R 1.] 7 ^ anxa 92-B 23161 Ropal flcademp of Arts EXHIBITION OF WORKS BY THE LATE GEORGE FREDERICK WATTS, r.a. o.m. AND THE LATE FREDERICK SANDYS ALSO OE THE DESIGN FOR THE NATIONAL MEMORIAL TO QUEEN VICTORIA By THOMAS BROCK, R.A. WINTER EXHIBITION THIRTY-SIXTH YKAR MDCCOCV WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED PRINTKRS TO THE HOTAL ACADEMY [ Price Sixpence ] RIO EXHIBITION OF WORKS BY THE LATE GEORGE FREDERICK WATTS, r.a. o.m. AND THE LATE FREDERICK SANDYS ALSO OF THE DESIGN FOR THE NATIONAL MEMORIAL TO QUEEN VICTORIA By THOMAS BROCK, R.A. WINTER EXHIBITION THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR MDCCCCV WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED PRINTERS TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY The Exhibition opens on Monday, January 2nd, and closes on Saturday, March 11th. Hours of Admission, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Price of Admission, Is. Price of Catalogue, 6d. Season Ticket, os. ■General Index to the Catalogues of the first thirty Exhibitions, in three parts ; Part I. 1870-1879, 2s. ; Part II. 1880-1889, 2s. ; Part III. 1890-1899, Is. 6d. No sticks, umbrellas, or parasols are allowed to be taken into the ( Jalleries. They must be given up to the attendants at the Cloak Room in the Entrance Hall. The other attendants are strictly forbidden to take charge of anything. The Refreshment Room is reached by the staircase leading out of the Water Colour Room. The Gibson (Sculpture) Gallery and the Diploma Galleries are open daily, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission free. All Communications should be addressed to “ The Secretary T ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS. 1905 HONORARY MEMBERS. The Most Rev. W. D. Maclagan. D.D., Lord Archbishop of York, Chaplain. Sir R. 0 . Jebb, M.P., Professor of Ancient History. The Rt. Hon. John Morley, M.P., Professor of Ancient Literature. The Viscount Dillon, Antiquary. The Lord Avebury, Secretary for Foreign Correspondence. HONORARY RETIRED ACADEMICIANS. Frith, William Powell, Esq. | Waterhouse, Alfred, Esq. HONORARY FOREIGN ACADEMICIANS. Bonnat, Leon J. F. Fremiet, Emmanuel. ! Knaus, Ludwig. Breton, Jules. Guillaume, Claude J. B. E. i Menzel, Adolf. Dubois, Paul. ACADEMICIANS. Abbey, Edwin Austin, Esq. Aitchison, George, Esq. Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence. Armstead, Henry Hugh, Esq. Bodley, George Frederick, Esq. Boughton, George Henry, Esq. Brock, Thomas, Esq. Crofts, Ernest, Esq., Keeper and Trustee. Davis, Henry Wm. Banks, Esq. Dicksee, Frank, Esq., Auditor. Fildes, S. Luke, Esq. Frampton, George James. Esq. Gilbert, Alfred, Esq., M.V.O. Gow, Andrew C., Esq. Graham, Peter, Esq. Gregory, Edward John, Esq. Herkomer, Hubert von, Esq., C.V.O. Hook, James Clarke, Esq. Jackson, Thomas Graham, Esq., Treasurer and Trustee. Leader, Benj. Williams, Esq. Leslie, George Dunlop, Esq. Lucas, John Seymour, Esq. Macbeth, Robert Walker, Esq. MacWhirter, John, Esq. Orchardson, William Quiller, Esq. Ouless, Walter William, Esq., Auditor. Poynter, Sir Edward John, Bart., President and Trustee. Richmond, Sir William Blake, K.C.B, Riviere, Briton, Esq., Trustee. Sant, James, Esq. Sargent, John Singer, Esq. Shaw, Richard Norman, Esq, Stone, Marcus, Esq. Thornycroft, W. Hamo, Esq., Auditor. Waterhouse, John William, Esq. Waterlow, Sir Ernest Albert. Webb, Sir Aston. Woods, Henry, Esq. Yeames, William Frederick, Esq., Librarian. HONORARY RETIRED ASSOCIATE. Stacpoole, Frederick, ASSOCIATES. Bacon, John Henry Fredk. Belcher, John. Bramley, Frank. angwyn, Frank. Brown, John Alfred Arnesby. Clausen, Georue. Colton, William Robert. Cope, Arthur Stockdale. Crowe, Eyre. Drury, Edward Alfred Briscoe. East, Alfred. Farquarson, Joseph. Forbes, Stanhope A. Hacker, Arthur. Hemy, Chas. Napier. John, William Goscombe. La Thangue, Herbert Henry. PROFESSORS. Murray, David. North, John William. Parsons, Alfred. Pegram, Henry Alfred. Shannon, James Jebusa. Smythe, Lionel Percy. Solomon, Solomon Joseph. Storey, George Adolphus. Swan, John MoAllan. Tuke, Henry Scott. Wyllie, William Lionel. Of Painting , G. Clausen, A.R.A. Of Anatomy, Arthur Thomson, M.A. Of Sculpture , A. Gilbert, Esq., R.A. Of Chemistry, A. H. Church, M.A., F.R.S. Of Architecture, Geo. Aitchison, Esq., R.A. Teacher of Perspective, G. A. Storey, A.R.A. Master of the Architectural School, R. Phene Spiers. SECRETARY — Fred. A. Eaton. CONTENTS. page; Oil Paintings — Gallery I. (G. F. Watts) 1 Oil Paintings and Drawings, etc. — Gallery V. (F. Sandys) 44 Oil Paintings and Drawings— Water Colour Room (G. F. Watts) 17 Design for the National Memorial to Queen Victoria— Central Hall (T. Brock) 55 Index in Chronological Order of the Works by G. F. Watts, K.A., now Exhibited 57 Index in Alphabetical Order of the Works by G. F. Watts, B,A., now Exhibited 64 Index to the Names of Contributors of Works 71 PLAN OF THE GALLERIES. GEORGE FREDERICK WATTS. Born 1817. A.R.A. 1S67; R.A. 1867. Died 1904. 'George Frederick Watts was born in London on February 23, 1817. His parents, of Welsh extraction, came from Hereford, where both his father and grandfather had lived and worked. Displaying at a very early .age a strong predisposition for drawing and sketching, he was encouraged by his father to adopt Art as a profession, and at the age of eighteen he •entered the Academy Schools. He left them, however, after a very short stay, and spent the next two years in frequenting the studio of William Behnes, the sculptor. During this period he made his first essays in oil paifiting, of which specimens are to be seen in his own portrait (No. 1) and in that of his father (No. 4), painted in 1836. His first appearance as an exhibitor at the Royal Academy was in 1837, when he sent three contributions — two portraits of young ladies and “ The Wounded Heron ” (No. 38). These were followed by several other portraits, among them that of Mrs. Charles Hamilton (No. 2), and a few subject pictures, such as “ Aurora” (No. 13), and others now in this Exhibition. In 1842 he gained one of the first three prizes offered for designs for the decoration of the Houses of Parliament, the subject he chose being “ Caractacus led in triumph through the streets of Rome.” It was never executed, and the cartoon was cut up and sold ; portions of it are to be seen in Nos. 92, 93, 96, and 125. With the £300 thus gained the artist determined to go abroad, and after a short time in Paris proceeded to Florence, where he remained four years as the guest of Lord Holland, the British Minister at the Grand Duke’s Court. During this period he painted many portraits of distinguished people. Returning to England in 1847, he took part in the third competition for the decoration of the Houses of Parliament, his subject this time being “Alfred inciting his subjects to prevent the landing of the Danes, or the first naval victory of the English.” He was again successful, winning this time a first prize of £500. The cartoon was bought by the Government, and the artist was commissioned to paint a fresco of “St. George and the Dragon ” for a VI hall in the House of Lords. This work, begun in 1848 and finished in 1853,. has since perished. Another wall painting by him in the hall of Lincoln’^ Inn, somewhat later in date, has been rescued from a similar fate. His reputation was now securely established, and subject pictures and portraits followed in rapid succession from his brush. Among the former belonging to this period are the smaller and earlier versions of “Fata Morgana ” and “ Paolo and Francesca,” of which Nos. 178 and 180 are the later renderings; while of the latter it is sufficient to name those of Miss Nassau Senior (No. 32); Miss Virginia Pattle, afterwards Lady Somers (No. 183); and Miss Alice Prinsep (No. 175), with whose brother, Mr. Tlioby Prinsep, who married another Miss Pattle, the artist lived at old Little Holland House for more than thirty years. He subsequently built a house in Melbury Eoad, which he named after the old residence, and, later, one near Guildford. In 1856 he went with the late Sir Charles Newton on his mission to* explore the site of Halicarnassus ; and visited many parts of Greece and Turkey, with one of the sons of his friends the Prinseps, the late Valentine Prinsep, R.A., as a companion. On his return he found himself one of the leading portrait painters of the day, nearly everybody of distinction, male and female, becoming the subject of his brush. In addition to those painted on commission, he also began at this time that series of portraits of eminent people which were eventually given by him to the National Portrait Gallery. Nor, so great was the industry which distinguished him at this, as, indeed, at all periods of his life, were ideal and didactic subjects neglected. Among these may be mentioned “Fata Morgana” (No. 36), “Sir Galahad” (No. 182), “Esau” (No. 114). Watts’s election as an Associate took place in January 1867, and in December of the same year he was raised to the Academicianship. The following year saw him exhibit, for the first time, a landscape and a piece of sculpture. The landscape was followed by several others: among them “The Island of Cos” (No. 156), “The Return of the Dove” (No. 232), “All the Air a Solemn Stillness holds ” (No. 22), “ Loch Ness ” (No. 219) ; while the marble bust of “Clytie” (No. 213) was the forerunner of a number of works, of which the colossal equestrian group, “Physical Energy,” seen at the last Academy Exhibition, was perhaps the most important. From this period till his death the efforts of the artist were chiefly devoted to painting pictures intended to teach a lesson or illustrate an idea. Some of the finest examples of them were presented by him to the Nat onal / Gallery of British Art, and many are to he found in the present Exhibition. Among the most noteworthy may be mentioned, “Time, Death, and Judg- ment” (Nos. 109, Ml, 199), “Death Crowning Innocence” (Nos. 89, 137), “ Love and Life ” (Nos. 28, 64, 102, 111), “Love and Death” (Nos. 24, 66, 187), “Eor he had great possessions” (No. 62), “Faith” (No. 165), “Hope” (Nos. 97, 201). But he did not confine himself to these ; classical subjects, and also humorous ones, were frequently treated— witness “ Ariadne in Naxos” (No 60), “Diana and Endymion” (Nos. 76, 154 and 174), “Good Luck to your Fishing” (No. 73). The honour of a baronetcy was twice offered to Mr. Watts, and in 1902 the King conferred on him the newly instituted Order of Merit. Among other honours and dignities that he received, it may be mentioned that he held Honorary Degree? at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge ; was an Officer of the Legion of Honour ; and a member of many foreign Academies. His death took place on July 1, 1901, at Little Holland House, Kensington. The folloivmg are extracts from a Prefatory Note to a former exhibition of his zvorks, written by Mr. Watts. “ The great majority of these works must be regarded rather as hieroglyphs than anything else, certainly not as more than symbols, which all Art was in the beginning, and which everything is that is not directly connected with physical conditions. In many cases the intention is frankly didactic ; excuse for this, generally regarded as exasperating, being that it has been found, not seldom, that the attempts to reflect the thoughts of the most elevated minds of all ages, even in an unused and halting language, have not been without interest at least, if without profit. Whatever type may have been used, classical, mediaeval, or other, the endeavour has been to impress distinctly the direction of modern thought, and in all, except two cases, reference to spiritual dogmas has been pur- posely avoided ; the two exceptions being “ Faith ” and the “ Dedication to All the Churches.”