J. 2<+ . 3 /. y S. S S/z'L.Lctd 9 2. f&. m S&dcs c4x4/i . UJ&Sd-tJLi-*- cS^ /3^. /3Q. Ct.C*>-cJst. / / 2 3 /d~ 2. &. 9 - /£>. 3 Z/L , L/L Lf- , 4^ & 7 . b a^c^-cM^ i W^-> /$& /s Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofolden00chri_6 /22 - /20. /3 3 . /SL ^ c /- /r*'- /S 7- Ol,C*'CsIc , * 5 . /ZS-. /*y~ 2 . /SS~. /. 3. 2 3 .3 &' .4-0. ^ ' . Qi. ?6 . /of/z/o . ZIP'. Z^cAcScZm . fya. /5/. zsf. $0. 2 b. 29. 39. .9-3. 9-$^. S3.6 S'. /riisjiruOy / f vu. C< . fniSauX hf' 61 . ft. *6 /? . ? / 'hiiUa3, 4*" /O/ /OQ. //J. /Z/ . , / 2 o . O. Q 2- / ^ ^ • SMcJ. //cUcsduA ■ /3i. • ?*■ fy-CcJtScJLt'i ' ' ■ / &/. 30 . 33 . // * CLLc^-cCc y~. /o . /3 . 32 . b'b . KG. T2/~ . . ki/i Cc(2a. t-. ^ ^ 9 *-■ 9 6 " MtvUS&l*^ LC’/<-/h£ l CucL. /OL/- . /2 2 . /2 b'. /2f. /30./32. /3 6 /* 2 _ / 5 /. /OS', /y- t- 30.32. -3y~. ?' z ~ /3&. / 4 ^ 2 _ . /S ’ / CX. . £ t-c .// . /Otf- ■ /3 o. /oO. ./OS'. /oS. //O./3.0. /2 b. /3z ■ try* /$£ /3S-. /39. '/t+o. /tfg-. /U9 . /bS. Z 5'■ //-/is-, /f-. 21 - 2. S' .23. 3/ ,362 33 'h.a.Tj. ‘'UM 1+/. U2. $-/ 6 -£ p go . fa _ J/- T 2 - - 7?. 77 fi.f'S. . ' f. /&*v**V— tfn /en+c* ft, ' C^l^J-trLO-cL %.sfi ■ J j\c*Si /o 3. /oy-. $. /2Z . /Zf-- / 3o . /3 £ / 3 /liL2 ~ ' /Z ^ " ' d. CrtM- /U-b ' /5 /■ 3 . C. J. /Z ./7. ■ 33 ■ 3&. J 4 Lf-. 46" 6"o . Sq. £s.U.t;. 4/ 6' fO. CccA ; / SfoA^ca-d. U^<^^U^u.cci> //* / ls . ? - /“ /OS'. //O. //#■ /20 ■ /25". /3 3. /3b. CZX^a-ctO. 02.0L^-c2c.. /3C. /y-o. /4-P. 3i> b ■ / 5 ' 7 . 3 . f%. ■ &9 // f 2 ’ , t X Qfi: /o 2 l. /oS ■ /0 7 ■ /of-, 7/o -/2 a- • j Jr^S • fa. /33 . /*/-o. /^P- /SiT- /5? /Ol- ■ /33. /tt ■ 3 6 / ffelakSotuA . /O //O / 39 - XAAJ^S. /3T /*/-&. /U- . ■ ... 4 . ' CATALOGUE Q. / ir< OF j &,v\ OLD ENGLISH SILVER PLATE, Sold by Order of the Executors of the late f H LoZU A. R. SUTHERLAND, ESQ, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., formerly of Silyerhill, Torquay; OLD ENGLISH SILVER, Including a few Pieces from the GUELPH EXHIBITION, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; AND Ornamental 8 . ITlseful Silver plate, FROM VARIOUS SOURCES: WHICH MttU br %olb bn Jlurttou bg Messrs. CHRISTIE. MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE -*>«- On FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 , 1898 , AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of the late A. R. SUTHERLAND, Esq., M.D ., F.R.C.P., E.R.S., formerly of Silver hill, Torquay. SILVER —At per Oz. 1 A Fiddle-Pattern Service, consisting of Twelve table-forks Twelve table-spoons A gravy-spoon Four sauce-ladles A cheese-scoop Five skewers Sixteen tea-spoons Eight salt-spoons A mustard-ladle, and A small sugar-sifter . . . 2 A plain salad-fork, and a king’s-pattern soup-ladle 3 A pair of threaded asparagus-tongs 4 A soup-ladle, with shell bowl and feathered-edge handle 5 A fish-trowel, pierced and engraved with arabesques, and with chased handle—1774 . oz. dwt. 95 12 6 4 5 2 13 8 ' b 2 > 3 4 6 Two pairs of chased sugar-tongs; a small pair of snuffers,; and a Russian spoon, with nielloed bowl . . 7 Nine wine-labels, with threaded borders; three ditto, with chased borders ; and three with gadroon borders yfi 8 An oblong wire toast-rack, on chased feet . . ' 9 A partly fluted tea-pot, with chased borders . oz. dwt. 5 10 10 A cream-jug, similar, the handle formed as a terminal figure & of a child ..... 11 A partly fluted coffee-pot, on stand with lamp, with shaped gadroon border, chased with foliage and shells 10 23 14 A 15 A 16 17 A A —14 in. diam .—1768 a 43 work in . y^r 46 9/ 9 , 0 47 0 24 16 15 ■//' 12 A campana vase-shaped cup and cover, with chased melon and foliage knob and gadroon border and feet . 