•. 'Sold by ILHAM BROWN, 130, OLD STREET, LONDON. Libraries purchased. * fi 4 A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, IN THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF LITERATURE, * WHICH LATELY FORMED THE LIBRARY OF A DISTINGUISHED COLLECTOR ; AND WERE SOLD BY AUCTION, MR. JEFFERY, PALL MALL: WITH THEIR PRICES, AND PURCHASERS’ NAMES. K/J Uontion: PRINTED FOR CONSTABLE, HUNTER, PARK, AND HUNTER, 10, LUDGATE STREET: By W. Heseltine , Checquer Yard , Dougate Hill. 1810 * I CONTENT rage Dictionaries, Grammars, Books on Language, Transactions of Literary Societies, Treatises on Education, Bibliography, Criticism, and Cata¬ logues of famous Libraries, English and Foreign . 1 Modern Latin Writers—History, Poetry, and Miscellaneous . 22 Various Editions of the Bible and New Testament, in all Languages; Litur¬ gies, Constitutions of various Churches, Ecclesiastical History, Councils, Canons, Interpreters and Commentators on the Scriptures, Various Edi¬ tions of the Fathers of the Church, Critical and Controversial Divinity, Sermons,. &c. &c. .... 34 Philosophy, Astronomy, Mathematics, Sciences, Natural History, Botany, Chemistry, Physic and Surgery . 86 Commerce, Husbandry, Political Arithmetic, Coins, Weights and Blca- sures, Medals, Inscriptions, Monuments, &c.. 105 Mythology, Witchcraft, &c.. 110 Biography, Family History, and Heraldry, Foreign and English. 114 Law, Civil and Natural, together with the Statute Law of England, &c. • • 122 Miscellaneous Classics of Great Britain and Ireland, including W orks of Genius, Poetry, Dramatic History, Plays, Romances, and Novels .126 Theatrical History, Exercise, Plays, &c.. 143 Poetry, Plays, and Works of Genius, in the French Language. 148 Poetry, Plays, Novels, and Works of Genius, in the Italian Language* •• • 153 Works of Genius, in the Spanish and Portuguese Languages. 160 Chronology, Geography, General History, Rites, Usages and Customs, An¬ cient and Modern, with Voyages, Travels, and Accounts of Countries •• 162 Grecian and Roman History. 166 Italian History • . 171 History of Naples and Sicily. 175 --- Malta and Corsica . 176 -Geneva and Switzerland.177 -- France . 177 —■-Spain. 182 CONTENTS. Page History of Portugal ... 184 —-Flanders and Holland...185 -Germany and the Scandinavian Empire. 186, 188 Antiquities, Voyages, and Travels, relative to Asia. 196 History of Turkey and Egypt .203 Voyages, Travels, and Historical Particulars, relative to Africa and Ame¬ rica- • ..... 208 Collections of Voyages and Travels, and Voyages of Circumnavigators •••• 214 The Byzantine Historians, or the History of the Roman Empire, after it was transferred to Constantinople . 217 Books printed by the Aldusses. 220 Books printed by the Family of the Stephens’s ..229 The Works of Michael Maittaire, Esq. with the Editions of his Classics, as corrected and edited by himself, all on Large Paper, and fine Copies • • • • 239 The Variorum Classics • .. 241 The Delphin Classics.. 249 Classics: Greek Historians, Geographers, and Biography. 252 Classics: Greek Poets, and Play Writers, and their Commentators.260 Classics: Greek Orators ... 280 Classics: Greek Philosophers, and their Commentators. 283 Roman Historians . 300 Roman Poets .306 Roman Play-Writers, Tragic and Comic . 323 Roman Philosophers and Orators. 324 Roman Miscellaneous Writers.329 The Publications of Thomas Hearne, on Large Paper, as far as they were published, together with the Large-Paper Octavo Books, printed at the Oxford, Cambridge, London, and Eton Presses.332 History, Constitutional, Political, Parliamentary, and State Papers, and Topography, relative to England and Wales. 345 History, &c. relative to Scotland .. History, &c. relative to Ireland • •. *...38P FIRST DAY’S SATE. APRIL 26 , 1810 . Dictionaries — Grammars—iBooks on Language — Transactions of Literary Societies—Treatises on Education — Bibliography — Criticism—and Cata¬ logues of famous Libraries , English and Foreign. (The Purchaser’s Names are within Parentheses.) 1 GEBEL1N, Monde primitif compare avec le Monde Moderne; Origine du Langage; Grammaire Universelle ; Dictionnaire, &c. Etymologique Latin; Dictionnaire Etymologique Francois; Dictionnaire Etymologique de Langue Grecque, &c. &c. 9 tomes, fine set, bound by Walther, 4to. Paris, 1 773 .-—1 ll. 1 Is. (Borough.) 2 Brerewood de Ponderibus et Pretiis Veterum Nummorum ; and En¬ quiries on the Diversities of Languages and Religions through the chief Parts of the World ■, 4to. Lond. l6l4.'— 5s. 6d. (IIare.) 3 Lord Monboddo on the Origin and Progress of Language; 8 vo. 6 vols. portrait, best edition, Edinb. 1774.-— 41. (Hommey.) 4 Calasii Concordantiae Ribliorum Hebraicorum ; in quibus Chaldaicae etiam Librorum Esdrae et Danielis suo loco inserunturj Opus Reipublicae Christianae et praesertim divini Verbi Concionatori- Dictionaries, Grammars, £yc. 2 bus, &c.; folio, 4 vols. with frontispieces designed by Cheron and engraved by Dubosh, bound by Montague, Lond. lfd?. —4 1. 4s. (Sir J. Henderson.) 5 Cocceii Lexicon et Commentarius Sermonis Hebraici ct Chald. Ve- teris Testamenti; folio, large paper, bound by Walther, Amst. 1 66g. — lZ. Ss. (Walford.) 6 Gussetii Commentarii Linguee Hebraicae ; folio, bound in vellum, Amst. 1702.— l6s. (Priestley.) 7 Parkhurst’s Hebrew and English Lexicon, without points ; 4to. best edition, bound by Johnson, Lond. 1778.—19s. (Gaunt.) 8 Cocceii et Maii Lexicon, et Commentarius Sermonis Hebraici et Chaldaici a Schulzio ; 2 vols. 8vo. bound by Baumgarten, Lipsicp, 1777. — lZ. 18s. (Priestley.) 9 Institutiones ad Fundamenta Linguae Hebraicae k Scliraedero; Svo. Croning. 1775.—8s. Qd. (Payne.) 10 Schultens, Institutiones ad Fundamenta Linguae Hebraicae; 4to. Lug. Bat. 1737.— lZ. (Payne.) 11 Schultens De Defectibus Hodiernis Linguae Hebraicae; 4to. Franer- querd. 1731.—18s. (Payne.) 12 Stockii Clavis Linguae Sanctae, V. et N. Testamenti; 2 vols. royal Svo. Lips. 1752-3.— lZ. 11s. (Priestley.) 13 Casauboni de Linguis Comment. Lond. 1050; et Mithridates Ges- neri experimens Linguarum Differentias, Tigur. lOlO; 12mo. extra binding, liber e rarioribus, 14s. (Sir J. Hendrson.) 14 Gravii Elementa Linguae Persicae et de Signis Arabum et Persarum Astronomicis; 4to. Lond. 1649. —5s. (Priestley.) 15 Erpenii Linguae Arabicae Rudimenta k Schlutons; 4to. L. Bat. 1733—12s. (Bates.) 16 Erpenii Grammatica Arabica, cum Fabulis Lockmanni; 4to. L. Bat. 1748.—1 1 . 3s. (Lee.) 17 Lexicon Hebraico-Chaldaico-Latino-Biblicum; folio, 2 vols. Ai-en. 1705.—2Z. 5s. (Whitmore.) Dictionaries, Grammars, fyc. 3 18 Bayeri Musaeum Sinicum; 8yo. 2 vols. in 1, many plates, Petropoli, 1730.—1/. gs. (Evans.) lS'*Greiffenhagii Specimina Sinica, et tie Eclipsi Passionali Disquisitio; folio, Berl. 1685.-— Js. Qd. (Whitmore.) 1C) Ludolphi Lexicon iEthiopieo-Latinum a Wanslebioj 4to. Lond. 1661.—10s. 6d. (Priestley.) 20 Elirgi Historia Graecae Linguae ; 12mo. bound by Johnson, Lipsnz, 1691.—10s. (Sir J. Henderson.) 21 Suidae Lexicon Gr. Demetrii Clialcondylae, with MS. notes finely written; folio, first edition, bound in russia, Mediolan. Romce , 1499.—31. 3s. (Priestley.) 22 Idem, Gr. et Lat. cum Kusteri natis ; folio, 3 vols. best edition, * bound in russia, fine copy, large paper, Cantab. 1705. — 141. 3s. Qd. (Priestley.) 23 Toup Emendationes in Suidam3 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1760. — “Js. (Arch.) # 24 Phavorini Camortis Lexicon Graecum at Bartoli j folio, best edition, bound in russia by Fraser, Ven. 1712. — 141. 3s. 6d. (Priestley.) 