THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY 1 25^^*' 5 HE^^a sHIl^^PB HHb, A^c^c'c^r- €>/~yf7 djL e.'^t ^ J C? ^ > — i >> ■V «> . '■*> • ' ... /> / 'f ^ ^7. ■ //(^^- /^J2 r; . / /'^ ' /^' ‘ ^ i' •^^/^?tJ' < /^' i -J^l ^ ^ ^ '/^^r /^■‘ ^ f/^ Z^^''/- / / ^/y - 3^ ^/' yr^y /yL^^ \^AC/3^/r-£.^A^4 ^ ^ ^'z-z^'a' /iy ^ y^yy^y’ /A^zAy ^ 3> • yy /y — yj ^ •' z ^ y ' ^ /a Zt^ t3 / / y / — A^y /^y^^^zy yy^^ v' y^, y- y^'y^^--' yy , — yy — yyy 4^ yi z''yo y^zi^yAe.'i^z^^ ^ /i^y yy 2--^:^ /yzt.^ ^y/z't^ y<* — yyy^^ y / ycc^ zAA^ zz^^ — ^y yXi^y-yy^y yy- ysy/ - y-^^/ , zty /Xzi^y^^.yU-z^^ - /-f-:z/ - - /y zt-A^zr^ t ^^/iTz- yX^t ^yr/y^ c,^ -JO /fZjZJCZ yy /■ ^ -/^zt JZS'y S. . Z/? ‘// . ^^/f- i/'' ^ - /Z^/ - //Z/-Z// Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute THE SPLENDID PICTURES OF M. M. ZACHARY, ESQ. OF THE ADELPHI TERRACE. A CATALOGUE THE GENUINE COLLECTION OF 0ngtnal auDr Sb^lenUtDr ITALIAN, DUTCH and FLEMISH PAINTINGS, THE ENTIRE PROPERTY OF M. M. ZACHARY, ESQ. Selected by him from several of the most distinguished Galleries and Collections in England and on the Continent. BY PHILLIPS, AT HIS GREAT ROOjMS, iVo. 73, New Bond Street, On SATURDAY, 31st of May, 1828, at One for Two precisely. May be Viewed Three Days prior to the Sale by Catalogues, at One Shilling each, to be had at 73, New Bond Street. Jj-7 / ISZS MA^{ 3 1 I oPhI (IA?65- CONDITIONS OF SALE First' • -THE highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute should arise between two or more bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Second’' No person to advance less than Is. — above five pounds 5s. — and so on in proportion. Third - - The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down jg25. per cent, if required, in part of payment of the purchase-money. Fourth- The lots to be absolutely cleared away, with all faults and errors of measure and description, and without reference to the identity of subject or master, at the purchaser’s expence, within two days after the sale. Fifth - - this auction is made on condition of prompt payment, the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before the delivery. Sixth - - Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money depo- sited in part of payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter or defaulters at this sale. Lastly- - But should any purchaser or purchasers obtain their lot or lots, or leave the whole or any part thereof uncleared, or by any neglect or evasion omit paying for the same, such purchaser or purchasers shall pay five per cent, interest on the amount of the said purchase, from the day of sale until the amount of the said bill shall be discharged, and also all charges for the removal and ware room of such lots as may not be cleared within the time aforesaid. A Catalogue, Sfc. SATURDAY, the 31st Day of MAY, 1828, Commencing at One o’Clock. PICTURES. /. . ^Riiisch 1 A Bouquet with Insects, highly finished 4 ' - - Zeeman 2 View in the Mediterranean, with Shipping, Figures, S;c. • — Ditto 3 Ditto, the companion . ^./P. Neefs 4 Interior of a CATHEDRAL ^ ^ ^ - Fernet 5 Marine View with Shipping, Building and Figures, Morning ^/ .-// ^Ditto 6 Ditto, the companion, fa .. M -Omeganck 7 A Landscape with Shepherd attending Sheep f/ /A . /j^ordaens 8 A Musical Party 7.. /y. ^^yi^our 9 Portraits of Regulus, ( Grandsire of Eclipse) ^ a famous race horse, and of his Groom . Gainsborough ..10 A Vieio of Harwich, from the Collection of — — Nassau, Esq. 2), / ^ Schalken 11 A female in the act of threading her needle by candle-light, painted with great transparency and rich effect of colouring, from Sir T. Hesketh’s Collection Size of picture 8^ inches by 7, and with the frame 1 foot 7 by 1 foot 52- 2/ Carracci 12 A Study, Tico Heuf/s of St. Peter and St. Paul, from the celebrated picture of the Dispute of the Sacrament by Raphael, from Sir T. Hes- keth’s Collection Size of picture 2 feet 1 by 1 foot 6J, and with the frame 3 feet by 2 feet 5. 4 J3p Ccirrocci 13 2. — Decker Osiade 14 ^ Jan Sieen ...... 15 u - — _ Paolo Lomazzo., 16 /n , Backhuysen .... 