pif £|- ^i^TiA-LO;G U E ' ■ : 'i ^ ’"''.--OF ' • ' iTAiiAif •pleruREs, '“ lAJ;fcLY ;, ' JSHOtlGHT FKOil KOM^ ' '’A-'’ ' ;V\ '• ‘^■■’ ■■.'■■•••'• .-V ■ .J, ■ ■* ' ' - V--.-'-' ‘ , ^4 V ^.. t. ^ ■ It- ' "i 'i>. • «< i*:rt ■ . . 44 Catalogue of Pictures painted by J. Wright, of Derby, 1785 ; ^ Catalogue of Ralph’s Exhibitions of Pictures {written by Sir Joshua Reynolds), scarce, H. Reynell, Piccadilly ; Catalogue of the Pictures and Drawings of the late Mr. Gainsborough, , exhibited at his Dwelling-House in Pall-Mall, 1789 ;TIata- logue of a Collection of Italian Pictures never before seen in this Country, 1 789 ; and other fine Catalogues, some with prices and contemporary MS. notes, and some with outline portraits, in 1 vol. scarce M. B. A Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofitaliOOhayd / V ; » *•» CATALOGUE OF THE ITALIAN PICTURES, LATELY BROUGHT FROM ROME, AND NOW EXHIBITED IN THE GREAT ROOM, IN Whitcomb Street,) Leicejler Square. March, i 799. LONDON : PRINTED BY G. HAYDEN, RUSSELL COURT, COVENT GARDEN. k A ... 31 jr ■: 1 t A. ^ J -•.,4 ■) .•■ '.i INTRODUCTION As fome account may be expecfted to be giyen of the Pidlures contained in this Catalogue, the Proprietor of them takes this opportunity of faying, that they were all colleded by him, during a long refidence at Rome, from the palaces of many of the firft nobility of that city, and the different parts of the Roman ftate. His lituation ar Rome, during the troubles which lately agitated that part of Italy, afforded him eafy accefs to the galleries of the nobility, and a confidence with them, which nothing but ' the difturbed ffate of the country could have procured him. Profiting by the offers which were made to him, he was enabled to enrich his Collection with many of the fineft productions of the greateft mailers. It may eafily be conceived, that, when the French army was advancing with haffy ffrides towards Rome, every perfon who A 2 had IV INTRODUCTION. had property to difpofe of was anxious to convert any part of it into the fpecie of the country, where the tranfadlion could be done with fecrecy. It is a refpecl to his engagements of this nature which alone prevents the Proprietor from publifhing the names of the feveral nobility, whofe galleries have fo liberally contributed to enrich this Collection, and Vv^hofe titles would otherwife moft fpleridedly ornament the catalogue before us. From an unwillingnefs of troubling the reader with a long introduction, we fhall here pafs over the many difficulties which attended. the conveying the prefent Collection out of Italy, and the rifk. of bringing them into this country. Suffice it, therefore, to fay, that after a nine-weeks paffiage they fortunately efcaped every danger, and arrived in London, in their prefent perfeCt condition; but with an accumulated expence of in- furance, freight, and duties almofl incredible. The Proprietor confoles himfelf, however, with the refieClion, that although his Ioffes have been great, that his labours have not been wholly thrown away. He flatters INTRODUCTION/ V flatters himfelf, likewife, that in a country like this, where the Fine Arts are fo liberally patronized, the period will arrive when the prefent Colle ROMAN SCHOOL. RAPHAEL SANTIO DA URBINO, The Prince of modern Painters, was horn at Urhino, in 1483, and died at Rome, in 1520, at the age of yj. THE NATIVITY OF CHRIST. On the fore-ground the Madona and St. Jofeph are kneeling, and regarding the Infant with tender and devout expreflion. He lays along on a piece of linen, fupported by a little angel ; two other little angels landing by, bearing inftruments of the PafTion in their hands. Behind is a ruined temple, with an afs and a cow, of which the heads 8 ITALIAN PICTURES. heads only are feen. In the clouds is a group of five little angles, three of whom are chaunting, the others bearing implements of the Paffion. In the middle-ground, which is elevated, are two fhepherds liftening to an angel, who announces to them this event. The diflant view reprefents the town of Bethlehem. A highly-finifhed cabinet pidlure, on pannel, perfedlly preferved ; the tone of colouring clear and warm, efpecial- ly the carnations, which are purely natural. Size — 2 feet 8|- inches high, by 2 feet 6 f inches broad. PORTRAIT OF BERNARDO DIVIZZIO CARDINAL BIBIENA. A half-length, books before him, one open in his left hand while his right is employed in writing. He is fhaved, with a fhudious acute phyfiognomy. Through a window appears St. Jerome in a landfchape. The colour- ing is true to nature, and the whole minutely finifhed. It is impoffible to do juftice to this pidlure by any defcrip- tion. It is a cabinet jewel of the firft luftre, painted on pannel, and in the higheft Rate of prefervation. • Size — 2 feet 7 | inches high, by 2 feet 5|- inches broad THE ITALIAN PICTURES. 