Catalogue OF THE LIBRARY OF Zhc IRoi^al Hrcba^oloo^cal Jnstitute OF Great Britain and Ireland. LONDON : ROYAL ARCH^OLOGICAL INSTITUTE, OXFORD MANSION. I 890. PREFACE. The Library Catalogue has been prepared according to the rules of the Index Society, and consists of an Author-Catalogue and a Topographical Index. In the former, Societies are treated as Authors without any cross-reference from the place of publication. Periodicals are entered in alphabetical order. Anonymous works appear under the leading word of the title. The Pamphlets have been bound in separate volumes and classi- fied as far as possible according to language, subject, and size, and are distinguished by an asterisk in the Catalogue. A few guide-books, which were omitted from the Author-Catalogue, have been entered in full in the Topographical Index. An Appendix of recent additions to the Library brings the work up to date. Special attention is drawn to the Topographical Index, which has been compiled with a view to assist members in investiga- ting the Archaeology of any special district at home or abroad. The titles of the works have been cut down as far as possible, but will be found in full in the Author-Catalogue under the italicised word. The entries in the Index are grouped under the various Countries, and are subdivided, where practicable, under Counties, Departments, and Subjects, e.g.: — EGYPT. Naukratis. Coins. B, V. Head, ENGLAND. Hertfordshire. History. R. Cliitterbuck. For rendering more serviceable a future edition of this Index, the Council relies on contributions from the members of the Institute of works, periodicals, and papers of archaeological and topographical interest, and would be grateful for any help from the members in supplying works from the districts in which they reside. In the general arrangement of the Library, also in the compila- tion of this work, and its supervision in passing through the press, the Compiler has to acknowledge, with thanks, the valuable assist- ance of Mr. E. Wyndham Hulme, and of Mr. Hellier Gosselin, whose experiences have been most useful to him, and whose assistance has been so readily accorded in the furtherance of the volume. E. C. HULME, Hon. Librarian. August y 1890. RULES FOR THE REGULATION OF THE LIBRARY OF THE ROYAL ARCH^OLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 1. The Library shall be open for the use of the Members daily (Sundays, Saturdays, and holidays excepted) from the hours of 1 1 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Saturdays it will close at i p.m. 2. The Library shall be closed during the Christmas week, the Easter and Whitsun holidays, and during the month of August. 3. Every member of the Institute whose annual subscription is not in arrears may borrow out of the Library any number of printed volumes, not exceeding four. 4. No part of a number of any work in progress of publication, or of any periodical, may be taken out of the Library. Such works may only be borrowed on the completion of a volume. 5. No book shall be retained for a longer period than one mouthy if the same has been applied for meanwhile by another member ; nor in any case shall any book be retained for a longer period than two months. 6. Any book lost or defaced, or in any manner injured, whilst in the possession of any member, who shall have borrowed the same from the Library, shall be replaced, and its cost price paid by the borrower. 7. No book shall be lent to any person not being a member of the Listitute. 8. Works of special value, rarity, or peculiar liability to damage; books of plates, drawings, rubbings, and such like, may only be taken out by special permission of the Council. 9. Every application by any member who shall not attend in person for the loan of any book or books shall be in iv?'iting. 10. The title of every book borrowed, the name of the borrower, and the time of borrowing it, shall be entered in a book called the Library Delivery Book " ; and such entering shall be signed by the borrower or his agent ; and the return of books borrowed shall be duly entered into the same book, 11. All expenses of transmission and return of books shall in every case be defrayed by the member who shall have borrowed the same. By order of Council, E. C. HULME, Hojiora7-y Lih-mnan. H. GOSSELIN, Secretary, August, 1890. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. Abbadie (A. d'). *Monnaies des Rois d'^thiopie decrites par Ad. de Longperier, et observations sur les monnaies JEthio- piennes. Paris, i86S Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa: Historia e Memorias. 4to, Lisbon, 1861-85 Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St-Petersbourg : Bulletin. 4to, St. Petersbourg, 1873-4 Adamnan (Abbot of Hy : lona). Life of St. Columba. Sec Irish ArchcBological and Celtic Society II. 1857 Addington (Rev. Henry). The Abbey Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Dorchester, Oxfordshire. 8vo, Oxford, 1845 ^gyptische Monumenten.* Leyden, 1840 ^LFRIC Society. The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church ; translation by Benjajnin Thorpe^ F.S.A. London, 1846 The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis ; translation by /. M, Kemble, 1844-56 Anglo-Saxon Dialogues of Salomon and Saturn ; translation by /. M. Kemble, 1845-48 Africa, Coins of Ancient* (Num. Chron.) AiNSWORTH (Robert). Thesaurus Linguae Latinae. 4to, London, 1783 Airy (G. B.) On the Roman Invasions of Britain. 4to, London, 1865 Airy (Rev. W.) and Airy (Rev. B. R.) Digest of the Domesday of Bedfordshire. Fol., Bedford, 1881 Akerman (J. Y.), F.S.A. Tradesmen's Tokens, current in London and its vicinity between the years 1648 and 1672. 8vo, London, 1849 Remains of Pagan Saxondom. 4to, London, 1855 2 Allies (Jabez), f.S.A. On the ancient British, Roman, and Saxon Antiquities and Folk-lore of Worcestershire. 8vo, London, 1852 Alterthums-Verein zu Wien : Berichte und Mittheilungen. 4to, Wien, 1879-83 American Antiquarian Society : Transactions and Col- lections: Archseologia Americana. 8vo, i860 Proceedings. 8vo, Boston, 1854-72 American Ethnological Society: Transactions. 8vo, New York, 1845-8 American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts. 8vo, Baltimore, 1885 Anderson (J. C.) The Roman City of Uriconium, Wroxeter, Salop. 8vo, London, 1867 Andrews (S. P.) Discoveries in Chinese. 8vo, New York, 1854 Andrews (W.) *Skull Superstitions. Hull, 1877 Andrews (W. F.) Amongst the Tombs ; a record of y« former inhabitants of Hertford. 4to, Hertford, 1884 Memorial Brasses in Hertfordshire Churches. 4to, Hertford, 1886 Angell (Samuel). ^Excavations in Chertsey Abbey. Chertsey, 1862 Anisy (A. L. d'). Sceaux Normands et Anglo-Normands. FoL, Caen, 1834 Extrait des Chartes, et autres Actes Normands ou Anglo-Normands qui se trouvent dans les Archives du Calvados. 2 vols. 8vo, Caen, 1834 Annales Archeologiques, dirigees par Didron aine. 4to, Paris, 1844-70 Table analytique et methodique par X. B. de Montault. 4to, Paris, 1881 Anselme (F.) Palais de I'Honneur, ou les Genealogies His- toriques des lUustres Maisons de France, et de plusieurs Nobles Families de TEurope. 4to, Paris, 1568 Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland: Journal. 8vo, London, 1872 Society of London : Review. 8vo, London, 1863-70 Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer. Edited by Edward Walford. 8vo, London, 1882-88 Antiquarische Gesellschaft in Zurich : Mittheilungen. 4to, Zurich, 1841 3 Antiquarische Gesellschaft in Zurich : AnzeiVer o 8vo, Zurich, 1855- Die Wappenrolle von Zurich. 4to, Zurich, i860 Urkundenbuch der Abtei Sanct Gallen von Hermann Wartmann. 4to, Zurich, 1863 Berichte. 8vo, Zurich, 1868 Wandgemalde im bischoflichen Palast zu Chur. 4to, Zurich, 1878 Denkschrift. 4to, Zurich, 1882 Arboit (A.) *Tomba di Gisoho. Udine, 1874 Archaeologia. See Society of Antiquaries of London. ^liana. See Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle- upon- Tyne. Americana. See American Antiqitarian Society. Cambrensis. S^e Cambrian A rchceological Association, Cantiana. Kent Arckceological Society. Scotica. See Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archaeological Institute. See Royal Archceological Institute, Institute of America. American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 8vo, Boston, i Journal. Royal Archceological Institute. Magazine of Bristol, Bath, South Wales, and the South-Western Counties, in connection with the Bristol and West of England Architectural and Heraldic Society. 8vo, London, 1843-4 Archaeological Society of North Oxfordshire. Transactions. 8vo, Banbury, 1853-5 Archaologische Zeitung. 4to, Berlin, 1843-8 Anzeiger. 4to, Berlin, 1849-50 Denkmaler, Forschungen und Berichte. 4to, Berlin, 1849-57 Architectural and Archaeological Society for the County of Buck- ingham. 8vo, Aylesbury, 1858 Architectural and Archaeological Society of Leicestershire. 8vo, Leicester, 1 862 Architectural and Archaeological Society of the Counties of Lincoln and Nottingham. See Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers. Architectural Society of the Archdeaconries of Northampton and Oakham. See Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers. 4 Architectural Quarterly Review. 8vo, London, 1 508 Archiv fiir Hessische Geschichte und Alterthums-Kunde. 8vo, Darmstadt, 1848-52 Aristotle. Scriptum Antonii Andreey Ord. Min. super tota arte Veteri Aristotelis : cum questionibus ejusde. HBlacft Xettet* Venetiis, per Octavianum Scotum Modoetiensem. Fol., 1480 Arwidsson (A. I.) Svenska Fornsanger. 3 vols. 8vo, Stockholm, 1834 ASHMOLE (Elias). The History of the most noble order of the Garter. 8vo, London, 171 5 Associated Architectural Societies : Reports and Papers. 8vo, 1850 AUBER (Abbe). *Sur la Restauration des Eglises. Paris, 185 1 Aubrey (John), F.R.S. Natural History of Wiltshire. Ed. J. Britton. See Wiltshire Topographical Society. Remains of Gentilisme and Judaisme. See Folk-Lore Society Publications, AUFSESS (F. H.) ^System der deutschen Geschichts und Alterthums Kunde entworfen zum Zwecke der Anordnung der Sammlungen des Germanischen Museums. Nurnberg, 1853 AULDJO (John). Ascent of Mont Blanc, 1827. 8vo, London, 1830 AUSSY (Le Grand d'). See Le Grand d' Aussy , Babington (C. C), F.R.S. History of the Infirmary and Chapel of the Hospital and College of St. John the Evangelist at Cambridge. 8vo, Cambridge, 1874 Ancient Cambridgeshire. See Ca^nbridge Antiquarian Society, Baden (G. L.), LL.D. History of Norway. 8vo, London, 18 17 Bagg (S. C.) ^Antiquities and Legends of Durham. Montreal, 1866 Bailey (C.) Transcripts from the Municipal Archives of Winchester. 8vo, Winchester, 1856 Bailie (J. K.) Fasciculus Inscriptionum, Grsecarum potis- simum. 4to, Dublinii, 1846 Bain (Joseph). Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland. See Deputy Clerk Register of Scotland. The Stirlings of Craigbernard and Glorat. 4to, privately printed, Edinburgh, 1883 See Grampian Club, 5 Baker (Anne E.) Glossary of Northamptonshire words and phrases. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1854 Baker (E. E.) A true Report of certain Wonderful Overflowings of Waters in Somerset, Norfolk, and other parts of England. A.D. 1607. 4to, Weston-super-Mare, 1884 A True and most DreadfuU Discourse of a Woman possessed with a Devill at Dichet, in Somersetshire. A.D. 1584. 8vo, Weston-super-Mare, 1886 A Contribution to the Bibliography of Weston- super-Mare. i2mo, Weston-super-Mare, 1887 A True and Perfect Narrative of the late extra- ordinary Snows. 1674. 4to, Weston-super-Mare, 1887 Ballard (R.) The Solution of the Pyramid Problem. 8vo, New York, 1882 Bannatyne Club : Two Ancient Records of the Bishopric of Caithness. 4to, Edinburgh, 1847 Carte Monialium de Northberwic. [Charters of the Priory of North Berwick.] With Preface by C\os7no\ I[nnes]. 4to, Edinburgh, 1847 Royal Letters, Charters, and Tracts relating to the Colonization of New Scotland, and the Institution of the Order of Knights Baronets of Nova Scotia. 1621-38. Edited with Preface by D. Laing. 4to, Edinburgh, 1867 Bx\NNlSTER (Rev. John). Glossary of Cornish Names. 8vo, London, 1871 Barber (E. A.) Various Papers on Tobacco Pipes. Philadelphia, N.D. Barber (Fairless), F.S.A. ^Examples of Mediaeval Deeds. London, 1879 Barber (H.) *Pre-historic Remains of Furness and Cartmel. Ulverston, 1868 Barr (James). Anglican Church Architecture. 8vo, Oxford, 1846 Barrett (J. T.), D.D. Memorials of the Parochial Church, the Collegiate Chantrey, and the Chapel of St. Mary, in the Parish of Attleborough, in the County of Norfolk. 8vo, London, 1848 Barton (T.) -^Antiquities discovered at Little Cressingham, Norfolk. 1849 Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-Land-en-Volkenkunde. 8vo, Batavia, 1853 Bataviaasch Notulen van de Algemeene en Bestuurs-Verga- deringen 8vo, Batavia, 1863-79 Verhandelingen. 4to, Batavia, 1853-77 Kawi Oorkonden (in fac-simile). Fol., Batavia, 1875 Het Maleisch der Molukken. Lijst door F. S, A, De Clercq. 1876 Gedenkboek 1778- 1878. Batavia, 1878 Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club: Proceedings. 8vo, Bath, 1867-72 Bathurst (Rev. W. H.) Roman Antiquities at Lydney Park, Gloucestershire. Notes by C. W. King, 8vo, London, 1879 Baudry (Abbe). '''Note sur Touverture d'un nouveau Puits sepulcral sur la Colline de Troussepoil, Vendee. 1859 "^Troisieme Memoire sur les Fouilles Archeologiques du Bernard, Vendee. Napoleon, 1861 "^Memoire sur les Fosses Gallo-Romaines de Trousse- poil. Orleans, 1863 -*Nouvelles Fosses Gallo-Romaines de Troussepoil, Vendee. Nantes, 1864 -*Rapport sur TOuverture des IV® ' V® ' VP' Puits Fune- raires de Troussepoil. 1865 ^Rapport sur I'Ouverture des VII VHP-' Puits Fune- raires de Troussepoil. 1866 ■^Rapport sur les IX®- et X®- Puits Funeraires de Trous- sepoil. ^Rapport sur les XP' XIP- et XIIP' Puits Fune- raires de Troussepoil. Napoleon, 1868 ^Rapport sur les XIV®' XV^-. XVP'XVIP'et XVIIP Puits Funeraires de Troussepoil. 1872 "^Les Puits Funeraires du Bernard. 1872 *Rapport sur la Fouille du XXIV®- Puits Funeraire Gallo-Romain du Bernard. Paris, 1876 ^Rapport sur le XXV®' Puits Funeraire du Bernard. Nantes, 1877 Baumefort (V. de). ^Notice sur le Temple des Druides d'Uzes. Lyon, 1861 Bayley (William D'Oyly). Account of the House of D'Oyly. 8vo, London, 1845 Baylis (T. H.), Q.C. Fire Hints. 8vo, London, 1884 Beaumont (G.) ^Copyhold Tenure. 1835 Beck (T. A.) Annales Furnesienses. The History and An- tiquities of the Abbey of Furness. 4to, London, 1844 Bede (The Venerable). Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation. From the Latin by /. ^. Giles, 8vo, London, 1840 Bedfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society. See Associated ArchitectiLval Societies^ Reports and Papers. Beeston (W.) ^Phoenician verses found in the Poenulus of Plautus. London, 1850 Bell (H. C. P.) The Maldive Islands. Account of the phy- sical features, climate, history, inhabitants, productions, and trade. FoL, Colombo, 1883 Bell (W.) Shakespeare's Puck. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1852 Bellermann (Dr. Christian). "^Ueber eine seltene Erzmlintze mit dem Monogramm des achaischen Bundesgeldes. Bonn, 1859 Bellicard. Observations upon the Antiquities of Hercu- laneum. 8vo, London, 1753 Benvenuti (Leo). "^Museo Euganeo-Romano di Este. Bologna, 1880 Berlanga (Dr.) Hispaniae Anteromanae. 2 vols. 8vo, Malacae, 188 1-3 Bernan (Walter). On Warming and Ventilating Rooms by open Fires, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1845 Bertolini (Dario). "^Jul. Cone. Col. e la Necropoli cristiana recentemente scopertavi. 1877 BiGSBY (Dr. R.) "^The Order of St. John of Jerusalem. London, 1861 Billings (R. W.) The Architectural Antiquities of the County of Durham. 4^0, Durham, 1847 BiNDON (Samuel H.) ^MSS. relating to Ireland. Dublin, 1847 Bingham (Rev. C. W.) Memoirs of John Potenger, Comp- troller of the Pipe (Charles H., James H., etc.) i2mo, London, 1841 Birch (Samuel), LL.D., F.S.A. Fac-similes of Egyptian Relics discovered at Thebes, circa B.C. 1800. FoL, London, 1863 "^Cypriote Inscriptions. London, 1873 Papyrus of Nas-khem. 4to, N.D. Birch (Walter de Grey). ^Cistercian Abbey of Stanley, Wilts. "^Ankerwyke Nunnery, Bucks. ^ Index of the Styles and Titles of Sovereigns of England. See Index Society, 8 Birch (Walter de Grey). *SeaIs of King Henry II. and of his Son, the so called Henry III. — *Notes on a Fresco in the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral. London, 1880 BiZOT (M.) Histoire metallique de la Republique de Hollande. 8vo, Amsterdam, 1688 Supplement. 8vo, Amsterdam, 1690 Blaauw (W. H.) The Barons' War, including the Battle of Lewes and Evesham. 4to, Lewes, 1844 Black (William George). See Folk-Lore Society Publications, Blacker (Rev. B. H.) Monumental Inscriptions in the Parish Church of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. 4to, London, 1877 Blair (Dr. A.) and Ronalds (F.) Sketches at Carnac (Brit- tany) in 1834. Fol., London, 1836 Blake (J. H.) Notes on a Collection from the Ancient Ceme- tery at the Bay of Chacola, Peru. 1878 Blakhal (Gilbert). Breifife Narration of Services done by ; to three noble Ladyes, 1631-49. See Spalding Club XL Blayds (J.) ^Account of an Egyptian Mummy. Leeds, 182& Blight (J. T.) Antiquities in the Hundreds of Kirrier and Penwith, West Cornwall. Truro, 1862 Bliss (T.) and Francis (G. G.) Some account of Sir Hugh Johnys, Dep. K. Marsh, of England, temp. Henry VL and Edward IV. 8vo, Swansea, 1845 Bloom (Rev. J. H.) Notices, Historical and Antiquarian, of the Castle and Priory at Castleacre in the County of Norfolk. 8vo, London, 1843 Bloxam (Matthew Holbeche), F.S.A. The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture. 8vo, London, 1846 The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture. 3 vols. 8vo, Rugby, 1882 "^Roman Sepulchral remains at St. Stephen's, St. Albans, Herts. London, 1849 *On the Church of Compton Wyniate. Warwick, 1883 *Ancient Churches and Chapels formerly existing in the County of Warwick. Warwick, 1884 ^Ancient British, Roman, and Anglo-Saxon Pagan- dom Remains : Warwickshire. 1884 *Recent discoveries in Warwickshire. 1885 ^Medieval Antiquities : Warwickshire. 1885 9 BOECK (C.) Bemserkninger angaaende Graptolitherne. 4to, Christiania, 185 1 BOISSARDI (J. J.) Emblemata aus dem Latein verteutscht. 4to, Franckfurt, 1593 Bond (Thomas). Corfe Castle, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. 8vo, London, 1883 BONNEAU (Etienne). ^La Gaule selon Homere. 1883 BONSTETTEN (Baron G. de). Recueil d'Antiquitcs Suisses. FoL, Berne, 1855 "^Essai sur les Dolmens. Geneve, 1865 Boucher de Perthes. Antiquites Celtiques et Antcdilu- viennes. 2 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1847 "^Reponse a M.M. les Antiquaires et Gcologistes presents aux Assises Archeologiques de Laon. Amiens, 1859 Boulogne : "^Notice sur la Crypte de Notre Dame. Boulogne, 1844 BOUTELL (Rev. Charles). Monumental Brasses of England. 8vo, London, 1849 Christian Monuments. London, 1849 Heraldry, Historical and Popular. 8vo, London, 1864 Arms and Armour in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. 8vo, London, 1869 BOYLE (M. W.) Sketches and Drawings. 4to, London N.D. Brackenbury (H.) "^Ancient Cannon in Europe. Woolwich, 1865 Bradford-on-Avon. Saxon Church* 1886 Brash (R. R.) The Ogam Inscribed Monuments of the Gaedhil in the British Islands. 4to, London, 1879 Brasses. A list of the Monumental Brasses remaining in Eng- land. See Manning ( Rev. C. R.) Braun (Dr. F.) Das judenbad zu Andernach. Bonn, 1853 "^Zur Geschichte der Thebaischen Legion. Bonn, 1855 "^Die Trojaner am Rheine. Bonn, 1856 "^Die Wustenroder Leopard, ein romisches Cohorten- zeichen. Bonn, 1857 -^Die Externsteine. Bonn, 1858 "^Das Portal zu Remagen. Bonn, 1859 * Kunstarchaologische Betrachtungen liber das Portal zu Remagen. Bonn, 1859 Braybrooke (Richard Cornwallis, 4th Lord), F.S.A. Archaeo- logical Essays. ( Excerpta.) 8vo lO Brayley (Edward Wedlake), F.S.A. See Graphic and Historical Illustrator, Breeks (James W.) An Account of the Primitive Tribes and Monuments of the Nilagiris. 4to, London, 1873 Brewer (Thomas). Memoirs of the Life and Times of John Carpenter, Town Clerk of London, in the reigns of Henry V. and Henry VI., and Founder of the City of London School. 8vo, London, 1856 Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society : Transactions. 8vo, Bristol, 1876 Analysis of the Domesday Survey of Gloucestershire. By the Rev. Charles Taylor, 8vo, Bristol Bristol and West of England Architectural and Heraldic Society. See Archceological Magazine, British and American Archaeological Society of Rome : Journal. 8vo, Rome, 1887 British Archaeological Association: Journal. 8vo, London, 1846 Index 8vo, London, 1875 Canterbury. 8vo, London, 1845 The same, large paper copy. 4to, London, 1845 Winchester. 8vo, London, 1846 Worcester. 8vo, London, 185 1 British Archaeological Society of Rome. 8vo, Rome, 1868 British Museum : Select Papyri in Hieratic Character. Parts 2 and 3. Fol., London, 1842 Britten (James). See Folk-Lore Society Publications. Britton (John), F.S.A. Historical and Architectural Essay relating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol. 8vo, London, 1813 The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Oxford. 4to, London, 1821 The History and Antiquities of Bath Abbey Church. 4to, London, 1825 The History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Bristol. 4to, London, 1830 "^Catalogue of Books relating to Wiltshire. 185 1 ^ ^ 1 T i- r See Wiltshire Kssay on Topographical Literature. I XoPocrraphical Memoir of John Aubrey. 1 ^ .^^ J J' I Society. "^Prospectus of Life and Autobiography. London, 1847 * Memoirs of Life of H. Hatcher. London, 1847 1 1 Britton (John), F.S.A. Autobiography. 8vo, London, 1850 Brodie of Brodie (Alexander). Diary, 1652-1680. Sec Spalding Club XXX III. Brodie of Brodie (James, son of preceding). Diary, 1680-5. See Spalding Club XXXIII. Brown (Cornelius). The Annals of Newark-upon-Trent. 4to, London, 1879 Brown (Robert), F.S.A. Eridanus, River and Constellation. 4to, London, 1883 Browne (John). The History of the Metropolitan Church of St. Peter, York. 2 vols. 4to, London, 1847 "Letter to the Rev. R. Willis touching the " History of St. Peter, York." London, 1849 Browne (Sir Thomas). Religio Medici. 