I FIRST STRPS IN EGYPTIAN Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/firststepsinegypOObudg FIRST STEPS IN EGYPTIAN A BOOK FOR BEGINNERS E. A. WALLIS BUDGE, Litt. D., KEEPER OE THE EGYPTIAN AND ASSYRIAN ANTIQUITIES, imiTISH MUSEUM LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Ltd. PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHARING CROSS ROAD BY 1895. PREFACE. The widespread interest in Egyptology which has sprung up during the last few years has produced an increased demand for books upon every branch of the science ; Egyptologists have striven to meet this demand, and the wants of almost every class of student have been adequately supplied. Only the beginner has been somewhat forgotten. One of the chief obstacles to the study of the Egyptian language is the want of suitable material for elementary work, that is to say editions of texts of all periods of Egyptian history, which may be obtained easily and at a reasonable price. The main sources of information on ancient Egypt must always be such works as the Description dc I'Jigypte, the Denbmiler, the Select Papyri in the Plieratic Character in the British Museum, the editions of texts by Mariette, etc. ; but these are only to be found in large libraries, and their great cost puts them out of the reach of all but the few. Moreover, many of the most important texts in them have been republished with corrections and emendations, and they have formed the subjects of special studies by various scholars who have issued the results of their labours either in the form of independent treatises or as contributions to serial archaeo- logical periodicals. Thus there has grown up around the sub- ject a large and scattered literature which the beginner cannot penetrate alone without loss of time. The following pages have been drawn up with the view of helping the beginner to take his first steps in Egyptian. In X PREFACE. brief, they contain a sketch of the commonest and most useful facts connected with the writing and grammar, short lists of the signs and determinatives which occur most frequently, a short vocabulary of about five hundred common words, a series of thirty-one texts and extracts, with interlinear transliteration and word for word translation, which belong to the period that lies between B. C. 4200 and 200, and a few untransliterated and untranslated texts, with glossary, to be worked out independently. The Introduction is intended to enable the beginner to use with advantage and with little loss of time any of the grammars which he will find in English, French and German, and it is hoped that the frequent examples of words in it will make him familiar with the use of the alphabetic and syllabic signs and determinatives. The hieroglyphic texts which follow the In- troduction include examples of the chief divisions of Egyptian literature, historical, funeral, religious, moral, mythological, etc., and the aim has been to give passages which are at once in- teresting and complete in themselves. The translations have been made as literal as possible. To learn the hieroglyphic characters and words the beginner is recommended to write them out frequently. Nothing will help him so much in this direction as copying inscriptions, and nothing will teach him the values of the signs and the mean- ings of determinatives and words so well as constant practice in writing and reading texts. He should note, too, that a few new words learnt correctly each day will, in a short time, enable him to read new texts. E. A. WALLIS BUDGE. London, August 3i, 1895. CONTENTS. PAGE. Preface ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... V Part I. Introduction : — Egyptian Writing ... ... ... ... ... i Alphabetic signs ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Syllabic signs ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 — ii Determinatives ... ... ... ... ... ... ii — 22 Pronouns ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 — 24 Nouns ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 — 26 The Article ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 — 3o Adjectives ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3o — 32 Numbers ... ... ... 32 — 34 Measures ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 34 Time, divisions of ... ... ... ... ... 35 The Year 35 The Verb ... 36 — 42 The Adverb ... ... ... ... ... ... 42 Prepositions and Conjunctions ... ... ... 43 — 46 Particles 46 —48 A list of common words to be learnt ... ... ... 48 — 71 Egyptian Gods and Goddesses 71 — 75 Part II. Texts with interlinear transliteration and word for word translation : — I. Extracts from the Prisse Papyrus ... ... ... 79—85 See Prisse d'Avcnnes, Facsimile d'un papyrus egypiieti XII CONTENTS. PAGE. en caraderes hieratiques, Paris, 1847 ; and Virey, Etudes sur le Papyrus Prisse, Paris, 1887. 2. Extracts from the pyramid texts of Unas and Teta 86 — 94 See Maspero, Recueil de Travaux, tomm. Ill, IV and V, Paris, 1882, i883, 1884. 3. Inscription from the tomb of Heru-khuf at Aswan 95 — 98 See Schiaparelli, Una tomba Egiziana {Atti della R. Ac- cademia dei Lincei, anno GGLXXXIX., Ser. 4^, Classe di Scienzie Morali, t. X. Roma, 1893, pp. 22 — 53). 4. Inscription from the stele of Abu ... ... ... 99 — 102 See Maspero, Recueil de Travaux, tom. Ill, p. 115 f. 5. Inscription of Ata ... ... ... ... ... io3 6. Inscription from the tomb of Khnemu-Hetep at Beni-hasan ... ... ... ... ... ... 104 — 105 See Newberry, Befit Hasan, pt. i. Lond., 1893, pi. 41. 7. Inscriptions from the tomb of Ameni-em-hat at Be- ni-Hasan ... ... ... ... 106 — ii3 See Newberry, op. cit., pll. 8, 11, etc. 8. Stories of the reigns of Seneferu and Khufii ... 114 — 125 For the hieratic text, transcript, etc., see Erman, Die Aldrchen des Papyrus Westcar, Berl., 1890, pll. 6, 7. 9. The Life of Amasis, the naval officer, as told by himself ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 126 — 137 See Lepsius, Denkmdler, Abth. Ill, BI. 11, and for the last translation by Brugsch see Egypt under the Pharaohs, vol. i, p. 249 ff. 10. The Harper's Lament ... ... ... ... i38 — 140 See Stern, Aegyptische Zeitschrift, 1873, p. 60. 11. The Battle of Megiddo ... ... ... ... 141 — 155 See Maspero, Recueil de Travaux, tom. II, p. 51 ff. 12. Speech of Amen-Ra to Thothmes III. ... ... 156 — 167 Sec Mariette, Karnak, Leipzig, 1875, pl^te 11; and Brugsch, Geschichte Aegyptens, Leipz., 1877, p. 352 ff. CONTENTS. XIII PAGE. 1 3. Address of Thothmes III to Osiris (Book of the Dead, Chap. CLIV) i68— 171 See Naville, Todienhuch, Bd. i. Bl. 179. 14. Specimens of the Maxims of Ani ... ... ... 172 — 178 See Chahas, Egyptologie , Chalons - sur - Saone, 1874 ; Amelineau, La Morale egyptieime, Paris, 1892. 15. Hymn to Osiris ... ... ... ... ... 179 — 188 See Ledrain, Monuments Egypiiens, PI. XXII ff. ; and Chabas, Revue Archeologique, 1857, p. 65. 16. Inscription from the Stele of Tehuti-nefer ... 189 — 193 See Maspero, Recueil de Travaux, tom. Ill, p. 122, tom. IV, p. 125. 17. Inscription from the Stele of Tchanni ... ... 194 — 195 See Maspero, Recueil de IVavaux, tom. IV, p. i3o. 18. Inscription from the Stele of Sesh ... ... 196 — 199 See Maspero, Recueil de Travaux, tom. IV, p. 127. 19. Inscription from a sepulchral Stele ... ... 200 — 201 See Piehl, Recueil de Travaux, tom. I, p. 197. 20. Inscription from the Stele of Amen-hctcp ... 202 — 2o3 See Piehl, Recueil de Travaux, tom. II, p. 124. 21. Hymn to the god of the Nile ... ... ... 204 — 211 See Birch, Select Papyri, pi. XX f. ; Maspero, Hymne an Nil, Paris, 1868. 22. Examples of the Proverbs of Tuauu-f-sc-Kharthai 212 — 217 See Birch, Select Papyri, pll. XV— XX, CXXVIII— CXXXIV ; and Maspero, Du Genre Epistolaire, Paris, 1872. 23. The Destruction of Mankind 218 — 23o See Lefebure, Tombeau de Seti I, part IV, pll. 15 — 18 ; Brugsch, Die neue Weltordnung, Berlin, 1881 ; Na- ville, Trans. Sac. Bihl Arch., vol. IV, p. i ff., vol. VIII, p. 41 2 ff. ; Wiedemann, Die Religion der alien Aegypter, p. 32 ff. XIV CONTENTS. PAGE. 24. The War of Rameses II. against the Kheta ... 23 1 — 284 See Guieyesse, Recueil de Travaux, torn. VIII, pp. i36, iBg. 25. Hymn to Ra (Book of the Dead, Chap. XV) ... 235—238 See Naville, Todtenbuch, Bd. I. Bl. 16. 26. Numbers from the papyrus of Rameses III. ... 239 — 240 See Birch, Facsimile of an Egyptian Hieratic Papyrtis, London, 1876. 27. The Legend of Ra and Isis ... ... ... 241 — 256 See Pleyte and Rossi, Papyrus de Turin, pll. 3i, 77, i3i — 8; \.Q.{€^vc!:^^ Aegyptische Sprache, i883, p. 27; Wiedemann, Die Religion, p. 29 f. 28. From the Monument of Uah-ab-Ra em khu ... 257 See Piehl, Recueil de Travaux, tom. Ill, p. 28. 29. Texts from the sarcophagus of Patepep 257 — 260 See Bergmann, Recueil de Travaux, tom. Ill, pp. 148—152. 30. The Legend of the Seven Years' Famine in Egypt 261 — 268 See Brugsch, Die hiblischen siehen Jahre der Hungers- noth, Leipzig, 1891. 31. From an Inscription of Ptolemy V. 269 — 272 See Bouriant, Recueil de Travaux, tom. VI, p. i ff. Part III. Egyptian Texts untransliterated and untranslated* ... 275 — 289 Glossary ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 291 — 32i * These texts are taken from the Papyrus of Nebseni, the Papyrus of Ani (2nd edition), Lieblein, Que mon nom fleurisse, Birch, Egyptian Antiquities at Alnwick Castle, etc. A LIST OF EGYPTIAN GRAMMARS. Champollion (le Jeune), Grammaire Egypiienne ou principes generaux ^ de Vecriture sacree Egyptienne appliquee a la repre- sentation de la langue parlee, puhliee sur le ma- nuscrit autographe, Paris, fol. MDCCCXXXVI. Birch, S. Hieroglyphic Grammar (Published in Bunscn, Egypt's Place in Universal History, Vol. V, pp. 590 — 716, London, 1867). Rouge, Emmanuel de, Chrestomathie Egyptienne ou Choix de Textes Egyp liens transcrits, et precedes d'un abrege gramniatical. Fasc. i, Paris, 1867 ; fasc. 2, Paris, 1868 ; fasc. 3 and 4, Paris, 1875, 1876. Brugsch, H. ■ Hieroglyphische Grammatik, Leipzig, 1872. Renouf, P. le Page, An Elementary Grammar of the a?icient Egyptian language in the hieroglyphic type, London, 1875. Rossi, Francesco, Grammatica Copto- Geroglifica con nn appendice dei principali segni sillahici e del loro sigiiificato, Roma-Torino-Firenze, 1877. Erman, A. Neudgyptische Gravunatik, Leipzig, 1880. Coemans, E. M. Manuel de la langue Egyptienne, Gand et Paris, 1887. Loret, V. Manuel de la langue Egyptienne, Paris, 1889. Erman, E. Egyptian Grammar with table of signs, bibliography, exercises for reading and glossary, London, 1894. Published in German and in English. The English translation is by J. H. Breasted. DICTIONARIES. Birch, S. Dictionary of Hieroglyphics (Published in Bunsen's Egypt's Place in Universal History, vol. V, pp. 337 — 5^6, London, 1867. Brugsch, H. Hieroglyphisch-Demotisches Worterhuch enthaltend in wisseii- schaftlicher Anordnung die gehrduchlichsten Worter und Gruppen der heiligen und der Volkssprache und Schrift der alien Aegypter, Bdd. I — IV, Leipzig, 1867, 68. Do. Do. Do. Do., Bd. V— 7, Leipzig, 1880. Pierret, P. Vocahulaire Hieroglyphique, Paris, 1875. Levi, S. Vocaholario geroglifico copto-ebraico, tomm. I — VII. To- rino, 1887 — 1889. INTRODUCTION. The first decipherer who succeeded in assigning correct values to any of the Egyptian picture signs or hieroglyphics was Dr. Tho- mas Young, who already in 1818 had given to six ^ characters Kgyptlan decipher- values which are accepted at the present time ; the values of ment. three others ^ were correctly stated as far as the consonants are concerned. Four years later M. Jean Francois ChampoUion pub- lished a complete system of decipherment, and was the hrst European in modern times who was able to translate Egyptian inscriptions and to understand them. He recovered the long lost alphabet, and deduced the values of many of the syllabic signs from a careful and exhaustive examination of all the names and titles of Greek and Roman kings of Egypt which are found written in hieroglyphic characters, and from the bilingual inscrip- tions in Greek and Egyptian which are found on an obelisk that stood originally'^ on the island of Philae, and on the famous Rosetta Stone now preserved in the British Museum.* 2 Vi:(., and |1 which he read bir, ole, and osh or o.^ alphabetic signs. % (kh) J or w i 1 1 or u ^ (sh) P A q f S ^ or f m t AAAAAA or U d^^l / <=z> or r and / L s=5 6 (th) m h ^ /'(tch) The values given above are those of one of the many systems of transliteration which have been proposed since the decipher- ment of the Egyptian hieroglyphics, and though it is probable ^ For proofs of this statement see J. de Rouge, Memoire sur Vorigine Egyp- tienne de V Alphabet Phenicien, Paris, 1874, 820 ; Dr. Maunde Thompson, Hand- book to Greek and Latin Palaeography, London, 1893, plate facing p. 10 ; INTRODUCTION. 7 that a few of them will eventually be modified, they are suffi- ciently simple and accurate to be retained for some time. It is Affinity of Egyptian evident from the above signs that we are dealing with an al- and Semi- phabet which resembles that of Phoenici an or Hebrew, Syriac, j-jg^g. Arabic, and the like, and it is equally clear that only the con- sonants which constitute the pith and substance of the language were set down as real letters, whilst, of the vowel-sounds, only the fuller ones, and even those not always, were represented by certain consonants. The pronunciation of Egyptian words was, of course, known to the educated in all periods, but curiously enough the Egyptians never invented a system of marks like the "points" in Arabic, Hebrew, and Syriac, whereby the correct Conso- nants used vocalisation of every word was preserved. Speaking generally, for vowels, the three primary vowel sounds A, I, U, were represented by and and these are practically equivalent to the Hebrew letters K, \ and ) ; for the other signs ^ — d may be transcribed in Hebrew by p ayin, Jj by D, □ by £, by ^, ^ ^^AA/w^ by J, "good" is usually transcribed nefer, ^ 7itr "God" by neter, and so on. Ideographic signs, i. e., those which express an idea, are some- times to be interpreted literally, and sometimes symbolically, thus ^ se^ "nest", seyd "field", ^ dneh "wall", j| texen "obelisk", are examples of ideographs which are to be under- stood literally ; but the musical instrument J is symbolic of "happiness", the seal g of "treasure", the instrument of "God", the bier of "death", and so on. The phonetic values of ideographic signs were employed in the spelling of words without any reference to the original ideo- graphic meaning. Thus ^^^x., the picture of a digging tool, the phonetic value of which is mer, is found in the words ^ ^ ^ mer "to love", ^ meri "tree", -- mer "eye", simply because it has the syllabic value of mer. Again v.^-^, the picture of a branch of a tree, is found in the words em yet "after", and ^ yd "to engrave", etc., but only as a syl- labic value. In theory every hieroglyphic could be used both as an ideograph and as a syllable. Some ideographs have more than one phonetic value, in which case they are called poly- phones, and many different ideographs have similar values, in which case they are called homophones. The following signs and their values should be learnt by heart : — List of signs with their phonetic values. a5 I ser qa qet dr fa heh ufa u ka hps tat 0 yen dmen dn dn, dt yer art A □ md tep hu neyt hrd, her sept h D td INTRODUCTION. ^ XU ^ hd ^ qem ^ feser ^ ^ ti \ ''^^ 1 '''' K '''' ,-==0) A-a, viel ten ^^^^^ ^ y^^^^ ^^"-^ /^''^/ ^^^^^ meh km mest'cr ^^^'^ A ^-/z setem 1) w^ziz/, ^ ks (kms) \/ dp ^ «>, sa dtc tcpd sebck 1^ ser ^ peh ^ Men j-rt^ I z/^^^w^, nem 3gp J^/ ^ heru, bak qem nefer ^ ba \^ net, bat ^ du yu ^ Xeper ^ ka dq I ^zz/^j; krd yd ^ db ^ ur ^ hen lO INTRODUCTION. List of ^ signs with their phonetic values. o I kerh dat Behen rd yii, diu (?) hem 1^ ddh sba ta set (semt) tu sept dteb i"^^^ usext seh m heb dneb ^ M jj diiset nemmat tep aa r □ db nu per per yeriL het dhd kmer, pet aba ma <=«=>^ meh ®\ seqh (?) ^ c^srx^ kt, seset A /em us secern Xerp men, d?nen db, mer seteb met fa des, res qes sah nef hemt dba meii% ya sam ut'a ii T f J nefer M hes secern 1^^^ men r 1 mad her ^ fiet or bdt meh ip ^« —(0— j/iZ net, * ^ j-^/^z/^/ (?) setep 1 INTRODUCTION. XZX Q 8 © Q A net sa dper ?iub her st?iu, usm yaker sett anx sep paid ycmt sept A X tciij ur, hs Lfl 7ner ^==> teheji hes Xejit qehh hen md \j ad, usei \f ba 3 tettd,pex Q ta -n- qcn, fa fa i ^ . hetep da Q dp 0 mi an nem Determinatives. jvj dm ud, uhd yer hem 2^ nef aha yent ' ' mdten seyet As long as the Egyptians used picture writing pure and simple their meaning was easily understood, but when they began to spell their words with alphabetic signs and syllabic values of picture signs which had no reference whatever to the original meaning of the signs, it was at once found necessary to indicate in some way the meaning and even sounds of many of the words so written ; this they did by adding to them signs which we call determinatives. It is impossible to say when the Egyptians first began to add determinatives to their words, but all hiero- List of signs with their phonetic values. 12 INTRODUCTION. Great antiquity of the use of deter- minatives. glyphic inscriptions known contain them, and it would seem that they originated in prehistoric times. It is, however, clear that they occur less frequently in the texts of the earlier than of the later dynasties. The following example will show how determinatives were added, and how ideographs were spelled out in alphabetic signs, and what alterations were made when ancient texts were copied by scribes. (I) " — ^ ^ (2) (1) (2) AAAAAA AAAAAA 1 1 Meanings of words indicated by deter- minatives. (0 (2) ^ I !\ AAAAAA . The version given in (i) is from the pyramid of Unas, the last king of the Vth dynasty, and that in (2) is from a coffin of the Xlth or Xllth dynasty (see Maspero, J^ec. de Trav., t. Ill, p. 201). It frequently happened that two or more words of different meanings had the same sound ; in such cases the proper deter- minative is most useful in determining the exact sense of a word. Thus I " ° dhd "to stand", and ^ " ° dhd "boat", are two words having the same sound but different meanmgs ; m the one case a pair of legs j\ is the determinative, and in the other ^1 I 1 T I I 1^ I I 1 1 I 1 1 a boat Similarly ■ men 'to abide", and men "to be ill", are distinguished in meaning by the determina- INTRODUCTION. i3 tive of abstract ideas, and by "^^^ the determinative of evil or discomfort. Determinatives may be divided into two groups : those which General determine a single species, and those which determine a whole ^^^^ deter- class. Examples of the first group are teien "obelisk", minatives. se§ "nest , aa "donkey", etc. ; strictly speak- ing this group consists of pictures of objects preceded by the words for them written in alphabetic and syllabic characters. Of general determinatives the following are the most used : — Character Determinative of to call man or speak, and whatever is done with the mouth inertness woman ' god, what is divine goddess tree plant, flower earth, land Character Determinative of i6. LU LUl, Sld> 17. % fire, to burn 18. odour 19. to overthrow 20. Strength 21. A actions performed with the legs 22. ? flesh 23. animal 24- bird 25. evil, little Common deter- minatives. 26. <0^ ^'^^ Mt "to slay" is determined by "something which is hacked to pieces", and s Q "strength" ; ^ >^ 0 ^ ^ "carrier of milk" is determined by =D= "liquid", s and ^ "man' determined by 'man", and "a knife", fa mdhani "strength", I reyit "rational beings" is the phonetic value of which is reyit^ 'woman", and |, the sign of the plural. A large number of words are written without any determina- ted "with ".1 m "in", mdk "verily", etc. ; these and similar common words were probably thought to need no determinative. Many words are spelt wholly with alphabetic characters, e. g., "lily", [| EDU] "stone", | heqt "beer", etc. ; but the greater number AAAAAA "left side seseni .^111 are written with a mixture of alphabetic and syllabic signs, which, though eventually helpful in showing the correct reading of the words, are at first confusing. Thus dm "to eat" is written INTRODUCTION. 17 -jj-^ and -jj-^^^ i, e., dm + which does not mean that we are to read the word d7Jim^ but only dm^ the was only added to help the reader to give the sound of the word readily ; similarly mestem "eye-paint" is written ^^^:^>=, i. e., mesfem -\- vi ; and merer "to love" is written 7}ier -\- r -\- r^ etc. For convenience' sake wx may call such alphabetic helps to the reading of wwds "phonetic complements". Many examples occur of words which are practically written twice, once in al- phabetic and once in syllabic signs, ^. ^ ^^ol! ^^^^^^'^ "goddesses", wherein to neter are added the signs ier and the determinative of divinity; ^Jj^^^*^^^^ ^^'^ "courtyard of a temple" wherein we have the signs ^ '^'^ Jj -h <^ + ^ ; ^t^iv J ^'^^^ "^he god Tmu", where we have o / -[~ ^^^t-tt tem ^\ m ; T nefer "good", where we have I nefer -\- / -\- <:zz> r ; a^^vw^ A\ neheh "eternity", where we have aaaaaa ;/ -|- nch -|~ ^ + ^ ; Pd'^^~a~ "^^'^ "^^ where we have p ^ -j- ^ / -f- ^ ta -\- "vx a -\~ — sta ; ^ X^/^^ "to come into being", where we have ® % -|- □ /> + ^ y^eper -\- <^=> r, etc. The values of many characters have been ascertained by means , ■' Import- of the variant readings which are found in different copies of ance of variant the same text ; compare the following : — readings. i8 INTRODUCTION. Extract from a text analysed. J' hru ddahei seha ha leperd We have now seen how ideographs and alphabetic and syl- labic phonetic signs, and determinatives may be used in writing words, let us now take a connected passage from a text and observe how the hieroglyphics are arranged therein. l5» AAAAAA 0 0 h./\N\N\ I I I I X ^ I I \ T ^AAAAA I AAA.\AA In the first place we must break the extract up into words, for whether written horizontally or perpendicularly the words of an inscription are never separated from each other by the Egyptians. Thus we have : — ^ AA/W\A ^ I 5t I AA A* I I i *l t >=^f ^ rn/ I AAAAAA II IJJ I J\ At ^ I INTRODUCTION. 