Burlington Fine Arts Club CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF PICTURES, DRAWINGS, PRINTS, CHINA, AND DECORATIVE FURNITURE LONDON PRINTED FOR THE BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB 1903 From&eXibrary< Frank Simpson Burlington Fine Arts Club CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF PICTURES, DRAWINGS, PRINTS, CHINA, AND DECORATIVE FURNITURE LONDON PRINTED FOR THE BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB 1903 CHISWICK PRESS: CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. JHEGETI - USRAi V CATALOGUE NOTE. — Only Pict?ires, Drawings and Prints are numbered. China, furniture and other works of art are described at the end of the catalogue. 1 The Annunciation. [Since withdrawn.] Ascribed to Fra Angelico. Lent by F. E. Sidney, Esq. 2 Illuminated Page from a Choir-Book. Central Italian School, circa 1460. Lent by Sir Edward Poy titer, Bt., P.R.A. 3 Portraits of a Pair of Unknown People. & Signed with the monogram of the painter, UK, and the date 15 18. 4 By Hans von Kulmbach (d. 1522). Lent by Sir Charles Turner, K.CJ.E. 5 Madonna and Child. By Morales (Spanish School; d. 1586), L^ent by A. M . Daniel, Esq, 6 Long Panel, once forming the Front of a Cassone, or Marriage Chest. Florentine School, circa 1420. By (?) Parri Spinelli. Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq, 4 Collection of Pictures, Drawings, Prints, 7 Portrait, probably of Lucrezia Crivelli, Mistress of lodovico il moro of mllan. By Zenale (Milanese School; 1436-1526). Lent by William Ne w all, Esq. 8 Decorative Design. By Giovanni da Udine. Lent by Sir Edward Poy titer, Bt., P.R.A. [Since withdrawn.] o Landscape. By Corot. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. 10 River Scene, with Steamer. By Corot. 1 1 Le Bucheron. By Corot. [Since withdrawn.] 12 PLOUGHING EVENING. By James Maris. Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq. Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. 13 Portrait of a Child with a Robin on her Shoulder. By Sir Joshua Reynolds. Lent by George Salting, Esq 14 Italian Landscape — Dusk. By Corot. Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq. China^ and Decorative Furniture 5 15 Sunshine and Vapour. [Since withdrawn.] By Corot. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. 16 Landscape, near Clermont Ferrand. By Corot (early work). Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq. 17 Seaweed Gatherers. [Since withdrawn.] By J. F. Millet. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. 18 Study for Galatea. Drawing in red chalk. By Sir Edward Burne-Jones. Lent by Sir James Knowles, K.C. V.O. 19 Andromeda. Drawing in red chalk. By Alfred Stevens. Lent by Sir James Knowles, K.C. V.O. 20 Forest Scene. [since withdrawn.] By Diaz. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. 21 Study in Holland. By Corot. On the back is the inscription: "Etude de Hollande, peinte le I Sept. 1854 de 9 a 1 1 heures du matin, pres de Scheveningue. Constant Batilleux accompagnait Corot lorsque ce dernier peignit cette etude." Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq. 22 The Last Gleam of the Sun. S. Giorgio, Venice, 1852. [Since withdrawn.] By James Holland. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. A 2 6 Collection of Pictures , Drawings, Prints, [Since withdrawn.] 23 Forest Scene, with Sheep and Figures. By Jacque. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. 24 A Heath Scene, with Bathers. By Constable. On the back: "Evening of the Coronation, July 19, 1821. Westward by North, cloudy and tempestuous looking, but did not turn out so. Late the property of Miss Isabel Constable. From inscription on back of picture in Constable's handwriting." 26 Sun setting over Harrow. Sept. 12, 1821. By Constable. On the back remarks on the weather at the time of painting copied from an old inscription of Constable himself. Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq. [Since withdrawn.] 2^ River Scene. By Daubigny. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq. [Since withdrawn.] 2*7 River Scene. By Van Goyen. Lent by 0. S. Andreae, Esq. [Since withdrawn.] 28 View of Aldborough. By Constable. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. 28a Nude Study on brown paper. By Whistler. Lent by Sir fames Knowles, K.C. V.O. China, and Decorative Furniture 7 28B La Vieille aux Loques. An Etching. Early Period. [Since withdrawn.] By Whistler. Lent by Frederick Wedmore, Esq. 28c The Limeburners. An Etching. Early Period. [Since withdrawn.] By Whistler. Lent by Sir James Knowles, K.C. V.O. 28D The Large Pool. An Etching. Middle Period. [Since withdrawn.] By Whistler. Lent by Frederick Wedmore, Esq, 28E Battersea Bridge. An Etching. Middle Period. [Since withdrawn.] By Whistler. Lent by Frederick Wedmore, Esq, 29 The Studio. By Whistler. Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq, Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq. 30 SKETCH. [Since withdrawn.] By Whistler. Lent by W. C. Alexander, Esq. 31 Dieppe. By Whistler. 32 Pastel Sketch on brown paper. By Whistler. Lent by Sir James Knowles, K.C. V.O. 33 Portrait of Miss Alexander, (With small sketch of Same.) [Since withdrawn 3 By Whistler. Lent by W. C, Alexander, Esq. 8 Collection of Pictures, Drawi?igs, Prints, [Since withdrawn.] 34 NOCTURNE IN BLUE-GREEN. By Whistler. Lent by W. C. Alexander, Esq. [Since withdrawn.] 35 Rose and Red. The Barber's Shop, Lyme Regis. By Whistler. Lent by Humphrey Roberts, Esq. Lent by W. C. Alexander, Esq. Lent by W. C. Alexander, Esq. [Since withdrawn.] 36 Pastel Sketch on brown paper. By Whistler. [Since withdrawn.] 37 PASTEL SKETCH ON BROWN PAPER. By Whistler. 37A Nude Study on brown paper. By Whistler. Lent by Sir James Knowles, K.C.V.O. [Since withdrawn.] 37B The Little Venice. An Etching. Middle Period. By Whistler. Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq., K.C. [Since withdrawn.] 37c San Biagio. An Etching. Middle Period. By Whistler. Lent by Frederick Wedmore, Esq. [Since withdrawn.] 37D The Doorway. An Etching. Middle Period. By Whistler. Lent by Sir James Knozules, K.C V.O. [since withdrawn.] 37E Palace, Brussels. An Etching. Late Period. By Whistler. Lent by H. S. Theobald, Esq., K.C. China, and Decorative Furniture 9 38 Portrait of a Gentleman. Venetian School, circa 1530. Perhaps by Beccaruzzi, or Cariani. Lent by IV. G. Rawlinson, Esq. 39 The Rape of Europa. By Matteo Balducci (about 1520). Lent by Sir Herbert Jekyll, K.CM.G. 40 Madonna and Child. [Since withdrawn . , North Italian School, circa 15 10. Lent by O. S. Andreae, Esq. 41 The Triumph of Love. By Titian. Lent by Sir Herbert Jekyll, K.CM.G. 42 Illuminated Capital, in ancient carved frame. Florentine School, circa 1460. Lent by Sir Herbert Jekyll, K.CM.G. 43 Saints Nicholas, Lawrence and John Baptist. (Part of a larger picture.) By Fra Angelico. Lent by F. E. Sidney, Esq. 44 Madonna and Child in a Landscape. Florentine School, circa 1490. School of Ghirlandajo, probably by Jacopo del Sellaio. Lent by Douglas Freshficld, Esq. 10 Collection of Pictures Drawings, Prints, 45 Cassone Front, with the story of Jupiter and the Nymph Lara. By Schiavone. Larunda, or Lara, daughter of Almon, was a nymph who informed Juno of the intrigue between Jupiter and Juturna. Jupiter deprived her of her tongue, and ordered Mercury to conduct her into the lower world. On the way thither Mercury fell in love with her, and she afterwards gave birth to two Lares. Lent by Sir James Knowles, K.C. V.O. XSince withdrawn.] 46 Madonna and Child and Angels. Florentine School, circa 1480. Lent by R, H. Benson, Esq. [Since withdrawn.] 47 TlIE CONCERT. Late Venetian or Neapolitan School. An illegible signature and date (? 1616) seem to exist on the edge of the book. Lent by Sir Charles Turner, K.C. I.E. [Since withdrawn.] 