* In the first, “ Faith,” wearied and saddened by the result of persecution, washes her blood-stained feet, and recognising the influence of love in the perfume and beauty of flowers, and of peace and joy in the song of birds, feels that the sword was not the best argument, and takes it off. Not in the present Exhibition. Vlll In the several subjects relating to Death, the object has been to divest' the inevitable of its terrors: the power has always been depicted as im- personal, and rather as a friend than enemy. In the large design, “ The Court of Death,” the power does not act, but receives homage; the soldier surrenders his sword, the noble his coronet, the mendicant and oppressed seek relief. Sickness lays her head upon the knee of Death, old age comes for repose, the child plays with the grave cloths unknowingly, and in the arms of the silent figure is the youngest possible child, the very beginning of life being in the lap of Death. Two powers, Silence and Mystery, guard the entrance of the unknown. “ The Messenger ” (the Message of Peace) announces repose after life’s work. The same power takes charge of Innocence (Death and Innocence)’ placing it beyond the reach of evil ; “ Mammon ” * speaks for itself ; so, also, “Great Possessions” and “Jonah,”* each being especially addressed to modern philosophy. “ Hope ” strives to get all the music possible out of the last remaining string. In “Time, Death, and Judgment” the two companions advance hand in hand, while the figure whose face is not seen follows with the fiery sword. In the small design Time and Death have run their course, the flaming figure being transformed into Love triumphant. The figure with the Globe of the Systems (“ The All Pervading ”) may be called the Spirit that pervades the immeasurable expanse. “Love and Death,” the progress of the inevitable but not terrible;. Death partially, but not completely overshadows Love. In “ Love and Life ” the slight female figure is an emblem of the fragile quality in humanity, at once its weakness and its strength; sensibility, aided by love, sympathy, tenderness, self-sacrifice, and all that the whole range of the term implies; humanity ascends the rugged path from brutality to spirituality. In the design entitled “ The Dweller in the Innermost,” the vague figure may be as vaguely called Conscience. This explanation is only intended to convey a bald and bare idea of the thread of thought connecting the whole together, and to show that the object in work has been to suggest, in the language of Art, Modern Thought in things ethical and spiritual.” Many of the descriptions within inverted commas attached to some of the works in this Catalogue are in Mr. Watts’s own words. * Not in this Exhibition. CATALOGUE The numbers follow from left to right. The Portraits are described under four sizes : — “ bust,” the heal and shoulders ; “ half figure ,” to the waist ; “ three-quarter figure ” to the lcnee and below ; “ full length ,” the entire figure. The terms “ to right,” “ to left,” and “ right ” “ oft left,” in all descriptions denote the right and left of the spectator. The following abbreviations are used : — b. born ; m. married ; d. died ; r. right ; l. left. In the sizes of the Works the height is always placed before the width. GALLERY No. I. OIL PAINTINGS — Nos. 1-50. LENT BY 1 Portrait of THE PAINTER at the age of 17 (1834). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., E.A. Bust, fusing the spectator. Canvas, 22 by 15 in. 2 Portrait of MRS. CHARLES HAMILTON (1839). Miss E. B. Hamilton. Small full length, standing, in a landscape, facing the spectator. Canvas, 17 h by 13£ in. 3 Portrait of LADY PREDERICK CAVENDISH BENTINCK. W. G. Cavendish Bentinok, Esq. Mary, daughter of William, 1st Earl of Lonsdale ; m. 1820 Lord Frederick Cavendish Bentincb, 4th son of the 3rd Duke of Portland; d. 1862. Three-quarter figure, seated to 1., in an arm-chair ; black dress, lace cap. Canvas, 55 by 43 in. 9 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 4 Portrait of THE PAINTER'S FATHER (1836). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Bust, to 1., facing the spectator ; black coat. Canvas, 231 by 19! in. 5 Portrait of RICHARD JARVIS, ESQ. (about 1839). Mrs. William Jarvis. Small three-quarter figure, seated at a table, facing the spectator ; black coat. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 17! by 13! in- 6 Portrait of LADY DOROTHY NEVILL (1844). Lady Dorothy Nevill. Half figure, seated to r., profile to r. ; sky background. Canvas, 28! by 22! in. 7 Portraits of GERALD and BLANCHE, Children of GENERAL CHARLES HAMILTON, C.B. (1843). Miss E. B. Hamilton. Half figures; less than life-size ; the one on the r. is Holding a kitten in her arms. Canvas, 21 by 21 in. (circular). 8 ASPIRATION (1866). John T. Middlemore, Esq. “ In the dawn of the morning of life’s battle, he who wishes to be a standard-bearer looks out across the plain. He sees into the great possibilities of human life, and the ardent spirit of youth is sobered by the burden of its responsibilities. This picture would say, with George Herbert, — Fool not ; for all may have, If they dare try, a glorious life or grave.” Three-quarter figure, of a young man, in armour, bare-headed, holding a standard in his r. hand; his 1. rests on a sword. Canvas, 36 by 26 in. 9 Portrait of THE PAINTER (1853). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Three-quarter figure, in a red robe, standing in front of a balustrade, facing the spectator. Canvas, 60! by 28! in. 1905] GALLERY No. I. LENT BY 10 THE PRODIGAL. Executors oe G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Full length figure, less than life-size, of a youth, in rags, seated in a rocky landscape. Canvas, 42 by 30 1 in. 11 Portrait of LOUISA, MARCHIONESS OP WATERFORD (1848). Miss Duff-Gordon. 2nd daughter of Charles, Lord Stuart de Rothesay ; d. 1891. Dust to r. ; sky background. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 23 by 20 in. (oval). 12 IRIS. William Gillilan, Esq. Dust, to r., of a young woman, with fair hair, holding an iris in her hand ; the 1. shoulder and breast undraped. Canvas, 25 1 by 20 1 in. 13 AURORA (1842). Mrs. C. E. Lees. Small full-length figure of a partially draped female, floating in the clouds, surrounded by Amorini. Canvas, 32 by 34i in. 14 ESAU (1865). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Three-quarter figure, more than life-size, standing facing the spectator, head turned to r., and leaning on his spear ; he is clad in a sheep- skin. Canvas, 65 by 4il in. 15 Portrait of LADY LILF0RD (1860). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Emma, daughter of Robert William Brandling, Esq. ; m. 1859, Hon. Thos. Littleton Powys, afterwards 4th Baron Lilford; d. 1881. Bust, head turned to left; red dress; unfinished. Canvas, 231 by 19 in. (oval). 16 “WATCHMAN, WHAT OF THE NIGHT?” (1880). Mrs. Williams. Half figure, with long hair, clad in armour, the r. hand grasping the hilt of a sword; looking out into the night. Canvas, 254 by 201 in. B 2 4 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 17 JACOB AND ESAU (1878). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. “And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, ‘ We came to thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him/ Then Jacob was greatly distressed, .... and he bowed to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother. And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.” Canvas, 411 by 381 in. 18 Portrait of MISS RACHEL GURNEY (COUNTESS OF DUDLEY), (1885). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Three-quarter figure, standing, turned slightly to r., head turned over r. shoulder ; black dress. Canvas, 441 by 271 in. 19 Portrait of MISS EDITH VILLIERS (COUNTESS OF LYTTON), (1862). Charles W. Carver, Esq. Half figure to h, profile ; fair hair hanging over her shoulders. Signed and dated, “ G-. F. Watts, 1862.” Canvas, 30 by 171 in. 20 Portrait of GEORGE ANDREWS, ESQ. (1898). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Bust to 1., profile ; dark background. Canvas, 25 1 by 20^ in. Harry Quilter, Esq. Small full-length figure of a little girl, in a red cloak, standing in a landscape, holding a basket in her arms. Panel, 20 by 14 £ in. 22 “ ALL THE AIR A SOLEMN STILLNESS HOLDS ” (1868). Lord Davey. View, looking across a valley, with a thick wood in the background ; buildings on the 1. ; on a road in the foreground are a man and two horses ; sunset sky. Canvas, 16 by 27 in. 21 RED RIDING HOOD. 1905] GALLERY No. I. 5 LENT BY 23 Portrait of MRS. MANUEL. Mrs. Manuel. Bust to r., profile ; red dress, open at the neck. Canvas, 24 by 21 in. 24 LOVE AND DEATH (1879). Mrs. Ruston. “ Love stands on the threshold of the House of Life, barring the entry against the fatal advance of Death. The bright wings of the god are already crushed and broken against the lintel of the door, and the petals are falling from the roses that Love has set round the porch. The pale form of Death presses forward with calm, resistless tread, and the white uplifted arm passes above the head of Love in token of sovereignty.” Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1879.” Canvas, 45 1 by 22 1 in. 25 HEBE (1863). Miss Ruston. Half figure, to 1., of a girl, in light-coloured drapery, leaning her hands on a jar ; her head turned away. Canvas, 24 by 19 in. 26 LANDSCAPE. Sir William Agnew, Bart. View from the summit of a hill-side, on which are some hay-r:cks. Canvas, 13 by 254 in. 27 Portrait of DR. JOSEPH JOACHIM (1866). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Half figure, facing the spectator; playing the violin. Canvas, 351 by 271 in. 28 LOVE AND LIFE (1883). Mrs. Ruston. “Love, with protecting, half-outstretched wings, leading Life, repre- sented as a trembling fragile maiden, up the rocky steeps, and helping her gently over the rugged pathway leading to the celestial blue.” Signed and dated, G. F. Watts, 1883.” Canvas, 44l by 22 in. 6 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 29 “ THE MOTHER OF GIORGIONE.” Edmund Davis, Esq. Half figure, facing the spectator, head inclined to 1.; red dress. Signed, “G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 27 £ by 22 in. 30 Portrait of THE REV. THEOPHILUS K AIRIS. Mrs. Coronio. Half figure, slightly turned to 1. ; long white beard; black coat. Canvas, 29 h by 24£ in. 31 FIRST WHISPER OF LOVE. Lord Aberdare. Half figure, undraped, less than life-size, of a girl, facing the spectator ; her head turned to r., listening to an Amorino who is whispering in her ear. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 16 1 by 13£ in. 32 Portrait of MISS NASSAU SENIOR (MRS. OHAS. SIMPSON) (1858). Mrs. St. Loe Strachey. Full length, standing to r. in a landscape ; head turned, looking at the spectator; lilac dress, white scarf; a dog at >her feet. Canvas, 78 by 52 in. 33 Portraits of MARY and CONSTANTINE IONIDES. The Misses Georgala. Full lengths of two children, one in blue, the other in red, seated on a bank ; a doll in the r. foreground. Canvas, 35 by 27 in. 34 Portrait of JOHN STUART MILL (1870). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. B. 1806 ; Political Economist ; d. 1873. Bust, nearly full face. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 25 by 20 in. 35 STUDY. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Bust, to 1., of a girl, with long red hair, looking upwards. Canvas, 25 by 20 in. 1905] GALLERY No. I. 7 LENT BY 38 TIME AND OBLIVION (1848). Lady Henry Somerset. “ Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might ; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thon goest.”—Eccles. ix. 10. “ The forms of Time and Oblivion, rising above the sphere of the terrestrial globe, are poised in mid-air betwixt the orbs of day and night. Time, as the type of stalwart manhood gifted with imperishable youth, holds in his right hand the emblematic scythe, while Oblivion, with bent head and downcast eyes, spreads her mantle of darkness over all.” Canvas, 77 by 113^ in. 37 Portrait of WILLIAM SP0TTISW00DE, ESQ., P.R.S. (1873). W. Hugh Spottiswoode, Esq. B. 1825; President of the Eoyal Society, 1878-1883; d. 1883. Bust, facing the spectator. Canvas, 25^ by 20£ in. 38 THE WOUNDED HERON (1837). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., E.A. The wounded heron lies on the ground ; in the background is a horseman hawking. The first picture exhibited by the artist at the Eoval Academy. Signed, “G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 35£ by 27 £ in. 39 Portrait of THE HON. JOHN L0THE0P MOTLEY (1861). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq.,' E.A. B. 1814; Author of “ The Eise of the Dutch Eepublic”; United States 1 ' Minister in England, 1869 ; d. 1877. Bust to 1., nearly full face. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 23| by 19 in. 40 BLANCHE (1875). W. G. Rawlinson, Esq. The late Mrs. Somers Cocks as a girl. Half figure, less than life-size, to 1. ; head looking over 1. shoulder : play- ing the violin. Signed and dated, “ G. F. W., 1875.” Canvas, 25 2 L by 2(H in. 41 Portrait of SIR JOHN HAWKSHAW. J. C. Hawkshaw, Esq. B. 1811 ; Engineer of the Severn Tunnel and other large works ; d. 1891. Bust to I., three-quarter profile. Canvas, 25} by 20f in. 8 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 42 Portrait of MISS MARY POX (PRINCESS LIECHTENSTEIN) (1857). The Earl of Ilchester. Full length of a child, standing facing the spectator, her left arm around the neck of a Spanish pointer ; white frock, red shoes. Canvas, 42 ! by 32 in. 43 THE SISTERS (1850). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Mrs. Thoby Prinsep and Lady Dairy mple, daughters of James Pattle, Esq. Pull lengths, standing on a terrace in a garden ; Lady Dalrymple on the 1. in yellow and green drapery, Mrs. Prinsep on the r. in red and blue. Canvas, 93 by 57 in. 44 Portrait of DEMETRIUS CASSAVETTI, ESQ. (1849). Alex. Cassavetti, Esq. Half figure, seated to 1., holding a book in his r. hand. Canvas, 35! by 271 in, 45 PORTRAIT OP E. C. IONIEES, ESQ. Mrs. Manuel. Half figure, full face. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 23 by 19 in. 46 Portrait of JOHN, 1st LORD LAWRENCE (1879). Francis W. Buxton, Esq. B. 1811; Governor-General of India, 1863; cl. 1879. Bust to 1., three-quarter profile. Signed and dated, “ Replica, G. F. Watts, lc79.” Canvas, 23 by 19! in. 47 Portrait of MISS MARIE CASSAVETTI. Alex. Cassavetti, Esq. Bust, facing the speclator; crimson jacket and lace collar. Canvas, 23! by 19! in. 1905] GALLERY No. I. 9 LENT BY 48 Portrait of MARIE IN TURKISH DRESS. Alex. Cassavetti, Esq. Full length, seated on a red divan, facing the spectator ; blue dress ; landscape and curtain background. Canvas, 49 by 39 in. Andrew K. Hichens, Esq. B. 1792 ; Indian Civil Servant ; d. 1878. Head, to i\, profile. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 20 by 16 in. Lord Aberdare. Design for the large picture. Small three-quarter figure of a man stand- ing between two oxen, of which the heads and fore-quarters are seen ; on one of the oxen is seated a girl. Canvas, 19} by 23} in. 49 Portrait of HENRY THOBY PRINSEP, ESQ. 50 ITALY. 10 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 GALLERY No. II. OIL PAINTINGS— Nos. 51-85. LENT BY 51 BIANCA (1863). Mrs. G. J. Bennett. Half figure, facing the spectator, head turned to 1. ; holding flowers; blue dress, pearl necklace. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1863.” Canvas, 24 by 20 in. 52 “ THE KAIN IT EAINETH EVE BY DAY ” (1883). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., B.A. Full length figure of a girl, seated in a chair, her head on a red cushion, looking out of the window ; a book, and some woolwork, on a stool beside her. Canvas, 34 by 39 £ in. 53 “ THE WIPE OF PYGMALION” (1868). Sir Alexander Henderson, Bart., M.P. Half length female figure, partially draped, turned slightly to r. ; drapery over 1. shoulder. Canvas, 25} by 20} in. 54 Portrait of E. H. WALL ACE -DUNLOP, ESQ., O.B. Mrs. Wallace-Dunlop. Bust, full face ; grasping a rifle in his r. hand. Signed, " G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 25} by 20} in. 55 THE C0ND0TTIEEE (1883). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., E.A. “The Condottiere, like the armour he wears, represents the fighting spirit of the Middle Ages. In those days, men of action offered their service to foreign countries when their own country was at peace.” Three-quarter figure, standing bareheaded, facing the spectator, in armour,, his hands resting on a shield ; curtain background. Canvas, 39 by 26} in. 1905] GALLERY No. I. 11 LENT BY 56 ARIADNE (1888), Leopold Hirsch, Esq. Full length figure, in reel and white drapery ; seated on rock by the sea- shore, holding a skein of wool in her lap ; by her side is an attendant. Canvas, 48 by 39 in. 57 PRAYER (1869). Corporation of Manchester. Full length figure of a girl, less than life-size, kneeling to r. at a table ; in her hands, which rest on the table, is a book; red dress. Canvas, 39^ by 27 in. 58 Portrait of SIR WILLIAM BOWMAN, P.R.S. (1865). Sir Paget Bowman, Bart. B. 1816; created a baronet 1884; d. 1892. Half figure, to 1., looking at spectator, hands clasped ; black coat. Canvas, 26 by 20£ in. 59 Portrait of LADY GARVAGH (1874). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq.,- R.A. Bust, to r.,head turned towards the spectator; mauve dress. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 26 by 19 in. 60 ARIADNE IN NAXOS (1875). Lord Davey. “Ariadne, deserted by Theseus, is seated in a disconsolate attitude on a rock on the sea- shore; her arm is clutched by an attendant, who kneels behind her, and points to the land in the background; two panthers in the r. foreground.” Signed and dated, “G-. F. Watts, 1875.” Canvas, 29 by 37 in. 61 Portrait of MRS. LANGTRY (1879). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Bust to 1., profile ; black bonnet and dress. Canvas, 25 1 by 20* in. 12 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 62 “TOE HE HAD GREAT POSSESSIONS ” (1896). Charles S. Goldmann, Esq. “ And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved : for he had great possessions.” — St. Mark, x. 22. Three-quarter figure, standing to r., with his back to the spectator; in fur-lined rote and turban; head tent. Signed and dated,- “ G. F. Watts, 1896.” Canvas, 37 by 18] in. 63 Portrait of SIE E. BUENE-JONES, BAET. (1870). Lady Burne-Jones. B. 1833 ; created a Baronet, 1894 ; d. 1898. Bust, facing the spectator; dark coat. Canvas, 25] by 20] in. 64 LOYE AND LIFE. Albert Wood, Esq. See No. 28. Canvas, 44] by 22 in. 65 Portrait of SIE JOHN EYEEETT MILLAIS, BAET., P.E.A. (1871). Lady Millais. B. 1829; created a Baronet, 1885; d. 1896. Bust, profile to r. Canvas, 26 by 21 in. 66 LOYE AND DEATH (1877). Manchester Whitworth Institute. See No. 24. Canvas, 98 by 46 in. 67 Portrait of ALPEED, LOED TENNYSON (1864). Sir Paget Bowman, Bart. See Nos. 189 and 200. B. 1809 ; Poet Laureate 1850 ; created a peer 1883 ; d. 1892. Bust, facing the spectator, with a backs round of laurel. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1864.” Canvas, 23] by 19] in. 68 IEIS (1894). Sir WTlliam Agnew, Bart. Small full-length female figure, floating in a rainbow. Canvas, 41 by 15] in. 1905] . GALLERY No. II. 13 LENT BY 69 Portrait of P. H. CALDERON, ESQ., R.A. (1872). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. B. 1833; d. 1898. Bust, facing the spectator; brown coat. Canvas, 25} by 20 ] in. 70 TRIFLES LIGHT AS AIR; (1901). C. Morland Agnew, Esq. Numerous Amorini, floating in the air. (See also No. 198). Signed, “ G. F. W Canvas, 40 by 21 in. 71 WHENCE— WHITHER ? (1904). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Nude figure of a child, with outstretched arms, emerging from the waves. Canvas, 25 1 by 20 1 in. 72 Portrait of THE COUNTESS SPENCER. The Earl Spencer, K.G. Three-quarter figure, seated to r., head slightly turned over r. shoulder; in her r. hand she holds a fan, in her 1. a rose ; blue dress, with yellow sleeves, pearl necklace. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 44 by 39 1 in. 73 “ GOOD LUCK TO YOUR FISHING’' (1889). Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. “ Cupid angling in the shallow pools among the rocks, his rosy feet tucked up, and his face intent on the sport.” Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1889.” Canvas, 23 by 19 in. 74 CHOOSING (1864). Sir Alexander Henderson, Bart., M.P. Half length figure, to 1., of a girl with fair hair smelling a camellia, which she holds in her r. hand; in her 1. is a rosebud. Panel, 18] by 13] in. 14 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, E.A. [1905 LENT BY 75 ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE (1869). The Hon. Percy Wyndham. “ Orpheus so mourned the death of Eurydice that he followed her to the abodes of Hades, where the sweetness of his Lyre won back to him his wife from the most inexorable of all deities. His prayer, however, was only granted upon the condition that he should not look back upon his restored wife till he had arrived in the upper world ; but, at the very moment when they were to pass the fatal bounds, the anxiety of care overcame him, and he turned to see if Eurydice were following him, and in a moment she was snatched back into the infernal regions. The picture represents Orpheus clasping Eurydice in a passionate embrace as she drops away.” Small half length figures. Canvas, 13 by 20} in. 73 DIANA AND ENDYMION. Sir Charles Tennant, Bart. “Endymion loved the moon, who is here represented under the form of Diana, in pale blue robes, descending from heaven, and embracing him as he sleeps on the ground.” Canvas, 20} by 25} in. 77 Portrait of MISS DOROTHY DENE (1887). Charles W. Carver, Esq. Bust to 1., head turned over 1. shoulder; figured dress. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1887.” Canvas, 23 } by 19} in. 78 BRITOMART AND HER NURSE BEFORE THE MAGIC MIRROR (1878). George E. Bellis, Esq. “ It vertue had to shew in perfect sight, . . . Like to the world itselfe, and seemed a world of glass ” Spenser’s Faerie Queene, book iii. canto 2. “Britomart, having seen for herself the vision of Sir Arthegall, is supposed to return once more to the enchanted glass. But when she is come unto the chamber, she is fearful lest the form of her knight should not again appear, and so she causes her nurse to gaze into the mirror while she listens to her story of what is reflected therein. In company with Sir Arthegall, who holds the central place in the vision, the painter has imaged several of the more prominent persons of the poem, including Sir Guyon and the Red Cross Knight with Una by his side.” Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 66} by 48 in. 1905] GALLERY No. II. 15 LENT BY 79 Portrait of MRS. CHAELES COLTMAN ROGERS (1894). Charles Coltman Rogers, Esq. Bust to 1., profile; blue dress. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1894.” Canvas, 25^ by 20^ in. 80 “ WHEN POVERTY COMES IN AT THE DOOE, LOVE FLIES OUT OP THE WINDOW.” (1879). William R. Moss, Esq. “ In a chamber the yonng wife lies on her conch, toying with a pet bird, careless of the disorder of the house ; at the door appears hungry-eyeci Poverty, in the form of a half-clad man ; whilst Love, taking fright at the sight of this dread figure, escapes by the window?’ Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 20) by 25) in. 81 AEION (1895). James Smith, Esq. “ Arion, seated on the Dolphin, and accompanied by Nereids.” Canvas, 11 £ by 16 in. 82 Portrait of MISS VIRGINIA DALEYMPIE (1865). R. H. Benson, Esq. Bust, less than life-size, to 1.; long fair hair; blue dress. Signed and dated, “ G. F. W., 1865.” Canvas, 17) by 11) in. 83 “ THE WIPE OF PLUTUS ” (1885). James Smith, Esq. “ And yet the soul is not filled.” — Eccles. vi. 7. Half length nude figure, to r., reclining on a pillow; in her r. hand she holds a string of jewels. Signed and dated, “ G. F., 1885.” Canvas, 25 ) by 20) in. 16 WOEKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, E.A. [1905 LENT BY 84 Portrait of BLANCHE, COUNTESS OF AIRLIE. The Countess of Airlie. Half figure, facing the spectator, her hands' resting on a ledge in front of her ; red dress, pearl necklace. Canvas, 30 by 25 £ in. 85 GENIUS OF CREEK POETRY (1878). Lord Davey. “ Small full length symbolical figure, representing the genius of Greek Art inspired by the forces and phenomena of Nature as they pass in vision before his eyes.” Canvas, 25! by 201 in. 1905] WATER COLOUR ROOM 17 WATER COLOUR ROOM. OIL PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS -Nos. 86-162. LENT BY 86 Portrait of H. THOBY PRINSEP, Esq. (about 1854-1856). Sir Henry Thoby Prinsep. See No. 49. Head to 1. Chalk, 231 by 19! in. 87 Portrait of LT.-GEN. ARTHUR PRINSEP, O.B., as a boy (about 1854-1856). Sir Henry Thoby Prinsep. Head, full face. Chalk, 19! by 16 in. 88 “THE ALL-PERVADING” (1893). Executors of G. E. Watts, Esq., R.A. “ The all-pervading Spirit of the Universe represented as a winged figure, seated, holding in her lap the ‘ Globe of the Systems.’ ” Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, Dec. 1893.” Chalk, 25! by 20! in. 89 DEATH CROWNING INNOCENCE (1890). The Manchester Whitworth Institute. See No. 137. Signed and dated, “ G. P. Watts, 1890.” Chalk, 31 by 22 in. 90 Portrait of THE HON. R0LL0 RUSSELL AS A CHILD. The Hon. Francis Albert Rollo Russell. Head, full face. Signed, " G. P. Watts.” Chalk, 23! by 19! in. c 18 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 91 Portrait of SIS HENRY THOBY PRINSEP, as a boy (about 1854-1856). Sir Henry Thoby Prinsep. Head, full face. Chalk, 23 by 19 in. 92 FRAGMENT OF THE CARTOON « CARACTACUS w (1842). Lord Northbourne. This, and Nos. 93, 96, and 125 are portions of the cartoon “ Caractacus led in triumph through the streets of Rome/’ with which the artist gained one of the first three prizes offered for designs for the decora- tion of the Houses of Parliament in 1842. Chalk, 68l by 25 in. 93 FRAGMENT OF THE CARTOON “ CARACTACUS ” (1842). Lord Northbourne. Chalk, 59 by 41 in. 94 Portrait of MISS FENWICK. J. W. Zaehnsdorf, Esq. Bust to 1., looking at the spectator. Chalk, 24 by 18£'in. 95 Portrait of THE COUNTESS SOMERS (1851). Sir Henry Thoby Prinsep. See No. 183. Head, full face. Signed and dated, “ G. F. W., 1851.” Chalk, 23 by 19 in. 96 FRAGMENT OF THE CARTOON “ CARACTACUS ” (1842). Lord Northbourne. Chalk, 681 by 25 in. 97 HOPE (1891). The Manchester Whitworth Institute. See No. 201. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1891.” Chalk, 31 by 22 in. 1905] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 19 LENT BY 98 HYPERION. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Bust, to r., lieac! inclined over r. shoulder. Chalk, 20 by 14 in. 99 Portrait of LADY LILFORD. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. See No. 15. Head, full face. Chalk, 23 £ by 19 } in. 100 Portrait of LORD JOHN RUSSELL (1st EARL RUSSELL). Lady Agatha Russell. B. 1792; 3rd sofi of 6th Duke of Bedford; created a peer in 1861 ; Prime Minister 1865 ; d. 1878. Bust to 1. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Chalk, 23* by 19} in. 101 “THE PEOPLE THAT SAT IN DARKNESS.” Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Inscribed with the following text : — “ The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light : they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.” — Isaiah , ix. 2. Chalk, 6 by 9 in. 102 LOVE AND LIFE. Andrew K. Hichens, Esq. See No. 28. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Chalk, 20} by 11 in. 103 A PORTRAIT (1894). Sir William Agnew, Bart. Bust, to r. Signed, “ G. F. Watts..” Dated 1891. Chalk, 25} by 20 in. 104 OUT OF THE STORM. The Manchester Whitworth Institute. Three-quarter figure of a girl, standing, holding a door open. Chalk, 23} by 13 in. C o 20 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 105 Portrait of THE LATE VALENTINE CAMERON PRINSEP, R.A., as a youth (about 1854-1856). Sir Henry Thoby Prinsep. B. 1838; cl. 1904. Bust, profile to 1. Chalk, 23 by 19 in. 106 THE MESSAG-E OP PEACE (1891). The Manchester Whitworth Institute. Also called “ The Messenger.” Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, Feb. 1891.” 23 by 13 1 in. 107 ACHILLES AND BRISEIS. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Study for a fresco at Bowoocl. Canvas, 26 h by 107 in. 108 THE DWELLER IN THE INNERMOST. Andrew K. Hichens, Esq. “ Conscience, winged, dumb-faced and pensive, seated facing the spectator, within a glow of light ; on her forehead she bears a shining star, and on her lap lie the arrows that pierce through all disguise, and the trumpet which proclaims peace to the world.” Chalk, 41 1 by 241 in. 109 TIME, DEATH, AND JUDGMENT. The Manchester Whitworth Institute. See No. 199. Signed, “G. F. Watts.” Chalk, 22 by 151 in. 110 Portrait of THE EARL OP RADNOR, The Countess of Radnor. Bust to 1., profile to 1. Signed, “ G. F. Watts, Signor.” Chalk, 26 by 21 in. 111 LOVE AND LIFE (1890). The Manchester Whitworth Institute. See No. 28. Signed and da'ed, “ G F. Watts, 1890.” Chalk, 31 by 22 in. 1905] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 21 LENT BY 112 Portrait of ADMIRAL LORD LYONS (1850). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. B. 1790 ; created a peer 1856 ; d. 1858. Small head, to 1. Inscribed, “Admiral Lord Lyons.” Pen and ink, 7 by 6£ in. 113 Portrait of SIR LUCIUS O’BRIEN, BART. (1850). Hon. L. Murrough O’Brien. Afterwards 13tli Baron Inchiqnin. Head to 1. Signed and dated, “G. F. W., 1850.” Silver-point, 10^ by 8 in. (oval). 114 Portrait of M. ALPHONSE LEGR0S (1879). M. H. Spielmann, Esq. Small head, to r. Etching, 5 by 4 in. 115 Portrait of MRS. CHARLES HAY CAMERON. A. C. Norman, Esq. B. 1815; d. 1879. Bust, in front, head slightly inclined over r. shoulder. Pencil, by 7 in. 116 Portrait of MISS LILIAN MACINTOSH. Andrew K. Hichens, Esq. Small head, turned slightly to r. Pencil, 5£ by 4-1 in. 117 Portrait of THE HON. MRS. GEORGE RAM AS A CHILD (1850). Hon. L. Murrough O’Brien. Small head, to 1. Signed and dated, “ G. F. W., 1850.” Silver-point, 10£ by 8 in. 118 Portrait of EMILY, LADY TENNYSON (1858). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Daughter of Henry Sell wood, Esq. ; d. 1896. j Head to 1. Signed and dated, “ Signor, 1858.” Pencil, 13 by 9 in. qq WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 119 Portrait of THE COUNTESS SOMEES (1850). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Small full length, standing to 1., hands clasped. Pencil, 11 by 8! in. (oval). 120 Portrait of AUGUSTA, LADY CASTLETOWN. The Hon. Mrs. Lewis Wingfield. Sec No. 136. Three-quarter figure, standing to r., head turned from spectator. Pencil, 18 1 by 13 in. 121 Portrait of LIEUT.-6EN. AETHUE PEINSEP, C.B., as a boy. , Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. See No. 87. Head to 1., profile. Chalk, 231 by 191 in. 122 Portrait of MISS AGATHA LAWEENCE (MES. C. F. T. BLYTH) (1889). Dr. C. F. T. Blyth. Bust, to 1., profile. Inscribed, “ 26th May, 1889, Brighton,” and signed, “ G-. F. Watts.” Silver-point, 151 by 111 in. 123 Portrait of LADY N0ETHB0UENE (1856). Lord Northbourne. Bust, in front, head slightly inclined to r. Signed, “'G. F. W., 1856.” Chalk, 23 by 19 1 in. 124 Portrait of LADY MOUNT TEMPLE (1896). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Bust to r., three quarter profile. Chalk, 31 by 22 in. 125 FEAGMENT OF THE CAETOON “ CAEACTACUS ” (1842). Lord Northbourne. See No. 92. Chalk, 501 by 751 in. 1905] WATER COLOUR ROOM, 23 LENT BY 126 Portrait of THE FOURTH VISCOUNT DE VESCI (1897), Viscountess de Vesci. B. 1844; d. 1903. Bust in front, head slightly turned to r. Signed, “ G. F. Watts, Signor.” Chalk, 25 by 20 in. 127 Portrait of P. W. GIBBS, ESQ. (1856). H.M. The King. Bust to 1., looking at spectator. Signed, “ G. F. W., 1856.” Chalk, 23 by 19 in. 128 Portrait of VISCOUNTESS DE VESCI (1896). Viscountess de Vesci. Bust, to 1. Signed, “ G. F. Watts, Signor.” Chalk, 25 by 20 in. 129 Portrait of MRS. CHARLES COLTMAN ROGERS (1894). Charles Coltman Rogers, Esq. See No. 79. Bust, profile to 1. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Chalk, 25 by 20 in.” 130 Portrait of LORD BALOARRES, M.P. (1900). Lady Balcarres. Bust to 1., looking at spectator. Signed and dated, “ Signor, 1900.” Chalk, 25! by 201 in. 131 THE DEATH OF CAIN (1886). M. H. Spielmann, Esq. See No. 231. Chalk, 12! by 8 ! in. 132 Portrait of MRS. J0S0ELINE BAG0T. Executors op G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Head, full face. 23! by 19! in. 24 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 133 PSYCHE (1892). Andrew K. Hichens, Esq. “Nude figure, staudiug facing the spectator, with downcast eyes fixed upon the feather dropped from Love’s wing; on a couch lies her drapery.” Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, Signor, 1892.” Chalk, 13s by 5! in. 134 LOVE AND THE SHEPHERD. Andrew K. Hichens, Esq. Small three-quarter partially draped figure, seated to r. ; 1. hand holding a crook; figure of Cupid whispering in his ear. 71 by 51 in. 135 VIRGINIA. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Head to r. Silver-point, 131 by 10 in. 136 Portrait of AUGUSTA, LADY CASTLETOWN. The Hon. Mrs. Lewis Wingfield. Full length, standing to r. her head turned to 1., over her r. shoulder white dress; an Indian shawl draped round her. Canvas, 81! by 551 in. 137 DEATH CROWNING INNOCENCE. John T. Middlemore, Esq. See No. 89. “Death, as the pitying angel, fondly caressing a little child on her lap.” Canvas, 36 by 26 in. 138 DRYADS AND NAIADS (1849). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Classical landscape, with numerous groups of Dryads and Naiads; in the sky, J upiter and the gods and goddesses of Olympus. Canvas, 51 by 25! iu. 139 ASIA MINOR (1857). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. View, looking towards a mountainous coast. Canvas, 8 by 23! in. 1905] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 25 LENT BY 140 OPHELIA (1878). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. “ There is a willow grows aslant a brook, That shows its hoar leaves on the glassy stream, There with fantastic garlands did she come/’ 141 PROMETHEUS. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Canvas, 25^ by 20£ in. 142 THE CURSE OP CAIN (1872). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. “ And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear.” — Gen. iv. 13. Sketch for the painter’s diploma picture. 25 . 2 by 13 in. Executors of Louisa, Lady Ashburton. See No. 199. “ Time, represented by the painter as the type of unfailing youth and vigour, advances hand in hand with Death, while poised in the clouds above their heads follows the figure of Judgment, armed with the attributes of Eternal Law.” Canvas, 35£ by 27 h in. James Smith, Esq. “ And I looked, and behold a pale horse : and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” — Rev. vi. 8. Canvas, 26 by 21 in. 143 BRITOMART. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. See No. 78. Canvas, 25 by 17a in. 144 TIME, DEATH, AND JUDGMENT. 145 THE EIDER ON THE PAIE HORSE (1883). 26 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 146 THE EIDER OH THE RED HORSE (1883). Executors of Charles Galloway, Esq. “ And there went out another horse that was red : and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.” — Rev . vi. 4. Canvas, 25! by 20! in. 147 THE RIDER OH THE WHITE HORSE. Gertrude, Countess of Pembroke.I “ And I saw, and behold a white horse : and he that sat on him had a bow ; and a crown was given unto him : and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” — Rev. vi. 2. Canvas, 59 £ by 47a in. 148 THE RIDER OH THE WHITE HORSE (1883). Sir James Knowles, See No. 147. Canvas, 25 £ by 201 in. 149 THE RIDER OH THE BLACK HORSE (1878), James Smith, Esq. “ And I beheld, and lo a black horse ; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.” — Rev. vi. 5. Panel, 25! by 20! in. 150 THE COURT OF DEATH. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. “Death, the sovereign power, holding in her lap an infant form that has been claimed before its life had well begun, a symbol that the beginning and end of life lies in the lap of Death, is seated enthroned upon the ruins of the World. On either side stand two angel figures, guarding the portals of the Unknown beyond the grave, and at her feet are gathered all sorts and conditions of men, who have come as faithful subjects to render their last homage to the Universal Queen. The warrior, still in the pride of strength and manhood, loyally surrenders his sword ; the nobleman, with bowed head, lays down his coronet ; and the poor cripple comes to crave of Death a final respite from pain. On the other side of the throne a young girl, wearied with suffering, rests her head, as though in sleep, upon the winding-sheet, while a little child, half in sport, draws it over his head ; and the Lion, as the type of physical power, crouches at Death’s feet.” Canvas, 36 by 24! in. 1905] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 27 LENT BY 151 OLYMPUS ON IDA (1885). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Three small figures of Here, Pallas Athene, and Aphrodite, standing on clouds. Canvas, 25 £ by 21 in. 152 PAOLO AND PRANCESCA. The Earl Brownlow. See No. 180. Panel, 17^ by 13£ in. 153 BANISHED. Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower. Small figure of a female, lying on the ground, Vwith a child un her lap. 4 by 21 in. 154 ENDYMION (1893). Russell Rea, Esq., M.P. A Greek story of the shepherd Endymion, who loved the Moon, and to whom she descends while he sleeps. See also No. 76. Canvas, 261 by 14 in. 155 EYE. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Design for a picture. One of a series' of compositions illustrating the life of Eve. Canvas, 22 by 11 in. 156 THE ISLE OP COS. Lord Davey. View, looking across the sea to the island in the distance. Canvas, by 17.i in. 157 THETIS. Sir William Agnew, Bart. Small full length, nude female figure, standing in a garden; 1. hand to head. Canvas, 261 by 12 in. 28 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. AVATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 158 DAWK. William Clarence Watson, Esq. Small full length female figure, standing on a rock in. the sea, with her back to the spectator ; her right arm, raised above her head, holds red drapery, which falls to her feet. Canvas, 54 by 22 in. 159 REAR FLORENCE. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. View, looking across the mountains, castellated villa in the foreground. Canvas, 12 by 25 in. 160 THE SPHINX (1887). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. View, by night. Canvas, 16 h by 19 161 SUN, EARTH, AND MOON Three emblematic figures. Canvas, 23| by.7£ in. 162 LANDSCAPE. Andrew K. Hichens, Esq. The garden of old Little Holland House. Canvas, 18 by 11 in. 1905] GALLERY No. III. 29 GALLERY No. III. OIL PAINTINGS — Nos. 163-213. LENT BY 163 Portrait of HENRY W. PHILLIPS, Esq. (1865). Wentwohth B. Beaumont, Esq. Three-quarter figure, seated to r., legs crossed ; in his r. hand he holds a sheet of paper, his arm rests on the back of his chair; his 1. hand is placed on his knee ; in the background, a statue ; on r., table with paint brush, etc. Canvas, 43 \ by 39 2 in. 164 SANT' AGNESE, MENTONE (1888) Viscountess de Vesci. Mountainous landscape ; blue sky. Canvas, 14 by 231 in. 165 FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY (1897). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. “ Becoming conscious of the beneficence and loveliness in Nature, Faith washes her blood-stained foot in the stream of Truth, and loosens her sword.” On either side of Faith are figures of Hope and Charity. 831 by 42 in. 166 THE CARRARA MOUNTAINS, FROM PISA (1881). Lord Davey. View, looking towards the mountains. Canvas, 311 by 451 in. 30 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 167 THE CREATION OF EYE (1899). Edmund Davis, Esq. “ The morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.” — Job, xxxviii. 7. “ The final act completed, the powers of Creation, symbolised by these spirits of air, rise heavenwards in a triumphant swirl from the scene of their completed work. At the Divine touch, Adam moves, but the stupor of deep sleep is still upon him.” Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 58 by 251. 