19 T ^ -s^^ — ^ ^ The determinatives are marked by * and the syllabic /SAAAAA values by ; the remaining signs are alphabetic. The passage may be transliterated : — du dri-nd heseset red hereret neteru hers du td-nd tail en heqer sesa-d dt du §es-nd Heru em per-f dn dd re-d em knit dn pet em nevimat-d §em-d her-sa yent dri-nd em madt mer en suten, and read : — "I have done {du dri-nd) what is pleasing {heseset) to men {reO)^ and what is gratifying [hereret) unto the gods {neterii) ; because of it {her-s) I have given {du td-ftd) cakes {tau) to {eii) the hungry {heqer)^ I have satisfied {sesa-a) the poor and needy {dt)^ I have followed {du ks-nd) Horus (Heru) in {evi) his house {per-f)^ not {an) magnifying {da] my mouth {re-a) against {eni) nobles {ktiit), not {d7t) making long {pet) in {em) my stride {nemmat-a)^ I walked {km-d) according {her-sa) to the step of measure {xe?it)^ I wrought {dri-nd) according to {e?n) what was right and true {madt)^ which was beloved {iner) by {eii) the king {suten)^ It has been shown on p. 17 how variant readings supply the o/findh'ig correct values of many syllabic signs, and it is self-evident that tl^c mcan- the probable meaning of many words can be at once known by words, the determinatives which follow them, but there remains a large number of words the exact meaning of which cannot be exactly stated by the help of the hieroglyphics only. The early deci- pherers of the cuneiform inscriptions, when once they had ob- tained the alphabetic and syllabic values of the signs, relied largely on their knowledge of the languages cognate to that which they were studying for help in determining verbal forms, j^^p^j.^ and for a supply of roots which, having made allowances for ance of cognate change in letters, etc., they believed would give them a clue to languages the meanings which they sought. Thus Sir Henry Rawlinson p^^erment relied upon Zend and Sanskrit in his immortal work on the ^} cunei- ^ rorm and Behistun Inscription, and Norris and others succeeded in de- hierogly- phic in- ciphering Babylonian and Assyrian inscriptions by the help of scriptions. 20 INTRODUCTION. Great value of Coptic. Ancient Egyptian words preserved in Coptic. Hebrew and other Semitic dialects. Now although Egyptian is, in many particulars, similar to the great family of Semitic languages, yet among them all there is none which is as val- uable in explaining its words and grammar as are Zend and Sanskrit to the Persian cuneiform inscriptions, and as are Hebrew, Syriac, and Chaldee to the cuneiform inscriptions which are written in the Semitic dialects of the ancient dwellers in the land which lay between the Tigris and Euphrates. We must, then, look elsewhere for help in determining the meaning of Egyptian words, and we find it in the language called Coptic, i. e., the Egyptian language of the Graeco-Roman period which is written in Greek letters, and has been preserved for us chiefly by the ecclesiastical literature of the Egyptian Christians. Early in the first quarter of this century Champollion found it of the greatest value in deciphering the hieroglyphic inscriptions, in- deed it is most probable that without the great knowledge of Coptic which he possessed his labours would never have been crowned with such brilliant success ; the value of the study of this language remains undiminished for the purposes of Egyptian philology, and every student of hieroglyphics should make him- self acquainted with as much of it as possible.^ It is not possible to say when the Egyptian language was first written in Greek letters ; some believe the Bible to have been translated into Coptic in the second and others in the eighth century of our era. Be that as it may, it is a fact that Coptic has preserved a large number of the words which are found in ancient hieroglyphic inscriptions, and when an allow- ance has been made for phonetic decay and for the changes of letters which occur in all dialects of cognate languages, it is found that the meanings of words suggested by their deter- minatives are confirmed, that new ones are supplied, that many ^ The beginner will find SteindorfF's Koptische Grammatik, Berlin, 1894, a very useful book ; it contains 64 pages of Coptic text and a vocabulary which will carry him on to larger works. INTRODUCTION. 21 grammatical forms, etc., can be identified, and. that the vowels which are added to the words in Coptic indicate the correct vocalization. Where there exists no Coptic equivalent of a word, the meaning of which cannot be decided by its determinative, the sense of that word can only be guessed at. The following examples show the close connection of Egyptian and Coptic words. Egyptian ^ 1 AAAAAA AJ n ^ A/WW\ hrd face Coptic body ^HT ren name pet heaven yattir ichneumon nehet sycamore baa 671 pet iron yeper to be UJCOUI erteb because of fa to carry remd man re mouth poo qend bosom dtf father eiooT Egyptian and Coptic words compared. ^ The Coptic alphabet is as follows :— is. a, b, v- g, ^ d, c 5 j^, H -© th, 1 i, K k, \ I, M. m, n «, 5 x, 00,11/7, p r, z s, r t, t y, r|> ph, 'y^ kh, ^ ps. to u, uj sh, q /, * !}, h, 2^ dj, (f tch, \ ti. 22 INTRODUCTION. JAAAAAA o "men", (| o o dt "wheat", J^f f f ^eiet "barley", ^^"^ ooQ ^^^^^^ "humours", '^^ ^ ^ q huttul "young women", P^fflolo ''^^'^ "fields", ^i^^ one sixteenth of an arura \ erma, one thirty- second part of an arura. (3) Dry measure : — ^ ° = 74 ^^^^^ '■> ^ ^ ^^^''^ = V20 of a litre ; [J tendt = 20 hin ; .-'"^ ^i/)/ = 40 : {\ hetep AAAAAA = 160 hin. (a) Of weii^ht : — \m den ; \ get = one tenth of a Q AAAAAA 1 [mm 6'^?/; ; — V128 of a Oen. INTRODUCTION. 35 Time. The principal divisions of time are : \ hat second ir or -^^^ unnut hour cU AAAAAA"^© dhet set henti tetta month period of 3o years period of 120 years eternity O ra ^ at hru mmute day O renpit year hen heh heh period of 60 years a long period of time a million of years. In an interesting inscription quoted by Brugsch (Thesaurus, Abth. II., p. 195) the god Thoth, addressing one of the Ptole- mies says that he has ordained the sovereignty of the royal house for a period of time equal to: — ^^^^ ^' ^ I.® ^ SiS^S^ GO0 ]]] JJJ that is, "an eternity of periods of 120 years o nnn ^ o "and an indefinite number of periods of 3o years, and millions "of years, and ten millions of months, and hundreds of thousands "of days, and tens of thousands of hours, and thousands of mi- "nutes, and hundreds of seconds, and tens of third parts of "seconds." The year, ^^^^ |"o reiipit, consisted of twelve months of thirty days each (or thirty-six weeks of ten days each), to which were added five additional days to make up 865 days ^(^(^ ra o nnn Each month was dedicated to a god. The twelve months were divided into three seasons of four months each ; T^T»T ^ ^at = time of inundation and period of sowing, ' O I w ^ O pert = time of "coming forth" or growing, and aaaaaa ^ ^e??iut = time of harvest and beginning of inundation. The Copts, or 3* 36 INTRODUCTION. Egyptian Christians, have preserved, in a corrupt form, the old Egyptian names of the months, which read : — Thoth Paopi Hathor Khoiak Tobi Mekhir Phamenoth Pharmuthi Pakhon Paoni Epep Mesore O mil j ^ hru tuau heru rettpit "the five days over the year". Thoth, the first month of the Egyptian year, began on the 29th of August. The verb. The consideration of the Egyptian verb, or stem-word, is a difficult subject which can only be properly illustrated by a large number of extracts from texts of all periods. Egyptologists have, moreover, agreed neither as to the manner in which it should be treated, nor as to the classification of the forms which have been distinguished. The older generation of scholars were un- decided as to the class of languages under which the Egyptian ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I " I AAAAAA I /WW\A 0 MM " - XOI^'^ I o o INTRODUCTION. 37 language should be placed, and contented themselves with point- ing out grammatical forms analogous to those in Coptic, and perhaps in some of the Semitic dialects ; but the modern Ger- man Egyptologists boldly affirm the relationship of Egyptian to the Semitic family of languages, and the most recent exponent of this view applies the nomenclature of the Semitic verb or The stcm- stem-word to that of Egyptian. word. The Egyptian stem -word may be indifferently a verb or a noun ; thus ^ y^eper means both "to be", and the "thing which hath come into being" ; so likewise J nefer may mean "to be good", and a ."thing which is good", and placed after a noun it becomes the adjective "good", as we see from the following : — J p ^ p ^ ^ ^ ;/^y;r set her dh-sen "good is it for their hearts" ; J '^^^ t^^^! ren-k nefer em rey en seru "thy name is good in the opinion of princes" ; ^ J hru nefer "a good day" ; with the addition of the prefix Jj ^ bu, nefer means "prosperity", "good- ness", "happiness", e. g., bu - 7iefer yeper em bu - ban prosperity turneth into adversity. Returning to the word yeper : by the addition of ^ d we The stem- 1 O^kR. u^ 15 UT 5' 1 1 J J- • r 1^ WOXA with have I am , or I was ; by the addition ot ^3^^ additions, the stem-word has a participial meaning like "being" or "be- coming" ; by the addition of ^| I in the masc. and 0} 1 in the fem. yeper becomes a noun in the plural meaning "things which exist", "created things", and the like ; by the addition of (j ^ a we have ^ (j ^ yeperd "the god to whom it belongeth to make things come into being", etc. Stem-words in Egyptian, like those in Hebrew and other Se- mitic dialects, consist of two, three, four and five consonants, as examples of which may be cited qem "to find". 38 INTRODUCTION. Biliteral roots. Formation of other roots. Uncertain- ty of pro- nuncia- tion. The Causative. ^ y^esef "to drive back", 1 ® I ^ ^ A seise-j^ "to flee", / — ^ nemesmes "to heap up". The stem-words with three consonants, which are ordinarily regarded as triliteral roots, may be re- duced to two consonants, w^hich were pronounced by the help of some vowel between ; these we may call primary or biliteral roots. Originally all roots consisted of one syllable. By the addition of feeble consonants in the middle or at the end of the monosyllabic root, or by repeating the second consonant roots of three letters were formed. Roots of four consonants are formed by adding a fourth consonant or by combining two roots of tw^o letters ; and so on. Speaking generally, the Egyptian verb has no conjugations or species, like Hebrew and the other Semitic dialects, and no Perfect (Preterite) or Imperfect (Future) tenses, but Dr. Erman believes in the existence of the Infinitive and Imperative Moods and of a Participle. The exact pronun- ciation of a great many verbs must always remain unknown, because the Egyptians never invented a system of vocalisation like the Massorah of the sages of Tiberias, or like the additions and the modifications in the forms of the letters to express the vowels adopted by the Ethiopians, or even any means of in- dicating the chief vowel sounds like the Syrians and Arabs ; but very good guesses may sometimes be made by the help of the Coptic forms of words which are common to the two languages. There is in Egyptian a derivative formation of the word- stem or verb, which is made by the addition of — ^ or 1 1 to the simple form of the verb, and which has a causative signification ; se-dni "to vivify" ; ^""^ - '•^"" t ® |«-^^z"tolive", [1^ dh "to wash", 1 / I aaaaaa se-dh "to purify" ; aaaaaa AAAAAA aaaaaa vien "to abide". se-men to perpetuate 1 1 hetep "to rest, be at leper "to be". peace", jl ■ se - hetep "to pacify" ; se-xeper "to bring into being", etc. In Coptic the caus- ative is expressed both by a prefixed s and / (see Stern, Koptische INTRODUCTION. 39 Gram. J § 828, p. 157 ; Steindorff, Kopiische Grammatik, § 23o, p. io3 f.). The verb is usually inflected by the addition of the pronom- Inflection, inal personal suffixes ; e. g., Sing. I com. „ 2 m. 5J 2 f. „ 3 m. „ 3 f. Plur. I „ 2 com. „ 3 com. I I I 0 1^ I I I The commonest auxiliary verbs are rey^-a nehem-k m-t sat-f qem-s dri-n init-ien yeper-sen dhd "to stand", un "to be", n ^ du "to be", ^ dri "to do", ^ 0 td "to give" ; examples of their use are : — dhd en se-dhd hen en siiten net Seneferu Stood up made to arise the of the king of the Seneferu, majesty North and South I. (?., when king Huni w^as dead Seneferu set himself up as king of all Egypt. (2) un Was pa the 000 j' /\AAAAA ^ I id en Qemt nd of Egypt yad em left in \\ riiti a state of ruin. 40 INTRODUCTION. (3) l]<^ III I du - sen her ret em Were they growing into sauahu sen persea trees two. (4) em dri meh ah - k ay^etii kai Do not make to fill thy heart [with] the weahh of another. (5) ^ I I I I I I setem-un tdii-d dmamu - ten em Listen ye, I will give (?*. e., make) to look you at nai-d my 1^ dorious works. As so many examples occur in the texts at the end of the hook the following limited number of extracts must suffice to illustrate the simplest use of the verb : — 1i 2 5 ^-i ^ neter aa yfp^^ tesef Ra pu em the god great the creator of himself. Ra it is when iihen - f nuk sef 7'eyi - hid tuau he riseth. I am yesterday, I know to-morrow. nuk I am 4. 'wvwv iu en tu Came one raj INTRODUCTION. O 41 ked en heii-f md hrii neh em t'et Sent his majesty day every saying : — au He sejaneji - nef sehtet breached the wall. 8. mj uhen - nef mit-f he overthrew the town. ! 9. aha en heh Sent en hen-f en hau aha his majesty to the nobles. I I I en sen dri mdtet They did so. J I I M A ^tn=ir_M^ hun-re temt pa outside lest the 10. A <= em dri per er Do not make a going =1: I imd her sea be for dfa - t seizing thee, yier an au-a rey^-a for not do I know AAAA/V (5. pa nntu-d set because I am a woman hemt nehemii - t emma-f I [how] to deliver thee from it, fi \ 0 md qetii - t like unto thee. 1 1 dn-f her He was to 12. I )^eper 7nd un-nef become as he had been. AAAAAA AAAAAA tin dn ¥{ Did vi> " AAAAAA lid qendii one embrace {i. e., they em- 42 INTRODUCTION. I I I i3. ^ AAAAAA A/WW\ j i O 111^ en sen ud dm - sen §em pu drit one of them. A going forth they made, braced each other) A I - have na er come to I §e em the lake in maa see AAAAAA ^ nehmet the boat neteru the gods. fa - k[ud] I have sailed ^ i6. nehem Deliver AAyWV\ I I I ten ye on me. AAAAAA l\N\N\l\ N\M\N\ I 7 . l\NsN\/\ r^j^lsj^ liiiUiU Not will I open to thee, not will I let A dq - k enter thee her-d iiiimii an dri aa en sha over me, saith the guard of the step (?) of door □ AAAAAA pen this, fet - nek AAAAAA c:— i; ren-d maati except thou tellest my name. The two eyes netesu fail mesterui dnieru the two ears become stopped. Adverbs. In Egyptian the prepositions and certain substantives and adjectives to which <=> er is prefixed take the place of adverbs ; INTRODUCTION. 43 e.g., the preposition [|^^ "in" becomes the adverb "there". Other examples of adverbs are : — <::^ Jj ^ ^ £^ er bunre "outside" ; <:zz> [j ; er dqer "very much", "exceed- er da ur "very much indeed", "exceed- ingly", ingly". Prepositions. Prepositions, which may also be used adverbially, are simple and compound. The simple prepositions are : — aaaaaa en for, to, in, because ; em from, out of, in, into, on, of, among, as, conformably to, as, with, in the state of, if, when, and em some- times introduces a quotation ; er to, into, against, by, at, from, every, each, until ; or her upon, in, besides, from. yer under, with ; Via of, from, by ; x^^^^ ^ heiid yeft in the face of, before, at the time of ; for, at, by reason of ; ^ t^P upon ; yer from, with, under, during ; with ; J ii yent in front of ; ami amon£? ter snice ^ ha behind ; ^ (j ^^^^^ \ an a particle placed between the verb and the subject. Some compound prepositions are : em aqa em dh em udu emem in recompense for, in conse- quence of in the midst, opposite (?) opposite, against alone e?n uah her in addition to em hah before, in the presence of (also written in, with, among, together with INTRODUCTION. e??ma in, with, among, together with e??i nidtet likewise em-rd in the condition of eni rer about, around em hau moreover, besides em hat in front, before em her opposite, in front of em her db in the middle of em yan without em ymnu within em yer with evi yet after, with em sa behind, after, at the back of em qeh among, amidst em qet around, in the circuit of em tep upon em tehu in return for em t'er since er dmiti between er dq in the middle er diit between INTRODUCTION. I ^ I I 1 I I I I <= I I I ^ D uni n Conjunctions are : — 'wvaaa en because of, until, ^(?r because, ^^^^ when, ^ ^s, ^^^^ or, (| [j P^^:^ ask when, y^er now, and the particles [ [j^^ dref, 7'ef, now, therefore, etc. Particles. Interrogative particles are: — [j aaaaaa dn, which is placed at the beginning of a sentence and is to be rendered by "?" [1 ^ dy^ "what?", ^ nimd "who?", [| g |l o gjj dkset or dqes "who?", "what?", g^]^ termu "where", ^(|[^ P^t^d or ^ f ^ /^^^ P) "what?", etc. The following passages show their use : — (' (JO <^ III xJ. I A/vwv\ ka en ta pant neteru dn O bull of the company of the gods. diL-k ti ud - 6d dost thou remain by thyself? INTRODUCTION. 47 su md dy^ It is like what? Audu md dx Authu is like what? /. e., "What sort of a place is Authu?" • ?ii??ia metet evima - t Who hath had word with thee ? d Tem dkset pit sas - d cr sd Hail Tmu, what is it which I have come into it? /. e., "What manner of place is this into which I have come?" 5 □ o I m 1 ® d§eset pu dhd em dny What is [my] duration of life? /. c, "How long shall I live?" su tennu - ?ief He, where is he? petrd ren - k petrd maa - nek What is thy name? What didst thou see? Negative particles are : — ^Ji^ or dii "not", .,-JU. AAAAAA d?i sep "at no time", Jj ^ bu "not", Jj aaaaaa ben "not", ^^^^^ 48 INTRODUCTION. tem "not", or "so that not", (j^ ing examples show their use : — dm "not". The follow- I. AAAAAA an qem - f an rey^-tu paif Not found he [it]. Not is known his dii bu i Not came 3. J AAAAW [j (3 ^ hen du-d na §emi the travellers er ta to the tat A seyeru pattern. AAAAAA dnt valley. per f 4- Not am I for letting come forth it from my mouth. A ^ I tem tem Not do thou speak. Not do thou qentet rage. dm - /I' Not do thou sit \ dii being liai aha another standing up. List of Words. The following common words should be learnt by heart ; this can best be done by writing out a few of them daily. tep head dn hair 1 /^NAAAA 0 "^Ji — Q AAAAAA he?ikset hair A V ^ 1 senti hair INTRODUCTION. 6S u m VAAAA \ AAAAAA fent re dbeh nes dnyui feru nehebet Ses erment d Xefd knhet at meiit dh inadset Xat mast udrt ret ^:v\, anem nose mouth tooth tongue the two ears skull neck neck vertebrae arm, shoulder fore-arm hst body back breast heart liver belly thigh thigh foot and leg skin INTRODUCTION. ^ I or TT u I A AAAAAA I 1 AAAAAA O I fN AAAAAA body flesh, members at limbs <5<2 soul yaibit shade, shadow sdhu the spiritual body ka double, genius intelligence seyem form, image qes bone ren name face iehen forehead dnhu eyebrow maat eye hrdti the two nostrils sepH the two lips drti the two jaws AAAAAA J ooo ^ ooo o o o I O Q o o mw o ooo /^^/ rain tiood ^endr tempest water nedd^ tire rek/iu tire, heat X^/ tire /z^ mountain dn/e/ valley md sea ^zVz^r river da/e/ dew sand dner stone granite r^^/ sandstone sc's alabaster k'xan porphyry md/ek turquoise Xt^sdt/ lapis-lazuli ua/d/ mother-of-emera] se/id/i cornelian nul/ gold INTRODUCTION. o o ooo \> o ^ I 9 ra m A H I AAAAAA □ AT ^1! her uasTii, smu %emt baa teht Id hnnu nehat bag tebada darer ahet benrd beti peru neprd s[ti]mu drp darer benrd silver electrum (?) copper iron lead wood, stick tree hard wood tree sycamore cedar olive tree tig tree vine field date palm barley wheat, grain grain vegetables, herbs wine grapes dates o I I D I AAAAAA □ AAAAAA O n =0= 0§ o O AAAAAA V^X Q ^ O Jl (ES ] 1 I AAAAAA AAAAAA AAA/V\A AAAAAA ) I 12. mn r INTRODUCTION. teb art net {bat) renp heqt beq urhii merhu dnta ta pesen se7inu per da suten siitenit suten i sicten heint suten mut suten sa suten sat suten inesu suten an 55 figs milk honey young plant, flower beer oil unguent unguent perfume bread cake cake Pharaoh king queen royalty royal wile royal mother royal son (prince) royal daughter (princess) royal child royal scribe 56 INTRODUCTION. mi 1^ o w NAAAAA 1!j n ddi suten net (bat) AAAAAA erpa hd fat smer udti suten rei suten rei mad her tep her tep da nier sennu sdh hen yerp hen hent neter hen neter dtf db prince King of the South and North lord of crowns prefect, nobleman hereditary prince a title of very high rank general a title of high rank royal kinsman real royal kinsman chief great chief governor royal attendant noble majesty prefect servant servant (female) minister, prophet divine father libationer INTRODUCTION. 57 as mo d \ ^ I I I i □ ^ q> ^ q> I I I ver heh ^^'^^ ^^^^ ^^^'^ (z. the reader) ^l^£r heh tep the chief reader setem name of a priest ^ , title of the high priest of ur ^erp hem , . or ^ ^ ' Memphis an scribe an neter het scribe of the temple an neter idi scribe of holy books her chief, president vie7ifit {mdhi) soldiers (rank and hie) qen soldiers picked for bravery rem\e\ \ \ men and women re\rn\e \ mortals men and women tememu reiit pat hcmcniu hrdu ncbu sa sat sat hemt hemt ancestor, noble mankind all faces {i. c, mankind) person person (fem.) woman woman INTRODUCTION. I' - PI ^ D i AAAAAA / r mut mendt sa sat sen sent net) neht Hesemu maau uher du un§ sdbi pennu Jia dua dh behes mother nurse son daughter brother sister firstborn heir child lord lady greyhound cat dog, jackal dog wolf jackal mouse or rat bull ox cow, ox calf INTRODUCTION. <=> H 'Tr^ ''''''' j^r ram, sheep ^^__^(j£l^ Ae/rd horse j sesemut horses ^^"^^ I mahef antelope ^^fp5^ mahes lion dbi panther "^^^^J^^WJ '^^'^ hippopotamus Jl^f ^^^^^^^ ^^^^"^ animals l^'^m quatirupeds P ^ "^^ crocod i Ic !\ ^^@P scorpion ^ ^ ^ /t'r beetle ^3 ^ Lira e us Mr. /^'^Z worm ^^"^^lllll^ tet/et creeping thing pi flea ^^^^ ^ j4| rtff^tzTz? ape INTRODUCTION. habu ibis bdk hawk hnt heron hta vulture apt duck, goose ment pigeon bennu phoenix (?) smen goose pai birds remu fish Xepanen fish ie pool lake, pool seset nest 3<2<5iz/ hole of an animal ur great, exceedingly netcset little all, every d§t many tz^^rt: great /r^^ season rek period, time INTRODUCTION. /WV " /WW\A o 0 ^ I o I I p=^ r III Ill I Mi! o ^ o ^ w utiJiet hat at abet renpit hour, season second minute month year set period of 3o years hen period of 6o years heh millions of years fetta everlastingness km tuati heru renpit the 5 epagomenal days §at pert kmtit W vicr pyramid tomb dsit tomb mdhdit sepulchre iiseyt hall, part of a tomb uti coffin tehu sarcophagus pei'^eru funeral offerings period of sowing period of growing (/. winter) period of inundation (/. summer) cemeterv INTRODUCTION. o v \ o O I I I ^ Qi I I ^^AAA^ ^ 1 W 7k ^ statet dmhet tut iithu hesmen yet ur§ hetepu utu sdh hes viadyeru bent seses ureret suti hetet tesert y ^ w seyti k P ^ nemmes (0 ^ neieiu passage in the tomb hall of the tomb statue, image altar, table natron things, furniture, wealth pillow funeral offerings tablet, stele mummy singer, mourner triumphant, victorious harp sistrum name of a crowai plumes white crowm red crown the atef crown the double crown the nevimes crown whip INTRODUCTION. O J O I I I w W ^ — Si J AA/VWV 000 □ 6es a captain gem black he^e/ white /e^er red y/s5e/ blue (of lapis-lazuli) unemi right hand semehi left hand venerable, sacred revered mert beloved, friend nefer f^ood, happv net'em pleasant, happy henrd sweet mad what is right and true metiH monuments pent hef treasurv knti granary het temple per house hei dat palace, great house duset place, seat sha door, doorway 64 INTRODUCTION. Illllllll IIIIIIIM PJ A C2h AAAAAA 4 U ^ I ^(1 t I I AAAAW 000 I □30 £1 -rv sebyet nemmat let teyennu nest kard temdt nut t'erdu enti unenet ud udu uat mdtennu mestemut maa-hrd sehn Ma m t'amd folding door large doors, pylons block of punishment staircase obelisk throne shrine village city bounds, limits things which do exist things which shall exist one, only alone way road, way eye paint seer of the face (/. e., mirror) lily secret, hidden book roll of papyrus INTRODUCTION. 