C>et KrycTO ’S i~\bi M. 4^ 9t lye* *4 ^p- j$1 .„«n ■mi. i inT'liii 11 ■■» irn - &hMu*S k?*y " in' ' » % I TRT CANCELLED AND TRANSFERRED TO A.N.L.M. THE VALUABLE LIBRARY OF BOOKS, IN IF(DOTH1I!IML AIBIBIB?* A CATALOGUE OF THE MAGNIFICENT, RARE, AND VALUABLE LIB B A II AT 9 Cof 20,000 Volumes) Illustrated, in many instances, with two and three Sets of Proof and other Plates; generally of the most choice Editions ; selected with great Care, and the utmost Liberality, during the last Forty Years; ALSO, OF wia® zbddis® (dip wmawwa* GALLERIES OF ART, Curious jfltssals anti jffianuscrtpts, THE PERSIAN AND CHINESE DRAWINGS, &c. &c. &c. Which will he Sold by Auction , BY Mr. PHILLIPS, AT THE ABBEY, On TUESDAY, the 9th of SEPTEMBER, 1823, AND NINE FOLLOWING DAYS, On FRIDAY, the 3d of OCTOBER, 8p Four following Days, AND On THURSDAY, 23d OCTOBER, 1823, & Four following Days, (Sundays and Mondays excepted) At Half-past Twelve each Day precisely. Tickets for Viewing (at One Guinea each, to admit Two Persons on any two Days except Sun¬ days)—Also, Tickets with Catalogues, to admit Three Persons every Day, except Sundays, daring the View and Sale, at Five Guineas each, may be had at THE ABBEY GATES; the Lamb Inn, Hindon ; Messrs. Brodie and Dowding, and Mr. Earle’s Libraries, Salisbury; Mr- Skelton’s Library, Southampton ; White Lion and York Hotels. Bath ; Mr. Frost’s Library, Bristol; Mr. Thomas’s Library, Weymouth; Mr. Rutter’s Library, Shaftsbury; Bath Arms, Warminster ; Black Horse, Antelope, White Hart, and Lamb Inns, Salisbury ; Gazette Office, Devizes; and at Mr. PHILLIPS’S, No. 73, Neni Bond Street, London, where (and at the before mentioned places) the Three Catalogues, complete, maybe had at I2s.; or the First and Second Parts at 5*. each, and the Third Part at 2s. fid. CONDITIONS OF SALE. First.. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute shall arise between two or more bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and resold. Second.. No person to advance less than Is—above five pounds 5s.— and so on in proportion. Third.. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down £9.b. per cent, if required, in part of pa\ meut of the purchase-money. Fourth . The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all faults and errors of description, at the purchaser’s expense, without reference to the identity of Subject or Master, within three days alter the sale. Fifth. ..As this auction is made on condition of prompt payment, the remainder of the purchase-money to be absolutely paid on or before the delivery , in the manner to be arranged. Sixth . Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all lots uncleared with the time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Lastly.. But should any purchaser or purchasers obtain their lot or Jots, and by any neglect or evasion omit paying for the same, such purchaser or purchasers shall pay five per cent, interest on the amount of the said purchase, from the day of sale, until the amount of the said bill shall be discharged, and also all charges for the removal of such lots as may not be cleared within the time aforesaid. Mr. PHILLIPS will be happy to execute any Commission for Gentlemen unable to attend this sale,upon receiving their written instructions. $ 3 " BILLS, to be APPROVED by Mr. PHILLIPS, at three and six months' dale, from the day of sale, n r irn Interest, will be accepted for two-thirds of the purchase-money. JV\B. Mr. PHILLIPS notifies that arrangements are made to accom¬ modate purchasers, by packing and removing their purchases to London , or any part of the kingdom, should it lie required. ,i LIBRARY *; S8 a n INVITATION TO VISITORS, ——«•»— Immediately on entering the Barrier Gate commences the Carriage Route of the Grounds of Fonthill Abbey, which the Public are respectfully requested to follow, and adhere to, as it will be found to embrace all the most favourite points of VIEW OF THE ABBEY, THE AMERICAN GARDENS, , THE LAKES, and the surrounding Country ; and is also the Route especially referred to by Mr. Rutter, in his work, entitled, “FONTHILL, and its ABBEY DELINEATED.” The Public are also entreated not to cut, or admit of the cutting, of any Trees or Flowers ; or to digress from the Route, on which they will be directed at every point. The following is submitted as the best Guide for passing through the whole of the Abbey. The Eastern Entrance II. The Southern Entrance Hall III. __The Oak and Tapestry Dining Parlour IV Passage—ascend to V. -Nelson’s Turret VI__The Western Corridor VII. _The Oak Library VIII. ~~~~,The Cedar Boudoir IX. RiOom X. _Anti Chamber XI. «, ww ^,The Eastern Corridor THE GD1DE. XII. The Gallery Cabinet (return through XI. Eastern Corridor, and X. Anti Chamber, to) XIII. «~~~~The Vaulted Library XIV. --~The Chintz Boudoir—descend XV. __Latimer Turret—to XVI. —*~,Tlie Vestibule of St. Michael’s Gallery XVII. _The Grand Saloon, or Octagon XVIII. _The Western Vestibule XIX. «~,~~~The Great Hall (descend upon Lawn, then return through XIX. Great Hall, XVIII. Western Vestibule, XVII. Grand Saloon, to)— XX. -The Eastern Vestibule XXI. — m —Portal beneath the Organ Gallery XXII. *~~~.~Great Dining Room XXIII —Crimson Drawing Room XXIV. --The Grand Drawing Room XXV. ,„_Becket’s Passage XXVI. ^^.Octagon Cabinet (return through XXV. ReckePs Passage, to) XXVII. ~~~Northern Passage XXVIII. ^The Crimson Breakfast Parlour (return to XXVII. Northern Passage, and proceed to) XXIX. ~-~~Tlie Porcelain Room XXX-Lobby XXXI. ™*~Vestibule of King Edward's Gallery XXXII. King Edward’s Gallery XXXIII. ^The Vaulted Corridor XXXIV. _The Sanctuary XXXV._he Oratory, back to XXXIV. Sanctuary, and up XXXVI. —Lancaster Turret—to XXXV11. clipper Lancaster Room XXXVIII.—.The Lancaster State Bed Chamber XXXIX ,~Tiie Lancaster Anti Room XL.-Tiie Lancaster Gallery XL1. --™Tlit‘ Tribune Room—ascend XL11.-Lancaster Stair Case—to XL1II. ~,~Trhe Duke’s Chamber (descend XLII. Stair Case to) XLIV. ~~—duchess’ Anti Chamber XLV. „——Dressing Room XL VI. ^^.Passage THE GUIDE. XLV1I. ——The Duchess’ Chamber (return through XLVI. Passage, XLV. Dressing Room, XL1V. Anti Chamber—descend XLII. Stair Case to XXX. Lobby, XVII. Grand Saloon, and proceed to XVIII. Western Vestibule to) XLVI 11_Lobby XLIX. ——Great Stair Case Tower L. —---The North Western Arcade LI. ——The Western Nunnery LII_—The South Western Arcade LIII. —■.——The Southern Nunnery L1V._.—The South Eastern Arcade LV._ —the Eastern Nunnery LVI. _—_The North Western Arcade LVII._—The Northern Nunnery (pas* through L. North Western Arcade, to XLIX, Great Stair Case Tower, to) LVIII._Platform of the Great Stair Case Tower L1X. —_file Central lower—ascend to LX—_Gazebo, or Star Chamber LXI. —The Tower Gallery (descend LIX. Central Tower, LVIII. Platform, XLIX stair Case to Basement, and enter XIX. Hall, and round Foot of Stairs to) LXII. ——Western Cloisters LXIII. —Fountain Court LXIV, ——Anti Room LXIX._Gothic Cabinet LXX-—Lobby LXXI. —Terrace (crossing LXX. Lobby, LXIX. Gothic Cabinet, and LXVIII. Lobby, to)— LXXII.-Western Yellow Drawing Room LXXIII. —Eastern Ditto LXXIV.——St. Michael’s Gallery, to (GRAND SALOON OR OCTAGON, AND REPOSE.) c “5 S THE HOOKS hereafter particularly enumerated, are esteemed same of the most Choice in the Library. FOLiO. Miiseo Fiorentino, 12 tom. Opere di Piranesi, 16 atlas vo!s. Smith and Byrne’s Views in Italy, l. p. with a third set of plates. Galerie de Florence, proofs Orleans Gallery, 3 tom. La Galerie de Lambert. SirW. Hamilton's Etruscan Antiquities. Kempfer’s Japan, l. p. Voyage Pittoresque de la Syrie, 4 tom. en 2. Carter’s Ancient Architecture of Eng¬ land, during the Saxon Era. Catesby’s Natural History of Carolina. Oeuvres de Primatice, Paul Veronese, Julio Romano, &c. 6 tom. Oeuvres de M. Angelo. Engravings after Rembrandt, Claude, S. Rosa, &c. The Works of Albert Durer. De la Fontaine’s Fables, 5 vol. 1. p. Houbraken’s Portraits, by Birch, /. p. A curious MS. on Heraldry, local to Dorsetshire. Van Rhodes Hortus Indicus Mata- baricus Hamilton’s Engravings from Grecian Antiquities. Works of Breughel, Waterloo, Stoop, Swanevelut, &c. extra fine. A curious MS. on Angels and Devils. The Works of Raphael, M. Antonio, Titiau, A Zucchi. Vetusta Monumenta. Lysons’ Woodchester. Tasso, Parma. Galerie du Luxembourg. Peck’s History of SLanford. The Works of Carravagio, Le Erun, Mellan, Strange, &c. 5 vol. Boy’s Military Antiquities. Smith Antiquities of Westminster. Tableau Historique de la Revolution Francaise. Moisy les Fontaines de Paris. Architecture de la Loge du Vatican. Lyson’s Antiquities of Gloucestershire. Dumont Corps Universel Diplomatique, l. p. Bassan Recueil D’Estampes des Peintres en la Cabinet de M. Boyer. King’s Monumenta Antiqua. Gell’s Topography of Troy.—» Corregio, Tintoret etde Palma, 5 tom. Statue del Musio Clementino. > D’Herbelot Bibiiotheque Orientale. - - Bodoni’s Tasso, Ariosto, and Horace. Gough’s Camden, /. p. De Bry Collectioni Perigrinationi in Judiae Orientale et Occidentalis (28 parts, complete). Dugdale’s Monasticon. Montfaucon l’Antiquite, complete, l. p. L’Art de Verifere les Dates, l. p. Ottley’s Origin of Engraving, 1. p. with a double set of plates. Del Museo Capitolino. De Non Voyage en Egypte, gran. fol. A rare and extremely fine Collection of Chinese Drawings, from Subjects of Natural History. Barclay’s Ship of Fools, ail extraordi¬ nary fine copy. Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, pub¬ lished by the Dilettanti Society. Holbein’s Portraits, copied from his late Majesty’s Collection. ; r %■ m t .h ■ % v - . i ~ t - v T * , *- . v« - , f i . ' ( ’ ; g ■ li . V { / t ^ - «• V t 1 * .. " ; { f ** / 7 o 13 S ^ 14 A O 15 & <5- 16 /z o 17 A O 13 S' 19 9/ a 20 9 c> 21 '- Js y o 1 4 FIRST DAY. 51 52 6 53 ^ 34 l^j ^ ! 55 56 69 / Sr 57 58 59 <7 GO 7o < 6 61 1 bS 62 " 63 J |/!( 4 61 65 j/ & 66 / / 67 4 a 68 Examen Politiques et Critiques d’un Ouvrage, intitule Histoire Secrete de la Cour de Berlin, ou Correspondance d’un Voyageur Francois, par Frederic Baron de Trenck, 8vo Berlin, ■ — — Alibeu abi Taleb Carmina, Arabice et Latina, 8vo Lug. Bat. 1745 The Sorcerer, a Tale, from the German of Veit Weber, 8vo Lond. 1795 The Black Valley, a Tale, from the German of Veit Weber, 8vo — — ib. 1796 Sonnets, with other Poems, by the Rev. W. L. Bowles, A.M. 8vo — — — Bath, 1794 Considerations on Milton’s Early Reading, and the Prima Stamina of his Paradise Lost, by C. Dunster, M. A. 8vo Lond. 1800 Hill’s Essays on Natural History and Philosophy, 8vo ib. 1752 Fosbrook’s British Monarchism ; or, Manners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of England, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1802 Millar’s Observations concerning the Distinction of Ranks in Society, 8vo — — — ib. 1773 A faithful Narrative and Death of Count Struensee, History of Count Enevold Brandt, 8vo — ib. 1773 Varieties of Literature, from Foreign Literary Journals, 2 vol. 8vo — — ib. 1795 Oeuvres du Comte Antoine Hamilton, 3 tom. 8vo Par. 1812 Correspondence Litteraire, Philosophique et Critique, adressee a un Souverain d’Allemagne depuis 1753 jusqu’en 1769, par le Baron de Grimm, et par Diderot, 6 tom. premiere partie, 8vo — — ib. 1813 Correspondence Litteraire, Philosophique et Critique addresee a un souverain d’Allemagne, depuis 1770 jusqu’en 1782, par le Baron de Grimm, et par Diderot, 11 tom. 8vo ib. 1812 Monuinens Celtiques, ou Recherches sur le Culte des Pierres, par M. Cambray, 8vo — ib. 1805 Memoirs of Charles Lewis Baron de Pollnitz,2 vol. Lond. 1737 Franklin’s Translation of the Tragedies of Sophocles, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1760 Jackson’s Four Ages, together with Essays on various Sub¬ jects, 8 vo — — ib. 1798 /T7^ ■ M- p-t -*■ I />? \/J. \y L K FIRST DAY. 2 2 / /A l fa / / y /❖ A- I 7 7 2 > 134 135 136 / /z. /<*. 137 138 / O ' /#? 139 141 142 A Journal of the Life, Travels, and Labour of James Dickin¬ son, 12mo — — Loud. 1745 La Lande, (Le Sieur P. A.) Histoire de l’Empereur Charles VI. deGlorieux Memoire, 6 tom. 12mo a la Haye, 1743 La Vie de Cesar Borgia, Due de Valentinois, Fils du Pope Alexandre VI. 2 tom. 8vo —- Amst. 1756 Marie D’Angleterre Reine-Duchesse, par Mademoiselle de Lussan, 12mo — — ib. 1749 Recherches Philosophiques surles Americains, ou Memoires Interessants pour servir a L’FIistoire de L’Espece Hu- maine, par M. de P * * *, 3 tom. 12mo Berlin, 1771 Recherches Philosophiques sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois. par M. De p * * * ( 2 tom. 12mo ib. 1772 Histoire du Diable, traduite de L’Anglois, 2 tom. 12mo Amst. 1729 Trublet, (M. L’Abbe) Memoires pour servir a L’Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de M. De Fontenelle, 12rao ib. 1759 Nuova Scelta di Rime Siciliane Illustrata, Colle Note a Comodo degl’ Italiani, 12mo Palermo, 1770 Les Chevaliers des Sept Montagnes, ou Aventures arrivees dans ie Treizieme Siecle, 3 tom. 12mo Par. 1800 La Derniere Guerre des Betes Fable pour servir a L’Histoire du XVII. Siecle, 2 parts in 1, 12mo Lond. 1758 Tablettes D’un Curieux, ou Varietes Historiques, Litteraires et Morales, 2 tom. 12mo — a Bruxelles, 1789 Histoire du Chevalier du Soleil, de son Frere Rosiclair et de leurs Descendants, 2 tom. 12mo. Amst. 1780—-Les Amours D’Ismene et D’Ismenias, 12mo. a La Haye, 1743 et Dissertations Historiques sur divers Sujets D’An- tiquite, 12mo — Paris, 1706 Histoire de Timur-Bec, connu sous le Nom du Grand Tamer¬ lan, Empereur des Moguls et Tartares, 4 tom. 12mo a Delf. 1723 The Works of C. Churchill, 4 vols. 8vo Lond. 1774 Select Scottish Ballads, 2 vols. 8vo — ib. 1783 Ancient Scotish Poems, never before in print, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1786 Pinkerton’s Scottish Poems, reprinted from scarce editions, 3 vol. 8vo — — ib. 1792 & & ■7 y/ •. ' 4^— r FIRST DAY. 9 ✓ // 143 144 y ,r 145 146 147 148 149 f 150 /* 151 M 152 // 153 / / 154 // 155 156 9 L £ 157 r 158 / // 159 160 161 r 162 /a 103 /£> Poems by the Rev. Thomas Penrose, late Rector of Becking- ton and Standerwick, Somersetshire, 8vo Lond. 1781 Letters of the late Ignatius Sancho, an African, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1782 Dryden’s- Virgil, 3 vol. 8vo — ib. 1709 Selecta Poemata Italorum, 2 tom. 8vo — ib. 1740 Scott's Tales, Anecdotes, Letters, &c. translated from the Arabic and Persian, 8vo Shrewsbury , 1800 The Life and Adventures of Paul Plaintive, Esq. 2 vol. in 1, 12mo — — — Lond. 1811 Lexiphanes, a Dialogue imitative from Lucian, and suited to the present Times, 8vo — ib. 1783 Sketches on various Subjects, Moral, Literary, and Political, by J. Pye, 8vo — — ib. 1796 Select Works of Mr. A. Cowley, by R. Hurd, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1772 Abrege Histoire Universelle, Sacree et Profane, par le Sieur Collin, 3 tom. 8vo — Par. 1682 The Argonautic Expedition, translated from the Greek of Apollonius Rhodius, 2 vol. 8vo — Lond. 1780 Beckford’s Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters, 8vo — — — ib. 1780 Portfeuille de J. B. Rousseau, 2 tom. 8vo Amst. 1751 Letters de Monsieur De Fronsac, Fils du Due de Richelieu au Chevalier Dumas, 2 tom. 8vo — Par. 1801 Carey’s Critical Description of Death on the Pale Horse, painted by West, 8vo — Lond. 1817 Histoire de la La Guerre de Troie, attribute a Dictys de Crete, par N. L. Achaintree, 2 tom. 12mo Par. 1813 A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures practised by Edmunds, alias Weston, a Jesuit, and divers Romish Priests, his wicked Associates, 4to ib. 1,603 Morceau Choises de Buffon, 8vo — ib. 1807 The Loves of Camarupa and Camalata, an ancient Indian Tale, translated from the Persian by W. Frank|in, 8vo Lond. 1793 Memoirs of the Bishop of Cloyne, 8vo. ib. 1784 Ditto of the Life of Gilbert Wakefield, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1804 „/■ / ✓ 'V /y- A /3 • 30 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 FIRST DAY. Lacey’s Life of Erasmus, with an Account of his Writings, 8 vo. — •— Lond. 1805 Historical Memoirs of the late Rev. Wm. Dodd, 8vo. ib. 1777 Ditto and Life of Barton Booth, Esq. 8vo. ib. 1733 The Life of Urich Zwingle, the Swiss Reformer, by J. G. Hess, 8vo. — — ib. 1812 Pasquin’s Eccentricities of John Edwin (comedian), 2 vol. 8vo. — —" ib. - Life of the late Earl of Barrymore, 8vo. ib. 1793 Disney’s Memoirs of John Jortin, D. D. 8vo. ib. 1792 Histoire de Catherine, 2nd Imperatrice de Russie, par J. Castera, 3 tom. 8vo. — Paris, 1800 Memoires de M. le Baron de Bersenval, 4 tom. 8vo. ib. 1805 Vita di Victorio Alfieri, 2 tom. in 1, 8vo. Lond. 1806 Memoires de Henri de Campion, 8vo. Paris, 1807 Memoires du Marquis d’Argens, Chamberlain de Frederic le Grand Roi de Prusse, 8vo. — ib. 1807 Dernieres Annees du Regne et de la Vie de Louis XVI. par F. Hue, 8vo. —■ — Lond. 1806 Memoires de Frederic Baron Trench, 3 tom. 8vo. Strasb. 1789 Histoire de L’Assassinat de Gustave, 3rd Roi de Suede, par un Officier Polonais, 8vo. — Paris, 1797 Illustrations of Scottish History during the contest between the adherents of Queen Mary and those of her Son, by R. Bannatyne, Secretary of J. Knox, 8vo. Edinb. 1806 Letters and Poems, by the late Mr. J. Henderson, with Anecdotes of his Life, by J. Ireland, 8vo. Lond. 1786 Authentic Narrative (Smith’s) of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre, Adjutant-General of His Ma¬ jesty’s Forces in North America, 8vo. ib. 1808 Memoirs of Joan d’Arc, or du Lys, commonly called the Maid of Orleans, with an Appendix and Notes, by Geo. Ann Grave, 8vo. — — ib. 1812 Life of George Morland, with Remarks on his Works, by G. Dawe, 8vo. — — ib. 1807 Seward’s Biographiana, 8vo. — ib. 1799 .4 AJ&- c/Z > fa- y, V. fa 7— ' fa / V & 184* /f 185 9 186 187 9 188 V* 189 / // (9 190 191 192 193 ? 194 /o 195 yy / 196 7 197 198 7 199 k 200 /a 201 /# 202 6 203 /a 204 /* 9 205 206 FIRST DAY. 11 2 vols 8vo — ib. 1806 Cecil’s Memoirs of John Bacon, Esq. R. A. 8vo ib. 1801 Memoirs of the Life of Froissart, translated from the French by Thomas Johnes, Esq. M. P. 8vo ib. 1801 2 tom. 12mo — — Paris, 1757 Anecdotes de la Cour de Francois I. par Mademoiselle de Lussan, 3 tom 12mo — Lond. 1748 The Works of John Hall-Stevenson, Esq. 3 vols 8vo ib. 1795 My own Life, by C. Este, Clerk, 8vo ib. 1787 The Life of Benvenuto Cellini, a Florentine Artist, 2 vols Svo — — Lond. 1771 Voyage Philosophique, Politique et Litteraire, fait en Ptussie pendant les Annees 1788 & 1789, 2 tom. 8vo Paris, 1794 A Letter from a Gentleman of Lord Howard’s Retinue to his Friend in London, 4to — Lond. 1670 Voyage parl’Italie en Egypte et en Palestine, 2 tom. 8vo Paris, 1799 Les Soirees Proveujales, ou Lettres de M. Berenger, 3 tom. 12mo — — ib. 1786 Voyage Litteraire de Province, 12mo ib. 1780 Cornelius Cayley’s Tour through Holland, Flanders, and part of France, in the year 1772, 12mo Leeds, -■ Henderson’s Account of the British Settlements of Honduras, 8vo — — Lond. 1809 Memoires de Marie Franfoise du Mesnil Par. 1799 II Devotissimo Viaggio di Gierusalemme dal S. Giovanni, 8vo — — Roma, 1695 A Short Journey in the West Indies, 2 vol. 12mo Lond. 1790 Singleton’s Description of the West Indies, a Poem, 12mo ib. 1777 Le Voyage a l’Orient de Carme dechausse, 8vo Lyon. 1662 Kindersly’s Letters from the East Indies, 8vo Lond. 1777 Essais Historiques sur l’lndes, par D. de la Flotte, 8vo Par. 1769 / 9 - ^ - ■r s -c FIRST DAY. 12 / 213 ■Sf 214 // 215 /U /j 217 ' /*- 218 / A 219 O xA\ 220 4 / 4 221 4 222 / 4 a > 223 vA 224 z /A 225 p 226 ///' 227 / / 228 / 229 Caron’s Voyage to Japan, 4to Itinerarium Orientate, R. P. F. Philippi, 8vo Lug. Bat. 1049 / t'> Relation du Voyage en Asie par de Beryte, 8vo Par. 1664 Falconbridge’s two Voyages to Sierre Leone, 8vo Lond. 1794 Lahontan’s new Voyages to North America, 2 vols 8vo ilb. 1763 Boothby’s Voyage of Discovery of the Island of Madagasca, 4to — — ib. 1646 / Grainger’s (James) Poetical Translation of the Elegies of Tibullus, 2 vol. 8vo — Memoires sur l’Egypte, Ancienne et Moderne, de M. d’ An- ville, 4to — — Par. 1764 4^4*— Seetzen’s Account of the Countries adjoining the Lake of Tiberias, the Jordan, &c. 4to Bath, 1810 A Non-Military Journal made in Egypt by an Officer, 4to ib. 1759 Lond. 1803 AtZ'fs Lindsay’s Voyage to the Coast of Africa, 4to ib. 1759 Description des Pyramides de Ghize de la Ville du Kaire, 4to — — Par. 1801 Voyages du Chardin en Perse, 3 tom. 4to Amst. 1711 Hunter’s Account of the Kingdom of Pegu, 8vo Calcutta, 1785 Sonnerat, Voyage aux Indes Orientales et a la Chine, 4to 2 tom. — — Par. 1782 Divers Voyage en Chine et en autres Royaumes del’ Orient du P. Alexandre de Rhodes, 4to — ib. 1666 Journal du Voyage fait par M. de la Condamine ^ l’Equa- teur, 2 tom. 4to — <— ib. 1761 Voyage a la Martinique, 4to — ib. 1763 Derotero de las. Costas de Espana en el Mediteraneo, (with Atlas in folio), 4to — Mad. 1787 Relation curieuse des Royaume, de Tungiur et de Lao, 4to Par. 1666 Historia Canadensis seu novae Franciae auctore Francisco Creued, 4to — — ib. 1664 Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes por el Capitan Pedro Gambia, 4to — Madrid, 1768 Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvaniae et dans le Royaume de New York, 3 vols 8vo — Par. 1801 /A A « 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 FIHST DAY. IS Hanway’s Travels through Russia into Persia, with an Account of the Revolution under the celebrated Usurper, Nadir Kouli, 4 vol. 4to — Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en l’lsle de Cayenne, 4to Paris, 1654 Loud. 1753 Description Geographique dela Guiane, 4to ib. 1753 Falkner’s Description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America, 4to — Hereford, 1774 Nouveau Voyage aux lies de l’Amerique, 2 vol. 4to La Haye, 1724 Tench’s Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson, in New South Wales, 4to — Lond. 1793 A Narrative of a Voyage to Surinam, 4to ib. 1810 Histoire des Pyramides de Quito, 4to Paris, 1751 Furze’s Royal Tribes of Wales, with portraits, 4to /? / ' <■' / f yj ■ \6e / Wrexham, 1799 Sotheby’s Tour in Wales, 4to — Lond. 1794 Ward’s Trip to Jamaica, with the Character of the People, 4to — — ib. 1G98 ( se t End of the First Day, 14 / Second Day’s Sale. WEDNESDAY, 10th of SEPTEMBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve o'clock precisely. From Lot 241 to Lot 439, will be Sold this Day. VAULTED LIBRARY , No. 13, continued . CASE No. 3. 3 LOT JfREEN’S History and Antiquities of Worcester, 4to y *2 vols large paper — Load. 1796 7 Asusf* jj .1 l/n 242 Barrow’s Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern — _ ib. 1801 Africa, 4to — — History of the Azores or Western Islands, 4to ib. 1803 ’ /S. Berry’s History of the Island of Guernsey, 4to ib. 1815J«AN^~ 245 Wilks’ Historical Sketches of the South of India, 4to 3 vols — — ib. 1810iZ* ) 246 Les Saisons, avec planches par Moreau, 8vo. Amst. 1775 ||247 Elegant Extracts, in Prose, Verse, and Epistles, with engrav- ^ ings after Westall, 18 vol. 18mo. Land. 1810 V/d\ A! 2.49 Watts’s Views of the Residences of the principal Nobility and Gentry, finely engraved, oblong 4to. ib. 1788 MISSAL. A MOST SPLENDID MISSAL, on Vellum, Illuminated by 30 Minatures, and a profusion of Devices in the Capitals, Borders, &c. &c. richly coloured, in the original and curious binding, 8vo Recherches sur i’Origine du Despotisme Orientate, 8vo 1761 Thomaisin (Simon) Recueil des Figures, Groupes, Thermes, Fontaines, Vases et Statues de Versailles, 4to Amst. 1695 SECOND DAY. 15 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 / 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 I 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 Smith’s Memoirs of Major Andre, 8vo Lond. 1808 Du Fresnoy on the Art of Painting, translated by Dryden, 8vo — — ib. 1716 Markham’s Maister-piece, touching the cure of all Diseases in Horses, &c. 4to. — — ib. 1656 Belisaire par Marmontel, 12mo — Par. 1767 Marchant’s Gems, consisting of 100 fine impressions, mounted in a neat mahogany book-shaped case, glazed, small folio Johnson’s (Dr. Sam.) Works, 12 vol. 8vo Lond. 1816 Young’s Catalogue of the Pictures at Grosvenor House, with Etchings, 4to — ib. 1821 Morgan (Lady) O’Donnel, a National Tale, 3 vol. 8vo ib. 1814 Angus's Select Views of the Seats of the Nobility and Gen¬ try in England and Wales, oblong 4to ib. 1787 Collection of English Songs, by various hands, 12mo ib. 1796 Lyon’s History of Dover and Dover Castle, 2 vols. in 1, 4to — — — Dover, 1813 Malcolm’s Ancient and Modern History of London, 4to 4 vols. — — Lond. 1802 Ditto Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London , during the 18th century, 4to — ib. 1808 Ditto ditto from the Roman Invasion to the year 1700, 4to — — — ib. 1811 Chesterfield's Letters, 2 vols. 4to — ib. 1774 Ditto Miscellaneous Works, 2 vols. 4to — ib. 1778 Memorie Concernenti la citta di Urbino, fol. Roma. 1724 Le Cabinet de la Bibliotheque de St. Genevieve de Claude Molinel, fol. — Paris, 1692 Athanasii Kircheri fuldensis e soc Jesu presbyteri Musurgia, 2 tom. in 1, fol. — Roma, 165o Savary Dictionaire Universel de Commerce, 3 tom. fol. Par. 1723 Oeuvres Divers deMr. Pierre Bayle, 4 toms. fol. Haye, 1727 La Sontuoso Illuminazione della Citta di Torino, fol. Torino 1737 Osservazioni di Ennio Quirino Visconti Sopra un Antico Cammeo Rappresentante Giove Egioco, 4to Pad. 1793 D 7). ! / 16 SECOND DAY. 277 278 V / 275 276 Bradley’s Philosophical Works of Nature, 4to Lond. 1721 /.* su 279 280 281 282 Pfeffel’s Abrege Chronologique de L’Histoire et du Droit /y Public d’ Allemagne, 2 tom. 12mo Par. 1766. ' Voyages Du Capitaine Lemuel Gulliver en Divers Pais Eloignes, 2 tom. 12mo — a la Haye 1741 Anecdotes Francoises depuis L'Establissement de la Mo¬ narchic jusqu’ au Regne de Louis XV. 2 tom. 12mo Par. 1768 L’Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne par M. de Fabert, 2 tom. / 12 ino — — Colog. 1689 Itinerarii Italiae Kerump Romanarum et Francisco Schotto 18mo — — Ant. 1625 Anciens Testament, wood cuts., wants title, 12mo Anvers, 1506 Comelin, (Francois) Y r oyage pour la Redemption des Captifs aux Royaumes D" Alger et de Tunis fait en 1720, 12mo O' / V jy 283 284 ~S Par. 1721 Richard (M. L’Abbe) Description Historique et Critique De ! / L’ltalie, 6 tom. 12mo — Dijon, 1766 285 286 Brandoin’s Histoire des Guerres Civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes, entre les Picarres and les Almagres qui les O' avoient conquises, 4 tom. 12mo Amst. 1706. A 'Z-z* Nouveau Voyage de Levant, 12mo a. Pa Haye, 1694 jf Voyage dans la Palestine par M. de la Roque, 8vo. Amst. 1718 1 >f 287 J288 The Universal Navigator and Modern Tourist, 8vo I / Lond. 1805 Histoire de L’Isle Espagnole ou de S. Dominique par Char- Amst. 1733 289 290 291 292 A levoix, 4 tom. 12mo — Voyage de Guin4e par G. Bosnian, 12mo Utrecht. 1705 •> Histoire del Peru, 2 tom. 12mo — Venez. 1575 11 Sito deli’ Antica Citta D’Industria, 8vo Roma. 1751 LA-tA-* Commentatio in opus Caelatuna Antiquium Musci Pio Cle- mentini, 8vo — — Rom. 1786 f 4?*— 293 ' 294 Prenties’s Narrative of the Shipwreck off the Island of Cape ^ — — Lond . 1783 V •* Breton, 12mo ■— — A Narrative of the Loss of the Winterton, 12mo ib. 295 The History of the long Captivity and Adventures of Tho- , mas Pellow in South Barbary, written by himself 12mo ib. SECOND DAY. 17 t 296 //? 297 7 298 A 299 J- 300 V 301 / //) 302 303 / / 304 7z. 305 / J 306 z x ~~y / 307 r 308 (/ $ 309 / 310 It J 311 // 312 / /fi 313 314 y 320 Y9\ i i \' 9^ 2. 