9 THE HOLY FAMILY. The Madona fits upon an elevated bench, with her feet on a fi:ep. On her left fiands Jofeph in a thought- ful attitude, which is finely cxprefiTed. On the other fide fiands St. John, of an age differently reprefen- ted from that of moft other pidlures of this fubjedt, at leafi twenty-five years of age ; his afpedl is ferious, and he, as well as Jofeph, regards the fpedtator. The attitude of. the Virgin is graceful, and her expreffion tender, though not looking at the Child. The Child fiands on her lap, regarding the fpedlator with a plea- fing fmile. The figures are the fize of final 1 life, about four feet and a half in height— the back ground terminates with a green curtain. The drawing is corredl ; the colouring, efpecially the carnations, true and of a warm tone ; and the whole is highly finifhed. ' This pidture was the chief altar-piece of a conventual church in Italy, and was fold to its prefent proprietor under a difpenfation from the Pope, to enable the monks to defray the expence of repairing their church, which had been almofi rent afunder by an earthquake. B It lO ITALIAN PICTURES. It is painted on pannel, well preferved, and has flill its ancient coat of varnifh on ; and is in its original frame, which is a very curious one, having feven fubjedls of the life of Our Saviour, fketched in colours, on a ground of arabefque, or fcroll-work, en grifaille, at equal diftances ; and in the middle, at bottom, the arms of the town wherein the convent Hands. Size, exclulive of the frame, 5 feet high, by 4-j feet broad. And the breadth of the frame inches. MADONA AND CHILD, WITH ELIZABETH, &c. A fmall highly-finifhed pidlure, in water colours, faid to have been done by Raphael at lixteen years of age ; it came out of the Barberini Palace. The fubjedl is wel] known by Marc Antonio’s print,, called The Madona, au Ber^eau. FREDERICO BARROCCIO. Born a UrbinOy in 1528, where, after faffing a confiderahle fart of his life at Rome and at Florence, he died in 1612, aged 84. [He drew correftly, was a charming coloriH, and gave a pleafmg, lively air to his heads.] MAR- ITALIAN PICTURES. 11 MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHARINE. Finely compofed^ painted with virgin tints^ and frefh as from the eafel. A charming cabinet pid;ure on cop- per. Size — 2 2 inches high, by 1 8^ inches wide. «===s>» ✓ FILIPPO LAURL Born a Rome, in 1623, where he died in 1694, aged 71. [Nature, which had not been very favourable to his exterior figure, endowed his mind, in recompence, with the mofi: valuable qua- lities. He was a moft excellent fcholar, a charming painter, fkilful in hiftory, in fable, and in perfpedlive ; in his manners he was an ornament to fociety, and a facetious companion. His drawing is good, his figures graceful, and the fiile of his landfchapes excellent. — His fmall pi6lures are moft efteemed.] VENUS AND A SATYR, Whom a cupid takes by the beard, and is about to peirce with an arrow, while another cupid ties his hands behind ; other figures are feen in the back-ground, which is a landfchape richly compofed, with a diftant view of the B 2 fea. 12 ITALIAN PICTURES. fea. The whole is clear and charmingly painted, with mellow tints, and highly nnilhed: the carnations warm and true.— A cabinet piece on cloth. Size— 15I: inches wide, by i2| inches high. ^==r=r». CASPAR POUSSIN. Born at Rome^ in 1613, where he died in 1675, aged 62. [His furname was Duche, but he afliimed that of Pouflin, from his relation to the celebrated Nicolo Pouflin, who married his fifter. The charafler of his works is fufiicently known. He was a man of amiable manners, of a merry humour, generous to his friends, whom he entertained with conviviality.] A CAPITAL LANDSCHAPE Of an oblong form, for a door head, a rich and an cxtenfive view— fuppofed in the vicinity of Pifa or Lucca. A DITTO, Of the fame form and fize. diverfified. The fore-ground finely They ITALIAN PICTURES. ^3 They arc both in his belt time, and excellently coloured. The figures, which are judicioufly introduced, are fup- pofed to be by P. F. Mola. Size of each — 5 feet 7 inches wide, 2 feet I inch high. % FLORENTINE FLORENTINE SCHOOL Francesco vanni, or vannius. Born at Sienna^ in 1563 — died in 1609^ 4^* [He commenced his lludies at a very early period of life, and after examining and copying the works of the great mafters, he ulti- mately attached himfelf to the fliles of Correggio and Earroccio, which he appears to have united in his compofitions. His draw- ing is corre£f, his colouring vigorous, with a fweet and tender pencil, which he devoted intirely to fubje6ls confonant to his re- ligious and moral character. He was created a Knight of the Order of Chrift, by Pope Clement VIIL] MADONA ITALIAN PICTURES. 