Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueoflargeOOpres A CATALOGUE OF THE LARGE AND CURIOUS COLLECTION . O F Modern Silver Medals and Medallions, IN FINE PRESERVATION, O F A GENTLEMAN (D€C(!Ea@i£D. ) Llkewile his Roman, Greek, and other Medals, in Gold, Silver, and Brafe. , ‘‘j ''Which will be Sold bv AUCTION, By Mr. P R E S T A G E, At his Great Room, the End of Savile-Row, On JVed 7 iefday and Uiurfday next, the i8th and 19th of . ‘ 1764. .V To be viewed on A/oWi?/ the i6th, to the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day puncSually at Twelve o’Clock. CONDITIONS. OF SALE AS USUAL. ,1^: ■ Catalogues will be given gratis, at Mr. P r e s t'A'g e ’s ■' aforefaid. di /7vf ^ 5 ^ - Firft Day’s Sale, TFednefday, ^r// the 1 8th, 1764. GERMANY. "I T -EOPOLD- on th^elief of Vienna, the takincr of Buda, and B j the battles of NilTa and Widin ° — 2 1 he heads of the emperors of the Auarian Family i, one finely pre- ^ lerved of Leopold, on his fucceffes in Hungary,' 1 ^ 86 , and four more of ditto. g- .3 l.eopold on the taking, of Mentz, on- the raifmg rhe fiege . of Vien- na, and a fine medallion Pax et Saks Europa — — 4 Leopold on the taking of Buda, a fine one on the relief of Vienna ^ and two more on ditto ’ __5 Leopold on, the takingjof Buda 2, on the relief of Vienna one, and • one onjhe coronatibn of Jofeph — 6 Leopold on his fLiccefles Rgainft the Turks, one on the coronation of Joleph, and one on the marriage of ditto . _7 Leopold on the relief of Vienna 2; on the taking of- Buda 2, and on ni9 otlier luccefTes in Hungary 2 - ^ _ 8 Rudolph the II. one, Leopold on different fuccefles againft the Turks 3, and one on the inauguration of Joleph. _9 Jofephon Ws inauguration I, 2 of Leopold, and one on the eleftion or Lnarles VI. ^ ^"“a'a^rv/'’^ battlp. 0^ Siclos, 2. of Jofeph,. and one of _ 1 1 LeopSld one, Jofeph on his coronation 2, and one of Charles VI on . rhcftpkjng ofBatcelona _i 2 of the Romans, ^ph on his coronation, and two of ^ __1 4 Ma«iimfen-i. -and on? of M&ximilian and Mary of Burcrundv both very rare .. ■ , ° j ^ of Baden, and pne .moie _ — .5 ■^=^IrSJTS,3,‘ “““f «»= . . t ^ A.gito->.d a.,ifcL,„i., d„k„ “ IS Rudolph Auguftus;' &nift Aliguftus, 'and George William, ditto - t ,j. . ur . -A u g u ftu s, Wrlha^. Augnft: Wiliram; and Elizabeth ^ yf Branfwick 20 Prin- ^ ^ I , ■ - princcfa SophU of lUnove.-, rcvcri’c the emprefa Mwil-Jj. nnt! one Men Devoir Jait men Pliiifir ^ ■ ‘ V r> J J Ceor<»e Lewis her Ion, afterwards king or Great dritam ENGLAND. !■»' i ?. A fine medal on the defeat of the Spanilh Armada in 1588, in high prekrvation , Ditto of EUzabeth, daughter of James I.Jntcribed AWr/in C«». ^ Pd. R. S. Elec. In ,/J? r ym K. 0. £.m. Infans Magnae Britan D.B. , „ . 21 Charles I. on his death, one ftruck in Holland, and one by ixotier ^ Charles II. reverfe his queen, one of queen Catherine, rever^ J»;7™'r, and one of the dutchels of Portlmouth 26 James duke of Monmouth, reverfe Himc Sangumem Dbo. Dee Due- raleri, in fine prefervation and very rare //■ z<'27 Tames II. on Monmouth’s and Argyle’s rebellion, very fcarce ,, .