315 310 Memoires de la Vie et des Aventures de Nicolas Gargot, 4to Descrizione di im Meraviglioso Ponte Naturale nei Monti V? Veronesi, 4to —• — Verona, 1766 Histoire du Peuple de Dieu depuis son Origine jusque, a la Naissance du Messie par ie P. I. J. Berrvyer, 8 ton?. n 4to — — Par. 1728 /l ' Hedriani Relandi Paiaestina ex Monumentis Veteribus illus- - /> — Traject, 1714 v' y Loud. ll'SGj/yjr'ty f 324 J-y~ 325 327 328 trata, 2 tom. 4to — A Brief Account of the Hospital of St. Elizabeth, translated from the Latin, 4to — Saussure (H. Benedict de) Voyages dans Les Alpes, pre_ : ^ cedes d’uu Essai sur L' Histoire Naturelle des Environs //^ de Geneve, 4 tom. 4to — Neuchattl, 1779 Saussure (11. B. de) Voyages dans les Alpes, Ac. 2 tom < 4to — — a Geneve, 1780 ' -*— Helvelicus, sive Itinera per Helvetiae Alpinas Religiones Facta Annis 1702, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 9, 10, aud 1711, Illus- y trata J. J. Seheuchzero, 4 tom. in 2, 4to Lug. Bat. 1723 Boisgelin (Louis de) Ancient and Modern Malta: con¬ taining a Description of the Ports and Cities of the Island / of Malta and Goza, 3 vols. in 2, 4to Lond. 1804 . Journal du Voyage D’Espagne, 4to — Par. 1669 V'iaggio in Dalmazia deli’ Abate Alberto Fortis, 4to Venezia, 1774 L’Ambassade de G. Garcias De Silva Figueroa en Perse, 4to — — — Par. 1667 Viaggi Sign. Marchese Ghiron Francesco Villa, in Dalmatia, E Levante, 4to — — Torino 1668 Voyage du Sieur du Loir, contenu en Plusieurs Lettres ecrites du Levant, 4to — Par. 1654 ■ifeCu'is}, 4 . 9 kJfd/ 7 f I 1 329 2 /4\s\ 330 Travels into Dalmatia, in a Series of Letters from Abbe_ 0:5? 331 ’ 332 - /7 Alberto Fortes to the Earl of Bute, Ac. 4to Lond. 1778 Memoires Du Baron de Tott, sur les Turcs et les Tar- tares, 2 tom. 4to — Amst. 1785 Stanley's Observations on the City of Tunis, and the Adjacent Country, with a view of Cape Carthage, Ac. 4to ,. n Lond. 1786 ' ^ Voyage de M.Le Vaillant dans LTiiterienr de L’ Afkioue par le Cap de Bonne-Esperance, 2 tom. en 1, 4to Par. 1790 Z 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 315 346 347 348 SECOND DAY. 19 Durand (J. B. Leonard) Voyage au Senegal, 4to avec Figures et Allas, 2 tom. — Par. 1802 Ditto Second Voyage dans L’Interieur de L’Afrique par le Cap de Bonne-Esperance dans les Annies 1783, 84, et 85, par F. Levailaut 2 tom. 4to ib. 1796 Fryer's New Account of East India and Persia, fol. Lond. 1698 Cordiner's Description of Ceylon, containing an Account of the Country, Inhabitants, &c. 2 vols. 4to ib. 1807 Monro’s Narrative of the Military Operations on the Coro¬ mandel Coast, 4to — — ib. 1789 Dirom’s Narrative of the Campaign in India, which termi¬ nates the War with Tippoo Sultan, 4to ib. 1794 Bruce’s Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile in years L768, 9, 70, 71, 2, and 1773, 5 vols. 4to ib. 1790 i — / ( . y * SECOND DAY. 20 YtX y 49 350 / /£' / / U / / y 357 ft / /i. 358 359 360 / 3 36 L / 4 a 362 z z 3(33 // 305 // 366 / 367 k. 3( 58 Adair’s History of the American Indians, 4to Lond. 1775 Forrest’s Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, from ." < " Balambangan, 4to — ib. 1779 351 ///^ 352 /v 353 354 I / 4, 355 k 350 Vincent's Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, containing an Ac¬ count of the Navigation of the Ancients, 2 vol 4to ib. —. yX* D tto Voyage of the Nearchus from the Indus to the Eu- , phrates, 4to — — ib. 1797 The Oriental Geography of Ebn Haukal, an Arabian Tra- / veller of the tenth century, 4to — ib. 1800 f” Oriental Collections, illustrating the History and Antiquities, , the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia, 4to ib. - /J, Smith's History of the Province of New-York, from the first -7^ 4 discovery to the year 1732, 4to ib. 1757 T< ^3^ Journal of a Voyage in 1775, to explore the Coast of Ame- A? rica northward of California, 4to ib. 1775 — Goldson’s Observations on the Passage between the Atlantic ' and Pacific Oceans, 4to — Portsm. 1793 k Pike’s Exploratory Travels through the Western Territories of North America, 4to — Lond. 1811 k/— Mackensie’s Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Lau¬ rence, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, 4to ib. 1801 Janson’s Stranger in America, 4to — ib. 1807 Lady Cravens Journey through the Crimea to Constanti- y nople, 4to — — ib. 1789 . Heriot’s Travels through Canada, 4to ib. 1807 /ZV Rockefoucault's Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquois, 2 vols 4to ib. 1799 Renny’s History of Jamaica, with Observations on the Cli¬ mate, Scenery, Trade, &c. 4to — ib. 1807 Rainsford’s Historical Account of the Black Empire of f Hayti, 4to — — ib. 1805 j.5 Bolinbroke’s Vovage to the Demerary, the Essequebo, the / ib. -: .> Berbice, and other Rivers of Guyana, 4to Veridicus Christianas, auctore P. J. David, S. S. Jesu, 4to Antw. 1601 /Z Sacrum Sanctuariam Crucis et Patientiae Crucifixorum et Crucifeorum Emhlematicus Imatrinabus, 4to ib. 1634 J 369 370 37 l 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 -387 388 389 SECOND DAY. 21 Sacrum Oratorium Piarum Imaginum Immaculatae Marie, et Animae Crealae, Imaginum Emblematis. Illustrata P. P. BlVERO, 4to — Antw. 1634 The Naval Chronicle, being a general Biographical History of the Royal Navy, from the earliest period to 1817, illustrated by a profusion of finely engraved Portraits, &c. bound in 40 vol. royal 8vo — - N. B. This Lot is in the Oak Dining Parlour Walpole’s Anecdotes of Painting in England, with notes by Vertue, 5 vol. 8vo — Loud. 1782 Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, 2 vol. in 1, 8vo-- Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Works with the Life by Malone, 3 vol. 8vo — — ib. 1798 Gilpin’s Essay on Prints, 8vo — ib. 1778 Webb on the Beauties of Painting, 8vo ib. 1760 Beeckman’s Voyage to and from the Island of Borneo in the East Indies, 8vo — Bond. 1718 Dissertatio Trilinguis de Aurelii Sulpicii Antonini Numis- matis, 8vo — — 1757 t- Letters from Edinburgh, written in the years 1774 and 1775, 2 vols 8vo — Dublin — Palafox’s Ilistoire de la Conqueste de la Chine, par les Tartares, 8vo — Paris, 1670 Rome Moderne, Premiere Ville de l’Europe avec toutes ses Magnificences et ses Delices. Par F. Deseine, 6 tom. S* y. /!/) 6 ? '.C. S*- 12 mo Leide, 1713 ^- ^-scr'O y? CASE No. 7. Agatha, 3 vol. — — Inchbald’s Simple Story, 4 vol. — Camilla, by Miss Burney, 5 vol. — Mademe de Stael Corinne ou L’ltalie, 3 tom. Mason’s Poems, 3 vol — — Memoires D’Hyppolite Clairon — Voyage D'un Etranger en France — Monastry of Le Trappes, 8vo — Park’s Travels in Africa. 2 vol. 4to Land. 1706 ib. 1791 ib. 1796 Par. 1807 Par. 1817 Bond. 1820 ib. 1816 / cs l. - & 22 " jL | 390 / s - 391 i y - j 392 1 393 / & 394 } - / - j 395 ^ • 396 / z? - 397 kl - ' 398 - 399 / / o 400 SC/? - 401 JT - 402 j y • 403 404 > r 405 408 • / r 504 ' V 505 - 506 A A 507 \f/ z \& 508 „ ^^309 / \/A tr 510 J „ x ^ 511 # J **512 " S( 513 • /A ^514 /? £5* 515 „ / 6 ^>68 Boydell's History of the River Thames, with plates from the Original Drawings, made by Joseph Farrington, Esq. and further illustrated with Views, Portraits, &c. 2 vol. folio, russia ib. 1794 CASE No. G. / / J?i : £ / y ys 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 f '576 / 577 J 578 ^ 7 579 Jf580 <4 1 581 582 583 J? _ 584 Princess Coquacdoeuf et Prince Bonbon Maurice’s Poems •— Catalogue des Livres, par M. Vincent Catalogue, “ Sir Robert Gordon’’ — Williams’s Letters — La Campagne en 1815 — Histoire des Campagnes du Comte Suworrow, 2 tom. ib. 1799 Johnstone’s Narrative — Correspondance de Joseph d’Orleans Hinckly’s Account of the Fall of Venice Description of Stowe House and Gardens King’s Letters from France — Aiken’s Letter from a Father to his Son, 2 vol Ritson’s Bibliographia Poetica — Home’s (John) History of the Rebellion in 1745,4to ib. 1802 Esequie D’Arrigo Quarto Christianissimo Re di Francia, celebrate in Firenze dal Don Cosimo II. Gran Duca di Toscana, 4to — — Firenz. 1610 ib. 1798 Lond. 1800 Par. 1815 Lond. 1816 ib. 1819 ib. 1815 ib. 1810 Par. 1810 Lond. 1804 1788 Lond. 1803 ib. 1794 ib. 1802 1 THIRD DAY. 32 ' 585 A 586 A 587 2 A e| 588 /// Z 589 tV ^ 590 2 Af >591 /f # 592 A/ ^j593 // Callum (Sir John) History and Antiquities of Hawsted and Hardwick in County of Suffolk, 4to l. p. Lon. 1813 Stevenson’s (William) Supplement to the first edition of Bentham’s History and Antiquities of Ely Cathedral and Conventual Church, 4to — Norwich, 1817 Smith’s (John Thomas) Ancient Topography of London, Illustrative of Pennant’s London -— -- z History of Cheltenham and its Environs, 8vo Chelten. 1803 Holbein (Oeuvres de Jean) ou Recneil de Gravures, contenant la Triomphe de la Mort, &c. &c. many proofs before the letters, 4to — — Par. 1780 Le Brun (Corneille) Voyage au Levant dans les Principeaux Endroits de L’Asie Miueure, &c. &c. fol. ib. 1714 Le Brun (Corneille) Voyages Par la Moscovie en Perse et aux Indes Orientales, 2 vol. folio Amst. 1718 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers ( Illustrative of the Engravings ) 4to — — Lon. 1811 Ouvres de Monsieur Scarron, 10 tom. 18mo Amst. 1787 Barnabee’s Journal, 12mo — Lond. 1818 Clavis Fidei, or the Key of Faith, 12mo Camb. 1660 Thesaurus Philo. Politicus, 2 vols. 4to, 104 plates 1624 A collection of thirty Etchings of Landscapes, by Van Uden, 4to — — — - The perfect Politician, or a full View of the Life of O. Cromwell, 12mo — — Lond. 1690 The Dutch Whore, or the Miss of Amsterdam, 12mo ib. 1660 2 La Vie et les Actions'de L’Empereur Charles V. 2 tom. 12mo — — Brux. 1700 c Autheologia, or the Speech of Flowers, 12mo Lond. 1655 ?s-r- Y 'Z&A V- y THIRD DAY. 33 y 0 /# 0 GOG /0 0 60 ? / 0 608 609 0 .610 0 611 7 ^ 612 - 'V 0 613 yy\ 0 614 V f /0 0 615 /j? & 616 // 0™ /Z 0 618 (? 0 619 ' J/ 0 620 P /6 0 621 / O 0 622 0 623 Ordonnances Militaires du Due Charles de Bourgogne, con- tenans L’Establissement des Companies D’Ordonnances en 1473, a MS. on Vellum, 4to highly illuminated,— with much curious matter at the beginning Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, Secundum Joanne, a Manuscript, most beautifully written and highly illumi¬ nated, 4to, in richly mounted velvet binding Missal, a Manuscript on paper and vellum, illuminated in the capitals and borders with flowers, animals, and in¬ sects, &c. in old calf binding, 8vo Missal, a Manuscript on vellum, a small square size, with illuminations in flowers, insects and animals, in old vellum binding Pandaemonium, or the Devil’s Cloysters, by R. Bovet, 12mo — — — Lond. 1684 Origines et Occasions transsylvanorum seu erutre Nationes, 12mo — — Lugd. 1G67 Seldeniana, or the Table Talk of S. Selden, Esq. 18mo Lond. 1654 The Penitent Death of a Woefull Sinner, or the Penitent Death of John Atherton, Bishop of Waterford, by M. Barnard, 18mo — — ib. 1642 P. Seriverii beschryvinge der Graven van Holland, &c. 3 tom. 18mo — — Haye, 1677 Histoire de la Vie du Due D’Espernon W. M. Girard, 3 tom. 18mo — — Paris, 166,3 Ambassade du Marechal de Bassom-Pierre en Espagne, 2 tom. 18mo — — Colog. 1663 ~ Daemoniacidi Obsessisa spiritiftus Daemonorium Hominibus, 4to — —- — Colon, 1598 Ver Volgini de Evangelise Leeraaren in Ilungarien, 4to Amst. 1G8 1 A full and true Relation of the Great Revolution of Siam in the East Indies, 4to — Lond. 1699 Heidmanni Palaestina sive Terra Sancta, 4to. 1665 Forbes’s (James) Oriental Memoirs, illustrated with three sets of plain and coloured plates, 4 vol. 4to Lond. 1818 Apparatus Emblematicus, 4to — f enez. 167 l Jo. Mercerii Emblcma, 4to •— — 1592 c D y 7 -0- 680 jy/ 0 681 /U 7 eP 682 Aj 683 p S 684 0 685 686 j w J 687 /p o 688 U <9 689 \4 ’ 6 90 692 A 993 fj r 994 Cimelia Physica, or Millar’s Figures of rare and curious Quadrupeds, Birds, &c. with Descriptions, by Shaw, finely coloured, fol. — Lond. 1796 Girtm’s Views in Paris and its Environs, oblong fol. ib. 1803 Astragalogia, Nempe, Astragali Biserulae et Oxytropidis* 4to — — Par. 1802 Vingboon’s (Philippe) Les Nouvelles CEuvres D’Architecture, folio — — a. Leide, 1715 Gifford’s (William) Satires of Juvenal, 4to Lond. 1802 Champion’s Translation of the Persian Poems of Ferdosi, 4 to — ■— —- ib. 1788 Van Alkemade (Konetis) De Goude en Zilvere Gangbaare Penningen der Graaven van Holland, folio Delft. 1700^ Cowper’s (William) Translations of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, with critical notes, 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1791 La Borde, Voyage Pittoresque et Historique de L’Espagne, en 88 planches, folio — Par. 1806 Earlom’s Collection of Fifty Prints, after Original Drawings by Cipriani, folio — -- Horne’s (Hartwell) Illustration of the Lakes of Lan¬ cashire, Westmoreland and Cumberland, in forty-three most beautiful engravings, folio Lon. 1816 La Napoleonide di Stefano Egidio Petroni, 8vo Parigi, 1813 Pyne's History of the Royal Residences of Windsor, Frogmore, Hampton Court, Kensington, St. James's, Buckingham House, and Carlton House, 3 vol. 1. p. imperial Ato, with a profusion of coloured plates Lond. 1816 Baxter’s Illustrations of the Egyptian, Grecian and Roman Costumes, in forty outlines withdescriptions, 4to ib. 1810 Goldsmith’s and Parnell’s Poeros, printed by Bulmer, with most beautiful wood engravings, by Bewick, imperial 8vo — — ib. 1804 CASE No. 11. Toppeltino (Laurentio) Origenes et Occasus Transsylvan- crum, 18mo, Lug. Bat. 1673, et Hispania, sive de Regis Hispanix: Regniset Opibus, 18mo Lug. Bat. 1629 FOURTH DAY, 39 /a j #95 /U 696 #97 j 6 698 7 . a 699 / J a 70© */> 701 r / 702 ^ 703 ^ ^ 704 ^ / 705 / L / / ^ 706 / / ^707 ^ ,? 708 ^ 709 /2 & 710 r z? 711 .' 7^ tiaduitpar M. De BufF,4to — Par. 1735 X 2- 735 Carlyle's Specimens of Arabian Poetry, 4to Camb. 1796 2 S t?\ 730 L’Homme de Lettres Bon Citoyen, 4to Genev. 1777 A 0 737 Fabrettus (Raphael) Belium et Excidium Trojanum et Anti_ - quitatum Reliquis, 4to — Lips. 1699 / 'A 0, 738 Beschreibuug von Amsterdam, 4to Amst. 1664 / yj A 739 Davies’s Celtic Researches, on the Origin, Traditions, and I Language of the Ancient Britons, 8vo Lon. 1804 / M A\ 740 Walpole’s Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of Richard the Third, 4to —- — ib. 1768 j] 2> 741 Goldsmith’s Poems, Ac. &c. 4to — ib. 1777 /> & 742 Turnbull’s (John) Voyage round the World, in the years 1800-1-—2—3 and 4, 4to — - ib. 1813 y Z* ' z & ** t -2-1 --*■ *4 X* /Z*r-* XX* y.X'/y-X i J? j PC' *''-*£■ FOURTH DAY. 41 OAK LIBRARY , No. 7. CASE No. 15. 743 y 44 / 4 ? ^745 v\ ^-^ 746 V?^ 747 y’ /? 748 / ^ , v 749 V 750 y / ./ 751 i ; VL v 752 U Vf? V? 53 Vj\a 754 /y j 755 . > ^ 758 i/i. 764 / .. >765 766 /j/?V 767 Atfc' 768 / y \c? 769 L- & < 770 A -j <6 771 4*/ ‘■/to* 772 6" \a\ 773 j \0 \&\ 774 ■4\ 4 U| 775 /s I/' 782 y t? 783 784 785 786 • <5^ /t 44 I 809 d 810 i 811 ( - 812 /z ) 813 c 814 815 ^ X 816 2 - ' ;817 •818 & cA?819 J 6 821 y y 822 ,823 / y 824 / Q # 825 ✓ / o' c 826 Ac 827 /f - 0 828 / * A? v 829 - . 0 830 /A'& 831 7 * ' 832 At /A e. .833 /■ A 0 » 834 FOURTH DAY. Edinl. 1 797’ Loud, 1797 il. 1806 Edin. 1805 Lond, 1818 Edin. 1806 Lond. 1810 il. 1800 ib. 1795 il. 1807 Robinson’s Proofs of a Conspiracy ■— Zimmerman on National Pride — History of the Westminster Election Wilson’s (Dr. James) History of Egypt, 3 vol The Literary Character —■ Scott’s Sir Tristram •— Morgan’s Sketches of the Philosophy of Life St. Pierre’s Voyage to the Isle of France Sullivan’s Tracts upon India •— Gilpin’s Dialogues — — Architecture et Ornemens de la Loge du Vaticain, Ouvrage du Renowne Raffael Sauzens D’Urbin, 3 vol. half bound russia — Venice, 1783 Hodges's Select Views in India , proofs before the letters, folio, russia — — Lond. 1 78 1—3 Iuterets et Maximes des Princes et des Estats, Souverains, 18mo — Col. 1666 Thomae (Bartkolini) de Armillis Veterum Schedion, 18mo. Amst. 1676 Emmeline, the Orphan of China, 4 vol. 12mo Lond. 1789 Ethelinde, or the Recluse of the Lake, 5 vol. 12mo ib. 1789 Celestina, 4 vol. 12mo — — ib. 1791 The Old Manor House, 4 vol. 12mo — ib. 1793 The Wanderings of Warwick, 12mo — ib. 1794 The Banished Man, a Novel, 4 vol. 12mo ib. 1794 Travels of Bertrandon de la Brocquiere to Palestine, trans¬ lated by Thomas Johnes, 8vo, Hafod Press 1807 Maundrell’s Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 8vo Lond. 1810 Rich’s (Claudius James) Memoir on the Ruins of Babylon, 8vo, by Maurice — ib. 1815 Clayton’s Journey from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again, 4to — — ib. 1753 The Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, 10 vol. 8vo, large paper, with proofs on india paper , ib. 1807 The Antiquarian Itinerary, comprising Specimens of Architecture in England, 7 vol. 8vo, large paper, proof on india paper •— — ib. 1815 \/ A ' -J- H ^ /l ir- Ss ■rf FOURTH DAY. 45 835 /J-- ^ N. B # 887 //.0 838 J't o' 839 /&<. $ 859 12mo — — Adventures of Count Fathom, 2 vol. 12mo Adventures of an Atom, 2 vol. 12mo — Expedition of Humphrey Clinker, 3 vol. 12mo Bibliotheca Americana, 4to — Hayley’s (William) Poetical Epistles, 4to Warton’s (Thomas) Poetical Works, with Notes and Life by Richard Mant, 2 vol. 8vo, large paper Or/. 1802 Hanway’s Eight Days’ Journal of a Journey from Portsmouth to Kingston upon Thames, 4to Lond. 1756 Birch’s (Dr. Thomas) Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Eliza¬ beth, from 1581 to her Death, 2 vol. 4to ib. J754 De Plutaroue, Vies des Hommes Illustres, traduites du Grec par Jacques Amyot, avec des notes, de M. L'Abbee, grande papier, 22 vol. 4to, planches Par . 1783 N. B. This lot is in the oak Dining Parlour. Southey’s (Robert) Joan of Arc, an Epic Poem, 4to Bristol , 1796 Pratt's Gleanings, vol. i and 3 — Oxford Review, 2 vol. —• Oxf. 1807 The Town Talk, 3 vol. — Lond. 1811 (to- . FOURTH DAY.’ 46 J O 860 /£ O 861 J?.0 862 / Sp O 863 / ^864 *z o O Poo 865 866 J t o 867 2 O O 868 869 The Literary Journal, 2 vol. — Lond. 1806 Description of Killarney, 4to — ib. 1756 Wyndham’s (Henry) Tour tlirough Monmouthshire and Wales, 4to — — Salisbury, 1781 Garnet’s Observations on a Tour through the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland, 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1800 Leake’s (William Martin) Researches in Greece, 4to ib. 1814 Mawe’s (John) Travels in the Interior of Brazil, 4to ib. 1812 Eustace’s (John Chetwode) Classical Tour through Italy, 2 vol. 4to — — ib. 1813 Campbell’s (Alexander) Journey from Edinburgh through parts of North Britain, 2 vol. 4to — ib. 1802 Townsend’s (Joseph) Journey through Spain, in the years 1786 and 7, 2 vol. 4to — Bath, 1814 Wilson’s Remarks on the Characters and Composition of the Russian Army, 4to — Lond. 1810 End of the Fourth Day. 47 Fifth Day's Sale, SATURDAY the 13th of SEPTEMBER, 1823, Commencing at Twelve o’Clock for One precisely. From Lot 870 to Lot 1084 will be Sold this Day. LOT ' & 370 /.//^871 872 ^ tO 0, c?873 J - ^ 4 874 • ^ 875 ^,<^376 Z%C> 877 J ^ 884 cJ , 892 p y : o 893 /A / y 894 y y/^895 Van Gool’s LIVES OF THE PAINTERS, (in Dutch) with their Portraits engraved by HOUBRAKEN, most bril¬ liant impressions, 2 vol. 8vo — 1751 L’Academie de L’Admirable Art de la Lutte, representee en 51 planches par M. Romaiu de Hoogue, 8vo - De Nicolay (Nicolas) Navigations, Peregrinations et Voyages en Turquie, &c. figures, small folio Anvers, 1586 Collection of Original Etchings, consisting of 200, after Claude, Rembrandt, Ruysdael, &c. folio Land. 1816 Varie Pilture a Fresco de Principali Maestri Veneziani, folio Ven. 1760 Luyken (Jean) Histoire de l’Ancienne et Nouveau Testament, cum figures, folio — Amst. 1732 N. B. The two preceding lots are in Case No. 23. Jones's (Inigo) Antiquities of Stone Henge, on Salisbury Plain, folio, large paper — Lond. 1725 N. B. In Case 22. Albertis' (Leon Battista) Architecture by Cosimo Bartole and Leoni, 3 vol. in 1, fol. — ib. 1739 Genealogiae Diplomaticae Augustae Gentis Habsburgicae, 3 vol. folio — — Vien. 1737 Antiquitates Sacra et Civiles Romanorutn Explicatae, folio, figured vol. 16 — Hague, 1726 Dumont (M. J.) Corps Universel Diplomatique, Droit des Gens, contenant un Recueil des Traitez d’Alliance, de Paix, &c.&c. 8 tom. en 14, folio Amst. 1728 Barbeyrac, Historie des Traitez entre les Grecs et Latins, 2 vol. fol. 1739.—Negociations Secretes Touchant la Paix de Munster et d’Osnabrug, 4 vol. fol. grand papier A la Haye, 1725 Memoires pour Servir dans les Negociations et Affaires con- cernant les Droits du Roy de France, folio Par. 1665 Cambry, Rapport sur les Sepultures, folio ib. 1799 Forbin’s Voyage dans le Levant, atlas folio ib. 1819 Voyage Pittoresque de la Syrie (Planches), 4 vol. en 2 --- N. B. This is in Case 22. Gardnor’s (Rev. J.) Views on the River Rhine, &c. atlas folio — — Lond. 1788 /St? FIFTH DAY. 49 c c C 6 6 0 o 0 0 o // 0 \A 0 898 Pitture del Salone Imperiale del Palazzo di Firenze (26 tavole), atlas folio — Firenz. 1751 897 Brenna Disegni dell’ Imperial Palazzo, S. Michele. Eretto in S. Pietroburgo per Ordine di Paolo Primo, atlas fol. 898 Bleau Novum ac Magnum Theatrum Urbinum Belgicae, Regia, 2 vol. folio — Amst. 1648 N. B. T/iis is in Case No. 22. 899 Lady Hamilton’s Attitudes, 12 engravings on tinted paper, imperial folio 900 Bassan ; Recuiil D'Fslampes des Peintres les Plus celebres en la Cabinet de M. Boyer, folio - 901 Howitt’s British Sportsman, oblong 4to Lond - 902 Catalogue of the Pictures at Leigh Court, the Seat of P. J. Mills, Esq. with etchings from the whole Collection, 4to ib. 1822 ft* & 903 c 904 o 905 dr o 906 9* 0 907 0 908 2 • 6 909 L O 909* 0 910 /0* 0 911 -0 912 Oak Library. CASE No. 15 Continued. Correspondence of the late Gilbert Wakefield with the Rt. Hon. Chas. J. Fox, 8vo — Lond. 1813 De Germanise miraculo optimo maximo Typus literarum, 4to — — Lips. 1710 Munster Gerbaudeszu Ulm, 4to — Ulm. 1777 The Florence Miscellany, 1. p. 8vo, extremely rare FI or •ence, 1785 Ritson’s Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food, 8vo Lond. 1802 Memoires Historiques sur les Templiers, 8vo Par. 1805 Histoire Abregee du Cabinet des Mtdailles et Antiques de la Bibliotheque Nationale, par A. L. Cointreau, 8vo ib. 1801 Les premieres Expeditions de Charlemagne, 3vo Berlin, 1745 Lingard's Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church, 8vo Lond. 1810 Histoire Naturelle et Mythologique De L’lbis, par J, C. Savigny, 8vo — — Pur. 1805 Monasticon Hibcrnicum, or the Monastical History of ire- land, 8 vo — — Lond. 1722 / // / { J ' T , y y ✓ 50 FIFTH DAY. % 0 913 7 914 7 A O 915 A 6 916 \/\ / y 917 /1 7 # 918 7 e? 0 919 5 j A 6> 920 A \o- 921 /I \0 922 < //: P 950 7 6 951 952 /; 953 6 < 954 /z ,o 955 \6> 953 /z r 957 /z , 0 958 // 959 ■4* > c 960 \ 987 J./0 > 988 989 Les Devises Heroiques de M. Claude Paradin, Chanoine de Beaujeu, du Signeur Gabriel Syrneon, et autres / Aucteurs, 18ino — — Anvers, 1561 Phaedri’s Fabulae, et Publii Syri Senteritiae, 18mo Par. 1729 Novum Testamentum Graecum, 18mo Amst. 1633 Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera, 18mo — Par. 1733 L’Invocation etL’Imitation des Saints, 4 tom. 18mo ib .1687 Declaration des Abus et Ignorances des Medecins, 18mo Jy Lyons. ——- ^ La Genealogie des Dieux par L'Innocent Egar£, 18mo 1545 e> ~~ Les Dialogues de Jaques Tahvreau Gentilhomme du Mans 18mo —< — Par. 1580 ' Apophthegmata Graeca R,egum et Ducum, 18mo /7) H. Stephanus, 1568 Le Metallique Transformation, 18mo Lyons, 1618 PerpetuaCrux sive Passio Jesu Christi a puncto incarnationis ad extremun Vitse, IBmo — Colcg. 1650 ‘ ' > La Vie et les fails Memorables de Christofle Bernard Van Galen, 18mo — — Leide, - Homerici et Virgiliani Centones, 18mo Steph. 1578'-'^''*'^ Les CEuvres de Clement Marot, X8mo Par. 1547 Clarissimi viri D. Audrese Alciati Emblematum, 18mo Lug. 1554 Les Comptes du Monde Adventureux, 18mo Lyons, 1595 La Dispute d’un asnecontre frere anselme Turmeda, 18mo Pamplune, 1606 La Plaisante et Amoureuse Histoire de Chevalier dor{? 1000 yjl jiooi ✓ 1002 ^1003 1004 a 1005 /, o\ 1006 y[a 1007 Werther, traduction de l’Allemand de Goete, par C. Aubry, 2tom.l8mo — — Par. 1797 Histoire du petit Jehan de Saintrd et de la Dame des Belles Cousines, par M. de Tressan, 12mo — ib. 1791 Collection of Portraits of eminent Authors, engraved by N. de Launay, &c. 18mo — — - Justi Lipsi de Magistratibus veteris Populi Romani, 18mo Amb. 1608 Kirchmanni’s Funeribus Romanorum, 18mo Lug. 1672 La Veritable Cle, ou Clavicule de L’Enchiridion, M.S. 12mo — — —— Le Marechalde Luxembourg au litde la Mort, Tragi-Come- die, 18mo — — Colog. 1695 yy ff. C a* * / yy- La Source des Malheurs D’Angleterre, 18mo ib. 1689 /O. o 1008 /tf.O 1009 /L. 0 1011 \(> ,G 1012 Colog. 1680 Rime di Messer Bernardo Tasso, 18mo Venezia, 1560 Stanze di diversi illustri Poeti Raccolte da M. Lodovi- co, 2 tom. 18mo — — ib, 1570 Horologiu Devotionis circa vitam Christi, 18mo -- Ouv.rages De Piete, Les Delices de L’Esprit, i8mo 1680 Nouvelles di Michel de Cervantes, Auteur de L’Histoire de Don Quichotte, 2 tom. 18mo — Amst. 1731 .(j 1016 Rime et Prose del S. Torq. Tasso, 4 tom. 18mo Ferrara, 1589 rtf ■&C*' / y \Af> 1013 /l/, 0 1014 /AO 1015 r t ~ /t'-r • A 54 FIFTH DAY. 1017 Af\o 1018 /J>0 1019 The Question of Witchcraft debated by John Wagstaffe, 18mo — — Lond. 1671 Le Jardin d’Armoiries contenant les Aimes de plusieurs ^ Nobles Rovaumes, 13mo — Gent. 1567 David, Poeme Heroique, didiea M. Le Chaucelier, par w - Argues, 12mo — Par. 1660 ^ Facetie di Poggio Fiorentino, 12mo — 1517 .//. Scott’s Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 3 vol. 8vo ^ Edin. 1803 / <7 1022 Les Enluminures du Fameux Ahnanach des P. P. Jesuistes, intitule La de Route et la Confusion des Jansenistes, j a.,~ _. V V //* O ^020 J/2. 6 1021 8vo / * 1023 /Wte 1024 \/\o Ui 1025 Morellius Specimen Univei'sae Rei Nummariae Antiquae 8vo — — Par. 1683 Beckford’s (William) Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica, 2 vol. 8vo. — Lond. 1790 1 /\6'0 1026 /\S'0 1027 /fU 1028 A/o\o 1020 Coubre (A.) Relation Veritables et Curieuses de 1'Isle de >-/ Madagascar et du Bresil, 4to Par. 1651 Pindari, Grsec. et Lat. 18mo apud. Henri. Stepliani. 1586 Officiuin Beatae Marine Yirginis cum Kaleudarium Gre- gorianium, 18mo — Par. 1596 Cunaei (P.) Satyra Menippea Incastrata, 18mo | «../ / /, O, 1030 J\ 2 1^11031 1032 '»//. O 1033 Lug. Bat. 1632 S' Corrozet (Gilles) Les Divers Propos Memorables des Nobles et Illustres Horames de la Chrestiente, 18mo Anvers, 1557 TSovum Tcstamentum Graecia, 2 vol. 18mo, apud Roberti ^ Stepliani — Par. 1549 Epistolarum Obscurorum Virorum, 18mo 1556 Silii Italici Poetae, de Bello Punico, 18mo apud Griphium, 1551 i- Hippocratis coi Medicorum Principis, Graec. et Lat. 18mo /, 1034 /\o ’O 1035 Frank/. 1587 — Par. 1588 Hieronymi, Epistolae Selectae, 18mo Salviani, de Vero Judicio et Providentia Dei, 18mo ^? ib. 1594 P’Co ^4^036 Hieronymi Vidae Cremonensis Episcopi Opera, lOmo Lugd. 1592 FIFTH DAV. 55 ^1037 WK a 1038 |f / 4«.^1039 cf.^1040 Sj.J™ 41 /X, z? 1042 i 2 .^ 1043 (5*1, c 1044 /] ^1045 y, a 1046 f 2 [ <*1047 [J- & 1048 vi ^ 1049 I I L / ,c? 1050 I M \ 1034 2 /&■<& 1052 ^ 1053 /.^^1054 1055 <£ /1067 (p 1068 ^./1069 .^,^1070 «T,£,<5(1073 ^.^°74 <^,*1075 J" -c?1076 I r 5 | Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy, 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1800 Letters of Lady Rachel Russel; to which is added, the Trial of Lord Wm. Russel, double sets of plates, proofs, and lettered impressions, large paper, 8vo ib. 1792 Lettres d’une Peruvienne par Madame de Graffignay, traduites du Franjais en Italien par M. Deodati, double set of plates, proofs, and etchings, large paper, 8 vo — — Par. 1797 Vindication of the Character and Conduct of Sir William Waller, Knight, written by himself, 8vo Lond. 1793 The Idylliums of Theocritus, translated from the Greek by F. Fawkes, large paper, 8vo ib. 1767 Chateaubriand's Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem, et de Jerusalem a Paris, 3 tom. 8vo Par. 1812 Chateaubriand's Martyrs, ou le Triomphe de la Reli¬ gion Chretienne, 3 tom. 8vo ib. 1810 Chateaubriand’s Genie du Christianisme, ou.Beautes de la Religion Chretienne, 5 tom. 8vo ib. 1809 La Statique des Vegetaux, et l’Analyse de l’Air, par M. de Buffon, 4to — ib. 1735 Johnson's Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, 8vo — — Lond. 1775 Petri d Orville juris consulti Poemata, 8vo Amst. 1740 Memoirs of the Right Hon. Marquis of Clanricarde, Lord Deputy General of Ireland, 8vo. large paper Lond. 1722 Panseron’s Elemens d’Architecture, 4to Par. 1772 Descrizione della Provincia del Mugello par dal G. M. Brocchi, 4to — Firenze, 1748 Vie d’Etienne Dolet Imprimeur, a Lyon, 4to Par. 1779 La Vie de Saint Martin Eveque de Tours, 4to Tours, 1699 Stato della Basilica diaconale, Collegiata, Eparrocchiale dis Maria in Cosmedin, 4to Roma, 1719 Dallaway’s Observations on English Architecture, Mi¬ litary, Ecclesiastical, and Civil, 8vo Lond. 1806 a* X FIFTH DAY. 57 1 <7 71018 /a &?1079 I V/ O CO o 4 ,Jl081 £./& tS 1082 A'A ,7 1083 1 j /2 j 0 1084 Hawkins’s History of the Origin and Establishment of Gothic Architecture, 8vo — Lond. 1813 Emblemata Selectiora, 4to — Amst. 1704 Petity, Etrennes Francoises du Regnede Louis le Bien, Aime, 4to — Par. 1766 Commentaria Chotinensis Belli Jacobi Sobieski, 4to Dantz. 