// CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF MODERN PICTURES AND IHHatrr-ailmtr Hrahritujs OF H. HOWARD, ESQ. OF 4 LANCASTER TERRACE, REGENT'S PARK, Who is giving up his Residence to travel abroad WHICH Mill li£ ^olti liti Ruction Ug Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT fim ©MEAT »©@MS, 8 KINO STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1898, May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold By public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -»<>♦-- On SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1808, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. A. E. CHALON, E.A. ' y , A Lady, holding a scarf O 2 A Lady, with a basket of roses on her head j ' & 3 An Italian Scene G. BARRET. ^ 4 On the Corso A. BOUYIER. J. CONSTABLE, R A. 0,0 5 Brighton Beach From the Collection of Miss Isabel Constable tS I <3 J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 6 Brighton Beach : Drying nets From the Collection of Miss Isabel C, nstable B 2 4 y/'T.J J. CONSTABLE, R.A. ,7 Sunshine after Rain From the Collection of Miss Isabel Constable zl Constable / j. v. f. ^ • / £ 8 Head of a Lady COPLEY FIELDING. ^c/7 ^ 9 LOCH FYNE: Sunset 19 in. by 14^ in. ^ d? t COPLEY FIELDING. ,/ 10 NEAR LEWES, Sussex / 6 r 19 | h ' by 25 in . //, /f. /' / rO Looh Lomond 12 A Lane Scene COPLEY FIELDING. FIELDING. G. HARDING. /^ Princess Sophia, wife of George I. HEY WOOD. 14 Driving Cattle ; Ac .—pen and ink 15 Psyche H. HOWARD, R.A. (After). ^/f £> /" 0 , d 16 Miss Macdonald SIR T. LAWRENCE (After). AT.O ; C 5 P. J. DE LOUTHERBOURG, R.A. 17 Peasants Halting 18 Near Dorking J. H. MOLE. (f A' ? ^7 77-K 7^7 J. H. MOLE. 19 Driving Home the Cows E. T. PARRIS. «■ 20 Pandora J. SYER. y >, ^/21 A Welsh Mill t Jl r ~ 20^ in. by 29 in. /& r O F. TAYLER. 22 Rabbit Shooting— engraved *Ay£j2-t 3 G. B. WILLCOCK. ^y / 23 Torquay; Netherton Mill; and Study of Trees PASTELS. // , £ 24 Princess de Lamballe, with a monkey A M. 0. DE LA TOUR. 25 TWO LADIES, in fancy dress, period of Louis XIV .—a pair 2 From the Hengrave Hall Collection A ir~ 6 DUBUFE (After). /O £>26 The Surprise MADAME LE BRUN. ^ 0 O 27 Duchesse ©’Orleans JULES PHILLIPE. tJ *. mTZ & J ' / / 28 Head of a Lady f / TtA'tf SIR J. REYNOLDS (After). The IIon. Anne Bingham, by J. R. Smith— on vellum * ■> ROSALBA. - z 30 Portrait of a Lady J. RUSSELL, R.A. ^ Mrs. Elliot ; and Her Sister —a 'pair -' PICTUEES. /A I' a in v Day J -, /£>. O 33 The Market Cart J. W. ALLEN. ' O /*A R. ANSDELL, R.A. 34 The First of October Engraved — 11^ in . by 21^ in m BARKER (of Bath). 35 A Landscape, with cattle T. JONES BARKER. '0 ' The Milkmaid SIR W. BEECHEY, R.A. ^) 37 A Boy Driving a Hoop R. P. BONINGTON. a ?, O 38 On the Pyrenees 9 in. by in. From the Murietta Collection //F/F? BONINGTON. 39 Boulogne Sands -Z'l _ t J. BURNET. /r. ^0 The Clubbists G. CHAMBERS. /— 41 Frigate entering the Hamoaze J i o' G. CHAMBEES. y 42 Off Whitby : Sun breaking through the mist YICAT COLE, R.A. 43 STREATLEY REACH : f ^ 15^ in. by 23 in. W. COLLINS, R.A. O 44 Cromer Sands, with fishermen 51 in. by 6f in. 8 W. COLLINS, R.A. Cromer Sands : Sunset JL 8 ^ in. by 10^ in. — ~> J. CONSTABLE, R.A. * ^ i ^6 Hampstead Heath: Moonlight ^ ' 6| in. by lOf in. 1/ rt ^ Presented by the Artist to the late G. B. Willcock CONSTABLE. Z 47 Sunshine after a Shower \^ /Pa T. S. COOPER, R.A. 48 Snowdon l / * / ^ 7 in. by 10 in. J. DEARMAN. /• / ' ^7 49 A Landscape, with cows J. DEARMAN. y / / , / l SO Coming from Market C. M. DUBUFE. 7 /, V, ^ o/& 51 PANDORA 38^ in. by 31 in. H. DE FAYANNE. ^52 The Birth of Cupid; and The Triumph of Venus J. FERNELEY. J , / J . 6 53 Portrait of a Hunter 2 r 9 COPLEY FIELDING. 