-JZ.28 Archbithop Sancroft, reverfe the leven bifhops, in fi ne piefi rvation II reverfe pJ^o Glundihus Podici , . - i ii 1 A fatyrical medal on the revolution, a dog his foot on an altar, * Res Immoderate Cupido eft I Kes Jmmouejiiic j r, -i Ditto the Trojan horfe, Equo nunquam tu credo Bnlamme 02 Ditto’, a dancing bear, Fortem Vts forttor urget ■"j^3 Ditto, Balaam’s afs, 2 3 UlUU, Utiiuaui ^ i»^^• . f. ^ilf/mliT reverfe Deo ludice, and o^nothar Gulielmus Princeps, iic. '^'^'127 ’^'ill and Mary, reverfe Reformatio AnglU, one on t e e eat t 6 of the French -fleet at La Hogue - .u,. jpf,,. 3S Ditto, reverfe Caelo delabatur Alto, and jwo more on A^defeat - and an^r, reverfe to j„„gii legefque tuetur f 6 reV^fc exlomt illarn deficit, and one Rem vici Ubertatem y •/£-/4 4t /ft / 4^ / (hmr-- Que^Sar; a, Digna *^d DiJ,- i •nl’oref. uni, sic ur.o fort unique di^^ Dr^ qiie ‘fibi pofeerat honbrrm capt. his fnialP. /»44q William HI. reverfe queep M^y , _ , ■ ra^nin ft, hernia, md Memoriae mernnr 46 Ditto, ~ 3 ■ - ^-58 59 ^4 [ 4 ] S!"o lZnlT‘'”V^‘-'''‘f Homs _ F-r „sr;f£s:rr;; sr The chevalier, Cujus Eft 1 WMlmn^™r;rL?:;’oran/™"'’’ ofWiihan,'^m“^5r°S’ i'l- and one roman gold. /A y^'^i ^:yr _62 .s /, 9 Max. Emanuel, Eledor of Bavaria, on the battle of Mohatz, on the taking of Belgrad^, one more on the war in Hungary, and one of the Elcdlor of Cologne T 10 Max. Emanuel on different occafions I John Fred. Eleftor of Saxony on the reformation 2, and one of John George the III, — 12 John G( Sophia -12 John George the II. the III. and Frederick, each one, and one of '""'''aEledlrix _ — 4 '3 Fred. V) VO IT) w s S ?■ / /’ / s- /f /t - / .^- a— / /4 ^ //- f c 3 13 FreJ. TI. John George the III. 2, one ofC-'orge William Duke of Silcfia, anil a marriage meiial — — — 1+ Fred. Augoflos 2, John George the I. anil IV. each one, and one of Duke Bernard of Sixc Weymar — — — jj Count Tcckly one, one of Bremen, one of Munftcr, and one on the taking of Bon — — — iC lied, and Lewis William Margraves of Baden, and one of the City of Hamburgh — — . .17 l.cwis William of Baden two, one of Prince Eugene, and two of the Duke of Marlborough — • — A N D. / // O' /i- /i~ r- S ' — y- /f. ys- '/ _i S Uladillaus the IV. one, John Sobicfki on the battle of Choezim one, and one on his Coronation — — — — 19 Uladillaus the IV. reverfe his Qiicen, John Sobicfki i, and one of Auguftus the II. — — _eo Uladillaus the IV. one, one of his Queen, and one of John Sobicfki, on the relief of Vienna — — — -21 John Cafimir one, John Sobicfki one, one of Auguftus the II. and of Stanillaus — — — .22 Auguftus 4, and 4 more on the treaty at Alt Ranftadt, and Warfaw — — W D N. 6 ' /.i .23 Guftavus Adolphus on his Death, a fine Medal — — ,24 Guftavus Adolphus one, and one of Chriftina, fine prefervatlon — 25 Ch.arles Guftavus fine work, and finely preferved, and one of Charles ^ the XI. — — _ _ _ -26 Charles Guftavus and his Queen, reverfe his fon Charles the XI. a fine medal, and one of Charles the XI — — — . - 27 Charles the XI. and his Queen, and one with their heads on dif- ferent Tides — — — — .,^28 Charles the XI. reverfe his Son Charles the XII. and one with his Queen oii the reverfe ’ — — — —20 Charles the XI. one, one of his Queen Ulrica, and one of Charles theXII. — — _ _ —30 Charles the XI. one, Ulrica Eleonora one, and one of Charles the XII. — _ _ _ Charles the XI. one, Ulrica Eleonora one, and two of Charlea the XII. — ^ _ _ __ ^3 2 Charles the Xf. two, and two of Charles the Xli ’ — _j j Clfaj-Ics the XI. one, Ulrica one, and one of Charles the XII. — c a Charles the XI. One, two of Ch_arles the XII. and one more — A'Dollar of