Fie Latest Styles In MOUNTINGS, LEATHER NOVELTIES, CALENDARS DESIGNED AND' MANUFACTURED BY Taprell, L oomis &c ompany Our Sp ecial Show Case and ^K/indow Display Sample F/lounting Offers for Fall B us i ness O f f e r FI o . 15 One of each style and color of our latest Fall Styles, not included in our General Cat- alog issued in March, alto- gether 57 beautiful mountings and One Set of Advertising Cards. Express pre- e \ qq paid £*- — THESE OFFERS DO NOT INCLUDE LEATHER GOODS AND ALBUMS Offer Flo. 16 One of each of all styles listed in this Fall Supplement and One Set of Advertis- ing Cards. Express pre- paid . . . 2:25 Offer Flo. 14 One of each style of our latest Fall Styles, not included in our General Catalog issued in March, and One Set of Advertis- ing Cards, Ex-pyj- press prepaid * OC R You get in our Sample Offers, not plastered over printed emember samples, but neat, clean styles you can use on your sales counter and for show window display, with only a small sticker on back, giving you size, name and price, that you can easily remove. ORDER BY NUMBER AND DO IT TODAY GET a LINE of MOUNTINGS that will SELL YOUR PORTRAITS QUICKEST at BEST PRICES For Sale by JOHN HAWORTH CO. Eastman Kodak Co. 1020 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Taprell, Loomis Company s Latest Styles in Mountings INDEX TO CONTENTS Actor’s Mirror and Photo Case 15 Advertising Cards 5 Advertisng Letters 6-7 Album — Class, Portrait and Group 11 Album — Loose Portrait Sales 8 Album — Reception and Solic. Album — Sheet Portrait Stu- dio 10 Allwyn 58 Andes Arcadia Calendar 58 Art Calendar 4 Artist Cases 18 Art Proof Group 23 Athens 41 II Baby Photo and Card Case. . 10 Beau 18 Biloxi 38 Bristol Boards 03 Bryn Mawr 20 Business Letters 0-7 C Cabaret Leather Folio 12 Cadet 31 Calendars — Arcadia 58 Calendars— Art 4 Calendars — Halcyon 04 Chambrey 48 Class Portrait and Group Al- bum 11 Combination Cards 50 Communion Card 52 Communion Folder 42 Cornell 38 Cortez 53 Countess Leather Case 14 Court 54 n Dartmouth 33 Debutante Wrist Purse 17 Deckled Edge Folder and Mount Stock 02-03 Deckletint 30 Dramatic 22 Drawing Room Portrait Holder 13 Dresden 55 Duet 51 Duplex Marble Bristol Sheet Stock 03 Duplex and Triplex Cards. . . 50 E Embossing in Gold on Leather 17 Enclosures, Tissue 01 Evremonde 42 F Fabrics Bristol Sheet Stock. 02 Family Group 40 Fiske 48 Page Folder Stock 02-03 Folio Group 45 French Linen Rag 02 Furniss 52 Fyntone 30 G Galatea 44 Gentleman’s Bill Book and Photo Cases 10 Gerhard 44 H Halcyon Calendars 04 Hawtry 51 I Imported Folder Stock 03 Inaugural 37 Index Classified 3 Isthmus 53 L Ladies’ Photo and Mirror Case 15 Ladies’ Trinket and Paper Weight 15 Lady Nicotine Cigar Case... 17 Lanport 57 Larimer 21 Leather Novelties 12-17 Lee 43 Linatone 47 Loose Portrait Sales Album. 8 M Mailers, Universal 01 Manhattan 00 Mantel Photo Holder 15 Matone 34 Medlar 40 Miniature Bill Book and Photo Case 10 Minuet 18 Moresque 37 Mosaic 25 Motor Card Case 15 N Nantasket 38 Name Plates 01 Nobilite 28 Nursery 41 P Palais 31 Parisian 30 Pavilion 58 Penzance 54 Photo Mailers 61 Pocket Mirror and Photo Case 15 Portrait Holder — Drawing Room 13 Portrait Proof 2t Portrait Sales Album 8 Proctor 43 Prom 32 Purdue 28 Page U Quadrille Watch Fob 17 R Reception Group.., 23 Reception and Solicitor's Al- bums 8 Revelstoke 50 Rolani 48 Romney 24 Royalty 27 s Safety Bill Book and Photo Case 16 Salerno 18 Salon Case 12 Sanford 26 Sartoff 20 Sea Breeze 00 Senate 45 Senior Class 32 Sextette 38 Sheet Portrait Album 10 Show Case “Ad” Cards 5 Social Card Case 17 Solicitor’s and Reception Al- bum 8 Spellman 24 Stapleton 50 T Tango Watch Fob 15 Thuss 47 Tissue Enclosures 61 Tissue Sheet Stock 63 Tourist Match Safe 17 Townsend 20 Transparent Tissues 61 Traveler’s Bill Case 17 Triplex and Duplex 56 Tudor 28 Tyree 40 Twin Group 46 U Universal Mailer 61 Universal Stocks 02-03 V Vassal- 27 Valencia 48 Valley View 58 Vanity Mirror and Photo Case l« Vaudeville 28 Velour Bristol 62 Venetian 34 Vignette 35 Viscount Leather Case 14 Vista : 57 w Watch Fob, Quadrille 15 Watch Fob, Tango 17 Wellesley 55 West Point 38 Winona 55 z Zel Portrait 33 CLASSIFIED INDEX I^^Ol READ IT HI T ■ GIVES YOU A GRIP ON THE LINE PACES Advertising Schemes 4 to 10, 59, 64 Letters, Advertising Cards, Calendars, Albums. Sample Offers Cover Page For Show Case Display and Reception Room Sales Counter. . Leather Albums and Novelties 11 to 17 Complete line for Holiday and Birthday gifts. For Sheet Portraits 18 to 23 For double weight papers — all sizes — in Artist Proof and other styles. For Tipped Portraits 24 to 33 For double weight paper in Folder and other styles from 2 x 4 up to 11 x 17. For Matted or Slip-In Styles ... 33 to 47 For double weight papers for all sizes, oval and square, and for single or group portraits and views. For Group and View Prints 23, 36, 40, 43, 45 For Single and Double Weights — all sizes and all styles of 46, 47, 51, 57, 58 mountings from Cabinet to 11 x 14. For Single Weight Prints Mounted Solid 48, 58 From Smaller-than- Cabinet up to 11 x 14 — a complete range for single weight prints, in Folders and Card styles. For Post Card Size Prints 59, 60 Four catchy designs. Photo Mail ers 61 Tissue Enclosures 61 Sheet Stocks 62, 63 Cover Stocks, Insert Stocks and Tissues. Prices for Embossing Cards ... ... Brass Trimming Forms Calendars For Studio and Landscape and Group and Post Card Prints. . . 63 . . 63 4, 59, 64 Taprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles m Mountings GET YOUR ORDER IN TO YOUR DEALER TODAY THE ART CALENDAR 10% x 14 inches for 4x6 Portraits, Inslip Style Thickness of Stocks lllnck him! AYliite. Bull' mid Sepia Toiioh T HE ART CALENDAR, New — artistic — different — your practical and profitable advertisement for September, October and November, 1913, and the entire year 1914. It is 10% x 14 inches with opening for 4x6 portraits— made in extra heavy weight Bristol Stocks, tied with silk cords and tas- sels, in colors to match the tones of prints and stocks; made in three color combination for black and white, buff and sepia prints. The design is hail deckle, tinted, with the words "Greetings of t' r c Season” embossed in color; calendar pad for the twelve months of 1914 caped in a cover with a beau- tiful pen sketch Woodland Scene, with the number 1914 embossed in the foreground. A high grade Art Calendar, 10% x 14 inches for 4x6 prints. No. For Tones Size Portrait Size Outside Per ICO FW-l Black and White 4x6 sq. 10%xl4 S12.00 FW-2 Buff, Blk. and Wht. 4x6 sq. 10%xl4 12. CO FW-3 Sepia 4x6 sq. 10 %xl4 12. CO SanipIeN only went on receipt of ei^lit two cent stomps Read tKis — How to make our Art Calendar Pay you a Profit M AKE IT the Portrait Order Getter for the months of September, October, November and Decern* ber, by getting out the negatives of steady customers and making a print of each now and send one mounted on an Art Calendar to each good customer complimentary. Means re-orders, new busi- ness, a better price. Your Special Fall Portrait Offer— A dozen Portraits 4x6 in two Art Calendars and ten Nan- tasket, Galatea, Parisian, Inaugural, Dramatic or Chambrey, etc. Your Special Baby and Children’s Offer — Twelve Portraits in two Art Calendars and ten in the Nursery, Chambrey, Vassar, Palais, Court or Dresden, etc. Feature it at the Sales or Reception Counter as a souvenir gift portrait. You will find it a money getter. For instance, take a grade of portraits, say at $5.00, by offering two of the dozen portraits in the Art Calendar at the small advance of fifty cents on the dozen, the difference will pay the cost of the calendar and paper bill on the entire dozen. Your Special College or University Fall Offer — Twelve Portraits, one in an Art Calendar and eleven on the Dramatic, Purdue, Senior Class, Sanford, Vassar, Romney or Moresque, etc. The Art Calendar Pays you a direct profit — is your best direct advertisement. The Art Calen- dar, 10% x 14 inches for 4x6 portraits, $12.00 per 100. FW-1, Grey duplex for Black and White tones. FW-2, Buff-Swiss for Buff, Black and White tones. FW-3, Brown-Sepia for Sepia tones. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS TAPRELL, LOOMIS & COMPANY Eastman Kodak Company CHICAGO You can get your share of the Holiday money — Leather novelties pages 11 to 15. 4 Advertise Your Portraits o ur Latest Fall Edit; on Show Case ** •Ad" C ards 'Mffi | Q ortrjit* > V :> 1 O Portraits o/ * '7our.eK A Seasonable fa 1 vvclvc 3 °V£) Postpaid 5 for 15c. Postpaid FIVE up-to-the-minute display cards for Show Case and Window in two colors — Each a different shape with the word that creates interest in you and your Portraits — they sell Pictures. ORDER THROUGH YOUR DEALER X3aprell, T/oomis & dompany Chicago They’ll win dollars for you this Fall. Our Special Sample Offers. Front Page. 5 Our Fall Edition Follow-up Business Letters DIFFERENT than those you ve heen mailing out. Specially composed for your Fall Campaign — they will hold your regular customers for you and bring in new ones. They are real business letters containing one or two crisp hut courteous sentences that bring you and the public together. They increase your sale of better grades. They keep your business from becoming localized. They cost you (including postage) less than 2 cents. They bring sitters to the Studio who buy. m ere You Should Mail Th em In your home city. Along the rural routes. To the villages that 'market in your city. Use the phone list or other medium for addresses. THE PRICE :: 75 CENTS PER 100 No less than one hundred sold of a number. Order by number from your dealer. Ask the Traveling Salesman to Show Our Three Follow -up Business Letters See Next Page YOUR Art Calendar — SPECIALLY DESIGNED for YOU — Read about it — page 4 6 all Announcement |E take pleasure in notifying you that our new line of Fall and Holiday Styl es is now ready for your inspection. It comprises special ideas in regular and Holiday Gift Portraits, and with our expert workmanship and tke general tonal quality of our Photographs, we feel safe in assuring you that a visit to our Studio will he worth while Respectfully, lJ No. 7 Follow-up Business Letter 75 Cents Per 100 ( See Page 6) low-up Business Letter 75 Cents Per 100 (See Page 6 ) f>ortratts of Qtnlbren CONSTANT REMINDERS OF HAPPY DAYS special care we take in making Our Portraits of M Children insures for our pictures, naturalness — tke 1 M never failing reminder of childhood a happy hours. A source of future pleas- ure to you both. Will you not call or phone a time for a sitting ? Respectfully, i No. 9 Follow-up Business You GET THE LATEST in this line — The Kind that sell more Pictures at Better Prices. Loose Portrait Sale Album Finished in Genuine Art Suede Brown Leather. Size Album, 14 '/z x 182^ inches With 20 leaves 13 x 18 inches T HE PORTRAIT SALE ALBUM rounds out and completes our line of Albums for up-to-the-minute Reception Rooms. We have designed it specially for the grade of work that you show the customer who comes to sit for pictures. It is essentially a Portrait Sale Album for the Reception Room. Why? Because you place between each leaf one of each style you are running, whether a sheet portrait, matted or tipped— from the highest priced to your lowest— each style, grade or specimen por- trait isn’t tipped or pasted to the leaves, but is placed loose between the sheets, and in that way you can show effectively and talk convincingly to each patron, permitting them to pick up any style or grade and examine it more closely than they can possibly do with any other album. The Loose Portrait Sale Album offers you a complete selling proposition in the Recep- tion Room, besides keeping each grade of work clean and flat. The Album is very rich in appearance, it is bound in the best grade of Art Suede Brown Leather, hand-tooled, lined with silken repp. On both ends is a metal ridge covered with leather which keeps the por- traits from falling out in case the Album is picked up carelessly. The cover is tied with one-quarter inch leather thong. The price includes 20 leaves 13 x 18 inches of extra grade brown stock finished in silk linen. Price Album 14^ x 18}{ inches, leaves 13 x 18, each $8.00 Trade Tip on the Loose Portrait Sale Album The Loose Portrait Sale Album is in fact the Reception Room sample case — Enables you to put in compact form your whole selling campaign of a season — No first class Reception Room should he without at least two of them. It will mean to you two sales counters instead of one. Special advertising matter FOR YOU — below cost — Read about it Pages 5, 6, 7. 