’ I 1 PUBLISHED BY mM HARTFORD - ^El=gb^ h ■ " ’ Mr— _ „**$ ilc » --(Jlrfl 'Vs*.' — . ,- ~- "ujiii/iiMtimWl Wall Paper and Decorating Co., 185 Asylum St., HARTFORD. CONN. BAjaa« uj js sa agjM * **-* ii-* 0 ' IVL Priced Catalogue OF Artists’ Materials. SUPPLIES FOR OIL PAINTING, WATER COLOR PAINTING, SKETCHING, PORCELAIN and CHINA PAINTING, PASTEL PAINT- ING, CRAYON and LEAD PENCIL DRAWING, MINIATURE PAINTING, TEXTILE DESIGNING, MODELING IN WAX and CLAY, ETCHING, TAPESTRY PAINT ING, CHROMO PHOTOGRAPHY, LUSTRE PAINTING, PEN AND INK DRAWING, REPOUSSE WORK, FRESCO and SCENE PAINTING, MAKING WAX FLOWERS and FRUIT. BRUSHES FOR ARTISTS, PAINTERS, GRAINERS, VARNISHERS, &C. AND GILDERS’, GLAZIERS’, AND PAINTERS’ MATERIALS > NEW YORK : Holt Brothers, Printers, 1727 Vandewater St. 1690. IMPORTANT NOTICE. I. Do not mutilate this Catalogue; it is only necessary to give the quantity, name and size of the articles desired. .I. Orders from parties with whom we have had no business trans- actions must be accompanied by references or remittance of amount to cover. III. Remittances can be made by Bank Draft, Postal Note, or P. O. Money Order made payable to us ; when neither of these can be procured, U. S. or National Bank Notes or Postage Stamps can be sent by Registered Letter or Express. IV. Parties unknown to us desiring the goods sent C. O. D., must in every instance remit at least double the express charges. V. All goods will be packed with the utmost care, and no allow- ance will be made for breakage. VI. Claims for shortage must be made within five days from receipt of goods, or they will not be entertained. VII. We never substitute other goods in place of those ordered, and goods sent as ordered are not returnable. VIII. All goods are shipped at purchaser’s risk. IX. Goods ordered by mail will be sent at buyer’s risk only; cost of postage will be added to bill. X. Liquids are mailable only in special packages approved by the P. O. authorities. It is therefore impracticable to send Artists’ Oils, Varnishes and Liquids in original bottles by mail ; they should in all cases be sent by express or freight. XI. Packing boxes or goods of a bulky nature will be charged at cost. XII. Prices are subject to change without further notice. THE GETTY RE5CA~CH INSTITUTE LIBRARY F. W. DEVOE & CO’S PREPARED OIL COLORS, FOR ARTISTS. IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. Double Tubes By doz. $2.00 Cremnitz White Flake White. Silver White. Treble Tubes By doz. $2.00 Cremnitz White. Flake White. Silver White. Quadruple Tubes By doz. $4 00 Cremnitz White. Flake White. Silver White. DOUBLE. TREBLE. QUADRUPLE; F. W. Devoe & Co’s Tube Colors arc prepared from carefully selected pigments — for- eign or their own make— thoroughly incorporated with the purest oil. Objection is fre- quently made to the thin condition of many tube colors ground by foreign makers ; by F. W. D. & Co’s system they secure that firm consistency and fineness of texture required by Artists. 4 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. W Devoe & Co’s Prepared Oil Colors, for Artists — Continued. American Vermilion Antwerp Blue Asphaltum Bistre Bitumen Black Lead Blue Black Bone Brown Brilliant Yellow Brown Ochre Brown Pink Burnt Umber Burnt Roman Ochre Burnt Sienna Burnt Terre Verte Caledonian Brown Cappah Brown Cassel Earth Cork Black Copal Megilp Chrome Green, No. 0— P Chrome Green, No. 1— L Chrome Green, No. 2 — M Chrome Green, No. 3 — D Chrome Yellow, No. 1— L Chrome Yellow. No. 2— M Chrome Yellow, No. 3 — P Chrome Orange Chrome Red Cologne Earth China White Chinese Blue Cremnitz White Crimson Lake Emerald Green Flake White French Green French Naples Yellow Flesh Ochre Gamboge Gold Ochre Geranium Lake Greenish Naples Yellow" Indian Lake Indian Red Indigo Italian Pink Ivory Black King’s Yellow Lamp Black Light Red Light Raw Sienna Megilp Mummy Mauve Magenta Naples Yellow, 00— E P Naples Yellow, 0— P Naples Yellow, No. 1 — L Naples Yellow, No. 2 — M Naples Yellow, No. 3 — D Neutral Tint New Blue Olive Lake Olive Tint Orpiment CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 5 F. W. Devoe & Co's Prepared Oil Colors for Artists — Continued. Single Tubes— Class A— Continued. Oxford Ochre Paris Blue Paris Green Payne’s Grey Permanent Blue Permanent Yellow Permanent White Permanent Green — Light. Permanent Green — Medium Permanent Green — Deep Persian Red Prussian Blue Prussian Brown Prussian Green Purple Lake Raw Sienna Raw Umber Red Brown Roman Ochre Rome’s Yellow Sap Green Scarlet Lake Silver White Sugar of Lead Transparent Gold Ochre Terra Rosa Terre Verte Vandyke Brown Venetian Red V erdigris Verona Brown Veronese Green Yellow Lake Yellow Ochre Zinc White Zinc Yellow Zinnober Green — Light Zinnober Green — Medium Zinnober Green— Deep Single Tubes— Class B By doz. $1.75 Blue Verditer Brown Madder Burnt Lake Carnation Lake Cerulean Blue Citron Yellow Chinese Green Chinese Vermilion English Vermilion Frmch Vermilion Gaude Lake Green Lake Imperial Orange Perfect Yellow Sepia Single Tubes — Class C By doz. $3.C0 Carmine No. 2 Cobalt Green Emeraude Green Extract of Gamboge Madder Lake Madder Lake— Deep Malachite Green Oxide of Chromium Paul Veronese Green Pink Madder Rose Madder Strontian Yellow Trans. Oxide of Chronium Viridian Single Tubes Class D Cobalt Blue Cadmium— Lemon Cadmium— Pale Cadmium— Light Cadmium Y r ellow Cadmium— Deep Cadmium— Orange Antimony Y T ellow Capucine Madder Crimson Madder Cadmium— Red Extract of Vermilion Indian Y T ellow Lemon Yellow — Pate Lemon Yellow Mars Brown Mars Red By doz. $3.50 Mars Violet Mars Yellow Orange Vermilion Robert’s Lake Rubens’ Madder Scarlet Vermilion Ultramarine Single Tubes— Class E By doz. $4.80 Violet Carmine YTdlow Carmine French Carmine Orient Y r ellow Purple Madder Single Tubes— Class F By doz. $5.40 Burnt Carmine Cobalt Yellow — Light Cobalt Yellow — Deep Cobalt Yellow— Greenish Madder Carmine Mars Orange Scarlet Madder Ultramarine Ash Yellow Madder 6 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. Devoe & Co’s Prepared Oil Colors, for Artists — Continued. Single Tubes— Class G By doz. $6.00 Madder No. 1, Red Brown Madder No. 2, Yellow Brown Madder No. 3, Deep Crimson Madder No. 4, Maroon SPECIAL MADDEK LAKES. Madder No. 5, Deep Scarlet Madder No. 6, Flesh Madder No. 7, Purple Intense Madder No. 8, Rose Intense Madder No. 9, Olive Madder No. 10, Citron Madder No. 11, Greenish We consider this graphic method of showing the increased sales by F. W. Devoe & Co. of their tube colors to be the best medium of impressing upon the public the growing confidence which artists place in their colors 1 8 1 6 5 4 3 3 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 The above Diagbam shows the comparative inobease in the sales bi F. W. Devoe & Company of their Artists’ Tube Colors during the past eight tears. STATEMENT BY F. W. DEVOE & COMPANY. As an indication of the appreciation witli which their production of Artists’ Materials is received by Artists, they are pleased to make the following statement : F. W. Devoe & Company sold in the year 1886 more Artists’ Tube Colors of their OWd manufacture than were imported into this country during the same time. E e: ? E Erl' B" I Bra ; Bu: Cai jC»| Cta Chi ( ft CL CL CL CL Cn Cl! CL Co Ir B. C« Ci Cii Co Ei Ft Ft It CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Winsor & Newton’s Prepared Oil Colors, for Artists. IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. Lntwerp Blue Lsphaltum (thick) Bitumen Hack Lead Hue Black lone Brown Brilliant Yellow Brown Ochre irown Pink Burnt Roman Ochre Burnt Sienna lurnt Umber Caledonian Brown Cappah Brown Cassel Earth Chinese Blue Chrome Oreen, No. 1 Chrome Green, No. 2 Chrome Green, No. 3 Chrome Yellow Chrome, Deep Chrome, Lemon Chrome, Orange Chrome, Red Cinnabar Green — Light cinnabar Green— Medium Cinnabar Green — Deep Cologne Earth By doz... Cool Roman Ochre Copal Megilp Cork Black Cremnitz White Crimson Lake Emerald Green Flake White Gamboge Indian Red Indigo Italian Pink Ivory Black King’s Yellow Lamp Black Light Red Magenta Mauve Mauve No. 2 Medium (Improved Megilp) Megilp Mummy Naples Yellow, French Naples Yellow Neutral Tint New Blue Nottingham White Olive Lake Orpiment Oxford Ochre Payne’s Grey Permanent Blue Permanent White Permanent Yellow Prussian Blue Prussian Brown Purple Lake Pyne’s Megilp Raw Sienna Raw Umber Roman Ochre Sap Green Scarlet Lake Silver White Sugar of Lead Terra Rosa Terre Yerte Transparent Gold Ochre Vandyke Brown Venetian Red Verdigris Verona Brown Yellow Lake Yellow Ochre Zinc White $1.50 Irown Madder Burnt Lake Cerulean Blue Chinese Vermilion Sepia French Vermilion Vermilion Geranium Lake By doz $2.40 Carmine No. 2 Citron Yellow Cobalt Blue Extract of Vermilion rreneh Ultramarine ? rench Veronese Green Indian Yellow liemon Yellow, Pale Lemon Yellow Madder Lake Malachite Green Mars Brown Mars Red Mars Violet Mars Yellow Mineral Grey Orange Vermilion Oxide of Chromium Oxide of Chromium, Trans. Pink Madder Rembrandt’s Madder Rose Madder Rubens’ Madder Scarlet Vermilion Strontian Yellow Viridian By doz >4.20 8 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS Winsor & Newton’s Prepared Oil Colors, for Artists — Continued. IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES. Brilliant Ultramarine Cadmium, Orange Orient Yellow Burnt Carmine Crimson Madder Purple Madder Carmine Extra Malachite Green Scarlet Madder Cadmium Yellow Field’s Orange Vermilion Violet Carmine Cadmium Yellow, Pale Madder Carmine Yellow Carmine Cadmium, Deep Mars Orange By doz $6 60 Aureolin Ultramarine Ash By doz $12.00 Cremnitz, Flake and Silver Whites Double By doz. $3.00 Treble By doz. $4.50 Quadruple By doz $6.00 Winsor & Newton’s Canvas for Oil Painting. IN ROI.I.S OF SIX YARDS. 27 inches wide 30 “ “ SMOOTH. “ 6.60 ROMAN. 6.60 TWILLED. 8.25 36 “ “ (( 7.75 9.70 38 “ “ it 8.25 8.25 10.60 42 “ “ it 9.20 9.20 12 00 45 “ “ ii 11 20 11 20 13 70 54 “ “ it 14 25 14.25 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S PREPARED CANVAS FOR OIL PAINTING. BEST ENGLISH LINEN. IN ROLLS OF SIX YARDS. SINGLE PRIME, (with tooth.) SMOOTH. ROMAN. TWILLED. 27 inches wide... $5.00 $5. C0 $6.00 30 “ “ .... it. 5.40 5.40 5.40 "... 7.00 36 “ “ .... ii 6.25 6.23 6.25 8.00 42 “ “ .... ii 7.50 7.50 7.50 10 00 45 “ “ ... it 9 00 9.00 9.00 12.00 54 “ “ .... ii 12.35 12 35 12.35 62 “ “ .... ii 74 “ “ ... ii 86 “ “ ... ii 96 “ “ .... ii 120 144 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 9 F. W. Devoe & Co’s Prepared Canvas — Coarse. FOR CEILING DECORATION, Etc. IN ROLLS OF SIX YARDS. 120 inches wide By roll, $35. 144 “ “ “ 48. F. W. Devoe & Co’s Prepared Sketching Canvas. IN ROLLS OF SIX YARDS. SMOOTH. TWILLED. 28 inches wide By roll, $2.70 $3.45 31 “ “ “ 2.95 3 85 37 “ » “ 3.55 4.15 FRENCH STYLE. IN ROLLS OF SIX YARDS. 34 inches wide By roll, $7.00 ORDERS TAKEN FOR CANVAS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES. A. D. Shattuck’s Patent Stretcher Keys. Description of Drawing. — At the right hand upper corner is shown the proper adjust- ment where C C C are guiding points of contact. At the left lower corner is shown a joint separated ; also keys in perspective. The right hand lower corner displays the device in operation. 88 10 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. A. D. Shattuck’s Patent Stretcher Keys — Continued. No. 3. ACTUAL SIZES. No. 4 . CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 11 A. D. Shattuck’s Patent Stretcher Keys — Continued. (See Drawings on pages 9 and 10.) A. D. Shattuok, Artist, recognizing a want long felt by artists for a more simple and reliable method for tightening canvases, has invented the above application which at once does away with mortise joints, loose wedges and other complicated contrivances now in use, and we unhesitatingly pronounce it to be, by far, the most effectual means for the purpose of any of the various devices to which our attention has been called. It is absolutely effectual, simple, easily applied, permanent and inexpensive, there being no appreciable difference in cost over the unsatisfactory mortise and wedge, a com- bination which all artists dislike. Advantages.— Simplicity of construction ; no mortise or tenon ; no loose wedges to shrink and drop out ; no rough corners, but an unbroken tacking surface all around. A complete and substantial unity. Easily cut down and can be made at short notice. Any frame with mitered corners becomes a stretcher at once by the addition of this simple device. The dealer, by having strips, miter box and saw, can readily make stretcher frames of any dimension. The “ keys” are put up in convenient packages with screws to match No. 0 — By doz $ .20 “ 1— “ 25 “ 2— “ 35 No. 3 — By doz $ .45 “ 4— “ 60 Cross Bar — By doz 25 Pine Strips for Stretchers. BEVELED FACE, FOR USE WITH SHATTCCK’S KEYS IN MAKING STRETCHERS. (See description of Shattuck’s Keys, above.) No. 1—1? inch wide, 10 feet long “ 2 — If “ “ 10 “ “ 3—1? “ “ 10 “ « 4—2 i “ “ 10 “ Stretchers, without Canvas. WITH A. D. SHATTCCK’8 PATENT KEYS. 6x 8 inches By doz. $2.25 6x11 “ “ 2.25 18x30 inches By doz. $4.00 18x33 “ “ 4 00 7x12 “ “ 2.25 20 x 24 “ “ 3 60 8x10 “ “ 2.25 20x26 “ “ 3 60 8x14 “ “ 2.25 20 x 30 “ “ 4 10 9x12 “ “ 2.25 20x36 “ “ 4 20 10x12 “ “ 2.25 22x27 “ “ 4 20 10x14 “ “ 2.25 22 x 30 “ “ 4 50 10x18 “ “ 2.40 22x36 “ “ 4 50 12x14 “ “ 2.40 22x38 “ “ 4 50 12x16 “ “ 2.40 24 x 34 “ “ 450 12x18 “ “ 2.40 24 x 42 “ “ 5 00 12x20 “ “ 2.75 25x30 “ “ 4 50 12x22 “ “ 2.75 26x36 “ “ 5 00 14x17 “ “ 2.75 27 x 34 “ “ 5 00 14x20 “ “ 2.90 28 x 40 “ “ 5.25 14x24 “ “ 2.90 29x36 “ “ 5 50 16x20 “ “ 3 00 30x40 “ “ 5.75 16x22 “ “ 3.00 30x46 “ “ 5.75 16x24 “ “ 3.20 84x44 “ “ 7.50 16x28 “ “ 3.20 36x42 “ “ 7 50 17x21 “ “ 3.00 40 x 50 “ “ 8 00 18x24 “ “ 3.50 12 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S Single Prime, Smooth or Roman Canvas on Stretchers. BEST ENGLISH LINEN. WITIT A. D. SHATTUCK’S PATENT KEYS. 6x8 inches By doz. $3.50 18x30 inches By doz. $12.00 6x11 7x12 8x10 8x14 9x12 10x12 10x14 10x18 12x14 12x16 12x18 12x20 12x22 14x17 14x20 14x24 16x20 16x22 16x24 16x28 17x21 18x24 “ “ 4.25 18x33 “ “ “ “ 4.50 20 x 24 “ “ “ ...; “ 4.50 20x26 “ “ “ “ 4.80 20x30 “ “ “ “ 4 81 20x36 “ “ “ “ 5.20 22x27 “ “ “ “ 5.50 22x30 “ “ “ “ 6 25 22x36 “ “ “ “ 6.25 22 x 38 “ “ “ “ 6.50 24x34 “ “ “ “ 6 85 24x42 “ “ “ “ 7.75 25 x 30 “ “ “ “ 8.00 26x36 “ “ “ “ 7.75 27x34 “ “ “ “ 8.50 28 x 40 “ “ “ “ 8 80 29x36 “ “ “ “ 8 50 30x40 “ “ “ “ 8.50 30x46 “ “ “ “ 9 75 34x44 “ “ “ “ 10 50 36x42 “ “ “ “ 9.50 40x50 “ “ “ “ 11.00 13.50 12.00 12 . 13. 15. 12 . 13. 15. 17. 16. 19. 15. 18. 18. 21 . 19 . 22 . 23. 26. 26. 36 Twilled Canvas on Stretchers, 15 per cent, advance on above list. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SMOOTH SKETCHING CANVAS ON STRETCHERS, 6x8 inches 6x11 “ . 7x12 “ “ 3.20 8x10 “ “ 3 20 8x14 “ “ 3.30 9 x 12 inches By doz. $3.30 10x12 “ “ 3.60 10x14 “ “ 8.75 10x18 “ “ 4.40 12x14 “ “ 4.40 ' with a. d shattdok’s patent keys. ....By doz. $2.75 Q^^QQOOOQQOOTtOtOOT-iOOO oooooo©oooo©C’to?ocnooo CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 13 F. W. Devoe & Co’s Smooth Sketching Canvas on Stretchers. — Cont’d. WITH A. D. SHATTUCK’S PATENT KEY8. 12 x 16 inches 12x18 . ( it 4.50 12x20 it n 5 35 12x22 it it 5.40 14x17 it it 5.40 14x20 t i it 5.40 14x24 u t ( 6.40 16x20 ( t « i 5 90 16x22 u it 5.90 16x24 u •< 6.60 16x28 u < i 6 60 17 x 21 inches $6.60 18x24 it i t 7.50 18x30 <( u 7.80 18x33 it it 8 10 20x24 l ( ii 8.00 20x26 it a 8.00 20x30 il a 8.00 20x36 it a 8 80 22x27 (( a 8.00 22x30 ( ( a 9.00 Canvas Pliers. Jaws 2f inches broad, each $1.75 Canvas Pins. irfTi’t ill Method of .using. By dozen Canvas Pin. Wooden centre with steel pins projecting on each side, to place between canvases for carrying wet sketches. $0.35 F. W. Devoe & Co’s Academy Boards. SMOOTH, OR ROUGH. 14 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Winsor & Newton's Academy Boards. 6x 9 inches 12 x 18 inches 9x12 “ “ 1.50 18x24 “ “ 5.00 F. W. Devoe & Co’s Millboards. 4x 6 inches SMOOTH, >R ROUGH. 10 x 18 inches Bv doz. $3.75 4x 8 “ “ 1.70 12x14 “ “ 3.50 6x 8 “ “ 2.25 12x16 “ “ 3 75 6x12 “ “ 2.40 12x18 “ “ 4.20 8x10 “ “ 2.40 12x20 “ “ 4 65 8x14 “ “ 2.40 14x20 “ “ 5.75 9x12 “ “ 2.40 14x24 “ “ 6 50 9x16 “ “ 3.00 16x20 “ “ 6.50 10x12 “ “ 2.75 18x24 “ “ 7.00 10x14 “ Winsor & Newton’s Millboards. 6x8 inches. 8x10 “ . 9x12 “ . 9x13 “ . 10x12 “ . 10x14 “ . 12x14 “ . By doz. f3.20 “ 3.50 “ 5.00 “ 5.00 “ 5.00 “ 5.95 “ 7.00 12 x 16 inches 12x18 14x18 “ 14x20 “ 16x20 “ 18x24 “ By doz. $ 8.90 . “ 11.20 11.90 13.40 14.75 “ 25 00 Russell’s Canvas Boards. FOR PAINTING AND SKETCHING (Patented March 18. 1879.) Made of heavy Binders’ Boards, and covered with Canvas, and prepared in the same manner as Canvas on Stretchers. 4x 6 inches... By doz. $ .75 4x 8 “ ... “ 1.00 6x 8 “ ... “ 1.25 5x10 “ ... “ 1.50 6x 10 inches.. .By doz $1.50 7x 14 inches.. .By doz. $2.25 6x 12 “ . .. “ 1.75 7x15 “ . . “ 2 50 7 x 9 “ . “ 1.50 8x10 “ . . “ 2.00 7x 11 “ . .. , “ 1.75 8x12 “ . . “ 2.25 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 15 Russell’s Canvas Boards — Continued. 8 x 1 A inches .By doz. $2.50 10 x 18 inches. By doz. $3.50 14x20 inches. By doz. $5.00 8x16 il 2.75 10x20 (t 11 3.75 14x22 << tl 5.50 9x11 ll il 2.50 12x14 il ll 3.25 14x24 << ll 6.00 9x12 ll 1 1 2.75 12x16 11 li 3.50 16x20 It It 6.00 9x13 ll 11 2.75 12x18 <( ll 4.00 16x22 ll It 6.50 9x15 It a 3.00 12x20 It ll 4.50 16x24 ll ll 7.00 9x18 ti a 3.25 12x22 1 1 ll 4.75 18x22 ll tl 7.50 10x12 n a 2.75 12x24 it It 5.00 18x24 ll ll 8.00 10x14 n ti 3.00 14x16 tl ll 4.00 20x24 ll It 9.50 10x16 n ti 3.25 14x18 11 ll 4 50 F. W. Devoe & Co’s Oil Sketching Papers. HEAVY. Smooth, 22x30 inches By doz. $2.30 | With Grain, 22x30 inches... By doz. $2.30 Winsor & Newton’s Oil Sketching Papers. Thin, 22 x 30 inches By doz. $3.40 | Thick, 22x30 inches By doz. $4 80 French Oil Sketching Papers. Smooth, 30 x 42 inches By doz. $3.00 ! Rough, 30 x 42 inches By doz. $3.60 “ 21x30 “ “ 1 50 I “ 21x30 “ “ 1.80 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SOLID BLOCKS FOR SKETCHING IN OIL SMOOTH, OR P.OTTGIT PAPER Bound Block with Protective Frame. PLAIN BOUND BLOCKS. BLOCKS. 5x 7 inches, each $ .50 $ .90 7x10 “ “ .80 1.50 8x12 “ “ 1.40 2.00 PLAIN BOUND BLOCKS. BLOCKS. 10 x 14 inches, each $1.60 $2.50 12x18 “ “ 2.50 3.50 14x20 “ “ 3.50 5.00 16 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & COS SOLID CANVAS BLOCKS FOR SKETCHING IN OIL THIN SKETCHING CANT AS. PLAIN BOCND PLAIN BOCND BLOCKS BLOCKS. BLOCKS. BLOCKS. 7x 10 inches, each $1.20 $1.75 12 x 18 inches, each $3.25... 8x12 “ 2.00 2.75 14x20 “ “ 4.25.. 5.75 10x14 “ “ 2.40 3.25 OUTFITS OF OIL COLORS AND MATERIALS IN BOXES. The " Beginners' ” Box. Polished Wood Box, size: 9 inches long, 5} inches wide, 1 % inches deep. — Cont’g 10 Tubes of F. W. Devoe & Co's Prepared Artists’ Oil Colors; Bottle of Drying Oil; Palette Knife; ralette Cup ; Mahogany Palette ; Badger Blender ; 2 Artists’ Brushes. Complete. Each $1.75 The "Scholars”’ Box. Polished Wood Box, size: 11 inches long, 6 inches wide, \% inches deep — Cont’g 13 Tubes of F. W. Devon A Co’s Prepared Artists’ Oil Colors ; 1 Palette Knife ; Bottles of Pale Drying Oil and Spirit of Turpentine ; 3 Sable and Bristle Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender; Palette Cup; Mahogany Palette ; Tracing and Transfer Papers ; 4 Studies ; and 1 Academy Board. Complete, Each $2.50 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 17 The “ Students’” Japanned Tin Box, for Oil Colors. No. OO. No. 00.— 9^x5$ inches, and 1^ in. deep, with two Palette Cups and Mahogany Palette. Each $1.25 No. 00, Fitted; Assortment M.— Cont’g 12 Tubes of F. W. Devoo & Co’s Prepared Oil Colors; 3 Super Bristle, and 3 Russia Sable Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender No. 1 ; 1 Bottle eaeh Pale Drying Oil and Spirit of Turpentine ; Steel Palette Knife ; Mahogany Palette ; Porte Crayon and Charcoal. Each $3.50 No. 00, Fitted ; — Assortment N. — Cont'g 15 Tubes of F. W. Devoe & Co’s Prepared Oil Colors ; 5 Super Bristle, 4 Russia Sable, and 4 Red Sable Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender No. 2 ; 1 Bottle eaeh Pale Drying Oil and Spirit of Turpentine ; Steel Palette Knife ; Mahogany Palette ; Porte Crayon and Charcoal. Each $4.50 The “ Companion ” Japanned Tin Box, for Oil Colors. No. O. No. 0.— 8$ x 11£ inches, and 2 inches deep. Empty Each, $1.30 No. 0, Fitted ; Assortment P. — Cont’g 16 Single and 1 Double Tube of F. W. Devoe & Co’s Pre- pared Oil Colors; 2 Super Bristle, 1 Bright's Bristle, 2 Russia Sable, and 2 Red Sable Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender No. 1; 1 Bottle each Linseed Oil and Spirit of Turpentine; Steel Palette Knife; Japanned Tin ralette Cup with Cover; Mahogany Palette; Porte Crayon and Charcoal. Each $4.50 18 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. The “ Companion ” Japanned Tin Box, for Oil Colors — Continued. No. 0, Fitted; — Assortment R.— Cont’g 19 Single and 1 Double Tube of F. W. Devoe A Co’s Pre- pared Oil Colors ; 5 Super Bristle, 2 Bright’s Bristle, 2 Russia Sable, and 4 Red Sable Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender, No. 2 ; 1 Bottle each Linseed Oil and Spirit of Turi>entine ; Steel Palette Knife ; 1 Japanned Tin Palette Cup with Cover; Mahogany Palette; Porte Crayon and Charcoal. Each $ 5.50 The "School ’ Japanned Tin Box, for Oil Colors. No. 1. No. 1. — 9x13 inches, and 3 inches deep ; Beveled Top. Empty Each, $1.50 No. 1, Fitted ; — Assortment A. — Cont’g 24 Single and 1 Treble Tube of F. W. Devoe A Co’s Pre- pared Oil Colors; C Super Bristle, 4 Red Sable, and 2 Bright’s Bristle Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender No. 4 ; 1 Bottle each Pale Drying and Poppy Oils and Spirit of Turpentine ; Steel Palette Knife ; Mahogany Palette ; Porte Crayon and Charcoal. Each $7.00 No. 1, Fitted; — Assortment B.— Cont’g 30 Tubes of F. W. Devoe A Co’s Prepared Oil Colors; 9 English Bristle, 1 Landseer's, 1 Bright’s, and 0 Red Sable Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender No. 4 ; 1 Bottle each Pale Drying and Poppy Oils and Spirit of Turpentine ; Steel Palette Knife ; Double Palette Cup ; Mahogany Palette ; Porte Crayon and Charcoal ; und Hand Book on Oil Painting. Each $9.00 No. 1£. — 9x 13 inches, and 2 inches deep; Flat Top. Same arrangement as No. 1. Empty Each, $1.50 “ 1£, Fitted ;— Containing Assortment A “ 7.00 “ lj “ '• “ B “ 9.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 19 The “Sketching" Japanned Tin Box, tor Oil Colors. No. No. 2 — 9J x 13£ inches, and 3 inches deep, with double bottom for carrying wet sketches, academy hoards, &c. Empty Each, $2.25 No. 2, Fitted; — Assortment C. — Cont’g 32 Tubes of F. W. Devoe A Co’s Prepared Oil Colors; C English Bristle, 1 Bright’s, 1 Landseer’s, 1 Bright’s Russia Sable, and 4 Red Sable Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender No. 6 ; 1 Bottle each Pale Drying and Poppy Oils and Spirit of Tur- pentine; Steel Palette Knife; Double Palette Cup with Cover; Polished Palette; Porte Crayon; Charcoal; Academy Board, 9x12; and Hand Book on Oil Painting. Each $10.00 No. 2, Fitted ;— Assortment D. — Cont’g 34 Single Tubes and 1 Double Tube of F. W. Devoe & Co’s Prepared Oil Colors ; 9 Super Bristle, 2 Landseer’s, 2 Bright’s Bristle, 2 Bright’s Russia Sable, and 6 Red Sable Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender No. 6 ; 1 Bottle each Pale Drying and Poppy Oils, and Genuine Mastic Yarnish ; Steel Palette Knife ; Double Palette Cup with Cover ; Polished Palette ; Porte Crayon ; Charcoal ; Academy Board, 9x12 ; and Hand Book on Land- scape Painting in Oil. Each $12.00 20 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS The “Studio” Japanned Tin Box, for Oil Colors. No. 3. No. 3. — 10x14 inches, and 3£ inches deep, with four Tin Oil Bottles Each, $4.00 No. 8 , Fitted; — Assortment E. — Cont’g 37 Single nud 4 Double Tubes of F. W. Devoe A Co’s Pre- pared Oil Colors; 9 English Bristle, 2 Bright’s Bristle, 2 Landseer’s Bristle, 2 Special Bristle, 2 Badger, 3 Itussia Sable, 5 Bed Sable, 1 Bright’s Red Sablo, 1 Bright's Russia Sable, 1 Ox Hair, and 1 Bright’s Ox Hair Artists’ Brushes; 1 Bristle Varnish Brush, 1 Chisel Bristle Artists’ Brush, Badger Blender No. 6; Foppy and Palo Drying Oils, Genuine Mastic Varnish, and Slccatif de Courtrai, in Tin Bottles; Steel and Ivory Palette Knives; Double Palette Cup with Screw Cover ; Polished Palette ; 1 Mill Board, 10x14 ; Porte Crayon and Charcoal ; 1 two- jointed Mahl Stick ; and 2 Hand Books on Oil Painting. Each ‘•S17.50 No. 8, Fitted ; — Assortment F. — Cont’g 40 Single and 4 Double Tubes of F. W. Devoe & Co’s Pre- pared Oil Colors ; 9 English Bristle, 3 Bright’s Bristle, 3 Landseer's Bristle, 2 Badger, 9 Red Sable, 2 Bright’s Red Sable, 4 Russia Sable, 3 Bright’s Russia Sable, 2 Bright’s Badger, 1 Ox Hair, 1 Bright's Ox Hair, 2 Special Bristle and 1 Chisel Bristle Artists’ Brush, Badger Blender No. 6; 1 Bristle Varnish Brush : Pale Drying and Poppy Oils, Genuine Mastic Varnish and Spirit of Turpentine, in Tin Bottles ; Steel and Ivory Palette Knives ; 1 Double Palette Cup with Screw Cover ; Polished Palette ; 1 Mill Board, 10x14 ; 1 three-jointed Mahl Stick ; Porte Crayon; Charcoal; and Hand Book on Oil Painting. Each. $20.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 21 The “Portable” Japanned Tin Box, for Oil Colors. No. G. No. 6. — 6x13 inches, and 2J inches deep; Portable Sketching. Empty Each, $1.50 No. 6, Fitted Assortment G.— Cont’g 20 Single Tubes and 1 Double Tube of F. W. Devoe & Co’s Prepared Oil Colors ; 6 Super Bristle, 1 Bright’s Bristle, 1 Landseer’s, 2 Bright’s Russia Sable, and 6 Red Sable Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender No. 2 ; Steel Palette Knife ; 1 Bottle each Pale Drying and Poppy Oils and Spirit of Turpentine ; Double Palette Cup ; Mahogany Palette ; Porte Crayon and Charcoal. Each #6.50 No. 6, Fitted; — Assortment H. — Cont’g 24 Single and G Double Tubes of F. W. Devoe & Co’s Pre- pared Oil Colors ; 8 Super Bristle, 4 Special, and 8 Red Sable Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender No. 6; Steel Palette Knife; Pale Drying and Poppy Oils and Spirit of Turpentine, in Tin Bottles; Polished Folding Palette; Double Palette Cup; 1 three-jointed Mahl Stick: Porte Crayon and Charcoal. Each $9 50 The “Utility” Japanned Tin Sketching Box, for Oil Colors. (Patented May 2, 1882.) THE BOX PREPARED FOR WORK ON TABLE. The “ Utility” Box possesses many valuable features, which will be appreciated by the nrtist either in outdoor sketching or for use in the studio. The interior is fitted with the usual divisions for Tube Colors, Brushes, Liquids, etc., a Tray for the purpose of holding brushes, laid in divisions and holders which keep them separate. This 22 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. “Utility" Japanned Tin Sketching Box — Continued. Tray rests on the top of the Tube Paints, preventing them from falling from their place while carrying the box. A Tray for an extra supply of Tube Colors or other goods is fitted over the division which con- tains the general supply of brushes. The Palette is placed as a cover over all of the materials, and is held in place by clutches. The Palette can be placed in its position wet with color, thus preserv- ing mixtures of tints which may be desirable to keep until the following day, as a space exists between it (when the box is closed) and the contents of the cover. The cover is arranged to receive two wet sketches and hold them free from contact with the box. For this purpose an Easel Pad has been prepared with corner clamps on both sides, which will hold canvas or sketching paper of any size smaller than the pad. It is not absolutely necessary that the Pad be used, as two Academy or Mill Boards, placed back to back, can be used in a similar manner. Elastic Bands are provided, which fasten in the cover and in the frame of the box. By placing either the Pad or the Boards between the front edges of the box and cover, a steady and useful Easel is secured, the Pad or Board being held firmly in its place owing to the tension of the elastic bands. A Metallic Rod is placed in the edge of the cover, with the head exposed on the end ; this will slide out to the right, serving as a rest for the Mahl Stick. Small rings are placed on each side of the box, in which may be fastened hooks attached to the ends of a strap, to be used in holding the box securely to the knees, when seated, by passing the strape under the feet, or can be slung over the shoulder, carrying the box as a valise. “ Utility.” — 9 x 13 inches, and 2\ inches deep; without Palette and Easel Pad. ..Each, $2.50 “ “ with “ “ ... “ 3.50 “ Utility,” Fitted Assortment J. — Cont'g 18 Tubes of F. W. Devoe & Co’s Prepared Oil Colors; 0 Super Bristle and 3 Russia Sable Artists’ Brushes, Badger Blender No. 6 ; 2 Palette Cups ; Palette Knife ; Poppy Oil, Pale Drying Oil and Spirit of Turpentine ; Oiled Mahogany Palette ; and Easel Tad. Each $7.00 *• Utility,” Fitted Assortment K. — Cont'g 30 Single and 1 Double Tube of F. W. Devoe ii Medium. 1 — Small, 4 x If x 1 inch 2 —Medium 3} x 2} x 1 } inches. 3— Large, 5x2}xl inch Large. Brush Cases. Small, for Water Color Brushes, 10 inches long By doz. $4.50 Large, “ Oil “ “ 12} “ “ “ 5.75 Wooden Palettes. OBLONB. OVAL. Made of well-seasoned wood, tapered and finely finished. OILED. MAHOGANY, MAPLE, JiLACK WALNUT. Oblong, 9 x 5 f in. lOx 7 in. 11x8 in. 12 x 8} in 13x9 in 13; x 9} in. 14 x 10 in. By doz. $2.15 $2.35 $2.50 $2.75 $3 00 $3 25 $3 50 Oblong, 12f x5f in | Assorted sizes.... By doz. $3.00 Oval, 8x6 in. 9x6} in. 10x7 in. 11 x 7f in 12x8} in. 13x9 in 14 x 10 in. By doz. $2.00 $2.15 $2.35 $2 50 $2.75 $3 00 $3 50 Oval, 15 x 10} in. ... | Oval, 16 x 11 in... Bv doz. $4.60 Assorted sizes $3.00 Folding, 12$ x 10} inches By doz $7.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS 26 Wooden Palettes — Continued. POLISHED. MAHOGANY, MAPLE, BLACK WALNUT, BIKDSEYE MAPLE. Oblong, 9 x 5^ m. 10x7 in. 11x8 in. Bv doz. $5.00 $5.25 $5.70 Oblong, 12|x5£ in By doz. $0.20 Oval. 8x6 in. 9x6Jm- 10x7 in. By doz. $4.25 $5.0) $5.25 Oval, 15xl0i in By doz. $9.00 Assorted sizes Folding, 12 J x 10 J inches 12x8£ in. 13x9 in. 13Jx9Jm- 14x10 in. $0.2) $6.80 $7.30 $7.95 | Assorted sizes By doz. $6.0, 11 x 7J in. 12x8$ in. 13x9 in. 14x10 in. $5.70 $0.20 $0.80 $7.95 | Oval, 16x11 in By doz. $10.40 By doz. $6.67 By doz. $14.00 The •• Studio” Palette, balanced, back cross veneered at thumb hole, shellac finish, 24x10 inches. Walnut or Mahogany Each. $2.00 Rest, or Mahl Sticks. Whitewood, plain, 30, 30 and 42 inches long Walnut, oiled, 30, 36 “ 42 French, polished, 30, 36 “ 42 Whitewood, “ 30, 36 “ 42 Bamboo, 42 “ 48 assorted By ^oz. u “ 1. • < "" “ 2 u “ 2 « “ 2 JOINTED, WITH DOUBLE BRASS FERRULES. French, polished, two joints, 35 inches long; when unjointed, 13 inches By doz. $7 ■* “ three “ 40 “ “ “ 12 V Whitewood, “ three two three 40 35 40 13 12 8§§§ SSSSS CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 27 Glass Slabs. 4 inches square. 6 “ “ . 7 U it 8 “ “ . 10 “ “ . 12 “ “ . 14 “ “ 16 “ “ . Each. $ .25 “ .35 “ .40 “ .50 “ .90 “ 1.25 “ 1.50 “ 2.0D Glass Mullers. J inch and J inch diameter Each. $ .15 1 “ to 6 “ “ By lb .65 No. 1— CLOSING. No. 1— FOLDING. TRIPOD. No. 1— Pine, closing, 6 feet high Each, $ .80 “ “ “ folding, one joint, 6 feet high, when folded 38 x5£ x 21 inches “ 1.50 “ “ “ “ two joints, 6 “ “ “ “ 25 x 5J x 3^ *• “ 2.75 “ “ Black Walnut, closing, 6 feet high “ 1.75 “ “ “ “ folding, one joint, 6 ft. high, when folded 38 x 5 j x 2J in. “ 2.50 “ “ “ “ “ two joints, 6 ft. •• “ “ 25x5|x3J “ “ 3.25 “ “ Ebony, closing, 6 feet high “ 2.00 “ IB Tripod, closing, compact, 6 feet high “ 1.25 “ 1£— Pine, closing, similar to No 1, but with support through centre, supe- rior finish “ 1.75 “ 1£ — Hard Wood, closing, similar to No. 1, but with support through centre, superior finish 1 “ 2 50 28 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Easels — Continued. No. 2— EXTENSION. No. 3 RACK. No. 2 — Extension, Pine, 7 feet high when extended, 4 feet high when closed ; the shifting frame permits the canvas to be raised or lowered without removing it from easel Each, $8.00 “ 2- Extension, Walnut, same as above “ 11.00 “ 2 B— Extension, Pine, same as No. 2, with extra box tray for materials in use (not shown in drawing) “ 9 00 “ 2 B -Extension, Walnut, same as above “ 12.00 “ 3 — Rack, Pine, 6 feet high “ 5.00 “ 3 — “ Walnut, G feet high “ 7.00 ‘ 3— “ Ebonizcd,-G feet high “ 7.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 29 Easeis — Continued. “Popular” Parlor or Studio Easel, Whitewood, 5 feet 10 inches high Each, $2.00 “ “ “ “ “ Ebonized, 5 “ 10 “ “ “ 3 50 “UTILITY” EASELS. (Patented May 9th, 1882.) This Easel will accommodate various sizes of stretched canvas. It has an auxiliary frame to hold the canvas, which can bo adjusted to any angle, either to the rear, upright, or inclined to the front, so that tho most desirable position can bo obtained, according to the character of the work. The support for tho canvas slides up and down without disturbing the outfit box. Should an unusual size of canvas bo employed, extension arms are provided; should tho stretcher bo wider than the easel, tho stretcher rests against these arms and is held in place with elastic bands with hooks and clutches. Tfic wJwle arrangement is very simple and useful, and requires less room than any other easel for studio or sketching purposes. It is very useful in Tapestry Painting. Full instructions are printed on each part which has to be adjusted. “Utility,” Pine, G feet 3 inches high; when auxiliary frame is removed (in packing), 4 feet 8 inches high Each, $8.00 “ Utility,” Cherry, 6 feet 3 inches high; when auxiliary frame is removed (in packing), 4 feet 8 inches high “ 12.00 so CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Easels — Continued. No. 3— FOLDING SKETCHING EASEL. No. 5— FOLDING SKETCHING EASEL. No. 0— Folding Sketching, Cherry, simple, 3 feet 8 inches high; folds to 2 feet x 2 inches xl£ inches Each, .$ .90 “ 1 — Folding Sketching, Whitewood, legs to turn, 4 feet 0 inches high; folds to 2 feet (5 inches x 3.$ inches x 2 inches, with iron braces “ 1.66 “ 2— same as No. 1, but 5 feet high; folds to 2 feet 9 inches x3£ inches x 2 inches. “ 2.00 “ 3- -Folding Sketching, Improved. Whitewood, sliding legs for adjusting easel on uneven ground, iron braces : 4 feet 6 inches high; folds to 2 feet 6 inches x3£ inches x 2 inches. (See drawing) “ 2.50 “ 4— same as No. 3, but 5 feet high; folds to 2 feet 9 inches x6i inches x 2 inches “ 3.00 “ 5 — French Folding. Sketching. Cherry, legs to turn. 4 feet 2 inches high : folds to 2 feet 6 inches x 5 inches x 3J inches. (See drawing) “ 2.50 “ 6— same as No. 5, but with sliding legs “ 8.60 “ 7 — “Compact” Sketching, Whitewood, folding and sliding legs, 4 feet 6 inches high: folds to 1 foot 9 inches x4i inches x 2 inches . 3.35 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS 31 Easels — Continued No. 8— “GEM” FOLDING SKETCHING. FOLDING F.ASF.L AND SEAT. No. 8— ‘Gem” Folding Sketching, Cherry, 5 feet high; when closed 2 feet x 2 inches x3f inches; can be raised or lowered without shifting canvas Each, f5.50 “ 9 — Folding Sketching, Whitewood, sliding legs, 4 feet 6 inches high ; folds to 2 feet 6 inches x 3 J inches x inches “ 2.00 Folding Sketching, Easel and Seat combined; folds to 2 feet 4 inches x 1 foot 1 inch x 2 inches “ 6.00 Sketching or Camp Stools. Cane Form, Short. Cane Form, Long. Four Leg, Leather Sea 32 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Folding Chair, No. 1. Folding Stool, No. 2. EACH. French, Cane Form, Short, 18 in. long, when open 16 in. high, web seat 12 in $1.50 French, Cane Form, Long (walking stick), 35 in. long, when open IS in. high, web sent 12 in.. 2.25 American, Three Leg, 18 in. high, web seat 12 in., with ring for holding umbrella steady 60 Four Leg, Leather Seat, “ Ladies',” 18 in. high, seat 12 in. square 2.50 Folding Chair, No. 1, 16 in. high, Canvas Seat, 8x12 inches 50 “ Stool, “ 2, 16 “ “ “ “ 12x12 “ 75 Sketching or Camp Stools — Continued. Sketching Umbrellas. FRENCH — SCREW JOINT. French— Grey Linen, jointed sticks, each. screw joint, cane frame, 28 inches *9.00 French— Grey Linen, jointed oticks, screw joint, steel frame, 28 inches. . . . 9.00 American— Grey Linen, jointed sticks, screw joint, steel frame, 30 inches 6.00 Lay Figures — Male, or Female. WITH STEEL JOINTS. Natural size, extra, with wig, cotton each. covering $300.00 Natural size, extra, with wig. silk covering '. Natural size, ordinary, without wig, cotton covering Natural size, ordinary, without wig, silk covering 350.00 200.00 250.