8vo, London, 1 845 Bruce (Rev. J. C), ll.d., f.s.a. ^Castle of Newcastle. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1847 The Roman Wall. 8vo, London, 185 1 The Roman Wall : A Description of the Mural Barrier of the North of England. Third Edition. 4to, London, 1867 Incised markings on stone in the County of North- umberland, Argyleshire, etc. FoL, London, 1869 Bruce (John). See Camden Society Publications. Bruce (W. Downing), f.s.a. Chronological Tables. i2mo, London, 1847 *On the condition of ancient Parochial Registers. London, 1850 Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire. 3'""^^ Edition. 4 vols, in two. 8vo, Bruxelles, 1821 Supplement au Manuel du Libraire. 3 vols, in one, 8vo, Paris, 1834 Bryan (F. T.) See Secretary of War, U.S.A. Buck (Samuel and Nathaniel). Views of old Castles, Priories, and Monasteries in the Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Fol., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1883 Buckler (G.) Twenty-two of the Churches of Essex. 8vo, London, 1856 Colchester Castle, a Roman Building. 8vo, Colchester, 1876 Colchester Castle, a Roman Building. Fourth Section. 8vo, London, 1882 12 Buckler (J.), f.S.A. Views of the Cathedral, Abbey, and Collegiate Churches of England. Fol., London, N.D. Buckler (J. C.) and (C. A.) ^Remarks on Wayside Chapels. Oxford, 1853 A History of the Architecture of the Abbey Church of St. Alban. 8vo, London, 1847 BUCKMAN (Prof) and Newmarch (C. H.) Illustrations of the remains of Roman Art in Cirencester, the site of antient Corinium. 8vo, London, 1850 The same. 4to, London, 1850 Budge (E. A. W.) *Notes on Egyptian Stelae, principally of the XVIIIth dynasty. 1885 * Martyrdom of Isaac of Tiphre. 1886 BuGGE (S.) Rune-Indskriften paa Ringen i Forsa Kirke i Nordre Helsingland. 4to, Christiania, 1877 Bull (Henry G.) Ancient Glass in Credenhill Church, Hereford- shire: by Rev. F. T. Havergal; together with a description of Credenhill Camp and a general view of the Roman Stations in the County. 4to, Hereford, 1884 Bulletin Monumental, Par M, de Caumont, 8vo, Paris, 1838-44 Table generale analytique et raisonnee, par M. TAbbe Auber. 8vo, Paris, 1846 Deuxieme Sdrie. 8vo, Paris, 1845-51 Bullettino Archeologico Sardo ossia Raccolta dei Monument! Antichi in ogni genere di tutta Flsola di Sardegna. 8vo, Cagliari, 1855-7 BUNSEN (C. C. J.) Die Basiliken des christlichen Roms. 4to, Munchen, N.D. BURGE (William), Q.C., F.R.S. The Temple Church. 8vo, London, 1843 BURGES (W.) The Architectural Designs of Edited by R. P. Pullan. Fol., London, 1883 See De Cosson ( Baron ) and Burges ( W.) BURKE (John Bernard). "^Genealogical History of the Family of Tennyson d'Eyncourt of Bayons Manor, Lincoln. London, 1846 Burn (Jacob H.) A Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders, Tavern, and Coffee-House Tokens current in the 17th century. (Beaufoy Collection.) 8vo, London, 1855 Burt (T. S.) See Virgil. Burton (R. F.) ^Anthropological Collections from the Holy Land. N.D. 13 Burton (William). Leicestershire. Fol., 1622 Burton-on-Trent Natural History and Archaeological Society : Transactions. 8vo, London, 1889 BURTT (J.) ^Public Record Office. Bury (T. T.) Remains of Ecclesiastical Woodwork. 4to, London, 1847 Bury and West Suffolk Archaeological Institute : Proceedings. 8vo, Bury, 1853 For continuation, see Suffolk InstitiUe of Archceology^ Statistics^ and Natural History, BUSSCHER (E. de). -^Description du Cortege Historique des Comtes de Flandre. Gand, 1849 Butler (Rev. R.) See Irish Archceological Society, Cabot (Sebastian). A memoir. 8vo, London, 1832 C^SAR (Charles). Life of Sir Julius Caesar. 4to, London, 18 10 Calendar of State Papers. See Master of the Rolls. Callaway (Rev. Canon). See Folk-Lore Society Publications. Cambrian Archaeological Association: Archaeologia Cambrensis. 8vo, London, 1847 Surveys of Gower and Kilvey. 8vo, London, 1870 Cartularium Prioratus S. Johannis Evangelistae de Brecon. 8vo, London, 1884 Cambrian Journal. 8vo, Tenby, 1854-61 Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Publications. 4to, Cambridge, 1846 Anglo-Saxon Legends of St. Andrew and St. Veronica. By C. W. Goodwin. 8vo, Cambridge, 1851 Fragment of a Graeco-Egyptian Work upon Magic, from a papyrus in the British Museum. Edited by C. W. Goodwin 8vo, Cambridge, 1852 — Ancient Cambridgeshire. By C. C. Babington. 8vo, Cambridge, 1853 History of the Parish of Waterbeach. By the Rev. W. K. Clay, 8vo, Cambridge, 1859 Antiquarian Communications. 8vo, Cambridge, 1859 Diary of Edward Rud, to which are added several unpublished letters of Dr. Bentley. Edited by H, R. Luard. 8vo, Cambridge, i860 History of the Parish of Landbeach. By the Rev. W. K. Clay. 8vo, Cambridge, 1861 History of the Parish of Horningsey. By Rev, W. K. Clay. 8vo, Cambridge, 1865 Correspondence of Richard Porson. By H. R. Luard. 8vo, Cambridge, 1867 14 Cambridge Antiquarian Society. — History of Queen's College, of St. Margaret's and St. Bernard. By W. G. Searle, 8vo, Cambridge, 1867 Church Bells of Cambridgeshire. By Rev. J. J* Raven. 8vo, Cambridge, 1882 Ancient Cambridgeshire. By C. C. Babingto7t. Svo, Cambridge, 1883 Memoir of Caleb Parnham. By J. R. Lunn. Svo, Cambridge, 1883 On the Measurements and Valuations of the Domesday of Cambridgeshire. By the Rev. Bryan Walker. FoL, Cambridge, 1884 Nicholas Tyery's proposals to Henry VIII. for an Irish Coinage. Edited by G. O. W. Cooper and F.J.H. Jenkinson. 8vo, Cambridge, 1 886 Journal of a tour through part of Flanders and France, 1773. James Essex. Edited by W. M. Fawcett. Svo, Cambridge, 1880 Cambridge Camden Society. Ecclesiologist. See Ecclesiologist. Transactions. 4to, Cambridge, 1851 Camden Society : Publications. Alliterative Poem on the deposition of Richard II. — Ricardi May diston. Latin Poem, edited by T. Wright. 4to, London, 1838 Three early English Metrical Romances. Edited by J. Robson. 4to, London, 1842 Promptorium Parvulorum sive Clericorum. Lexicon Anglo-Latin- um Princeps. Albertus Way. 4to, London, 1843-65 The Chronicle of Calais. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 4to, London, 1846 De antiquis legibus Liber. Cronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum Londoniarum. Edited by T. Stapleton. 4to, London, 1846 Journal of the Siege of Rouen, 1591. By Sir Tho7nas Coningshy Edited by J. G. Nichols. 4to, London, 1847 Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen, Merchant-Taylor, of London, 1550 — 1563. Edited by J. G, Nichols. 4to, London, 1848 Certaine considerations upon the Government of England, by Sir Roger Twysden. Edited by M. Kemble. 4to, London, Discovery of the Jesuits' College at Clerkenwell, 1627- 1628. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 4to, London, 1852 Grants, etc., from the Crown during the reign of Edward V. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 4to, London, 1854 Inventories of the Wardrobes, Plate, etc., of Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 4to, London, 1855 Descriptive Catalogue of the works of the Camden Society. By J. G. Nichols. |4to, London, Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew. Edited by J. Maclea7i. 4to, London, 1864 History from Marble, by T. Dingley. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 2 vols. 4to, London, 1867-68 Accounts and Papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots. Edited by A . J. Crosby and J. Bruce. 4to, London, i S67 IS Camden (W.) Remaines of a Greater Worke, concerning Britaine, under initials M.N. small 4to, London, 1605 Britannia. Edited by E. Gibson. 2 vols. Fol., London, 1722 Camesina (Albert). *Plan der Stadt Venedig aus dem xiv. Jahrhundert. Wien, 1870 Canadian Institute : Journal of Industry, Science, and Art. New series, 8vo, Toronto, 1856-77 Proceedings. 8vo, Toronto, 1883 Canat (Marcel). Inscriptions Antiques de Chalon-sur-Saone. 4to, Chalon, 1856 Carapanos (C.) "^Inscriptions et autres pieces provenant de Dodone. 1878 Caraven-Cachin (A.) Sepultures Gauloises, Romaines et Franques du Tarn. 8vo, Castres, 1872 Le Tarn et ses Tombeaux. 8vo, Paris, 1873 Carew (Richard). The Survey of Cornwall. 4to, London, 1769 Carisbrooke. The blacke Booke, belonging to the Priorie of Carisbrooke. Holinshed MS. 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"(A Review). Dublin, 1852 Celtic Society. For continuation see Irish Archceological and Celtic Society. Book of Rights. Edited by JoJin O' Donovan. 8vo, Dublin, 1847 Cambrensis eversus. Edited by Rev. M. Kelly. 3 vols. 8vo, Dublin, 1848-52 Miscellany. Edited by John O' Donovan. 8vo, Dublin, 1849 Chabouillet (A.) Notice sur un Coffret d'Argent. 8vo, Paris, 1861 — • Description des Antiquites et objets d' Art, composant le cabinet de M. Louis Fould. Fol., Paris, 1861 Chaffers (William), f.S.a. Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain. 8vo, London, 1863 Chalmers (P.) The ancient sculptured Monuments of the County of Angus. Fol, Edinburgh, 1848 Chamberlain (B. H.) See Folk-Lore Society. Chambers (J.) A General History of Malvern. 8vo, Worcester, 1 8 1 7 Chambers (Robert). The Book of Days. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1863-64 Chester (Rev. Greville J.) ^Notes on the Archaeological Collections of the University of Oxford. Oxford, 1881 ^Notice of a gold cross found at Wilton, Norfolk. N.D. 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Henry Jones and Lewis L, Kropf. 8vo, London, 1889 Izinyanga Zokubula, or Divination as existing among the Amazulu in their own words, with a translation into English, and notes, by the Rev, Canon Callaway, 8vo, Natal, 1870 ' Folk-Lore and Provincial Names of British Birds. By the Rev, C, Swainson, 8vo, London, 1886 Aino Folk-Tales. By B. H, Chamberlain^ with introduction by E, B. Tylov, 8vo, London, 1888 Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail, with especial reference to the hypothesis of its Celtic origin, Alfred Ntdt, Svo, London, 1888 FOLKES (Martin). Table of English Silver Coins, from the Norman Conquest. 4to, London, 1745 Forbes (Duncan) of Culloden. Account of the Familie of Innes. A.D. 1698. See Spalding Club XXXIV, 29 Forma Precurn in utraque domo Convocationis. 4to, Londini, 1852 FORMEVILLE ( Histoire de Tancien Eveche-Comte de Lisieux. 2 vols. 8vo, Lisieux, 1873 FORENINGEN TIL NORSKE FORTIDSMINDESMERKERS BE- VARING. 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N.D See Egypt Exploration Fund, Heales (Major Alfred). * Sepulchral Brasses at Harrow, i860 Hederici (Benjamin). Graecum Lexicon. 4to, London, 1778 HfiDOUiN (P.) * Notes sur la Crypte de la Cathedrale de Bou- logne. Boulogne, 1839 Heilprin (Angelo). Explorations on the West Coast of Florida (Wagner Free Institute of Science). Imp. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1887 Henderson (William) : See Folk-Lore Society Pnblications, Henfrey (Henry William). A Guide to the study and ar- rangement of English Coins. 8vo, London, 1870 Henry (J.), -^neidea, or critical, exegetical, and aesthetical remarks on the ^neis. 4 vols. 8vo, London, 1873-90 Henry (Joseph). A Memorial of 8vo, Washington, 1880 Herald and Genealogist. 8vo, London, 1863-74 Herberger (T.) *Die Altesten Glasgemalde im Dome zu Augsburg. Augsburg, i860 Herbert (The Hon. A.) Cyclops Christianus ; or an argu- ment to disprove the supposed Antiquity of the Stone- henge and other Megalithic erections in England and Brit- tany. 8vo, London, 1849 See Irish Archceological Society, Herbert (M. L.) See EgyM Exploration Fund, Herbert (William). The History of the Twelve Great Liv- ery Companies of London. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1837 Herd (John). Historia quatuor Regum Angliae. See Purnell, 38 Herefordshire : Glossary of Provincial Words. 8vo, London, 1839 Hewett (Rev. John W.) ^Cathedral Church of St. Peter Exeter. Exeter, 1848 * Four appendices to the History of Exeter Cathedral. Exeter, 1848 Misereres in the Choir of the Cathedral of St. Peter, Exeter. 4to, Shoreham, 1849 Remarks on the Monumental Brasses and certain decorative remains in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, to which is appended a complete Monumentarium. 4to — Hewett (William). Memoirs of Tobias Rustat, Esq., Yeoman of the Robes to King Charles H., etc. 8vo, London, 1849 Hewitt (John). Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe. 3 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1855-60 — Chart of Ancient Armour. London, 1847 Heylyn (Peter). Help to English History. i2mo, London, 1671 The same. 8vo, London, 1786 HiGGENS (Rev. Robert). Parish History of Rural Deanery of Ware, Hertfordshire. 8vo, 1887 HiGGiN (E.) ^History of Ancient Door Fastenings, or a Monograph of Bars, Bolts, Locks and Keys. 1850 HiLDEBRAND (Bror Emil). Anglosachsiska mynt i Svenska Kongl-myntkabinettet, funna i Sveriges jord. 4to, Stockholm, 1846 Sveriges och Svenska Konungahusets Minnespennin- gar Praktmynt och Beloningsmedaljer beskrifna. 8vo, Stockholm, 1874-5 Anglo-Saxon Coins in the Royal Swedish Cabinet of Medals at Stockholm, all found in Sweden, arranged and described ; new and augmented edition. 14 plates. 8vo, Stockholm, 1881 Svenska Sigiller fran Medeltiden. • 4to — See Liljegren (J.G.) mid Hildebrartd (B, E,) HiLDEBRAND (B. E.) och (H.) Teckningar ur Svenska Statens Historiska Museum. Fol., Stockholm, 1873 Hill (Rev. John Horwood) F.S.A. The History of the Parish of Langton, with portion of the Hundred of Gartree, Leicestershire. 4to, Leicester, 1867 History of Market Harborough, etc. 4to, Leicester, 1875 39 HiLLlER (G.) * Excavations at Brightstone and Bowcombe Downs, Isle of Wight. 1854 Hilton (James), F.S.A. Chronograms, five thousand and more in number, excerpted out of various authors, and collected at many places. 4to, London, 1882 Chronograms, continued and concluded. 4to, London, 1885 HiNDE (J. Hodgson). A History of Northumberland in three parts. (Part i). 4to, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1858 Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Transactions. 8vo, Liverpool, 1848-60 New Series. 1861-73 Third Series. 1874- 1887 New Series. Historischer Verein fiir das Grossherzogthum Hessen : Archiv. 1848-52 Historischer Verein in Mittelfranken : 4to, Ansbach, 1841-55 Historischer Verein fiir Niedersachsen : Archiv. 8vo, Hannover, 1846-50 Zeitschrift. 8vo, Hannover, 1854 Nachricht. 8 vo, Hannover, 1836-71 Urkundenbuch. 8vo, Hannover, 1846-67 Katalog der Bibliothek. 8vo, Hannover, 1866 See Vaterlandisches Archiv. Historischer Verein im Oberdonau-Kreise : Jahrs-Bericht, 4to, Augsburg, 1836-7 Historischer Verein fiir den Regierungsbezirk von Schwaben und Neuburg : Jahrs-Bericht, 4to, Augsburg, 1841-53 Historischer Kreis- Verein im Regierungsbezirke von Schwaben und Neuburg : Jahres-Bericht, 4to, Augsburg, 1839-53 Jahres-Bericht, 8 vo, Augsburg, 1854-69 Catalog der Bibliothek. 8vo, Augsburg, 1867 History, Sources of British i2mo, London, 1852 Hitchcock (Richard). * Round Towers and other Antiquities of the County of Kerry. Dublin, 1854 HOARE (Edward.) Early History and Genealogy of the Families of Hore and Hoare. 4to, London, 1883 Hodges (C. C.) Illustration of the Priory Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Blyth, Nottinghamshire. Fol. 1881 40 HOFFSTADT (F.) Gothisches ABC Buch,das ist Grundregeln des gothischen Styls fur Kunstler und Werkleute. Fol, 1840 HOFMANN (A. W.), LL.D. Chemical Laboratories in the course of erection in the Universities of Rome and Berlin. 4to, London, 1866 HOLMBERG (Axel em). Skandinaviens Hallsristningar. 4to, Stockholm, 1848 HoLMBOE (C. A.) Sanskrit og Oldnorsk. 4to, Christiania, 1846 Oldnorske Verbum oplyst ved sammenligning med Sanskrit og andre Sprog af samme JEt 4to, Christiania, 1848 Om pronomen relatium og nogle relative conjunc- tioner. 4to, Christiania, 1850 Norsk og Keltisk. 4to, Christiania, 1854 * De Prisca re Monetaria Norvegiae, et de Numis aliquot et ornamentis in Norvegia repertis. Christiania, 1854 Norske Vaegtlodder. 4to, Christiania, 1863 — Broholtfundel. Mynter fra loth ogii^^ Aarhundrede. 1868 *Guldmynten fra Aak. 1874 See Christiania Vidensk-Selsk, ForhandL Holmes (T. V.) * Excavation in the Isle of Portland. 1848 Holt (H. F.) Rubens, a Sculptor. 4to, 1862 * Allegorical engravings of Albert Durer. 8vo, 1866 * Japanese "Virgin and child." 8vo, 1867 * Rubens, a sculptor. 8vo, 1867 * Dream of Human Life, by Michael Angela Btionarotti 8vo, 1867 * Marriage at Cana, by Paul Veronese, 8vo, 1867 Holy Places. Reverence due to 8vo, London, 1846 Home (D. M.) * Notes of a visit to Crailing, County Rox- burgh. August, 1 86 1 Hook (Rev. Dr. Walter Farquhar) Ecclesiastical Biography. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1845-7 Hooppell (Rev. R. E.) * On the significations of the names of the Roman Stations, " Per Lineam Valli." 1877 * Discovery of Roman remains at South Shields. (1875-6.) London, 1878 41 Hope (Right Hon. A. J. B. Beresford), D.C.L. The English Cathedrals of the nineteenth century. 8vo, London, i86i * Inaugural address at the Architectural Museum. London, 1863 * Remarks on Christchurch Priory Church, County of Hants. N.D. HORSLEY (J.) * Materials for a History of Northumberland. (1729-30.) How the Goode Wif thaught hir Doughter. 8vo, London, 1838 HUBNER (Dr. Emilio). Bericht liber eine Epigraphische Reise nach England, Schottland und Irland. 8vo, Berlin, 1867 Noticias Archeologicas de Portugal. 4to, Lisboa, 1871 * Bildniss einer Romerin, Marmorbliste des Brittis- chen Museum (Clytia.) Berlin, 1873 Hughes (T.) Handbook to Chester. 8vo, Chester, 1856 Hume (Rev. A.), f.s.a. * Sir Hugh, of Lincoln. London, 1849 * Antiquities found at Hoylake, Cheshire. London, 1847 The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom. 8vo, London, 1853 Ancient Meols, or some account of the Antiquities found near Dove Point on the sea-coast of Cheshire. 8vo, London, 1863 Hunter (Rev. Joseph), f.s.a. The History and Topography of Ketteringham, Norfolk. 4to, Norwich, 1851 See Commissioners on the Public Records. Hurry (Edmund Abdy). See Palmer (C. J,) and Hurry (E. A.) HUSENBETH (F. C.) Emblems of Saints. 8vo, London, 1850 Huxley (T. H.) ll.d * Physical basis of Life. New Haven (Conn.), 1869 Hylton Chaplets. Gateshead, i8?2 Index Society: * Index of the Styles and Titles of Sovereigns of Eng- land. By Walter de Grey Birch. 8vo, London, 1879 Index to English-speaking Students who have gradu- ated at Leyden University. By E, Peacock, 4to, London, 1883 Index to the obituary and biographical notices in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1780. A. to Gi. By H. Farrar, 8vo, London, 1889 42 INGLEDEW (C. J. D.) The History and Antiquities of North Allerton. 8vo, London, 1858 Inkersley fT.) An Inquiry into the Chronological succession of the styles of Romanesque and Pointed Architecture in France. 8vo, London, 1850 Innes (Cosmo). See Spalding Club ; also Bannatyne Club, Innes (Thomas). See Spaldiiig Club, xxv. Institut des Provinces et des Congres Scientifiques ; Annuaire* 8vo, Paris, 185 1-3 Institut des Provinces des Societes savantes Annuaire. 8vo Paris, i860 Institut Royal Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg, ci-devant Society Archeologique du Grand Duch^ ; Section Historique. 4to, Luxembourg, 1868-77 Institute of Bankers. * Some account of Lombard Street, its early goldsmiths, and the signs of their houses. By F. G. Hilton Price. F.S.A. 1886 Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica ; Annali. 8vo, Rome, 1844-8 Bulletino. 8vo, Rome, 1845-7 International Congress of Prehistoric Archaeology. Transactions of Third Session at Norwich and London, 1868. 8vo, London, 1869 Inv^arDS (Richard.) The Temple of the Andes. 4to, London, 1884 Ireland (John B.) From Wall Street to Cashmere. 8vo, New York, 1859 Irish Archaeological Society. (List of publications in chronological order.) I. Tracts relating to Ireland. Vol. i. 4to, Dublin, 1841 IL Annals of Ireland, by James Grace, of Kilkenny. Edited and translated by Rev, R. Butler, 4to, Dublin, 1841 III. Battle of Magh Rath. Edited and translated by J. O' Donovan, 410, Dublin, 1842 IV. Tracts relating to Ireland. Vol. 2. 4to, Dublin, 1843 V. Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country. Edited and translated by J, O Donovan, 4to, Dublin, 1843 VI. Book of Obits and Martyrology of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Edited by Rev, J, C. Crosthwaite, With introduction by J, H, Todd, 4to, Dublin, 1844 VII. Registrum Prioratus Omnium Sanctorum juxta Dublin. Edited by Rev, R, Butler, 4to, Dublin, 1845 VIII. Genealogies, Tribes and Customs of Hy. Fiachrach, commonly called O'Dowda's Country. Edited by J, O' Donovan. 4to, Dublin, 1844 43 IX. Description of West or H-Iar Connaught, 1684, by Roderick Flaherty, ¥.6\iQdhy y. Hardwia?!. 4to, Dublin, 1846 X. Miscellany of the Irish Archaeological Society. Vol. i. 4to, Dublin, 1846 XI. Irish Version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius. Edited and translated by J. H. Todd^ with introduction by Hon, A, Herbert. 4to, Dublin, 1848 XII. Latin Annalists of Ireland, viz : — 1. Annals of Ireland, by John Clyn^\ of Kilkenny. 2. Annals of Ireland, by Thady - 4to, DubUn, 1849 Dow ling. Edited by Rev, R, Butler, XIII. Macarice Excidium, or the destruction of Cyprus ; being a secret history of the War of the Revolution in Ireland, by Colonel C, O'Kelly, Edited by J, C, O'Callaghan, 4to, Dublin, 1849-50 XIV. Acts of Archbishop Colton in his Visitation of the Diocese ofDerry. a.d. 1397. 'E6\Xe:dihy W.Reeves, 4to, Dublin, 1850 XV. History of the Survey of Ireland, by Dr. William Petty. 1655-56. Edited by T, A, Larcom, 4to, Dubhn, 1851 Irish Arch^ological and Celtic Society. (List of publications in chronological order.) I. Liber Hymnorum. Book of Hymns of the Ancient Church of Ireland. Edited by 7. H. Todd, Part I. 4to, Dubhn, 1855 II. Life of St. Columba, by Adamnan, ninth Abbot of Hy. [lona]. Edited by W, Reeves. 4to, Dublin, 1857 IV. Annals of Ireland. Three Fragments. Edited by J, Donovan, 4to, Dublin, i860 V. The Topographical Poems of John O'Dubhagain and Giolla Na Naomh O'Huidhrin. Edited and translated by John O^Do?tovan. 8vo, Dublin, 1982 JAHN (Otto). * Die Lauersforter Phalerae. Bonn, i860 James (Captain E. R.) r.e. *The Guildford Caverns. 