15 MADONA STANDING ON A CRESCENT IN A ' GLORY OF ANGELS. She is crowned by the Saviour. On one lide {lands an angel, another holds up the drapery of the Virgin, A charming little high finifhed pidlure on copper. Size — io|- inches high, by 7 inches wide. It is engraved hy Cornelius Galle^ CARLO, OR CARLINO DOLCI. Born at Florence^ in 1616 — died in 1686, aged "jo. [He began his ftudics before he was eleven years of age. His pi6i:ures, which he finifhed very highly, are chiefly religious fubje6ts. His drawing is corredl, and his colouring very clear and tranfparent ; his carnations foft and tender, and feem as if painted on ivory. ST. CATHARINE. Large nature — a bright clear pidlure, the colours frefli as if jufl laid on. The exprcffion of the faint is fublime. She leans forward on a table, a book in her left hand, her , head ITALIAN PICTURES, i6 head reclining on her right ; an angel is crowing her with flowers. The hands are fine nature* .. - Size—3 feet i inch broad, by 2 feet lo inches high. SCIPIO GAETANO. Born at Florence^ about i^^o~died in 1588, aged 38. PORTRAIT OF CARDINAL BEMBO. A bull— large life*— a benign, placid countenance, grey head and beard, painted with great truth of nature, and moft minutely finilhed. Size— 19I: inches high, by 15I: inches broad, LOM^ LOMBARD SCHOOLS. PARMA. ANTONIO DE ALLEGRIS, or LIETO ; BETTER KNOWN BY THE NAME OP CORREGGIO. The Prince of Grace, Colouring, and Effeff. — He was born in 1494, and died in 1534, aged 40. MADONA AND CHILD, WITH ST. JEROME AND AN ANGEL, A Graceful and elegant compofition. The colouring is true to nature — clear and tranfparent in the fhades, without the leaft obfcurity. A charming cabinet jewel, perfcdlly finiflied. Size— 1 inches high, by 12 inches broad. C BAR. i8 ITALIAN PICTURES. BARTOLOMEO SCHIDONE, Born at Modena in about 1560, and died at Parma, about the year 1616, aged 56. [He was educated at the celebrated School of the Carracci, but fol- lowed the graceful manner of Correggio. — The rarity of his works is well known.] MADONA AND CHILD, IN A LANDSCHAPE. She is wafhing the Child’s feet in a brook ; the attitude gracefully appropriate, and the landfchape in a great ftile, - — A beautiful cabinet piece, on cloth. Size, — 17I- inches high, by 13I- broad. CAV. GIOVANNI LANFRANCO, Born at Parma in 1 ^^i—died at Rome in 1647, aged 76. [He was a chief fcholar of the Carracci, whom he affifted in their great work, Ti'he Farnejian Gallery ; but he afterwards hudied the works of Correggio, whofe manner he preferred,] JUPITER ITALIAN PICTURES. 19 JUPITER AND EUROPA, JUST LAUNCHED INTO THE SEA. This picture is poetically compofed. - The metamor- phofed King of the Gods is condudled by two little cupids in the air, with ribbons tied to his horns, preceeded by two tritons ; a third manages a dolphin, beftrode by a little cupid. The relatives of the lady are feen on the fhore at a diftance in the attitudes of Grief and Defpair. ' — A capital picture finely coloured. Size — 5 feet wide, by 4 feet 5 inches high. C 2 LOMBARD LOMBARD SCHOOLS BOLOGNA. S================ LORENZO SABBATINI. [Little is known of the life of this excellent artiR, only that he appears to have preceded the Carracci, and to have been con- temporary with them. His works ought to have infured him more notice from the biographers.] MADONA AND CHILD, SITTING ON A CRESCENT, A Charming little picture. She is furrounded with a glory of angels. The colouring bright and tranfparent. —He appears to have been a perfe6l mafter of the art of forelhortening, of which thofe in this pidlure are an admirable proof. Size— 15 inches high, by 13 inches broad. This TiEiure is finely engraved hy Agofiino Carracci. THE ITALIAN PICTURES. 21 THE CARRACCI. Indignant at the degenerate iajle of their contemporaries^ fpi^ rited indeed in their execution^ hut with little regard to nature y they determined to effeSt a reformation of thofe corruptions, by the eftahlijhment of their celebrated academy* Taking nature and the antique fatues for their guide, they rendered ihemfelves jujily celebrated for their correifnefs of drawing. LODOVICO CARRACCI. Bern at Bologna in 1555^ where he died in 1619, aged 64 [Endowed with a rich imagination, he was enabled to treat the fame fubjedl with infinite variety. He was more graceful than his coufin Annibal, and equally corredl:.] A PIETA, OR DEAD CHRIST, ON THE LAP OF THE VIRGIN. A little angel ftands by in tears. The exprelTion of grief in the Madona is fublime. The forefhortenings are 22 ITALIAN PICTURES. are admirable^ and the whole is well defigned, and in an excellent tone of colouring* Size — 5 feet 8 inches high, by 2 feet broad. DEAD CHRIST, WITH MARY AND THREE ANGELS, IN THE ACT OF ADORATION. A little angel ftands in a penfive attitude. A beautiful, highly finifhed, capital pidture. The carnation admirable. Size— I9J inches wide, by 1 6 inches high. AGOSTINO CARRACCI, Confin to LodovicOi was horn at Bologna^ in 1558, and died at Parma 1602, aged 44-. [He was a man of polillied manners, honourable in his dealings, and accompl idled in all the fciences; in philofophy, the mathe- matics, poetry, fculpture, 6cc. and eminent as an engraver.] POLY- ITALIAN PICTURES. 