1646 Luciani Somosatensis Opera, Hemsterhusii, 4 tom. 4to Amst. 1743 Saggi di Dissertazioni Accademiche pubblicamente lette nella nobile Accademia Etrusca, 7 tom. 4to Rome, 1735 Atene Attica Descritta da suoi Principii sino all’ acquisto fatto dall’ Armi Venete nel 1687, 4to Venezia, 1707 * & <7 .tX^y End of the Fifth Day . 58 Sixth Day’s Sale, TUESDAY the 16th of SEPTEMBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve o'clock precisely. From Lot 1085 to Lot 1296 will be Sold this Day. Oak Library, No. 7, continued. CASE No. 14, continued. LOT / */0 . <4 l 085 /<". £ 1086 .0\ 1087 ELL’ Istorie della Citta di Verona del G. D. Corte, 3 tom. 4to — Venezia, 1744 Storia di AlesaAntica Citta de Sicilia, 4to Palern. 1753 J. F. Gronovius de Sestertiis seu subsecivorum pecu. niae veteris Graecae et Romans, 4to Lug. 1691 ^/y-,^1088 Essays on Gothic Architecture by VVarton, Bentham, Grose, and Milner, 8vo — Lond. 1800 Middiman’s Select Views of the principal Seats in Great Britain, finely engraved, with letter-press des¬ cription, oblong 4to — - Biblia Sacra, Latin MS . on vellum, a most elaborate specimen of Penmanship, with the capitals highly illuminated, small Ato - JLj* 1089 / • y' <^io9o 1081 Sanderson’s History of the Life and Reign of King Charles, from his Cradle to his Grave, folio Lond. 1658 Walker’s Scottish Scenery in twenty fine Views engraved by Byrne, 4to — — ib. 1807 Istoria della Citta et Basilica Cattedrale d’Anagni, 4 to — — Roma. 1749 '*£~M //j. o 1092 f, & 1093 SEXTH DAY. 59 y • V 1094 yv . A 1095 /U . z? 1096 w i 1097 Y <5> 1098 | j vs ^ 1099 j. vs. ■ 1100 /. r? .o 1101 V'7 1102 V' .z? U03 vv 1104 vt • 1105 /J 1106 s ; ^ 1107 1107 ^ 1108 S' z? 1109 y c? 1110 Lutece, on premier Plan de la Ville de Paris, 4to oblong Par. 1714 Descrizione delle prime scoperte dell’ Antica Citta d’Ercolano, 4to — Roma, 1748 Principles of Design in Architecture, in a series of Letters to a friend, 8vo Lond. 1809 Fitz-Stephens’s Description of the City of London, 4to ib. 1772 Watt’s Views of Noblemen’s and Gentlemen’s Seats in England, 78 plates, 4to — ib. 1779 ALEXANDER’S COSTUMES of CHINA, illustrated by a triple set of plates, the etched, the finished and the coloured, large 4to — ib. 1795 PUCKLE’S CLUB, or the Club in a Dialogue between Father and Son, most beautiful specimen of printing and engraving, on SATIN, with a border of gold, imperial 8vo — — ib. 1817 Josephus, (the Works of) translated by L’Estrange, folio ib. 1708 Iconicae figurae Bibliothecae Vaticanae, oblong 4to Venez. 1577 De L’Usage des Statues chez les Anciens, 4to Braz. 1768. 1 tali ed Altri Strumenti Lusori degli Antichi Romani des- critti da F. de Ficoreni, 4to — Roma, 1734 Dissertation sur le Vase d’Or Trouve a Rennes par A. L. Cointreau, 4to — Par. 1802 Leonore, a Tale, from the German of Gottfried Au¬ gustus Burger; The Chase, and William and Helen, two Ballads from Ditto, by J. Pye, 4to Lond. 1796 Porphyrius de antro Nympharum, 4to Traj. 1765 Hall’s Essay on the Origin and Principles of Gothic Architecture, 4to — Edinb. 1797 Histoire de la Sainte Eglise de Vienne, par M. C. Char- vet, 4to — — Lyon, 1761 D'Una Antica Villa scoperta sul dosso del Tusculo e d’un Antico Orologio a Sole dal. G. L. Zuzzeri, 4to Venez. 1746 DelCulto Superstizioso di Cibele, 4to Roma, 1753 60 SIXTH DAY. p V^/a-O 1113 C't*', Ware’s Designs of Inigo Jones, 4to -- Histoire de l’Art de l'Antiquite par M. Winkelmann, tra- duite de l’Allemand par M. Huber, 3 tom. 4to Ltipz. 1781 Pierre’s Gravees du CABINET d’ORLEANS, 2 tom. 4to. 245 proofs and etchings - yy.O> 1114 Duppa’s Subversion of the Papal Government, 1798, 8vo large paper — Land. 1807 /t) ,o\ 1115 Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, 8vo ib. 1796 Todd’s Works of Edmund Spenser, with Notes and Illustrations, 8 vol. l.p. 8vo ib. 1805 Antichita di Pesto, 41 plates, folio 1760 O 1118 Racolta di Palazzi e Cortili di Bologna, 30 plates, folio Fiorentino’s Description of Monte d’Aluerna, 23 plates, folio — — - Spencer’s Leonora, translated from the German of Gott- , fried Augustus Burgher, folio Lond. 1796 - ^ Viaggi in alcune citta del Lazio che diconsi fondate dal re Saturno, folio — Roma, 1809 Dilucida Repraesentatio magnificae et sumptuosae, Bibliothecae Ccesareas, fol. 13 plates Azioni Gloriose degli vomini, illustri Fiurentino espresse co’ Loro ritratti nelle Volte dell' Imperial Galleria di Toscana, folio — - m ■y 1116 ij\ 0> o 1117 / vy o 1118 / 6 O' r 1119 y V 1120 1 l y yj\ ! O' ; 1121 \ y y o 1122 c ? y 1123 ^75 1124 o> o> 1125 J J zot 1126 U 9\ ^ ! 1127 v /# ,£>1128 o\ 1129 p U i z> 1130 1131 l 2 yy o\ 1132 Bounet’s Fleurs des Vies des Sainctes, 2 tom. folio Par. 1640 King's Monumenta Antiqua; or, Observations on An- tient Castles, &c. 4 vol. foiio Lond. 1805 Numismata Airea selectiora maxirni moduli e museo Pisano olim Corrario, folio — - Descrizione Dei Circhi di Caracalla, folio Roma, 1789 Le Cabinet de la Bibliothequc de Suinte Genevieve, par R. P. Claude du Molinet, folio Par. 1692 Canon Missae Pontificalis, folio Roma, 1722 Calmet’s Histoire Genealogique de la Maison du Cha- telet, folio — Nancy, 1741 V/c, r-Z'-'t' ■ lecture, folio Leipz. 1800 SIXTH DAY. 61 2 p.//,& 1133 Gdl's Topography of Troy and its Vicinity, folio, 45 plain and coloured plates Lond. 1804 1134 Een en Twintig Gezichten in de Provintie Utrecht, folio 1779 J./fr# 1135 Compendious Account of the Breeding, Nursing, and Right Ordering of the Silk Worm, with plates, 4to Lond. 1733 j • 1136 A short description of the Order of Religious Women and Virgins, illustrated by a profusion of fine plates, by Roman de Ilooge, in the original binding, with silver clasps, small 8vo — --- 2 a 0 1137 BASKERVILLE’S COMMON PRAYER, long lines and an engraved border around the text, in the original most elegaut binding, with silver clasps, royal 8vo — — Comb. 1760 X • / • o 1138 Valhek, 8vo. grand papier — Lond. 1815 1139 Dcdsley's Annual Register, from its commencement in 1758 to 1819, both inclusive, strongly half bound in blue morocco, 61 vol. 8vo — -- N. B. This lot is in the Oak Dining Parlour. >6 1140 Vedute da Antonio Canal, 32 plates, folio - £7 > - z~ X- 22 A ! 6 2 0 2 2 / // S* s O 4 1160 4 4 & 1161 J' -- Recueil des Traitez de Paix, 7 tom. 4to Par. 1693 A Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland folio — — Edin. 1813 Introduction a L’Histoire de L’Asie, de L’Afrique et de L’Amerique, par M. B. L. Martiniere, 2 tom. 12mo Amst. 1735 Don Quixote de la Mancha, compuesto por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 4 tom. 12mo Madrid, 1782 The Book of Common Prayer, 12mo Bask. Cam. 1762 Publii Terenfii afri Comcedie, 12mo Birmingham, 1772 Tobiae Gutberlethi juris consulti de Saliis, 12mo Franck. 1704 Antonii van Dale de Oraculis ethnicorum dissertationes duae, 12mo — — Amst. 1683 Gander’s Poetical Tales, 12mo Bath, 1778 Plutarchi Opera, 13 tom. 12mo, excudebat Henri Stephanus — — 1572 . Percy’s Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 3 vol, 12mo — — Lond. 1775 Evans’s edition of Old Ballads, 2 vol. 12mo ih. 1777 Histoire de la Ligue faite a Cambrai entre Jules II. Maximilian I. Louis XII. and Ferdinand IV. contre la Republique de Venise, 2 tom. Par. 1785 L’Ame des Betes — Lyons, 1676 Dalyell’s Monastic Antiquities, 8vo Edin. 1809 Guidizio sopra una Lettera di L. de Veillant, 8vo Palermo, 1788 Melanges Historiques, Satiriqucs, et Anecdotiques de B. Jourdain, 3 vol. 8vo — Par. 1807 'P & / CS v/ —> SIXTH DAY. 64 // 1191 1 ■A 1192 1 \ p H 1193 yp 1194 /S~Y' 1195 ‘1196 • A 1197 1 1 1 ! \>0 1198 1200 jTi. & Y 1201 y\ & 1202 / /#> 0 1203 S'y ^1204 I J c? *. ^ 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 12U Y Heron’s Letters of Literature, 8vo Lond. 1785 7 . Wilkins’s Heetopades, of Veeshnoo Sarma, in a Series of Fables, 8vo. — Bath, 1787 Williams’s (M.) Letters on the Politics of France, 4 vol. in 2, 8vo — Lond. 1796 Memoire du Collier, 2 tom. 4to - Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, 4lo Lond. 1782 ■ Niebuhr (C.) Voyage en Arabie, 2 tom. 4to Amst. 1776 Marmorea Basis Colossi Tiberio Caesari, erecti ob Civi- tates Asiae Restitutas post Horrendas terrse Tremores, 8vo — — Lug. Bat. 1720 Mallett’s Northern Antiquities, 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1770 CASE No. 16. The Life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Common Wealth of England, Scotland and Ireland^ 8vo — — Lond. 1724 Les Dieux des Indes, ou les Metamorphose de Vischnou, leones Stirpium seu Plantarum tam Exoticarum quam Indigenarum, 2 vol. 4to — 1591 Gabb’s finis Pyradismi, or Disquisitions of the great Pyramid of Giza, or Ancient Memphis in Egypt, 8vo Lond. - Potter’s Antiquities of Greece, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1722 Degli Avanii dell, Antica Roma opra posthuma de bonaventura Overbeeke, 8vo. — ib. 1739 Van Mieris Beschryving der Bisschoplyke Munten en Zegelen, 8vo — — Leydtn, 1726 Crux Dominica adorabile Christianae Religionis, 8vo Florentine, 1749 LE MUSEE DE NAPOLEON, 10 vol. 8vo Par. 1814 GIuvres de Racine, ed. Didot, 3 vol. 8vo ib. 1784 Avantures de Telemaque, 2 vol. 8vo. ed. Didot ib. 1784 Galerie de Florence, proof impressions, 2 vol. fol. superbly bound, and 2 unbound numbers Beckford’s (Wm.) Vathek, 8vo. l.p. Lond . 1815 Y , SIXTH DAY. 65 ' / 0 1212 fro 1213 6 0 1214 fr * 1215 /& & 1216 // o 1217 fr O 1218 3 o 1219 3 o 1220 W 0 1221 1222 1223 Y'* 1224 1225 6> >(? 1226 1227 o 1228 £ 0 1229 fry o 1230 fr 0 1231 1232 1233 Bouchette’s (J.) Topographical Description of Canada, Lond. 1815 Histoire de Marie Antoinette Josephe Jeanne de Lorraine Reine de France, 8vo — Par. 1797 Brockwell's Natural and Political History of Portugal, 8vo — — Lond. 1726 A Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries, 8vo — — A mat. —— Whitaker's Course of Hannibal over the Alps, 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1794 Litteratura Turchesca dell’Abate Giambatista Toderini, 3 toin. 8vo — — Venez, 1787| Les douze C6sars traduits, du Latin de Suetone avec de^ notes et des reflexions par M. de la Harpe, 2 tom. 8vo — Par. 1770 Moreton’s Universal History of Apparitions, 8vo Lond. 1729 Memoire storico-cronologiche di vari Bambini ed altri Fanciullri Martirizzati, 8vo Venez. 1761 Joannes Schefferus Argentoratensis de Militia Navali Veterum, 4to —- Ubsa, 1654 A Genealogical History of the Family of the Stewarts, from the year 1034 to 1710, 4to Edin. 1710 Le Roys Navires des Anciens, 8vo Par. 1783 A Review of the Landscape, a Didactic Poem, also of an Essay on the Picturesque, 8vo Lond. 1795 Mazzuchelli Notizie intorno ad Isotta di Rimino, 4to Brescia, 1759 Le Roy’s Marine des Anciens Peuples, 8vo Par. 1777 Gorii Admiranda Antiquitatum Herculanensium de- scriptaet illustrata, 2 tom. 8vo Patavii, 1752 Alciphron’s Epistles, 8vo — Lond. 1791 Les Deiices de la Hollande, 2 vol. 12mo Amst. 1728 Homeri Ilias, Grace, et Lat,a Clarke, 2 vol,8vo Tow.1774 Taciti Opera, Edit. Brotier, 2 vol. 8vo 1781 Ovidii Opera Omnia Burmani, cura Mitscherlich, 2 vol. 8vo — — 1798 Tacitii Opera Omnia, ex Edit. Gronovii, 4 vol. 12mo Apttd Foulis, 1753 F ^ 7 - ■>? I . & SIXTH DAY. 66 3 Cr 1234 1235 /2 4 1236 & * 1237 :/ 3' 0 1238 , /a 0 1239 /2 0 1210 1 / /po\ 1241 A* 1242 / / * 1243 4 /4- 0 1244 1 1245 / 1246 4- 0 1247 4' ^^[1248 4' /^|^|1249 2 1250 u '<3x0 1251 cT 1252 2 ■2 '0 1253 / S>\o 1254 /3\o 1255 Novelas Exemplares de Miguel de Cervantes, 2 tom. 12mo — — 1739 Asiatic Miscellany, 2 vol. 4to Calcutta, 1785 , Dallawcy's Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England , 4to /? Gloucester, 1793 Westerhovins’s Hieroglyphica of Merkbeelden der oude Volkeren, 4to — Ainst. 1735 Xenophontis Philosophi et Ilistorici Opera, folio Basil. 1534 Dissertazione sopra l’Antichissirao Territorio di Sant 'Ilario, folio — Vtnez. 1761 Norris’s Architectural Antiquities of Wales, additional plates, proofs on India paper, folio Lond. 1310 Views in the Island of Madeira, after Westall by Middi¬ man, &c. proofs on India paper, folio - Laing’s Hints for Dwellings, 4to Lond. 1800 Poesie Liriche e Prose Toscane di T. J. Mathias, 4to, privately jointed, — ih. 1810 Robertson’s History of Scotland, during the Reigns of Queen Mary, and of King James VI. till his Accession to the Crown of England.—History of the Emperor Charles, V. America and India, 8 vol. 4 to ih. 1791 Metamorphoses d’Ovide en Rondeaux, 4to Par. 1676 Orme’s Fragments of the Mogul Empire, 4to Lond. 1805 Histoire des Revolutions de la Republique Romaine par / M. l’Abbe de Vertot, 4to La Haye, 1724 Rogers’s Imitations of the Old Masters, 2 vol. folio Lond. 1777 Gallery of Rare Portraits, 2 vol. folio ih. 1816 Burn’s Works, 4 vol. 8vo. calf, super-extra ib. 1813 Foreign Field Sports, folio — ib. 1819 Oriental Field Sports, 2 vol. folio Schnebbelies’ Antiquary’s Museum, 4to Du carers Series of Anglo-Gallic, or Norman and Aqui- tain Coins of the Ancient Kings of England, 4to ib. 1757 A comparative View of the Ancient Monuments of India, particularly in the Island of Sal set near Bombay ib. 1758 ib. 1819 ib. 1800 SIXTH DAY. 67 > ^ ^ 125a ^ £> 1257 // 1258 % # <3 1259 \/tf a 1260 Y /cf e7 1261 y\/ .O 1262 \9'Jp . <3 1283 pV ^.^ 1264 |h '/2. <^1265 ,J 1266 1267 L^.^1268 f? c/fy- ^ (f^Cye- y Barry’s Historical, Critical, and Medical Observations on the Wines of the Ancients —- Lond. 1775 Fosbrooke’s Economy of Monastic Life, a Poem from Lyndwood, Dugdale, &c. 4to Gloucester Milner’s Dissertations on the Modern Style of altering Ancient Cathedrals — Lond. 1798 Monumenta Paderbornensia ex Historia Romana, 4to Amst. 1772 Le Soled au Signe du Lyon, folio Lyon, 162$ Godwin’s Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1813 Shepherd’s Life of PoggioBracciolini,4to Liverpool, 1802 -'rfr £ >* La Gallerie du Palais du Luxembourg, peint par Rubens, 25 plates, folio Par. 1710 A collection of 162 Engravings, after Italian Mas¬ ters, by Marc Antonio, Mantuanus, Gulio Bonasoni, Carlo Maratti, Ac. &c. folio -- Works of Albert Durer, 31 wood cuts, folio Pollido Carravagio’s Works, 87 plates, folio A collection of 197 Engravings after Le Brun, Rotieris, Gillot, Coypel, Cheron, &c. Ac. folio — — - yei.-y y Metz's Imitations of Ancient and Modern Drawings, 157 plates, folio — Lond. 1798 Mellan’s Works, 125 plates, folio - A collection of 36 Engravings, after Sebastian, Bourdon and Le Seur, folio — -- 1271 Twenty-four Views of the Principal Palaces, Use. in Florence, folio — -- The Works of Sir R. Strange, 38 plates, folio- Wilkins’s Antiquities of Magna Grecia, folio Camb. 1807 1274 Collection des Estampes de plusieurs Au¬ teurs, 63 plates folio, by de Hooge Ac. Coronation of King William and Queen Maryg in Westminster Abbey, Flight of James II. from Whitehall, his recep¬ tion at St. Germains by Louis XIV., Death of Queen Mary, Ac. — — .- F 2 Ytf '- t ? 1239 •/•<^ 1270 vs? 1272 '1,.?73 68 SIXTH DAY. y^'< $ 1275 ^ 1276 u ^1277 5- 1278 ^ 1279 ‘ y 1280 At, ? 1281 y a 1282 // s? 1283 ? 1284 yj & 1285 %> K & 1286 1287 A" 6 ’ 1288 A <£ 1289 1290 y y & 1291 1292 Jerome parPigault leBrun, 4 tom. dans2, 8vo Par. 1812 £ The Belgian Traveller, or a Tour through Holland, France, and Switzerland, in a series of Letters, from a Nobleman to a Minister of State, 4 vol. 8vo Lond. 1806 Contes et Nouvelles en Vers par M. La Fontaine, 2 vol. y 12mo — — 1737 *^^"^ La Vie de Marianne, 2 vol. 12mo — 1742 Sallustii Opera Omnia Havercampi, 8vo, chart, max Lond. 1787 Williams’s (H. Maria) Letters written in France, in the Summer 1790, to a Friend in England, 4 vol. in 2, 8vo ib. 1794 Memoires Historiquesde Mesdames Adelaide et Victoire de France, 2 tom. 12mo — Par. 1803 Wheatley’s Observations on Modern Gardening, 8vo Lond. 1793 The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equi- ano the African, written by himself, 2 vol. 12mo Lond. - Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire, 12mo /&■ ib. 1782 Dralloc’s Life and Extraordinary Adventures of James Molesworth Hobart, 2 vol. 12mo — ib. 1794 Anacreontis Carmina cum Sapphonis et Alcaci Fragmen¬ ts — — Glas. 1777 Walpole’s Life of the late Charles James Fox, 12ino Lond. 1806 Authentic Memoirs and Sufferings of the late Dr. Wm. Stahl, written by himself, 12mo ib. 179L Aikin’s Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose, 8vo ib. 1775— and Horne’s Rise and Progress of the Belgian Repub¬ lic, 12 mo — — ib. 1807 Aikin’s Essay on the Applications of Natural History, 12mo — — ib. 1777 OuvresPosthumes de Marmontel, 4 tom. 12mo Par. 1805 Vitas Sanctorum ex Selectissimis orthodoxis patribus, ^ I 4 tom. 12mo. Coin. 1603 / SIXTH DAT. 69 <^1293 S' & ^1294 / / <^1295 1296 Clitophontis et Lucippes Amores, 18mo.Lwg\ Bat. 1640 Desseins, Gravures et Etudes, 12mo - Jodoci Siiiceri Itinerarium Galliae, 18mo Amst. 1649 Meibomius (J. H.) Treatise of the use of Flogging in Venereal Affairs 12mo -— Land. 1718 End of the Sixth Day. ro / / # c) 6 & / /O c d o o Seventh Day’s Sale, WEDNESDAY, the 17th SEPTEMBER, 1823, Commencing at Twelve o'Clock for One precisely. From Lot 1297 to to Lot 1430 will he Sold this Day. \ Oak Library, No 7, continued. CASE No. 16, continued. LOT 1297 1208 1299 1800 1301 1302 Histoire des Ordres Monustiques Religieux et Mililaires, 8 tom. 4to — Douay, 1714 MelmotlCs (William) Memoirs of a late eminent Ad¬ vocate, 8vo — — Loud. 1796 Palissot Memoires pour Servir a L’Histoire de Notre Litterature depuis Francois I. jusqu’a nos jours, 2 vol. 8vo — — Par. 1803 Catalogue des Livres Raves et Precieux de la Biblio- thique de feu M. Ant. Bern. Callaird, Grand Pa¬ pier — — Par. 1808 Hoole's Dramas and Poems of the Abbe Pietro Me- tastasio, 3 vol. 8vo l.p. — Lond. 1800 Lenoir (Alexandre) Musee des Monemens Francais, pour Servir a L’Histoire de France et & celle de L’Art, 4 vol. 8vo, Par. 1800—Histoire de la Peinture Sur Verre, 1 vol. 8vo. ib. 1803, and Des¬ cription des Monumens de Sculpture, 1 vol. 8vo ib. 1799 SEVENTH DAV. 71 /& & 1303 // <7 1304 ^ (y 1305 9 0 1306 9 0 1307 99 0 1308 9 - 1309 ! & 0 1310 1 of' 0 1311 r V 6 0 1312 r 0 1313 r/ 0 1314 r 0 1315 ' 0 1316 O 1317 9 0\ CO ’/ 0 1319 0 0 1320 ■ 0 1321 0 1322 SS 0 1323 Caetano (Antonio) Meraorias Historicas e Genealogicas dos Grandes de Portugal, 2 vol. 8vo Lisbon, 1742 Kendall (John) Elucidation of the Principles of English Architecture, usually denominated Gothic, 8vo Lond, 1818 Barry’s (James) Account of the Pictures in the Great Room at the Adelphi, 8vo — ib. 1783 Weston’s (Stephen) Moral Aphorisms in Arabic, and a Persian Commentary, 8vo — ib. 1805 Hawkins’s (Sir Christopher; Observations on the Tin Trade of the Ancients in Cornwall, 8vo ib. 1811 De la Chau (M. L’Abb6) Dissertation surles Attributes de Venus, 4to — — Par. 1776 Memoire di Urbano Bolzanio, 4to Belluno, 1784 Views of the Royal House and Garden of the Palace of Hernhausen, oblong 4to — ——- Angus's Views of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry in Great Britain, oblong 4to, rare impressions 1787 Sadder I'es/i^i Dtlie Antichita di Roma Tivoli Poz- zuolo et altri Luoghi, oblong 4to — 1606 Varie Vedute di Roma desegnate de Celebri Autori, oblong folio — — Roma, 1748 Daviler (A. C.) Cours D’Architecture qui comprend les O.dres de Vignole, 2 vol. 4to — Par. 1710 Daniel ( William) Interesting Selections from Anima¬ ted Nature, with illustrative Scenery, cbiong folio, with proofs on india paper Lond. - - Poole's Orlando Furioso of Ariosto, 5 vol. 8vo, large paper, proof plates — ib. 1709 Pignorii (i.aurentii) Mensa Isiaca, qua Sacrorum ap::d Aegyptios Exposiiio, 4to — Amst. 1689 Chalmers’s Life of Daniel De Fee, 8vo Lond. 1790 Harrison s Life of Lord Nelson, 2 vol. 8vo. ib. 1808 Langley’s (Batty) Principles of Gardening, 4to ib. 1728 Swedenborg’s Treatise on Heaven and Hell, 4to ib. 1778 Abrahamson (W. H. F.) Antiquarische Untersuchung, 4to — — Coptnh. 1808 Rickman on the Styles of the English Architecture, 8vo — — Lond. - SEVENTH DAY. 12 \/o' & 1324 y A //TO 1325 1326 // * 1327 /A A 1328 / / * 1329 / /f A 1330 //A 1331 1332 6 A 1333 6 A 1334 2 A /2 A 1335 ' Xt33t> / 2 A 1337 / /A 0 1338 //? A 1389 A A 1340 / A 1341 1342 2/z / //A A 1343 1344 yj o 1354 Lucretia of Beeld der Eerbaerheydt von Cornel. Sipio, 4to — — Amst. 1624 Woodhull’s (Michael) Poems 8vo Lond. 1804 Vie du Cardinal D'Amboise Premier Ministre de Louis XII. 4to — Amst. 1726 De Brent (Jacques) Le Theatre des Antiquitez de Paris, 4to — — Par. 1612 Ilaggitt’s (Rev. John) Two Letters on the subject of Gothic Architecture, 8vo Camb. 1813 Recueil des Sceaux du Moyen Age dits Sceaux Gothi- ques, 4to — Par. 1779 Hyde (Thomas) Veterum Persarum et Parthorum et Medorum Keligionis Historia, 4to Ox/. 1760 Stoer (I.orenk) Geomelria et Perspectiva, 4to 1567 BASKERVILLE’S BOOK of COMMON PRAYER, with an engraved border around the margin, bound in blue turkey, royal 8vo — Ox/. 1761 Chateaubriand, Genie du Christianisme, 5 tom. Lyon, 1809 De Genlis (Madame) Maison Rustique, 3 tom. Par. 1810 Mercier le Nouveau Paris, 6 tom — - De Bure Catalogue des Livres de Ja Bibliotheque de M. de Comte de Mac-Carthy Reagh, 2 tom Par. 1815 Pamphlets Jefferysiana, 2 vol. and seven ditto, contain¬ ing a most interesting series of tracts — -— De Bast Recueil D’Antiquites Romaines et Gauloises, 4to — — a Gand. 1808 Daire (Le Rev. Pere) Ilistoire de la Ville d'Amiens, enrichi de Cartes, Ac. 2 vol. 4to Par. 1767 Le Roy (Jacobo) Achates Tiberianus sive Gemma Cas- sareae Antiquitatis, folio — Amst. 1683 Malvasia (Carolo Caesare) Marmora Felsina, et Aelia Laelia, 4to — Bonon. 1690 Zanetti (Guid. Anto.) Delle Zecche e Monete di Tulti i Principi di Casa Gonzaga, 4to Bolog. 1782 Gorii, Inscriptiones Antiquae, 3 vol. 4to FI or. 1726 De Ficoroni (Francesco) Le Memorie della Prima e Seconda Citta di Labico, 4to Rosma, 1745 Furietti (Jo. Alexandri) De Musivis, 4to. Rom. 1752 L A? /3m v 1 &V- - j SEVENTH DAY. 73 / J & 1346 Umstandlicbe Beschreibnng Der Hannoverischen Fren- den-Berzengungen, 4to — Hanov. 1728 3/6/ 1847 Boyle’s (Robert) Works, with his Life, 8 1 348 Bayle’s General Dictionary, Historical and Critical, 10 vol. folio — ib. 1735 > tZe 6> 1349 Coliart (Adriano) Vita Passio et Resurrectio Jesu Christi, leonibus a Martino de Vos, oblong 4to - P 6 1350 Le Vezow (Konrad) Ueber Den Antinous, 4to Berlin, 1808 6'\ 1351 Jones’s Histoire de Nader Chah, Empereur de Perse, 4lo — — Lond. 1770 y ^ 1352 Du Bois (J. P. J.) Vies des Gouverneurs Generaux aux lodes Orientales, avec Portraits, 4to La Haye, 1763 ' ff / 1353 Brooke’s (Ralph) Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, and Dukes of England, fol. Lond. 1622 /J*/? 1354 Fuseli (Henry) Lectures on Painting, 4to. ib. 1801 6/ 6' 1355 De Tessalie (Prince Jason) De la Conqueste de la Toison D’Or, oblong fol. — Par. 1563 1356 Levezow (Konrad) Uber Den Raubdes Palladiums, &c. 4to — — Braunschweig, 1801 1357 Chiarini (Marc-Anto.) Vedute di Prospettiva, 4to - 1358 Raffles’s (Thomas Stamford) History of Java, 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1817 1359 Rossi (Jacomo) 11 Nuovo Teatro delle Fabriche di Roma, oblong fol. — — 1665 1360 Gibbon (Catalogue of the Library of Edward) a Manu- cript, in fol. — — - 1361 De la Chausse (Mich. Ange.) Recueil D’Antiquitez Romanies, en Bas Reliefs, Statues, &c. fol. Amst. 1706 1362 Zimboni (Baldassarre) Memorie Intorno Alle Pubbliche Fabbriche della C’itta di Brescia, fol. Bresc. 1778 ^ 1363 Specimens of Gothic Architecture, 4to Lond. 1796 - 1364 Smith’s Remarks on Rural Scenery, 4to ib. 1797 1365 La Veritable Originedes tres Iliustres Maisons D’Alsace de Lorraine, fol. — Par. 1649 1366 Howlett’s (B.) Plans and Views of the Abbey Royal of Saint Denys, the ancient Mausoleum of the Kings of France, 4to — — Lond. 1812 s ? a Y 6 /A d? V s ; ' U /z Z^ w Z? z? 4 6 / 6 _ / '/> 6 ' 74 \y 1367 2 1368 y yy \y 1369 / yy \y 1370 cJ y y 1371 6 \y 1372 cJ /3 7 .1373 •jy y 1374 2 y y 1375 yy 1376 / 1377 7 y 1378 <2 y 1379 yy y 1380 J yd A 1381 cJ J y 1382 7 y 1383 / y 1384 / y 1385 2 7 o 1386 SEVENTH DAY. Oratio in Funere Caroli III. Hespaniar Regis Cathoiici, 4to — -— Parma, 1739 Jebb (Samuele) De Vita et Rebus Gestis Principis Maris Scotorum Regiuee, 2 tom. fol. Land. 1725 Acciaioli (Donato) Nelia Historia Florentina, fol 1476 Leger (Jean) Histoire Generaie des Eglises Evangeliques des Vallees de Piemont au Vaudoises, fol. Leide, 1669 Marcellini (Ammiani) Res Gestaae, cum notis Gronovii, fol. — Lug. Bat. 1693 Peck’s (Francis) Antiquarian Annals of Stan¬ ford, fol. large paper — Land. 1727 Gorii, Thesaurus Gemmarum Antiquarum Astriferarum, 3 vol. fol. — — Flor. 1750 Topographie and Historie der Hertzogths Grain, 4 vol. fol. — — Payback, 1639 Anaeharsis, Voyage en Grece, 9 torn, en 5 Par. 1789 Voyage Dun Amsteur des Arisen Flandre en Hollande 4 torn. Amst. 1783, et Vies des Premiers Peintres du Roi, 2 tom. — Par. 1752 Almon's Correspondence of the late John Wilkes, 5 vol. bound in 3 — Land. 1805 Browne Willis’s History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies and Conventual Cathedral Churches, 2 vol. ib. 1718 Browne Willis’s Notitia Parliamentary ib. 1750 Gros’s (Charles Henry) Funeral Oration to tire Memory of the late Margrave of Brandenburg and Anspach, fol. Southampt. 1807 Vita et Miracula, Beatce Catkerince Senensis, &c. &c. oblong fol. — — Carracci's (Annibal) Cries of Bologna, engraved by Guilino Pariogini, from the Originals in Pen and Ink, fol. — — Rome, 1646 Theatrum Florae, apud Pietrum Firens, fol. -- Wyatt’s (Benjamin) Observations on the Designs for the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, 4to Lond. 1813 Francofurlum ad Moenum Flcridum k Solomone Kleiner, oblong fol. — — 1738 Wolft’ (Jetemia) Hotel Superbe de la Ville D’Augs- bourg, oblong fol. — —• 1732 I (/' L — v SJEVENTH DAY. 75 i * -=t • ~ 1887 Yf 1388 w.