Higfhly Important PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS AND WORKS OF THE EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL, THK rRORKRTY OF :\IES. PALEY, Deceased ; R. J. HAEEISOX, ESQ., Deceased ; CHARLES W. W. DAWES. ESQ., Deceased ; MRS. BERGEE, Deceased ; AN1» FROM NUMEROUS PRIVATE COLLECTIONS AND DIFFERENT SOURCES: ^vlll(■H Mill be Solt) bp Huction b^ Messrs, CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, U ' OW -> On SA'TURDAY, JXJN^S 16, 1900, After the Sale of Pictures from the late Earl of Dudley's Collection. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Kiuf/ Street, St, James s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. r. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer: and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall ho immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5.s ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot : and making no warranty whatever. Vr. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1900. (After the Sale of the Pictures from the late Earl of Dudley's Collection.) THE PROPERTY OF A^ LADY, M. HOBBEMA. ''U^, (<^ 58 VIEW OF A WATER-MILL, seen ou the left among trees, by the side of a stream which flows towards the spectator ; a road winding from the right among the trees comes down to the stream in the foreground, where a man and woman stand at the water's edge, with a cow and goats near them ; other houses and figures are seen among the trees ; a dog is swimming across the stream ; blue sky, with clouds Figures by Adrian van de Velde 38^ in. by 50 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1890 i^iXi \j^ H^^- iSl^oX-vor^j^ See Illustration P. DE KONINCK. (\o^^(t^] 59 AN EXTENSIVE BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OVER A RIVER, with a horseman and beggars on a road 32 in. by 44 in. B 2 ' P. DE KONINCK. 60 AN EXTENSIVE BIED'S-t:YE VIEW OVER A RIVER, with a lady on horseback, peasants and animals The Companion 32 in. by 44 in. L. BACKHUYSEN. Gl View off a Dutch Port, with a man-of-war and yachts, a row- ing boat with figures in the front Signed with initials 20^ in. by 26^ in. B. VAN DER HELST. 62 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress, witli lace collar Dated 1642 On panel — 97 in. by 20 in. P. SAENREDAM. 63 Tntkrior of a Gothic Church, with Figures by Van Utrkcht Signed, and dated 1645 \(\ - ' '" On panel — 23 in. by 19 in. P. P. RUBENS. 64 A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OVER AN EXTENSIVE DISTRICT IN HOLLAND, with peasants and animals on the banks of a river : effect of rainbow On panel — 16^ in. by 25 in. REMBRANDT. 65 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress and large white ruff 25 in. by 19^ in. F. BOL. 66 Portrait of a Gentleman, in red dress and yellow robe, with pearl chain and clasps, cap with jewels 31 in. by 25 in. F. GUARDI. 67 The Codrtyard of a Palace, with woman at a well and other figures 21 in. by 15^ in. The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of Mrs. PA LEY, deceased, late of 5 Wilton Crescent, S. W. J. M. NATTIER. 68 A LADY OF THE COURT OF LOUIS XV., wearing a pink and white brocade dress with cloak trimmed with fur, powdered hair with pearl ornaments Signed, and dated 1742 31 in. by 25 in. A. CUYP. 69 Portrait of Van den Sohilder, in black dress with white collar On panel — 12 in. by 10 in. W. SHAYER, Sen. 70 A Landscape, with cattle at a stream 24 in. by 19^ in. THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. BASSANO. 71 The Eeturn of the Prodigal 18^ in. by 26 in. EUBENS. 72 The Duohess of Parma, in black embroidered dress with ruff On panel — 40 in, by 30 in. DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. MAEGARET CARPENTER, 1826. 73 PoKTRAiT OF Mrs. Collins, Mother of William Collins, R.A., in yellow dress with white lace frill, black head-dress, seated, holding a book On panel — 30 in. by 25 in. Exhibited at Paris, 1856 The Property of W. Carpenter, Esq., deceased MARGARET CARPENTER. 74 The Sisters Circle — 7^ in. diam. F. SNYDEES. 75 A Larder, with a boy, dogs aud parrot ; dead swan, peacock and game on a table, with lobster and fruit 58 in. by 92 in. SIR J. REYNOLDS. 