- -. — -i-iiw__'j A Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/surveyofcathedra01will S UR V E Y OF THE CATHEDRALS O F York, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Man, Litchfield; Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, Bristol, Lincoln, Ely, Oxford, Peterborough, Canterbury, Rochester, London, Winchester, Chichester, Norwich, Salis- bury, Wells, Exeter, St. Davids, Landaff, Bangor, and St. Asaph. Containing an History of their Foundations, Builders, Antient Monuments, and Infcriptions ; Endow- ments, Alienations, Sales of Lands, Patronages. Dates of Confecration, Admifiion, Preferment, Deaths, Burials, and Epitaphs of the Bishops, Deans, Precentors, Chancellors, Treasurers, Subdeans, Archdeacons, and Prebendaries, in every Stall belong- ing to them. With an exadt Account Of all the Churches and Chapels in each Diocefe ; diftinguifhed under their proper Archdeacon- ries and Deanries ; to what Saints dedicated, who Patrons of them, and to what Religious Houfes appropriated. The whole extracted from numerous Collections out of the Regijters of every particular See, Old Witts, Records in the Tower, and Rolls Chapel : And illuftrated with Thirty-two Curious Draughts of the Ichnographies, Uprights, and other Profpefts of thefe Cathedrals j newly taken to redtify the erroneous Reprefentations of them in the Mcnafticon, and other Authors. In Three Volumes. v o L. I. By B ROWNE Willis, m L N D O N: Printed for T. OSBORNE in Grafs-Inn, and T. BACON in Dublin, MDCCXLII. ft ' To the Honourable Alexander Denton Of Hillefden in the County of Buckingham, Efq; One of His Majesty's Juftices of the Court of Common-Pleas. H E following Sheets being a Digeft of many Years Colle&ions, I beg leave to commit them to the Publick under the Patronage of Your Name: For, as they contain Extra&s of Re- cords, Old Wills, and other general Colle&ions j to whom A 2. can vi "DEDICATION. can they be fo properly addreflfed as to Your Self; whofe Knowledge in the Laws, and favourable Interpretations of my Performances in thefe Studies (how mean foever and undeferving your Notice ) mud necefTarily recommend the Author to Your Protection, in a difficult and invidious Undertaking ; which, without Your Countenance, may ex- pofe him to Cenfure and Reflection. As You have, Sir, already condefcended , to infpect and approve of the Method of this Attempt, fo I doubt not but Your further Indulgence will influence others to judge candidly of it; who will have lefs Occafion to envy my Preemption herein, when they underftand that my Situation in the Neighbourhood of Your antient Family, hath given me frequent Opportunities of Accefs to You, and of receiving fignal Proofs of Your Good- nefs and Friendfhip. I am not infenfible under what Difadvantages the Stu- dy of Antiquities labours, in the general Efteem of the World ; and that this Undertaking, in particular, mult not only encounter thofe common Prejudices, but alfo Hand the Ten: of fome Men's Pailions, as well as the Reafon of others ; and that it wiU be urged againft me, that I ought not to have brought Things and Perfons (o long forgotten, on the Stage again : For my own Part, I hold every Man's Character and Memory facred, and would, on no Occafion, attack them oiherwife than purely for the fake of Example and Admonition , which the Subject of DEDICATION. vii of this EfTay unavoidably leads me into : That feeing how the Neglect of Refidence and Repairs of Cathedrals, and the perverting to private and felfifh Ufes the Benefactions appropriated to the Support of thefe venerable Edifices, without any Dread of Sacrilege, or Regard to thofe Sta- tutes moil folemnly fworn to : I fay, that feeing how thefe Caufes have produced the deplorable Effects of Ruin and Deftruction of fbme of our Cathedrals ; all prefent and future Church Dignitaries may be hereby awakened, and deterred from either doing, or omitting, what muft necef- farily be attended with the like Confluences, and what they muft juftly condemn in their Predeceflbrs : And if I fcem warm towards fbme of the moft flagrant Authors of thofe Evils, and the Alienators of the Churches Pa- trimony ; It will, I hope, be conftrued only as the Tran- fports of an honeft Zeal •, and that all impartial Perfbns will excufe it, fince it is impofTible for any Author to write without Difbbliging, there being no Sort of Learning but what has its Enemies •, it being natural alfo more par- ticularly for thofe who have no Relifli for Antiquities, to re- fled on the Revival of every thing beyond their own Time. A s to Errors here committed, I may alfb be prepared to expect: Animadverflons : But if I may be allowed to fpeak for my felf, I would beg leave to remind fuch nice Obfervers, of the great Variety of Things and Perfbns, and the long Series of SuccefTions here treated of, The Want of Records, their Imperfections, The Difficulty and Expence of Accefs to Offices j The Defect of Information from the Unskil- viii DEDICATION. Unskilfulneis, and Incurioufneis of fome Correfpondents ; Which Circumftances duly weighed, certainly no can- did Perfon needs be pre-admoni(hed to make favourable Allowances, efpecially if they confider that an Undertaking of this Kind would more properly have been the Province of an Eccfejiaftick, than of a Layman, who chiefly attempts it for want of others engaging herein, without any pri- vate Ends or Intereft, but only to reprefent Things impartially, according to the beft of his Judgment and Information. I shall only add, that it will be a Satisfaction to me, if by what is here exhibited, I become inftrumental in provoking others to oblige the World with a further and more correct Account ; and that I am proud of acknow- ledging and declaring fublickly how much I am, SIR, Your moll Obliged, And Devoted Servant, Browne Willis. THE PREFACE. T having been already hinted in the 'Dedication what 1)i fad® ant ages attend Undertakings of this Sort, and fome Exaifes made, pag. 807. and e /few here, for Errors which will unavoidably happen, and the Methods taken to reblify them fet forth ; nothing more remains for the SubjetJ of a Preface than to inform the Reader, how I came to be en- gaged in drawing up thefe Collections, the Motives that induced me to make them Publick, and to acknowledge the Obligations laid on me by Gentlemen, who affified me herein. Soon after the Publication of Mr. Le' NeveV moft ufeful Fafti Eo clefix Anglicana?, or Hiftory of the principal Dignitaries in our Cathe- dral and Collegiate Churches, deduced by him down to the lear 171 6, (I being then Printing in Two Volumes, Series's of the Heads or Go- vernors of our Religious Houfes) my Curiofity led me, as his ^tn&ss, of the fame Nature i?i Cathedrals was done to my Hand, to have his Book interleaved, that I might the better infert what additions and Corrections I could make to His Work ; and in this Refpetl 1 found I had fmceeded fo well, that I had almoji gleaned up enough for a fmall Volume ; and as I was not wanting in Communicating my Ma- terials, fo Iufed my befi Endeavours to prevail on Him to oblige the World with what Improvements could be made in a new Edition or Supplement, little intending to draw on my felf any further 'Trouble -, but He altogether declining the Task, and alledging that he could not meet with the leaft Encouragement, 1 became at Length prevailed on, ftnce 1 had in feparate Volumes fet forth Hiftories of the Four "Welch A Cathe- ii The PREFACE. Cathedrals, or antient Province of St. David, to attempt fowewh at in like Manner for the four Northern Cathedrals, or Province of Y o r k ,- and to that End I ufed my Endeavours to procure Lifts or Series's of the 'Prebendaries in every Stall in the Church of York, {thofe of Durham and Chefter having been tranfmitted to me foon af- ter the Coming out of Mr. Le' NeveV Hook) and as I found on En- quiry, that thofe of York had been luckily extracted from Records by Mr. Torr to the Tear 1693, I had by the Inter eft of my Er tends lit- tle to do, except paying for Tranfcripts of what he had done, and to- obtain a Continuation of them to the Tear 1722. at which Period I defigned to terminate this Work, when I firjl refolved to undertake it, being fenfible how impracticable and vain it was to attempt deducing it lower, on Account of many Alterations that ivould daily happen, and tbatjlmild I not thus fix the Limits, the Series of the Members of one Church, or Prebendal Stalls muft differ from another -, and therefore had I been determined otherwife, my feeking after Infor- mation would have been endlefs, and my Searches in Offices, and Trou- bling my Friends unreafonably tirefome, both to my [elf and them. Bta it fo happening, that while I was purfuing this Work, I found my felf called upon to anfwer an unexpected Attack made on me in a mofi extraordinary Manner, as I have obferved Pag. 500, by a 'Dignitary of the Church of Hereford ; and my Friends defiring, that for my own Vindication, I would give fome Account of that Cathedral, I the ra- ther fubmitted to their Reqv.eft, forafmuch as Hereford had been re- futed antiently a Member of the Province of St. David.j and the fame Reafon determining me about Worcefter, / was on that Account ob- liged to fubjoin Gloucefter and Briftol,//; regard that both thofe Churches were till the Tear 1 541- fubordinate to Worcefter ; and though the ' heft Tart of Briftol T)iocefe, viz. my native County of Dorfet, was taken from Salisbury, yet I thought it proper to make no T>iftinll,ion, but give the Whole together entire ; and as great Part of the new TJiocefe of Chefter was at the fame Time taken out of Lichfeild, as well -as York, I could not, as the prefent worthy T)ean had fupplied me fome Tears ago with a very particular Account of it, in Gratitude, omit inferting it. Wherefore, having thus formed fo extenfive a T)efign y I was mt wanting, when my Affairs called me to London, and Health and Lei- sure permitted, in extracting what I could meet with to my Purpofe, hi all the publick Offices, particularly the Rolls Chapel, Prerogative and Firft-Fruits Offices, Cottonian and Lambeth L ibraries ; neither was 1 lefs remifs, as Opportunities ferved, in making Collet! ions from the Bodleianj Aihmolean, and private Libraries, and in applying to feveral Friends, The PREFACE. Hi Friends, particularly Bifkop Kennet, T>r. Tanner, Mr. Baker, &c. to fend me what Informations they could for my Purpofe. How difficult, tedious, and expenfive it was to me to make fuch Collections I need not defcribe, or expatiate how curforily I was ob- liged to turn over Patents, Wills, Compositions for Firft Fruits, Cjc. to retrieve the Nam$s of Dignitaries ; my Defign in mentioning it being chiefly to point out to Gentlemen that engage in Works of this Kind, what they ought to undergo, and where to fearch for Materials which can- not be gathered at once, but muft by Degrees be picked up, and after 1 all, great Allowances be made for Imperfections in fuch Effays at firft 3 as may fufficiently be apprehended by any one, who will by examining this Account, even in the Churches of York, Lichfield and Hereford, difcover that 1 have there added no lefs than 370 Precentors, Chancellors, Treafurers and Archdeaeons,o>>&/c/& are mojlly diftinguiftidby this Aft erisk Mark *, and are entirely omitted in Le' Neve's Fafti ; befides about 400 Archdeacons and Prebendaries in the Churches of Durham, -Che- fter, Worcefter and Gloucefter, that he has made fto Mention of, not to infift on what I have dene in other Cathedrals, or my rectifying nu- merous Dates of Collations, &c. This I do not hiftance to derogate in the leaft from his elaborate Performance, for 1 muft acknowledge that I can my felf fince their Publication, improve in a very great De- gree, my own Welch Cathedrals, efpecially St. David's and Landaf^ having, with many curious Additions ; carry d them down with our other Cathedrals in general, to the Tear 1722 at the fame Time as I was copying over this Account; which having for the moft Part com- pleated Anno 1723. I committed it the next Tear to the Prefs-, and that I had Anno 1724. made fome Progrefs, and printed off fome Sheets, is fufficiently known to fever al 'Gentlemen, who alfo being ap- prifed of the Re of on s why it has been fo long delayed coming out, I ■need not make them more publick here : For as no Subfcriptions were ever asked or received, and the Inconvenience wholly attending the Au- thor and Bookfeller, it would be but impertinent to mention its falling into the Hands of a dilatory and carelefs Printer, who engaging in ptibli firing other 'Books to carry on his Bufinefs, may be better- excufed than his Compojitors Ignorance in Latin, and Mi (lakes in pointing, and inverting Dates ; but as thefe Errors are eaftly diftinguifhable, it is to -be hoped that candid- Readers will, as they are obvious, more rea- dily correct, than cenfure, or lay them to the Charge of a diftant Au- thor, whofe Pains and Expence in drawing up thefe Collections, and ■procuring the Draughts, 'tis to be hoped will attone for Errors, efpe- cially if 'tis confidered that the Account of the Churches and Chapels in each Diocefe y is the firft of its Kind attempted in this Maimer, 1 and iv The PREFACE. and that here are included near iooo Churches and Chapels omitted in our former Valors and Accounts of our Bijbopricks ; and that there- fore fuch Mifiakes as may happen in the Names of above 4000 Places and 7000 Perfons, may he reasonably expelled, and the Retiifying them prefumed a Work of Futurity, and fo 110 Ways prallicable to the Au- thor at prefent, who can affure the Reader, that, if he could have brought it to Terfetlion, he had formed a TJefign of having Maps en- graven of every particular Diocefe, and dividing them into their pro- per Archdeaconries and Deanaries, and would have therein fpecifyed the refpellive Churches and Chapels, according to the Form of their Structures, with, or without, Spires, or Towers j as Pinnacled, Battle- mented, Coped, Cjc. according to the Method if the Maps in Plott's Oxfordfhire and Stafford fli ire, Dugdaie's Warwickfhire, and as fever al are given in the 20 Mile Maps about the two Uni verities. And this would doubt lefs have been of great Satisfaction and Curiofity to Bifhops Archdeacons, and other Ordinaries, who might in Time have rendered their T)iftr0s compleat : But this I am at prefent under a NeceJJity of recommending to others, as indeed I do the whole TJefign j and it wmld be a Pleafure to me to fee what I have done rendered more de- feUive than I have Jhowri Le 1 Neve's Fafti to be, by the numerous Addi- tions I have made to them ; and I do moft heartily affure any Terfon thatfloall attempt it, that I will thank him for it, and readily contri- bute any Afjiftance in my Tower on that Account ; "But this 1 need not repeat, fo I come to acknowledge my Obligations to Gentlemen, from whom I received Information in the fever al Churches treated of in this Work, of which in their Order. To- begin with York. "Be fides what I collected, wherein I have cited my Autho- rities, Imufi own that I had fever al valuable Materials tranfmitted me by Mr. Precentor Richardfon, and T)r. Brearey, both Canons of this Church, and that I lie under Obligations alfo to other Gentlemen for revifing and correUing this Account, though it, /lipped their Obfer- vation, as it did alfo mine, that I had not fully accounted for the JrchbifJiops Patronages, as I have for thofe of the Bijhops of other TJiocefes ; wherefore I beg Leave to obferve here, that the Archbijhop collates to all the T)ignities in his Cathedral, except the Deanary, as alfo to the Prebends of Southwell and Rippon ; and befides of about 62 Livings in his Diocefe here given, he is Tatron of Owfton and Haxey Vicaridges, Co. Lincoln, and of a Le&urefhip at Chefter- field, Co. Derby : The Chapter of York, befides about 14 Livings in the T)iocefe, and thofe 1 have mentioned Pag. 29. prefent to Allerton- mauleverer, Hunfingore and Oufeborne rnagna, Vicaridges Co. York 3 now in Chefter, though formerly in this TJiocefe. At Dur- The PREFACE. v Durham. The Lift of the Prebendaries communicated to me by 'Dr. Ellifon {deceafed Anno 17 21.) has been improved, and fever al Additions made to it by the Reverend Mr. Rymer Majier of the Col- lege School^ to whom I am obliged for the Draught and flan of the Cathedral., and his Perufal of the whole Account, which fome of the Prebendaries have likewife been pleafed to examine and correal, as has alfo the prefent worthy Archdeacon of Northumberland^ Mr. Sharp, who helped me to fome Notices of the "Burials of the Prebendaries, and to what Dedications he could of the Churches in his DifiriU, exhibit- ed p. 813 & 8 1 4. in the Appendix. At Carlisle. I am greatly indebted to Mr. Prebendary Dr. Todd, for the Plan of the Cathedral, and fever al valuable Informations ,• as I was alfo honoured with the prefent worthy Bijhop's, and the late Bijhop NicholfonV Approbation of my Work. At Chester. / was helped to what Bijloop Gaftrel could favour me with, and had what could be imparted for my Purpofe from Mr. Re- giftrar Roberts, and Mr. Prebendary Prefcot ; my Coufin Thomas Wil- lis, and Holland Egerton Efquires ; but above all, I mufi acknowledge the Friendjhip of the Reverend Mr. Stones, one of the minor Canons, to whom I much lament my not applying atfirfi. At Man. 1 was infinitely obliged to the truly primitive Bifhop there, but as I had not the Honour to be known to his Lordjhip, and on that Account negleUing the fending in lime •, my Letters and his Anfwers were fo long in circulating, that I could not receive a thorough Informa- tion to fever al of my Queries early enough ; tho 'as this is the firfi De- fcription given of this Church, I hope it may be accepted: His Lord- jhip informing me that the Draught is exaUly engraven, except that the Windows are too wide {which I was apprehenjlve of at firfi, and fo told the Engraver, tho I could not perfuade him to alter them, after the Plate was once out of his Hands) and that the Plan is right, is alfo his Lordfhips Opinion, except that the Pulpit which is oppofite to the Bifloop's Throne, is not fpecified; it is very lately alfo, that I learnt, from his Lordjhip, that no Part of the Body and Crofs Ifle is paved; and that all the Lords nine Impropriations mentioned p. 817. were leafed about 1667, by the Lords of the Ifle to Bijhop Barrow, for the Benefit of the poor Clergy. At Lichfield. Whatever I have of this Church about the Dignita- ries, &c. I mufi confefs to have received it almcfi entirely from the prefent generous Dean, whofe Pains in making ExtraUs from the Bijhop's and Chapter Regifiers I can never Juffciently acknowledge, his AJfifiance being beyond what I have received fnm any other Gentle- a man: vi The PREFACE. man : Some valuable Accounts hereof, were al/o fent me by the Reve- rend Mr. 'Prebendary Carte, a mqft knowing Antiquary. At Hereford. Though I took the whole Epitaph Account from the print- ed 'Book, (as I did at Worcefter) yet in drawing up the Series of the Tiignitaries, I [pared for no Pains, as to examining the Bijfaops Re- gifters, and making what AbJiraUs I could from the Archives there-, and here I met with extraordinary Favours from the moji Reverend Sijhop Ottley, and T>r. Morgan, two of the Canons, Mr. Pyle Regi- Jlrar, Mr. Trahern Schoolmafter,Jome of the Prebendaries, Mr. Brome, ejc. who perufed my Account, helped me to what Epitaphs they could, and examined fever a I Pariih Regifters, I doing thofe of Ledbury and Bromyard my felf; nor were other Gentlemen lefs follicitous in afjifting me, in Regard that I had met with an unexcelled Adverfary here. At Worce ste r. (In the Account of which, I floould have taken No- . tice that in this and the two following Cathedrals, the Gift of the Pre- bends is in the Crown) I was greatly afjijied by Mr. Archdeacon and Prebendary T)r. Worth, and the Reverend Mr. Thomas, who with in- defatigable Labour, extracted many curious Things out of the Church Regifters, enquired after Epitaphs, &c. for me in the T)iocefe, and infpeUed my whole Account of this Church ; as did the Reverend Mr. Furney Archdeacon of Surrey, what Ihave done of Gloucester; Who being a Native of that City, and a curious Searcher into the Antiquities thereof, as well as other Antiquities in general, very readily ajjifted me : The fame likewife did Mr. Precen- tor Gregory, one if the minor Canons, to whom I communicated what I had drawn up both before and after Printing, which I likewife (hewed to Mr. Archdeacon Lye, one of the Prebendaries. At Bristol. I am bound to acknowledge that the 'Draughts were kindly taken for me by the ingenious Mr. Ford Prebendary of Wells, and that I am much -indebted to the Reverend Mr. Precentor Rogers, in helping me to take the Epitaphs ; as alfo to Dr. Harcourt one of the Prebendaries, for Accefs to the Chapter-Books, and his Examination of this Account, which his .Lordfhip the prefent liifhop, (from whom I have received many Favours,) condefcended alfo to oblige me in. Having now thus briefly gone through fume Account of thefe Churches here treated of in general, it may be expected I Jhould fay fome-wbat about the Draughts: Now well thefe are performed, muft be left to others Judgments. The Plans of York, Carlille, Durham and Chefter, (com- mitted near jive Tears ago to Mr. Burghers now deceafed, who had been about Jifty Tears Engraver to the University of Oxford) being done with The PREFACE. \ii with more ExabJnefs, after the Form of the Churches, than Nicety of Work, in my Opinion $ when I had got clear of him, to make fome A- mends,. 1 gave the Uprights of them to Mr. Harris of London, a more able Workman : And thefe I cannot fay but he has well performed, ac- cording to my Judgment, as he has alfo Lichfield and Worcefter, (ex- cept the Arms in Lichfield) tho I cannot fo Well approve of his Up- rights of Hereford, Gloucefter and Briftol, the firjl of thefe being but meanly engraven ■, and the 'Pinnacle-work in Gloucefter Tower, not fuf- fciently expreffive of the Beauty and Tendemefs of the Original; and the laft being not put in good PerfpeUive ; however as there are Plans to explain all, the Architecture will be fufficiently underftood, and thefe 'Draughts being done in a rnore exact Manner than any of the common Prints, which they will be found in fever al refpects to differ from, and to excel ; I hope I may be allowed to have difcharged my Part in making them fo perfect as they appear ; for had it been practi- cable for me to have attended Draughts-Men and Engravers, and to have governed them, I feould have endeavoured to adapt the Ichno- graphy and Uprights to the fame Scale, as is aimed at in Worcefter, Briftol and Man. I fh all conclude all, before I difmifs this Sub/eel, in giving f me Ac- count of the Method I took in collecting thefe Materials, and plead the Occafion for my not oftner citing Authorities, by floewing from whence I collected for the mofi Part what I have not produced Vouchers for. .■ Where my Correfpondents did not throughly fatisfy me in the Infor- mations fent from the refpeltive Churches here defer ibed ; of the Extent and Divifion of the Diocefe, of the Members of Cathedrals, the Series of the Incumbents in each Stall, Names of Churches and Chapels, of their Dedications, Patrons of Livings, &c. I laboured to fupply their Defects elfewhere, efpeci ally in the Lifts of Dignitaries, from the Firft- Fruits Office and old Wills; and the Account of Builders of Cathedral s x Lives of Bifhops, (jc. may be fo entirely traced from printed Authors, as Godwin, Speed, Wood, Wharton, Heylin, Fuller, Strype, Collier,, Newcourt, (yc. that on due Examination, it will be found I have ad- ded little or nothing of my own: In compiling the Series of Deans, Precentors, Chancellors, Treafurers ,- Archdeacons and Prebenda- ries, Recourfe has been had to the Bifhops and Chapter Regifters, and where they have been defective, as I have before hinted, I have la- boured to Jill up the Succefjions from the Patents, Compofitions for Firft Fruits, as I did their Deaths, &c. Burials, &c. from old Wills and Parifh. Regifters, where feveral were beneficed: The Endowments of Bifbjpricks, Anno 1534, was extracted from the Firft-Fruits Of- fice, and the Sales of their Lands in the Rebellion Tears, from a MS. in viii The PREFACE. in the Library of the late Thomas Rawlinfon, Efq; And though it has been alkdged to me that the Ir/fertion of Epitaphs was needlefs, and how much it would fwell the Book, yet the Satisfaction. I took in retrieving fb many loft Infer ipt ions as I have {one Hundred at leajl out of about /ix Hundred) here given, prevailed on me to collect all I could, and occafion- ed my being more than ordinary inquijitive after them, and fever al other minute Things ; in enquiring after which, lam fenfible, I have tired my Friends, who can in thefe Diocefes teftify my repeated Endeavours to make this Account as compleat as pojjible in all its Branches : And this may in fome refpeU be judged from the Review at the End, where what has efcaped their Observations and mine, I hope will be overlook- ed, as well as Errors in fome of the Epitaphs, and Letters of the lafl Index, which Imuftown I left to others to tranferibe and compile ; and as to Mi/lakes of Patrons, if there are fome few, I muji defire Al- lowances, efpecially by Reafon of the Changes that may have been made in four Years Time fince my Account was drawn up. However, as I do moji earnejlly invite and entreat all Gentlemen, to tranfmit me what Improvements and Corrections they can, and hereby fignify my Willing- xefs in any future 'Publication, to rectify any wrong Account or Informa- tion, I doubt not hit they will be as ready to overlook Errors, as I am to own them ; who have no greater Ambition than to attempt T)ifcove- ries of forgotten Antiquities, and retrieve the Memory of old Monuments which have decayed, and are in a good Me af lire vanished away. Whaddon Hall near Fenny Stratford, ■4fW/ 8, 1727. DIOCESE viii The PREFACE. in the Library of the late Thomas Rawlinfon, Efq; And though it has been alkdged to me that the Infertion of Epitaphs was needlefs, and hew much it would [well the "Book, yet the Satisfaction. I took in retrieving fo many lojl Infer iptions as I have {one Hundred at leaft out of about /ix Hundred) here given, prevailed on me to colktl all Icoidd, and occafion- ed my being mere than ordinary inquijitive after them, and feveral other minute Things; in enquiring after which, I am fenfible, I have tired my Friends, who can in thefe Diocefes teflify my repeated Endeavours to make this Account as complcat as pojjible in all its Branches : And this may in fome refpeU be judged from the Review at the End, where what has efcaped their Observations and mine, I hope will be overlook- ed, as well as Errors in fome of the Epitaphs, and Letters of the loft Index, which Imuftown I left to others to tranferibe and compile ; and as to Miftakes of Patrons, if there are fome few, I mujl dejire Al- lowances, efpecially by Reafon of the Changes that may have been made in four Years Time fince my Account was drawn up. However, as I do mqft earnejlly invite and entreat all Gentlemen, to tranfmit me what Improvements and Corrections they can, and hereby Jtgnify my Willing- nefs in any future 'Publication, to rectify any wrong Account or Informa- tion, I doubt not but they will be as ready to overlook Errors, as I am to own them ; who have no greater Ambition than to attempt Difcove- ries of forgotten Antiquities, and retrieve the Memory of old Monuments which have decayed, and are in a good Meafure vanijhed away. Whaddon Hall near Fenny Stratford, Aptl 8, 1727. DIOCESE 1 ■ ' ■' ' f ■' *" rlflT . » ^ - ■ I T i - M- i , ■ HIM r i i i i ^ j Thtjchabgi 'aphu or Platform -of the. Cathedral Church of $*. Peters in "fork. K The Ht S k Altar ZLS^rps loudino ' to it derails about vt ~ O TlieSlrch**- Throne P The J re, i fury Q T/^Arcfr-U/lr,; n , ne ,eHt R The Prebetidarits Vejiru S) Tlie\ lea's &CVe rears Ve/i A The Entrance thro theWeflDoorsLea - ding up the Nave o r Middle Ijle tirficfe Height to -the Canopu irabFoot B The Entrance under the e We/t lower -s rvhofe Height it iqS Foot. C The font ' D The Lantern or rnlJdte Tower n-hofe Height to the Canopu rvit/un/,Je li ,,^R.,t^i<, the weather Cock n'ithoutfieU zjo. root E The Arch B t~" Conjitiorv Court F TheXorlhEaJr Joor iiPaffage to til e Ch ap ter Houje G The Cliap te rHoufe the Heigh t of w' h to the Canopy ic 6j J*oet u/richej ll r ivcXtfirtji belonging 1c the f ReJ icUnttaiys J the monitrio Prauer Chapel I\ The South aoorfr.£teppj leajina to it L JE he L,ibraru M The Choir rinth theStalh SCSeats an each] *tACtu,j*l lAunJ thcHighAl^r Ta'lufli Sanctum. Sanctorum i .1rth B rRove,. ' "Tk\if>rtrtl4 K U V Tempter «sl>rh*rW- a t t Jc I *•' ftnn,B.ll a f, " Lord Howard •*"*rek*p Savage ,J iS'lrW.rt dee •aArck B PJiutton 'S.*i"h B rL amp lo u-f, ">*rch*r2j£„ ^ 'iM^Raan, &M"VLkham ^^f-ajord *■ rtr t J n er Pl JJ *2.Arch&r H oroet Z}Arch*T Sharp e*Arch B rMa tthervs ^Aj-eh^TKoiheram eo^4rch B etrcrrrn ^rch^P Scroop* '. 4 lounteJJojCum: oerunid '■0 Areh^Stc rne jpjIrehPr Z.ee -« Rejtdej thefe ^o'lombs there ,,,,■ near so Comparitnetitc affixt to the Pittayrj BCWalL of Perfons of no Qrmt note ehe Grwvejtone* n>h*cn are futm*-. us or* allmo/i all rolled ot their Jiralji* r/,c mart ofJrcl.BrThcefl.ul.ttdld'bahy bo jo Sta tjo DIOCESE Y O R K. CONTAINS above three Parts in four of Yorkshire ^ all Nottingham/hire, and thefe Churches and Chapels Co. Northumberland, being Hexam Peculiar Jurifdiftion, viz. Hexam cum Whitby Capella, St. Johns-Lees, cum Bing field & St. Ofwald Capellis, Allerdale cum Nine- hanks Capella, & Tochrington. In this Diftrict are re- puted, as our Accounts tell us, 581 Parifhes, of which 336 are Impro- priations; though, including Chapels and Donatives, here are about 903- Thefe are all, except Hexam Peculiar, and Rippon, and Southwell Jurifdicltions,. which are under the Archbifhop's immediate Jurifdi&ion., divided under thefe four Archdeaconries : 1 . York, alias West-Riding, which has thefe Deanaries^ Jinjty cum Tork City, T>oncafter, Craven, TontjraU. 2. East-Riding, which has thefe, Bucrofs, Dickering, Harthill (cum 'Beverley, and Howden Peculiars) and Holdernefs. 3. Cleveland, which has Bulmere, Cleveland (cum North- Allert on Peculiar) and Ridall. ( All the Parifhes in thefe three Archdeaconries lie Co. Tork. ) 4. Nottingham, which has thefe Deanaries, viz. Bingham, Not- tingham, Newark, Retford, (Southwell,) Peculiar, all Co. Nottingham. B. Ths, . 2 CA THE TtRAL of YORK. The Clergy's Tenths amount to 1 1 1 3 /. 1 7 s. 9 d. in this great Dio- cefe, which is the moft ancient Metropolitical See in England, being, as fome Authors tell us, made fo in the Time of the Sritains : And that it had greater Extent and Jurifdiction than Canterbury, till within lefs than an hundred Years before the Reformation, appears from our Hifto- ries : For though the Archbifhop of Canterbury was ftyled Metropolitan of all England ; yet, as the Archbifhop of Tork was Metropolitan of all Scotland, and allowed in his Style to be called Metropolitan of England, he had certainly the largeft Province before 1466, at which time Scot- land was feparated from his Jurifdiction, which is now contracted to con- tain only the Suffragan Sees of 'Durham, Carlijle, and Cbejler ± having but three Bifhopricks left it at prefent, befides the Bifhoprick of the Ifle of Man, of which Godwin takes no Notice, it being but of fmall Compafs, containing only feventeen Parifhes. Cathedral of TORK. HA S a Dean, Precentor, Chancellor, Sub-dean, four Archdea- cons, (viz. of Tork, Eaft-Riding, Cleveland and Nottingham) twenty-eight Prebendaries, a Sub-chant or, five Vicars Choral in Priefts Orders (one of which is ftyled Succentor of the Vicars') feven Lay Clerks or Singing Men, fix Chorijiers, four Vergers, who take care of all the Offices of the Church, as Ringing the Bells, Sweeping of it, &c. The Number of Re/identiaries are four, befides the Dean,- which four are elected out of the Dignitaries and Prebendaries, who, as they have leafed out their Prebendal Houfes, are all of them (except the Dean) obliged, when they are elected Refidentiaries, to hire Houfes to inhabit in, to perform their refpective Refidences. In the Lord Hattoih Library is a moft curious Manufcript, contain- ing Draughts of all the Arms and Monuments in this Cathedral, remain- ing Anno 1 64 1. A Copy of this, very neatly drawn, is in the Heralds- Office, or College of Arms, in London. And alfo among Mr. T)odf- WortVs Manufcripts, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, are feveral Collections relating to this Cathedral ,- which for Magnificence of Struc- ture, juftly challenges the Pre-eminence of all in England. It has no Cloifters, as may be feen by the Ichnography here given, wherein as the Altitude of the Towers, Lantern, and other Parts of the Building being expreffed, I need net repeat it here : . Though I fhall obferve in general, that it is 497 Foot in Length from Eaft to Weft, and 280 Foot from North to South j and that the Length of the Choir is 136 Foot, and Breadth of the Body and Side-Ifles 102 Foot 5 the Height of the middle CATHEDRAL of YORK. g middle or Lantern-Tower is 234 Foot, and of thofe at the Weft-End 196 Foot i in the Southern one of which hangs a Peal of twelve Bells, the only one of that Number in England, except one very lately caft by by Mr, Rudhalt, at Gloiicefter, Bell-Founder, put up in St. Bride's Church, London. In the Monafticon Anglicamim, Vol. III. Pag. 1 28, are Draughts of this Church by Hollar, given us by Sir William Dugdale, y£ho has exhibited a curious Collection of its Charters, Statutes, and an Inven- tory of all the Ornaments and Jewels belonging to it. In the 'Decern JScriptores, printed at London Ann. 1652, and in Anglia Sacra, are Accounts of the Lives of feveral of the Archbifhops : From whence, and other printed Books, as well as the aforefaid Manufcripts, may be had good Materials for an Hiftory of this Church, which, 'tis to be hoped, the World will be obliged with, by my worthy Friend Mr. Sa- muel. Gale, as is noted in the fecond Volume ofyjbbies, where is pub- lished fome Account of this Church, and the Tombs in it. Befides the above-mentioned Draughts in the Monafiicon, and what 'Daniel King has likewife given us, there are feveral other Draughts and Profpe&s of it by different Hands ; the moil accurate of which is done by Mr. Francis Place : And indeed every thing of this Church is fo very magnificent, that it deferves a particular Reprefentation -, for Words cannot exprefs the Beauty and Elegance of the Architecture of each Part. In the aforefaid quoted Manufcripts are Draughts of 273 Coats of Arms ,- as there is alio a Draught of the great Window on the South- fide, and Delineations of thefe following Monuments, (as I noted) from thence reprefented to the Life, Hz. 1. Archbifhop Savages Effigies, lying on an Altar-Tomb. 2. A Man in Armour -, his Effigies in white Marble, on the South- fide the Choir. 3 . Effigies of a Canon feemingly, in Free-ftone, on the South-fide the Choir. 4. Tomb of Dr. Sminbom ; the Effigies reprefented kneeling, and praying at a Desk. He died after 1620. See his Epitaph in Anth. Wood's Athena. 5. A Compartment fixed to the Wall, in Memory of Lionel Ingram. 6. A Compartment of Sir William Ingram, Kt. Obiit 1623. 7. A Tomb of Sir Henry "Bella/is, Knt. and Bar. and his Lady, both kneeling under Arches adorned with three Columns of Pillars. 8. Compartment of Annabel! a Wickbam, fixed to the Wall, 162 5. B * 9. A 4 CJTHEVRALtf YORK. g. A fhort plain Altar-Tomb, in Memory of Archbiihop Rotheram; i o. Archbifhop Matth e w s's Tomb ; his Effigies lying thereon, his Head refting on Pillows with a Cap on. There are four Columns be- low, and two above, embeiiinYd with Hour-Glaffes, (jc. 1 1. Tomb of his Wife kneeling at a Desk. Ohiit \6ig. 1 2. Compartment of June Sennet, containing her Bull or Demi- Effigies. Ohiit 1 60 1. 13. Raifed Tomb of Archbifhop Hutton,- his Effigies lying there- on between two Columns, his Arms at top, and three Perfons kneeling at bottom. 14. A large Marble Grave-Stone of Tho. Dalby, Archdeacon of Richmond ; his Effigies in Brafs in the middle, with the Apoftles and Saints round the Verge. 1 5. Tomb of Sir William Gee and his two Wives ; their Effigies be- tween four Columns, and Arms at top. He died 161 1. 1 6. A plain Tomb of Jane Hudfon. Ohiit 1 63 6. 17. Compartment of Archbifhop Piers/ his Arms at top, an In- scription under the Arms between two Pillars. 18. 19. Two fhort antient Grey-Marble raifed Tombs ; having nei- ther Arms nor Infcription, and only CrolTes flowry cut in the Stone at top. 20. Grave-Stone of Henry Cheeke, Efqj having his Demi-Effigies of Brafs, with an Epitaph on a Brafs- Plate at the bottom of it. Ohiit 1586. 21. A low Altar-Tomb of Dean William de Lancetonej his Effigies in Brafs, fixed, to a Grey-Marble Stone at top. 22. The Effigies of a Knight Templar • on his Shield three Eagles difplayed on a Bend; in Memory of one of the Family of the Mauley's.. 23. A Compartment in Memory of Dean Higden, affixed to a Pil- lar. Ohiit 1539* 24. Tomb of Elizabeth, Widow of 'Thomas Eymes, Efq; Ohiit 1585. 25. A plain Altar-Tomb, for Thomas Eymes, Efqj having his Effi- gies in Brafs at top of it. Obi it 1578. 26. Grave-Stone of William, Bifhop of Dromore, Canon of this Church, habited in his Mitre and Crofier, in Brafs on a Plate,, an Infcription at bottom. 27. Tomb of Robert Cotter el, Efqj Ohiit 1595'. 28 . Grave-Stone of Dean Sheffield. Ohiit 1 49 6. 29. Altar-Tomb of Canon Haxbv; at top his Skeleton, and under it his Effigies. 3 c Tomb of Archbifhop W a l t e r G r e y, lying between two Co- lumns, under an arched Canopy.. tl ■ Ihe ■CATHEDRAL of Y O R K. 5 The Scite of feveiai. of thefe- -Tombs may be feen in the Ichnography, as may alfo feveral other very fine Tombs, erected fince the great Rebel- lion, in which, through the 'Care of the Lord Fairfax^ this Church happened to be very well preferved, though feveral of the Braifes were pillaged, which I ihall endeavour to recover as well as I ran, by infer- ring here aii the Epitaphs (except of the Dignitaries, which fee in their proper Places) that I have been able to meet with before 1600. INSCRIPTIONS before 1V00. In the Nave of the Church on Stones : <©?afe £30 anjttia Richardi Peake. ificjatet 'Jobdiiaes Kimpton, ijaonoam ^acrifta t)ii]U$ €crtefiae, en* }u$ arum's jMitietur 53ea.s. 52men. I^tc jacct iSaagifier Henricus Liexbv, qncnoant 5Bocto? in 3T|}eolua,ia, gut obUt xxi. ste tncnfis J&aij, Inno Mccccm. tujus anime p?o$itietur §Mis. Ellen> Joane,. anil ! Frances. • . . : Hie jacet Mapfisr Nicholaus Girliogtonus Hackfbrdien/is -fdmilU Jr- mker pTtecTams; vera pittate infignis^ & omnfc f-pk'-doris genere /;/- ftriEtlffmiti^ -qui ex hac-vita emigratit x. die menfis Jumj^ A, 3X Nvlxxxiv. sEtatts am/oLxxyi. ■#ere.lneti)-Cbrlftopher'Beilby, long time He&te to t|>e --Ciwsfer of tm <& f)ur cfj v - of ijis ■ &oiiT 3eta $aOe met q>. lie &eb dje e^f* >w teeR ^^y 0f-DeeemBef, Mdliii. " Wt facet Johannes- Chanet; Ulju£ anime, 8cc. ^ab boc laoiOe, in fpefancta, 5 fibe €t}^ftiana'eatl)Olica,.eteme xz-, - ■; lUTTe&GiU.*, Oepomtur CQ?p£ JEa&fta Johannes Undenvacie T dim. 6 CAT H ED RAL of YORK. in Scgibus %mistf&M tonftittiffimi. qui in Curia t>ac Cctlefiatf^ ra flurunijK aunts uoraen mcrebarur fiagttaa*, ptif jufhrlDuocati; gm obut xxiii. Cue ruciriis 3uli|. A. D- Mdiv. CUJU5 aiiimc. See. i?:c lacer Wiiihelmus Cerke." 5 Alicia tiro: QUE, qui ouicrunt quarto tJsc mentis Hu^ufti, -A- D. Mdx.x. gaiKUn auunc w pace regui-- cfcant. tees. Tic jaccf WiUheJahu Fenton, agger F.crto: oe Walopa ; qui obut ui- tno tenia Die mentis ibftemigi^ A. D. Mcccclxx. cuju.s am-- inc. &c l?ie tacet Jonannes Barton. qtionDam Pcrfona Ctrl Caff). . 1 55*5. fittss. 5 ~ ■ I^icjacet Shifter Thomas Appilby. quonoam Cune g:ontrator €fe* ncralis, qui obut Ccprimo Die menus ©cccm&Jis", A. D. 145?. mjcui anime. 5cc. Againft a Pillar of the great Lantern, on a Brafs- Plate, the Effigies of a Woman ; in her Hands a Book opened, with thefe Words engraven : 1 bait defer, ibel'.'.r.s cf Truth, oxd tby Judgments 1 June laid be- fore me. Tby Statutes bcKe been ; rs in the Hcufe of my Til- jgrimagc, Lnder- CATHEDRAL ef YORK. 7 Underneath this : Here refteth the 'Body of Elizabeth Eymes Widow, late Wife of Tho- mas Eymes, Efqj deceafed, and one of the Gentlewomen of j^ieen Elizabeths 'Privy Chamber ; and 'Daughter of Sir Edward Nevill, Knt, one of the Privy Chamber to King Henry VIII. who departed this Life to the Mercy of God the third Day of February, Ann. Dom. Mdlxxxv. Here lyeth buried the Body of Thomas Eymes, Efq-, one of her Ma- jefiys Council eftablijhed in thefe North Parts, and Secretary and Keeper of her Highnefs's Signet, appointed for her [aid Council $ who married Elizabeth, one of the Daughters of Sir Edward Nevill, Knt. and departed out of this Life to the Mercy of God the 19th Day of Auguft, A. D. 1578. JJ^ic jacet Henricus Maynard, ciuonbam $erfona in 4£cclefia ; $ut ofih if xxvii. Die mentis 3£ecemo?i#, A. D» M cccc xm. $f pout Cljaritn. p?an fo? tfje Sm\ of Martin Sofa, ^oioiniitl), oo?it in Sapher in Spain, anb Of Elyne ijjg JMe, Ujfrofe <&oul &ob oar-- ton ; of ft)i# Citp <&J)eriff, urtjo tuas burieo in ti)ig ©lace, ano bieb tfre ttoentp fefcenti) 3£an- of Oftober, in fyz Meat of out 3£o?fc <£>QD, M d lx. ' . — <®uonbam $er£ona ao altare Smtti Willhelmi • $:ate p?o anima Willhelmi Burton, nut OOiit — ■ J£ic jacet ®ominu£ Johannes Halton, rjuonbam $etfona ao atfatfc <$anrti Willhelmi in €ccl Haetropol. Ebor. ingreffu* eft. ©?ate p?o anima ^onnni jonannis Rednes, guonbam $crfona in itfa <*£cclefia, §ni obiit ftcunbo trie menfi# <©ctob. a. d. Mccccxxvm. tujus anime, &c. 3|ic jacet Wilihelmus de Newton Capellanus, oui abut xiii. bie men* famuli), A. ^- MccccxLir. tltju* &c. <3?afep;o anima Domini Willhelmi Watb, ouonbam (Sicarij nlins €cclefie, oui obiit xv. Die mentis 3£iiiJ|, A. D. M ccccxxlv. tuju& anime, &c. ©?ate p?o anima Domini Roberti Hepill. 2^ic jacet 3&om. Tho. Beleby, guonbam ©crfona <£cclefie Cat he&sali* Ebor. ac aHcricus fabaice ejufoem, |ui ofcitf xxvii, fofamr* a d. M CCCC XLIIi. CUJUS, &c 3^ic jacet ©omta Richardus Godfon, fjuonbam $eitona at &nfc tljefautanus mm €cciefie, qui a&xtt xX tie raenfts Ban, A. D. M cccc xvi. ©?afe p?o anima ^om. Caroli Stanhope, ouonbom$erfoneiftiiis €r* clefie ab altarc ^ar.tte Marie Magdalene, mfuner €izx\tm Oe fa-- t#ca Catfjebjal:, mu ctwt xvii. m£t A.J>. M.dxvv Near 8 CATHEPRAL of Y O R Kj Near the Tomb of "Thomas and Nicholas Wanton, who died Ann, *6m. is this Infcription : IP rope huvc tumuhim fepultus eft Gulielmiis Wanton, films fecundus Tho. "Wanton prddiUi, & fratris diUi Nicholai, qui obiit xxiii. die Whjh 'Btccmbris, A. 2). 1 577. Johannes Layer nepos & heres Nkh. ■ Wanton, propter .amor is J'ui coufi.rmatiouemi & ai'unculi defimUi Jiima cpnfematimm^ huncftruxit tymukw. - On Stones. lafiar. Eboraci, qui obiit tJiC $0* tiCmfyi.s viii. M cccc. — -- — And near it this in a Window : C1)ISJ * ©inooto to fila^eo bu 45ir John Petty, lint, ©lazier, fomctime %07tJ saajio? of tije Cite of York ; toijo Quo tlje cifiijcf) ®ao of November, 5Ju. ©om. iS°8. ■ ^om. Will. Crosby, ^ui ofoirt xiii. Httfitttti, A. D. Md lviii. MJUS, 8rc. 'ifcr* #'*&& Matthew Pollard, E/q< Son of Sir Richard Pollard, KnU who departed this prefent Life the thirteenth pf June, 1 5 5 . i%T^ /}ff^ ?Z>; by whom they had IJJiie. She died on Sunday being the twenty fourth Day of December, 1583. J^it jacet Johannes Jenkins, arm. ?afe p?o anima Will. Ewers, nuper uniu# perfonarum [jujus alme ecclefie, $ rector eccl. omnium fancto?um in marifco citsitaeis Ebor. run obiit 24. Die mentis jQ&aij, A. D. 141 9. <®?rate p?o anima bom. Thome de Gartun, tuionbamfuofhefaurarii \ith u$ ecclefie, qui obiit 14. &ie menfi# Jgooemfyris, a. D. 141 9. ©?ate p?o anima bom. Will. Talaod, ouonbam Vucarii ifto ecclefie, 4. bie menfig ?Ip?tu#, A. D* 1407. $iam unmeite carnig — ■ — to* jus anime p?opifietur bom. nofter 3euig €i)?iftus, inien, Imen. On another Stone a Paten engraven, and thereon thefe Words, lefug fjato 3&ercp on me \ C And io CATHEDRAL of YORK. And under thefe Words, <©bliutcnt foams cum Jeut miferere met. <£?ate p?o anima mafititri Thome Forne, quondam fu&tl)Cfaur. f)uju# ttt\. Ebor. canontct^ue capeUe beate Mariae 5 faiitfo?um ano,elG?um, ac perfoneadaltare fancrc Agathe in eadem ecclefia, & /Z>? G?r/>j of James Holmes, GV/tf. unfortunately murthered the 2%th of July, 1579. us, 2Cmen. InLogyh Lore, who- did excel all Men who didfet apart • Whofe Lyfe and Converfation did all Mens Love aktre, And now doth r eigne above the Skyes in Joys moftjirm and fare. Who dyed 7. Decerab. A. D. 1573* ' <©?ate jtto anima maojftri Will. Manfell, arm. orii obiit u. tie^eccm-* fyttg, 1541- Cujitf, ?c •Sub [>ac lapite jacent Will. Clark 5 Alicia u;co? ejus, out obierunt 4. Die ^ufiufti ami. 1520. <®uo?um animabu#, 5c. 3£ic jacet Will. Dent, tlericug, fcefuntfitf 1 6. 3uni), H46. Cujus, ?c. <©?ate p?o anima 00m. Will. Dawfon, ouonfcam perCone ilto ecclefic, qui obiit penuttimo tie menftf 3unij, a. d. 1509. Cujus, 5c. l|ic jacet Georgius Sheffeild, armiger, artontam frater Will. MiefTeild tecani, tuit obiit 15. tie ip?ili& A. D. 1497. ©;ate p;o anima tiom. Johannis Lumfhale, tutontam uicarij cho?ali£ in ecci. metrop. beati Petri Ebor. gut mam uniuerfe carina fub Cpe permiffionis Ci)?ifti, 26. oiemenite 3Juni) ingreffu* eft, A. D. 1 527. lUttO JElr. Triftram Tefhe, of ttje CitCC Of York, $Otane, and principal fteglfter. Of t|)e $ItC})bifl)Oprit Of York ; tojncfj Margaret, beparteb CJT HET> RAL of YORK. 13 ceparted unto the JEcrci of $$lmighfn ©od, t|)C 8fh of December, a. D. 1 534. <©n toiwos ^oul €>od Jaoe aaercg. <©jate p?o anima bom. Thome Symplon, quondam perfona ao altare fantfi Chriftophori in eccl. cath. Ebor. qui omit 1 5. die 'SJpjiliS, A. D. 1421. Cujttg, $c. <£?ate p;o antma oom. Johannis Tan field, quonbam otcartj1)Uju# cccl. qui obiit ultimo die 2Hp?ili$, A. D. 1485?. Cujus, $L i|Mc jacet Thomas Danby, nupex ■ tw$ in ■COHlimtnt oan* 4 CO CCmifafUtim Ebor. cittitatiS Ebor. 5 Kyngfton 4gnes tJCO^ ejUS 5 Johannes Danby, uilUS fjuo^um eo?Urtl, CjuefljUbem Ag- nes obiit in fefto unbecim mill, 'otrpjnum, A. D. 1475. a8uo?um ahi* maotig, gc. l|ic jacet Milo Metcalfe, quondam reco?bato? iftius cioitatig, ac etiam umvs ■ apud Lancafter, qui omit 25. die menlte jFelj. A. D. 1482. Cujug, $c. Jj^ic jacet Oom. Johannes Horbery, quondam otcariug f)UJUS cccl. rj[tti OOllt A. D. 1478. 4Eujtw5, &c. /fer* lyeththe 'Body of Will. Woller, &zft? 0/ ?#& C/mV 0/ York, jlf^r- chant, who died the 2\ft Day of December, 1597. And did give libei" ally Legacies, to the jpore of this Cittie^ to Prifoners, and to the Er effing of a Pree-Schole at Byngley, where he was borne. <3?ate p?o amma Will. Lambron, in ufroquc jure oacalaurei, 5 in ca* pella oeafe Maria: 5 fantfoutm angelo^ura Ebor. canonici, % rebe^ rendnT. patrum bom". Georgii, Laurentii $ Thome archieptfe. Ebor. ve-- Sittrarij, qui omit 1 6. bie mentis ©tfGfyu& A.D. 1481. Cu jus, se- nate p?o amma bom. Thome Efton, quondam oicarij tjujugf eccl. ca* ju.«, se- nate p?o anima bom. Johannis Rie, iiicarii iiiiu# eccU A. D. 1475. I^tc jacet bom. Simon Browne, nuper perfona in eccl. catf). Ebor. ac prepofitus tolleg. fantti Willhelmi, qui omit 8. bie raenlte jFeb. A. D. 1475- &uyd$, etc. ■ €>?ate p?o amma magiflri Rich. Langton, quondam retfo?ig eccl. pari*-- chialis be Lithe, qui obiit 10. die mtnfte Haartij, A. D. 1470. Cu-- jug, ?c. 4£?ate p?o anima bom. Johannis Knapton, olim ftmthefaurarij iftiu* ecclefie, qui oout3.biemenf^|5oocmo?i^ A.D. 1471. Cujtt*,sr.- Annae Sandae virtuti factum Hum tibi 3 fed mcerens y fupremum ponit honor em y Conjuge te felix conjux turn ,- illicet ipfa Fcemina famines virtufque decufque corona ; Miftus amore pudor certans mult a indole ; virtus- Exuperansannos - 3 pietas, mens ardua fexum. ' -Mi 14- CATHEDRAL of YORK. r • Hie tibi pulcher hones juftifque^ ergo ar.rea muvdi RegtafancJam animcim^ qiu jam uimc debit a calo> Et matura jDeo> primifqiie ereltafub annis Num'en'& aflra fitit, ftellanti federecepit. Sic, fie vicis, vivefqtte tctema triumphis 3 Fdiei in divum templofelicior ipfa. I^ic jacet Richardus Fourmby, tuionbam armi&er oomini regis?, ijtti ooiit turciimo fecunbo mentis .Septemtais, a. D. 1407. <&u)u$, 5c. S^ic jacet mhumarum corpus Johamm Moor, caufsbici, bartt bin, tore pij, p?ohi, pjtuDeiitisl, moltmi non milium uiatiitatfc, guam inte&ritaf e infi&o nis, at" 5 opcm $ o^cs paUiCnbus lufciys temper tmpcrtiit, caiifajs minus juffas huhtuiam uinus perttriactfer Defenbit, otnni aViaritie injurie, rnuroiS, tutpltioife- inuibia jut-ice rarmt, afrmc i)oc fretus hone confeientic temmomo, plena in falum Ctoiffium fibucia, guam multis gat moricntem tuberunt tcftatrfimuim fecit, anno etafis fuc 61. placibe 5. flutei c nature fgintum, ammam ^eorcbbibit, decern* fc?i$ 21. A*D. typ 7. In the' North Side of the Choir. l^ic jacet bom. Rob. Helperby, guonbam tucarius iffius ecricfie, pa-- rentes ejus $ Agnes fo?o^ ejufbem, aut obiit 24. Die mentis ?!u&ufti, A. D. 1435:. ^ic jacet bom. Richardus Uskelf, tuionbam perfona altaris faueti will- helmi, oui obiit 13. bie ^epf. A. D. 1446. CujtlS, 5c. !^ic jacet Thomas Galretr, mcarms ljujus ecclefie, tuti omit 4. $o-> Uemfc?iS, A. D. 1403. Cujus, $c. 3^iC jacet Johannes Le Scroope, feCttnbUS filiUS Johannis bom. Le Scroope^ ruii obitf octouerimo bie ^cpt. A. D. 1452. $Lu)tt$, 5c. l^ere IpCf J) Elizabeth Wyvell, * anb Margaret ijxss jj&tfc, U)|)o bicb fije i3ti) of April m tjje gjear of our ft o?b 1565. Under the Lantern. J^ere lnetf> George Gayle^ €frr, to[)o toas ftuice JUaano? of tljis £iin, anb of the ftmgs U&nnt be mas alto &reafurcr, to.it!) iufjom Incif) burieb ftabn Mary f)$ #ife anb Thomas [)is <&on, tufjofc <&oul£ $ob pavbon : ?Ill tljofe tijaf reabefb *W anb fee, <©f pur cftarttn fan one $ater toiler anb an SJjc > jrojt their ^oulS anb; Ct)ttltian -^oulS» A. D. 1457. On CATHEDRAL of YORK. 15 On a Stone-on the Ground near ArchBifliop Buttons Monument* Hicjacet Huttoni conjux pia, Jpda Beatrix, Terra tegit t err am, mens locafumma tenet ; Felix ilia fait dum vixit prole, viroque JunUior, at Chrifto morte heat a magis. Obdormivit 5. die Maij, A. D. 1482. Near Archbiihop Matthews s Monument is this Infcription. The "Body of Ranulph Hurlfton, Efq; one of the Honourable Council of the North 'Parts, ly'eth here in hope of joyful Refurreffiou, who, adorned with great Gifts of Learning, Gravity, Wifdom, joined with rare Godly nefs, was always careful of advancing the Jincere DoUrine of Chrifi, and of that Equity which every where ought to be obferved, never ceafing his faithful Labours to profit the- Church and Commonwealth, until it pleafed our gratious God merci- fully in a very Jhort Moment, without any or. the leaft Dolour cf ; Death, to end all the Labour of lots faithful Servant, and to tranf- late his Soul into his eternal Reft, 1 3 . April Anno Chrifri Ihcarn a- tionis 1 587. AH the Days of his Perigrination were 62 Tears, for whofe godly Life the anointed Saviour be blejfed for ever, Amen. ( Which Infcriptions in Number above 1 qo, befides thofe of Archbi_fIoops r Deans, Precentors, Chancellors, Treafurers, Subdeans, Archdeacons and Prebendaries given in the following Hiftory of them, are all Tfind before 1600. And the greateft part of thefe are as appears now perifhed, as are abundance of other Stones robbed of their Braffes, &c. .even before this Account taken Anjw \6\\. Many of thefe defaced Stones were, as is fi.ip- pofed, laid over Chantry-Priefts and Chaplains at Altars, which were very numerous in this Cathedral, as may be feert in Caf)t. Stevens's MonaJlicon y Vol. II. Where is, from Mr. Dod[worth\ MSS. a very good Account of the Chantries, &c. in this Cathedral, printed, and fome Account of* the Diocefe, to which I beg leave to refer. Having done with the Monumental Part, I come to give fome Defcri- ption of this Church and the Time of its Building. Archbifhop Thomas began temp. Will. Rufi a new Foundation of this Church, which being decayed with Fire," Archbifhop Roger built z. new Choir, and made the Vaults, the Archbifhop's Palace and St. Sepul- chre's Chapel on the North-fide. Archbiihcp John Romam temp, Edw.L built: 16 CATHEDRAL tf YORK. built the North Crofs Tranfept. and a goodly Steej i in the middle ; which Work ■ he had in foYne meafure begun while le was Canter. Archbifhop Melton temp. Edw. II. at the Expence of 700 Marks, fi- nished the Weft-part of the Body of the Church. Archbifticp Zoucb temp. Edw. III. begun a new Chapel on the South-iide of the Church. Archbiiliop 1'homesby temp. Edw. III. on July 20. 13 61. began to build anew the Choir, and beftowed much Coft in beautifying the La- dy s Chapel with Images and Painting, in which he expended 1700/. of his own Money, Robert T>e 'Percy gave the Stone, and Robert De Vcivafour gave the Timber towards finishing the Cathedral, as may be feen in their Charters printed in the Monqfticon. The South Tranfept. was the Work of Archbiiliop Gejfry Tlantagenet, and his Succeflbr Archbiiliop T! alter Grey. This Work was 1 ji Years in Building, the laftHand to it being put by Walter Skirlaiz\ Archdeacon of Eaft-Ridkig and Prebendary of Teuton, before his Promotion to the Sees of Lichfield, Wells and 'Dur- ham ; who, thinking Archbiihop Remove's Lantern, or middle Steeple, too low, pulled part of it down, and made a new one as it now conti- nues. The Roof of this Lantern is adorned with Knots, gilt and car- ved, as is the Roof of the Nave of the Church, in imitation of arched Work : The whole Canopy being adorned with large Knots, carved and gilt. Between the two Weft Towers is a fpacious Window of painted Glafs, adorned with the Effigies of Bifliops, and other hiftorical Nar- rations. There are eight Arches in the Nave, and about every one are Coats of Arms cut in Stone, as well as painted in feveral of the Windows. In the Nave and fide Ifles, in fome of the Knots in the Roof, are Carvings of the Salutation, Nativity and Epiphany, reprefenting the Wife-Men making their Offerings, with other Sculptures of our Saviour and his Apoftles, the Angels adoring him, the Defcent of the Holy Ghoft and AfTumption of the Bleffed Virgin. As the Teircys and Vavafours gave the Timber and Stone, fo the Builder of this Part, Archbiiliop William T)e Melton, fet their Effigies in Stone on each fide the Arch over the great Weft-Door ; where Vava- fov.r is reprefented holding a Stone, as Peircy is holding a Piece of Tim- ber. Their Effigies are alio at the Eaft-end in Armour. On each fide, the Choir are two rnoft" magnificent Windows, reaching almoft the Height of the middle Ille, being divided into 1 08 Partitions, each Partition reprefenting a facred Piece of Hiftory. But CATHEDRAL of YORK. 17 But the moft celebrate Piece of Building is the Chapter-Houfe, which Hands on the North-fide of the Church. 'Tis octangular, containing 21 Yards Diameter, raifed by many Pillars, and finilhed by an Arch or Concave on the top, having no Column at all to fupport it in the mid- dle : And indeed 'tis fo curious a Piece of Architecture, that it juftly de- ferves the Character written on the Roof in golden Letters, TJt rofa fiosflonim fie eft domus ifia domomm. The Workmanfhip of the Win- dows throughout the whole Church is admirable, and the Panes of Glafs exquifitely well painted, efpecially the great Eaft-window, where is given theHiftory of the Bible. This was glaz'd Anno 1405. by the Dean and Chapter, who then contracted with John Thornton of Coven- try, Glazier, who was to receive for his own Work 4 s. per Week, and obliged to finifli it in lefs than three Years. There are in divers Parts of the Church feveral Paintings and Carv- ings of Angels, Saints and Bifhops. In the Infide of the Chapter-Houfe flood the Image of our Saviour and his Twelve Apoftles of Silver, as 'tis faid. About the Sides of the Dome are Seats for the Dignitaries and Preben- daries arched over. Thefe Seats are fupported by fmall Marble- Pil- lars, to every Seat is a Walk, or Gallery, that goes round the Chapter- Houfe. There is here a Tradition, which is unjverfally credited, that, under pretence of this being an ufelefs Building, a certain Perfon obtained it, in order to pull it down, in the Great Rebellion, and had provided to be- gin demolifhing it, but was taken away fuddenly by Death, a Week be- fore he thought to begin executing his bafe Purpofe. And that this Church efcaped fo well was, as is obferved, owing to the Parliament- General, Sir Thomas Fairfax, who forbid the Soldiers to lay hands on any thing in the Church -, though notwithstanding this they defaced fe- veral Images, and ftole the Braffes from abundance of Grave-Stones. In a Book, intitled The Antiquities of York-City, printed An. 1719. at Tork, isfome Account of this Cathedral -, as in a Book, intitled The Hiftoriographer, printed at London An. 1720. there is an Account of TJlphus's Horn, which with other printed things I fhall forbear to make mention of here : And fo I come to give an Account of the En- dowment of this See in like manner as other Cathedrals. ENDOW- 18 Endowments of YORK. Endowment of the Bijhoprick Anno 1534. 26. Hen. VIII. N the Firft- Fruits Office, though the Survey of the Lands of this See is wanting, I am enabled from a MS, collected by the late Moft Reverend Archbifhop Sharp, lent me by his moft generous and learned Son John Sharp, Hbj (a Gentleman who has conferred on me fnch repeated and lafting Favours, as I iliail ever be obliged to acknowledge with the utmoft Gratitude and Thankfulnefs) to inform the AVorld in general that thefe were, Co. York, Beverly, Skidby, Bij&ops-Uktrim, Tork and Bi (loops-Thorp Palaces, Cawood, Wiftow, Sherborn, Ottley, Rippon cum membris, MUford, "Bijhops- Lathe, Kingfton on Hull, 'Patrington, Eloughton, Witwang^ Wilton, ToppclifF, Skipton, Darleton, Carleton. Co. Nottingham, Southwell aim membris, Scroby cum membris. Co. Northumberland, Ilexam Jurifdietion and County. Co. Gloucester, Churchdown, Morton, Shurdington, Widcombe, Cer- nev, Compton, Oddington. Co. Middlesex, Tork-Pzhce. i Co. Surry, Satterfea and Jl and/worth. All which were Anno 1^34. aforefaid valued for Firft-Fruits at 2035/. 3 J". 7 d. though by facrilegious Alienations they are now re- duced to no more than 1610 1. So the Revenues are leffened above 400 /. per Annim by thefe following Alienations tempore Hen. VIII. The firft' of thefe was by Cardinal Wolfey about 1 5 20. when he grant- ed away Whitehall, the then Archiepifcopal Palace in Tf'cflminfter. The next was by Archbifhop Edward Lee, who by Indenture, dated Nov. 1 2. 34. Hen. VIII. 1 542. granted to the King the Manors of Be- verly and JBiJhops-Burton Co. Tork-, and Southwell Co. Nottingham, and had in exchange for them the diffolved Priory of Marten, and Manors ofKilborne aad Sutton under Whifton-Cliff, with fome Granges. But this was nothing in comparifon of what his Succeffor, Archbifhop Robert Holgate, did, who within a Month after his Tranflation from Landajf to this See, Feb. 6. $6.Hen.V\\l. Anno 1545. granted away almoft all the antient Eftates of the Archbifhoprick, namely, Shirborne cum Leverton, Bonvill y HadlePon, Fenton, Brotherton, Serk- Jlon, llurton-Lownd, Grimfton, Wolleskelf, Clayflat, Peckfeld, Gil' grine, MUford, Sijhops-Lathes : Alfo the Lordfhips and Manors of Rippon, Shanow, Stanley, Rippon-Holm, Qlftahs-hill, Tenny-croft, Caftledike, Endowments of Y O R K. i o Caftledike, WMtclifF, Thorp, Monkton, Thornton, Nether dale, Mil- ford, Bi/hop-Lathes, Kingjion on Hull, 'Patrivgton, Sharethorp, Fifmake, Hakgarth, Eloughton, Wetwang, Wilton, Bifiops-wilton, Topcliff, Afcaby, Griftwayt, Dysford, Rempton, Newby, Skipton, Canon, Northby, Waplow, Mask, Uplethorne, Ayton, Dalton, Craik- hall, Carleton. All thefe fifty four Co. York were thus given away by Archbifhop Holgate, who likewife parted with Co. Nottingham, Scroby, Ravenskeld, Laneham, Askham, Sutton, Nbrthfoke i and Co. Northumberland, Hexam, Erington, Walley, Acome, HalUden, Kepzvick, Ere-veridge, Kenley, Eftallvent, Kadden, Ninbank, Weftal- Ian, Newlands : And laftly, Co. Gloucester, the Barony of Churcbdown, with the Manors, &c of Churcbdown, Huckylcott, Norton, Shurdington, Wydcomb, Cemey, Compton, Odington. In all fixty feven Eflates and Manors paffed away by him, as may be feen in our Statute-Books, Anno 37. Hen. VIII. wherein is printed an A& to empower him to alienate Hexam and Hexamjloire. However I find King Edw. VI. Anno Reg. 7. May 27. 1553. re- granted back Scroby Manor to the See of York,, after the Deceafe of the laid Robert Holgate, Archbifhop of York, and Barbara his Wife. In lieu of thofe antient Demefnes, which amount to 1 200 I. pei" Ann. Holgate had thirty three impropriate Livings by way of Exchange from Hen. VIII. viz. T)onc after, Ruifton, Felkirk, Darington, Neitber-po- pleton, Feliskjrk, Sutton, Sherrif-hutton, Braferton Myton, Craw'n, Thirklehy, Marton, Stainton, Ormesby, Lithe, Agnes-burton, WtfiovD, Efington, Kayingham, Nafferton, Gisbitrgh, W bitty, Skelton, Kirkle- vington, Garum, Malton, Kilborne, Hutton on 'Derwent, Thirke, Mar- ton in Galtres, all Co. York, and Haxey and Owfton Co. Lincoln. This See being thus pillaged and garbled in Hen. VIII's Reign, King Edw. VI. had no room to plunder, nor was here any Alienation extort- ed in Queen Elizabeth's Pveign ,• but what Injury was done the See in her Reign, was by fome of the Archbiiliops themfelves, to provide for their Families. For, beiides what Archbifhop Thomas Young did, in demoliihing the Palaces of York, we are informed by Dr. Thoroton, in his Hiflory of Nottingbamfmre, pag. 479, 480. that Archbifhop Sandys, demifing his Palace and Manor of Scroby to his Son Sir Samuel Sandys, together with the Park and Northfoke with many Towns thereabouts, he or his Family caufed the faid Palace to be pulled down. D 2 In 20 Endowments o/YORK. In Mr. Terr's Collections, made about 169 3. we are likewife inform- ed, that in this Reign Achbifhop Button leafed away feveral Eftates y which are yet in his Great-Grandfon's Hands. What Archbifhop Matthews did in King James the Firft's Reign, which was by Act. of Parliament, about parting with York-Place, we fliall fhew hereafter. It was in this Prince's Time that Bifhops were re- trained from making any Alienations, elfe our Sees might have been re- duced to as low a Value as parochial Livings. In the Reign of Queen Mary, wbofe Memory has been much tra- duced by the 'Puritans and difaffe&ed Perfons to Bifhops, there were abundance of Manors reftored back to this Church j infbmuch as it may be faid to have been endowed with all its belt Eftates by her : For fhe gave Bifhop Heath Suffolk- Place in Southward which came to the Crown by the Attainder of the Duke of Suffolk, which, on account of its Remotenefs, was exchanged for Norwich- Ho ufe in the Strand, after- wards called Tbrk-Hcnfe ; which continued the Parliamentary Houfe of this Bifhoprick, till King James, to gratify the Duke of Buckingham,, got it exchanged for fome Lands in the North of England. She alfo (in confederation, as the Patents exprefs it, that there was in the Crown 1 200 I. per Annum Eftate of this See) Anno Reg. 3. regranted Feb. 20.. the Manors and Parks of Hexgrafe and Norwood, Scroby Lordfhip and Manor, Laneham, Askham, Sutton, Northfoke and Southwell cum per- tinenti ■, and alfo Rippon : Which Benefactions, as Mr. Torr obferves, amount to near half the prefent Income. Belides thefe Revenues beftowed by Queen Mary, there remains, very little of the antient Endowments of this See, except the fmall Manor of Bijhops-Thorp, and fome Demefnes adjacent to it in York, worth about 40 /. per Annum j and the Manors of Qttly, Cawood, Wi- fiow, and Ibme Lands in Shir borne Co. York, and in Batterfea and Wavdfworth Co. Surry. All the other Eflates have accrued by forced Exchanges, chiefly in the Reign of Henry VIII. who, on taking away the antient Demefnes from Archbifhop Holgate, gave him in lieu thereof thirty three Impropria- tions, the diffolved Priory 0$ Marten, with the Demefnes of Kilbourne and Sutton, and Farms in Thorp, Wildon, Ojgodsby, Bajjew and Ma- derby y all Parcels of Biland diffolved Abbey. • The Lands given by King James I. Anno 1622. in lieu of York- Place in the Strand, London, were the Manor of Beckham, which be- longed to the Earl of 'Richmond, the Manor of Accomb, Parcel of the diffolved Treafurerfhip of York, with the Manors of Santon and Brighton. What Endowments gfYORK. 21 What this See is now poffeffed of will be beft feen by the following Account of the Sale of the Lands in the Great Rebellion ; though I can- not but here obferve that King Henry VIII. by granting thefe thirty three Impropriations, enlarged the Patronage of this See ^ for it had otherwife, befides the Dignities in Tork, Southwell, Rippon and "Beverly Collegiate Churches, only thefe Reftories, viz. Bolton-peircy, Whel- drake, Berwick in Elmet, Carleton in Lindrick : This Church left out Nun~burnholm, Trinity and St. Edward's in Tork City ; and the Vica- ridges of St. Faith's, Birftall, Silkfion, Matterfey, Bradefworth, Ki- nalton, Whenby, Skipfea, Kynalton, and St. Marys Beverly : Where- as it has now by the Donation of King Henry VIII. about thirty other Livings in the Diocefe,- which fee in the Account of it, and the Advowfons of the Vicaridges, of Owfton and Haxby Co.- Lincoln. The Reafon why this See was fo (tripped of its Patronages was, that the Archbifhops had, on founding Prebends in the Churches of Tork, Southwell, Rippon, Beverly, &c. appropriated the Re&ories of their own Churches to fupport the feveral Prebends ; by which means the Archbifhops own Churches came to the Crown at the general Diflb- lution of Monasteries, and fo fome of them reverted back again to him. SALE of the Lands of the See of York in the Rebellion - Tears, 1647. /. s. d.- TH E Manor of Otley Co. Tork, fold Sept. 24. to the Lord Fairfax for — 044c 18 5 j Divers Lands, Parcel of the Manor of Rippon Co. Tork, fold Nov. 3. to Will. Wood fox - 0434 7 3 Parcel of the Demefnes of the Manor of Otley, fold Nov. 26. to the Lord Fairfax for ■— • - -» ■ — ' — 09 00 1 2 3 * Divers Lands, Parcel of the Manor of Marton Co. To>% fold 'Dec. 3. to Sir William Conft able for 0547. 4 8 Divers Lands, Parcel of the Manor of Otley, fold T)ec. 3. to John Rhodes for — 0463 9 o AMefluage and other Lands, Parcel of the Manor of Marton,. fold T)ec. 3. to Robert Holborne for 0745 4 2. Reafi-Tark and other Lands Co. Tork, fold "Dec. 6. to, John Blackijfoa and Edward Cludd for- —-.- 3906 9 o Seahu-f 22 $ A L E of the L a n d s 1547. Continued. /. j*. d. Sealm-Tark Co. Tori, fold T)ec. 13. to Thomas 'Daw- nay for ■ ■ —— - ■ — - — — ■■ ■ ■ » — -—1542 14 10 Certain Lands within the Lordfliip of Sherhmrne Co. Tork, fold Jan. 4. to Edward Cludd for- 0231 5 2 Parcel of the Lordfliip of Mart on, near Sutton Co. Tork, fold 1 2. _7£. 1 1. to Maccabeus Hollis for « 0383 4 o The Manor of Southwell \ ibid Feb. 24. to Will. Tiere- point for * ™- — > — 1494 ° Thorpe-Grange, fold .F ' - — ■ 1 — 0225 13 4 The Manor of Cawood, except certain Parcels, fold May 29. to Rich. Warner and Henry CorniJIo for 5080 1 10 Pat ley-Bridge-Mill, fold June 9. to ^Zw Picker/gall for . , -^ . 0059 9 o The Manor-Houfe of 'Bridge-Court, alias Tork-Place in Batterfea Co. Surry, fold y&w 23.^0 John Wall is for • — ~ z - — 0380 13 o Hockerwood-P ark Co. Nott. fold June 26. to John Clarkfon for — — — -. ■ . — 0230 o o A Tenement and other Lands in Wandfworth, fold Sept. 25. to Thomas Andrews for 01 36 17 6 The Manor of Mount St. John, fold Nov. 8. to Thomas Fawconberge, Efq; for ■ ■■ j - — 0607 7 3 f A Mefluage and feveral Parcels of Land, part of the Ma- nor of Kilbottrne, fold 1 o. Nov. to Rich. Sell for o 1 45 9 2 A Mefluage and Lands in Batterfea Co. Surry, fold T)ec. 6. to Patrick Bamford for -— — 0202 6 o The Priory of Molesby alias Mpsby, fold Dec . 20. to Hen. Hall and ??/'//. Clarke for — =- •* — — 0765 11 8 Angram-Gravge, fold 1)ec. 25. to Tho.RedJhawe for 0314 13 9 The Manor or Grange of Beckhay, fold Jan. 6. to ^///. White, Efq; for — — ■ ■ 0626 11 8 Hockerwoodv-Meadows, &c. in the Liberties of Southwell Co. Nott. fold Jan. 12. to Gervas Oglethorp for 01 81 15 8 Part of the Manor ot Mart on, fold Jan. 26. to Francis Thompfon for ■ — ■ — 0333 3 8 Lands in the Townfhip of Bi/hops-Thometon, part of the Manor olRippon, fold Feb. 26. to IDan. Shatter- den and Edw. Boyfe, Efq; for <■ ■ ■ 0771 19 9 The Manor of Santton, fold Mar. 2.. to Will. Webb and W.Inwoodfor • ■ 0864 5 o| Part of She Manor of Southwell Co. Nott. fold jlf^r. 7. to Edw. Bellamy for >— ;^sg -j r— 0527 2 8 Parcel a$. SALE of the Lands 1648. Continued. /. s. d. Parcel of the Manor of ' Kil bourne > 3 fold May 1 2. to John Picker/gill for ■ 0396 i5 8 The Manors of Askeham-ftone and Lambeth-Wicke Co. Nott. Kent and Surry, parcel of the Sees of Tbrk, Rocbefter and Canterbury, fold 3/^r. 1 <5. to John jBlackwell, Jun. for — — ■■ 3 161 1 34 Parcel of the Manor of Marton, io\d Mar. 19. to ^Sw Ttedding, Efq; for — — • 0185 17 4 Forty one Parcels of Land in "Batterfea Co. Surry, fold Mar. 21. to Nathaniel Lacy and William 2>a- thurft for ■ - ■ ■ °3 2 5 6 5 The Manor of A 1 ccmbe & al. fold Mar. 23. to J^// In- wood and W. Webb for — — 1 1 7 1 7 1 o The Manor of Lanham Co. Nott. fold Mar. 23. to Ro- bert Sweete and Anthony Markebam for 0647 o o The Manors of Figis-courte, Polten, Stanjied (j al. Co. Kent, parcel of the Sees of Canterbury, Rocbefter and 2V£ 3 fold Mar. 24. to Stephen Heale for — 2423 6 o 1649. Parcel of the Manor ot Rippon, fold Aftfy 2. to Thomas Wife for 0283 \6 o Sutton-Grange & al. fold jl/^j; \\.X.oW. "Tias for 0236 4 o Parcel of the Manor of Sutton under Whifton-Cliff, fold Afcy 30. to Rob. Hinfley for 0104 7 2 Rippon-Tark, fold 7 WWf 8. to Tho. Andrews, Lord- Mayor, for — — 1478 4 2 Lands in Rippon, fold ^#//£ 29. to 'Peter Rayne for — 0560 3 8 Soft-Marftj-G range, fold y/«g. 24. to JF. Topple for — 0468 o t» The Scite of the Manor of Whit cliff e & al. fold Aug. 31. to jT#0. Andrews for ■ ■ ■ 0261 17 4 Several Lands in Rippon, fold ^g. 3 1 . to Jfofa Lam- bert, Efq; for — '■- ■ 13 17 1 2 8 Lands in Sutton under Whifton-Cliffe, fold Sept. 19. to Mo\fes Jenkins and .R/c#. .Zte// for > o 1 60 o 4 The G ran ge of Hoode, fold «5V/tf . 2 5. to Dr. W. 'Parker for 0390 10 10 Several MerTuages and Lands in Batterfea Co. Surry, fold Sept. 28. toSir Allen Appe/7ey and J.Hutchinfonfor 1806 3 6 The Manor of Scrowby Co. Nott. fold &?/>/. 28. to Will. JBlackwell and Tbo. JBlackwell for —r-:— - — ■— — " ■ °759 6 9 Several of the See of YORK. 2$ 1649. Continued. /. s. d. Several Cottages and Lands in Sutton under Whit- Jion-Clif, fold to Matthew 'Barker for 0310 o o Three fourth Parts 01" Newfteed-Grange, fold OU. 19. to John Teirfon and Matthew Teirfon for 0708 19 o Several Cottages and Lands in Sutton under Whitftcn- Clitf, fold Ott. 19. to 7^« Terfon and W.Bofom- worth for — — « • — — — 0083 10 o The Manor of Northfoake, fold Nov, g o. to John Black- well, one of the Contractors, for — °344 2 4 The Manor of Sutton cum Lound, fold Dec. 7. to Rich. Hunt for ■ 1 8 do 10 11 Ofgodby-G range, fold Jan. 16. to John Smith for— 0608 o 5 Several Lands in Rippon, fold Jan. 23. to 'Thomas Redjhawfor 1 ■— 0095 11 6 The Manor or Grange of Faulconbridge, fold Feb. 1 j. to William Markh am for — \ — 0909 11 8 Divers Leafe-Lands, Parcel of Sutton under TJ'hifton- Clijfe, fold Feb. 15. to Henry Markh am for • — 01 do 1 o Several Parcels of the Manor of Otley, fold Feb. 20. to Richard Sell for ■ ■ ». ■ ■• • 1 ~— - — ~ — - 0121 o io Maderbie-G range, fold Feb. 26. to T. Redfeawe for 0603 id j The Manor-Houfe of Mountm, fold- 1. J&sr. to Thomas Boys for -— — — • — : ■ — ■ ■ 03 44. 1 4 Several Lands, Part of the Manor of MonUon, fold Mar. 8 . to Anthony Markh am for « — - 0139 4 @ A Mefiuage and Lands, Part of the Manor of Marten, fold Mar. 8. to Henry Langley for 0239 10 o The Manor of Brighton, fold Mar. 8. to Tho. Hoghes for 01 7 j 8 4 The Site of the Manor or Priory of Marten, fold Mar. 8. to Henry Langley for • — 0532 6 o Three Clofes or Parcels of Land in Marten, called Low-Lolthorp and Tolthorp-Inge, fold Mar. 13." to Robert Thompfon for 0278 5 8. c T)ayhoufe - Farm, Parcel of the Manor of Rippon, fold Mar. 23. to Thomas Marjh, for °lo° 9 ° Certain Demefne - Lands near unto the City of Tork, fold Mar. 23. to Robert Blayney and John Tick- er gill for — ' ■■ ■- ■ — — ~~ <— — — 0493 17 3 ? ' E ' . Par- 26 S A L E of the La n ds, &V. 1650. /. x. d. Parcel of Northallerton and of Sutton under Whitfton- Clijfe^ fold yl/tf/ 3 1 . to jlf^j- Jenkins for o 1 1 3 o 4 Divers Lands in Otlie, fold yfog. 23. to Edmund Vava- for for .— — — > 0242 \6 5 Divers Parcels of the Manors of Sutton under Whitfton- Clijfe and Kilbume, fold -SV/tf. 27. to Samuel Hel- fee for — - ■« « 1*22 18 4 Leafe-Lands, Parcel of the Lordfliip of Kilbume, fold Sept. 27. to Valentine Wan ley for — —*■- — ■ -. 01 51 12 1 Parcel of the Manor of Rippon, fold &/*. 27. to Will. Underwood for ■ — — 03 2 1 o o Several Parcels of Land within the Manor of 'Bijloops- Thorpe, fold Mar. 21. to Gab. ding fells for 0127 5 10 | The Manor of Rowborough and certain Lands in Marten^ Parcel of the Sees of "Brifiol and Tork, fold Mar. 21. to Willi 'am Nye and 7 'ho. Archer for — — 0722 1 2 i I<$5I. A Meffuage or Tenement in the City of7brk 3 fold Sept. 1 p. to Anthony Scarlet for ■ » 003 8 8 1 Wilden-Qrange^ fold Sept. 1 o. to W. Methwold, one of the Contractors, for ■ ■ - ■ " j ■ — — • ■■2183 o o 63786 7 1 1 Endowment Endowment of the Chapter of YORK. 27 Endowment of the Chapter of York. TH E Value of the Lands belonging to the Canons of this Church, to fupport their keeping Residence, were rated, 2 6. Hen* VIII. An* 1534. at 439^* 2Sm 6d- for which, according to Mr. Eblon, they pay for annual Tenths 43 /. 1 8 s. 3 d. They are now improved to about 1 1.0/. per Annum more, beiides Fines. By a Charter of King Richard II. the Lord Mayor and Citizens of York are excluded exercifing any Jurifdiction within the Clofe of York Minfter, the fame being referved and granted to the Dean and Chapter, who have Power by their Steward to examine and try all Matters and Caufes within that Liberty, as they have alfo all manner of Jurifdiction in their Demelhes, which confift of thefe following Eftates, viz* CVYork, Aldborough Impr. and' Keel:* nroiherion and 'Hornby Impro- priations and Rectories, Bulwith Reel. 'Burton-'Pidfey Rectory and Impropriation, "Burton-Leonard, SiJhopsSurton and Brodfworth Rectories, Meffuages and Lands in South-Cave and Cottorn, TVever- thorp Rectory, Dalton on Tees Town and Manor, Stillingfleet, Cop- manthorpe, St. Laurence-Walmgate and St. Mary-Laythorpe Recto- ries, with Tythes in %bppleto% Holgate and SiJhops-Fze/ds near York, and Lands in Langwath and Heworth. Co* Nottingham, 'Drayton cum Askham, Lanham, Mifterton, Stour- ton, Stretton Rectories. {.* Co* Lancaster, K.irkby-Ir.elith .Reftory. Co* Lincoln, Lands in Worlaby near JLowth* O.Middlesex, Two Tenements in Ileetfireet, let at 5/. is* 4 d. 0115 of which is Serjeants-Inn. They have alfo fome Pennons ariiing from Churches, and fome fmail Tythes in York City, and Rents of Houfes there. They have alfo Jurifdiction over fever al of their, own Prebendal Churches, beiides thefe thirteen above-mentioned Impropriations, as may be feen in the Account of the Diocefe. - . . E 2 Ezdi'W- 2 8 Endowment of the Fabrick of YORK. Endowment of the Vicars Choral of York. rHE Lands belonging to the College of Vicars Choral, founded about the Year i 252. by Archbilhop Walter Grey, were valued, 26. Hen. VIII. Anno 1534. at 136/. 5 J-. 3d. for which they now pay for yearly Tenths 13 1. 12s. 6d.i tho' they are now augmented to 254/. \os. %d. Thefe Eftates arife from Rents of Houfes and Lands in York City, Pen- fions from the thirty five Prebends and Impropriations of Kirkby-Irelith and c Pidfej- c Eurto;i Rectories, and other Stipends paid them by the Chapter : But befides thefe, they enjoy in their own Right the impro- priated Rectories and Advowfons of Feny-Friefton, and Huntington cum Be) [wick in Tork County and Diocefe, and Nether-Wallop in Hamp- JJ:ire in Wircbejler Diocefe. But out of this thefe Vicars are obliged to pay about 60 1, per Annum to the Singing-Men, and to take care of read- ing Prayers in the Cathedral at fix a-clock in the Morning, though for this latter Service the Chapter and Prebendaries pay them about 20/. per Annum. Before the Reformation here were befides the Vicars Choral feveral Chantry-Priefts, attending the Cathedral Service. Thefe Chantries were above forty : But an Account of them and their Endowment being already printed, in Stevens's Monafticon, and of St. Sepulchre's Chapel, founded within the Precincts of this Church, I fhall thither refer. The Revenues of this Chapel, which adjoined and opened into the Cathedral, were rated Anvo 1534. at 139/. 19 s. id. and confifted of the Im- propriations of Cakerly, Hoton, Harwood, Thorp, Coll/gham-'Thorp Co. Tork) Claresburgh and Eaji-Retford, all in this Diocefe. Endowment of ^Fabrick. THERE were Lands, as may be feen in the Valor Heneficiorum, belonging to the Fabrick of this Cathedral, rated Anno 1534. at J 6 1. \is. Sd. which then paid 7/. 13/. 2d. for yearly Tenths. Thefe Lands, which lie at Topclijf, Widdington, Mifterton, are now, be- fides Fines in Renewals, frt for 92/. 7V. 3 d. and are faithfully appli- ed, together with St. c Peters Share or Part, as a Refidentiary : The Cha- pter Cettiug afide an equal Dividend or Share out of their Rents, what- ever they amount to, to be laid out on the Reparation of the Church, as they a,fu do in like manner in 'St. Teters Church at Exeter, where that. Archbishops of YORK. 20 that Saint is always reputed as one of their Canons ; which leads me to obferve, that if the like laudable Cuftom had been pra&ifed at Landqff, fince the Reformation, St. 'Peters Cathedral there might have been kept up in as good Repair, as this or any other Church. Befides the Livings in the Patronage of the Chapter in this Diocefe, they alfo prefent to Aldburgh V. ^Burton-Leonard V. Farnham V. Hornby V. Co. Tork in Chefier Diocefe, and LiJJington in Lincoln Coun- ty and Diocefe. Archbishops of YORK. YORK is faid to have been made an Archbifhops See, on the firft Admittance of the Gofpel, by King Litems, but the Names of all the Archbifhops, as Heylin fays, are loft except thefe four, Sampson, eftabliflied by King Lucius Anno 180. Matthew of Weftmwfier mentions his flourifhing in England, and being Archbifhop here about the Year 507. ;• Ta u.r in u s is the next mentioned, .and after. him Pirannus, Capellanus R egis Arthur v, was, as Matthew of Wejl- minjier informs us, fag. 187. of hisHiftory, made Archbifhop Anno 522. The fourth Archbifhop in the Time of the Sritains was, according to my aforefaid Author, Thadiacus. He places his coming in Anno 586. but does not tell us any thing farther • of him. On the Converfion of. the. Saxons j St. Gregory the Great appointed London and Tork to be the two Metropolitical Sees of England, each to have twelve Bifhops under it, each to have a Pall and to be equal in. Dignity ; the firft ordained or confecrated to have Precedence : The Pali for London he a&ually granted. That for Tork he promifed, when thofe Parts fhould be converted, and when Angujiine fh'ould, according to his. Orders, fend a Bifhop : But' Augufiine, being fixed at Canterbury, got the Metropolical D ignity. eftabliflied there ; and nothing was done at Tork till the Year 623. when Ethelburga., Sifter to Eanbald King of Kent, who was a Chriftian Lady, being married to Edwin King of' Northumberland, taking T.aulinus to attend her, . he the faid Paulinus became confecrated by Juffus, Archbifhop of Canter- bury, J-tdy 21. Anno 625. But about the Year 631. thefe Parts being full of Troubles, he left: this Country, and, returning back to Kent, ac- cepted of the Biflioprick of Rochejler, where he died OU. 10. An. 644. and was buried there. After his Departure this. See. remained, vacant; aboye thirty Years, till fuch time as. Cedda. go Archbishops of YORK. Cidda accepted it An. 661 . and held it three Years, though all that Time it was the Right of Wilfrid, who had been nominated to it, which he being admonilhed of, by Archbifhop 'Theodore of Canterbury, prefently forfook it; and became afterwards Bifhop of Lichfield, where he died March 2. Art. 6j2. and was buried in that Cathedral, fince de- dicated to him. Wilfrid, who is placed the third Archbifhop here in Godwin, and fliould have come in before Cedda, became, as Godwin tells us, actually Archbifhop here An. 666. He afterwards forfook this See on fome Dif- fenfion, and fettled at Selfey Co. Sujfex, becoming firft Bifhop there An. 680. and continued five Years abfent from theie Parts. On his abfenting himfelf, Sofa was appointed by Archbifhop 'Theodore An. 677. to take care of this See, who had difobliged Wilfrid by dividing his Diocefe in- to more Bifhopricks : Infomuch that when he, viz. Wilfrid, returned back again, he was fcarce able to get his Bifhoprick reftored, and was forced to content himfelf with Hagulftad or Hexam, and live up and down in Monafteries, particularly at Rippon, where he departed this Life Off. 1 2. An. 711. aged feventy fix, and was buried with this Epi- taph to his Memory. Wilfrid us hie magnus requiefcit cor pore praful, JJanc domino qui aid am, ductus pietatis amore Fecit, &:perfu# in fiuouig jure Robertus De Waidby, Dictum nunc eft iiib marmo?e ftncfu.s*, ^acve Scripture uotfor ftut, g geniture 3njftcnuusJ meoicu.s:, % glefci^ ftmger amicus ; ireful Arduren, pofi: |)tc;$EVCi>0S Dublinen, §U!1C Ciceftrens, tanoem $?ima# Eboren. Quarto C lanuar. misrauir, curfte amu. ^eputtug miUeni-fcr C nobicjs-C[Uor»nc oeni, $cg pretc; o?ate nuoo lint firji dona State, Cum fantfig bifc reguiefcaf, $ jjic fine utte, . On his Death Richard Scrop-e, L'L.D.-nrfl Dean of 'Chichefier, , ana after- - wards Bifhop of Lichfield, and Chancellor of England, was tranflated to this See in February, and had the Temporalities reftored to him June 23. 1398. About his taking up Arms again ft Henry IN. and being beheaded, on that Account June 8* ,1405. fee what is laid in our En~ plffh Arc *€te i s fi o p s of YORK. gtijh Hiftories. He ir^is. buried in his- own Cathedral, in the Eaft Fart be- tween two Pillars, w here is yet remaining his Tomb, which was much fre- quented by the com monPeople, who, on account of his thus fuffering in Behalf of his injured. Patron, King Ricb. II. had a great Efteem for him. Thomas Law gley, Dean of this Church, obtained the King s Alien t to the Elect* .on of him made by the Chapter Au? v 8. 1405. But he was fet afide, and :next Year became Bifliop of Durham : And Robert Hallum was nominated by the Pope, but before Confe- cration the Pope thought good- to appoint him to the See of Salisbury ' : "IV hereupon Henry Bowett, IX. D. Archdeacon and Prebendary of Lincoln , firft Canon and next Bifhop of "Bath and Wells, became tranflated to this See Oct. 7. 1407* He was, as Mr. lorr fays, famous for his Houfe- Keeping, exercifirjg fo great Hofpitality, that he ufually expended eigh- ty Tons of Clar et-Wine yearly. He died at Cazsoed, Otf. 20. 1425. the great Hall of which Palace he had built, and was buried in the Ca- thedral, where ' yet his Monument remains, which is referred to in the Ichnography. In his Will, which bears date Sept. 9. 1421. he gives fome Veftmcirts to Wells Cathedral ; to L'upholm Abbey Co. Lincoln, where his Mother lay buried -, and to 'Penrith Co. ■ Cumberland, where his Father was interred. On his Death Richard Fleming, Bifhop of Lincoln, was by the Pope ap- pointed to this See, and had the Temporalities reflored him Dec. 1. 1424. But the King and Chapter fo ftrongly oppofed him, that he was content to go back to Lincoln again : And the Pope tranflated in his room John Kempf, IX. D. Bifhop of London, to this See, to which he was elected April 8. 1425. He had been Archdeacon of Durham, Bilhop of Rochefier and Chichefier, before he became Bifhop of London, and was removed thence to this Archbifhoprick, and from hence to that of Canterbury, An. 145:2. where he died in little more than a Year, and was buried in that Cathedral. He had alfo been twice dignified with a Cardinalfhip, as well as with five Bifhopricks, as is expreffed in this Yerfe, "Bis Primas, ter Pratful erat, bis Czrd'mefuncJus. On his Removal to Canterbury, William Booth, Bifliop of Lichfield, was tranflated to this See Jul)' 21. 1452. His other Preferments, before he was made a Bifliop, were, the Rectory of Pre/cot Co. Lancajier, a Prebend of Lincoln, the Archdeaconry of Middlefex, the Chancellorship, and a Prebend of St.. Paul's Cathedral, London ; he had been alfo conftituted Chancellor of England. cc cc cc Archbishops of YORK. 41 'England. He received the Pall of his Archbiihoprick Sept. 24. 1452, and on the 4th of Sept. 1453. he was folemnly enthronized at Tor k. He died at Southwell \ Sept. 1 2. 1454. where he bellowed much Money on his Palace, and was buried in the Collegiate Church there, where is yet to be feen his Tomb, being a plain, ordinary Altar-Monument. In his Will, which bears date at Southwell, Aug. 26. 1454. K Heappoint- * ed to be buried in St. John jBaptiJFs Chapel in Southwell Collegiate " Church, if he died at Southwell j or in York Cathedral, if he died at York j and ordered his Executors to build a Manfion for the Chaplains to live in, that officiated at Eccles Co. Laricajler, where he had founded a Chantry." He alfo gave feveral Ornaments to York Minfter. George Nevill, Brother to Richard Nevill the great Earl of Warwick, fucceeded. He had been Archdeacon of Northampton, and Prebendary of Lincoln, York and Rippon, and at length Bifhop o£ Exe- ter, from whence he was tranflated hither Mar. 15. 1464. on Sept. 6. he received the Pall at Cawood, and the 2 2d of that Month, 1455. made that prodigious Feafr, the Bill of Fare of which is given in Godwin and other printed Authors ; at which were provided three hundred Tons of Ale, and one hundred Tons of Wine, above a thoufand Sheep, and five hundred Venifon-Pafties, with other Provifion ,• to the Drefling of which were appointed fixty two chief Cooks, befides five hundred and fifteen Servants and Turn-Spits. In his Time Pope Sixtus IV. made the Bifhop of St. Andrew's Primate of all Scotland, which till this time belonged to this See : He did what he could to hinder it, but in vain. Of his tak- ing King Edward IV. Prifoner, and the Troubles he met with, fee what is faid in Godwin and other Authors ; though it was at JVolvey in Warwickfliire, and not at Olney in North amptonjhire, [i. e. Sucking- hain/hire] as Godwin has it, -that the Fact happened. He died June 8- 1475. and was buried in his own Cathedral : And fucceeded by Laurence Booth, Bifhop of "Durham, tranflated hither Sept. 1. and enthronized Sept. 8. 1476. the other Preferments he enjoyed, not mentioned in Godwin, were, the Deanary of St. "Paul's, London ; the Archdeaconries of Richmond and Stow ; the Rectory of Cottenham Co. Cambridge; and Prebends in York, London and Lichfield Cathedrals. He purchafed the Manor of Satterfea Co. Surry of one Nicholas Stan- ley, and gave it to his Succeflors, appointing that they fhould pay Sti- pends to two Chantry Priefts at Southwell ; which Stipends are now, as I am informed, given to Guilford Free-School. In his Will, dated Sept. 28. 1479. he ordered to be buried at Southwell in St. John OBaP- tiJVs Chapel, next the Wall ; and gave 20 /. to York Cathedral. He di- ed at Southwell, May ip. 1480. where yet is to be feen his Tomb, be- G ing 4.2 Archbishops of YORK. jng a plain Altar-Monument, which had his Effigies engraven on a Piece of Brafs, and an Infcription under it long fince defaced : So that his be- ing buried at Cawood, mentioned in the Account of him in Anglia Sa- cra, Vol. I. is a Miftake. His Succeflbr was Thomas Scot, alias Rotherham, born at Rotherham. He had been Fellow of King's College, and Matter of Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge, Prebendary of Ear um and 'Beverly, Chaplain to King Ld- wardlV. Keeper of his Privy Seal, and Lord Chancellor ; afterwards Bifhop of Rochefter, then of Lincoln. The Bull of his Tranllation from Lincoln hither bears date July 7. 1480. which was published at Tork, as Mr. Torr tells us, Dec. 1 2. following. He built the Schools-Gate at Cambridge, and Library at the end of that Building ; finiflied Lincoln- College in Oxon, begun by Bifhop Fleming, and added five Fellows- hips to it ; and founded a College at Rotherham for a Provoft, five Priefts, fix Choirifters, and three School-Mafters for Qrammer, Singing and Writing ; built the great Kitchen at Whitehall, feveral Offices at Southwell i and at Bifiops --Thorp creded the Hall, Houfe-Keeper's Room, Bake-Houfe, Kitchen, Drawing-Room, Dining-Room, Study and other Chambers above, as Mr. Torr fays. He died of the 'Plague at Cawood, in the feventy fixth Year of his Age, May 29. 1 500. and was buried in his own Cathedral, under a Tomb he built for himfelf, yet re- maining. In his Will, dated Aug. 6. 1498. he bequeathed feveral Veft- ments to Zitton Church Co. Bedford, where his Mother and Brother were interred ; and a Chalice to Wingham Co. Kent, where he had been Pro- voft ; and to Ripple, where he had been Rector. ThomasSavage, LL. D. Bifhop of London, was elected to this See April 1 2. 1 501 . He died at Cawood. Sept. 3. 1 507. (having fpent much on his Palace there and at Scrooby) appointing his Heart to be bu- ried at Macclesfield Co. Chefier, where he was born, and had founded a College 3 and his Body in Tork Cathedral, in the South Choir, where his Monument is yet ftanding. His Succeifor was Christopher Bainbrigge, LL. D. Provoft of Ow^'s Col- lege, Oxon, Rector of Aller Co. Somerfet, Mafter of the Rolls, Trea- furer of St. Paufs Cathedral, London, Prebendary of Sarum, Tork, Lincoln, Dean of Windfor and Tork, and at length Bifhop of 'Durham, from whence he was tranflated hither Sept. 22. 1 508. and received the Temporalities Dec. 1 2. following. He was An. 1 5 1 1 . made a Cardinal, as he had been, before he was made a Bifhop, Lord Chancellor of Eng- land. He died at Rome, July 14. 1514. being poifoned there by his own Steward, and was buried in the Englijb College there with this Fpitaph, Chri- Archbishops of YORK. 43 Chriftopher. SHrtfjiep. <£bo?ac. «§. $rare&, $re$&#er €avfanali& <©?afo? M&i& inslie, obtit p?ii>. 3D. 3uli), 15*4- His Succeffor was Thomas "Wolsey, the famous Cardinal, Founder of Chrift's Church College in Oxford, born in March 1471. for an Account of whom I need only refer to his life, publiilied by the learned Dr. Fiddes, and to what is {aid of him in other numerous Authors. The Bull of Pope Leo X. for his Translation from Lincoln hither, bears date Oci. r. ■I 5 14. which was publiilied at Terk, Dec. 3. and the 17th of the faid Month he was enthronized by Proxy. In the next Year he was made a Cardinal, and had about two Years after the Abbatiliip of St. Albans given him in Commendam, being the only Cardinal Abbat ever in Eng- land as we find. In the Year 1 j 1 8. he had the Bifhoprick of 'Bath and Wells given him alfo in Commendam, which in four Years he refigned for that of Durham, which he like wife quitted An. 1529. on his Ac- ceptance ot Winchefter. About the beginning of Nov. 1530. he was arretted at Cawood for High-Treafon, from whence as they were con- ducting him to London, he fill fick by the way, and died Nov. 29. 1530. in Lekefter Abbey, and was buried in the middle of the Lady's Chapel of that Monaftery, which being deftroyed, and the Church en- tirely demolished at the DhTolution about twelve Years afterwards ,• and no Foundation of it being at this time poifible to be difcovered, prevented a late pious Defign of removing his Allies to the Cathedral in his own College at Oxford, and ere&ing a Monument to his Memory there ; the Want of which gave occafion to a Right Reverend Member of his Foun- dation to complain thus in the laft Age, And though, from his own Store, Wolfey migfrt have A Palace or a College for his Grave ; Tet here he lies neglected, as if all Of him to be remembred were his Fall. Nothing but Earth, to Earth, no pompousWeight Upon him, but a "Pebble or a Quait. If thou art thus neglected, what may we If ope for after Death, who are but Shreds of thee ! Edward Lee, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Colchefter, Chancellor of Salisbury, Prebendary of York and Salisbury, after the See had been va- cant near a Year, was promoted hither by King Henry VIII. by Bull of G 2 Pope 44 Archbishops of YORK. Pope Ckment, dated OH. 30. 1 53 1. on jDec. 3. he had the Temporali- ties reftored, and "Dec. 13. received Confederation, and Dec. 1 2. follow- ing was enthronized by Proxy, though not in Perfon till April 1. 1534. He died Sept. 13. 1 544. and was buried in the Cathedral, under the up- permoft Window on the North Side, with this Infcription, Edwardus Leus, $rcJ}itnitcop£ €fco? ^ijcologu^ ejctmius, argue onn lit lUfftvarum genere lonfte eruDitiflimu*, fopicntic $ Mitt lanrtifatc darns?, tfjan&elice fcotfrine $?ecunem femper ageirs, pauperito feiiefico*, omntba^ or&uiibus jtijcra cijarus, mapo De fe apuD omne* befifceno rellrto, |>ic feputo jarcf. ^clut^rcftieptfcopugamtosmi'- t\M 1 1. abut 3J0. .Sept'erato, ctati^ fiie 62. ^mio €b?rtfti 1544. In his Time there were in the Cathedral, as Mr. Tbrr obferves, no lefs than thirty Altars, and fixty four Chantries richly adorned, and feveral of them well endowed. About two Years before his Death, by Inden- ture dated Nov. 1 2. 1 542. he alienated his Manors of 'Beverley, South- well, Skidby and Biftwps-Hurton, in Exchange with the Crown, for the diifolved Priory of Mart on cum membris, and other Manors belonging to Religious Houfcs, as Kilbcume, Sutton under Whitfon-Qlijfc, &c. but this was no ill Bargain, and the Church had little Difadvantage hereby, efpecially in comparifon with what it fmfered in the Time of his Suc- ceifor, RobertHolgate, S.T. P. tranflated from Landajf hither Jan. 6. 1 544. born at Holmfworth, about eight Miles from Wakefield, in the Weft-Riding of Torkjhire, and bred up among the Gilbertine Monks at Sempringham in Lincohjloire, and afterwards Prior of Watt on in this his native Country ; who furrendering his Priory, and being a forward Man to promote King Henry VIII. Meafures, he foon found Means to be removed from Landaff to this See, which, within a Month after his Tranflation, he greatly impoverished, by paifing away to the King and his Heirs, as already mentioned, thirteen Manors in Northumberland, forty in TorkJIoire, fix in Nottinghamflrire, and eight in Glouceflerjhire j in Lieu of which he obtained thefe thirty three Impropriations and Advow- fons, late Parcels of Abbey-Lands, whofe Names I fhall briefly repeat, viz. 'Doncafter, Ruifton, Felkirk, 1)arington, Neither-Tople'on, Felif- fark, Sutton, ShirrijT-Hutton, Braferton, My ton, Crawm-, Tl'irkleby, Marten, Stainton, Ormesby, Lithe, Jgnes-OBurton, Weftow, Fihigton, Kayingham, Najferton, Gisburgh, Whitby, Kirkle&ington, Tarum, Malton, Kilbome, Button on T>erwent, T'hirke, Marion in G nitres, •all Co, Turk, zndJJaxy and Owfton Co. Lincoln. And though, by thefe. Archbishops of YORK. 45 thefe unworthy Meafures, he had heaped and amafTed a great deal of Wealth, beyond what any other Bifhop in Ev gland was Mailer of, yet it did not profper with him ; for in Edward VI. Reign he met with his Troubles, one Norman petitioning that King and his Council againft him, claiming the Archbifhop' s Wife to be his, the faid Normans Wife. And in the next Reign, viz. Queen Marys, he had all his Riches feized on, as may be feen in Strypes Life of Archbifhop Cran- mer 3 - where fee, pub An. 1 5 54. an Inventory of his vaft Poffefftons that he had hoarded up at Cawood and Hatterpsa ; and was moreover de- prived and put into the Tower | there being alfo, about the beginning of March 1554. deprived with him, as Mr. Wharton fpeaks (who tells us, that, by his Covetoufnefs and bafe Actions, he was a Blemiili to the Reformation) the Bifhops of St. David, Chapter and Uriptol, who were likewife fet afide for their Marriages ; on account that having, all three of them as well as our Archbifhop, been brought up in Religious Houfes, and' taken the Vow of Coelibacy upon them, they had broken the fame, and fo were more feverely dealt with, than the fecular Clergy^ who were not under fuchfolemn Reftrictions, and fo were difmiffed with- out farther Hardships and Imprifonment ; which this Archbifhop having undergone for above a Year and half, he was, by the Intereft of King Philip, releafed Jan. 18. \^%%-6. And fo, as I prefume, retiring to - Hempworth, the Place of his Nativity, where he had founded an Hofpi- tal and Free-School, died there, and was obfcurely buried. In his Will a which I have feen, dated April 27. 1555. in the Tower,- and proved Dec 4. 1 5 5<5. about eleven Months after his Enlargement, he orders to be buried privately in the Parifli where he fhould deceafe, bequeaths his Soul to Almighty God, St. Mary and all the Company of Heaven, and gives 40 s. to the Minifcer of the Parilh where he died to pray for him. In a Grant of Arms to him, entred in the Herald's Office, he is fcyled of Holmpworth Co. Tork, In the Year 1553. a ^ tt: ^ e before his Deprivation, I find granted to "Barbara his Wife, by King Edward VI. about ; fix Weeks before that King's Death, on May 27. theJVTanor.of Scro- by Co. Nottingham for her Support. She is in the Patent fly led, JBarba- - ra, Wife of Robert Archbifhop of Tork, and fo I fuppofe Normans Prelecution of him was made up. After her Death, and the Arch- - bifhop's, it was provided, that this Manor fhould revert to the See of York again : Which on his Deprivation lay fome time vacant, till the Translation of Nicholas Heath, Bifhop of W'Wcefief^ hither, whofe '■■Conge a" Elire-was granted Feb 19. he received the Temporalities , :. 1 5 ye', »niirr : ; : oi his ■'Radiation June 4-6 Archbishops of YORK. 21. and OU. 3. received the Pall, and Jan. 22. following he was en*' thronized by his Proxy, the Suffragan Biihop of Hull. His firft Pre- ferments were, the Archdeaconry of Stafford, and Bifhoprick of Roche- fter ; he was alfo Almoner to King Henry VIII. as he was Lord Chancellor to Queen Mary, of whom he obtained Sujfolk-Ylo\i& in Southwark, in Recompence for Whitehall, which had been taken from this See ; but that being at too great a Diftance, he procured inftead thereof 2V£-Place in the Strand, which himfelf and Succeffors enjoyed till King James I. to pleafure the Duke of 'Buckingham, exchanged it with Archbifhop Matthews for Lands elfewhere. He alfo prevailed on Queen Mary, to reftore Rippon Lordfhip with feven Manors, Mem- bers thereof, alienated by his Predeceflbr Holgate ; and alfo got back again Southwell, and five other Manors in Nottinghamfloire : Infomuch. that Mr. Torr fays, in Truth the See of Tork owes to Queen Mary and this Archbifhop, more than a third Part of its prefent Revenues. Upon Queen Elizabeth's Acceflion to the Crown, he was deprived ; and hav- ing been ever efteemed a mod excellent Man, endowed with great Piety and Moderation, he was fuffered to retire to his Eftate at Chobham in Surry ; where he died, and was buried in the Chancel An. 1 5 7 p. under a blue Stone, as our Writers inform us, and the Inhabitants have yet a Tradition : Though when I was there An. 1723. I could fee no Sign of any Grave-Stone that was in Memory of him, or any of his Name ; not- withflanding his Relations flourifhed here till very lately. Soon after his Deprivation An. 1 560. William Ma y, Dean of St. Tanfs Cathedral, London, was eleded to this See : But dying before he received Confecration, was buried in St. 'Paufc Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Grave-Stone, €n rectlfcaf tttmulo Gulielmus Meius ifto, £. 4., 1 641. and enthronized in Perfon June 27; 1642% He was born at Conway in Carnarvon/hire, Fellow. of St. Johns College, Cam- - bridge, Re&or of Walgrave and Grafton-Underwood Co. Northampton, Precentor and Prebendary of Lincoln 5. Prebendary ol Peterborough and Kerefordy Archdeacon of Cardigan, Dean, of Salisbury vsx&Wefiminfter* The Hiftory of this unhappy politick Prelate has been published- in fa many Authors, that I need fay no more of him here., than to remark^ ■ that;, $6 Archbishops of YORK. that, dying at Glothaeth Co. Carnarvon, the Seat of Sir Roger Moftyn, Baronet, about a Mile from Conway, he was buried in Llandegay Church, about two Miles off 'Bangor Cathedral, where I have feen his Monument ; 'tis a Copartment of white Marble, affixed to the Wall, and contains his Effigies kneeling, with the Arms of the Sees of Lincoln and Tork, and Deanary of Weftminfter, feverally impaled, with his own Arms, and has on a Tablet this Infcription, Hofpes lege, relege. Qiiod in hocfacello pav.cis noto, hand expeBares, Hie fitus eft Johannes Willhelmus, omnium Prafulum celeberrimus, A paternis natalibus e familia Willhelmorum de Cogwhillin ortits, A matemis e Griffithis de Pentrin. Cnjits fummwn ingeninm, (jin omni genere litterarnm pr Poftquam inter tempora luUuofijftma, Satur ejjet omnium, quawes became ... elected Archbiihop, and was on March 24. following enthronized by Proxy. fD BA KB. 6\ Z> E A N S of Y O R K. DEANS of YORK. OF 7)eans, Canons , and other 'Dignitaries in Cathedrals, fee; Tjugdates Appendix to his Hiftory of St. Paul's Cathedral ; and aifo the learned Bifhop Stillingfieefs Fcclejiaftical Cafes -, where is given a particular Account of their Creation, Office, &c. which is like- wife ve >ly treated of in Bifhop Rennet's excellent Book of Paro- chial Antiquities of Ambrcfden, Sttrcbefier, &c. What I fhall here obferve is, That the Dean is the Principal Canon or Prieji in the Church, being bound to refide altogether there, and being obliged to in- fpect the Government of it, and to defend its Liberties, and keep its laudable Cuftoms, and exercifc his Authority in caufing others to obferve them j he is alfo bound by Oath to preferve the Goods and Eftates of the Church from being loft, or alienated ; and as he is Chief in the Church next the Bifhop, fo in .the Chapter he is the greateft of all - for without his Concurrence the other Members cannot regularly meet, or act. The original Eftablifhment of this Office, as well here as in other Ca- thedrals, was, as all our Writers agree, fince the Conqueft : For tho' titular Deans (by which feems to be underftood only rural ones) occur in the Saxon Times ; yet 'tis plain all their Jurifdiction and Power was fettled after the Norman Invalicn ,- fince which Time Precentors, Chan- cellors, Treafurers, Archdeacons and Prebendaries became firft confli- cted, and introduced into Cathedrals. The Founder of them in this Church (where doubtlefs they were eftablilhed as early as in any other) was Archbifhop Thomas, who An. 1090. about twenty four Years after the Conqueft, divided the Lands of this Cathedral into Prebends, allot- in g each Member his particular Portion, as it continues to this Day • ex- cept, that the Treafurerfhip, with two Prebends annexed to it, being too well endowed, and four others were diflblved not long after the Re- formation. The Endowment of the Deanary, valued An. 1534. 26. Hen. VIII. at 308/. ioj. yd. conlifts of the Impropriations of the Re&ories of Pocklington t Pickering and Killmn, of which Vicar id ges the Dean is Tatron and' Ordinary, having all manner of Jurifdidion j as he is alfo Patron of Thornton, Ebberfton, El/erbourne, Bumbj-Moor, Geven- dale and Hayton Vicaridges, moft or all which were antiently Members of Pocklington, or fome of the other Parifhes where his Demefnes lie. The firft of thefe Deans, on Ere&ion of the Office by Archbifhop Thomas aforefaid, was Hugh, j) EA N S of Y O R K.' <5$ Hugh, conftituted An, 1090. He enjoyed it An. 11 09. As did Aldred An. 1 1 13. After whom I meet with a fecond Hugh pof&ifed of it An, 1 130. and 1 13 2. As I do with William de St, Barbara?, An. 1138. He was An. 1142. made Bifhop of 'Durham : And fucceeded by Robert de Gaunt, An. 1142. He held it 11 53. The next I find is Robert Botivelin: On whofe Death, which happened Anno j 162. Hubert Walter was made Dean An. n 63. He was 11 88. pre- ferred to the See of Salisbury. He.nry Marshall fucceeded, being ele&ed Sept. 6. 1188. He was An. 1 193. made Bifhop of Exeter* Simon de Apulia fucceeded 1 1 9 2. and was likewife preferred hence 1 2 1 4. to the See of Exeter. William, Archdeacon of Nottingham, had, as Le Neve tells us, Sept. 20; 1 214. a Mandamus to be ele&ed Dean ; though I don't find his Name in Mr. Terr's Catalogue : Or Mention of *Maugerius's being Dean here, whom Leland in his Itinerary , Vol. VIII. pag. 1 27. tells us was An. 1 1 99. from this Dignity made Bi- fhop of Worcefter : For he is omitted both in Le Neve and Mr. Torr^ who places in his Catalogue * Ha me as Dean An. 1206. next after Simon de Apulia: And after him mentions Roger de Infula as Dean An. 1 2 2 1 . Le Neve tells us he was ele- cted to this "Office from the "Chancellorfhip of Lincoln Cathedral. He died An. 1 230. as fome Accounts have it j or rather, as in others. Anno 1235. And was fucceeded by Geffry^ Norwich, An. 1235. He died An. 1239. And was fuc- ceeded by F u x k B a s s * t, ele&ed in November, 1239. He was 124 1. made Bifhop of London. After him *W-ill'iam is mentioned as Dean in Mr. Torr's Collections, The next is Walter^? Kirkham : On whofe being made Bifhop of Durham, Anno 1 298. Sew all de 'Bovill fucceeded, 1249. He was Anno 1255. made Archbifhcp : And fucceeded by Godfrey^? Ludham, Anno 1256. He was likewife preferred to this Archbifhoprick : And fucceeded by Robert de Holdemefs, An. 1258. Whofe Succeffor K W I Li I A M 66 "DEANS t/YORK, W'tLiAMflV Lajigton, alias Rutherford, was Anno 1 264. ele&ec! Archbifhop ; but fet aiide by the Pope, and fo continued-Dean, refuting the See of Carlifle, to which he was nominated in 1 278. He died Ju- ly 1 5:. 