8 Reception and Solicitor’s Album C. Display Albums for the Reception Room and Solicitor R eception and solicitors* albums have each ten leaves of best quality duplex color, bound in rich leather fin- ished material, with three-inch flap, which is closed with patent fasteners across the cover. Embossed in gold on the brown, and silver on the gray, is the word Portraiture. A very rich Album. ITS ADVANTAGE TO YOU: Gives you a first-class Album for display purposes for your reception room and counters. You can mount prints on heavy cards, on flexible or unmounted. The leaves have no plate mark, so that regular and odd-sized prints and cards may be used. The leaves are duplex gray and white, and golden brown and sepia. Suitable for any toned print now made. ITS SPECIAL ADVERTISING POSSIBILITIES With two or three of these albums mounted with specimens of your work you car. bring your pictures to the direct attention of every prominent person in your city. For instance — Mrs. So and So has a very charming child. You send one of these albums by your messenger, mounted with specimens of your work, for the mother’s inspection, accompanied by a note requesting the privilege of making a sitting and stating that your messenger will call for the album in a day or two. The advantage is three-fold — the lady is flattered by your special attention to get her patronage, and business frequently results. Besides, in the two or three days she has the album she shows it to her friends. Do you see what a splendid chance this gives you to get business? You can make of three or four Reception and Solicitor’s Albums, with the aid of your pictures, up-to-date Silent Salesmen who will constantly suggest to the public that photos are something they should have and yours is the studio to make them. PRICES of RECEPTION and SOLICITOR’S ALBUMS Each 1- A. Grey Cover. 10 leaves. White-Grey. 11x16 $3 50 2- A. Brown Cover. 10 leaves. Brown-Sepia. 11x16 3 50 1- B. Grey Cover. No leaves. For loose prints 13x18 or smaller 2 00 2- B. Brown Cover “ “ “ “ “ 13x18 “ 2 00 Insist on the dealer* s representative showing you these Insist on seeing OUR COMPLETE LINE— We BOTH lose WHEN YOU DON’T. 9 The Sheet Portrait Studio Album Size outside 13>£ x 18. 25 leaves 12J6 x 17>£ A rich high-class Album for the Studio to show sample Portraits T HE SHEET PORTRAIT STUDIO ALBUM is not only a beautiful sample of artistic book binding, but practical from the stand-point of a good Album for showing sample portraits in the studio. The cover is of heavy padded morocco leather in dark green, embossed in pure gold leaf with the word “PORTRAITS.” It is lined inside with silk finished material with leaves of extra weight pure rag stock, hand finish. The leaves are interchange- able— yon can take them out and rearrange them by unfastening cords, having all Covert Grey or Dark Brown, or mixed. You can add, as per list, fresh leaves from time to time to suit the tones of print you are making. The Covert Grey leaves are for Black and White or Buff prints and the Brown for all Sepia tones. THE SHEET PORTRAIT STUDIO ALBUM is a first-class album in every respect, an ornament to the best reception rooms, it will “fit in” with the best class of sheet portraits and can be replenished with fresh leaves as desired, mixed Grey and Brown, or all of either color. It is cheap in price for the quality and appearance and would cost you from $15.00 to $20.00 were you to get a similar one made up special. When ordering, be sure to state quantity of each color of leaves wanted. Price complete with 25 leaves of Covert Grey or Dark Brown Each $12.00 Extra leaves, Grey or Brown Each .10 We both lose when the Salesman doesn’t show you our complete line. 10 The Class Portrait & Group Alh um PATENT APPLIED FOR For Class, Faculty, Lodge and Family Portraits T HE CLASS PORTRAIT AND GROUP ALBUM will appeal to every Studio making a specialty of photographing Classes of Students, Lodges, etc. You can use one to fifty portraits, and whether your album is 6 to 15 or any number of portraits up to fifty, it will look right — a finished product. The cover is made of genuine brown suede art leather hand tooled, lined on both the inside of front and back cover with brown cloth finished linen rag deckled stock — leaves of the same color and made out of extra grade and weight cloth finished paper, all deckel and reinforced on the back. Each leaf has three holes in the back through which is run the leather thong which fastens it to the cover — each leaf holds two portraits which are simply slipped in under the cape at the top and bottom, and held securely in place. Closed or open The Class Portrait and Group Album presents the appearance of a high grade article. A price getter. With each Album is included three leaves or a capacity for six portraits; this makes it desirable for family and children’s combination pictures, and for class and other groups. You can place as many more as are needed up to 25 leaves, or a capacity for 50 portraits, because each leaf holds two portraits. For Portraits Size Album Closed Price Including Three Leaves or Capacity for Six Portraits A 4x6 6 'A X 7 y% Each $0.75 B 5x8 l'/z X 93/8 Each 1 . 00 C Extra leaves 4x6 Each 0.03 D Extra leaves 5x8 Each 0.04 Trade Tip on The Class Portrait and Group Album Feature it tins Fall lor your good priced Group Customers, Family Parties, Clubs, etc., etc., as well as for Lodge, Class and Faculty Groups. Don’t fail to read Classified Index, page 3. Gives you Key to Contents. 11 T aprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings SALON FELTHIDE BROWN CROCODILE FINISH Openings 3x5 inches. Size closed, 4y 3 x 634 inches. For prints from Cab- inet or 4 x 6 paper. For 1, 2, 3 Portraits. T he salon is made up in our own special Felthid.e stock with Brown Crocodile finish, lined with Brown silk and made to accommodate one, two or three portraits — prints are slipped in. THE SALON is very rich in appearance and looks twice the price we ask for it. SQUARE OPENING ONLY No. Size Opening Size Closed Each A 1 opening 3x5 inches 4'A x 634 $0.50 B 2 openings 3x5 inches 4 Vi x 6 H .65 C 3 openings 3x5 inches 4H X 614 .90 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE SALON. At the price you can make this a valuable premium for Baby, Wedding and Birthday gifts by offer- ing II of your regular grade and one SALON. At only $1.00 per dozen more, the extra profit will cover the entire cost of your paper and plate bill— it will easily look $2.00 more to your customer. CABARET LEATHER PORTFOLIO CABARET LEATHER FOLIO GENUINE LEATHER, FABRIC LINED 3x4, 4x6, 5x8, 7x11 prints Double or single weight prints mounted on cards. Portraits slipped in. C ABARET LEATHER POLIOS, while sold at a very low figure, are all hand made of genuine leather in rich Black Walrus pattern, lined with watered silk pat- tern fabric. They are rich in appearance and will prove a good price getter if presented light to the public. A- 1 — for one 3x4 Square Print $ -65 each A-2 — for two 3x4 Square Print 90 each B- 1 — for one 4x6 Square Print 90 each B-2— for two 4x6 Square Print 1-25 each C-l — for one 5 x 8 Square Print 1.50 each D-l — for one 7 x 11 Square Print 2.00 each OUR TRADE TIP ON CABARET LEATHER FOLIOS. Some of these will, of course, be sold in dozens, bu. you can make them the best agent for an increase of price by offering them generally, as follows: Say you have six grades of portraits that you seil regularly— take a 4x6 style in our Inaugural that you get $6.00 per dozen for, offer first as a choice, our CABARET and 11 Inaugural at $7.50. The $7.50 grade will look a lot more for the money then the $6.00, and by working this idea with each grade, suggesting as you show it that the Leather Folio is being used as a gift to particular friends or relatives, you will swing them to better prices at a profit in each case. Where your customer is $1.50 shy, you can, of course, swing back to your regular offe r. Special Studio Albums — for showing your Grades to Customers. Pages 8 to 10. 12 Taprell, Loomis (^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings DRAWING-ROOM PORTRAIT HOLDER Finished in genuine Art Suede Brown Leather, each with an easel back For one-Iinlf of and 4x0 Portraits. THE DRAWING-ROOM PORTRAIT HOLDER will appeal to your good priced customers who want something out of the ordinary for the gift portrait. They are made with the best grade of brown suede leather, hand-tooled, and of the best workmanship throughout. No. For Portraits Size Outside Each E '/i of 4x6 Square 4x6 “ $0.85 FW 1.00 TRADE TIP ON THE DRAWING-ROOM PORTRAIT HOLDER The Drawing-Room Portrait Holder gives you something in a portrait frame that you can work strong for the holiday gift portrait. Special Album for Classes and Groups. You need it. Page 11. 13 T aprell, Loomis & C ompany s Latest Styles m Mountings Holiday Novelties for Gift Portraits 50 Per Cent Off Leather Novelties W ITH SEVERAL NEW STYLES added to our large line of leather novelties we know that you can make them a big factor in your selling campaign. Your sug- gestion to your customers that they are desirable for Anniversary, Birthday and Holiday Gifts will bring you your share of the money, which is now going to the stores that are not photographic. Your “Ad” in your local paper to the effect that you have got novelties in leather that are desirable for Anniversary, Birthday and Holiday Gifts will bring the people to the Studio to look, and with a fair assortment of our leather novelties on hand, you will get your proportion of the photo leather novelty business. GET BUSY EARLY ORDER ONE OF EACH STYLE AT ONCE THROUGH YOUR DEALER. REMEMBER HE GIVES YOU FIFTY PER CENT DISCOUNT. HOW YOU CAN MAKE MONEY WITH THEM 1 Sell singly with a Photograph. 3 Suggest them as Birthday and Anniversary Gifts. 2 Put out a special grade at a price that you can 4 If you are in a college town, offer them at a afford to give a leather novelty with each dozen. price with photographs of the faculty. 5 A hit with special grade Baby Picture. In fact, we have suggested only a few of the one hundred and one profitable ways you can use them. Insist on the stock dealer showing you the complete line. The Countess This Style Particularly Desirable as a Gift to a Lady Portrait Mirror and Card Case in one — finished in dark-brown genuine morocco leather, hand tooled, beveled mirror. Space for photograph with opening Extra leather flap coming over portrait. Gusset hinged space for ladies’ visiting cards. No. 25, size closed, Price each $ 3.50 The Viscount Appropriate Gift to Father, Son, Husband or Brother Space for Portrait, Cards, Identification Card and Bills. Finished in dark-brown genu- ine morocco leather — lined with watered silk, reinforced with Salmon kid leather. Open- ing for Portraits 1^x2^ with leather flap. Gusset hinged card case with opening showing name. A very handsome Bill Book. No. 28, exact size closed, 3x4 Price each $ 4.00 Special advertising matter FOR YOU — below cost — Read about it — Pages 5, 6, 7. 14 Taprell,L oomis Company s Latest Styles m Mountings Holiday Novelties for Gift Portraits 50 Per Cent Off Leather Novelties Tango Watch Fob Prize Gift for the Holidays Very handsome. 1^x5 inches; space for photograph, lxl^ opening. Finished in dark-brown morocco with double leather strap braced with hand tooled bands and metal catch for watch. No. 27. Price each $ 0.80 Ladies’ Photo and Mirror Case 50 Per Cent Discount Made in rich, finished leather. Size portrait, 2 inches; size bevel mirror, 2 }4 inches. Complete, size closed, V/\ inches. Closes up in compact form. Makes a pretty orna- ment for the dressing table, as well as a desirable acquisition for the traveling bag. No. 22, each $ 3.00 Actor’s Mirror and Photo Case 50 Per Cent Discount Finished in grey and buff calf. Size beveled mirror, 2/^x4. Size portrait, 2x2/4. Complete size, closed, 3x4^4. An easel in itself. Stands up; shows both por- trait and mirror. Very desirable for Anniversary and Birthday Gifts. No. 18 — Grey, each. .$ 2. 50 No. 19 — Buff, each.. $ 2. 50 Motor Card Case Appropriate Gift to Son, Brother, Father or Husband 2/{ x 2>Y\ inches with place for photo 1/4x224 opening. Gusset hinge card case and snap clasped flap over photo — finished in Walrus seal black leather. No. 26 — exact size 2/^x 3^. Price each $ 1.00 Pocket Mirror and Photo Case 50 Per Cent Discount Very pretty novelty in leather. Circle portrait, 1^4 inches; circle bevel mirror, 124 inches. Complete size, 224 inches. Very appropriate for either lady or gentleman for a pocket mirror and portrait — -all in one. No. 21 — each $ 1.25 Ladies’ Trinket Case and Paper Weight 50 Per Cent Discount Finish in rich leather; circle form, 3/4 inch diameter by one inch deep. Size beveled mirror, 2/4 inches; size por- trait, 2 inches. A very unique novelty for a lady, combin- ing both trinket case and paper weight, and photo holder. No. 20, each $ 3.25 They’ll win dollars for you this Fall. Our Special Sample Offers. Front Page. 15 T aprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles m ^Mountings 50% Off Leather Novelties on this Page VANITY MIRROR AND PHOTO CASES 50°/ 0 DISCOUNT Finished in dark brow n morrocco. Open, measures 44$x 9J$; closed, 3X* Has beveled oval mirror 24$x3>$. Size portrait, 2x2 >$, with pocket for personal cards. It is a Vanity case, card case, photo frame combined, made of the best material. Very rich in appearance. No. 23. Each, 14.00. SAFETY BILL BOOK AND PHOTO CASES 50% DISCOUNT Bill book with special safety device. Pockets for change, stamps, etc.; a card case and photo holder for portrait 1^x2^ combined. Finished in black seal grain leather. Very handsome novelty, and very appropriate as a gift to a gentleman. No. 24, each, $2.00. GENTLEMAN’S BILL BOOK AND PHOTO CASE Finished in genuine Morocco leather and lined with seal brown moire silk. It is a Bill Book, Photo Case and Card Holder combined in neat, compact forms; silk-lined pocket at back and three openings, one arch and two ovals; 14$x24$ inches. Folds up like an ordinary Bill Book. Made of the very best material and best workmanship. Very suitable for gift to gentleman with photographs of his wife and children. Price No. 2. Gentleman’s Bill Book and Photo Case. Each $4.50 MINIATURE BILL BOOK AND PHOTO CASE Bound in rich brown Morocco grain leather, lined with brown moire silk; two gusset hinged pockets on ends for cards with oval space in center for photo of child or lady; 14 $x 24 $ inches. A very rich article of the best material; very popular seller. Price No. 3. Miniature Bill Book and Photo Case. Each $4.50 BABY PHOTO AND CARD CASE Finished in brown Morocco seal leather, lined with dark brown kid; gusset hinged pocket for cards, and oval opening 144 x 24 $ inches for photograph. Flap turns over, and is fastened with snap button. A beautiful, classy, up-to-date card case which every fond mother and father of every well-behaved baby will buy on sight. Price No. 4. Baby Photo and Card Case. Each $2.60 MANTEL PHOTO HOLDER 50°/n DISCOUNT Genuine leather, finished in black morocco, two and three openings for half cabinet, ornamented oxidized rims, Easel back. Very handsome. No. 16. Cabinet. Size open, 5J^x 7 %. Each, $3.00 No. 17. 