65 mesdd writing palette pes ink-jar qe§ writing reed dni life mit death ye ft enemy yakdh rebel, coward dm camp pet I \ bow kmert j dbau arrow, bolt urer chariot sebdu hend senb health Ufa strength uda boat sektet morning boat of the sun diet evening boat of the sun hemi rudder heqer hunger dh thirst sam ta union with the earth, i. e., funeral 5 INTRODUCTION. ^ W ^ 0 Ay J PJ:o P4 Q AAAAAA n I J ^111 dnef hrd-k aau ^ I pehti sefit du sen ta dn hen dt sehtet feqa seqer heb uten dp dnnu ses me hi hetau dsfet tenh uteb hail to thee ! adoration strength might, terror joy, gladness adoration not not destitute wall reward, wages prisoner festival offering messenger, envoy offerings, tribute bolt of a door a word, thing bad, wickedness faults, sins wmg furrow, water-course INTRODUCTION. neit might, victory A I I I I I I I I I >lll ra o sfent nemmat yau %eru heric seferu t'efau Xert temt neh tesef utu sa ter Xdd sent A hehi to be strong knife footsteps crowns terrestrial beings celestial beings plans, schemes funeral meals things, provisions all defeat fev^ to meet, to repulse to command to know to destroy- to rise, be crowned to fear to adore to seek to leave 5* INTRODUCTION. J A seb to tep iiimiii □ to ■ AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA izw^// to to se§ to ^^2/ to mit to to J-f/^"?// to rerem to r^/ to mer to viestet to to ^mj- to j/^r to Xeper to to qemani to - 1 II. dn yenent t'er rek Ausdr dr and never hath been shaken since the time of Osiris. If seka - nek ter em seyet ta set plough-land is to thee gather in the field what hath given 1 Plate VI., 11. 3-5. 8o EXTRACTS FROM THE PRISSE PAPYRUS. 1'' III. A AAAAA^ ^ dr un - nek neter dr un - Jiek em sa dqer dri - k God. If thou wouldst be a man perfect make thou ->\M\ 1 sa en [thy] son to semafn please neter dr met f God. If he directeth straight A 1 O U D _il U III peyar-f eji qet - k ennu - f y^et- his course according to thy example, and he dealeth in thy AAAAAA n dri - nef k er duset dri dri - nef hu neb affairs in the place belonging thereto, do unto him thing every or way sa - k for thy son pu nesu set is he belonging unto the seed nefer good, U I ka - k dm-k diit db-k er - f of thy person. Do not thou remove thy he^irt from him, Sa AAAAAA sen IV. au metu an senUi ar [for it] is [thy] seed [which] maketh appeal [to thee]. If thou dqer - k ker - k per - k mer - k hemt- wouldst be perfect possess thou thy house, love thou thy 1 Plate VII., 1. 5. 2 Plate VII., 11. lo— 13. EXTRACTS FROM I HK IM^ISSK l^M'VRLS. 8i k €711 "jien meh y^al - s hehs - j wife without defect. Fill her belly, clothe her, pey^aret pit ent haii - s merhet - s the medicines (?) are [these] of her members. Anoint her, au dh - s trd en unnet - k ahet gladden her heart [during] the time of thy existence. A held pii yiit en neb - s dr ada - k is she creditable to her lord. If thou hast become AAAAW r\ <^ I A M _IL I III JiHN^^ ® ^ emyet nefesu - k dri - k yet emyei great after thou wast lowly, and hast gotten wealth after kat tep dmm nut reyt - 7iek poverty, [being] head in the city, take heed that thou dost em se^au yepert - nek yentii em not turn to [thy] proht thy having attained dominion ; let not kefa db-k her dhd - k yeper- be hardened thy heart through thy elevation (^r), for thou hast 1 Plate X., 11. 8-10. 82 EXTRACTS FROM THE PRISSE PAPYRUS. All 1' nek mer sept neter dri t'etet become [only] the steward of the goods of God. Perform the command neb er-ek nefer-ui sba en of thy lord to thee. Doubly good is the instruction of A dtf - f per - ncf dm - f y^ent his (/. e., a man's) father [for] he hath come forth from him from ^ I — ^ ^ ^ 1 hati - f tet - nef nef du - f em "/at er his body. [What] he saith to him let it be within [him] to au its fulness greatest, let him do more au ur drit - nef er I t'etet - nef than his words. 1 '^^^ J AAAAAA mdk sa nefer en tdtd neter rd Verily a son good [is] of the gifts of God, [he] doeth hau t'etet - nef yer neb - f dri - f over and above [what] he hath said. Before his lord he doeth right I } -C2>- AAAAAA ^ O O I I maa dri en db - f er and truth, and worketh his heart in il I nemtet - f his steps. 1 Plate XIII., 11. 6-8. EXTRACTS FROM THE PRISSK PAPYRUS. 83 md peh - kud hau - k iita In this manner have I arrived. Thy limbs will be sound, the king AAAAAA suten ^ I ^ hetep em ^/epert neht Oet - k renpui will be satisfied with [thy] doings all, thou wilt gain years cm of AAAAAA an drit an)i mi ser ant - na tep ta life without diminution. I have passed upon earth. Bet - nd retipiit C + ^ ^iii I have gained years no of anx life. en lata en for bestowed the ^^AAAA suten -Si hcst ^ent tepu - aid king [upon me| favours above those who were before [me|, md drit madt en suten er duset for [I was] working right and truth for the king unto the place A □ dmayi iu - f pu hat - / er of felicity. It has gone out |from) its beginning to [i. e., the tomb). (/. e., here endeth the book ) peh - f md qemiu its end, even as it is found em Plate XIX., 11. 3—8. in writmg. ^ Plate XIX., 1. 9. VII. ^ dr > If ^ This is a colo- 6* 84 EXTRACTS FROM THE PRISSE PAPYRUS. o w enti 7ieht I pa every thing which is in writing upon this §eftu book setem - set be heard it or obeyed ma as fet-d set I have said it. em sen (and thel advance I listeners/ hau to add unto good counsels, AAAAAA Mil and vAAAA I I her I I I <2;^ sen they are for placing it in 1 I ertdt set her ^111 1 I I I lat - j^;/ themselves. AAAAAA I I I and they are AAAAAA an /^«?r se§etet set md for reciting it according ^/z/z' em an to what is in writing, un dn shall ne/er set good be it ^ ^ rjAAAAAA I I I I I I her dh - sen to their hearts I I I o w er yet nebt enti em ta pen er t'er - f more than thing any which is in earth this to the whole of it. phon. Another reads :— ^ ^ iu - f pu em hetep md pa It hath gone out in peace according to what qemu was found, /. c, here happily cndeth an exact copy. EXTRACTS FROM TllK I'RISSE RARVRUS. 85 AAAAAA u A I I I f J^F^ \ W I I I r K..^^ aVz a/ia - sen hems - sen f^eft aha [whether] they stand [or whether] they sit. Then AAAAAA I I AAAAAA {^^^^ [| ^'/z en suten 7iet (or Himd mend - nef the Majesty of the King of the North and South, Huna, died, and ^ ^ I ^ — Ql^^ dhd en sedhd heii en stiten net (or bdi) Scjieferii arose the Majesty of / the King of the \ Scneferu \ North and South / AAAAA/. ^ -I AAAAAA I I _Z.r\S AAAAAA ^'7;^ em ta pen er ter - f as a king gracious in earth this to the whole of it. ® dhd en etid Kaqemnd vier niU ^-as given {i. e., constituted) Kaqemna superintendent of the town fat and governor. 1 Plate II., 11. 4—9. EXTRACTS FROM THE PYRAMID TEXTS. Pyramid of Unas. [Vth dynasty.] I. ^ ^ 1^ II. ^ / nek SH em t'ert - k seh Line 3. Place thou it in thy pahii. 4. Goeth Heru hend ka - f d ka - k Horus with his ka (/. e., double 7. The hand of thy ka [is] or genius). ^ ^ ^ U ^ 1^ ^ ^ IV. A emhah - k a ka - k emy^et - k iu- before thee, the hand of thy ka [is] behind thee. 11. I have /WWV\ [| ^ AAAAAA ^ ^ ^ V * nd an - ?id nek maat Hem (jeh dh - k come, I have brought to thee the eye of Horus, refresh thv heart [ y — ^ p ^ I '/er - .V dn - nd 7iek s yr^er tehti - k with it ; 1 have brought to thee it beneath thy sandals. dtep - k tept - f yent neter het re - k 14. Taste thou its taste in the divine dwellings. 20. Thv mouth EXTRACTS FROM THE PYRAMID TEXTS. 87 re en hehes art hru mes-f [is] the mouth of a calf of milk [on] the day of his birth. n AAAAAA f W I rl VII. ^ fl ^ IJ 000 S 000 Y^erp - nek §dk Aiisdr Mk 29. Are presented to thee the nipples of Osiris, the nipples ^\ ^ " ^i^T^ AAAAAA ^A/VW\ ^^^^^ et7i tep menf en Heru ejt t'ci - f [a ]in - 7iek upon the breast of Horus of his body, thou seizest [them] \ <^ ^ VIII. [5? ^ d ° J (' ^« [a]m maati Heru thy libations [are] these. 37. Grasping the two eyes of Horus, y^"/;// (9^"/ - nek - sen hetep- the white and the black thou carriest off them. 39. Make otlcring XL nek ycrp - nek dhehu Heru to thee North and South. 41. /Are presented^ the teeth of Horus 1 to thee / XII. ^ 4> hefu hu re - k pat - k un - nek white, they furnish thy mouth. 42. Thou existcst, thou art. 88 EXTRACTS FROM THE PYRAMID TEXTS. pat ent uten seyu -6 su 42. A cake of otfering. 62. Make strong thou him ^er -6 ta - B serein - f em t'et - / with thyself, grant thou that he may gain power over his body. A ^ ^ k ¥f I /a - 6 sakt - / em maaii baqet Grant thou that he may be open in his two eyes. 170. The olive tree dmt AnniL an db an heqer - / in Heliopolis. 172. Not let thirst, not let him hunger, AAAA/vA i] XVII. an sdr db en Unds '/efa - sen not let be sad the heart of Unas. 176. They shall grasp <=>^ P — A erid - sen - nef am - seti td- and they shall give to him [what] they have taken, they shall AAAA^A AA/AAA sen nef peru beti ta heqt en entet en give to him wheat, barley, cakes, ale of that which [is] of Unds sefaa ur per em Unas. 187. Trembler mighty coming out of KX'IRACTS FROM THK PYRAMID TEXTS. 89 Hep Ap-tiat per em Asert Hep (Nile), Ap-uat coming forth from Asert. uab re - f sesau pen dm re - f 188. Pure is his mouth [and] tongue this in his mouth. j\ SN\M^ A AAAAAA o \ ^ XX. ^ AAAAAA N\f\N\S i-fief dji - nef Sen ta en 200. He hath come, he hath brought to you the bread which <^ AAAAAA X\ Ipl AAAAAA r\ fV ^\ ^ flk ^^^-ra^ ^ ^ IP qe?uu - nef dm ha dn sem - nek as he hath found there. 206. Hail ! Not hast thou gone, behold, Kl T ^ t! ? ^ri X Viet - 6 sem - 7iek aniet hems her yent Atisdr dead, thou hast gone alive to sit upon the throne of Osiris. aaui - k cm Tem menui - k em Tern Thy arms [are] of Tem, thy shoulders [are] of Tem, y^ai - k em Tem sa - k em Tem peh - k thy body [is] of Tem, thy side [is] of Tem, thy back [is] ^ k ^ em Tem ret - k em Tem hrd - k em Anpu of Tem, thy feet and legs [are] of Tem, thy face [is] of Anpu. go EXTRACTS FROM THE PYRAMID TEXTS. uah - k drek em qehh sbau 2 ID. Thou art pure therefore with the cool water of the stars. kdu - ?iek henmernet udes - neku 211. Cry to thee the heavenlv ones, lift thee up the p-A wr. fls H <■ dyan - seku daq drek dr bu yxr never-setting stars, enter then into the place containing dt - k bu yer Seb i - nek thy father, the place containing Seb. 232. Hath come to thee 1 sa - k sda - nek sii kn - nek su thy son, thou hast received him, thou hast grasped him em yennii d - k sa - k pu en tet - k en in thy hand, thy son is he of thy body for ^ XXV. (|o^ ^ ^ fella dp - f dbu nehem - f kau neheh - f ever. 233. He judgeth hearts, he punisheth &;'s, he subdueth u XXVI. I >^ <=> lXj » — kau ia - f re - f tet en Seb ka's. 234. His bread of his mouth [is] the word of Seb EXTRACTS FROM THE PYRAMID TEXTS. 91 _ k T - inmm ---"-"r per em re en 7ieterii Tern coming forth from the mouth of the gods. 240. O Tmu, W X f - f CSp] sa - k pu enen Ausdr any^ - f a?iy Unas son thy is this Osiris. If he Tmu) liveth, liveth Unas K pen an met - f an met Unas pen this ; if not he dieth, not dieth Unas this. XXVIII. ^ C^fe ^ P 1 Jv=tr yad Unas cm Nefer-Tem em seUen 396. Riseth Unas Hive Ncfcr-Tmu from the lil)' £3 er krt Ra per - f em yut hni to the nostrils of Ra, he cometh forth from the horizon dav ri\ in ^^-^ ™' neh abu neteru en maa - f per every, pure [are] the gods at the sight of him. 498. Cometh y /wwvA 1 Ji I ^ U?ids her maqat te?i d dri't en nef forth Unas upon ladder this which hath made for him O XXX. dt - f Ra neteru Amenta neteru dha his father Ra. 574. O gods of the west, O gods of the east, 92 EXTRACTS FROM THE PYRAMID TEXTS. m i\ m i:^;; ¥\ neteru resu neteru 7Jiehta ftu dpii O gods of the south, O gods of the north, four these [who] seym taiu udb embrace the four quarters of earth holy. Pyramid of Teta. [Vlth dynasty.] dnet' hrd - k nek en neku 45. Homage to thee, O bull of bulls, [when] dri - k per du nefer - du Tetd her set - k thou makest an exit seizeth thee Teta by thy tail. II. ^sjE ^ ^ m dnef hrd - k akeb ur nu neteru 86. Homage to thee, O celestial deep mighty of the gods. □ sem henmemet sehetep - k remd fashioned of heavenly beings thou makest to be at peace men neteru en Tetd td - sen nef yd neh and gods with Teta, they give to him things ( offerings') of all [kinds]. EXTRACTS FROM THE PYRAMID TEXTS. 93 AAAAAA III. Q ' 0 =0: ti/en yd en Tetd suteji hetep 149. An offering of sepulchral meals to Teta ! Royal oblation A %-J f A - (ID I, A ta Seh hetep ta en Tetd pen id - nek give, O Seb, an oblation give to Teta this. Grant thou 000 ^ X rF=D mat nebt uaht ta heqt nebt gifts all [and] the placing of cakes and ale [of] all [kinds' 1 mert - k nefert - nek dm yer neter which] thou lovest, \ with \ thou art pleased there before the god 1 which/ i -w, ^ ^ VI. ^ II ° " e7i t'et tetta un - neti dd pet for ever and ever. 160. Thou hast opened the doors of heaven, seneyebyeb - neJi qau urn seda - neti thou hast drawn back the bolts mighty, thou hast lifted Jlo kl^^ \ ^ k — tebet mehat aat hrd - k em sab the seal of the door great. Thy face is like a jackal, yebset - k em makes hems - Iz her yent - k thy hind part is like a lion, thou sittest upon thy throne 94 EXTRACTS FROM THE PYRAMID TEXTS. ptt ha Ausdr Tetd aha Oes - 6u this. 273. Hail Osiris Teta ! Stand up, rise up thou, I j ,\AAAAA I AAAAAA - t';^ - du mut - X' Nut sek uah-en~ hath given birth to thee thy mother Nut. Behold, hath placed nek Seb re - k and - Oti pant neteru for thee Seb thy mouth. Hath avenged thee the cycle of the gods ^ ^ hJsNsN\ I I /WVAAA /a - en - sen nek X^fi^ ~ Z^-'" - great, given have they thee thine enemy beneath thee. l^n:^ ^ ^ i| e ^ ^0 - ta dr df - sesep- 288. Thou hast sought through the earth for thy meat, thou hast /\A/W\A nek ta - k dypn yxsef heqt - k received thy cake [which] never mouldereth awciy, thy ale dyanet aua [which] never stinketh. FROiM THE TOMB OF HER-KHUF |^ AT ASWAN. ^ [Vlth dynasty.] /i'/ - f hah - nud hen en Mer-en-Rd He saith : Sent me the Majesty of Mer-en-Ra ^ I hend tef-[d] snier iidt ycr heh Ard cr with my father the "friend (^ne", the "reader" Ara to the J.^^ <=> f]4, ^ 2, ft Amam er aha luit er set ien die land Amam, to open out a road into country this ; [I | dri - s en dhet seyef dn - nd dnnu nch did it in months seven, I brought offerings of all kinds di7i seiiat' qah hesei hers aaa art thence / making \ gifts. I was praised for it exceedingly much. I abundant J I hah - ud hen-f em se?inu sep ud - k Sent me his majesty a second time and I was by myself. 96 FROM THE TOMB OF HER-KHUF AT ASWAN. A per I set na out her by ua/ Abti ha - nd em way of Elephantine, I returned through Ardet Mesyer Terres Arded em ArGet, Meskher, Terres [andj ArOeO in abet yemennu ha an - nd dnnu em months eight ; returning I brought offerings from f\/\^ > AAAAAA set ten er aaat urt dtii sep country this exceedingly many. [At] no time e., never) r: e: - Ji ^v- d?it mdtet er ta pen fer bah ha - nd was brought the like to country this in times of old. I returned e?n yerau per Set Ardet through the conquered districts of Set and Ar6et, /WVAAA aha - nd setu peten an sep qemi dri I penetrated countries these ; [at] no time was it found to have been n ^ LA] en smer mer neb per made by a "friend" and superintendent of any an advance FROM THE TOMB OF HER-KHLF AT ASWAN. 97 er to A?fia?n hah - 7md hen - f em Amam country. Sent me his majesty a f\/\^ SN\t\N\ yrem pii sep er Amam per - nd em third time to Amam country, I set out through her uat by the way of Uhat Uhat. qem - na found the Amam prince of Amam hm ^^ornff eref then er ta to the Umd demeh er hu of Themeh to smite Oemeh er qah Themeh [even] to the limit □ ^ O AAAAAA dmentet en pet A /^'r - k em-sa - f western of heaven. I went forth after him er ia to the hmd -\S\h m - \\ ± - ^ Themeh sehetep - nd sii er un - f her of Themeh, I pacihed it so that it was for fi 111 tua neteru neh en dOu adorini; i^ods all of the Prince. 7 gS FROM THE TOMB OF HER-KHUF AT ASWAN. w- «>=> -jT^ -- n n 1^ AAAAAA 1^ iir// - ^ en ddat er drit en neter net making thee greater than was made the treasurer Ba-ur-Tettet em rek Assd yeft duset dh Ba-ur-Tattu in the time of Assa conformably to the desire ent er maa tenk pu of [the Majesty] to see pigmv this. FROM THE STELE OF ABU. [Xlth dynasty.] 8 /\ AA/NAAA <:ZZ:> n l_ _| /www - ;/<2 ^e/ep er as pen en t'et I have come in peace to sepulchre this of eternity [which] -iCS>- AAAAAA ^ ^ f: T fj an' - 7id em y^ui dmentet e?it Ahtu Ahhi I have made in the horizon western of the fnome of( |inj Abydoscity, \ Abydos, / er duset nehch nct'est er ret yd to place of everlasting the little, at the foot of the staircase 1 SI t li en neter seps neter da neb neterii temt- of the god august, the god great, the lord of the gods, [where] he ill ^ I Ml nef pet paut setem vietu hemeniet gathereth foreign nations, and heareth the words of the shining ones her uart ia hetepu neb ksti at the passage, the giver of ofl'erings, the lord of divine followers 7* 100 FROM THE STELE OF ABU. Q A'' h AAAAAA AAAAAA asUi sent en menfitiL i - nef ejitef many, and of a company of soldiers. Come to him that which is [and dtet ymt - Amenta Ahtu neJ> jthat whichi the dweller in Amenta, the bull lof the nome\ the lord 1 is not, J \ Abydos, / I I I hah ser pat her tep iieteni /of those who are\ prince of those who have been, ruler of the gods \ in the presence, / t'erti an neheh Henti net em yerp aa of old, heir everlasting, O Henti of the gods, prince great I AAAAAA j AAAAAA "T" | NhJ\N\t^ ^ \V y\-fJ | AAAAAA -15 en pet heq en anyu suten en entu of heaven, governor of the living, king of those who exist. en inert icn-nd em sesn - f dmay Through love of my being among his followers revered, an - d her seseta em helm - f neh em I made myself chief of the mysteries at his festivals all, and at net'emtet-f nel> tet en Amentet nefert in em processions his all, [and | saith the Amenta beautiful : Come in FROM I llK S I El. I'. Ob ABL. lO I ^ <: ^ ^ ^^AAA.^ hetep '/II 7ieier er sdh inerr/ peace, O beatified one, divine one, to a gloritied body perfect. p) AAAAAA r\\ XT'- - netcr iihcmu re-/ re - f cmm dnyu /ent divine herald, knowing his mouth among the living, pass through duset neb em Amentet er hit dmt en netcr pen place every in Amenta to the place in which god this |is| dm t'er entet - k it em hetep dper em yet- there, because thou comest in peace provided with wealth ne/i d anyu tep ta merern any mest'et' thy. Hail living ones on earth |wh()| love life, | who| hate □ A k § Z f]l ® ^ ^ yept em merer - Ben uah tep ta tet- destruction by reason of love your of remaining upon earth, say ^ Q AAAAAA I ten ya ta tes en dmay ye : Thousands of cakes and vessels of ale |be given | to the revered Ahu er erper en Rd y ent - Amenta Ap- Abu in the temple of Ra, of Khent-Amenta, of Ap 102 FROM THE STELE OF ABU. :fj\ % ^ ua/ i^u Tt'fnet Tehuti Seker Hemen Sepl Liat, of Shu, of Tefnct, of Thoth, of Seker, of Hemen, of Sept, Seb Nut Hetep An-heru Aineni Menttt Ptah of Seb, of Nut, of Hetep, of An-heru, of Ameni, of Mentu, of Ptah, Anpu Seyi res Heru Hem meh Unyert of Anubis, of Sekhi, /of Horus of the\ ;of Horus of thel of Unkhert, \ South, / \ North, / paut ent Seseta (?) Heqet Het - heri Repit jofthe cyclel of Neith, of Sesheta, of Heqet, of Hathor, of Repit, lof the gods, I PJ Neht-het Sebt of Nephthys, of Sebt. INSCRIPTION OF AtA. [Xllth dynasty.] rcnpi'l abet '/^cmt Semu hru "lemt iui smer udt Year month three of summer, day three, came the "friend one", mer dh the overseer of cattle neter Aid Ata erpa nrrm cr sehat dner en to bring down a stone for ha 4j n ■/er-heb smer the god-beloved, jthc hereditary l the duke, /the chief l the "friend 1 prince, ( reader, j ^ I udt 1! vier res mer neter hen one", the governor of the south, the overseer of the priests AAAAAA A^/v^A^ Amsu t'atu of Amsu Tchaut (or Min), dqer aqer. ra dii seha - ni ?ie/ dner I brought down to him a stone ^ k r5 I meh XII em sa CC dii of cubits twelve with men two hundred. /\.VW\A \A/\AAA I brought dh sen mahet' L ar tua oxen two, gazelles tifty, stags rive. ADDRESS TO THE DIVING BY KHNEMU-HETEP. From his tomb at Beni-hasan. [Xllth dynasty.] d anyu tepu ta saset - sen em Hail ye living ones upon earth, they [who] pass in going ami neb scribes all, i«j lii - ^ r:\ T ^l^er heh henu-ka neh fet - sen pery^eru reader [andj priests of the ka all, let them say, "A sepulchral meal. . . . . . em X^^^fi ^^^^ down [and I in going up [the Nile], ya em a thousand of I I I A ^ III ta em heqt loaves, of vessels of beer ah oxen apt , ducks. 11==^ SI! W =f= T I¥ neter sender merhet ?}ieny ^es yd neht nefert incense, unguent, linen bandages, things all beautiful and fT 1 fl^ u — It" dht any neter dm en lia en d??iay pure liveth god on them to the of the revered one. ADDRESS ro THE LIVING BY KMNEML-HETKP. AAAAAA Q W sa sehef ncter het '/erp arranger of the ^(7 order of priests, inspector of the temple, chief of 1 k ,T„", 111 neter hetep em crii-perii neteni nut ten the divine offerings in the temples of the gods of city this, suteii an Neteru-hetep sa ynemii - hetep maaya'u the royal scribe, Ncteru-hetep's son Khncmu-hetep, triumphant." FROM THE TOMB OF AmENI-EM-HAT AT BENI-HASAN. [Xllth dynasty.] I. o n n I ^ o n n I renpit XLIII y^er hen He anx mest Year 43 under the Majesty of Horus, living one of births, suten net (or hdi) ^eper-ka-Ra any^ /king of North\ 1 and South, \ t'etta ...... jking of North\ Kheper-ka-Ra, living for ever, king of Upper and i c- - Lower Egypt, III rwi an^ mest Heru nub living one of births, the golden Horus, an^ mest living one of births. Usertsen any^ tetta er nuheh left I o renpit Usertsen, living for ever [and] to all eternity. When [it was] year n I I n III XXV em 25 Maker in /the nome\ \ Mahetch, i II. \[a ^ ses - d I followed my ^ n n I o n n I II renpit XLIII abet sen o sat n Hill hru XV |'[/.e.,]year43~| ( month ( jthe growingl day 1 5, \two of/ \ season, / lof Usertsen],) ^ nih ^ cfe ^ Xe/t - / when he went up the Nile 7teb - d lord to FROM THE TOMB OF AMENI-EM-HAT AT BENI- HASAN. 