17 A Study, Tbe Virgin and Child, delicalely coloured, after the manner of Correggio, from Sir T. Hesketh’s Collection Size of picture 2 feet I by \ foot 6J, and with the frame 3 feet by 2 feet 6. An upright Landscape and view on a Canal in Hol- land, in which is introduced the Residence of OSTADE, with Portraits of himself and family Size of picture 3 feet 1 by 2 feet 4L The Interior of an Apartment, with a Lady richly dressed in satin, seated and leaning on a table covered with a crimson carpet, and receiv- ing from a Gentleman a glass of liquere. A Gentleman in the back ground has fallen asleep and is resting on the table, whilst another is entering the room by a door leading from a green house, &c. A jug, double bass, and a wine cooler are among the accessories, and painted with great exactness — from Mr. Walsh Porter’s Collection Size of picture 2 feet 1 by I foot?, and with the frame 3 feet 1 by 2 feet 7. St. John, a study Sizeofpicture 1 foot6 by 1 foot I^, and with the frame 2 feet b\ by 1 foot 1 1. A MARINE VIEW; Fresh Breeze, with boats passing up a river, fishing smacks nearing the shore, and groups of fishermen on the beach waiting the arrival of the boats, &c. Size of picture I foot Its by I foot 4|, and with the frame 2 feet 9 by 2 feet 1 . ^2- // - Luini 18 A grand and richly composed Landscape, with St. John seated in the foreground and con- templating the sacred writings. The figure is beautifully composed, drawn, and coloured in his usual grand stile. Size of picture 5 feet I by 3 feet I0|, and with the frame 6 feet I by 4 feet I0|. 33 / 5 ^ ^ ~ J‘ Both 19 A Landscape, view in the vicinity of Rome, with the remains of its former splendid temples and buildings. In the fore ground Italian Peasants are seated on fractured columns playing at cards, while others (in the back ground) are amusing themselves at bowls, &c. Painted with rich effect of sunshine and highly finished Size of picture 2 feet 6| by 2 feet J inch, and with the frame 3 feet 8^ by 3 feet 2. - Sasso Fer ratio 20 TheViRGiNandCniLD; theInfantSaviour (fondly embracing the Mother) is standing with one foot on a cushion, and the other is placed in the Vir- gin’s hand Size of picture 2 feet 4 by 2 feet, and with the frame 3 feet 4 by 2 feet lOj. ^2 .. /o .Vanderhelst .... 21 Portrait of an Austrian Nobleman Size of picture 3 feet Sj by 2 feet 9|, and with the frame 4 feet 4 by 3 feet 11. V.. /^./Holbein 22 Portrait of a Prelate, known as the Cambridge Doctor Size of picture 1 foot 10 by 1 foot 3f, and with the frame 2 feet 5| by 1 foot 11| ^ Camilla Proccacini2^ The Holy Family, with St. Joseph X Size of picture 3 feet 10 by 2 feet 11, and with the frame 6 feet 3 by 4 feet 3. 1^../// De Hooghe .... 24 The Interior of a Dutch Cottage, in which is seated a female paring turnips, and an attend- ant child entering with a flask of wine. The effect of light from without is magical I Size of picture 2 feet 5 by 1 foot 9, and with the I frame 3 feet 2 by 1 foot 1 1 . JSI / 6 //S - Rembrandt .... 25 Portrait of his TF^e as Lucretia, from tbe dis- tinguished Collection of Mons, Lepeyriere, of tf, Paris Size of picture 3 feet 10 by 3 feet 2i, and with the frame 5 feet 1 by 4 feet 6|. /S~^ .. ^ Ph. Wouvermans 26 The Interior of a Court Yard, or Approach to an Italian Villa, with Chasseurs preparing for the sports of the day. The animals and figures painted with his wonted freedom of pencil and spirited touch. The grouping in the fore ground is happily arranged, and a rich land- scape terminates the distance Size of picture 1 foot 9^ by 1 foot 4J, and with the frame 2 feet 3 by 2 feet 1|. /y^-3 ^ ^ Ruysdael 27 A grand Landscape, with a WATERFALL rushing through a rich, hilly, and well wooded country. A herdsman with cattle is passing over a wooden bridge, and sheep are depasturing on the borders of the river ; a Chateau is seen which terminates the distance of this admirable specimen of the master Size of picture 4 feet 4i by 3 feet 2|, and with the frame 5 feet 9 by 4 feet 9. . r ^ ‘4. Ostade.,,,., 28 The Interior of a DUTCH CABARET, with a group of four figures regaling at a table placed before a window; in the back ground are two boors smoking ; painted in his rich silvery tone, and highly finished — from Sir