25 Hesychii Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. cum notis variorum et Alberti; 2 vols. folio, bound in calf, by Baumgarten, Lug. Bat. 174 6-66. — 71. 17s. Qd. (Lord Essex) 2(5 Hesychii Melesii Opuscula de Viris DoctrinS. claris, Gr. et Lat. J Meursio 5 h(s adjecta, Bessarionis Epistola Graecobarbara; 8vo. bound in red morocco. Lug. Bat. l6l3.‘— 10s. Qd. (Gutch.) 27 Constantini Lexicon, Graeco-Latinum folio, 2 vols. best edition, Genev. \5gi. —131. 5s. (Priestley.) 28 Scapulae Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. cum Auctario Hialectorum ; folio, fine copy, russia binding by Walther, Amst. Elzevir , 1652. —■ 151. 15s. (Clarke.) 29 Apollonii Lexicon Graecum Iliadis et Odysseae, & Villoison; folio, 2 vols. large paper, extra, marbled leaves, Paris, 1.773 .— 5l. 5s. (Lord Milton.) 4 Dictionaries , Grammars, c^r. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 7 38 39 40 41 42 43 Coulon Lexicon Homericum: 8vo. Paris, 1643.—13s. 6d. (Lee.) - 1 1. 11 s. 6d. (Lee.) Harpocrationis Lexicon in Decern Oratores, Gr. et Lat,; k Blan- cardo; 4to. best edition, bound in vellum. Lug. Bat. 1683.— 1/.. 16s. (Lee.) Dictionaries, Grammars, <§ 0 . 5 « 44 Lexicon Atticum et Herodiani Philet®rus, Gr. ab Hudson 3 8 vo. Oxon. 1712. — 10s. 6d. (Whitmore.) 45 Moeris Atticista de Vocibus Atticis et Hellenicis, Gr. ab. Hudson 3 8vo. Oxon. 1712.—4s. (Simmons.) 46 Phrynici Dictiones Attic®, Gr. Lat. k Paw 3 4to. Trctj. ad Rh. 1739.—12s. 6d. (Payne.) 47 Bud® Commentarii Lingu* Gr®c ®5 folio, ap. R. Stephanum , 1548.— 1Z. 3s. (Arch.) 48 Schwarzii Comment, critici et philologic. Lingu® Gr®c® N. Tes¬ tament^ 4to. bound in vellum. Lips. 1736.—-12s. (Priestley.) 49 Photii Myriobiblon, Gr. et Lat. a Schotto ; folio, best edition, Rothom, 1653.—3 Z. (Lord Milton.) 50 Morell, Thesaurus Gr®c® Poeseos 5 2 vols. 4to. with portrait by Hogarth, extra marbled leaves, Etonce, 1762. — 61. 15s. (Priestley.) 51 Biel Lexicon in LXX et alios Vetcris Testamenti Interpretes j 3 vols. 8vo. bound by Waltber, Hag. Com. 3Z. 12s. (Eton.) 52 Alberti Glossarium Gr®cum in N. Foederis Libros 3 8 vo. L. Bat , 1735.—5s. (Priestley.) 53 Ammonius de Affinium Vocabulorum Differentia, Gr. a Valken®rio $ 2 vols. 4to. L. Bat. 1739-'—18s. (Priestley.) 54 Hoogeveen Doctrina Particularum Lingu® Gr®c® j 2 vols. 4to. Damean. 1769.—3 1 . 3s. (IIindley.) 55 Vigerus de Gr®c® Lingu® Idiomatibus, a Zeunio 3 Svo. bound by Johnson, Lips. 1 777-— (Priestley.) 56 Sylloge Scriptorum de Lingu® Gr®c® vera Pronunciatione 3 2 vols. Svo. L. Bat. curd Havercampi, 1736. — 17s. (Priestley.) 57 Theodori Institutioncs Grammatic® Gr®c®; rare edition, bound by Weir, 4to. Lovan. 1523. —lZ. 6s, (Heber.) 58 Theodori Institutioncs Grammatic® Gr®c® 3 12 m o. Paris, 1529 .—. 10s. 6d. (Heber.) 59 Theodori Gaz® Introductio Grammatica, Gr. et Lat. Bas. 1541 j et 6 Dictionaries , Grammars , <§c. Moschopulis Gnecae Graramaticae Artis Methodus, et Theod. Gaza, Gr. Bas. 1540. —4to. 10s. Qd. (Heber.) 60 Vergara de omnibus Gnecae Linguae Grammaticae Partibus 3 fine copy, 8vo. Parisiis, 1550. — 8s. Qd. (Heber.) 6 1 Vergara de Graecae Linguae Grammatical 5 8 vo. rare edition, bound by Walther, Parisiis, ap. Morell, 1557-—11s. (Heber.) 6'2 Golii Grammatica Graeca 3 8 vo. Hafn. I 766 .— 7 s. (Heber.) 63 Westenius de genuina Linguae GraecS Pronunciatione, &c. 3 8 vo. Bas. 1606. — 9s. (Heber.) 64 Graecae Grammaticae Rudimenta, in usum Scholae Etonensis 3 8vq. Etonee, 17 83.- — 3 s. (Simmons.) 65 Elementa Linguae Graecae, studio J. Moor 5 8 vo. bound by Baum-* garten, Glasguce, 177 2 - — 4s. (Priestley.) 66 Port-Royal Greek, Latin, and Italian Grammars 3 4 vols. 8 vo. London, 175O-8-9.— 2/. 10s. (Borough.) 67 Appollonius Alcxandrinus de Constructione, & Magnus Basilius de Grammatics Exercitatione 3 8 vo. russia, by Roger Payne, ap. P ► Juntam, 1515. — \l. Is. (Heber.) 68 Theonis Progymnastica et Paradigmata, Gr. et Lat .5 8 vo. a Camera- rio, Basil, 1541. — 2s. Qd. (Priestley.) 69 Theonis Progymnastica Gr. et Lat. 8 vo. Lug. Bat. 1626 .—« 2s. (Priestley.) 70 Trypbiodorl Grammatice, Gr. et Lat.; cum Italica versione Sal- viniij 8vo . Florentice, 1 765 .— 7 s. Qd. (Maltby.) 71 Chrysolorai Graecae Grammaticae Institutiones ; 8 vo. bound in vellum. Par. ap. Wechel. 1539.' — 15s. (Heber.) 72 Ogerii Graeca et Latina Lingua Hebraizantes -, 8 vo. Ven. 1 7Q4 .— 10 s. (Sir J. Henderson.) '/3 Musaeus, Gr. et Lat. 3 cum notis variorum & Kromayeri 3 Svo. Halre, 1721.— 7 s • (Hemerney.) 74 Apollodorus, Gr. et Lat., et L. Allatii Melyssorila, Gr. 5 8 vo. bound by Weir, ap. Comonel. 1 599 .— 7 s. (Sir J. Copley.) Dictionaries , Grammars , <$t. 7 ”5 Musaei Grammatici de Herone et Leandro, cum notis variorum et Schraederi j 8vo. Leovardice, 1742.—^1 gs. (Priestley.) /6 Musaei Grammatici de Herone et Leandro* Gr. et Lat. a Rovero • 8vo. bound by Baumgarten, Lug. Bat. 1737 .'—11$. (Sir J. Henderson.) 77 Thomae Magistri, Gr.; first edition, fine copy, 12mo. Roince, 151/-— 1 1. 6s. (Priestley.) 78 Mekerchus de Veteri Pronunciatione Linguae Graecae; 8vo. Antwerp, 1576.—13s. (Money.) 79 Cheke de Linguae Graecae Pronunciatione ; 8vo. Basil, 1555.—lZ. 2s. (Mackinlay.) 80 L. Bos. Ellipses Giaecae, cum notis Scluvebelie ; Svo. bound in vel¬ lum, Norimb. 1/63.' — 19 s. (Coates.) 81 Thomae Magistri Lexicon Atticum, a L. Bos 5 12 mo. in vellum, Franq. 1698 .— 5s. 6d. (Lee.) 82 Bos. Exercitationes Philologicae in N. T., et de Etyinyologii Graecft ; 8 vo. Franaq. 1713.'— 5s. (Coates.) S 2 *Thomae Magistri, Gr. a Bernardo; 8 vo. 2 vols. L. Bat. 1 757 -— lZ. Is. (Lee.) 83 Hephaestionis Enchiridion Graced ; 4to. Par. ap. Turnob. typis regiis, 1553.—17$. (Priestley.) 84 Hephaestionis Enchiridion, Gr. cum Graecis sclioliis et notis a Pauw ; 4to. best edition, Traj. ad. Rhen. 1726 .-— 1Z. Is. (Lee.) 85 Kusteri et aliorum et Wollii Commentationes de Verbis Mediis; ^lSmo. Lips. 1752.— .8s 6d. (Hare.) 86 Chrysolorae Erotemata de Anomalis Verbis, de Formatione Tem- porum, ex Libro Chalcondylae, &c. &c.; 8vo. bound in vellum, Florent. per Bened. Janctam, 1540.— 'll. 2s. (Payne.) 87 Guilonii Gnomon Graecarum Q oar turn 3 4to. bound by Walther, Parisii, 1 556. —8s. (Priestley.) 88 Gregorius de Dialectis Gr. cum Koeni notis, 8vo. L. Bat. 1766 .— gs. (Priestley.) 8 Dictionaries , Grammars , fyc. 89 Stuartii Tomus singularis insignium Auctorum Graecorum et Latin- orum, ex variis Bibliothecis ; 4to. calf gilt, Ingoldstadii, l 6 l 6 .— 15s. (Sir John Henderson.) 90 Anecdota Graeca, cum Versione et Netis Muratorii ; 4to. Patav. I/O9.—12s. (Sir John Henderson.) 91 Palmerii Exercitationes in Optimos Scriptores Graecos, cum Indice Graeco et Latino; 4to. bound in vellum, L. Bat. 1668 .—- 10 s. 6d. (Priestley.) 9 'J lleiskii Animadversionis ad Auctorcs Graecos; 5 tom. Svo. Lips. 1/5/.—3 1 . 1 / s . (Coates.) 93 D’ArnaudLectionesGraecae; 8 vo. Hag.Com. 1730.—4s. (Priestley.) 94 Casaubonis (J.) de Satyric& Graecorum Poesi et Romanorum, &c. 5 8vo. Halce , 1774.— ll . 7s. (Booth.) 95 Dorvillii Critica, Vannus in inanes Pavonis Paleas ; Svo. bound by Montague, Amst. 1737- — 1 1. (Evans.) 96 Caninii Hellenismus ; 4to. extra binding by Weir, Par. ap Morel. 1555.—14s. (Hare.) 97 Salmasius de PIellenistic&; 12 mo. bound in vellum, Elzever , l643.— 6s. 6d. (Payne.) 98 Funus Linguae Hellenistiae; 12 mo. bound in vellum, L. Bat. 1643.— 9 s. 6d. (Sir John Henderson.) 99 Hermogenis Rbetoris acutissimi, et de Ratione tractandae Gravitatis occultae, Gr. Lat. a Sturmio ; 8 vo. 2 vols. 1570&1571. —12 s. (Heber.) 100 Walchii Historia CriticaLatinae Linguae; 8vo. Lips. 1716 .