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 33 Artists’ Manikins. WHITE W OOD. BLACK WALNUT. WHITEWOOD, WITH IRON STAND8. Height, 6 inches Each, $1.75 Height, 30 inches “ 9 “ “ 2.00 “ 36 “ “ 15.00 “ 12 “ “ 2.00 “ 42 “ .... “ 25.00 “ 15 “ “ 2.50 “ 48 “ “ 36.00 “ 18 “ “ 3.25 “ 54 “ “ 42.00 “ 21 “ “ 4.00 “ 60 “ .... “ 51.00 “ 24 “ BLACK “ 5.25 42 to 60 inches ha\ WALNUT, FEMALE, BALL r e movable lingers. JOINTS, SLIDINO IRON STANDS. Height, 12 inches Each, $6.00 Height, 21 inches “ 15 “ “ 7 00 “ 24 “ ... “ 12.00 “ 18 “ 8.00 “ 30 “ ... “ 16.00 34 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Artists’ Fine Palette Knives. Steel, Ebony Handle, blade 3 inches long Bj 8 * 4 4i Trowel Form, Ebony Handle, 3 inches long. ii li ii ii it (( ii ii << <( ^ ii it it it ii ii (( ii it ii ii it Cj 1C 1.50 • 8127, “ “ Dragon « 2.00 ‘ 3128, “ Black, Vase “ 3.00 'W e have in stock, of our own importation, a choice collection of the best grades of dia Ink; as the patterns are never duplicated, we can give no illustrations. ?• oio?’ King By stick, $3.00 to $5.00 olol, Mandarin i( 5.00 “ 10.00 This Ink is adapted for drawing lines where frequent washing is necessarv. In annlv- wash tints, the lines will remain clear and distinct. x 3140, Small Bv stick, $ .30 3141, Medium v .50 3142, Large “ .75 No. 3142£, Fine By stick, $1.00 “ 3143, Fine “ 2.00 “ 3144, Extra Fine “ 4.00 56 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS Gold and Silver Cups and Shells. Pure Gold Cups, 9 Lines, $ inches diameter. it ii it 12 ii 1 ii ii a it tt 15 ii u ii ii u a (( 18 ii u (4 ii tt tt it 21 ii i i ii ii a tt « 24 1 i 2 ii ii n u u Tablets *• Silver “ 9 Lines, jf inches diameter. (4 ii it 12 ii 1 ii it ii it it 15 l i u ii i i “ Aluminium Cups, 15 Lines, 1J inches diameter. “ Gold Shells “ Silver Shells By doz. Water Glasses. Plain. Plain, 2J inches diameter By doz. n gi « tt u a a ^ 4t tt 4 a n a Cut Glass, 2J inches diameter. it CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 57 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S CHINAWARE. China Palettes. OBLONG. 0.3181, 4 inches, oval.. ..By doz. $2.75 No. 3191, 4 inches, oblong.. ‘ 3182, 5 it it .. “ 3.00 “ 3192, 5 ii ii ‘ 3183, 6 ( 4 ti .. “ 3.25 “ 3193, 6 ii ii ‘ 3184, 7 it ti .. “ 4.00 “ 3194, rr i ti i i ‘ 3185, 8 it 1 1 .. “ 4.50 “ 3195, 8 ii ii ‘ 3186, 9 ti it .. “ 5.60 “ 3196, 9 ii ii ‘ 3187, 10 ii ii .. “ 6.60 “ 3197, 10 ii it Cabinet Nests. FIVE OUPS AND COVER. ). 3201, 2§ in. diameter.... By doz. $0.00 3202, 2| “ “ .... “ 7.20 3203, 3 “ “ .... “ 8.40 No. 3204, 3^ in. diameter. ..By doz. “ 3204 J, 3 “ “ Deep “ $2.75 3.00 3.25 4.00 4.50 5. GO 6.60 $0.60 8.40 58 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS India Ink Saucer, with Cover. No. 3206. No. 3205, 4 inches diameter “ 32C6, 4 “ “ Deep, Marbleized By doz. $4.0 “ 6.0 ami ' 88 . > m m !»■ Tinting Saucers. No. 3207. No. 3206B, IT in- diameter, By doz. $ .25 3206C, 1J “ << H 30 3207, 2 “ i i n .35 3208, 2j “ << u .40 No. 3209, 3 in. diameter.. ..By doz. “ 3210, 3J “ “ .... “ 3211, 4 .4 .5 - 8 jSSCW( Architects’ Basin. No. 3212. No. 3212, Architects’ Slant and Basin, 7£ inches diameter. 13®. We By doz. $13.C Divided Slants. (□ □ CO CD l_3 unrr □□ r oa CULTS □ □ b >q» No. 3213. No. 3215. No. 3220. No. 3218. No. 3214. No. 3213, 1 Division Slant, 1^x2 inches “ 3214, 2 “ Hx3J “ “ 1-5 “ 3215, 3 u “ 2f x 3| “ “ l.i “ 3216, 4 “ “ 3 x7J “ “ 3217, 5 “ 2i xTi “ “ 3218, 6 “ “ 2J x 7ij “ “ 3219, 8 “ “ 6 x7j “ “ 6.(1 “ 3220, 12 “ 6 x 7| “ “ 9.1 : r CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 59 India Ink Slabs. No. 3221. 3221, India Ink Slab, 2-0, 3222, “ “ “ 1-0, 3223, “ (( U 1 3224, “ “ “ 2- 3225, “ “ “ 3- 1£ x 2J inches. 2 x3i “ 2Jx4 “ 2fx4§ “ 3}x5| “ By doz. $1.35 “ 1.50 “ 2.25 “ 3 35 “ 4.50 Well Slabs. o oo nnn ooooo No. 3226. No. 3227. 3226. Well Slab, 3 Wells and 3 Slants, 2£x4 inches By doz. $2.25 3227, “ 5 “ 5 “ 4 x7$ “ “ 6.50 No. 3228. No. 3229. No. 3228. No. 3229. . 3228, Well Slab, 7 Wells and 5 Slants, 5^x6^ inches By doz. $8.00 3229, “ 8 “ 3J x 6 J inches “ 6.00 Divided and Rimmed Tiles. > \ 1 No. 3231. No. 3236. . 3230, Square, Divided Tile, 2 divisions, 2^x4 inches By doz. $1.75 3231. “ “ “ 4 “ 4fx4J “ “ 3.25 3232, “ “ “ 6 “ 4j x 7j “ “ 4.50 3236, Rammed Tile, 1J x 4| inches “ 1.35 Divided Slants. No. 3233. No. 3235. No. 3234. 3233, Divided Slant, Long, 4 divisions, 3jf x4£ inches By doz 3234, “ “ extra deep, 3 divisions, 3J x 5 inches “ 3235, “ “ 4 divisions and box center, 2^x6 inches “ $3.50 3.50 2.75 60 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Color Slabs. ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo L ■ liSH No. 3237. No. 3239, Color Slab, 12 holes, 2 Movable Wells, 3 Slants, 4xfi inches By doz. $9.f “ 3237, “ “ 21 “ and Slant, with cover, 4 x7 inches “ 9.( “ 3240, “ •< 15 Movable Wells, “ 4^x7^“ “ 13.C o& QQ 5000 OOOO 20$ No. 3239. No. 3240. No. 3238, Pencil Rest, 5 inches long \ Plain Porcelain Cups. 12 Lines, 1 in. diam By doz. $ .15 30 Lines, 2$ in. diam 15 “ 1$ “ “ “ .20 33 “ 2»f “ “ 18 “ 1£ “ “ “ .30 36 “ 3 “ “ . 21 “ ljf “ “ “ .40 39 “ 3^ “ “ 24 “ 2 “ “ “ .50 42 “ 34 “ “ 27 “ 2* “ “ “ .60 Bj- doz. $1.{ jnenB!u Bj* doz. i ( a tt ay, No. ] [N .. f $ •’*«r - .f l.C l.S l.f ■■ Slate Ink Saucers. 34x 34 inches square, with Well 2J inches diameter, Glass Cover, 5x5 << << << << 4 « u i> Tilt- By doz. $6.C .. rj fWt. Handles for Quill Pencils. Plain Cedar, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, separate sizes or assorted “ “ No. 5 „ French, polished, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, separate sizes or assorted “ “ No. 5 By gross, S1.( JI; , v *4 l.S l.S Ivory Sheets for Miniature Painting. CAREFULLY PREPARED FROM SELECTED IVORY. No. 1, l|x2 inches Each, $ .35 No. 5, 3 x3| inches. “ 2, l£x2| “ “ .45 “ 6, 3Jx4J “ “ 3. 2| x 2\ “ “ .70 “ 7. 4 x5 “ 4, 2|x3i “ “ 1.00 “ 8. 44x6 •to 'to •PViolM, ■k Each, tl/£ SkrB| ' ■ “ Mai. . “ 4 (ft. CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 61 Lacroix’s Vitrifiable Colors, in Tubes. FOR P AINTINO ON CHINA, PORCELAIN AND TILES. linese White By doz. $2 64 | Permanent White By doz. 82.16 BLACKS. iven Black By doz. $2.64 | Ivory Black By doz. $2.16 GREYS. ey, No. 1, Light By doz. $2.64 I Neutral Grey By doz. $2.64 “ “ 2 “ 9 w „ arl Grey, No. 6. 2.64 2.64 Warm Grey. 2.64 CARMINES. ght Carmine A By doz. $2.61 “ No. 1 “ 2 64 Carmine, No. 2 By doz. $3.00 Deep Carmine, No. 3 “ 3.60 imson Lake pucine Red rnation. No. 1 (Flesh) “2 Deep “ rple. No. 2..., mson Purple. N •let of Iron ?p Violet of Gold REDS. By doz. $4.44 “ ■ 2.64 “ 2.64 “ 2 64 “ 2.64 Red Lake... Orange Red Bright Red. Japan Rose. PURPLES. By doz. $5.40 j Deep Purple 7.80 J Ruby Purple. VIOLETS. By doz. $2.64 [ Light Violet of Gold 5.40 Grey Violet of Iron.. By doz. $3.00 “ 3.00 “ 2.64 “ 3.60 By doz. $6.60 “ 9.00 By doz. $4.44 “ 2.64 BLUES. T Blue By doz. $2.64 ht Sky Blue “ o k Bhl(> “ 2 16 toria Blue “ 2 16 Deep Ultramarine By doz. $3.60 Deep Blue “ 2 64 Blue, No. 29 << 2.16 Old Blue “ 3 qo 62 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Lacroix’s Verifiable Colo-s, in Tubes — Continued GREENS. Grass Green, No. 6 $2.64 Brown “ “ 6 2.64 Dark “ “ 7 (t 2.64 Green, No. 36 T << 2.64 Deep Blue Green U 3.60 Chrome Green, No 3 B... 11 2.64 Deep Chrome Green i< 2.64 Emerald Green H 2.64 Apple Green Deep “ Bronze “ Moss “ V “ “ J (Yellowish). Night “ Olive “ Duck “ By doz. $2.1i , “ 2.ft “ 3 6 , “ 2. ft “ 2. ft “ 3.6' “ 2 . 6 - 8 0 - BROWNS. Brown, No. 3 By doz. $2.64 Deep Red Brown “ “ 4, Deep “ 2.64 Black Light Brown “ 2.64 Chestnut Deep “ “ 2.64 Otter “ Yellow “ “ 2.64 Vandyke “ Warm “ No. 103 “ 2.64 Sepia YELLOWS. By doz. $2.6 , “ 2. ft “ 2. ft “ 2 6 “ 2.ft “ 2.6 Silver Yellow Yellow Ochre Ivory “ “ 2.64 Jonquil Yellow “ 2.1 Yellow for Mixing “ 2.16 Orange “ “ 2.1 Dark Ochre “ 2.64 iD Relief. Celestial Blue Indian Blue Lavender Marine Blue Red Brown Chamois Carmelite Celadon Light Coffee Steel Grey Turtle Dove Grey Isabelle Chinese Yellow.... By doz $2.16 | Flux. FOR GROUNDS. By doz $3.00 “ 3.60 “ 2 16 . “ 3.60 “ 2.64 2.16 . “ 2.16 2 64 “ 2.16 2.64 “ 2 64 “ 2.16 “ 2.16 Maize Salmon Coral Pompadour Pink Fusible Lilac Mauve Turquoise Blue “ Green Ground Green Copper Water Green Chromium Water Green Gold Bud Samples of Lacroix’s Colors, Fired on Plates. Plate No. 1, containing 28 of the principal Colors “ “ 2, “ 28 additional Colors “ “ 3, “ 28 Grounds By doz. $2.1 By doz $2.6 “ 2.6 D"v ;; *Wic Silw ■ (Mb! ? *. 2.1 4.4 2.6 4.4 3.6 3.6 2.6 2.1 2.1 26 Jjttrnnoxf. Elites Each. $3.C 3.( . “ 3.( CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 63 Japanned Tin Boxes, for Lacroix’s Tube Colors. Divisions, empty, 11{ inches long, 8 inches wide, 1£ inches deep Each, $1.50 “ “ 12* “ ~ 8i “ H “ “ 2.00 “ “ 124 “ 9J “ 1 1 “ “ 2.50 Divisions, Fitted.— Cont’g 12 Tubes Lacroix's Vitriflable Colors; 9 Camel Hair Pencils for Shading, Tracing and Outlining ; 2 Stipplers ; 1 Grounding Brush ; Horn and Steel Palette Knives ; 1 Steel Pin ; Rectified Spirit of Turpentine ; Fat Oil of Turpentine ; Oil of Lavender ; China Slab with 21 holes, slant and cover ; Transfer and Tracing Papers ; Sketching Crayons, etc. Each $6 75 Divisions, Fitted. — Cont’g 18 Tubes Lacroix’s Vitriflable Colors; 13 Camel Hair Pencils for Shading, Tracing and Outlining ; 3 Stipplers ; 1 Grounding Brush ; Horn and Steel Palette Knives ; 1 Steel Pin ; Rectified Spirit of Turpentine ; Fat Oil of Turpentine ; Oil of Lavender; China Slab with 21 holes, slant and cover ; Transfer and Tracing Papers ; Sketching Crayons, etc. Each $9.00 Divisions, Fitted. — Cont’g 24 Tubes Lacroix’s Vitriflable Colors; 13 Camel Hair Pencils for Shading, Tracing and Outlining; 4 Stipplers; 1 Grounding Brush; Horn and Steel Palette Knives ; 1 Steel Pin ; Rectified Spirit of Turpentine ; Fat Oil of Turpentine ; Oil of Lavender ; • Balsam Copaiba ; China Slab with 21 holes, slant and cover ; Transfer and Tracing Papers ; Sketching Crayons, etc. Each $12. CO 64 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Osgood’s Prepared Gold for China Painting. The unsatisfactory results obtained by Amateur China Painters with Liquid Gold and other prepara- tions for gilding on china, has induced the “Osgood Art School ” to prepare the following preparations of Gold, with which satisfactory resulcs can be guaranteed. They are in daily use in this school, and give perfect satisfaction. Ample directions in each package. MAT OR BURNISHED GOLD. F.W. |“ Cores. !« Li™ 1 ! Icrcis'sEss ]> Ret jst English THREE SHADES— GOLD, GREEN GOLD AND RED GOLD. Mat Gold is used on plain china for solid decorations, handles, Japanese gilding, ban ing, and can either be burnished or polished. HARD GOLD. Hard or Unfluxed Gold is prepared expressly for application over mineral colors, aft the manner of the Royal Worcester Decoration, and cannot be applied to plain china, is to be used after the first firing, and can be used over heavy or delicate tints and ov relief enamels, for outlining flowers, leaves, birds, etc. Delicate traceries of the gold a effective. The heavy decoration of the Persian and Hungarian wares can be imitat perfectly. It can be burnished or polished with a glass brush made for the purpose ; t former should be done at the kiln. Mat, or Hard Gold, in paste form on Glass Palette, packed in paper boxes.. ..By box, $1. Osgood’s Tar Paste. MM * I * 1 i 5 ' ! ‘ * I The Tar Paste supersedes the use of the steel eraser for removing designs from tint- backgrounds; is easily applied and does its work quickly, leaving a perfectly stencii'. design. By doz $3 00 1 oz. bottles, CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. (55 - Mediums, for China Painting. Thick Oil of Turpentine...,. By doz. $2.00 Fat “ “ “ 2.00 Balsam Copaiba “ 2.00 F. W. Devoe & Co’s Oils and of Aniseed By doz. $3.00 “ Cloves “ 3.60 “ Lavender “ 2.C0 |croix’s Essence Grasse (Fat Oil Turpentine), 1 oz. bottles By doz. $2.75 ‘ Rectified Spirit of Turpentine 1 “ “ 1.00 st English Grounding Oil 1 “ “ 3.00 Prepared Gold and Silver. •pud Bright Gold. ..By doz. vials, $9.00 | Liquid Bright Silver... By doz. vials, $7.20 Extra Soft French Pastel Crayons, EACH CRAYON WRAPPED IN TISSUE PAPER. No. 1. >. 00, Treble size. — Three trays, three rows, cont’g 390 Crayons, assorted colors, of which 252 are Extra Soft, 105 Half-Hard, and 33 Large Conical, for Backgrounds By box, $12.00 0, Double size. — Two trays, three rows, cont’g 255 Crayons, assorted colors, of which 1C8 are Extra Soft, 54 Half-Hard, and 33 Large Conical for Backgrounds “ 8.00 1, Double size.— Two trays, two rows, cont’g 160 Crayons, assorted 2 , 2i, 3, 4, 5, 6 , -6 6 6 G 6 6, colors Full size 126 Crayons, assorted colors a “ u (< << £ “ 04 “ “ “ , extra, 56 “ i. ii 44 u u ii | “ 28 “ “ “ I “ 28 “ White I “ 28 “ Black I “ 28 “ Brown assorted shades i “ 28 “ Blue “ ^ “ 28 “ Carmine “ $ “ 28 “ Carmine and Lake. “ 6.00 4.00 3.25 2.25 1.50 1.00 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 3.00 1.25 06 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Extra Soft F rench Pastel C rayons — Contin ued. No. G. jt size 28 Crayons. Emerald Green. By “ G, i “ 28 < ( Flesh Tints ii a ii 6, i “ 28 Grey ii a ii “ 6 , i “ 28 H Green ii a i l “ 6 , i “ 28 i ( Lake a <( ii “ o, i “ 28 it Ochre a a ii “ 6 , i “ 28 u Purple a a ii “ c, i “ 28 a Red a i i a “ 6, i “ 28 u Rose a a a “ 6 , t “ 28 u Violet a a a “ 6, $ “ 28 u Vermilion i t a “ 6 , i “ 28 ii Warm Grey a a a “ 6, i “ 28 a Yellow a a a iWeneti&nl i Background Crayons. fitntOd tlrwT BfihOcli LAEGE SIZE, CONICAL SHAPE. No. 7, 100 Crayons, assorted colors By box, S> 8 .(N*ples Ye ii s 93 ii ii ii ii i 'Dl . 8 ’ Hwft _ _ &T Sien Extra Soft Pastel Crayons. SEPARATE SHADES. Packed in wooden boxes of one dozen Crayons of each shade, or assorted shades ^ . desired — No. 1 being the deepest shade. White By box, $ .50 | Black By box, S .* GREYS. Deep Grey Nos. 1, 2, or 3 Light Grey “ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 0. ... Yellow Grey “ 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 BROWNS. .By box, $ .5 “ g5o. 1, Do . « .a Burnt Umber Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , or 7. .By box, Burnt Sienna Italian Earth Purple Brown Raw Umber Red Brown Vandyke Brown. Indigo Prussian Blue. Ultramarine.. . Cobalt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6 , 7, or 8 1, 2, 3, or 4 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, or 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 1, 2, 3, or 4 BLUES. .Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6 , or 7 By box. . “ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , or 7 “ . “ 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, orG “ ‘‘ 1 . U " i * 5, $ .5 •< 4 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 S .5 .5 .5 2.0 GREENS. Deep Chrome Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 By box, Deep Blue Green “ 1, 2, 3, or 4 “ Emerald Green “ 1,2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 “ Emeraude Green “ 1 , 2, 3, 4, or 5 “ Light Chrome Green “ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 “ Olive Green “ 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , or 7 “ Terre Verte “ 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , or 7 “ Viridian “ 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 “ Yellow Green “ 1 , 2. 3, 4, 5, G, or 7 “ .5 .5 .5' .5‘ .5( .51 ,5( CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 67 Extra Soft Pastel Crayons — Continued. REDS. 'armine ( i ’rimson Lake ( « (i ndian Red daroon 'carlet Vermilion Termilion < l I enetian Red No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5, 6, or 7 “ 1 “ 2 “ 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 “ 1. 2, 3. 4. 5, or6.... “ 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 “ 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, or 7 “ 1 “ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.... “ 1 , or 2 YELLOWS. lurnt Ochre Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or G... Ihrome Yellow “ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, or 7 -'lesh Ochre “ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.... Naples Yellow “ 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, or 6 ... )range “ 1, or 2 r ellow Ochre “ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.... taw Sienna “ 1 By box. $3.60 “ 2.50 “ 1.50 “ 1.20 “ .50 “ 1.50 “ 1.00 “ .50 “ .50 “ .50 “ .50 “ 1.20 “ .50 “ .50 By box. $ .50 “ .50 “ .50 “ .50 “ .50 “ .50 “ .50 ’urple Eagle, Fine Arts, Hexagon, Gold Stamped, Polygrades, 5 in box, with Knife and Rubber, B B, H B, F, H H, and 4 H ••••• “ 1 - 1 ®' CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 81 Eagle Automatic Pencils. WITH COLORED LEADS. Patented in the United States and all Foreign Countries. Size 2 A, Extra Thick, 5 inches long, No. 870 Red, No. 871 Blue, No. 872 Green. By doz. .$4.50 All other Colors to order. Leads for Eagle Automatic, as above. Size 2 A, Extra Thick, 2J inches. 6 Leads in flat box. No. 980, Vermilion. “ 981, Prussian Blue. “ 982, Vegetable Green. “ 983, Chrome Yellow. “ 984, Straw Yellow. No. 985, Green Verditer. “ 986, Primrose Yellow. “ 987, Antwerp Blue. “ 988, Crimson. “ 989, Indian Red. No. 990, Violet. “ 991, Roman Ochre. “ 992, Red Brown. “ 993, Dark Gray. “ 994, Black. By doz. boxes. For other Colors, see Colored Crayons, page 89. $4.50 Patent School Compass. The needle point when not in use , can be slipped back into the compass leg , so as to pro- tect the point and prevent its sticking into one, when carried in the pocket- Specimens of work execute with Patent School Compass With Pencil, on cards of one dozen. Without Pencil, in boxes of \ gross. The leg enclosing the pencil can be slipped over the pencil point to prevent breaking of the lead. 82 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS r India Rubber. Bevel Rubber, erases readily and preserves its good quality and elas- ticity ; the shape is particularly adapted for erasing fine lines as well as broad surfaces. 8, 12, 20, 80, 40, 60 pieces to lb By lb. $1.30 Faber’s White Artists’ Rubber, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 40, 60, 80 pieces to lb “ 1.60 “ Black “ “ 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 80 pieces to lb “ 8.00 Virgin Rubber, first quality, assorted sizes “ 3.00 Davidson’s Velvet Rubber, Flat, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 80; oblong, 12, 20, 30, 40. 60. 80 pieces to lb “ 1.50 FABER’S POINTED RUBBER. No. 3. No. 1, Small By doz. $ .45 “ 2, Medium “ .68 “ 3, Large “ .90 No. 4, Extra Large By doz. $1.35 “ 5, Largest “ 1.88 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS 83 Eagle, Small. India Rubber — Continued. A. W. F., with Brush. A.W. F., Mammoth. iber’s Pencil Eraser, with Brush, small igle Ink and Pencil Eraser, Bevel Ends, Wood Centre, small, 1 doz. in box, n << t( << << (< << . $ . Pantographs. o. 1851, Pear "Wood, plain Eacb, #1. ‘ 1852, “ “ polished “ 2. ‘ 1853, Ebony, German Silver Mounting, etc “ 15. ‘ 1854, Maple, ecale 1 to 49, enlarges or reduces £ to 7 times “ 1. ‘ 1855, “ but finer fittings and finish “ 2. 40 00 .75 ««8o8 S o! 8 S 88 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Pantographs — Continued. No U ROE’S IMPROVED. Cherry, brass mountings and brass clamps for securing to tables or desks. Full directions for use. 1847, Arms double, 3£ feet long Each, 1848, “ “ 2} “ “ 1849, “ “ 2 “ “ 1849^, “ single, 2 “ “ $3.0C 2.5C 1.5C 1.0C Drawing Boards. Pink, Plain, Hardwood Battens screwed on, Screws in Round Iron Washers. — This arrangement permits the wood to shrink without splitting, and the board remains true. i;. 12x17 inches ....Each, $ .60 16x21 “ “ .90 18x24 “ “ 1.25 20x26 inches Each, $1.50 i< 23x31 “ “ 2.25 ttxll Pine, IIardwood Battens screwed on, Screws to run in Slots, allowing for expan- sion and contraction of Board. Very desirable for general use. 20x26 inches Each, $2.00 23x31 27 x 34 3.00 “ 3.75 Larger sizes made to order. 81 x 42 inches Each, $5.00 33x55 “ “ 8.00 Mahogany, wiTn Movable Back, for Water Color Drawing. — This consists of a double frame hinged together; on one of the frames is a row of projecting pins. The back of the board is removed, the paper moistened, placed between the frames and allowed to dry. When it becomes perfectly tight and smooth the back is then put in place. The paper is then ready for using. Sight Measure 9x 13 inches, with one inch frame Each, $3.00 1C... h > :■ Each. $3.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS 89 LAP — PINE, WITII LEGS. 20x20 inches Each, $2.00 | 23x31 inches Each, $2.75 Freehand Drawing Boards. WHITE WOOD, PLAIN, COMMON, FOR CRAYON DRAWING ONLY. Drawing Boards — Continued. Back of Framed Drawing Board. Pine, with Hardwood Frame. — Sizes given are those of the Board without Frame. * 12£x 16 inches Each. $2.00 14 x 19 16 x21 2.50 3.00 18x26 inches Each, $4 00 21x29 “ “ 5.00 16 x 22 inches 18x24 “ Each, $ .50 , “ .60 20x27 inches 20 x 30 “ Each, $ .65 “ .70 90 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. [C‘P Demy I Secim- Rcri Ci? Deny— Mm BoyiL. Adjustable Drawing Tables. OX CASTORS. 1941. This table can be fixed at any convenient height, or placed at any angle. The shelf Is attached to it by hinges, is always level, and the edge is protected by a ledge. This shelf is used for Colors, fl- Brushes and Instruments, and beneath are two drawers for materials. The tripod, hollow standard and sliding spindle are of cast iron, neatly painted and bronzed. The working parts are well finished and very easily operated. The Table complete weighs 55 pounds, and is sufficiently firm to support a Drawing Board 44 inches square, without inconvenience. In the lowest position the Table is 30 inches high, and may be elevated to 44 inches. The section drawing shows the Table fixed at a slight inclination, the dotted lines showing it horizontal at A, or vertical at B. hiii st No. 1940, Black Walnut Top, 22x26 inches; Instrument Shelf (without drawers), 7x26 inches Each. $12.50 “ 1941, For Architects, Designers and Draughtsmen ; Black Walnut Top, 22 x 26 inches ; Instrument Shelf, 7 x 26 inches ; two instrument Drawers “ 15.50 “ 1942, Same as 1941, selected Walnut Top, polished; Castings Bronzed and Ornamented: suitable for home use “ 19.00 BRISTOL BOARDS, DRAWING PAPERS, ETC. French White Bristol Boards. 2 SHEET. 3 SHEET. 4 SHEET. 6 SHEET. Cap $ .65 $ .85... Demy “ .85 1.10 1.45.. Medium “ 1.10 1.45 1.70... Royal “ 1.30 1.70 2.15... • Super Royal 21 x 27$ “ “ 1.50 2.00 2.65... Colombier . 5 40... Grand Aigle 7.20... ...$10.80 Reynolds’ 3ristol Boards. 2 SHEET. 3 SHEET. 4 SHEET. Cap ....$1.20 Demy “ 1 00 1 40 1 90 Medium “ 1 20 1 90 2 40 Royal “ 1.45.. 2.60 .... 3.40 Rm: FT Ron I Lf. 1 Roj fir, CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. <)1 Reynolds’ Super London Brislol Boards. SMOOTH SURFACE— MADE OF PURE LINEN. 2 SHEET. 3 SHEET. 4 SHEET. Cap By doz. $1.75 $2.50 Demy 14J x 18 “ “ 2.75 4 25. „ 5 50 Medium “ 3.60 5.25 Royal 18 x22 “ “ 4.50 7.00 9.50 Turnbull’s Super London Boards. WITn GRAIN — MADE OF PURE LINEN. 2 SHEET. 3 SHEET. 4 SHEET. Cap ....By doz. $1.90 $2.90 Demv 14 x 18 “ .... “ 3 00 .... 3 50..., 4 80 Medium .... “ 3.50... 5 00 6 65 Royal 17^x22 “ .... “ 5 00... 6 30 8.50 Mounting Boards. White, thick a u 30x40 “ ( t 9 00 Grey “ 22x28 “ ll 2.50 Black Bristol Boards. Mat Surface . 22x28 inches By doz. $1.50 Patent Office Bristol Boards. PRINTED WITH BORDER, AND FOR WITNESSES, ATTORNEYS, ETC. U. S. Patent Office Regulation Size and Quality. Reynolds & Son’s English Bristol By doz. $1.20 F. W. D. & Co’s American “ “ ~o Turnbull’s Aquarelle Tablets. WITH GRAIN. Royal 18 x22£ inches By doz. $7.20 Imperial 21^x28 “ “ 9.00 French Tinted Bristol Boards. Royal 19x25 inches, 2 Sheet, 10 Tints By doz. $1.20 Super Royal 22x28 “ 3 “ 5 “ “ 2.00 “ “ 22x28 “ 4 “ 5 “ “ 2.90 Colombier 24 x 34 “ 4 “ 5 “ “ 5.40 Grand Aigle 26x40 “ 4 “ 5 “ “ 7.00 92 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS, Whatman’s Drawing Papers. -or ordinary surface ; having a slight grain. H. P.- Rough ” — or very coarse surface ; of large and ope Explanation or Surfaces: N. — “Not” “Hot-pressed” — or smooth surface. R. — “ grain. Cap 13 x 17 inches, N. and H.P By quire, Demy 15 x 20 Medium 17 x 22 Royal 10x24 Super Royal 19 x 27 Imperial 22 x 30 Double Elephant 26 x 40 Antiquarian 31 x 52 N. and H.P. N. and H.P “ N., H.P and R “ N. and H.P “ N., H.P. and R “ N., H.P. and R “ N. and H.P “ (lorn.... foils oil fLriBs Imperial. Double Elephant. EXTRA HEAVY. .R 90 lbs. to ream. .N., H.P. and R., 140 “ “ .N 200 “ “ ,N 300 “ “ .N. and R 210 “ “ • By quire, $5.2fi j‘ . “ 8.5C . 11.00 20.00 12.00 A Harding’s Drawing Papers. FOR WATER colors. Imperial 22x30 inches “ double thick 22x30 “ .By quire, $3 00 . “ 6.00 iwtiL mbit t X Imperial. Imitation Creswick’s Drawing Paper. 22x30 inches, N. and R By quire, $7.00 “Peerless” Drawing Papers. EGG SIIELI. SURFACE — WHITE. Royal 19x24 inches Imperial 22x30 “ Double Elephant 27x40 “ IN SHEETS. .By quire, $1.50 n 2.00 Gr.: . “ 3.50 French Torchon Papers. Be,. Royal 19x24 inches By quire, $2.25 Super Royal 21x28 “ “ 2.75 French White Drawing Papers. Royal 19x24 inches By quire, $1.10 Imperial 22x28 “ “ 1.25 Colombier 24x34 “ “ 2.25 Grand Aigle 26x40 “ “ 3.60 Sir i 3 . “ 10 . “ 12 . “ 15 . “20 German White Drawing . Papers. Cap. Demy 15£ x 19J Medium 17 x22 Royal 19 x24 Super Royal...' 19 x27 Imperial 22 x30 Double Elephant 26 x4Q .14 xl7 inches By quire, $ .27 ^ .42 .57 .75 .85 1.05 2.10 8c .. ! * t CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 93 French Tinted Crayon Papers. loyal 19x24 inches, 19 tints By quire, $1.20 •uper Royal 22x28 “ 6 “ “ 1.60 lolls of 11 yards, 04 inches wide, 10 tints By roll, 3.30 u Egg Shell Tinted Crayon Papers. loyal 18£ x244 inches, 8 tints By quire, $1.60 lolls of 10 yards, 58 inches wide “ roll, 3.60 i’ull rolls of 25 lbs “ lb. .50 Charcoal Papers. loyal 19x25 inches, 7 tints By quire, $ .60 lichallet — Royal 19x25 “ 10 “ “ 1.00 >alanne — Thin Royal 19x25 “ 4 “ ;... “ 1.00 “ —Thick “ 19x25 “ 4 “ “ 1.40 \llong£— Royal 19x25 “ “ 1.75 English Tinted Crayon Papers. mperial 22x30 inches, 20 tints. )ouble Elephant 28 x 40 “ 6 “ . .By quire, $2.75 . “ 4.50 English Tinted Crayon Paper, Hand Made, mperial 22x30 inches, 5 tints By quire, French Pastel Papers. loyal 19x25 inches By quire, Super Royal 22x28 “ “ >olombier 24x34 “ “ Jrand Aigle 26x40 “ “ $4.80 $5.25 6.50 10.00 14.50 French Pastel Paper, in Rolls. lolls of 11 yards, 56 inches wide, grey tint By roll, $3.30 French Pastel Boards. *o. 6 “ 8 13 x 16 inches 15x18 “ “ 5.50 “ 10 18x22 “ “ 6.25 “ 12 20 x 24 “ “ 7.00 “ 15 21x26 “ 11 7.80 “ 20 23x29 “ “ 9.50 Monochromatic Boards. ''rench 22x28 inches French Graduated Tinted Boards. FOR MARINES, TWILIGHT, DAY EFFECTS, SUNSETS, CLOUDY MARINES. 4o. 2. Square, or Oval. 7£ x 9£ inches n 4 << 91 x 13 “ “ 2.00 “ 6, “ “ . 13* x 16£ “ 94 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. English Parchment. 14 x 18 inches By doz. $5.50 16x20 “ “ 7.20 18x24 “ “ 9.00 22 x 26 inches ...By doz. $13.0 28x32 “ “ 18.0 UGH 11x85 i »>:8S Weston’s Linen Papers. FOR THE BI.FE PROCESS AND FOR DRAWING. l'< ■ 3 25x35 Imperial 23x31 inches By quire, $2.2' Double Royal 24 x 38 “ “ 2.5* Double Elephant 27x40 “ “ 4.61 15x22 Antiquarian 31x53 “ “ 10. 0< 15x22 French Gelatine Papers No. 4830, Thin. “ 4831, Medium 13x19 “ 4832, Thick 13x19 “ 4833, Medium 19x25 “ 4834, Thick 19x25 .13 x 19 inches By doz. $2.0( . 2.75 3.75 5.5( 7.5C Bond Papers. VERT TOUGH. FOR TRACINGS, KTO. No. 4835 16x21 inches. “ 4836 19x24 “ . “ 4837 19 x 30 “ . “ 4838, “Onion Skin, ”...17x22 “ . By it lilt’ Bo. i .By quire, $ .95 . “ 1.20 4 . “ 1.50 . “ .50 I Transfer Papers. No. 4840. Blue 11 x 18 inches By doz. $ ( “ 4841, Black “ 4842, Green 11x18 “ 11x18 “ <« “ 4843, Red 11x18 “ U “ 4844, Yellow 11x18 “ «( “ 4845, Purple 11x18 “ (i “ 4846, White 11x18 “ u Rice Papers. 50 .50 , .50 .50 . 5 ° .50 • .50 *. ■ I “ 1' I II II 3x3 inches By doz. $ 3^x4* “ “ 5x7 “ “ 7x10 “ ' “ 1 24 36 90 80 India Proof Papers. 1 Thick 27 x 52 inches By quire, $2.25 foe* Extra Fine, Two Star 12x44 “ “ 1.60 t. “ “ “Gold Wrap ”.12x44 “ “ 1.50 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 95 Chagrine Boards. LIGHT GREY, DARK GKFY, LIGHT BUFF, LIGHT GREEN, DARK BUFF, MEDIUM GREY, STONE. 21 x 25 inches 4-ply 20 x 28 “ “ 25 x 30 “ “ . 25 x 35 “ “ By 100 sheets, $8.00 10.00 50. GO. Imitation Sheet Porcelain, for Water Color Painting. 15x22 inches, White By doz. $0.00 15x22 “ Tinted “ 9.00 Imitation Sheet Ivory, for Water Color Painting. 15 x 22 inches By doz. $12.00 Ross’ Relief Hand Stipple Drawing Papers. FOR RIIOTO-ENGRAYING AND I.ITHO-TRANSFERRING. By rubbing the crayon over the surface of the paper the picture is formed in stipple, in light and shade, at the will of the artist. No. 1, Embossed Fine Stipple 2, “ Medium Stipple 3, “ Coarse and Fine Stipple combined 4A, “ Square Cross Line 4B, Black, over Embossed Square Line 5, Embossed Grain 6, “ Basket Pattern 7, Black Ruling Printed, on Steel 8, Embossed, very Fine Stipple 9, Very Fine Stipple 10, Black Line one way and Embossed acros3 11, Embossed Cross Lines 12, Fine Black Lines one way and Embossed across 13, Crayon and Stipple combined 14, Printed Crayon Tint 15, “ “ “ and Embossed Line 16, Embossed Diamond Stipple Sizes 14 x 22 and 22 x 28 inches . “ 14x22 “ 22 x 28 “ “ 11x14 “ 22x28 “ Size 11x14 “ “ 11x14 “ “ 14x22 “ “ 14x22 “ “ 14x22 “ “ 11x14 “ “ 11x14 “ “ 14x22 “ “ 14x22 “ “ 11x14 “ Sizes 11x14 and 14x22 “ Size 14x22 “ “ 14x22 “ “ 11x14 “ 11 x 14 inches By sheet, $ .40 14x22 “ “ .50 22x28 “ “ 1.00 Enameled Scratch Boards. These Boards admit of free working with pen and brush, have an extra enameled sur- face, that may be scratched or scraped with suitable instruments, for the purpose of white- lining fac-simile or blacks, picking out lights, or making alterations in the drawing. 32x28 inches By doz. sheets, $4.80 | 14x22 inches By doz. sheets, $2.50 8 8 96 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Green’s Erasing Papers. GRANULATED TINTED. These Tints are prepared on thick drawing paper, for the modern style of pencil dra' ing in black and white ; the white being obtained by scraping the surface off the pap with a knife or eraser. Cap 11 x 15 inches By quire, $2. Half Imperial 15x22 “ Royal 18x24 “ a Imperial 22x30 “ _ 5. : 10. 1 Tracing Papers. FRENCH, VEGETABLE -EXTRA FINE. In Sheets. No. 4790, Telli&re 44 4791, Couronne ...14x19 “ 44 4792, Ecu ...15x20 “ 44 4793, Carr6 ...18x22 “ 44 4794, Grand Raisin . ...19x24 “ 44 4795, Jesus ...22x23 “ 4 4 4796, Colombier ...24 x 34 “ 44 4797, Grand Aigle.. OXFORD— ORDINARY. In Sheets. Imperial 20 x 30 inches Double Elephant 30x40 “ I (,<800 i 4881 By quire, $ .’ “ l.t “ 1.1 > <08 “ 1 / <88 “ 2 .( . “ 2.1 " 5.5 iw “ 9.( <801, By quire, $1.( i • . “ 2 .( FI.AXINE, NATURAL, HOT PRESSED — VERY TOUGH. No. 4781 21 x31 inches, in rolls of 25 sheets By roll, $3.( No. VARIOUS. In Bolls. 48C0, “ Peerless," 40 inches wide, 22 yards in roll, tough and transparent. By roll, $2.1 4801, Canson’s French Vegetable, 54 inches wide, 22 yards in roll “ 4804, Natural, calendered for transferring, 56 inches wide, 44 yds. in roll, “ 4805, “Electric,” natural, cold pressed, “ “ “ “ “ 4807, “ Diaphaine,” 30 inches wide, 30 yards in roll “ 4809, “ Artists’,” 40 “ 20 “ “ “ 4810, “ Glacier” Parchment, 38 inches wide, 22 yards in roll “ 4811, “Wren,” 40 inches wide, 20 yards in roll “ 4812, “Flexible,” extra thick, 57 inches wide, 33 yards in roll “ 4813, “ Zephyr,” “ fine, 57 “ “ 33* “ “ “ 4815, “ Sterling,” dull back, 42 “ “ 22 “ “ “ 4816, “Standard,” “ “ 42 “ “ 22 “ “ “ Tracing Cloth. 3.f 5.( 4.5 • 2.5 3. f 4. ( 4 ( 7 £* 49!- 7.0 3.f 4.0 <915 4810 IMPERIAL”— DULL BACK. .1. 4921. No. 4820, 30 inches wide, 24 yards in roll “ 4821, 86 “ , 24 “ “ 4822, 42 “ ' 24 “ “ RELIANCE”— EXTRA nEAVY— DULL BACK. Prepared Expressly for Working Tracings. No. 4826, SO inches wide, 24 yards in roll “ 4827, 37 “ 24 “ “ 4828, 40 “ 24 “ “ 4829, 43 “ 24 “ By roll, $6.9 7.6 “ 10.5 ' - 4 .- 22 . #a #r. By roll. $5.6 <;i . “ 6.3 44 si .6 9 < 6 . 15 , CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 97 Brown Drawing Papers — in Rolls. FOK DETAIL DRAWING, ETC. . 6 4863, “Abaca,” medium, 40 inches wide, 10 yards in roll By roll, $1.00 . 4864, “ “ 48 “ 10 “ “ 1.20 Id full rolls of 50 to 125 lbs By lb. $ .16 ‘ 4866, “Abaca,” thick, 40 inches wide, 10 yards in roll By roll, $1.20 ,JI 4867, “ “ 48 “ 10 “ “ 1.50 In full rolls of 50 to 125 lbs By lb. $ .16 4880, Thin, No. 1, 40 inches wide, 10 yards in roll By roll, $ .75 4881, “ “ 1, 48 “ 10 “ “ 1.00 In rolls of 60 to 100 lbs By lb. $ .16 !i 4885, Medium, No. 2, 40 inches wide, 10 yards in roll By roll, $1.00 It 4886, “ “ 2, 48 “ 10 “ “ 1.20 In rolls of 50 to 100 lbs By lb. $ .16 8) 4890. Thick, No. 3, 40 inches wide, 10 yards in roll By roll, $1.20 » 4891, “ “ 3, 48 “ 10 “ “ 1.50 In rolls of 50 to 100 lbs By lb. $ .16 :* 4905, “Audax” Drawing Paper— a new detail paper superior to the manilla cream ) tint, 10 yards in roll. Inches wide 36 42 56 By roll $1.50 $1.80 $2.50 In full rolls of 50 to 100 lbs By lb. .25 White Drawing Papers — in Rolls. 1 4909, “ Riverside,” 36 inches wide, 10 yards in roll By roll, $1.25 “ “ 42 “ 10 “ “ 1.50 “ “ 54 “ 10 “ “ 3.00 In full rolls of 25 to 50 lbs By lb. $ .30 4915, “ Fine White,” 36 inches wide, 10 yards in roll By roll, $1.50 « 4915$, “ “ 42 “ 10 “ “ 2.25 \ 4916, “ “ 54 “ 10 “ “ 3.00 In full rolls of 25 to 50 lbs By lb. $ .45 4920, Finest English, thin, 56 inches wide, 10 yards in roll By roll, $4.00 4921, “ “ thick, 56 “ 10 “ “ 5.00 In rolls of 40 to 50 lbs By lb. $ .55 4922, Steinbach, medium, 56 inches wide, 10 yards in roll ...By roll, $3.50 4923. thick, 56 “ 10 ii ii 5.50 4925, “ Tenax,” 60 inches wide, thin .In rolls of 10 yards ii 2.50 ii 60 it ii .. “ 60 to 70 lbs.. ...By It*. .45 4930, 60 ii medium .. “ 10 yards 3.75 << 60 it. ii “ 60 to 70 lbs.. ...By It.. .45 4935, 60 ii thick .. “ 10 yards ...By roll, 4.50 “ 60 it i i 60 to 70 lbs... ..By lb. .45 98 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & COS “ PEERLESS” Drawing Papers. We ask the careful attention of Engineers, Architects and Draughtsmen to tl A PEERLESS ” Drawing Papers, which are especially made by one of tl largest manufacturing firms in Europe. These papers, the manufacturers give assurance, are made of pure linen, and are tl very best that can be produced. Their uniformity in thickness and grain, toughness, proper sizing, and for all desirab qualities, places them without a superior in the market. » In order that inferior papers may not be sold as ‘ • PEERLESS,” they have had the wat mark “ PEERLESS ” placed along the border of every roll, and buyers will plea note this fact for their protection. No. 4950.^1 3 eerless, 36 in. wide in rolls of 10 yards |2.( “ 36 44 44 30 to 40 lbs.. ..By lb. .1 “ 4955, “ “ 42 4 4 44 10 yards ...By roll. 3.( 44 “ 42 44 *4 30 to 40 lbs.. ...By lb. A “ 4960, “ “ 58 44 thin 44 10 yards ...By roll, 3 .( *44 “ 58 44 44 • 4 30 to 40 lbs.. .By lb. A “ 4965, “ “ 58 44 medium 44 10 yards 4.( 44 “ 58 44 44 44 30 to 40 lbs.. ..By lb. A “ 4970, “ 58 44 thick 44 10 yards ...By roll, 6 .( (( “ 58 44 44 44 30 to 40 lbs.. .By lb. # • 1 “ 4975, “ “ 58 44 medium, smooth 44 10 yards ...By roll, 3.' 44 “ £8 44 44 44 44 30 to 40 lbs.. ..By lb. .{ Mou nted Drawing Papers- — in Rolls. LINEN BACKED. No. 4980, Fine German 36 inches wide. 10 yards in rolls $7.( “ 4981, “ < ( 42 “ 10 44 44 7 .{ “ 4982, “ (4 54 “ 10 44 44 10. f I lie I FR 4985, Finest English, thin 58 4986, “ “ thick 58 4987, “Tenax,” medium 60 4990. A Peerless 36 42 58 smooth 58 extra thick, ...58 4991, 4992, 4993, 4994, 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 jx i u jxlO xH XU xl$ xM ESI 13. C 14. < 13 .' 8. 1X12 9.1 12.( , 12 .(, 13.' Mounted Whatman’s Drawing Papers. x:- xlj x2) In Sheets. N. ok o. P. No. 4995, Royal 19x24 inches “ 4996, Imperial 22x30 “ “ 4997, Double Elephant 26x40 “ “ 4998, Antiquarian 31x52 “ x tin, 1x10 .By quire, J i 9.(l < 12 . “ 12.(;*H . “ 18.(|*1« . “ 43.J*» CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 99 F. W. Devoe & Co’s Sketch Blocks. The Blocks are made of sheets of paper, pressed firmly together; and each sheet may be sep- ted by passing a knife under its edge. The Bound Blocks have Leather Backs and Cloth Sides. FRENCH WHITE PAPER. . FOR PENCIL OR CRAYON. PLAIN. BOUND. < 7 inches ...8 8.40 <10 “ it 6 50... ... 13.50 <12 “ ( t 8.40... ... 17.00 <14 “ It 10.80... ... 21.00 <18 “ It 18.00... ... 30.00 <20 “ i t 24.00... ... 30.00 ENGLISH TINTED PAPER. OR PENCIL, CRAYON, OR WATER COLORS. PLAIN. BOUND. < 7 inches 84.50... <10 “ it 7.50... ... 10 00 <12 “ ti 12.00... ... 21.00 <14 “ it 15.00... ... 20.00 <18 “ ti 21.25... ... 33.00 <20 “ ti 27.00... ... 39 00 WHATMAN’S PAPER. FOR WATER COLORS. < 7 inches... PLAIN. BOUND. ...