flk ^Bkv ^PWI 1 jmRL i ' ' ^ BCv. . t l ■y, .. ' ty *t. ’ By ■' 7 |L m^p y! TMBky ^^JV. O A T A 3L O G XX E OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF St (Burin (Bngltsl) ENGRAVING IN COLOURS, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; ENGRAVINGS IN STIPPLE AND GOLOURS, Sold by Order of the Executors of the late CAPT. F. A. BOYCE, R.N.; FINE ENGRAVINGS IN COLOURS, After J. R. Smith, W. Hamilton, R.A., G. Morland and P. Wheatley, R.A.; CHOICE ENGRAVINGS IN STIPPLE AND MEZZOTINT, FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE SOURCES : WHICH Mill be ^olb bn Ruction bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 Kiruj Street, St. James's Square , S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - o - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson, and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no lot can on any account bo removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. - * o* On TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. Sold by Order of the Executors of the late CAPTAIN F. A. BOYCE, RN. Framed. O 1 Serena, after Benwell, by Bartolozzi; Signora Rosalba, by ditto; and one other —printed in red & 2 The Toilette of Venus; and Judgment of Paris, a£ter Cipriani, by Bartolozzi —printed in colours 2 ^ 3 Ladies with Children —a pair, ditto — 2 t O 4 Nymphs and Cupids, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzj— a pair, in colours i 2 • & 5 Painting, Architecture and Sculpture, after ditto— proof, printed in colours Jrv -' ° 6 The Elements, after Cipriani— a set of four, in colours jf £t xff O 7 Autumn; and Winter, after ditto; and Cornelia and her Children, after B. West —all in colours a 8 Classical Subjects, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi— a pair, in red B 2 4 / /£, . ^9 Jupiter and Juno; and Venus presenting the Cestus, after ditto, yj by ditto 2 V? * 1?, ^10 Music; and Painting, after Cipriani, by Macuard —in red ; and & A Classical Subject —in colours J. 7. ^ 11 Fancy Subjects, after A. Kauffman— circles, in bistre 3 3 y~ ^12 Jupiter and Calista, after ditto; Sappho and Love ; and one other 0 <^13 Shakespeare’s Tomb ; and Chlorinda, after ditto— ovals, in red 2 y ^4 L’Allegra ; and La Penserosa, after ditto, by Pastorini; and A Shepherdess— oval, in red 3 j j r yy * ^Tl5 Classical Subjects, after ditto— ovals, in red 2 y 7,. /S~. 16 Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamond— circle, in colours ; and two others s y 0 0 17 Louisa Hammond, after A. Kauffman; and Penelope, after ditto— in red a /y^ 0 , £'18 Cymon and Iphigenia, after A. Kauffman, by W. Ryland —printed in colours ; and Abelard and Heloise —ditto 2 ' Jf*i ' , 19 The Reaper, after ditto— printed in colours yy~ ^20 Wisdom; and Religion, after Cipriani and A. Kauffman— printed in colours 2 f c 21 Fancy Subject, after A. Kauffman— proof, printed in colours t/o yj y Children in a Landscape ; and A Girl with a basket of flowers ' ’ — a pair, printed in colours 2 // f'. 7 . 