— 6s. 6d. (Borough.) 101 Stepliani Roberti Tliesauris Linguae Latinae, a Gesnero auctus; folio, 4 vols in 2 , Russia binding. Lips. 1749- 1 —13Z. 2 s. 6d. (Priestley.) 102 Gesnerianus Thesaurus Epistolicus; 12 mo. 2 vols in one, Hal. Mag. 1768 . — 6s. 6d. (Hommey.) 103 Latinae Linguae Thesaurus bipartitus e Cicerone, a Nizolio, cx aliis Dictionaries, Grammars, c. $ Latini 3erraonis Auctoribus a Lucio collectus ; 2 vols. folio, Basil, 1613 . —llZ. 10*’. (Priestley.) j .04 N. Perotti Cornucopia, seu Comment. Linguae Latinae; folio, fine copy, in white calf, by De Rome, Venet. 1496.— 'll. 2s. (Hommey.) 105 Hoffmanni Lexicon Universale ; folio, best edition, fine copy, in vellum, 4 vols. L. Bat. 1698. — Jl. 10s. (Jelico.) 106 Fabri Thesaurus Eruditionis Scliolasticae Gesneri 5 2 vols. folio, bound in vellum. Lips. l '/ Ag . — 47 . 10s. (Jelico.) 10 / Martinii Lexicon Philologicum Etymologicum, et Sacrum ; folio, 2 vols. Tr. Rh. 1697. —iZ. 13 s. 6cZ. (Priestley.) 108 Linguae Latinae Auctores, in unum redacti corpus, cum Gotho- fredinotis; 4 to. bound in vellum, Genev. 1604 .—19s. (Hommey.) 109 Noltenii Lexicon Latinae Linguae Antibarbarum ; 8 vo. Lips. 1744.— 12 s. 6d. (Priestley.) 110 Spelmanni Glossarium Archaiologicum; folio, large paper, best edition, portrait, fine copy, in morocco, Lond. 1687-— 5l; (Floyer.) 111 Du Fresne Glossaritim ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis, auetum a Monachis Benedictinis S. Mauri ; folio, 6 vols. best edition, Purisii, 1733.— 61. (Whitmore.) 112 Carpentier, GlossariUm Novum ad Scriptores medii aevi Latinos turn GallicoS; sive Suppldmentum ad auctiofem Glossarii Can- guini editionem; 4 vols. folio, Purisii, 1/66. — 9 Z. (Priestley.) 113 Pi •isciani Opera; folio, fine copy, Medeolan. 1503.—2Z. 12 s. 6d. (Heber.) 114 Grammatical Latinae Auctores Antiqui, edit. oper'J et studio Putcbii ; 4to. 2 vols. fine copy, Hanov. 1605.— 9 Z. (Borough.) 115 Parri Lexicon Plautinum; Svo. Franc. 1614.—8s. (Lord Milton.) 11 6 Schirachi Clavis Poetica, Classica, in Horatium, Terentium, Pliae- drum, Ovidium, et Virgilium ; 8 vo. 2 vols. Hal. 1768 - 9 .—iZ. Is. (Maceinlay.) 10 Dictionaries, Grammars, S,'C. 117 Rei Grammatics Scriptores; 8 vo. bound by Weir, Basil, 1527-—' 10 s. 6d. (Simmons.) 118 Terentianus Maurus de Litteris, Syllabis, et Metris, Horatii, cum Commentario Brissaei; 4 to. fine copy, in original binding, gilt leaves. Par . Colin 1531.— 2 l . 12s. 6 d . (Priestley.) H 9 Scioppi Grammatica Pbildsopliica et alia Opera Literaria 5 12 nio. Amst. 1659 & 1660.—8s. (Simmons.) 120 Scioppi Versimilia et de Arte Critica, cum Linguae Latinae cog- noscends Ratione, Amst. 1662 ; et Suspectarum Lectionum ; 12 mo. Amstel. 1664.— 6 s. (Priestley.) 121 Kohlii Commentationes Critics in Difficiliora Scriptorum Clas- sicorum ; 8 vo. bound by Bamngartcn, llamb. 17^7-— 8 s. (Borough.) 122 J. Sturmii Partitiones Dialectics, ct Lingus Latins resolvends Ratio; 12 mo. bound by Weir, gilt leaves, 1539-81.— 7 s - (Heber.) 123 L. Valle Elegantis Lingus Latins et de Reciprocatione sui et suis ; 12rno. Camb. 16S8.—4 s.Gd. (Lord Glenbervie.) 124 Scaliger, J. Cas, de Causis Linguie Latins, 12 mo. 1597.—2s. Gd. (Hommey.) 125 Scriptores Selccti de elegantiori Latinitate comparand;'!, a Kettelio ; 2 vols. 4t o . Amst. 1713.—14s. (Borough.) 126 Schelleri PrsCepta Styli bene Latini, 2 vols. 8 vo. Lips. 1779-—l 6 s, (Priestley.) 127 Tereutii Varronis De Lingua. Latina, Lugd. 156l ;— et TurnebH Commentarii et Emendationes; Par . 1566 ; 8 vo. bound together, marbled leaves.— 11 s. (Heber.) 128 Varronis Opera : De Lingua Latina; et Lib. de Re Rustica ; cum Scaligeri notis; Svo. bound by Walther, ap. II. Stephanum, 1581.—6s. (Booth.) 129 Verrius Flaccus ct Pompsus Festus de V T erborum, &C. 3vo. 1593 .— Is. 6d. (Hindly.) Dictionaries , Grammars , ^x\ 11 130 Hadrian! Cardinally de Sermone Latino et INloclis Latine Loquendij 8vo. Paris. Colin. 1534.— .2s Qd. (Simmons.) 131 Menckenius de Charlataneria Eruditorum, cum variorum notis; et Epistold Stadolii de Circumforanea Literarorum Vanitate 3 12 mo. Amst. 1747-—11s. 6d. (Jelico.) 132 Perotti Grammatica, cumejusdem Arte Metrica, &c.j 4to.beautifully printed, fine copy, 1494.— 2 1. 5s. (Heber.) 133 Reitzeus de Signification Verborum ambiguAj 8vo. bound in vel¬ lum, Tr. ad Rh. 1752 .— 1 1. 2s. (Borough.) 134 Blair’s Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres 3 2 vols. 4 to. with portrait, bound by Walther, London, 1783 -—1 1. 11 s. Qd. (Hunter.) 135 Campbell’s Philosophy of Rhetoric 3 8 vo. 2 vols. in white calf, London, 1 776 .— l6s. (Borough.) 136 Dissertationes variae a Ravio et aliis 5 4to. T. ad Rh. 1752-75. — 18s. (Priestley.) 137 Heringae Observations Criticae in Auctores Graecos 3 8 vo. Leov. 1749. — 10s. 6d. (Priestley.) 138 P. Rutilius de Figuris Sententiarum, cum Historia Criticd Oratorum Graecorum, a Reiske 3 8vo. bonnd in vellum. Lug. Bat. 1768 .— 8s. (Priestley.) 139 Hermogenes de Generibus Dicendi, sive Formis Orationum, Gr. et Lat. a Sturmio j 8vo. 1571. — 2s. (Heber.) 140 Fenelon Dialogues sur 1’Eloquence 3 12 mo. Paris, 1718 .—Is. (Jelico.) 141 Hermogenis Rhetorica, et de Inventione, Gr .5 4tq. bonnd in morocco, Wechel , 1530.—2 1 . gs. (Heber.) 142 Bp. Lowth’s English Grammar, 2 d edition 3 12 mo. London, 1763. — 2s. 6d. (Borough.) 143 Wallisii Grammatica Linguae Anglicame 3 8 vo. portrait by Cipriani, London, 1765 .— 4 s.6d. (Clarke.) 12 Dictionaries, Grammars, fyc. 144 Mitford’s Essay on the Harmony of Language ; 8vo. London, 1774.— 5s. Qd. (Borough.) 145 Foster’s Essay on Accent and Quantity; 8vo. 2d edition, Eton, 1763.—1/. 3s. (Priestley.) 146 Skinneri Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae; folio, large paper, bound inrussia by Walther, London, 1671 .— 41. 10s. (Faulder.) 147 Junii Etymologicon Anglicanum, auctum a Lye; folio, large paper, * fine copy, Oxon, 1743.—3 1. 8s. (Jodrell.) 148 Dr. Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language, the last edition, corrected by himself, 2 vols. folio, bound in russia, London, 1773-—6 L 6s. (Borough.) 149 Postlethwaite’s Dictionary of Trade and Commerce; 2 vols. folio, best edition, bound in russia, London, 1774.— 2 1. 12s. 6d. (Priestley.) 150 Sheridan’s Dictionary of the English Language, with a Rhetorical Grammar; 2 vols. 4to. his own edition, London, 178 O.— ll. l6s, (Lynden) SECOND PAY’S SALE. APRIL 27. 151 EL TOBB’s Rudiments of the Anglo-Saxon Grammar, and on the Study of Northern Antiquities ; 4to. London, 1715.—1 1. 2s. (Priestley.) 152 Hickesii Linguarum veterum Septentrionalium Thesaurus Gram* maticae Criticus et Archac-ologicus, 3 vols. folio, cuts, fine copy, Oxon. 1705. — 15Z. 4s. 6d. (Priestley.) 153 Lye, Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum, a. Manning, 2 vols. folio, London, 177 2 -— 5 l . 5 s . (Meyer.) 154 Lcemius de Lapponibus Finiparchiae eorumque Lingua, Vita, et Reiigione, Lat. et Germ. • 4to. with 100 curious plates, 1767-— 3 l. 17$. (Heber.) 155 Ihre Lexicon Lapponicum, cum Interpretatione Sueeo-Latin&; 4to. Holmiee , 178O.— 61. 15s. (Priestley.) 156 Kohlii Historia Critipa Versionum Sclavonicarum S. Codicis et EphremiSyrij 8vo. Altonce, 1729. — 4s. (Hare.) 157 Einari Sciagraphia Historiae Literariae Islandicaej Svo. bound by Walther , Hannice, 1 777-'— 2s. (Priestley.) J58 Delpino’s Spanish and English, and English and Spanish, Dic¬ tionary; folio, London, 1763. — 1 1. Is. (Inglis.) 14 Dictionaries, Grammars, <§c. 159 Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana, cortipucsto por la Ileal Academia; folio, 6 vols. best edition, Madrid, 172O-39.