ&Bin 18 B., top/fyca 90 Three ditto, more nr lesa 91 Four Dozen and Six Bottles of White Hermitage, Spencer, more or less Bin 18 F., top^a 92 Four Dozen Bottles and One Dozen and Four Half-Bottles of White Hermitage, more or less yjABin 18 B„ below ^ 93 1 wo Dozen and Nine Bottles of Bed Hermitage, Spencer {Bin 49 F.); and Eleven Bottles of White Hermitage^, TT, nrrnm r\w f f AC\ TT ^ /-w/% Egremont {Bin 40 F.), more or less 94 Four Dozen Half-Bottles of Constantia, recorked April 1890 a Bin 61 'V-O' 95 Four ditto, more or less 'yj 96 Two Dozen and One Half-Bottles of Bed CoNSTANTiA<'omne<7 1813, more or less Bin 62 B., below J- 97 One Dozen and Six Large and One Dozen and One Small Bottles of Constantia, Denman, more or less •*- Bin 70 F. anaB. 98 Four Dozen and Ten Bottles of Bucellas, Offiey, binned 1849, more or less Bin 28^^ 99 Three] Dozen ajsd One Bottles of Muscatel, Egremont, binned 1847, more or lees Bin 80 n LIQUEURS. 100 Two Dozen and One Bottles of Brandy, Justerini and Brooks, binned 1871, more or iess &?/+ Bin 66 B 101 One Dozen of Brown Brandy, Campbell, binnefi 1867 Bin B., bac, 102 One dozen and six bottles, more or less sy 103 One Dozen and Three Bottles of Brown Brandy, Snow and Sanders, binned 1862, more or less P^/- Bin 9 F. 104 Six Bottles of Pale Brandy, Campbell, binned 1867 (Bin B., front ); and Six Half-Bottles of Brandy (Bin 79 F.),more ^ or less 105 One Dozen and Five Bottles of Cognac, more or less * P/Bin 66 B. c/jCcs-nP_> 108 One ditto and two half-bottles, more or less 109 Two Dozens of Rum, Campbell, binned 1869 less 112 One Dozen and Eleven Bottles of Rum, Campbell, binned 1869, more or less Bin 66, front and middle 113 Two Dozens of Rum, Campbell, binned 1870 P/P/jdin 53 B. 114 Two ditto P/ 115 Two ditto, more or less P 'JPr-zPyP*--* > 116 One Dozen and Nine Bottles of Rum (Bin 58 B., top ); and Four Bottles of Rum (Bin 58 F., top), more or less 'f f/% 10 117 One Dozen and Four Bottles of Bum, old', One Dozen Half- Bottles of Bum ; and Six Bottles of Noyau, more or less Bin 62, top^/ 118 Nine Bottles of Bum, Caiman ( Bin 59, to/)-, Six Bottles of Maraschino, Justerini & Brooks, more or less ( Bin 7 B.) ; and . Eight Bottles of White Bum (?) (Bin 47 M.), more or Ijp /, 119 One Dozen and Six Bottles of Gin, Justerini and Brooks ' Bin 67 „ 120 One ditto and seven bottles, more or less 121 One Dozen and Eight Bottles of Gin, more or'iess S-JS Behind door/oelow 122 Nine Bottles of Gin (Bin 79 M.) ; and Six Bottles of Gin, Justerini and Brooks (Bin 68 F.), more or less *| 123 Two Dozen of Hollands, Snow and Sanders, more or less Bin 5 * Z 6 / 124 One Dozen and Two Bottles of Essence of Punch, Justerini and Brooks, more or less Bin 68 By^ 1 125 One Dozen and Four Bottles of Punch; binned 1859 (Bin 63 F., top); and Ten Bottles of Punch ( Bin 79 B.), more or less Zstiy * ‘ 126 Ten Bottles of Tokay (Bin 63 F., below) ; Eight Bottles and Four Half-Bottles of Bataffia, Justerini and Brooks (Bin 68 M.), more or less «/ (3* 127 One Dozen and Nine Bottles of Liqueurs, various ; and Four Bottles of Gin, J usterini and Brooks, more or less 42 1 / 128 Ten Bottles of Liqueurs (Bin 79 B.) ; Seven Bottles of Spirits and Liqueurs, Harvey and White, binned 1870 (Bin 78) ; Three Bottles of Bum (Bin 79 M.) ; One Bottle of Orange Bitters (Bin 69, top ) ; One Bottle of Cherry Brandy (Bin 78); One Bottle of Punch and One Bottle of Orange Bitters (Bin 79 F.) more or less < 129 Seven Bottles of Grand Maison Noyau, choice white and pink (behind door) ; Three Bottles of Ginger Wine ( Bin 65 B.) and Four Half-Bottles of Bataffia (Bin 65 B.), more or ^ a/srt less 11 The Cellar of W. G. CARTWRIGHT , Esqdeceased , late of Fairwater, Cardiff. SHERRY, MADEIRA AND CHABLIS. 130 Three Dozens of Solera, extra superior, No. 200, bottlecL by y Harvey 1880 131 Two ditto, more or less FrT/C _ 132 Three Dozens of Amoroso, extra superior, bottled by Harvey 1880, more or less Ahlffl v ' f ^ ^ ’ 133 Three Dozens of Choicest Old Pale Sherry, Bristol emun, ^ bottled by Harvey 1862, more or less 134 Three Dozens of Brown Sherry, Bristol milk, extra superior, . y bottled by Harvey 1849, more or less P 135 Three Dozen Half-Bottles of Bual Madeira, bottled by . Harvey 1862, more or less 136 Three Dozens of Chablis, old, bottled 1863, more or less /Cf/, CLARET. /V/C J*~ 137 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1878, Grand vin, bottledat /, the chateau, May 1882 ^ 138 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less 139 Two Dozen Magnums of Ditto, more or less 140 Three Dozens of Chateau