13 A Shaped Cup and Cover, with scroll handles, chased with flowers and scrolls in relief, and with bird on cover —8^ in. high —1760 .... ./y Set of Four Oblong Entree-Dishes and Covers, with gadroon borders, chased with foliage, fruit and scrolls—and four plated heaters . . . 214 Set of Four Circular Sauce-Tureens and Covers, partly fluted, and with chased foliage borders, ande^L handles with terminal grotesque figures—plated liners'140 10 Soup-Tureen and Cover, en suite .'Y* 135 15 Waiter, with escalloped border, the centre decorated with flat chasing — 6 in. diam. — 1731 ./«& 5 7 18 Another, with shell and scroll border, the centre chased with flowers and foliage—6^ in. diam. —1762 ./44 19 A Circular Salver, richly chased with interlaced strap and trellis ornament and foliage, and with shaped gadroon shell and foliage border, on ball and claw feet 6 5, 20 A Larger Salver, en suite—18 in. diam. — 1769 // and a pair of ditto, with chased vine borders £ f 7 / ^ 33 A fluted souffle-dish, with shell handles and liner; and a pair of/ / pierced bottle-stands, repousse with vines and grapes /y&'fo 1 t? ' A& 34 A spoon-tray, with shaped gadroon border , at ■ <935 A plain souffle-dish and liner; and a circular headed hash-dish and cover, on tripod stand with lamp / 2 - Three gadrooned chamber candlesticks and extinguishers ; a ditto candle shade ; a plain fluted candlestick and extinguishers; and a ■ pair of long-handled snuffers 37 A pair of candelabra, on fluted stems and round feet with chased //•/** o borders, with chased spiral branches for four lights each ; and /* five odd flames 38 An epergne, with chased foliage stem, on claw feet, bearing cut- ' ° glass centre dish and branches with four smaller dishes, and a 0 circular looking-glass plateau, with chased border, on lion’s-mask and claw feet /xS' /#, <^39 A set of six plain oval dish-covers, with gadroon borders and chased/, foliage handles—14 in. to 20 in. long—in oak chest A large oak plate-chest 41 Two small ditto ; and two boxes Jr THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. /* / 6 . O 42 A punch-ladle, with plain bowl and wooden handles—1726 —all at ** SILVER —At per Oz. /,and and spiral fluting, and chased with a shield—4^ in. high—by John Sutton —1705 . . tftfa.. 10 10 61 A plain oblong-shaped ink-stand, with taper-holder and two glasses. /'fyzz From the Collection of Admiral Sir Robert Fitzroy, K.C.B. 02 Twelve three-pronged dessert-forks, with pistol bandies— all at From the same 3 ' /*f t & Lour pierced decanter-stands, with gadroon borders— all at From the same The seven following lots were from the Collection of the REV. SIR ALGERNON COOTE, Bart. 01 An Oblong-Shaped Bread-Basket, with shaped gadroon borders, richly chased with shells and foliage . 40 15 65 An oval-shaped two-handled salver, en suite—26 in. long 180 5 66 An oblong stand, with three cut-glass sugar and cream- vases, with silver mounts, en suite . . */fa? 60 10 67 A pair of dish-covers, with bird’s-crest handles, en suite . 161 0 68 A pair of dish-covers, en suite .... 218 0 09 A dish 23 in. long ; a mazarin ; and a dish-cover, ep suite . fa 322 10 70 A dish 23^ in. long; and dish-cover, en suite . I/(/. 300 0 9 The Jive following lots were formerly in the Collection of the late REV. MONTAGUE TAYLOR. 71 A Queen Anne taper candlestick, on baluster stem and octagonal foot—1709 ...... 72 Another, nearly similar—1712 ..... 73 A cream-jug, spirally fluted and chased with flowers, and figure of a dog on the handle—1758 74 A Porringer, repousse with a shield—1719 . ? 