;^^ ixs^- \.v. ^^mgt^^^' ^^^8 MHT jW^ ^wy j|p..^^/|k J ^ fi^KSHn w^ftt ^^^Bp ^^n^^i^ ^yjB ^^^j) ;^h^^M0 ps / K^ Iffiflpi i#^ ^ jj ^^■:* MODERN PICTURES Wat£r-r0l0ur Orahiings FKOM THE COLLECTION OF REGINALD H. PRANCE, ESQ. OF VALUABLK MODERN PICTURES Matcr-colnur Braluings FROM THE COLLECTION OF EEGINALD H. PRANCE, ESQ.; ALSO Turner's Liber Studiorum and some Modern Engravings : WHICH mm iit ^olti i)5 Auction ijg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THBia QRmAt ®©OMS. 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1894, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. o^9ic May be viewed Saturday, Monday and Tuesday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W, u-n \- CONDITIONS OF SALE I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the abovo Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. oJOCo On WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1894, AT ONE CLOCK PRECISELY. oJ^Jo E^GIlAYmaQ—Framed. 1 Yes or No, after Sir J. E. Millais, E.A., by S. Cousins, R A. — ^^c^lji/>^ artist's proof — signed ^ 2 The Minuet, after ditto, by ditto — ditto^ signed by the painter v>^^(- RA. — artist's proof, signed by the engraver 6 Turner (J. M. W., RA.) Liber Studiorum — frontispiece andAA^AMy^ 70 plates, fine impressions, half-bound vellum, with autograph ' letter of the painter inserted B 2 DRAWmaS— Pm and Ink, in Folio. G. F. DU MAUEIEE. 7 Eecipeooitt ; and Queen Prima Donna at home 8 Self Sackifioe ; and At a Loss for a Word 9 For Total Abstainers ; and Leap Year 10 Plain Speaking ; and Groundless Alarm 11 Women and their Garments ; and Q. E. D. 12 Aggravated Flippancy ; and Personal Experience 13 A Warning to Enamoured Curates ; &c. 14 Not to be Beaten ; and High Life in the Country 15 Delicacies of the Season ; &c. 16 A Disappointment ; and Seaside Sports 17 A Man's Eevenqe ; and A Pathetic Appeal 18 Theory and Practice ; &c. A HOPKINS. 19 Confidences — pen and ink /o\^i. • C DRAWINGS— i^mwier/. H. A. HAEPEE. 20 Jacob's Well, Shechem f 21 Carmel, from Hill of Nazareth 9'^^'- 22 Sea of Galilee ^^'»~ [23 Sea of Galilee ?^/i_ 24 Wady Leja, near Sinai ^x/^- 25 The Vale of Shechem ^/'t. 26 Mount Tabor ^ a /i 27 Mar Saba ^*/a- yycc : S. P. JACKSON. 28 On the Thames /tr^^Ao f<^7ii^r\jA S. PROUT. 29 A View in Kome /-tv/rUyrxj N. CHEVALIER. /0/i~ 41 The Castle of Chillon 8 in. by 10 in. ^ ''-. -rSsi^hTxeMr ^ D. COX. 44 THE PASS OF KILLIECRANCKIE 17 in. by 23 in. (yra^rxu^i. D. COX, JuN. 45 A View in Wales, with timber waggon 8 in. by 12^ in. .'^i^JUv^jiixoL G. DODGSON, 1867. 46 A Woody Kiver Scene 13^ in. by 20 in. J/:S^..liMU^ BIEKET FOSTER. 47 Flying the Kite 7| in. by lOf in. ^^ihi^TxSbiAr G. A. FEIPP, 1841. 