H 1 : Sew m faf* SfiCK iWflililpt SaS 5 W»ft ft*®? RSsS N '-' : hmiw Sjw Litkitk: iiSSMi msBiSi' sa-A: I ,y\i •- »*' :r i Kaft l i£«*£ SESiS Sw*. u-SrJri'Ei>i®!:! ge 1 Sffl fill ■ 'V MM isngaP iliilis: •v:-^ grf&WaPKWwfS ?.•$;=«!! :r «: i^gKJii^SsKC ! j : ■•"• - v. V'- . "V^l; i| 38 S HI wm Class Mark Book Nij Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2020 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueoffirst00chri_3 A CATA LOGUE THE FIRST PART OF THE VERY VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF JBJ IT & It A. V M XT Cr S, IN THE PORTFOLIO OF S IR THOMAS LAWRENCE, LATE PRESIDENT OP THE SLOlfAX. ACADEMY, Deceased; COMPRISING His rare and fine Engravings by M. Antonio and the old Italian Engravers; Engravings by and after the great Italian Painters; Prints from the Works of Rubens; his rare and valuable Etchings by Rembrandt; many from the Sale of Mr. Josi; the Works of Sir Thomas Lawrence, all proofs; and Prints by distinguished Modern Artists; ALSO BOOKS OF PRINTS ; Among which are a remarkably fine and complete Copy of the Pitture, fyc. d'Ercolano : WHICH (by ORDER OF THE EXECUTOR) ©Hill lie jjoltr li|) Auction. By Mil. CHRI ST I E, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, King Street, St. James’s Square, On 310NDAY , MAY the Wth, 1830, AND FOLLOWING DAYS, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed two Days preceding, and Catalogues had (at Is. 6 d. each) at Mr. Christie’s Office, 8, King Street, St. James's Square. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than Is.—above Five Pounds, 2s. 6 d .—and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in part of payment of the purchase Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyers’ Expense, within Four Days from the Sale. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no one Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the Money must be absolutely paid on delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of Payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. —- \ First Day’s Sale. On MONDAY, MAY the 10 th, 1830, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. PRINTS. 1 Two rolls of damaged old Prints 2 Twenty—by old Masters, various 3 Eighteen—ditto 4 Thirty-nine—of the Metamorphoses of Ovid, by Goltzius 5 Twenty-four—vainous, by Goltzius, &c. 6 Sixty-one—by Tempesta, viz., the Life of Alexander the Great, in twelve pieces, and a set of small Huntings 7 Thirty-eight—the Farnese Gallery, after An. Carracci, by Cesio ; wanting one or two 8 Sixteen—viz., seven, various, after Carracci, and nine by Zannetti, after Venetian Masters 9 Seven—the Fall of the Giants, by Bartoli, after the frescoes of G. Romano, in the Palace T, at Mantua ; the set complete 10 Twenty-two—by Lod. and Ag. Carracci 11 Six—the Descent from the Cross, by Villamena, after Baroccio ; St. Petei deliveied out of Prison, by Daret, after Domenichino, &c. 12 Four—St. Jerome in his Chamber, and three others by Albert Duier 13 Eight—viz., two of Tritons, by Hopfer, and six others, by Altdorfei, &c. 14 Nineteen—by Hans Sebald Beham and Aldegrever; the Bath of the Anabaptists, &c. 15 Eleven—by G. Pens, the History of Tobit, in seven pieces, &c. 4 RUBENS and VANDYCK. 16 Thirty-four—various, after Rubens ; the Martyrdom of St. Andrew, &c. 17 Ten—after ditto; the Holy Family in a Landscape, by C. Jegher, in chiaroscuro, rare ; the Wolf Hunt, by De Leeuw, &c. 18 Two—after ditto ; the large Boar Hunt, by Soutman, on two plates, joined, very fine ; and the Fall of the Damned, by Van Orley 19 The Battle of the Amazons, after ditto, by Vorsterman, in six pieces, not joined 20 The Raising of the Cross, by Withouc, after ditto, in three pieces, not joined, rare 21 Three—after ditto ; Christ bearing his Cross, by Pontius, with counter-proof ; and the Crucifixion, by B. a Bolswert 22 Two—after ditto; the Fall of the Damned, on two plates, joined, by Soutman; and the same subject, a different design, also on two plates, joined, by Suyderhoef 23 Three—after ditto ; the Fall of the Angels, by Vorsterman ; the same, by Jac. Neefs ; and the Fall of the Damned, on two large plates, joined, by Van Orley—all fine 24 Three—after ditto ; the Holy Family, with Elizabeth and St.John, by Bolswert; Judith and Holophernes, by C. Galle ; and St. Rock, by Pontius—’fine 25 Three—after ditto; Christ rejected by the Jews, by Nic. Lauwers ; the Crucifixion, by B. a Bolswert; and the Madonna, with St. Catharine and other Saints, by H. Snyers—fine 26 Torairis commanding the Head of Cyrus to be immersed in a basin of Blood, after ditto, by Pontius—very fine 27 Three—after ditto ; the Overthrow of Paganism, on two plates, joined, by S. Bols¬ wert ; the Murder of the Innocents, on two plates, joined, by Pontius ; and Christ and the two Disciples at Emaus 28 Ten Landscapes after ditto, by Bolswert 29 The \\ ife of Rubens, Mezzotinto, by Earlom—proof 30 Seven after ditto, by modern engravers; the Portrait of Rubens, the three Graces, &c. 31 