1 279. and was buried in the Cathedral with this Infcription on his Grave- Stone, the oldeft in the whole Church, Ifyit rerjuieftrt ec. 1 298. But the Arch- bifhop refufed to confirm him, on account that the Pope had thrufl in one Francis, Cardinalis S. Marie de Cofmedyn, who refigning his Preten- tions, William dkd poflefled of it April 20. 1307. Upon which Reymond de la Goth, a Roman Cardinal, fucceeded, being pro- vided by the Pope, and admitted July 31. 1307. He died about June s 1 3 1 0. And was fucceeded by William Pickering, Archdeacon of Northampton, ele&ed Sept. 11. 13 10. He died April 7. 13 12. And was fucceeded by his Brother, Robert Pickering, Archdeacon of Northumberland, elected June 12. 131 2. He died 1332. And was fucceeded by W'lliam^ Colby, admitted Nov. 4. and inflalled Dec. 27, 1332.. He died next Year : And was fucceeded by W'll'am/^ Zouch, admitted Nov. 12.1333. He was 1 340. made 'Archbifhop. Le Neve places him coming in. An. 13 36. But Mr. lorr fixing it 1333. I follow his Authority. Thomas Sampson was elected next Dean by the Canons, Nov. 2. 1342. But the Pope made his Election void, appointing Talyrandos*/ EAN S of f O R K. C&tz p?o anima Will. Felter, ^ecrcfo?ttm ^otto?i#, fiuonoam ^eca-* ui ? &aiionict Rcfio. iftais? €ccl Catheor. ac $?cben&ar. $?c&en&. tic Driffcild in eaocm, tint ohiit x, Die menfisf ?Ip?il. 1451- €u* RichardAndrew, LL. D. Canon of Wind/or ^ Archdeacon of 3$tickingbam 3 fucceeded, being confirmed Jan. 21. 145 1. In his Will, dated Sept. 12. 1477. and proved Nov. 5. following, he appointed to be buried in York Cathedral, bequeathing a Legacy to Adderbury Co. Oxon, where he was born j and St. Afaph Cathedral, where no doubt he liad been Canon or Dean. He refigned this Deanary a little before his Death, and was buried in the Cathedral, where he had founded a Chan- try, with an Infcription on his Grave-Stone now perilhed. On his Re- fignation Robert Bothe, LL. D. was admitted Aug. 1 8. 1 477. In his Will, dated Jan. 23. 1487. two Days before his Death, he defired to be buried near his Predeceflor, Dean Andrews^ and to have a Stone laid over him, which I find had this Infcription now likewife periflied, — Bfnjjenio, rjirtttfe, fifce, Irijc locug ifte $t%i fooce raro nofcerat ante tarum. &uli ®eo fltI)Ono? 5 gloria, Robertus Bothe &ecantt& 1487; On his Death Christoper TJrsewick, LL. D. became admitted May i il 1488. of whom and his numerous Preferments fee an Account in New- court. He refigned this Dignity : And was fucceeded by William Sheffield, LL. D. admitted June 24. 1494. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Infcription, ^erjuttura Will. Sheffeild decani, orjiit 8. toe ^ecemte, 1496.' Jtatftrere mei ®eu# fecuntmm magnam mrtericozznzvy , (which lies now in Cbefler Diocefe) and Advowfdn of the Vicaridge, with fome Tythes inTadcafter and Heflington, valued at 30/. 14J. Which not be- ing thought fufficient, Archbifhop Rotherham, Anno 1483. annexed to it the Prebend ofTJrffii/d, valued at 62 /. per Ann. to which belongs a Moi- ety of Haxby Lordfhip Co. Lincoln. Behcles the Advowfons otUsbcrm and Tiriffeild aforefaid, the Precentor is alfo Patron of Qddington Co. Gloncefier, which Parifh belonged to the See of Tork, till Archbifhop Holgate granted away the Manor, though the Precentor ftiil kept his Right. The Value of this Dignity with Driffeildh rated for Firft-Fruits at S9L 1 o j. 10 d. Gilbert was made the Mrft Precentor, on founding this Dignity by Arch- bifhop Thomas, Anno 1090. He occurs polTefied of it Anno 1 1 13. As does * \V 1 l l 1 a m de Augo, Anno 1 144. in Prynns ColleUanea, Vol. II. Hamo, afterwards Dean of this Church, fubferibed by this Title Anno 1 155, and 1179. *Huch Murdak was, as Prynn tells us, made Precentor Anno I 201. But the Archbifhop appointed Ralph de Kyme to it at the fame Time, viz. 1 201. though perhaps Hamo kept it till he was made Dean Anno 1206. In which Year R e g i- N. B. This Mark (*) denotes the Precentors, Chancellors, Treafurers, Subdeans, and Archdeacon- omitted by Mr. Le Neve in his Wefti, the Infertion of which will help to perfect his Series of Lifts of principal Dig- . nitaries in Cathedrals. Precentors cf YORK. 73 Reginald Arundel occurs Precentor Anno 1206. As does Peter de RnJJinol, Anno 121 5. And Geffry de Norwich , Anno J225. On whofe fucceeding to the Deanary. 1 23 5. Robert became Precentor Anno 1235. As did * W a lt e r about 1 239. He held it not long : For I meet with Simon de Eve/ham pofiefled of it 1239. and 1 240. He was about 1 250. made Archdeacon of Richmond : And fucceeded by William de tPaffamar, who occurs .poffefled of it about 1250. 'As does Robert de Winton about 1258. And H u g h de Cantelupe, Anno 1 26%. *John Romanus held it 1269. He was 1 285. made Arch* biiliop, having fome time before refigned it : For I find *William4& Corneys, afterwards Bifbop of Sarum, poffefied of it 12^3. As I do Peter de Rofs, collated to it July 17. 1 289. And Thomas de Cobham, Anno ^12. He was 13 17. made Bifliop of Worcejier : And fucceeded by . * R o b e r t dV ValoigneSy collated .1317. His Suceeffor was * T h o m a s de Serton, Rector of CUve Co* Gloucejier, admitted 1320. William^? Alburwicks fucceeded, being admitted 3 . Id. Not'. 13 21. on Berton's Death. He quitted it for the Chancellorship of this- Church : And was fucceeded by * R o b e r t d? NaJJington, inftalled An. 1332. He died 1 3 45. be- ing alfo Prebendary of "Beverley, and was buried in the Cathedral : And fucceeded by * R o b e r t de 'Patrington, alias Thurgats, S. T. P. inftituted April •1. 1345. on NajJingtons~Dzztn. He died, and was buried at Pairing- ton : And fucceeded by * Simon de 'Beckingham, inftituted Aug. 26. and inftalled Nov. 17. 1349. on Patringtons Death. His Succeflor was * H u g h de Wymonds-JVould) LL. B. inftalled April. 13.1352. To whom fucceeded *Nicholas^ Cave, admitted Mar. \6. 13 64. He was made Re&or of trinity Qodramgate in Tork City, and Prebendary of St. Marys Chapel ■ fo quitted this. A d a m de Torh fucceeded, being admitted July 3. 1365. and in- ftalled T)ec. 24. following, on Caves Reiignation. He died Anno 1370. And, was fucceeded by ■ L * H e n R i' 74. Precentors of YORK. ~*H e n R y de Barton, collated May 20. 1370. and inftalled yidy if. following. He was Prebendary of Lincoln and Lichfield: And fuc- ceeded in this Stall by *HochA Jlymonds-Would, who had refigned it, as I judge, about fix Years ago, admitted 1 371. On whofe Refignation Anno 1379. * R o g e R de Rvpon became admitted 1379. He held it not long : Tor I find * W 1 l l I a m de Hexby, or Kexby, occurs poffefTed of it the fame Year. In his Will, proved Mar. 8. 1409. he appointed to be buried in this Cathedral. * John BuRRell, Redor of G 'ilh 'ng, fucceeded 141 o. and, dying the fame Year, was buried in the Cathedral : And fucceeded by * Brian Fairfax, collated Anno 141 o. He died Anno 143 6. And was fucceeded by * John Setow, admitted 'Dec. 29. 1436. on Fairfax's Death. Robert Dobbes 3 LL.B. fucceeded, being admitted Off. 2. 1439* On whofe Refignation J o h n C a s t e l l, S. T. P. Re'. Archbifhop Rotherham annexed "Driffeild Prebend to this Dignity. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Grave- Precentors of YORK: 75 Grave-Stone ; having in his Will ordered his Sepulture here, or elfe at Middle-ham, Guillhelmusfctira JSCCt fjat fur) rnne Beverley, <®m $;ecento?# fulfil ijono?e nimts, Canonicug rtffoen* fuit i)ic Jjeu *emga?e parfto, Port Dette^ teniae non magig e&fcomaDas : 3jtle tetanus erat Myddelim ueneraMte olim, ^nirtfus etentara nunc erit in requiem. €ui ofritf ianuart] 7. 149?* * Hugh Trotter fucceeded, being admitted Jan. "23. 1493. He refigned the fame Year, being made Treafurer : And was fucceeded by John Hert, admitted June 23. 1494- He died, and was buried in the Nave of the Cathedral, as he ordered in his Will, near St. Wil- liam, with this Epitapth, &epuUura ma&iftri Johannis Hert, jponbara \iii)Vi$ €ccl #?etenfo?i& $?efien*anu£ $?eben&e &e Driffeild, ac EcfiOentianus cjutoem, qui. obiit 8. ote menn> $wem&?i& 5E.^. H9J- W)vi$ anime j?;oj)u;ie^ fur ®eu#. William Lang ton, S. T. P. fucceeded about Jan. 1495." In his Will, dated Nov. 10. 1496. On which Day he deceafed, he ordered to be buried in the Cathedral, near St. Saviours Image, and had this Epitaph on his Grave-Stone, now periihed, ©?afc #o anlma m'afiiftri Will. Languetone, &. Z. $. ac ijujug €ccl/ l&eceirto?!*, m obttt $otN 10. 1496. cujug, ?c. Martin Collyns fucceeded, being admitted iVtfc. 26. 14.96. on Langtoiis Death. He refigned it Anno 1 503. on being made Treafurer; And was fucceeded by John Perrot, LL. B. admitted Q$. 20. 1593. He ordered in his Will, dated Febr. 2. and proved Febr. 12. 1 518. to be buried in the Cathedral j and that a Prieft ihould pray for him over Biihop Savage's Tomb. Thomas Ly nacre fucceeded, being admitted April 9. 1 5 1 9 on Terrors Death. He refigned the fame Year : And was fucceeded by Richard W y at, S. T. P. admitted Nov. 15. 1519. on Lynacre\ Resignation. In his Will, proved in OU. 1522. he appointed to be'bu-. ried in Southweli Collegiate .Church. Ij -2 Wl LLUM j6 Precentors of YORK. WilliamHalcilx, fucceeded, being admitted Nov. 6. ifix. ©if Dr. Jfyafs Death: On whofe Refignation in Nov. 1534. being made Prebendary of South-Cave, as he was alfo Mailer of the Savoy Hofpi- tal, London, and Archdeacon of Carlijle, William Cliffe, LL. D> became admitted Nov. 2. 1 534. He quitted it for the Treafureriliip : And was fucceeded by Edward Kellet, LL. D. admitted April 13. 1538. He died ODec. 5. 1539. and was buried in the Cathedral with this Epitaph, 3111 gooo Mtw p?ap fo? ff)e /Soul of Rafter, ^orto? Kellet, Cijanfoc of t|>isf $lace, ano Commtffavp ano Bcceioet General of tt)e €jc-- xfjcatw, Xjj|)0 oeceafco t!)e 5tf> ®an of .Senfemoer, 1539- ** N 1 cholas Everard fucceeded, 1539. His SuccefTor was John Rokeey, LL. D. Chancellor of the Diocefe, or Vicar Gene- ral, admitted 1 545. He died Anno 1 574. And was fucceeded by John Gibbon, or Gibfon, Kt. LL. D. admitted 1574. He died' Febr. 28. 1 61 2. And was fucceeded by Henry Banks, S. T. P. admitted in April, 1613. on Gibbons Death. He exchanged it, for the Prebend of "Bugthorpe, with John Brook, S. T. P. admitted in 1615-. about April. He died next Year, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Inscription on his. Monument, Johannes Brook, S. T?. T. Coll. Univerf. Oxon. Socius, Elmleienfis pri- mum, tunc Silkftonia?, Brainftonica? Re U. Ecclef. Metropol. Precentor & Canonicus Rejidentiarius.. T r ir prudens & providus, in Concionibus frequens y (j doUtts : Vixit ad annum J&tatis fua 49. obdormivit in ^Domino 23. Martii, A.T). 1616. &pofitus eft juxta hoc MonumeiiUim y ExfpeUans novijjimam SanUorum RefurreUio?iem. ^Pajfor eras plebi dileUa pabula vita, Seepe tua CF doUa 1)oZior in urbe dabas, Officimn egregie til Precentoris obibas, lempora Jed vita funt magis arcla tu collated in 1369. His .Will bears date 2)«vi 3 . . i 3 79. Soon after which he was fucceeded by J o h n de Sherborne, collated about the end of January, or begin- ning of 'February, 1379'. He died after the Year 1400. poffeffed of this Dignity, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Infcriptiou on his Grave-Stone, 3|ic jacef Johannes de Shirborne, &ortO£ in ^fjeolOgia, gtlOnfcani €att*- tellariu^ iitiu£ €ctlefie, tujus anime $ogffief ur 0m$ -• John Ricking ale fucceeded Anno 1440. as Mr. Terr places it. He was Anno 1426. made Biftiop of Chichefier ': And fucceeded by *JohnEstcourt, Archdeacon of Merioneth, collated 1425, To whom fucceeded JohnHaxby, or Kexby, S. T. P. collated 1427. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Infcription on his Grave- Stone, J^ic jacet $&agiftet Johannes de [Hexby] ponbam CanteUarittg iffitis ighton, Anno 1 3 29. And next Year WilliAm^/^ Mare obtained it again, viz. Anno 1330. He died, and was buried in this Cathedral, with this Epitaph on his Grave-Stone, i|ic jacet Haagiilcr Will, de la Mare, fluon&am Canon, ftajtw* €ccle-- fie, ojii orjitt 26. tic $>ecem&#& 2L ®» J 3 61 ' cnjujy, ?c. By this it appears, that he had, feveral Years before his Death, quitted this Dignity, into which the Pope thruft "Francis^ Filiis JJrfi, Anno 1335. To whom fucceeded * W 1 l l 1 a m de Kildesby, Anno 1341. by the King's Gift, who al- fo beftowed it upon ^Bartholomew^ Bourne, July 25. 1 343. as the .Patents mention. * A. Tusculanus Cardinalis held it about 1 349, by the Pope's - Gift, as we find in Rimer's Foedera : In which Year the King conferred it upon J o h n de Winwick, July 29. 1349. Mr. Torr feems to think he came in Anno 1335. probably becaufe he then began to exercife his Of- fice for the Foreigners, whom the Pope had introduced. His SuccefTor m Mr. Torr is M 2 * J o h n 84 Treasurers of YORK. "JohmButo Nj or Burton, Anno 1 3 60. To whom fucceeded the fame Year J o h n de Uranktree, Anno 1 3 <5o. In his Will, dated 1 3 74. and proved Sept. 24. 1375. he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, near St. Williams Tomb, and gave a Legacy to 'Debeuham Co. Norfolk, where he was baptized. On a Grave-Stone in the Cathedral there was this imperfect Inscription to his Memory, -inline BeilC&iC- <0)?iftC OJiem Claubit Johannem Brangtre, ifting <£ccl. t'mf, uir n^cfto Sophie — . — $aupcrirjns 5 ina-- John Cliffo rd fucceeded 1374. He died, and was buried near St. William, with this Infcription, lijMc jacef Johannes Clifford, ruionuam cu#. fie was a-lfo, as I find, Redtor of Sedgfeeld Co. "Durham. John de Newton, LL.D. was inftalled Treafurer Mar. 30. 1393. In his Will, proved July 13. 141 4. he appointed to be buried, in this Cathedral, near his Predeceffors, which I rind was performed. He died Jan. 21. 1 41 3. And was fucceeded by * Richard Pytts, admitted Anno 141 4. In his Will, proved Sept. 1 8. 1415. he appointed to be buried near Archbifhop Henrys Tomb, and gave five Marks to Wells Cathedral, of which I fuppofe he had been a Prebendary. John Nottingham fucceeded, being admitted Aug. 17. 1415:. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Grave- Stone, JfriC jatCf Harder Johannes Nottingham, ^cfaurar. €tt\. €a(f). Ebor. cum tajttf, rjuohiit xx. tie menife S£ecem&?i& 25. <£. 14 < 8. In his Will he gave 20 /. to. the Fabrick, and 10 /. to the High- Altar of the Cathedral. *ThomasHaxey fucceeded, being Collated Anno 1418. He was Prebendary of Southwell, Hoveden and Rippon. In his Will, dated at Southwell^ Febr. 29. 1424. he appointed to be buried in the Cathe- dral, Treasurers of YORK. 8$ dral, where he had founded a Chantry, at St. Thomas of liechis Al- tar, and had this Infcription on his Grave-Stone, i^ic jacct Tho. Haxey, cnonbam Cfjefaurariug fjttjns €cci rfai obiit 25. fcie meniig 3anuarij, ?L ^. 1424. cuius, 5c * Robert Gilbert fucceeded, being admitted Aug. 1 1 . 1425. on Thomas Haxey s Death. He was afterwards Billiop of Loudon : And, refigning this, was fucceeded by Robert Wolveden, admitted 1425. on Gilbert's Resignation . In his Will, dated Sept. 4. 1432. and proved the 20th of the fame Month, he appointed to be buried in this Cathedral, near St. Marys Al- tar without the Porch, and gave 20/. to the Fabrick,, and his Theo- logy-Books to the Library. He was alfo Dean of Lichfield. John Bermyngham fucceeded, being collated 1432. on Wcke- deiis Death. While he continued Treafurer he rebuilt the South- Weft Tower, where the Bells hang, as appears by his Name, yet vifible, fubfcrib- ed on it, in Capitals on the outfide, B E R M Y N G H A M. In his Will, dated Mar. 29. 145J. and proved May 28. following, he gave 50 /..to the Fabrick of the Cathedral, 3 /. 6 s. 8 d. to Milden-Hall, ' where lie was Rector, and 5 /. to the Fabrick of the Nave of Wokerhamptou Church. He died, and was buried in the Cathedra], with this In- fcription, <5?afc p?o anima Johannis Bermyngham, fiuaitai ^efaurarij tffiiis €cclefie, at n?cpolift €cclelie fceatt Johannis Beverlaci, rjlli otjlrt 2$. tie $aaij, 25.®. 1457- cfljw, ?r. * John Bothe fucceeded Anno 1457. and was . afterwards made.Bi- fhop of Exeter, having re/igned this before to John Pakenham, collated 1 459. on Soihe's Refignation. He &:- ed Oct. 2. 1477. and was buried in the Cathedral • And fucceeded by Thomas Port ingt on, A. M. admitted 1477. on Pakenham s Death. In his Will, dated June 10. 1485. and proved Jan. 30. fol- lowing, he names no Place of Burial; but I fuppofehe was interred near his Predeceflbrs in the Cathedral. William Sheffeild fucceeded, being collated 1485. on Porting- tons Death. He was Anno 1494. made Dean: And fucceeded by Hugh Trotter, collated 1494. He died Anno 1503. And was. fucceeded by M A J-TYS. 8(5 Treasurers 0/ YORK. ..f.tyi;Collyn c , LL. D. collated 1503. on 'Trotters Death. In his Will he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, near his Prsde- ceflbr Haxey, which was accordingly performed, there having been put Infcription on his Grave-Stone, 3Capibe jceccnbifum jaccf corpus Martini Colyns, &etreto* ..?!£•. oliiu Cijeiauranj £-cclef£ Ebor. $ cjuftiem ec. 12510. His Sue- ceffor was * P e t e r de T.fula, admitted 5. Cal. Martii, 1 3 1 0. He died next . Year,: And was fucceeded by * P a n d. de Sabello, admitted Jtine 12. 1 3 1 1 . on' Peter de Infulas- , Death : After him Robert^ Appelby came in 3 Anno 1 3 1 5. as Le Neve informs us 1 • As did . *Ursinus de Urbe, Anno 13 27. To whom fucceeded * W 1 1- ti a m d.ela Mare the fame Year : And ^Walter de 'Burton was inftalled into it Aug. 2. 1328. * William de Exon had it 'given him by the King, March :'L . * U.RSO ■ 83 Subdkans of Y O R K. x U r s o is flyled Subdean, Anno 134^. He was fucceeded by A-:; drew Offarp, made Subdean Jan. 24. 1347. by the Crown, who, revoking his Gift to Qfard, gave it to L William de Retford^ Febr. 19. 1349. In his "Will, proved April 20. 1372. he appointed to be buried in St.Switbiris Church, in Eaft-Retford. On his Death Thomas de Srandoh was inftalled into this Dignity, March 26. 1373. by Proxy. Ke held it 1380. As did John de T fait ham ^ Anno 138 1. He quitted it Anno 1384. for the 'Archdeaconry of Richmond. W illia m de Mould on fucceeded Anno 1 384. In his Will, prov- ed Not'. 16. that fame Year, he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, to which he gave 10/. * R o g e r de Sakton fucceeded Anno 1384. and quitted it for Tul- Rectory Co. Norfolk, in Exchange, as I fuppofe, with c W 1 l l 1 a m de Holym, collated Jan. 12. 1385. He was Rector of Beford. * Ralph de Selbj, IX. D. fucceeded 13 86. and exchanged it 1392. for the Archdeaconry of Buckingham, with * John Evotts, who became admitted in 1392. He exchanged it next Year with * An dr.ewBondeby for fome other Preferments ; and he became fitted Anno 1393. He exchanged it, for Sisoaffham Reclory in Nor- ', with * John Ma p u r l e y \ and he became collated to it 1409. He died the fame Year, and was buried in Fljlng-Spittle Hofpital, London: And fucceeded by Richard Arnall, collated to it Jan. 19. 1409. He died June <. 1 441. and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph on his Grave-Stone, Ouic pjo amma Kaagftn Ricardi Arnall, tutcntbam -Suouccam 5 <£a-- nonici iftiu* €cclefie €arj)eu?al. 5 Curie Ebor. <©ffictali#, qui obtif 9. tue mcnfi.s Itunj, &<£. 1441. Ccli folamen fiui bzt C|)?!ftu* * Nicholas Cle rk, Rector of Spqfford, and Matter of St. Mary Magd. Hofpital at Rippon 3 fucceeded Anno 1441. and quitted it the fame Year : As did Mohn Spencer Anno 1 441 . To whom fucceeded * John Subdeans gTTORK. 89 ' * John Bate in 1441. He likewife refigned it May 1. 1478. and had a Portion of 20 /. allowed annually out of it, by his Succeflbr *HenryGillow, admitted May 7. 1478. In his Will, prov- ed April 29. 1483. he appointed to be buried in Houghton le Spring Church-Yard Co. 'Durham, where he was Rector, near his Mother's Grave, and a Chapelto be built over hinij and a Chantry to be founded, if Leave could be obtained. His Succeffor was William Constable, collated May 9. 1483. Fie quitted it 1484. on being made Archdeacon of Cleveland ; And was fucceed- ed by T h o m a s P e R e s o n, or 'Pearfcn, admitted 1484. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Grave-Stone, J^ic jacet Thomas Pearfon, j)uju£ 9. And V as fucceeded by Humphry^ Cherlton^ S. T. P. admitted by Proxy T)ec. 14. 1359. He died 1382. being alio Prebendary of Riccall 3 and was bu- ried in Riccal Chancel : And fucceeded by John Bacon, Prebendary of Buckingham in Lincoln Cathedral, admitted by Proxy Febr. 20. 1382. He exchanged it, for fome other Dignity, with J o h n de Waltham, J tin. 11. 1384. On whofe being made ' Bifliop of Salisbury, Anno 7388. Thoma s de'Dalby fucceeded, and was inftalled Sept. 23. 1388. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Grave-Stone, i!3ic jaccf Thomas Dalby, njionuam HtTl)iOiaconu.$ Richmondie,^ &? non- SefiOenf. Henricl VII. 5 CaoeUani 5 Confiltarij itttnit-- iimi Begig Henrici VIH. 5 decani Cajellc illufttiffimi eftncipis im* Ci# Richmond $ Somerfett, out (font 26, Die menfi£ ^anuatij, 511. 55, 4525. cuius aiiime p?02metar 3£eu& Imen- - iaiftremini met mn jFrcnup^ all, Zfyzmmb f)afl) info?m'o me to fall ; l^er 3 man no long enoure, p?ap fo^ mn -Soul, jF 0? tfjte #o?lo Mr tranftfojn ano terreftial O Th 0- 98 Archdeacons of Richmond. Thomas Winter, Archdeacon of Fork, fucceeded, being admitted March 24. 1524. He refigned it Anno 1529. And was fucceeded by William Knight, LL. D. admitted F)ec. 1529, He was the laft Archdeacon of Richmond, while it continued part of this Diocefe of Fork : It being, on his Reiignation May 20. 1 541 . by King Henry VIII. together with that of Chefter, (which he alfo held, being like- wife the laft Archdeacon of Chefter in the Church of Lichfield) made part of the new- erected Bifhoprick of Chefter ; where fee, in the Hiftory of that Church, the fucceeding Archdeacons deduced and continued down to this Time. Archdeacons of East-Riding. THIS Dignity, rated at 62 1. 14 s. 7 d. is endowed with the Im- propriation and Advowfon of Mapleton for its Corps. W 1 l l i a m Filius Tinrandi held it, as Le Ne?e fuppofes, about 1 1 3.0. "Hu'gh^ Tudfey is the next I meet with. He was from this Di- gnity made Treafurer Jnno 1 141. G e f f r y de Lucy was from it, as is fuppofed, made Biftiop of Win- ch eft er, Anno 1189. Walter de JFyfebech held it 1 221. and 1225. As did W 1 l l 1 a m C a n o n 1 2 29. And One Walter, Anno 1 23 5. Simon^ TLveJham enjoyed it 1249. He was about 1265. made Archdeacon of Richmond. Robert^ Scardeburgh fucceeded 1 266. as in one Account, tho' in another he is faid to be collated 8. Cal. April, 1 269. after a conside- rable Vacancy. J o h n de Craucombe fucceeded about 1 277. for he occurs pofleffed of it 1278. He died 1308. And was fucceeded by Bertram^ Fergis, Anno 1308. And he by * Dion is Avenel 1322. After whom I find Audomer Robert pofleffed of it 1345. He died 1352. And was fucceeded by 'WiLLi^MdeWakote, collated 1352. on Robert's Death. His Succeflbr was Walter Skirlaw, admitted 1361. He was 1385. made Biftiop of Lichfield: And fucceeded by * W 1 L- Archdeacons of East-Riding. 99 * Will i a m de Wcikham 1385. He died 1389. And was fuc- ceeded by *Francis Cardinalis de St. Luftace, admitted 1389. To whom fucceeded William^ F^r%, LL. B. inftalled Jww 7. 1393. He ex- changed it, for Althorpe Rectory in Lincoln Piocefe, with William deWaltham, who became admitted July 23. 1409, As did Henry Bowett, Anno 1 41 5. He was 1 4 1 8 . made Archdeacon of Richmond : And fucceeded by John Woodham, Anno 141 8. He died 1432. or, as in fome Accounts, 1434* And was fucceeded by RichakdT E ..£-» D. admitted 1432. He died 1463. be- ing Prebendary of S/eJurd in Lincoln Cathedral : And was fuc- ceeded by ^Robert Clifton, admitted 1453 . He died Anno. 1467. Anji was fucceeded by _ John Walker, or Walter ', LL. B. admitted July \6. 1467. He died 1475. And was fucceeded by Edmond Audle y, A.M. admitted jD^. 25-. 1475. On whofe being made Biihop of Rochefier. Edward Pole became admitted jDec. 25. 1480. He was made Archdeacon of Richmond : And fucceeded by William Poteman, inftalled Jan. \6. 1485. He died March 25. I493- Having in his Will appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, near Archbifliop George Nevill. HenryCornbull fucceeded, being admitted March 30. 1493. He refigned it 1497. being made Archdeacon of Tork : And was fuc-- ceeded by JohnHoole, Archdeacon o£ Cleveland, admitted May 1. 1497* He died 1 501. And was fucceeded by Richard Mayhew, S.T.P. admitted May 9. 1501. He was 1504. made Bifhop of Hereford: And fucceeded by Thomas Magnus, admitted in June, 1504. He died 1550. and Was buried at Seffay, Where he was Rector, with this Epitaph, l^ere Ijiefij Thomas Magnus, ?|rcl}beacon Of fj)£ Eaft-Riding of fjj'e maetronolitical Cfjurcf) of York, tefja oseij 28. of Auguft, A. b. 1550. His Succenor was O 2 John ioo Archdeacons of East-Riding. JohnDakyns, LL. D. inftalled April 13. 1551. To whom fuc- ceeded William Rokeby, LL. D. admitted in 1)ecemb. 1558. After whom Martin Parkinson fucceeded in T)ec. 1568. And, dying 1565?. was fucceeded by John Me y, S. T. P. inftalled Oct. 8. 1559. He refigned it, being Bifliop of Carlijle, 1588. On his Refignation John Gibson, or Gibbon, LL. D. and alfo Knighted, was nomi- nated Anno 1588. But quitted his Pretentions. After him Thomas Cole is faid, in Le Neve, to fucceed 1588. on Bifliop Meys Refignation, who makes alfo Richard Remmi ngton to fucceed Cole 1 588. But in the Account fent me no mention is made of Cole ; and both Gibfon and Remmington are faid to fucceed Bifliop Mey in 1588. His Succeifor was Marmaduke Blakeston, A.M. collated Nov. 25. 1615. on the Refignation of ■Remmington, His Succeffor was John Co sin, S. T. P. collated in Sept. 1625. o\\ %c Blakejion\ Re- fignation. He was Anno 1660. made Bifliop of ^Durham : And fuc- ceeded by C l e m e n t B r e t t o n, S. T. P. inftalled 1 660. He refigned on be- ing made Archdeacon of Lincoln: And was fucceeded by "Robert Hitch, collated Anno 1662. He died 1676: being alfo Dean of this Church j and having refigned this Dignity a little before his Death to William Br e a ry, LL. D. collated OB. 15. 167?. on Hitetis Refignation. He died Anno 170 1. being alfo Reftor of Guifeley, bu- ried there : And was fucceeded by Heneage Derinc, LL. D, collated Mar. 7. 1701. Living 1723. Dean of Rippon. Archdeacons of Cleveland. THIS Dignity, rated at 36/. ooj, 10^. has no Corps or En- dowment, otherwife than the Perquifites of the Office, viz. Pro- curations and Synodals. * J e r e m 1 a h is the firft I find. He held it about 1 17a. according to Try 1111 : As did Gjffry^ Mv.fchamp, Anno 1 194. He was 1 198. made Bifliop. of Lichfield: And, as Le Neve tells us_, fucceeded by John — I Archdeacons o/Clevei/an d, ioi John^ Grey, Anno 1199. Though, according to Trynn, *Ralph^? Kyme, who laid fome claim to it An. 1x96. feems to have got fome Footing here about 1 200. and to have held it till. 1 201. when he got the Precentorfhip. After him I find Hugh MuRdac pofTeffed of it Anno 1 20 r. William^? Ely held it Anno 1 204. and 1 218. as Le Neve in* timates. After him M a t t h e w, a Scot, fublcribed by his Title 1225. and 1 2 29. As did *Jqhn about the Year 1 23 o. And *Seklo 1 23 1. and 1 240. And then I meet with a fecond GeferyMusghAmp about 1 250. The next is Ruffinus TonenSj Re&or of 'Brcmpton. He occurs Anno 1 1 661 As does * Thomas Grimston 1280. Hedied 1289. And was fucceed- ed by Thomas^ JEadbury 1 289. He voided it the fame Year, to Stephen^? Mauley ', or Malolacu, who came in 12 8 9. and held it 1304.. Adrian^ Tlifc was prefented to it 13 17. After whom * Thomas Sampson occurs pofTefTed of it 1330. And then E meet with Walter^ Wefton, Canon of St. Stephens, Wejlrninjler, prefent? ed to it Aug. 25. 1343. On whofe Refignation *J&hn Ellerker became, collated. 1348. He died 1351. And was fucceeded by * Thomas de Hell-well, confirmed May 23. 13 51. He ex- changed it, for Kepax. Rectory, with William F e r i b y, admitted Fehr. 18. 1 3 54. He died Sept. 2 1„, 1379. and was buried, in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph, 3|tC. jacef ^om.. Will,, de Feriby,. #U0n&am lrt!)it>. Cleveland, $ ifiitt# €ccl£fie Canonic, qui obiit in tfefto &M8i Matthei ^poftoli, $1. ®. 1 3 79... cuju.$ anime ^opititf w 3Deu#. ?taen. *WiiLiAM^ Catton fucceeded, being admitted Sept. X379,. He was fucceeded the fame. Year by MVilliam^ Hexby, admitted Nov. 8. 1379. And he. by. Rogers Rypou, admitted the fame Year likewife, viz, 1379*- ^Robert de Mansfield_ fucceeded 1380. and exchanged it, fei- Beverley Provoftfhip, with •**A D A. iii « 102 Archdeacons ^.Cleveland. * Adam Spencer, April xi. 1380. He quitted it for Broskall Rectory, in Exchange, to *JohnMarshall, collated April 22.1385. In his Will, prov- ed Febr. 4. 1386. he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral. "John Fitz Thomas fucceeded 1386. And, dying Juno 1387. was fucceeded by. * Alexander Herle Anno 1387. And he by 'Thomas Walkikton, inf tailed Nov. 7. 13 97. He was Re- ctor of Houghton Co. "Durham^ and, dying 141 o. was buried at "Bever- ley : And fucceeded by *'Cle m e n t S t a y n t o n, collated 1 41 o. on Walkintons Death : To *.vhom fucceeded * Richard Pytts Anno 1 41 1 . In 1 41 4. he was made Treafurer : And fucceeded by * W 1 l l i a m P e l e s o n, collated Anno 1 41 4. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription, ©?afe p:0 enima Will. Pelefon, iHtC&ftiaCOH' Cleveland, £tli Q&itf William Duffeild fucceeded, being collated 1434. He died a and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription, €>?a(e n?o aniffla Magiftri Will. Duffeild, $rci)i&iac. Cleveland, t#x\ ofciit 7.Jiaaitij, 1453. Stephen Wilton fucceeded 1453. In his Will, proved July 6, 1457. he appointed to be buried in "Beverley Church, in the new Cha- pel by him built : He was alfo Prebendary of Fmpingham in Lincoln Cathedral. * William Br a nd fucceeded 1457. And, resigning in 1470. was fucceeded by * William Potemam Anno 1 470. He quitted it for the Arch- deaconry of Faft-Riding, Anno 1484. And was fucceeded by * William Constable, collated June 16. 1484. He died about Sept. 28. next Year ; being Prebendary of Norton in Lincoln Ca- thedral : And was fucceeded by *HenryCornbull, collated Oft. 27. 1 48 5. on Co nji ablets Death. He quitted it for the Archdeaconry of Fafl-Kiding : And was fuc- ceeded by Gef- Archdeacons jf Cleveland. i og GeferyBlith, collated May 9. 145*3. He was 1496. made Dean : And fucceeded by *JohnHole, admitted March 8. 1496. He quitted it next Year, on being Archdeacon of Eafi-Riding : And was fucceeded by ThomasCrossley, A. M. admitted May 5. 1 497. He quitted it for the Archdeaconry of Nottingham : And was fucceeded by . John Reynold, LL. D. admitted Jug. 24. 1 499. He died T)ec. 24. 1506. and was buried in the Cathedral, with an Infcription on his Grave-Stone long fince perifhed. Richard Rawlins fucceeded, being admitted in June 1507^ He was, 1523. promoted to the See of St. 'Davids, where Jie died, and was buried in that Cathedral. On his Promotion James Denton, Re&Or of Heydborne fucceeded, being admitted 1525. He died 1532. being Dean of Lichfield, and was buried at Ludlow : And fucceeded by Thomas Bedell, admitted in June 1533. He refigned it Au- guft following, being Archdeacon of London : And was fucceeded by William C li ffe, admitted in Augufl 1533. On whofe being made Precentor - Richard Langridge, S. T. P. fucceeded in 1534. Hediedin 1547. 'being -Re&or of 'Wheldrake : And was fucceeded by John "Warner, M. D^ collated 1547. He died 1554. being Dean of Wincliefter^ zt^London, and. was buried in. Gr.eat-Stanmore Church in Middlefex : i And fucceeded by 'Christ op he R Malton, admitted in 1 5-64. He died in 'Mar*, 1569. and was buried in the Cathedral : And 'fucceeded by RalphCoulton, admitted 1 570. He died May 8. 1 58 2. and Was buried in the Cathedral: And. fucceeded by Rich a rd.Remmin g ton, A. M. ' collated June-%. '-rftfil on the Death of Ralph Coidton. He: quitted it for 'the Archdeaconry of ' Laft-RidiiTg : And was' fucceeded by R 1 c h a r d B tr d, collated Match 2 1 . 1 5$ 8'.' on Remmingtons. Resignation. He refigned it JnnoiBoi. And was fucceeded by John Philips, A.M. in April 1 60 1 . ' He refigned r6 19 . being made Bifhop of Man : And was fucceeded by HenRyThttrcross, B. D. inflalled Aug. 2. 1 619. He re- figned it 1 63 5. to "T i m o t h y T h u r c r o s s, B. D. inflalled Nov. 16. 163 5". op,: Henry Thurcrofs's Refignation. He refigned it. Mm 1638. And was, fucceeded by 1 04 Archdeacons of Cleveland. John Ne'lf, b D. inftalled Otf. 27. 1638. on "Timothy Thar- crofis Resignation. He died Anno 1675. being Dean of Rippon, and .was buried at Rippon : And fucceeded by Robert F ei ld, collated April 27. 1675. He died, an< ^ was bu- ried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph, Jlic jacet Robert. Feild, S. T. P. Archid. Cleveland, vecnon biijus EccL Subdecamis &. Prebendarius 3 qui obiit Sept. 9. 1680. /Eta- tis 42. John Lake, S.T. P. fucceeded, being inftalled OB. 13. 1680. He died Augnji 30. and was buried, Sept. 3. 16S9. in St. Botolp/js, %'fhopfgate, Church, London, as I found in the Parifh-Regifler, with- out the leafl Memorial j being Bifliop of Chicbejler : Having refigned this long before. Barnabas Long, S. T. P. who became collated January 1 o. 1682. He died at Adderbury, as I find by a Note of A. IVood, as he was courting Bifhop 'Beisos's Daughter, (who had made him Chancellor of Land aft ) and Was buried at Adderbwy, without any Memorial : And fucceeded by John Burton, A.M. collated July 3. 1685. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph, Hie facet Johannes Burton, S. 7. P. Archid. Cleveland, & "Prebend, de Bugthorp, & hujiis Eccl. Canon. Re fid. qui obiit 6. Cal. Decembris, AEr 3Hj>?ilt$, §1. 95. 15 16. cuju# 5c "VV 1 l l t a m F e l l, S. T. P. fucceeded, being admitted Sept. 3 . 1 5 1 6. on the Death of John Hatton, Bifhop of Nigropont. In his Will, proved Anno 1528. he appointed to be buried at the Charter-Hotife^ London ■> and gave Legacies to his Relations living in Lancajhire, near F'urnefs, of which County and Family was the great Bifhop Felfs An- cestors. Cuthbert Marshall, S. T. P. fucceeded, being collated in Jan. 1528. on Dr. Fell's Death. He died, and was buried in the Ca-r thedral, with this Epitaph, i^crc Incfl) f£»e Boon of Cuthbert Mar/hall, ^orto? Of ^iOinifn, laf c ?Srcl)deacon of Nottingham, $?coenoarn of Hufthwait, Canon Be-- fioentiarn of ff)ig Haetvopolifical Cljurcij of York ; of toJjofe -Soul <©oo Ijaoe mercn : ftftc Burial of toi)om Uja^ tl)e 2 5*5 ®an of Ja- nuary, An, Dom. 1549. Robert Silvester, alias *Purf glove, fucceeded, being inualled Jan. 3 1. 1 54$). He was deprived 1 559. and fentenced to remain at Ug~ thorp Archdeacons o/NothNGHAM. 1 07 thorp Co. Fork, or within twelve Miles of it. He died May 2. 1579. and was buried in Tiddeswall Church Co. 'Derby. William Day fucceeded, being prefented Jan. 1 . 1 5 60. on Turf- glove, alias Silvejlers Deprivation. He was afterwards Biihop of Whi- ch eft er : And, resigning this Anno 1565:. was fucceeded by JohnLowthe, collated 156^. He died ij^o. And was fuc- ceeded by John Ki n g, S. T. P. inftalled Jan. 12. 1590. on Lowthe's Death. He was afterwards made Bifhop of London : And, resigning this, was fucceeded by Joseph Hall, admitted OU. 30. 1611. on Kings Refignation. He was 1627. made Bifhop of Exeter : And fucceeded by Richard Ba yly, S. T. P. admitted Febr. 7. 1627. He was 1 53 5". made Dean of Salisbury : And fucceeded by Willi am Robinson, S. T. P. admitted May 9. 1635. He died after 1 542. And was fucceeded by VkreHarcouRT, S. T. P. admitted in Sept. 1 660. He died An- no 1683. being Reclor ofPlumbtree Co. Nottingham, and Prebendary of Lincoln : And was fucceeded by Thomas White, S. T. P. inftalled Aug. 13. 1 583 : He was 1585. made Bifhop of 'Peterborough, of which he became afterwards de- prived, for not taking the Oaths to King William and Queen Mary, Anno 1690. and dying May 300 1698. was buried June 4. in St. Gre- gorys Church within St. Paul's Cathedral, London, without the leaft Memorial. Samuel Crowbrough, S. T. P^ fucceeded, being admitted 1685. on Dr. Whites Promotion. He was Vicar of St. Mary's, Not- tingham, and Re&or of Barton in Fabis, and Prebendary of this Ca- thedral ,- of all which I think he was deprived Anna 1690. for not tak- ing the Oaths to King William and Queen Mary, as his Predeceffor had been of the Bifhoprick of Peterborough, as aforefaid. William Pearson, A.M. fucceeded, being collated July 26. 1690. He died Febr. 6. 171 5. being Subdean, where fee more of him^ and was buried in the Cathedral : And fucceeded by Robert Marsden, B.D. collated Febr. 18. 1715". Living 1723. Prebendary of Southwell, and Reclor of Re?npJion. P.R EBEN- io8 Trehendarics of YORK, Prebendaries of YORK. COLLEGIATE Churches, being by their Inftitution, to have daily Prayers faid in them at affixed Hours, appointed by the Canons or Statutes of their Foundation, thence called Canonical Hours, had on that account Rents or Revenues appropriated for the Maintenance of certain Perfons, who were to attend thofe 'Prayers and Hours j out of which each of thofe Perfons had a Portion ailigned him, which was therefore called a Prebend. Thefe Portions, as they were fet out in this Cathedral, were for the moil part the Rectories of divers Parochial Churches, which were impro- priated to maintain the refpective Prebendaries, or Incumbents, who were thence denominated from the Names of the Places fo appropriated. Thefe were all of them collated to by the Bifhops of the Churches wherein they were founded, and the Incumbents were admitted into their refpe&ive Prebends by Tradition of a Book and Bread, and in veiled by the 'Dean in the Chapter-Houfe, and inftalled by the Precentor in the Choir, on the Dean's Mandate. They were obliged to give to the Church a Cope, while they continued poffeffed of a Prebend -, and if they had not performed that Obligation in their Life-Time, during their Pofleflion, they were bound to bequeath at leaft i o /. at their Death, to the Ufe of the Church, or pay moreover twenty Marks, and their bell Palfrey : All which was bellowed on the Fabrick. There were anciently in this Cathedral thirty fix of thefe Prebends, of which two, viz. Wilton and Newthorp, being about 1 240. annexed to the T'reafurerjhip, were diffolved with it Anno 1 547. A third, viz. Sramham^ was not long after the Foundation annexed to the Priorfhip of Noftell? as was a fourth, viz. Salt on, annexed to Hexam Priorfhip ■, and fo fell Juno 1 540. in the general Deflru&ion of Religious Houfes, with thofe two Monafleries. But the fifth and fixth, viz. Mafjam and South- cave, the former valued at 136 /. and the latter at 87 A were An. 1 547. on account of their large Endowments, facrificed with the 'Ireafurer- JJoip to the Avarice of facrilegious Courtiers. And fo only thirty (of which two, as aforefaid, are united to the P recent or jliip and Chancel- lorjloip) remain at this Day. Thefe thirty fix Prebendaries, in like manner as the greater Dignita- ries, had their refpechve Subftitutes ; each Prebendary having his Vi- car, or Deputy, to reprefent him on Occafions, and officiate for him in the Choir. Thefe Vicars Places, the Prebendaries were under Engage- ments Prebendaries of Y O R K. 109 ments to keep fully ftated ; for, on their Default in fo doing, the Chap- ter took care to fupply and fill up the Vacancy. Thefe Vicars were en- titled from the Stall of the Prebendary they belonged to ; and had from him a Stipend of 40 s. per Annum, which is ftill paid according to the antfent Number of the Prebendal Stalls by the Chapter -, who, though they have deduced and leffened the Vicars to no more than five, accord- ing to the Number of the Canons refident, yet they ftill pay them the old Revenue of 72/. being thirty fix times 40 s. As to the Obfervation of Refidence, purfuant to the old Statutes, each Refidentiary was to attend the Service of the Choir twenty fix Weeks,, and during that Time obliged to keep Hofpitality, and never to be out of his Houfe after the ringing of the Corfew-Bell. By the laft Statutes, printed in the Monqfticon, Vol. III. dated Anna 1542. 33. Hen. VIII. made fince the Reformation, it was ordained, 'That every Canon fliould make his folemn Proteftation when he began his Refidence; and, That there fhould be always (as it had been pra- clifed before the Reformation) one Canons Share or Dividend referved for the Treafure of St. 'Peter ; and, if there were no Refidentiary, the common Revenue was all of it to be returned and paid into the Treafury j and That, to prevent the Canons purloining or difpofing of the Eftate of the Church at their will, all the Prebendaries, being at or repairing to Tork, fhould be admitted to the Chapter, and vote therein ; and That the Seal of the Chapter fhould be locked up under three Keys ; That the Time of Refidence fliould be fixed by the Dean and Canons ^ and That there fliould be always prefent two or three Refidentiaries ; and if there were but one he fliould receive the Profits of the reft, and be obliged to continual Refidence and Attendance,- That any of the Archdeacons be- ing chofen Refidentiaries, they fhould be allowed, out of the twenty fix Weeks, thirty Days for their Vifitations ; That, though the Refidentia- ries fliould over-ftay their twenty fix Weeks, the Overplus of that time fhould not be taken into a new Year, and no Canon be reputed a Re- fident, unlefs he lived in a Prebendal Houfe, and expended an 1 c o /. by the Year ; That the Vicars fhould, in lieu of their claiming a Right to eat at the Refidentiary s Table, have an Allowance of 5 /. per Annum, and a Stipend of 6 /. 13 s. 4 d. over and above the 40 s. due from the feveral thirty fix Prebendaries. The Number of Refidentiaries is now, as already noted, limited to < five, viz. the T)ean and four others, which are all eleftive but the "Dean ; tho' antiently the Tiean, Precentor, Chancellor and Treafnrer were dejure Canons, and there were befides them generally three or four- others chofen to that Honour :. And though there were £0 many of them,. which. 1 10 Prebendaries of Y O R K. which lcffencd their Income, yet they always confidered the Fabrick; and conflantly fet apart one Dividend to it, beiides the Revenues belonging to it, as they do at this Day ; the Church having always a fifth or lixth Share of the Refidence-Monev annually divided and feparated to its Ufe. , I have been the longer in defcribing the feveral Offices of this Church, and enlarging on the Statutes, becaufe the fame Ufage and Praftice was in other Cathedrals ,- and the Statutes of Landqff, which is the only Church in the Kingdom that has been deprived of its antient Cuftoms, exprefsly defcribe thefe very Ufages, which I have here exhibited, and which are yet kept up in this our Cathedral of York, and to which by Oath each Prebendary of Landaff feems obliged, at his Admittance, to bind himfelf : And on this account as the Treafurer of Landaff' was to be held to continual Refidence, fo he, by not having appointed him the Dividend of a Mark a Year (the only Share or Wages the unrefident Canons of that Church feem to have antiently allotted them) was as I con- ceive entituled to receive the whole of the Chapter-Lands, and be ac- countable for the Diftribution of it towards the Fabrick and Hofpitality, and other neceffary Duties of the Church, ABSTHORPE, SO denominated from Afefthorp, or Abfthorp, a Parifli Co. Not- tingham, where the Prebendary has the Impropriation and Advow- fon of the 'Donative, and all other Jurifdi&ion there. In Yborotons Noitinghamjhire this Place is called Hablifthorp, and was, as he tells us, reputed antiently only an Hamlet or Village, belonging to North-Le- virton, though it is now diftincl. It is rated for Firft-Fruits at 8 /. Thomas Whyten held it about 1260. Walter^ Gloucefier was collated to it Id. Febr. 1282. He re- fjgned it next Year, being made Archdeacon of Tork : And was fuc- ceeded by Gerard^ Grandifon, collated 2. Id. Nov. 1 283. on Gloucejlers Resignation. FLAMBARDdfe Longvi// fucceeded 1 5. Cal. Aug. 13 18. He re- figned it : And was lucceeded by Henry^ CI iff e, collated 3. Non. July, 13 19. on Longvi IPs Re- fignation. He died 1332. and was buried in the Priory otDrax : And fueceeded by Robert Trehendaries of YORK. in Rob e r t de Taunton, collated 1332. on the Death of Glijfe. One Robert de Taunton was 1334. made Archdeacon of Durham, quere, if the fame. The next I find is G eff r y de Scroop e. He was collated 3. -Non. Nov. 1345. As was ThomasFeriby on the Death of Scroope, collated Febr. 16. 1382.. He was Mailer of Sautree HofpitaH And, reflgning this, was fucceeded by Thomas Wardrojer, collated Aug. 4. 1 403 . on Feribys Re- signation. JohnSoutham fucceeded July it,. 1409. on War drop erh Re- fignation 3 - and, dying 1440. was buried in Lincoln Cathedral,, with this Infcription on his Grave-Stone, l^ie jacet ilajgitfer Johannes Southam, 3fncepfo? jttri^, Canonicus $ iftefi&emianutf iftius tolefie, $rcf)i&iaccmu# Oxon. Canonical Ebor. $Sarum, $ ftettO? €cc"l. tje Coningsby, miiOuitf 23. tJie mcih> fa jFefy. 55. ®. 1440. tu)ii$ anime p^opitietur ®eus. $Jraen. Jiaie lerere met ®eu$ fetunDum mtfericofttam fuam. c(Bcte necig fpeculum fneculare frequenter g o?a, Ht^o?j5 uenief, fe& riuanOo, latef, furttm uenit fjo^a. William Feltee. fucceeded, being collated Febr. 28. 1440. He idied 1 45 1. being Dean of this Church : And was fucceeded by John Arundel, 1451. On whofe Resignation of it Anno 1457. John Barton became collated Jan. 30. 1457. He quitted it for Wetwang. William Dudley fucceeded Nov. 28* 14.66. and quitted it fcr Stillington. Thomas Portington fucceeded, being collated July 29: 1470. He quitted it, being made Treafurer : And was fucceeded by Leonard Say, collated March 28. 1475. He died Anno 1493?. being Warden of Tickhill-Free Chapel, and Canon of Lincoln, and was buried in that Cathedral, with this Infcription, ^tt jacet Baojfter Leonardo Say utriufwte juris 'JSatcalaureus, nee* non Canonicus ftujus €cclefie *, necnon fiiiug Johannis Say milifig, $ui ohiit 25. ijte menfiu 2flp?flt&. 51.©. Jfl&Uefimo 493- tu}ix$ anime BWtietur $eu& J H 3&: ii2 Trelendaries of Y O K K. John Re ynald fuceeeded April 30. 1493. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Cleveland, and quitted this for St Winston. Martin Collins fuceeeded Nov. 30.1 494. He was afterwards Precentor, and quitted this for c Bugthorpe : As did alio his Succeflbr Richard Walwgh, who fuceeeded Nov. 10. 1495. On whofe Resignation EdwardUnderwood fuceeeded Nov. 18. 1 49 6. He quitted it for Hilton, 1497. Anthony Sellenger fuceeeded Nov. 30. 1497. He was alfo Mailer of St. Mary Magdalen s Hofpital at Rippon ; and quitted it 1514. John Young fuceeeded April 6. 1514. He was the fame Year made Dean. William Burgh fuceeeded April 6. 1 5 14. on Dean Youngs Relignation. He was Prebendary of Hemingburgb, and Rector of More- wuvkton: And, dying 1525. was fuceeeded by Robert Nooke May 9. 1525. He refigned it 1 5 29. And was fuceeeded by Thomas Knowlis, collated May 11: 1 5 29. He died May 9. 1 547. having been < PreJident of Magdalen College, Oxon, and Vicar of Wakefield, where he was buried : Having before refigned it to JohnCoultman, collated April 1. 1545. He died 1553: And was fuceeeded by Thomas Cotes ford July 1 o. 1 5 53. He was the next Year deprived : And fuceeeded by Thomas Clement, inflalled May 19. 1 554. on the Depriva- tion of Cotesford. His Succeflbr was MelchriorSmith, Vicar of Hejle, collated June 21. 1 564. On whofe Death fuceeeded Henry Coppinger, collated T)ec. 4. 1591. on the Death of M. Smith. He was Miniller of Laneham : And refigned this to Ambrose Coppinger, collated June 2. 161 9. He died af- ter 1542. And was, at the Reilauration of Church and Monarchy, fuc- eeeded by J a m e s L 1 s t e r, A.M. inflalled Oct. 1 3 . 1 660, He was alfo Vi- car of Wakefield, Richard Hill, A.M. fuceeeded, being collated Aug. 2. 1671. To whom fuceeeded JohnRoe, A. M, collated Jan. 18. 1704. And to him T h o m a s S c o t, A.M. the prefent Incumbent, 1723. and Vicar of Jlakefeld, who was collated to this Stall June 9. 1707. on Roe's Death. A M- Prebendaries (/YORK; fig A M ' P L E F R D. THIS Prebend is endowed with the Redtory and Advowfon of Ampleford in Ridall Deanary, and impropriate Curacy of He- Jlington in Hulmer Deanary, to which he likewife prefents ; and has al- fo Tythes at Fulford, and fome Lands at 1)unnington, and an Houfe m Stongate in Tork. The Valuation of it for Firft-Fruits Anno 1534, is 35/. per Annum. He nr y de Lavannia held it about 1 260. To whom fucceeded on his Death William^? Lnda. He was Anno 1 290. made Biiliop of Ely : 'And fucceeded by -William B u r n e l, collated 3 . Id. May, 1 290. on the Promo- tion of William de Lnda. He was Re&or of Harwood. He died 1 3 04. And was fucceeded by Maurice de PiJJiaco, collated 8. Id. Nov. 1304. on the Death of Hurnel. He refigned Anno 13 21. And was fucceeded by Theobald^ I'retis, collated 4. Cal. 'July, 13 21. on the Re- fignation of M. de Tijfiaco. He refigned it likewife : And was fuc- ceeded by Manuel^ Flifco, collated 5. Cal. Sept. 13 29. on the Resignation of T". de Iretis : He was alfo about 1340. Prebendary of Milton Manor in Lincoln Cathedral. H e n r y de Ingleby fucceeded 6. Aug. 1350. He was Prebendary of Southwell, Lincoln, and of the Collegiate Church of c Der!ington, and Rector of Halyghton in "Durham Diccefe. He died after 1371. and was buried in this Cathedral : Having refigned this Stall to H e n r y la Zonch, collated 12. Aug. 1351- on the Resignation of Henry de Inglebx. He died : And was fucceeded by William^ Courtney, collated 24. March, 1369. on the Death of H. la Zonch. He was afterwards made Archbishop of Canterbury. R o g e r de Fret on fucceeded 19. Aug. 1370. on the Promotion of Courtney. He died : And was fucceeded by Thomas^ Stanley, collated 24. F'ebr. 1 3 8 1 . on the Death of Freton. He was afterwards Dean of St. Martins, London, as I take it, and fo quitted this. JohnSkirlaw was collated 11. Sept. 138 2. on the Resigna- tion of Stanley > In which Year I find Q. Roger H4 Prebendaries of Y O R K. RogerBacon, collated 23 . March, 1382. As I do ThomasOrgrave, 11. March, 1385. on the Refignation of 'Bacon. W 1 l l 1 a m W a l t h a m fucceeded, being collated 4. Nov. 1386.. on the Death of Orgrave. He died : And was fucceeded by WilliamAttwodEj collated 4. 'Dec. 1385). on the Death of Waltham. He was Re&or of Carleton in Lyndrick ^ and, dy- ing 141 o. was buried in the Cathedral : And fucceeded by Thomas Parker, 17. Sept. 141 o. on the Death of William 'Atlwode. He was Reclor of Bolton-Teircy, Prebendary of St. Ma- rys Chapel, and of "Beverley, and held one of the Chantries in the Col- legiate Church of Sutton in Holdernefs. His Succeffor was RobertBowett, collated 6. OB. 1423. on the Death of Tho- mas Parker. He died : And was fucceeded by RalphBeauforDj collated 20, Febr- 1^19 > on the Death of JR. Bowett. ThomasKirkeby, 7. April, 1450. on the Death of ' Beauford. He was Mailer of the Rolls, Treafurer of the Church of Exeter, where he died, arid was buried in Exeter Cathedral : And fucceeded by Robert Bothe, 14. Jan. 1476. on the Death of c Thomas y Kirkeby. His Succeffor was ThomasBothe, collated 14. Febr. 1477. on the Refignatiorf of R. Bothe. He was Prebendary of Beverly and Southwell. PeterCarm elian o, collated 19. April, 1498. on the Death of T. Bothe. John, Biihop of Elphin, and Abbot of Welbeck, collated 13. Ja- nuary, 1 52 7. on the Death of P. Carmeliano. He was Prebendary of Southwell. George Henneage, Jug. 20. 1 536. on the Death of John, Abbot of Jfelbeck. He was Dean of Lincoln, and was there buried in that Cathedral. WilliamClayburgh, 22. Sept. 1 549. on the Death of G. Henneage. He was Mailer of the Hofpital of Bautree ; but depriv- ed of his Mafterfhip as well as Prebend. AlbanLangdale, 16. May, 1 5 54. on the Deprivation of William Clayburgh. He was Archdeacon of Chichejier, and Chancel- lor of Litchfield Cathedral ; of all which he was deprived. WilliamDaye, 22. April, 1 560. on the Deprivation of Alb an Langdale. He was afterwards Biihop of Winchejfcr, Dean of Windfor 3 and Provoft of Eaton-Guildalls College. L a u3 Prebendaries of Y O R K. 115 L a v R e n c e N o w e l, 27. ikf^j, 1 5 6(5. on the Resignation of T)aye. He was Dean of Litchfield. Christopher Gregory, 15 Auguft, 1577.cn the Death of Nowel. ZacharySteward, 12. OB. 1600. on the Death of C. Grego- ry. He died 1 617. and was buried at Eafington in this County. SamuelWard, 21. JR?£r. 1 61 7. on the Death of Z. Steward- He died after 1 644 or 1 645. having been Mailer of Sidney College, Cam" brigde : And was fucceeded by Humphry Lloyd, 20. Sept. 1 660; on the Death of the laft In- cumbent. He was afterwards Bifhop of Bangor j but held this in Com- mendam. William Pearson, 17. June, 16S9: on the Death of H. Lloyd, Biihop of Bangor. He was Subdean of this Cathedral, and Archdeacon of Nottingham. Thomas Noble, beneficed in Torh City, Febr.iS. 171 5. on the Death of William Pear/on, removed from Gyvendal to this Stall. His Succeffor was Henry Cooke, A. M. the prefent Prebendary, and Prebend of Southwell, collated on the Death of Thomas Noble, April io. 1722, Reftor of Stokefiy* BJRNEBT. SO denominated from Bameby Village, near c Pocklington m Hart- hill Deanary. The Prebend Lord of the whole Town of Bameby v valued at 14/. 8 s. qd. William^ Coneys, or Corner, held it about 1 278. and was from thence made Bifhop of Sarum. Peter^ Rofs, collated 8. Id. May, 1 289. void by the Promo- tion of Comejs to the See of Sarum. William C am e r a R i u s, • » 1 3 — William de Boudon, alias Soudon, 2. Cal. OU. 13 14. 011 the Refignation of Jf. Camerarius. W.illiam'^ Terwell, 8. Cal. Febr.- 1322. on the Refignation of WSde Soudon. Nicholas^ Hugale, 10. Cal. T)ec. 13 27. on the Reflgnatiorj of Jf. de Terwell. He was Provofl of Beverley, lO. 5 Hugh; 1 " n6 Prehendaries of Y O R K. Hugh^ Wylughhy, 5. Non. July, 1338. on the Death of Nicho- las Hugate. John Thorpe 13. - — He was Priefl of the Chantry of All Hallozrs in Fork, and was buried in the Convent of Nttn-Monckton.. Reginald d? c Donyvgton, 1 1 May, 1 347. on the Death of John 'Thorpe. J o h n de Helvnell, 5. Sept. 1349. on the Death of R. jDonyngton. William Woderowe, 15; Mar. 1385. on the Death of Jl Hefaell. He was Re&or of Spojford, where he died and was buried. Richard de Conyngfion, 21. Mar. 1386. on the Refignation of W. Wpderowe. He quitted it for Sole* Thomas^? Hilton, 13. Mar. 1400. on the Refignation of R. Co- ryigfton. T h o m a s de Haxcy, 4. Mar. 1404. on the Refignation of T". de Hilton. He quitted it for the Treafurerfhip. Richard Arnall, 24. Dec. 141 8. on the Refignation of T. de Haxcy. He quitted it for Langtoft JohnMarshall, 5. June, 143 8. on the Refignation of Rich* Arnall. W 1 l l 1 a m S a u n d e r s, 28. Aug.. 1443 - on the Refignation of John Marjhall. He was Prebendary of St. Marys Chapel. JohnDelaber, 3. Febr. 1443. on t ^ ie Refignation of TV. Saun- ders. He was Prebendary of Rippon, ■ «*» ■■ Archbilhop of St. 1)avid*s, 1447. W 1 l l i a m G r a y, 1 6. T)ec. 1447. Bifliop of Ely 1454. WilliamRadclyffe, 1 7. Jug. 1454. on the Promotion of W> Gray. See Treafurers of Litchfield. JohnSendale, 12. Sept. 1455. on the Refignation of Wil- liam RadchjFe. W 1 l l 1 a m B r a n d e, i o. Mar. 1461. Chaplain to the Archbi- fliop, on the Refignation of J. Sen dale. William Poteman I 47 « on the Refignation of W. TSrande. He was Archdeacon of Cleveland, and quitted this for- StromfeL John Dunmowi, 6. Teh". 1474. on the Refignation of William 'poteman. William Cocks, — Mar. 1480. on the Refignation cf John TJunmozve- Christopher Wilson, 29. Nov. 151 2. on the Death of W. Cocks. He was Vicar of "Birftall. Nicolas Everard, 12. Nov. 1532. on the Death of Chriftopher WHfou. In 1 539. he w as made Preceptor* John; Trebetidaries of t O R K, 117 JohnEyer, 22. Nov. 1539* on the Resignation of Nicolas Everard. JohnHali, — — 1 545 . on the Refignation of J. Eyer. He was ReUor of 'BurgwqlUs. Richard Drury, 26. July, 1558. on the Death of J. Hall. Thomas Young, 29. Jug. 1561. on the Death of R. ^Drnryi He was but fixteen Years of Age when Archbiihop Toung admitted him, and fo was fent to Oxon about 1 566. George Slater, 25-. OU. 1 574. He was Reclor of Sainton up- on the Wolds, and Prebendary of Southwell. WilliamBarksdale, 19. Nov. j 590. on the Death of G'. Slater. Ro bert Bunning, j. Nov. 1660. on the Death of the laft In- cumbent : I fuppofe "Barks dale ; for he held it after 1 544. Henry Bagshaw, 12. Jug. 1 667. on the Death of R . Running. He was Prebendary of Southwell, Re&or of Carlton la Lynderick, Prebendary of 'Durham, 1680. P e t e r S a m w a Y e s, if. May, 1 668. He held the Rectories olWath and Sedal. He died, and was buried ztSedal: And fuc- ceeded by F r a ' n c i s P e m b e r t o k,/A. M. Jpril 2i. 1693. He was Re- ctor of Bedal, where he died and was buried :• And fucceeded by \V 1 l l 1 a >r H e r b e r t, . the-prefent Prebendary, collated Jpril 8. 1722. on Tembertoih Death. B 1 L T N, ■ - - • - -- ■ CONSISTS of the Impropriation of Bilto-n, which was made a Prebend by Archbiihop Jehu Romaine, Juno 1294. The Pre- bend or Patron of S//^ Vicar id ge in J-tifty Deanary. Value of this. Prebend 14/. 8 s. 9 d. Robert/,? Tyhring held it Jpril 20. 1 294. As did Philip^ W^ligkfoy, July. 27. 1 298. He was Dean of Li',;colr,_ and died Juno 1305. At> am deWy da feems to have fucceeded. He was Redor of Harthill in this, and afterwards of Shepton in London Diocefe, and was buried there i And fucceeded by William^ Jlburwyh, collated 2. Febr. 1330- on' the Death of Adam de Blyda, His'SuceefTor was W I L L I A M. ri8 prefandftries of -Y ORK, • Wi ll i a-m de Feii by, collated J-itiy 2. 13 41. 011 the Resignation of TV. de Alburwyks : As was William^ Woodhoufe, collated 8. July, 13 50. on the Resigna- tion of W. de Feriby : And J o h n de Feriby, 17. Sept. 1352. on the Resignation oiWill.de JJ'oodhoufe: And J o h n de Carpe, 20. Mar. 1373. on the Resignation of J. de Fe- riby : After whom I find J o h n de Ikelington, collated 18. Nov. 1396. on the Resignation of y. de Carpe. He was Reclor of Queldrake. Thom a s Burst ah. fucceeded, being collated \6. Mar. 1400. He was Prebendary of St. Marys Chapel, and Prebendary of South- we//, and Redor of C/ayworth Co. Nottingham. The next was RobertAppylton, collated 12. Mar. 1408. He was Redor of Stretton Co. Nottingham. He died : And was Succeeded by HenrySwynf, collated 3 o. Apri/, 1 4 1 8 . on the Death of R. Ap- py/ton. He was Prebendary of Southwell. His SuccelTor was Thomas Beckington, collated 19. April, 1423. on the Re- signation of H. Swyne. He was, as I judge, afterwards Bifhop o{ Wells, His Succeflbrs were John Carleton, collated 29. Sept. 1423. on the Resignation of ¥*ho. Beckington. He was Redor of Eskrick, and Prebendary of the Collegiate Church of Ofmunderley, or Ofmotherly. He was buried in the PariSh-Church of Ricall. John Fytton, Chancellor of Salisbury Cathedral, fucceeded, being collated 12. "Jidy, 1427. on the Resignation of y. Carleton: As was John de Opizis, 27. Sept. 143 2. on the Death of y. Fytton : And EliasHolcoat, 19. Ool. 1 4457. on the De^th; of y. de Opizis. He was Prebendary of Southwell and Beverley. Thomas Hope fucceeded, being collated 7,6. Aug. 1454. on the Death of Holcoat. JohnGiglis, 16. Febr. 1487. on the Death of Hope. He was ,1497. made Bifhop of Worcefter : And fucceeded by JohnHam m s, collated Anno, 1497. on the Promotion of yohn Gig/is. JE d w ard Underwood fucceeded, being collated 4. 'Dec. 1497* on the Resignation of y. Hamms. He was Dean of the Royal Chapel at Wejlminfler, and Redor of North-Craw/ey Co. 'Bucks : As was John Qk ice, 18. yau. 1504. on the Death of 22. Underwood: Ar\d j ,. John iPrehenhrks of Y O R K. "119 JohnLondon, 23 . April, 1519. on the Refignation of J. Grice. He was one of the Commiffionersfbr vhiting the Monafteries : And, quit- ting this, was fucceeded by Nicolas Wilson, collated 20. y?ily, 1542, on . the. Refignation •of 7- London : And he by John Day kins, 19. yn the Promotion of JSothe. Thomas Chaundler, —— - 1466. on the Death of Moreton. He died 1490. being Dean of Hereford, where fee more of him, and was buried in that Cathedral. John Arundel, Nov. 18. 1490. on the Death of Chaundler, He was, I prefume, afterwards Bifhop of Litchfield and Exeter. Robert Frost, March 8; 1490. on the Refignation of Arundel. He was Prebendary of Trees in Litchfield, Archdeacon of Winton, Re- dor of Tanker [ley and Thomhil/? at which lalt Place is this Infcription in Memory of him. 4^ate p?o anima Roberti Froft, sttonoam Bctfo?i# ulius €tclefie, ac -etiam s?o animafrug pa?entum ebenefacto^um z)u%, gut guiuemRober- tus fieri fecit iffam Cajellam in f)ono?em &> ^rjnitatisf, teat e Maris itfrginis, netnon fancto?um Georgii, Catharine, 5 omnium fantfo^um. He died 1507. And was fucceeded by Christopher Plummer, collated Augiifb 14. 1507. on the Death of Froft: He was alfo Canon of Wind for ; and deprived, as I take it, for refilling the Oath of Supremacy to King Henry VIII. And fucceeded by Christopher Draper, T)ec. 28. 1534. To whom fucceeded PeterVannes, collated Febr. 22. 1534. He died 1563. being Dean of Salisbury : And was fucceeded by Henry More, Vicar of Rothwell, collated June 28. 1563. William Goodwyn was collated Sept. 7. 1590. on the Death o{More. He-quitted it 1605. on being made Chancellor of the Cathe- dral : And was fucceeded by R Henri 122 Prebendaries of Y O R K. Henry Bate, collated Oil. 25. 1605. He was alfo Prebendary of ^authwell, and Rector of Rawmerjh. Henry Smith was collated May 2 j . 1 6 1 3 .. on the Refignation of Hate • As was John Hicks, April 27. 1 6 1 5 . on the Death of Smith : To whom fucceeded, after the Reftauration of Church and Monarchy, Robert Powell, collated Sept. 4. 1 660. He religned it 1 687. being alfo Vicar of Gainsborough Co. Lincoln : And was fucceedcd by James M e t r o r d, collated Aug. 1 5. 1687. He died 17 19. And was fucceeded by RichardGoodwin, collated March 23. 1 7 1 9. who is the pre- fent Incumbent, Anno 1723. and Rector of Tankerftey. BOT EVA'NT. WHERE this Prebend lies I am not inform'd. The Tradition is, that the Corps was fwallowed up by the Sea. The Preben- dary has only a Penfion of 20 I. per Annum? paid by the Chapter ; and is rated for Firft-Fruits at 17 /. 7 s. id. Thomas de Wakefeild held this Prebendary. He was made Sub- dean yinno 1281. Chancellor Anno 1290. He died 12^7. And was fuc- ceeded by Robert^ Riplingham, collated July 8. 1 297. William de Alburwyk — — — 13. on the Death of R: Ripling- ham. He was made Precentor 13 21. and Chancellor 1332. J o h n de Ellerker fucceeded about 1332. As did J o h n de Wodehoufe, July 31. 1335?. on the Resignation oij.de Ellerker. He was Minifter of Rudby, and was Receiver to the Chap- ter of Tork. Henry de Walton, 1, July, 1355. on the Demife of John de Wodehoufe. G e f f r y de Campde ft, 24. 2^. 1359. on the Death of Henry de Walton. W ill 1 am de Laford, 2. Sept. 1370. on the Death of Gejjry de Campden. John.Tibbay, 24. Jan. 1407. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Archdeacon of Huntingdon. William Cawode, 25. Aug. 1414. on the Death of J. Tib-, hay. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph, Vrehendaries of Y O R K. 123 Ifiz jacef $&r. Will. Cawode, jjuon&am Canon. $ Mb. itfiug fet gut ctJtit 1 9- Marti), $.^. H'9- cujusf, $& John S el owe, 4. il.f^, 1419. on the Death of Tf. Cawode. William Grey, zS.Dec. 142- 2. on the Refignation of John Selowe. Richard Ho re, 1. Sept. 1425. oil the Refignation of W. Grey. John Hod y, 20. May, 14.26. on the Refignation of Here. JohnMack worth, 24. 'March, 1 43 6. on the Refignation of jf. Hody. He was Dean of Lincoln. ' John Sutton, — — 1 45 1 . on the Death of J. Mackwortb. He was Prebendary of Southwell. OliverKyng, 10. Mar. 1479.' on the Death of J. Sutton. He was afterwards Bifhop of Exeter and Wells. John He RLE, 16. Febr. 1487. on the Refignation of O. Kyng. ■ Edward Cheine y, 24. 'Dec. 1450. on the Refignation of John Herle. John Cole t, 5. Mar. 1493. He was Dean of St. c Paufs, Lon- don i and, dying Anno 15 19. was buried in that Cathedral. For an Account of this Worthy Dean, fee his Life, now published by the learned Dr. Knight, Prebendary of Ely. Cuthbert Tuns Tall fucceeded Anno *y 1 9. He Was made Bi- ihop of 'Durham, Anno 1522. And fucceeded by William Tate, collated j. Nov. 1522. on the Promotion of Tunftall. He was Sacrift of Beverley, Reclor of one of the Medieties of Thweng, and -Official of the Court of CarUfle. His Succeflbr was JohnButtrie, collated 8. (?£?»• 1 540* - on the Death of Wil- liam Tate : As was William Turnor, 12. Febr, -1549. ea the Death of J.Z?nt~ trie: And - ; - ■'■■-*■ Laurence Saunders, 27. Aug. 1552. on the Refignation of W. Tumor i And James Basset, 19. May, 1554. on. the Refignation of L. Saun- ders. His Succeflbr was Willtam Mouse., collated ult. Febr. 1560. He was Mafler cf Trinity-Hill, Cambridge : And had for his Succeifor Henry Parry, collated 9. April, 1570. on the Refignation of W. Moufe. JohnGibson fucceeded 24. Aug. 1 5 7 is, As did R 2 Edward 124 'Prebendaries of YORK, Edward Stanhope, 25. Nov. 1572. on the Resignation of J. Gibfon : And Theophilus Aylmer, 9. Aug. 1591. on the Refignation of E. Stanhope. He was Archdeacon of London : And was, on his Death, fucceeded by Thomas Ka ye, collated 20. April, 1626. He held it 1642. and had for his SuccefTor Thomas Fothergill, collated 29. OU. 1 660. on the Death of the laft Incumbent. John Burton, 5. July, 1677. on the Death of !7*. Toother gill. He quitted it for 'Bugthorp : And was fucceeded by William Stain forth, collated 16. Sept. 1680. on the Refig- mtion of y. "Barton : On whofe Removal to Langtofte Prebend Elia s MicklethwAite became collated 2%. Febr. 168c. As did BarnabyLong, 6. Febr. 1 68 1 . on the Death of E. Mickle* thwaite. He quitted it for another Prebend : And was fucceeded by Jonathan Dryden, collated 8. yune, 1682. on the Religna- tion of 5?. Long. He was removed to Friday thorp Prebend : And fuc- ceeded by George Wynship, inflituted 31. 0£?. 1685. on the Resignation, of y. Dryden. He was deprived for not taking the Oaths : And fuc- ceeded by WilliamBreary, LL.D. inflituted Jug. 1 . 1 690. He died Afar. 6. 1 701 . being alfo Re&or of Guifeley and Jddle, and Archdeacon of Eaft- TLiding, and was buried in St. John's Church, at Mi delegate in Tork City : And fucceeded by John Blower, A.M. inflituted May 16. 1702. He is living,. 1723. Reclor of Kirkby-Underdale. B RA M HA M. THIS Prebend confifted of the Impropriations of c Bramham^ Jlljarehamlejireet and Lythe Re&ories ,- and was An. 1534. rated at 55/. It was annexed, on the firft founding of it by Archbifhop 'Tbttr-- /fan, tempore Hen. I. to the Priorfhip of No/fell ; and fo whofoever was Prior enjoyed it. In my fecond Volume of Abbies, I have given &me Account of thofe Priors : But, as Mr. Torrs Catalogue helps to render the Series more perfect, I fhall here exhibit the beft Catalogue I can in general of thofe Priors, Incumbents of this Stall.. Adulpk. Prebendaries efYORK. 125 Adulph 7 , or Etbelwo/d 3 was, from Nqftdl Priorfiup, made 1133? the firft Bilhop of Carlijle. T a v a r d occurs next. He held it 1 1 j£. As did Asketellus about npd» And John, 1201. Ralph Bedford was Prior 121 6. As was William, 1219. And John, 1221. and 1235. Stephen held this Office 1 232. and 1 242. As diet Benedict, 1245. And Robert, 1252. William enjoyed it 1255". and 1262. As did Richard de Wartria> 1276. and 1.282. And William Birst all, 1291. His SucceiTor was Henry de Aberford, 1312. He died 1328. And was fucceeded by; Jo«n de Infill a ^ 13 28. And he by. John de Wbdehoufe, admitted 133 1. His SuccefTor was Th o m a s de T)arfeildy. admitted 1337. To whom fucceeded, as in. my Account, Richard Wombwell, admitted 1372. And to him John Leeds, admitted 1390. As was Robert Quixley, 1393. To whom fucceeded John Huddresfeild, admitted 1427. He died 1472. And was. fucceeded by William Ashton, admitted 147 2. And he by William Me ltonby, admitted 1489. He was fucceeded the. fame Year by Thomas Wilcocks, admitted 1489; And he by RichardHurst, admitted likewife Anno 1489. He died about '1 504. And was fucceeded by Richard Mersden, admitted 1505. And' he by Alvered Comyn, admitted 1524. Mr. Tbrr accounts nothing about his Death, or his fourteen PredeceiTors, and only gives us their bare Names ; nor does he inform us of the Admiilion of Robert Ferrer, the laitSPn'tfr: who, furrendring. this Convent r Aww 1540. had a Peniion of 100 /. per Annum allowed him, which he received till his Promotion, 1547. to the See of St. Davids.. With- the Priory this Prebend fell Anno 1^0, and was fwallowed up with the: Revenues of the Convent. £ U (2- 126 Prehendaries of YORK. BUGTHORP CONSISTS of the Impropriation oiBngthorp, and Advowfon of the Vicaridge, in Bucros. Deanary, with . the Tythes of Stock- ton Chapelry in Bv.lmer, both rated for Firft-Fruits at 3 4 /. 7 s. 3d. J o h n le Grajfe held it 12 — He was Reftor of one of the Medie- tas of Linron, and Prebendary of Btverley. Hugh de Evejham, Nov. 11. izyp. on the Death of J. le Grajfe. He was Rector of Spqfford. Henry Cardivalis held it 1 28 — Peter^ Sahdla, Sept. 23. 1 287. on the Death of H. Cardinal. Vzt-ek de Ceftria, March 5. 1287. on the Death of P. de Sahdla. He was Pro v oft of 'Beverley. W. Vortuenfis Ep if cop us Cardinalis held it about 1 288. Bernard^ Langnfelle was collated Aug. 9. 1 290. As was Stephen^? Maiuey, Nov. 23. 1 25)8. on the Death of B. de Langnfelle : And S 1 m o n de Monte cute, Sept. 24. 13 17. He was Bifliop of Worce- fier, Anno 1335. His Succeflbr feems to have been Jerrard^T? apiftayno, ■■ — To whom fucceeded W ill 1 am de Rap i (lay, no, collated 7. Jan. 1358. on the Death ■of .7. de Rapiftayno. The next was John(/i? Stoke, collated 16. April, 1372. He was Rector of Stt- tfvi;;gton and Prebendary of Southwell ' : As was Tii o m a s de 'Brandon, 1 2. 1)ec. 1375. And J o h n de Co/ton, Archdeacon of jDublin, 14. Aug. 1377. J o h n de Bifiopefton, (on the Refignation of J. Co/ton) 9. March, 1379. Yv ; illiam^ Monhton, 23. "Dec. 1384. on the Death of J. de Bifcopefiou. Thom-a s de Wa/feorth, 4. July, 1385. He exchanged it for Langtoft with JohxProphete, 30. Sept. 1406. on the Refignation of T. de h'at'/zecrth. He died Dean 141 5. JohnPricklowe, I prefume, fucceeded 11. May, 141 6. JoknPerkinsox, 30. May, 1428. John Pkicklowe, i i. May, 14 — RichardCordon, alias Brozzne, 12. 7)ec. 143 1. on the Death of J. Tricklozve. He died 1452. being Archdeacon of Re- Vr. WilliamMalster, 13. April, 1452. on the Death of Rich. 'on. He was Rector of WhiHoiu He died, and was fucceeded by T JOHN Trehendaries of Y O K K. 127 JohnGisburgh, 20. Jul. 1459. He died, being alfo Precentor, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Grave- Stone, long Since perifh'd, SanUa Maria or a pro me, -\-. Hie jacet c Dom. Johannes Gisburgh, quondam Precentor ac Canon. Re- Jident. & 'Prebend. Prebend* de Bugthorp in eadem, ac ReUor Ec- clefiarum Paroch. de Spofford (j Bromptom in Pickering-Lath, qui obiit undecimo die men/is Novembris, A.T). 1481. Cujus anima pro- pitietur Deus. Amen. Jefu, Mercy ! Lady, help ! PhilipLepeyate, 28. Jan. 148 1. on the Death of J. Gif- lurgh. He was Mailer of Magdelen Hofpital, Rippon, Reclor of Lax- ton Co. Nottingham. fhiere, if not buried in Lincoln Cathedral ? ThomasStoke, 1. June. 1488. on the Death of P. Lepeyate,. MartinCollins, 7. Nov. 1494. on the Death of T. Stoke* He was made Precentor 1495. RichardWalwyn, 8. Nov. 1496. on the Resignation of M. Col/ins. JamesHerington, i. April, 1509. on the Death of Rich. Walwyn. He was alfo Dean. Thomas Wulcii, the famous Cardinal, 16. Jan.. 151 2. on. the Death of J. Herington. RichardPace, 6. April, 1 5 14. on the Promotion of Wulcie to the See of Lincoln. He was made Archdeacon of Dorfet, Anno 1 5 1 4. for which I fuppofe he quitted this. JoknYounc, LL. D. \%*Sept. 1514^ He was alfo Dean of this Church. RobertToncy, 14. June, 1 5 1 6. on the Death of Toung. He was Prebendary of 'Beverley. Laurence Stubbes, 31. July, 1 5 26. on the Death of Ro- bert Toncy. He was fometime President of Magdalen College, Oxon. E d m u n d W o r s l e y, 22. Augufi, 1 53 6. on the Death of Lad* fence Stubbes-. ^ Robert Horn e, 27. April, 175-2. on the Death of WorJIey.. He was afterwards Biihop of Winchefter. JohnEbden, 15. OU. 1552. on the Resignation of R. Home. JohnBardon, domeilick Chaplain to the Archbifhop, 1. Ocf. 1600. on the Refignation of J. Lbden. He was Rector of Weft-Heft- lerton ■, and dying Anno 1613. was buried in St. Johns Church in Beverley. John Brooke, 26. March, i<5i 3. on the Death of J. Bardoiu. Changed it for the PrecentorShip with. He n r % 128 Trebendaries of Y O K K. HenryBanks, 22. Aprils 161 5. WilliamBanks, 22. &/tf. 1 623 . on the Death of //. 'Banks. He was Parfon of Sterrington. His SucccefTor was, as I judge, C;esar Williamson; for I find him prefented to it by the Crown Anno 1641. Tar at. 17. Carolo I. The next I find is JohnParry, collated 16. Feb. 1662. JohnGarthwaite, 1 1. Dec. 1666. on the Death of " Tar- ry. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Redtor of Rothbury in Nor- tbumberland* He was drown'd. SamuelCrowbroWj S. T. P. 9. Dec. 1678. on the Death of J. Garthwaite. JohnBurton, 14. Sept. 1 680. on the Refignation of S. Crow- blow. He died, being alfo Dean of Rippon, and Archdeacon of Cleve- land, where fee more of him. ChristopherWyvill, Dec. 3. 1700. on the Death of J. Burton. WilliamCalvert, Sept. 23. 1 7 1 1 . the prefent Prebendary, Minifter of St. Gesrge^ and St. Dennis Walingate in York City. DONNINGTON CONTAINS the Manor of Donnington Parifli near York ; though not the Advowfon of the RecWy : And is rated for Firft-Fruits at 19 /. 10 s. 10 d. Robert^? Bar del ey held it — — 1 3 — - He was Prebendary of St. Mary s Chapel. W 1 l l 1 a m de la Brucre, 8. Id. Jug. 13 ax", on the Refignation of R. de Bardeley. Gilbert^ Burera, Dean of St. Paul's, London, is faid to be Prebendary of Donnington, Anno 1324. in Newcourt. J o h n de SanUo Paulo, 13 '• He was Matter of the Rolls, and Archbifhop of Dublin. Michael^ Northburgh, 1 3 50. on the Promotion of J. de San'cto Paulo, removed to Strenfall Prebendary. William^? Flifco, 1 5. July, 1353. on the Refignation of M. de Northburgh. Welewyks, 13. April, 1356. on the Refignation of W. de Flifco. William^ Feriby, 20. Sept. X3.5& on the Refignation of ■■ Welewyks. HenryGopbvrne, 21. Sept. 1379. on the Death of W r . de Feriby. He was Re&or of Horn fey. - John Trehendaries of Y O R K; 129 John de Neweton, 23. Fehr. 1384. on the Death of H. Godburne. W 'iliiam^^/^ot, j. /^w 3 1393. on the Refignation of ^z&zz onnington. Nicholas Anderson, 30. June, \6%\. on the Death of /. 'Brake. He was Vicar of Hull, Where he died, and was buried : Be- ing fucceeded by William Lambert, A. M. coilated May 9. 1689. on the Death of Nicholas Ar.derfon. He died, and was buried at Hornfey y where he was Vicar : And fucceeded by NicholasGoucHj A. M. prefented May 18. 1722. Re&or of Gylling. T> R I F F E I LT> TAKES its Name from T>ryfeild, or Tiriffeild Parifli in Baft- Riding Archdeaconry, where the Prebendary has the Impropria- tion, and Patronage of the Vicaridge, valued at 62 1. It was Amio 1485. united to the Precentorfhip. Walter^ Wyfebech, Archdeacon of Eaft-Riding, Anno 1225. held this Prebend about the fame Time. The next I find is J o h n de Cadamo. He enjoyed it about 1 296. William^ Melton was collated to it March 14. 1309. on the Refignation of John de Cadamo. John, a Roman Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor to the Pope, was collat- ed to it T)ec. 12. 13 17. As was ReymondPelegrino, Canon of St. Omers, about 13 29. And Guncelinus, Epifcpus Albunenfis Cardinalis, about 1 3 39. W 1 l 1. 1 a m de St. Marcelhs was inflituted to it June 17. 1348. on the Death of Bifhop Gttncelin. He died Anno 1363. And was fuc- ceeded by Hugh, another Roman Cardinal, prefented June 7. 1353. on the Death of Marcelhs. He was forced to quit it Anno 1378. at which Time it was valued at 100 /. per Annum. His Succeflor was John de Middleton, Prebendary of Beverley, ~Rippon and Hoceden,, collated Febr. 26. 1378. He refigned it next Year : And was fucceed- ed by Roger. Trehendaries of Y O R K. fc'ji RocIr^ 2?w», collated March 20. 1379. on the Refignation of Middleton. John^ 'Daventry was collated to it y«w 18. 1380. He resign- ed it the fame Year. J o h n de Bacon fucceeded, being collated Fe.br. 27. 1380. R a l p h de Selby was collated "Dec. 9. 1 3 8 5* on the Death of "Ba- con. He quitted it the next Year for the Subdeanary. Lewis, a Roman Cardinal, was inftituted to it March 21. 1385. As was Richard^ Reuhale y collated March 2. 1387- He died Anno 1400. being Prebendary of Southwell ', and Re&or of Clice> and was buried there : And fucceeded by Stephen/? Scroope y pmior^ collated Mar. 9. 1400. on the Death of Reuhale. He refigned it next Year, and was fucceeded by Nich o las Bub b ewith, collated Mar. 3: 1401. He was Anno 1405. made Bifhop of Lmdon, and thence tranilated to Salisbury 3 and thence to Wells. "William Dyokls fucceeded, being collated O'dob. 5. 140*5 As was • William Pylton, Aug. 20. 1407. On whofe Death fuc- ceeded ThomasKi mp, collated July 2. 143 5. on the Death of Tyl- ton. He quitted it for Langtefte, as I judge: Though I find it alfo faid, thaf Robert Rowlston was collated Nov. 24. 143 6. on the Death of Pykon. He died Anno 1.450. being Provoft of Beverley > and was buried there : And fucceeded by W il li am Felt e r, -collated Jan. 14. 1450. He died next Year, being alfo Dean of this Church, and Prebendary of Beverley : And was fucceeded by William Peircy^ collated April 16. 145 1. To whom fuc- ceeded, on his.-being made Bifhop of Qarlijh y William Grey, collated Aug. 20. 1452, He was Anno 1454* made Bifhop of Fly : But foon quitted this to Thctmas Preston, collated 'Dec. 13. 1452. He forfeited it, as my Account fays, by fome Default : And was fucceeded by J a mes St a n le y, prefented Nov. 11. 1460. He was Anno 1506. made Bifhop of 'Ely ; haying reiigncd this Dignity about twenty Years before : For I find WilliamBever'ley, collated to it June 28. 148 5. who be- ing alfo Precentor of Tbrk, 'Archbifhop Rotheraw, to augment that S % Dignity 3 132 Prehendaries of Y O R K. Dignity, did in the following Month, viz. July 28. 1485. annex k to that Office, fince which Time it hath ever continued annexed, and been held with the Precentorfhip, as it is at this Day. F E N T N HA S the Impropriation and Patronage of Fenton and Shirburn Churches in Anfty Deanary : He had alfo the Patronage of St. Maurice Church in York, and an Houfe in the Minjier-Clofe ; and is rated for Firft-Fruits at 3 5 /. 1 5 j-. 5 d. Sewell^ Bovilla held it 1 2 »— He was afterwards Archbiihop of York. ■ ■ William^? Tykering, 1 5. Cal. April, 1 287. John de Berewyks, 6. Id. Jul. 1297. on the Refignation of W. 'Pykering. He was Prebend of Ofmotherly. T h o m a s de Cobb am, S. Id. Dec. 13 12. on the Death of J. de Berewyks. He was afterwards Bifhop of Worcejter, and Prebendary of Lald-fireet, London. Freder ick de Barde, 15. Cal. Jug. 13 17. Robert^? Walkington, 1 6. Cal. Jan. 1343. on the Death of F. de Barde. He was Canon of Litchfeild, and was buried there. Robert de Bray broke, 9. Nov. 1 3 66. on the D.eath of R. de Wal* kington, made Prebendary of Fridaythorp. Walter^? Skirlawe, 3 o. Nov. 1 3 70. on the Refignation oFR.de Braybroke. He was afterwards Bilhop of 'Durham. Walter Brugge, 14. March, 1387. on the Promotion of W. de Skirlawe to the See of Litchfield. R 1 c h a r d de Clyjford, 3 1 . T)ec. 1396. on the Death of W> Brugge He was Prebendary of Southwell. Ad am de Mortimer, 21. Mar. 1396. on the Refignation of Rich, de Clyfford. He exchanged this Prebend for the Chaunterfhip of Sarum. John deWelborne, 2. Nov.. 1397. on the Refignation of A. de Mortimer. Hugh Han worth, — 1 407. on the Refignation of J. de Wel- horne. He was Canon of Lincoln, and dying Anno 14 18. was buried in that Cathedral. John de Wodeham, 8. March, 141 8. on the Death of Hugh Han- worth. Thomas Prebendaries of Y O R K. 133 Thomas de la Tole, n. yune, 1428. on the Resignation of y. de Wodeloam. Peter Yrford, i^Jul. 1433. on the Death of T. de la Pole* He was Vicar of St. Marys in Beverley. JohnLangtoNj 20. May, 1438. on the Reiignation of Teter Trford. Robert Ascough, 13. April, I 44 I - on the Reiignation otJoTm Langton. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Re&or of Campfait. JohnBradston, 15. Febr. 1448. on the Death of R. A/cough. Robert Stulington 3 21. March, 1450. on the Reiignation of y. "Bradfion. He was afterwards made Bifhop of Wells. WillumMalsteRj — — - 1459. on the Reiignation oiFL.Stil- iington. Edward Hanson, 16. Auguji, 1480. on the Reiignation of W+ Malfter. He was Chaunter of Lincoln, and was buried in that Ca- thedral. William Bureank, i. June, 1512. on the Death of Edward Hanfon. r William Smyth son, •*■ 153.0. on the Reiignation of W. jBurbanh William Clyff, ij.yan. 153 1. on the Death of W. Smythfon. Christopher Wellyfed, 30. OU. 1534. on the Reiignation. of W. Clyff. William Wellyfed, iq. 'April, 1538. on the Death of Chrifl^ Wellyfed. Thomas Houghton, i. ywie, 1541. on the Reiignation of W. Wellyfed. He was afterwards Prebendary of the firft Stall in Peter- borough Cathedral. John Dak yn, 19. yan. ^549. on the Death of T". Houghton. See Archdeacons of the Fafi-Kiding. William Taylor, — 'Dec. 1 5 58.. on the Death of y. Dakyn., ThomasWilson, 10. y-uL 1 5-6o_ Quere, if not afterwards Dean of Durham, or of Worcejier, 1571- William Chaderton,. 16. Febr. 1573. He was afterwards Biihop of Chefter and Lincoln. Arthur Williams, 2Z-.K0.vemb'. 1579. on the Promotion of W. Chaderton. Emanuel Barnes, 16. Febr. 1601. on the Reiignation of Ar- thur Williams. He was Prebendary of Durham. Henry Wickham, Fellow of Kings College, Cambridge, iov. OU. 1 6 1 4. on the Death of Barnes.. He was Archdeacon of Tork. Thomas 134 Prebendaries of Y O R K. T h o m a s T r i v l e t t, 2. Sep. 1 641. on the Death ofH.Wickham. RobertField, 3, Aug. 1670. on the Death of T. Triplet t. See Subdeans. GeorgeTully, 13. Off. 1 (58o. on the Death of R. Field : He quitted it for the Subdeanry. T h o m a s C o m b e r, 19. jufy) 1 58 1. on the Refignation of George Tally : He was Precentor, Anno 1583. RogerAltham, OU. 19. 1683. on the Resignation of T. Com- ber. Buried \%.Aug. 1714. in Chrijl-Church College, Oxon } where he was Cannon. £}iere, if not Minifter of the new Church in Leeds. Willa m Milne r 5 Sept. 16. 17 14. on the Death of R. Aliham^ benehVd in Hertford/hire, near Stevenage, where buried. Thomas Mease, prefcnt Prebendary, collated March z x 1718. FR1VATTH0RP. SO named from Fridaythorp, a Parifli in Sucros Deanary, where the Prebend hath fome Lands ; as he has alfo the Manor, Impropriation, and Patronage of Tange Curacy in TontfraB Deanery, with fome Lands and Tythes in Gudmundham, valued at 3 8 /. 1 6 s. Robert^ Cottyngham held it i Anno 13 1 2. He was alfo Re&or of Ilkeley. William de Ayremyne, collated 3. Id. Nov. 13 19. On the I)eath of R. Cottyngham : He was Bifhop of Norwich. Richard^ Cornubia, 6. Id\ Nov. 13 25. on the Promotion of W. de Ayremyne. John de Flifco, 1325. T h o m a s de Hatfield, collated, 17. Dec 1343- afterwards Bifhop of Durham. He was buried in the Cathedral of Durham. John de Mala Villa^ 1 2. Aug. 1 345. on the Promotion of Thomas de Hatfield. Day id de Wollore, \6. Off. T352. on the Promotion of J. de Mala Villa. He was Prebendary of Southwell, Hove den, and Mailer of St. 'Johns Hofpital, Rip on, and Vicar of Homfey j and Prebendary of F aid- land, in St. Paul's, London. Robert de 'Braybroke, 19. Ott. 1370- afterwards Bifliop of London. T h o M A 5 Trelendaries of Y O R K. rg$ Thomas de Orgrave, 13. May, 1 377. on the Refignation of R. de Bray broke: He was Prebendary of Southwell and Sez'erley, and Mini- fter of Rudby. Robert de Crull, 21. May, 1377- on the Refignation of T. de Orgrave : He was Prebendary of tloveden. RichardPytts, 18. T)ec. 1408. On the Death of R. de Crull. JohnRyggenhale, or Rkkenhak, 1 2 Sept. 1409. on the Resignation of R Tytts: He was Re&or of Hemmyngburgh, afterwards Bifhop of Chichefier, 1426. John O r o m ; 4. Jan. 1409, on the Refignation of J. Ryggen- hale. RichardTalbot, OS.**— 1412. He wasRe&or o£ King/land,. Co. Hereford. JohnForster, 8. April, 1428. Thomas Chichely, 29. Mar. 1440. on the Death of Forfter: He was Prebendary of Southwell* See Archdeacons of Canter*- fairy. Edmund Wodivili, 6. Feb. 1466. on the Death of T. Chichely. JohnBurne, 22. 'Dec. 1458. on the Refignation of Edmund Wodevile. He was Inftituted to a Chantry in the Church of St. 'Trinity, in Curia Regis. Ranulph Bird, 10. Nov. 1470. On the Death of J. Bitrne. HenryGillowEj 11. June, 1479. On the Refignation of R* 2ird. William Sheffeld, 16. Feb.. 1482,. on the Death of H, Gillowe. Henry Carnebull, 13. July, 1485. on the Refignation of jy.. Sheffeld. Oliver Kyng, 26. Feb. 1487. afterwards Bifhop of %latb and Wells. John Her le, 13,. 'Dec. 1490. on the Refignation of O. Kytig. John Nix, 30. July, 1494. on the Refignation of J. Herle. He was afterwards Bifhop of Norwich. John Brayezz, July, 150 1 . on the Promotion of J. Nix. Christopher Urswyke, Dean of Windfor, 3. June, 1502. William Holgill, 19. May, 1522. on the Death of C. Vrf- •wyke. See Archdeacons of Carli/le^ Thomas Wynter 3 30.. Sep. 1522. on the Refignation of Jf'»- Rober XI i%6 Prebendaries of Y O R K. Robert Shorton, 7. May, 1 5 23. on the Refignatiori of 7*. Wynt.er. H e n r y W 1 l l i a m s, 5. Nov. 1 53 5. on the Death of .R . Shorton, Arthur Lowe, 3. May, 1554. on the Deprivation of H. Williams. He was Prebendary of Ripon. Richard Mas'ters, 13. Mar. 1552. William Wilkinson, 31. Jan. 1587. on the Death of MaJIers. Richard Burton, 5. 'Dec 1 61 3. on the Death of ?fC llilkinfon. He was Re&or of Linton in Craven. Henry Fairfax, Son of 'Thomas Baron of Cameron, 13. ^r//, 16—5. on the Death of R. Burton. He was Re&or of New- ton Kyme, and Bolton Teircy. ThomasCannon, 19. April, 166$. on the Death of H. Fairfax. He died, being Prebendary of Wejiminjier : And was fucceed- ed by Henry Bagsha w, 166%. on the Death of T. Cannon : He refigned, being made Prebend of jDurham : And was fucceeded by John La k e, 16. July. 1 670. on the Refignation of H. Bag- §}£iw : He was made Bifhop of Chichejler : And fucceeded by Jonathan Dryden, collated 3 1 . OUo- 1 68 5^ on the Pro- motion of J. Lake. He was Rector of Scragingham and Lounds- Imrgh. And dying Anno 1702, was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph. Hie jacet Jonathan Dryden, A. M. 'Prdendarius de Frydaythorp, ($• hnjus ~Ecclefi AL E O N T A I N S the Manor of Getendale, Hamlett or Vill, near Tocklington, with the Lands in Millington, valued at 10/. is. 6.d. Amadeus de San'clo Johanne, 2. Cat- May, 1292. William de Tyhriv.g, 1 5. Cal. April, 1 298. Peter c Trehendaries of Y O R K. 137 Peter^ 1)eane, 17. Cal. Sep. 1^12. John^i? Sandale, 9. Cal. May, 13 13. Quere, if not Biiliop of Win-' chefier, 1 3 1 6 ? Richard^ Cejlria, 8. 7^. .M^ 1 3 14. on the Refignation of J. de Sandale. John de Gynewell, 13. May, 1346. on the Death of R. de Cejlria, Biiliop of Lincoln, about 1347. William de Kirby, 1 8. April*, 1347. Robert de Calldwell, 1$66. on the Refignation of W. de Kirby. Michael de Ravenfdale, it. Mar. 1368. on the Refignation of R. de Calldwell. John de Lincoln, 5. Jan. 1389. on the Refignation of 31. de Ra- ve?ifdale. JohnBarnet, 19. April, 1391. on the Death of J. de Lincoln. Walter Sherington, 29. Aug. 1407. He was Prebendary of Uoveden, and of the Cathedral Church of Chichejier, Mafter of the Royal Chapel at Tichhill^ and Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancafter. He died Anno 1448. And was buried at St. 'Paul's, London* Rob ert 'Del-Haye, 7. Aug-. 1420. on the Refignation of W. She- rington. He was Reclor of ^Brantyngham. Thomas Bapthorpe, 30. Tkc. 1448. on the Death of Rob. 'Del-Hay . He was Prebendary of Hoveden ,- and was buried in the Church of Hoveden. Edmund Audley, 18. Oct. 1478. on the Death of T. !Bap- thorpe. He was Bifhop of Rocheftet\ 1480. William Talbot, 6. Nov. 1480. on the Promotion of E. Audley: He was Prebendary of Southwell. Humphrey Fitz Williams, 5. 1)ec. 145*8. on the Death of Wil- liam Talbot. John Hattok, 24. OU. 1503. on the Death of H. Fitz Wil- liams : He was Bifhop of Nigrapont. ThomasHannibell, 11. May*, 1 504. on the Refignation of J. ffatton. Thomas Harwode, i. July, 1 5:09. ThomasDonyngtoNj 21. Aug. 1525. on the Refignation of Hannibell. Nicholas Everard, 27. April, 1 53 2. on the Death of T. tDonyngton. Edmund Wo r s l e y 3 29. June, 1 59 2. on the Refignation of N. Everard. T Anthony 138 Prebendaries of Y O R K. Anthony P i g g e, 29. Jan. 1536. on the Resignation of E. Vorjley. WiuiamMoore, Bifhop Suffragan of Colchefter, on the Resig- nation of A. Pigge, 11. March) 1 537. He was Vicar of Bradford. Georges Palmes, 23. Sep. 1539. Stephen Segar, 8. Feb. 1 543. on the Refignation of G> Palmes. Philip Erode, 9. Feb. 1 547. on the Refignation of S. Segar. He was Vicar of Huddersfeild, and Rector of Aldbill. John Golding, 17. Aug. 155 1. on the Death of C P. Srode : He was Rector of Birkyn and 'Burghwallis, and Matter of "Bowtham Hofpital i and Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel. He was likewife a Prebendary of Landaff. I met alfo with one John Golding, who was alfo laft Prior of Ellerton, 1539. and had a Pen f Ion of 13/. 6 s. Sd. on the DifTolution, which was paid him 1553. Wi l l 1 a m Ta y l o r, 19. Jan. 1556. on the Death of J. Golding. Peter He a d e— — — 1 560. JohnDuncombe, 30. Nov. 1 576. on the Death of { P. Heade. Andrew Bynge, 30. *Dec. 1600. on the Refignation of John buncombe. He was alfo Rector of 'Brughton, Subdean of this Ca- thedral ; and at length, Archdeacon of Norwich ; alive 1642. TimothyTully, 30, Aug. 1 660. on the Death of the laft In- enmbent Thomas Noble, 8. May, .1700. on the Death of I*, fully, re- moved to Ample ford. Thomas Burton, Vicar of Uallifax, collated Afar. 1. 171 5. on the Reiignation of T. Noble ,- the prefent Prebendary. G R I N D ALE CONSISTS of the Manor and Impropriation of Grind ale in Flickering Deanary ; of which Donative the Prebend is Patron. He has alfo the Tythes of Grafton Chapelry, in Bnrrowbrigg Deanary. He has alfo a Moiety or half Part of Axminfter Impropriation, Co. De- von. The whole valued at 9/. 17 s. id. . Wi l l 1 a m de JValeby, held it ~ — 1 2 RobertBurnett, collated 1 3 Cal. June, 1 267. on the Death, or as in another Book, on the Reiignation of W> de Waleby. He was Re- ctor of JVellton. John Trelendaries of Y G R K. 1 39 J'o h.-n de Crawcomb, about 1 280. He held It 1 298, 26. E. I. See an Account of his having drnpagb, in Pry mi, ILL p. 782. Wuham^ Slyburgh, 18. Cal. Sep. 1 308. Peter Den e- He took a Monafiical Habitation. John Giffarb, by the Entrance of Dene into the Profeffcon of Religion, 4. Nov. 1332. He was Rector of Elton. Nicholas^ Welt on, 8. OB. 1 349. on the Death of J. GijTard. John de Chefierfield, 9. Mar. 1350. on the Death oiN.de Welton. He was Rector of Flyntham, Co. Nottingham. Ad am de Fveryngham-, 2 1 . June % 1354. Robert de Schardlowe — ~ 13 59. on the Resignation of A, de. livery ngh am. Roger de Chesterfield, on the Resignation of Robert de Schard- lowe, 20. May, 1360. He was Rector of Wylington. John^/i? T'horesby, 7. Dec. 1367. on the Death of R. de Chefier- field. He was Provoft of Beverley. Thomas De la Warre, 31. Jan. 1380. on the Death of J. de c Thoresby. Thomas de Wejion, S. Aug. 139'/. on the Resignation of 2". de la Warre. He was Archdeacon of 'Durham, and Prebendary of Hoveden. John Nottyngham, 6. OB. 1408. on the Death of *T. de Wefton. Richard Pyttes, 14. Sep. 1409. on the Resignation of J* Nottingham. RobettNevill, 10. July, 141 4. on the Resignation or Ce£- lion o£R. Tyttes, made Treafurer. ThomasGreenewood, 14. OB. 141 6. on the Bxilgnation of JR. Nevill. - ' Robert Fitz Hugh, 10. Sep. 141 8. on the Resignation of T. Greenewood, who quitted it for Knar es borough. : He was Biihop of Lon- don afterwards. A n d r e w : Holes, 7. Jug. 143 1. on the Resignation of R. Fitz Hugh. Peter de Carbon, Cardinal, 4. OB. 1437. on the Resignation of Andrew. Holes. Richard Caunton, on the Resignation of 'Peter de Sarbon^ 7. July, rq.q.6. JohnBurgh, 2. OB. 148 5. on the Death of R. Cauntoiu John Marshall, 23. Mar, i/l66. on the Resignation of J* Surgh. T 2 Alexander 140 Prebendaries of Y O R K. „ AlexanderLegh, 14. Sept. 1471. on the Refignation of John Marfljall. He was Prebendary of Hoveden. Roger Lay burn e, 6. May, 1501. on the Refignation of Alexander Legb. He was Biiliop of CarliJIe : And was buried in St. James's Church ; then faid to be againft Charing-Crofs, Wejiminfter. Reginald Chomle y, ■ » 1 503. on the Promotion of R. Laybume. He was Prebendary of Hemmingburgh. Nicholas Ch a u n t re l,«-~— — 1506. on the Death of R. Chomley. William Epus. T>arien. 17. Jan. 1 53 1 on the Death of N. Chauntrel. William Barnerdisto n, ■ 1534. Thomas Cheston, 25. Jan. 1 554. on the Death of the laft Incumbent. JohnBucke, 15. Teh. 1 565. on the Death of Thomas Chefion : He was Rector of Middleton on the Wolds. Robert Cancefeld, 2. OU. 1588. He was Rector of Seeford. Francis N alt on, 8. OB. 1596. He was Vicar of Hummunby. Richard Leake, A.M. 6. Dec. 1 6 1 6. on the Death of F. Nalton ; alive, 1642. RichardWaring, 20. Sept. 1 660. on the Death of the laft In- cumbent. He was Rector of Staunton. GilbertBennet, 4. Sept. 1 667. On the Death of R. Waring : He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Vicar of Camaby. RichardHooke, S. T. P. 17. Feb. 1 669. on the Death of G. 'Bennet. He was Prebendary of Southwell, Vicar of Hallifax ; and Mafter of St. Magdalen s Hofpital, Ripon. Charles Palmer, S. T. P. Rector of Marfan, 27. Feb. 1688. on the Death of JR.. Hooke. He died in 1 704. and was, as I prefume, buried in the Cathedral : Succeeded by HeneageDering, collated Feb. 9. 1704; on the Death of Charles 'Palmer. He was removed to Fridaythorp : And fucceeded by * Gilbert Atkinson, 1708. Rector of Medley, prefentea by Archbifhop 'Dolben. * FrancisRogers, 17 09. Rector of Kirby Overbloys. Qiiere, of him in Mr. c Thoresby of' Leeds. Henry Jefferso n, collated Nov. 18. 171 2. on the Refignation of H.Ticring, being Minifter of St. Marys in Beverly. He died 1720. FeildanDunn, collated OB. 6. 1720, prefent- Incumbent, Minifter of the lefler Church of Torh HOLME 'Prebendaries of Y O R K. 141 HOLME Archiepiscopi. SO denominated from the Town of Holme in Wetwang Parifh, valued with the Impropriation of Witbcrnwick in Holdemejs Deanery •> of which Vicaridge the Prebend, is Patron at 1 1 /. 3 s. 9 d. Martinds^ Santta Crilce, held it before 1 %6o. Hugh^ SeJJy, Cal. 4. Id. May, 1 257. RobertBurnel l, ■ 1 257. Bifhop of Wells, 1 274. William deWakby, 13. Cal. June, 1 267. on the Resignation of R. "Burnett. Thomas de Sutton, 17. Cal. Nov* 1 272. on the Resignation of W- de Waleby. He was Archdeacon of Wells* H e n r y de New arlis, 1 2. Cal. Jan. 128 1... on the Resignation of yl de Sutton. He was afterwards Archbifliop of Tbrk. Walter de Tvingho, 2. Id* Nov. 1283. on the Resignation of H,. de Newarks* John de Serewyh, 2. Ott. 1294. on the Resignation of W. de Tvingho. William de Tyhring, 6. Id. July, 129J. on the Refignation of J. de Serewyh. Robert^ "Pykering, 11 Cal. Aug. 1298.. on the Refignation of W. de Tyhering. Official to the Archbiihop.. Thomas Sampson, 6. Id. Febr. 1332. on the Death of R. de ^Pyk&cing*. Walter de Wodehoufe, — ^-^1349. on the Death of ft. Samp/on.. William de Feriby, 13. July, 1350. on the Refignation of W. de Wodehoufe. John deWelewyh, 3. Sept. 1356.011 the Refignation of W. de Feriby. Richard de 'Thome, 22. Ott. iy6o. on the Refignation of John d'e Welewyh. He was Prebendary of Severley. John Ravenser, 25. Nov. 1391. on the Death of R. de Thome. He was Rector of Alyer Kerbs in the Diocefe of Lincoln, and Prebendary of Lincoln. He is buried in his- own PariiL- Church. Richard Holme, 15. Nav. 1393. on the Death of J. Rjivenfer* He was Rector of Wermouth in the Diocefe of "Durham,, Richard Caudray, 14. Ott. 1424. on the Death of R_. Holme, Ha was Prebendary of Southwell.. Richard 142 Vrehendaries of Y O R K. Richard Moresby, 22. Off. 1 43 1 . on the Resignation of T. Caudray. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Holme Spaldingmoor. William More, 12. Feb. 1443. on the Refignation of R. Here shy. He died Nov. 9. 1^6. and was buried in Tattefcall Col- legiate Church, Co. Lincoln ; where he was Provoft, with this Epitaph, $ir Uirtufc tiircns? Gulielmus foulgo foocafus, fBmt micuit mire, uuus fane moftgeraflftg, j^UJUS itollcgu &C Tatteilhalle ^CCtUltiuS, PjnDcnj? 'p?aej;ofum 5 e&cni* temper Jja&un&u& JBiC Eboracenfis fmt cctlcfic raf|)CtJ?alt^ atanaiiicu.g, Kccto? $De Ledeham fpeciaug, <&arrc .Scripture Baccalaurctis, arte p?ofcatu& 3m Cub tellurc fit tnrmibus cfc a paratus, b&obris fcena menfis cum luce novjena, ilcnfc prima moiitur cujtt.s circus fcpclitur, Jldil Gemini C cjuatuor, L ferti ccntmuatur, 45pirifcts iu coclig ejus fine fine locafur. Nicho l asGosse, 22. Off. i 4 j 6. on the Death of TV. More. W 1 l l 1 a m B r a n d e, i2. ~Eth". 1460. on the Resignation of A 7 . Goffe. Richard Langport, 24. Mar. 1461. on the Refignation .of W. Grande. . Thomas H a w r ex, 17. May, 1466. on the Refignation of R. Langport. He is buried in the Church- Yard of North-Street, Tork. John Tafton, 25-. Nov. 14.67. on the Death of T. Hauren, John; 14-4- Prebendaries of Y O R K. John de Hujiwayte,' 13 H e r v e y de Staunton, 8. Cal. Nov. 1319. on the Resignation of J: de Hujiwayte. J o h n de Morell, 13 27. on the Death of H. de Staunton. William deHoo, 3 . Cal. Jan. 1 334. on the Death of J. deMorell. 5E d m u n d A .r v n d e l l, 1 5. Cal- Feb. 1 340. JohnErle, 23- Aug. 134.6. Stethen dl? Mai eon de Flanders, 2 2 . Mar. 1 3 47 . on the Death of ArundeU; Re&or of Sandal I Magna. John de Mellborne, or Wei llborne ; 24. March, 1347. on the Death of John Bacon, 28. Jan. 1380. on the Death of Mellbome. He ex- changed it for Wight on. Robert de Manfeld, 10. Feb. 1389. on the Refignation of J. Bacon. Wl liam Cawoode, 2. May, 141 9. on the Death of R. Man- feld. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph. 3^ic jacrt i&a&itfer. John de Soulby, 20. Mar. 1419. on the Death of W. Cawoode. He was Prebendary of Southwell, which he exchanged for a Prebend and Mafterfhip of St. Johns Hofpital of Ripon. Fulk Bermyngham, 23. 'Dec. 1439. on the Death of J. de Soul by. He was Prebendary of Ripon. John Alcock, 16. Jan. 1478. on the Refignation of F. Bermyng- ham. He was Rc&or of St. Cuthbert Tefeholm, Tork : And afterwards of Eaft Bridgford. James Harrington, 27. Jan. 1505. on the Death of J. At- tach Ch ristojp he r Fisher, 7. June, 1507. on the Refignation of J. Harrington. He was Rector of Cajileford. Thomas Walsh, Prior of jBraddenjioke, 16. Oct. 1512. on the Death of Fyjher, Bifhop of Elphine. CuthbertMarshall, 23. July, 1 5 26. on the Death of the laft Incumbent. Gyles Eyre, 12. Feb. 1 549. on the Death of Cuthbert Mar- JJjall, Dean of Chichejler. William P e r p o y n t, 24. Sep. 1551. on the Death of Eyre : He was Re&or of one of the Medieties of Cotgrave. George Tfeheniaries of Y O R K. 145 Georce Williamson, 30.il/iry, i'5 54. on the Demife of W. Terpoynt. He was Re&or of Mutton^ at Marfton ; and Minifler of the Chantry of Linton. "William Jack, nit. Aug. 1 5 64. on the Death of G'. William- foil : He was a Boy of fifteen Years of Age, when Archbifliop Toung ad- mitted him, John Welles, 15. Nov. 1 5(58. on the Demife of Pf 7 . jkzc£. Christophfr Lyndley, 10. Aprils, 1 570. on the Death of J. Welles. He was Rector of Langton, and buried there. ThomasMorton, 21. July, 1610. on the Death of C. Lynd- ley. He was afterwards Bifhop of Litchfield and Durham : And was buried at Eafton Mauduit, Co. Northampton. JohnBramhall, 13. June, 1 53 3 . by the Promotion of Mor-, ton Bifhop of Litchfield^, laft Prebendary, to the See of Durham, af- terwards Primate of Armagh. RichardMarsh, 6. Aug. 1 53 4. on the Refignation of J. "Bram- hall, after Dean. Edmund D i g g l e, D. D. 17. Oil. 1663. on the Death of R. Mctrfh, Archdeacon of Forh JamesFinney, A.M. 7. June, 1689. on the Death of E. Diggle. He quitted this for a Prebend of Durham- John Denton, November ; 23. 1554. on-Fenney's Refignation. John Clarkson, Feb. 22. 1708. prefent Prebendary, Rector of Silkefion. Knareshoroughj cum Bickhill. THIS Prebend 1230* had united to it the Rectory of Knaresborough^ in c Boroughbrige Deanary in "Richmond Arch- deaconry ; of which Yicaridge the Prebendary is Patron, is rated, at 42/. 17 j.* id. for Firft-Fruits. This Impropriation was made by Archbifliop Walter Grey, in lieu of its ancient Demefne called Sickhill^ which lay in the City of Tor'k, and was granted by the Dean and Chapter to the faid Archbifliop. William de Ebor. 16. Id. Dec. 1 230. He was 1 247. made Bi- ihop of Sarmn. Philip de Ega, feems to fucceed about 1 248. Gilbert^ "Barium, 1 3 . Cal. January. 1280. Thomas^ BuUon, Archdeacon of Wills 3 1 2. Cdl. Jan. 1 281. U Francis 1^6 Trehendaries of Y O R K. Francis G a y t a y n u ?, Id. April, 1 29 2. Richard^ Clara, 6. Non. July, 1 3 17. Nicholas 0tf02, at Canonic cuss ncfiuciittarius iftmg «£cciefie, nut obtit 2. Die menfi# USai** & ©.1421. Cujus amme jjofitietuu ®cu.«. ^tuen. W 1 l l 1 a m A l n w 1 c k, May 3. 142 1. on the Death of Green~ wood. He was 1426. made Bifhop of Norwich. Prosper^ Columna, March 6. 1426. William Treleniarles of Y O R K. 147 WittiAMToLY, May 19. 1428. NicholasGo s -s e, Jan. 3 o. 1460. on the Death of Toly. He Was alio Prebendary -of Southwell. Robert Moreton, Jan. 1 2. 1480. on the Reiignation of Gojfe. Qiiere, if not Bifhop of Wore eft er, 1487. JohnGotton^ April 2. 1487. on the Reiignation of Moreton. He died, 1 5; 1 2. and was buried at Litchfield, where he was Dean. John W 1 TH e r-s, Prebendary of Hoveden, jBeverley, London and Sammy CommiiTary to the Archbifhop, Aug.q* 151 2. on the Death of Gotton. JeffryWrenne, ^Dec. 16. 1 5 1 2. on the Reiignation of Wi- thers. He died April 5. 1527. and was buried at Windfor, where -he was Prebendary and Canon. ReginaldPole>, April 22.15 27. He was afterwards Archbifhop of Canterbury ; but deprived of his Preferments by Henry VIII. about 1535. or 1537. Thomas Sulement, April 25. 1537. JohnBra^sbye-, Matter of Sutton in Holder nefs College, Pre- bendary of Southwell, Rector of Beeford and -Setterington, J til. 12. 1 541 . on the Death of Sulement. Anthony Bellas-is, 'Dec. 1 6. 1 540. Prebendary of Hove- den and Rippon, on the Death of Sransbye. Richard Petre, LL. B. 'Dec. 16. 1552. on the Death o£jBel- lajis. He went beyond-Sea about 1562. for his Religion. RalphTon stall, March 1 5. 1 57 1 . on the Deprivation of T&re. He was Matter of Magdalen Holpital at Rippon, and Arch- deacon of Northumberland. Daniel Lyndley, Rector of c Terrington, March 6. ' 1 6\ 8. on the Death of c Tonftall. RichardSmelt, April 6. 1625. on the Reiignation oILynd- ley. He was Rector of Edfington. E l e a z a r D u n c o-n, May i. 1640. on the Death of Smelt. He was Prebendary of Durham, and died about 1642. Robert Mossom fucceeded, Sept. 20. 1660. on Duncons Death. Benjamin Parry, Febr. 22. 1563. on tne Reiignation of Mojjbm. William A s h t o n, S. T. P. Rector of Seckingham in Kent, Febr. 6. 1 673. on the Reiignation of Parry. He died about 17.1 1. T h o m a s L a m p l u g h, A. M'. Febr. 15. 1 7 1 1 . Rector of jBW- ton-Teircy, and Canon ol'Tcrk, living 1723. and Son to Archbifhop Lamphgb. U 2 LA N G- 148 Trehendaries of YORK. LANG TOFT CONTAINS the Impropriations of Langtoft in 'Dickering Dea- nary, and North-Grimfion in $ucrofs Deanary, with the Advow- fon of the Vicaridge, valued at 43/. 15? s. 7 d. This Prebendary hath alfo an Houfe in the Clofe at Tork 3 now divided into three Te- nements. Richard^ Clifford, 1 2 Boniface 12 HenrySampson, 1 295. on the Resignation of Boniface. Roger M a r m y o n, Offiober 29. 1 295. Bertranb^ Fargis, 1 308. RichardHaverinc, 13 — He died, 1340. and was buried in the Cathedral. Christopher Weston fucceeded,. bein g collated dpril 2 1 . 1340. on the Death of Havering. Philip Weston had, as Newcourt fays, this Prebend given him Oct. 8. 1359. But quere, whether he was installed into it ? For in my Account A d a m de r twyfleton came in about 1349. And Andrew Stafford is faid to fucceed, March 13.' 1 361. on the Refignation of TwyJJeton. W 1 lli am deWickham, March 17. 1362. He quitted it for Laughton Prebend. John de CharneHs fucceeded Off.. 30. 1363. on the Refignation of Jfickham, upon Exchange feemingiy with him for Laughton Prebend* His Succeffor was John Marshall, collated Jul. 9. 1373. on the Refignation of Charnelh. He died 1386. And was fucceeded by Matthew Ashton, collated Febr. 18. 1386. on the Death of MarJhalL John^ Carp fucceeded Nov. 18. 1395. on the Death of JJloton. As did Stephen / Jan. 2. 1399. And JohnElvet, Rector of Normantou, Jan. 4. 1400. His Suc- ceffor was John Prophet e, collated Nov. 2 2. 1404. on the Death of El- vet. He was Dean 1407. and exchanged this Prebend for flngthorp- With Tho- Prebendaries of Y O R K. 149 ThomasWal worth, collated OU. 2. 140(5. on the Resig- nation of Trophete. He was Vicar-General to the Archbifhop, and bu- ried in the Cathedral. John Nottingham fucceeded, being collated Sept. 10. 1409. on the Death of Walworth. He was 141 5. made Treafurer : And fuc- ceeded by ■ Richard Fleming, collated Aug. 21 . 141 5. on the Refignatfon of Nottingham. He was 1419. made Bifhop of Lincoln: And fuc- ceeded by Brian Fairfax, collated Febr. 4. 1419. on the Promotion of Fleming : He was alfo Precentor. Thomas Kemp fucceeded, Novemb. 18. 1435. on the Death of Fairfax. He was next Year made Archdeacon of Tork : And fucceed- ed by Richard Arnall, collated May 18. 