1/28/99 to 12/16/99 mT% 4.W LLOYB^ k-^ '■.r ■LM^ v'-'^^-t^- m^wt %i^ m* ^ JrfflBj ^1^ filS Kj ^ •?:' -:^ >j*-- ■ ; w ^^H^^^^^^fl ^^ IKjfl^F.ifl^^H^H ;4HMR '^^vi.v^ -^^ ^ Ci^ .i»Jli^J5»i% OF If" ANCIENT AND MODERN PICTURES, MatevssColour Btawinge AND SCULPTURE; THE PROPERTY OF MES. ALFRED MOEEISON : WHICH mm bt ^nl& bj Jlntlton bj Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1899, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Kin^ Street, St. James's Square, S. W. A.Lnrq)T--C)\Olk CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re -sold. II. No person to advance less than Is, ; above Five Pounds, 58. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Maneox and Woods not being responsible ior the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VL To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VIL Upon failure of com inlying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part ol payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. (, CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1899 AT 0»E O CLOCK PBECI8ELT. ENGRAVINGS. 1 The Infanta of Spain, after Velasquez — etching, before all letters 2 The Assumption of the Virgin, after Titian ; The Madonna de la Sedia, after Eaffaelle ; and a Madonna and Child 3 3 A Slave, after Lefebre ; &c. 5 4 Dead Birds, after Travies — a pair, coloured ; &c. 5 -» : / 5 The Giudecca, Venice, by Bradley — etching ; &c. 9 6 La Belle Chocolatiere ; and Head of a Man — coloured lithographs 2 DRAWINGS. Ji J^ J -1 Cottages; and Stockwell Park House — ink 2 8 Buddhist Worshippers 13 in. by 18 in. 9 Portrait of a Lady, seated 23 in. by 15^ in. H. ALKEN. 10 A Hunting Scene 9f in. by 14 in. f.. -— *JV' B 2 J. J. BANNATYNE. 10a Morning Twilight : the Moon Loch, Argyllshire /^ /o S 15^ tn. by 28^ m. G. BAEEET, 1824. 11 Boats neab a Palace; and A Town on a Eivbr — a pair ANNA BILINSKA, 1888. // 12 Portrait op the Artist PasfeZ— 35^ in. by 28 in. J BEETT, A.E.A. ^ O) ^ 1^ Serpentine Islands ^jLJua Aa^^ 11 in. by 19i in. ^1 t J. BEETT, A.E.A. J^ 14 The Banks op Wootton Creek ]-) 1 f ^ 2. 12 in. by 16 in. '-^ i/x J. BEETT, A.E.A. lli^ in. by 16 in. J. liitiiir, A.lt.A. / o 15 BoNCHURCH Downs jJiS-^ci Qt^UJ ' ^ . lU t'n. bv 16 in. 7 7 COEEEGGIO (After). J ^ / 16 Cupids ; and A Mural Painting, with Cupids, by Mabiannbni 2 E. DADD. / . , 1 1 ^2 (\ J 17 A Ebminiboknoe op Venice -^ A 7 in. by 10 in. R. DADD. 18 The Medwat at Chatham ; and A Sea Piece 7 in. by 10 in. TRISTRAM ELLIS, 1881. ; 19 A Cakavan in the Desert Vii. 23 in. by 35 in. TRISTRAM ELLIS, 1881. ^ 20 Ruins, with figures : Moonrise 6^/' ) 21 in. by 28 in. TRISTRAM ELLIS, 1881. 21 A Scene in a Moorish Town 28 in. by 21 in. TRISTRAM ELLIS, 1880. 22 Nineveh , { 13^ in. by 19.^ in. xy- \ 'I J. GRIFFITHS, 1869. 23 Coolies at Bombay 17 in. by 25 in. S. J.fGUICHARD.^ / 24 Portrait op F. Bracquemond S^L-C-^^ /i-^C/ Cf. /— Pas/eZ— 35 in. by 24^ in. ^ ^ GUIDO (After). 25 Aurora w 17 in. by 42 in. /- . Oy C. LEPEC. 