23 POLYPHEMUS AND GALATEA. A capital picture, finely and poetically compofed, and perfedlly finifiied, with a rich mellow pencil. The figure of Polyphemus is an admirable fpecimen of cor- redl drawing and relief, and is the celebrated Torfo completed. The elegant and difdainful Galatea and her female attendants are finely contrafted. The landfchape is fingularly beautiful, and extenlively detailed, and re- prefents the S. E. coaft of Sicily, with a view of Mount iEtna. The whole is clear, and in the higheft fiate of perfedlion. Size — 5 feet 7|- inches wide, by 4 feet 10 inches. ANNIBAL CARRACCI. Brother of Agojiino, was born at Bologna, in 1560, a?id died at Rome, in 1609, aged 49. [He was an univerfal painter, treating every fubjecfi with equal facility. He drew very corredlly, and' with great freedom, and every touch is marked with the chara 61 er of nature, which he affidioufly ftudied as his befl; guide. He perfedled his ideas by the fiudy of the antique.] THE ^4 ITALIAN PICTURES. THE REPOSO, A charming Iketch in his Bologniaii manner, finely coloured. The head of the fieeping child is admirably painted, on cloth. Size — ^13 inches, by 9 inches. GUIDO RENI, One of the moft celebrated artifs of the Bolognian SchooL He zvas horn at Bologna, in 1575, zvhere he died in 1642, aged 6 7. [He was a comely^ handfome man, and, while in the School of the Carracci, ferved as a model to Lodovico, when he had occafion to paint angels. Guido was a charming, graceful painter, particularly in the airs of his heads. His colouring is bright and clear, and his touch extremely delicate and free. Proud of his art, he would not condefeend to fix the price of his works, but ufually left it to a third perfon.] THE ANNUNCIATION. Half figures, the expreffion of both is modefily devout, the carnations beautifully true. Painted in the manner of Cara- ITALIAN PICTURES- 25 Caravaggio, but the fhades tranfparent and free from the darknefs of that mailer. Size — 3 feet 2j inches wide^ by 2 feet 5 inches high- ST. JEROME READING IN A LARGE BOOK- His left hand is held up to his face, as if to fave his eyes. It is painted in a brown warm tone, imitating the Rile of Guercino, and in point of execution^ is a chef i/’ Upright' oval - Size — 2 feet 7 inches high, by I foot 1 1 inches broad. ST. LUCIA. A three-quarter Rze ; rather large life ; a clear, warm pidlure in his belt Rile. ST. CATHERINE. An exadl companion to the preceding, fimilarly painted, •They are both upon cloth. Size of each — -2 feet 5 inches high, by 2 feet 5^ inches D BEAUTY 26 ITALIAN PieTURES. BEAUTY AND LOVE; OR, PERHAPS, FORTUNE FLYING OVER THE GLOBE. They are both naked — a cupid holds her by the hair, while fhe fcatters the contents of her purfe. The figures are large as life ; the carnations perfedlly true, bright, and tranfparent, poflefiing every quality of his befi: works. It is in the highefi: Rate of prefervation ; and is infi- nitely fuperior to the celebrated picture of the fame fub- jedl, lately removed from the Capital at Rome to Paris. Size- — 5 feet 3I inches high, by 4 feet 3 inches wide, «€========!!IX' FRANCESCO ALBANO, Born at Bologna in 1578, where he died in 1660, aged 82. [He was a difciple of the Carracci, and is highly efteemed for his fine colouring, and for the fiile of his landfchapes.] VENUS ITALIAN PICTURES. ^7 VENUS ATTIRED AFTER BATHING, An agreeable cornpolition of nine figures in three groups; beautifully coloured. — Painted on cloth. Size— “2 feet 9j inches wide, by r foot 6|- inches high. •d===D* 0 DOMENICO ZAMPIERI, > DETTO DOMINICHINO, One of the bejl difciples of the Carracci, born at Bologna /« 1 5 8 1 , died in 1641, aged 60. [He was one of the moft judicious painters of his own, or any age. He confidered his fubjedl with great attention, before he took up his palette, and always followed nature for his model ; taking every opportunity of ftoring his mind with fuch charac- ters of the Paffion as fell under his obfervation, which he fketched at the moment they occurred, and made ufe of as his fubjedts required them.] THE STONING OF ST. STEPHEN, A capital pidlure, in his beft time, compofed with great flsill. The exprefiion of the Saint is divine ; the D 2 adion 28 ITALIAN PICTURES. acftion of the other figures well contrafted^ and the whole executed with great relief and truth of nature. The colouring is fine and rich, with broad lights, and -good efFedf of charo-fcuro. In the fky there is a reprefenta- tion of the Trinity. Size— 5 feet 2 inches broad, by 3 feet 6j inches high. DEATH OF ST. FRANCIS. He is fupported by two angels- — a little angel in the clouds is playing on the violin— finely painted, with a bright tone of carnation. Size~3 feet inches, by I foot 1 1 inches. •dr=:==l)* GIOVANNI FRANCESCO BABIERI, DETTO GUERCINO DA CENTO, Born at Cento j near Bologna y in 1590 — -died in 1666, aged 76. [He was nick-named Guercino, becaufe he fquinted. The genius ' ' of this great artift developed itfelf at a very early period; for, when ITALIAN PICTURES. 