1871 * The Pilgrims Way. London, 1871 James (Colonel Sir H.) See Ordnance Survey Office, Druidical Structure at Callernish, Isle of Lewis. Fol. James (John). The History and Topography of Bradford, Yorkshire. 8vo, London, 1841 James (Rev. T.) * Cottage Building. 1861 Janssen (L.J. F.) Drenthsche Oudheden. 8vo, Utrecht, 1848 Jeaffreson (J. Cordy). ?>^^ Middlesex County Records Society, Jenkins (Rev. H.) Colchester Castle, built by a Colony of Romans, as a Temple to their deified Emperor, Claudius Caesar. 8vo, London, 1853 44 Jenkins (Rev. H.) * Colchester Castle. 1853 Colchester Castle, shewn to have been the Templed Citadel which the Roman colonists built at Colonia Cama- lodunum to their deified Emperor Claudius. 8vo, London, 1869 Jenkinson (F. J. H.) See Cainbridge Antiquarian Society. Jeremy (Walter D.) The Presbyterian Fund, and Dr. Daniel William's Trust. 8vo, London, 1885 Jervise (A.) * History and Antiquities of the Mearns. 1858 Jewelry. * On the Art of. Jewett (Charles C.) See Smithsonian Institution : Report on the construction of Catalogues, JEWITT (Llewellyn). * Antiquities of the Isle of Man. 1884 * Fairy Pipes. N.D. See Reliquary. Johnson (R.) Ancient Customs of the City of Hereford. 8vo, Hereford, 1845 Johnson (Samuel), LL.D. Rasselas Prince of Abyssinia. 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1884 Johnston (Col. J. E.) See Secretary of War, U.S.A. JOHNYS (Sir Hugh) Some account of ; Temp. Henry VI. and Edward IV., and of his Monumental Brass in St. Mary's Church, Swansea. 8vo, Swansea, 1845 Jones (Morris Charles). * Old Oak Panelling, now at Gungrog. Welshpool, 1864 Jones (Pitman) See Oliver, {Rev. G.) and Jones {^Pitman?) Jones (Rev. W. Basil). Vestiges of the Gael in Gwynedd. 8vo, London, 185 1 Antiquities of St. Davids : see Freeman {E. A.) and Jones ( W. B.) Jones (Rev. W. H.) * The Saxon Church of St. Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon. Devizes, N.D See Folk- Lore Society. Jordan (Rev. John). A Parochial History of Enstone, Ox- fordshire. 8vo, London, 1857 JOSEPHUS (Flavins) Works ; translated into English by Sir Roger L' Estrange. Fol, London, 1702 JOUBERT (F. E.) Manuel de TAmateur d'Estampes faisant suite au Manuel du Libraire. 3 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1821 Kaiser (Dr. R.Von). * Die Romer Male von Coelio-monte bis ad Castra Vetoniana. Augsburg, 183 1 45 Kaiser (Dr. R. Von). * Urkundliche Geschichte des Ehemaligen Frauenklosters Medingen. Augsburg, 1840 * Die reichen Funde an romischen und andern Alter- thiimern der Rosenau-Berg, zunachst bey Augsburg. Augsburg, 1846 Keary (C. F.), F.S.A. Guide to the Italian Medals exhibited in the King's Library. 8vo, London, 1881 Keith (Field Marshal J.) Memoir of, 1714-34. 4to, Edinburgh, 1843 Kelham (Robert). Domesday Book illustrated. 8vo, London, 1788 Kelke, (W. H.) * Sepulchral Monuments in English Churches. London, 1850 Keller (Dr. Ferdinand). The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of Europe. (First Edition). 8vo, London, 1866 The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of Europe. (Second Edition). 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1878 Kelly (Rev. Matthew). Cambrensis Eversus. See Celtic Society. Kelly (W.) * The Great Mace of Leicester. 1875 Kemble (J. M.) * liber die Stammtafel der Westsachsen. Munchen, 1836 Codex Diplomaticus ^vi Saxonici. (Vols. 5 and 6). 8vo, London, 1847-8 Horse Ferales ; or. Studies in the Archaeology of the Northern Nations. 4to, London, 1863 * Name3, Surnames, and Nicknames of the Anglo- Saxons. See u^^lfric Society also Camden Society Publications, Kernes. * The Lordship of. Kenrick (Rev. John), f.S.a. Phoenicia. 8vo, London, 1855 Roman Sepulchral Inscriptions. 8vo, London, 1858 Papers on Archaeology and History 8vo, London, 1864 * Historical Notices of the Ninth and Sixth Legions by whom Roman York was occupied. York, 1867 Kent Archaeological Society : Transactions. (Archaeologia Cantiana). 8vo, London, 1858 Kerslake (Thomas). * Vestiges of the Supremacy of Mercia during the Eighth Century. 1879 46 Kerslake (Thomas). *The Welsh in Dorset. 1880 * Caer Pensauelcoit. 1882 A literal reprint of the First Section of Caer Pen- 1882 arch. 1885 Gyfla. The Scir or Pagus of the Ivel Valley, sauelcoit. 1882 * rhe Liberty of Independent Historical Research. * Somerset. ' Kesteloot (J. L.) Notice sur une Peinture ancienne decou- verte a Nieuport. 1843 Keyser (C. E.), F. S. a. Mural decorations in Great Britain and Ireland : See Science and Art Department^ South Kensington, Keyser (R.) og Munch (P. A.) See Kongelige Norske Videns- kabers Selskab. Keyser (R.) Munch (P. A.) og Unger (C. R.) Speculum Re- gale Konungs Skuggsja Konge-Speilet 8vo, Christiania, 1848 Keyser (R.) og Unger (C. R.) Olafs Saga hins Helga 8vo, Christiania, 1849 — Barlaams ok Josaphats Saga 8vo, Christiania, 185 1 8vo, Dublin, 1853 Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society: Proceedings and Transactions 8vo, Dublin, 1856 Journal 8vo, Dublin, 1858-71 Subsequent volumes continued as, tlie Royal Historical and Archceological Associatioit of Ireland, King (Rev. C. W.) Antique Gems. 8vo, London, i860 The Gnostics, and their remains; ancient and mediaeval. 8vo, London, 1864 Handbook of Engraved Gems. 8vo, London, 1866 Early Christian Numismatics, and other Antiquarian Tracts 8vo, London, 1873 Handbook of Engraved Gems. 8vo, London, 1885 See Bathurst (Rev, IV. H.) King (Edward). See Society of Antiquaries of London, KiRKOR (W. A. H.) Wiadomose Historyczna. 8vo, Wilno, 1859 KiRKPATRiCK (John). Notes concerning Norwich Castle. 8vo, London, 1847 Kirwan (Rev. R.) *Excavation of Three Tumuli at Broad Down, Farway, near Honiton. 1869 47 Kitchener (Lieut. H. H.) *Survey of Galilee. n.d. Kite (E.) *The Baynard Monuments in Lacock Church, Wilts. Devizes, 1857 Klemming (G. E.) See Svenska Fornskrift-Sdllskapet. Knight (H. H.) *On the Insurrection of Llewelyn Bren, 18 16. Neath, 1849 *Names of Freeholders in the County of Glamorgan. Neath, 1849 — *On the Retreat of Edward IL into Glamorgan. Neath, 1849 Knight (M.) Norfolk and Norwich Annual. 8vo, Norwich, 1886-7 Knocker (Edward). Grand Court of Shepway. Knoodt (P.) *Rede wahrend des Trauergottesdienstes fur die in Berlin Gefallenen. Bonn, 1848 Knowles (J.) Pronouncing Dictionary. 8vo, London, 1849 Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift Selskab. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Oldkyndighed. 8vo, Kjobenhavn, 1832-6 Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. 8vo, Kjobenhavn, 1845-63 Mdmoires de la Soci^t^ royale des Antiquaires du Nord. Svo, Copenhague, 1840 Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie. 8vo, Kjobenhavn, 1849-63 Aarboger. Svo, Kjobenhavn, 1866 Tillaeg til Aarboger. Svo, Kjobenhavn, 1866-8 ^^Report addressed by the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries to its British and American Members. 8vo, Copenhagen, 1836 Leitfaden zur Nordischen Alterthumskunde. 8vo, Kopenhagen, 1837 ''^ M^moire sur la decouverte de I'Am^rique au X^nesiecle, par C.C, Rafn. Copenhague, 1843 ^Americas Arctiske Landes gamle, geographie efter de Nordiske Oldskrifter, ved C. C Rafn, Kjobenhavn, 1845 ^^Aper9u de Fancienne geographie des Regions Arctiques de PAmdrique, par C. C. Rafn, Copenhague, 1847 *Saga Jdtvac5ar Konungs bins Helga. Kjobenhavn, 1852 Atlas de I'archdologie du Nord. Fol., Copenhague, 1857 "^Bemaerkninger om en Steenoxe med Runeindskrift, ved C. C. Rafn. Kjobenhavn, 1854 Aarsberetning. 1859-60 Inscriptions runiques du Sleswig Meridional, par C, C. Rafn. 8vo, Copenhague, 1861 *Excerpta : — 1. Orthographie de quelques anciens noms propres nordiques. 2. Northmen in Iceland. Remarks on a Treatise of G. W. Dasent, by G. Thomsen, translated by Prof. G. Stephens. 3. Seance annuelle 1859. 48 KONGELIGE NORSKE ViDENSKABERS SELSKAB. Norges Gamle Love, indtil 1387, udgivne ved R. Keyserog P, A, Munch, 3 vols. 4to, Christiania, 1846-9 KoNGL. Vitterhets Akademien och Kongl. Vitter- HETS HiSTORIE OCH AnTIQVITETS AkADEMIEN. Antiqvarisk Tidskrift forSverige. 8vo, Stockholm, 1864 Manadsblad. 8vo, Stockholm, 1872 KONGSGAARD (Bygdo). Gols Gamle Stavkirke og Hovestuen. FoL, Christiania, 1885 Konigl. Schlesvvig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Gesellschaft fur die Sammlung und Erhaltung vaterlandischer Alterthiimer : Berichte, 8vo, Kiel, 1836-50 Krefting (O.) See Foreningen til Norske Fortidsmindesmerkers Bevaring. Kroningssvard (C. G.) och Lid^:n (J.) Diplomatarium Dale- karlicum. Urkunder rorande Landskapet Dalarne. 4to, Stockholm, 1842 Kropf (L. L.) See Folk-Lore Society Publications. KUHN (E.) *Beitrage zur Verfassung des Romischen Reichs. Leipzig, 1849 Labarte (Jules). Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. 8vo, London, 1855 Lachauvelaye (M. J.) Guerres des Fran^ais et des Anglais du XP au XV^ Siecle. 2 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1875 Lacroix (Paul), et]SER£ (F.) Histoire de I'Orfevrerie, Joaillerie, etc. 8vo, Paris, 1850 Lacroix (Paul). ^Manufacture de Vitraux de M.M. Didron et Thibaud. Paris. * Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance. Laing (David). Biographical notices of Thomas Young, S.T.D. Vicar of Stowmarket, Suffolk. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1870 See Spalding Club, See Bannatyne Club. Laing (Henry). Descriptive Catalogue of Impressions from Ancient Scottish Seals. 4to, Edinburgh, 1850 Supplemental Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Scottish Seals. 4to, Edinburgh, 1866 Lane-Poole (Stanley). Coins and Medals. 8vo, London, 1885 Art of the Saracens in Egypt. 8vo, London, 1886 Langland(R.) See Whitakcr. Langlois (E. H.) Essai Historique et Descriptif sur la Peinture sur Verre, Ancienne et Moderne. 8vo, Rouen, 1832 49 Lapidarium Septentrionale, or a Description of the Monu- ments of Roman Rule in the North of England. 5 parts-. See Society of Antiquaries of Nezvcastle-on-Tyne, Larcom (Thomas Aiskew). See Irish Archceo logical Society. Lastbon (Aug. Th.) Swea och Gotha Hofdinga-Minne Sedan, 1720. 8vo, Upsala, 1842 Lasteyrie (F. De). Peinture sur Verre 8vo, Paris, 1852 ^Notice sur une Lampe chretienne en forme de Belier. 1853 *UElectrum des Anciens ; etait-il de T^lmail ? Paris, 1857 ^Description du Tr^sor de Guarrazar. Paris, 1 860 *La Peinture sur Verre au dix-neuvieme Siecle, 8vo, Paris, 1861 Causeries Artistiques. 8vo, Paris, 1862 ^Bernard Palissy. Etude sur sa vie et sur ses oeuvres. Paris, 1865 *Des Origines de TEmaillerie Limousine. N.D. Lawson (John P.) The Book of Perth, an Illustration of the Moral and Ecclesiastical State of Scotland, before and after the Reformation. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1847 Lechler (Professor). John Wyclifife, and his English Pre- cursors. 8vo, London, 1884 Lee (J. E.), F.S.A. Description of a Roman Building and other Remains, lately discovered at Caerleon. 8vo, London, 1850 Isca Silurum; or, an Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Antiquities at Caerleon. 8vo, London, 1862 Supplement to Isca Silurum. 8vo, Newport, 1868 Roman Imperial Profiles. 8vo, London, 1874 Roman Imperial Photographs, being a selection of Enlarged Photographs of Roman Coins. 8vo, London, 1874 Selections from an Antiquarian Sketch Book. 8vo, Newport, 1859 See Romer ( F.) Leeds Antiquities.* l8SJ Le Gal (E.) *Guide du Touriste. Rhuys, Lockmariaquer, Gavr-Inis. Vannes, 1879 Le Grand d'Aussy. Histoire de la Vie privee des Fran9ois. 3 vols. 8vo, Paris, 181 5 Le HfiRlCHER (E.) Avranchin, monumental et historique. 8vo, Avranches, 1845 5 50 Leicestershire Architectural and Archaeological Society : Trans- actions. 8vo, 1 864 See Associated Archoeological Societies^ Reports and Papers, Lemiere (P. L.) *Seconde Etude sur les Celtes et les Gaulois ; les Celtes. Paris, 1876 *Examen Critique des Expeditions Gauloises en Italic. St. Brieuc, 1873 Lemon (R.) See Master of the Rolls. Lempriere (J.) Classical Dictionary. 8vo, London, 1828 Lersch (L.) Central museum rheinlandischer Inschriften. I, Coin; 2, Bonn ; 3, Trier. Bonn, 1839-40-42 Le Strange (Guy). ^Account of a short journey east of the Jordan. 1885 L'Estrange (Sir Roger). See Josephtis (F.) Levezow (Konrad). *Runendenkmaler zu Neu-Strelitz. Berlin, 1835 Lewis (Bunnell), F.S.A. *Introductory lecture on Classical Architecture at University College. 1873 Lewis (G. R.) Illustrations and Descriptions of the Ancient Church of Shobdon, Herefordshire. Fol., London, 1851 Kilpeck Church. (Plates.) FoL, N.D. Lewis (Prof. T. Hayter). *Tel-el-Yahoudeh. 1881 Liden (J.) See Krdningssvdrd {C. G.) och Liden (/.) LiGNiM (H. L. de). ^Armorial des Maires de la Ville de Tours. Tours, 1847 LiLjEGREN (J. G.) och HiLDEBRAND (B. E.) Diplomatarium Suecanum. 3 vols, in four. 4to, Holmiae, 1829-42 LiMUR (C*^- de). Catalogue des Mindraux du Morbihan. 8vo, Vannes, 1884 Lincoln Cathedral, Strangers' Guide. 8vo, Lincoln, 1848 Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society, continued as Archi- tectural and Archceological Society of the Counties of Lincoln and Nottingham. See Associated Architectural Societies^ Reports ajid Papers, Lincolnshire Architectural Society, continued as Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society. See Associated Architec- tural Societies, Reports and Papers, Architectural description of St. Leonard's Church, Kirkstead. FoL, Oxford, 1846 Lincolnshire Topographical Society : Selection of Papers rela- tive to the County of Lincoln. 4to, Lincoln, 1843 51 LiNGARD (John), D.D. History of England. Vol. I. 8vo, London, 1849 LiPSUS (Justus). Poliorceticon sive de Machinis Tormentis Telis. Lib. V. Fol., Antverpiae, 1 596 Ltsch (G. C. F.) *Geschichte der Kirchen zu Doberan und Althof. Schwerin, 1854 Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Memoirs. 2nd Series. 8vo, London, 1846-57 3rd Series. 8vo, London, 1876-87 Proceedings. 8vo, Manchester, 1874-87 Memoirs and Proceedings. 4th Series. 8vo, Manchester, 1888 Littlehales (Henry). Pages in Facsimile from a layman's prayer-book in English. 4to, London, 1890 Little Maplestead Church, Essex.* London, 1850 Liverpool Architectural and Archaeological Society: Proceedings. 4to, Liverpool, 1852 Lloyd (W. W.) Xanthian Marbles. The Nereid Monument. 8vo, London, 1845 Loch£ (H.) Conference sur THistorique des Armes. 8vo, Bruges, 1873 Lockhart (C. S. M.) Guide to the Isle of Wight. 4to, London, 1870 LOCKWOOD (Rev. J. T.) Widford and Widford Church, Hert- fordshire. With an explanation of her recently completed paintings by F. C. H. Gosselin. 4to, Hertford, 1883 Lodge (Rev. B.) Roman Sepulchral Monument found at Col- chester. N.D. Loe (Baron Alfred de). Excerpta. Decouverte d'Antiquites Franques a Harmignies. 8vo, Mons et Anvers, 1884-86 Sur une Hachette trouvee a Harmignies. 8vo, Mons, 1886 Etude sur les Megalithes ou Monuments de Pierres Brutes existant ou ayant existe sur le Territoire de la Belgique actuelle. 8vo, Bruxelles, 1888 Compte-Rendu des Seances de la Premiere Section. [Federation Historique et Archeologique de Belgique.] 8vo, Bruxelles, 1889 LOFTIE (Rev. W. J.), F.S.A. A Century of Bibles: or, the Authorised Version from 161 1 to 171 1. 8vo, London, 1872 History of London. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1883 Supplement. 8vo, London, 1884 London and Middlesex Archaeological Society : Transactions. 8vo, London, i860 52 London and Middlesex Arch^ological Society, {con- tinued). Visit to Rochester and Strood. 8vo, Westminster, 1884 London. S. Etheldreda's and Old London : by a Pilgrim from New York to Rome. 8vo, London, 1889 Long (William), F.S.A. *Abury, illustrated. Devizes, 1858 Stonehenge and its Barrows. 4to, Devizes, 1876 LONGPERIER (A. de). *Monnaie des Homerites frappee i Raidan (Arabie M^ridionale). 1868 *Tresor de Tarse. 1868 *Monnaies de Charles VI. etde Charles VII., Rois de France, frappees a Genes. 1868 See Abbadie (A. d' ), LONGPERIER (Henri de). *Recherches sur les insignes de la questure et sur les recipients monetaires. Paris, 1868 — *Tetradrachme inedit de Delphes. Paris, 1869 *Medailles Imperiales Grecques relatives aux GEMIAES, de TAsie Mineure. Paris, 1869 LONGSTAFFE (W. H. D.), F.S.A. Richmondshire : its ancient Lords and Edifices. 8vo, London, 1852 History and Antiquities of the Parish of Darlington. 8vo, Darlington, 1854 LORANGE (A.) See Christiania Vidensk-Selsk. Forhandl. Lowe (R. G.) See St. Albans Architectural Society. Lowndes (Rev. C.) ^Lecture on the History and Antiquities of the Parishes of Hartwell and Stone. Aylesbury, 1862 Lowndes (G. A.) ^History of Hatfield Broad Oak. N.D. — ^History of the Priory at Hatfield Regis, alias Hat- field Broad Oak. N.D. •^A Custumal, A.D. 1298, among the Muniments of the Manor of Wykes, Essex. N.D. LUARD (H. R.) See Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Lucas (Charles). Note sur le Monument des Sources de la Seine. 8vo, Paris, 1869 . L'Empereur-architecte Adrien. 8vo, Paris, 1869 Souvenirs du Congres International Archeologique de Bonn (Prusse). 8vo, Paris, 1869 L' Architecture en Portugal. 8vo, Paris, 1870 Caius Mutius et les temples de THonneur et de la Vertu a Rome. 8vo, Paris, 1875 Les Architectes de la Cathedrale du Tolede. 8vo, Arras, 1875 53 Lucas (C), {continued^ Le Palais d'Ulysse a Ithaque. 8vo, Paris, 1881 Les Eglises Circulaires d'Angleterre. 8vo, Paris, 1882 L'Institut Royal des Architectes Britanniques (7«^« Conference Generate, 1884), Canterbury — Londres. 8vo, Paris, 1885 Ludlow (Edmund). *Siege of Wardour Castle. Newbury, 1887 LUKIS (Rev. W. C), F.S.A. Account of Church Bells ; with some notices of Wiltshire Bells and Bell-founders. 8vo, London, 1857 *Rude Stone Monuments. Ripon, 1875 LUNN (J. R.) See Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Lysons (Rev. S.) The Model Merchant of the Middle Ages, exemplified in the Story of Whittington and his Cat. 8vo, London, i860 *The Romans in Gloucestershire. London, i860 Claudia and Pudens : or, the early Christians in Gloucester. 8vo, London, 1861 *What has Gloucestershire achieved ? Gloucester, 1861 Macdermott (M.) See Viollet-Le-Duc (E,) Machiavel (Nicholas). The Arte of Warre, written in Italian, and set foorth in English by Peter Withorne. 4to, London, 1588 Machyn (Henry). Diary, 1550-1563. See Camden Society Publications, Mackenzie (Frederic). Architectural Antiquities of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster. Fol., London, 1844 Mackeson (H. B.) *The Fraternity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Hythe. London, 1873 M'Laren (A.) Account of a stone cofifin found in the church- yard of Coldstream Abbey. 1861 MacLaucHLAN (Henry). Memoir written during a survey of the Watling Street, from the Tees to the Scotch Border. 8vo, London, 1852 The Roman Wall and illustrations of the principal vestiges of Roman Occupation in the North of England. Fol., 1857 Memoir written during a survey of the Roman Wall, through the counties of Northumberland and Cumberland. 8vo, London, 1858 54 MacLauchlan (H.), {continued). Eastern Branch of the Watling Street, in the County of Northumberland, from Bewclay near Portgate on the Roman Wall to Berwick- upon-Tweed. FoL, 1864 Notes not included in the Memoirs already published on Roman Roads in Northumberland. 8vo, London, 1867 Maclean (Sir John), f.s.a. Life and Times of Sir Peter Carew, Kt. 8vo, London, 1857 Life of Sir Thomas Seymour, Knight, Baron Seymour of Sudeley, Lord High Admiral of England, and Master of the Ordnance. 8vo, London, 1869 Parochial and Family History of the Deanery of Trigg Minor, in the County of Cornwall. 3 vols. 4to, London, 1873-9 •^Description of the chambered Tumuli of Uley and Nympsfield. 1880 * Stannary Roll, 34th Edward L (1305-6). N.D. See Camden Society Publications, See Marsh (/. i^.) McPherson (Duncan). Antiquities of Kertch and Researches in the Cimmerian Bosphorus, with remarks on the ethnological and physical history of the Crimea. FoL, London, 1857 Madden (Fred. W.) Handbook of Roman Numismatics. 8vo., London, 1861 Coins of the Jews. FoL, London, 1881 *Coins of the two Revolts of the Jews. N.D. Madden (R. R.) Shrines and Sepulchres of the Old and New World. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1851 Madox (Thomas). Firma Burgi : or an Historical Essay con- cerning cities, towns, and buroughs of England. Taken from Records. Fol., London, 1726 Magna Carta in F. whereunto is added more statut than ever was imprynted in any one boke before this tyme, with an Alminacke, and a Calender to know the mootes ; necessarye for all yong studiers of the lawe. i2mo, 1529 Maitland (C.) Church in the Catacombs. 8vo, London, 1847 Majendie (Lewis). Account of Hedingham Castle. FoL, London, 1796 Mallet (M.) Northern Antiquities. Translated from the French by Bishop Percy. 8vo, London, 1847 The same. 8vo, London, 1847 Malvern Guide. 8vo, Malvern, N.D. 55 Manlove (Edward). The Rhymed Chronicle. 8vo, London, 185 1 Manning (Rev. C. R.) List of Monumental Brasses remaining in England. Svo, London, 1846 The same, interleaved and noted by A. W, Franks, 8vo, London, 1846 *Bone Ornaments found in Feltwell Fen, 1876. N.D. *Coins found at Diss. N.D. — List of the Plate Marks on Church Plate, Deanery of Redenhall, Norfolk. N.D. Manship (Henry). History of Great Yarmouth. Edited by C. J, Palmer, F.S.A. 4to, Great Yarmouth, 1854 Manton Church, Rutlandshire.* Marchand (J.) *Verrieres du Choeur de TEglise metropolitaine de Tours. (Notice.) Marcy (R. B.) See Secretary of War, U.S,A, Marie Stuart. Notice sur la Collection des Portraits de Marie Stuart appartenant au Prince Alexandre Labanoff. 8vo, St. Petersbourg, 1856 Marsh (John Fitchett). Annals of Chepstow Castle : or, Six Centuries of the Lords of Striguil, from the Conquest to the Revolution. (Edited by Sir John Maclea^i) 4to, Exeter, 1883 Massie (Rev. W. H.) *Paintings in Gawsworth Church. Macclesfield, 1853 Master of the Rolls : Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series of the Reigns of Edward VL, Mary, Elizabeth, and James L, preserved in the Record Office. Edited by R. Lemo7i (Vols. L and IL) and M, A. E. Green (Vols. IIL-XIL) Vol. L A.D.1547-1580 IL 1581-1590 in. 1591-1594 IV. 1595-1597 V. 1 598-1601 VI. 1601-1603 with Addenda, 1547- 1565 Vol. VII. Addenda 1566- 1579 VIIL 1603-1610 IX. 1611-1618 X. 1619-1623 XL 1623-1625, with Addenda 1603- 162 5 XII. Addenda 1 580-1625 imp. 8vo, London, 1856-72 Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, during the Common- wealth. Edited hy M. A. E. Green. Vol. 1. 