Five after \an Dyck; the Crucifixion, by S. a Bolswert, M. Vanden Enden im¬ pression ; M. Luisa de Tassis, by Vermeulen, &c. 32 Five etchings of Heads, by Vandyck, four of them proofs 5 33 A Book of etchings of Heads, by Count Caylus, after sketches of Van Dyck, rare. (N. B. they are not mentioned by Heinecken in his Catalogue of the Works of Count Caylus) 34 Two Portraits after ditto ; the Earl of Arundel, by Sharp ; and a Gentleman of the Court of Charles the First, by Charles Heath—both proofs ITALIAN SCHOOL—LIONARDO DA VINCI, MICHELANGIOLO BUONAROTI, RAFFAELLE SANZIO, &c. 35 Five—the Last Supper, after Lionardo da Vinci, by Rymsdyk ; the Battle for the Standard, after ditto, by Edelinck; and three others 36 Ten—after Michelangiolo, by Cherubino Alberti 37 Three—after ditto, by old engravers ; the Last Judgment; the Fiery Serpents in the Wilderness ; and Michelangiolo’s Seal 38 Five—after ditto, ditto; the Dream, Ganymede, &c. 39 Four—after ditto, ditto; the Prophet Isaiah; the Sybilla Lybica; Ganymede; and the Portrait of Michelangiolo 40 Eleven—the Last Judgment, after ditto, by G. Mantuanus or Beatrice, in ten pieces f complete, and a small print of the whole 41 Five—various, after ditto ; the Conversion of St. Paul, by Beatrice, after the fresco in the Pauline Chapel in the Vatican; the Fiery Serpents in the Wilderness, &c. 42 Nine—after ditto, by Modern Artists; Sir Geo. Beaumont’s Basso-relievo ; the Car¬ toon of Pisa ; and Jonas, by Barry, &c. 43 Seven ditto; four Groups formerly in the Sistine Chapel; the Holy Family called the Silence, &c. 44 Twelve—by Cunego and others, after the paintings of Michelangiolo in the Sistine Chapel 'I % 45 Six, large, by Cunego, after ditto, viz.—the Prophets Jeremiah, Joel, and Ezechiel ; the Sybilla Erythraea; the Crucifixion of Haman, and another—some proofs 46 Three—the entire work of Michelangiolo, in the Sistine Chapel, engraved in outline by Cunego 47 Six—by old engravers, after Paffaelle; the Holy Family, with Elizabeth and St. John, three different; the Descent from the Cross ; the Battle of the Elephants, &c. 6 48 Five—after ditto, ditto ; Mary and Martha on the Steps of the Temple ; the Burial of Christ, by En. Vico ; the Pest, by Marc Antonio, &c. 49 Five—after ditto, ditto ; the Incendio del Borgo, Galatea, &c. 50 Nine—the Planets, after ditto, by Dorigny, with title, &c., complete 51 Thirteen of Cariatides, after ditto, by G. Audran,—the set complete 52 Ten—the Portrait of Raffaelle, by Hollar ; Adam and Eve, after ditto, by Strutt; the Three Graces, by Sherwin, &c. 53 Twelve—by Metz, after Friezes by Polidore and G. Romano, in the Vatican 54 Ten sheets—'Imitations of Drawings by Raffaelle 55 Thirteen—ditto 56 Sixteen—ditto; His own Portrait; a red Chalk Study, sent by him to Albert Durer ; &c. 57 Fitfty-two—viz. : forty-eight sheets of imitations of Drawings of old masters, by Metz ; and four sheets of Etchings from the Gallery of the Louvre, by Maria Cosway 58 Eleven sheets—Imitations of Drawings by Claude, in his Majesty’s collection, by F. C. Lewis 59 A Portfolio, containing fifty imitations of Drawings by old masters 60 Seven—after paintings of Correggio, at Parma ; engraved by Ravenet 61 Five—after ditto ; the Marriage of St. Catharine, by Picart, &c. 62 Forty imitations of Drawings by Parmigiano, &c. 63 Thirty-one—Bossi’s imitations of Drawings by ditto, in the collection of Count Sanvitale, the set complete 64 One hundred and twenty-four sheets, Etchings by Count Caylus, after drawings by the old masters in the collection of the King of France, in a portfolio 65 Ten-—the Cup, after Mantegna ; and others, small Landscapes, &c., by Hollar 66 Five—the Madonna and Child, wood engraving, by Titian; and Mary Magdalen, the Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, &c., after ditto, by C. Cort 67 Six, by C. Cort, after Titian—Tarquin and Lucretia; Prometheus; Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife ; the Cyclops, &c., all fine 68 The twelve Caesars, after ditto, by CEgid. Sadeler, very fine 69 Twelve—the Wiveso f the Caesars, by ditto, ditto 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 7 Seven—by Andrea Podesta; the Bacchus and Ariadne, and two companion pieces, after Titian ; and four others, Bacchanalian Subjects, from his own designs Venus and Adonis, with numerous Cupids, an Etching by ditto, extremely rare Nine—The Virgin and Child, after Titian, by Morin ; and various others, after ditto, by Corn. Bloemaert, F. Chauvau, P. de Jode, Rousselet, &c. Forty-three, after ditto, from the Teniers Gallery Thirteen, after ditto, by Picchianti, Lorenzini, Mogalli, &c. Fifteen Portraits, after ditto, by Sandrart, Coelmans, Vertue, J. Vandergucht, and T. Ver Cruys Ten—The Triumphs of Petrarch, by S. Pomarede, after Bonifacio, erroneously ascribed to Titian ; and various, after Titian, by And. Zucchi and P. Monaco Seven, after Titian ; the Cornaro Family, by B. Baron; and others, from the Crozat Cabinet, &c. Nine, after ditto, Holy