1 07 1^ fx o-:Tk-t;v^■^ " ^ II scy^er/ 'feft - f em satu ftu defeat his foes among the strange peoples four, [and] '•/ent - fid em sa ha net (or hat) ?iet (V) I went up as the son of the prince [being] a royal /chan-^ |cellor,j I k^. mer menfiiu (or masa) ur en Mahef em dten and] general of the soldiers great of the (Mahetchl [and] as a deputy I nome, j sa dtef dauu yeft hestet person of [my] father old, under the favour [which I had em suten per mertu - f em setep - sa in the royal house, j and the love [shown] ( in the council chamber. I to him ^ A sen - d Ka§ em yentit dn- I traversed Kush (Ethiopia) in going up the Nile, I brought nd feru ta dn - nd dnnu with me the boundaries (of the land^ I brought the offerings ([of Egypt],j neb - d heset - d peh - s pet aha en to my lord, my favour it reached to heaven. Rose up lo8 P^ROM THE TOMB OF AMENI-EM-HAT AT BENI-HASAN. ^^^^ 1^. heti - / Ufa em hetep seyer - nef his Majesty setting out in peace, he defeated I a C3IID ^-=^ ^^^-^ n r> ^^^^^ 5^ yeft - / €711 Ka§ yast i - nd her his foes in Kush (Ethiopia) the stinking. I came to ses - f em sept hrd an yeper jieh follow him as one provided of face, not happened disaster (/. e., a keen overseer) I I r: 1T\ em ma§a - d yent - k[u]d er ant bu (?) among my soldiers. I went up the Nile to bring ingots ^^^^ fW^ jj ^ I A^^WVA I I AAAAAA ^ j en nubu en hen en suten net (or bdt) Kheper-ka-Rd of gold to the Majesty of / the king of the \ Kheper-ka-Ra, I North and South, | f Si AAAAAA O AAAAAA any t'etta er nuheh yent - nd hena living for ever |andj to all eternity. 1 went up the Nile with the erpa ha suten sa ur en yat - f prince, the duke, the royal son, eldest of his body, Ameni any ut'a senb yent - nd em Ameni, life, strength, health ! I went up the Nile with FROM TlIK lUMB Ol- AMENI-EM-HAT A'l BKNI-liASAxN. 1 09 (3 (D I ^ <5 hesh CCCC €711 setepu neb en mdsa-d a company of men 400 being picked every one of my soldiers, lil^^ k =^ ^ m^W. I',,, ii-^ em hetep an nelm - sen d?i- coming in peace not had they suffered. I brought nd nuhu §a - nd hes - kiid back the gold entrusted to me, and praised was I on her - s em suteji pei' neter tiui - nd suten account of it in the royal house, God praised for me the royal Q V\ ^ II M\J\N\r\ AAAAAA i ■ t'> i Q jl A dhd - ;/<7 - k[u]d er seht son. I rose up, I went up the river to convey Jo 1,1 ^ ii'^ — ^J^C^ L Jm er temd en Qehti hcnd the ingots to the city of Qebt (Coptos), together with AAAAAA crpd hd vicr nut tat Useiisen the prince, the duke, thcgovcrnor of the citv, | the chief \ Usertsen, \ magistrate,! n I n m 'WVAAA ■ 1^ , AAAAAA R3 7//(7 ymt - Jid em hesh Hfe, strength, health ! I went up the river with a company of men no FROM THE TOMB OF AMENI-EM-HAT AT BENI-HASAN. CCCCCC em 600, with A I qen warrior neb en Mahef every of Mahetch. i - kud I came ^ ^ n em hetep ma§a-d at' dri - nd fetet- in peace, were my soldiers in good condition. I did that was AAAAAA y^^^ Q I Q nd neht nuk neb damt uah commanded me all. I am the lord of graciousness, fruitful A ^ el inert haq mer in love, a governor loving efn haq em Mahef his city, I made e., I passed) baku neb 1 III kert renput hut years 1- suten per as governor in Mahetch. Works all in the royal house I her Y^eper em d-d were performed by my hand. A dhd en erta - 7ia Rose up and gave me mer Best en kesu (?) per nu sau the governor of the companies of the pasture houses of the shepherds J 1 ^ in ^ Ex^jr I, , , nu Mahef ka MMM em nuhbu - sen of Mahetch bulls three thousand of their yoke animals, FROM THE TOMB OF AMENI-EM-HAT AT BENI-HASAN. Ill hes - k[u]d her - s em sulen per er dennu I was praised by reason of it in the royal house at each 1 reiipit ent dru fa - nd baku year of breeding (?). I bore their fi p I I I sen works 7ieh all hert-d er - d en suten per dn to the royal house, nothing [was] on hand against me in {i. e., remained undone) - / section of it neb any. bak I wori^ed nd Mahet' er Mahetch to fer A AA I I I / em nemmat (?) uahet dn sat the whole of it by journeyings constant, not a daughter netes of a little man (/. e., poor) seheteb - nd dn did I harm, not Xart a widow tadi - ?id dn dhuti X^^^f - ^ ^^^f did I treat harshly, not a husbandman did I resist him. an sail not a shepherd knd - nd did I turn back. an nn mer not existed overseer 112 FROM THE TOMB OF AMENI-EM-HAT AT BENI-HASAN. II o I II tet Set - lid of a gang of five men [from whom| I took red - f his men I her for baku an un mar the works, not existed oppression ra en hau - a in my time, AA/W\A an A heqer eji rek-d not a hungry man in my time. I du yeper en renput When happened years A A heqeru aha - nd of hmiger I stood up, seka - nd ahet I ploughed the fields I res ^ I mehti neht ent Mahef er ta§ - f all of Mahetch to its border southern and northern, sedn'i yeru - f dri kbit - f making to live its people, making its food, dn not A yeper heqer existed a hungry man dm - f in it. erta - nd I gave en to yart md nebt hi dn the widow as to the possessor of a husband, not did I magnify AAAAA^ seden - d FROM THE TOMB OF AMENI-EM-HAT AT BENI-HASAN. Il3 ur er §er em ertat - jid nebt the firstborn at the expense of the young child in [what] I gave all. ^AAAAA I I I — I aha en Hap er mu iiru yeper [When] rose Hapi with waters great happened, {i. e., when an abundant inundation took place) nebu pertu beti nebu yet neb an the lords of wheat and barley, the lords of things all, not seht - a her-a efit dhet did I cut off the surplus growth of the field. (/. e., deduct for myself) 8 STORIES OF THE REIGNS OF SENEFERU AND KHUFU (CHEOPS). [Early XVIIIth dynasty.] aha Rose up fet spake J €71 the yer heh reader hen chief. 1^ /wwv\ Tata - em - any Tchatcha-em-ankh, t'etet - nef em hekau his words of magical power, AAAAAA l\/\N\N\ SN\N\r\ f'AA/\/V\ AAAAAA aha en erta - 7ief ermen eii mu en [and] he placed [one] side of the water of pa the I her pool upon tiaii - sen each other. qem - nef he found pa the neyan ornament I uah her pa lying upon the qit aha en stone ; rose up 111 sentrd incense I I pat sen measures two en hen en to the Majesty of suten net [hdt) Seneferu j the king of the |^ Seneferu, I North and South, j maayn'u triumphant. STORIES OF THE REIGNS OF SENEFERU AND KHLFU. II7 Tettctd AAAAAA ^ ren f hems - / em [Herutataf said :] Tetteta is his name, he dwelleth in Tettet - Seneferu maa^/eru du-f cm net'cs TattLi - Seneferu, triumphant ! He is of humble rank, n 1 I en renpit C-\-^ dii-f her of years one hundred and ten ; he eateth loaves of bread five hundred, dmt tail D ermen en dim ud em duf a shoulder of an ox in flesh hena and seura drinketh ^ 111 heqi tes of beer jugs one hundred rei C ermen em unto des I hru A X □ \\_ pen du-f this. He du-f knoweth [how] to bind on a head [which] jhath becn| he knoweth ^ cut oiv, j ^'r/^z/ .v^ 1 , , , dhdu boats A □ t/- sas pu dri - had arrived at the ^^-^ay, a setting out he made em herti marching, ebony J ^ w hebni I I I nebau [having] poles \J\NSI\ I _ZL ^ ^ ^ senetem - «^ and he sat in qenau en a litter of ^;/z sesnet'em kenya of sesnetchem wood inlaid em with mib gold. A A Now after he had come to Tattu, aha en iiah pa \ I ~Li. >w' qcnaii A [he] rose up and set down the litter [on the ground]. A rising 0^ - _ = ^2i«- -Kk z: i: pit dri - nef er iiseset - f qem - ncf sii up he made to greet him, [and| he found him -a 1 X ster her .... maam em se,i 1 I per - f lying upon a mattress (r) at the door of his house, (or wicker couch [?]) 120 STORIES OF THE REIGNS OF SENEFERU AND KHUFU. henu yer with] one servant at I I /ep - f her his head that he might rub (! amam- nef Id her sdnu rehii-f sdnu rehii-f it, [and] another to chafe his feet. aha en au en nef snten sa Hem- fata- f Rose up stretched out to him the royal son Herutataf I Jl w ddui-f his hands. \ \ \ J\ dhd en sedhd - nef sii utd rising he made to stand up him, a going A pu dri - nef hena - f er merit her ertat - nef forth he made with him to the quay to give him d - f dhd his arm. Rose up en tet said en Tettetd Tetteta : amma Prithee tatu - nd be given to me iiau a A en qaqau qaqau boat. dn-tu-f let one bring nd yertu-d her anu-d aha en erta to me my children with my books. Rose up was made STORIES OF THE REIGNS OF SENEFERIJ AND KHUFU. I2i aha - nef uda sen hena qei - sen iut to stand for him boats two with their sailors. A going pu art en Tettetd em yet em usey made Tetteta sailing down the Nile in the boat enli suten sa Heru-tdta-f dm - f yer which the royal son Herutataf was in it. Now A A A '''' ^ )!' -^^^ A emyet sper - f er ymmi d- AAAAAA dfi - nd su 11 fa pu art en bring to me him. A going out made his heji - f Majesty er into iiayi the colonnade I per of the great house, life, {i. e., palace) AA/VAAA AAAAAA Ufa A se?ib std etitu 7ief Tettetd strength, health, was led in to him Tetteta. fet an Said his hen - f peti set Tetteta tern erta Majesty : What is it, O Tetteta, [which] not hast made maa - nd tn to see me thou? AAAAAA ^ ^ ^ . \ P fet dn Tettetd ndsu Said Tetteta : The invited one A pn ddi AAA/VSA 1 r\ 1 r\ AAA/v^ T i I' 11 I any^ ufa senb it is [who I Cometh, O Prince, life, strength, health ! A call [being er - d 7?iakud made] to me verily I, 51 AAAAAA / - t:nd fet dn hen - f * I come. Said his Majesty : \ \ an du madt pu Is it right and true pa fet du-lz what is said [that] thou art STORIES OF THE REIGNS OF SENEFERU AND KHUFU. 123 If A X re^ - Od des tep hesq knowing how to bind on a head [which] jhath been) Said \ cut off? / AAAAAA fet ibi Tettetd Su re'^ - hid dSi Tetteta : Certainly, I, even I, know [how to do it], O Prince, an^i Ufa senh neh-d life, strength, health, my lord. tet Said an his I heji - f Majesty : n 0v 0^ Q N\N^J\/\ /WW\A ^ f\ it r: k ^ dmma dn-tu - ?id ymrd enti cm yenrdt Prithee let be brought to me a captive who [is| in prison X lit neken - f to intiict his doom. tet an Tetteta a?i as Said Tetteta : Not, behold. en of ret men, dOi dny^ iit'a senb nch-d O Prince, life, strength, health, my lord mdk an /WW\A iitu - tu drit ment an Surely (shall not| commanded to perform on some [animal | belonging I one be j ta aut sepset aha en dn - nef to the beasts sacred ? One rose up and brought to him 124 STORIES OF THE REIGNS OF SENEFERU AND KHUFU. AA/WVA smen Is. ^ nta tep - f aha en ertd being cut off its head, rose one and placed pa the smen goose er on the side •IX I r w n dmenii west en of [z-zi uayri the colonnade, [and] I its head s er on the keha side fj: east en of w uayi the colonnade. <:z/^« ^/^ /^'/ en Rose up and spake Tettetd Tetteta, fetet - nef em heka he uttered words of magical power. AAAAAA Aj%AAAA U7i an Was pa the aha I goose [then] standing up to hehaha waddle [and] i'afa - f its head em mdtet likewise. ter Now £2> emy^et after A sper-f had come z/(2?/{ ^/^z?^ aha en the one upon the other, stood up pa the AA/VW\ smen goose STORIES OP^ THE REIGNS OF SENEFERU AND KHUFU. 125 f A T s^^ki) //^T Xyj'X' I III A liud em owner of ahet aH urt du ren ■ en qen fields many great; shall the name for bravery THE r.IFE OF AAHMES, ETC. 127 drit nef an heteniu in what he wrought not em in tetta tet - f erentet dri - iid 8 yepej'u /WW\A ta pen and this \ = for ever. He saith : Now I made my coming into being (/. (?., I was born) em in temd e?i Neyeh du dtcf-d em iiau the city of Nekheb. Was my father of the captain[s] I © . ^ v. " >wvvv\ /I r O ^ I 1 (. en suten 7iet Se-qenen-Rd madyeru Ba sep sen of f the king of the \ Seqenen-Ra, triumphant : Ba twice |North and South, j" ^/ Baba) sa Re dnt r^;/ - f aha - nd her drit the son of Reant [was] his name. I rose up to perform er teh - f ILdU I em pa uda en pa the captainship as his deputy in the ship of the rn Mas em Mas (/. e., the Bull) in hau neh taui the time of the lord of the two lands CZSID Neb-pehtet-Ra maayerti dii-d em krd an Neb-pehtet-Ra, triumphant. Was I at the age of a child, not (Aahmes I) 128 THE LIFE OF AAHMES, ETC. dn'/ - d hemt dii ster - d em semt had I married a wife, was I sleeping in the garments ker - 7id per aha - nd of netted work. But afterwards I possessed a house, I rose up, Q^^^^O^ 1 I '^^"A Betet - hid er pa iida Mehti her qenen - d I betook myself to the ship Mehti that I might fight, {i. e., the North) un y^er-d her §es dOi any uta senb [it] being upon me to follow the Prince, life, strength, health. her ret-d emyd sutut - f her iireret - f upon my feet after his journeyings in his chariot. du hems - hi her temd en Het - Uart Being encamped One against the city of Avaris (/. e.y the king) ^ A iin yer-d her qcnt her ret - d imhah hen - f was [it] upon me to fight upon my feet before his Majesty. aha - 7id tehen - kud er yaa-em-Men-nefer I rose up, I was advanced to Khaa-em-Men-nefer. (/. e., to a ship of this name) THE LIFE OF AAHMES, ETC. 129 nn an tu her aba Being One (/. e., the king) hghting m - ku canal en of AAA/vAA AA/V\AA 1 AA/WV\ her mu e)U on the waters of the Het-Uart aha en ^(^/(i - Avaris, rising up I captured [booty]. i¥ T, m - 1= / dn-nd tet semd - d en sutenet uhem I brought a hand [which] was mentioned by the royal herald. AAAAAA I N un Was dn tiL One I her ertdt 000 A aha en nemu aha em Was a second time war in nd ntib en qent me the gold of bravery. {i. e., prize) + AAAAAA U7l dn-d place this, and I was I her nem yafd J J I '— ' I \ AAA/VV\ 1 JL /u again capturing [booty] there. I brought a hand, was One 000 7mb en giving to me the gold of I her ertdt A/V^AAA AAAAAA qent bravery em nem-d un ai^ain. Was I dn tu her One aba lighting AAAAAA f) fl ^ Hi t'W Ta-qemet reset en tcmd in Ta-qemet to the south of city 9 i3o THE LIFE OF AAHMES, ETC. pen aha en an - nd seqerd dnyi sa this, rising up brought I captive a living person. ra^^ ^ ^ z: ha - nd er pa mu mak dn - tu - f I went dow^n into the w^ater verily bringing him em seset her ta by force along the ^ I nat road pa of the temd td- town, I set out AAAAAA AAAAAA y^er - f her mu semdu en sutenet uhem with him on the water. Reported it the royal herald. — D rw^ n " § o o o I I O aha en ht mdk and - d em nub her - s sen rose up One, verily I was rewarded with gold for it a second time. un dn iu Was One her dnt haqet dm bringing in captives there, AAAAAA \ ^ un dn-d was I Ml sa ua set hemt lemt temt man one, women three, in all her haq Het-uart capturing Avaris, tepu ftu uji dn hen-f her ertat - set nd er heads four, was his Majesty giving them to me for THE LIFE OF AAHMES, ETC. i3i henu an tu her hemset her servants. Was One sitting before {i. e., besieging) 1 1 em renpit tua in year five, I K ^ ^arehan Sharehan A un was an hen-f her hag - s his Majesty capturing it. I I I II aha en an - nd haqei dm set he?ni sen Rose up brought in I captives there, women two, ooo A AAAAAA AAAAAA tet ua un dn iu her ertdt - nd nub en qent hand one. Was One giving to me the gold of bravery, haqet mak ertat - nd haqet er henu ler emy^et verily [were] given to me the captives for servants. Now after I ^ £i A *^-^=» — AAAAAA rrNS- I s??ia en hen-f mena Satet ufi had slaughtered his Majesty the doomed foes of Asia was rvy\y] dn f her y^enOit lent-hen-nefer he sailing up the Nile to Khent-hen-nefer er to m seksek dnti Kenseta un dn hen-f . her drit chastise the Anti of Nubia. Was his Majesty making 9* l32 THE LIFE OF AAHMES, ETC. AAAAAA I I I Q AAAAAA ^ n AAAAAA AWAAA a slaughter great among them. Rose up brought in I A ^ II „.o III I . 1^1 " -I? haqet dm sa dny^ sen tet yemt im dii hi captives there men living two, hands three. Was One I ooo , , o her dud-d em nub her - s sen mdk rewarding me with gold for it a second time, [and] verily [he] 1 1 — o ^ k Ml ^ ertat - nd hent sen nat em yet an gave me female slaves two. Came back sailing down the river ^ AAAAAA AAAAAA ^ h ^— ^ /^m-/ I A^AAAA t'^JMSN^/^ A I X^^^^ - dhu un dn hcfi-f her sma- the vile-hearted {i. e., rebels), was his Majesty smiting I :^ I f hent - f em temt yeper aha en {could the rise up. ^ — I I ® him [and] his servants so that never again jcould theyj He gave to III \> III I 1 ertd - nd tepu y^emi aht statet tua em nut - d me heads three and of land measures five in my city. AA/VW\ un d?t-d her ymt suten net {bdt) Teser-lia-Ra Was I carrying | the king of the |^ Tcheser-ka-Ra, I North and South, j (Amenophis 1.) maayeru du - f em yentit er Ke§ triumphant, [when] he was sailing up the river to Nubia er seuseyt tahi Qemt un dn hen-f to widen the boundaries of Egypt. Was his Majesty T ir^ ^ = ^^-r j^-^^r A7iti Kenset pef em her db mejifitu - f taking captive Anti of Nubia that among his soldiers, THE LIFE OF AAHMES, ETC. i35 Q AAAAAA ^-"x AA/WVA ra LA-I I I I dn^u em kua an nehup - sen being led into an ambush not could escape they, uteyiu em tat her kes md eniu d?t being scattered and yielding on [their] ground so that never again 8 \h \\ t ~ i\ ,T, ft y^eper dst - ud em tep en menfihi - n du fcould theyl Behold I was at the head of our soldiers, I rise up. | fta ^ ^ + ^ 0 I AAAAAA aha - nd er nn maa maa en hen-f qent - d I fought in very truth, saw his Majesty my valour. (/. to the utmost of my power) jj I ? " D A A ^^-^ AAAAAA dji-7id tet sen mas en hen-f mi I brought in hands two, carrying [them] to his Majesty. Was T ii: sMi- 'Tzi'M- an ill her hehi red - f menment - f One seeking out his people and his cattle, A aha en dn-nd seqcr any^ mas en rose up brought in I a captive living bringing [him] to !^ U !^ ' hen-f dn-nd hen-f hrii sen er Qe??ii his Majesty. I brought his Majesty in days two to Egypt 1 36 THE LIFE OF AAHMES, ETC. m yiieinet heru aha en tu her aua-d from the pool upper, rose up One rewarding me J J AAAAAA CSi A HI GOO T em 7iuh dhd en dn-nd hent seji em with gold. Rose up I brought in female slaves two in AAAAAA VtA AAAAA^ AAAAAA ^^rz/ ^;/£7/ ^'^/izj - /m' un addition to those which I carried to his Majesty. Was _xl I AAAAAA (N /WWV\ ^ iu her ertat-d er ahatiu en heq un- One making me the "Warrior of the Prince". Was {i. e., "Crown-warrior") nd her ymt suten net (bdt) Aa-y^eper-ka-Rd I conveying up the river ( the king of the 1 Aa-kheper-ka-Ra, iNorth and South,/ (Thothmes I.) maaieru du-f em yenti er tent- hen -nefer triumphant, was he sailing up to Khent-hen-nefer AAAAAA^ ^ W ^ ^ S er sesun hat Xetet er ter to punish the disaffected ones of Khetet, and to destroy ^ D =§= AAAAAA ^ ^ AAAAAA n ^ h.N\M\l\ A 1^1 AA^ ^ ^ I ^ (^^j" ^ (?) un - dn d her qejit the roads (?) of the district of A (?). Was I fighting THE LIFE OF AAHMES, ETC. I37 AAAAA/N /NAAAAA AAAAAA J emmd - f em pa mu ban em pa with him on the water foul in the III I ^ D pa dhdu her ta pendit and the fighting barges [were] on the shallow beach, N\I\/\N\ un an tu was One I her AAAA/V\ ertat-d making me er her yaiii the chief of the sailors. /w^AA^ ^ f ^^-c=^ 1j \ un an hen-f dny^ ufa senh Was his Majesty, life, strength, health . . . THE HARPER'S LAMENT. From the tomb of Nefer-hetep. [XVIIIth dynasty.] fet en Saith pa the hes singer JAAAAAA em bent to the harp ^ w efiii who is em in ta the mahat tomb en Ausdr 0^ UEl Nefer-hetep maayeru fet - f AH 7ieter dtf divine fa urt 1 AAAAAA en Amen er of Amen, i I urn pu Nefer-hetep, triumphant. Saith he : Resteth mighty one this, maa pa §aii right and true [is] the decree good. fWhat hath come) bodies J j> nefer yeper r |into being [from]/ women) I ker seht J yer - k Ra tama her must pass away before thee, O Ra, the young men and women AAA/W\ I I I O I I ^^o it er duset - sen Rd td - f su tep hiait go to their places. Ra giveth himself at dawn, [i. e., sheweth) THE HARPER'S LAMENT. i39 Tern hetep em Manu Tmu setteth in Manu. ^111 I _ZI ("^nD III I /hi her utet kant her Men beget and women □ I sesep fent neh her tepd nefu het' - ta meses receive, nose every smelling the breath of dawn, and children %i ~ ressi iu - sen er diisei I I I dru dri hru all alike they come to the place j which belongethi Make a day I to them. j ®0 ^v^^ □ III tept tut nefer pa neter dtef dmma qemdi happy, O divine father! Come, unguents and perfumes are set er yer - k before thee, 0 I I I ^.^^^ \^ I [^AAAAAJ (D I viahiu se§ennu er erinentu mahu flowers and lilies for the arms [and] /VAAAAA er hnhet sent - k dint dh - k senet'em-6 for the neck of thy sister dwelling in thy heart, sitting m i\m * er-kes - k d??ima hes qema er near thee. Come then, song |and| music are I left - k before thee. I I I tutu neht reHu ma ha tutu neht seya - nek Set behind [thec | evil things all, think thou upon gladness [only] I40 THE HARPER'S LAMENT. U ^ ^ I I I AAAAAA n iJ A I W AA/VNAA 1 I S,^ 0 /zrz/ pefi en mend dm-f er until Cometh day that arriveth [a man] in it at pa ta mer - s ker the land [which] lovcth it silence. THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. From the Annals of Thothmes III. [XVIIIth dynasty.] n I □3=1 n I o n I 11 mill s i re?ipi/ XXIII tep kmu hru XVI er tenia Year twenty-three, Hrst month of summer, day sixteen, at the town AA/WAA 1 en Iheni of Ihem. t I utu £71 hen-f nei'ii - re hcnd Ordered his Majesty a council of war with menfitu-f en neyj his soldiers of valour. er t'et saying erentct yeru Inasmuch as wretch pef that en of Qete§u Kadesh A A A ill aq er hath come [and] gone into 1 Makdd su dm em Megiddo, [and] he is there at ta at schiii- this moment, and hath nef nef sent I nu ^ III set neht c=^ \\ enti her gathered to him the princes of countries all who are on 142 THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. AAAAA^ /WVAAA mu en Qemt hena §aa er Neherina the water of Egypt and [those who are] as far as Neherina, (/. e., in league with Egypt) (Mesopotamia) K\h\ fell Z em K^asu yaru Q^t'^i' sesemiit - sen of the Shasu, Syrians, Qetu, their horses, I I I I III t_1l I menfitu - sen er t'er - sen erentet su her t'et yertii their soldiers, all of them, because he was saying, "Verily f-r t = <=■ 11 - k k^H-- aha - d er aha er hen - f em MakSd I will rise up to fight against his Majesty in Megiddo", Q AAAAAA g) n WWNA [\ ^ AAAAAA t'et - ten - nd mdden-d dm t'et - en - sen tell ye me my way thither. They spake y^eft hen-f su md dy hm - n her before his Majesty : Is it wherefore that we march along madeji pen enti ua er hens dutii road this which advances becoming narrower? One her i er t'et samui dm aha her Cometh to say, "The foes are there standing to THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. 