344 Cabinet. Size open, 5Xxl04$. Each, 3.50 16 Taprell, Loomis fe? Company s Latest Styles m ^Mountings 50% Off Leather Novelties on this Page TRAVELERS’ BILL CASES (Soft Black, Seal Grain Leather.) No. 5. Two folds, opening in center for photo, l)4x2)4. Each $1.25 Social Card Case No. 6. SOCIAL CARD CASE (Soft Black Seal Grain Leather.) No. 6. Two folds, opening in center for photo, 1^x2^. Each, #1.00 Social Card Case No. 7 No. 7. One fold, opening in side for photo, 1 Each 75 LADY NICOTINE CIGAR CASE (Black, Seal Grain Leather) Will hold the popular number of six cigars and fit in vest pocket. No. 8. Opening for photo, l^x 2}i. Each $0/jo . QUADRILLE WATCH FOB (Finished in Rich Brown Morocco Leather.) Button snaps. A first-class, rich-appearing novelty. Coin plete with strap. No. 10. Opening for photograph, l^xl %. Each #0 5(J DEBUTANTE WRIST PURSE Quadrille Watch Fob. Finished in brown kid; fits snugly over wrist and is fastened with buckle. Purse will hold small change up to 25 cents and will not fall out when purse is opened. But- ton clasp on cover. No. 11. Opening for photo inside cover, Each $0.-10 THE TOURIST MATCH SAFE Brown seal grain leather finish. Fits right round the ordinary box of small pocket matches; very novel, good seller. No. 15. Oval opening for photo y%x\y%. Price per dozen #3.00 Price of Gold Embossed Names on Above. In lots of 500, two lines for $ 8.50 In lots of 1000, two lines for 15 00 In lots of 2000, two lines for 24.00 Debutante Wrist Purse There is money in these goods for you. Insist on the stock man showing them to you 17 The Tourist Match Safe. Taprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings SALERNO FOR SHEET PORTRAITS. Thickness of Stock ■ ■■■ ■ ■■ Artist Proof Stylo for Sepia Tones. T HE SALERNO — Extra weight Chocolate Enamel stock, new water silk weave fin- ish, hand tooled with rich ornament on hap done in dark red enamel and natural re- lief. The Salerno has our special IMPROVED double score feature, which permits of slipping in sneet prints quickly and easily, which are held in place and kept flat. A very rich Art Proof Style that will bring the price for your double weight Sepia-toned sheet portrait. Sample on receipt of list price. No. For Tones For Prints Size Outside Price Per 100 AM Sepia 4x 6 4Ax 6A S3 75 DM Sepia 5x 8 SAx 8 A 4 50 PM Sepia 4x10 4AxiOA 4.50 HM Sepia 7x10 7AX10A 6 50 XM Sepia 7x1 1 7 'ixi 1 % 7 . 00 ZM Sepia 10x1314 1014x13k 12.00 TRADE TIP ON THE SALERNO — Fea- ture It and the Townaend on page 20 for your high grade Sheet Portrait that yon aell In Artiat Proof Style. Specially good for Fall holiday por- tralta. ARTIST CASES -(Hand-made) Portraits slipped in under flaps. Black and White, Buff, Sepia. An entirely new idea for double weight portraits. For 4 x 6, 5 x 8, 4x9, 6 x 10, 8 x 10 and 7x11 prints. T'HE ARTIST CASE is in line with A our usual custom to offer you a new, original idea in a mounter for your bestgrade of portraiture. The ARTIST CASE com- bines simple richness with every practical feature desired in a mounter. Prints are slipped in under the flaps, which have been rendered rigid by our special double score feature and which hold prints in place and in shape. It is made out of the best rag plated finished stocks, delicately lined in quiet tones of color with the edgesof stock hand deckled The ARTIST CASE, while having the feel of quality and flexibility, will hold the print nrmly and stands up as well as the ’stiff card" for double weight prints. Sample on receipt of five one-cent stamps No. Color hor Size Case Prints Closed Price per 100 No. Color For Prints Size Case Closed Price per 100 A 1 Etching Grey 4 X 6 5*4 X 74 $4.50 D-l Etching Grey 6 x 10 ,7*4 x 11)4 $7.50 A 2 Buff 4 X 6 5*4 x 74 4 50 D-2 Buff 6 x 10 7*4 x 11)4 7 50 A3 Brown 4 X 6 5*4 x 74 4.50 D-3 Brown 0 x 10 7*4 x 11)4 7.50 B-l Etching Grey 5 X 8 :69i x 9 % 5 50 F.-l Etching Grey 7Hx 9!$8iixI0 H 8.50 B-2 Buff 5 X 8 ! 6 % x 9 % 5 50 E-2 Buff 7H x 9!4 8 J 4 x 10?i 8.50 B-3 Brown 5 X 8 6H x 9^4 5 50 E-3 Brown 7% x 9H 8*4 x 103U 8.50 Cl Etching Grey 4 X 9 5)4 x 10*4 5 75 F-l Etching Grey 7 x 11 \S4 x 12*4 9 00 C 2 Buff 4 X 9 5)4 x 10)4 5.75 F-2 Buff 7 x 11 (8*4 x 124 9.00 C 3 Brown 4 X 9 5*4 x 10)4 5.75 F -3 Brown 7 x 11 18*4' x 12*4 9.00 Our trade tip on the ARTIST CASE. Portraits in the ARTIST CASE should be sold as QUALITY PORTRAITS and feat- ured strongly at the show counter. REMEMBER— qualiiy portraits where the print tells the tale and a quiet rich mounter adds the finishing touch of quality. You can get your share of the Holiday money — Leather novelties pages 11 to 17. 18 Taprell, Loomis ompany s Latest Styles in Mountings MINUET Keeps the print Hat. Art Folio style in Sepia* Brown. For sheet portraits. T HE MINUET lias our own spe- cial double score device which holds the print firmly and keeps it there. In our new shade of Sepia- Brown hand crash finish with deckled flap, with embossed two-figure Medal- lion in center. Sample mailed on receipt of three one-cent stamps No. For Prints Price per 1000 AM 4x6 $27.00 DM 5x8 35.00 PM 4x 10 36.00 HM 7x 10 47.00 XM 7x11 48.00 ZM 10x13^ 80.00 For Redeveloped Sepia, in fact, any Brown tone sheet portrait, THE MINUET is correct — a different look in Art Proof Style for Sheet Portraits — the stock is both extra weight and quality. THE BEAU A COLLEGE STYLE ART PROOF. For 2x6, 3x6 and 2>4x7 prints. Black and White, Buff and Sepia prints. Thickness i — — T HE BEAU — specially made for College, University and School pictures that you want to deliver in Art Proof style. The shades are Grey Marble, Olive Marble and Sepia Mar- ble — correct shades for Black and White, Buff and Sepia prints. Stock has both strength and softness of tex- ture — is deckled all around — delicate tinted line on flaps. For 2x6, 3x6 and 2 J4x7 prints. Sample Free. No. Color F'or Prints Price per 1000 A-l White 2 x6 $16.00 A-2 French Olive 2 x6 16.00 A-3 Brown 2 x6 16.00 B-l White 3 x6 19.00 B-2 French Olive 3 x6 19 00 B-3 Brown 3 x6 19.00 C-l White 214x7 21 00 C-2 French Olive 214x7 21 00 £2 Rrown 214x7 21 00 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE BEAU. The colors, style and general appearance, while very artistic and catchy, are entirely different than the regular Art Proof style you use for large sizes. You can therefore feature them for your School work without danger of them interfering directly with other and higher priced Art Proof grades. Insist on seeing OUR COMPLETE LINE— We BOTH lose WHEN YOU DON’T. 19 Taprell, Loomis {^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings SARTOFF Thickness of Stock' ART PROOF STYLE IN OUR NEW SHADE OF OLIVE GREEN. For Bull. Black and White Print*. T HE SARTOFF— Rich, extra weight, all rag stock fabric fin- ish in our NEW shade of Olive Green — a rich, neutral shade that will give your buffs, blacks and white tone sheet prints the finish- ing touch of perfect harmony. Has our special improved double score which keeps and holds the print flat and in place. On the flap is embossed a rich relief ornament with background in Lincoln Green — a very appropriate style for sheet prints in black, white and buff tones. Sample on receipt of 3 one cent stamps No. For Prints Size Outside Per 100 AM 4x 6 ■i'/ix b'/2 S3 00 DM 5x 8 5 '/ix 3.75 PM 4x10 4-4x10 K 3.75 EM 6x10 6 >4x10 K 5.25 XM 7x11 7 !/> x 1 1 J4 5 50 TRADE TIP ON THE SARTOFF— The color and general style is ALL DIFFERENT than the usual Artist proof— A NEW COLOR, FINISH AND LOOK — A PRICE-GETTER for buff, black and white toned Portraits. TOWNSEND Art proof style, double scored. Universal Brown. For Black and White, Buff and Sepia double weight prints. T'HE TOWNSEND — very rich style in enameled heavy weight stock in our new shade of Universal Brown, suitable for any shade of print in Black and White, Buff and Sepia tones. The surface is our new veneer wood grain finish with artistic gold re- lief design on flap. Sample on receipt of five one- cent stamps. No. For Prints Price Per 100 AM 4x6 $4 . 75 DM 5 x 8 6.5C E VI 6 x 10 8.50 XM 7x11 9.00 Our trade tip on the TOWNSEND For your highest grade sheet portraits, all styles, either Black and White, Butt or Sepia— will bring the highest prices. Insist on seeing the TOWNSEND in UNI- VERSAL BROWN. We both lose when the Salesman doesn’t show you our complete line. 20 Taprell, Loomis fkr’Company s Latest Styles in Mountings PORTRAIT PROOF An Entirely New Style for Sheet Portraits Black and White, Sepia and Hall - Tones. .No imstiuK — no tipping — prints held in place. Gives a Panel Effect to 4x6, 5x8 and 7x10 portraits. The Portrait therefore gets all the mounting advantage of an ordinary Art Proot with the additional value of a more artistic, newer article — a style that holds the print firmly, and yet leaves top, bottom and side exposed. Gives to a print the Panel Effect. T HE PORTRAIT PROOF Style tells at a glance hand made quality — rich simplicity so necessary for the sheet portrait. The stock is fabric water finished, hand deckled on both the cover and print holder. The print is slipped in at the left, be- ing held in place and shape by the rigid creased flap on the left and loose flap on the right — in other words, the print is CAUGHT AND HELD AT THE SIDES instead of the top, which gives to a 4x6, 5x8 and 7x10 sheet print a more panel effect than is usu- ally gotten on the regular “Artist Proof” style. The print is nipped at the sides instead of the top. Sample on receipt of list price. No. Color For Tones Size Portraits Size Outside Price per 100 AM-1 Swiss Grey Buff, Black &White 4x6 and 4xo 4A x 7A $1.50 AM-2 Sepia Buff Buff & Sepia 4x6 and 4x5 4 'A x 7 A 4 50 AM-3 Brown Sepia 4x6 and 4 x 5 4 a x 7 a 4 . 50 DM-1 Swiss Grey Buff, Black & White 5x8 and 5x7 oA x 9 A 5.50 DM-2 Sepia Buff Buff & Sepia 5x8 and 5x7 5 A x 9 A 5.50 DM -3 Brown Sepia 5x8 and 5 x 7 OA x 9A 5.50 XM-1 Swiss Grey Buff, Black & White 7x11 and 7 x 10 7 A X 12 A 8 00 XM-2 Sepia Buff Buff & Sepia 7x11 and 7 x 10 7A X 12A 8.00 XM-3 Brown Sepia 7x11 and 7x10 7 A x 12 A 8.00 TRADE TIP ON THE PORTRAIT PROOF — You’ll find it profitable to feature for the Sheet Portrait because it looks better, different and newer than the ordinary “Artist Proof” — gives the print a different look — the panel effect — a good style for holiday gift portraits. for Black and White, Buff and Sepia prints. Has our special double score — keeps print flat. Colors: Swiss Grey and Buff. Thickness — — T HE LARIMER— rich cloth finish all rag stock with deckled flap and design brought up in duplex color- very rich Artist Proof style. Each size has our special improved double score feature, which enables you to insert print quickly and keeps it flat after it has left the Studio. For Black and White, Buff and Sepia prints. Sample on receipt of three one-cent stamps. No. Colors For Print Size Outside Price per 100 AM-1 Swiss 4x6 4'4x 6 A $2 70 AM -2 Buff 4x6 4'4x 6 A 5'4x 8A 2.70 DM-1 Swiss 5x8 3 50 DM-2 Buff 5x8 5!4x 8A 4'iX 9 A 4 '4x 9A 3 50 OM-1 Swiss 4x9 3.50 OM-2 Buff 4x9 3.50 HM-1 Swiss 7x10 7‘4xlOA 4.70 HM-2 Buff 7x10 7‘4xlOA 4 70 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE LARIMER. The finish, colors and “feel” of stock is new — will give this grade of portrait new selling boost of more pictures sold at better prices. THE LARIMER ART PROOF STYLE. Special Album for Classes and Groups. You need it. Page 11. 