Families and Portraits, by Corn. Bloemaert, F. Basan, Jacob Folkema, K. Audran, &c. Ten—the Loves of the Gods, engraved in mezzotinto by Smith, after the pictures by Padovanino (erroneously attributed to Titian) at Blenheim—fine impressions Twenty-eight Etchings by Le Febre, after the pictures of Titian at Venice Thirty, Landscapes and Figures, by Pesne, Corneille, &c., after drawings by Titian, formerly in the collection of Jabach Three, by Agos. Caracci, after Paolo Veronese—the Madonna protecting the Senators of Venice; the Crucifixion, very fine; and the Dead Body of Christ, supported by the Madonna and an Angel Twelve, after Paolo Veronese; Leda, by Romanet, proof; and others from the Crozat Cabinet Twenty-four, by Jackson ; Wood Engravings in chiaro-scuro, after the paintings of the great Venetian Masters at Venice Seven—the Assumption of the Virgin, after Titian, by Hayter; the Madonna, with St. Sebastian and other Saints, after ditto, by Cunego, proof; and various, after P. Veronese, in the Dresden Gallery, &c. Four—The Deposition, after Spangnoletto, by Cunego; St. Rock giving Alms, by 8 Camerata, after An. Caracci; the Transfiguration, after Raffaelle ; and the Taking down from the Cross, after Daniello da Volterra, by Dorigny 87 Eighteen Landscapes, by Sebastian Bourdon, viz. :—a set of twelve pieces; a set of five, larger ; and one, smaller—rare, in a portfolio 88 Seven—the works of Mercy, by Sebastian Bourdon—very fine 89 Six—a set of Landscapes by L. de Chastillon, after Nic. Poussin—very rare 90 Four—the Holy Family, after N. Poussin, by de Poilly; the Testament of Eudamidas, after ditto, by Pesne ; the Death of L. da Vinci, by Cades ; and another 91 Thirteen—the Passion of Christ, after Jac. Stella, (falsely ascribed to N. Poussin), by Claudia Stella 92 One hundred and seventy-seven, of Animals, by Ridinger—in a portfolio OLD ITALIAN ENGRAVERS, MARC ANTONIO, &c. 93 The Shepherd and the Old Warrior, by Dom. Campagnola, rare 94 Four—the Portrait of Raffaelle, by Marc Antonio, with copy ; and two groups of a Mother and Child 95 Three—David with the head of Goliah, by Marc Antonio—two different plates 96 Two—God appearing to Noah, by ditto, and copy 97 A group of three Figures, by ditto, from the Cartoon of Pisa, by Michelangiolo 98 Apollo with his Lyre, in a Niche, by ditto, after Raffaelle 99 The Martyrdom of S. Felicita, by ditto, after ditto 100 Two—the Man with a Lantern followed by a Goat, by ditto; and Venus and Cupid —both fine 10 ] The Facade of a Temple, supported by Cariatides, by ditto—fine 102 The celebrated Adam and Eve, after Raffaelle, by ditto 103 The Murder of the Innocents, after ditto, by ditto—fine 104 The same—very fine 105 The Pest, after ditto, by ditto—very fine 106 Two impressions of the same 107 The Madonna with the dead Christ; ‘au bras nud.’ by ditto, after Raffaelle—very fine 9 108 The same 109 The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, by ditto, after B. Bandinelli—very fine 310 Mount Parnassus, by ditto, after Raffaelle 111 St. Cecilia, by ditto, after ditto,—fine 112 The Judgment of Paris, by ditto, after ditto—extra fine and rare 113 The copy, or repetition of the same, fine 114 Alexander depositing the Books of Homer, by ditto, after ditto, very fine 115 The Portrait of Aretine, by ditto, after Titian, extremely rare 116 A sheet, containing nine small fragments of plates, engraved by ditto, after Giulio Romano, from the collections of Mariette and Sir M. M. Sykes,_ unique BOOKS AND SETS OF PRINTS. 117 Illustrations of the Bijou, 1830, India paper proofs before letters 118 Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of Job, 1825, India paper proofs 119 The Angerstein Gallery, by Young, proofs on India paper, half-bound with blue morocco 120 Retsch’s Outlines from the Tragedy of Faust, by Moses, 4to. in boards 121 4 Les QEuvres Lithographiques, par Strixner,’ &c., after the drawings of the old masters in the royal collection at Munich ; numbers 1 to 72 inclusive, complete, six pieces in each, in all 432 prints 122 Frescoes of the early Florentine Masters, by Lasinio, plates 1 to 26 inclusive 123 ‘ Omaggio delle Provincie Venete alia Maesta Carolina Augusta, Imperatrice d’Austria,’large folio; Venice, 1818; containing many interesting plates. Presen¬ tation copy 124 Lithographic Prints and Etchings, after pictures in the cabinet of the Chevalier de Speck at Leipsic, fol. 1827, half bound 125 ‘Les Ruines de Pompei,’ par F. Mazois, Paris, 1812. large fol. boards 126 Picart’s ‘Impostures Innocentes,’ London, 1756, folio, boards 127 Zucchero’s Works at Caprarola, by Prenner, Rome, 1748, fol. in calf. 128 ‘ Scuola Italiana,’ being a collection of imitations of drawings of the old masters, by Stefano Mulinari, Rome, 1787, fol. half-bound c 10 129 Zannetti’s Etchings, after Frescoes of the great Venetian masters, and the drawings of Parmigianino, 1760, 4to. half-bound 130 The bassi-relievi of the Trajan Column, the Admiranda, and the ‘Veteres Arcus Augustorum,’ by Bartoli, half-bound in russia, the plates misplaced 131 Biscop’s Statues, and ‘ Paradigmata Graphices,’ bound in one volume, calf, gilt 132 Bocchius’ Emblems, with plates by Bonasone, 4to. Bologna, 1574 133 £ Amori, Sdegni, et Gielosie di Giunone,’ by Bonasone, 22 plates, including title 134 ‘ Habiti Antichi et Moderni,’ by Cesare Vecellio, 8vo. Venetia, 1590 135 The Story of Cupid and Psyche, by the Maitre au De, after Raffaelle, in 32 plates, fine old impressions 136 Costumes of the Turks, &c., with numerous wood-engravings by Melchior Lorich, small folio, rare End of First Day's Sale. yj/ /Sf y/f// y^y /6Z /43 S4f y I 7 4 4? / 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 21 John Anderson, proof on India paper before letters, by Burnett Two—a Beggar at a Cottage-Door, after Withrington ; and Fishermen on the look¬ out, after Collins, proofs on India paper Six—Monumental Plate of the Princess Charlotte, Portrait of Washington, &c., proofs Three—Edward Cook, Esq., after Saunders, proof; John Rennie, after a Bust by Chantrey ; and Abernethy, unfinished proof, after Sir Thomas Lawrence Seven various Portraits—the Duke of Sussex, Thomas Chevalier, Esq., the Princess Victoria, &c., proofs Six ditto—James Northcote, Ben. West, H. Fuseli, Esqrs., &c.—proofs Three ditto, Thomas Stothard, John Flaxman, Esqrs., and Dr. Jenner, proofs Six—the Princess Sophia, by Cousins, after Beechey; Jos. Wright, Esq., proof, &c. Two ditto—the Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox, by Bromley ; and Sir Thomas D. Acland, by Reynolds, after Owen, proofs on India paper Six ditto—Dr. Wollaston, John Hoppner, Esq., Shute Barrington, Bishop of Durham, &c., most of them proofs Six—the Marquess of Lothian, John Duke of Argyll, &c. Thirteen—the Portrait of Shakspeare, the Mask of Garrick, &c. Five—James Northcote, Thomas Hammersley, Esqrs., Viscount Alexander, by Lane, after Phillips, &c., proofs Five—the Hon. G. A. Ellis, after Saunders ; George Earl of Dartmouth, &e., proofs Three—the Children of Lady Cawdor, presented to Sir Thomas Lawrence Seven—Rd. Ramsden, Esq., after Lane, by Say ; Thomas Hammersley, by Golding, after Hamilton, &c., proofs WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS Three fancy subjects, Ugolino, Hope nursing Love, and Resignation, proof Five—the Banished Lord, Madonna and Child, proof, &c. Eight, of Divines, Judges, &c.—-Bishop of Rochester, Earl of Mansfield, &c.; some proofs 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 22 Eight, of Ladies—Lady Elizabeth Herbert, Countess Spencer, &c. Six, of Ladies—Lady Louisa Manners, Lady Charles Spencer, L’Allegro, (Mrs. Hall) ; Lady Mary Leslie, touched proof, &c. Eight, of Ladies—Diana Viscountess Crosbie, Mary Duchess of Ancaster, Queen Charlotte, and Princess Royal, after West Five, of Ladies—the three Ladies Waldegrave, Duchess of Devonshire, Duchess of Rutland, Lady Jane Halliday, &c. Nine, of Ladies—Miss Horneck, Lady Elizabeth Lee, Duchess of Marlborough and her Daughter ; Mrs. Abington, &c. Ten, of Gentlemen—Lord Cardiff, Mr. Joshua Sharpe, Marquess of Rockingham, &c., several of them proofs Eight—Sir Robert Fletcher, Admiral Saunders, Lord Ligonier, Colonel Tarlton, Lord Robert Manners, &c. Eight—Dr. Johnson, unfinished proof, fine ; Thomas Wharton, Sir C. Bunbury, Edmund Burke, Esq, Sir William Hamilton, &c. Two, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by Turner, Lord Malden and Lady Elizabeth Capel, and the Pen Family, proofs Two Groups of the Members of the Dillettanti, by Turner and Say—proofs Six, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, &c.,—the Infant Hercules, and others THE WORKS OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, 589 prints, in five portfolios, with leaves, bound in russsia, including numerous proof impressions and variations Three Prints after Rubens, viz. : the celebrated Crucifixion, the Taking-down from the Cross, and the Monumental Picture in the Chapel of Rubens at Antwerp ; touched upon by Sir Joshua Reynolds with black and red chalk and Indian ink, during his stay at Antwerp ; and rendered still further interesting by his MS. notes in the margins , upon the beauties of the pictures > DIPLOMAS, &c. Ihe Diploma of Associate of the Royal Academy, granted to Sir Thomas Lawrence 10th November, 1791 The Diploma of Academician, 35th of his late Majesty J S<3 332, J 333 3 33/ 3 33/ J 33t / 6 4 l3 3 /s 4'■ 4 S < r 2 9? cf / e. / c < S JJV «/> ^ // / -7 / 9 sL' sJ9 / J J s* ,> f -V- / l r > (U / 23 347 Two—The Diploma of the Academy of St. Luke at Rome, granted to Sir Thomas Lawrence 22nd June, 1817 ; with a book of the Statutes of the Academy, 4to. 348 Two the Diploma of the Academy of Venice, granted to Sir Thomas Lawrence 10th May, 1823, and a letter addressed to him on the occasion by the Count Cicognara 349 The Diploma of the Academy of Bologna, granted to Sir Thomas Lawrence 31st March, 1824 350 Three—the Diploma of the Academy of Turin, granted to Sir Thomas Lawrence 14th March, 1826, with a folio vol. of the Laws of the Academy, and a Letter 351 Two—the Diploma of the Academy of Florence, presented to Sir Thomas Lawrence 8th January, 1820, and a pamphlet of regulations 352 Four—the Diploma of the Academy of Vienna, March 22nd, 1828, a German letter from the President, a book of the Statutes of the Academy, and a Letter, in English, by Professor Hammer 353 Two—the Diploma of the Academy of Copenhagen, dated December, 1823, and a Letter from the President to Sir Thomas Lawrence, January 10th, 1824 353* The Diploma of the Academy of America, dated New York, Jan. 20th, 1818 VARIOUS. 