1438. on the Refigna- tion of Kemp. He died 1441. being alfo Subdean : And was fucceed- ed by Hugh Pakenham, collated June 1. 1441. on the Death of r Arnall : As was JohnPakenham, 'Dec. 13. 1445. on the Death of Hugh Pa- fonham : And- William Say, Febr. 23. 1449. on the Refignation of 'Paken- ham. He was Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London : And fucceed- ed by John Ch ed worth, collated JW. 20. 1454. on the Refignation of Say. He was Archdeacon of Lincoln, and willed 147 1. to be bu- ried at Stepney, near London. His SuccefTor was John Marshal l, collated Aug. 23. 1471. on the Death of Chedworth. He was made Bifhop of Landaff, Anno 1477. And fuc- ceeded by Thomas Barowe, March 7. 1477. on the Refignation of Mar jh all. He was Reclor of Cotingham, Prebendary of Beverley, Southwell, St. Marys Chapel, Litchfield, Wells, and Archdeacon of Colchejfer, and died 1499. And was fucceeded by NicholasHaleswell, collated Jul. 12. 1499. on the Death of Barowe- : To whom fucceeded EdwardKellet, collated Sept. 2. 1 5 24. on the Refignation of Halewell. He w as made Precentor 1538. And fucceeded by RobertSilvester, 1538. on the' Refignation of Kellet*. He quitted it for Wiftcw : And was fucceeded by Tho M.AlS. Ko Trehendaries of Y O R K. T h o m a s M a r s a r, collated May 16. 1 541. on the Refignation 0$ Si he ft er. He was Mailer o£ Magdalen Hofpital at Sent bam, and lies buried in the Cathedral, where he had this Epitaph, long ilnce defaced, . GeorgePalmes, ,7^,7. 8. 1 546. on the Death of Marfar. He quitted it, being made Archdeacon of Tork, and Prebendary of Wet~ % : And was fucceeded by Baldwin Norton, collated June 28. 1 5 59. After whom T h o m a s T h a t c h a m is, in an Account by me, faid to come in 1 5 6 1 . As is Walter Jokes, May 19. 1 5 64. He Was Rector of Marfton, and Prebendary of Southwell. Rob ert Towers fucceeded, being collated OUob. 16. 1577. on the Death of Jones. He was Prebendary of WenlockSams, in St. Paul's, London, Cathedral : And fucceeded by J a m e s C o c.k, collated Nov. 24. 1585. on the Death of Towers* He was Mailer of St. Johns Hofpital, and lies buried at Ettou, where he was Rcclor. JohnBennet, Vicar-General to the Archbifliop, fucceeded, be- ing collated March 6. 1590. on the Death of Cock : As was Walter Ben net, Jul. 26. 1 60S. on the Refignatioh of John Sennet. His Succeflbr was He n r v T h u r s c r o s s, collated Aug. 25. 1614. on the Death of "Rennet. He was alfo Archdeacon of Cleveland: And was fucceed- ed by Timothy Thurscross, collated 'Dec. 3 . 1622. on the Refigna- tion of Henry Thurfcrofs. He was likewife Archdeacon of Cleveland : And fucceeded by William Jackson, B. D. collated T^ec. 8. 1 67 1 . on the Death of Timothy "Thurfcrofs : To whom fucceeded W 1 l l 1 a m Stainseorth, collated Febr. 11. 1 680. on the Death of Jachfon. He was Rector of St. Mary, 'Biftopfcill, the elder in Tork, Vicar of St. Martin s 3 Cony-JIreet 3 and Prebendary of Southwell. The next I find is D A R C Y Prebendaries of Y O K K. r$i Dargy Dal ton. He was collated to it Augufi 28. 1713- and is the prefent Incumbent, Anno 1723. LAUGHTON, SO named from Laughton le Morthing, a Parifh in 1)o?wafter Dea- nary, in the Archdeaconry of York, where the Prebendary is Im- propriator, and Patron of the Vicaridge. The Prebend, which is now united to the Chancellorship, was rated, when taxed fingly, for Firft- Fruits at 63 /. 9 s. 4 d. Ingelard^JW was collated to this Stall Jan. 25. 1309. He was alfo Prebendary of Southwell. Francis^ JLaico fucceeded, being collated June 21: 13 18. He died 1322. and was buried in St. Mary \ Aldermanbury, London : And fucceeded by J o h n de Gay ton Cardinal? s, collated Jan. 31. 1322. And he by John Morel l, collated Sept. 21. 1323. John^ Charnells fucceeded about 1334.' And, reiigning it Anno- 1363. was fucceeded by W 1 l l 1 a m de Width am, collated Oct.. 31. 1363. He was 1367*. made Bifhop of Winchefier. John^ Rockingham fucceeded March 29. 1357. on the Refigna- tion o£Wickham. He died 1387. and was buried at Harrow Co. Mid- dlefex, where he was Rector : And was fucceeded by R o b e r t de Farington, collated March 2. 1387. He died 1404- being Recior of Croftou, and Canon of this Church : And was fuc- ceeded by Richard^ Conyngfton, collated Febr. 24. 1404. He died 141 3. being Prebendary of St. Marys Chapel, Tork, Sever ley and Southwell, and Recior of Hickliug, and was buried at Southwell : And fucceed- ed by H e n r y B o w e t t, collated Jan. 4. 14 13. He refigned it, hav- ing gotton better Preferment, no doubt from his Kinfman, Archbifhop OBowett : And was fucceeded by Robert Nevill, collated O'ct. 10. 141 6. Ke was afterwards Bifhop of Salisbury and 'Durham : And fucceeded, on his Resigna- tion, by Prosper^ Columna, collated .Nov, 20.. 1427. To whom flu>- ceeded, on his Refignation^ 152 Trebendarles of Y O K K. J o hn de Lax, collated Jul. 30. 1457. He refigned it next Year : And was fucceeded by Robert Wymbyssh, collated March 28. 1458. Though I al- io find Prosper^? Column a Cardinally admitted to it a fecond time, June 22. 1459. on the Rcfignation of Lax : And that on his Death, which happened Juno 1463. John Lax was again re-admitted Nov. S. 1463.. He died 1466. And was fucceeded by T h o m a s B a r r e t t, collated Nov. 22. 1465. He refigned it the fame Year to John Cr all, collated Febr. 9. 1466. His SuccefTor was John Gunthorp, collated May 15. 1478. en the Rcfigna- tion of Crall. On whofe quitting it, Gunthorp being alfo Dean of Wells i where he died, 1498. and was buried; Archbifhop Rot her am in July, 1485. having annexed the Prebend of 1)riffeild to the Pre- centorfhip, united and confolidated this to the Chancellorfhip : Since when it hath ever been held with it, and the Chancellors of this Church been de Jure the perpetual Incumbents hereof. M A S S A M. THIS was the richeft and beft endowed Prebend in the whole Church; it was valued, Anno 1534. at 136 I. per Ann. It con- filled of the Manor of the Reciory of MaJJam, cum Kir by Ma/zard 3 of which the Prebendary was alfo Patron. The Incumbents of this Stall, as I learn from Mr. Tbrr 3 were Roger de Albany, he held it about 1258. R o c o de Clare, fucceeded, as I judge, Anno 1287. John de Grandifon came in Anno 1309. He was Anno 1337. made Biiliop of Exeter, having, as I prefume, religned it Anno 1 3 1 6. to William de Ayrcmiu. He was Anno 1325. made Bifhop of Norwich. J o h n de Vfford, is the next: I find he enjoyed it, 1340. and was; 1348. made Archbifliop of Canterbury. ReginaldBrian, fucceeded 1348. and was, 1350. preferred to the See of St. David : and fucceeded by Andre w de OJcrd, Amo 1350. He died, 1358. being Archdea- con of Middlefex. A D V E N Treheniaries of Y O R K. 153 Adven Cardinalis, was preferred hither by the Pope : As was William C a r din a l i s, 1363. And Robert^ Strdtton, 1370. To whom fucceeded John Mowbray, Anno 1381. And to him, Wiiliam^ Norton, 1385. His SucceiTor was John Stacy, 1387. He died 1394. being Prebendary of San- bury, in the Church of Lincoln. John Roos, fucceeded 1395. His SuccefTor was JohnBere, Anno 1396. To whom fucceeded . Thomas More, Anno 1402. He died 142 1. being Dean of St. g Paul , s Cathedral in London, and was buried there : And fucceeded by William Kinwoldmersh, Anno 1421. On whofe Death fucceeded Henry Bowett, Archdeacon of Richmond, 14.26. And to him GeorgeNevill, 1447. He was afterwards Archbiihop of this See. The next was Roger Radcliff, collated, 1456. on Nevilfs being made Bifhop of Exeter. He died Anno 1471. being Dean of St. Paul's Ca- thedral, London, and was fucceeded by JohnShirwood, collated 147 1. He was 1484. made Biihop of "Durham -, and fucceeded by John Bl 1 t h e, collated 1484. He was 1493. made Bifliop of Salisbury : And fucceeded by Henry Carnebull, collated 1 49 3 .' He died 1508. and was bu- ried in the Cathedral : And fucceeded by Richard Dudle y, collated 1508. He died 15:35. being Chan- cellor, or rather Precentor of Salisbury : And was fucceeded by Thomas Bedill, inftituted 1535. He died next Year, being alfo Archdeacon of Cornwall^ and Prebendary of Lincoln : And was fuc- ceeded by WilliamWillyford, or WilUfed, Prebendary alfo of Lincoln \ "1537. He resigned it the fame Year : And was fucceeded by Robert Peters on, the laft Prebendary, inftituted 1537. He refigned it Anno 1 546. when it became foon after, by means of Arch- biihop Holgate, conveyed to Chancellor Wriottefly and his Heirs ; and has ever fince been diflolved, and converted into a Lay Fee. X NO R TI{- 154- Prebendaries of Y O R K. NO RT H-N EW B J LT> CONSISTS of the Impropriation of North-Newbald in Hert- hill Deanary, with the Advowfon of the Vicaridge, and an Houfe in Stonegate, Tork, valued for firft Fruits at 40 /. Pandalph de Sabello, 4. Cal. 'Jan. 1 3 10. Richard de Coruabia, 1 1 . Cal. . April, 13x0. John Fit z ale n, Son to Richard iate Earl of Arundel.*— \ 328; John de If '//.wicks, 9. Cal. June, 1344. Richard de Win-wicks, Sept. 50. 13 jo. on the Resignation of John de '•' i wicks. J o h n de Melbourne, Aug. 3 . 1 3 5 1 . on the ReGgnation of Winwicks. U r s u s de Ur finis de Urbe, 135 John de Melbourne, was again admitted on the ReGgnation of Urfus de Urfinis, No-v. 25. 1354. He was Re&or otKnefall. Adam de Thorpe, June 18. 1364. Rettor of Whel drake. He lies buried in Tork Cathedral. Robert de Mi del and, June 3. 1366. on the Reiignation of Thorpe. John de Appleby, Sept. 21. 1357. He was Prebendary of South- well. Robert Wickford, Aug. 13. 1370. on the Death of Appleby. J o h n de Fordham, Prebendary of Chichefter, March 13. 1375. He was afterwards Bifhop of 'Durham and Ely. Henry de Snaith, Sept. 27. 1376. Prebendary of "Beverley and lloveden. William, de Eyrmin, April 26. 1382. on the Death of Snaith. J e f f r y le Scrope, Nov. 22. 1 40 1 . RichardGabriel, March 18. 140 1. on the ReGgnation of Scrope. Rich ar d Courtene y, JuneS. 1403- Bifhop of Norwich, 1413. John Prentys, Rector of Winter born Bradfton, Aug. 22. 1 4 1 3 . on the Reiignation of Court eney. v Thomas Moreton, Prebendary of Hovedon, Re&or of Sett ring- ton, and St. 'Peters le Willow, Tork, Aug. 23. 1423. on the Reiignati- on of Prentys. He died, 1449. and was buried in the Cathedral. Richard Andrew, Aug. 19. 1449. died 1477. being Dean of Tvvk. John Trehendaries of Y O R K. ■ i'55 JohnForsteRj Prebendary of Beverley, Vicar of Carloljlon, on the Death of Andrew, Nov. 6. 1477. HenryMackell, 2Vb#. 2. 1 5 1 2 . on the Death of Forfier. Augustin^ Augujlinis, Jug. 5. 1530. on the Death of Mackell. George Polbery, Reftor of St. 'Peters le Willow, York, March 24. 1530. on the Resignation of Augujlinis. ThomasRynald, Nov. 5. 1540. on the Death of Tottery. Rl CHARD DRURY. Francis Newton, April 3. ij5o. on the Deprivation or Re- moval of Richard YDrury, kit Prebendary. He was Dean of JVin- chefier, Adminiftration of his Goods, granted Nov. 18. 1572. to his Brother Henry Newton, Efq; JohnGibson, L L. D. . Nov. 25. 1572,. Ouere, if not Dean of Carlijle, and Archdeacon of York?. On the Death of Newton. ChristopherAshborn, OU. 15. 1575. on the Resignation of Dr. Qibfon. Miles Sandys, 'Jan. 11. 1585. on the Death of AJJohom. Ke quitted it for Wighton. R i c h a r d! e m m i n g t on, Feb. 1 1. 1 585. on the Resignation of Sandys. . - John Hicks, Nov. 18. 161 5. on the Death of Hemmington. Thomas Searle, Feb. 3. 1 63©. on the Death of Hicks. JohnNeile, Jan. 28. 1633. on the Death of Searle. See Arch- deacons of Cleveland. . Thomas Bradley, Nov. 7. 1666. on the Resignation of Neile. ' Toby Conyers, Rector of St. Martins Micklegate, York, and Methley, July 1670. .on the Resignation of Bradley. He died 1687. an< ^ was buried in St. Hellens Church in York. Hensy.Ja m'e s, julv 4. i6Sy._ on the Death of Conyers. He died in March, 1 7 1 5. and was buried in Qiieens College Chappel, Cam- bridge, -.q$ which he was -Mailer. Geo r c'e Bell, A. M. Aug. 15. 17 17. on the Death of James, Rector of Croft, Co. York. Q S .B A LT>W I C K IS fo named from Osbaldzw'ck Parifli in Bulmer Deanary, of which and Gate- Helm'' 1 ey the Prebendary is Impropriator, and Patron of the Vicarkige, which is rated for Firft-Fruits at 32/. 14 s. 4 d.- "% 2 Richard 156 Prebendaries of Y O R K. Richard^? Bmn, 5. Non. March, 1 270. Thomas^ Corbridge, • He quitted it for StilUngton. Thomas^ Alburbury, 7. Ceil. Jul. 1 279. on the Refignation of Corbridge. Thomas^ Grimfion, 3. Cal. April, 1382. on the Resignation of Alburbury. Robert^^ Ford, 2. 2V0//. jW. 1 289. on the Death of Grim- fton. He was alfo Vicar-General, and Prebendary of Southwell and Rippon. Bertrand^ Fergis, 6. Cal. Aug. 1308. on the Death of T>e la Ford. Gilbert^ Welton, June 7. 1347. on the Death of Fergis. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and 1353. made Biihop of Carlijle: And fucceeded by SimonA Sri Hey, April 23. 13 54. He was Dean of Lincoln. J o h n de Birdlington, June 30. 1360. on the Death of Sri/ley. HenryA Barton, Jul. 20. 13 61. John de Botleftam. He was Vicar-General, and fucceeded Bar- ton, as I prefume, about 1380. but quere? and made Bifliop of Ko- chefter, Anno 1400. as I conceive. Robert^ Hallum, March 16. 11,99. on the Refignation of Bo- 1 1 eft am. He was Bifliop of Sarum, as I take it, 1408. JohnCatterick, Jan. 20. 1407, He was 1414. preferred to the See of St. T> acids. RichardCassy, T)ec- 5. 1414: on the Refignation of Cat- terich Robert Gilbert, 7>£. 15. 1427. on the Death of Cafjy. He was 143 5. made Biihop of London! Andrew Holes fucceeded, on the Promotion of Gilbert, 143 <5, He quitted it for StilUngton. W 1 l l i a m S a y, Nov. 2. 1 443 . on the Refignation of Holes. John Wain fleet, Febr. 14. 1449. on the Refignation of Say. He quitted it for John Me wes, June 27. 1457. on the Refignation of Wainjleet. He was Rector of Byrkyn. Robert Barra, Prebendary of Southwell and St. Marys Cha- pel, OB. 8. 1498. on the Refignation of Mewes. Edward Fox, Nov. 8. 1527. on the Death of Barra, Bifliop of Hereford 153 y. Henry Williams, Sept. 25. 1535. on the Promotion of Fox. John Prebendaries c/ Y O R K. 157 John Grevi, Noc. g. 1,535". on the Resignation of Williams. Thomas Tesh, Jan.q. 1538. on the Death of Greve. He was Re&or oiBeeford, and Prebendary of St. Marys Chapel. John Bransby, Febr. 25. 1538. on the Death of Tejlo. Henry Whiting, Jul. 15. 1 541. on the Reiignation of xBransby. Nicholas W o t t o n, March 13. 1 545. on the Death of Whiting. He was alfo Dean of this Church and of Canterbury, where he was buried in that Cathedral, of which he had been twice offered the Archbifhoprick. His Succeffor, on his Death, was William Blethyn, Jul. 1- 1567. He was afterwards,. 1575. made Bifhop of Fan d off : But quitted this the fame Year to Matthew Hutton, collated Aug. 26. 156J. He was,. Anno 158^. made Bifhop of Durham, and afterwards of York. Griffith Brisk yn, Rector of jBeeford, OU. 5. 1589. on the Promotion of Hutton to 'Durham. Henry Thurcross, Mar. 31. 1608. on the Death of Briskyn. See Archdeacons of Cleveland. JohnFavour, Sept. 2. 1614. on the Resignation of Vthurcrofs. He was, \6\ 6. made Precentor. William Crawshawe, Prebendary of Rippon, and Vicar of [Agnes-Burton, April 2. 1617. on the Resignation of Favour. Richard Perrot, OB. 24. 1626. on the Death of Crawfoawe. He was living Anno 1642. Anthony Elcock, Kov. 7. 1660. on the Death of the laft In- cumbent. See Subdeans: Thomas Pennyman, IX. D. Sept.S. 1670. on the Death of Flcock. He died, and was buried at Stokejley, where he was Reft or :. And fucceeded by Robert Ward, A.M. Jan. 8. 1688. on the Death of Dr. Pennyman: He died, being alfo Reclor of Stoke/ley, and was buried there : And fucceeded by Thomas Cross, S. T. P. Matter of Catharine-Bally collated in Jan. 17 2 1, on the Death of Ward, R I C C A L L 158 Prebendaries of Y O R K. C R I C CA L L N S I S T S of the Manor and Rectory of Riccall, and Pa- .1 tronage of the Vicaridge, lying in 'Buhner Deanary, valued at ':■_, j /. 11s. 8 d. Adenulphus. Thomas^ Checano fucceeded about 1 igo. He refigned it 1309. John Franceys, Sept. 14. 13 09. on the Resignation of Checano. He was Prebendary of St. Marys Chapel, and Rector of Wheldrake. John 9. April, 1314. on the Death of Franceys, Bi- fhop of Winchefier^ 1 3 1 6. Henry de Burgb'wajh, ^.Cal.T)ec. 1316. on the Promotion of Sand ale. He was, 1320. made Bifhop of Lincoln. JohnGaytan, on the Promotion of liurghwaflo, 4. Nou. Ai^. 1320. Huch(/i? Eugolifme, 7. Id. Jul. 13 24. He was afterwards Arch- deacon of Canterbury. Peter Cardinalis, w.Cal. Sept. 13 3 2. on the Refignation of Eu- golifme. He was, as I take it, Archdeacon of Tcrk. W 1 l l 1 a m de Exon, 1 3 — ■ — He was Rector of CaJIleford. Henry Barton, March 26. 15 551. on the Death of Exon. H v m p h r y de Charleton, April 5 . 1 3 61 . William de ¥ aldington, April 3. 1383. on the Death of Charle- ton. He was Dean of Litchfield, and Archdeacon of Canterbury. H e n r y de Beauford, on the Death of Pakington, Jug. 22. 1390. He was afterwards Bifhop of Lincoln and Winchefter. Hfnry de Ravenfcorth, Rector of St. Cuthberfs, Tork, Sept. 15. 1393. R ic h ard de Clifford, May 12. 1398. Thomas de Mofton, Prebendary of Southwell, 1)ec. 7. 1402. TviouAS-delaWdre, Sept. 29. 1407. on the Reiignation of Mc- u Oj:ere, If not Warden of Manchefter ? He was Prebendary of Southwell^ and fucceeded his Brother John, Lord De la Ware, in his Honour. John Carle ton, May 8. 1427. on the Death of Lloomas de la Ware. William P e i r c y, Son to the Earl of Northumberland, Nov. 1 8 . 1436. on the Death of Car lei 'on. Thomas Prebendaries of Y O R K. 159 Thomas Tanfeild, April 29. 145 1. on the Reflgnation of Peircy. John Booth, OB. 2", 1459. on the Reflgnation of 'Tanfeild. He was Prebendary of Southwell. He died in Jul. 14.96. and was, as I fuppofe, buried at Sallow Co. Derby, as he directed in his Will 3 in the new Porch he had built there. JohnHoole, July 26. 1496. on the Death of Sooth. WilliamB yrley, Prebendary of Southwell, the fame Year, 1495. on the Reflgnation of Hoole. Miles Spenser, July 1. 15 10. on the Death of Hyrley. He died, 1570. aged 90. and was buried in Norwich Cathedral, where- he was Chancellor of the Diocefe. William Palmer, June 17. 1570. on the Death of Spenjer. William Power, Re&or of "Bar wick in aimer, April 1 2. 1 573. on the Reflgnation of Palmer. Henry Banks, Jan. 21. 1594. on the Death of Tower. He was made Precentor, 1 61 3 . J o h n Y o u n g, B. D. Apr. 30. 161 3. on the Reflgnation of Banks*. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and died after 1642. Marmaduke Cooke, Vicar of Leeds, fucceeded on the Death of the laft Incumbent, March 2- 1660. He died, and was buried m York Cathedral, 1684. Wit ^- in ^ s Infcription on his Grave-Stone, In memoriam Marmaduci Cooke, S. T. P. Cauonici & Prelendarii de Riccall, mceftijfima conjux Elizabetha, cm trifle fiui tlefiderizim reli- quit, marmor hoc poni curavit, obiit 7. Cal. Januarii, Mr a Chri- Jiiana 1684. SEtatis fiu 6o» Leonard We lsted fucceeded, being collated Jan. 3. 1684. on the Death of Cooke. He quitted it for Stillington : And was fucceed- - ed by William Bridges, collated June 29. 1 $%•$. He died, 1696*. being Reclor of Caftleford. ' Samuel Terrick fucceeded Nov. 23. 1696. He quitted it for Wifiow : And was fucceeded by PatrickDujon, collated Aug. 1 5. 1 7 1 1 . He is the prefent In- cumbent, Anno 1723. and aifo V^car of Doncafter.- SA LTO NT i do Prebendaries s/YORK. SJLTON. AS jBramham was very early annexed to the Priorflhip of Noftell, as already mentioned, fo was this Stall about the fame Time an- nexed to Hexham Priorfliip ; and, on that account, fell with it at the ge- neral Diflblution of Religious Houfes. The Endowment of this Pre- bend was the Impropriation and Advowfon of Salton Vicaridge, rated anciently at eighty Marks, or 53 /. 13 s. 4*/. The Names of the Incumbents, as fct down by Mr. 2wt, are as follow, William*/*? Clay, admitted 1 280. Thomas*/*? Fenzzick, admitted about 13 01. William*/*? 'Pontelmrgb, 1 3 1 1. John*/*? Sride-Kirke, 1345. John*/*? Walworth < 3 1 349. William*/*? Kendal/, 1 3 58. Alexander*/? Marton, 1 3 67. J o h n de Hexham, 1398. W 1 l l i a m */ h a m, 1499. He was, 1 504. made Bifhop of Exeter : And fucceeded by GeffrySimeon, i 5:04. He died, 1 508. being Dean of Lin-* coin .* And was fucceeded by GeffryWrenn, inftituted 1508. He reiigned it: And was Succeeded by John Withers, 1512. accordin g to Mr. L'orr : And he by William H olgill, 1539. On whofe Death, Anno 1549. John Wilson, the -laft Incumbent, was, according to Mr. lorr, placed here, in order to alienate it, which he forthwith did the fame Year, viz. 1 549. by palling it away to Sir Michael Wharton j fince when it hath become entirely dilTolved and extinct. south- tpi Prebendaries of Y O R K. SOUTH- NEWBALD, SO named, no doubt, from South- Newb aid, an Hamlet in North- Newbald Parifh, of which this Prebendary is Lord_, and has there- in his Manor. This Prebend is rated for Firfl-Fruits at 14/. 9 s. 9 d. G 1 l e s de Rons, Archdeacon of Northampton, held this Stall, and died Nov. 20. 1272. Stephen de Sutton came in about 1 272. and died 1 290. P e t e r de Savoy, on the Death of Sutton, 8. Id. Jan. 1290. William de "Blyhtrgh, 13. Cal. OU. 1308. Reclor of Leek, ori the Refignation of Savoy. John de Najfington, 12. Cal. OU, 1308. 0:1 the Refignation of Slybmgh. William^ *Parco, - — Robert de ( Pinchebeck, on the Refignation of .0|«te, Nov. 30. 1384. Prebendary of Sever-* ley, and Redor of Settrington, on the Death of Waltham. J o h n de Tardbmgh, 'June 7. 1 3 S 3- - on the Refignation of St. Qitintin. JohnElvet, Dec. 5. 1395, on the Refignation of Tardburghi .He quitted it for Robert Wolveden, Jan. 4. 1 400, on the Refignation of El~ tet. He quitted it for [V HOMAJ Vrelendaries of Y O R K. i6g • ThgmasLakgiey, Mar. 4. 1 400. • on the Resignation of Fleet, Biflicp of Durham, 1405. Richard Fleming, afterwards BiShop of Lincoln^ Augujl 22. 1405. on the Promotion of Langlsy. Rich ard h yott, Sept. 12. 1415". Richard Thoom, Febr. 1. 1448. on the Death of Lyott. See pag. 1 o. where is an Infeription to him. Robert Dobbs, March 13. 1450. on the Resignation of IIalphLanglev, T)ec. 27. 1459. on the Death of T)obbs. JohnMoreton, April 23. 1475. on the Death of Langley. Thomas M a r k e, January 20. 1475. on the Resignation of Moreton. RichardGol dwell, April 1 or~T47 S. on the Resignation of Marke. T h o m a s D a l b y, Jan. 1. 1 505. on the Death of Got dwell. WilliamDraycot, Rector of By'rhyn, Jan. 1 S. 1506. 011 •the Resignation of Dalby. ThomasLynacre, OcJ. 7. 151 8. on the Death of Draycot. See Precentors of St. Taufs, London. RichardSampson, afterwards BiShop of Chichejfer, 011 the Resignation of Ly nacre, April 23. 15 19. Richard Sparchford, April 1 2. 1 534. on the Resigna- tion of Sampfon. WilliamLombarDj June 2. 1537. on the Resignation ~of Sparchford. Thomas Ireland, Nov. 5. 1 540. on the Death of Lombard. Henry Welsh e, Jan. 4. 1 5 58, J o h n H e r d e, April 14. 15 551. Richard Swale, Fcbr. 15. 1588. on the Death of Hsrde. Th.o m a s I r eland, June 12. 1 608. on the Death of Swalei He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Reftor of Barton in Fabii, ThomasBell, Reclor of Beef or d, Oct. 19. 1614. on the Death t>f Ireland. EdwardQuarles, Prebendary of Southwell, May 5, 1637. on the Death of Bell. He lived till after 1542. JohnWilkins, prefehtecl Augufi' 11. 1660. on the Death of 'Thomas Bell He was afterwards BiShop of Chejler ; out kept this Prebend. Clement Z a n c k e y, S. T. P. April 17. 1669. on the Death of Idiihop-Tnikins. y 2j John iec. 3. 1376. He was Dean of Lincoln. Gir aldus Cardinalis, June 5. 1378. on the Resignation oF Shepey. _ John de Shardburgh, Rector of Foxholes and Wefton, Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel, Feb. 26. 1378. Nicholas de Fereby, June 28. 1379. He died 1404. and was buried in the Cathedral. Thomas de Walworth, July 6. 1404. on the Death of Fereby. Thomas Toveton, June 17.1405. on the Refignation of Wali •worth. John France y s, Re&or oiKirhby in Cleveland —■ — ■ 14°^ Tho. Prebendaries of Y O R K. 16$ Tho. T o v e t o n, Reclor of WM, was again admitted;, Nov* !io. 1408. John W o d e h a m, May 28. 1428. on the Death of Toveton. Tho. Kemp, April 4-. 143 5. on the Death of Wodeham. He was afterwards Bifliop of London, He quitted, I fuppofe, for Tho, Bikingham,. ^^23, x 435» on the Resignation of Kemp. Andrew Holes, Nov. 3. 1443. See Subdeans. William Dudley, July 29. 1470. on the Death" of Holes Bifliop of Durham, 14.76. Charles Pilkington,. Nov. 3, 1476- on- the Promotion; of Dudley. He died 1494. and was buried in Stillington Church. John Raynald, Nov. 25. 1494. on the Death of Pilkington. Tho. Dal by, Jan. 9. 5506. on the Death.- of Raynald. See 1 Archdeacons of Richmond,. William Frankly n, Feb 15. 1525. on the Death of Dai- ly. Died, about Jan. 15 5.5-. Archdeacon of 'Durham. Robert Johnson, M 22. 1 555." Died, 1558. Prebendary of Worcefier. - Robert Bur land, 'Aug. 6. 15 58.' T h o. At k 1 n s o n, March 11.1559. George Rowe, Obi. 25. 1 571. on the Death of Atkmfon* He Was Redtor of Wheldrah. James Wilford fucceeded Dec. 11. 1578. He was Vicar of 'Sutton in the Foreji. Philip Ford, Redtor of Nunbumholm, March 27. 1505. 01 the Death of Wilford. He died after 1542. Henry B r i d g e m a n, Sept. 20. \66o. on the Death of the kft Incumbent. He was Bifliop of ' Man, and Dean of Chefter. Barnabas Long, May 24. 1682. on the Death of Bifnop 'Bridgeman. See Archdeacons of Cleveland, and Chancellors of Lan- daff. Leonard We ls teed, July 29. 1685. on the Death of 'Long. * Edmund Wick ens, collated 1694. He quitted it for ' St r en fall, 169$. Robert Banks, Vicar of Hull, collated May 10. 1596. on the Refignation of Wickens. C h a r l e s Blake, S. T. P. Redtor of Jfheldrake, Subdean, ; ; collated April jo. 171 6. SIREN- 1 66 Trehendaries of Y O RE. strensall: "^ H I S is uyled the Golden Prebend, as having the beft Corpfe of J|_ an\' now in the Church. It contains the Manor and Impropriation ot Sf re; fall, in SWnffir Dcanary, with the Aclvowfon of the Vicaridge, together with the Chapelries otOsbaldwick, Uexbv, and Moreton, with Lands in Erfe&tcfc, Clifton, T'ozsfborp, and Langtofr, and a Houfe in the Minfier-Tard, at Fork. Rated for Firft-Fruits at 74 /. 7 s. 1 d. H enry Be Newark^ 2. Id. Nov. 1 28 j. He was, 1288. made Arch- bifhop of 27'// - . Gerard \Vi ftey tf s fucceeded about 1288. and was made Biniop of Fanfanen by the Pope. Ay mo de Sab an did) March-]. 13 01. on the Promotion of TFip- W 11 li a m de Til f CO) $4 Cat. Feb. 1325. John//? Melbourne, Id. Jul. 1330. William de Flifco feems to have taken it again, 134.6. He quit- ted it, 1353. and was faccccded by Michael de Nortbburgh, 2. Cal. J id 1353. on the Resignation oHlVl.de Flifco. He was, 1355. made Bilhop of London, and fuc- ceeded by Taylardus, a- Reman Cardinal, 25". J id. 1355. To whom fnc- ceeded Eli as Cardinalis, July 16.1355. He died 1367. and was fnc- ceeded by Marcus Card i nails, Jan. 7. 1 3 67. on the Death of Ellas. Franciscus Cardinalis, May 24. 1370. on the Death of Marcus. Petrvs Cardinal is, Nov. 18. 1378. on the Death of Francis. W 1 l l 1 a m de liotheby, May 1.1388. He was Matter of St. Leo- nard's Hofpital, Torh F r a nc i scu s Saridta Sifanrs, Jug. j. 13 89. Kc was aifo Arch- deacon of 7"of'k, and had for his Succelior in both Dignities Roger de Coryngbam, OU. 24. 1405. Tho.Cornil aw, Re&or of St ' <: \ 1 1 rb 28. 141 3. Henry Bowet, Sept. 24. 141 3. on the Death of Corn! law. Tho. Polton, Jan. 10. 1413/011 the Refignation of 3o*£XS. In -.0. he was made Bifhop of Hereford, as he was aifo Dean of thi» urcK. and fucceeded by John Trelendmes of Y O K K. i6j Jo hn Stokes, Nov. 13. 1420. on the Promotion of T.olion. Stephen Wi it o n, No. 10. 1 44 1 . on the Resignation of Stokes. John Pake nh am, Feb. 20. 1449. on the Refiguation of Wilton.. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Cleveland. John Booth, .i'g, u, 1459. on the Resignation of c Raken- Toam. He was, 1459. mace Archdeacon of 'Richmond. Thomas Taneei-ld, Gu. 17. 1459. on the Refignation of Sooth. William P o t e m a n, Jan. 29. 1474. en the Death of Tan- £eld. He was afterwards Archdeacon of F.aft-Riding. Geffry Blith, April 4. 1493. on the Death of c Poteman. He was 1503. made Biihop of Lichfield, and fucceeded by Christopher Bainbridge, Sept. 24. 1503. on the Promo- tion of 'Blith. He was afterwards Archbhliop of Tork, and, 1 506. made Biiliop of T>urham. Thomas Routhall, T^ecemb. 16. 1505. on the Promotion of Bainbridge. He was made Biihop of 1)urham alfo, and fucceeded by Thomas Hobbes, June 24. 1509. on the Promotion of Routhall. John Carver, *Dec. 16. 1509. on the Death of Hobbes. He was alfo Archdeacon of Torli^ and refigned both Dignities An no 151 5, Hugh Ashton, May 31. 15 15. on the Resignation of Career. He died 1522. and was fucceeded by Thomas Wy nt er, Jan.'?. 1522. He was alfo Archdeacon of 2V&, and fucceeded AJJjton in both Dignities. William B o l y n, 1)ec. 20. 1529. on the Refignation of Winter. Robert Watson, June 2. 1552. on the Death olBolyn. He was, 1554. deprived, I fuppofe, for jyiarriage. Geffry Mor^e y, May 5. 1 554. on the Deprivation oHVatfon. Thomas B i n g e, Jan. 1 8. 1.566. on the Refignation of Mcr- Jey.. He died Anno 1600. and was buried in the Cathedral. Wa lt e r Wh a l l e y, May 19. i6co. on the Death 01 Birpe. William Barlojv, Nov. 21. 161 7. He was alive 1642. and alfo Prebendary of Southwell. John Neyle, Sept. 20.1 660. fucceeded on the Death of the lafl Incumbent, who muft doubtlefs be Barlow. He died being Pre- benbary of Durham , and Dean of Rippon, and was buried at Rippon. He was fucceeded by Robert S ay e r 3 April 22. 1675. en the Death of Neyle. To- Svhqm fucceeded George 1 68 Prebendaries of Y O K K. G £ o r g e T u l l y, June 30. i68r. He died, Jpril 24. §6ffJ* "being alfo Subdean, and Rector of Gatejide by Newcqflk on Tine, and was buried there. Edmund Wickens, Retftor of Kirbythore Co. Weftmorland, fucceeded, being collated May 1. 1695. He died, 1722, and was bu- ried at Kirbythore : And fucceeded by SamuelBreary, S.T.P. collated Of?. 24. 1722. Reftor of Middleton in Tork 3 Eaft-Riding. TOCKERINGTON, SO denominated from Tochrivgton Parifla in Northumberland, in the peculiar Jurifdi&ion of Hexam, (till Part of Torh Diocefe; which became impropriated by Richard, Bifhop of 'Durham, Anno 1204. to the Church of Torh The Prebendary is Patron of Tvcker- ington Donative, Curacy, or Vicaridge, and pays for Firfl-Fruits 2 /. 1 7 j. id. being the loweft Prebend in the Cathedral. X, a u r e n c e de St. Nicholas held it about 1 190. Wixli A M P e i r c y refigncd it, 1295. And was fucceeded by J o hn de Tfarrena, Rector of JVejibury, Jan. 2. 1295. on the Death of "Peircy. W alt er de Wodehov.fe, Sept. 1. 1347. on the Death of ^Jobn de Wdrrena. He was Rettor of Kippax firft, a rwards of Stockefley. Edmund de Morteyn, Noc. 21. 1347. on the Death of U'cdehoufe. Richard^? Retford, May 1. 13 64. en the Resignation of Mor- teyn. He was alfo Prebendary of Lincoln and Harden, and Re&or of Strotten. John deli-ford, Jufy 20. 1359. on the Death of Retford. He was Vicar-General to the Archbifhop, and Reftor of Solton-Peircy. Robert de T)alt;- ' v. 5. 1379. on the Death of I/ford. He was Prebendary of Riprc;;, and Commiffary to the Archdeacon of Richmond. T h o m as de T. ; '-\ Fehr. 28. 1389. on the Resignation of T)al- ton. He was alfo Archdeacon of Richmond; and dying, 1400. was bu- ried in the Cathedral. RoBUT^In/x/^ May 22. 1400. on the Death of jDalby. He was afterwards 1 reafurer : And quitted it the fame Year for Robert Prebendaries of Y O R K. 169 - Robert dc Oxton, March 21. 1400. on the Refignation of Wohe- den. He was Rector of Bonnington Co. Nottingham : And quitted it to William de Cawood, Sept. 6. 1408. on the Resignation of Oxtoir. He was Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel in Fork, and alfo of Rippon, and Vicar-General to the Archbifhop ; and dying," March 29. 1429. was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph, Jfic jatet Will Cawood, rjuontjam Canonical g Seii&entiarittf iflins 4£ccl. gutotiiit JEarcj) 29. 1429. Richard Colhame, OcJob. 14. 1414. on the Refignation of ■Cawoed. Thomas Greenwood, March 1. 141 5. See Knares- homugh. W 1 l l i a m P e l e s o n, March 1. 141 6. on the ^Refignation of Gr^ !Z000//. He died, 1434. arM was buried in the Cathedral ; being alfo Treasurer. Stepkhn Wilton, OU. i 7. 1 43 4. on the Death of Pelefcn. He died, 1457. and was buried at 'Beverley j having £rft quitted this for StrenfalL Richard Tone, collated Nov. 9, 1441. on the Refignation of Wilton. He was Vicar-General to the Archbiihop, and Rector of Bol- ton-Peircy, Archdeacon of Baft-Riding, where he died, and was buri- ed about 1453. having firit quitted this. See Scuth-Nezvbald. Thomas T a nfeild, Jan. 31. 1448. , He was Mafler of Ken- wald-Graces Hofpital near Beverley, and Si, Mary Magdaleih Hofpi- tal at Rippon, and dying, 1474. was -buried in 'Peterborough Abbey. Thomas Gouge, April 22. 145 1.. on the Refignation of 'Xanfeild* Robert Moreton, April 30. 146,2. on the Refignation of Gouge. He was afterwards Bifliop of Wore eft er. ThomasToly, June 26. 1467. on the Refignation of Mdretbn. Henry Gillo w, June 24 1476. on the Death of "Tolj. He was, 1478. made Subdean : And fucceeded by R a n u l v h B y r d e, June 11. 1475. on the Refignation of Gil- low. He was -Rector of Stangrave, Mafter of Maudlin Hofpital, Rip- pon, and Sacrift of St. Mary's Chapel, Torh JohnHerle, April 12. 1483. on the Refignation of Byrde. Z C h r 1- 170 Prebendaries of Y O R K. Christopher Urskwic k, May 17. 1487. on the Resignation of Bah. Will i a m Aphton, OB. 29. 1493. on the Refignation of Lrslwick. He was Vicar of Overton Co. Tork. William Sheffeild, June 21. 1 494. on the Refignation of Apihon. He died, 1496. being alfo Dean : And was fucceeded by John Cur wen, Jan. 23. 1496. on the Death of Sheffeild. He was Prebendary of Hoceden, and Rector of Crux Church in York. Nichoi. asMyles, Aug. 23. 15 10. on the Death of Cwwen. W 1 l l i a m B o u r b a n k, May 13. 1 5 24. on the Refignation of M\les. He was Re 6 or of Terrington, and, I think, Archdeacon of Cariifle. W i l l i a m M o o k e, or Mike, Vicar of Aldborough in the Eaft- jRiding, Aft.il 1 2 9 1 53 i. on the Refignation oi j3 our bank. He died, 1 54 5. "and was buried in Welbourne Chancel Co. Lincoln, with this Epitaph, i£ic jaccf 33>omimt$ Will. Mike, Canonictw dJccl. "Ebor. % ftctfo? m-- i\$ {Wymond[~ would. He was Reclor of St. Cuthberfs Church in Torh John T h o r e n,. 1388. J o h n de Ahum, July 3 . 1 3 8p. on the Death of Thoren. John^ Burton, June 20. 1393. on the Death of Ahum He was Reclor of Ordfal, Co. Nottingham.. Nicholas; 174 Prebendaries of Y O R K. Nicholas Slake, 0:1 the Death of Burton, Feb.']. 139%. He was Dean of St. Stephens Chapel, Wejiminfier. Wa lt e R Cooke, July 18. 1397. on the Refignation of Blake. Thomas Bekington, Aug. 23. 1423. on the Death of Cooke. He was afterwards Bifliop of Wells Nicholas Bideston, 05}. 17. 143 5. on the Refignation of Sekwgton. Adam Moleyn s, June 16. 1 44 1 . on the Death of Bidejfon. He was 1445. made Bifhop of Chicbejier. Richard Andrew, Nov. 18. 1445. on the Promotion of Moleyns. He was afterwards Dean. John Arundel, Nov. 22. 1449. on the Refignation of Andrew. Philip U s k e, Nov. 22. 1449. on the Refignation of Arundel, who quitted it the fame Day. John Jordan, May 7. 1478. on the Death o?Uske. John N e w m a n, Prebendary of Ofmunderhy , June 29. 1500: on the Death of Jordan. R o b e rt Tr uslove, April 1 2. 1 547. on the Death of Newman. John Dangard, June 7. 1561. George Cor yet, Jan. 17. 1594- on the Death of 'Dangard, Rector oiOdcombe Co. Somerfet, where he died Mar. 4. 1606. John Bradle y, Nov. 26. 1601. on the Refignation of Coryet. "William K n o w l e s, July 10. 1 6 2 6. on the Death of Bradley. He enjoyed it 1642. and died m the Time of the Rebellion. William A y n e s w o r t h, Oct. 2. 1 660. on the Death of the laft Incumbent. He was Vicar of Hutton- c Pannel. Thomas Cross, Nov. 7. 1 660. the fame Year. John Chappel, June 22. 1 67 1. Francis Drake, Feb. 9. 1 688. on the Death of Chappel. He was Vicar of TontefraU. William S t e a r s, the prefent Prebendary, collated July 10. 1713. Vicar of 1'birske. WE T WA N G TAKES its Name from Weiwang Parifli, in Bucrofs Deanary, the Impropriation and Advowfon of which this Prebendary has, and alio the Advowfons of the Vicaridges of Fridaythorpe, Elougbton, and Kirkby upon Wharfs rated all together for Firft-Fruirs, 82/. in. ^d. Tho' it was leafed by Archbifhop Sandys his Son to his Family, who frill Trehendaries of Y O R K. 175 ftili retain it, being ^;;w 1693. renewed, at 85/. per Ann. to ifc/;rp Sandys Efq; of T)own in i£>/tf. Laurence <& Lincoln. Thomas Elderbury, y. Gz/. ^>r//. 1 282. O^/'/V 1 307. being Precentor of Litchfield. Raymond Cardinalis, 3 Id. Aug. 1307. He was alfo Archdea- con ofTork. Bernard de la c Bretto, 7. Col. Sept. 1 3 1 0. Galiardus uroforth - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ » Thomas - H a r 1. e, Reefer of St. Mary Caffleftreet in Tw% inftituted, He died, 1420. And was fucceeded by T h o m a s W y a t, 1420. He reiigned it, 1429. being alfo Pre- bendary of Becerley, to R 1 c h a r d M o r t o k, 1 429. He reiigned it, being alfo Pre- bendary of Rippo;> 3 to Edward Br ouch tok, inftituted, 1435. He died about 1475. and was buried at St. John's IDelpike in Tork City : Having refigned i: to T h o m a 5 F o r s e t t, inftituted, 1 47 2 . He refigned it, 1 48 o. be- in g RecTtor of Catt William R o w k e s h a w fucceeded, 1 480. and quitted it, 1 48 6. being alfo Prebendary of St. Marys Chapel. Richard^ Gre.ftock fucceeded, 14S6 and died, 1495. being alfo RecTtor of Brcmpton. Wiiiiam Cook fucceeded, 1496. and died, 1522. being alfo Prebendary of Rippon. His Succeflbr was Wi l l i a m C l i r t o k, Juno 1 5 2 2. To whom fucceeded R o b e r t N o o k, 1 5 29. on Clifton s Resignation. He died the fame Year : And was fucceeded by Richard Wade, 15 29. He died, 1 546. being RecTtor of a ou : And was fucceeded by Roger Sukhanttrs of YORK. 183 Ro ger Marshall, 1546* He was Chantry-Priefl of Trinity Hofpital at 'PontefraU. J o h n W e l l e s was inftalled into it, 156©. and quitted it, 1558. being made Prebendary -of Hufkwait. His Succeflbr, no doubt, was John Bat em an j for he held it, 1569. He died, 1571. being yicar of 'Trinity in King/gate, Fork : And was fucceeded by Anthony Force, i 571. He died, 1578. And was fucceed- ed by RichardPerne : inftituted, 1578. He died, 1599. And was fucceeded by Zachary Steward, inftituted, 15997 On whofe being made Prebendary of Amplefora 1 , John Coulton fucceeded, 1600. He refigned it, 1620. being Reftor of Sigkfton. Thomas Keye fucceeded,. 1620. and died after 1642V AnthonyElcock, S. T. P. was next inftalled, 1 660. after Keyes Death. He was next Year made Subdean : "And fucceeded by Tobias Swinden, A. M. inftalled, 1661.' He died the fame Year : And was fucceeded by George Parish, collated Dec. 10. 1661. He died, 1589.. keep- ing it with his Prebend of Wiftow : And was fucceeded by T.-homa's S an dys, A.M. collated Juw 17. 16S9. °n Dr. Pa- rijlh Death. He died, being aho Prebendary of Wight "on : And was fucceeded by S a m-itf l B R e a r y, S. T. P. collated April 1 8. 1 7 1 8. He is liv- ing, Anno 1723. being alfo Prebendary of Strenfall. Archdeaconry 184 Diocese of Y O R K. Archdeaconry of York, alias Weft-Riding. Deanary of A 1 n s t y , cum Yo r k City. Is.vnes of Churches and en, ,„*.,? «s r- ■ Religious Houfis to ivbicb Chapels. * arro ' 2i °f Zw *W antiently impropriated. ALL Saint son the Pavement R. ami The Crown. St. Peters parca V. Priory of Durham. 'All Saints- North-ftreet The Crown. R. St. Crux R. The Crown. St. Dennis, Walmgate, The Crown, and Mr. R. cum St. George V. 'Palmer, by turns. Nabowne Capella. St. Cuthbert\ R. cim St. Helens on the The Crown. "Wall, and M Saints Peafeholm Rs. St. Helen, Stonegate, V. The Crown. Priory of Mole fly. St. Johns Cur. ami St. Chapter of Tork. Chapter of Torh Laurence V. St. Martin, Mickle- Mr. Cholmley , Mr. Priory of Nunmtmdton. gate, R. ami St. Gre- Tomfon, and others. gorys V. St. Martin, Coney- Chapter of Tork. Chapter of Torh ftreet, V. St. Margaret, Walm- gate, R. cum St. -..•. St. Michael Diocefe of Y O R K. 185 St.Michael r Oufebridge, The Crown. alias Spurrier-Gate, ot ^* s o Olaves Cur. cum Abby o£Tork. Fulford Capella. St. Saviour R. The Crown. St. Sampfons Cur. Vicars Choral of 2^r£. Chapter of Torh St. Trww/y Kingftreet Earl of Exeter. Hofpital of Wells. V. ^//'^Chriftchurch. St. Trinity Godramgate") R. f»i» St. 5^«'sU rchbiihop of Torh Delpike R. ©■ St.l Maurice V. •' Prebendary of Fenton. Fji'Jford Capella to ^trinity Godram- gate. " Deanary o/Ainstye. ABerford V. Oriel College, Oxon. Oriel College, Oxon. ** AcafterV. Lord Vifc. Fairfax. Abby ot Newborough. * Accome V. Mr. Waller. Treafurerlliip of Tork. Askam 'Brian Cur. Mr. Clark. Abby of Tork. Askham Richards V. Mr. Thompfon. Priory of Munkton. Athill&l.AdleR. Mr. Arthrington. Bardfey V. All Saints. Lady Eliz. Hafiings. Abby of 2W Berwick in jE/w# R. Chancellor of the Du- chy of Lancaster. Bilborough Cur. Mr. Fairfax. Abby of Newborottgh. ?BiltonV. St. Helen. Prebend of Bilton, in Preb. of Hilton. the Church of Tork. Birkin R. Mr. Crejjy. Haddlefey Cap. Bolton Piercy R. Archbiihop of Tork. Bijhops-Thorp V- St. The Crown. Nunnery of St. Cle- Andrew. ments, Tork. * Bramham V. Chrifl-Church College, DifTolv'd Prebendary of Oxon. Bramham, in Tork Cathedral. ■* Brotherton V. St. Ed- Chapter of Tork. Chapter of Torh ward:.. B b ■ Brayton i8<5 * Brayton V. "Barley Cap. * Cawood Cur. Diocefe of Y O R K. Lady Tetre. Abby of Selby. Prebend of JViftow. Collingham V. St. Of- voald. Cowthorpe R. St. Mi- chael. ri& Cathedral. Corporation of Leeds. Chapel of St. Mary in Tork Cathedral. . Priory of T)rax. Prebendary of Fenton. Priory of St. Roberts in Knar&sbnrgh. Priory of St. Robert's. in Knaresbnrgh. Priory of Knaresbitrgh. Priory of Bohon. Priory of iielangh* Priory tfTontefrdci., Priory oiTrim'% Tork. LedJImm Diocefe »/YOR K. 187 Priory of TontfraU. Ledjfjdm V. Lady Eliz. Haftings. Leathky R. Duke of Somerfet. Moor Mtuikton R. All The Crown. Saints. Newton Kyme R: St. Mr. Fairfax. Andrew. Ottley, twoMedietiesV. The Crown. Sailden Sramhope Surtey \Cap. ^Denton Farnley "Pool Toppleton Superior V. The Crown. Toppleton Inferior Cur. Archbifhop of Torh l Pannel V. Rither R. Rufford V. Spoforth R. Wetherhy Cap. Swillington R. Saxton Cur. * Selby Cur. * Sherborne V. Miclilefeild Cap. 'Tadcafter V. T'homer V» The Crown, Mr. Robinfon. Mr. Kighley. Duke of Somerfet. Prebendary of South- Cave^ and St. iW#- ry's Chapel in 2V& Cathedral. Abby o£Torh See o? Torh Prior of St. Robert's^ Knaresburgh. Hofpital of St. Le^ ' ward's^ Torh Abby of Selby. Sir Will. Lowther Bar; Sir J. Hungate Bar. Lzdy IP etre. Prebendary of Teuton Preb. of Feiitoiu in 2V& Cath. Duke of Somerfet. The Crown. T'horp-parchN. * UHeskelf Cur. Mr. Savi'll. Prebendary of JJllef- lielf in Tori Cath. Patr. and Impr. Hutton-Wannejley, alias Heirs ofMv.Rozmdell. Long MarJlonR. All Saints. N Walton Cur. Lord Vifc. Fairfax. Vefion V. Matter of Sedbergh School. Abby of uke. Bingley V. All Saivts. The Crown. Priory of Tirax. Bolton R. St. "Peter. Mr. Tudfey. BracewellN. St. Mi- Mr.Weddel. Abby of Kirkham. cbael BrougbtonV. Cbrifi-Church College, Priory of Bolton. Oxon. , Sum/all two Medie- Mr. Allcock and Sir W, ties R. St. Wilfrid. Craven Bar. ;r/#&wtt?- Da le V . #tf m, Co. Norfolk. Linton^ two Medieties, The Crown.. R. Marion Diocefe of Y O R K. 189 Morton R. St. Peter. Mr. ffebhr. Mitton V. Duke of Norfolk. Abby of Okerfond. Grindleton ?r- Woddington* ' "' SV^ftw V. St. ilfory. Chrifi-Church Coll. Priory of 2to/ttfl; Oxon. 'Skipton R. Chapter of Torh Skipton V. Holy Tri- Chrift-Chirch Coll. Priory of 2to/f0ff; 'So/ton Cap. 'Slaidbum R. St. ^»- Mr. Mar/den. drew. Slaidburn Cap. Thornton R. Sir Arthw Kaye Bar. Deanary of Doncaster. 1 ARkfeyV. Ml Saints. Sir George Cook Bar. Priory of Lenton. JT j rmt jj 0r p r. The Crown. ! JdwickonT)emCnr. Priory o£ Hampnoll. Alfton R. JH Saints. Earl of Holdernefs. Sadfwmb R. St. Earl of Derby. - Starmburgh R. St. ?V- Chapter of Southwell. ter. Bamby-'Dun V. St. Mr. Gregory. Chantry of Cotherfiock. Peter. ¥ Brodefworth V. St, Chapter of 2V£. Chapter of 2V£. Michael. SraithwellV: The Crown. Priory of Lewes, Sujfex. Bolton on 2>r# V. St. Mr. Jack/on. Priory of Monk-Brit- Andrew. ton. jBurgbwallis R. St. Sir George c Tempeft3zr. Helen. CampfallV. Mr. Tarburgh. Priory of Wallingwells; Cant ley V. St. Mi- Earl of Shrewsbury. Priory of Wallingwells. chael. Cawthorne Cur. Duke of Kingfton* Conisborotigh ipo Conisborcngh V. St. Pe'er. T)bncafrer V. St-. George. Locerfall Cap. 'DaffeifdR. Diocefe of Y O R K. Archbifhop.of 2w-£. Priory of Lewes. Archbifliop of Torh TiarfeildV. W or thorough Cap. Tiarton V. Mr. Stfcy'/, or Mr. Green-wwd. 'Triuity College Cam- bridge. Mr. Wtntvorih. The Crown. Abby of 2&r£. Preceptory of Ake;- land. Priory of Monk-Brit- ton. T)inniiigton R. Edtington R. St. 2V EcclesfeildV. St. ^^ Duke of Norfolk. Baptifl. Lord Molefworth. \ Eifhlake V. St. C///#- Chapter of T)M~ham, bsrt. Syhelmife Cap. Felki'rhe V. St. P^r£. irlcliley cum Clayton Mr. ^/;?. Cur. Hatfcild V. Duke of Decon. Hickleton Cur. Mr. VSentwortb. Hoot on TannelV. Priory of the Charter- Houfe, London* Priory of Durham. Priory of Nqftell. Abby ofRocfo. "Priory of Monk-%rit- ton. Chapel of St. Mary, _-in 22>r& Cathedral. Corporation of T^fo -flfoftw Roberts R: Mr. TVeutzsorth. High-Hollandtwoyk.- Sir W. We ntwortb. Bar. dieties, R. and Mr. -focv'/. HcnhillK. All Saints. Duke of Leeds. Himmefworth R. St. Mr. Wrightfon. Helen. Haudfzzwth R. Duke of Norfolk. Kirkby, alias &«*# Mr. ^//^. Priory olNoftel Kirkbv V. .KM Diocefe of Y O R K. 191 Kirk ^Bramwith R. Chancellor of the Du*- chy of Lcviic after., Kirkfmeaton R. Mr. Sirdfell. ? Laughton V. Chancellor of Tork Ca- Chancellorship of Torh Anftoh Firbeck Letwell thedral. £f rJ h » pCap. five, Cur. under the Wales J MaltbyN. The Crown. Priory of Arthington. ■ Marr Cur. Earl of Kinnouh . Priory of HampnolL Melton on the Hilt Earl of KinnouL Cur. Mexborough Cur: Archdeacon of Torh Archdeaconry oi Torh Ranfeild Cap: Mifdop, Cap. to Ec- clesfeild and Tenni- ' ■ r. fion. OwftonV. All Saints. Mr. Adams. Priory of WelbeGk. 'PeniftonV. , - Mr. Utefaeh and Sir St ? Stephens College; T>enbyQ4.- Will. SavlleX ^' :%A Weftminfter. "Roy '(ion V. St. John Archbifhop of Torh Priory of Monk-Brit-, >:$aptift>.\ ton* Wolley Cap. RawmarJhK. The Crown. ,< RotheramV. Lord George Howard. Abby of R?iffirJ. Greasbrook^^ - .'■-., .' Tin/ley J p ' Mx.Wentwortft. '• Shelbrook Cur. - . :c .. Sandal p arm R. St. The Crown, „ 1. OfwalS.^ '-•' - ■'.', :. fo -' " ,xfe: ; StahitouV.' lx>rd Carkmi. :{ .. Priory ot Nofte'lL Sprothii'dh R.. St. Mr. Copley.' Mar> .-, . . .. • Silkejion Archbiftiop of TtfrE Priory of PontfraH. ■ ■ ^^%^C#v a , ■'? ,.;,: . ■/ / • - - , - Market-Town. - SheffeildN. St. Teter. Mr, Jefibp. Pri«r|of J&kt$i& Attercliff ~? c > . .-. ' Thnru- 1 92 Diocefe of Y O K K. Tbumfcongh R. St. Mr. Wentworth. Helen. TankerfleyW. St.Teter. Mr. Wentworth. Tfortley Cap. TickhillY. Mr. Foliambe. Priory of Noflell. Tbrybergh R. St. I>0- Mr. &wv/. Priory of Noflell. mrd. Trenton R. St. iMv/. Duke of Norfolk. Thorn Cur. Duke of c Devon. Todwick R. Duke of Leeds. WathY. All Saints. Chriji-Churcb College, Priory of Noflell. Oxon. . Swinton Cap. Warmfworth R. Mr. Tatty. * Wad worth V. Mr, Arthur. Preb. of South-Cave*, Wicker/ley R. St. Alban. Mr. Silvejier. Wbiftm R- Duke of Norfolk. Wentworth Cur. Mr. Wentworth. Deanary of Pontfract. ALmondbtiry V. ■ Matter of Clitherow College of Rotberam. •** Honley ~) Free-fchool. Melt bam r Cap. Marfden > 'Aiding feet V. .//// The Crown, and Mr. ' hbby ot Selby* Saints. Vincent. Ackwortb R. St. C«ft&r Chancellor of Lanca- bert. fier Duchy. SatleyV. All Saints. Ezrl o? Cardigan. Vriory ol Nojtell. Znrftal V.St. Peter. Arohbiftiop of Torh St. Stephens College, Wejlminjier. Cleck-Heaton ? ,-. Bradford V. St. SPtf «*, Mr. Wfc. College of Leicejter. Cnmberworth^ Haworth (p Thornton ( ^' ^ 3 &fe Diocefe of Y O R K. 193 Archdeaconry of Y o r k. } Caftleford Wibley R. Chancellor of Lanca- Att Saints. fter Duchy. CalverleyV.StWilfrid. The Crown, or Sir Abbyof?^ Idle \r* n Walter Calverley. TudfeyS^- • . Crofton R. All Saints] Chancellor of the Dii- chy of Lancqfter. Tiarington V. St. Luh Archbifhop of Torh p " or y ofPontfratf. and All Saints. .. \ ^DewsburyV.AllSainis The Crown. St. Stephens College OJfet Cap. Wejiminjier. Elm/ley R. St. Michael. Sir George Savile Bar. Fetherjtone V. Chrift-Church College, Priory of Nqjtell. Oxon. 3 Ferry frifton V. St. Vicars Choral of 2W Vicars of 2V£ Cathe- Andrew. <* ral - HuddersfeildV. St. Mr.Ramfden. Vrlovy o£ No/fell. %eter. Scamaden 2C Slackthwait $ a P' ; #*/#** V. St. 7^» The Crown. Priory of Lewes Co. $ap0. <&#*• St. Anne 's, AfBreers^ Coley . Cfofteme . 'Ella'nd ..' 5 Bepwijfall lllingworth Lightwick Luddenden Raftrich Ripponden Sowerby, 4 ■ ;.i :; Sowerbrigg Kirberton R; St. jto&»- Chancellor of the Du- \2apUftr chy of Lane after. Holmfnth Cap. ; KirkheatonR. '' Sir W.Wentworth Ear. C c Kellington Xap: . 194- Diocefe of YORK.' Archdeaconry of York. Kellington V. Trinity ColCambridge. VreceptotyofNewland. MerfeildV. The Crown. Priory of Kirkleyes. MethleyR. SuOfwald. Chancellor of the Du- chy of Lancafier. Normanton V. All Trinity College, Cam- Preceptory of Nunap- Saints. bridge, pleton. NunappletonCwr. ' .-. Priory of Nunappleton. Tudfey Cur. All Saints. Mr. Tierpont. Priory of Nofiell. TontjraU V. All The Crown. Priory of ToidfraB. Saints. i ) . | . Knottingley Cap. Rothwell V. Lord Vifcount Irwin.- Priory of Nofiell. Sandal Magna V. The Crown. St. Stephens College, Chapelt horpe Cap. Wefiminfier. * Smith Cur. Mr. 'TarUrbi igh. ' Vdory.-otSnaitb, Cell Aimim ~) to Selby Abby. Car let on K)L - . ' #** ( Cap * 'Kowcliff J tthomehillR. Sir George Savile Bzr. Floclzton\ r Horburyi^™' WahfeildV.AUSaints. The Crown. St. Stephens College, Wefiminfier. Warmfeild V. Clare-Hall Cambridge. Priory of Nofiell. Whitgift Cur. Priory of Nofiell. Woodkirk Cur. , College ofWoodkirfc. Wbmerfley V. St. Mar* Mr. Harvey and Sir tin. John Jackfon. Wragby Cur. Sir Rowland Gwinn Priory of Nofiell. Bar. FINIS Archid. 0/ York, alias We strip inc. Total of Churches and Chapels 303, of which all thefe marked thus ( * ) are of Exempt Jurifdi&ion under the Chapter of York, except two or three which belonged to Selby. Abby. peculiar Diocefe of J ORK, 195 Peculiar Jurifdiftion of R 1 v p o n, ##&r its own Chapter. O Ippott Ecclef. Col- The Crown Patron of the Deanary, the A Jegiate. Archbifliop of the feven Prebends. Au%fifldcxxm.Stitikjx\ Obligate V Sijhops Monhon Tateley Bridge fv.Curacies or Chapelries Sawley Skelton Thornton Epifcopi Winhifley to Rippon, V 4-!. Archdeaconry of Bast-Riding. Deanary of Buckrose. Names of Churches and - Religious Hottfes to which Chapels. Matrons of Livings. impropriated. * A CclamV.St.7^ Chancellor of r^Ca- Chancellorfhip of Torfc ^*- Baptift. thedral. Berwethcrp,zYia$Bere- The Crown. thorp R. AH Saints. Birdfal Cur. Lord Vifc. Irwin. * Bugthorp V. St. An- Prebendary of Bug- Prebend, of Bugthorp. drew. thorp in Tork Cath. €ollam 3 alias Cowlam Henry Bernard iifq; R. ¥ Frydaythorp V. Prebendary of Wet- Prebendary of Wet- wang mTork Cath. wang. Kirkby Grindale V. Mr, Howrys Heirs. J?riory of Kirkham. Kirkby Under dale. y a- The Crown. lias \ Hundolfdale R, All Saints. C c 2 Kirkham ip6 Diocefe of Y O R K. Archdeaconry of E a s t - R i d i n c: > Kirkham Cur. Holy Priory of Kirkham. Trinity. HelperthorpV. ' Chapter of Torh Cathedral of Torh LangtanR. St. Andrew. The Crown. Norton Cut. Mr. HebblethwaiU Priory of Malton: * North Grimfton V« Prebendary of Lang- Prebendary of Lang- St. Nicholas, toft in Tori Cathedral. toff. RillingtonY. St. An- Heirs of Mr. Ethering- Abby of jByland. drew. ton. Scraingham^ alias Skir- The Crown! ringham R. StfPeter. Leppington Cap. SettringtonK.AllSaints Duke of Bridgwater. Skirpenbeck R. The Crown. Sledmere Cur. Priory of Kirkhdm* ShirborneW. St. Hilda. SkW. Strickland Bar, Priory of Gisburgh. Thorp Sajfet R. ^// Earl of Carli/le. Saitits. ! I . t * Weaver-thorp V. St. Chapter of 2?r£. Cathedral of 2"wfc Andrew. v Jjutton Cap* ./ ■ *WetwangV. Prebendary dtJVefwavg Prebend, o£Wetwang» Finmere, alias JR?- in 2V& Cathedral. mere Cap. Winftow, zY&sWeftow Archbifhop of Torh Priory of Kirkham* V. St.Afa?7. W 7 *?/? Hejlartoh V. ^// The Crown. Saints. Eaji Heflarton Cap. * Wharram in the Sir Charles Suck Bar. Diffolved Prebend of Street V. St. Mary. Sramham in Tork Cath. Wharram Teircy V. Sir Charles Buck Bar. Priory of Hautemprife. Wintringham Cur. St. Sir W. Strickland Bar. Priory of Malton. Peter. Knapton Cap. Teadingham V. St. Mr. Wentworth.. Nunnery of Tending- John Baptifl. ham. *Deanary Diocefe (/YORK. Archdeaconry of East-Riding. Deanary of Dickering. x 97 ; >Priory ot Bridlington. j\ ALborn^ alias Aw- Sir Will. Strickland. ** bum Cur. Bempton Cur. St. Mi- Mr. Burton. chael. Bejfonby V. St.Magnus. Mr. Stavely. Bonyngton, alias J5w*- Sir JF". Strickland Bar. ft?# V. St. Andrew. Bridlington^ alias Bur- Archbifhop of Torh lington Cur. St. Ma- ry. '■ Grindal Cap. Prebendary of Grindal in Torh Cathedral, Impr. Burton Agnes V. St. Sir W.St, Qyintin Bar. Abby of 2V£. Martin. Harpham Cap. Burton Fleming V. SirRic.Osbaldfton'Knt. Abby o£ Bardneyl Camesby, alias Cama- SixW. Strickland Bar. Priory of 'Bridlington. byV. Fraifthorpe Cap. JErgham R. The Crown. Fweley^ alias F/70- ?Zw/. Zw/? Ayton Cap. St. 5fo&» Baptift. ScafbyV. St. Laurence. Chapter of Norwich. Priory of Bridlington: Cloughton Cap. Speeton Cur. Priory of Bridlington. ST/^v/^twoMedieties, The Crown. R. All Saints. Willerby V. St. ?to. The Crown. Priory of Bridlington. Jlolduewton V. Mr. Hutchinfon. Abby of Bardney. Deanary of Harthill JjGhton, al. Aughton Lord Ceftlettm. Priory of Lllerton. yi V. All Souls. Ea ft Cottonwith Cap. * Barnby Diocefe of Y O R K. 199 Archdeaconry of East-Riding. * Barnby on the Moor Dean of Torh Deanary of Torh V. St. Catherine. jBaintOftR. St. Andrew. St. Johns Coll. Oxon. jBwnholme, alias Nun- Archbifhop of Torh hurnholme R. St. James, * Bifhops Burton V. Chapter of Torh Cathedral of Torh * Bubwith, twoMedie- The firft in the Crown, ties V. All 'Saints. impropriated to By- land Abby ; and the fecond in the Chap- ter of Tork, impro- priated to the Ca- thedral. Burly R. St. Giles. Earl of 'Burlington. CattonK. All Saints. The Crown. OttinghamV. St. Ma- Leflee of the Bilhop of priory of Hautemp rife 3 ry. Chejler. now the See of Che- Skydby Cap. St. for. MicJiael. ' Driffeild Magna V.) , All Saints. (precentor of Torh as Preeentorfhip of Torh * Driffeild Parva V.C Preb. of Driffeild. St. Peter. -> EllertonCur.St.Mary. Mr. Bethel. Priory of Ellerton. EUoughionY. Preb; of I Vetwang in Preb. of Jfetwang. Torh Cath. Etton R. St. Mary. Archbifhop of Torh EverihghamR.SuE- Sir Marmaduh Con- meldis. . fiable Bar. * FangfbfsCur, Dean of Torh Deanary of Torh. FerribyV. The Crown. Preceptory ©f Ferrily. Eullfutton R. Mr. Eyre. •* Givendale V. Dean of Torh Deanary of Torh Millington Cap. Goodmandham R, All Mr. AJIj. Saints. Harfmell R. Sk^Ffro, Slingsly Bar. ■*Haytori 200 Diocefe ./YO.KK. Archdeaconry of East-Ridi ng.' * "'Hs.ytonR.St.Martin. Dean of York. 'Bettby Cap, He/il, alias Hej.'cY. All The Crown. Priory oiGisburgb. Saints. Holme in SpaldingMoor St. Johns Coll. Cam- R. & V. .//// Mrtr. bridge. Holme on tle r fo/d Cur. Edw. 'Barnard 'Efq; Nunnery of Swine. Hotham R. Sr. Cfwald. The Crown. /jfefoi Cranfwick V. Sir C&. Hotham Bar. Priory ofWatton. Huggate R. The Crown. HullV. Holy Trinity. Corporation of i/«//. Charter-Honfe Cap. Carthufians at #«//. St. Michael. Hull Cur. St. Afary. Ellerker Bradjhaw Efq; .* Kildwick juxtaP^- Dean of 7w"£. Deanary of Tort lington V. St. Helen. Kildwick juxta /T^// Jfo. Xw/^w/ Efq; Priory of Watton. Cur. ^// Saints. He/wick Cap. Kirkburn V. The Crown. Priory of Gisburgh. KirkEkeley, zl Kirk Ellerk.BradJJmw'E^ Priory of Hautmprife. Ella V. St. Andrew. Loundsburgh R. y/// Earl of Burlington: Saints. Lokington R. St. Afory. SidneyColl. Cambridge. Northcace V. A Mr. Metham. Charterhoiife at Hull Saints. NorttfDahonOu. All Mr. T>ixon. Abby of Watton.. Saints. * North Newbald V. Prebendary of North Prebendary of North St. Nicholas. Newbald in 2V£ Newbald- Cathedral. * Pocklington V. Dean of Torh Deanary of York. "Bolton Cap. Tapham cum Mel- fonby Cap. Zte&y R. Sir Rob. HildyardBzr. Sanson I Diocefe of Y O R K; 201 Archdeaconry of East-Riding. SanffionV. All Saints. Lord Langdale. Priory of Walton. Sculcoats V. St. Mary. The Crown. Charterhoufe at /&//. SetonRoos Cur. St. Ed- Marquifs of Caermar- Priory of Wartre. mund- then. Skem Cur. Edw. T>uncombe Efqj Priory of Watton. ? Southcave V. ^// Mr. Gibfon. Diffolv'd Prebend of Saints. Soathcave in Torh Cathedral, Sutton on T>erwent R. Sir T'ho. Clargis Bar; St. Michael. * Thornton in Spald- Dean of Torh Deanary of Torh ing Moor, St. Mi- chael. Allerthorpe Cap. Wartre Cur. St. James'. M.r.Tennington. Priory of Wartr-e. Watton Cur. St. Mary. Mr. Bethell. Priory of Watton. * Weighton V. Prebendary of Weigh- Prebend of Wightoni ShiptonCnp. ton in 2V£ Cathe- dral. WilberfoJJe Cur. St. Mr. Wilberfojfe. Nunnery of Wilberfoffe; John Baptift. Wrejil, al. Wreftel V. Priory of T)rax. St. John of Bever- ley. * Wilton, tf/zkr Bi- Mr. Parley.) Diffolv'd Prebend of . fhop's-Wilton. Wilton in Torh Deanary of H art hill; of the peculiar Jurifdiclion of Beverley, exempt from the Archdeacon, and mtiently under the Provojiry of Beverley. t T3Everley Minfter Corporation of Bever-~) "^ Cur. St. John. ley. ( f Beverley V. St. Ma-~) (College of Beverley* ry ? cum Holmchurch, r The Crown. J • alias -St. Nicholas R.> D d Lee© 1- 2oS Diocefe of Y O R K. Archdeaconry of East-Riding. 1 1 S^ M V ' , ^ r ' Z ^- Priory of Alnwick, t MiddletoLi on the Sam.SrearyD.D. Would R. St. An- drew. f North-Burton, alias Tho. Gee Efq ; Cherry- Burton R. St. Michael. t Southdalton R. St. Sir Cb.Hot&amJtir. Mary. fScorburghR. St. Leo- Duke of Somerfet. iiard. Peculiar Jurifdiffion o/Hoveden, exempt from Archidiaconal Jurifdiffion, and fubordinate to the Chapter of Durham. t XJRantingham V. Chapter of ^Durham* jDurham-Coliege, Ox- JJ All Saints. ford. t Eftrington V. St. Mi- The Crown. Pr&ry of Durham. chael. t Hoveden, alias How- Sir 'tho. Slingsby Bar. College of Hoveden. dm Cur. St. Teter. Stamby-Marjh > SlaUoft >Cap. Laxton ) tSkipwithV. St. He- The Crown. College of Hoveden. len. t Walkington R. Heirs of Biftiop Watfon. t Welton V. The Crown. Chantry in Lincoln Ca- thedral. Qeanary* Diocefe of Y O R K. 203 Archdeaconry of East-Riding. J)eanary o/^Holderness, of exempt Jurifdittion under the Trovoftjhip of Beverley. t "DRandsburton R. St. Johns Coll. Cam- *-* St. Mary. bridge. t Haylfham R. All Mr.ConJiable. Saints. t Leven R. St. Faith. Sir Michael Wharton. t Ottringham Cur. St. Me.Bointon. Priory of Bridlington. Wilfrid. t Partington R. St.Ta- Clare-Hall, Cam- trick, bridge. t Rife R. The Crown. t Siglefthorn 5 al. Sil- The Crown, ftern R. St. Lau- rence. t Welwick V. St. The Crown. Provoltfhip of Beverly. Mary. Deanary of Holderness. ALburgh, alias Albo- The Crown. Priory otKirkftall. ** borough V. St. Bartholomew. Atthmick, alias At- The Crown* Priory of 'Bridlington* tyick V. St. Lau- rence. BameJtonR.AJlSaints. SvcGriffith Boynton Bar. Beford R. St. Lam Archbifliop of Torh. rence. Liffet Cap. St. James. Burjiwick Cur. All Mr. Qonfiable. Priory of Kirhftalk Saints. * Burton Pidfey V, St, Chapter of Torh Cathedral of Torh 'Peter. Catwick R. The Crown. D d 2 Caldoti 204 Diocefe of YORK. Archdeaconry of East-Riding. Caldon Taroa R. The Crown. "Drypole Cur. Mr. Paynes. Priory of Swyne* Efington Vs All Saints. Archbifliop of Torh Abby of Meattx. Erodingham V. St. El- The Crown. Abby of Thornton. gin. GartonV. St. Michael. The Crown. Abby of Thornton* Goxhill, alias Gowjill Mr. Conftable, but in R. St. Giles. difpute. * Headon Cur. St. Ail- Subdean of Torh Subdeanry of Torh ftin. Hilfton R. St. Mar- TAr.CarliJle. garet. Holmpton V. The Crown. Priory of KirWall. Holym V- St. Nicholas. Corporation of Sever- Priory of Kirkftall. ley. HomfeyY. St. Nicho- The Crown. Abbyof2V£, las, cum Longa Rui- ftenR. St. Margaret. Humbleton V. St. Ts- Archbifliop of Torh Abby of Thornton: ter. Eaftemwick Cap. KayinghamY. St. Ni- Archbifliop of Torh Abby of Meaux. chofas. Kilnfey V.St. Helen. Thomas Bacon, alias Priory of Kirkftall. Sclater, Efq ; MepletonV. All Saints. Archdeacon of Eaft- Archdeacon of Eaft- Riding. Riding. Marfleet Cur. Mr. Water land. College of Sutton. _ Nunkealing V. Priory of Nimfaaling. Nuttle, al. NuthillR; Church demolifli'd* Owthorn V. The Crown. Priory of Kirkftall. Tagttla, alias 2WV. Archbifliop of Torh Priory of Kirkftall. St. Andrew and St. Mary. _ t * Prelton V. All Saints. Subdean of Twfc Subdeanary of 2W jRw/^ alias .R^ R. Mr. Kir.by. All Saints, Rowth Diocefe of YORK. 205 Archdeaconry of E a s x - R I d i ng^ RowthK. All Saints. Ellerker Sradjhaw SkecklingV. All Saints. Mr. Conjiable. Priory of Kirkftall. \ Skewing V. St. Helen. Mr. Holmes. Priory of Kirkftall. SkipfeaV. All Saints. Archbifhopof Torh MktyolMeaux. Sutton Cur. Mr. Mafon. College of Sutton. Swine V. St. Mary. Mr. Moorhottfe, Priory of Swine, Silton •) Marton r r VCap. SUrlaw St/Auftin} * Tunftall Cun Succentor of York Ca- Succentorfhip of the thedral. Canons of Torh ZJlram, al. Owram V. Mr. Rickaby 1 . fWaghen, ;?/. Wawn Chancellor of 2V£ Ca- Chancellorship of fftrik V. St. Teter. thedral. •* Withernwick V. St. Prebend of Holm in Prebend of Holm. Alban. Tork Cathedral. Wynefted, zlizsWyftead Sir Rob. HildyardBzr, R. St. German. FINIS Archid. East riding. Total of Churches and Chapels 2op 5 of which thefe mark'd thus (*) are of exempt Jurifdi&ion under the Chapter of Tork } as were thofe mark'd thus (f) 3 under the Colleges oi \ "Beverley and Hovedeiu Arch- 206 Diocefe of Y O R K. Archdeaconry of Cleveland. Deanarj of Bulmer, Names of Cbirrd-cs md Chapels. * \ LNE V. £\ riravsby R. BoffallV. 'Buhner R. St. Martin. "-}))' njferton V. CrambeV. St. Michael. * Crayke R. * Donnington R. St. Nicholas. Dalby R. Eafiug'would V. ^// Saints. Rashelf Cap. EkingtonK. Holy 7'ri- nity. Efterick R. St. Helen. Feliskirk V. St. JR?- lix. _F£. Priory of Gisbome. Eafton Cap. 2t«*% V. All Saints. Lord /rap/ff. Cardinal-Coll Oxon. Eaftronton\ r Whorlton S^*?' Sneton R. The Crown, Appleton Cap. Stainton Y. St. Teter. Archbifhop of Torh ^novy of Gisbome. Jcclam ? q Thornaby $ P' E e Skelton 210 Diocefe (/YORK. Archdeaconry of Cleveland. Shell on Cur. All Saints. Archbifliop of Torh 'Broughton Cap. Stokejley R. St. Peter. Archbifliop of Torh Welbury R. St. Leo- The Crown. rd. Tfrto;;, St. Ctithbert. Whitby St. M^ry. Archbifliop of fTwtf. Fylingdak ~) Hafey ^Cap. E/g^/e "Bartiely ) Tannin Cur. Archbifliop of 2?>r£. Kirklevington Cap. St. Michael. Priory of Gisborne. Cap. toGisburgb as 1 fuppofe. Abby otTBitby. Antiently Cap. toKirk- lebtifgttift) which be- long'd to Gisbcnw. Shire of Northallerton, in Cleveland Deanary, fubordinate, under the Archbifhop of York, to the Church of Durham, and exempt from tUs Archdeacon's Vifitation. ■ * "RlrkbyR. Bifliop of 'Durham. ■ L * Hutton !Bon- cill Cap. *CowsbyR. tf///wCap. Mr. Montague. to filorth-Jllertoih * Diptdfl R'. , Mr. Montague. * Leek V. Bifliop of Durham. See of "Durham. * North- AllertonV.^// Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. Saints. 'Brcmptw. 1 ■ rngb wor-rc^. < ■ • - / // j * North Otterington V. Chrijl-Church Coll. Hofpital of North- Jl- Oxon. lerton. Ofmo- Diocefe of Y OR K. Archdeaconry of Cleveland. 211 * Ofmotherley V. St. Biflaop o£5Durham, Prebend of Ofmotherlyj 'Peter. or Rectory, * Siggefton R. Mr. Turner. * Thornton de Street Mr. Talbot. Hofpital of North-AU V. St. Leonard. - leyton. * "Weftroughton R. The Crown. ■* Welbury R. St. Leo- The Crown. nard. Deanary of Ridall AMplefordV. St* Prebend of Ampleford Hilda, . in Tbfh. r AppletonV. All Saints. Sir W. Strickland. Barton in Strata R. Lord Irwin. St. Michael Srompton V. Coldkirkby Cur. Cap. to Helmfley. Sir Will. Caley. Lord Fairfam Earl v&< Salisbury, Dean of Torh Lord Fairfax. Coxwould Cur. £<#>« V. * Ellerbourne V. * Ebberfton V. St. Hilda. Qilling R. Go at I and Guy. Hovingham Cur. Houghton Unfhell V. Mr. Wentworth. St. Matthew. HehnJleyV. All Saints. Mr. Duncombe. $1 If dale Cap. Kirkdale Cur. Kirkby Moorjide V. The Crown. ^// Saints. Laftingham V. The Crown. Lewefham R. Mr. Srmpfon. Middkton V. • Mr. Robiifon. Ee £ Abby of St. Albans* Priory of Malton. Priory of Newburgfa Priory of Newhurgh, Priory of Hexham. Deanary ofTw^. Priory of JSlewhirgfa Abby of. Whitby. Priory oiKirkham. Priory of Kewburgh. Priory of Newburgh* Abby of 2V& Abby of Kirkftalh Mifperton 212 Diocefe of Y O R K. Archdeaconry of Cleveland.. Mifperton R. St. Lau- Lady Blombergh. rence. New Mali 'on Cur. St.-v OldMalton Cur. cum>Archbifhop of 2V£. Priory of Malton. Cap. St. Leonard &\ St. Michael. J Normanby R. Mr. #///. Nunnington R. ^// The Crown, Saints* Old By land Cur. Osbaldkirk R. St. 0/*- Heirs of Mr. jlf ^* thedral. Fledboroiigh R. St. Gr Q otrejfoii j r 5«tf00 on Jmtf V. All Duke of ' Newcaftle. Priory of Wirkfop. Saints. Thoruey Diocefe t/YORK. 217 Archdeaconry of Nottingham. ' T!horney V. St. He- Mr. T>ifney. Priory of jBrodholm. len. Thorpe juxta Newark The Crown. Priory ol Haverholm. V. St. Laurence. Wefion R. Sir Tho Willoughby and others. Winthorpe R. Corporat. of Newark. Winhbmi Cur. Knights Templars of St. Johns Jerufalmi r Deanary of Nottingham. ANneJley Cur. All Priory of Felley; or •** Saints. Newfted. AmallV. Duke of Devon. Newark College in Leicefter. Attenborotigb V.St. DukeoffDmw. Priory of Felley. Mary. StasfordV. St. Leode- The Crown. Priory of Catwich garius. Seefton V. Duke of T)ewn. Priory oi Lent on. SilburghR. cumSrox- Mr. Edge. flow. *Bidlwell R. Lord How. 'Burton on Sore V. Earl of Chejierfeild. Priory of Shelf or d. Bulcote Cap. ColwickK. St. John Mr. Mufters and others. Lperftone R. Lord /ftzy. Grey/ley Y . cum Kim- Earl of EJfex. Priory of Bewail. berky. Qedling R. two Me- Earl of Chejierfeild dieties 3 All Saints. and Mr. Ff$ft£ Gonalton R. St. £##- Sir HaT. Monenx. rente. Hoveringham Cur, Trinity College, (Jfrw- Priory of TburgmTon. bridge, r 21 8 Diocefe t/YORK. Archdeaconry ofNoTTiNCHA m. Priory of NeztJIed. Huchiall V. Mr. Byrom. Kirkby in Jjlfeild R. Duke of Newcaftk. St. Wilfrid. Lamley R. Holy 'Tri- Heirs of Sir Francis nity. Wiiloughby. Lent on V. Holy 2ri- The Crown. nity. Lowdham V. Duke of Kingfton. Lyndeby R. Lord Rochdale. Mansfeild V. St. Te- Dean of Lincoln. ter. Mansfeild Wood-1 houfe rCap. Shgby J Nottingham, St. Ma- Duke of Kingjion. rys V. Priory of Lent on. Warden of Tickhill, fince Cathedral of Weftminfter. Deanary of Lincoln. Priory of Lenton, The Crown. Nottingham, St. Ni-^ cholas R. ( Nottingham, St. 2V( ttr's R. 3 Nutthall R. St. Pj- Mr. S&z/fcr. 'Papplewich Cur. J? <«/jf«7/ V. The Crown. Snenton Cur. St. Ste~ Duke of Kingfton. phen. Sutton in Jfhfeild Cur. Stapleford Cur. &$cw V- St. Sta;/. Priory of Newfted. Priory of Lent on. Priory of Lenton. Priory of c Tburgarton> Strelley R. Priory of Newfted. Sir William WUlough- Priory of EeavalL by. Mr. £^. Tro-well, two Medie- Lord Middleton, and ties, R. St. Sta«. Mr. Stor. 'Jx-erfa/lR. Sir JFhz/tf/J iU(?/^- fffrtf.'.Y. T^wf Diocefe of Y O R K. Archdeaconry of Nottingham. Thurgarton Cur. 219 'Trinity College^ Cam- Priory of ThurgaYtou* bridge. Wollafton R. St. Leo- Lord Middleton, nard. "Deanary of Retford. * ; A Bfthorp Cur. Babworth R. ^ Saints. Boughton Cur. Church demolished. S//A& V. St. Mar- tin. Jufterfeild I r % autre ^ a P- * Bole V. St. Mar- tin. Bottamfall Cur. uni- ted to ElkiJIey. Carlton in Lindrick R. Clayworth R. Clareborvugh V. St. 5^0 Baptift. Cohney V. St. .Mtfry. * Eaft Drayton V. Edwinjiow V. JE^y? Markham V. St. ^i&» Baptift, cum ^e/? 'Drayton. Lgmanton V. St. jJf#- JEskifley V. JE^ -Rtffwtf V. St. Swithin. Prebendary oiAbfthorp. Mr. Worthy. Impropriated to Blith. Trinity College 3 Cam- bridge. Prebendary of Bole in York Cathedral. Prebend, of Abfthorp in 2V$ Cathedral. Archbifliop of York. Dean of Lincoln, Duke of 'Devon. Duke of King/ton. Chapter of York. Chapter of Lincoln. Duke of Newcqftle. Sir 5?. Broughton, Duke of Newcajile, DukeoffDwwff. Ff a Priory of 2?/jfo&; Prebendary of 2?0/ftw Cap. Hey ton V. Duke of Devon. Kinton R. * Lanum V. St. 2V- Littleborough Cur. Matterfey V. Mifne, alias MyJJbn V. * Mifterton V. ^// Saints. OrdfallK. All Saints. JLojJingto.u R. Chapel of St. Afary and ^// Angels i in 2tfr£ Cathedral. SandbyK. South I everton V.. S Stourton, #/. Stret- ton on the C/tfJ V* St. 2W. Duke of Newcaftle. Chapter of Torh Archbifiiop of Torh. The Crown. Chapter of Tork. Mr. Worthy. Corporation of T)onca- Jier. N. S. Tho' this is in Notting- ham Archdeaconry, yet the Parifh lies in Torkjhire. Lord Middkton. Dean of Lincoln. Chapter of Torh Priory ofJVirkfop. Re&or of Hey don. Chapel of St. Mary and All Angels in Tork Cathedral. Chapter of Torh Abby of Welbech See of Torh Priory of Matterfey. Cathedral of Tork. Deanary of Lincoln. Cathedral of Torh- Sutton Diocefe of Y O R K. [221] Archdeaconry of Nottingham. Sutton on \LownU V. Lady <5to/&. Chapel of St. Aforjy cum Scroby. and ^// Saints in 2V£ Cathedral. Truffell, two Medie- Eail Part Chapter of ties, R. 20r&, and Well Part Lord Middleton. TuxfordV. 'Trinity College, Cam- Priory of Kewfted. bridge. Warfop R. St. 2V^r Mr. Knight. and St. ?\W. Weft MarkbamV. All Duke of Newcaftle. "Warden of Tickbill, af- Saints,. cum Sever- terwzvds Weftminfter cotes Church,, de- Cath. moliih'd. Walkringham V. Trinity College, Cam- Priory of Jfirkfop. bridge. Waylisly V. St. .EJ- Marquifs of Halifax* Warden of Tickbill, mund. Heirs. &c*- Weji Retford R. Corporation of Eaft- Retford. Jfbeteley R. St. Te- Lord Middleton. ter. Wellow Cur. Abby of Rufford. Weft Burton Cur. . Priory of Newfted. ■ FINIS Archid. Nottingham. Total of Churches and Chapels 183, of which Rolfton is of exempt VI- fitation under Southwell College, as are fix others to the Chapter of Tork. To which Chapter alfo belong eight Parishes in Richmond Arch- deaconry, heretofore Part of Tork Diocefe, but now of Chejfer. Deanary- [222] Diocefe of Y O R K. Deanary and Peculiar Jurifdiclion o/South- well, Co. Nottingham, WH I C H is under its own Collegiate Church of Southwell, whofe Chapter confifts of Sixteen Prebendaries, who are obliged to re- fide each of them three Months, by turns, by Archbifliop Sharp's Ap- pointment. Sleasby V. St. Mary. Chap, of Southwell. Coll. of Southwell. Seckingbam V. Preb. of Beckingham. Preb. of Southwell. Blydwortb V. The two Preb. of Ox- ton in Southwell, Pat. and Impropr. Caherton V. t_ Chapter of South- College of South- Caunion V. -> well. well. Cropwell Epifcopi V. Two Preb. of Oxton Patr. and Impr. 'Dunham V. Preb. of Dunham in Preb. of Dunham. Darleton > A n Southwell. Ragnall S^ a P« Edingley V. Chapter of Southwell. Coll. of Southwell. Eton V . Preb. of Eton in South- well, Pat. and Imp. Exton, al. Ox/iw/j V. Two Preb. of Oxton Pat. and Imp. Farnsfeild V. Chapter of Southwell. Coll. of Southwell. Halloughton Cur. p re b. of Hal/oughtonin Southwell, Patr. and Impr. Kirllington V. Chapter of Southwell. Coll. of Southwell. North Leverttm V. p re b. of A r Sir William JBlacket. Priory of Hexham. St. Ofwald Hexham Cur. Whitley Cap. * Tockerington Cur. Preb. of Tochrington Preb. of 'Tochrington. in 2"0r& Cathedral. Total of Churches and Chapels in York Diocefe Whereof in the Peculiars of Rippon y Southwell, and Hexham there are « ■ 46 In 2V£ Archdeaconry —^— — — . 3 03 In Eajl-Hiding — — « ■■ ■■■ "— - %og In Cleveland ■ ■■ ■ — r »__ 153 In Nottingham — — ' - — — 183 894. Total S 1 534. The Priors Church, as may be feen by the printed Draughts, is a large Building, and efteem'd the moft magnificent in thefe Parts. It is frill Handing, tho' in no extraordinary Repair, and ufed as Parochial. FINIS Diocef] Ebor. v ,>///.*' fcmq&. THE DIOCESE O F ■y DURHAM N T A I N S the whole County of Durham, all Nor- thumberland except eight Churches and Chapels, being, Hexham Peculiar, which belong to Fork ; it has alfo one Parifli, viz. Alfion Moor Co. Cumberland, and lays claim to Crayke, Co. Fork, to be under its Turifdi&ion. It is divided into thefe two Archdeaconries : I. Durham, which has thefe Deanaries in it, Chejler, 'Darlington, JLafington, Stockton \ all Co. 'Durham. II. Northumberland, which comprifeth Alnwick, SS-amb'urgh, Corbridge, Morpeth, and Newcafile Deanaries ; all Co. Northum- lerlana. The moft antient See of this Diocefe was firft fix'd at Lindisfame Ifiand, Co. Northumberland, where it remained near three hundred Years, and was thence remov'd to Chefter on the Street, Co. Durham, where it continued near a hundred Years j till it was, Anno $95. tranf- G g planted 222 Cathedral of DURHAM. planted to 'Durham, where it now remains. Its Bifliop enjoys great Privileges, being reputed a Count Palatine, or temporal Lord, within the County of Durham, where all Caufes were try'd in his Name - y and he had the Appointment of the Sheriff j divers of which Prerogatives it yet retaineth : And the Bifliop, by virtue hereof, claimeth Precedence of all the Bifhops of the Kingdom, except London, and hath accordingly Place in Parliament, without refped: to Priority of Confecration. # Here are in this Diocefe, as our Authors mention, a hundred and thirty five Parifhes, whereof eighty feven are impropriate - y tho' in my Account the number is two hundred and one. The Clergies Tenths amount to 5 8 5 /. 5 J". 6 d* Cathedral of DURHAM HA S a Dean, twelve Prebendaries, twelve Minor Canons, a Dea- con, Subdeacon j fixteen Singing-men, a Matter of the Chorift'ers, ten Choriflers, a Divinity Reader, eight Almfmen, two Matters of the Grammar-fchool, eighteen Scholars, two Virgers, two Porters, two Sex- tons, two Barbers j in all ninety one, by King Henry the Vlllth's Founda- tion, who Anno 1541. converting the Priory into a College of Seciuars, alfigned his new Dean and [Prebendaries their refpe&ive Apartments out of the old Monaftery ; within the Precincts of which, the Bifliop, Dean, Prebendaries, and other Members, have very good Houfes, the beft of any Cathedral in England, according to the Dignity of the Prebends,, which are reputed more richly endow'd than any other Church ,• owing,, as I hear, to the Members allotting themfelves at firft their refpective Dividends or Shares out of the Chapter-Lands, and not leafing then in common, by which Practice (in this fole Church of the new Foa.- ela- tion) fome Prebends are of more Value than others, whereas in the reft they are all equal, as they might be here poflibly at firft, tho' the Im- provements of Eftates have made a Difproportion, as it now continues. The antient Valor being given in the firft Volume of Abbies \ where lee an Account of the Triors) I fliall thence extract it : Deanery, Va- lue 284/. 4 jv %d. twelve 'Prebendaries, 32 /. 5 J - . 10 d. each; twelve Minor Canons, 10 k each ; ^.Deacon, 6 1. 6s. Sd. Subdeacon, 6 1. 6s. d. fixteen Lay Singing-men, 6 1. 6 s. %d. each; Schoolmafier, n/. I ' er, 6 1. 6s. Sd. Mafter of the Choriflers, 9 1. 15 s. Dicinity-Readtr., 20/. eight Almfmen, 6.1. i^s.^d. eighteen Scholars, 3l.6s.Sd. ten Ghofp- fiers,7,l. 6s. Sd. two P'irgers, 6 1, two Porters, 6 1, two. Cooks, 5 1- two Barbers, 5/, two Sacriftaries, 6 1, each. la Z&wHTh*- fchnc&apty of the &*/z~ W Chg T^j STESfiST ■ whok «»«?g*« ahar,6C$ttpj. moi« wert jrreacht every Sunday sifter jioon before the Reformation by the Convent leading to it N TheBP'Throne. oppofits to tv are theWomens Seats OThe UredtVeftry P The.S>*i&vng mens B 77: e A t>A Jkarbt\ Vcslry Pillars CXTheMorniiig C* The Sanctuary &L Prayer Chappcl W^r^".^'^'=. J s/«»t KTAeMinor- Co. - D TheFcnit Mline \ nons Ves7t~y of Marble beyond S S Luthberts Teretcmi mhich'Womenmere T77ie nine altars placed not toaoe into the " n J- er sc ™nij windows Church 11 Statrcajes leading E TheNave orMfddle <* boutrhe Church J)l e mhofeheightir W Br'Ha-tfe-ildsTomb 6 {out ci- of Alaklaster ._ . F TVyrcat Z dosrrlZ \XfohiiLf KeviUsTom§ doors into theClaiff r °J Ala b let si 'er sters feaveitones m theChu l B r H.chd Bu.y 2. B p Anth Beck $ B P Beaitmotit f B F Ptlk.ngton 5 B F Sklt~fa n . 6 Pr»r j%k Hbchefler ^ Prior tiemnxiri joorattqh. 'S Prior Wt/lMbs?i,J},r t) PrtoT^Wufhitujton. to Prior B&rr-irtiTion ti Prior- J+ojjur fz. Prior ^iuk t'and 12. Prior- Ciffell C t Rr Ne\>tll i q3 P L, any ley i 6 Uteri J dzJfcrnurUcjjfro rvhc mn.de Mede i flirtttc i\*Jo JnjCh .,£ icrHoufe Gravestones o} Ij M P F.atert cU'fnftlla iS Bf Kcliarv J 19 Bf T*jfrifR,rfu3 jo B r Wi/dam' deS* Barbara It Ji e RF I „m her J. ZZ B' Hugh Pt.o'f.J *} Bf P]'.'{'F HUiimv Mar~ife0. hCWa/cher U The Cloyfters 3C JJo rler Stat- rs UThc Chap ter Ho life &ZBF' Ston ^hair SCp !■*<* iv he re the Chapter fit jThePrif-n for leffer crvm.es l\The room un der theReqiftn UThe.Cr.ft ' Jfe in the middle erf ru> 1 J tile L,anterii ii'hofelleiah is t6z foot 6C thence tothe top of the T°rver6tfoot being in all . ulalCRoFSfiekiill kham de. Far n ham Cathedral {f DURHAM. 223 In a curious Hiftory of this Place, wrote foon after the Diffolution, entitled, The Rites of Durham Monaftery, publifhed by John Dacies, are feveral particular Memorials of this Cathedral ,- which is a magnifi- cent Pile of Building, extending itfelfj in Length, from Eaft to Weft, 411 Foot ; and in Breadth, about 78 or 80 Foot. In the Middle is a fpacious crofs Ifle, being from North to South 170 Foot. In the Section of this ftands the Rood-Tower, or Steeple, in Height, to the Top of the Lantern, within-fide, 1 62 Foot; over which hang the Bells, which are eight in number. To the Top of this Tower it is reputed 2 23 Foot, as may be feen in the Ichnography -, from whence may be learned the whole Dimensions, and Scite of the antient Tombs and Graveftones before ,1600. The Builders of this noble Structure were Bifliop William de Carile- pho, who begun it Anno 1093. and left it to his Succeffor Bifliop Flam- lard) who for the molt part finifli'd it j Bifliop c Pudfe)\ who built the Gallilee at the Weft End, Hemp. Hen. II. Bifliop Farnham, Temp. Hen. III. who vaulted over the Roof of the Church with Stone ; Bi- fliop SkirlaW) Temp. Rick. II. who built the Cloifters ; Bifliop Lang-* ley, Temp. Hen. VI. who finifli'd the Gallilee ; Priors FoJJbr and TVall- vsortb, Temp. Edw. III. made feveral new Works, and added much to the Beauty of it in feveral Parts, as is defcrib'd more at large in An-- glia Sacra, and the hrft Volume of Allies. The whole Fabrick, to- gether with the Cloifters and Chapter-houfe, is vaulted throughout. The Nave is fupported by thick Pillars ; the Wainfcot of the Choir regular ; the Organ large and good ; the Font of Marble ^ the Win- dows of exquifite Workmanfliip, efpecially the great Eaft Window, called St. Catherines Window, becaufe refembling a Katherine-Wheel t near which on the South Side is a Window, called St. Qithlsrt's Win- dow, on account that the Glafs of it was painted with the Hiftory of that Saint ,- as was the oppofite North one with the Hiftory of St. Jofeph y and fo called by his Name. At each end of the great crofs Ifle are al- fo two other noble Windows : The North one was called the Four fDocfors, becaufe it had pburtray'd in it the Effigies of the Blefled Vir- gin, with four Doctors (or Monks, as the Vulgar fancied ; probably the four Evangelifts) praying to her ,- as had the oppofite South one the Myftery of the Te Dfzim Hymn painted, and was thence called the Te T)eum Window : As may be more particularly feen in the aforefaid Ac- count of this Church, publifhed by John Davies of Kidwelly. In a curious M-S. in the Heralds-Q&cz are beautifully drawn all the Arms in this Church., cornprifmg 1 1 7 Coats $ and alfo Bifliop Hatfeilds G g 2 Monument, 224 Cathedral of DURHAM. Monument, which contains his Effigies under an Arch, with a noble Canopy over him. 'Tis among T>ugd ale's M.S. not at. c 41. In the new Edition of Bede, there are Reprefentations of fome infide Views of the Cathedral. And in T)ugdales Hiftory of St. Taufs, Louden, lately publifhed, is printed fome Account of this Church, Toi% and Carhfle, drawn up by him, As to Infcriptions before 1 600. befides fome few of Dignitaries here given, I could never meet with any, except of Priors Foffbr, Hemingburgh, WiUiam and Robert Ebchefter, Prior Caftel, and Venerable Bede ; nei- ther have I difcovered any Tomb of Lay Perfons before the Reformation, except of Ralph Lord Nee;//, who died 1361. and was the firft fecular Perfon buried here j and John Lord Nevitt his Son, who died 1389. whofe Wills fee printed' in Mr. Madoxs excellent Book, entituled, Formal are Jnglicanum ; and neither of thefe had any Infcription belong- ing to them, as I could find, tho' the Priors had : However they are all long fince demolished, together with Venerable 'Bedel i which, a> it was the moft antient, I fliall begin with it. Confincf fjacc £i)Cta Bede Venerabilis offa ^enftun fartcm Chriftus Debit, clique batcm ; Petrus npu.S fecit, $?CUll Debit, |)0C Hugo boilUm, Sit in tttrntiuc fuum ueneratus utrumtutc $atronum : 3>imo millcno C C C fer cum feptuajeno i>oittiuani faluato? carnem tic tontine uimpfit, Sranftuht !)oc feretnun Cuthberti be psope tumoa, 3ftitig €tclcuae$:io? t)uc polcente Richardo, 5^C taltro bitti, Bernardi ; cnjtlS ? Offa l^on p?ocul Jjtnc, lapibc ivb ma?mo?eo reguictennf. The great Efteem the Chapter had for his Sanctity, caufed them to erect, not long fince, this Infcription to his Memory. Beda, T)ei Famulus & 'Presbyter, cir non minus fanUit ate quam fcien- tia Venerabilis, hie jacet ; qui natus in lerritorio monafterii Girwi- cenfis, quod mine Jarrow dicitnr : Cum ejfet annoram feptem, datus eft Abbati Benedict. & delude Ceolftido ibidem educandus-, cnnUuniqi'.e cum eo vit:<£ regularise & quotidianamc ant audi in ecrlejla cura ; femper, aut difcere, aut dot ere, aut fcribere, folebat : 1)ecimo new autem citee fu & ubique in Ecclefiafiico offiicio publice & [olemniter recitata. Conftat enim aliquando difcipulos habuiffe celebratijjimos, prtclara paulo pofi Ecclefi* hmina, Alcuinum, Caroli magni regis precepto- rem> & Claudeum, at que Clcmentern -, qui primi Lutetia; docue- runt, & Galliam bonis artibus ilhiftrarunt. Obiit in monafterio Gir- vicenfi, J.T>. 734. ALtatisfua 59. T>ie quo afcentionis Domini me- moria celebratur, & ibidem fepultus fuit -, fed poftea hue Dunelmum, frimo cum capite regis Ofwaldi, & corpore fanUi Cuthberti, deinde in ifio Galilea & Feretro per Hugonem Epifcopum conftrucia^ off a ejus funt tranjlata. Epitaphium de eodem iflud circumfertur ; l^ac tunt in fofia, BED^ fcenerafcilis offa. [The Infcriptions laid over the Priors were as follow : Epitaphium Johannis Foflbr 3 qui obiit Nov. 12. 13 47; l^ic#?ioj eccUiiae p?aefenti# imp politiac <&t 'fglen&i,^ patriae, tuerat lux tara topljiae, &c. H=Hc ccnteno;um fuit effetfo? monacljosum 5llc t)tceiio?ura numeral lit tanttt£ eo?um, 4Co?£o?e- tarn ■mtm&u$ n-on 'oixit in o?he fecunfcu& Epitaphium Prions Hemmingbrough., qui obiit 141 6. Epitaphium 'Prior is W. Ebchefter, qui obiit 1456, €n fcgit f)acc petra tonerabilts offa Wilhelmi -Ebchefter - r jttftog tomumit terra Xeptto 'iiia 2 26 Cathedral of DURHAM. ; mo njaegnaits fucraf, coelcfiia panocns economite trerbi flocks dogmata facrt, lent i largus, fiticnti potato praebens &uDat& uc lies peregrine tjofpes amacim.s, fcejreraf ecticfiam p:uoentcr jure g?io?i$ &ccumulan$ pracmtis eanoem tialoe ceco?i£, wttrae ccflit poft part urn turgims anno j aiHe CD. qmngcnto aojtmcto poftea fcrfo iC Pater. inftr Ave cum Credo' pofttllo p?o it €ij:t(lo, ficauc bale repcf en* mea mcfrica jufte JBiilc C. D. nuatcrno L. ter Oeno ouo&nc quarto. Epitaphivm Prior is Caftell, qui obi it 1 5 1 9. 2So:tuus l)oc turaulo Thomas fub marmo:c buro > Caftellus rccubat, picfatt.s ttrcisj afrena 3n lifers ®orto?, orouii.s munerc $2102, £}02ibu.s crcomptus 5 miti pcrto:e rljaru.s ^tatuva mcDiocns erat uirture procerus, ^apfihg IjoCpitibusJ, ftnitturis turn piobc nofttf, #aupcrtbu$ la.ro praebebat muncra finu, fbttili elaute bono fua janua, menfa, entmena, •'.pplintcr pro it Oica^ Credo, Pater, Ave, ! :u legis j)aec tuio fit coelcfh cftfc in aeoc. The Scite of thefe and all other antient Gravestones, as I have already obftrv'd, are fhewn in the Ichncgraph)\ which will help much to explain the aforefaid Hiftory of the Rites ; as will a Draught of the Cathedral, inferib'd Cathedral of DURHA M. 227 infcribed to the prefent Dean, Dr. Mount Ague, published by Mr. Suck, j(who has given us a large Draught of the Profpect of this City,) much correcter than what King has given us in the Monafticon ; tho' I muffc obferve, that fince Kings Draughts, the two Weft Spires have been taken down about fixty Years ago, and the Towers being now diverted of them, appear not much higher than the Leads of the middle Ifle of the * « 396 2 4 Reddit. &c in Stockton. ■ \ " 414 4 ■$ Reddit. ejc. in Sadbergh. ■ — — — 2510 12 8 Reddit. (jc. in Aukland, Whickham, &c. cir titer 630 o o Spiritualia. ■ ; — «— ■ ** 87 13 4 ma —I— w— I 'gumma totalis infra Epifcopatum Dunelm. • >398 1 11 In Comitatu Norham, Scitus Caftri, &c. de Norham Co. Northumb. circiter ■ 'In Co. Ebor. in Allerton, & Co. Allerton, Scit. Manor. &c. 241 1 1. Spiritualia in Allerton, & Co. Allerton. --— 1:8 o o In Libert ate de Crayke, Scitus Caftri, dye. — 48 2 o JwHoveden, & Co. Hoveden. ■ ■■ ■ ■ • ■ 284 10 5 Manjio Epifcopi in Londin. — — 18 4 j Summa totalis 3138 9 8 Sed deduU. Reprifal. 3 07 63 112 Sic valet dare — — 2821 1 5 According 'to which Sum^ viz: of 2821 /. ijy 5 d. it was rated in the antient Payment of Firft-Eruits ; but it is now leffen'd io©o/. it paying at this time 1&21 /, 1 s. 3 d. Which Abatement was made,, with 228 Alienations c/ DURHAM. very good Rc-afon, in Queen Elizabeth's Time; who for the beft part of her Reign, notwithstanding what flie took. away, made all the Bi- fheps of this See (who were evety one of them married Men) pay and refund (as Come Authors tell us) i coo/, per Ann. out of their Revenue, towards keeping a Garrifon in thefe Parts, at Berwick, to awe the Scots. In King Edward the Vlth's Time, this Blflioprick was by Act of Parliament (which fee in our printed Books) diffolved and annihilated in the laft Year of his Reign $ but his Death happening foon after, Queen Mary reftored it again, with the whole Revenues of the Church. "What it fuftered in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, I fliall give at Length, as I took it from the Patents. . April 24. Ann.-). Edv:. VI. 1 5:5:1. the King granted to his Sifter, the I.ady Elizabeth, for her Life, Durham-Place in Wejlminjier, in St. Martins Pariih in the Strand. [N. B. This was reftored, Aw 4. jfow, 1557. and the Rever- sion, after her Sifter's the faid Lady Elizabeth's Life, granted to Cuth- bert Tonftall, Bifliop of Durham, and his Succeflbrs ; and fo it falling Anno 1602. to the See of 'Durham again, was, \66\. as I have heard, granted by Bifliop Cofiu on a Building-Leafe, referving to him- felf and Succeflbrs a Fee-Farm Rent, of about 200 /. which is now paid. Anno 1 561. the Letters Patent recite, That Queen Elizabeth had taken from this Biflioprick, Anno 1 5 59, or 1 560. the Manours of Kor- ham Norhamfljire^ Allerton Allertonjlme, Sadbergh, Middleham, Ea- fington Ward and Coronator, Cotton-Monvill, Gatefide, and fo had ex- empted them all out of the Reftitution of the Temporalities to Bifhop Pilkingtou. Tefte March 25. But, Anno 1566. tejie Jnn. 13. other Patents Ipecify, that on anew Refti- tution of the Temporalities, all were reftored, except Korham and Nor- hamJJjire. So that hitherto the See loft little, except paying its Penfion of 1000 I. per Ann. till Bifliop Barnes, Aiino 1582. leafed out Gatefide Lordfliip and Eorough; as he did, Anno 1587. the Manour and Advowfon of Crayke Co.Tork, to Sir Francis Walfingham ; as he had done Hocedon and Hovedonjlrire for ninety nine Years. He alfo leafed his Mills at Darlington for forty Years, and his Franchifes of Korham and Norhamfloire ; making fome Grant almoft every Year during the eleven Years lie continued Bifliop. But I fliall give the Words of the Patents as I took them. Anno 1577. the Queen recites, That "Barnes, Bifliop of Durham, May 1 1. Ann. Regni 19. granted her his Fisheries in Tweed Water, and Alienations from DURHAM. 229 and Franchifes of JStorham and NorhamJInre. She grants the fame to Tho.EeightouEfq; Anno 1578. Elizabeth the Queen recites, That Richard 'Barnes 3 Bifhop of Durham, Anno Regni 20. demifed to her his Mills in "Dar- lington and Blackwall £cr forty Years. She grants them to William Ap- pleton. Tefte June ip. Anno 1 581. the Queen recites, That Richard Barnes ; Bifliop of Durham, granted to her the Manour of Midridge for eighty Years. Now the Queen grants the faid Manour, and her Intereff, to Richard Franklin. Tefte Nov. 23. Anno Regni 24. Anno 1582. Nov. 12. the Queen recites, That Richard Barnes, Bifhop of 2)//; -ham, Anno Regni 23. June 20. granted her, for feventy nine Years, the Lordfhip and Borough of Gaiefide, near Newcaftle. The Queen gives her Intereft to Henry Andrews, and William Selby, Al- dermen of Newcaftle. Anno 1585. 27. Eli z. the Queen recites, That Barnes, Bifliop of Durham, July 13. Ann. Regni 27. granted her his Manour, &c. of Hovedon for ninety nine Years. Now flie grants the Premifes to John Gate, of Hoidden, Efq; Tefte May 20. y/iW0 1587. the Queen recites, That Richard Barnes, Bifliop of Durham, Sept. 29. Anno Regni 28. devifed to her the Manour and Advowfon of Crayke for eighty Years. Now flie grants the fame to Sir Francis Waljivgham. Tefte March 11. Anno Regni 30. In Gar diners Account of Newcaftle, he mentions Bifliop Barnes his Leafe of Gatefide Collieries to Queen Elizabeth for ninety nine Years, which fhe aifigned to the Corporation of Newcaftle, to whom it yields an immenfe Profit : As would this Biflioprick have been worth perhaps five times as much as it is, but for the Alienations ,- however, it may ftlll be accounted one of the richeflin England by this Account of H h v The 352 s. d» o o 59 2 6 6 1 02 8 ii- 230 Sale of the Lands o/DURHAM. The SALE of the Lands of the See of Dur- ham, in 164.J, 1648, 1649, 1650, andi6$i. ' 1*47. ClErtafn Farms, Parcel of Houghton le Spring Ma- [ nour, fold OU. 18. to Adam Shepardfon, for Houfes, Shops, and wafte Ground, on Tyne-Hridge, fold Feb. 2. to Fra. Alder, for — — — • S (/hops- Aukl and Manour, fold March 8. to Sir Ar- thur Hafilrigg for " ■ • — — - The Manour of Ry-Church, Co. Wilts, and Alderbury, and 200/. per Ann. out of T)urham-Houfe, Parcel of the Sees of Sarum and 'Durham, fold March 2 2. to Sidney Sere and Ferdinando 'Parkhurjl, for ■ 7280 2 4 The Fee-Farm of 40/. per Ann. ifluing out of the New Exchange, called Britain's Surfe, fold March 24. to the Earl of Salisbury, for ■■■ ■ ■ — — • 480 o o Stockton Manour, Co. Durham, fold March 24. to WUUVnderwood^zxA James Nelthorpe, for 6165 10 je* 1648. Several Parcels of Gatejide Manour by t tine- e Bridge fold April 19. to James Say lis for ■ £315 10 Lands in Northallerton, fold May 10. to 5^0 WafteU and James 1)anby, for ■ 102 io 6 Northallerton Manour, fold May 10. to William Cave for — — '1453 6 8 1 Two third Parts of Tanfield-Moor Cole-Mines, fold June 9. to Richard MatJIiall, for ~— — 91 1 6 6 The third Part of 'Tanfeild Colliery, fold June 9. to Archibald Lovett, for — — — - lj 6 8 Several Oxgangs in Ofmotherly, Co. Torh, fold Dec. 8. to Hbo. Todd, for S§7 3 Divers Sale of the Lands of D U R H A M. agx] Divers Lands in Sowerby, Ofmotherly, Northallerton, I. s. d. &c fold Dec. 15. to Robert Medcalf, for ^ 1081 7 31 Crayke Manour, fold March 7. to Sir 2%. Widdring- ton and Tho. Coghill, for 11 63; 8 zi Part of Walfingham Manour, fold March 24. to Jfftfcg Emerfouy for « — — • l _„,_j 405 13' 4 1649. 'Durham Caftle, fold iJJig/ 2. to 7/&fc Andrew f> Lord- Mayor, c?r. for ■ ■ - ■ 1257 o 1 6 Parcel of Walfingham Manour, fold May 30. to Ri- chard Marjhall, for ■ ■ 158 11 8> Several Parcels of Land in Northallerton Manour, fold Jnne 19. to Tho. Lajfels, for > 553 17 3' Several Lands in Northallerton,, fold June 29. to Ro- bert Medcalf, for «*• »- • 289 6 '$' Frankland Wood and Park, fold Septl 21. to Thomas Redger, for — ■ 2J59 2 of Middleham Manour, Co. Northumberland, fold iVtfc. 9. to 7#0. Hafilrigge Efqj for - - ■ ■ — 3306 6 <5f. Sunderland Borough, and the Manour of Houston k Spring, fold Nov. 9. to George Fenwicke, for —2851 9 £ Eafingwood BorougJi, fold April 5. to Sir Arthur Ha- filrigg, for - — ■ 5833 9 9 iledlington Manour, and Choppington Farm, fold Jan. ix. 1 649. And again, An. 1 650. to Robert Fenwick Efq; for _^~ — — I 2$6 6 f* Parcel of Northallerton and SfeHwa ^^«?r Whlfton Cliffy Parcels of the Sees of ^Durham and Tork, fold A/^j; 31. to Mofes Jenkins, for •— — — — — — 113 o 4 Parcel of Northallerton Manour, fold/lfcj/31: to Henry Tlarley, for - — — — ■ — > > 1 2 1 5 1 1 f- Howden Manour, fold July 27. to W. Underwood and Tho. Coghill,ior — - — ■ — - 5192 15 o H h z Parcels 232 Endowment of DURHAM. Parcel of Land in Rive-Hope, fold June 1. to George I. s. J. Fenwick Efq-, for ■ ' . 2091 16 3 Jfolftngham Manolir, fold June 1. to Sir Arthur Ha- filrigg, for — — 5 7 £ 4 I4 4 - Fafington Manour, fold March 24. to Walter Sooth- £j/£fq ; for , 8528 3 3 i6$i. Two Parcels of Land near Durham, fold May 2. to ■ Richard Marjliall, for ■ ■ — ■• ■ ■ ■■ • . 8 13 4 •Northallerton Borough, fold May 2. to Henry Darley and John Waft ell, for — — — . .237 3 % Durham fiorough and Framwellgate, fold April 1 8. to the Corporation of Durham, for — — 200 © © Several Parcels of Land on Tine-Bridge, fold March 1 2. to Francis Alder, for ■ 52 5 8 Summa Totalis — 6812115 9 mm m L 1 1 l ■■■!■ 1 m The Biihop of Durham collates to his two Archdeaconries, Sher- lorn and Qreatham Hofpitals, about thirty fix Livings in his own Diocefe, and twelve Prebends in his Cathedral j and is alfo Patron of Newton Rectory Co. Lincoln ; Sirkby, Crayke, and Weftroughton Re- ctories, and Ofmotherly Vicaridge^ Co. Torh ENT>0 WME NT of the See of Durham: IN a MS. in Lambeth Library, entitled, Mi feel. N°6$9> is a Valor of the new founded Biihopricks and Deanaries, and the Lands of their Endowment, viz. Ofeney (i. e. Oxford) Weflminfter, Glocefter, Sriftol, Peterborough, and Chefter ; and the Chapters of Canterbury, Ely, Winton, Worcefter, Carlijle, Durham, Glocefter, Sriftol, Peterborough, Chefter. In this Account the Temporalities of Durham are valued at 1233/. 4-r. id. and the Spiritualities at 494/. 19s. ~$d. and the To- tal of both is call up at 1728/. 31. 3 d. But I ftiall exhibit the Patent itfelf. Patent 33. Hen. VIII. .p. 9. Ami. 1541. tefte May 12. The King erects the Dean and Chapter of Durham, and grants them the Scite of the Endowment of DURHAM. 233 the late Monaftery of St. Ctithbert in Durham ; the Manour and Park oiBeupare -, theManours o^Whitton-Gilbert, Eket, Sagerfton, Height Wardley, Kimbleworth, Pittington, Hafledon, Holm, Beuly, TVolfton, Bellacies, BUlingham, Accliff, Mugglefwicl', Hougall, and Shinkley - 3 the Manour, College, and Church of Finchley ; the Re&ofies of St. Ofwald in Durham, Pittington, Hajledou, Dalton in the Vale, BU- lingham, Accliff, Heighinton, and Merrington ; Tythes of Lamb and Hay in Shinkley Aldurham, Hougall, Brome, Aldingrange, Bornehatt y Bellacies, Brokehall, Northwefts, Newton, Hangehoufe, Heberhonfe, Bifoop 's-Meadow, Ehetgrange, Aldurham, and Durham ; fmall Tythes in St. Ofwald in 'Durham ; Tythes of Lambs in North Pittington, South Pittington, Shaiford, Hepton on the Hill, Hefwell-Grainge, South Sherborne, North Sherborne, Ludworth in Pittingdou Parifh, and Ha- Jleden ; Tythes of Wheat and Cod in Hafleden, Morton, Dalden, Dal- ton, Accley, Braferton, Pre/ton, Rickwell Magna & Parva, Keton, &c* Tythes of Grain and Hay in Accley and Beuley - s Tythes of Lamb in Eaji Merrington and Heighinton ; Tythes of Wheat in MonksWam- lorough, and feveral Rents ifluing out of Dinfdale Re&ory, Mjlham Vicaridge, Staindrop College, Heighinton Vicaridge, Whitworth Chapel, and Gatefide Hofpital ,• the Advowfon of the Vicaridges of Dedinfall, Accliff, Heighinton, Merrington, Billington, HazildenfPittington, Dalton in the Vale, Edmondbyers, Kimblefworth, St. Ofwald in Durham, St: Marys Chantry in Durham ; the Advowfons and Prefentations of the Curates and Chanters in the Churches of Witton-Gilbert, Mugglefwicl^ Croxdail, St. Ide, alias Shelly, or Shields, and of the Chantries and Chanters in the Churches of St. Margaret and St. James in Elvet-Bridge, St. Marys and St. Nicholas in Durham, St. Marys Chantry in North Pittingdon Church, St. Mary's Chantry in Dedinfall and Haflingtoii Churches ; Chantries in the Chapels of Ha-verton, Hefington, and St. Marys Chantry in Hefington Church, St. John Bap tiffs Chantry in Bywell St. Peters, all Parcel of Durham late Monaftery, the Scite and Cell of Holy IPand, and Lands and Tenements in Northumberland ; the Pve&ories of Berwick on Tweed, Norham, Elingham, Bedlington % and Bywell; Tythes of Hay and Lamb in Ordefpittel, Tweedmouth, Mor- ton, Edmondfhill, Heton juxta Twiffel, Shorewood, Norham, Home- . cliff, Thornton, Duddo, Berrington, Corwell, Tillmouth, Twiffell, New Bigg':', Felkinton, Grindon-Rjgge, Tundal-houfe, Langrigge* UtbawJze, Caftlefeld, all Co. Northumberland ; Tythes of Lamb, Wool, Fiax, &c. in Norham-, Tythes of Wheat in EUingham, Dun- ford, North and South Carlton ; Tythes of Lamb and Hay in Aucroft, Alter den, Bowleden, &c. Parcel of Holy IJland Re&ory ; the Advow- fons 234 Bifliops of DURHAM. fons and Vicaridgesof .^nxvV&on Tweed, Nor ham, Br ami/ton, Eling- ham, Meldon, B)v:ell, St "Peters ■, and the Prefentations of the Chap- lains in the Church of Wellfend, Parcel of the aforefaid Monaftery ; and moreover grants them 'Durham College in Oxford, and a Tenement in Hanborough, Co. Oxon. the Re&ory and Advowfon of Ruddington, Co. Nottingham, and Advowfon of Rvddiigton Vicaridge j the Vica- ridges of Fijhldke, Boffal, Brentingham, and North 'al/erton, Co.Tork, and the Re&ory and Advowfon of Frampton Vicaridge, Co. Lincoln, all Parcel of 'Durham late Monaftery. The Chapter of Durham feem yet to be poffefs'd of thefe Demefnes,' except Durham College in Oxford, and Ruddington Co. Nottingham. They prefent to above twenty Livings in Durham Diocefe, which fee in the Account of it ; and thefe other Livings in other Diocefes, viz. Northallerton V. Boffall V. Walkington R. Brentingham R. in Tork- fiire, and Frampton Vicarige in Lincohifhire. But I come to treat of the Bishops of DURHAM. IN Anglia Sacra, Vol. I. there is a very good Account of the Bifhops of this See from 63 5. to 1541. I fhall briefly extract them, noting that the fixtecn firft were ftyled Bishops of Lindisfarne or Holy Ifland. r "|~° i, HESE were firft, St. Aid an, who Anno 635. fettled an epifco- jL pal See in a fmall Ifland Co. Northumberland, called \Lindif- farne ; and dying Aug. 31. 651. was buried, as is fuppofed by fome "Writers, in Glaftonbury Abby ; tho' Wharton gives no Credit to this Tradition, and mentions his being buried at Lindisfarne. Fin anus fucceeded 651. and died on the 13 th of the Calends of March 661. Co'l man fucceeded 6 6 1. and quitted it, 664. to Tuda, 664. He died next Year, and was fucceeded by E ata, Anno 1665. C^ 10 ' ^ e mav more properly be ftyled Biihop of Hexham.) He refigned it Anno 684. and was fucceeded by St. C u t k b e r t, who became confecrated on Eafter-Dzy 684. He refigned it 68 6. and died in about a Year afterwards, viz. March 20. 687. and was firft buried at Lindisfarne, and afterwards removed to Duvhuni, where he had a moft fumptuous Shrine erected to his Memory behind Cathedral of DURHAM. 235 behind the High Altar of that Cathedral, which was on his Account held in fo great San&ity, that till 1 3 1 o. no Bifhops durft prcfume to be buried in the Cathedral, or any Prior iie there till 1 3 74. as is told at length in a Book entitled, The Rites of Durham. Eadbert fucceeded 6%j. and dying March 6. 69S. was buried at Lindisfame, near his Predeceflbr, and fucceeded by Eg frith, Anno 698. Ifaakfon and Wharton call him Eadj ride. He died 721. and was fucceeded by Ethel wold, Anno 721. as Heylin fays, or rather Anno 724. as Ifaakfon and Wharton place it. He died Anno 740. and was fuc- ceeded by K e n u lp h, Anno 740. He died Anno 78 1 . Higbald fucceeded 781. After him Heylin places one Ethelwine ; but he being omitted by other Authors, I fhall pafs him by. As to Higbald, he died May 25. 803. and was fucceeded by Egbert confecrated June 11. 803. He died 821. and was fuc- ceeded by Heathoredus, Anno 821. He died Anno 828. as Wharton fixes it, and was .fucceeded by Eg red, or Eg frid, as Ifaackfon calls him, who places his coming in. Anno 827. He died Anno 846. and was fucceeded by Eanbert, or Egbert, Anno 845. . He died 854. and was fuc- ceeded by Eardulph, Anno 854. who fearing the barbarous Incurfions of the ZDanes, fled Anno 875. from Lindisfame for fome time, and fettling at length at Chefter, Co. Durham, Anno 883. or 884. He died Anno '900. after he had been Bifliop forty fix Years, His Succeflbrs, the next eight, are reckoned Bishops of Chefter on the Street. TH E firfl of tWe was Cuthard,' who fucceeded Bardulf, An. 900. He died A/mo 915. and was fucceeded by Tilred, orTuLRED, called alfo Milred, who came in An. 9 1 yJ and was fucceeded by Wi g r e d, or Wit h re d. Anno 9 29. He died Anno 944. and was fucceeded by Uch tre d, Anno 944, or 945:. To whom fucceeded Sexhelm, Anno 947. and to him, on his relinquishing it, Ald re d^ Anno 948. He died Anno 96S. and was fucceeded by Alfsigus 236 Bifliops of DURHAM. Alfsigus, called alfo Alfius, or Elf sinus, confecfated at York) Anno 96%. He died Anno 990. and was fucceeded by Aldhuk, Anno 990. who Anno 99$. removed the See to Durham^ with the Body of St. Cuthbert, when he had on Sept. 4 dedicated a new Church. He died Anno 1017. and was buried in the Chapter-Houfe of his new Church at Durham, the firft regular Bifhop of which Place, he, ciz. the faid Aldhun, may properly be ftyled ; as his Succefibrs have ever fince been named Bishops of DURHAM. Ea d m u n d became elected Anno 1020. He died Anno 1 041 . at Glo- cejfer, upon his Attendance of the King, and was thence convey 'd to Durham, and buried in the Chapter-Houfe, and fucceeded by Eadred, Anno 1041. He died before he had been Bifhop eleven Months, and was fucceeded by Egelric, Anno 1042. He quitted it Anno 1056. and afterwards died a Prifoner in Wejiminjler Abby, OU. 15. 1072. and was buried in St. Nicholas Chapel there. Eg el wine fucceeded 1055. He was, itfeems, Brother to Bifhop Egelric, who had refigned to him. He was expelled this See by Wil- liam I. ftyled the Conqueror, King of England^, Anno 1070. and dying next Year, was buried in Abington Monaftery. ©n his Expulfion, Wa l c h e r, born in Lorain, became confecrated Bifhop of Durham ?X.Wincheftcr, Anno 1072. He bought of the King the Earldom of Northumberland ; and engaging in temporal Bufinefs, drew on himfelf for his Covetoufnefs fo much the Hatred of the People, that he was at length murdered May 14. 1080. and firft buried in J arrow Monaftery, but afterwards remov'd to 'Durham Chapter-Houfe, and there interrd. On his Death, William de Kairlepho, Abbot of St. Vincents in Normandy, was nominated by the King, Nov. 9. 1080. and confecrated Jan. 3. fol- lowing. This Bifhop began building the prefent Cathedral j and dying Jan. 2. 1095. was buried in the Chapter-Houfe, and fucceeded, after a Vacancy of near four Years by Ralph Flambard, nominated by the King on Whitfunday, May '29. 1099. and confecrated June 5. following, on 'Trinity-Sunday. He carried on the Building of the Cathedral begun by his Predeceflbr, built Norham Caftle, Kepyre Hofpital, and a Bridge over Durham River, founded Motisfont Priory in Hampfoire, and was a great Benefactor to Chrift-Church College in that County, of which, as Godwin fays, he had Bifliops s/DURHA M. 237 had been Dean. He died Sept. 4, or. 5-; 11 28. and was buried in the Chapter-Houfe by his Predeceffor, and fucceeded by : GeofrvRufus, Chancellor of England, confecrated Aug. 6. 1 1 29. as faith Godwin ; tho' in Anglia Sacra, Vol. I. p. 709. his Confecra- is placed Aug. 6. 1 1 3 3 . He died May 6. 1 1 40. was buried in the Chap- ter-Houfe, and fucceeded by William de St. Barbara, Dean of Tork, ele&ed March 14. and confecrated June 20. 1143. He died Nov. 14. 11 52. was buried by, his Predeceflors, and fucceeded by HughPudsey, Treafurer of Torlz, and Archdeacon of Winchejier, confecrated Dec. 20. 1153. He built divers Ho ufes belonging to his See from the Ground, made a fair Church and Houfe at 'Darlington, founded Finch ah Priory, purchafed the rich Manour of Sedburgh, and and gave it to his See, built the Bridge over Elvet River, leading into Durham, and made the Gallilee at the Weft End of the Cathedral, and translated the Bones of Venerable Sec. 5. following. He died Augufi 9. 1 260. was buried in the Chapter-Houfe, and fucceeded by Robert Stichell, Prior of Finch 'ale, elected Sept. 30. 1260. He founded Greatham Hofpital, and recover 'd fome Lands to his See, and dying Augufi 4. 1 274. was buried in the Chapter-Houfe, and fuc- ceeded by Robert de Infula, elected Sept. 24. 1 274. He 'died June 7. God- 'win fays, June 13. 1283. and was buried in the Chapter-Honfe under a Stone curioufly wrought, as Godwin tells us. Anthony de £ek, or Beak, Archdeacon of 'Durham, fucceeded, being elected July 5. 1283. and confecrated Jan. 9. following. He was a Man of vail Power and Wealth, and by that means obtained of the Pope the Patriarchate of Jerufalem, and of the King the Principa- lity of Man ; and had £0 great Command, that, as Stow tells, in the Battle of Fawhirh, fought by King Edward I. againft the Scots, there were no lefs than thirty two of his Banners in the Army. He repaired divers Caftles, built a noble Hall and Chapel at Aukland, in which he placed Prebendaries, and founded the Priory of Ahingham Co. -Lincoln, and a College of feven Prebendaries at Chefier on the Street. He died March 1. 