$10.00 <10 “ ... it 9.00... ... 16.00 <12 “ ... t : 12.03... ... 22.00 <14 ... tt 18.00... ... 27.00 <18 “ ... <( 27.09... ... 39.00 <20 “ ... tt 30.00... ... 48.00 FRENCH TINTED PAPER. FOR PENCIL OR CRAYON. PLAIN. BOUND. 5x7 inches... 83.50... 7x10 “ ... tt 0.50... ... 13.50 9x12 “ ... ti 8.40... ... 17.00 10x14 “ ... l ( 10.80... ... 21.00 12x18 “ ... tt 18.00... ... 30.00 14x20 “ ... it 24.00... ... 36.00 FRENCH CHARCOAL PAPER. WHITE, OR TINTED. . FOR CHARCOAL OR CRAYON. PLAIN. BOUND. 5x 7 inches... ...By doz. 83.50... 7x10 U ... “ 4.75... ... 12.00 9x12 (4 ... “ 6.00... ... 15.50 10x14 tt ... “ 8 75... ... 20.00 12x18 t( ... “ 12 00... ... 26.00 WHATMAN’S PAPER -Extra Heavy. FOR WATER COLORS. PLAIN. BOUND. 5x 7 inches... ...813.00 7x10 ( ( ... “ 16.00... ... 24 00 9x12 It ... “ 24.00... ... 34.00 10x14 it ... “ 32.00... ... 42.00 14x20 tt ... “ 60.00... ... 72.00 100 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. Devoe & Co’s Sketch Blocks — Continued. “PEERLESS ” EGG SHELL PAPER. WHITE. FOR WATER COLORS AND PENCIL. PLAIN. BOUND. 5x7 inches .By doz. $4.80.. ,....$12.50 7x10 “ ii 9.20.. .... 17.75 9x12 “ ll 10.80.. 21.00 10x14 “ (i 17.40.. 30.00 12x18 “ <4 22.00.. .... 37.75 HARDING’S PAPER— Extra Heats r u FOR WATER COLORS. PLAIN. BOUM)(|jj il 5x 7 inclie9 By doz. $7.50 $12. 7x10 “ “ 13.00 20.|„g 10x14 “ “ 27.00 36 ? 14x20 “ “ 54.00 65. TORCHON PAPER. FOR WATER COLORS. PLAIN. BOUND. PLAIN. 5x7 inches ....$ 8.75 10x14 inches.. 7x10 “ “ 9.00.. ... 16.00 12x18 “ ... “ 30.00 9x12 “ “ 15.00.. ... 24.00 14x20 “ .. ... “ 36.00 Sketch Blocks bound in Grey Linen, to order, at above prices I n Bj 5 jxt bou>B ■ $27.1 39.0 48. IPEEE F. W. Devoe & Co’s Academy Block-Books for Sketching. fix 5 4x0 4 X I i xlO i) x!4 Made same as Sketch Books, but with the three outer edges fastened as ordinary blocks. , > -„ x 5 inches. 5x7 “ . 5$x9 “ . WHATMAN’S PAPER. By doz. $6.40 “ 10.25 “ 12.50 7 x 10 inches. 9x12 “ 10x14 “ 4x3 By doz. $16.' > “ 19. “ 26. F. W. Devoe & Co’s Sketch Books. FRENCH WHITE PAPER FRENCH TINTED PAPER jjx9ii> OI.OTIl BOUND. 3{x 5 inches 4x6 “ (1 5.00 5x7 “ 1 ( 6.00 5J x 9 “ (( 8 00 7 x 10 “ 44 10.00 9 x 12 “ 44 12 00 10 x 14 “ (4 15.00 CLOTH BOUND. 3|x 5 incites 4 x 6 “ ... “ 5.1 5 x 7 “ ... “ 6.t 5j x 9 “ ... “ 8.t (44, 7 x 10 “ ... “ 10.1 s 9 x 12 “ ... '* 12.l‘ '4" 10 x 14 “ «... ... “ 15.(‘ Hi CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 101 F. W. Devoe & Co’s Sketch Books — Continued. n FRENCH WHITE PAPER. EXIBI.E MOROCCO COVERS, FOR POCKET. ROUND CORNERS. x 61 inches x 7 “ “ 7.00 x8 “ “ 8.40 ENGLISH TINTED PAPER. CLOTH SIDES, LEATHER BACK. 1x5 inches x 6 “ “ 6.00 . X 7 “ “ 8.00 ’ xlO “ “ 12.00 1 v 14 “ “ 21.00 PEERLESS” EGG SHELL PAPER, WHITE. CLOTH BOUND. !lx 5 inches t x 6 “ “ 5.80 5x7 “ “ 10.00 r xio “ “ 14.40 ) xl4 “ “ 16.00 FRENCH TINTED PAPER. FLEXIBLE MOROCCO COVERS, FOR POCKET. ROUND CORNERS. 31x61 inches By doz. 16.00 4x7 “ “ 7.00 4fx8 “ “ 8.40 WHATMAN’S PAPER. CLOTH BOUND. 31 x 5 inches By doz. $5.00 4x6 “ “ 6.50 5x7 “ “ 8.00 7 x 10 “ “ 13.00 10 x 14 “ “ 23.00 EGG SHELL PAPER, TINTED. CLOTH BOUND. 31 x 5 inches 4x6 “ “ 5.70 6x9 “ “ 9.60 7 x 10 “ “ 14.00 9 x 12 “ “ 16.00 The “Students’” Sketch Books. WHITE PAPER, STIFF CANVAS COVERS, STAMPED ON COVER “SKETCHES” x7 inches By doz. $2 80 x 8 “ “ 3 20 x 9 “ “ 4.00 8x10 inches By doz. $6.40 9x11 “ “ 8.00 10x14 “ “ 9.60 Sketch Books — Renewable. STIFF LEATHER COVER, EXTRA FiXE. AMERICAN RUSSIA. fx9 inches By doz. $24.00 | 8x10 inches By doz. $33.00 PERSIAN SEAL. 1 x9 inches By doz. $24.00 | 8x 10 inches By doz. $33.00 RECRUITS FOR ABOVE. x 9 inches By doz. $4.00 | 8x10 inches By doz. $6.00 School Drawing Books. BLANK— INTERLEAVED WITn TISSUE PAPER. MANILLA COVERS. 0. 1£, 5^x9 inches, “Eureka,” 8 leaves ‘ 2^, 5Jx9 “ “ 16 “ 31,6Jx8i “ “ 8 “ By doz. $ .65 “ 1.00 “ .60 102 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS School Drawing Books — Continued. xlJm l«i? ■ Nos. 5220, 5221, 5223 and 5240. PAPER COVERS. No. 5220, 7£x 9£ inches, 8 leaves By doz. “ 5221, 7£x 9J “ 16 “ “ “ 6223, 7Jx 9J “ 24 “ “ “ 5240, 84 x 10if “• 12 “ “ STIFF COVERS. x» $ .l| l,: l.' l.* No. 5224, 4 x 6J inches, 22 “ 5225, 4^ x 7i “ 22 “ 5226, 5J x 6* “ 22 “ 5227, 6J x 7i “ 22 “ 5228, 6Jx 8| “ 22 “ 5229, 7|x 9| “ 23 “ 5230, 8|x 10* “ 22 $i.< l.i 1.1 1.1 2 .( 2 / 3.1 Perfect Drawing Tablets, for School Use. B0FF TINT. 4^x7 inches By doz. $ .60 | 5j}x 9 inches By doz. $1.5 4£ x 7 inches. Knickerbocker Drawing Tablets. EXTRA QUALITY PAPER — WHITE. By doz. $1.20 | 5] x 9 inches .By doz. $1.8 Portfolios. 1x15 j 1 1(1 . ,12 SCHOOL — CLOTH BACK AND CORNERS. 11 x 16 inches .By doz. $10.00 1 19 x 75 inches. 16x22 “ “ 14.00 22x31 “ if Xl 1 ! lx: By doz. $16.©t • “ 28 -Olxl 103 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Portfolios — Continued. FINE — LEATHER BACKS AND CORNERS, CLOTH SIDES, WITH FLAPS. xl6 inches By doz. $12.00 10 x 25 inches By doz. $30. x 22 “ “ 24.00 22 x 31 “ “ 42. EXTRA FINE — STIFF LEATHER BACKS AND CORNERS, CLOTH SIDES, WITH FLAPS. For Engravings, Etc. xl6 inches Each, $3.25 x22 “ “ 4.50 x 25 “ “ 6.00 x 28 “ “ 7.50 Sketching JAPANNED TIN FRAME. 22 x 30 inches $9. 24x32 “ << 10. 26x36 “ << 12. 30x40 “ CC 15. Portfolios. JAPANNED TIN FRAME INSIDE, LEATHER AND CI.OTII BOUND. With Flap and Pocket to hold Sketches and Paper, x 15 inches Each, $4.00 [ 12txl8inches ...Each, $6. IMPROVED. Paper being held in place by Leather strips on the ends, with Pocket to hold Sketches and Paper. 10 inches Each, $1.00 ! 10x14 inches Each, $1. 12 “ “ 1.25 i xlO inches x 13 “ . x 14 “ . x 17 “ . Easel Boards. MADE OF HEAVY BINDERS 1 BOARDS. For holding Sketching Paper or Canvas while painting. By doz. $4.50 14x20 inches By doz. $7. “ 4.80 18x24 “ “ 8. 5.00 9x13 ‘ Double (both 6.50 sides holding paper). “ 6.00 SS 2 8 8888 88 104 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. BOOKS ON ART. Winsor & Newton’s Hand Books. PAPER COVERS. Each $ .37 No. 1. HALF HOUR LECTURES ON DRAWING AND PAINTING. BY HENRY WARREN. NO. 2. SKETCHING FROM NATURE. BY THOMAS ROWBOTHAM. NO. 3. LANDSCAPE PAINTING IN OIL COLORS. BY W. WILLIAMS. NO. 4. SYSTEM OF WATER COLOR PAINTING. BY A. FENLEY. NO. 5. MARINE PAINTING IN WATER COLORS. BY J. W. CARMICHAEL. No. 6. SKETCHING IN WATER COLORS FROM NATURE. BY THOMAS HATTON. No. 7. PORTRAIT PAINTING IN WATER COLORS. BY MRS. MERK1FIELD. NO. a MINIATURE PAINTING IN WATER COLORS. BY C. W. DAY. No. 9. FLOWER PAINTING IN WATER COLORS. BY' MRS. DCFFIRLD. No. 10. LANDSCAPE PAINTING IN OIL COLORS. BY ROWBOTHAMS. No. U. PORTRAIT PAINTING IN OIL COLORS. BY HENRY MURRAY. No. 12. MARINE PAINTING IN OIL COLORS. BY J. W. CARMICHAEL. NO. 18. ELEMENTS OF 'PERSPECTIVE. BY A. PENLEY. NO. 14. BOTANICAL DRAWING. BY F. W. BURBIDOE. NO. 15. MANUAL OF ILLUMINATION. BY J. B. BRADLEY'. No. 16. jWFiKAl COMPANION TO MANUAL OF ILLUMINATI BY J. J. LAING. NO. 17. FIGURE DRAWING. BY C. H. WEIGALL. L No. la TREATISE ON THE HUMAN FIGURE BY' HENRY WARREN. ■urns No. 19. ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN FIGURE BY' HENRY WARREN. NO. 20. ANATOMY OF THE DOG AND DEER. BY B. W. HAWKINS. No. 21. ANATOMY OF THE HORSE. BY' B. YV. HAWKINS. BU05 No. 22 ANATOMY OF CATTLE AND SHEEP. BY B W. HAWKINS. NO. 23. DRAWING IN COLORED CRAYONS. BY HENRY MURRAY'. In No. 24. MURAL DECORATION. BY' T. Y. GOODWIN. Kl ' No. 25. TRANSPARENCY PAINTING ON LINEN. BY W. WILLIAMS. No. 26. TRANSPARENT PAINTING ON GLASS. BY EDWARD GROOM. Doc:' 8 .- No. 27. PRINCIPLES OF COLORING IN PAINTING BY CHARLES MARTEL. ipi' Or.; No. 28. PRINCIPLES OF FORM IN ORNAMENTAL AR' BY CHARLES MAHTEL. No. 29. WOOD ENGRAVING. BY THOMAS GILES. NO. 30. INSTRUCTION FOR CLEANING, REPAIRING LINING .AND RESTORING OIL PAINTINGS. BY HENRY MOGFORD. 105 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Winsor & Newton’s Hand Books — Continued. PAPER COVERS. No. 31. DRAWING MODELS AND THEIR U8FS. BY J. D. HARDING. No. 32. i.O M PAR ATI V E ANATOMY AS APPLIED TO THE PURPOSES OF ARTISTS. BY B. W. HAWKINS. No. 33. •ITCHING EXPLAINED AND ILLUSTRATED. BY H. R. ROBERTSON. NO. 34. AINTING ON CHINA ; WITH A CHAPTER ON TERRA COTTA PAINTING. BY H. R. ROBERTSON. NO. 35. RULES OF PERSPECTIVE. BY M. M. RUNCIMAN. NO. 36. 'ICTTONARY OF WATER COLOR TECHNIQUE. BY CHAS. WALT IS. No. 37. FLOWER PAINTING IN OIL COLORS. BY W. J. MUCKI.EY. With Colored Illustrations. No. 38. SHORT STUDY IN GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. BY S. T. H. PARKES. No. 39. FRUIT AND STILL LIFE PAINTING IN OIL COLORS. BY W. J. MUCKLEY. With Colored Illustrations. No. 40. PEN AND INK DRAWING. BY H. R. ROBERTSON. No. 41. TREES AND HOW TO DRAW THEM. BY P. H. DELAMOTTE. NO. 42. RUDIMENTS OF DECORATIVE PAINTING. BY 0. TV. DAVIS. With Colored Illustrations. Winsor & Newton’s Hand Books. BOUND IN CLOTH. Each $1.25 FIGURE DRAWING. omprising “Art of Figure Drawing,” and “Artis- tic Treatise on the Human Figure.” ILLUMINATION. omprising “Manual of Illumination," and “Com- panion ” to same. ARTISTIC ANATOMY OF ANIMALS, 'omprising “Artistic Anatomy of Cattle and Sheep,” and “Artistic Anatomy of the norse.” .ANDSCAPE PAINTING IN WATER COLORS. 'Omprising “Art of Landscape Painting in Water lolors,” and “System of Water Color Painting.” SKETCHING FROM NATURE. Comprising “Art of Sketching from Nature,” and “Hints for Sketching in Water Colors from Nature.” MARINE PAINTING. Comprising “Art of Marine Painting in Water Colors,” and “Art of Marine Painting in Oil Colors.” PORTRAIT PAINTING. Comprising “Art of Portrait Painting in Water Colors,” and “Art of Portrait Painting in Oil Colors.” Geo. Rowney & Co’s Hand Books. PAPER COVERS. Each $ .37 No. 51. ANIMAL DRAWING. BY C. H. WEIGALL. NO. 52. FIGURE DRAWING. BY G. E. HICKS. No. 53. FIGURE PAINTING IN WATER COLORS. BY SYDNEY T. WHITEFORD. NO. 54. FLOWER PAINTING IN WATER COLORS. BY O. ROSENBERG. With Illustrations. 106 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS Geo. Rowney & Co’s Hand Books — Continued. l'Al’EK OOVBH8. NO. 55. ILLUMINATING AND MISSAL PAINTING. BY W. & O. AUDSLEY. With Illustrations in Colors. No. 5a LIGHT AND SHADE DRAWING. BY MRS M. MERRIFIELD. With Illustrations. No. 57. MINIATURE PAINTING AND COLORING PHOTOGRAPHS. BY J. 8. TEMPLETON. NO. 65. PORCELAIN PAINTING. BY S. T. WHITE FORD. With Illustrations by the Author. E ' fiEflP Busci [litis AiMt No. 66. SKETCHING FROM NATURE IN WA'Jj. COLORS. ^ BY LC. MILES. J . . . With Numerous Illustrations by the Autu, No. 67. WATER COLOR PAINTING. BY R. T. NOBLE. With an Illustration in Colors. No. 58. MODEJJNG, AND THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF SCULPTURE. BY GEORGE HALSE. With Illustrations. •nldiii'- Ijhalc* i)v sataeq lUteit i nsl tti liens'* No. 59. OIL PAINTING —Part I. BY J. S. TEMPLETON. NO. 68. SKETCHING TREES FROM NATURE f WATER COLORS. BY THOMAS HATTON. in- No. 69. SKETCHING FROM NATURE.— Part BY N. E. GREEN. Illustrated by the Author. No. 60. OIL PAINTING.— Part II. (Landscape from Nature). BY A. CLINT. No. 70. SKETCHING FROM NATURR-Pakt I BY N. E. GREEN. i dt-i Illustrated by the Author. No 61. PAINTING ON GLASS. BY H. BIELFEI.D. No. 71. SKETCHING FROM NATURE.— Part II BY N. E. GREEN. Illustrated by the Author. No. 62. PENCIL AND CHALK DRAWING. BY G. HARLEY. With Illustrations. No. 63. PICTORIAL ART. BY H. O'NEIL. No. 64. PICTORIAL PERSPECTIVE. BY B. R. GREEN. With Illustrations. No. 72. MATERIALS USED IN PAINTING, with Rem on Varnishing and Cleansing Pictures. BY CHARLES MARTEL. No. 73. PRINCIPLES OF PERSPECTIVE. BY HENRY LEWIS, B. A. *l?r tec) i |K- r_ I'A- fct;- ns?: 12 . OD 'J) Cole 8U a.;'. Itao i: ■ IAM If. No. 74. THEORY OF COLORING, AND HINTS ON T COMPOSITION OF PICTURES. BY J. BACON. With Colored Illustrations. Hand Books for Art Work, with Supplements of Working Desigrtu EDITED BY CHAKI.ES O. LBLAND. Each $ .35 Hi B- Art Work on Linen. A Practical Treatise on Sketching on Linen in Pen-and-ink, a Descrip- tion of Point Russe, and Full Directions for Decorative Treatment of Table and Bed Linen. far, Tr Ceramic Painting. This ever jiopular art oc< pation carefully treated, ordinary difficult obviated, and clear instruction given both b -^ to begin and continue this form of hand I j work, by which so many add to their incomes j CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 107 and Books for Art Work, with Supplements of Working Designs— Cont’d. vwing and Decorative Design. The Princi- les of Design fully and clearly explained, with >ecial reference to their application to the ivorite art handiworks. iss Painting and Staining. Illustrated, and ah Illustrated Supplement, This Text-Book, repared with especial reference to the wants f the Amateur, contains Full and Accurate In- irmation as to preparing and Transferring esigns, Mixing Colors, Painting on Glass, in lonochrome as well as in several colors. deling in Clay and Underglase Faience decoration. Two supplements of designs for lodeling in clay or plaster, proper tools, meth- is of casting, and preparation of relief forms )V subsequent decoration. Coloring pottery nder the glase, incised decoration, firing, com- ined under and over glase decoration. ither Work. Sewed Leather or Kasan work, beet leather work, and cuir bouilli, or pressed lather work, are here treated of. inting on Plush, Silk and Satin. An Illus- rated Handbook containing Sixteen Pages (6x7) of Text, in which aro given Complete Instruc- tion in the use of both Oil and Water Colors on Fabrics. This includes Directions for Painted Decorations on Cards, Table-Covers, Napkins, Screen Panels, Etc. The Illustrations comprise Designs for Panels, Wall-Banners, Lamp- Shades, Mouchoir-Case, and Fire-Screen. Papier-Mache. Many easily made and orna- mental objects described. An art costing little beyond mere time and labor. Stenciling. This attractive and easy art deserves to be as generally known and practiced In America as it is in England. Cutting, applying, and the best designs for stenciling are here ex- haustively treated of, with hints on co’ors and combining. Repousse Work, or Embossing Sheet Brass. This easy and beautiful work fully described and taught. Wood-Carving. Tools, designs, proper woods, and salable objects suitable to this art fully described. 211 J. Barnard & Sons’ Hand Books. PAPER COVERS. EACH. . 101.— Landscape Painting in Oil Colors. 5y Walter Tomlinson. Illustrated $ .37 .. 103.— Water Color Painting. Theoretical lind Practical, and the Art of Sketching ® rom Nature. By L. C. Miles >. 103.— Animal Drawing. By Thomas J. iULLic'K. Illustrated >. 104.— How to Sketch from Nature ; or j Perspective and its Application. By New- , a ton Fielding. With illustrations . >. 105.— What to Sketch with ; or Hints >n the Use of Colored Crayons, Water I dolors, Black and White Chalk j, and the Black Lead Pencil. By Newton Fielding. 1 >. 106.— The Art of Modelling in Gutta •’ERCHA AND LEATHER. By MADAME ELISE. >. 107.— Painting on Glass for the Magic .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 Lantern, with complete Instructions for its Use. By Perran Garnier 37 ;p. 108 .— Heraldry and Heraldic Painting, each. with a complete Elucidation of the Laws, Usages and Practice of Heraldry, and a Dictionary of its Charges, Figures and Lan- guage. By W. II. Clifford $ .37 No. 109.— Mixed Tints, their Composition and Use ; with Hints on th i Practice of Oil and Water Color Painting. By Edward Fielding 1.00 No. 110.— Wax Flowers and Fruit, the Art of Modeling and Making. By Chas. Pepper and Madame Elsie 75 No. ill.— P ainting Photographic Portaits in Oil and Water Colors, with Instruc- tions for Tinting Paper, Glass and Da- guerreotype Pictures and Chrome-Photo- graphy. By A. N. Rintoul. With twelve illustrations in colors 90 No. 113.— Hints on Illuminating, with an Es- say on the Art of Ornamenting in Gold and Metal. By Henry M. Lucien 37 Books on Art. in to t *■ EACH. -Ementary Art. By J. D. Harding. Cloth, $11.00 jssons on Art. By J. D. Harding. Cloth, 6.50 ictionary of Terms in Art. By Fair- holt. Cloth 2.50 rt Suggestions from the Masters. Com- piled by Susan N. Carter. Cloth 1.35 3NVERSATIONS ON ART. By M. COUTURE. Translated by S. E. Steuart. Cloth 1.35 he Picture Amateur's Hand-Book and Dictionary of Painters. By P. Daryl. Cloth 1.25 each. Graphic Arts. A treatise on the varieties of Drawing, Painting and Engraving, in comparison with each other and with nature. By Philip Gilbert Hamilton. Cloth $ 3.00 Anatomy for Artists. By J. Marshall. Illustrated by 300 Original Drawings. By J. S. Cuthbert. Cloth. London, 1878 7.50 Anatomy for Artists. By Matthias Du- val. Translated by F. E. Fenton, F.R.- C.S., etc., with about one hundred illus- trations. Cloth, 334 pages 2.00 108 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Books on Art — Conlinued. EACH. The English School of Painting. By M. Ernest Chesneau. Translated by L. N. Etherington. With an introduction by Professor Ruskin. Upwards of ono hun- dred engravings. Cloth, 338 pages $ 3.00 Histokv of Flemish Painting. By A. J. Wacteks. Translated by Elise Rossel. With about one hundred engravings. Cloth, 428 pages 2 00 The Ddtch School of Painting. By N. Henry Harvard. Translated by G. Pow- ell. With about one hundred illustra- tions. 390 pages 2.00 Tapestry. A Short History of Tapestry from earliest times to the end of the 18th Century. By Eugene Muntz. Translated by Miss J. L. Davis 2.00 Engraving. Its Origin, History and Pro- cesses. By Le Vicomte Henri Delaborde. Translated by R. A. M. Stevenson 2.00 I if- fEK© Manual of Greek Archaeology. By Maj ime Collignon. Translated by Dr. J. H Wright : Some Modern Artists and their Work ( He With Portraits and examples of the worl ; of Leighton, Gilbert. Boughton, Cole | Boehm, Meissonier, Paton, Marks, Mrs. f Butler, Alma Tadema, Thornycroft, Fildes, Rosa Bonheur, Yeames, Leslie, I'-rv Munkacsy, Riviere, etc. Edited by Wil- ■ frid Meynell. Elegant 4to voL, full gilt. 5. The Education of the Artist. By Ernest Chesneau. Translated by Clara Bell. Cloth L American Art. Illustrated by 25 plates, executed by the best American Etchers and Wood Engravers, from Paintings se- lected from public and private collections, with text by S. R. Koehler. Handsomely bound in cloth and leatherette, either style I©,J ft ft 1 i wn i i laBera otU luu Books on Color. EACH. Color (The Theory of), in its Relation to Art and Art Industry. Translated from the German. By Dr. W. Von Bezold. Crown 8vo, cloth, illustrated $5 00 Contrast of Colors, and their Application to the Arts. By M. E. Chevreul 3d edition, illustrated with colored plates 1.25 Field’s Chromatography. The new edition. A Standard Work for use among Artists With four colored plates. By J. S. Taylor. 16:no, cloth 2.00 Grammar of Coloring. Applied to Decora- tive Painting and the Arts. By G. Field. (Weale’s series). New edition. By E. A. Davidson. London, 1875 1.20 e 1 htpnp Hr 'is.- Uarmonioub Coloring, as applied to Photo- graphs on Paper, Glass and Canvas, with a Supplementary Chapteron Varnishing and Retouching Negatives. By James Newman. 16 mo, cloth t Modern Chromatics, with applications to Art and Industry. With 130 original illus- trations. By O. N. Rood. 12mo, cloth i 5 Rudiments of Color. By G. Field 2 !t Theory of Coloring. An Analysis of the Principles of Contrast and Harmony in the Arrangement of Colors. By J. Bacon. 8vo, London, 1872 1 Books on China Painting. BTi n. : m |«?i PI V) Ilf EACH. China Painting. By Miss Florence Lewis. With sixteen original colored plates, full and complete Instructions as to the manner Of mixing and applying the colors. Oblong quarto cloth extra $2.50 China Painting. A Practical Manual for the use of Amateurs in the Decoration of Hard Porcelain. By Miss M. Louise McLaughlin. Square 12mo, fancy boards 75 Painting on China. Wha't to paint and how to paint it. Practical Instruction in Over- glazo Painting, for Amateurs. By Jas. G. Beard. Colored plates and illustrations.. . 1.00 Painting on China. Practical Lessons in Painting on China, Porcelain, Earthen- ware, Faience and Enamel. By Delamar- delle (Lacroix) 60 Suggestions to China Painters. (h; EAC V- A Supple- h ment to China Painting. By M. Louise L ( McLaughlin fi.o j. Pottery Decoration. Being a Practical Manual of Under-Glaze Painting, including complete details of the author’s method of painting Enameled Faience. By Miss M. Louise McLauuhlin. Square 12ino, fancy boards Decorative Pottery. (Designs and Instruc- tions for) in imitation of Greek, Roman, Egyptian and other styles of Vases 50i.v. iw E Pottery Painting. Mineral Colors. By JonN C. L. Sparkes 50 Hints to CniNA and Tii.e Decorators 50 Ceramic Art. By M. S Lockwood 1.00 Porcelain Painting (Guide to). By S. T. Wuiteford i.2b CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 109 Books on Etching. EACH. r of Etching, explained and illustrated, ith remarks on tlie allied processes of ^ 'rypoint, Mezzotint and Aquatint. By H. "~J5. Robertson $ .37 hers' Hand-Book. Giving an account of he old processes and of processes recently T iscovered. Illustrated by the author. ^ hird odition, revised and augmented. By A Philip Gilbert Hamerton. 8vo, cloth — 2.00 '‘Mchers’ Guide. By Thos. 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A Guide to Decorative Art, including Instructions in Painting with Oil and Water Colors, China and Pot- tery Painting, Hammered Brass, Tapestry ® Painting, Crayon, Pencil and Charcoal Drawing, Etching, Photograph Painting, etc. Cloth 2.00 nimal Painting, Studies in. With Eight- een Colored Plates from Water Colored Drawings, and instructions to the pupil. By Frederick Taylor, late President of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colors. Crown 4to, cloth 2.50 EACH. Plaster Casts, Papier Mache, etc. Trans- lated from the French. By F. Rondel. . . .$ .75 Modeling Wax Flowers and Fruit. By Chas. Pepper and Mad. Elise 75 Flower and Fruit Modeling in Wax. By J. H. Mintorn 1.25 Modeling in Clay and Wax, and for Terra Cotta (A Guide to). Moulding and Casting in Plaster, etc., or Sculptural Art Made Easy for Beginners. By Morton Edwards. 8vo, paper 50 Color Painting, Etc. EACH. Figure Painting in Water Colors. Six- teen colorod plates, from designs by Blanche Macarthur and Jennie Moore, with special instruction by the painters. Oblong 4to, cloth $3.00 Flowers, and How to Paint Them. With ten colored plates from Nature, beautifully executed ; letter-press containing full in- structions to pupil. By Maud Naftel. Oblong 4to, cloth 2.50 Flower Painting in Water Colors. First and Second Series, each containing 20 col- ored plates by F. Edward Hulme, F.L.S., F.S.A , and instructions by the artist. In- terleaved with drawing paper. Oblong 4to, cloth 2.50 Familiar Garden Flowers. By Shirley Hibbard, with forty full-page colored plates, from Original Paintings. By F. E. Hulme, F.L.S., F.S.A., Art Master at Marl- borough College. First, second and third series Each series, 5.00 Familiar Wild Flowers. Figured and de- scribed by F. E. Hulme, F.L.S., F.S.A., Art Master at Marlborough College. Each vol- ume contains forty beautifully colored plates. First, second, third, fourth and fifth series Each series, 5.00 Familiar Wild Birds. First Series. By W. Swaysland, with forty colored lithographic plates, truthfully drawn and done in the highest style of the art. 5.00 110 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Books on Oil and Water Color Painting — Continued. EACH. How to Paint in Water Colors. With 18 ' original Designs of Flowers printed on Water Color Paper for coloring, with prac-. tieal instructions. By Lavinia Steele Kellogg $ -60 Heraldic Illumination. By F. J. Baigent.. 2.75 Introductory Lessons in Drawing and Painting in Water Colors. Self Instruc- tive. All information necessary for the be- ginner. Paper -50 Illuminating, the Art ok, as practiced in Europe from the earliest times. By M. R. Tymms and O. D. Wyatt. 8vo, cloth 8 00 Illuminating and Missal Painting. By W. and G. AUDSLEY. 8vo. 1.75 Kensington, Lustre, Metallic and Pot- tery Painting Paper Cover 25 Landscape Painting in Oils, (A Course of Lessons in.) With nine reproductions in color, after Turner, Constable, DeWint, Muller, F. Walker, Mason, A. F. Grace, etc., and numerous examples engraved on wood from wall-known pictures. By A. F. Grace 17.50 Mixed Tints. With an Essay on Light and Color, and Hints to Beginners in Oil and Water Color Painting. By Edward Field- ing. 48 colored specimens 1.00 Oil Painting. A Hand Book for the use of Students ".nd Schools By Frank Fowler, author of “Drawing in Charcoal, Crayon, etc.” Cloth 150 Oil Painting (Hand-Book on.) For Young Artists and Amateurs in Oil Painting ; be- ing chiefly a condensed compilation from the celebrated Manual of Bouvier. By an American Artist. Cloth 2 00 Painting Popularly Explained; Fresco, Oil. Mosaic, Water Color, etc. By T. J. Gullik and John Tikbs. Cloth. London, 1873. (Woale’s series) 2.00 |W tanfl in Painting Photographic Portraits in Oil ® and Water Colors. With concise instruc- Hons for Tinting Photographs, Chromo Photography, etc. By A. N. Rintoul. With st ' twelve diagrams printed in colors. Paper, fjr;' Painting on Glass eor the Magic Lantern, u By P. Garnier. Paper -at ■ Studio, Field and Gallery. A Manual of ,, Painting for the Student and Amateur, with Information for the General Reader. By Horace J. Rollin'. Cloth Self-Instructive Lessons in Painting with Oil and Water Colors, on Silk, Satin, Vel- vet, other fabrics, including Lustre Paint- ing, Kensington Painting, Tapestry Paint- ing, etc. By Susan Hale. Cloth Sepia Painting (A Course op.) With twenty- four plates from designs by R. P. Leitch. The letter-press to each contains full in- structions to the learner, and tho plates show the progress of the work through the different stages. Oblong 4to, cloth Sketching from Nature in Water Colors. With illustrations in chromo-lithography after original water color drawings. By Aaron Penley, Author of “The English School of Painting in Water Colors,” etc. Super Royal 4to, cloth ' Suggestions in Floral Designs. With fifty- two colored plates and letter press. By F. Edward Hulme, F.L.S., F.S.A. Cloth, full gilt 15.1" Trees, and How to Paint Them in Water Colors. With eighteen colored plates and numerous wood engravings. By W. H. J. Boot. Oblong 4to, cloth 2.! Theory and Practice ok the Art ok Land- “* scape Painting in Water Colors. 26 largo , ' 1 colored plates and numerous drawings on ,Vl wood. By Geo. Barnard. 8vo, cloth. New ^ edition. London, J871 9.0» tor; tie. ?y Wi?i ta la ifc* iff-'' ICU ll«» 0 Hist (Nets': I tfvU 2.«r.: llKtl! f*ei itrcK •tons, _ ttt' .E '"ttnu tar-; ..0L.S Oro P«SJ< WATER COLOR PAINTING. I Pi r»i Lett Description of Materials, with Directions for their Use in Elementary Practice. Sketching fron p, Nature in Water Color. By H. V. Herrick. Illustrated with two diagrams printed in colors.Pr Cloth, Square 12mo. 125 pages. General edition, with the diagrams printed in colors. Pub-Fw lished by F. W. Devoe A Co. Each. .$1.00 ‘AF.TISTS’ EDITION,” containing the diagrams printed in colors, and 120 Examples of Water* 4, Colors tcos/icd by hand on Water Color Paper. Gilt Edged. Published by F. W. Devoe & Co. L Each.- .$ 3.25 EACH. Water Color Painting. (A Course ok). Eighth edition, revised and enlarged, with twenty-four colored plates (laudscapes) and full instructions to the pupil as to the man- ner of mixing and applying tho colors. By R. P. Leitch. Oblong 13.50 each. 1 Wild Flowers ok Colorado (The). From twenty-four Original Water Color Sketches, drawn from nature (with appropriate text). By Emma Homan Thaver. Tho plates chrome-lithographed in the highest style of tho art $7.50 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Ill Books on Drawing and Sketching. EACH. rican Drawing Book. A Manual for the aateur, and Basis of Study for the Pro- isional Artist. By J. G. Chapman. Illus- ited, 4 to $6.00 uitecturai. Engineering and Mechan- u. Drawing-Book. By R. S. Burn. Illus- lted, 8vo, cloth. London, 1853 1.00 wing from Nature. A Series of Pro- essive Instructions in Sketching, from ementary Studies to Finished Views, with camples from Switzerland and the Pyr- nes. By George Barnard. 8vo, with 18 lored plates and over 100 woodcuts joth. London, 1865 9.00 ments of Drawing. In Three Letters to jginners. By J. Rdskin. Illus., 12mo. . . 1.00 .•redrawing. By T. It Maguire 8.00 e Hand Drawing. A Guide to Orna- ental Figure and Landscape Drawing. f an Art Student. Profusely illustrated, mo, paper hoards 50 iage and Foreground Drawing. Illus, ated by numerous examples of Trees, irubs, Climbing, Meadow and Water lants, drawn from nature. By Geo. ARNARD 2.00 ) metrical Drawing. An Elementary ourseof Geometrical Drawing, containing robloms on the Right Line and Circle, onic Section and other Curves, the Projec- on. Section and Intersection of Solids, the evelopment of Surfaces, and Isometric erspectives. By Geo. L. Vose. With 30 lates, 16x10 inches 6 00 i metrical Drawing. Abridged from the ■tavo edition, for the use of schools. By 7m. Minifie. Illustrated with 48 steel lates. 7th edition, revised and enlarged. 2mo, cloth 2.00 DUSTRIAL SCIENCE DRAWING. Part I.— Elements of Plane and Solid ree Hand Geometrical Drawing. With .ettering and some elements of Geomet- ical Ornamontal design, including the 'rinciples of Harmonic Angular Ratios, etc. 'or Draughtsmen and Artisans. By S. Edward Warren, C.E., with 12 folding lates and many woodcuts. 12mo, cloth. ..$1.00 Part II.— Drafting Instruments and operations. A Text-Book for Schools and u'tisan Classes, and for self-instruction, 'horoughly revised, with additions. By S. :dward Warren, C.E. 12mo, cloth 1.25 Part III.— A Manual of Elementary •rojection Drawing. Involving three di- uensions, designed for use in High Schools, Academies, Engineering Schools, etc., anil or the self-instruction of Inventors, Arti- ans, etc. By S. Edward Warren, late Pro- essor in the Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- ute. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged, ’lates. 12mo, cloth 1.50 each. Part IV.— A Manual of Elementary Problems in the Linear Perspective of Form and Shadow; or, the Representa- tion of Objects as they Appear, made from the Representation of Objects as they Are. Wood engravings. 12mo, cloth $1.00 Part V.— Plane Problems in Elementary Geometry ; or, Problems in one Elemen- tary Conic Sections— the Point, Straight Line and Circle. With an Introduction, plates and woodcuts. 12mo, cloth 1.25 Illustrated Drawing Book, for the use of Schools, Students and Artisans; containing Pencil Drawing, Figure and Art, Perspec- tive Engraving ; with upwards of 300 illus- trations. By R. S. Burn. 8vo. London, 1869. 1.00 Little Manual of Drawing. Containing Simple Explanations of Terms used by Draughtsmen, and a Color Chart. 8vo, cloth .75 Lessons on Trees. By J. D. Harding 6.50 Map Drawing (A Hand-Book of). By P. Keam. 4to 80 Mechanical Drawing, a Text-Book of Geo- metrical Drawing, for the use of Mechanics and Schools, in which the Definitions and Rules of Geometry are familiarly ex- plained ; the Practical Problems are ar- ranged from the most simple to the more complex, and in their description techni- calities are avoided as much as possible. With Illustrations for Drawing Plans, Sec- tions and Elevations of Buildings and Ma- chinery ; an Introduction to Isometrical Drawing, and an Essay on Linear Perspec- tive and Shadows. Illustrated by over 200 diagrams, engraved on steel. By W.M. Minifie. With an Appendix on the Theory and Application of Colors. 8vo, cloth. Ninth edition, 1877 4.00 Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught. Illus- trated by 330 engravings. 8vo. By Joshua Rose 4.00 Practical Draughting. The Student’s Illus- trated Guide. A series of Practical In- structions for Machinists, Mechanics, Ap- prentices and Students at Engineering Establishments and Technical Institutes. By T. P. Pemberton. Cloth, gilt 1.00 Shades and Shadows (A Treatise on), and Linear Perspective. By C. Davies. 8vo... 3.25 Sketching from Nature. By N. E. Green.. 2.25 The Practical Draughtsman’s Book of In- dustrial Design and Machinists’ and En- gineers’ Drawing Companion. By Wm. Johnston. 4to, illustrated, half morocco. .10.00 Technical Drawing and Design. For Arch- itects and Builders, Carpenters, etc. In two parts, 4to, boards. Part I— Outline Drawing, with twenty-nine plates. (Part II in press) 1,00 112 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. — Books on Charcoal and Crayon. EACH. Charcoal Drawing without a master. By Carl Robert. A Complete Treatise in Landscape Drawing in Charcoal ; with Les- sons and Studies after Allonge. Translated by Miss Elizabeth H. Appleton. Illustra- ted, 8vo, cloth ^l.OO Crayon Portraiture in Black and White. By J. B. Crocker. 8vo, paper 85 Drawing in Charcoal and Crayon, wi Eight Studies from Original Designs 1 Frank Fowler, reproduced by tho Ilell ( typo process for tho uso of Students an v Schools. One volume, 12mo Pastel Painting. By R. Mengs. Papt cover Books on Ornament. uanypitc jjjjsial inj, Bw i onus. ' EACH. Dbsions in Textile Fabrics, With 10 colored plates and 160 designs. Glossary and com- plete index. By Thomas R. Ashenhurst, Head Master Textile Department Bradford Technical College. 1 vol., 250 pages $2.00 Designs (Book of) for Headstones, Mural and other Monuments. Containing seventy- eight designs. By James Forsyth. 4to, cloth 5.00 Grammar of Ornament. Illustrated by ex- amples from various styles, of ornament. 112 plates in colors. By Owen Jones. Fo- lio, cloth. (Boston edition) 50.00 Ornamental Art. By Hulme 12.00 Ornamental Art of Every Style (Glean- ings from). Drawn from examples in the British, South Kensington, and other Mu- 1* UPW seums and various Exhibitions. 100 plates By Robt. Newbery. 4to $ Ornamental Drawing and Architectural t Design; with Notes, Historical and Practi- cal. 300 illustrations. By R. S. Burn. 8vo, p cloth. London Principles of Decorative Design. Illus- trated with two colored plates and numer- ous designs and diagrams. By Christo- pher Dresser, Ph.D Studies in Design. For Manufacturers, Architects, Builders, Designers, House Dec- orators, etc. By Christopher Dresser, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.E.B.S. Consisting of sixty original designs, elaborately produced in combined colors, and In gold and colors ; with descriptive letter-press, and twenty chapters on Principles of Designing 25 I Blit Tm-Uz Cwi Pt «ihiK fcy J; per. 1 r.st: Ink i ftrtts JlBM 1 >s hhis Books on Perspective. each. Elementary Perspective. Explained and Applied to Familiar Objects, for the Use of Schools. By Miss M. J. Keller, of Cincin- nati School of Design. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth $1.00 Elements of Perspective. Arranged for the Use of Schools. By J. Ruskin. Illustrated, 12mo 1.00 Perspective. The Theory and Practice of Linear Perspective, applied to Landscapes, Interiors and the Figure, for the use of Ar- tists, Art Students, etc. By V. Pei.legrin, M. S. A. 12mo, with Chart 1.00 Perspective. By Geo. Pyne. (Weale’s series) 80 EA( Perspective; or, the Art of Drawing What C ne Sees. By W. H. Collins. l2mo, cloth. London, 1872 $2. Practical Perspective. Containing Per- spective Projection of Simple Points, Lines, Planes, and Rectangular Solids ; Polygons, Prisms, Pyramids ; Circles, Cylinders and Arches, etc. With thirty— six double-page illustrations drawn on wood by the author. By Ellis A. Davidson. 90 pages oi letter- press Principles of Perspective (The). As ap- plied to Model Drawing and Sketching from Nature, with twenty-three plates and other illustrations. By Geo. Trobridge 2 fci 1 / Km tot- ■til !« : Cut IV. F 1; jit! It- to! IL. 1.5 Books on House Painting, Decoration, Etc EXTERIOR DECORATION. A Treatise on the Artistic Use of Colors in the Ornamentation of Buildings, 5 1 - AND A Series of Designs Illustrating the Effects of Different Combinations of Colors in Connection with Various Style of Architecture. Published by F. W. DEVOE & CO., New York. Twenty colored lithographic plates and text, oblong, 111x14} inches, cloth, •i'4.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 113 Books on House Painting, EACH. . RTIST’B AND TRADESMAN'S COMPANION By M. L. Burn. 12mo, cloth $1.00 sronzers’, Gilders’, Platers', Polishers’ and Painters’ Guide Book. Containing many practical receipts for doing different kinds and styles of Bronzing. Dipping, Lac- quering, Polishing, Nickel and Silver Plat- ing, Ilouse Painting, etc. By Morgan L. Curtis. 8vo, cloth, seventy-six pages 1.50 Bookbinding (A Manual of the Art of). * Containing full Instructions in tho differ- ® ent branches of Forwarding. Gilding, and 11 Finishing ; also the art of Marbling Book- ' edges and Paper. 