354 Seven sheets of Plans and Sections of the Roman Forum, by Percier 355 Eight—View of the Roman Forum, after Harford, by Gmelin ; and interior Views of the Vatican, &c., by Vasi, &c. 356 Four—Theseus, after Canova, by Morghen, Sic. 357 Description of the additional plates (the paintings) of St. Stephen’s Chapel, pub¬ lished by the Society of Antiquaries, fourteen plates, with letter-press, complete 358 Some account of the Abbey Church of St. Alban, &c., nineteen plates, with letter- press, complete, published by ditto 359 Some account of the Cathedral Church of Durham, with eleven plates, and letter- press, complete, published by ditto 360 Some account of the Abbey Church of Bath, ten plates, and letter-press, complete, published by ditto 361 Some account of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, published by ditto, seventeen plates, with letter-press, complete 24 362 The Bayeux Tapestry, in seventeen coloured plates, complete, published by ditto 363 ‘ Vetusta Monumenta,’ twenty-seven plates, with descriptive letter-press, complete ; vol. iv. 364 Twenty-five—various, the Tapestries of the House of Lords, &c. 365 Three of the Cartoons, proofs on India paper, by Foggo 366 Two—ditto, ditto 367 Four, of Horses, by Ward and Chalon, proofs on India paper 368 Seven—the Wellington Shield, by Stothard, proofs 368* Two—Eleazer and Rebecca, after Poussin, by Desnoyers; and the Death of Ananias, proof on India paper, by Foggo 369 Nine, of Gothic Buildings, &c., by M‘Kensie, Woolnoth, &c. 370 Two—Dieppe, by G. Cooke, after Callcott, proof on India paper before letters; and another 371 Four—the Cascade of Tivoli, by Gmelin ; Elms at Enfield, by Lewis, &c. 372 Three—View of Oxford, after Turner, proof on India paper; and two of St. Paul’s 373 Tivoli, by Goodhall, after Turner, proof before letters 374 Ditto—ditto, on India paper 375 The King of France, by Cousins, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, proof before letters 376 Ditto—ditto BOOKS OF PRINTS continued. 377 ‘ Omaggio delle Provincie Venete alia Maesta Carolina Augusta, Imperatrice d’Aus- tria,’ Venezia, 1818, containing many interesting plates, large folio 378 £ Porte-Feuille des Artistes,’ in six parts, containing seventy-two plates of ancient cos¬ tume, &c. engraved in outline, by Guyot, 4to. 379 4 Anatomia per uso degli Studiosi di Scultura e Pittura’ di Paolo Mascagni, very large folio, Florence, 1816 380 Albinus’ Anatomical Tables, large folio, London, 1749, half bound 381 Two—Professor Camper’s Anatomical Tables of the Human Body, large folio, with letter-press description, 4to. 382 Seven—various Anatomical Treatises, by Sir Everard Home and others 25 383 Outlines of the TEgina Marbles, by Edwin Lyon: Liverpool, 1829 large oblong folio,presentation copy 384 Illustrations of the Battle of Navarino, by G. P. Reinagle : London, 1828, in folio 385 Collection of Lithographic Prints, from Pictures in the Cabinet of the King of Spain : ten Numbers, large folio, Madrid, 1826 386 The Pictures in the Imperial Gallery at Vienna, by Premier, 1735 : folio, in boards, rare 387 Pinelli’s plates of the Life of the Brigand Massaroni, 1823, oblong folio 388 e Sereniss. Ferdinandi, &c., Triumphalis introitus in Flandriae Metropolim Ganda- vum,’ &c., with plates by De Jode and others : folio, 1636 389 ‘ Palais, Maisons, &c. dessines a Rome’—publics par Charles Percier, et P. F. L. Fontaine, 1798, a Paris : folio, in boards 390 One hundred Views of Ancient and Modern Rome, 1796, oblong 4to, in calf, lettered 391 Sir Henry Englefield’s Vases, by Moses, 8vo. in Russia 392 ‘ Tableaux Historiques des Campagnes d’ltalie :’ Paris, 1806, large folio, boards 393 The History of Joseph, with etchings by Count Caylus, after drawings by Rem¬ brandt : Amsterdam, 1757 394 Scenes, chiefly Italian, by G. Cumberland, Jun. 395 ‘ Les Ruines de Pompei,’ par F. Mazois, Paris, 1812, large folio, half bound 396 The Union of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, with accounts of the House and Galleries of John Soane, Esq., by Britton, 4to., 1827 : proof impressions of the plates, boards 397 Retsch’s outlines from the Tragedy of Faust, with German letter-press, 1816, and English descriptions also 398 Retsch’s outlines from Fridolin, with German letter-press, 1823 399 Retsch’s Outlines from Hamlet, 1828 400 Schultze’s Outlines from Undine, Nuremberg 