54 A View in Scotland * f & 9^ in. by 13 in. From the Murietta Collection P. GRAHAM, R.A. 55 Off Arran 7 in. by 11^ in. C. E. GRAINGER. / ^56 The Homestead /1 Near Sevenoaks, Kent 17^ in. by 23^ in. As* JL J Jr B 3 10 R. HILDER. //; ^ 62 Evening, near Hereford * /# • 11| in. by 15 J in. R. HILDER. 68 Bridge on the Llugwy S y ~ * - * ‘ - - & 11^ in. by 15| in. R. HILDER. Rain coming on 11| in. by 14| in. J. C. IBBETSON. ^ y ^ ^,65 Lyn-y-cae, Merionethshire 0. JANSON. / Z —Z? 66 A River Scene A. KAUFFMAN, R.A. 67 History, Painting and Sculpture ; and the Engraving, by / jP y / y * c Bartolozzi ^ 4? vf. 2 //. // 6 ! SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 68 A Woman, with spaniels 9| in. by Ilf in. Study for the picture of 1 The White Horse ’ ' From the Artist’s Sale J. LAPORTE. # 9 . 69 Morning ; and Evening— a pair - y 111 // * « ,< X ty- 2 # c > The Ford LINNELL. 11 A. NASMYTH. 71 Bridge oyer a Scotch Eiver /& . J. OPIE, E.A. 72 Going to School : and The Piping Boy —a 'pair /r. & A. EAMSAY. 73 Portrait op a Young Girl —oval / / . C ? 24 in . by 30 in . J. EATHBONE. . 74 The Halt J. EATHBONE. , 75 A Eiver Scene , 0 J. EATHBONE. y" - ^76 London, from Hampstead Jr- - — 77 A Landscape o J. EATHBONE. J. EATHBONE. . _ 78 A Landscape and Figures * , & E. EEINAGLE, E.A. / 0 79 The Spanish Pointer G. EOMNEY. 80 LADY HAMILTON AS “ A VESTAL VIRGIN ’ ’* / ^ 29^ in . by 24^ in . 12 G. ROMNEY. 81 LADY HAMILTON AS “ MIRANDA ”—Witli the Lithograph, /#£ . /f'. by J. W. Slater “ Sir, have pity. I’ll be his surety.” The Tempest, Act I., Scene II. 17^ in. by 14^ in. G. ROMNEY. 82 JANE, DUCHESS OF GORDON, and her son George, Marquis 'j ^ of Huntley With a pencil sketch of the subject taken from a sketch-boofi of the Artist 24 in. by 191 in. /*A /J J. RUSSELL, R.A. 83 Rural Employment— engraved , d F. SARTORIUS. 84 A Storm at Sea & D. SERRES. ^ 85 Shipping on the Scheldt ^ ? x_ J STANFIELD. c ) 86 Vessels off a Harbour aJ, / o 87 A Landscape M. TULL. A. VICKERS. 0 88 Shipping 5 in. by 10J in. 13 A. VICKEKS. 89 A Fbesh Breeze Ilf in . by 19| in . G. VINCENT. 90 Landscapes, with a cottage and a mill O F. W. WATTS. 91 Water-Mill at Ashburton F. W. WATTS. / y '^ 92 The Ferry F. W. WATTS. Bridge over the Greta J. WEBB. //.£ t)4 A Landscape YYa > A. SIR, D. WILKIE, E.A. jP z O Carousels Surprised G. B. WILLCOCK. 90 Holly Street Mill, Chagford, Devon , /f . O 17} in . by 23} in . G. B. WILLCOCK. y y 9£, Nympt Mill, near Morcton, Devon Yl \ in . by 23} in . 14 G. B. WILLCOCK. 98 Chilston Lane, near Torquay 174 in. by 13J in. G. B. WILLCOCK. ( //. /a r 99 A Corn Field, near Sevenoaks 114 in. by 17^ in. G. B. WILLCOCK. 100 Bramber Castle, Sussex 11 J in. by 174 in. G. B. WILLCOCK. 01 A Study from Nature // 13^ in. by 17^ in. G. B. WILLCOCK. V? f d 102 Charlcome Clurch, near Bath 16^ in. by 17| in. G. B. WILLCOCK. ?-? , O 103 Hampstead Heath 61 in. by 9f in. G. B. WILLCOCK. *7104 Bathford Mill, near Bath 15 in. by 19f in. G. B. WILLCOCK / , /? , L05 A Cottage in a Corn Field / 8 j in. by 10| in. 15 G. B. WILLCOCK. 106 The End of Weston Lane, Bath ^ 8 in. by 10 J in. G. B. WILLCOCK. 107 Stacking Hay : Showery weather , / ^ J 17 in. by 23^ in. G. B. WILLCOCK. 108 Chilston Lane, near Torquay ^/ J • c 14§ in. by 201 in. G. B. WILLCOCK. f v 109 On the Boad to Bramber, Sussex / * * / u ^ 13f in. by 20f in. - G. B. WILLCOCK. o 110 Sheep on a Common; and The Companion 0 141 in. by 2Q1 in. if G. B. WILLCOCK. Ill A Devonshire Water-Mill O 12^ in. by 17£ in. G. B. WILLCOCK. y 112 Ideford Mill, Devon f O 15 in. by 21^ in. A. W. WILLIAMS. y^ A Summer Evening, on the Medway : Moonrise 27j in by 43^ in. 16 E. WILLIAMS, Sen. A y . 114 The Anglers ✓ //f r <7 221 in. by 311 in. E. WILLIAMS, Sen. A / , 115 Cooling the Hoof ( 1 ^ 7 ? t c E. WILLIAMS, Sen. <0 n 116 Iver Church, near Uxbridge; and Fleet Mill, Dorset— ' ’ />sUJ ?■? a pair J Y , / ' r ^117 A Cottage in a Wood 20^ in. by 28^ in. E. WILLIAMS, Sen. J. WILSON. J -o 118 A Coast Scene & BAPTISTE. //y . /// .