25a a Nautch Girl Dancing, and Charming a Serpent JOLLET. ^ ,~^ 26 The Bibth of Vknuis / '^ '^^ 13 in. by 17^ in. A^^/W^ LANGENOYN. 27 A SoKTiE FROM A Besieged Town — Indian ink 21^ irt. by 33 in H. LESLIE. 28 luis ; and Gbeenwioh Pensionebs /\J I 2 J J. F. LEWIS, E.A., 1840. ^ 'C/, 29 Head of a Lady ' 14 in. by lOf ia. H. M. MAESHALL, 1874. ^ 30 Fishing Boats off the Public Gabdens, Venice 12 in. by 23 in. %2 A. MENZEL. 30a Head of an Old Man— c^arcoaZ 7f in. by 4| in. S. OWEN. y- 31 A Coast Scene, with boat and fishermen /!» V-JT^ 5| «n. by 4^ in. //MV€-- D. EGBERTS, E.A., 1839. /j(^ 32 Petea ^■y"^ 13 m. by 21 i». i^rom the Collection of H. S. Bicknell, Esq., 1881 /"\ D. EGBERTS, E.A. / 83 The Mosque op Omab, Jerusalem 9^ in. by 13^ in. . From the Collection of H. S. Bicknell, Esq., 1881 ^A^ D. EGBERTS, R.A. i — 34 Temple of the Sun, Baalbec jUL^ O^A/ / Q 13 in. by 21 in. D. KOBEETS, R.A. [NOI 2^ 13 in. by 19 in 85 Ettinb of the Memnonium, Thebes D. ROBEETS, E.A. 36 Gbkat Gateway, leading to the Temple of Carnac, Thebes •^ 16 in. by 11^ in. D. EGBERTS, E.A. 37 EuiNS OF AN Ancient Town ^ 121 in, by 19 in. J. WAED, E.A. 40 Sheep — charcoal /5'/- 12 in. by 20 in. J. WAED, E.A. 41 A Lion — sepia ; and A Cow 8^ in. by 14 in. 42 A Beak ; and Eeindeer y ^/ ^ *»^- hy 6 in. C. WYLD. 43 A Confessional in a Church 8 in. by 10 in. "fisLJ^ O 0^ If N. DE SWEETCHKOFF. 38 Sleighing in Eussia — a pair 2 'P A. 8 in. by 12i in. VIDAL. 39 Le Chapelet / ^ 6 . . 204 in. by 14 in. SCA-^^ A ^^ MODERN PICTURES. 79 in. by 42^ in. A. AUBLET. 44 An Armenian at Prater /j t~JrJ GAEL BAAGOE. \fl /^ —I 46 A Sea Piece, with frigates ^fUL^u^w7JL>\ j^^ 29j^ in. by 48 in. ' ' I 46 Ships at Sea CABL BAAGOE. 81 in. by 49^ in. C. BTSSCHOP. 47 Plbadino r t Cy<^ 42 in. by 35 .n. Lj-^JMl^ F. BRAMLEY, 1889. 48 SAVED : A scene at Newlyn / (y \ " 'Oft in a humble home ^ A golden room is found." 58^ in. by 77 in. / / ' Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1889 (y Exhibited at the Guildhall J. BRETT, A.R.A. /J 49 The River Dart /J^/^ ^^^^ ' ' 17i tr». by 23^ in. ' J. BRETT, A.R.A., 1877. 50 Sea Shore, with rough sea ( ^ / ' J J in. Q a 13^ in. by 24 i: J. BEETT, A.R.A., 1873 ^' '9 51 View on the Beach at St. Agnes ^iCj^-^ ^ fi-^ . ^ 131 in, by 23^ in. J. BEETT, A.R.A., 1879. 52 G08KAR Rock [^^^L^ l^i^ l~J 7 in. by 14 in. / 7 J. BRETT, A.aA. / 91 in. by 13^ in. ' ^ 53 Sketch of EocKa near the Sea J. BRETT, A.E.A. 54 BoTS Bathing on the Sea Shore ; and The Companion 2 — -^ 6^ in. by 13^ in. . J. BEETT, A.R.A. 55 Boulders on the Sea Shore 6^ in. by 13 J in. n J. BEETT, A.R.A. 56 Cliffs on the Sea Shore 7 in. by 14 in. /i\o^ 1"^ J. BRETT, A.R.A. 57 A Bay Scene, with yacht A ^\ in. by 13.} in. ^ /V^y? /^-t^Cf B 3 10 J. BKETT, A.E.A. / 58 The Islb op Anglesea yUL^ J/v^ 3 7 in. by 14 in. ^ ' C. BULMOP. 59 A Young Lady, in churcli J ^r~Ts 46 in. by 36 in. J. F. CROPSEY. 60 Autumn in the White Mountains, America / I 12 in. by 20 in. / ) J. F. CROPSEY. 