T. Hesketh’s Collection. Size of picture 12 inches by lOJ, and with the frame 1 foot 104 by 1 foot 94 . <33 i 7 J - /j Stein 29 This celebrated picture, known as THE MILK- MAN, exhibits a' View in the Streets of a Dutch Village, with a milkman serving a female with milk, and another female and boy are waiting to be served ; in the back-ground The Baker is announcing, (by the blowing a horn) that his rolls are ready; and the distance viewed through an arch-way is terminated by a church — one of his highly finished and agreeable compo- sitions — from Vanderpott’s Collection at A msterdam Size of picture 1 foot 11 by 1 foot 7, and with the frame 2 feet 10| by 2 feet 6. David Teniers .. 30 (/.. S' ^ Innocenza da Immola }/< ^ linhens 32 The Interior of a CABARET, with boors grouped at a table to converse and regale themselves ; an attendant female is ascending from an apart- ment below ; other boors round the fire, &c. A brilliantly coloured picture, and a faithful repre- ' sentation of one of those happy scenes which this artist indulged in pourtraying — from Lord Ashburnham’s Collection Size of picture 2 feet 9 by 1 foot 10^, and with the frame 3 feet 9 by 2 feet 11. The Marriage of St. Catherine, with the Virgin, St. Joseph, and Infant Christ, in a Landscape, a splendid production of art by this scarce master, and one of the only two known in this country Size of picture 2| feet by 1 foot 9^, and with tlie frame 3 feet 5^ by 3 feet 2. The Portrait of Helena Foreman, (Wife of the Artist) as the Virgin with the Infant Christ brilliantly coloured, and more highly studied than the general efforts of this great master Size of picture 3 feet 1 by 2 feet 4j, and with the frame 4 feet 3j by 3 feet 7. J 8 Jii, J // , Buonvincino . . , , 33 A gallery picture of THE WISE MEN’S OFFERING, in a grand and finely coloured, landscape, with buildings and figures. This artist was a cotemporary of Titian — from Sir T. Hesketh’s Collection Size of picture 6 feet 5i by 3 feel 7^, and with the frame 7 feet 85 by 4 feet 10. Rnysdael •».... 34 A Woody Landscape with a sandy broken fore ground refreshed by a stream of water obstructed by rocks, sheep are grazing on the summits, and a floating sky corresponding in tone, perfects the general harmony which |)ervades this choice specimen of art. From Mr. Ey coot’s Collection Size of picture 4 feet 2 by 3 feet 6J, and with the frame 5 feet by 4 feet 6 35 THREE COWS grouped in a Dutch landscape, with a town in the distance — painted in his careful manner, and usual spirit; the cor- rectness of drawing which pervades throughout, sufficiently evinces the superiority so justly given to him over every other painter in this line of art Size of picture 1 foot 4g by 1 foot 3J, and with the frame 2 feet 3 by 2 feet 1. /j/ . . Wynants and i 36 LANDSCAPE, with arising foreground A, Vandevelde 7 (broken and sandy) intersected by a winding road on which an Equestrian (accosted by a group ' of mendicants,) halts to give alms. — The distance displays a mountainous country with plantations, and a river winding round the acclivities ; a warm evening scene — figures by A. Vandevelde Size of picture I foot 4 by I foot I, and with the frame 1 foot II5 by 1 foot 9. i c/ ^ 9 Maas 37 The Interior of an Apartment with a Female paring Apples^ seated before a table covered with a rich carpet ; a happy effect of light and shade is produced in this specimen — from Mr, Bernal’s Collection Size of picture 1 foot 9 by 1 foot 6J, and with the frame 2 feet 7 by 2 feet 3. '/z . /o - Wouvermans. . 38 THE PILGRIM, a Landscape with a Female mounted on a grey horse, and holding a brown horse whilst the huntsman is loosing his dogs ; a Pilgrim is supplicating for charity. This fine and highly finished production is known as “ The Pilgrim.” Size of picture 1 foot 3i by 1 foot 2J, and with the frame 2 feet 3 by 2 feet 1. Z/ . //~. Vandevelde,, 39 View on the Shore of Holland, withavariety of fishing boats going out to sea, and vessels in the distance ; a group of fishermen with their dog, and equestrians on the sandy shore, fill the right angle of the picture. The agitated sea exem- plifies the effect of squally weather, and with the clouds unite to depict a grey and gloomy day. The fig ures display a faithful portraiture of Dutch fishermen — from the Collection of Count POUR- TALES, by whom this picture was highly esteemed Size of picture I foot 9 by 1 foot 4^, and with the frame 2 feet 6 by 2 feet IJ. ff' _ Berghcm ...... 