143 mad 671 er I I I AAAAAA as hen sem [defend] the road against a host". Behold must not march fin this] 1 case ( I sesemet em-sa sesemet "ed red em mdtet horse behind horse, and man behind man ? likewise is it ft AAAAAA dn du unefi na eji hdti eti I I n ami that would be the men who are in front of our army able ? » r - . . ^ her aha du na en pehiUi aha aa em to hght, being those of the rear standing distant in Aalena Alena aha - en - sen AAAAAA erentet 1 1 sen not being able to fight? jFor as much| two \ as there are ( en mddent roads ^^^^ fextending to^ one I a distance, | %5 en mdSen of the road[s] AAAAAA ^ III I sii ertat - n her nai dment it will set us on the n mak verily dment en west of Taddneka Taaaneka, and ki mak the other verily AAAAAA ^ ^ I I I I su ertat - ?i it will set us I 00 her uat mehtet en on the road north of 144 THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. Tefdd per - n er mehtet en Mdkdd Tcheftha, and \ we shall! to the north of Megiddo. I come outj A f^AArAA AA/W\A 111®^ I ^ I (i^ fc7U neh - n neyt her yei't dh - f O let go forth our lord mighty according to his heart's desire ^AAAAA ^ , , , I em ertd se?Ji - n her vidden do not make us march on road AA,W\A Vv n Y AAAAAA ^1^.^ I /vww. \ A □ Jr X I pen kta aha na en dput dm - f dst this hidden, stand the envoys in it. Behold hen-f her yddr her - s yer pen fet - en- his Majesty became furious at it [at] things these [which] they had AAAAAA <=:> ^ 1 III sen yer hat tetetet said before the words em hen en setep-sa he words from the Majesty of the Court, (z'. e., in respect of) O I any utd senb dny-d merit - d Rd life, strength, health, C'^nd he By my life, by my beloved Ra, said :] AAAAAA iJ I r\N\/\rsr\ / > hesu-d tef - d Ameji hunnu fent-d by my favour with my father Amen, who maketh young my nose THE HATTLK OF MEGIDDU. 145 f 1 A I m em dux usr die tdtc hen-d her with life and power, will set out my Majesty by mad en road pen this Adlena of Aalena. amma Let go ^ w I enii hrd - f him whose face g—— — <, ^ AAAAAA III I Sen her na en among you is upon the /WW\A _Z1 I I I mddemm fetu- roads [of which] ye have Sen dmma spoken, let -CrV?> AAAAAA dfu - Sen em hit enii hrd - f come him whose face among you is for sesui hen-d ma ka - sen em na following my Majesty, because they will cry among the ^ o en ^/eru hut Rd wretched creatures abominated of Ra an an "Is it not that A hen-f tail her ki his Majesty hath gone by another mdSen road ? dn-f da He hath departed I I I er sent - en - n through fear of us AAAAAA I I I ka - sen this! will thev crv fet - en - sen Thev spake 146 THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. tef - k Amen neb nest I thrones I" y^eft hen-f art before his Majesty : "May make thy father Amen, the lord I of the A □ o taiu y^ejtt apt of the world, the dweller in the Apts, {i. e., Karnak) maket - k thy protection. mak ^A/w^A I I I n ^es hen-k hit neb Verily we [are] following thy Majesty into place every t'au-k goest thou there ; AAAA/vA dm un - n we are hak servants I em-sa behind 11. sen dst pehui en menfitu neyt master." Behold then the end of the army mighty {i. e., rear guard) neb- their en of hen-f er his Majesty [was] at pa the AAAAAA AA/WVA temd en Aalena town of Aalena, ; ^ pa hdii per er ta ant meh- the head came forth to the valley. .; [when] they e., advance guard) I I I hJsNsT^ AAAAAA AAAAAA III en - sen pek en had hlled the ravines of AAAAAA pv/X/^ dnt valley den this. aha en rose and THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. 147 ^ ,T", ^ IJ^ fet - en - sen y^er - tii eref mak hen-f said they : "Assuredly now verily his Majesty t A A — D 1^ ^ o _il I I I I per hend menfitu-f en neytu meh - en - sen |hath cornel with his army of brave men, and they have filled ■j forth I* I AAAAA^ [ AAAWA fV/'V^ AAAAAA pck en dnt dmmd setem - en - n the ravines of the valley : come now, let us hearken unto neh - n neyt em pa t'etet-f neht dmma our lord mighty in that which he saith all, come now, AAAAAA r\/sr\N\f\ ^A/w^'\ — ~7 III III sai - en - n neh - n pehui en menfitii-f hend let us guard our lord. The rear of his army and AAAAAA ^ Hiiii -^1. , , , -^^^^ ^ ii ret-f sai - sen pehui. en pa vienfitii of his men they guard the rear of the army ^--^ AAAAAA [M^tk ha ka aba - sen er na en seta behind : surely if they fight against the mountaineers. ^ ^ /\A/\rjy\ ^ - AAAAAA C2 -^1 ^ D -<3 --^ AAAAAA ^ ^^rr-rr i i i i i i i A i i i ka tem - n ertdt db - n er yad pa-n surely we must not allow our heart to forsake our (/. e., courage) 10* 148 THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. ? J meiifitu sment d en hen-f her soldiers has stationed whom his Majestv henrii- outside : \ sen enti dm her suit these which are there to guard the rear of his army pehui en menfitu-f ^111 neyt dst peh en pa hdu of brave men." Behold then arrived the forepart of the army ? » ¥ k m ? per her mad en du rer em ^ut • sper coming forth on the road at the revolving of Shu, arrived h c en h^n-f res MakSd his Majesty at the south of Megiddo, I □ I her sept en on the edge of ^^•^^ AAAAAA ymnu the pool en of qina AAAAAA unnui VII em Qina, [itj being hour seven of A rer O em aha en uah the circuiting of Shu. [One] rose up and pitched dhu the camp AAAAAA D aaIa. 1" I en hen-f ertd dn tii em hrd e7i menfitii er of his Majesty, and it gave in the face of the army all THE BATTLE OF ME.GIDDO. 149 fer - f of it, t'et saying ker - Sen sesept "Lay ye hold upon [and] prepare D .—DIM y^ddti- your , , , H ft 4 - -IT - S Sen erentet du - tu er Behen er aha arms inasmuch as it will be to advance to do battle hena yer pef yasi em tua her entet with wretched one this and abominable at daybreak, because -5^ft ? tutu her it will be to em in th( ddni camp — f i en dny ufa senh of life, strength, health' T ksi Hi drit meyer (?) u?'u Made preparations (?) the overseers se.^ rem en menfitu tef - en - sen passed along the watchmen of the soldiers, they said : ud en hsu J of the ^ of the foot-soldiers, ] provisions I ^ © I I men sep sen res tep sep sen res em any "Re tirm, twice ; watch well, twice ; watch for life em in f i p 5 am the camp A it - tu en any uta senb it - tu er of life, strength, health." Came one to THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. t'et en hen-f meru senb audit say to his Majesty : "The mountain pand is in a\ I and the \ j good state, | jbondsmenj S V I h r-^ 1 O III 11 rest meht er vidtet renpit XXIII tep south and north likewise." Year twenty-three, first month nn o rm o /WVWV O . . AAAAAA [ () j AAWA VO^ /WWVA /yWvAA I I XXI hru en heh en pant (?) n of the season, day twenty-one, the day of the festival of paui (?) n of summer ^ w I I U t o I o o meti sutenet yat tep tuat which corresponds | the royal coronation, at Jthe earliest^^ Uhatofj" \ dawn, j dst erta em hrd /fT - / er all of it to 1 1^^ 0 I # A. se§ er yeft tan hen-f her urerit advance against the enemy. Set out his Majesty in a chariot [made c D o I 7 Ikr Z^M ent uasm (s??in) sahu em yakeru - f nu of shining bronze decorated with its accoutrements of \ \ %A ^ I o rat md Heru dema neb dri yet md battle, like Horus, the crusher, the lord, maker of things, like THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. Mendu Uasti dtef Amen her seneyt Menthu [god] of Thebes, [and] father Amen was for making strong J aaui - f pa teh rest en pa menjitu his two hands. The horn southern of the armv I J^yi^^ U1 ^ 1 en hen-f er res en Mcikdd her of his Majesty was to the south of Megiddo, at ^ 1^ \ -=^ □ ^ \> I WAAA ijm I ^ W O \\ p \> I sept Qina pa teh inehti er mehti dmenti the border of Qina, the horn northern to the north-west AAAAAA I I I Makdd an hen-f em he?'-dl/ - seji of Megiddo. Was his Majesty in the middle of them, [was] Amen em sau haii-f er tain .... at - f Amen protecting his body his limbs. aha en seyem en hen-f er-es yer hat Rising up gained possession his Majesty of it before his menfitii-f maa dn sen hen-f her seyan army. [When] saw they that his Majesty [was] for gaining THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. AAAAAA I er-es er into Mdkdd Megiddo her aft e?n for /I neeing k 1 1 1 AAAAAA em hrdu eji with faces of kehkehi lieadlong A sent yad- fear, thev forsook AAAAAA AAAAAA I j I j AAAAAA I III en - sen sesemut - sen their horses randl their chariots ^ ^ — ^ \ 11 III I ooo | iweret - sen nii nuh her 0 fW^ A ooo her silver, dthu drawn up "1? tu set em were thev bv I ooo I m nuh her of gold upon -ML tehteh the strings 1} ti I fill 1 1 I . ' ^ ^ ' I AAAAAA I I I I sen hebs - sen er of their garments into AAAAAA AAAAAA 'Vk AA/W\A temd pen dst yetem town this, for behold j had shut ( Ithegatesj" □ en na . en red temd pen her dthu- certain of the people of town this, [and] they drew 1 J^^l AAAAAA I I I ^ sen em hebs up [them] by [their] garments er to deb deb - sed hoist them er her er over [the walls] into temd town pen dst ha this. And behold in truth THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. I A '*i^=— ^ III an dri menfiiu en hen-f ertdt dh - sen er not made the soldiers of his Majesty to give their Ihcartsl to I minds j I AAAAAA I haq 7ta en )(et en capture any of the things of [i. e., spoil) 7ia yerii the degraded ones, \ 1 1 1 sen her dq er were for entering into MdkSd Megiddo at ta at ill dst dthti the moment, and then [while] they were drawing up the degraded [i. e., immediately) w yast Oele.^ yeric yas ind abominablc|^ of Kadesh, and the degraded and abominable men | □ AAAAAA en temd pen of town this em in yas haste er ' sedqet - set to make enter them er temd pen du sent hen-f em hat- into town this, was the fear of his Majesty in their ft III 1 _il — a I I I I c-^^ W -C2>- I I I sen du ddiii - sen betet; maa - sen members, w^ere their hands powerless [wdienj they saw 154 THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO. AAAAAA sen seku cfi Ti^ ~ f the destruction [wrought] by his uraeus crown among them. [They] aha haq I n ^^^^ I I I I I ureret nefcji ith gold, and a seat of gold ; a chariot beautiful 000 bak-6 em nuh worked with gold en ser e7i Mdkff of the prince of Megiddo ; ureret chariots nefej't bak-6 beautiful worked n ^ ^ XXX ureret en 3o ; chariots of (^(^(^nniiii 000 DCCCCXXIV yant 000 em nuh i mesu yer □ with gold of the sons (of wretched ( that i creature j" mejifitu - f yas his soldiers vile (^(^(^(^nnnnii DCCCXCII 924 of bronze a coat of mail hne temt 892 in all en iiba en of battle of yer pef (wretched ( that ; . . ■j creature 1^ /)^/ DII . . bows 502 ; aut neteset MM aut beasts small 2000 ; beasts 4> ^^pnn III nnn I II I untu CCXCVII calves 297 ; AO hetet white 20500. SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THOTHMES III. [XVIIIth dynasty.] I U V /WAAAA I A/VVVVX I Amen-Rd neb nest taiu Saith Amen-Ra, the lord of the thrones of the world : / - ^^(i - nd ha - 6d maa nefer-d Come thou to me [and] make glad thyself [at] the sight I of my \ i beauty, I net'ti-d Men-yeper-Ra cuiy t'etta iiben-d my son, my brave one, Men-kheper-Ra living for ever ! I shine (Thothmes III.) en mem - k db-d au em in (?) - k through love for thee, my heart rejoiceth at thy comings 7ieferu er erper-d ynem aaui haii-k happy to my temple, |I havel my two hands to thy body uinitedj em sa-d any nefem - ui seyemet - k er in my protection living, doubly sweet is thy form unto SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THOTHMES 111. 157 knbet-d smen-d tu em aunn-d my divine body. I have stablished thee in my dwcllingplace, J[|(| -^En^ ^ ^ 0 hi - d - nek td-d - nek qent neyj I have made thee a wonder. I have given to thee power and victory - ^ T Al ^^i er set neht ta-d haiu-k sentii - k over foreign huids all. I have given thy will and the fear of thee em taiu nebu herit - k er t'eni in lands all, they fear thee to the limits seyent ent pet scddai - d kfkf - k of the four pillars of heaven. 1 have magnified the terror of thee k n T Al ra^raK Vii^ V em '/at nebt ta-d hemhemct hen - k yet in bodies all, I have given the report of thv majesty amonii nebt tcmt jthe nine foreign]^ The nobles of foreign nations all in totalitv [are] j peoples. I em ye/a - k atii ' - d adiii - d tes - d in thy tist. 1 have stretched out my hands, mine own. 158 SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THOTHMES III. etmiihu - d - nek setet mater - d Afiti Kenset I have bound for thee with cords, I have led captive Anti of Nubia k em he full em by j tens of ( and thousands ([and] ofthosel by (hundreds of I of - 1- I thousands 1 em tebau I tens o I thousands I" yau mehta on the northj 1\\ seqer ta - d yer prisoners. I have made to fall re(/i - k yer thy opponents beneath 8^ m teUiu - k tdtd - k sen 8 m thy sandals. Thou didst destroy the companies of rebels yaku-dbu md ntu-d nek la em even as I commanded for thee the earth in au - f its length .A. dhtaht yer diiset usey - f dmeniaiu and [in] its breadth. {Those of the| fthose of the| under the place I west and | y east [are] j" I AAAAAA VT /\ ^^^^ ^ I nebt db - k hrd - k yen/ - k set of thy face. Thou hast trodden under foot lands all, thy heart is du glad. ail not AAAAAA im hesi SIC em hau were penetrated they [until] in the time SPEECH OF AMEN-RA 10 THOTHMES III. 159 A hen - k d-d em semi sper - k of thy Majesty. I made myself [thy] guide [when| thou wcntcst forth AAAAAA III A ^ZPt -i r I <^=^ er sen ta - nek jiiu-tcr Nehern to them. Thou hast traversed the great waters of Nehrcii (Mesopotamia) em neyi em user utu - nd - ?iek in victory [and] in might. I have commanded for thee [that] setefu - sen hemhemet - k aq em they may hear the noise of thee entering into [their] J%*J^i?i ^KT V\r7. k ^ haha kaq - nd fent - se?i em nef en huts {or holes), I have removed their noses from the breath of dny^ ta - d nerii nii hen - k yd dbii- life. I have made the terror of thy majesty enter into their I I I sen ytit - d d?nt tep - k sesun - s hearts. My uraeus crown is on thy head, it burneth with tire set dri - s dseb haq em them, it maketh [thee] to lead away captives from among i6o SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THOTHMES III. yiebtu Qet amem - s dmu the wicked of the peoples of Qet, it burns up those who are among I I I nehu - sen cm nesut seten-s tepu Amu their lords with hre, it cutteth otf the heads of the Amu, ^ ^ AAAAA/ ra AAAAAA I III an nehu - sen yer meses en not can they escape, [it] overthroweth / him that cometh i of ^within the compassj I A ^ 5^1 11^ ^ se^emu - s /d-d rer neyt - k em its powder. I have made ltogoround( thy victories among about 1^ iaiu nehu sehet'et tept - d em en t'et - k lands all, shining with my crown upon thy body. 7, t ^ I ; AAAAAA dn yeper heHa - k er §enentu pet Not shall arise an enemv of thine as far as the circuit of heaven. iu - sen yer dnnu her pestu They come having offerings upon their backs (/. e., peoples) AAAAAA k 1 1 1 sen em with I kesu en hen - k md utu - d homage to thy Majesty even as I have commanded SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THOTHMES III. l6l /a-d betes tekeku hi e?ii I have made the rebels to be fettered [when] they came near ra hau - k unto thee. maya burned I I en dhii sen hail - sen their hearts, their hmbs setaii quaked. / - nd td-d tdtd - k urti I came, I made thee to smite the princes ra se^ - d I I I A h set ler them under 1 1 1 sen he?i 1 ^ r^^/^^^ yet set- sen ta-d maa - sen hen - k evi kestnt lands. I made to look them upon thy Majesty as a ray of light, §1 I I sehet' - k em hrdu - sen e?n senen-d i - nd thou didst shine upon their faces as my divine image. 1 came, ta-d tdtd Satet seqerd-k I made thee to smite those who arc in Asia, |I made thee to take) (/. c, the dwellers) \ captive j a I I I tepti 11 Amu I 0 I I I nil Reden Al AAAAAA <^>- I I I td - a maa - sen the chiefs jot' the conquered\ of Syria, I have made them to see I nomads / II l62 SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THOTHMES III. he7i - k aper e?n tf^t^^ - k se§ep-k yaa thy Majesty provided with thy panoply, didst| [thy] weapons \ grasp I aba her urerit i - nd td-d tdtd - k [and] fight upon [thy] chariot. I came, I made thee to smite fj: ^ ^1^1 ^ ^ ta dbtet ^^ent - k entau em uu the land of the east, thou didst trample down those in the regions 1^ AD > ^ I Ta-neter td - d maa - sen hen - k md of Ta-neter. I made them to look upon thy Majesty as one seset sba set bes - f em sehi circling [like] a star and pouring out his radiance in fire, I td - f diet - f i - nd td-d tdtd - k he giveth forth his dew. I came, I made thee to smite /^z Amentet Kefa Asebi ^er the land of the west, Phoenicia and Cyprus hold [thee] ^^li Al ^ rr. f'i — k ^ seftef ta - d maa - sen hen - k em ka in fear. I made them to look upon thy Majesty like a bull SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THOTHMES III. i63 f'enp men dh sept abut an ha entuf young, firm of heart, provided J with ^ not can he be approached. (/. e., full of valour) |horns,j I - nd ta - d tdtd - k dmu ?iebu - se7i I came, I made thee to smite those who were among their lords ^1 ^ ^ iam nu Mddejt set ker sent-k the lands of MaOen trembled having fear of thee. AAAAAA \\ I "' III A ■ ^ □ td -d maa - sen hen - k ' em tepi neb I made them to look upon thy Majesty as the crocodile, the lord f\r^rjSAA AAAAAA I I ^.X^ AAAA/VX ^ I VAw\. VrLr\. AAAAAA ^ -w A ' — * I -xir AAAAAA ^ III td-d tdtd - k dmu daiu her dbu I made thee to smite the dwellers (in thc| in the midst jislandsj Uaf-ur y^cr hemhemet - k ta - d maa- of the Great Green with thy roarings, 1 made them to look {i, e., Mediterranean Sea) sen hen - k em net'eti yaau her pestu upon thy Majesty as the avenger [who| stands upon the hack 164 SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THOTHMES 19 en sma - f i - nd td-d tdtd - k of his victim for sacritice. I came, I made thee to smite ODD II i 7J J Ah \ I en seyem haiu - k dehennii taiu Udena Thehennu, the lands of Uthena are in the power of thy will. I I I ta-d maa - sen hen - k em I made them to look upon thy Majesty as madhes a raging lion, dri - k set em ^1 U I tart A yet thou didst make them [to go] into [their] holes in passing through AAAAAA dnt their valley. sen I - na I came, td - d made tdtd - k thee to smite AA//W\ AAAAA^ III AAAAAA pehuu senent sent ur arf the out-lying swamps, the circle (of the boundary i is bound up \oi the great water/ em in yefd - k I I I ta-d maa - sen hen - k em neb thy hst, I made them to look upon thy Majesty as the lord temat Heru det em tekeJzet - f er merer -f of pinions, Horus carrying olf with his glance / what he Ipleaseth. SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THOTHMES HI. 165 i - nd fa - d tdtd - k dmu ha I came, I made thee to smite the dwellers in the foremost /WNAAA I en sen hu - k heru §a em parts of them, thou hast seized the dwellers on the sand as f* A I I I seqerd dny^ td - d viaa - sen hen - k mc captives living. I made them to look upon thy Majestv as w A sdd qemd neh mest hdputi a jackal of the south, the lord of quick motion, a stealthy runner 4:- r TijtlT Al H^- yens taiii i - nd ta-d tdtd - k passing through the lands. I came, I made thee to smite Anti Kenset er - men em ^at em amemet - k Anti Kenset er - men em ^at the Anti of Nubia as far as Shat fis| in thy grasp. Al Z rr, 14 ^ l b\^^M ta-d maa - sen hen - k md senui - k I made them to look upon thy Majesty as thy two divine brethren. temt - nd aaiii - sen nek em n . . . setit - k I have united their two hands unto thee in , /thy two divinel \ sisters / i66 SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THOTHMES III. ta - nd sen em ha aaui hen-d I have given them as a protection Ibehindj The hands j of my |^ I thee. I ^Majestyj I her hert I her seher tut ta - d I I I yjit - k are in heaven above to drive away evil. (I havej^ f thy glorious \ I given j I strength, J - viei'er-d ka neyt ya em Vast my son, my beloved one, O bull mighty diademed in Thebes, titet - nd em Tehuti-mes any fetta I have engendered with [my body] Thothmes, living for ever. dri - nd merert who did for me wish neht U I ka-d seaha - nek every of myself. Thou hast raised up dunen - d em neheh seusey my dwelling in work everlasting, fmaking itj and broader (/. e., work winch 1 longer j shall last for ever) ^ 25 pat yeper seb seheb J "seht than [it w^as] before; there came into being fa doori j[Thou hast] cele-i \ great, j Ibrated by festival | in — ^ ^ ^ ^ 00 0 1 AAAAAA 1 DDO neferu en Amen-Rd ur menu - k er the beauties of Amen-Ra, great are thy monuments more SPEECH OF AMEN-RA TO THO'lHMES ill. 167 T AAAA AAAAAA /WWV\ sti/en - k neb yeper utu - fid - nek than [those of] king any that hath existed. I commanded thee aV// - j^/ hetep - ku her to make them, and thou hast been content thereat. I have established -\ ^ i \ - t\ fff til her duset Heru en heh em renpiit sem- thee upon the seat of Horus of millions of years. Thou shalt ^^z::^ ^ k any guide living EXTRACT FROM THE 154TH CHAPTER OF THE BOOK OF THE DEAD. [XVIIIth dynasty.] I AAAAAA ^ □ I^e en tern ertdt sehi yat ent suten Chapter of not allowing to pass away the body of king Ra-men-yeper em neter yert t'et - f duet' en hrd - k Ra-men-kheper in the underworld. He saith : Homage to thee, dtef - d Ausdr i - nd A Umu follow A ^ em-sa set- hem I after a woman, e?7i taai do not allow t'aai to seize sei her ^ w I '^iz: haii - k thy heart. amma Give thyself to pa the nctcr God, 1' keep thyself AAAAAA AAAAAA o O em ment en daily for 1 pa neier the God, du tiiauu being to-morrow ma like qeti as pa this ra haru day. 174 SPECIMENS OF THE MAXIMS OF ANI. d maat - k petrd O let thine eye consider 5? pa the am work of pa the 1 D iieter du-f God. He hetau - f despises 1 pa hetau - tu whosoever jsheweth contempt} \ [for Him]. / J! y^ermu en neteru hetu - tuf pu sehehu The sanctuary of God abhorred by it are festal cries. 