401 Twelve Etchings, after Parmegiano and Meldolla, by Richard Ford, Esq., 1822 private plates, 4to. presentation copy 402 ‘ Description de l’Arc de Triomphe de L’Etoile’, &c., par Lafitte. Paris, 1810 403 4 Copie Figuree d’un Rouleau de Papyrus,’ Vienna, 1822 : presentation copy E 40.5 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 413 : 414 415 416 26 Seven plates of Russian Military Costume, 1813, in a cover Illustrations of the Fifth Satire of Horace, with plates by Riepenhausen and others, 4to., Parma; co’tipi Bodoniani, 1818: presented to Sir Thomas Lawrence by Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire The same Satire, illustrated by various other Artists : folio, Rome, 1816 : also pre¬ sented by Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire, to Sir Thomas Lawrence Four Groups of Flowers, plain and coloured, presented to Sir Thomas Lawrence by the Artist, Melanie de Comolera Two—Sketches of Shipping, by H. Moses, 1824; and Views in Portsmouth Harbour, by ditto, oblong 4to. 4 The Marine Sketch Book,’ by ditto, 1826, blue morocco 4 Sketches in Outline,’ by ditto, 1808 4 Select Greek and Roman Antiquities,’ in 36 plates, by ditto, 1817, with letter- press, 4to., in boards Hamilton’s 4 Schola Italica,’ 1773, large folio, 40 plates, first impressions, boards The Crozat Cabinet, 1729 ; first impressions , with letter-press, complete; bound in russia, in two volumes,—a very fine copy Etchings of the Elgin Marbles, by Richard Lawrence, 1818, boards The Pictures in the Gallery of the Vatican, etched in outline by Craffonara, Rome, 1820, in folio 4 Galerie Mithologique,’ par Millin : Paris, 1811, 2 vols. 8vo. Annales du Musee, Paris, 1801, 1809 : 21 vols., 8vo., the whole complete End of Third Day's Sale. 0 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 Fourth Days Sale. On THURSDAY , MAY 13th, 1830, AT ONE PRECISELY. PRINTS, VARIOUS, BY MODERN ARTISTS. Forty-one, of Parisian costume, coloured Seventy-eight ditto, and other coloured prints Fifteen, architectural, various Sixteen, various, views Twenty-one, various, English topography Twenty-three French prints, &c. Thirty-two various Nine lithographic studies of trees, fine Nine—the story of the murder of Fualdes, and the portrait of Thornton the murderer Thirteen fine studies for drawing, by Bourgeois, &c. Seven, from the Elgin marbles, &c. Four, the Death of CEdipus, and three others, after Fuseli Four'—'the saving of Pyrrhus, after N. Poussin, by G. Audran ; and a grand land¬ scape, after Gaspar, by Gmelin, &c. Fourteen, of Horses, drawn on stone by Ward, select proofs, touched by the artist himself Seven views in the vicinity of Rome, drawn on stone by Thienon Twelve, a set of landscapes from the ASneid, by Gmelin Thirty-seven, of the history of the New Testament, drawn on stone by - e 2 28 434 Eleven sketches of Rubens, drawn on stone by Davis 435 A book of twelve etchings by Lady Long (now Lady Famboiough), presented by her to Sir Thomas Lawrence 436 Eleven, various, after Smirke, Wilkie, Stothaid, &c. 437 Nineteen lithographic views by Michallon, Bourgeois, &c. 438 Thirty-two, descriptive of the Field of Waterloo 439 Seven, of Gothic architecture, by Le Keux, &c. 440 Thirteen etchings by Hayter, Howard, &c. 441 Four outlines of the Athenaeum 442 Six, from Chantry, Newton, &c. 443 Seven, lithographic, by Lane, &c. after Bonington, Stothard, Wilkie, &c. 444 Two: St. Michael, after Raffaelle, by Tardieu ; and Alexander and Roxana, after i ditto, by Volpato 445 The Madonna and Child, in a circle, after Raffaelle, by Folo, proof 446 Two : the Madonna and Child, with the little St. John, after L. da Vinci, by Longhi, presentation copy from the engraver to Sir Thomas Lawrence ; and a Female Head, by Lane, after a drawing of Michelangiolo 447 Two—La Vierge aux Rochers, by Desnoyers, after Leonardo da Vinci; and a Female Head, from Michelangiolo 448 Two—the portrait of Coreggio, by G. Asioli; and Charity, after ditto, by Morghen 449 { Noli me tangere,’ after Baroccio, by Morghen 450 Five—the frescoes of Pietro Perugino, in the ‘ Cambio ’ at Perugia, by Cecchini 451 Two—the School of Athens, and the Dispute of the Sacrament, after Raffaelle, by Volpato, and an explanatory etching of the last 452 The Donation of Constantine, after ditto, by Fabri 453 Two—the Fornarina, after Raffaelle, by Morghen, proof ; and Titian’s Mistress, by F orster 454 Pope Leo X. after Raffaelle, by Lignon, proof before letters, extra fine 455 Three—the portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, by Morghen ; and those of N. Poussin and Raffaelle, by Potrelle A 7 s j \ '9 A o u ( S'C-ZAl, <5u-^ 4*7 / / // / 6 c&+.3&(r v 4 4 /a Q ■£< V / /i /* 6<) / / y 4-t v S3 6 /' /\ Ms y yj .//4 / / // 6 /V j '4? 1 p 4> iM 4 y 4 ; j 3 / 6t ; S- y / 4y* ? 