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L*lCH’*sC . /OL/-./22, U-C UCSch-M IxJ&l^UJuu. a.cL /2 5' /2f. /30./3Z. /3 b /**- - yPhn^'G l, cV-c-^C /s/ U-6. ■9- 9S ! /ft/c^CJctuA /OS', /i+t- 30.32. -3 y~- /oy- ■ /3o. /3(d. /4^2_ . /S’/ CUl / 7 2/. 23 ■ 2 4-- 3 o. 3<+-. 3 />. 3Y- U-o. y-y- if S', i+cj . So. 3% gS<7. d> 3 . do. o<^. ' / /-> / q / O 5 * / O S. //O' /2 o , / 2 $ 3z • /dtszOi^trH /$£ / 3 S. /3Q /*+o. /*+$■■ /s9 . /s s. CXs'C&'dc ' Z. S'- // ./i+. /f-,21 ■ zS./f. 3/ ,36: 33- u-i. uz. 1+7 s /. ,y _ To ■ g/ .^V - J '- 72 - - 7 f - 79 . fz .< 73 . < F 6 '- £> ' fd1~> /oj. { Lu^. / ///. //j2 . // S '. // //«fr //9 /2^ , /?r _ /j? 4 ^ ^/ctn, 76aXL / /^/5' /. /o 3. /oy- /2Z . /2g~- / 30 . /3& / 3 ■- '- / ^~ Cc. Cr-tM' /U-6~ ‘ /&/. 3 . C. ^ * /2 ./^ ^ ^ ^ * Of. 46 " So. SQ. &3 X £• 6 7 &g. 7 &. , //4 /^ /3 3. CLCc0~c£J > /j/ &. XLe-cM-. /3G. /U-O ■ /4-#-. /t> 6 . /S7. O / T. Z / • Z £■/-. 3 o - 3Z/~ . 3 T'. 4^* L /- • 7 <5 £ 4 3 - 6 / 7 ^ /'' ‘ P ” • 7-UT^Xy , -- 7 <$ *j~‘ r <$77• /ftfW Huns x* Qf-_ /oz. 2. /<>*■ //0 ' /3 7 ■ / ffelcsUSoh-JA . ' /2Z/- . /37 / £/- /^> , /£+ CATALOGUE OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL PORCELAIN, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; ALSO A SMALL COLLECTION OF (Skmttftl Jamlam & (ClTjrrts of Jtrt, THE PROPERTY OF A LADY; A COLLECTION OF PORCELAIN AND DECORATIYE OBJECTS, By Order of the Executors of SIR W. J. W. BAYNES, Bart. Deceased, and from other Private Sources: rou^ 4 -1 WHICH SEtU be 5oltJ by ^uctton by Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON <£ WOODS, AT THE1H ©SEAT E@@MS s 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. A 4 - |gt? fjr . & May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square, S. \ V. -A • 55 j CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson, and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or .any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no lot can on any account bo removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. A II. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, aud the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. ♦O*- On THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. OLD NANKIN BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN. (l A bowl, with conventional arrangements of asters and characters —6 in. diam. 6 2 A pair of fluted bowls, with flowering asters in compartments 7 in. diam. / & 3 A bowl, with ladies and children on a terrace, diaper-pattern _ border —8 in. diam. UUlvIOI -U ti v • M/I'ttm'* y ^ / 4 A Pair of Eice-Jaiis and Covers, with vandyked panels, flowers in white on blue, marble-pattern ground in. high /y / 5 Eight small plates, the centres painted with the storm dragon^ ^ / prunus on the borders— 6 ^ in. diam. s 2 / O flowers in wnne on oiue, -4 .y- / 5 Eight small plates, the centres painted with the storm dragon^ prunus on the borders— 6 ^ in. diam. < G A set of four faceted bowls, with pierced panels, blue boideis ^ 41, in. diam .; and a small circular ditto O 7 Three plates, painted with ladies and children on a tepace—v yn 7 1 in. diam. tS* O 8 A pair of pear-shaped vases, entirely covered with flowering asters, , leaf pattern on the neck—16 in. high 2 * ? / H An oviform jar and cover, with mirror-shaped panels of utensils on a plum-pattern ground -10 in. high B 2 4 f 10 An oviform jar, with ladies, fir trees and rocks—9 in. high /' // / V ' / 11 A set of three vases and covers, and two beakers, slightly fluted, ^ _ . conventional asters in bands—4 in. high 2 " 12 A pair of vases and covers, and a beaker, entirely covered with the flowering aster—4§ in. high tA c-t# /’ /0 ,0 /» 6. o /j am 5f in. high // * O—, 24 A pair, of similar form, with mirror-shaped panels of flowers and rocks—54 in. Tiinh ^4 rocks—5£ in. high ° 25 A pair, similar, painted with utensils—5^ in. high 2G A pair of small vases, entirely covered with bamboo, &c.—4 in. high ■ and a larger vase, with sprays of asters—5 in. high z 7 5 6 27 - */ , O 28 29 0* 30 A barrel-shaped vase, with vandyked ornament, flowers on a blue ground, utensils in the centre—7^ in. high A barrel-shaped vase, with musicians on a terrace—81, in. high A Set of Three Cylindrical Vases, around the centres is a band with the storm dragon on a blue ground, abovo and below conventional foliage and vandyked ornaments—11 in. high A Set of Three Vases and Covers, and a Pair of Beaker Vases, with open lips, deep Vandyke panels of conventional Qf flowers on a blue ground—8 in. high —- z> 31 £ , O 32 A pair of hexagonal vases and covers, painted with sprays of fruit jL , n a i • v and flowers—8^ in. high 7 .s £ 33 34 An inverted pear-shaped vase, painted with a spray of chrysan¬ themums, prunus, peonies and lotos—9^ in. high A cylindrical bottle, painted with “ The Dream ”—8£ in. high A barrel-shaped vase, leaf-shaped panels on the neck and base, __ _ V' AT. o 36 baskets of flowers in the centre, divided by bands of diaper ornament—9 in. high 6 35 A Set of Three Vases and Covers and Two Beaker Vases, curiously painted with a European coat-of-arms surmounted by an eagle, flowered ground—6^ in. high £„ /. O 37 - C 88 . /o , 39 40 A Pair of Double Gourd-Shaped Bottles, painted with sprays f of lotos, chrysanthemums, prunus and peony, emblems on the ' neck—9£ in. high A Pear-Shaped Bottle, painted with six panels of figures, flowers, fruit, buildings and utensils, vandyked ornaments on the neck—11 in. high A small oviform jar, with conventional jewel ornaments 5^ in. high A Pair of Rioe-Jars and One Cover, with square-shape^ panels of utensils on a flowered ground—6^ in. high A set of three small oviform jars and covers, painted with ladies, and children on a terrace—5^ in. high lies/ 6 +1/, ^7 ~o 41 A Pair of Triple Gourd-Shaped Bottles, painted with quatre- foil panels of flowers, utensils on the groundwork, and bands of diaper and cloud ornaments —10^ in. high 42 A pair of vases and covers, entirely painted with rocky river scenes—11^ in. high CJ- //, //' & 43 A barrel-shaped vase, with ladies playing backgammon on a terrace—11 in. high J, /s : 0 44 A set of 6ix fluted dishes, painted with flowers in five panels, /? '/SS diapered pattern ground—lOf in. diam. *"<-> cT-/s: p 45 A set of three dishes, with seeding peonies—14 in. diam. ‘ , — 46 A pair of deep dishes, with a procession of figures in the centres, canopies of figures on the borders on a diapered-pattern ground —131 in. diam. ? y'' % & 47 A set of three deep dishes, similar—10 in. diam. 00&C- ? /'/£,, O 48 A larger dish, en suite—10^ in. diam. 49 A pair of fluted dishes, painted with basket of flowers in the centres, petal-shaped panels on the borders on a scale-pattern y ground—13 i in. diam. 50 A Large Dish, finely painted with a basket of seeding peonies and other flowers—24^ in. diam. X. r , O 61 A dish, with fruit-shaped panels in the Persian taste—18 in. diam. /£-, /•£ , £>62 A Pair of Cylindrical Powder-Blue Vases, with two upright y ^ ' panels of landscapes, birds and figures—10j in. high 53 A pear-shaped powder-blue bottle, pencilled with dragons in gold /\ J —17 in. high * 54 A deep dish, painted with warriors in the centre, petal-shaped panels of warriors on the border, diapered-pattern ground—■ ^ 141 in. diam. & st* with iais cd p( tal ornaments, figures of ladies and baskets ^ ' y of flowers, sprays of flowers on the neck—17 in. high «/7/t/-, A 15FAKKK A' ase, with leaf-shaped panels of flowering peonies in ^ / white on a blue ground—21 in. high Uv?jO t/fecrrrr* 7 /"£— » (r-- * Z? 59 An Oviform Jar, with two alternate panels of baskets of flowers and utensils, leaf-pattern on the neck and base, divided by bands of diaper ornaments—-14 in. high § 60 A PAIR OP LARGE OVIFORM VASES AND COVERS, painted with deep leaf-shaped panels of conventional peonies in white on a blue ground—33 in. high CHINESE ENAMELLED PORCELAIN. ’///- 0 I ^-7 ^ /O , O 7 , O 61 62 763 164 65 66 A set of three octagonal bowls and covers, surmounted by kylins, flowers in white on a green ground A jar, shaped as a melon, encrusted with flowers and enamelled with flowers and butterflies—6^ in. high A cylindrical famille verte vase, with three panels of flowers, utensils on the neck on a diapered-pattern ground—7 in. high A barrel-shaped famille verte vase, with sprays of flowers, petal / / s,' ^* 0~, T* peonies and rocks—9 in. high A service, enamelled in tho centres with a Dutch coat-of-arms in colours in gilt scroll-pattern borders, consisting of— Circular tureen and cover Four small tureens and covers Three shaped dishes and covers A Two table salts Large cup and cover Two tea-pots and covers Bowl and stand Thirty cups Twenty-eight saucers Two deep dishes Two circular dishes Two smaller ditto Two shallow bowls Six small ditto Forty-seven plates, and Fifteen soup-plates 8 o '68 69 ‘ f. 0 76 /£• / v 77 //*//, O 7« , /, O 79 ^, O 80 / i^ «/: 8i f*/9.6 82 A Triple Gourd-Shaped Bottle, of famille verte, painted with sprays of flowers, flowers in white on a coral-colour ground in 0 (/ ' the centre— 8 ^ in. high Another bottle, of similar form, oblong panels of flowers and utensils —8 in. high A Pair of Famille Bose Tea-Pots, enamelled with sprays of peonies, &c. on a black ground—4f in. high Four cups and saucers, enamelled with famille rose petal-shaped/ . panels on a black ground Three smaller cups and saucers, similar A Kien Lung figure of a sage—14^ in. high 7 Another figure, nearly similar—15^ in. high ■ ^ Another, larger—16 in. high . _ A powder-blue basin and stand, with mirror-shaped panels of landscapes in famille verte f A Powder-Blue Dish, a mirror-shaped panel in the centre enamelled in famille verte with utensils, eight smaller panels of the same on the border, the ground pencilled with gold —16 in. diam. <*, A Famille Yerte Dish, enamelled in the centre with peacocks, chrysanthemums, rocks, four oval panels of flowers on the border on marbled and diaper-pattern ground, outer border with A /> piunus on coral-colour ground—15| in. diam. ' A I amille Bose Dish, the centre enamelled with an imperial audience, leaf-shaped panels with flowers on the borders on a pink and blue trellis ground—15 in. diam. A Pair of Famille Bose Oviform Jars and Covers, with hunting subjects and landscapes—17 in. high ^ y? An Oviform Famille Verte Jar and Cover, with vandyked^ panels on the neck, entirely covered with the conventional * y. . 7 chrysanthemum—17 in. high An Oviform Famille Bose Jar and Cover, richly enamelled with Hij-Ho birds, rocks and peonies—17 in. high An Oviform Famille Bose Jar and Cover, with leaf-shaped , panels of flowers on a flowered green ground—17 in. high 1 ^ ?4 83 A CYLINDRICAL FAMILLE YERTE VASE, enamelled £7 —> xs with armed huntsmen issuing from the portals of a town, panels of utensils on the neck on a green diaper-pattern ground—29^ [ n% high ,f,e 84 A pair of Hizen seated figures of Musume, their Kiminos richly 7 £ enamelled with flowers, &c.—11 in. high f 85 A chiming clock, by Perigal, of London, in mahogany case mounted with chased or-molu—16 in. high ^ ^ ^ ^ J~, O ~/ 0 , 0 i/. /&/ THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. '87 A Nankin dish, with eight radiating panels with kylins and flowers, prunus-pattern border with panels of utensils- 11 in. diam. 88 A Cylindrical Famille Yerte Yase, with an imperial audience on the body, bamboo on the neck, with band of diaper-pattern utensils in four medallions—18^ in. high 89 Another, with sages and deer, fan-shaped panels on the neck with landscapes on a diapered-pattern ground—18^ in. high '90 A Japarese cloisonne enamel dish, with kylins in colours on a buff ground —131 { n . diam.; and one, with flowers and birds on a black ground 91 A pair of circular dishes, of old Nankin porcelain, with brackets 6 f flowers in the centres, and foliage and flowers on the borders —11 in. diam. . V y 92 A pair, similar 93 A pair, similar 94 A globular jar and cover, with river scenes in fan medallions, and flowers 95 An oviform jar and cover, painted with conventional foliage— ^ 9 f in. high irds , 10 ANOTHER PROPERTY. CHINESE CLOISONNE ENAMELS, With arabesques, &c. in colours on turquoise ground. t A pair of small flat two-handled bottles—3| in. high A pair of globular bottles, with long necks—4 in. high 3^* - A pair of long-necked bottles, with dragons and arabesques— 131 in. high N-y j f -• 99 A small-necked vase, with aster and arabesque loliage—111 in. high A pair of pilgrim bottles, with asters, &c., gilt metal bandies— A'/ y 13 in. high £, > , 0 96 4 . 4 97 (o > ^ 98 . , 0 100 /y . /«/ , O 101 i/7 V 102 » iT , o 103 /H . O 104 , E? . J. , o 107 ?+ y , 0 108 <3 ; E , o 109 A pilgrim bottle, with dragons and flowers in circular panels— ) ^ / 12 in. high Y E A vase, with asters and arabesques—15 in. high A- Another, nearly similar—14 in high /~£ £ Another—131 in. high , Another, of similar form, with a band of scroll ornament and ’ $/ • eyes Another, with asters and arabesques—12 in. high A vase, with small neck—11^ in. high A pair of vases, of similar form—12 in. high J£ -y , A bell-mouthed bottle—131 in. high ° 116 J . O 117 t/~ O H8 /O , 119 /o. o 120 .121 scenes, figures, &c. in colours—18 in. high A piair of vases, with garden scenes and ladies—18 in. high & An altar candlestick, enamelled with arabesques in colours e£ — Five oval-shaped dishes, on feet, enamelled with birds^ and , / / flowers, garden scenes and figures . */• , - A pair of beakers, with flowering asters in colours on a coral- coloured ground—11 in. high ; and two hanging vases, with , similar ornament, characters in panels A pair of hanging vases, shaped as fruit; and two fluted cups and saucers, painted in the European taste A bowl, with panels of warriors in colours and gold ; two small deep plates, nearly similar; two octagonal pdates,eu suite; a a plate, with buildings ; and three other pieces A mug, with ladies in j anels, blue borders ; and a pair ot hanging vases, with arabesques on a green ground Jv — MJ 12 CHINESE PORCELAIN. 6 23 A pair of double gourd-sliaped Nankin vases, painted with rocks and figures—16 in. high O 124 Nine bowls and covers, enamelled with flowers and character; . and six egg-shell cups, covers and four saucers 125 A bowl, with four circular panels on an engraved yellow ground ; a basin, with scale pattern ; a basin and cover, with arabesques and flowers; a basin and cover, with figures on a gold ground; and a basin and cover, enamelled witly , butterflies ’’j 126 Twelve deep plates, enamelled with sprays of aquatic plants; 1 seven octagonal cups, with buildings and figures; and a bowl, with sprays of flowers on a crackle ground , 127 A pair of large Imari dishes, with fan and other shaped panels of . * / 0 , 0 warriors in brilliant enamels—27 in. diam. CLOISONNE ENAMEL. a* J,, /&, 6 128 A pair of cloisonne enamel bottles, with flowers and leaf,? ornament on a turquoise ground—8^ in. high & ■ O 129 A pair of koros and covers, formed as figures of mandarin ducks 4 . A —4^ in. high 130 A pair of vases, with conventional flowers on buff and blue O ground—5 in. high ; and a sweetmeat dish and cover, Canton enamels, painted with warriors 13 BRONZES AND OBJECTS OF ART. , ^7 131 A pair of square-shaped beakers, with panels of leaf-shaped ornament in low relief—18 in. high—carved wood stand O 132 A koro and cover, formed as a sage seated on a bull—17 in. / high 133 A koro, cover and stand, shaped as a fruit, with branches of / prunus S’ ' ° 134 A candlestick, formed as a stork and tortoise ; a small vase, with kylin handles ; a koro, boy and pack ox; an okimono, boy and toad ; and a small globular vase 135 A Fluted Souohow Lacquer Box and Cover, the top carved with a lake scene and buildings, the stand formed as lotos leaves—16 in. diam. 136 Two shaped boxes, of similar lacquer, carved with figures 137 A cup, of rhinoceros horn, carved with buildings and trees— & dark wood stand ; a basket and cover, tortoiseshell, carved and pierced with figures ; and nine Japanese carved and painted toys EUROPEAN PORCELAIN. ' & 138 A pair of Capo di Monti vases and covers, with Bacchanalian 7^/7v figures in relief * *?139 A pair of Dresden cups and saucers, encrusted with flowers; a cup, on pedestal, with decoration in relief; a pair of figures of Apollo and Minerva ; and two other figures of shepherdesses /*, O 140 A large Dresden group of Count Bruhl’s Tailor—17 in. high — > glass shade a ad stand 141 A tazza, supported by a tree trunk, figures at the base, scroll plinth encrusted with flowers—21 in. high / J, C> 142 A pair of Sevres vases, painted with bouquets of flowers on tur- quoise and gold ground, mounted with or-molu—15 in. high ^143 A pair of candelabra, with circular Sevres bases painted with bouquets of flowers, turquoise ground, lily branches for four lights, of chased or-molu—22 in. high 14 ^ ^ U4 145 //, # , O 146 /147 4 /4 ' ° (l48 ° 149 Jt3. *.o 180 6 ■/#. ^ tfl/O , o A pair of porcelain figures, in Chinese costume—16.^ in. high A Derby dinner service, with conventional decoration in blue, red and gold on white ground, consisting of— A pair of oval tureens and covers A pair of oblong dishes and covers Eighteen oblong dishes Pour small tureens, three covers and stands Four square-shaped dishes and covers A bowl Thirteen soup-plates, and One hundred plates DECORATIVE OBJECTS. A pair of table candlesticks, of Louis XVI. design—8^ in. high 7 7?— A tazza, of copper-gilt, with figures in relief in the style of the 16th century A A pair of candelabra, supported by figures of boys and vines, /s' with branches for six lights each—22|- in. high A pair of candelabra, supported by terminal female figures, with branches for six lights each—23^ in. high A pair of candelabra, formed as figures of boys supporting cornu¬ copia, with lily branches for eight lights each—43 in. high A clock, in Empire case of bronze and or-molu, on veined red marble plinth, with trophies of arms, surmounted by a seat© figure of a Homan emperor—24 in. high A set of bronze medallions, representing the Kings and Queens of England, in red morocco case An oval minature of a lady, in blue dress and gauze veil—in on/ 7 molu frame A Cameo, representing Venus reclining on a couch, receiving a vase from Cupid, white figures on a dark brown onyx of the highest quality, and of the same style of art as the celebrated Portland vase—in black wood lrame, Greco-Roman—7^ in. by 54 in. ^ -L 0,1 * s XVI. com mode, of black lacquer, containing three drawers, Chinese figures in gold, fluted legs, mounted with rosette handles and key escutcheons of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a giallo marble slab , An upright Empire secretaire, of mahogany, fall-down fror^, r 2 ^ folding doors below, surmounted by a grey marble slab DIFFERENT PROPERTIES r. 157 A flint-lock pistol, the stock inlaid with scrolls in silver and mounted with chased panels and butt, the barrel inlaid with inscription and star and cresent ornament in silver, and witlu^r^, ^ armourer’s mark in brass— Turkish , 18 th century p / & 158 THE MERCURY OF G. DI BOLOGNA: a fine old Italian/ ^ / bronze statuette—21 \in. high J. p 159 An easy chair, covered in crimson brocaded silk of Oriental rj y • a A design, and tassel fringe 160 A ditto ditto $~)T — — 161 A Pair of Chippendale Mahogany Altar-Shaped Torcheres, 0 carved with rams’ heads and festoons of foliage in high relief, L £ and other decorations, on triangular plinths with vases- 4 ft. 5 in. high £>162 A Louis XVI. Carved and Gilt Sofa, the back, arms and seat stuffed, and covered with old stamped Genoa velvet with vases and wreaths of flowers—6 ft. long J~lr