—• 1 61 . Ids. (Arch.) 160 Marete del Origen y principio da la Lingua Castellana ; 4to. Rom, ]6o6.—1/. 6 s. (Taylor.) 161 IJ Vocabolario degl’ Academici della Crusca ; folio, 6 vols. best edition, Firenz. 1729-38.—12/. Is. 6d. (Faulder.) 162 Fontanini Bibliotheca dell’ Eloquenza Italiana; 4to. 2 vols. best edition, Venez. 1753.—4/. 5s. (Clarke.) 103 Fontanini dell’ Eloquenza Italiana ; 8vo. J T enez. 1727.— 5s. (Clarke.) lt)5 L’ Encyclopedic, avec les Planches, Supplement, et Table Analy- tique, par Diderot, de’ Alembert, &c.; 35 tom, folio ; a work, of great merit and universal interest, with chosen impressions of the plates, nicely bound in calf, Paris, 1705-80 .—42/. (Lord Essex.) 10'6 Moreri Dictionnaire Historique; folio, 10 torn, fiqe copy, the best and most correct edition, Paris, 1759.—24 /. 3?. (Triphook.) 16 / Bayle Dictionnaire Histarique et Critique j folio, 4 tom. the true edition, with the two lives of David, Rotterd. 1720._8/. 5s. (Clarke.) lf)8 Chaufepie, Dictionnaire pour servir de Supplement a Bayle; folio, 4 tom. Amst. 1750.— 61. 10s. (Singer.) 169 CEuvres de Pierre Bayle; folio, 4 tom. fine copy, in white calf, a , la Hay , 1737 .- r - 4 l . 4 s . (Evans.) 170 Ricbelett Dictionnaire de la Langue Francois; folio, 3 tom. best edition, Lyon, 1759.—3/. 3 s. (Lord Glenbervie.) 171 Dictionnaire de l’Academie Franchise ; folio, 2 tom. Paris, 1762. _ 5l. 105. (Triphook.) 1/2 Observations de 1 Academie Franchise, sur les Rernarques de Vaugelas; 4to. Paris, 1704.— 6s. (Maltby.) Dictionaries , Grammars , c ) t . 15 173 Corneille, Dictionnaire ties Arts et des Sciences; folio, 2 tout Paris, 1731 .— gs. (Coates.) 174 Martiniere, Dictionnaire Geographiqne et Critique; folio, 6 tom. Purls, 17O8. — 4 1. 10s. (Triphook.) 173 Dictionnaire Universel, Francois et Latin, par Trevoux ; 8 tom 1 , folio, best edition, Paris, 177 1 — 77 s • (Clarke.) 176 Dictionnaire du vieux Language Francois ; 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 176(1.— ' ll . (Unwin.) 177 L’Esprit de 1’Eneyeloptklie; 4 tom. 12mo. Geneve. 17^9*—2Z. Is. (Duff.) 178 Querelles Lit(raircs,4tom. 12mo. Paris, 1761.—lZ.4s. (Priestley.) 179 Varies Lit4raires ; 4 tom. 12mo. a la Haye, 1754.—lZ. 7 s • (Priestley.) 180 Parrhasiana, J. Clerici, pense sur la Critique, l’Histoire, Morale, et Politique; 2 tom. 12rao. Amst. 1699.—6s. (Arch.) 181 Bouhours Doutes sur la Langue Framboise; 12mo. Paris, 16/5, Is. (Unwin.) 182 Plutarchus de Liberorum Educatione, Gr. et Lat. ab Heusingero ; 8 vo, Lips. 1749.— 5s. (Priestley.) 183 Walker on Education ; 12tiio< Oxford, 1677 184 Fenelon de l’Education des Filles; with portrait by Slls. (Lunn.) Picart, ISmo. Amst. 1739 ^ 185 Turnbull on Liberal Education; 8vo. London, 1742.— 2s. 6d. (Borough.) 186 Knox on Liberal Education; 12mo. London, 17SI. —3 s.Qd. (Lord ■1 , Gossford.) 187 Fordycc’s Dialogues on Education, containing many interesting discussions; 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1745.— 2s. (id. (Coates.) 188 Klotzii Commentarii de Libris Minoribus; 12mo. Dremce, 1766, l6s. (Mackinlay.) 189 Felton’s Dissertation on the Classics, and on forming a just Style ; 12 mo. London, 1715, 5s. (Barclay,) 16 Dictionaries , Grammars , fyc. 2s. 6d. > 1 l. 2s. (Lori? Milton.) lQO Blackwall’s IntrOchiction to tlie Classics ; 12 mo."] t London, 1?25 I ] 01 Baker’s Reflections upon Learning, best edition, j (Unwin.) I 8 vo. London, 1756 J 192 Bentley’s Dissertation on the Epistles ot Fhalaris;' 8 vo, 1699 Boyle’s Examination of Bentley on Phalaris ; 8 vo. London, 1699 193 Bentley's Answer to the Objections of Boyle ; Svo. London, 1698 194 Bentley’s and Boyle’s Controversy on the Epistles of Phalaris, with' occasional remarks 5 Svo. bound in white calf, by Johnson, London, 1777-— 19 s. (Priestley.) 195 Wootton’s Reflections on Ancient and Modern Learning; Svo. 1694.—2s. 6d. (Lord Glenbervie.) 196 Gedoyn de l’Education des Eufans, de l’Urhanite des Romains, &c. ; 12 mo. Paris, 1745.— 4 s. (Singer.) 197 Arnauld sur 1’Art de Denser ; 12 m o. Amst. 1685.—Is. (Unwin.) 193 Crenii Auctores varii de Philologia Studiis, Liberalis Doctrinue Informatione, et Edncatioue Literarid; 4to. L. Bat. 1696 .— 2s. 6d. (Hare.) 199 Crenii variorum Auctorum Consilii et Studiorum Methodi ; 4to* Rotterd. 1692. — 3 s. (Coates.) 200 Gibbon Essai sur 1’etude de la Literature ; 12mo. Lond. I 1 /6l. — 2s. (May.) 201 Saxii de Studiis Literariis Mediolanemium Prodromus ; Svo. Mediol. 1729.—10s. 6d. (Payne.) 202 Ernesti Archaeologia Literaria ; Svo. Lips. 1768.' — 3 s. (Hare.) 203 Eleury, du Choix et de la Methode des Etudes; 12 mo. Paris, 1636.—2s. (Dean of Winchester.) 204 Lewis’s History of the English Translations of the Old and New Testament, both in MS. and in print; and of the most remark- Dictionaries , Grammars , 17 able editions since the invention of Printing; with the fine print designed by Holbein $ 8 vo. London, 1739.— 16 s. (Lord Gossford.) 205 & 206 Miscellane® Observationes Critic® in Auctores veteres et recentiores; 13 vols. 8 vo. fine sets, Amstel. 1/32-45.■—. 3l.l3s.6d. (Payne.) 206*Clerici Ars Critical 3 vols. 12 mo. Amst. 1700.— 5s. Qd. (Lord Glenbervie.) 207 Jortin’s Miscellaneous Observations on Authors, ancient and modern; 8 vo. 2 vols. original edition, London, 1731 - 2 .— 1 l.2s. (Borough.) 208 Toland’s Amyntor ; or. Defence of the Life of Milton.—Catalogue of Books attributed in the primitive times, to have been written by Jesus .Christ, his Apostles, &c.; 8 vo. Lond. 1669 .—5s. Qd. (Brooksbank.) 209 Trilleri Observationes Critic® in varios Auctores, Gr®cos et Latinos; 8 vo. Franc, ad. M. 1742.— 11 s. (Payne.) 210 Bibliotheca Critica; 8vo. 2 vols. extra bound, Amst. 1777-— (Priestley.) 211 Dawes’Miscellanea Critica, his own edition; 8\o. Cantab. 1745.— 10. Qd. (Hare.) 212 Idem, cum notis a Burgess; 8 vo. large paper, bound by Walther, Oxon. 1781 .— 11. 18s. (Lord Milton) 213 Horrei Observationes Critic®, in Scriptores Gr®cos-j Historicos; 8 xo. Leovardice, 1736 1 1 1. 214 Horrei Miscellanea Critica Gr®cis et Latinis varia; j (Valpy.) 8vo. Leovardice, 1738 J 215 Hermannus de Arte Criticfi, et Robertellus de corrigendo Anti¬ quorum Libros; \ 1 vr\o. lJAJ.—11s. Qd. (Mackinlay.) 216 Crusii probabilia Critica in veteres Gr®cos et Latinos Scriptores; 8 vo. bound by Walther, Lips. 1753.— 7 $. (Hare.) d ¥ 18 Dictionaries y Grammars, fyc. 217 Marcklandi Epistola Critica ad F. Hare; 8 vo. Cant. 1723.— 5s. (Lord Milton.) 218 Coustant Vindiciae Codicum MSS. et Locorum S. Hilari; 8 vo. Par. 1 70 S.—2s. (Singer.) 219 Struvii Collectanea Manuscriptorum, in decern fasciculus digesta ; Svo. Jence, 1713 .— 4 s. (Simmons.) 220 Lamii Deliciae Eruditorum; 12 mo. 11 vols. Florentine, 1736-41.— 2 1. 4s. (Valpy.) 221 Blount on Poetry, with Characters and Censures of Poets; 4to.. London, 1694.— 3 s. 6d. (Borough.) 222 Blount Censura celebriorum Authorum; folio, best edition. Land, I69O.—18s. (Hare.) 223 Bailiet Jugemens des S^avans sur les principaux Ouvrages des Auteurs, &c.; 4to. 8 tom. large paper, Paris, 1722-38.— 2 1. 5s. (Sir J. Copley.) 224 Bibliotheque des Sciences et de Beaux Arts ; 12 mo. 50 tom. d la Haye, ah anno 1754 ad 1780 .— Jl. 12 s. Qd. (Lord Harrowby.) 225 Simon Bibliotheque Critique, par M. de Sein Jore ; 12 mo. 4 tom. Paris, 1708.— 14 s. (Arch.) 226 Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, l’Histoire de; 12 mo. 18 tom. ---les Memoirs jusque ces Annees ; 12 mo. 8 tom. 1776 --les Eloges des Acad4miciens ; l2mo. 2 tom.