3/ J 2 y J y J 2 XT / / 33 t yy / 4 2 S\ S' j j t y // y Ji j \ . y J I / yj 0< / /-t JZs4**S JJfayj: <-v 34 -46 zfa. Gt-y s X,.. X X yfafa y/fa y yfay / X f -r *& fa sfajy SS? S-tSl^ y O o ?,■ Jh*- iyy f y J y ' t cy • ^.1 / ^-v Xtf i / X/£ 31 498 Mr. Abernethy, by Bromley, on India paper, presented to Sir Thomas Lawrence 499 Four—Lord Hawkesbury, W. Plumer, Esq., Bishop of Durham, and another 500 Seven—Sir W. Knighton, Professor Hammar, Mr. Sotheby, the King, by Lane, Sir J. Moore, &c. 501 Five—Lord Mulgrave, Marchioness of Stafford, Lord Erskine, the King, by Lane, and W. Plumer, Esq. 502 Three—Sir Thomas le Breton, Mr. Greenwood, and Jos. Cotton, Esq. 503 Six—Mr. Samuel Lysons, Mr. Greenwood, Mr. Cotton, the King in armour, &c. 504 Seven—Mr. Lysons, Mr. Greenwood, Lord Nugent, the King, by Lane, &c. 505 Five—Mr. Lysons, Sir. W. Knighton, the King, by Lane, Lord Nugent, &c. 506 Lord Rolle, by Turner, presented by the Engraver 507 Lord Harewood, by Lupton, before any letters 508 The Marquess of Anglesea, presentation proof, by Turner 509 John Adam, Esq. of Calcutta, by Turner 510 Pope Pius VII., by Cousins, before letters 511 The King of France, before letters, by Cousins PRINTS, VARIOUS, BY MODERN ARTISTS, continued. 512 Two Views of Tivoli, by Gmelin 513 Two, the Portraits of the Hon. George and Caroline Lucy Douglas, by Say, proofs 514 The Marlborough Family, by Turner, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, proof before letters, presented to Sir Thomas Lawrence 515 Two—Christ Healing the Sick, by Charles Heath, after West, first and second proofs 516 The same, finished proof on India paper 517 Two, Blind Man’s Buff, after Wilkie, by Raimbach, unfinished and finished proof on India Paper, presented by the Artist 518 The Shipwreck, by Fittler, proof on India paper before letters 519 The Death of Raffaelle, after Burgart, by Sixdomers, with explanatory outline 520 Ten Views of Rome, by Rossini 521 Five, by Woolnoth, proofs on India paper, after Guido, Carlo Dolce, &c. 32 522 Two—George III., after Sir William Beechy, by B. Smith ; and Napoleon, after Goubaud, by Say, proofs 523 Three, the Trial of Lord William Russell, by Hayter, outline, finished proof, and plate of explanation 524 Tivoli, by Goodall, after Turner, proof on India paper before letters, presented to Sir Thomas Lawrence 525 Ditto, the Etching, on India paper 526 The Temple of Jupiter, after ditto, by Pye, proof on India paper before letters, presented to Sir Thomas Lawrence 527 after Turner, Etching on India paper, by W. R. Smith 528 The Entry of Henry IV. into Paris, after Gerard, by Toschi, proof before letters, with explanatory outline of heads 529 Five, Etchings, &c. after Ward, Farrington, Gainsborough, &c. 530 Five, the Coronation of George IV., Richmond, by Heath, &c. 531 The Wolf and the Lamb, by Robinson, after Mulready, proof 532 Five, Domestic Subjects, after Westall; and Portia and Bassanio, after Briggs, proofs on India paper 533 Alfred in the Goatherd’s Cottage, after Wilkie, proof on India paper before letters, presented to Sir Thomas Lawrence 534 Two—the Battle of Waterloo, after Clennell; and the Triumphant Entry of the Duke of Wellington, after Kilton, proofs on India paper 535 Seven—the Wellington’s Shield, by Stothard, proofs 536 Eight Statues, after Canova, &c., some proofs 537 Six whole-length Portraits—the Duke of Northumberland, Lord Nelson, Welling¬ ton, Buonaparte, &c. BOOKS OF PRINTS CONTINUED. 538 Costume of the Ancients, by Thomas Hope, Escp, 4to., 1809, 2 vols. boards 539 The Triumphs of Europe, and Illustrated Record, &c. 1814-15, folio, coloured plates, 2 vols. boards 540 Engravings from the Ancient Marbles in the British Museum, 6 vols. 4to. 1810, 1826, boards yp. j j V° J yf /X, *,. / S T *r s «r / ^y / *F y < £ 'r '&l c^si t >~0-v-/■(. J 6 d Jij fZ 3 JZ4 J 76 Jf7 / )ci JC -O-^sX SLs^/ 35 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 and others, after pictures by Italian masters, many of which do not appear to have been before engraved Nash’s Views of Paris and its Environs, large 4to., 1820-1823, India proofs and etchings , the ten parts and supplement complete Miss Batty’s Italian Scenery, the 12 parts complete, 8vo., 1818, 1820 Soane’s Designs for Public Improvements, folio, 1827, presentation copy, half- bound Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of Job, 1826, proofs, boards The same, on India paper 4 Scenery, Costumes, and Architecture of the western side of India,’ by Captain Grindlay : five parts in four, 1826-1829, coloured plates, presentation copy Sculptures in the Caves of Ellora, by ditto, 4to., 1829 4 Les Monumens Antiques du Musee Napoleon,’ par Piroli: 4 vols., 4to., 1804-6, calf, gilt Lithographic Sketch of the North Bank of the Thames, by Colonel Ti’ench, 1825, oblong folio 4 Studies of Wild Animals,’ by J. F. Lewis, 1824, proofs on India paper 4 Disegni di Riccardo Cosway,’ Firenze, 1826, folio The Bridge of S. Trinita at Florence, by Vulliamy, 1822, large folio Six Views of Italian and Swiss Scenery, by Cowen : large folio, 1824, proofs on India paper Etchings, by George Hayter, 1824, proofs on India paper, presentation copy, in boards 4 Choix des plus c^lebres Maisons de plaisance de Rome,’ par Charles Percier : Paris, 1809, large folio, boards 4 Recueil de Decorations Interieures,’ &c., par Percier: Paris, 1812, folio, in boards Raffaelle’s Frescoes of the Story of Cupid and Psyche, in the little Farnese at Rome, by Dorigny : folio, in boards 4 Anatomie du Gladiateur Combattant,’ par Salvage: Paris, 1812, large folio, in boards f 2 36 REMAINING WORKS of SIR T. LAWRENCE— continued, PROOFS. 