* 1389 ' 1390 ** 1391 ifcS.e? 1392 0 , £ I 393 fi A 1394 Wolff (Jerimie) Representation Naturelle et exacte de la Favorite, oblong fol. Augsbourg, 1726 Kleiner(Saiomon) Representation du Chateau de Chasse, L’Eveque de Bamberg, oblong fol. 173L Kleiner ('alomoii) Plans des Chateaux de Weissenstein et Geubach, oblong fol. — 1728-^^ MUSEO CHIARAMONTI, Aggiuro al Pio Clementino Dau S. Pio VII. Pubblicato da Antonio D’Este e Gaspare Capparone, atlas fol. tom. 1. Romce, 1808 The Triumphs of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, and Prince Ferdinand, in 36 fine Engravings, y mounted in an atlas size folio — - The WORKS of RAPHAEL, comprising two Hundred and Eighty fine Engravings, choice Impressions, mounted on Drawing Paper, and forming three atlas size folios — — - An Atlas Folio, containing One Hundred and Twenty- five fine Engravings, by Marc Antonio, J. Frey, Bollangeur, &c. Ac. Ac. — - The Venetian School, comprising the Works of Bellino, Georgione, Titian, Andreas Zuchi, Pordenone, Ac. &c. Ac. in Seventy-six Engravings, mounted in two Portfolios — — - A--t_ Cedar Boudoir, No. 8. CASE No. 19. , 1393 Pharos (The) A Collection of Periodical Essays, 2 vol. 12mo — — Lond. 1787 /fi a 1396 Connoisseur (The) 4 vol. 12mo — Oxf. 1774 /S' <7 1397 World (The) by Adam Fitz-Adam, 4 vol. 12mo Lond. 1782 /fi 1398 Babbler (The) 2 vol. 12mo — ib. 17G7 / j o 1399 Batchelor (Essays from the) 2 vol. 12mo Dubl. 1773 /£ 1400 Looker-On (The) 4 vol. 12ino — Lond. 1793 1401 Trial of Lord Audley, 12rao — - fief fi ^ z '(7 r^L SEVENTH DAY. & - xO A 76 7 £ 1402 /A J\ 1403 (7 1404 / /A d> Z A 1405 1406 f 6 /£ * 1407 1408 7* 7Z £ 1409 1410 / 2. £ 7 <7 & /l o 1425 De la Monnoye (Ouvres Choises de M.) 3 tom. 8vo a la Ilai/e, 1770 Annals of the French Revolution, viz. Ber¬ trand de Moleville, 9 vol. and Private Memoirs of the last Year of the Reign of Louis XVI. 3 vol. 12nio uniform and elegantly bound Lond. 1797 Wilkins's (Charles) Story of Dooshwanta and Sakoontala, 12mo — — ib. 1795 Planque, Observationes Rares de Medicine, D’Ana- tomie et de Chirurgie, 2 tom. 12mo Par. 1758 Petif(Pierre) Trait6 Historique sur les Amazones, 2 tom. 12mo. a Leide, 1718 Tasse (La Vie du) 12mo — Par. 1790 Bibliotheca Aprosiana Libri Rarissimi notis Wollius, 12mo. — — Hamb. 1734 La Vie de la Princesse Philippe de Gueldre, 12mo. Nancy, 1721 Pieces Echapees du Feu, l2mo 1717 Tressan, Histoire de Tristan de L£onois, 2 tom. 12ino. ffvec figures — — Par. 1799 Memorial! (A) of a Christian Life 12mo. Douay, 1612 Sismondi (Simonde) Histoire des Republiques Ituiiennes du Moyen Age, 16 tom. 8vo — Par. 1809 Saint Pierre (Jacques Henri) Etudes de la Nature, 5 tom. 8vo. — — ib. Saint Pierre, Harmonies de la Nature. Par Louis Aime-Martin, 3 tom. 8vo — ib. 1815 Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 6 vol. 8vo — Oxf. 1709 The Charge of the Commons against Charles Stu¬ art King of England, of High Treason ami other High Crimes, Lond. 1648—A Narrative of the whole Proceedingsof the High Court of Justice, 1648— King Charles’s Speech upon the Scaffold, sold by Peter Cole, Royal Exchange, 1649; and Walker’s Col¬ lection of Notes taken at the King’s Try al, January 20, 1648, and various other Tracts, in 1 vol. 4to —— Histoire Universelle des Voyages, 8vo Par. 1707 Thinks I to Myself, 2 vol. in 1 Lond. 1813 £ 1438 SEVENTH DAY. 78 4 1441 7 ) 1442 -1443 1444 x "\ 1445 .1416 /7 6 1447 /2 7 1448 /do 1449 ? * 1450 - sA Epische Poesien, 8vo — —— Lord Clarendon’s View of Hobbes’s Leviathan, 4to. Oxf. 167G Clarke’s (Dr. Sam.) Sermons, 10 vol. 8vo Lend. 1730 Clarke on the Attributes of God, 8vo ib. L728 Clarke’s Exposition of the Church Catechism, Ovo ib. 1730 Clarke on the Doctrine of the Trinity, 8vo ib. 1710 Carerne (M. A.) Le Patissier Royale Parrissien, eu Traite de la Patiserie Ancienne et Moderne, 2 tons. 8 vo — — Par. 1813 Boufflers (Oeuvres de Stanislas) 2 tom. 12mo ib. 1803 Adventures (The) of Mr. T. S. an English Merchant, taken Prisoner by the Algiers, 18mo Land. 1670 An East India Collation, or a Discourse of Travels into the East Indies, 18mo. — ib. 1033;:' A'7 Jamaica viewed, with all the Ports, Harbours, Towns, Arc. Arc. 18mo. — — ib. 1661 Sinceri (Jodoci) Itinerarium Galliae cum Appendice de Burdigala, 18mo — Amst. 1640 Voyage de M. Quicleta Constantinople, 18mo Par. - Hegenitii (Gottfr.) Itinerarium Frisio-Hollandi cum, &c. 18mo — Lvg. Bat. 1661 Sorbiere (La Sieur) Relation D’un Voyage en Angleterre, 18mo — — Cal. 1667 Teucht Spieghel door Z. G. H. P. H. S. in 14 Plates oblong 8vo. — — 1610 Bitaube (Joseph par M.), 8vo — Par. 1786 Aretino (Vita di Pietro) del Berni, 8vo 1537 Discourse on the Origin of the Dukedom of Modena, 4to — — Land. 1674 Psalmanazar’s (George) Historical Description of For¬ mosa, 8vo — — ib. 1704 Tacite (Nouvelle Traduc : de Corneille) 8vo - a Li/on, 1706 Secret Correspondence between Sir Robert Cecil and King James the Sixth of Scotland, 12mo Edin. 1766 *■ De Neufchateau (N. Francis) Lettre sur le Robinier conDu sous le Nora impropre de Faux Acacia, 12mo Par. 1803 SEVENTH DAY. 79 ^,^1464 £ .0 5405 / ,£> 1466 / ^ *407 / ^ *468 1469 1 <*> 1«0 /4 £ 1471 1489 /*/'* 1490 S- a 1491 / /4~ & 1492 S’ & 1493 S'0 1494 /J 1507 '/2 0 1508 1500 II 1 • / / ■C- /f Ville de Paris, 18mo — Par. 1521 Ovidii Metamorphoses, cum Tabulis Melchioris en Kysell, oblong octavo — 1681 Gibbon’s Rome, 12 vol. — ■■■ Historic Gallery, 7 vol. — Lond. 1811 Voyages de Pythagore en Egvpte, &c. 6 tom. Par. 1798 Don Quichotte, avec planches, 3 tom. ib. 1799 Tableltes de la Reine D’Angleterre ib. 1821 Familiffi Romance per C. Patin, oblong 8vo - L’Histoire de Filipe Emanuel de Loraine Due de Mer- coeur, 12mo —■ Col. 1689 f.Z ^4- S2 1510 4 \i \.o\A 1511 1512 /2.C 1513 bH 1514 J? # \a A'* 1515 1516 /# d 1517 1618 J 3 1519 1520 1521 /y# 1522 A? t 1523 J 0 1524 /d t j , 1525 /j d <5 . 1526 EIGHTH DAY. History of the Life and Reign of Henry VIII. and Ed- ^ ward VI. portraits, 18mo Land. 1682* ' £ ^~ 2 ^| De Arte Peregrinandi, Libri 11, 18mo 1591 Ha’Iywel!, (Henry) a Discourse of the Polity and King¬ dom of Darkness, 18mo — ib. 1081 Hall (Thomas) on the Loathsomeness of Long Hair, 18mo — — ib. 1051 Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great Britain, 18mo ib. 1723 Bruscambille (Les CEuvres), 18mo Par. 1619 Austin’s (William) Haec-Homo, wherein the excellency of the Creation of Woman is described, 18mo. Lond. 1637- Par. 1666 - J'O 1527 6 a 1528 / & & 1529 Problemes Sceptiques, 18mo — Burton’s (Richard) Memorable Accidents, and unheard- of Transactions in several Nations in the last Age, 18 mo —- — Lond. 1733 i- Joubert Science des Medailles avec des Remarques Historiques, 2 vol. 8vo — Par Agnolo (Prose di M.) Firenzuola, 8vo Flor. 1552 Audoeni (Joannis) Epigrammata, 12mo Par. Typis Didot, 1794 Des Avaux (M. Felibien) Description de Deux des plus belles Maisons de Campagne de Pline Consul, 12mo Par. 1699 Alhacen’s History of the Life of Tamerlane the Great, 8vo — — Lond. 1750 Grandidier (1’Abbe) Essais Historiques de l’Eglise Cathe- drale de Strasbourg, 12mo Strasb. 1782 Gil, Polo (Gespar) La Diana Euamorada, 8vo Mad. 1778 Disraeli’s Essay on the Manners and Genius of the Literary Character, 8vo — Lond. 1795 Explication d’une Inscription Antique Trouvee Depuis Peu a Lyon, 8vo •— Par. 1705 Ferriar’s (Dr. John) Essay on the Theory of Apparitions, 8vo — — Lond. 1813 Gulliver’s Travels into Remote Nations of the World, 2 vol. 8vo — ib. 1727 1739. • y/i-A- J ■tf''Sr-n —ipA A/-A eyes--. ’TW ^EIGHTH DAY. S3 ^/7 & 1530 Gulliver’s State of Learning in the Empire of Lilliput, J 6> 1531 8vo — — Lond. 1723 ^7 7 / /S J 1532 /? 4 * 1533 ;/K 1534 /S',# 1535 /f.6 1536 % & a 1537 //,# 1538 1739 I 1 Z 7 - ^ 1540 vj * 1541 ef - # 1542 /? , 6 ' 1551 m A 1552 YA r _- 1553 1554 r,^ 1555 y a 1556 Zr. A 1657 1558 A/ ! ! 5 .. '.A 1559 is *, 1560 b - <7 1561 1/ ^ 1562 /<7 & 1563 /J\Z 1564 /J r 4 15,1 > / c J 0\ 1566 ► 6\ 1567 y\ 6 ^ 1568 V ^ 1569 | » O 1570 Marottes a Vendie ou Triboulet Tabletier, 12mo Lond. - Hume’s History of the House and Race of Douglass and Angus, 2 tom. 12mo Edin. 1748 The Secret History of the Court of the Emperor Jus¬ tinian, 12mo — Lond. 1674 Theatre Espagnol, 4 tom. 12mo. Par. 1770 Vie Privee du Marechal Ney, 8vo. ib. 1816 Memoires du Marechal de Tesse, 2 tom. 8vo ib. 1806 Memoires de Henri de Campion, 8vo ib. 1807, Orlolf (Le Comte Gregoire) Memoires sur Le Royaume de Naples, 2 tom. 8vo — ib. 1819 Histoire du Ministere du Cardinal de Richelieu, 2 tom., 8vo — — ib. 1816 Jeanne A’arc, ou Coup D’Oeil sur les Revolutions de France, 8vo — ib. 1817 Vauvilliers, Histoire de Jeanne D’Albret, 3 tom. 8vo ib. 1818 Pourtraits Divers, 12mo a Lion, 1557 Discovery of the Mystery of Jesuitisme, 12rao Lond. 1648 II Forestiere istruito del S. Antonio di Padova, 12mo Pad. 1816 Sanctorum et Martyrum Christi leones, quaedam Arti- ficiosiinmae, 12ino — Franc/. 1551 Estii (Guilielmi) Historiae Martyrum Gorcomiensium numero Fratrum, Ac. 12mo Dnaci, 1603 Crus Apollo Niliaci de Sacris JEgyptiorum notis /Egyptiace Expressis, 12mo Par. 1574 Baudoin Recueil D Emblemes, ou Tableau des Sciences et des Vertus Morales, 3 tom. 12mo ib. 1685 Steel’s (Sir Richard) Epistolary Correspondence, edited bv John Nichols, 2 vol. 12mo Lond. 1787 Tiie Tatler, with Notes, 6 vol. 8vo ib. 1786 The Ranger being a Collection of Essays, inscribed to the Rev. T. Atwood and Sir R. Vincent, 2 vol. 12mo Brentford, 1794 Robert the Devyll, a Metrical Romance, 12mo Lond. 1793 40, /y* ! /ZA .yy EIGHTH DAY. 85 / / Z? 1571 1 z? 1572 . / z? 1573 /A• 1574 » /6 ' 1575 1576 1577 i ¥" 1578 I J1 o 1579 \/y , 1580 A* 1581 * 1582 ; > 1583 \> 1537 /U i 1583 Ei! 1589 im # 1590 1591 1592 ' i H * 1593 Vie de Catherine II. de Russia, 2 tom. 8vo Pur. 1797 History of the Life of Prince Potemkin, Bvo. Lond. 1812 Johnstone’s (James) Anecdotes of Olave the Black King of Man, 8vo. — 1780 Noble’s Memoirs of the House of Medici, 8vo Lond. 1797 Dodington’s (Bubb) Diary, 8vo ib. 1785 Abreg6 de la Vie de Muley Liezit Empereur de Maroc, 8vo — ■— Rome, 1794 Mcmoires Historiques sur Pie Vl. et son Pontificat, 2 tom. 8vo — — Par. 1799 Douce’s (Francis) Illustrations of Shakespeare, aud of Ancient Manners, with Dissertations, 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1807 Sabbagh (Michel) La Colombe Messagere, 8vo Par. 1805 Piozzi's (Hester Lynch) British Synonymy 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1794 Cursory Remarks on some of the English Poets, parti¬ cularly Milton, 8vo — ib. 1789 Three Letters, containing Remarks on the Errors in Dugdale’s Baronage, 8vo — ib. 1788 A Journey from London to Scarborough, 8vo. ib. 1734 Brachewitzens ost-Indianische reise Beschreibung, 8vo Chum. 1730 Kindersley’s (N. E.) Specimens of Hindoo Literature 8vo — — Lond. 1794 Sayer’s (Dr. F.) Poems, Bvo ib. 1792 Scott’s (John) Poetical Works, 8vo ib. 1782 Churton’s Life of Alexander Nowell, Dean of St. Pauls, 8vo — — Oxf. 1809 Lou th’s Life of William of Wykeham, Bishop of Win¬ chester, Bvo — — Lond. 1758 Smith’s (Dr. John) Life of Columba, 8vo Edin. 1798 Maydieu (L’Abbe) Vie de M. Grosley, 8vo Lond. 1787 Dunton (The Life aud Errors of John), 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1818 Wakefield’s (Gilbert) Poetical Translation from the An¬ cients, Bvo — — ib. 179» EIGHTH DAY. 86 /vA (S 1594 / // A 1595 YA f l Uk*^ 1597 /2.0 1593 /2 0 l^i 1599 1C00 1C01 / 1692 ■ q a j i0;)3 2 A o 1G04 J? & 1805 2 A 1000 7 <* 1007 J A 1003 ^ 1S03 J-0 IfilO J 0 1611 / & O 1612 / 0 a 1613 ^ 1614 Catullus (The Poems of Caius Valerius) 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1795 Byron s (Lord) English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, first edition, 12mo Another Copy, second edition, 8vo Ritson’s Collection of English Songs, 3 vol. 8vo Lond. 1783 D’Israeli’s (I.) Miscellanies, or Literary Recreations, 1 8vo — — ib. 1796 Doni (Noveli di Messer Anton Francesco, 8vo 1815 De Saint-Albin, Les Contes Noirs ou les Frayeurs Po- pulaires, 2 tom. 12mo — Par. 1818 Gaffarelli (Jacobi) Curiosilates Inauditse de Figuris Persarum Talismannicis, 12mo Hamb. 1676 La Decouverte de l’Empire de Cantahar, 12mo Par. 1730 Les Philippiques Odes, par La Grange Chancel, 12mo ib. 1795 De la Puissance Legitime du Prince surle Peuple, etdu Peuple sur le Prince, 12mo — 1581 Bourne Poemata Latina, 12mo — Lond. 1734 Villelte, llistoire de Notre Dame de Liesse, 12mo a Laon, 1728 Du Tiiliot Memoires pour Servir a L’Histoire de la Fete des Foux, !2mo — Lausan, 1751 Tableau de la Litterature Francoise pendant le 18 Siecle, 8vo — Par. 1813 Bohours’s (Dominick) Life of Saint Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies and of Japan, translated by Dryden, 8vo — — Lond. 1688 L’Amour en son Throne, ou les Nouvelles Amoureuses du Loredan Gentilhomme Venitien, 12mo Par. 1616 Leti (Gregori) Historia e Memorie Recondite sopra la Vita di Oliviero Cromwell, 2 tom. 8vo Amst, 1692 Illustrated by a great number of Portraits. La Vie de la Seraphique Mere Sainte Terese de Jesus, 12rao — — Lyon, 1670 Meursii (Joannis) Poemata, 12mo Lug Bat. 1602 Mably Observations sur L'Histoire de la Grece, 12mo Gen. 1766 f t /-Z /e-'' A Aj ft'A a* ' /Z-n- A' i- V * EIGHTH DAT. 87 < /c3 IJ /* 4 // J a \0 /£ * 0 /2 W A r 4, a • ^ o A 0\ t S Alciati (Andreae) Emblematum Libellus, 12mo Par. 1535 1616 Ciceronis Epistolas ad Familiares Graevii, 12mo Amst. 1680 7 Piinii Epistolae, 12mo. Typis EdmundiFry Lond. 1790 J Cicero De Officiis, ex Edit. Oliveti, 12mo ib. 1791 ) Dauncey’s Compendious Chronicle of the Kingdom of a Portugal, 12mo — ib. 1661 :-p 1027 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 L633 Truth brought to Light; or the History of the first Fourteen Years of King Janies I. 12mo ib. 1692 Francis’s (Philip) Horace, in Latin and English, with critical Notes, 4 vol. 8vo — ib. 1743 The admirable Histone of the Possession and Conver¬ sion of a Penitent Woman, seduced by a Magician, 4to — — ib. 1613 Wagstaff’s (Dr. William) Miscellaneous Works, 8vo ib. 1726 Stephens’s (Alexander) Life of Horne Tooke, 2 vol. 8vo. ib. 1813 Desherbiers (M. Guyot) Memoires du Comte du Bon- neval, 2 tom. 8vo — Par. 1806 Anticipation of His Majesty’s Speech on his opening Parliament, 8vo — — 1778 Watson’s History of Philip the Third, 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1793 Sales’ (George) Koran, with explanatory Notes, 2 vol. 8vo — ib. 1764 Davies’s Memoirs of David Garrick, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1780 Athenian (The) Oracle, 3 vol. 8vo ib. 1704 Wishart’s (Dr. George) Memoirs of the renowned James Graham, the Marquis of Montrose, 8vo Edin. 1819 Gwilt (Joseph) Notitia Architectonica Italiana, 8vo Lond. 1818 Strictures on the long Illness and last Moments of C. J. Fox, 8vo — — ib. 1808 The Life of Jesus Christ, including his Apocryphal History, 8vo — — ib. 1818 Simpson’s Memoirs of Madame Catalani,8vo. Bath, 1811 Dubos Inscriptions Francaises et Latines pourles Monu- mens de Paris, Svo. — Par. IB06 'Te-- ~ (a- v v< c 'Z-Z A.-'f- • V- V- 88 EIGHTH DAY ,a /J, & u A J e? O J z? /J 0 4 *\ 6 z? 2 O /6 a / so o\ J ,o / ■7 . o 1638 1619 /• r?lG52 <9 ^ z? ^1653 J ■ A />---£< Lond. 1737 i&. 1815 ^ j,. & 1704 Pinkerton’s (John) Scottish Gallery, or Portraits of Eminent Persons of Scotland, 4to large paper Lond. 1799 1705 March and (C. P. Claret) Voyage autour du Monde, en 1790-1 et 2, 4 tom. 4to grande nanier. Si & ° 1700 Kircheri (Atlianasii) Area Noe, fob Amst. 1675 'i.f. ■> y/c\o 1707 Baldaeus (Philippas) Beschriyving der Oost-Indische Kusten Malabar en Choromandel, fob ib. 1672 J^\6> 1708 Flores a Petro Holsteyn ad Vivum depicti, in 160 original Drawings of Flowers, Tulips, & c. &c. 1 f/'/’ (2c 1709 Lavater’s (John Casper) Essays on Phy¬ siognomy, translated by Dr. Hunter, and the Plates beautifully engraved by Holloway, 5 vol. 4to. Lond. 1789 V £ j, £ 1710 Paine's (James) Plans, Elevations and Sections of Noblemen’s and Gentlemen’s Houses, executed by ib. 1767 himself, 2 vol. fob AtAVV O 7711 PIRANESI (OPERE DI) viz. La Antichita Romana, 4 tom.—De Romanorum Magnificentia— Opere Varie —Antichita D’Albano e di Castel Gandolfo—II Cam- po Marzio—Lapides Capitoliui—Diversi Manjere D’Adornare I Cammini—Vedute di Roma, 2 tom. —Vasi, Candelabri Lucerne ed Ornamenti Antichi, 2 tom.—Raccalta De’ Tempi Antichi, 2 tom .—The whole forming 16 Volumes, folio, bound in rnssia. Horace, v, NINTH DAY. 93 y/a 1712 4 * 1713 S' O 1714 / 1715 0 1716 a 1717 1718 1719 Soane’s (John) Sketches in Architecture, Lond. 1793 ' f / s/'* ' %■/* a c V/ // o i/' /■ y /? s./~ W a ¥/\S 1720 s- /& 0 1721 Plans of Cottage Villas, &c. fol. Scapula Lexicon, Graeco Latinum, folio Apud Elzev, 1652 Solvyns Costume of Hindostan, in 60 highly co¬ loured plates, imperial 4to Lond. 1804 Coxe s Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark, 2 vol. 4to — — ib. 1734‘« Ciceronis Epistolae ad Atticum, cum notis var et Graevii, 8vo — — Amst. 1727 D’Anville and Roberts’ General Atlas, in 34 coloured ^ ~p maps, atlas foiio — Loud. 1782 & Roy's ( William) Military Antiquities of the Romans / in Britain, fol. — — ib. 1793 Brettingham’s Plans, Elevations and Sections of Ilolk- ham, in Norfolk, fol. — ib. 1773 S i 0- Dessins et Ornamens, par J. Berain, 3 vol. atlas folio — — - Case No. 2L Ponce, Description des Bains de Titus, ou Collection des Peintrcs dans les Ruines des Thermes, fol. / Par. 1786'///^ - Ripley's Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Houghton, . in Norfolk, engraved by Fourdrinier, fol. Lond. 1760 Woolfe and Gandon's Vitruvius-Britannicus, forming Vols. IV. and V. — ib. 1771 Smith’s (John Thomas) Antiquities of the City of Westminster, the Old Palace, Arc. Ac. in 246 En¬ gravings, 2 vol. 4to — ib. 1807 Discours sur les Arcs Triomphaux Dresses en la Ville D’Aix, fol. — — D’Aix, 1701 Le Geay (Lorenzo) Vasi Inventioni di fol. - Feste Tlieatrale in Parigi, 1645 — Ulysse All’ Isola de Circe, &c. fol. — -— - Wilkinson’s (Robert) Antique Remains of the Parish Church of Saint Martin’s, Outvvich, London, 4to Lond. 1707 / NINTH DAY. 94 cf'/'" "1729 /'■P-0 1730 «c3. ^ 1731 1732 /5\4' & 1733 cf/> ° .1734 / ";0 <>\ 1735 M / /pi 1736 1737 p *> 1738 /f>.u ■ 6 1739 O'.S-O 1740 J O o 1741 P, /a & 1745 Abrege de la Vie et Passion de Nostre Sauveur Jesus Christ, avec figures — - Fuller’s Historic of the Holy Warre, 4to, Camb. 1640—' on the board of which is a fine Portrait of Arc, engraved by Marshall —• - Rogers's Collection of Prints in Imitation of Drawings, with the Lives of the Artists, 2 vol. folio Lond. 1778 D’Okleans (Le Due) Galerie du Palais Royal, , A 3 vol. folio — Par. 1786 ''/ Boxhornii Monumenta Illustrium Virorum et Elogia, fol. y y Amst. 1638 /*-'? ' - " " Another Copy, folio — 1671 Bertoli, Le Antichite d’Aquileia Profane e Sacre, folio sy Yen. 1739 ^ ^ ^ Sculptura Historiarum et Temporum Memoratrix, folio Nuremb. 1697 Halfpenny's Gothic Ornaments in the Cathedral Church /y of York, 4to — Lond. 1795 Ditto Fragmenta Vetusla, or the Remains of Antient Buildings in York, 4to — ib. 1807 MARSILI (Ferdinand) DANUBIUS Pannonico-Mysicus, Observationibus Geographicis et Physicis Illustratus, 6 vol. folio — Hague, 1726 Tombeaux des Princes des Grands Captaines et Autres Homines lllustres, folio — -- ST- 6 -r 'CA yf / & A/7 St s,t y Scott's (J.) History of Dekkan, 2 vol. 4to Shreivsb. 1794 Voyage a la Recherche de la Perouse, 2 vol. 4to. with 4to. and fol. atlasses — •-. Hamilton (Gavini) Schola-Italica Pictuuae, rare impressions (40), folio Rom. 1773 D’OHSSON, TABLEAU GENERAL de l’EMPIRE OTHOMAN, 2 vol. folio — Par. 1787 Le Roy, les Ruines des Plus Beaux Monuments de la Grece, folio — ib. 1751 Case No. 22. Hope's Designs for Household Furniture and Interior Decorations, folio — Lond. 1807 La Galerie de M. le President Lambert, grave pur / B. riert. Mi, (&<***-*■ Par. NINTH DAY. S\S.a 1771 //,/S.O 1772 1773 4 4 • 774 Vs. 0.0 1775 2./S.O 1770 /{^ 1777 / / ^ Strutt's (Joseph) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, coloured plates, 4to Land. 1301 iVcM tel Strutt’s (Joseph) Dresses and Habits of the People of England, 2 vcl. 4to. coloured plates ib. 1799 Matthews’s Mischat-Mas&bih, or a Collection of the most Authentic Traditions regarding the Sayings of Muhanimed, 2 vol. 4to — Calcutta, 1809 Viage a Constantinopla en 1784, folio Mad. 1790- Added to the above, is a set of Engravings, all proofs, in n detached fol. Gambado's Academy for Grown Horsemen, and the Annals of Horsemanship, folio Load. 1787 Helman, Fails Memorable* des Empereurs ds la Chine, (proof plates) folio — Par. 1788 Perouse (Voyage de la) autour du Monde publie par M. Milet Mureau, 4 vol. 4to et folio atlas ib.wsi v/'dy Rousseau (Jean Baptiste) CEuvres , 3 vol, 4to Brux. 1743 Heraldic, being a folio volume in manuscript, of the Pedigree and Armorial Bearings of many Antient Families in Dorsetshire ; no place or date -- j i/ Somner’s (William) Antiquities of Canterbury, and 1 1782 Battely’s Antiquities of the Cathedral and other Churches, folio, — Land. 1703 Scherzi Poetici e Pittorici Sopra Amore, 4t.o Parma Stampa Bodoni, 1794 V’P MOREAU, DESSINEE EN FIGURES DE FRANCE ? L’HISTOIRE, avec !e Discours de M. l'Abbe Gar- nier, 2 vol. 4to. proofs — Par. 1785 VAN RHEEDE (H.) HORTUS INDICUS MALA. BARICUS, contineris regni Malabarici Plantas rariores, 12 vol. folio Amst. 1678-1703 Joseph (Flavius) Histoire de la Guerre des Juifs, folio, Par. 1668 Leonora, from the German by J. T. Stanley, fol. with Illustrations by Blake — Bond. 1796 Pomet, Histoire Generate des Drogues, Traitant des Plantes, Ac. . I i // r 4792 /J P 1793 A 1794 /> 1795 t " * 179(1 / y , ,r r tyr dt A// >/•/ ■Si NIftTH DAY. 9S 1802 6 Z 6 1803 51804 'W 1810 rf./y.^ 12 ^ Jl813 /m# -1814 MM g’.y.^lSlS r) • o .o 1816 I •' < 3 /./V Cameron’s (Charles) Baths of the Romans, fol. ib. 1772 (Giuseppe Galli) Architetture Prosveitive di Bihiena, fol. - - I7« Collection of 30 Views in England and Ireland, very fine, large foi. Angus’s Views of Gentlemen’s Seats in Great Britain • / y and Wales, (63 plates) oblong 4 to 1787 Wilkes’s Natural History of English Moths and Butterflies, illustrated by one hundred and twenty most beautiful coloured plates, 4 to Lond. 1773 Hodges's Select Views in India, drawn on the spot, in 1780 — 81 — 82 — 83, large 4to, most beautifully coloured — — ib. 1790 Picturae Etruscorum, a Joh. Baptista Passerio, con figur. color. 3 vol. 4to — Rom. 1775 Cabinet de Foullain, 4to Par. 1781 Young’s Night Thoughts, with the Life by De Coetlogon, with fine plates, 8vo — Lond. 1799 Narrazione delle Solenni Reali Feste Fatte Celebrare in Napoli le Nozze di sua Maesta il Re Delie due Sicilie, Carlo Infante di Spagna, fol. Nap. 1749 Perrault (Carolus) Festiva ad Capita Annulumque De- cursio, a Rege Ludovico XIV. anno 1662, fol. Par. 1670 Imitations of Original Drawings, by Leonardi Da Vinci, in his late Majesty’s Collection, published by John Chamberlain, fol. —• Lond. 1796 ^ J ^ De Monieart (Jean Baptiste) Versailles Immortalise par J? . les Merveilles Pariantes, &c. 2 tom. 4to Par. 1720 >' t Wraxali’s (Nathaniel W.) History of France, 3 vol. 4to / ' ■ Lond. 1795 ■ I I Vi / NINTH DAY. 99 / /& 0 1819 '/*/* 6 1820 /// s (A 1821 / 6 1822 /c /o o 1823 2-2 F 1824 /* /o 6 1825 2 sr / A 1826 /S 1827 o 1828 6 A a 1829 1830 (-1831 & J2 . 6 \ 1832 / a 1833 AT & 1834 / // o 1835 2 o <7 1836 S' O 1837 CASE No. 23. Archdale’s (Mervyn) Monasticon-Hibernicum, 4to Dub. 1786 Brumoy (Le P.) Theatre des Grecs, 13 tom. 4to grand papier — Par. 1785 Millin (Aubin Louis) Antiquitts Nationales, ou Re- cueil de Monumens, 5 tom. 4to ib. 1790 Gebelin Monde Primitif Analise et Com¬ pare avec le Monde Moderne, 9 tom. 4to ib. 1773 Stuart’s Genealogical History of the Stewarts, 4to ib. 1798 Pigage (Nicolas) La Galerie Electorate de Dussel- dorff, oblong fol. — Dusself. 1778 Gray’s Poems, with Life and Notes by W. Mason, 4to Lond. 1775 Tasso, La Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 tom. fol. Parma Typis Bodonianis — 1794 Metz’s (C. M.) Imitations of Polidiri-Caravagi, in the Museum of Sir A. Hume, oblong fol. 1791 Museum Cortonense in quo sunt Vetera Monumenta, fol. Rom. 1750 Philothei, Symbola Christiana, fol. Frankfort, 1677 Dempsteri (Thomae) de Etruria R,egali Libri VII. cura Thoma Coke, 2 tom. fol. Flor. 1723 Cowper’s Poems, 4to Lond. 180(5 Cowper (Hayley’s Life of) with the Supplement, 4 vol. 4to — — Chichest. 1803 Malton’s Essay on British Cottage Architecture, 4to Lond. 1798 Cumberland’s (George) Thoughts on Outline, Sculpture and Composition, 4to — ib. 1796 Aubrey (John) The Oxford Cabinet of Engravings from Pictures in the Ashmolean Museum, 4to ib. 1797 Cheron (Elisabeth Sophia) Recueil D’Estampes fol. Gessner (CEuvres) Idilles, &c. eu Tableau Dessine par Barbier, 4to —» II 2 NINTH PAY. 100 I u r [ A i r 1838 1 1 I Y2 /2\ \d?\ 1839 Jj'SJ i A\ ■ 1 1840 J" s U 1841 2 6 o 1842 / // y J o / (£ A M | V y i a H i ; ! / / \ /•/Jr'- & ft- // & /- ?- & /• j ; a Tenth Day’s Sale, SATURDAY, the 20th of SEPTEMBER, 1823, Commencing at Twelve o’Clock for One precisely. From Lot 1896 to Lot 2103, will be Sold this Day. King- Edward's Gallery, No. 32, continued. LOT 189G* 1897 1898 1899 3900 O a 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 CASE No. 25. 1 ^ E la Fontaine (CEuvres de M.) 3 vol. 4to Anvers, 1726 Du Fresnoy, Methode Pour Etudier l’Histoire, 4 vol. 4to — — Par. 1729 Histoire du Vicomte de Turenne, 2 vol. 4to ib. 1734 De Colonia Histoire Litteraire de la Ville de Lyon, 2 vol. 4 to — — Lyon, 1728 Fenton’s Historical Tour through Pembrokeshire, 4to. with a double set of proof plates, one on India paper Land. 1811 Weld’s (Isaac) Illustrations of the Scenery of Killarney, 4to, with a double set of plates, proofs on India paper and after the letters — ib. 1807 Kirkpatrick’s (Col.) Account of the Kingdom ofNepaul, double plates, 4to — ib. 1811 Walsh’s (Dr. E.) Narrative of the Expedition to Holland, plates, maps, 4to — ib. 1800 Chishull’s (F.dmund) Travels in Turkey, and back to England, folio — ib. 1747 Chishull’s (Edmund) Antiquitates Asiatics, Christianam Aeram-Antecedenles, fol. ib. 1728 L4 "a , / si / -Y & fP ■ />£ 24- 0 1906 2 2 0 1007 S V & 1908 V / /o 1909 / 9 r? 1910 a J 0 1911 / S9 C 1912 r!913 & 4 _1914 2 ■3 0 1915 / '9 0 1916 / Ys> 0 1917 2 0 1918 7 2 1919 .0 1920 L> t? 1921 1922 I TENTH DAY. 105 Dixon’s Remarks on Mears’s Voyage, 4to Land. 1790 Portraits of the Royal Family, by Harding, folio - Gifford's History of the Political Life of the Right Hon. Wtn. Pitt, 3 vol. 4to — Lond. 1809 N. B. In the third volume is an Admission Ticket to the Funeral — - Lord Orford’s Works, 5 vol. 4to ib. 1798 Deeze Gezichten langs den Rhyn, oblong 4to Amst. 1767 Smith's Antiquities of London and its Environs, in 100 engravings, illustrative of Pennant, Lysons, Mart- land and others, folio — Lond. 1791 Witsen (Nicholaes) Besehryving-van Noorden en Oost Tartarye, folio — Amst. 1705 Olearius, (Les Voyages du Sieur Adam) 2 vol. folio Leid. 1719 De Mandelslo (Les Voyages du Sieur Albert) plates, 2 vol. folio — ib. 1719 Gell, (W.) The Itinerary of Greece, with a Commentary upon Pausanias and Strabo, plates and maps, 4to Lond. 1810 Dalryinple’s Oriental Repertory, 2 vol. 4to ib. 1793. Amsinck’s Select Etchings and Views in and about Tun¬ bridge Wells, 4to — ib. 1810 Astle's Account of the Seals of the King’s Royal Boroughs and Magnates of Scotland, folio ib. 1792 Hamilton’s (Sir W.) Collection of Engravings, from ancient vases, mostly of pure Greek workman¬ ship, discovered in Sepulchres in the Kingdom of the two Sicilies, 3 vol. folio — Naples, 1791 Desgodetz ( Anthony ) ; The Ancient Buildings of Rome, accurately measured and delineated, and illustrated by 137 plates engraved, and the text translated by G. Marshall, folio — Lond. 1795 Adams’(William) Vitruvius Scoticus; being a Collection of Plans and Elevations of Public Buildings, Noblemen’s and Gentlemen’s Houses in Scotland, folio — — Edin. - Beaumont’s (Albanis) Travels through the Rhaetian Alps, folio — Lond. 1792 1 /- Vi- /t'S 2 Z<- ( -( cl u ' l ( TENTH DAY. If 106 w tp fp 1923 1 6 1924 P 1925 ; \ i > 4 6 1926 hs z & 1927 2/ a 6 1928 ////* V2/ZA0 1929 1930 \/A cA 1931 1 1932 , ; a 1933 / 1"53 0 1954 M 0 1955 1956 Monteiro (Emanuele) corpus Illustrium Poetarum Lusitanorum, 7 vol. 4to Lisbon, 1745, Biblia Sacra, Vulgat: Editionis Sexti V. figures, 4to — — 1609 Fabricii Emblemata, 4to — Roma. 1588 La Clede Histoire Generale de Portugal, 2 vol. 4to Par. 1735 Cousin Histoire de Constantinople, 4to, 8 tom. ib. 1672 Archery (An Essay on) 8vo — Worces. 1792 Malone (The Beauties of the Writings of)8vo Lond. 1800 Voltaire (Lettres de) a Fred: Roi de Prusse, 8vo Par. 1802 Hutton’s (W.) Poems and Tales, 8vo Lond. 1804 Lewis’s Translation of Statius, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1773 Du Guay-Trouin, (Memoires de M.) 4to 1740 Price’s Observations on the Architecture of Salisbury Cathedral, 4to — — Lond. 1753 Antiquitez de la Ville de Lvon, 4to Lyon. 1701 De la Serre Histoire de L'Entree de la Reine Mere, dans la Grande Bretagne, 4to — Lond. 1775 Simons’ (Thomas) Collection of Medals, Coins and Great Seals of Great Britain, by Vertue, 4to Lond. 1753 Ficoroni (Francesco) Le Vestigie di Roma Antica, ;4to Rom. 1744 Herbert’s (Lord) Life of Henry VIII. folio Lond. 1683 Treatise (A) of Angels and Devils, in the Arra- gonian Dialect, an early manuscript on paper, with a curious engraving illustrative, folio — - Le Pompe Funebri, celebrate da Signori Accademici di Roma, folio — Padova, 1686 Ballino (Giulio) De Bisegni Delle Piu Illustri Citta et Fortezze del Mondo, 4to — Ven. 1569 Labyrinthe Royal De L’Hercule, Gaulois-Triomphant, ou Memorables de Henry IV. Roy de France, 4to-- Burney’s General History of Music, 4 vol. 4to — — Lond. 1789 Hawkins’s (Sir John) General History of the Science and Practice of Music, 5 vol. 4to — — ib. 1776 - /x ^ - xv // e> - /// /Vu * Sc ^ !/ - / y,'-) / , s , y 'SS) v Ce /■ C / rS ,S— / 108 TENTH DAY. jC. / 1962 / h 0 1963 w 1964 ; r k * j 1905 \j 7 1966 7 y 1987 0 1968 ! Z O 1969 IT 7 1970 I / /j~ 1971 / y 1972 Ur /s * 1973 /a 0 1974 / yr 1975 p 2 - 1976 ■/ >0 1977 2 (7 1978 0 0 1979 2 1980 A\ 1 f 0 1981 De Prisca Caesiorum Gente, Baptista-Fonteius cum Appendice Julio Jacobonii, folio — 1622 Collection of Voyages and Travels, from Lord Oxford’s Library, 2 vol. — — Land. 1745 D’Audilly (Arnald) Vies des Saints Ulustres de Divers Siecles, folio — — Par. 1664 Ceremonials Carmelitarum Conventus Tolo- sani, a manuscript highly illuminated , folio -- | 4 Z-H L Rogers’s Collection of Prints in Imitation of Drawings, with the Lives of the various Masters, 2 vol. folio 1778 The Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, 3 vol. 8vo Oxjord, 1759 Gay’s Polly, 4to — Lond. 1729 Alexius Symmaehus Mazochii, 4to A eap. 1728 Funerali Antichi di diversi Popoli, folio Vent. 1591 Cardani (H.) Metoposcopia, Faciei Humanae Eicones Complexa, folio — Par. 1658 Patinum (Carolum) Imperatorum Romanorum Numisma- ta, folio — =— Argent. 