29 when only ten years of age, he painted a Madona on the front of his father’s houfe, which induced his parents to fend him to Bologna for further improvement. In the fchool of the Carracci he acquired that force of colouring, for which he is fo juflly celebrated. He pofleiTed a lively and fruitful imagination with fublime ideas, and a wonderful facility of exprefling them on canvas. He was at one period captivated with the manner of Carravag- gio, and gave great eiFe6t to his pi6lures, by a flrong contrafb of light and ihade, but he knew how to regulate that efFedf by his fweet and tender pencil. He did not, however/ follow that manner long, but forfook it for the more clear, delicate tones of Guido, and ultimately he took nature for his foie dire6lor.] RINALDO AND ARMIDA. In the poignancy of a finely exprefled grief, fhe is about to plunge an arrow into her breafi, but is pre- vented by Rinaldo, who feizes the weapon and diverts her from the purpofe by his perfuafive eloquence. A beautiful, highly finifhed pi(flure — colouring true to nature. Size — 5 feet wide, by 3 feet 8| inches high. ST. 3 ^ ITALIAN PICTURES. ST. MARGARET, Half figure— fize of life. She holds up a crofs to the monfier. The carnations warm and true — painted in the manner of Carravaggio, on cloth. Size— 4 feet and half an inch high, by 3 feet i inch wide. THE HEAD OF A WARRIOR, Size of life, painted with great force, in the manner of Carravaggio. He aims a firoke with his fword. — Armour bright and well reprefented. Carnations warm. On cloth. Size— 2 feet lo inches high, by 2 feet 6 inches wide. QUEEN SEMIRAMIS RECEIVING THE NEWS OF THE DEFEAT OF HER ARMY. She is fitting at her toilet, with a calm and dignified exprefiion of grief, in which her domeftic fympathifes. A highly finifhed, clear pidture, in his beft fiile. The car- nations ITALIAN PICTURES# 3! nations warm and admirably true, and the fliades clear and tranfparent. Size — 5“ feet wide, by 4 feet and half an inch high* This pi^ure has been engraved. MOSES, WITH THE TABLES OF THE LAW, Half figure — countenance majeflic, with a long white beard. Finely coloured and highly finifiied ," Size — 3 feet io|- inches high, by 3 feet 5 inches wide. LOT AND HIS DAUGHTERS, - One the tnojl capital Pictures of this great MaJieYy and to which it is impojjible to do jujiice by any defeription. The fubjedl is treated with the utmoft delicacy 5 the drawing extremely corredl ; the touch fpirited ; and the whole clear and tranfparent, — It is highly finilhed, and the colouring nature itself. Painted on cloth. Size — 7 feet 8 inches wide, by 5 feet 10 inches high. LUCRETIA. 32 ITALIAN PICTURES. LUCRETIA. Half figure ; fize of life ; exprefiion dignified and ap~ propriate ; tone of colouring warm. Admirably painted in his belt time. Size— 2 feet 9I inches high, by 2 feet 5|- inches. DRAfFING S. ABIGAIL MEETING DAVID, A rich and elegant compofitionj of about fourteen figures, vigoroufly executed in bifbre, with infinite fpirit and determined Ikill. The figures are about fifteen inches in height, finely drawn, and chara6lerized in the befi: time of the mafter. This is certainly the mofi: capital drawing of Guercino in England, or, perhaps,^ in the world.— Framed, with plate glafs. Size— 2 feet 6y inches wide, by 2 feet i inch high. ST. ITALIAN PICTURES. 33 DRAWINGS. ST. CECILIA PLAYING ON THE ORGAN, A charming delign, in biflre ; the hands fine and grace- ful. It is in a curious, antient frame. THE HEAD OF A WARRIOR'. He is in an helmet, adorned with plumage, in pen and biftre ; below is the following infcription : . ' D'ogni dio fpezzatore e chi repone ne la fpada^fua legge e fua Raggioned* A mafterly drawing, and the ftudy for the pidure in page 30. JOSEPH AND CHILD, A graceful defign, in red chalk. SUSANNAH AND THE ELDERS, ,A capital defign, in red chalk, ftumped. The charac- ters and exprelTion appropriate, E BENE- 34 ITALIAN PICTURES. BENEDETTO GENNARI, The nephew and difciple of Guercino, was horn in 1633^ died in 1715, aged 8 2 . [By afliiling his uncle in his great works he acquired that excellence of colouring for which Guercino is fo juftly celebrated. He came over to England, and was employed by King Charles IL] MARY MAGDALEN, NAKED TO THE MIDDLE. She is laying along on the ground under a rock, with a death*s head and other fymbols of her repentance. She fupports her head on her right arm, with an elegant ex- preffion of penfive forrow. A clear pidlure, finely pain- ted, and highly finifhed. Size— 5 feet wide, by 3 feet 1 1 inches high. IPPOLITO SCARSELLINO DA FERRARA. [The fon of Sigifmunda Scarcella, an excellent defigner, and Ikilful architedl, from whom he received his firft lelTons. He was after- wards fent to Venice and Bologna, from whence he returned home a fkilful proficient. He had a fruitful invention and a charmingly delicate pencil.