40 A spirited and heautfully composed hA^DSC APT., enriched with buildings on the banks of the Tiber, and on which a group of mules and sheep are grazing; in the fore ground horsemen are passing with speed along a winding road to the bridge and summit of the acclivity; the distance 10 J3/ displays a raountainous country contrasted hy rocky scenery on tlie opposite banks — a clear and hrillianlly coloured specimen of this admired artist Size of picture 2 feet ^ inch by 1 foot 6J, and with the frame 3 feet 2 by 2 feet 8§. ^ Foussin 41 A noible Landscape, enriched with buildings and figures, and mountainous scenery in the distance. A splendid composition, and one of the finest productions of this master — engraved — from Mr. Purling’s Collection Size of picture 4 feet 6^ by 3 foot 1, and with the frame 5 feet 6 by 4 feet .. S~ . J. Linglehack, 1 42 The VIEW' OF A SEA PORT in the LEVANT, 166'0 j with the remains of an ANCIENT TRIUM- PHAL ARCH. On the Quay, which forms the foreground, are numerous fgures in their various costumes, and busied in occupations-, vessels and boats within the harbour and in the offing; among the group are Turkish mer- chants bartering, and superintending slaves and labourers loading a mule with bales of merchan- dize, whilst others are lading boats to transport the merchandize to the vessels anchored in the harbour ; on the left a negro on a camel is descending a hill leading to the shoi'e of the harbour, where another group of figures surround a fountain. This UNIQUE and very highly finished picture has ever been considered the finest production of the artist. From Mr. Eycoot’s Collection Sizeof piclureSfeet 8| by 2 feet9|,and with theframe 4 feet 10 by 3 feet 10. 11 3^ g ^ David Teniers . . 43 THE INTERIOR OF A CORPS DE GARDE. On the left is a group of three figures seated and smoking, a variety of military accoutrements are dispersed in the foreground; and in the background is seen another group of five figures carousing — Finely coloured, and touched w\th that spirited liencil which distinguishes the finest pictures of this favourite artist — from Lord Ashburnham’s Collection Size of pictures feet 9 by 1 foot 1 1^, and with the frame 3 feet 9 by 3 feet. 44 A pleasing Landscape, with Cattle and Figures crossing a River ; a bridge forms the centre and leads to a winding road ; on the verdant borders are sheep grazing with their attendant shepherds ; a silvery and inestimable production of this faithful student of simple nature Size of picture 2 feet SJ by 1 foot 1 1 with the frame 3 feet 10 by 3 feet 5. —Q.Metzu 45 The Interior of an Apartment, with the Portraits of the Artist and his Wife, and Jan Stein. The Artist is playing on a Violincello, whilst his Wife and Jan Stein are singing a Duet, and accompanying him. An inimilahle specimen of the Dutch School, and painted in his best time and manner ^Ruysdael J3g 12 . Kard du Jardin 46 A richly com^joserf Landscape, with a hilly meadow as the foreground, on which is a group of horse, bull, and sheep, with children on the opposite declivity, and a tree on the right with a dog ; the trunk and root of a tree fills the left of the picture ; the whole is painted with great care and high Jinish, and happily composed Size of the picture 1 foot by 11 inches, and with the frame 2 feet by 1 foot 10. S'3S~. /a .^JuLio Cmsare i 47 The Virgin, Child, and St. Joseph, drawn and Procaccjni j coloured with great dignity and breadth. A NOBLE GALLERY PICTURE, and one of the choicest productions of this RARE master, equal to Parmegiano — an upright Size of this picture 5 feet by 3 feet 5, and with the frame 6 feet 3 by 4 feet 8. ^ •YJ2. - l^erghem 48 The Perspective of a rich Landscape seen under A Bridge, with a rich mass of architecture at one extremity ; in front of which are groups of sportsmen and travellers with their horses, dogs, &c. reposing. A farrier is engaged shoeing a mule, and goats and sheep are intermingled with the groups — painted with care and fine efiect. From the Collection of R. Hesketh. This picture was brought to England SiR William Hamilton, and purchased by Mr. Zachary Size of picture 2 feet 7 by 2 feet I, and with the frame 3 feet 7 by 3 feet J inch. y _ — _ Ruysdael ...... 