Wade Gery v. Handley. OF Objects of Art, ARMOUR AND ARMS, OLD FRENCH, FLEMISH & MORTLAKE TAPESTRY, Including a pair of OLD FRENCH PANELS from designs by Berain, AND A FEW PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS, REMOVED FROM BECKINGHAM HALL, NEWARK (which house has been in the hands of a caretaker for 45 years^ : WHICH (by Order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division) Wiin tj0 !roiD uy auction iii) Messrs. CHEISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, A'S VBSim (SEKAIT E@@M3, 8 KING bTKEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Ohbistie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson, and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no lot can on any account bo removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. OEIENTAL POECELAIN. 1 An old Nankin deep circular dish, with lotos plants, flowers in treUis border 2 A bowl, with poultry and flowers ; a ewer, with figures ; a tea-pot ; a milk-jug ; a basin ; six saucers ; and two plates 3 A pair of old Chinese porcelain dishes, enamelled with flowers ; three ditto plates; three smaller ditto, with figures ; two mu4; and six bowls ^ 4 Sixteen cups and four saucers, with decoration in Indian ink ; a jug, basin and dish, similar ; and twelve other pieces ' ■ 5 A tea-pot and cover; two canisters ; three cups and saucers ; a coffee- pot ; and two Nankin cups and saucers 6 Three old Japan tea-pots; a jug; four cups; six saucers; and six other pieces B 2 4 7 An old Worcester tea service, with alternate blue and white bands, consisting of tea-pot, milk-pot, and covers, two bowls, fifteen cups and nine saucers 8 An old Worcester tea-pot and cover ; and fifteen blue and white pieces 9 Three blue and white Delft bowls ; five printed plates ; eighteen saucers ; a jug ; and two plates 9a a Eussian cross, of box-wood, elaborately carved with twelve subjects illustrating the life of Christ, and inscriptions 9b Another, smaller 10 A watch-stand, of carved and pierced ivory ; a ditto box, with The Nativity ; a carving in mother-o'-pearl ; four pearl shells ; and twenty-four plaster casts 11 An oviform vase, of " Blue John " 12 A Chinese pierced and carved tortoiseshell fan ; two Soochow lacquer boxes ; a set of carved ivory chessmen ; three small oil pictures, with Scriptural subjects ; and two enamelled glass bottles 13 A pair of metal-gilt and cut-glass table candlesticks, on marble pedestals ; and a cut-glass candlestick, with drops 14 A bronze statuette of Marcus Aurelius — on white marble pedestal 15 A bronze statuette of an Egyptian male figure ; six Burmese bronze figures ; and three others 16 A bronze figure of Hercules; a Chinese figure, on marble pedestal ; two other figures ; a benetier ; and three bronze plaques 17 An Ivory Plaque, carved with The Crucifix and another Scriptural subject under Gothic arcades 18 Kuins of a Greek temple : a large Eoman mosaic 19 An oblong marble relief, with Abraham's Sacrifice in coloured marble frame ; and one, with Moses Striking the Eock FUKNITURE AND WOOD CARVINGS. 20 A circular convex mirror, in carved and gilt frame with branches for four lights 21 A pier glass, in old English carved and gilt frame 22 An old black lac chest, with Chinese buildings and figures in gold and figures in colours — on stand 23 A pair of encoigneures, and stand — en suite 24 A small walnut-wood cabinet, inlaid with scroll foliage and flowers of mother-o'-pearl and ivory 25 A pair of old English inlaid mahogany knife-cases, with silver mounts 26 An oak writing-desk, with rising top ; a small oblong chest ; and a blotting-book 27 A set of three upright wood panels, carved with The Annunciation and The Circumcision, in high relief 28 Four smaller panels, with subjects illustrating the life of Christ 29 An old oak chair, with carved square back and loose cushion, with old stamped leather cover 30 An arm-chair, with cane seat and back, with similar cushion and cover ; and a pair of chairs, en suite 31 Two arm-chairs, with incised ornaments on the backs 32 A pair of chairs, with high carved backs and cane seats ; and a smaller chair, with cane seat and back 33 An Old Oak Cabinet, with folding doors above and below, with terminal figures at the angles, and garlands of fruit and flowers, the panels carved with subjects of figures 34 A pair of groups, carved with Scriptural subjects, flowers, emblems, &c. 35 A pair of brackets, carved with cherubs' heads and fruits; and a smaller pair, with acanthus foliage and scrolls 36 A group of the Madonna and other figures, supporting the body of Christ ; and one other carving B 3 6 37 A clock, in Empire case of or-molu, an allegorical winged figure and bust at the side, and with foliage and emblems in relief — glass shade and stand 37a a bronze statuette of Henry VIII. — 12 in. high ; and a pair of bronze statuettes of Charles I. and Cromwell ARMS AND ARMOUE. 