13 10. Godwin fays March 28. 13 11. and was buried in the Cathedral behind the high Altar, being the very firft Bifliop that pre- fumed to lie in the Church, on account of the Interment of the holy St. Cuthhert ; and fo fuperftitious were they then, that they durftnot bring him in at the Doors, but broke a Hole in the Wall to bring in his Cof- fin at the End of the Church, which is yet vifible. Over his Grave was a large Marble laid, which had this Infcription upon it. Refill ina&ti3nimu.s Antonlus fttt jaccf mm#, Jerufalcm ftremms $atriarci)a fuit, nttati cgirnti^ . 3!nni£ totems regnafcaf feic 5 1 plente, Mle frecenfeate Ci)?ifta nio?itur pogtte &c-ni& Ii 2 R ICHARB 240 Bifliops o/DURHAM. Richard de- Kelt aw fucceeded, being elected March 13 . Y'$iii and confecrated May 30. following. He beltowed much on Building at Middleham and Stockton, and in his Will bequeathed a hundred Marks to be diftributed to the Poor on the Day of Burial. He died Obi. \g. 1 3 1 6. and was buried in the Chapter-Houfe, and fucceeded by Lewi's de IBeaumont, Treafurer of Sanim. His Conge d Elire bears Date Obi. 19. 1317* and Confecration March 26. following. He built a Hall, Kitchen, and Chapel at Middleham, and walled the City of Durham about, and recovered fome Lands to his See ■ and dying Sept. 22. 1333- or as fome fay, Sept. 28. was buried before the high Altar under the Steps in his own Cathedral, and had laid over him a large Marble, whereon was his Effigies engraven in Brafs in his epifcopal Habit, and round him the Pourtraitures of the twelve Apoftles ; and in feveral Parts of the Stone thefe Infcriptions, the firfl of which was his Epitaph. 3fu Gallia «afa$ <55e Bello-Monte, jacet i)ic Lodovicus |)umafrl£, $obtli# er fonte acgum tomifumaue create Ireful iii t)ac ft&e Celi letetur iu €0e. $?etericns fifte nietno^ans gnantiig furt ifte, Celo fluam fctpug, juftus, piu.s, afpe frentjnttft 3&apfili$ ac Paris inimicti* fempet atari?. Over his Head was this in a Scroll, Cre&o auob Beijempt o* meus* fottif, a«i »» ncfoiflmio Die me refufcifa* hit aij Mam eternam ; & in came mea toiDe&o ®euro <§afta^ fcr?em meum. And this on his Breaft, Bepofite eft fytt fpeg in fiim meo Nomine mtfevere; And on his right and left Hands thefe two Verfesj Confo?# lit fanrtig Lodovicus m arce t onanti& .Spiritus a& C!)?iftum pi fenfluiue li&erat ipftiwir On his Death, Robert de Grayjianes, a Monk of Durham, was confecrated Bi- fhop November 14. by the Archbjjhop of Tork, but was denied the Tem- poralities Bifliops of DURHAM. 241 poralities by the King ; fhortly after which he died, and was buried in the Chapter-Houfe, with this Infcription : Z&Z Grayftane naftljar, jacef |)ic Robertus f)ttmaftl£, Semite armaf u# vogo Jit lancti.s fociafus. On Grayftane's being put by, Richard de Si-try, Archdeacon of Northampton, Prebendary of Lincoln, Sarum, and Li chfeild, and Dean of Wells, became confecrated T)ec. 19. 1333. by the Bifliop of Winch eft er. He was a Man of great Learning, and an excellent Bifliop, very charitable, diftributing much in Alms, and a good Benefactor to his Cathedral, on which he beftowed many fumptuous Ornaments. He died greatly lamented, April 24. 1345. aged 58. and was buried under a large Marble in the South An- gle at the Eaft End of his Cathedral. In his Will he gave his Books to Oxford, where fome report him to have founded ^Durham College ; but that was rather the Work of his Succelfor' Thomas Hatfeied, Prebendary of Lincoln and 2 "ork, elected 'May 8. and confecrated July 10. 1345. He founded 'Durham College in Oxon, as may be feen at large in Anglia Sacra, which is now part of Trinity College in that Univerfity ; and alfo built Durham-Houih in the Strand, where e Dnrham-Tard is, behind the New-Exchange. In his Will, now remaining in the Archives at Lambeth, he appointed to be buried in his own Cathedral, where is a ftately Tomb erected to his Memory, already defcribed, containing his Effigies in his pontifical Ha- bit, lying under a large" arch'd Canopy, tho' without any Infcription« On his Death, which happen 'd May 7. 138 1. John Fordham, Dean of Wells j Prebendary of Lincoln, York, and Chichefter, was provided to this See by the Pope, Sept. 9. 1381. and confecrated Jan. 5. following. He was Jpril 3. 1388. tranflated to Eh, and fucceeded by Walter SkiRlaw, LL. D. Treafurer of 'Lincoln, Archdeacon of Baft-Riding, Canon of Tork and Lincoln, Dean of St. Martins Lon- don, firft Bifliop of Lichfeild, and afterwards of Wells, from whence he was tranflated hither by the Pope's Bull, dated April i. 1388; the Day the Pope removed his Predeceffor to Ely, and had the Tempo- ralities reftored Sept. 13. following. He gave and fpent 600 /. on tha Cloifters of this Cathedral, and beftowed 220/. on building the Dormito- ry •, built the Bridges olShinkley, Tarrow, and Auhland -, the Steeples of Hulme andHovedeii; and the Chapel of Swine, Co. Tork, where Godwin- fays he was bom ,• and good Part of the Lantern hiTork Miofter ; and gave 242 Bifliops o/DURHAM. gave 150/. to Wells Cathedral, to buy Ornaments. In his Will, dated March 15. 1404. he bequeathed a hundred Marks to the Dormitory of 'Durham Monaftery, 20/. to Durham College, and the Manour of Hothing to JJniverfity College, Oxon, to which he was a principal Be- nefactor. He died March 24. 1405. and was buried in the Cathedral, in the South Side on one Side the Choir, under a large Graveflone, which had this Infcription on it. <£re&o tntob Bcfcempfo? mens? foifof, % \\\ nofoiflimo bie De terra refur* lecfunus fum, 5 m Came mea tabeljo 3&eum ,Satt)ato?em meum. l|>iC jaccf bone mcmcnie Walterus Skirlaw, p?inmm tfEpiftOjmg Coventr. 5 Lichfeild. fcein&e Bathon. 5 Wellen. 5 poflea a& f)anc fonttam 4Sc-- tjcin Dunelmenf. franflatu*, qui ouitt Jjic Haenfig -« 5J.^. Mcccc. &eum p?o anima cju#. ThomasLangley, Prebendary and Dean of Fork, and Chan- cellor of England^ fucceeded, being elected May 17. 1406. and confe- crated Auguft 8. following. He bellowed 499/. 6j. 7^. in finifliing the Gallilee in the Weft Part of the Cathedral and Cloifter ; and found- ed, for the ufe of his Church, two Schools, one for Grammar, and a- nother for jMufick j was a Benefactor to Rochefter Bridge $ and being a great Favourite of his Prince, was a fecond time made Lord Chancellor, and alfo a Cardinal. He died Nov. 28. 1437. and was buried in his Ca- thedral under a Graveflone before the Galilee Altar, as he had directed in his Will ; which fee an Account of in Anglia Sacra. Robert Nevill, Provofl of Beverley, Prebendary of Fork, and at length Bifliop of Salisbury, was tranflated to this See by the Pope, Jan. 27. 1437. and had the Temporalities reftored^r/7 8. 1438. He built the Exchequer at Durham, near the Caftle-Gate j and dying JulyS. 1457. was buried in the Cathedral, near St. Bede's Shrine, as he had appointed in his Will. His Succeffor was Laurence Booth, Matter of Vembrohe-Hall, Cambridge, and Chancellor of that Univerfity, confecrated Sept. 25. 1457. He built the Gate of the College of Aukland, and Edificies adjoining ; and having fate here near twenty Years, he was tranilated to Tork ; (where fee more of him) and fucceeded by William Dudley, Prebendary of Wells and Wolverhampton, Archdeacon of Middlefex, and Dean of Windfor, who had the Tem- poralities reftored Off. 14. 1476. He died Anno 1483. and was bu- ried in St. Nicholas Chapel in Ifeftminjier Abby, where yet remains his Biftops of D U R H A M. 243 his Tomfct, having his Effigies on a Plate of Brafs let into the Stone, arid this Infcription round the Verge of it. J^iC jatet Gulielmus tie Dudley, e tfamilia BatOilUm t)e Dudley, DU7 nelm: €ptfcopu& Ofeut 31. 3£. ■ — He was a great Benefa&or to his Colleges of Windfor and Wolverhamp- ton, and Dudley Church., Co. Stafford. John Shirwode, Chancellor of Exeter, and Archdeacon of 'Richmond, fucceeded, and had the Temporalities reftored Aug. 6. 1485-. He died at Rome, and was buried in the Englifh College there, with this Infcription : i|tc jacef $. PafCt Johannes Shirwode, tfgpifconug Dunelm. <§erentC^ iimae lfce&i# SJngUae o?ato?, sui $M 12 Jan. 1493. £uju$ Ultima in j3ace rytteftaf. On his Death,' Richard Fox, IX. D. Prebendary of Sarum and Hereford, firffc Bifhop of Exeter, then of Wells, was tranflated to this See, and had the Temporalities reftor'd him Dec. 8. 1494. He was afterwards the wor- thy Founder of Corpus Chrifti College, Oxon, and a great Benefactor to Winchefter Cathedral, to which See he was tranflated from hence, after he had fate here about eight Years ; during which time he m ade great Improvements at the Palace of 'Durham, and walled round his Park near this City. On his quitting this for Winchefter, William Sever, orSEVEYER, Bifhop of Carlifle, was tranfla- ted hither, and had the Temporalities reftored him 0£?. 15. 1502. He died An. 1505. and was buried in St. Mary 's Abby in Tork, of which he had been Abbot, and fucceeded by Christopher Bainbrigge, LL.D. Prebendary and Dean of York, and Dean of 'Windfor, Prebendary of Lincoln, Mafter of the Rolls, who had the Temporalities reftored him No®. 17. 1507. after two Years Vacancy. He was next Year tranflated to Tork (where fee more of him) and fucceeded by Thomas Rowthall, orRuTHALL, Dean of Salisbury, Pre- bendary of Lincoln and Tork, (of whom fee an Account in Anglia Sa- cra, and Wood's Athena) who had the Temporalities reftored to him July 3: 1509. He died Feb. 4. 1522. and was buried in Wefiminjler Abby, where yet remains his Effigies lying on his Monument of Free- ftone 244 Bifliops of DURHAM. ftone in St. John Baptifis Chapel, habited in his Pontiiicalibus, which lus this Infcription on it, wrong in the Date. QiC jacef Tho. Rowthall, Cntfconu* Dunelm. 5 fteo> Hen. VII. St- crefavius, t$\\ ouirt 1524. While he fate Bifliop he built the Dining-Chamber at Aukland, and a third Part of Ncwcaftle Bridge over the Tine. On his Death, Car- dinal Thomas Wo ls e if, Archbifliop of Tork, Commendatory Bifliop of Hells, reiigning that Biihoprick, took this in lieu thereof, and had the Temporalities reftor'd April 3 o. 1 5 23 . and in April 1 5 29. he quitted this in Exchange forWincbefter, which he retained till his Death, together with the Archbiflioprick of Tork, and Abbotfliip of St. Albans ; fo that what fome People mention of his being depriv'd of St. Albans by the Premunire, An. 1530. feems a Miftake : for in a Book of Inftitutions of St. Albans I have perufed, I find he gave in September, about two Months before his Death, Inftitution to St. 'Peters Vicaridge in the Town of St. Albans, by his Title of Commendatory Abbot. On his quitting this See, Anne Sullen, Henry Vlllth's fecond Queen, had the Profits of it for one Year, till fuch time as Cuthbert Tonstall, Bifliop of London, became tranflated hi- ther, and had the Temporalities reftored March 25. 1530. His firft Preferments were the Rectory of Harrow Co. Middle/ex, Mafterfliip of the Rolls, Archdeaconry of Chefter, Deanary of Sarum, and a Pre- bend in the Cathedrals of Lincoln and Santm. He was a Man of in- comparable good Learning, and endowed with rare Virtues, which the Brevity of my Defign does not allow me to expatiate upon, fo muft re- fer to printed Authors for an Account of him j and fhall only remark here, that while he fate Bifliop, he built a fair Chapel and Gatehoufe at his Palace at Tiurham, into which by leaden Pipes he brought Spring or Conduit Water. In King Edward Vlth's Reign, he was depriv'd ; that Princes Courtiers, who coveted the Revenues of this See, having prevailed to diflblve the Biihoprick by A& of Parliament, in order to get it tot Dudley Duke of Northumberland, in like manner as Seymour Duke of Someifet, had got the Eftate of the Biihoprick of Wells. But, as a certain Author remarks, the vifible Hand that wrote on the Wall while Sellhafar was quaffing in the holy VelTels, would not fuffer this Morfel to be fwallow'd ; and fo the two Bifhopricks became reftored, whilft the f v.-o Dukes were cut fliorter by the Head, In fome Accounts I have feen, King Edward, about fix Months before his Death, is faid in Bifliops ^/DURHAM. 24.5 in Nov. 1552. to have nominated Robert Home, Dean of this Church** to the Biihoprick ,- but he mifliking the Conditions, Nicholas Ridley, Uifhop of London, was defigned to be removed hither, if the King's Death had not prevented it, which made way for Queen Marys Accef- fion to the Crown, who forthwith repealed all that had been done in Prejudice to Bifhop 'Tonftal and this Church, and reftored back again all the Pofieffions, except Durham-Hoxx£e in the Strand, which was given to her Sifter the Lady Elizabeth for Life, and came, as already mention 'd, again to the See, on her Death, An. 1602. ihe holding it all the forty four Years of her Reign ; at the beginning of which, An. 1558. Bifliop 'Tonfiall was a fecond time depriv'd, and committed Prifoner to Lambeth-Houfe, where he ended his Days in great Peace of Mind and Confcience, in the eighty fifth Year of his Age, Nov. 18. 1 559. and was buried in Lambeth Parifh-Church, with this Epitaph on his Grave- flone. Anglia Cuthbertum Tonftallum mOClta refnutrif, <£uju.s Cumma tiomi 3Cau# era* ataue fc»?i#. Bfrefo? internet tcug luris Confuttuss $ aesiui, 3Ee$afiiuiue fuif, tjenigue^cfulerat Bmiojtum fofttr $ magno?um plenum ^ono?um, Beittfur. in Ciiieres ^ureug itfe iznzx- In his "Will, proved Jan. 30. 155P. he order'd to be buried before the Crucifix, or Rood Loft, of Durham Cathedral, if he died in his Dio- cefe ,- or, if he died at London, in St. Paul's Cathedral, where he had been Bifhop, near Thomas Linacre. James Pilkington, S.T. B. after the Deprivation of Tonfiall, when the Church had been kept vacant fome time, had the Royal Aifent to his Ele&ion Feb. 20. 156©. and became confecrated March 2. and had the Temporalities reftored March 25. 1561. But in the Patent for the Reftitution there was left out of it the Manours of Norham and Norhamjhire, Allerton and Allertonjhire, Crayke, Sedberge, Eafmgton, Cotton, Monvill, and Gatefide ; but molt of thefe he got reftored back again on certain Terms. While he {ate here, he was, as may be feen in a Book already cited, entitled, floe Rites of Durham, too complying with Whittingham, the Puritanical Dean of his Church, in fufterin^ him to deface the antient Monuments in the Cathedral. He died Ja- nuary 23. 1575. as A. Wood tells us, at Si/Lops-AuMand, leaving be- hind him feveral Children, and was for a time buried there, but after- Wards taken up, and reburied in Durham Cathedral 5 where was on K k his 24<5 Bifliops of D U R H A M. his Graveflone feveral Verfes engraven on Brafs Plates, long fince de- faced : However, I having met with them in a MS. in the Bodleian Library, fliall thence give them, with other Inscriptions now loft, (Which I copied out. In Domini Jacobi Dunelmenfis Epifcopi obitiim, Laurentii Hum-; phridi Monumentum. Hie jacet Antiftes crudeli morte peremptus ; 'Prafulibus nefcit par cere Tarca ferox. Infignem pietate virum gravitate verendum^ tDocirina clarum fufiulit atra dies. Sic carOj fie gramen 3 fie omnis gloria fanum, Sic cadit ah ! nojlri flofque decufque foli. In clarifltmum Virum Pra?fulem do&ifllmum Dominum Jacobum Epi-' fcopum Dunelmenfem Epica?dium Johannis Fox. Si tua quanta fuit gravitas, prudentia, virtus ; Si tua quanta fides ; cur a que quanta gregis ; I'antum te noftra poffint celebrare camena DotJaque fie pojjit te decor are cohors. Mortuus haudquaquam fie nunc ]zcobejacere 3 Nee tegerent cineres marmora dura tuos. 'Aureus at toto [tares hoc marmore & alt 2^ Sydere per cuter is vert ice Celfa Toll : Aurea fie meruit Pietas tua menfa manufque Menfa manus nullo tempore claufa boni Uujus forte viri women Tatriamque Genufque Carmine quid ferimus fit mo do fcire cupis Munere 'Praful erat p atria Lancafter honefiis Artibus excoluit quern fchola Cambrigia ; Pilkingtonia dim dedit hunc generofa prop ago Cum tenuit fedes fanble Dunelme tuas. Confilio praftans verbo geftu ore feverus, Exilio conftans clarus honor e domi. Verbi prx© egenis, Ut-que fimul dicam, tta.wih.oxu*©- erat. 'talis erat cum vims erat quid mortuus, ergo eft : Chrifto qui vivit morte per ire nequit. His Succefibr was Richard Bar ne s, Bifhop of Carl 'i fie, who when he took that Biihoprick, obtained leave to hold his other Preferments with it, which were the Chancellorship of Tork Cathedral, and the Rectories Stokefly> Stangrave, and Romaldkirk, all in Torkjhire. He was elected to this See April 5. 1 577. had the Royal AiTent May 9. and received the Tem- poralities May 29. following. On his firft coming hither, he had a great Conteft with Bifliop Pilkingtons Widow for Dilapidations, and began rectifying fome Abufes, complaining much of his Predeceflbr Pilkingtons Remiflhefs, and ill Government, and that the Diocefe hated him for ba- nifliing Superftition. But being a little fettled, he fell to plundering his Sec, alienating all he could from it, granting to Queen Elizabeth Seve- ral Manours ,• among which, as Gardiner tells us in his Account of Newcaftle, vizsGateJide, which he leafed to the Queen April 28. 1582. with all the Manours, Cole-pits, and Colemines mGateJide and Whick- ham^ with the Commons, Waftes, Parks, &c. at the Rent of 90 1, per Ann. Thefe, as Gardiner fays, the Queen gave to the Earl of Lei- cefter, who fold his Right to Sutton of the Chart erhoufe^ and he con- vey 'd his Intereft to the Mayor and Burgeffes of Newcaftle for 1 2000L This Author farther informs us, that Dr. Cradock, Archdeacon of Nor- thumberland, attefted that this Leafe was worth 50000/. per Ann. Having fate Bifhop here about eleven Years, and got all he could for his Wife and Children out of what he could fcrape up after his Payment of 1000/. per Ann. impofed on his Predeceffor for the Maintenance of ^Berwick Garifon, he died Aug. 24. 1587. aged 55. (and fa Fuller had no occafion to call him a very aged Man) and was buried in the Choir under a Graveftbne which had this Infcription on a Plate of Brafs, now perifliecf. Referenda in Chrifto Patri ac Tiomino "Domino Richardo Barnes, Du- nelm. Epifcopo Prjfuli pio, doUo^ liberal^ & munifco, p. S. Pr. 1 587. j£- tatisfua 55. Mors mihi Lucrum. Afira f event a?/imam, corpufque hoc marmore c/ufum, 'Fain a Polos- penetrat nomen nati^ atque nepotes Confervant : Vivit femper pqft funerd'virtus. Kk 2 Underneath 248 Bifhops of DURHAM. Underneath was faften'd his Arms, which he purchafed at the Heralds- Office on his being made a Bifhop, and thefe Words in two Places : Officium Pietatis & Memoria : Mors mihi Lucrum. Wood fays he was a Favourer of Puritanifm. Matthew Hut ton, S. T. P. Dean of York, fucceeded, being elected June 9. 1589. confirm'd July 26. and confecrated July 27. He was Anno 1 594. tranflated to fork, (where fee more of him) and fucceeded by T o b 1 a s Matthew, S. T. P. Dean of Chrifi-Church, Oxon. His Conge dElire was dated March 25. the Royal Affent April '7. and Tem- poralities were reftored him March 29. 1595. He demifed to King James the Caftle, fjc. of Norham and Norhamjhire, and Elandjhire, which the Dean and Chapter confirmed April 2. 1604. but had fome Re- compence made his See by the Confirmation of Durham~Rou{e, London, and Abatement of the 1000/. per Amu to 'Berwick. He was Aug. 18. 1607. having obliged the King in paffing fome Grants, tranflated to Tork, and fucceeded by Wi lliam James, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Coventry ', Mafler of Univer/ity-College, firft Dean of Chrift-Church, Oxon, and afterwards of this Church j confecrated Sept. 7. 1606. He died May 12. 1517: and was buried in this Cathedral, being the laft Bifhop interred here, where, befides himfelf, 'Pilkington, and Barnes, no Bifhop has been bu- ried fince 1457. On his Graveftone was his Effigies in Brafs, holding a Bible in his Hands, and underneath, on a Plate of Brafs this Infcrip- tion, torn off by facrilegious Hands : Memorise Sacrum. Gulielmus James, honeftis & ingenuis parentibut apud Osborn, in Com. Stafford natus, Aldis Chrifii in Acad. Oxon. Alumnus, S.T.P. Magifter Coll. Univerfitatis, deinde adis Chrifti, ibid. Tiecanus confiitutus, & ter Academic Trocancellarius ; wide ob doUrina gracitatem, & fpeflatam prudentiam a Regina Elizabetha ad T)ecamtum Dunelm. unde ad Epifcopatum ibid, pro- vettus j & demum a Chrifto dumEcclefia, TatriReffiorem fedulum y Stopfordienfis ) Eboracenfis Canonicum pium, Qi.em Ecclefia Ceftrienfis 1 Lich. & Coventr. YPrefidem vigilantem habuere ; Dunelmenfis 7 'giii poft pkrimos.pro fanffia Ecclefia CMJii Catholica Exantlatos Labor es, Elucubrata volumina, Toleratas AffliUiones, 'Diutuma beu nimium Ecclejia Procella Hinc inde jaUatus, Hue demum appulfm, Bonis extttus omnibus \ {"Bona praterquam Fama & Confcknt'ui) 'Tandem etiam & C&rpore Senex & Calebs, Heic requiefcit in 'Domino, Felicem Trafiolans Refurredtioneml Qtiam fuo demum tempore bonus dabit T>eus. Amen." Nullo non digitus Elogio, Eo vero dignior quod nullo fe dignum exiflimaverit : Obi it Crqftino St. Matthsei xcJmw Salutis 16 59. Sep ult us Fejio St. Michaelis SijEtatis — 95' Epifcopatus ■— 44. His Succeflfor was John Cos in, S.T.P. Prebendary of this Church, Reftor of Barnfpeth, Archdeacon of Eaft-Riding, Matter of Veterhcufe, Cam- bridge, and Dean of Peterborough, confecrated 2)ec. 2. 166©. This good Bifhop, an Account of whom fee in his printed Life by Dr. Safire, died at London, Jan. 15. 167 1. aged 77. and was buried at 'Bijloops- Aiikland, Bifliops of D U R H A M- 251 Atikland, April 19 > 1672. where he had for the moft part rebuilt the Palace and Chapel, with this Infcription : In 11011 morituram memoriam Johannis Cofin, Epifcopi Dunelmenfis, qui hoc Sacelhm conjrruxit, ornavit, Et Deo confecravit, AT). 1665. in fejio SanUi Petri: Obiit 1 5 Die Menfis Januarii, A. D. 1 67 1 . (j hie fepultus eft, expellans, &c. Round his Graveftone, on the Pavement, Seati Mortui qui moriuntttr in 'Domino, requiefcunt eniin a Laboribus. His Will, and thofe of his Predeceffors flho. Moreton and William yames, are in the Prerogative-Office at London ; as are the Wills of Bifhops Richard de Kellaw, Tho. Hatfeild, Walter Skirlaw, znd'Tho. Langley, in the Archives at Lambeth. After his Death the Duke of Monmouth is faid to have receiv'd the Rents of this Bifhoprick, in the ,Vacancy, for near three Years ; during which time the City and County of Durham were by Acl: of Parliament enabled to fend four Reprefen- tatives to Parliament, which they never had done, unlefs in Cromwell's Ufurpation, when Stockton Caftle, one of the Bifliop's Palaces, was de- molifh'd. This having been endeavoured in Bifhop Cofins Time, and oppofed by him, Care was taken to eftablifli it before the Tranflation of. his Succeffor took place, who was Nathaniel Crew, LL. D. Rector of Lincoln College Oxon, Dean and Precentor of Chichefter, removed to this See Ob~i. '2 2.. 1674. from that of Oxford, which he held with the Rectory of Whitney in that Dioeefe-.from 1671. This generous Bifhop became, by the Death of his elder Brother, who died without Iflue Male, -alfo a temporal Baron, by the Title of Lord Crew of Stene m North amptonfloire, where departing this Life, aged 88. on Monday Sept. 18. 1722. he was buried in the Cha- pel there Sept. 30. following, with this Infcription on his Monument. Near this Place lyeth the "Body Of the Right Reverend and Right Honourable NATHANIEL Lord CREW, Lord Bijhop of Durham, and- "Baron of Stenh, Fifth Son of John Lord Crew. He was hm Jan- 31. 1633.- ffias 252 Deans of DURHAM. Was covfecrated jBifoop of Oxford 1671. Tranflated to Durham in 1 674. Was Clerk of the Clofet and Trivy-Counfellor In the Reigns of King C h a r l e s II. and King James II. And died Sept. 18. 1722. Aged%%. Having no Children (not marrying till King Williams Time, in whofe Reign the Title fell to him, which is now by his Death extin- guiih'd) he became a great Benefactor to the Univerfity of Oxford, and particularly to Lincoln College, where he founded feveral Scholar- ships, and augmented the Headfhip and Fellowships. He held this See forty feven Years, as he had done that of Oxford three, continuing a Bifliop fifty Years, three Months and two Days, being a longer time than any Englijhman ever enjoy 'd that Honour, except Tho. "Bourchier Archbilhop ol Cater bury, who held the Sees of Worcefter, Ely, and Canterbury, fifty one Years and twenty one Days. On his Death, William Talbot, S.T. P. Dean of Worcefter, firft Bifhop of Oxford, and afterwards of Salisbury, was tranflated hither from Salif- bury in OUober 1722. Deans of DURHAM. Hugh Wh i t e h e a d, S. T. P. laft Prior, was conftituted firft Dean by the Foundation-Charter dated May 1 2. 1 541. The Hiftory 0/ Durham fays he died at London 1548. and was buried in the Mino- ries there j which Author, A. Wood, in his ^wz*,alfo mentions,- and tells us this Epitaph was placed over his Graveftone, tho' it is now perifhed, as I found when I fearch'd that Church. l^ere Iptfl) fI)C 3SoOp of Hugh Whitehead, fJ)eM$?tO? Of Durham, ano firft ®can ftjtreof, lubo oieo at London ■ ■ - •■ • auo toas ouvteb in ti)c Cljurcl) of tfje Minories, inno Robert Horn, S.T. P. fucceeded, it being exprefly faid in the Patent 5 Edw. VI. Part 3. That the King prefented him Nov. 18. 1 5 5 1 . on the Vacancy by the Death of Whitehead, by which it feems as if Whitehead did. not die fo foon as 1548. or rather that the Deanary was kept vacant three Years, which I am apt to think it might. On Queen Deans o/DURHAM. 253 Queen Marys Acceifron to the Crown, Anno 1553. Home was de- priv'd, and Thomas Wa tson, S. T. P. Re&or of North Crawley ', Co. 2>uc%f 3 appointed Dean in his Place Nov. 18. 1 553. He was Anno 1557. made Biihop of Lincoln, of which he was deprived by Queen Elizabeth in . 1559 and committed Prifoner to Wisbich Caftle, Co. Cambridge, where he died Sept. 27. 1587. and was buried obfcurely in Wisbich Church. On his Promotion to Lincoln, Thomas Robertson, S. T. B. was prefented by the Queen Ju- ly 23. 1557. He was Anno 1559. depriv'd, as Biihop Wat [on had been, by Queen Elizabeth, for his Religion, and took into Cuftody, and Robert Horne became reftored to this Dignity 15551. who being foon after made Biihop of Winchester, Ralph Skinner, A. M. became inftalled Dean, March 5. 1550. He died Anno 1563. and was, as I judge, buried at Sedgfeild, where he .Was Rector. On his Death, Wi l l 1 a m Wh ittingham had this Dignity conferred upon him July 19. 1563. of whom fee an Account 'in A. J food, and the Hijiory of ^Durham, wherein he and Dean Home are accufed of making violent havock of all the antient Tombs, &c. in the Church, converting the Stone Coffins to divers profane Ufes, for their Wives, &c. to fait Meat In them in the Deanaxy-Houfe. He died June 10. 1579. having been, as 'tis faid by fome Writers, never ordained a Minifler of the Church of England, and was buried in the Cathedral, where his Monument, foon after the erecting it, met with the fame Fate as he had treated others. On it was this Infcription : In obitum doftifllmi Viri Gulielmi Whittinghaml Decani olimSDunel- menfis, Mariti 'Catherine Sororis Johannis Calvin Theologi, qui obiit Anno 1579. £iit£ Whittinghaml cemis Monument a fepnt ~v ' 3 Et Vita & Mortis funt Monument a pies. Anglia Teftis erit, teftis qmque Gallia vita, Exulis h. Vicar of St. Giles's Cripplegate, firft 'Dean of Ely, afterwards Dean of Durham, Chaplain to King James, and afterwards to King Charles I. famous for Learning, Prudence and Piety, fpoiled of all for his Loyalty to his Prince, lived obfcurely, €ind when denied Reft in his own Church, be found it here. Som at Hadley in Suffolk, died on Holy-Thurfday, May 1 2. 1659. Tut up by his Daughter Jane, Wife of Brian Walton, Si/loop of Chefter. His Succeffor was John Bar wick, S.T. P. inftalled Nov. i.\66o: He was in Olrober next Year, removed to the Deanary of St. Paul's Cathedral, of which fee an Account in his printed Life, and fucceeded by John Sudbury, S„T. P. admitted Dec. 21. 1661. and inftalled Feb. 1 5. following. He died An. 1 684. aged eighty, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription : ^licquidmortalehabnit, heic depofuitin Spe be at a RefurreUionis, Johan- nis Sudbury, S. T. P. Pietate, Emditione, antiquis Moribus, Gra- vitate, Inicgritate Vita, & f anil a Canitie, Vir vere reverendus ; qui in ft neflifjimis magna Rebellions lemponbus magno Animo, & inconcuffa in (legem Fidelitate mult a perpejfus Regno & Ecclefia Numinis Favore rtftaurntis, Prebevdanus primum Weftmonafte- rienfis, dein Decanus D'i cltrenfis f alius eo mmere per Annos xxii; & quod excurrit cum laude fhkUus decejfit, An. ALtat. 80. Salu- tis 1*584. Abi LeUor, & Mternitht&n cogita. His Succeffor was Dennis Green v ill, S. T.P. inftalled Dec. 1 4. 1 584. He was deprived Feb. 1. 1690. on King William and Queen Marys Acceffion to the Crow r n, and retiring into France on Attendance of King James, died there at Paris, April 7. 1703. and was buried in the lower End of* St. Innocents Church-yard in that City. On his Deprivation, Thomas Comber, S. T. P. became nominated to this Dignity r April 23. 1 69 1. He died, and was buried at Stonegrave, Co. Tork s with this Infcription : M. S. Sifte Viator, Gradimi mora mn erit di/pendium fcire, quanti Viri venerandos premis Cineres, exuvias Mortales (perenni Felicitati maturos) heic deponi voluit Thomas Comber, S. T. P. grande No- men, pluribus hand Opus ; Pit Pietate, Emditione, Ingenio, judicio. Ceterifjue Animi dot i bus clarus •> major e - Dunelme, ac 3ftefit>cnfiariu# in (SBccl. Coll. -^ail(ti Johannis Beverlaci, 5 ^antfi Wilfrid! Rippon, $ui ofout 2 5 ^>ie Maii 1465. Cujus Sflnimae p?opitief at 3&en.s. His Succeffor, as I judge, was RalphBooth, An. 1 453 . an d that Laurence "Booth, made Bifliop here An. i^j. before his Translation to Tork, collated him to it ; as he afterwards collated him about 1480. to Tork Archdeaconry, and that he held both till his Death, An. 1497. when Roger Tje y b o r n e feems to have fucceeded ; for I find him poi- fefs'd of it 14pp. In 1 5 04. he was made Bifhop of Carhjle, and, as I judge, * JohnBoernius, or Soerws Genenfis, a Foreigner, was intru- ded -on this Dignity by the Pope. On whofe quitting it An. 1 5 1 5:. 1 William Franklin, B. D. fucceeded An. 151 5. He was An. 1536. made Dean of Windfm\ and about the fame time Rector otChal- fonte Co. Bucks. In 1545. being Mailer of St. Giles's Hofpital at Ke- pyer, he furrender'd that Hofpital to the King's Hands, as he did good Part of the Revenues of W'mdfor Deanary ■ for which being complained of An. 1551. he was forced to quit his Deanary, but kept his other Preferments 5 and dying about 1555. was probably buried obfcurely at St. Giles's, Chalfoute. On his Death, Bernard Gilpin, B. D. fucceeded in this Archdeaconry 1555. but quitted it in about four Years, contenting himfelf only with the Re- ctory 2 (So Archdeacons of Northumberland. dory of Houghton le Spring in this County, and refufing to accept of the See of Carl i fie, he died, and was buried at Houghton, March 4. 1583. On his Refignation, John E b den, B. D. became admitted Archdeacon May 22. 1 5^0. but being richly beneficed in Ely and Winchefier Diocefes, he quitted this to John Pilkington, B.D. collated T)ec> 5. 1563. He died An. 1603. and was buried in the Cathedral without any Monument, and fucceeded by William Mo re ton, B.D. collated Nov. 19. 1603. He died, and was buried in St. Nicholas Church in Newcafde, July 18. 1621. and was fucceeded by Gabriel Clerk, or Clark, S. T. P. collated OB. 11. 1621. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral^ with this Epitaph on his Graveftone ; J. H. S. Hicjacet T)om. Gabriel Clark, S. S. T7jeol. Archid. Dunelm; & hujus Eccl. Subdecanus, quimorttms eft, An. i66z* Maji io. His Succeffor was DennisGranvill" S. T. P. collated Sept. 1 6. 1 66i. On whofe Deprivation of this and the Deanary of Durham (where fee more of him) Robert Booth, B. D. fucceeded, being collated May 1 ?. 1 6$ 1 ." living 1723. Dean of Briftol. Archdeacons of Northumberland. r ~jH HIS Dignity, with Bowick Re&ory, Co. Northumberland, an- j, nex'd, was valued 1534. at 36/. 13 J". 4^. Robert held this Office An. 1 140; as did Ralph An. 1141. and 1 153. and Wi l l 1 a m Anno 1 1 60. Durand enjoy 'd it Anno 1 174. as did Richard^ Marifco, An. 1 2 1 2. He was 1217- made Bifliop, and Alan de Lenne placed in his room, as I fuppofe ■> for he held it i:i9' Thomas^ Anejly was preferred to it April 5. 1548. and quitted it 1250. for 'Durham Archdeaconry. Thomas Archdeacons of Northumberland. 261 Thomas de Hereford died poffeffed of it 1253. in Auguft. The next I meet with is Richard^ Middleton - 3 he held it 1270. as did Nicholas^^//j' 1310, and 1311. Robekt de dickering was from it next Year, 13 1 2. made Dean of York ; having, I prefume, quitted it An. 1 3 14. to Thomas^ Charleton, LL. D. In 1327. he was made Biihop of Hereford, and fucceeded by John de Carleton, or Charleton, promoted to it by the King, Feb. 15.1328. The next I find is *EdmondHoward,A. 1343* and then I meet with * William de Shrewsbury, about 135^. He was about 1350. made Prebendary of 'Frees , and Archdeacon of Salop in Lichfeild Cathedral, and fo I fuppofe quitted this to John Bamburgh, who occurs 1361, and 1352. in June. His Succeffor was ^Richard de Bernard s-Cafile, collated Sept. 30. 1362. He is no doubt the fame Perfon mention'd in the Rites of Durham, that made Bede's Shrine in the Cathedral or Abby, An. 1370. and lies buried by it. He feems to have quitted it to * Thomas Duffeild, whom I find collated Aug. 19. 1369. to whom fucceeded William de Beverlaco or Beverley ', collated about Jan. 1369. the fame Year; and to him JohnDersv, prefented to it as the King's Title, 3Dec. 3.13 70* The next is, John Refame, who occurs 1385, and 1397. As 'does * Joh n de 1) alt on, An. 1401. and *JohnRickengale, An. 1408. He reiigned it next Year to * H e n r -y Eton, for I find him poffefs'd of it 1410. However * John Rickengale came into it again An. 141 1. and beinp- 1425. made Bifliop of Chichefter, *Marmaduke Lumley feems to have fucceeded j for I meet with him An. 1427. He was An. 1430. made Bifhop of Carlifle j hut who fucceeded him I am to feek, the next in my Catalogue being Robert Mason, LL. D. made An. 1481. Precentor of Lin- coln. When he came in I connot find, and it is hard to prefume he held it fixty three Years, tho' he died aged, and was buried in Lincoln Ca- thedral, with this Infcription on his Graveflone,- Mm m$tt 262 Prebendaries of Northumberland. ©?afe m ainima iHaagifhi Roberti Mafon, %t%m\ SPocfoM 55rt!)ibia- coiu Northumbrian, 5 $?ccento:i# i)tijiu$ Ccclcfiae, r^ui obttt ftn. ^Oin« 1493. His Succeffor was Ralph Scroop, inftituted Feb. 23. 1493. He died An. 151 5. being Prebendary of Lincoln, and Re&or of Hambledon Co. 'Bucks, and was no doubt fucceeded by Robert D a vell orDovELi, LL. D. Canon of Exeter and Tork ; for I meet with him poffefs'd of it 1518. two Years after Scrooge's Death. He alfo en joy 'd it 1541. and dying, as] I judge, An. .1557. was fucceeded by William Carter, S. T. P. for I find him collated to it Nov. 3. 1558. He was An. 1561. fentenced, as being a Popifh Recufant, to remain at or near L'hirske in Tbrkjhire, having been the preceding Year deprived of his Preferments by Queen Elizabeth, who nominated William King to this Dignity^//. 1. 1560. He died An. 1 />r. 13- 1621. He died 1 63 3. being Re&or of ' Bifiops-Wearmoutb Co. Durham, and Staf- ford Co. Tork, and was fucceeded by Joseph Naylor, S. T. P. Re&or of Sedgfeild, collated Feb. 2 5. 1 63 3 . On whofeReiignation William F l at h e r s, B. D. became collated Nov. 24. \6$ 6. He refigned it An. 1638. and was fucceeded by E V E R A R D Prebendaries ^.DURHAM. 263 Everard Gower, B. D. collated May 9. 1 63 8. He was An. 1540. made Vicar of Norton ', and An. 1641. Reftor o£ Stanhope, and had for his Succeffor Isaac Basire, S. T. P. collated Aug. 24. 1544. as I find in an Account in the Firfi-Fruits Office, in which no notice is taken of John Rob/on s being Archdeacon here ; and fo I fnppofe what is in Walker muft be a Miftake. As to Dr. Sajire, he was afterwards Re&or of Stanhope and Ecclefclif, and dying 1675. was buried in the Cathedral Cemitery, with this Infcription : T)epoJitum If. Bafire, S. T. 2). Archid. Northumbrian, hujus Feci. Ca- ownici, & Regions Augufi. Carol. I. & II. a Sacris, qui obdormmt - 12 'Die O&obris, A. < D. 1676. An. ALtat.fu* 69. 1 Theff. iv. 14. jDeuj eos qui dormienmt per Jefum adducet cum eo. William Turner, S. T. P. fucceeded, being collated OB. 30. \6-j6. He died, and was buried in St. Giles's Church, Oxford, with, this Infcription on his Graveftone : Gulielmus Turner, S. 5T. P. Archid. Northumbr. EccL Tarochialis ds Stanhope in Agro Dunelm. RetJor, obiit April 20. k58). John Moreton, S. T. B. fucceeded, being collated OB. 5 . 1 6S 5. He died about Nov* 16. 1722. being alfo Reclor of Sedgfeild, and Pre- bendary of 'Durham, and was fucceeded by Thomas Sharp, A.M. Rector of Rothbury in this County, Pre- bendary of Tork and Southwell ', collated Feb. 27. 1722. Prebendaries (/DURHAM. First STALL. EdwardHyn dm e r s, S. T. P. per Cart am Fundationis datam May 1 2. 1 541. He died An. 1 543^ and was fucceeded by John Cray ford, or Crayforth, S. T. P. inftalled An. 1543. On whofe Death, as in the Account fent me, R o b e r t S w ye t, LL. D. became inftaU'd^r// 8. iytfi. He was Re&or of Sedgfeild forty Years, and held this Stall longer, and dying here about 160 6. was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription, long fince entirely defaced. Mm 2 Robertus 264 Prebendaries of DURHAM. Robertus Swyfte Rotheramia?, oriundus, Cantabrigian in Coll. Johannis ixtb Stall for this. On his removal to the Firft Prebend, John N e i l e, A. M afterwards S. T. P. became collated Jug. 1. 1635. He died April 14. 1675 being alfo Dean of Rippon ; and was buried at Rippon, and fucceeded by Thomas M u s g r a v e, S. T. P. inftalled July 12. 1 57 5. He died March 28-i<586. being alfo Dean of Carlifle, and was buried in this Cathedral, With an Infcription (given among the Deans of Carfile) and fucceeded by John Cave, A. M. inftalled May 1 5. i<585. He died in Otfober 1690. and was buried at Cohort on Co. Leicejrer, where he wasRe&or , and fucceeded by S a m u e l Eyre, S. T. P. inftalled Nov. 10. 1690. He died Jnv.o 1694. hcing Rector of Whitbofne Co. 'Durham , and was fucceeded by James Finney, S. T. P. inftalled Nov. 27. 1594. living Anno 1723. Rector of Rytov. Fou'r'th- STALL. WIli. iam Ben net, S. T. P. Monk of Durham, per Funda- tioran, May 1 2. 1341. He died 1 579. being Vicar of Acclif, and was fucceeded by Henry N ant on, Rector of EgglefclijF, inftalled Nov. 3. 1579. To whom fucceeded Emanuel Barnes, S.T. P. Rector of Houghton in the Spring, remov'd from the f ft h Prebend to this Stall, An. 1607. He died An. 1 6 14. being Prebendary of Fenton in 2 "ork Cathedral, and Rector of Cray he, and was fucceeded by Peter S m a r t, A. M. collated July 6. 161 4. removed from Pre- d the fixth to this Stall. He was, An. 1631. deprived for Non-Con- formity, and fucceeded by Thomas Carr, S.T.P. Vicar of Aicclijf Co. Durham, and Rector of Htiqet Co. Tork, inftalled March 30. 163 1. In 164 1. I meet with the Will of Dr. Thomas Carr, dated July 13. and proved Nov. 13. 1641. in which he gives his Wife his Effetfs at Aiccliff, and ordered Prebendaries of DURHAM. 267 ordered to be buried in the "Black-Fryers, London. His Succeffor was John Bar wick, S. T. P. about 164.2. removed from the eighth Stall, but never inftalled,- for in 1660. he was made Dean, and fuc- ceeded by Thomas Smith, S. T. P. inftalled July 20. 1660, He quitted it 1661. for the fi\ ft Stall, and was fucceeded by John Durell, S. T. P. inftalled July 1. 1668. He died June &. 1683. and was buried ztWindfor, where he was Dean, and fucceed- ed by ; John Montague, S. T. P. inftalled Nov. 10. 1683. In 16572. he was' removed to the eleventh Stall, and fucceeded by Theophilus Pickering, S. T. P. Rector of Sedgfeild, inftal- led J^/^ 3. 1602. He quitted it likewife for the eleventh 'Prebend, and was fucceeded by Philip Falle, A.M. Inftalled Feb. 1. 1699. living 1723. Rector Shenly Co. Hertford. Fifth STALL. Ill.i a m T o d d, S. T. B. May 1 2. 1 541. per Fundationem. He was depriv'd An. 1567. and Ralph Lever, A.M. inftalled in his place, OB. 17. 1567. He died 1585. being Rector of Whijjington and Stanhope, and Mafter of Sherborne Hofpital, and was fucceeded by Emanuel Barnes, S. T. P. inftalled July 29. J 585. He quitted it 1607. for the fourth Stall, and was. fucceeded by John Calfhill, An. i6oj. He died 1619. and was fuc- ceeded by John Cra.dock, A. M. Archdeacon. of Northumberland, col- lated dug. j. 1619. He died An. 1627. and was fucceeded by • E l e a z a r Duncan, S. T. P. Rector of Houghton, . inftalled Jan. 8. 1627. He died in Exile about 1650. and had for his Suceeflbr Thomas D a l t o n, S. T. P. Rector of 'Berwick in Elmet, Co. Tor-k, inftalled Nov. 2. 1660. on Dr. Tiuncaih Death. He rellgned it, and was fucceeded by Thomas Cart w right, S. T. P. inftalled Nov. 1 5. 1 672. He was. An. 16% 6. made Bifhbp of Chefter, and fucceeded by Constantine J e s s o p, ?. T. P. inftalled Nov. 1 5. 1 6%6. He died Mar. 10. 1695. and was buried at Frington Co. Northampton, with this Infcription on his Graveftone : Tat am 268 Prebendaries o/DURH A M. Eat am hie prafiolatur refurreWonem Conftans Jeffop, S. T. P. Eccl. Dunelm Prebendaris, et hnjus Eccl. Rector ', cat era jama dabit, fed nee monumento perenniori carebit, vir defideratijjimus. Qtioad ufque Sue ce fibres gratos cedes RetJoris fufiantare non pigaerit quos ele- gant ijfimas modejfas tamen Animi fui fimillimas propriis fumpti- bus condidit {j ecclefia dicabat. i>ecubuit 10 Martii A. D. 1695. JEtatis 55. His Succeffor was John Bowes, S. T. P. inftalled Jpril 21. 1696. on whofe be- ing removed to the Firfi Prebend. Nathaniel Ellison, S. T. P. became collated, Sept. 3 (J. and inftalled OB. 1. 1712. He died in June 1720. being Archdeacon of Stafford, Rector of Whitbom, and Vicar of Newcafile, and fuc- ceeded by Thomas Mangey, L L- D. Vicar of Tealing Co. Middle/ex^ Chaplain to Dr. Robinfon Bifliop.of London, prefented May 11. 1721* He quitted it for the Firfi Stalls and was fuccqeded by Jonathan Hall, A.M. afterwards 'DID. prefented Jan. 1 . 1722. Fellow of St. Johih College, Cambridge ; and Re&or of Cock- $eild Co. Suffolk. Sixth STALL. Stephen M a r l e y, S. T. P. Monk of Durham, per Fundati- onem, May 12. 1541. He was depriv'd, An. 1572. and fucceed- ed by Peter (called by fome, Robert) Shaw, A.M. inftalled Aug: 1572. The next was William S e l b y, A. M. collated July 1 2. 1608. to whom fuc- cccded Peter Smart, A. M. collated Dec. 30. 1609. He was, An. 1 6 14. removed to the Fourth Prebend, and fucceeded by Ferdinando Moorcroft, A. M. collated '[fan. 6. 1614. He was removed to the Eleventh Prebend, and fucceeded by Daniel Birkhead, S. T. P. July 14. 1 619. on whofe quit- ting it for the Tenth Stall, Gabriel Clark, A- M. was inftalled Aug. 5. 1 620. He quit- ted it for the 'Third Prebend, and was fucceeded by John Prebendaries of DURHAM. 269 John R o b s o n, A. M. Vicar of Hart and Hartlepool., inftalled r Aug. 1. \62pr~ He died about 1544. and was fucceeded by Richard Wrench, S. T. B. collated about 1644. by Bifhop* Moreton, though not inftalled till March 10. 1660. He died OU. 26* An. -167 5. and was buried in the Cathedral with this Infcription on his Grayeftone: M< S. Richardus Wrench, S.T.S, hujus Eccl. dum vixit Canonicus placfde hie in domino requiefcit. Obiit a 6 Ott. 1675. Anna ejus Re- Jittamdrens pofuit. . ...■-..'.-. " ■ Richard K.N;IGHTjl e y, . A. M. fucceeded, being inftalled Nov. 17. 1575. He quitted it for the Seventh Prebend, in exchange With , John Morhon, S. T. P. inftalled November 29. 1676. On \yhofe removal to the Twelfth Prebend, Fitzherbert Adams, S.T,P. was inftalled in his Place, \Augufi 11. 1685. ;H e was^4«.- 15^5. removed to the Tenth Prebend, .and fucceeded by Henry Dob so n, S. T. P. Re&or of Holdovers, inftalled ^une 8. 169$. He died An. 17 18. and was fucceeded by - 1 John Do lb en, S.T. P. collated April 2,. 17 18. On whofe re- moval to the Eleventh Stall, Gilbert Watts, S. T. B. became collated Aug. yr. 1719. liv-; ing 1723. Fellow of Lincoln College O.xon, and-S. T.P. Seventh STALL ■ Ro si r t D a l t on, S. T. B. per Fundationem, May 1 2. 1 541 .. He was An. 1560. deprived for Recufancy, and committed to the Cuftody of the Lord 1) acres of the North, and Thomas. Sampson inftalled in his room, Sept. 4. 156c He was,An.. 1562., made Dean of Chrift-Church, Oxford, and fucceeded by ' Wi l l 1 a m Birch, A. M. inftalled July 4. 1 5^3 . He was deprived i 567. and fuceeeded by L e o n a r bj RiL K in g t o n, S. T. P. Re&or of Wloitbome, inftalled Sept. 6. 1567. The next I find is Marmaduke Blakiston, Vicar of Woodbome : He occurs poffefledofit J i6i2o, y ,bei0g alfo Re&or of RedmerJhalL Herefignedit An. 1 5j 1. to his Soq Nn Robert 270 Prebendaries of DURHAM. Robert Blakiston, collated Nov. 27. 163 I. He died 1534* being Rector ofBromfted Co. Norfolk, and was fucceeded by Matthew Levett, A. M. collated Jan. 24. 1634. He held it 1 541. and the Subdeanary of Nippon. His Succeffor was Isaac Basire, S.T.P. inftalied T)ec. 1 x. 1643. He died 1676. being Archdeacon of Northumberland (where fee more of him) and was fucceeded by John Morton, S.T.P. inftalied Oct. 16. i6j6. He exchang'd it for the Sixth Tr/bend with Richard Knightley, A.M. who became inftalied into this Nov. 29. i6j6. He died and was buried at Sifeild Co. Northampton, when he was Re&or, with this Infcription on his Graveftone : Richardus Knightley, A.M. obiit Sept. 17. \6g%, J'ohn Smith, S.T.P. Re&or of Si/hop's-Wearmouth, fucceeded, being inftalied Sept. 26. 1695. He died "July 30. 171 5. and was bu- ried in St. Johns College Chapel, Cambridge, with a long Infcription on his Monument, printed in Le Neve and elfewhere ; and fucceed- ed by Thomas Eden, LL. D. removed from the Ninth Stall to this Prebend, and inftalied into it Aug. 23. 1715. living 1723. Reftor of Winjion. Eighth S T A t t John Towton, S. T. B. per Fzmdationem, May, 12. 1541. He was, An. 1560. deprived, and Adam Sheppard, i.nftalled in his room July i%: 1566.' He died An. 1 563. and was fucceeded by Thomas Levet, B.D. Mafter of Sherborne Hofpitai, r- filled Febr. 21. 1563. He died in July 1577* and was buried 'm. She: 1. me HofpitaL, having been deprived 1567. for Nonconformity, as I judge. On his Deprivation, he was fucceeded by Richard Longworth, B. D. who was collated Nov. 9. ■ 1 5 -.■ He was afterwards made Dean oiChejltr, and fo refigned this, and v. as fucceeded in it by Francis Bunny, A:M. inftalied May 13. 1572. He died April 17. 1 617. and was buried atRyton^ where he was Re&or, and was fucceeded by Francis Prebendaries ^DURHAM. 271 Francis Burgoyne, inftalled May 6. 1617. He died 1533. and was fucceeded by Anthony Ma x t 6 n, A. M. . Redor of Wolfingham and Middle- ton, m c fifdale, collated May 23. 1633. He died about 1^41. and was fucceeded by John Barwick. He quitted Jt about 1643. for the Fourth ^Prebend, and was fucceeded by Robert Gray, S. T. P. collated about 1 £43 . by Biiliop Moreton, but not inftalled till Nov. 2, 1660. He died An. 1704. being Redor o$ Bijhop's-Wearmouth, and was buried there without the leaft Memorial, and fucceeded by PvOb.ert Offley, A.M. inftalled July 28 i 1704. living 1723. Redor of Abivgworih Co. Surrey, Ninth STALL., Nicholas Marley, B.D. May 12. 1541. per Fundationem. He was deprived 1560. for his Religion, and fentenced not to come within eight Miles of ^Durham, and fucceeded by Thomas Horton, prefented by Queen Elizabeth, Jan. 1 5. 1560. On whofe Resignation the fame Month, William Stephenson, B. D. became inftalled Jan. 28. 1560. He died An. 1575* and was fucceeded by Richard Fawcet, B. D. Rector of Soldovers, collated T)ec. 20. I 575. The next I find is George MorecRoet, A. M. He occurs 1 61 5. and dying 'An. 1648. being alfo Redor of Stanhope and Wolfingham, and was fucceeded by Thomas Triplet, S. T. P. Redor of Wbitborne, collated March 20. 1648. by Biihop Moreton, though not inftalled till Nov. 2. 1 65©. Herefignedit 1661. being made Prebendary of Wefiminfier, and was fucceeded by William Sancroft, S. T. P. inftalled March 11. 1661. He was afterwards the moft worthy Archbifhop of Canterbury, On his Resignation of this Prebend, Thomas Holds worth, A. M. Redor or Dean, as he is ftyled, ofMiddlehamCo.Tork, fucceeded, and was inftalledjz^i. 167 j. He died An. 1680. and was fucceeded by Henry B a g s h a w, S. T. P. inftalled July 20. 1 <58o. He died 1709. being Redor of Houghton le Spring, and was fucceeded by William Hartwell, S.T.P. inftalled Febr* 7. 1709. Ke quitted it for the Tenth Stall, and was fucceeded by Nn 2 Tho mas 272 Prebendaries of DURHAM. Thomas Eden, LLD. inftalled July 24: 171 1. On whole removal to the Seventh Stalls William L up ton, S. T. P. fucceeded, being inftalled Febr. 20. 171 5. He is living 1723. Le&urer of St. 'Dunftans Fleetftreet, London, Preacher of Lincolns-Inn, and Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxon. Tenth STALL. Ralph Blakiston, per Fundationem, May, 1 2. 1 541.' John R u d d, B. D. was prefented by the King, June 20, 1550. on the Death of 'Bl alii ft on. He was deprived Anno 1553. on Queen Mary's Acceflion to the Crown, and George Bullock, S. T. P. Mafter of St. Johns College, Cambridge, prefented to it and inftalled 1 5 54. He was deprived An. 1559. and John Rudd, reftoredi55p. He died An. 1578. and was fuc- ceeded by Hugh Broughton, A.M. collated Nov. 1 8. 1 578. On whofe Resignation, Ralph Ton stall was inftalled, Nov. 9. 15:80. He died In March 161 8. being alfo Archdeacon of Northumberland, and was fucceeded by Augustine Lindsell, S. T. P. inftalled April U *6i9\ He quitted it for the Second Stall, and was fucceeded by Daniel Birkhead, S. T. P. inftalled Auguft 5. 1620. He died 1624. and was buried in the Cathedral, with the following Epitaph : Monument a qnifquis & feme/a marmora Viator oculis curiojis afpicis Et Liter arum validas not as Hie Jifle Gradus et minor e ti Scientiarum viva dum vixit domus Honeftitudo fed Prioris faculi Sublime acumen fed modefte fentiens • . £ ■i- ■ In Prebendaries of DURHAM. 275 Infaftuofum Judicium, fed peifpicax, %)oai Lepores, innocens Prudentia, Et tot per Annos Vita inoffenpus tenor ', Hac intus funt omnia. Hoc te Viator fcire refert fi quidem Magijier Vita Mortuorum Memoria eft. John Cosin, S.T.P. fucceeded, being collated 'Dec. 4. 1624. On whofe being made Bifhop, DanielBrevint, S. T. P. fucceeded, being inftalled Mar do 1 5, r \66o. He died May 5. 1695. and was buried in Lincoln Cathedral, where he was Dean, and fucceeded by Fitzherbert Adams, S.T.P. inftalled Jan. 8. 1695. He quit- ted it for the Sixth Prebend, and was fucceeded by William Hart well, S.T.P. inftalled June 14. 171 1. remo- ved from the Ninth Stall, living 1723. Rector of Stanhope. Eleventh STALL, hied the Golden Prebend. Robert Bennet, Monk of this Convent, per Fimdationem, May 12. 1 541.. He died 1558. and was fucceeded by Anthony Salwvn, S. T. B. inftalled OU.n. 1558. He was next Year deprived, and order 'd not to go five Miles North from Kirkby- Morefide, the Place of his Confinement, or to Tork City. On his De- privation, . John Henshaw was inftalled Nov. 29. 1 5 59. He died next Year, and was fucceeded by Adam Holyday, inftalled Jan. 3. 156©. He Was alfo Rector SiJ/jops-Wearmouth. His Succeflbr was Clement Colemore;LL.D, Chancellor of the Diocefe, Re- ctor of Sranfpeth, inftalled May 9. 1590. He died June 18. 161 p. aged 69. and was buried in the Cathedral,, with this Infcription : Pia Memoria clarijjlmi Viri Clementis Colemore, Legum "Doctoris, jEneanafenfis olim Coilegii Socii, & Alma Academia Oxonienfts 'Pro- cur atoris, (j Epifcopatus Dunelmenfis Cancallerii per 70 Annos, e- tiam invidia, favente, integerrimi ejufdem Eccl. Prebendarii doUif- jimi hoc Moimmentam maftijfimi Filii pofuerunt. Obiit A.*D. 1619. jEtatis fua 69. Junii 18. Suorum P atria Paupermn omniumque quihis tarn rara Probitas Pietafqm non potnit, uon inmtefcere lon~ gus 274 Prebendaries of DURHAM. gus Dolor, Scio quod Redemptor mens vivit, Dom. Jefu veni cito. Ferdinand o Moorcroft, Rector of Stanhope Matter of Greatham Hofpitai, fucceeded, being collated July 14. 1619. who dy- in about 1640, or 1641. Ralph Brownricg- fucceeded about 1 6 \ 1 . a- 3 b e in g next Year made Bifliop of Exeter, was fucceeded at his Death, which happened An. i6jp. by - Thomas Wood, B. D. prefented July 7. and inftalled 'Dec. 10. 1 660. on Bifhop Brovonriggs Death. He was afterwards made Bifliop of Lichfeild, but held this in Commendam till his Death, An, 1692. when John Montague, S. T. P.. was removed from the Fourth Pre- bend, and inftalled in this, June 2.. 1692. He was An. 1699. made Dean, and fucceeded by Theophilus Pickering, S. T. P. removed from the Fourth 'prebend likewife, and inftalled in this, Feb. 1. 1699. He died An. 17 10. and was buried at Sedgfeild, where he was Rector, and fucceeded by Fitzherbert^Adams, ST. P. Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford, and of Waflnngton in this Diocefe, removed from the Tenth Prebend, and inftalled in this, April 14. 171 1. He died, and was buried July 1. 17 19. in All Saints Church, Oxon, with this Infcrip- tion on his Graveftone : 31. S. Fitzherbert. Adams, S. T. P. Coll. Lincoln per Annas uReffor, Quemfatis commendabant oris Gejlufque 'Decor & Majeftas, Plus tamen animi Dotes & antiqua Morum Simplicitas, Delicata cur a & eleganti nitore perpolita. Omnium placendi Artium mirifice folers magnaum gratia licet ; Non C 'apt ator facile compos fuit Nathan. 'Dom. Crew, ornatijfimo Prafuli Dunelm. Digvitati auxit illumque & Colleg. cut praerat Qttotidiaxis 'Beneficiis fotit ry accumulavit. Obiit 27 Junii, A. D. 1719. & /Etatisfu* 68. John Dolben, S. T. P. removed from the Sixth Prebend, and collated to it Jtdy 17. 17 19. living 1723. Re&or of 'Barton-Latimer ~s, and Vicar of Fyndon, alias T^hingdon, Co. Northampton, and now late- ly, by the Death of his Father, a Baronet of this Kingdom. Twelfth Prebendaries o/DURHAM. 27^ Tveliih STAL L. William Watson, Monk of 'Durham, per Eimdationem, May |2ij iJ4T« He dsz&dn. 1555. and was fucceeded by ANTHONrSALwra, coliatecL0£?. 12. 1550. On whofe quit- ting it for the Eleventh Stall, George Cliff, S. T. P. became initialled Sept. 13. 1558. He held it 1580. andthe Re&ory of c Branfpeth. Henry Ewbank,, A.M. fucceeded, being inftalled Sept. 8. 1596. He was alfo Reclor of Whickham and Whijfwgton. In the South Ifle of the , Cathedral was an Inscription for one — Ewbank, who died Rector of Ryton about 1620. which, I fuppofe, was this Per- fon : Tho' his S.ccelfor, "William James, A.M. is faid in the Account fent me, to be inftalled OU. 6. 1620. onEwbtv ;£'s Refignation. He was alfo Redor of 'Ryton, and dying after 1.650. was fucceeded by Go y Cab t. e ,t. 6 n, S. T. .P. prefented.. .by the King July 19. '1660. on the Death of Willi am James. He died July 6. 1685. being alfoBifhop of Chichefier, and was buried in that Cathedral, and fuc- ceeded by . . J. J John More ton, S. T. P inftalled July 18. 16-85. removed from ;the Sixth 'Stall. He died about November 16. 1722. being alfb Re&or> 3£3 Sedgfeild, and Archdeacon of Northumberland, and Was fucceeded by Th o m a s Ro u n d e ll, or Run del l, LL. B. Trea'furer of Salisbury, and Archdeacon of Wilts, made Reilor of Sedgfeild, and re- moved from tha EirjiTreUnd to this Stall, on Dr. Moretmis Death, pre- fented Nov, 22, 1722. ■ . . ■ . - - Arch- 276 Diocese of DURHAM, Archdeaconry and County of Durham. • Deanary of CHESTER. Names of Churches and Chal'els. Tatrons of Livings. Mv.Hedworfh. JlOMoosrs, alias Sol- Bifliop of Durham. u douR. Chefier on the Street Cur. Ebcbefier Cur. Matter of Sherborne Hofpiral. Edmondbyers R. Chapter of Durham. Qatefide R. and Hofp. Bifliop of Durham. St, Hilda, alias Shields, Chapter of Durham. Cur. Hmfianworth Cur. Mr. Ord. J arrow Cur. cum Nei-Z-\ir -nnr 1 ^ ther Hey worth. 5 Mr ' m M and others. JUameley Cur. Lanchefier Cur. Medomjley ?Cap. Sattley ) Mugglefwich Cur. Ryton R. Tanfeild Cur. Sir Henry Lydell. Bifliop of Durham. Chapter of Durham. Bifliop of Durham. Sir Henry Lydell. mtton Gilbert cum } Ch ter { Durham. Kmibleworth R. r Whitborn R. 1 Whickham R. ^Bifliop of Durham. WaJJoingtou R. ' Wearmouth Monacho- Chapter of Durham. rum R. Durham, St. Marga ret's, Cur. ^Chapter of Durham. Durham, St.Ofwald's, V. Religious Hotifes to which impropriated. College of Chefier-. MaitevftiipoiSherborne. Priory of Durham) Hofpitalofi&>#w-. Priory of yarrow. College of Chefier. Coll. of Langohefier* \ Priory of 'Durham. College of Chefier. Priory of Durham. Priory of Durham: Deanary Diocefe o/DURHAM. 277 Archdeaconry of Durha m. Deanary of Easington. T^Orham, St. Giles h *-* Cur. \m.Xempeft. Hofpital of Kepyer, Durham^ St. Nicholas, ) V. Durham, St. .Afary, Archdeacon of Nbr z alias North-Say ly R. thumberland. - 'Durham, St. Mary the Xrf/} 3 alias South-Say- The Crown. /j;R. Dalton V. Chapter of 'Durham. Priory of Durham* Eafington R: Bifhop of 'Durham, an- nex'd to the Arch- deaconry of 2)#rt ham. Cafile-Eden Cur. Mr. Bromley. College of Aukland. Houghton le Spring R. Biflhop of 'Durham. Hauedon Monachorum Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham, V. ^ JK> //ta V. Biiliop of Durham. Hofpital of Sherborne.'' } 'Pillington V. Chapter of ^Durham; Priory of Durham. Irimdon Cur. Mr. Woodfeild. Priory otGisborne. SeahamV. Earl of Gainsborough. Abby of Coverham. Sunderland R. Bifhop of Durham. Wearmouth Epifcopi Biihop of Durham. R. Deanary of Darlington. ACclijfV. ^ Chapter of Durham. Priory of 'Durham. '•* Aukland, St. ^#0 ^me;, Cur. ^Bifliop of Durham. College of Aukland. Aukland, St. Helen, ) Cur. Sranfpeth R. Mr. 2^. Sermrds-Cajik Curj Mr. 2toafcf. College of Bernards'. Caftk. Oo Qckfeild c 278 Diocefe ^/DURHAM. CockfeildR. ■ Connifcliff V. Darlington Cur. Egglejion Cur. Efcombe Cur. Gainsford V. Archdeaconry of Durham. Lord 'Bernard. Bifliop of 'Durham. Abby of St. Albans. Lord Bernard. College of Darlington* Mr. Baker. Priory of Egglejion. Bifliop of Durham. College of Aukland*. Trinity College, Cam- Abby of 2V& bridge. Denton \ r . n WhorktonS^V- Uaughton R. Sedberghe Cap. Uamfterley Cur. Heighinton V. Merrington V. MiddletoninTifdaleK. Lord Bernard. Staindrop V. Lord Bernard. Stanhope in Weredak Bifliop of Durham. R. St. 5^«' s Ca P- Whit worth V. Chapter of 'Durham. Wolfingham R. Bifliop of Durham. Whitton le Wear Cur, Lord Darcy. Winjion R. Bifliop of Durham. Bifliop of Durham* Bifliop of Durham. College of Atikland. ^ Chapter of Durham, Priory of Durham, Lord Bernard. College of Staindrop i Priory of Durham. College olAiikland^. Deanary of Stockton. "Dillingham V. ** BiJhopJionV. Din/dale R. Egglefclif V. Elwick R. JKftiM R. Grindon V. Qreatham V. iforf V. Hartlepool Cur, Hutworth R. Chapter of Durham. Matter of Sherborne Hofpital. Chapter of Durham. Bifliop of Durham. Bsfliop of Durham. Mr. Shaftoe. Mafter of Sherborne Hofp. Matter of Greatham Hofp. The Crown. Earl of Scarborough. Mr. Chamber i. Prior] of Durham. Ma r ccrttiip of ,£for- borne. Priory of Finchdale. Mafterfliip of m of c Dttrbanim RedmarjfoaliB., ■> r Stainton R. The Crown. Staunton Y. cum Mr. Theorsby and o- Abby of Torh Seton Cap. thers. SedgfeildK. cum , ^ of 2)«rW Elmedon Cap. J r Stockton V; Bifliop of Thirham. Antiently a Chapel to Sockbourne V. Matter of Sherborne Matter of Sherboume. Hofp. Wohifton Cml Chapter of Tiurham., Priory of Tiurham. In this Archdeaconry is alfo reputed w R. Co. 2^r^ in the Bir fliopof Tiurhams Gift. FINIS Jrchzd. & Com. Durham. Total of Churches and Chapch — - — — « 9 f . ■ Archdeaconry «? County of Northumberland, Heanary of Alnwick. JNijww 0/ Churches 'and . Religious Hotifes to Effingham V. Chapter of 'Durham. Priory of Tiurham. O o 2 EgUng" 280 Diocefe o/DURH A M. Archdeaconry of Northumberland^ Bilhop of Durham. Priory of 'finmouth Chapter of 'Durham. Priory of T)urham. EglinghamW. Bewick Cap. Edlingham V. Bolton Cap. or Boughton. Embledon V. Rock ;> p Rennington b ' ' Felton V. Framlington Cap. Jiowick R. llderton R. Ingram R. Lesbury V. Ailmonth Cap. Z/0«£ Haughton V. Rothbury R. Shwilbottle V. Warkworth V. Cbeventon Cap. Whittingham V. Merton College, 0mw. Merton College. The Crown. Biftiop of Durham^n- nex'd to the Arch- deaconry of iSfar- thumberland. Duke of Somerfet. Mr. 0g&. The Crown. Duke of Somerfet. Bifhop of Carlifle. The Crown. Bifliop of CarhJT.e. Priory of Britikbornt* Priory of Alnwick* Priory of Alnwick. Priory of Tinmouth; See of Carlifle, Chapter of Carlifle. Priory of Carlifle. TiAmborough V. *** Berwick V. Chillingham V. Chatton V. Dodington Cap Fw-^R. Deanary of Bamborough. 1, i ift/y Ifland V. 'Tweedmouth Aulcroft Hyloe Lowick >Cap. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. Mr. Francis Blake De- laval. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham, to which Holy-IJland was a Cell. Diocefe o/DURHAM, 281 Archdeaconry of Northumberland. Priory ofKirkham. KirhtewtonV. Cerham Cap. KorhawL V. Cornehill Cap. Woller V. Col. Strother. Mr. Forjier. Chapter of 'Durham. Priory of Durham. Biftiop of Durham, Priory of Alnwick. Deanary of Corbridge. 2D2W/, St. Peter, V. Chapter of Durham. 9* WhittenjiallCnp, %y well, St. Andre-w^Y, Mr. Thornton. Corbridge. V. Ha/ton Cap. Qhallerton V. Birtley ? r ■ CMpchafeS^' Hautwizzle V. Knarfdale R. Kirkhaugh R. Ovingham V. Symonds.bome R. ; l$ellingham-\ r>- Fawjione > Cap * Stamfordhiam V. .R?W Cap. Wardon V. Hay don ' ?^> , Newborough S ^P* WbitfeildRi Chapter oiCarlifle. Sir William Bldket. Biftiop of Durham. The Crown. Mr. Z&7/W/ of Hilton. Mr. Addifon. The Crown. !/^?0« .Mwr V. Qarragill Cap. The Crown. Sir Will. Blaket. Mr>Whitfeild. Co. Cumberland? Mr. Hilton, Priory of Durham. Abby of Albalanda, Priory of Carlijle. Priory of Hexham. Priory of Tinmouth. Priory of Ovingham, Cell to Hexham. Priory of Hexham, Priory of Hexham. Priory of Hexham, 282 Diocefe o/DURHAM. Archdeaconry of Northumberland, Deanary of Morpeth. B °if n X Y ;; * The Crown. Priory of Tinmouth. ** Bothall R. Lord Harley, now E. Hep bourne Cap. of Oxford. Sed/ington V. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham* Eifden R. Mr. Howard. Corfenjide Cap. Kirkhear/V. Sir Will. Lorrain and Abby of Albaland. Dr. Tomlinfon. Harbor ne V. Biihop of Durham. Neither Witt on Cap. Long Horfley V. The Crown. Morpeth R. £ a rl of Carli/le. U/gham or Ougham Cap. jlfitffcrrf V. Mr. Mitford. Meldon R . Chapter of Durham. Sbipwafl) R. held with Lord Harlev. Sotball. Stannington V. -> Whelpington V. 5 Bifll0 P ^Tittrbam. Whalton R. Mr. jBaites. Voodhorne V. Biihop of 'Durham. New Siggingi Horton fCap. Widdrington Priory of Tinmouth. Priory of Sfenkborne. Abby of Newminfter* Abby of Newminfter. Priory of Tinmouth. Deanary of Newcastle. 3W/W Cc Abby of Albalanda. 1 Ong Benton V. Saliol College, 0w». 3W/W College. *-* Heddou on the The Crown. #fc// V. Newbome V. Newcaftle St. .AZ/4&0- S»BHhop of Carli/le. See of Carli/le. las V., St. ^//- Diocefe of D U R H A M. 283 Archdeaconry of Northumberland. St. Andrews Newcafik "' All Saints Newcafik St. Johns Newcafik ^Cap. in the Vicar of North Goffard \ Newcafile's Difpofal. South Goffard Cramlington. St. 'Thomas-tin the Corporation of Newcafile's St. Anne's j Gift. St. Trinity-Houfe, In the Mariners Gift. IPont IJland V. Merton Coll. Oxon. Merton College.' Tinmouth V. The Crown, Duke of Priory of Tinmouth. Earfden Cap. Somerfet 3 and Sir John Delavall. Wallfend Cur. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. Total of Churches and Chapels in Durham Archdeaconry— 92' In Northumberland Archdeaconry ~ — — 109 Total — - 201 N* 5?. Befides thefe 1 07 Churches and Chapels Co. Northumberland^ abovementioned, there is the Peculiar of Hexham^ containing eight Churches and Chapels which is in the Archbifhop of Fork's Juris- diction and Diocefe. Thefe are, Hexham V. cum Whittley Cap. St. John Lees Cur. cum Singfeild & St. OfwaWs Cap. Allen- dale V. cum Ninebanks Cap. all impropriate to Hexham Priory, and in Sir Will- Blaket's Gift - y and laftly, Tochrington Cap. which is a Prebend in Tork Cathedral, and in the Prebendary's Gift. N- B. The Churches in this Diocefe, in the Patronage of the Chap- ter of Durham, as they were of old under the Jurisdiction of the Convent, fo they remain, efpecially thofe Co. Nortlmmberland^ exempt from Archidiaconal Vifitation, and are Peculiars of the Dean and Chapter of 'Durham. FINIS DioceC Durham. DIOCESE O F CARLISLE CONTAINS the better half of Cumberland and Wefimoreland, under the Government of one Archdea- con, viz- of Carlijle ; which has thefe Deanaries be- longing to it, Allerdale, CarliJJe, Tenretb Co. Cum- berland, and Wefimoreland Deanary, Co. Wejlmore- land. Dr. Heylin conceives it antiently belonged to the Bifhop of Candida Cafa, alias Whitherne, in Scot- land > but was afterwards, An. 6j9-. bellowed, with the Country fif- teen Miles about it, by Egfride King of Northumberland, on St. Cuth- bert, Biiliop of Lindisfarne, and fo became one part of it fubordinate to the See of 'Durham, and the other to York ; from which Diocefes it was taken An. 1 1 3 3 . and fevered from the Archdeacons of Durham and Richmond, when it had adiftinct Archdeacon of its own appointed ; under whom are ninety three large Parifh.es, of which eighteen are impropriate: Tho' t i SS J he Ichiioirraphii of the Cathedral iliurcli of 'Qmsgssj. A7/,,s/l l „,:B.7/„.P..Ir>.I> AA*J»«™' # ***** a i nyfcrcaft«Si2aK iters tv' k aretnt.reltj dcmohJhed.Y d Lathertns cLpelr^e r.jlry uU bo* R 5TA- W^-***^. ST he Arch decerns J eat ^•Yfie Spice wfiCre t/ie Cloijft'prj(n* n>er~& ■ Syuare) jload Aejore the ctvilt tpa JC cloofj that ted fut oj'the CJiurch into t/wm . &T fit Jilt* of tt*e o /J Chapter H«uf<- 6C \{ot-mito Jips unknown y.Sp SftuthsQt'ui^eTiarLe. j. » hut tfttppofed to he of 'S'-Bp JieHs y rave stone , BfS ApjAeZu ^Weftotz VJ Miitrgher-j \c nip ex. an z jHexandro Denton Jufliciar: Uom+ tieyis de Jliinco, u ._ tiqud Famtlid Dentonorttrti dc Denton Halt prape Curlicl : crtundo Htrc lube It a dicata est & T.i.n- ;V5 _ — _ , _ _ — _ ■ ■ — IDcrnirw ,%>/u/wu It du Deputy '. of thefe Parts under King Willi 'am~Rn] m, -who dedicated it ' to the BleiTed Virgin. But it being a mean Fabrick in refpec~l to other Cathedrals, Bifhop Gil- bert de Welton,' with the Afliftance-of feme of the Priors, and help of Money, as I prefume, left by Rtfberp^Efoksfeifd., Founder- of Q$ie.ens- College^'Oxo^btgan the Foundation^ of i new. Choir /.ahout thei Year. : i354.° which T wais : perfected by'his Succeflbrs, Jtifc.o'ps'TJjo.de- Appleby and William Strickland^ and the' 'Contributions of- the. Nobility and Gentry in thefe Parts, as may he judged by their Arms on Hie Roorj which is of •Wood nearly vaulted, and has thefe Coats painted urn-it, ..'viz... Peircyy Warren, Montague i , "Mortimer^ Clifford^ Qreyftock$ ^Biuchamp y < I>acre > Mt'tfgraz'e^Fitzlmghj Medll, V-aiice, CuPwen^-IjawfMgp^iljOWther. The other Parts of the Church, 1 -as the Crofs Ifie,. 'Tower in th'e Mid- 'dle, and Weft End, are very meanly built, 'with fmall Windows, darkifh.' and narrow ,- and the Roof lies low, like a common Parifhr ChurdHJ'as may be feed 'in Mr. Kyp's Draught,' which is here alfo gir ven,;forafmuch as it is the only -true RepreferitiQinoE [kj '.-the Draught iii the Moimfticon, tif-Dmiel -King, "which is printed .alfp on a Sheet of imperial 'Paper, and "in a lefferSize, being in no refpect 'like it; and may pafs as well for ariy other Church as this. This Church contains in Length from Eaft to Weft now only 219 Foot j thes' when the whole Weftern Part was ftanding, it was-8i Foot longeri But. this,, with the Square of the Gloifters, being - given in the.' Ichwgmphy y as it flood P p before 286 Cathedral of Carlisle. before it was demolifh'd about 16^6. I need only refer the Reader there- to. The Breadth of the Body, and Side-Ifles of the Choir Part, is 71 Foot ; equal to which is the Height of the Vaulting or Roof. The Length of the Crofs Ifle from North to South is 1 24 Foot ; being an- iwerable fo the Height of the Tower, which is 123 Foot; jn it hang five Bells, the only Peal of fo great a number in the Dioeefe, except at Tenreth. Here are ho Infcriptions, or one Brafs, except Bifhop Bell's and Bifhop Robinfoizs, before 1 660. neither can I find mention of any that remained here an hundred Years ago, except this one, painted on the Wall on the South Side, for one Skelt ■ > ' » - - ■ «_, 800 Perquifit. CuriarunV de Tialjlon » ' ' ■ " ' ■ 1 * — — • 3 19 o MnfiU%K'^¥osbfM^v^x^ y ^z. --T-*"* ~— — 19 9 7 Pp £ ReddituSj 288 Alienations from Carlisle^ .Redditus, &c. in Afpatrick — Newbeine Mancr. in Weflmoreland , ■ ■■ ■ - ■ '■ > ' <• Terr. & Reddit. in Colby • - — -■ > ■ ■ mtiautewille, • ■ • * ■ In Co. Lincoln, Homcajile Maner. — \ .Perquifit. Curiar. ibid. In diverfis Terris in Middlefex, extra Temple-Bar, vocat. Carliol-Rents — ■ ' > ■ ■ 1 6 4. o , , „. til; t, /._ ... " In toto Temporalia ., ; ■ y ■ ■ — -— i , ' — 268 16 11 "Which. Sum added to t]ie Spiritualities, made the whole Valuation amount to 577 /. o s. 3 d. But deducting neceflary-Pavments, the clear Value was reduced to 53 1 /. 4s. ~i id. at which, Sum jt Is at this I?ay, without any Diminution, charged for Firll-Fruits and Tcnth'sl Alienations of L a n d s of the Bijhoprich 1 IN the Year 1551. in May, a Letter was wrote by King Edward VI. with an Order to the Biihop of Carlifle,- to make the Lord Clinton a Leafe of 60 Years of his Manour of Homcajile, after the ac- • cuftomed yearly Rent, which was no- doubt complied with ; for, on NO'V. 1. 1552. Biihop Aldrich leafed the fame to him, on a Refervatioh of 28 /. per An. to the Bifhoprick* And in this Reign {-viz. Edward VI.) the Rents of CarUJle Houfe in the Strand, were made to the Marquefs of Worcejler, on a referved Rent of 1 6 1, per An. Thofe are, as I conceive, now known by the name of 'Beauford-'Bidldwgs j and -by it, as Dr. Ztodd writes me, this See fuffered a Diminution, tho' other wife it efcaped, Hcrncajile revert- ing again to the See An. 1555. on Queen Marys acceilion to the Crown. However, we are told in Carletons Life of Bernard Gilpin, on his men- tioning Biihop Sande? of Worcefier\ tempting him to accept of CarUJle Bifhoprick, that he ufes this Argument Intelliges interea epifcopa- tiim ilfam intaUum tibi relinquendimi, nihil enim abfcinditur ex eo, ficut in. aliis nonmillis fieri folet, fed & integrum epifcopatum accipies. And Dr. Heylin, fpeaking of the fold Bernard Gilpin, fays, he' would not take it on the TerHO* Biihop .2?*/?. did, viz* ftripping it of moft of its Endowment of Carlisle. 289 its Feathers. But what he fays, I judge was rather his Belief, or Opi- nion, than any real Grounds he had for itj becaufe I cannot difcover any thing done in Prejudice to this See, but what is before-mentioned : For tho' Biihop Mey, to provide for his Family, would have leafed fe- veral things to his Wife and Children, yet the Dean and Chapter wor- thily oppofmg him, they were all fet afide. In the great Rebellion thefe Sales were made of the Lands of this Bifhoprick. 'An. 1 647. Carlifle Houfe in Lambeth-Marjh Co. Surry, I s. d. fold Feb. 1 1. to Matthew Hardy, for 220 o o An. 1548. Homcafile Manour Co. Lincoln, fold Jan. 26. to John Nelthorpe Efqj for — - — 1479 4 10 An. 1 642. Sewley Caftle Co. Northumberland, fold Sept. 21. to Will. Sranthwaite Efq; for 231 10 o Bijhop 's-Row Manour, fold March 20. to Will' Under- wood, for — — — ■ ■ 237 4 2' An. 1650. Aspatrick Manour, fold May 31: to Anthony 'Peirfon, for — — - u ^-— 119 19 2 ^Daljion, Rofecaflle, Linjlock Manours, fold June 1. to William He'veringh am, for — — ■ -■ 41 61 11 10 WJ ■ I mi ■■■-■■■% Sum Total of thefe Sales amounted to ■ 6449 11 2 The Bifhop of Carli/Ie is Patron of St. Nicholas Newcafile Vicaridge, Rothbury Rectory, and Warkworth Vicaridge, Co. Northumberland ; Melborne Vicaridge, Chalftmi Cur.. Co. Derby - } Homcaftle Vicaridge, Mar rum Rectory, and Morby Rectory, Co. Lincoln ; and of his four Prebends and Archdeaconry, and feveral Livings in his own Diocefe. Endowment of the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle, Pat. 33. Hen. VIII. 'HE King erects the Chapter of Carlifle to confift of a Dean and four fecular Canons, Charter dated May 8. 1 542. endows them with the Scite of Carlifle Priory, and Manours of New lagging, New Lathes, Lllerton, Lorton, Seburgham, IJakeby, New digging in Al- ter dale, Qanaby, Crofsby in Alkr-dak, Allerthwait, and" Little Sat- held-. 200 BifhopS Of C A R L I S L E." hid, Co. Cumberland ; Corbridge Manour, Co. North umber I and, all Parcel of Carlijle Priory ; and Lands in Wejlmoreland. Cumberland, Parcel of the fame ; the Rectories and Churches of Mori and, and Churches of St. MichaeTs and St. Laurence in Appleby j Tythes of Hay and Lambs in Morland and Appleby Parifhes, and Penfion of 1 6 s. 8 d. from L&wtber Rectory j the Advowfon of Mori and, Corbridge, Whittir.gham, Se&caftle, and a Moiety of Newcajile Tythes j the Priory of Wether ed, the Rectories of St. Marys and St. Cuthbert in Carlijle, and of Sowerby, Aldingham, Kirkland, Tho- resby, 'Bughalkirk, Seburgham, Ireby, Cannonby, Camerton, Hey ton, Cromwhitton, Comrewe, Edenhall, and RozzcIJj? Churches, and half Stony ReAory ■, Penfions ilfuing out of Hoton, Hokemanby, Cafile-Car- rock, Aghtov, and Thoresby, all Parcel of Carlijle Priory ; the Advow- fons of Hutton, Caflle-Carrock, and 'Bewcajile, and of the Vicaridges of Sowerby, Thoresby, Edingham, Edinghall, Kirkland ; and the Advowfons of the Chantries of St. Katherine's, Holycrofs, and St. Heches, in Carlijle Cathedral, and of St. Alban in St.Cutbbert's Church in Carlijle, and of St. Mary's Chantry in Skelton Church, all Parcel of Carlifle late Monaftery, with all the Rights and Privileges belonging to the {aid late Priory, habend. to the Dean and Chapter, and their Suc- ceflbrs, in par am & perpetuam Elymofynam. The Value of the Temporalities then amounted to 247/. ps. and of the Spiritualities to 282/. 6s. 9 d. which made the whole 5:29/. 15 s. pd. but 82/. being deduced for neceffary Payments, the clear Value amount- ed to under 450/. per An. I cannot find any thing alienated from this Grant, the Chapter yet prefenting to the Livings mentioned therein, within the Diocefe ; and alfo to Corbridge Vicaridge, and Whittingham Re&ory, Co Northum- berland, in 'Durham Diocefe. Bishops of CARLISLE. THIS See, as we find in Avglia Sacra, Vol.1, pag. 282. was erected April n. 1133. by King Henry I. who took it out of the Diocefes of Tork and Durham, and Archdeaconries of Richmond and Durham, making Carlijle an Archdeaconry of itfelf, as well as Bilhcprick. " Athelwold, orADULPH, Prior of St. Ofwalds, alias NoJfelL, was confecrated firft Biihop, at Tork, May 14. 1133. He died An. 1 1 55. Bernard Bifliops of Carlisle. 291 B e rn ar d fucceeded, and was confecrated An. 1 1 57. On his Death, which happened An. 1186. King Henry II. being at Carlifle, nominated to the Chapter one Paulinus de Leeds to be elected Bifliop • and tho' the Chapter chofe him, and the King offered to augment the Bifhoprick if he would accept thereof, yet he refufed it, as did two others to whom it was likewife offered, and fo it lay vacant thirty two Years, no one earing to accept thereof, it lying fo expofed to the Scots, whom the Canons favouring, and not much regarding the King of England, oc- casioned him to complain to the Pope, who at length conftituted Hugh, Abbot oiBattell, Bifliop here An. 1 218. whom all our Au- thors juftly reckon the third Bifliop, and he became accordingly confe- crated by Gualo, the Pope's Legate, Jan. 24.1218. He died on his return from Rome, June 23. 1223. On his Death, as Newcowt in- forms us, the Cuftody of this Bifhoprick was committed June 23. 1 223. to Theobald de Valen, Archdeacon of Eftex. But according to Godwin, Walter de Malckrk had on that Day, y dated Jan. 25. 1421. he gives feveral Books to the Univerfity of Oxford, and particularly to Baliol- College, and 20 1. to the Univerfity, and orders 315/. 13 s. 4^. to be depolited in a Chcft at Queens-College, for the Benefit of poor Scholars. Soon after which he departed this Life at London, in his Palace there, Feb. 4. 1422. and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral in that City. Among other Charities, he is faid to give 200/. for found- ing a Charity in his own Cathedral at Carlifle for one Skelton and Mr. John Glqftons Souls, of his own Diocefe, who lie buried in the South Ifle, where is yet to be feen the Tomb of the iirft ; and probably the unknown Monument on the oppofite Side, referred to in the Ichnogra- phy, may be in Memory of Glajlon. His Succeffor in this See was Wiluam Barrow, LL. D. Bifliop of Bangor. He had been, before he was made a Bifliop, Canon of Lincoln, Re&or of St. Laud's Church at Slcirrington Co. Bucks, and of Helmdon Co. Northampton, in that Diocefe, Chancellor of the Univerfity of Oxon, and became tranflated from Bangor hither, An. 1423. and received the Temporalities June \6. that Year. He died at Rofecajlle Sept. 4. 1429. and was buried in his own Cathedral, in a Chapel on the right Side the South Ifle of the Choir, where yet remains his Effigies neatly cut, in his Epis- copal Habit. In his Will, dated Sept. 1. 1429. three Days before his Death, he gives fome Plate to his Cathedral, and 20 /. to a Priefl to fing for him in St. Catherine's Chantry within his own Church ; and be- queaths fome Lands and Tenements at Sklrrington (where he feems to have contributed towards the building the prefent Church) to his Kinf- man Hugh. Marmaduke Lumley, LL. B. Mailer of Trinity-Hall Cam-* hridge, Archdeacon of Northumberland, Precentor of Lincoln, Red or of Stepney Co. Middlefex, and Charryng Co. Kent, fucceeded, and had the Temporalities reftored April 15. 1430. He vwsAni 14 50. tranflated to Lincoln, and fucceeded by Nicholas BifllOpS (/"CARLISLE. 295 Nicholas Close, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Colchefter, who had the Temporalities reftored March 17. 1450. He was tranflated to Lichfeild, and fucceeded by William Peircy, Prebendary of Tork, Lincoln, and Sarum, who had the Temporalities reftored OU. 1452. He died 1452. and was -fucceeded by John Kingscote, IX. D. Archdeacon of Glocejier, provided to this See by the Pope, July 1 2. 1462. and had the Temporalities re- ftored Oil:. 20. following. He died in about a Year, and was fuc- ceeded by Richard Scroop, who had the Temporalities reftored Jane 5. and was confecrated at York, June 24. 1454. In his Will, dated in May, 1468. on the 2 2d of which Month he died, he appointed to be buried in his own Cathedral, before the high Altar ; which was accord- ingly perform'd : Tho' I find no Memorial of him remaining. His Suc- ceflor was E d w a'r d Story, S. T. P. Mafter of Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge, Rector of Alh allows the Great, London, who had the Temporalities reftored him Seft. 1. 1468. He was An. 1478. tranflated to Chichejier, and fucceeded by Richard Beli, S. T. P. Prior of Durham, who had Reftitution of the Temporalities April 24. 1478. After he had fate here eighteen Years (during which time he built a Tower at his Palace at Rofecafile, which yet bears his Name) he betook himfelf again to a monaftick Life ; but whether he retired to Durham, or ended his Days in this Convent, I know not : Tho' kis probable, as he lies buried, fo he de- ceafed here. In the Middle of the Choir, near the Litany-Desk, is a large Marble, having his Effigies upon it in Brafs, and this Infcription round the Verge, being the only one whatfoever, except Skeins, as a- forefaid, before 1600. i^ic jacet ret*erenuti# later Ricbardus Bell, pontiam 40giftopug Car- liol. qui afr f)ac %uit migrator, rji^. Wcetimo ^ie — — 55nno ®o<- mint ~ €t omnium fifce'lium ^efuncto?um per $&£erica?&jam ^ei ; re^uieftaf in face. On his Breaft a Book open, with thefe Words: £rei)o pofc fteDempfo? meus fcfttf. Qq z At 20(5 Bifhops ^Carlisle. At his Feet thefe Verfes : i^oc saarmo? Ma Bell $?,zM\# en fcnef ofla, Durifrneoubttm$?io? f)ic poft©onfificafum <$cflif fto return, €!)?tft"ni ftiper omnia guerentf, ^ctnjcicn.s Haunoum, .goftenoo $?emia jfratrum. Wi lliam Sever, or Sveyet, Abbat of St. Mary's YoYk, fuc- ceeded, and had the Temporalities reftored 'Dec. 1 1. 1495. and was con- fecrated about Feb. 1495. He was An. 1502. tranflated to Durham, and fucceeded by Roger L e y b u r n, S. T. P. Matter of Pembroke-Hall Cambridge, Archdeacon of Durham, and Prebendary of Tork, confecrated Sept. 1 o. 1503. and had the Temporalities reftored iVtfc. 13. 1504. In his Will, dated jttly 17. 1507. he appointed to be buried in St. James's Hofpi- tal, near Charing-crofs, Wefiminfier ; which I find was performed, by a MSS. Note I have feen of his Death, which happened about the End of the fame Year, or Beginning of 1 508. On his Death, John Penny, LL. D. Abbat of Leicefter, and Bifhop of Bangor, was tranflated to this See, June 20. 1509. He died An. 1520. and was buried at St Margaret's Church in Leicejler, under a fine Alabafter Tomb, at the End of the North Ifle, having his Effigies curioufly carved, lying upon it in his epifcopal Habit. I prefume his Burial here was oc- caiioned by his having been the chief Inftrument in re-building this Church. His Succeflbr was John Kite, titular Archbifhop of Thebes, and Archbifhop alfo of 'Armagh in Ireland, who became confecrated to this See An. 1520. and received the Temporalities Nov. 1 1 . 1 5 2 1 . He died at London June 19. 1537. and was buried in the Middle of Stepney Chancel,, towards the North Side, with this Infcription on his Graveftone : lUnbcr ftjig .Stone tlofco ano marmo^afc Snctrj John Kite xonooncr J&afnfie €ncrcafu:r$ in ©cmtc* rote to !)i3j) €ftate 3n tlje f ourtf) Edward^ CljarjeU bp rji# pons Snffe &it\) lujjicl) tfje .Seoeiitl) Henry'# ^erbyce jfematnffe ©?oceonifi fiill in uertuouS €tficace £0 be m fano;t luitrj tfjis our fting'.si dfoace Bttt) Wit cnooluco ct)oten to be legate &zi\t into Spayne \ot}ere Jje rifiljt jonfuUn Comrmnto Bifliops ^Carlisle. 297 Comopeo t»oft> #?inceg in Peace moft amate 3(11 Greece ?Ivc5Bnfljoy elected tootfftclep $inD lafl of Carliel ruining pattojallp ftepps nobnl f ouftolo totti> arefe ^ofgifalifji ©ne tfjotetano fi^je |>untae& fl)irtp anJj le^pn 3jn\)ptcrate Uistij pafto^al €arn.s coirCumei) lutff) 3Hje Wcyz ninetentf) of Jun, recHonno fnl efyin JJaffgo to ifefcpn from toofl&lp #ilgrpmage <©f toijofe <§oul gooij $epl of Cljarile $?en a# ne tooio be njen/o fo?, fo? tf)u# muft pe ipe Jetu Saercn EaOn Ijelp In his Will, dated June 18. and proved June 2-1. 1537- he ordered to be buried near his Father's Grave in St. Margaret's Church WeBminerbam, Bing- ham, Kirhfwald, T>acre, Whitbech, Tonjanby, Muncaji-er, Bramp- ion 3 298 Bliliops Of C A R L 1 S L E. ton, Crofsby, Millam, Overtoil, and Set borne ; tho' they were after- wards took away by Queen Elizabeth, who made him an ill Return for his crowning her Queen (when all the other Bifhops had refufed it) by depriving him foon after, which is fuppofed to have fhortened his Days j for he died T)e c. 3 1 . 1559. and was buried Jan. 4. 1559- in St. c Dunftah\ Church in Fleetjfreet, London, without any Memorial. In his Will, dated Nov. 10. and proved Jan. 13. 1559. he gives fome fmall Legacies in Charity. After his Deprivation, Bernard Gilpin, as I have already mentioned, was offered this Bifhoprick ; but he refufed to accept hereof, fo it was conferred upon John Best, S. T. P. Prebendary of IVells, who became confecra- ted March 2. 1 560. and had the Temporalities reflored April iS. 1 561. He died May 21. 1 570. and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, leaving behind him the Character of a learned and pious Man. His Succeflbr was Richard Barnes, S. T. B. Suffragan Bifhop of Nottingham, Chancellor and Prebendary of Fork, elected June 25. had the Royal Affent July 15. and received the Temporalities July 26. 1570. On account, as was pretended, of the Exility of the Bifhoprick, he had Licence granted him to hold his Chancellorfhip of Tork, witlvthe Recto- ries of Stoke n ey, St engrave, Romaldkirk, all in Torkfiire, in Ccmmen- dam. But I fuppofe it was rather to advance his Fortune, which he was intent on, as a very worthy Member of this Church writes me, and fo try'd all he could with the Chapter to alienate fome of the Reve- nues, being the firft married Bifhop ot this See, but was worthily op- pofedby them • tho' on his Tranflation, An. 1577. to 'Durham, he e£- feded it there, and granted away good Part of the Endowment of that rich See, being a Perfon that had little Regard to the Hierarchy of the Church, and a great Favourer of Puritans, as a learned Author calls him. On his Promotion to 7) tirham John Mev, S. T. P. Mafter of Catherine-Hall, Cambridge, Pre- bendary of Ely, Archdeacon of Eafi- Riding, and Rector of Darfeild, fucceeded, had the Royal Affent Auguft 9. T-^JJ' ,was confecrated Sept. 29. and had the Temporalities reflored OU. 8. following. By what I J earn from Carl i fie, he much prefs'd the Chapter to confirm fome Leafes he had made of the Patrimony of this Bifhoprick to his Family ; but they ever oppof ing him, the Revenues of this See were preferved entire all Queen Elizabeth's Reign j and on King James's Acceffion to the Crown, an Act of Parliament made by that Prince, reflraining thofe Practices in Biihops, hath preferved this Church from Alienations, fo that I find no- thing dimimflied of its antientEndowment, but the leafing of Carlifle- Rents Bifhops of Carlisle. 299 Rents in London. As to Biiliop Me)\ he died Feb. 15. 1557. at Rofe- caftle, and was buried in the Cathedral,' without any Memorial, leav- ing behind him a Widow and feveral Children ,• which Widow dying at her Son-in-Law's Houfe, Richard Pilkington^ Rector of Hambledon Co. 2>ucks 3 was there buried, as I find by that Parifh-Regifter, Dec. 20. 1620. which ftyles her Amey Mey, Widow to the Biiliop of Car- life. On Bifhop Meys Death, Henry Robinson, S. T. P. Provoft of 0_ueens-Ccllege Oxon. was elected May 27. 1598. confirmed July 22. and confecrated July 23. following. This pious and charitable good Man, of whofe Bene- factions to Queens-College fee an Account in A. Wood 3 died June 19. 161 6. and was buried in the Cathedral, on the North Side the high Altar, where was put up over his Grave an Infcription on a Brafs Plate, much the fame with that in Queens-College Chapel, printed in A. Wood, tho'' without the Verfes on it, which are on the real Monument in Car- lifle Cathedral, which bears this Infcription : Henrico Robinfono, Carleolenfi, S. S. T'heolog. DoUori, Collegii R egi- iia Oxonia? Trapojito providijfimo, tandemque hujus Reel, per Annos xviii Epifcopo vigilantijfimo •, xiii Cal. Julii, An. a partu Virginis mdcxvi. AEtatis fit* lxiii. pie in Domino obdormienti ', Bernardus Robinfonus, Frater ac H. S. Tho- 1 302 Dearis ^/Carlisle.' 2). S. Thomas Smith, S. T. C P. hujus Ecclefu primtim Canonicus, dein T)ecanus, tandemque Epifcopus, placide hie in 'Domino requiefcit \ vixit Annos lxxxvii. Obiit duodecimo T)ie Aprilis, An. Chrifii JNIdcciii Mortens qui maxima meruit D.S. plura hie dici ne- gavit. On his Death, William Nicholson, A.M. Fellow alfo of Qiieens-Colkge, Oxon, Archdeacon and Prebendary of this Church, and Vicar of 7or- penhoe in this Diocefe, was by Conge d Lire dated May 8. 1702. elect- ed Bifhop, and confecrated June 14. following, foon after which, about July, he took his Degree of Do&or of Divinity. This learned Bifhop, to whom the World is much indebted, not only for what he has publifh'd in Antiquity, but in univerfal Sciences, was An. 1718. translated to Londonderry in Ireland, and Cucceeded in this See by Samuel Bradford, S. T. P. ■ Prebendary of Weftminfler, Rector of St. Mary Le 'Bow, London, and Mafter of Sennet, alias Corpus- Chrifii-College, Cambridge •, Conge d Lire dated April 30. 17 18. re- ceived Confecration June 1. being TJliitfunday, and was enthronized Nov. 4. About June 1723. this prefent Year, he quitted it for Roche- fter, and was fucceeded by John Wa ugh, S. T. P. Fellow of Qiie e ns-College, Oxon, Dean of Qlocefter, Prebendary of Lincoln, and Reftor of St. 'Peters Cora- hill, London, nominated hereunto about July 1723. who being a Na- tive of the Diocefe, born at Appleby, render'd his Promotion very ac- ceptable to all the Clergy and Gentry in thefe Parts. Deans 0/ CARLISLE Lancelot Salkeld, laft Prior of Carlifle, was by King Hen- ry VIII. on the new Foundation, conftituted firft Dean by the Foundation-Charter dated May 8. 1542. An. 33. Hen. Will. He was, on King Edwards AccefTion to the Crown, deprived, and Thomas Smith, LL. D. afterwards knighted, fubftituted in his place An. 1 547. but on Queen Marys fucceeding King Edward VI. Lancelot Salkeld was reftored ^.1553. He was a fecond time deprived An. 15 5 9. the Year after which he died, viz. Sept. 3. 1 560. and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, On his Deprivation^ Sir Deans of Carlisle. 303 Sir Thomas Smith became reinftated by Queen Elizabeth > Aiu 1 559. of whom we may fee an Account in his Life, publifhed-^fe. 1698. by Mr. Strype, and in A. Woods Athena. He died Aug. 1 2. 1 577. and was buried at Mount -They don Co. EJfex, on the North Side the Chan- cel, with this Infcription on his Monument, on which lies his Effigies in Marble in a cumbent Poflure. Thomas Smithus, Eqties Auratus, hujus Manerii T)omhms, cum Regis Edw. VI. turn Elizebetha? Regina Confiliarius y ac primi nominis Secretaries ; eorundemque Principum ad maximos Reges Legatus ; nobiliff. Ordinis Qarterii Cancellarius ; Arda? aujiralffque Claneboy ^Hibernia Colonellus , Juris Cwilis fupremo Titulo etiammim ado- lefcens infignitus ; Orator, Mathematicus, Pbilofophus, excellent ifft- mus ; Linguarum Latina?, Grxcx, Hebraicas, Gallica?, etiam & Italica?, callentijjimus ; proborum & ingenioforum Homlnum Fautor eximius ; plurimis commodans, nemini nocens, ab injuriis ulfcifcendis alieniffimus $ denique, Sapient ia, Viet ate, Iiitegritate in/ignis, (3* in omni Vita, feu however he was deprived ^.1554. by Queen Mary, of his Dignities, who, I fuppofe, gave this Stall to E dw a r d Mitchell, LL» B. An. 1 . collated t j 7 5. On whofe quitting it for the third Prebend, George Flower was collated March 24. 1576. He refigned it i and was fucceeded by Edward Hansby, collated July 10. 1582. He died, and was buried at Gtrayjiock, where he was Reclor, and fucceeded by Edward Maplet, collated -M^r^ .4. 1584. He died Aug. 31. ,1624. being Rector of Cliff on, and-was fucceeded by John Fletcher, B. D. admitted Aug. 3 1 . 1624. He died "Ml 163 2. being alfo Rector of Clifton, and was fucceeded by William D o d d i n g, A.M. Re&or of Mafgrave, An. 1 63 2. He died in 1 63 7. -and was fucceeded by Richard Smith, B. D. Rector of 'Rothbary, A11. i$jbk ■ He died j 643. and was fucceeded by ■ Henry Hutton, A.M. Re&or of Longmart-in, in 1643. To whom fucceeded George Buchanan, A. M. prefented July 3 p. 1 660. on the Death of Hutton. He was alfo Vicar of Stanwtx, and dying J^. 1666. was buried in the Cathedral,, without any Monument, and fucceeded by Henry M arsh a el, A. M; Vicar of Crofstbwaite, collated March 30. \666. He died 1^7. 'and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, and fucceeded by Jeremy Nelson, A. M. Vicar of Stanwix and Corbridge y col- lated July 4, 1667. He died 168$. and was buried in .the Cathedral, in the South Ifle, and fucceeded by ■ Hug h' T crDDi-A. M. collated OB.4. 1685. living 1723. S,T.P» Vicar o£Tenreth, and Re&or of Arthur eh 1 _" . ' '. S f £ ' Arch- 312 Diocefe of Carlisle. Archdeaconry o/Carlisle. Deanary o/Cariisle, Co. Cumberland. Nantes of Churches and Chapels. Patrons of Livings. Lord Lonfdale. Lord Prefton. Lord Lonfdale. The Crown. ; Lord Lonfdalf. Chapter of Carlifle. Alketon R. St. Michael. Arthuret R. St. Mi- chael. Beaumont R. St. Maty, Burgh on the Sands V. Bownes R. St. Michael. Bampton R. St. Peter. J Brampton V. St. Afart/». Bewcaflle R. St. Afr»y. - Carlifle St. Mz/y, the Ca- thed. Church, the Nave j of which is Parochial. Sebram Cap. St. A&77. | Carlifle St. Gtf$«* Cur. ^Chapter of Carlifle. Wrea -\ Hesketh [>Cap. Armathwait-s Cvimvihitton Cm\ Combrew Cur. CVo/}£y V. Camtnock Cur. Carllaton Cur. Cafllecarrock R. Gratt £>^^ob V. St. Aff- chael. Ivegill Cap.' Denton R. iy'/0B or i&jWK Cur. Eaflon Cur. Far lam Cur. Grinfdale Cur. Irthington V. Kirkandrews R. I Bifhop of Crtr/7/7(?; 1 Both Churches ruined, J Mr. Appleby. Chapter of Gw^fc, Bifhop of CW//&>. Kirkleimon R. St. Cuthberf. Kirkandrews R. St. Andrew. Lanercofl Cur. St. Afar)' Magdalen, Bifhop of Carlifle] Chapter of Carlifle. cThefe Churches ruined, 3 belonged to Lanercofl. Mr. Appkby. Church ruined, and united to Beaumont. Mr. Appleby. Lord Prefton,. Mr. Appleby^ Religious Houfes to winch impropriated. Priory of Lanercofl'. Priory of Lanercofl^ Priory of Gw/flfcv Priory of Carlifle, Priory of Lanercoft. See of Carlifle. Priory of Lanercofl. Priory of Lanercofl, Priory of Lanercofl. NicfoU Diocefe of GiRLisL eJ Archdeaconry of Carlisle. 3»3 Nicholforeft. Orton R. Rowcliff Cur. Scakby R. All Saints. Stapleton R. Stanwix V. St. Michael. 'fhwesby V. St. Andrew. Ruined, and united to Kirkandrews. Mr. Brifcoe. Chapter of Carlijle. Bilhop of Carlijle. Earl of Carlijle. Bifliop of Carlijle. Chapter of Carlijle. Mr. Appleby. Walton Cur Wether all Cur. .Sb/y Trinity. Chapter of Carlijle, Warthewick Cap. St. Leonard. Priory of Carlijle See of Carlijle. Priory of Carlijle. Abby of Lanercojl. Wetheratt Priory, Cell to Tw£ Abby. A Deanary of A l l e r d a l e, Co. Cumberland. Abby of Tork. Spatrick V. Alhalhws Cur. Bilhop of Carlijle. Antiently a Chapel to Af- Patrick. Mr. Lamplugh and others. Mr. Thompfon. Bifhop of Carlijle. > Chapter of Carlifle] Bifliop of Carlijle. Bilhop of Carlijle. Bridekirk V. St. Bridget. Bolton R. Bromfield V. St. Kentigern. Bejfemhwaite Cur. St.ifcgtf. Hawes Cap. Crojfcanonby Cur. Camerton Cur. ■ Flemingbjr Cap; Coldbeck R. St. Kentigern. Crofsthwait V. St, &#?/- St. John's } Borowdak / Wyborne >Cap.\ Newland J Deerham V. Gilcrux .V.. Holmcultram Cur. Sf. May. Univerfity of Oxford. Ireby Cur. Chapter of Carlijle. If ell V. St. Bridgets Sir Wilfrid Law/on. Kirkbride R. St. -Br/'^; Sir Gtoftf Drf//2o». Newton Arloife V. Church ruined, andunked •to Holmcultram. IPhmhnet R, St.Cuthbert. Sir Wilfrid Lawfon, Priory of Gishrne,. Abby cf Tork . Priory of Carlijle, Abby of Fountains] Bilhop of C?j-/t/Z^ by De- Priory of Gisbome. fault. Bilhop of Carlijle.^ Abby of G?/The old Poiit. J. Th ejl haute f Hi oufe BC iinte rcom before it E jT hejWeii'Tont given K Th e \ T ej1 rtj * p ,y. L, The Clicir iir has2.Q Slcl Its SCnP&Ivs on each hu B. ^Morton or Kildare. Side w nufuj attf Intranet tfTheSfruth Tra.,xjzpt M The B F ' Throne Made tc/e offcrr a fi.The Ptdpit Parifh "Chi/rc7i OThe Altars 111 the Q.ThcJVortli Tr'irijep toC Choir cHLadij Chapel rvay tothe^ChapterTloiije U. S teppslecn&ia to them WTheCloyfterj « P linn latahalU funic fboru. HO' 1' m/.',y >//w\ //■/■■•t.' aj Tup) / ,. Tamt if u. imp< 1 sui.'fitti >ij si , .' of '.' tin nui as tt) iatai S'J// ' jhiif/r 1 ■ /.- 111 on umt iTj 'nil Wan n innyjrnonuni' W.'Ji r diaJL- niiiiam' i^Q ifi ,r.c ftrinj \ inn,: "of.-ltHmU yZ.Vlon.uMi/rvU pfi_fl.n < ChtrfizU^ C iilnu--ii ■ \\^ J 'U'rnitiiiy.-il ) jijr>hdin >.< of \^YTtaucal{j alwut u' ihurrlt Z.tJcvrj hading o%u ofy 1 cj/JsJra/ ij ftcyftm until if ' I ^JCcruft formerly y. ill j .j/ l^ filter parts of y* 'Convtstf* D I O C E S E O F CHESTER. T contains the entire Counties of Chefter and Lan* cafter ■>. part of Wefimoreland, Cumberland, and Tork- Jhire ; the Chapelries of Holt and If coed, Co.T)enbigh ,- the Churches of Hawarden, Hanmer, "Bangor ; WV- thenbury, and Chapelry of Orton-Madock, Co. 2%Vtf > and is divided into two Archdeaconries : I. Chester, which has thefe Deanaries, and Kirkby-Londfdale Deanary, which extends itfelf not only into Lancajhire, but alfo into Torkjhire and Wefimoreland: The other Deanaries are, Kendale Co. Wefimoreland, Catterick, Bormghbrigg, and Richmond Deanaries, Co. York; and Coupland Deanary, Co. Cumberland : All which were fubje£t, un- der the Archdeacon of Richmond, to the See of Terk, 'till 1541; T t The 3 1 8 Cathedral of Chester. The Number of Parishes in this great Extent, as Heylin, &c. tell us are reckoned 256, of which 101 are Impropriations; tho' including Chapels and Donatives, neither of which are in the Valor "Beneficiorum they make no lefs than 506. The Clergies Tenths amount to 43 5/. 12 s. Touching Chefier s being a Bifhoprick of itfelf before 1 541. that will beft be feen in Licbfeild ; for tho' there fate but one Bifhop here, -viz. 'Peter, who continued Bifhop but about twenty Years, and died, and was buried in St. Johh Church in this City, which was the antient Cathedral j yet feveral of his Succeffors in the See denominated themfelves Bifhops of Chefier inftead of Licbfeild, and chofe rather that Style, as is apparent from our Records : Tho' the proper Bifhops of Chefier. may be accounted ;only thofe-who were fettled after 1541. in St. WerhirgFs Abby, and have continued ever fincej as I fliall defcribe them. Cathedral o/CHESTER. UPON the converting of the Abby of St. Werburgh\ in Chefier into a Cathedral by King Hen. VIII. An. 1 541. he alfigned his new Bifhop, Dean, fix Prebendaries, &c. all of them Houfes out of the Build- ings of the Monaftery ; in which, befides the Dean and fix Major-Canons or Prebendaries, he eftabliilied fix Minor-Canons or Priefts- Vicars, a, Deacon, fix Singing-Men or Conduces, fix Chorifters, two Matters of the Grammar-School,' twenty four Scholars, fix Almfmen, a Virger, two Sextons, two Porters, of which one to be a Barber, a Cook, and Un- der-Cook ,• in all feventy eight, by the Foundation-Charter, dated Jug. 4. 1 541. In Kings Vale Royal (a Folio Book fo entitled) are feveral curious things collected about this Cathedral, and all the Infcriptions remaining before 1641. given us-, which are, together with the Arms in the Win- doxvs, &c. preferved in jDugdale's and JJhmole's MSS. at the Heralds- Office, London, and the Mttfjum in Oxford, as well as the Lor 'd flat- tons Library ; but thefe are very inconfiderable, it being plain, that be- sides Bifhop ^Down/jams Infcription on his Graveftone, there were an hundred Years ago only thefe four following Epitaphs before 1600. And as thofe are in the South Crofs-Ifle feparated from the Cathedral, and appropriated to the Ufe of St. Ofwalis Parifh, tho' I might be excufed taking notice of them ,• yet being willing to include every thing within the fuppofed Compafs of my Defign, I fliall here fubjoin them, with two others, tranfmitted me out of an old MSS. relating to two Earls of Chefter buried in the Chapter-houfe, Here .Cathedral of <£h e .•* t Eg, 319 1 .. -Here Ikth the Body cf^it^YMiwiiGpjxard;, .-Hint. -Lprd Chancellor of Ireland, one of her Majeftys Moji Hon. Counfel'in the Marches of Wales, Jufticeof Afjize within the •Counties of Glamorgan, Breck- nock, and Radnor, one of her Majfjiys Majiers of Requefts, and late Recorder of this City, who de'ceafed the firjl Day of May, An. Dora. 1 581. leaving Dame Dorothy, one of the- Daughters of An- drew Barton of Smythils in the County of Lancafter, Efq-, and by her two Sons and four "Daughters. r 2. Margarets Dod obeximia vita continentiam, & morum facilitatem ec. 6. 1 1 57. He died January 31. 1174. anc * was burie( ^ m the Eaft Cloifter, under a Marble, on the right Hand of the Entrance into the Chapter-houfe. He was 3 as is fuppofed, of the Family of Fitznigels, Barons of Halt oil, Robert Abbats of Chester. 323 Robert the fecond fucceeded, being elected Feb. 3. 11 74. and ha- ving received the Benediction two Days after, viz. Feb 5 . at St. Johns Church in the City of Chejter. He died Aug. 27. 1 184. On his Death the King feized this Abby into his Hands, and kept it two Years, after which he put in . Robert de Haftings, July 13. 1 1 8 6. who received his Benediction at Canterbury from Archbiihop Baldwin. This Abbat. was depofed 1 194. when there was a Portion of twenty nine Marks allotted to him for his Life. He lived not long after his Deposition, and dying in the Convent, was buried in the South Cloifter, at the Head of the forenam'd William \ where, in the Wall, on the right Side, are ftill diftinguifhabie three Niches, above the Ruins of that Cloifter, There are three Mar- ble Stones, with Images and Crofiers cut thereon, which lie buried un- der the Rubbifli. On his Deposition, Geo fry, by the Intereft of the Patron, the Earl of Chefier, was fubfKtuted Abbat. He died May 7. and was buried in the Chapter-Houfe, on the left Side, next the Door. On his Death, which happened 1208. . Hugh Grylle' was made Abbat. He died April 21. 1226. and was buried in the Chapter-houfe under the fecond Arch from the Door, on the left Side, at the Feet of Geofry. William Mar mi on fucceeded, being elected on the Monday af- ter St. James 1226. He died Aug. 27. 1228. and was buried on the left Hand his PredecefTor, and fucceeded by Walter Pynchbeck who received the Benediction at London, Sept. 29. 1228. He died June 22. 1240. and was buried in the Chap- ter-Houfe, at the Head of Hugh Grylle. Roger Friend fucceeded, and received the Benediction Sept. 21; 1240. He died Sept. 23. 1249. and was buried in the J^eflibuhim of the Ghapter-houfe, under the fecond Arch from the Door, on the right Side. Thomas Capenhirst, being then Prior, fucceeded 1249* He died March 28. 1255. and was buried at the Head of his PredecefTor Abbat Roger. Simon de Albo Monafierio, alias Whitchurch, fucceeded, being elected April 17. and confirmed April 24. 1265. He died April 24. 1 289. and was buried in the Chapter-houfe, on the South Side, under a Marble Stone, in an Arch, fupported by fix Marble Pillars. Some Ac- counts tell us the Abby remained in the King's Hands for two Years, viz. from 1289. till 1 291. when the King appointed Thomas ,< 24 Abbats (^Chester. 1 Thomas Birchelfey, alias Lytheles, one of his Chaplains, Abbat, Jan. 30. 1 29 1. tho' in others he is faid not to be made till 1294. and yet he received the Temporalities March 18. that Year. He died An. 1 3 24. and was buried on the South Side the Choir, where is yet a Graveftone that had his Effigies en it in Brafs. William de Sebinton 3 or Burington y Prior of this Abby, fuc- ceeded, being ele&ed Feb. 5. 1324. He procured to himfelf and Suc- ceifors the Mitre in the Year 134.J. and next Year got an Exemption from the Biiliop otLicbfe Id's Visitation. He died Nov. 20. 1349. and was buried in the Iile, on the South Side the Choir, on the right Side • his Predeceflbr 3$ircl elfey, where his Graveftone, with his Effigies on it was lately remaining. Richard Seynesbury fucceeded 1 3 49. and was about March 1362. deprived by the Pope for Male-Adminiftration, who conftituted in his room, Thomas Newport , An. 1363. He died at Sutton June 1. 1385. and was buried in the Chapter-houfe, within the inner Dcor, where his Tomb was lately difcover'd. William de Merjhton, formerly a Monk of this Abby, fucceeded, being elected Abbat July 30. 1385. He died J ait. 1 3. 1305-6. and was buried in the South Iile, on the right of Will, de iBabington. Henry de Sutton fucceeded 1386. He occurs Abbat 1410. and dy- ing May 10. [between 141 1, and 141 7.] was buried near the Choir- Entrance, on the North Side the firft great Pillar on the South, where his Graveftone ftill remains, before a Piece of Painting on the faid Pil- lar, formerly called the Tiety of the Virgin Mary, of which fome Out- lines were of late remaining. His Succeflbr was ThomasYerdeley: The exacl: time of his coming in I have not difcover'd. 'Tis plain he was Abbat ^.1418, and 143 1. He dy'd An. 1434. and was buried in the North Side the Choir, above St.Wer- burgh\ Shrine. John Salghail fucceeded An. 1434. He died 1452; and was .buried behind the high Altar, between two Pillars, where is ftill re- maining his Graveftone, which had his Image on it in Brafs. His Suc- ceifor was Richard Oldham, An. 1452. In Ry?ners Feeder a his coming in is placed An. 1454. as he is in the Patent given us in Rymer, by mi- ftake, called Older n. He died OH. 13. 1485. being alfo Biiliop of Man. Simon Ripley fucceeded, being elected Abbat An. 1485. He was a great Benefador to this Church, and finifhed the middle Ifle and Tower, Abbats of C h est er. 32^ Tower, and dying at Warwick Aug. 30. 