21 X aprell, Loomis &c ompany s Latest Styles in ^Mountings 3 DRAMATIC A New Style Art Proof for Sheet Prints 3x6, 4x6 and 2 y 2 x 7 Thickness — — ■ Universal Broun suitable for all tunrn. No pustiiiii — no matting. Print hold firmly at top anil bottom — KEEPS flat. T HE DRAMATIC — III Universal Brown. All tones of prints harmonize with it. The stock is extra weight, enameled kid leather finish, hand-tooled and deckled. Looks and feels like leather. Flaps holding print have our improved double score fea- ture and print is slipped in without trouble and held securely in place. Sample on receipt list prices. No. Color For Tones For Prints Size Folder Price per 100 A Brown All Tones 3 x6 3 $3 oo B Brown All Tones 4 x6 4'4x6K 3 50 C Brown All Tones 2-4x7 2Kx7K 3.50 TRADE TIP ON THE DRAMATIC — The leather appearance and “feel” — the universal color suitable for all tones — the general rich new look gives you a specially valuable mounter for the 4 x 6 and panel sheet portrait of good quality. You can call this your own Style Dramatic, or give it the name of your local university or college. ’Tis a winner. A good style to suggest for holiday gift portraits. THE ANDES Artist Proof style for double weight prints. Black and White, Buff Colors: Covert Grey, Buff, Golden Brown, and Brown tones. Thickness '"THE ANDES— Artist Proof style on extra weight special stock, half seal grain leather finished, hand-tooled and scored. Made in three colors — Covert Grey. Buff and Golden Brown. Note that the Covert Grey is equally suitable for Black aud White or Buff toned prints. Sample Free. No. Color For Prints Price per 100 AM-l Grey 4 x 6 *2 20 AM -2 Buff 4 x 6 2.20 AM-3 Brown 4 X 6 2 20 CM-l Grey 4 ‘Ax 6 'A 2.85 CM-2 Buff 4 Ax 6 'A 2.85 CM -3 Brown 4 ‘Ax 6 2.85 DM-1 Grey 5 x 8 3.00 DM-2 Buff 5 x 8 3 00 DM-3 Brown 5 X 8 3.00 OM-1 Grey 4 x 9 3 30 OM-2 Buff 4 X 9 3 30 OM-3 Brown 4 X 9 3 30 PM-1 Grey 4 X 10 3 50 PM 2 Buff 4 X 10 3.50 PM -3 Brown 4 X 10 3.50 EM-1 Grey 6 X 10 4.25 EM-2 Buff 6 X 10 4.25 EM -3 Brown 6 X 10 4.25 HM-1 Grey 7 X 10 4 50 HM 2 Buff 7 X 10 4 50 HM-3 Brown 7 X 10 4 50 ZM-1 Grey 10Lx 13 8.50 ZM 2 Buff 10Ax 13 8 50 ZM-3 Brown 10 ‘AX 13 8.50 Don’t fail to read Classified Index, page 3. Gives you Key to Contents. 22 Taprell, Loomis &-C ompany s Latest Styles in Mountings RECEPTION GROUP Thickness of Stocki An Artist Proof Style for HORIZONTAL Prints, Groups, Views, Etc. l'nlver«nl Bratvn suitable tor ALL tones in Art Proof Folio style. Size For Prints All Tones Size Outside Price Per 100 AM 4x 6 All Tones $4 25 CM 5x 7 All Tones 5 x6H 5.00 EM 6x10 All Tones 6 x9 5 g 6 SO IM 8x10 All Tones 8 x9 54 7.00 T HE RECEPTION GROUP--Matle for groups and views and other horizontal prints. Rich extra weight leather fin- ished stock in our special shade of Universal Brown, which gives beautiful harmony with all tones in Black and VVhite, Buff or Sepia. It is hand tooled and deckled, has our IMPROVED dou- ble score feature, print is slipped quickly and easily under flap and KEPT in place and flat. Just picture in your mind a rich, extra weight Art Proof folio style, with flaps opening in the center for your high grade group print, and you have the Recep- tion Group. Sample on receipt of three two cent stamps TRADE TIP ON THE RECEPTION GROUP — Costs you 70% less for mailing than the ordi- nary group style; will bring you more money. It looks and feels like leather. Flaps open from center, therefore will stand up on mantel or shelf — a good talking point in the reception room. ’Tis a new high grade style for Group Work of Quality. ART PROOF GROUP It closes up like a book. 4^4x6% closed. Uni- versal Brown. For Black and White, Buff and Sepia. Prints are slipped in. THE ART PROOF GROUP is entirely differ- ent than anything we have ever designed for group portraits. Prints are just slipped in at top and bottom under the flaps which hold print firmly in place with the aid of our special double score feature. The stock is extra grade of kid finished enamel in our special shade of Universal Brown, which is suitable for Buff, Brown or Black and VVhite prints. Closes up li ke a book. Hand tooled on flap with embossed gold relief design. Sample only on receipt of list price. No. For Prints Size Closed Price per 100 A 2 on 4x6 4Mx6 H $10.00 B 3 on 4x6 4Hxb 3 4. 12.00 C 4 on 4x6 4/4x6K 15.00 Our trade tip on the ART PROOF For two, three or four poses of a subject. For family groups— children grouped in center with parents on each side. For special family group, Christmas and Birth- day gift portraits. For a special baby plan, giving ten regular por- traits and two Art Proof Groups with 2, 3 ot 4 poses for special friends. Look* and feelt like real leather. Special Studio Albums — for showing your Grades to Customers. Pages 8 to i0. 23 Taprell, Loomis 6?* Company s Latest Styles in Mountings SPELLMAN Thi< kness of Insert For large “tipped” portraits Illfick mid White*, Hull and Sepia Tone*. r T r HE SPELLMA N— For the large “tipped” portraits of quality. Extra weight stocks in rich cloth finishes, hand deck- led with new pattern silk finish paper for fly leaf. There is prac- tically no ornamentation on the Spellman, except the hand marked lines on cover, and delicately tinted line *4 inch from the edge of insert. Your portrait will therefore add the touch of individuality to a per- fect mounter. Note that the Swiss grey color is equally suitable for black and white or buff prints — the brown for all Sepia tones. Sample on receipt of list price No. Color For Tones Size Outside For Prints Per 100 A- 1 Swiss Grey Buff, Black & White 6Kx 16K (4 X 9 4 x 10 $12 00 A-2 Brown Sepia 6K X 16J* \ 5 x 10 5 x 12 12 00 B-I Swiss Grey Buff, Black & White 1014 X 14 1 614 x 8J4 7 x 9 12.50 B-2 Brown Sepia 1014 x 14 { 8 x 10 8 x 11 12 50 C-l Swiss Grey Buff, Black & White 12H X 1814 f 7 x 11 8 x 10 20.00 C-2 Brown Sepia 124< x 18J4 111 x 14 1114 x 17 20 00 TRADE TIP ON THE SPELLMAN — Looks all different, the cover, fly leaf and insert are all Swiss Grey, all Brown. Feature it for your highest quality tipped large portrait. The mounter that is appropriate for your high priced work. THE ROMNEY A QUALITY STYLE. 7x11 Folder. For high-grade tipped portraits, 4x6 to 5x7. Black and White, Buff and Sepia. Thickness of Insert T HE ROMNEY— insert all deck- led, cloth finish; broken up tinted line all around edge producing an en- tirely new line effect. The center is plain, admitting of regular or odd sized prints beng mounted. Silk lin- en paper fly leaf enclosed in all hand deckled cover, half morocco finish, with rich florentine two-color design in upper left-hand corner Three col- j ors — Swiss Grey, Buff a d Brown. Sample on receipt of seven one-cent stamps. No. Color For Prints Size Outside Price per 100 F-l Grey Cabt.to5x7 7x11 $6 50 F-2 Buff Cabt. to 5x7 7x11 6 50 F-3 Brown Cabt. to 5x7 7x11 6 50 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE ail ROMNEY. For your highest priced tipped print. It looks and feels qual- ity. A good style for Wedding por- traits. 24 X aprell, Loomis fkfCompany s Latest Styles in Mountings THE MOSAIC Folio with linen paper fly-leaf. For double weight unmounted prints and for making special folders. Grey, Brown, Buff. Thickness ■ r I ’HE MOSAIC — extra weight stock, heavy linen crash finish with carved mosaic effect in upper left hand corner — silk finish paper fly leaf in three rich colors of Dark Grey, Dark Brown and Buff. Sample of any one size Free. No. Color For Size Price Prints Outside per 1000 AM-1 Grey 4 x 6 i'4 x 6'4 *16.50 AM -2 Buff 4 x 6 44 X 64 16 50 AM-3 Brown 4 x 6 4'4x 6'4 16 50 OM-l Grey 4 x 9 4'4x 94 44x 94 4 '4x 9 4 5 4x 8‘< B'4x 8‘4 5'4x 8'4 64x 9'4 6'lx 9'4 6 'lx 9 '4 7 l 4xl0'4 7 l 4xl0'4 7‘4xl0!4 21 00 OM -2 Buff 4 x 9 21 00 OM-3 Brown 4 x 9 21 00 DM-1 Grey 5 x 8 21 00 DM -2 Buff 6 x 8 21 00 DM -3 Brown 5 x 8 21 00 FM-1 Grey 6 x 9 23 00 FM-2 Buff 6 x 9 23 00 FM-3 Brown 6 x 9 23 00 HM-1 Grey 7 xlO 27.50 HM-2 Buff 7 xlO 27 50 HM-3 Brown 7 xlO 27 50 XM-1 Grey 6 3 4xio?4 6 7 4xll 30 00 XM-2 Buff e’.xio-K 6%xU 30 00 XM-3 Brown 6‘ 4x10% 6 7 4xll 30 00 TRADE TIP ON THE MOSAIC. It gives you a splendid folio for your sheet portraits, enables you to make up a special folder by adding some card in your stock as an insert, such as the Rolcni, Stapleton, Fiske, etc. The 4x6 or AM, OM and DM sizes specially good for staple sheet portraits KYBER For “tipped” Seplu and Black and White prints. Cabinet 4x8, 5x7 and odd sizes. Duplex inserts. Colors: White-Grey, Champagne uml Uron'u. 'THE Kyber inserts give you the choice of two shades for one price — FS-1, Taupe Grey and China White, FS-2, Champagne and Golden Brown — a line a quar- ter of an inch from the extreme edge on both sides in a tint to harmonize with the shade of print and mount. Print is “tipped” on the shade most suitable, then placed in folder, which is embossed cover stock with raised fluted bor- der and linen tissue. Sample on receipt of three one- cent stamps. Size Prints Size Insert Price per 1000 FS 1-Light grey, Cabinet 4x6, 5x7 and odd sizes 7x11 $30.00 FS 2-Champagne and brown 7x11 30.00 Sold only in 500 to 1000 lots. „ ..... Special advertising matter FOR YOU— belowTost— Read about it^Pages* 5^6, 7*. ~ 25 Taprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings SANFORD Thickness ok Stock A 4J4 x 1014 Inch Folder For Panel “tipped” Prints 2x6 to 3x8 lllaek ami White, Buff and Sepia Toner*. T HE SANFORD — A first-class high grade folder for Panel Portraits 2x6, 2*4 x 7, 3 x 6, 3 x 7 or ,1x8 inches. It is all hand deckle, cloth finished stocks with line tracing canopy top on insert, square relief ornament on cover — just enough ornamenta- tion to impart the simple richness of quality. Sample on receipt four one cent stamps No. For Tones For Prints Size Outside Price Per 1 00 A-l Olive. Buff. Blk. & Wht. 2x6 to 3x8 4’4xl0. , 4 $4 . 00 A-2 Buff, Buff and Sepia 2x6 to 3x8 4',xlO'i 4.00 A-3 Brown Sepia 2x6 to 3x8 4KxIOK 4.00 TRADE TIP ON THE SANFORD— Gives you the best in HIGH grade folder of quality for the good grade “tipped” Panel Portrait, BRYN MAWR Folder 414x7 inches for Vi of 4x6 or Cabinet “tipped” prints. Black and White, Buff, Sepia. Thickness of Insert 'T'HE BRYN MAWR — V/ 4 x7 - inch folder for l / 2 of 4x6 or Cabinet double weight prints tipped. Made of pure rag stock, rough wove finish on cover, with insert in linen finish. Both the cover and insert are all deckled and made in exquisite shades of French Grey, Buff and Brown-Sepia. Designed specially for y 2 of 4x6 tipped prints for School and Univer- sity work. Sample Free. No. Color For Prints Size Outside Price 1000 F.-l Fr’ch Grev of 4x6 or Cb 4^x7 $28 50 K-2 Covert Bull Yi of 4x6 or Cb 4Kx7 $28.50 li-3 Brown Sep. Vi ot 4x6orCb 4^x7 $28.50 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE BRYN MAWR. It is just the style for the smaller than Cabinet portrait — the kind that is popular for College class pictures. Call it your “Bryn Mawr Class Portrait.” They’ll win dollars for you this Fall. Our Special Sample Offers. Front page. 26 Taprell, Loomis {^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings For tipped developed and plat- inum prints, Black and White, Buff and Sepia. For Cabinet, 4x6, 5x7 and 5x8 prints. 8x12 outside. Thickness of Insert 'THE ROYALTY, a very simple as well as rich high-class folder for tipped prints. Insert extra rag stock, tooled surface, all deckled, with extra fabric finish insert, all deckled, silk linen paper print protector, all enclosed in Irish pat- tern lace cover with handsome re- lief panel design in upper left hand corner. Notice that it is made in combinations suitable for tipped Black and White, Buff and Sepia prints. Sample on receipt of fivetwo- cent stamps. No. Color For Prints Size Insert Size Folder Price Per ICO F-l Grev Cab. 4 x6 or 4 x 7 5H x 8 x 12 $9.50 F-2 Buff' Cab. 4x6 or 4 x7 5 y& x 8 y% 8 x 12 9.50 F-3 Brown Cab. 4x6 or 4x7 5 H x 8}i 8 x 12 9.50 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE ROYALTY. You can sell it at the best price for the staple high grade tipped print. Offer it as your “Royal Portrait” for exchange pictures. The VASSAR gives you the best mount for the double weight print ever offered — and a style that you can use for two or one print and for smaller than the listed size prints. Insist on seeing the VASSAR. VASSAR I'olio for Double Wei ({lit Buff, Sepia, and Black and White prints. T HE VASSAR an entirely new style in a small folder for double weight prints. Can be used for prints smaller than its listed capacity either square or oval and with aid of inserts some very beautiful effects can be ob- tained. The fly leaf does away completely with the undesirable tissue and where the full or regu- lar size print is used a beautiful three line deckled effect is shown close to the edge of print. Made of the best grade folder stock, deckled all round with a ribbon band and seal embossed on cover — a very beautiful style. Sample on receipt of three one-cent stamps. No. Color Foi Prints Size closed Price per 1000 A-l White & Grey Cabt. & smaller 454x554 $27 . 50 A-2 Brown & Sepia Cabt. & smaller 454x5*4 27.50 A-3 Brown & Buff Cabt. & smaller 454x554 27.50 B-l White& Grey 2 5*1x7 pan. and sm. 254x7 54 28.50 B-2 Brown & Sepia 254x7 pan. and sm. 25ix7 54 28.50 B-3 Brown & Buff 254x7 pan. and sm. 25 4 x7 54 28 . 50 C-l White & Grey 4x6 and sm. 4 54x654 30.00 C-2 Brown & Sepia 4x6 and sm. 4 54x6 54 30.00 C-3 Brown & Buff 4x6 and sm. 4 54x6 54 30.00 D-l White & Grey 5 54x8*4 and sm. 5*4x8 54 37.50 D-2 Brown & Sepia 5 54x8 54 and sm. 654x8 54 37.50 D-3 Brown & Buff 5 54x8 *4 and sm. 5 54x8 54 37 . 50 27 T aprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings NOBILITE Thickness ok Inseui'i^hmk Made in 7 x 11 and 7x12 for “tipped” Portraits 4x6 and 5x7. Black nniof4x6oval 4Kx7 y. $3.50 B-2 Buff Buff & Sepia >4of4x6oval 4Kx7 'A 3.50 B-3 Brown Sepia > 2 of4x6oval VAxl'A 3.50 E-l Grey Bile. & Wht. yjof4x6sq. VAxl'A 3.50 E-2 Buff Buff & Sepia Kof4x6sq. iAxl'A 3 50 F.-3 Brown Sepia j4of4x6sq. 4Kx7 K 3 . 