592 Eight—Payne Knight, Esq., Lord Hill, Lady Bentinck, &c. 593 Seven—William Blamire, Edward Wyatt, Thomas Campbell, Esqrs., &c. 594 Seven—Sir John Moore, Sir Francis Burdett, &c. 595 Four—Lord Erskine, Mr. Jekyll, &c. 596 Eight—Mr. Jekyll, the late Duke of York, the King, Thomas Campbell, Esq., &c. 597 Seven—ditto, Sir John Sinclair, Sir William Curtis, Mr. Jekyll, &c. 598 Eight—Lady Bathurst, Mr. Wyatt, &c. 599 Five—ditto, Lord Ellenborough, Edward Wyatt, &c. 600 Eight—Master Lambton, Lady Wallscourt, &c. 601 Seven—Lady Wallscourt, Thomas Campbell, the King, &c. 602 Seven—ditto, Mrs. Peel, Master Lambton, Lady Wallscourt, &c., ditto 603 Six—ditto, proofs on India paper 604 Two—Mr. Pitt (never published), and Sir Walter Scott—unfinished proof 605 Six—Dr. Wollaston (unfinished), Countess Woronzow, Mrs. Fitzgerald, &c. 606 The Ladies Maryborough, before letters 607 Five—the King, by Lane, Mrs. Newdygate, &c. 608 Sir Humphrey Davy, on India paper, before letters 609 Five—Mr. Payne Knight, before letters, Mr. Jekyll, the King, by Lane, &c. 610 Four Duchess of Bedford, Marchioness of Stafford, Countess Woronzow, and the King, by Lane 611 Five—Lord Dundas, the King, Sir William Knighton, &c. 612 Five the King, by Lane, Mr. R. H. Davis, Lord Mulgrave, Earl of Westmorland, &c. 613 Five Joseph Cotton, Esq., the Marchioness of Stafford, the King, by Lane, &c. 614 Two the Duchess of Devonshire, and the Countess Woronzow—both before letters 615 Six Mrs. Kemble, Mrs. Siddons—unfinished proof, &c. 616 Three—Lord Nugent, Lord Hawkesbury, &c. 61 7 Three Sir John M‘Mahon, Mr. Rouse, and Mr. Greenwood, all before letters 37 618 Three—Sir Thomas le Breton, the King, by Lane, and General Charles William Stewart 619 Four—Mr. S. Lysons, Mr. Greenwood, Joseph Cotton, Esq., and another 620 Three—Mr. Greenwood, Sir Thomas le Breton, and the King, by Lane 621 The Princess Charlotte, by Golding 622 Ditto 623 Ditto—unfinished proof, and the King, by Lane 624 The King, by Lane—two different states of impression 625 Three—the King, and Lord Eldon,—etching, and finished proof 626 Three—the King, and Countess Woronzow 627 Sir John Moore ; proof, touched by Sir Thomas Lawrence, with his written directions to the engraver in the margin 628 Four—the Bishop of Winchester, Dr. Wooll, Rev. Samuel Lysons, and the King, by Lane 629 Two—Dr. Howley, Lord Bishop of London, and Dr. Barrington, Lord Bishop of Durham 630 Two—Lord Castlereagh, and Lord Nugent 631 Five—Sir William Knighton, Mr. Sotheby, Professor Hammar; the King, by Lane, &c. 632 Five—the King, Sir John Moore—touched proof. Sir W. Knighton, Dr. Wooll, &c. 633 Three—Hon. Frederick Robinson, Mr. Rouse, and another,—two of them before any letters 634 Three—Sir Thomas Le Breton, Joseph Cotton, Esq., and the King, by Lane 635 Lord Rolle, by Turner,—presented by the engraver 636 Ditto 637 Ditto 638 The late Marquess of Londonderry, by ditto 639 Lord Harewood, by Lupton 640 Ditto, before any letters 641 The Marquess of Anglesea, by Turner, before letters,—presented by the engraver 642 Ditto ditto 643 Miss Fanny Kemble, first plate 644 Ditto 38 645 John Adam, Esq., of Calcutta, by Turner 646 Ditto 647 Ditto 648 Sir Thomas Strange, by Turner, private plate 649 The King, by Lane, from the first lithographic drawing, of which very few impressions were taken 650 Ditto 651 Ditto 652 Ditto 653 Ditto 654 Two—Lord Eldon, and Lady Jane Grey accepting the Crown, after Leslie, etchings 655 Pope Pius VII., by Cousins, before letters, ‘ published for Sir Thomas Lawrence.’ 656 Ditto ditto 657 The Right Hon. John Wilson Croker, by Cousins 658 Ditto 659 Ditto, before letters 660 Ditto, ditto 661 Ditto, ditto 662 Ditto, ditto 663 Prince Metternich, by Cousins, unpublished plate, before letters 664 Ditto, ditto 665 Ditto, ditto 666 Ditto, ditto, on India paper 667 Ditto, ditto 668 The King of France, by Turner, before letters 669 Ditto, ditto 670 Ditto, ditto 671 Three, on strainers, two before letters, viz., Sir J. M‘Mahon, Sir J. Moore, and another tit /33 64# O4 /iy ls~z Id 9 2d 5 (o ( ot 1 /5 $ /Sy {!2v /// faz Sd! '2 t 4 ) Ju € 6 $4$ / Yy, C/d 9 ' / j Y / y / / yy /2, /Yi / 9 j 4 / // / z / j / s . 1J Y /I ft yy y /1 isis-i Y* *>*-' // yj \ . y 2t *_-Y^**~ —t ^ ^ / * y* y 1 1 -> 1 . y f / f2 Y p -2--t y 2'~S > » / X J ft /J 4 f Y>~f ' /,..yO \-9*S * ** r--T -^4 *"1 J y 2l*Ct Os# j , £. /st y ^5, // h Aj 4 " £ V / 2 /^ / 6}jr 2 y A / 6 ft A //y y - T , / f o- J W As ftt / /A ^ "A y Ah C ft V J T A / / // / / /V '*2/t 245 a 2 J42. 44 34' / A J?y 3 ,2^/ ° 2\ y^/Ce^ /~ & 3 j / *4 : /' . •