168 Portrait of DEAN LIDDELL (1875). Christ Church, Oxford. B. 1811 ; Dean of Christ Church 1855-1891; cl. 1898. Half figure, seated to r. ; in robes. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts 1875.” Canvas, 351 by 271 in. 169 PROGRESS. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., B.A. The rider on the white horse “ conquering and to conquer ” has been used as the symbol of Progress. From this light there turns away — - one to search for wisdom by the aid of a burnt out candle, another to grub in the muck for gold, a third to sleep ; while a fourth is looking at the light. Canvas, 111 by 56! in. 170 Portrait of LORD DAYEY. Lord Davey. Three-quarter figure, seated to r., looking at the spectator ; hands clasped ; brown velvet coat. Canvas, 85! by 27! in. 171 THE DENUNCIATION OP ADAM AND EYE. Edmund Davis, Esq. “ Adam and Eve crouching at the foot of a tree ; above, God the Father, with outstretched arms in the act of denunciation, and angels.” Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 58! by 25! in. 172 PIE SOLE (1844). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. View looking towards the town, on a hill-side ; blue sky, with clouds. Canvas, 26! by 34 in. 1905] GALLERY No. III. 31 LENT BY 173 DESTINY (March 1904, unfinished). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Behind the infant life just come to the shore of Being waits Destiny. The page in the Book of Life is blank. Fall-length figure, larger than life, standing on the sea-shore, holding a book in her r. hand; at her feet an infant. Canvas, 84 by 41 } in. 174 DIANA AND ENDYMION (1903). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. See Nos. 76 and 154. Diana, in pale blue flowing robes, descending from Heaven, and em- bracing the sleeping Endymion, who lies on the ground. Canvas, 41 by 48 in. 175 Portrait of MISS ALICE PEINSEP (Mrs. J. B. STRACEY- CLITHERQW (1860). Sir Henry Thoby Prinsep. Three-quarter figure, seated to r. playing on a pianoforte and looking at the spectator ; blue and red dress ; Signed and dated, “ G. F. W., 1860.” Canvas, 51 by 36 £ in. 176 Portraits of LADY MARGARET BEAUMONT AND DAUGHTER (1859). Wentworth B. Beaumont, Esq. Full-length, standing at a doorway, facing the spectator, profile to r. ; child stands by her on r., pot of flowers in foreground. Canvas, 76 by 45} in. 177 Portrait of FREDERIC, LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. (1890). Royal Academy. B. 1833 ; President of the Royal Academy 1878-1896 ; d. 1896. Three-quarter figure, seated to r., in D.C.L. robes, his 1. arm leaning on the pedestal of his statue of “An Athlete struggling with a Python.” Canvas, 44} by 34 in. 178 PATA MORGANA (1865). George McCulloch, Esq. “ The subject is taken from Boiardo’s ‘ Orlando Innamorato.’ The female figure represents Fortune or Opportunity flying through the air amidst bushes, hotly pursued by a knight, who seeks in vain to lay hold of the forelock of her hair, by which she alone can be captured; in his effort to grasp the lock he clutches her blue drapery; before Fortune runs a little mocking sprite, beckoning.” Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1865.” Canvas, 79} by 40} in. 32 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 179 THE CHILDHOOD OP ZEUS (1896). John T. Middlemore, Esq. View in a glade ; Zeus /tended by tlie nymphs of Mount Ida. Canvas, 45 by 52 ! in. 180 PAOLO AND PEANCESOA (Completed in 1884). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. See No. 152. “ The two Souls beheld by Dante in his vision of the second circle of the Inferno, where they, remorseful, sorrowful, yet together, are whirled continually onwards, as leaves through the driven air. In piteous words, the Seer hears Francesca’s story and swoons, falling as a dead man falls for grief at the unspeakable sadness.” Canvas, 60 by 49 ! in. 181 CHARITY (1895). John Reid, Esq. “ Charity represented as a Madonna-like matron in richly coloured raiment, seated, holding two children on her lap, whilst a third, standing before her, leans against her knees.” Canvas, 45! by 32 in. 182 SIR GALAHAD (1862). Sir Alexander Henderson, Bart., M.P. “ The Knight standing bareheaded at the side of his while horse, gazing with rapt eyes on the vision, which through the gloom and solitude of the forest, has suddenly dawned upon his sight.” Canvas, 77 by 41! in. 183 Portrait of THE COUNTESS SOMERS. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Three-quarter figure, seated to r,her hands resting on her lap ; in left hand peacock feather fan : blue gown ; tapestry background. Canvas, 48 by 35 in. 184 Portrait of THE HON. MRS. PERCY WYNDHAM (1877). The Hon. Percy Wyndham. Full length, standing, facing the spectator; in brown dress, trimired with lace; resting her 1. arm on a pillar; laurel tree in background. Canvas, 85 by 41 in. 1905] GALLERY No. III. 33 LENT BY 185 THE EVE OF PEACE (1863). Sir Alexander Henderson, Bart., M.P. Three-quarter length figure of a warrior, facing the spectator, in armour and surcoat; his head is bower], and he holds in his r. hand his sword, and in his 1. his helmet ; landscape background. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1863.” Canvas, 56 by 40 in. 188 MISCHIEF (1878). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. “The title of this picture explains its intention. Humanity bends the neck beneath the enchanter’s yoke (no light one, though it seem but a wreath of flowers), and is led a half unwilling captive by the sprite; there are lands with towers of strength upon their heights, which once were his, but mischief has wiled him away from these, with flattering smiles, the flutter of golden locks, and the glamour of iridescent wings; the roses turn to briars about his limbs, and at every step the tangle becomes denser ; one by one the arrows drop unused from his hand, and, all enfeebled, he is blindly drawn to his doom.” Canvas, 77 by 39 ] in. 187 LOVE AND DEATH. The Executors of Louisa, Lady Ashburton. See No. 24. Canvas, 25 by 13 in. 188 “ A VILLAIN, I’LL BE BOUND ! ” James Smith, Esq. Figure of Cupid, holding bow in 1. hand, and arrow in his r. Canvas, 25] by 20] in. 189 Portrait of ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON (1859). Lady Henry Somerset. See Nos. 67 and 200. Half figure, turned slightly to r. ; dark dress. Canvas, 23] by 19] in. D 34 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 190 Portrait of MBS. G. F. WATTS (1887). Mas. Edward Liddell. Bust to L, head turned slightly over 1. shoulder. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1887.” Canvas, 19* by 13* in. 191 DAPHNE (1872). Louis IIuth, Esq. Full length, nnde figure of Daphne, standing facing the spectator, and sur- rounded by the laurel ; her r. arm raised above her head. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1872.” Canvas, 74* by 23* in. ON A SCREEN. 192 Portrait of THE PAINTEE (1904). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., E.A. Bust, profile to r., in his robes as D.C.L. (unfinished). Canvas, 25* by 19 in. 193 THETIS. Lord Iveagh. Full length, nude female figure, standing on the sea shore; her arms raised over her head, binding her hair. Signed, “G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 76 by 21 in. 194 Portrait of SIE EDWAED SABINE, K.O.B. (1874). E.A. Officers’ Mess, Woolwich. B. 1788; President of the Eoyal Society, 1861-1871 ; d. 1883. Bust to r., three-quarter profile, in uniform, with medals and decorations. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1874.” Canvas, 25* by 20*. 195 GANYMEDE : A STUDY (1864). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., E.A. Half length figure of a boy facing the spectator, head slightly turned to 1. Canvas, 22* by 18* in. 1905] GALLERY No. III. 35 LENT BY 196 THE DENUNCIATION OP ADAM AND EVE. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. See No. 171. Panel, 24! by 9! in. 197 Portrait of MRS. ANDREW HICHENS. Andrew K. Hichens, Esq. . Half figure, profile to 1., not showing bands; white dress. Canvas, 25! by 20! in. 198 TRIPLES LIGHT AS AIR. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. See No. 70. Canvas, 77! by 41! in. 199 TIME, DEATH AND JUDGMENT. John Reid, Esq. See No. 144. “ Time, represented as the type of unfailing youth and vigour, advances hand in hand with Death, while, poised in the clouds above their heads, follows the figure of Judgment, armed with the attributes of Eternal Law. 5 ’ Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 41! by 32 in. 200 Portrait of ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON (1890). Trinity College, Cambridge. See Nos. 67 and 189. Dust, head slightly turned to 1. ; in D.C.L. robes. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1890.” Canvas, 25! by 20! in. 201 HOPE (1886). Mrs. Ruston. “ Hope, blindfold, and clad in a pale blue robe, is seated on the globe, and holds in her hands her lyre, of which but one string remains ; she lends her ear to the melody she still can make.” Canvas, 58! by 42! in. 36 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 LENT BY 202 Portrait of SIR JOHN SIMEON, BART. The Hon. Mrs. Algernon Grosvenor. B. 1815 ; d. 1870. Bust, full face. Canvas, 25 £ by 20 1 in. 203 THE BOVE THAT RETURNED NOT (1877). Executors of Charles Galloway, Esq. The dove perched in the fork of a tree. Canvas, 68} by 28 in. 204 MAUD (1892). Mark Bannatyne, Esq. Bust to r., head turned, looking at spectator ; straw hat ; green dress ; white scarf; sky background. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 251 by 20 1 in. 205 A PATIENT LITE OF UNREQUITED TOIL (1890). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. An old white horse, standing in a paddock, near a hedge. Canvas, 72 by 66 in. 206 Portrait of LADY KATHERINE THYNNE (COUNTESS OF CROMER) (1890). The Marquess of Bath. Half figure, full face; white dress, with pink ribbons. Canvas, 27 1 by 22l in. 207 GREEN SUMMER (1903). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Yiew, looking through the glades of a wood ; tall dead tree in tbe fore- ground : blue sky, with clouds. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 66 by 351 in. 208 Portrait of THE EARL BROWNLOW. The Earl Brownlow. Bust, profile looking up to 1. ; brown coat ; landscape background. Canvas, 251 by 201 in. 1905] GALLERY No. III. 37 LENT, BY 209 UNA AND THE EED CROSS KNIGHT (1869). Francis W. Buxton, Esq. Una and the Red Cro^s Knight riding side by side. See Spenser’s Faerie tjueen, Book I. Cauvas, 53 by 59] in. 210 Portrait of FIELD -MARSHAL THE EARL ROBERTS, K.C. (1898). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Bast, fall face, in uniform, with medals and decorations. Canvas, 29 ] by 24 ] in. 211 Portrait of LADY LINDSAY PLAYING- THE VIOLIN. Lady Lindsay. Three-quarter figure to 1., head turned over left shoulder towards the spectator ; chin resting on the violin ; rich dress. Canvas, 43] by 33] in. 212 Portrait of WALTER CRANE, Esq. (1891). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Bust, profile to 1. ; brown coat. 25] by 21] in. ON A PEDESTAL . 213 ■ CLYTIE. Lord Battersea. “ Clytie, beloved by Apollo (the San god), pined in grief when deserted by him, and was changed into the sunflower.” Bast, marble. 38 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1905 GALLERY No. IV. OIL PAINTINGS— Nos. 214-248. LENT BY 214 Portrait of GEORGE WARDE NORMAN, Esq. A. C. Norman, Esq. B. 1793 ; writer on finance ; director of the Bank of England ; d. 1882. Bust, to r., nearly full face ; dark green velvet coat. Canvas, 25!lby 20! in. 215 LOVE TRIUMPHANT (1899). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. “ Time and Death, having travelled together through the ages, are in the end overthrown. Love alone arises on immortal wing.” j Sketch for a larger picture, companion to “ Time, Death, and Judgment.” Canvas. 53! by 25! in. 216 Portrait of S. PEPYS C00KERELL, Esq. S. Pepys Cockerell, Esq. Bust, seated with his back to spectator, looking over his 1. shoulder. Canvas, 25! by 20! in. 217 SPRING (1897). John Reid, Esq. Full length figure, less than life-size, of a child, in a white dress, standing bare-footed, to r., in a landscape, holding in its hand some spring flowers. Canvas, 45! by 20! in. 1005] GALLERY No. IY. 39 LENT BY 218 Portrait of GEORGE MEREDITH, Esq. (1893). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Half figure, to r., three-quarter profile; grey coat. Canvas, 28 1 by 20£ in. 219 L00H NESS (1899). Humphrey Roberts, Esq. View, looking up the loch ; mountains on either side ; blue sky, with clouds. Canvas, 35 £ by 27£ in. 220 Portrait of MISS DOROTHY MacOALLUM (Mrs. G. B. MAOPHERSON GRANT) (1897). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Half figure, to r., head turned over r. shoulder; red and white drapery. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1897.” Canvas, 29^ by 24| in. 221 THE RAINBOW (1884). Harry Quilter, Esq. Extensive view, from high ground, over a valley, above which hang heavy clouds and rainbow. Canvas, 81 by 45 h in. 222 Portrait of MISS LILIAN MACINTOSH. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Half figure, in front, head turned over r. shoulder ; blue drapery, with yellow scarf. Canvas, 29^ by 24£ in. 223 THE TWO PATHS (1903). Albert Wood, Esq. View, looking through a rocky and woody ravine, with mountains in the distance. Signed, G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 29 h by 24£ in. 224 Portrait of CLAUDE G. MONTEPIORE, Esq. (1897). Claude G. Montefiore, Esq. Half figure to 1., nearly full face. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1897.” Canvas, 29^ by 24£ in. 40 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, E.A. [1905 LENT BY jt 225 A PORTRAIT STUDY (1898). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., E.A. Half-length figure of a girl, in white drapery, seated to r., her right arm resting on a balustrade. Canvas, 2fl! by 17 in. 226 “I’M APL0AT” (1892). James Smith, Esq. An Amorino floating on a wave. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1892.” Canvas, 25! by 20! in. 227 Portrait of 0. W. EARLE, Esq. Mrs. Earle. Bust, three-quarter profile to r. ; brown coat. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 25 £ by 20! in. 228 LOVE STEERING THE BOAT OF HUMANITY (1802). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. " The stormy sea of life ; man in his little boat, with rent sail, broken oar, and all but helpless, save that Love is with him in the boat, and holds the helm.” Canvas, 78 by 534 in. 229 L00H RUTHVEN (1899). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. View, looking across the loch to the mountains beyond; blue sky, with clouds. Canvas, 13 by 35! in. 230 JUDGMENT OF PARIS (1874). Sir Alexander Henderson, Bart., M.P. Nude figures of the three goddesses, standing in a landscape, the one in the centre with her back to the spectator. Canvas, 31 by 25! in. 1905] GALLERY No. IV. 41 LENT BY 231 THE DEATH OP CAIN (1886). Royal Academy. Companion to the Diploma picture at the Royal Academy — the last of a series intended to illustrate the life of Cain. “ The first murderer is here shown as an aged pilgrim, broken by his long journey. He has returned to die upon Abels altar, and as lie sinks upon it, in repentance and contrition, the black cloud of his curse is removed from him by his accompanying angel, and the light of heaven once more shines upon him.” Canvas, 91 by 63 in. 232 THE DOVE THAT RETURNED IN THE EVENING- (1869). Sir Alexander Henderson, Bart., M.P. “ But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark.— Gen. viii. 9. Canvas, 23 1 by 73. 233 A BACCHANTE. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Half-length figure, partly draped, standing in front ; behind her are the figures of a boy and of another female, who has her 1. arm extended behind the figure of the Bacchante, and is holding a vine-branch. Canvas, 351 by 271 in. 234 EVOLUTION. Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. “ The primeval mother of Conflict and of Harmony, herself uncertain of the future of her offspring.” Canvas, 66 by 53 in. 235 THE ALPS, SAVOY (1888). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. View, looking over a valley; rocky foreground; wide range of mountains in distance ; cloudy sky. Canvas, 181 by 41 in. 236 Portrait of FREDERICK PEPYS COCKERELL, ESQ. (1877). Mrs. Frederick Pepys Cockerell. B. 1833 ; architect ; d 1878. Bust, three-quarter profile to 1. Signed and dated, “ G F. Watts, 1877.” Canvas, 25 1 by 20 1 in. 42 WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A. [1005 LENT BY 237 ESCAPED (1895). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Two Amorim, lying on a bed of flowers, their hands stretched upwards towards a bird in the air. Signed, “ G. F. Watts.” Canvas, 25l by 20 £ in. 238 A REVERIE. W. K. D’Arcy, Esq. Bust of a girl, three-quarter profile tor.; red and white drapery; blue background. Canvas, 251 by 20^ in. 239 LILIAN (1904). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Three-quarter figure, full face, holding a basket of flowers in her hands ; white dress, white hat, trimmed with pink. Canvas, 60 by 381 in- 240 PRETTY LUCY BOND (1881). Humphrey Roberts, Esq. Half figure, seated, three-quarter profile to 1. ; blue and brown dress, foliage background. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1881.” Canvas, 231 by 191 in. 241 GANYMEDE (1888). Henry F. Marins, Esq. Half-length figure, of a boy, facing the spectator, head slightly turned to 1., in the r. hand a bunch of grapes, and in his 1. a bowl. Signed and dated, “ G. F. Watts, 1888.” Canvas, 25! by 20! in. 242 Portrait of MISS MARY ANDERSON (MADAME DE NAVARRO) (1886). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Three-quarter figure, yellow and blue drapery, shoulders and arms bare, standing to 1., arranging flowers in a vase. Canvas, 49! by 39! in. 1905] GALLERY No. IV 43 LENT BY 243 Portrait of MRS. CRAWSHAY (1902). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Half figure, nearly full face ; red dress ; carrying a basket of roses. Canvas, 25 4 by 204 in. 244 Portrait of MRS. ELLICE, OF INVERGARRY (1895). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Half figure, to r. ; in black dress and black bonnet. Canvas, 29 s by 244 in. 245 ULDRA (1884). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. The Scandinavian Spirit of the rainbow in the waterfall. Half length nude figure, facing the spectator. Signed, “ G. F. Watts/ Canvas, 25 4 by 20 1 in. 246 OLYMPUS OH IDA (1885). William R. Moss, Esq. Three small figures, of Here, Pallas Athene, and Aphrodite, standing, on clouds. Canvas, 57 4 by 39 4 in. 247 THE NIXIES’ POSTER-DAUGHTER (1887). Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. “ The Nixies have reared a little human child, to whom the accident of finding a necklace recalls a shadow of recollection from her former life.” Half length figure, of a girl, undraped, standing to 1., holding a necklace in her hands. Canvas, 254 by 204 in. 248 Portrait of THE RIGHT H0H. GERALD BALP0UR, M.P. (1899), Executors of G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. Half figure, profile to 1. Canvas, 294 by 244 in. 44 WORKS BY THE LATE F. S ANDYS, [1905 GALLERY No. Y. OIL PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, &c.— Nos. 249-314. All the Paintings and Drawings in this Room are by Frederick Sandys. LENT BY 249 JUDITH AND HOLOPERNES (1864). Miss H. D. Doulton. Small full length figures; Judith in the act of drawing a sword; Holo- fernes lying on a couch. Pen and ink, 22£ by 13j in. 250 PROUD MAISIE (1868). Lord Battersea. Dust, to 1., less than life-size ; holding a lock of her hair in her mouth. Inscribed “ Proud Maisie/’ and signed “ F. Sandys.” Chalk, 14£ by 11 in. 251 MANOLI. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration to the Poem by W. M. W. Call, in the Cornliill Magazine, 1862. Signed with monogram. Print from wood engraving, 7 by 4 in. 252 DANAE IN THE BRAZEN CHAMBER. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Drawn and engraved for, but not reproduced in, Once a Week. Print from wood engraving, 7 by 4£ in. 1905] GALLERY No. Y. 45 LENT BY 253 HAROLD HARFAGT. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration for Once a Week, 1862 ; in Thornburg's Ballads and Songs , 1876 ; and in Art Journal , 1884. Signed with a monogram. Print from wood engraving, 7 by 4} in. 254 “ AMOR MUNDI.” G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration to Christina Rossetti’s Poem. Reproduced also in Shilling Magazine , 1865. Print from wood engraving, 7 by 4 in. 255 LADY GREENSLEEVES (1893). James S. Budgett, Esq. Full length figure, less than life-size, of a girl, standing facing the spectator, with her arms crossed. Inscribed on a label — “ Greensleeves was all my joy, Greensleeves was my delight ; Greensleeves was my hart of gold, And who but Lady Greensleeves.” Signed and dated, “ F. Sandys, 1893.” Chalk, 48£ by 26 in. 256 KING PELLES’ DAUGHTER HOLDING THE VESSEL OF THE SANGRAEL (1861). Mrs. Hooper. Bust, less than life-size, holding the vessel in both hands. Signed with a monogram, and dated 1861. Pen and ink, 12 by 9 in. 257 Portrait of THE LATE MRS. HOPE (1852). Sir Theodore Hope, K.C.S.I. Bust, to 1., looking at the spectator. Chalk, 10l by 8 in. 258 “ YET ONCE MORE LET THE ORGAN PLAY.” G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration for Once a Week, 1861 ; Thornburg's Ballads and Songs, 1876 Print from wood engraving, 3! by 4 in. 46 WORKS BY THE LATE F. SANDYS. [1905 LENT BY 250 “ THE KIM AT THE GATE.” G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration to Poem by Walter Thornbury, reproduced in Once a Week, 1862; also, under title of “ Avatar of Zeus/’ in Thornbury’ s Ballads and Songs, 1876. Signed with a monogram. Print from wood engrav- ing, 5 by 4 \ in. 260 SLEEP. G . R. Halkett, Esq,. Illustration for Good Words , 1863. Signed with a :i onogram. Print from wood engraving, 6 by 4? in. 261 PROM MY WINDOW. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration to F. W. Whymper's Poem, Once a Week, 1861. Signed with monogram. Print from wood engraving, 5 by 31 in. 262 STUDIES TOR A HEAD OF THE MAGDALENE (1862). H. L. Doulton, Esq. Two female heads, to r. Chalk, 10 1 by 13 in. 263 DESIGNS FOR AN EASTERN SUBJECT. €. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Illustration for Toper’s Poems .„ Pencil, 7 1 by 11 in. 264 Portrait of MRS. GEORGE MEREDITH (1864). George Meredith, Esq. Bust, to r. Chalk, 17 by 12 in. « i 265 HELEN OF TROY (1893). William Gillilan, Esq. Half figure, looking at spectator; holding her longhair in front of her with both hands. Signed and dated “ F. Sandys, ’93.” Chalk, 29! by 1905] GALLERY Mo. Y. 47 LENT BY 266 VIVIEN (1863). E. Meredith Crosse, Esq. Half figure, facing the spectator, head turned over her r. shoulder ; rich dress, red necklace ; her hands rest on a ledge in front of her; back- ground of peacock’s feathers. Panel, 25 by 20| in. 267 MORGAN-LE-FAY (1864). E. Meredith Crosse, Esq. Represented standing beside the loom on which she has woven the enchanted mantle which is to consume the body of her brother King Arthur, passing over its surface a lamp of mystic fire, and muttering incantations. Panel, 25 by 17 h. in. 268 GENTLE SPRING (1865). Mrs. A. A. Ionides. Pull length female figure, half life-size, standing, in front in a land- scape, in white drapery, surrounded by flowers and trees in blossom ; over her head a rainbow. Canvas, 47 £ by 24^ in. 269 MEDEA (1869). E. Meredith Crosse, Esq. Half figure, less than life-size, seen in front, in white drapery, with a red necklace ; on a slab, in front of her, is a brazier, into which she is pouring a draught ; on the background are representations of the ship of the Argonauts and the Golden Fleece. Panel, 25 by 18£ in. 270 Portrait of MRS. STEPHEN LEWIS (1864). Mrs. Arthur Lewis. Half figure, less than life-size, seated to 1., looking at the spectator* black dress, fur-lined cloak, white lace cap. Inscribed, “ Jane Lewis’ born January 19, 1793.” Signed and dated, “F. Sandys, 1864.” Panel’ 25£ by 21 in. ' 271 Portrait of MRS. CLABBURN. E. Meredith Crosse, Esq. Bust to r., profile; black dress, white kerchief on head. Inscribed “ Elizabeth Clabburn, aged 75.” Signed with monogram. Panel’ 23£ by 19$ in. * 48 WORKS BY THE LATE F. SANDYS. [1905 LENT BY 272 PENELOPE (1878). Francis W. Buxton, Esq. Bust, to r., partially draped. Chalk, 30 by 21 in. 273 GIPSY MEAT. Lord Battersea. Head of a girl, turned slightly to r. Chalk, 20 by 16] in. 274 STUDY TOR “ SAMUEL ” (1885). Lord Battersea. Head, three-quarter profile to 1.; white skull cap. Signed, “F. Sandys.” Chalk, 27 by 20 in. 275 Portrait of LADY DONALDSON (1877). Sir George Donaldson. Bust, facing the spectator, head turned to r. ; white drapery. Inscribed, “AAKH2TI2.” Signed 'and dated, “F. Sandy s, July 1877,” on a scroll. Chalk, 28 by 211 in. 276 Portrait of LADY PALMER (1896). Sir Walter Palmer, Bart., M.P. Bust to 1., profile; 'white dress. Inscribed, “Jean Palmer, 1896.” Signed, “ F. Sandys.” Chalk, 26 by 19 in. 277 CHIRON’S GHOST. C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Ulustiation to “The Three Statues of Angina”; Once a Week, October 1861. (a) Print from wood engraving, 5£ by 31 in. (b) Pencil Drawing for wood block, 5l by 31 in. (c) Pen and ink, and pencil Studies for hand and drapery. 5l by 3i in. 1905] GALLERY No. V. 49 LENT BY 278 THE LITTLE MOURNER. O. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Illustration to Alford’s Loom, English Sacred Poetry, 1863. (a) Print from wood engraving, 5l by 4l in. ( b ) Pen Drawing for wood block, 5} by 41 in. Signed with a monogram. 279 LIFE’S JOURNEY. O. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Drawing for wood block. Illustration to Wither’s Poem, English Sacred Poetry, 1863. (а) Pen and ink Study for the figure of the man, 5 by 4 in. (б) Pencil Studies for the figure on the ground, 31 by 5 in. (c) Pen and ink Drawing for the wood block, 5 by 4 in. (d) Pencil Study for the figure on the ground, 3} by 5 in. (e) Print from the wood engraving, 5 by 4 in. 230 EVE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW. 0. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Illustration for Once a Week, May 1862. (a) Pencil Study for drapery. 5] by 2l in. (b) Pencil Study for one of the figures, 5l by 2.1 in. (c) Pencil Studies for one of the figures, 61 by 4 in. ( d ) Pencil Study of a hand, 1 by 1 in. (e) Pencil Studies for one of the figures, 6! by 4 in. (/) Pen and ink Drawing for the wood block, 5 by 41 in. (g) Print from the wood engraving. Signed with a monogram. 5 by 41 in. 281 Caricature of Sir John Millais’ Picture of SIR ISUMBRAS AT THE FORD (1857). E. H. Bensox, Esq. Pencil, 13 by 18 1 in. 282 THE BOY MARTYR. C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Illustration for Once a Week, November, 1862. (a) Print from the wood engraving. Signed with a monogram. 3} by 5 in. ( b ) Pen and ink Drawing for the wood block, 51 by 71 in. (c) Counterprint of the engraved block. Signed with a monogram. 31 by 5 in. E 50 WORKS BY THE LATE F. SANDYS. [1905 LENT BY 283 “ IP.” C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Illustration to Christina Rossetti’s Poem, Argosy , 1866. (а) Pen and ink Drawing, 6! by 4! in. (б) Print from the wood engraving, 6! by 4! in. 284 Portraits of TWO CHILDREN (1881). Arthur Flower, Esq. Half figures to r. ; the girl with her 1. arm round the boy’s neck. Inscribed on a label — “Ethel Daisy Flower, Born March 12, 1876. Hugh Duncombe Flower, Born August 2, 1878.” Signed and dated, “ F. Sandys, March 1881.” Chalk, 29! by 21! in. 285 Portrait of MRS. ARTHUR FLOWER (1877). Arthur Flower, Esq. Half-figure, seated to 1. ; profile ; holding a fan in her r. hand : figured dress. Inscribed on a label, “Isabel M. C. Flower, Born June 30th, 1852.” Signed and dated, “F. Sandys, July 1877.” Chalk, 29 J by 21! in. 286 Portrait of MRS. BRAND (1875). Lord Battersea. Half-figure to 1., looking at the spectator; white dress and cap. Chalk, 29 by 21 in. 287 STUDY OP HEAD (1868). Harold Hartley, Esq. Bust to 1., leaning head on r. hand. Signed, “Fred. Sandys.” Chalk, 18! by 14! in. 288 Portrait of MISS ADELE DONALDSON (1897). Sir George Donaldson. Half-figure to 1., profile; long fair hair ; pink dress. Inscribed, “Aide, 1897.” Signed, “ F. Sandys.” Chalk, 23! by 18 in. 15)05] GALLERY No. V. 51 LENT BY 289 PERSEPHONE (1878). Lord Battersea. Three-quarter figure, to 1., in white drapery, looking at the spectator ; she holds a jar in her r. hand, and some ears of corn in her 1. Chalk, 47 by 33 in. 290 Portrait of GEORGE E. MONCKTON, --ESQ. George E. Monckton, Esq. Head to 1., looking at the spectator. Unfinished, the artist’s last work. Chalk, 24 by 19 in. 291 SELENE (1874). Francis W. Buxton, Esq. Half-figure to r., profile ; blue and white drapery. Chalk, 291 by 22 in. 292 Portrait of MRS. GILLILAN (1885). William Gillilan, Esq. Three-quarter figure, standing to 1, with hands crossed in front ; profile ; crimson dress, white fichu ; holds a fan in her hand. Inscribed on a label, “ Mary Gillilan, 1885.” Canvas, 43 by 28 1 in. 293 CHRISTABEL (1887). William Gillilan, Esq. Three-quarter figure, to 1., sitting^ amonsr daffodils, looking at the spec- tator ; hands clasped in front, and holding a toy elephant ; green dress and bonnet. Inscribed “Christabel Gillilan, 1887.” Signed, “F. Sandys.” Chalk, 281 by 22 in. 294 Portrait of THE LATE PERCY WOOD (1901). George E. Monckton, Esq. Represented in his dress of Chieftain of the Mohawk tribe of North American Indians. Bust to 1., looking at the spectator. Inscribed, “ rah*rih‘ wah gas’DA : (Percy Wood). Signed and dated, “ F. Sandys, 1901.” Chalk, 25 by 20 in. e 2 52 WORKS BY THE LATE F. SANDYS. [1905 LENT BY 295 LETHE (1874). Lord Battersea. Small full-length figure, in white drapery, walking to L, with closed eyes and parted lips, along the hanks of the waters of sleep, gathering poppies to place in a vase held in her 1. hand. Chalk, 47 by 29 in. 296 Fortrait of LADY BUXTON (1875). Francis W. Buxton, Esq. Bust to 1., profile ; lace cap. Inscribed, “ Dame Catherine Buxton.” Signed and dated, “F. Sandys, 1875.” Chalk, 25 Ay 20 in. 297 Portrait of EDWARD HENRY LIDDELL, as a child. Mrs. Liddell. Eldest son of the late Dean Liddell. Small head, facing the spectator, looking to 1. Chalk, 13 by 11 in. (oyal). 298 BAHNAYAR THE BEAUTIFUL. Sir Walter Palmer, Bart., M.P. Frontispiece to “ Shaving th ; Shaqvat by Geo. Meredith. 1862. Water colour, 11 ^ by 7 1 in. 299 STUDY OF A THISTLE. Miss H. D. Doulton. Inscribed, “ Fredk. Sandys to I. Anderson Rose.” Pen and ink, heightened with white, 9£ by 7 in. 300 THE PORTENT. C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Illustration for Cornhill Magazine, May 1861. Pen and ink, 6 by 4 in. SOI THE SAILOR’S RETURN. C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Pen and ink Drawing on wood block, by 5 in. GALLERY No. V 53 1905] LJENT BY 302 ORIANA (1861). C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Bust to 1., profile; richly figured dress, red fillet in hair; landscape background. Panel, 10 by 7^ in. 303 THE ADVENT OP WINTER. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration for Quiver , 1866. Print from wood engraving, 7 by 5 in. 304 WAITING-TIME. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration for Churchman's Family Magazine , 1863; also under title of “ Lancashire’s Lesson/’ in Picture Gallery of Society, 1866. Signed with a monogram. Print from wood engraving, 7 by 4^ in. 305 JACOB HEARS THE VOICE OF THE LORD. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration for Dalziel's Bible Gallery, 1881. Print from wood engraving, 7 £ by 6 in. 308 HELEN AND CASSANDRA. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration for Once a Week, 1866 ; also under title of “ The Search of Ceres for Proserpina,” in Thornbury's Ballads and Songs, 1876. Print from wood engraving, 7 by 5 in. 307 Portrait of THE LATE REV. THOMAS FREEMAN (1854). Mrs. Freeman. Bust to 1., full face ; black coat and biretta. Panel, 14 by 11 in. 308 HELEN OF TROY. Mrs. TVarr. Bust, full face; long red waving hair; red necklace. Panel, 15 by 11 ^ in. 54 WORKS BY THE LATE E. S ANDYS. [1905 LENT BY 309 LA BELLE Y SONDE (1862). Sir Bruce Maxwell Seton, Bart. Bust in front, profile to 1.; figured dress, white fichu, red necklace; background ot' marigolds. Signed with a monogram, and dated 1862. Panel, 10 by 8 in. 310 CLEOPATRA. C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Illustration for Cornhill , 1866. Pen and ink, 7 by 4l in. 311 “UNTIL HER DEATH.” G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration to Miss Mulock’s Poem (so titled). Good Words , 1862. Print from wood engraving, 4 by 5 in. 312 THE DEATH OF KING WARWOLF. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration for Once a Week, 1862; Thornburg's Ballads and Songs, 1876; Art Journal, 1884. Print from wood engraving, by 4^ in. 313 ROSAMOND, QUEEN OF THE LOMBARDS. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration for Once a Week, 1861. Print from wood engraving, 5 by 4^ in. 314 THE OLD CHARTIST. G. R. Halkett, Esq. Illustration for Once a Week, 1862; Art Journal, 1884; also under title of “The Miller’s Meadow,” in Thornburg's Ballads and Songs, 1876. Signed with a monogram. Print from wood engraving, 4| by 5 in. 1905] CENTRAL HALL 55 CENTRAL HALL. MODEL OF THE DESIGN FOR THE NATIONAL MEMORIAL TO QUEEN VICTORIA, BY THOMAS BROCK, R.A. To be executed in Marble and Bronze, and erected in front of Buckingham Palace. (One-tenth part full size.) The model is 8 feet high, and being on a one-tenth scale, represents a total height, from the base to the top, of 80 feet. The statue of the Queen, which, as she sits enthroned, is 13 feet high, is draped in Robes of State. On her right is a group representing “ Justice,” on her left “ Truth,” and at her back “ Motherhood.” Above the cornice of the upper pedestal are eagles with outstretched wings, emblematic of Dominion ; and on either side rare figures, on the right of “Courage” and on the left of “Con- stancy,” qualities which, with the others, bring about the triumph of ,“ Victory,” surmounting the whole. Round the base are freely treated ships 7 prows, two bearing trophies suggestive of the Army and Navy, and two fruits and flowers, suggestive of Commerce and Prosperity. On each side of the platform is a great fountain discharging 56 QUEEN VICTORIA MEMORIAL. [1905 down steps into a basin 160 feet long by 28 feet across. The fountain on the right typifies “ Power,” with figures representing the Army and the Navy | below them is a sea Nymph. Corresponding with this motif of Power, there is on the other side “Intelligence,” with figures representing Science and Art ; below them reclines a Triton. On the retaining wall, which is 8 feet 6 inches high, are reliefs symbolical of the British people as “ Children of the Sea.” Flanking the steps leading up to the central feature are lions* with figures representing respectively “ Peace,” “ Progress,” “ Manu- facture,” and “Agriculture.” INDEX OF WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A., O.M., IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. , O , , 'S IOj4. CATALOGUE. Portrait of the Painter at the age of 17 . . . • 1 1 836. Portrait of the Painter’s Father 1 1837- The Wounded Heron 38 1839- Portrait of Mrs. Charles Hamilton 1 Portrait of Kicliard Jarvis, Esq 5 1842. Aurora 13 Fragments of the cartoon “ Caractacus ” . . . 92, 93, 96, 125 1843. Portraits of Gerald and Blanche, Children of General Charles Hamilton, C.B. 7 1844. Portrait of Lady Dorothy Nevill 6 Fiesole 172 1848. Portrait of Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford .... 11 Time and Oblivion 36 1849. Portrait of Demetrius Cassavetti, Esq 44 Dryads and Naiads 138 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX [1905 1850 . The Sisters Portrait of the Hon. Mrs. George Ram as a child Portrait of Admiral Lord Lyons ...... Portrait of Sir Lucius O’Brien, Bart Portrait of the Countess Somers , NO. IN C AT A LOU U. . 48 . 117 . 112 . 113 . 119 1851 . Portrait of The Countess Somers . 15 1853 Portrait of the Painter .... 9 1854 - 1856 . Portrait of H. Thoby Prinsep, Esq. Portrait of Lt.-Gen. Arthur Prinsep, C.B., as a hoy Portrait of Sir Henry Thoby Prinsep, as a boy . Portrait of the late Valentine Cameron Prinsep, R.A., as youth Portrait of the Countess Somers 86 . 87 . 91 a . 105 . 175 1856 . Portrait of Lady Northbourne Portrait of E. W. Gibbs, Esq . 123 . 127 1857 . Portrait of Miss Mary Fox (Princess Liechtenstein) . Asia Minor . 42 . 139 1858 . Portrait of Miss Nassau Senior (Mrs. Chas. Simpson) . Portrait of Emily, Lady Tennyson . 32 . 118 1859 . Portraits of Lady Margaret Beaumont and daughter . Portrait of Alfred, Lord Tennyson .... . 176 . 189 i 860 . Portrait of Lady Lilford . 15 Portrait of Miss Alice Prinsep (Mrs. J. BiStraccy-Clitlierow) 175 1 86 1 . Portrait of The Hon. John Lothrop Motley .... 39 1905] CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 59 O ^ in I 002. CATALOGUE. Portrait of Miss Edith Yillicrs (Countess of Lytton) . . 19 Sir Galahad . • . 182 1863 . Hebe 25 Bianca 51 The Eve of Peace 185 1864 . Portrait of Alfred, Lord Tennyson 07 Choosing 71 Ganymede : a Study 195 1865 . Esau 11 Portrait of Sir William Bowman 58 Portrait of Miss Virginia Dalrymple 82 Portrait of Henry W. Phillips, Esq 163 Fata Morgana 178 1866 Aspiration . 8 Portrait of Dr. Joseph Joachim 27 1868 . “ All the air a solemn stillness holds ” . . . .22 “The wife of Pygmalion "' 53 1869 . Prayer 57 Orpheus and Eurydice 75 Una and the Eed Cross Knight 209 The Dove that returned in the evening 232 1870 . Portrait of John Stuart Mill 31 Portrait of Sir E. Burne-Jones, Bart 63 1871 . Portrait of Sir John Everett Millais, Bart., P.It.A. 05 60 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. [1905 1872. Portrait of P. H. Calderon, Esq., R.A. . The Curse of Cain Daphne 1873- Portrait of William Spottiswoode, Esq. . 1874. Portrait of Lady Garvagh Portrait of Sir Edward* Sabine, KC.B. . Judgment of Paris XO. IX CATALOGUE. 69 142 191 37 59 194 230 1875. Blanche 40 Ariadne in Naxos 60 Portrait of Dean Liddell 168 1877. Love and Death 66 Portrait of The H 011 . Mrs. Percy Wyndham .... 184 The dove that returned not 203 Portrait of Frederick Pepys Cockerell, Esq 236 1878. Jacob and Esau 17 Britomart and her Nurse before the Magic Mirror . . 78 Genius of Greek Poetry 85 Ophelia 140 The Eider on the Black Horse 149 Mischief 186 1879. Love and Death 24 Portrait of John, 1st Lord Lawrence 46 Portrait of Mrs. Langtry 61 “When Poverty comes in at the Door, Love flies out of the Window ” 80 Portrait of M. Alphonse Legros 114 1905] CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 61 1880. “ Watchman, What of the Night ? ” 1881. Carrara Mountains, from Pisa Pretty Lucy Bond .... NO. IN CATALOGUE. 16 166 210 1 883. Love and Life . . . . “ The rain it rainetli every day ” The Condottiere .... The Eider on the Pale Horse . The Eider on the Eed Horse The Eider on the White Horse 28 52 55 115 146 148 1884. Paolo and Francesca ........ 180 The Eainbow 221 Uldra 245 1885. Portrait of Miss Eachel Gurney (Countess of Dudley) . . 