LIST No. 947 PRICE LIST OF MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES FOR COLOUR PRINTING BY THE AUTOTYPE TRICHROME PROCESSES THE AUTOTYPE COMPANY LIMITED Autotype Works, Brownlow Road West Ealing :: London, W.I3 Telephone - EALing 2691 (4 lines) AUTOTYPE Retail Distributors: WALLACE HEATON LTD. 126/127 New Bond Street, W.l MAYfair 7511 PRICE LIST (POSTAGE EXTRA ON ALL ITEMS). (c) AUTOTYPE COLOUR PRINTING PROCESSES 56 pp. Illustrated. Price 4s. (Post free 4s. 3d.) The above publication produced by the Autotype Company Limited gives full working instructions for the making of Colour Prints on Paper, Transparencies and Anaglyphs by the following Autotype Colour Processes. TRICHROME CARBRO This is the method which for many years has been pre-eminent in the field, and is still preferred by the majority of colour workers. CONTACT CARBON Describes the making of colour prints by contact from colour separation negatives. DIRECT ENLARGEMENT CARBON A new development made possible by the improved printing speed of Autotype Papers and the recent introduction of sources of illumination of high intensity and actinic value. WET PRINTED CARBON Another new method, by which colour prints can be made in the shortest possible time. Invaluable to the process engraver and the serious worker who wish to make a quick check of the colour balance of separation negatives and the accuracy of retouching. It will also be found attractive by the amateur seeking an introduction to colour printing processes. (c) OTHER AUTOTYPE PUBLICATIONS “ THE CARBRO PROCESS ” . 7d. (post free 9d.) “ BRIEF WORKING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CARBON AND CARBRO PROCESSES ” ... 6d. (post free 7d.) (a) TRICHROME TRIAL OUTFITS Containing pigment papers, transparent celluloid, temporary and final support papers, waxing compound, Carbro solutions A and B, flat squeegee. 4£x6£ins. 12x16.5 cm. 21/- With instruction Book “ Autotype Colour Printing Processes’' ... ... ... ... ... ... 25/- 3 AUTOTYPE TRiCHROME PIGMENT PAPERS The following Pigment Papers are now available and customers are asked to take care to quote series and reference numbers when ordering so as to avoid the possibility of error. SERIES 1. Suitable for Carbon printing only. No. 170 Yellow. No. 172 Magenta (Red). No. 173 Cyan (Blue). The colours of this Series are of excellent transparency and brilliance, and are as nearly as possible theoretically accurate. The permanency is not of a high order. SERIES 2. Suitable for the Carbro Process only. No. 270 Yellow. No. 272 Magenta (Red). No. 273 Cyan (Blue). These colours are neither so transparent nor so brilliant as Series 1 and 3, but are more permanent. It is proposed to use more permanent colours as and when they become available. SERIES 3. Suitable for Carbro Process only. No. 370 Yellow. No. 372 Magenta (Red). No. 373 Cyan (Blue). These colours are the same as those employed for Series 1. SERIES 4. For Carbon Wet Printing Process. No. 470 Yellow. No. 472 Magenta (Red). No. 473 Cyan (Blue). These colours are similar to Series 1 and 3. ANAGLYPH PIGMENT PAPERS Anaglyph Red. Anaglyph Green. Made for the production of stereoscopic and anaglyph prints or transparencies by the Carbon and Carbro processes. TRANSPARENT YELLOW A special pigment paper made with a transparent yellow colour for the production of Carbro transparencies for projection. Price is the same as for standard yellow. (a) FRIGES Series 1, 2 and 3 and Anaglyph Whole Band 30 ins X 12 ft. 76 x 360 cm. 26/3 Half Band 15 ,, X 12 „ 38x360 „ 14/- Quarter Band 15 „ X 6 „ 38x180 „ 8/- Series 4 33/-' 17/6 10/6 All the above Pigment papers can be supplied in packets containing 1 dozen pieces of any desired colour or assorted (i.e. 4 of each colour). In making these packets care is taken to see iction from the original band. that all pieces are cut Series 1, 2 and 3 in the same Sizes and Anaglyph Series 4 3£ x 4£ ins. 9x11 cms. 2/3 31 - 4fX 6* „ 12.5 x 16.5 cm. 4/3 5/3 6£x 8£ „ 16.5x21.5 cm. 6/9 8/9 8x10 „ 20x25 „ ... 