12mo, cloth 2.25 oach Painters (A Complete Guide for). : Translated from the French of M. Arlot, *■ Coach Painter, for eleven years Foreman ' of Painting to M. Eherler, Coach Maker, L Paris. By A. A. Fesquet, Chemist and En- ■* gineer. To which is added an Appendix, ■ containing information respecting the Ma- ■ terials and the Practice of Coach and Car ■ Painting and Varnishing in tho United States and Great Britain. 12mo 1.25 arriage Painters’ Manual. Illustrated. A Treatise on Coach, Carriage and Car Painting, containing Useful Suggestions, S Receipts, etc 1.00 iecorators’ Assistant (The). A Modern Guide for Decorativo Artists and Amateurs, Painters. Writers, Gilders, etc. Instruc- tions for mixing and preparing stains. Oil and Water Colors, Varnishes, Polishes, etc. For Painting, Gilding on Vellum, Card, Canvas, Leather, Wood, Glass, Porcelain, etc. With instrut tions for using the Im- proved Decorating, Graining, and Granit- ing Machine, Tools, etc. 8vo, cloth 1.25 ilders’ Manual. A practical Guido to Gild- ing in all itsbranchos as used in tho several trades, such as Interior Decoration, Picture and Looking-glass Frames, Oil and Water Gilding, Regilding, Gilding Signs, Glass, China, Pottery, etc.; Gilding on Muslin, Silk, etc.. Gilding on Metals, Imitation Gilding, Gilding for Printers, etc 50 lass Staining, with an Appendix on the Art of Enameling. By M. A. Gessert. And an Essay on the Art of Painting on Glass. By FrOMBERG. (Weale’s series). London, 1857 1.00 Iouse Painting, Graining, Marbling and Sign-Writing (A Practical Manual of). Contain’ng full information on tho pro- cesses of Ilouse Painting in Oil and Dis- temper. the Formation of Letters and Prac- tice of Sign Writing, the Principles of Decorative Art, a Course of Elementary Drawing for House Painters, Writers, etc., and a Collection of Useful Receipts. With nine colored illustrations of Woods and Marbles, and numerous wood engravings. By Eli.is A. Davidson. 12ino, cloth 3.00 Decoration, Etc. — Continued. EACH. Ilow to Paint. A practical Hand-Book for the use of Tradesmen, Mechanics, Mer- chants, Farmers and Professional Painters. A valuable book for all house ownors $1.00 House Painting (The Art of). By a Prac- tical Worker in the Art. Designed to in- struct and assist Painters and others. By JonN Stevens. 18mo, cloth 75 Letter Painting Made Easy. By J. G. Badknoch. (Weale’s series). 12mo, limp, cloth. London, 1879 40 Lithography (Grammar of). A Practical Guide for the Artist and Printer in Com- mercial and Artistic Lithography, Zincogra- phy, Photo-Lithography and Lithography Machine Printing. By W. D. Richmond. 8vo, cloth. London, 1878 2.00 Mural Decoration. By C. Thomas 6.50 Mural Decorative Painting. Thirty-six plates in Colors and Gold. With Explana- tory Letter Press and a General Introduc- tion. By W. & G. Audsley, Fellows of ihe Royal Institute of Architects. 1 voL, Folio, in cloth portfolio 15.00 Magic Lantern Dissolving View Painting. Shov/ing a Course of Slide Painting, from the plain outline to the finished picture, with colored illustrations. By Charles Middleton. 8vo, half bound 80 Marble- Worker’s Companion. By M. L. Booth. l2mo, cloth 1.50 Painters’ and Grainers’ Hand Book. A complete Illustrated Guide to Painting, Graining, Distempering, Sign Writing, Gilding and Glass Embossing, with instruc- tions for using the Patent Graining Rollers. By John Callingham. 8vo, paper 1.00 Painter, Gilder and Varnishers’ Compan- ion. New edition, revised. 12mo, cloth. . . 1.50 Painter’s Manual (The). By a Practical Painter. 12mo, paper .50 Paper-Hanger’s Companion. By J. Arrow- smith. 12mo, cloth 1.25 Sign, Carriage and Decorative Painting. This book is tho combined work of several prominent painters, and is full of valuable points upon the several branches of the trade; very complete. It includes Fresco and Car Painting, and other useful matters. .50 Sign Writing and Glass Embossing. This standard work, so widely and favorably known. Is now issued in new edition, with newly engraved illustrations, and at a greatly reduced price. 75 Scene Painting and Painting in Distemper. This work gives not only full instructions in the preparation of the Colors, Drawing for Scene Painters, Stage Settings, but also useful information regarding Stage Appli- ances and Effects. It has numerous illus- trative diagrams and engravings 1.00 Sign Writing and Glass Embossing. A com- plete practical Illustrated Manual of the tu '. »ol ?d'**em 4 er a yr»!ir» *Ort£. err/ i«ef M .» -»u» }rep*r*rWiC If tr*o*rj fWf Ttfie* *4 TSaatWAiw '*J xauttmm xtut Uv*r wtpva* 'or making 4u> Tsttnc- w«r 7-aov* T^dgr eze-. sew e paint .Vene* #*! »Vw>o f * ^4 »vkw painting evwn 'taxnr.*x* *«4 iww w peaputoe* He w»- ,-wy>» f» draw iwa •nv.pv-- -uvw>v paint t .endwApa rfigingr C'Jbvr-i -r»*p* Parapuc. *74 (by'dae* .vye "4 arrange *«8 glare* 'nr *. *■?• -c-wne. *c. 3 y 7 I^jti*. -sr ..iperadoiia ir "hr maim- ^lar; -it/ 1 tnitjat t Vino '^ttsg l*»a-r«» y ..n^renrar uni i Him - TTwiii _ a *» id r 3y "r a. jtoszaK. Smu. yonr ~-jtl:. "V VIO .JTSii 'XySCtL. TP". "HUk. Tluerraxtnnr 3 nr jtnoers -rf Xtr Art. sr [ l rtgfnai Aj-ji f i«je?TdKit 3eSI?IlS. 3 t TT ~rr~ . j taww. ."T, Till nnng»&,n=: cj J ■Jsitu _ C '■zss, / . r s Z '‘tvsj Z-eco^a' or. CM i.i'fTtA ttrf Mtm*. «*» MJ0BA A l«P A„ < wi'>wr , ?YU-h ptareA Jr, ! r nnn prf PS*-' *?* fysA £ftr /-'•V/, pA.r. .,,/ *■/!*.■, ■'<*-’■'•/ •if pMfe* ,,fcaclv put**, -38 IrfitAll, >ry< t */.•-/, £**«»** style. Cerr*- ',)AfA In *<' pAe’* '7 h»f*r p!*r*a sac/., hr. portf/Al'V 5 '-Ar. ‘rifts A T*r/ (AC** ft nrtvr,*r of ,AAf ,i dreamAdt* f/rf fhA 4A«istr.A»; *Iza, 746 Itmi/ttr* Wa> r« Jnt-unu. A p»v« i/-*i PiVflr /rr. (av/V/t f^//,rA'i//r. ./^.fjkir.ir.ar U'rtti 'j-\r.trr*t*A Vrtwh I'HbiUvt* td V.nr>nA. l' «ilir,(r*, W*»«, V«- IlMfH, fcfAfOl, •.■•//, III ir,\,ni.fn 111 At lifirt*', *iv1i t'* rt ill t'nr ' hUrtllh lllltii. 1/lhlAin hhH kl*iw-U* nt >4 tllrulllh Ir. fiA':.rAl«i/A 'ft.A tAdth r//fflldA )• mrw f'fl/fi JAirt, *..V» I I'IW II d'lDUl, »;W iiltATUm. Rr*<(f« I 1',/lr d |.Af f / iid' « ii/tth MiK In nnlnriil I'llflil I'Oll* j nl/i. 1 1 a 16, Id fdl Id, lly l.i" i -T hdlll'M'MI ,,,, ,,,,,, Kwih liMPt. J,40 Mrmr« W l',in<1i |/«(l "iimlnU nf Id run I'llldldd llllid |. In Ido wild dltfllt |ildldd 'if UlniilHI |ntllnid« l.lfdl |*ii i In j nlxn 1 1 ■ III. Ilf I mi' A li in III Il l'll l .ni li purl, 8 Ur, Hhnirn II I'm d pill I ivnmliita i.f lim n id i mini 1 1 1 In i | .In 1 1 , wild nla pin Inn nf nlnn i'll pHltiildn I l|f III pnilninlr.il llnlll, 11/ lini'AM «in in i n l.md purl, uim ni l'll II I I ll' ll pllll i nliolnln nf Idll n I'lllnlllli II I III. pllllim, wild nl n pin Inn i if Kind i'll piilliniin III mi I it I it 1 aim n«dt pmla; ulmlUln 11/ imi'AMMi'inunii I nnd purl, 8 Uf. ■ iXM-r, rj 2 i-r.aa.-nn*. ta ■liC * rens rAi. ri^s xasl ihir. v*Zjt. Twn j«s of S/ ua/B. Saw 3 £a.!E. z»r ■ r! *r',*xriL a.urFL* Eon* Xnaac^wsuau a n j tAs Jl uwwrlmrfc,. ‘ajwnasi t.(d. ' r..-yr.Trzz-. . Srurptarwanri Pn.TTnn r twr: - ti. ;. ->.• a - tm pwtMtak «tt text ft Son. %§w i.n*itrr*AjF%. Siaw IQxlt Coe. p urtw. ffanr/KtCAL Mm rr*t or AecHirtcrraz. >*>-- oorj ‘lwrV*. Interior Decorttioci worlt ia padUahed In parts o < serer-aec. platen, of whfcb 'tree are in colors ami four- teen plain. Complete in ten parts. By C. fraf.r. Hire lSX*lf>- Each part. I. Or i. rnK.nT f'Ot.YCHOMK. By RacTSET. This W'/rk (fire* to the decorator the most thor- ouird In formation on styles of decoration wlr.d all nations and in all ages. 100 plates, finely printed In colors. French text, in portfolio, size ll^xlS Complete.:" Moon-. . Vkv.v. Decorative Painting. Eight parte of six colored plates each ; size 13x51. By f»i" ar HcflL'KTj! Each part. MfiliEHN hi REACE Ornament. Contains de- tail ornament, such as Panel and Corner Pilling, Borders, Centres, Diapers, etc. it plates, In |lu Mini pincll.itl I II pal l it Ill'll BAC uf the A it of Hlglt Writing. By A. P. Bovce i M illing HlfXIIA >8 A tins' iinnitKTS. For Architects, Engrav- ers, ITiglneers, Artists, Sign Painters and Draughtsmen. Oblong, 7x11 1 Ai iti a iii: tN. Mkpi.kvai. asp Mokkkn, Initials ■- CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 115 Books of Letters, Scrolls, Etc — Continued. 1 EACH. I s'D Ornaments. For use of Decorators, ■^signers and Illuminating Artists f .50 indeau’s Fancy Alphabets. Oblong, 4 x9. .75 iniE's Ornamental Alphabets, No. 3. Ob- •ng, 5J$x8X 1 25 'ijet's Alphabets. Plain and Ornamental, jith examples of all the styles in modern Jse. Quarto, 9x12 3.00 ,Jvmples of Modern Alphabets. Plain and rnamental. By F. Delamotte 2 00 •icy Alphabets, Album of. For Sign ainters. 10x14 75 net's Book of Alphabets. Standard and ew 50 anese Ornamentation. For the use of ecorators, Designers, .Sign Painters, etc. blong 2.00 4 msch Monograms. Thirteen parts... part .40 tjiGE Letters. For practical use of Paint- Sculptors, Architects and Drawing hools. Parts 1 to 6. Six plates, each M.'x 18. Part, 1.35 » da s Alphabets. Oblong 1.00 l dolphe's Ornaments. Oblong 1.00 ! (NOGRAMS AND CIPHERS, MODERN AND ■ IIothic. Fourteen plates. By V. Touche. .37 '* iter Alphabets. Four parts part, .50 l ineteen” Alphabets. Plain and Orna- i EACH. mental. No. 1 $ .25 Ornamental Alphabets, Ancient and Medi- eval. Printed in colors. By F. Delamotte. Oblong 2 00 Prang’s Standard Alphabets. Revised edition. Plain, Ornamental and Illumin- ated. Designs for Titles, Initials, Topo- graphical Signs, .-Esthetic, Medieval and Rustic Alphabets, Illuminated Initials, Arabian and Japanese Alphabets in colors. Oblong, 7x11. Thirty-six pages 5.00 Plain and Ornamental Alphabets, No. 2. Printed in colors. Ancient and Modern, in- cluding Initial Letters, Devices, etc. Ob- long, 6x9>i 50 Scrolls, Monograms, Ornaments and Crests. By N. S. Dearborn. Oblong, 5% x9)$ 2.50 Standard Scroll Book. A collection of Fav- orite Scrolls, with many designs for Shaded Scrolls, Sign Ornamentation, Omnibus Sides, etc 00 Standard Sign Writer. The. Giving de- tailed instructions for the different styles of Lettering, some of the best styles of Alphabets, designs for Signs, etc. 10x14. . . 2.00 Woodward’s Ornamental and Fancy Alpha- bets. Monograms and Titles 6.00 “TOMPSON'S ROMAN ALPHABET.” REVISED EDITION. ENGRAVINGS AND TEXT COMBINED. Prepared for Engravers’ and Sign Painters’ Apprentices, and for Schools or Amateurs, y-six pages (A£x5f inches); printed on thick, toned paper, and bound in cloth Each, 75c. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR SENT ON REQUEST. Published by F. W. DEVOE & CO. 116 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. DRAWING COPY-BOOKS, VERE FOSTER’S Drawing Copybooks. EMBRACING EVERY DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING. WILD ANIMALS. MECHANICAL. BRITISH ANIMAL3. MARINE. GEOMETRY. LANDSCAPE. HUMAN FIGURE. Ik ■ lea to ftc if* ! La | Fill I r> At On ‘ It is not much more than a decade since Mr. Vere Foster commenced the publication of tl 71 I Oil I P* I OH ,1 B’Ji LLM present series of Drawing-Books for the Peofle. Encouraged by the great success of his Writin 7 . Copy-Books, lie conceived the design of similarly teaching Drawing by the means of Drawing Cop'3 8 j I & Books. He secured the services of the best artists of the day, and succeeded in producing, aft' ' I At Cl! some years’ labor and great expense, a series of upwards of fifty books, embracing almost evei kind of art-teaching. The result has far exceeded the utmost hopes of the projector of the serie Within ten years, upwards of Two Millions of Books were sold. They were approved by tl South Kensington Museum authorities of London, and have been adopted by all the leading Schoi Boards throughout Great Britain. “ The large sale which these hooks enjoy enables the publishers to «o to ureas very frequentl;At and they have tnus special facilities tor making important improvements on tne senes. j, “ The quality of the paper and printing have been much improved. Instructions have bee n;.- ■ : * St- udded to each book, which will be of service to the teacher, and will be found to meet in a vet special way the wants of those who desire to study drawing without a teacher.” IK CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 117 Vere Foster's Drawing Copy-Books — Continued. GRADED AND PROGRESSIVE. WITH INSTRUCTIONS, AND PAPER TO DRAW ON. Superior Edition, in Numbers, Paper Covers Each, 10 cents. (See roducoil specimens on pages 127 and 128.) MARINE. By Callow, Duncan, Whitaker. M 1 Boats, Foregrounds and Nautical Bits. M 2 Fishing Craft, Coasters and Traders. M 3 Yachts and Vessels of every Rig and Sail. M 4 Drawing of Waves. Coast Scenes, etc. EMENTARY LESSONS, SIMPLE OBJECTS. Initiatory Lessons. Letters and Numerals. Objects (Straight Lines). Domestic Objects (Simple). OBJECTS WITH CURVED LINES. Domestic Objects (Fiat Treatment). Domestic Objects (Perspective Treatment). Leaves (Flat Treatment). Leaves (Natural Treatment). PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Plants (Simple Forms). Plants (Advanced). Flowers (Simple Forms). Flowers (Advanced). ORNAMENT. By F. E. Hl’LMK, Etc. Elementary Forms. Simple Forms (Fretwork, Ironwork, etc.). Advanced Forms (Carving, Sculpture, etc.). Ornament (Classic, Renaissance, etc.). TREES IN BLACK LEAD PENCIL. Oak, Fir, etc., with “ touch ” for each tree. Beech, Elm, etc. “ “ Oak, Chestnut, Birch, etc. “ Birch, Larch, Poplar, Lime, Willow, etc. LANDSCAPE IN BLACK LEAD PENCIL. Rustic Landscape in Outline. Shaded Objects and Landscape. Shaded Landscape and Rustic Scenes. Advanced Landscape and Rural Scenes. .T 1.— ELEMENTARY. Contains A 1, 2, B 1, 2. tT 2.— OBJECTS WITH CURVED LINES. Contains C 1, 2, D 1, 2. tT 3. -PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Contains E 1, 2, G 1, 2. tT 4. — ORNAMENT. By F. E. Hulme. Contains I 1, 2, 3, 4. tT 5.— TREES IN LEAD PENCIL. Contains J 1, 2, 3, 4. tT 6 .— LANDSCAPE IN LEAD PENCIL Contains K 1, 2, 3, 4. ANIMALS. By Harrison Weir. O 1 Birds and Quadrupeds. O 2 Poultry, various breeds. O 3 British Small Birds. 0 4 British Wild Animals. O 5 Horses (Arab, Hunter, Dray, etc.). O 6 Horses (Rtcer, Trotter, Pony, Mule, etc.). O 7 Dogs (Seventeen Species). 0 8 Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Goats, etc 0 9 Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Ass and Foal, etc. O 10 Foreign Wild Animals and Birds. HUMAN FIGURE. Q 1 Features (from Cast and Life). Q 2 Heads, Hands, etc. (from Cast and Life). Q 3 Rustic Figures, by Duncan. Q 4 Figure from the Antique (Outline.) PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. R 1 Definitions and Simple Problems. R 2 Practical Geometry(Circle, Polygon. Ellipse). R 3 Applied Geometry for Practical Mechanics, etc PRACTICAL MECHANICAL DRAWING. T 1 Initiator}’ and Simple Subjects. T 2 Detail of Tools and Working Parts, etc. T 3 Models for Working Drawings, etc. T 4 Details of Machines and Engines. Each, 40 cents. Part 7.— MARINE. By Callow, etc. Contains M 1. 2 3, 4. Part 8.— ANIMALS. By H. Weir. Contains selections from O 1 to 10. Part 9. — ANIMALS— Continued. By II. Weir. Contains selections from O 1 to 10. Part 10.— HUMAN FIGURE. Contains Q 1, 2, 3, 4. Part 11.— PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Contains R 1 , 2, 3. Part 12.— MECHANICAL DRAWING. Contains T 1, 2, 3, 4. Complete Edition, in Twelve Parts, each Part complete in itself. 118 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Vere Foster’s Drawing Copy-Books — Continued. SELECTIONS (REDUCED) FROM SERIES A TO T. Thirty-six page circular, with many specimens, sent on application. Initiatory Lessons. — Book A 1. Domestic Objects — Flat Treatment. — Book C 1. Trees In Pencil— Elm.— Book J 2. Objects— Straight Lines.— Book B 1. CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS 119 Vere Foster’s Drawing Copy-Books — Continued. Landscape in Pencil— Shaded Objocts.— K 2. Head, Hands, &c., from Cast and from Life.— Q 2. Flowers— Simple Forms.— G 1. 120 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Vere Foster’s Water Color Copy Books. Vere WITH GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR PAINTING WITH WATER COLORS. Superior Edition, in Numbers, Paper Covers Each, 10 cents. LANDSCAPE. In Water Colors. L 1 L 2 L 8 H 3 Sepia. Sepia. Sepia. L 4 Sepia. L 5 Sepia. L 6 Sepia. WILD FLOWERS. By various Artists. F 3 Hawthorn anti Fieltl Poppy. GARDEN FLOWERS. By various Artists. H 2 Convolvulus anti Pansy. Roso and Tulip. Complete Edition, in Two Parts (each Part complete in itself) Each, 50 cents. Parti. WATER COLORS— FLOWERS. I Part 2. LANDSCAPE— IN SEPIA. F X, 2, 3. H 1, 2, 3. | L 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. s. &• Oft. .12 JU US few io.^0 i Mr at: fes- rfcoM Vere Foster’s Water Color Copy-Books — Advanced. niGHLV FINISHED CH HOMOGRAPHS, FAC-SIMII.E DRAWINGS. Superior Edition, in Numbers, Paper Covers Each, 20 cents. ANIMALS. By Harrison Weir. No. 1. Cow, etc., Farmyard Scene, Mare and No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Foal, Turkeys. St. Bernard Dog, Red Deer, Pigeons. Sheep and Lambs, Goats, Fowls. Cat and Kittens, Newfoundland Dog Rescuing Child, Duck and Ducklings. MARINE. By Edward Duncan. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Calm— Brighton Fishing Boats Going Off. Moonlight — Ship passing the Eddystone. Yachts, — Off Ryde, Isle of Wight. Sunrise— Fishing Boats off the Bass Rock Beach and Surf— Dredging Boats Coming in — Mumbles Lighthouse. Homeward Bound— Off the Isle of Arran. Sunset— The Abandoned. Fishermen on the Lookout — Waves Surg- ing through Piles, etc. Taking a Pilot — Merchant Ship off Swansea. No. 4. MARINE — Continued. Short Sea— Smack passing Whitby. Smooth Water Swelling into a Cove — Bo^ Fishing on Pier. Outward Bound— The Thames off Gravi end. FLOWERS. (Second Series)— By various Artis No. 1. Double Scarlet Anemone, etc., Hone suckle, Crocus. Pink Japan Lily, Water Lily, Pyrus Ja'- onica, etc. f* 1 -' Scarlet Geranium, Common Primrose ai x Dog Violet, Apple Blossom and Fru i: Moss Rose, Lily of the Valley and Wl* nyacinth. Cowslip and Daisy. ILLUMINATING— By Marcus Ward, Illuminator to the Queen. No. 1. ) 2. ' A Series of Plates from Illuminate 3. , MSS. of the Middle Ages 4. ) No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. ■r Complete Edition, in Four Part9 Each, 65 cents. Part 4. ANIMALS. Nos. 1. 2, 3, 4. Past 5. MARINE. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. Part 6. FLOWERS. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. m,- ta> I* Part 7. ILLUMINATING. Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4. Vere Foster’s New Series of Water Color Copy-Books. LANDSCAPE PAINTING. EACH. Painting eor Beginners— First Stage. Teaching the use of Ono Color, with ten examples in Monochrome by J. Callow, and Outlines showing how to Sketch the subjects properly. With full Instructions in the Use of the Brush and Manipulation of Pigments, by an experienced Teacher. Three Numbers at 20 cents each ; or in one volume, cloth elegant $ .80 EAOl Painting for Beginners— Second Stage. Teaching the use of Seven Colors. Twenty examples in Colors by J. Callow, many Outlines to teach the proper mode of Sketching, and numerous Vignetto Illus- trations. With interesting descriptions of the plates and lessons on the uses of the various pigments, as well as full Instruc- tions for Drawing, by an experienced mas- lb: i* ■ tt-: R L f II- m- CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 121 Vere Foster’s New Series of Water Color Copy-Books — Cont’d. EACH. r. Six Numbers at 20 cents each ; or in ie volume, cloth elegant $1.25 •le Lessons im Landscape Painting. ■aching the use of Thirteen Colors. Fac- liiles of paintings by T. Jones, and nu- erous engravings. With descriptions and ssons in more advanced Landscape Draw- g and Painting, by a teacher of great ex- irience. Four Numbers at 20 cents each ; in one volume, cloth elegant $1.00 EACH. Simple Lessons in Marine Painting. Twelve Fac-similes of Original Drawings by Ed- ward Duncan. With numerous illustra- tions of Ships, Boats and Coast Sketches, lessons in the drawing of Waves and Ma- rine Scenery generally. With interesting descriptions of the plates, and lessons in painting with Sixteen Colors. In four Numbers at 20 cents each ; or in one hand- some volume $1.00 FLOWER PAINTING. EACH. anced Studies in Flower Painting. welve Plates, from Original Drawings by da Danbury and other artists, and nu- erous large Outlines of floral subjects. 'ith interesting descriptions of the sub- cts and useful botanical information ; so full Instructions for drawing and tinting. By Blanche Danbury. In six each. Numbers at 40 cents each ; or in one vol- ume, cloth elegant. $2 50 Simple Lessons in Flower Painting. Fac- similes of Original Water Color Drawings, by Ada Danbury, and numerous Outline Drawings. With descriptions of each flower and full instructions for drawing and paint- ing the examples. In four Numbers, 20 cents each; or in one volume, cloth elegant, 1.00 PAINTING OF TREES AND ADVANCED LANDSCAPE, Etc each. y Studies in Water Color Painting. ine large Fae-slmiles of Sketches from ature, in Simple Tints, by Leitch and allow. With interesting information ad full instructions for drawing each sub- ■ct and for Sketching from Nature. In tree Parts, 4to, 60 cents each; or in a tndsome volume in cloth. $2.00 ctmin ating. Nine Examples i n Colors and old of ancient Illuminating of the best ;riods of this interesting and almost for- itten art, with numerous illustrations in utline, Distorical and other Notes, with ill descriptions and Instructions, by the by. W. T. Loftie, B.A., F.S.A., etc. In ur Parts, 4to, 40 cents each ; or one vol- me, cloth elegant 2.00 EACH. Sketches in Water Colors. By various Ar- tists. Reproductions in chromo-litho. of nine flue Original Works by Duncan, Row- botham, Douston, Leitch, Needham and Richardson. With descriptive information and full Instructions for drawing and paint- ing each subject. In three Parts, 4to, 6) cents each ; or in one handsome volume. . .$2.00 Trees in Pencil and Color. By J. Need- ham. Twenty-seven Painting Lessons in Trees and Foliage, and Thirty-three Studies in Pencil. With full descriptions of all the important Trees, and full Instructions for drawing and painting, by an experienced Drawing Master. In eight Parts, 40 cents each ; or in two elegant volumes (each com- plete in itself) 1.75 Poynter’s South Kensington Drawing-Books. This series is not intended to supersede “ Vere Foster's Drawing-Books ” (which are continuing ■ender invaluable aid in the wide dissemination of Art knowledge among children), but to follow their work in affording instruction in Art on stricter Academic principles, and in training lils for the First and Second Grade Examinations of the'Department of Science and Art. FIRST GRADE SERIES. Each book is printed on flue Cartridge Paper, with space for copying. ELEMENTARY FREEHAND — Two Books, 20 cents each, k L— Simple Geometrical Forms. | Book II — Floral and other Forms. FREEHAND ORNAMENT. FIRST GRADE-Six Books, 20 cents each. k I.— Simple Objects and Ornament— F lat. II.— Various Objects— F lat. III.— Objects and Architectural orna- ment— F lat and Perspective. Book IV.— architectural Ornament— F lat. " V.— Objects of Glass and Earthenware— Perspective. *'• VL— Common Objects— Perspective. 122 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Poynter’s South Kensington Drawing Books — Continued. FREEHAND. FIRST GRADE, PLANTS— Six Books, 20 cents each. Book L— Leaves and Fruits— S implest. “ II.— Leaves, Flowers, Fruits. “ III.— Flowers, Fruits, Etc. Book IV.— Flowers and Foliage. “ V.— Flowers. “ M.— Flowers. SECOND GRADE SERIES. ELEMENTARY HUMAN FIGURE— Four Books, 20 cents each. Book I.— Michael Angelo’s “ David ’’—F eatures. I Book III.— IIands, from Sculpture. “ II.— Masks, from Antique Sculpture. | “ iv r .— Feet, from Sculpture. ELEMENTARY PERSPECTIVE— Four Parts, 40 cents each. By S. J. Cartlidge, F. R. Hist. S., Lecturer lu the National Art Training-School, South Kensington. Part L— 1 For Second Grade Examinations of i Part III.— Accidental Vanishing Points. “ II.— ) THE DEP’T. | “ IV.— niGHER PERSPECTIVE. FREEHAND ORNAMENT, SECOND GRADE— Four Books, 40 cents each. Book I.— Various Forms of Anthemion Orna- ment, Etc.— F lat. “ II.— Greek, Roman and Venetian— Flat and Perspective. HUMAN FIGl'RE-Tkree Book I.— Head of the Venus of Melos— Profile and Front Views. “ II.— Head of the Youthful Bacchus— Profile and Front Views. Book III.— Italian Renaissance— Flat. “ IV.— Roman, Italian, Japanese. Etc.— F la and Perspective. Books, 80 cents each. Book III.— Head of “ David," by Michael Angei — Proflle and Front Views. FIGURES from the Cartoons of Raphael — Four Books, 80 cents each. Twelve Studies of Draped Figures, drawn direct from the originals in the South Kensingto Museum. With Descriptive Text, and Paper for Copying. FREEHAND — Second Grade. Book IV. E Of: HUMAN FIGURE— Second Grade. Book I- L- By . Japanese. The Venus of Melos — Profile. (Reduced Specimens of Examples.) CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 123 Poynter’s South Kensington Drawing-Books — Continued. HUMAN FIGURE — Elementary. (Reduced Specimens of Examples.) Cassell’s Drawing Copies. HOW TO DRAW SERIES. This series, embracing the following five books (size 6^x81 inches), contains designs eminent art instructors, information upon the use of drawing materials, and blank paper • copying the examples in each book. EACH. 'v to Draw Elementary Forms, Models, )tc. One hundred and twenty studies in 'reehand. By Charles Ryan $ .25 w to Draw Floral Ornamental Forms. Eighty studies in Freehand. By Charles :yan 25 w to Draw Landscapes, Trees, Ships, :tc. One hundred studies in Freehand. !y R. P. Leitch 25 EACH. * How to Draw Mac... inert. One hundred Practical Studies in Geometrical Drawing. By Ellis A. Davidson $ .25 How to Draw Animals, Birds and Dogs. Sixty-four Studies in Freehand in Animal Life. By A. T. Elwes 25 Cassell’s Popular Drawing Series. Progressive Drawing Studies from outlines to perfect shading. Suitable for art iooIs or private study. Books x 10 inches, cloth, each containing ninety-six pages, inted in fac-simile from the original drawings. EACH. w to Draw Figcres. Ninety-six Gradu- ted Studies from Life $2.00 w to Draw in Freehand. Ninety-six raduated Studies of Models 2.00 EACH. Animal Drawing. Ninety-six Graduated Studies from Nature $2. 00 Hermes’ Drawing Copy-Books. OVER 500 PARTS TN NINE SERIES. Paper Covers By dozen, $3.00 UES 1.— ELEMENTARY. 2.— LANDSCAPES. ‘ 3.— FLOWERS AND FRl'ITS. 4. -ORNAMENTS. ‘ 5. -HOUSEHOLD OBJECTS. Series 6.— ANIMALS. “ 7.— FIGURES. “ 8.— GEOMETRICAL. “ 9.— ARCHITECTURAL. 124 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Studies, Colored. FOR PAINTING IN OIL, WATER COLORS AND PASTELS. FLOWERS AND FRUIT. No. by plate. 9551.— Flowers and Fruit. Single Flowers, Bouquets and Compositions. By Jules Sette. 1 Roses and Buds, Red. 2 Roses and Buds, Red. 3 Roses and Buds, Red. 4 Roses, Red. 5 Roses and Buds, Red. 6 Roses and Ruds, Red. 7 Crown Imperial. 8 Narcissus, White. 9 Lilac, Purple. 10 Popples. 11 Tulips. 12 Anemone. 13 Campanula. 14 Oleander. 15 Currants, Red and White, with Leaves. 16 Foxglove. 17 Pinks. Red and Variegated. 18 Currants, Pink and Geranium. 19 Coreopsis, Bengal Rose, Phlox and Nas- turtium. 20 Asters, Oleander, Nasturtium, etc. 21 Plums, Purple, with Leaves. 22 Peaches, with Leaves. 23 Cobeas, Purple. 24 Nasturtiums. 25 Grapes, White, with Leaves. 26 Apples, with Leaves. 27 Orange and Blossoms, with Leaves. 28 Red Peppers, Round, with Leaves. 29 Amomum, or Grains of Paradise. 30 Pears, with Leaves. 31 Primrose, Turkish, 32 Pink Rose, Pinks. Dahlia, Sunflowers. 33 Iris, or Blue Flag. 34 Tulips, Variegated, and Bears’ Ears. 35 Cherries, with Leaves. 35 Plates, 11x14 in $ .25 The Series continued by Gubnebaud. 36 Camellia, variegated. 37 Currants. Red and White, with Leaves. 38 Snowballs. 39 C’hiekweed, Purple, Large Flowered. 40 Pomegranate Leaves and Buds. 41 Camellia, White. 42 Indian Pink and Blue Bindweed. 43 Peony, Single, with Skeleton I.eaves. 44 Chrysanthemums, Yellow and Pink. 45 Rose, Large Red, and Buds. 46 Hollyhock, Red. 47 Dahlia, Red. 48 Plums, Purple. 49 Honeysuckle. 50 Rose and Buds, Red. 51 Grapes, White and Purple. 52 Gooseberries and Leaves. 53 Lily, White. 54 Poppies, Red. 55 Chinese Primrose. 56 Sunflowers, Small. 57 Sweet Peas. 58 Yellow and Red Roses and Buds. BY l'LAl 59 Batchelors’ Buttons and White Mullen. 60 Dahlia, Single, Yellow, and Lily of the Incas, Purple. 61 Yellow Rose. 62 Flowers and Fruits, various. 63 Peony, Variegated. 64 Apple Blossoms. 65 Wild Rose. 66 Daisy, Tulip, Morning Glory, etc. 67 Field Daisies and Campanula. 68 China Asters. 69 Strawberries and Leaves. 70 Spanish Jasmin. 71 Pansies, various. 72 Roses, China, Pink. 73 Hyacinths, Blue and Pink. 74 Mauve. 75 Cherries. 76 Apples and Leaves. 77 Hollyhocks. 42 Plates, 11x14 in $ .i 9552.— Flowers and Frcit. “Macedoines.” Sprays, Fragments, Compositions, Bou- quets, Wreaths, Baskets, Shells, etc. 3 Pink, Poppy, Hollyhock, etc. 7 Sprays of Flowers and Fruit. 8 Sprays of Flowers. 9 Pink Rose, Primrose, Verbena, etc, 10 Sprays— Pansies, Geranium and Bitter Sweet. 12 Tulips, Variegated, Rose, Pansies, etc. 17 Sprays of Flowers. 18 Sprays of Flowers. 23 Sprays of Flowers, Butterflies. 25 Row's and Buds, Pink, and Bird. 26 Shell— Morning Glories, Aster, Fuchsia and Snap Dragon. 28 Basket — Moss Rose Buds, Morning Glory, Geranium, etc. 29 Bouquet— Aster. Marigold and Berries. 30 Spray of Flowers. 32 Basket of Flowers, Butterflies, etc. 33 Basket, Rose, Hundred Leaf, Pansies, etc. 34 Basket, Apple Blossoms and Apples. 35 Flowers, various, in Hanging Basket. 36 Flowers, various. In Hanging Basket. 37 Basket of Fruit— Pear, Apple, Peach, Gooseberries. 38 Flowers, various, In Hanging Basket. 39 Basket— Pansies, Tulip, Apple Blossoms, etc. 40 Basket of Flowers 53 Bouquets— No. 1, Oleander, Pink Rose, Loaves, etc. No. 2, Poppy, Yellow Lily, Hyacinth, Wild Rose, Bluebells, etc. 55 Tulip, Acacia, Fuchsia, Cyclamen. 56 Bouquots— No. 1, Geranium, Poppy, Morning Glory, etc. No. 2, Snowball. Rose, Nasturtium. 57 Bouquets— No. 1, Hollyhock, Anemone. Jasmin and Fuchsia. No. 2, Jonquil, Geranium and Lily of the Valley. 58 Bouquets — No. 1, White Lily, Red Rose, Primrose. No. 2, Rose, Hundred Leaf and Crow Foot. CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 125 Studies. Colored — Continued. FLOWERS AND FRUIT— CONT’D. NO. BY PLATE. 9552. — Flowers and Fruit— C ont’d. 59 Bouquets — No. 1, Narcissus, Anemone and Violet. No. 2, Wild Rose, Aster, Pink and Primrose. 60 Basket— Roso, Narcissus, Poppy, etc. 02 Fragments of Fruit. 63 White Grapes ami Leaf. Fragments of Fruit. 61 Rose, Hundred Leaf, Chorizema, Holly Leaved. 65 Forget-me not. Yellow and White Lily. 66 White and Yellow Lily, Lilac, Purple. 67 Lilacs, White and Purple. 68 Rose, Hundred Leaf and Provence Rose. 69 Sprays— Morning Glory, Wild Rose, Bit- ter Sweet. 71 Asters, Variegated, and Flax. 72 Dahlias and Leaves. 73 Camellias. White and Red. 74 Hyacinths, Blue and Red. 75 Oleander, Leaves and Buds. 76 Cactus, Red. 77 Holly, Leaves and Berries. 78 Rose, Hundred Leaf, and Buds. 79 Plums, Purple and Green, and Leaves. 80 Gooseberries. Currants and Leaves. 81 Snap Dragon and Iris, or Blue Flag. 82 Apricots and Leaves. 50 Plates, 11x15# in $ .45 9553. — Flowers, Industrielle. Large, bold Studies, suitable for Panels, Plaques, etc. By Chas. L’Abbe. 1 Roses, Hundred Leaf. 2 Rhododendron and Fragrant Violets. 3 Azalia and Garden Columbine. 4 Rose, Hundred Leaf, and Periwinkle. 5 Hollyhock, Double, Pink. 6 Pansies, various. 7 Chorizema, Holly Leaved. 8 C apucine Roses. 9 Campanula, Large, Purple. 10 Roses, Variegated. 11 Hollyhocks, Single, various. 12 Sage, Blooming, Blue. 13 Fuchsias, Red and Purplo. 14 Penstemon. 15 Japan Lily, or AsphodeL 16 Tulips, Variegated. 17 Lilacs, Purple. 18 Iris, or Blue Flag. 19 Bouquet — Roses, Pansies and Forget- me-not. 20 Peaches, Leaves and Blossoms. 21 Crown Imperial and Gillitlower. 22 Camellias. White and Variegated. 23 Acacia, Pink. 21 Petunias, Pink and White. 25 Dahlia, Red. 26 Lily, Orange-Red, and Palemoine. 27 Tea Roses. 28 Amaryllis. 29 Apples. Red, and Blossoms. 30 Godetia, Rubicon and Wolfstooth. 31 Poppy, Double. BY PLATE. 32 Tiger Lily and Bear’s Ears. 33 Wistaria, Purple. 34 Gladiolus, Pink. 35 Oleander. Pink. 36 Hellebore, Flowers and Leaves. 37 Tea Roses and Buds. 38 Cactus, Leaves and Flowers. 39 Daturia, or Trumpet Flower and Span- ish Genet. 40 Trumpet Creeper. 41 Peony, Pink. 42 Bouquet— Fleur-de-lis, Pink Rose, Tube Rose and Morning Glory. 43 Snow Balls. 44 Morning Glories, various. 45 Lily, Variegated (Lys. lilium). 45 Plates, 12x17# in $ .60 NO. 9554.— Flowers. Handsomely Colored By Hand. A large Series specially adapted for Copying and the Composition of Subjects for Panels, Plaques and Decorative Objects. By A. JUMON. 1 Jacqueminot Roses. 2 Moss Roses. 3 Columbine. 4 Clematis of .1 ava, Y ellow. 5 Acacia, Pink. 6 Virginia Trumpet Vine. 7 Cattleya Mossia. 8 Weeping Cherry. 9 Ixia. 10 Hawthorn, Pink. 11 Petunias. 12 Roses, Many-Flowered. 13 norse Chestnut Blossoms, Pink. 14 Medlar Blossoms, Japan. 15 W T ild Roses. 16 Clematis, Purple. 17 Palemonium, Blue. 18 Pawlonia. 19 Nasturtiums. 20 Pinks, various. 21 Roso of France, Red. 22 Lily Superb, Pink and Red-Spotted. 23 Rose of India. 24 Wild Roses. 25 Bengal Roses, Crimson. 26 Wall Flower. 27 Yellow Currant Blossoms. • 28 Anemones, various. 29 Tea Roses and Buds. 30 Colchicum. 31 Provence Roses, Red. 32 Cipanea. 33 Japanese Quince Blossoms 31 Geraniums. Purple. 35 Roses, Hundred Leaf. 36 Japanese Cherry Blossoms. 37 Smyrna Roses, Pink. 38 Almond Blossoms. 39 Poppies. 40 Lotus. 41 Wild Roses. 42 Red Currant Blossoms. 126 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Studies, Colored — Continued. FLOWERS AND FRUIT— CONTD. NO. by plate. 9554. — Flowers— C ont’d. 43 Pelargoniums. 44 Wistaria. 45 Double Poppies. 46 Monthly Roses. 47 Tulips. 48 Pansies. 49 Vaccinum of Ceylon. 50 Rhododendron, Pink. 51 Roses, Celery-Leaved. 52 Roses, Peach-Leaved. 53 Rhododendron, Yellow. 54 Begonia. 55 Ruellia, Purple. 56 India Orchid. 57 Desmodium, Purple. 58 Musk Rose. 59 Urena Speciosa. 60 Pear, Silver-Leaved. 60 Plates, 8x11 in $ .60 9555. — Flowers, etc., on Plaques. Branches. Sprays and Vines, with Insects or Birds; on 9 in. Plaques. 1 Spray of Ivy and Butterflies. 2 Branch of Blackberries and Butterflies. 3 Branch of Fuchsia and Butterflies. 4 Branch of Fuchsia and Butterflies. 5 Spray of Wild Flowers and Butterflies. 6 Spray of Flowers and Butterflies. 7 Spray of Flowers, Birds and Butterfly. 8 Spray of Flowers and Humming Birds. 9 Spray of Flowers, Humming Birds and Butterfly. 10 Spray of Wild Flowers and Bird. 11 Spray of Flowers and Butterflies. 12 Vine, Flowers, Bird and Butterflies. Each 75 9556. — Flowers, Fruit, etc. A very fine series of compositions, arranged for Panels, Plaques, Screens, etc. By W. Mussill. 1 Wild Roses. 2 Wild Roses, Daisy, Poppy, etc. 3 Morning Glories, various. 4 Blackberrios, Leaves and Fruit. 5 Roses, Hundred Leaf, Flowers and Buds. 6 Franciscea Latifolia and Humming Birds. 7 Poppy, Cultivated, Rose, Hundred Leaf, and Morning Glory. 8 Violets and Blackberry Vine. 9 Moss and Tea Roses. 10 Lilacs, White and Purple. 11 Peonies, White and Pink. 12 Tea Roses and Widow’s Tears. 13 Apricots, Leaves and Blossoms. 14 Grapes, White and Purple, Leaves and Vine 15 Wreath of Wild Flowers and Birds. 16 Wreath of Wild Flowers, Fruit and Birds. 17 Wreath of Roses, with Cupids. 18 Scilla, Blue and White, and Erythrina. 19 Cherries, Fruit and Leaves, Butterflies and Birds. 20 Convolvulus and Heath. BY PLATE, and Leaves, Wild 21 Blackberries, Fruit Rose and Bird. 22 Pansies, various, Grasses, etc. 22 Plates, 15x21)4 in $1.00 9557. — Colored Flowers, on tinted back- ground. By Jean Benner, London. 1 Primroses and Forget-me-not. 2 Wind Flower, Heath and Forget-me-not. 3 Pompone Dahlias. 4 Passion Flowers and Maurandia. 5 Pinks, various. 6 Cyclamen and Valotta. 7 Roses, Red and White. 8 Passion Flowers and Vine. 9 nolly Leaves and Berries, and Rock Alyssum. 10 Fuchsia, Maiden Hair Fern and Butter- flies. 11 Pompone Chrysanthemums. 12 Pansies and Heath. 12 Plates, 9 4x12)4 in $ .50 9558 —Flowers. A finely colored series of Single Studies and Compositions.af ter vari- ous artists (English). 10 Plates, 13,4x20 iu. 1 Pansy and Yellow Rose. Mrs. M. Duf- field 90 2 Pelargoniums aud Lilies of the Valley. Mrs. M. Duflleld 90 3 \zaleas. Miss Bywater 90 4 Roses. Dolan 1.25 5 Pelargoniums. Miss Hancock. 1 25 6 Chrysanthemums. Mrs. Celia Lawson. .1.25 7 Aquilegia, Gentiana, Orchis Nigra. Miss T. Hegg 1.00 8 Scabious, Myosotls, Ornithogalum. Miss T. Hegg 1 00 9 Wild Roses. Miss T. Hegg 1.00 10 Pelargoniums and Gardenia. Mrs. M. Duflleld 90 9559. — Flowers, Colored. By Boulret. 19 Azalia and Campanula. 