18 The Wife of Plutus 83 Olympus on Ida 151, 216 1886. Hope 201 The Death of Cain 231 Portrait of Miss Mary Anderson (Madame de Navarro) . . 212 188;. Portrait of Miss Dorothy Dene 77 The Sphinx 160 Portrait of Mrs. G. F. Watts 190 The Nixies’ Foster-Daughter 217 1888. Ariadne . . . . . . . . . . 56 Sant’ Agnese, Mentone . . . . . . .164 The Alps, Savoy 215 Ganymede 211 •2 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. [1905 1889. “Good luck to your fishing” Portrait of Miss Agatha Lawrence (Mrs. C. E. T. Blytl]) NO. IN CATALOGUE. . 73 . 122 1890. Death Crowning Innocence 89 Love and Life Ill Portrait of Frederic, Lord Leighton, P.R.A. . . . 177 Portrait of Alfred, Lord Tennyson 200 A patient life of unrequited toil 205 Portrait of Lady Katherine Thynne (Co uni ess of Cromer) . 206 1891. Hope t 97 The Message of Peace (The Messenger) .... 106 Portrait of Walter Crane, Esq 212 1892 Maud Psyche “ I’m Afloat ” . 204 133 226 1893 . The All Pervading 88 Endymion 154 Portrait of George Meredith, Esq. ' 218 1894. Iris 68 Portrait of Mrs. Charles Coltman Rogers . . .79, 129 A Portrait 103 1895. Arion 81 Charity 181 Escaped 237 Portrait of Mrs. Ellice, of Invcrgarry 244 1896. “ For he had great possessions ” 62 Portrait of Lady Mount Temple 124 Portrait of the Viscountess de Yesci 128 The Childhood of Zeus 179 1905] CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 1897. Portrait of the 4th Viscount clc Vesci Faith, Hope and Charity Spring Portrait of Miss Dorothy MacCallum (Mrs. G. B. Macpherson- Grant) Portrait of Claude G. Montefiore, Esq 1898. Portrait of George Andrews, Esq. ...... Portrait of Field-Marshal The Earl Roberts, K.G. . A Portrait Study 1899. Creation of Eve Love triumphant ......... Loch Ness Loch Ruthven Portrait of the Right lion. Gerald Balfour .... 19CO. Tor trait of Lord Balcarres, M.P. 1901. Trifles light as Air .... 1902. Love Steering the Boat of Humanity Portrait of Mrs. Crawshay 1903. Diana and Endymion Green Summer .... The Two Paths .... 1904 V’ hence — Whither ? Destiny Portrait of the Pain' or Lilian .... NO. IN CATALOGUE. 126 165 217 220 224 20 210 167 215 219 229 248 130 70 228 243 174 207 223 71 173 192 239 INDEX OF WORKS BY THE LATE G. F. WATTS, R.A., O.M., IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. NO. IN CATALOGUE. Acliilles and Briseis 107 Adam and Eve, Denunciation of 171, 196 Airlie, Blanche, Countess of 84 “ All the air a solemn stillness holds ” .... 22 All Pervading, The 88 Alps, The 235 Anderson, Miss Mary (see De Navarro, Madame). Andrews, George, Esq 20 Ariadne 56 Ariadne in Naxos 60 Anon 81 Asia Minor 139 Aspiration 8 Aurora 13 Bacchante, A Bagot, Mrs. Josceline . . . . Balcarres, Lord Balfour, Bight Hon. Gerald . Banished . . . . Beaumont, Lady Margaret, and daughter Bentinck, Lady Frederick Cavendish Bianca Blanche Blyth, Mrs. C. F. T Bowman, Sir William, Bart. . 233 132 130 248 153 176 3 51 40 122 58 1905] ALPHABETICAL INDEX, 65- no. IN CATALOGUE. Britomart . 78, 143 Brownlow, The Earl . 208 Burne-Jones, Sir Edward, Bart. 63 Cain, Curse of ... . .142 Cain, Death of ... . 131, 231 Calderon, P. H., Esq., R.A. .69 Cameron, Mrs. C. H. . 115 Caractacus .... 92, 93, 96, 125 Carrara Mountains, The . . 166 Cassavetti, Demetrius, Esq. . 44 Cassayetti, Miss Mary . .47 „ „ in Turkish dress . . 48 Castletown, Augusta, Lady . 120, 136 Charity . 181 Choosing . 74 Clytie . 213 Cockerell, Frederick Pepys, Esq. . . 236- Cockerell, S. Pepys, Esq. . 216 Condottiere, The . ' . . 55 Cos, The Isle of . 156 Court of Death, The . 150 Crane, Walter, Esq. . 212 Crawshay, Mrs. . 243 Cromer, Countess of . 206 Dalrymple, Miss Virginia . 82 Daphne . 191 Davey, Lord .... . 170* Dawn ..... . 158 Death crowning Innocence . 89, 137 De Navarro, Madame . ". . 242’ Dene, Miss Dorothy . 77 Destiny . 173 De Vesci, The 4th Viscount . 126' De Vesci, Viscountess . 128 Diana and Endymion . 76, 154, 174 66 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. [1905 NO. IN CATALOGUE. Dove that returned not. The 203 Dove that returned in the evening. The .... 232 Dryads and Naiads 138 Dudley, Countess of 18 Dweller in the Innermost, The 108 Earle, C. W., Esq 227 Ellice, Mrs 244 Endymion — see Diana. Eisau 14 Escaped . 237 Eve 155 Eve, Creation of 167 Evolution 234 Eaith ' 165 Eata Morgana 178 Fenwick, Miss 94 Fiesole 172 First whisper of love. The 31 Florence 159 “For he had great possessions"’ 62 Fox, Miss Mary — see Liechtenstein, Princess. Galahad, Sir 182 Ganymede .195, 241 Garvagh, Lady . 59 Genius of Greek Poetry . . . . . . . .85 Gibbs, F. W., Esq. ........ 127 “ Good luck to your fishing ”. ..... . 73 Green Summer 207 Gurney, Miss Piachel — see Dudley, Countess of. Hamilton, Children of Gen. Charles ..... 7 Hamilton, Mrs. Charles 2 Hawkshaw, Sir John 41 1905] ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 67 NO. IN CATALOGUE. Hebe 25 Heron, The wounded . 38 Hichens, Mrs. Andrew 197 Hope . . . . . . . . ... 97, 201 Hyperion .98 “ I’m afloat ” . 226 Ionides, E. C., Esq 45 Ionides, Mary and Constantine 33 Iris 12 Iris 68 Italy 50 Jacob and Esau . ........ 17 Jarvis, Kichard, Esq. . . ' 5 Joachim, Dr. Joseph ........ 27 Judgment of Paris, The 230 Kairis, Eev. Theopliilus Landscape . Langtry, Mrs. . Lawrence, Lord Lawrence, Miss Agatha — see Blyth Legros, M. Alphonse Leighton, Lord, P.K.A. Liddell, Dean . Liechtenstein, Princess Lilford, Lady Lilian Lindsay, Lady Loch Ness Loch Kuthven Love and Death Love and life . Love and the shepherd Love steering the boat of humanity Love triumphant .... Mrs. C. F. T 28, 30 26, 162 61 46 114 177 168 42 15, 99 239 211 219 229 24, 66, 187 64, 102, 111 . 134 . 228 . 215 68 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. [1905 Lyons, Admiral Lord ...... Lytton, Edith, Countess of MacCallnm, Miss Dorothy — see Macpherson-Grant, Mrs Macintosh, Miss Lilian .... 116, 222 Macpherson-Grant, Mrs. G. B. . 220 Mannel, Mrs. ... . . 23 Maud . 204 Meredith, George, Esq . 218 Messenger, The (The Message of Peace) . . 106 Mill, John Stuart, Esq . 34 Millais, Sir John, Bart., P.E.A. . 65 Mischief . 186 Montefiore, Claud G., Esq. . 224 “ Mother of Giorgione, The ” 29 Motley, Hon. John Lothrop . 39 Mount-Temple, Lady .... . 124 Nevill, Lady Dorothy .... 6 Nixies’ Poster Daughter .... . 247 Norman, George Warde, Esq. . . 214 Northbourne, Lady . 123 O’Brien, Sir Lucius, Bart. . 113 Olympus on Ida . ... 151, 246 Ophelia ....... 140 Orpheus and Eurydice .... . 75 Out of the Storm ..... . 104 Paolo and Francesca .... : 152, 180 Patient life of unrequited toil, A . . 205 Peace, Eve of . 185 “People that sat in darkness, The” . 101 Phillips, H. AY., Esq. .... . 163 Portrait, A ..... 103, 225 Prayer . 57 NO. IN CATALOGUE. 112 19 G. B. 1905] ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 69 Pretty Lucy Bond .... NO. IN CATALOGUE. . 240 Prinsep, Miss Alice — see Mrs. J. B. Stracey-Clitherow. Prinsep, Sir H. T., K.C.I.E. . . 91 Prinsep, H. T., Esq. 49, 86 Prinsep, Lieut-Gen. Arthur, C.B. . . 87, 121 Prinsep, Valentine C., Esq., B.A. . . 105 Prodigal, The . . . • . . 10 Progress . . . 169 Prometheus ..... . . 141 Psyche . 133 Badnor, The Earl of . 110 “ Bain, the, it raineth every day ” . 52 Bainbow, The ..... 221 Bam, The Hon. Mrs. George . . 117 Bed Biding Hood .... . 21 Beverie, A . 238 Bider on the black horse, The . 149 Eider on the pale horse. The . 145 Bider on the red horse, The . 146 Bider on the white horse. The . 147, 148 Bober ts, Field-Marshal Earl, K.G. . . 210 Bogers, Mrs. C. C. . . 79, 129 Bussell, Lord John .... . 100 Bussell, Hon. Bollo .... . 90 Sabine, Sir Edward, KC.B. . 194 Sant’ Agnese, Mentone . 164 Simeon, Sir John, Bart. . . 202 Simpson, Mrs. Chas.-. . 32 Sisters, .The . . . . .43 Somers, The Countess 95, 119, 183 Spencer, The Countess 72 Sphinx, The . 160 Spottiswoode, William, Esq. . 37 Spring .... 217 70 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. [1905 NO. IN CATALOGUE. Straeey-Clitherow, Mrs. J. B 175 Study, A 35 Sun, Earth, and Moon 161 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. 67, 189, 200 Tennyson, Emily, Lady 118 Thetis 157, 193 Thynne, Lady Katherine (see Cromer, Countess of). Time, Death, and Judgment 109, 144, 199 Time and Oblivion 36 Trifles light as air 70, 198 Two Paths, The 223 Uldra 245 Una and the Bed Cross Knight 209 Yillain, I’ll be bound, A 88 Villiers, Miss Edith (see Lytton, Countess of). Yirginia 135 Wallace-Dunlop, B. H., Esq., C.B 54 “ Watchman, what of the night ? ” 16 Waterford, Louisa, Marchioness of 11 Watts, George 4 Watts, George E., R.A. O.M 1, 9, 192 Watts, Mrs. G. F 190 “ When Poverty comes in at the door ” 80 Whence — Whither ? 71 “ Wife of Plutus, The ” 83 “Wife of Pygmalion, The 53 Wyndham, Hon. Mrs. Percy 184 Zeus, Childhood of 179 71 INDEX OF NAMES OF THE CONTRIBUTORS OF WORKS. His Majesty Aberdare, Lord, 31, 50. Agnew, C. Morland, Esq., 70 Agnew, Sir William, Bart., 26, 63, 103, 157 Airlie, The Countess of, 84 Ashburton, Executors of Louisa, Lady, 144, 187 Balcarres, The Lady, 130 Bannatyne, Mark, Esq., 204 Bath, The Marquess of, 206 Battersea, The Lord, 213, 250, 273, 274, 286, 289, 295 Beaumont, Wentworth B., Esq., 163, 176 Beilis, George E., Esq., 78 Bennett, Mrs., 51 Benson, R. H., Esq., 82, 281 Bentinck, W. G. Cavendish, Esq., 3 Blyth, Dr. C. F. T., 122 Bowman, Sir Paget, Bart., 58, 67 Brownlow, The Earl, 152, 208 Budgett, James S., Esq., 255 Burne-Jones, Lady, 63 Buxton, Francis W., Esq., 46, 209, 272, 291, ! 296 Carver, Charles W., Esq., 19, 77 Cassavetti, Alexander, Esq., 44, 47, 48 Christ Church, Oxford, 168 Cockerell, Mrs. Frederick Pepys, 236 Cockerell, S. Pepys, Esq., 216 the King, 127. ! Coronio, Mrs. A., 30 I Crosse, E. Meredith, Esq., 266, 267, 269, 271 D’Arcy, W. K., Esq., 238 Davey, Lord, 22, 60, 85, 15t>, 166, 170 Davis, Edmund, Esq,, 29, 167, 171 De Yesci, The Viscountess, 126, 128, 164 Donaldson, Sir George 275, 288 Doulton, Miss H. D., 249, 299 Doulton, H. L., Esq., 262 Duff-Gordon, Miss, 11 | Earle, Mrs., 227 ! Flower, Arthur, Esq., 281, 285 ! Freeman, Mrs. Thomas, 307 Galloway, Executors of Charles, Esq., 116. 203 Georgala, The Misses, 33 Gillilan, William, Esq., 12, 265, 292, 293 Goldmann, Charles, Esq., 62 Gower, Lord Bonald Sutherland, 153 Grosvenor, The Hon. Mrs. Algernon. 202 Halkett, G. R., Esq., 251, 252, 253, 254, 25S 259, 260, 261, 303, 304, 305, 306, 311, 312, 313, 314 Hamilton, Miss E. B., 2, 7 Hartley, Harold, Esq., 287 Hawkshaw, J. C., Esq., 41 72 INDEX OF NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS [ 1905 * Henderson, Sir Alexander, Bart., M.P., 53, 74, 182, 185, 230, 232 Hichens, Alexander K., Esq., 49, 102, 108, 116, 133, 134, 162, 197 Hirscli, Leopold, Esq., 56 Hooper, Mrs., 256 Hope, Sir Theodore, K.C.S.I., 257 Huth, Louis. Esq., 191 Ilchester, The Earl of, 42 Ionides, Mrs. A. A., 268 Iveagh, Lord, 193 Jarvis, Mrs. William, 5 Knowles, Sir James, 148 Lees, Mrs. C. E., 13 Lewis, Mrs. Arthur, 270 Liddell, Mrs. Edward, 190 Liddell, Mrs. Henry G., 297 Lindsay, Lady, 211 Makins, Henry F., 241 Manuel, Mrs., 23, 45 • Manchester, Corporation of, 57, Manchester Whitworth Institute, 66, 89, 97, 104, 106, 109, 111 McCulloch, George, Esq., 178 Meredith, George, Esq., 264 Middlemore, J. T. T., Esq., 8, 137, 179 Millais, Lady, 65 Monckton, George E., Esq., 290, 294 Montefiore, Claude G., Esq., 224 Moss, W. R., Esq., 80, 246 Murray, C. Fairfax, Esq., 263, 277, 27 8, 279, 280, 282, 283, 300, 301, 302, 310 Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 6 Norman, A. C., Esq., 115, 214 Northbourne, Lord, 92, 93, 96, 123, 125 O’Brien, The Hon. L. Murrough, 113, 117 Palmer, Sir Walter, Bart., M.P., 276, 298 Pembroke, Gertrude, Countess of, 147 Prinsep, Sir Henry Thoby, K.C.I.E., 86, 87, 91, 95, 105, 175 Quilter, Harry, Esq., 21, 221 Radnor, The Countess of, 110 Rawlinson, W. G., Esq., 40 Rea, W. Russell, Esq., M.P., 154 Reid, John, Esq., 181, 199, 217 Roberts, Humphrey, Esq., 219, 240 Rogers, Charles Coltman, Esq,, 79, 129 Royal Academy of Arts, 177, 231 Royal Artillery Officers’ Mess, Woolwich 194 Russell, Lady Agatha, 100 Russell, The Hon. F. A. Rollo, 90 Ruston, Mrs., 24, 28, 201 Ruston, Miss, 25 Seton, Sir Bruce M., Bart., 309 Smith, James, Esq., 81, 83, 145, 149, 188 226 Somerset, The Lady Henry, 36, 189 Spencer, The Earl, K.G., 72 Spielmann, M. H., Esq,, 114, 131 Spottiswoode, W. Hugh, Esq., 37 Strachey, Mrs. St. Loe, 32 Tennant, Sir Charles, Bart., 73, 76 Trinity College, Cambridge, 200 Wallace-Dunlop, Mrs. L., 54 Warr, Mrs., 308 Watson, W. Clarence, Esq., 158 Watts, Executors of the late G. F., Esq., R.A., O.M., 1, 4, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 27, 34, 35, 38, 39, 43, 52, 55, 59, 61, 69,71, 88, 98, 99, 101, 107, 112, 118, 119, 121, 124, 132, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 150, 151, 155, 159, 160, 161, 165, 169, 172, 173, 174. 180, 183, 186, 192, 195, 196, 198, 205, 207, 210, 212, 215, 218, 220, 222,225, 228, 229, 233, 234, 235, 237, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248 Williams, Mrs., 16 Wingfield, The Hon. Mrs. Lewis, 120, 136 Wood, Albert, Esq., 64, 223 Wyndham, The Hon. Percy, 75, 184 Zaehnsdorf, J. W., Esq., 94 WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, Printers to the Royal Academy.