8/9 11/- 10 x12 „ 25x30 „ ... 12/9 16/3 12 x15 „ 30x38 „ ... 17/3 21/9 (a) SOLUBLE TEMPORARY SUPPORT No. 214 Per Whole Band 37 ins. x 12 ft. (95x360 cm.) ... 15/9 „ Half Band 18£ ins. x 12 ft. (48x360 cm) ... 8/9 „ Quarter Band 18£ ins. x 6 ft. (48 x 180 cm.) ... 5/- 4 Per packet of 12 sheets Sizes 4x5 ins. lOx 13 cm. 11- „ 5x7 13x18 „ . 21- 7x9 18x23 „ . 3/9 8£ x10£ „ ... 21x26 ,, . 5/3 „ 10*xl2£ „ ... 26x32 ,, . 7/6 „ 12Jxl5i „ ... 32x40 „ . 11/- (a) TRANSFER PAPERS FOR THE FINAL PRINT S.T. No. 108. Per Band 36 ins x 12 ft. (91 x 360 cm.) 17/- Smooth, white, medium thickness. S.T. No. 116. Per Band 36 ins x 12 ft. (91 x360 cm.) 17 h Smooth, white thick. S.T. No. 202. Per Band 36 ins x 12 ft. (91 X 360 cm.) 17/- Rough Matt White. Per packet of 12 sheets. Sizes 4 x 5 ins. 10 X 13 cm. 9d. „ 5x7,, 13x18 „ . ... 1/6 7 x 9 „ 18x23 ,, . ... 31- 9 xll 23x28 ,, . ... 41- „ 10*xl2£ „ 26x32 ,, . ... 61- „ 12JX15J „ 32x40 ,, . 8/3 (c) TRANSPARENT CELLULOID (Thick and Extra Thick). Thick Extra Thick (.020 in.) (.040 in.) Sizes 5x6 ins. 12.5x15 cm. Per doz. 6/3 12/6 6 x 8 ,, 15x20 cm. „ 10/6 21/- 8x10 „ 20x25 „ ,, 18/- 36/- „ 10x12 „ 25x30 ,, „ 25/6 51/- ,, 24 x 21\ ,, 60x70 „ „ 120/- 240/- (c) TRANSPARENT CELLULOID. (Thin .003 in. for Wet Carbon Printing Process). Sizes 6x 8 ins. 15x20 cm. per doz. sheets 3/9 8x10 „ 20x25 „ 61- „ 10x12 „ 25x30 „ 7/6 ,, 12x14 „ 30x35 „ 9/- „ 13x15 „ 33x38 ,, 12 1- (c) OTHER APPARATUS AND MATERIALS Flat Squeegees. Length 5 ins. ... ... each 4/- ,, 8 ins. ... each 5/9 ,, 12 ins. ... each 7/6 Greaseproof Paper 10 ins x 15 ins. per doz. 1/- Grey Wedge ... each 2/3 Special Waxing Compound per tin 1/6 Waxing Solution ready for use 5 oz. bottle 2/6 Waxing Solution ready for use ... per pint 6/6 Ammonium Bichromate per box 1/6 Potassium Bichromate per box 1/6 Gelatine per oz. 1/6 (a) Trichrome Carbro Stock Solution “ A ” 6 oz. bottle 2/3 Trichrome Carbro Stock Solution “ B ” 6 oz. bottle 2/3 (b) Spotting colours, red, yellow and blue each 1/6 (suitable for all series) (d) Anaglyph Viewing Filters (Acetate film) per pair 2/6 5 (c) ACTINOMETERS Trichrome Disc ... ... ... ... 5/6. Refills 1/6 per doz. N.B.—Actinometer Refills are subject to Purchase Tax. (d) TRI-COLOUR FILTERS (GELATINE FILM 1£ ins. square per set of 3 l| ins. If ins. 2 ins. 2| ins. ,, ,, ,, (ILFOROS) 1/6 Plus Purchase Tax 2/3 Plus Purchase Tax 3/- Tax free 4/- Tax free 6/3 Tax free (d) PANCHROMATIC x 3£ ins. 3£x4£ ins. 4f x 6| ins. PLATES (BACKED) (ILFORD S HYPERSENSITIVE) per doz. 3/4 Plus Purchase Tax per doz. 5/1 Plus Purchase Tax per doz. 10/8 Plus Purchase Tax (d) BROMIDE PAPERS (SPECIAL NON SUPER COATED FOR CARBRO) (SLFORDS) 4f x 6£ ins. 6£x 8£ „ ... 8 x 10 „ ... 10 x 12 „ ... 12 x 15 „ ... 8 ins. x 25 ft. 1/9 per packet of 10 sheets. . 2/9 „ • 3/9 „ • 5/6 „ • 8/3 „ 10/9 per roll Plus Purchase Tax Plus Purchase Tax Plus Purchase Tax Plus Purchase Tax Plus Purchase Tax Plus Purchase Tax 6 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute Printed in Gt. Britain by Perry & Routleff Ltd. Ealing and Uxbridge