C A. T -A. Xj O C3- XJ 33 OF THE COLLECTIONS OF Modern Pictures AND DRAWINGS OF J. PEARSON COX, ESQ. Deceased; H. HICKS, ESQ. Deceased; AND PICTURES FROM DIFFERENT PRIVATE COLLECTIONS: WHICH SHtll be £>olb bu Auction bo Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TMEim G&KAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 18 9 7, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall bo made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. Z. 6; /S'. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of J. PEARSON COX ,, Esq., deceased, jrr f ENGRAVINGS. 1 With Ivy Mantle Clad, after B. W. Leader, A.R.A.— artist's proof - 2 Quatre Bras, after Lady Butler, by F. Stacpoolo, A.R.A.— artist'sNXcszTc^-vC proof, signed - 3 The Roll Call, after ditto, by ditto —ditto DRAWINGS. C. DETTI, 1878. 4 The Reception 21 in. by 30 in. ■y/r ccc*-+CiS B 2 •a 4 J' E, J. NIEMANN. 5 Canterbury Cathedral A -/' 15£ in. by 12 in. 6" E. J. NIEMANN. 6 The Entrance to a Castle ^ 15A in. by 10 in. 4-z PICTURES. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1876. 7 Sheep in the Snow > 17 in. by 23 in. 3(y S. GRIZZONE. 8 Sport in the 16th Century - J . 24 in. by 41 in. /O LANDSEER. 9 Sheep in a SnED 16J in. by 23 in. *A L. LANCKOW, 1880. 10 A Winter Scene 17 in. by 28 in. fa LAZERGES. 11 A Girl at a Fountain, Algiers 27 in. by 15 in. ‘s' 5 / L. MARCHETTI, 1877. 25" 12 A View before a Palace, with figures 9J in . by 14 in . E. J. NIEMANN. 13 A River Scene, with a windmill 9£ in . by 131 in . E. J. NIEMANN. ^ 14 Ludford Mill and Bridge 13 in . by 20 in . E. J. NIEMANN. 20'/s. 15 a Barge in a Lock 11 j in . by 8^ in . E. J. NIEMANN. 16 Ludlow 17 in . by 311, in . / l^tsCtJZs E. J. NIEMANN. v 17 Kenilworth Castle 18^ in . by 29 in . E. J. NE1MANN. 18 Abergavenny 171 in . by 31^ in . E. J. NIEMANN. 36' 19 Dovedale, Derbyshire 25j in . by 44£ in . 6 //J0 E. J. NIEMANN. 4o 20 The Grand Quay, Rouen 22 in. by 40 in. 3o E. J. NIEMANN. 21 Interior of the Chapel, Haddon Hall 33 in. by 43 in. E. J. NIEMANN. 22 West Thurrock, Purfloot 25 in. by 45 in. <20 E. J. NIEMANN. 23 Filey, Yorkshire 24 i in. by 44 in. E. J. NIEMANN. 24 Bristol Harbour 24 J in. by 44 in. /o E. J. NIEMANN. 25 A River Scene, with barge and ruin Hi in. by 9 in. E. J. NIEMANN. 26 A Landscape, with rustic bridge and angler 16 in. by 22^ in. L. J. POTT, 1875. 27 Don Quixote 29 in. by 47 in. ■^o-es //,z 7 L. J. POTT, 1877. 28 The Flirtation : Scene at Lady Place Abbey 39 in. by 66 in. W. ROUBER, 1878. 29 Tiie Outpost 8| in. by 14^ in. C. SELL, 1875. ^ 30 Prussian Outposts 5J in. by 7 in. W. SHAYER. ■go 31 A Woody Landscape, with cattle at a pool 13^ in. by 17 J in. A. VICKERS. / 32 A Lane Scene, with cattle and figures 9 in. by 13 in. A. VICKERS. 33 A Woody Landscape, with a pool and ducks 9 in. by 13 in. E. G. WARREN. gr 34 A Farm Scene, with cattle 25 in. by 19 in. •— TH. WEBER. 35 St. Ives, Cornwall 33 in. by 51^ in. /m Zso THE /V/ ^ PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. f A 7 . L. ALMA TADEMA, R.A., 1862. 36 THE AMBUSCADE : —Gonthkahn Bos£, a.d. 572 26 in. by 39 in. Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery , 1882 J. LINNELL, Sen., 1851, / ?° 37 YOUNG ANGLERS 28 in. by 36 in. H. W. B. DAYIS, R.A., 1877. ZOO 38 EVENING 34 in. by 60 in. Fir H. DAWSON, Sen., 1871. 39 The Old Lock, Windsor Castle in the distance 28 in. by 42 in. A**/' 3 r EDWIN ELLIS, 1875. 40 Milking Time : A river scene—sunrise 42 in. by 60 in. Exhibited at the Suffolk Street Galleries A.f /*■ COOPER. 41 Cantekbuby Meadows, with sheep Z. f //JL 9 A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. r " 3 ' f / P- J C. FIELDING. 42 A Coast Scene, with boats DAVID COX. 43 Rhyl Sands Exhibited at Liverpool, 1886 Exhibited at Southport, 1892 From the Collection of A. G. Kurtz, Esq. 'Sb&pJl E. \C>4Cc£a^Trx^n^i_ 44 Grand Canal, Venice 45 Scene in a Norman Town J. WIIYMPER. 