— He died in 1620.] CHRIST’S ITALIAN PICTURES* 35 . CHRIST’S ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM. The meek and divine characfter of Our Saviour, and the adlion and devout attitudes of the multitude are finely conceived. A beautiful cabinet pidhire, in the Venetian ftile of colouring. Painted on copper, and highly finifhedi Size — 1 6 inches wide, by II j inches high. > CHRIST PRAYING IN THE GARDEN. The fubjedl is evening, and the figures are illuminated by the angel that prefents the cup. The charadlers of the fleeping apoflles are finely exprelTed. This pidlure is a companion to the above, and in the fame ftile. The landfchape in both is in a great manner, and well kept. E 2 VENETIAN VENETIAN SCHOOL. TIZIANO VECELLI DA CADORE, TITIAN, Born at Cadore, in the Frioul, in — died of the Plague, in 157.6, aged 9^. MADONA, WITH ST; JOHN BAPTIST, AND THREE OTHER SAINTS. She is fuckling the child. The back-ground is a land- fchape, of which but little is feen. Colouring warm, and highly finifhed in his beft ftile. The figures are about eighteen inches. — A cabinet pidlure, on cloth. Size— "3 feet i inch wide, by 2 feet inch high. PORTRAIT ITALIAN PICTURES. 37 PORTRAIT OF POPE CLEMENT VIII. Half length ; fitting in a chair ; highly finifhed in his befi; time. Size— 4 feet 3j inches high, by 2 feet 2j inches. Pope Clement VIII. (Julius de Medicis}^ fucceed- ed Adrian VII. in 1523. Rome was plundered during his pontificate, by the Connetable de Bourbon ; — and it was he who refufed to grant a bull to King Henry VIII. of England for the marriage of Anna Bolen.’’ PORTRAIT OF POPE PAUL III. Half length; fitting in a chair; an auflere, monadic charadler of an old man with a white beard, inclining to yellow, highly finifhed. Size — 3 feet 10 inches high, by 3 feet and half an inch. This Pontiff (Alexander Farnefe) fucceeded Clement VIII, in 1534, during the reign of Francis I. and Charles 38 ITALIAN PICTURES. Charles V. He eftablilhed the Inquilition, and ap- proved the fociety of Jefuits. He aded with great rigour towards King Henry VIII. and by that means finifhed what Clement VIIL had begun^ the lofs of the papal authority in England. He died in 1549, aged 82. He was a man of letters^ of great talents, humane in his manners, and of noble fentiment.** GIACOMO DA PONTE BASSANO, Som in 1510, at Bafano^ zvhere he died in 1592, aged 82. ST. JEROME IN A LANDSCHAPE. The expreffion of the Saint is fervently devout. The lion is ufually at reft in reprefentations of this faint, buT here he appears to be roaring. A fpirited little pidlure, on doth® Size~2 feet i inch wide® by I foot 7^: inches high^ GIACOMO ITALIAN PICTURES. 39 GIACOMO ROBUST!, . DETTO TINTORETTO, Born at Venice, in 15 I2, where he died in 1594, aged 82. [He was a difciple of Titian, who, jealous of his promifing talents, took an opportunity of difmifling him from his fchool. He had an extremely fruitful invention, and delivered his ideas to the canvas with fuch facility and promptitude, without making any previous defign, as to obtain the appellation of the furious Tin- toretto. ] ST. SEBASTIAN, WITH AN ANGEL PULLING AN ARROW OUT OF HIS SIDE. The Saint appears to be in a fwoon. The defign is fine and corrcdl ; the carnations warm and natural ; and the whole a mafter-piece of colouring. A cabinet pidlure, by many fuppofed to be of Tititan, Size — 2 feet ii inches wide, by 2 feet 4§- high. THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI, A rich and rnofl capital compofition of nine figures. The back-ground is a landfchape. The colouring is warm and ITALIAN PICTURESa 40 and mellow, and the penciling free and broad, with a great effed:. Painted on cloth. Size — 6 feet i inch wide, by 6 feet high. N, B. The head of the European monarch is a portrait of the Emperor Charles V. PAOLO CALLIARI VERONESE, fVas horn^ at^ Verona^ in 1532, and died at Venice in 1588. [He compofed with great ikill, with grace and variety in the airs of his heads, giving a good effed to the tout enfemhle. His carna- nations warm, tranfparent, and true to nature ; and his colouring frefli and lively^ from the ufe of virgin tints, which he placed with great judgment.] THE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHARINE. Half figures— a fine, clear pidure, highly finifhed, with a light, free touch. The effed is good, and the colouring warm. It is painted on cloth,' and much in the Rile of Titian. Size— 3 feet, by 2 feet 8 inches high. GIACOMO ITALIAN PICTURES. 41 GIACOMO PALMA VECCHIO, Born at Sermoleta, in the territory of Bergamo, in 1540 — died at Venice, in 1588, aged 48. He was a difciple of Titian* CUPID AND PSYCHE. She is juft going to ’waken from a pleafant dream, at the touch of Cupid, who is on the wing. The carnations are warm and true. The back-ground is a landfchape. A charming cabinet picture, on cloth. ’ Size — -19 inches wide, by i5|- inches high. GIACOMO PALMA GIOVANNI, Nephew of the preceding Art if , horn at Venice, in 1544, where he died, in 1628, aged 84. SUSANNAH AND THE ELDERS, ■ An excellent little picture, highly finiftied, with a light touch } corre6Uy drawn, finely compofed, and well co- loured. Painted on cloth. Size — ii|- inches high, by 14.