50 TRADE TIP ON THE WELLES- LEY — Put out a special Fall grade in a 3x4 Portrait on the Wellesley. Give it the name of the local popular School or College. For instance, the “Wellesley Autograph Exchange Portrait.” VIGNETTE For Slip-In Prints, Black and White, Buff and Sepia, Diamond and Circle Shape. Thickness of insert 'T'HE VIGNETTE gives you something entirely new in a style for small pictures with no trouble of trimming prints. It is 3j4 x 9 outside and the openings are lor a 2 1 / 2 inch Circle and Diamond shape. The insert is heavy stock which can be pasted down or left loose and the print tipped underneath, which- ever taste dictates; handsome wreath design with darker tint coming next the print. Cover of extra weight stock lined in relief. No. Color Size Opening Size Outside Price Per 1000 A-l Grey 254 inch Circle opening 3% 18 'A $30.00 A-2 Buff 254 inch Circle opening 3 H x 8 'A 30 OC A-3 Brown 254 inch Circle opening 3 X x 8 H 30.00 B-l Grey 254x354 Diamond shape 3'A x 8 H 30.00 opening 3'A x 8 H B-2 Buff 254x3i4 Diamond shape 30.00 opening H 30 B-3 Brown 254 x3i4 Diamond shape 30.00 opening Our trade tip on the VIGNETTE This will make a hit for the YOUNG FRIENDS’ EX- CHANGE PORTRAIT. It only takes half of a 4x6 print and will not make it necessary for you to put your smaller work on a post card basis. Your increase in price will nor only cover the cost of this very beautiful little holiday nov- elty, but will cover the cost of your plates and paper as wel 1 »nd satisfy your customers better. Special advertising matter FOR YOU — below cost — Read about it — Pages 5, 6, 7. 35 T aprell, Loomis {^Company s Latest Styles m Mountings s THE PARISIAN Thickness of Stocks _ _ — Ulaok, White, It 11 IV and Sepia Printn. 7x12 inch mount for 4x6 print, slipped under top flap. T HE PARISIAN in rich dark Olive Marble for Buff and Black and White tones and light Sepia Marble for Vignetted or Solid Toned Sepia Prints. Made out of extra weight stocks on both flap and base card with double plate sunk effect etched tinted irregular line border. A very hand- some style for 4x6 Portraits in both square and oval openings. Sample on receipt of 5 one cent stamps. No. Color For Portraits For Tones Size Outside Per 100 FW-1 Olive Marble 4x6 sq. Buff. & Blk. & Wh. 7x12 $5 . 00 FW-2 Sepia Marble 4x6 sq. Sepia 7x12 5 . 00 CW-1 Olive Marble 4x6 oval Buff. & Blk. & Wh. 7x12 S . 00 CW-2 Sepia Marble 4x6 oval Sepia 7x12 5.00 TRADE TIP ON THE PARISIAN — A different, better-looking style for the double weight 4x6 Portrait — will SUSTAIN your GOOD PRICED staple 4x6 grade this Fall. THE SEXTETTE Slip-in Cabinet and 4x6 double weight prints. White- Grey, Buff-Olive, Sepia-Brown. Thickness of Top Insert «=— HE SEXTETTE— tor Cabinet and 4x6 groups. Slip-in style — print goes under top in- sert. Very artistic, with irregular canopy deckled line next print and line all around }4-inch from edge of top card. The opening is straight edged on top and sides with deckled base — very artis- tic, and in combinations of stocks for Black and White, Buff and Sepia toned prints. Sample on receipt of four one-cent stamps. No. Color For Prints Size Outside Price per 1000 F-l Grey Cabinet Square 7‘4x7?4 $32 50 F-2 Olive Cabinet Square 7‘4x7% 32.50 F-3 Brown Cabinet Square 7'4x7^ 32 50 FW-1 Grey 4x6 Square 7‘4x8‘4 35.00 FW-2 Olive 4x6 Square 7 l /^x8V^ 35.00 FW-3 Brown 4x6 Square 711x814 35.00 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE SEXTETTE. This style is a money maker for Baby and Chil- dren’s photos. Made horizontal instead of upright. Good style for class groups. They’ll win dollars for you this Fall. Our Special Sample Offers. Front page. Taprell, Loomis ©'Company s Latest Styles inMountings MORESQUE Slip-in Folder for 4x6 and 5x7 Prints T HE MOItESUUE Slip-in style for double weight paper, 4x6, 5x7. Extra weight cover and jnsert tinted in delicate shades with just enough "design” to give the effect of simple richness. Fly leaf of hand linished linen paper. The extra weight cover has our special extra crash finish stock with carved relief ornament in upper left corner. The Moresque is a very high class slip-in folder style at a medium price — for 4x6 and 5x7 Portraits with oval and square openings. Black, White, Buff and Sepia tones. Sample on receipt of Mix one cent stninpN. No. Color For Prints For Tones Size Folder Prire 100 FW-1 Swiss Grey 4x6 sq. Buff or Blk. 7x11 $5 50 & Wht. FW-2 Buff 4x6 sq. Buff or Blk. & Wht. 7x11 5.51 FW-3 Brown 4x6 sq. Sepia 7x11 5.50 CW-1 Swiss Grey' 4x6 oval Buff or Blk. & Wht. 7x1 1 5.50 CW-2 Buff 4x6 oval Buff or Blk. & Wht. 7x1 1 5.50 CW-3 Brown 4x6 oval Sepia 7x1 1 5 5J M-I Swiss Grey 5x7 sq. Buff or Blk. & Wht. 7x12 7 50 M-2 Buff 5x7 sq. Buff or Blk. & Wht. 7x12 7.50 M-3 Brown 5x7 sq. Sepia 7x12 7,5 0 OiM-1 Swiss Grey 5x7 oval Buff or Blk. & Wht. 7x12 7.50 OM-2 Buff 5x7 oval Buff or Blk. & Wht. 7x12 7.50 OM-3 Brown 5x7 oval Sepia 7x12 7 50 Illnck, White, null' anil Sepia I’rintN. Thickness of Insert TRADE TIP ON THE MORESQUE 1st. The 4x6 size to run in connection with the Inaugural on bottom of this page. Gives your customer a choice for the 4x6 slip-in portrait. 2nd. Feature the 5x7 Portrait for your GOOD GRADE FALL STAPLE. The price of the M and OM Moresque enables you to make a “killing” on a HIGHER priced range. THE INAUGURAL 6*4x11 “sllp-in” folder for 4x6 prints, doable weight. Black and White, Buff, Sepia. Thickness of Insert — — — T HE INAUGURAL— 6^x 11 inches outside. Rich French lace finish in cover and insert. Made of heavy weight bristol stock with tinted and embossed design next print and hand- some relief ornament on flap. A dif- ferent looking slip-in folder in Grey, Buff and Brown that will keep the print flat. Sample postpaid on receipt of five one-cent stamps. No. Color For Prints Size Outside Price per 100 FW-1 Grey 4x6 Square 6^x11 *5 00 FW-2 Buff 4x6 Square 6%xl 1 5.00 FW-3 Brown 4x6 Square 65«xll 5.00 CW.l Grey 4x6 Oval frlixll 5 00 CW-2 Buff 4x6 Oval 6^x11 5 00 CW-3 Brown 4x6 Oval 6-q.xi 1 5 00 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE INAUGURAL. It has the new look that spells PROSPERITY for your staple trade. A first-class style for general portrait work. YOUR Art Calendar — SPECIALLY DESIGNED for YOU — Read about it — page 4. 37 Taprell, Loomis & Company s Latest Styles in Mountings WEST POINT Thickness of Stock For 3x6 Panel Print (Slip-in) ■ Hack nml \\ hi to, Hull' ami Sepia Touch. 5^x103^4 inches r I ' HE WEST POINT — -A smart looking “slip-in” style that will make your 3x6 Portrait a better seller and average a higher price. Rich tinted inlaid design in colors to match the different shades of white-grey, Swiss-buff and Brown-Sepia. Extra weight cloth finish stocks and base and top. Sample on receipt of four one cent stamps. No. Color For Prints For Tones Size Outside Price Per 100 c;-i White-Grey 3x6 Black and White Prints 5 J6x103<4 S3. 75 G-2 Swiss- Buff 3x6 Buff, Black anil White 5)-«xl OK 3.75 G-3 Brown-Sepia 3x6 Sepia 5Hxl0^i 3.75 TRADE TIP ON THE WEST POINT — Give it the name of your popular local College, University or School — make it a class exchange autograph Portrait. The West Point is the latest, newest style for a 3x6 inslip print and you want to INSIST on seeing it. One size. 3 COLOR COMBINATIONS. BILOXI For “slip-in” 3x4 and 3x6 prints. Black and White, Buff, Sepia. Prints matted down. Thickness 'THE BILOXI — very attractive style for A smaller than Cabinet prints. The flap is lace finish, artistic border design, embossed, enclosed in extra weight cover, silk finish and delicately lined on the edge. Note in the sizes given that the BILOXI is in panel shape, different than we have offered you in a folio for matted or slip-in 3x4 and 3x6 prints. It is a very rich simple design and is proving a very popular style for University, School and general work. Made in three solid colors — Light Grey, Light Cream and Light Brown. Sample Free No. Color Size Print Price Per 1000 B 1 Grey Vz of 4 x 6 Oval $35 00 B-2 Buff W of 4 x 6 Oval 35.00 B-3 Brown H of 4 x 6 Oval 35.00 El Grey % of 4 x 6 Square 35.00 E-2 Buff H of 4 x 6 Square 35.00 E-3 Brown H of 4 x 6 Square 35.00 G-l Grey 3x6 Square 37.50 G-2 Buff 3x6 Square 37.50 G-3 Brown 3x6 Square 37.50 B l, B-2, B-3, E-l, E-2, E-3, size outside 4 %x9H G-l, G-2, G-3, size outside 4Hxl0*i Our trade tip on tha BILOXI. More profit TO YOU io pushing portraits in a style like BILOXI than post cards. Will bring better prices and sell as fast as the less profitable post card— customers better satisfied too. You GET THE LATEST in this line — The Kind that sell more Pictures at Better Prices. 38 T aprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings NANTASKET Thickness of Stock ■ A 7x11 Slip-in Mount for Cabt. and 4x6 Square, Double Weight. Illnck ami White, IlufY and Sepia Print**. r | ’HE NANTASKET — A 7x11 “Slip-in” mount for 4x6 -*■ and cabinet square double weight prints. At a low price. Rich finish border on base with two finish extra weight top insert, with tinted deckle border. A first class mounter. All brown, all Swiss grey and light and dark grey. Sample on receipt of 4 one cent stamps. No. Color Tones Per 1000 F-l Grey, dark grey Black & White Cabt. square $35 . 00 F-2 Swiss grey Buff and Blk.&Wht. Cabt. square 35 . 00 F-3 Brown Sepia Cabt. square 35 00 FW-I Grey, dark grey Black & White 4x6 square 35 00 FVV-2 Swiss grey Buff and Blk.&Wht. 4x6 square 35 00 FW-3 Brown Sepia 4x6 square 35 . 00 TRADE TIP ON THE NANTASKET— Designed specially to take care of the cabinet and 4x6 portrait. All tones that you put out to take care of the Staple Portrait that you sell WITHOUT a folder. YOUR POPULAR PRICED STAPLE. THE CORNELL T HICKNESS For one-liul f 4x0 » (10 B-l Swiss Buff. Black and White 654x8 54 <>Kxl4 7.00 B-2 Brown Sepia 654x8 54 914x14 7 00 D-l Swiss Buff. Black and White 6 xlO 9 5.x 16 8.50 D 2 Brown Sepia 6 xlO 9> s x16'4 8 50 C-l Swiss Buff. Black and White 8 xlO 11 xl6 J4 0 00 C-2 Brown Sepia 8 xlO Oval 11 X16K 9.00 E-l Swiss Buff. Black and White 5 x7 8 X1354 6.00 E-2 Brown Sep a 5 x7 8 xl3K 6 00 F-l Swiss Buff. Black and White 654x854 <) 1 ,xl4 7.00 F-2 Brown Sepia 654 x854 954x14 7.00 G-l Swiss Buff. Black and White 8 xlO 11 X16J4 9.00 Ci-2 Brown Sepia 8 xlO 11 xl6>4 9 00 TRADE TIP ON THE PROCTOR — Feature the 5x7 Portrait in place of the 4x6 for your Fall trade at a higher price. Each style gives your customer a mount and a mat, which suggests the purchase of a frame. First class style for the now popular upright group. LEE Holds the print flat. Handsome Folder Case complete with mounter. For large sized Oval portraits. 5x8—6x10 Upright and Horizontal. Thickness 'THE LEE will present your large bust portraits and groups in an entirely new mounter, combining both beauty and practic- ability. Prints are tipped on top edge and placed under the flap which is pasted down or left loose as taste dictates. Made in excellent proportions in rich shades of stock, producing a very beautiful color con- trast with the portrait. The Folder Case is made of heavy 6ilk linen stock and serves the double purpose of adding value to the mounter’s appearance, besides protecting the print. The A-l, B-l combinations are for Buff or Black and White prints; the A-2, B-2 for Sepia. A first-class mounter for 5x8 and 6x10 portraits and groups. Sample of 5 x 8 size on receipt of five two-cent stamps UPRIGHT No. Color For Print Size Outside J Per 100 A-l Etching Grey 5x8 8*ixl4H $17.50 A-2 Brown 5x8 m x 17.50 B-l Etching Grey 6 x 10 954 x 17H 20 00 B-2 Brow r n 6x 10 954 x 17H 20 00 HORIZONTAL No. Color For Print Size Outside Per 100 C-l Etching Grey 5 x 8 11 X 11% $17 50 C-2 Brown 5 x 8 11 X 11H 17 50 D-l Etching Grey 6 x 10 1214 x 13 20.00 D-2 Brown 6 x 10 12H x 13 20.00 Our trade tip on the LEE. Specialize for your best grade of sheet portraits and the 5x8 and 6 x 10 horizontal for high grade family group photos. Special Studio Albums — for showing your Grades to Customers. Pages 8 to 10. 43 Taprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles m Mountings Sc THE GERHARD Sllp-ln rolder for portraits from 5x7, 6V£x8V£ and 8x10 negatives. Black and White, Buff, Sepia. Thickness of Insert — — — T HE GERHARD — rich in simplicity of design so desirable in mounters for large prints. The border next print and on edge of insert is a delicate blend- ing of colors, giving exquisite harmony with tone of print and the natural shades in the mounter. THE GERHARD is made in good proportions in Grey, Buff and Brown in extra weight stock in both cover and inserts that holds and keeps the print in place. Sample on receipt of list price. No. Color For Prints Size Insert Price per 100 A-l Grey 5 x" Upright 7^x13 * 8 00 A -2 nuff 5 x7 Upright 71t,xl3 8 00 A -3 Brown 5 x7 Upright 7;kizl3 914x14 8.00 B-l Grey 614x8 y 2 Upright 11.00 B-2 Buff 614x81-2 Upright 6lvX8J4 Upright 914x14 11.00 B-3 Brown 914x14 11,00 C-l Grey 8 xlO Upright lO^xlB 15 00 C-2 Buff 8 xlO Upright 101t|Xl6 15 00 C-3 Brown 8 xlO Upright 10?4X16 15 00 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE GER- HARD. Specially designed for large heads and upright groups of three to five subjects. The opening on the 5x7 is 4 %x6%, which allows you using REG- ULAR 5x7 paper from your REGULAR size negative. You can run a special por- trait for good priced patrons at a better price than the regular 4x6 slip-in. THE GALATEA 7x11 Sllp-ln Polder for Cabinet Double Weight Prints. Black and White, Buff and Sepia. Thickness of Insert — T HE GALATEA— 7x1 1-inch fcplder with extra weight cover, tissue and insert. Opening in insert 3'Ax 5 1-16 (Cabinet or 4x6 paper). Print is slipped under insert which is past- ed down. The design next to print is a two-line tinted effect with back- ground of card French lace finish, lin- en tissue, enclosed in extra cover, morocco finish, with handsome design in double tint in upper left-hand cor- ner. Colors — Grey, Brown and Buff. Sample on receipt of five one-cent stamps. No. Color For Prints Size Folder Price 100 C-l Grey Cabinet Oval 7x11 *4 50 C-2 Buff Cabinet oval 7x11 4 50 C-3 Brown Cabinet Oval 7x11 4.50 F-l Grey Cabinet Square 7x11 4 50 F-2 Buff Cabinet Square 7x11 4 50 F-3 Brown Cabinet Square 7x11 4 50 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE GALATEA. It will take Cabinet size paper as well as 4x6. Looks a lot for the money. A special style for Baby, College and general staple work. You can get your share of the Holiday money — Leather novelties pages 11 to 17. 