14 I senemehu - nek em db meri du Make thou supplication ' with a heart loving, bein metet - f its petitions jiebl all In (2 dmennu dri-f "/^eru- in secret, and he will perform thy /z^^ setemu - f d fet - tiik se§epu - f atfairs, he will hear that which thou sayest, he will receive utennu - hik thy offerings. X. dm - k hat em Do not thou put thyself into AAAAAA AAAAAA 1 seurd heqt the house of drinking beer. AWAAA hen tu An evil thing metu are the words SPFXIMENS OF THE MAXIMS OF ANI. 175 I I I w I per an semai sen pei' em re-k an rey- rcported second-hand coming forth from thy mouth, not knowing it 1 ku fet su tuk hai - 6d hat - k thou have been said they by thee. Having fallen thy members sau are broken, AAAAAA an ki tat not another giveth o I tet tiik nai - k Thy I ^ III set A dhd ^1 fi'^fiz:© dri seurd companions [in] drink they stand up ^ A titu herdu pai seurd saying, "Away with this drunkard". am- Do not k dmi aqii dii kai thou eat bread being another standing. A dhd em-tuk temu thou not (5 A - nef tet - tuk stretching out to him thy hand er pa with the A Jl\ \ \ dqu bread. XII. A A iui Cometh pa met death 176 SPECIMENS OF THE MAXIMS OF ANI. yerpu - f it seizeth pa the neyenu babe pa enti which is em on qendu miit-f md the breast of his mother as well as pa him enti that XIII. A^A dri - f datiL iu erek hath become an old man. [When] cometh to thee paik thy V □ JI X dput 1^ er dt'ai - k qemu- messenger [of death] to carry thee off, be thou found L iuf ker - tu by him ready. XIV. mut k tau - d - nek I gave to thee thy mother fadu and she bore su ma thee as 1 ^ D fadii sii tdtit she bore thee. She placed iz/ sebai - yet sebait- thee at the house of instruction for the sake of thy instruction tuk 1 er in anuu books. ^zz/ - set men-tu was she constant for SPECIMENS OF THE MAXIMS OF ANI. 177 hi em-ment yeri thee daily having ^ (D 0 p= set ink menhet house. Thou hast grown up A JH \ \ \ 0 I dqn heqt em per- cakes and beer from her nek hemi kert ill em per - k dmma maatni-tnk en thou art master in thy house, prithee cast thy two eyes on pa mes - in - neli pa se§etu - k her who gave birth to thee, and who provided thee with w ^ 7iet^t md qet drit mut - k em tai all things, as did thy mother [for thee]. Do not cause fai to chide set - nek em-iu set her thee, that she 1^ ^11 II iemu may not AAAAAA fadii - s aani - set en lift up her two hands to pa neter the God, em - iiif and he set emu scbehu - set e?)i dri hear her petition [and punish thee]. Do not make 12 178 SPECIMENS OF THE MAXIMS OF ANI. XVI. aafa er meh yat - k AAAAAA — JLL I I I utennu (thyself a greedyl to fill thy stomach. In making offerings "I beast j tu er neter-ku sail - tu er na betau- to thy god guard thyself from the things [which] are abominated c (0 tuf by him. XVII. em dri - k Not do thou make reqaii railing accusations, \> I uhanu the means of ruin I ^ I' red her nes-f of a man are on his tongue. dm - k Do not thou A dhd hems du ki aha du-f sit being another standing, he being datu older .1^ drek em than thou, even I re if pii it be dii - f that seaaauia thou art greater k dref than he em I I I I daut- in his position. tuf XVIII. A Follow thou after silence. HYMN TO OSIRIS. [XVIIIth dynasty.] dnef hrd - k Atisdr neh heh sutefi neieru Homage to thee, Osiris, lord of eternity, king of the gods. ^ AAAAAA III D III I ^ Ji till dH rennu teser y^eperu kia dm em erpcni of many names, holy of form, hidden of attribute in the temples, U 0^ §epses ka pu ymi T^lf^t ur ycrt the sacred of ka is he, dwelling in Tattu, (ilic mighty I contained (/. e., Mendes) \ [ em Seyem neh hcnnu em Ati in the shrine Sekhem, the lord of praises in the nome of Ati, ii ^ k P» k yent fef em Annu neh seyau em at the head (of what is ^ in Annu, the lord (of whom mention l in \ produced j (/, c ^ Hcliopolis) ( m-^Jc / P • I I \v I A ^ Maati ha §eta neh Qereri teser em Maati, the soul hidden, the lord of Qerert, the holy one in 12* i8o HYMN TO OSIRIS. Aneb hef ba Ra fet - f fesef hetep em r[thecityof the]^ the soul of Ra, his body his very own, resting in I White Wall, j Henen-sti mejii hennu em iiart "l^per sedet Henen-su, beneficent one, praised in Nart, making to ascend U zz© III ba - f neb het-da em yemennu da tierdti his soul, the lord jof the Great\ in Khemennu, ;themighty\ of terror \ Temple i (/ e., Hermopolis) ^ one i e??i ^as -hetep neb heh yent Abtu her in Shas-hetep, the lord of eternity, the dweller in Abtu. The path of {i. e., Abydos) duset - / em Ta-tesert tettet ren em re en his seat is in Ta-tchesert, stablished of name in the mouth of AAAAAA III i/y^ 6 0 -==F= ^^n-rr qcd red paut en taui tem fef mankind, / the matter 1 ofthetwolands, thegodTmu [who] feedeth \(or substance)/ ItI ii !i 1 ®i ^ kau yejit paut neteru yu ??ie?iy emmd kas /in the presence! companies of the gods, a khu beneficent among \ of the / /a\ I ^ AAAAAA 000 '^'WWV AAAAAA AAAAAA ^^^^ I ^AAAAA n AAAAAA AAAAAA ^ ^ (1 h J^i n AAWA "I" ^ yejip en ?tef Nu mu - f yent - nef khtis. Draweth from him Nu his waters, he bringeth forth HYMN TO OSIRIS. i8l ??ie/i/ meses nef er f^^if-f hetepii wind at eventide and air from his nostrils to the satisfaction I I i III I 111^^ db - / relet en db - f meses - nef of his heart ; reneweth [its] youth his heart, he giveth birth to AAAAAA ^ III - nef hert sbaii the splendour of Obey him the heights of heaven f[and]thei I stars. J TTrrrmr I'll III "'o^ seun - nef sbau dditi neb hefinu He maketh to be opened to him the gates mighty, the lord of praises em pel resl tuanu em pel mehtet du in heaven southern, the one adored in heaven northern. jemu " seku yer dusel hrd - f dusel - f JThe stars \ never set [arc] under the place of his face, his scats y which | I 4 1^ % pu du yemu urtii per - fief helep em are those which never rest. Gome to him offerings at utu en Seb pautli her tiia - f sbau the command of Seb. / The divine \ for praising him, the stars I companies are/ l82 HYMN TO OSIRIS. I ^ n ^ I /ua/ em sen - /<2 t'at'at em of the /z^c?/ arc [making] adoration [to him], the ends of the earth kesu fera em Behhu maa- pay homage and the limits of heaven /make prayersi they I [to him when]/ AAAA/VA I I I su nai dm §epsiu her ner- see him. Those who are among the holy ones are for fearing /rtz^/ /em/ her er/at - nef da em him, the world whole [is] for giving to him praise when Xesefu hen-f sah yu yent sahu meeting his Majesty. A sdhu glorious at the head of the sdhus, uah daut stnen heqei seyem nefer en and endowed (with divinel stablished of dominion. Form beautiful of I office, I I 1i I- ? 1 § ^ ^ paut neteru am hrd merer maa - nef the company jof the| gracious of face, beloved by him that seeth him, ) gods, { er/a sen/-/ em taiu neb en meri /em [he] givcth his fear in lands all by /reason of) they all \ [his] love,/ HYMN TO OSIRIS. i83 ka - sen I'eji - f er hat ierp - nef proclaim his name before [every name], / make \ unto him lofferings/ I I I tiebit neb seyau em pet em ta all peoples, the lord of commemorations in heaven [and] in earth. ast hi em Uak dm - nef to him] are (many shouts! in the Uak festival, make to him i of gladness j dhhi an taiu efn hu iia nr cries of joy the two lands in place one. [He is] the eldest, (/. e., unanimously) tep efi sennu - f scrii en paut nctern the hrst of his brethren, the prince of the company |of the| I gods, I" smen maat yet taid erta sa her stablisher of right and truth in the world, placing |his] son upon ^ ^<=> AAAAAA [j c=^ "^4= J nest - f da en dt - f Seh merer mut-f his throne great of his father Seb. He is / the darling of | I his mother j i I Ntct da pehpeh seyer - f Sebd dhd Nut, the great of courage, he overthroweth the Fiend, he riseth and 184 HYMN TO OSIRIS. sma - f xeft - f erta sent - f evi y^eru - f slaughtercth his enemy, he placeth his fear in his adversary, an feru vien db ret- [he] carrieth off the boundaries , [he is] fixed of heart, his legs f sedeti^) aiiau Seb sutenit taut ind of thej kingdom j are raised up ; [he is] the heir of Seb jand of the| of the world. fjiaa - f X^^ ~ f seutu - nef nef sem He hath seen his powers, he hath given command to him to direct I *• ■ ■ ■ ' AAAAAA -I n <;;;3> AAAAAA I I A □ ©I taiu en em d er uah en sep the lands by [his] hand as long as the abiding of ftimes and) 1 seasons, j AAAAAA n AA/W\A -CS>- /WWV\ <\\ X © £"7;^ ^^"(5 neh en pet en ta er neheh at festival every of heaven [and] of earth for ever hejia tetta sent - f inert - f vierert - f ent and ever, [and] his sister, his darling, who loved him, of ? - T 7 OT S duset db - f neht per Hent-dri maa'/ieru the seat of his heart, the lady of the house, Hent-ari, triumphant. i3 FROM THE STELE OF TCHANNI A SCRIBE. [XVlIlth dynasty.] I AAAAAA AAAAAA Mil W A ses 1 I I nd neter nefer heq maat I have followed the god beautiful, the prince of right and truth, 0ir\ AAAAAA suten net Men-y^eper-Ra fking of the North| Men-kheper-Ra 1 and South, j (/ ^.^ Thothmes III.) maa I have seen I I I ^ III suten neytii the victories (of the Klngl he ■j [which] J drit - nef her setu neht /rought over lands all. nef uru brought the nobles D I nu of ra w Tahi em Tchahi as seq\er\d captives na an- He ani alive er to Ta - merd Egypt, haq - nef he captured AAAAAA III III temdu - sen cities their I I I nehu all, he cut down AAAAA ^111 II I 1^ A n AAAA/^^ f\y\y^ AAgAA |) 1 I I I ^^^^ C=^ nef inemiu - sen dn set their trees. dhd not a country / rose m \ \ rebellion/ V FROM THE STELE OF TCHANNI, A SCRIBE. ra em hu - f during his time, nuk snien pa made permanent the neytu victories drit I nef her set neht an [which] he wrought over country every, making [them] into writing II. aril ail menfitu cinbah hen ra sejichi as [they] were made. jinscribcd thc| before [his] Majesty, enlisted j soldiers j" I AAAAAA I 1^ famii en neferu ertat rey sa nch the recruits of the young troops, made to know person every art - f em inenfitu er what belonged to him among the company all tcr . f of it. an the I ri£j vj^ I suten an mad meri - f dn menfitu royal scribe veritable loving him, the scribe of the soldiers, Tchanni I I I w Ta?ini III. fl^ \hT 1 I maayeru dii Us-nd neter nefer triumphant. neb tatii I follow^ed the god beautiful, the lord of the two lands. I III Men-yeper-Ra td any Ra md tetta an - nd mcnfitiL aH Men-kheper-Ra,giverof life, sun-like / foi" \ I enlisted soldiers manv. (/. Thoihmes III.) lever. I _ i3* FROM THE STELE OF SESH, A SCRIBE. [XVIIIth dynasty.] A I - na I have come iuau ter - k to you, Un-neferu Un-neferu, maa - a that I may see i neferu-k du hs - nd neter nefer and that I may adore thy beauties. I have followed the god beautiful, dn het' - d utu - nef neht per - nd y^er not fhave I done) to what he commanded all. I have come forth with 1 contrary | hesut en hesi - f dn hesi the favoured ones of his praise, not is praised y^ebt - nef 7iuk bak yu en neb - f the doer of evil by him. I am a servant noble of his lord. mek - db en dmi het-d neym - d er filling the heart of him that is in the palace. /I passed my| in ^ \ childhood / FROM THE STELE OF SESli, A SCRIBE. 197 -<:IO>- C^I^I I AAAAAA l/u yxr hen-f dri tetet en neb - f the place where was his Majesty, doing l^he things( by his lord. j spoken ^ Ausdr an hesh menvienu Ses tet - f d Osiris, the scribe, the accountant of cattle Sesh, he saith : Hail 33 1 I 11 rr, ^¥ w-k Ausdr netcr aa neterii nehti Ta-tcser setem-nd du-d Osiris god great, and gods all of Ta-tchesert, hear me, for I am I [=s=]^/ -^zz^ A I her as - nek rer db - k e7i sehi - ?iek crying to thee. Let return thy heart to [that which ihou hasti i ordained, j 1 ^ P ,Jl-^ ^^-^ I O O (i;z neter scyemct dri - ncf her - entet for not doth God forget what he hath made, in order that A o 1^ 1(14^ nefu - /(' a«/ aq er yat - a mehit - k thy breath of life may enter into mv body, / tliy \ "(north wind/ nethnet er fent - d indkiid em mad yerii sweet into my nostrils. Verily I am true of voice, 7te/er en yjrt db hesut - d ein suten good of disposition of heart, my praises were in the royal FROM THE STELE OF SESH, A SCRIBE. A I _B?^ttl ^JL ^\ itf l~ ^ III per em ment du ses - nd heq er nemmat- f house daily. I have followed [my] prince in his goings, dn dri - d sep '^asi em sey^eru - f not have I caused a case of failure in his plans neh dn t'et red er - d peird - nef dn all, never said men concerning me, "Behold him". Not did I wrong, not X beta - d did I evil. dn yeper seyet - < not caused I injury, dn aqu yer not hath entered wickedness hay - d into me t'er mesH - d since mv childhood, 1 A vt^ ^ I- ^ ^ ^ □ Jl I ^ £(JIII =^ dpu her drit madt en Jieb taui nuk but only the doing of (the right \ of the lord (of the two| I |and truthj | lands, j ds iiah dh yer neter i en nd her behold, was constant in heart unto God. I have come over maten nefer en aq db e7i mert set'amat the path fair of straightness of heart, and of the love of virtues (?) {i. e., justice) FROM THE STELE OF SESH, A SCRIBE. 199 /wvws @ 9 ned dx any^ ba-d rut yu - d meny all. O may live my soul, may grow my khi, may flourish ren - a my name w resi entirely I em re in the mouth en of I I I I I I red md - ten men with you. AAAAAA I .^i z' - ^;;z ta pen en dnyu haiu er 1 have come into earth this of the living, O ye souls, to / . _ I LI ^ AAAAAA unen hena - ien em Ta-feser ?mk lui dm - ten be with you in Ta-tchescrt ; I am one of you, AAAAAA III 1 I o I I I I ^ I I I I detu - f dsfet ndst - d yer - ten he hath abhorred sin, may I be proclaimed before you AAAAAA, as o em yer hru an sa - f sed?iy ren - f in the course of day [every]. His son maketh to live his name, an Mehu the scribe Mehu. FROM A SEPULCHRAL STELE. [XVIIIth dynasty (?).] 11 A H f S( 1 I - suten ta hetep Ausdr heq t'etia neter aa neb Royal may give oblation Osiris, prince of eternity, god great, lord Abtu Ap-uat qema Ap-iiat meht Anpu dm of Abydos, Ap-uat of the south, Ap-uat of the north, Anubis dweller ut Piah-Seker neb kta - 6d dt td - sen |in the town of|^ Ptah-Seker, lord of the hidden place, may they give I g - " inn A p.t: n Pt embalmment, ^ = ^ 1P = = ^ yu em pet us\r\ em ta maaya'u em Neter-yert glory in heaven, strength upon earth, triumph in Neter-khert, ZV A pert aq er dsi - d qebh - d suit - y (sic) { and a coming a going in to my tomb. May I refresh my shadow^, |forth from andj I I AAAA/V\ L >-*i J AA/NAAA I Zm ^vV I \> ^J. I V ^ . surd - d mu em mer - d hru neb uat' may I drink water from my pool day every, may flourish FROM A SEPULCHRAL STELE. 20I rt/ - d 7ieb ta - nd Hapi hu hetepet my limbs all, may give me the Nile food, and offerings, renpit er trd - s setutU - d her inaa and flowers at its season. May I walk by the side nu ie - d hru fieb dn dbit ycni ha - d of my lake day every without ceasing. May alight my soul T f ? ii - ¥ P her ayamu iiu 7nen7m dn - 7id - s upon the branches of the trees [which] I have made them, (i. e., planted) ^3 I I I seqchh - d her yeru 7ieh - d d77i-d tau may I cool myself under my sycamores, may 1 eat the bread en fata - se7i du - 7id re er 77iet - d of their giving, may be to me a mouth that 1 may speak d77i - f 7nd Heru - ksii pern - d yer tes with it like the Horus followers, may I come forth bearing a vase I persen CTTibah U7i-7iefer and cakes in the presence of Un-nefer. THE STELE OF AMEN-HETEP, A ROYAL SCRIBE AT MEMPHIS. [XVIIIth dynasty (?).] • IIIIIIIH AAAAAA j-j ^ limilll AAAAAA un - nek pet un - nek ta May be opened to thee heaven, may be opened to thee earth, ' lllllim AAAAAA ^ ^ <^ cn U7i - nek ual em Neter-yert per - k may be opened to thee a way in the underworld. /Mayest thoui \ come forth, / 1 AAAAAA V, y\ p AAAAAA ^ f\ ^ ^ [| A A.. D O 1 dq - k hend Rd usten - k md mayest thou go in with Ra, mayest thou walk like O ^ \\^\ AAAAAA □ ' ^ ^ nebu heh se§ep - k sen?iu em aaui - k the lords of eternity, mayest thou receive cakes in thy hands. heptet ah her yaiit Heru any ba - k and bread pure upon the altar of Horus. May live thy soul. (2 : a - J ? - = ?i rut metu - k ab hrd - k em uat nate thy sinews andl muscles, j |may germhiate thy sinews and|^ may pierce thy face into the way THE STELE OF AMEN-HETEP, ETC. 203 keku of darkness. em □ Hap Hapi AAy^AAA AAAAAA may he give thee water, I I I -AAAAAA-, ^ IVu ta-f nek tau Nu may he give thee cakes, hi em Het-Herii ta - s ?iek Hathor may she give thee ^111 J heqt em Hetem id - s 7iek driet dd - k beer, Hetem may she give thee milk. Mayest thou wash nniD □ ^ ooo retui-k her dner nu hef her nepert ent mefket thy feet upon the block of silver [set] with studs of turquoise. nek May be given to thee td-iu A I I I tail INI IV MM I Ml Te//e/ VIII em in AbhL n II XII bread /onthe4thl in TattU, (ontheSthl \ [day] ] \ [day] ] V □ Z] U-peqet Abydos, fo" t^it; '2ih( in the district of the Gap,' tesi em a vase in [day] f O I Per-Rd 1 en Ausdr suten per the Temple of Ra to Osiris, the royal scribe, governor (of thci Great {i. e., Heliopolis) I House j AAAAAA ^ D m Men-nefer Amen-hetep in Memphis, Amen-hetep. an sa - f seany^ ren - f His son maketh to live his name. ^ /. e., the country round about Abydos near the opening in the mountains through which souls were supposed to pass into the next world. FROM A HYMN TO HAPI, THE GOD OF THE NILE. [XVIIIth or XlXth dynasty.] tuauu en A Hymn of praise of Hdpi Hapi. 0^' dnetet Homage Into Hapi Hapi! A per nek ia pen 1 /ird - k to thee £2i A it ^ □ em hetep in peace Thou comest forth in land this, coming r\ r\ AAAAAA ■ er seanyu to make to live Qejnt Egypt, amen hidden one. semu guide semu guide it, O 6\\ I keku ra o hru m hes of the darkness on the day [when] it is [his] pleasure to AAAAAA I ^ I I sey^et am se'/et qemamii waterer of the fields which hath created O Wl 1 1 # u I ' \ \\ ^ 7?^ seanyu dh nebt sesurd Ra, making to live animals all, making to drink the land /wv\AA r y ^ I FROM A HYMN TO HAPI, THE GOD OF THE NILE. 205 du tem uauiit pet hai mer without cessation, the way of heaven descending, friend () () Di I I tail of bread tabu and drink. '/^erpu neprd giver of the divine corn. I abet w^-^/ Ptah seuafet abet nebt Ptah neb remu em making to flourish workshop every, O Ptah! O Lord of fish, when o w Y^entidi riseth qebh the inundation not aptu do waterfowl hai alight upon hennui I -<3>- III I <^ I w peril se'^epeni beti fthe fields sown^ maker of wheat, creator of barley, I with seed, j I I I I I III! sedhdu - f re peru he maketh to endure the temples. I I J 1 1 1 w usfaii febdu-f repose of his fingers heh nebt sfetit - f is his abomination for ( millions^ ([he is] thel of the poor and needy. "I of years, I 1 lord | iiemmehu □ ^ Tni dr feba - tu em pet neteru ^cr If wert overcome thou in heaven the gods would fall upon 2o6 FROM A HYMN TO HAPI, THE GOD OF THE NILE. ^1 ^ hrdu aqu ret erta iiiiiim AAAAAA ^ ^ un en their faces, and would perish men. [He] causeth (to be opened \ of I by means / I menmen III I ta ter - / du sent serdtc her the cattle the whole earth, and princes and peasants 4' nemmdta ukht - tu ret yjft y^esef- lie down and rest. Make answer to thee mankind when he meeteth ft 1 s / dti qetu - f ynemu iihen - f ycr [them]. His form is [that of] Khnemu, [when] he shineth upon ta 1 yat Jiebt em reHu haa yer the earth [rise up] shouts of joy, for bodies all [are] joyful, [and] {i. e., people) des neht sesep - nef mighty man every receiveth sehadt food. dhehet and tooth 0:^ neht kefau UJ kau every hath power [over food]. f[He is]thei of food, the mighty \ bringer / one ^111 H>r^ '[j' i 6'i 1 I ^ fefau qej?ianiti nefer neht neb of provisions, the creator of good things all, the lord FROM A HYMN TO HAPI, THE GOD OF THE NILE. 207 III I o □ I I I kfiu 7iefem setepit sehetepu of meats (?) pleasant and choice, if one maketh offerings it is □ pu 8 dm - f seyepcni stimu en by him. He mai^eth to grow the herbs for AA/WVA AA/W\A I I I vieninen the cattle. ertau dh sfent - lu en [he] giveth [his] heart to what is sacrificed unto (/. e., he taketh heed) nete god every. wt'/^'r sentrd tepti pa enti er y^et - f Octet Incense the choicest is that which is in his train, he is lord I I AAAAAA n A em ta sen meh utdt seb of the lands two. [He] rillcth storehouses, heaping high <2 - I <==e ^ kntut I db a^/^et nemmehu the granaries, and paying heed to the affairs of the poor and needy. serut meh tJJ dbeb ^ ^AAAAA fHe maketh plants! to satisfy those that desire all, not I to shoot ketket ^T-ifj set se^eperu dqemu pehti is [he] brought low thereby. He maketh to be a shield [his] strength, 208 FROM A HYMN TO HAPI, THE GOD OF THE NILE. -W ^AAAAA ^AAAAA d?t mehu W P mm ^. €71 dner tut her iiah - set Not can [he] be figured in stone, in the images on which are set se^^et arat an {the double crown | not [with] uraei, ^ qemhu to be seen is ^ (3 entuf he. AA/WVA an neither bakd I .^JL^ y^erpu tuf an sekt - tuf works nor offerings can be made to him, not I can he be 1 ■j brought out J D AAAAA^ P I ^ em mtau dn re^i - tii hu entuf dn from [his] secret places, not is known the place where he is, not I qem tephet dnu is [he] found [in] shrines inscribed, not is there a habitation which is AAAAAA -=> D 1 1 I I I W an ndit enti AAAAAA 0 AAAAAA an tennu - f dn semu em db - k sufficiently large for him, not can he be depicted in thy heart. AAAAAA I AAAAAA ra tamu nehamu - nek tamu - k Thou hast rejoiced thy peoples [and] I I I 4- 7ief xet tuk em qema ^AAAAA ment yaretu thy children ra □ (^111 hapu Thou art a protector in the south, stablished are [thy] laws FROM A HYMN TO HAPI, THE GOD OF THE NILE. 209 fx T if per emhah ksu [when thou I appearest before [thy] followers 7116 hi in the North. AAAAAA I surd - ill viu maat neb dm - f Absorbed is the water of eye every in him, ertdu taking ? f db hail I I I I neferu heed to abundance of good things ube?i - nek em Thou shinest in ® ^ 1 nut ta Oil] ^ P^^ hequ yer sa - in mer y^ii city the princely, then is satisfied the owner of nefert wealth, I I I I hanre rejecteth I Z^AAAA^. I I I ^ se§em krdu the lily the humble man, ayet neb 6es tepii s\t\imu neb things all are in condition choice, [there is] food of all kinds •(2 ma wi Ksic) seyem en sji yartu - nek th thy children. If he provideth not things to eat bu nefer happiness I I I I yanre forsaketh Q I duit pa ta the habitations, the earth 2IO FROM A HYMN TO HAPI, THE GOD OF THE NILE. ra A I /hn7 her falleth fetfet to ruin. hu O flood of 0 AAAAAA /W\AAA Hdpi Hapi, AAAAAA nteimii - tu nek sfent - in nek dua offerings are made to thee, are sacrificed to thee oxen, ,,j-0;-~^ 1^ AAAAAA dri- tu nek dhu dat usa nek are celebrated for thee festivals areat, are slaughtered for thee (5 I ^ aptu ker - tu nek the fowls of the air, are snared for thee viadn her the lions upon the ^ I set J ^ (D neferu utennu - tu tehu - tu nek mountain, are paid to thee burnt offerings. Offerings are made 1 neter neht ma ^0 Hapi to god every in proportion as they are made to Hapi. 1 neter sentrd Incense, □ ^ ax pet the of heaven. aua oxen. I Mill until calves, □ vvvvv\ v\ aptu nesi the fowls of the air I [are] offered l[arej ottered 1 \ by fire. / uCS>- AAAAAA dri en Maketh 0 AAAAAA AAAAAA ^ Hdpi Hapi FROM A FlYMN TO HAPI, THE GOD OF THE NH.E. 21 1 iephet cm Vast dii re^ - tii re?i - f em storehouses in (the land ofi not known is his name in (or caverns) \ Thebes, AAAAAA ^ II tuat an per neter yeperd - f the underworld, not maketh manifest the god his forms [there], III usfa seyeru idle [are] imaginings [concerning them]. 14* THE PROVERBS OF TUAUU-F-SE-KHARTHAI. 7naa - na I have seen [or considered) o I I I I daut labour em mdtet du likewise, being em ^\ III Met pen set ta - d the words of proverb this concerning it. I will make I I I meri - k dnu mut - k td - d dq thee to love literature thy mother, I will make to enter [its ui I I neferii em hrd - k iirt su kert daiit beauties before thee, greater is it but than (dignities and| I honours j neht AAAAAA un □ of all kinds, not em is it on ta earth 1 AAAAAA -W- I r li pen metet this a [mere] word. §aa nef 1 1;> uatet du-f ya7'tu He who began fto benefit! | while ( among the children I [from it]j jhewasj I 0 21/ ^ U I ^^-=>^ yiert - tuf tu hah - f er dfit shall prosper his affairs. One sendeth him to carry out hab - / THE PROVERBS OF TUAUU-F-SE-KHARTHAI. 