Guftavus .Vdolphus, and 4 medals of Charles the XII: 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 4 den’ /p'' [ 7 ] M K. Cliriftian the IV. one, one of Frederick the III. reverfe hls(^een, and one of Chriflian the V. — -^ ■6 '— 37 Frederick the III. one, one of Chrirtian the V. and one ofLouirahis Queen Q- 38- Chrillian the V. reverfe his Queen, one of Frederick the IV. and one more t ' /6 '~-39 Frederick the IV. one, two on the railing the fiege of Copenhagen, and One of Frederica Amelia ROMAN GOLD. Claudius T. B. P, ^R. P. A. ob. cs. and Pad Augufiae' — — . /A 1-1 Nero 2, Vefpafian-i. and Titus i. . — 2/^^ Vefpafian i . Titus, i. and Domitian, r. Crm — — 43 Trajan, rev. TTjrr Hadrian 1. and Antoninus I. — ' /^■/itC 44 Fauftina. r. yfrrfH/?a,.. Hadriana -r. ir&rrt/ito i. Antoninus, 1. and Aurelius i. r. Felkitas i. — Titus I. Nero 2. — _ . /Jf Arcadius 3. Honorius 4. different reveries — I T 1 . A L y. O. / — -47 Sixtus V, Gregory XIV, Urban VIIT, Clement X, and Alex- ander VII. ' — _ . _ / • Sixtus V, Urban VIII, Clement IX, Alexander VIII, and Inno- ■“ cent XI — — — >.-yr^/!<49 SixtusV, PaulV, Clement IX, Innocent X, and Innocent XII , ~‘>; Q Pius IV, Gregory XV, Urban VIII, Clement X, and Inno- I ' / cent XI — / Julius III, Pius V, Clement XI, Alexander VII, and Clement XI ^ ^ '^52 John Cornelius Doge of Venice i, and 4 more of Venice on their fucacfles againft the Turks ■ — • • — • ^ . O ^3 Fred. Charles duke 'of Mantua one, the cardinal of Trent one, and 3 on the Venetian conquells — — LOW COUNTRIES. f • £4 William Prince of Orange 2, one on the Spaniards raifing the fiege of Leyden, one En lout fiddles ,au Roy, and one on the furprile of Breda — — — ' . — Pr. Maurice 2, one with 6 Heads of different Princes of Orange, g and one on the taking of Juliers - — ■ - — 56 Frederick Henry Pr. of Orange, and one on the battle of Newport — 57 'red. ■ /^ [8 ] Fred. Henry Pr. of Orange one, and one on the Haerlemers curing Haflelc "" ” 37 t^reci. neniy a*- o. ' Frernfnr^^Pr^'of Orange one, and one on the defeat of Bof^ -58 /£-59 — .3 '>?■■ /474 ^ -75 ,//!— 76 2 /^•/477 Fred.® fdenry Pr. of Orange one, and one oi^ie defeat of tl^ On ^he^^Syno'd of Dort one, one on the furprif e of B reda, and o^ Libertas Aurea ■ A fine Medal of John Oldenbarnevelt ^ One on the peace of Mnnfter 1648, and one on recovering thejrea- fure from a wreck A fine medal on the peace of Breda 1667 , jr • , On the recovery of^^Breda .637. one on Tromps defea^ng the - SpanHh fleet, and one on the peace of Breda ^ Two fine medals on the peace of Breda r a n. j <• One on the Prince of Orange’s attempt to furprife Amfterdam 1650 A fine medal of Admiral de Ruyter Ditto of admiral Tromp Ditto of count Rabenhaupt, and one more -n xt u i ^ u Ditto of count Monterey, governor of tire Spanifli Netherlands, ^ Two ditto on the murder of John and Cornelius De Witt One ditto on the peace of Breda, and one on thej^nfederacy at Okm^n^raiVin^drefiege orConi, one on the French king’s pro- pofals of peace 16 ^ 3 , and 2 on the taking of Mentz ^ the A fine medal of the Stadhoufe at Amfterdam . .T" . 4 Ona on the truce between the French and Spaniards m 1684, and On the confederacy figned at the Hague 1691, one on the tumult at Rotterdam , , ' c n r • i 77 One on raifing the fxege of Rhiofelds. and one on the peace of R.lwick finis. / ■■ I f » r I i i ! i J \ / I ‘''t