^ inches wide. . • F NEAPOLITAN NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL. SALVATOR ROSA, Born at Naples, in 1615 — died ai Rome, in 1673, aged 58. A LANDS CHAPE,— A WOOD SCENE, A Singular compofitian of this mailer, having much of the manner and effedl of Jacob Ruyfdaal ; painted with his ufual freedom and touch. On the left are three ban- ditti, with other figures, at a diftance. Size-— 4 feet 5j inches wide, by 3 feet 2|- inches high. AN ITALIAN PICTURES* 43 AN UPRIGHT LANDSCHAPE, WITH LARGE TRUNKS OF TREES, A mafterly Iketch ; warm and mellow tone of colour- ing. A faint is reading in a book on the fore-ground* — Painted on cloth* Size — 2 feet 2 inches high, by 16 j inches wide* , > AN INTERESTING LANDSCHAPE, Painted in the bold and ftriking manner of this extra- ordinary painter, and in his beft ftile. — -The fore-ground confifts of woods, mountains and rocks, with fevcral figures varioufly and adlively employed ; with a perfpedlive of a river with boats, &c. Beyond thefe are feen buildings and aquedudls, bounded by mountains, charadteriftic of the fcenery of the country, whence the finefi: pieces of this great mailer were chiefly drawn* Size — 4 feet 5 inches long, by 2 feet 5 inches high« F 2 SPANISH SPANISH SCHOOL. DON DIEGO VELASQUEZ DE SILVA. Born at Seville, in 1594 — died at Madrid in 1660. [He was at £rft an nniverfal painter, but afterwards contradled his pra6lice to hiftory and portrait. He fludied the Belles Lettres, and every thing that could enrich his imagination, and mature his judgment, with unremitting affiduity. He was one of the greateft painters that ever exifted. His hiftorical compolitions are learned, and painted with great har- mony and force ; and his portraits, befides their ftriking refem- blance, appear animated with the very fouls of the perfons repre- fen ted « In ITALIAN PICTURES. 45 In what eftimation he was held, in his native country, may be conceived, from his being promoted to the rank of nobility, and appointed to offices of dignity in the ftate. A good account of him is to be found in Cumberland’s Lives of the Spanifti Painters ; but the two fpecimens of work in this col- le^ion will better explain his merits.] THE ECCE HOMO. Chrifl, with a charadler inexpreflibly meek, is expofed naked to the people. Pilate, who is habited iii the jewifh cuflume, with not a little of the charadleriftic of that nation, has that expreffion which may be conceived from his words on the occalion. His appearance is dignified. The foldier, who ftands on the other fide,* is brutal licen- tioufnefs itfelf, and zvears the honet rouge. The carnations are natural and appropriate. It is pain- ted with a rich body of colour, with a large and free touch ; and is altogether a mafier-piece of genius and art. Size — 3 feet 1 1 inches high, by 3 feet i~ inches wide. PORTRAIT OF POPE INNOCENT X. To whom Velafquez was fent on an embalTy by his court. The family name of this Pontiff was Jo. Bapt. Pamphili. ITALIAN PICTURES. 46 Pamphili. He fucceeded Urban VIII. in 1644, at the age of 72, and died on the 6th of January, 1655, aged 81. No defcription can do juftice to this pidlure. It is a buff, large as life, wonderfully expreflive, and a mafter- piece of art, being painted with as few touches as pollible. This pidlure is mentioned in his life by Cumberland. — = On clothi Size—25 inches high, ‘ by I 9 j inches. FRENCH FRENCH SCHOOL NICOLO POUSSIN, Born at Andely^ in Normandy, in 1594 — died in 166^, aged^i, hut Jiudied mojily in Italy, A MOUNTAINOUS LANDSCHAPE, ! In his ufual great ftile. In the middle-ground there is a lake, and on the left lide, near the fore-ground, a water- fall. A man on the fore-ground is walking with his dog, whilft another, at fome diftance, is driving a flock of fheep. Size — 5 feet 7 inches, by 3 feet 2 inches. % JACOMO 48 ITALIAN PICTURES. JACOMO CALLOT, Born at Nancy ^ in Lorraine, in 1593- — died in 1635. A PAIR OF MERRY-MAKINGS. Each containing an infinite number of fmall figures ; fome on horfe-back, others in carriages, all running the race of pleafure. The fcene is a great fquare, or wide fbreet,— the figures are grouped in his ufual incompara- ble manner,— the keeping admirable, and the colour of the whole lively, and in perfedt harmony. Size — 2 feet 8 inches wide, by I foot 8|- inches high. PAIR OF SEA-PORTS, Suppofed to be Spanifh. The fcenes of the fame gaiety as the preceding pair, though the figures are not fo nu- merous. There are feveral tilted boats, but no fliipping. The buildings are elegant, and the colouring and degrada- tions as in the two preceding ; and they are of the fame fize. The piShires of Callot are extremely rare. DUTCH DUTCH MASTERS. JOHN BOTH, CALLED BOTH of ITALY. < =?!)• A LANDSCAPE, A Morning fcene in Italy, in a great ftile. On the fore-ground, towards the left, is a large clump of trees ; farther off, towards the middle, is a lake, on the fide of which appears a Ikirmifh between light horfe ; and on the fore-ground are other equellrians in the fury of purfuit. The horfes, as well as their riders, full of anima- tion, are painted by Peter de Laer, nick-named Bam- BOCCIO, Size — 5 feet 6 j inches broad, by 4 feet high. G A DITTO 50 ITALIAN PICTURES. A DITTO/ A warm evening fcene, much in the ftile of Claude. It is bounded by large trees on each fide, with a lake and figures at a di fiance, and is enriched with a ftag-hunt on the fore»ground. The figures by the fame artift, P. de Laer, Size nearly the fame as the foregoing. VARIA. V A R I A. MADONA AND CHILD, . A Highly-finifhed, fmall cabinet pidlure, finely drawn and coloured, fuppofed to be an early performance of Leonardo da Vinci — perhaps rather by his mafter Andrea Verrocchio. Size — 12 ^ inches high, by loj wide. CUPID DRAWING HIS BOW, An elegant and finely drawn figure — fine exprellion, faid to be by Cavalier Joseph d’Arpino — perhaps by Julius C^sar Procaccino. Size — lOj inches high, by inch wide. 