1671 D’Auteroche, (M. L’Abbe Chappe) Voyage en Siberie, 3 vol. 4to grand papier Par. 1768 Fabretti (Raphaelis) de Columna Trajani Syntagma, &c. folio — — Rom. 1683 Licetus (Fortunius) de Lucernis Antiquorum Recondi- tis, folio — —• Utini, 1653- Salviani (Hyppoliti) Aquatilium Animalium Historiae, folio — — Rom. 1554 RAPiNandTiNDAL’s HISTORY of ENGLAND, 5vol. folio, large zvriting paper and atlas Lond. 1733-46 Desgodetz (Antoine) Les Edifices Antiques de Rome, folio — —- Par. 1682 Bandtjri (Anselini) Numismata Imperatorum Ro¬ manorum, Lat. Gre. et Aegyptiaca, 2 vol. folio char. max. — — ib. 1718 Ghezzi (Pietro Leoni) Raccolta di 24 Caricature, folio Dresd. 1750 Johnson’s Works of the British Poets, 75 vol. 12mo Lond. 1790—vols. 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 74 & ; i-'T ' 7 // 1 7 I 7 2 / v - ? and 75 wanting TENTH DAY. 109 { yj A 1982 /j y 1983 yj £> 1984 Yj <7 1985 A 1986 Vf 1987 y 1988 & 0 1989 0 1990 0 1991 y* y 1992 u 1993 \f 1994 0 1995 f ? 1996 i/y H 1997 A A 1998 A A 1999 / A 2900 0 A 2001 A 0 2002 /y a 2003 A Xj 2004 x A 2005 A 2006 y | 2007 yt <7 2008 bian Nights, 4 vol. 12mo — Edin. 1792 Le Roman de la Rose, par G. de Lorris et Jean Meung, avec Figures, 5 vol. 8vo. grand papier Paris, 1798 CASE No. 21 . Montague’s (Lady) Letters, 3 vol. 12mo Lond. 1769 Count Roderic’s Castle, 2 vol. 12mo ib. 1795 Montesquieu (I.ettres) 12mo — Leid. 1767 Nicholls’s Collection of Poems, wit/C Biographical Notes, 8 vol. 12mo — Lond. 1780 Remarks on Johnson’s Life of Milton, 12mo ib. 1780 Days of Chivalry, 2 vol. 12mo — ib. 1797 Castle of Ollada, (The) 2 vol. 12mo ib. 1795 Hartley House, Calcutta, 3 vol. 12mo ib. 1789 Moral Essays, 2 vol. 12mo — ib. 1785 Basnage Antiquitez Judaiques, 2 vol. 12mo, et Repub- lique des Hebreux, 3 vol. 12mo Amst. 1709 Lucien Tradu. par M. N. Perrot, 2 vol. 12mo ib. 1701 Setlios Histoire, 3 vol. 12mo — Par. 1731 Saint Evremont (CEuvres) 5 vol. 12mo, vol. 5 wanting ib. 1697 Histoire des plus Illustres et Savans Hommes, 8 vol. 12mo — — ib. 1670 AmusemensdesEauxdeSchevalsbach, 12mo Lege. 1739 Tooke’s View of the Russian Empire, 3 vol. 8vo. Lond. 1799 Scheffer’s History of Lapland, 8vo. ib. 1740 Egede’s (Hans) Description of Greenland, 8vo ib. 1745 Voyage (A New) to the North, 8 vo ib. 1706 Egede’s Description of Greenland, 8vo, large paper ib. 1818 Crantz’s History of Greenland, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1 767 Gauthierde La Peyronie, Voyage en Islande, 5 vol. 8vo. . Par. 1802 De Reste (Bernard) Histoire des Peches, 3 vol. 8vo. ib. 1801 Histoire des Decouvertes, 4 vol. 8vo. Berne, 1 779 Zorgdrager (C. G.) Groenlandsche Visschery, 4to Gra v. 1727 /, / w/A /// A, ' - - / * i- y - 'r- -ay t Z-'Tf x r TENTH DAY. 110 s 7 2009 7 0 0 CH 'f 2011 H 7 2012 i 7 2013 h 7 2014 / 4- <7 2015 1 /J 6 2016 ■ /I 2017 v 2 2018 '7 7 2019 ■ 'f * 2020 / '2 7 2 2021 2022 / { 2 2023 /* 7 2024 Va 2 2025 ys \0 2026 \4 1/ \0 2027 I Y* / <7 2028 ¥ 7 2029 G\ A 7 2030 0 2031 / 2032 7 \ 2033 Von Staehlin’s Account of the New Northern Archipelago, 8vo — — Lond. 1774 Voyage d'un Officier Frangais Prisonnier en Russie, 8vo Par. 1817 A Voyage to Russia, 8vo — Lond. 1756 Owen’s Travels into different parts of Europe, 8vo ib. 1796 Von Troil’s Letters on Iceland, 8vo ib. 178CX Catteau (Jean Pierre) Tableaux des Etats Danois, 3 vol. 8 vo — Par. 1802 Cook’s Voyages and Travels in Russia, 2 vol. 8vo Edin. 1770 Anecdotes of the Russian Empire, 8vo Lond. 1784 Niecamp (Jean Lucas) Histoire de la Mission Danoise dans les Jndes, 8vo — Genev, 1745 Character (The) and Anecdotes of the Court of Sweden, 2 vol. 8vo — — Lond. 1790 Cogan’s Journey from Francfort to Utretcht, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1794 Eyries Voyage en Norvege et en Laponie, 2 vol. 8vo Par. 1816 Pougen (Charles) Voyage sur les Rives du Rhin, 2 vol. Scandinavia (Letters from) on the State of the Northern Nations, 2 vol. 8vo — Lond. 1796 Riesbeck’s Travels through Germany, 3 vol. 8vo ib. 178 7 Voyage en Suede, 8vo — a la Haye 1789 Catteau, Tableau General de la Suede, 8vo, 2 tom en 1 Lausan, 1790 Voyage sur le Rhin, 2 vol. Svo —» Neuw. 1791 Wraxall’s Tour through Copenhagen and Petersburgh, 8vo — — Lond. 1776 Hutton’s (Catherine) Life of Win. Hutton, 8vo ib. 1806 Tableau General de la Russie Moderne, 2 vol. 8vo Par. 1802 Wraxall’s Tour round the Baltic, Svo Lond. 1807 Plescheef’s (Sergey) Survey of the Russian Empire, 8vo ib. 1792 Swinton’s Travels into Norway, Denmark and Russia, Svo ib. 1792 Justice’s (Elizabeth) Voyage to Russia, Svo, published by Thomas Gent of York — 1 7$9 j // ty 7 I 'dm U&4 Ill 1 . 2046 dz 204 ? 2048 ma \ 2049 4 A 2050 o\t ' 0 >-7 / q\& 2051 2052 2053 2054 - *■' 2055 2056 * 2057 2058 * 2059 j\t 2060 2061 TENTH DAY. 0\ 2034 A 2035 f t* I 203 6 A I 2037 A 0 | 2038 j 2039 0 , 2041 Radcliffe's Journey through Sweden, 8vo Lond. 1789 Description de la Cathedralede Strasbourg, 8vo Sfras.1817 Voyage de Paris a Strasbourg, 8vo Par. 1802 Catteau Voyage en Allemagne et en Suede, 3 vol. 8vo ib. 1810 Linneai Reisen durch Oeland und Gothland, Svo Halle. 1764 Nugent’s Travels through Germany, 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1768 Englishwoman’s (An) Narrative of a Residence in Belgium, 8vo — — ib. 1817 Monumenta Paderbornensia ex Historia Romana Francisca Saxonica, notes et figures, 4to Francf. 1713 Misson Nieu Reyzen en Italien, 4to Utrecht, 1724 Marshall’s Travels through Holland, &c. 3 vol. 8vo Lond. 1773 Montolieu, Voyage en Allemagne dans Le Tyrol, &c. 4 vol. 8vo — >— Par. 1818 Burney’s Present State of Music in Germany, 3 vol. 8vo Lond. 1775 Voyage en Italie de M. L’Abbe Barthelemy, 8vo Par. 1801 Walker's Ideas on a Tour through Germany, Svo Lond. 179O Sketches of a Tour through Europe, 1/94, Svo ib. 1797 Douglas’s Travelling Anecdotes, 8vo Rock. 1782 Plumptree's (Anne) Letters from the Continent, Svo Lond. 1799 Sulzer (Jean George) Journal D’Un Voyage en 1775—6, Svo — — A la Haye, 1781 Hull’s Select Letters on the Republic of Venice, 2 vol. 8vo — — Lond. 1778 Sherlocke (Lettres de) Svo — Neuch. 178I Miller's Letters, Descriptive of the Manners in Italy, 3 vol. Lond. 1776 Martyn’s Tour through Italy, Svo. ib. - Sharp’s Letters from Italy, Svo — ib. 1766 Letters from a young Painter to his Friends in England, 2 vol. 8vo, large paper •— ib. 1750 Voyage par mer de Bruxelles a Anvers, Svo A Laus. 1782 Raspe’s Travels through Italy in 1771 -—2, translated by J. J. Ferber, 8vo — — Lond. 1776 Lettres sur L’ltalieen 1785, 2 vol. 8vo Rome , 1788 Lettres sur L’italie, 8vo —* Lond. 1J87 X j cZZ- - pZx? <- | ; : / t VvXxZ jy / Z X -C< - j. / 3 - / X/- c-' Z C ‘' 'c ‘ - .Z c. i — ! S>. r«- «| 1 a *- /'/ j a* i ^ <■- r' 2—" L TENTH DAY. 112 J 7 P\ - VP a w 0 Le \r B LS j / r j 0 5/ y6 u u 1 ip\ \4 \o I rV 1 1 ^ i ! > // ; o\ // \&\ /# 1 K i # J a\ ; & p? II / 1 /o 6 / 0 / : ?- S/ 0 0 1 ¥ O Jr I y a / 9 6 j n 0 / / I /6 0 j/ 1 . "\ 0 i: 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2070 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 Millin (Extrait de Lettres par A. L.) — — ■ — De Gonzague (Lettres de Mad.) sur L'ltalie, 8vo, 2 vol. en 1 — Humb. 1797 Pommereuil (Le General) Voyage dans la Campanie, 2 vol. 8 vo — — Par. 1801 Santi (Giorgio) Viaggio al Montamiate, 8vo Pisa, 1795 Tozetti (Jean Targioni) Voyage Mineralogique en Toscane, 2 vol. 8vo — — Par. 1792 Recke’s Reise in Deutschlands, und Italien 4 Theil Berlin, 1815 Fell’s Tour through the Batavian Republic, Svo Load. 1801 Breton Voyage dans la Cidevant Belgique, 2 vol. 8vo Par. 1802 Hasty (A) Tour through the Austrian Netherlands, 8vo Lond. 1787 Moody’s Sketch of Modern France, 8vo ib. 1798 Douglas's Notes of a Journey from Berne to England through France, 8vo — ib. 1797 Tench (Major) Letters on France, 8vo ib. 1794 Gifford’s (John) Residence in France, 2 vol. Svo ib. 1797 Fifteen Days’ Tour to Paris, 8vo — ib. 1789 Voyage (Mon.) au Mont D’Or, Svo Par. 1802 Voyage Curieux et Sentimental, Svo ib. 1801 Schiinmelpenninck’s (Mary Anne) Narrative of the De¬ molition of the Monastery of Port Royal des Champs, 8vo Lond. 1816 Ditto a Tour to the Grande Chartreuse, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1816 De Chastellux, Relation du Voyage de Mesdames Tantes du Roi, 8vo — — Par. 1816 Davis’s Ancient and Modern History of Nice, 8vo Lond. 1807 Excursions from Paris to Fontainbleau, Svo ib. 1786 Voyage d’un Allemand a Paris, 8vo Lausan . 1800 Guys (M.) Marseille Ancienne et Moderne, 8vo Par. 1786 Tour (A) in France, with a Rhapsody composed at the Tomb of Rousseau, Svo — Lond. 1789 Ayscough’s Letters from France and Italy, 8vo ib. 1778 Barettis’ Journey from London to Genoa, 4 vol. Svo ib. 1770 Moore’s (John) Travels in Italy, 2 vol. and bis France, 2 vol. Svo — — ib. 1781 / -jCt—~ • ^ / TENTH DAY. 113 6 0 2089 2090 /M/0 2091 jv 2092 # 0 2093 j 2094 & 2095 o\ 2096 /L /b '/ 0 209; s \ 2098 a 2099 0 2100 0 2101 0 2102 0 2103 De Londres et de ses Environs, 8vo Amst. 1789 Letters sur la France, L’Angleterre et L’ltalie, 8vo Genev. 1785 Robinson’s Guide to the Lakes, 8vo Lond. 1819 Sylva, or the Wood, 8vo — ib. 1786 Hentzner’s Travels in England, 8vo ib. 1797 Voyage d’Angleterre en 1783-4, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1786 Izacke’s Antiquities of Exeter, large paper, 8vo ib. 1734 Kotzebue, (the Prisoner of War among the French) by M. Von, 8vo — ib. 18 It) Dyde’s History of Tewkesbury, 8vo Tewk. 1798 Shaw’s Tour in the West of England in 1"88 Lond. 1789 Sulivan’s (Richard Joseph) Tour in England in 177s 2 vol. 8vo — — ib. 1785 Meister’s (Henry) Letters during a Residence in England, 8vo — — ib. 1799 Promenades, ou Itineraire des Jardins de Chantilly, 8vo Par. 1791 A Journey into France, Normandy, &c. with Observa¬ tions, a manuscript 4to. no date - Narrative of the Escape of several British Subjects from Verdun, 8vo — Lond. 1811 \y t O'- ' —* 1 - End 0/ the Tenth Day. Being the FIRST PART of the BOOKS & BOOKS OF PRINTS, COMPRISED IN THIS CATALOGUE. The Second Part of the BOOKS and BOOKS of PRIJVTS (for which see remainder part of the Catalogue) commences on Friday, Ike 2d of October,— being the Nineteenth Day of Sale. ’ i r ii' )?,'■ ' f ov8 , v. ■ ■' ~ _ 291 IdSU Nineteenth Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, the 3d day of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. From Lot 2104 to Lot 2280, will be Sold this Day, Being the ELEVENTH DAY of BOOKS. I J A o\ A A A A A A LOT 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 211 l \ 2118 Wafer’s Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, ib. 1704 // 6 2119 Jackson's History of the Castle and Priory of Tutbury upon Trent, 8vo — ib. 1796 / / A 2120 Simond’s (Louis) Journal of a Residence in Great Britain during the Years 1810—11, 2 vol. 8vo Edinb. 1S17 / A 2121 Wilson’s Memorabilia Cantabrigiae, being an Account of the Colleges of Cambridge, 8vo Lond. 1803 J ■fr 0 2122 Maton’s (W. George) Picturesque Scenery in the Western Parts of England, 2 vol. Svo Salisb. 1797 S / y / ! 0 2123 Housman’s Description of Cumberland, Westmorland, &c. 8vo — Carlisle, 1800 / b j ^ 2124 West’s Guide to the Lakes of Cumberland, 8vo Lond. 1793 / / ! 0 0 & /f-0 a\0 2125 2126 12 ; ^M 2,2 9 fry 2130 \£ i Watkins’s History of Bideford, 8vo Exeter, 1792 Bray’s (William) Tour of Derbyshire and Yorkshire, Svo Lond. 1783 Hurtley’s (Thomas) Natural Curiosities of Malbam, ia Craven, Yorkshire, Svo — ib. 1786 Housman’s Guide to the Natural Curiosities in Cumber¬ land, 8vo —- Carl. ISO® Dunkin’s Antiquities of Bromley in Kent, Svo Brom, 1815 Promenade auTour de la Grand Bretagne, 8vo Lond 17Q5 West’s Antiquities of Furness, 8vo Alverlon, 1805 Reed's (Isaac) Plays of Wm, Siiakspeare, with Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens, 21 vol. Svo Lond. 1813 - Byron’s Works, 5 vol. 8vo. — Lond. 1821 Gibbon’s Rome and Miscellaneous Works, 17 vol. Svo ib. 1814-20 Old English Squire, 8vo — ib. 1821 Linnaean Syste of Botany, 3 vol. bvo. „ ib. 1816 Walker’s Tour from London to the Lakes of Cumberland, Svo — ib. 1792 Bud worth’s Ramble to the Lakes in Westmorland, 8vo ib. 1810 y ,2139 Fortnight’s (A) Ramble to the Lakes in Westmorland, // 'A I 2 2135 ^ 2136 // // 0 Tfr O 21 37 2138 Svo ib . 1795. t NINETEENTH DAY. 293 / 0 *5-2140 / s O 214L 6 2142 / * O 2143 \/2 2144 h 0 2145 1 0 a 2146 Y j / / V 6 2170 jcT A ' 2171 A 2172 f . * A 2173 7 2, 6 ' 2174 z?j O 2175 A 2176 —<✓ 4 A 21 77 / A °\ 2178 - 4 2179 1 a 1 2180 / o \ 2181 V 1 2 82 2 . 0 y 2183 / v y * 2 1 b 4 CASE No. 28. Anquetel, Histoire de Louis XIV. la Cour et la Regent, 4 vol. 12 mo —■ Par. I/S 9 Tressau (CEuvresde), 11 vol. 12 mo Amst. i/80 BIBLIOTHEQUE Universelle des Romans, July 17/5 to April 1784, 72 tom., tom. 60 and 61 wanting PARNASO ITALIANO, OVVERO RACCOLTA de Cl* /y . Piron (D’Alexis) CEuvres Complettes-publiees par M. Ri- goley de Juvigny, 7 vol. Svo Par. 1776 Choix des Lettres Edifiantes Ecrites des Missions Etran- geres, 8 vol. Svo — ib. 1808 Saint-Fond, Description des Experiences de la Ma¬ chine ./Erostatique de M. M. de Montgolfier, 2 vol. Svo ib. 1783. ToUrnefort (Pitton) Elemens de Botanique, 3 vol. Svo ib. 1694 leones Symbolic* Elogiis Illustrate, 4to 1628 Fabretti (Raphael) De Aquis et Aquseduetibus Veteris Romae, 4to — Rom. 16 SO Aeliani de Militaribus Institutis Grsecor. a Francesco Robertello, 4to — Ven. 1552 SX. rs-iji Paulanichio (D’Juan) D’Orlando Paladino, 4to ib. 1533 c " De Gongora (Obras de Don Luis), 4to Mad. 1654 ^ •<- Texelli (Petri) Phoenix Visus et Auditus, 4to Amst. 1706 Manzini (Luigi) Applausi Festivi Fatli in Roma, 4 to Rom. 1637 A A NINETEENTH DAY, 295 / r m / h\ A / / \ * 2 0 1 / * 1 '7 \ A z a \ c/ /* \ 1 / J 0 /s \A / 7 i 1 ^ y -w / // A / 0 0 /J < / /0 A '9 A W O 0\ \ V /o 189 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 Rademaker (Abraham), Kabinet van Nederlandsche Ou- theden en Gezichten, 2 vol. 4to Amst. 1/25 Sadeler (Justius) Imagines, S. Francisei Assisiatis et Illus- Iriumornm Virorum, etc. 4lo — -- Hieronymi Mercurialis, de Arte Gymnastica Emanda. et Figures, Christop. Coriolani, 4to Amst. I 6"2 Vaenii (Oi h ) Emblemata sive Symbola a Principibus viris Ecclesiasticis, &c. 4to — Brux. 1624 Spiegel der Sibyllen van Vierderley-Vertooningen, 4 to Amst. 1685 Camilli (Camillo) Imprese Illustri, con Figure di G. Porro, 4to — — Pen. I58t> Kippingii (Henrici) Antiquitates- Romans, cum Indi- cibus Lipsii, 8 vo — Lug. Bat. 1/13 Van Den Honert, Dissertationes Historicae, 8 vo ib. 1738 De la Faye, Recherches et Memoire sur la Maniere de Batir chez les Anciens, 8 vo. — Par. 1777 Memoires pour Servira la Vie de Petrarque et des Auteurs Contemporains, avec Notes, &c. &c. 3 vol. 4to Amst. 1/64 (' Rapini (Renati) Korti, cum Disputatione de Cultura Hortensi, 4to — — Par. 1665 Van Dale (Antonii) Dissertationes de Antiquitatibus quin et Marmoribus, 4to — Amst. 1/02 Ferrarii (J. Baptista) Flora sive Florum-Cultura, Rome, 1633 Binet (Estienne) Abrege des Vies des Principaux Fonda- teurs des Religions, 4to — Anvers, ld34 Prieriatis (Silvestri) de Strigimagarurn Daemonumque Mirandus, 4to — Rom. 15/5 Pigna (Giovan Battista) de Romanzi, 4to Pen. 1554 Gramont (J. A.) de Theatro Saguntino, 4to Rome, 1716 Cipriani (Gio. Batt.) Scelta di Ornati Antiche e Moderni, 4to — — ib. 1801 Medicina Theologica ou Supplica Humilde, 4to Lisboa, 1794 Bloemmsert (Abrahamo) Sylva Anachoretica iEgypti et Palaestinse, Figures a Bolswert, 4to Ant. 1 O 19 Jovio (S. Pauio) Dialogue des Devises d’Armes et d’Amours, 4 to — Lyon , 1601 ty? ■ /' tc.- / AC- / ,/l 1 A ( 7 -P rt- s- -A I It* 296 / o c 2209 2210 / # O 2211 2 /J ^ 22,2 2206 ./X X' 22 °7 / t. X 2208 / // ^ 2. ^ & 2225 // L’ 2226 222 / Vine! (Elie) L’Antiquite de Bourdeaus, 4to Bourd. 1574 Rhonsei (Eryci) Idese Reformandi-Anticliristi, 4 to 1623 Graberg (Jacopo) Saggio Istorico Su Gli Scaldi o Antichi Poeti-Scandinavi, Svo — Pisa, 1811 Gcsnerns (Conradus) De Raris et Admirandis Herbis, &c. 4to — — Figur. 1555 Anderson’s Genealogical History of the House of Yvery, 2 vol. 8vo. large paper — Lund. 1742 Scamozzi (Ottavio Bertotti) II Forestiere Istruito delle Cose Piu Rare di Architettura, 4to Vicenza, 1/6’l Barberino (Francesco) Docuraenti d’Amore, 4to Romce, 1640 Germano (S.) Descrizione Istorica del Monasterodi Monte Casino, 4to — — Napol. 1751 Numraus Aereus Veterum Christianorum Commcntatus, 4to. — — Rom. 1737 Bronchi (Maria) Vite de Santi Beati^ Fiorentini, 3 vol. 4to Firenz. 17 42 Nozze (Augustin) La Caduta de Regno dell‘ Amazzoni, Festa Teatrale in Roma, 4to Roma, l6t)0 Spoil, Recherches Curieuses d’Antiquite, 4to Lyon, 1683 Relation des Entrees Solemnelles dans la Ville de Lyon de Nos Rois-Reines, Princes, etc. 4to ib. 1752 Fontaninus (Justus) De Antiquitatibus Hortae Coloniae- Etruscorum, cum Figuris, 4to Roma, 1J23 Projet d’un Feu d’Artifice a i’Occasion cu Marriage de M. le Comte de Provence, 4to —. 1771- Anacreontis Teii Odas et Fragmenta Graec. et Lat. Not is de Pamv, 4to — Trage. 1732 King's (Dr. John Glen) Letter to the Bishop of Durham on the Climate of Russia, 4to Land. 1778 I. Herrnite (Jean Baptiste) Les Eloges Genealogiques des Princes du Royaume de Naples, 4to Par. 1663 Pindar! Carolina Graeca cura Heyne, chart, max. 8vo Gotten. 1773 Ridolfi (Carlo) Le Maraviglie dell* Arte Gvero le Vite de Piltori, 4to — — y en% 3 543 Ariosto Orlando Furioso, folio — ib. 1553 Moreau (Fran9ais) Relation d’Un Voyage aux Indes Ori¬ entates (a manuscript, fairly written) - /? a r ~f'- L • /r -„<-X ■ d NINETEENTH DAY. 297 2 f * / 2238 ■p 2239 22-10 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 223(5 24(5 Emblemata Door Zacharias Heyns Rotter. 1325 Le Vassor (Michel) Histoire da Regne de Louis XIII. 19 vol. 12 mo — Amst. 1/00 De Mouhy, Memoires du Marquis de Benavides, 2 vol. 12 mo — Par. 1/54 Cuperi (Gisberti) Harpocrates, 4to Trag. 1087 Soirees de Ferney ou Confidences de Voltaire, 8 vo Par. 1602 Good’s (John Mason) Song of Songs, or Sacred Idyls, 8 vo — — Lond. 1803 Palladio, Del Teatro Olimpico, 8 vo Padua, 1729 U S / y z -&c— / y A 7 r ^ * <*> ^ ,a£-c~ c-/> p S-z, se t- A /*W Annual Review from 1802 to 1808, 8 vol. Svo Akerblad (J. D.) Lettre sur l’lnscription Egyptienne de Rosette, Svo — — Par. 1802 Lewis’s (John) Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton of the Weald of Kent, the first Printer in England, 8 vo. large paper — — Lond. 1/3 7 Pegge (Samuel) the Forme of Cury, a Roll of Antient English Cookery, 8 vo — ib. 1/80 Anti-Lucretius, Opus Posthumum Caroli de Rothelin, 8 vo Par. 1747 Maittaire Historia Typographorum, Aliquot Parisiensium Vitas et Librcs Complectens, Svo. large paper - Perez de Vargas De Re Metallica, a manuscript neatly written, 4 to — - Bayfii (Lazari) Annotationes de Re Navali, 4to Apud R. Stephani, 1549 - d £ Montesquieu (CEuvres) 4 vol. Par. 1704 L ^L_ Monti (Versi dell’ Abate Vincenzo) 8 vo Parma, 1/87 (L 22<- z /c<_ The Tuscan Edict for the Reform of the Criminal Law in Tuscany, 8 vo — Warrington, I /89 / Banyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Heptinstall’s Edit, with Notes by Thomas Scott, large paper, Svo Lond. 179 -I Heinsii, Nederduytsche Poemata, 4to Amst. 131(5 Bubb Dodington’s Diary, Svo Lond. 1 7 8-4 Eibliotheca Croftsiana, large paper, sold by Paterson, April 1/83, with portraits and prices marked. Catalogue of Graves’s Prints, sold by Dodd, Feb. 1810, gp.. marked prices and buyer's names — NINETEENTH DAY. 298 A v 2251 /// & 2252 /£ i ^ 2253 // 1

O .2292 / 0 O 2293 2 / O 2294 2G82 2283 A R TON'S (Thos.) History of English Poetry, 4 vol. 4to — Lond. 177 5 Thornton’s (Thomas) Slate of Turkey, 4to ib. 1807 Clarke and M'Arthur’s Life of Lord Nelson, 2 vol. 4to. proofs —• — ib. I 8 O 9 Eslat Present de PEmpire de Maroc, a M. Colbert de Croissy, par le Sieur de St. Olon, 1693 , folio (a ma¬ nuscript) — - Uionysii, Halicarnassensis Antiquitates Piomance, Hudsoni, 2 vol. folio — Oxon. 1704 >2-— Le Soleil de L’Ajie, Livre de la Journee du Roy, de France (a manuscript, highly emblazoned) folio, no date - Mittelli (Gioseppe) L’Arti Pervia, et le Ventiquatti Hore Dell* Humana Felicita, 4to — l66Q,r 3 Athenaens Graece, folio — apud. Aldus, 151 Philostratus de Vita Apollonii Tyanei, folio ib. 1502 22# - Stephanus de Urbibus, Greece — ib. 1502 - De Laet (Joanne) Novus Orbis seu Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis, folio — Lug Bat. 1633 C< r*- 1 ' £ ' < - Du Tillet (M. J.) Recueil des Roys de France leur Cou- ror.ne et Maison, folio — Par. 1586 Du Tibet, Recueil des Roys des France leur Couronne et Maison, folio — ib. 1580 Seriii (Sebastiani) Dc Architectura Libti V. cum Lat. Vers, a Caiolo Samteno, folio Fen, 150$ TWENTIETH DAY. 301 p / * zf A T* Y ? * f f 2 Ji lr ft" & 4/0 # r ¥ i/k^M V 0 0 / /ZZ <7 / a. A 2305 $ 4 2308 /fi J 23 °9 L / 6, 2310 / /l, a 2311 6 2312 // 0o 2313 Krantzii (Alberti) Rerum Germanicarum-Chronica, folio Francf. 1583 Pausanias Graece, apud Aldum, folio Fen. 151(3 Voyagien der Spanjaarden na West-Indien door, J. L. Gottfried, 8 vol. en 4, folio — Leyd. 1706 Churchill’s Collection of Voyages and Travels, 6 vol. fol. large paper — — Land. 1732 Harris’s Collection of Voyages and Travels, 2 vol. folio, large paper — ib. 1764 Kircheri (Aihanasii) Turris Babel sive Archontologia Qua, et Arca-Noe, folio — Amst. 1679 La Martiniere, le Grand Dictionnaire Geographique et Critique, 10 vol. folio — a la Haye, 1726 Venuli et Borioni, Collectanea Antiquitatum Romanarum, folio — — Rom. 173S Ariosto (Opere Di) Raccolte de Goze, &c. adornatu di Figure, 2 vol. en 1, folio Venet. 1731 Moreyra (Manuel de Sousa) Theatro Historico Genea- logico de la Excellentissima Casa de Sousa, folio Par. 1694 D’Horace (Traduction des CEuvres) en Vers Francois, 5 tom. 18mo — Par. 1752 Grammont, Memoires du Comte, par le C. Antoine Hamilton, 6 tom. 18mo — 1749 Moliere (CEuvres de) Augmented de la Vie de l’Auteur, par M. De Voltaire, 5 tom. wanting tom. 2, 18mo Amst. 1765 Valois, (Histoire de Marguerite de) Reine de Navarre, Soeur de Francois I. 18mo — ib. \QqQ Browne, (Isaac Hawkins) The Immortality of the Soul, a Poem, translated by J. Lettice, B. D. Svo Caml. 1795 Musad de Herone et Leandro Carmen, a Rover, 8vo Lug. But. 1737 Petrarch, (Dobson’s Life of) collected from Memoires pour la Vie de Petrarch, 2 vol, 8vo Land. 1775 METASTASIO ( Signor Abate Pietro ) OPERE, 12 tom. 4 to — — Parigi. -. Long’s History of Jamaica, or a general Survey of the Ancient and Modern State of that Island, 3 vol. 4to Land. 1774 ^ f fi. — f s -~ » F-? - / 'J, & YFr/ 4 / ^ /r'/i 'cr A? / // sz . M i . -V'-r. AM X Z'-Z- A fc *— TWENTIETH DAY. £02 £ / * 2314 2315 p 44 0 2310 kr 2317 / 1+ A 2318 // // a 2319 $ /y & 2320 q a 232! 2322 J 0 2323 & 6 0 2324 2325 V Vo 0 2326 2 0 A 2327 V /J A 2328 26 rJ'o 2329 \t. HI as A A' y ' 0 * Mazarin, Jugement de Tout ce qui a Este Imprime Centre Le Cardinal, 4to — — --- Perron, (M. Anquetil Du) Zend-Avesta, Ouvrage de Zoroastre, 2 tom. en 3, 4to — Par. 17/1 Plessiaci (Philippo Mornugo Marliani) Mysterium Jniqui- tatis seu Historia Papatus, folio Salmurii, l6l 1 CESARI in oro RACCOLTI nel Farnese Museo, E. Pub- blicati colleloro congrue Interpretazioni, Paolo Pedrusi, 10 tom. folio — — Parma, l6g4 Journal de cs qui s’est fait pour la Reception Du Roy dans la Ville dc Metz — A. Dietz. 1744 Gesneri (Conradi Medici Tigurini) Historiae Animalium, 3 tom. folio — — Tiguri. 1551 SCKOEFLINI, (Jo. Daniel) Alsatia Jllustrata, Celtica Romana Francica, 3 tom Colmariae, 1/51 Ebermayer, (Jo. Mart ab.) Gemmarum Affabre Sculp- tarum Thesaurus, folio — — 1/20 Spence's (Joseph A. M.) Polymetis, or an Enquiry con¬ cerning the Agreement between the Works of the Roman Poets, and the Remains of the Antient Artists, folio — — Land. 1747 Les Decades qui se trouvent de Tite-live en Francois, 2 tom. folio —- Par. 1617 Musaeum Kircherianum, folio Romae, 1709 Colombiere Theatre D’Honneur et de Chevalierie, ou le Miroir Heroique de la Noblesse, 2 tom. folio. Par. 1648 Rumphius (Georgius Everhardus) Rariteit Kamer, folio Amst, 1705 Les Marques D’Honneur de la Maiscn de Tassis, folio Ant. \ 645 /('f Libanii Sophistae Epistolae Greece et Latine ex editione, J. C. Wolfii, folio — — Amst. 1738 BAYLE (Pierre) DICTIGNNAIRE Historique et CrI" TiauE, 4 tom. folio Rotlerd. 1720—Et Supplement* par J. G. Chaufepie, 4 tom. folio ib. 175 a 1 TWENTIETH DAY, 303 1 ! 9 0 / /! / A i/ 1 0 k- ■0 ft 0 0 0 0 //j > jj 1 / < /' C 2362 Y 0 a 2363 Valerii Maximi, Exemploruin Memorabilium, Interpre- tatione et Notis Illustravit, P. J. Camel, in Usum Delphini, 4to — — Par. 1679 Terentii Comoediae Sex. Interpretatione, et Noti's Illus- travit N. Camus, in Usum Delphini, 4to ib. 1 6~5 Dicty Cretensis et Dares Phrygius De Bello et Excidio Trojae, in Usum Delphini, cum Interpretatione An- nae Daceriae, 4to — Amst. \J02 Pornpei Festi De Verborum Significatione, Notis et Emend- ationibus A. Dacerius, in Usum Delphini, 4to Par. 1681 Sallustii (Crispi) Notis addidit D. Crispinus, in Usum Del¬ phini, 4to — — ib. lfi/4 .TEschyli Tkagcediae, Graeca Scholia et Deperditarum Fragmenta; curante J. C. De Pauw, 2 tom. 4 to Hague, 1745 Pausanius, ou Voyage Historique de la Grece, traduit en Francois, par M. L'Abbe Gedoyn, 2 tom. 4to Par. 1731 Rei Venaticae Scriptores et Bucolici Antiqui, 2 tom. 4to — — Lug. Bat. 1728 Danetio (Pietro) Dictionarum Novum Latinum et Galli- cum, ad Usum Delphini, 4to — Par. 1G73 Caji Silii Italic! curante A. Drakenborch, 4to Traj. 1717 Valerii Flacci, Argonauticon cum Notis Burmanno, 4to Leidae. —— Petronii Arbitri cum Notis Burmanno, 2 tom. 4to Amst . 1743 Antonini August! Itinerarum cum Notis Wesselingio, 4to — — ib. 1735 Horalii Opera cum Notis Bentleii, 4to ib. 1713 Hesoidi Ascraei cum Notis Variorum, edidit T. Robinson, 4to — — Oxon'u. 1737 Propertii Elegiarum cum Comment: P. Burmanni Se- cundi, 4to — — Traj. 178O Aeliani De Natura Animalium Curante Gronovio, 2 tom. 4to — — Land. 1744 Aeliani Varia Historia curante Gronovio, 2 tom. 4to Lug. Bat. 1731 Phaedri Fabulce vEsopiae, cum Notis Burmanni, 4to Leidae. 1727 & a y/i r -.y j. | \ SO* \/l^ /l & \ TWENTIETH DAY. 305 '> | 2364 Mythographi Latini cum Variorum Commentarii curante Van Staveren, 4to — Lug. Bat. 1742 , 2365 THESAURUS GRAlCARUM ANTIQUITATUM, Auctore J. Gronovio, 13 tom. folio Lug. Bat. 1697 i 66 THESAURUS ANTIQUITATUM ROMANORUM Illustrarunt J. G. Grcevio, 12 tom. folio, large paper Lug. Bat. 1694 2367 Sallengri {Alb. Hen. de) NovusThesaurus Antiquitatum Romanorum, 3 tom. folio, large paper Hague, 1716 2368 Gruteri ( Jani ) Corpus Inscriptiorum cum Annotation- ibus J. G. Grcevi, 4 tom. folio, /. p. Amst. 170 7 2369 Thesauri Antiquitatum Romanorum Graecarumque Nova Supplementa, 5 tom. — Venelii, 1/37 N. B. This is in Case No. 32. 2370 Pitisco (Samuele) Lexicon Antir/uilatum Romanorum, 2 tom. folio l.p. •— Leovarde, 1713 CASE No. 32. y//. a / y* 2371 IP pH 2373 23/4 & /k 4 2391 • lc r. 23 y 2 ; /;K/U , 2393 ■j o (7 0 23 9 4 g,Uid2395 /')•■£> 2 S 06 a 6 2397 / /#, * 23 9 8 2 / 2 * <^ 23 99 2400 <^<*M 2402 2403 /A ox / k a 2404 LYSON’S ENVIRONS OF LONDON, 4 vol. 4to. 1. p. Land. 1792 dLr <2 2jS 9 ! 