50 Poppy aud Field Flowers. 51 Daisies, Forget-me-not, Crowfoot, Grasses and Common Fern. 52 Violets and Thistles. 53 Roses and Buds. 51 Rose — Gloire de Dijon. 55 Dog Rose an 1 Christ’s Thorn. 56 Rose, Malmaison. 8 Plates, 10x13 iu 25 956a— Floral Studies. Painted by Augusta Reicuelt. Four series of six designs each. On tinted paper. Part I.— 1 Marguerite, Forget-me-not, Crowfoot, Oat Grass, Millet Grass. 2 Gloire de Dijon. 3 Fuchsia Arabella, Common White ■I Cowslip, Willow Blossom (Pussy Willow), Millet Grass. 5 Damask Rose. 6 Oleander, Rose Bay. Part II. — 7 Dog Rose, Christ’s Thorn. 8 Cherry Blossom. H-F Kira CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. . 127 Studies, Colored — Continued. FLOWERS AND FRUIT— CONT’D. NO. 3560.— Floral Studies— C ont’d. 9 Moss Rose (Rose Cristata). 10 Marechal Niel (Yellow Rose). 11 Thistle, Convolvulus, Crested Dogs-tail Grass. 12 Copper Beech, Chrysanthemum, Tufted Hair-Grass, Ferns. Part III. — 13 Christmas Rose. 14 Madame Berrard (Tea Rose ). 15 Blue Star of Bethlehem, Eagle Fern, Quaking Grass. 16 Carnation. 17 Malmaison Rose. 18 Heartsease, Common Ivy. Snake-root. Part IV.— 19 Common Polypody, Daisy. 20 Heath, Bilberry. 21 Buttercups. 22 Harebell, Hemlock, Eagle Fern, Oak. 23 Water Forget-me-nots, Sedge. 21 Common Camomile, Wild Grasses, Ferns. 10x13 in By Plate, $ .40 By Tart 2 35 9561. — Same subjects as the above, in a re- duced size. 6)6xi0 in By Plate, ,25 By Part 1.50 9562. — Four Groups of Ferns. By Augusta Reichelt. 4 Plates, 10x15)6 in., oblong. By Plato 55 By Part 2.00 9563. — Four Large Studies of Roses, suit- able for Screens and large Panels. By Augusta Reichelt. 4 Plates. 1 Madame Berrard (Tea Roses). 2 Damask Roses. 3 Marechal Niol (Yellow Roses). 4 Gloire do Dijon Roses. 15)6x41 in., upright By Plate, 2.50 By Part 10 00 64.— Fi.orai. Studies. By Bertha Maguire. 4 Parts of six Plates each. Part I — Upright. 1 Christmas Roses and Ivy. 2 Arum Lilies, Forget-me-nots, and Fern Leaves. 3 Orchids and Primroses. 4 Roses, Snowdrops, and Maidenhair Fern. 5 Eucharis, Lilies and Heath. 6 Clematis, Lilies of the Valley, and Ferns. Part II.— Oblong. 7 Tea Roses and Violets. 8 Convolvulus and Pansies. 9 Lilies and Dielytra. 10 White Amaryllis, Bouvardia, and Maid- enhair Fern. 11 Pink and White Azaleas. 12 Primroses, White Violets and Ivy. Part III.— Upright. 18 Cyclamen. Snowdrops with Maidenhair Leaves. 14 Azaleas, Forget-me-nots, and Maiden- hair Fern. 15 Narcissus and Forget-me-nots. 16 Arums, etc. 17 Pelargoniums and White Violets. 18 Christmas Roses, Violets and Bramble Leaves. PART IV.— Upright. 19 Water Lilies and Forget-me-nots. 20 Clematis and Violets. 21 Eucharis Amazonica and Forget-me-nots. 22 Christmas Roses. 23 Lapogeria, Alba, Forget-me-nots. 24 Fox-Glove. 10x13)6 in By Plate,* .55 By Part 3.00 NO. 9565.— Flower Studies for Painting. 4 Parts of 4 Plates each. By Marie Von Becken- dorff. Part I.— 1 Heartsease, Anemone, Forget-me-nots, Ferns, Primroses. 2 Vallotta Purpurea, Snowdrops. Cowslip. 3 Marguerito, Wood Violets, Sweet Violets, Carnation, Strawberry Leaf. 4 Strawberry, Heath, Lily of the Valley, Yellow Narcissus, Lilac, Fuchsia, This- tle, Marguerite, Maidenhair. Part II.— 5 Nemophila Insignis, Abutilon. Cycla- men, Quaking Grass, Moss. 6 Solauum, Pyrus Japonica, Fern, Pink, Rose, Fog. 7 Roses, Lily of the Valley, Liverwort, Garden Cress. 8 Anemone, Japonica, Mignonette, etc. ; White Violets, Gloxinia, Forget-me-not. Part III. — 9 Mouse-ear Chickweed, Plum Blossom, Peach Blossom, Pansies, Evergreen. 10 Ivy, Yellow Lady’s Bed Straw, Live-over (Edelweiss!, Wild Rose, Bluebells, But- tercups, Clover, Lily, Red Hazelnut. 11 Wall Pepper, Cornflower, Grass, Black- berry, Stork’s Bill, etc. 12 Iris, Honeysuckle, Grass, Garlic, Rose, etc., Buttercups. Part IV. — 13 Riband Grass, Wallflower, Primrose, Cherry Blossom, Forget-me-not. 14 Gentian, Fern. Auricula, Wall Pepper, Apple Blossom, etc. 15 Fuchsia, Centaury, Convolvulus, Byrony, Oats, Phlox, etc. 16 Clematis, Lobelia, Mignonette, Begonia, Juniper, Bluebells. 9XX13 in., upright By Plate, . By Part 3 9566.— Flora’s Kingdom. By Augusta Rei- chelt. 2 Parts of 4 Plates each. Part I.— 1 Buttercups, Ragged Robin, Ferns, Red Campion, Harebells, Marsh Forget-me- nots, Nettle, Grasses, Vetch. 2 Acacia. 3 Laburnum, Iris. 4 Azalea, Palm, etc. 8 8 128 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Studies. Colored — Continued. FLOWERS AND FRUIT-CONT’D. NO. 9566,.— Flora’s Kingdom— Cont’d. Part IL— 5 Ilarebell, Buttercups, Ferns. 6 Apple Blossom. 7 Wild Convolvulus, Willow, Reed. 8 Narcissus Polyanthus. 15x20 in By Plate, $1.3') By Part 5.00 9567.— Eight Studies of Roses. By Augusta Reichelt. In 2 Parts of 4 Plates each. Part I.— 1 Marechal NieL 2 Malmaison Rose. 3 Gloire de St. Denis. 4 Coquette de Lyon. Part II.— 5 La France. 6 Yellow Rose. 7 Gloire de Dijon. 8 Sir G. Wolseley. 15x20 in., upright. By Plate, 1.30 By Part 5.00 9:68.— Eighteen Floral Studies. By Pau- line Von Doemming. 3 Parts of 6 Plates •t each. Part L— Upright. 1 Narcissus, Pansies. 2 Almond Blossom. 3 Slarechal Niel. 4 Crocus, etc. 5 Snowberry, Clematis, Quaking Grass, etc. 6 Baron Rothschild, Madarno Vibert. Part II.— Upright. 7 Chrysanthemum, Wild Grapo. 8 Camellia, Pansies. 9 Captain Christy. 10 Wild Grape, etc. 11 Water Lily, Water Forget-me-nots, Reeds. 12 Colored Convolvulus. Part III. — Oblong. 13 Marechal Niel, Wild Violets. 14 Poppy, Marguerite, Cuckoo-flower, Com, etc. 15 Camellia, Water Ivy. 16 Christmas Roses, Silver Beech. 17 Azaleas. 18 Roses. 11x15 in By Plato, .70 By Part 4.00 9569.— Twelve Floral Studies. By Marie Endell. 2 Parts of 6 Plates each. Part I.— 1 Pink Campion, Forget-me-not, Fool’s Parsley. 2 Flax Woed, Gentian, Silver Weed. 3 Cotton Grass. 4 Cabbage Wood, Dyer’s Anthemis. 5 Acacia. 6 Common Meadow Sweet, Marsh Gentian Part II.— 7 Coltsfoot. 8 Meadow Saffron. 9 Swallow-wort. 10 Liverwort, Sallow, Cornelian Cherry. Snowdrop. 11 Lady's Thistle. 12 Anemone (Alps), Salix. 10Xxl3X in., upright. ...By Plate, $ 55 By Part 3.00 | flC 1 n-w 4 Ttw SBtpw lire* 9570.— Floral Studies. By Friedf.rike Vogel. In 1 part of 6 Plates. 1 Hazelnut, May, Violets. 2 Honeysuckle, Forget-me-not. 3 Strawberry, Common Cotton-grnss, Cam- panula, Eagle Fern. 4 Barberry, Clematis. 5 Foxglove, Foxtail-grass, Hog Thistle. 6 Gentian 10}4xl3)tf in., upright.. ..By Plate, .55 By Part .3.00 J-FtO* *05. iruta JltHJ iVuii 1 ital 4 -Don? 5 Meet: • Gink 9571. — bulrushes and Water Lilies. By Harriet M. Bennett. Suitable for Screens, Lustre Painting, etc. 1 Part of 4 Plates. Upright, gold background. 1 Cat Tails, Water Lilies, Kingflsher. 2 Cat Tails and Water Lilies. 3 Bulrushes and Water Lilies. 4 Water Lily, Bulrushes, Sun and Birds. 15>6x41 in By Plate. 1.50 By Part 6.00 9572. — Flowers, various. By Reichelt and Von Doemming. 2 Parts of 6 Plates each. Part 1 — 1 Narcissus, Polyanthus. 2 Apple Blossom. 8 Laburnum, Iris. 4 La France. 5 Gloire de SL Dennis. 6 Gloire de Dijon. Part II.— 7 Marechal Neil. 8 Acacia. 9 Wild Convolvulus, Willow, Ito-d. 10 Harebells, Buttercups, Ferns. 1 1 Azalea, Palm, etc. 12 Water Lily, Water Forget-me-nots, Reeds. 6%xl0# in By Plate, .35 By Part 2.00 9573. — Flowers and Blossoms. By Marie Endell. 2 Parts of 4 Plates etk n. Part I.— 1 Cherry Blossom. 2 Wood Primroses, Fern. 3 Apple Blossom. 4 Mountain Primrose. Part IL— 5 Paulonia. 6 Anemone, Blackberry. 7 Cubea. 8 Magnolia. 15x20 in By Plate, 1.80 By Part 5.00 9575. —Flowers Growing. By Bertha Ma- guire. 1 Part of 6 Plates. 1 ITimroses. 2 Pansies. 3 Daffodils. R-IW am 1 Green twij * Aprix to 1 TeHoi 4 to:! iPad I Par, Cta iR-Fioi Pits Pin I 1 Pill 1 !F™ Cm SB I Corel (Corel Bm: 5 While IBM w,: Bit: Put: rim f Prim ! Hole Uinta II ipric If liver I -Lit Behe. «5»* CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 129 Studies, Colored — Continued. FLOWERS AND FRUIT-Cont’d. 0 . rs.— F lowers Growing— C ont’d. 4 Water Lilies. 5 Begonias and Yellow Water Lilies. 6 Arum Lilies. 10Xxl3% in By Plate, $ .55 By Part 3. CO 76. — Flowers, with Landscape Back- ground. By A. Von Reichelt. 1 Part of 6 Plates. 1 Autumn landscape— Chrysanthemum. 2 Marsh— Gloxinia. 3 Along the River— Water Lily, Rush. 4 Along the Shore— Convolvulus, Fern. 5 Mountain Scenery— Cyclamen. 6 Glade of Wood— Georgina. 10x13% in By Plate, .70 By Part 4.00 77. — Fruit. By Amalia Kaercher. 1 Part of 6 Plates. 1 Green Fig, Reine Claude Pear, Rasp- berry, Blackberry. 2 Apricot, Damson, Strawberry, Black Cherry. 3 Yellow Rennet. 4 Bunch of Grapes. 5 Peach, Goos berry. 6 Pear, Black Currant, Cherry, Reine Claude Pear. 10x13% in By Plate, .55 By Part 3.00 >78.— Flowers. By A. Von Reichelt. 2 Parts of 6 Platos each. Part I.— 1 Pink Rose, White Rose. 2 Fumatory Quaking Grass, Pink Rose, Cornflower, Anchusa Officinalis, Cras- suia Lactl Flora. 3 Cornflower, Jasmine, Meadow Grass. 4 Cornblind, Camomile, Tare, Common Heath, Maidenhair, Forget-me-not. 5 White Archangel, Plantain, SpeedweU. G Bluebell, Carthusian Pink. Forget-me- not, Daisy, Ranunculus, Meadow Grass. Blackberry, Pink Campion. Part II.— 7 Pear Blossom. 8 Primrose, Peach. 9 Violets, Snowdrops. 10 Anemone, etc., Common Hazelnut. 11 Apricot, Almond Tree Blossom. 12 Liverwort. 10%xl3% in By Plate, .55 By Part 3.00 ,79. — Large Roses, for Screens. By A. Von Reichelt. 4 Plates, 9%x26. Same subjects as No. 9563, but reduced 1-30 By Part 5.00 i80 .— Flowers. By Bertha Maguire. Same as No. 9564, but reduced to 6%xl0% in 30 By Part 15° S81. — Flowers, for Panels (Upright). By Bertha M aguire. 1 Part of 4 Plates. Top Panels, 10x41 in. ; Bottom Panels, 10x20 in. 1 Lilium Lancifolium. 2 Lilium Candldum. 3 Nymphcea Thermalis. 4 Nymphaea Alba. Sold by Part only By Part, $7.50 9582. — Flowers, for Panels (Upright). By P.ertha Maguire. 1 Part of 4 Plates. Top Panels, 10x41 in. ; Bottom Panels, 10x20 in. 1 Clomatis. 2 Passiflora. 3 Nymphma Rosea. 4 Nymphiea Caerulea. Sold by Part only By Part, 7.50 9583 . — Flowers, for Panels (Upright). By Bertha Maguire. 1 Nymphaja Rosea. 2 Nymphiea Alba. 3 Nymphaea Thermalis. 4 Nymphaea Caerulea 4 Plates, 10%x20% in. . . By Plate, 1.25 By Part 5.00 9584. — Flowers, for Panels (Oblong). By Fannie Davis. 1 Stellata Zanzibariensis et Thermalis 2 Victoria Regia. 2 Plates, 10%x30% in.. . .By Plate, 2.00 By Part 4.00 9585. — Flor a l Emblems and Initials. By Baroness Von Beckendorff. 2 Parts of 4 Plates, 9%xl3% in By Plate, . By Part 3. 9586. — Garden Flowers. Being reproduc- tions in chromo-litho. of a series of 12 Water Color Drawings from Nature. By Kate Sadler. 9%xll% in. With full instruc- tions by the artist for copying each study. 1 Yellow Pansy, Pink Mimulus, Red Nas- turtium, Purple Stocks. 2 Tiger Lily. 3 Petunia. 4 Poppy. 5 Stocks. 6 La France Rose. 7 Red Geranium, in Flowerpot. 8 Rod Chrysanthemums 9 Gloire de Dijon Rose. 10 Anemone Japonica. 11 Single Dahlias. 12 Tea-scented Roses. Sold by Part only By Part, 5.00 9587. — Flowers and Blossoms. By B. Rein- hart. Finely finished, for Oil Painting. 2 Parts of 6 Plates each, various sizes, tinted backgrounds. Part I.— 1 Azalias, 10x15% in. 2 Acacia, 10x17 in. 3 Iris, 9%xl7 in. 4 Carnations, 10%xl5 in. 5 Lilacs, 10x17 in. 6 Opium Poppies, 9x17 in. Part II.— 7 Clematis, 11x16 in., oblong. 8 Apple Blossoms, 11x20 in., oblong. 9 Anemones, 8%xl5 in. 10 Carnations, White, 8%xl5 in. 11 Water Lilies, 10x15 in. 12 Hollyhocks. 10x17 in. By Plate <5 By Part 4.50 r- 8 130 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Studies, Colored — Continued. FLOWERS AND FRUIT— CONT’D. NO. 9588. — The above Series continued. By B. Reinhart. 13 Gloire de Dijon Roses (Tea). 14 Pelargoniums. 15 Magnolias. 16 Easter Lilies. 17 Mareohal Niel Roses (Yellow). 18 Louis Von Houette Roses (Red). 19 La France Roses (Pink). 20 Cherry Blossoms. 21 Marie Von Houette Roses (Yellow). 22 Niphetos Roses (White). 23 Countess Labarthe Roses (Pink). 26 Chrysanthemums. 12 Plates, 12x16 in By Plate, $1.00 9589. — Flowers, for Oil Painting, finely fin- ished. By J. Capeinick. 9 Platts, tinted background. 1 Azalias. 2 Anemones. 3 Gloire de Dijon Roses— oblong. 4 Marguerites. 5 Malmaison Roses. 6 Moss Roses. 7 Oleanders. 8 Pansies— oblong. 9 Peonies. 14x18 in By Plate, 1.00 9590. — Floral Studies, gracefully arranged. By M. Thun. 12 Plates, tinted background. 1 Apple Blossoms and Birds in Nest. 2 Violets and Snowdrops. 3 Poppies and Dandelions, with Landscape Background. 4 Rhododendron and Laburnum. 5 Narcissus and Almond Blossoms. 6 Gloire de Dijon Rose, White Rose and Elder Blossom. 7 Pansies, Millet Grass and Daisies, with Landscape Background. 8 Marigold, Bluebells and Ferns, with Landscape Background. 9 Japanese Anemones and Grasses, with Landscape Background. 10 Yellow Iris, Cornflowers and Grasses. 11 Water Lilies, Forget-me-not and Grasses. 12 Tea Roses, Daisies and Autumn Leaves. 12)4x17)4 in By Plate, .40 By Part 4.00 9591. — Floral Studies, with Landscape Background. By J. Hoenorbach and Thun. Gracefully arranged. 4 Plates, tinted back- ground, oblong. 1 Pond Lilies, Forget-me-not, Club Rush and Grasses. 2 Grasses and Pink Double Roses. 3 Cyclamen, Gentian and Edelweiss. 4 Daisies, Dog Roses and Grasses. 12.kiXl7.J4 in By Plate, .75 By Part ... 3.00 9593.— Flowers, on tinted paper. 4 Plates, 10XX15 in. 1 Roses. 2 Iris. 3 Azalias. 4 Pansies. NO. Sold by Part only By Part, 9594. — Flowers and Fruit. By W. Mussill. 4 Plates, 17x23 in., upright. 1 Poppy and Iris. 2 Fruit and Birds. 3 Roses. 4 Grapes and Birds. By Plate 9595. —Flowers, Compositions. 1 Red ami Pink Roses. 2 Wistaria. 3 Pansies. 4 Poppies and Daisies. 4 Plates, 15x21)4 in By Plate, By Part.., 9506. — Large Studies, for Panels or Screens. 8 Plates, 17x25 in., upright. 1 Virginia Creeper. By E. E. Riggs. 2 Trumpet Creeper. 3 Wistaria. By L. Donaldson. By Plate 9597. — Fan Designs: Landscape and Cupids, for open Fans. By L. Penet. 20 Plates. By Plate 9598. — Fan Designs: Flowers, for open Fans. ByJumON. 10 Plates. By Plate 9599. — Fan Designs: Landscapes with Fig- ures, for open Fans. By Jumon. 10 Plates. By Plate !HKX).— Fan Designs: Flowers, Landscapes with Figures, for round Fans. By L Penet. 20 Plates. By Plate 9601. — Fan Designs: Hand Painted Flower Designs, for open Fans. 20 Plates. By Plate, 9602. — Small Flowers, Compositions (Voeux de Noel). By Mme. E. Vocga. 2 Parts of 12 Plates each. Part III. — 13 Mistletoe. 14 Liverwort and Pink Heath. 15 White May. $ 1 . FLO’ B JYcWi. PiT It f YiiSCS t ,w» lEjttois jOtoMt K primala $ into I iris. bum l.ttl .jpt.yu 4-01 {Miiinj yPrMi .5 If fea'to EQi>P Put y. i-K j $1 Dtpin tut 15t | C iooei: ! n 8 Saudi 1.5C 8M liSatH Else. L"L . KEyit I ifflC Elnti * 2 00 59 Camp URtoic 16 Wild Roses. 17 Cornflowers. 18 Popples and Daisies. 19 Edelweiss. 20 White Roses. 21 Rod Autumn Leaves. 22 Yellow Rose and Heliotrope. 23 White Camellia and Mignonette. 24 Autumn Foliage and Acacia Mimosa. Part IV.— Winter. 25 Mountain Partridge. 26 Chrysanthemums. 27 Orange Blossoms. 28 Violets and Daisies, in Basket 29 White Begonia. 30 Cyclamens and Vase. 31 White Rabbits. 32 Kingfishers and Water Lilies. 33 Red Roses and Blue Vase. 34 Pansies and White Heather, in Vase. 35 Pink Geranium. 36 Sea Gulls. 5x8 in... By Part It -Fill' BtSu. Put] YPmsi iDtsi SCului j 10 Popp 11 Cora flliWtte Put -I 1 kTtlk lSiwi IMIHd i; WLi: I'lta Put 8 Boll; t lull SJe] S Will StOut By Plate, .15 1.70 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 131 Studies, Colored — Continued. FLOWERS AND FRUIT— CONT’D. to. >03.— Flowers of the IIioh alps. By Mail E. VOUGA. 2 Parts of 12 Plates each. Part IV.— 37 Viola calcarata, Saxifraca aizoides. 38 Anemone sulphurea, Erigeron alpinus. 39 Eychnis alpina, Hutchinsia alpitia. 40 Gentiana lavarioa (variete blanche). 41 Silene acaulis. 42 Primula longiflora. Androsace villosa. 43 Azalea procurabens, Ranunculus alpes- tris. 44 Anemone Halleri, Draba aizoides, Eri- ophorum latifolium IIopp. 'I 45 Saxifraga biflora, id. Androsacea. I 46 Primula Viscosa Will, Loydia serotina Reichb. 47 Gentiana accaulis, Saxifraga mus oides. 48 Dianthus Silvestris Wulf, Anthericum Eiliago. Part V. — 49 Gentiana verna, Geontopodium Al- pinum. 50 Daphne Mezereura, Ranunculus pyren- aeus. 51 Aconitum Napellus, Helianthemum vul- gare, Sempervivum arachnoideum. 52 Senecio inoarus, Gnaphalium divicum. 53 Globularia cordifolia, AnJrosace lactea. 54 Silene acaulis. Ranunculus alpestris. 55 Aster Alpinus. Anemone alpina Sangui- sorba officinalis. 56 Eychnis Flos cuculi. Saxifraga Aizoon. 57 Sweertia perennis, Bellidiastrum Mich- elli Cass. 58 Aronicum scorpioides Koch, Linaria alpina. ' 59 Campanula barbata. 60 Rho Orchids and Humming Birds. 3 ) By Plato • By Part 2 1 9617.— Flower Panels, small series, adapted for Fans. 12 Plates, 654x13 in. By Mad. E. vocga 1 Daisies and Lucerne. 2 Double Wild Roses. 3 Poet's Narcissus and Double Buttercups. 4 Carnations. 5 Pansies. 6 Ixias. CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 133 Studies, Colored — Continued. FLOWERS AND FRUIT— CONT’D. < 0 . 517 . _ flower Paneia — C ont’d. 7 Lilac. 8 Single Daffodil. 9 Pink Pond Lilies. 10 Double Apple Blossoms, tl Cinerarias. 12 Purple and Yellow Iris. By Plate $ -40 625 .— Water Color Studies, Flowers. By Ross Turner and his Pupils. The old style of Water Color Painting, principally fol- lowed in England and Germany, in which washes are laid over each other, often with opaque mediums, is rapidly being dis- carded and replaced by what is called the new or broad style of Water Color Painting, in which only transparent colors are used, and in which the colors are mixed in the brush and laid on in full and broad masses. This style being comparatively of recent origin, the number of good studies in the market is limited ; and to supply the want for really good examples of this style of art, there has been reproduced in facsimile a number of excellent studies by Mr. Ross Turner, author of “ On the Use of Water Colors for Beginners,” and a number by pupils of Mr. Turner. 7 I dates, on mar- gin 22x28 in. 1 A Yellow Study (Yellow Roses in Yellow Vase*. By Martha Silsbee. 2 Red and Pink Roses. By Martha Silsbee. 3 Red and Pink Roses in Glass Bowl. By- Martha Silsbee. 4 Red Roses in Glass Mug. By Martha Silsbee. (Upright.) 5 Study of Iris. By Elizabeth F. Parker. (Upright.) 6 Wild Roses. By Elizabeth F. Parker. 7 Roses. By Ross Turner. By Plate 2.00 9626. — Flowers, for Oil Painting (upright). By Mrs. E. T. Fisher. 1 Purple Wistaria. 2 Canada Thistle and Golden Rod. 3 Sumac and Milk Weed. 4 Fleur-de-lis, No. 3. 5 Hemlock. Ox-Eye Daisies and Grassos. 6 Nasturtiums. By T. N. Welch 6 Plates, 14x20 in By Plate, 1.50 9627. — Flowers. By Mrs. E. T. Fisher. I Zinnias. 2 Marigolds. 3 Double Asters. 4 Balm and Spiraea. 5 Cardinal Flowers. 6 Hollyhocks. 7 Autumn Leaves (Oak and Pine). 8 Autumn Leaves (Maple). 9 Japan Lily. 10 Poppies, No. 3 II Autumn Ferns. 12 Autumn Leaves (Beech). 13 Daisies. 14 Daffodils. 14 Plates, 10x14 in By Plate, .75 NO. 962S.— Flowers and Blossoms, for Panels. By T. Welch. 1 Gladiolus. 2 Apple Blossoms. 3 Poppies, No. 2. 9%x20 in By Plate, $1.00 9629. Flowers and Blossoms. By E. Krat- 7.ER. 1 Oleander Blossoms. 2 Yellow Rose and Bud. 2 Plates, 5x9% in By Plate, .25 9630 — Branches, with Burrs. By E. Krat- 7.ER. 1 Broom Hickory, or Pignut. 2 Norway Spruce. 3 Red Cedar and Pitch Pine. 4 Chestnut. 4 Plates, 5%xl0 in By Plate, .31 9631.— Flowers and Blossoms. By A. Lun- zer. 1 Carnations and Mignonette. 2 Clematis. 3 Pansies. 4 Maurandia. 5 Apple Blossoms. 6 Syringa. 7 Peach Blossoms and Forsythia. 8 Daisies. 8 Plates, 7%xl0% in By Plate, .30 BY PLATE. 9632 .— Large Floral Panels, after various artists. For Oil Painting. 1 Easter Lilies, on black ground. By Geo. C. Lambdin. 13x20 in 1.50 2 Calla Lilies, on black ground. By Geo. C Lambdin. 13x20 in 1.50 3 Asters, different colors. 9x21 in 1.00 4 Hyacinths. Light and Deep Purple, White, Yellow and Pink. 9x21 in 1.00 5 White Azaleas and Tea Roses, on black ground. By Geo. C. Lambdin. 9%x 21% in 150 6 Pink and White Roses and Buds, on black ground. By Geo. C. Lambdin. 9%x21% in 1-50 7 Bulrushes, Poppies and Daisies, on gold ground. 8%x22in 1.00 8 Fleur-de-lis, Blue, on gold ground. 8% x22 in I-'® 9 Golden Rod and Wild Asters. 8%x21 in. 1.00 10 Philadelphia I.ilies, Ox-Eye Daisies, Field Daisies and Ferns. 8,v x21 in — 1.00 11 Morning Glories, various colors, on black ground. 8x21 in 1-00 9633.— Flowers, various, by American Ar- tists. for Oil Painting. 1 Yellow and Red Chrysanthemums, 7x14 in 50 2 White and Red Chrysanthemums, 7x14 in 3 Tulips. 7x10 in 4 Cowslips. 7x10 in 5 Magnolias. 7x10 in 6 Snowballs. 7x10 in 7 Spirrea 7x10 in 134 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Studies, Colored — Continued. ruff FLOWERS AND FRUIT— CONT'D. Ijo. • BY PLATE. 9633.— Flowers, various— Cont’d. 8 Thistle. 7x10 in $ .40 9 Dogwood. 7x10 in 40 10 Nasturtiums. 7x10 in 40 11 Elder. 7x10 in 40 13 Trillium. 7x10 in 40 13 Clover. 4%x8 in 2 ■ 15 Coreopsis. 4%x8 in 30 16 Hemlock and Golden Rod. 4%x8 in 20 17 Golden Rod and Wild Asters. 4)4x8 in. . .20 18 Philadelphia Lilies and Grasses. 4)4x8 in 20 19 Pelargoniums, No. 4. By C. Ryan. lOx 13 in 75 20 Red and White Geraniums, No. 5. By C. Ryan. 10x13 in 75 21 Water Lilies. 4%x6% in 40 22 Pelargoniums. 4)4x6% in 40 23 Roses. By Rivoire. 9x10)4 in 50 24 June Morning— Roses, in rich profusion, on sky blue background. By Geo. C. Lambdin. 18x24 in 2.50 25 Basket of Violets, Mosses, etc., drab ground. 13%xl0% in 50 26 Chrysanthemums. Pink, Yellow and White. 9)4x12% in 50 27 Marechal Niel Roses. 9)4x12% in 50 28 Orchids, suitable for Plaques. 12)4x12)4 in 75 29 Tea Rose and Moss Roses. 5x10 in 20 30 Double Fuchsias and Miller Geranium. .20 31 Salvia and Snowberries. 5x70 in 20 32 Tea Roses and Blueberries. 4x8 in 10 33 Strawberry Shrub. 4x8 in 10 34 Sweet Pea. 4x8 in 10 35 Ageratum and Jessamine. 4x8 in 10 36 Pansies. 4x8 in 10 37 Violets and Ferns. 4x8 in 10 38 White Verbena. 4x8 in 10 39 Pansies and Ivy Leaves. 4x8 in 10 40 Ladies’ Delight, 4x8 in 10 41 Bulrushes, Landscape Background. 4)4 x8% in 15 42 Wild Roses, Landscape Background. 4%x8)4 in 15 43 Wild Roses. 4x8 in 10 44 Drummond Phlox. 4x8 in 10 46 Cinnamon Roses. 4x8 in 10 47 Pear Blossoms. 4x8 in 10 48 Water Lily and Wild Rose. 4x8 in 10 49 Tulips. 4x8 in 10 50 Snowdrops and Pussy Willows. 4x8 in. .10 51 Zinnias. 4x8 in 10 52 Holly and Berries. 4x8 in 10 53 Roses, Carnation, and Lilies of the Val- ley. 4x8 in 10 54 Columbine and Fern. 4x8 in 10 55 Morning Glories. 4x8 in 10 56 Camellia and Violets. 4x8 in 10 57 Lilieb of the Valley, Violets and May Flowers. 4x8 in 10 58 Water Lilies and Ferns. 4x8 in 10 59 Daises and Buttercups. 4x8 in 10 60 May Flower and Fern. 4x8 in 10 BY PLATl 61 Pinks and Ribbon Grass. 4x8 in $ 62 Holly and Berries. 4x8 in 1 63 Fuchsias. 4x8 in 3 64 Apple Blossoms. 4x8 in 65 Orange Blossoms and Ferns. 4x8 in ... . 66 Moss Rose Buds and Ferns 1 NO. 9634.— Selections of Garden Flowers, for China Painting, Wood or Textile Decora- tions. Put up in four boxes of 20 Plates each, 5x7% in. Sold only in boxes as ar- ■no*o t fel4w* Lntbte laintia IbiteCuw D jX"-'. - - ranged. Contents Box No. I.— Abutilon. Monkshood. Wallflower. White Lily. Indian Cress. Garland Daisy. Lavender. Marigold. Winter Aconite. Candytuft. Contents Box No. Christmas Rose. Crassula. Mimulus. London Pride. Eschscholtzia. Poppy. Fuchsia. Snapdragon. Crocus. Minor Convolvulus. Oriontal Poppy. Pentstemon. II.— Balsam. Common Marigold. f cosnsTi libl-tipp I!:* foil* to* ft Jclt.Ui LCoi's L". btl Sijj .i-i; TtfjStti hit* it ptnpedC IMoiet HiaiSct Yellow Martagon Lily. Oleander. Canterbury Bell. Polyanthus. Sweet Pea. Rose of Sharon. Virginian Stock. Tulip. Aster. Contents Box No. Columbine. Avens. Gladiolus. Scarlet Geranium The Lyre Flower. York and Lancaster Day Lily. (Rose. Rose Campion. Achillea. Coreopsis. Contents Box No. Cineraria. Crimson Petunia. Commelina. Honeysuckle Indian Pink. Plumbago Capensis. Hawthorn. Lobelia. Single Stock. Pontic Azalia. Striped Petunia. Musk. Jessamine. Iris. Double Stock. Single Fuchsia. Michaelmas Daisy. Ill — Pheasant's Eye. Blue Sage. Everlasting Pea. Laburnum. Japan Quince. Winter Jasmine. Browallia. Phlox. Cuphea. Poppy Anemone. IV.— Purple Clematis. Crimson Mallow. Canary Flower. Rose. Rudbeekia. Crimson Flax. Sweet Clematis. Incomparable Daflo- Zinnia. (diL Begonia. COTS' U'ctwl V : Caiotiolo 'hrpM; p«dl*l klaCS Ciw-ta Cttutv On! it! By Box $1.50 ‘<635.— Flower Garden Portfolio. Similiar to No. S534, but larger. By Sir Joseph Paxton. Put up in 3 handsome boxes, 12 Plates in each box, 9x12 in. Sold only in boxes as arranged. Contents Box No. I. — Dampier’s Cliauthe. Deep Blood-colored Moutan. CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS 135 Studies, Colored — Continued. FLOWERS AND FRUIT— CoNTD. I 0. , 33.— Flower Garden Pohtfolio-CoiUM. .1 Long-tailed Lily, Lady's Slipper. .1 Red Nepenthes. .1 Rose-colored Water Lily. .1 Thick-leaved Air Plant. .1 Palmate-leaved Spinea. Dendroblum Superbiens. White Cunningham Rhododendron. Boronia Elatior. Drummond's Side-saddle Flower. Odontoglossum Vexillarium. Contests Box No. II.— Ruby-lipped Cattleya. Blue Bollea. Double Chinese Peach Trees. Hardy Azaleas. Klaboch’s Pescatorea. Kamchatka Rhodotham. Salmon-colored Moutan. Very Slender Jasmine. Andres Anthurium. Crimped Gueldres Rose. Rhododendron. Magnificent Medinlll. Contents Box No. III.— Intermediate Butterfly Plant. Mountain Ixiolirion. Chionodoxa Luciliro. Showy Senecio. Purple-lipped Oncid. Speckled Odontoglot. Walker's Cattleya. Copious Flowered Crab. Close-headed Bejaria. Cervantes Odontoglot. Sweet Trichopil. Ova! and Pallid Ilovas. By Box $1 50 X536. . . Wild Flowers. Selections of the finest Wild Flowers, printed in chrome-litho., in the best manner. Put up in 6 handsome boxes, 20 Plates in each box. SxTX in. Sold only in Boxes, as arranged. Contents Box No. Field Convolvulus. Field Rose. Silver Weed. Borage. Hyacinth. Bulbous Crowfoot. Common Orchis. Yellow Iris. Black Bryony. Harebell. Contents Box No. Scarlet Poppy. Woody Nightshade. Goldilocks, Water Ra nunculus. I. — Ox-eye Daisy. Cowslip. Bush Vetch. Herb Robert. Comfrey. Toad Flax. Ground Ivy. White Campion. Foxglove. Burdock. II. — Sweet Violet. Cuckoo-pint. Lesser Celandine. Meadow Cranes-bill. Hawthorn. Dandelion. Bugle and Tall Fes- cue-grass. Dead Nettle, Red and White. Primrose. Apple. Dog Rose. Daisy and Marsh Marigold. Germander Speed- well. Yellow Horned Pop- py- Bittercress. Daffodil. Periwinkle. CONTENTS BOX NO. Forget-me-not. Agrimony. Wood Vetch. Succory. Scentless Mayweed. Pimpernel. Meadow Vetchling. Musk Mallow. Great Mullein. Spear-plume Thistle. Bindweed. Water Ragwort. Contents Box No. Nodding Thistle. Stork's-bill. Red-berried Bryony. Rest Harrow. Celandine. Flowering Rush. Autumnal Hawkbit. Corn-cockle. Shining Crane’s-bill and Ragged Robin. Yellow Dead Nettle. III. — Nipplewort. Bramble. Snowdrop and Snow- flake. Common Avens and Meadow Barley. Larger Knapweed. Greater Willow-herb. Tormentil and Cin- quefoil. Prick ley-headed Pop- py- IV. — Yarrow. Sow Thistle. Pink Persicaria. Brooklime. Common Mallow. Corn Sowthistle. Honeysuckle. Sea Lavender. Bird’s-foot Trefoil. Heartsease or Pansy. Contents Box No. V.— Fritillary. Pennywort. Red Meadow-clover. Nettle-leaved Bell Flower. Broom. Melancholy Thistle. Coltsfoot. Dovesfoot Cranes-bill. Yellow Rattle. Betony. Ivy-leaved Toadflax. Common Rock Rose. Hedge Mustard. Wallflower. Purple Loose-strife. Blackthorn. Small Knapweed. Leopard’s Bane. Tansy. Lily of the Valley. CONTENTS Box No. VI. — Sweet Briar. Valerian. Hedge Calamtnt. Shepherd’s Needle. Creeping Thistle. Yellow Loose-strife. * Corn Crowfoot. Tutsan. Field Thistle. Devil’s-bit Scabious. Creeping Campanula. Red Valerian. Tufted Vetch. Moneywort. Heather. Fleabane. Dwale, or Deadly Night-shade. Hedge Stachys. Yellow Water Lily. Wood Sage. By Box *1-50 136 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. — [ Studies, Colored — Continued. FIGURES, HEADS, FLOWERS, FRUIT, LANDSCAPES, MARINES AND MISCEL LANEOUS SUBJECTS, PUBLISHED BY THE ART INTERCHANGE CO. Study of Head. Size 13x7}£ inches. Price SO cents. North Carolina Cabbage Woman. Size 13x10 inches. Price 30 cents. NO. 9687. — By various artists. FIGURES. 85 Hand Screen, Angel. Dora Wheeler. 10x8X in By Plate, $ .10 30 Norwegian Peasant Girl. T. PE Thul- STRUF. 20xM in By Plate, .20 20 Afternoon Tea. Genre subject. Percy Moran. 13x10 in By Plate, .25 53 A Bit of Gossip. Companion piece. Per- cy Moran 13x10 in By Plate, * .80 Fleur-de-lis. [/rts.] Sizo 21x16 inches Price 30 cents. 57 North Carolina Cabbage Woman. Ready November, 1888. E. Daingerfielp. 13x10 in By Plate, $ .30 12 Fisher Girl. Companion piece. Walter Satteri.ee. 18x10 in By Plate, .20 | HEADS. 31 Sweet Violets. (Three children.) Im- ported. 20X14X in By Plate, .10 25 Head, after Henner. E. C. King. 13x7>£ in By Plate, .20 : 18. Marguerite. M. B. O. Fowler. 13x12 in By Plate, .10 Nasturtiums. Sizo 21x17]^ inches. Price 80 cents. CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 137 Studies, Colored — Continued. Study of Pink Peonies. Size 25x16^ inches. Price 50 cents. NO. 9637— Cont’d. FLOWERS. 41 Martchal Niel Roses. M. FLORY. 14x11 in By Plate, $ .20 46 La France Roses. C. Goodyear. 20x14 in By Plate, .30 9 Jacqueminot Roses. M. Brown. 20x14)4 in By Plate, .35 29 Wild Rose, for Fan Mount. M. Flory. 23x11)4 in By Plate, .20 43 Cherokee Roses. C. Goodyear. 20x14 in By Plate, .30 26 Scotch Roses. C. Goodyear. 20x14 in By Plate, .30 56 Nasturtiums. C. Goodyear. 21x17)4 in By Plate, .80 16 Snowballs. M. Brown. 13x10 in. By Plate 20 45 Alamanda. C. GOODYEAR. 20x14 in. By Plate 30 50 Morning Glories. L. F. CONKEY. 20x14 in By Plate, .30 24 Golden Rod and Cardinal Flower. A. S. F. 13)4x10 in By Plate, .25 42 Daisies. C. Goodyear. 20x14 in. By Plate 30 Study of Daisies. Size 20x14 inches. Price 30 cents. 55 Fleur-de-lis, Iris. C. Goodyear. 21x16 in By Plate, $.30 44 Black-Eyed Susan, Jtxulbeckia. C. Good- year. 20x14 in By Plate, .30 47 Poppies. C. Goodyear. 20x 14 in. By Plate 30 17 Chrysanthemums. M. Brown. 20x 14)4 in By Plate, .85 13 Carnations. C. Goodyear. 20x14 in. By Plate 30 27 Dogwood. M. Brown. 20x 14)4 jn. By Plate 80 54 Pink Peonies. Mrs. Barnard. 25x 16)4 in By Plate, .50 1 Pansies. I. P. 10x8 in By Plate, .15 37 Violets and Lilies of the Valley. Victor Dangon. 13)4x 10 in By Plate, .10 2 Narcissus. C. Goodyear. 13x 10)4 in. By Plate 20 8 Pansies. Mrs. Barnard. 17x 16 in. By Plate 30 FRUIT. 15 Oranges. C. Goodyear. 20x 14)4 in. By Plate 20 14 Wild Apples. C. Goodyear. 20x 14 in. By Plate 23. Grapes. M. Flory. 13x 10 in.. By Plate, . 88 138 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Studies, Colored — Continued. list By the River. Size 14x20 inches. Price 80 cents. 9637— Cont’d. LANDSCAPE. 19 A November Study. Bruce Crane. 13x10 in. . i By Plate, $ . 15 22 Spring Landscape. J. Francis Murphv. 13x10 in By Plate. .10 10 By the River. V. V. II H. 20x14 in. By Plate 30 38 A Corner of Holland. W. n. Hillard. 19x14 in By Plate, $ 28 Winter, a sketch. Percy Moran 9x1X6 4 in By Plate, 51 Back of the Beach. F. K. M. Rehn. 20x14 in By Plate, 32 A Mountain Brook. W. II. 14x9)4 In. By Plate K.-Kl [trues, 5 . Bouse .2 But 8 ; SHam] ■3 UF1 GW ' 5S8I4 Of? I (fek I :&P r.-u | Sr* [ ota( Marine (New York Harbor). By Edward Moran. Size 20x14)^ inches. Price 25 cents. I' HP! MARINES. 7 Marine, New York Harbor. Edward Moran. 20x 14)4 in By Plate, $ .25 11 A Shore Sketch. Harry Chase. 13x10 in By Plate, .25 48 Rocks and Surf Edward Moran. Ready March, 1888. 12x9 in Py Plate, .30 49 Dutch Boats on the Scheldt. A. F. Buh- ner. Ready March, 1888. 14)4x10)4 in. By Plate MISCELLANEOUS. 21 The Butterfly Fairy, for china painting. 12x7 in By Plate, .10 89 Birds and Blossoms.— No. 1. Screen Panels. 29x12 in By Plate, .20 40 Birds and Blossoms.— No. 2. Screen Panel 29x12 in By Plate, * .20 | 52 Birds and Blossoms. — No. 8. Design for Panel. 21x14 in By Plate, .30 31 Bird Studies, two subjects. 15x9 in. By Plate 20 6 Morning Glory, Vase. 11)4x6 In. By Plate 10 ' Si 33 Punch and Judy, china painting 13x10 In By Plate. .10 4 Cup and Saucer, china painting. 9x6 in By Plate, .10 I* i 5 Cup and Saucer, china painting. 9x6 In.... By Plate, .10 8 Peach Blossom and Butterfly, for Plate, 9x9 in By Plate, .10 36 Love’s Armistice, figure sketch. 10x6 In By Plate, .10 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 139 Studies, Colored — Continued. LANDSCAPES AND FOLIAGE. so. 650.— Four Landscapes. By George Cole and W. M. McKewan. 4 Plates, 11x16 in., oblong. 1 A Glowing Sunset. 2 A Happy Retreat. 3 By the Banks of the Streamlet. 4 A Summer Day. By Plate $ .75 By Part 3.00 i)651 .— Mountain and Lake Scenery. By Ed- I win A. Penley. 6 Plates, 6 34 x 1 2)4 in., ob- 3 3 > long. 1 On the Union, N. W. 2 Loch Olive, N. B. 3 Berkaldine Castle, Loch Cresan. 4 Near Dolgclly, N. W. 5 llonister Craig, Buttermere. 6 Loch Vennacher, N. B. By Plate , By Part 9652.— English Scenery. ByW. M. McKewan. 8 Plates, mounted, 18)4x23)4 in., oblong. 1 Windsor Castle and Old Tower. 2 Houses of Parliament and Westminster Bridge. 3 Hampton Court Palace — Cardinal Wol- sey's Entrance. 4 The Tower of London, showing Traitor’s Gate. 5 Sandringham House, the seat of Prince of Wales. 6 Osborne House, Isle of Wight. 7 St. Paul’s, with Blackfriars Bridge. 8 Buckingham Palace, from St. .James’ Park. .25 1.50 By Plate 40 By Part 3.00 9653. — London and Suburbs. Landscapes. By R. F. McIntyre. 8 Plates, 10x14 in., oblong. 1 Kew Bridge. 2 London Bridge. 3 High Beach, Epping. 4 Richmond Bridge. 5 Hempstead Heath. 6 London, from Greenwich Park. 7 Regent's Park. 8 Rotten Row, nyde Park. By Plate 40 By Part. ’. . . . 3.00 9654. — California Views. By John R. Key. 14 Plates, 7x14 in. Nos. 8, 9, 13 and 14 are upright, all the others are oblong. 1 The Golden Gate, looking West. 2 Cliff House. 3 Mt. Diablo, San Jouquin Valley. 4 Lake Tahoe, looking Southeast. 5 Sacramento Valley. 6 Harvesting, near San Jose. 7 Santa Cruz Mountains, Monterey Bay. 8 Redwood Trees, Santa Cruz Mountains. 9 Big Trees, Calaveras Grove. 10 Yoseinite Valley, looking East from the Mariposa Trail 11 Tosemito Valley, looking West. 12 The Domes of the Yosemite. 13 Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite Valley. 14 Nevada Falls, Yosemite Valley. no. By Plate $1.00 9655. — Various. 1 On the Beach. By Miss Bridges. lOx 14)4 in., oblong By Plate, 1.50 2 Nantucket Shores. By Miss Bridges . 10x14)4 in., oblong By Plate, 1.50 3 Colorado Cliffs. By T. Moran. 73-4x12)4 in., upright By Plate, 1.C0 4 On the Lookout. A Ute Camp. 7)4x 12)4 in., upright By Plate, 1.C0 5 to 8 Italian Summer Landscapes, 4%x 12 in., oblong By Set of Four, 1.C0 9 Sunset in New England. By Ross Tur- ner. Margin, 22x28 in By Plate, 2.00 9656. — Rural Scenery. By A. K. Marchall and C. McArthur. 8 Plates, 8)4x13 in., ob- long. 1 The Loch. 5 A Rustic Bridge. 2 Woody Country. 6 A Sequestered Spot. 3 Crossing the Field. 7 Midsummer. 4 Fishing Punt. 8 A Rural Cottage. By Plate 40 By Part S 00 . 9657.— Scotch Scenery. By W. M. McKenna. 8 Plates. 9x12)4 in., oblong. 1 Dunolly Castle, Oban. 2 Scuir-na-Gillean, Skye. 3 Pass of Glencoe. 4 Loch Corruisk. 5 Loch Achray and Ben Venue. 6 Loch Katrine and Ellen's Isle. 7 Abbotsford. 8 Balmoral. By Plate 35 By Part 2 50 9658. — English Scenery. By W. M. Mc- Kewan. 8 Plates, 9x12 in., oblong. 1 Windsor Castle. 2 Houses of Parliament. 3 Hampton Court Palace. 4 The Tower of London. 5 Sandringham nouse. 6 Osborne House. 7 St. Paul's. 8 Buckingham Palace. By Plate. 35 By Part 2.50 9659. — Eight Studies of Rural Life. By Birket Foster. 8 Plates, 534x7)4 in., ob- long. 1 The Hayfleld. 5 Cherry Gatherers. 2 Minding Baby. 6 Seaweed Gatherers. 3 Studies. 7 Feeding Ducks. 4 Cat Cradle. 8 Birds Nesting. By Plate 15 By Part 1-00 9660. — Vignetted Landscapes. ByC. Noakes. 6 Plates, 10x14 in., oblong. 1 The Old Bridge. 2 A Quiet Nook. 3 A Happy Retreat. 4 In Peaceful Solitude. 5 Moonlight on the Water. 6 An Old Homestead. By Plate 75 By Part 4-00 140 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Studies, Colored — Continued. LANDSCAPE AND FOLIAGE— CONT’D. NO. 9661. —Woodland Studies. By E. J. Duval. 4 Plates, 14X19)4 in., upright. 1 Spiing. 3 Autumn. 2 Summer. 4 Winter. By Plate $1.85 By Part 5.00 9662. — Vignetted Landscapes. Under Sunk Mount. By C. Noakes. 6 Plates, 15)4x19 In , mounted, oblong. 1 The Old Bridge. 2 A Quiet Nook. 3 A Happy Retreat. 4 In Peaceful Solitude. 5 Moonlight on tho Water. 6 An Old Homestead. By Plate 1.00 By Part 6.00 9663. — Winter Studies. By Albert Bowers. 6 Plates, 10)4 x 13)4 in., oblong. 1 Near Ilaselmere, Sussex. 2 An Old Sussex Church. Evening. 3 Bramber Village and Castle, Sussex. 4 At Pulbore, Sussex. 5 Driving Sheep to Home Pasture. 