2l3 r: Mil -ft Si. dpiit an ^ ~ f ~ f embassies, [the man] who goeth not, one placeth him in a tdaud an maa - nd kesti eni bond of restraint. Not have I seen the blacksmith on a dpiU mihiu hah - f du her mission, nor the metalworker sent [as envoy] is he, but I have maa - nd yemti her haku - f seen the metalsmith at his work AAAAAA I er re en herit - f t'eba-f md at the mouth of his forge : his fingers are like III III CISZD ^ t _Zi I A _ir O yet emsuhu ym^ su er suht the things of crocodiles, he stinketh more than the eggs reremii yaaqu her %<^(i(lit- of fish. The barber shaveth em pehu mdkr tdtd - f su en far into the evening : [when] he setteth himself to 214 THE PROVERBS OF TUAUU-F-SE-KHARTHAI. A u r:- »-<2> amai/ fata - f sii her qahat - f eat he placcth himself upon his elbow {or shoulder). tdta - f su er viert er mert er He betaketh himself from house (?) to house to uyai er X<^^qu - f qeiieii - f seek after his men who need shaving, he worketh violently '-WW ^ ^1?"^ 1^ I III IK aaiii-f er meh yat - f ma net (or bat) ami his two arms to fill his belly, even as bees eat er hat - set qemium em ^fennu from their labours. A weaver within I I nait ban su er set hemt masti - f the factory, wretched is he more than a woman. His legs fll\ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — y-S ^ im I I dHw-^^ t III dm - f er re en db - f dn tepd - nef nifii are under him at the door of his heart, not breatheth he the air. dr 'yeba - nef em hru em seyd - tu If he fail for a day in weaving. THE PROVERBS OF TUAUU-F-SE-KHARTHAI. 215 AAAAAA sehni dthu - f em he is dragged out like a lily ^1 ijr em mer (?) du - f from the pool. He, A (^3) D (^111 I td - f dqu fiu he giveth the bread of the doorkeepers er to tat let □ ^ If petrd - f him see ta the her light. seymntmi The dyer WIS p:» (2 tehd-f huau sti dri mdaii his lingers stink [with] the smell of the keeper of dead bodies hum (sic) maa-f udu md His two eyes are destroyed by want of [rest], not AAAAAA nd dn 4 lescf - f tet - / ^ 0 I draweth back he his hand, he passeth his time in the cutting up ■5 jIT.- um ii^ii en dst betu - f pu hc/mi tdniii of garments, an abomination is he [in his] clothes. The shoemaker hdn su er si y^er unfortunate is he most of all, for J tebhct - f he chattcreth 2l6 THE PROVERBS OF TUAUU-F-SE-KHARTHAI. AAAA/V\ Q em er neheh everlastingly, uta f his strength Ufa is the strength viaau of dead bodies. ^ &8 1 peshet - f he feeds dmeskau upon leather. I AAAAAA U I tensmen Q I I I I 2 I Z^'/ an Ra nds ma - nd dpuii Said Ra : — Call, bring me messengers yan sdimii se^s - sen hit swift and speedy, they [who] can run like the wind en yai dn dn tu enen dpiiti of the body. One brought these messengers I hJ\r\r^/\/y I I I _Zi "C^il \ Mst\N\;\ A I AAAAAA dpen her ddtii fet dn hen en neter peji these straightway. Said ^the Majesty of god this : Q Q SAN\f^\ AAAAAA ^ ^ f) f\ ^ 11^ §a - sen er Abu dn - 7id tatadt er Let them go to Elephantine [and] bring me mandrakes in o o dn iu nef enen tatadt great number. One brought to him these mandrakes, [| ^ I AAAAAA <::i 1 ^ A I AAAAA^ I C=i <0 \11 £=i W ertd dn hen en neter pen Sektet enti em [and] gave the majesty of god this to Sektet who is in THE DESTRUCTION OF MANKIND. 225 I© I ^ — o^wiii ^/wvwv 11 ji <==> Ami /^^r ?tef tdtddt dpeti dsiu yer hent Heliopolis to crush mandrakes these. Behold when the women I her ie§ 0 Cj Ci I I ^111 heqt V4-\ pertu er heqt erta d?i tu were crushing the barley for beer, and they were placing h Q A w A 0 1 I I I AAAA I X I I I AAA/V\A i^^^^ AAAAAA l tdtddt dp en her hhebet ten .... j//^/ mandrakes these in the beer-vessels [they became] the blood en of red men. drit Made ^zVz til they ^111 heqt of beer drnet vessels A MMMMMMM iu seven thousand. Came eref hen en siiten ?iet (bdt) then the majesty of fthe king of the^ |North and South, I => O Rd Ra hend neteru dpen er with gods these to maa see enen this ^111 heqt dstii O /^^'Z' ta en after the smama the slaughter red of men /WWVA Q I I i I dn ?tetert em sesii - sen nu by the goddess during their period (?) of 15 226 THE DESTRUCTION OF MANKIND. ^ W '^cntidit I AAWAA 7Jlcf sailing up the river, said u w _iJ an hen en Rd neferiui- the majesty of Ra : — Good is it, set an - d good is it. I am mdket cr maket reO her-s for protecting mankind against her. tet Said ?3 "kq^^,,, tMi'ii Ra fai maset cr Ra : — - Let them carry and bring them to [i. e., the vases) bua lies sma the place in which she slew ra o □ red dm hep dn mankind there. Commanded hen en suten net {bat) king of the Nc and South, ^ (STBTk 511 Ra em neferu the majesty of |the king oj the North |^ Ra during the beauties 1^ I ' J AAA/ f AAAAAA ^ AA/VW\ III kerh er ertat seiei iu enen st'ert of the night to make to pour out these / vases of sleep- \ |producing(r) beer,[' ^ I AAAAAA ^ OC=>( nil Y ^ un dn ahet enti pel ftu her meh efu were the helds of the heavens four filled with AAAAAA AAAAAA 1 □ ^ A mu em haiu en hen eti neter pen kmt liquid by the Will of the majesty of god this. Game THE DESTRUCTION OF MANKIND. 227 iieterl AAAAAA len goddess this {t. e., Sekhet) e?}i tiiahi qem - ncs in the morning, found she AAAAAA AAAAAA I ^ enen her mcht nefer this [heaven] flooded, joyful became (ill hrd - set din her face thereby, AAA/V\A un dn set her seurd Jiefer was she drinking [thereof], pleasing [was it] to her heart. I I her db - set A i - lies teyi - 6d she came being drunk, AAAAAA d?i not 24 % I J saa knew 7ies she red fet an he?i en ten it O I Rd mankind [again]. Said the majesty of Ra to ^ □ em hetep amit 1 netert goddess % yeper this: — Come, come, in peace, fO gracious goddess,) there were I [and henceforth] f nefert em beautiful women in Amem Amem. fet dn he?i en Ra Said the majesty of Ra 25 1 I I ^ en netert ten dri en set stertet to goddess this: — Let be made for her f vases of slecp-| |producing drink j 228 THE DESTRUCTION OF MANKIND. Ill I I O 1:=^ I A I ^ I em trdiu renpit dpen set er hent - d at seasons of the [new] year these ; fthey [shall be]i |[to the number] ofi I in proportion! Imy handmaidens, j y^eper drit sfert pu em dpi There were made (vases of sleep-1 according to the number |producing drinkj 26 n <=>.^ ^ j hent heh en Het Heru dn red of the handmaidens of the festival of Hathor by mankind I D \ AAAAA^ A I neb t'er hru tepi t'et dn hen en Ra all since the day first. Said the majesty of Ra - ^Hk 1. m w - en netert ten dn du mer en heh to goddess this : — Behold there is [to me] a pain of the fire I Sis W <=> <=>T I 2i( Jl I I ^ en mer yfp^^ trdiu dn mer of sickness, cometh to me whence the pain? t'et dn hefi en Ra an% - nd du db-d Said the majesty of Ra : — I am alive, [but] my heart tiriu ur unen hena sen smam - d hath become exceedingly of being wdth them. I have slain weary with men) THE DESTRUCTION OF MANKIND. 229 I III □ © set sep en them, I [but there is]( of j a remnant | ^ ; dti ant fworthless) not was [their] destruction \ ones, I diitu t'etet en neteru enti A am - %et - f as wide as my power. Said the gods who were in his train e?n heh em urt - k du-k Do not remain in thy weariness, thou seyem - dd art mighty ej7i merert - k according to thy will. fet dn hen en neier pen Said the majesty of god this /VAAAAA I en hen to the majesty of Nu AAAAAA en Nu han - d ahet em My members [are] powerless for □ © n sep tepi the first time, not fet Said /z^'// - f dny^ ut'a his majesty, life, strength. sen!) health o □ hetep hetep ^ □ hetep jLet there come^ a field 1^ into being j ^ I : yeper Seyet- ; : fand there camel Sekhet- I into being j pu dardt - d will plant se?nu afji rreen herbs therein 23o THE DESTRUCTION OF MANKIND. seyeper Seyd - dam pu ker - d and there came into being Sekiiet-aaru ; I will furnish [it with] ^ I I 1 I sehu sau em yet nebt <^^X^X P^^ beings of things all which sparkle, that is to say [with] stars. AAAAAA un an Was Nut her setata Nut tremblini in [all qa AAAAAA fet dn I hen O en Ra hiua her] form. Said the majesty of Ra : — I wnll make to exist : ? 'AM- Pi .M, hell her tua seyeper heh pu millions to praise [me] : and there came into being millions. I AAAAAA *^ Ij- . AAAAAA I Vi I fet dn hen en Ra sa - d ^u dmma Said the majesty of Ra : — O my son Shu, give tu yer sat Nut sa - Jid heh thyself to [my] daughter Nut, and protect for me the millions I I I heh AAAAAA I I I am any - sen of millions [who are] there, they live em in darkness. THE WAR OF RAMESES II AGAINST THE KHETA. [XlXth dynasty.] ?ie/er nefer yerp peh peh da neytu The god beautiful, the Power, doubly mighty, great of strength, cz^'^ ° ^ III ^ ^ hct set neht suten net {bat) Usr-madt-Rd-setep-en-Rd subduer of foreign lands all, jibing of the North) jUsr-maat-Ra-setep-^ I and South [ | en-Ra, j sa Rd Rd-meses meri Amen pa dhd dri e?i son of the Sun, Rameses, beloved of Amen. The halt [which] made 5 I o\>i I' \> I \ heji - f du-f hems her vieht anient Qcte§ his majesty. He was encamped at the north-west of Kadesh, / — 0 du-f her aq em yennu pa he was going in among the yeru aa e?t enemy mighty of 'R AAAAAA na en yeru en Xeta du-f udu her tep - f those of the wretched ones of Kheta. He was alone by himself, 232 THE WAR OF RAMESES II AGAINST THE KHETA. an ki hena-f not another [was] with him, qem - nef anfiu su he found surrounding him dnhu C2 C3 (2. AAAAAA MM + Z> en d two thousand five hundred III en hetrdu em fkt yat horsemen in four companies ^ ^ I ^ 1^^^ 1 em uat - f nebt du-f her on his path every. Was he III diidu - sen dr-u smiting them making them em into dniu yer hat corpses before sesemut - f his horses. — I du-f her Was he J ^ III set yateb uru neh en set neh slaying the princes all of foreign lands all, AA/W\A n Q I Ml 7ia senu the brethren en of pa yer en the wretched one of AA/WNA AAAAAA Kheta together with his nobles 111 dau naif menftu mighty, his soldiers. taif his nedhetr cavalry. 1^ T dii-f her Was he kebkeb - set /WVAAA I I I I I her hrd - sen casting down them throwing [them] upon their faces. Was he THE WAR OF RAMESES II AGAINST THE KHETA. 233 ^ ra^r^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ta hat - sen em ua her tia er pa making to fall them one upon the other into the 'WVAAA Q f\ /O t I _2I A VJ. llr I I I Dm nu Arend du hen - f em sa sen water of the Orontes. Was his majesty [following] after them md mdu lies her yath - sen em duset - sen like a lion savage to slay them in their places. AAAAAA ^ ,\AWAA ^ . ^ K - — «j/ /ci: en yda dhd dnnu ddui - f Behold the wretched one of Kheta rose up to turn his hands em daiu en Jieter nefer in supplication to the god beautiful. {i. e., the king). II. ^ J " (lA^ I Wd"/^;- w^dT aba her menfiiu-f tcr - f The god beautiful fighteth for his soldiers, he dcstroyeth 111 1 ifj) ^^£A ^2) I I / ° ^^111 T ill 0 I I I .WWVA petet pant suteji qen sep sen em neyt dn tin (the nine foreign^ a king brave, twice, with strength. Never \ nations, j (o,. twofold) II /\ III an' - nef sen dq em dU hath been made [his] second. Going in among the multitudes 234 THE WAR OF RAMESES II AGAINST THE KHETA. ^ III set neh drit I I I menfiiu en of the soldiers of foreign lands all [he] was making them into I tehtehei hehs drit her - f dead men. A reckoning was made for him em inetet of the phalli AA/VAAA AAAAW <=:>2A'^ I I I nr en Xeta tet en of the chiefs of Kheta [and] the hands of y\j\ M\r\ AA/V\AA \ Neherina Mesopotamia. HYMN TO RA BY HUNEFER. [British Museum papyrus No. 9901.] [XlXth dynasty.] I 4^ W¥ Si. tJ o /ua Rd y^eft uhen - f em yut ablet Praiseth Ra when he riseth in the horizon eastern □ ^ fly Ti 'Z ent pet an Ausdr Hu-nefer viaayeru fet - f of heaven Osiris Hunefer, triumphant. He saith : — I O I dnef lira - k Rd em uhen - f Homage to thee, [O thou who art] Ra in his rising and Temii em hetep - f uhen - k sep sen Tmu in his setting. Thou risest (twice), 1 = !^ V 1 I pest - k sep sen ydd - 6 em suten neteru thou shinest (twice), being diademed as the king of gods. entek neh pet Jieh ta dri hem Thou art the lord of heaven, the lord of earth, the maker of celestial 236 HYMN TO RA BY HUNEFER. yjm neter uati y^eper em scp and terrestrial beings, God One, who came into being in time tep an tain qemam reyit primeval. The maker of the universe, the creator of mankind, DOS dri Nil qemam Hdpi dri ent the maker of Nu, the creator of Hapi (Nile), the maker of (/. e., celestial waters) AAA/W\ I ^ ,11 mu seajiy dm - s Sesii tuu water, making to live [what] is in it, knitting together the mountains, ^1 ^ ^ seyeper red menmen dri pet making to come into being men and cattle, the maker of heaven W Jl I A ^ M ^ ta nini en hrd - k kept - 6 Madt fand of) Praise and homage to thy face, fO thou who art^ by Maat \ earth, j i embraced | er trdui 7iejn - k hert em aut dh at the two seasons. Thou stridest fover the heightsl in joy of heart, {i. e., morn and eve) I ^^^'^^'^'^ j <^<=> ^ -^1 I ^ ^ □ I Mer-tesfes y^p^f ^i^i hetep Nekd yer f the Lake I becometh satisfied [thereat]. Neka hath fallen, |Tchestchesf ^-^ ^ j^^) HYMN TO RA BY HUNEFER. 237 1^ . A ^ aaui - f hesq sehp en sektet maau his arms are cut off. Receiveth the sektei boat winds, and \i. e., the boat of the rising sun) 1:=: ik um- 15^1 z\{ nefer dm hard - f db - f nefem yaau glad is he who is in his shrine, his heart rejoicetli [when] rising ^ A ^ I _ ^ ^ A em seyem en pet ud sept pert in the Form of heaven. O One [self]-provided, who cometh forth [?=^ AAAAA^ O I Sii s.^ D 0 21/ A J I W em Nu Rd em madyeru hiin netri from Nu, Ra in triumph, child divine, "^^^ nil' i'^> ^ ^z^a - s mcs sn t'esef tid heir of eternity, its offspring, gave birth he to himself. On( ur tennic dm suten taiu hcq mighty, manifold of forms, king of the universe, prince Anntt se§ em tetta pant netern em hennu of Annu traversing eternity. (The company » sing praises (Heliopolis) \ of the gods | e7i uben - k yenen dm yut seqa em at thy rising sailing on the horizon, O exalted one in 238 HYMN TO RA BY HUNEFER. tau nefer tau Berber Nefer bread, loaves of pyramid form. 9 (^(5 40,000 -\- 6000 -\- ^00 46,500. 81 I I i fau nefer Nefer bread, 1 1 □ 1 I I tau loaves 1 her white 100,000 X 5 -h 70,000 -f 2000 hetep 572,000. en for bi I I 6 tail nefer Total, nefer bread, utejinii offerings A I aqii cakes X I AAAAAA I mill niiii nn III nnn 1111 khen 100,000 X '^8 -f- 40,000 -j- ^000 -|- joo -]- 50 7 various 2,844,857. THE LEGEND OF RA AND [XXth dynasty.] ISIS. AAAAAA fV Re en neter Chapter of the god dri pet ta the creator of heaven, earth, netert divine, mate breath yeper fesef the creator of himself. I en of dni life. yet fire. Tn neteru gods. 1!^ I I AA/WV\ /VAAAAA I I ' red dut 7nemnenii men, beasts, cattle, t'etfet reptiles. I I < I apt fowl of the air. I I I remu fish. I Mil 1 ^ :n\ T AAAA suten 7-ed neteru em king of men and gods in I III ^111 AVVW\ I er renput renu yer ua he?ttt form one [to whom] ^^«// periods are as years, many of names. AAAAAA ^ an rey □ pfi AAAAAA an rey not know pfi neteru them the gods. 242 THE LEGEND OF RA AND ISIS. dstu Auset Behold set Isis fwas in the| of a woman, j form I saa skilful AAAAAA "nil 1 en fet in words, '0' I db yak ao - s sick at heart was she er heh eni of the millions of red setep mankind, she. chose er-es heh em neteru apt - set for herself the millions of the gods, she deemed [of more value] heh em yu an yem - set the millions of the spirits. Was not it possible for her [to become] em pet ta in heaven and earth ma like O Rd Ra. dri kert and to make herself mistress 1 ta netert Im - set em ao - set er of the earth and a goddess, she meditated in her heart, by I db - set dstu A yer ren neter §epsi astii aq en means of the name of the god sacred ? Behold came in ? - k r* ITIi P=HM Rd hru neb em hat qet smen - Od Ra day every at the head of [his] sailors, and was stablished THE LEGEND OF RA AND ISIS. 243 I ^ w her nesti 1 iz'aw/ 7ieteri upon the throne of the two horizons. Had grown old the divine one, T AAAAAA I AA/vAAA AAAAAA ' AAAAAA ^ I V 'aaaaaa-^ a"^^ Jl^f IIIK^ - nef re-f sati - f nehdiit - f he dribbled at his mouth, he shot out what flowed from him er ta upon the earth, pekas what AAAAAA ^ ^ P ^ ^^^^ eti su seyer her he spat out fell down upon o I ^'1 I sat sek the ground. Kneaded nes Aiiset Isis cm in tet - set her hand with earth unnet her that which w^as set on it. j^/ etn fetfeti qet - lies she built (/. c., made) -C^>- AAAAAA ^epsi set sacred, making it in the form of heti a dart. fz;/ nemtinemua - s Not went forward it ani - dd er %eft - set yaa - set hamu alive before her face, [but] she left it lying 16* 244 THE LEGEND OF RA AND ISIS. her uat A 1 apep neter aa her set er aha - f on the path went the god great along it according to his wish r 1 ^f^i taui-f neter §epsi yjaa - f emy^et taui-j neter in his two lands. The god sacred y^aa - j er rose [and came t^? mi 1 I n n ha neteru em Aa-perti any utci forth, the gods of the great double house, life, strength, I J^H^ A senb emyet - / health, following him ; sefetsefet - / md hru neb he strode on as [he did] day every. do unyu - set Shot out its fang "1 fetfet the serpent kpsi yet sacred, and the fire A 111 flV anyet per - da dm - f t'esef ter - nes of life was going out from his own body, it destroyed ami na a§u neter neteri - / the dweller among the cedars, the god divine he opened 'I- f i p hen - f any ufa senb re - f yeru en his mouth, the cry of his Majesty, life, strength, health. THE LEGEND OF RA AND ISIS. 245 ^ — ^ © 111^ i ^ peh - 7ief er pet paut neteru tuf her reached up to heaven. The company of the gods it was for [saying], ma pu - u neteru - f her petj-d-u What is it? and its gods [were] for [saying], What is the matter? qe??i - f er © n usebt 1 her - f Not found he [the power] to answer concerning it. drti - f His two jawbones I her yet'/et rattled. at - / his limbs fted all w w 1 dstiti trembled. I r'^^u) ^^^^ metu AAAAW the poison detet nef em gained the mastery in duf - / md detet 0 Hapi his members as gains the mastery Hapi em yd - f in his course. 1' ^ PZH neter aa nef dh - f f The god mighty stablished his heart, he cried out to dmi yet - f those in his train I I I mi - ten nd Come to me. I I I yepert fyou [who] arel j produced I em from 246 THE LEGEND OF RA AND ISIS. hat - d A III peru I I I neieru peru em - d tat re^ - ten my members, ye gods [who] came forth from me. Cause ye to know li f I I I yeperd - set temu - entu yet mer rey - set Khepera it, [I am] wounded by a thing deadly, know^eth it -> 1 00 T I ^ AAAAAA 00 T -C2>- dd-d djt maa su maa - d my heart. Not have seen it my eyes. an an - s not hath made it ^ I tet - d dn rey - set em dri - nd neht d7i my hand, not know [I] it who hath done it to me any one. Not □ ^ teptu have I tasted ment pam mdtet set like unto it, /not [any-| is more painful \ thing] j AAAAAA dn III mer AAAAAA I mu yeperii er-es dnuk ser sa ser than it. I am a prince, the son of a prince, the issue produced I ¥1 Si ;z^/ I I ^^z^m □ ^ y^eperu hni ?iuk dpu © o'l hehu of the hours, the creator of the days. I am the opener of the festivals 1> ^ AAAAAA AAAAAA renpit qemaviu of the year, the creator of streams of water, I am P 8 e tzW anyet er seyeperu kai e?i the maker of the fire living making to be done the works of O O a7n nuk the houses, I am yeperd Khepera em tuauii Ra in the morning, Ra em in THE LEGEND OF RA AND ISIS. ahau - f Temu his culmination and Tmu IK ami in I "^^^ I ^ I /www mdseru an the evening. [But] not 4 5^ AAAAAA 1 pf^'j*?/ met 6711 was driven the poison out of §emi its course. set an not I ^ ^ AAAAAA jj jiefem neter aa tei was relieved the god great. Said AAAAAA an Atiset Isis I en Rd to Ra :— AAAAAA AAAAAA <£_- □ X dpu em na Not is thy name mentioned among the things [which] thou hast said ''^'^ n ^ n ^ AAAAAA |— — ] h f\ \\ -1 1i I'm ^ ^^IL a tet - li set nd peri ta to me. O tell thou it to me, and shall come out the f' J ) jvf^ AAAAAA n /WW\A V\ y AAAA^ ^ — Zl I AAAAAA metu poison. ^//;( j-rz tetnu - tu rcn - f Shall live a person being declared his name. metu The poison fetemu it burned set em with tet emu burnings, j^;f^;7z - ^/^-j f /wwv\ Y Vv\ 0 her ta er vietii seiemu mdki upon the ground the poison which hath been overcome. Verily 1 1 udes en fieter aa hath been taken from the god great re?i - f his name. O I Rd Ra f AAAAAA dni - f met AAAAAA mit des AAAAAA men may he live ! the poison may it die ! and conversely. A certain one, n 1*^^ fl Q AAAAAA f=^ ^ AAAAAA « ^ I ^ 1 # ^ 1 A ^ jC (?« nmit dill " 'f''^^^ the son of a certain one, may he live, the poison may [it] die. mes ^ AAAAAA jj III mi ^wji?/ iir heni neterii [This] said Isis, the mighty lady, the mistress of the gods. 256 THE LEGEND OF RA AND ISIS. who knew O I Ra Ra em reti - / fes-f fetet in his name his own. To be said I her tut en over an image of erpit Temii Tmu hena Heru and Horus hekennu the divine givers of names, I j:^ Auset tut Heru [and over] a figure of Isis, and an image of Horus. FROM THE MONUMENT OF UAH-AB-RA EM KHU. [XXVIth dynasty.] se'f^a ren - d May be remembered my name mesu - d er-kes neiertt and my children by the gods nefer hetia hai - d [for] I with [those of] my husband goodj dmii ya dwelling in the nomc of Mendes. TEXTS FROM THE SARCOPHAGUS OF PATEPEF. [XXVIth dynasty.] P P O ^ F=^ .^^Sr AAAAAA P pese§ - s mat - k Nut her - k em refi-s Spreadeth she thy mother Nat over thee in her name C3ZZ1 en hta of "Hidden". 17 TEXTS FROM THE SARCOPHAGUS OF PATEPEP. 2. --^^^ 1^ i llllllll l iiiiiiiii lllllllll I \\ I V ^ im - nek ad pet se§ - nek Shall be opened to thee the doors of heaven, shall be unbolted for thee aa sehet se§ep - 0 miit-k nut the doors of the stars of light, shall receive thee thy mother Nut. 3. ]--| \ ® Ci^ ^ \ met an Tep - iu - f yent neter het dm Saith he who is on his hill, the chief /of the divinel who is {of the divinel house, j \i - ---- 1 Ut neb Ta-teser neter aa neb qeres in Ut, the lord \ of Ta- 1^ the god great, the lord of the sarcophagus, '|^tcheser,j erta - nd em - sa-s em sa neb "I work behind her with protection every' iiiiimi /2X^ ® ^ AAAAAA lllllllll lllllllll _/J ( J un aa en yiit aha - k Shall be opened the doors of the horizon, thou shalt stand up cr-zi El o <=> ^^nur dref ta pen per em Tern then on earth this coming forth as Tem. hetep -6 yu - d em bener neb emm Thou restest ; my strength is with sweetness all among TEXTS FROM THE SARCOPHAGUS OF PATEPEP. 259 ^esii Ausdr erta - nd Mat em yabesu an the servants of Osiris. I give a way among the stars. Not 7nit - k fetta shalt thou die for ever. 6. ra Jj AAAAAA ^^^^ ha Ausdr ertdt en Hem tenit - du Hail Osiris! Granteth Horus [that] thou shalt be gathered together. Tn MI H ° k r ° neteru sen - se?t er-k ern reji - sen pu en The gods they join with thee in name their of HI T if sen ent dteruit "Brethren of the shrines of the North and South". ^ro^ T ^ Tn ha Aiisdr dh - nek neteru at - k Hail Osiris ! Unite for thee the gods thy members, temt kesu - k serut en Aiipu mast - k collecting thy bones. Maketh strong Anubis thy legs ODD c:^ JI yent menjiu - f sekt - f tu er pet in his building; he leadeth thee into heaven. 