Langoa, 1874, bottled by Barton and Guestier, 1877 jy* 141 Three ditto 142 Three ditto 143 Three ditto 144 Four ditto, more or less ry /a/. ity Jr — Jz^ - J~i - 12 145 One Dozen Magnums of Ditto, more or less 146 Three Dozen Demi-Litres of Ditto ^ ir - 147 Three ditto, more or less 148 Two Dozen Magnums of Chateau Margaux, 1870, bottled hu Barton and Guestier, 1874, more or less 149 One Dozen Magnums of Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1870, bottled by N. Johnston and Sons, 1874, more or less 150 Three Dozens of Chateau Leoville Lascazes, 1864, bottled by Cruse et fils freres, 1867 ^ 151 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less rj/. CHAMPAGNE. 152 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1874, Giesler, extra dry l' 153 Three ditto, more or less 99/- 154 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1874, Perrier Jouet, cuvee G. brut, more or less /6 &/* 155 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1874, Perrier Jouet, cuvee G., extra see /r-t/- J 156 Two ditto, more or less 157 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1874, Perrier Jouet, cuvee IL extra see 158 Two ditto, more or less //f 159 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1874, Pommery, brut, Grand cuvee / 6 o/ 160 Two ditto, more or less 13 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. HOCK. 161 Three Dozens of Steinberg Cabinet, 1874, carte blanche, Jy . Auslese, bottled by Deinkard & Co. 1878 /PTTf, 162 Three ditto / 163 Three ditto, more or less /A #/► 164 Two Dozens of Schloss Johannesberg, 1862, bottled by S Deinkard & Co. 1866, more or less 166 Three ditto 167 Three ditto, more or less 168 Three Dozen Imperial Pints of Champagne, 1884, Moet special cuvee No. 1714 CHAMPAGNE. 165 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1874-5, Veuve Clicquot, dry //*?/ //&A* — —' >■*, Moet, sp /PAA 169 Three ditto 170 Four ditto, more or less y pA . /Jr?/' The Property of the late THOMAS WOOD, Esq., of Grendon, Atherstone, Warwickshire. (By Order of the Executors.) PORT. 171 Two Dozen and Eight Bottles of Port, 1863, Croft, more or less 9 A 172 Eleven Bottles of Port, 1865, Martinez ; Nine Bottles of Port, 1858, J. Donne; Seven Bottles of Port, 1851 ; Eight Bottles of Port, 1863; Five Bottles of Port, 1860; and Two Bottles of Pout, more or less 14 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES . MADEIRA. 173 Two Dozen and Six Bottles of Madeira, vp.ru old. mfirs nr less PORT. 174 Three Dozens of Port, 1870, Martinez, boi 175 Three ditto, more or less CHAMPAGNE. 176 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1884, Lanson. extra aualitv . extra dry 177 Three ditto 178 Three ditto 179 Three ditto 180 Three ditto 181 Five ditto, more or less 182 Two Dozen Magnums of Champagne, 1884, George Goulet, extra quality, brut 183 One ditto and two magnums, more or less 184 Three Dozen and Three Half-Bottles of Champagne, 1874, Perrier Jouet, extra dry {of which six half-bottles are ullaged ); and Eleven Magnums of Champagne, 1878, Perrier Jouet, extra quality, extra dry {of which three magnums are slightly ullaged), more or less 185 Two Dozen and Seven Magnums and Four Bottles of Champagne, 1880, Deutz and Gelderman, finest extra cuvee, selected, more or less 15 197 Three Doze ns of Champagne, 1884, Irroy, extra^ec 198 Three ditto 199 Three ditto 200 Three ditto 201 Three ditto 202 Three ditto 203 Three ditto 204 Three ditto 205 Three ditto fs/. %/■ ¥/: ?t ; /, ¥/■ '*?/ 206 Five ditto and five bottles, more or less 207 Four Dozen and Ten Bottles of Champagne, 1889, Pfungst, Carte d’or, extra dry, more or less 208 Three Dozen and Five Imperial Pints of Ditto, more or less 209 Two Dozen Magnums of Ditto, more or less /i 210 Two Dozen and Eight Bottles of Champagne, ' 1884, Pol Roger (of which eleven bottles are ullaged), more or less 211 Two Dozen Imperial Pints of Ditto (of which one Imperial. pint is ullaged), more or less 212 Two Dozen and Seven Half-Bottles of Ditto (of which , twenty half-bottles are ullaged ), more or less < L ?^/ 213 Two Dozen and One Magnums of Ditto (of which one magnum is ullaged), more or less / 7 214 One Dozen and Three Magnums of Champagne, 1880, Pol Roger (of which four magnums are ullaged) ; Two Bottles of Ditto (one being ullaged) ; and Two Dozen and Five IIalf- Bottles of Ditto (of which nine half-bottles are ulla gpd), more or less / / 215 Two Dozen and Three Bottles of Champagne, Moet (of /, -n i which one dozen are ullaged), more or less FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.