76 Head of a Lady, in green dress, red cap and feather 24 ^M. by 19 in. raffaelle. 77 The Madonna and Child, with St. Elizabeth and St. John in a landscape with classic ruins in the background On panel — 13J in. by 10 in. This picture was formerly over tlie altar of the Crocrtia Palace, Florence, and at the death of Pierot, agent of the French, icas found in his possession. It has always been considered the original of the picture engraved by Lunghi. Pierot was secretary to Vicaro, who was employed by the French to select the pictures which he plundered from Italy From the Collection of the Bev. J. Sanford From the Collection of Lord Methuen J. RUSSELL, R.A. 78 PORTRAIT OF MRS. EIDINGTOUN, in white muslin dress with gold worked sash, seated in a cx'imson arm-chair, and crimson curtain background ; landscape seen through a window on the right Pastel — 36 in. by 27^\in. J. EUSSELL, E.A. 79 POETKAIT OF COLONEL EIDINGTOUN, husband of the above, of Gartugaunock, Stirlingshire, in the East India Company's service ; in red coat, with blue and gold facings and epaulettes, seated in a landscape, holding his hat and stick S'ujned, and dated 1793 Pastel — 36 in. by 27^ in. SIR J. EEYNOLDS. 80 Portrait of George John, Lord Althorpe, afterwards second Earl Spencer ; in black Vandyck dress, with lace collar ; standing in a landscape, holding a book — small whole length 47 in. by 29 in. Presented by the Artist to the grandfather of the late oioner Replica of the picture at Althorpe G. EOMNEY. 81 Portrait of Mrs. Coppell, in white dress with blue sash, white head-dress 28 ill. by 24 in. The folloiuimj are Sold hy Order of the Executors of S. J, HARRISON, Esq., deceased, late of Haughley House, Suffolk. J. RUSSELL, E.A. 82 PoBTRAiT OF MASTER Sawyer, in white dress with blue sash, seated under a tree, giving nuts to a squirrel Signed, and dated 1800- Pastel--2S^ in. by 17^ in. Described in G. C. Williamsons Work on J. Bussell, B.A. J. liUSSELL, K.A. 83 Portrait of Master Sawyer, in white dress with blue sash, riding on a bobby-horse and flourishing a whip Signed, and dated 1801 Pastel— 17 in. by 23 in. Described in G. C. Williamsons Work on J. Bussell, B.A . J. OPIE, E.A. 84 PORTRAITS OF ELIZABETH (afterwards Mrs. Seccombe) AND MARY PADLEY, twin| sisters, painted at the age of 16 ; in white dresses and caps, standing together under a tree 25 in. by 30 in. Painted by Opie when on a visit to Mr. Wm. Padley at Swansea with Dr. Walcot, and has been in the family until the present time Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery, 1889 Described in Bogers' ' Opie and his Works ' B 3 10 J. OPIE, R.A. 85 POETKAIT OF SILVANUS PADLEY, aged 10 years; in brown dress with white collar 23 in. by 17 in. Painted by Opie when on a visit to Mr. Wm. Padley at Swansea with Dr. Walcot, and has been in the family until the present time Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery in 1889 Described in Pagers' ' Opie and his WorJcs ' SIR H. RAEBURN, E.A. 86 PORTRAIT OF THE REV. SIR HENRY WELL WOOD MONCRIEFF, D.D., eighth baronet; an eminent divine, author of a work on the ' Constitution of the Church of Scotland ' and ' Life of Dr. Erskine ' ; in black coat with white stock, figure to the left 30 in. by 25 in. Mentioned in Andrew's ' Life of Sir H. Paebiirn, B.A.' , . Exhibited at Edinburgh, 1876 A. DURER. 87 PoBTEAiT OF THE Aetist, in white dress with brown sleeves, black and white striped linen cap ; distant hilly landscape on the right, with inscription — " 1498 ' Das malt Ich uach meiner gestalt Ich war sex imd zwanzig jar alt.' — Albrecht Durer." On panel — 23 in. by 17 in. From the Collection of T. Emmcrson, Esq., 1854 From the Magniac Collection, 1892 11 The following are Sold by Order of the Legatees of the late CHARLES W. W. DAWES, Esq. G. ROMNEY. 88 PORTRAIT OF MRS. DAWES, wife of John Dawes; in yellow and green shot dress, witli lace frills on tlie sleeves and at the neck, white lace cap tied under the chin ; seated, her right arm resting on a table, on which is an urn ; figure turned to the rigLit 35^ in. by 27^ in. Fainted in 1783 G. ROMNEY. 