14.92. was buried in the Col- legiate Church there, and fucceeded by John B i r c h e n s h a w, made Abbat by Papal Provifion OB. 4; 1493. He was, I prefume, a Native of Wales ^ and born near Conway ; on the great Bell of which Church I met with this- Infcription, intima- ting, as I guefs, that he gave it. ^Ue fi&tlis anima Werburga fanrtig fpina CclijC in c[)0?o foirjjiirom. <©23 £20 llife. Johannis Berchinfhaw Wba$ Ceftrie. He occurs Abbat An. 15 12. in fome Writings ; about twelve Years a£- ter which he is faid to have been difplaced, on account of fome Fac- tion, and Thomas Hyphile, or Hyphila\ was put in his room about 1 5 24. He acted as Abbat 1525. but was An. 1529. fet afide, and Thomas Marshall fubftituted in his Place for fome fmail time, An. 1 5 29. but he was about the End of the fame Year forced to give way to the rightful Abbat, viz. John Birchenshaw, who became reinstated about the end of 15^9, or beginning of 1530. and enjoyed it 101535. and doubtlefs to the time of his Death. His Succeflbr was Thomas Clark, about 1537. He occurs Abbat 1538. and at the time of the DifTolution, An. 1540. and was next Year made the firft Dean. But he held not his new Office long j for he died. within lefs than fix Weeks, as I judge by the Date of his Will, and his Succeflbr's Pof- feflion of the Deanary. As to Lay-Perfons^ interred here, . I. find John Aruwaj, who had been ten times' fuccefEvefy Mayor of Chejier, and died 1278. is faid to be buried before St. Leonard's Altar, in the South Part of the Church, where he founded- two Chantry-Chaplains. As is Richard de Capen- hurfty faid to be buried before the high Altar 5 he died An, 1349, And R ichard de -Man/egb, who died An. 1 3 66. They were doubtlefs Bene- factors to the Abby. The antient Earls of Chefter were interred in the Chapter-houfe, • as appears by our Hiftories - but there remain no. Tombs or Inscriptions for them. And as to the fuppofed Monument of Hen- ry IV- Emperor of 'Germany ', in this Church, it is plainly a Miftake and vulgar Error,: He deceafed at Spires at Germany \ being buried there, as our Authors tell us. U u Having 326 . Endowment o/Chester. Having now done with the Account of the Abby, I come to fpeak of this Church in its prcfcnt State, fince it was made a Cathedral, and ftiall begin with giving an Account of its Endowments. Endowment of the Bijhoprick of Chester, Patent 33. Hen. VIII. Part 2. An. 1541. r ~T"" s H E King grants to the Bifliop of Chejier, by him newly ere&ed, _X_ Chefler and Richmond Archdeaconries, with all their Appurte- nances, Rights, (jc. the Manours of Jbbats-Coton Co. Chejier -, Lands in the Parifh of St. Marys, St. Marti/is, St. Michael's, St. Werburgtis, and Trinity, in Chefler City ,- Lands in Mancote, Harden, Crifleton, Nantzuich, Northwich, Middlewich, Over-Wollajlon, Nejion, Hef- watt) Bidflon, Sandhough, i. e. Sandbach, Thornton, Eccleflon, and Rojihorn, and 'Dacenham \ Parcel of St. tier burgh's late Monaftery ,- the Advowfon of Over Reclory j Penfions ifliiing out of Handley Re- ctory, Budworth Chapel, and Bidflone Rettory ; Parcel of Birkenhead Abby ; Advowfons of Tattenhall and Waverton ; Rectories of Clop- ham, Efingwold, ThomtoihStnart, Bolton in Lonfdale, Bolton le Moor, and the Prebend of Bolton le Moor in Lichfeild Cathedral - y the Manour of Wejlon Co. 'Derby. : Habend. to the Bifliop and his Suc- ceflors. Tefle Aug. 5. Mr. Wharton remarks, that Chefler Biilioprick was firft founded July 16. 15-41. but, on fome Miftakes, a new Charter was granted on Jug. 5. Alienations of Lands of Chefter Bijhoprick N.B.A S Henry VIII. conferred thefe Eftates on John Bird, whom £\. he made firft Bifliop of Chejier, fo he the faid John Bird conveyed them all back again to Hen, VIII, parting with all the De- mefnes and Royalties, and accepting, in lieu thereof, Impropriations and Rectories, which is the fole Endowment of this See at this Day ; there being not one Acre belonging to it of Temporalities, except the Epifcopal Palace of 'Chefler. The Eftates he had on his Exchange, as fpecify'd in the Patent, which bears Date Jan. 8. 15/46' 38 Hen. VIII. Part 5. are as follow : The Alienations ^Chester.' 327 The King, in Consideration of Tfcfton, and other Manours, grants to -John Bifliop of Chefter the following Rectories and Advowfons of the Vicaridges of Cotingham Co. Tork ; Kirkby, Ravenfworth, Tatrick- Brompton, Wirhlingfcn, Ribcheftei\ Chipping, Mottrnm, Bradley Co. Stafford ■> • Caftleton Co. Derby, Wallifee, Weverham, Backford, Bow- den j yeilding and paying as a chief Rent y i$l. 19 s. pd. By this Ex- change, thefe Rectories being valued at as much as the Manours, there was little deducted for the Firft-Fruits, it paying fHll 421 /. is. Sd. The Value of the Eftates, on founding the Biflioprick, wasas follows : /. j". d- Abbats-Coton * — — ; 19 11 8 Chefter Nunnery Eftates » ■ — r ^-=— — 91 28 Weft on Manour - — — ■ ■ ■ 84 19' Bridfton.Re&ory — - - — — — > 6 13 4 Chefter Archdeaconry ■ - — » 115 < Richmond Archdeaconry ■ ■ ■ — — — 172 1 o In all 487 9 4 But Reprifals, and other limited Payments out of it, reduced it to consi- derably lefs than 400/. per An. In the Archives at Lambeth is an Account of all the Eftates of eve- ry Biflioprick, as they were difperfed and fold in the Time of the Anarchy and Confufion in 1649. There are thefe recounted belonging to this See, which are, as I am informed, every Eftate the Bifliop has : Llavga- den Impropriation ,- Llaneblick R. Little Budworth R. Caftleton R. Co. Derby, Bowden R. Mottyram R. Arleton R. Co. Cumberland. Boulton le Moor R. Cartmeal R. ChildwallR. ChippingR. Ribche- fterR. CottinghamR. EfmgwoodR. Kirkby-Ravenfworth R. Patrick- BromptonR. Thornton-StuardR.WeverhamR. BidfionR. Walla- fey R. Backford R. Over R. Bradley R. Co. Stafford, Bolton R. Clapham R. In all twenty five Impropriations. And that there were no Demefnes belonging to this, appears by the Sale of Lands-bf other Bifhopricks ; there being only fold of Chefter Bi- flioprick, An. 1650. the Archdeacon's Houfe near St. Johns Church in- Chefter^ Sept. 27. to Adam Banks , for 31/. i8j. %d. befides the Epif- copal Palace at Chefter, T>ec. 13. 1650. to Robert Mailer and William Richardfon, for 1098 /. fo that the Total of the Sale of the Lands of this Biflioprick amounted only to 1 1 29/. 18 s. q.d. U u 2 The 228 Endowment of the Dean TheBifhop of CI e fitr is Patron of his fix Prebends, two Archdeaconries, and about thirty Livings, all in his own Dincefe, except thefe following ; L/angadenV. Co. Carmarthen. Llaneb/ickV. Co. Cafnarvan, Ca- fileion V. Co. LJerly, Efmgwold V. Co. Tprk y in Tork Diocefe, and 'Bradhy h Moor Co. itafibrd ; but this laft the Bifiiop has neglefted to prefent to for feveral Years. Divers of thefe Livings, as Cottiiig- ham, Mottrum, Ribchefier, Cbijpping, &c. were noble Eenefices be- fore Hen. Vlllth's time, who in a more facriiegious manner than the religious Houfes had done, ftrip'd feveral of the beft Rectories of their Endowments, and reduced them to mean ftipendiary Curacies. Endowment of the Dean and Chapter of Chest ek, Patent 33. Hen. VIII. 1 541. "'HE King grants to the Dean and Chapter of Chefier the Manours • Jl of Huntington ', and Sutton, the lait in Wireba/lW. Upton, Brom- borough, Lreby, Lice, Salghton, Barnfliaw, Feme// cum Pertinentiis j Lands in Bakford, Huntingdon, Cheve/ey, Sutton, Bromborough, Up- ton, Bought on, Nez&ton, Wyrvin, Croghton, Stamford, Crift/eton, Chor- leton, Lee, Morton, Sa/gha/l, Shotwick ; Right of Fiiliery in T)ee, as cuftomary, appertaining to feveral of thefe Places ; Rectories of Shot- wick, Bromborough, Upton, Wefikirkby, Prefibury, Great and Little Nejion, JVillafion, and Lnce, Parcel of" Chefier late Monaftery ; Tythes in St. . Ofwalds Parifh in Chefier City ; Reftory and Advowfon of Cambden Co.G loucefier ; Penfion of 40/. ifluing out of Kaffir d Ma- nour Co. Lane after $ Penfions out of Crifleton, and out of the Churches of St. Marys and St. Peters in Chefier City, Bebington, E/fham, W'eft- hrhby, Thurfianton, c Doddlefione y Codrington, Tatenhall, Waver ton,. Hamley, Jfibury, and Northendon j Advowfons of Crifileton, and St. Marys, and St. 'Peter s in Chefier City, Bebington, 'Thurftanton, Wefi- hirbr, T)odd/efion, Coddington, Hand ley, Jfibury, and Northendon ,- Advowfons of the Vicaridges of Nefion, Prefibury, St. Ofwalds in Chefier, and Eafibam, with all Lands, (jc. belonging to thofe Places, which were ever Parcel of Chefier late Abby : habend. to them and their Succeflbrs in pur am & perpetuam Elymofynam, Aug. 5. The Value of thefe Lands, at founding, was as follows, viz* Impro^ and Chapter ^/Chester. 329 /. j. d. Impropriations of Huntington, and Cheeeley Manours - — 49 9 4 Sutton Manour ' — - — — — 1 1 1 2 2 Upton — — — **^ — — * "=■ 21 11 4 In Bought on, ' Newton, Wyrmn, Croughton, Backeford, Chorkton, Stamford, Cfrriftleton - — — 104 18 2 In 3f oft on, Salghall, Civ. C 'eft. cum Vico Malbanc 67 i3 11 Sromborough Manour —. — — — ■ 34 15 7 ' Sebingtou cum E aft ham « 21 18 6 Ireby Manour — ■ ■ * — — 27 17 7 Ince cum Membris —— — «__ » ... 223 2 1 Summa Total. Temporal. ■ ■ 586 27 Spir itu alia.. St. Ofwald's Chefter, Preftbury, Ince, Campden, Shofwick, Upton, Nefton, cum Peniionibus . Ecclefiarum — — — — ■ ■ 358 10 2 Total of both amounted to — — 944 1 2 9 But out of thefe Perquifites, by the Foundation, the Chapter was to pay per An, I. s. d. To the Dean « . «— ~— '> — - • ■■ ' 1 00 o o To fix Prebendaries, 20/. each . ■» -»■ — 120 o o To iix Minor-Canons, 10/. each ■ ■ » - 60 o o The Gofpel and Epiftle Reader atthe Altar, 6l. i'% s. 4^. each 13 6 8 Four Students at Oxford, 6 1- 13J. 4^. each ■ 26 13 4 Mafter of the Chorifter — — — — — • 10 o o Eight Chorifters, 3 /. 6 s. Sd. each — — 26 13 4 Mailer' of the^Grammar School ■ 16 13 4 Ufher — — ■ ■="- — -' •- — -r? 800 Twenty Four Scholars, 3 /. 6 s. 8 d. each - 80 o o Six Almfmen, 6/. 13 J". qd. each — — - — - ; — 40 o o In Reparations they were alfo to expend — •— — 20 o o They were to pay tor Firft-Fruits — — - 106 16 5 And afterward the Tenths of them annually. _____ So that 936/. 1 j. gd. being thus accounted for, there remain'd but Z I. los.iid* clear Value undifpofed of. In 330 Bifliops of Chester. 1 In the Library of Sir Tho. Sebright, inter MSS. clarijTimi Edvardi Llyd, fol in. is tranfcribed a Copy of the Statutes of the Cathedral of Chrifi-Chnrcb, and the Blefled Virgin Mary of Cbefter, as given by King Henry VIII. and afterward alter 'd by Queen Elizabeth, An. Reg. 27. Upon Aw. 20. 1550. William Cliff, Dean of Chefter, furrender'd up the Manour of Idenfoaw ,• and if 5$* May 14. had a Licence granted him to alienate the Manours of Huntington and Cheveley to Sir Robert Cotton. After which, 1580. An. 22. Eliz. the Queen recall'd the old Charter of this Chapter, and by her Letters Patent took away from them T)ec. 22. feveral of their bell Eflates, particularly Cambden, and endowed them with fome few fmall Fee-Farm-Rents and Impropriations, no ways improveable, as their old Demefnes were. The whole amounts to 1000 /. per An. out of which the old Rate for Firft-Fruits and an- nual Tenths, being io<5/. was ftill referv'd. In this new Charter of Donation, it is called, Ecclejia Chrifti & SanUa Marine Ceftria?. The Dean and Chapter of Chefter prefent to no Livings any where, except in Cbejhire. Bishops of CHESTER. John Bird, S.T P. who had, on account of fome Sermons he preach'd againft the Pope's Supremacy, recommended himfelf fo much to King Henry the VHIth's Favour, as to be made Bifliop of Bangor, was by that Prince tranflated hither, on his founding this Biflioprick, Aug. 5. 1 541. At which time it was made Suffragan to Canterbury - y but April 13. following, An. 1542. it was fubjected to York, and Bifliop 'Bird made his Profeflion of Obedience to that Archbifliop. Having in the Hiflory of Bangor Cathedral given an Account of this Bifliop, I fliall fay the lefs of him here. I have already noted, that An. 1 546. he granted away all the Manours and Demefnes of this Biflioprick, and ac- cepted of Impropriations in lieu thereof, But not with Handing this Grant, in which no doubt he got confiderably from the Courtiers, he was, An. 1553. on Queen Marys Acceflion to the Crown, fo overrun with Debt, that he owed 1087/. 18 J. for Tenths and Subsidies, which was a great Sum in thofe times, and would poffibly have been fcarccly remitted him, but thro' his Intereft with Bifliop Bom.e;', with whom he complied in every refpect, as he had done in all Changes of Government and Religion, and fo would doubtlefs have been fuffered to keep his Biflioprick, had he not broke his Vow of Celibacy, which was (as our Records mention) the Occalion of his Deprivation, An. 1554* After which Bifliops of Chester. 331 which retiring to London, and being by Bifhop "Bonner (to whom he became a Suffragan} made Redor of Great Tiumnow in Flj[ex } died there, being very aged, viz. about 81. and was buried in the Church of T>tmmow . (as I learn from a MSS. Note of Hale) without any Memo- rial. So that what the Chefter Writers intimate of his Death and Bu- rial among them in the Cathedral, An. 155^. feems entirely a Miftake, and to relate rather to his Succeffor George Cotes, S. T. P. Mailer of Baliol'-College, Oxon, and Reclor of one of the Medieties of Qotgrave Co. Nottingham, who be- came confecrated Bifhop of this See April i. 1554. on the Vacancy, as \is exprefs'd in the Patents, by the voluntary Resignation of John Bird, laft Biihop. He died at Chefter, as I judge by fome Notes I have fsen a about Jan. 155 J. and was obfcurely buried in the Cathedral, near the Bifhop's Throne. Fox accufes him, in his Atts and Monuments (where fee fome Account of his Predeceflbr Bird, Vol, III. p. 259, and 260.) about the Condemnation of one Marfo, who was a Martyr of thofe times, and villifies his Memory : Tho', by what I can difcover, he was a good Man, and a mofc learned Divine, only poifefled with an over-warm Zeal for his Religion, which was the Cafe of CuthbertScot, S. T. P. Matter of Chr iff' 's-College, Cambridge, and Prebendary of York, who fucceeded him in the Bifhoprick, the Temporalities of which he received April 24. 1555. Being a zealous Catholick, he was foon after Queen Elizabeth's Accefllon to the Crown deprived, and ibr fome time imprifon'd in the Fleet, for his Religion - s after which retiring beyond Seas to Lovain, he there ended his Days, and was buried. On his Deprivation. William Down ham, A.M. Archdeacon of Brecknock, and Prebendary of Weftminfter, was confecrated Biihop May 4. 1561. He died 'Dec. 3. 1 577. and was buried 1)ec. 8. in the Choir of this Cathe- dral, with the following Infcription on his Graveftone, on a Plate of Brafs, long fince periihed. Gulielmi Downham, imi ttt Cer claruit aimng, $?aeml in ijoc turaulo flefrile cd^as ineft. 2Si£ friginfa $ W Cejc trtjcit fctfiffet $ ultra SauUc?um poflhit fi foauiere p?ece#, Jnfipte pietate safer, folamen amicig, ©aujerifous ftrirta turn fait iUe maim. MDLxxvii, Decembris3i. Tbs 332 Bifhops oj Chester. This Bifnop left behind him two learned Sons, both eminent "Wri- ters, and graduated in Divinity, one of which was fometime Prebendary of this Cathedral. His Succeflbr, after near two Years Vacancy (which I wonder at, becaufe this Church had no Demefnes to alienate) was William Chaderton, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Tork, Warden of Manchefter-College, Prebendary of Tork, JVefiminfter, and Soutfc- WeII 3 confirmed Bilhop Nov. 7. and confecrated Koc. 9. 1579. He was An. 1 595. tranflated to Lincoln, in which Diocefe he purchafed an Eftate at Sov.thoe in Huntingdon]}? ire, a Mile off his Epifcopal Palace of Buckden ; where living altogether, he let the Houfes belonging to his See go much to Ruin. He died at Sov.thoe Jpril n. 1608. and was next Day, as I difcovered in the Parifh-Regifter of Svuthoe, interred in that Chancel ,• tho' there is not the leaft Memorial, or Graveftone, erect- ed for him,, or any of his Family, who have been long fince gone from SontJxe. Sir John Harrington tells us, he had Iflue only one i aughter, for whom he fcraped a great Fortune, and married her to a Knight, tho' it was not a happy Match, they living afunder. While he fate Bifhop here, he was a ^reat Encourager of the puritanical Exercife of Prophefying. On Bifhop Chaderton's Tranflation to Lincoln, HuchBellet, S. T. P. Redtor of Tydde Co. Cambridge, and Vicar of G res ford Co. Denbigh, and at length Bifliop of ^Bangor, was preferred from that See hither jfune 25. 1595. and had the Temporali- ties reftored OU. 27 following. He died in lefs than a Year, at Sirfe, near Wrexham, in Wales, about June 13. 1596. and was buried at Jfrexham Co. 'Denbigh {his Funeral being folemnized at Chefter, "June 22.) with this Infcription on his Monument, affixed to the South Wall in Wrexham Chancel : Sub certs, fpe gloriofc refurreUionis, hie in domino obdormicit reveren- dus in Chrifto pater Hugo Bellot, Sacra Theologize DoUor ; ex an~ tiqua familia Bellotorum de Morton in Com. Ceftria? oriundus : Qiiem ob fingularem in Deum pi et at em, vita, integritatem, prudentiam, df duifrinam, Regina Elizabetha primum ad epifcopatum Bango- renfem in quo x annos [edit, pbftea ad epifcopatum Ceftrenfem tran- ftidit j ex quo, poft paucos menfes, Chriftus in caleftem patriam evocavit Jn.Dom. 1596. JEtatis fu but in this, was Richard Vaughan, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Middlefex, an. i Canon of Wells, who became translated from Bangor hither May 1 6. 1597. and was enthronized at Chefter Nov. io. following. While he fate here, being a Man of a publick Spirit, he very much promoted the Reparation of his Cathedral, as he had before done at Bangor, and. caufed the Bells to be new caft, and hung in the great Tower j as he had all the Weft Roof to be new leaded, and the Timber- Work to be re- paired. He was about Dec. 1604. tranflatedto London, where he died March 30. 1607. and was buried in that Cathedral, without any Me- morial. In Holland's Herologia is a Picture of him, and fome Account of his Writings. On his Tranflation to London, GeorgeLloyd, S. T. P. Re&or of Thornton and Bangor in this Diocefe, and Bilhop of thelfle of Man, was tranflated hither Jan. 14. 1604.. He died at Thornton, and was buried in the Cathedral, near Bi- fhop Downham, with this Infcription on a Plate of Brafs, long fince ftollenoff his Graveftone. Immatura mors hoc conclufit fepulcro rw\Georgii Lloyd, cujus memoria, reveretur Ceftria ; natione fuit Czmbr. educatione Cantabrig. Theologize DoUor, Theologorum Dutlor ; Sodorenfi prafuit, fj profuit epifcopat* quingennio prJfeUus pabJo ; mater Anglian repetiit pro/em, & digna- tus efi finu Epifcopatus Ceftr. tibi undecim mejfibus non fine pro<- ceUis dolorum elapfis quinquagefimo quinto atatis fua anno, & pri*- mo die menfis Augufti, An.Dom. 1615. lachrymatus lachrymandus obiit ; nee pudet vita, nee piget mortis. After his Death, Gerrard Ma ssi e, S. T. P. Re&or of Tfigan, was nominated by King James to this See, who going up to London to fettle Matters in order to his Confecration, died there Jan. 1 6. 161 5. and was buried in St. Mary le Savoy Church inWeftminfter, without any Memorial. Le Neve tells us he was nominated Bifliop An. 161 8. after Bifhop Moreton ; whereas it is evident he was deceafed long before the Ele&ion of Thomas Moreton, S. T. P. Dean of Winchejier, Recl:or of Stockport in thisDiOcefe, which bears Date May 22. \6i6. as does his Confirmation July 5. and Confecration July 7. following. He was An, 161 8. tranflated to Lichfeild, and thence to "Durham ; as is already mentioned in the preceding Account of him in Durham, Tag. 249. On his quitting this See, X x Jo H N" 334 Bilhops of Chester." John Bridgman, S. T. P. Rector of Wigan and Sanger irt this Diocefe, Prebendary of Lichfeild and 'Peterborough, became elected Ri(\-\op Mrfrcb 15. 1 618. In Prince's Worthies of Devonfhire, is fome Account of his Life, he being born at Exeter : Tho' that Author, and other Writers, are all miftaken as to his Death An. 1648, or 1649. and Burial at Chefter ; whereas he did not die till 1652. as A. Wood tells us, or rather, as I have lately been informed, till 1657, or 1558. When departing this Life at his Son's Houfe at Moreton, near Ofisceftre in Ehropfl.nre, he was buried at KinnerJJey Church, near Moreton aforefaid, with this Infcription on a blue Stone in the Chancel, without 'any Date upon it. Hie jdcet fepultus Johannes Bridgman, epifcopus Ceftrxenfis. Which being thought too obfeure, caufed his Great-Grandfon to erecl: a handfome Monument againft the Chancel North Wall, about four Years ago, with this Infcription on it : M- S. reverendi admodum London, and Sandon in Effex, con- fecrated Dec. 2. 1660. He died Nov. 29. 1661. and was buried in St. Pauls Cathedral, London, with this Infcription on his Monument affixed againft the South Wall on one Side the Choir : Manet hie novijfimam refufcitatus Angeli tubam Brianus Waltonus, olim Ceftrienfis epifcopus. Epitaphium aliud ne queer as, viator, cm *Datum eft, vel ipfum nomen epitaphium I Qnod fi explicatius velis Eamam confide, non'Tumulum Interim Hie ilk eft, fi nefcire fas efty doUor mimius , Bifliops of Chest er. 335 O^tifub nap era tyrannide labor anti ecclefi* Suppetias cum primis tulit: Ckro a rebelli profanaque plebe conculcato Improperium abfiulit, Fueligioni apud nos reformat* ac profejja Glojiiam attulit 3 (Dmnfreme (Fremente licet Gehenna) Siblia Polyglotta fummo pra cater is Jiudio excohtit 3 Et excudi procuravit. Inde Sibi utrumque teftamentum promeruit monumentum^ Et maximis impenfis pofuit 3 gitare Longo titulorum fyrmate fuperbire non indiget 3 Q$ii nomenjam jcriptum habet in libro vita. j/Etatis Lxir* *DeceJfit 3 vigiliis fantti Andrea?, confecrationis Primo, Salutis 1661. Henry Ferne, S.T. P. Mafter of Trinity-College, Cambridge, "Dean of Ely, Archdeacon of Leicejier, and Re&or of Medbourne in that County, fucceededj being conlecrated in Feb. 1661. He died March 16= and was buried in St. Edmonds Chapel in Weftminfter Abby, with this Infcription on his Graveftone : Hie jacet Henricus Ferne, S. T. T. Johannis Ferne militis, civitat. Eborac. a fecretis, filius natu oaavus ; collegii S. S. Trinitatis, Cantabr. prafe Uus, Jimul 'Ceftrienfis epifcopus ; [edit 5; tantum fepti~ manis. Obiit Martii 16. A T). 1662. JEtatis $9. His Suceeffor was GeorgeH ; al l, S.'T. P. Archdeacon -of Cornwall and Canterbury^ Canon of Exeter and Windfor, Vicar of Minhenet in Cornwall and of St. SuttolfFs Jlderfgate, London, confecrated May 11. 1662. He died Jug. 2p 166S. and was 'buried at Wigan m Lancajlrire, of. which Church 'he w^affb'Reclpr, as I faw by an Entry -of his Burial in that ■Parifh-Regifter, where Is laid over him,' within the Communion-Hails, a black Marble Gravefrone, bearing this Infcription : 9. M. jfc tuba jujfit incidi fuo. X x 2 Georgius 336 Bilhops of Chester. 1 Georgius Hall, S. T. T. ecclefit Dei fervus inutilis fed corda- tus, D. Jofephi Hall, prafulis pientijfimi primo Exonienfis, debt Norwiceniis, fcriptis femper vibJuri, f litis (imo umbra pot ins) fex inter feptemque annos [edit non meruit Ceftria? epifcopus, denatus atatis fiu anno-Lv* Chrifti vero 166$. Mirare leUor prajulis mo- defiiam aliunde qmras cdtera. In the Cathedral of Chejier is erected alfo this Infcription verbatim, to his Memory j tho' 'tis plain it is but a Ccenotaph there, and that his real Body lies in Wigan Chancel ; where alfo his Wife was buried, who. deceafed the Year after him. She gave a Benefaction to Wigan Town, and has on that account her Name put upon a Tablet, where ihe is call'd erroneoufly a Lady. His Succeflor was John Wilkin s, S.T. P. (Warden of Wadham-College, Oxon, in Oliver Cromwell's time, whofe Sifter he had married, and after the Re- ft aur at ion, Dean of Rippon, and Prebendary of Tork) confecrated Nov. 15. 1 66%. He died Nov. 19. and was buried 'Dec. 1 2. 1672. in the Church of St. Laurence Jewry, London, of which he had been Mini- fter, without any Memorial, leaving behind him the Character of having been an univerfal Scholar. His Succeflor was John Pearson, S. T. P. Mafter of 'trinity-College, Cambridge y Prebendary of Sarnm and Ely, and Archdeacon of Surry (which laft he held in commendam with the Rectory of Wigan in Lancashire, as his twoPredecefiors had done. Wigan Rectory) confecrated Feb. 9. 1672. This excellent Bifhop, whofe Memory will live by his learned Expo/it ion on the Creed, died July 16. 1686. and was buried with- out the leaft Infcription or Graveftone, within the Communion Rails of his own Cathedral. In his Will, dated Jan. 2. 1677. which has a Codicil added to it, dated June 1 8. 1685. he gave twenty Pound's to the Poor of St. Ofwald's in Chejier City, twenty Pounds to Great Sno- ring Poor, in his native County of Norfolk, and a hundred Pound to his Nephew Dr. 1'bane, the prcfent Archdeacon of Chejier. On his Death, Thomas Cartwright, S.T. P. Vicar of Walthamflow and ^Barking in Effex, Prebendary of London, Wells, and Durham, was confecrated to this See, with Licence to hold Wigan Rectory in commen- dam, OU. 17. 1686. This Bifhop, who had run the Lengths of King James II. and was by him nominated to the See of Sarnm, died April 15. 16S9. in the City of Dublin in Ireland, being glad to quit the Realm at the Revolution, where he had render 'd himfelf obnoxious, and was buried in. Chriji-Chtirch Collegiate Church in Dublin, without any Memorial, Bifhops o/Cheste r.' 337 Memorial, as I am informed from thence ; leaving behind him a Son, who was Prebendary of Worcefter, but forced to leave it and the Kingdom for his Extravagances. His Succeffor in this See was Nicholas Stratford,. S. T. P. confecrated Sept. 15. 16S9. He was Rettor of Llanfanfrayd Sinecure, Co. Montgomery, and other- wife beneficed ; an Account of which being given in the Infcription put on his Monument in this Cathedral, I fhall thither refer for the Character of this worthy Prelate • whofe conftant Refidence in his Diocefe will render his Memory precious to Poflerity $ as will his Zeal in repairing- his Cathedral endear him to this City, beyond what is faid of him in his Epitaph, which is infcribed on a Copartment of white Marble on the .North Side the high Altar, being the only, remaining Monument whatsoever of any Bifliop interred in this Church, Bifhop HaWs being, as already obferved, only a Casnotaph. The Infcription is as follows : Nicholaus Stratford, S. y. e p. NaUis apud Hempftead in Com. Hartf. An. 16331, FaUus eft Coll. S. S. Trinitatis, Oxon. Socius, 1656. Collegii Chrifti, apud Mancunium in Com. Lancafler Guardianus, 1667*. SanU- John Piers, S. T. P. was prefentedto this Dignity, vacant, as 'tis exprefs'd in the Patent, by the Death of Richard Walker, OU. 4. 1 567. He was afterwards made Dean of Chrift-Church, Oxon, and at length Archbifhop olTork ; but kept this Deanary, with that of Chrifi-Church, till his getting Salisbury Deanary, at the End of 157*. when, on his Refignation, Richard Lang worth, S. T. P. Prebendary of 'Durham, was prefented to this Dignity Feb. 28. 1572. on Dr. Peirs's Refignation. In his laft Will and Teftament, which I have feen, feemingly a nuncu- pative one, dated April 19. and proved July 8. 1579. he bequeaths a hundred Marks to Ann Langvoorth, which he fays was allowed him a- bout Chefter Matter (probably in his trying to recover fome Eftates alienated by his Predeceffors.) He alfo gives a Legacy to his Hoft at the Red-Lion Iriii at Ho/born, where I guefs he died, and might be buried in St. Andrew's Church there. His Succeffor was Robert Dorset, S.T. P. Canon of Chrift-Church, Oxon, pre- fented Aug. 17. 1579. on Dr. Langworth's Death, and inftalled by Proxy Sept. 10. following. He died May 29. 1580. and was buried at Ewehn Co. Oxon. where he was Rector, without any Monument, and fucceeded by Thomas Modesle y, B. D. prefented Aug. 12. 1580. on Dor- fet's Death. He died about the beginning of June 1589. and was fuc- ceeded by John Nutter, B. D. prefented July 4. 1589. He died March 30* 1602. and was buried at Sefton, where he was Rector, as I learn from that Parifh-Regifter, April 18. 1602. without any Memorial, and fucceeded by William Barlow, S T. P. inftalled June 12. 1602. He was x5oj. madeBifhop of Rochefler, and fucceeded by Henry Parry, S. T. P. inftalled, Aug. 1. 1605. He was 1607; made Bifhop of Gloucefter, and fucceeded by Thomas Mallory, B. D. Archdeacon of Richmond, Rector of Romaldkirk, Mobberley, and Davenham, inftalled July 25. 1507. He died April 3 . 1 544. and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memo- rial^ and fucceeded by .William 34-o Deans of Chester. iSf 1 1 . l i a m N i c h o l s, S. T. P. installed April 1 2. i 644. He died T)cc 16. and was buried 'Dec. 19. 1657. at Northenden, where he was Redor, with this lnfcription painted on a Board : Hie fubtus h'umattir corpus cenerabilis viri Gulielmi Nicholis, facr£. 16. 1639. as he was to Monks Bangor Redory Jan. 9. 1640. and May 28. 1648. to Rich". wond Archdeaconry. He was OU. 1. 1671. confecrated Bifliop of Man, with leave to hold this Deanary in commendani; and dying May ij. 1682. at Chejier, he was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, and fucceeded by JamesArdern, S. T. P. Minifter of St. Botolptis Jlderfgate, Lon- don, inftalled in July 1682. He died Jug. 18.1691. and was buried in the Cathedral without any Memorial, and fucceeded by Laurence Fogg, S. T. P. Vicar of Tlemonjiall, inftalled Nov. 2. 1 69 1. He died Feb. 28. 17 17. and was buried in the Cathedral likewife, without any Memorial, and fucceeded by Walter Offley, A. M. inftalled about March 27. i7i8.Hedied 'Jug. 18. 17 21. being Redor of Barthomley in this Diocefe, and of Muc- clefton Co. Stafford, and Prebendary of Lichfield, and was buried at Succlejion, and fucceeded by Thomas Allen, LL. D. Archdeacon of Stafford inftalled T>ec. 6.1721. Arch- Archdeacons of C h e s t e r. 341 Archdeacons o/CHESTER fince it's Separation from Lichfield Diocefe, and being made a dijiinff See. William Knight, IX. D. having furrender'd this Dignity May 20. 1 541. on its being diffevered from the Church of Lich- field ; that Hen. VIII, might better annex it to his new intended See at Che- Jier, would doubtlefs have been conftituted firft Archdeacon of this Foun- dation, as all the other old Archdeacons were in the reft of the new erected Sees ; but being made Bifliop of Hath and Wells a few Days afterwards, this Dignity remained vacant 'till John Bi r d, S. T. P. firft Bifliop became tranflated hither from San- gor^Aug.^. 1 541. who having got the whole Archidiaconal Power vefted in him, on Payment of a Stipend of 50 /. per. An. to a nominal Arch- deacon, he referved the Stipend to himfelf, and executed the Office by Deputies j for in the Convocation, An. 1545. he made Nicholas Saxie his Proxy to appear for the Archdeaconfhip. And that he held this Dignity till his Deprivation, An. 1553. I have reafon to think, in- afmuch as I find no regular Archdeacon eftablifli'd till Queen Mary's Acceflion to the Crown, when Bifliop Cotes feems to have conftituted Robert Perseval, B. D. RecW of 'Ripley ', his Archdeacon An. 1554. ^ e was -An. 1559. as Sanders has it in his Book de Vifi- hili Monarchia^ Lib.y.Fol. 666. deprived and imprifon'd for his Religion, and thruft out of this Archdeaconry, and his Prebend in this Church, tho' whether he afterwards complied with the Times, and-kept Rifley and this Dignity, I cannot learn, but I believe he did not, for I meet with John c Pullen i Rector of Ripley An. 1 554. after which Time RoeertRogers, B, D. occurs Archdeacon of Chefter. He died, An* 1595. and was fucceeded by Cuthbert Bellot, B. D. collated Jan. 13. 1595. on the Death of Rogers. He was alfo Rector of Maghuntley, alias Mac- chenleth, a Sinecure, Co. Montgomery , and Prebendary of Weftminfter, of which I judge he died poifefled An. 1620. tho' it is plain he had be- fore refigned his Archdeaconry^ for I find George Snell, B- D. collated to it Jan. 1 6. 161 8. on the Re- signation of Cuthhert Bellof. He died Feb. 5. 1555. and was buried in St. Marys Church in Chefter > with this fliort Epitaph : Bicfitus eft Georgius Snell, S. T. P. Archidiaconus Ceftrienfis, qui per Injuriam Temporis in Commuuionem Laic am redaUus privatus obiit Feb. 5. 16J5. Y y He g^.2 Archdeacons of Chester. He was alfo Redor of Wallifee and Smeaton, and as I prefume of St. Marys Chefier. His Succeflbr was John Carter, S. T. P. Minifter, as I take it, of Highgate, near London ; whom I find prefented to it by the Crown, Oct. ip. 1660. on the Death of the laft Incumbent not named ; to whom fucceeded William Fin more, A. M. inftalled Nov. 6. 1666. He died and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Mo- nument : H. S.E. Infpe beat a refurreclionis, reverendus Gulielmus Finmore, ec- cJefitc Ceftrienfis Archidiaconus (j Trebendarius, nee von per aliqua- * mult os a nnos ibidem Thefaurarius & Receptor, quo utroque munere ad mortem ttfque fumma cum laude ac aliorum fruUu funUus eft vir alioqui cam gravitate ac probitate morum, turn varia eruditione, at- qui conjtanti in regem fide, nndiquaque fpeUabilis, 'Diem Obiit menfe Aprilis vii Eid. An. Sa/utis Humana mdclxxxvi. ALtatisfua Climaterico lxiii. In memoriam dijfideratijjimi mariti pientiflima conjux 31. P. His SuccefTor was John Allen, A.M. collated April 12: \6%6. He died April 17. 1695. and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Monument : Hie fitus eft reverendus Johannes Allen, hujus eccl.Trebendarius, Ar- chidiaconus, necnon Collegii S. Trinit. apttd Cantabr. Socius ; vir antique probitatis, modeftia fwgulari, vera eruditions, imma 11a- tus ad chriftianarum virtutum exemplar [here is a Word or two il- legible] propria maxima ei laus eft, quod erat in conciando excellent, in congrejjtbus fuavis, erga amicos benignus, verbo dicam it a vixit uP fe paravit tit Jimplicitate morum, ac vita integritate *Deo homini- bufque fe probaret gravi morbo ciffliUus ad mortem, obiit xv KaL Maii, An. Sal. Human, mdcxcv. jEtatis fua quinquagejimo. His SuccefTor was EdmundEntwisle, S. T. P. Re&or of "Barrow, collated April 30. 1695. on the Death of Allen. He died, and was buried Sept. 17V 1707. in the Cathedral, with this Infcription : Edmundus Entwine, S. T. T. Archidiaconus Ceftrienfis, & cathedralis bujns Cano.nicus, ftlius tertius Johannis Entwifle de Foxholes in Com. Archdeacons 0/ Richmond. 343 Com. Lancaftr 1 Armigeri, & Dorothea? filia Roberti Holt de Caftle- ton in eadem comitatu ; impfiis primis ami Gratia, 1). 2). Nicholai Stratford, diocefis hums Prafulis dignif/imi, filia ; unicum habuit filium Edmundum ; diiafque filias, Janam & Katherinam ; nwpfiis item fecundis mm Prifcilla, Domini Thoma? Bunbury de Stanny hujus comitatus Baronetti, filia ■> duos habuit filios, Thomam & Henricum. In vivis exifiens nt verum Chrifiianum, docuit fidem probavit operibus egenis quibufcunque beneficus. Et mifericors pauperum in hac civi- tate liberis educandis charitatem piam cum aliis communicavit, & ad opera hujufmodi peculiars zelo affeUus orphanorum fublevamen viduarumque indigentis cleri Archidiaconatus pracipue Ceilrienfis, ille primus feliciter meditatus aim affeciu promovit, aliis coadju- vantibus. At heu ! la-flatus nonfenio, fed invalitudine terrenum de- pofuit tabernaculum 15 die Septembris, JEtatis fua 47. Air a autem Chriftiana 1707. ut aliud finiUura melioris acciperat in calls ater- num. Prifcilla illius refidua pars amantiffima hoc apponi fecit An. 1)om. 171 2. inperennem maritorum optimi memoriam. His Succeifor was John Thane, S. T. P. inftalled about Feb. 1707. on the Death of Dr. Entwi/le 3 living 1723. Re&or of Northendon, and Prebendary of this Church. Archdeacons of Richmond, Jince its Separa- tion from York. William Knight, LL-.D. laft Archdeacon of Richmond, while-it remained a Dignity in Tork Cathedral, and belonged to that Diocefe, being, as fpoken of in Chefter Archdeaconry, madeBiiliop of jBath and Wells, occafion'd, on its Vacancy, John Bird, the firft Bifhop of this new See to take it into his own Hands, and exercife the Office of .Archdeacon, as I find he did An. 1545. by conftituting Richard Smith to be his Proclor. or Proxy for him as Archdeacon at the "Convocation, An. 1545. And that he held it like- wife An. 1 5 51. appears by this Mandate, dire&ed to him by the King's Letters Patent, dated Jan\ 11. An.^. Edw.Nl. Part 5. as I tranfcrib'd it from the Rolls-Chapel. Yy 2 Rex 344 Archdeacons 0/ Richmond. Rex reverendo in Chrifto ownhajn, who mult come into this or the third Stall, about 1594, or 1-595^' He died An* 3634,. 346 Prebendaries of Chester." 1634. Bifliop of in which laft Chancel he lies buried, with this Infcription : Tia Memorise S- Edvardi Moretoni, S. T. P. Gulielmi Moreton de Moreton in agro Ceflr'j?///' tandemque hod. He refigned it, and was fucceeded by W 1 l l 1 a m C a s e, A. M. Vicar of Over, and aft a ' vards Reftor of St. Peters, and Vicar of St. Ofwald's, Chefter, collated Augufl 13. 161 3. on the Refignation of Archdeacon T>od of Richmond. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription : Hie fitus efi Gulielmus Cafe, Subdecanus hujus Flcclefta, Tr,gA, and Sir George St. Mzrj. Warburton Cap: Rojihorne V. St. Mrfry. Knutsford "j Warburton. Chrijl-Church Coll. Oxo». Owe Peover VCap. Runcome V. St. Barthoh- Chrift-Church Coll. Oxob." Abby of Lmnfc Priory of Norton I mew. Afton Daresbury \ r Halton r- Thelwall J Weverham V. Bifhop of C/;^f ;. Abby of Fflfc £<>M' Deanary of Macclesfeild. ALderlby R. Chedill R. Sir "Thomas Stanley. Lord Bulkley. Gofworlh R. Lord Mohun. Mobberley R. St. #?#WV*. Mr. Ma//ory. MottrumLangdale Cur. St. Bifhop oi Chefter. Michael. Northenden R. St. I«fe. Chapter ot O/fo'. Presbury V. Mr. £<#■ See of C&fjfcr.' Abby of Ckyto' Adlington Diocefe of Chester. 355 Archdeaconry of Chester. >Cap. Adlington Chelford Forefi Bv/ley Pott Winch Macclesfeild Poyton Marton Siddington Stockport R. All Saints. Chadkirk Difiey Marple Siddington Taxall R. Wilmflow R. >Cap.' Mr. IVarreth Mr. Shallcrofs. Mr. It-afford, Deanary of Malpas.' ALforde R. Sc. John Lady Mohun. Baptift. hX'I^^' 1 - }***? ■° { <¥« Malpas, firft Mediety, R. Earl Cholmhy Malp 'as, fecond Mediety, R. St. Cha£s \ p WhitweUS^' Harthill Cur. Stckelack Cur. St. Edith. TattenhaR R. St. Allan. Tilflon R. St. Mary. Earl Cbolmley, and Mr, Mr. Drake. Mr. Pulefton. Bifhop of Cfo/fc^ Mr. Cholmhy, and Mr. Coll. of Sc. >fe's Coffer.- Co. Flint. Bangor Monachomm R. St. Mr. Lloyd. Dinoth. Overton, al. Orton Ma- doc Cap. St. Maty. Worthenbury R. St. Dinoth. Mr. Puhflo'A Deanary 356 Diocefe of Chester. Archdeaconry of Chester. Deanary o/Middlewich. Stbttry R. St. Mary. Mr. Egerton. __, CongletonCzp. St. Peter Little Budiuorth Cur. St. Bifliop of Chefter. Peter. Brereton R. St. Of w aid. Lord Brereton. Davenham R. St. Wilfrid. Mr. Vernon. Church Lawton R. Mr. Lawton. Middlevoich V. St. Michael. Lord Brereton. Over V. St. CW. Bifliop of CM""' Wettenhall Cap. Sandbach V. St. Aftfry. Mr. Stephens. Church-Holm S^*?- Swettenham R. Mr. Swettenham. Wlritegate, al. Afaw C/jwccA Mr. Cholmley. V. Warmincham R. Mr. C>-«u O^fcy. Co, Flint. Hanmere V. St. CW. Sir 77jo. Haunter. Nunnery of C/^y?«% Priory of Lenton: Nunnery of Chefter. Abby of Delacres'. Taken out of Owr, and made a Parifli 3 3 /&«. VIII. Abby of Haghman. Deanary 0/ Nantwich, alias Malbani. ACton V. Earl of Dyfert, NanfwichCap. now diftind, St. Mary. Wrenbury Cap. St. Mar- . garet. Audlem V. St. James. Burde\Lm Cap. Baddeley R. Hajlingtcn Cap^ Bunbury Cur. St. Boniface. Copenhall R. CfeffvA Minjhull Cap. Wibunbury V. St. C/;^. Wrfiaflon R. fdarbury. Cap. to ^/vV- c&»ri# Co. .SVj/o/' ; tho' Marbury is in this Coun- ty and Diocefe. Mr. Brecklesby: Sir Thomas Mamoaring. Mr. Crew O^ey. Haberdafhers Company. Bifliop of Lichfeild. Bifliop of Lichfeild. Mr. Walthall. Abby of Cumbemore. Priory of St. 77;o»fcw juxta Stafford. College of Bunbury: See of Lichfeild. Deanary Diocefe of Chester. 357 Archdeaconry of C H e s t e r. Deanary ofWiRRAi. BAckfordV. Babington R.' Bidfion cum Fo Y d Cur] BirMeadi c Morton S v Burton Cur. St. Michael. Brombrough Cur. Eafiham V. HefwaU R. Bifhop of Chefter. Mr. Pool. Biihop of Chefter. Bifhop of Lichfeild: Chapter of Chefler. Mr. Davenport and Mr. Spencer. JVejl Kirkby R. St. Bridget. Chapter of Chefter. NeftonV. Shotwick Cur. 'Thurftafton R. Overchurch in Upton Cur. Stoak Cur. Waltree R. ►Chapter of Cfe/fov Priory of Birkenhead., Priory of Birkenhead. Hofpital of Lichfeild. Abby of Chefter. Abby of C/*?/^: College of St. Johns] ' Chefter. Lord Gerrard of Bromley. College of St. John's Chefter. Bifhop of Chefter. Olim twoMedieties,Tythes now between the Bifhop and Reftor. Mr. Green. Woodchurch R. 1 Total of Churches and Chapels Co. Chester i 17, and in Wa l e $ 7. 1 County of Lancaster. Deanary of Blackburn. Archbifhop of Canterbury. Abby of Whatteyl BLackbum V. Balderfton Darwen Harwood Lango Lowchurch Samlesbury Tockholes Whalley V. I jCap. i Archbifhop of Canterbury. Abby o£ WbalUjl A a a Altham 358 Diocefe of Chester, Archdeaconry of Chester. Altham Acrington Burnley Holme Cajlle Church Kirk ClitherOy St. Michael. Culne Marsden] Downham Goodfiavj Haflingden Ntnuchurch mPendk Newchurch in Rofen- dale. Padiam Wlntewell >Cap." j , CiRcftonR. andV. I Beconfall Cho ley Rufforth T'arlton Bundle R. Eccjejlcn R. Douglas Cap. Leland V. Euxton Heapy Hook R. Standijhe R. Copull Cap; Pemvortham Cur. Longton Cap. Deanary of L E L A n d. Mr. Pilkington. Cap. ]>Cap. Duke of Devonfiire. Mr. Latham. Mr. Fleetwood. Mr. Hanby and Mr. Crook. Mr. Standifk. Mr. Fleetwood' Priory of Penwonkam. Priory of Penwrtham. Deanary of Manchester. A «S2tfo» K»JfK Z.;'«e R. BuryK. St. Mary. Edenfeild ~j Hey wood > Cap, Holcomb J Earl of Warrington. Earl of Z^rty. Bolton Diocefe of Chester. 359 Archdeaconry of Chester; Bifhop of Chefter. Archdeaconry of Cbejler', Cap. The Crown: Priory of Pen-worthanu oi \ Cap. Wballey. The Crown. Abby of Wlwlley'. Bolton in le Moor Cur. Blackroad Bradfhaw Rivington Turton Dean V. Horwick Wefl Houghton Eccles V. EUenbrook Cap. Flixton Cur. Prebendary of Flixton in the Church of Licbfeild. Mancbefier, St. Anne's, the Biftiop of Cbe/ier* new Church. Manchefter, St. Mary's R. The Crown, the collegiate Church. Burcb -v Blakely Stretford Cbolerton Denton Didsbury Gorton Newton Salford Middleton R. Afhwortb Cockey Prejiwicb R. Oldham Ringley Shaw Radcliffe R. Racbdale V. Little Borough Milnro-w C Todmurton \ Whitchurch Saddlewortb Cap., this fingleCap. Co.Tork. A a a I, E, > Cap. Sir /fo#A ^/«». Mr. IVentwortb. Sir Ha#>A 4/^wb." _ Archbifhop oi Canterbury', Abby of #7;a%. Deanary j~. t 360 Diocefe of Chester. 1 Archdeaconry of C h e s t e r. Deanary of Warrin gto n. f A Vgbton R. XV ^/fwr Cur. ChildwallV. Hale Gar/ion Halfal R. Maghall Melting Huyton V. I«# V. Afiley Chowbert Northmeales R, Ormskirk V: Prefcot V. Farmxorth ^ Rainsford *■ St. # Leverpool, St. Nicholas R. ? tcverpool, St. /Wr's R. - Warrington R. Burton Wood ^ Holintare * Trinity J Wigan R. All Saints. Billing 7 #/«<% J Winvikk R. St. O/wflW. Newton *p iYfio Church * Ajhton J Abby of MerrivaL Abby of Holland. Priory of Bur/cough. Priory of Endebury. Priory of Burfcough. King's-College. Mr. Hesketh. Lord Molineux. Billiop of Gtyfcr. }• Cap. Lady Molmn. \ Cap. Lord Molineux. Mr. A##W£ and others. J. Cap. Mr. Fleetwood. Earl of .Derfy. /u/ig'-f College, Cambridge. r* Cap. Lord Molineux. Earl of Cardigan Patron of the Reftory, the Rector of the Vicaridge. Corporation of Leverpool. Taken out of IValtonPartih Mr. Atherton. by Ad of Parliament. Cap- Sir 7°^ w Bridgtnan and Lord £>»,gfy. Cap. Earl of Z?erAy. Cap. Total of Churches and Chapels in C h e s t e r Archdeaconry FINIS Archie!. C E S T R I M. •253. Arch- Diocefe of Chester. 361 Archdeaconry of Richmond, Co. Lancafier. Deanary of Am ounderness. Names of Churches and Chapels^ f~*\HippingK._ ¥*?*. 'Patrons of Livings. Bilhop of Chefler. Mr. Richmond. Garflang V, Garflange Filling KirUamV. Gocfenargh ") WlnteChappel ( r , Hambledon C"*?' Lund J Lancafier V. St. Mary. Dr. Femom Aimarfh } Overton (_, . Stalmine ? Ca P' JVyderfdale. J r'Tr 'I }Cap. In Lonfdale. Greffingham -> * PrefionV.St.Witfrid. \ Sir Henry Houghton.. Broughton p St. Lawrence ^Cap; Ribchefter R. Longridge •> ™ Poolton V. Bifpham Cur.' Qckeram V. Shire/head j^P* Lytham Cur. Mr. C/^o«". St. Michael upon ^re V. Mr. jfohnfon, Wood Plumptn Cap. Bifhop of C&e/?«-; Mr. Fleetwood.. Mr. Fleetwood. Colonel dartres'. Religious Houfes to which impropriated. See of Chefler. A b by of Cokerfand. Chrifi-Church, Oxford. Abby of %/ Ramjide £» Cap. Walney j Cartmell Cur. Bifhop of Chefter, Priory of Cartmeh, Canmell Fell ") Flookborougb { n ■Lindall r^P* Staveley J Coultm Cur. Inhabitants. Abby of Furmfs. Haiukfiead Cur. Chancellor of the Duchy. Abby of Fumefs. Saterivaite Cap. * Kirkby Irelith V. The Crown. Chapter of York. Brougbtm ") Wardland (_ p Seatbwaite (~*?' Dunnerdale j Pennington Cur. Chancellor of the Duchy i Abby of Conified. Uherfton V. Mr. Fell. Abby of Couifhed. Blawitb ) Coniflon ( p zowfe* r^ ap - Tower J Urfwick V. The Inhabitants. Abby of Fumefs, Deanary of Kirkby Lonsdale. f^Laughton R. V»J Tat bam R. Mr. Z.e/gA of £y«w. Earl of Cardigan. Tatbam Fell Cap. Wlnttington R. Mr. Cairnes. Melling V. The Crown. Arebolm -> ~ i .•;.-' Thornton V. Chapter of IVorcefter. Impropriated fince 1 540. Burton Cap. 7o»Jfci// V. Mr. jB/rak Abby of Croxdon. . 1«& Cap. _ . uoqi Co. York. . Bentbam R. Mr. .Sokc/;. Ingleton Tp h IngletonFell S P ' Clapham V. Bi(hop of Gtyfcr; See of Chefter. Sedberge Dioeefe of Chester. 1 Archdeaconry of Richmond. 3<*3 Sedbergb Vi St. Andrews Garfdak -y Dent, St. Andrew. £Cap. Howgil J Co. Westmoreland. Kirkby Lonfdak V. BarbSn Firbank Huttm Roof Killington Middleton Trinity College , Cambridge; Abby of Csverbaml Trinity College, Cambridge] Abby of York. Cap* Deanary of Kendal l. Co. Lancaster. Bolton in the Sands V. Over Kellet Cap. Co. We s t m or e l a n d.- Beetbom V. Wiherfldck Cap. Burton V. Prefton-Patrick Cap. Grafmer R. f wW ff]Cap. Longdate -> , r Haverfham V. Crofihwait Cap. Halton R. Aughton Cap. Heyfbam R. KendallV^Holy Trinity. Burdjide Crook Under Barrow Graytigg 'HugiB Kentmire Long Steddale Natland Old Button Selfide Staveley Winfter Bifhop of Chefier. The Crowiv Mr. Berrifon. Sir William Fleming. See of Cbejler. . Chantry of £c cfe£ Abby of York; Trinity College, Cambridge. Abby oiTork. Mr. Cairnes. Mr. Worden.. Trinity College, Cambridge] Abby of Tori >Capi Wharton 3<54 Diocefe of Chester. Wlmrton R. Silver dale Cap. Windermere R. Froutbeck Cap. Archdeaconry of Richmond, Chapter of Worcefler. Appropriated fince 1541; Dr. Fenton. Deanary of Co u p L A N d: ARleckon Curi Booth or Botill R. St. Bridget's Cur. Brighton V. Cokermouth, All^ Saints Sechnurthy Buttermire ^Cap. Emblelon Lortcn Wytborp St. Bees Cur. Emmerdale Eskdale Lowfewater Nether Waf- dale \ p - WafdaleHead P ' Wlritehaven, old Church WJritehaven, newChurch-* Cleator Cur. Coraey R. .D-.'(« Cur. Lamplugh R. Millom V. r tlywaiis~\ (-. --. Bifhop of C^ff. Mr. Pennington. Mr. Robinfon. Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Leather. Mr. Robinfon. Mr. Pennington. Duke of Wliarton. Mr. Lovither. Sir ^7 Pennington. Duke of Somerfet. Mr. Senhoufe. Mr. Curwen. Lord Lonfdale. Mr. Robinfon. Sir ^ Pennington. Mr. Lamplugh. Mr. Huddle/Ion. Archdeacon of Richmond. Abby of G*i&r. College of Abby of Tbrfc, to which St. 2te« was a Cell. Abby of Cd/db*. Abby of Conifhed. Abby of Conifhed. Abby of Calder. Priory of .S?fo». Abby of Furnefs, Moresby Diocefe of Chester. 3<5$ Archdeaconry of Richmond. Moresby R. Muncafler Cur. Penfonby Cur. Wayberthwaite R. IVlrittingham R. Whitbeck Cur. Wirklington R. C/{/wb Cap. Mr. Trtto. Sir /^//. Pennington. Mr. Stanley. Sir /^?/A Pennington. Sir W//. Pennington. Mr. /'/wife. Mr. Cur-wen. Abby of Coitijhed. Abby of Com/bed. Abby of Conified. County of Y O R K. Deanary of Borough bridge. * A Ldborongh V .XjL Andrew. Boroughbrigge' ? r Dunftorth ^ ^ ap - Allerton Maleverer Cur. * Burton Leonard V. St. Helen. Copgrave R. CoBrffl// V. St. Afaty and .^// Saints. Farnham V. Goldsborough R. Hunjtngore V. * Knaresborough V. Arkendale Cap. Rirkhamerton Cur. Kirkbyfupra Moram V. ^// Saints. Marton cum Grafton V. 2V/7M V. Nun-Munkton Cur. Oufeborne Magna V. * Oufeborne Parva Cur. £//>% R. Staneky R. #?&% V. St. Chapter of 2or&. Chapter of Tbrfc. Chapter of Turk Mr. Lewis. Mr. RoUnfon. Chapter of 7br£, Mr. Byerley. Chapter of Tor^. Sir Thomas Slingsby. Mr . Stockdale. The Crown. St. Johns Coll. Cambridge. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancafter. Mr. Stockdale. Chapter of York. Precentor of York. Sir John Ingoldsby. Sir T/;o Slingsby. Mr. Tancred. Church of York. Church of York. Church of York. Priory of Newburgh'. Priory of Bevall. Hofpital of Ribfton. Prebendary of Knaresh- rough in York. Nunnery of Munkton. Priory of Newburgb. Priory of Mahon. Church of Rippon. Priory of Munkton. Abby of Egleflon. Precentor of York. Minifter of St. Robert si Knaresbitrgh, Bbb Deanafy" %66 Diocefe of Chester. 1 Archdeaconry of R i c h m o n d. A Sgarth V. drey}. A.'krig Hardrow Hawes Lundes Deanary of C a t t e in c k. St. Ait- T, inky College Cambridge. Abby of Jervault Cap. Bedatt R. St. Gregory. Burnefion V. St. Lambert. Leeming r ~ap. St. JShA Baptifl. Catterick V. St. Anne. Bolton on Swale ) [in Richmond/ Deanary.] ) Cap. HipfwtU \ Hudfwell ^ J Coverham, HJy Trinity, is now made a Rectory. Horfehoufe Cap. DoTcnhohn V. St. Mid n I, Eafl mnon V. St. Ella. FingallK. St. Andrew. Crinton V. St. Andrew. Hawkefwell R. St. Ofwald. * Hornby V. St. Mary. Kirklingtcn R. KirkbyFlethamV. St. Mary. Mr. Peirfe and Mr. Sta- pleton. Mr. Robinfon. The Crown. Abby of Tork. Abby of Turk. The Crown. Sir Roger Beckwilh. Earl of Aihibury. Sir Marmaduke Wy* The Crown. Mr. Dalton. Chapter of Tork. Lord Caflletomer. The Crown. r//. * Marfham V. St. Mary, Trinity College, Cambridge. cum Ki.kby Malz,erd Cap. ,* Middleham R. St. Mary The Crown, and St. AlhU. Patrick Brvmpton Cur. St. Patrick. PkkkallV. AH Saints. Sermon R. Sr. Radigv.nd. Spenitkorn R. St. Michael. Belle, -by Cap. 'TanfeildR. St. Nicholas. Thornton Wattles R, St. Airt/y. Biftiop of Chefier. Trinity College, Cambridge. Roger Gale E.q; Sir M. Wyvill and Mr. Scroofe. Earl of Ailesbury. Mr. Afi/fosft. Abby of Coverham. Abby of Coverham. Abby of Jervaulk. Priory of Bridlington. Church of Tork. Knights of St. John, Je- rufalem. Prebend, of Mafham in the Church of Tork. See of Chcfler. Hofpital of St. Leonard's. Thornton Diocefe of Chester. Archdeaconry of Richmond. 'Thornton Steward,StOfwald. Bifhop of Chefler. S 6 7 WellV. St. James. Wenjley R. Holy Trinity. Boiton ~> p Redmire j "' Weft Witton Cur. Wath R. St. Mary. OHm Archdeaconry of Richmond, now the See of Chefter. Matter of Well Hofpital. Mailer of Well. Duke of Bolton. Dnke of Bolton. Earl of Ailesbnry. Abby of Jervaulx. N. B. Thofe mark'd thus (*) are of exempt Jurifdlftion, and belong to the Chapter of Tork ; as does Middlehain. to its own Jurisdiction. Deanary of Richmond. ANderby Steeple V. St. The Crown. Abby of Jervaulx. Michael. Birmingham R . St. Michael. The Crown. BrignaUV. Si. Mary. The Crown. } Hofpital of St. Leonard's, Bowes V. St. Giles. Mr. BrunftoeU. Tork. Croft R. St. Peter. The Crown. Cleasby V. Dr. Robin/on. Abby of 2or£. Danby Wisk R. Sir #»gA Smithfon. v. Teaforth CapT Eaftby V. St. Agatha. The Crown. Abby of St. Agatha. Eaft Cowton V. St. Mary. Hofpital of Kirkby Ravenf- Priory of Bridlington. wath. GiEing V. St. Agatha. Mr. Wl>arton. Abby of Tork. Barton, St. Mary. ~) Eriholm, St. Mary ( Forcett /Cap. Hutton Magna !> South Cowton, St. Mary Muker Cap. Kirkby Raven/worth R. St. • Bifhop of Chefter. See of Chefter. Peter. Kirkby on Wish R. St. Sir ifyg£ Smithfon. John Bapift. Langton on Swale R. Earl of Holdernefs. - Marrick Cur. St. Andrew. Lord William Pawlet. Abby of St. Agatha. Marsh. R. Mr Hutton. Melfhamby R. Uaiverfity of 0x/ojy/. Bbb » Middkton 3 <58 Diocefe of Chester. Archdeaconry of Richmond. Middktm Tyers V. Mandfeild V. All Saint!. Romaldkirk R. St. Romald. Learkirk Cap. Ridmond R. St. Mary. Richmond, Holy r Trin. Cap. Rookby V. St. Mary. Stratford V. /fr/y Trinity. Aridngarth Dak Cap. Smeton R. Stanwick V. St. ^"'^ -Ert/>- tifi. BartcUjSt.CmMeyt'SyC&p. Wydiffe R. The Crown. The Crown. Mr. Major, The Crown. The Crown. Lord Lonfdak. Mr. 77*//. Mr. IVharto;:. Mr. 7o»y?rt//. Abby of York. Abby of St. Agatha. $ Abby oi St. Agatha. Diflblv'd Prebend of Stan- wick in Rippon Collegiate Church, FINIS Diocef. C e s t r i i, & Archie!. Richmond. Total of- Churches in Richmond Archdeaconry, 253. and mCheJier, 253 i in all 506 Churches and Chapels in Cbefter Diocefe. DIOCESE i ! 1 1 1 i I * <* * J ^ | * 3 V%S9 ^. )rr y><£^ii5^£i ^M__ 'H <$F^M. •""""•"*»'?»»*"=*■'*■ ^ j-^j=. D I O C E O F M A OMPRIZETH only the Ifland of Man, which lies between England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, almoft at equal diftances, and contains no more than feventeen Pa- riihes, and in them are four Market-towns, viz. Caflle- town, Doaglafs, Peel, and Ramfey, which have all of them Chapels within the refpeclive Pariihes ox Kirks- ! '. - lew, Co?:chan, German, Maughold ■, two whereof, viz. Call let own and Tfouglafs, have been lately rebuilt, as was that of Ramfey about the Year 1636. The Names of the feventeen Pariihes, with their Dedications, are, Kirk Andrews, St. Andrew St. Mary of Hallow Kirk Bride, St. Bridget Kirk Chrift Rufhen, Holy Trinity Kirk Arbory, St. Columbus Kirk Malew, St. Lupus Kirk Santan, St. Santanus Kirk Braddan, St. Srendims Kirk Marowiis St. Runius Kirk Qonchan, St. Concha Kirk Lonon, St. Lonanus Kirk Maughold, St. Machutus. Kirk Patrick, St. Patrick Kirk German in 2W r Sp,.Ge^-- man, the Cathedral JK>n& Michael, St. Michael Kirk Patrick in Jurby, St. SPtf- jK/r& G&ri/? if 2 4) 7 "^ J ^fc§' 2h- All 37© Diocefe of M A N: All which are appropriate, except the three firfr, wh'ch are the only Parfonages or Rectories -, and of thefe Kirk Andrews is annex 'd and uni- ted to the Archdeaconry, to which the Lords of this Ifle prefent, as they do, to all the Livings, except Kirks German, Hraddan and Jourby, which are in the Bifhop's Gift : And to the aforefaid Lords of the Ifle, the Patronage of the Bifhoprick feeras all along to have appertained . For tho' Pope Cccleftine once made a Grant of it in thefe Words, to the Abby of Fumes Co. Lane after ; Traterea in eligendo epifcopum infuhr, itm,libert atem qv.am rege sear urn bona memorise, Olavus (j Godredus/7/iVj - ejus monafterio ceftro cor.t nlernnt , ficut inau- tenticis eorum continetur ; auUoritate apoftolica confirmamus. Dat. Rom-s 10 Cal.Julii, Tontif. noftri 4. [1194.] yet his Bull feems never to have took place j fbrafmuch as we learn from the Mbnafiicon Angli- canum, Vol. III. p. 145. that Olave II. the then King of Man, von obftante Furnefium cla?Aore, fent Nicholas, whom he appointed Bifhop of this See, An. 1 203. to the Church of York, and defired v.t cito confe- cratum remittant. And it is plain, that ever fince, as well as before, the Biiliops have been nominated by the Lords of this Ifle, which was once fubjeel to the Kingdom 0$ Northumberland ; but being about 1 065. won from it by thc'Danes and Norwegians, they appointed a petite King of their own till 1 266. when the Scots, by a mix'd Title of Conqueft and Purchafe, obtained it, and held it for the moft part till Edward Illd's Reign, when it was in 1340. conquer'd by William Mont acute, Earl of Salisbury, who enjoy 'd it during his Life, and never mort- gaged it to Anthony Heck, Bifhop of 'Durham, as Sacheverel, in his Hiftory of this I lie, intimates through a very great Miftake ; for Bifhop Seek had been dead thirty Years before, and had no Title to, it, unlefs any had been conferred upon him by a Grant of King Edward I. on his Conqueft of Scotland, which expired on the Bifhcp's Death, if not fooner, when the Scots, Temp. Edw. II. re- covered again what had been took from them, tho' they were outed of this in the fucceeding Reign of Edward III. by the faid William Mont a- cute, whofe Son fold it 1 393 . to Sir William Scrope, which coming by his Attainder to King Henry IV. he beftowed it 1399. on Henry Tiercy Earl of Northumberland, and on his forfeiting his Favour, gave it 1405. to Sir John Stanley, whofe Pofterity, Earls of 'Derby, have ever fince been pofl'efs'd of it, and have, as already mentioned, enjoyed all along the Patronage of the Biihoprick, and nominate their intended Bifhop to the King, who difmiffes him with the royal Affent to the Archbifhop of York, and he accordingly confecrates him, as one of his Suffragans j this Bifhop being reputed the fourth or laft Suffragan of his Province, tho' he has not, as the other three, any Place in Parliament : Not for the Reafon Diocefe of M A N. 371 Reafon as Heylin and other Hiftorians give, becaufe he is not appointed by. the Crown of England, for . it has fornetimes fo happen'd that the King of England hzs nominated to this See ; but the true Reafon rather appears, that this Bifhop 's Diocefe and Baronage was never within the Realm of England, no more than the Bifhops of Normandy whilft that Country was in the Hands of the Englijlo. Befides, it is apparent, if Dr. Heyliih Reafon had took place, that the Bifhops of Roche fter, as they had antiently been put in by the Archbilhops of Canterbury, might have been excluded, in like manner, fitting in Parliament. The Government of this Diocefe, under its Bifhop, is by an Archdea- con, two Vicars general, and fixteen parochial Minifters, which fupply fixteen of the feventeen Churches, the feventeenth being the faid Arch- deacon's proper Cure. The Revenues or Income of the Bifhoprick arife from a Demefne,,. fome Lands in Leafe, and Appropriations, with the Ad vowfons of Kirk German, Kirk Sraddan, Kirk Jurhy, two thirds of Kirk Patrick, and one third of fome other Parifh.es, and amount in the whole to. about 400 /. per Ann. as does the Archdeaconry to about 90 /. the two Rectories to 60 1, each, and the other Livings to about 25 /. apiece ; tho-' feveral of them being leafed out formerly to Rufhen Abby, the Vicars enjoy 'd a very fmall Pittance, till Bifhop Barrow bought out the Leafe from the Lords of the Ifle, part of wbofe Poffemons it became at the DiiTolution • and for farther Augmentation, procur'd a Grant of 100/. per Ann- to be fet- tled for ever on the pooreft Vicaridges, beiides his own Charity in en- dowing Schools to inftrud the Youth. As to the Cathedral Church, which is dedicated to St. German, and faid to have been built by Bifhop Simon in King Henry Illd's time, it is a plain Structure, erected in the Shape of a Crofs, with a Tower in the Middle, and confifts of two fingle Ifles, eroding each other, which are no more than nineteen Foot in Breadth, without Pillars. The Length from Eaft to Weft is a hundred and thirteen Foot and an half, . and from North to South fixty fix Foot and an half. In the Tower (which ftands upon four Arches, fixteen Foot and an half wide, and is ornamented at Top, with overhanging or corbelled Battlements, in na- ture.of a Caftle) is neither Bells or Windows. Nor is here, as I am in- form'd, one raifed Monument either in this or any of the Pariih Churches, which have none of them above one or two Bells, nor are there any Towers or Steeples belonging to above two or three of them ? and not one Clock in any of them, except Tioiiglafs, lately fet up. Neither are here any antient Infcriptions on Graveftones, which are fcarce any where to be - met with, except fome few in Kirk Malew, the Governour's Parifh. Nor is any Part of the Cathedral (which is the largeil Church in the Illand) ex- cept 372 Diocefe of M A N. cept the Chancel, kept in good repair, by reafon of its Situation within the Walls of Peel-Cattle, to which there is no accefs but at low Water, and even then no good coming ,- which being alfo the Cafe of Kirk 'Pa- trick Church, {landing near it, has occafioned that likewife to go to ruin j on which account the prefent good Bifhop has erected a new Church for the Parishioners 'in a more commodious Place, the Inconve- nience attending St. Germans Parilh being provided for by the Chapel ■ at Peel Town. In Kings Vale Royal, or Hijiory of Chefhire, printed in Folio An. \6)6. may be feen a Draught of this Cathedral, and Kirk Patrick Church, the Abby of Rujken, and Nunnery of T)oug1afs, which, with the Ho ufc of Friars iwKirk Arbcry, founded^. 1373- were the only religious Houfes in this Iiland. The fifft of thefe, viz. Rhjhen, reputed the ufual Burial-Place of the Kings of Man, appears by the Ruins to have been an elegant Structure. Here is alfo, among other Buildings, given a Draught or Profpect of the Epifcopal Palace, which ftands in Kirk Michael Parilh. But belidts the Draught in King, there is published in Stevens Epg- > Monafticm, a South- Weft Profpect of the Cathedral ; and in the new Edition of Qambdens Britannia, by Bifliop Qibfon, we have fome Account how the Bifhops of this Ille came to be entitled Bifhops of Sodor. of which all I need add, is, that about 1098. when Magnus King of Norway had conquer'd Man and the Iilcs, the two Sees of Sodor and Man were faid to be united into one, which having continued fo for 235 Years, viz. till Edward Illd's time, about 1 3 3 3 . has occafioned the Bifhops of this Iile, even to this Day, to retain both Titles, notwith- standing Sodor itfelf which is faid to be an obfeure Village in St. Columb's Ille inScotland, where Pope Gregory IV. planted a Bifhop's See An. 840. has, after its Separation from Man many Ages ago, been long fince fwal- lowed up in the Sees of Orkney and the Illes, while Scotland had Bi- fhops. And, laftiy, as to the Jurifdiction of the Archbifhop of c Dron- theim in Norway, fpoken of by our Writers, and their confecrating the Bifhop of Man, I cannot find any good Authority confirming their exer- cifing jurifdiction here, or difcover that any Bifhop received Confecra- tio:i in Norway, except Laurence, and that was by a particular Acci- dent. And this I am the better enabled to fpeak to, forafmuch as the prefent moft primitive Bifliop, who has generoufly communicated to me an Account of this See, has not been able to meet with any Information about it ; and on his fending to Norway, could only be informed that their Regifters at c Drontheim (if any) were burnt. But I haflen to treat of the Bifhops ; in difcourfing of whom I fhall beg leave to include what Remarks I have farther been able to pick up concerning this See. Bishopj Bifliops of M A N. 363 Bishops 0/ MAN. THIS Iiland became very early the Seat of a Bifliops Amphibalus being reported to have prefided as fuch abouf the Year 360. Tho' better Authorities inform us, that St. Patrick, the Irijh Apoftle, founded this See, and appointed Germanus firft Biihop here An. 447. and after him confecrated Conindrius, and Romulus, Bifliops of this Ifle ; and that five Years after the faid Patrick's Death, Machutus, called alfo Machilla and Manghold, fate Bifliop here 'J11, 498, and 518. He veiled St. Bridget a Nun^ to whom a Church is dedicated, ' as well as one to himfelf, in this Iiland. The next Biihop that occurs, is Conanus, Tutor to Eugenius King of Scotland, who died 'tan. 26. An. 648- He had theTuitionof histhree Sons in this Ifle, which was antiently in fuch Repute, that the Scotch Hiftcries mention an Ordinance to be made for the Education of the Heirs of that Crown by the Bifliops here. Who fucceeded him we have no account, for our Hiftories only furnifli the bare Names of * St. CONTENTUS, * St. B L A D U S, St M a l c h u Sj and T o r k i n u s, who lived An. 889. and is fly led Biihop of Sodor 3 as are the preceding Bifliops. * Ro o lw e r, faid to be buried at St. Maughold's ; x William j and * B r e n d 1 n u s, to whom a Church in this Iiland is dedicated. Nor do we meet with any mention of this See till the Year 1098. when Matthew Paris tells us, that the two Sees of So dor ahd Man were united into one. Wymundus, or Reymundus, (called alfo Hamundtis Son of Jole in the Manks Chronicle) a Monk of Sais in Normandy, was con- fecrated the firft Bifliop by Thomas Archbifliop of Tork, who died An. 1 1 13. Mr. Le Neve fuppofes his calling him the firft Bifliop, was in regard that he became the firft Bifliop of So dor and Man after this See was appointed one of the Suffragans to the Province of Tork. This Bi- ihop was deprived An. 11 51. and had, as Sacheverell tells us, his Eyes put out. His Succefibr," as we learn from Matthew Paris, was John, another Monk of Sais in Normandy, who fays, he faUus efi fecundiLs Antiftites Moin^e infula qiu eft inter Angliam £J Hibernian!, pr 0- pinqnior tamen Anglic, An, 1 1 51. tho' in SachevereWs Account * G a m a l 1 e l, an EngUJJ:man (buried in the Abby of Peterborough, and not with the two foregoing Bifliops, who were both interred in St. ' C c c Germans 5(54 Biiliops of MAN. German's Cathedr«l in Peel, is placed as next Bifhop after Wymmekts. He is faid to have been confecrated by Roger Archbifhop of Tork, who became Archbifhop An. i i 54. and died fo An. 1181. After him, ac- cording to Sachet'erell, Reginald, a Norwegian, was Bifhop here, who obtained a Grant of the third Part of the Tythes of this Ifland. To him fuccceded 'Christian Archa'dienfis, (i. e. a Scot, a Native of Orkney, as I take it) who lies buried in Benchor Monaftcry in Ireland, and had to his SuccefTor Michael, a Mankfman, who dying An. 1203. was buried in Fountains Abby Co. Tork, and fucceeded by Nicholas de Meaux, Abbat of Furnefs in LancaJJjire, An. 1203. in King Johns time \ in whofc Reign < Prynn intimates this See was fub- jeded to Tori'. He is reported to go into Ire/and to vifit 'Bencher Mo- naftery, and that dying there An. 1217. he was buried in that Priory ; tho' I prefume he then only reiigned his Bifhoprick, for in the Monafti- con, Vol. I. p. 506. he occurs An. 1227. by the Name of N. quondam Mannia? & infnlarum Epifcopus, as Witnefs to a Charter of Stainfeild Priory. His Succeffor was Reginald, a Perfon of royal Extraction, Nephew to King Olace, confecrated^//. 1217. Hewasamoft exemplary Governour, and dying about the Year 1226. was buried in Rujhen Abby with his Anceftors, and fucceeded by John, Son of lief are, or Harfere, An. 1226. who by the Negli- gence of his Servants was unfortunately burnt. He was buried at Jere- was (I prefume Jervaulx Abby, called alfo Jerwas, Co. Tork.) After him Simon Archadienfis, an Orkney Man, occurs Bifhop An. 1 229. He was a Man of great Learning and Prudence, held a Synod An. 1239. made thirteen Canons, which fee in the Monafticon Anglicanum. He died in his Palace in Kirk Michael An. 1 249. and was buried in St. Qer- manh Cathedral at Tee/, which he had begun to build. On his Death, Laurence, Archdeacon of Man, was elected Bifhop An. 1249. who being at the fame time on Attendance upon Harold King of this Iile in Norway, received Confecration at the Hands of the Metropolitan of that Kingdom - } which is the only Inftance I find of the Archbifhop of "Droraheims confecrating any Bifhop here. He had the Misfortune to be fhipwreck d, and drowned the fame Year, fo he never came home to take poffeffton of this Dignity, which was, after fome Vacancy, next .conferred upon Ric hard Bifhops of M A N. 365 Richard, an Englijhman, confecrated at Rome An. 1252. He dedicated the Church of St.Marys of Rujhen, or Caftletown, An. 1 260. about fix Years after which, the Scots got Poffeflion of this Iiland. He died An. 1 274. at Langalyner in Copland, on his Return from a general Council, and was buried at Furnefs Abbey, and fucceeded by •* Mark of Galloway , a Scot, by Miftake written Mams, and fome- times call'd Mauritius, promoted by Alexander the Hid King of Scot- land An. 1275. according to fome Accounts, or, as in others, An. 1 280. He was on fome Difference, as Sacheverell intimates, banifh'd by the Natives ; but they being interdicted for it, were glad to recal him, and lay a Smoke-Penny, by Way of Commutation on every Houfe, which is I think yet paid. He held a Synod at Kirk "Brad- dan in March, An. 1291. and made there thirty nine Canons. He died An. 1303. having been fometime blind, and was buried in St. Germans Cathedral in 'Peel. After him Allen, or O n a c h u s, of Galloway, another Scot, became Bifhop An. 1305. He died Feb. 15. 1321. and was buried at Roth ef ay in Scot- land, and fucceeded by a third Countryman, viz. GiLBERTof Galloway, An. 13 21. He died 13 23. and was buried at Rothefay by his Predeceflbr, and fucceeded by Bernard, another Scot An. 1 3 24. He died An. 1333. and was bu- ried at Kilwining in Scotland, where he had been Abbat, and fuc- ceeded by Thomas, who was alfo a Scot/man, about 1334. In this Bifhop's Time this Iiland was entirely recovered and taken away from Scotland, and fo he was the laft Bifhop made by them. He died Sept. 20. 1348. and was buried at Scoon in Scotland. "William Russel, a Maiikfman, Abbat of Rujhen, fucceeded, being confecrated at Avignion, by Pope Clement, An. 1 3 48. He is faid to have refilled fome Encroachments which the See of c Drontheim wou'd have impofed, and to have entirely fliook off that Bilhop.' He held a Synod at St. Michael's, in which five additional Canons were made. He died April 21. 1374. and was buried in Furnefs Abby. His Succef- for was John Dunk an, a Native of Man, elected May 21 . 1374. and confecrated at Avignion Nov. 25. following. In his Return he was made Prifoner at Solonia, and redeemed for five hundred Marks. He died 1380. foon after which time Robert Waldby occurs Bifhop here. He was An. 1391. made Archbiihop of iJublin, and An- 1395- Bifhop of Chichejier, and next C c c 2 Year 3<5<5 Bifliops o/MAN. Year Archbifliop of Tork, as may be feenpag. 39. of this Hiftory. The next I find is *Ric hard Pull y, who occurs Bifliop of So dor An. 1 4 2 9 . after him John Grene, called alfo Sprotton, (as I prefume, from the Place of hisJMrth, not far from Henry fcsepatteft t\}\$ %i(z oa. 1 7. 1 5 56. an& Ipeff) tiurieO un&er t^\$ Static. .Qn his Death, ThomasStanley, A. M. was reftored by Queen Mary An. 15 56. and dy'd 15 68. being then alfo Rector of Winwick as well as Berwick. His Succeilbr was JohnSalisburv, LL. B. Suffragan Bifhop of Tbetford, Dean of Norwich, Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral, and Archdeacon of Angle- fea 9 368 Bifliops of M A N. fea, nominated to this See March 27. 1 ^69. Being a Native of Wales, he had a Hand in tranflating the Bible into Welch, which, with the lofs of his Preferments (for Marriage, as it feems to me, in Queen Ma- rys Reign, he having been of a religious Order, and vowed Celibacy) probably recommended him on Queen 'Elizabeth's Acceifion to the Grown. He died in Sept. 1573. and was buried in Norwich Cathedral, without any Memorial. On his Death, JamesStaniey, Son to the Lord Montegle, is faid to have been appointed Bifhop, by fome Accounts, An. 1573. tho' in others we are inform'd that after Salisbury's Deceafe this See continued vacant about three Years, till JohnMerick, A. M. Vicar of Homchurch in Effex, became no- minated hereunto by Flemy Earl of Derby, and was admitted by the King Jpri 7 13. and confecrated at Lambeth April 15. 1576. the Year after which he was inftalled Bifhcp, viz. An. 1577. He died Nov. 7, 1 *)99. in Torkfiirc, where I fuppofe he was beneficed, and fo was bu- ried no doubt in that County. His Succeflbr was George Lloyd, S. T. P. Reclor of He/wall Co. Lancafter, con- fecrated An. 1599. On whofe Translation to Chefter, where fee more of him, fdg. m- John Philips, A.M. Re&or of Hawarden Co. Flint, Archdeacon of Cleveland and Man, and Parfon of Slingsby and Tborp Co. Tork, was nominated by the King to this See Jan. 29. 1604. and confecrated Feb. 1 o. following. He got the Common-PrayerSook of the Church of Eng- land tranflated into the Language of the Natives of his Diocefe, the Original whereof is yet extant ; and was, as Sacbeverell fays, famous for his Charity and Hofpitality. He died Aug. 7. 1633. and was pro- bably buried at St. Germans in Peel. His Succelfor was W 1 l l 1 a m F o r s t e r, S. T. P. Prebendary of Chefter, prefented by the Earl of 'Derby 26. Dec. who obtained the Royal h&nt Feb. 26. and was confecrated March 9. 163$. He held aCourt atDouglasmOffi- 1634. and dying about four Months after, was buried at Barrow Co. Chefter, Feb. 26. where he wasRe&or, without any Memorial, andfucceeded by R 1 c h a r d P a r r, S. T. P. Re&or of Ecckftou Co. Lane after, con- fecrated '[june 10. 1635. He was an excellent Bifhop, rebuilt Ramfey Chapel, and was eminent for his- preaching, and inftru&ing the Natives of his Diocefe. He died An. 1643. ant ^ v/as buried m the Cathedral of St. Germans in Peel, in the unhappy times of the Rebellion ; which gave an Occafion to a Vacancy of about eighteen Years, till fuch time as * S a m u e l R u t t e r, A. M. Archdeacon (who, upon Bilhop Parr's Dtsth, as chief fpiritual Magistrate, had the eccleiialtical Government :his Ille) was confirmed Biihop QU. S. 1661. He had An. 1660. been Bifliops of MA N. 369 been collated to the Prebend of Longdeu, in the Church of Lkhfsild, by the Title of Bifhop of So dor ; which I find became vacant by his Death An. 1663. He died, and was buried under the uncover 'd Steeple of St. Germans, then in Ruins, in his own Cathedral, with this Epitaph on a- Brafs Plate ; the only one that has been communicated to me from hence ; and I fuppofe, the only Memorial of any Bifliop in this Ifland ; and pofEbly the only Epitaph in this Church. . 3n |jat Stoma $uam g temiculu* S&tttuo accept confratrte meiss .Sufr fpe Refurrectienis aO tutani 3facco Samuel $entiuTione <&ttttna Cpiftopus ftujttg 3nlule. SiU 3tcrtor ©toe 5 Blue ©alatiam €piftopi. €>hiit 30. ^ie Jiaenfi.* Maij, in. 1662. On his Death, the moft Primitive I s a a c B a r r o w, S. T. P. became Confecrated Bifliop Jpjy j- 1663. Refides the Benefadions already hinted, he procured the Sum of 600/. the Intereft of which, he fettled to maintain an Academick Ma- tter i as he did alfo 20 /. per -Ann. for the Encouragement of fuch Per- fons as fhould be defign'd for the Sacred Miniftry. He was in fhort, as Sachecerel tells us, a Man of fo publick a Spirit and generous Defigns, for the good of his Church, that to him is owing, the Learning among the Natives ; as is the Bread the Clergy eat, to his Charity: He was, as the fame Author tells us, to the great lofs of the Ifland, removed to St. A— ' faph, An. 1669. However, he was permitted to keep this See till 1671. when Henry Bridgman,.S. T. P. Dean of Chefter, Prebendary of York, and Redor of Bangor, Co. Flint, and Lanwrft Sine Cure in St. Jfaph Diocefe, became Confecrated at Chefter, OU. I. 1 671. He died May- 18. 1682. and was buried in Chefter Cathedral, without any Me- morial j and fucceeded by John Lake, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Cleveland, Redor of Tr eft- wick Co. Lancafter, and Prebendary of York, confecrated in Dec, 1682. He was in Aagnft 1684. tranflated to Sriftol ,- and fucceeded by Baptist Levin z, S. T. P. Redor of Chriftian Ma/ford, Pre- bendary olHafilbeare, in the Church of Wells, and at length Preben- dary of Winchefter, Confecrated Bifhop March 15. 1684. He died, Jan. 31. 1692. and was buried in Winchefter Cathedral, with this E- pitaph on a railed Monument,. Qagtifta 370 Bifhops o/MAN. Enptifta Levinz, S.T.T. Epifcopus Sodorenfis & hujus JEcc/ t fia Tr bendarius Tatre Gulielmo Levinz de Event ; a inComit. Northampt, Armigero Onus Oxonii in Collegio B. M. Magdalenae E, c Pa~ tria fiu^ Accidentia^ Ecclefia, & Saculi Ornament wm ■ iiatem & fanUimoniam vita 3 morum gravitatem, (r candt ut.es fere Chriftiamis olim fpeUabilis, femper memora nt . i urd & Gratia t Dotibus illitftris, Corp o) is elegant is, Vultus decori, Mentis eximia {Nufquam fplendidius habit avit Thilqfopbia) j ura, qua humana qua ^Divina, omni genere InftruUus ; Tbeodoi gionis Trace atque propugnator Palidijfimus, T)eo probatus Opera- rius t£yivai%uvl@- Epifcopale munits modefte Admifit, prudevter, & Benefice admiv.iftravit^ Tftmacos & Apoftolicos Tafiores imitatus, (j Qiialem pofteri imitentur. Vixit mult is J don e us ; Omnibus < I)i- leUus ; 'Bene de aliis merendi Studiofus^ (j apprime G varus ; Erga. Egenos liberalise fimulq-, Rei familiar is providus ; Hofpitalis fine Luxu, & inter Lantitias abftemius. In Templo, juxta ac prhatis in ALdibus Deum ajfidue Csr fincere Veneratus ; In precibus & jejunis frequens, Cali appetens, Febre Correptus^ 'Bonus $er'' '■*/> 'OjK&y ^^a^/^^/r^/ ■ V/.rsr,.. .I,-///? ' „ ._ ' A^/Jv ''//(/,//ir, VA'f.y //hi tne (ii//,y;i/ ej C\'/,\V- —i B 5Ae> tCkZm^ux under" v /'re "Jb //.; / i.'}>irrj rr/it'sr //aJJ r /u> IllA-J/frn/j ojft/AA /arums ztnAnawn 7 < 2ka;i • '(Jyji'c-Ciit/S/eM.0 u II >A<- < //,i/jAr.s/ n///M Aa ■ y'AM cw AucA. >«/*■ N. AtJ/uyAfAAjr O./At j/y/ti'/'' 'A/ ,.'//< P, V,, . /)<-/, //,/,/"/■! /,■'/"/ Q-: .-id r DIOCESE O F L 1 C H F E I L ONTAINS the whole County of Stafford, except Srome and Clent, which belong to Worcefter ,- all T)erby- Jhire ; the better Part of Warwickshire, and near half Shropshire : divided under thefe Archdeaconries ; I, Coventry, which has thefe Deanaries, all Co. Warwick ; Coventry, Jrden, Marten, Stoneley. H. Stahord, which has thefe Deanaries, all Co. Stafford j Lapley and Treizull, Leek and Alfion, Newcaftle and Stone, lam- worth and *Tutbury. III. Derby, which has thefe Deanaries, all Co. T)erby ; 'Derby, Cqftillar, Chefterfeild, AJloborne, High-Teak, Repington. IV. Salop, which has thefe Deanaries, both Co. Salop ■ viz. New-. port and Salop. Here is no Archdeacon denominated from Lichfeild, which is the only Cathedral, except Teterborough aud Sriftol, both which are of Henry VHIth's Foundation, that doth not entitle an Archdeacon. The Clergies Tenths, according to Heylin, in this great Diocefe, amount to J90/. 16 s. n d. and Number of Parifb.es are 557 ; tho' in- D d d eluding g72 Cathedral of Lichfeild. eluding Chapels, here are, as in my Account, no lefs than 643 . But I come now to fpeak of the Cathedral o/'LICHFEILD. "'HAT here were two Cathedrals before the Reformation, viz. Jl one at Coventry, as well as this Place, appears yet by the Bifhop's Style, who is ftill entitled Bifhop of Coventry as well as Lichfeild : For An. 1102. the See being removed to Coventry Monaftery, and con- tinuing there for fome time, and being with great Oppoiition brought back to Lichfe Id, after the Year 1185. the Difference between the Monks of 'Coventry and Canons of Lichfeild 'was thus compofed -, viz. That the Bifhop fhould take into his Style both Places, giving the Precedency to Coventry, and that they fhould chufe their Bifhop by turns, and both Churches make one joint Chapter, in which the Prior of Coventry fhould be Principal ; and fo it continued till 1541. when on the Diffolution of the Monaftery of Coventry, and the pulling down that moft ftately Ca- thedral very foon after, there parted An. 33. Hen. VIII. an Ad to make the Dean and Chapter of Lichfeild the fole Chapter for the Bifhop 5 as it now continues. The Members of this Cathedral, viz. Lichfeild, are a Dean, Pre- centor, Chancellor, Treafurer, who have all Prebends annex'd to their Dignities. Beiides thefe, there are alfo twenty feven other Prebends, one of which, viz. EcclejJmll, is of late annex'd to the Bifhoprick. Out of thefe thirty one Prebends, the Dean and four more are ftyled Canons-Re- fidentiary j which four are chofen indifferently out of the Prebendaries and Dignitaries. The Minor-Canons are twelve ,- five whereof (one of which is Subchanter) are ftyled Prieft- Vicars, and the other feven Lay- Vicars or Singing-Men. Here is alfo an Organift, eight Chorifters, two Virgers, a Sacrift and Subfacrift. The four Archdeacons, unlefs they are Prebendaries, have no Stalls in the Cathedral, as all other Archdeacons in the other Cathedrals have. Neither is here any Grammar-School belonging to the Church ; tho' there is one in the City, founded 1 by Bi- fhop Smith before the Reformation. The Bifhop and Dean have good Houfes here, as have the Vicars in a Place called the College, at the Weft End of the Cathedral, within the Clofe, wherein are eight Prebendal Houfes, which the Bifhop dif- pofes of to fuch of the Prebendaries as he thinks fit, in order to qualify them to be elected Canons. The Members, An. ij 22. pafleffing thefe Houfes, were, Dr. Maynard y Precentor ; Mr. Rider, Prebendary of Tipa Cathedral of LichfeildJ 373 Tipa ux Albemarlia? F. F. "Weford, Pranobilis Heros Theophilus Comes Huntingdon F. F. ' Gaia Minor, Pvichardus Comes Dorfet F. F. Ecclefhall, Edv- Vicecomes Conway F. F. Ulveton, Richardus Comes Bridgwater F. F. Sandiacre, Johannes Flpifcopus Dunelm. F. F. Darfet Parva, Geo. Baro Berkley F. F. Then follow on the other Stalls, not affigned to Prebends : T>omina Maria Airmin Baronetta F. F. Guil Afliburnham Tribun. Milit. F. F. Tho. Trevor Baronettus F. F. Brian. Broughton Baronett. F. F. Johannes Robinfon Baronett. Cufios Turris Londin. F. F. Gualterus Chetwind Arm. F. F. Gulielm. Venables, films Baronis de Kenderton Co. Chefter, F.F. Gulielmus Chetwind de Rugeley Arm. F. F. Francis Dive Arm. F. F. Richard Busby S. T. P. F. F. Then follow the Prebend Stalls, viz. Flixton, Samuel Gardiner S. T. T. F. F. Bobenhall, Andreas Hacket Arm. F. F. Ruiton, Henr. Sprott Arm. F. F. Colwich, Johannes Warner 6'. c t. T. F. F. Dornford, Richard Terrick Arm. F. F. Stotfold, T>ignif[. Vir Johannes Sharp, in Curia Regis Cancellar. *T^YfLciitioyiciv» F« H« Guiborough, i.e. Curborough, Tho. Wilmere Miles honor at iff. Or- dinis de Balneo, F. F. D. Thefaurarius, Clariffimus Vir Banafter Maynard, Hares honora- t/Jf. Gul. Maynard, Baron, de Eftaynes, F. F. The Cathedral of Lichfeild. 377 The Verfes over the great Weft Doors being given imperfectly in this Author, I fhall here infert them. Ofwyus eft Lichfeild Fundator, fed Reparator Ofikfuit, Regum Fama per emits erit : Rex Stephanus, Rex Henricus, prhnufque Richardus, Rex (j Johannes, plurima 'Dona dabant. ' I have now done with that Author, who might have enumerated the Graveftones robbed of their Brafs Infcriptions. Thefe were no lefs than fixty feven ; but as they have been divers of them remov'd from Place to Place, on new paving the Church, there is no afcertaining to whom they belonged : Tho' it is plain four of them belonged to Bifhops, as is appa- rent by the Impreflion of the Mitre and Crofier on the Stones. One of thefe was doubtlefs for Bifhop Halfe, another Bifliop So/ers, a third Bifhop jBurghilfs, and the fourth probably for Bifhop Clofe. Thefe feem to have been all of them fpoiled of their Braffes about the Begin- ning of Queen Elizabeth's Reign, who was forced to publifh a Procla- mation to prohibit defacing Monuments. The Dimenfions of this Church, tho' they may be feen by the Scale in the Ichnography, I fhall beg leave to repeat here. It contains in Length, from Eaft to Weft, 411 Foot ,- the Breadth of the Body and and Side-Ifles is 66 Foot ; about equal to which is the Height of the Vaulting. The Height of the Rood, or middle Spire, is 246 Foot j of the Weft Steeples (in the Southern of which hangs a Peal of ten Bells) 188 Foot. Here were never any Cloifters. The Roof of the whole Fabrick is neatly vaulted with Stone ; and the Elegancy and Regularity of the Building renders it one of the moft compleat Cathedrals in England. The chief Builders of it were Bifhop Clinton, Temp. Hen. I. who built good part of the Church,, and encreafed the number of Prebends,, fenced the Town with a Ditch v and laid out much Money on the Caftle. BiQiop Langton, Temp. Edw.l. who began the Lady-Chapel, corn- paffed the Clofe with a Wall, made a famptuous Shrine for St. Chad, at 2000 /. Expence, built the Gate at the Weft End,, and having be- flowed his own Palace on the Vicars, made for himfelf and Succeifors, on the North Eaft Part of the Church, a very fair Habitation, wherein, in a goodly Hail, he caufed to be excellently well painted (as Erdfwick' tells us)' the Coronation, Marriages, Wars, and Funeral, of his Patron. King Edw, L. There 378 Cathedral o/Lichfeild.' There were alfo other Bifhops, Deans, and Canons who are faid to have contributed liberally to the building and adorning this Church ; as Dps CornhulL MeyJand, Norburgh, Scrope, SurgbW, Heywortb, h - y Deans Manceter, Heywood, and Denton y - Canons Cbaddfden, Radnor, Hardwich, "Birmingham, RadcUJF, &c. But there "being an Account given, in Avglia Sacra, Vol. I. of the Bene r aclions of the refpe&ive Bifliops, Deans, and Canons of this Church, I efore the Reformation 1 541. I need not enlarge farther on this Particu- lar ■ So fliall conclude with an Account of Bifhop Hachet's Be.iefacV^- . who may be reckoned as the fecond Founder of this Church. This good Bifhop, as may be feen in the Antiquities of Lichfeild, 1 ready cited, and in his Life, published by Dr. 'Plume Archdeacon 1 Rocbefter-, at his coming to this See, An. 1661. found the Church in a molt defoiate Condition ; the Roof of Stone beat down ; the Timber, Lead, Iron, Glafs, Organs, Stalls, Bells, (jc. embezzled ,• the middle Spire entirely batter'd down, and great part of the Weft Spires demo- lish 'd : fo that the next Morning after his Arrival he fet his own Coach - Horfcs to work, together with other Teams, to carry away the Rub- bifh. Which being cleared, he procured Artizans of all forts to begin the new Pile ; and in eight Years, to the Admiration of all the Country, fet up a compleat Church again ; the whole Roof, from one End to the other, being by him throughout repair'd with Stone, and leaded, at the Coft of above icoool. which he accomplifli'd a great Part out of his own Bounty, with 1000/. Contributions of the Dean and Chapter, by inceffant Importunity from worthy Benefactors ; himfelf overfeeing all, and managing every thing with incredible Prudence and Fidelity, in con- triving and bargaining with Workmen, and unfpeakable Diligence in fol- -liciting for Money, by which means this rare Building became finifhed in fo ftiort a Space, and was confecrated by his Lordfhip on Chriflmas- Eve, 1669. with all fitting Solemnity, as may be feen in the above-men- tioned Authors. I have been the longer in defcribing this excellent Bifhops Benefaction, the rather to recommend his Example to fome Cathedrals which feem now to ftand in need of fuch a Governour j efpecially the poor defoiate Church of Landajf, where, even without any other Enemy than what the Members themfelves are faid to have been, by receiving all from the Church, and expending little or nothing upon it, they have left it to fall a Ruin to Time, and become a Reproach to its Enemies round about, there being none of its Sons that feem to commiferate its Con- dition, or regard its being diverted of all Ornaments and Ceremonies Hs'd in other Cathedrals, which might be reftored foon again, was the Endowment of Lichfeild. 379 the fame Spirit and Zeal exifting as in 1661. which raifed this our Church' of Lichfeild, and would even repair the .Breaches here, was the like care taken as in Lichfeild, and the fame Method put in practice ; which I fhall here extract from two Memorandums in Mr. JJJmoles Collections in the Mufaum at Oxford, that the Reader may have a better Idea of Bifhop Packet's Undertaking,, and what he had to go through. " June- 16. j 660. This Morning Mr. Rawlins of Lichfeild told me, cc that the Clerks Vicars of the Cathedral had enter'd the Chapter- cc Houfe, and there faid Service ,• and this, with the Veftry, was the * c only Places in the Church that had a Roof to fhelter them. " July 18. 1660. Mr- T)ugdale moved Dr. Sheldon to become an Cf Inftrument for the Repair of Lichfeild Cathedral ; and propofed that " the Prebends, -(jrc. that were admitted fhould part with one half of cc their Proits towards the Repair of the Fabrick, which would be no cc great Burden to them ; and by this Example the Gentry would be in- ' c vited to join with them in fome confiderable Contribution. " iV. C B. I find this Method fucceeded accordingly. In the faid Mr. Ajlomoles Collections is given a Draught or Profped of Lichfeild Clofe, with the Reprefentation of the great Steeple beat down below the Bottom of the Spire, and the Weft Front, as it flood fhat- ter'd, with the Battery of the Doors and Windows of the Church. Endowment of the Bijhopriclt, An. 1534. Temporalia 673/. ioj. 6 d. S S !*i ri t u a l i a 74/. yx. fed de- duel. 92 1, iis. 4^. reprifal. clams valor fait tantummodo 703 /. 5 s. 2 d. according to which Sum it was then rated for Firft- Fruits and Tenths : Tho' it is now reduced to only 559/. 17 s. 3 d. fo that a- hove 142/. has been abated on account of Alienations. The Value of the refpe&ive Eftates, An. 1 534. were thus reckon'd : /. s. d. Lichfeild and Whittington Redditus ■ ■' ■ * '—— — 62 3 1 Perquifit Curiar. — — — — — ■ ■ i Et Molind. — — — -' r ^ Eeaudefert Maner. ■ "> ■■■- <— — — 713 Longdon Maner. ■ — — » ■■ . ■ » 35 j Perquifit. Curiar. - - — -. .. — - 100 Cannock Maner. — — ■ . 15 8 8 Rugeley — - -. — — 2 14 8 Hey wood Maner. ^~rr, » — — . $3 17 o o o o 4 1 E e e Curia: 380 Alienations from Lichfeild. Curls ibid. ■* Srewood Maner. Curia? ibid. /. • J - , d. ' 1 16 8 57 9 7 Ecclejhall Cafrr. & Manef . » ■ - g J In Hey wood & j??/i?rfc " ■ "" ■ \ " 703 5 2 Alienations from LICHFEILD Bifhoprich THAT here are entirely alienated the Manours of Beaudefert, Longdon, Cannock, Rugeley, Heywood, Co. Stafford, and the epifcopal Palace in London, appears in fome meafure from Vat. 1. JEdw. VI. Aug- 20. 1547. wherein mention is made, that the King, in confideration of the Manours of Longdon, Seaudefert, Rugeley^ Hey- wood, Serkfwick, and Cannock, granted to Richard \SampJon~] Bifhop of Coventry and Lichfeild, the Rectories of Wolfianton Co. Stafford -, Be/grave Co. Leicefler ; Towcefter, Tightefley, and 'Buckby, Co. Nor- thampton i Towen [Co. Merioneth] and the Deanary of Qnofall, with the four Prebends Co. Staff or d> all of the yearly Value of 183 /. 8 J". \od. N. S. By this Grant, Woljlanton, Belgrade, Towcefter, Tighteffey, and Buckby being appropriated to the Bifhoprick, feem from good Re- ctories to be reduced to mean Vcaridges, or Itipendiary Curacies, as they now remain. In Alienations from Lie hf eild. g8 r In Strype's Memoirs, Vol. III. p. ipp. we have this Account of Bi- fhop Samp f on s Alienations. In his time two of the befl Manours were exchanged for two Be- " nefices, efteemed as much in Value, but the Royalty was loft 3 - one of (c them, viz. Beaudefert, was conferred upon Sir Will. Paget, who An. cc i 54.9. being made a Baron, had his Title from thence." In iiugdaWs Warwickshire we are informed, that this Bifhop, about the fame time, parted- with the Manours of Geydon, Chadfunt, Bijhcp's- Itchington, and Tachbrook, and the Patronage of ' Fenny-Compton, in that County. This See being thus miferably fpoiled 'Temp. Edw. VI. there remain'd little for Queen Elizabeth to ftrip it of ,- tho' I find, An. Regni 1 5. a Grant made to her of "Rugby Rectory and Advowfon by Biihop BenthaiK for fixty Years. And An. Regni 25. in another Patent, a Leafeof BeU grave-ReCtory, with fome Lands at Eccle/hall, to her by Bifhop Over- ton, for fifty Years. But I prefume they are reverted to the See again. Both thefe were married Bifliops, which I cannot difcover Sampfon was ; which I the more wonder'd at, becaufe I do not find that any other un-. married Bifhop, except Voyfy of Exeter, who was frighten'd into it, made any of thefe fhameful Compliances. The State of this See, as it now remains, may be judg'd in fome mea- fure from the Sale of the Lands in the great Rebellion. /. j". d. 164.7. Trees Manour Co. Salop, fold Dec. 18. to Enoch Smith, for « : — = . r- 11 21 16 o 1648, Trees Manour, &c. there fold April 21. to Tho. tfarper, for - - - »— - — — , ^ S66 5 o fywley Fee-Farm Rent, fold March 20. to Nathaniel Hallowes, for—— — « — — — _ — —. 400 Fee-Farm Rent of Itchington of 8 2 /. per An. fold to K. Taylor and Will- "Bridges, for ->. < -» — — — — 856 1 5 6 Fee-Farm Ren tof Eictfejld City, fold Sept. 18. to Al- derman Andrews, for > m < ■ »-■ ■ -— — — . .. ■ ■ ■ — 700 o o 1650. "Burton in Wjrral Manour, fold March 22. to Wil- liam Steel, for — • v— — ■ — — — 5340 o o Farvdon Manour, fold March 23. to Nehemiah Maf- " fey, for — *^— . — -« uS \6 8 Kmajbali Manour, Co. Stafford, fold March 23. to Sir Jrtbur Hajlerigg, for rrrt — — ■ -~ r— 5 8 33 9 9 Eee j Ecck- 382 Alienations, &c- c/Lichfeild. Ecclejhall Manour, fold Sept. 28. to John Holland, Nath. Andrews, and John 'Bowles, for — - » 14224 3" 16 j'tfff. 1 . Coventry Palace, fold to N. Lacy, Sam. Palmer, and Ob. Chambers, for — — Sum Total --— — ■- - ■ " — — • 28452 1 j The Impropriations were granted away without any formal or par- ticular Sales, as the Demefnes were. In the Monafticon Anglic anttm, Vol. III. is an Account of the Sta- tutes of this Cathedral, and Chantries founded in if, with the Values of them, which fee alfo in the Antiquities of Lichfeild, where is inferted the old Valor of the Livings in the Diocefe and Prebends, from the MSS. in the Bodleian Library, taken 'Temp- Edw. I. The Bifhop of Lichfeild is Patron of his four Archdeaconries, and all the Prebends in his Cathedral, eleven Livings in his Diocefe, of Tlow- cefter, Bugby and Tight ley Vicaridges, Co. Northampton ; Belgrade Co. Leicefter-, Burton, Wibunbury and Copenhall, Co. Chefter. Endowments of the Dean and Chapter of Lichfeild. TH E Eftate of the Chapter, except fome few Demefnes at Alrewas and King 's-Brmnley, confifteth wholly of Impropriations. The clear .Value, An. 1534. was flared at only 275/. 13^.4^. and the Tenths at vjl. 1 1 j-. qd. Thefe arofe from the Impropriations of Bahwell, Hope, Uiddefwall cum Capellis, Co. Derby, the Product of which was com- puted at above 200 /. of the 275/. the reft arifes from Arely, Cannock, Rttgeley, Horborne, Fairwell, Co. Stafford -, Worfield, Co. Salop - y Eg- lafion, Co. Warwick ; and Thornton, Co. Lincoln ; and fome few Pen- fions paid from Churches in the refpective Archdeaconies, with which the Vicars Choral were maintain'd. The Names of the Vicars and their Stipends, and alfo of the Lay Vicars, or Singing-Men, are printed in the old Valor Beneficiorum. The Chapter have alfo, for farther Mainte- nance of their Dignities, fome Lands in Fairwell, Curborough, Charley, Homcrwkh, ShareJJmll, and fome Rents in Lichfeild City and Parifh. The value of thefe Eftates, and all the Prebendal ones, as they were efti- mated in the Time of the great Rebellion, are, with the like Particulars of the Rentals of other Cathedrals, reported in the Library at Lambeth. ■ The BiftlOpS o/LlCHFEILD. 38 3 The Chapter prefent to St. Marys Church in Lichfeild^ and about eleven other Churches in the Diocefe ,• in mofl of which, and in their Prebendal Churches, they claim a peculiar Jurifdiction. They are alfo Patrons of their impropriated Church of 'Thornton juxta Horncafik^ Cp. Lincoln. Bishops 0/ LICHFEILD. OF the Foundation of this Bifhoprick by Ofwy King of Mercia y fee Anglia Sacra> Vol. I. and Monafticon Anglicanum^ Vol. III. p. 2 1 6. from which and other Authorities the following Accounts of the Bifhepstothe Time of 'William I. An. 1066. have been with great Labour collected and revifed by the Reverend Mr. Carte Prebendary of this Church, who has, as I conceive, adjufted the Series of the Succefli,on in a more exa& manner than has been yet publifh'd. Diuma was confecrated firft Bifhop of this See between Nov. if. An. 655. and Eafier 656. He dy'd An. 6^. and was fucceeded Cellach, An. 658. He quitted it next Year, on the Mercians re- volting from King Ofwy his Patron, and return'd into the North, An. 659. whereupon Trumhere, Abbat of Ingetlingham y was promoted to this Bifhop- rick by King Wulfere 3 An. 660.. He dy'd 662. and was fucceeded by T J a rum an, An. 663. He dy'd 66 7. and was after two Years Va- cancy fucceeded by Cedda or Chad, recommended to this See by Wilfrid Arch- bifhop ofTork (who had officiated here in the Vacancy) An. 669. He dy'd March 2. An. 67 2. and was bury'd in the Cathedral, which (with feveral other Churches in thefe Parts) became dedicated to his Honour^ and had a rich Shrine ere&ed to his Memory in it. Win f rid fucceeded An. 672. and was Sept. 24. prefent at the Synod at Hemdford, but was depofed An. 675. by the Archbifliop, for not complying with the Divifion of his Bifhoprick. Sexulf, Abbot of Peterborough ,.. fucceeded 676. and foon after confented to the Erection of the Bifhoprick of Hereford ;,as he did 679. to thofe of Worcefter, Lindfey or' Stow 3 and Leicefier. He dy'd An.. 69 1 . and was fucceeded by Hedda, or HeaddEj 6ji, He dy-d 7ix> and was fucceedei Ax D WIN, 384 Bifhops of LlCHFEILD.' Aldwin or Eadwin, alias Wor, in 711. He dy'd 737. and was fucccedcd by WictAj or HwiTAj An. 737. He dy'd An. 752. and was fuc- ceeded by He mel, An. 7 52. He dy'd An. 764, or 765. and was fucceeded Cuthfrith or Cuthred, An. 765. He dy d about 7^8. and was fucceeded by Berthunus. He dy'd An. 785. and was fucceeded by Higebert, or SigeberTj elected in the Synod of Celench, An. 78 j. at which King Off a conftrain'd Archbifhop Janebert of Canter- bury to refign fome part of his Province to him. He dy'd next Year, and was fucceeded by Adule, An. 786. He was the fame Year confirm 'd by Pope Adrian in his Archiepifcopal Authority over the Sees of Winchefler, Hereford* Legeicejfer, Sidnacefter or Stow, Helmham, and Tiunwich, which he enjoy 'd till 799. for thirteen Years, when Pope Leo annext them again to the Archbifhop of Canterbury. As for Adulf he dy'd An. 812. and was bury'd in the Cathedral, and fucceeded by Here win, who made his Profeffion of Obedience to Wulfride, Archbifhop of Canterbury, An. 812. He dy'd An. 817. having fate five Years, and was fucceeded by Athelwold, or H e r k e n w a l d, confecrated An. 818. He dy'd 828. His Succeffor was Hukberht, confecrated by Archbifhop Wilfrid a little before his Death, which happen'd An. 829. He dy'd An. %66. and was fucceeded by Kinebert, or Kinefyrh. He fate three Years, and was fucceeded by Tunfrith, or Tumbriht, confecrated An. 870. He dy'd An. 900. and was fucceeded by E l l a or A l f w 1 n, An. 900. He dy'd 9 24. and was fucceeded by E l g a r, or Alegar, An. 924. He dy'd An. 940. and was fuc- ceeded by K y nsi u s, An. 940. He dy'd about 964. and was fucceeded by Wins 1 us, who prefided from 964. till 992. when ^Elfage, or Elfeth, fucceeded 99 2. and prefided fifteen Years, and dying An. 1007. was fucceeded by Godwin, An. 1007. He dy'd An. 1020. and was fucceeded by Leoegai, An. 1020, He prefided feven Years, and dying 1027. was fucceeded by Brithmar Bifhops of Coventry and Lichfeild. 385 Brithmar, 1017. Hedy'd^/7. 1039. and was fucceeded by Wilsius, 1039. He dy'd in Cct 105}. and was fucceeded by Leofw ine, the firfl Abbat of Coventry, who became promoted to this See An. 1054. However he kept his Abbacy with his Bifbop- rick, as we learn from Leland's Collectanea, Vol. VI. p. 246. He dy'd An. 1066. and was fucceeded by Peter, confecrated An- 1067. the Year after the Norman Inva- fion, or Conqueft. This Man remov'd his See An. 107J. toSc. John's Church in Chefter, where he fate ten Years, and dying about the latter end of 1085. was bury'd there, and fucceeded by Robert de Limesey, nominated on Chriftmas-day 1085. and confecrated at Canterbury next Year. He did not like Chefter for a Bifhop's See; foon^n/18. 1102. remov'd this See to Coventry, where he dy'd Jug* 30. 1117. and was bury'd there. After his Death this See continued vacant, according to Wharton, four Years, till the con-* fecration of his Succeffor, whom, and the following Bifhops, we muft flyle Bifhops of Coventry and Lichfeild. AND he was, Robert pECHE,Chaplain to King Henry L Godwin places his com- ingin^zz. 1 117. and fo makes no Vacancy; tho' other Authors tell us he was confecrated at JHngton March 13. 1 1 2 1 . He dy'd Jug. 22.11 27. and was bury'd at Coventry ', and fucceeded after two Years Vacancy by R o g e r de Clinton, Archdeacon of Buckingham, confecrated at Canterbury Dec 22. 11 29. and enthronized at Coventry in January .following. He built great part of the Church at Lichfeild, encreafed the number of his Prebends, or rather firfl fix'd them here ; for it feems to me that he founded the two Gaia's, Freford, Hanfacre, Cur- lurough, Darnford, Offley^ btotfold, and the t\vo Ulvetons ; and I doubt not but he fettled the principal Dignitaries. He alfo fenced the Town with a Ditch, and beftow'd much Money on the Caftle. He dy'd in the Pilgrimage he had undertaken to Jerufalem, at Jntioch, Jpril 16. 1 148. and was bury'd there. Walter Durdent, (the firfl: Precentor of Lichfeild as I can find, which he feems to have quitted to be Prior of Canterbury) fucceeded. He dy'd Dec. 7. 1161. and was bury'd at Coventry. While he fate here he obtain'd from King Stephen the Privilege of coining Mony, and fome Lands at Cannock and firewood. Richard Pe c he, Archdeacon of Chefter, fucceeded, being con- fecrated Jn. 1162, He took on him a religious Habit in the Priory of 386 Bifhops of Coventry and Lichfeild. °f St. Thomas, near Stafford, where he died, OB. 6. 1182. and was burled. Gerard la Pucelle, Canon of Salisbury, fucceeded, being confe- crated Sept. 25. 1 1 S3. He died Jan. 13. 1 184. and was buried at Co- fentrjL and f.ccceded by Hugh de Nondnt, Archdeacon of Oxford, elected 1 1 85. tho' not confecrated till Jan. 3 1. 1 1 88. He brought back the See to Lichfeild, and procured to his Church the Advowfon of Q Bakewell, &c. the Towns of Cannock and Rugeley, and fome Houfes at London. Godwin fays he died An 1199. in Normandy, and was buried at Caen : Tho' better Au- thorities place his Death and Burial April 27. np8. at Lertherlevin in that Country. His Succeilor was Geofry de Mufchamp, Archdeacon of Cleveland, confecrated at Canterbury, "June 21. 1198. He died OH. 6. 1208. and was buried at Lichfeild ; in which Church he founded the Prebend ofjfolrey, and ob- tained from King John Several Churches ; as, Wellchall, Forton, Ruge- ley, Canock, which were given to it, as may be feen in 'Prynns Col- Jeclavea, Vol. III. pag. 3. by King Hen. II. and made Prebends. On his Death, the Monks of Coventry chofe Josbert, their Prior ; but the Canons of Lichfeild, to pleafe the King, eie&ed An. 1 2 1 o. Walter de Grey, who, according to Godwin, held it till his Translation to Wor- ctfter,An. 1214. But Mr. Wharton intimates, that both Elections be- ing fet aiide, by joint Con fen t of both Chapters they agreed upon William de Coruhy.ll, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, who was con- secrated and made his Profeffion of Obedience at Reading, Jan. 25. 1215. He was a good Benefactor to his Church, and gave the Canons Power of chuiing their own Dean, which before was folely in the Bi- ! fhop's Election, and impropriated to them Hope, Tiddefwall, Canock, Rugeley, (jc. He died Aug. 20. 1223. and was buried ac Lichfeild^ where was, An. 1662. on digging a Grave, his Coffin found, with this Infcription on it : SInno at) *fncarnatione Gemini mccxxiii. orjtit Wilhelmus, Coven. $ Lichfeild «Bnrfcnpug, 13 Cal- Septemb. Bepi ftegjg Henrici jFttit Johannis xn. (lib Honorio $apa in. Stephano Cantuar. ?HrcI)tC- jjifcojpo. Mxit aurcm €cclcfiam iftam vin ^nnog, 1 flaen*. Alexander de Stacenby fucceeded, being confecrated April 14. 1 224. He added Tervin and Wellington to the Number of Prebends in his Church, founded the Grey-Friars in Lichfeild City, and dying at Andoi'er, 'Dec. 26. 1238. was buried in Lichfeild Cathedral. On his Death both. Chapters elected William de Raleigh, Treafurer of Exe- to\ Bifhops of Coventry and Lichfeild. 387 ter, for their Bifhop ,• but he being made choice of by the Monks of Nor- wich, accepted of that See. So, on a new Difpute, the Lichfeild Men elected William de Manceftre, their Dean ; and the Coventry Men chu- fing Nicholas de Fernham, afterwards Bifhop of 'Durham, and he re- futing it becaufe of the Difpute, both Parties were indued to come to another Election ; when, by the King's Perfuafion, they chofe HucHif 'Patejhull, Treafurer of England, and Canon of St. Taufs Cathedral, London, who was confirmed Bifhop 1239. confecrated Ju- ly 1. 1240. and enthronized Sept. 21. following. He died Dec 7. 1 241. and was buried near St. Stephens Altar in this Cathedral, in which he founded the Prebend of Collwich. On his Death, Richard Crassus, Abbat of Evefloam, was ele&ed by the Chap- ter, and confirmed by the Pope j but he dying at Riola in Gafcoigne 'Dec. 3. 1 242. without Confecration, one Robert de Monte Tejjidano was nominated to this See by the Pope, who finding great Oppofition made to him by the King, refigned his Pretentions to the Pope, who fubftituted in his ftead Roger^ Wefeham, Archdeacon of Rochester, and Dean of Lin- coln, and he became confecrated accordingly, and received the Tempo- ralities Jan. 1. 1245. He added to the number of his Prebends Rui- ton and Bobenhall, and annext 'Bolton to the Archdeaconry of Chefter. Growing very tick and infirm, he refigned his Bifhoprick Dec. 4. 1256. and dying at Brewood May 20. following, An. 1257. was buried in his own Cathedral, near Canon Radclijf "s Tomb, and fucceeded by Roger de Mo lend, alias Longfpe, elected Jan. 3 1 . 125: 6. and con- fecrated March 1 o. following. He added Flixton, 'Parva Pipa, and Sandiacre to the number of his Prebends ; and dying Dec. 1 1. fome fay 'Dec. 16. 1295. was buried Jan. 3. following, under a Tomb on the South Side the high Altar, near the Bifhop's Seat, in his own Cathedral, to which he had been a considerable Benefactor. His Succsffor Was Wal t e r de Ljangton, Treafurer of Landaff, Canon of London and this Church, and Dean of Bridgnorth, elected .£//)-, Redory of Brixton Deveral Co. Witts^ and Vicaridge ol Sunning, Co. Berks, and being preferred to this See, got Leave to hold the Re- &ory-p{ Clifton Camvtl in Ccmmendam. In his Will he appointed to be buried in Lichfeild Cathedral, but that not being obferv'd, leads me to remark, that except Bifhop Hac ket, there has not been one Biihop in- terr'd here lince 1 53 1. now near two hundred Years ago. On his Death Accepted Frewen, S. T. P. Dean of Gloucefter , Prefident of Magdalen-College Oxon, Prebendary of Canterbury, and Redor of Stanlake Co. Oxon, and Ifdrnford Co Hants, was nominated to this See Aug. 17. 1645. but not confecrated till April 1644.. or enthroniz'd till 1660. if he ever came hither at all. For tho' he got at the Reflora- tion of Church and Monarchy a great Sum of Money, as having been, kept out of Polleflion for Sixteen Years, yet I do not find he vifited this Cathedral, that was miferably ruin'd in the Rebellion, or contributed to- wards the re-edifying it, that being entirely the Work of his generous Succeffor Biihop Hacket, and a miftake of Grooms, in his Hiftory of the Dignity of the Clergy, who falily attributes it to this Bifhop, who be- ing in a very little Time tranflated to York, room was made for his moft excellent Succeffor, whofe Name will never be forgotten at Lich- feild, viz. John .Hacket, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Bedford, Redor of Cheam in Surry, and St. Andrews Holbom in London, and Canon of St. Paufs Cathedral there, of whom take this Account from Newconrt, who tells us he was born in the Strand, London, An. 1592. eleded 1.608. from Wefiminjier School to 'Trinity-College Cambrige, of which he became Fellow, and was An. 161 8. made I haplain to Bifhop Williams of Lincoln. About 1639. he obtained fome thoufands of Pounds for repair of his Church of St. Andrew's Holbom ; but the long Parliament leiz'd it, as they did what was colleded for St. 