1 Z t> O 23 90 A COLLECTION OF 235 PORTRAITS after Pictures j by A. Van Dyke, engraved by Hollar, Faithorne, , Vosteeman, Pontius, &c. * Pontoppidan’s Natural History of Norway and Iceland, with a Meteorological Table, folio Lond. 175 5 Histoire des Princes et Principaute d'Orange, folio a la Haye, 1639 Ovidii Opera, in Usum Delphini, 4 tom.4to Lugd. lG8y ZZCZ /J. Opera Csesaris, in Usum Delphini,4to Lutitice Par. l6/3 Ausonii Opera, in Usum Delphini, 4to Par. 1730 Statii Opera, in Usum Delphini, 2 tom. 4to 1 685 Dictyscretensis de Piello Trojano, et Dares Phrygius, in Usum Delphini, 4to Lut. Par. '630 Velleii Paterculi Historiae Romanse, in Usum Delphini, 4to Par. 1675 Valerii Martialis Epigrammatum, in Usum Delphini, 4to ib. 1680 Horatii Opera, in Usum Delphini, 2 tom. 4to ib. 1691 Apuleii Opera, in Usum Delphini, 4to ib. ]683 Panegyrici Veteres, in Usum Delphini, 4to ib. 1676 J/^t- Quintus Curtius Rebus de Gestis Alexandri Magni, in Usum Delphini, 4to — ib. 16 / 8 Taciti Opera, in Usum Delphini, 4 tom. 4to ib. 1682 Flori Rerum Romanarum Epitome, in Usum Delphini, 4 to — — ib. 1674 i ^ * Boetii Consolationis Philosophise, in U-suni Delphini, 4to ■l//t I'ts'/r-i ’J -Za ib. 1695 TWENTIETH DAY. 307 1/0 * \2 ?Y 2405 2406 2 / a 2408 /^^240g /V ^2410 #*^2412 <7 2413 j 1*2414 \’/Ro 2415 ZWA 2416 j 2417 2418 yjoU 2419 /-/S\r 2420 >2421 2422 2423 Virgilii, Opera in Usum Delphini, 4to Par. 1726 Catulli, Tibulli et Propertii, in Usum Delphini, 4to ib. 1685 Case No. 33. Plauti Comcedije, in Usum Delphini, 2 tom. 4to ib. 1679 Auli Gellii, in Usum Delphini — ib. 1 63 1 Claudiani, Opera in Usum Delphini, 4to ib. 1 677 Justinus, in Usum Delphini, 4to ib. \Q7J Cleveland’s Genealogical History of the Noble and Illus¬ trious Family of Courtenay, folio Exon. 1735 Stella’s Divers Ornements d’Architecture apres 1’Antique, 4to — — Par. 1658 D’HERBELOT BIBL10THEQUE Orientals, ou Dictionnaire Universel, 4 tom. 4to alaHayt, 1777 BUTLER’S (Samuel) HUDIBRAS, with Notes by Dr. Nash, 3 vol. 4to — Lond. Ifg3 Baudoin (J.) Iconologie, ou Explication Nouvelle de Plu- sieurs Images Emblemes, et autre Figures, de Cesar Ripa, folio — Par. 1644 Cataneo (Pietro) L’Architettura Senese, folio Pen. 1567 Vitale (Don Pietro) La Felicita in Trono su l’Arrivo, Ac- clamatione E. Coronatione Delle Reali Maesta di Vit¬ torio Amedeo Duca di Savoia E di Anna d’Orleans du Francia, Ed Inghilterra Re’ E Regina di Sicilia Geru- salemme, E Cipro, &c. folio Pal. 171 4 Ariosto Orlando Furioso, 4 tom. 4to Birmingham, di G. Baskerville, 1 773 Perrier’s Roman Antiquities, the Arch of Constantine, &c. Romce, 1645 Statue’s Antiques, dessir.ees par Bouchardon, gravees par Preisler — Nurirnb. 1732 Sandford’s (Francis) Genealogical History of the Kings of Portugal, folio — Bond. 1662 Tasso Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 torn. 4to Fen. 1760 Patte (M.) Monumens Eriges en France a la Gloire de Louis XV. folio — Par. 176 s Y TWENTIETH DAY. 308 p / ■ # * 2424 2425 (/ 0 2426 j I ! 2427 2 D 2428 /f/o 0 2429 Y /S: 0 2430 /. Wa 2431 2432 //# 2433 vWf\ 2434 p f e 2435 i/| I / Z/l. 2436 W •" 2437 y\ y o\ / 2438 & &\a\ 2439 /, md 2440 M r '3 6 2441 2442 T W /%/ $-z-< Horatii Opera, folio Parmee Typis Bodoni, 1791 Descrizione Della Cappella di S. Antonino Arcivescovo di Firenze, folio — Firenze, 1728 Martini (Josephi) Theatrum Basilicas Pisanae, 2 tom. fol. Romce, 1705 Garter, (The Register of the most Noble Order of the ) from its cover, in black velvet, usually called the Black Book, l. p. 2 vol. folio —- Lend. 1/24 Da\ila Historia Delle Guerre Civili di Francia, 2 tom. Farigi, 1644 Flavius Josephus (all the works of) edited in Dutch by W. Sewel, 2 vol. folio *— Amst. 1722 Collins’s (Arthur) Proceedings, Precedents, and Argu¬ ments, on Claims concerning Baronies by Writ, l. p. , folio — Land. 1734 Gyraldi (Lib Gregori) Opera Omnia, fol. Lug. Bat. 1696 Della C’agioni E. De’ Rimedi Delle Inondazioni del Tevere, folio — Roma, 1746 Commelini (Joanne) Hortus Medicus Amstelodamensis 2 tom. folio — Amst. l6p7 MafFei, Verona Illustrnta, Continiene 1’Istoria Della Citta Dell’ Antica Venezia, folio Verona, 1732 Le Clerc (Mr.) Fits to ire des Provinces-Unies des Pays Bas, 2 tom. folio —- Amst. 1723 Plumier (Charles) Traite des Fougeres de l’Amerique, fol. Far. 1705 Goris (Ant. Francisci) THESAURUsVeterum Diptychorum, Consularium et Ecclesiasticorum, 3 tom. fol. Flor. 1/59 Bel ( Matthias) Notitia Hungarije Novae Historico Gcographica, 4 tom. folio — Vien. 1735 CAMDEN’S BRITANNIA, enlarged by the latest Dis¬ coveries, by Richard Gough, F. A. & R. SS. 3 vol. folio —■ — Land. 1789 Nectoux (H.) Voyage Dans la Haute Egypte au Dessus des Cataractes, folio — Par. 1808 Beaumont’s Select Views of the Antiquities and Harbours in the South of France, folio Lond. 1794 Daniel (M. G.) Histoire de France depuis de la Monarchie Franroise dans les Gaules, grand papier, 17 vol. 4to Par. 1755 s / i| UJrXn "mL TWENTIETH DAY. 309 2444 2445 ; t /S' A A Dauphin Classics:—Collection des Ouvrages imprimes par F. A. Didot l’aine, et P. Didot fils, pour l’educa- tiou du Dauphin ; viz. Telemaque, 2 vol. 1783 — CEuvres de Jean Racine, 3 vol. 1783—Histoire Uni- verselle, par Bousset, 1 vol. 1784—Biblia Sacra, 2 vol. 1785—Fables de la Fontaine, 1 vol. 1788— CEuvres de Boileau, 2 vol. 1789—Petit Catenae de Massillon, 1 vol. 1789—CEuvres de Jean Baptiste Rosseau, 1 vol. 1790, in all 14 vol. uniformly bound in red morocco, joints and gilt leaves ■- All the above were Firmin Didot’s copies, and selected by him at the time of publication. 2516 British Sports, folio — ib. 1821 Stephanano Della Bella’s Etchings, folio ib. 1816 Camden's Britannia, 4 vol. folio — ib. 1808 Scott’s (Walter) Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, being Specimens of Architecture and Sculp¬ ture, 2 vol. folio, large paper, proofs on india paper, Lond. 1814 Liber Veritatis, or a Collection of 200 Prints, after the original designs of Claude le Lorrain, 3 vol. folio, ib. 1777 Lyttleton, (Letters of the late Lord) 12mo ib, 1 78 1 De Charlevoix (Pierre Francois-Xavier) Histoire du Para¬ guay, 6 tom. 12mo — Par. 1757 Du Pratz (Mr. le Page) Histoire de Louisiane, 3 tom. 12mo — — ib. 1758 Gage (Thomas) Nouvelle Relation des Voyages dans la Nouvelle Espagne, avec la Description de la Ville de Mexique, 2 tom. 12mo — Amst. 172 O 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 CASE No. 37. /J c } 2525 Marolles (Memoires de Michel) Abbe de Villeloin, 3 tom. ^ 12mo Amst, 1755 TWENTY-FIRST DAY. SIS 3 c/ # 2526 /J\y252 7 //#>£> 2528 [fp 252 9 2530 n Parnaso Espanol, Coleccion de Poesias Escogidas de Los Mas Celebres Poetas Castellanos, 9 tom. Mad. 1768 Platon (Les CEuvres de) Traduites en Franjois avec des Remarques, 2 tom. 12 mo — Par. 1701 Rabutin, (Les Lettres de Messire Roger de) Comte de Bussy, 4 tom. !2mo — 7 ib. 1697 ^ 7,// 2531 3 ^2532 (f \ O 2533 //7 r? 2534 J, <7 2535 S. & 2536 /& O 2537 y # 2538 // ^ 2539 2540 ' 2541 2542 Of'/d- tf 2543 Rabutin, (Discours du Comte de Bussy) et ses Enfans, 12mo — — ib. 1694 Persian Tales, from an Original Version of the Indian Comedies of Modes, 12mo — Land. 1754 Du Montier, (Lettres de Madame) 2 tom. 12mo ib. 1767 Le Bret (M.) Elise ou l’ldee d'une Honnete Femme, 12mo Amst. 1766 ( Gabalis (Comte de) Les Genies Assistans et Gnomes, &c. ha Haye, 1718 Galland (M.) Les Mille et Une Nuits Contes Arabes, 6 tom. 12mo —* Par. 1774 Peruvian Tales, translated by S. Humphreys, 2 vol. 12mo Land. 1764 Nande (G.) Apologie pour les Grands Hommes Soup- connez de Magie, 12mo Labat (Pere) Voyage du Chevalier des Marchais en Guin&e Isles Voisines et a Cayenne, 4 tom. 12mo Amst. 1731 Levesque (M.) La France sous les Cinq Premiers Valois, ou Histoire de France, 4 tom. (wants tom. 1) 12mo Par. 1788 D’Apollonius de Tyane, Vie par Philostrate, avec Com- mentaires par Charles Blount, 3 tom. 12mo Berl. 1774 D’Anville, Eclaircissemens Geographiques sur l’Ancienne Gaule, 12mo — Par. 1741 Lettres et Menaoires pour Servir A l’Histoire Naturelle du Cap Breton, 12mo — La Haye, 1760 Bondaroy (Fongeroux de) Recherches sur les Ruines d’Herculaneum, 12mo — Par. 1770 A Collection oj Voyages, Travels, &c. viz. Description of the Port and Island of Bombay, 1724—Memoire de M. Guignes sur les Chinois, 1759 —The Last East India Voyage, 1606—Tymme’s Description of Hieru- salem, 1595 —Strange News from the Indies, 1652— .Relation of the Lord De la Warre, 1611—Brunton’s ''i As /V- Amst. 1712 "7- -7 3 16 TWENTY-FIRST DAY. 6 o O 2544 * // ’ t? 2545 S 0 <7 2546 X 1 7 2547 /z <5> 2548 Vs l? 2549 cf- • 0 2550 /■/< O 2551 / z z? 2552 Aa-A 1 . r?2553 / 2 . 2554 /- a 2555 ZJ ^ 2556 / 7 ^ 2557 /X 2558 /4> 0 2 559 / # 2560 vzL ^ 2561 /A 2562 "M ^ 2563 if & 2564 fa ^2565 ^ 2566 m ✓ '1567 Voyage to the East Indies, 1632—Travels of Two English Pilgrims—The Hairy Giants, 1671, &c. scarce and curious, 4to — - Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses Ecrites des Missions Etran- geres, par quelques Missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus, 34 tom. 12mo — Par. 1717 Pauw, Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains, 3 tom. — — Berl. 1771 Scudery (Mr. de) Artamene, ou le Grand Cyrus, 20 tom. 8vo — — Par. 1653 Kyriagi Anconitani Itinerarium, 8vo Flor. 1742 Wilkinson’s (Charles) Epitome of the History of Malta and Gozo, 8vo. — Lond. 1804 Moriz Reisen, 8vo —• Berl. 1785 Lettres d’un Francois, 3 tom. 8vo a la Haye , 1745 Harrod’s (W.) Antiquities of Stamford and St. Martin’s, 2 vol. 8vo — Stamford , 1785 Bentley's Hallifax and its Gibbet Law, 8vo —— Edinburgh Review, 34 vol. 8vo Edinb. 1819 Voyage de dimo et Nicolo Stephanapoli en Grece pendant les annees 1797 et 98, 2 tom. 8vo Paris, 1900 Voyage en Piemont, par J. B. J. Breton, 8vo Par. 1803 A Sentimental Journey through Margate and Hastings,. 8vo — — Lond. 1814 Heely’s (Joseph) Letters on the Beauties of Hagley, Envil, and the Leasowes, 2 vol, 8vo ib. 1777 A Gentleman’s Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales, l2mo — — ib. 1794 A Journey to Llandrindod Wells in Radnorshire, l2mo Birm. 1746* A Collection of Welch Tours, I2mo A Tour of the River Wye, 12mo Lewis’s Excursion to Margate, 12mo The Salisbury Guide, 12mo — A Tour in Monmouthshire, 12mo Halesworth, 1817 Shaws’s (Stebbing) Tour in 1787 from London to the Western Islands of Scotland, 8vo Lond. — — Wallace's Account of the Islands of Orkney, 12mo ib. 1700 Ruttner’s Briefe Uber Irland, 8vo Leipz. 1785 (fz A A. Vl /Z'-S* Lond. \ 7 Q 7 ib. 1798 ib. 178 7 Salisb. 1797 TWENTY-FIRST DAY. sn // * 2568 yj 0 2569 /* 0 2570 WU 2571 / . // \» 2572 M 0 2573 2574 2 575 2576 J 2577 2578 / V te A .^2579 ■j/mUhw I I ' /J / / £/^ 2584 1/ j ^: 2585 7 / /& 2 vol. 8 vo — — ib. 17SO Voyage en Angleterre en Ecosse et aux lies Hebrides, 2 tom. 8 vo — Par. 1797 Saint-Fond’s (B. Faujas) Travels in England, Scotland, and the Hebrides, 2 vol. 8 vo - Land. 1799 Lettice’s (J. B.) Letters on a Tour through various parts of Scotland, 8 vo — Land. 1794 Letters from Edinburgh, written in the years 1774 and 1775, 8 vo — — ib. \yyQ Selkirk’s (The Earl of) Observations on the Present State of the Highlands of Scotland, 8 vo ib. 1805 M'Nieo'i’s (Donald) Remarks on Dr. Samuel Johnson’s Journey to the Hebrides, 8 vo —- ib. 1779 A Tour in England and Scotland in 1785, by an English Gentleman, 8vo — ib. 1788 Aust’s (Mrs. Murray) Companion and Useful Guide to the Beauties of Scotland, the Lakes of Cumberland, &c. 2 vol. 8vo — — ib. 1810 Narrative of what passed at Killalla during the French Invasion in 1798 , 8 vo — Dub. 1800 Landt’s (Rev. G.) Description of the Feroe Islands, 8vo Land. 1810 Hamilton’s (Rev. Wm.) Letters concerning the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim, 8vo ib. 1808 ■tT S' ;i •Twenty-first day. // a 318 2590 / s t 2591 V4 * • 2592 /S 0 2593 / 2 0 3594 / 2 /- & 2 595 / S/ 2023 0 2624 ?025 .] Y\ 2620 ya 2617 Heyman’s (John) Travels through part of Europe, Asia Minor, the Islands of the Archipelago, Syria, Pales¬ tine, &c. 2 vol. Svo. —t Lond. 1759 Blunt’s Voyage into the Levant, 4to ib. 1636 Price’s (Uvedale) Account of the Statues, Pictures, and Temples in Greece, translated from Pausanias, 8vo ib. 1780 Essais Philosophiques sur les Moeurs de divers Animaux Etrangers, 8vo — ib. 1783 Thornton (Thomas) the Present State of Turkey, 2 vol. 8vo • — — ib. I8O9 Hunter’s (William) Travels in the year 1792, through France, Turkey, and Hungary, to Vienna, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1798 Watkins’s (Thomas, A. M. F. R. S.) Travels through Swit¬ zerland, Italy, Sicily, the Greek Isles, &c. in 1787, 1788, and 1789, 2 vol. 8vo ib. \?Q4 Sutherland’s (Captain) Tour up the Straits from Gibraltar to Constantinople, Svo — ib. 1790 Ball’s Antiquities of Constantinople, its Port, Public Buildings, &c. 8vo — ib. 1729 Habesci’s Present State of the Ottoman Empire, 8vo ib. 1784 Observations on the Religion, Law, Government, and Manners of the Turks, 8vo Lond. 1771 Seslini, Lettere Odeporiche Osia Viaggio, 8vo Livorno, 1785 Boscovich (Abate) Giornale di tin Viaggio da Costantino- poli in Polonia, Svo — Bassano, 1784 Lettres sur la Moree et les lies de Cerigo, Hydra et Zante, par A. L. Castellan, 8vo Par. 1808 Memoires Historiques Politiques et Geographiques des Voyages du Comte de Ferrieres-Sauveboeuf faits en Turquie, en Perse et en Arabie, depuis 1782, jusqu’en 1789, 2 tom. Svo — ib. 1790 Coxe’s (Daniel) Collection of Voyages and Travels, 8vo Lond. 1741 Kleeman (N. E.) Voyage de Vienne a Belgrade et a Kili- anova, les annees 1768, 1769, et 1770, Svo Neuchaiel, 178O U \k. zf VZr / . f ' Asrr-'/L ' I ry ^ ■ y? TWENTY-FIRST DAY. 320 y # # 2628 //* V 2644 / /;> 2645 y P 2646 ' Z cs 264 7 /a a 2648 ]\J[ACNEVIN’S Ramble through Switzerland in the Summer and Autumn of 1802, 8vo Dub. 1803 Voyage Historique et Litteraire dans la Suisse Occidentale, 2 tom. 8vo — Neuchalel, 1/81 Robert (M.) Voyage dans les XIII Cantons Suisses, les Grisons, le Vallais, &c. 2 tom. 8vo Par. \?8Q Durand (F. J.) Statistique Elementaire, ou Essai sur i’Etat Geographique, Physique et Politique de la Suisse, 4 tom. 8vo — a Lausanne, 1795 Lettres sur la Suisse, adressees Madame de M*** par un Voyageur Francis en 1781, 2 tom, 8vo. Gen. 1783 Cambry (Le C.) Voyage Pittoresque en Suisse et enltalie, 2 tom. 8vo — — Par. 1801 Ebel (J. G.) Manuel du Voyageur en Suisse, 4 tom. 8vo Zurich, 1810 Bruun-neergaard’s (T. G.) Journal du Dernier Voyage de C* u ' Dolomieu dans les Alpes, 8vo Par. 1802 TWENTY-SECOND DAY. 322 l VS (7 9 A m 2 - i V / f P V 0 A V6 \a\ /t . o\ /J \&j V3 /e 0 W 0 /* r? /* <0 1 2- O / (2 a / z J 2655 266Q 2661 2664 Langle (Le Marquis de) Tableau Pittoresque de la Suisse, 8vo — ib. 1790 Voyage de M. de Mayer en Suisse en 1784, ou Tableau Historique Civil, Politique, et Physique, de la Suisse, 2 tom. 8vo — Amst. 1786 British Poets, 100 vol. — Chisw. 1823 Dry den’s Works, by Scott, 18vol, — ib. 1821 Billingsley’s (J.) General View of the Agriculture of the County of Somerset, 8vo Bath,\7g8 Letters to a Nobleman from a Gentleman travelling thro* Holland, Flanders, and France, 8vo Land. 1709 Basnage, Antiquitez Judaiques, ou Remarques Critiques sur la Republique des Hebreux, 2 tom. 12mo Amst. 1713 Calmet (Augustini) Diarium Helveticum, 8vo 175S Wood (John) A General View of the History of Switzer land, with a particular Account of the Origin and Ac-t complishment of the late Swiss Revolution, 8vo Edinb. 1799 Williams (Helen Maria) a Tour in Switzerland, or a View of the Present State of the Governments and Manners of those Cantons, 2 vol. 8vo Lond. 1798 Observations on the Present State of Denmark, Russia, and Switzerland, in a Series of Letters, 8vo ib. 1784 Dusaulx (J.) Voyage a Barege et dans les Hautes Pyrenees fait en 1788, 2 tom. en 1, 8vo Par. 1796 Observations faites dans les Pyrenees pour Servir de Suite a des Observations sur les Alpes, 8vo ib. 1789 De-Luc (J. A.) Lettres Physiques et Morales, sur les Montagnes et sur l’Histoire de la Terre, 8vo a la Haye, 177® Lettres sur la Sicile et sur l’Islede Malthe de M. le Comte de Borch, 3 tom. 8vo — Turin , 1782 Notice Historico-Topographique sur la Savoie, Suivie d’une Genealogie Raisonnee de la Maison Royale de ce nom, 8vo — Chambery, — — Bourrit (M. T.) Description des Alpes, Pennines, et Rhe- tiennes, 2 torn. 8vo — Geneve, 17® 1 1 Z • A 4- 1 TWENTY-SECOND DAY. 323 / 2066 ,/ ‘ ! ) i6(i; / 7^ 2663 . /?/ 266 9 /H W\ 26/0 26 ; 1 2-^^ 2672 1 /; 2673 & y 6 2f> ' 4 ■ / z ^ 2 675 0 2 6/6 j * 4 2 6/7 7 ^2678 / > a? 2 6/9 1 ! z/* 0 2680 ^ 2681 zy ^2682 /\$~ ^2683 b y r / 1 i p684 1 2685 Bourrit (M. T ) Description des Aspects du Mor.t-Blanc, 8 vo — — Laus.\//6, r> - Bourrit (M. T.) Nouvelle Description des Glacieres et Glaciers de Savoye, 8 vo — Geneve, 1/85 < Lequino (J. M.) Voyage Pittoresque ex Physico-Econo- mique dans le Jura, 2 tom. 8 vo Par. 1801 Journal du Dernier Voyage du C en Dolomieu dans les Alpes, 8 vo — — ib. 1802 Twiss, (Richard) Voyage en Portugal et en Espange fait en 1/72 et 1 773, 8 vo — Berne. \//6 /V^ ^ z Fischer (C. A.) Voyage en Espagne aux annees 1 797 et 1798 , 2 tom. 8 vo — — Par. 180L Nouveau Voyage en Espagne, ou Tableau de L’Etat Ac- tuel De Cette Monarchic, 3 tom. 8vo Par. 1789 Bourgoing (J. F.) Tableau de L’Espagne Moderne, 3 tom. 8 vo with Atlas — — ib. 1803 Chalmer’s English Poets, 21 vol. 8 vo. Lond. 1810 An Account of Denmark, as it was in the year 1692 , 8 vo ib. 1738 . John Buikeley and John Cummin’s Voyage to the South Seas in the years 1740 and 1741, 8vo ib. 1743 * Croker’s (Richard) Travels through several Provinces of Spain and Portugal, &c. 8 vo — ib. 1799 Swinburne’s (Henry) Travels through Spain in the years 1775 and 1776 , 2 vol. 8 vo — ib. \/Q/ Letters from an English Traveller in Spain in 1778, on the Origin and Progress of Poetry in that Kingdom, 8vo — — ib. 1 78 1 Townsend (Joseph A. M.) a Journey through Spain in the years 1786 and 1787, 3 vol. 8 vo ib. 1792 Costigan’s (A. W.) Sketches of Society and Manners in Portugal, 2 vol. 8 vo — — - Burroughs’s Narrative of the Retreat of the British Army from Burgos, 8 vo — Bristol, 1814 Account of Swilzeidand, written in the year 1714, 8 vo Lond. 1714 Letters from Barbary, France, Spain, Portugal, &c. by an English Officer, 2 vol. 8vo -— ib. 1790 Hervey (Christopher, Esq.) Letters from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Germany in the years 1759 , 1760 and 1761 , 3 vol. Svo °— — ib. 3785/" 6- 1 •7Z//2 324 TWENTY-SECOND DAY. /J & 2686 ///a 2687 /Z-0 2688 Voyage en Portugal et Particulierement a Lisbonne, 8vo — — Par. 1798 Bourgoing (J. Fr.) Voyage Du Ci-devant Due du Cha telet en Portugal, ou se Trouvent des Details interessans sur ses Coloties, sur le Tremblement de terre de Lis¬ bonne, sur M. de Pombal et la Cour, 2 tom. 8vo ib. The Lisbon Guide, containing directions to Invalids who visit Lisbon, with a Description of the City, 8vo Land. 1800 Da Costa (A. R.) Descripcio Topographica, E. Historica da Citade do Porto. — — Porto. 1789 Historical Relation of the First Discovery of the Island of Madeira, 4to — -— Land. 1675 Gourlay’s (William, M. D.) Observations on the Natural History, Climate, and Diseases of Madeira, 8vo ib. 1811 / 2— 0\ 2692 Azuni, (Dominique Albert) Histoire Geographique, Po- litique et Naturelle de la Sardainge, 2 tom. 8vo a* p ' 2693 J*/ ' 0 2694 /rt O 2695 2696 2 & A 2697 / ^ A 2698 // 0 2699 / / 0 2700 & /e> & 2701 /& ■ Savary (M.) Lettres sur L’Egypte, 4 tom. 8vo Par. 1798 Le Coran Traduit de L’Arabe, accompagne de Notes, et precede d’un Abrege de la Vie De Mahomet, par M. Savary, 2 tom. Svo — — - Les Amours D’Anas Eloujoud et d’Ouardi conte traduit de L’Arabe, par Savary — Par. 1799 Hamilton's East India Gazetteer, 8vo Lond. 1815 The Asiatic Annual Register, or a View of the History of Hindostan, from the year 1799 to 1811 inclusive, 13 vol. 8vo — — ib. 1812 Voyages lMAGiNAiREs,Songes, Visions et Romans Cabalis- tiques, 39 tom. 8vo — — Amst. 1787 Mercure Historique et Politique, from its cotnencement in 1686 to 1732 inclusive, 92 vol. (wanting vol. 74 and 80, for the years 1723 and 1726,) 12mo Parme. l686j a -r~- 7J r/v lll twenty-second day. 325 /fa* ?T 701 2705 M# 2 /r# 2 /4 * 706 707 2708 //* ^2710 \ Z/,^2713 /«?. ^2717 CASE No. 38. La Repubiique des Hebreux, 3 tom. 12 mo Amst. 1705 Lister’s (Dr. Martin) Journey to Paris in the year 1698 , 8 vo — Land. 1699 A Collection of Curious Voyages and Travels ib. 1707 Voyage de Linne, 8vo — Stock. 1751 L’Observateur Anglois on Correspondance Secrete entre Milord All’eye et Milord All’ear, 2 tom. l 2 mo Lond. 1777 Norden’s Travels in Egypt and Nubia, 8vo ib. 1 757 Landon (J. G.) Description de Paris et de ses Edifices, 2 tom. 8vo. — Par. 1806 Bibliotheque Universelle et Historique, 24 vol. Amst. 1689 Simler (Josias) La Repubiique de Suisse, 12 mo Par. 1578 Depping (G. B.) Voyage de Paris a Neufchatel en Suisse, 12 mo — — ib. 1813 Voyages De Geneve et de la Touraine Suivis de Quelque Opuscules, 12 mo — a Orleans, 1779 Journal D’un Voyage de Geneve a Londres, en passant par la Suisse, Extremeli D’Aventures Tragiques, 12 mo 1783 Verne (M. F.) Episodique et Pittoresque aux Glaciers des Alpes, 12 mo — — Par. 1808 Course de Bali a Bienne, par Les Vallees du Jura, ! 2 mo. Bal. I 789 Dumouriez (Genl.) An Account of Portugal in 1766 , 12 mo — — Lond. 1797 Voyages to the Madeira and Leeward Caribbean Isles, 12mo — — Edin. 1792 The last Month in Spain, or Wretched Travelling through a Wretched Country, 12 mo — Lond. 1810 Veritable Relation de ce qui s'est Passe au Second Voy¬ age du Roy, de puis le du mois de May 1621 , 8 vo a Tolose, - Gosselin (Nicholas) L’Etat de la France, 3 tom. 12mo 1712 Z 2 TWENTY SECOND DAY. 326 8 [ '4 t a 2723 /o 0 2724 '7 * 2725 7 0 2726 0 2727 ^ 2728 / * \Z 272 9 /A 0 > 2/30 Z J U■2731 /<£ Z. 2732 z* j 2733 i i i A x 2734 V 4 , j 2735 / / Z 2736 j ZX 0 2737 Z/ Z\ 2.738 Z i* i 2739 A ^ 2740 ‘/a 2741 X ZZ P Guilbert (M. L/Abbe) Description Historique Des Cha¬ teau Bourg et Forest de Fontainbleau, 2 tom. I 2 mo y ib. 1731/^ Wraxall (N. Junior) Tournee dans les Provinces Occident- ales, Meridionales and Interieures de la France, 12 mo Rotterdam, 1 777 Fragments sur Paris, par F. J. L. Meyer, 2 tom. 8 vo Hamb. 1788 Journal D'un Voyageur Neutre, depuis son depart, de Londres pour Paris 1 795, jusqu’a son Retour 1796 , 8vo — — Land. 1796 Observations in a Journey 10 Paris by way of Flanders, in )776, 2 vol. 12 mo — — ib. 17/7 Six Day’s Tour in Normandy, from the 19 th to 25th of July, 1789 , 12 mo — — ib. 1789 A Four Month’s Tour in France, 2 vol. 12 mo ib. 17/6 Notes of a Journey from Berne to England through France in 1796 , 12 mo — — --= Dralet (M.) Description des Pyrenees, 2 tom. 8 vo Paris, 18 i 3 Voyage Pittoresque de la Flandre et du Brabant, par M. Descamps, 8 vo — — ib. 1792 Robin (M. 1’Abbe) Nouveau Voyage dans PAmerique septentrionale en L’Annee 1781 , 8 vo Philadel. 1782 Nouveau Voyage a la Mer du Sud, 8 vo Paris, 1783 Syphorien (M. Paquet) Voyage Historique et Pittoresque fait pendant les Annees 1811, 12, et 13, 2 tom. in 1 , tWc A Picturesque Guide to Bath and Bristol, 8 vo Land. 1 793 .<£ gvo — — ib. 1813 Bygge (Thomas) Travels in the French Republic, 8 vo ib. 1801 Z Voyage en Allemagne et en Pologne en 1776 12 mo Amst. 1784 — Amusemens des Eaux D’Aix La Chappelle, 3 tom. 12mo — — Amst. 1736 Abrege de l’Histoire Ecclesiastique Civile et Politique de la Ville de Rouen, 8 vo — a. Rouen. l?5g Voyage de Chapelle et de Bachaumont suivi di quelques autres Voyages dans le meme genre, 12 mo Genev. 1782 /Zt--* a^- 7 ^/- 01.^ TWENTY-SECOND DAY. 327 X <7 2742 2743 t / a 2744 /t 7 2 ? 45 /y- 0 7 * 2746 2747 2748 // if 2 7 4 9 kj a 2750 /vf a 2751 eT 7 2752 A 2753 /6 7 2754 / ^ # 2755 2756 2757 The Traveller’s Vade Mecutn through the Netherlands, 12mo — — Canterbury , 1782 Gassicourt (C. L. Cadet) Mon Voyage, ou Lettres sur la Ci-Devant Province de Normandie, 2 tom. 12mo Par. 1801 Wilkinson (J. L.) The Wanderer, or a Collection of Anecdotes and Incidents in two Excursions in France, Germany and Italy, in 179* an< ^ 1793> 2 vols. 12mo Land. 1795 Journal of a French Emigrant Fourteen Years Old, ib. 1795 Travels through Flanders, Holland, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark, 12mo — — ib. 1725 Peckham’s Tour through Holland and the Netherlands, 12mo — — Land, 1793 Les Delices de la Campagne A l’Entour de la Ville de Leide, l2mo — — a. Leide, 1712 Reisje Van een Gerelschap Heeren en Juffrouwen Door Zuid Holland, l2mo — Amst. 1789 Travels through Flanders, Holland, Germany, Sweden and Denmark, 12mo — Lond. 1693 Coriat Junior’s Journey through Part of the Nether¬ lands, 3 vol. l2mo — — ib. 1769 Smith's (E.) Tour on the Continent in the years 1786 and 7, 3 vol. 8vo — ib. 1793 The English Traveller’s Guide to Hamburgh, 12nto ib. 1796 Montague (William) The Delights of Holland, or Three Months’ Travel about that and the other Provinces, 8vo — — ib. 1696 Sir Thomas Overbury’s Observations in his Travels upon the State of the XVII Provinces, as they stood Anno. Dom. 1609 — 1626 Eatthyani (G. V.) Reise Durch Einen Theil Ungorns, Sicbenburgens der Moldan und Buccovini, 12ino Pest. 1811 Born (M. De) Voyage Mineralogique Fait en Hongrie et en Transilvanie, 8vo — Par. 1780 /Z a* /? & / .<7 7 ~//i mr /~ /? sl ' / yi ' 2 - / ( a) y- 328 r? 2758 /0 O 2759 r 0 2760 ? 0 2761 7 \0 2762 6 0 2763 A 0 2764 2 . 0 2765 1 9 2766 V/\ 0 2767 /0 0 2768 7 0 2769 6 0 2770 /cf 0 2771 /? \ V B 2772 TWENTY-SECOND DAY. Collini (M.) Journal D’un Voyage qui eontient Differ- entes Observations Mineralogique; particulierment sur les Agates, et les Basalte, 12nio Manheim, 1776 The Voyages and Dangerous Adventures of Captain Richard Falconer, 8vo — Lond. 1720 Macdonald’s (John) Travels in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, 8vo — — ib. 1790 Page’s (Mons. de) Travels round the World in the years 1767,1768, 1769,1770 and 1771, 3 vol. 8vo ib. 1793 Page’s (F.) Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde, en Asie, en Amerique, et en Afrique en 1788, 1789, et 1790, 3 tom. 8vo — Par. 1790 Mackintosh’s Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, be¬ gun in the year 1777, and finished in 1781, 2 vols. 8vo — — Lond. 1782 Mackintosh’s Observations and Remarks on Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, 8vo — ib. 1782 Margaret (Maurice, la Pere) Histoire, ou Relation D’un Voyage qui a dur6 pres de cinq Ans. 2 tom. 8-ro — — ib. 1780 Discourtilz (M. E.) Voyages d’un Naturaliste, 3 tom. 8vo — — Pur. 1809 Aime’s (Job) Narrative of the Deportation to Cayenne, and Shipwreck on the Coast of Scotland, written by himself, 8vo — — Lond. 1800 Captain Inglefield’s Narrative concerning the Loss of His Majesty’s Ship the Centaur, 8vo ib. 1783 Mackay’s Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Juno on the Coast of Aracan, 8vo — ib. 1798 Affecting Narrative of the Unfortunate Voyage and Catas¬ trophe of His Majesty’s Ship Wager, 8vo ib. 1751 The Travels of Hildebrand Bowman, Esq. into Carno- virria, Taupiniera, Olfactaria and Auditante, in New Zealand, 8vo •— — ib. 1778 A Voyage round the World in the Gorgon Man of War, Captain John Parker, 8vo — ib. 1795 | I \ j wc& TWENTY-SECOND DAY. 329 // 0 2773 # o 2774 2775 /&* 2? 73 / 7 o 2777 V 6 * 1 ! // | 7 4 2779 2783 2784 y 2785 / I ^ 2786 / / ^ 7 Carter’s Narrative of the Loss of the Grosvenor East- • lndiaman, upon the Coast of Caflfraria, 8vo ib. 1791 Winterbotham’s (W.) Historical, Commercial and Phi¬ losophical View of the American United States, 4 vol. 8vo —- — ib. 1795 Lavaysse (Dauxion) Voyage aux lies de Trinidad, 2 tom. 8vo — — Paris, 1813 Eddis's (William) Letters from America, Historical and Descriptive, from 1769 to 1777 inclusive, 8vo Lond. 1792 Imley’s Topographical Description of North America, Filson’s Kentucky, and Hutchins’s JVlissisippi, 8vo ib. 1797 Smyth’s (J. F. D.) Tour in the United States of America, 2 vol. 8vo — — Lond. 1784 Travels through the Interior Parts of America, in a Series of Letters by an Officer, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1789 New Discoveries concerning the World and its Inhabi¬ tants, from Discoveries of Commodore Byron, Cap-- tains Wallis, Cartenet, Cook &c. 8vo ib. 1778 The Travels of Captains Lewis and Clarke, from St. Louis, by Way of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers to the Pacific Ocean, 8vo — ib. 1809 Gass (Patrick), a Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery from the Mouth of the Mis¬ souri, through the Interior parts of North America to the Pacific Ocean, in the years 1804, 1805 and 1806, 8vo — — ib. 180S Gray's (Hugh) Letters from Canada, written during a residence there in the years 1806, 1807 and 1808. 8vo — — ib. 1809 Bartram’s Observations in his Travels from Pensylvania to the Lake Ontario in Canada. 