Clas£ M. KNOEDLER & Co., I No. 4 8 15, Old Bond St., Acq. No. W. | \ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute CATALOGUE OF THE VERT CHOICE COLLECTION WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS, AND PICTURES, OF JOHN DILLON, ESQ., DECEASED: ALSO, A FEW MARBLES, BRONZES, AND ETRUSCAN VASES. Which (by order of the Executrix) WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8, KING- STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1869, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be publicly viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8, King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person shall advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of any Lot. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1869, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. UNKNOWN. cr&lcruo CLJL^ 1 Portrait of Dr. Johnson — in crayons. ~3~ • (1 S. FERRATO (After). 2 Mater Dolorosa. // & CARRACCI (After). *[) cr'his-r-Ld 3 The Three Maries. From the picture at Castle Howard by / Zc. Wilkins. RAFFAELLE (After.) ir^bn-o o~^-f 4 The Sybils. From the fresco in the church of S. Maria della /4 f Pace , Pome : by Marianacci. RUBENS (After). f^y-c o <4e> 5 The Rape of the Sabines, by C. Brocky. /3 J. HOLLAND. "ZJffhust 'lA 6 A Study of Flowers, from Nature. 9 /& C* <2 / S ■ /(. S' L. S' s 3/ /o ■ 3 13 A /S /*> /£ Jo 2/ S 1 H. RICHTER. 7 A Peasant Girl. C. BROCKY. 8 A Female Head. J. F. LEWIS, R.A. 9 A Girl of Granada on a Mule. Exhibited at Manchester. J. F. LEWIS, R.A. 10 A Roman Boy. Exhibited at Manchester. G. BARRETT. 11 Solitude : a grand rocky scene, with a pool of water. Exhibited at Manchester 1857. J. F. LEWIS, R.A. 12 The Temple of Isis, Thebes. W. MULLER, 1839. 13 Entrance to Bruce’s Tomb, Valley of the Kings. JUL <5*. ey Qu** d V A A Az ; y z tn/>in >-i R. P. BONINGTON. 14 15 16 On the Coast, near Treport. cEA S Jxtla J Co-, IS H. J. JOHNSON. V The Via Mala. Exhibited at Manchester. THE CHEVALIER HILDEBRANDT. The Peak of Teneriffe. Exhibited at Manchester. crui cu- 1 5 ( 1 Or { o^JLckaj ■ i. ) C) !\' l y -:. j. Cl ^rreoLe .cjoz Jk d9^ tf&Lcruo o<~'-r -Q? &tr> a. 'z -4 SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A. 17 Mount Lebanon. S. PALMER. 18 A River Scene: sunset. SCARLETT DAVIS. 19 The Tribune, Florence. Exhibited at Manchester. 20 The Rialto. 21 A View in Wales. F. DILLON. W. BENNETT. W. MULLER. 22 XANTHUS, with the river. Exhibited at Manchester. W. MULLER. -, 23 Homer’s River, Smyrne. Exhibited at Manchester. W. MULLER._ 24 Valley, looking from Xanthus to Pinara. Exhibited at Manchester. W. MULLER^ 25 Xanthus AND Ruins FROM Chioke. Exhibited at Manchester. W. MULLER. 26 Tombs AT Macry. Exhibited at Manchester. W. HUNT. 27 “ GOOD DOG.” Exhibited at Manchester. rs j /o Ag 4- ■9 /a 7 // /4 /4 .*>8 /y / UA o G>/ /q / 43 / /ov Co c Co 6 [- r W. HUNT. 1st /6~ 28 DEVOTION. From the Bernal Collection. Exhibited at Man- Cl Q, cruXLO 1 Chester. T. GIRTIN. s/ ,■—> y / ' 29 GISBOROUGH PRIORY. From the Harewood Collection. G. CATTERMOLE. 