6> 23 Boy with a Dog ; and Girl with a Doll’s Cradle— a pair, ditto 2 y y ^ 24 Isabella, after Benwell, by Bartolozzi; and The Fair Angler— ^ ' /ty * ° in bistre o // e 2 s , , 0 25 The Lovely Bbunette, after Ward, by E. Williams —printed in colours J. J~. ^ Lesbia; and Girl with a Kitten, after Sir J. Reynolds, by Barto¬ lozzi —in bistre 2 5 -& 27 Viscountess Bulkeley, after R. Cosway, by Bartolozzi— printed in red y 3~ & 28 Mrs. Abington as “ Thalia,” after ditto, by ditto— printed in red7? y ' tyy 29 Countess of Harcourt, after A. Kauffman, by Ruotte— in red ; and Sophonisba, by Sentzenich 2 x £> 30 Duchess of Devonshire and Lady Duncannon, after A. Kauff- ' y? , w -n- t • j C man, by W. Dickinson—red <^31 Maternal Love, after Russell, by P. W. Tomkins— in bistre ^ & 32 Roderic Random ; and Narcissa and Miss Williams, after Trewin gard, by C. Knight —in red ! a. & 33 Girl Spinning ; and Girl Tatting, after Wheatley— ovals, a pair 2X ^ 34 Constancy ; and Variety, after Morland, by W. Ward —in bistre^2^^ ^ o 35 Parmer’s Visit to his Daughter; and The Visit Returned, after Morland, by Bond and Nutter 2 £> 36 A Fisherman’s Family, after ditto— proof ^L^- O 37 The Morning, after W. Hamilton, by Tomkins— proof, in bistre y - . > * ^ ^ 38 Girl Shelling Peas ; and Gathering Grapes, after Bigg, by o ditto —printed in colours 2 ^ 39 A Visit to the Grandfather, after J. R. Smith, by W. Ware —printed in colours y ° 40 W. M. Cray : The Princess of Wales; and Princess Sophia, / after Sir W. Beechey— water-colour drawings zd 41 Studies of Female Heads —in crayons, a pair 6 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. In the Folio. After H. BUNBURY. / f /P/ , z?12 Edwin and Etbelinde, by Soiron— proof, in brown ; and two others £2 A f 44 0 , ^45 /. .oil Carrying Fish; and Carrying Grapes— a pair, proofs, in brown 2 Pi Scenes from ‘ Arabian Nights’; and two others —in brown 3 Expectation ; and Attention, by Gardiner —a pair, in brown 2 ^ 9 . ^47 //. A* ^ 48 Swiss Peasants; and Italian Peasants, by C. Clamp —a pair, in ^ brown 2 / ^4 Modern Graces, by E. Scott —in broicn ft, Marian; and The Mouse’s Petition, by Tomkins and Bartolozzi —a pair, in brown 2 '49 Black-Eyed Susan ; and Blouzelind, by W. Dickinson —a pair, in broicn /j < 0 . 6 50 Sailors’ Farewell at Portsmouth, by J. R. Smith— proof, printed in colours After R. WESTALL, R.A. / ' ^51 Tragedy (Mrs. Siddous), by Cbeesmau— in brouni /■ /Z . cf)1 Venus and her Doves, by E. Scriven ; and four others 5 /^ ^ £>53 A Reaper’s Child, by M. Bovi— printed in colours ^54 Girl Gathering Mushrooms; and A Fern Cutter’s Child, by Meadows— a pair 2 /' /* . u 55 A Cottage Girl, by E. Bell & , o 5fi A Ghost, by Schiavonetti —in bistre -f / 7 £> 57 The Romance; and The Dream, by J. R. Smith —a pair,printed * , in colours 2 * # 58 Lady Macbeth, water-colour drawing, by Westall —signed and dated ‘U/A & 59 Earth; Air ; Fire ; and Water, after Hamilton, by C. White 4 c/ 60 Lady Bathurst, after Lawrence, by Lewis— proof ; and A Girl with Flowers —in colours 2 61 Mrs. Bunbury, after J. Hoppner, R.A., by J. Young <7 62 Eliza (Mrs. Hoppner), after ditto, by ditto f 63 George IY., after Gainsborough, by J. R. Smith —proof f A A? 'ZTTstJ <^64 General Washington, after Trumball, by T. Cheesman r- ? 65 The Highland Piper, after Singleton, by C. Turner —printed in colours J/ //?