'J 1 ^^.. ■\ ■ jT A- ' -,. cn-./. i\-i'KIa:.i '.::iy,iHC::.J. ^b: rU,’/.;!.-'/ ‘ :... ,' . Hi£o ri.:: 3 ;" .oa ; ^rvtr;o^c > ' q'l l-}i! '..■' -■ 'V ' ,- tbvj't -Lii , ' ■ '■ ■ ■■ V . ' , . ;/ I 7- t muD ■\ ?A' ; '. ' ':'5ai»; ;;-'.:'7pi'^ -- - 77 X 1 ; : ■ , 7 i '.7 • -.>a J 7 -. 5 « 7 : a ! - "t'P ADDENDA. NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL. CAVALIER JOSEPPE D’ARPINO, Was born near Naples, in 1560 — died at Rome, in 164Q, aged 80. THE FOUR EVANGELISTS, {In two PiSluresr\ Th E Y are only bufts with hands, above twice the fize of life, being intended to be placed at a great height. — They are paintd in a grand ftile, and are admirable in their kind. Size of each pidlure — 3 feet 16 inches wide. by 3 feet high- H A GIPSEY 54 ITALIAN PICTURES. A GIPSEY FAMILY, On the fore-ground of a landfcape, by Locatelli, fweetly painted* A circle of 3^ inches diameter. FLEMISH SCHOOI.. SIR ANTHONY VANDYCK, [Too well known in this country to require any account of him.'] THE DUG DE MONCADA, A very fine copy of the celebrated Equeftrian Portrait, done in Italy. He is mounted on the famous white horfe on which Charles I. is reprefented. Size— 9 j feet by 5 feet. This piBure is engraved hy Morghan, ROMAN ITALIAN PICTURES. 55 ROMAN SCHOOL. •«=:=»• CARLO MARATTI, Born in the Marche of Ancona, in 162^— died in lyij* ^ aged 88. , [He was an excellent painter, learned in hiftory and allegory. He compofed well, and painted with great freedom, and a frefli and mellow pencil.] THE DEATH OF JOSEPH. He is juft expiring; Chrift and the Madona are on dif- ferent tides of the bed, at the foot of which, on the right, the angel Gabriel is kneeling, and two little angels are judicioufly placed on the fore-ground to break the line of the bed. The fubjedl is illuminated by the Holy GhoU, in a glory of angels. A fine, bright pidlure, on cloth. Upright. Size — 4 feet 5 inches, by 3 feet inches. FLORENTINE 56 ITALIAN PICTURES, FLORENTINE SCHOOL, LEONARDO DA VINCI, Born I4SS> rf noble birth ^ died in the arms of Francis I, in 1530, aged 75, [He was an artift of univerfal talents, and the different works which he has left behind him have ferved as unerring guides to pofterity.] K LADY’S HEAD, [Three Quarters y~] A warm and clear portrait, on pannel, minutely finifhed. Small cabinet pidlure. Size— 17I: inches upright, by 13- inches. VENETIAN ITALIAN PICTURES. 57 VENETIAN SCHOOL. TIZIANO VECELLI DA CADORE, TITIAN. THE HOLY FAMILY. The Madona fupports the infant on her lap, whilfl St. Catharine, on the left, kneels refpedlfully and in the molt graceful attitude, to receive him ; St. Jofeph is on the right of the Virgin, devoutly reclining on his Half, in fceming devout meditation. The figures are nearly as large as life, in the centre of the picture, near a magnificent ruin, in a rich and beautiful country ; intereftingly ornamented with wood, mountains, and vale, and interfperfed with buildings and cattle. — The whole forms a grand and captivating view ; and pre- fents to the obferver, perhaps, as fine a picture as ever was painted by this great mafler 1 for it is difficult to decide whether you are moft pleafed with the maflerly grouping ITALIAN PICTURES. 58 grouping of the figures, or the rich beauties of the land- fcape; with the eafy elegance of the attitudes, or the fine glow of colour which warms and animates the whole compofitioii. Size, without the frame — 4 feet 5 inches high, by 5 feet 8 j inches long. »(S ,’ DOMENICO CAMPAGNOLA. rThis artlft, though an incomparable lanclfcape painter, is not noticed by the biographers, of courfe we know nothing of his hifiory.] A CAPITAL ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, The ftile is great ; it reprefen ts an arm' of the fea, bounded on the fore-ground by land on each fide ; on the right appears a romantic, natural arch, of great fize* — ' Figures on the fore-ground. A CAPITAL DITTO, In a fimilar charadlcr; romantic, excavated rocks oa the right fide, with a mountainous dillant view. Figures, boats, &c. N, B, Both thefe pidlures reprefent parts of the coaft of Genoa. A CAP- ITALIAN PICTURES. 59 A CAPITAL ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, An interior fcene ; the ground romantically broken with buildings. A deep river traverfes it obliquely, on which is a boat, with two figures. A DITTO, Seemingly a different view of the fame river. The aerial perfpedhve is excellent in all thefe landfcapes ; the elfedl great, and the colouring harmonious. * Size of each — 6 feet 1 1 inches, by 2 feet i inch. FINIS. ■ f I* r ^ . ' n.r •t CATALOGUE LATELY UGHT jFROM RQME.