38 Seven steel battle axes, engraved with scrolls, &c. ; a mace, with spnally fluted handle ; and two morning stars 39 A pair of Slexican spurs, large eight-pointed rowels ; a stirrup ; a bit ; and a , pair of gauntlets, engraved with scrolls 40 A coat of Indian riveted mail, steel plaques and ornamented fasten- ings — 17^7i. century ; and a piece of chain mail 41 A suit of Turkish scale and chain armour, overlapping plates decorated with arabesques, &c., in brass and tinned metal ; ball pointed helmet, with ear-pieces and camail 42 A cup-hilted rapier, of bright steel, small pommel, triple bars and double shell, six-sided blade, slightly grooved — Spanish, com- mencement of nth century 43 A Scotch dirk, carved knotted wood handle,'leather scabbard mounted with silver ; and a dagger, ivory and wood handle, double pierced and grooved blade 44 A sword, brass hilt chased with figures, time of Wilham and Mary, grooved blade ; and a small knife, ivory handle, carved with coats- of-arms — the blade dated 1861 — leather scabbard 45 Four flint-lock pistols, mounted with brass, steel barrels 46 A Spanish folding dagger, brass and horn handle ; an old theatrical dagger ; an Oriental knife and scabbard ; a sword walking stick ; a Malay crease, embossed scabbard ; a knife ; and two scabbards 47 A black and bright suit of Lansquenet armour, with the Nuremburg armourers' mark, consisting of open casque and ear- pieces, roped gorget and espalliers, back and breast-plate, elbow gauntlets, long tasses, greaves, and round-toed solerettes — German, circa 1550 48 A suit of armour, engraved with band of scroll ornaments, gilt 49 A suit of bright steel armour, engraved with vertical hands, with trophies of armour, classical figures and romanesque heads, consisting of pear-shaped cahasset, pauldrons of three plates, four turners, rere and vambraces, elbow-pieces and figured gauntlets, peascod breast-plate, back-plate, tassets of four plates, cuisses, jambs and round-toed solerettes studded with brass-headed rivets — Italian, circa 1585 50 A halberd, with crescent blade, drooping beak and long spike, slightly engraved with scrolls, the haft covered with red velvet ; and a pike 51 A pair of small halberds ; a spontoon ; and a pike ODD FLEMISH, FRENCH AND OTHER TAPESTRY. 52 An Upright Panel, with a frozen river scene below, and peasants killing a pig above, in border of fruits, flowers and utensils — 8 ft. 9 in. by 5 ft. 5 in. 53 A Panel, with infant Bacchanals and Satyrs in the gardens of a palace — 9) ft. 2 in. by Q ft. 8 in. 54 A Panel, with subjects from The Story of Esther, in border with figures, flowers, masks, &c. — 1 ft. 4: in. by 5 ft. Win. ^ 55 A SUITE OF THREE OLD FLEMISH TAPE^TEY / PANELS, comprising ^7 '^^^'^ ^^ ^/T An Oblong Panel, with numerous figures feasting and dancing at the door of an inn, animals, poultry and foliage, in rich border of birds, fruit, foliage, flowers, &c. — 9 ft. by 15 ft. 6 in. Another, with a seaport, figures landing fish, a fortune- teller and peasants — 9 ft. by 9 ft Another^ with a harvest field, angler and peasants — 8 ft. 9 m. by 5/^. 10 in. 56 A Panel, representing David's Sacrifice on the Return of the Ark from Captivity with the Philistines — 7 ft. by 8/^. 3 in. 57 A Panel op Old Flemish Tapestry, representing a winter scene with peasants and buildings, and a man with a dead pig in the >^ o^ foreground, in the style of D. Teniers — 7 ft. 8 in. by 9 ft. 9 in. Is r ,' . 8 58 Another, with a harbour scene, fortress and other buildings and boats, with figures landing fish upon a pier — 7 ft. 8 in. by VI ft. '^ in. ^- y^^ 59 A PANEL OF OLD FEENCH TAPESTET, representing A Sacrifice to Bacchus, from a design by Berain, in scroll foliage border — ^ ft. 11 in. by ^ ft. 4: in. 60 ANOTHEE, with an allegorical subject, en suite — 9/i!. 11 in. by 10 ft. 2 in. 61 A Panel of Mortlake Tapestry, representing a hunting scene //0--Q with equestrian figures and dogs in the foreground, and moun- tains in the distance, in scroll foliage border in the style of Wootton— 10/i!. by \dft.l in. 62 Two Pairs op Curtains and Two Valances, with panels of old white silk brocaded with flowers in colours, in borders of yellow silk and green damask OAK CARVINGS. 63 The Evangelists : a set of four life-sized male busts, carved in oak 64 A smaller ditto, of an ecclesiastic 65 A statuette of a Cardinal QQ The Madonna and Infant Christ 67 A pair of circular panels ; and an ink-stand 67a a crucifix, inlaid and encrusted with mother-o'-pearl, and seven illuminated initial letters — framed MARBLES. 68 A bust of The Rt. Hon. W. Pitt— life size 69 A bust of Moliere — life size 70 Bust of a nobleman, wearing the Order of the Golden Fleece 71 Bust of a gentleman — life size 71a A marble statuette of the piping faun— 20 in. high PICTURES. FABRIS. ^ , 72 View of Rome, from the Tiber 7- /tM^-lot/i^^"^' 73 Portrait of a Gentleman, in a black dress with white collar, C,. holding a book in his left hand, inscribed iEtatis snse 45 A.D.1630 V-.-^" ^ ^ ^ ^ , 74 (Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress and white collar -^ L ? (.»»-yt| FRANCES. 75 A Pair op Pictures, with figures masquerading ^ D. TENIERS (after). 76 Interior of an Inn, with peasant DUTCH. /I / x^jJEMSKIRK. , 78 A Peasant, smoking J '^^^^'Hk^'A 77 Interior, with peasants HEEMSKIRK. S. ROSA. 79 Man's Head A. M. P. 0. 0. 80 The Crucifixion — on co]^]^er finis. ,(lwjy)^C 't _ London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing CrosB. ^)r ^.* S^iC. ^ ^t^"^ ts^aiHH l^e^ ^^^— fl*- '--. v^ ^0 ^ ^.^-.-^ ".S^^ .,1 - "^.^. 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