75 An oval pierced and engraved cruet-stand, with beaded edge and goat’s-head and ring handles— The Hague oz. dwt. 9 76 A two-handled cup, chased with a horse race and band of acanthus foliage ....... 77 A mug, repousse with arabesques, Cupids and basket of fruit ........ 78 Three Dutch silver toy tables; a milk-pail; canister; four cups and six saucers ; a warming-pan ; and seven other toy utensils, &c. 79 A ditto cabriolet; sleigh ; two hand-barrows ; and one other piece 80 Two silver filigree toy tables; three vases; two candle¬ sticks ; a chibouque ; and eight other filigree toys 81 A Beaded-Pattern Liqueur-Stand, with four engraved 0 glass decanters with chased silver mounts and labels, and twelve engraved liqueur-glasses —(weight of stand 54 ozs. 14 dwt .)—in mahogany cabinet with folding doors —all at 82 Five plain table-spoons ; a pair of sauce-ladles; a salt- spoon ; two tea-spoons ; and a pair of engraved sugar- bows . . • • • • • 19 0 7 3 A — 16 7 10 oz. did. 10 83 A pint tankard, chased with flowers and scrolls f 0 84 A fish-server and fork, with chased handles; and a silver- / mounted glass mustard-pot and cover —all at o 85 if , 6 A n old Sheffield plated coffee-pot, with gadroon borders ; rf) and a small ditto waiter ^ r 86 An open wire plated bread-basket; a pair of pierced de¬ canter-stands ; and a pair of snuffers 87 A pair of plated candelabra, on round stems and feet, with gadroon borders and branches for three lights each ; and two chamber candlesticks, with extinguishers The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN. SILVER —At per Oz 93 Twelve plain table-forks—1785-1805 . . 94 Twelve ditto—1781-86-90 95 Eight ditto—1759-76-82 96 Six plain table-spoons— Dublin, 1753 . 9 i 1 welve rat-tailed table-spoons, temp George I. &c. . ‘P. 27 .W/. 24 • 4 ^ 18 . 4//0 10 -1716-18, ■7/p 20 j SILVER —At per Oz. 88 A cream-jug, chased with a child, dog and pheasant 5 89 A plain cylindrical Argyle, with beaded edge—1773 9 90 Two plain chamber candlesticks, with extinguishers—1730- 1775 . *0% 17 91 A pair of ditto, with vase-shaped nozzles . . 17 92 A pair of table candlesticks, with vase-shaped nozzles, on plain round stems and feet with reeded borders —all at % 2 ■ 15 1 11 19 10 11 oz. f 98 Twelve ditto, temp George I. and George II.—1721-24- i 27, &c» • •••... _ a |99 Nine rat-tailed dessert-spoons— Dublin , 1715 . LOO Six ditto—1716 ; and seven ditto—1735-59, &c. L01 A large rat-tailed gravy-spoon—1723 102 A pair of smaller ditto—1769 . L03 An oval-shaped sauce-tnreen and cover, with gadro border, open handles and scroll feet, chased wit. flowers—1764. . . . . 0 L04 A pair of plain oblong entree-dishes and _ Edinburgh , circa 1780 . . . &//0 .05 A plain goblet, the lower part repousse with bat’s-wing fluting, on round gadrooned foot . . . .06 An Octagonal-Shaped Sugar-Caster, richly chased with foliage and flowers —by Wm. Fawdery, 1720 ^%12 .07 A Charles II. Porringer, the lower part repousse with cherubs and large foliage and flowers, and with chased scroll handles—1663— maker's mark H.B. monogram. with mullet beneath .... lOS Eight Russian silver-gilt liqueur-cups, partly fluted, and with interlaced scroll and other ornament in flat chasing—1 8th century ..... L09 A Pair op Silver Candelabra, on round faceted stems and feet, with scroll branches and vase-shaped nozzles for three lights each — Sheffield, 1788 (weight of branches, &c., 56 oz. 15 dwt.)—all at 19 9 14 5 6 25 62 9 dwt. 18 16 15 1 11 15 2 FINIS. ^ondon : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Croee.