6 Winter Evening. By Plate 70 By Part. 4.00 9664. — Forest Studies. By Albert Bowers. 6 Plates, 10)4X1. ‘IX in. 1 Knarled Beeches. 2 Winter Fuel. 3 Tho Path Through the Forest. 4 A Leafless Glade. 5 Rest in the Forest. 6 Day’s Work Done. By Plato 70 By Part 4 00 9665. — Snatches op Scenery. By Olof Wink- ler. 4 Plates, 9Xxl3 in By Plate, .75 By Part 3 00 9666. —English Scenery. By various Artists. 8 Plates, 4x7 in By Plate, .15 By Part 1.00 9667. — Trees in Color. By Long. 6 Plates, 15x22 in. 1 Fir. 7 Weeping Willow. 2 Willow. 8 Chestnut. 3 Young Oaks. 9 Old Oak. 4 Pollard Willow. 10 Beech. 5 Elm. 11 Sycamore. 6 Mountain Ash. 12 Silver Beech. By Plate 70 9668. — Sketches of Trees in Sepia. By Long. 6 Plates, 12x17 in. 1 Oak. 8 Elm. 5 Oak. 2 Ash. 4 Fir. . 6 Larch. By Plate 35 9669. — Landscape and Cattle. By C. Peak- son and J. F. Wainwrioht. 6 Plates. lOx 13X in., oblong. 1 Scene at Newlock, near Marlow, Buck- inghamshire. 2 Scene on tho River Dee, Merionethshire. 3 Bala Lake, Merionethshire. USIS -UlO ttil HI .Cottsi ''Com ItWW I CcMS Ml Lai I? FirTr BOMW 19 Bah) 4 View on the River Dart, near Totnes, South Devon. 5 Scene near Bangor, North Wales. 6 Scene on Loch Lomond, Perthshire. By Plate $ .4 no. By Part 2.5 9670. — Scotch Scenery. By W. M. McKewan. 8 Plates, mounted, 18>..x23X in., oblong. 1 Dunolly Castle, Oban. 2 Scuir-na-Gillean, Skye. 3 Pass of Glencoe. 4 Loch Corruisk. 5 Loch Achray and Ben Venue. 6 Loch Katrine and Ellen’s Isle. 7 Abbotsford. 8 Balmoral. By Plate 41 By Part 3.01 9671. — Cattle. By T. Sydney Cooper. 2 Plates, 12x18 in., oblong. 1 Cattle Reposing. 2 In the Meadows. By Plate 71 By Part 1.5( 9672. — Lake Scenery. By Edwin A. Penley. 6 Plates, 10x20 in. 1 A View near Reisspool. 2 Loch Goil. 3 Loch Awe. 4 Loch Lunart. 5 Loch Leven. 6 Loch Fine. By Plate 5C By Part 3.0( 9673. — Scenery on the Thames. By W. M. McKewan. 2 Plates, 14X x 22X in., oblong. 1 Iffley MilL 2 Maple Durham. By Plate 1.25 . Part 250 son 9674. — Landscape. By W. M. McKewan. 4 *1 FirTi t FiiTi 1 FirTi K FirTi is. It Ftffi i re,:™ ROW tM lu'w •He* £ Woo I! 3* .25 Plates, 9Xxl6 in., oblong. 1 Watersmeet Cascade. 2 Betws-Y-Cood. 3 Breudon Stream. 4 Burnham Beeches. By Plate 66 By Part 2.50 9675. Landscapes, with Cattle. By U. Bir- tle. 8 Plates. 9x12 in., oblong. By Plate, 9676. — Leaves from Rowbotham’s Water- Color Sketch-Books. A Series of Plates, Fac-similes of the Original Sketches in Water Colors, arranged in progressive or- der for the use of beginners. (London, 1884.) 1 Wooden Bridge. 4x6X in. 2 Timber Cart. 6x8X in. 3 Salmon Trap. 6X*8X in. 4 River Side. 4%x7% in. 5 Corn Kicks. 4)ix8X in. 6 The Marsh. 4X*6J4 in. 7 Stone Bridge. 4X'x6X in. 8 Trunk of Tree. 4X X 8X in. 9 Hill Side. 5Xx8X in. Oblong By Plate, * At i r- Snts H;(r K®; to. 1 (It»l I Sm 1S» iFa 5 Cot SOn S Co HI a*s» ■ilSt, an Hit UOi .20 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 141 Studies, Colored — Continued. 13 LANDSCAPE AND FOLIAGE— CONT'D. <• 0 . 576. — Leaves from Rowbothams Water- Color Sketch-Books— C ont’d. 10 Boat, Ventnor. 7x10 in. 11 Rough Shed, Portslade. 5%xl0 in. 12 Farm Shed, near Epsom. 6%xl0 in. \ Cottage, Cranleigh. 4%x6% in. | Cottage, Didcot. 4%x6% in. 14 Cottage, Hagbourne. 7%x9% in. 15 Cottage, Bramber. 6%x9% in. 16 At Lancing, Sussex. 6%x9% in. Oblong By Plate, $ .35 17 Fir Trees. 6)4x9 >“• Oblong By Plate, 18 Old Willow Tree, 7%x9% in. Upright. By Plate, 19 nazel Tree. 7x9% in. Upright By Plate, 20 Fir Trees, Greenwich Park. 8%xll% in. 21 Fir Trees, Greenwich Park. 9%x13% in. 22 Fir Trees, Greenwich Park. 9%xl2% in. 23 Fir Trees, Appaidurcombe Park. 9x13% in. Upright By Plate, 24 Farm Wagon. 6%xl0% in. Oblong By Plate, 25 Shed and Cottage, near Bramber. 6%x .25 .25 ,35 .55 .55 9 % in. 26 Cottage, Bromley. 6%x9% in. Oblong By Plate, 27 Cottages, Farnborough. 7%xl4% in. 28 Cottages, Ringwood. 7%xl4% in. 29 Roadside Cottage. 7% xl3% in. Oblong..., By Plate, 30 Cottage. Sopley. 7L, x]4% in. Oblong By Plate, 31 Cottage and Well. 6%xll % in. 32 Wooden Bridge, Shoreham. 6%xl6 in. 33 Beach, Ventnor. 6%xl6 in. Oblong By Plate, 84 Powder Ship, Medway. 7%xll% in. 35 Old Uulk, Woolwich. 7%xll% in. Oblong By Plate, 36 At Eltham, Kent. 7;-. xl3% in. Oblong By Plate, 9677. — Callow’s Water-Color Sketches, a S eries of Fac-similes in Chromo-Lithogra- phy from the original drawings, made ex- pressly for the use of his pupils. By the late John Callow. 14 Plates, various sizes. (London, 1884.) 1 Snow Scene, near Furness, 6%x9% in. 2 Snow Scene, near Kendall, 6%x9% in. 3 Boat House, Bala Lake, 6%x9% in. 4 Foot Bridge, South Wales. 6%x9% in. 5 Cottage, near Hounslow. 6x8% in. 6 On the Thames, near Staines. 6x8% in. 7 At Stoke. 6%x9% in. 8 Cottage, near Pitsea, Essex. 7x9% in. 9 View on Devonshire Coast. 7%xl0% in. 10 Snow Scene, Alborough. 7%xl0% in. 11 Snow Scene, Poole. 7%xl0% in. 12 View in Zeeland. 6%x9% in. 13 Budehaven. 7%x9% in. 14 On the River Dart. 7%xl0% in. Nos. 1 to 8, oblong By Plate, Nos. 9 to 14. “ “ .35 .70 .85 .70 .55 .70 .35 .55 NO. 9678. — Water-Color Sketches. By Paul Marnet. 16 Plates, various sizes. 1 Evreux. 5%x7% in., upright. 2 Orneny. 5%x7% in., upright. 3 Canal de St. Marco, Venice. 4%x7% in., oblong. 4 St. Mario. 4%x7% in., oblong. 5 Etapes. 4%x7% in., oblong. 6 Grand Canal, Venice. 4%x7% in., ob- long. 7 Anger, Loire, Moonlight. 4%x7% in., oblong. 8 Titien’s House, Venice. 4%x7% in., up- right. 9 Canal of the Guidecca, Venice. 4%x7% in., upright. 10 Montreuil-Sur-Mer, Sunset. 4%x7% in., oblong. 11 Canal, Holland, Moonlight. 5%x7% in., upright. 12 Bridge of Sighs, Venice. 4%x7% in., upright. 13 Lesreux, Normandy, Moonlight. 6%x 11% in., oblong. 14 Quimpule, Brittany, Sunset. 6%xll% in., oblong. 15 Caen, Normandy. 7x10% in., upright. 16 Rotterdam. 7x10% in., upright. Nos. 1 to 12 By Plate, $ .35 Nos 13 to 16 “ .70 9679. — Sketches in Colors. By T. J. Soper. Fac-similes of the originals, in chromo- litho. 17 Plates of various sizes. (London, 1884). 1 Study of Trees. 5x5 in., upright. 2 Rustic Cottage. 4%x6% in., oblong. 3 Windsor Park. 5%x8% in., oblong. 4 Rustic Bridge. 5% x7 in., oblong. 5 River Side. 5%x7% in., oblong. 6 Cottage and Shed. 5%x8 in., oblong. 7 Study of Trees. 5x7 % in., upright. 8 Farm House. 5%x7 in., oblong. 9 Meadow Scene. 5%x5% in., oblong. 10 Old Barn. 5%x6% in., oblong. 11 A Road Scene. 4%xl3 in., oblong. 12 River View. 5x11% in., oblong. 13 View on the South Coast. 6%xll% in., oblong. 14 Clump of Trees. 5x11% in., oblong. 15 Corn Field. 6%xl2 in., oblong. 16 Four Studies of Trees. 8%xl0% in., ob- long. 17 Lake Scene. 5%xl2% In., oblong. Nos. 1 to 10 By Plate, * .20 “ 11 to 17 “ .35 9080. — Views on the Thames, England. By T. J. Soper. 12 Plates, 6%xl0 in., oblong. 1 The Thames at Twickenham. 2 At Sonning 3 Sonning Lock. 4 Basildon Woods. 5 Basildon Ferry and Church. 6 The Thames at Cleeve. 7 Walton Bridge. 8 Streatley, Berks. 9 Kingston. 10 Goring Church. 11 Streatley Bridge. 12 A Berkshire Canal. By Plate 55 142 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Studies. Colored — Continued. LANDSCAPES AND FOLIAGE— CONT’D. NO. 9681. — Sketches in Water Color. By E. Duncan. 1 Oyster Boat, Mumbles. 7)4x13 in., oblong. 2 Oyster Boat, Mumbles. 7)4xl3in., oblong. 3 Wreck. 7)4x13 in., oblong. 4 Sand Cart, South Wales. 7)4x13 in., ob- long. 5 Thames Barges. 6)4X9 in., upright. 6 Landing Fish. 7)4x11)4 In., oblong. 7 Ox and Cart. 8>»xl3)4 in., cblong. By Plate $ .35 8 Ploughing. 4)4x8)4 in., oblong. By Plate 30 9 A Horse. 8)4x10 % in., oblong. 10 A Horse. 8%xl2)4 in., oblong. 11 A Horse. 8x10 in., oblong. 12 A Horse. 6)4x9)4 in., oblong. 13 Hay Cart. 7)4x10)4 in., oblong By Plate 35 14 Study of a Mast. 8 >4 x 1 3 in., oblong. 15 Wreck, Mumbles Head. 9x13)4 in-, ob- long. 16 Farm Wagon. 9x13 in., oblong. By Plate 55 9682. — New Series of Fac-Similes, represent- ing small Views from Nature, consisting of Cottages, Mills.Castles, Snow Scenes, Moon- light Effects, etc., by jACOTTETand Van- denbuy. 70 Plates, 15)4X19 in. . ..By Plate, .75 9683. — Simple Views, Landscapes, for Be- ginners, by nuBERT. 50 Plates. 15x19 in. By Plate 75 9684. — Picturesque Compositions. 6 Plates, 9x12 in., upright By Plate, .60 9685. — Landscapes. By Miss F. Budges. 2 Plates, 10x14 in., upright. 1 Marsh Mallow. Lake Scene. 2 Thistles and Hillside. By Plate 1.25 9686. — Landscape. By .1. F. Murphy. 8 Plates, 8)4x11 in. January, September, February, October, March, November, August, December. By Plato 1.00 9687. — Landscapes. By Louis K. Harbow. 8 Plates, 7x10)4 in. 1 Castine, Maine. 2 Early Morning. 3 Newasket River. 4 A Bit of Monhogan, Maine. 5 Near Boothbay Harbor, Maine Coast. 6 Evening Twilight. 7 A Marsh Twilight. 8 A Glimpse of the Sound, Connecticut By Plate 60 9688. — Winter Landscapes By L. Douzktte. 3 Studies on Plate. 4 Plates, 12x14)4 in., upright By Part, 2 80 9689. — Landscapes. By Albert Bowers. 4 Plates, 8Xxl0)4 in., oblong ..By Plate, .35 By Part 1.25 NO. 9690. — Landscapes with River Views. By Robertson. 6 Plates, 11)4x15)4 in., ob- long By Plate. $ . By Part 4.5 9691. — Landscapes. By A. W. Browne. 2 Parts of 4 Plates each, 13x17 in. Part 1 are all uprights. Part 2 are all oblong. By Plate 9 By Part 3.5 9692. — Landscapes. By J. M. Hart. Oblong, 2 Plates. 9x16 in. 1 Winter, near New Russia, Essex Co., N. Y. 2 Summer, near Stockbridge, Mass. By Plate 1.51 9693. — Landscapes. By A. T. Bricher. 2 Plates, oblong, 9)4x18)4 in. 1 Early Autumn on Esopus Creek, N. Y. 2 Late Autumn in the White Mountains. By Plate 2.0( 9694. — Landscape, “ Day b Work Done.” By McCord. 12)4x18)4. oblong By Plate, 1.0( •SUM ft* m«tBo iyii« Dutch B< lyiliii , . ■ ia., Ohio Stippih? l&Mjil ipnft! MARINE. By A. Wilde Parsons. 9700 — Six Studies. 5x7 in., oblong. 1 In Portsmouth Harbor. 2 London Barges. 3 Herring Boats. 4 Scarborough. 5 Dutch Boats. 6 Inner Harbor, Portsmouth. By Plate 20 By Part 1.00 9701. — Four Studies. By A. Wilde Parsons. 10)4x13)4 in., oblong. 1 Dutch Fishing Boats on the Scheldt. 2 London Barges on the Thames. 3 A Line of Battleships Leaving Ports- mouth Harbor. 4 Schooners, Ketch, etc., Swansea Bay.. By Plate 80 By Part. 3 00 9702. — Three Studies. By Ross Turner. On margin. 22x28 in., oblong. 1 “ At Anchor,” Gloucester, Mass. 2 “ Sunset,” Cape Ann, Mass. 3 Morning at Venice. By Plate 2.00 9703. — Marine Sketches. By D. Green. 12 Plates, 4%x6)4 in., oblong. 1 On the Thames, Below Gravesend. 2 Low Water, Whitby. 3 On the Barmouth Estuary. 4 Leigh Flats. 5 Cliffs near Hastings. 6 Beaching a Hastings Lugger. 7 Luggers at North Berwick. 8 Thames Barge. 9 Barges at Southend. 10 French Lugger off Dieppe. 11 Towing Brig into Plymouth. 12 Luggers off Looe, Cornwall. By Plate 20 -Bill's f- • ( 3 l&ul! 1 VT Buitt! S[W& Hum 3 Law iffia tBiris, it'K jKssfi Biiti (GK* DkI 7 Butti «tt SVw 9 Spa; fw kite HD* l?Satt 13 File lift: BOui Kto 17 Hu li Hi 19 Hu K&r tw fif!) I a sti Si Ea ta G ( ft, i »Vi ( SB |»S sp 81 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. L43 Studies, Colored — Continued. MARINE— CONT’D. 0 . q oi.— M arine Sketches. ByG. S. Walters. •J 6 Plates. 1 Dutch Boats Beating Down the Maas. 95£xl2X in., upright. 2 Barges on the Thames. 9%xl2X in., J upright. jjl 3 Dutch Boats Beating up the Scheldt. 9J£xl2 in., oblong. 4 Trawlers off the Welsh Coast. 9%xl2X in., oblong. ] 5 Shipping in the Channel. 9>£xl2X upright. # 6 Going into Harbor, Sunset. 9>4 in By Plate, .25 5 Winter Wren, Autumn Leaves, Mosses, etc., 10x12 in By Plate, .25 6 Chipmunk and Ferns, 10xl2in.. By Plate, .25 7 Wren’s Nest and Ferns, 10x12 in. By Plate 25 8 Birdlings and Nest, 10x12 in.. .By Plate, .25 9735. — Butterflies, Various. By Censier. 15 Plates, 10x13 in By Plate, .40 9736. — Butterflies of Europe. 12 Plates, 17x23 in., about 9 Subjects on each Plate. i By Plate 90 9737. — Birds on Panels. By Madame Vouoa. With appropriate Foliage. 3 Parts of 3 Plates each, 9)4x18)4 in., upright. Part I.— 1 Yellow-ammer. 2 Blue Titmouse. 3 Plover. Part II.— 4 White Bustards. 5 Titmice. 3 Long-Tailed Tits. Part III. — 7 Golden Crested Wrens. 8 Chimney Swallows. 9 Chaffinches. By Plate 70 By Part 2 10 9738.— Birds on Panels. By Madame Vouga. With appropriate Foliage, Flowers,Grasses, etc. 2 Parts of 3 Plates each, 10)4x23 in., upright. Part I.— 1 Larks with Daisies, Grasses. 2 Orioles and Nest, Cherry Branch. 3 Kingfishers, Rashes. Part II.— 4 Robins in Snow. 5 Nightingales and Nest. 6 Sea Swallows. By Plate 1.00 By Part 3 00 NO. 9739. — Birds. By Madame Vouga. Large size Panels for Screens. 6 Plates, 13x36 in., upright. 1 Storks with Bulrushes. 2 Flamingos. 3 Grey Herons with Mauve Iris. 4 White Herons with Pink Water Lilies. 5 Owls. 6 Eagle. By Plate $1.50 By Part 8.40 9740. — Birds and Flowers. By Madame Vouga. 6 Plates, 13x19 in. 1 Hawks, upright. 2 Woodcocks, upright. 3 Starlings, upright. 4 Dwarf Sea Gulls, oblong. 5 Yellow-ammers, upright. 6 Thrushes, upright. By Plate 75 By Part 4.20 9741.— Animals, various. 4 Plates, 10)4x15 in., oblong. 1 Cow and Bull. 2 Sheep and Ram. 3 Group of Dogs. 4 Horses. By Plate 65 By Part 2.50 9742.— Birds and Flowers. 2 Parts of 4 Plates each, 13x19 in. Part I.— 1 Green Finch and Yellow-ammer. 2 Black Cap Warbler and Blue Titmouse. 3 Parroquets 4 House Sparrows and Nest. Part II.— 5 Warbler and Titmouse. 6 Goldfinch and Chaffinch. 7 Wrens. 8 Bullfinch and Siskin. By Part 4.00 974.3.— Birds, various. 4 Plates, 10)4x15 in., oblong. 1 Crows. 2 Pigeons. 3 Owls. 5 Eagle and Vulture. By Plate 65 By Part 3.50 9744.— Decorative Birds. By various artists. 11 Plates, 15x21 in. Plates 1 to 9 and 11, upright; Plate 10, oblong. 1 Heron (Female). By L. Abraham. 2 Flamingoes. By L. Abraham. 3 Geese. By L. Abraham. 4 Heron (Good Luck). By L. Abraham. 5 Swallows. By Rose Welby. 6 Lovebirds and Oranges. By L. Abraham. 7 Titmice. By E. Welby. 8 Robins and Holly. By L. Abraham. 9 Kingfishers. By E. Welby. 10 Japanese Stork. By E. Welby. 11 Japanese Cranes. By L. Abraham. By Plate .00 14G CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Studies, Colored — Continued. BIRDS, ANIMALS, ETC.— Cont’d. no. 9745. — Birds, with Flowers, Foliage, etc. 2 Plates, 14x21 in., oblong, for Panels, llx 17 in. 1 Magpies and Wild Roses. 2 Jays and Hawthorn. By Plate $1.00 9746. — Decorative Panels. By L. Mahelin. 4 Plates, 12x32 in., upright. 1 Owl on Branch, 4 Chippios on Branch, Bat, Moon, Water and Sky Background. 2 Storks, 3 Chippies on Branch, Land- scape Background. 3 Sea Gulls, Setting Sun, Ocean and Sky Background. 4 Wild Ducks, Water, Mountains, Moon, etc. By Plate 1.50 9747. — Birds and Plants. Decorative Panels. By G. Leonce. 3 Parts of 6 Plates each, 16^x23 in. Part I.— 1 Titmice, Daisies, Stone Wall, etc., up- right. 2 Herons, Grasses, etc., oblong. 8 Kingfishers, Sandpipers, Rushes, etc., upright. 4 Teal Ducks, Water, Grasses, etc., oblong. 5 Field Fare Thrushes, Grapevine, with Bunches of Grapes, upright. 6 Woodcocks, upright. Part II.— 7 Warblers, Nest, Foliage, etc., upright 8 Long-Legged Plover, Yellow Iris, etc., upright. 9 Common Sandpipers and Grasses, up- right 10 Water Rails and Thistles, upright. 11 Sandpipers and Wagtails, Water Lilies, upright. 12 Red-Legged Partridge and Grasses, up- right Part III. — 13 Herons. 14 Sparrows and Robins. 15 Starlings. 16 Great Sedge Warbler. 17 Blue Tits. 18 Snipe. Part IV.— 19 Goldfinch. 20 Chimney Swallows and Martins. 21 Titmice and Robins. 22 Larks. 23 Redstarts. 24 Rollers (Senegal). By Part 7.50 9748 —Birds and Flowers. 4 Plates, 10%xl5 in., upright. 1 White Throats and Wild Roses and Nest. 2 Goldfinch, Blue Titmouse and Thistles. 3 Kingfisher and Yellow Iris. 4 Chaffinch and Bullfinch and Black- berries. By Plate 40 By Part 1.50 9750. — STUDIES OF DOGS’ HEADS. By HELENA Maguire. 6 Plates, 10>£xl3^ in. 1 Newfoundland. 2 Champion Bulldog. 3 Collie. 4 Mastiff. 5 Smooth St. Bernard. 6 Rough St. Bernard. By Plate $ .60 By Part 3.00 9751. — Domestic Animals. By Helena Ma- guire. 6 Plates, 10X^13 X in. 1 Donkey (foreshortened front). . 2 Cat 3 Pug Dog. 4 Donkey (side). 5 Tabby Cat. 6 Maltese Terrier. By Plate 60 By Part 3 00 i 9752.— Animals’ Heads. By Thad. Welch. 2 Plates, 15x21 in. 1 Young Bull's Head. 2 Head of Calf. By Plate 1.50 9753 — Dogs’ Heads. By A. Pope. 2 Plates, 15x24 in. 1 Hector, Fox-hound. 2 Sorcerer, Fox-hound. By Plate 1.50 9754. — Studies of Animals. By Edwin Land- seer and Herring, Sr. Colored. 4 Plates, 15x16)4 in., for Plaques 18 in. diameter. 1 Pharaoh’s Horses. 2 Members of Agricultural Society. 3 Highland Deer. 4 Highland Cattle. By Part 3.00 9755. — Sepia Studies, Animals’ Heads. 16 Plates, 20x27 in. 1 Horse's Head, after Sir Edwin Landseer, oblong. 2 Dog’s Head, after Sir Edwin Landseer, upright. 3 Dog’s Head, after Sir Edwin Landseer, oblong. 4 Bull’s Head, after Sydney T. Cooper, upright. 5 Donkey’s Head, from nature, oblong. 6 Lion’s Head, from a photograph by Henry Dixon, upright 7 Tiger’s Head, from a photograph by Henry Dixon, oblong. 8 Goat, after Sir Edwin Lands “er, oblong. 9 Stag-hounds, after Sir Edwin Landseer, oblong. 10 Spaniel, after Sir Edwin Landseer, ob- long. 11 Fox-hounds, after Sir Edwin Landseer, oblong. 12 Horse’s Head, after Sir Edwin Landseer, oblong. 13 The Tired Hound, after Sir Edwin Land- seer, oblong. 14 Stag’s Head, after Sir Edwin Iandseer, oblong. 15 Head of Newfoundland Dog, after Sir Edwin Landseer, oblong. 16 The Hunter, after Sir Edwin Landseei , oblong. By Plate .80 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 147 Studies, Colored — Continued. BIRDS, ANIMALS. ETC.— CONT’D. NO. 9756. — Farmyard Sketches of Horses, Cat- tle, etc. By IIerrino. 6 Plates, 7%xl0% in., oblong By Plate.? .55 9757. — Sketches of Horses and Cattle. By H. Bhutan Willis, R.W.S. j A Horse. 8%x5 in., upright. 1 | Man on Pony. 5 % xT in., upright. ^ i Study of Horse. 3%x5 in., oblong. * I Study of Horse. 4 %x5% in., oblong. 3 A Cart-Horse. 7%xll in., oblong. 4 A Cart. 6x8% in., oblong. 5 A Cow. 7%xl0% in., oblong. 6 A Milking Cow. 8x10% in., oblong. 7 Pony. 7x9% in., oblong. 8 Brown Horse. 7%xl0% in., oblong. By Plate 35 9 Mare and Foal. 9%xl3% in., oblong. 10 Brown Horse. 11x13% in., oblong. By Plate 70 11 Cattle. 19%xl7% in., oblong.. By Plate, 1.05 13 Grey Cart-Horse. 9%xl5 in., oblong. 13 Brown Cart-Horse. 9%xl5 in., oblong. By Plate 70 9758.— Studies of Dogs’ Heads. By Geo. Earl. 6 Plates, 10x11% in. 1 Skye Terrier. 2 King Charles Spaniel. 3 Greyhound. 4 Setter. 5 Pug. 6 Newfoundland. By Plate 50 By Part 2.50 FIGURE. 9800. — Incidents in the Lives of Great Artists. By Charles Cattermole, R. I. 8 Plates, 6%x8% in. 1 Rubens and the Burghers. 2 Frank Hals and Vandyke. 3 Teniers Studying the Flemish Boors. 4 Rembrandt’s Studio in the Mill. 5 Giotto and Cimabue. 6 Benvenuto Cellini. The Casting of the Perseus. 7 Murillo Selling his Pictures in the Mar- ket Place at Seville. 8 Salvator Rosa among the Brigands. By Plate 55 9801. — Studies of Costumes. By Lake Price. 2 Plates. 9x13 in. 1 Spanish Coutrabandista. 2 Roman Goat Herd. By Plate 90 9802. — Study in Sepia, Italian Piper. By F. T. Goodall. 15x 22 in By Plate, .80 9803. — Figure. By William Lucas and George Hobson. 4 Plates, 11x15 in. 1 A Present for Nancy. 2 A Surprise for Baby. 3 The Maid of the Valley. 4 The Maid of the Mountain. By Plate 50 By Part 2.00 NO. 9804. — Studies of Heads. By Drummond. 4 Plates, 15x20 in. 1 A Sou’ Wester. 2 One of England’s Bulwarks. 3 A Quiet Whifif. 1 One Naval Reserve. By Plate $ .65 By Part 2.50 9805. — Figures. By Mrs. M. E. Staples (nee Ellen Edwards). 6 Plates, 10x15 in. 1 The Carol Singers. 2 Little Gleaners. 3 The Stray Lamb. 4 The Foster Mother. 5 Father’s Dinner. 6 A Young Beauty. By Plate 45 By Part 2.50 9806. — Female Heads. By Emily Barnard. 4 Plates, 15%x20% in. 1 Florence. 2 Eleanor. 3 Gladys. 4 Lilian. By Plate 1.25 By Part 5.00 9807. — Heads from Normandie and the Bre- tagne. ByM. Falero. 4 Plates, 12x15% in. By Plate 75 By Part 3.00 9808. — Heroines of Popular Songs. By Edith Salaman. 4 Plates, 10x13 in. 1 Cornin’ thro’ the Rye. 2 Black-Eyed Susan 3 Sally in Our Alley. 4 Cherry Ripe. By Plate 75 By Part 3 00 9809. — Four Panel Studies of a Spring Day Fancy. By VV. S. Coleman. Top panel, 9%x39in. ; bottom panel, 9%xl7% in. Sold by Part only By Part, 10.00 9810. — Four Panels. Studies of Midsummer Night’s Dream. By W. S. Coleman. Top panel, 9%x39 in.; bottom panel, 9%xl7% in. Sold by Part only By Part, 10.00 9811. — Four Fanciful Studies srom Fairy- land. By W. S. Coleman. 13x18% in. By Plate 1.50 By Part 6.00 9812. — Four Dreamy Studies from Fairy- land. By W. S. Coleman. 13x18% in. By Plate 1.50 By Part 6.00 9813. — Four Studies of Childhood. In Four Seasons. By F. Lefler. 9%x 13% in. 1 Spring. 2 Summer. 3 Autumn. 4 Winter. By Plate 65 By Part 2.50 9814. — Four Studies of Girlhood. Depicted in Four Seasons. By F. Lefler. 9%xl3% in. 1 Spring. 2 Summer. 3 Autumn. 4 Winter. By Plate 75 By Part 3.00 148 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Studies, Colored — Continued. FIGURE— Cont’d. NO. 8815.— Figures. By Miss L. B. Humphrey. 4 Plates, 10)4x14% in. 1 Girl with Basket on the Beach. Z Girl Carrying Dish of Berries. 3 Girl Seated on Mossy Bank. 4 Barefoot Boy Picking Berries. By Plate $ .50 9816. — girls’ Heads. By Miss L. B. Hum- phrey. 4 Plates, 7%xll in By Plate, .40 9817 . —Figures. Various. 9 Plates. 1 Roman Beauty, No. 2, after W. Boehm. 8x11 in By Plate, 1.00 2 Italian Beauty, No. 2, after J. Coomans. 8x11 in By Plate, 1.00 3 Citizen, Female Head. 8%xn% in. By Plate 1*50 4 Prattling Primrose, Child's Head. 10x12 _ in By Plate,$1.00fB 5 Dreaming Daisy, Child’s Head. 10x12 in By Plate, 1.00 6 Odalisque. No. 2. 8x11 in By Plate, .75 7 Fisher Boy, No. 2 8x11 in By Plate, .75 8 Marguerite. Female Figure, after Fred. Wagner. 10xl3>4 in By Plate, 1.50 9 Elsa Female Figure, after Fred. Wag- nor. 10x13% in By Plate, 1.50 NO. 9818.— Heads from Life, for Pastel or Oil Painting. 2 Plates. 17x22)4 in. 1 Master Madcap (Boy). By F. Reason. 2 Cherry Cheeks (Girl). By Lydia B. King. By Plate 1.10 Paper Models, in Relief. 9x10 IN., SMOOTH. WHITE FINISH. Selections from Series A and B. Selections from Series C. Series A. — Elementary Subjects: Blocks, Lozenges, Borders, Stars, Panels, etc. 12 Models in set By set. $1-50 “ B. — Progressive": Borders, Rosettes, Ogee, Leaves and Ornaments. 12 Models in set “ 1.50 “ C. — Friezes, Ornaments, Panels, Rosettes, Medallion Heads of Ceres and Minerva, Heads of Young Augustus, Paris, Apollo, and A Young Egyptian “ 1.75 Heads, separate, of Series C Each, .20 FOR COMMON SCHOOLS, DRAWING CLASSES, AND SCHOOLS OF ART AND SCIENCE. CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 149 Paper Models, in Relief — Continued. kries D.— Heads: No. 1, Venus of Milo; No. 2, Diana: No. 3, Achilles; No. 4, Antinous; No. 5, Sappho; No. C, Young Girl; No. 7, Faun; No. 8, Agrippa; No. 9, Ulysses; No. 10. Caracalla ; No. 11, Venus of the Capitol; No. 12. Thalia By set, Heads, separate, of Series D ..........Each, 2.00 .20 American Drawing Models. 150 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. American Drawing Models — Continued. WOOD, PAINTED WHITE. No. 0991, (Set No. 1) consists of the following pieces: (See drawing on page 171.) 1. Sphere. 4 in. diameter. 2. Cone. Base 4 in. diaiuoter, altitude 8 in. 3. Cylinder. Base 4 in , altitude 8 in. 4. Cone, in Sections. Base 4 in., altitudes in. 5. Cube. Side 4 in. 6. Oblong Block. 4 in. square, length 8 in. 7. Triangular Prism. Side of base 4 in , length of prism 8 in., base equilateral. 8. Hexagonal Prism. Diagonal of base 4 in., length of prism 8 in., base regular. 9. Rectangular Pyramid. Side of base 4 in., altitude 8 in. 10. Hexagonal Pyramid. Diagonal of base 4 in., altitude of pyramid 8 in. 11. Square Block. 6 in. square, 2 in. thick. 12. Disk. 6 in. diameter, 2 in. thick. 13. Flight of Four Steps. 1 in. rise, 1)£ in. tread, width 6 in. 14. Double Cone. Altitude 8 in., diameter at junction of cones 1 in., bases of cones 4 in. 15. Cross. 6 in., made of % in. stuff. Packed in a Wood Box... 16. Triangular Frame. Equilateral Triangle 6 in. side, % in. stuff. 17. Square Frame. 6 in. square, % in. stuff. 18. Pentagonal Frame. Outer pentagon inscribt in a circle of 6 in., % in. stuff. 19. Hexagonal Frame. Side of 3 in., % in. stuff 20. Circular Frame. Square in section, 6 i: diameter, y t in. stuff. 21. Circular Ring. Circular in section, 6 ii ! diameter. 22. Double Cross. 6 in., % in. stuff. 23. Skeleton Cube. 6 in. side, y t in. stuff. 24. Oblong Frame. 12 in. long, 6 in. square, in. stuff. 25. Square Frame and Ring. 6 in. square, y t it stuff. Circle inscribed. 26. Hexagonal Disk. 2 in. thick, 6 in. diagonal. 27. 28, 29. Three Selected Vases. 30. Adjustable Model Stand. Top and bottoi 11X in. square. Each set, $20.00 No. 0992 (Set No. 2). A Box containing Ten Wooden Vases, duplicated from the Greek originals. In Wood Box Each set, $10 0 “ 6993 (Set No. 3). Four Large Models, for lectures and instruction to classes: 1. Cube, 15 in. side. 2. Cone, base 12 in., altitude 18 in. 3. Cylinder, base 12 in., altitude 18 in. 4. Hexagonal Prism, base 12 in , length 24 in. In Wood Box “ 15. 0< Graded Drawing Models, Solids. MADE OF WOOD. Specially designed for the teaching of Form and of Drawing in Primary and Grammar Schools ^ GROUP A. GROUP B. Set No. 6995. GROUP C. Be: No. Set No. 6995.— For First Primary Year. This set contains the following six Solids in three sizes, each size put up separately in u handsome box : Sphere. Cylinder. Square Prism. Cube. Hemisphere. Right-angled Triangular Prism. Group A. — Teachers’ size, one each, sphere 4 inches in diameter $4.00 B —Pupils’ “ ten “ “ 2 “ “ 3.00 “ C. — “ “ twenty “ “ 1 “ “ 3 00 Complete set $10 00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 151 Ji Set No. 699 G. — Fob Second Primary Year. This set contains the following six Solids in three sizes, each size put up separately in a handsome box : Equilateral Triangular Prism. Square Pyramid. Cone. Ellipsoid. Ovoid. Vase. Group A. — Teachers’ size, one each, cone 4x8 inches $>4.50 “ B. — Pupils’ “ ten “ “2x4 ‘ 4.00 “ C.— “ “ twenty “ “1x2 “ 3.50 Complete set $> 12.00 Set No. 6997. — Fop. Third and Fourth Years. This set contains one each of the following seven Solids, diameter of sphere 4 inches, put up in a handsome box : Sphere, halved and quartered. Hexagonal Prism. Vase (a). Cube, quartered diagonally. Octagonal Prism. Vase (b). Pentagonal Prism. Complete set $6.50 CA~i-OGs.E O r A=?~ 5~5 MATERIALS. Sec S SSSr —Hi-- f Wood Painted Wi.-.t N D MM. — ; : l Fttth an Una T t>?, Tsii -c: orauins the following twenty Solid* •diameter of cube. 4 inches, pat up in a h andsome box : I. Cute with Incited Faces. 4-in. face 1 Square 6 • iiz. 3. Ob! :z.z B1 :< k . 4x8 x 3 in. 4. Square Prism divided ifii r r—ITi 4x8 in. 5. Ctrcalar Plinth. 4 x 2 in. 4. Cubical Steps. 4- in. face. 7 F.ight f Three Steps - in. . :: 2-in tread. lj-im riser 8. Cross. 6 x 2 in. >. Doable Cone, dioded and doweled. 4x8 in. 10l Hoii-'w Cyiisder. divided and dowel- ed. 4x8 in. Complete set. 13. H r-Dow-nanred Cylinder, divided an- doweled. 4 x 8 in. 12. Chimney Model, divided and doweled 13. Fgrz aD .35 Pricking Needle “ “ “ .30 Powdered Charcoal, in ^-lb. boxes By box, .10 Practical Lessons in Tapestry Painting, Illustrated in Colors. By Julien Godon Each, 3 00 170 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Materials for Chromo-Photography. CONVEX GLASS. VERY BEST QUALITY. SOLD ONLY IN FULL PACKAGES. a it . 2jjx 3£ inches, 6 doz. in box . 2Sx 3 1 it 6 “ “ .25 . 4£x 5i it 8 “ “ .60 • 4£x tt 3 “ “ .60 . 4|x 6 <1 3 “ “ .65 . 4{x 6 t l 3 “ “ 65 .4x8 it 1 “ “ 1 00 . 6 Jx 8 it 1 “ “ 1.75 . 8 xlO it 1 “ “ 3.50 .10 x 12 t i i “ PATENT BOXES. Patented July 17th, 1877. FITTED COMPLETE WITII MATERIALS FOR CHROMO-PHOTOGRAPHY These boxes are prepared expressly for chromo-photo, work and materials. They are provided with a clamp easel to hold the glass, while painting, in a way that allows an unobstructed passage of light through the work. The lid and bottom of the box can also be used as an easel, by placing the object in the grooves, the weight of the lid serving to hold the object. No. 1. — Black Walnut Box, size 8%x6J£xlJ£ in. Containing Clamp Easel and Palette ; 9 Tubes of F. W. Devoe . A 1— Cat Tails and Dragon Fly; for Plaque, 6 inches diameter A 2— Garden Daisies; Card Photograph Frame, 4$x6 inches A 3— Wild Rose Spray; Card Photograph Frame, 6x8 $ inches A 4— Four Birds Flying ; for Plaque, 6x7 inches A 5— Blackberry Vine ; 6x7$ inches A 6— Ivy Vine, circular form ; for Frame, 6x7 inches A 7— Flower Pot, with Foliage, Plants and Butterflies ; for Panel, 4$ x 8 inches.. A 8— Figure of Dog; arranged for a Sconce, 6x7 inches A 9— Spray of Ivy Leaves;- for Frame, 6x7 inches A10— Trefoil, with Daisy, Dragon Fly and Butterfly; for Sconce, 7x7$ inches. All— Flower, surrounded by Circle and Scallop ; for Plaque, 6$ inches diam... A12— Cherry Spray ; 3$ x 4$ inches A13— Birds on Branch of Tree; for Panel, 6x 12 inches A14— Horse ; 7$ x 8 inches A15— Horse and Rider; 7$x9 inches .- A16— Minerva : full-length figure, 4$ x 11 inches A17 — Cupid and Dolphin : 5x6 inches A18— Classical Design, Hippocampus; 6$ x 10 inches A19 —Lion Couchant ; 2$ x 4 J inches A2) — Female Head, with Rose Spray; 10 x 10 inches A21— Fish, Japanese; 7$x9 inches A22— Diana, Head; 8x9inches A23— Birds, Japanese; 6x8$ inches A24— Japanese Crane and Flower Panel ; 7 x 12 inches A25— Group of Cranes; for Panel, 8x9 inches Each, $ .15 -ft-B l t .10 U-F ti •15 tf-? it .15 u_; It .15 ■#_, ft it .15 .15 it if .15 b, .15 ti .15 8- ti .10 M- ft .10 8- «( .20 8- it .15 Ji- ti .15 8- i ( .20 S- ft .10 »- ft .15 »- f t .10 ti- ft .20 ll- ft .15 tl tf .20 35 .15 K- .20 ft .20 r a CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 175 Designs for Repousse Work — Continued. JO. 36— Branch and Birds; for Small Pantd, 4x8 inches Each. $ .15 .27— Female Head ; 6^x8 inches “ .15 28 and 29— Storks, Companion Panels, righ and left ; 12 x 20 inches “ .25 30— Moon, with face to the left ; 4 x 6 inches “ .15 31— Two Moons, with faces ; 4£ x 5 inches “ .10 32— Moon and Star, with faces saluting ; 51 x 6 inches “ .10 CAN ALSO BE USED FOE WOOD-CARVING AND LEATHER WORK. BY CHAS. G. I. ELAND. 0 . 1 — Design of Owls; can be adapted for Panel Each, f .15 2 — Pattern for Bellows; Three Designs: Bird, Cat, Letters (proverb), etc “ .20 3 — Miscellaneous; Designs for Hand-Mirror, Hanging Tray, Brooch, etc “ .30 4— Pattern for Borders, Frame Corners; Design of Fishes, Leaves, etc “ .25 5— Finger Plates for Doors; Borders, Sides and Tops for Frames; Grotesque Designs of Dogs’ Heads, etc “ .25 6— Borders or Finger Plates ; Designs of Female Heads, Leaves, etc “ .15 7— Borders; Grotesque Designs of Frogs and Heads “ .25 8 — Lid of Box or Back of Chair, Tankard, Small Coffer ; Designs of Goat, Scroll-Work, Grotesques “ .30 9 — Miscellaneous; Box Covers, Brooch, Box Lid, Hanging Cup, Tray ; Designs of Bird, Leaf and Vines, Arabic Lettering, etc “ .25 0— Box, Back, Front and Sides; Design of Deer Running, Recumbent, etc.... “ .25 1 — Panels or Lids of Box ; Designs of Scroll-Work, Vines and Leaves “ .25 2 — Panels or Borders ; Moorish Design “ .15 3— Looking-Glass Frame; Designs of Jesters, Scroll and Leaf-Work, also Design for Panel, Grotesque Snakes “ .30 4— Frame ; Figure Designs and Scroll-Work “ .35 .5— Looking-Glass Frame ; Design of Letters, Motto; “A Sin, a Glass; Man’s Li£e Doth Pass.” Also Grotesque Plaque “ .30 16— Border, Frame and Panel ; Design of Flowers and Leaves “ .30 17 — Frame and Separate Panel ; Grotesque Design, Heads, Animals, etc “ .30 18 — Front or Cover of Fireplace ; can also be used for Coal-Scuttle Design “ .30 19— Scroll Design Suitable for Panel “ .25 20 — Conventionalized Lion for Plaque ; Suggestion for Squares and Borders.... “ .30 21 — This Design can be used as a Summer Covering for Fireplace, or Border separate from the Centre as Frame, or the Centre as Plaque “ .30 32 — Chest ; may be executed entirely in Repouss6 or Carved Wood and Metal, or in Leather, Wood and Brass “ .30 23 — Grotesque Border, with Plaque “ .25 34 — Frame; Scroll-Work, etc “ .30 35 — Small Mirror Frame “ .15 26 — Circular Frame and Plaque ; Design of Deer, Grotesque Fawns “ .25 27 — Plaque; Design of Cupid carrying Rooster “ .15 28 — Card Receiver; Grotesque Design of Monkeys “ .25 29— Plaque; Design of Goat Standing on Globe “ -25 30— Plaque; Design of Doves “ -30 31— Plaque; Design of Animals “ .25 32— Design of Parrot and Fruit .' “ .30 33— Monk’s Head ; Alms Tray “ .30 34— Plaque; Design of Helmeted Head and Grotesque Animals “ .25 35— Plaque; Design of Female Head “ -15 36— Plaque ; Design of Mermaids, Mottled Background “ 30 Any of the above sheets of designs sent singly, rolled, post free, on receipt of advertised price. Each sheet is 16x16 inches. Designs range from that size, occupying the entire sheet, to two inches square. All of the full working size of object to be decorated. 176 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Fresco Materials. “FLORENTINE FRESCO COLORS,” MANUFACTURED SPECIALLY FOR FRESCO AND SCENE PAINTING, AND GENERAL DECORATION. CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 177 Fresco Materials — Continued. “FLORENTINE FRESCO COLORS.” MANUFACTURED BY F. W. DEVOE A OO SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR FRESCO AND SCENE PAINTING. These are carefully selected Superfine Colors, and prepared in a pulp state, without Glue or Sizing, for the use of Fresco and Scene Painters. They are finely ground, and will be found much more desirable than the usual Distemper Colors. The Colors are packed in round clear white Glass Jars, carefully covered. The Jars are of one size, about 3J inches high, by 2$ inches diameter. Sample Books of Colors sent on request. Antwerp Blue ...By jar, $ .75 Mountain Blue By jar, t .40 Blue Black ii .20 Maroon Lake ii .50 Bremen Blue it .40 Mauve Lake ti 1.00 Brown Ochre • i .22 Magenta Lake ii .40 Cobalt Blue ii .50 Milori Yellow— Light ii .75 Carmine Lake it .80 Milori Yellow — Deep ii .75 Carnation Lake it .90 Milori Green — Light i i .75 Crimson Lake ii 1.00 Milori Green — Medium ii .75 Chrome Green — Light ii .35 Milori Green— Deep it .75 Chrome Green — Medium... ii .35 Naples Yellow i i .75 Chrome Green — Deep ii .35 Olive Green— Light it .40 Cremnitz White ii .37 Olive Green — Medium ii .40 Chrome Yellow— Light it .34 Olive Green — Deep ii .40 Chrome Yellow — Medium. it .34 Old Gold ti .40 Chrome Yellow — Deep ii .34 Prussian Blue ii .82 Chrome Orange it .34 Purple Lake ii .75 Dutch Pink it .24 Roman Ochre ii .24 Emerald Green it .42 Roman Ochre — Extra Deep. it .40 English Vermilion — Pale... it Scarlet Lake ii 1.85 English Vermilion— Deep. . it Solferino Lake ii .40 Florence Take i t .00 Sepia ii .75 French Zinc White ii .24 Turkey Burnt Umber it .15 Gold Ochre ii .22 Turkey Raw Umber it .15 Green Lake ii 1.00 Turkey Red-Light it .4G Ivory Black ti .22 Turkey Red — Deep it .46 Indigo ii 1.25 Ultramarine Blue it .30 Italian Burnt Sienna it .16 Ultramarine Green— Light .. it .46 Imperial Madder— Light .. it 1.00 Ultramarine Green — Deep... it .46 Imperial Madder— Deep.... ti 1.00 Ultramarine Violet ii .75 Italian Raw Sienna i . .1G Venetian Red ti .16 Italian Vandyke Brown .... ii .16 Yellow Ochre ii .16 Indian Red ii .24 ! 178 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Gilders’ Cushions. Fine Sheep— small By doz. $8 50 i Fine Sheep— large By doz. $11.00 “ “ — medium “ 9.50 Gilders’ Knives. Cocoa Wood Handle— Double Edge By doz. $6.00 “ “ “ —Single “ “ 5.00 Gilders’ Burnishers. AGATE. RRASS FERRULES, POLISHED HANDLES. (See drawings on page 179.) 20 $7.75 No. 26. 21 4 t 7.00 4 t 83. 22 44 7.00 it 37. 23 . $6.00 lliant Gold Leaf Bronze, for Slate Mantels, Clocks, Furniture, etc ... “ 5.00 tra Deep Gold Leaf Bronze “ “ “ tt tt tt ... “ 6.00 iinary Lining, Pale and Rich Gold ... “ 2.00 ver Flora By lb. $4.50 Chandelier ...By tt.. 2.00 w Silver — Brilliant “ 6.50 Aluminium (£-oz. papers). . roon “ 3.75 Black Bronze, for mixing. . ...By lb. 2 00 'p Patent Bronze Powders. y Blue, Azure Blue, Light Blue, Sapphire Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Peacock Blue, Brilliant Crimson, Pompeian Bed, Amethyst Violet, Cobalt Green, Emeraude Green, Azure Green, Yellow Green, Blue Green, Yellow, etc ...By tt>. $8.75 Colored Metallics, Genuine or Flitter. Id By lb. $2.15 | Silver By tb. $2.65 pper “ 2.15 llow, Old Gold, Orange, Fire, Carmine, Crimson, Violet, Purple, Steel, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Peacock Blue, Moss Green, Grass Green, Victoria Green. “ 4.60 Leaf Brocade, Imitation Metallic. een Gold, Rich Gold, Pale Gold By lb. $1.65 mon, Orange, Brown, Copper, Fire, Crimson, Violet, Green, Cashmere “ 1.75 ver “ 2.00 184 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Copper Foi 1, or Tinsel. White Magenta Brown ii “ 4 50 Orange ii “ 4 Blue it “ 4.50 Red ii “ 4 Crimson i i “ 4.50 Rtlby ii “ 4 Fire ii “ 4.50 Solferino ii “ 4 Green — Light .... ii “ 4.50 Scarlet ii “ 4 Green — Deep ii “ 4.50 Violet 14 “ 4 Gold ii “ 4.50 Tin Foil. Thick ...By lb. $ .30 Thin ...By lb. $ Medium ... “ .40 Pearl. FOR ORNAMENTING. Snail — Large By lb. $20.00 Aurora— Large “ — Medium i i 15.00 “ — Small “ —Small i i 12.00 Crushed Elliotes (California) ii 8.00 Dust Japanese Pearl, for Inlaying — very Thin. Small ... Medium .By doz. $1.00 .. “ 1 50 Large By doz. $2. Frosting. Blue By lb. $ .76 Canary Yellow i < 1.00 Green 4 ( 1.00 Purple ii* .75 White By lb. $ . Mica “ Diamond Dust “ .1 Flock. White By lb. $ .85 Black “ .75 Blue, Cerulean “ .85 Blue, Cobalt “ .85 Blue, Ultramarine “ .85 Brown, Light “ .85 Brown, Deep “ .85 Crimson “ .85 Garnet “ .85 Green, Light “ .85 Green, Deep Grey “ .