46 Low Tide J. B. PYNE. 47 A Woody Landscape BONINGTON. 48 A Coast Scene, with boats 'PY&4. ' rx.O C. BENTLEY. 49 The Mouth of a River, with fisherwomen 10 D. COX. •< 50 A Landscape, with figures on a road 19 in. by 27 in. Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester COX. 51 A Welsh Landscape, with cattle /tec-/ PICTURES. P. H. CALDERON, R.A., 1870. 52 The Orphans Exhibited at the Boyal Academy J. GARNIER, 1873. // 53 Taking Toll Exhibited at Southport, 1892 T. F. DICKSEE, 1872. 54 Miranda X. r DE NOTER and GOUPIL. /£ 55 Preparing Dessert A. r E. FRERE. 56 Young Fisherboy z.z E. FRERE. 57 Villers-le-Bel, near Ecouen //J?J 11 E. FRERE. 58 Boats at St. Valery 1,-ruzs E. FRERE. 59 Interior in Auvergne E. FRERE. 60 Chatel Guyon, Auvergne The following are Sold hy Order of the Executors of TI. HICKS, Esq. deceased. PICTURES. BAXTER, Jun. 61 Female Head —oval BAXTER, Jun. 62 Female Head —oval BAXTER, Jun. 63 Female Head —oval A. PROVIS. 64 The Love Letter A. PROVIS. 65 Past and Prebent 12 3 '/*- 7 F. WYBURD. 66 The Howdah —circle P. VAN WYNGAEROT. 67 The Boudoir T. BROOKS. 68 Expectation s&C&sy - 69 II Penseroba T. BROOKS. 70 Off Guard T. BROOKS. 71 Going to the Highland Kirk j/jl E. A. PETTITT. 72 The Mill Stream 3 T. H. J. MANN. 73 Hark, Hark, the Lark ! 3 T. H. J. MANN. 74 “Dor ma Petite Amour” 75 Fecamp J. J. WILSON, 1859. // Jo /-2 /J / 13 J. ,T. WILSON. 76 A Farm Yard T. ARMITAGE. 77 The Socialist C. ROSSITER. 78 The Turnstile J. STERLING. 79 The Lesson W. P. VAN SCHENDEL. / 4 - 80 Moonlight Scene, with market figures E. J. CORBETT. 81 The Letter G. STANFIELD. 82 TnE Greyfriars Tower, Richmond, Yorks G. STANFIELD. 83 Verona T. E. DUVERGER. 84 The Blind Beggar W. J. MULLER 85 The Terrace Steps J 14 t C. BAXTER. 2 / 86 Kathleen ffc&cxscd /z W. C. T. DOBSON, R.A. 87 The Young Grape Gatheker /*- H. O’NEIL, A.R.A. 88 Rosalind and Celia / 3 / u - A. GILBERT. 89 Across the Common J. B. BURGESS, R.A. 90 The Spanish Fan Seller Jc> J. B. PYNE. 91 Luino, Lago Maggiore '/*. /o • — /3 ?'/>- M 3o J. NASH. 102 Interior of a Baronial Hall 103 Bram Hall, Cheshire, after J. Nash —lithograph tfo-eAtAetfr STUART LLOYD. 104 River Scenes, with buildings and figures —a pair JAM 2 PICTURES. DUTCH SCHOOL. 105 Figures Outside a Palace —a pair 2 D. MACLISE, R.A. 106 Gil Blas and Don Alphonso finding Don Raphael and Lamela disguised as Hermits A. DE BREANSKI. 107 Llyn Gerionedd, North Wales A. DE BREANSKI. 108 Stronachlacher, Loch Katrine L. MALEMPRp, 1894. 109 The Fair Sketcher STUART LLOYD. 110 A Sheltered Haven 17 The following are the Property of A / rS '^ f J LADY. ENGRAVINGS. Ill A Mooe; and A Wood— Etchings by H. Paton ~ 112 Haddon, by W. H. May DRAWINGS —In the Folio. VICTOEIA HINE. 113 A Farm, with figures and poultry H. HINE. ~" 114 A Street Scene H. CARTER. 115 The Terrace, Haddon C. T. DAVIDSON. - 116 Children Gathering Flowers in a Wood Framed. R. DOWSON. ” 117 A Wayside Cross, Normandy J. M. GRIFFIN. " 118 A River Scene; and A Coast Scene S. GILBERT. — 119 A Bay Scene c 18 P. HOOK. — 120 A Riveb Scene, with steamboat C. LAMBERT. . j2 . /j?~/ 321 West Hoatheey Church, Sussex H. NUE. /£> __ 122 A Cottage Garden H. PILLEAU. ✓ / O . _ 123 Fabeioa di Gonbole, Venice C. ROSSITER. // o .- 124 Snow Buntings A. EVERSHED, / % • — 125 Cottages at Bawdsey Ferby J. WHITE. 126 Old Cottage at Lyme Regis f / e / PICTURES. WALTER CRANE, 1886. ^ 127 Spring E. COMPTON. / / S~ 128 From the Depths of the Sea 19 T. DAVIDSON. 3 ~- ~ 129 Thermidor /6~( A. GOODWIN. 130 Scene from the * Tempest ’ C. I’ANSON. /r. 131 HyIbes T. PYNE. 132 Venice J. PEEL. SL. - 133 SWARKSTON J/Jc££ O. RAMUS. /J- _ 134 Figures at a Pump % r G. E. SAINSBURY. / ST . - 185 On the Hillside A. WARDLE. — 136 A Ford of the Mountain FINIS. £jL0 33\ /J~ - aM J LoDdou : Printed by William Cloves & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.