'Paul's Cathedral. In the great Rebellion he was depriv'd of all j but was An. 1660. reftored to his Preferments, and had the Bifhoprick of Gloucefter offer 'd him, which he refufed, but next Year accepted of this of Lichfeild ; and being confecrated hereto Dec. 27. 1661. he not long after repaired hither, where finding the Cathedral quite ruined in the time of the Rebellion, he let himfelf to the re-building thereof, .and finifhed the fame in about Eight Bifliops of Coventry and Lichfeild. 395 eight Years, making it more beautiful than it was before, at the Expence of twenty thoufand Pound, a thoufand of which he had of the Chapter and the reft was of his own Charge and procuring from Benefactors. ■ On Chriftmas-Eve, 1669* the faid Cathedral was dedicated by him with the ufual Ceremonies ; and in feafting three feveral Parties of Men for three Days. He alio laid out 1 000/. in repairing the Houfe of his Refidence at Lichfeild, that of his Predeceflors having been ruined in the great Rebellion, and did much endeavour to fettle a pious and laborious Cler- gy in his Diocefe by his own Example of conftant Preaching. He died OB. 28. 1 570. and was buried on the South Side the high Altar of this Cathedral, under a noble Tomb^ with this Infcription to his Memory : JoHANNIS HACKET Epifc. Lichf. & Coventr. Cinerihus facrum Trimava Pietatis & fumma Eloquent!* Trefulem Ecclefia Anglicanas & Fidel orthodox* Ajfertorem ftrenuun^ Concionatorem etiam ad ultimum ajfiduum, Et Superftitionis Babylonicae tarn maturtmi Hoftem 9 Ut pene in amis ftraverit Loyalitas ; (Raro exemplo Ut poet a praluderet Iheologo) Vita denique integritate & innocentia$ Morum fuavitate & candore, Charitate erga pmiperes eximia, ■ Et Liberalitate erga fuos infignem typmn j (Verbo omnia) Jo. Williams Metropol. Ebor. Tatroni fui EUypum^ {^Define ulterius quarere) I/fa omnia ^Tabula hac unico in Hacketo exbibet s Adverfus pofitum cat era Marmor habeU Obiit 28.0c!:. 1670. Sub Anno JEtatis fua 7P» Sift amus ergo! Mora pretium eft fcire, £$i's demum Langthono claudit latus f, S'ohis Hacketus tanto digmts contubemio \ Cujus pi-a Liberalitati debet ur jQ^iod Langthoni cineres non frigefcunt. <£jEdis Cathedralis Lichfeildia? Inftaurator illic Reftaurator hie jacet. Ecclefia Anglicans Antiftitum par ingens*, G g g Eoqm 396 Bifhops of Coventry and Lichfeild. Eoque ingentius quod fibimet pares. Scire vis LeUor, £tiam muhis ille bonis flebilis occidit ? Schola Regia Weftmonaft. Alumnum, Collegium S. S. Trinitat. Cantabr. Socium, Eccl. SantJi Andres HoibovnlQjiadrigenari- Et Cheam in Jgro Surrien. Sum Retforem, /Edes 2). VzvM Refidenti arium Sedes hec. 5.1320. He was, as Le Neve tells us, made Bifhop of Armagh in Ireland, and Jn. 1324. fuc- ceeded by Roger de Covenis, inftallcd by Proxy in November 1325:. He died in 1328. John Gasey fucceeded 1328. and enjoyed it 1328. in which Year he is flyled Epifcopus Marcilienfis, probably a Suffragan Title un- der this See. Richard Fitzralph, S.T. P. was inftalled Dean April 20. 1337. In 1347. he was preferred to the See 0$ Armagh, and fucceeded by S 1 m o n de Bori/ley, inftalled April 20. 1347. He was, I prefume, the fame with Simon de 'Breijley, made Dean of Lincoln 1349. for in that Year John de Wokingham was, as I find, promoted to this Dignity, viz. 1349. He held it 1356, and 13 61. and was 1363. made Bilhop of Lincoln ; but who fucceeded in this Dignity I cannot afcertain, unlefs it fhould be * Anthony Rous, who in aManufcript of Mr. AJlmole\ in the Year 1370- is mentioned to have been lately Dean -, but I am to feek whether he was Predeccffor or Succeffor to Laurence de Ipftock, faid to be elected into this Dignity Feb. 3 . 1368. His Succeflbr, I judge, was Francis St. Sabine, a Roman Cardinal, elected An. 1371. In the Year 1374. An. 48. Edw. III. in Fox's Martyrs, Vol. I. p. 561. he is faid to have been Dean then five Years ; and that the Perquifites of it were worth as follows, viz. the Deanary by the Year 400 Marks, the Prebendary of tBrewood 80 Marks, and the Parfonage of Abbqfton 20 Pounds. William de Partington, Rector of Ivinghoe Co, Snch, was ad- mitted Dean 5. Cal. Jan. 1381. He died An. 1390. being alfo Archdea- con of Canterbury, and fo quitted this the fame Year to Thomas Deans o/Lichfeild. goo Thomas de Stretton, ele&ed Dean May is- 1390. on the Resigna- tion o? Tackington. He died July 16. 1426. and was fucceeded by Robert Wo lveden, elected Sept. 2 3 . 1 4 2 6. He died in Novem- ber 1432. and was buried in Tork Cathedral, where he was Treafurer, and fucceeded by John Verne y, elecled T)ec 2. 1432. on the Death of Wolveden. He died 1457. and was buried in the Cathedral, and fucceeded by Thomas Hey wood, LL. B. elected Dean in Aug. 1457. on the Death of Verr.ey. He died OU. 25. 1492. and was buried in the Cathe- dral, at the upper End- of the South Iile, oppofite to the Choir, near the high Altar, and fucceeded by John Yotton, S. T. P. inflalledi 7 ^. 23. 1492. He died Jug. 2. 1 512. and was buried in the Cathedral, in the North Ifle, next the great Crofs-Ifle, where is yet his Monument. In Anglia Sacra, Vol. I. may be feen an Account of his and alfo his Predeceflbr Heywooas Bene=* factions to this Church. Ralph Colling wood, S. T. P. fucceeded, being inftalled Sept. 26. 1 51 2. on the Death of Totton. He died Nov. 22. 15:21. and was buried in the Cathedral, where he was remarkable for his conftant Preaching for many Years together. In his Will, dated Nov. 10. 15-21. proved 2>£. 20. 15-21'. remaining in the Regifters-Office in Lichfeild, he appointed to be buried in this Cathedral, near St. Chad, and gave a Legacy to Stratford upon Avon College, where he was Dean. James Denton fucceeded, being inftalled Jan. 7. 1522. on the Death of Collingwood. He was a great Benefactor to this Church and Wind/or, of which he was Canon, and expended on the Chantry- Priefts and Chorifters there 489/. 7 s. 1 d. and was indeed very gene- rous to all Places where he had any Relation. He died Feb. 23. 1532. at JLudlow-pflftle, and was buried in the beautiful Church of St. Laurence in that Town, to the building of which, or at lead adorning, hefeems much to have contributed. Richard Sampson, LL. D. fucceeded, being in flailed June 20. 1 533. He was 1535. made Bifliop olChichejler^ and afterwards of this See. On his Promotion to Chichefter, Richard Wi l l i a m s (called in fome Accounts Henry) fucceeded, being inftalled Nov. 23. 1536. He was deprived An. 1553. having been while he continued Dean, a great Wafter and Alienator, as 'tis faid, of the Poflefllons of this Church. On his Deprivation, John Ram ridge was inftalled Dean April 2. 1554. ^ e was foon after Queen Elizabeth's Acceffion to the Crown 1558. imprifoned and hardly dealt with for his Religion 3 and at length efcaping out of Cuftody, 4oo Deans of Lichfeilr Cuflody, and flying beyond Seas, he was unfortunately murdered by Highwaymen. On his Deprivation, Laurence Noweli.,A. M. became inftalled Dean April 29. 1559. K e was Prebendary of Tork and Chichefier y and Redor of Haughtou and T>rayton- c Baffet in this Diocefe. In his Will, which I have feen, he-makes his Wife and four Sons Executors, and gives his Daughters ico /. each. Tis dated OU- 17. 1 576. and was proved Auguft 16. fol- lowing, 1577- In it he names no Place of Burial • tho' probably he was interred at Wefion in c Derbyfiire> where is a Monument, as 'tis .faid, of a Dignitary of this Church, without any Date on it, and fome Verfes Word for Word the fame as on the Graveftone of his Succefior George Boleyn, S. T. P. Prebendary of Canterbury and Chiche- Jttr, inftalled No-v. 22. 157.6. on the Death of Novell- He died in Jan. 1 do 2. and was buried in the Cathedral, with the following Infcription on his Graveftone, the oldeft of any Dignitary of Lichfeild I have met wit h in that Church. l^crc Incfi) Geo. Bollen, lat S&cane of fty* Cijurcl), UjIjo made \>\$ oton €pitapt), viz. So t)crc in €artf) nip Bobn lies? IPijofe finful %\iz oefcrtto tl)e Boo IHt 3 believe tlje tame fliall rift • irDnb p?aite ti)c lEcrcieg of mn £>oo ?ij8f fo: nip ^oul let none fafte fyouabf 3t is toitf) J)im tftat fjatlj it bought 3 r o? #oD on me Dot!) flaercu tafie jFo? uotljma eUe but 3t)efu$ fafie. * James Mountague fucceeded, being inftalled ^uly \6. 1503. on the Death of "Boleyn. He was next Year made Dean of Winchejier, and fucceeded in this Deanary by William Tooksr, S. T. P. inftalled Feb. 21. 1 604. He died in March 1620. and was buried in Salisbury Cathedral, where he was Prebendary, and fucceeded by Walter Curll, S. T. P. Rcclor of BemertGii and Mildenhall, inftalled March 24. 1620. on the Death of Tooker. He was An. 1627. made Bifhop of Rochefter, and fucceeded by Au c ustine Lindse ll, S. T. P. inftalled OB. 15. 162%. on the Promotion of Dr. Curll. He was 163 2. made Bifhop of Peterborough, .i'nd fucceeded by John Deans ^Lichfeild. 40 r John Wa rne r, S. T. P. inftalled 1633. on the Promotion of Dr. IAiidfett. He was An. 1637. made Bifliop of Rochefter, and fuc- ceeded by Samuel Fell, S. T. P. Canon of Chrift-Church^ Oxo/t, in- ftalled 1 63 7« on the Promotion of Dr. Warner. He quitted it next Year for the Deanary of Chrift-Church, Oxford, and was fucceeded by Grifhth Higgs, S. T. P, inftalled — 1 638. He died 'Dec. 16. 1659. and was buried at Southftoke Co. Oxon, with this long Infcription on his Monument : Hicjacet Griffinus Higgs, films fee-undo genitus Griffini HiggSj & Sara: Paine, Roberti Paine de Caverfham in agro Oxonienfi : Baptizatm erat apud Stochium-Abbatis in eodem Com. in Fefto S. Simonis (j Ju- das, An. Sal. Human. Reparat. 1 589. Amm paternum habuit Nicho- launi Higgs, e familia non ignobili Higgefiana apud Glouceftrienfes oriundum ; Aviam zero Mariam Barton, filiam Griffini Barton, qui avunculum fuum Gualterum e Webleio provinci* Herefordieniis oppi- do ufque ad Stochium-Abbatis fecutus ibi fedem pofuit, & propagi- mem reliquit locupletamjuxta ac numerofam. Griffinus ifie poftquam prima grammatics rudiment a ruri, logices cero ac philofophia Oxo- nii in Collegia T). J. Baptifb? fub prafidio DobJoris Tilfleii bauferat, in celeberrimam Collegii Mertonenfis Societatem An. 161 1. afcitus eft, & An. 1622. Academic procurator renunciatus. 1)einde ab augu- ftiffimoRege CaroloHagam Comitis An. 1627. miffus eft ut clariffima forori face Elizabeths Regins Bohemia; Aulicus effet ecclefiaftes, eo- gue manure per duodecim plus minus annos folus f elicit er funUus ef- fet ; & Lugduni Batavorum poft exsreiti a publics vec indigue pr'aftita fub aufpiciis clarifjimi viri Andrea? Rivetti T'heologia "Doiror creatus, turn demum in Angl. per eundem QzxoX.Regem Archiepifc. Cantuarienft moment e folum fecefflt, ut ibi T)eo (j Litteris P. hujus Ecclefi* Ttecanus, nec- wn Archidiaconus Coventria?, qui obiit 20 Die Aprilis, An. Dom. 1703. /Etatis fiu 7 1 . Since when there hath been fet up within fide the Cathedral a Marble Copartment to his Memory, bearing this Infcription : P. M. Lanceloti Addifon, S. T. P. Agro Weftmoreland criuvdi in Cell. Regin. Oxon. bonaram Utteranm profeffl, diutinis per Euro- panij Deans of Lichfeild. 403 pam Africamque perigrinationibus rerum peritia fpeUabilis ; hujus tandem eccl. c Decani, & Coventrienfis Archidiaconi ; inprimis imp- tiis duxit Janam, Nathan. Guliton Armig. Filiam, '& Gulielrai Gul- fton Epifcopi Briftollienfis Sororem ,• in fecundis Dorotheam, Johan. Danvers de Shakerilon in agro Leiceftrieni* Arm. Filiam ; funere ma*- riti de [e opi'me meriti nuper plorantem : ex Jana tresflios totidem- quefilias fufcepit ; Jofephum Gulftonum arcifancli Georgii Gubema*- torem Lancelotum Coll. Magd. Oxon. Socium ; Janam & Anr.am pri- ma juventute defuntlas, & Dorotheam unicam ex tot Uteris fiiper- fiitem. Obiit A.D. 1703. JEtatis 71. Ab eo eximias natura dotes morum innocentiam^enevolentiam erga homi- nes •, in Tieumpietatem Incident um (ei quod aliud ' patrimonium)jilius natu maximus Jofephusfaculi fui decus, qui in optimi parentis con- fortium dum hoc ipfi marmor adornaret prapropera morte adfcitus efiA.T). 1719. On his Death, William BiNkes, S. T. P. fucceeded, being inftalled June 19. 1703. He died June 19. 1 7 1 2. and was buried at Lemington Co. TFap- wick, where he was Vicar, and fucceeded by Jonathan Kimberley, S.T. P. inftalled July 7. 1713. He was aifb Prebendary of Weftminjier, and Reclor of Sagington Co. War- wick, which he retign'd on fucceeding Dr. Sinkes in this Deanary, and taking the Vicaridge of Lemington. He died March 7, 17 19 and was Juried in the Lady-Chapel in this Cathedral, with the following In- fcription on his Graveftone : Hie jacent reliquue reverendi & venerabilis Viri Jonath. Kimberley 5 S. T. < P. hujiifce eccL dignijjimi miper Decani ; vir fuit propter inge- genii acumen i 7nonmfuavitatem :> vita fanUimonium, erga Ecclejiatn & Re?npublicam adeo coufpicuus & venerabilis nt amplijfima merue- rit encomia ea vero modefiia tanta humilitate praditus ut vetuerft omnia. Obiit feptimo die menfis Martii, A. T). 1719. Altatisfua feptuagejlmo. His Succeilbr was Wi l l 1 a m Wa lmisley, S.T. P. the prefent worthy Dean, An. 1723. (to whom the Author has been obliged in a moft particular man- ner for all he has colle&ed of the Members of this Church) prefented April 1. and. inftalled May 7. 1720. Hhh Precentors 404 Precentors c/Lichfeild. Precentors of LICHF EILD. I" 1 H E Precentorfhip confifts of the impropriate Tythes of %i (bop's- Itchiugton Co. Warwick, valued at 26 1. 13 s. ±d. It has alfo the Patronage of that Vicaridge. "Walter Dur dent feems to have been the firft. He held this Dignity 1130. In 1 143. he was made Prior of Canterbury, and in 1 149. Bifliop of this See. Hugh en joy 'd it about 1 140. as did Wi llia m de fillers about 1 1 4 j. Matthew held it about 1 1 So, and 1 208. as did * Walter An. 1 2 1 5 . and » Richard de Haughton 1232. and T h o m a s de Wymondham^ 1 243. He died 9. Cal. April. 1277. * Ada m de Stanford fucceeded 1277. He died i^S. for his Will was proved in July, An. 1 279. John de Kemick fucceeded 1278. on Stanford's Death. He died at Li 'chfeild in April 1 292. and was fucceeded by Adam de Waleton, An. 1292. He died in Auguft 1303. and was buried in this Cathedral, and fucceeded by *Thomas?ate #to 3Dnitna Richardi Salter, %%. &. guonbam Beito?ig ftujtt* €cclefiae, $ut iftum CanceUttm cum feneftra reparare fecit $.<&. 1 5°$ • He died 1519. and was buried in the Cathedral, and fucceeded by * Thomas Fitzherbert, admitted -May 27. 1519. He died Nov. 20. 1 532. as appears by the Dean and Chapters Regifters, and was fucceeded by Thomas Heritag f, admitted Nov. 28. 1532. He died 1535. as appears by the Date of his Will that Year, mentioning no Place of Burial, being alfo Rector of Hackney near London. ^Thomas Bleverhasset fucceeded, being admitted Jan. 3 o, 1537. He died 1544. being alfo Rector of Solihull Co. Warwick, and was fucceeded by Hugh Pa l m e r, collated Feb. 5 . 1 544. In his Will made March <5» 1554. proved June 12. 1555. he mentions no Place of Burial,- but gives a Legacy to New-College, Oxen, where he had been Fellow. Henry Combersord fucceeded, being'admitted 'Dec. 19. 1555. He was 1 5 59. deprived of all his Benefices on account of his Religion, and ordered to remain in Suffolk, at a great diflance from his Friends. I find he was ftill alive An. 1 579. being aged eighty, and was then a Pri- foner for his Religion in Hull in TorkJJiire. Edward Leeds fucceeded, being inftituted June 20. 1550. on Deprivation of Cumberford. He had been Monk and afterwards Preben- dary of Ely, and Rector of Croxton Co. Cambridge. He died Feb. 17. 1588. and was buried at Croxton, with this Epitaph on his Grave- ftone: H h h 2 Edvardus 406 Precentors o/Lichfeil d, Edvardus Leeds, Legam Doctor, natus apud Benenden in Com. Cantii r dudum Magifter Aulcc Clara? in Acad. Cant. & tarn in eadem Aula quam in Collegio Emanuelis Benefactor cum primis, turns magijiro- rum Cancellarie & Dominus Manerii de Croxton. Obiit 17. Febr. 1589. cujus Corpus hicjacetfepultum. His Suceeflbr was * Zachary Babington, inftalled y«/y 10. 1589. Hewas Re- ctor of Cofington Co. Leicejier, and Sedbury Co. 'Derby, and died about 1.608. and was fucceeded by * Joh n FulnetbYj collated OB. 27. 1608. He died 1636. being alfo Archdeacon of Stafford, and Rector of Honefworth and Aldrich Co. Stafford. In his Will, dated Dec. 16. 1629. proved Nov. 11, 1636. he names no Place of Burial, but gives a Legacy of 30 /. to Al- driche and Barre Poor, making his Wife Executrix, and fo was pro- bably interr'd at Aldrich. William Higgins, A.M. fucceeded, being inftalled Sept. 9. 1636. He died inteftate 1666. being alfo Archdeacon of Derby, and Rector of Stoke on Trent, and was buried at Stoke, and fucceeded by HenryGreswold, A.M. collated Aug. 3. 1666: He died in 1700. and was buried at Solihull Co. Warwick* where he was Pvector, and fucceeded by Edward Maynard, S. T. P. inftalled Nov. l >• 1700. He is flill living 1723. and Rector of ' Bodington Co. Northampton. Chancellors o/'LICHFEILD. TH E Corps of this Dignity is the impropriate Rectory or Prebend of Alrewas Co. Stafford, valued 1534. at 26 1. 13 s. ^d. It is alfo veiled with the Advowfon of that Vicaridge, and the Patro- nage of the Benefices of Kings-Bromley t Edinghall, and Tipe Rid- ware, all Co, Stafford. * John de Kimey is the firft I met with. He held it 1254. as did Peter de Radnor 1 270. He was a good Benefactor to the Cathe- dral, where he was buried An. 1276. and fucceeded by Adam Chancellors c/Lichfeild. 407 Adam deWaleton, admitted An. i2j 6, or 1277. He quitted it 1 29 2 . for the 'Precentorfliip. Luke de Fly fucceeded An. 1292. and died in 1310. William de 'Bofco was ele&ed Nov. 26. 13 1-0. and died in March 132%. John de T>eping fucceeded in March 1 3 28. as did Roger de NaJJington, OB. 2 2. 1 3 29. and held it. 13 60. John de Shepey en joy 'd it 1368. and was 1376. made Dean of Lincoln. * Cardinalis de Ravenna died poffefs'd of it 1380. and was fucceeded by * Richard de T'oppecliff, admitted March 9. on Ravenna's Death. * J o h n de Felt well was admitted to it T)ec. 4. 1385. as was * Jo hn M aure ward, iiftfj' 17. 1393. He died in 1 400. and was fucceeded by Wa lter Bullock, admitted July 15. 1400, He exchanged it 1403. with Wi l l 1 am N e w p r t, admitted OB. 15. 1 403 . He exchanged it with Robert Go we, admitted Z)ec 18; 1409. He died about 142 1. being alfo Canon of Wind/or. John Godyn was collated to it May 17. 142 1. He refign'd it 'An. 1434- * John Lane was admitted July 23. 1434. on Godyns Resig- nation. The next was * Vincent Cle me n t; He was from this Dignity made Trea- furer 1457. and fucceeded by * Richard Pede, admitted 1457- on Clement's Refignation, He was adout 1470- made Dean of Hereford. ^Andrew Doket, or Ducket, firft Mailer of Qiieeri s-Col- lege, Cambridge, was admitted to it about 1470, and refigned it Ju- ly 6. 1476. * William F i t z h e r b e r t, Rector of Wrington Co/ Somer- fet, fucceeded. 1475. and quitted it 1488. being made Reftor of St, Magnus, London. *JohnDoket, orDoGGET, fucceeded, being admitted Feb. 13. 1488. He died about April 1501. and was buried in Satif- bury Cathedral, of which he was Canon ; as he was alfo Prebendary of Lincoln, and Treafurer of Chichefier. Richard Salter fucceeded, being admitted May 1. ij-oiv He quitted it 1504. for the Precentorfliip, . Jo H K 4-o8 Chancellors o/Lichfeild. John Whitehedd fucceeded June 10. 1505, and died next Year. * William Ketulton fucceeded, being admitted May i„ 1506. on Whitehead's Death, In his Will, dated Jug. 29. 1509. he appointed to be buried at Bedford. * J o h n Blith fucceeded, being admitted Oct. 4. ijop. He refigned it 151 2. being made Archdeacon of Coventry. William Sot er worth fucceeded Off. 13. 1 5 1 2. 'RalphWhitehead was admitted July 21.1520. on Soter- worth's Death. 'Thomas Gresham was collated March 31. 1535. 'Alban Langdale fucceeded, being admitted Feb. 3. 1 558. He was deprived of this and his Archdeaconry of Chichejier, and fuc- ceeded here by Thomas Bickley, collated July 11. 1 560. on the Depriva- tion of Langdale. He was alfo Archdeacon of Stafford, and being made Bifhop of Chichefter, was fucceeded by Humphry Tindale, inftalled Jpril 14. 1586. on the Pro- motion of Bickley to the See of Chichefter. He died 1614. and was buried at Ely, where he was Dean, with this Infcription : Umphrid. Tindale, nobili Norfolcenfium Tyndallorum Fam. oriundus, Dec anus qtus Feci. Obi it 12. Ociobris, Jn. Salutis 1614. Jn. JEtatis fua 65. At the Bottom, at his Feet, life que quo Domine, 11 f que quo ? 7 he "Body of the Worthy and Reverend Prelate Umphrey Tindale D. D. the fourth 'Dean of this Church, and Mafter of Queen's-College, Cambridge, doth here expeU the coming of our Saviour. In Prefence, Government, good Jltions, and in "Birth, Grave, wife, couragious, noble, was this Earth. "The Poor, the Church, the College fay, Here lies J Friend, a Dean, a Mafter true, good, wife. * John Hay ward, Re&or of Draycott Co. Stafford, and Eyam Co. Derby, fucceeded, being collated March 16. 1614. He held it 16 ii. and had for his Succeffor William J e f f r y s, Vicar of Sheriff -Hales Co. Salop, who quitted the Prebend of Offlty about 1630. as I judge, for this. As to Dr. Treafurers of L i c h f e i l d. 4.09 Dr. T'wifden, mention 'd in Z> iYifce, he was only Chancellor of the Diocefe, and not of the Church. His Sncceffor was Robert Harrison, A. M. inftalled Sept. 6. 1660. on Jef- freys his Death. He died 16 j 6. and was buried in St. Marys Church in Lichfeild, without any Memorial, and fucceeded by George Downing, A. M. inftalled May 1 8. 1 675. He died 1684. being alfo Archdeacon of Coventry, and was buried without any Memorial in St. Michael's Church, Coventry. * Th o m a s Wa g s t a f f e, A.M. fucceeded T)ec. 6 1 684. He was Re&or of St. Margaret's 'Pattens Loudon, where he died OH. 20. 171 2. aged lixty feven, having been deprived of all his Benefices i6$p. for not taking of the Oaths to King William and Queen Mary. On his Deprivation, Griffit h Va u g h a n, A. M. was inftalled Feb. 22 1689. He is ftill living 1723. and alfo Archdeacon of Salop, and Rector of Hinfiock in that Archdeaconry, and of jBarthomley Co. Chefter. Treasurers of LI CHFEIL D. TH E Endowment of this Dignity is the Impropriation and Ad- vowfon of Sallow Co. Derby, rated at 56/. 13 s. qd. An. 1534. O d o held this Office 1 140. as did Richard 1190. and William^ Clarel or CI ar evil, 11 9 3. Simon de Saw ell, or Southwell, en joy 'd it about 1205. as did Robert de Novell about .1214. and Ralph de May deft on about 1 220. He was 1 224. made Archdea- con of Chefter. Richard de Stavensby held it 1 228. as did Richard de Glofter 1232, and 1 248. Ralph de Chadejlon, or Chaddefion. He died about 1 276. and was no doubt buried in the Cathedral, to which he had been a good Be- nefactor. Alan de 'Breton fucceeded 1 276, or 1 277. He died at Lichfeild in June 1306. * Thomas de Nevill fucceeded, being admitted Novembr. .12?.- 1305, John 4i.o Treafurers of Lichfeild, J o h n de S middle was admitted Jan. i 2. 13 1 1. and in 13 16. made Bifhop of Jfincheflev. ' Th o-M a s de fucceeded, being admitted Jug. 13. 13 15. Gauge 1, inus Cardinal is held it 13 18. and 13 24. as did Hugh Telefilms, another of the Pope's Friends, 1 346, and 1370. * R 1 c. h a r d V o y t e r en joy 'd it 1375. "John de Oudeby was admitted July 31. 1380. and changed it no xloubt for fome other Preferment with John Carpenter, admitted Jug. 24. 1380. He changed it with 1 Richard Beverley, admitted Jug. 1 2. 1 387. "Nicolas Hank was admitted to it UiJober 18. 1390. Thomas Barton was admitted March 18. 141 7. and quitted it 1433. for the Precentorfliip. "John Hey worth fucceeded May 28. 1433. and was, as I judge, 1436. made Vicar of Newcaflle upon Tine. * George Radcliffe fucceeded in 1436. and was 1449. made Archdeacon of Chefter-. * Wi lliam Radcliffe, LL. D. fucceeded Jpril 29. 1449. and died 1458. being alfo Prebendary of St. 'Pants, Cathedral. * Vincent Clement, S.T.P. fucceeded 1458. and died 1474. being alfo Archdeacon of Huntington and Winchefier. "John Bothe, made Prebendary of Tork 1459. fucceeded, but when he was collated I do not find. He died in Jtdy 1496. and willed to be buried at his prebendal Church of Sallow, which he had in part rebuilt, and made there a handfom raifed Monument for his Father and Mother, on the North Side the Chancel, which bears this Infcription : ^ic jaccnf Rogerus Bcthe ?irmiaer, fraier Wilhelmi <*Bptfcopi Dunel- menfis, 5 Katherin. ^VO? ejus?, J&fer 5 MAtZt Johannis Bothe STfjefattraru Lichf. hours Death. * William Barlow was inftalled OB. 17. 1589. the fame Year. He died May 25. 1625. being Archdeacon of Salisbury, and was bu- ried at Eafion near Winchefier, with this Epitaph ; Tiepofitum Gulielm. Barlow, Archid. Salisbur. 'Prebend. EccL Winton. & Relloris Eccl. de Eafton. qui cum fedidam per annos 52 adifxa*- tioni corporis Chrifti navaffet operam 3 ad meliorem vitam migramt Maii2j. A.T). 1625. * Richard PilkiNg ton, S. T. P. fucceeded, being collated June 2. 162$. He refigned it 1628. and was fucceeded by * Thomas Laurence, S. T. P. collated Jan. 31. 1628. He died 1657. and was buried in Colne Co. Huntingdon. E d m u n d D 1 g g l e, S. T. P. fucceeded, and was inftalled Sept. 6» 1660. He died Aug. 1. 1688. and was buried at Slimridge Co. Glo- cefter, with this Epitaph : Here rejieth the "Body ?f Edmund Diggle^ T>. T> ReUor of this Tarijh, Archdeacon of- York, Trebendary of Lichfeild, and fometime Fellow I i i of 41 2 Archdeacons of Chester] of Magdalen College in Oxford, and Dkinity-Reader in the fame. He died in the Tear of our Lord 1688. of his Age 78. Job Grace fucceeded, being inftailed^g. 14. 1688. by Archbifhop Sancroft\ Option. Hedged 17 19. and was buried in Watford Church Co. Northampton, where he was Vicar, with this Epitaph on his Gravefcone : Job Grace, late Treafurer of the Cathedral Church of Lichfeild, T re- bend ary of Sawley, and 49 Tears Minifier of this 'PariJJj. He died Oft. 2. in the 75th Tear of his Age, 1719* iOpt)o?um SJufto? fcripf ojum tor Alexander tjario?uni Norma moHeinojmm fon.J \>zx\ lur alio?um 3fuclifust Archdeacons o/Coventry, 4.1 5 3nclttu2 Anglorum ftiit Hrc&iletiifa fe& f)o?um ^$n?cto? cuncto?um f rater collega minomm jfaifas esenojum ft ^-octG? primus eojmm ©&ut $n.'©.omm. 1245. Calenti. Septembris 12. jSi ftaUf-lfonojar mentis fi atti# ftirtute colunfttt i^uuc Sfinimo prefer, f)unc ttenerare patrem. *Ada m de Hoo feems have fucceeded on Hales his taking a Friars Habit ; for he occurs poffefs'd of it 1 242. * L u k e de St. Martin held it 1 241?. as did William de Kilkenny 1248. la 125:5. he was made Bifhop of Ely. John de Kirkeby held it 1 272, and 1283. as did ^Robert Stafford i 293 . and *Peter^ Infula 1 299. He died J 3 1 5. Richard de Jmbaldis, or J'mbelers, held it 1 3 1 5. and ex- changed it with John Gaytanni, a Roman Cardinal, Ah. 13 20. for fome other Preferment* I find him poffefs'd of it 1332. Humphry de Haftang came into it 1339. and died 1349* Hugh de Marifcis fucceeded July 11. 1349. on the Dearh of Haftang. William Crosse was admitted OU 5. 1 3 5 1 . as was * Richard Boule, admitted July 30.1534. He exchang'd it, I prefume, with * Wi l l 1 a m D r i f f e i l d, to whom fucceeded John de Pipe, admitted Sept. 21. 1358. He died 1 3 6 1. being Prebendary of Leighto; i - c Bofard in the Church of Lincoln. Richard de Birmingham fucceeded T)ec. 9. 13 61. and re- figned it 1 3 69. to William Lame, admitted 'Dec..*. 1369- He exchanged it the fame Month with Robert S t r a t t o n 3 %)ec. 28. 1359. He died 1408. and was fucceeded by Robert Ox ton, admitted Jane 10. 1408. on Strattons Death. J o h n Hey worth was admitted July 18. 1422. on Oxton's Refignation. He was 1433. made Treafurer, and fo quitted this. Robert Esple was admitted May 12. 1433. on Hey wort lis Refignation. His Succeffor was Rcc-ER. 41 o Archdeacons of C o v e n t r y. Roger Wall, collated May 30. 1442. on Ef pie's Refignation- He died 1488. being Rector of Fenny-Compton, and was fueceeded by Thomas Mylls, admitted 'Dec, 1. 1488. on Waifs Death. He d.'e.i Jan. 30. 1504. and was buried in the Cathedral. In his Will, dated T)ec. 5. 1504. he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, at Bi- 11 -.op Halfe's Feet. Ralph Coll ing wood fueceeded 1 5 04. He was Prebendary of Torki Dean of Warwick, and afterwards of this Cathedral. His Succeffor was John Blithe, admitted Ocl. z- 15 10. on Colli 'ngwoo d s Resig- nation. He died about November 1558. yoiiefs'd of this Dignity, and the Prebend of Wellington in the Church of Hereford, and Prebend of Faring in Chichefter. Tho m a s Lev e r_, B. D. I prcfume fueceeded, for I find him pof- fefs'dof it 1560. in which Year he compounded for Firft- Fruits. He died in July 1577. an d was buried at Sherborne Co. c Durham i being Matter of the Hofpital .there, with this Epitaph : Thomas Lever, p?eac!)CC i \\\\\% Edw. VI. fcicfcl in July 1577. His Succeffor was William James, S. T. P. admitted Aug. 27. 1577. He was af- terwards Bifhop of Durham. W 1 l l 1 a m Hikton, S.T. P. made 1 596. Precentor of St.David's, fueceeded, being admitted Nov. 4. 1584. on Dr. James's Resignation. He died An. 163 1. and was buried in St. MichaePs Church at Coventry, where he was Vicar, without any Memorial, and fueceeded by Samuel Brook, S.T- P. collated May 13. 1631. He died the fame Year, and was fueceeded by Ralph B r ownrigg, collated Sept. 19. 11531. He was 1^42. made Bifhop of Exeter, and fueceeded by John Arn way, S. T. P. Rettor of Hodnet Co. Salop, admitted 1642. He died An. 16 5 3. in Virginia, and was at the Reltauration of Church and Monarchy fueceeded by John Riland, A.M. 'Dec. 6. 1661. He died March 3. 1672. and was buried at Firomivgham, or Birmingham, Co. Warwick^ where he was Rector, with this Infcription on his Monument : M.S. Johannis Riland (necnon char iff conjugis Cicilia?, & fdiola uni- C£ Marine) Coventria? Archidiaconi, & 'Parochis hujus Miniftri Jimul & ornament i. Qui Atbeos par iter & Fanaticos (j quicquid depricati Archdeacons o/Stafford. 4.17 deprivati moris & fidei feeler of a at as ; von tantum fcriptis & fer- monibus. (iitrifque licet nervofe) fed conftanti (j indeflexo vita incul- pata decurfu caftigavit. c Poji alfohita Oxonia? juventutis tyrocinia in O/Z-Magda), ubi non dudum cemmor atus eft quin feciits cooptatus: poft citam cariifqne locis & plagis injuria temporum peraclam i hie tan- dem confedit, hie moriebatar 3. Martii, An. Sal. i6ji./Etatis 53. George Downing, A.M. was collated March 10. 1 67 2. on the Death of Ri/and. He died 1 684. being alfo Chancellor of Lich- feild i where fee more of him. Lancelot Addison, A. M. was collated T)ec. 8. 1684. He died 1703. being alfo Dean of Uchfeild y with which he held this Arch- deaconry in Commendam. Richard Davifs, A. M. was collated June 2 6. 1703 . on the Death of Addifon. He died 1708. and was buried at Saperton Co„ G/ocefter, where he was Reitor, and fucceeded by Wi lliam Wilson, A. M. collated Aug. 9. 1708. living 1 7 23 . Rector of Morley near 'Derby. Ar chdeacons of S T A F F O R ]}.. T HIS Archdeaconry,, which is endow'd with only Pen/ions, Pro- curations, and Synodals, is rated for Firft-Fruits at 3 o /. 1 6 s. 10 d* ''Robert held this Dignity about 1 140. W illiam held it about 1 145. as did H e l 1 a s 1 149. in Madoxs Formulare. Alan enjoyed it about 1165. as did. Ralph de Thamewood 1 17 5. Henry de MarJJoall^ as Godwin tells us, was from th.'s Dignity made Brflhop of Exeter 1 191. Alexander was Archdeacon here 1 191. as was Peter de Rupibus 1205. In 1213. he was made Bifliop of Win- chefter.. He lias held it about 1 214. as did Robert de Glocefter about 1 .2 1 5 . He died 1 2 29, William de York came in about 1 23 Oi R. de Langdon en joy 'd it 1 23.9. as did > Robert. 41 8 Archdeacons cf Stafford. Robert de Stafford i 244. He founded a Chauntry at "Booking in Effex, where he was alfo Dean, and no doubt lies buried. Richard de Mepbam held it 1259. and 1264. as did Thomas C ante lupe i2<5y. and was from it 1275. made Bifhop of Hereford. Adam Paine enjoy'd it 1290. as did J o h n de Sromford 1 3 2 1 . and Robert P a c c a, called alfo 'Patrick, 1322. John Clarel was admitted to it Aug- 24. 1 3 23. and died pof- fefs'd of it 1337. William Appleton fucceeded 1338. . *Roger Depyng came in 1349. and was fucceeded the fame Year by * Richard de SiiViingbam, ciz. 1349. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Coventry. * J o h n de M.rrifco fucceeded about 1353. on Birmingham's Re- fignation. * W iLLiAM de Greenborough held it 1 3 5 5. as did * J o h n de Sufgrave 1358. and John deOudeby 13 "4. He religned it 13 81. for 'Derby Arch- deaconry. * Richard de 'TorpedifF, Chancellor of this Church, fucceeded 138 1. on Oudebfs Reiignation. The next I find is Henry Davy, collated Sept. 1. 1400. He died 1415- and was, I prefume, fucceeded by J o h n F y t o n 141 5. He was 142 1 . made Chancellor of Sarum Cathedral. William A l m o n d e s t o n was collated March 1. 1421. on Fytous Reiignation. *RalphPresbury was collated July 4. 143 2. on Almonde- Jtcris Death. As was *Roger Wallf, collated Jan. 1442. on Tresburfs Death. He omitted it the fame Year for Coventry Archdeaconry. * John We ns ti t, collated Jan. 30. 1442. on Walles Reiig- nation. * T h o m a s Hawkins fucceded Uenjley in the Year 1459- He was made Precentor of Sarnm about 1468. MVulia m M o g y s fucceeded 1468. The next I find ii * Jo h n C o w p e r, he held it 1494, and 1496. as did * W 1 l l 1 a m D v f f e i l d 1497. and Edward Archdeacons of Stafford, 410 * Edward Willoug hb y 1495?. In 1501. he was made Dean of Exeter. * John Ward r op fucceeded 150 i. and died 15 14. * Adam Grafton fucceeded 1 5 14. and dying An. 1530. was bu- ried at Withington Chapel in Great Upton Parifh, Co. Salop ^ with this memorable Epitaph 011 his Graveftone : J^ere Inefi) imrieo iaaftet Adam Grafton, ffje mofl too?lhipftil $?ieffi litjing in ijis? ®ane#, fomefcme Cfjaplenne to t[je famous p#n«$ Edward ti)e Vffj, and $?ince Arthure, SHrcfr&eacon Of Stafford, tfear&en of tfje Battellfield, 3&eane of Semite Mary College in Sa- lop, ano ©arfon of fftig ic|> oeaceafeo on xxvn ^ap of Juli, 511. ®om- mvcxxx. Wbotz -Soul ®oo jaroon. * Je f f ry Blithe feems to have been nominated, and to have quit- ted it immediately, An. 1530. upon being made Treasurer. * John Blithe was collated OS. 3. 1530. on Jejjfry Blithe's Refignation. Nicholas Heth held it 1534. an< ^ was ^ 1lm 1 54°' ma de Bifhop of Rochester. John Redman was collated to it Nov. 3. 1 540. and refigned it 1547. *RichardWalker, Dean of Chefter Cathedral, was collated to it Aug. 5. 1547. He died An. 1567. as I find by his Will, dated that Year, in which he appointed to be buried in Lichfeild Cathedral. Thomas Bickley fucceeded 1 567. He was An. 1586. made Bi- fhop of CMchefter, and fucceeded in this Dignity, and the Chancellor- fhip of this Church, by * Humphry Tindal 1585. He died 1 514. being Dean of Ely> and was fucceeded by John Fulnetby, who paid Firft-Fruits for this Dignity May 19. 1 614. He was alfo Precentor, where fee more of him. He died 1535. and was fucceeded by Martin Tinley, collated Dec. 27. 167,6. He died after 164.2. and had for his Succeffor Francis Coke, or Cook, A. M. for I find him poffefs'd of it j 660. He died, and was buried at Toxall May 6. 1682. where he was Re&or, without any Memorial, and fucceeded by Nathaniel Ellison, A.M. collated July 4. 1682. He died in June 172 1. and was buried at Newcaftle on Tine 3 where he was Vi- car, and fucceeded by Thomas Allen, LL. B. collated May 29. 1722. who is the prefent Archdeacon, Re&or of Stoke on Trent ^ An. 17 23. and alfo Dean oiCbefter, Kkk Arch-* 420 Archdeacons of Derby: Archdeacons of DERBY. TH I S Dignity, like the two preceding ones, confifts only of the Pcrquifites of its Office, valued 1534. for Firft-Fruits, at 26 1. * G- was Archdeacon here about 1140. as was Richard about 1146. and Frogerus about 1155. and 1167. N. I fuppofe Nicholas, came in about 1170. as did Godfrey de Lucy 1182. He was 11 89. made Biihop of Win- chefter. I v o held it 1 1 9 1 . as did Vivian de St ay no 1199. Willia m de Muf champ died poflefs'd of it 1231. After him William de Luteby occurs polfefs'd of it 123 8, and 1254. David de SanUa Fridefwide fucceeded next Year, viz. 1255. and held it 1 261. as did * William de Weft on 1263. and * Simon 1278, and 1279. Jordan de Winborne enjoy'd it 1280. and quitted ft next Year for Chefter Archdeaconry. Eli as de Napton fucceeded An. 1281. He died at Ecc/ejhal/ in July 1 3 1 1. where he was Prebendary. J e f f r y de Blafton fucceeded 1 3 1 1 . and died in Feb. 1327. * Antonius Pell/alogi fucceeded An. 1327. * J o h n de Askeby held it 1 3 3 8. as did * John de Marifco 1351. In 1353. he was made Archdeacon of Stafford. * Hugh de Mar i fee fucceeded 1353. ^Robert de Stretton held it 1 3 60. and quitted it for that of Co- ventry ', 1369. * John de Brinbrock fucceeded 1 3 69. John de Outeby came in about 13 81. and dying Feb. 1. 141 7. was buried in the Cathedral. Walter de 'Bullock fucceeded 14 17. on Outeby s Death. * John Bride fucceeded, being collated Sept. 30. 143 1. on Bul- lock's Reiignation. Wl LLf AM Archdeacons o/Dehbl 42 i * William Chauntrie fucceeded 1473. on 'Brides Refigna- tion, and died 1485. being alfo Dean of JLeicefier College. His Suc- ceflbr. as I judge, was Nicholas West, admitted, as I fuppofe, \4fi6. 'Tis certain he enjoy 'd it 1501. and was from thence made Bifhop of Ely 1515. John Taylor fucceeded 1515. and died 1534. being Archdea- con of Such, and alfo Re&or of Sutton Cofeild, having, as I judge, long before his Death quitted it to Richard Street, or S t r e t e, for I find him poffefs'd of it 1528. He died Jan. 7. 1542. and was fucceeded by David Pole, collated Jan. 8. 1 542. In 1557. he was made Bi- fliop of 'Peterborough, and fucceeded by *John Ram ridge, collated Nov. 23. 1558. He was alfo Dean, but deprived of both Dignities by Queen Elizabeth, and Laurence Now el, who was by her prefented to the Dea- nary 1559. is faid alfo to be prefented to this Archdeaconry. However Mr. Strype mentions that Richard Walker held this as well as Stafford Archdeaconry, tho' I prefume the contrary ; for it is plain, that very foon after Nowefs Death, *Luke Gilpin became collated to this Dignity, viz. July 29. 1 577. and held it at his Death 1 58(5. In his Will, dated Sept. 21. 1 585. (which feems a very odd one) he leaves to his Wife, who adminifter'd to him 051, 27. 1587. his Parfonage at Longford Co. Salop, and Ad- vowfon of Siglefworth Prebend. * Walter Marsh fucceeded him about 1588. and vacated it 1590. John Wa l t o n fucceeded 1590. and dying June 1. 1603. was buried in All Saints Church in 'Derby, with this Infcription on his Mo- nument : Hoc lapide marmoreo tegitur corpus Johannis Walton, S. T. S. quondam Archid. Derbien. Prebend. Preb. de Wellington in Eccl Cath. Lich- feild. & ReU. Eccl. de Bradfall & Gedling ; qui teftamento fuo de- dit c /. ad augendum hujus Ecclefia Miniftri Jiipendium, & xx /. ad emendum duos inauratos crateras in itfum T,alli-vorum hujus llurgi Derbien. atque c /. mtttuo dandas ejfe annorum quatuor in quatuor annos in perpetuum ; x /. hujus Surgi artificibus inopia la- bor aMibus i ac xx /. eodem mo do dandas ejfe mutuo quatuor egenis artificibus in uberiorem fufientationem pauperum de Bradfall & Ged- ling predictis. Obi it 1 "Die Junii, A.Z), 1603. JEtatis fur// 1356. He exchang'd it with John Sulgrave, 4. Id. Junii 1356. He was afterwards Archdea- con of T)erh)'. John de jBokingham was the next. He refign'd it in 1359. being made Dean. John de Newnham fucceeded 5. Id. Apr. 1359. W 1 l l 1 a m. de Nezshagh was collated to it "4. Cal. Apr. 1374. and was 1578. made Precentor. John de Oudeby, Archdeacon of Derby, held it 1380. and dy- ing 10. Cal. Feb. 1 417. was buried in the Cathedral. William Berford was admitted May 6. 1 41 8. on the Death of Oudeby. Thomas Edmonds, M. D. was collated 'Dec. 14. 1450. on Berford's Death. John Tyghe, LL. D. fucceeded Octob. 23. 148 1. on Edmond's Death. As did Thomas M o r e t o n, July 2 j. 1482. on Tjgbis Resigna- tion. Richard Cow land fucceeded June 4. 1499. on Moretons Resignation, and died pollened of it 1 506. andtheDeanary of Bangor, and Precentorfhip of Lincoln, and was I prefume buried at Lincoln. Richard Wiot, B- D. was admitted in September ijo5. and quitted it for Ruiton. Nicholas Stokesley, LL. D. was admitted January 28. 1508. on the Refignation otTDot. He quitted it for Wellington to John Foster, about 1 527. His Succenbr was John R y t o n, S. T. P. collated Otfober 2. 1529. on the Death of Fqfter. George Lee, LL. B. fucceeded, being admitted May 7. 1537. on the Death of Ryton. He was 1542. made Treafurer, and fuc- ceeded by Thomas Powell, admitted April 3. 1 543- on the Refig- nation of Lee. He quitted it for Longden, and was fucceeded by "William Broke, admitted in Offiober 1 543. on the Refigna- tion of 'Powell. His SuccenV was E d m o n d B a g s h a w e, admitted November 24. 1 569. to whom fucceeded Brute Prebendaries of L i c h f e i l d. 427 Brute Bab 1 ng ton, S. T. P. admitted Sept. 20. 1592. He was alfo Re&or of Tatenhill. John Boyle, B. D. admitted Feb. j. 1610. He was afterwards Biftiop of Cork in Ireland. Thomas Bridgeman, A.M. was admitted 2>r. 14. 1618. as was George Murrey, B. D. admitted April 14. 1523. He quitted it for Ecclejhall, and was fucceeded by Da vid Tuke, admitted Feb. 5. 1623* James Povey, according to Walker, was ejected out of it 1542, He died 1 660. William Chadwick, A.M. fucceeded March 7. 1660. ChristopherComyn, A. M. was collated Jan. 26. 1 663 . He died 1699. and was buried at Trees Co. Salop, where he was Yicar. Matthew Drakeeord, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted Jum 13. 1699. He died 17.04. and was buried in St. Marys Church at Staf- ford, where he was Re&or, and fucceeded by Thomas Goodwin, B. D. collated May 27. 1 704. He quit- ted it for Wellington, and was fucceeded by David To ttey, A. M. Vicar of Ecclejhall, afterwards Redlor ofHawford Co. Warwick, collated May 1. 1705. He died 17 16. and was buried at Hartlebury Co. Wore eft er, and fucceeded by Joh.n Husband, A.M. admitted June 29. iji6. He is ftill living 1723. being Curate of St. Chad's, alias Stow Church in Fichh, feilal, and of Hints, and alfo Sacrift of Lichfeild. JBOBENHULL. TH I S Prebend, which is endowed, with the Impropriation and Advowfon of Sobenhull Pariih Co. Warwick, was founded by Biihop Wefeham about 1245. The Valuation of it An. 1534. was on ty twenty Shillings. Philip held it 1 3 03 . He was next Year "fucceeded by Wi l l 1 a m de Chadfimt, collated 5. Cal. April. 1304. John de Fverfden was collated to it 5. Non. Martii, 13 21. He was alfo Dean of Wolverhampton. ^Nicholas de Lichfeild was admitted to it 2. Qui Martii, 1 3 2 l. Hewas, I judge, the fame wi h L 1 1 Nicholas 428 Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. NkkolasTeyntzreIj who exchanged it 1337. for fome other Preferment, with Robert de Kirklington, April 28. 1337. He founded about 1350. a Chantry in Hobenbull Church, and was probably buried there. ^Robert de Debire feems to have fucceeded him after 13 5« He held it 1356. as did * Nicholas de Wenfley^ 1351. Robert Foliambe was collated to it 6. Non. Oil. 1362. and changed it next Year with John de St afford \ 3. Cal. Martii } 1363. He changed it for the j.x Shilling Prebend in Lincoln Cathedral, with W 1 l l 1 a m de Crawle, 6. Id. Nov. 1373. He changed it with Thomas de Hardwick, admitted June 10. 1394." He died 14 n. and was no doubt buried at his Chantry which he founded in this Ca- thedral. Thomas Pulford waj admitted Nov. 28. 141 1. on Hard-wick's Death. He quitted it 1 41 3 . for Hanfacre. Henry Davy fucceeded Feb. 10. 1413. and died 141 5. being Archdeacon of Stafford. AVillam Goldalston was admitted March 5. 141 5. on T)acys Death. Major Paris was the next. He exchanged it with John Everden, Aug. 24. 1423. He exchanged it with Rich ard Dekelan, 1)^.8.1443. He changed it with Augustine "YVeffe, Aug. 26. 1449. On whofe Relignation, Ralph Heicote was collated in December 1 464. He reiigned it, being alfo Prebendary of Sarum and Hereford, An. 1473. Thomas Reynold fucceeded, being collated April 17. 1473. He quitted it for Curborough. John Radcliffe was collated Sept. 1. 1475. on 'Reynold's quitting it- He died An. 1497. and was fucceeded by John Argentine, M. D. admitted April 11. 1 497. on Rad- cliffs Death. He refigned it to Richard Delves, admitted March 10. 1 501. He quitted it for Stotfeild, and was fucceeded by Peter Burnel, LL. D. Vicar of Hendon Co. Middlefex, admit- ted July 3. 1527. He died next Year, and was fucceeded by Ralph SneyDj LL. D. admitted Jan. 28. 1528. He held it 1 542. being alfo Rector of Tat en ball. Richard Prebendaries o/Lichfeild, 429 Richard Weaver was admitted Nov. 15. 1549. and quitted it for Hanfacre. Richard Sutton fucceeded, being admitted July 30. 1 $ 54. Edmund MeyricKj LL. D. Archdeacon of "Bangor , was admit- ted to it April 10. 15^3. In his Will, dated OU. 3. 1605. and proved June a? 1606. he directed to be buried in Lichfeild Cathedral, or 2fr- benhull Chancel, to which Chancel he feems to have been a Benefa&or by his Arms in the Window, and fo I make no doubt but he was bu- ried at 'Bobenhull. Thomas Mould, A.M. fucceeded, being inftalled Jug. 6. 1606. The next I find is * Roger Fleetwood. He held it 1 540. Richard Pretty, A.M. was admitted Sept. 6. 1660. and died 1 68 2. being Reclor otAldrich. SamuelWilles, A.M. fucceeded June 1 o. 1 68 2. and died 1 68 j: being Minister of All Saints Church in 'Derby. Edmund Lees, A.M. fucceeded Feb. 23. 1685. and dying about Nov. 1699. was buried at Jpftock Co. Leicejier, where he was Reftor. His Succeffor was Samuel S tjj r g e s, A. M. admitted May 7. 1700. He is the prefent Incumbent, An. 1723. and Re&or of Sudbury Co. Derby. CO L LW I C H. THIS Prebend was founded by Bifhop Tattejhidl 1241. and endowed with the Impropriation and Advowfon of Collwich Co. Stafford^ valued at 13/. 6 s. Sd. *Thomas Comyn held this Stall 1 264. Ph ili p de Turvil was collated to it 6. Cal. April 13 14. * Thomas Knock yn held it 1327. *Michael^ Northburgb was inducted into it July 7. 1330. ^Robert de Woodhoufe fucceeded 1 3 3 1 . on Northburgh\ Refig- nation. He founded about 1340. a Chantry in Collwich Church. * John Hint on was admitted to it Id. Mail 1338. on Wood- houfe's Refignation, as I judge. John de Chameles held it 1356. and dying 1374. was fuc- ceeded by * Richard Tonworth, admitted 1374. He died 1379- and was fucceeded by Lll 2 Robert 430 Prebendaries of L i c H F e i l d. "Robert Br ay brook, admitted 1379. He was 13 81. mada Bill 1 op of London. John Sutton was admitted to it July 6. 1385. and held it 1388. Stephen k Scroop was admitted Nvp.21. 1397. He changed it for TJemford, with Thomas Parker, June 1 5. 1400. He died 1424. and was fuc- ceeded by Thomas Bowchier, admitted May 24. 1424. He Was 1434. made Bifhop of Worcefter, and became afterwards Archbifhop of Can- terhury. Thomas White g re ve fucceeded, being admitted March 9. 1-434. Edm.ond Farrington was admitted April 7. 1490. on Whitegreves Refignation. As was Hugh Oldham, afterwards Bifhop of Exeter, on Farrington s Death, Feb. 10. 1494. Oliver D i n h a m, Archdeacon of Surry, fucceeded Mar. 2 1 . 1 499. on Oldham s Refignation, and died in two or three Months afterwards. George S t r a n g e w a y s, S. T. P was admitted May 24. 1 500. He died 1 503. and was buried in the Cathedral. William Soter worth fucceeded March 23. 1503. and quitted it for the Chancellorfhip. Thomas Blithe fucceeded, being collated OtJ. 13 . 1 j 1 2. and died 1 5 3 1 . Arthur Dudley was collated Nov. 29. 1 53 1. and died about 1577. being alfo Prebendary of Worcefter. John Wullock fucceeded OB. 8. 1 577. John Beton was admitted to it Aug. 19. 1581. as was Adam Sq.uire, S. T. P. admitted A^. f. 158*5. He died 1588. being Archdeacon of Middlefex, and was fucceeded by William Barlowe, admitted Dec. 14. 1 588. He quitted it for the Treafurerfhip, and was fucceeded by Jo hn B ag sh awe, A.M. admitted Feb. 23. 1589. He held it 1602. Richard Browne, A. M. was admitted to it Jug. 1. 1605, as w a s Robert Newell, B. D. admitted Nov. 1. 1613. He quitted it the fame Year. Lewis B a y l e y, S. T. P. Archdeacon of St. Albans, was ad- mitted Feb. 17. 1613. and in 1616. was made Bifhop of Bangor, but held' this m Qmmendam. George Prebendaries o/Lichfei ld. 431 George Jay, : A. M. was- admitted May 29. 1632; on . Blfliop Bayleys Death. He died about r<5 59, or i65o. Rector of Bugbrooke Co. Northampton. • Alexander Fet-herstone fucceeded, being admitted Sept. 6. 1660. He died, and was buried Aug. 2. 1684. at Woker- ion Co. Sucks, where he was Vicar, without any Monument. His Sue- cefTor was Jonathan Ki m b e r l e y, A. M. admitted Sept. 2$. 1 684. He was made Dean An. 171 3. and fucceeded by Thomas Goodwyn. S.T. P. admitted July 17. 1713. He died 1 7 19. being alfo Archdeacon oiTierby j where fee more of him. John Morsb, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted July 10. 1719. on Dr. Goodwyn s Death. He is'living;i723. and Fellow i of Clare- Hall, Cambridge. CURBO ROUGH IS denominated from the Hamlet of Curborough, lying in Stew Pa« ! rifh within Lichfeild City. The Valuation of ir for Firft-Fruits, An. 1534. is 6 1. 13 s. ^d. . William de Bromyard reiigned this Stall 1304, and was fuc- ceeded by . . y: John Popard, admitted 7. Cal. Aug. 1305* He refigned it '1309. and was fucceeded by ■ Philip de Turvill, admitted 4. Non. Julit, 1 3 09, on c Popara T, s Resignation. Roger de Korthburgh fucceeded 'Turvill, as in my Account, 3. Non. Junii, 1337. J o h n de Londefthorpe was collated to it 1342. as was John de T)eping, 5. Id.Jmii, 1354- He exchanged it for fome other Preferment, with Hugh de Hopewas, who I find collated to it 13, Cal. Junii, 1363* He held it 1 3 8 1 . The next is John de ^Donyngton. He exchanged it with- Nicholas Kynchale, admitted May 31 . 1389. Thomas de Hylton was collated Sept 18. 1390. on the Death. of Kynchale. He quitted it for Stotfold, and was fucceeded by Thomas D o w n e, collated i>ec. 21, 1390, on the Resignation of Hilton.. 3Y,I I. L I AM" 432 Prebendaries o/LicHFEna William Hebden was admitted June 4. 1392. as was William Ashdqwni, May 27. 1393. He refigned on ex- change with William Brinklowe, who was admitted March 6. 1 398 . as was John Blodwell, LL. D. admitted May 1^. 1432. on the Death of Brink/owe ; and Gregory B r o w n e, collated Sept. 4. 1443.cn the Resignation 0$. Blodwell. His Succeflbr was Thomas Byrom, collated OH. 10. 14JL on the Death, of Browne. He quitted it 1458. for Langden. Robert Bewforest was collated Oft. 28. 1458. on the Refig- nation of 'Byrom. He died 1470. and was fucceeded by John Fox, LL. D. collated March 18. 1470. on the Death of Bewforeji. He quitted it for Freford, and was fucceeded by Thomas Wiche, collated Dec. 22. 1472. on the Resignation of Fox, His Succeflbr was Thomas Reynold, collated Sept. 1 . 1 47 5 . on the Death of Wiche. He quitted it for Ifeeford, and was fucceeded by ThomasBarrowe, Archdeacon ofColchefter, collated May 2 2. 1478. on the Refignation of Reynold. William Sommastre was admitted "July 17. 1499. on the Death of Barrow. He quitted it for Hanfacre. Richard Sidnore was admitted July 8. 1501. on SommaJire\ Refignation. He was Canon of Wind/or, and Archdeacon of Totnefs. Jeffry Wrenn was admitted April 4. 1 5 1 1 . on Sidnore s Refig- nation ; as was Robert H o n y w ood, LL. B. admitted Jug. 21. 151 2. on Wrenn 's Refignation. He was alfo Canon of Windfor, and Archdeacon of 'Taunton. Jeffry Wrenn became re-admitted Dec. 7. 151 2. on Dr. Ho- wwood's Refignation. He died 1527. and was buried at Windfor, where he was Canon, as he was alfo Re&or of Han/lap Co. Bucks, with this Epitaph : l£ic jacef humafnm corpus taiierafolig Btrt Galfridi Wren, guon&am fjujus Collect Canontci warn illuftriff. gui o&itf 5 Apnlis, 51.©. 1527- <&W$, &c. -Sub fejco pono?, 5 tiermta uUimo bono? <&t Ccut 501102 nonituv oraius f)ono?. Roland Prebendaries of L I c H f e i l d. 433 Roland Lee, LL.D. fucceeded, being admitted April']. 1527. on Wrenns Death. He was An. 1534. made Bifhop of this See. Christopher We llieo&d fucceeded 1594. and died 1 J3 8. William Thompson was admitted April 18. 1538. on Wel- liford's Death. He quitted it for Wellington, and was fucceeded by William C r/ r e t o n, admitted Jan. 3. 1 541. on 'Fhempjwis Resignation ; as was William Manley, admitted March 20. 1555. on Curetorh Death. His Succeffor was Henry Harvey, admitted May 26. 15 59. His Succeflbr was William Whitlock, admitted March 14 1 560. He was, I prefume, the Author of the Account of Lichfeild printed in Anglia Sacra, Vol. I. He was afterwards Prebendary of S audi acre. Zachary Babington was admitted Feb. 19. 1 5 83. He quitted it 1 589. being made Precentor, and was fucceeded by Brian Exton, A. M. admitted July 23. 1 589. on "Babington % Resignation. He quitted it. George Patten, A. M. was admitted in April 1 595. on Ex- ton's Reiignation. He occurs 1623. Rector of King s Swinford. William S h e r b o u r n e, B. D. was admitted Jan. 3 o. 1 529. He was, I prefume, Prebendary o£ Landajfznd Hereford, and fo quitted this. E d w. Lov e, B. D. was admitted in Sept- 1 537. He died about 1 66$. S a m u e L B o l d, A. M. Rector of Breed/ale Co. T)erby, was colla- ted to it May 13. 1668. as was Timothy Ibbotson, A.M. OU. 10. i<$77- He died 169 1. and was buried at Hanbury Co Stafford, where he was Rector, and fucceeded by ThomasAllestre, A. M, admitted An. 1691. He died 171 J. and was buried at Hampton Ridware Co. Stafford^ where he was Re- ctor, with this Infcription on his Monument : Underneath lieth the Body of Tho. Alleftre, M. A. who was a Mini- ster of the Church of England 5-4 Tears. He compofed 500 Ser- mons, and preach 'd above 5000 times. He died the 30th T)ay of June, 17 1 5. in the 78th Tear of his Age. Blefled are the Dead which die in the Lord j Rev. xiv. 13. His Succeflbr was Walter Offley, A.M. Sept. 23. 171 j. He quitted it for Lovgden, and was fucceeded by Richard Milward, A. M. admitted July 7. 1721. living 1723. Vicar of Ecclejhall. 3)ERA r ~ 434- Prebendaries o/"Lichfeild. T> E R N F R D. TAKES its Name from fome Demefne Lands lying in the Li- berties of Ucbfeild City, valued at no more than ten Shillings for Firu-Fruits An. 1534. John de Tirokeuesford quitted this Prebend 1 3 04. for Wbittington and Serkfwich WiiLu m de Br i chill was collated to it Nov. 8. 1304. on T>ro- lenesford's Reiignation ; as was Robert de Hareweden, 19. Cal. April, 13 14. on 'Brickbilts Reiignation. The next was Robert de MarJJiall, collated 7. Id. Jan. 13 18. He died 13*8. and was fuceeeded by Rogh^ Najjington, collated 8. Cal. Maii, 13 28. on MarJJoalfs Death. On whofe quitting it for the Chancellorinip, William^ Nortbburgb was collated to it 6> Non. Oct. 1329. .He exchanged it with John de T)eping, 13. Cal. OU. 133 1. He exchanged it for Gain minor, with John de Patrua, 8. Id. April. 1332. He died, and was fuc- eeeded by William^ Appeltrde, admitted 16. Cal. April. 1340. on John de 'Patruds Death. He died 1349. and was fuceeeded by Roger Deping, admitted Non. Julii, 1349. on Appeltree's Death. He reiigned it the fame Year, and was fuceeeded by Roger de Nortbburgb, admitted 3. Id. Sept. 1349. as was Hugh de Nope was, admitted 12. Cal. Mail, 1352. He quitted it for Curborough 1363. and was fuceeeded by John^ Longden, admitted 4. Cal. Jan. 1 3 63. He changed it for fome other Preferment, with Nicholas Merkeley, admitted 18. Cal. Sept. 1369. The -next I find-was John de Moreton. He held it 1 376. as did Thomas St ret ton, 1381. He was 1390. made Dean, and .fuceeeded by Thomas D o w n e, admitted July. 4. 1 49 °- He quitted it ; and was fuceeeded by John Prebendaries of L i c h f e i l d« 435 John Sarton, LL. D. admitted July 4. 1390. He refign'd it next Year, and was fucceeded by William Hebden, admitted Augiifl 2. 1391. He quitted it for Curborough. John Sarton became re-admitted June 5. 1392. He changed it for Hondfworth Reclory, with Henry More wood, March 14. 1394- His SuccefTor was Thomas Parker, admitted January 25.1397. He changed it for Collwich, with Stephen k Scrope, June 15. 1400. He_ refigned it the fame Year to Robert de Oxton, admitted Augufi 24.1400. John Hey worth was collated September 7. 1424- on the Death of Oxton. He quitted it for Ecclejhall. Walter Bull o-ck^ Archdeacon of Derby, was admitted April zi. 143 1. on Hey worth's Refignation 3 - as was Ralph Presbury, Archdeacon of Stafford, April 3. 1433- and John Hygate, Archdeacon of Bangor y June 14. 1442. ow'Pref- lurys Death. His SuccefTor was John Arundel, collated July 28. 1443. on Hy gat es Death. He was 1459. made Bifhop of Chichefier. John Crees or Crecy fucceeded, collated Dec. 11. 1459.' He refigned it, being Canon 0$ Wind for, and was fucceeded by John Ekys, collated June 2. 1468. on Crecys Refignation. Roger Brode was collated Augufi 14. 1472. on Ehy% Death; as was John Stubbes collated June 17. 1474. on 'Erodes, Refigna- tion ; and John Sharpe was admitted January 4. 1485. on Stubbess Death j as was Sampson Alleyn admitted November 25. 1492, on Sharpens Death. John Argentine, M. D. was admitted 'December 13. 1494. on Alleyn s Death. He quitted it for Sobenhill. Robert Middleton, LL. D. was admitted April 19. 1497. on Dr. Argentines Refignation ; as was John Beilingham, Augufi 4. 1 > 00. on Dr. Middleton s Death- He quitted it for 'Tachbrook. JohnWardroper, LL. B. fucceeded, being admitted Sept. 1. 1 501. on Eellinghams quitting of this Prebend for Tachbrook. He quitted it for Longden. Mmm Philip 43# Prebendaries of Lichfeild. Philip Agard fucceeded 1502. and quitted it for Tipa Tarva. Edward Sheffeild, LL. B. fucceeded October 5. 170S. In his Will, dated "December 5. 1525. and proved Feb, 7. following, he appoints to be buried in Luton Chancel, Co. Bedford, where he was Vicar, where is a Graveftone with the following Epitaph in Memory of him, without filling up of Dates, ¥At jaccf Edward Sheffeild, iifriufriuc juris &orto? ; CanoiHCU.S <£ccl. €ati}. Lichfeild 5 iftm.s ©icanus •, 5 Ccclcf. pavotljial. &e Cam- bourne in Co. Cornub. ftCtfrvz ; 5 Yatt 4lo- Glofter, qui ofctit -©ie nacnfis % §). MV C . /. 20. 1703. and quitted it 1705. John Bradley, Vicar of Jlrewas, fucceeded, bein g collated, Jav. 9. 1705. He died 1709. and was fucceeded by John Hunter, A..M. collated May 27. 1705. He is living 172?. Matter of the Free-School in Lichfeild. ECCLESHJLL. THIS Prebend, endowed with the Parfonage or Impropriation of Ecclejhall Co. Stafford, and Patronage of the Vicaridge, ratal for Firfl- Fruits at 20 /. was by Aci of Parliament, made in the Reign of Queen Awne y confolidated, united, and annex'd to the See of Lichfeild, on the next Vacancy which fhould happen at the making the Act, which was about 17 10. and fo.it becoming vacant on the Death of the then In- cumbent, which happened about 1720. was accordingly incorpora- ted, and fwallowed up in the Bifhoprick,. and the prefent Biihop pail the Firft-Fruits for it,, as To annex'd, .^/z- 1721. as his Succeffors will be oblig'd to do at their Coming into the Bifboprick, and fo mull he accounted as Prebendaries for the future, as. fucceeding into all the pre- bendal Rights. ...... * Elias de Napton, made Archdeacon of Derby 1 28 1. was alfo. pef- fefs'd of this Stall, and died here at EccleJJjaHin July 13 11.. *Robert de Saldock had it given him by the King, Apr. 1 ; 13 2 1 . * John de Kinnerfley feems to have fucceeded Saldock, 'for he d.'ei poffefs'd of it at Lichfeild 'in Jan- 1332. The next 1-find.is * Ni c h o l a s S t e r r, he became admitted to it Feb. 1 3... 1 3 5 <5. T H O MA Si 44-o Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. Thomas de Stanley was admitted July 21. 1382. and changM it for St. Martins Deanary, London, with W illi a m Ashton, LL. D. April ij. 1399. Walter B u l l o c k was admitted OB. 19, 1405. He exchang'd for 1)ernford, with Henry Heyworth admitted May 1, 143 1. He refigned it the fame Year, and was fticceeded by Richard Leyott, LL- D. admitted Y)ec. 1431. on the Resig- nation of Herbert h. Roger Wall, was collated March 7. 1 442. on the Death of Leyott, He was alfo Archdeacon of Coventry. Humphry H a w a r d e n, LL. D. was admitted January 1 9. 1488. on the Death of Wall. He quitted it for Yerwin. Edmond Hals* was admitted April 2. 1499. on the Resigna- tion of Hawardeu. He died May 8. 1501. and was buried in the Ca- thedral, as he had appointed in his Will, dated April 8. and proved June 3. 1 501. to be interred near the Weft Door, by Bifhop Halfe. Edward Willoughby, fucceeded July 8. 1 50 1 . on the Death of Halfe. He died Noc. 3. 1508. being alfo Dean of Exeter. John T a y lo r fucceeded, being admitted Jan. 3. 1508. He quitted it 1532. being Archdeacon of Sticks. Thomas Westby fucceeded, being admitted March 19. 1532. He died Dec. 21. 1545. being Archdeacon of York. John Clark fucceeded, being admitted Jan. 10. 1543. John White, S. T. P. was admitted May 24. 1552. and in 1 554. made Bifhop of Lincoln. Elizeus- Hey wood, A. M. was admitted June 22. 1 554. as ' was Arthur Beei.e admitted June 4- 1 5 64. His Succeffor was William Wick-ham, Dean of Lincoln, admitted Sept. 2. 1 5 79. He was 1 5 84. made Bifhop of Lincoln, and fucceeded by A n t h o n y C o r. a n u s, S. T. P. admitted March 7. 1 584. He died March 30. 1 591. and was buried in St. Andrews Church, London^ and fucceeded by Edward Playsteed, admitted Aug. 4 1 59 1. After whom Laurence Hockneld was admitted Jan. 1 9. 1 598. as was John H a s s a l l admitted July 24. 1604. He was afterwards Dean of ''Norwich, and reiigning 1616. was fucceeded by John B.r i d c m a n, admitted June 3. 1616. on Haffalfs Refig- nation. He was afterwards made Bifhop of Chefier, and fucceeded by George Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. 441 George Murrey, admitted OB. 3. 1523. on Stidg?nans Resig- nation. He was Rector of Siay Co. Lane after. WuliamHiggins, A.M. was admitted May 1 6. 1 53 3 .He quitted it 1 53 6. for the Precentorfhip. JamisFleetwood, S. T. P. was admitted in Sept. 1 63 6. He was afterwards made Bifhop of Worcester,' and fucceeded by Edward Webster, B. D. admitted June 1-5. \666. on Dr. Fleetwood's Refignation. He died 1689. and was buried at Little San- ford Co. Ejfex, where he was Rector, and fucceeded by Timothy Turne r, A. M. OB. 1. 1689. He died 1720. ard was buried atL'ooting Co. Middlefex, where he was Reftor. On his Death, this Prebend was, An. 17 21. as I {hewed at the Beginning of this Series, united to the Bifhoprick. F L 1 XT N. ^^M~ BISHOP Meiland about 12S0. Founded this Prebend, and en- dowed it with the Advowfon and Impropriation of FUxton Co. Lancaster, valued at 7 /. for Firft-Fruits. ■- William Burnell died poffefs'd of it 1305. His -Succeflor was Robert^ Clip/ton collated 1 2 Cal. yidii 1 3 o 5 . on Burnett's Death . Roger de Marcival fucceeded, being collated 18 Cal. Feb. the fame Year, viz. 13 05. ■■ He was afterwards Bifhop of Salisbmj. Harvey de Staunton was admitted 1 3 Cal. Nov. 1 3 1 6. as was JoHNi/i? Kinardfey 9 Cal. Mail 1322. and Thomas de Clopton admitted 16 Cal. 1)ec. 1326. He exchanged it for SiJZopJ&i/I with Peter de Northbitrgh, 2 Non. Apr. 1327. Robert de Baldock, Archdeacon of Middlesex, as Newcourt fays, died poffefs'd of it 1327. Richard de Chapliff was collated 1338. William^? Wickham, afterwards Bifhop of Winchester > changed it for fome other Preferment, with J o h n de Walt ham, Nov. ?o. 1361. William <& Newton was admitted to it 8 Non. Sept. 1 3 67. He changed it with Nicholas Shirbus, OB. 3. 1383. HenrySymmour died poffefs'd of it 1 z$6, Will 1 a m- 442 Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. William de Soull was admitted Non. OU. 13 85. on Symmour's Death. Richard de Kington, Archdeacon of Hereford, was admitted Dec. 14. 1400. He died about 141 3. David Price reiigned it 1425- and was fucceeded by Th omasBroun, or Browne, LL. D. admitted July 2$. 1425. on Prices Resignation. He was 1435. made Bifhop of Ro- ehefter. Andrew Ho l e s, or Hu l ls, fucceeded;, being admitted May 1 7. 1435. He reiigned it 1442. being made Chancellor of Sarum. His SuccefTor was John Boi.de, collated Feb. 9. 1442. on the Resignation of Holes. Gregory New tort was collated May 26. 1443. on the Death ofSo/d- Henry Grene, B.D. was collated 'Dec 6. 1459. on the Death of Newport ; as was George D o w n e collated Jan. 29. 1472. on the Death of Qrene. He quitted it for Freeford, and was fucceeded by John Yotton, admitted Feb. 24. 1482. on the Refigna- tion olDowne. He was made Dean 1492. and fucceeded by John More, LL. D. admitted Feb. 28. 1492. on Tottons be- ing made Dean. Hugh Humphrey, B. D. was admitted June 22. 1502. on Dr. Mores Refignation. He was Re&or of "Barcheljion, and died J529. Nicholas Darington was admitted March 2. 1 5 29. on the Death of Humphrey. He held it 1538. Thomas German was admitted Nov. 9. 1553. as was William D o r e l l admitted Auguft 17. 1 568. and Guy Clinton admitted March 29. 1569. and Richard Fox admitted Sept. 4. 1582. His SuccefTor was Jeffry Hulston, A. M. admitted June 29. 1 598. to whom fucceeded Stockwitt Lutwiche, admitted July 16. 1601. He died after 1642. Hugh Humphrey s 3 A.M. fucceeded, being admitted Sept. 18. \66o. He died 1693. being Vicar of Longdon, and Re&or of "Dray- ton Baflet. G e 6 r g e S m a l l r 1 d g e, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted June 1 2. 169:5. on the Death of Humphreys, He was 17 14. made Bifliop of ftrifiol, and fucceeded by x Harry. Prebendaries of L i c H f e i l d. 443 Harry MandeRj LL. B. Fellow of St. Johns College, Oxoih as I am informed, admitted Aagufi 20. 1714. He is living 1723. but blind, as I hear. I F REFO RT> S endowed with Demelhe Lands lying in Freford Hamlet, in the Li- berty of Lichfeild City, and is rated for Firft-Fruits at 20/. Theodicius Maliocellus died poifeffed of it 1320. Lazarus Malloce llus, fucceeded 9. Cal. Nov. 1320. on the Death of T'heodicius. Fulk Corbet died poffefled of it 1332. in November. John de Greyly, admitted 10. Cal. T)ec. 1332. Thomas de Walton , admitted 1 2. Cal. Jul. 1382. John Rome, admitted Feb. 1 6. 1405. John Franks, admitted Feb. 10. 1412. He was Archdeacon of Suffolk, and refigned this on an Exchange with Thomas Lane, Dec. 5. 142 1. He died 1473. Mailer of 2V tefhoufe Coll. Cambridge. John Fox, LL. D. collated Obi. 1 2. 1473. He died 1482. be- ing alfo Chancellor of the Diocefe. George Downe, admitted Feb. 24. 148 2. .Hugh Ol d h a m, admitted J illy $ i. 1501. He was afterwards Biihop of Exeter. John Blithe, admitted July 1. 1513. He died 1 558. being alfo Archdeacon of Coventry. Edmund Meyrick fucceeded Dec. 9. 1 558. and quitted it 1553. for 'Bobenhull. Robert Ashton fucceeded 1 553. Richard Ashton, was admitted Feb. 4. 1 575. as was Samuel Sanders, A. M. admitted Aug. 9. iSoi. Richard Eaton, B. D. admitted July 10. 1607. He was Vicar of Great Sudwortb, Co. Cheftm~. H u m p h r y R o a n e, B. D. admitted Jan. 3. \6\&. William Bridge, admitted April 25. 1622. George G i p p e s, A. M. admitted Dec. 6. \6$ 1. He died af- ter 1642, John Riland, A.M. fucceeded Sept. 6. 1660. He died 167-2-. being Archdeacon of Coventry. •N n n Ja m e s 444 Prebendaries 0/ L i c h f e i l S. James Crawford, A. M. Vicar of 'Dunchurch, admitted Aug. 2. 1573. Henry Meres, A.M. admitted Sept. 7. 1680. He died 1701?. being Re&or of South Luffenham Co. Rutland. Thomas Goodwin, admitted March 5. 1705. He quitted it for Collwich. S a m u e l K 1 m b e rl e y, A. M. admitted Aug. 4. 1 7 1 3 . He quitted it for 'Pip a Minor. James Chetham, A. M. admitted May 2 2. 1719. He is living 1723. being Matter of Etwall Hofpital Co. T)erby> Vicar of Etwall Church, and S. T. P. A r . 2. He is alfo Prebendary ot Han fa ere as well as of this Prebend, andfo poffefs'd of two Stalls, by the "Gift of the Bifhop, who by an Aft of Parliament palled in Queen Anne's Reign, has Power, in order to en- creafe the Number of Relidentiary Canons in the Church, to confer two or more Prebends on the fame Perfcn. GJIA MA JO R. BISHOP Roger de Clinton about 11 40. is faid to have founded divers Prebends ,- and among fhefe Hinatcn, or Hint on, is rec- koned -, and fo I prefume he founded the two Galas, Freford, Han/a- cre, Curborough, Tiornford and Stotfold ; efpecially we may judge him the Founder of the Galas, on account of their lying in Hints Parifh, in the Liberty of Lichfeild City, to which Parifh this Gaia Major is an Hamlet. The Value of it, An. 1534. was rated at 5 /. for Firit-Fruits. Henry de Wont er don y admitted "Jan. 17. 1 3 1 2. William^ Srickhull, admitted 5. Cal. April. 13 14. on Con- fer dons Death. He died at Lichfeild in May, 13 18. being alfo Dean of St. John's College, Chefler. *John Chelmsford died polfeffed of this Stall, at Lichfeild, in Nov. 1338. His Succelfor was John de Sulgrave, admitted 5- Cal. T)ec. 1338. He exchang'd it 1345. with Nicholas Swinnerton, admitted 10. Cal. Martii, 1345- He exchanged it for Qffley with John de Mareys, 4. Cal. Off. 1352. He held it 13 61. and made his Will An. 1375. Nicholas Prebendaries o/Lichfeild, 445 ^Nicholas de Sukjham died poffefs'd of it 1382. and was fuo ceeded by x John de Stcurton, collated in 1382. John Nottingham, Chancellor of Hereford Cathedral, was admitted Sept. 11. 1387. as was Thomas Hanley, Feb. 10. 1388. on the Refignation of Not- tingham ± and John Lang ton, collated March 3. 142 1. on the Death of Hanley. Thomas Pulter was collated Jan. 30. 1427. on the Refignation of Langton. Walter Black et, collated Feb. 8. 1444. on the Refignation of 'Pulter. The next I find is Richard Sherborne. He quitted it for Trees, 1473. Thomas Da net, S. T. P. was collated in OUober, 1473. on the Refignation of Sherborne. He died 1483. and was buried at Windfor^ where he was Dean, with this Infcription : Thomas Danet, ^otto^t guonfcam facrae &i)eolo$iae, ^ecamt£ fjnjus CoUegii, ac • — — - — — ac €leraolparm£ Se&i# Edwardi 4ft, gui obrit 18 ^ie $&enf)$ Septembris, §Jn. 1485. Cujus antmae jfcojjitiefttt ^eu#. Humphry Hawarden fucceeded Oct. 31. 1483. He was after- wards Prebendary of EccleJJoall. William Pikeman, LL. D. was admitted June 16. 148 5. on Hawarden s Refignation, and died 145*7. being Archdeacon of Suffolk, His Succeffor was Robert Frost e, admitted June 25. 1497. He quitted it for Prees, 14.99. and was fucceeded hy Richard Pain e, admitted March 21. 14pp. died 1 507. Thomas Drax, B. D. fucceeded March 31. 1507. on the Death of 'Paine ; as did RobertNevill, Jpril 21. 1 528. on the Refignation of Drax. He held it 1536. Wi lliam Pye was admitted "July 3. 1 550. He died 1 5-57. being alfo Dean of Chichefter 3 and was fucceeded by Edmond Hare, Feb. 3. 1558. JohnBagshaw,A.M. was admitted May 7. 1 569. He quitted it for Ollwich. N nn s -Walter 446 Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. W alter Marsh e. Archdeacon of iJerby, fucceeded May 4* 1590. William Eiam, oi-Eanne, was admitted Nov. 17. 1599. as was Richard Brown admitted June 5. 1605. He quitted it for Collwich the fame Year. John Fulnetb y, B. D. fucceeded^z/g 10. 1605. Hewasi6o8. made Precentor, and fucceeded by Adrian Babington, A.M. admitted Nov. 1. 1608. William Jeffry, A. M; was . admitted in Sept. 1525. Ke quit- ted it 1627. for Offley. William Bailey., A. M. fucceeded, being admitted OUober 27. 1627. * Thomas Baddisley, A. M. was admitted Sept. 2 2. 1 542. and died before 1660. D a n 1 e l B a 1 l e, A.M. fucceeded Sept. 28. 1 660. He refigned it 1 666. and was fucceeded by S a m 11 e l G a r d 1 n e r, S. T. P. collated May 2 1 . 1 666. He quit- ted it for Qffley, 1669. and was fucceeded by Roger Ha yward, A. M. Vicar of St. Chads in Shrewsbury , collated Aug. 10. 1669. He died 1680. and was fucceeded by Samuel Masters, B. D. admitted March 18. 1680. He dkd Sept. 12. 1693. at the Bath, and was buried in the Abby-Church there. He was Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, and Mi- nister of "Bridewell there. His SucceiTor was W a l t e r H o r t on, A. M. admitted Sept. 30. 1693. living 1723. Canon of this Church, and Rector of Walton upon Trent Ccv Tjerby. G A I A MINOR S an Hamlet, or Demefnes, lying in Hints Parifh, as fpoken of in Gaia Major ; 'tis rated at 2 /. for Firft-Fruits. W 1 l l 1 a m de Herlqjhn was collated to it 1 3 Cal. Mail 1322. John de Brumford chang'd it for Tipa "Parva, with Robert^ Tatrua, 5 Id. 'Dec. 13 24. He chang'd it for Dern-- ford, with John^ Deping, 8 Id. April. 1332. RoGinVf Northburgh was admitted 6 Id. Jwi. 1 3-54. Richard Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. 447 Richard^ Bermingharn held this Stall 1 3 69. Richard Colet exchange! it for fome other Preferment, with John^i? Harewood, 4 Id. Sept. 1374- John Maupas was admitted 7 Cal Nov. 1 390. He quitted it for Ruiton 1396. Robert Raven dale was admitted July 1 5. 1 396. He was alfo Canon of Wir.dfor. JohnAylmer was admitted Sept. 6. 1398. His Succeflor was JohnEvyke, admitted May 31. 1407. on Ayhners Refignation. Richard Ecclesey, Admitted March 7. 141 2. on Evyh's Refignation. William Almodeston, admitted Jug. 14. 1421?. He died 1432. being alfo Archdeacon of Stafford, and was fucceeded by JohnBurdet, admitted Sept. 28. 1432. He refigned it, being made Archdeacon of Chefter. JohnBride fucceeded March 29- 143 3. and quitted it for Whiu tington. Thomas Hey wood fucceeded Jpril 3. 143 3 . He quitted it for T)a([et Tarca, and was fucceeded by William Si nw oldmersh, B. D. admitted Sept. 2 j. 1 43 3 . Thomas Walter was collated to it Feb. 14. 1448. He quit- ted it the fame Year. His Succeffor was John Stretton, EL. D. collated Nov.- 27. 1448. He was Treafurer of Chichefter, and Canon of Sarum, in which lad Cathedral he willed, 1474. to be -buried. His Succeflor was Edmund Audley, collated June 17. 1474. He was 1480. made Biiliop of Rochejier, and fucceeded by Henry Edial, collated Nov. 8. 1480. I prefume he might be alfo Archdeacon of Rochejier. Thomas Ley son was collated Sept. 20.. ijso; on- Ediafs Death ; as was Will 1 a m L e-ys on, LL. D. admitted Jpril 14.. 1527. on the Refignation of Thomas Leyfon. In his Will, dated 1549. he appointed to be buried at Ely, where he was alfo Prebendary, J e f f r y Glynn, IX. D. - admitted 1 2 M-ar. 1 549. Heu found- - ed Bangor Free-School. His Will, printed in the Hiflory of £a/:go$ Cathedral, bears Date 1557. His Succeflor was John Ste v ynson, admitted Jug. 7. 1 557. as was- ThomasLewyn, admitted Jpril 15.3558. on Ste-vynfoin Refig^ nation. John Lanne, or Lownee, fucceeded OB. 6. i$6i. Christopher \ 44-3 Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. Christopher Bagshawe was admitted Sept. 1 2. 1578. as was K e n r y E w b a n k, Oct. 20. 1 5 8 1. He quitted it for TVeeford. Clement Colmore, LL D. fucceeded Feb. 13.1586. He died June 18. 1619. and was buried at 'Durham Cathedral, where he was Prebendary, and fucceeded by Thomas D o d, A. M. admitted Nov. 1 3. 1691. He quitted it, being made Dean of Rippon, and was fucceeded by Richard Moyli, being admitted Feb. 24. 1 629. He died after 1 644. in the Time of the great Rebellion. Thomas Brow n e, A. M. was admitted Jan. 1 1. 1 660, He quitted it for Slot fold. Hi^ Succefior was George A l d k i c h, collated June 1 3. 1 663. He refigned it An. 1 568. and was fucceeded by DevereuxSpencer, A.M. Rector of Che dull, collated Aug. 8. 1 668. He died 1673. and was fucceeded by J o h n H 1 n c h l e y, A. M. collated Obi. j- 1673. He died 1625. being alfo Rector of Norfeild Co. Worcejler, and was buried there, and fucceeded by "William Bowles, A. M. collated Aug. 19. 1695. He died 1705. being Rector of Enfeild, and was fucceeded by Samuel Collins, A. M. admitted Sept. 28. 1705. He died 17 10. being Minifter of Tamwortb, and was fucceeded by E d w a k. d K 1 n g s b u r g h, A. M. admitted Feb. 9. 1710. He is living 1723. and Vicar of Cbebfey Co. Stafford. HANS ACRE TAKES its Name from Hanfacre Hamlet, in Hermitage Parifh, and is valued at 14 /. This Prebendary is Patron and Impropri- ator of Hermit age -, Norton, and Hints, donative Curacies. It was doubt- lefs founded by Bilhop Clinton. J o h n de Cravene died poffefs'd of this Stall in December, An. 1 292. as did William^ liliburgh, 1313. Robert^ Clipjion fucceeded 5 Non. Martii 13 13. on Bliburgb's Death. He exchanged it An. 1356. for Si/bcpJJjill, with Richard^ Motile, 8 Id. April 1356. Richard Prebendaries of Lichfeild. 449 RichardConingston, LL. D. was admitted to it March > WilliamLov'ett was admitted 1 6 Cal. Marti? , 1408. Robert Fitzhugh refigned it 1428. on Exchange for St. 2V- ters Reclory in Northampton. He was afterwards Bifhop of London. His Succeffor in this Stall was John Verne y 3 admitted 'Dec. 20. 1428. In 1432. he was made Dean. T h o m a s de la Pole was admitted Dec. 1 6. 1432. and died next [Year. WilliamBrenston was admitted July 1 8. 1438. His Suc- ceffor was John B r e w-s t e r 3 who exchanged it 143P. as I conceive, for Ruiton, with Thomas Heywood, about 1439. In 1457. he was made Dean. Richard P e d e refigned it 1457. for the Chancellorfliip, to „ ThomasMillSj collated 1457. He refigned it 1465. and was fucceeded by JohnFrisbv, S. T. P. collated in Sept. 1465. He died 1489. and was fucceeded by RichardSalter, LL. D. collated May 3 o. 1489. He quit- ted it for the Chancellorfliip. William Summaster fucceeded May 3 . 1 5 o 1 . and died 1504. being Subdean of Exeter. John 8lith fucceeded Feb. 14. 1504. and refigned it next Year. Richard Plume r fucceeded Jug. 2. 1505. I prefume the next was SimonSymonds. He occurs 1534. and was difplaced 1 545, for Non-payments of his Tenths and Subiidies. John Ramridge fucceeded, being collated June 1 2. 154*5. In 1 5 54. he was made Dean. Richard We aver fucceeded July 13. 1554. RichardFoster was admitted Aug. 7. 1574. "William Hinton fucceeded April 7. 1597. and died 1631. being Archdeacon of Coventry. John B urges, M. D. was collated Sept. 5. 163 1. He was Rector of Sutton-Cofeild. J o h n C o . r n e l i u s, S.T. P. according to my Account, paid Firfl- Fruits for it March $. 16^^. and was, as xaith walker^ ejected 1642,. But, as I am inform'd from Lichfeild, he came in but in 166 1. William 4$o Prebendaries o/Lichfeild, William S cl u i r e, A. M. fucceeded July 23. 1675:. on the Death of Dr. Cornelius, who was inftituted Feb. 1663. He died in Sept. 1 577. and was buried at Kol/Jion Co. 'Derby, where he was Rector, and fucceeded by RobertHarsnet, A. M. admitted OB. 1 2. 1667. He was deprived of this, and St. Clements Rectory in Oxford, for fome Difqua- locations, by the Government, An. 1696. John L a u g h t o n, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted July 31. 1 696. He died or refigned it 1712. Samuel Rimberley, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted March 2. 1 7 1 2. He quitted it for 'Frees. James C h e t h a m, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted May 22. j 7 19. on Kinder leys Relignation. He is, An. 1723. the prefent Pof- feflbr of this and Freford Prebend. c L N G 7) E N O N S I S T S of the Impropriation and Advowfons of Longden •Parifli near Lichfeild, valued at 8 /. John de Snlgrace, admitted 13 Cal. April. 1335 - } as was John Gerard, admitted 4 Cal. Julii, 1336. Humphry H a s t a n g, or H a s t a n g, died poflefs'd of it 1349. AV 1 1. l 1 a m de Sallowe was collated 7 Id. T>ec. 1349- on the Death o$ Haftang. Michael^ Northburgh was collated 1 2 Cal. Nov. 13 51. on the Death of Sallow ,• as was William Cross, 3 Cal. Oct. 135 2; * W.i l l 1 a m de Shrewsbury, Archdeacon of Salop, held it An. 1360. John de TJndebiU held it 1380. and exchanged it next Year with Joh n de Mcreton, 17 Cal. Jul//, 138 1. His Succeffor was Walter Bullock, admitted Nov. 25. 1398. on the Death of Moreton. W 1 l l 1 a m A u m e n e t, Rector of Stoke, was admitted July 1 y. 1400. on the Relignation of Bullock ; as was William Newport, May 29. 141 1. on the Death of Au- .vwuet. He was alfo Dean of Tamworth. Thomas Prebendaries c/ L i c h f e i l b. 4.5 r Thomas Bering ton, LL. D. fucceeded, being collated Aug. 20. 1436. on the Death of Newport. William Grey was collated OU. 21. 1 443 . on Sehngtous be- ing made Bifkop of Wells ; as was John Whelpdale, collated Sept. 22. 1454. on Grey's being made Bifhop of Ely. He quitted it for herein, and was fucceeded by Thomas Byrom 3 collated OU. 27. 1458. on Whelp dale's Re- signation. WilliamNeylson, called Thomas Neylfon in the Biihop's Regifter, was collated May 18. 1466. on 'Byroms Refignation. Guy Whittington was collated in Nov. 1501. on Neylfous Death. He quitted it for Sandiacre, and was fucceeded by JohnWardroper, collated April 11. 1502. on Whittingtoris Refignation. Hediedi5i5. John Blith fucceeded about 151 5. and quitted it for Weeford. Arthur Dudley fucceeded July 10. 1533. and quitted it for Collwich. Richard G w e n t, fucceeded 7)ec. 9. 1 53 1. and dying 1 543. was buried in St. 'Paul's Cathedral, London, where he was dignified. Tho mas Powell fucceeded Aug. 1 2. 1 543. In his Will, dated July 1. 1 55 1. and proved 1558. he appointed to be buried in Cheddul Chancel, and bequeaths his Eftate in OxfordJJjire to Dame Katherine 'Bidkley, Abbefs of Godftow, for her Life. Anthony Draycot, LL. D. Archdeacon of Huntingdon, fuc- ceeded, being admitted Sept. 8. 1556. He was deprived 1560. for his Religion ,- after which he died, and was buried at Tiraycot, with this Epitaph : <®ui fueraf Eegum^otfo? clartffimt^ olim Antonius Draycot fjac re^uiefcif i)timo, Oxonian $uon&am titguif tiotttifgtte Cecuntm^ JHiHi, ac iftius $ alto; o&lis eraf, $Immm'fir0gite$€f)2ifti, fi femi^a Mi €ttz tftaratteres? £tn ti&t ctmtta notanf. ©Ijiit 21. 3£. 1570. January 20. On his Deprivation, Th omasWalrenden was admitted OU. 1. 1 $6o. as was Hugh Hill admitted Sept. 1. 1558. and Daniel Musxey, orMuNSLEY, admitted Sept, ij, i$$V and O o o Georgb 452 Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. George Cu thbert, Aug. 1 6. 1 606. He died 1 642. being Pre- bendary of Briftol. Samuel R utter, A.M. fucceeded Nov. 19. 1660. He died K563. being Bifhop of Man, and was buried in that Ifland. John Hutchingson, B. D. fucceeded, being collated June 1 6. 1 663. He quitted it for I'erwin ; and was fucceeded by Gabriel O f f l e y ? S. T. P. collated OB. 6. 1 66} . He was Re- dor of Mucckfton Co. Stafford. His Succeflbr was Thomas White, A.M. Vicar of Longdon y admitted April ^o. 1683. He died 1709. and was buried at Stratford le Sow 3 where he was Minifter, with this Epitaph : Quicquid mori debuit retwendi Viri Tho. White, A. M. Cathedralis Ecckfia Lichfieldienfis Trebendarii, 'Parochialis Stepneise R efforts, Stratfordia? le Bow Minifiri-, hie fitum eft : Vixit juts prafidium, pauperibus levamen, ecclefia & reipubli&e ornamentum : Vixit heu excejjit pafior vigilantiffimus, conjux fidiffimus, amicus conjunUiffi- mus j cut virtus, pudor, & juftitix foror, incorrupt a fides, nudaque Veritas raro ulliim invenient par em ; ore difertus ; docirina clarus y mori bus Candidas, aditu facilis, affatumitis, aliortim facilis cen for ; fui feveriffimus -, prudens, patiens, fibi covftans, hoc diver fis in dies melior vere dicam verus chriftianus hie fuit. An. Domini 1709. jEtatis 6j. Harvey B r o u g h t o n, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted May 2. 1710. He was Reftor of Hampton Lucy, and Mucckfton, and dy- ing 17 21. was buried at Mucckfton, and fucceeded by Walter Offley, A.M. Dean of Chefter, admitted June 6. 1 7 21. He died in Aug. following, and was buried at Mucckfton, where he was Rector, and fucceeded by Michael Hutchingson, S.T.P. admitted Sept. 1 5. 1721. He is living 1723. Minifter of All Saints, Derby, Recltor of Chedull- Co. Stafford, and Vicar of Takington Co. Leicefter. F F L ET CALLED alfo High Offley, is a Parifh Co. Stafford, of which this Prebendary is Patron and Impropriator, who pays for Firft- Fruits \6 I. This was, as I judge, founded by Biflibp Clinton. The firft I find is Jo H N Prebendaries of Lichfeild. 4.53 John de Kenardfey. He exchanged it 133 a. with John de Marys, 1 2 Cal. Dec. 1332. He exchanged it for Gaia Major, with Nicholas de Swinnerton, 4 Cal. OB. 13 J 2. John di? T'horesby exchanged it with John Turk, Dec. 23. 1370. Richard de Spridlington was collated to it 4 Cal. Apr. 1374. As was * W 1 l l 1 a m de Ajion, or AJhton^ admitted to it OB. 3. 1382. William Ballshaw died pofTeffed of it 1395. and was fuc- ceeded by Stephen le Strops or Scrope, (as I conceive) collated March 21. 1395. He quitted it 1397. for Collwich. NicholasBubwith fucceeded, being admitted Nov. 21. 1397. In 140^. he was made Bifliop of London. Thomas Bubwith fucceeded, being admitted Aug. 25. 1406. and quitted it 1425. being made Archdeacon of Wells-. John Longe was admitted May 25. 1425. He quitted it on a Change with Humphrey Rodeley, collated in June 1429. He quitted it on a Change with Walter Shirington, admitted March 19. 1429. He quit- ted it on a Change with Edmund T e b b e r, or T e b o t 3 collated May 25. 1440. He changed it with Roger Wall, collated Sept. 5. 1441. He quitted it for Ec- dejhall. Laurence Bothe fucceeded, being collated J me 17. 1449* He changed it with Thomas Pulter, collated Nov. 1 7. 1449. He changed it again with Laurence Bothe, collated a fecond time June 21. 145 2. He quitted it foon after for Tervin, and was fucceeded by *Ralph Brian, 145*2. to whom fucceeded next Year, viz. 14 J 3. John Meneley, who died poffeffed of it 1479, or 1480. and was fucceeded by Edmund Halse, admitted in April, 1480. He quitted it for Collwich, and was fucceeded by Ralph Heitcote, admitted May 15. 148 1. as was Peter Greves, admitted Jan. 10. 1499. John D o w m a n, LL. D. collated March 31. 1 509. on Greves Reiignation, and O002 William 454 Prebendaries of Lichfeild. William Rushall, LL. B. admitted Aug. 1 1 . 1 5: 2 5. on Dozzmans Relignation. He quitted it fox Wellington 1559, or 1560* according to fome Accounts, and was fucceeded by Dr. 'Thomas Tale. However I find Edmund Steward pofferfed of it 1534. He was 1559. depriv'd of all his Preferments. The Year after which ThomasYale, LL. D. became admitted to it March 25. 1 560. He died in 'December or November 1 577. being Dean of the Arches, London. ThomasBentham was admitted April 4. 1 5 7 8. as was Brian Exton admitted Oil. 18. 1594. He occurs Canon 1602. His ^ucceflbr was Sampson Hawkhurst, B. D. admitted June 28. 1608. He was afterwards Vicar of Dunchurch, which he vacated 1626. and alfo of Nuneaton, which he voided 1627. William J e f f r y, A. M. fucceeded Olt. 2. 1627. He was about 1630. made Chancellor. Nathaniel Williams, A.M. fucceeded, being admitted Dec. 8. 1630. He reiigned it An. 1669. and was alive fome Years after, as appears by his Poem on the Death of Dr. Willis, the famous Phylician,. publifhed An. 16751 Samuel Gardiner, S.T. P. fucceeded, being collated Aug. 6. 1 669. He died at Ekhigton Co. Derby, where he was Reclor, An. 1 686. and was fucceeded by ThomasSpark, A.M. afterwards S. T. P admitted April 9. 1 68 6. He died Sept. 7. 1692. being alfo Prebendary 0$ Roc heft er, and was bu- ried in Bath Abby Church, without any Memorial. _ Maurice V a u g h a n, A.M. Rector of Telling Co. Hunt, fuc- ceeded Ncv. 23. 1692. He died 1722. being alfo Canon of JFindfor } and was fucceeded by James Richardson, A.M. admitted May 22. 1722. He is Mailer of Blackheath School in Kent. TIT J MINOR, alias TREES, IS denominated from the impropriated Parifhof Trees Co. Salop, valued at 19 /. for Firfl-Fruits, tho T the Bifhop is Patron of the Vicaridge ; however this Prebendary is Patron of St. Chads Church in Stafford ■Town, and Tipton Donative Curacy in Staffordjhire, Joh N, Prebendaries o/Lich.feild. 455 John Clare l, Archdeacon of Stafford, died poffefs'd of this Stall at Lichfeild in June 1337. and was fucceeded by P e t e r de Aylejlon., admitted July 21. 1337, or 1338. Nicholas He the, collated to it 17 Cal. Jan. 1360. Richard Bermingham, 12 Cal. Nov. 13 61. He died 1 394. and was buried in the Cathedral^ where he founded a Chantry. Roger Walden fucceeded May 29. 1394- In 1398. he was made Archbifhop of Canterbury. John de Nottingham fucceeded May 10. 1398. and quitted it 141 ?. being made Treafurer of York. John Forest fucceeded Nov. 30. 141 >. and refigned it 1440, being Dean o? Wells. John Wendesley was collated Jan. 29. 1440. He was after- Wards Archdeacon of Stafford. JohnRudhill, or Reedhill, LL. B. fuceeeded in July 1459. and died 1473. John Fox, IX. B. was collated Tiec. 22. 1472. on Reedhilfs Death. He quitted it for Freford, 1473. Richard Sherburn was collated OU. 12. 1473. and died 1500. being Archdeacon of Salop. RobertFrost, Archdeacon of Winchefier, fucceeded March 3 o. 1500- and died 1 507. JamesBeresford was admitted April 21. 1507. He died July 13. 1520. and was buried in the Cathedral ; as was Jeffry Blithe, admitted July 21. 1520. He quitted it for TVr- mn 3 1 521. Richard Street fucceeded April 13. 1 5 2 1 . and died Jan. 7. 1542. being alfo Archdeacon ofDerby. Richard Walker fucceeded 1 542. and died 1 557. being al- io Dean of Chefter, and Archdeacon of Stafford, and was, as I fuppofe, buried in this Cathedral, he directing it fo in his Will. His Succeffor was Peter M o r e w y n g e, admitted OU. 28. 1 5 67. . On whofe Death fucceeded Edward B u l k e l e y, S. T. P. admitted Jan. 9. 1 J94; . • Peter Buckley, A. M was admitted Feb. 22. 1608. He was Rector of Odell Co. Bedford. His Succeflbr (as I judge) was JohnBisbie, admitted Feb. 29. 1637. He died after 1542. Robert Hill, A.M. was admitted Sept. 6. 1660. He died K563. being alfo Vicar of Trees. Henry Greswold, A. M. collated Qci. 9. L663. He was. 1 666. made Precentor^ and fucceeded by Anthony 4$6 Prebendaries of Lichfeild. Anthony Scattergood, S. T. P. collated Aug. \6. 1 666. He refigned it to his Son, being Re&or oiWinwick Co. Lancafter, viz. Samuel Scattergood, A. M. collated June 5. 1 68 2 He died, and was buried Dec. 1 o. 1696. at Slockley Co. Worcester 3 where he was Vicar, without any Memorial. Samuel D u g a r d, A. M. fucceeded Jan. 16. 1696. and died 1 597- being Rector of Fort on 3 and was buried there. Edward C h a u n d l e r, A. M. fucceeded April 3 o. 1 697. On whofe being made Bifliop of this See, Joseph Raw son, D. D. Reftor of St. Stephens Walbrook, London^ was prefented to it by the Crown, and admitted Dec. 30. 17 17. He died 1719. and was fucceeded by Samuel Kimberley, A.M. admitted May 8. 1719. removed from Havfacre to this Stall, who is the prefent Prebendary 1723. and Rector of Baggington, Vicar of the Trinity Church in Coventry Co. Warwick, and Canon of this Church. P IP A PAR V A. THIS Prebend was founded by Bifliop Meyland about 1 280: Tis an Hamlet near Lichfeild } feemingly in Farewell Parifli, and is valued at 1 /. 6 s. 8 d. Philip de Barton y Archdeacon of Surry ', refigned this Prebend, Robert de 'Patrua fucceeded, being admitted 7 Cal, Nov. 13 13- He changed it for Gat a Minor ; with John de Srmnford, 5 Id. Feb. 1 3 24. Simon de CloPton, admitted 2 Non. April. 1335. William de Apletree, 1 4 Cal. Martii, 1339. Hugh de Marreys, 17 Cal. Feb. 1354. Robert de St ration, admitted Dec. 14. 1358. on the Refignation of Marreys. In 1 3 60. he was made Bifliop. Richard de Thome \ admitted 10 Cal. Dec. 1360. on Strett oil's being made Bifliop. He changed it with Richard de Etringham, 1361. He changed it with Henry de Barton^ March 17. 1 3 6 1 . John de Somerby, collated Otf. 16. 1366. on the Refignation of Barton* John Prebendaries of L i c h f e i l d^ 457 John Sarton, admitted September 1399. on the Death of Somerby* JohnLeyot, admitted June 5. 1405. On the Resignation of Sarton. He exchanged it for fome other Preferment, with Henry Drayton, collated in Feb. 1420. John Wensley reiigned it 1438. and was fucceeded by Thomas F a w k e s y admitted July 2. 143 8. Thomas Reynold, LL. B. collated May 21. 1471. on the Death of Fawkes : he quitted it for Oloughton 'Decani the fame Year. John Cokkys, collated Feb. 1. 1471. Henry Ediall quitted it 1480. for Gaia Minor. John Mo lineux, admitted March i-j. 1480. Richard Delves, admitted March 27. 148 5. He changed it for jBobenhull, with John Argentine, admitted March 10. 1 501. Philip A g a r d, IX. D. admitted April 6. 1 508. on the Death of Argentine; Ralph Whiteh e d d, admitted 1 5 1 7. on the Death of Agard. He quitted it for Weford. Thomas Pannaden, Epifcopus,. admitted OB. 18. 15 19. on the Refignation of Whitehedd. He died 1521. being Vicar of Nuneaton ; and was fueeeeded by Arthur Dudley^ alias Sutton, collated May 29.1521. He quitted it for Longden. Edmund Stre tc hay, admitted July 20. 1523. He quitted it for Wofoey. Reginald Hospup, admitted T)ec. 17. 1.530. Richard Gwe.nt, admitted OB. 6. 1531. He quitted it for Longden. Nicholas Cotton,, admitted July 15. 1532. John ap Harry, admitted Feb. 1 6. 1546. He died about 15501, being Archdeacon of Northampton. Ralph Cokkys, admitted Jan 10. 1551. Thomas Chedulton 3: admitted Aug. 1 5: 1552s Richard Edward, admitted July 4. 1553. Zachary Babington, admitted April 28. 3581. He quitted it for Curborough. . John Sledde, admitted OB. 2. 1584; Roger Eliot, Re&or of Sutton-Cofeild^ admitted May 23... 3 £00. Robert 45 8 Prebendaries OjTLichfeild. Robert Newell, B. D. admitted March 4. \6\o. He quit- ted it for Collwich. Thomas Ma st e RSj B. D. admitted T)ec- 1. 1613. He died 162S. being alio Archdeacon of Salop*. JohnHodges, A.M. collated Ott. 3.1628. He died 1 663 . and was fucceeded by William Sha w, A. M. collated Jan. 23 . 1 663 . He died 1 67 2. being Rector of Mugglefton and Macejyn Ridware. JohnSaunder, A.M. admitted Feb. 22. 1672. He was Rector of Colton Co. Stafford. John Nash, A. M. Vicar of Seighford Co. Stafford, admitted June 8. 1682. He died 1695. and was fucceeded by Nathaniel Taylor, A.M. admitted Nov. 8- 1695. He died 1704. and was buried at Checlzley Co. Stafford, where he was ■Rector. JohnGreenwood, A. M, Vicar and Schoolmafter of Newport ■, Co. Salop, was admitted June 30. 1704. Herefigned it 17 16. and was fucceeded by James Chetham, A.M. Nov. 2. ij\6. In 17 19. he took Hanfacre and Freford, and fo refigned this, and was fucceeded by Henry Rider, A.M. admitted June 12. 1719. living 1723. Archdeacon of Derby, Re&or of St. MjchaeFs W'orcejter, Vicar of Hal- lew and Grimley Co. JVorcefter. R U J T N. r j ""' HIS Prebend, founded by Bifhop Wefeham about 1245. confifts j[ of the Impropriation and Advowfon of Ruiton Donative Cura- cy, Co. Warwick, which is under the Jurifdi&ion of the Archdeacon of Coventry, and not under that of the Chapter, as all the reft of the Prebends, except Sobenbull, Darfet *Parva, Wellington^ Wofoey, which are under the Bifhop's immediate Jurifdiction. This Prebend is rated for Firft-Fruits, at u /, o s. id. Philip de Cornubia is the firft in my Account. He was fuc- ceeded by Philip de Willoughby , Dean of Lincoln, 12 Cal. Feb. 1303. Thomas de Goldborough, collated Sept. 20. 1305. and the Death of Willoughby. Ralph Prebendaries of Lichfeild." 459 Ralph de Holbeach changed it for JPofcey, with ^Gilbert de Sruera, 9 Cal. April. 1 3 3 1 . He changed it with *Alan de Coningsburgh, 1 8 Cal. 'Dec. 1 340. He died 1352. ^Nicholas de Chaddefden was collated 2 Cal. Jun. 1362. on Conivgsburgljs Death. Walter^ ^Dolbore was admitted to it May 17. 1391. He chang'd it the fame Year with Nicholas Bubbe with, admitted March 17. 13 91. Hequitted it fovTFohey, to Henry Ma up as, Reclor of 'Pott on Co. Bedford, admitted OU. 30 1396. Walter Peirs fucceeded, being admitted Sept. 17. 141 j. on Maupas's Death. He quitted it on an Exchange with T h o ma sHeywood, An. 1434, or 143 5. for c Da$et Parva. He changed it for Hanfacre, with John Brewster, collated April 21. 1439. He refigned it An. 1443. Thomas Maunchell fucceeded, being collated Nov. 1 3. 1443. and refigned it 1467. Andrew Dokett, A.M. fucceeded, being collated July 22. 1467. He exchanged it 1470. for the Chancellorfhip, with Richard Pede, June 28. 1470. Hediedi48i. being Dean of Hereford, when, as I judge, he was fucceeded by John Jeffry, Prebendary of ^Dajfet Parva, and Archdeacon of Sudbury, 1481. He died 1493. Wil l i a m Wr i x h a m, S. T. P. admitted Jan. 19. 14.93. on the Death of Jeffry. William Smith, admitted April 30. 1494. on the Refigna- tion of Wrixham. Richard Wyot, admitted Feb. 10. 1508. on the Death of Smith. John Scot, B. D. admitted June 21. 1522. on the Refignation of Wyot. He died 1545. Henry Hilton, admitted jDec. 22. 1 545. on the Death of Scot. * T h o m a s A c w o r t h, admitted Jan. 10. 1 560. as in Rymers Fccdera. Peter Murrey, admitted April 9. 1 5 66. Gilbert Magnoll, admitted May 5. 1 5(58. Wi lliam Chapman, i 570. Nicholas Paston, A. M. admitted June 5. 1 605. John Price, A.M. admitted July zz. 1622, P p p John 460 Prebendaries c/Lichfeild. John Jackson, A.M. admitted Oft. t. 1623. He was Vicar of Etwall Co. Derby, and died inter 164.2, (j 1660. . F R a n c i s B a c o n, B. D admitted Jan. 8. 1 660. He built the Pulpit,- and preaeh'd in it firfthimfelfj 1671. He was Vicar of Fxhall and Anjley Co. Warwick. Nathaniel Ellison, A. M. admitted June 8. 1682. Ke died 172 1. being alfo Archdeacon of Stafford, Vicar of Newcqftle on line, and Prebendary of Durham. John Mass on, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted July 8. 1721. SJNVIJCRE. "'HIS Prebend was founded by Bifhop Meiland about 1280. and is valued at 10/. 11/. 5 d. ;Tis a pariih Co. Derby, where the Prebendary is Impropriator, and Patron of the donative Curacy, and is exempt from the Jurisdiction of the Chapter, being under that of the Arch- deacon of Derby. Walter de Langton was 1 296. from this Dignity made Bifliop of this See, and fucceeded by John Bensted, collated 3 Non. Feb. 1 296. John de Arundel died poflefled of it 1 3 3 1 . and was fucceeded by Thomas^ Sarton, collated 17 Cal. Oft 1 33 1 - Roger de Northburgh was admitted 12 Cal. Jug. 1342. He changed it with Simon de IQep, 17 Cal. April. 1347. He was afterwards Archbi- fhop of Canterbury. Henry de Cbaddefden was collated Jug. 1 o. 1 3 50. He died 1 3 54. being Archdeacon of Leicefter. John de Saxton was collated 13 Cal. Dec. 1363. He exchang'd it with Simon M a l s t a n g, April '7. 1375:. He died 5 Cal. Jim. 1382. In which Year AdamTonworth is alfo faid to die pofleffed of it, viz. 1382. Tho' I find John Cheyne, faid to be collated in June 1382. on Malftangs Death, and no notice taken of Tonworth. William U l f, was prefented to this Stall, Nov. 1 1 . 1409. Roger West wood exchanged it 1423. with John Leyborne, May 13. 1423. Richard W r a n g i l.l was admitted Dec. 29. 1429. [1 John Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. 461 John Auncell, was admitted July 5. 143 1. on the Reiignation of WrangiU. John Werksworth refigned it 1450. and was fucceeded by William Bo yd en, admitted July 18. 1450. He refigned it 1489. Robert Mo me;, or Mone, was collated April 23. 1489. on the Reiignation of 'Boy den. His SuccelTor was Guy Whit ting ton, admitted -April 11. 1502. on the Death of Mome, he en joy 'd it 1 53 5- .1 fuppofe till the Collation of Simon Ja clu e s, admitted Jpril 4. 1542. He refigned 1 546. Oliver Stoning, admitted OU. 3 o. 1546. on the Reiignation of Jaques. He was deprived 1 5 54. and fucceeded by Michael Ansty, admitted June 1 2. 155:4. * Arthur Lowe feems to have fucceeded about ijyp. and to have quitted it 1570. Richard Port, admitted 1570. Brian Ext on, admitted March 27. 1585. He quitted it for Curborougb 1589. Wi l l 1 a m Wh itlock, A.M. admitted 1 5 89. Robert Blithman, A.M. admitted Dec. 11. 1597. Thomas Booth, B. D. admitted March 13. 1614. Joseph Hill, B. D. admitted Jan. 3. 161 6. He quitted it for Whittington. John Rowlandson, A.M. admitted Feb. 2. 1 517. Hedied,and was fucceeded by John Boulston, D. D. admitted T)ec. 6. 1661. He died 1578. and was buried at Market-Bofworth Co Leicejier, where he wasRe&or, without any Monument, and fucceeded by Benjamin W o o d r o o f, S. T. P. Canon of Chrijl-Church, Ox- ford, admitted Sept. 2. 1678. He died 171 1. arid Was buried at St. Bartholomews near the Exchange, London, and fucceeded by Richard Bynnes, S.T. P. Redor of St. Marys Stafford, ad- mitted Sept. 14. 171 1. He 'died 1 7 1 3 . and was fucceeded by Michael Hutchingson, S.T.P. admitted Aug. 1. i7i3- : He quitted it for Longdon, An. 1721. Robert Pitt, A. M. Fellow of Wadham College, Oxen, fucceeded, being admitted Sept. 13. 17 21. Ppp 2 STOT- 462 Prebendaries o^LichfeildJ STOTFOLT> I S a Chapelry in St. MichaeTs Parifli in Lichfeild City, where the prebendal Demefnes are valued at 5 /. John de T)ereirick was fucceeded in this Prebend by Robert de CHpfion^ 13 Cal. Oct. 13 1 2. He quitted it for Han~ facre, and was fucceeded by Ralph de Leicefier^ July 10. 13 13. Thomas'Charleton exchanged it with Thomas de Aftley, i4Cal. Off. 1322. He died 1349. being Arch- deacon oiMiddlefex. Matthew de 'Brifelee fucceeded 3 Id. Jmii s 1349. William de Whittejleye, collated 1 3 Cal. Sept. 1 3 50. Johnec 1386. He died 1390. and was fucceeded by Thomas Hilton, admitted T)ec. 21. 1390. William Exeter, was admitted to it July 19. 139^ John Foxley refigned it 1437. John Heygate fucceeded June 30. 1437. and quitted it for T)ervford. James Langton fucceeded, and was collated July 5. i44 2 « He died 1450. Th o m a s B y r o m fucceeded, being collated T)ec. 3. i45°* He quitted it for Longdon. John Thurstan fucceeded, being collated OU. 9. 14 J 1 . He died 1457* John Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. 463 Jo h n M y lls, LL. B. fucceeded, being collated July 28. 1457.' and died 1474. William Orell fucceeded, and was collated May 2 1. 1474. George Strange ways, as we are informed in Anglia Sacra, quitted it about 1500. for Collwich. Richard Burton fucceeded 1 500. and refigned it 1 504. Thomas Drax, S. T. B. fucceeded July 30. 1 504. and quitted it for Gaia Major, 1 507. Thomas'Warren, A. M* fucceeded, and was admitted April 3. 1507. and refigned it 1509. James Denton, LL. D. fucceeded, being admitted Jan. 1 7. 1509. He was 1 52 1. made Dean. Thomas Orton, LL. D. fucceeded Feb. 8. 1 5 21. Nicholas Darrington was admitted 'Dec. 16. 15 24. and quitted it for Wolvey. Richard Delves fucceeded, being admitted June 15. 1527. He died Nov. 23. the fame Year, and was buried at Warrington, with this Epitaph : <©f pour Clarify p?anfo* t])e Sml of $&r. Richard Delves, Canon of tl>e €atf)ec?al Ctjurcf) of Lichfeild, ano $ arfon of ti)ig Cburcf) of Warrington, Ult)0 OieO t]}Z 230 ^ajl of November, An. Dom. 1 527. John Westwood fucceeded, being admitted Nov. 25. 1527. He refigned it 1529. His SuccefTor was WilliamClayton, admitted OU. 8.15 29. He died 1532. William Gwine was admitted Tiec. 1 1. 1 53 2, He refigned the fame Year. Richard Sampson was admitted Mar do 19. 1532. He was next Year made Dean, and fucceeded by Richard Gwine, admitted July 20. 1533. He died 1540. Henry Sydall was admitted Jan. 7. 1540. He quitted it for Terwin. Thomas Bolt fucceeded 1547. on Feb. 8. and died 1579. being Archdeacon of Salop. His SuccefTor was Roger Sutton, admitted Oil:. 1 8. 1 579. He died about 1 5:87. John Savage, A. M. was admitted Jan. 23. 1587. as was William Rogerson, B. D. admitted 1)ec. 7. 1613. He died, being Redlor of Stockton Co. Salop, and was buried there without any Memorial ; and fucceeded by WlL LI A M 464 Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. Wi l l i a m R a m s n e n, admitted in jDecembe r 1635. He died in- ter 1644, & 1660. Reclor of Fgmouni Co. Salop, and was fuc- ceeded by John Wouey, A.M. admitted T>ec. 6. 1660. He died 1663. being Vicar of Alveton Co. Stafford, and was fucceeded by Thomas Brown, A.M. collated May 12. 1663. He was de- prived 1689. being alfb Archdeacon of (Derby. Richard Wood, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted Feb. 15. 1689. He is living 1723. being alfo Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Qitling Co. Nottingham. I T A C H B R OK S endow'd with the Impropriation and Advowfon of Tachbrook Co. Warwick, valued at 10 /. John de Stratford was admitted 2 Non. Jm* 1320. In 1323. he was made Bifhop otWincbeJler, and fucceeded by • *\Villiam de Appletree, collated Non. April. 1324. Edward S a r t a was admitted 3 Non. Mail, 1 3 28. as was * Nicholas Abel admitted April 28. 1 3 29. and * John de Tf'eften admitted 4 Cal April. 1343. and 're h a e l de Korthburgh collated 10 Cal. Sept. 1340. He was fucceeded by Philip ^ Weft on, collated 4 Cal. Feb. 1341. He died 1369. Robert Kingston feems to have fucceeded, he holding it 1371. William Defford died polTeffed of it 1385. and was fuc- ceeded by William Chaselden, admitted Feb. 28. 138 5:. Simon Bache was admitted Aug. 27. 1396. He died 141 4. John Stone, Secretary to King Henry IV. was admitted June 4. 1414- as was Robert Shir ington, collated 'June 28. 1422. and Walter S h i r i n g t o n, June 6. 1442. on the Resignation of Robert Shir ington. He died 1448. and was buried in St. 'Paufs Cathedral, London, where he had founded a Chantry. W 1 1 l 1 a m W o o r s l e y fucceeded, being collated April 29. 1449. He refigned it, being afterwards Dean of St. Paul's, London. Thomas Prebendaries of Lichfeild. 465 Thomas Worsley fucceeded, being collated June 28. 1452. He died 1501. being Canon of St. Paul's Cathedral, London. J'ohn Wardroper, LL. B. fucceeded May 1. 1501. and quitted it for Longdon the fame Year. John Bellikgham was admitted to it July 8. 1501. as was Richard Burton, S. T. P. admitted OH. 17. 1504. on the Death of Sellingham. His Succeffor was JohnBlith, admitted Jug. 3. 15015. on the Death of 'Burton, He quitted it for the Chancellor/hip, and was fucceeded by Ralph Cauntrel, LL. D. admitted Oa. 10. 1505). He died 1 53 1. and was fucceeded by David Pole, admitted Jpril ii, 1 53 r. In 1557. he was made Bifhop of Peterborough, and fucceeded by John Stevynson, admitted March 5 .. 1557. The next was ' Augustine Bernard, admitted 'June 25. 1562. as was John Ball, Feb. 12 1565. and Ro g e r Re ynol d s, A. M. admitted Off. 22. 1588. After him I find R o b e rt B a m f o R d, A. M. admitted Jug. 5. 