1649-50. I vol. imp. 8vo, London, 1875 Calendar of Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles IL Edited by i^. ^. E, Green. Vol. I. 1660-1661 IL 1661-1662 III. 1 663- 1 664 IV. 1 664- 1 665 V. 1665-1666 VI. 1666-1667 VII. 1667 imp. 8vo, London, 1860-66 56 Materiaiix d'Archeologie et d'Histoire.* 1869 Mathon (M.) ^Sepultures Gallo-Romaines decouvertes a Beauvais. Epingle a Cheveux de Tepoque Merovingienne trouvee a Marseille (Oise). Beauvais, 1856 Matter (M.) *Une Excursion Gnostique en Italie. Strasbourg, 1852 Maughan (Rev. F.) *The Runic Rock at Barnspike, Cumber- land. 1865 May (T. Erskine). See Vardon ( Thomas) and May (T. E.) Mayer (Joseph), f.S.A. ^Synopsis of the History of the Manu- facture of Earthenware. Liverpool, 1842 *Art of Pottery in Liverpool. Liverpool, 1855 — *0n the Arming of Levies in the Hundred of Wirral, in the County of Chester. Liverpool, 1859 *0n the Preparations of the County of Kent to resist the Spanish Armada. Liverpool, 1868 ^Address to the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Liverpool, 1868 Melani (A.) Donatello (1386-1466). 8vo, Firenze, 1887 Mella (Conte E.) *Antico Battistero di Biella. 1873 Palazzo municipale di Gubbio (Umbria). N.D. Mella (E.) e (F.) *S. Maria di Piazza in Busto Arsizio. N.D. * Antica Abbazia e Chiesa di San Vincenzo in Prato a Milano. N.D. Cenno storico artistico sull' Abbazia e Chiesa di Santa Fede presso Cavagnolo. N.D. Mennenius (F.) Deliciae Equestrium, sive Militarium Ordinum, etc. i2mo, Col. Agripp., 161 3 Mercklin (D. L.) *Die Cooptation der Romer. Mitau, 1848 Merewetiier (Very Rev. J.), F.S.A. Statement of the Condi- tion and Circumstances of the Cathedral Church of Hereford. 8vo, Hereford, 1842 Messager des Sciences et des Arts de la Belgique. 8vo, Gand, 1833-8 Sciences Historiques de Belgique. 8vo, Gand, 1839 Sciences Historiques et Archives des Arts de Belgique. 8vo, Gand, 1846-50 Sciences Historiques, des Arts et de la Bibliographic de Belgique. 8vo, Gand, 185 1-2 57 Mexico. Nombres Geograficos. Atlas. Fol., Mexico, 1885 Meyrick (Sir S. R.), F.S.A. Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour. 3 vols, in one. FoL, London, 1842 Mezger (J. C.) *Uber die Haft des Gotz von Berlichingen in Augsburg. Augsburg, 1837 Mezger (M.) *Die romischen Steindenkmaler, Auschriften und Gefassstempel im Maximilians-Museum zu Augsburg. Augsburg, 1862 MiCALl (G.) Monumenti inediti a illustrazione della storia degli antichi popoli Italiani. 8vo, Firenze, 1884 Plates. FoL, Firenze, 1884 MiCHELSEN (A. L. J.) Sammlung altdithmarscher Rechts- quellen. 8vo, Altona, 1842 MiCHLER (N. H.) See Secretary of War, U.S.A. MiCKLETHWAITE (J. T.), F.S.A. *Cope of Pius II. 1 883 Middlesex County Records Society. Records edited by /. C. Jeaffreson. 8vo, London, 1886 — MiLANESi (G.) Catalogo delle opere di Donatello e bibliografia. 8vo, Firenze, 1887 MiLLES (Very Rev. Dr.), Dean of Exeter. See Society of Antiquaries of London. MiLN (James). Fouilles faites a Carnac (Morbihan). Les Bos- senno, et le Mont St. Michel. 4to, Paris, 1877 Fouilles faites a Carnac (Bretagne). Les Alignements de Kermario. 4to, Rennes, 1881 Milton^s " Comus." See Ranking (B. M.) and (D. F.) Missouri Historical Society : Publications. 8vo, n.d. MiTRA (Rajendralala). Antiquities of Orissa. Published under orders of the Government of India. 2 vols. FoL, Calcutta, 1875-80 MONGERI (G.) *La Torre di Chiaravalle. N.D. Monmouthshire and Caerleon Antiquarian Associa- tion. — Notes on the Architecture and History of Caldicot Castle, Mon- mouthshire, by Octavius Morgan^ F.S.A., and T. Wakeman. 8vo, Newport, 1854 Notes on the Ecclesiastical Remains at Runston, Sudbrook, Din- ham, and Llan-Bedr, by Octavius Morgan, F.S.A., and T. Wakeman. 8vo, Newport, 1858 Monastery of Austin Friars at Newport with notes on the House of Black Friars and other Minor Ecclesiastical Establishments, by T. Wakejnan. 8vo, Newport, 1859 58 Monmouthshire and Caerleon Antiquarian Associa- tion. Notes on the ancient domestic residences of Pentre-Bach, Crick, Ty-Mawr, The Garn, Crindau, and St. JuHan's, by Octavitis Morgan, F.S.A.y and T. Wakeman. 8vo, Newport, i86a Notes on Wentwood, Castle Troggy, and Llanvair Castle, by Octavzus Morgan, F. S.A.J and T. Wakeman. 8vo, Newport, 1863 Notices of Pencoyd Castle and Langstone, by Octavius Morgan^ F.S.A., and T. Wakeman. 8vo, Newport, 1864 Notice of a Tessellated Pavement, discovered in the Churchyard, Caerleon, by Octavius Morgan^ F.S.A.: together with an Essay on Mazes and Labyrinths, by the Rev.E. Trollopc^ F.S.A. 8vo, Newport, 1866 Notes on Penhow Castle, by Octavhis Morgan^ F.S.A. , and T. Wakeman. 8vo, Newport, 1867 Some account of the Ancient Monuments in the Priory Church, Abergavenny, by Octavius Morgait^ F.S.A. 8vo, Newport, 1872 Goldcliff and the Ancient Roman Inscribed Stone found there, 1878 : together with other papers, by Octavius Morgan, F.S.A. 8vo, Newport, 1882 MONTAULT (X. B. de). See Amiaks Archeologiques. MONTEIRO (H.) See Folk-Lore Society Publications. Montgomeryshire — Collections Historical and Archaeological. See Pozvys-land Club. Moody (Henry). Antiquarian and Topographical Sketches of Hampshire. 8vo, Winchester, 1846 Notes and Essays, Archaeological, Historical, and Topographical, relating to the Counties of Hants and Wilts. 8vo, Winchester, 185 1 Moore (George). Ancient Pillar Stones of Scotland, their Signi- ficance and Bearing in Ethnology. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1865 Moore (Joseph) Junr. Outlying Europe and the Nearer Orient. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1880 _ The Queen's Empire, or Ind and her Pearl. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1886 Mooyer (E. F.) *Uber die angebliche Abstammung des nor- mannischen Konigsgeschlechts Siziliens von den Herzogen der Normandie. Minden, 1850 MORAND (F.) *Notice historique sur le Befifroi de la Ville de Boulogne. Boulogne, 1842 *Notice sur le Chateau de la Ville de Boulogne. Boulogne, 1843 *Histoire de Boulogne et du Boulonnais. Boulogne, 185 1 *Matheolus et son Traducteur, Jehan le Fevre. Boulogne, 1851 59 Morgan (Octavius), f.S.a. *Table of the Annual Assay Office Letters. London, 1853 See Monmoicthshire and Caerleon Antiquariaji As- soctatton. MORLOT (A.) *Etudes Geologico-Archeologiques en Dane- mark et en Suisse. Lausanne, i860 *Le§on sur la Haute Antiquity. Lausanne, 1861 *Sur le Passage de TAge de la Pierre a TAge du Bronze. Copenhague, 1866 *L'Archeologie du Mecklenbourg. ire Partie. Age de la Pierre. Zurich, 1868 Morris (R.) See Hampole (R. R. de ). MORTARA (A. E.) *Della vita e della morte di Antonio Viglioli. Casalmaggiore, 1847 MoSES (Henry). Collection of Vases, Altars, Paterae, Tripods, Candelabra, Sarcophagi, etc. 4to, London, 18 14 MOULE (Thomas). Heraldry of Fish. 8vo, London, 1842 MOZLEY (Rev. T.) Henry VH., Prince Arthur, and Cardinal Morton, a group in Chancel Screen in Plymptree Church, Devon. Fol., London, 1878 MuLLER (C. O.) Ancient Art and its Remains. 8vo, London, 1847 Munch (P. A.) Registrum praediorum et redituum ad ecclesias dioecesis Bergensis, sseculo P.C. XIV. 4to, Christianise, 1843 Codex Diplomatarius Monasterii Sancti Michaelis, vulgo Munkalif dicti conscriptus A.D. 1427. 4to., Christianise, 1845 Den iEldre Edda. 4to, Christiania, 1847 Symbolae ad historiam antiquiorem rerum Norvegi- carum. 4to, Christianise, 1850 Aslak Bolts Jordebog. 8vo, Christiania, 1852 Chronica Regum Manniae et Insularum. 8vo, Christiania, i860 Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs og Dagboger 1282- 1334. 8vo, Christiania, 1864 Nordens ^Eldste Historic. 8vo, 1872 See Kej/ser (R.), Munch {P, A.) og linger (C. R.)> Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskaby also Norwegian Government, 6o Munch (P. A.) og Unger (C. R.) Fagrskinna. 8vo, Christiania, 1847 Saga Olafs Konungs ens Helga. Svo, Christiania, 1853 Mural Controversy.* By a Cumbrian. London, 1857 Murphy (A.) See Tacitus (C. C) Murray (A. S.) See Egypt Exploration Fund, Museum of Classical Antiquities. 8vo, London, 1851-53 MUTZEL (S.) *Die romischen Wartthlirme, besonders in Bayern. Miinchen, 1851 Nahuys (Le Comte Maurin). Excerpta. Le Heraut d'Armes. Svo, Bruxelles, 1869 De Utrechtsche Scherpschutters in het Kamp bij Waalsdorp. Svo, 1868 Eine Erinnerung an den Orden des Stachel-Schweins, du Porc- ^pic. Svo, N.D. Extrait d'une lettre a M. R. Chalon. Svo, Utrecht, 1870 Mddailles et Jetons in^dits relatifs a THistoire des Dix-sept Anciennes Provinces des Pays-Bas. Deuxieme, Troisieme, et Qiiatrieme Series. Svo, Bruxelles, 1S7 5-7-82 M^daille a I'Effigie de S.A.R. Mgr. le Prince Adalbert de Baviere. Svo, 1877 Dames ou Pions du Jeu de Trictrac aux Effigies de Personnages Historiques du XVIe . Siecle. Svo, 1878 Sceatta anglo-saxon, trouve dans un tombeau frank pres de Wies- baden. Svo, iSSo Age des volets d'un Triptyque historique Svo, 1880 Jean-Pierre vander Auwera. Svo, 1882 Petites monnaies unifaces de Billon aux armoiries de la Ville de Zutphen. Svo, 1882 Le Due d'Osuna et de I'lnfantado, Svo, 1883 fidit imperial du 25 aout 1759, frappant d'interdit des monnaies de mauvais aloi de la principautd d'Anhalt-Bernbourg. Svo, 1883 Le droit de battre monnaie poss^d^ et exerc^ par les Comtes de Hohenlohe. Svo, 1S83 Bibliographie H^raldique. Svo, Bruxelles, 1883 M^reaux in^dits de la Confraternity religieuse de Notre Dame, et du Serment des Arbaletriers de Saint-Jean-Baptiste a Enghien. Svo, Louvain, 18S4 Document numismatique relatif a I'augmentation de la valeur des monnaies, decrdt^e dans la Flandre, en 1581. Svo, 1886 Jeton du Regne d'Ulrich, Due de Wurtemberg. 8vo, 1S86 Numismatique des Indes N^erlandaises. Svo, 18S7 fitude sur un Mddaillon artistique du XVI^ Siecle. Svo, 188S Considerations sur les Deniers flamands au nom de Baudouin. Svo, Bruxelles, 1888 6i Nahuys (Le Comte Maurin). Excerpta. Explication d'un Embleme franc, anglo-saxon, etc. 8vo, Bruxelles, 1888 Un M^moire d' Isaac Newton sur la monnaie. 8vo, Bruxelles, 1888 Systeme Montftaire de I'fitat independant du Congo. 8vo, 1888 Les Monnaies du Royaume des Pays-Bas. 8vo, 1889 Napoleon III. Posthumous works and unpublished auto- graphs of Napoleon III. in exile. Collected and arranged by Count De La Chapelle, 8vo, London, 1873 Naville (E.) See Egypt Exploration Fund, Neale (Rev. J. M.) Notes on Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, Styria, etc. 8vo, London, 1861 Nennius. Historia Britonum. Irish version. See Irish ArchcEological Society XL Nesbitt (Alexander). See Science and Art Department ^ South Kensington, Neville (Hon. R. C.) Saxon Obsequies, illustrated by Orna- ments and Weapons ; discovered in a cemetery, near Little Wilbraham, Cambridgeshire, during the autumn of 185 L With coloured lithographic plates. FoL, London, 1852 Newall (Major-General D. J. F.) Highlands of India. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1882-7 Newmarch (C. H.) See Buckman {Prof,). Newport and Caerleon : Historical Traditions and Facts. Part I. 8vo, Newport, 1880 Newton (Sir Charles T.), k.C.b., f.s.a. *0n the Study of Ancient Art. Oxford, 1850 — — Excavations at Budrum. See Parliamentary Papers. Excavations at Budrum and Cnidus. See Parlia- mentary Papers. Newton (Sir Charles T.), k.c.b., f.s.a., and Pullan (R. P.) History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchidce. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1862-3 Vol. I. Plates, FoL, London, 1862 NiCHOLL (J.), F.S.A. Some Account of the Worshipful Com- pany of Ironmongers. 8vo, London, 185 1 Nichols (J. Gough), f.s.a. Literary Remains of John Stock- dale Hardy. 8vo, Westminster, 1852 Chrysanaleia, or the Golden Fishing, devised by Antony Munday (the Fishmonger's Pageant on Lord Mayor's Day, 1616). Fol., London, 1859 62 Nichols (J. Gou^h), {eontinued). Armorial Windows erected in the Reign of Henry VI. by John Viscount Beaumont, and Katharine Duchess of Norfolk, in Woodhouse Chapel, Leicestershire. 8vo, London, i860 ^Account of the Three Editions of Watson's Memoirs of the Ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey. 1871 See Camden Society Publications, Nichols (Rev. W. L.), F.S.A. The Quantocks and their Associa- tions. 8vo, Bath, 1873 Nicholson (C), f.s.a. *The Roman Station "Alauna" at Borough Bridge, Westmorland. Kendal, i860 Lord Robert de Clifford. London, 1862 Nicholson (Rev. E.) Cambrian Traveller's Guide. 8vo, London, 1840 Nicholson (Rev. H. J. B.) *Abbey of St. Alban. London, 1856 Nicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris). Synopsis of the Peerage of England. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1825 Catalogue of Herald's Visitations, with references to many other valuable genealogical and topographical MSS. in the British Museum. 8vo, London, 1825 Rolls of Arms of the Reigns of Henry HI. and Edward HI. 8vo, London, 1829 Chronology of History. 8vo, London, 1840 See Commissioners on the Pttblic Records : Proceedings^ etc, of the Privy Council, NicOLAYSEN (N.) Arkaeologisk-Historisk Fortegnelse over Norges Levninger af Kunst og Haandverk. i2mo, Christiania, 1855 • — Langskibet fra Gokstad ved Sandefjord. FoL, Kristiania, 1882 See Foreningen til Norske Fortidsmindesmerkers Bevaring, NiCOLSON (Bishop). See Cumberland and Westmoreland Anti- quarian and ArchcBological Society. Nightingale (J. E.), f.s.a. *0n the Succession of the Abbesses of Wilton. 1 88 1 Contributions towards the History of Early English Porcelain. 8vo, Salisbury, 1881 Church Plate of the County of Dorset. 8vo, Salisbury, 1889 See Royal Archceological Institute, 63 NiVEN (W.) Monograph of Aston Hall, Warwickshire. FoL, London, N.D. Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society : Transactions. 8vo, Norwich, 1847 Illustrations of the Rood-Screen at Randworth. By C,J. W, Winter. Fol., Norwich, 1867 Norfolk Archaeology. 8vo, Norwich, 1 846 *Challenge of Oliver Neve, Esq., to Sir Henry Hobart. By Rev, Richard Hart. N.D. NORREYS (Sir Denham J.), Bart. ^Description of the stone door and shutters of the priest's house, Kilmalkedar, County Kerry, N.D. North (Thomas), F.S.A. Chronicle of the Church of St. Martin, in Leicester, during the Reigns of Henry VHI., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. 4to, London, 1866 Church Bells of Northamptonshire. 4to, Leicester, 1878 Church Bells of Rutland. 4to, Leicester, 1880 North (Thomas), f.s.A., and Stahlschmidt (J. C. L.) Church Bells of Hertfordshire. 4to, London, 1886 Northampton (Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton, 2nd Marquess). * Address read at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, 1846. London, 1847 North Mims Church, Hertfordshire.* Northumbrian Archaeology."^ Norway. Ancient vessel found in the Parish of Tune.* Christiania, 1872 Norwegian Government. The Cathedral of Throndheim. Text by Professor P. A, Munch, Drawings by H, E, Schirmer, Fol, Christiania, 1859 Notes and Queries. 4to, London, 1850 Novi (G.) *Iscrizioni Monumenti e Vico. Napoli, 1861 Numismatic Society. Chronicle. 8vo, London, 1843-58 Chronicle. New Series. 8vo, London, 1861-63 NUTT (A.) See Folk-Lore Society Publications, Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Scriptores rerum Lusaticarum. 4to, Gorlitz, 1839 Magazin. 8vo, Gorlitz, 1850 Oberlinus (J. J.) See Scherzii (J, G,) O'Callaghan (J. C.) See Irish Archceological Society, 64 O'Connor. Chronicles of Eri. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1822 O'DONOVAN (John). Grammar of the Irish Language. Svo, Dublin, 1845 See Celtic Society^ Irish Archceological Society^ also Irish Archceological and Celtic Society. O'DUBHAGAIN (John). Topographical Poems. Irish Archceo- logical and Celtic Society V. OTlaherty (Roderick). Description of West or H-Iar Con- naught. See Irish Archceological Society IX, O'HUIDHRIN (Giolla Na Naomh). Topographical Poems. See Irish A rchceological and Celtic Society V, O'Kelly (Colonel Charles). History of the War of the Revo- lution in Ireland, A.D. 1688-91. See Irish Archaeological Society XIII. Oldfield (Edward), F.s.A. St. Peter's and St. Paul's. 8vo, London, 1876 Oliver (Andrew). *Notes on the Flemish Brasses in England, 1889 Oliver (Rev. George), D.D. Ecclesiastical Antiquities in Devon. 2 vols. 8vo, Exeter, 1840 — • ^Existing Remains of the Ancient Britons, between Lincoln and Sleaford. London, 1846 Additional Supplement to the Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis. FoL, Exeter, 1854 History of the City of Exeter. 8vo, Exeter, 1861 Oliver (Rev. George), d.d., and Jones (Pitman). *Gene- alogy of the Family of Courtenay, Barons of Okehampton^ and Earls of Devon. O'Neill (Henry). Fine Arts and Civilisation of Ancient Ire- land. 4to, London, 1863 Ord (J. Walker). History and Antiquities of Cleveland, comprising the Wapentake of East and West Langbargh, North Riding, County York. 4to, London, 1846 Ordnace Survey Office. Domesday Book ; fac-simile of the part relating to Devonshire, Middlesex and Surrey, under the direction of Colonel Sir H, Jaines^ R.E. FoL, London, 1862 Ordres Militaires. Histoire des Ordres Militaires ou des Cheval- iers. 4 vols. i2mo, Amsterdam, 172 1 Ormerod (G.) F.s.A. *Remarks on a line of Earthworks in the Parish of Tidenham, Gloucestershire, known as Offa's Dyke. 1859 65 Ormerod (G.), {continued^ Strigulensia. Archaeological Memoirs relating to the District adjacent to the confluence of the Severn and the Wye. 8vo, London, 1861 Miscellanea Palatina, and Memoir on the Cheshire Domesday Roll. 8vo, not published Ormerod (G. W.) * Wayside Crosses, East Dartmoor. 1874 Archaeological Memoirs relating to the East of Dart- moor. 8vo, Exeter, 1876 Ormerod (Sarah). Sketches in the Neighbourhood of Chep- stow. FoL Osmond (W.) Christian Memorials. 4to, London, 1848 Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture. Guide to the Architectural Antiquities in the Neighbour- hood of Oxford. By /. H. Parker. 8vo, Oxford, 1856 Palestine Exploration Fund. Our work in Palestine. 8vo, London, 1875 Twenty-one Years' work in the Holy Land. 8vo, London, 1886 Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society. Buildings of Justinian. By Procopius (circ. 560 A.D.) Translated by A. Stewart. 8vo, London, 1886 Paley (F. a.) Manual of Gothic Mouldings. 8vo, London, 1845 Palgrave (Sir Francis), F.S.A. History of England. 8vo, London, 183 1 See Commissioners on tJie Public Records. Palmer (C. J.), F.S.A. A Booke of the Foundacion and Anti- quitye of the Towne of Greate Yermouthe ; from the original manuscript written in the time of Queen Elizabeth,, with Notes and an Appendix. 4to, Great Yarmouth, 1847 History of Great Yarmouth. Designed as a con- tinuation of Manship's History of that Town. 4to, Great Yarmouth, 1856' Perlustration of Great Yarmouth, with Gorleston and Southtown. 3 vols. 4to, Great Yarmouth, 1872-5. See Manship (H.) Palmer (Charles John), f.s.a., and Hurry (Edmund Abdy). Memorials of the Family of Hurry. 4to, Norwich, 1873 Palmer (Charles John), F.S.A., and Tucker (Stephen). Pal- grave Family Memorials. Privately printed. 4to, Norwich, 1878 Palmer (F. D.) *The Tolhouse restored. Great Yarmouth, 1887 S 66 Palmer (F. D.), icontinned.) Yarmouth Notes, 1830- 1872. 8vo, Great Yarmouth, 1889 Pamatky Archaeologicke a Mistopisne, Organ Archaeologickeho Sboru Musea kralovstvi Ceskeho a Historickeho spolku v Praze. 4to, Praze, 1878 Panofka (Theodor). Manners and Customs of the Greeks. Translated from the German : with illustrations by George Scharf. 4to, London, 1849 Papworth (J. W.) Alphabetical Dictionary of Coats of Arms. 8vo, London, 1874 Parfitt (E.) * Architectural Discoveries in Exeter. 1878 Paris (Matthew). Historia Major. {Editore Willielmo Wats?) FoL, Londini, 1684 Parish (Rev. W. D.) Domesday Book in relation to the County of Sussex. FoL, Lewes, 1886 Parker (James). Early History of Oxford, 727-1100. 8vo, Oxford, 1885 ^Address delivered to the Reading Archaeological and Architectural Society. 1875 Parker (John Henry), C.B., F.S.A. Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1845 Companion to same. 8vo, Oxford, 1846 — Glossary. Fifth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1850 Glossary of Terms used in British Heraldry ; with a Chronological Table, illustrative of its rise and progress. 8vo, Oxford, 1847 Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England. Vol. I. From the Conquest to the End of the Thirteenth Century. By T. Hudson Turner. Vol. II. From Edward I. to Richard II. 8vo, Oxford, 1853 Vol. III. From Richard II. to Henry VIII. Two parts. 8vo, Oxford, 1859 Medieval Architecture of Chester. 8vo, Chester, 1858 Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. Second Edition. 8vo, Oxford, 1861 Architectural Antiquities of the City of Wells. 8vo, Oxford, 1866 Illustrations of the Architectural Antiquities of the City of V^ells. FoL, London, 1866 *Recent Excavations in Rome : a Lecture. 1868 *Ashmolean Museum : its history, present state, and V prospects. Oxford, 1870 67 Parker (J. H.), {cojitimied.) Archaeology of Rome. Chapter or Part IV. The Egyptian Obelisks ; to which is added a Supplement to the first three parts, which form the first volume. 8vo, Oxford, 1876 Forum Romanum. 8vo, Oxford, 1876 Forum Romanum et Magnum. Second Edition. 8vo, Oxford, 1879 The Twelve Egyptian Obelisks in Rome : their history explained by translations of the inscriptions upon them. Second Edition. 8vo, Oxford, 1879 *Early History of Rome. 1879 Archaeology of Rome. Part VI. The Via Sacra — Excavations in Rome from 1438 to 1882. 8vo, Oxford, 1883 *Recent Archaeological Researches in Rome. N.D. See Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture^ Roman Exploration Fund, also Rickman ( T.) Parkinson (Rev. Thomas). Yorkshire Legends and Traditions 8vo, London, 1888 Parliamentary Papers. Second Report of the Commissioner on Municipal Corporations in England and Wales. London and Southwark and London Companies. Fol., London, 1837 Report of Commissioners on the Registers or Records of Births, Baptisms, etc., other than the Parochial Registers. Fol, London, 1838 Papers respecting the Excavations at Budrum. C. T. Newton. Fol., London, 1858 Further Papers respecting the Excavations at Budrum. E. Hawkins. Fol., London, 1858 Further Papers respecting the Excavations at Budrum and Cnidus. C. T. Newton. Fol, London, 1859 Paterson (J.) *Roman Quern found at Berwick. N.D. Peacock (E.), F.S.A. See Index Society, Peacock (R. A.) Physical and Historical Evidences of vast Sinkings of Land on the North and West Coasts of France and South- Western Coasts of England. 