( Maroon ‘ Magenta “ .( J T Old Gold “ Orange “ Scarlet tt fkisT Straw Yellow “ -Jbr,, Turkey Red “ Min Hi Yellow “ • 6 CATALOGUE OP ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 1S5 Imperishable Paste. d ti d d ii d IN GLASS JABS. FOR MOUNTING PHOTOGRAPHS, PRINTS, ENGRAVINGS, ETC. ■tj alf Pints. ints uarts .By jar, $ .20. . “ 30. . “ .40. .By dcz. $2.25 . “ 3.40 . “ 4.20 F. W. Devoe & Co’s Harvard Slate Surface. FOR USE IN DRAWING SCHOOLS. F.W.DEV0E & CD'S | HARVARD SLATE | SURFACE. ! "I ' ''In'll.l' ' ' This Surface dries flat; is a perfect slate-black; keeps hard, smooth, and free from racks, and may be used on old or new (well-seasoned) blackboards, hard-finished walls, r paper. A board painted with this preparation is more desirable than slate, as it is of ;ss weight, will not break, and poses9e9 a fine, smooth surface. n Gallon Cans Each, $5.75 i In Quart Cans Each, $1.50 n Half-Gallon Cans “ 2.90 In Pint Cans “ -80 Full directions on the label. 18C CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS Wax Flower and Fruit Supplies. B. P. V. ‘ FIRST PREMIUM” SHEET WAX. 4 £<£ PRE : r TRADE pbii « nlitd i reafci iprill 1— Efl 2— Fin 3— Me' 4— Tni 5— He: This Label registered in Patent Office, December 26th, 1862. Were «pft Cot Each package is stamped with the trade mark. Each shade numbered to correspond with sample cards, which will be furnished dealers on application. . The number of the shade printed on the wrapper of each package of one dozen sheets. This system will enable parties to obtain with exactness the desired shade witho^, T , sending samples, and avoids the annoyance of comparing and matching, so troublesome ve dealers. Attention is especially directed to the superior quality and large size of sheets. To ensure safety in handling, it is packed in neat double-wall boxes. “FIRST PREMIUM” SHEET WAX. 12 Sheets in Package ; 12 Packages in Box. Size 6>£x3%. White, Extra Thin, for Covering Natural Flowers By gross sheets, $1.: ■onC( ill® Ci HnO hrf jpptiT White, Single Thick. White, Double Thick Green, all shades Blue, all shades Buff, all shades, for Tea Roses Light Pink, all shades Dark Pink, all shades Purple, all shades Scarlet, all shades Yellow, all shades Variegated Wax, Plain Tints, for small Autumn Leaves Variegated Wax, Carmine Tints, for small Autumn Leaves. 1.: 2.1 1.: 1.3 1.3 1.1 2 .< 1.5 2.( 1.5 1.5 2 ( < AUTUMN LEAF WAX. For Forest Leaves. Thickness between Double and Single. 6 Sheets in Package ; 12 Packages in Box. Size 6ix4J. White By gross sheets, $2.0 Green, all shades Variegated, Plain Tints Variegated, Carmine Tints. 2.0 2.0 3.0 POND LILY WAX (THICK). C Sheets in Package ; 12 Packages in Box. Size 7Jx4’. White By gross sheets, $3.7 Green, all shades “ “ 3.7 CALLA LILY WAX (EXTRA THICK). 6 Sheets in Package ; 12 Packages in Box. White, size 7$x5$ By gross sheets, $6.0(j“ •tot let- CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 187 Wax Flower and Fruit Supplies — Continued. PURE WHITE WAX. Calces by tt>. $1.00 WAX-COVERED WIRE. This Wire is perfectly covered with Wax by machinery, and has no laps, as t lie Wax ipplied in a liquid state. It will be found of great assistance to Wax-Workers, as much time will be saved and re satisfactory work accomplished. . 1 — Extra Fine, White, Green, Crimson, and Scarlet 2— Fine, White, Green, Crimson, and Scarlet 3 — Medium Thick, White and Green 4 — Thick, White and Green 5 — Heavy, for Pond Lily, Green By doz. spools, $1.50 “ “ 1.50 1.50 . “ “ 1.50 “ “ 1.50 WIRES. »d ho M covered Wire, on spools, Fine, for Hair or Wax-Work per Covered Wire, for stems, pieces 6 inches long, in bunches of half gross each , k Covered Wire, White, 4 thicknesses, on spools k Covered Wire, Green, 4 thicknesses, on spools k Covered Wire, White, 4 thicknesses, in coils k Covered Wire, Green, 4 thicknesses, in coils tton Covered Wire, White, 4 thicknesses, on spools tton Covered Wire, Green, 4 thicknesses, on spools tton Covered Wire, White, 4 thicknesses, in coils tton Covered Wire, Green, 4 thicknesses, in coils ver Wire, Fine, on spools pper Wire, on spools By doz. spools, $ .60 it bunches, .75 i i spools, .90 t i .90 u coils, .90 It (< .90 a spools, .60 it (i .60 ( ( coils, .60 it 60 il spools, 1.50 ti i ( 1.50 BRASS LEAF MOULDS. Finely Veined and perfect edges. The most desirable Leaf Mould yet introduced. A B C butilon ohyranthes . zalea ackberry.. . .By doz. t < $1.20 1,20 90... < i 1 20 90... 1.20 90... .60 .60 .60 188 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Wax Flower and Fruit Supplies — Continued. BRASS LEAF MOULDS— Con-tinted. Butterfly By doz. Camellia “ Cape Jessamine “ Chestnut “ Clematis “ Currant i “ Dogwood *• Elm “ Fern “ Fish Geranium “ Fuchsia • Grape “ Heliotrope. “ Honeysuckle “ Ivy “ Laurestinus “ Lilac “ Lily of Valley “ Maple “ Myrtle “ Oak “ Orange “ Pansy “ Passion Flower “ Peach “ Pond Lily “ Pyrus Japonica “ Rose Geranium “ Salvia “ Sassafras “ Strawberry “ Sumac '* Verbena “ Violet “ Wild Cherry “ Willow ‘ A $ 1 . 20 . 1.50. 1.20.. 2.40.. 1.50. . 90 .. 2 . 20 ., 1.50. 3.00. 1 . 20 . 1 . 20 . 2.50. .90., 1.40.. .90.. 1 . 20 . 1.40.. 1 . 20 .. 3.00 . .90.. 2.50.. .90 . .90.. 1 . 20 .. 1.75.. 1.50.. 1 . 20 .. .90.. 1 . 20 .. 2 50.. 1 . 20 .. .90.. .75.. 1 . 20 .. 2.50.. 1.50.. B .$ .90.. . 1.20.. . .90.. . 2.00., . 1.20., . .60.. . 1.20. . 1.20., . 3.00. . .90., . .90. . 1.80. . .60., . 1.20.. . .60. . .90.. . 1.20.. . .60.. . 2 25.. . .60.. . 2 00.. . .60.. . .60.. C .< .( 1.1 1.1 .6 ,1 Ttes ite -lee .6 .9 .6 .6*b . .9!«c ftmtii 1.8M •. . 60ai- ■ 1.8'Dti- ai'tr I 1.25. 1.25. .90., .60. .90.. 1.80.. ,90.. .60.. .60.. .90.. 1.50.. 1 . 20 .. nhGf hc'tei; ?0I;T fltlioti .6f xll$ in Each $3 75 “ “ inlaid, 9xl2Jin “ 5.00 “ “ lOx 14$ in “ 6.00 Buxes fitted with materials complete, from $10.00 to $30.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 11)5 BRUSHES. 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 18 20 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ RED SABLE BRUSHES. FOR OIL TAINTING. BOUND AND FLAT— POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. No. 1 i .70 No. 7 “ 2 (i .70 “ 8 (( 1.95 “ 3 tl .85 “ 9 i < 2.10 “ 4 (t .95 “ 10 t ( 2.35 “ 5 it 1.10 “ 11 U 2.90 “ 6 a 1.25 “ 12 it 3.60 Assorted. 1 to 6 By doz. $ .90 “ 1 to 12 “ 1.70 EXTRA LARGE. No. 13 By doz. $4.20 “ 14 “ 4.4.7 “ 15 “ 4.70 No. 16 By doz. $5.10 “ 18 “ 5.90 “ 20 “ 7.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS MATERIALS. tOBi F. W. DEYOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ RED SABLE BRUSHES— LONG— (“ RIGGERS No. 1 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 FOR OIL PAINTING:— FINE LINES. Ha HOUND AND FI. AT — POLISHED HANDLES, NICKKL-PI.ATED FERHULES. " I By doz. $ 85 No. “ .85 “ .90 “ “ 1.10 “ 1.40 “ “ 1.80 Assorted, 1 to 6 “ 1 to 12 7 By doz. $1.85 8 “ 2.00 9 “ 2.50 10 “ 2.85 11 *' 3.35 12 “ 3.90 I Hal By doz. $1.15 “ 1.95 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 197 F. \V. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ RED SABLE BRUSHES- “ BRIGHT’S.” FOR OIL PAINTING;— FIRM, SQUARE TOUCHING, AND GENERAL LANDSCAPE WORK. POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. No. 1 By doz. $ .90 “ 2 “ 1.00 “ 3 “ 1.25 “ 4 “ 1.54 “ 5 “ 1.85 Assorted No. 6 By doz. $2.40 “ 7... “ 270 “ 8 “ 8.40 “ 9 “ 8.00 By doz. $2.10 EXTRA LARGE. No. 10— inch wide By doz. $4.70 “ 12— | “ “ “ 6.60 “ 14— j “ “ “ 8.50 No. 16 — $ inch wide By doz. $11.00 “ 18 — f “ “ “ 15.20 “ 20 - i “ “ “ 20.00 198 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S HKI) SABLE BRUSHES— FLAT— EXTRA WIDE. FOll OIL PAINTING. POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. FOR OIL PAINTING;- LIGHT GLAZING, SOFTENING, SCUMBLING, HAIR, FOLIAGE. ETC. POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. No. 1 By doz. $2.60 j No. 3 By doz. $5.70 “ 2 “ 4.10 I FOR" WATER COLOR PAINTING LARGE WASHES. 1 1 • POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. % Inch wide By doz. $0.50 1J inch wide i “ “ 10.00 lj “ 1 “ “ 10.50 2 1* “ “ 30.00 X By doz. $34.25 “ 39.00 I, “ 48.00 L CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 199 No. 0 “ 1 “ 2 “ 3. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S RED SABLE BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. i ROUND AND FLAT — BLACK, POLISHED HANDLES, ALBATA FERRULES. By doz. $ 2 .00 No. 4 By doz. $4.65 “ 2 00 “ 5 “ 5.35 “ ' 2.45 “ 6 “ 6.25 “ 3.30 “ 7 “ 7.50 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $4.00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S DESIGNERS’ RED SABLE BRUSHES FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. LONG, FINE POINT, ROUND AND FLAT — NATURAL, No. 0 By doz. $2.00 i <• 1 “ 2 00 I “ 2 “ 2.45 “ 3 • “ 3.30 POLISHED HANDLES, ALBATA FERRULES. No. 4 By doz. $4. “ 5 “ 5. << 6 “ 6.25 “ 7 “ 7.50 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $4.00 200 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & GO’S RED SABLE BRUSHES— EXTRA LARGE. FOB WATER COLOR PAINTING. ROUND — BLACK, POLISlIKl) HANDLES, AI.BATA FERRULES. No. 13 By doz. $ 10.00 “ 14 “ 13.00 16.50 19.60 No. 17 By doz. $23.00 “ 18 • 27 00 “ 19 *' 30.00 “ 20 33.00 “ 15 “ 16 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 201 i F. W. DEVOE & CO’S RED SABLE BRUSHES— EXTRA LARGE. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. flat— BLACK, POLISHED HANDLES, ALBATA FERRULES. No. 13 By doz. $10.00 No. 17 “ 14 U 13.00 “ 18 “ 27.00 «< 16 50 “ 19 “ £0.00 10 “ 16 (( 19.50 “ 20 “ 33.00 202 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & GO’S RED SABLE WASH BRUSHES. * FOB WATER COLOR PAINTING. ROUND- DOUBLE END, BLACK, POLISHED HANDLES, AI.BATA FERRULES. No. 00 By doz. $ 8.00 “ o “ 10.00 “ 1 “ 15.00 No. 2 By doz. $25.50 “ 3 “ 33.00 “ 4 “ 49.00 F. W. DEVOE & GO’S RED SABLE WASH BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. FLAT— DOUBLE END, BLACK, POLISHED HANDLES, ALBATA FERRULES. No. 00 By doz. $ 8.50 “ 0 “ 10.50 “ 1 “ 15.00 No. 2 By doz. $25.50 Jic “ 3 “ 33.00 « “ 4 “ 49.00 ■ I it WINSOR & NEWTON’S RED SABLE BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. ROUND AND FLAT — BLACK, POLISHED HANDLES, ALBATA FERRULES. . (See Drawing on page 205.) No. 0 By doz. $4.80 “ 1 “ 4.80 “ 2 “ (L00 “ 3 “ 7.20 No. 4 By doz. $9.00 k “ 5 “ 10.80 “ 6. “ 12.60 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $8.40 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 203 01234 5 6 7 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S FRENCH RED SABLE BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR FAINTING. ROUND AND FI.AT— POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. 'To. 0 By doz. $1.00 “ 1 “ 1.00 “ 2 “ 1 30 “ 3 “ 190 Assorted, 1 to 6 No. 4 By doz. $2.55 “ 5 “ 3. “ 6 “ 5. “ 7 “ 5.75 By doz. $2.55 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S FRENCH BROWN SABLE BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. ROUND AND FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. 'To. 0 By doz $1.35 “ 1 “ 1.35 “ 2 “ 1.80 “ 3 “ 2.50 No. 4 By doz. $3.35 “ 5 “ 4.55 “ 6 “ 5.95 “ 7 “ 7.50 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $3.25 S o t 204 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ BROWN SABLE BRUSHES. FOR OIL PAINTING. « ROUND AND FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES (See Drawing on page 195.) No. 1 By doz. $ .75 “ 2 .80 “ 3 “ .95 “ 4 “ 1.10 “ 5 “ 1.30 “ 6 “ 1.45 Assorted, 1 to 6. “ 1 to 12 No. 7 By doz. $1.81 “ 8 “ 2.0f “ 9 “ 2 2( “ 10 “ 2.5( “ 11 “ 3.0' “ 12 • “ 3.7C By doz. $ 1.05 . “ 1.80 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ BROWN SABLE BRUSHES— “ BRIGHT’S.” FOR OIL PAINTING;— FIRM. SQUARE TOUCHING, AND GENERAL LANDSCAPE WORK. POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES (See Drawing on page 197.) No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 : “ 4 “ 5 Assorted, 1 to 9 By doz. $2 25 F. W. DEVOE & C'O’S BROWN SABLE BRUSHES .By doz. $1.00 . “ 1.15 . “ 1.45 . “ 1.60 . “ 1.90 No. 6 By doz. $2.50 “ 7 “ 3.05 “ 8 “ 3 50 “ 9 “ 4 00 FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. ROUND AND FLAT — BLACK POLISHED HANDLES, ALBATA FERRULES. (See Drawing on page 199.) No. 0 No. 4 1 l 1 i l 2.15 “ 5 (< 6.60 il 2 it 8 20 “ 6 (f 7 85 il 3 it 4.45 “ 7 (( 9.50 Assorted, 1 to 6... EXTRA LARGE. (St e Drawings on pages 200 and 201.) • j No. 13 No. 17 .By doz. $28.40 «( 14 il 16 60 “ 18 <» 32.80 tt 15 ii 20 80 “ 19 ii 36 00 it 16 n 21.60 “ 20 . “ 40.40 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 205 WINSOR & NEWTON’S I5ROWN SABLE BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. BOUND AND FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, ALBATA FERRULES. No. 0 By doz. $4.80 “ 1 “ 4.80 “ 2 “ 6.00 *• 3 “ 7.20 No 4 By doz “ 5 “ “ 6 “ $ 9.00 10.80 12.60 Assorted, 1 to 6. By doz. $8.40 206 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ RUSSIA SABLE BRUSHES. FOR OIL PAINTING. ROUND AND FI.AT — POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ G “ .55 No. 7 By doz. $ .95 “ 8 “ 1.00 “ .60 “ 9 “ 1.05 “ .70 “ 10 “ 1.15 “ .75 “ 11 “ 1.25 “ .85 “ 12 “ 1.40 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $ .65 “ 1 to 12 .90 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ RUSSIA SABLE BRUSHES— “ BRIGHT’S.” FOR OIL PAINTING;— FIRM, SQUARE TOUCHING, AND GENERAL LANDSCAPE WORK. POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. (See drawing on page 197.) No. 1 By doz. $ .70 “ 2 “ .75 “ 3 “ .85 “ 4 “ .95 “ 5 “ 1.00 Assorted, 1 to 9 No. 6 By doz. $1.32 “ 7 “ 1.40 “ 8 “ 1.55 “ 9 “ 1.70 By doz. $1.15 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 207 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S RUSSIA SABLE BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. HOUND AND FLAT— POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FEBBULE8. No. 0 By doz. $ .90 No. 4. By doz. $1.60 “ 1.00 “ 5 “ 1.15 “ 6 “ 1.35 “ 7 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $1.50 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SIBERIAN BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. BOUND AND FLAT— POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FEKKULES. 1.75 2.15 2.40 No. 0 By doz. $ .70 1 “ .70 2 “ .80 3 “ 90 No. 4 By doz. $1.00 “ 5 “ 1.25 “ 6 *• 1.35 “ 7 ’• 1.60 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $1.00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SIBERIAN WASH BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING —SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. BOUND — POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. No. 0 By doz. $1.50 < 1 “ 1.50 < 2 *• 2.f0 No. 3 By doz. $2.75 “ 4 “ 3.50 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SIBERIAN WASH BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING ;-SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEI.-PLATED FERRULES. No. 0 By doz. $1.75 “ 1 “ 1.75 “ 2 “ 2.50 No. 3 By doz. $3 50 “ 4 “ 4.25 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SIBERIAN WASH BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING ;-SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. BOUND — POLISHED HANDLES, WIRE-BOUND QUILLS. No. 3 By doz. $5.25 “ 4 “ 6.75 No. 1 By doz. $3.25 “ 2 “ 440 ccfcp K *- CE*W CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 208 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SIBERIAN WASH BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. IiOUND- DOUBLE END, POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. .By doz. $2.70 “ 3.00 No. 2 By doz. $4 0< 5.0< F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SIBERIAN WASH BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. FLAT — DOUBLE END, POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. No. 0 By doz. $2.75 No. 2 By doz. $4.50 1 . 3.50 5 60 F. 1 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ “ MELOXCILLO ” BRUSHES. FOR OIL PAINTING. ROUND AND FLAT- POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL- PLATED FERRULES. No. 1 By doz. $ .65 “ 2 “ .80 “ 3 “ .95 No. 4 By doz. $1.15 Jw. “ 5 “ 1.35 “ 6 “ 1.50 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $1 05 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ EXTRA FINE OX HAIR BRUSHES. FOR OIL PAINTING. ROUND AND FLAT— POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. (Same as Drawing on page 209, except shorter hair.) No. 1 By doz. $ .55 “ 2 “ .65 “ 3 “ .75 No. i “ No. 4 By doz. $ .95 “ 5 “ 1.10 “ 6 “ 1.35 Assorted, 1 to 6 I By doz. $ .90 EXTRA LARGE, ROUND. No. 14 By doz. $1.75 No. 18 By doz. $2.35 “ 16 “ 2.00 20 . 2 65 EXTRA WIDE, FLAT inch By doz. $1.50 “ “ 2.00 “ 2.50 J inch By doz. $3 00 i “ “ 3-50 C 1 “ “ 4.75 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 209 F W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ OX HAIR BRUSHES- 1 - BRIGHT’S.’’ FOB OIL PAINTING;- FIRM, SQUARE TOUCHING, AND GENERAL LANDSCAPE WORK. POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FFRRULES. No. 0 By doz. $ .75 “ 1 “ 75 “ 2 “ .85 “ 3 “ 95 No. 4 By doz. $1.10 “ 5 “ 1.80 “ 6 “ 1.45 FOR FRESCO PAINTING. ROUND AND FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. No. 1 By doz. $ .55 “ 2 “ .65 “ 3 “ .75 No. 4 By doz. $ .95 “ 5 “ 1.10 “ 6 “ 1.35 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $ .90 EXTRA LARGE. No. 14 By doz, $1.75 j No. 18 By doz. $2. “ 16 “ 2.00 I “ 20 “ 2. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S OX HAIR WASH BRUSHES. for Water color painting skies and large washes. ROUND — POLISHED HANDLES, NICNEL-PLATED FERRULES. No. 0 By doz. $2.25 “ l “ 8.25 “ 2 “ 2.75 No. 3 “ 4 By doz. $3.50 “ 4.50 s s 210 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEYOE & CO’S OX HAIR WASH BRUSHES. FOK WATER COLOR PAINTING SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. FLAT— POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. No. 0 By doz. $2.50 “ 1 “ 2.50 “ 2 “ 3.00 No. 3 By doz. $4.25 “ 4 “ 5.00 F. W. DEYOE & CO’S OX HAIR WASH BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING —SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. ROUND — DOUBLE END, POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEL-PLATED FERRULES. No. 0 By doz. $3 25 No. 2 By doz. $5.00 “ 1 “ 4.25 “ 3 “ 6. F. W. DEYOE & CO’S OX HAIR WASH BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. FLAT— DOUBLE END, POLISHED HANDLES, NICKEI.-PI.ATED FERRULES. o„ L i,... No. 0 “ 1 By doz $3.75 “ 4.75 No. 2 “ 3 By doz. $5.75 “ 7.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 211 0 1 2 3 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ BADGER BRUSHES. FOR OIL PAINTING. FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. By doz. $ .60 .60 .70 Assorted, 1 to 6 No. 4 By doz. $ .90 “ 5 “ 1.05 “ 6 “ 1.10 By doz. if .85 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ BADGER BRUSHES— “ BRIGHT’S.” OIL PAINTING FIRM, SQUARE TOUCHING, AND GENERAL LANDSCAPE WORK. POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES 0 By doz $ .75 1 “ .75 2 “ .85 3 “ .95 No. 4 By doz. $1.05 “ 5 “ 125 “ 6 : “ 1.35 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $1.00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BADGER BLENDERS FOR OIL FAINTING. HOUND — POLISHED HANDLES, WIRE-BOUND QUILLS. No. No. 7... “ 240 “ 8... “ 3.00 “ 9... “ 3.00 “ 10... “ 4.40 “ 11... “ 12... By doz. $6. 7. “ 8 “ 9. CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 213 fo. 1 “ 2 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BADGER “FAN” BRUSHES. FOR OIL PAINTING. POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. By doz. $1.20 “ 1.50 No. 3 By doz. $2.25 F. W. DEVOE & GO’S KNOTTED BADGER BLENDERS. SET IN BONE — POLISHED CEDAR nANDI.ES i, 2£, 3, 3J, 4, 4J and 5 inches wide By inch. $ .35 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S PITCHED BADGER BLENDERS. SET IN POLISHED CEDAR HANDLES— EXTRA HEAVY i, 2£, 3, 3J and 4 inches wide By inch, $ .60 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BADGER TIPS. FOR GILDING. nAIR 1£, 2 AND 2£ INCHES LONG. inches wide By doz. $1.50 F. W DEVOE & CO’S SUPER, BADGER FLOWING BRUSHES. IN TrN— POLISHED CEDAR HANDLES. Chiseled Edge, Single Thick— 1, 1£, 2, 2.J and 3 inches wide By inch, $ .50 “ “ Double “ —1, 1§, 2, 2£ and 3 “ “ -75 214 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S EXTRA. BADGER FLOWING BRUSHES. IX TIX— POI.ISnED BI.ACK HANDLES. Chiseled Edge, Single Thick — 1, 1£, 2, 2£ and 3 inches wide By inch, $ .35 “ “ Double “ — 1, 1£, 2, 2£ and 3 “ “ .50 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BADGER FINISHING BRUSHES. IX BRASS — POLISHED CEDAR HANDLES. (Style of Badger Flowing.) FOR VARNISHING FINE FURNITURE, COACHES, RAILROAD CARS, PIANOS, ETC., AND SUITABLE FOR ALL WORK WHERE A FINE FINISH IS REQUIRED. Packed in neat Paper Boxes holding three Brushes, one each 1, 1£ and 2 inches. Chiseled Edge, Single Thick By set, $2.25 “ “ Double “ “ 3 25 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BADGER MOTTLING BRUSHES. IX TIN— CEDAR HANDLES. 1, 1£, 2, 2£ and 3 inches wide By inch, $ .18 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BADGER LACQUERING BRUSIIES-WIDE FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. (See Drawing on page 215.) No. 1. “ 2 . “ 3. By doz. $1.50 1 inch wide By doz. $2.50 “ 2 00 1 '2 3 4 5 6 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BADGER POONAH BRUSHES. FOR WAX FLOWER PAINTING. ROUND — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES ...By doz. $ .60 “ .65 ... “ .70 No. 4 By doz. $ .80 “ 5 “ .85 “ 6 » .95 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $ .75 tO CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 215 F. W. DEYOE & CO’S FINE FITCH DUSTERS. FOR GILDING. WHITE WOOD HANDLES, WIRE-BOUND QUILLS. 1 $1.70 No. 7 $5.00 2. 44 2.00 8 44 5.75 3 44 2.30 44 9 44 6.50 4 u 2 85 4 i 10 44 7.50 5 a 3.35 u 11 44 8.50 6 1 1 4.00 < 4 12 44 9.50 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S FITCH HAIR BRUSHES. FOR PORCELAIN PAINTING. SLANTING POINTS, POLISHED By doz. $3.25 “ 4.50 6 “ 6.75 HANDLES, WIRE-BOUND QUILLS. No. 8 By doz. $8.00 “ 10 “ 10.50 “ 12 “ 13.00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S FITCH LACQUERING BRUSHES- WIDE. FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. acli wide 44 By doz. $2.25 . “ 3.00 1 inch wide. By doz. $4.00 216 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & GO’S FITCH FLOWING BRUSHES. IN TIN— POLISHED CEDAR HANDLES. Made of Selected nair, thoroughly washed and cleaned. Square Edge, Single Thick-1, li, 2, 2i and 3 inches wide.. “ Double “ — 1, li, 2, 2$ and 3 Chiseled “ Single “ — 1, li, 2, 2i and 3 “ “ Double “ —1, li, 2, 21 and 3 Bv inch, $ . (C F. W r . DEVOE & CO’S BLACK SABLE FLOWING BRUSHES. IN TIN — POLISHED CEDAR HANDLES. Square Edge, Single Thick— 1, li, 2, 2i and 3 inches wide By i “ “ Double “ —1, li, 2, 2i and 3 “ F. W. DEVOE & CO’S “ELASTIC” FITCH FLOWING BRUSHES. IN TIN— POLISHED CEDAR HANDLES. A combination of Fitch Hair and fine selected French Bristles. ery elastic aL^ springy. Used very largely by Piano makers and others. r Chiseled Edge, Single Thick — 1, li, 2, 2i and 3 inches wide By inch. $ . “ Double “ —1, li, 2, 2i and 3 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BEAR HAIR DUSTERS. SQUARE AND POINTED — WHITE WOOD HANDLES, WIRE-BOTND QTII.LS. (Same sizes as Bv doz. $1.50 Cai nel ITair Dusters.) Vr* 0 Bv doz. $5. it |Q “ 6. - |1 “ 7. 4 . OU 9 on ** 12 “ 8. • o.ii “ 13 .... “ 10.1 “ 5.20 “ 20 “ UJ ! ■■Mil Nil HU INI CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 217 i ■ » F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SABLE FINISHING BRUSHES. IX BRASS — POLISHED CEDAR HANDLES. •’OR VARNISHING FINE FURNITURE, COACHES, RAILROAD CARS, PIANOS, ETC., AND SUITABLE FOR ALL WORK WHERE A FINE FINISH IS REQUIRED. Packed in neat Paper Boxes, containing one each, 1, 1| and 2 inches. igle Thick By set, S3. 00 uble “ ...A ». “ 4.50 IX TIN — CEDAR HAXDLES. inch wide, U n By doz. $1.20 “ 1.60 “ 2.20 “ 3.00 3 inches wide 3v doz. $4.00 3J “ “ 4.75 4 “ “ 6.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 218 F. W. DEVOE it CO’S CAMEL HAIR BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. HOUND AND FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. No. 1 By doz. $ -40 ‘ 2 “ .45 “ 3 “ .55 No. 4 By doz. $ .6 “ 5 “ .6 G. .7 Assorted, 1 to G By doz. $ .55 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S CAMEL IIAIR WASH BRUSHES— LARGE. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. ROUND — POLISnKI) HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. Hi. No. 0 By doz. $1.25 “ 1 “ 1.25 “ 2. “ 1.50 By doz. $2.25tij “ 2.75 • i No. 3 “ 4 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 219 0 12 3 4 F. W. I1EVOE & GO’S CAMEL HAIIl WASH BRUSHES— WIDE. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FEKKtJLES. 0 By doz. $1.50 No. 3 By doz. $2 75 1 “ 1.50 “ 4 “ 3.50 2 “ 2.00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S CAMEL HAIR WASH BRUSHES. -LARGE. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING ;-SKIES AND LARGE WASHES. ROUND — DOUBLE END, POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. o By doz. $2.25 No. 2 By doz. $3.00 220 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S CAMEL HAIR WASH BRUSHES. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING SKIE8 AND LARGE WASHES. FLAT — DOUBLE END, POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRfLES. No. 0 By doz. $2.50 No. 2 By doz. $3.5( 1. 2.75 3. 4.5( F inch * K " F. W. DEVOE & CO’S CAMEL HAIR BRUSHES— BROAD-FLAT. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING; LARGE WASHES. POLISHED HANDLES, TIN rERRULES. £ inch wide By doz. $2.50 1 J inches wide By doz. $4.2i 1 H 2.75 3.00 3.50 2 5.2 { 6 . 0 < M itch i It F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ENGLISH FLAT CAMEL HAIR BRUSHES. IN TIN — LONG CEDAR HANDLES. Can be used in'eitlier Water or Varnish; is largely used as a copying brush. J inch wide By doz. $1.05 } 1 H n 2 1 30 1 65 1.95 2.40 2.85 2.95 2$ inches wide By doz. 3 “ 3* 4 4* 5 $3 6 6 7, 9 11 9C 2C 6C 3t . 3, 3C! II CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 221 inch wide. it U (< It IN TIN, NAILED— LONG CEDAR HANDLES. By doz. $2.10 “ 2.25 “ 3.15 “ 4.10 “ 5.15 21 inches wide. 3* 8 * “ • 4 . “ By doz. $6.75 “ 8.25 “ 9.95 “ 12.25 F. W. DEYOE & CO’S CAMEL HAIR MOTTLING BRUSHES. inch wide U n i i (I IN TIN. NAILED— SHORT CEDAR HANDLES. By doz. $1.80 , “ ?.30 . “ 2.75 “ 3.05 3.65 21 inches wide. 3 3J 4 By doz. $6.40 “ 7.85 “ 9.55 “ 11.25 W. DEYOE & CO’S COACH PAINTERS’ CAMEL HAIR COLOR BRUSHES. (EXTRA THICK MOTTLING BRUSHES.) IN TIN, NAILED— SHORT CEDAR HANDLES. | 21 inches wide By doz. $ 7.75 3* “ “ 10.20 31 “ “ 12.25 I 4 “ •* 14.00 1 inch wide 1 “ By doz. $2.40 , “ 2.80 “ 3.50 “ 5.80 222 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEYOE & CO’S COACH PAINTERS’ CAMEL HAIR COLOR BRUSH] DOUBLE THICK. IN BRASS, DOUBLE NAILED — SHORT CEDAR HANDLES. 1 inch wide By doz. $2.75 14 “ “ 3.50 1* “ “ 4.40 2 “ “ 8.60 2J inches wide By doz. $10 3 “ “ 12 Si “ “ 15 4 “ “ 17 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S CAMEL HAIR FLOWING BRUSHES. 1 , IN TIN— POLISHED CEDAR HANDLES. 1$, 2, 2J and 3 inches wide By inch. •$ CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 223 13 I i 1 F. W. DEVOE & GO’S CAMEL HAIR LACQUERING BRUSHES. FI.AT — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. inch wide By doz. $ .65 “ “ .75 “ <• .85 | inch wide By doz. $1.10 1.35 1.60 Assorted, f to 1 inch wide By doz. $1.05 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S CAMEL HAIR BRUSHES— CHISELED EDGE. FOR PORCELAIN PAINTING -—GROUNDS. FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. nch wide By doz $ .85 “ “ 12 ) “ “ 1.50 jj inch wide, i “ 1 By doz. $1.85 “ 2.20 “ 3.00 224 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEYOE & CO’S CAMEL HAIR BRUSHE3-SHORT. FOB PORCELAIN PAINTING. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 HOUND POINT — POLISHED HANDLES, Bv doz. $1.75 No. 2.15 2.01 w ike-bound quills. 4 5 6 By doz. $3.10 “ 3.60 4 25 ft. 1.. « 0 F. W. DEYOE & CO’S CAMEL HAIR DUSTERS. SQUARE AND POINTED — WHITE WOOD HANDLES, WIRE-BOUND QUILLS. No. 1 By doz. $1.70 “ 2 “ 2.15 “ 3 , 2.60 “ 4 “ 3.10 “ 5 “ 8.55 “ 6 “ 4.80 “ 7 “ 5.70 “ 8 “ 6.50 “ 9 “ 7.30 No. 10 By doz. $8.30 “ 11 “ 9.25 “ 12 “ 10.25 “ 14 “ 15 00 “ 16 “ 17.00 “ 18 “ 20.00 “ 20 “ 22.00 “ 24 “ 25.00 “ 30 “ 30.00 ifcdlK, CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS 225 - F. W. DEVOE & CO’S CAMEL HAIR MARKING BRUSHES. : ‘ 2 BOUND — CEDAK HANDLES, TIN FEKKITI.E9. By cloz. $ .50 No. 3 By doz. .Go “ .50 “ 4 “ .70 Assorted, 1 to 4 By doz. $ .60 i FRENCH CAMEL IIAIR TIPS-FOR GILDING. HAIK 1, 14, 2 AND 2} INCHES LONG. inches wide By doz. # .75 226 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S CAMEL HAIR TIPS-BRADBROOK’S STYLE. HA1K 1, 1£, 2 AND 2J INCHES LONG. 4 inches wide By doz. $1.50 FOlt OIL TAINTING. HOUND AND FLAT— BED, POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. , No. 1 No. 7 .75 It 2 “ .60 U 8 ( ( .80 it 3 “ .65 «( 9 U .85 it 4 “ .65 II 10 it .95 it 5 “ .70 it 11 u 95 4< 6 “ .70 II 12 II 1 00 Assorted, 1 to 12 By doz. $ .75 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 227 F. W. DEVOE A CO’S ARTISTS’ SUPERFINE BRISTLE BRUSHES. FOB OIL PAINTING. PLAIN CEDAR HANDLES, THHE AD-BOUND. 1 By doz. $ .60 2 “ .65 ? “ .75 No. 4 By doz. $ .85 “ 5 “ 1.05 “ 6 “ 1.30 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $ .85 HOUND — BLACK , POLISHED HANDLES. TIN FERRULES. No. 2 0 By (loz. .$ .GO *• 1-0 “ .60 “ 1 “ .60 “ 2 “ .60 Assorted, 1 to 6 No 3 By doz. $ . “ 4 “ .79 “ 5 11 .85 “ 6 “ .95 By doz. .$ .75 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ EXTRA BRISTLE BRUSHES. FOR OIL FAINTING. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 ROUND — CEDAR HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. By doz. $ .50 No. 4. .50 .55 .By doz. $ .65 . “ .70 . “ .85 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $ .65 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 229 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ SUPERFINE BRISTLE BRUSHES. FOR OIL PAINTING. FLAT — BLACK, POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. 2-0 By doz. $ .60 1-0 “ .60 1 “ .60 2 “ .60 Assorted 1 to 6 No. 3 By doz. $. 65 “ 4 “ .75 “ 5 “ .85 “ 6 “ .95 By doz. $ .75 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ EXTRA BRISTLE BRUSHES. FOR OIL PAINTING. 1 2 3 FLAT— CEDAR HANDLES, ...By doz. $ .50 ... “ .50 ... “ .55 TIN FERRULES. No. 4 “ 5 “ 6 By doz. $ .60 “ .70 “ .85 Assorted, 1 to 0 By doz. $ .65 230 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. (Reduced }{.) F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ BRISTLE BRUSHES— “ LONDON.” FOR OIL PAINTING. ROUND — POLISHED CEDAR No. 1 .' Bv doz. $1.00 “ 2 “ 1.00 “ 3 “ 1.05 “ 4 “ 1.10 “ 5 “ 1.15 “ 6 “ 1.20 HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. I " ! No. 7 By doz. $1.30 “ 8 “ 1.60 “ 9 “ 1.70 “ 10 “ 2.15 “ 11 “ 2.40 “ 12 “ 2.60 Assorted, 1 to 12 By doz. $1 50 msaMam CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 231 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (Reduced F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ BRISTLE BRUSHES— “ LONDON.” FOR OIL PAINTING. FLAT — POLISHED CEDAR HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. No. 1 No. 7 “ 2 i l 1.00 “ 8 (( 1.60 “ 3 * or P oints or dots, rough lines and light dragging. 1 “ -p. Having a hallow which, when full of color, acts as a feeder, and enables the brush to be • used for some time -without being stopped for fresh supply of color. I «< G.— Short, wedge shape, and coming to a fine edge. “ H.— Short, stumpy brush ; useful for rubbing, etc. « J. —Long, and of perfectly straight hair ; having a good spring, and enabling square touches to be placed with accuracy. •< K._ Chiseled edge ; to resemble a worn brush, but having a soft flag. “ L. — Long, elastic, and thin edge, with soft flag; suitable for foliage. Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $1.50 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ SUPERFINE BRISTLE BRUSHES— LARGE. FOR OIL PAINTING. ROUND— POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. No. 14 No. 22 << 1 £ “ 1 10 “ 24 ‘ 2.35 H IQ “ 1.35 “ 26 “ 2.75 “ 20 “ 1.70 “ 30 “ 3.00 238 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ EXTRA BRISTLE BRUSHES— LARGE. FOR OIL PAINTING. IIOUND — CEDAR HANDLES. TIN FERRULES. (See Drawing No. 14 By doz. $ .95 “ 16 “ 1.05 “ 18 “ 1.25 “ 20 “ 160 page 237.) No. 22 By doz. $1.95 i “ 24 “ 2.25 i “ 26 “ 2.65 } “ 30 “ 2.90 FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. £ inch wide By doz. $ .95 1 inch wide f “ “ 105 1 i i “ “ 1.25 lj “ i “ “ 1 60 4 “ By doz. $1.85 “ 2.10 “ 2.70 “ 3.35 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 239 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ EXTRA BRISTLE BRUSHES -WIDE FOR OIL PAINTING. FLAT — CEDAR HANDLES, TIN FERRULES £ inch wide, £ } I .0 By doz. $ .85 , “ .95 . “ 1.15 . “ 1.50 1 inch wide By dcz $1.75 1 £ “ “ 2.00 l| “ “ 2 60 1£ ’• - “ 3.25 F. W. DEYOE & CO’S ARTISTS’ BRISTLE BRUSHES— 11 HARDING’S.” FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. FLAT — BLACK POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. No. 1 By doz. $1.05 « 2 “ 1.15 “ 3 “ 1.25 No. 4 By doz. $1.35 “ 5 “ 1.45 “ 6 “ 1.55 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $1.30 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS *NW CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS 241 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S EXTRA BRISTLE BRUSHES— LARGE. FOR FRESCO PAINTING. No. 12, “ 14. “ 16. BOUND — CEDAR HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. .By doz. $1.10 . “ 1.20 . “ 1.35 No. 18 By doz. $1.70 “ 20 “ 2.25 “ 24 “ 3 40 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S EXTRA BRISTLE BRUSHES- WIDE. | inch wide < < i ‘ FOR FRESCO PAINTING. FLAT — OEDAP. HANDLES, ..By doz. $1.25 .. “ 1.50 .. “ 1.75 TIN FERRULES 1 inch wide. U “ • 1 * By doz. $2.10 “ 300 “ 4 00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BRISTLE BRUSHES -TWINE BOUND. FOR FRESCO PAINTING. FINE FRENCH BRISTLES. No. 1 By doz. $1.25 “ 2 “ 1.80 “ 3 “ 220 No. 4 By doz. $2.60 “ 5 “ 3.40 “ 6 “ 400 242 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPER EXTRA BRISTLE BRUSHES. FOR FRE8CO PAINTING. EXTRA LONG RUSSIA BRISTLES— TWINE BOUND. (Same as Drawing of “Bristle Brushes” — Twine Bound,— on page all, except that the bristles are much longer and stiffer.) No. 1 By doz. $3.70 “ 2 “ 4.25 “ 3 “ 5.25 No. 4 By doz. $6.50 “ 5 “ 8.90 “ 6 “ 10.00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BRISTLE BRUSHES— LINERS. FOR FRESCO PAINTING. FLAT — PLAIN CEDAR HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. No. 1 By doz. $ .85 “ 2 “ .90 “ 3 “ .90 No. 4 By doz. $1.00 “ 5 “ 130 6 . 1.60 Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $1.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 243 % inch. 1 inch. 1 % inch. F. W. DEYOE & CO’S BRISTLE BRUSHES— LINERS- WIDE. FOR FRESCO PAINTING. FLAT — PLAIN CEDAR HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. ^ inch By doz. $1.35 | “ “ 1.50 a << ‘ 1.85 | « “ 2.15 1 inch By doz. $2.65 H “ “ 3.35 1J “ “ 4.00 244 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BRISTLE SCENE PAINTING BRUSIIES. WHITE OUTSIDES, GREY CENTERS — SELECTED RUSSIA BRISTLES— BOUND WITH COPPER WIRE. One Tie By doz. $43.00 | Two Tie By doz. $72.00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BRISTLE BRUSHES. FOB FRESCO AND SCENE PAINTING. ^ELECTED WniTE RUSSIA BRISTLES, TWINE BOUND. By doz. $12 00 1 No. 3 0 “ 15.00 I “ 4-0 ; ki No. 1 0 “ 2 0 By doz. $24.00 “ 30 00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 245 F. W. DEYOE & CO’S BRISTLE STENCIL BRUSHES. FOR FRESCO FAINTING. FINE FRENCH BRISTLES, TIN FERRULES, DOME POINT. 0. 