89 PORTRAIT OP JOHN DAWES, Esq., of Highbury Wood and Little St. John's Wood, near Islington, stockbroker, died 1788, at the age of 64 ; in blue coat with red vest, powdered wig ; seated, his left arm resting on a table, on which are some books and an inkstand 35^ in, by 27^ in. Engraving hy B. Slann sold with the picture Painted in 1777 SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. 90 PoETEAiT OF A Lady, in white dress, holding a work-box 30 in. by 25 in. Sold by order of the Executors of the late Mrs. Sopwifh, of Hfracomhe 12 KEMBRANDT. "91 Head of a Man, in red cap On panel — 12 in. by 9 in. Sold hy order of the Executors of the late Mrs. Sopwith, of Ilfracomhe M. HONDECOETEE. 92 THE BIRDS' CONCERT : A number of birds perched on the branches of a tree singing ; among them is a peacock, a macaw, a kingfisher, a magpie, woodpeckers and an owl 53 in. by 68 in. P. FERG. "93 A View of Covent Garden Market, with numerous figures and carts On copper — 18|^ in. by 24 J in. J. CROME. 94 Preston Tower, near Ipswich : A ruined tower and cottages among trees in the centre, a river scene, with boats and figures, on the left 37^ in. by 47 in. SIR P. LELY. 95 Portrait of a Gentleman, with a flowing wig — in a sculptured oval 29 in. by 24 in. HONDECOETER. 96 Partridge, Pheasant and Pigeon 36 in. by 29 in. 13 VAN GOYEN. 97 A Dutch Riveh Scene, with buildings, boats and figures On panel — 21 in. by 28 in. JACOPO DE BARBARI. 98 Head of a Young Man, in black dress and cap On panel — 16 J in. by 13 in. CLAUD K 99 A Classical River Scene, with figures 34^ in. by 48 in. THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. G. ROMNEY. 100 PORTRAIT OF LADY AUGUSTA MURRAY, second daughter of the fourth Earl of Dunmore ; married to the Duke of Sussex. In white dress with red robe, white head- dress with gold band and pearls, strings of pearls round her neck and left arm ; seated in a landscape, holding on her lap her infant son. Sir Augustus Frederick d'Este, in white frock 60 in. by 48 in. See Illustration 14 JAN BOTH. 101 An Italian Landscape : Eocky aud richly-wooded landscape ; in the left foreground, on a road beneath a rising bank, are a group of three peasants and a donkey : other figures in the distance ; on the right rises a rocky eminence, the highest point of which is crowned by a castle ; sunset sky Signed 45 in. by 64 in. , Exhibited at Burlington House, 1887 CARLO DOLCI. 102 Head of Christ, in red and blue robe 28^ in. by 23^ in. From the Collection of J. E. Fordham., Esq. T. KETTLE. 103 Poetraits op Eliza and Mart, daughters of Alexander David- son, Governor of Madras ; Eliza, married to Alexander Falconar, of Edinburgh, and Mary, married to Colonel Younge, of Little Durnford, Wilts ; in pink and white dresses, seated in a woody landscape 50 in. by 40 in. G. TERBURG. 104 The Music Lesson : An interior with, a lady in white and red dress standing, holding a piece of music, and a gentleman playing a 'cello 29 in. by 24 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 105 Portrait ok David Garrick, in brown dress, holding a book 29 in. by 24 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. ' *^ ^^-/. 106 Portrait of Mrs. Gaerick, in white dress, holding a guitar 29 in. by 24 in. 15 The follovnng are Sold hy Order of the Executorfi of Mrs. BERGER, deceased, late of 30 Cleveland Square., W. P. DE HOOCH. 107 THE INTEEIOK OF A EOOM, in which are a woman seated near a chimney with a basket of pears in her lap, and a child near her, showing one of them to a maid-servant Signed, 27^ in. by 25 in. From the Collection of M. Geldermeester, 1800 SwitJCs ' Catalogue Baisonne,' No. 14 N. BEECHEM. 