44 Taprell, Loomis fe? Company s Latest Styl es in Mountings SENATE Thickness ok Stocks For Double Weight Prints, Slip Under Style. All tones. Groups, Views, Interiors. Holds double weight prints FLAT, T HE SENATE Print is slipped un- der flap, which is tipped with paste — extra weight Bristol Stocks in rich lace finish. The design is a duplex tinted small eighth line effect — in colors harmonious with shade of prints and mounter. Made in good proportions with equal margins so de- sirable in a view and group staple mounter. Sample on receipt lint price. No. Color For dblf» wt. prints For Tones Size o’side Ter loo A-l Grey 5x7 Blk. & Wht. 8x10 $4 25 A-2 Swiss 5x7 Buff. Blk. & VVh. 8x10 4 25 A-3 brown 5x7 Sepia 8x10 4 25 B-I Grey 6^x8^ Blk. & Wht. 10x12 5 50 B-2 Swiss 6Gx8 y 2 Buff, Blk. & Wh. 10x12 5.50 B-3 Brown 61 TxSfi Sepia 10x12 5.50 C-l Grey 8x10 Blk. & Wht. 12x14 6 50 C-2 Swiss 8x10 Buff. Blk. & Wh. 12x14 6.50 C-3 Brov.n 8x10 Sepia 12x14 6.50 TRADE TIP ON THE SENATE — V dozen weigh 33% per cent less than the ordinary mounter, coat* you Ichn for postage. They give you a mounter that you van feature on a profitable basis for all ordinary groups, views, adver- tising or commercial work. Feature the Senate, The Lee, Reception Group and T'liuss for your double weight prints of this class (they are all listed in this Catalogue), and it will “close the sale” for the PARTICULAR customer. FOLIO GROUP For 4x6 and Cabinet group pictures. For double weight slip-in prints. Black and White. Buff and Sepia tones. Thickness of insert — — —— 'THE FOLIO GROUP is an entirely new conception for group pictures. Insert of extra weight stock with square opening lor Cabinet or 4 x 6 prints in which the print is slipped under and pasted down, thereby being held firmly in position. In place of tissue it has extra choice silk linen paper as print protector, all enclosed in extra weight Morocco finish cover with tooled lines Made in splendid proportions (or group pictures and in three tones har- monious with Black and White, Buff and Sepia tones No. Color Size Print 1'rice Per 100 F-l Grey Cabt. Sq. Horizontal $5.75 F-2 Buff Cabt. Sq. Horizontal 5.75 F-3 Brown Cabt Sq Horizonta' 5.75 F\V 1 Grey 4x6 Sq. Horizontal 6 00 FW-2 Buff 1x6 Sq. Horizontal 6.00 FW-3 Brown 4x6 Sq. Horizontal 6.00 F-l, F-2, F-3, size outside. 1% x 7H FVV-1, FVV-2. FW-3, size outside, 776x814 Our Up on the FOLIO GROUP You can feature this strongly for chil- dren’s group pictures and oner it early in the season for family Christmas gift pictures, also festure it for character portraits of one child made horizontally. Special advertising matter FOR YOU — below cost — Read about it — Pages 5, 6, 7. 45 Taprell, Loomis & Company s Latest Styles in Mountings FAMILY GROUP Thickness — r-i Sepia, Huff, Black anil White. Flap with opening comea over print — closes up like a hook. T IIE FAMILY GROUP is one of our latest designs for groups. The stock is flexible, of extra weight with tinted flap of harmonious color. The print is tipped under the flap with opening which can be left loose or pasted down as taste dictates. On the cover is a small art lien sketch. The Family Group is made so that it will open out or can be closed up like a book. Sample on receipt of five two cent stamps. No. Color Size Print Size Open Size Closed Price Per 100 KW-1 Grey 4x6 square 9^x17% 5 ; ,x9 :: s $11.00 FW-2 Buff 4x6 square 9-4x17% 5 4x9 4 11.00 KW-3 Brown 4x6 square 9%Xl75., 5 ' ,x9 5 , 11.00 CW-1 Grey 4x6 oval 9 4x175, 5 ■ ,x9 1 , 11.00 CW.-2 Buff 4x6 oval 9 4x17 s ;, 5 - ,x9 1 , 1 1 .00 CW-3 Brown 4x6 oval 94x1754 5 4x9 4 11.00 E-l Grey \i, 4x6 souare 74x13% 4 4x7 % 9 00 K-2 Buff 'A, 4x6 square 7 4x13% 4 4x7 4 9.00 E-3 Brown /. 4x6 square 7 4x13% 4 4x7 4 9.00 B-l Grey '/i, 4x6 oval 7 4x134 4 4x7 4 9.00 B-2 Buff Y , . 4x6 oval 7 54x134 4 4x7 4 9 00 B-3 Brown . 4x6 oval 7 4x13% 4 4x74 9.00 Here is What You Can Do with It and Make It Bring the Money 1st. Offer it as a special baby offer with our Flske, Chicago, Matone or Rolani, etc. 2nd. Advertise your special family group style — a children's group in the center, father and mother on each side. The mere suggestion at your sales counter that this would make a very beautiful gift will get the business. 3rd. Suggest it to people whom you have three good negatives of — will bring extra business. In fact you can use it profitably in many other ways, and make it bring big money. THE TWIN GROUP Slip-in Group style for two 4x6 por- traits. Black and White, Buff and Sepia. Size closed, 6*4x9% inches. Thickness of Insert - T he twin group— doses up like a book — for two portraits. In- sert rich lace finish with embossed border and delicate tinted line effect next prints which are slipped in under inserts, which are afterwards tipped down — insert extra stiff weight. En- closed in cover of morocco finish stock, hand tooled. Sample on receipt of four two-cent stamps. Color For Prints Size Price No. Outside per 100 FVV-1 Grey 4x6 Square 64x94 |7 00 FW-2 Buff 4x6 Square 64x94 7.00 FW-3 Brown 4x6 Square 64x94 7 00 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE TWIN GROUP. A money getter for two poses of a child, brother and sis- ter, man and wife. This style brings more money to the Studio than ordi- nary group cards. They’ll win dollars for you this Fall. Our Special Sample Offers. Front page. 46 Taprell, Loomis & Company s Latest Styl es in Mountings THE THUSS Slip-in Polder for Groups and Views from 5x7, 654 x 8*4 and 8x10 neg- atives. Black and White, Buff and Sepia prints. Thickness of Insert T HE THUSS — a folder group style. Print is slipped under flap which is “tipped” down. Extra stock is used in both cover and insert. The design has that quiet richness desirable in a mounter for large prints — the borders next print and on edge of insert are delicate tones that blend softly and in harmony with the shade of stocks used and tones of prints in either Black and White, Buff or Sepia. Sample on receipt of list price. No. Color For Prints Size Insert Price per 100 A-l Grey 5 x7 Horiz 9;„x 9>4 * 7.50 A -2 Buff 5 x7 Horiz 9?„x 9' 4 7 50 A-3 Brown 5 x7 Horiz 9"' m x 954 7.50 B-l Grey 65-2x814 Horiz 1954x1154 11 00 B-2 Buff 6' 2x85-2 Horiz 1954x1154 11 00 B-3 Brown 65 x85 2 Horiz 1054x1 1!4 11 00 C-l Grey 8 xlO Horiz 1294x1254 15 00 C-2 Buff 8 x!0 Horiz 1294x1254 15.00 C-3 Brown 8 xlO Horiz 12 r, *xl25i 15.00 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE THUSS. You can offer for your group customers, a different style with all the advantages of the ordinary group style and with none of the drawbacks. For special architecturaJ and view work your particular customer will pay more for the THUSS. LINATONE A 7 x 12 folder for slip-in 4x6 square and oval, and 5x8 square prints. Black and White, Buff and Sepiatone, double weight. Thickness of insert ■■■■■■■ TPHE LINATONE is 7x12 in size, different than other folders for slip-in prints. The insert is of good firm flexible stock sufficient to hold down the print, handsomely lined, silk linen paper protector instead of tissue, enclosed in extra weight cover with figure and relief frieze done in color in the upper left hand corner. The LINATONE not only shows you new features in size, but in design as well, and for your best grade of 4x6 and 5x8 prints where you mat down the print, it is without an equal. The price is very low, consider- ing its appearance and quality. Sample on receipt of four two-ccnt stamps No. Color Size Opening Size Outside Price Per 100 CW 1 Grey 4x6 Oval 7x 12 $7.50 CW 2 Buff 4x6 Oval 7 x 12 7.50 CW-3 Brown 4x6 Oval 7 x 12 7.50 FW-1 Grey 4x6 Square 7 x 12 7.50 FVV-2 Buff 4x6 Square 7 x 12 7 50 FW-3 Brown 4x6 Square 7 x 12 7 50 DM -1 Grey 5x8 Square 8 x 13 9.00 DM -2 Buff 5x8 Square 8 x 13 9 00 1M-3 Brown 5x8 Square 8x13 9 00 Our trade tip on the LINATONE THE LINATONE name is good for the atudio. You can offer it as your '‘Special Linatone Por- trait.** The fact that it is 7 x 12 and entirely differ- ent in appearance than any of the 7x11 slip-ins will bring an increase of price. REMEMBER that if there is only 50c extra charged, it will cover at least the cost of the paper bill. YOUR Art Calendar— SPECIALLY DESIGNED for YOU— Read about it— page 4. 47 T aprell, Loomis fefCompany s Latest Styles in Mountings CHAMBREY Thickness For Cabinet and 4x6 Prints. Single weight Prints mounted solid. All tones Three Colors — Grey, C'ream, and Brown. 6x9 Inches. 'T'HE CHAMBREY, medium weight stif? stock, a style specially designed for your good grade single weight portrait — 4x6 size for large, and cabinet for small figures. Surface and design entirely new and strikingly different in effect than other styles for single weight prints. The border design is brought up in color with beveled edges tinted — a first-class style. Sample on receipt of list price. No. Color Portraits Size Outside Per 1000 KX -1 Grey Cabt. square 6x9 $23 . 00 FX-2 Cream Cabt. square 6x9 23.00 FX-3 Brown Cabt. square 6x9 23.00 FW-1 Grey 4x6 square 6x9 23.00 FW-2 Cream 4x6 square 6x9 23.00 FW-3 Brown 4x6 square 6x9 23.00 TRADE TIP ON THE CHAMBREY. Something that will cinch the order for the single weight Portrait. It is different looking. Gives the single portrait grade (which you know is profitable) A NEW IMPETUS FOR PRICE AND SALE. You can make this up in folder style by using our FM Mosaic, page 25. — — . FISKE Thickness Two colors — Grey and Cream. For single weight prints 7x11, for Cabinet and 4x6. T HE FISKE — striking originality of design. The border a rich plastic effect done in color with the body of the card in a rich egg shell pattern. The stock is extra weight beveled tinted edges. THE FISKE is rare in its beauty of design and will appeal to you for your best grade of single weight portraits. Sample on receipt of three one-cent stamps. No. Color Size Print Size Outside Price Per 1000 F-l Grey Cabt. Square 7x11 $26.50 F-2 Buff Cant. Square 7x1 1 26.50 FW-I Grey 4x6 Square 7x1 1 26.50 FW-2 Buff 4\6 Square 7x11 26.50 Our trade tip on the FISKE The portrait on the FISKE can take the place of your 6x9 staple at an increase of price if you only get 50 cents more per dozen it will have paid the paper bill. You GET THE LATEST in this line — The Kind that sell more Pictures at Better Prices. 48 Taprell, Loomis (^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings THE ROLANI Por single weight Cabinet, 4x6 and 54 of 4x6 or Cabinet prints 6x9 inches for Cabinet and 4x6; 5x754 for y a of 4x6. Thickness T HE ROLANI — extra weight stiff card for Cabinet, 4x6 and y 2 of 4x6 or Cabinet single weight prints with du- plex border richly carved in oriental pattern brought up in colored enamel harmonious with the color of card — the sur- face a delicate rep-beveled edges. A good weight card at a moderate price. No. Color For Prints Size Outside Price per 1000 FW-1 White 4x6 Square 6x9 SI 8. 