49 A grand and beautiful Woody Landscape, ^ intersected by a road, and enlivened by a river meandering thro’ the left of the scenery Size of picture 4 feet 2 by 3 feet 6, and with the frame 5 feet by 4 feet 4. 50 The ^teriof of a D UTCH CABARET, faithfully depicted, with a group of native peasantry assembled to regale themselves; in the half distance are boors playing at skittles, and more remote are others approaching. In front of the principal group, the artist has introduced a Por- trait of himself seated in a chair, with a pipe in his right hand, and his left resting on a cask, waiting to receive a glass of beer from the at- tendant hostess, with whom he appears to be conversing in a strain of humorous familiarity, which a boy standing near seems equally to enjoy. The attention expressed in the coun- tenance of the hostess is not inferior to the characteristic humour given by the artist to the faithful portrait of himself. The other figures, the dog, and the various accessorial objects, tend to heighten the interest of this exquisite gem of art Size of picture I foot 2^ by 1 foot f, and with the frame 2 feet 2 by 2 feet. 51 A GRAND AND SOLEMN LANDSCAPE, with the effect of a STORM, in which the artist has introduced the ruins of an Abbey and its consecrated grounds; a rivulet rushes im- petuously through the fore ground, and a shattered tree rent by the storm reclines over its course. On the right a majestic clump of trees are judiciously placed to shelter the tombs and other accessories from the violence of the tem- pest, which the artist has herein so faithfully described, and wherein he has left nothing undone that could contribute to heighten the D . 14 grandeur, and improve the magic effect of this noble effort of bis inimitable powers. The form and tone of colouring of the clouds and rainbow are appropriate and correctly harmonize with the greatness of the subject, to the perfection of which the artist has lent the whole of his match- less talents. This magnificent specimen of art merits a place in the gallery of the greatest NATION on earth — from MONSIEUR Bonnemaison’s y Collection y Size of picture 5 feet 10 by 4 feet 6, and with the frame 7 feet 2 by 5 feet 8. S .. S Wm. Vandevelde 52 AMARINE VIEW on the Coast of Holland, a Calm, with a variety of Shipping, Sloops and Boats ; painted in his transparent and silvery manner. This precious gem of art is known to have adorned the Collection of a Distin- guished Personage Size of picture 2 feet by I foot 9, and with the frame 3 feet by 2 feet 9. J4r / , . _ N. Berghem .,,.53 An Exterior View of a Hermitage, forming an Arch across the road, with Cattle and Figures passing under. Painted in his finest time and manner, and highly finished, and approaching to the rich colouring of Both Size of picture 3 feet 3 by 2 feet 4l, and with the frame 4 feet 2 by 3 feet 4r . 'o Paul Potter .... 54 A cabinet picture, known as “ the RABBIT WARREN a pleasing Landscape with animals sporting- on a bank, drawn with the wonted accuracy of this inimitable artist, whose fame in Holland ranked him as the father of animal painting. A warm glow of sunshine beams over the picture, which is finished with a sparkling brilliancy and crispness of touch creating to the animals an illusive approach to real objects. Painted at the time and in the ' manner of the celebrated picture by this artist in Earl Grosvenor’s collection. Formerly in the cabinet of Mons^ Braam-Camp oi Amster- dam, and latterly from the cabinet of John Webb, Esq. Size of picture 1 foot IJ, by H| inches, and with the frame 2 feet IJ by 1 foot lli. ^ Jan Stein 55 The Exterior of a Dutch Cabaret, with Skittle- players and numerous figures regaling ; the fowls and various objects painted equal to G. Dow — from Mr. Walsh Porter’s Collection Size of picture 2 feet by 1 foot 8, and with the frame 5 feet by 2 feet 8. Adr. Vandevelde 56 A matchless cabinet picture. A Landscape with Cattle, and a Shepherdess reposing, listening to a Shepherd carelessly seated on a sculptured monument ; most elaborately finished Size of picture 1 foot 4 by 1 foot 4J, and with the frame 2 feel 4 by 1 foot 11. 