2-0 By doz. $12.50 | No. 3-0 By doz. $16.75 inch 4 4 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S FRESCO BRUSHES— CHISELED EDGE. FOR LINING. TIN-BOUND, HANDLES 18 INCHES LONG. By doz. $5.75 i 2 inches By doz. $10.75 “ 7.75 | D. 1 2 3 o. 1 ' 2 BRISTLE MARKING BRUSHES. (FRENCH ‘’BEAU BLANC” BRISTLES.) ROUND AND FLAT— CEDAR HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. By doz. $ .40 .40 .40 Assorted, 1 to 6, No. 4 “ 5 “ 6 By doz. $ .40 By doz. $ .40 “ .45 .50 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BRISTLE SKEWING BRUSHES. FOR GILDERS. (SOFT FRENCH WHITE BRISTLES.) POLISHED HANDLES, WIRE-BOUND QUILLS. By doz. $2.00 I No. 3 By doz. $3.50 , “ 2.50 I “ 4 “ 4.25 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BRISTLE POONAH BRUSHES. FOR WAX FLOWER PAINTING. ROUND — POLISHED HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. (See Drawing on page 214.) .By doz. $ .55 . “ .55 . “ .55 No. 4 By doz. $ .65 “ 5 “ .65 “ 6 “ -70 ). 1 . 2 . 3. Assorted, 1 to 6 By doz. $ .70 246 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’3 BRISTLE COLORING BRUSHES. FOR ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MAKERS. ROUND — CEDAR DANDLES, TIN FERRULES. So. No. 2-0 By doz. $ .60 “ 1-0 li 65 “ 1 “ .70 “ 2 “ .80 | No. 3 By doz. $ .96 “ 4 “ 138 “ 5 “ 1.88 “ 6 “ 2.18 Assorted, 2-0 to 6 By doz. $1.15 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 247 No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 8 RED SABLE PENCILS. FOB WATER COLOR PAINTING MINIATURE. IN QUILLS — ROSE SILK AND SILVER THREAD BINDING. By doz. $ .65 No. 5 By doz. $2.00 “ .75 “ 6 “ 2.60 “ 1.15 “ 7 “ 3.70 , “ 1.50 “ 8 “ 5.00 Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $2.20 No. 1. “ 2 “ 3 REI) SABLE SWAN QUILL MINIATURE PENCILS. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING LARGE WASHES, E(C. (See Drawing on page 255.) By doz. $27.00 “ 21.00 18.00 No. 4 By doz. $14 “ 5 “ 10 . “ 6 “ 9. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S RED SABLE LETTERING PENCILS. IN QUILLS — ROSE SILK AND GOLD THREAD BINDING. HAIR — 1, 1£ AND 1^ INCHES LONG. (See Drawing on page 248.) No. 1 By doz. $ .65 No 5 " 2 “ 95 “ 6 ‘ 3 “ 1.10 “ 7 ‘ 4 “ 1.45 “ 8 By doz. $2 35 “ 3.00 “ 4.30 “ 500 Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $2.35 888 248 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. F. W. DEYOE & CO’S RED SABLE LETTERING PENCILS. SILVER-PLATED FERRULES. HAIR — f, 1, 14 AND 14 INORF-S LONG. No. 1 By doz. $ .80 “ 2 “ 1.10 “ 3 “ 1.25 “ 4 “ 1.60 Assorted, 1 to 8 No. 5 By doz. $2.50 “ 6 “ 3.15 1“ “ 7 “ 4.45 i “ 8 “ 5.15 I By doz. $2.50 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BROWN SABLE PENCILS. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING ; — MINIATURE. \ IN QUILLS— ROSE SILK AND (See Drawing No. 1 By doz. $ .75 “ 2 “ .90 “ 3 “ 1.40 “ 4 “ 1.90 Assorted, 1 to 8, GOLD THREAD BINDING. i page 247.) No. 5 By doz. $2.90 “ 6 “ 3.80 “ 7 “ 5.40 “ 8 “ 6.50 By doz. $2.95 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BROWN SABLE SWAN QUILL MINIATURE PENCILS. FOR WATER COLOR TAINTING LARGE WASHES. | \ No. 1 “ 2 , “ 3 (See Drawing on page 255.) By doz. $35.00 “ 27.00 “ 22.50 No. 4, “ 5 “ 6 By doz. $18.00 “ 13 50 11.00 E F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPERFINE BLACK SABLE LETTERING PENCILS. IN QUILLS — BED SILK AND GOLD THREAD BINDING. HAIR J TO 14 INCHES LONG. No. 1 By doz. $ .85 “ 2 “ 1.00 “ 3 “ 1 60 “ 4 “ 2.35 Assorted, 1 to 8 No. 5 By doz. $3.40 “ 6 “ 4.40 “ 7 “ 5.40 “ 8 “ 650 No. 10, extra large “ 12 , ..By doz. $3.15 By doz. $10.50 . “ 15.50 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 249 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPERFINE BLACK SABLE STRIPING PENCILS. IN QUILLS — RED SILK AND GOLD TIIREAD BINDING. HAIR If, 2 AND 2£ INCHES LONG. No. 1 j..By doz. $1.10 I No. 5 ...By doz. $4.50 2 . 3. 4. “ 1.50 ‘ 6 “ 2.00 “ 7 “ 3-00 “ 8 Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $4.00 5.60 6.55 7.75 No. 10, extra large By doz. $11.60 “ 12, “ “ 17.00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPERFINE BLACK SABLE LETTERING PENCILS. IN SILVER-PLATED FERRULES. HAIR | TO lj INCHES LONG. No. 1 By doz. $1.00 | No. 5 By doz. $3.55 “ 2 “ 3. 4. 1.15 1.65 2.50 6 . 7. 8 . 4.55 5.55 6.65 Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $3 30 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPERFINE BLACK SABLE STRIPING PENCILS IN SILVER-PLATED FERRULES. HAIR If, 2 AND 2£ INCHES LONG. No. 1 By doz. $1.25 2 . 3. 4. 1.65 2.15 3.15 No 5 By doz. $4.65 ' 6 ‘ " “ 5.75 7 “ 6.70 “ 7.90 Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $4.15 250 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPERFINE BLACK SABLE SWORD STRIPING PENCILS. IN TIN FERRCLES. (See Drawing on page 251.) Assorted, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 By doz. $1.75 F. W. DEVOE A CO’S FINE BLACK SABLE LETTERING PENCILS. V io. 1- IN QUILLS— RED SILK AND SILVER THREAD BINDING. nAIR £ TO 1£ INODES LONG. No. 1 No. 5 U 2 “ .55 ti 6 .... “ 1.70 U 3 “ .60 U 7 .... “ 2.00 ( < 4 “ .85 (( 8 .... “ 2.50 Assorted. 1 to 8 By doz. $1.25 No. 10, extra large By doz. $4.00 “ 12, “ “ 5.75 F. W. DEVOE A CO’S FINE BLACK SABLE STRIPING PENCILS. IN QUILLS- RED SILK AND SILVER THREAD BINDING. N HAIR 1J, 2, 2^ AND 2£ INCHES LONG. No. 1 Bv doz. $ .50 “ 2 “ .65 “ 3 “ .85 “ 4 “ 1.10 No. 5 By doz. $1.50 2.00 2.50 2.90 Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $1.50 No. 10, extra large By doz. $5.25 “ 12, “ “ 6.75 F. W. DEVOE A CO’S EXTRA FINE OX HAIR LETTERING PENCILS. IN QUILLS — RED SILK AND GOLD THREAD RINDING. No. 1 By doz. $ .50 .55 .65 .75 No. 5 By doz. $ .90 1.05 1.35 1.45 Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $ .90 No. 10, extra large By doz. $3 00 “ 12 , “ “ 4.75 W. DEVOE A CO’S EXTRA FINE OX HAIR STRIPING PENCILS. IN QUILLS — RED SILK AND GOLD THREAD BINDING. No. 1 '. By doz. $ .50 “ 2 “ .55 “ 3 “ .75 “ 4 11 .80 No. 5 By doz. $1.05 6. 1.30 1.45 1.60 Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $1.00 No. 10, extra large By doz $3.50 “ 12, “ “ 5.25 3... L pn 1. “ 1. F. W CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 251 ILS . 1 F. W. DEVOE & GO’S EXTRA. FINE OX HAIR LETTERING PENCILS. IN SILVER-PLATED FERRULES. No. 1 By doz. $ .65 2 “ .70 3 “ .83 4 “ .90 No. 5 By doz. $1.05 “ 1.20 “ 1.50 “ 1.60 ::o '50 6 . 7. 8 . Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $1.05 No. 10, extra large By doz. $3.25 “ 12, “ “ 5.00 F. W. DEVOE & GO’S EXTRA FINE OX IIAIR STRIPING PENCILS. IN SILVER-PLATED FERRULES No. 1 By doz. $ .65 “ 2 “ .70 “ 3 “ .90 “ 4 “ 95 No. 5 By doz. $1.20 1.45 1.50 1.75 Assorted, 1 to 8...: By doz. $1.15 No. 10, extra large By doz. $3.75 “ 12 “ “ 5.50 F. W. DEVOE & GO’S EXTRA FINE OX HAIR SWORD STRIPING PENCILS. IN TIN FERRULES. (See Drawing below.) Assorted, Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4 By doz. $1.00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPERFINE BRISTLE SWORD STRIPING PENCILS. IN TIN FERRULES Assorted, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 By doz. $ .75 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S MELONCILLO LETTERING PENCILS. IN QUILLS. By doz. $ .40 No. 5 . By doz. “ .45 “ 6 “ “ .55 I “ 7 “ “ .65 | “ 8 “ Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $ .75 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S MELONCILLO LETTERING PENCILS. IN SILVER-PLATED FERRULES. By doz. fs .55 “ .60 U < ( .70 .80 No. 5. “ 6 . “ 7. “ 8 . By doz. U << ii " 5 .. 1.3£ Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $ .90 11 5 .. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S RUSSIA SABLE PENCILS. FOR OIL OR WATER COLOR PAINTING. IN QUILLS — ROSE SILK AND SILVER THREAD BINDING. (See Drawing on page 247 .) Sal j “ 2 i " 3 By doz. $ .35 “ .40 “ .45 “ .50 No. 5 By doz. $ .55 “ 6 “ .65 “ 7 “ .80 “ 8 “ .90 Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $. 55 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SIBERIAN FITCH PENCILS. FOR TORCELAIN PAINTING (—BLENDING. * SQUARE POINTS. WIRE-BOUND QUILLS. By doz. $ .50 “ .65 “ .80 No. 6 By doz. $ .95 “ 7 “ 1.10 “ 8 “ 1.25 Assorted, 3 to 8 By doz. $ .95 3 4 No. 12, extra large, Silver-Plated Ferrules... By doz $1.85 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 2»3 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SIBERIAN FITCH PENCILS. 'i FOR PORCELAIN PAINTING BLENDING. SLANTING TOINTS. WIRE-BOUND QIJILLS Ul) No. 3 By doz. $ .55 l.» “ 4 “ .70 “ 5 “ .80 No. 6 By doz. $ .90 “ 7 “ 1.15 “ 8 “ 1.35 Assorted, 3 to 8 By doz. $ .90 No. 12, extra large, Silver-Plated Ferrules. ..By doz. $1.95 L» 1.05 1.05 1JS No. 3 “ 4 “ 5 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BADGER IIAIR PENCILS. FOR GILDING. SQUAKE POINTS. IN By doz. $ .40 “ .45 .50 QUILLS — BLUE SILK BINDING. No. 6 “ 7 “ 8 Assorted, 3 to 8 By doz. $ .55 By doz. $ .60 “ .65 “ .75 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SIBERIAN PENCILS. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. 00 r IN QUILLS -BED SILK AND GOLD THREAD BINDING. (See Drawing on page 254.) No. 1 By doz. $ .25 “ 2 “ .30 “ 8 “ .35 “ 4 “ .45 Assorted, 1 to 8 No. 5 By doz. $ .50 “ 6 “ .70 “ 7 “ .75 “ 8 “ .90 By doz. $ .55 2 Quills 3 “ 4 “ CAMEL HAIR PENCILS-SPLIT QUILLS. SQUARE AND POINTED— WIRE BOUND. By doz. $1.15 “ 1.75 “ 2 25 5 Quills 6 “ 8 “ By doz. $3.25 “ 4.00 “ 5.25 254 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. CAMEL HAIR PENCILS. FOK WATER COLOR PAINTING. IN QUILLS. BED SILK AND GOLD THREAD BINDING. BOSE SILK AND SILVER THREAD BINDING. iature, No. 1 .25 Super Extra No. 1 By doz $ .20 “ “ 2 ... .25 It “ 2 (1 .20 “ “ 3 ... tl .85 1 1 “ 3 It .25 it << 4 it .45 tl “ 4 tl .30 “ “ 5 II .50 (1 “ 5 1 1 .40 “ “ 6 (I .60 II “ 6 II .50 U II »•» I 4 .70 II “ 7 II .60 “ “ 8 It .85 tl “ 8 II .70 “ Ass’d, 1 to 8. .. «t .50 It Ass’d. 1 to 8, II .40 Superfine, Assorted, 1 to 8, Rlue Silk and Silver Thread Binding. Fine, “ 1 to 8, Ito9e Thread Binding Demifine, “ 1 to 8, Green Thread Binding Ordinary, “ 1 to 8, Thread Binding CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 255 CAMEL HAIR SWAN QUILL MINIATURE PENCILS. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING LARGE WASHES, ETC. No. 1 $4.50 No. 5 (( 2 CC 3.50 “ 6 “ 1.10 it 3 tt 2.75 “ 7 “ .90 it 4 it 2.20 No. 0, extra large By doz. $5.25 << 00 , “ “ 6.00 256 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. CAMEL HAIR SWAN QUILL PENCILS. FOR WATER COLOR TAINTING. POINTED. Super — Hair, $, £ and 1 inch long. Red Silk and Gold Thr. ad Binding By doz. $ .65 ... Fine — “ | and 1 “ Thread Binding “ .50' CAMEL HAIR PENCILS. Swan Quill FOR PORCELAIN PAINTING GROUNDS. ROUND POINTS. WIRE-BOUND QUILLS. By doz. $ .75 | Two Quills CAMEL HAIR PENCILS. FOR PORCELAIN PAINTING. By doz. $1.25 SHORT HAIR— POINTED. IN QUILLS— GREEN 81I.K AND GOLD THREAD BINDING. No. 1 By doz. $ .25 “ 2 “ .£0 “ 3 “ .35 “ 4 “ .40 Assorted, 1 to 8, No. 5 By doz. $ .50 “ 6 “ .55 “ 7 “ .65 “ 8 “ .75 -= By doz. $ .45 No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 CAMEL HAIR PENCILS. FOR PORCELAIN PAINTING. SHORT HAIR — SQUARE. IN QUILLS — GREEN SILK AND GOLD THREAD BINDING. By doz. $ .25 No. 5 By doz. .50 “ .30 “ C “ .55 “ .35 “ 7 “ .65 “ .40 “ 8 “ .75 Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $ .45 CAMEL HAIR PENCILS. FOR TORCELAIN PAINTING. LONG IIAIR — POINTED. IN QUILLS — GREEN SILK AND GOLD THREAD BINDING. No. 0— J and § in. long By doz. $ .25 I No. 2— f and J in. long By doz. $ .30 “ ■« | “ “ .25 I “ 3-| “ | “ “ .35 Assorted, 0 to 3 By doz. $ .30 No.'. 2 . I “ 3. “ i i CAMEL HAIR PENCILS. FOR PORCELAIN PAINTING ;— LINING. LONG HAIR— 8QUARE. IN QUILLS— GREEN SILK AND GOLD THREAD BINDING. So.;, No. 3 By doz. $ .35 “ 4 “ .45 No. 5. “ 6 ., .By doz. $ .50 !* . “ .65 1 Assorted, 3 to 6 By doz. $ .50 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 257 •Jo. 3 4. 5. CAMEL HAIR PENCILS. FOR PORCELAIN PAINTING STRIPING. SLANTING POINTS. IN QUILLS— GREEN SILK AND GOLD THREAD BINDING By doz. $ .45 “ .55 “ .65 No. 6 By doz. $ .10 “ 7 “ .75 “ 8 “ .85 Assorted, 3 to 8 By doz. if .65 CAMEL IIAIR PENCILS. ROSE. FOR LETTERING OR STRIPING. SQUARE POINT. IN QUILLS. HAIR £, §, J, 1, li, 1£, If, 2, 2^ AND 2£ INCHES LONG. Io. 1, Rose Silk Binding By doz. $ .15 No. 5, Rose Silk Binding. ...By doz. $ . 2, “ “ .... “ .15 “ 6, “ “ .... “ 3, “ “ .... “ .20 “ 7, “ “ .... “ 4, “ “ .... “ .25 “ 8, “ “ .... “ Assorted, 1 to 8 By doz. $ .25 SUPER EXTRA CAMEL HAIR PENCILS. FOR LETTERING OR STRIPING. SQUARE POINTS. IN QUILLS — RED AND GREEN SILK, AND SILVER THREAD BINDING. HAIR 1, 1^, 1£, If, 2, 2 [ AND 2i INCHES LONG. (See Drawing abovo.) ^0. 1 By doz. $ .20 2 ‘ 20 3 “ .25 4 “ .30 No. 5. “ 6 . • By doz. $ .40 . “ .50 . “ .60 . “ .70 Assorted. 1 to 8 By doz. $ .40 258 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. CAMEL IIAIR SWORD STRIPING PENCILS. - TIN FERRULES. (See Drawing on page 251.) Assorted, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 By doz. $ . * CAMEL HAIR SWORD STRIPING PENCILS. WOOD HANDLES. Assorted, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 By doz. $1. JAPANNERS’ CAMEL HAIR PENCILS. YELLOW QUILLS No. 3—^, 1 and 1^ in By gross, $5.00 No. 6 — if, 1, 1$ and 1J in. ..By gross, $6. “ 4 — J, 1 “ 1£ “ “ 5.75 i CAMEL HAIR GOOSE QUILL PENCILS. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE, ETC. Fine, No. 6— f inch long. ...By doz. $ .25 Demifine, No. 8 By doz. $ . “ “ 7—| “ .... “ 25 Ordinary, “ 8 “ “ “ 8—1 “ .... “ .30 CAMEL HAIR SWAN QUILL PENCILS-SQUARE. FOR LETTERING OR STRIPING. Hair i to 2 ^ inches long .60 ,00 .75 ,35 25 By doz. $ .60 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 259 CAMEL HAIR PENCILS— LARGE. FOR LETTERING OR STRIPING. Hair £ to inches long. IX SILVER-PLATED FERRULES. By doz. $ .95 CAMEL HAIR THROAT PENCILS. SILVER-PLATED WIRE HANDLES. By doz $ -95 WHALEBONE HANDLES. 260 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S “GEM” BRISTLE COACH VARNISH BRUSHES. FLAT- POLISHED HANDLES, BRASS FERRULES. Chiseled Edge, 1, 1£, 2, 2^ and 3 inches wide By inch, C, .35 IN TIN— POLISHED CEDAR HANDLES. Chiseled Edge, Single Thick— 1, 1£, 2, 2* and 3 inches wide By inch * 25 'i “ Double “ —1, lj, 2. 2£ and 3 “ '•< ’ ‘gg 2 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S “EXTRA” BRISTLE FLOWING BRUSHES. IN TIN— BLACK POLISHED HANDLES. Chiseled Edge, Single I hick — 1, l£, 2, 2^ and 3 inches wide By inch, $ .20 1 , F. W. DEVOE 6i CO’S “ELASTIC” GREY BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES. EXTRA HEAVY — CHISELED EDGE. FLAT — POLISHED HANDLES, BRASS FERRULES. Specially adapted for Heavy Flowing Varnishes. 1£, 2, 2^ and 3 inches wide By inch. $ .50 ! F. W ’ 1 iacn CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 261 F W. DEYOE & CO’S “ELASTIC” BLACK BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES. EXTRA HEAVY CHISELED EDGE. FLAT -POLISHED HANDLES, BRASS FERRULES. 1, 4 > 2 , 21 and 3 inches wide By inch, $ .40 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S “HALF ELASTIC” BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES. FLAT — HARDWOOD HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. Chiseled Edge — 1, 4> 2. 21 and 3 inches wide By inch. $ .40 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPER EXTRA BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES— CHISELED EDGE-EXTRA THICK. FLAT — IN TIN. CEDAR HANDLES, DOUBLE NAILED. 1 inch wide By doz. $2.60 1J 2 4.15 6 15 2i inches wide By doz $ 9.10 3 “ “ 12.50 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPER BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES— CHISELED EDGE. FLAT— IN TIN. CEDAR HANDLES. 1 inch wide By doz. $1.85 4 “ “ 3.05 2 “ “ 4.70 21 “ • 6.65 3 inches wide By doz. $ 9.10 31 “ “ 11.85 4 “ “ 15.50 F. W. DEVOE & GO’S EXTRA BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES— CHISELED EDGE. FLAT — IN TIN. CEDAR HANDLES. 1 inch wide By doz. $1.35 4 “ , “ 2.20 2 “ “ 3.40 21 inches wide By doz. $4.50 3 “ “ 6.00 262 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS F. W. DEYOE & GO’S SUPER EXTRA BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES— EXTRA THICK. 1 inch wide 1 * “ 2 Fl.AT — IN TIN. CEDAR HANDLES, DOUBLE NAILED. By doz. $2.05 24 inches wide “ 3.10 3 “ “ 4.80 By doz. $6.9 9.6 1 inch wide By doz. $1.40 3 inches wide By doz. $6. 7( 1* “ “ 2.15 3} “ “ 8.3C 2 “ “ 3 35 4 “ “ 11.0C 24 “ “ 4 90 F. W. DEVOE & GO’S EXTRA BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES. FLAT— IN TIN. CEDAR HANDLES. 1 inch wide By doz. $1.00 3 inches wide By doz. $4.90 4 “ “ 1.80 34 “ “ 6.00 2 “ “ 2.40 4 “ “ 8.50 24 “ “ 3 35 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BRISTLE VARNISH BRUSHES— THIN. (FRENCH BRISTLES.) 3-row FLAT— IN TIN. CEDAR HANDLES. 1, 14, 2, 24 and 3 inches wide By inch, $ .08 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S BRISTLE MOTTLING BRUSHES. IN TIN. CEDAR HANDLES. 1, 14, 2, 24 and 3 inches wide 1 So. By inch, $ .07 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 203 F. W. DEVOE & GO’S WOOD FILLING BRUSHES. STIFF BLACK BRISTLES— CEDAR HANDLES, TIN FERRULES. Square Edge — 1, 1£, 2, 2$ and 3 inches wide By inch. $ .20 F. W. DEVOE & GO’S FURNITURE RUBBING BRUSHES. 3-row STIFF BRISTLES, WIRE DRAWN. By doz. $4.50 | 4-row By doz. $5.50 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S COACH PAINTERS’ BRISTLE SPOKE BRUSHES POLISHED HANDLES — FINE BRISTLES, TWINE BOUND. No. 1 “ 2 By doz. $8.70 . “ 10.25 No. 3 By doz. $13.00 264 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. I)EVOE & GO’S SPECIAL GRAINING TOOLS. IN TIN. 1, 1£, 2, 2£, 8 , 3i AND 4 INCHES WIDE. 1 , CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS 266 a . i a -sect: i a PIPED OVER-GRAINER. Style A— Ox Hair Over-Grainer By inch. $ .25 “ B-Fitch Hair “ “ .20 “ C — Bristle “ Fine “ .15 “ D — “ Mottler “ .15 “ E — “ Oak Qrainer “ .15 “ F — “ Oak Cutter - “ .15 “ Q - “ Cutter, Angular “ .15 “ H — “ Oak Cutter, Edged “ .15 “ J — “ Cutter, Angular, Edged “ .15 “ K — “ Qrainer, Waved “ .20 “ L— “ Knotted Qrainer “ .20 “ M — “ Castellated Qrainer “ .25 “ N— “ Castellated Fan Grainer “ .25 “ O — Camel Hair Cutter “ .20 “ p_ “ “ “ Edged “ .25 “ Q— Bristle Marbler “ .25 “ R — Russia Bristle Over-Grainer “ .20 “ S— Bristle Piped ‘ (See drawing above) “ .20 “ T— Badger Blenders, set in Wood “ .60 “ U — Red Sable Over-Grainer (See drawing above) “ .50 “ V— Badger Piped “ ( “ “ “ ) “ .25 “ W — Bristle Blender, set in Wood (Style T) “ .30 F. W. DEVOE A CO’S PORCUPINE GRAINING BRUSHES. IN TIN. CEDAR HANDLES (See Drawing on pace 266.) 1, 1£, 2, 2J, 3, 3^ and 4 inches wide By inch, $ .12 2(36 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS F. W. DEVOE & CO’S FINE BRISTLE GRAINING BRUSHES. IN TIN. CEDAK HANDLES. 1, 1$, 2, 2£, 3, 3£ and 4 inches wide By inch BRISTLE TOP GRAINERS. SET IN CEDAR HANDLES. 1 inch wide 1 * “ 2 “ 2i 3 By doz. $2.25 “ 2.50 “ 3 00 “ 3.50 “ 4.25 3J inches wide By doz. ^ n _ a 4J “ “ K “ “ F. W. DEVOE & CO’S WALNUT STIPPLERS. 3 inches wide 3J 4 4i By doz. $ 9.75 . “ 11.50 . “ 14.25 . “ 17.50 5 inches wide 5i 6 By doz. (( I < $ .10 $4.75 5.50 6.00 6.75 $20.75 24 25 27.50 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 2(37 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S “CHAMPION” OVAL COACH PAINTERS’ VARNISH BRUSHES. COPPERED FERRULES. CHISELED EDGES. No. 1 By doz. $ 6.Q0 “ 1-0 “ 7.20 “ 2-0 “ 8.75 “ 3-0 “ 10 20 No. 4-0 By doz. $12.40 “ 5-0 “ 14 65 “ 6-0 “ ‘ 19 00 “ 7-0 “ 23.40 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPER EXTRA OVAL VARNISH BRUSHES— CHISELED. (FRENCH “BEAU BLANC ” BRISTLES. ) No. 6 By doz. $3.C0 “ 5 “ 3.90 “ 4 “ 5.15 “ 3 “ 5.75 “ 2 “ 6.85 “ 1 “ 8.40 No. 1-0 By doz. .$10.30 “ 2-0 “ 11.75 “ 3-0 “ 14.60 “ 4-0 “ 16.60 “ 5-0 “ 19.70 “ 6-0 “ 22.35 208 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. F. W. DEVOE & CO’S SUPER EXTRA OVAL VARNISH BRUSHES. (FRENCH BRISTLES.) 4 . 8 ; $.11) $ xio 5 12 I ( rI< j f >12 ' It 42 1 ! Co CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 269 ARTICLES FOR DECORATION. EBONIZFT) WOOD PANELS. FOR OIL PAINTING. 4 x 8 inches 5 x 10 6 x 10 5 x 12 l 6 x 12 6 x 14 “ 6 x 16 “ 8 x 12 “ 10 x 12 “ 7 x 14 “ 7 x 15 “ 8 x 14 “ 8 x 16 “ 7J x 18 “ 8 x!8 “ “ 65 9x13 inches Each, $ .65 10x14 “ “ .65 8x20 “ “ -65 9x18 “ “ 65 9x20 “ “ -70 10x20 “ “ -90 10x24 “ “ LOO 11x22 “ “ 1.10 12x2) “ “ 1-20 12x24 “ “ 1-40 14x20 “ “ 1-40 14x24 “ “ 160 14x29 “ “ 2.50 16x20 “ “ 1-80 18x24 “ -. “ 2.50 HIGHI.Y POLISHED — PACKED IN PAIRS. ....Each, f .40 .... “ .40 .... “ .40 << “ .40 .48 .48 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .55 .60 .65 EBONIZED WOOD PANELS— GOLD EDGE FOR OIL PAINTING. HIGHLY POLISHED, RAISED CENTRE. 8x12 inches I 10 x 20 inches Each, *1.80 “ 1.35 12x20 “ “ 2.25 “ 1.50 12x24 “ “ 2.50 lUxlo “ 1 50 14x29 “ “ 3.00 9 x 18 EBONIZED METAL PANELS. FOR OIL PAINTING. HIGHLY POLISHED. 4x6 inches 6x12 inches “ .12 7x14 “ “ .24 4x8 ‘ “ .14 8x16 “ “ .37 5x10 “ 5x12 “ “ .18 9x18 “ “ .44 FROSTED OPAL PORCELAIN PANELS. FOR Oil. PAINTING. BEVELED EDGES, ROUGH SURFACE. 3x5 inches “ 35 6x12 inches 7x7 “ ( 4 1 -75 .55 4x6 “ “ 40 7x14 “ i < 1.00 4x8 “ “ 40 8x8 “ «( .70 5x7 “ 5x10 “ 6x6 “ , “ .50 “ .40 8x16 “ U 1.35 270 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 4x8 inches. 5x10 “ 6x6 8x8 6x12 “ x 4£ inches, 3 x6 “ 4}x6i “ , 4x8 “ 5x8 2$x 4^ inches 4*x 6* “ 4^x U “ 4x8 4$ x 9 5 x 10 7x9 6 x 12 8x10 7 x 14 PLATE GLASS PANELS. FOB OIL PAINTING. BEVELED EDGES, ROUGH SURFACE. Each, $ .30 7x14 inches ..Each, $ .80 . “ .45 10x10 “ “ 1.00 . “ .35 10x12 “ “ 1.10 . “ .60 12x12 “ “ 1.35 . “ .65 14x14 “ “ 2.00 WHITE HOLLY PANELS. FOR OIL AND WATER COLOR PAINTING. BEVELED EDGES. Each, $ .07 4£x9 inches Each, $ .15 .08 5 x 10 “ “ .18 .10 6 x9 “ “ .18 . “ .10 6 x 11 “ “ .20 . ‘ .12 6 x 12 “ " .25 CARDBOARD PANELS. FOR WATER COLOR PAINTING. TINTED SURFACE, GILT BEVELED EDGE. THICK White, Buff, Pink, Grey, Azure and Light Green. .Bv doz. $ .60 . “ .95 Maroon, Bottle Green, Black and Chocolate. $ .60 1 00 Gilt and Silver Bronze Face. 1.40 . “ 1.05 1.10 1 60 . “ 1.08 1.28 1.75 “ 1.38 1.50 2.10 44 1.62 1.80 2.50 « 4 2 16 2.40 3.60 44 2.25 2.52 . 3.70 4 i 2 52 2.65 4.50 THIN. 2Jx4^ incnes 41x64 “ White, Buff. Pink, Grey, Azure and Light Green. “ .36 Maroon, Bottle Green, Black and Chocolate. 38 Gilt and Silver Bronze Face. f 40 90 4ix7± 41 44 .40 43 1 00 4 x 4 “ 44 .35 38 68 5 x5 “ « 4 .45 50 84 6 x 6 “ 44 .68 68 1.35 8 x8 “ 44 1.0S 1.25 . 2.43 Circles, 4 inches 44 .58 58 85 “ 6 “ * 44 1.00 1.00 1.70 Ovals, 4J x 6J inches . ... 44 1.10 Ekk 44 .75 90 Crescent 4 4 .90 90 1.20 Palette 44 1.50 1.60 1.90 Star 44 1.50 1.50 1.90 Leaf 44 .95 ... 95 1.25 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 271 CARDBOARD PANELS. FOB WATER COLOR PAINTING. WHITE, ROUGH SURFACE, RAGGED EDGE. 2}x41 inches 6x6 inches 3$x4 4 x 4 (( “ .70 5x8 “ “ 2.25 (< “ .75 7x9 “ “ 2 60 4 x6 (< “ 1.00 LEATHERBOARD PLAQUES. (Papier Macue.) (Patented June 3, 1884.) FOR OIL PAINTING. ROUND. 5 inches diam 12 inches diam 6 “ “ 2.15 13 “ “ 6 00 7 “ “ 2.50 14 “ “ 6.80 8 “ “ 3.00 15 “ “ 7.65 9 “ “ 3.40 16 “ “ 8.50 10 “ “ 3.65 18 “ “ 12.00 11 “ “ 4.60 20 “ “ 15.30 ov AL. 8 inches long 13 inches long 10 “ “ 3.65 15 “ “ 7.65 11 “ “ 4.60 17 “ “ 12.00 GILT FACI : — ROUND. 6 inches diam 10 inches diam 7 “ “ 7.65 12 “ “ 12 40 81 “ “ 7.90 14 “ “ 15.45 EBONIZED — ROUND. 6 inches diam 11 inches diam 7 “ » 4.35 12 “ “ 7.75 8 “ “ 4.70 13 “ “ 8.75 9 “ “ 5.40 14 “ “ 10.00 10 “ “ 6 no 16 “ “ 12.00 EBONIZED— OVAL. inches long 13 inches long 10 “ “ 6.00 15 “ “ 11.25 •272 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. FROSTED PORCELAIN PLAQUES. OPAL, ROUGHED, WHITE, ROUND. 5 inches diam 11 inches diam 6 “ “ 4.15 12 “ “ 12 60 7 “ “ 5.00 13 “ “ 14 40 8 “ “ 5.50 14 “ « 16 50 9 “ “ 7.20 15 “ “ 22 00 10 “ “ 9.00 16 “ « 27 00 WOODEN PLAQUES. PLAIN WOOD. 7 inches, 3 ply 9J inches, 3 ply 81 “ “ “ 1.50 12 “ 5 “ “ 4 20 HOLLY AND MAPLE. 7 inches, 3 ply 9£ inches, 3 ply 81 “ “ “ 2.10 12 “ 5 “ “ 6.00 “DIAMOND” BRASS PLAQUES. ENTIRELY NEW DESIGN, HAVING A DULL CENTRE, AND HIGHLY BURNISHED AND EMBOSSED RIM, WITH TWO ROWS DIAMOND BEADING This Plaque is a substitute for the ordinary Plain Plaque and superior. 3 inches 8 inches 31 44 1 65 10 “ “ 450 4 < 4 “ 2 00 12 “ “ 6.00 6 (( “ 260 14 “ “ 9.50 7 (4 “ 3.40 16 “ “ 11.00 i HAMMERED SCROLL BRASS PLAQUES. No. 3— 6 inches By doz ill. 00 “ 3— 8 “ 12.50 “ 3—10 “ “ 14.50 No. 3—12 inches By doz. $18.00 “ 3—14 “ “ 20.00 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 273 IMPROVED HAMMERED PLAQUES. No. 6. WITH KNA1U.ED EDGE. No. 16. Brass, 6 inches ...By doz. $7.00 Antique Bronze, 8 in $12.00 “ 8 “ . . (4 8.00 U “ 10 “ (4 15.00 “ JQ “ li 10.00 U “ 12 “ <( 17.00 “ 12 “ “ 14 “■ It n 12.00 16.00 u “ 14 “ << 21.00 Brass, 6 inches “ 8 “ “ 10 “ “ 12 “ “ 14 “ SQUARE IMPROVED HAMMERED PLAQUES. WITH A No. 7. By doz. $9.00 “ 10.00 “ 1200 “ 15.00 “ 20.00 MARLED EDGE. Antique Bronze it <( (i ti u u No. 17. 8 in By doz. $14.00 10 “ “ 17.00 12 “ “ 20.00 14 “ “ 25.00 No. 8. Brass, 6 inches “ 8 “ “ 10 “ “ 12 “ “ 14 “ WITH A ENABLED EDGE. No. 18. By doz. $9.00 “ 10.00 “ 12.00 “ 15.00 “ 20.00 Antique Bronze, 8 in u u jo “. u u 12 u u 14 By doz. $14.00 “ 17.00 20.00 25.00 (< 4 . § 8 §§ 271 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. BRASS PALETTES. HAMMERED PALETTE. WITH PLAQUE WITH DEAD CENTRE, BRIGnT RIM. 10 inch Palette (Plaque 4 inches diam.) By doz $15 12 “ ( “ 6 “ ) “ 14 14 “ ( “ 8 “ ) “ If DIAMOND BUASS TAMBOURINES. HAMMERED RIM, HEAD HIGHLY BURNISHED, TWO ROWS OP BEADING. 6 inches By doz. $7.20 10 inches By doz. $11 8 “ “ 9.00 12 “ “ 18 UNIQUE BRASS TAMBOURINES. MAT FINISH. BOTH FRAME AND PLAQUE CAN BE DECORATED. 6 inches By doz. $5.15 | 10 inches By doz. $9 8 “ “ 7.50 | 12 “ “ 12 BRASS TAMBOURINE FRAMES. FOR FRAMING ANY KIND OF PLAQUE. 8 inches, with Opening for 6 inch Plaque By doz. $11. 10 “ “ 8 “ 18. 12 “ “ “ 10 “ “ 16. SSS §5 g 8 g § g CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 275 “UTILITY” BRASS FRAMES. FOB FRAMING THE FAMOUS “DIAMOND” BRASS PLAQUE. Suitable for any kind of Plaque. The surface of the frame can be decorated with splendid effect. 6 inches, with Opening for 4 inch Plaque By doz. $3.60 9 <• “ “ G “ “ 6.60 << “ “ 8 “ “ 8.40 13£ •< “ “ 10 “ .< “ 13.00 I51 “ “ “ 12 “ “ 15.00 TAMBOURINES. SHEEPSKIN — MAPLE nOOP, BRASS JINGLES. 8 inches By doz. $4.80 12 in By doz. $5.75 10 “ “ 5.40 CALFSKIN — MAPLE HOOP, BRASS JINGLES. 6 inches By doz. $4.00 10 inches By doz. $8.00 8 “ “ 6.50 12 “ “ 10.00 F. W. DEVOE & CO’S ENAMEL PAINTS. WHITE, IVORY, AZURE AND PEACH BLOW. FOP. THE DECORATION OF FURNITURE, WICKER WARE, BASKETS AND BRIC-A-BRAC, IN THE LATEST STYLE OF WHITE AND GOLD, BLUE AND SILVER, ETC. Put up in glass bottles, the same sizes and style of their well-known Ebouy Black. Small Bottles By doz. $3.00 | Large Bottles By doz. $6.00 LAVATINE. A new article for decorating Wood, Glass, Pottery, etc., to produce metal effects. Can be made very effective when applied to Vases, Jugs, Fancy Boxes, Plaques, etc. ; and ! used in connection with the “ Peerless ” Metallic Paints. By box. with full directions $ CORAL1NE. A new Clay for modelling Flowers, Fruits and Leaves in high relief. Can be applied to Vases, Wood, Glass, and Plush. Requires no baking. Can be painted on immediately after modeling. By package, with full directions $ SHEET CELLULOID. (IMITATION ivory.) For decoration with Oil or Water Colors. Polished face, rough back. Size 20x50 in. We do not cut sheets. They can, however, be easily cut by the purchaser, in piices of any desired size. For the preservation of the sheets they should be carefully packed. The cost of packing will be charged extra. No. 10— Thin, of an inch in thickness K Y sheet, $1.50 “ 15— Medium, of an inch in thickness “ 2.00 “ 20 — ’ Thick, of an inch in thickness “ 2.50 |b*T Alj &•»* Lf Ifcir'H IBfcite (Bta* mtasi ffiwh; Bt-o i (Bmb IBoot B - Bcs-) IBoi-d I Boa:; (Ba-: | Boa if I Ri*- Brw jfcfti IBtfof Bt : 8r ■;:• Ifcai Ifeml Bltr.v Ifcp.i feMC Br.-‘ ' fcx; ! lntt PM ' Ikmt Co; CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. 277 INDEX. PAGE. Vcademy Boards. 13, 14 Iphabets 114, 115 quarelle Tablets 91 tomizers 73 badger Brushes 211 to 214 iadger Hair Pencils 253 lear Hair Brushes 216, 217 Hack Bristol Boards 91 ’.lack Sable Flowing Brushes 216 '.lack Sable Pencils 248 to 250 Sond Papers 94 looks of Letters, Scrolls, Etc 114, 115 looks on Art 1(M to 114 Bourgeois’ Liquid India Ink 52 ioxes— Japanned Tin— Oil Colors-! „„ Fitted and Empty. J ‘ 0 ^ ioxes— Mahogany, for Water Colors 38 Ioxes of Crayon Materials 75, 76 .170, 1 71 .16 to 23 jiioxesof Materials for Chromo-I Photography. ) ' " Boxes of Water Colors— French 40 to 43 Boxes of Water Colors— W. & N .38, 39 Boxes— Wooden— Oil Colors—) Fitted and Empty. ( Brass Leaf Moulds 187, 188 Bristle Brushes 226 to 246 and 260 to 268 Bristle Pencils 251 Bristol Boards 90, 91 Brocade— Leaf 183 IBronze Powders 183 Brown Drawing Papers, in Rolls 97 Brown Sable Brushes 204 to 206 Brown Sable Pencils 248 Brush Cases 25 Brush Trays 24 Brush Washers 24 Burnishers— Gilders’ 178, 179 Burnishers for Illumination 179 Burnish Gold Size 181 Camel Hair Brushes 218 to 226 Camel Hair Pencils 253 to 259 Camp Stools 31, 32 Canvas Blocks 16 Canvas Boards— Russel’s 14. 15 Canvas on Stretchers 12, 13 Canvas Pins 13 Canvas Pliers 13 Canvas— Prepared 8, 9 Canvas —Tapestry 169 Celluloid 275 Chagrine Boards 95 Chalk Pencils in Cedar 70 Chalks— Various 69, 70 Chamois Palettes 68 Charcoal— French 70, 71 Charcoal Papers 93 PAGE. Chinaware 57 to 60 Chinese White— Rowney & Co’s 52 Chromo-Photography— M a' erials for 170, 171 Cloth— Tracing 96 Colored Crayons 74 Colored Inks 51 Compass — School, Patent. 81 Composition Gold Leaf 180 Copper Foil or Tinsei 184 Coraline 275 Crayon Materials— Boxes of 75, 76 Crayon Papers 93 Crayon Pointers 71 Crayons— Hard Pastels 68 Crayons in Cedar 70 Crayons in Tubular Screw Pointed Holders — 70 Crayons— Lecturers’ 70 Crayons— Soft Pastel 65 to 67 Crayons— Various 69, 70 Creswick’s Drawing Paper .92 Designers’ Moist Water Colors 50 Designs for Repouss6 Work 174, 175 Dividers— Wooden 87 Dixon’s Lead Pencils 79 Drawing Boards 88, 89 Drawing Books— School 101, 102 Drawing Copy Books 116 to 123 Drawing Models 149 to 152 Drawing Papers -Various 91 to 98 Drawing Tables— Adjustable 90 Drawing Tablets 102 Eagle Automatic Pencils 81 Eagle Lead Pencils 79 to 81 Easel Boards 103 Easels 27 to 31 Egg Shell Tinted Crayon Papers 93 Egyptian Water Colors Ill Enamel Paints 275 Erasers — Ink 83 Erasers— Monochromatic 71 Erasing Papers 96 Etching Inks. 173 Etching Materials 165 to 168 Faber’s Lead Pencils 76, 77 Fitch Brushes 215, 216 Fixatif 74 Flitter 172, 183 Flock 184 Florentine Fresco Colors 177 Foil— Copper 184 Foil— Tin 184 Freehand Drawing Boards 89 French Bristol Boards 90, 91 278 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. Index — Continued. PAOE. French Varnishes 36 French Water Colors on Cardboard Palettes. . .41 Fresco Materials 176, 177 Frosting 184 Gelatine Papers 94 Gilders’ Burnishers 178, 179 Gilders’ Cushions 178 Gilders’ Knives 178 Glass Mullers 27 Glass Slabs 27 Gold Cups and Shells 56 Gold Ink 51 Gold Leaf . 180 Gold Paint— Liquid 180. 181 Gold Preparation '. 182 Gold— Prepared, for China 64, 65 Gold Size 181 Graduated Tinted Boards 93 Hand Books 104 to 107 Handles for Quill Pencils 60 Harding’s Drawing Papers 92 Harvard Slate Surface 185 Illumination— Burnishers for 179 Imperishable Paste 185 India Ink— Liquid, Bourgeois’ 52 India Ink Saucer, with Cover 58 India Ink — Sticks 58 to 55 India Proof Papers 94 India Rubber 82, 83 Ink Erasers 83 Ink Saucers— Slate 60 Ink -India, Sticks 53 to 55 Ink— Japan 55 Inks— Colored, F. W. Devoe & Co’s 51 Inks for Pen Drawing 173 Inks — Gold and Silver 51 Ivory— Imitation Sheet 95 Ivory Sheets for Miniaturo Painting 60 •Japan Ink 55 Japanese Pearl 184 Japanned Tin Boxes for Lacroix's Tube Colors. 63 Japanned Tin Boxes of! 40 t0 49 Moist Water Colors. ( Japanned Tin Boxes, for Moist! 45 10 49 Water Colors, Empty. ) Japauners’ Camel Hair Pencils 258 7veys— Stretcher, A. D. Shattuck’s 9 to 11 Knives— French Painting 84 Knives— Gilders’ I" 8 Knives — Palette - 81 Ijacroix’s Tube Colors Lay Figures Lavatlno Lead Pencil Pointers Lead Pencils-A. W. Faber’s Load Pencils — Dixon’s Lead Pencils— Eagle Leaf— Gold til, 62 ....32 . . .275 . . . .71 76, 77 .. ..79 .79,80 ...180 PAOE. Leaf— Nickel 180 Leaf— Silver 180 Leaf— Brocade 183 Leaf Moulds— Brass 187, 188 Lecturers’ Crayons 70 Lip Glue 87 Liquid Gold Paint 180, 181 Liquids— F. W. D. & Co’s 51 Liquids— W. & N 52 Lustre Painting Materials 172 Mahl Sticks 26 Mahogany Boxes for Water Colors 38 Manikins 33 Materials for Chromo-Photography 170, 171 Materials for Etching 165 to 168 Materials for Lustre Painting 172 Materials for Repoussd Work 173 to 175 Materials for Tapestry Painting 169 Materials — Fresco 176, 177 Mediums — F. W. D. & Co’s 35, 36 Mediums for China Painting 65 Meloncillo Brushes— Artists’ 208 Meloncillo Pencils, 252 Metallics 183 Millboards 14 Modeling Materials— Sculptors’ 153 to 164 Models- Drawing 149 to 152 Monochromatic Boards 93 Monochromatic Erasers 71 Mounted Drawing Papers in Rolls 98 Mounting Boards 91 Mullers— Glass. 27 Nickel Leaf 18<> Nigrtvorine 73 Oil Bottles— Tin 25 Oil Colors in Tubes-F. W. D. ,fc Co’s 3 to 6 Oil Colors in Tubes— W. & N 7, 8 Oil Gold Size 181 Oils— Artists’ 35, 36 Oils— For China Painting 65 Oil Sketching Blocks 15 Oil Sketching Papers 15 Ox Hair Brushes— Artists’ 208 to 210 Ox Hair Pencils 250, 251 Paletto Crayon Box 74 Palel to Cups, Japanned Tin 24 Palotte Knives • 34 Palettes— Chamois 68 Palettes-China 57 Palettes— Wooden 25, 26 Pantographs 87 88 Panels 269 to 271 Paper Models- Relief 148, 149 Papers— Bond 91 Papers-Crayon and Charcoal 93 Papers— Drawing 92 to 98 Papers— Erasing 96 Papers— Gelatine 94 Papers -India Proof 94 Papers— Oil Sketching 15 CATALOGUE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. 279 Index — Continued. FAME. Papers— Pastel 93 Papers -Rice 94 Papers Torchon' 92 Papers— Tracing 96 Papers— Transfer 94 Parchment 94 Paste— Imperishable 185 Pastel Crayons— Ilalf Hard 67 Pastel Crayons— Hard 68 Pastel Crayons— Soft 65, 67 Pastel Papers and Boards 93 Patent Bronze Powders 183 Patent Office Bristol Boards 91 Pearl 184 Peerless Drawing Papers 92, 98 Peerless Gold Paint 182 Pens — Steel 84, 85 Pine Strips for Stretchers 11 Pins— Canvas 13 Plaques 272 to 274 Plaque Frames 274, 275 Plie rs — Canvas 13 Porcelain Cups— Plain 60 Porcelain — Imitation Sheet 95 Porte Crayons 71 Portfolios 102, 103 Preparations— F. W. D. & Co’s 51 Preparations— Various 36 Preparations— W. Jt. N’s 52 Prepared Gold for China Painting— Osgood’s. ..61 Red Sable Brushes Red Sable Pencils Repousse Materials Rest Sticks Reynold’s Bristol Boards. . Reynolds’ Super London Boards Rice Papers Ross’ Hand Stipple Drawing Papers Rubber for Cleaning Drawings Rubber— India Rubber— Sponge Rubber Stumps Rubber Tips Russia Sable Brushes Russia Sable Pencils 195 to 203 . 247,248 .173 to 175 26 90 94 95 84 . .82, 83 81 73 83 206, 207 252 Sable Finishing Brushes 217 School Drawing Books 101, 102 School Compass— Patent 81 Scratch Boards 95 Sculptors’ Modeling Materials 153 to 162 Siberian Brushes 207,208 Siberian Pencils 252, 253 Silver Cups and Shells 56 Silver Ink 51 Silver Leaf 180 Silver Paint— Liquid 181 Silver Preparation — F. W.D. & Co’s 182 Size— Gold 481 Sketch Blocks 99, 100 Sketch Books 100, 101 Sketching Canvas in Rolls 9 Sketching Canvas on Stretchers 12, 13 Sketching Portfolios -103 PAGE. Sketching Stools 31, 32 Sketching Umbrellas 32 Slabs— Glass 27 Slate Ink Saucers 60 Slate Surface— Harvard 185 Sponge Rubber 84 Steel Pens 84, 85 Stools— Sketching or Camp 31,32 Stretcher Keys— A. D. Shattuck’s 9 to 11 Stretchers— Canvas 12, 13 Stretchers without Canvas 11 Strips — Pine, for Stretchers 1L. Studies— Colored 124 to 148 Stumps— Various 72 ,73 Tables— Drawing, Adjustable 90 Tack Lifter— Thumb, Improved 87 Tacks, Thumb 86 Tambourines 274, 275 Tapestry Canvas 169 Tapestry Painting Materials 169 Tar Paste— Osgood’s 64 Throat Pencils 259 Thumb Tack Lifter— Improved 87 Thumb Tacks 86 Tin Cutters 189 Tin Foil 184 Tin Oil Bottles 25 Tin Palatte Cups 24 Tinsel 148 Tinting Saucers 58 Torchon Papers 92 Tortillon Stumps 72 Tracing Cloth 96 Tracing Papers 96 Transfer Papers 94 Tubes— Oil Colors in, F. W. D. & Co’s 3 to 6 Tubes— Oil Colors in, W. & N’s 7, 8 Turnbull’s Aquarelle Tablets 91 Turnbull’s Super London Boards 91 Umbrellas— Sketching V arnishes— Artists’ W ater Bottles and Cups— Japanned Tin Water Colors— Boxes of — W. & N Water Colors— In Cakes— W. & N Water Colors— French— Boxes of Water Colors— Moi-t, in Jap. \ Tin Boxes, W. & N. / Water Colors— Moist, in Pans, W. & N — Water Colors— Moist, in Tubes) in Boxes, W. & N. f Water Colors— Moist, in Tubes, W. & N. . Water Glasses 32 35, 36 50 . .38, 38 37 ,40 to 43 46, 47 .44, 45 .48, 49 ....48 56 Wax Crayons— A. W. Faber’s 78 Wax Flower and Fruit Supplies 186 to 194 Weston’s Linen Paper 94 Whatman s Drawing Papers 92 White Drawing Papers, in Rolls 97 Whiting’s Decorative Indelible Inks 173 Whiting’s Drafting Inks 51, 52 Wooden Dividers 87 Wooden Palettes 25, 26 * A? 7/-*^