61 Landscapes : Sunset 9 in. by 16 in. J. F. CROPSEY. 62 A Rain Sky: Sunset 7 in. by 15^ in. is/-{ R. DAL>D. 63 Jael and Siseka 23^ in. by 19.^ in. H. W. B. DAVIS, E.A., 1866. 64 LABOURAGE AU PRINTEMPS 60 in. by 120 in. H. W. B. DAVIS, R.A. \^y%^^ 65 EARLY SUMMER /\ 1 1 Q 47 in. by 72 in. j l\A^ Exhibited at the Boyal Academy H. W. B. DAVIS, R.A. 66 Shepherd and Sheep, and Figukes HAiiVESTiN^ /a^ ^4— » Hi in. by 15^ in. 9i' by H. E. HARLEY. 69 Dr. Johnson, Mr. Penn and the Churchwarden On panel — 7^ in. by 5f in. A. HELCKE. // _. 70 Low Tide on the Coast of Guernsey iL# ^ •^^*^*-'>— ^ ^S X. 191m. by 35^ in. ^/ ; J. F. HERRING, Sen. 70a An Old Horse and Two Dogs, in a stable / ) jL ^ . l^' 131 /J^. by 17i t»i. J. W. INCHBOLD. 71 " TwiXT Theodore and Mark," Piazetta, Ducal Palace, Venice ^^"^ 35 in. by 40 in. / "" Exhibited at the International Exhibition, 1871 /^-^^ Ci^^^-^ J. W. INCHBOLD. 72 King Arthur's Island /i^ n t^ 35 in. by 49 in. J. W. INCHBOLD. J 73 An Alpine Scene "^ 20 in. by 27 in. 12 G. JACQITET, 1869. . , 74 Portrait of a Young Lady, in green dress, holding narcissus 39 in. by 27 in. C. KNIGHT. 75 Kakn'staple Bak 8 in. by 21^ in. F. LAMOEINIERE, 1869. 76 A Belgian Landscape, with a pool, and village on a hill : Evening ' ^ On panel — 48 in. by 73 in. N. M. LUND. 77 'Mid the Wild Music of the Glen J/^^ ' 52 in. by 60 m. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1889 L. MIGNOT, 1863. 78 A Mountain Scene in the Tropics 471 in. by 72 in. L. MIGNOT. 79 Evening in the Tropics 37 in. by 58 in. L. MIGNOT. 80 Thk Lowlands ; and The Lagoons of Guayaquil — a pair 2 23^ in. by 38 in. L. MIGNOT. 81 The Eio Savaneta 23^ in. by 39 in. 13 L. MIGNOT. f I f}^^ 82 Lakb Geobob ; and The Rainbow — aigair 12 in. by 16 «n. W. E. MILLNER. ^"^l^ 83 H0B8B8 AMD A Colt 19J in. by 39^ in. H. M. PAGE, 1888. 84 Alabmed 29 in. by 49 in. J. B. CARL RASMUSSEN. 85 An Autttmn Day at Kobnoe, Greenland '^^ 21 in. by 36^ in. J. E. CARL RASMUSSEN, 1874. /^ / — 86 A View in Gbeenland 21 til. by 36 in. 'i it 0. STOCKS. 87 Fbuit and Wine-Glass ; and Figs and Pbaohbs 11^ in. by 15J^ in. E. SAIN, 1868. 88 Obanqb Gibls, Capri 29 in. by 47 in. G. 0. SKILBECK. f f\ 89 St. Lukb wbiting ma Gospel at the Dictation op the ViBQiN Mabt 29^ in. by 24^ in. Exhibited at the New Gallery, 1892 14 OTTO SINDING, 1872. _4~ ■- — 90 A Sea Pieob, with shipping : Evening 16 in. by 28^ in. A. SVOBODA. ^ 91 Palmbiba SOi^ in. by 72 in. A. SVOBODA. O 92 ViBW OF THE Abch OF CosEUS, at Etesiphon, near Babylon ^ 29 in. by 47 in. N. DE SWERTCHKOFF. !j / / 93 A Winter Scene, with a Eussian bridal party '" "^ 63 in. by 98 in. A. TIDEMAND, 1864. 94 The Result op a Single Combat in a Norwegian Hut 67 in. by 98 in. -. h / A. TIDEMAND, 1862. ) (j 95 The Last Sacrament 17^ in. by 22^ in. I J. WARD, K.A., 1800. 