1597. as T do Ralph Brownrigg, S. T. P. Sept. 2 1. 1 629. He quitted it 1 63 1. being made_ Archdeacon of Coventry, and was fucceeded by Richard Love, S. T, P. collated Ocl. 12. 163 1. He died 1660. being Mafter of Sennet College Cambridge, and Rector of Ekin- ton Co. 'Derby. He was the fame Year he died nominated to the Dea- nary of Ely. His Succeffor was Thomas Smith, B. D. admitted March 23. 1660. He was 1 661. made Prebendary of Durham, as he was afterwards Biiliop cf Carlijle> and fo reiigned this, and was fucceeded by Fran c i s Coke, A. M. admitted Dec 6. 1661. He was Pre- centor of Hereford, Archdeacon of Stafford, and dying Jn. 1682. was buried May 6. at Texall'Co. Stafford, where he was Rector, without any Memorial. Samuel Carte, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted Sept. 30. 1682. He is living, Jn. 1723. being alfo Vicar of St, Martin's Lei- cef?er 3 and Reclor of Eajiwell in that County. TMR- 4<5<5 Prebendaries s/Lichfeild. T ERV I N. THIS Prebend was founded by Bifhop Stacenby, about i 226. and confifts of the Impropriation and Advowfon of Terviu Co. Chefter, valued at 26 1. 13 s. qd. being the higheff Endowment of any Prebend in this Church. William^? Sarden died poffefs'd of it 1303. Walter^ Clip ft on fucceeded 1 2 Cal. Feb. 1303. Je f f r y de Slai/ion, or 23 la by, died poffefs'd of it 1327. and was fucceeded by Richard^ Vernon, 4 Non. Martii, 13 27. He died in July 1330. After him I find Peter de Gildesburgh poffeffed of it 13 50. AVixLiAM de Jfrifel/e, was admitted to it June 9. 1357. and held it 1 3 54. Nicholas Heth was admitted to it, as faith Kevocourt, 0U- 30. 1376. Thomas Haxey fucceeded, Jan. 31. 1589. and died 1424. Thomas Chesterfeild, was admitted Feb. 8. 1424. and died 1452. being Archdeacon of Salop. Ralph Byro m, fucceeded Jug. 24. 1452. La urence Both quitted Offley about 1455. for this Prebend, and was 1457. made Bifhop o{ Durham. Vincent Clement fucceeded Jan. 23. 1457. and quitted it for the Treafurerfhip. John Whelpdale fucceeded, being collated OH. 24. 1458. He died March 17. 1489. and was fucceeded by Humphry Ha warden, LL- D. was collated to it March iS. 1489. He occurs 15 13. being alfo Dean of the Arches. George Wasteneys refigned it 1 5 2 1 . and was fucceeded by Jeffry Blith, admitted Jpril 15. 1 5 2 1 . He quitted it for the Treafurerfhip, and was fucceeded by Henry S y d a l 1, A. M. admitted Dec. 8. 1 547. He died May 2. 1572. and was buried at Chrift Church Oxon, where he was Canon ; and fucceeded by Th om a s Ch a p m a n, to whom Sydall had refigned it about the Year 1 570. two Years before his Death. Valentine Overton, A.M. was admitted to it in the Year 1592. He was 1603. Archdeacon of Derby, which he voided 1617. But whether he quitted this Prebend, I am to feek ; the next in my Ac- count being Richard Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. 4^7 Richard Hunt, S.T. P. admitted in. Feb. 1639. He died, as Dr. Walker fays, after 1 660. poffefs'd of this Prebend. John Hutchinson, B. D. Reclior of Aftbur.y Co. Che ft er, fuc- ceeded OU. 2. 1662. He died 1704. and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph on his Monument, being the only Prebendary's Epi- taph in the Cathedral now in being. Viator grams ades 3 tua refert fcire quails in farcophago T'hcfaurus conditur : ExiwU put a Joh. Hutchinfon, S. T. < B. hujus Eccl, Cath. pii & lauti Refidentiarii : Qtii 94 agens JEtatis fua An- mm, 1 2 Januarii 'Diem, claufit extremum, An. 170 5. Ultra qtur is fcire quid boni fecit ? Dicet Ecclejia, dicet Capitulum, & tctus Chorus j obi (j 1 cotjimilem im'enias. It a vocale fecit hoc Marmor Andreas Hacker, Eq. Aurat. pofuit tamen Eliz. Roades Filia de- funbJi natu maxima. On the Ground, on his Graveflone, this : M. S. Johannis Hutchinfon, himis Eccl. per 40 Annos, & amplius Re- fidentiarii ; qui 'Pieta.tem fine Fuco, y.iv^oyjM fine < Pompa i Char it a- tem fineT'ejle ,• non exercebat modo zerum adorn ab at ^ qui in rara Seneilute nee querela nee garrula verbo, nee fibi nee aliis gravis An. jflLtatis 94. agens annum pi acide obdormivit 2. Id. Januarii, An. Sa- . ht is 1704. Edward T e n n i s o n, LL. B. fucceeded, being admitted by Arch- bifliop T'ennifcns Option, March 24. 1704. and reiigned it 1708. being made Archdeacon of Carmarthen, and Prebendary of Canterbury. George Fage, A.M. Vicar of Hunt on in Kent, fucceeded, be- ing admitted May 13. 1705?. He is the prefent Incumbent, An. 1723. ULVETON, alias OLOUGHTON, . ex Parte Decani. THESE two Prebends are denominated from a Parifh Co. War- wick; a Moiety or half Part of which is impropriated for their Support, and they pay for their refpettive Dividends for Firft-Fruits %-h 1 3 j. j\.d. each. They are diftinguifh'd according to their Stalls on different Sides the Choir j this firfl, as placed on the Dean's Side, and the other as feated on the oppofite Side, where the Precentor or Chanter fits. Bifhop Roger Clinton is fuppofed to have founded thefe Prebends: Clq q The 468 Prebendaries of L i c h f e i l d. The antient Incumbents of them before 1400. feem fomewhat confufed ; however, by what I can gather, the Series {lands as in the fol- lowing Catalogues : RalphTurvill was collated 5 Cal. Mail, 1 3 40. He exchang 'd it for Grantingham Reclory, with Richard de ( Tanfeild i Non. Jan. 1347. He died 1349. and was fucceedcd by * John de 'Dynezvell, collated 18 Cal. OB 13 49. William de T) alt on feems to have exchanged it 1367. with Wi-lliam de Tbingitil, Id. Nov. 1367. and to have had for his Succeffor * William de Newbagb, admitted 16 Cal. T>ec. 1370. He was 1390. made Archdeacon of Chefter.- * Richard Tyshe died poflefs'd of it 1-398. and was fuo- ceeded by John Tocket, admitted July vj. 1398. HughHolbech was admitted March 10. 1400. and died 1417. Dean of St. Afapb. Nicholas Crosby was admitted OB. 16. 14 17. on the Death oi Iiolbecb ; as was John Hughford, collated Jan. 14. 1443. on the Death of Crosby. John Reedhill, LL B. wns collated Feb. 16. 1451. He quit- ted it for Trees, to Jo hn We nde s ley, LL. B. collated July 7. 1459. HisSucceifor was John Morton, collated Feb. 13. 1465. on the Refignation of Jf-endefley -, as was Thomas Reynold, LL. B. collated Jan. 27. 1471. on the Death of Morton. He quitted it for tBobenbull. Ralph Heithcote, was- collated April 17. 1473. on exchange with Reynold. He feems to have quitted it for Offley, and to have been fucceeded by John Vernon, for he held it 1481. and died pofTefs'd of it 1489. John Hervey was collated April 15. 1489- on the Death of Vernon ; as was Richard Tollet, LL. B. collated Feb. 1 6. 1 jco. on the Death of Hervey. He died 1 528. being Archdeacon of llarnftable. John Sherwood, S. T. P. was admitted March 2. 1 5 28. as was Stephen Prebendaries o/Lichfeild. 4.69 Stephen Sagar, laft Abbat of Hales Co. Gloticejler, admitted July to. 1543- He refigned it 1548. William Buckley was admitted Jan. 4. 1548. He refigned it 1 549. Richard Diconson was admitted July 14. 15:49. as was Thomas Powel, admitted Sept. 21. 1551. He was deprived 1554. and fucceeded by Henry Pendilton, S. T. P. admitted June 15. 1554. He died 1557. and was fucceeded by Leonard Hurst, admitted 'December 1557. Richard Sale, was admitted Febr. 16. 1577. He died* about 160 1. being Redor of Wefion, Co. Derby ^ and was there buried, as I prefume. His Succeffor was William Gilbert, Re&or of jBourton on c Dunfmore ) admitted OU. 17. 1 60 1. To whom fucceeded Alexander How, B. D. Rector of T)raycot was admitted Ju- gafi 26. 1626. Richard Bourne, A. M. admitted Sep. 6. 1660. He was Vi- car of Waif all Thomas Bourne, admitted June 28. 1682. John Willes, S. T. P. admitted OB. 2. 1688. He died June. 29. 1700. and was buried at Si/hop's Itchington, where he was Vicar. Henry Wood, A. M. admitted OU. 26. 1700. He died 1718. being Rector of Aldridge. His SucceiTor was, William Walmisley, A.M. admitted Nov. 7. 118. He Was 1720. made Dean. And fucceeded by , Laurence Gardiner, A.M. Prebendary of Wolverhampton, admitted May 27. 1720. living 1723. Vicar of High Ercall, Co. Salop,' and, Rector of Cophall 3 Co, Chefier. ULVETON, alias OLOUGHTON, ex Parte Cantoris five Preeeptoris. T H I S is rated at 2 /. 1 3 s. 4 d. as mention 'd in the foregoing Prebend, viz. Ulveton ex Parte 'Decani ; where fee what is farther faid of it. John de Leicefier, died 1340. and was fucceeded by William la Zouche^, collated 5. Id. April. 1340. He was 1342. made Archbiihop of Tcrk- dqq 2 WlL- 470 Prebendaries o/Lichfeild, William L e i c e s t e r, I prefume, fucceeded, for he died pof- fefs'cl of it 1 3 43 . Robert de Walkington^ was collated 8. Id. Sept. 1343. He was alive Jmo 1360. and was then Canon here. ' Edmund Stafford, held it 1369. and quitted it 1377. as I judge, for Weejord. He was afterwards Bifliop of" Exeter. Robert de Stratton^ Archdeacon of Coventry, was collated to it 1377. and died 1408. John South am, was admitted June S. 1408. and refigned 1409. . Thomas Wa rdrope, fucceeded July 2 1 . 1 409. and exchanged it ,1424. with John Pygot, collated OB. 7. 1424. Richard W H it e l e f, was collated May 20. 1433. on John 'Pygot's Death. Thomas Macclesfield, was collated OU. 25. 1435. on Whitelefs Resignation. His SuccefTor was Henry Sharp, LL. D. collated Sept. 12. 1451. on Macclef- feld\ Death. John Rivel, LL. D. collated May \\. 1461. on Dr. Sharp's Refignation. Laurence Cokkys, was collated March 29. 1465. on Dr. Ricel l s Death. He was alive 1475. and Rector of SahamTony in Norwich JDiocefe. WilliamJ on y s, held it 149 5. and dying 1 510. was fucceeded by Thomas Orton, LL. B, admitted April 14. 1 5 10. He quitted it for St ot fold. His Succefibr was William Bustard, LL. B admitted March 18. 1522. He died next Year, and was fucceeded by William D e r l e y, A. M. admitted in 'Dec. 1522. He held it 1535. and probably till 1560. Thomas Be ale, or Bell, was admitted April 25. 1561. William Gilrert was admitted 1 6 1 1 . As was John G lbert, A.M. admitted May 7. 1528. He was Re- ctor of Bomton, on Dunfnwre. He died after 1640. His Succeffor was William Cox, A. M. admitted jjau. 8. 1660. He died 1666. Rector of Kimberton, Co. Salop. Matthew Fowler, S. T P. was collated Sept. 28.1 666. Ke was Re&or of While-churchy Co. Salop. His SuccefTor was Francis As h e n*h u rst, A.M. admitted April 19. 1684. He emitted it for Wellington, and was fucceeded by T h o- Prebendaries of L i c h f e i l d. 471 Thomas Allestree, A.M. admitted July 25. 1689. He quitted it for Cnrborcugh. Charles Palmer, A.M. admitted April 4, 1691. Living 1723. Vicar of TovQcefter, Co. Northampton. T W E EF RT>. HIS takes its Name from a Parifti near Lichfeild, and is rated at 14 /. for the firft Fruits. Walter de Thorp, was collated to it in June- 1 298. Jeefry de Eaton, was collated to it 16 Czl.jun, 1320. He died 1327. William GifforDj. fucceeded 1 3 . Cal. Martii 1327. and died 1357. * Edmund Stafford, as I conceive, was 1395. from this Dig- nity made Bifhop of Exeter. R alph de Rippington, was admitted July, 3. 1395. and died 141 5. Robert Catterick, was admitted May 1 . 1416. and religned it 1437. Roger Lye, was admitted May 6. 1437. and died 1474. Edmund Halse, or H also, fucceeded, being collated March 4. 1474. He quitted it for Whittington. Thomas Reynold, fucceeded, being collated May 22. 1478. He quitted it for Wellington 1488. Richard Egerton, was admitted 1>ec. 7. 1488. He quitted it for Whittington 15 of. Gabriel Sylvester, S. T. P. was admitted Feb. 3. 15060 and died 15 1.2. John Blithe, was admitted OU. lo. 151 2. He quitted it for JFreford. Thomas Fitz Herbert fucceeded, being admitted July 1 2> 1 5 1 3 . He quitted it for the Precentorfhip. Ralph Whitehedd, fucceeded May 1.5 19. and quitted it for- the Chancellorfhip. Joachim Bretynner, fucceeded July 25. 1520. and died 1523. being Archdeacon of Salop. John Blith, fucceeded, being admitted July 8, I523# He quitted it for T-ervin 1530, and was fucceeded by WlL~- 472 Prebendaries o/Lkhfeild; William Hill, admitted July 13.1530. He was Archdeacon of $akp) which he vacated, as he did this Stall, 1561. William Dale, was admitted Nov. 10. 1 561. Henry Ewbanke, admitted Sept. 24. 1586. He feems to have reiigned it 161 2. being Prebendary ot Durham. Anthony Methwin e, B. D. was admitted "June 16. 16 12. In his Will, dated Jpril 12. and prov'd Jug 12. 1540. he gives {mall Legacies to this and Wells Cathedral, and to Frome, where he was Vicar Co Somerfet, and as I conceive, lie-> buried at Frome. John M a n w a r i n g, Rector of btoke on Trent , S. T. P. was collated Off. 2. 1540. and died about 1692. and was fucceeded by Humphrey Say, A. M. admitted Jug. 1. 1692. on Dr. Man- •warings Death. He is living 1723. Vicar of < Doddi>;gton i Co. North- ampton. WELLINGTON. THE Tythes of the : Parifh of Wellington were about 1225. ap- propriated by Biiliop Stavenby, who fettled a Moiety thereof on this Prebend, which he founded The other Moiety with the Ad- vowfon was vefted in the Abby of Salop. Thomas de Jdbury, or Jdderbury, died poffefs'd of this Pre- bend 1298. and was fucceeded by Philip de Ever don ^ 15 Cal. Martii 1298. Richard de Jbendon, was collated©^. 11. 1304. on Ever- dons Death. He died 1322. and was fucceeded by William deJirmin, who was from this Dignity made Biiliop of N?. 11. 1 67 1 . On whofe Death fucceeded • Edward Fulham, A. M. admitted June 7. 1573. He died '1689. being, as I conceive, Vicar of Bray Co. Berks y and was fuc- ceeded by Francis Ashenhurst, A.M. admitted June 1$. 1689. He died 1704. being alfo Archdeacon of Derby. Thomas Goodwin, B. D. v/as admitted Dec. 29. 1704. and quitted it for Collwich. James Millnes, A.M.' 'fucceeded, being admitted Sept. 1 1 » . 1713. He is living 1723. and Rector oijngefiree^ WH I T- 474 Prebendaries o/'Lichfeild. WHITT1NGTON and BERKSWTCH. T > ""* H E S E arc two impropriated Parifhes, Co. Stafford, which give Title to this Prebend, which is rated for firft Fruits at 13/. 6.s. 8 d. The Prebendary is Patron of Btrkswycb Donative, but not of Wbjttjngton Vicaridge, as I conceive. * Hug h de Sotesby, as I judge, held it about 1268. John de Monte-Majore, was fucceeded in it An. 1 298. by Thomas de Adderbury, 16 Cal. Marti i, 1298. he was 1303: made Precentor. John de Drahesford was collated to it 12 Cal. Feb. 1303- G u y d o de Wares fucceeded 'Drakes ford 1309. ^Robert de Kitsbe, was collated to it Aug. 16. 1340. Richard de Drayton, was admitted Feb. 26. 1388. Thomas Bennet, admitted Feb. 14. 1405. he exchanged it with Ralph Canon, Nay 13. 1405. he exchanged it with John Cole, 1)ec. 1 5. 1420. he died 1433. John Bride, Archdeacon 01* "Derby, was admitted May 8. 1433. on Cole's Death. Edmund H a l s e, was collated May 22. 1478. on "Bride's Death, and quitted it for FLccleJhall. Christopher Talbot, was admitted April 1 1. 148 1. and was 1482. made Archdeacon of Cbsfter, and fucceeded by HumphreyHa warden, LL. $. collated June 6. 1 48 2. He was afterwards Prebend of Terzin. Hugh Lehe'e, was admitted Dec. 18. 14S8. and died 1502. Richard E g e r t o n, A. ¥-. was admitted Oct- 5. 1 506. and died 1537. being Re&or of "Endfeild, and Canon of this Church. John S t a p u l t o n, fucceeded, being admitted April 12. 1 538. Robert Bell, was admitted Jan. 21. 1 550. as was William W a l k e d e n, admitted Aug. 27. 1558. and Thomas Page t, admitted March 15. 15 59. He occurs pof- fefs'd of it about 1 590. William Whiting, was admitted May 25. 1. Tic. as was J o s E r h Hill, S.D. admitted Aug. 1. 1 <5i 7. Thomas T u d m a n, A.M. was admitted Aug. 9. 1539. He was Vicur of Sandbach, Co. C'hejtcr, and died about 1674. Tho. Prebendaries of L i c h f e i l d. 475 Thomas Me ynell, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted July 29. 14.76. He died 1705. being Reclor of Church Lar.gley Co. of Derby. Thomas Collins, A.M. fucceeded, being collated Nov. u 1706. He died 17 22. at Oxford, where he was Mafter of Magdalen College School, and was buried in Magdalen College Chapel. His Succeifor was John Henry Ott, prefented by the Archbiihop on his Option March 12. 1722-3. W L V ' E T. WA S founded by Bifliop Mufcamp, and confifts of a Moiety or one half of the Impropriation and Advowfon of Wolvey Co. War- wick, and is rated at 2/. 3 s. q.d. for .firft Fruits, An. 1534. %6. Hen- ry 8. James de Hifpana refigned it 13 14. and was fucceeded by Gilbert de Sruera, 6 Cal. Nov. 13 14. He chang'd it for Rui- ton, with Ralph de Holbech, 19 Cal. April 1331. Michael de Northburgh, was collated 17 Cal. Oct. 1342. He changed it 1353. for Flixtvn, with Peter de Northburgh, 2 Npn. April 13^^- John Barnet was collated 1 2 Cal. May 1354. He changed it for the Archdeaconry of London, with James Beaufort, j Id. Feb. 1355. Richard de Stafford was collated to it, 2 Non. June 13 5:8* As was William de Lambe, collated 9 Cal. Aug. 1369* Thomas Ala blaster held it 1374. John Maureward, was admitted July 27. 1387. He chang'd it for the Chancellorihip with John Feltwell, who was admitted May 1-7. 1393. As was Richard Conikgston, May 20. 1393. He quitted it for Hanfacre. and was fucceeded by Thomas Alcock, admitted March 6. 1393. He refigned ife, and was fucceeded by Thomas Middletocn, June 1. 1394. "He reiigned it, ,and was fucceeded by Rrr Nicho=> 47 6 Prebendaries of L i c H f e i l d. Nicholas Bubbewith, admitted July 15. 1395. He quitted it for Offley. John Nottingham fucceeded 1 397. and quitted it for Prees. Jo h n F e RM e r fucceeded Sep. 8. 1 398. Thomas' Barton fucceeded Jan- 18. 1416. He refigned it to John Barton, admitted March 18. 1417. Alexander Amie exchang'd it 1425. with John Lang toft, Jan- 18. 1425. He exchang'd ;it with John Akam, admitted May 7, 1426. He died next Year, and was fucceeded by ■ 1 — Thomas Clark, admitted Ang.i. ¥427. He refigned it 1448. and was fucceeded by Henry I.nce or -Ins e, collated March' 18. 1448. He vf^s y j^.6j. made Archdeacon of Chefter, and fucceeded by Oliver . Dfnham or-DYNHAM,, collated OB. 10. 1467 r He died Ap. 3 15-00. being Archdeacon of Surrey, and was fucceeded by Edmund Wilford, D. D. was admitted ^pr// 7. 1500. and died 1 5*1 6. ■■- '• J o J Ac hi m B y e t y n n. e r was admitted. -OB. . 18. 1 5 1 6. . and quitted it for Jleeford, and was fucceeded by Richard R a d c l lf ^'admitted -Wfrg. 3/15/20. He died 1527. Nicholas ; D a r r t n-g' T o n -fucceeded, ' and was- admitted June 7. 1 527. He quitted it for Plixton. William Hill was admitted April 4. 1530. He quitted it for Tl'eeford. ■ Edmund S t r e e t c h'a y, A. M. v/as admitted Juneau. 1530. He died 1547. • I . George Palmer was admitted Aug. 23. 1 547* He died a- bout 1562. being alfo Archdeacon of ¥ork. William Moreton was admitted 'Dec. 14. 1 563. As was Chrjstopher Hocston, admitted May 20. 1 575; and Simon Cox, A.M. admitted May 22- 1587. His Succeflbr. was Ralph Kinas to n, A. M. admitted Aug. 29. 1 595. ' He re- figned it I598. and was fucceeded' by-w <>■'.' { j i. Wi 1 l 1 a m Lang ham, admitted June 29. 15981 L T 'pon a.Brafs Plate in IJargton Church, Co. Mia'dfefex, is this .Epitaph to his Me- 'mory. • fattiml • '. Mr.-Wuii-AM -Lang.ha'm, late/one of the Prebendaries of Lichftild, Parfon of \Thurnbie, and Dr. of Phylleld > cleceafed the 16 of iept. 1603. itK John Prebendaries of L I en F eii-d. 477 John Wilcockson was admitted OB. 2. 1607. As was Stephen H a x e y or Hux'ley, B.D. Not'. 23. 1619. and Henry Jackson, A.M. admitted Jug. 23. 1622. to whom fucceeded William Primrose, A.M. admitted Sept. 9. 1626. John Arnwey was admitted May 9. 1633. He died 1653. being Archdeacon of Coventry. Thomas Mallory, A. M. fucceeded, being admitted Sept. j p. 1660. He died 1671. and was fucceeded by Jo hn We ll p r o n, A. M. collated OB. 12. 1671. : He died itf88. being Vicar, of Jreley Co. Stafford, and had for his Succeffor i, Timothy Turner, A. M. admitted June 15. 1688. • He quitted it for FccleJIoall, and was fucceeded by Richard Wood, A.M. collated OB. 12. 169$. He quitted it for Stotfold. William Baker, A.M. fucceeded, being admitted Feb. 7. 1^89. He is living 1723. Vicar of St. Mary in Lichfeild, and Subchanter of this Cathedral. N. "B. Thefe Prebendaries mark'd thus * are additional to the Se- ries, moft generoufly communicated to me by the prefent moft worthy Dean, who extracted them from the Bifhops and Chapter Regifters ; as are the 'Deans, Precentors, Chancellors, 'Treafurers, and Jrchdeacons, in Number 145. with the like Mark fupplementary to Mr. JLe Neve's Lifts of thofe Dignitaries, which are by the fame kind Hand, from the aforemention'd Authorities, improved in numerous Dates of Collati- ons, &c. wholly omitted by Mr. Le Neve. ■ - :. ■ . " ■ ."" Archdeaconry of COVENTRY. . : Rrr 2 Tachz '- - ■ . •' ' .-■■:. : 478 Diocefe of Lichfeild. Archdeaconry of Coventry, Co. Warwick. Deanary of Arden. Names of Churches and Chapels. Patrons of Livings. ALlehey, alias Auftrey The Crown. V. St. Michael. Anftey V. St. La~M-ence. The Crown. Arley R. Mr. Wight. Afiley Cur. St. Mary. Sir Richard Newdigate. Aflon juxta Birmingham V. Sir Chbery Holt. St. Peter and St. Paul. Deritend ; IVateroverton^ Cap. Witton. ) Birmingham St. Martin R. Mr. Smith. Birmingham St. Philip R. Bifhop of Lichfeild, it be- ing annex'dto the Trea- furerfhip of Lichfeild. Baxterley R. The Crown and Mr. Le- -ving. Bignell alias Bkhnhill V. Sir Clement Fifber; St. Peter. Berkswell R. St. John Bap- Mr. Boyfe. tifl. Bar/Ion Cap. St. Swithin. Balfball Cur. . Lady Anne Holbornf: Badefiey Enfor R. St. Mi- Mr. Ferrers. chael. Cafile Brom-wick Cur. dim Sir John Bridgman. Cap. to A/ton. Coljbill V. St. Peter. Lord .Dijty. Curd-worth V. St. />tfer.' Mr. Barnes and others. CaWecMeR.St.T^flMand Mr. Wight. St. Chad. Chilverfcoton V. The Crown. Elmedon R. Mr. Mayne. Edgbafton Cur. St. Bartbolo- Chapter of Lichfeild. mew. Fillongley R. St. Mary The Crown. and AH Saints. Crendcn R, All Stints. Mr. Chctmnd*. Religious Houfes to -which impropriated. Abby of Burton. Abby ©f Pollefworth.. College of ^/?/#. Priory of Tickford. Priory of Mergate. Knights Templars. Priory of Mergate] Abby of Leicefier, Priory of Erdebury. Church of Lichfeild. Hampton Diocele «/"Lichfeild. 479 Deanary of A r d e n. Hampton in Arden St. Mary and St. Bartholomew. Packwood Cap. St. Giles. Nuthurfl Cap. ruin'd. Knowle Cur. Kingesbury V. St. Peter. Dorftbill-t * • »« " 1 > Cap. ruind; Hurley. J r Zea Marflon Cur. Milverton Cur. Meriden V. St. Lawrence. Manceter V. Atherfton Cap. Maxtoke V. St. Michael. Merivale C. Middleton C. St. j^k £<#- ri/?. Newton Regis R. St. Afa^. Nuneaton V. St. Nicholas. Stockingford Cap. ruin'd. Packington magna V. St. James. Packington par-ua R. Polesworth V St. Edith. Bade/ley Clinton Cap. St. Nicholas. Sheldon R. Solyhull R. St. Alphage. Sutton in Colfeild R. flb^r TwzzYy. Seckington R. Shuttington Cur. Sfe/Zocfc V. St. Cuthbert. Bentley Cap. Wilncote Cap. « Trtw*- wortACo. Staff or d x and a Prebend to it. Weddington R. ^jZwxu R. St. CW: Whitacre fuperior Cur. St. Whitacre inferior Cur. St. Hofpital of Warwick. Priory of Kenilworthl Lord 2?ra>£. The Crown. Z//&? Hacket. Mr. ■Boy/*. Sir 'Thomas Wheat. Mr. Drayton's Heirs. Lord £«£*. -Mr. Stratford. Lord Middleton. Sir Richard Burdet'. The Crown: Sir Clement Fijfrer. Chapter of Worcefier. The Crown. Lord JD/gfy. Mr. Archer 4 Mr. Riland. Sir /£o£«'* Burdet, Earl Coningsby^ The Crown. College of Knowle. Priory of Mergate. Priory of Mergate] Priory of Kenelworth. Priory of Coventry. Priory of Merval. Priory of Maxfiock. Abby of Merivall. College of Tanworth. Priory of Nuneaton. Priory of Keuilworth: Abby of Polesworth. Priory of great Malvernel Priory of Maxfiock; Mr. Alderltigh. Mr. 5/?«*- by turns. Lord -D/g/y. Mr. Jennings*- > Priory: of Mergate-. Awjtey 480 Diocefe of Lichfeilr Archdeaconry of Coventry. Deanary of Coventry. AWJley R. Mr. Neal. Anft) Y. . Chapter of JVnidfor, c!i?n Cap. to Beaworth. Bedworth R. Heirs of Mr. Chamberlain. Brinklow R. St. John Bap- The Crown. tift, Churchovef R. Holy 'Trinity. Sir Wffliqm DixfweB. Cor/ey V. Mr. Gregoiy. Priory of Coventry. Coventry Bablack Church College of Bablack, difuied. Coventry Holy Trinity V. The Crown • 7v>- r r> Ccventfy St. Michael's V. The Crown 5 Pnor y of GT- "j Olim Cap. to St. Michael's, but now prefented to Fo.'Lfbiu. ;> gory. , ^ the firft by the Crown, Stivtchtat. . >u__ u- % «■ /. the other by Mr. G;v- Coventry St. Afe;j V. The Cathedral Church de- Priory of Coventry. molifh'd. Stoke Cap. Now prefented to by The Crown. Dulkingtm alias Bulktngton The School of Uppingham. Abby of Leicefirr. V. St. James. Exhall Cur. St. G7/w. Sir ^rtJsr Caley. Priory of Coventry. Har borough R. ^// Saints. Sir William Boughton. .hki-by V. St. Edith. Trinity College Cambridge. ~) Ne-wbold on ^«« V. St. £0- Edward Bcughton. / Priory of £rVty. foijpi Cur. -* Nevmham Regis V. United to Church Laivford. Priory, of Kenelworth. Sow V. The Crown. Priory of Coventry. Stretton on Dunnfmore V. In Truftees. Priory of Coventry. AS Saints. Stmton Bafkervill R. Church demolifli'd. WiVey R- St. Leonard. The Crown. ll r iken Cap. Now prefented to by Mr. Green. Wolvey V. St. 3fo/&H .B.7/>- Prebend, of Wolvey in Zjn&- Prebend of Wolvey. tifl. ./WW Cathedral, and Lord Coventry by turns. - IPithibrcck V '. All Saints. Trinity College Cambridge. Charter- Hcufe London. Bilton Diocefe 0/ Lichfeild; 481 Archdeaconry of Coventry. 4 Deanary of Marten. Mlton R.St. Ma>k. BobenhuU Cur-. St. Giles. Bordenbury R. St. Leonard. Buurton on Donfmore R. Burton Hafiings Cur. Clijton on Dun/more ■ V. Brownfvever Cap. St. , ' - Michael. ' ' : . Dunchurch V . St. Peter. Franckton R. Granborough V- Sr. Paul. Hillmorton V. St. John Bap- tifi. Hodnell', Long- Itchington V. Holy Tri- nity. Hamingham V. St. Marga- ret. . ■ LadbrokeR. All Saints. Church Lawford R. Lemington Ha/lings V. All Saints. Merton V. Sr. Efperit. Napton V. St. Lawrence. Rodborne R. demc rfh'd. Rugby R. St. Andrew, Ruiton ' ur;. - .■..;•• Stockton R. St. Michael, Shilton Cur. * Sbugboiough fnperior Cur. St. Jch.i Bap'ift- Sowtham R. St. ""James. Vfton alias ,0'onghton Cur. St. iMfrJfek JVoolftsn V. St. Margaret. Wilkughby^i '. St. Nicholas. Wolhamfcote V. St. Pf fer. ■ Wappenburry V. St. j%/?« Baptifi. Sir Edward Boughton. Prebendary of BobenhuU in Prebend of BobenhuU. Lichfeild. Mr. Biddulph. Mr. Shuckborough. Sir Heel Hook's Heirs. Priory of Nuneaton., Mr. Bridgman. Abby of. Leicefier. . Bifhop of Lichfeild. Mr. .B/'&r. Mr. Harvey. Sir jfocc£ Aflky.. . , Church demolifiVd.- tl Lord £«£/>. ^ w . l Lord ie/^/j. Mr. Palmer. Duke of Montague._ Mr. Wloeeler. Mr. -F/j^f-r. Tne Crown. Mr. lSki?^. Mr. Bumaby. Preoerd. of Ruiton in Z,/c/3- /«W Cathedral. Mr. A/«£g. The Crown. • Abby of Pipewell: . \ Priory of Routon. College of Afiley. .Priory of Nuneaton, Priory of Maxfiock. Abby of .S»% Priory of iVb/?e//. Priory of Nuneaton. College of St. Lawrence. Pountney London. Prebend of Ruito.nl. . Priory of Coventry^. Priory of Wroxhall.. The Crowns s Prebend of Vfton ia Lich- Prebend of Ufton.,., feild Cathedral. Mr. Pinchin,. Charter-Houfe London, Magdalen College Qxon, Hofpkal pf St . Johns Oxm The Crown. College of Warwick. Lord Clifford..: Abby of Sulby. A$0G 4»2 Dioceie oj JLichfeild. Archdeaconry of Coventry. Deanary of Stoneley, A Show R.St. Mary. BagingtonK. St. John Baptift. Biiiley Cur. St. Bartholomew Cheflerton Cur. St. Giles. Compton Murdack Cur. Cubbington V.St. Mary. Dajfet magna alias Burton Dajfvt V. All Saints. Dajfet parva R. St. John Baptifl. Fenny Ccmpton R. St. Chare. Farnborough V. St. Botolph. Hardwick V. Nether Shug- -* borough C Cap. Priors Marflon S Heburbury V. .4# Saints. Huchington alias Bifb.ps- Jtchington All Saints V. Church molilh'd. Over-Itchington Cap. now Parifh Church. Chadfunt ~> p GeydonSt. Giles J P' Kenelworth V. St. Nicholas. Lillington V. St. Mzry M?g- dalen. Lemington Priors All Saints. Lekewotton V. ^// Saints. Offchurch V. St. Gregory. Radford Comitis. V. St. iW- cholas. Rottley V. St. Ptffi\ £//oh R. Rodway V. St. frttr. Stoneley V. St. Miry. Shotfwell. V. St. Lawrence. Lord £«£&. Mr. Bromley. Lord Craven. Vicars of Lichfeild. Lord Willoughby. Mr. Grefwold and Mr. G>/- Lord Cobham and others. Mr. £««/>/>. Mr. Rogers. Mr. fl&*«fc. Earl of Sunderland. Mr. Newfham, &c. Precentor of Lichfeild. The Crown. Mr. .Boiler. Lady Bowyer. Lord Z>/gA. Mr. Knightby, Mr. Grefwold. The Crown/ The Crown. The Crown. Lord £«£&. Lord Guildford. Priory of Coventry'. Vicars of Lichfeild. College of Warwick. Priory of Kenelworth. Priory of Erdebury. Priory of LiUethul. Priory of Coventry. Priory of Kenelworth. Precentorfhip of Lichfeild\ Priory of Kenelworth. Priory of Kenelworth. Priory of Kenelworth. Priory of Kenelworth. Priory of Coventry. Priory of Kenelworth. Priory of Clatercote. _Abby of Stoneley. Priory of Kenelworth. Abby of Lavenden. Tachhook LMOCeie OJ J-.ICHFEILD. 4»3 Archdeaconry of Coventry. Tatchbrook Epifcopi V. St. Prebendary of Tatchbrook in Prebend of Tatchbrook, Chad. Lichfeild. Warmington R. St. Michael. Mr. Gilpin. Wefton fubtus wetherly V. Lord Clifford. Priory of Ardeburyj St. Michael. Whitnafh R. St. Margaret. Lord Leigh. Priory of Kenelworthl Wormleighton V. St. Peter. Earl of Sunderland. Archd. Stafford. FINIS Archid. Coventry. Total of Churches and Chappels 9 151. & itfih Archdeaconry and County of Stafford, Deariary of Lapley and Treizull A Reley Cur. Blymhill R» Bradley R. now a Cur. Brewood V. Bufobury V. Cod/a/ Cur. Church Eyton R. Cannock Cur. Eh#«W R. Forton R. Himiey R. Kinfare Cur„ iap/fy V. Wheaton Afhton Cap. Norbury R. Ovorpen V. Pencrich Gurv Sir Thomas Littleton. Earl of Bradford two turns, and Mr. Manning one; Biftiop of G&f/ftr. Dean of Lichfeild. Biftiop of Lichfeild. Sir 5fa/>B Wriottefley. Lord Chetwynd. Chapter of Lichfeild. Mr. Southwell. Coheir of — Shrimpfhire. Lord Dudley. In Truftees. Sir Theophilus Biddulph. Church of Lichfeild. See of Gk/fcr. Deanary of Lichfeild. College of St. Thomas Stafr ford. College of Tetnai. Church of Lichfeild. Abby of Bordefley] College of 7oK£ft, Coheir of — • ■ Shrimpfom. Biftiop of Lichfeild. Vicars Choral of £«£* /«& £f/7V Cap. Willenhal ■> HiltonCap. now demolilh d Co. Salop, though in this Deanary. Chefwardine V. Quatt R. Worfeild V. Mr. Butler. Sir 2<>/;k 4/%. Lord Dudley. Lord Gower. Mr. Ward. SWJo/.n Wnottefley. Lord Dudhy and others. Earl of Bradford. Chapter of Wind/or. Priory of Launde. College of Wolverhampton. Priory of Wore. Priory of Dudley. College of Tetnall. Priory of Dudley. College of Wolverhampton Mr. Clayton. Sir 7-7;« Wollrich. Mr. Davenport. Abby of Hughmon. Church of Lichfeild. Deanary of Leek and Alvetok. A Lflonfeild V. Elk/lone Longnor \ Cap. Wdifloiu J 'Alveton V. 7ift Cap. Bradley Le Moor's Cur. Bromfbelje R. £&r f R. CarefwaS V. Chedleton Cur. Sir jfo/;« Harper. Earl of Shrevishury. Sir jfo/jH Curzon. Lord WtUoughby of Brook. Duke ot Neucajlle. Mr. William Parker. Olim Cap. to Ii&f. Abby of Combermert. Abby of Croydon. See of Cky?«-. Priory of St. Thomas Staf- ford. Abby of Delacret. Caulton Diocefe c/Lichfehr 485 Archdeaconry of Stafford. Caulton Carl Checkley R. ChedullR. Croyden Cur. Dilhome V. Ellafton V. Gratwich Cur. Grendon in Le Moors R. HamV. King/ley R. £«#> R. £e e&? V. Endon -y Merchhrook >Cap. Rufhton. J Mayfeild V. Norton in ie Afoorx Cur. Oakover V. ■Rocker V. 5%ee» Cur. Uttoxeter V. Waterfal Cur. ^e«c« Cur. \ Mr. F?H»*y Mr. Langley. College of Holy Trinity in Cambridge. Earl of Macclesfeild. Chapter of Lichfeild. Sir 'Thomas Fleetwood, Lord Chetwynd. Duke of Montague. Mr. .Port. Lord Harley. Sir Walter Bagot. Mr. Rudyards. Mr. Few. Re&or of &C& on 7re»f. Mr. Oakover. Earl of Shrewsbury. Mr. Ward. Chapter of Windfon Abby of 2?«rft)», or 5»Afery Abby of Croxden. Church of Lichfeild. Abby of Delacres. Priory of Tichford. Abby of fi«m». Abby of Delacres. Priory of Tutbury. Abby of Burton. Priory of Rocefterl College of Wind/or. ADbafton Cur. 4/% R. .rffra Ojg» V. Deanary of Newcastle and Stone. Deanary of Lichfeild. Dean of LicJfeild. Mr. 3foA« Chetwynd. Prebendary of Offley in Prebend of Lichfeild. Lichfeild. Audley V. Mr. Toiler. Abby of Hilton. Bradley juxta Stafford Cur. Sir JohnCurzon. Priory of St. Thomas Staf- ford. Berkfwichali&sBafwichCvr. Prebendary oiBerkrwich in Lichfeild. AElonTruJfelh r Bednal. J P * Barlefton Cur. Lord (?ow?>-. Priory of Trentham. Betley Cur. Mr. Crew. 486 Diocefe of Lichfeild. Archdeaconry of Stafi ! R D. Blithfeild R. Sir Walter Bagot. Biddulph V. Lady Bowyer. Priory of Hilton. Caftlechurch Cur. Lord Stafford. College of St. Marys Staf- ford. Chebfey V. Chapter of Ucbfeild. Church of Lichfeild. CrefwellR. Church demolifh'd, Mr, £o£/>m and others. 1 Collviich V. Prebendary of Coll-wich. Prebend of Collviich in Lichfeild, Frodpwell Cap.' Draycot in Z,e After* R. Lord Langdale. EccleflallV. Bifhop of Lichfeild, as Pre- bendary of Ecclefball, in the Church of Lichfeild. Broughton -\ Charlton. > Charnes. ■* Cap. EUenhall Cur. Sir Jonathan Cope. Abby of Ronton. Gayt on Cur. Mr. 5fo#» Q;etwjnd. College of St. Thomas Staf- i ford. /?£>«« Cur. Bifliop of Lichfeild. Abby of Delacres. Kingfton Cur. Mr. jkg^. College of Pencriche. if«/* Cur. Mr. Chetwynd. Knights Templars. Madley V. Milwich V. Mr. Crau. Mr. .D/i/fif. 1 Priory of Stone. Mw Cur. Mr. 4/fc. College of St. Thomas Staf- ford. Mugghfton R. Mr. Ctaw Jffcore Cap.' Ronton Cur. Sir Jonathan Cope, Abby of Ronton. Sandun V. Duke Hamilton, Abby of Combermere. Sightjord V. The Crown, Abby of Ronton. &ofo upon Tratf, R. Dr. ,4//«j. £"#'» "I Can Aforflw 5 P * Neyu~ Diocefe o/Lichfeild. 487 Archdeaconry of S t a n o r d. Newcaftle ~l Whitmore. * Stone Cur. Fulford Cap. Stafford St. Marys R. Marfton Cap. Stafford St. Chads Cur. Sviinnerton R. Stowe V. Sandon R. 7fcft*0R. Trentham Cur. Blurton CapJ Wolfianton V. New Chapel C$$. Wefton on 7ra« Cur. Cap. to SMe on 7W. The Crown. Priory of Stone. Dr. i4fe». The Crown. Corporation of Stafford. Prebendary of Prees in Church of Uchfeild. Lichfeild Cathedral. Mr. Fttz, Herbert. Earl Ferrers. Mr. Wife: Lord Afion. Lord C/owe/. Biftiop of Lichfeild. Mrs. FoWfr. Priory of St. 'Thomas Staf- ford. Priory of Trentham, See of Lichfeild. College of St. Thomas Staf- ford. Deanary oFTamworth and Tu tbury. A Rmitage Cur. Atdridge R. Barr Cap. Aldnvies V Burton upon ^fltt Cur. Bromley Abbats V. Bromley Regis V. (Cj/W8 Camevih RJ Harlafton Cap. Chilcoat Co."? j-« - Cofton R. Drayton Baffet K, Darlafton R t £gon*a. Prebendary of Hanfacre in Prebend of Hanfacru, Lichfeild Cathedral. Mr. Hoo and others. Chancellor of the Church Chancellorfhip of Uchfeild. of Lichfeild. Earl of Uxbridge. Abby of Burton. Earl of Uxbridge. Abby of Burton. Prebend of Alrewas > alias Prebend of Alrevim Chancellor of Uchfeild, Sir Richard Pye, Mr. Lander,. The Crown. Mr. Cmu. Earl, of Merkjbsre*. 4.88 Diocefe of Lichfeild. Archdeaconry of Stafford. Edingale Cut'. Farewell Cur; Hanbury V. MfrchinffmXcM: Newburrow J r HantftaO Ridware R. Horborne V. Hints Cur. Handfworth R. Longdon V. Lichfeild St. MaryW. Lichfeild St. CWf, alias .SVow. Lichfeild St. Michaels. Hamerwich. Stotfold Cap; Middletcn Cur. Mavefyn Ridware R. Norton Cur; P#* Ridware Cur. £<>5f?o« R. &4&*0 V. Rtigeley V. £Z>«^08 V. Tattenhal R. Barton under ^ Needweod C Cap. Whichnor. -> Tamwortk St. £ Cap. T'urnditch. $ Elvafton V. Hnncr V. //'.% V. Kiln alias AVr£ #.:&ra V. 1 i V. A' 2%twR. A'.- I alias Qmnb LangUyR. I ■ fcj R. SmaE-:y Cap. MfggngtM R. iVi-.iUrtC'cr V. Corporation of Ita^. The Crown. Sir fPc/^.TH D/xfj-. The Crown. Bifoop of LidfeiU. Mr. Stanhcpe. The Crown. Earl of Oxflerfeild. Sir flaij Hunkck. The Crown. Sir ^Ww Curzjen. Mr. Mr. Sackeverel. Abby of Darkigh t Derby College. Abby of Datleigh. or Abby of Darleigh. Priory of Sr. A&7 /to, 7KXM Derby. College of Leicefter. Priorv of SUlfori, Abby cf A*^. Priory of Leaort. I Abby of £>*&. 5 Cap. LittUcovcr F: :.:.■; Bit -J>:rth V. OUraal V. Pemrich V; Radturn R. tertiaj Cur. 5-.; yr.»R. Saa&acre Cur. 5.:-.Vt cum a/w Cur. Breafcn cum') Rifley ? Cap. Mr. ftfe Mr. iVtbnot two Turns, Sir Abby of Buncn. Jcha Qurun one Turn. ►Abby of Rz-ptin. Mr. Munday. Mr. A\u. Duke of De'.OKfbire. Mr. A>k. Earl of Huntingdcn. Pnory of Darleigh Sir 7t :foi /fcrfcr. Prebendary of Sanai&crt in Prebend of Saitdiaat. Li:hfeih Cathedral. Treafurer of Uckfeild. Treafurerfhip of Lich- feild. ScrC£tC9 Diocefe of Lichfeild; 4,91 Archdeaconry of Derby. Scropton Cur. Spoondon V; Chabfden !> Lock ^ Cap. Stanley. J Ticknell Cur. Wellington V. Wefthallam R. Wejlon on Tratf R. Mr. .&#or Ballington P» Cap. Braffington J Bently alias Fenny Bentley R." Bontejhall R. Bradley R. Carjington R. Edlafion R. Harrington V. SterndaU Cap. Hognafton R. /&V& /rewa R. Marlock R. Klorbury R. Snelfon Cap. TiUington V. Wirkesviorth V. Dean of Lincoln, Mr. C(>o& 5«r^. Duke of Devonfiire. 'Dean of Lincoln. Duke of Devonjhiri The Crown. 5 Dean of Lincoln. Mr. Sanders. Mr. Fitzherbert. Dean of Lincoln. Deanary of Lincoln] Priory of Donflable Priory of £o»<&« M«c5 Priory of Tutbury. Deanary of Lincoln) B Ahmed V. Afbford. Baflow. Beely. Buxton. Chelmarton. Chapel in £e .Ffy?&, Fairfield. Kniveton. Longtovm^ Moniajh. Sheldon. "Taddington. W^rmbiU. Deanary of High Peak. Chapter of Lichfeild. Church of LichfeiU. ^Cap. « Bakewell j j Ttt"4. &• 494 Diocefe of LlCHFEILtt Archdeaconry of Derby. Caftleton V. Edatt Cap. Chatfviortb Cur Sive Cap. in Edenfover Paiilh. Darkigh two Medieties R. Eden/over V. £)Y7W R. G/0>/> V. Cap. Hayfield Mel/or. Hope V. Hatherfage V. Pertifc Forreft 7 p Yolgrave V. £/«« \ ~ Bifhop of Chefterl See of Chefier. Duke of Devonshire. Dean of Lincoln. Duke of Devonfiire. Priory of Roceter. Marchionefs of Halilfax. Lord George Howard and Abby of Bejingwerh others. Chapter of Lichfeild. Duke of Devon/hire. Church of Lichfeild: Priory of Launde. Duke of Devonshire. Abby of Leicefler. Dqanary of Repton. C.4# Cur. Ooxa/? V. Ootok Cap. Formack Cur. Hart/borne R. Greafly Cur. Bullington V. Melbourne V. Meafiam Cur. Newton Solney Cur. Ravenfton R. Repton Cur. Bret by Cap. Stretton in the Feilds R. Stanton juxta Dale Cur. Stanton juxta Pont em R. Stapenhill V. Caidviell 'Cap, Walton on ?Wb/ R . Sir ^foZw Harper. The Crown. Mr. Burdet. Heirs of Mr. Darcy. Mr. -4//e«. The Crown, Bifhop of GuV/yfe. Mr. Wollafton. Sir ^o/jw Everey. The Crown. Sir ^o/jb Harper. Mr. Brown. Mr. Tl.emhill. Sir jfo/« Harper. Earl of JJ.-.bridge. Lord Compton. ^Priory of Repton. Priory of Grefely. } Priory of Grefely. See of Carlifle. Priory of Repton. Priory of Repton, or Grefely Priory of iJe/w». Abby of ZWt Corbett. Haberdafiers Company 5 Abby of Z>o«r. Sir -Sofe^ CVfew. Abby of Cumbermore. Mr. Mofeley. Abby of Buildewas.. Mr. Kinafton. 'Mr. Whitmorel Mr. fVgof.- Mr. P/gof; Sir iJc/w* Corbett. . Mr. £y?0K. Sir Robert Corbett. Mr. Kinafion* ►College of Bridgnorjhi Abby of Cumbermore',. Idfall 4 96 Diocefe of Lichfeild.' Archdeaconry of Salop. Id/all, alias ShefnaU V. Priors Lee Cap. Khmer/ley R. Kembertvn R. LiUifbull V. Lang ford R. Newport Cur. Norton in //^/cj R. * Qiiatford Cur. Prejlon on Wildmore R. ityfwz R. Stockton R. Bonningale Cap. Stirchhy R. SWttoB Madock V. •SYota on jTctk R: 7w/£. Abby of .Stf/o/>. College of St. Chads, Salop. College of Battlefeild. Abby of .fo/0/>. College of St. Marys Salop. Conude DlOCefe OjfLlCHFEILD. 497 Archdeaconry of Salo Counde R. Crejfage Cap; EHifmere V. Cockhutt \ . Didlaflm.S La P' Penley Cap. Co. Denbigh, though in this Parilh and Diocefe. Eyton Confi amine R. Frodejley R. Fttz, R. Grinjtll Cur. HadnaU Cap." #tfr/ St. Julians Cur. Srt/o/> St. Afcu/s Cur. St. Ctawf, alias Salop Abby Church, and St. Giles Salop united. Stepulton R. Smethcot R. Shavibury V. Z/Miwz Magna cum. Whitington R. Uffington Cur. Uppington Cur. Wrockerdine V. Wroxeter V. £>fo« on Seveme Cap. Weftfelton R. IfHtiiigtonV. Whitchurch R. 7f$fal Cap. IVel/h- Hampton Cur. Wombridge Cur. Mr. Dicken. The Crown. The Crown. Sir 3f/>. Priory of Lift left' all. Abby of &z/o/>. College of St. Afaj/s Salop. Abby of &7/0/!. Abby of Haghmon. Knights Templars. Priory of Wormbridge. Abby of .SVz/o^. Abby of Haghmon. Abby of S/i/ty," and Pre- bend of Wellington in Lichfeild. Knights Templars. Priory of Wombridge. FINIS Diocef of Lichfeild. 'Total of Churches tf?/^ Chapels fa ?> 643. Tlloereof in Coven- try Archdeaconry 1 5 1 . In Stafford 188. in Derby 191. And in S a j. o p 112, DIOCESE 9M A Si&s. 1 srrAfrrrA and arrA wider /A,- H ■TAeCAmr *■/,«/, A<,f"S? j/£ . X '/AeJ/t^A, ///<„. -vu. ene&' MTZ& (Azis- /fcnt/i K £f StanAwya <'A,i/Oeu* GrtiegM >f 01 Lunientf of /•J5&P. 7/a/^r J 2?f. &iwe/ianA t- . t/ecrftenAm K Ai/ZtaArS ■&?< ' ll I/p.fo/ttri ' Icfli-A GvavelXoneS of i Preten&r JPerfyr s y. n J"Abiamj&avz>7 6 /////.jK'/.r/J:"? '' 7 J'/nrs/Av- 2/< •'/'■"■ ' 8 Canon j&ert/pn A,l P/u/ 2v&r£- U -Ar/t>JBjGeandMe B.//.'*//A»r < "-cntnAyS frf/ismwf/AH&i't*" &&n/&n a*jB/>jBat/ne6n !f-fff ^'i?/* ,cSf XtndvAZ 17-ff/' ///"n/'Arrw . etl?l> fve/bT' *//•£& -Aenri, (at/Am zoCarum SaMfin -AAzrumZtrfiimJE'ari efUJDean OiantU**' J/7w' ' i,;j?',-/.iMM!--A.'? ic7/,:.'_£.r.ti/ r/'t'.-rmAyJ l ifjsi.'" //."WW AA37/7. -£&jrM<7 A/.. t/JiA/i » ■ ■ ■ J^it jaccf Andreas Jones, rutQnbam fl&ercafor |)U)U5f Ciottatis, 5 Eli- za bech.^or ejus,gui banc oumnm carnanam oiu oefolate Oe no^o re* ebificaoit qe rcf aratjit erga feftum omnium fan riorum -51. ©'. 1497- Ctiam ao tunc bene 9 lauoabiliter o?0inaoit Cap. * rjtfuris &empo-- ribu# in eaOem ccleb^at. p?o animabu# 3Benefacto?um $ omnium jfi* oelium oefunctorum guo^um animabug p^optfietur ®$ugj Amen. The 504 Cathedral of Hereford.' The Length of this Golgotha, which has two Rows of Pillars in it, confifts of a Nave and two Ifles, h fifty Foot, Breadth thirty ; it is faid this was formerly St. Johns Church, tho' that is now remov'd into the Body of the Cathedral. 13. There was near the Weft Part of the Cathedral this Infcription, on antient Brafs, affixed to a Graveftone, which being taken off, was kept in the City To/fey or Hall, for fome time, till it has lately been fattened to a Freeftone on the Weft Side the Bifhops Cloyfters. <0oob Ctpftcpn people of pour Cfjarife &I}at ftere abtbe m tjjig tranfitojpe %\lz in ft)e ,&0Ul.$ Of Richard Philips j^an ne 3Iii& alto of Anne tjts? be re beU^efc ©ifc i©})icf) Jjcre togeber contmueb toiti>out ^frpfc 3n tl)i* ©otfbipful dtp calleb Hereford bp $ame Ife being 7 ftimes Sa.per and Staler of tje fame further to Declare of t)i£ $ort and jFame S^i* $itie and Companion of tljem tljat lucre in $oc 3To 00 t^orfis of Cljaritte j)i# i^anbs tuere nothing lame. Cfpougtye i)un all people tjcre map frcelp come anb goe ifcitljout £ apmg of ^uftom ftoll 0; otj>ev JEoe Zl)t ttnjich Swings to redemc i)e left bofb i^oufe ant) Itano tf a? ttjat intent perpetuallp to remain ano ftano Anne alfo tijat 45oDlpe flyman jjatt) put to tjcr ^and 3Ipp?o\)tng f)er ^usftamV 2trte ano enlarging tlje fame 55J)pcl)e ^Benefits confibcrcb all ti>i5S Contrp a band dititelp to p?ap fo? tljem 0? elite it toere to blame J£o\o €f)?ifte tl)at fuffered fo^ us all $affion $apne ano ^Ijame <£>jant fBem tljeic Kctoarb in li^eopn among tljat gloriouse Companp Zfyzxt to reigne in 3Jop and Hpfe toit[) fyzm eternallp. Amen. The laft Infcription before 1600. is this on an ordinary Graveftone. JEtatis fim 22. A. D. 1595. Thoma Lewis valeas Tatri dulcijjhna 'Proles Ah moriens latys Tatre dolente migras. Oxonienjis eras doUus regiufque Scholaris Ecclefi* Chrifti clams alumnus eras. Levis erfts Leovis cunUis ter dulcis amicis , SanUus eris Chrifto* terque Meatus ens. The Cathedral of Hereford. $o$ The Parifh. Churches in this City, viz. St. "Peters, St. Nicholas and 'All Saints, having no Ccemiterys belonging to them, and the Cathedral or Mother Church (in the Body of which is the Parochial Church of St. John) having the fole Right of Sepulture, occafioned many Brafles to be ere&ed here in Memory of Citizens as well as the Dignitaries of this Church ; and fo there is no Cathedral whatfoever more filled with antient Graveftones ; and notwithstanding it has efcaped better than moft, yet befides thefe Infcriptions here preserved, there have been no lefs than 150 others now to be feen that have been robb'd of their BrafTes. Before the Rebellion begun An. 1641. there were in the Suburbs of the City two more Parifhes, viz. St. Martin and St. Owen, but both thefc Churches were pulled down, and have been united to other Parifhes, particularly St. Martins to All Saints, in the City, which was origi- nally but a Chapel to it : As to St. Martins, it flood without Wye- Sridge, againft the Bifliop's Garden, and had a Spire Steeple, and as I was told, three Bells. The whole Cathedral is vaulted throughout with good Stone, and has been within thefe laft ten Years or lefs, efpecially the Cho r Part moft fumptuoufly adorn 'd by Contributions begun and carry 'd on by Bi- fhop Bifje, who caufed the Choir- to be beautified throughout, and a moft magnificent Altar-Piece to be erected, one of the ftateiieft and lof- tieft in England ; and expended fome thoufand Pounds on the Epifco- pal Palace, and would, had he liv d, have repaired the Cloyfters which lie on the South Side between the Bilhops Palace and the Cathedral, in- to which they open by two Doors into the South Ifle, and are in Length 115 Foot every way, and about 16 Foot in Breadth ,- on the Eaft Side adjoined to them a very neat Chapter Houfe, reputed the beft Piece of Architecture about the whole Church ; this was of a circular Form, and had a fine Pillar in the Middle, on which the arch'd Roof centered j but being beat down in the Rebellion, has lay in Ruins ever iince, and the Stone carried away and ufed in other Buildings about the Church, fo that little remains of it. The Length of the whole Fa- brick from out to out including the Walls, is 370 Foot, whereof from the "Weft Door to the Choir Entrance, is 144 Foot withinfide, the Length of the Choir to the high Altar 105 Foot, Length from thence to the En- trance of the Lady Chapel about 20 Foot, and thence to the End of the Lady Chapel (which is 30 Foot broad, and 28 Foot high) 73 Foot, the Length of the lower crofs Lie from North to South, is 140 Foot, and ot the upperone'i 1 1 Foot, Breadth of the Body and Sideliles is 6 8 Foot, equal to which is the vaulting of the Body and Sids IfleSjtho' in the Chbir it is only 64 Foot $o6 Cathedral of Hereford. - Foot high, Height of the Weft Front Tower is 130 Foot, and Breadth of that Front 80 Foot. Height of the Rood or middle Steeple, wherein hang ten large Bells is 240 Foot. The Builders of this noble Pile, were, as Speed tells us, Biihop Ro- bert Lofing, who began Temp. Will. I. The new Foundation after the Fafliion of Aeth Church in Germany, which was carried on by Biihop Reinelm, Temp. Henry I. who founded the College of Priefts (or Pre- bendaries.) Biihop Brcofe built the Weft Tower, as the fame Author informs us in King Johns Reign : Bifhop Audley Temp. Henry VII. was a great Benefactor to the Lady Chapel, and built a neat Chapel on the South Side it, near which ftands the College of Vicars, founded, as I take it, in Richard II's time. This is a regular Building, and has pretty fmall Cloyfters, with Chambers over them, and a convenient Hall, and other Offices in the moft regular Manner of any Cathedral in England. There was an excellent Body of Statutes given to this Church by A. Bifhop Laud, which, was it to be remark'd how well they have been obfervedj and if Inftances were to be given in fome particular Practices of the aforefaid Reverend Gentleman ,• he might perhaps think he had fome Beafon to be offended with me ; but I have fo much Charity as to believe him convinced of former Errors, and heartily forry for them. 'Endowment of the Bijhoprick An. 1 534. Temporalia. Co. Hereford Sugwas Manerium 35/. js. jd. Barton Mane- rium 37/. 17J-. od. Pa/atium Epifcopi, &c. in Hereford ' 6l. 19s. lod. Shelwick M. $61. 16s. id. Tuppefley 21 1. 13 J-, iod. Hampton Epif- copi 45/. ioj\ od. 'Bromyard 58/. 17 s. 6d. Whitborne 28/. i8j. od. Bij/jcpsfrome 29/. 15J. 6a. Bofbury 45/. 10s. lod. Crad/ey 29/. 19s. $d. Coll 1 ® all 'and Codington 34/. 9s. 9d. Ledbury 6 6l. $s. icd. Roffe Bur- gus 30/. i8x. $d. Roffe Forrens 28/. 19s. lod. Co. Salop, Lidbury ul 10s. 9d. Jflwood 38/. $s. od. Burg- Caff ri ul. i2s. 9d. Caftri Epifcopi 24/. 3s. 9d. Co. Gloucester, Tresbury 73/. 6s. ^d. Senhampton 23/. 6s. \\d. Bailiv. Libert at. Wallens 7/. 14J. id. Bailiv, Urchenfeild Ss. Bailiv, de Herefwd 4/. 4J. 7^. Spi- Cathedral of Hereford. 507 Spiritualia. t Offici.Commiffar. cjVicar. procurationes (jTriennalia. 6gl. us. id. OfficiumRegiftrar. 13/. 1 jx. 5^. Total of Spiritualities 83/. 6s. id. and of Temporalities 747/. 17s. lod. of both 831/. 4J. id. But Reprifals to be deducted, amounting to 6zl. 13s. 6d. reduced it to 768/. 1 1 J clear Value, which is the prefent Payment of firffc Fruits, which are not at all diminifhed, though fo many Manors are gone. Alienations from the Bifhoprick of Hereford. v? An. 1. Edward Vlth. John Skypp, Bifhop of Hereford, demifed his Palace at London, or St. Mary Month aw, to 'Thomas Wendy M.1). which the King granted with three Tenements, which the faid Bifhop had alfa demifed to the Lord Clinton for 200 Years on the Rent of 12 Pence. But Queen Mary -having fet afide this Grant, thefe were reftored again to the See, and fo it fuftered no great Diminution, but by Bifhop Scory, in Queen Elizabeth's Reign. An. 4. Elizabeth ', tefie, March 23. 15 6t. The Queen in confidera- tion of the Manors of Lidbury, jBifiops-Upton, Roffe-Borough, and Formzs, Cradly, c BiJhops-Caftle, AJiwood.^ Sedley, Ledburgh, or Lid- bury, ' Senhampton and Trejibury Manors, Co. Hereford, Salop and Gloucefter, valued at 305/. is. id. grants him the faid Bifhop Scory, in Lieu thereof thefe following impropriate Rectories, &c. viz. Sride/fow and Goderich, Tithes, and Advowfons, Stretton, 'Dilwyn, Dorfton, Linger, Wigmore Rectory, and Advowfon of the Vicaridge, Eriflond) ' LuUon, Bridftow, Leonhales, Kineton, Weobly, Sri //fop, Rectories and Advowfons, and the Advowfons of Roffe, Lidbury, Cr ad- ley Rectories, Vicaridges and Prebends What this Church is now poffefs'd of, may be gueft by the Sale of its Eftate and Demefnes in the great Rebellion j - when there was fold An. 1 647; . N'OV. 17. A Tenement in Old ' Eiflrftreet, London^ h s. d. called the Labour in Vain, to Leon, liennet, for 544 o o Whitboume Manor, fold March 1. to Richard Sal- way, for - — \ — . . ~ — «—. 1348 10 10 Xxx Tupefley $o8 Cathedral of Hereford. An. 1648. i /• s. d. Tupejley Manor, fold jtily 21. to Leonard Rennet for 529 6 8 Urowyard For reus Manor, fold &>^f. 22. to John Flac- kefj for ■ • — 5P4 9 2 Collwall Park, fold ^. 22. to Thomas Alderman and jfo^w Placket, for' — — 3 36 13 4 JEftnor Manor, with Lands in Satterfea, &c. belonging to this See, and York, fold to Thomas Lechmere, Nov. 28. for - 1 1 74 o 6 lYiH?ops-Fr(>me, fold2) Hereford Palace, She/wick, 'Barton, Tupejley, Bijhops- Hampton, Sijhops-Eaton, and Sugwas, fold P^. 22. to John Birch, for ■ ■ 2475 12 j* Four "Tenements in Worcefler City, fold March 23. to Gr^ "Philips, for * 122 8 o An. id$o. Blfiops-Frome Manor, fold Sep. '27. to Richard Hopton, Efq,- for ■ 570 16 1 Several Tenements on Lambeth Hill, London, fold i>^. 28. to Edward Woodford, for ■ 93 5 ° Sum Total — '. . 8850 9 3* The other Mates of the Bifhoprick, An. 1650. befides thefe Ma- nors, were about twenty Impropriations, viz, Sridjfow, Weobly, Wig- more, Cathedral of Herefob. p, 509 more, &c. before recited in Bifhop Scorys Patent, granted to him 1552, An. 4. 'Elizabeth, which may be diftinguinVd by the Biiliops prefenting to the Vicaridges. The Bifhop of Hereford is Patron of his two Archdeaconries, and all other Dignities in his Cathedral, except the Deanary, and of thirty four Livings in his Diocefe, and St. Mary Month 'aw 'Rectory, in the City of London ; and in conflderarion of Bifhop Scorys granting away fo many Manors, pays no annual Tenths to the Crown, and receives the Tenths of two of his belt Prebends, viz. Moreton-magna, and Church Wi- thington. Endowment of the Dean and Chapter. r i ^HE Chapter Lands valued in the firft Fruits Office, for which \ they pay yearly Tenths, amounted to 375/. 13 J". \\d \. clear Value. Thefe were divided into feven Canonries, An. 1534. but I ** U P~ pofe, have been fince reduced to fix, by the Dean's having a double Canon- ry allotted him. They confift of the Impropriations of Lidney, cum Capellis Co. Glofier, c Dodelbury, or Diddlebury, and Long Staunton Co. Salop, Lugwarden, cum Capellis, and Shunningfeild, alias Shinfeild, cum Swallowfeild, CapellaCo. Berks. Their other Demefnes or Tem- poral Eftates lie in the Parifhes of l P and furnifh the Names of feveral of the Canons of it before the Biihops and Chapter Regifters begin, Tempore Edward I. which time, I have carefully examin'd, and with the Aififtance and Permifllon of the worthy Register Mr; Py/e, compofed the following Series of Deans, Precentors, Chancellors, Trea- furers, Archdeacons and Prebendaries, in each Stall, which I fhould have attempted before, it I had been engaged then in drawing up any Hiftory o'f this Church feven Years ago. Biihops of HEREFORD. PU T T A was appointed flrft Bifhop of this See, on the Founding hereof, An. <58o. at which Time it was taken out of Lichfeild y as may be feen in Vol. III. of the Monafticon, Pag. 217. where are printed feveral valuable Charters and curious Records, relating to it from Pag. 180. to Pag. 188. Tirktell or T irk till was the fecond Bifhop ■> he prefided An. 6$ 1 . Torteras was the next ; his Succeffor was Walst od, An. 718. to whom fucceeded Cu th b e RT, confecrated An. 756. He beftowed on his three Pre- deceffors, King Milfred and his Queen, and OJfrith^ who had, I fup- pofe, been a Benefactor to this Bifhopnck as well as Milfrith> an hand- fome Monument bearing this Infcr-ption. Bifhops 0/ Hereford. 511 Qjii quondam extiterant famofi altique per orlem Corpora Jena tenet hominum hie Marmor obumbrans T'umbaque mirifico prafens fabricata decore Tiefuper ex alto cohibet cum culmine teUa. Hos ego Cuthbertus facri Succeffor honoris Inclufi titulis exomavique fepulchris : c Pontifces ex his, terms fanUa Infula cinxit Nomina punt quorum Walftoldus^ T'orhere, lirtih Hegulus eji quartus Milfrith, cum Conjuge pulchra Qitenburga : fenis hac extitit or dine quint a, Sextus praterea eft Ofelini filius Offrith. As to Cuthbert, he was An. 740, translated to Canterbury \ and fuc- ceeded by Pod da, An. 741. to whom fucceeded EccAj An. 746. or 747. and then Cedda, An. 752. He died An. 757. as Godwin fays, and was fuc- ceeded by Albert,. An. 758. according to Ifaacfon, and he by Esna,. An. 7 69. He died An. 775. according to Ifaacfon> and was fucceeded by Celmund, An. 775. and he by Utell, An. 783. His SuccefTor was Wileeard, An. 788. called alfo Wilfhard 3 to whom fucceeded Benna, An. Sog. And then E d u l f, An. 8 29. and after him Cutwulf fucceeded, An. 849. As did Mucell, An. 868. And to him Deorlaf, ^.888. To whom, according to my Authorities Cunemund or Cinemund fucceeded An. 90%. His SuccefTor was Edgar, Aiu 928. And then I meet with Tidhelm or Tithelm, An. 94.9. To whom fucceeded W l f e l m, An. 966. And to him Alfrick, about 990. He occurs^. 996. as "Witnefs to a Deed of Croyland Abby next Year ; after which, as in my Authors, Athu lf fucceeded, An. 997. His SuccefTor was Athelstan, An. 1012. He was a Perfon of great Sanctity, and while he fate Bifhop he built a new Cathedral from the Ground, as Le.- land remarks. He died at Sosbury, a Mannor of this See, Feb. 10. 1055. (having been blind thirteen Years before his Death, during which Time TrameriiK Fi) 1 2 Bifhops o/* Hereford. Tramerin, Archbifhop of St. 'Davids, govern'd this See) and was bu- ried in his own Church, and fucceeded by Leofegar, An. i o 5 6. He fate but twelve Weeks and four Days, being {lain at Glafebury (a Parifh Co. Radnor and Brecknock) June 16. 1056. by Griffith King of Wales, together with Earl Agelnoih and others, who burn'd this City and Cathedral, and laid all wafte ; fo that for four Years the See continued void, being under the Government of Aldred, Bilhop of Worcefier, till fuch time as Wa lte r became confederated at Rome by the Pope, An. 1060. He died An. 1 079. and was buried in the Cathedral, where in the South Ifle between the Cloyfter Doors, is yet fhewn the Effigies of a Bifhop cut in Freeftone, lying in a Tomb under an Arch, faid to be for him. Robert Losing, a Native of Lorraine fucceeded, being confe- crated Dec. 29. 1 cjg. He is reported to have begun building his Cathe- dral a-new, following the Model ofAix le Chapel in Germany. He died June 26. 1 09 5. and was buried on the South Side the high Altar, where lies his Effigies under an Arch, by Miftake of the Painter attributed to BHhop Rainehn. On his Death Gerard, who had been Chancellor to King William the Conque- ror, was nominated to this ^ee, An. 1095. but in 1100. he became tran- flated to York, where fee more of him. On his Tranflation Roger the King's Larderer was nominated by King Henry Ift, but died within twelve Days after his Nomination at London, An. 1100. or 1101. Whereupon Rainelm, the Queen's Chancellor, had this Bifhoprick conferred upon him, An. 1 1 1 . and held it fome Years without Confecration, viz. till Aug. 10. 1 107. When Matters being made up between him and Arch- biihop Avfelme of Canterbury, he received Confecration. He died OB. 28. in 5. and lies buried under an Arch on the outfide the South Ifle, oppofitc to the Choir, which is by Miftake thus painted : KufocrftlS 'ftfj- fiHCj (SpifCOpttS l^ereftnuCnfi£, obiit 1 1 1 5. whereas it fhould be inftead of'ftcftCrtXufiHjJ. ftcincltmi.*. This Bifhop built good part of the pre- fent Cathedral now in being, which his Succeffors enlarged and brought to Perfection ; and as I find from Lei and, he began the fettling of Pre- bendaries in it. His Succeflbr was Geffry de C/vce, Chaplain to Kitig Btftry I. confecrated 2)cY. 26. 1 1 1 5. He died Feb 3. 1 1 19. and was buried under an Arch, where is this painted to his Memory, 5rcm.<0G&ftfOH*dc Clnvje a'emal Coat for the Arms of their See ; they before bearing Azure three Crozons Or, which were pretended to be King Ethelberfs Arms ; whereas they now give Giles three Leopards Faces, reversed each Jeffant a Flower de Lis In the Bull of his Canoniza- tion, dated at Avignon An. 1 3 i o. (not thirty Years after his Death) his Feftival is commanded to be obferv'd Off. 2. though I rather conceive it ihould be Off. 9- on which Day is the celebrated Fair at Lereford, granted, as I prefume, in Honour to him : The Eve of which may henceforward be remembred for being the Day of the Nativity of ano- ther Thomas, from whofe rare Accomplishments, an Epifcopal Palace may derive no fmall Luftre, and be rq.Ttbly as much remembred from his reliding there, as from the firft Thomas's. On his Death Richard de Swirfeild, S. T. P. was elected T>ec. 1. 1282. and became confecrated March'], following. He died March 15. 13 \6. and was buried in his own Cathedral, in the North Side, with this In- fcription painted over his Monument above the Arch. Ji^iC rc^UiCfcit Richardus fchttt.s &c Swinfcild Canfuaricnfi^ 5DiOCCfi.er ; gtlOllDam CpiftOJHjsr Herefordeiifis. m de Or let on LL. D- fuccecded, being confecrated Sep. 22". He gave Shenaii.ffei 'd Co. '[jerks, to the Fal rick of Hereford Adam 1317. Cathedral ; and having iat here ten Years, and render 'd himfelf infa- mous in Hiftory by his bale Ufage of his Patron King Edward II. he was tranflated firft to Wore eft tr, and afterwards to IVinchefter An. 1333. where dying July 18. 1345. he was buried in Winchester Cathedral with- out any Monument. His Succeflbr on his Tranilation to Jlorcefter, was Thomas Charlton, LL. D. Archdeacon of Wells and Nor- thumberland, and Canon of Fork, confecrated Off. 18. 1327. He died Jan. 11. 1343. and was buried in his own Cathedral, under an handfome Tomb, containing his Effigies in the North Tranfcept, under the great Window. His Succeflbr was John Tr il le'ck, S. T. P. elected Feb. 23. 1343. confecrated June 24. and enthronized Off. 24. 1344. He died Nov. 30. 1360. and was buried in the Presbytery in his own Cathedral, under a very hand- fome Graveftone, containing his Effigies on it curioufly wrought in Brafs, with his Arms on it, Bendy of fix, in Chief three Flower de Lis's, mis- taken by Qodwin to belong to- Billion Reginald 2>olers 7 on Supposition of .diihops of Hereford. 517 of the Arms, rather than the Epitaph, which is all gone except thefe .Words. SUn^ree Mo pjetjenfu* morfe recefli €\0it fallen^.' < Whereas Bifliop Molars > who lies. buried at Lichfeild, did not die, as maybe feen Pag. 390. of this Book, till near an 100 Years after- wards. On Biihop Trfflectts Death Lewis de Charleton, S. T. P. Canon of this Church, Chancellor of Oxford, became confecrated Off. 25.1351. He died May 23. 13 69. and was buried in the Cathedral under an Arch, over which is this In- fcription painted : - Dominus-3teto!S5 be -§&erlton alias CfjartfOll 4BpifC0pUg Herefordenfis, obiit An. 13 69. In his Will in Regiftro Whittlefey, at Lambeth) Fol. 102. he gives his Mitre, Crofier, Ring, and feveral Veftments to Hereford Cathedral, where he appoints to be buried, and alfo feveral Books, as his Gloffary, Bible, Concordance, and Lira, and five Books of Mofes, which he ap- points to be chain'd in his Cathedral j to the Fabrick of which he be- queaths 40 /. His SucceiTor was Wi llliam Courteney, LL. D. Prebendary of Welh y Exeter , and Fork, by Papal Provifioiij Bull dated Aug. 17. 1369. He was An. 1375. tranflated to Hondo::, and thence afterwards to Canterbury. On his Tranllation to London, Jo h n Gilbert, a Friar, Preacher, Bifhop of Bangor, was pre- ferred to this See, Sep. 12. 1375. He was, An. 1389. tranflated to the antient Metropolitical See of St. "David ■, in which he died July 28. 1397/ and was buried in the TFbite-Friars Church of Haverford Weft Co. Pembroke, where his Tomb, if any, has long fince been denxoyed. On his Tranllation . . Jo m h T r e v e n a n t LL. D. Canon of St. Afaph and Lincoln, was provided to this See by the Popes, Bull, .dated May 6. 1389. became confecrated, and receive the Temporalities Off. 1 4< following. In his -Will, dated March 21. 1403. and proved 23 following 1404. heap- pointed to be buried in this Cathedral i\\ St. Anne's Chapel, in the South Part, where is yet to be feen his Tomb, under the great South Window in the crofs Ifle, containing his Effigies of Freeftone under a Canopy. His Succeffor was Yyyi Robert $ 1 8 Biiliops of Hereford. Robert Mascall, a white Fryar of Ludlow,-* the King's Con- feffor, by Papal Provision, Bull dated July 2. 1404.. who Had the Tem- poralities refiored Sep. 25- following. He died T)ec. 22. 1411$. and was buried under a Irately Tomb of Alablafter, containing his Effigies in the Church of the White-Friars or Carmelites at London-, the Choir, Presbytery, and Steeple of which, he new built, and gave many Orna- ments thereto : In his "Will in Regiftro Chicheley, Fol. 300. he appoint- ed to be buried pub Arcu, and gave to the Religious of his own Order very l.berally, but nothing to his Cathedral. On his Death Edmund Lacy, S. T. P. Mr. of Univerfity College, Oxon, Dean of the King's Chapel, Canon oHVindfor, became confecrated April 18. 1417. and was 1420. tranflated to Exeter ; and fucceeded by Thomas Polton LL. B. Prebendary of Sarum, Rector of Hat- feild Co. Hertford, Archdeacon of 'Taunton, and Dean of Tork by Pa- pal Provision ) Bull dated July 1 5. 1420. He was 1422. tranflated to Cbichefter, and thence to Worcefter. Thomas Spofford, Abbot of St. Mary's lork, Elect. Bi- fliop of Rochefter } was promoted to this See by the Pope's Bull, dated Nov. 17. 1422. while he fate Bifhop here, he beftowM much in build- ing at his Palace at Sugwas ; where are yet remaining the initial Letters of his Name in the Chapel "Windows, anfwering alfo the initial Letters of the Name of tl e prefent worthy PorfefTor of that antient Epifcopal Seat ; who has likewife been a good Benefactor to the Chapel, where his Memory will be better remembred then this our Ibomas; who being grown weary of his Epifcopal Charge, voluntarily refigned it An. 1448- as may be feen in Rywer's Fader a, Vol. 10. Pag. 21 j. where is printed a long Inftrument of his Abdication of his Bifhoprick. After his Refig- nation he retired into his Native Country of Tork, where ending his Days at St. Mary's Abby, he was there buried : In Catterick Church, in that County, was this in a "Window in Memory of him, he having, as I fuppofe, built the Chancel there <©?afe p?o anima Domini Thome Spofford, 3Jbfcafte JJ&orcflerii TBeafe iaariC €bOr. iftitUS, €ccl. JRetforiS, i.e. Impropriator. Richard Beauchamp, LL. D. Archdeacon of Suffolk, was provided to this See by the Pope's Bull, dated T)ec. 4. 1448. and received Confecration Feb. 9. following. He was An. 1450. tranflated to Salis- bury ; and fucceeded by Reginald Bolus, S. T. P. Abbot of Gloucefter, who had the Temporalities reftor'd T)ec 23. 1450. was confecratedivk 24. following, and enthronized Aug.i. 145 1. He was April '3. 1452. tranflated to Lich- feild, Bifliops of Hereford. 5 rp feild, where he died after he had fate fix Years, and was buried, and not in th:s Church, as Godwin has by Miftake inferted; he imagining Bifliop TriHecTis Graveftone to be this Bifliop's. On his quitting this See John St an bury, S. T. P. (designed the firft Provoft of Eaton College) Bifliop of Bangor ', was tranflated hither by the Pope's Bull, dated Feb. -j. 145 2. had the Temporalities reftored March 26. 1453. and was enthronized April 25. 1453. He died May 11. 1474. at the While- Friars at London, and was buried in his own Cathedral, under a curi- ous Monument of white Marble, containing his Effigies which is enclofed with Iron Rails, having this Infcription faiten'd to it, engraven on a Plate of Brafs. JfiJarmotf* tjac fofia fttm pefra conf ejjif offa Scanbury pciltificitf farmillfC^UC Johannis ^otfcnaliS erat fioi repan.s fama per o?oem Crimuiis © ftz jjefimu# quo fergcre ^o?ccm <%u Bangorenfem luftro rerit ocnefeoem f uino 330ft H tail fjanc cecojauif 5 coem i^unc commiffo grege lupum iifei mianoo fugafotf Mow turn ocnfe cruentojrujc tunc bellua ftraljtf Unno miUeno C g^uater Tfc $uopc oino <£nafuo? J)i3 junrti£ in fcmpli tempore fcfta ifcopu.6r Herefordenfis, cum 1 8 $n;iOS 5 5 U&eilfe$ 5 totiucm tJie.or Ccclefie jjuiccum lauuc p-tcfuiffct, 5 Viz Mail. 51. ^. 1 53 5. fcefunrtuj; fufr t)oc fumulo der'd himfelf obnoxious, by bein<5 married iii Quc-sn. Mary's time, he was deprived of his Bifhoprick ; after which, as Strype tells us y he lurk'd up and down in the hard Reign of Queen Mary, and died obfeureiy An. 1 557. But where he deceafed he does not inform us - y though I pre- fume, it might be at Kidderminffer, among his Wife's Relations, where the Seed of Biflerition was plentifully fown, I fear too much by his Mean-. And at this Place the noted Presbyterian Richard 'Baxter, the Pillar of Non-Conformity, was born. On his Deprivation Robert Wart on, alias Parfew, S.T. B. Bifhop of St. Afaph y was tranfiated to this See, and had the Temporalities reftor'd hlmAp. 24. 1 5 54. This Man, who had been Abbot of Bermondfey, which he held with his Bifhop rick of St. Afaph, was in every Refpecl:, as far as I can find, a worthy generous Man ; though his Memory is traduced by God- win, as an. Alienator of the Revenues of that See : Whereas on a Prift Examination into Facts, it is plain, he did not impair that Billioprick in the leaf! Penny ; butJiv'd there in his Diocefe in great Hofpitaiity and Credit, and contributed liberally to the building the fine Church of Aft/.. >' urFlintJhire, and as I prefume, Rniftxd Gresford and Wrexham Churches. The Character of this Bifhop is given in the Survey of "Bangor, addi- tional to the Hiftory of St. Afaph Cathedral,. Pag. 341. (jc. fo that I need not enlarge on it here ; but fhall add, that in his Will prov'd Jan. 21. 155 7. he gave to Hereford Cathedral^ his Mitre of Silver, fet with 522 Billiops of Hereford. with Stone, a Crofier of Silver, and a Parcel of Plate gilt; a. rich Cope of Tiflue and Veftments, and divers other Copes and Rubies. He died Sep. 22. 1557. and was buried in Hereford Cathedral, under an dfome Tomb in the great South Tranfcept or .crofs Ifle, having his Effigies in full Proportion, but no Infcription. On his Death Thomas Reynolds, S. T. P. Canon of Cardinal College Oxon, Dean of Exeter, was designed to fucceed him, An. 155:8. but Queen Mary dying that fame Year, before his Confecration, Cjc. were per- fected, he, t're faid Dr. Reynolds, as Anthony Wood tells us, was thrown into the MarJhall-Sea-'Prifon, where he died about November 24. 1559. in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's Reign ■; who appoint- ed to this See JohnScory, S.T.B. Bifliop'of Chichefter (of which See he had been deprived by Queen Mary) and he accordingly became elected July 1 5. 1559. confirm'd 'Dec. 20. and had Reftitution of the Temporalities March 23. following : This Bifliop, while he fat here, as has already been fhew'd, parted with the goodly Manors of Lidbnry, Bijhops-Up- ton, Roffe, 'Bifhops-Caflle, Secenhampton and Treftbury, and almoft all the antient Demefhcs belonging- to his Church- He had been originally of a Religious Order, and being a forward Man in Henry VIII's Reforma- tion, was firft by Edward VI. made Bifhop of Rochefter, and thence tranilated to Chichefter by that Prince ; of which having been deprived by Queen Mary for Marriage, and being willing tP get fome other Pre- ferment in her Time, or to atone for the Breach of his Oath, or Vow of Chaftity, he renounc'd his Wife, and did Penance for it ; and fo had Abfolution granted him under the great Seal, Jnly 14. 1554. Tho' I don't find he got any Thing, till Queen Elizabeth, on certain Condi- tions, gave him this See of Hereford, which he rather accepted of than Chichefter, where poffibfy he had rendered himfelf obnoxious, as he did afterwards at Hereford; on which Account, as Sir John Harrington tells us, he had a Bill preferred againft him in the Star-Chamber, for Oppreiftons, Extortions and Symony ,- though he found Means to flop the hearing of it by Bribery. That Author, farther fpeaking of him, tells us, that though by pulling down Houfes, felling the Lead, and fuch loofe Practices, he had heap'd up Wealth • yet after his Deceafe, there was a long Suit againft his Son. for Dilapidations, who was a very loofe Fellow, and fpent all, infomuch that his Grandfon came to want. As to the Bifliop himfelf, he died at Whitborne Co. Hereford, June 25. 1585. and was buried in the Church there without any Memorial ; having in his Will proved Aug. 23. following his Death, conftituted his Wife-and Son-in-Law, Giles Allen Executors i and given 200 Bujhels of Corn to the Bifhops of Hereford. 523 the Poor of Hereford, and 200 /. for a lending Stock to poor Tradefmen in Hereford Corporation. His Succeflor was Herbert Westphaling, S.T. P. Canon of Chrifl-Church, Oxford, Rector of 'Brightwell, Canon of Windfor, and Treafurer of St. Paufs Cathedral, London -, elected Dec. 16. confirmed Jan. 25-. and confecrated Jan. 16. 1 585. This worthy Bifhop, in his Will dated Aug. 6. i6oi.andprov'd^-r/7io. 1602. gave 10/. to Hereford Poor, and 3/. 6s. &d. to Whitborne Poor, and his Land bought of James Wat- wyn, to Jefus College Oxford, to which he was a great Benefactor : Having diftinguifli'd himfelf in all Refpects a charitable Perfon ; and making it his Practice to difpend the Revenues he receiv'd from the Church, in Works of Piety and Hofpitality, referving neverthelels his Paternal Eftate to be tranfmitted to his Family. He died, and was buried in the great crofs North Ifle, under an handfome Tomb, having his Effigies lying on it in full Proportion, with this Infcription lately renewed. Memorise Herberti Wefifalingi quondam Epifcopi Herefordenfis factum. Herbertus Wefifaling natus Londim, educatus Oxonii, in ade Chrifii, Academic Vicecancellarius digniffimus erat^ ZBonorum, Tauperum, tDoffiomm, drc* amantiffimus femper vixit. Oxonii igitur Collegium J efuannuis redditibus, Epifcopali munificentia non indignis y in. perpetuum auxit. Hum virum mwibus graciofiffimum, prudentia tlarijjiimtm, pietate admirabilem, hac ■Ecclefia ad annos fexdecim & amplius Epifcoptim habuit ; cujus corpus quamvis Mortalitas terra fubjecit, animum tameu ejus pi etas ccelo infermt. Obiit 1* die Martii, A.T>. 1601. Robert Bennet, S.T. P. Matter of St. Crops Hofpital near Winchefier, and Dean of Wind for, fucceeded, being nominated Jan. 7. 1602. elected Jan. 15. confirm'd Feb. 19, and confecrated at Lambeth, Feb. 20. 1602. He died Oct. 25. 1617. and was buried in his own Ca- thedral Nov. 1 2. under an handfome Monument of white Marble, con- taining his Effigies under an Arch, with this Infcription : Zzz M& 524 iDilhops of Hereford. Mnha ben et melius fecifli plura Benette TJ-nde ben et melius fecit utrumque Deus Qui ben et in ierris melius dedit, ille Benetto Tint ben et in calis .... habet melius Leonardos Benet Hum T'umulum Reverendiffimo in Cbriflo Vatri Roberto Benetto Epifcopo Herefordenfi Leonardus Benett & Robertus Benett memories pofuerunt. On the Verge of the Tomb in Capital Letters, is this Infcription, part of which is broken off : ■Et Epifcopus Herefordenfis fa era Theologia Trofejfor, & fidelis Chrijii Minifier, obi it 20 die OU. J.T). 16 17. & at at is fu.ividentem aquas mirabiliorem non veriorem Denm, quam in imagine veridica Doeentem, Tiocentifi non credis, crede experto, pietatee habere pr quam pene nullam fenfit morituri- ens; quin illico emortuus fenfit fe immortal em ; diem fupra omnem acitemitatem evehendnm, decimum T)ecembris ^oft decimum Jpifcopalis fiu Tranflationis Anno fui Jefn \6a [ 6, Tranjiationis fiu in /£temitatm 3 aufpicatifjimum Eo die Tfenatus eft gloria vatali, Angelas Ecclefia He- refordenfis eodem, *Donatns )r&yyi\i 'SJhJi. Intererit JEmuU (ut fperamus) e Pofleritatis fcire, (quod fi filuerint homines clament Lapides) Optimum venerandumque fenem c Dominum Georgium Coke Uriftolienfem primum, dein Her ef or den fern Epifcopum, Evyivdw, per feries a longe produUus et Equeftrem 'Patris fplendorem lineafque Genethliacas omnimoda Virtute majoaibus fids digna, nobilitajfe Quodque dim KvTa.ylafai> omamentum fitit maximum, Res divinas et altijjima Myfteria, diligent i et fecero Scrutinio examinaffe, nee eruiffe modo, fed ut lucida perfpicacitate ^Docuijfe, facra ordinaffe, pro cultu Numinis et Colentium Ws/3«'<*, rcvtrendiffime contremifcentem, de religione Confulentibus ex oraculis refpondiffe, Reformationis Anglican* fundum, intimis et Cleri et poptdi peUoribus imbibendum, pr: ere it at or em et Exemplar, Symmiftis (eo nempe titulo clerum infignire amavit) fever a gravitate fufpiciendum et bland a Con- ciliatricula Comitate, et •*&'>')&* reddidiffe et reliquiffe fe commend at iffimum : yEgrd demum et vacillante inter miperos Mows, inteftinos tumultus, cladefque Ecclefid inter Concarceratos, Hieratici ordinis confeffvres non fine ituy^v ^Pnercgatii-a et couformatione cum Cbrifto fortiffmum fe prabuijfe avyKcLM-rA^a. folamen dolorum omnium et Tit*, mortifque cerbo unico, fed latiffimo, (quod ori fiden- tifftmo velut appenfus erat lemnijeus) Semper prouuntiaffe RESURGAM. His Succeffor after fourteen Years Vacancy, was Nicholas Bifhops o/Hereford. 529 Nicholas Monk, S. T. P. Reclor of Kilbampton Co. Com-, wall) Provoft of Eaton College, ele&ed Dec. i. confirmed Dec. 21, and confecrated Jan. 13. 1660. He died Dec. 17. 1661. having ne- ver been in his Diocefe, and was buried in Weftminfter Abby in St. Ed- mund's Chapel, with this Infcription on his Monument juft now put up r In hac Capella jacet Corpus Rev. admodum in Chrifio Patris Ni- cholai Monk, S. T. jP. Qyi erat Collegii Etonenfis olim c Prept. 6. 17 21. and was buried in the Cathedral between two Pillars, above the Epifcopal Throne, under a very fumptuous Monument of fine Marble, bearing this Infcription : H. S. E. Recerendus in Cbrifto Pater Philippus Bifle S. T. P. Pritnum Menevenfis deinde hums Ecclefia Epifcopus Vir Omnium confenfn ad miinus Epifcopale faUus Omnium plaufn Ecetius ; SanUus Deans of Hereford. 531 Santfus fapiens gravis modeftus Moribus facilis fed decorus Ad agendum fortis ad corrigendum lentus In fide defendenda fplendide obftinatus In difciplina adminiftranda prudent er ft abilis Sin de Uteris fcifciteris In quoi'is fere eruditionis genere Et judicandi folertia et differ endi facilitate Erat cum primis numerandus Certe in T>iocefis fiu N O T IT I A Nulli fecundus : In qua perhftranda gubemanda ornanda Omne ftadium tempitfque {heu iiimis breve) Collocavit Hujufce chori ac Altaris omatum Ut exemplo fuo fpeUabih It a mira qm apud generofos pollebat gratia plurimum promovit JEdes quas juxta Cemis Epifcopales, (Hocce pofthumo multo anguftius MonumcnUim) TanUim non a Fundamentis Inftauravit : In quibus Hofpitali Comitate omnes Paternd llenevolentia. clerum Amplexus eft. Qua fide Interim Ecclefi Tranflationis 8. Nattis eft Oldburu in agro Glocefirenfi A facer dot urn ftemmate per quinine fuccejjiones ; deducfa Infiitutus in Schcla Wintonienfi CDebinc in Coli. Noc: Oxon. Cooptatus : Cujus Honor i promovendo Omnimodi nt vivens Jluduit It a centum Libras moriens Legacit His Succeffor was the prefent Bifhop An. 1723. t'iz- Benjamin Hoadley, Bifhop of "Bangor, tranflated hither m OUober 17 2 1. Deans of HEREFORD. THE Deanary of Hereford, which was rated An. 1534. at 38/. 6s. id. for firft Fruits, has the Impropriations of Alanfmore, Clehonger and Kingfton ;. of which Churches,, the Dean is alio Patron, as he is of Withington Vicaridge, T'burkefton Rectory, and Breintoti Curacy, in which laft Place he has alfo Demefnes ; as he has likewife at Withington and Alan [more. The Founder of the College of Seculars, by which is, without all Difpute, meant the Prebendaries in this Church, was hiihopReine/m, (asLe/and exprefly tells us) who liv'd Te mp. Henryl. and was male Bifhop at the beginning of his Reign : Though whether he fix'd a Dtan over them I have not difcovered : For Ralph is in fome Accounts, I have feen, faid to have been confti- tuted firft Dean, by Bifhop Robert ds Betun. He held it 1 140. but was not loi g af:er, depofed by the faid Bifhop Betun, as we learn from Anglia Sacra Vol. II. Pag. 312. Geffry was Dean 1 1 50 as was another Ralph An. 1 1 57. After him we meet with a fecond Geffry An. 1 173. As we do with Richard An. 1 187. Hugh de Breufe held this Office 1202. As did Hugh Deans of Hereford. 533 Hugh de Mapenore 1203. (He being in that Year propofed to be ele&ed to the See of St. 'David, as Giraldus tells us in Anglia Sacra, Vol II. Pag. 607.) He was, An. 1216. elected to this £ifhopnck 3 and fucceeded by Henry, An. 1216. Thomas de Bos bury came in about 1218. and died poffefs'd of it 6 Cal. OU. 1 23 1. and was fucceeded by Ralph de Maidejlon 'Dec. 14. 1 23 1. He was 1234. made BK fhop, and fucceeded by Stephen de 'Thome 1234. After him Ancelinus or Ancelin held it 1 247. and 1 262. As did Giles de Avernbury 1271. He died 13 Cal, OB. 1277. or 1278. and was fucceeded by John de Aquablanca An. 1278. He died 1320. and was buried in the Cathedral, under a fumptuous Ivlonumenr, near Bifhop Aquablanca. Stephen de Ledbury fucceeded 1320. and died 1 3 J 2. being Pre- bendary of Bullinghope. Thomas de Trilleck fucceeded 1252. He was, 1 3 63 . made Dean of St. c Paufs Cathedral, London ; and next Year Bifhop of Rochefler* His Succeffor was William de "Birmingham, An. 1363. He en joy 'd it 1359. as he did alfo the Prebend of E gne. His Succelfor was John de Middleton, whom Mr. Le Neve erroneoufly makes the firft Dean. He was deprived about 1 280. and fucceeded by John Harold, in flailed about 1380. He died OB. 19. 1.393. and was buried in the Cathedral, where is yet an imperfed Infcription on a Graveftone to his Memory ; what remains is thefe Words : 39e Valine Haercn MCCCCLXxxxni. John Prophet, fucceeded, being inftalled Nov. 7. 1393. In 1407. he quitted it, being promoted to the Deanary of York. His Succelfor was Thomas Felde, IX. D. inftalled April 20. 1407. In his Will dated July 29. and proved Nov. 26. 14 19. he appointed his Bo- dy to be buried in the Collegiate Church of Maidftone ; bequeathed 40 Marks to Hereford Cathedral, and 1 o/. to the Fabrick of Leighton Bofard Church Co. Bedford^ in the Church of Lincoln, of which he was Prebendary, and feems to have been built about his Time, His Sue** ceifor was Aaaas John 53+ Deans of Hereford. Jo h n St A nwe Y, An. 141 9. for 'tis plain he occurs poflefs'd of it 1420. He died Aug. 9. 1434. and was fucceeded by Henry Sh elfor d, elected Sep. 20 and inftalled Sept. 16. 1434. He ?afe p?o anima tocncrabili* $iri Ha&iftri Stomas Cljatonoeler &a* ere ^heologie $?aftfio? is nuper Cancellaru Mnmerfifatig ©von ac J)uju$ (flhxleiie decant ciui obiif in Craftino omnium ^antto?um Domini noitri €5)^fti bo?am quartern tortus mane 3inno Domini imUimo £€€€%££££. cttju.* amme g?opittetar ®eus* SSmen iFiat jFiar. His Succelfor was Oliver King, LL.D. inftalled March 23. 1490. He refigned it June 27. 1 49 1. being about that time made Bifliop of Exeter. On his Refignation Joan Harvey became inftalled about July 149 1. In his Will da- ted April 10. 1500. and proved May 20. following, he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral before St. Margaret's Altar, and a Chantry to be erected to his Memory ; wherefore I prefume the Effigies lying on a Tomb in the upper End of the South Ifle, near the Vicars Cloyfters, ir.aybehis. On h ; s Death fucceeded Reginald West, about the end of 1500. or beginning of 1501. He probably might quit it for other Preferments An. 151 2. and poilibly the Subdcanary of Wells, to make room lor the famous Thomas Wolsey, who came into ths Dignity 15 12. and quitted f T)ec. 3. the fame Year. He was foon after made Dean of Tork, Bi- fhop of Lincoln, aftenya. ds Archbifhop of Tork and a Cardinal: On his Resignation. EdmundFrowcester, S T. P. became infhlled Jan. 27. 1 5 1 2. He died May \6. 15 29. and was buried in the Cathedral, with this In- fcription on his Graveftone: ©?afe Deans of Hereford. 535 e?afe pio anima tanera&flig oiri I&a&iftri €omnnb. JfroUjcefto\jD?e in iacra Ctjeologia ^octoii^ ac nuper ®ecam €cclefie Catftcbr; 3|erefo?D ac $?ebenoaru be barton CoUtuaU in €cclena €atj)ebr. $?ebict am obnt 5Hn. ^om. x 529. 5 ?fln. Benjs i^cnnci <©(taut 2 1 °. citjt^ amine tt animate omnium Cijritti JFiOelium &?0£itietur Bi-- fencors 3£eu.s, 38men. i^unc gucm fatfa fefts, tiuem fama xtmittit ao aflra, Harima g indigno me celco?are moco : Szb Ucet iUe fua toto fit notus in o?oe EBirtute fummo notus ut iUe polo : H&ojc famen in&tatas capmnt obliota menfeg ^uem guob non uibeant ncc memsniiTe tolenf. &>zb quos fanfta juoat pictas, quo* optima taring, jfttnoe, ..pnetta, puer, femtna, uirque pieces: Iftam jacet ijic piefafis jjono? riajoufgue fateUcsf $irtutis pulcftfi coiifiliique potent $omen in o#e oolat eelefce. jjec feo corpore fellus <©auoet g effjerea Qirifutf iUe Oomo. Gamalie l Clifton, LL. D. Canon of Windfor and York, Re&or of Weft-Ildefey Co. Berks, fucceeded, being ele&ed July 5. 1529. He died April 29. 1541. and was buried in this Cathedral : In his Will dated the fame Day which he died, he directed a folemn Dirge to be kept for him in the Cathedral. His Succeflbr was Hugh Core n, LL. D. ^Curwen, inftalled fune 1 . 1541. In 1554. or J 55 5- he was made Bifhop of ^Dublin, whereupon he reiigned thisDeanary for fome fmall time, viz. about 3 or 4 Weeks ,- after which, refuming it, he kept it till 1558. when on his quitting of it, Edmund Daniel, A. M. Prebendary of Worcefter, became in- flalled July 2. 1558. . In 1559. he was deprived by Queen Elizabeth, whereupon retiring to Rome, he died, and was buried in the TLnglifh College Chapel, dedicated to St. Thomas of Becket, in that City, with this Infcription on his Monument as.it was tranfmitted me thence.: Dom. Edmundo Danieli ©jefopfero 3fltl&l0 <££ccttfie <£at!)f b?. Here- ford, cecano gut propter fuam in f ioe €ati)olica conft.ni iam mutfa pate Dipitatite omnite fpottatu* p itanno.si 5.511 ejcilio Roms traniaaog obiit oa. 30 M7 6 - ctatig twit* Mmxitiug Clenocus a Guhelmus €ha$roefti pofuevunt- His $gtf Deans of Hereford: His Succeffor, on his Deprivation, was John Ellis, A.M. inftituted Jan i . and inftalled Feb. 1 8. 1559.' He was alfo Prebendary of Uorcefter, which he vacated An. 1576. no doubt on Death, as he did alfo this Dignity. The fame Year John Wat kins, A. M. Rector of Rojfe, fucceededj being no- minated by the Queen, 'Jan. 9. 1576. He died in May 1594. having about 10 Months before his Death refign'd this Dignity. In his Will da- ted Aug. 28. 1592. and proved May 25. 1594. he afligns no Place of Burial. Charles Lancford, A.M. afterwards S. T. P. Prebendary of Sriftcl, and Rector of titokebammond Co liucks, fucceeded, being inftalled April. 5. 1593. He died, being Prebendary of Pratm Minus , Vicar of Lugwarden, and Rector of Eaftham, and was buried in this Cathedral OU. 28. 1607. without any Memorial ; and fucceeded by Edward Douchtie, A.M. Rector of Houghton Co. South- hampton, inftalled 'Dec 23. 1607. He died 1616. and was fucceed- ed by Richard Mountague, inftalled Dec. 9. 1 61 6. He quitted it on exchange for the Archdeaconry of Hereford, to Silvanus Griffith, S. T. P. Rector of King/land and Stokefay, inftalled Sept. 16. \6i 7. In his Will nuncupative, dated in Nov. 1623. and proved in June 1624. he leaves all to his Wife, and appoints no Place of burial on his Deatb 5 which happened about the end of Nov. 1623. Daniel Price, S.T. P. became inftalled 'Dec. 16. 1623. He died Sept. 23. 1631. and was buried at Worthen Co. Salop, where he was Rector, with this Epitaph on his Graveftone : Here lietb interred the Body of the right WorJlripfiJ Dr. Daniel Price, 1)r. in 'Divinity, one of the Chaplains in ordinary to our fovereign Lord King James, and after his Deceafe, to his dread, Sovereign Lord King Charles, that now is, and Dean of the Cathedral Church of Hereford ,- Canon Refidentiary, and 'Prebendary of the fame, Parfon of Worthen and Llantegloc in Cornwall, who de- parted this Life Sept. 23. in the Tear of our Lord '1531.— — On a Plate of Srafs in the Wall thefe four Lines. Doctor apud nqftras jovis exemplaria Leges Per RegesjuJIis annumerandus erat D)oUor divimts dignufque decore Decanus Judicio Daniel vir precibufque Deo, John Precentors o/Hereford. 1 $37 John Richardson, S. T. P. fucceeded, being inftalled Oct. '27. 163 1. In his Will dated April i. and proved May 25. following, in the Year 163 6. he ftiles himfelf Dean of Hereford, to which Ca^- thedral he gave 5/. And 6l. to the Poor of Hereford City, with fome fmall Legacies to Stretton, Strenfham and Cqftle-Frome Poor, and left his Honfe at Stretton to his Wife - s where I judge he died, or rather at Hereford. On his Death fucceeded JonathanBrowne, S. T. P. who paid firft Fruits for it Jan. 13. 1636. having been inftalled about May preceding. He died in Dec. 1 643. and was buried at Hertingfordbury Co. Hertford, where he was Re&or without any Memorial ; and fucceeded by Herbert Croft, S. T. P. inftalled 1 644. In 1661, he was made Biftiop ; and fucceeded by Thomas Hodges, S. T. P. inftalled Sept. 20. 1661. He died 1572. and was buried at Kenjtngton near London, with this Infcription on his Graveftone : Here lieth the 'Body of Thomas Hodges, D. D. late 'Dean of Here- ford, and Vicar of this Tarijh - } who departed this Life 2 2 Day of Aug. 1572. Aged 72. or thereabouts. His Succeffor was Seor.ge Benson S. T. P. inftalled Sep. 10. 1672. He was alfo Prebendary of Worcelier : And dying 24. 1692. was buried in this Ca- thedral; with this Infcription on his Graveftone : Depofititm Georgii Benfon Decani Herefordenfis obiit die Auguft. 24. A.D. 1 65? 2. at at is fit a 78.. His Succeffor was John T y l e r, S. T. B. Vicar of St. Peter's Hereford x inftalled Sept. 27. 1692. Living 1723. Lord Bifhop of Landaff Precentors of HEREFORD. THE Endowment of this Dignity, is the Impropriation of Wal- ford Co. Hereford, cum- Capella de Ritardine Co. Gloitcefier^ valued at 23/. ijs. id. The Precentor is Patron of IfalfordVktridge. , * G 1 l b e r t was Precentor about 1 1 5 0, in the time of Bifhop Fo- - Hot y as was aifo * Rsci-i- $g8 Precentors of Hereford. * Reg in a ld inter 11 50. and 116$. * Richard and "William de Kilpec, both en joy 'd this Office, as appears by their Obits in the MilTale Hereford, Sans "Bate ; the firft 4H. Jan. and the 2 Cal. Junii. William Foliot, who is the firft in Le Neve, held this Dig- nity 1 195. and 1 213. Thomas Foliot occurs poffefs'd of it 1 2 26. as does Robert Iwardeby, 1233. whofe Obit was kept 4 Cal. June. Em eric us de Aquablanca occurs Precentor 1263. and' 1268. His Obit was kept 13 Cal. Sept. I prefume he was buried in the Cathe- dral, as doubtlefs all thofe were interred here, whofe Obits were cele- brated in the fame. He feems to have quitted it 1286. for the Chancel- lorfhip. Hervy de Borham, Dean of St. Taufs, London, en joy'd this Of- fice 1270. He died Oct.']. 1276. and was fucceeded by William de Montfort, another Dean of St. Paxil's London, col- lated 7 Id. /fan. 4. 1 276. He died 1 294. and was fucceeded by * J o h n de Swinfend, Treafurer of this Church 1 294. He occurs pofibls'd of it 1 3 1 1. and probably enjoyed it till the Collation of Richard Havering, An. 1329. whofe Title to it the King dis- puting, beftowed it on John de Hoo, March 13. 1 3 29. Howfoever, I find the King recal- led his Grant to Hoo, and confirmed Richard Ha v eri ng in this Dignity Dec. 13. 1330. "Thomas de Wlncheftre or Winchefier, held it 1 346. and refign'd it 1349. * Walter de Elveden, was collated Nov- 20. 1349. onWinche- Jlre's Resignation. He exchanged it for the Rectory of Sbropfoam Co. Norfolk, with "Ralph de Cohjhall Dec. 10. 1358. William de Onteby, refigned it 1 3 64. and was fucceeded by "William de Borftall An. 1364. He feems to have quitted it 1 3 8 1 . for the Prebend of "Bartonjham. Walter Rammesbury, S. T. B. (called by Miftake, jR/- chard, in Le Neve) occurs poffefs'd of it 138 j. He gave An. 1394. 10 Marks towards making the Choir Stalls, and 10/. for the Desks in the Library ; and died poffefs'd of it 1405. *Henry Miles, was collated Nov. 28. 1406. on the Death of Walter Rammesbury. "Richard Precentors of Hereford. 539 * R 1 c h a r d Talbot, fucceeded, being collated "June 9. 1407. On the Refignation of Miles, he was 1417. made Archbifhop of T)ub- lini where dying Aug- 15. 1449. he was buried in the Cathedral Church of St. Tat rick in that City, with this Infcript on on hisGrave- flone on a Plate of Brafs, under his Effigies in his Epifcopal Habit. Talbot Richardus lafct j)ic Cub marmo?c pje(fu.sr lrcf)i fuif J&eful f)u)tt$ izW Keuercnbe ikr'uos £anonico# gut fun&a'otfeuie €{)o?iftag §Jnno SMleno C guafcr pafur j; fluoqtte nono C9uin&eno ?tugufti JKaeniis? munoo bait difit ©mnifiotensJ ©otninus! cut p^optf iefojc in Count. His SuccefTor in this Stall was Fovlk Stafford, LL. B. collated Nov. 30'. 141 2. on the Refignation of Talbot, who was that Year made Prebendary of Friday- Thorp in Tork Cathedral. * Nicholas Colnet, was collated March 3. 141 2. on the Death of Stafford, as was ^Robert Felton, collated 'Dec. 12. 141 3. on the Resigna- tion of Colnet, and John BridbroOk, LL. B. collated July 21. 1416. on the Resignation of Felton. In 143 1. he was made Canon of Wind/or. * John Arundel, was collated Aug 9. 143 2. on the Refigna- tion of Sridbrook. He was afterwards Biihop ofChiche/Ier : He refigned this about 1434. *William Lochard, fucceeded 1434. or 143 5. for I find him poffefs'd of it 1435. He died Sept. 24. 1438. and was buried in the Cathedral, as he had appointed in his Will, dated April 11. 1438. and proved April 29. 1439. wherein he bequeathed an 100/. to be laid out in erecting a Chantry for him : He was, in his Life time, a good Benefactor to the Weft Tower, as I guefs, by the Infcription on his Graveftone, in t-he Nave of the Cathedral, near the faid Tower, which is as follows, what remains of it : l^ic jacef ©ominu? William Lochard (juon&am l)u\u$ Ccclefie Canon!* in* ac Eefioentiartug zttyjzzzntoi ejuOjem €cclefie infuper 2£e« tanus fancte 75e?tane in Cornn&ia pi infe? alia bona pe f}Uic ton* tulit €crtefie magnam ftructuram in occiijcnfali parte ejutotm €z^ tlZfiZ • xxiiii. Sept. Bbbb "William 540 Precentors of Hereford. Wluiam Middleha m, fucceeded, no doubt on his Death,, Av.. 143S. for he occurs pofleLVd of it Oct. 6. 1441. and died "De- cember 1405. John Bail y, LL. B. was collated Tlec. 23. 1455. on the Death of Mir. He died 1479. and was fucceeded by "Thomas Downi, Rector of King fjaiid y collated Sept. 8~ 1479. on the Death of £.:.... He died March 26. 14851. and was bu- ried in the Cathedral with an Lnfcription, which was, •., i:en it was en- . tire, as follows : if:: jacct fcenerabilul bit Thomas Dowse quondam Prccenf. 5 Cano-- * n;cu.i. Iicf:Dcnf. t)U)vJ cCccUfiC CatJjCO;. Hereford gui stilt 26. oic mcnfls Martii A.T). 14S9. cujus &c His Succefior was * Jo k x Harvey, collated April 3. 1489. He was 149 1. made Dear. Robert Kent, S. T. P. fucceeded 149 1. In his Will dated : 24. 1 514. and pro\'d October 15. 15 15. he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, near the Rood Loft, by his Mother. His Succeflbr was William Porter, S. T. B. collated Ocf. 21. 151 5. on the Death of Kent. He died 1 5 24. and was buried in the Cathedral with this Epitaph : $tt jari tanerabiliS bit J&agiftcr Will. Porter, &.Z. TS&a&m* rcu.i guonfcam oilcan ftfeafe JEanc Birgmig in Oxon, Guar-- fciantis 5 i)uju.» C'cclcfic piccento?, mcrmffinius ac in eaocm €a^ iion. ftcficcnt. nut j. ^ic Xovembris inter 13o:as 3. 5 4. tortus mane oout A. D. 1524. cuju.s ?c Roland Philip?, fucceeded, being collated. Ko-v. 26. 15 24. and religned it 1531. Thomas Parker, LL. D. fucceeded, being collated Apr. 1 5. 153 1. on the Rex'gnatxOn of 'Philips. He died 1 538. being Rector of JE lham Co. :"...:_■ . Richard Benise, fucceeded, being installed Ko-i'. 11. 1538. He was alfo Prebendary oi Lincoln^ and, as I conceive, Rector of L e Dittcn Co. Surrey, ana willed to be buried in that Church- Yard. On his Death, which happened 1545. * JOHN Precentors of Hereford. 54.1 * John Barlow, became collated .7*37/. 7. 1 546. He was alfo Dean of Worcester, but deprived 1554. °^ ^ at an ^ ^ s other Prefer- ments. William Chell, M. B. fucceeded, being inftituted Jug. 20. 1554. He was, aslprefume, deprived 1559. of all his Preferments, by Queen Elizabeth, who promoted to this Dignity Walter J o n e s, A. M. Jan. 1. 1 560. in his Will dated Feb. 14. 1572. and proved Sept. 8* 1573. He ftiles himfelf Chanter and Canon Residentiary of Hereford, and appoints to be buried in this Ca- thedral, where his Friends lhall appoint ; and makes Executor his Son T'heophilus. His Succeflbr was Thomas Thornton, S.T.P. Prebendary of Worcefler and Oxford, collated May 28. 1573- He died April 15. 1629. and was buried at Lid bury. Mathew Bust, A.M. fucceeded, being inftituted Ap. 28. 1529, at the Prefentation of the Archbifhop of Canterbury, who made it his Option, and inftalled May 22. 1629. he was Mailer of Eaton School, and had been Fellow of Kings College Cambridge. In his Will dated June 17. and proved July 21. 1638. he ftiles himfelf of Locker iy in Motisfont Parilh Co. Southampton, where he had a great Eftate, which he gave his Son Matthew, as he did to his Daughters 400/. a-piece. He died July 17. 1638. and was buried at Motisfont aforefaid,, with this Infcnpiion on his Monument in that Chancel: Expert at RefmrecJionem jujiorum doltijfimus 2. Non. Feb. tho' when he or Vere died, I cannot afcertain • tho' in all probability they were Predeceffors to Albinus de Cave) who held this Office 121 5. and- 122-5. as did * T h o m a s, An. 1 2 14. *Emericus de Aquablanca) 1 268. and 1 285. ^Gilbert de Swinfend enjoyed it 1288. and died 1 2pp. ^Robert de GlouceJier y was collated Obi. 1 6. 1 2pp. On the Death of Swinfend) *Thomas de Orlton was admitted Feb. 6. 13 2 r. "Robert de Winferthing held it 1336. * J o h n de Chameles had this Dignity given to him by the King, Sept. i } . 13 41. * John de Ambresbury enjoyed it 1344. and died poffefs'd of it 1349. * Thomas Hakeleuit, fucceeded, being collated June 23.13 49. * R o g e r de Okey held it 1 3 64. As did *Cardinalis Gland acensi s, mention'd in B. inters Fatdera, Vol. VII. Pag. 284. An. 1380. He was An. 1381. deprived by the Pope, who gave It to *Cardinams Pe rusinus, An. 1381. After him I find * John Nottingham poffefs'd of it 1384. he v/asAn. 1397. mnde Archdeacon of Nottingham) and afterwards Treafurer of Tork ; and fo quitted this. ? NlCHO" Chancellors of Hereford. 543 Nicholas Hereford, S. T. P. fucceeded, by the King's Gift Feb. \6. 1397. He quitted it next Month for the Treafurerfhip. * Thomas Hanly was poiTefs'd of it An. 1399. and refigned it 1417. "Richard Proctor, fucceeded, being admitted Oct. 10. 1417. on Hanky's Resignation. He refigned it 1425. and was fucceeded by John Cas tel, LL. B. admitted Julyj. \<\i%- He refigned about 1435. being then made Prebendary of Wetwang, in the Church of Tork. RichardRotheram fucceeded about 143 j. he occurs poffefs'd of it 1438. and 1444. and died 145 j. being Chancellor of Exeter ; having, as I judge, quitted this Jn. 1448. on taking that Dignity, to * John Dilewi, for I meet with him poffefsd of it 145 1. He died 1460. * JohnAshby, Treafurer of this Church, fucceeded, being admit- ted July 6. 1450. on the Death of 'Dilewe. He died 1454. and was fucceeded by *RobertJefrys, collated Aug. 1 6. 1464. on the Death of JJIo- by. He was, 1469. made Archdeacon of Salop- His Succeffor was * Thomas Yeon or Yon;, admitted March 21. 147-1. on the Refignation of Robert Jeffrys. He died next Year, and was fuc- ceeded by SimonTawe or Taw re, admitted Nov. 1 4. 1 47 2. on the Death of Yeon. * John Arundel, was collated OU. 18. 1476. He was 1479. made Canon of Windfor, when I prefume he quitted this j for I find *RalphHeitcote poffeffed of it 148 1 . He quitted it, or died 1487. for I find * Sampson Ale yn, collated to it 1)ec. 12. 1487. on the Death, as 'tis expreft in my Acount, of Heitcote. He died 1494. being alfo Pre- bendary oiLichfeild ',- but who fucceeded I find not, unlefs it fliould be Walter Stone, LL. D. who in the Registers at Lambeth, An. 1507. is (tiled Chancellor of Hereford, though whether of the Church, or Diocefe, I am to feek. He died 15 18. being Vicar of 'Stepney Co.. Middlefex ; though before his Death, I find * William Burg hill, faid to be admitted Chancellor 15 16.. He quitted it 1518. for the Treafurerfhip, to James Bromwich, An. 1518. In his Will dated Aug. 3 1. 1523. and prov'd ikfoj/ 10. 1524. he willed to be buried in Salisbury Cathe- dral (whereof he was Archdeacon) or Hereford, and made John Vyal^ Canon of Hereford, his Executor, 111- 544 Chancellors of Hereford. WillumHuUj A.M. fucceeded, being collated Jp. 13. 1524.' In his Will dated Jug. 9. 1448. he appoints to be buried in the Cathe- dral, between Bifhop 'Bothes Tomb, and St. James's Altar 5 at,d a Ike Infcription to be on his Graveftone, as on Archdeacon j eft Jejj \y£$ Graveitcne. John Elton, alias Baker, LL. B. fucreded, bring collated Aug. 13. 1543. In his Will dated Jp. 17. 1547. prdved OB* 8. 1547. he appointed to be bmied in Salisbury Cathedral, where he was Canon, near Mr. Robert Judeley. Jo h n Compton, alias Th^ale, S. T. B. Prebendary of Worce- ster, fucceeded, beeing collated Jan. 8. 1547- He d.eu 1555. and was fucceeded by Edward Baskerville, S. T. P. collated May 8. 1555. He died about Jan. 1566 and was, as I prefume, buried *n this Cathedral, as he directed in his Will dated ^an. 1 1 1 566. in which he made Ed- ward Cowper, Archdeacon of Hereford, his Executor. "\Yi uiam Pe n s o n, A. M. Re&or of Cradley, fucceeded, being inftalled June 23. 1566. In his Will dated June 27. 1587 he names no Place of Bunal, but gives his Eftate to his Wife and elded Son Sil- lamis. Morgan Powel, S. T. B. fucceeded, being inftituted Jure 5. 1587. He died 1 62 1. and was buried at Cradle j , where he was Re- ctor, wth this Infcription : Here /ieth the "Body of Morgan Powel, S- of Divinity, brought up in Brafen-Nofe College in Oxford, and afterwards Chaplain in Hcttf- hold to the right Reverend Herbert, Lord Si/hop if Hereford, ai d for a long time Tar fan of this Parijh ; in all which T I aces he left extraordinary Note of his fingular Integrity and Love of all. Whom City, Shire, and all that knew commended^ There need no Tomb or Virtues not bef rinded; IVhom all Men loved he cannot be forgot, Thd 1 his Tcmbftone him reported not ; Tet let me take my Pride that clcfe him in That was of all Men fartheft from the Sin The meekeji Man alive, his Houfe and Board J fere ever Sydans, and a Deed his Word Jmovg the Virtues all there is not one, Which in his Heart had not her Manjion. A. D. 1611. * Thomas - Treafurers of Hereford. 545 Thomas Godwin, S. T. B. Son to Bifhcp Godwin, fucceeded, being inftalled June 8. 1621. He died 1644. being Rector of Whit- borne, and alfo, as I take it, Vicar of Newland, and Prebendary of Landaff. Richard Coke, A.M. Son to Bifhop Coke, fucceeded, being collated Nov. 8. 1644. In his Will dated March 9. 1680. and proved May 9. 1682- he appointed to be buried in Ejlnor Church Co. Here- ford, of which he was Rector. Joseph Harvey, A.M. Re&or of Weft on juxta Rofs, fucceeded, being collated Feb. 27. 1681. He quitted all his Preferments An. ij\6. on Account of not taking the Abjuration Oath. And dying afterwards An. 1720. was buried at Wefton, with this Infcription on his Monument : Siibtus 'facet, Jofephus Harvey, apud Newport in agro Saicpienfi Natus, Et primis inibi c Bonarum Artium rudimentis iiiftrutlas : Indeque ad adem Chrifti tranfmiffus gradu Magiftrali cmatus eft Ad Scholam deinde Grammaticalem Hereford evocatus Ejufdem Inftaurator & Gymnajicrcha ermcuit* Cumque Theologtis effet omnibus numeris abfolutus, Ecclefia Cathedra/is Ibidem c Prebendark r, mox & Cancellarius Et hujufce infuper Tarochi* Rector primus evafit 1 Ubi & £. 22. 1333. He exchanged it, as I judge, with Richard de Sidenhall about 1341. for the Archdeaconry of Salop. * John Boler was collated T>ec. 2. 1348. on the Refignation of Sidenhall. *RogerMey was collated 1 3 67. on the Refignation of Boler ; as was "Robert Treafurers of Hereford. 547 * Robert de Upcote, June 29. 1368. on the Refignation of Mey. The next was * Robert Jones 5 collated March 31. 1377. on the Refignation of Upcote. * Nicholas Hereford was collated March 20. 13 97. but how it became vacant is not faid. In 141 7. he refign'd it, taking on him the Habit of a Monk at Coventry. * Richard Northop, fucceeded, being collated Nov.6. 1417. The next I find is * Richard Rotheram, he occurs 1430. and quitted it 1434^ for the Chancellorfhip. * William Middle ton, fucceeded, being collated June 27.' 1434. He quitted it about 1440. for the Precentorfhip. * Thomas Wass ayle held it about 1440. and refigned it about 1443- * Richard Rudhall, fucceeded, being collated Nov. 18. 1443. In 1445. he was made Archdeacon of Hereford •, and fucceeded by John Ash by, collated Aug. 5. 1446. In 1450. he was made Chancellor, and fucceeded by * Richard Pede, collated Aug. 6. 1460. In 1452. he was ele- cted Dean, and fucceeded by John ap Richard, 1462. He was alfo elected Dean the fame Year. * Robert Je f f r y, fucceeded, being collated March 19. 1462. on the Refignation of John ap Richard. He quitted it 1464. for the Chancellorfhip, and was fucceeded by * John Arundel, collated Aug. 22. 1464. on the Refignation of Jeffry. In 1476. he was made Chancellor, and fucceeded by * Simon Mas sing ham, alias Stallworth, for I find him poffefs'd of it 1476. And J 477. he refigned it, being Prebendary of Lincoln, and was fucceeded by Adrian de Sardis, collated Jan. 27. 1477. He was alfo made Prebendary of Lincoln, and refigned this, and was fucceeded by Robert Sherborne, collated 'Dec. 14. i486, on the Refig- nation of Sardis. He was 1505. preferred to the See of St. David, and, as I prefume, fucceeded by Owen Pole, for he occurs poffefs'd of it 1 506. In his Will dated Dec. 10. 1509. and proved March 8. following, he fciles himfeif Treafurer, and wills to be buried at Hereford. John Wardroper, I prefume, fucceeded, for he occurs pof- C c c c fefs'd 548 Treafurers of Hereford. fefs'd of it 1 5 10. and quitted it 151 1. on being made Archdeacon of Salop. Richard Judde, Rector of Rofs, fucceeded, being collated June 22. 151 1. In his Will dated May 11. 1512. and proved June 1 5 following ; he ftiles himfelf Canon of Hereford, and wills to be buried in the Cathedral in St. Amies Ifle. Edmund F r o w c e s r e r, S. T. P. fucceeded, being collated j lily 1. i)i2. He was the fame Year made Dean, and fucceeded by William Gobard or Gilbert, afterwards Archdeacon of Salop, collated Feb. 22. 151 2. He held it not long, for I find Henry Martin poflefs'd of it 1 5 14. He quitted it next Year, being made Archdeacon of Salop j and was fucceeded by Hugh Pole, A. M. collated April 1 5. 1 5 1 5. He refigned 1 5 18. and was fucceeded by William Burghill, L-L. D. collated Jan. $. 15 18. on the Refignation of Hugh 'Pole. In his Will dated Aug. 3. 1525. in which Month he died, he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph on his Graveftone, which if ever placed there, has long fince been defaced. 3^ic jacef JBajjiftcrWill. Burghill 3^ccrefo?um ®otfo? guonbam^efau^ rartu* 5 RefibentiariusJ jjujug €cclefie tnji a& tjoc attare (anrti Ni- cholai tuntjauit unatn miffam inter l)ora£ ix ?x quofifcie tele-* fyanfc. per uimm tiicarium c!)o?alem mrfu fuo ct unum anntfierfa* ruim jer omnc* ©icarios <£5u?ale$> lingirtijf aimig? telefyanu. mo&o 9 ftrjma ftio STeftamenfo crpreff. ac in notoo Steijiftro ©etani % Cagitult in £!)etaurano eozun&em remanent- Roger Brayne, fucceeded, being collated Sep. 10. 152 j. he died next Year. Nicholas Walwyn, fucceeded, being collated March 10. 1526. he died 1545. John Mason, M. B. fucceeded, being collated May 23. 154). he died 1 547. Walter M e y, S. T. B. being collated Feb. 2. 1 547. In his Will dated and prov'd 1558. he directed to be buried in the Cathedral near Biihop 'Booth. Wi l l 1 a m Lewson, fucceeded, being inftalled Oot. 22. 