8vo, London, 1868 Pearson (Lieut-Colonel A.) *Early Fortifications of Rome. Rome, 1877 Peck (F.) ^Lincoln Cathedral: an exact copy of all the ancient monumental inscriptions there, as they stood in 1641. London, 185 1 68 Pedroso (Consip^lieri). See Folk-Lore Society^ Publications. Perceval (C. S.), F.S.A. See Society of Antiquaries of London. Percy, Annals of the House of. See De Fonblanqice ( E. B.) Percy (Bishop). See Mallet (M.) Percy Society : Publications . 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1840 Petavius (Dionysius). Rationarium Temporum. 2 vols. 8vo, Lugduni Batavorum, 1724 Petit (Rev. J. L.), F.S.A. ^Remarks on the Principles of Gothic Architecture as applied to ordinary Parish Churches. Oxford, 1846 Architectural Studies in France. 8vo, London, 1854 The Lesser and the Greater Light. 8vo, London, 1869 *0n Romsey Abbey Church. N.D Petrarch (F.), De Remediis Utriusque Fortunae. 24mo, , 161 3 Petrie (George). Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, anterior to the Anglo-Norman Invasion ; comprising an Essay on the Origin and Uses of the Round Towers of Ireland, etc. 4to, Dublin, 1845 Petrie (H.) See Commissiojiers on Public Records. Petrie (W. M. Flinders). Inductive Metrology. 8vo, London, 1877 Stonehenge : Plans, Description, and Theories. 4to, London, 1880 Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh. 4to,.London, 1883 ^Mechanical Methods of the Ancient Egyptians. 1883 *Arts of Ancient Egypt. London, 1884 Season in Egypt, 1887. 4to, London, 1888 *The Old English Mile. N.D. See Egypt Exploration Fund. Petty (Dr. William). History of the Survey of Ireland, commonly called the Down Survey, 1655-56. See Irish Archceolo^ical Society XV. Pezet (M.) *Rapport fait au Conseil Municipal de Bayeux. Bayeux, 1838 Phillipps (R. B.) *Letter on the Restoration of the Cathedral Church, Hereford. 1847 Phillips (John). Rivers, Mountains, and Sea Coast of York- shire. 8vo, London, 1853 69 Phillips (J. A.) *0n the Metals and Alloys known to the Ancients. N.D. PiGGOT (J.), F.S.A. *" Pargetting/ 'Wyvenhoe, Essex. N.D. *Notes on Chimney Shafts. N.D. PiLKiNGTON (M.) Dictionary of Painters. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1824 Pinks (William J.) History of Clerkenwell. 41 o, London, 1865 Pitt-Rivers (Lieut-General), f.s.a. Excerpta. [In accordance with the Will of the second Lord Rivers^ General Lane-Fox assumed the na7ne of Pitt-Rivers^ by Royal Lice7ice^ on his inheriting the Rivers property in 1880. These papers are therefore written under the two names of Lane- Fox and Pitt-Rivers.l Primitive Warfare Part I., II., III., from the Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Vol. V., 1861. Roovesmore Fort and Oghams. Pilework at London. Ivory peg-top shaped object, Ireland. Ring-Brooch, Lough Neagh, Ireland. Galway Brooch. Anglo-Saxon Sword, Battersea, Flint Implement from Honduras. Marble Armlet, Lukoja, West Africa. Bronze Spear-head, Lough Gur, Co. Limerick. Flint Implements found associated with Roman Remains in Oxfordshire and the Isle of Thanet. Distribution of Megalithic Monuments : being remarks on Mr. H odder Westropp's paper on the same subject. On the proposed exploration of Stonehenge by a Committee of the British Association. On the use of the New Zealand Mere. On the opening of two Cairns near Bangor, N. Wales. On a supposed Ogham Inscription, from Rus-Glass, Co. Cork. On the threatened destruction of British Earthworks near Dorchester, Oxfordshire. Address to the Department of Anthropology of the British Associa* tion at Brighton, 1872. On the discovery of Palaeolithic Implements in connection with Elephas Primigenius^ in the Gravels of the Thames Valley at Acton. Report on Anthropology at the meeting of the British Association for 1872. Stone Celts from the grove and hill-top Temples of the Malayalis, of the Shevaroy Hills, India, obtained by Colonel Pearse, R.A. Report of the Committee appointed for the purpose of preparing and publishing brief forms of instructions for Travellers, Ethnologists, and other Anthropological observers. 70 Pitt-Rivers (Lieut-General), {continued^ Principles of Anthropological Classification. Catalogue raiso7im of Colonel Lane-Fox's Anthropological Collec- tion at Bethnal Green, Parts I. and II., containing Typical human Skulls, Shields, Body-armour, Head-dresses, Boomerangs, Bird-headed Picks, Implements for accelerating the flight of the Dart, Bows, Cross Bows and Quivers, Clubs, Paddles, Staves, Spears, Javelins, and Arrows, Spuds, Pronged Spears, Harpoons, Blades with ogee sections, the Axe, Blow-pipes, Morning Stars, Hand Stones and Slings, Knives, Daggers, and Swords Early Modes of Navigation. Patagonian stone Implements. Evolution of Culture. — Note on the Chest Measurement of Recruits. = Excavations in Cissbury Camp, Sussex. Address to the Anthropological Institute as President. Opening of the Dyke Road Tumulus, near Brighton, in 1872. Excavations in the Camp and Tumulus at Seaford, Sussex. On some Votive Statuettes found in Tombs at Tanagra, Beotia. Report on Measurements of the whole of the Officers and Men of the 2nd Royal Surrey Militia, according to the General Instructions drawn up by the Anthropometric Committee of the British Associatio n Address to the Anthropological Institute as President. Report of Excavation of a Twin-Barrow, and a Single Round Barrow at Sigwell (Six Wells), Parish of Compton, Somerset. By Prof. Rolleston, M.D., F.R.S., and Major-General A. Lane-Fox, F.R.S., with an Appendix on the Topography of Sigwell. Observations on Mr. Man's Collection of Andamanese and Nico- barese objects. Report on the Excavation of the Earthwork known as Ambresbury Banks, Epping Forest. On the Discovery of Chert Implements in stratified Gravel in the Nile Valley, near Thebes. On Excavations in the Earthwork called Dane's Dyke, at Flam- borough, in October, 1879 \ ^^^^ on the Earthworks of the Yorkshire Wolds, with 3 plates. Anniversary Address to the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland as President. On the Egyptian Boomerang and its Affinities, with i plate. Address as President to the Antiquarian Section, at the Annual Meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, held at Lewes, 1883. Address delivered at the opening of the Dorset County Museum* Dorchester, on Tuesday, January 7th, 1884. Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Dorchester School of Art, on February 7th, 1884. Address as President at Royal Archaeological Institute, Salisbury, 1887. Address to the Anthropological Section of the British Association, at Bath, 1888. 71 Pitt-Rivers (Lieut.-General), {continued) Excavations at Mount Caburn Camp, near Lewes, conducted in September and October, 1877, and July, 1878. 4to, Westminster, 1881 Excavations at Caesar's Camp, Folkestone, conducted in June and July, 1878. 4to, Westminster, 1882 On the Development and Distribution of Primitive Locks and Keys. 4to, London, 1883 Report on Excavations in the Pen Pits, near Pensel- wood, Somerset. 4to, London, 1884 Excavations in Cranborne Chase, near Rushmore, on the borders of Dorset and Wilts. 2 vols. 4to (private circ), 1887-8 ^ Planch£ (J. R.) History of British Costume. 8vo, London, 1834 Poursuivant of Arms, or Heraldry founded upon facts. 8vo, London, N.D. Plicque (A. E.) *Un Talisman Gallo-Romain. Clermont-Ferrand, 1885 Ploupiman (Peter). See Whitaker (T, D.) Pollen (John Hungerford). See Science and Art Department ^ South Kensington. POLLETT (Ant.) The Establishment of the Expense in the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office. MS., 174^ PONTING (W.). *Anglo-Saxon Antiquities at Upton-Snods- bury, Worcestershire. 1873 Poole (Rev. George Ayliffe). History of Ecclesiastical Archi- tecture in England. 8vo, London, 1848 Poole (Stanley Lane). See Lane-Poole ( S.) Portsmouth. Domus Dei.*^ N.D. — Potter (T. R.) Charnwood Forest 4to, London, 1842 Powell (J. W.) See Smithsonian ^ Institution : Bureau of Ethnology. POWNALL (Rev. A.), F.S.A. *The Royal Bust on Early Groats. London, 1869 Powys-Land Club. Collections Historical and Archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire. 8vo, London, 1869 Domesday Book of Montgomeryshire. 8vo, London, 1876 Poynings. ^Family and Church. N.D. Preston (John). Picture of Yarmouth. 8vo, Yarmouth, 18 19 Preston (Rev. T. A.) See Wiltshire Archceological and Natural History Society, 72 Pr£:vost (F.)' *Memoire sur les anciennes Constructions Militaires connues sur le nom de Forts Vitrifies. Saumur, 1863 ^Dissertation sur les Forts Vitrifies en Ecosse, en France, et en AUemagne. Angers, 1867 Price (F. G. Hilton), f.s.a. *Ancient Egyptian Implements. 1884 See InstitiLte of Bankers, Price (John E.), f.s.a., and Price (F. G. Hilton), f.s.a. De- scription of the Remains of Roman Buildings at Morton, near Brading, Isle of Wight. 4to, London, 1881 Prichard (John). Views, Elevations, and Sections of Minster Lovell Church, Oxfordshire. FoL, Oxford, 1850 Prim (J. G. A.) See Graves {Rev. J.) and Pri7n (/. G, A,) Prince (Rev. John). Danmonii Orientales illustres : or, the Worthies of Devon. 4to, London, 18 10 Pring (James Hurly). The Briton and the Roman on the site of Taunton. 8vo, Taunton, 1880 Pritizwell (J.) Compotus de Festo S. Mich. A.D. 1364. 8vo, London, 1870 Privy Council of England : Proceedings and Ordinances 1486- 1 542. See Commissioners on Ptcblic Records. Procopius. See Palestine Pilgrijns' Text Society. Procter (William). "^'Roman Villa, near Collingham. York, 1855 Promptorium Parvulorum. See Camden Society Publications. Public Records. See Commissioners on Public Records ; also Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, PUGIN (A. Welby). Apology for the revival of Christian Architecture in England. 4to, London, 1843 PULLAN (R. P.) Remarks on Church Decoration. 8vo, London, 1878 — Eastern Cities and Italian Towns. 8vo, London, 1879 Elementary Lectures on Christian Architecture. 8vo, London, 1879 Studies in Architectural Style. Fol., London, 1883 See Purges ( IV.) ; also Newton ( Sir C T.) Purbeck Society : Papers. 8vo, Wareham, 1855-60 PURNELL (Thomas). ^Pembrokeshire and its Dialect. 1859 Historia Quatuor Regum Angliae heroico carmine conclusa Authore Johanne Herdo, Medico. 4to, Londini, 1868 73 Putnam (C. E.) *0n Elephant Pipes and Inscribed Tablets. Devonport (Iowa), 1885 Putnam (F. W.) ^Archaeological Researches in Kentucky and Indiana. 1875 Pye (Rev. Benjamin). Life of Cardinal Pole. 8vo, London, 1766 QUARANTA (Bernardo). *Intorno ad Un 'Osca iscrizione, incisa nel Cippo disotterrato a Pompei neir Agosto, 185 1. Napoli, 1 85 1 *Di un Candelabro di Bronzo. Napoli, 1852 *L'Orologio a Sole di Beroso scoperto in Pompei. Napoli, 1854 *Di un Sileno in Bronzo a Pompei. N.D Rabelais (Francois). CEuvres. 2 vols. i2mo, 1691 Radloff (W.) Materiaux pour servir a Tarcheologie de la Russie. Fol., St. Petersbourg, 1888 Rafn (C. C.) See Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift Selskab, Raine (Rev. James). Catterick Church, in the County of York. 4to, London, 1834 Raine (Rev. John). History and Antiquities of the Parish of Blyth, in the Counties of Nottingham and York. 4to, Westminster, i860 Raines (Rev. F. R.) See Chetham Society Publications. Ranking (B. M.) and (D. F.) Milton's "Comus'' Annotated with a Glossary. 8vo, London, 1878 Rau (C) ^Aboriginal Stone-drilling. 1881 Raven (Rev. J. J.) See Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Read (Daniel). ^Address delivered in the University of Wisconsin. Madison, 1856 Rebour (G.) *Decouverte d'une Fonderie Celtique dans la Village de Larnaud, pres de Lons-le-Saunier (Jura), en 1865. Lons-le-Saunier, 1867 Record Commissioners. See Commissioners on the Public Records, Reeves (Rev. William). Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down, Connor, and Dromore. 4to, Dublin, 1847 SeQ Irish Archceological Society \ 2X^0 Irish Archceological and Celtic Society, Registrum Honoris de Richmond. Fol., Londini, 1722 Reliquary. Edited by LL Jewitt, F.S.A. 8vo, London, 1860-86 New Series. 8vo, London, 1887 74 Rendle (William). Old Southwark and its People. 8vo, Southwark, 1878 Revoil (A. H.) ^Sepultures Gallo-Romaines, decouvertes dans les fouilles de TEglise neuve de St. Baudile de Nimes. Nimes, 1867 Revoil (H.) "^Rapport sur les Fouilles de TAmphitheatre de Nimes. 1866 Revue Archeologique (Antiquite et Moyen Age). Vols. V-XVI. 8vo, Paris, 1848-59 Nouvelle Serie. Vols. I.-XLIV. 8vo, Paris, 1860-82 Troisieme Serie. Vol. I. . 8vo, Paris, 1883 Revue de la Numismatique Beige. 4 vols. 8vo, Tirlemont et Bruxelles, 1 846-48 Revue de Saintonge et d'Aunis. See Societe des Archives Historiqiie, Revue Generale de TArchitecture et des Travaux publics, sous la direction de Cesar Daly. 3 vols. Fol„ Paris, 1885-9 Revue Nobiliaire Historique et Biographique. Nouvelle S6rie. 8vo, Paris, 1865 Reynolds (J.) *Some Notes on English Monasticism, with special reference to Cleeve Abbey. Williton, N.D. Reynolds (Rev. Thomas). Iter Britanniarum, or that part of the Itinerary of Antoninus which relates to Britain. 4to, Cambridge, 1799 Rhind (A. Henry), F.S.A. ^British Antiquities. Edinburgh, 1855 British Archaeology, its Progress and Demands. 8vo, London, 1858 Facsimilies of two Papyri found in a tomb at Thebes, with a translation by 5". Birch. Oblong FoL, London, 1863 RiBEiRO (Carlos). Notice sur quelques stations et monuments prehistoriques (Portugal). 4to, Lisbonne, 1878 Richard of Cirencester. Description of Britain (translated). 8vo, London, 1809 Richard Divisiensis. Chronicon de Rebus gestis Ricardi primi Regis Anglise. 8vo, Londini, 1838 Richardson (Edward). Monumental Effigies of the Temple Church, with an account of their Restoration in 1842. FoL, London, 1843 75 Richardson (E.), {continued,) Ancient Stone and Leaden Coffins, Encaustic Tiles &c., recently discovered in the Temple Church. FoL, London, 1845 Monumental Efifigies, and Tombs in Elford Church, Staffordshire, with a memoir and pedigree of the Lords of Elford. FoL, London, 1852 RiCHELET (Pierre). Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran^oise, Ancienne et Moderne. 3 vols., FoL, Lyon, 1759 RiCKMAN (Thomas), F.S.A. Attempt to discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England from the Conquest to the Reformation, with a sketch of the Grecian and Roman orders. Sth Edition. 8vo, London, 1848 The same. 7th Edition. Edited by /. H. Parker. 8vo, Oxford, 1881 Riley (Henry T.) Liber Albus. 4to, London, 1861 Ripon. Copy of a Chronicle. Written circ. 1724 ROBER (F.) *Beitrage zur Erforschung der geometrischen Grundformen in den alten Tempelen aegyptens. Dresden, 1854 Robert (Charles). Sigillographie de Toul. 4to, Paris, 1868 Roberts (C.) See Commissioners on Pitblic Records. Robertson (Joseph). See Spalding Club. Robins (E. C.), f.s.A. *Ancient Chest in possession of the Dyer's Company. 1879 Robinson (J. C.) See Science and Art Department^ South Kensington. RobsoN (John). See Ca^nden Society Publications. Rogers (Rev. Charles). See Grampian Club. Rogers (J. E. Thorold). Six Centuries of Work and Wages. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1884. Roman Exploration Company. ^Notice. N.D. Roman Exploration Fund. ^Excavations in Rome, 1870-71. Lecture by /. H. Parker. 1871 ^Suggestions for Explorations and Excavations. 1872. Roman Wall. History of the Picts, or Romano-British Wall. 8vo, London, 1849 Romer (F.) Bone Caves of Ojcow in Poland. Translated by /. E. Lee. FoL, London, 1884 Ronalds (F.) See Blair (Dr. A.) and Rofialds (F.) Rosny (L. de). Histoire de Lille. 8vo, Paris, 1838 76 ROSSE (J. Willoughby). Index of Dates. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1858-9 Rotulus Parliamenti Tenti apud Westm. Vicissimo Quinto die Februarii Anno Regni Regis Henrici VI. M.S. Fol., — ROWE (J. Brooking), F.S.A. ^Excavations at Buckfast Abbey. 1884 RowE (Rev. Samuel). Perambulation of the Antient and Royal Forest of Dartmoor. 8vo, Plymouth, 1848 Rowland (Daniel). Historical and Genealogical Account of the noble Family of Nevill, particularly of the House of Abergavenny. Fol., London, 1830 Rowlands (Rev. Henry). Mona Antiqua Restaurata. 4to, Dubhn, 1723 Roy (W.), F.S.A. Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain. Fol., London, 1793 Royal Arch^ological Institute of Great Britain AND Ireland. The Archseological Journal. Index to Vols. I. to XXV. _ _ Proceedings at Annual Meetings Winchester (1845). York (1846). Norwich (1847). Lincoln (1848). Salisbury (1849). Oxford (1850). Bristol (185 1). Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1852). Chichester (1853). Catalogues of Museums — Edinburgh. Carlisle. Gloucester. Worcester, Notes of Annual Meetings — Norwich. Architectural Notes (1847). Taunton. General Notes. Lincoln. General Notes. Carlisle. Report. Derby. Notes by W. H, St John Hope, 8vo, London, 1845 — 8vo, London, 1878 8vo, London, 1846 8vo, London, 1847 8vo, London, 185 1 8vo, London, 1850 8vo, London, 185 1 8vo, London, 1854 8vo, London, 1853 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1858 8vo, London, 1856 8vo, Edinburgh, 1859 8vo, Carlisle, 1859 8vo, Gloucester, i860 8vo, Worcester, 1862 8vo, N.D. 8vo, Taunton, 1879 8vo, London, 1880 8vo, London, 1882 8vo, London, 1885 Salisbury. General Notes by J, E, Nightingale, 8vo, SaHsbury, 1887 Norwich. General Notes. 8vo, London, 1889 77 Royal Arch^ological Institute, {continued:) Various Publications — Series of Photographs from portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, from the Collection exhibited by the Archaeological Institute, 1857. FoL, London, 1858 Map of British and Roman Yorkshire. By Sir C, T. Newton, 1846 Memoir and Map of Watling Street. See Maclauchlan ( H.) Table of the Annual Assay Office, Letters. See Morga7t (O.) Survey and Memoir of the Roman Wall. See Maclauchlan (H.) Old London. Papers read at the London Congress, July, 1866. 8vo, London, 1867 Ancient Helmets and Examples of Mail. See De Cosson ( Baron ) a?zd Biirges (IV.) Royal Artillery Institution. Proceedings. 8vo, Woolwich, 1878 Royal Dublin Society. Journal. 8vo, Dublin, 1862-75 Royal Historical and Arch^ological Association of Ireland. For previous volumes see Kilkenny and South East of Ireland Archceological Society, 8vo, Dublin, 1873-90 For subsequent volumes, See Royal Society of Anti- quaries of Ireland. Royal Institute of British Architects. Transactions. 4to, London, 1863-84 New series. 4to, London, 1885 — Proceedings. 1889 — Royal Institution of Cornwall. Objects and Laws. 8vo, Truro, 1829 Reports. 8vo, Truro, 1855-63 * Ancient inscribed Stone found at Fardel, near Ivy- bridge, Devon. By E. Smirke, 1861 Journal. 8vo, Truro, 1871 Royal Institution of Great Britain. Proceedings. 8vo, London, 1854 — Royal Institution of South Wales. * Report of Council. Swansea, 1846 Royal Irish Academy. Proceedings. 8vo, Dublin, 1841-70 Proceedings. New Series. 8vo, Dublin, 1870 Transactions. 4to, Dublin, 1852 Transactions. Irish MS. Series. By Whitley Stokes, 4to, Dublin, 1880 Cunningham Memoirs. 4to, Dublin, 1880 78 Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Journal. 8vo, Dublin, 1890 Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries. See Kongeligt Nordiske Oldskrift Selskab. Royal United Service Institution. Journal. 8vo, London, 1857 RUSHWORTH (John). Historical Collections, beginning the sixteenth year of King James, anno 161 8, and ending the fifth year of Charles, anno 1629. FoL, London, 1659 The Same. FoL, London, 1682 The Second Part, containing the principal matters which happened from the dissolution of the Parliament on the loth March, 4. Car. i, 1628-9, until the summoning of another Parliament, which met at Westminster, April 13th, 1640. 2 vols. FoL, London, 1680 Russell (C.) See Greenstreet (J,) and Russell ( C.) Russell (Rev. J. Fuller). * Coronation Service, according to the Use of the Church of England. London, 1875 Russia. Information and Notes about the Imperial University, Kasan. (In Russian.) 8vo, Kasan, 1864-79 Rye (Walter). Records and Record searching. 8vo, London, 1888 — Carrow Abbey, otherwise Carrow Priory : its founda- tion, buildings, officers, and inmates. 4to, Norwich, 1889 Rye (W. B.) Etchings. Oblong foL, N.D. Rygh (O.) * Norske Myntfund fra det niende Aarhundrede. 1876 Norske Oldsager. 4to, Christiania, 1885* See Christiania Vidensk-Selsk, ForhandL Sabatier (J.) * Notions sur I'lconographie sacree en Russie St. Petersbourg, 1849 St. Alban's Architectural and Arch^ological Society * Description of the Roman Theatre of Verulam, by G. Lowe, London, 1848 * Papers London, 185 1 Transactions. 8vo, St. Alban's, 1885 See Associated Architectural Societies Reports and Papers, St. Barbe (Charles), f.S.a. Records of the Corporation of the Borough of New Lymington, in the County of Southamp- ton. 4to, London, 1848 79 Saintfoix (M. de.) Essais Historiques sur Paris. 5 vols, 8vo, Paris, 1766. Salmon (Thomas). Chronological Historian. 8vo, London, 1723 Salviati (A.) *On Mosaics. London, 1865 Sandford (Francis). Lancaster Herald of Arms. Genealogical History of the Kings of England A.D. 1066- 1677. FoL, London, 1677 SCARTH (Rev. H. M.) Aquae Solis, or Notices of Roman Bath. 4to, London, 1864 Roman Britain. 8vo, London, N.D. * Lecture on the Via Julia and its course by Silbury, N.D. SCHARF (George). See Panofka {T.) SCHERZII (J. G.) Glossarium Germanicum medii aevi potis- simum dialecti suevicae edidit, illustravit, supplevit, /. /. Oberlimcs, 2 vols, Fol., Argentorati, 178 1-4. SCHIRMER (H. M.) Kristkirken i Nidaros. 8vo, Kristiania, 1885. Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Gesellschaft fiir die Samm- lung und Erhaltung vaterlandischer Alterthiimer. Berichte. 8vo, Kiel, 1836-50. Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Gesellschaft flir vaterland- ische Geschichte. Archiv. 