GowANs's Art Books, No. 15. The Masterpieces of Raeburn CARSON A NICOL, PRINTERS, GLASGOW. BLOCKS BY HISLOP & DAY, EDINBURGH. 57 Portrait of Himself Portrait de l'Artiste Selbstbildnis ■{National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh) T. df R. Annan ^ Sons, Photo. THE MASTERPIECES OF RAEBURN Sixty reproductions of j)hoto graphs from the original paintings by T. R. Annan Sons, affording examples of the different characteristics of the Artist's work GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 5 Robert Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 58 Cadogan Street, Glasgow 1908 ^HE sixty photographs reproduced in this voluine have beeit submitted to Mr. Jarnes L. Cazv, Director of the National Gallej'ies of Scotland, the zvell- known autho7'ity on Sir Henry Raeburn. In his opinion all the pictures included are genuine examples of the work of the great Scottish Artist, 6 The Artist's Wife La Femme de l'Artiste Die Frau des Meisters {Sir Ernst Cassel) T. ^ K- Annan 6^ Sons, Photo^ 7 Lord President Blair {Signet Library, Edinburgh) T. ^ R- Annan 6^ Sons^ Photo, 8 Lord Abercromby {Parliament House, Edinburgh^) T. ^ R. Annan Sons, Photo, Lord Newton {National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh) T. ^ R, Annan Sons, Photo. 42 Mrs. Campbell of Park {Mrs. Atherton) T. R. Annan <5r* Sons^ Photo. Mrs. Campbell of Ballimore {National Gallery of Scotland^ EdinburgJt) T. ^ R. Annan Sons, Photo. William Ferguson of Kilrie {Mr. R. C. Munro Ferguson, M.P.) T. &> R. Annan Sons, Photo. 45 John Tait of Harvieston Jean Tait de Harvieston AND HIS Grandson et son petit-fils Johann Tait von Harvieston und sein Enkel (Mrs. Pitmari) T. &r> R. Annan Sons, Photo. 46 Miss E. M. Gibson Carmichael (Sz'r T. D. Gibson Carmichael, Bart.) T. &r> R. Annan <5h Sons, Photo. 47 Miss Cunningham Graham {William Beattie) T. R. Annan Sons, Photo, 48 Mrs. James Campbell {Mr. Lionel B. C. L. Muirhead) T. R. Annan &^ Sons, Photo. 49 Mrs. Scott Moncrieff {Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh) T. Sons, Phato. Miss Margaret Law {Mr. John A. Holmes) T. &^ K. Annan Sons, Photo, ERR A TA The title of the picture on page 52 should be Miss Janet Law, not Miss Margaret Law; and the name of Mr. John A. Holmes should be spelled Holms throughout. 53 Mrs. Urq[7hart {Art Gallery, Glasgow) T. &^ R. Annan Sons, Photo. 54 Miss Janet Suttie (Sir George Grant Suttie, Bart.) T. dr> R. Annan 6^ Sons, Photo, 55 Mr. Adam {Mr. IV. A. Coats) <5j^ Iv. Annan Sous, Photo. 56 Mrs. Adam {Mr. IV. A. Coats) T. &r R. Annan ^ Sons^ Photo. Alexander Bonnar (^National Gallery of Scotland^ Edinburgh) T. R. Annan (Sr" Sons, Photo. Mrs. Bonnar {National Gallery of Scotland^ Edinburgh) T. Sons, Photo. ^3 Boy with Rabbit Gar(Jon avec Lapin Knabe MIT Kaninchen {Royal Academy, London) T. &^ R, Annan &^ Sons, Photo. 64 Girl sketching Fille dessinant Madchen zeichnend {Mrs. George Holt) T. ^ R. Annan Sons, Photo. 65 A Complete List of Published Photographs ot RAEBURN'S PICTURES to be had of Mr, Fran% Hanfstaengly 1 6 Pall Mall East, London, S.W. SIZES AND PRICES OF PHOTOGRAPHS— Folio (io"x 8") Silver Print, i/6 ; Carbon Print, 2/6 F = R = Royal (i5"x 12") »> 6/. I = Imperial (2i"x 16") >> 12/- Facs = Facsimile (28" x >> 30/- E = Extra (34j"X26") >> 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as well as the Size. Mrs. Scott Moucrieflf, Lady Hume Campbell of March- mont and Child, - Mrs. Campbell of Balllmore, Lord Newton, John Wauchope, 'W.S.,- Portrait of himself, Mrs, Hamilton of Kames, - Alexander Bonuar, Mia. Bonnar. John Gray of Newholm, Alexander Adam, LL.D., • Alastair Macdonell of Glengarry, Adam RoUand of Gask, Portrait of an invalid sailor at Greenwich, - Portrait of Hannah More, - Portrait of Lieut. -Colonel Bryce M'Murdo. ■ - - ^• Portrait of a Lady of the Dud gfeon family, - Mrs. H. W. Lauzun, • Edinburgh Louvre N.G., London V 9 V 16 V 18 V V 207 V V 1049 1050 F R I and 29 ins. long, £2 2/ F R I at 12/6 F R I and 29 ins. long, £2 2/ 8 by 6 at 2/, I at 12/6 8 by 6 at 2/, I at 12/6 8 by 6 at 2/, I at 12/6 8 by 6 at 2/ 8 by 6 at 2/, 8 by 6 at 2/ F at 5/ F at 5/ I FRI FR 06 PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. TlTUt. Gallery. No. Size. Si 5 E TI16 Ferguson Brotlicrs, • R. C. Muiiro Ferguson y 1 at 12/6, IKla. lung. £2 2/ y ft hv fi a.f 2/ 0 uy u ■»u I at 12/6, 29 ins. long, £2 2/ * jlrs. rerguson 01 xt&iiiii ftuu cliildxoiii • ■ ■ ■ y 8 by 6 at 2/, U6n6r&l 8ir i{.0Q8