00 FW-2 Grey 4x6 Square 6x9 18.00 FW-3 Brown 4x6 Square 6x9 18.00 F-t White Cabt. Square 6x9 18.00 F-2 Grey Cabt. Square 6x9 18.00 F-3 Brown Cabt. Square 6x9 18 00 K-l White 54 Square 5x7% 15.00 li-2 Grey 54 Square 5 x 7% 15.00 E-3 | Brown 54 Square 5x7 % 15 00 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE ROLANI. A good rich- looking staple card of stiff stock at $18.00 — a first-class style for the everyday picture. THE VALENCIA Single weight Cabinet prints, Black and White tones. Colors: White and Brown. Thickness Panel shape 594x10%. T HE VALENCIA — Border, rich ribbon effect in tinted enamel, linen finish, beveled edges, extra firm stock — for Cabinet sin- gle weight prints mounted solid — very handsome card. Sample Free of one size. No. Color For Prints Size Outside Price per 1000 F-l White Cabinet Square 594x10% |21 00 F-2 Brown Cabinet Square b%x\0 % 21.00 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE VALENCIA. A panel style for Cabinet single weight prints at the price of an ordinary staple — will make a hit for your best grade Cabinet single weight portrait customers. Insist on seeing OUR COMPLETE LINE— We BOTH lose WHEN YOU DON’T. 49 Taprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings STAPLETON Extra firm stock. For Cabinet, 4x6 Square and ^ Cabinet Square and Oval single weight prints. Grey, Artist Brown, Bark Brown. Thickness ' I 'HE STAPLETON — extra firm, heavy stock beveled edges. Rich bark finish with artistic border. A very rich but plain card for Cabinet, 4x6 and l / 2 Cabinet Square single weight prints — rare value for the price. Sample Mailed Free. No. Color For Prints Size Outside Price per 1000 FW-1 Grey 4x6 Square 6x9 $13.50 FW-2 Art. Brown 4x6 Square 6x9 13.50 FW-3 Dark Brown 4x6 Square 6x9 13.50 FX-1 Grey Cabinet Square 6x9 13.50 FX-2 Art. Brown Cabinet Square 6x9 13.50 FX 3 Dark Brown Cabinet Square 6x9 13.50 F-l Grey Cabinet Square 6x8 13.00 F-2 Art. Brown Cabinet Square 6x8 13.00 F-3 Dark Brown Cabinet Square 6x8 13.00 B-l Grey Vt Cabt. Oval 5 x 7 11.00 B-2 Art. Brown H Cabt. Oval 5 x 7 11.00 B-3 Dark Brown 54 Cabt. Oval 5 x 7 11.00 E-l Grey H Cabt. Square 5x7 11.00 E-2 Art. Brown X A Cabt. Square 5 x 7 11.00 E-3 Dark Brown 14 Cabt. Square 5 x 7 11.00 You cannot buy a better or cheaper card than THE STAPLETON for your big staple por- trait. REVELSTOKE 6x9 Card for Single weight Cabinet Prints. Colors: White and Dark Brown. Thickness 'T'HE REVELSTOKE — excellent value in a 6x9 card for Cabinet single weight prints. Stock extra heavy, crash finish, with relief carved lines next print. White and Dark Brown colors. Sample Free. No. Color For Prints Size Outside Price per 1000 F-l White Cabinet Square 6x9 $13.00 F-2 Brown Cabinet Square 6x9 13.00 We both lose when the Salesman doesn’t show you our complete line. 50 Taprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles in Mountings DUET For Artura, Aristo, Nepera prints, mounted solid. Cabinet and 4x6 square prints. Croup style. Color: Bight Grey. Thickness r I 'HE Duet, a rich, extra weight card for the group on a Cab- inet and 4x6. Stock extra heavy, beveled edges, with two-color tinted design, in a beautiful shade of Light Grey. Sample on receipt of 3 one-cent stamps. Size Print Size Price Mount Per 1000 F-l Cabinet Square 7x8 *22.50 FW-1 4x5 8x8% 26 50 The Duet is just the right style for the group Cabinet. Note, we have also made it in 4x6, a splendid size for the child group. HAWTRY Thickness For single weight prints mounted solid cabinet oval and square. Colors — Grey, Brown, Buff. HP HE HAWTRY, extra firm weight stock, the design ^ is very artistic with the deckle nearest the print. The line effects are in excellent proportions with the size of card (6x9), and in tones of color harmonious with the shade of mount and print. Sample Free. No. Color FX-1 Grey FX-2 Buff FX-3 Brown CX-1 Grey CX-2 Buff CX-3 Brown Size of Print Cabinet Square Cabinet Square Cabinet Square Cabinet Oval Cabinet Oval Cabinet Oval Size Card Price per 1000 6x9 $22.50 6x9 22.50 6x9 22.50 6x9 22.50 6x9 22.50 6x9 22.50 The staple mount for the single weight print must be different, artistic, new. The Hawtry mount is all that. Insist on seeing it. Special Album for Classes and Groups. You need it. Page 11. 51 Taprell, Loomis ©’Company s Latest Styles in Mounting's COMMUNION CARD 7x11 Card for Single Weight Cabinet Print*. For Photos of Communicants. Thickness ' I 1 HE COMMUNION CARD has been designed spe- dally for the Studio making portraits of Catholic Com- municants. The card is 7x11, firm stock White, linen fin- ish, beveled edges. At the left of portrait is a pen sketch of St. Peter’s at Rome with Tabernacle, Church orna- ments, the words “First Communion” and space for sitter to write signature embossed in natural color of stock. A very handsome and appropriate style for this class of portrait. Sample on receipt of three one-cent stamps. No. l ; or Prints Size Outside Trice per 1000 FR-l Cabinet Square 7 x 11 $25.00 TRADE TIP ON THE COMMUNION CARD. 40% at least, of your customers will at least pay you a half a dollar more for portraits on ths COMMUNION CARD — that will cover the entire cost of plates, paper and cards. Insist on seeing the COMMUNION CARD. FURNISS Thickness 6x9 outside, for Cabinet and 4x6 single weight prints. Colors — Grey, Cream and Brown. 'THE FURNISS — extra stiff medium weight stock, ■*- lined in tints to harmonize with tones of print and card, raised center, tinted beveled edges. A first-class staple for single weight Black and White prints. Sample Free No. Color Size Print Size Outside Price Per 1(00 FI Grey Cabinet Square 6x9 $21.00 F-2 Cream Cabinet Square 6x9 21.0(1 F-3 Brown Cabinet Square 6x9 21.00 FW-1 Grey 4x6 Square 6x9 21.00 FW-2 Cream 4x6 Square 6x9 21.00 FW-3 Brown 4x6 Square 6x9 21.00 El Grey H Cabt. Square 5x7H 18.00 E-2 Cream H Cabt. Square 5x7)5 1S.OO E-3 Brown Vfc Cabt. Square Sx7H 18.00 Our trad* tip on the FURNISS It will pay you to use the FURNISS in place of the cheap staple 6x9— will increase volume of pic- tures sold. You also have the opportunity to put out 4x6 prints with 'arger figures for more money. Don’t fail to read Classified Index, page 3. Gives you Key to Contents. 52 Taprell, Loomis &?Conipany s Latest Styles in Mountings THE CORTEZ For •lng'le weight Cabinet and 4*0 prints. A 6x9-inch folder for $30.00 per 1,000. Thickness of Insert T HE CORTEZ — for Cabinet or 4x6 Square single weight prints. Handsome linen cloth finish cover with embossed ornament in cor- ner, linen tissue fly-leaf and extra weight stiff White card insert that will not buckle in mounting — de- sign of card very rich, finished in Grey enamel. Sample on receipt of three one- cent stamps. For Prints Size Price No. Outside per 1000 F-l Cabinet Square 6x9 S 10.00 FW-1 4x6 Square 6x9 30.00 THE ISTHMUS For single weight Cabinet and 4x6 prints. A 7xll-incli folder for $33.00 per 1,000. Thickness of Insert T HE ISTHMUS— a 7x11 folder at a very low price. Insert — beveled edges, extra weight stock, rich duplex border design in Grey enamel, linen tissue fly-leaf — all en- closed in handsome dark Grey cover with embossed ornament in upper left hand cor- ner. For single weight Cabinet and 4x6 prints mounted solid. Sample on receipt of four one-cent stamps. No. For Prints Size Outside Price per 1000 F-l Cabinet Squaie 7x11 $33.00 FW-1 4x6 Square 7x11 33.00 Special Studio Albums — for showing your Grades to Customers. Pages 8 to 10. 53 T aprell, Loomis {^Company s Latest Styles m Mountings For single weight Cabinet and 4x6 prints —Black and White tones, 7x11 inch Folder. Two colors— Grey and Cream. Thickness TTHE COURT— a beautiful creation in a A 7x11 folder for single weight Cabinet and 4x6 prints. The insert surfaced and bor* dered in two colors harmonious with print, fine linen tissue, enclosed in extra weight cover beautifully illustrated with border and Cameo head design. The entire folder is made of the best grades of stock in shades in harmony with tones of print. The whole effect of THE COURT is new', artistic, pleasing. The F-l and FW-l combinations are all Grey, suitable for cold tones; the F-2 and FW-2, Cream insert w'ith Brown cover for warm tones. Sample on receipt of six one-cent stamps. No. Color Size Print Price per 100 F-l Grey Cabinet Square $5 50 F-2 Cream 5.50 FW-l Grey 4x6 Square 5.50 FW-2 ('ream 4x6 5.50 F-l. F-2, FW-l, FW-2, size outside 6^x1024. Our trade tip on the COURT, It will boost your single weight print —feature it in place of the 6x9 style (it is 'lily a few cents more per dozen). It will bring the greatest volume of sales at best prices. ■i COURT THE PENZANCE A 5%xl03i folder for single-weight Cabinet prints. Thickness of Insert TiHE PENZANCE— an artistic style for single weight Cabinet prints. The insert is extra weight, beveled edges, with rich embossed ribbon and bow in color. Extra weight cover finished in kid with em- bossed ornament and fly leaf of silk linen paper. A rich style for Cabinet single weight prints. Sample on receipt of four one-cent stamps. No. Color For Size Price Prints Outside per 100 F-l Grey Cabinet Sq. 5 % x WA S4.25 F-2 Buff Cabinet Sq. 5'* x 10‘ 4 4.25 OUR TRADE TIP ON THE PENZANCE. It will give your Cab- inet single weight portrait a show for a better sale than in the ordinary folders. A good class picture style. You can get your share of the Holiday money — Leather novelties pages 11 to 17. 54 Taprell, Loomis £k? Company s Latest Styles in Mountings DRESDEN For single weight Black and White prints, a 6x9 Folder. Thickness of insert 'THE DRESDEN is a very handsome ^ folder for single weight Cabinet and 4x6 prints. Note we have added one size for 4x6 Square, as well as the Cabinet Oval and Square. The card insert is made of the best grade of stock with rich wood grain surface and a handsome design brought up in colored enamel harmonious with shade of print and card, silk tissue protector, en- closed in extra weight cover of heavy wood grain surface and handsome Roccoco design in the center. A very rich folder for the single weight solid mounted print. No. Color Size Print Price per 100 C-l Grey Insert Cabinet Oval $4.50 C-2 Buff Cabinet Oval 4.50 F-l Grey Cabinet Square 4.50 F-2 Buff Cabinet Square 4.50 FW-1 Grey " 4x6 Square 4.50 FW-2 Buff 4x6 Square 4.50 C-l, C-2, F-l, F-2, FW-1, FYV-2— Size out- side 6x9 inches. TRADE TIP ON THE DRESDEN. Offer it st in increase over the regular Cabinet Style. If you only get 50 cents over the cheapest card you use the difference In profit will PAY THE PAPER BILL. WINONA Thickness Insert Hgg^^g Tor y 2 Cabinet Oval and Square single weig'bt prints. Size folder 5x7*4 inches. T HE WINONA— a smart little folder for J/2 Cabinet Oval and Square prints. Rich basket weave pattern, Grey, with watered silk tis- sue. Medium weight light Grey bev- eled insert with artistic border brought up in Grey enamel. Sample Mailed Free. No. For Prints Size Outside Price per 1000 B Vx Cabt. Oval 5x7 H $25.00 E Vx Cabt. Square 5 x 1% 25.00 THE WINONA is a first-class Col- lege or School style — will bring the best price for J / t Cabinet single weight portraits. Special advertising matter FOR YOU — ;elow cost — Read about it — Pages 5, 6, 7. 55 T aprell, Loomis & Company s Latest Styles in Mountings COMBINATION CARDS Thickness OMBINATION Group Cards, same style as the Triplex and Duplex, only for UPRIGHT Portraits. Size For Photos Size Outside Price per Pk| of 25 61 2 # Ovals 6# x 12 $1.90 62 2 Cabinet Oval 8 x 16* 2.50 63 2 # Square 6# x 12 1.90 64 2 Cabinet Square 8 xl6# 2.50 TRIPLEX AND DUPLEX CARDS Thickness ■QEAUTIFULLY proportioned, made " of heavy grade of stock, beveled edges. Cream White, Kid finish. The plate mark designs are very plain but artistic in appearance. Triplex and Duplex mounts can be made the means of bringing in many extra dollars to the Studio. A series of poses of a favorite child, family groups, in fact they can be exploited in a hundred and one different ways, and made the means of bringing money to the Studio that otherwise would never come. Not only that, but Photographs put out this way are usually framed by the purchasers just as they are, and are therefore a standing “Ad" for you, as they are displayed prominently in the homes of the purchasers. Samples of these are too large to send by mail, but insist on your traveling salesman showing you them. DUPLEX. No. For Kioto: Sue Outs'de Per Pkg. 25 51 2 #-Cabinet Ovals 6 x 8# $1.00 52 2 ^-Cabinet Ovals 8 x 10 # 1.70 S3 2 C abinet Ovals 10# x 13 # 2.00 54 2 ^-Cabinet Square 8 x 10# 1.70 55 2 Cabinet Square 10# x 13# 2.00 TRIPLEX. No. For Fhotos Size Outside Per Pig 25 56 3 #-Cabinet Ovals 6 # x 12 $1.80 57 3 #-Cabinet Ovals 8 x 15 2.50 58 3 Cabinet Ovals 10# x 19 3.75 59 3 ^-Cabinet Square 8 x 15 2.50 60 3 Cabinet Square 10# x 19 3.75 50 Taprell, Loomis (^Company s Latest Styles in ^Mountings LANPORT Thickness For Group Views and Portraits. Made in White, Grey, Black and Brown. With Beveled Edges. T HE Lanport gives you excel- lent value in a mount for large work. The stock is of the heaviest grade, linen finish with artistic border. It is a first-class mounter for groups, portrait and general view and architectural work. Number For Prints Size Outside Price per 100 0 5 x 7 8 x 10 $2.50 00 6'A x 8/ t 10 x 12 3.50 000 8 x 10 12 x 14 4.50 0000 11 x 14 16 x 20 14.00 VISTA The Commercial Card. For single weight View and Group prints. White, Grey, Brown. Thickness 'T'HE VISTA — a specially at- tractive style for the price asked. Border around print and on edge of card in a very attractive design, Dove Grey on White, Dark Grey on Ash Grey and Dark Brown on London Brown. Me- dium weight stock, beveled edges. Sample Mailed Free. No. For Print Color Size Outside Price per 10C A-l 5x7 White 8 x 10 $2.25 A-2 5x7 Grey 8 x 10 2.25 A-3 5 x 7 Brown 8 x 10 2.25 B1 654x 8H White 10 x 12 3.25 B-2 6Hx 854 Grey 10 x 12 3.25 B 3 6%x 854 Brown 10 x 12 3.25 Cl 8 xlO White 12 x 14 3.95 C-2 8 xlO Grey 12 x 14 3.95 C-3 8 xlO Brown 12 1 14 3.95 THE VISTA will enable you to put out your commercial work at a comparatively low cost and still give your merchant customer a very attractive mounter for his photographs. Insist on seeing THE VISTA. YOUR Art Calendar— SPECIALLY DESIGNED for YOU— Read about it— page 4. Taprell, Loomis Company s Latest Styles in Mountings ALLWYN Thickness For Groups, Views and general large work, 5x7, 6Vix8 l a and 8x10. Colors — Brown and Grey. T HE ALLWYN gives you a first- class two color view and group mount which has no equal in its class. Stock extra heavy. Rich finish bev- eled edges with a two-line tinted bor- der of colors harmonious with the shade of mount. Sample of 5x7 size Free. No. Size Prints Size Outside Price per 1000 A 5x7 8 x 10 $27.50 B 6Hx 8 Y% 10 x 12 37.50 c 8 xIO 12 x 14 47.50 1) 5x8 9x11 30 00 Don’t fail to insist on seeing the ALLWYN. Gives you better value than any other mount of its class on the market — for views and groups. VALLEY VIEW' Colors: Grey, Dark Brown, White and Black Thickness T HE Valley View is one of our latest designs for Groups and Views, and it is made in dark brown, grey, white and jet black of good, firm, heavy stock. It gives you a bet- ter value in a mount of this class than anything offered in the market. Please note that the 8xl0’s are made 12x14 outside, which gives a much better proportion than 11x14. If you have any difficulty in getting this mount, be sure and write us and we will give you the names of deal- ers who can supply you promptly. Be sure and state the color when ordering — whether brown, black, grey or white. Sample of One Size Free. No. For Prints Size Outside Price per ir 1 5x7 8 x 10 $1.90 2 6 14 x 8 % 10 x 12 2.90 3 8 x 10 12 x 14 3.25 A First Class Style at a VERY LOW Price. Investigate this. You GET THE LATEST in this line — The Kind that sell more Pictures at Better Prices. 