5 vols, 8vo, Altona, 1833-43 Neues Archiv. 8vo, Altona, 1844-51 — Urkundensamlung 4to, Kiel, 1839-48 Schoolcraft (H. R.) Historical and Statistical Information, respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Illustrated by /. Eastman, 3 parts, 4to, Philadelphia, 185 1-3. Schranz (Brothers). * Ruins at Crendi. SCHUBELER (F. C.) See Christiania Vidensk-Selsk, Forhandl Science and Art Department, South Kensington. Descriptive Catalogue of the Majolica. Edited by C, Driiry E. Fortnum. 8vo, London, 1873 Descriptive Catalogue of Bronzes of European Origin. Edited by C. Drury E. Fortnujn, 8vo, London, 1876 Ancient and Modern Gold and Silver Smith's Work. Edited by /. H. Pollen, 8vo, London, 1878 Descriptive Catalogue of Glass Vessels. By A. Nesbitt 8vo, London, 1878 Italian Sculpture of the Middle Ages and Period of the Revival of Art. Descriptive Catalogue. Edited by J. C. Robinson. 8vo, London, 1862 8o Science and Art Department, South Kensington. Catalogue of Special Exhibition of Works of Art on loan, June, 1862 Edited by J. C. Robinson. 8vo, London, 1863 List of Buildings in Great Britain and Ireland having Mural Decor- ations prior to the latter part of the Sixteenth Century. Edited by C. E. Keyser. '^rd Edition, 8vo, London, 1883 Scott (Sir Geo. Gilbert). * Restoration of Winchester City Cross. Winchester, 1865. *' St. David's Cathedral. Extracts from the first and second reports. London, 1873 * Report upon the proposed restoration of the nave of Knapton Church, in the Diocese of Norwich. 1881 ScOTT (Sir Walter). Bart. Provincial antiquities and pic^ turesque scenery of Scotland. 4to, London, 1826. Scott (W. Bell). Antiquarian Gleanings in the North of Eng- land. 4to, London, N.D. SCROPE (G. Poulett). History of the Manor and Ancient Barony of Castle Combe, in the County of Wilts. 4to, 1852 Abridgement of the History of Castle Combe. 8vo, Devizes, 1855 *Claim to the Earldom of Wiltes. N.D. *Roman Villa at North Wraxall. N.D. Searle (W. G.) See Cainbridge Antiquarian Society. Secretary of War (U.S.A.) Reports. Reconnaissances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso, by Col. /. E. Johnston, W. F. Smith, F. T, Bryan, N. H. Michler, and Capt. 5. G French. Report of Capt. R. B. Ma^'cy's Route from Fort Smith to Santa Fe ; and report of J. H. Simpson of an expedition into the Navajo Country. Report of W. H. C. Whitings reconnaissances of the Western Frontier of Texas. 8vo, Washington, 1850- Sere (F.) See Lacroix {P.) et Sere {F,) Sharpe (Edward). Rise and Progress of Decorated Window Tracery in England. 8vo, London, 1849 Series of Illustrations of the Window Tracery of the Decorated style of Ecclesiastical Architecture. 8vo, London, 1849 Sharpe (Rev. J.) See William of Malmesbury Shaw (Henry), f.s.A. Decorative Arts, Ecclesiastical and Civil, of the Middle Ages. 8vo, London, 1851 8i Shaw (Henry) {continued). Handbook of Mediaeval Alphabets and Devices. 8vo, London, 1853 Handbook of the Art of Illumination, as practised during the Middle Ages. 8vo, London, 1866 Sheffield Architectural and Archaeological Society. See Asso- dated Architectural Societies Reports and Papers, Shirley (Evelyn Philip), F.S.A. Some Account of the Terri- tory or Dominion of Farney, in the Province and Earldom of Ulster. 4to, London, 1845 Original Letters and Papers in illustration of the History of the Church in Ireland, during the Reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. 8vo, London, 185 1 Noble and Gentle Men of England. 4to, London, 1859 History of the County of Monaghan. Fol., London, 1879 Shropshire Arch^ological and Natural History .Society. Transactions. 8vo, Shrewsbury, 1878 SiCHEL (J.) * Pierres sigillaires d'Oculistes Romains. Paris, 1866 Simpson (J. H.) See Secretary of War, U.S.A. ' Simpson (Sir J. Y.) * Archaeology, its past and its future work* Edinburgh, 1861 Sims (R.) Index to the Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Heralds' Visitations and other MSS. in the British Museum. 8vo, London, 1849 Manual for the Genealogist, Topographer, Antiquary, and Legal Professor. 8vo, London, 1856 Skeat (Rev. W. W.) See Guest (E.) Skrine (Henry). Three successive tours in the North of England, to the Lakes, and great part of Scotland. 4to, London, 18 13 Smellie (William). Account of the Institution and Progress of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 4to, Edinburgh, 1782 Smirke (E.) * Hall and round table at Winchester. N.D. See Royal Institution of CornzvalL Smith (Rev. A. C.) Guide to British and Roman Antiquities of the North Wiltshire Downs in a hundred square miles round Abury. 4to, 1884 Smith (Cecil). See Egypt Exploration Fund. 6 82 Smith (C. Roach), f.s.a. Collectanea Antiqua ; Etchings and Notices of Ancient Remains, illustrative of the Habits, Customs, and History of Past Ages, 7 vols. 8vo, London, 1848-80 Antiquities of Richborough, Reculver, and Lymne in Kent. Illustrated by F. IV, Fairholt, 4to, London, 1850 Report on Excavations made on the site of the Roman Castrum at Lymne, in Kent, 1850. 4to, London, 1852 * Museum of London Antiquities. 1855 Report on Excavations made upon the site of the Roman Castrum at Pevensey, 1852. 4to, London, 1858 Illustrations of Roman London. 4to, London, 1859 On the scarcity of Home-grown Fruits in Great Britain. London, 1863 * Rural Life of Shakespeare. London, 1870 * Address to the Strood Institute, Elocution Class. 1879 Retrospections ; Social and Archaeological. 8vo, London, 1883 Floods of the Med way, at Strood. 1884 * Remarks on Anglo-Saxon and Frankish Remains. N.D. See Fairholt ( F. W.) and Smith ( C, R.) Smith (Henry Ecroyd). Reliquiae Isurianae, the remains of the Roman Isurium, now Aldborough, near Boroughbridge, Yorkshire. FoL, London, 1852 Smith (R. Angus). Centenary of Science in Manchester. 8vo, London, 1883 Smith (William). A new and Compendious History of the County of Warwick. 4to, Birmingham, 1830 Smith (W.), LL.D. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 2nd Edition. 8vo, London, 1859 Smith (W.) Old Yorkshire, with an introduction by the Rev. Robert Colly er. 8vo, London, 1881 Smith (W. F.) See Secretary of War, U.S.A. Smithsonian Institution. Annual Reports of the Board of Regents. 8vo, Washington, 1849 Report on the construction of Catalogues of Libraries. By C. C Jewett. 8vo, Washington, 1853 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. [Vol. XXVI I. contains a general Index to the Publications of the Institute.] 8vo, Washington, 1862 83 Smithsonian Institution {contimied^ Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 4to, Washington, 1876 Annual Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology. By J. W, Powell. royal 8vo, Washington, 1881 List of Foreign Correspondents, corrected to January, 1882. 8vo, Washington, 1882 See United States Pate^it Office. Smyth (Captain W. H.) ^Edes Hartwellianse. 4to, London, 1851 Societe Archeologique de Bordeaux. Comptes-Rendus. 8vo, Bordeaux, 1885 Societe Archeologique de Nantes et du D^partement de la Loire- Inferieure. Bulletin. 8vo, Nantes, 1883 Societe Archeologique du Midi de la France. Memoires. 4to, Paris, 1872 Bulletin. 4to, Toulouse, 1880-87 Bulletin. 8vo, Toulouse, i{ Societe Centrale des Architectes Frangais. Bulletin mensuel. Conferences 1885-87. Annuaire. Societe des Antiquaires de TOuest. Memoires. Bulletin. Societe des Antiquaires de Normandie. Memoires. Societe des Antiquaires de Picardie. Bulletin. Memoires. Memoires. 2me Serie. Societe d' Archeologie de Bruxelles. Annales. Societe des Archives historiques. d'Aunis. Bulletin. Societe de Borda, Dax. Bulletin. Societe d' Emulation d' Abbeville. Memoires. Memoires. 3me Serie. 8vo, Paris, i{ 8vo, Paris, 1887 8vo, Paris, 1887 8vo, Poitiers, 1857-9 1855-81 4to, Paris, 1867 8vo, Amiens, 1847-54 8vo, Amiens, 1850 8vo, Amiens, 1851-60 8vo, Bruxelles, 1887 Revue de Saintonge et 8vo, Saintes, 1888 8vo, Dax, 1878 8vo, Abbeville, 1849-52 8vo, Abbeville, 1884 Bulletin (avec une Table analytique des Seances). 8vo, Abbeville, 1881 84 Society d'Emulation d'Abbeville {continued). See Societe Imperiale d'Emulation d' Abbeville et Societe Roy ale d Emulation d' Abbeville, Societe Frangaise d' Arch^ologie. Seances gen6rales. 8vo, Paris, 1863 For previous volumes see Societe Frangaise pour la conser- vation des monuments historiques. Society Fran^aise pour la conservation des Monuments historiques. Seances generales. 8vo, Paris, 1846-51 For subsequent volumes see Societe Frangaise d' Archeologie. Societe Imperiale Archeologique du Midi de la France. Memoires. 4to, Paris, 1865 For subsequent volumes see Societe Archeologique du Midi de la France, Societe Imperiale des Antiquaires de France. Memoires. 3me S6rie. 8vo, Paris, 1868. See SociH^ Nationale des Antiquaires de France, Society Imperiale d' Emulation d' Abbeville. Memoires. 8vo, Abbeville, 1857 See Societe d' Emulation d' Abbeville et Societe Roy ale d' Emulation^ d' Abbeville, Societe Nationale des Antiquaires de France. Memoires. 4me Serie. 8vo, Paris, 1871-79 „ 5me Serie. 8vo, Paris, 1880 See Societe Imperiale des Antiquaires de France. Societe Polymathique du Morbihan. Bulletin. 8vo, Vannes, 1878 Society pour la recherche et la conservation des Monuments historiques dans le Grand-Duch^ de Luxembourg. Pub- lications. 4to, Luxembourg, 1858- 1866 Society Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. See Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift Selskab, Soci^t^ Royale d' Emulation d' Abbeville. Memoires. 8vo, Abbeville, 1836-43 See Societe d' Emulation d' Abbeville et SociM Imperiale d' Emulation d' Abbeville, Society Savoisienne d' Histoire et d' Archeologie. Memoires et Documents. 8vo, Chambery, 1856-75 Society for Preserving Memorials of the Dead. Journal. 8vo, Norwich, 1888 Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. Reports. 8vo, London, 1878 85 Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia or miscellaneous tracts relating to Antiquity. 4to, London, 1770 Index to first fifteen volumes of Archaeologia. 4to, London, 1809 Index to Archaeologia. Vols. xvi. — xxx. 4to, London, 1844 Vetusta Monumenta. Index to first 3 vols. London, 18 10 Vols. iv. V. and vi. Fol., London . Proceedings. 8vo, London, 1849 — 59 2nd Series. 8vo, London, 1859 Account of a Copper Table containing two inscriptions in Greek and Latin discovered near Heraclea. By P. C. Webb. 4to, London, 1760 Speech by the Rev. Dr. Milles, President of the Society of Anti- quaries, January, 1781. 4to, London, 1781 Speech by Edward King, President of the Society of Antiquaries, April, 1784. 4to, London, 1784 Copy of the Royal Charter and Statutes of the Society of Anti- quaries. 4to, London, 1837 Three Rolls of Arms of the latter part of the Thirteenth Century. Edited by W. 5. Walford^ and C. S. Perceval. 4to, London, 1864. y Printed books in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries. 8vo, London, 1887 Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Archaeologia vEliana or miscellaneous tracts relating to Antiquity. 4 vols, 4to, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1822-55 New Series. 8vo, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1857 Pipe-rolls or Sheriffs Annual Accounts of the Revenues of the Crown for Cumberland, Westmorland and Durham. 8vo, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1847 Lapidarium Septentrionale : or a description of the Monuments of Roman Rule in the North of England. 5 parts Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1870-75 Report of Joint Meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland and of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1884. 8vo, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1884 History of Northumberland. Part I. By J. H. Hinde. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Arch^ologia Scotica or Transactions. Vols. i. — v 4 vols, 4to, Edinburgh, 1792-31 Proceedings 4to, Edinburgh, 1855-78 New Series. 4to, Edinburgh, 1879 Society of Biblical Archaeology. Transactions. ' 8vo, London, 1872 Proceedings. 8vo, London, 1878 Solihull Parish Magazine. 8vo, Coventry, 1883-5 86 Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Proceedings. 8vo, Taunton, 1851-76 Index to vols. I. to xx. 8vo, Bristol, 1876 New Series. 8vo, Taunton, 1876 SOROMENTRO (A.) * La Table de Bronze d' Aljustrel. Lisbonne, 1876 SOTHEBY (S. L.) Specimen notice for Sale of Block-Books. Fol., London, 1858 Southfleet Church, Kent. * N.D. South Kensington Museum. See Science and Art Depart- ment South Kensington, Sozzi (Paolo Conte Vimercati). Discorso letto nelP Ateneo in Bergamo, sovra alcuni monumenti esistenti in Roma alia memoria d'lllustri Bergamaschi. 8vo, Bergamo, 1840 Ragionamento, sovra alcuni vasi e lucerne fittili, un vetro ed un bronzo. Svo, Bergamo, 1841 Sulla Moneta della Citta di Bergamo nel secolo decimoterzo. Svo, Bergamo, 1842 Su varj argomenti relativi a Torquato Tasso. 8vo, Bergamo, 1844 Sulle belemniti d'entratico Cenni. 8vo, Bergamo, 1846 Spalding Club (List of Works in Chronological order). L To VL inclusive absent. Vn. Extracts from the Presbytery Book of Strathbogie, A.D. 163 1 1654. Edited by /. Stuart. 4to, Aberdeen, 1843 VI n. Absent. IX. Collections for a history of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Edited by Robertso7i, 4to, Aberdeen, 1843 X. Short Abridgement of Britane's Distemper, A.D., 1639 — 1649. By P. Gordon^ of Ruthven. Edited by J. Du?t?t, 4to, Aberdeen, 1844. XI. Breiffe Narration of the Services done to Three Noble Ladyes. By Gilbert Blakhal. Edited by J, Stuart, XII. Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen, A.D., 1398— 1570. Vol. L Edited by /. Stuart, 4to, Aberdeen, 1844 XIII. Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis. Edited by C. I7i7ies, XIV. Vols. I. and II. 2 vols. 4to, Edinburgh, 1845. XV Selections from the Records of the Kirk Session, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen, A.D., 1562 — 1681. Edited by /. Stuart, 4to, Aberdeen, 1846 XVI. Miscellany of the Club. Vol III. Edited by /. Stuart 4to, Aberdeen, 1846 XVII. Illustrations of the Topography and Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Vol. II. Edited by /. Robertso7i. 4to, Aberdeen, 1847 87 Spalding Club (List of Works in Chronological order) {continued), XVI I L Genealogical Deduction of the family of Rose of Kilravock, A.D., 1290 — 1847. Edited by C. In7ies. 4to, Aberdeen, 1848 XIX. Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1570— 1625. Vol. II. Edited by /. Stuart 4to, Aberdeen, 1848 XX. Miscellany of the Club. Vol. IV. Edited by /. Stuart 4to, Aberdeen, 1849 XXI. Memorialls of the Trubles in Scotland and in England, 1624 — 1645. By Joh7i Spalding. Vol. I. Edited by J. Stuart. 4to, Aberdeen, 1850 XXII. Letters illustrative of Public Affairs in Scotland, 1681—84. Edited by J. Dmtn. 4to, Aberdeen, 185 1 XXIII. Memorialls of the Trubles in Scotland and in England, 1624 — 45. By John Spalding. Vol. II. Edited by J. Stuart. 4to, Aberdeen, 1851 XXIV. Miscellany of the Club. Vol. V. 4to, Aberdeen, 1852 XXV. Civil and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland. By T. Innes. Edited by G. Grub. 4to, Aberdeen, 1853 XXVI. Selections from the Records of the University and King's College? Aberdeen, 1494 — 1854. Edited by C. Innes. 4to, Aberdeen, 1854 XXVII. XXVIII., XXIX., and XXX. absent. XXXI. Passages from the Diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuch" ries, 1635-99. Edited by /. Robertson. 4to, Aberdeen, i860 XXXII. Illustrations of the Topography and Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Vol. IV. Edited by /. Robertson. 4to, Aberdeen, 1862 XXXIII. Extracts from the Diaries of Alexander Brodie of Brodie, and of his son, James Brodie of Brodie, 1652 — 85. Edited by D. Laing. 4to, Aberdeen, 1863 XXXIV. Account of the FamiHe of Innes. 'By Dtmcan Forbes. Edited by C. hmes. 4to, Aberdeen, 1864 XXXV. Absent. XXXVI. The Book of Deer. Edited by /. Stuart 4to, Edinburgh, 1869 XXXVII. Illustrations of the Topography and Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Vol. I., containing preface and Index. By G. Grub. 4to, Edinburgh, 1869 XXXVIII. Notices of the Spalding Club, with copies of the Annual Reports. List of Works of the Club. Edited by J. Stuart. 4to, Edinburgh, 1871 Sculptured stones of Scotland. Edited by /. Stuart 2 vols. Fol., Aberdeen, 1856-67 Spalding (John). Memorials of the Trubles in Scotland and in England, 1624 — 1645. See Spalding Club^ XXL and XXIII. Spano (G.) *Guida del Duomo di Cagliari. Cagliari, 1856 *Catalogo della raccolta Archeologica Sarda. Cagliari, i860 88 Spano (G.), {continued). *Una Base votiva in Bronzo con iscnzione trilingue Latina, Greca, e Fenicia, trovata in Pauli Gerrei nell' Isola di Sardegna. Torino, 1862 Sparke (Josephus). Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores varii e Codicibus manuscriptis nunc primum editi. Fol., Londini, 1723 Sparvel-Bailey (J. A.), F.S.A. History of Swanscombe. 8vo, Gravesend, 1875 Some historical notes of Dartford. 8vo, 1876 Spelman (Sir Henry). Glossarium Archaiologicum : continens Latino-Barbara, Peregrina, Obsoleta, et Navatae significa- tionis vocabula. Fol., Londini, 1687 Churches not to be violated. 8vo, Oxford, 1841 Squier (E. G.) ^Observations on the aboriginal Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. New York, 1847 The Serpent Symbol in America. 8vo, New York, 185 1 ^Observations on the Chalchihuitl of Mexico and Central America. New York, 1869 "^Primeval Monuments of Peru. 1870 Stahlschmidt (J. C. L,) Surrey Bells, and London Bell- Founders. 4to, London, 1884 See North {T.) and Stahlschmidt {T. C. L.) Stanhope (J. S.) Typographical Sketches of Megalopolis, Tanagra, Aulis, and Eretria. Fol., Leeds, 1831 Topography, illustrative of the Battle of Platoea, the Plain of Olympia, and the Ruins of the City of Elis. 8vo, London, 1835 Olympia : or Topography illustrative of the actual state of the Plain of Olympia and of the Ruins of the City of Elis. 8vo, London, 1835 Plates of Platoea, Olympia, and the Ruins of the City of Elis. Fol, London, N.D. Stanley (Right Rev. Edward), Bishop of Norwich. *Heads for the arrangement of local information. London, 1848 Stanley (Hon. W. O.), f.s.a. Memoirs on remains of ancient dwellings, in Holyhead Island, mostly of circular form, called Cyttiau'r Gwyddelod, explored in 1862-8. 8vo, London, 1871 Stapleton (Thomas.) See Camden Society Publications. Steinman (G. S.), f.s.a. History of Croydon. 8vo, London, 1834 89 Stephens (George), F.S.A. Old Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England. Part i, FoL, London, 1866 Stevens (Edward T.) Flint chips. A guide to pre-historic Archaeology. 8vo, London, 1870 Stevenson (John J.) ^Architectural Restoration. London, 1877 Stewart (A.) See Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, Stewart (C.) International correspondence by means of numbers. 8vo, London, 1874 Stiernman (A. A. von). Samling utaf Kongl-Bref, Stadgar och Forordningar, etc., angaende Sweriges Rikes, commerce, politie, och oeconomie. 6 vols. Stockholm, 1747-75 Register. Stockholm 1771 Stokes (Whitley), LL.D. See Royal Irish Academy, Stonehouse (Rev. W. B.) History and topography of the Isle of Axholme. 4to, London, 1839 Storer (James). History and antiquities of the Cathedral churches of Great Britain. 4 vols., 8vo, London, 18 14-19 Storm (Gustav). See Christiajiia Vidensk-Selsk, Street (George E.), f.s.a. Brick and marble in the Middle Ages. Notes of a tour in the north of Italy. 8vo, London, 1855 Strickland (W.) Ancient Painted Ceiling in the nave of Peterborough Cathedral. Fol., Peterborough, N.D. Strutt (Joseph). Sports and Pastimes of the People of Eng- land. 8vo, London, 1833 Stuart (A. B. C.) Kawi Oorkonden. See Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Stuart (John) *Memoir of A. H. Rhind of Sibster. Edinburgh, 1864 ^Recent Progress of Archaeology. Glasgow, 1866 Records of the Priory of the Isle of May. 4to, Edinburgh, 1868 , — See Spalding Cluby Aberdeen, Stuart (Robert). Caledonia Romana. 2nd. Edition, revised by D, Thomson, 4to, Edinburgh, 1852 Suckling (Rev. A.) History and antiquities of the County of Suffolk. 2 vols. 4to, London, 1846-8 Suecia ; Antiqua et Hodierna. Oblong Fol, N.D. Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, Statistics and Natural History. For previous vohwte see Bti^ry and West Suffolk Archceological Institute, go Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, Statistics, and Natural History {continued^. Proceedings. 8vo, Lowestoft, 1859 Surrey Arch^ological Society. Archaeological collections. 8vo, London, 1858 Sussex Arch^ological Society. Archaeological Collections. 8vo, London, 1848 SUTER (Rev. A. B.) * Worthies of St. Dunstan^s. London, 1856 SVENSKA Fornskrift-Sallskapet. Samlingar. 8vo, Stockholm, 1844-5 Flores och Blanzeflor, af G. E. Kle7n7?ii?ig. S. Patriks-Sagan. Peder Manssons Strids-Konst och Strids-Lag. Wadstena Kloster-Reglor. Iwan och Gawian. Swainson (Rev. C.) See Folk-Lore Society Publications. Tables of the Grecian, Roman, and Jewish measures, weights, and coins reduced to English Standard, by J. ArbiUhnott, N.D. Tacitus (C. Cornelius). Opera iterum recensuit notas integras Jtisti Lipsiiy I, F. Gronovii, Nic. Heinsii et suas addidit lo, Augustus Ernesti, 2 vols. 8vo, Lipsiae, 1772 Works, with an essay on his life and genius by A, Murphy, 8vo, London, 1830 Tait (M.) Yorkshire, its scenes, lore and legends. 4to, Leeds, 1888 Talbot de Malahide (James, fourth Lord). * Light Lite- rature of Spain. Dublin, 1872 Tate (George). *01d Celtic Town at Greaves Ash, near Lin- hope, Northumberland. N.D. Taylor (Rev. C.) See Bristol and Gloucestershire Archoeological Society, Taylor (Henry). Historic Notices, with Topographical and other Gleanings descriptive of the Borough and County-town of Flint. 8vo, London, 1883 Taylor (Cap. Meadows). * Notes of Cromlechs, Cairns, and other Scytho-Druidical remains in the Principality of Sora- pur. Journal of Bombay branch of Royal Asiatic Society, 1853 Taylor (M. W.) F.S.A. * On the Discovery of Stone Moulds for Spear Heads, at Croglin, Cumberland. Kendal, 1883 Taylor (William). History and Antiquities of Castle Rising, Norfolk. 8vo, Lynn, 1850 91 Teesdale. Glossary of provincial words used in Teesdale in the county of Durham. 