8Q f 30 READING THE BIBLE. XJ J. S. COTMAN. ua 31 HAY BARGES ON THE YARE. Exhibited at Manchester. (X o, crx- aoJ f G. CATTERMOLE. y 32 MACBETH AND THE WITCHES. Exhibited at Manchester. 4 ^ (I J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 3/4 33 THE SOURCE OF THE ARVERON. Engraved in the Liber ( 1 Studiorum. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. fay / 34 A SEAPIECE. Engraved in the Liber Studiorum. Exhibited at cJLsk^ 7 Manchester. , ; if. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 388 /a 35 THE EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. Engraved by Lupton. CJL.&t 0~ULJLXJr Exhibited at Manchester. V d J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 8oi+ 4 36 VESUVIUS IN REPOSE. Engraved. Exhibited at Man- < 7 } J U drtexsrL *d Chester. ■> «,i J v J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. .34/ JO 37 VESUVIUS IN ERUPTION. Engraved. Exhibited at Man- Chester. > ■ 7 tj cfL S>^L (frud-U M 6u fl^JU-O- XJ $9 ■fji 321 42 POOLE, DORSETSHIRE. Engraved in the Southern Coast. Exhibited at Manchester. 3^0 . J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 43 RIYAULX ABBEY. Engraved in England and Wales. Ex¬ hibited at Manchester. . ■ J. M. W. TURNER, RA. 44 MONT BLANC FROM AOSTA. From the Pilkington Col¬ lection. Exhibited at Manchester. i : 7 J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 45 FOLLY HILL, YORKSHIRE. From the same Collection. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A._ 46 A LANDSCAPE, with figures driving animals to a pool of water, a castle on a hill in the distance. From the same Collection. %2 & / !0 /0 JS /o /o ' 1 Cq JJS $25 /o J. M. W. TURNER, E.A. 47 INTEEIOE OF WESTMINSTEE ABBEY: the chapel north 31. a, rruLuj- of the choir. From the Harewood Collection. J. M. W. TUENEE, E.A. 48 NORHAM CASTLE, on the Tweed. From the Harewood Col- 1 ? 9 lection. PICTURES. . / W. GRUYTER, 49 A Dutch River-scene, with boats. / / W. DELAMOTTE. 50 Bridge at St. Maurice, on the Rhone. * 3 A — o W. DELAMOTTE. 51 Chalet in the village of Lauterbrounn. cjrrx. JUsijuJ -c tJhj 6> s E. EVANS. 52 Interior, with four figures after De Hooghe. 0 ckfrLOL /4 Hb F. CROPSEY. 53 American Autumn Scenery. eruOa- *Y e eri-b Qt^ayo ej^i ; cK> 56 LlSMORE —a vignette. F. D. HARDY, 1858. 57 The Cotter’s Saturday Night. W. H. FURSE, 1867. 58 The Young Giotto. C. BROCKY. 59 Music and Sculpture protected by the Muse of Poetry. GUIDO (After). 60 The Aurora, by M. A. Hayter. RAFFAELLE (After). 61 The Madonna della Seggiola, with a miniature of the painter above—in richly carved frame. F. DILLON. 62 Mariette’s Temple, with the Great Pyramid. T. STOTHARD, R.A. 63 Four of the Muses in a landscape. Engraved as an illustration to Alaric Watts's Poems. From the Collection of S. Rogers , Esq. WATTEAU. 64 A Pair of Conversations Champetres— ovals. ALEX. JOHNSTON. 65 Tyndal translating the Bible. 2/ (o f u /(* /6> fir / eg o o /4 c /< /(A L / C C> cf«3 // 6D. // 10 l+$> /S ! !b\ /£=■ /y\/* SD\/Q •J2C> J. HOLLAND. 