8vo ib. 1751 Luce (John) Narrative, or a Passage from the Island of Cape Breton across the Atlantic Ocean, 8vo ib. 1812 Moore (Francis) Voyage to Georgia, begun in the year 1735, 8 vo — — ib. 1744 Wollstonecraft’s (Mary) Letters, written during a Resi¬ dence in Sweden, &.e. 8vo ■— ib. 1796 //V- - a~- TWENTY-SECOND DAY. 330 / (£>2788 // * 2789 / 4- o 2790 / 2 & 2791 /f O 2792 // 0 2793 /le 2794 ff 2793 /# e 2796 /go 2797 //"# 2798 / /l o 2799 / 0 0 2800 /r 2801 / / U 2802 Brissot (J. P.) Nouveau Voyage dans Les Etats-unis De L’Amerique Septentrionale fait en 1788, 3 tom. 8 vo — — Par. 1791 Burnaby’s Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America, Svo — — Loud. 1775 Moore’s (J.) Journal during a Residence in France in 1792, 2 vol. — ib. 1793 Davis’s Travels of Four years and a half in the United States of America, Svo — ib. 1803 Fearon (Henry Bradshaw) Sketches of America, a Nar¬ rative of a Journey of five thousand miles through the Eastern and Western States of America, Svo ib. 1818 Bayard (Ferdinand) Voyage dans L’lnterieur des Etats- Unis, et Bath, Winchester, dans la Vallee de Shenan- doha, Svo — — Par. 1797 Wansey’s Journal of an Excursion to the United States of North America in 1794, 8vo Salisbury, 1796 Cooper (Thomas) some Information respecting America, Svo — — Loud. 1794 St.John (J. Hector) Letters from an American Farmer, on their Customs and Manners, Svo ib. 1782 The History of the Life and Sufferings of Henry Grace, of Basingstoke, in the County of Southampton, 8vo. Reading, 1764 An Account of the Customs and Manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets Savage Nations, now dependent on the Government of Cape Breton, 8vo. ib. 1738 Barber’s (J. T.) Tour throughout South Wales and Monmouthshire, 8vo — ib. 1803 Brickell’s Natural History of North Carolina, 8vo. Dublin, 1737 A new Voyage to Georgia, to which is added a curious Account of the Indians, 8vo. Load. 1735 Ellis’s Voyage to Hudson’s Bay by the Dobb’s Galley and California, in the years 1746 and 1747, 8vo. ib. 1748 \a*\ | A. > /< //Cm// & /Z {Zo TWENTY-SECOND DAY. 331 '9 „ 2803 /6 a 2804 / Z 0 2805 / ^ 2806 0 2807 l ' % I /JTO 2808 ^2809 2810 28H £ 2812 z ^ 813 f vS 7 . 6 *— ZZ &■— Graham (J. A., L.L.D.) A Descriptive Sketch of the present State of Vermont, 8vo. — ib. 1797 Voyage d’un Suisse dans Differentes Colonies D’Ame- rique, 8vo — Neuchattl, 1785 Virgilii Opera, a Justice, 8vo - Voyage de M. Le Chevalier de Chastellux en Arne- ^ rique, 8vo — 1785 yf WA Voyage de M. Le Marquis de Chastellux dans L’Ame- rique Septentrionale en 1780, 1781, et 178:2, 2 tom. 8vo. — — Paris, 1/86 Smith (William) the History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. 8vo Williamsburg, 1747 Jefferson’s (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia, 8vo — Philadelphia, 1794 , /A Umfreville’s present State of Hudson’s Bay, 8vo Loud. 1790 Thomas's (Pascoe) True and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, and Round the Globe, in His Majesty’s ship the Centurion, 8vo. ib. 1745 , - Molina, (Abbe Don J. Ignatius,) the Geographical, 0 Natural, and Civil History of Chili, 8vo Pond. 1809 Authentic Narrative of the Proceedings of the Expe¬ dition under General Craufurd, and Operations against Buenos Ayres by Gen. Whitelocke, 8vo ib. 1808 Wilcocke’s History of the Vice-royalty of Buenos Ayres, 8vo — — ib. 1807 Grant’s (Andrew, M.D.) History of Brazil, comprising ^ a a Geographical Account of that Country, 8vo ib. 1809 1 Relation d’un Voyage fait Recemment dans les Provinces A 1^2818 2819 de la Plata, 8vo — Paris, 1818 , A Voyage to California to observe the Transit of Venus, by Mons. Chappe D’Auteroche, 8vo Land. 1778 ' cv /0 Ulloa’s Voyage to South America, 2 vols. 8vo. ib. 1772 Souvenirs des Antilles; Voyage en 1815 et 1816, aux Etats-Unis, et dans L’Archipel, Caraibe Apercu de Philadelphie et New York, 2 tom. Paris, 1818 / 4, '■ / TWENTY-SECOND DAY. 332 / /& (5 . 2820 ! M /£*]<$ 2821 /& ► /7i /t 2823 / ,rV 2824 \A ■ J 2825 2826 * m J 2 ^7 • & & 2828 // ^ 2829 lA 2830 Volney (C. F.) Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, pendant les Annees 1783, 4, et 5, 2 tom. 8vo ib. 1799 Pinckard’s Notes on the West Indies, including Obser¬ vations relative to the Creoles and Slaves of the Western Colonies, 2 vol. 8vo — Lond. 1816 Wimpffen’s (F. A. S. Baron de) Voyage to Saint Do¬ mingo in the years 1788, 1789, and 1790, 8vo ib. 1797 Atwood’s History of the Island of Dominica, 8vo ib. 1791 Dallas’s History of the Maroons, including the Expe¬ dition to Cuba, for the purpose of procuring Spanish Chasseurs, 2 vol. 8vo — ib. 1803 The State of the Island of Jamaica, and the Conduct of the Spaniards in the West Indies, 8vo ib. 1726 Hamilton’s Voyage round the World, in His Majesty’s Frigate Pandora, 8vo Berwick, 1793 A Sequel to Barrington’s Voyage to New South Wales, 8vo — — ib. 1800 Barrington’s Voyage to New South Wales, with a Description of the Country, &c. ib. 1795 Another copy Anecdotes Secretes sur le 18 Fructidor et Nouveaux Memoires des Deportes a la Guiane, au Journal de Itamel, 8vo — Paris —— S3- End of the Twenty-second Day. 333 Twenty-third Day’s Sale, THURSDAY, 9th of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. From Lot. 2831 to Lot 3025 will be Sold this Day. Being the FIFTEENTH DAY OF BOOKS. CASE No. 38, continued. LOT // 0 2831 (I / /f 0 2S32 / # & 2833 <22835 /*.* 2836 / y c 2337 I^ETTERS from Mr. Fletcher Christian, containing Transactions on board His Majesty’s Ship Bounty, before and after the Mutiny, Svo Lond. 1796 Dobrizhoffer (Martino) Historia de Abiponibus Equestri Bellicosaque Paraquariae Natione, 3 tom. Svo Viennce, 1784 Traite de la Culture du Nopal, et L’Education de la Cochenille dans Ies Colonies Francaises de L’Aine- rique; Precede d’un Voyage a Guaxaca, 2 tom. 8vo Paris, 1787 La Florida del Ynca Historia del Adelantado Hernando de Soto, Governador y Capitan general del Reyno de la Florida, y de otros Neroicos Cavalleros Espanoles k Indios escrita por el Ynca Goveilasso de la Vega, &c. 4to — en Lisbona, 1605 Stevens’ Miscellaneous Remarks, made in a seven-years' Tour in Germany, &c. 8vo — Lond. 1756 Fermin (Philippe) Description Generate Historique, Geographique et Physique de la Colonie de Surinam, 8vo — — Amst. 1769 Pitou (L. A.) Voyage a Cayenne, dans les Deux Ame- riques et Chez les Anthropophages, 2 tom. Par. 1807 TWENTY-THIRD DAY. 334 /J & 2838 Sf a 2839 4- 0\ 2840 / 6 2841 % 6J 2842 /J & .2843 / P 2844 / P 2855 /p 0 2856 / '# 0 1*857 M / 2858 / /& 0 2859 2 0 2 2860 v% a £S6i s> 2S62 2 & O 2363 /A# 2864 /Ac? ^865 II I Y a 2883 / cs o 2884 / 0 2885 //f a 2872 /y J 2873 // O 2874 / /£ & 2875 /S-o 2876 / If o 2877 / / a 2878 h'l/ Labarthe (P.) Voyage au Senegal pendant les Annees, 1784 and 5, 8 vo — Paris, 1802 /A Moscovitarum Religio D’lo: Fabri Authore, 4to 1527 Lettres Persanes, par M. Montesquieu, 8 vo j ? Amst. 1761 ' Considerations sur les Causes de la Grandeur des r-r-y' Romains, 8 vo — Amst. 1761 -/A Bruxella cum suo mitatu J. B. Gramaye prcepositi Arnhem Archi diac Utraiect, 4to Brux. 1606 . Lobo’s Voyage into Abyssinia, with a Continuation by > M. le Grand, 8 vo — Lond. 1735 / Aventure e Osservazioni di Filippo Pananti sopra le Coste di Barberia, 2 tom. Svo Firenze, 1817 Degrandpree (L.) Voyage a la C 6 te Occidentale d’Afri- que, fait dans les Annees 1786 et 1787, 2 tom. Svo Par. 1861 Chenier (M. de) Recherches Historiques sur les Mceurs et Histoire de l’Empire de Maroc, 3 tom. ib. 1787 Lempriere’s Tour from Gibraltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, &c. to Morocco, Svo. Lond. 1791— f< * A Corrective Supplement to Lempriere’s Tour from Gibraltar to Morocco, Svo — ib. 1794 / ^ Poiret (M. l’Abbe) Voyage en Barbarie, ou Lettres Ecrites de l’Ancienne Numidie en 1785 et 1786,2 tom. A, Svo — Pur. 1789 fj Brooke’s History of the Island of St. Helena, Svo Lond. 18( 8 Windus’s Journey to Mequinez, the residence of the present Emperor of Fez and Morocco, 8 vo ib. 1725 Mariti (M. l’Abbe) Voyages dans l isle de Chypre, la Syrie et la Palestnie, avec 1’Histoire Generale du Levant, 2 tom. 8 vo — Par. 1791 0 * 2888 TWENTY-THIRD DAT. 337 /46^23S9 1^*2890 /V kr a 2891 0 2892 { .. l ; 7 & ^ 2893 0 2894 / /r ^7 2895 ^£896 Z J 0 2897 1 ' & 2898 0 2899 / J O 2900 / 2901 /f-,V2902 / // L? 2903 /* O 9 204 / lp\f> 2905 L4>2906 / * 0 2907 / ^ ^ 2903 U ^ 2909 A Journey from Aleppo to Damascus, 8vo Lond. 1736 James (Silas) A Narrative of a Voyage to Arabia, India, &c. 8vo — ib. 1797 Bartolomeo’s Voyage to the East Indies, 8vo ib. 1800 Le Counteur’s Letters, chiefly from India, containing an Account of the Military Transactions on the Coast of Malabar, &c. 8vo — Lond . 1790 Taylor’s Travels from England to India in the year 1789, 2 vol. 8vo — ib. 1799 Voyages to tho East Indies by the late J. S. Stavorinus, Rear Admiral in the service of the States General, 3 vol. 8vo — ib. 1798 Jackson’s Journey from India towards England in the year 1797, 8vo — ib. 1799 The Miscellaneous Works of Hugh Boyd, the Author of the Letters of Junius, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1800 Sketches chiefly relating to the History, Religion, Learning, and Mauuers of the Hindoos, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1792 Madagascar, or Robert Drury’s Journal during fifteen years Captivity on that Island, 8vo ib. 1729 Sketches of the Mythology and Customs of the Hindoos, 8 vo — ib. 1785 The Voyage of Hanno, translated and accompanied with the Greek Text, by T. Falconer, A.M. 8vo ib. 1797 Grose’s Voyage to the East Indies, 2 vol. 8vo ib. 1772 Antiqu Sicili, 4to — Messina, 1625 Histoire Genealogique de la Maison des Briconets, 4to — — Paris, 1621 El ArcoTriumfal y Zelebre Pompae, 4to Lond. 1709 Parvus Mundus, 4to .-. The Life and Adventures of John Christopher Wolf, with a Description of the Island of Ceylon, 8vo Lond. 1785 Degrandpre’s Voyage dans l’lnde et au Bengale, fait dans les annees 1789 et 1790, 2 tom. 8vo Par. 1801 A New Account of the East Indies by Captain Alexander Hamilton, 2 vol. Svo — Lond. 1744 Howel’s Journal of the Passage from India, by a Route partly unfrequented, 8vo — . ib. —— ■a.* : i'ZtS ,i TWENTY-THIRD DAY. 338 7 ‘ 77 ■- 2910 2911 7) C 2912 77r 7> 2913 / 7 2915 /ST? 2916 7/ & 2917 / J/ s 2918 // A 2919 2920 / *J & 2921 \ 2922 2923 / /S 0 2924 / 2925 / J o 2926 2927 / // * 2928 Ovington’s Voyage to Surat in the year 1089, 8vo ib. 1696 /. The Customs of the East Indians, with those of the Jews, and other Ancient People, 8vo ib. 1705 St- St* An Historical Description of the Kingdom of Macasar in the East-Indies, 8vo Loud. 1701 • Gladwin’s Narrative of the Transactions in Bengal during the Soobahdaries of Azeem-us-Shan, Jaft’er Khan, Shuja Khan, Sifafraz Khan, and Alyvirdy Khan, 8vo / Calcutta, 178S A Voyage to the East Indies in 1747 and 1748, 8vo ^ Lond. 1762 Jo Jones’s History of the Life of Nader Shah, King of / Persia, 8vo — ib. 1773 i Franklin's Observations, made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, in the years 1786-7 ib. 1790 Gladwin’s Memoirs of Khojeh Abdulkurreem, a Cash- merian of distinction, 8vo Calcutta, 1788 Paulin (Le P.) Voyage aux lndes Orientales, 3 tom. 8vo Paris, 1808 Cossigny (Charpentier) Voyage au Bengale, 2 tom. 8vo — — ib. 1799 Description de Pegu, et de L’lsle de Ceylon, par W. Hunter, Chr. Wolf, and Eschelskroom, 8vo ib. 1793, Voyage a L isle de France, a L’lsle de Bourbon, au Cap de Bonne-Esperance, &c. 2 tom. 8vo. Anist. 1773| 77# Gentil (M. Le) Voyage dans les Mers de L’Inde fait, par Ordre du Roi, 2 tom. 8vo en Suisse, 1780 *- //'■ez Turner (Samuel) Ambassade au Thibet, et au Boutan, 2 tom. 8vo. — — Paris, 1800 t/& Rochon (Alexis) Voyages a Madagascar, a Maroc et aux ^ lndes Orientales, 3 tom. 8vo — ib. 1802 T ^ ■&/<• Rochon’s (Abbe) Voyage to Madagascar, and the East Indies, 8vo. — Lond. 1792 ,/7f^ Guignes (M. De) Voyages a Peking, Manille et L Isle de France, faits dans L’lntervalle des annees 1784, & / 1801, 3 tom. 8vo. — Paris, 1808 ■/% Osbeck’s Voyages in the years 1750, 1751, and 1752, 8vo. — — Stockholm, 1757 Osbeck’s Voyage to China, and the East Indies, 2 vol. 8vo. — — Lond. 1771 TWENTY-THIRD DAY. 339 2929 Holmes’s Journal during his Attendance on Lord Ma¬ cartney’s Embassy, 8vo — ib. 1798 2980 Van Braam’s Authentic Account of the Embassy of the East India Company to the Emperor of China, in the years 1794 and 1795, 2 vol. 8vo. Lond. 1798 2931 Winterbottom’s View of the Chinese Empire, 8vo. ib. 1795 2932 Cast^ra Relation de L’Ambassade Anglaise, 3 tom. 8vo — — Par. 1S00 2938 The singular Travels, &c. of Baron Munnikhousorr, commonly Munchausen, 12mo Oxford, 1786 2934 II Pastor Fido del Signor Cavalier Battista Guarini, 12mo — — Leyda, 1G59 2935 Northmore’s Traveller’s Companion through England and Wales, 12mo — Lond. 1799 2936 Descripcao da Grandiosa -Quinta dos senhores de Bellas, 8vo — Lisboa, 1799 2937 Pauli Jovii Novocomensis Vitse duodecim vicecomitum et Medlolanensis Principum, 4to Lutclur, 1549 2938 Poezias do Doutor Ioao de Assucarelo c Larainonte, a MS. — — Lisboa, 1782 CASE No. 3Q. ^2939 Pignorii (Laurentii) Vetustissimae Tabulae Aeueae Sacrrn yEgyptiorum, &c. 1 vol. 4to Ven. 1605 0/ 2940 Sardi, Delle Histoire Ferraresi, 4to Far. 1646 ^ 2941 Chiffietius, de Linteis Sepulchralibus Christi, 4to Ant. 1624 g 2942 La Peyre, (Jacques) L’Epiphanie, ou Pensees, Touchant les Trois Mages, 4to — Par. 1638 & ^ 2943 Arnaldi, (Enea) Delle Basiliche Autiche, 4to Vietn. 1767 / ts 2944 Jamblichus de Vita Pythagorica, 4to Amst. 1707 2945 Anastasis, Childericii Francorum Regis sive Thesaurus Sepulchralis —- — Ante. 1655 Sannazarii Poemata, 4to — Patau. 171 Baconi Opera Omnia, fol. Franrf. 1665 Rubeis ( Jacobus ) Effigies Ponttficum et, CAR- DINAL1UM, 175 plates, fol. — 1658 / V * ' /£ //&* a // '*/. * // 0 /f \ ^ 0 l / * t>- zr- (' r f 0 0 2946 V $ J 2947 l /? 6 2948 O 7 :?4o' 2919 ^ / fi .0 2950 6 * 6 -* 2951 / // / 2952 2 -/^ 2953 3*/t* 2954 2955 TWENTY-THIRD DAY. Annatis Com pend iarium Regum et Rerum Syriae, Nurrtis Veteribus Illustration, fol. — Vien. 1744 Del Regno D’ltalia, Epitome, eon Annotationi dell’Abbate Castiglione, fol. — Torino, 1963 De la Thaumassiere, Histoire de Berry, 2 tom. fol. —- — Par. 1689 Historia Summorum Pontificum a Martino V. ad Inno- centium XI. per Eorum Numismata, fol. 1679 Besly (Jean) Histoire des Comtes de Poictou et Dues de Guyeune, fol. — Par. 1647 Zoega, (Georgio) DeOrigine et Usu Obeliscornm ad Pium Sextiun, fol. — Rom. 1797 Berni, Orlando Innamorato, 4 tom. !2mo Par. 1768 Opere di Macehiavelii, 8 tom. 12mo Loud. 1768 II Decamerone di Boccaccio, 3 tom. l2mo Opere di Metastasio, 6 tom. l2mo 11 Congresso di Citera, I2mo — Marino I! Libro del Perche, l2mo Senofonti Efesio, l2mo — Tassoni, La Secchia Prnpita, l2mo II Pastor Fido, l2mo — Aminta di Tasso, 12mo — Satire del Cavalier Dotti, 2 tom. l2mo Corsini II Torracchione, 2 tom. 12mo Ariosto Orlando Furioso, 4 tom. l2mo Dante, La Divina Commedia, 2 tom. 12mo Vocabolario Portatile, l2mo — Lippi, II Maimantile Racquistato, 12mo Orlandino di Pitocco, l2mo — II Tempio di Gnido, l2mo — Tasso, La Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 tom. l2mo ft. ib. 1768 ib. 1768 Par. 1768 Land. 1757 Par. 1768 ib. 1768 ib. 1768 Gen. 1757 Lond. 1768 Par. 1768 ib. 1768 ib. 1768 ib. 1768 Lond. 1773 Par. 1767 ib. 1768 Petrarca, (Le Rime di) 2 torn. l2mo ib. 1768 II Morgaate Maggiore di Luigi Pulci, 3 tom. Lond. 1768 Marehetti, Tradotti, Lucrezio, 2 tom. 12mo ib. 1761 Ricciardetto di Carteromaco, 3 tom. 12mo ib. 1767 Dacier, (Mad. De) CEuvres d’Horace, 8 tom. Amst. 1735 L’Empereur Julien, l2mo Par. 1735 De ia Bleterie (L’Abbe) Histoire de L’Empereur Jovien, 2 tom. l2mo —• — ib. 1743 TWENTY-THIRD DAY. 341 'y;s' * 2981 /// 0 2982 V* 2983 i/3 a 2984 2985 j ' /J a 2987 f /o a 2988 -// 2989 i // a 2990 1/J ^ 2991 7 / 0 2902 ^ 2993 ~ c> zz 2994 /£ . a 2995 „ 2996 9 a to <> 2997 / # 2998 /a ^ 2999 // ^ 3000 3001 3 z? 3002 0 # 3003 5' 3004 / ' 7/v ^ A. U. a — £ / s't r.'-rr/ '■ A y A a. y t'ft J TWENTY-THIRD DAY. 342 4* 30C6 sco ? f O 3008 > 0 3C09 Z-ty* 3010 XX 3011 IV* a 3012 /-A 3013 Z-A 3014 3015 Z // ’ O 3016 2$ 4 3917 $2-VA ful coloured plates, French and English Loud. 1797 Hayley’s (Win.) Poetical Works of John Milton, illustrated with engravings, after designs bp Westall, 3vol. fol. -— ib. 1794 f La Bruyere, Les Caracteres deThcophrastre, par M. Coste, , 2 vol. 12mo — Amst. 1743 */■? Portrait Geographique et Historique de L’Europe, 3 vol. y 12 mo — — Par. 1674 Tyrvvhitt’s Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, 5 vol. 8vo t Land. 1775 Maxiines de la Rochefaucauld, 8vo L. P. Par. 1778 Selecta Dionysii Haiicarnassensis Grae. et Lat. a Holvvell, L. P. 8vo — Lond. 1778 3024 3025 Juvenalis, Satirce, a Ruperti, 2 vol. 8vo L. P. beauti¬ fully bound — — Lieps, 1801 Isocrates, cum notis, G.Battie, 2 tom. 8vo L. P. Lond. 1749 End af the Twenty.third Day. 343 t. / j ■ Thirty-third Day’s Sale 9 THURSDAY, the 23d of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. From Lot 3026 to Lot 3216 will be Sold this Day, Being the SIXTEENTH DAY of BOOKS. CASE No. 36 , continued. LOT t * <* 3026 . l (? 3027 £ A? 3074 3075 (EUVRES DE VOLTAIRE, Edition Beaumarchais, 70 tom. 8vo — Kelli. 1785 Note. A double set of plates , viz. one proof before the letters, and one after. Fabliaux et Contes des Poetes Francois des XI. Xil. XIII. XIV. Siecles, 4 tom. 8vo. L. P. Par. 1808 The History of Arthur of Little Britain, ;i Romance of Chivalry ,< translated by Lord Berners, illustrated, 4to — Lend. 181! HUDIBRAS, Notes bp Dr. Grey, and Hogarth’s y Plates, 2 vol. 8vo, large paper Cam. 1714 /p , GILPIN’S (William) WORKS, 11 vol. 4to viz. Forest Scenery 2, The Wye 1, Picturesque Beauty 1, The Lakes of Cumberland 2, The Highlands of Scotland 2, The Western Parts of England 1, Hampshire 1, Essay on ^ Prints 1, numerous plates, all large paper Gilpin’s Observations on the River Wye, plates, 8vo Loud. 1782 De Marini, Historia et Relatione del Tunchino, e del Giappone, 4to — Rom. 1665 Tollii (Jacobi) Epistolae Itinerariae, Tollii Insignia Itinerarii Italici, the 2 works bound in 1, 4to Amst. 1700 De Maillet, Description de L’Egypte, 4to Par. 1735 Leo’s (John) Geographical Description of Africa, fob Loud. 1600 Le Grant Voyage de Ihemsalem, fol Par. 1517 D’Ouaglic, (Alfonso) Kistorica del Regno di Cite, 4to Rome, 1(516 Parsons’s Travels in Asia and Africa, 4to, plates Loud. 1808 Horneman’s Travels in Africa, maps, 4to ib. 1804 Whitman’s Travels in Turkey, 4to ib. 1803 Wathen’s Voyage to Madras and China, 24 coloured plate -, 4to -- — ib. 1814 Grant’s Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery to New Suuih Wales, in 1800-1 and 2, coloured and plain plates, 4to ib. 1803 Collins’s Account of New South Wales, 33 plates, plain and coloured, 4to — ib. T7;)j C- Ct ' J V s / THIRTY-THIRD DAY. 34G S / 6 3076 z./ ^ // /fra 3077 3078 y y & 3079 fj / 0 3080 2 /f J 3081 2V/* 3082 2 /iV 3083 / /3 a 3084 2 3035 2- SOy ° J y a 3091 J / y 3092 7-// J 3( 83 ///. *1 (0 3 oy4 J / £ 3095 1*/ya 3000 De Benyoivsky’s (Count) Memoirs and Travels 2 vol. 4to Lond. 1790 Burnaby’s Travels in North America, plates, 4to ib. 1798 MADRIGNANO, Itinerarium Poriugallensium ex Ulisbona, &c. fob — — 1508 Russell’s Natural History of Aleppo, 2 vol. large paper — Lond. 1794 Dillon’s Travels through Spain, plates, elegantly bound, 4to -— — ib. 1782 Sonnini’s Travels in Egypt, 24 plates, 4to ib. 1800 Russell’s Natural History of Aleppo, and parts adjacent, with plates, 4to — ib. 1756 Walsh’s Journal of Campaign in Egypt, 35 coloured and plain plates, 4to — ib. 1803 Paterson’s Journies through the Country of the Hottentots and Caffraria, 4to — ib. 1789 Wilson’s History of the Expedition to Egypt, 4to, large paper — — ib. 1803 Anderson’s Narrative of the Embassy to China 1792-3, and 4 — — ib. 1795 Dali.away’s Tour in the Levant, elegantly bound, coloured plates, large paper — ib. 1797 Hodges’s Travels in India, 4to, expensively bound, 14 plates — ib. 1793 Hume’s History of England, 10 vol. large paper, elegantly bound and gilt, 8vo — ib. 1803 Secret History of the Court of James I. plates, 2 ,ol. 8vo, large paper — Edin. 1811 Memoirs of Sir Henry Slingsby, &c. large paper, 8vo ib I80G Richard of Cirencester's Description of Britain, 8vo 1. p, Lond. 1809 Memoirs of Captain George Carleton, 8vo, 1. p. Edin. 1808 Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion and the Life, con¬ taining several extra fine portraits, by Hollar, &c. large paper, 9 vol. 8vo. — Oxf. 1705 Relation del Ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magallaues, 4to Mad. 1788 Scheffer, Histoirc de la Laponie, 4to Par. 1678 \/t^ /&/> / iZ.-e THIRTY-THIRD DAY. 347 £ ^ o 3097 1// 0 3098 0 3999 Z// 0 3100 // /0 0 3101 3 / 0 3102 / //t 0 3103 7/4 0 3104 . (/ -/{>~0 3105 2_ 4 0 3^06 3 0 0 31 °7 2 /2.u 3108 p (7 o 3109 1/0 0 3110 7/ 0 0 3 ^ 11 2 a .0 3112 S 0 3 ^ 13 '/ 3123 Z Z ^ 3124 6 /0 3178 J 0 & 3179 3180 l/7/. 3181 De Andrada (J. F.) Vida de Dom. Joa6 De Castro, Quarts Viso-Rey da India, 12ino — Par. 1759 Anacreon Graece apud Bodoni, 12mo Parma. 1791 Tanzai et Neadarne Histoire, Japonoise, 2 vol. l2mo a Pekin. 1740 Kerapio, (Cornelio) Antiqua Frissia, l2mo Colon. 1588 Cocaii (Opus Merlini) Poetae Mantuini Macaronica, l2mo — — Veil. 1564 Le Avventure di Satfo, 12mo — Parigi. 1790 Longolii (Gvberti) Dialogus de Avibus, Ac. 12mo Colon. 1544 Les Triomphes entres Tournois et autres Ceremonies Magnificences, faites en Angleterre and au Paiatiuat, pour le Marriage de M. Ie Prince Frederic V. Comte Palatin et de Madam Elisabeth, Princes de la Grande Bretagne, l2mo — — Heidel. 1613 Commentario de le Cose de Turchi et del S. Georgio, Scanderbeg Principe di Epyrro, 12mo Pen. 1544 Figure del Nugvo Testamento Illustrate da Versi Italiaui, !2mo — — in Lione, 1559 Les Amours D’Ismene etD’Ismenias, l2mo a La Uaye, 1743 Sorbin (A.) Histoire de la Vie et Mceurs de Charles IX. l2mo — — Par. 1574 Marguerite de France, L’Hisloireet Description du Phoenix, a book printed on vellum — ib. 1550 (See curious MS. Note on fly leaf.) Astolfo Innamorato, Libro D’Arrne e D’Amore, 12mo in Lucca, - - Gillii (Petro) DescriptioNovaElephanti, 12mo Hcrin. 1614 Vita di Jesu Christi, l2mo — Antiv. 1537 Aretini (Leonardi) Epistola;, l2mo Basil. 1535 Olai (Io. Magno.) Gothokum Suconumque His- toriae, folio — — Rom. 1554 Regnier (Les Satyres et Autres CEuvres de) avec Remar¬ ques, large paper, 4to — Lond. 1729 Desmarests Clovis, ou La France Chrestienne, Poeme Historique Grand Papier, 4to — Par. 1657 Tasso La Gerusalemme Lxberata, Jlnc plates, folio — — Pen. 1745 S7S> 77^ Sis ss* tS / •/AM; THIRTY-THIRD DAY. 351 ty/6, .o /.y.O 3133 / 0.0 3184 ^/^^31S5 /. 0.0 3186 /./^.^3187 J.^3188 J. ^^3189 2 ,/.* 3l9 ° /^3i9i /?> 3192 /. ^3193 /,^J* 194 3182 CARTER'S (John) SPECIMEN of ANCIENT SCULP¬ TURE and PAINTING vow remaining in this King - dom, richly hound, 2 vol. folio k — Land. 1786 Taillepied, Traite de L’Apparition des Esprits, 12mo ^ Roen. 1602 ( Le Cabinet Jesuitique, contenant Pieces tres Curieuses, 12mo — — Col. 1687 i '£ tf- Bekker (Balthasar) Le Monde Enchante, 4 vol. l2mo Amst. 1694 , ./^3195 1 2. i; Lend. 1661 Another Copy — — 1661 DEL MUSEO CAPITOLINO, 4 tom. folio Rom. 1755 The Lord’s loud Call to England — 1680 Icones Ducalis Regia Lararium, sive Venetse, portraits, fol. — — Ven. 1659 Scriptores Artis Cabalisticae in Theologia, plates, fol. Bast. 1628 End of the Thirty-third Day. 353 Thirty-fourth Day’s Sale, FRIDAY the 24th of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at I-Ialf-past Twelve precisely. From Lot 3217 to Lot 3401 will be Sold this liny. Being the SEVENTEENTH DAY of BOOKS. CASE No. 40. LOT G v ^3217 // 0 <73218 U // 3211 ) // // 3220 / y /(} ^3221 Ad ^222 3223 JfVj ^ 3221 z6 erg 3221 ARETI et Pavimenti del Antica Pompki e Pavimenti di Iiielves, planches, fol. Naps. 1796 The Architectural Works of Robert and James Adam, superbly bound and gilt, plates, imperial folio, Lond. 1778 Some Account of Cathedral Church of Durham, and St. George’s Chapel Windsor, (the Antiquarian Society set) 8 proof plates — ib. 1801 Account of the Abbey Church of St. Albans, and of Glou¬ cester Cathedral, 36 plates, imperial folio ib. 1813 Mellan (Claudius) {an assemblage of fine prints, by and after) mounted in an imperial folio. Descrizione delle Feste Celebrate, in Parma VAnno 1769, 35 plates, fol. — Parma, 1770 Millin (A. L.) Description des Tombeaux de Canova, 14 plates, fol. — Par. 1816 Denon, VOYAGE DANS LA BASSE ET LA HAUTE EGYPTE, 2 vol. atlas folio — ib. 1802 An imperial folio volume, containing one hundred and seventy-five most exquisitely coloured CHI¬ NESE DRAWINGS of BIRDS, local to China, with their names in Chinese Characters, at per Drawing - THIRTY-FOURTH DAY. ■?< / f- jz >7 77 '< /S' cZ ^ // // 3 / o / ' 2 0 • 3249 7 4 3250 \/7 3252 J : j r '3253 " 3254 7 3255 U '* 3256 / • 3257 Vie de Michel L’Hopital, Chancelier de France, 1. p. 8 vo Land. 1764 Clark’s Life and Death of Sir Francis Drake, 4to ib. 1671 Triumphus Jesu Christi Crucifixi, cum Figuris per Adrian Collaert, 8 vo — — Auto. 1608 Mausoleum, Regni Apostolici, Regum ac Primorum Mi¬ litants Ungarise-Ducam, plates, fol. Nuremb. 1664 Paradigmata Graphices Variorum Artificum per Joh: Episcopium et Nicolum Visscher, 57 plates, fol. Hague, 1671 Note.—The Autograph of Sir Joshua Reynolds Kleiner and Pfeffel, 135 fine views in Vienna, ele¬ gantly bound, oblong folio Vien. 1724 Solinus, Aulus Gellius et Macrobius apud Angelum Bri- tanicum 1501, fol. Barclay’s Ship of Fools, fol. Land. 1570 Veues des Belles Maisons de France et D’ltalie, par Peretti, 204 plates, oblong folio Shakspeare’s Dramatic Works, from the Text of John¬ son and Steevens, Heath's beautiful edition, embellished with Boy dell's 93 engravings, 6 vol. imp. 4to superbly bound in morocco, by Hering — ib. 1807 Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, being a series of 338 views, maps, &c. &c. of the Kingdoms of Sweden, Denmark and Norway, oblong folio, no date, 3 tom. en l Suite D Estampes par Mad. de Pompadour Gravee de Guay, 40 planches, fol. Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica, fol. Sora. 1594 Pr^clara Ferdinandi, Cortesii Nova Maris Oceaui Hispania, &c. fol. — Novimb. 1524 CASE No. 41. HERE (M.) Recueil des Plans et Elevations des Cha¬ teaux et Jardins que le Roy de Pologne occupe en Loraine, 69 plates, 2 vol. gran. fol. — Par. -- LE SACRE DE LOUIS XV. Roy de France e de Navarre, dans L’Eglise de Reims, Octobre 25, 1722 Dichiarazione dei Disegni del Reale Palazzo del Caserta, 14 plates, folio — — Kapo. 1756 THIRTY-FOURTH DAY. 356 3t ' ff ni 3201 v. zo ? ■ 3253 Recuf.il D’Estampes dans le Cabinet du Roy, M. Le Due D’ Orleans et autres Cabinets, avec un Abrege de la Vie des Peintres, 132 planches, 2 tom. en 1 p /Jr ^8259 Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, iEgyption, Etruscan, Greek and Roman, 84 plates, many duplicate proofs, without letters, published, by the Dilettanti Society, - _ Land. I SOD folio — v ur o 3200 Holbein’s Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court; of Henry VIII. in his Majesty’s Collection, folio, russia, joints, large paper copy 3260" British Gallery of Engrav ings fiom Pictures of the Italian, Flemish, Dutch and English Schools, with an Account of each Picture, in English and French. 