8vo, London, 1849 Temple Balsal Church, Warwickshire.* Temple Church. * Bicentenary of the completion of the pur- chase of Father Smith's organ. 1888 Theobald (J.) * Queries proposed to Gentlemen in the sev- eral parts of Great Britain, in hope of obtaining from their answers, a better knowledge of its antiquities and natural history. London, 1754 Thomas (Rev. Vaughan). ^Account of the Night March of King Charles I. from Oxford to Worcester. 1850 Thompson (James). History of Leicester, from the time of the Romans to the end of the Seventeenth Century. 8vo, Leicester, 1849 * Handbook of Leicester. Leicester, N.D. Thornton Abbey. ^Handbook for Visitors. London, 185 1 Thorpe (Benjamin). F.S.A. Libri Psalmorum. Versio An- tiqua Latina ; cum Paraphrasi Anglo-Saxonica. 8vo, Oxonii, 1835 Anglo- Saxon Version of the Holy Gospels. 8vo, London, 1842 See ^Ifric Society, Thurnam (J.) F.S.A. See Davis (/. B.) and Thurnani (J.) TiESENHAUSEN (V.) Coins of the Eastern Caliphate (in Russian). 4to, St. Petersburg, 1873 TiMMlNS (Samuel). *Lord Spencer's Library. 1870 TiNDAL (William). History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Borough of Evesham. 4to, Evesham, 1794 TjADER (J. L) Karta ofver Fahlu eller Stora Kopparbergs Grufwor. FoL, 1845 Todd (J. H.) See Irish Archceological Society \ also Irish ArchcEological and Celtic Society. TOMKINS (Rev. H. G.) ^Lecture on the History of Abingdon. Abingdon, 1845 Studies of the Times of Abraham. 8vo, London, N.D. See Dymond ( C. W.) and Tomkins ( Rev, H. G.) TORNBERG (C. J.) Annales Regum Mauritaniae a condito Idrisidarum Imperio ad Annum Fugae, 726. 4to, Upsalae, 1843 Traherne (Rev. J. M.), F.S.A. Historical Notices of Sir Matthew Cradock, Knight of Swansea, in the Reigns of Henry VH. and VI H. 8vo, Llandovery, 1840 92 Train (Joseph). Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of Man. 2 vols. 8vo, Douglas, 1845 Tremlett (Admiral). *Stone Circles in Brittany. London, 1883 ^Cromlech (stone circle) of Er-Lanic. London, 1884 *Sculptured Dolmens of the Morbihan. London, 1885 ^Quadrilateral Constructions at Mane-Pochat-en-Uieu and Mane-Ty-Ec, Carnac. London, 1885 Trollope (Rev. Edward), F.S.A. Illustrations of Ancient Art, selected from objects discovered at Pompeii and Her- culaneum. 4to, London, 1854 See Monmouthshire and Caerleon Antiquarian Asso- ciation, Tucker (Stephen). Somerset Herald, See Palmer ( C. J.) and Tucker (5.) TUPPER (C. L.) Punjab Customary Law. 3 vols. 8vo, Calcutta, 1881 Turner (T. Hudson). Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England. For continuation see Parker (/. H.) 8vo, Oxford, 185 1 TUTHILL (Mrs. L. C.) History of Architecture from the Earliest Times. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1848 TWYSDEN (Sir Roger). Historiae Anglicanse Scriptores X. Fol., Londini, 1652 Certaine Considerations upon the Government of England. See Camden Society Publications, Tyery (Nicholas). See Cambridge AntiqiLarian Society. Tylor (E. B.) See Folk-Lore Society Publications, Tymms (S.) ^Norman Tower, St Edmundsbury. 1846 ^Handbook of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. N.D. Undset (I.) Norske Oldsager i Fremmede Museer. 4to, Kristiania, 1878 Unger (C. R.) Karlamagnus Saga ok Kappa hans. 8vo, Christiania, i860 Stjorn. Gammelnorsk Bibelhistorie. 8vo, Christiania, 1862 Morkinskinna. 8vo, Christiania, 1867 Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. 8vo, Christiania, 1869 Postola Sogur. 8vo, Christiania, 1874 See Mtmch {P, A.) og U^iger (C R.) Also Keyser Munch {P, A.) og Unger {C. R,) 93 United States' Patent Office and Smithsonian Institution. Results of Meteorological Observations, 1854-59. Vol I and Vol. II., part i. 2 vols. 4to, Washington, 1861-64 United States. See Secretary of War ^ U.S.A. Urda et Norsk Antiqvarisk-historisk Tidsskrift. 4to, Bergen, 1834-47 Van de Velde (C. W. M.) Narrative of a Journey through Syria and Palestine, 1851-2. 2 vols. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1854 Vardon (Thomas) and May (T. Erskine). General Index to the Journals of the House of Commons. Vols. I. — XVII. A.D. 1547-1714. LXXV.-XCII. A.D. 1820-1837. By T. Vardo7t, XCIII.-CVII. A.D. 1837-8-1852. V>y T. Vardo7t. 3 vols. FoL, London, 1852-57 VaterlANDISCHES Archiv. Oder Beitrage zur allseitigen Kenntniss des Konigreichs Hannover, wie es war und ist, herausgegeben von G. H. G. Spiel. Vols. L-V. 8vo, Zelle und Hannover, 18 19-21 Neues. herausgegeben von G. H. G. Spiel und fort- gesetst von E. Spangenberg. Vols. I. -XXI I. 8vo, Liineburg, 1822-32 fiir Hannoverisch-Braunschweigische Geschichte. 3 vols. 8vo, Liineburg, 1833-35 des historischen Vereins fiir Niedersachsen. 15 vols. 8vo, Liineburg, 1836-43 Vaughan (Thomas). Magia Adamica, or the Antiquitie of Magic. With the Man-Mouse taken in a Trap and tortur'd to death. i2mo, London, 1650 Verein fiir Kunst und Alterthum in Ulm und Oberschwaben. Verhandlungen. 4to, Ulm, 1869 Verein fiir Nassauische Alterthumskunde und Geschichtsfor- schung. Annalen. 4to, Wiesbaden, 1877 Verein von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. Jahrbiicher. 8vo, Bonn, 1850-63 Vernon (W. F.) Notes on the parish of Harefield, Middlesex. 4to, London, 1872 Vicars (A.), F.S.A. *An Account of the Antiseptic Vaults beneath St. Michon's Church, Dublin. Dublin, 1888 Viollet-Le-Duc (E.) Essay on Military Architecture of the Middle Ages. Translated by M. Macdermott, 8vo, Oxford, i860 VIRGILIUS (Maro P.) Georgica Hexaglotta. FoL, Londini, 1827 94 VIRGILIUS (Maro P.) {continued). ^neid, Georgics and Eclogues, rendered into English by T. S, Burt, 3 vols. London, 1883 See Henry (J,) VOGiifi (M. de). *Sur un Talent de Bronze trouve a Abydos. Paris, 1862 VOSSBERG (F. A.) ^Munzen und Siegel der preussischen Stadte, Danzig, Elbing, Thorn, im Mittelalter. Berlin, 1841 VOSSIUS (G. I.) Dissertationes tres de Tribus Symbolis. 4to, Amstelaedami, 1662 Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. See Heilprin (A,) Wakeman (T.) See Monmouthshire and Caerleon Antiquarian Association, Walcott (Rev. M. E. C), F.S.A. *Kalendar of the Episcopal Registers of Chichester. 1867 *The Mediaeval Registers of the Bishops of Chichester. 1867 Church and Conventual Arrangement. 8vo, London, N.D. Walford (Edward). See Antiquarian Magazine, Walford (Westford Styleman). See Society of Antiquaries of London. Walker (Rev. Bryan). See Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Walker (J. S.) ^Detached English Belfries. 1870 Walker (J. W.), F.S.A. History of the Old Parish Church of All Saints, Wakefield ; now the Cathedral Church in the Diocese of Wakefield. 8vo, Wakefield, 1888 Waller (J. G.) ^Painting discovered in Chaldon Church, Surrey, 1870. 1885 Walpole (Horace). Anecdotes of Painting in England. Collected by Mr, G. Vertue, 5 vols. 8vo, London, 1786 Wardell (James). Municipal History of the Borough of Leeds in the County of York. 8vo, Leeds, 1846 Warmington Church, Northamptonshire.* N.D. Warne (Charles), F.S.A. Dorsetshire, its Vestiges, Celtic, Roman, Saxon, and Danish. 8vo, London, 1865 Celtic Tumuli of Dorset. Fol., London, 1866 Ancient Dorset. The Celtic, Roman, Saxon and Danish Antiquities of the County, including the Early Coinage. Fol., Bournemouth 1872 95 Warnstedt (F. von). * Ueber Alterthums Gegenstande. Kiel, 1835 Wartmann (H.) Urkundenbuch der Abtei Sanct Gallen. See A niiquarische Gesellschaft in Zurich, Warton (Thomas). History of English Poetry. 4 vols. 4to, London, 1774- 1806 Warwickshire Natural History and Arch. Society. Notices of the Churches in Warwickshire. 3 vols. 8vo, Warwick, 1847-58 Waters (Robert Edmond Chester). Genealogical Memoirs of the extinct Family of Chester of Chicheley. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1878 Genealogical Memoirs of the Families of Chester, also of the Families of Astry. 4to, London, 1881 Parish Registers in England. New Edition, 8vo, London, 1883 Genealogical Notes of the kindred Families of Longridge, Fletcher, and Hawks. 4to, printed for private circulation. Watkin (W. Thompson). Roman Lancashire. 4to, Liverpool, 1883 Roman Cheshire. 4to, Liverpool, 1886 Watkins (Rev. M. G.) Gleanings from the Natural History of the Ancients. 8vo, London, 1885. Wats (W.) See Paris {M,), Way (Albert), f.s.A. * Notices on Bronze Celts and Celt- moulds found in Wales. 1856 * Notice of a seal formed of bone, discovered in the Abbey Church, St. Albans. N.D. See Camden Society. Weare (T. W.) * Church of Great Haseley, Oxfordshire. Oxford, 1840 Webb (Rev. Benjamin). Sketches of Continental Ecclesiology, or Church Notes in Belgium, Germany, and Italy. 8vo, London, 1848 Webb (P. C.) See Society of Antiquaries of London, Weerth (E. Aus'm.) * Das Bad der Romischen Villa bei Allenz. Bonn, 186 1 Weir. Topographical account of Tattershall in the County of Lincoln. 4to, Horncastle, 18 13 Wellbeloved (C.) Eburacum, or York under the Romans. 8vo, York, 1842 Wells (Rev. E.) The Rich Man's Duty. i2mo, Oxford, 1840 96 Wesley (S. S.) *On Cathedral Music. London, 1849 Westmacott (Richard). *Statue of Diadumenus. N.D. Westphalische Gesellshaft fur vaterlandische Cultur. Pro- vinzial Blatter. 8vo, Minden, 1828-46 Westwood (J. O.) Diptychs of Roman Consuls. 1862 Westwood (J. O.) and Williams (Rev. J.) Stone of St. Cad- fan, at Towyn, Wales. 1850 Wheatley (H. B.), F.S.A. How to catalogue a library. 8vo, London, 1889 Whewell (Rev. W.) Architectural notes on German Churches. 8vo, Cambridge, 1835 Whitaker (Rev. John). Ancient Cathedral of Cornwall. 2 vols. 4to, London, 1804 Whitaker (T. D.), F.S.A. Visio Willi de Petro Plouhman item Visiones ejusdem de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest. Ascribed to Robert Langland, 4to, London, 181 3 White (G. H.) *Reign of Henry VHI. 1847 Whiting (W. H. C.) See Secretary of War, U.S.A. WiLARS DE Honecort, Architect of the Thirteenth century. Facsimile of the Sketch-book. Edited by Rev. Robert Willis. 4to, London, 1859 Wild (J. J.) ^Letter to Lord Brougham and Vaux. London, 1850 Wilkinson (A.) * Hurstbourn Priors and St. Mary Bourn, Hampshire. London, 1861 Wilkinson (George). Practical Geology and ancient Archi- tecture of Ireland. 8vo, London, 1845 Willement (Thomas), F.S.A. Historical sketch of the Parish of Davington in the County of Kent ; and of the Priory there dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene. 4to, London, 1862 William of Malmesbury. History of the Kings of England and modern history ; translated by the Rev, John Sharpe. Williams (Frank H.) Roman inscriptions of Chester. 8vo, Chester, 1886 Williams (John), f.s.a. On a remarkable fact mentioned in early Chinese history. N.D. Williams (Rev. J.) * History of Petersfield. 1857 See Westwood (J. 0.) and Williams (Rev. J.) Williamson (George). Memorials of James Watt. 4to, 1856 Williamson (W. C.) Description of the tumulus lately opened at Gristhorpe near Scarborough. 4to, Scarborough, 1836 97 Willis (Rev. Robert). Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral. 8vo, London, 1845 The same, with photographs, for private circulation. 8vo, Oxford Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. 8vo, London, 1849 Architectural History of Glastonbury Abbey. 8vo, Cambridge, 1866 See Wilars de Honecort Wilson (Daniel). Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time. 2 vols. 4to, Edinburgh, 1848 Archceology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1851 Prehistoric man, Researches into the origin of Civil- isation in the Old and New World. 2 vols. 8vo, Cambridge, 1862 Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. 2iid edition, 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1863 Wilson (James). Annals of Hawick 1714 — 1814. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1850 Wilson (Thomas Lewis). Sketches of Upminster, in the County of Essex. 8vo, London, 1856 Wiltshire Arch^ological and Natural History SOCITY. Magazine. 8vo, Devizes, 1853 Flowering Plants of Wilts, by the Rev, T. A, Preston, Svo, 1888 Wiltshire Topographical Society. Essay on Topographical Literature : by John Britton, 4to, London, 1843 Memoir of John Aubrey : by John Britton, 4to, London, 1845 Natural History of Wiltshire : by John Aubrey, edited by Johji Britton, 4to, London, 1847 Wiltshire (Rev. Thomas). *0n the Ancient Flint Im- plements in Yorkshire, and Modern Fabrication of similar Specimens. 1862 Winston (Charles). Inquiry into the difference of style observable in Ancient Glass Paintings. 2 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1847 Memoirs illustrative of the Art of Glass Painting. 8vo, London, 1865 7 98 Winter (C. J. W.) Illustration of the Rood-Screen at Rand- worth. See Norfolk and Norwich Archceological Society, Wiseman (H. E. Cardinal). * Lecture at the South Kensington Museum. London, 1864 WiTHORNE (Peter). See MachiaveL (N.) Witts (G. B.) Archaeological Handbook of the County of Gloucester, being an explanatory description of the Archaeological Map of Gloucestershire. 2 vols. 8vo, Cheltenham, N.D WOGEL (J. E.) Pravek Zeme ceske. Svo, Praze, 1868 Woodward (Samuel). Nine maps ; (Roman) Norfolk and Norwich. 4to, N.D. Worcester Diocesan Architectural Society. See Associated Architecticral Societies, Reports and Papers, WORSAAE (J. J. A.) Afbildninger fra det Kongelige Museum for Nordiske Oldsager i Kjobenhavn. 8vo, Kjobenhavn, 1854 Worth (R. N.) History of Devonshire. 8vo, London, 1886 Wright (Thomas), f.s.a. A second volume of vocabularies from the X. to the XV. century. 8vo, 1873 See Fair holt {F. W.) also Camden Society. Wroth (W.) * Telesphoros. N.D. Wurttembergische Vierteljahrshefte fur Landesgeschichte. Jahrgang. 8vo, Stuttgart, 1885 Wyatt (M. Digby). Specimens of the Geometrical Mosaic of the Middle Ages. Fol., London, 1848 Notices of Sculpture in ivory. 4to, London, 1856 Art of Illuminating. Fol., London, N.D. Wylie (W. M.) f.s.a. Fairford Graves. A Record of Researches in an Anglo-Saxon Burial-place in Gloucestershire. 4to, Oxford, 1862 Wynne Family. *0f Peniarth in the County of Merioneth. London, 1872 Yates (James). *0n the use of the terms Acanthus, Acanthion, etc., in the ancient Classics. London, 1845 *Der Pfahl-Graben Limes Rha&ticus und Limes Transrhenanus des Romischen Reiches. Augsburg, 1858 *0n the mining operations of the Romans in Britain. Taunton, 1859 ^Remarks on " Palaographische Studien liber phoniz- ische und punische Schrift, herausgegeben von W. Gesenius." N.D, 99 Yates (Rev. Richard). History and Antiquities of the Abbey of St Edmutid's Bury. 2nd Edition, 4to, London, 1843 Yorkshire Arch^ological and Topographical Associa- tion. Journal. 8vo, London, 1870 Reports and Programmes of Excursions. 8vo, 1870 Yorkshire Architectural Society. See Associated Architectural Societies^ Reports, and Papers. Zacher (J.) *Neue Mittheilungen aus ^dem Gebiet historisch- antiquarischer Forschungen. Halle, 1848 APPENDIX. Aldborough. Roman pavement. Romulus and Remus Floor. Bartholomew (J.) Gazetteer of the British Isles. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1887 Beloe (E. M.) * The Great Fen Road, and its path to the Sea. King's Lynn, 1889 BOEHMER (G. H.) * Norsk Naval Architecture. 1887 Brady (R.) Historical treatise of Cities and Burghs or Boroughs. Fol., London, 1704 Braybrook (E. W.) F.S.A. Will of Nicholas Braybroke. Brecon. * Record of the College of Christ Church. N.D. Brierley (G. H.) * Cymru Fu. 1889 Brive-La-Gaillarde. Histoire. 8vo, Brive, 1879 Bruce (De W. B.) * On the Transparency of the Ether. (University Studies.) 1888 Camden Society. * Expenses of John of Brabant and Thomas and Henry of Lancaster. By /. Bicrtt 1853 Carrovv Priory. * Commonly called Carrow Abbey. Notes. 1888 Carthew (G. a.) F.S.A. * Cellarer's|jAccount Roll of Creak Abbey. 5 and 6. Edward HL N.D. Castellani (M. a.) * Memoir on; . the Jewellery of the Ancients. Chester. ^ St. John's Church. N.D. Cox (Rev. T.) Magna Britannia. Berkshire. 4to, London, 1720 Creswell (Rev. S. F.) * Collections towards the History of Printing in Nottinghamshire. London, 1863 Dickson (W.) * Burgh-on-the-Sands. Cumberland. Death of King Edward I. 7th July, 1307. Alnwick, 1868 Edgren (A. H.) * Eighth Verb-Class in Sanskrit. (University Studies.) 1888 Ferree (Barr.) * Element of Terror in Primitive Art. New York, 1889 Fontaine (J. A.) * On the Auxiliary Verbs in the Romance Languages. (University Studies.) 1888 Foster (J.) * The Lyon Office in retreat. lOI George (W.) ^ Some Account of the Oldest Plans of Bristol. Bristol, 1 88 1 Glynn (J.) Review of the Plans for connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Navigable Canal. London, 1849 Hartshorne (A.) F.S.A. ^ Notes on the Churches of Stukeley, Wing, Eddlesborough, Eaton Bray, and Dunstable. 1881 Henderson (J.) Works of Art in Pottery, Glass, and Metal. Fol., 1868 Hewitt (J.) See Lockzvood {T, M,) and Hewitt (/.) James (Colonel Sir Henry). * Notes on the Great Pyramid of Egypt and the Cubits used in its Design. Southampton, 1869 Kelly (W.) ^ The Borough MSS., Leicester. 185 1 Royal Progresses to Leicester. 1853 Lapidarium Septentrionale.^ (Canadian Journal.) N.D. Leigh's New Pocket Road-Book of England and Wales. i2mo, London, 1839 Lichfield Society for the encouragement of Ecclesiastical Archi- tecture. Third report. Lichfield, 1846 LOCKWOOD (T. M.) and Hev^itt (J.) ^ Notes on Bridge Street, Chester. 1886 Maclean (Sir J.) f.s.a. Inventories of, and Receipts for. Church Goods in the County of Gloucester and Cities of Gloucester and Bristol. * Manor of Tockington, County of Gloucester, and the Roman Villa. Manning (C. J.) * Undescribed Sepulchral Brass in Chrishall Church, near Saffron Walden, Essex. N.D. MOLYNEUX (W.) * Old River Courses and the Recent Floods of the Trent Valley at Burton-on-Trent. 1876 Nichols (J. G.) f.s.a. Catalogue of the Portraits of King Edward VI. 1859 Nightingale (J. E.) f.s.a. ^Old Church Plate in Wilts. 1884 Norreys (Sir D.) *Kiltartan Church, near Gort, County Galway. 1 876 Norwich Castle. Museum Scheme.* Obazine. Vie de St. Etienne. 8vo, Obazine, 1888 OSBURN (W.) * Account of an Egyptian Mummy. Leeds, 1828 Payne (George) f.s.a. * Archaeological Survey of the County of Kent. Westminster, 1889 Petrie (W. M. F.) * Discovery of Naukratis. 1885 I02 PiCTON (Sir J. A.) F.s.A* Chester and Liverpool in their ancient commercial relations. Liverpool, 1886 PiGGOT (J.) F.S.A. * Notes on the History and Distribution of Gold, Silver, and Tin in Great Britain. Potter (H. G.) *Amboglanna. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1851 POULBRIERE (Abbe J. B.) Notice historique et archeologique sur Castelnau de Bretenoux. 8vo, Tulle, 1873 Promenade a Gimel. 8vo, Tours, 1875 PURTON (Rev. W.) * Stottesdon Church Restoration. Raven (Rev. J. J.) * Church Bells of Norfolk. N.D. Roc-Amadour. Guide du Pelerin. 8vo, Roc-Amadour, N.D. ROHDE (R. T.) Decimal System for Great Britain. London, N.D. Sewell (W. H.) ^Sir James TyrelFs Chapel at Gipping, Suffolk. Simpson (Rev. W. S.) Notes on the History and Antiquities of the United Parishes of S. Matthew, Friday St., and S. Peter Cheap, in the City of London. N.D. Stratford-upon-Avon. ^ Proposed Repair and Preservation of the Parish Church. Walcott (Rev. M. E. C.) f.s.A. Inventories and Church Goods of Devon. 1870 Warwickshire Naturalists' and Archaeologists' Field Club. ^ Proceedings. 1888 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX. The leading word in the Author-Catalogue and Appendix appears in italics in this Index, A few guide books, ivhich though not entered in the previous parts, are here printed in fulL AFRICA. Coins. Africa. West Coast. Lukoja. A, F, Pitt- Rivers. See also Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nubia, South Africa, Tunis. AUSTRIA. Alterthu7ns-Verei7t zti Wien. Bohemia. Pamdtky Archaeologicke Croatia. Notes. /. M. Neale, Dalmatia. Notes. /. M. Neale, Istria. Notes. /. M. Neale. Magyar. Folk-Tales. Folk- Lore Society. Styria. Notes. /. M. Neale. Transylvania. Erdelyi Muzeu7n-Egylet, BATAVIA. Bataviaasch Genootschap. BELGIUM. Archaeological Pamphlets. A. de Lo 'e. Also M. Nahuys. Ecclesiology. B. Webb. Flanders. Archives. O. Delepierre. Cortege historique des Comtes de Flandre. E. de Bicsscher. Nieuport. Peinture. J. L.\Kesteloot. Messager des Sciences, etc. Revue de la Numismatique Beige. Societe dArcheo logic de Bruxelles. CENTRAL AMERICA. Atlantic and Pacific Canal. J. Glymt. (Appendix.) CANADA, Dominion of. Canadia7i Btstitute. Nova Scotia. Ba7t7iaty7te Club. CHANNEL ISLANDS. Guernsey and Sark. Pictorial, legendary, and descriptive. By O. Rooke. 3rd Edition. 8vo, London, n.d. CHINA. Discoveries in Chinese. S. P. A7I' dreivs. History. J. Willia77ts. CONGO. Systeme mon^taire. M. Nahuys. CYPRUS. Coin of Guy de Lusignan. J. E. Fitzgerald. Inscriptions. S. Birch. DENMARK. Copenhagen. Museum. J. f. A. Worsaae. Etudes geologico-archeologiques. A. Morlot. Ko7tgelige Nordiske Oldskrift Sel- skab. EASTERN CALIPHATE. Coins. V. Tiesenhause7i (in Russian). EGYPT. yEgyptische Monu77ie7ite7i. Arts. W. M. F. Petrie. Art of the Saracens. ^. La7ie-Poole. Eastern Cities. R. P. Pulla7i. Egypt Explo7^atio7i Fimd. Egyptia7i Cale7idar. Egyptian Stelae. E. A. W. Budge. Gizeh. Pyramids. W. M. F. Petrie. Hieratic Papyri. British Museujfi. Implements. F. G. H. Price. Mechanical Methods of the Ancient Egyptians. W. M. F. Petrie. Mummy. /. Blayds. Also W, Osbur7t . (Appendix.) Naukratis. Coins. B. V. Head. Discovery. W. M. F. Pet7^ie. (Appendix.) Papyrus on Magic. Ca7iib7'idge A7itiquaria7i Society. Papyrus of Nas-khem. S. Birch. Pyramid Problem. R. Ballard. Pyramid. H. Ja77ies. (Appendix.) Season in Egypt. W. F. M. Petrie, Tel-el- Yahoudeh. T. H. Lewis. Tempels. F, Rober, 104 Egypt — Contin ued, Thebes. Implements. A. L. F Pitt-Rivers. Relics. 5. Birch. Two Papyri A. H. Rhind. ENGLAND. Bedfordshire. Archaeological, &c., Society. Asso- ciated Architectural Societies. Bedford and its neighbourhood. By D. C. Cary E lives ^ F.S.A. 8vo, Bedford i88t. Domesday. W. a?td B. R. Airy. Dunstable Church. A. Hartshorne. (Appendix.) Eaton Bray Church. A. Hartshor^ie. (Appendix.) Berkshire. Journey-book of England. Svo, London, 1840 Magna Britannia. T. Cox. (Ap- pendix.) Newbury District Field Club. E. C. Davey. Buckinghamshire. Ankerwyke Nunnery. W. de G. Birch. Architectural^ &^c.