66 A Group of Flowers in a Glass Bottle. W. ETTY, R.A. 67 Study of a Man’s Head. E. W. COOKE, R.A. 68 Venice, from the Giudecca^ with the Dogana, and Sta. Maria della Salute. Bought from, the Artist. W. ETTY, R.A. 69 Three Children. F. DILLON. \t>,^ <2 • 70 An Italian Lake-scene. J. C. HORS LEY, R.A . c f}3 c2. . 7i Lady Jane Grey and Roger Ascham. J. HOLLAND. 72 Shakespeare’s Cliff, Dover. J. HOLLAND. 73 Hastings : the Lover’s Seat— the companion. G. E. HERING. 74 ISOLA DEL PESCATORE, LAGO MaGGIORE. C. R. LESLIE, R.A._ 75 JEANNIE DEANS INTERCEDING WITH THE QUEEN IN KENSINGTON GARDENS. ^> a > l «oll W CX-& /rutx^O d o5ra Vhdic « I* 76 D. ROBERTS, R.A., 1838. INTERIOR OF THE CATHEDRAL OF BURGOS DURING MASS. £62 JAMES HOLLAND. 77 A VIEW IN ROTTERDAM, WITH THE STATUE OF ERASMUS. Painted for Mr. Dillon. cx “O / F. DILLON. 78 THE PYRAMIDS AT SUNRISE. Exhibited at the British Institution , 1859. r /-2 79 F. GOODALL, R.A., 1853. LE BON CURE : Interior, with a peasant family, Normandy. /3C /o ROSA BONHEUR. 80 THE WOODMAN, WITH THREE DONKEYS. 4/4 /S W. MULLER, 1841. 81 INTERIOR, WITH TURKS SMOKING AND AN AT¬ TENDANT NUBIAN SLAVE. J2P o o-- 1 J. PHILLIP, R.A. 82 THE ANDALUSIAN LETTER-WRITER. A finished sketch for the picture in the Collection of her Majesty the Queen, which was exhibited at Manchester. 2/o JOHN LINNELL, Sen. 83 THE DELL. Bought from the artist. //o or E. W. COOKE, R.A. 84 VENICE, THE BRIDGE OF SIGHS. Painted for Mr. Dillon. 53/ 12 I j IJP /o 85 JAMES HOLLAND. ROTTERDAM: THE CHURCH OF ST. LAWRENCE. cr^JUrcu Exhibited at the British Institution, 1859. 1 86 A. ELMORE, R.A. MRS. PEPYS SITTING TO FRANK HALS FOR HER oc CLf Qn^exx J PORTRAIT. Painted for Mr. Dillon. _ 90 PAUL DE LA ROCHE NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPS. With autograph letter of the painter's in reference to it. 0 3QQ 91 E. MEISSONIER. THE SMOKER. Etched by the painter. Exhibited at Man- Chester. Yfst 92 T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. A LANDSCAPE, with a group of cattle and peasants on the bank \ of a river, in which vessels and boats are lying and landing fish. From the Collection of S. Rogers, Esq. Exhibited at Man¬ chester. uv U 93 JOHN CROME, Sen. VIEW OF NORWICH. A a ov'io aP d 18 WATTEAU. 94 A FETE CHAMPETRE: a party of cavaliers and ladies seated /sr /O (l on a bank near a statue. From the Collection of S. Rogers , / Esq. p CrrccJli^, 97 Russell, as Jerry Sneak, Si ETRUSCAN VASES. c2ra 98 A HYDRIA, with three figures in red on black ground. /X.a, m cj-j^y 99 An AMPHORA, with figures in black heightened with purple and / > ‘— /- /s - a white on red ground. S-TT- C //& 100 An AMPHORA, with three figures in red on black ground. oT /S' 101 AN AMPHORA, with a frieze of figures, with inscriptions on / ■ the neck and animals in three zones beneath, black figures / heightened with purple and white on red ground. *** BRONZES. 102 Chiron and Achilles. ,3 Q /& SH Sot- cJh-> 103 The Medici Vase. — ----— L / £2, / SCULPTURE. 5Q / /P 104 EDWARD DAVIS, 1865. THE INFANT ST. JOHN—on pedestal. CLERICI (of Rome). / 105 A BUST OF THE YOUNG AUGUSTUS- —on revolving 3*f / pedestal. / - 106 Bust of Minerva. / 7 107 Bust of Lord Byron. From Lady Blessington's Collection. 4 /