+. c 66 Summer, after Hamilton, by Tomkins —printed in colours A7, ^ 67 Euphrosyne, after Araiconi, by Bartolozzi —printed in colours //i f-y- ' £>68 Venus attired by the Graces, after A. Kauffman, by Bartolozzi , / ' —in red <^69 Hobbinol and Gandebetta, after Gainsborough, by P. W. ^ ^ Tomkins— printed in colours ° 70 Feeling ; and Tastiug, by and after Schiavonetti —printed in colours 71 A Bacchante; and Contentment, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi- ditto - ^72 August; and September, after Hamilton, by Bartolozzi — printed fjfl, in colours 2 ^73 Sleep; and The Darling Awake, after Buck, by Freeman and Freschi —printed in colours 2 74 What's that, Mother? after ditto, by Agar and Black ; and another / —printed in colours 2 8 75 A Visit to Chloe ; and A Visit to Puss, after Hamilton, by Gaugain J. L? . //? , 0 - ° 77 tf~. ^ 79 „80 ./■/V. ^81 /4„J. /82 —a pair 2 ^ Caroline, after J. R. Smith, by Senus —in bistre y/^h Countess de Kinsky, after Grassy— printed in colours Mrs. Tickell, after Cosway, by Conde —printed in colours lA< Madame Recamier, after Cosway, by Cardon —printed in colours t- Guardian Angels (Master Dunning), after Sir J. Reynolds, by C. Hodges Hon. Miss Bingham, after Sir J. Reynolds, by Bartolozzi —second state, in brown Louisa, by and after W. Ward— in brown ./J. / 83 7-/7 ■ <^ 84 y. /7. ^ s5 F. WHEATLEY, R.A. Cries of London :— “ Old Chairs to Mend,” by Vendramini— proof, in bistre $-1* “Duke Cherries,” by A. Cardon— proof, in bistre c Milk below Maids,” by L. Schiavonetti —proof ’ in bistre & 86 “ Knives and Scissors ” ; and “ Sweet China Oranges,” by Vendra¬ mini and Schiavonetti 6. / ^ ^ 8Y “ Turnips and Carrots,” by T. Gaugain xJc “Fresh Gathered Peas,” by Vendramini; and “Mackerel/’ oy Schiavonetti 2 /a r /c , O 89 y. //. /° “ Primroses,” by Schiavonetti— printed in colours “ Milk below Maids,” by ditto —printed in colours /^ 9^. The Citizen’s Retreat ; and Feeding Rabbits, after J. Ward, by W. Ward —a pair, printed in colours - 2 ^ & 92 Stable Conversation, after ditto, by W. Ward— proof f?s/£c 7 * 9 AFTER G. MORLAND. 93 Children Feeding Goats; and Children Feeding Chickens ; after Morland and Russell, by P. W. Tomkins n /y 94 Juvenile Navigators, by W. Ward StL ,95 The Same; and Children Nutting, by E. Dayes— proofs, both ■ printed in colours 2 $ 7 ^105 Children with Bird-Cage; and Children with Dog, by P. W. j Tomkins ; and A Boy Angling, by ditto— printed in colours 3 o _ ♦ o 106 Death of Chlorinda; and Companion, after Kauffman, by c? 777 Bartolozzi— printed in colours d 107 Jane, Duchess of Gordon, after Reynolds, by W. Dickinson—-j/' /? >> printed in colours 10 l //. ^ 08 109 /#./*. ^110 a 7. /S. » m >Z t & / 113 tJ '* /y , / cJ.33 Dolce Domum ; and Black Monday, after Bigg, by J. Jones— y printed in colours 2 A ' ^ 134 The Fortune-Teller, after Masquerier, by A. Cardon— printed , . / m colours y ? 135 Melania (Mrs. Robinson), after Cosway, by J. Conde— printed _ in colours ^136 Lord Grantham and his Brothers, after Sir. J. Reynolds, by ' yy T. Cheesman —second state ; 137 Mrs. Benwell, after J. Hoppner, R.A., by W. Ward ^138 The Ladies Amabel and Mary Yorke, after Sir J. Reynolds, by E. Fisher— second state 12 /* ^ 139 //< ^ U ° t? < /^ ' ^141 Card Players, after Opie, by J. Dean / A Trip to Epsom and back, after J. Pollard, by J. Harris— a /{? f # 142 £ 143 A A set of four , in colours 4//; Gamekeepers; and Labourers, after G. Stubbs, R.A., by y H. Bircbe— a pair , in colours 2 St. James’s Park ; and A Tea Garden, after Morland, by Soiron- . j, %n brown “ The Husbandman’s Return ; and Dinner in the Hay Field, after Singleton— a pair, printed in colours Cottage Girls Mangling; and the Companion, after ditto a pair, printed in colours ” t/r FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Croee. - ^ *. . 3 3125 01074 7109