— 10 /. 15s. (Lord Harrowby.) 227 Simon Nouvelle Bibliotheque choisie ; l2mo. 2 tom. Amst. \J14. _ 10s. Qd. (Unwin.) 228 Pelisson et Olivet Histoire de 1’Academie Francojse; 12 mo. 2 tom, Paris, 1730.— 6 s. Qd. (Maltby.) 229 Bibliotheque Raisonn^e des Ouvrages des S^avans, 51 tom. 12 mo. Amstel. 1728-53.— 7 /. (Lord Harrowby.) 230 Acta Societatis Latinae Jenensis, h Walchio; Svo. 5 vols. hound by Baumgarten, Jence, 1752-56.— 2/. (Payne.) v. 1 Dictionaries , Grammars , 19 231 Observationes Selectse Halenses ad Rem Literariam spectantes; 12mo. 11 vols. Hab. Mag. 1700:—14s. (Coates.) 232 Gudlmgii Observationes Select® ad Rem Literariam Spectantes j 12mo. Franc. 1707.— 7 s ■ 6d. (Dr. Routh.) 233 Biblioth 6 que Italique; 12 mo. 18 tom. in Q vol. Genev. 1728-33. — 'll. Is. (LoRb Harrowby.) 234 Palmer’s General History of Printing; 4to. fine copy, bound by Montague, London, 1733.—1 1. 16s. (Lord Essex.) 235 Chevillier 1’Origine de 1’ Imprimerie de Paris j 4to. Paris, 16Q4■ —10s. 6d. (Dwyer.) 236 Watson’s History of the Art of Printing, its Invention and Pro¬ gress in Europe j 12 mo. bound in morocco, Eding. 1713.— l6s. 6d. (Collins.) 237 Wolfii Monumenta Typograpliica; 2 vols. 8 vo. Hamb. 1740.— 17s. 6d. (Valpy.) 238 La Connoissance des bons Livres, ou Examen de plusieurs Auteurs; 12mo. Paris, 1671, 2s Qd. (Sturt) 239 Bibliographic Instructive de la Connoissance des Livres rares, par De Bure, 7 tom. Par. 1 763-8 j et Catalogue des Livres de Gaignat, 2 tom. with the prices j 8 vo. Paris, 1769 .— 7^- 7 s - (Borough) 240 Fabricii Bibliotheca Graeca j 4to. 14 vols. fine copy, Hamb. 1718-28. — 8l. 12s. Qd. (Borough.) 241 Fabricii Bibliographia Antiquaria, sive Introductio in Notitiam Scriptorum; 4to. bound in vellum, Hamb. 17QO. — 2 l.Qs. (Hare.) 242 Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina, ab Ernesto j 8 vo. 3 vols. Lips. 177&- — 'll. 5s. (Lord Glenbervie.) 242*Fabricii (I. Alb.) Opusculorum Historico-critico-literariorum Syl- loge, 4to. Hamb. 1738.— 8s. 6d. (Dwyer.) 243 Blondel Histoire du Calendrier Romain, composed for the Use of the Grand Dauphin, with Medal of Louis XIV 12 mo. a, la Haye, 1684 *20 Dictionaries , Grammars , 243*Tanneri Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica, k Wilkins; russia, bound by Cater, London, 1748.-—4Z. 15s. (Lord Glen- BERVIE.) 244 Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus; folio, 2 vols. in 1, bound by Baumgarten, Romes, 1696 . ?6l. (Hare.) 245 Antonii Nie, Bibliotheca Hispana, bound by Baum- j garten; folio, 2 vols. Romes, 1672 J 246 Bibliotheca Coisliniana Montfauconi, cum multis Anecdotis Manu- scriptorum omnium Grsecorum; folio, with plates, finely en¬ graved, Parisiis, 1715 . —1?. Is. (Lord Essex.) 247 Labbsei nova Bibliotheca Librorum Manuscriptorum; folio, 2 vols. Paris, 1657. — 7s. 6d. (Heber.) 248 Labbaei Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum et Bibliotheca Nummaria j 12mo. with Bishop Kennett’s autograph and arms, Rothom. 1678.—Is. 6d. (Maltby.) 249 Montfauconi Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum Manuscriptorum nova; folio, 2 vols. Paris, 1739. —lZ. 19s. (Lord Essex.) 250 Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana ab Angelo Roccha; 4to. white calf, Rom. 1591. —4 s. (Triphook.) 251 Mandosii Bibliotheca Romana; 4to. 2 vols. in 1, Rom. 1682.—5s. (Heber.) 252 Orlandi, Notizie degli Scrittori Bolognesi et Bologna difesa ; 4to. jBoZogw.— 5 s. (Heber.) 253 Alegambe Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu; folio, Antw. 1643. — 7 s • (Triphook.) 254 Toppi Bibliotheca Napoletona; folio. Nap. 1678.—lZ. 3s. (Trip¬ hook.) V 255 Simleri Bibliotheca Gesneriana in epitomen redacta et loeupletata ; folio, best edition, Tigur. 1583.—6s. (Heber.) 256 Bibliotheca Benedicto Mauriana Bernardi Pez 3 12mo. Vind. Aug. 1716.—10s. (Triphook.) Dictionaries , Grammars , 21 257 Beughen Bibliotheca Critica Curiosa; 18mo. Amst. 1604.—Is. 6d. (Triphook.) 258 Vogtii Catalogus Historico-criticus Librorum rariorum; 8vo. Hamb. 1747 - — 5 s. (Priestley.) 259 Bibliotheca Librorum variorum Universalis k Bavero ; 8vo. 6 vols. in 3, bound by Walther, Nuremb. 1772.—H. 17$. (Maltby.) 200 Haymn, Notizia de Libri rari Nella Lingua Italiana; 8vo. Lond. 1726.— 3 s. (Priestley.) 261 Meadiana Bibliotheca, Askeivana, et Hoblyniana; 8vo. bound to¬ gether.— Qs. (Sturt.) 202 Musaeum Meadianum Nummorum, & c. ; 8 vo. 1755 . — 3 s. (Sturt.) 263 Bibliotheca Hoblyniana; 8vo. 2 vols. in 1 , large paper, Lond. 1769. — 12 s. 6d. (Vivian.) 264 Bibliotheca Beauclerkiana; the Library of the Honourable Topham Beauclerkj 8 vo. Lond. 178I. — 7 s - (Sturt.) 265 Bibliotheca Croftsiana j 8vo. bound by Walther, Lond. 1783 .— 8 s. (Lord Milton.) MODERN LATIN WRITERS, i History, Poetry , and Miscellaneous. 2 66 ABELARDI et Heloisae Epistolae, et Opera Theologicaj 4 to. bound inrussiaby Waltlier, Parisiis, l6l6.—1/. 11s. 6 d. (Duke of Norfolk.) 2 67 iEneae Sylvii Piccolomiai Opera 3 folio, fine copy, Basil. 1551.— 11s. (Lord Glenbervie.) 268 Sidonius Apollinaris Colvii 3 8vo. Paris, 15Q8.— Is. (Dillon.) 26S*Hemerius de Academic Parisiensi, dedicated to Cardinal Richelieu 3 4 to. in curious old binding, Lutetia, 1638 .—Is. (Triphook.) 269 Agathiae Historia Justiniani et ejusdem Epigrammata, Gr. et Lat. kVulcanoj 4to. L. Bat. 1594.— 4 s. 6d. (Whitmore.) 270 Pedonis Albinovani Elegiae et Fragmenta 3 Cornelii Severi .Etna, et Fragmenta 5 12mo. cuts, Amst. 1703.— 3 s 6 d. (Jelico.) 271 Analecta Graeca, cum notis Monachorum Benedictinorum, Gr. et Lat.,- 4 to. aris, 1688.—11s. (Coates.) 272 Polignac. Antilucretius 3 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1749-—2s. 6d. (Borough.) 273 Alexander Apbrodiensis de Fato, Gr. et Lat. 181110.1 Lond. 1658 I ? 12 s. 274 Hori Apollinis Hieroglyphica, Gr. et Lat 3 et Hip- V> pocratis Aphorism), Gr. 3 8vo. bound in russia, I (^' RIPHOOK *) no date J Modern Latin Writers. 23 275 Arnobius adversus Gentes, cum integris doctorum Conventariis j 4to. L. Bat. 1651.—2s. (Payne.) 276 D’ Arnaud, Commentarius deDiis Paredris; 8vo. Hag. Com. 1732. —Is. (Heber.) 277 D’ Arnaud Variarum Conjecturarum libri duo ; 4to. bound in vel¬ lum, Franag. 1738.—4s. (Dr. Gosset.) 278 Barthii Adversaria 3 folio, best edition, with portrait, Frankfort, 1024.—>lZ. (Phelps.) 279 Barlaei Epistolae 3 2 vols. 12mo. Amstel. 1667.— Is. (Dillon.) 280 Bembi Naugerii, Castillionis Casae, et Politiani Carmina3 8vo. Bergom. 1753.— 6s. 6d. (Lord Glenbervie.) 281 Bondami variae Lectiones ; 8vo. bound in vellum, Zutphan. 1 759. —5s. (Jelico.) 282 Bodinus de Republic!! 5 folio, bound in vellum, Ludg. 1586.—6s. 6d. (Heber.) 283 Bos, Animadversiones in Scriptores quosdam Graecos, et Specimen Animadv. Latinarum 3 8vo. bound in vellum, Franq. 1700— 8s. 6d. (Coates.) 284 Bulengerus de Conviviis; 12mo. Ludg. 1627.— 14s. (Duke of Norfolk.) 285 Buchanani Opera a Ruddimano; 2 vols. folio, Edinb. 1715.— 1 1. 17s. (Money) 286 Budaeus de Asse5 folio. Par. Vascosan. 1641.— 5s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 287 Burmanni Sylloge Epistolarum a viris illustribus Scriptarum 3 4to. 5 vols. fine set, in vellum. Did. 1727.— 5l. 5s. (Borough.) 288 Quilleti Callipoedia et Sammarthani Paedotrophia 3 12mo. Lond. 1709.— Is. (Lord Glenbervie.) 289 Camdami Vita, Epistolae, et Opuscula quaedam 3 4 to. with his por¬ trait by White, Lond. 1691.—2s. (Lord Glenbervie.) 289**Crenei Thesaurus Librorum philologicorum et historicorum 3 2 vols. 12mo. L. Bat. 1699.— Js. 6d. (Money) 24 Modern Latin Writers . 