48 Figures at Table. Illustration of some scene as yet un- identified. By Schiavone. Lent by Herbert Cook, Esq. 49 Portrait of the Artist. By Wright (of Derby) ; d. 1797. Lent by Sir Charles Turner, K.C. I.E. 50 Portrait of a Lady. By Gerard Honthorst (1 592-1660). 51 Portrait of a young Man. By Francesco di Gentile da Fabriano. Lent by George Salting, Esq. Lent by A. W. Leatham, Esq. China, and Decorative Furniture u 52 Landscape, View of Cowes. By Patrick Nasmyth. Signed and dated 1830. 53 A Virgin Martyr. By ZURBARAN. Lent by Alfred Darby, Esq. Lent by C. Brinsley Mar lay, Esq. 54 View from the Lower Heath, Hampstead. By Constable. L.ent by Alfred Darby, Esq. 55 The so-called " Chapeau de Paille." After Rubens. By Cosway. Lent by The Earl of Yarborough. 56 Miss Nellie O'Brien. By Sir Joshua Reynolds. 57 Miss Sophia Lee. By Raeburn. Lent by Lietit.-Col. Cooper. Lent by Major-Gen. Mackenzie. 58 View from Hampstead, looking west. By Constable. Lent by Alfred Darby, Esq. 59 Virgin and Child. Florentine School, circa 1470. Lent by C. Brinsley Marlay, Esq. Collection of Pictures , Drawings, Prints, Etc. 13 FURNITURE, ETC. {Described from left to right, round the room.) Against the end wall, next entrance door, is a Spinet in inlaid Case. Lent by O. S. Andreae, Esq. In centre of next wall is a small German inlaid Cabinet. Lent by Douglas Freshfield, Esq. Over the fireplace is a fine Italian carved Looking- Glass (period of Michael Angelo). Belonging to the Club. in centre of next wall is a Chinese Cabinet, teak inlaid with ivory; Ning-Po work (early nineteenth century); containing a collection of Nankin China, chiefly Kang-He period (seventeenth century). Lent by W. G. Rawlinson, Esq. Against the end wall is a French Table (temp. Henry II.) and on it a French Casket (temp. Francis I.). Lent by Ernest George, Esq. And Two Renaissance Armchairs of walnut wood, also a High-backed French Chair (sixteenth century). Lent by T. Foster Shattock, Esq. Against the long wall is an old inlaid Italian Cassone {lent by Sir J. C. Robinson, C.B.), and in the centre of long wall is another old Italian carved Cassone {lent by Sir James Knoiulcs, K.C. V.O.). And Two Chairs, one high-backed, William and Mary period, the other of old English mahogany, carved fo/w^back. Lent by T. Foster Shattock, Esq. 14 Collection of ' Pic t teres y Drawings , Prints, The Two large Cabinets of walnut wood are French work in the style of Jacques Androuet dit Ducerceau (1510-1580), over one of which is an Italian Renaissance Frame with Mirror. Lent by T. Foster Shattock, Esq. In the centre of the room is an English " Empire " Table. Lent by Sir James Knowles, K.C. V.O. A Set of Eight Chairs in embossed leather. Lent by O. S. Andreae, Esq. China^ and Decorative Furniture *5 SILVER, BRONZES AND OTHER WORKS OF ART The Six Pieces of Silver (in two cases) were presented to Lord Nelson by Lady Hamilton and others. Lent by O. S. Andreae, Esq. On the table near the door is a Statuette, in white marble, representing Buddha seated in one of the ten traditional attitudes. Grseco-Bactrian work of the finest period. (100 a.d. ?), {lent by W. G. Ratvlinson, Esq.), and on another table is a Buddhist Shrine in gold lacquer {lent by Sir James Knowles, K.C.V. (9.), and a carved Spanish Box of Charles V. period (lent by Ernest George, Esq.). On the centre table is a Portrait of Keats by Severn, with a Lock of Hair, and a Pair of Cloisonne Enamel Jars (lent by Sir James Knoivles, K.C.V.O.), also Three Bronze Statuettes (lent by George Salting, Esq.). On the top of one of the large cabinets are Two plaster Casts, being the original sketches by Alfred Stevens for the groups on the Wellington Monument. One represents Valour trampling upon Cowardice, the other Truth pulling out the tongue of Falsehood. Lent by Sir James Knowles, K.C. V.O. On the mantelpiece are Three Bronzes (lent by George Salting, Esq.), CHISWICK PRESS : CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON.