O^T^LOOXJE or THE COLLECTION OF Modern Pictures and DRAWINGS OF G. A. BAIRD, ESQ. Deceased, late of Stitehill House, Kelso; AND THE COLLECTION OF CHOICE MODERN PICTURES, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN ; AND Pictures from Private Collections: SaV' a Cl'-G WHICH JSaiU tu 3olii H> mutton Uj) Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THREE GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -- May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James'e Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - —0 - I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute ariso between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required • in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Collection of G. A. BAIRD, Esq., deceased. DRAWINGS. 3£L G. BACH, 18G8. 1 An Italian Fruit Seller CARELLI. 2 Interior of a Church, Salerno 21J in. by 29 in. // C. CATTERMOLE, I860. 3 The Flag of Truce 17£ in. by 23 in. -20 E. W. COOKE, R.A 4 Dutch Fishing Boats B 2 4 G. M. GREIG. 5 Street Scene, old Edinburgh 10 in. by 14 in. JL'/x G. M. GREIG. 6 Lawnmarket, Edinburgh AJuJzetA / 14|- in. by 19 \ in. Jl G. M. GREIG. 7 A Suspicious Craft 20ij in. by 15 in. 8 W. HUNT, 1836. 8 A Camelia and Other Flowers yx/o /3/*- W. HUNT. 9 Fruit and Flowers in a Glass -Cc^c^pC / 3 . X ./0 /SL F. TAYLER. 10 The Falconer’s Daughter 11 in. by 14 in. V H. E. ROBERTS, 1867. 11 The Village Apothecary '^G(3ipq: 20 in. by 26J in. Exhibited at the Royal Water-Colour Society, 1868 C. STANFIELD, R.A. 12 Abbeville /7 /? (o SIR D. WILKIE (After). 13 The Penny Wedding, by Stephanoff 12 in. by 18 in. 5 E. LUNDGREN. 14 Head of a Moorish Girl E. LUNDGREN. 15 Head of a Girl, with a turban /Ox S ' MODERN PICTURES. 16 “Do You Like Butter?” /&X T. JONES BARKER. 17 Battle of Vittoria, 1813 40 in. by 52 in. T. JONES BARKER. 18 “ Up Guards and at ’em ”: Scene at Waterloo 40 in. by 52 in. S. BLACKBURN. 19 Galileo Explaining to Milton the Theory Movement, in the prison of the Inquisition 31 in. by 45 in. of the Earth’s R. BONHEUR, 1877. 20 Cattle in the Highlands : Early morning 21£ in. by 39 in. E. M. DUBUFFE, 1857. 21 PORTRAIT OF ROSA BONHEUR, with a Rosa Bonheur bull painted by 52 in. by 37 in. 6 B. BODAM, 1853. //x. 22 Swiss Harvest 30 in. by 43 in. ^6 G. H. BOUGHTON, R.A. 23 Art, Letters and Music — three in one frame 7*6 £ g. CORBOULD. fu&ccfaf - 24 Headquarters of the Bodyguard of Oliver Cromwell, at Kingsbridge 43 in. by 55 in. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1853. 25 A Cow, Goat and Sheep Circle —10 in. diam. 4 - 4 * T. CRESWICK, R.A. 26 An Overshot Mtt. t, in Wales 28 in. by 21 in. 4 ^2 27 Prayer —on panel CRAYER. T. DUNCAN. 28 Wishart in Prisoh, dispensing the Sacrament on thiMnorning of his execution —slcetch 15^ in. by 23£ in. SR W. ETTY, R.A. 29 The Release 35 in. by 26 in. 7 W. ETTY, R.A. 30 In the Haueem 20 in. by 26 in. J. FA ED, R.S.A. 31 Going out Hawking —on panel 20 in. by 15J in. G. A. FRIPP, 1835. 32 The Falls of the Rhine, with figures and cattle 23 in. by 39-|- in. W. E. FROST, R.A. 33 A Dancing Nymph and Boy in. by 6 in. E. GILL, 1863. y. aC, 34 The Falls of the Clyde ; and Falls on the Camlan —a pair 16 in. by 12 in. ^ J. F. HERRING, Sen., 1848. 35 Duoks Circle —13 in. J. JACOBS, 1853. 36 Smykna Bay On panel — 25 in. by 36 in. C. E. JOHNSON. -V-£taf 37 Hastings Bay 8 '/> <£> A B. S. LAUDER, E.S.A. 38 Louis XI., Quentin Durward and the Countess of CfvOye 41 in. by 53 in. /C R. S. LAUDER, R.S.A. 39 Undine 39 in. by 49 in. H. KOEKKOEK, 40 The Mouth of a River, with shipping /& Otov <} 6 x 8 * AC J. LINNELL, 1828. 41 A Farm Yard, with donkey and figures / QtcjboC '' On panel —8 in. by 10 in. d E. LADELL, 42 Fruit and Dead Mallard / C & frgccCt -— /Si W. LUKER. 43 Arabs and Camels on the Banks of the Nile 12 in. by 19J in, n H. MACCULLOCH, R.S.A,, 1854. ^ 44 Knock Castle and the Sound of Sleat, Isle of Skye 34^ in. by 53 in. 3 SL G. A. MOLLINGER, 1863. 45 Sunday Morning /^/ i > c££oa $5 in. by 60 in 2./0 /J-J- 4T/0 &2L0 W. MULLER, 1837. 46 The Falls of Tivoli 65 in. by 47J in. W. MULLER. 47 Heidelberg 34^ in. by 51£ in. A. NASMYTH, 1820. 48 View of Edinburgh, from Carlton Hill 20J in. by 31^ in. P. NASMYTH, 1829. 49 A Landscape, with winding road and pool in the foreground On panel —12 in. by 16 in. ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A., 1859. 50 DONNYBROOK FAIR 44 in. by 82 in. W. OLIVER, 1870. 51 The Secret 17j in. by 13£ in. SIR J. NOEL PATON, P.R.S.A. 52 The Soldier’s Return 37 in. by 31 in. F. R. PICKERSGILL, R.A. 53 The Festival in Honour of Pan 30 in. by 50 in. E. F. D. PRITCHARD. //*- 54 A Fkosty Morning, near Antwerp 20 in. by 35 in. G. STANFIELD, 1866. /*• 55 Bridge over the Rhone at Leuk 19^ in. by 32^ in. A- THOMSON (of Duddington). 56 A Woody Landscape J & cdLet ' L ' 26 in. by 35 in. jZ/ THOMSON (of Duddington). 57 Scene on the Girvin 19 in. by 29J in. C. TEOYON. 58 A Landscape, with trees overhanging a pool in the centre, woodcutters, timber, and poultry in the foreground 28 in. by 36 in. E. WILLIAMS. 59 A Heath Scene, with gipsies: Evening 14 in. by 22^ in. J. F. WILLIAMS. 60 Arbotsford 25^ in. by 374 in. /c/^ ZOEST. 61 Portrait of Butler, the author of ‘ Hudibras - 30 in. by 25 in. ^ 11 PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS. J. and A. BOTH. 62 A View in an Italian Town, with a charlatan and peasants /CXcAui".' quarrelling 25Jj in. by 51 in. J2. LORENZO DE CREDI. 63 The Holy Family, among ruins, a landscape background— in<2Scu^ui^t^ circular frame with wreath of fruit in faience On panel — circle —33 in. jzy CUYP. 64 A Man Holding a White Horse, a child standing near Signed A. C. On panel — 10^ in. by 13J in. GREUZE. 65 Head of a Girl 16 in. by 14 in. MANS, 1694. 66 A Town on a River, with skater’s: Winter 22 in. by 25 in. / OMMEGANCK. 67 A Landsoate, with sheep and goats On panel —15 in. by 19 in. 12 //M J. G. PLATZER. 68 F£tes Champ£tres— a pair On copper —7 in. by 9 in. c2 VAN DE VELDE. 69 A Sea Piece, with men-of-war 31 in. by 47^ in. I.JI. VANDYCK. 70 Portrait op Waller the Poet 30 in. by 25 in. J. WYNANTS, 1670. f 71 A Landscape, with a sportsman and dog 15 in. by 12^ in. J. WYNANTS. 72 A Landscape, with two figures and a dog, large trees on the right 15 in. by 12* in. 13 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. W. LINNELL. 4-^ 73 SHEPHERDS COLLECTING THEIR FLOCKS FROM THE ROCKY HEIGHTS 43 in. by 66 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy , 1888 W. LINNELL. 74 The Old Welsh Mountain Village 40 in. by 50 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1886 JhSL W. LINNELL, 75 A Sussex Harvest Field 24 in. by 36 in. Painted in 1885 90 Sophia Western C. R. LESLIE, R.A. A. ELMORE, R.A. 91 TnE Courtship of Myles Standish *tx// r /f J. H. L. DE HAAS, 1862. 92 Feeding Calves /Ox J'A MISS MUTRIE. 93 Azaleas TITO CONTI. 94 A Soldier Carousing From the Murrieta Collection /O Af ru%) 16 //M &'A E. LE POITEYIN, 1845. 95 Coming Ashore; aud the Companion — a pair /£. x sO /JO F. ROYBET. 96 The Bugler On panel— 29 in. by 20 in. A. NASMYTH, 1810. 97 A Waterfall, with figures 35 in. by 47 in. f' F. A. KEULBACH, 1874. 98 A Love Token On panel —34 in. by 23 in. L. MUNTHE, 1877. 99 A Forest Scene, with sportsmen and dogs: Winter 32 in. by 25 in. - 32 . L. MUNTHE. 100 Figures on a Road : Sunset 13^ in. by 20^ in. <&/ L. MUNTHE. 101 A Bavarian Tillage : Evening — the companion dc/ut&JzdjZA/ 13}, in. by 20J in. //ss * 17 The following are the property of A GENTLEMAN. /AL6' PICTURES. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1879. 102 A Flock of Sheep, near a farm— on panel /^<4o P. C. DOMMERSHUIZEN. 103 A Coast Scene, with shipping and figures £.*■*2*6 — G. GABRIELLI, 1820. 104 A Lake Scene near Rome: Sunset ■njl-to- d'/*. /Al- // 4-c G. GABRIELLI, 1820. ' 105 View near Rome, with ruins and peasants, with cattle at a foucr" G. GABRIELLI, 1819. 106 A Lake Scene, with herdsmen and goats ys>s /& J. F. HERRING, Sen., 1857. 107 A Park Scene, with marcs, foals and poultry Axi-/ J. F. HERRING. 108 A Farm Yard, with cows, sheep and ducks /M-X/f J. F. HERRING, Sen., 1846. 109 A Landscape, with farm horses and peasants -2 O X^d~~ J. F. HERRING, Sen. 110 Interior of a Stable, with a groom harnessing horses S0XJLX C 18 // / / /YJr- J. F. HERRING, Sen. Ill A Landscape, with farm horses and roller /£~XAo do '.■O+nrn&tl. /(?. - 121 A Road Scene, with peasants and cows W. SHAYER, Sen. J3L 122 A Landscape, with cows watering and sheep /f r (? W. J. SHAYER. 123 A Grey Shooting Pony and Dogs, at a cottage door— circle /e* J. STARK. 121 A Thames Backwater, with rustic cottage, peasant and cows— on panel J. STARK. ^^2/u^urC 125 A Forest Scene, with peasant boy, donkeys and sheep fXfi- J. STARK. a£%O^W 126 A Wood near a Village, with figures, donkeys and ducks ' / 127 A View in Berkshire A. STONE. E. VERBOECKHOVEN, 1869. ^r-a 128 A Farm Scene, with a horse, cows, goat, sheep and poultry /J~ X.2--2. E. VERBOECKHOVEN, 1863. ait™, , ^ 129 A VIEW AT THE BACK OF A FARM, with a grey horse, cows, sheep, poultry and ducks On panel — 32 in. by 52 in. 20 //M s 7 /a.- /A E. VERBOECKHOVEN, 1869. 130 A Ford, with a herdsman driving cattle and sheep - /J-xjl a_ J. WEBB. 131 A Dutch Coast Scene, with fishing boats landing, with figures /Sxur J. WEBB. 132 A Dutch River Scene, with boats and figures /8%&c BRONZINO. 133 Portrait of a Gentleman VAN G0YEN - 134 River Scenes, with villages, boats and figures—a pair Ac XA .r JORDAENS. 135 Head of an Old Man SPANISH SCHOOL. 136 The Repose of the Holy Family, with an angel— on copper /. AT - SPANISH SCHOOL. 137 The Prodigal Son finis. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.