^ Society for the County of Bucki?igha7n. Claydon House. Eddlesborough Church. A. Harts- hor72e. (Appendix.) Hartwell ^des. W. H. Smyth. Hart well. History. C. Low7tdes. Stone. History. C. Lowndes. Stukeley Church. A. Hartshorne. (Appendix.) Wing Church. A. Hartshorne. (Appendix.) Cambridg-eshire. Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Cambridge Ca7?ide7t Society. Cambridge. St. John's College. C. C. Babi7igto7t. Little Wilbraham. Saxon obsequies. R. C. Neville. Cheshire. Chester. Bridge Street. T. M. Lockwood a7id J. Hewitt. (Ap- pendix.) Handbook. T. Hughes. Medieval Architecture. J. H. Parker. Roman Inscriptions. F. H. Willia7ns. St. John's Church. Chester. (Appendix.) England — Continued. Chester and Liverpool, Commercial Relations. Sir J. A. Picton. (Ap- pendix.) Dove Point. Ancient Meols. A. Hu77ie, Gawsworth Church. Paintings. W. H. Massie. Gentry. W. Egerton. Historic Society of La7icashire and Cheshire. Hoylake. Antiquities. A. Hiwie. Macclesfield. J. P. Earwaker. Miscellanea Palatina. G. Or77ierod. Roman. W. T. Watki7t. Wirral. Levies. /. Mayer, Cornwall. Ancient Cathedral. J. Whitaker, Glossary of Cornish Names. J. Ba7t7tister. Handbook for Travellers in Devon and Cornwall. Murray. 8vo, London, 1872 Kirrier. Antiquities. J. T. Blight. Pen with. Antiquities. J. T. Blight. Royal l7tstitutio7i of Cor7twall. Survey. R. Carew. Trigg Minor. J. Maclea7t. Cumberland. Amboglanna. H. G. Potter. (Ap- pendix.) Barnspike. Runic Rock. F. Maugha7i. Burgh-on-the-Sands. W. Dickso7t. (Appendix.) Carlisle. Royal Archceological In- stitute. Catalogue. Notes. Croghn. Stone moulds. M. W. Taylor Cu77iberland a7id West77torela7td A7itiquaria7t^ &^c.^ Society. Cumberland and Westmoreland M.P.'s. R. S. Ferguso7t. Dialect. R. Ferguson. Lakes. Descriptive parts of Mr. West's Guide. 8vo, Kendal, 18 13. Roman Wall. H. MacLauchla7t. Also Ro77ia7t Wall. Derbyshire. Black's Tourist's Guide. Edited by LL Jewitt. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1879. Darley Yew. C. S. Greaves. Derby. Royal Archceological ht- stitute^ Notes. Derbyshire Archceological.^ &^c. Society. Morley Church. ^9. Fox. Peak, Gem of, by W. Adam. 8vo, London, 1845 I05 England — Continued. Devonshire. Broad Down. Tumuli. R. Kirwan. Buckfast Abbey. /. B. Rowe. Danmonii Orientales illustres. J. Prince, Dartmoor. Archaeological Memoirs. G. W, Onnerod. Perambulation. S. Rowe. Wayside-crosses. G. W, Ormerod, Devonshire Association. Domesday Book. Ecclesiastical Antiquities. G. Oliver. Exeter. Architectural Discoveries. E. Parfitt. Cathedral. /. W. Hewett History. G. Oliver. Monasticon. G. Oliver. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. Fardel. Inscribed stone. Royal Institution of Cornwall. History. R. N. Worth. Handbook for travellers in Devon and Cornwall. Murray. 8vo, London, 1872. Ilfracombe. Guide. New Edition. 8vo, Ilfracombe, 1837. Inventories. M. E. C. Walcott. (Appendix.) Plymouth and Devonport Guide. By H. E. Carrington. Fourth edition. i2mo, Devonport, 1837. Plymptree Church. T. Mozley. Route book of Devon. New Edition. i2mo, Exeter, n.d. Topographical and Statistical Des- cription. By G. A. Cooke. i2mo., London, N.D. Dorsetshire. Celtic, Roman, Saxon, and Danish. C. Warne. Church Plate. /. E. Nightingale. Corfe Castle. T. Bond. Cranborne Chase. A. L. F. Pitt- Rivers. Dorchester, and the Durotriges. R. Cutler. Dorset Natural History^ &^c.^ Club, Handbook for travellers in Wilt- shire, Dorsetshire, and Somerset- shire. Murray. 8 vo, London, 1869. Megalithic Remains. E. H. W. Dtmkin. Porltand. Excavations. T. V.Holmes. Purbeck Society, Welsh in Dorset. T, Kerslake, England — Continued, Durham. Architectural Antiquities. R. W, Billings, Castles, Priories, and Monasteries. S. and N. Buck, DarHngton. History. IV. H. D. Longstaffe Durham. Antiquities and Legends. S. C. Bagg. Antiquities of the Abbey or Cathedral Church. 8vo, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1867. Sketches. By Rev. G. Ornsby. 8vo, Durham, 1846. Gateshead. Topographical Conduc- tor, or Descriptive Guide to New- castle and Gateshead. By T. Oliver. 8vo, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 185 1 South Shields. Roman Remains. R. E. Hooppell. Teesdale Glossary. Watling Street. H. MacLauchlan. Essex. Archaeological Pamphlets. A. L. F Pitt- Rivers. Chrishall Church. Brass. C. J. Ma7ining. (Appendix.) Churches. G. Buckler. Colchester. Borough History. Colchester. Castle. G, Buckler. Also H. Jenkins. Roman Monument. B. Lodge. Essex ArchcBological Society. Hatfield Broad Oak. Church. Hatfield. History. G.A.Lowndes. Hedingham Castle. L. MajeJidie. Ingatestone. Museum Disneianum. J. Disney. Little Maplestead Church. Upminster. T. L. Wilson. Wykes Manor. G. A. Lowndes. Wyvenhoe " Pargetting." /. Piggot Gloucestershire. Archaeological Map and Handbook G. B. Witts. Bitton Manor. H. T. Ellacombe. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archceo- logical Society. Bristol. ArchcEO logical Magazine. Cathedral. /. Britton. Middle Centuries. J. Dallaway. Plans. W. George. (Ap- pendix.) 8 io6 England — Continued. Bristol. Redcliffe Church. /. Brit ton. Guide to St. Mary Reddiffe Church. 8vo, Bristol, 1850 Royal ArchcBologlcal Ltsti- tute. Proceedings. Cheltenham Church. B. H. Blacker. Church Goods. Sir, J. Maclean. (Appendix.) Cirencester (Corinium). Roman Art. Prof. Biickman and C. H. Newniarch. Clifton Antiqitarian Chcb. Clifton. Chilcott's new Guide. 9th Edition. 8vo, Bristol, N.D. Fairford Graves. W. M. Wylie. Gloucester Cathedral. Guide. H. Haines. Claudia and Pudens. S. Lysons. Royal ArchcEological Insti- tute. Catalogue. Lydney Park. Roman Antiquities. W. H. Bathurst Nympsfield. Tumulus. J. Maclean. Offa's Dyke. G. Ornierod. Roman. 6'. Lysons. Strigulensia. G. Ornierod. Tidenham. Earthworks. G. Ornierod. Tockington Manor and Roman Villa. /. Maclean. (Appendix.) Tourist's Guide. By R. N. Worth. 8vo, London, 1888 Uley. Tumulus, f. Maclean. Hampshire. Antiquarian and Topographical Sketches. H. Moody. Christchurch Priory. B. Ferrey. Also A.f.B. B. Hope. Handbook for travellers in Surrey, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight. Murray, 8vo, London, 1858 Hurstbourn Priors and St. Mary Bourn. A. Wilkinson. Isle of Wight. Beauties. 8vo, Portsea, 1829 Brading. /. E. and F. G. H. Price. Brightstone and Bowcombe. G. Hillier. Carisbrooke. Guide. C. S. M. Lockhart. Petersfield. History. /. Williams. Portchester Castle ; its origin, his- tory, and antiquities. 8vo, Portsea, 1849 England — Continued. Portsmouth. Domus Dei. Portsmouth. Romsey Abbey. J. L. Petit. Southampton. New Lymington Records. C. St. Barbe. Winchester. British Archaeological Associatio7t. City Cross. G. G. Scott. Hall. E. Smirke. Mint. E. Hawkifis. Municipal Archives. C. Bailey. Royal Archceological Insti- tute. Proceedings. Herefordshire. Credenhill Church. H. G. Bull. Glossary. Herefordshire. Hereford. Ancient Customs. R. Johiison. Cathedral. F. T. Havergal. /. Merewether. Also R. B. Phil- lipps. Kilpeck Church. G. R. Lewis. Shobdon Church. G. R. Lewis. Words and Phrases. F, T. Havergal. Hertfordshire. Bells. T. North and f. C. L. Stahl- schmidt. Berkhamsted. History. /. W. Cobb. Brasses. F. W. Andrews. Hertford. Tombs. W. F. Andrews, History. R. Clutterbuck. North Mims Church. St. Albajis Architectural &^c.y Society. St. Albans. Abbey. /. C. andC.A. Buckler. Also H.J. B, Nicholson. Roman. M. H. Bloxam, Seal. A. Way. Ware. Rural Deanery. R. Higgens, Widford. Church. /. T. Lockwood, Kent. Archaeological Pamphlets. A. L, F. Pitt-Rivers. Survey. G, Payne, (Ap- pendix.) Blackheath. Hundred. A. J, Dunkin. Canterbury. British Archceological Association. Also A. J. Dunkin. Cathedral. Architectural History. R. Willis. Cathedral. Fresco. W. de G, Birch, Dartford. Historical Notes. /. A, Sparvel-Bodley 107 England — Continued, Davington. Historical Sketch. T. Willement, Folkestone. Caesar's Camp. A, L. F. Pi ft- Rivers. Handbook for travellers in Kent and Sussex. Murray. 8vo, London, 1858. Hythe. Fraternity. H. B. Mackeso7i. Ke7it Archceological Society. Lymne. Antiquities. Roman Cas- trum. C. R. Smith. Reculver. Antiquities. C .R. Smith. Church. G, Dowker. Roman Castrum. G. Dowker. Richborough. Antiquities. C. R. Smith. Rochester. Lo7idoii and Middlesex Archceological Society. Shepway. E. K7tocker, Soiithfleet Church. Spanish Armada. J. Mayer. Strood. Lo7tdo7t a7id Middlesex Archceological Society. Floods. C. R. S77iith. Swanscombe. /. A. Sparv el- Bailey, Lancashire. Cartmel. Pre-historic Remains. H. Barber. Charters. Duchy of La7tcaster. Furness. Annals. T. A. Beck. Pre-historic Remains. H, Barber. Historic Society of La7tcashire a7td Cheshire. Lakes. Descriptive part of Mr. West's Guide. 8vo, Kendal, 1813 Liverpool Architectural a7id Arch- ceological Society. Liverpool. Commercial Relations with Chester. /. A. Picto7i. (Ap- pendix.) Mayer Collection. C. T. Gatty. Pottery. J. Mayer. Manchester. Literary a7td Philo- sophical Society. Manchester. Mancuniensis, or His- tory of the Towne of Manchester. By R. Hollingworth. 8vo, Manchester, 1839 Roman. W. T. Watki7i. Leicestershire. Architectural., &^c.^ Society of Lei- cestershire. Charnwood Forest. T. R. Potter, Description. W. Burto7i. England — Contimied, Gartree. History. J. H, Hill, Langton. History. J. H. Hill, Leicester. Borough MS S. W.Kelly, (Appendix.) Great Mace. W. Kelly. History. J. Tho7iipso7i. Royal Progresses. W, Kelly. (Appendix.) St. Martin's Church. T. North. Spencer's New Guide. London, N.D. Leicestershire Architectural, &c., Society. Associated Architectural Societies. Market Harborough. History. /. H. Hill. Visitation by W. Camden. 1619. J Fetherston. Woodhouse Chapel. Armorial Windows. /. G. Nichols. Words, Phrases, and Proverbs. A, B. Evans. Lincolnshire. Architectural, &c.. Society. Asso- ciated Architectural Societies. Axholme, Isle of. History. W. B. Sto7tehouse. Civil War Tracts. E L. Grange. Lincoln Diocesan, &c.. Society. Associated Architectural Societies. Lincoln. Ancient Britons. G. Oliver, Cathedral. Guide. Li7icoln, Cathedral Monuments. F. Peck. Pocket Guide. By Sir C. H. J. Anderson, Bart. 8vo, London, 1880 — Royal Archceological Insti- tute. Notes and Proceedings. Sketch illustrative of the Minster and Antiquities of the City of Lincoln. 8vo, Lincoln, 1835 Lincolnshire Architectural Society. Also Lincolnshire Topographical Society. Associated Architectural Societies. Short Guide to the County. By C. Anderson. i2mo, Gainsborough, 1847 Sleaford. Ancient Britons. G. Oliver. Stamford. Chronology. By G. Burton. 8vo, Stamford, 1846 Tattershall. Weir. Thor7tton Abbey, io8 England — Continued, Middlesex and London. Archaeological Pamphlets. A. L. F. Pitt-Rivers. Domesday Book. Harefield. W. F, Ver?i07i. Harrow. Brasses. A. Heales. Lo7ido7i and Middlesex Archie )- logical Society. London, Clerkenwell. History. W\ J. Pinks. Jesuits' College. Camdeii Society. History. W. J. Loftie. Lombard Street: its early goldsmiths, etc. Institute of Bankers. Old London. Royal Archceo- logical Bistitiite. Roman. C. R. Smith. St. Etheldreda's. London. St. Matthew, Friday Street. W. S. Simpso7i. (Appendix.) St. Peter Cheap. W, S.Siinp- son. (Appendix.) Temple Church. W. Burge. E. Richardson. Also Temple. Tokens. J. V. Akerman : also J. H. Burn. Tower. Inscriptions. W. R. Dick. Twelve Great Livery Com- panies. W. Herbert. Westminster. St. Stephen's. F. Mackenzie. Middlesex County Records Society. Monmouthshire. Caerleon. I sea Silurum /. E. Lee. Roman Remains. J. E. Lee. ■ Traditions. Newp07't a7id Caerleon. Chepstow Castle. J. F. Marsh. Sketches. .V. Or77ierod. Llanthony Priory. J. Clarke. Mon7nouthshire a7id Caerleon Anti- quaria7i Associatio7i. Newport. Traditions. Newport and Caerleon. Norfolk. Attleborough Church. /. T. Barrett. Bacton. History. C. Gree7i. Bells. J. J. Raven. (Appendix.) Caistor. R. Fitch. Castleacre. Castle and Priory. J. H. Bloo7n, Castle Rising. Documents. H. Harrod History. VV. Taylor. England— Continued, Castles and Convents. H. Harrod. Creak Abbey. G. A. Carthezv. (Ap- pendix.) Diss. Coins. C. R. Ma7i7ii7ig. Feltwell Fenn. C. R. Ma7i7ii7ig. Great Fen Road. E. M. Beloe. (Appendix.) Great Yarmouth. Foundacion and Antiquitye. C. J. Pal77ier. History. H. Ma7iship. Also C.J. Palmer. Notes. F. D. Pal77ier. Perlustration. C.J. Palmer. — Picture. /. Presto7i. Tolhouse. F. D. Pal77ier. Ketteringham. History. /. Himter. Knapton Church. G. G. Scott. Little Cressingham. Antiquities. T. Barton. Matlask. Gold Niello. R. Fitch. Norfolk and Norwich Annual. M, K7iight. Norfolk a7td Norwich ArchcBological Society. North Creake Abbey. G. A. Carthew Norwich and Venta Icenorum. H. GnY7iey. Norwich Castle. Museum scheme. Norwich. (Appendix.) Notes. J. Kirkpat7Hck. Carrow Abbey. W. Rye. Also Car row. (Appendix.) Extracts from Records. //. Hai-rod. Royal ArchcEological Insti- tute. Notes and Proceedings. Overflowings of Waters. E. E. Bake7\ Redenhall. Church Plate. C. R. Manning. Roman. Nine Maps. 5. Woodwa7'd. Thetford. Mints. W. S. Fitch. Tourist's guide. By W. Rye. 8vo, London, 1885 Wilton. Gold Cross. G. J. Cheste7'. Northamptonshire. Architectural Society. Associated A rchitectural Societies. Bells. T. North. Ett07i Church. El core Church. Fotheringhay. Church. Glossary. A. E. Baker. Holdenby. Memorials. E. S. Harts- ho7'7ie. I09 England — Cojitinued. Peterborough. Guide to Cathedral. By Rev. O. W. Davys. 8vo, Peterborough, 1859 Cathedral. W. Strickland. Sepulchral Remains. C. H. Harts- horne. Warmington Church. W, Cavcler, Also Warviington. Northumberland. Alnmouth. History. W, Dickson. Bamburgh Castle. W. S. Gibson. Berwick. Roman Quern. J. Paters 071. Castles and Churches. W. S. Gibso7i. Castles, Priories, and Monasteries. S. a7id N. Buck. Dilston Hall and Bamburgh Castle. W. S. Gibso7i. Greaves Ash. Celtic town. G. Tate. History. /. H. Hinde. Also /. Horsley. Incised markings on stone. J. C. Bruce, Newcastle. Castle. J. C. Bruce. Royal Archceo logical Bisti- tute. Proceedings. Topographical Conductor : or, Descriptive Guide to Newcastle and Gateshead. By T. Oliver. 8vo, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1851 . Northu77ibria7t Archceology. Roman Roads. H. MacLauchla7t. Roman Wall. J. C.Bruce. H. Mac- Lauchlan. Also Ro7nan Wall. Society of A7itiquaries of Newcastle- up07i- Tyne. Tynemouth. Monastery. W. S. Gibson. Watling St. H. Mac Laic chla7t. Nottinghamshire. Architectural, &c., Society. Asso- ciated Architectural Societies. Blyth. History. J. Rai7te Priory Church. C. C. Hodges. Newark-upon-Trent. Annals. C. Brown. Printing. S. F. Creswell. (Appen- dix.) Oxfordshire. Abingdon. History. H. G. To7}ikins. Archaeological Pamphlets. A. L. F. Pitt- Rivers. Archceological Society of North Oxfordshire. England — Continued, Dorchester Church. H. Addi7igto7i. Enstone. History. J. Jordan. Great Haseley Church. T. W. Weare. Minster Lovell Church. J. Prichard, Northleigh. Roman Villa. H. Hakewell. Oxford. Archaeological collections. G.J. Chester. Ashmolean Museum. A. J. Eva7ts. Also J. H. Parker. Cathedral. J. Britton. Guide. Oxford Society^ &^c. History. J. Parker. Royal Archceological Insti- tute. Proceedings. Tiles from Churches. W. A. Church, Rutland. Architectural Society, &c. Associated Architectural Societies. Bells. T. North. Manto7t Church. Shropshire. Antiquities. T. F. Dukes. Also R. W. Eyto7i. Ludlow. History. R. H. Clive. Shrewsbury. Guide descriptive and historical. By Rev. W. A. Leigh- ton. i2mo, Shrewsbury, N.D. Guide through the town. i2mo, Shrewsbury, 1845 Shropshire ArchcEological^ &^c.^ So- ciety. Stottesdon Church. W. Purton. (Appendix.) Tong." Guide to Church. By G. Griffiths. 8vo, Oswestry, 1885 Wroxeter (Uriconium). J. C. A7iderson. Somerset. Archaeological Pamphlets. E. Gree7t. Also A. L. F. Pitt-Rivers. Bath. Abbey Church. /. Britt07i. Aquae Solis. H. M. S earth. A rchcEological M(igasi7te^&^c. Bath Natural History^ &^c.j Club. Episcopate of Reginald, Bishop of Bath. C. M. Church. ^ Gibbs's illustrated Bath visi- tant. i2mo, Bath, N.D. Guide to the knowledge of. By Rev. J. Earle. 8vo, London, 1864 Caer Pensauelcoit. T. Ker slake. Cleeve Abbey. J. Rey7tolds. no England — Contimied, Dichet. Woman possessed with a Devill. E, E. Baker. Frome. British coins. /. Evans. Glastonbury. Etchings. H. S. Dale. History. R. Willis, Sketches. E. S. Cole. Gyfla. T. Kerslake. Handbook for Travellers in Wiltshi re, Dorsetshire, and Somersetshire. Murray. 8vo, London, 1869 Lytes Gary Manor House. W. George. Overflowings of Waters. E, E. Baker, Penselwood. Pen Pits. A. L. F. Pitt-Rivers. Pitney Pavement. S. Hasell. Quantocks. W. L. Nichols. Shepton Mallet. Notes on its his- tory. By J. E. Farbrother. 8vo, Shepton Mallet, N.D. So7fiersetshire Archceological^ &^c.^ Society. Spanish Armada. E. Gree?t. Taunton. Briton and Roman. /. H. Pring. Royal Archceological Insti- tute. Notes. Wells. Architectural antiquities. J. H. Parker. Cathedral. Etchings. H. S. Dale. Sketches. E. S. Cole. Weston-super-Mare. Bibliography. E. E. Baker. Visitor's handbook. 8vo, London, 1877 Worlebury. C. W. Dyinond and H. G. To7nki7ts. Staffordshire. Burton-on-Trent. Floods. W. Molyneux. (Appendix). Biirto7i-on-Trent Natural History.^ &^c. Society. Edingale Church, /. C. Cox. Elford Church. Monumental effi- gies. E. Richardson. Lichfield Cathedral. Handbook. 8vo, Lichfield, 1875 Lichfield Society., &^c., of Ecclesias- tical Architecture. (Appendix). Suffolk. Bury and West Sufiolk Archceo- logical histitute. Bury-St. -Edmunds Handbook. S. Ty^nnis. England — Continued. Bury-St.-Edmunds History. R. Yates, East Anglia?t Notes and Queries. Gipping. Tyrell Chapel. W, H. SewelL- (Appendix). Gorleston. Perlustration. C. J. Palmer, History. A. Suckli7ig. Ipswich. History. G. R. Clarke. New Guide. By J. Wodder- spoon. 8vo, Ipswich, 1842 Southtown. Perlustration. C.J. Pahner, Southwold. History and topo- graphical description. 8vo, Halesworth, 1817 Suffolk l7istitute of ArchcEology. Surrey. Battersea. A. L. F. Pitt-Rivers. Bells. /. C. L. Stahlsch7nidt. Chaldon Church. Painting. /. G. Waller. Chertsey Abbey. Excavations. S. A7igell. Croydon. History. D. W. Garrow, Also 6^. S. Stei727na7i. Do7nesday Book. Farley Heath. Record of its Roman remains. i2mo, Guildford, 1850 Guildford. Caverns. E. R. Ja77ies. Pilgrims way. E. R. Ja7nes. Handbook for Travellers in Surrey, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight. Murray. 8vo, London, 1858 South wark. W. Re7idle. Surrey Archceological Society. Sussex. Anderida. Remarks on the pro- bable site : and on the ancient course of the river Rother. By T. Elliott. 8vo, Rye, 1877 Archceological Pamphlets. A. L. F. Pitt-Rivers. Brighton, past and present. By Mrs. Merrifield. 8vo, Brighton, N.D. Chichester. Registers. M. E. C. Walcott. Royal Archceological Btsti- tute. Proceedings. Cissbury. J . P. Harrison. Domesday-book. W. D. Parish. Handbook for Travellers in Kent and Sussex. Murray. 8vo, London, 1858 Hastings. Guide. i2mo, London, 1827 I II England — Continued . Lewes. The Barons' War. W. H, Blaauw. Day's ramble in and about the ancient town. By G. A. Mantell. . 8 vo, London, 1846. Mount Caburn. A. L. F, Pitt-Rivers. Pevensey. Excavations. C, R. S?7iith. Poynings^ Family and Church. Sussex A rckcEO logical Society. Warwickshire. Ancient Churches. M. H. Bloxam. Ancient Remains. M. H. Bloxam. Aston Hall. W, Niven, Compton Wyniate Church. M. H. Bloxa77u Giifs Cliff. Guide. History of County. W. Smith. Leamington. Beck's Guide. 8vo, Leamington, 1845 Medieval Antiquities. M. H. Bloxam. Recent Discoveries. M. H. Bloxain. Solihull Parish Magazine. Stratford-on-Avon Parish Church. Stratford-oil- A V071. (Appendix.) Temple Balsal Chitrch. Warwickshire Natural History^&^c.^ Society. Warwickshire Naturalists\ &^c., Field Club. (Appendix.) Wormleighton. Gold ring. W. B. Dickinson. Westmoreland. Borough bridge. " Alauna." C. AHcholson. Cumberland and Westmoreland An- tiquarian.^ &^c.^ Society. Lakes. Descriptive part of Mr. West's Guide. 8vo, Kendal, 18^3 M.P.'s (1660- 1 867). R. S. Ferguson. Wiltshire. Abury. W. Long. Antiquities. A. C. SjJiith. Bells. W. C. Lukis. Bradford- on- Avon. Church. W. H. Jo7tes. Also Bradford. Castle Combe. History. G. P. Scrope. Catalogue of Books. /. Britto7i. Church Plate. /. E. Nighti7igale. (Appendix.) Cranborne Chase. A. L. F, Pitt- Rivers. England — Continued. Handbook for Travellers in Wilt- shire, Dorsetshire, and Somerset- shire. Murray. 8vo, London, 1869 Lay cock. Church. E. Kite. North Wraxall. Roman Villa. G. P. Scrope. Notes and Essays. H. Moody. Salisbury Cathedral, Etchings. H. S. Dale. Memorials. P. Hall. Royal ArchcEological Bi- stitute. Notes and Proceedings. Silbury. Via Julia. H. M. Scarth. Stanley. Cistercian Abbey. W. de G. Birch. Stonehenge. E. Duke. A. Herbert. W. Lo7ig. Also W. M. F. Petrie. W^ardour Castle. Siege. E. Ltuilow. Wit t shire A rchcBological., &^c. , Society. Wiltshire Topographical Society. Wilton. Succession of Abbesses. J. E. Nighti7tgale. Worcestershire. Antiquities. /. Allies. Evesham Abbey. W. Tindal. Barons' War W. H. Blaauw. Malvern. J. Cha77ibers. Also Mai- ver7i. Upton-Snodsbury. W. Po7iti7ig. Worcester. British A rchceological Assoaation. Royal A rchceological Bi- stitute. Catalogue. Diocesan, &c.. Society. As- sociated A rchitecticral Societies. Yorkshire. Aldborough. Reliquiae Isurianas. H. E. S77iith. Roman pavement. Ald- borough. (Appendix.) Archaeological Pamphlets. A. L.F. Pitt -Rivers. Blyth. History. J. Rai7te. Bradford. History. J. Ja7nes. Bridlington. Flint Implements. J. Ffooks. British and Roman Map. Royal A rchceological Bistitute. Catterick. Church. /. Rai7ie. Cleveland. History. /. W. Ord. Collingham. Roman Villa. W. Procter, Ecclesfield. Church Registers. A. S. Gatty, Flint Implements. T, Wiltshire. 112 Eng'land — Continued. Gristhorpe near Scarborough. W. C. Williamso7i, Harrogate. Pictorial pocket guide. By J. R. Walbran. 8vo, Ripon, 1845 Howden. Clark. Hull. History. C. Frost Leeds Antiquities. Leeds. Municipal history. /. WardelL Legends and traditions. T. Parkinso?i. North Allerton. History. C. J. D. Ingledew. ^ Old Yorkshire. W, Smith. Richmondshire. W. H. D. Lo7tgstaffe. Ripon. Chronicle. Ripon. Pictorial pocket guide to Ripon and Harrogate. By J. R. Walbran. 8vo, Ripon, 1845 Rivers, &c. /. Phillips. Scarborough. Theakston's guide. 4th edition. 8vo, Scarborough, n.d. - Scenes, lore and legends. M. Tail. Sheffield Architectural.^