96 A Lion 22 in. by 29^ in. J. WOLF. 97 Lion Cubs 33 in. by 43 in. rtf ' ' C'f* 15 PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS. 97a Pobteait op a Boy — temp Charles I. — in black dress with lace I collar and cuffs I 70 in. by 45 in. 97b Pobtbait of William RTraQELBY, Esq., of Dunton Curd Varth, i Warwick, in breastplate, with large collar, hand resting on a table, coat-of-arms at the top 77 in. by 46 in. ■/ ' - 98 Pobteait of Daniel Van deb Meulbn, in black slash dress and ^'- ruff — coat-of-arms, and date, 1583 On panel — 41 in. by 31 in. 99 Pobtbait of Hesteb della Faille, in black dress with white and gold sleeves, and ruff, with a dog On panel — 41 in. by 31 in. 100 Pobtbait op Lady Kenelm Digbt, in black and white dress, 1 with hat and strings of pearls, seated writing ^ 40 in. by 33^ in. ^ 102 Pobtbait op Sib Isaac Newton 27 in. by 24 in. From the Collection of the Earl of Hardwicke, 1881 / ^ 4 103 Pobtbait of a Youth, in green coat, lace collar 291 in. by 24^ in. C-i.^.. J. VAN KAVESTEIN. yi/ 104 Pobtait of the Queen of Bohemia, in black and white dress with large lace collar, chain ornament On panel — 27 in. by 24 in. Signed with initials, and dated 1631 From the Collection of Albert Levy, Esq, 1876 •^ X 16 H. WRIGHT. 105 PoBTRAiT OF Thomas Hobbes OF Malmesbtjbt, in black dress and white collar ; bom 1588, Author of ' De Clive ' in 1642 ; * Human Nature and the Elements of Law in 1650 ; ' The Leviathan,' 1651 ; educated at Magdalen College, Oxford ; died at Chatsworth, 1679 27 in. by 22^ in. G. LAIRESSE. 105a Pobtrait'of the Duke of Mablbobough and his Family, with allegorical figures 57^ in. by 73 in. MIGNARD, ^"/ •J ._ 106 Pobtbait op Madame De Maintenon, in yellow dress, with ^ blue robe, seated, holding a book 50 in. by 37 in. IL GRECO. 107 St. Fbanois of Assisi Ij /l 48 in. by 35^ in. /i f J. DE VALDES LEAL. 108 The Madonna Receiving the Sacbament 41 in. by 30 in. RIBERA. 109 Head of a Saint 24 in. by 18^^ in. 17 DUTCH SCHOOL. 2-S 110 FlQITBBS FbABTWG ; AND ThE COMPANION J HeAD OF JOHN THB Baptist; and The Ghost — unframed 4 J. BKEUGHEL. 110a Buttkbflibs, Beetles, Insects and Flowebs — on panel, five in one frame BELLmi (Aptbb). 110b The Vibgin and St. John, with the dead Saviour 15^ in. by 18^ in. SCULPTURE. HIEAM POWEES. Ill Chastitt: a life-size female bust, on socle HIEAM POWEES. Q<. 112 Modesty — the companion G. LOMBAEDI (Eoma). J.{. 113 A Goat and Kid, life-size — 50 in. high — on oval -shaped white ' ^ marble pedestal with sculptured border E. J. WYATT. Q) / 114 The Infant Baoohus, holding grapes and wine oup, and with leopard's skin — 41 in, high 18 G. SANTARELLI, 1852. 115 " Obatio Ejus Acoepta : " Life-size figure of a girl, kneeling in J Q prayer — 34 in. high STO. GALLETTI (Eoma), 1864. 116 A Lite-Size Dbaped Female Figuee, holding an inscribed scroll — 63 in. high — on circular marble pedestal with re- 1/ > 0,0 solving top ,/VV-t/lJ-t> GUSTAVE D0E6 117 A Bbonzk Geoup op Ten Eoman Acbobats — 48 in. high— on veined black and white marble pedestal with red and white '^^C/ marble base FINIS. London : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. I ■^' -^ m0- •^'■:^^ n 4«