290 Poet® illustros; Bembus, Naugerius, Castilionus, Cotta, et Flami- nius, 8vo. inrussia, by Baumgarten, Fen. 1548.— -ll. (Priestley.) 291 Hori et aliorum Hieroglypliica, Gr. et Lat. cum Causini notis j 4to. Par. 1647. (Lunn.) 292 Clenardi Epistolarum Libri, duo 3 8vo. ap. Plantin. } 3s 6d. (Mason.) 1566 293 Commirii Carmina j 4 to. Parisiis, l6?8 J 294 Coccai Merlini, opus Macaronicorum 3 18 mo. Venet. 1564 .-— 11 s. 6 d. (Lord Glenbervie.) 295 Ccelii Sedulii Carmina Calhoriij 12 mo. Hal. Mag. 1704.— 6d. (Brookbank.) 296 Couleii Poemata Latina3 8 vo. portrait by Faithome, Lond, 1688.— >• 4 s. 6d. (Lord Glenbervie.) 2 97 Crucii Epistolae 5 18 mo. with portrait, Amstel. 1(561. — 2s, (Jelico.) 298 Cuperi Observationum Libri tres, Ultraj. I67O; et Liber quartus, Daventria, 1678 ■, 8 vo .—1 s. (Dr. Gosset.) 299 Cunaei et Doctorum Virorum ad eundem Epistolae 3 8vo. Leidce, 1725 .— 2 s. (Priestley.) 300 Dathii in Elegantias Latini Sermonis, Par. 1501 3 et Philadelphi Epistolae, Mogunt, 1508} 4to.—4J. 8s. (Heber.) MODERN LATIN WRITERS— continued. THIRD DAY’S SADIE. APRIL 28. t 301 DATHI EPISTOLiE, et Jac. Angeli Epistola ad Chrysoloram ; &c. I 8 vo. Florentice, 1743 .— 6d . ( Money,) 302 Deckerus de Scriptis, 18 mo. Amst. 1686 .— 3 s. (Mackinlay.) 303 Ennii Fragmenta, cum commentariis Merulae j 4to. L. Bat. 1595.— 11 s. 6 d. (Borough ) 304 Ernesti Opuscula Philologica, Oratorica et Theologica ; 3 vols. 8 vo. bound in vellum, L. B. 1764 - 73 .—l 6 s. 6 d. (Borough.) 305 Eschenbachii Epigenes de Poesi Orphic^ ; 4to. Noribergce, 1702.— 7s. 6d. (Singer.) 306 Meibomius de Fabric!* Triremium 5 4to. with curious prints of the navy of the ancients, large paper, in vellum, Amst. 1671. 1 — 2 1 . 18 s. (Clarke.) 307 Ferrarius Electa et Epistolae; 4to. Patav. 176Q,*— Is. (Coates.) b *26 Modern Latin Writers. 308 Ferrarius de Re Vestiarii; 4to. many curious cuts, Patav. 1054.— 1 1 . Js . (Duke of Norfolk.) 309 Ficini Marsilii Epistolae; folio, fine copy, in vellum, Venet. 14Q5. —15s. 6 d. (Heber.) 309*Petrarchse Opera; 2 vols. folio, fine copy, in vellum, Venet. 1501. —1 1. 12 s. ( Money.) 310 Fracastorii Opera; 2 vols. 4to. with portrait, Patavii, 1/3Q. — 18s. (Clarke.) 311 Fruterii Verisimilium Libri 2, et Carmina Juli Severiani ; 12mo. / intverpice , 1584.—3s. (Dr. Burney.) 312 Fulberti Carnotensis Opuscula; 8vo. bound by Walther, Parisii, 1008.— Is. 6d. (Singer.) 314 Gesneri primae Lineae Isogages in Eruditionem universalem; 8vo. 2 vols. bound in calf by Johnson, Lips. 1774-— Is, (Corrie.) 315 Samson Agonistes, cum versione metrica, Gr. et Lat. a Glasse, Lond. 1788; Caractacus, cum versione metrical, Gr. et Lat. a Glasse, Oxon. 1781 ; Monostrophica metrica, a J. Huntingford, Lond. 1782; Progynastica Hellenica, a R. Hingenston, Cant. 1753; Plutus Aristophanis, translated by Fielding and Young, Lond. 1742; 8vo. bound togther in one volume by Walther._ lZ. Is. (Lord Essex.) 310 Syntagma Dissertationum variorum ex Musaeo Graevii; 4to. bound in vellum, Ultraj. 1702 . —3s. (Hare.) 317 Gronovii (J. Fred.) Observationum Libri ties;' 12mo. L. Bat. 1039 i e t Liber Quartus, 1652. 318 Gronovius de Sestertiis, Scriptores rei Nummariae veteres duo, &c.; 4to. with a most curious frontispiece containing a great number of fine portraits, Lug. Bat. 1691. 319 Gronovii (J. Fred.) Observationes, & Platnero; 8vo. Lips. 1755._ 8 s. (Hare.) 15s. (Clarke.) Modern Latin Writers. o7 4md 4 320 Grotii (Hugonis) Poemata; 12 mo. bound in russia by Baumgarten, L . Bat . 1617.—5s. 6 d . (Cqrrie.) 321 Hugonis Grotii Epistol* ad Gallos 5 18mo. ap . Elzevir , 1050. — 4 s. (Hare.) 321*Huetii Cornmentarius de Rebus ad se pertinentibus 5 12 mo. Amst. 1718- — 2 s. (Maltby.) 322 Klotzii Lectiones Venusin* ; 12 mo. Lipsice , 1770-— 7 s • (Maltby.) 323 Hasaei et aliorum Dissertationes, historic*, philologic*, tbeologicaej 4to. bound in vellum, Lipsiae , 1725, &c. — 10s. 6 d . (Dr. Gosset.) 324 Hemsterhusii Oi ationes Valknari tres Orationes, et du* Orationes Chrysostomi 3 8 vo. bound by Walther, Lug . Bat . 1784.— Ss. 6 d . (Maltby.) 325 Hospitalii (Michaelis) Carmina; 8 vo. best edition, Amst. 1732.— 13s. 6 d . (Hare.) 326 Huetii de optimo genere Interpretandi, et de Claris Interpretibus 3 12mo. Hag . Com . 1683.—3s. (Maltby.) 32 7 Ignoramus, Comoedia Westmonast.; 12 mo. 1 737 *—2 s . 6 d . (Sul¬ livan.) , 328 Jones, Poeseps Asiatic* Cornmentarius et Miscellaneorum Liber 3 8vo. London , 1774.— 7 s • 6d. (Priestley.) 329 Junii Animadversiones historic*, chronologic*, literari*, critic* 3 8vo. with portrait. Hag . Com . 1737-—8s. 6 d . (Maltby.) 330 Tzetz* Carmina Iliaca Gr. a Schinackj 12 mo. Hale , 1770. — Is. 6 d . (Maltby.) 331 Klotzii Opuscula 5 8vo. Altenb . 1766 -—4 s . 6 d . (Maltby.) 332 Hardiuni Opera varia j fol. Amst . 1733.—13s. (Maltby.) 333 Langneti Epistol* ad Camerarium 3 ISmo. Groning . 1646.—Is. ( Money. J 333*Launoii Opera 3 folio, 10 vols. fine portrait, Col. Allob. 1731.— 4 1 . 8s. (Dr. Gosset.) 28 Modern Latin Writers. 334 Languieti Epistolae ad Phillippum Lidneium; 18mo. Elz. L. B 1646 .— 4s. 6d. (Money.) 335 Leonis Tactica, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Meursii j 4to. L. Bat. 1012. —4s. (Priestley.) 336 Lipsii Opera Omnia; 8vo. 4 vols. Vesal. 1075. — 11s. 6d. (Dwyer.) 337 Justi Lipsii Opera quae et Critica; 4to. Antw. 1000 338 Lipsii Epistolarum Centuriae tres, de Gladiatoribus, de Bibliothecis, &c.; 4to. Amw. 1001—1609. > 339 Lipsius de Cruce; 4to. with many plates, Antw. 1594. 8s. 6d. (Lloyd.) 340 Longolii Orationes et Epistolae, cum ejus Vita; 8vo. Flor. ap. Juntas, 1524.— Is. 6 d. (Singer.) 342 Luitprandi Opera ; folio, with a frontispiece designed by Reubens, and a portrait of the Duke De Olivarez, Antw. 1040.—3s. 6 d . (Coates.) 343 Luciferi Carilitani Opuscula, a Tilio ; 8vo. Parisiis, 1508.—3s. (Coates.) 344 Leibnitii et Ludolfi Commercium Epistolicum 5 8vo. Gotting. 1755. —.Is. 6d. (Maltby.) 345 Lydiat Tractatus de variis Annorum Form is 5 18mo." Lond. 1005. Defensio ejusdem contra Scaligerum ; 18mo. Lond. 1007- > 8s. 6d. (Maltby.) 340 Lydiat, Emendatio Temporum, Compendia facta ab initio mundi; 18mo. with MS. notes, and autograph of Sir H. Wotton, Lond. 1009. 347 Manutii Pauli Epistolae et Praefationes j 12mo. Venet. 1558.— 4s. 6d. (Dobrie.) 348 Martianus Capella de Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, a Grotio j 12mo. 1599. — 6s. 6d. (Money.) 349 Pedonis Albinovani Epicedium Maecenatis, cum Meibonii notis; Modern Latin Writers. 29 et Libri de Maecenatis Vita, Moribus, et Rebus Gestis; 4to. bound in vellum, L. Bat. 1653.— 2s. 6d. (Hare.) 350 Joannis Metropolitan! Eucliaitensis Versus Iambici, &c. Gr. 4tO, bound by Montague, Etona, 1610.—4s. 6d. (Payne.) 351 Varii Scfiptores Graeci, Gr. et Gr. Lat. editi cum notis a Meursio; 4to. 2 vols. L. Bat. 1619-20.—1(. Is. (Lord Essex.) 35 l*Meursii Theseus, et Paralipomena de Pagis Atticis, Tliemis Attica, Areopagus, et Reliquae Atticae; 4to. 1624, &c. 352 Meursii Archontes Atheniensis, Denarius Pythago- ricus, Graecia Feriata, et Roma Luxurians ; 4to. 1619, &c. 353 Meursii Athenae Atticae Eleusinia Panathenaea, et Dictiones Atticae; 4to. 1609, &c. 354 Meursius de Populis Atticae et Regibus Atticis, Piraeo, et Pisistrato ; 4to. 1663, &c. 355 Meursii Miscellanea Laconica de Regno Laconico, et Piraeo, et Heladii Chrestomatliie ; 4to. 1686, &c. 356 Meursii Creta, Cyprus, et Rhodus; 4to. L. Bat. 2 1 . 17s. (Borough.) Amst. 1619-1687 -M -357 Michaelis Commentationes in Jus Levitarum Israeliticum, &c,; 4to. Brence, 1 769.— 5s. (Priestley.) 