108' A GEAND MOUNTAINOUS LANDSCAPE, represented under the eifect of departing day, the sun having sunk below the hills, whose lofty heads cast the shades of twilight over the valley beneath, and contribute greatly to the sublime character of the scene ; the foreground is animated on the left by a grouping of peasants and cattle which have just passed a fordable stream ; among these may be observed a woman wearing a scarlet skirt, mounted on a mule, and pointing to a man who is beating a kicking ass, which a dog has also seized by the ear ; a little retired from these are a herdsman and four cows crossing the stream Signed 43^ in. by 53 in. From the Collection of M. Paillet, 1799 From the Collection of M. Geldermeester, 1800 From the Collection of It. JR. Beinagle, Esq., B.A., 1831 Purchased hy Mr. O'Niel, and sold to S. Berger, Esq. Smith's ' Catalogue Baisonne^ No. 112 16 F. WHEATLEY, E.A. 109 Thk Benevolent Cottager 30 in. by 25 in. Engraved hy Nutter 8IR J. REYNOLDS. 110 A Yotjng Gibl, in white dress with pink sash, seated, resting her head on her right arm, a goldfinch perched on her lelt shoulder Oval— 28 in. by 23 in. G. ROMNEY. 111 PORTRAIT OF CHARLOTTE, eldest daughter of Henry Peirse, Esq., of Bedale, and the Hon. Charlotte Grace Monson ; born 1780, married 1797, Inigo Freeman Thomas Esq., of Ratton, Sussex, died at Lisbon in 1800 ; painted when a young girl, in white muslin dress, blue sash and large hat, the strings of which she holds in her hands, walk- ing in a landscape, turned to the right 63 in. by 47 in. See Illustration G. MORLAND. 112 FisHEBMEN Landing Nets 30 in. by 42 in. T. HUDSON. 13 PoETBAiT OF A GENTLEMAN, in browu dress, standing, holding his wife's hand, who is seated, attired in white and blue dress 88 in. by 60 in. 17 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. G. MOELAND. 114 THE STABLE DOOE: View of a farmyard, in which are some pigs and a cart-horse ; beyond them are two men entering a shed, one of them carrying a sack Signed, and dated 1791 271 in. by 36 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1895 I 3^,7 ''"'^ . Ol *-<'-{/Ui Exhibited at the Guildhall, 1899 SIK J. EEYNOLDS. 116 PoRTBAiT OF Lady Clekmont, in blue and white dress with ermine, pearls and ribbon in her hair ; head to the right 30 in. by 25 in. Formerly in the Collection of the Earl of Carlisle ^^''^^f}**^^'^ T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. ^:r<=iv^ U oXXka 116 A WooDT Landscape, with a peasant, cows, sheep and goats ; children, with dogs, in the foreground 35 in. by 44 in. From the Weeting Hall Collection G. STUBBS, E.A. 117 Two HoBSEs AND Two Dogs, in a landscape 29 in. by 37 in. 18 L. BOILLY. 118 A Lady, seated with her daughter by a fountain Black and white 24 in, by 20 in. J. EUSSELL, E.A. ' 119 PORTRAIT OF MISS S. D. CHAMBERS, in white muslin dress, pink sash and shoes, pink ribbon in her hair, seated, with her left arm resting on a pedestal, and holding a book in her right hand ; a dog asleep on the ground before her ; foliage background and river scene beyond Signed and dated, J. Russell, It.A., 1798 94 in. by 58 in. Exhibited at the Leedi< Art Museum, 1884 Described in G. C. Williamson's Worh on J. Russell, M.A. See Illustration A. CANALETTO. 120 The Proposed Theatke and Rialto, Venice 38 in. by 50 in. J. RUSSELL, E.A. 121 PoRTKAiT OF JoHN CoLLiNS, Woolstapler, of Devizes, in blue coat and yellow vest, leaning his arm on a fence, a ram by his side Signed, and dated 1799 Pastel — 29 in. by 24 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1799 Described in Mr. G. C. Williamson's book art Russell 19 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. DUTCH SCHOOL. 122 A Naval Engagement Signed 28 in. by 43 in. EEMBEANDT. 123 Bathsheba at her Toilet, au old woman attending on her 35 in. b}' 31^ in. MADAME LE BEUN. 124 PoETRAiT OP Mabik ANTOINETTE, in brown and red dress, seated, holding a book 50 in. by 40 in. L. BACKHUYSEN. 125 A FiSHiNG-BoAT, with a red sail, and other shipping: Squally weatber 15 in. by 20 in. From the Collection of the Grand Duke Mecklenhurgh- Schwerin From the Colleetian of G. T. Braine, Esq., 1857 G. EECKHOUT. 126 The Jew Merchant 36 in. by 32^, in. G. H. HARLOW. 127 Portrait op a Lady, in white dress, with black robe. 30 in. by 25 in. 20 F. MOLENAER. 128 An Ixterior, with three figures On panel — 14 in. by 12^ in. A. SOLARIO. 129 Salvator Mundi On panel — 26 in. by 20 in. From the Solly Collection G. TERBURG. 130 Portrait of a Youth, in grey coat and white collar — oval On copper — 4^ in. by 3 in. FINIS. Loudon : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. Tl /