48 A VIEW ON THE AVON, near Bath 14i^ in. by 24^ in. ^-e/TvnjiAt" W. E. FROST, R.A. 49 Venus and CuriD 9| in. by 1\ in. C^^SWixi-^V^v SIR J. GILBERT, R.A., 1869. 50 JACK CADE, with his mob 16 in. by 38^ in. ■^-^LfxAji^^ SIR J. GILBERT, R.A., 1873. 51 SCENE IN A WOOD : Brigands dividing spoil 13 in. by 22 in. (^^-^'ms^'^r T. GIRTIN. 62 Ruins at Rome 12 in. by 10 in. t2^-7ijax.i/-- 8 E. A. GOOD ALL. /^ 53 The Pyramids of Ghizbh 7 in. by 20 in. JUo ^AuM^ E. A. GOODALL. /^ 54 A MOBQUE NEAR CaIRO <-4Wja6-^'^Uu£a^ 19i in. by 27i w. A. C. GOW, E.A., 1873. ^ 56 LOED FOPPINGTON'S LEVEE %ACr^ " Sure my gentleman has grown a favourite at Court, he has got so many people at his Levee." — The Relapse, Act I., Scene 3. Sir J. Vanbrugh. 15^ in. by 23^ in. F. HEILBUTH. ^^ 57 THE LOVE STORY ^ 23 in. by 28^ in. GAEL HAAG, 1875. 58 " LA ILLA HA IL ALLA " iJ9^^nji^u>- 17 in. by 34 in. L. HAGHE, 1873. 7^ 59 INTEEIOE OF ST. PETEE'S, Eome t/^^^njBAy^ 'H\ in. by 23^ in. 9 R. HALFNIGHT, 1882. 60 A Mill Stkeam /a^oA' 13^ in. by 20^ in. H. A. HARPER, 1874. .C^,,,,^ 61 The Ruins of Gilgal, Jordan Valley, near Jericho 20^ in. by 30 in. H. A. HARPER, 1873. ^Ad^Mb 6i Thb Valley of the Jordan and Dead Sea, from the Jericho Road 18^ in by 28^ in. H. G. HINE, 1871. OLT 20 in. by 35^ in. 63 WILMINGTON HOLT, Sussex ^'^^'^U^ruo H. HOLIDAY. C^Q^^cJUr^ 64 " Queen and Huntress Chaste and Fair Goddess Excel- /y LENTLY BkIGHT " 50 in. by 30^ in. IL HOLIDAY. V'j-r^ ' 65 The Duet : Portraits of the daughter of the Rev. G. Kitchiu and y^ the daughter of the painter 31 in. by 42^ in. A. HOPKINS. 66 Bright Morning, south coast of Cornwall 10 in. by 14 ///. * 10 A. BOYD HOUGHTON. J22 67 Thk Tkansformation of King Bedeb (j^y-njUA^ Vd\ in. by 24 in. W. HUNT. ^^ 68 THE VALIANT KNIGHT pU-t^-^Leo^ 19 in. bv 14 in. E. LUNDGKEN. •^ 69 The Domino ^^{h^M-rw 19 J in. by 14 in. K. MACBETH, A.R.A., 1874. ^-/>- 70 Welcome as the Flowers in Mat '^.H/taJw^ 22 in. by 1.5 in. J. W. NORTH. ^^ 71 AUCHINEILIN HILLS, LOCH AWE lAp^iMr- 13 in. by 20 m, G. J. PIN WELL, 1867 /DO 72 STROLLING PLAYERS Ot^h^j^A,^ 18 in, by 15 in, F. POWELL. -^ 73 ARRAN : from the Inchmarnock Waters ^^^^rtc-ctr 17^ in. by 31^ in. S. PROUT. (f^ 74 THE FISH MARKET, Rome %^Cruc 17 m. by IH w. 11 S. EEAD, 1871. 76 Intebior of a Church in Belgium 18 in. by 12^ in. '^^*<^L~ T. M. EICHAEDSON. 78 Gathering the Flocks, near Locb Awe 13 in. by 26 in. T^^i4yy\j:^ D. EOBEETS, E.A., 1832. 79 THE CHUECH OF ST. PIEEEE, CAEN 18 in. by 12^ in. "^^^^^njucr D. EOBERTS, E.A. 80 A SIMOOM IN THE DESEET 12f in. by 19 in. H. E. EOBEETSON. 81 BoTS Bathing — in chalks 14 J in. by 22 in. .^yC^^C'y-VcHyyX^ J. STEEPLE, 1874 82 The Torrent, from Llyn Idwal 191 in. by 29| in. / ^W-?6<^>v JJ 5r :i$>D i: F. TAYLER. 