58 Taprell, Loomis {^Company s Latest Styles m Mountings ARCADIA CALENDAR Thickness Size 51^x10^4 Inches. For I’rintM r»*4. 'T'HE ARCADIA, a 5)4x10)4 (inslip style) for 3%x 5)4 (post- 1 card size) prints. Flap on extra weight stock, cloth finish and calendar for 1914. Made in two colors: Dark Grey for Black and White, Swiss-Brown for Sepia, Buff or Black and White tones. Sample on receipt five one-cent stamps. Xo. Color For Prints Size Outside Price Per 100 -jt '/'j] ./ by . ;/w4- i,. - 1 G-l G-2 Grey Swiss-Brown 3Xx5>4 3 '4x5)4 5)4x10)4 5)4x10)4 S5.00 5.00 THE PAVILION For “slip -in” print* 3Vix5^« No trimming. The pavilion measures closed 4)4x10 Vi inches, is made of extra weight stock, linen finish, with handsome embossed art panel. The print is placed under a rich lined insert which is fast- ened on one side, enabling you to place print so that it will show off to the best advantage — very rich, smart looking folder style for the print slipped in. Sample on receipt of two 2-cent stamps. No. Color Size Print Size Closed Per 1000 G-1 Grey 314x5 ’A Square 4Hxio yi 444x10 'A 444x1044 $30.00 G-2 Brown 3]4x 5j4 Square 30.00 T-i Grey 314x51/2 Oval 30.00 T-2 Brown 314x5 '4 Oval 4 44 x 1 0 Vi 30.00 THE PAVILION will pry that post-card size picture away from its cheapness — gives you a classy, up-to-date style that you can handle quick and one that will bring the highest price for the above size print. Insist on seeing OUR COMPLETE LINE— We BOTH lose WHEN YOU DON’T. 59 Taprell, Loomis fkr’Company sLatest Styles in Mountings MANHATTAN Thickness of Stock 454x8*4 Inches for Postcard Prints. Three color* — White. SivIhn Grey and Olive. UOR POST-CARD PRINTS 3x554— Print is slipped in at the left of design. The three colors: White, Olive, Swiss Grey, are all correct for the tone of Post-Card Prints. Embossed in color on cover and insert — very handsome style for Post-Card Prints. Sample Free. Size Color For Prints Size Outside Price Per 1000 G-l White 3x5 or P. C. Sq. 4; 20.00 We both lose when the Salesman doesn’t show you our complete line. 60 T aprell, Loomis fer'Company s Latest Styles in Mountings SPECIAL DESIGNS FOR NAME PLATES Special original sketches of name plates will be submitted for approval on receipt of 15 cents. When ordering, always state whether plate is for printing or embossing on cover, embossing with a small hand press, or for your stock house to print your card. State just the class of work or em- bossing you expect it to do. OUR UNIVERSAL MAILER Made of extra quality Craft paper with heavy double faced corrugated board. The special feature of this Mailer makes it equally suitable for mailing one or one dozen photos. The Universal Mailer, while sold at the same prices as others of cheaper appear- ance and material, is not only made of stronger and better material, but the ap- pearance is decidedly better — gives you a smart looking, artistic mailer for the same price as the old style you are now using. The following sizes only are carried in stock. Special sizes made up in lots of not less than 500: 5 V 2 x 7 5%xl0% 6%x 9 >/£ 7^x10% 8^x11% 9%xl2% 12^x14% Price per 1,000 $15.00 ... . 20.00 18.00 22.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 TRANSPARENT TISSUES Extra Quality Tissue- -Well 2ti X 6 Trice per 1000 $ 1.50 5 2 y 4 X 8J4 ■ 1.80 5H 3 X 6>4 • 1.50 5 3H X 5*4 • 1.55 5 ’4 3H X 5 H • 1.55 4 14 3 l A X 4J4 . 4 3H X 5 l A .. 1.55 5A 3 H X 7H • 1.80 5 K 37/ 8 X 5/8 • 1.75 5 A 4 X 6 1.75 5 H 4 X 7 1.80 S'A 4 X 7/2 • 2.50 5 54 4 54 X 6J4 - 1.80 5/s 4 K X 6 H ■ 1.80 5 A 4/2 X 8 H • 2.50 5/ 4 y* X 8f4 . 2.50 S'A 5 X 6J4 • 2.65 6 l A Made. Special Sizes to Order in Price per 1000 X 714 ... $ 2.65 X 7A .... 2.65 X 8/ ... 3.50 X 7'A .... 2.50 X 754 ••• 2.50 X 8 A ... 2.50 x 8 2.70 X 9A ... 3.10 X 9^4 ... 3.20 X 9/4 ... 3.20 X 7 A ... 2.50 X 8 X ••• 3.10 X 8M ... 3.00 X 9 3.30 X 9 'A ... 3.45 X 11 4.00 X 9H ... 3.00 of Not Less than 5C0. Price per 1000 5$4 x 8 $3.00 6 x 2.80 6 x 9 H 2.90 6 x 8J4 3.00 6'A x 9/ 3.00 6 x 10 3.20 7 x 9 y 8 3.80 6 x 1034 3.30 7 x 10fi 5.00 67/ a x 11 5.00 8'A x ioy s 5.00 8'/ 8 x 11** 5.00 8'/ 2 x137/ 8 7.50 10 y 8 x uy 2 7.50 lVAxWA 8.00 12^x ISA 13.50 61 X aprell, Loomis {^Company s Latest Styles m Mountings UNIVERSAL STOCK 1913 DESIGNS AND PATTERNS Suitable for Artura, Etching Matt, Backed Aristo, Collodio Carbon, Platinum and Nepera papers. The stock is made of the best material and in the cover material has the best folding qualities of any offered. With a full stock of these papers on hand you can get the very best color combina- tions for Sepia, Buff and Black and White prints. Write us for sample book of Universal Stock. All regular dealers carry a full supply of Universal Stock. Order by No. FOLDER STOCK. Deckled on two sides. 033 Golden Brown, linen finish 20)4x25 022 Cream White, linen finish 20)4x25 268 Cream White, heavy fabric finish 20'4x25 246 Golden Brown, watered silk.... 20)4x25 210 Buff, linen finish 20)4x25 214 Extra Weight Cream White, Corduroy finish 19)4x27 260 Roman Grey, linen finish 20)4x25 267 Roman Grey, heavy fabric finish 20)4x25 269 Golden Brown, heavy fabric finish 20)4x25 265 Etching Grey, fabric finish 20)4x25 266 Black, linen finish • • • 20)4x25 IMPORTED AND AMERICAN FOLDER STOCK. Order by No. Not Deckled. 302 Black Enameled, embossed finish 304 Extra Seal Cloud Grain, neutral colors (For Sepia and Black and White) 305 Lincoln Green, seal grain embossed 20 307 Duplex Light and Dark Brown Marble 20 308 Duplex Grey and White Marble 22 311 French Grey, heavy bark finish 20)4x25 (For Sepia or Black and White) 313 Cream White Enamel, embossed finish 16 317 Cream White, etched surface 318 Ebony Black, watered silk 22 320 Buff, lace embossed finish 22 321 Grey, lace embossed finish 22 FRENCH LINEN RAG. Natural Finish. No. Has the soft feel of quality. A Grey ' 22x28 B Buff 22x28 C Brown 22x28 D Dark Buff 22x28 No. 488. FABRICA BRISTOL. Thickness No. Bristol Boards not Deckled. 025 White, fabric finish 22x28 028 English Grey, fabric finish 22x28 029 Artist Brown, fabric finish 22x28 030 Buff, fabric finish. 22x28 No. 489. VELOUR BRISTOL. Thickness — ■ A fine silk cloth linen Bristol. The shades are Duplex, giving you the choice of either side. The best Bristol Blank on -the market. Per 100 No. 1 Cream Sepia and Golden Brown 22x28 $9.00 China White and Light Grey 22x28 9.00 Golden and Butternut 22x28 9.00 Per 100 Per doz. $3.40 $0.45 . . 20)4x25 3.40 .45 . . 20 '4x25 3.40 .45 . . 20)4x25 3.40 .45 . . 20)4x25 3.40 .45 . . 19)4x27 5.00 .70 .. 20)4x25 3.40 .45 . . 20)4x25 3.40 .45 . . 20)4x25 3.40 .45 . . 20)4x25 3.40 .45 3.40 .45 STOCK. Per 100 Per doz. .. 20 x25 $2.50 $0.35 . . 20 x26 9.00 1.25 .. 20 x25 2.50 .35 . . 20 x28 10.00 1.30 . . 22 x28 10.00 1.30 . . 20)4x25 3.75 .50 . . 16 x25 3.40 .45 3.00 .40 . . 22 x28 6.00 .75 . . 22 x28 3.00 .40 . . 22 x28 3.00 .40 Per 100 Per doz. . ... 22x28 $9.00 $1.20 . . . . 22x28 9.00 1.20 . . . . 22x28 9.00 1.20 . . . . 22x28 9.00 1.20 Per 100 $9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 No. 2 No. 3 No. 467. Thickness^™»^^» This is a very fine stock at a very low price. It is very stiff — about 6 ply — beautiful shades. State number and letter when ordering. A China White Ripple. H B Duplex Sepiatone and Golden Brown Ripple. J E Duplex Chocolate Brown and Royal Brown, K torchon finish. L C, Sepia, Golden Brown, rough wove finish. M White, Taupe Grey, rough wove finish. Golden, Arturatone, linen finish. Cream White, bark finish. Silver Grey, bark finish. Buff, watered silk. 22x28, per 100. $10.00 62 Taprell, Loomis ^Company s Latest Styles m Mountings No. 487. DUPLEX MARBLE BRISTOLS. Thickness — Very Beautiful Shades and A-l Quality. Per 100 No. 11 Grey Marble, Light Grey 22x28 $12.00 No. 12 Dark Sepia Marble, Light Sepia Marble 22x28 12.00 No. 14 French Grey Marble, Dark Grey 22x28 12.00 Be sure and order by number. DECKLED EDGE MOUNT STOCK. Per 100 Per doz. 431 Pigeon Grey, block pattern 20J4x25 $7.50 $0.90 436 Black, Russian Leather 20 x25 8.00 1.10 437 Coffee Twilled 20)4x25 8.50 1.10 438 Golden Brown, hand made 20)4x25 8.50 1.10 439 Etching Grey, hand made 2014x25 8.50 1.10 440 Buff, hand made 20)4x25 8.50 1.10 441 French Grey, rough fabric 22 x28 12.00 1.45 IMPORTED AND AMERICAN TISSUES. Ask for one of our sample books of the different patterns. Mailed free. Per 100 Per doz. AA Japanese Silko Tissue 18x24 $1.25 $0.25 FF Embossed Watered Silk, extra quality 20x25 1.15 .15 DD Oak Grain Tissue .• 20x25 1.25 .20 EE Linen Tissue 20x25 1.15 .15 GG French Parchmyn, ball pattern 20x25 1.50 .25 KK Imported Check pattern 20x25 1.25 .20 CARDBOARDS DREADNAUGHT BRAND CARDBOARDS Straight Edges. Thickness Duplex Golden Brown and Artist Brown. Extra quality mounting board. Sample mailed free. 8x10, per 100 $ 2 . 2 5 10x12, per 100 3.25 11x14, per 100 3.50 22x28, per 100.. 12.00 “STEAMER" BRAND Straight Edges. Thickness Made in duplex colors — Cartoon Black and Scotch Grey, London Brown and Ash Grey. The “Steamer” Brand is excellent value for the money; in fact, is a remarkably good blank for the price. Be sure to state color wanted. Sample mailed free. 7x 9, per 100 $0.90 8x10, per 100 115 9x11, per 100 1-40 10x12, per 100 1.75 11x14, per 100 1-80 14x17, per 100 3.60 16x20, per 100 4.00 18x22, per 100 5.50 20x24, per 100 7.00 22x28, per 100 7.00 No. 464. STRAIGHT EDGES Thickness ■■■■ Made in colors — Artists’ Brown Ash Grey and White. Our 464 stock is made in a very heavy weight of the best material. For mounted photos for advertising purposes, views, in fact any class of photos requiring a heavy card, the 464 will be found desirable. Sample mailed free. 22x28, per 100 $15.00 MISCELLANEOUS ECLIPSE CABINETS Plain Beveled Edges. Thickness In colors — Ash Grey, Egyptian Black and Artists’ Brown. Price, per 1000 $6.50 STEREOSCOPIC MOUNTS Bound Corners. Thickness i — — Made in Queen’s Grey. A very good card. 3)4x7, price per 1000 ...$4.00 BRASS TRIMMING FORMS All sizes up to and including cabinet sizes. each $0.25 4x6 Brass Forms, Ovals, each 35 5x7 Brass Forms, Ovals, each 90 6)4x8)4 Brass Forms, each 1.15 8x10 Brass Forms, each 1.25 PRICES FOR EMBOSSING CARDS Raised White, Black, Red or other colors, embossing, per 1000 $3.50 Less than 1000 (charge is based on quantity and number of styles of cards.) Plain Embossing or Stamping, per 1000 $1.50 Plain Embossing or Stamping, less than 1000 1.00 Plain Letter-Press Printing, any color, per 1000 1.25 Plain Letter-Press Printing, any color, less than 1000 1.00 The cost of Name Dies is ordinarily $3.50. This cost depends on the amount of work neces- sary, and may mean more or less than the above amount. Sketches of special designs will be sub- mitted on application. See our special offer above illustrations of name plates. 63 X aprell, Loomis fe? Company s Latest Styles m Mountings Place your order early in September or October with your dealer for this Calendar in the sizes and colors wanted, and you thereby avoid the possibility of disappointment and delay later in the season. THE HALCYON CALENDAR For Landscape and Group Prints, Vertical and Horizontal. Two Colors, Grey for lllack mul White, Brown for Black anil White or Sepia Tones. Order l»y Number anil State Color, Grey or Brown. Thick nessI T HE HALCYON is the latest and newest idea in a Calendar. It offers you a beautiful mounter for the prints that you send as souv- enirs to friends. Gives you an opportunity to dress views of local scenes of in- terest in an artistic Calendar at a very low price, which the general public will buy at a good price. When you consider the number of peo- ple right in your own city who want and will pay for a few good local views mounted in the Halcyon Cal- endar to send to friends and relatives at holiday time, it is not hard to put the Hal- cyon Calendar in the list of Fall money - makers. Get your order in today with your dealer. Pick out the “spots of interest” and a fair display of the photographs in Halcyon Calendars will catch a goodly percentage of the money spent at holiday time. The Halcyon Calen- dar is made of extra weight Bristol stocks, deckled edges in the beautiful color combinations of Grey-White and Brown-Swiss, tied with silk cords and tassels with a calendar pad for the year 1914 caped and embellished with a beautiful pen sketch of a woodland scene. The horizontal are made in diamond shape and the vertical or upright with a half octagon top. Sample on receipt of five two cent stamps. HALCYON CALENDAR FOR HORIZONTAL PRINTS No. For Prints Size Outside Price Per 100 VPH 1^x2^ 6 x6 S8.00 1-H 2 3-i x3.' 4 6’Ax6 A 8.00 1-AH 2Kx4 X 7 x7 8.50 2-H 3’Ax3A 7 x7 8.50 3-H I'Axl'A 9.00 3-AH 3Ax 5A S'Ax8'A 10.00 4-H 4 x5 8Ax8A 10.00 4-AH 4Kx6K 9Ax9A 12.00 FOR UPRIGHT PRINTS. No. For Prints Size Outside Price Per 100 VPV iHx2 a 3Hx 9 $8.00 1-V 2'Ax3'A 4x9 A 8.00 1-AV 2'A*4'A 4Ax\6)A 8.50 3-V 3Ax4A SAxWA 9.00 3-AV 3Ax5A SXxl2A 10.00 4-V 4 x5 5AxiiA 10.00 4-AV 4 ’4x6 A 6Axi 3A 12 00 You GET THE LATEST in this line — The Kind that sell more Pictures at Better Prices. 64