16 /o ^Claude Lorraine 57 A grand Italian LANDSCAPE, in whicli the Artist has introduced an Historical Subject from Ovid. This pleasing and enchanting Scene, distin- guished for its repose and sweet serenity of air, has ever been esteemed the happiest selection of Landscape painted by this Artist, and is truly characteristic of the clime of Italy. The rich foreground to the left is embellished with an Old Castle, and other Architectural fea- tures. The receding distances are majestically treated ; and the perspective scenery and inter- secting River, are lost in the aerial tone for which this master is exclusively famed, and which in this picture he has so happily realised. On the right of the beautiful Landscape is a group of Nymph and Satyr reposing, and a Shepherd with his Flock This chef-d'ouvre stamps its authenticity as the perfection of the master, and the acme of his art. It adorned for many years the gallery of the late Mons. de Calonne, Minister of France, at whose Sale in 1795 it was purchased by Lord Berwick, and from whom Mr. Zachary bought it. Size of picture 5 feet by 3 feet, and with the frame 6 feel 9 by 4 feet 8. 17 ' .yo Hobbima and Berghem i58 THE CELEBRATED WATER-MILL. A 5 rich and beautiful Woody Landscape, in whicb the artist has happily introduced HIS CELEBRATED WATER MiLL, situated on the borders of a running stream, whereon is a boat and figures unlading its stores ; on the left of the landscape is a group of Cottages on the side of a road which passes thro’ the wood ; in the fore ground, on the right, a sportsman dressed in red, is shooting at wild fowl, and a herdsman driv- ing cattle {by Berghem) between a clump of trees, judiciously introduced. This picture has ever ranked a chef d’ouvre of the master, and known by the name of “ The Water Mill;” — for beauty of composition, faith- ful delineation of nature, and elaborate finish, it cannot be surpassed. The real works of this artist are unusually scarce, and pre-eminently esteemed, particu- larly when to be found of the rich and high quality of this brilliant specimen, which is in point of preservation, as perfect as at the moment the artist dismissed it from his easel. Formerly in the Collection q/" Mr. OffLey, and latterly, until purchased by Mr. Zachary, in the Gallery of Mr. Eycoot Size of picture 4 feet 4 by 3 feet 3, and with the frame 5 feet 10 by 4 feet 8. /ii fiuy]p 59 Portraits of a Dutch Lady and Child, in a Landscape Size of picture 3 feet 1 by 2 feet 2|, and with the frame 4 feet 4 by 3 feet 4f ^Heaphy ...... ,, 60 The Fish Girl, a drawing by C 18 /J>/r _ Albert Cuyp.,,, 61 A MAGNIFICENT LANDSCAPE. On the border of a beautiful lak e, over which the artist has diffused with exquisite manage- ment, all that glow and vapour portending heat, with a clearness and transparency of execution so peculiar to himself, ''are seen a CAVALIER on HORSEBACK, who appears conversing with a Peasant, and pointing to the beauties of the distant scenery. The fore ground of the Paysage is formed by a rich acclivity, planted with trees and inter- sected by a road, along which a HERDSMAN is driving a group of CATTLE ; painted with his usual freedom and truth of drawing, and vieing in colour with the best works of Both, The superior powers of CuTP in giving EFFECT are highly exemplified by this select specimen of his art; the figures and cattle are happily and unobtrusively placed, and harmonize with the combination of excellencies which mark this matchless specimen of the master, whose works are daily becoming more scarce, from the avidity with which every collector of taste seeks to possess them, and particularly those on the continent This picture may truly be termed a chef d'ceuvre of the master — from Mr. Crawfurd’s Collection. Size of picture 4 feet 11 by 3 feet 6, and with the frame 6 feet 3 by 4 feet 8. FINIS.