17* 26o TEXTS FROM THE SARCOPHAGUS OF PATEPEP. ha Aiisdr an - nek Heru dbu tieteru nebu em Hail Osiris! JBringethi Horus \ the 1 of gods all at I to thee J 1 hearts I Sep an ban dm - sen ma - / 7iem any^ once, not is there evil in them (in respect|^ f [O thou Hi vest! I of him, I j who] again j 1 1— j: k retip - k md qet - k Ausetet uben - s em Thou becomest young as thou wast. Isis she shineth in F=q AAAAAA [|J ^ jl ^:z=:^ oo p pe^ en db - k Oes-s fet - k ~ ^ heaven at thy wish, she raiseth up thy body, she strengtheneth hdu - k fetta thy members for eternity. ertd - nd uben - k em yti dhd lo. . II . ^ ooo ij^^^^ I have granted that shalt shine thou, in splendour shall be thy limbs; n AAAAAA dm - k d§ sehetep - nek ka - k not shalt thou lament; thou art at peace with thy Ka, sehetep - f - du fetta it shall be at peace with thee for ever. THE LEGEND OF THE SEVEN YEARS' FAMINE IN THE REIGN OF TCHESER. o ^ MM ^ renpit met yemennii Heru neter yat siiteji net Year eighteen of Horus, the divine body, the king of the North and South, 1i n K 1 neter yat neter yat Hern nuh the divine body, | the divine body, the golden Horus, ] North and South, I "r I Teser yd hat pd heq het Tcheser. When ([to] the hereditary \ the governor of the temples \ prince, / reset iner yenti em Abet Matdr of the the overseer of the Nubians in Abet MaUir, south, (Elephantine or AswSn) Q AAAAAA ^ O dntu - nef utu snten pen er ertd was brought to him royal despatch this : — [This is] to make thee rey - li un - d ker qemui er duset to know [that] I am possessing trouble Upon the throne 262 THE LEGEND OF THE SEVEN YEARS' FAMINE, ETC. ^ ^ JL® D ur/ er dmu het aat un em senem great for those who are in the great house. Is in affliction {i. e., palace) db-d €711 tu er da ur yeft tern iu my heart because of an evil great exceedingly, for not hath risen \ rzzz ^^zi^ O Ha 1 I I I I Hdpi em rek - d em dhd renpit sey^ef the Nile in my time during a period of years seven. ket nepi ukr renpit hud yet neb Scarce is grain, are lacking herbs, wanting are things all A A^A \ \ \ □ I qeq - sen y^enp sa neb em \seftnu\-f [which] they can eat. Stealeth man every from his neighbour. A — ^ - f\AAAAA 1 A III ^^pnnr A I dq - sen er tern km yi em dkeb They w^ould run but cannot move. The babe is in tears. r\ AAAAAA AAAAAA I III AAAAAA hun em senb da db - se?t the child drags himself along, [as for] the old their heart maki qeref vienseti - n hufet er is stricken down ; totter their legs [and they] sprawl upon THE r.EGEND OF THE SEVEN YEARS' FAMINE, ETC. 263 (5 w I cr-n III \ ta ddui-u er yen-u sennu efn the earth, their hands [lie] upon their bosoms. The nobles are aku se§u tehha sent yer yd empty of counsel, is broken open the treasury, instead of money per nefui unui neb em qem madu Cometh forth wind. Beings all are in distress. Hath meditated dh - d dn er hat nef I C \ AAAAAA un my heart going back to the aforetime upon the deliverer whowasin my place o □ trdt 7ieteru heb yer heb her tep I-em-hetep in the of the gods, (the ibis-| the kher-heb in chief, I-em-hetep ^•"^^ I the chief reader) (z'. Imouthis) Q □ I o sa Ptah Res-dneb-f seb duset vies the son of Ptah of his South Wall. Where is the place of the birth {i. e., of Memphis) eft Hapi ma trd hek-s neter netert of the Nile ? Who then is its guardian ? [What] god [or] goddess ^[^^ ^ ^ dm - s pe-trd-tu seyem-f im - f smen dp- is in it? What then is his form? Is it he who hath announced 264 THE LEGEND OF THE SEVEN YEARS' FAMINE, ETC. nd aha renenet sem - a en yent Het-seyet to me the provisions / of the \ \ will go to the dweller in Het-sekhet Iharvest?! (5. ,1 1 1 1 1 1 ^ AAAAAA V ^ -<3>- AAAAAA 0 AAAA/VV I I III su ermen db - f en sa neb er dri - sen who weareth out his patience on person every in [what] they do. 10 A ^ JT^ i I I I bes-d er het dnyet pet-d bard (?) I will enter into the house of life, I will unroll the written scrolls, sem-d a er - sen §ds pu dri - nef I will bring [my] hand upon them. A going forth he made, e., Matar) ^ — ° \^ # ' '^^^ ^ OA ^ I - /'f er - d her -a saut - f - d em he came back to me immediately, he informed me concerning I I I hait Hdpi yet neb dn- the source of the Nile [and concerning] things all [which] wTitten sen dm qefa - f - nd reu dmen are they therein. He revealed to me the chapters hidden -> AAAAAA D ^ I Q O ^ A III AAAAAA du tepdu Bet metet er sen dn [my] ancestors took [their] way to them; not [existed] THE LEGEND OF THE SEVEN YEARS' FAMINE, ETC. 265 Dill T Ali <=>ccz> O sen - sen em suten ferfer rek tem - f their seconds with [any] king since the creation of time. He spake AAAAAA ® ^AAAAA AAAAAA ^-^CT-^ AAAAAA AAAAAA y\ nd Mu nut e7Ji her-dh ennu sper to me : — There is a town in the midst of the stream, cometh forth ^ T=L i _J© AA^ ^ o Hap \dm-s"\ Abet pu ren - / hd hdt pu Hapi from it ; Abet is its name, / at the \ rthe first\ was it. \ beginning/ \ town / AAAAAA I ^ ^Ji^^ ^ AAAAAA Z] ^(SIC) senetemtem db - d ter setem - d enen dq Was doubly glad my heart when I heard this. [I] went in. X A III se§ meru iini dri revealed [to me] the superintendents what was sealed. Was made A III db dri sem §eta dri the libation, was made the celebration of the mysteries, was made ^ 0 ^ t db dat titen ta heqt apt dh an offering great, an offering of bread, beer, ducks, oxen [and] I n ^ AAAAAA ^ I I I yet neb nefer en neteru neteret dmu things all good to the gods [and] goddesses who are in 266 THE LEGEND OF THE SEVEN YEARS' FAMINE, ETC. U\\ AAAAAA I Ji © ^/ (2 AAAAAA III I Ade/ tem - tu ren - sen em kes Elephantine, are proclaimed their names in the place [called] A st'er db em dn^ usr qem - d neier dhd "Resteth the heart in life and strength". I found the god standing W t -k em se?tk-d sehetep-iief em tua semeh- before my sight, he was gratified at [my] adoration, and I made s emhah - f ahi maat - f ser db - f supplication before him. Opening his eyes, was moved his heart, X D »^ — 0 w ^ uatel yeru - f Jiuk yjiemu nub - k ddui-d spake his voice, ([saying] :1 Khnemu thy creator. My two hands I I am j haui - k er seqa tet - k er snib were upon thee to knit together thy body, to make healthy dhdu - k ut'd db - 7iek aat yer aat thy members; I gave a heart to thee. Stones [lie] upon stones ^ f^=^ o W ferenti 0 I neh mil) nuk nuh - f Because I am the lord, the creator, I am he [who] formed s t'esef ODD nu aa tir □ VP ker himself, the watery abyss great exceedingly which existed from hat Hap the beginning; the Nile lend er riseth at I'J o senhet fa ^ v8 I m her - d (?) A lit - d healthy the labourer for me. I am the director [and] guide ^ ^ # ^ H ' D (^fi ^ ll ten?iu tef neterti of mankind all in their hour, a mighty god, the father of the gods. . y ^ — ^ /www I ^ ^ 01 I I sa neh er unnut-sen her ^ w ??ierti =a=fl PI Shu, the mighty one, the prince of earth. Are the two halves {t. e., east and west) A(VWW un 268 THE LEGEND OF THE SEVEN YEARS' FAMINE, ETC. __ AAAAAA em tebt ker - d ynemut - nd of heaven /the abodel I possess. A fountain is to me, to open (?) it I [which] r^;^ - a //(2/> seym-tef er seyet seien-ief I know, Hapi (Nile) he embraceth the fields, his embrace —J— (j) ^ AAAAAA ^ ^ sey any fent neb md seyen-ut maketh abundant ([the means] ^ for nose every, according to [his] •j of life j (/. all people) embrace A I er seyet er neyey seyer hes-d nek of the fields I will make to flow for thee Hap dn renpii dh e?iefi er ta Hap (Nile), without a year of need, subsiding upon land neb ret semu neb en yertu yer net' the whole. \ Shall 1 vegetation all, (shall bend| [which] bear grain, |shoot upj j [the plants]j I I I III drat (?) yent yet neb sepa yet the goddess shall be over things all, shall increase things I I I f neb em heh er meh renpit all by millions according to the cubit of the year. INSCRIPTION OF THE REIGN OF PTOLEMY V. [Gizeh Museum, No. 5576.] renpit XXIII Qerpiaiset hru XXIV enti Year twenty-three, [month] Gorpaios, day twenty-four, which -<:S>- AAAAAA -[]- ^\ I S^S^ art en dmii Ta-mert abet ftu pert maketh according to the people of Egypt month fourth of the spring. ©nil ® 0 ?l ev«« 8^ nil <=> A\LL J>f^ AO hru XXIV ler hen en Heru hunnu day twenty-four, under the Majesty of Horus the child. yaa evi suten her diiset tef - f iir diademed as king upon the seat of his father, 1 King of thel mighty {King of the! North and > South, J n n n X \ ^ U V I 0 un © pehpeh smen taiii senefer Ta-mert of valour, the establisher of the two lands, making happy Egypt, men^ ah %er neteru Heru nuh uat beneficent of heart before the gods, the golden Horus, bestowing 270 INSCRIPTION OF THE REIGN OF PTOLEMY V. any^ en hamemu neb heh Ptah md dSi life upon mankind, the lord of festivals Ptah like, prince i?. Z m A prayer to the gods of the Underworld. [From the Papyrus of Ani.] KT.'m = in ,-r, =■ 7 33 1 ^1 I I I 0 ^AAAAA I I I AAAAAA I I I A 3 U ^A/WV^ A III " 0 ^ (^D III III I I I I III m ± I I I AAAAAA I I I lllllllll I X I I A I I ^"^^^ V )> AAAAAA D Jr. I I 278 HYMN TO RA. Hymn to Ra. [From the Papyrus of Ani.] ^ □ A 'Q I 2 fAAAAAA r\ I "=) ^ □ I ra 5^ AAAA^ I ^ □ I AAAAAA I I I 28o HYMN TO OSIRIS. Hymn to Osiris. [From the papyrus of Ani.] i ^f\*m 31 - S3 aji ill k ELH f'u^ k s f°"n= Jo's k o III A LITANY FROM THE BOOK OF THE DEAD. 281 ^ 5 AA/WV\ o 4 Si ^S:^ III 1 11 o ^ n I, ^ ^ AAAAAA AAAAAA 1 I I I ^ □ I A Litany. [From the Papyrus of Ani. # I I I 1 AAAAAA ^ 1 □ q, 1 1 W 1 i: A 1 D ^ V » 1 1 AAAAAA 1 1 AAAAAA m r"Yrn 1 1 AAAAAA D -7^ X AAA/'yVV m 4. 1 ® 1 +1 1 w n n # 1 k AAAAAA £1^ w 3. AAAAAA AAAAAA y 282 LITANY FROM THE BOOK OF THE DEAD. I I I lit ^ I J. I q> 1 7. iit ^ O # 1 ^ □ ^ 1 VT 1 ffHi AAAAAA AAAAAA y A— H H AAAAAA St 6. It AAAA/VA # 1 AAAAAA u 1 AAAAW /WWVN ® 1 1 1 I I I ^ ! □ I AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA □ o J AAAAAA IK ^AAA^^A I O INSCRIPTION OF SETI I. 283 A Prayer of Ani. [From the Papyrus of Ani.] A D ^ X ^ 1 A ^ □ 111 .- I □ © o Inscription of Seti I. King of Egypt 1 J 000 ^^i— - I J» 1=3 I I cz^ I I I ^\ fl T AAAAAA /^LZC I] aaSaA MI] I I II d CT^ 1 mni] 6 amDiii Jj^ w 1 ^ — - AA/W\A DDO - I ^K=°: ^ A AAAAAA ^ A ^ /wwv\ ^ a □ 1 AAAAAA ^ □ 284 STELE OF PAL Inscriptions of the scribe Pai. 1 1 A B ii= . 1 ^ I 2 A f ^ 3 I I I oQo I I I O I ^ I AAAAAA AAAAAA ^111 m {\(^ 5 1 ^ III I T AAAAA m 0<=::> I I I I I I AAAAAA AAAAAA ^ I -J I ^ □ I Ol I I AAA/.AA T III ^= I I t 1 AAAAAA, I _ _/ AAAAAA I A 1 U AAAAAA ' I ^ I 286 FUNEREAL TEXT OF TA-)(ERT-P-URU-ABTU. FUNEREAL TEXT OF TA-XERT-P-URU-ABTIJ. 287 Pf^ p,T, ? t:: K k T^i- ^ 1^ I I I © I I I © I I I I ^ t:^ o s fl £=i \\ H H o 1 1 1 f\A/WV^ AAAAAA AAA/V\A A 12 I - 1 □ X 1 I ^ 14 A I ^ ' 15 I 1 1 A ■J 1 a ^ ^ o 16 A I I 17 I I I I I A t5| k III T li.!T o 288 FUNEREAL TEXT OF TA-)(ERT-P-URU-ABTU. W III ^ — D^:2^ A/VW\A /WWVA I II ^ w O DO X ^ ^ o ft 20 I ^ I o A O AAA/W\ AAAAAA 1 P«l T ^1 Ml = ? frlH:^ lb IZ 21 o I 1 A nr. o n o I o 01 5=^01 Stele of Tatau. stelp: of tatAu. 289 kWslikinflfZT f "IZ^ll ( I AA/WV\ AAAAAA ^ OA A □ <=> A ■4 •^vAI^P 11^^ A^l AAAAAA 19 GLOSSARY. A A?ii aqesau aiet a proper name to cut off moment I I I au any emu Aiisdr Auscl I, me I, me O O old age praise, adoration to cry out to be those who do not Osiris Isis 19* 292 GLOSSARY jj ^ duset place ^ db heart I ^ I dbu hearts I I ^ dbi thirsty man Abtu nome of Abydos ^Jj^^ Abtu city of Abydos ir^ Ir^ ^ Abtet funeral mountain of Abydos f J ® ^ ll ^^^'^ ^^"^ ^"^'^^ Abydos abet monthly festival ^ w ^ dpi to decree, judee □ X ^/ ^ apt judgment XI . . □ 1 i A I ^^'^^ messengers, openers IK iKi ji thos V - i:^, Ap.uat "OP^"^-- °f the ^^^5^ HI ^-^"^ name or a god dm in, on, among, from, out of the one in those dwelling in ^ v\ amtu m dm gracious AAAAAA AAAAAA io pi AAAAAA (S\ 1 □! 1 AAA/VSA (^111 GLOSSARY. 293 dmemviem to weep tizw^w hidden Amenta the hidden place, the West Amentaiu those in the West the funeral mountain or Amentet city on the west bank of the Nile dmai venerated Avmi name of a god or star an not, without, destitute an by (in to bring, carry An name of a god Annu Heliopolis A?ipu Anubis annu skin, colour dner stone A?it name of a female An-ies a mythological place dnet' hrd homage to thee! dr then dri to make, maker, to do •94 -<2>- n I Will Oil! AAAAAA AAAAAA o GLOSSARY. dn'f work dritu dru dref dhti ds dst dsiu dsfet dsn dten dtebui dqer dqert dqeru Akertet Akert made forms therefore throat tomb tomb those who are rewarded with something sins, faults breath of air disk the two banks of the celestial Nile to be perfect a perfect thing perfected divine beings a name of the underworld hand, power the two hands aa great GT.OSSARY. 295 aat I o □ I I I I (3 W n w ^AAAAA AAAAA/\ t f 1 dfip diiyiL dny-t dnii great, mighty ad mighty one du dilatation dut dh joy, pleasure du hetep plenitude of peace du food, cakes dui shipwrecked man ah to mppt \.\J ili^^^L CLO 1 dht 1 pure dmain to eat d7i scribe to break into name of a festival to live, live!, life to live living 296 m /WW A O I I I I xix: ^ 11a /} A A A A A A ^ I GLOSSARY dnyu I anyiu dw^ dhd aha diu d§ dat dttet dq dq u uat uat living beings land of life to stand period of existence to lift up, to support many a kind of stone name of a boat of the sun just, true, equal to enter, to go in aqu food I to come to come u they, them way, road, path roads GLOSSARY. 11^ f ® M I D to be permanent Uasf Thebes Ua^el name of a goddess tid I, me uda boat «a one udi one to rise (of the sun) un to be, to exist unen to be, is unenet things which are un to open luiiu openers Un-nefer a name of Osiris Unti a name of a god ur great, great one uru chiefs Ur name of a god urt name of a crown nrt those who rest GLOSSARY. o III A A Usertsen useyt useytet madtet utii utu utut uthet Ufa ufat ut utetet B ba ba baiu weak, feeble electrum (?) to be strong power a king's name a hall hall of double right and truth mummy bandages to decree decree altar of offerings to go forth, set out the eye of the Sun to shoot out commands soul divine soul souls .Mi JAA^AA nniD AAAAAA 7) nilD GLOSSARY. 299 haiii divine souls ba ram Bai the divine Ram Baba proper name Baabi name of a god bah to overflow, inundate to flood bat wonders, marvels bat a kind of stone ban evil, wicked bejierdt graciousness beyenti pylons beyennu a kind of stone besekiL intestines betu to abominate bete mm oppression P P the pa the Pat proper name pai to fly paut company, cycle paiiiti the double company of the gods 3oo GLOSSARY. □ AAAAAA cm A A A I I I A □ □ X □ □ □ pu put Pfi pen per per 1^ peru \ perert pert peryeru peh pehreru pest pet )etpet Ptah IS this that this house to come forth thing which is brought forth appearance, manifestation sepulchral meals of bread, beer, oxen, fowl, linen ban- dages, etc. runner back to shine heaven to break open name of a god Ptah-Sekeri- the triad of Ptah, Socharis, Tern and Tmu A pet to stretch out, extend GLOSSARY. 3oi /WW\A A ^111 o A DO / M em emm embah emmd em rei em yenti he, his nose in, among, upon, when, as, with in in the presence of, before with, from knowingly among em yet following emyetu followers em senl round about, following e77i sail in front of maa to see maati the two eyes the mountain of the manu settmg sun madr to be strong, mighty 3o2 GLOSSARY. I I I ^ I AA/WVA I I I AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA 000 AAAAAA I I I AAWAA Q viaat Madt Madti mad-y^eru T III mat I man ma%en mdket 7ndtennu mu mut menyu meni ment to be right and true, right and truth the goddess of right and truth twofold right and truth one whose word is right and true winds like, as like, as daily boat strength, protection ways, paths water mother to stablish monuments beneficent, perfect pain, sickness daily to love, be loved GLOSSARY. 3o3 c=^ O I n 11 11 I I I AAAAAA ^. -5, n L e., "nothing grows men meriti mem | mert ^ mer Mer-testes mehit mehta mesiu mesiu mestet met meteru mehi I metet \ N n dfi an nat Nad-rut An-nit-f in it"' loving beloved will, wish superintendent a mythological locality north wind dwellers in the north what is born children a kind of stone ten to bear [false] witness words, speech of, to, before, by, with not, without not, without 'ithout a mvtholoi;ical localitv. GLOSSARY. i I, me AAAAAA w w 41 /WW\A /WVvAA vl AAAAAA AAAAAA. ^ I © I I I □ I nud nuk Nu NiU to call, invoke, proclaim to do homage winds name of a god I, me I name of a god name of a goddess X ^ ^ fiul city null citizens neb every, all neb lord nebu lords, all nebl all, every, lord, lady nub to form, to mould Neb-er-t'er name of a god nept inundated land nef him, to him nefu winds Nef-uriet a mythological locality J. I u J /WNAAA AAAAAA © ^AAAAA m A 5^ /WVNAA ff) (Cb AAAAAA AAAAAA 1.1 m GLOSSARY. 3o5 to be good, or beautiful, a good thing good a good thing nefer nefer-d nefert neferu beauties iiemd to stride nemmdl step 7iemeh feeble, weak encniu things which, those which nehi suppliant nchem to deliver Ney_e?i name of a city her, it jies tongue 7te.^ to enter nekmet boat nek thee cjtt of, which net thou neter go<^? divine neteru gods 20 3o6 GLOSSARY. 14-1 in ° 1^ Di I I /I\ o AAAAAA o W AAA/W\ AAAAAA £3 neteru neteri neter henu neter het neter hetepu Neter-yert | Neter-^ertet \ enti entef entek nefem netesetet R er er hert Rd Rd-Heru-yuti Rd-yd-kau Rd-yeper-ka gods strong priests temple divine offerings the underworld of, who, which he, him thou sweet, pleasant little for, from, against, more than, to upwards the Sungod Ra-Harmachis prenomen of Usertsen III. prenomen of Usertsen I. GLOSSARY. O ^ I I I I I ® I I I I I I A ra ra' Ra- Tern- lep era a triad of gods mouth re-per temple re-perii temples eref therefore Ren-dqer renpit renput rex I rey^it rekh rekhu ret red rut ertdt j ertd j H hai haker hamemet name a proper name year years to know intelligent beings name of a festival heat men and women to grow to give O name of a festival human beings 3o8 GLOSSARY. hennu to praise SvA ^ I hennu praises AA^^^AA _ ;t I ® hru day hereret what is pleasing 1 1 1 □ w o □ I H haiu haiu hu ha Hdpi heb hehu hebsu hept hems henit hen hend henti naked man foul, filth food haaii to rejoice limbs, members the Nile festival festivals clothing to embrace to sit wife Majesty, priest and, with two periods of 60 years each GLOSSARY. I I I ^ AAAAW CO3 1 O ^^/// mistress, lady her to, for, on, upon. her-dh heri-db her entet hers within because thereat wm Heru Horus Hem 7iuh golden Horus Heru-yuti Harpocratcs hrd face hrdu faces hcru terrors hert celestial regions heh eternity hesu to be pleased hesii y favours hestu 1 hesui favoured ones GLOSSARY. ^ □ □ ^ □ I 0=0 I I — ^ 0^3) ^TiDo I I I till =0= III hetep hetepiu hetepu hetepet hetrd Het'hert hef hetfut heq heq heqert Heqt to rest, to repose, to be at peace, to set down, peace, to set (of the sun) offering those who give peace offerings offerings to pay something due Hathor Het-Piah-ka Memphis white light to rule beer, ale hungry name of a goddess y^aut y^auit table, altar altar GLOSSARY. ^ ' ^ III I I I ^ X i I I Xal/esu stars yji/ dead body body, bodies to be crowned yd ya-Od crowned yd crown yu a spiritual part of a man yu to glorify, be gloriticd, to protect yu rays of light shining, spiritual beings Xul horizon ^^^^ yebent sin, wickedness yeper to come into being yeperu product, what exists y^eperu transformations, forms of existence leperd a god of creation GLOSSARY. ^ 1 ^ I III D m 1 I AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAA ^ towards, opposite, in '^•^ face of /^/a enemies three copper, bronze X?ie??i to join, to unite tnemu a god of creation ten interior of /^^^ 1 tennu ] Xejip to draw out Xensu yer yer to alight, to hover over yenti before, dwelling at name of a god under, to, with to cast down, be over- thrown Xer-aba a city near Memphis yem voice, word GLOSSARY. 3i3 I I I yer hehu chief readers y^esef to meet, to repulse yeseft to sail up the river yet things yet to float down the river O ^5 33-0 I I I I I I A sa sa Rd Sa sam ta sat satii sam I samm sany sdr sdhd sdhu she, it, her, sign of the causative son, child son of the Sun the god of intelligence burial earth to shine, rav avs SIX to eat devourers to vivify to bring forward to make to stand up the spiritual body Gr.OSSARY. A □ © II □ © D □ © I AAAAAA ^ I I sua/ Seb sebu sebdu sebi sep Sep sen sepu sefisefi sniauti (V) sem sjiid smdt (?) se7i sent sen senb he, him to make to travel the god of the earth doors fiends to pass on case, moment, time twice, duplicity times abundance uniter of North and South to guide, leader to accuse half monthly festival to establish they, them twice brother bases of statues good health 3i6 GLOSSARY. n ^ I A sek sek seku Seker seke7' sektet seqa seker sla setem infinity to draw on those who set name of a god name of sacred boat a boat of the sun to exalt silence to be tow^ed along to hear AA/WV\ m A suten kii^gj royal suteni sovereignty suten an royal scribe suten net King of the North and (or hat) South Suten -hencn Heracleopolis suten hetep td give a royal offering ! setekeni those who make to enter stert a lying down st'eri to lie down GLOSSARY. SH XJ o o I i I S /www — ^ A ^ I §endr §enbet ksi ht Hern §eta slaughter name of a god light sacred, holy to go to curse to repulse, be repulsed body to follow "Lake of Horus", a mythological locality hidden hidden place 0 I I I thee, thou ta bread, cakes ia land, the earth the lands of the North and South, the world Ta-merd a name of Egypt Ta-t'esertet the underworld tu thee, mark of the passive GLOSSARY. tepd to smell tephet storehouse tef father Tem j > a god of Heliopolis Temii j tem db strong of heart iemt sledge ten ye, you ten how many trdui morning and evening te^/^eimi a pair of obelisks T td to give, giver tdtdiu givers Tdtdu name of a man tu mountains tu I / evil, sin tu I tua a hymn of praise tiiau to praise, adoration ® f □ i GLOSSARY. the underworld tep head, upon, first tept name of a festival tep re utterance temii to pronounce temt knife confidence, boldness the trunk containing the body of Osiris tettet to be stable, firm tettetit duration Tettetu I \ name of a town Tettu I tekau to see TH Q thou, thee ye, you de?il-nubl name of a woman desl vertebrae 320 GLOSSARY. TCH ! ( fa fa tai tefau m fetta fet fetet to go forth husband fiend funeral food or meals body eternity, for ever to speak, to declare words, things said K u uu u VI I i I kau ka kard thou, thee, thy the double of a man doubles a divine double shrine kahrdka a festival kud I, me kehek old a J GLOSSARY. 321 I qeviaiu those in the south I ^ " 1..-°^ qereset buria] qei dispositions, natures K S ^ ker silence S