52 fine engravings, proof impressions Lond. 1807 Recueil de PEINTURES ANTIQUES, trouvees a ROME, hnitees Fideliment pour les Couleurs et le Trail, par Pietro Santa Bartoli, et autres Dessinateurs, 73 plan¬ ches, 3 vol. folio — Didot, a Par. 17S3 Not e—Printed on vellum, and the engravings most exquisitely coloured o 3262 Stuart’s Antiquities of Athens, (vol. 1) 70 plates, folio — — Lond ‘ 1762 Recueil des Marbres, Antiques, &c. dans la Galerie da Roy de Pologne, 230 plates, a Dresden, privately printed, folio - - , 1733 Statues et Busies, Antiques au Palais des Tlumlenes, 61 planches, folio — Chambers's Designs for Chinese Buildings, Furniture, &c. r _ Lond. 1757 folio — Chambers’s Plans of Buildings, &c. Gardens of Kew, Lond. 1763 Recueil D’Estampes dans le Cabinet de M. Boyer d'Agidlles, gravees par J. C. UAnvers, 60 proof , , r y — Par. 17441 plates, tolio — Description de la Place de Louis XV. a Reims, grand , s _ ib. 1765 folio, (8 fine plates) — Spencer’s Works, by Todd, 8 vol. Bvo large paper 1 Lond. 1805 The Antiquities of Ireland, bv F. Grose, 2 vol. _ ib. 1791 o\ U - J /> /* 3263 0 3264 2 O 3265 2 n 1 3266 r y f f 3267 f~~/o O 3268 7 /7 / 3269 Z '7 - 3270 THIRTY-FOURTH DAY. 3 57 3271 3271* / 3272 3 / / • 3273 \2 A 3274 1 / - 3275 r /jf 3277 3278 / /J5 3279 / / 3280 3281 Y . I ? ' 3 * 3282 -/,/Z 32 " 3 Mr / 1558 4 /jf 0 3294 C ALLOT Theatre Des Nains, Svo 17 CASE No. 42. A nf> e 3295 Les Saisons, Poeme, 8vo — — Amst. 1775 i n o 3296 D’Oudegherst (Pierre) Les Chroniques, et Annales de Flandres, 4to - ~ Anvers .1571 ■zo f 6 3297 The NORTHUMBERLAND HOUSEHOLD ROOK, Svo Lond. 177° / a e 3298 Cavacius (Jacobus) ad Amicum Hospitem in Musaeum Illns- trium Anacoretarum, 4to — Ve n. 1628 3 ' 3099 Le Magnifique Chasteau de Richelieu, (oblong quarto) 21 planches — Z 9 o 3300 Vie de Samson en 39 Tableaux, grave par F. Verdier, ob¬ long 4to — z » 6 3801 De Beaulieu, La Vie de St. Thomas Archevesque de Can- terbery et Martyr, 4to — • 1^74 / 7 c 3302 Planclietle (Bernard) Le Vie du Grand S. Benoist, 4to ib. 1652 f 9 O 3303 Vita di S. Tomaso D’Aquino et Vita di S. Caterina da Siena .. — Roma. 1656 4to — 3304 Del Giudice (Michele) Palermo Magnifico nel Trionfo dell Anno 1686, S. Rosalia, plates, elegantly bound, folio in Palermo, 1686 3305 Guer (M.) Moeurs el Usages des Turcs leur Religion, &c. 2 tom. 4to. grand papier, 29 planches Par. 1746 3306 Sat ta ste, Histoire de la Republique Romaine, dans le Cours du VII. Siecle, avec note, par M. De Biosses, 3 vol. quarto, grand papier — Dijon. 1777 3307 Raspono (Caesare) De Basilica et Palriarcliio Laternensi, Liber IV. folio - ~ to. 1656 3303 EENTHAM’S (JAMES) History and Antiquities of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely, with ap pendix, 4S plates, 4to — Cam. 1771 THIRTY-FOURTH DAY. 359 /y y y y i z V* 4 / y / y J * 1 / y / * J eo y / Ai 2 3 2 r • yj I * c l 0 s s 3 3 /0 3344 4 / 5086 Goldsmith’s Poems, ditto blue morocco, 8vo Lond. 1808 Pope’s Rape of the Lock, ditto Svo ?&. 1790 Gray’s Poems, ditto 8vo blue morocco ib. 1800 Thomson’s Seasons, G proof plates, 8vo ib. 1802 The above Jive works are of the largest size edition,with an additional set of proofs on India Paper, and bound uniform. Le Grange (Lucrece Traduit avec notes par M.) 2 vol. 8vo grand papier — Par. 17G8 Noble’s Memoirs of the Protectorial House of Cromwell, portraits, 2 vol. 8vo — Lond. 1787 More’s (Sir Thomas) History of King Richard the Third, portraits, 1. p. Chisivick, 1821 Jauna (Dominique) Histoire Generale de Chypre de Jeru¬ salem et D’Egypte, maps, 2 tom. 4to a Leide, 1747 Veneres et Priapi, 36 plates, Svo Lug. Bat. - Bertholet, (Jean) Histoire de L’lnstitution de la Fete-Dieu, 17 planches, 4to — a Leige, 1546 De Sacy (Silvester) Memoirs sur Diverses Antiquites de la Perse, 4 to — — Par. 1793 Excerpta ex Tragoediis et Comoediis-Graecis, cum Latini Versione Hugonis Grotii, 4to — ib. 1626 Martorelius (Jacobus) De Regia Theca-Calamaria in Regia Academia, 2 tom. 4to — Aeapo. 1756 Keating's History of the Conquest of Mexico, 4to Lond. 1800 NICHOLS’S (John) PROGRESSES and Public Proces¬ sions of QUEEN ELIZABETH, 3 vol .plates, red mo¬ rocco, 4to — — Lond. 1788 Ecus (Andre) Le Costume, ou Essai sur les Habillements et les Usages des Peoples de L’Antiquite, 4to a Leige, 1776 Le Begnars-traversal}! les Ferilleusses Voyages des Folks et Fiances du Monde, composee par Scbastien Brandt, THIRTY-FOURTH DAY. 363 /' to — '3387 Dodsley’s Select Collection of Old Plays, 12 vol. l2vno Lond. 1708 J. / ' 3388 BOILEAU ( CEuvres de M.) avec des Remarques par Saint-Marc, et Planches par Picart, 5 tom. handsomely bound, red morocco, 8vo — Par. 1747 3 if) 0 3389 Histoire des Papes, depuis S. Pierre, jusqu’ a’ Benoit XIII. 5 tom. 41o -— ala Haye, 1732 / 0 3390 Clery (M.) Journal a la Tour du Temple pendant la Cap- tivite de Louis XVI. 8vo — Lond . 1798 • /7 / 3391 Rapin (Nicolas) (Euvres Latines et Francoises, 4to Par. 1610 2 t sT— 3392 Decker’s Gull’s Horn Book, 4to Bristol, 1812 / 3393 Felebien, Entretiens sur les Vies des Pientres 2 vol. 4to Par. 1685 l fr~ "3394 Spoil Histoire de Geneve, 2 tom. 4to Gen. 1730 Z tz 0 3395 Louis XVI. (Journal Historique du Sacre et du Couron- nement de) enriche de 50 Figures par le Sieur Patas, 4to Par. 1775 2 3 - J3396 Roper’s Life ofSir Thomas More, 1. p. Svo Chiswick, 1817 2 ' t— % <7 / * 0 "! a? s / ^ 0 <7 V ttr / # 0 f ! £ / <7 --- ■ 1 . _ 1 O V a V (7 z / a / ff ( Rinaldo Appasionata Nel qual Si Conti&ne Battaglia D’Armi et D’Amore con figura, 12 mo Venet.——— Imagination Poetique, l 2 mo — Lyon, 1552 Van St. Clara (Abraham) Jets Voo Allen, 2 vol. Amst. 1717 Gaffarel (M. J.) Curiositez Inouyes sur la Sculpture Ta- lismanique des Persanes, 12mo — 1650 Merlini Cocaii Macaronica, 12 mo Amst. 1692 Parallele des Carthaginois et des Romains, l 2 mo 1757 Gerrardo (Pietro) Histoire de la Vie et Faits D’Ezzelin 3 d, 12 mo — — Par. 1644 Des Loulieres (Poesies de Mad.) 2 tom. en 1 , Svo ib. 1707 De Sainct Julien, (Pierre) Melanges Historiques, 12 mo Lyon. 1589 La Bruyere Les Caracteres de Tlieophraste avee notes. 3418 3419 3420 3121 3422 3426 3427 3428 3433 par M. Coste, 3 tom. l 2 mo — Amst. 1720 Salmonii Macrini Carolina, 12 mo — Par. 1530 Alsopi Fabulae, Grae. et Latin, 12 mo Amst. 1726 Salmonii Macrini Lvrica, &c. 12 mo Par. 1531 Augustin (Saint) La Cite de Dieu, 2 tom. Svo ib. 1693 Arnauld, Les Confessions de S. Augustin, 8 vo ib. 1676 Les Presentes Devotes Touenges a la Vierge Marie, com- posee par Maistre Marcial D'Auvergne, l 2 mo ib. 1509 Sprengium (Johan) Metamorphoses Ovidii, 12 mo 1563 Dissertation sur L’Usage de se faire Porter La Queue, l 2 mo — Par. 1704 Sulgado (James) Description of the Piazza, or sumptuous Market Piace at Madrid, and the Bull Baiting, 4to Lond. 1683 Corrozet (Gillas) Les Antiquitez Chroniques et Singulari- tez de Paris, 12 mo —• Par. 1586 Costalii Pegma (Petri) cum Narrationibus Philosophical, 12 mo — — Lugd. 1555 Doctrina Vita et Passio Jesu Christi, Juxta Novi Testa¬ ment fidem, avec figures, 4to — Francf. 1542 De Loyac (Sieur) La Vie du Bien-Heureux-Jean de Dieu Fondateur de L’Ordre de la Charite, 4to Par. 1631 Explication des Ceremonies de La F 6 te-Dieu D’Aix en Provence, 12 mo — — a Air, 1777 /> /ft — 366 " V ^- “3439 3 S~ S 3440 3441 J c? 3442 3443 / 3/St 3444 * s a 3445 3446 // /0 0- ^447 l 3448 ^ * * 3449 ! r -3450 t J ° 3451 ( /Z e 3452 3 <7 3453 THIRTY-FIFTH DAY. Ancient Irish Histories, embracing the Works of Spencer, Campion, Hanmer and Marleburrough, 2 vol. large paper — — Dub. 1809 Swift’s (Edmund L.) Life and Acts of Saint Patrick, royal paper, 8vo — — ib. 1809 D’Ossii (Joanne) Antonii Urbis Romse jEdificia Illustria, 50 plates, 4to — — 1569 De la Neufville, (Le Quin) Histoire Generate de Portugal, 2 vol. 4to — — a. Par. 1700 Bonnani (Filippo) Gabinetto Armonico Piens d’lstromenti Sonori, 164 planches, 4to — Rom. 1722 Strutt’s Regal ANTIQUITIES of ENGLAND, the first edition , with 60 proof plates, on India paper , mounted on drawing paper, 4to — Rond. 1773 Baudion Histoire des Guerres Civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes, 4to — — Par. 1650 Vigenere (Blaise de) Les Images, ou Tableaux de Platte Peinture de Philostrate, 2 tom. 4to ib. 1578 Gibbon’s (Edward) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 6 vol. — Lond. 1788 Gibbon’s (Edward) Miscellaneous Works, illustrated with Notes and the Life of the Author, by John Lord Shef- field, 3 vol. — ib. 1815 N. B. The above two lots are uniform. Middleton’s (Conyers) Life of Cicero, 2 vol. 4to. and Mid¬ dleton’s Miscellaneous Works, 4 vol. making 6 vol. on large paper, and uniform in binding ib. 1752 Macartney's Embassy to China, 2 vol. 4to. with portrait and atlas vol. of plates — ib. 1798 Watson’s (Robert) History of the Reign of Philip the Second King of Spain, 2 vol. 4to — ib. 1777 Memoirs of Sully, 3 vol. 4to — ib. 1761 Roscoe’s Life of Lorenzo de Medici, called the Magnificent, 2 vol. 4to — — 1797 367 THIRTY-FIFTH DAY. 1 BUHL CABINET. BOOKCASES, Nos. 1, 2 , 3, and 4. Y yy 3454 Du Noyer (Madame) Lettres Historiques et Galantes, 9 tom. l2mo — — Lond. 1757 / 0 3455 Danvptius (Franfois) Histoire Admirable de la Possession et Conversion D’Une Penitente Seduite, par un Magicien, 12mo — — Par. 1613 / / 0 3456 Marci Antonini de Vita Sua Libri XII. Grae. et Lat. 12mo Lugd. 1625 // ^ 3457 Aymon, Lettres, Anecdotes et Memoires Historiques du Nonce Visconti, 2 vol. 12mo — Amst.1719 n /S'* 3458 D’Uribald Etat de la Gaule au Cinquieme Siecle a L’Epo- gue de la Conquete de la France, 2 tom. 12mo Par. 1805 r // / 3459 Butler (Weeden) Ziamo the African, 12ino Lond. 1800 ' 7 ■ 3460 Amours des Dames Illustres de France sous le Regne de Louis XIV. 2 tom. 18mo avec planches — - ff 7* 3461 Histoire Politique et Amoureuse du Cardinal Louis Por- tocarrero, 18mo — — Amst. 1734 Z o — -3462 Rabaut (M. J. P.) Almanack llistorique de la Revolution Franpoise pour L’Anne 1792, avec planches, 12mo Par. — — • i c \ ^ / & 3463 Joly (M.) Voyage fait a Munster en Westpkalie en 1646-7, 18mo — — Par. 1670 n /f"p 3464 VVieland, Socrates out of his Senses, translated by M. Wintersted, 2 vol. 12mo — Lond . 1771 * // 0 3465 Lettres de Madame Aisse, 12mo — a Lens. 1788 ' /0 0 3466 Pieces Morales and Sentimentales de Madame J. W. 12mo Lond. 1785 / // ' 3467 Appulee Les Metamorphoses, ou L’Aue D’or avec figures, 2 vol. 12mo — — Par. 1707 <7 3484 y / /0 3485 / /(/> 7 0 3486 / / — 3487 *9 Z 3488 0 '— 3489 / J 0 t, /S ° 3490 / 40 ^ 3491 ■ 43 0 3492 3493 O 3494 Guyon (M. Abbee) Histoire des Amazones Anc. et Mod. eurichie de Medailles, 12 mo •— Par. 1740 De Francheville Le Siecle des Louis XIV. 2 tom. 12mo Berlin, 1751 Recueil General des Opera et De Musique, 7 tom. 12mo Par. 1703 Recueil des Defenses de M. Fouquet, 15 tom. 12mo 1665 The Turkish Spy, 7 vol. 12mo Lond 1694 Lavater’s Aphorisms on Man, 12mo ib. 1708 Histoire de Guilleaume, 18mo — - De l’Epy’s (M. Heliogenes) Voyage into Tartary, 18mo Lond. 1689 Adelaide de Messine, Nouvelle Historique Galante et Tra- gique, 12mo — Amsl. 1722 Lettres de Ninon de l’Enclos, 2 vol. 12mo ib. 1750 Le Tableau de la Vie et du Gouvernement des Cardinaux Richelieu et Mazarin, 12mo Colon. 1694 Abregd de l’Histoire d’Espagne et de France, 12mo a Brux. 1705 Les Bijoux Indiscrets, 2 vol. 12mo Monomotapa, - Cottin (CEuvresde Mad.) viz. Elizabeth de Siberie 1; Claira D’Abbe, 1—Mathilde, 4—Amelie Mansfield, 3 Mal¬ vina, 3 — — Par. 1810 Cumberland’s Anecdotes of Eminent Painters, 2 vol. 12mo Lond. 1782 Cumberland’s Catalogue of the King of Spain’s Pictures, 12 mo (Euvres Complettes de M. de Bernis, 2 vol. 12mo Lond. 1767 La Bulgheria Convertita, Poema Heroico, 12mo Rom. 1637 History of the Whores, and the Whoredom of the Popes, Cardinals, and Clergy of Rome, 12mo Lond. 1679 Le Triomphe de L’Amitie, 2 vol. 12mo ib. 1755 Le Berceau de la France, ornfe de Figures, 3 vol. 12mo Brux. 1788 Anacreon Venge on Lettres, 12mo — 1751 Mickle's Poetical Works, with the Life by Rev. John Sim, 12mo — — Lond. 1806 THIRTY-FIFTH DAY. 369 / / f 3495 Z . 0 — 3496 I \0 fj ? 0 3497 / / ✓ 3498 / /O —8499 ■ Wa 3500 / 0 —3501 ' 6 0 3502 r, /4 0 3503 o /Jj! 0 3504 4 ^ 0 3505 ■ ft ' 3506 " / ^3507 • a 3508 " /f # 3509 .. /J 0 3510 >■ 6 ^ 3511 / Z O 3512 v* 7 * 3513 l / 6 3514 / (07 o 3515 0 Serf 6 3516 o zy 3517 O 3518 ^_3519 Macneil's (Hector) Poetical Works, 2 vol. 12mo ib. 1801 Beattie’s Minstrel, 2 vol. in 1, with a double set of plates, 12 mo — — ib. 1797 Little’s Poetical Works, 12mo — ib. 1806 Pope’s Essay on Man, 12mo — ib. 1796 Dodsley’s Economy of Human Life, 12mo ib. 1796 La Vie de Cassiodore, 12mo — Par. 1694 Memoires de M. de Bordeux, 4 vol. 12mo A/nst. 1758 Description del’Ile Formosa en Asia, 12mo ib. 1705 Dacier (Mdme.) La Vie de Pythagore, 2 vol. 12mo Par. 1706 Defence du Paganisme par L'Empereur Julien, Gr. et Fr. 2 vol. 12mo — Berl. 1767 Van Dale (Antonii) de Oraculis Ethinicorum, 12mo Amst. 1683 Les Avantures D’Abdalla Fils D’Hanif, 2 vol. 12mo Par. 1714 Memoires de M. Le Marquis D’Argens, 12mo Load. 1737 Lettres de Madame la Comtessedu Barry, 12mo ib. 1779 L. Ezour Vedam, ou Ancien Commentaire du Vedam, 2 vol. 12 mo — — Vcrdon, 1778 Pelloutier, Uistoire ties Celtes et des Gaulois et des Ger¬ mains, 2 vol. 12mo — a la Haye, 1750 De la Grange (CEuvres Meslees de M.) 12mo ib. 1724 D’Egly (M.) Histoire des Rois des Deux Siciles de la Maison de France, 4 tom. 12mo — Par. 1741 La Vie de Cassiodore, 12mo — ib. 1695 Hau Kiou Choann, or a Pleasing History from the Chinese Language, by Perry, 4 vol. 12mo — 1761 Les Ancienes et Modernes Genealogiques des Roys de France, 12mo — Par. 1537 Remarques Curieuses, de Louis XIV. de la Reiae Refugie d’Angleterre et de Mad. de la Valliere, 12mo Amst. 1690 Beverlandi (Hadriani) de Peccato Originali et Dissertationes de Fornicatione, 12mo — Load. 1698 The English Rogue, 4 parts in 2 vol. richly bound ib. 1672 Towneley’s Hudibras, in French and English, ditto 3 vol. 12mo — ib. 1757 Thirty fifth day. 370 Thirty-fifth day. fr /J a 3520 Series (Jacques) Traite sur les Miracles, 12mo ^4»iiM729 / / -3521 Malingre (Claude) de In Gloire et Magnificence des An- 6 ciennes, 12mo — 1612 / 3622 Le Breviere des Courtisans, avec Gravures de la Serre, 12 mo no place or date £ e J <7 3523 Les Triumphes de la Noble et Amoreuse-Dame Par. 1537 •2- 9 3524 Another copy, 12mo — ib. 1545 / /cl 3564 - A — 3565 'A ✓ 3506 ’ 'l 3567 — 3568 -v •0 3569 t / — 3570 0 3571 t De la Bruyere lesCharacters deTheophrastes par M. Cosle, 2 vol. 12mo — Amst. 1741 Anacreon, Greek and English, by Addison, 12mo Lond. 1735 Anacreon Sappho and Musaeus, by Fawkes, 12mo ib. 17G0 Ovid’s Metamorphoses, by Garth, 2 vol. 12mo ib. 173(5 Quintus Curtius, by Digby, 2 vol. 12mo ib. 1747 De Chevrier, le Colporteur Histoire Morale, 3 vol. 12mo. a Lond. 1774 Dacier (Mad.) Les Poesies d’Anacreon et de Sapho, en Grec. etFran. 12mo — Amst. 1G99 Pleasures of Memory, 12mo — Lond. 1793 Les Affections de Divers Amans Les Narrations D’Amour de Plutarch, 12mo — — Par. 1743 D’Espernon (M. Le Due) Histoire de la Veritable Origine de la Troisieme Race des Rois de France, 12mo ib. 1(579 Histoire de la Philosophique Hermetique, 3 vol. 12mo ib. 1742 Choix D’Histoires Interessantes, 12mo ib. I“81 Memoires de l’Academie des Colporteurs, 12mo ib. 1748 The Life and Death of Thomas Woolsey, Cardinal, written bv one of his own Servants, 8vo — Lond. 1667 Beloe’s (Wm.) F. S. A. Miscellanies, 3 vol. 12mo ib. 1795 Hcefteno (B.) Schola Cordis, in Emblems a Bolswert, 12mo Ant. 1629 Imhof (J. G.) Recherches Historiques et Genealogiques des Grands D'Espagne, 12mo — Amst. 1707 Cocai (Merlini) Macaronices Libri XVII. Heroicum Carmen, 12mo — — Fen. 1521 La Religion Ancienne et Moderne des Moscovites, enrichee de figures, l2mo — — Amst. 1698 Gesta Romanorum cum pluribus Applicatis Historiis, 12mo Par. 1521 Vcenii (E.) Tractatus Physiologicus de Pulchritudine, 12mo Brux. 1662 La Vie et Faits notables de ITenry de Valois, 12mo 1589 Vernes (M.) Le Voyageur Sentimental, 18mo Lond. 178(5 Le Gran Prodezze di Rodomontino, 18mo Lucca, 1697 Menteiii Speculum Peceatorum Aspirantium ad Solidam Vitat Emendalionem, 4to — Ant. I6’i7 2 C 372 THIRTY-FIFTH DAY. a /<* —3572 / ✓ 3573 End of the Thirty-fifth Day. 375 Thirty-sixth Day’s Sale, TUESDAY, the 28th of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. * * - * 3i / From Lot 3591 to 3780 will be sold this Day , Being the NINETEENTH DAY OF BOOKS. CASE No. 43, continued. / 2 I,OT 0 3591 0 3592 / /✓—3.593 t y 3594 -^3595 / // o 3596 ' ^"—3597 9 rnn * 3599 ' --3600 -// 3601 r ^ ^ 3602 3603 De la Vida del Picaro Guzman de Alfarache, 2 tom. l2mo Brux. 1600 Antithesis Christ! et Anti-Christi, videlicet Papae, 12mo 1578 Le Cabinet Jesuitique, 1 Smo — Colog. 1678 Richeome (Louis) Tableaux Sacrez, avec figures, 12mo Par. 1001 Burman (Pierre) Le Gazettier Menteur, 12 mo Autr. 1710 Boiardo (A.) ASINO DORO, 12 mo — 1520 Expositio vera harum imaginum per Paracelsum, 12mo I5J0 Han Kiou Choan (the Pleasing History of) 4 vol. l2mo Land. 1761 Memoires de Mademoiselle de Montpensier, fille de Mr. Gaslon, D’Orleans frere de Louis XIII. 3 tom. 12mo Par. 1728 Denis (Jean Baptiste) Memoires Anecdotes de la Cour et du Clerge de France, 12mo — Loud. 1712 La Faoniade, 18mo l. p. — Madrid - Viaggi Fatti da Venetia, alia Tana, in Persia, in India, et in Constantinople 12mo — Aldus Fen. 154.5 Svinine (Paul) quelques Detailes sur le Generate Moreau et ses derniers Moments, l2mo —■ Lond. 1814 2 C 2 THIRTY-SIXTH DAY. 174 J //•—" 56 C 4 - /J^C 3005 / /-3 COO 2- // * 3 C 07 ^ - ’3008 ' 2> // —3609 ^-■ 061 0 / 3011 / 1 4 S 4 p 3^,2 2 & 3013 / -3614 5 /? * 3015 e? —3016 / * 3617 - ty' S/7 3018 3619 - sc / - 3020 J A 4 — - 3021 2 //V 3022 '/'S- - 3023 / /- 362-1 3025 - /y~*r 3020 / 0 3027 2. y O 3023 3029 Proverbii

  • — 3663 A ditto of 40 — ditto 3669 A ditto of 40 — ditto 36/0 A ditto of 40 — ditto 3671 A ditto of 48 — ditto 0672 A ditto of 39 — ditto 3673 A ditto of 18 — ditto 30/4 A ditto of 45 — ditto 307 5 Gabriellis (Angelo) Sacrorum Vaticanae Basilicae Cryptorum Monumenta, folio — Rom. 1773 3676 Le Roy (Jacobo) Notitia Marchionatus Sacri Romani imperii, folio — — Amst. 1678 3 677 Ashmole’s (Elias) Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the most Noble Order of the Garter, folio Lond. 1672 06/8 Beaumont’s (Albanis) Travels through the Lepontine Alps, from Lyons to Turin, folio — ib, 1800 THIRTY-SIXTH DAY. —*679 Z —36SO y 0 —-6681 fiff7 * 36S2 j/t 0 a 3683 ////— 3684 yy ^ 3685 / fj— - 3686 * 2 ^ ^ 3687 377 Histoire de l’Entree de la Reyne Mere da Roi Ires Crestiea dans les Provinces Uniesdes Pays bas, enrichie de Planches, folio — — ib. 1639 Wagenaar ’T Verheugd Amsterdam, folio Avist. 1768 Fiddes's (Richard) Life of Cardinal Wolsey, illustrated with several copper-plates, folio Lond. 1724- ORDERS of the VENETIAN STATE for the Government ofISTRIA, with a Painting, in which is the portrait of Nicolas Nani by Tintoret, in a perfection of touch and strength of colouring which distinguish that great master. Tintoret, at that time, held the appointment of Painter to the State of Venice, and this book with his portrait was presented by the Doge to N. Nani, on his appointment to the Government of Capo d'Istria, MS. on vellum., 4 to. in the original binding, vnlh the date 1343, red morocco A Matchless Copy of the MOST SPLENDID WORK on ART ever published, THE MUSEE NAPOLEON, in 6 vol. imperial polio on wove paper hot-pressed, illus¬ trated by PROOF IMPRESSIONS, selected and collated by the Emperor's Librarian, contain¬ ing Prints recording the most distinguished Pictures of the. Italian, Dutch, Flemish, French, and German SCHOOLS.— Every print in the highest slate of perjection, and to be sold at per print. The purchaser will be entitled to the additional volume at the work now published, or publishing in Paris CASE No. 15. A Collection of Etchings, 7 vol. 4to Lond. A Edinb. 1812 Pennant’s Account of London, highly illustrated, and bound in 4 vol. 4to — Lond. —— Forrest’s Voyage from Calcutta to the Mergui Archipelago, 4to — — ib. 1792 Colnett’s (Capt. Janies) Voyage to the South Atlantic and round Cape Horn, 4to — ib. 1798 NN THFRTY-SIXTH DAY. 378 / ~r 3883 / /f —S689 J 3690 4 /# 3691 2_ O 3692 2 J —3693 ft 4 -3691 '3695 /3696 / /Z~ /3697 / S —3698 2. The above two Work* are bound in one. THIRTY SIXTH DAY. 380 Zf~ £ —8717 7 3718 y 7 —3719 7 ^7 7 372 a /* -3721 /^V^^-3723 */7 7-3724 JZ 0 / 3725 ' J 9 3726 / 7/-37.27 -// 3728 7 -3729 >7 3730 2 / 2 - / 3731 77 - 3732 / //•— 3733 /2 2 - 3734 07 CP? / 3735 Vetusta Mokumenta Rerum Qu;e ad BRITANICAS Antiquitates Pertinent, 4 vol. in 2, Socie. Antiqua. Londini. 1747-1815 Description des Festes donnees, par La Ville de Paris a 1'occasion du Manage de Madame Louisa de France et de Dom. Philippe, folio — Par. 1740 Representation des Fetes donnees par La Ville de Stras¬ bourg, en 1744, folio — — 1744 Fetes Publiques donnees, par La Ville de Paris a 1’occa- sion du Mariage de M. Le Dauphin, folio Par. 1745 Le Grand Escalier de Versailes, par M. Le Brun et Mig- nard, folio —- — ib. 1736 Foreign Portraits, by WIERIX, SADELER, K1LIAN, &c. (63) extra Jine — — -. CEuvres de SIMONEAU, en 197 planches, (very fine) -. Collection of thirty-two Foreign Portraits, engraved by NANTEUIL, EDELINCK, &c. (extra fine) - Collection of 14 Portraits, engraved by DREVET, NAN¬ TEUIL, MARIETTE, &c. — - Piranesi Antichite Romane, 4 vol. early impres¬ sions, folio — — Rom. 1756 Nolli, Nuovo Pianta di Roma L’Anne, 1748 Brettingham’s Plans and Elevation of Holkham Hall in Norfolk — — Lond. 1761 An atlas Volume of miscellaneous Prints (92) after AN¬ DREA SACCHI, CARLO MARATTI, ANNIBALI CARRACCI, DOMINICIIINO, &c. extra fine -- Collection of 125 prints and etchings, by STELLA DEL¬ LA BELLA, and others — - Relation de 1’Arrivee du Roi au Havre-de-Grace, le 19 Sept. 1749 — — Par. 1753 Fete Publique, donnde par la Ville de Paris a l’occasion du Mariage de M. Le Dauphin le 13 Fev. 1747 ib. 1748 Recueil des Festes, Feux d’Artifice, et Pompes Funebres, ordonnees pour le Roi, folio Par. 1756 La Gallerie du Palais du Luxembourg, peintepar Rubens, folio — ib. 1710 Topham’s (J.) Account of the Collegiate Chapel of Saint Stevens, Westminster, Exeter Cathedral, and Bath Abbey, atlas folio ~ -—- Antiguedades Arab?* dc Espana, folio - 0 THIRTY-SIXTH DAY. 381 4 ^ -^3737 | 0 ? &—8738 J 0 —9739 / ^^-3740 Z- //—9741 /00 —3742 //S / J743 ' O 0^A A 3744 0 3745 y£ -3746 J 6 >3747 1 3748 U V f 3749 // 0' “ 3750 /!/ <^3751 // // —3752 <$3753 _R754 Ruines de la Grece, folio Views of the Churches, Palaces, &c. of London and Westminster, folio -— Lond. 1819 Soane’s (J.) Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Buildings, folio — ib. 1788 A Picturesque Tour of Killarney, in Twenty Views, folio ib. 1789 Cupola della Chiesa di S ta - Agnese a Piazza Nuona in Roma, folio Note .—With the Autograph of Sir J. Reynolds. Rusca (Louis) Recneil de Dessins de differens Batimens 2t St. Petersbourg, et dans la Russie, bound Petersb. 1810 Knorr's (Geo. Wolf.) Petrifactions, plates beautifully co¬ loured, Description in German, Norimb. 1755. Knorr Delicae Natures Selectse, a series of highly finished co¬ loured engravings, in one vol. half bound, russia extra Norimb. 1754 Oisseaux de la Chine, folio, half bound russia, coloured plates — — - Historia Naturalis Ranarum Nostratium in qua Omnes Earum Proprietates, par Alberti Haller, atlas folio half bound russia — Nuremberg, 1758 L’Oeuvres d’Antoine Watteau, grave d’apres ses Tableaux et Desseins du Cabinet du Roi, par M. de Jullienne, 284 plates, proofs before and after the letters, and, in many instances, duplicates, 2 vol. folio Par. - An Atlas Folio, with leaves for prints A Ditto lettered, “ English Portraits.’’ The Works of N. Poussin, 43 plates, imperial atlas folio A Collection of 113 Engravings from paintings by Titian, and other old masters, folio A Ditto of 36 ditto after Guido, atlas folio A Ditto of 57 ditto, by Romain de Hooghe, folio Columna Cochlis M. Aurelii Antonini Augusti, folio Rom. 1704 Deorum Concilium in Pinciis Burghesianis, ab Joanne Lanfranco Parmensis spirantibus, ad vivum imaginibus turn monocramatihus, atque ornamentis tnira pingendi Arte expressum, folio' 382 TtflUTY-SIXTH DAY. <9 '3755 3756 4 * - 3757 X /& -3758 * 7 — 3759 7 7 — 3760 4 * 3701 * 3762 / ^ ; \ - 3763 J'7 — 3764 X 4 —" 3765 * 9 — 3766 /£ /4 — 3767 ^ 3768 ? 3 3769 Jo 7 - 3770 / 7 3771 y c? - 3772 A /Z — 4773 7J ^ / 3774 Bartoli (Pietro Santi) Colonna Trajana Erretta dal Senato e Popolo Romano, con l’Espositione da Pietro Belloni, folio Bartoli Columna, M. A. Antonino, cum notis illustrata Belloni, folio — Rom. 1704 N. B.—The above two lots are on large paper and uniform Trew (C. Jacobos) Florurn Imagines, Figures coloris J. M. Seligmann, Textus en Lat: et Germ: folio 1768 Eliret, (Georgius D.) Plants Selectee quarum Imagines ad Exemplaria-Naturalia Londini in Hortis Curiosorum, figures coloris, folio — 1751. Trew (C. Jacobos) Plantse Rariores Edente, J. C. Keller, figures coloris, folio — 1763 Marsili (A. F. C.) Danubius Pannonico Mysicus, Ac. 6 tom. folio — Hagce. 1726 Pompa Funebris et Introitus Ducum Lotharingiae Ducis Caroli, 3 vol. folio — — - Chinese Prints, (16) representing Battles, Processions, &c. imperial atlas folio — — - Recueil de Festes et autres Ceremonies, atlas folio --- Del Palazzo de Cesari opera Postuma di Monsignor Fran¬ cesco Bianchini Veronese, folio Verona. 1738 Nouveaux Batimens, folio — — - Mawritio(J.) Res Brasilio Imperante, folio Amst. 1647 Chronioue de Nuremberg (curious wood cuts) Impress. Nurem. 1193 Monthly Review, from 1749 to 1822, 175 vol. 8vo. Kircherie (Athanase) La Chine, illustre de plusieurs Mo¬ numents de la Nature, et de l’Art, folio Amst. 1670 Piranesi Vedute di Roma. 2 tom. en 145 most brilliant and very early impressions — Rumen. --- Belasis’s coloured Views in St. Helena, 1815 Land. 1815 Architectural Remains of Eleusis, Sunium and Tboricus, published by the Society of Dilettante Land. 1817 Bartolozzi’s Engraved Copies of the Pictures of Guercino, proof impressions Bov dell's (J. & J.) Collection of 561 Prints, engraved from Pictures by the most eminent painters, fine impres¬ sions, 9 vol?. atlas folio half bound russia Land - THIRTY-SIXTH DAY. 383 */ —3775 D’Embry (Artus Thomas Sieur) Les Images, ou Tableaux de Platte Peinture des deux Philostrates Sophistes Grecs, folio — — Par. 1614 / //■—3776 La Perfezione Religiosa per di S. Benedetto in Padova, folio — — —■— >2 Z -8777 Hill’s (Aaron) Account of the present State of the Otto¬ man Empire, folio — Land. 1709 •3 ^'""3778 Bentley’s (R.) Designs for six Poems, by T. Gray, folio L ib. 1753 r 3779 p. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica Georgica et ^Eneis ab Antonio Ambrogi Florentino, 3 vol. folio Rom. 1763 Z /£•?-—8780 Asonii Opera in Usum Delphini, 2 vol. 4to Par. 1730 End of the Thirty-sixth Day. 384 Thirty-seventh Day’s Sale, WEDNESDAY, the 29th of OCTOBER, 1823, Commencing at Half-past Twelve precisely. From Lot 3781 to Lot 3.970 will be Sold this Day, Being the TWENTIETH DAY of BOOKS. LOT (/> -378i 3 -3782 ^ 'F C 3783 3784 A / -3785 7 a -3786 *-7 / 3787 3788 A 2 . £ 3789 / 0 3790 L A -3791 / rff — 3792 Oak Library , fyc. continued. ,UINTUS Curtus cura Snakenburg, 2 tom. 4to Delphini, 1764 Conrad Gesneri Tigurini Medicina et Philosophia, folio Tiguri. 1587 Dapper Description exacte des Isles de L’Archipel, Chy- pre, Rhodes, Candie Samos, &c. avec planch s, folio Amst. 1703 Musei Wormiani Historia, folio — ib. 1655 (Athanasii Kircheri E soc. Jesu) Mundus subterraneus, 2 tom. folio — — ib. 1763 Johnson’s (Samuel) Dictionary of the English Language 2 vol. folio — — Lond. 1750 Kennedy’s (James) Description of the Antiquities and Cu¬ riosities in Wilton House, illustrated by 25 engraving^ of the Statues, Busts, &c. — Salisb. 17 69 Brittons Fine Arts of the English School Ghczzi, Raccolta di 24 Caricature, folio Dresd. 1750 Mortimer's (J. H.) Etchings, folio Lond. 1778 CanalleriiSj Ecclesim Anglicanae Trophaea, fol. Rom. 1584 Historia Generalis Soeietatis Jesu, lolio THIRTY-SEVENTH DAY. 385 ' 2 / 2-4 3793 / /-3704 /■ O 3795 3 ^796 / 4 tom. en 2 , 4to — Lug. Bat. 1061 ‘ 3825 . David (Joanne) Occasio arrepta negleeta huius commoda, illius incommoda, 4to — Ant. 1005 3826 Prodigiorum ac Ostentarum Chronicon, folio 1457 / - 3827 Delle Allusioni di Principio Fabricii di Gregorio XIII. fol. Rom. 1588 *■ // 3828 Del Congresso Notturno delle Lammie di Girolamo Tar- tarotti Roveretano, 4to — Roveret. 1749 2 - // / 3829 La Conionction des Lettres et des Armes des deux Dues de Guyse, Freres, 4to — Rheims, 1579 / 3830 Cervantes (Miguel de) Vida y Hechos Don Quixote de la Manclie, 4 tom. en 2, (illustrated with fine engravings by Vandergueht — — 1738 / >7 3831 Guthrie’s Modern Geography, 4to russia, with folio . v olume of maps and plates — Lond. 1811 / 0 — 3832 Hoogeveen (Henrico) Doctrina Partieularum Linguae Gnecae, 2 vol. chart, max. — 1769 7 / 3833 An Atlas of the Mogul Empire and a Ditto of 25 Miles, round London — — —— 4 0 3834 A collection of 225 engravings from Antique Gems, See ., folio — — / 4 _ 3835 Imitations ot Drawings, by Parmegiano, oblong 4to 2 ^ - 3833 La Flora D’Andrea Salvadori, 4to — Firenz. 1G28 / o 3837 Castellionaei (Jo. Ant.) Mediolanensis Antiquitates ex Urbis Paradis collects, 4to Mediolani, 1625 / 0 . 3838 Recueil de Description du Cabinet de M. Grollier de Ser viere, avec des Figures, 4to — Lyons. 1719 /