1558, In his Will dated April 4. 1578. and proved 1583. he appointed to be buried at Hereford) if hcckficiJ?t( 1 l^etefo?&eii. 5 Canonicug jcjctiii t>ie JBaeiilis? iiuai itm Domini fecuntium Computationem €cclefie 51ngU-» caac millimo 5?ojitietuc ^eu#. His Succeffor was Humphrey Ogle, collated ^w. 28. 1523. He refigned it 1535. and was fucceeded by Richard Sparchford, A.M. collated Aug. 14. 1535. He died, and was fucceeded by Nichola s Smith, collated Dec. 23. 1550. He held it not long, for I find Robert Gr ensil, collated to it Oct. 20. 1 561 . He died 1 579. being Vicar of Lidney Co. Gloucejier, and was fucceeded by Willi am Greenwich, A.M. inftalled March 30. 1580. He occurs poffeffed of it 1620 : The next was Morgan Godwin, IX. B. Son to Bifhop Godwin, collated Jpril 24. 1 63 1. He died after the Year 1644. and was fucceeded by ThomasCook, A. M. inftalled at the Restoration of Church and Monarchy, Sep. 24. 1660. He died 1669. and was buried at "Hamp- ton Co. 0x0% with this Infcription on his Monument : Hie finis eft Verier abilis Vir Thomas Cook S. T. %. Colkgii raitonie Ibidem Reef or demum hujas Vicarius : Natus fuit in obfeuro Cantii vico vulgo Merwood fed genere non obfenro T?atre c Proavoque fuwmis facer dotw Ornament is Matre ab infigni'LancaGxix Familia diUa Shallcrofs orhmda viri infigni Eruditione SanUiffmis Moribus illibata Integritate "Paflor fideUffimus utpote de grege Ma- gi s quam vettere Sollicitus deceffit April. 6. A. D, 1669. onorum Omnium deft- derio animam Deo placide reddidit An. 1686. at at is 49. His SuccefTor was AdamOttley, A. M. fince S. T. P. collated Jan 5. 1 6$ 6. He was An. 1713- preferred to the See of St. David, and fucceeded by Ro b ert Comyn, A.M. admitted July 1 8. 17 13. whoisthePre~ fent Archdeacon, An. 1723. Re&or of Prefteyne Co. Radnor.. Prebendaries of HEREFORD, B A RT N 8 H A M, -1 HE Endowment of this Prebend, is the Farm or Demefnes of an Eftate called 'Bartonjham, lying in St. Peters Parifh in the City of Hereford ■> valued for Firft-Fruits at- 17/. iBs. iod. Wiz- Prebendaries ^Hereford. 557 Wi lliam de Feretta. Adam de c Philehy was collated 3 Id. OU. 1 278. on the Refi'gnationi of William de Feretta. Gilbert de Swinfend, Chancellor of Hereford, collated 1278. on the Death of Thileby. He held it 1 296. as did Jo h n de Kemejs 1308. Richard de Monington exchanged it Feb, 27. 13 19. for St. Man-, gans Rectory in Cornwall, with Robert Horeward, who was confirmed in it June 12. 1324, RogerAllweyn or A written, exchanged it with William Borstal l, Feb. 20. 1381. He died Nov. 12. 1389. and was buried at Northill Co. Bedford, with this Infcription on his Graveftone : l^ic jacet 3£om. Willhelmus Borftail panfcum 4£anomcu$ €tclcfiaram London. 5 Hereford, g EectO? 1)UJUS €tt\tU OUt ©font Nov. 12. 1389. cujus&c. Reginald BreybRook, Prebendary of St. Paul's, London, re- signed it 139 2. to Reg inald Kentwood, Sep. 30. 1392. He died 0^?. 8. 1441. being Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Ro bert Jordan is the next I find ; hefucceeded, asl judge, 144 1. and dying 1465. was buried in this Cathedral, with this following In- fcription : J^ic jacef tteneraMig W Iftaojftet Boberfng 3|orbatt ijuon&am €a* nonicu* Jjujug €tclefie $ui ofciit %i fcic jrefyuarii ?flnna Domini mil* llmo W.€4L€£%p& tujug anime p?opifictur ^eu#. $men. John Parsons, Archdeacon of Bangor, was collated ^r// i» 1456. on the Death of Jordan. He died 1471. and was fucceeded by Wi lliam Chapman, collated Sept. 18. 147 1 . on the Death of Parfons. In his Will dated OB. 8. 1493. and proved Feb. 10. follow- ing j he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral in the North Iile, be- fore St. Thomas of Cantelup.es Head. John Martin, Archdeacon of Salop, no doubt fucceeded 1493.. He died poffefled of it 1504, and was fucceeded by Robert Tehy, S. T. P. collated OU, 30. 1504. on the Death of Martin. D d d d 2 . Jo h n 558 Prebendaries ^Hereford. John Ward roper, fucceeded Dr. Tehy, about 1511. as I jud< T e : He died" 1 51 5. being Archdeacon of Salop, where fee more of him. G eorg e Ma son, A. B. was collated Aug. 2. 1 5 1 5. on the Death of War drop er, and exchanged it for Pionia Parva, with William Burghill, LL. B. Nov. 27. 1523. of whom fee an Account among the Treafurers. David Wa l k e r 5 fucceeded, being collated Aug. 26. 15 26. on the Death of liiirghiU. In his Will dated March 3 o. 1547, he (tiles him- felf Walker alias Pbilpct, and wills to be buried in the South Kle Lear the high Altar ; gives his Chapel Furniture and pjooks of Divinity to He- reford Cathedra), and his Chalice to St. 'John JBaptift's Altar, and a Le- gacy to St. 'Peter and St. Paul's Altar. John Stirmin fucceeded, being collated April 1. 1547. on the Death of Walker. And died 155 1. being Archdeacon of Hereford. Hugh Core n, IX. D. Dean of Hereford, was collated April 3. 1 551. He religned his Deanary, and no doubt this Prebend at the lame time, viz. 1558. Thomas Arden held it 15:59. as he did alfo a Prebend of Jforce- fter. In 1562. he was deprived of this Prebend and Rectory of Har- tlebury Co. TForcefter. John ap Owen, was inftitutcd to this Stall June 25. 1562. on the Deprivation of Arden, and enjoy 'd it 15:82. and 1 pp. fume, till i<5oo. Thomas Caw arden, fucceeded in this StaQ, and the Vicaridge of Lugwarden 1600. and died 1603. Georg e Be ns on, A.M. was inftalled Sep 9. 1603. And quit- ted it 1 6 1 4 for the Prebend a Ep/fcopi. John Hoskins, LL. D. fucceeded, being in flailed T)ec 10. 1614. He died Aug. 8. 1631. and was buried at Lidbnry, where he was Vi- car, with this Epitaph : Sub pedibus do'clor jacet hie in Legibus Hoskins Ejfe pios docuit quo dene docebat erat Hoc Herefordenhs, lug ■■' leclura fepnlto Et Templum Idcrymis Lidburieife madet Cur a duplex ftudiumque duplex duple avit honor em Sed minuit fefjos iuvigilando dies Fulix qu.£ Chrifte tibi fa a 'i empcra facrum Et moritnr medium fedulus inter opus. William Skvnner, LL. D. fucceeded, being collated Aug. 16. 1631. And died 1647. Wl L L I A M Prebendaries o/Hereford. 559 William Watts, A.M. was inftalled Aug, j. 1660. on the Death of Skinner. He dkd 1679. and was buried ax. Great March, where he was Vicar. TheophilusCook, A.M. fucceeded, being collated Jan. 28. 1 6j9- on the Death of Watts. He died, by what I learn, 1684. and was buried at Cotterich Co. Worcefter, where he was Vicar. Jo h n Thompson, A. M. fucceeded, being collated Jtme 19. 1 584; on the Death of Cook. He died and was buried June 23. 168 8. at !BiJhops-Upton, where he was Re&or, without any Memorial ; and fuc- ceeded by John Tyler, S. T. B. collated June 26. 1688. on the Death of Thcmpfon j Living 1723. Dean of this Church, and Lord Bifhop of Landaff. BULLINGHOPE alias BUL- LING H A M. THIS Prebend lies in the Chapelry of "BiJUngham, in St. Martins and All Saints Parifh, in the Liberties of the City of Hereford and is rated at 1 7 /. 1 8 s. John de Aquablanca,Dta.x\ of Her ef or a ', held it 1278. Adam de Muremonth, of whom fee an Account in Newcourt\ Hi- fiory of theliiocefe of London ', was collated to it April 3. 1320. on the Death of Aquahlanca. He foon quitted it to Nicholas de Sorbam. He died polfelfed of it the fame Year, and was fucceeded by Thomas de Chandos, Archdeacon of Hereford, collated OU. 1 2. 1 3 20. on the Death of 'Borham. He died 1332. Stephen de Ledbury, Dean of Her ef or a ', died polfefs'd of it 1353. and was fucceeded by William North, collated April 17. 1353.cn the Death of Ledbury. Joh n de Bedewardeyn, Archdeacon of Hereford, was preferred to it by the King on the Vacancy of the See, Sept. 4. 1369. He occurs 1379. about which time tlere was a Licenfe obtain'd to annex either this Prebend, or that of Huntington, to the Deanary of Hereford, on' Account of the Exility thereof. Nicholas^? He! he held it 1385. as he did alio a Prebend of Lich- feild, which he vacated 1309. as I prefume he did this ; for I find John 560 Prebendaries ^Hereford; John Harold, Dean of Hereford, poflefs'd of it 1390. Richard Kingston, Archdeacon of Hereford, was collated to it OB. 19. 1393- on the Death of Dean Harold. Kingflon died 1413. bnt perhaps he quitted this 1404. when he gave up his Archdeaconry. William Lochard, who died Precentor of this Church 1438. feems to have held this Stall, and to have been fucceeded in it, as well as the Precentorfhip, by William Middleha m, removed hither about 1439. from Eigne or The. He died 1465- and was fucceeded by John Grene, collated T)ec. 4. 146'j. on the Death of Mid- dleham. Richard Rudhall, Archdeacon of Hereford, fucceeded, being collated March 31. 1472. on the Death of Grene. He di- ed 1476. Richard Judde, Reclor of Roffe, died poffefs'd of it 1 5 1 2. and was fucceeded by Richard Smith, LL. D. collated May 26. 1512. on the Death of Judde. William Bolton, died poffefs'd of it 1528. and was fucceed- ed by Edward Welch, collated April 8. 15 28. on the Death of Bolton. Nicholas Smith, was collated to it April 11. 1 j $4. on the Deprivation of Weljl) ; and held it 1560. John Ellis, Dean of Hereford, was collated to it Jan. 29: 1566. And died 1576. Charles Nichoi.es or Nicholets, held it 1 58 1 . Richard Webster, S. T. P. was inftalled into it March 1 j. 1587. and died about 1 60 1 • being alfo Prebendary of Weftminfter. Richard Dalton, Re&or of Stoh-Edith, was inftalled Feb. 6. 1 60 1. Roger Acroyd, Archdeacon of Tork, paid Firft-Fruits for it March 4. 161 2. and died 1617. Thomas Godwin, S. T. P. Reclor of Englifli-'Bichior, Vicar of Newland, was inftalled into it Jug. 29. 161 8. and died about 1645. RichardCoke, B. D. came into it about 1 645. of whom fee an Account among the Chancellors of this Cathedral. He died 1681. and was fucceeded by Ambrose Prebendaries o/Hereford, $6i Ambrose Sparry, A.M. Re&or of Eafiham Co. Salop, collated Feb. 28. 1661. on the Death of Coke. He died in St. Mar- garet's Parifli Weftminfier 1710. and was fucceeded by- Jo hn Davie s, S.T. B. collated Jan. 3. 171 o. He is living 1723. Re&or ofBuchiall Co. Hereford. COLWALL alias BARTON called COL WA L L TAKES its Name from a Parifli Co. Hereford, where the Pre- bendary has Demefhe Lands ; valued 1534. at 15/. 4J. 4^. JohnWalron held this Stall OU. 7, 1268. William de Sardanac en joy 'd it c lemp. Taxationis 1294. William de Sardinia is faid to be collated to it July 15. 1298. in Bifhop Swinfens Regifter. J o h n de Kemmes, or Kemmefey, Re&or of Roffe, fucceeded, 1303. on the^ Death of Sardinia. Thomas de Temburg died poffeft of it 13 28. and was fucceeded by John de Ewe, collated Off. 23. 1 3 2 8 . on the Death of Temburg. He was alfo Treafurer. JohnCatesby refigned it 1389. and" was fucceeded by John Barnet collated Sept. 25, 1389. on the Refignation of Catesby. Johk Catesby came, into it again, and died poiTefs'd of it, and the Re&ory of Kings I and 1410. John S u tton fuccee'ded Feb. 6. 1410. on the Death of Catesby. John Bridebrooke Precentor, was collated to it June. 1 2. 14.16. H je n r y S h e l ? o r r> fucceeded July 9> 1427. on the Resignation of Bridebrooh, and died 1445 or 1446. being alfo Dean. John Arundel, feems to have fucceeded 1446. In 1449. he was made Bifhop of Chichefier. Thomas Manning fucceeded April 19. 14 $9. on the Pre*- motion of Arundel. He quitted it, being made Treafurer of Salisbury. Robert St an bury was collated April- 13. 1452. on the Re- fignation oi Manning, and dying 1454. was fucceeded by. E..y m u n d Audley. collated June 8. 1464. on the Death of St anbury,. BA.vmv 562 Prebendaries o/Hereford. David Hopton Re&or of "JBkchly, Such, fucceeded Sept. 1 3. 1480. on Audleys Promotion to the See of Rochefter. He made his Will in Jan. 1491. and appointed to be buried in the Cathedral Church of Exeter, where he was Canon and Archdeacon cf Exeter. Richard Bromfeild., as I prefume, might fucceed on Hop- tons Death j for 'tis plan he held it 1500. and the Archdeaconry of Merioneth-, and dying 15 18. was buried in this Cathedral, with the following Epitaph. ©f pour Cijanfn prop for fne -Saul of Richard Bromfeild unoer ^m* net to Bins Henry foii : and Canon Btfiocnfiarie of fjje Catijco. £f)Utcf) of Hereford luho Octeatco fhe 24 of Oct. 1518. Edmund Frowceter S.T. P. fucceeded, being collated Oct, 28. 1 518. on the Death ot Bromfeild ■, of whom fee an Account among the Deans. Gamaliel Clifton fucceeded May 16. 15 29. on the Death of Frowceter. He was likewife Dean. William W i l b r a h a m was collated Aug. 24. 1 541. on the Death of Clifton. Robert Grensill, was collated Sept 10. 1561. of whom fee an Account among the Archdeacons of Salop. PhilipKinweNj A. M. was collated April 5. 1580. on the Death of Grenjill '; and died about 1604. Reclor of FJindour. John Buckridg e, S. T. P. was inftalled April 24. 1604 and in 161 1. made Bifhop of Rochejler. Edward Ve rnon, B. D. was inftalled Sept. 24. 161 1. Richard Basset, L. L. B. was collated April 30. i<52r. and was inftalled May 1 2. He died in Jan. 1 644. being alfo Prebendary of Eandaff, and was buried at Llantriffent, Co. Glamorgan, where he was Vicar. William Coke, fucceeded 1644. on the Death of Bajfet, and died 1 690. John Benson, A.M. fucceeded, being collated Feb- 11. 1690. on the Death of Coke ; and dying 17 13. was buried at Cradley, with this Epitaph : Here Ueth the "Body of John Benfon, A. M. Son cf George Benfon, ©• 2). late Dean of Hereford, whom he fucceeded in this Rectory : which with Care he faithfully difcharged for 3 1 Tears ■ who being dead, yet fpeakelh to his living and beloved "People. — He, to all the Offices Prebendaries (/Hereford. $6g Offices of a diligent and true Pa/tor, joined the fever a! Virtues of a dutiful Son, loving Husband, a true Friend, jufi and charitable on every Occafion, devout in all religious 'Duties ; he lived the Life of the Righteous, and may our latter End be like his. He died May 28. A. D. 17 13. in the 61 Tear of his Age. His Succeffor was Thomas Bisse, S.T. P.collated June 10. 1713. he is living 1723^ Re&or of Cradley, and Chancellor of this Church. CUBLINGTON. TH E Demefnes of this Prebend lying in Madley Parifh occafions its being called oftentimes in the Old Regifters, Trebenda de Madley: 'Tis rated for Firfl-Fruits at 12/. ioj. Roger de Sevenock, Treafurer of this Church, died pofTefs'd of it 1 299. Wi l li am de Mortuomari was collated OU. 1 1 3 1 6. to the Prebend of Madley, vacant by the Death of William de Mortuomari. The next I iind is Thomas de Guldeford, who occurs 1 3 gp. His Succeffor was Thomas BussEHAMorBusHBURY, collated Feb.28. 1403V he lies buried in JJJjbury Church Co, Berks, with this Epitaph : i^ic jacef ^ominug Thomas de Bufhbury Canonical fcum ©ijrir in (gcclefia €att)tb;t. Hereford $ Ecttor tftiug 4£cclefie gui ofcut 29, tie Haenfig Martii 1409, Cujus aiume j^ogitietat ®eu#. John Pavy fucceeded, being collated March 3 1 . 1409. on the Death of Bufibury. Jo h n Stanwey, Redtor of Rojfe, was collated March 22. 1 414, On the Death of *Pavy he was alfo Dean. John Ashey fucceeded, Jug. 3. 1434. on the Death of Stan~ wey ; he was aifo Chancellor of this Church. Si mon Tawe, or Taw r e, LL. B. fucceeded, being collated Aug. 7. 1464. on the Death of Afioby ; he was 1472. made Chancellor. Robert Jeffrys, Archdeacon of Salop} refigned it 1 475. and was fucceeded by John Arundel, collated Sept. 27. 1475. He was 1496. made Biihop of Licbfeifal E e e e Peter 04 Prebendaries of Hereford. Peter Van nes is the next I find ; he occurs poflefs'd of it 1534. And died 1563. being Dean of Salisbury. John Pedder was collated May 13. 1553. and died 1571. being Dean of Worcefter. Edward Threlkeld, LL. D. fucceeded Sept. 6. 1 571 . he was Vicar of T'enbury, and Chancellor of this Diocefe. In his Will dated June 22. 158S. and proved Nov. 16. 1589. he names no Place of Burial ; but it being witnefled by a Prebendary of Hereford, I fup- pofe it was made there, and that he was interred in the Cathedral. William Tovey, BD. fucceeded, being inftalled March 17. 1588. He died 1598. being alfo Prebendary of IVorcefter. ■ Thomas B a c h e, Rector of Whitborne, was infialled June 27. '3589. and died about 1632. Samuel Barkley fucceeded, being collated July 21. 163 2. John Newton was collated March 20. 1 67 2. on the Death of Barkley. He died 1678. being Rector of RoJJe ; having reiigned this four Years before his Death ; he was buried at Roffe, with this fol- lowing Infcription on his Monument, erected to his Memory by hismoft worthy Succeifor Dr. Robert Morgan, the prefent Rector of Roffe, and Prebendary of this Stall. In Sacello hoc fub mdi Lapicfe obfcnre latet qui vims per liter atum Or- hem inclaruit; (quantus Vir et quo non Monumento di^mis) Johannes Newton, S. T. 'P. Lifignis Matbematicus -, Orator felix et quod in Tabella hac pric jacet Mr. Johannes Besford )un# Canonici 3J5accalaureu# g gtlOtt* &am €anoniciig tolcfie Hereford, qui obut n. ©le &}enfi t * Sept. A. D. 1447. William Dorset held it 1452. The next I meet with, is James Bromwich, he died poflefs'd of it 1524. being alfo Chancellor of this Church. George Mason fucceeded April 17. 15; 24. on the Death of jBromwicb, and held it 1534. William Lew son fucceeded Mafon : He held it 1 540. and died 1584. heing Treafjrer. Francis Jones was in flailed into it March 24. 1584. on the Death of Lewjbni he was poffeiVd of it \6 10. and Whit borne Re&ory. Sampson Price was collated to it July 14. 1 6 2 6. no doubt on the Death of Jones, no other Intervening as I can find. His Succeflbr was James Parry, collated Nov. 10. 1630. he was Rector of Ted- fion-T)elamare. Philip Lewes was collated Sept. 22. 1671. on the Death of Tarry ; and quitted it 1678. for the Trebenda Epifcopi. Jo s e p h Har e ve y, A. M. fucceeded, being collated April 20. 1 678. on the Resignation of Lewis ; and vacated it 1 7 1 d, as may be feen among the Account of the Chancellors. His Succeflbr was Willi a m Flo yer, collated Jug. 1 3 . 1716. he is living 1723. Rector of Whit borne. Ewitb- Prebendaries »/" H e r e f o r d. $6j ETFITH I NGTO N. THIS Prebend which is endowed with Demefnes in the Hamlet of Ewitbington, about a Mile diftant and better from Withing- ton Church ; (and lb named from its watry Situation,) was valued An. 1534. at 11/. 16 s. 8 d. Hervy^ Sorham, Dean of St. 'Paufs Cathedral, London, and Precentor of this Church, died poflefs'd of it Ocf.j. 1276. and was fucceeded by WuLiAM^?St. John, collated 2 Non. Jan. 1277. on the Death of Sorham. Reginald de Hamenath fucceeded 1 3 1 6. on the Death of St. John. Thomas de Ajiley was collated April 2$. 1324. on the Death of Hamenath. He died 1349. being Prebendary of St. < PauFs, London. Edward Grimsby had this Prebend given him by the King, Aug. 22. 134P. Nicholas Long refigned it 1 3 74- and was fucceeded by Wi lliam Humberston, coLated Feb 20. 1 374. on theRe- fignation of Long. JohnElvet was collated June 1 1. 1395. and died 1404. b :ng Prebendary of Lincoln and Sarum, and Archdeacon of Leicefer. John Hartlepool died poflefs'd of this Stall 1432. a.id was buried in Sandy Church Co. Bedford, with this £p:taph : I|tC jaccf Johannes Hartlepool, quonfcam mitts $b£iftro?tim Cai:^ tellarie $ Bectat fjujog dJttleiie, $ and Provoft of Oriel. Edward Morecraft fucceeded, July 4. 1 ^66. on the Re- fignation of Morbeck. He died 1580. being Canon of Wind/or. James Dennis was inltalled yidy 10. 1580. He was Re&or of Monington. Francis Kerry, S T. P. fucceeded and, paid Firft-fruits for it May 22. 1599. and died about 1650. being Treasurer. William Brabourn, S. T. P. was initalled Sep. 24. 1 660. and died 1684. being Precentor. Mark Fothergill, A. M. was collated March 14. 11584. He died 1 69 1 . and was buried at Culmington Co. Salop ', where he was Rector. BrianTurner, B.D. fucceeded March 25. 1 69 2. He died 1 597. and was buried at Soulderne Co. Oxon 3 where he was Rector, with this Infcription. Hie jacet Erianus Turner S. 7*. *P. Com. Lancaft. oriundus Coll. St. Johannis apud Cantab. Socius bujus Eccl. amis xxx. Rector Reel. Cath. Hereford. Canonicus ejus item Demum. Archidiaeonus nomina- tus Prebendaries ^Hereford* 5^9 tus Qtti wit am et munera fumma laude geffit. OUit Feb. 20. A. D. 1 1697. atatis 6%. His Succeflbr was Charles Whiting, A. M. collated May 6. 1 69%. He died 171 1. and was buried at Rojfe Co. Hereford, with this Infcription on his Graveftone. ^Depofitum Caroli Whiting, S T. < P. hujus TLcclefa indigni fed ' aman- tiffimi T aft oris. Obi it O&obris 25. Anno Reparata Salutis 17 11. Monendus es Lector paucis hifce Verbis pro Modeftia fua Tofteris fe tradition vokiiffe Virum Ingenio, Urbanitate, 1)octrina, et precipue egregie concionandi Facultate, ubique c!arijfimum y et Ecckfia Ca- thedrals Hereford. Canonicum Refidentiarium. John D a v i e s, S. T. B. fucceeded being collated Nov. 27. 17 1 1. He is living 1723. being the very worthy Precentor of St. David and St. Afaph, and Re&or of Kingsland. E T I S C T I five P JE N I- T E N T I A R I L THIS Prebend ftiled the Golden Prebend, becaufe whofoev°r has it is a Canon de jure, never bad anyCorpfe or Endowment., and as to its being rated at 1 L 1 j s. 8 d. for Firft-frir'ts An. 1 534. it is no more than the Petit- Commons then paid to every Prebendary out >r the Church Eftate, who now receive 8 /. each The Office of this u rebendary was to be the Biihop's ConfefTor : As a Canonry has ^one ever with this Stall ; fo there has been for many Years laft paft, an Houfe in He-, refird affix' 'd to it.. Peter de Radnor held it 1254. He was 1270. made Chancel- lor of Licbfeild. Roger de Bosbury occurs poflefs'd of it 1 273*, ■Henry- Fitz Warin had it given him by the King, 17 Cal. Jag a 1275.. Nicholas de Herefor d was collated to it by the Bifliop, 6 Cal, Feb. 1275*. Jo H 33 570 Prebendaries of H er e for d. John de lirufope fucceeded, Feb. 6. 12b 2. in the Place of i&- reford. Hugh *fe T^rewfe fucceeded, on the Death of Tlriufope, 129 3. He occurs i?^ -. Dean of this Church. John de la More had it g : ven him 14 Ca l.of Jan. 1320. Henry Vicar of Ledbury^ was made Penitentiary March n 1166. V alter Pryde held it 1391* as in Fo.xs Martyr s> Vol.1. P: g. -.22. Nicholas Brideport fucceeded, OU.iz. 1394. on the Re agnation of Pryde. ■ Hugh Harper rcfigncd it 1414- and was fucceeded by John Castel, Sept. 2. 1414 on the Reiigratio: of Harper. Richard Roth -R a m, S. T. P. Reccor of Roffe, was collated Nov. n. 1430. on the Head of : aftel. While he held this Stall, he Was a great Benefa&yr to Her>tland Church, near Roffe, the CI a. .eel of which he bu^t, as appears by a broken Infcription yet remaining in the Eaft Window. John Diiewe, who fucceeded Rot her am in the Chancellorship, held alfo this Dignity 1449. John Eaily was collated to it July 17. 1460. on the Death of UDilewe. Thomas Down fucceeded April 12. 1454. on the Refignation of %aily. Walter Petwine died poffefs'd of it 1470. and was fucceed- ed by Jo hn He y ne s, LL. B. collated Jpril 11. 1470. on the Death of ^Petwtne. John Lech was collated to it June 6. 1480. on the Death of JJeynes. Robert Kent, Precentor of this Church, died poffefs'd of it 15 1 5. As did William Peter, 1524. He was collated to it Nov. 13. 151 5. As was Thomas Parker, 1524. on the Death of Peter: He was alfo Precentor, but religned this 1 5 3 1 . Thomas W 00 droff fucceeded July 21. 1531. on the Refig- nation of Parker. Wa lte r Me y, B. D. was collated Sept. 6. 1 5:3 5. on the Death of Woodvoff^ and died 1558. being Treafurer. Edward Prebendaries cf Hereford. 571 Edward Cooper, Archdeacon of Hereford, fucceeded 1558. on the Death of Mey, and exchanged it for Gorwall 1585. with Godfrey Goldsborough, who was inftalled ir.tD it 'Dec* '30. 1585. He died 1604. being alfo Bifliop of Gloucefier, having held this in Commendam. Thomas Singleton, S. T. P. fucceeded on the Death of GoPdsborough, being inftalled Jan. 4. 1504. He died Nov. 27. 1614. beingPrincipal of jBrafen-Nofe College Oxon, and was buried in St.Marys Church Oxon, without any Memorial. George Benson, S. T. P. fucceeded, being nominated to this Stall from Barton/ham, T)ecj. 16 14- In his Will dated Sept. 1 6. \6\-j. proved May 31. 1548. he ftiles himfelf Parfon of the Rock Co. Worcefier, and gives fmall Legacies to his four Sons, Thomas, Edward, George, and Samuel: He was buried 1 648. at Rock, and fucceeded at the Reftoration by Thomas Good, S. T. P. inftalled Jug. 29. 1660. He died April 9. 1678. being Mailer of "Bailiol College Oxon, and was buried in this Cathedral, without any Memorial ; and fucceeded by Philip Lewes, A.M. Rector of Trefteyne, removed from Church-Withington to this Stall, April 18. 1678. He died 1684. and was buried at Prefteyne ; and fucceeded by Thomas Rogers, B. D. Aug. 9. 1 584. removed from Hamp- ton to this, Stall. He died, and was buried at his Living at Clunn Co. Salop. Richard Smallbrook, S. T. P. fucceeded, Feb. 3. 1709. on the Death of Dr. Rogers, by the Option of the Archbifhop of Can* terbary. He is living 1723. Treafurer of Landajf, Rector of With- ington Co. Gloucefier (both likewife by the Archbifhop's Option,) and Vicar of Lugwarden. G R W A L L. THIS Prebend which confifts of Demefnes lying in St. Nicholases Parifli, in the City of Hereford ; valued 1534. at 8/. 8j\ ^d, was founded about 1230. and Adam de Salop conftituted firft Prebendary about 1 230. Nicholas de Scotten. Adam de Efger collated June 4. on the Death of Scotten* Ffff Henry 572 Prebendaries ^Hereford. Henry de Wakefeild was, as Newconrt fays> prefented by the King to this Stall Dec. 21. 1369. He was 1375. made Bifliop of Worcefter. John Pratt was collated Sept. 25. 1389. And dying 1415. was buried in the Cathedral with this Epitaph on his Graveftone : Hie facet c Dcm. Johannes Pratt, quondam Canonicus hujus Ecclefa qui obi it x 'Die Menfis Martii. A. D. 141 5. cnjus aninu, &c. Robert Futon, was collated April 20. 141 5. on the Death of 'Pratt. Thomas Merden was collated May 1. 1433* on the Refig- nation of Felton. Thomas Manning was collated May 31. 1438. on the Death of Merden. He quitted it, being Prebendary of Lincoln ■, and Treafurer of Salisbury. John Grene was collated May 22. 1459. on the Refignation of Manning. Hugh R a g o n n, Rettor of Rofie, was collated 'Dec. 4. 1463. on the Refignation of Grene. William de la Cona died 1475. and was fucceeded by John Pykin, A.M. collated April 6. 1475; on the Death of de la Cona. Robert Reynell, LL. D. was collated yuly 18. 148 2. on an Exchange made with 'Pykin ,• as was John V a u g h a n,. LL. B. Sept. 11. 1483. And ThomasChaundler Dec. 1 6. i486, on the Refignation of Vaughan. He died 1490. being Dean of this Church ; and was fuc- ceeded by John Nans, LL. B. collated Nov. 2. 1490. on the Death of Chauvdler. In his Will proved 1 509. he alfo Mes himfelf Canon of Exeter, and appoints to be buried in Hereford Cathedral. William Webbe, Archdeacon of Salop, Redtor of Roffe, was collated - K 'ept. 26. 1 508. on the Death of Nans, as was Henry Marten, LL. B. collated OB. 31. 1 508. on the Refig- nation of Webbe. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Salop, and re- signed this to Hugh Pol e,. A. M. collated 'June \$. 1 5 1 2. on the Refignation of Marten. He quitted it 1426. for M'oreton cum Wb addon. John C r a g g, A. M. was collated to it Sept. 6. 1 5 26. on the Refignation of Pole. In his Will dated Aug. 2, 15 50. and prov'd March Prebendaries ofHEREFoRD. 573 March 6- 1552. he appointed to be buried in the Church of St. Law- rence, at Ludlow. The next I find is John Gosseline, collated OB. 6. 1 560. as was William Underwood, July 5. 1 577. and John Glynn, July 23. 1577. the fame Month. And William Stroke, Dec. 17. 1578. He refigned it, andwasfue- ceeded by Godfry GoldsborougHj collated Feb. 23. 1579 on the Re- fignation of Stroke. He exchanged it for the c Prebenda Epifcopi, with Edward Cooper, orCowPER, who became inftalled into it Dec. 30. 1585. He died 1596 and was fucceeded by Richard Newton, A.M. inftalled July 22. 1596. Edward Doughtye, A.M. was inftalled into it Dec- 6. 1608. and died 1616. being Dean of this Church. Thomas Dennis, A.M. fucceeded, being inftalled OB. 12. 1616. John Freemantle, AM. was collated to it Aug. 26. 1627. In his Will dated March 24. 1635. and proved May 6. 1636. he gives 40 s. per Annum out of his Eftate at Stanwich Co. Radnor, to the Poor of his Parifh of Sucknall, where I fuppofe he was buried. Thomas Pritchard, S. T. P. fucceeded, being collated April 28. 1636. He died at the latter end of May 164.6. and was buried at Ruckbafton Co. 'Pembroke, where he was Re&or > as he was alfo Arch- deacon of Landqff* Walter Rogers, A.M. fucceeded, at the Reftoration Aug. 30. 1660. He died 1689. and was buried at his Reclory of Mordeford^ near Hereford y and was fucceeded by John Harding, A. M. collated OB. 1 7. 1689. He is living 1723. Vicar of Pole Co. Montgomery, and Chirbury Co. Salop, HAMPTON. THIS Prebend denominated from Hampton Parifh near Hereford^ is endowed with 2/. 12 J* 9 d. as its Demefnes were va- lued 1534. John de la Pole died poffefs'd of it 1303. and was fucceed* ed by Simon de Fever/ham, inftalled 1303. on the Death of John de la Pole, F f f f 2 Richard 574- Prebendaries of Hereford. Richard Dyer resigned it 141 1. and was fuccceded by JohnGrene, alias Norton, collated March 26. 141 9. on the Re- signation of 'Dyer. Richard Catesby, was prefented Jug. 1 . 1459. to the Preben- dary of Hereford, which jfobn Grene lately held. He was living 1487. being then Prebendary of Lincoln. Thomas Alcock, made Archdeacon of Wore -eft l cr, 1485. as I prefume might fheceed Catesby. He refigned it 1522. being very as;ed. John Prynn, LL. D. was collated to it March 18. 1522. on the Resignation of Jlcoch Richard Harford fucceeded Nov. 21. 1 5 5 1 . on the Resignation of Dr.Trynn. Henry Morgan, LL. D. was collated March 1. 1551. He was 1554. preferred to the See of St. 'David, and died 1559. The next I rind is William Ailward, prefented to it March 23. 1550. He was 1566. inftituted to St. Leonard's Shoreditch, London. Roger Normecot fucceeded, being collated March 5. 1566. He occurs about 1572. Vicar of Munjlow Co. Salop. John Hopkins was collated to it May 10. 1576. Humphrey Eton was inftalled into it dug. 30. 1581. as was Bernard Bennet 1584. or 1585. He died, and was buried Nov 19. 161 5. at RoJJe, where he was Vicar, without any Memorial. Philip Price, A.M. was inftalled Dec. 17. 161 5. He was 11546. fequeftred from his Vicaridge of RoJJe, and died about 1660. JonnLydal, A.M. fucceeded at the Reftoration, being inftalled Sept. 24. 1660. In his Will dated OU. 6. and proved OU. 20. 1679. the fame Month, he appointed to be buried in Bitterly Chancel Co. Sa- lop, where he was Re&or, at the Foot of Mr. Walcofs Pew. ThomasRogers, A.M. fucceeded, being collated OU. 29. 1 679. He quitted it for Trebenda Epifcopi. Richard Bulke ley, A.M. finceS. T. P. fucceeded, being col- lated Jug. 12. 1684. on the Refignation of Rogers. He died 1702. and was buried at Ludlow, where he was Re&or, and fucceeded by Francis Broad, A.M. collated Jug. 8. 1702. on the Death of Dr. Bulkeley. He is living 1723. Re&or of Stoke-Lacy. H I N T N. H E Demefries of this Prebend lie in St. Martins, alias Jll Saints Parifh, in the City of Hereford \ and are valued at 7/. $s. lod. Hugh T Prebendaries ^/"Hereford. 575 Hugh de Mujier, died 1 290. and was fucceeded by John de Shelving, 2 Id. Mali. 1 290. in which Year alfo Pontius de Cotes, LL. D. was collated 6 Id. Jan. 1290. John de We/ion, by the Pope's Authority, 1294. tho' it is alfo faid in the Bifhop's Regifter, that Richard de Swinfend fucceeded 1298. on the Death of 'Pon- tius Cotes. Roger de Cantuar came in 1 299. Thomas de Lvggore held it 13 08. Stephen de Tanethus fucceeded 1 3 13. on the Death of ' Lyggore. William de Knapton vacated it 13 18. and was fucceeded by Gilbert^ Middleton, Archdeacon of Norwich and Northamp- ton, collated Out. 18. 13 18. in Place of Knapton. Laurence de SanUo Mauro was collated April 21. 1335. John de Corcorato, Archdeacon of London^ was alfo 1338. Pre- bendary of Hinton, as Newcourt tells us. John R e e s, was by the King prefented to it Nov. 23. 1350. as was Nicholas de Carr-went in like manner, 'Dec. 10. 1353*- David ap Jack died poffefs'd of it 1395. and was fucceeded by Reginald de Wollafton, collated Sept. 24. 1395. on the Death of Jack. John Baily fucceeded Jug. 24. 141 1. on the Death of Wolla- fion. As did Edmund Lacy Sept. 25. 141 2, on the Death of 'Baily. He was 141 7. made Bifhop of Exeter. Thomas Moreton fucceeded April 19. 1417. Thomas Wodeford died poffefs'd of it 145 2. and was fuc- ceeded by Richard Pede, collated April 7. 1452. on the Dea*h of Wodeford Robert Dobbys was collated 'Dec. 7. 1458. on the Resig- nation of Pede ; as was John Clone March 5. 1459. on the Resignation of Dobbys. Robert Dobbys was again admitted OU. 5. 1465. on the- Death of Clone.. Thomas Moreton, LL. B. fucceeded April 21. 1476. on. the Death of Dobbys, He died 15.10. being Redor of RoJje> and* Archdeacon of Hereford. Hugh Pole was collated July 20. 1510. and quitted it 1512.-. for Qorwall. John 1 : tp6 Prebendaries ^/Hereford. John Oliver, alias Smith, fucceeded July J. 151 2. on. the Refignation of Pole. Silvanus Scory was collated Sept. 22. 1565. on the Death ©f Oliver, alias Smith. His Succeflbr was Walter Bedell collated S e pt. 25.1 569. Miles Smith occurs poflefs'd of it 1 580. He was afterwards Bifliop of Ghucefter, but held this Stall with the Canonry of Hereford till his Death 1624. Daniel Price fucceeded 1624. and died 1531- pofTefs'd of this Prebend, and the Deanary of this Cathedral. Thomas Clent, A.M. was collated Sept. 29. 163 1. on the Death of Daniel 'Price. He was Re&or of Mart ley Co. Worcejier, and fucceeded after 1645. by Daniel W'l c h e r l e y, B. D. who was, I prefume, inftalled into it 1660. He died 1677. and was buried at Whitney Co. Hereford, where he was Re&or j and fucceeded by William Watts, B. D. collated April 3 o. 1677. He died Olt. 15. 1722. and was buried at e Dour-Jbby i where he was Reftor ; as he was alfo Precentor and Canon of this Church, and Archdeacon of Lavdajf. JohnHoadley, ST. P. Chancellor of Salisbury Cathedral, fucceeded, being collated OtJ. 29. 172 2. HUN DE RT N. TH I S Prebend lies in St. John "Baptift Parifh, in the Liberties of the City of Hereford, and is rated at 6l. \zs. for Firft- Fruits: It was founded in Bifliop Gilbert Foli of s time, inter 11 50. and 1 163. Edmund^ Mortimer refigned it 1 282. and was fucceeded by Je f f r y de Newland, collated T)ec. 7. 1 282. on the Refignation of Mortimer. Robert de Glojler was collated Feb. 6. 1282. the fame Year on Newland's Refignation. Gilbert^? Segrave fucceeded 1304. on the Refignation of Glo- jler ; and was 13 13. made Bifliop of London. Robert^ Nelejham fucceeded 1 3 13. William Hullaston was prefented to it by the King, Feb. 21. 1 3 5 1 . as was NlCHO- Prebendaries o/Hereford. 577 Nicholas Heth by the Bifhop about the fame time. Roger de Eye fucceeded T)ec. 24. 13 51. On his Refignation William Lin d wood was collated Nov. 13. 1422. He was 1442. preferred to the See of St. 'David. Andrew Holes fucceeded Sept. 4 1442. on the Promotion of hindwood. He quitted it, being Chancellor of Salisbury. ThomasTawre fucceeded April 8. 1446- on Dr. Holes s Re- fignation, and quitted it for Huntington. Richard Jackwyson, LL. B. fucceeded April g. 147 2. on. Tawres Refignation. In 1479. he was made Prebendary 61Etwith- ington. Robert Ashcombe died poffefs'd of it 1528. and was fuc- ceeded by William Edwards, collated April 14. 1 5 28. on the Death of AJIocombe. Hugh Coren, LL. D. fucceeded, Jan. 29. 1537. on the Death of Edwards, and enjoyed it 1550. and probably might keep it after. He got c Bartonfloam 1 5 5 1 . and then he was fucceeded by Robert Paternoster, for I find him poffefs'd of it 1560. and 1580. James Ballard, Vicar of Lugwarden, was inftalled into it Sep. 28. 1583. He died, and was buried at Laigwarden, July 26. \60\1 without any Memorial ; being alfo Prebendary of Landajfc Gabriel Wa l w i n, A. M. fucceeded, being inftalled Aug. 4. 1 60 1 1 He was Rector of Tiinder and Winjortune. Richard Todd, A. M. Prebendary of Landajf, was collated to it Sept. 23. 1628. He was Prebendary of Landaff, and Vicar of Wellington, where he was buried Nov. 4. 1643. without any Memorial. Robert No well, according to Walkers Suffering Clergy, was ejected out of it about 1643. and died about 1660. Lawrence Seddon was inftalled into it Aug. 26. 1660. He either quitted it for Tuttfton Major, or was orherwife forced to yeild it up to John Newell, who claimed it 1661. and is then faid to come in by Seddon s quitting of it. Simon Jones was collated, to it March 2.- 1528. on Newelfs Death ; and died next Year, being Rector of New-Kadnor. T h o m a s F o x, A. M. fucceeded Nov. 19. 1 68 2. on Jones's Death,; , He- is living 1722. Vicar of 'Bromyard, and Archdeacon of Hereford., 578 Prebendaries of Hereford. H UNT 1 N GT> ON. THIS Prebend is denominated from Huntingdon Chapelry in Hol- mer Parifh, where the Prebendary's Demefnes were valued at 11 1. 4J-. qd. An. 1534. 62 Hen. VIII. John de Wefton was confirmed Prebendary here 1295. Roger de Qlofier fucceeded Auguji 31. 1304. on the Death of Weftoti. William de Hunt Howe was preferred to it by the King, Ott. 4. 1354. as was Philip Algar Aug. 12. 1357. John Chyne had it given him by the Crown, March 3. 1387. on the Vacancy of the See. Thomas Moor, made 1405. Dean of St. PauFs, London, died pofTefs'd of it 1421. Walter Est on fucceeded Off. 10. 142 1. on the Death of Moor. RichardRotheram, who had been Chancellor of this Church, refigned it 1454. Richard Rudhall was collated OB. 20. 1454. on the Re- fignation of Rotberam. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Hereford. Robert Tarry was collated April 3 . 1 47 2. on Rudbalfs Re- signation. Richard Marten fucceeded, being collated Feb. 26. 1477. on the Death of 'Tarry. He exchanged it about 1478. with Richard Pede, Dean of Hereford, who died pofTefs'd of it 1481. Christopher Twynehoe quitted it 1508. for Moreton cum Tfbaddon j and was fucceeded by Jonn Woodrof, collated Feb. 5. 1 508. on Twynehoe 's Resig- nation. He quitted it for the Trebenda Epifcopi 1 53 1. on Exchange with Thomas Parker, July 21. 1 53 1. He died 1 53 8. being Pre- centor, and was fucceeded by Richard Benson, collated Ott. 20. 7 538. In his Will dated OB. 16. 1547. and proved Feb. 22. following, he appointed to be buried in this Cathedral on the North Side the Lady Altar, where is yet his Infcription : Prebendaries (^Hereford, tfjy ©f pour Cftaritie i?an fo? tf)C ^oul of jar. Richard Benfon, late Canon Bcfioenftartc of ff)t£ €afi)ed?al Cfjnrcl) in Hereford, lufjncftc oepartco t!)e xi §£an of Feb. An. 1547. <® n Utf)at:e <&oul 3iefus |)aoe Mercn. Thomas Carpenter fucceeded, being collated Feb. 1 7. 1547. As was Francis Baldwin April 28. 1556. Simon Smith held it 1 561 . and died 1 606. being alfo Arch- deacon of Hereford. John Richardson, A. M. was inftalled into it Aug. 5. 1 606. and died 1536. being Dean of Hereford i and was fucceeded in the Deanary, and this Stall, by JonathanBrowne admitted to this Prebend April 28. 1 63 6. on the Death of Dean Richardfon. He died 1 643 . in T)ec. and was fucceeded in both Dignities by Herbert Croft, An. 1644. In \66u he was made Bifhop, and fucceeded, as I judge, by Robert Scudamore, Rector of Stoke-Edith ; for he oc- curs poffefs'd of it about 1662. And dying 1683. was fucceeded by JamesPolEj A. M. collated March 29. 1683. He died An. 17 20, and was buried at Stretton Streynjham, where he was Rector -, and fuc- ceeded by Ralph Brideoake, A. M. Archdeacon of Winton, Re&or of St. Marys Southampton, collated Feb. 2. 1720. living 1723. 1 N K BA R ROW. TH E Corpfe of this Prebend valued at 15/. lies at Inkbarrow Co. Worcefter, out of the Diocefe. The Prebendal Eftate is the Impropriation of Inkbarrow, as I am inform'd, tho' I prefume it has only Part of the Tithes : The Advowfon of the Vicaridge is in Lay-Hands. Wi lilam Rufus was collated to it 11 Cal. July 1 275. William de Kingjione died poffefs'd of it 1277. and was fuc- ceeded by Wi uiam de Medford, collated Id. April 1 277. on the Death of Kingjione. Stephen (Swinfend I fuppofe) the Bifhop's Nephew, was collated to it April 25. 1294. Richard de Vernon, Prebendary of T'ervin in Lichfeild Cathe- dral, came into it Feb. 15. 13 18. and died in July 1330. Gggg John 580 Prebendaries c/Hereford. John Barton was deprived of it 1334. and John de la Chamber placed in his Stead Jan. 5. 1334. He ex- cha s.ed it for fome other Preferment, with John de Lecbe, 9 Cal. Feb. 1344. John Trevawr was collated to it Nov. 29. 1389. and was 1395. made Bifhop of St. Jfapb ■> and fucceeded by Wi lliam H u n t e l o w e, as I fuppofe, for he changed it that Year with JohnCresset, 8. July 1395. He refigned it 1397. and was fucceeded by Hugh Holbech, afterwards Dean of St. Jfapb, collated Jpril II. 1397. He refigned it 1407. being Prebendary of Lichfeild. Thomas Staundon fucceeded May 4. 1407. on the Refig- nation of Holbecb. John Burdet was collated July 10. 1429. on the Death of Staundon. He died 1448. being Archdeacon of Cbefter. John Stokes, Archdeacon of Fly, and Precentor of Salisbury, died poflefs'd of it 1466. and was fucceeded by Robert Jeffry, Chancellor of Hereford, collated Jan. r. 1466. on the Death of Stokes. Jeffry died 1494. Archdeacon of He- reford. Stephen Surteis, or Curtis, died poffefs'd of it 1 5 1 o, and was fucceeded by Richard Smith, LL. D. collated Jug. 20. 1510. on the Death of Curtis. He quitted it 1 5 1 2. for Hullingbam- Wi lliam Webb, Archdeacon of Hereford, was collated Jan. 11. 1 51 2. on the Refignation of Smith; and quitted it the fame Year for Morton Manga. Henry Marten fucceeded Nov. 14. 1 5 1 2. on Webb's Re/ign a- tion. And died 1523. being Archdeacon of Salop. John Booth was collated Jan. 28. 1523. on the Death of Marten. And died 1542. being Archdeacon of Hereford. RichardTaylor was collated Jug. 29. 1 542. on the Death of Sootb. Richard Cornwall Was prefented to it by the Queen, ''April 2. 1554. as we find * n Rimer's Fxdera, Vol. xv. Pag. 381. Jo h n Bland held it 1561. as I rind in one Account, though in another 1 e is faid to be prefented to it April 8. 1566. Richard Maddocks held it 1 580. and 1 ^9%. Nathaniel Harris, LL. B. was inftailed into it O'ci. 29. 2602. And dying 1625, was buried at Slecbmgly in Surrey* John Prebendaries ^Hereford." 581 Jo h n Hughes, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Hereford, was collated May 15. 1625. He died 1548. and was buried at King/land Co. Hereford. John Harris, B. D. was Mailed into it Jug. 24. \66o. On the Death of Hughes. He died Oct. 26. 1 678. and was buried at Meftham in Surrey, where he was Re&or, with this Infcription on his Graveflone : Here lieth the Body of John Harris, jB. T>. Prebendary of Hereford, and late Rector of this Tarijh, who departed this Life QQE. , 26. J.T>. 1678. aged jo Tears. Daniel Pilsworth, A. M. was collated July 26. 1 6jS. He died 1 694. and was buried at Lidney Co. Glocejier, where he was Vicar. Charles Wh iting, A. M. fucceeded June 7. 1594. He was afterwards Prebendary of Ewithington. HenryKnight, A. M. was collated Nov. 21. 169 j. on Whit- ings Refignation. He is living 1723. Re&or of Knighton Co. 1)orfet. M RET ON cum WBA D D N. TH E Endowment of this Prebend, is the united Impropriations and Advowfons of the two fmall Pariflies of Moreton Valence, and Whaddon Co. Glocefter ; valued at 13/. 6 s. 8 d. which being out of the Diocefe, the Incumbent, as I obferv'd, is the only Prebendary ex- cept Inkb arrow not founded in Herefordshire ; and fo he is excluded the Privilege of being Canon of this Church, notwithstanding his Stall in the Choir. Ralph de Hengham was collated 4 Cal. Nov. 1 274. He died 1 3 1 1 . and was buried at St. 'Paufs Cathedral, London, as may be feen in T)ugdale and Newcourt. Hamon de Sandwich fucceeded 1 3 1 1 . on the Death of Henghami Michael de "Borham came in alfo 13 11. and exchanged it with John de Winchelfey the fame Year, viz. 1 3 1 1 . Jo h n de Elham, or Eltham fucceeded 1 3 1 6. on the Refignation of Winchelfey. Henry de R effcrejhall changed it 1 3 49. with Richard de Retford 'Dec. 10,1 349. G g g g 2 William 582 Prebendaries ^/Hereford. Wi l l 1 a m de Birmingham. He refigned it 1358. and was fuc- ceedcd by Roger de Sutton, collated Oct. 29. 13158. on the Refignation of Bermingbam. Wi lliam Preen refigned it 1385. and was fucceeded by Guy M o n e, collated March 24. 1385. He was 1397. preferred to the See of St. 'David. Wa lter Amemey fucceeded Off. 30. 1396. on the Resigna- tion of Mone. Richard Wi n c h c o m b, alias Ja k s, fucceeded yuneij. 1397. on the Resignation of Jmeney. And died poffefs'd of it 1404. and was fucceeded by John Brugg, collated Nov. 7. 1404. He died 1407. and was fucceeded by John Bavsham, collated Jug. 24. 1407. on the Death of "Brugg. Thomas Balding fucceeded JprilS. 141 2. on the Re/ig- nation of BayJIoam. John Baysham was admitted a fecond time Off. 14. 141 5. on the Refignation of "Balding, and again quitted it 1420. Wi lliam Ingram fucceeded Sept. 16. 1420. on the Resig- nation of Bayjham. As did Thomas Burton Nov. 18. 1427. on the Refignation of In- gram. Nicholas Dixon fucceeded, being collated March 1. 1430. on the Death of Burton. He died 1448. being Prebendary of Bucks in Lincoln, and was buried at Chejhunt Co. Hartford, having quitted this to Thomas Rin g ste d, who feems to have been collated about 143 9. on 1)ixons Refignation. He exchanged it for another Preferment, with John Breton, April '7. 14.4.6. He died April 6. 1465. and was buried in Lincoln Cathedra], where he was Canon, having, I fup- pofe, quitted this : For I find Wa lter Hunt collated to it ytme 13. 1464. as was A d r 1 a n de Bardis, Fek 10. 1478. on the Death of Hunt. He was 1480. made Prebendary of 'Tame, in the Church of Lincoln, and was fucceeded by Oliver Somp ner, LL. B. collated Jug. 20. 1480. on the Re- fignation of Bardis. John Woodrooe exchanged it 1508. with Chri- Prebendaries ^/Hereford. 583 C h r is t o p h e r T w y n h o e, for Huntington Prebend, Feb. 5. 1508. He died next Year, being Archdeacon of Berks, in the Church of Sarum. William Gobard fucceeded OU. 16. 1509. and was 15 12. made Treafurer of this Church. William Grey, Archdeacon of Berks , was collated May 14. 151 2. on the Refignation of Gobard. In his Will dated Feb. 9. 1521. and proved March 8. following, he appointed to be buried in Ramms- bury Church Co. Wilts, and gave fome fmall Legacies to Moreton and Wh addon, his Prebend al Churches. David Wa l k e r fucceeded, being collated Feb. ij. 15 21. on the Death of Grey. He quitted it for BartonJJoam. Hugh Pole fucceeded, being collated Sept. 6. 1526. on the Re- signation of Walker. In his Will dated July 23. 1529. he wills to be buried in St. Bartholomew's Priory in Smithfeild, London, and gives 10 /. for a Chauntery to be founded near his Uncle Owen 'Pole's Sepul- chre, in Hereford Cathedral $ and to pray for his own, and his Relati- ons Souls. George Downe fucceeded,. being collated Aug. 1 . 1529. on Hugh 'Poles Death; 'Downe was alive 1559. and Chancellor of Tork Ca- thedral. John Lit t le-G rome, alias Grome, was inftalled into it by Queen Elizabeth, March 4. 1 560. He died 1574. Rector of St. 'Den- nis Back-Church,. London. Thomas Stallar was collated and inftalled into it Oct. si. 1 574. He refigned it the fame Year, and was fucceeded by Theophilus Jones, collated March 6. 1 5 74. on the Refignation of Stallar. Richard Vau g h a n was inftalled into it June 23. 1 6oj . on the Death of Jones, as it feems to me. Paul Godwin was collated to it Feb. 11. 1624. John Pitt was collated to it in OU. 13. 1626. He was 1544. elect-ed Warden of Wadham-College ; but deprived of it 1647. and died before the Reformation An 1.660.. Edward Jo n e s, A- M. fucceeded, being inftalled Sep. 29. 1 66c He died 1 68 1 . being Vicar of Lidney Co. Glocefter, and was buried in St. BriavelVs Chapel in that Parifh > without any Memorial ; andihc- ceeded by Michael Stevens collated June 27. 1681. He died 1713.. and' was buried in Lempfter, where he was Vicar ; and fucceeded by Robert Kiffin, A.M. collated May 1. 17 13. Living 1723,. Vicar of Tazor. MORE, 584. . Prebendaries (/Hereford; M R E T N MAGNA. TH E Corpfe of this Prebend, the beft Endowment of any in this Church, is the Rectory of Moreton on Lttgg, and Advowfon of that Vicaridge, rated at 20 /. for Firft-Fruits. Peter Ey me r occurs poflefs'd of it 1278. as does Adam^ Fileby 1 279. in which Year he quitted it to Ralph de Hengham, collated 6 Cal. Nov. 1279. Philip de Comite held it 1 294. John Rosse was from it made Bifhop of Carlijle 1324. John de 'Denton was prefented to it by the King, 13 24. Jo h n de Or /ton was collated to it by the Bilhop, Nov. 16. 1326. tho' in my Accounts Thomas de Trilleclt is faid to have been collated Sept. 26. 1327. on the Promotion of John Rcffe to the See of Car I i fie- He was, I prefume, made Dean 1355. and afterwards BilTiop of Rocbejter 1569. John Prophet exchanged it for Jfarham, with Thomas F el d Nov 8. 1407. He died 1419. being alfo Dean. Thomas Wa l t o n fucceeded, being collated Jpril 20. 141 5. on the Refignation of Dean Feld ; and refigned it 1438. Maurice Winter fucceeded Jan. 1. 1438. on the Resignation of Walton. Richard Hore fucceeded J lay 31 1443. on the Refignation of Winter. - Thomas Worshop, alias Chesterfeild, was collated to it Jan. 13. 1449. on the Refignation of Hore. As was William Boulers, Jpril 21. 1452. on the Death of Che- Jferfeild. Richard Pede, afterwards Dean of this Church, fucceeded Nov. 25. 1458. on the Death of 'Boulers. He exchanged it with Richard Martin 1480. He was foon after preferred to the See of St. 'David. Jo h n Foster died poflefs d of it 1 5 1 2. and was fucceeded by \Vi l l i a m WebbIj Archdeacon of Hereford^ collated OU. 22. 151 2. He died 1522. and was fucceeded by Hi-mphrvOgle, LL. B. collated Jan. 24. 1522. on the Death of Webbe. He refigned it, as he did afterwards the Archdeaconry of Sal Tho- Prebendaries ©/Hereford. 585 Thomas Colemount fucceeded, being collated Jidy 23. 1 5 3 4. on the Resignation of Ogle ; as was Richard Turketill, July 27. 1 541 . on the Death of Colemount. Henry Harford was collated to it April 17. 1 561. and refigned it 1 565. Philip Sidney fucceeded, being collated Nov. 4. 156). on the Re- signation of Harford. Griffith Lewes fucceeded Feb. 1575. He died, and was buried in this Cathedral June 7. 1 607. being alfo Dean of Gloucefter. John B e s t fucceeded, being inftal led 'June 20. 1607. and was buried at Lugwarden, Aug. 12. 1637. with this Infcription on his Monument. Sub hoc Mormon jacet 1)om. Joannes Bell S. T. £)„ Ecclefia Cathedral. Hereford. Canonic us plurimum venerandus, hujufque par iter Vicarius loige vigilant ijfimus. Qiti multipliciLinguariim & Sciemiarum varietate ad miraculum infignis •> Gregi [no clarijjime Verbo praluxit, Exemph praivit, T r ir fuit cuique ad Trutiuam ju/lus, benigims Liter at or urn patronus, fincerus 'Bonorum Amicus; Omnibus demum chart fiimus. Immenfo tandem fiudio, labcre, [enioque confeclus, per mortem im- mortal is Animam c JDeo Gratifiimam expiravit Idib. 9. Aug. An. e Dom. MDCXXXVII. jEtat. fua LXXII. , f Joannes Eeft Maria conjux fidelijfima amoris Anagram, j es at ne nobfs> ^ gt Virmis erg0 M L £ cp Sat tibi non nobis , Ecclefia, Patria, Conjux 3 Vivis, ait, moriens optime vive T)eo. All that was Mortal of him here doth lye, His Name no more than his bleft Soul can dye, On whom the Baptift's imprefs we may (tamp, He was a burning and a mining Lampe. On Earth, of Knowledge he had got fuch ftore, That only Heaven it felf could make it more. He tooke Death on him as a new Degree, And did proceed to Tmmortalitie. The filent Marble -will too weakly praife This Paradox 61 worth to future days, Each Heart of him will be a living Rqpme, Unles't be One more Marble than his Tombe. John Coke, A. M. fucceeded, being collated Sept. 14. 1637. He died, and was buried at JFhitborne } where he was Reclor, with this Infcription. Infra Contumulatur Johannes Coke, Ecclefia Cat hedr alls Herefordenfis Prebendarius, Filius Natu fecundus Reverendi in Chrifto Patris ac T>omini ^Domini Georgia Coke, Herefordenfis Epifcopi. Se in adverfis Fortunis et Regime Majejiati fidelem Subditum, et Ecclefia Anglican* conformem filium, nee non inter c Parochianos Whitbornenfes peramantem exhibuit Reel rem. Obi it Junii 1 8. 1 675. — ~~ — - — Cap it omnia Tellus. Qua genuit, Calo'tegitur qui non habet TJrnam. John Boraston fucceeded, being collated June 24. 1675. He died, and was buried at Ribbsford Co. Worcejler, with a long Infcription, or' which only this material, the reil relating to his Wife and Family. In 586 Prebendaries of Hereford. In H 'emory of John Borafton, fomstime Prebendary of 'Her efor 'd, and Rec- of iffis Church 5 3 Tears } who died Dec. 19. 1688. ?'« ?£* Sjr^ 2e«r 0/ Zv'j- ^gf. Thomas Boraston, A.M. f.icceeded, being collated 0£?. 22. 160S. He died, and was buried at Ribbsford, near his Father ; being alio Rector there, without any Monument ; and fucceeded by Patrick Gordon, B. D. collated T>ec. 30. 1706. living 1723, Rector of Jib or ley Co Worcefier. MO RET N P A RV A. THIS Prebendary's Demefnes valued at 7 /. 1 s. lie in Great Moreton Parifh aforefaid. Henry de Hankie. W. de Rudmar/ey fucceeded in Place of Hankie about 1 294. Walter de Roderick, died 1301. and was fucceeded by J o h n de Kemmes, inftalled 1302. in place of R oderick. William de Kaple fucceeded 1303. in Kemmes's Place. John de R cjje fucceeded 13 10. on Kaple's Death, and quitted it not long after for Great Moreton. William de Humberfion refigned it on Exchange with John Plowfeild, 2 Non. 'Dec. 1372. Thomas Moor held it 1385. as did John Kington 1403. John Katerick fucceeded Feb. 6. 1409. on Kington s Refignation. He was afterwards preferred to the See of St. T)avid. Henry Bowet. Thomas Polton is faid to have held this Stall before his Promotion to the Bifhoprick 1420. But in another Account Nicholas Mocking is faid to have been collated to it May 23. 1414. on the Refignation of Sowet : However, as I find in another Account, his Collation is dated May 28. 141 2. on the Refignation of Polton. Henry Newton was collated to it July 2. 1424. on the Death of Mocking; as was John Ashby, Jan. 28. 1428. on the Refignation of Newton. He quitted it, being Treafurer afterwards. William Wallesby fucceeded Jug. 9. 1434.cn the Refignation o?JJhby. John Langton, Chancellor of Cambridge, became collated Nov. 29. 1437. on the Refignation of Wallesby. He exchanged it a fecond time with William Wallesby, who came in a fecond Time June 30. 1441. Thomas Bolleyn exchanged it for a Prebend of St. Stephen Wefiminfter, with William Sanders, Jan. 8.1446. He died, as I conceive, about 1460. Archdeacon of Angle 'fey. David Prebendaries of Hereford. 587 DavidHosband refigned it 1459. and was fticceeded by William Gifford, S. T. P. collated May 25. 1469. on the Resignation of Husband. William Wrixham, S. T. P. was collated Nov. 1 1. 1472. on the Refignation of Dr. Gifford. William Fitzherebert, LL. D. was collated Jug. 20. 1482J on the Reiignation of Dr. Wrixham. He was 1488. made Rector of St. Magnus i London. MilesRagon quitted this Stall for that of jPre/ion, 151 2. Nicholas Walveyn fueceeded, Nov. 25. 151 2. and died 1545. being Treafurer. RichardHarford fueceeded May 27. 1 545. on the Death of Walveyn. He quitted it for Tutfton-Major. Jo h n Barlow, A. M. fueceeded Jan. 3 . 1 545. He was alfo Precentor. Wi lliamCollins fueceeded Barlow Jug. 31. 1 5 54. John Parfew, Nephew to Bifhop 'Parfew y was collated to it about 1555.. and deprived 1561. and forced to fly the Kingdom for his Religion. Ralph Griffith fueceeded June 26. 1562. on the Deprivation of Parfew. Timothy D e s w e l l was collated to it July 1. 1 570; as was Rich ard H a rris Nov. 13. 1575. and Morgan Powell 1588. He died 1621. being Chancellor of this Church. John Hughes, S. T. B. fueceeded June 9. 1621. and quitted it for InHarrGW 1625. John Scull, A.M. fueceeded, being collated May 24. 1.626. He died 1641. being Rector of Slinsford Co. Suffex. William Sherborne fueceeded 1642. and died 1679. being Chancellor of Landafl, and was buried at Pembridge, where he was Rector, with an Infcription already printed. Thomas Martin, A. M. fueceeded, being collated Jpril 21. 1679. on the Death of Sberborn. He died 1689. and was buried at Ho?nlaoy, where he was Rector ; and fueceeded by Francis Ja u n c y, A.M. collated Jpril 21. 1690. Living 1723. Vicar of Tarhhill. "- Hhh-h NVN- 588 Prebendaries of Hereford.' NONNINGTON. TH E Demefnes of this Prebend lie at Nonnington in Withington Parifh , and are rated at 11/. 1 3 s. 4 d. Jo h n *& Shelving held it 1 294. William de Gare was collated to it July 2 ?. 1 295. Richard d? THnmour fucceeded 1303. on the Death of Gare. Jo h n de Oriel on fucceeded July 15. 13 1 2. on the Death of 2);»- mour. Richard de Chan do s was collated Aug. 28. 13 41. on the Death of Orleton. John Hereford fucceeded OB. 18. 1389. on the Death of Chandos. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Hereford, which he re- signed 1424. Thomas Makeblith died 143 1. and was fucceeded by Richard M o r e t o n, collated March 1 5. 143 1. on the Death of Makeblith. Jo h n Homme fucceeded, being collated Tiec. 18. 1433. on the Resignation of Moreton. He died 1473. and was buried in this Cathe- dral, with the following Epitaph r Jfic jacct nar. Johannes Homme, ijuoii&am Cancmicus I)uju# €cclefie* &c $?e&enfc>ariug $?efccnue De Nonnington in eabem, 3Uuftritfi* mi l§?mcinig ^umpb?ci)i S>uci# Gloceftrie CapeUanu*, aui ofcut 26, <2>ie Novemhris 1475. David Hop-ton, Re&or of fflechly, Such, I fuppofe, fuc- ceeded 1473, He quitted it 1479. for Collwall. Wa lter Oudeby fucceeded, being collated Oft. 27. 1485. on the Relignation of Hopton. He refigned it 1485. being Prebendary of Lictfeild and London. Richard Fox, IX. B. fucceeded, being collated Sep- 16. 1498. quere i if not Biihop of Exeter about 1500. who fucceeded him I find not. The next in my Catalogue, being Polydore Virgil, who came into it about 1507. and died pof- fefs'd of it 1555. in Italy : Tho' in my Account John Amynde is faid to be admitted into it May 21. 1558. on the Death of Polydore Virgih Hugh Prebendaries o/Hereford. 5S9 Hugh Wall was collated to it Aug. 13. 1561. In his Will,- dated Aug. 2. 1570. he appoints to be buried at Hasfeild Co. GlouceJier 3 where he was Rector. John Watkins fucceeded, being collated Jan. 10. 1570. He was alfo Dean, which he refign'd 1593. with this Prebend. Giles Tomson fucceeded, being collated 1 5513. He died 161 2: being Bifhop of Gloucester. JohnHoskins, LL. B. was inflalled into it June 22. 161 2. and quitted it the fame Year for Norton. John "Williams, A.M. was inftalled into it July 24. 161 2. He was 1 521. made Bhliop of Lincoln, and fucceeded by Robert Bankworth, A.M. inftalled April 3 o. 1621. Ferdinando Tereva, or Texada, fucceeded about Nov % 1623. He was fucceeded by William Evans, collated Sept. 18. 1631. He died \66%. and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Monument : Hoc tumulo [epultus eft Gulielmus Evans, facr06d\p§©-, & Jidelis Alumnus. Underneath a Bufto there are thefe Verfes j Vile quidem e terra corpus formatur ab aura Qph fugit -SEtherea Spiritus ifte venit, Ne dubites, terram repetet calefte, Coavus Hinc ut utrifque funs confocietur hows. Ojii fueram, perii, fed enim Jlc fahus ut ejfern Et tua fit (Lector) fie periiffe falus. Vita mihi Chriftus, mors lucrum, f atria ccelum, In quo cum fantiis regnat honore Deus. Gloria facr a Deo ccelis, pax Candida t err is Keddatur, cordis charus amorque viris. T. B. Malus ocellus £ Bene vixit, qui bene latuit \ Malus animus,' William Johnson fucceeded, being collated ^an. 14. 1668* He died 1697. being Archdeacon of Hereford. John Gregory, S. T. P. fucceeded 169%. and dying 1708. was buried at Hampfied near Gloucefier, where he was Rector. Hhhh 2 Ri chard 590 Prebendaries of Hereford. Richard Lloyd, A.M. fucceeded, being collated Ocf.'ig. 1708. He is living 1723. Vicar of Sel/eck, and Matter of the Free-fchool in Shrewsbury. T NORTON. H E Eftate of this Prebend, valued at 3 /. 2 7. lies in Canons- Norton Parifh, which belongs to this Church. Anthony Wells was collated June 23. 1250* John de Scardeburgh occurs 1294. Richard de Hello came in 1305. on the Death of Scardeburgh. Roger de 'Breinion was collated Sept. 8. 1326. on the Death of Hello or Wello. He founded 1336. a Chantry in the Cathedral for his Soul, William Hreintons, and Nicholas Ryegate, late Treafurer. Thomas Schifford exchang'd it 1370. with Thomas Staynthorpe, March 10. 1370.. Reginald de Wollajion was collated to it Sept. 1. 1389. He quitted it for Hinton. William Pion fucceeded OH. 1. 1396. John Burwell refign'd it 1 43 6. and was fucceeded by Simon Alcock, collated Aug. 25. 1436. He died 14J9. and was buried in Lincoln Cathedra^ with this Epitaph : J^ic jacef Mv. Simon Alcock, facre $aaine $?ofefib?, gttcmbam Ca-- nontcus Jjujusf €ccl. ruti obitt x Aug. 145-9. (jTtiju.s;, ?c. Richard Home was collated Aug. 14. 14J9. on Dr. Alcock's Death ; as was Richard Hyde, Oct. 28. 1466. on Homers, Death, (jc. William Bagart, LL. B. Nov. 8. 1467. on Hyde's Death. B urion, Query ■> ifnotRicHARDBuRTON, died poneLVd of it 15 04. and was fucceeded by Henry Marten LL. B. collared Oft. 3 1. 1 504. on the Death of '"Burton. He quitted it for Gorwall. Edmund Frowceter fucceeded Oct. 14. 1 j'08. and quit- ted it for Put/Ion major. Hugh Pole fucceeded May 19. 1 5 1 o. and quitted it for Hinton. JohnOliyeRj alias Smithy fucceeded July 20. 1 5 1 1 . and quitted it for Hinton. Thomas Prebendaries o/Hereford. 59 l T h o m a s C h i p h a m A.M. fucceeded July 160 1 5 1 2. Richard Parkhurst, Vicar of B_offe 3 was collated Ap. 7. 15 16. on the Resignation of Chipham. William Marbule was collated Nov. 20. 1 y 29. on the Re- fignation ofparkhurji. In his Will, dated March 10. 1552. heap- pointed to be buried in Hereford Cathedral, near his Father. John Ellis, who was made Dean 1559. quitted it 1565. and was fucceeded by GriffithWilliams, collated Jan. 29. 1 j5<5. on the Resig- nation of Ellis. He occurs poflefs'd of it 1 576. and a Canonry. John Bullingham was inftall'd into it Jan. 1 8. 1 5 8 1 . He held it in Commendam with the Sees ofGloucefter and jBriftol> till 1 589. R o g e r B r a r> s h a w, Prebendary of St. Tlavid, Vicar of Tref- t eyrie, was inftall'd into it April 22. 1589. on the Resignation of Bifhop ^Bullingham. He died and was buried June. 29. 1 6 1 2. in this Cathedral., without any Memorial. John Hoskins XL B. was inftall'd Nov. 18. 1612, He quitted it for "Bartonjham. John James A. M. was inftall'd March 29. 1 61 3. He quitted it for 'Putfton minor. Thomas Mansfe. 1 ld A. M. was inftall'd T)ec 14. 1 514. H& died about 1 644. and was buried at Homlacy where he was Vicar. Thomas Wild was collated about April 1661. Stephen Philips, A. M. fucceeded, being collated April Z. 1670. He died 1684. being Archdeacon of Salop. John Slade A.M. fucceeded, being collated Aug. 23. 16 4* He died and was buried, Feb. 4. 1720. in King/land -Churchyard, where he was Rector, and fucceeded by Paulet St. John, S. T. P. collated June. 17. 172 1. living 1723, Rector olTeilden Co. "Bedford. SP R E S T N. HE Demefnes of this Prebend valued at 10 I. 7 s. 1 d. lie irr Trejion Hamlet in Withington Pariih. Robert Burnell was from this Dignity made- Bifhop oS Wells 1273. Thomas Cantelupe fucceeded 1 373. and was 1 275. made Bifriop of this See, Henry 592 Prebendaries o/Hereford. Henry Woodstock was collated to it 3 Id. Sept. 1 275-. Robert de Fileby fucceeded about 1 277. on Woodftoclzs Death. Peter de Langona came in about 1283. was ejected but re-inftalled. Roger de Cantnaria fucceeded Nov. 25. 1299. on Langona $ Death. W 1 l 1. 1 a m de Kinfcote was collated 16. Cal. June 1303. on Can- tnarids Reiignation. William de Wyhs was collated 8 Cal. May 1 3 1 1 . on Kin/cote's Death. Thomas Talbot, Rector of Rofje, was collated T>ec. 18. 1320. on Ifykes's Reiignation. Edmund Ryall died poifefl of this Stall 1427. and was buried in the Cathedral with this Infcription : l£ic jacef naagifler Edmund. Ryal, quondam Canonical inijug €ccl. nui Oftirt 7 3£te April. 1427. cujiwf, &c. Nicholas Liney LL. B. was collated April 8. 1428. on the Death of Ryall. Henry Newton fucceeded, being collated Jan. 28. 1428. on the Death of Liney. Robert Jordan Rector of Rojfe was collated Ot7. 26. 1438. on the Death of Newton. He quitted it about 1443. for Bartonfbam. Robert Jeffry refign'd it 1467. Thomas Saintjust was collated Jan. 5. 1467. on the Re- fignation of Jeffry. Jeffry Castell was collated Sept. 22. 1467. on the Death of Saint juji. Robert Eysham was collated Sept. 22. 1467. on Caftelfs Reiignation. Thomas Eysham fucceeded March 26. i486, on Robert LyJJiams Reiignation. John B l i t h quitted it for Wellington, and was fucceeded by Miles Ragoun, collated Nov. 23 . 1 5 1 2. John Gorle held it 1534, and 1542. as did William Evans 1560, and 1580. Richard Eedes, inftalled into it Jan. jj. 1589. and died 1 604. being Dean of Worcefter. William H i n t o n, S. T. P. Precentor of St. David, Arch- deacon of Coventry, was inftalled May 8. 1605. and refign'd it 1627. He nry Prebendaries o/Here fo r d. §93 Henry Hacket, A. M. was collated April 17. 11527. on Dr. Hintons Resignation. He died about 1642. Roland Scudamore came in 1 643 . he paying Firft- Fruits May 4. that Year, and died, as I prefume, before 1660. When, as I judge, Laurence Wo mack fucceeded 1 660. He was afterwards pre- ferred to the See of St. 'David. He quitted this 1573. Richard King was collated March 1. 1573. on Womaclis Re- fignation. He died 1688. and was buried at Alanjmore. Thomas Matthews, A.M. was collated May 12. 1688. He was Re&or of Mordeford, and died unhappily in London 17 12. John Rodd, A.M. was collated to it Nov. 1 1. 1712. on the Death of Matthews. He is living 1723. Vicar of St. Teter's Here- ford, and Re&or ofKeyre Co. Worcejler. T P 10 NA P A RV A. HIS fmall Prebend, valued at 2 1. 7 s. 8 d. lies in Canons-Tarn Parifh; Wi lliam de la Hay occurs poffefs'd of this Stall 1288. being then alfo Canon. John de Shelving,. Re&or of RoJJe 3 fucceeded 1290. on T)e la Hays Death. He was 1294. Prebendary of Nonnington. Ro g e r de Cantuaria held it 1 294. and refign'd it 1 299. Thomas Cobham, IX. B. fucceeded 1 299. He was 1 3 1 7. made Bifhop of Worcefler. Roger de Kajfmgton was prefented to it by the King, May 29. 13 17. as was, Roger de Northburgh, June 15. 13.17. He was 1322. made Bifhop of Lichfeild. Adam Esger quitted it for G or wall 13411 John Sheinton fucceeded June 4. 13 41. and' refign'd it: 1-345' Griffith de Charkton was collated OU, 22. 1345. John Prophet, Dean of this Church 1393. quitted it 1407; being made Dean of Torh John Baysham fucceeded Sept. 22. 1408. on Trophefs R&~- fignation. He died 1437. being Prebendary of Lincoln, . Rich a r id 594- Prebendaries o/Hereford. ^Richard Chester exchang'd it for T-doiford Prebend in Lon- don Cathedral, with Helias Holcot, B. D. Warden of Merton College, Oxford March 5. 1448. John Sutton fucceeded July 19. 145 1. He was living .1477. Ralph H a n n y s, LL. B. was collated to it Nov. 19. 1485. and quitted it for Eigne Prebend 1488. Hugh Grene e:;chang'd it for c Pratum Major, with William de la Sere, July 17. 1 5 10. He refigned it 1 5 1 2. John Vial fucceeded 'JDec. n. 1 5 1 2. and quitted it for Pratum MinliS. John Kidwelly fucceeded 7)ec 11. 1 5 1 2. and died next Year. William Gobarc, A.M. fucceeded on Kidwelly s Death Feb. 8. 1513- and died 15 15. being Archdeacon of Salop. David Wa l k e r, LL. B. was collated Jan. 3. 1 5 1 5. and quit- ted it for Moreton and Wh addon. William Burghill fucceeded March 1. 1 5 2 1. and ex- chang'd it for 'Bartonfloam, with George Mason, Nov. 27. 1523. He quitted it for Church- Withington. John Herring, LL. D. fucceeded, being collated May 1. 1524- Robert B r i c g e, B. D. fucceeded, on Dr. Herrings Resigna- tion, Feb. 28. 1533. Richard Sperchford was collated April 1 . 153$?. on Srigge's Death. He died 1560. being Archdeacon of Salop. Walter Jones fucceeded, being collated June 28. 1 560. He died 1573. being Precentor. Thomas Thornton fucceeded 1 573. and died 1629. being alfo Precentor. James Howel l, A. M. was admitted May j. 1 619. as was W 1 l l 1 a m Harward like wife collated March 5. 1629. fol- lowing. Richard Lloyd was collated Oct. 15. 163 2> and died inter 1 646, & 1 600. Thomas Holland was inftalled Sept. 24. 1 660. and died 1684. being Vicar of Cainham Co. Salop. James Hatchway, A. M. fucceeded April 24. i<58j. He died 1 69$. and was buried at Wijhops-Vpton, where he was Rector. James Prebendaries of Hereford. §95 JamesGwi n n 5 A. M. fucceeded Jan. 25. 1694. He died 1705. and was buried at New Radnor, where he was Reclor. Thomas Gwillym, A. M. fucceeded Jpril 3. 1706. living 1723. Treafurer of this Church. PRJTUM MA J US. I ^ H E Endowment of this Prebend, is, as I am informed, only a certain Quantity of Hay growing in Lug-Meadow, in Withington Parifh, valued 1534. at 2/. 18 s. Philip Talbot, occurs poifefs'd of this Stall 1 294. James Berkley was from it made Bifhop of Exeter 1 3 27. and was fucceeded by William de Fowhope, collated Sept. 26. 1327. Baldwin de Whitney fucceeded Jpril 1. 1356. on Fowhope's Death. John Setow came in about 141 6. and was 1436. made Pre- centor of Torh Wi lliam Beford, alias Blowe r, was collated Aug. 20. 1433. on Setow s Refignation. John Clone quitted it for Hinton, and was fucceeded by Hugh Regoun, collated March 15. 1459. He quitted it for Withington Tarva. John Grenewey fucceeded April 14. 1462. and reiigned it 1 466. William Raul ins was collated April 8. 1466. on Grene- weys Relignation ; as was RalphBarton, A, M. Feb. 24. 1 466. on Raulins's Death. Wi lliam Vauce, LL. B. was collated Nov. 1 6. 1476. and died 1478. being Precentor of Lichfeild. Richard Cornwall was collated July 3 o. 1478. on Van- ce's Death. Roger Brayne quitted it 1 508. and was fucceeded by Wi lliam de la IS ere collated Feb. 7. 1 508. he quitted it 1 51 1. Hugh Grene, LL. B. fucceeded July 17. 1511. and died 15:23. John Cragg fucceeded Jan. 28. 1523. on Grene s Death, and quitted it for Gorwall. Richard Baldwin fucceeded Aug. <5. 1525, and reiigned it i54 2 - I i i i W 1 l- 59^ Prebendaries o/Herefordj Wi i. l i a m Barret fucceeded June \g- 1542. Robert Crawley was collated July 9. 1 560. He was alfo Archdt.acon of Hereford. Jo h n B a d h a m fuccecded Jpril 1 568. on Crawley s Resignation, a:;d quitted it for 'Putfton Minor. Thomas Turner was collated Oct. 31. 1 569. on 'Badhams Resignation, and held it 1581. Robert Russel, Re&or of Stoke-Editb, feems to have held it 1591. Henry Rogers was inftalled into it Nov. 28. 1616. He died and was buried at Withington^ June 15. 1658. Thomas Goodwin feems to have been the next 1660. Herbert Boughton, A. M. was collated Nov. 9. 1669. He died 1678.. and was buried at Madley^ July 29. where he was Vicar, without any Monument ; and fucceeded by Thomas Tyrer collated Jug. 9. 1678. on Houghton 's Death. He died 1684. and was buried at Sallech } where he was Vicar. Jo h n Hathwey, A. M. was collated 'Dec 2. 1 684. on Tyrer\ Death. He died 1700. and was buried at BiJIjop's-Upton. Anthony Whistler, A.M. was collated Sept. 23. 1700. He died 17 21. being Vicar of Kineton j and was fucceeded by Henry Price, collated Jpril 29. 172 1. living 1723. Vicar of Felton } and Portionift of Ledbury. PR J TUM MINUS. THIS Prebend's fmall Corpfe is like that of Trattim Maju^ arifeth from Lug- Meadow, in Withington Parifh, and is valued at 1 /. 19 s. Wi l l 1 a m de King/cote 1 294. Richard Sidenhale Treafurer of this Church, refigned it 1348. John Exeter exchanged it with Walter Trote OB. 1$ 1396. Jo h n G o r w a l l was collated June 11. 1401. Thomas Shelford fucceeded July 30. 1406. on GorwalPs Refignation. Jo h n Setovv, LI . B. was collated March 9. 1409. on ShelforcFs Refignation, and was about 141 6. made Prebendary of c Pratum Majus. N i~- Prebendaries o/Hereford. 597 Nicholas Hereford, Treafurer of this Church, quitted it 1417. William Bailly fucceeded Nov. 6. 141 7. on Hereford's Re- signation. Thomas Ye on, Chancellor of this Church, died poffefs'd of it 1472. RichardMarten was collated Nov. 28. 1 47 2 . on Teous Death } and quitted it next Year for Tutfton Minor. Roger Griffith, A.M. fucceeded March 10. 1473. on Mar' tens Resignation. Walt e r H ylle, A. M. was collated OB. 1 2. 7487. on Griffith's Death. He died March 30. 1494. being Warden of New-College Oxon, and was buried in that College Chapel. Reginald West, as I judge, fucceeded ; he was alfo Dean of this Church, and quitted it 15 10. Thomas Wu ley fucceeded July 5. 1 5 1 0. He was 1 5 1 2. made Dean. Willi a m Edwards fucceeded Jan. 27. 15 12. Jo h n Vy all fucceeded 1 5 1 2. In his Will dated 1525. he appointed to be buried in this Cathedral in St. Catherine's Ille. Jo h n M a s o n, M. B. fucceeded July 21. 1525. on VyaTs Death. Wi lliam Edwards came in a fecond time 1525. and refigned it 1528. Gamaliel Clifton, IX. D. was collated April 14. 1528. on Edwards's Refignation - 3 and quitted it for Collwall. HughCharnock fucceeded Dr. Clifton about 152.9. and died poffefs'd of it 1550. William Baker was admitted April 24. 15 jr. on Char nock's Death. John Cuthbert refigned it 1561. and was fucceeded by Marcell Outred, collated Sept. 6. 1561. John Cuthbert was reftored into it Sept. 29. 15 61. He was Rector of Rock Co- Wore eft er. Philip Bagge was collated July 24. 1552. as was William Griffith OB. 1. 1577. Thomas Tourner occurs poffefs'd of it 1 581. as does Charles Langfold 1592. He died 1607. being Dean of this Church. Henly Blight, was inftalled Nov. 2. 1 607. and dying 1 6 26, was buried at Worcefter where he v/as Prebendary ; and fucceeded by I i i i 2 Jo h n 598 Prebendaries of Hereford. John Pemeer, A.M. collated March 5. 1626. He died 1676. being Vicar of Bodeuham ; and was fucceeded by Thomas Br ome, A.M. collated May 24. 1677. He died 1699. and was buried at Rojfe, where he was Rector, without any Memorial - 3 and fucceeded by Wi lliam Morgan, A. M. collated June y. 1 699. He died 170 2. and was buried at < Preftey;;c, where he was Rector ; and fucceeded by Daniel Philips, S. T. P. collated Sept. 3. 1702. He died, and was buried at great March, where he was Vicar ; and fucceeded by Thomas Ling en, A.M. Prebendary of Landajf, admitted Kov.zi. 1721. living 1723. P UTS T ON MA J OR. ~~* H E Demefnes of this Prebend valued at 10/. ioj\ ^d. lie in £_ St. Martins, alias All Saints Parifh, in the City of Hereford, be- fides which it has alfo the Advowfon and Impropriation of Vou-Church Co. Hereford. Jo h n de Swinfend Precentor, held it 1 294. Gilbert de Genovill, or K no v ill, died about 1309. Michael de Sorham fucceeded about 1309. on Kncvilfs Death. He exchanged it with H a m o n de Sandwich, 6 Cal. Maii 1 3 1 1 . Sandwich held it 1318. Peter de Jfotton was confirmed Prebendary here about 1353. He exchanged it with Nicholas de Newton, July 27. 1358. John Upton refigned it 1384. and was fucceeded by Richard Thurban, collated May 13. 1384. as was Richard Tal bot June 6. 1401. and V. r i l l 1 a m C a v e on 'Talbot's Resignation, Nov. 6. 1 4 1 7. Jo h n M a • t o n on C ace's Refignation, May 1 2. 1 419. John de la Sere was collated A ?. 14. 1423- on Ma It on s Refig- nation. He was afterwards preferred to the See of St. 'David, but re- figned this 1427. Willi a m Myll died poffefs'd of it 145 1. and was fucceeded by Vincent Clem e nt, collated Jan. 14. 14$ i- He died 1474. being Treafurer of Lichfeild.. JoH N Prebendaries ^Hereford. 509 John SEBRANDE-died poffefs'd of it 1495. as appears by his Will dated June \6. and proved July 12. 1495. in which he appointed to be buried in the North Ifle of Hereford Cathedral, before the Image of St. Catherine' Owen Pole feems to have fucceeded 1495. He died 1509. being alfo Treafurer. Edmund Frowceter fucceeded 'Dec. 1 8 » 1 5 eg. on the Death of "Pole. William Hull fucceeded OU. 28. 1514- on the Resignation of Frowceter. He was alfo Chancellor of this Church j and dying 1 543. was fucceeded by William Tinmour, collated Sept. 22. 1543. on the Death of Hull. Richard Harford was collated Out. 30. 1 545"* on the Death of Tinmour. He refigned it 1 5 5 1 . Robert JohnsonLL.B. was collated Sept. 9. 1551. on the Re- signation of Harford. He died 1558. being alfo Prebendary of Wor- cefter. Nathaniel Harford occurs Prebendary 1559. and 1581. Robert Russel was collated about 1592. or 1593. James Rawlins was collated Aug. 13. 1622. He was Re&or of jBurford third Portion, and of Stokelacy ; and dying 1660. was buried, as I am inform 'd, in the Cathedral, without any Memorial. Laurence Seddon, S.T. P. was collated June 1 8. 1661. He died, and was buried at Worthen, Sept. 21. 1675. where he wasRe&or x without any Memorial. Phineas Jackson fucceeded, being collated Sept. 3 0. 1675. He reigned it the fame Year to Thomas Wo tt on, B< D. collated Dec. 13. 1675. He died 1711. being alfo Treafurer of this Church ; and was fucceeded by William Lloyd, A.M. collated Sept. 4 . 171 1. living 1723. Redor of SiJ/oops-Upton. T UT ST ON MINOR. TH E Demefnes of this Prebend, in like Manner, as < Piitfion Ma~- jor, lie in St. Martins, alias All Saints Parifli, in the City of Hereford; and are valued at 4/. 9s. 10 d. Nicholas deGaynvill occurs poifefs'd of it 1294. as does Jo hs. 6oo Prebendaries of Hereford. John de la Hay 1508. Giles de Stanford resigned it 13 66. and was fucceeded by He nr y de Shipton collated Jan. 28. 1366. He was Archdeacon of Salop. Richard Th urban died pofTefs'd of it 1399. and was fuc- ceeded by Jo h n T r e f n a n t, alias Howjll, collated Oct. 29. 1399. on the Death of Thurban. Jo h n S e f f o r d died 14 1 9. and was fucceeded by John Donstable, collated April 28. 1419. on the Death of Sefford. Wi lliam Drokyll was collated May 28. 1440. on theRe- fignation of c DonJlable. Richard Martin was collated March 10. 1473. He quitted it 1477. fox Huntingdon. John Harvey, A. B. fucceeded Feb. 26. 1477. In 1489. he was made Precentor. John Nans was admitted about 1489. and quitted it for Q>r- wall 1490. Christopher Litton fucceeded Nov. 2. 1490. and died ijoj. Rcclor of Harlingion Co. Middlefex. Jo h n Pratt came in about 1505. and died 1 513. Jo h n Via l l was collated Jane 16. 1 5 1 3 . on the Death of Pratt. He ieems to have held alfo Pratum Minus Prebend. Jo h n M a s o n, M. B. who fucceeded on Vial's Death in the Pre- bend of Pretum Minus, was collated to this July 22. 1525. How- ever he quitted that, and died poilefs'd only of this, 1 548. William Golding, A. B. was collated to this Jpril 19. t 548. on the Death of Maf'on. Philip Baker, S. T. P. was prefentcd to this Stall by Queen Elizabeth, 'Dec. 18. 1560. He was Provoft of King's-College Cam- bridge, but deprived 1569. for being a concealed Papifi ; after which he retired to Lovain, and there died beyond Seas. John Badham fucceeded, being inftalled Nov, 4. 1570. Thomas Lloyd was collated to it Nov. 6. 1572. He died, as I take it, being Treafurer of St. David, March 8. 161 2. and was bu- ried in that Cathedral. Jo h n H s k 1 n s fucceeded 1 £13. and quitted it for Sartonjham. John James, A.M. was inftalled T)ec. 14. 1614. and died 1634. being Reuftor of Holgate Co. Salop, Samuel Prebendaries ^Hereford. 601 Samuel Lindsell, B. D. was collated July 18. 1634. An Adminifiration of his Goods, on his Deceafe, was granted in Nov. 1 669. John Jennings Re&or of Holgate, was collated to it, June 28. i6<5p, as was\ Thomas Seddon, alias Sidney, April 8. 167 5. on Jennings's Refig- nation. He died, Feb. 1 2. being Precentor, 1684. as mentioned Page 541. Adam Ottley, S. T. P. was collated March 5. 1684. on Sed- don s Death. He was An. 17 13. preferred to the See of St. David ± but had leave to hold this in Commendam, which he does this prefent Year Ann. 1723. being alfo Canon of this Church. WAR HAM. TH E Endowment of this Prebend, is TFarham-Farm, and De- mefnes fituate part in St. John Baptift Parifh in Hereford, and part in Breinton, valued at 7 /. 1 3 s. &d. William de Ahlaniat, Rector of Rojfe, refigned it 1 287. Richard de Hartford fucceeded 1287. Luke de 'Brett died polfefs'd of it 1 292. and was fucceeded by Richard de Hertford, Archdeacon of Hereford, 1292. He quitted it the fame Year. William de Kingfcote fucceeded alfo 1 292. Henry de Hertford died polfefs'd of it 1303. and was fucceeded by William de Schome 1303. John deTJjford was presented to it by the King, Jan. 28. 1345. He was 1345. made Dean of Lincoln. Richard Prophet exchanged it with John Prophet, Dec. 17. 1349. Humphrey de Carlton exchanged it with Richard Thurban, May 31. 1 3 7 1 . Laurence Allerthorp was collated June 7. 140 1. He died 1405. and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral London, with this Epitaph on his Graveftone : iB>tc jacet Laurentius Allerthorp $nonuam&t)etaurartu£ Inglte €a^ nomra.s, ? ^fagiariu.« iftUis? Accidie f[ut mi^ra'ait t% fjoc^eculo Men-- it Julii ^ie 21. A.D. 1406. Thomas Feilb, L. L. D. fucceeded July 29. 1405. on Aller- thorp 's Death j and exchanged it with J ohn Prophet Nov. 8. 1405. for Mortm Magna. He ex- chang'd it with Roger 602 Prebendaries of Hereford. Roger Hore, Nov. 16. 1407. John Coke worthy was collated "June 9. 141 8. on the Death of Hore. Robert Trysks fucceeded April 18. 1419. on the Refignation of Cokewortby. William K i n wo l dme rs h, B. D. was collated Nov. 16. 1419. on the Death of Trysks, and reiigned it about 1433. being alfo Prebendary of London and Lichfeild, to John B l o d w e l l, LL. D. collated about 1433. David Blodwell fucceeded June n. 1 441. on the Refigna- tion of John Blodwell. He died An. 146 1. being Dean of St. Afaph; and was fucceeded by Simon Tawer collated Aug. 13. 1461. on the Death of Blod- well. John Bayly fucceeded Aug. 20. 1454. on the Refignation of Tawer. He was alfo Precentor, and quitted this 1466. John Grenewey was collated April 3. 1466. on the Refigna- tion of "Bayly. Henry G e d w e n, alias Me y se, was collated May 3. i486, on the Death 0$ Grenewey. Thomas Grete died poffefs'd of it Off. 1508. being alfo Ca- non of this Church. Henry Marten fucceeded, being collated OU. 10. 1508. on the Death of Grete. Roger Brayne, LL. B. was collated Jan. 8. 1 508. on the Refignation of Marten. Waiter Me y, B. D. fucceeded on the Death of "Brayne. And quitted it, being Treafurer, 1533. to Thomas Booth, collated Sept. 1533. Edward BASKERviLLheldit 1 540. and died 1 566. being alfoChancellor. Thomas Greenvill fucceeded Jan. 23. 1566. "William Greenvill was collated July 9. 1571. and died 163 1. being Archdeacon ok Salop. Morgan Godwin, LL. B. was collated to it Aug. 16. 163 1. and died 1645. Thomas Swift is faid to have been fequellrcd from it 1 646. Edward Bosworth, A. M. was collated to it Sept. 1 2. 1 66j. Lie died, and was buried at Cradley with this Infcription : Tiepojitum Prebendaries of Hereford. 603 TtepoJItum Edwardi Bofworth, A. M. late Minifler of Cradley, who deceafed in the 41. Tear of his Age, on the 21. of December 1679. Samuel Benson, A. M. was collated Jan. 3 o. 1679. He was deprived of this and his Archdeaconry of Hereford, for not taking of the Oaths to King William and Queen Mary ; and fucceeded by Hugh Lewis, A.M. collated 2>£. 25. 1690. He died T)ec. 1. '1722. being Vicar of All Saints ; Hereford; and was fucceeded by Jo h n Evans, A, M. Archdeacon of Landaff, collated and in- ftalled T)ec. 14. 1722. WE L L I N G T N. THE Corps of this Prebend valued at 14/. connfts of the Im- propriation and Advowfon of Wellington, it was founded by Robert de Chandos, who beftow'd St. Margaret's Church at Wellington - y to be a Prebend to St. Marys and St. Ethelberfs Church at Hereford, in Biihop Gilbert Foliofs Time, viz. inter 1 1 50. and 1 163. Robert Foliot feems to have been made firft Prebendary about 1155. John de 'Ponte held it 12915. Roger de Cantuaria fucceeded 1303. on the Death of Tonte. Nicholas de Key gate fucceeded 1304. on Cantuarias Death, Roger de Northburgh came in about 1 3 17. William de Cofion refigned it 1320. William de Airmin was confirmed in his Title to it 6 Id. Aug. 1320. He was 1325. made Biihop of Norwich. Jo h n de Trilleck Acolytus, was prefented to this Prebend, late held by William Airmin, Sept. z6. 1327. He was, as I take it, made Bi- fhop of this See 1343. John Wai.win was, as Newcourt tells us, prefented to it T)ec. 23. 1327. Sol fuppofe Trilleck was forced to quit it, not being qua- lified, being only an Acolyte. Lewis Charlton was collated Sept. 25. 1335. Hewasi3<5i. made Bifhop. Richard Ravensor was prefented by the King, Nov. 13. 1361. and died 1387. being Archdeacon of Lincoln, and was buried in that Cathedral : Having, as I prefume, reiigned this to Kkkk Walter 6q/\. Prebendaries of H e r e f o r d. Wa iter R a m m s b u r y, who was about 1 3 8 1 . made Precentor of this Church, a::d flevos to have come into this about 13 68. He died 1 40 5. and wai fucceeded by H h n r y Mile s a inftalled to the Precentorfhip, as well as this Dig- nity, An. 1406. His Collation to this was Nov. 17. 1406. Walter London fucceeded, being collated April 21. 1420. on the Death of Miles. Jo h n Baysham fucceeded the fame Year, being collated Sept. 20. 142c. on the Resignation of London. Richard Marten was collated June 13. 1434. on the Death of 'Bayjham. Thomas Lew sham fucceeded Teh. 27. 1442. on the Resigna- tion of Marten. James Goldweu, LL. D. was collated Not'. 2. 1461. on the Resignation of Lewffram. He was afterwards Bifliop of Norwich* Wa l t e r Peitwin was collated Off. 7. 1 464. on the Resignation of Goldwett. He exchanged it with Thomas Down, July 20. 1468. He died 1489. being Pre- centor. Robert Castellen fucceeded about 1490. on the Death of fDoWTi. Wi LtiAM Webbe, Archdeacon of Salop, was collated Off. 9. 1 508. on the Death of Cajfellen, as in one Account, tho' in another Not: 3. 1 5 10. John Blith fucceeded Noc.i^. 151 2. on the Refignation of Webbe i and died 1 55S- being Archdeacon of Coventry. Simon Giibert was inftalled Sept. 20. 1558. on the Death of jfilitb. He died in Aug. 1568. and was buried at Kent-Church, where he was Rector. Henry Tanner was collated Off. 16. 1568. on the Death of Simon Gilbert, who willed to be buried Aug. 6. 1568. in the Church of St. Keine. George Wittingham held it 1 5 80. Gervase Babington, S.T. P. was inftalled into it 1588. He was afterwards Bifliop of Landajjf and Exeter, but held this with his Canonry here in Ccmmendam, till his Translation to the See of Wor- cefler 1597- When Wi l l 1 a m St. Harlse was inftalled into it June 25. 1597. on the Refignation of 'Babiigion. RobeRt Robotham was collated March 25. 1625. and re- iizned io2.8, B.ar- Prebendaries of H E r e f o r dv 60$ Bartholomew Petttngale, A. M. was collated to it July 3. 1628. and to Tielwyn Vicaridge the fame Day. He died inter 1645. and 1660. George Benson S.T. P. was in flailed into it Aug- 8. 1660. and died 1692. being Dean of this Church. Jo h n P a g e, A. M. was collated Aug. 31. 1692. He is living 1723. Re&or of CollwalL WITHIN G T ON TAR V A. T H E Demefnes of this Prebend valued at 3 /. q_d. lie in With" ington Pariih. Robert de Glqfter quitted it 1282. Nicholas de Hereford fucceeded 1282. JohnSwihfeld fucceeded Hereford 1 285. and was 1 285. made Bifhop. Nicholas de Geywvill fucceeded 1286. Richard Patts, orPASSAMER, died 1350. and was fuc- ceeded by Wil l 1 a m de Hervington collated April 30. 13 50, on the Death of Tajfamer. Henry Hamerton refigned it 1400. and was fucceeded by John Hartlepool, collated Nov. 30. 1400. on the Reiigna- tion of Hamerton. Jo h n ap Howell refigned it 1403. and was fucceeded by ThomasFeld, collated Jan. 6. 1403. on Howelfs Resignation. He refigned it 14015. and was fucceeded by Jo h n BayshaMj collated July 22. 1405. .On whofe quitting of It, John Loveney, Archdeacon of Salop> was collated Aug. 25. 1407. He chang'd it with John Merbury July u. 1422. He died 1425. Robert Holyday fucceeded, as I judge, 1425. and died 1428. John Berewe was collated Nov. 16. ^1429. on the Death of Holyday. He died 1462. being alfo Dean of this Church. Hugh Ragoun was collated April 13. 1462, on the Death of jBerewe, and quitted it the fame Year. John ap Richard fucceeded 1)ec. 21. 1462. K k k k 2 John 606 Prebendaries of Hereford. John Cole refigned it 151 5. and was fucceeded by John Elton, alias Baker, collated May 9. 15 15." He died 1547. being alfo Chancellor of this Church. John Compton fucceeded, being collated Jan. 8. 1547. on the Death of Baker. He died 1555. being alfo Chancellor. John Williams, LL. O. was collated May 1. 155J. and died about 'Dec. 1558. being Archdeacon and Chancellor of Gloucejfer. Richard At.drich held it 1560. and 1580. Silvanus Griffith, A. M. was inftalled into it Jan. 31. 1603. and died 1623. being Dean of this Church. John F r e m a n t l e, A. M. fucceeded, being collated Dec. 13. 1623. and quitted it for Gorwall. Jo nathan Dry den fucceeded, being collated Aug. 26. 1 627. He held it 1634. as did William Paxton, 1538, an.l I fuppofe, died about 1655. Richard Newbor'ough, A. M. was inftalled into it Sept. 24. 1 660. He died 1686. and was buried at Stoke-Milburgh, where he was Rector. Vin cent Owen, LL. B. fucceeded, May 6. 1686. He died 1703. and was buried at Munfley, where he was Vicar. Henry Rogers, A.M. was collated June 25. 1703. He died 1709. and was buried at Glafebury Co Brecon, where he was Vicar. R 1 c h a r d L a Nti f o r d, A. M. fucceeded, being collated Nov. 3 o. 1709. He religned it 17 12. being Archdeacon of Merioneth ■, and was fucceeded by Pa ul Williams, A. M. collated March 4. 1712. living 1723. Re&or of Bijhops- Eaton, and Vicar of Madley. T T N E, alias EIGNE HIS Prebend rated at 3 /. 9 s. 5 d. lies in Bifhops- Hampton Parifh, near the City of Hereford. Thomas de SanUo Omero held it 1294. as did John de la Barew 1308. Thomas de Chandos, Archdeacon of Hereford, refigned it 1320. John de Oxen den was collated OU. 19. 1320. on Chandos sRs- /ignation. Roger de Sutton refigned it 1568. Wil- Prebendaries of Hereford. 6oj William de 'Birmingham fuccee4ed Out. 28. 1368. he was alfo Dean. Gilbert Stone refigned it 1414. and was fucceeded by John Clark, collated Out- 1 2. 1414. on the Resignation of Store. Edmund de la "Board was collated Feb. 6. 141 7. on the Resig- nation of Clark. John Maple ton died 1432. and was fucceeded by William Mid dl eh am, collated OH. 28. 1432. on the Death of Mapleton. He quitted it about 1439. for Biillingham. John Paslew reSIgned it 1447. and was fucceeded by Ralph Durewarde, collated June 5. 1447. on JPaJlews Re- signation. Richard Hues held it 1459. Oliver King refigned it 1480. and was fucceeded by William Sky by, A.M. collated Jan. 13. 1480. on the Resig- nation of King. Ralph Hannys, LL. B. was collated June 12. 1488. on the Death of Sky by. In his Will dated April 10. 1501, he ca Us hiniielf Prebendary of Wellington. Nicholas Wa l we n quitted it for Moreton Magna ; and was fucceeded by William de la Sere Nov. 26. 1512. on Walwins Resignation. Humphrey Ogle, LL. B. was collated March 1. 1J20. on the Death of de la Sere. He quitted it for Moreton Magna. Roger Beulryde was collated Jan. 30. 1522. on the Resigna- tion of Ogle. William Chell, M.B. fucceeded Feb. 24. 1532. on the Death of Beulryde. He quitted, it for Fwithingion. John S t i r m i n, LL. B. fucceeded Nov.. 12. 1545. on the Re- signation of Chell. He was Archdeacon of Hereford. Wi lliam Barker was collated Jug. 20. 1 547. on the Resig- nation of Stirmin, Roger S tret ye was collated Jure 8. 1555:. as was Wi lliam Pinson 1 567. He died 1 587. being Chancellor of this Church. Jo h k Howson was "nftalled July 1 5. 1 587. He was afterwards Biftiop of Oxon and 'Durham., but reSIgned this 1 503. Robert Burgh i-l i, B. D. Rector of Teterjlow^ was collated Jan. 28 . 1603. on the Resignation of How/on. He died 1641. and' was buried at North wold Co Norfolk. Stephen Philips fucceeded about 1 642. He died and was ban- ned J an. 12. i666^ztLuzwarden where he was Vicar; andfucceeded by T H.&- 608 Prebendaries of H e r e f o r d. Theophilus Cook, .collated Feb. 5. 1 666. He quitted it for ^Bartonjham. JohnClark, A. M. Vicar of Madky y fucceeded, being collated June 6. 1680. He died 'Dec. 9. 171 2. and was buried in the Cathe- dral, with this Infcription : Here lieth the Body of Mr. John Clark, ftL A. and 'Prebendary of this Church, who departed this -Life Dec. 9. 1712. aged 70. His SuccefTor was Richard \Vi THERsfON, collated Feb. 9. 171 2. living 1723; Rector of Suttoli St. Nicholas* Diocefe Diocefe ^Hereford. 609 Archdeaconry of Hereford. 1 Deanary of Hereford. Names of Churches and Patrons of Livings. Chapels. City of Hereford. St- John Baptifi V. St. Peter s V. cum St. Owens, R. Church de- molifh'd and united to St. Peters. Chapter of Hereford. Mr. Foley. St. Nicholas R, All Saints Cap. V. now the Parifh Church, St. Martins V. the Mother Church, being demo- lifh'd about 1645. Bullinghope, alias Iq d Bullingham. 5 Alanfmore V. Breinton Cur. Blakemore V. Callow Cur. The Crown. Chapter of Windfor. Clehonger Cur. Dindore R, St. Andrew. Rotheras Cap. Dewfwall V. St. Michael. Eaton-Bifhops R. Hamptw-Bifhops R. Holmer V. Huntingdon Cap. Hope-Wohith, alias #^0/- /;o/>f V. Brookhampton Cap; Maurden V. M?<% V, St. A%. Dean of Hereford. Dean of Hereford. Chapter of Hereford. Duke of Chandois. Dean of Hereford. Mr. Bodenham, Duke of Chandois. "iBifliop of Hereford. Religious Houfes to which antiently impropriated. Church of Hereford. Priory of Hereford, Cell to Gloucefier Abby. College of Windfor, Deanary of Hereford. Church of Hereford. Church of Hereford. Knights of St. Johns Jel- rufalem. Deanary of Hereford. Priory of little Maherne. |>Chapter of Hereford. ^ChurcEof Hereford. I i 6io Diocefe of Hereford, 1 Archdeaconry of Hereford. Tibberton Cap. Norton V. Pacn's Canon V. Pipe V. Putley V. Prefion on Wye V. SuPete); Kingfton V. '.. 'bnixton R. , ithington V. St. Pefer. P^on /^3'K«f Cap. >Chapter of Hereford. Schurch of Hereford. Dean of Hereford. Dean of Hereford. Dean of Hereford. Deanary of Hereford. Church of Hereford. Deanary of Fr'ome, AVembury V. A)leton R. Bromyard V. Bifhops Grendoa -p Bifhops Stanfcrd^Cap. Wachon. ^ Bosbtiry V. Holy "Trinity. Breddenbury R. G-rf<% R. CoBwatlR. Codington R. QiHington R. Cowarne Magna V. Donington R. £/?koj- R. £dwy» Radulph R. J^/fl'K V. jFiowe Crt/?,i R. Frome Epifcopi V. Frome Canons V. Grendon Warren R. iei&vjy V. St. Mflkw/. The Crown. Abby of Z>kj*. Earl of Oxford and M>r- The three Portionifts of Rector of sBromyard. the Rectory. Bifhop of Hereford. Mrs. Sanders. See of Hereford. ( Bifhop of Hereford. Annex 'd to Bromyard. Mr. Wood, or Bifhop of Abby of Gloucefler. Gloucefler rather. Mr. Skypp. Bifhop of Hereford. Mr. Pytts. Mr. Pryfe. Mr. Unett. Priory of Hereford. } Priory of Lanthony. Juxta Gloucefler. The Crown. The Comportionifts of the Rectors of Ledbury. Rectory. "I Mr. Hopton. Pexley, Diocefe of Hereford. 6ii Archdeaconry of Hereford. Pexley] antiently a Chapel, but now prefented to Mr. Lewis'. by As is March Parva, an- tiently another Chapel Sir Hungerford Hoskins. to Ledbury by Munnefley R. Moreton Jeffrys Cur. Occle Pichard V. Occlier Cap. defecrata. Sapy fuperior R. St. Ni- cholas. Stokeblifs V. Stvkelacy R. St. Peter and St. Paul. Stretton Strenfham V. St. Lawrence. Afperden Cap. l"hornbury R. Tedfion Wafre R. united to Edwinloge in Burford Deanary. 7ft#2o» tfe /a Mr R. Uttingwick R. Cowarne Parva Cap. IVolfarlow V. JVhitborne R. IWrifefoVZ V. Tfebatcb, alias Evesbatch R. Mr, Pye. HzirsoiTbomasWrflisfiXcp Chapter of Hereford. under the Chapter of Hereford. Mr. Seaborne. Priory of Hereford. Mr. Winnington. The Crown. Priory of Limbrook. Mr. /V*« and Mr. Zfarar. Mr. Hopton. Mr. jP/«j. Mr. Mafon. Bifhop of Hereford. Mr. Winnington. Bifhop of Hereford. Chapter of Hereford. Mr. Dobbins. Priory of Monmouth. Priory of Acornbury. Hofpicai of Ledbury. Deanary of Irchingfeild.. Cornbury Cur. .BzYcA Magna Cur. 2?m:/j Parva R. St. Mary. BaUingham V. Brideftow V. W^/mb in Gz/Zro Cap. Z3#«-. &&«& V. ? A7//^'s-Cap. -j Marflow > Cap. Peucoyd. -J Tretyre R. Michael Cliurch R. ^W Cap. annex'd to Tretyre. Whitchurch R, St. £>«^:'- Mr. M,2/o». Coheirs of Mr. Bulb. Bifhop of Hereford. Coheirs of Sir John 'Talbot. Sir William Compton. Lady Scudamore. Sir Hungerford Hoskins. Bifhop of Ghucefier. The Crown. Mr. Harley. Mr. Jones. Mr. Rogers. Mr. Boothby. Sir William Compton. Duke of Chandois. Chapter of Hereford. Abby of Ghucefier. Abby of Ghucefier. Priory of Monmouth. Knights of St. ^Mb's ^ rufalem. Priory of Hereford. Knights of St. John's Je- rufalem. Knights of St. John's Je- rufahm. Abby of Ghucefier. Priory of Lanthony. Priory of Monmouth. Priory of Lanthony. Church of Hereford. Duke of Chandois. Duke of Kent; Co. MONMOUT H. Monmouth St. Mary V. Welft> Bicknor R. DixtottV (All Saints.) Welfh Ntwtm Cur. (St. Miry.) Duke of Beaufort. The Crown. Lord Gage. Sir William Compton. Priory of Monmouth] Priory of Monmouth. Knights of St. John's Je- rusalem. T m Diocefe of Hereford? 613 Archdeaconry of Here ford. Deanary of L e m p s t e r. Allmijlree V. LenthallEarh Cap. Bitton R. St. Mary. Bereley V. Croft R. St. Michael. ErdiJlondeV. St. Mary. Eye V. St. Peter and St. Paul. Eyton -| Kimbolton > Cap! LuBon. J Brimjeild Cur. Middleton Cur. Or/wa Cur. Garpool Cur. Hereford Parva Cur.' Humbre R. St. A^ry. Kingfland R. St. Michael. Knill R. Lempjler V. St. Pefer and St. Ptfw/. Docklozu \ n _ Oak. > Cap ' Hatjeild Cur. i/of e fub Dinmore Cur. Monklane V. Puddlefton cum. iVfo'/e Cap. R. Wmbridge R. Shobden V. Stanton on Arrow V. Trt/ey Cur. ■Sfr^f/ordR. Wigmore V. Lenthall Starks Cap. Ii/mb Cap. now diilinft. The Crown." The Crown. Mr. Philpot. Sir Ar/w Oo/f. Mr. i5oo*/». The Crown. ■ Biftiop of Hereford. Mr. Dawes. Sir Archer Croft. Chancellor of Hereford Ca- thedral. The Crown. Dr. Davies. Mr. Walfham. The Crown. Bifhop of Hereford. Earl Coningsby. Chapter of Windfor. Mr. PattefoaU. Corpus Chrifti College, Oxok Mr. Bateman. The Crown. College of Winchejler. Sir Archer Croft. Biftiop of Hereford. Priory of Wigmore. Priory of Wigmore. Priory of Stoa. Priory of Lempjlerl ^All feven antiently Cha- pels to £j Priory of Wigmore. College of Winchefler,, Priory of Wigmore, mil Co. 614 Diocefe of Hereford. Archdeaconry 0/' Hereford. Co. R A D N O R. Deanary 0/ Lempster. Old Radnor V. St. &*- Chapter of JVorcefter: Impropriated fince 1 5 3*'. Keywcrth Cap. New-Radnor R. St. Afary. The Crown. Norton V. St. Andrew. The Crown. Priory of IVigmoie. PrefteyneV.and R.St. An- Earl of Oxford and Mor- Priory of Wigmore. drew united. timer. Difcoyde Cap. Byton. -\ Capellae antiently to Pre- Lingen. S- fieyne, though all three Keynfoam. -) Co. Hereford. Deanary of Ross. AShton Ingham.R. The Crown. Abb at s Brampton. Bifhop of Hereford. Fownhofe V. St. Mary. Chapter of Hereford. Priory of Sheen.- Fawkigh Cap. Hope Manfell R. The Crown. Hope-Cz^eWx R. Mr. Gregory. Hope Skiers R. Mr. Gregory. Linton V. Mr. Weflfaling. Priory of Sheen. Ecclefwell Cap. deftru&a, March Magna V. Mr. Ernly. Priory of Sheen. Tatton Cap. Kinaftcu Cap. deftruEla. Merdeford R. Mr. i*Wg>. Rojfe R. and V. confolida- Bilhop of Hereford. ted St. Mary. Upton Bifhops R. Chapter of Hereford. Weflon fub Paynard R. Bilhop of Hereford. fPalford V. Precentor of Hereford. Precentorftiip of Hereford. Almaly Diocefe o/Hereford, ■4 1 Archdeaconry of Hereford. Deanary of W e o b l y. Lmaly V. BifordR. Brobury R. Bifhopflon R. St. Lawrence. Bredwarden V. St. Andrew. Bridge fokrs V. BaBon V. Cufop R. St. Mary. Clifford V. St. Mary. Credenhill R. Dorfton V. Dour R. £>//7c7 V. Sr. Mary Mag- dalen. Kinnerjley R. Kentcbefter V. Kineton V. Huntington. -> P' Leonhales V. i^fOB R. St. P#«\ Manfell Gamage V. Moccas R. Momiington R. Manfell Lacy V. Pffer Church V. i !j/«7^ R, £. ; • 7?m« Sugzvas R. . Staunton on /-fj-e R. . St. Pfier and S:. Ptf«/. r tournaflon R. Vouchurcb V. Bilhop of Hereford. The Crown. Mr. Harris. Mr. Prz'ce. Mr. Harris. Mr. Geers. Sir Hungerford Hoskins. Mr. Arnold. Mr. Walwyn. Duke of .&»*. Mr. Proffer; Lady Scudamore. Mr. Barnfley. Sir j'o/.tfz Morgan. The Crown. Bifhop of Hereford. Bifhop of Hereford. Mr. Co/?. Mr. Ceew. Mr. Cornwall. Mr. Tomkins. Mr. PnYe. Di'ke of Cloandois. . Mr. Monnington. Duke of Chandois. Chrifi Church Oxo«. . Mr. Pwfc Prebendary oiPuttflon Ma- jor in Hereford Cathe- dral.-'' Bifeop of Hereford. Weclly V. St. Ptf #«• and Mr. Gem. St. Paw/. Willerfey R. Mr. Higgins. Winfortune R; Mr. Holman. Wormefley V, Mr. #^>z>e. Ii%er V. Mr. Pwft Priory of JVormely. Priory of Wigmore. Priory of Acombury. Abby of Door. Priory of Clifford. Priory of Clifford. Priory of Lanthony. Priory of Lanthony. Priory of Wormefley. Priory of Hereford. Pricry of Acombury: Priory of great Malverne. Prebend of Puttflotii- Priory of Lanthony, Priory of Wormefley. Priory of Lanthony. Co: 6i6 Diocefe of Hereford. Archdeaconry of Hereford. Co. Radnor. Michael Church Enow, Cap. to Kineton. Deanary of Weston. BOdenham V. Burghill. Brinfop V. olim Cap Burghill. Dihvyn V. St. Mary. Dormington V. Barteflrey Cap. King's Paon. V. Lugiuarden V. Deiu Church Hentland Llaugarran St. Waynards. Moreton on Lugg V to Cap. Stoke Edith R. St. Mary. Wtft hide Cap. .SmoK St. Nicholas R. .SwttoH St. Nicholas Cur. Earl Coningsby. Mr. Herring. Bifhop of Hereford. Bifhop of Hereford. Mr. -Fl/cy. Mr. Carver. Chapter of Hereford. Prebendary of Moreton in Hereford Cathedral. Mr. Foley. Mr. Shepheard. Mr. Lingens. Priory of Brecknock. Priory of Lanthony. Priory of Lanthony. Priory of Wormefley. Priory of Hereford. Priory of Wormefley. Church of Hereford. Prebend of Moreton. Knights of St. Johns Je- rufalem. Priory of Monmouth. Hofpital at Ledbury. 1'anington V. Mr. Foley. Weflon on Frome V. AH Chapter of Hereford. Saints. Wellington V, St. Mary. Prebendary of Wellington Prebend of Wellington. in the Cathedral of He- reford. FINIS Archid. Hereford. N. B. The Deanary of Foreft Co. Ghucefler, ftill belongs to this Archdeaconry for the Summer Procefs ; tho' it being on founding that Bifhoprick made part of Ghucefler Diccefe ; fee there an Account of it. It was heretofore entirely under the Bifhop of Hereford's Jurifdiction, which he giving up without the Archdeacon of Hereford joining with him, occafions the latter to retain his Tide hereto, in part, to this Day. Arch- Diocefe o/Hereford. 6ij Archdeaconry of Salop. Deanary d/ B u r f o r d. Co. Hereford. Names of Churches and Religious Houfes to which Chapels. Patrons of Livings. Impropriated. QApy Inferior R. Mrs. Addenbrook Layflers -> Cap. to Tenbury Co. Wor- Rochford. j cefier. Co. Worcester. Aburley R. St. Michael. Mr. Bromley. Bockleton C; Treafurer of Hereford Ca- Treafurerfhip of Hereford. thedral. Bayton V. annex'd to The Crown. Priory of Wigmore. Mamble. Clifton V. St. Kellome. Mr. Jeftrys. Priory of LimbrooL Edwinloge R. Earl Coningsby. Eftham R. St. />#«« and Mr. jBcw/m. St. iW. Handley-Child ~) Orleton ( Q Handley-mi-f *" a P* '.Kyre alias Cure-ward R. St. Mr. PjW. \ Mary. Lindridge V. ^// ■Sto*. Chapter of Worceftef. Priory of Woicefter. Knighton Z c fenjax. ■> £ Mmble V. St. jfe/w.. The Crown; Priory of Wigmori,. Riibbsfcrd R. Sr. Leonard. Lord Herbert of Chirbury. : . Beawdky Cap. £ecfo, alias Roc/>, St. Ptf er Mr. Boylfion. . and St. PflaJ. Hightington CapJ 6iS Diocefe o/Hereforjx; Archdeaconry of Salop. Deanary of Burford. Co. Wo r c e s t e r. STanford R. Mr. Winnington. Shift*) R. Lord Foley. Stockton R. Mr. IVafjh. Tenfary V. Mr. Read. Priory of Sheen. Co. Sa LOP. Burford three Portions R. Mr. Bowles. St. Mary. Clebury Mortimer V. Mr. Child. Priory of Wigmore. Cor ley R. Mr. Coleingl Doylis R. St. Andrew Lord Herbert; Gueto R. Mr. Edwards. Nyond Solers R. AH Saints. Earl Coningsby. MH/lon Cap. Deanary of Clunn. Co. Hereford. ASton juxta Richard's- Mr. Davies. Cafl/e R. Brampton Brian R. EarlofOx/i»iandM»-f/;«e>\ Bedflon R. Mr. Ireland. BucknaU V. St. Mzj?. Earl of OxfordandMorthne >\) DowntmV 7 ' ? The Crown: r p r i ry of Wigmore. i ^rown: s\ I of Oxford andMortimer. J Leyntwarden V. Earlc Co. Salop. Bijhops-Caftle V. St. John Mr. Wareing. Priory of Wigmore'. Baptifl. Clunn V. St. GWg*. Mr. Walcott. Priory of Wenlock. Bettres Diocefe ^/"Hereford. ? r S Archdeaconry of Salop, Clunbury f Edgdon y Cap: Llamtair-Wa- \ terdine. J Clungonas, alias Qangim- Mr. iJocfc ford R. Ho{>efay R. Mr. /Joe*.' Hopon R. Mr. Bealey*. Ledon R. Mr. Oafcfe/. North Lidbury V. Mr.P/owdM*,' Norbury Cap. More R. Mr. More. Maynflone R. The Crown; Stow V. St. Michael, The Crown. Wemnor R. Cbrift-Chvrch Oxford, Priory of Wtgmw. Priory of greaf Maheml Co. Rad n o r.' T/'Ntghtoft St. £fatai Hofpital of C/«wr. Cap. to Stow. Priory of great Malvern. R fcfcanfr-Caftte ft AjhfordBowdkr Ludford. Deanary of L U D L w»' Co. Hereford* Mr. Salviaj. °VCap. to BromfeslS, Co. Salop. AiS^orcJ Corbonnel Cap. to little Hereford in Lempfler Dean- ary. Bitterly R.St. Afe>y. Mr. P«ot& _ M ro in sS 620 Diocefe of Hereford. Archdeaconry of S a l o p. Eromfeild V. Haxiford Cap. Mr. Herbert. Cuhnington R. Mr. Cowpers. Col-wefton R. Lord Herbert. Cainham V. Mr. Powis. Hope-Baggot R. Earl of Bradford. LUDLOW R. Sr. Laurence. The Crown. Sr. Leonard's Cap. Cnybury R. Lord Craven. Sr. Margaret's Cke Cur. Mr. Crejfet. Stoke- Milburgh R. Mr. Conyers. Staumcn-Lacy V; Lord Craven. Stoke-Say V. Mr. lbbius. Eilvington R. Mr. Soley. Seddleburgb, alias Diddle- Chapter of Hereford. bu>y V. Wiftanftow R. Lord Craven. Priory of Bromfeild Cell to G/cwa/fo-Abby. Priory of Wigmore. Knights of St. >/;«'/ >- rufalem. Priory of Lanthony. Abby of Haghmon. Church of Hereford. Deanary of Pontesbury. ALberhiry V. St. Mi- chael. Criggion 1 W.Lafton.S <~ a P' Ca}-d V. KinletV. 'Middle ton Scriven R. Ni end Savage V. Neenton R. OMary R. Sudbury R. Stottersden V. Farloiv Cap. Sifcjp R. UjMOB Of//e? R. WhethiU R. - Sir GW£ Cap. Shipton. J SVcnkck ParvaR. St. kra^ Knights of Sc. 3M»V JJk-i rufalem. Mr. Baugh. Mr. Williams'. Sir jf^H Woolrich. Mr. Davies. Bifhop of Hereford; Sir 3^« Littleton. Mr. TVy/jr. Mr.C/Vto. Mr. G <#«*• Lord Weymouth. Chapter of Hereford. Biftiop of Hereford. Mr. ***«, Mr. Pd/