358 Minturnus de Poet&; 4to. gilt and marbled leaves, Venet. 1559.— 2s. (Dr. Gosset.) 359 Mureti Variae Lectiones, Cassiodorus de Orthographic, et Carrionis antiquae Lectiones; 8vo. Antwerpice, 1576 & 1580.—> Is. 6 d. C Money.) 360 Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta; 8vo. 2 vols. Oxon. 1699.—4s. Borough.) 361 Mureti Variae Lectiones ; 4to. Venet. 1559.—6 d. (Dr. Gosset.) 30 Modern Latin Writers. 362 Anecdota ex Codicibus Bibliothecae Ambrosianae, a Muratorio; 4 tom. in 2. 4to. Mediol. 1697.— Us. (Maltby.) 363 Nemesiani et Calpurnii Bucolica, a Titio Flori; 4to. ap. P. Juntam, 1590. — is. (Sir J. Copley.) 3(54 Poetae Recentiores Latini et Greeci, cura Oliyeti 5 Svo. large paper, bound in vellum, L. Bat. 1743.— ll. Is. (Borough.) 365 Palearii Aonii Opera ; 8vo. Jena ?, 1728.—2s. (Maltby.) 366 Paschalius de Coronis; 8vo. bound in vellum, L. Bat. 16SI.—6s. (Clarke.) 367 Perizonius de variis Olani aliorumque Auctorum locis, L. B. 1703} et decreta Romana et Asiatica pro Judaeis, a Josepho, collecta ab J. Gronovio, Svo. L. B. 1712.—5s. (Hare.) 368 Perizonii Animadversiones Historical} Svo. bound in vellum, Amst. 1685.—Is. (Payne.) 36S*Poggii Historia decerptativa de Avaritia, de Convivialibus, de No- bilitate, de Miseria, Epistolae in lascive scribentes Poetas ; Face- tiarum, &c. &c.} folio, with wood-cuts. Argent. 1513. —2 1. 15s. (Singer.) 369 Peteti (Sam.) Miscellanea} 4to. Par. 1630. —2s. (Maltby.) 370 Pignorii de Servis Commentarius} 4to. with portrait and many curious wood-cuts, Plantin. 1656.- —Is. (Money.) 371 Poemata Latina Italorum; 12mo. 2 vols. Lond. 1740. — 6s. (Lord Essex.) 372 Perizonii Dissertationum Trias} 12mo. Davent. 1679.—6d. (Money.) 373 Rutgertii Varias Lectiones} 4to. L. Bat. l6l8.— is. 6d. (Hake.) 374 Sadoleti Cardinalis Opera 3 4to. 4 tom. in 2, with portrait, Veron. 1737.— ll. 18s. (Mackinlay.) 375 Scylacis Periplus, Gr. et Lat. cum castigationibus Vossii} 4to. Amst. 1639. — 4s. (Evans.) 376 Salmassii Epistola ad Colvium de Com&} 12mo. L. Bat. Elzevir, 1644.— 5s. 6d. (Hare.) Modern Latin Writers. 31 377 Salraasii ad Miltonum Responsio; l2mo. Lond. 1660.*—3s. 6d. (Hare.) 37S Sannazarii Poemata, Altilii et Fascitelli Carmina 5 4to. with por¬ trait, Patavii, 1719.—6s.<6d. (Clarke.) 3 79 Scaligeriani par les Vassans, Col. Agrip. 1667-, et Prima Sca- ligeriana, Ultraject. 167O; 12mo. bound together. — 2s. (Singer.) 380 Scaligeri (Josephi) Poemata omnia, Gr. et Lat.; 18mo. Plant , 1615.'— 2s. (Money.) 381 Scaliger de Emendatione Temporum ; folio. Col. Allob. 1629.—. 2s. 6d. (Hare.) 382 Scaligeri Epistolae ; 12mo. Plantin. 1600. — 2s. (Maltby.) 382*Suaresii Praeneste Antiquae3 with plates, Romce , 1665.—Is. 6d. (Clarke.) 383 Dissertationum philologico-exegeticarum Sylloge, praesidibus A. et J. Schultens; 4to. Leul. 1 77 2 -— 8s. (Priestley.) 384 Schefferi de MilitiA Veterum 5 4to. This book belonged to Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford, and has his arms on the coyer., Upsal. 1654.—2 s. 6d. (SirJ. Henderson.) 385 Scliotti Observations, &c.; 4to. Han. l6l5. — 2s. Qd. (Maltby.) 386 Scioppii Infamia et Famiani Judicum de Stylo Historico; 18mo. Sorce , 1658.—3s. 6d. (Evans.) 387 Scriverii Opera, Anecdota Philologica et Poeticaj 4to. neat in vellum, T. ad Rh. 1736. — 5s. 6d. (Singer.) 388 Sectani Satirae, cum Commentariis 5 8vo. 2 vols. Amstel. 1700.—- 13s. (Evans.) 389 Sidonius Apollinaris, a Sermonis; 4to; large paper, Paris, 1652. —2s. (Payne.) 390 Sirmondi Opera varia, Gr. Lat.; folio, 5 vols. Parisiis, e Typo - graphid Regia, 1696.—3/. 5s, (Coates.) 32 Modern Latin Writers. '1 }5s. (Evans.) 391 Symmaehi Epistolae, Lectii cum notis ; 8vo. Jureti ,' 1587. 392 Tharaphe Moallakah, Arabic, et Lat. cum scholiis j Nahas ; 4to. a Reiske , L. Bat. 1742. J 393 Theopliylacti Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat. ; 8vo. 2 vols. ap. Comelin. 1598. —Is. 6 d. (Coates.) 394 Thomasini Gymnasium Patavinum; 4to. cuts, Utini, 1654.—Is. (Hare.) 395 Trapp’s Praelectiones Poetics; 12mo. Land. 177^. 396 Turnebi Adversaria; folio, 3 vols. in 1 , Parisiis, 1580. 6s. 6d. (Turnbull.) 397 Valesii Emendationes de Re Critica et Valesii Vita; 4to. d p. Bur- manno, Amst. 1740.* — 5s. 6d. (Payne.) 398 Vanierii Praedium Rusticum; 12mo. Tolosce , 1742.—2s. 6d. (Dwyer.) 390 Palearii Opera; 8vo. large paper, bound by Weir, 8vo. Amstel. 1696.— 7s. (Payne.) 400 Mabilloni vetera Analecta; 4 vols. 8vo. Parssiis, 16/5 .—4 2. Ss. (Coates.) 401 Sadolini Epigrammaton Regum Danicorum; 4to. with curious portrait of Frederick the Second, king of Denmark, Hafn. 1509' — 9s. 6d. (Triphook.) 402 Victorii Variarum Lectionum Libri 38; folio, Floren. 1582.— 1 1 . 5s. (Gee.) 403 Victorii Libri 25 priores; folio, Ftor. 1553.— ?s. 6d. (Singer.) 404 Victorii Variarum Lectionum Libri 13 posteriores ; 4to. FLor. 1569. — gs. (Dr. Routh.) 405 Vidae Opera; 18mo. ruled, gilt leaves, bound by Baumgarten, Ant. ap. Plantin. 1578.—■4s. 6d. (Money.J 406 Vidae Opera; 18mo. ruled with red lines, richly bound in red mo- Modern Latin Writers. 33 rocco, a curious specimen of ancient binding, Lugd. 1 5Q2. —• 1 1. 6 s . (Clarke.) 40/ Vidae Opera ; 18mo. bound by Baumgarten, ap. Gryphium, Lug- duni , 1541.— 2 s . 6 d . (Lloyd.) 408 Vida de Reipublicae Dignitate, curious wood frontispiece: 12mo. Cremon. 1556.— 2 s . (Hare.) 409 Vidae Poemata et Dialogi de Reipublicae Dignitate ; 12mo. 2 vols. Lond. 1732.—3s. 6 d. (Lloyd.) 410 Vincentius Lerinensis adversus profanas Heresum novationes, cum Commentariis Costeri; 18mo. Colon. 1600. —Is. (Dean op Winchester.) 411 Vossii (Ger. Joan.) Opera; folio, 6 vols. fine copy in vellum, Amstilodami, 1695.— 5l. 5s. (Borough.) 412 Vossii Js. Observations variae; 4to. Lond. 1685.—2s. (Payne.) 413 Vulpii Carmina et Opuscula; 4to. Patavii , 1725. —7 s * (Priest¬ ley.) 414 Toland’s Pantlieisticon; 8vo. Cosmopoli, 1720.— 12s. (Duke of Norfolk.) 415 Wasii Senarius de Legibus et Licentia. veterum Poetarum; 4to„ large paper, Oxon. 1687-—3s. (Hare.) 416 Werenfelsii Opera Theologica, Philosophica, et Philologica; 4to. best edition, 2 vols. bound in 1 by Walther, Lausan. 173Q .— 11s. 6 d. (Keysall.) 418 Wolfii Curae Philologicae et Criticae in Novum Testamentum; 4to. Basilecc, 1741.— 2 1. Qs. (Priestley.) 419 Zanchi Poemata; l2mo. bound in vellum, Romce, 1550.—14s. (Heber.) F Various Editions of the Bible and Neiv Testament, in all Languages — Liturgies—Constitutions oj various Churches—Ecclesiastical History, Councils, Canons, Interpreters and Commentators on the Scriptures Various Editions oj the Fathers oj the Church Critical and Controversial Divinity — Sermons, fyc.fyc. 73 1 , 105. ^ (Lord Es¬ sex.) 421 BIBLIA Polyglotta,, a Waltona 5 folio, 6 vols." with the cancelled leaves of the preface, Lond. 1657 Lexicon Heptaglotton a Castello5 2 vols. splendidly bound in red morocco by Roger Payne, ruled with red lines, with engravings by Hollar, aud portrait of Castello by Faithorne, Lond. 1657 422 Biblia Hebraice et Latine, et Novum Testamentum, Gr. et Lat. 4 Montano 5 folio, bound in russia, and ruled with red lines through¬ out, ap Plan. 1752.— 5l. (Sir J. Henderson.) 423 Biblia Hebraica, k Vander Hooght-, 2 vols. 8vo. fine copy, russia, border of gold, Amst. 1705. — 5l. Js. 6d. (Priestley.) 424 Vetus Testamentum Hebrdicum, a Kennicott 3 folio, 2 vols. bound in russia by Walther, Oxonii, 177®> &c. — 7^ 1 7 s - (Dwyer.) 425 Kennicott’s State of the printed Hebrew Text of the Old Testa¬ ment 5 8vo. 2 vols. Oxford, 1758.—17$. (Evans.) 426 Testamentum Vetus juxta LXX Interpretes, Gr. 3 folio, fine copy, in russia, by Baumgarten, Romce, 1587.