88 A HAWKING PARTY jJMJxJp W 1 2| in. by 20i m. ^uy»A/7xoun- 21j in. by 36 in. P. DE WINT. /, ^ 8'J NEAR LINCOLN : A River Scene, with cornfield ami cows 15 in. by 28 i in. 13 PICTURES. J. BAERETT, 1880. 90 A Devonshire Trout Stream, Bickleigh Vale yi^^O'thd/t^<>-^jui ni in. by 31i in. '^IT E. BEAVIS. J^^Ko(x4M. 91 J^'dgitives from Cullodbn, crossing the Nairne after the battle '^ 21^ in. by 31^ in. C. BISEO, 1873. 92 La Eeligieuse (Xfe^ ai}£iybin/) '^x/mw 20 in. by 16 in. E. BUCKNEE. 93 Head of a Lady 17^ in. by 13^ in. E. BUCKNEE. 94 A Lady, in a hat with feather 8^ in. by 6 J in. ^-^^^^^^^-^ E. BUCKNEE. 95 Chorister op the Chapel Eoyal ^'^'^^t9/6^fi'nX6^ 29^ in. by 24^ in. ^ ^ L. CHIALIVA, 1873. 96 A Landscape, with a shepherd, peasant girl and sheep 11 in. by 17^ in. ^tyCKr^ 14 W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A., 1878. fl'/>- 97 A Venetian Gibl il^Axn^ 14 in. by 12 in. /o^4^m3 E. FKERE, 1873. /OO 98 INTERIOB OF A COTTAGE, with a mother and children 18 in. by 14^ in. /O W. p. FRITH, R.A., 1853. 99 Milton and His Wife — a sketch 8 in. by 9f in. O^^^nJL^A)- 7' KEELEY HALSWELLE. ^j^ 100 THE QUACK DOCTOR, of the Piazza Rotondo, Rome £>~i>/^AiiMr%^ in. by 42^ in. U/ JAMES HOLLAND. 101 The Lake op Geneva Oval — 15 in. by 19 in. U, i/nxj JAMES HOLLAND. 3/ 102 Coast at Ilfbacombe Oval — 15 in. by 19 in. %l^^ 'C-yoi ^'A F. W. HULME, 1849. 108 A Woody River Scene, with sheep 25i in. by 27^ in. KERSCH. "^^ 104 The Ccriositt Collector 25^ in. by 35^ in. UMOKy 15 F. R. LEE, R.A. 105 A RivEB Scene, with anglers 23 in. by 28^ in. W. MULLER. 106 THE RUINS OF ST. BENET'S ABBEY ^ ^-^ 20^ in. by 28^ in. From the Collection of G. B .Burnett, Esq., 1875 4 J^^ W. MULLER, 1849. 107 CHESS PLAYERS U^nxnAAr 12 in. by 10| in. 108 The Taming op the Shrew — Act III., Scene 2 F. W. W. TOPHAM. THE Sh 21^ in. by 30^ in. HAYNES WILLIAMS. 109 Spanish Lovers 17^ in. by 14 in. PICTURES BY THE OLD MASTERS. - CAMPHUYSEN. 110 A Landscape, with a peasant boy and animals v-'^^-/6ij>ciu>t;Q-At/ 14^ in. by 16 in. Ill An Italian Landscape, with a horseman and other figures 13 in. by 16 in. /U 16 G. NETSCHER. ^q 112 An Inteeiob, with a lady making lace *^¥^)r^x^*dyy\jd 14 in. by ll^j in. HUYSMAN. -2. 113 A Landscape, with sportsman and dogs "^^^^^i^ -/^^^rvcA 7 in. by 9 i«, P. VAN DER MEULEN. /'/"^ 114 A Landscape, with cavalier, lady and dog 10 in. by 7^ in. P. DE LAER. "^ 115 A Sleeping Trooper, and children ^^^Oo^nAJin^ 14 in. by 19 in. GREUZE. 116 The Pet Lamb ^.^^^-v-tLe^^ 35 in. by 27 en. A. VERONESE. y^^.^.^,,^^^ ^ 117 The Adoration op the Shepherds — on co'p'per Of) 18 in. by 6J zn. FINIS. Landon : Printed by Wm. Clowes and Sons, Limited, StamFonl Street and Charing Cross. > } V' #N ite m, E^^ m"^. I \ '^^^-51^ ^m^\ ^>W GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00834 2194 \ ■