—41. 8s. (Evans.) 427 Biblia juxta exemplar Vaticanum, Gr. j 4to. bound in vellum, London, 1653.—ll. 8s. (Priestley.) Bibles , Testaments , Ecclesiastical History. 35 428 Testatnentura Vetus juxta LXX Interpretes, Gr. a Lambert Bos. 3 4 to. Francq. 1709. —lZ. 7s. (Whitmore.) 429 Testamentum Vetus juxta LXX Interpretes, Gr. a Codocae Alexandria Grabre 3 8 vo. 8 vols. Oxonii, 1707 .■— 2 Z. 12 s. (Keysall.) 430 Biblia juxta LXX. Interpretes, Gr. a Millio; 12 mo.“] 2 vols. bound by Baumgarten, Amst. 1725 (Dean of 446*Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum variis lection- Winches- ibus et Millii notis ; 12 mo. bound by Baum- ter.) garten, Amst. 1/35 431 Testamentum Vetus, cum notis Variorum et Bretingeri 3 4 vols. 4to. Tig.Helv. 1730.— 4Z. lfs. (Priestley.) 432 Daniel secundum LXX ex Tetraplis Origenis, Gr. et Lat.; folio, bound in russia, Romce, 1772.— lZ. 11s. 6cZ. (Dobree.) 432*Biblia Sacra Latina, ex versione Junii, Tremellii, et Bezae 3 folio, Hanov. 1024.—lZ. 4s. (Dr. Doudswell.) 432**Biblia Sacra, cum concordantiis Veteris et Novi Testamenti 3 folio, curious woodcuts, Lugduni, 1516. — 12s. 6d. (Heber.) 433 Holy Bible ; folio, large paper, fine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves^ Printed by Baskerville, Camb. 1763.' — Ql. (Lloyd.) 434 Holy Bible, with Apocrypha 3 2 vols. 4to. in black calf, Cambridge, by Archdeacon, 1768. — 2Z. 3s. (Triphook.) 435 Vossius de Septuaginta Interpretibus 3 4to. Hag. 1661 436 Usserius de Graec. Septuagint. 5 4to. Lond. 1655 437 Lette, Animadversiones sacrae ad Textum Hebraeum Veteris Tes¬ tamenti 3 12mo. Lug. Bat. 1759.—Gd. (Dr. Gosset.) 438 Vindication of the Septuagint, and Critical Examination of St. Matthew’s and St. Luke’s Gospels, and Examination of Scaliger, Dupin, Hody, Prideaux, and other modern Critics 3 2 vols. 8 vo, London, 1736. — 6s. (Payne.) 5s. 6d. (Money.) 36 Ecclesiastical History. 439 Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum Scaligeri notis j 4to. fine copy 3 border of gold, Genev. 1620. — Qs. 6d. (Priestley.) 440 Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum notis R. Stepliani, J. Scalegeri, etCasaubonij 12mo. Geneve, 1033. — 3s. (Whitmore.) 441 Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum diversis Lectionibus 5 8 vo. ap. Whitaker. — 5s. 6d. (Whitmore.) 442 Novum Testamentum Graecum ; 18mo. bound in red morocco, by Roger Payne, fine copy, ap. Bleau, Amst. 1633.'— 1 1. 18s. (Clarke.) 443 Novum Testamentum Graecum, 32mo. fine copy, in red morocco, Sedan, 1628 .— 1 1. 10s. (Clarke.) 444 Novum Testamentum Graecum; 18mo. fine copy, in red morocco, by De Rome, ap. Elzevir , 1633.— ll. 15s. (Clarke.) 445 Novum Testamentum Graecum j 2 vols. 12mo. Elzevir, 1641.— 7s. (Llyod.) 446 Novum Testamentum Graecum 5 2 vols. 18mo. blue morocco, gilt leaves. Cant. 1700. — “Js. (Payne.) 447 Novum Testamentum Graecum, folio, large paper, bound in yellow morocco, by Padaloope, Par. ex Typographid Regia,, 1642.— 15s. (Sir J. Copley.) 448 Novum Testamentum Graecum, a Luesdeno; 18mo. bound by Walther, Amst. 1701. — 4s. (Priestley.) 449 Novum Testamentum Graecum 5 8 vo. extra, in russia, large paper, by Baumgarten, Cant. ap. Buck, 1632.— 1 1. 5s. (Payne.) 450 Testamentum Novum Graec. k Millio; folio, with frontispiece and head-pieces finely engraved after designs by Sir James Thornhill, Oxonii, 1707.—l(w. (Gaunt.) FOURTH BAY’S SALE. APRIL 30, 1810. 451 NOVUM Testamentum Graecum, cum variis Lectionibus Milliiet Kusteri; folio, marbled leaves, Roter. 1710 .*—ll. Js. (Dean of Winchester.) 452 Novum Testamentum Copticum, Latina versione j 4 to. a, Wilkins , Oxonii, 1716 .—13s. Qd. (Priestley.) 453 Novum Testamentum Graecum 5 8 vo. fine copy, blue turkey, gilt leaves, London, ap. Knaplock, 1728 .— 10 s. (Priestley.) 454 Testamentum Novum Graecum, cum variis Lectionibus 3 4to. a Bengelis, Tubing. 1734 .—lZ. 4s. (Priestley.) 455 Novum Testamentum Graecum j 8 vo, large paper, Glasg, Ur. 1750.*—7 s * (Borough,) 456 Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum Lectionibus variis et Comment. Westeniij. folio, 2 vols. fine copy, in russia, by Baumgarten, Amst. 1751,'—llZ. (Arch.) 457 Novum Testamentum Graecum, 4to, Glasguce, 1 759 .—4s. (Lord Essex.) 458 Novum Testamentum Graecum 3 4to. bound in russia, a Baskerville, 4 / Oxon, 1763.*— ll, 10s> (Dwyer.) 38 .Ecclesiastical History. 459 Testamentum Novum Graecum, a Shoettgenio 3 8 vo. Vratsit . 1765.—6s. (Foster.) 460 Novum Testamentum Graecum 3 2 vols. 12 mo. with English notes by Harwood, London, 1 776, — 6s. 6d. (Priestley.) 46 1 Novum Testamentum Graecum, cum variis lectionibus et praefatione & Greisbach| 8 vo. 2 vols in 1 , bound by Walther, Halos, 1777*— 12s. (Arch.) 462 Novum Testamentum Graecum et Lat. par Hardy 3 8 vo. 2 vols. bound by Johnson, Lond . 1778*— 2 l. 2 s. (Lee.) 463 Wetstenii Prolegomena in Novum Testamentum a Samlero 3 8 vo. Hal. Mag. 1764,—9s. (May.) 463*Novum Testamentum, traduit par P. Simon, sur l’ancienne edition Latine 5 4 tom, Trevoux, 1702.*—*4s. 6d, (Arch.) 464 Psalmorum Liber Graece 3 32mo. ruled with red lines, richly bound, and silver clasps. Ant. ap. Plant. 1584.— Js,6d. (Clarke.) 465 Evangelia Graeca 5 32mo. bound by Baumgarten, sine anno aid loco. —6s. 6d. (Payne.) 466 Falkner’s Vindication of Liturgies 3 8 vo. London, 1680 .-—Is. (Dr. Burney.) 467 Liturgiavarie Jacobii Basilii et Chrysostomi, Gr. et Lat. 3 folio, fine copy, ruled with red lines, Par. ap. Morell, 1560.— 10 s. 6 1737.—18s. (Priestley.) 488 Moshemii Dissertationum ad Sanctiones et Disciplines pertinentium Syntagma ; 4to. 3 vols. Lipsiee, 1733. 1 l. 7s. (Priestley.) 489 Kiorningius de Consecrationibus Episcoporum Anglorum ; 4to. Helms. 1739.— 3 s. 6d. (Priestley.) 490 Moshemii Dissertationes ad Historiam Ecclesiasticam pertinentes; 8vo. 2 vols. Altonce , 1733.— 10s. (Priestley.) 491 Turretini Historiae Ecclesiasticae Compendium; 8vo. Genev. 1734,— Is. (Priestley.) 492 Shuckford’s Sacred and Profane History Connections; 8 yo. London, 1743. (Borough.) Shuckford’s Creation and Fall of Man ; uniform aud extra bound, by Johnson; 8vo. London, 1753.— il. 5s. (Borough.) 493 Prideaux’s Connection of the Old and New Testament, with the History of the Jews and neighbouring Nations; 8vo. 4 vols. best edition, bound by Johnson, Tonson, 1749. — 3Z. 7s. (Borough.) 494 Lewis, Origines Hebrae; or. Antiquities of the Hebrew Republic, / Civil and Sacred ; 8vo. 4 vols. Lond. 1724.—1 1. 8s. (Lunn.) 495 Jenning’s Jewish Antiquities, and on the Hebrew Language ; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1766.—10s, 6d. (Payne.) 496 Spencer de Legibus Hebraeorum ; folio, 2 vols. with portrait, large paper, Cantab. 1717 -—lb 12s. (Lord Milton.) 497 Godwini Moses et Aaron, cum Annotationibus Carpzood; 4to. bound in vellum, fine portrait. Lips. 1738.—* lb 7 S > (Dr. Burney.) Ecclesiastical History. 41 498 Godwini Moses et Aaron, cum Notis Reizii et Dissertationibus Witzii ; 8vo. Ultraject. 1698.-—3s. (Lunn.) 499 Josephi Paraphrasis in Chronicorum Libros a Wilkins ; 4to. Amstel. 1715.— ll. 5s. (Hindley.) 500 Josephi Ben Gorionis Historia Judaica a Gagnier ; 4to> Oxon. 1706 .— Is.Qd. (Borough.) 501 Relandi Antiquitates Sacrae veterum Hebraeorum; 4to. bound in vellum, T. ad. Rh. 1741.—9 s * (Dr. Raine.) 502 Relandi Analecta Rabbinica; 12mo, with portrait, T. ad. Rh. 1723.—8s. 6d. (Lunn.) 503 Relandus de Religione Mohammedidi ; 12mo. with fine portrait, T. ad. Rh. 1717-— 6s . (Lunn.) 504 Relandi Dissertationes Miscellaneae; 12mo. 3 vols. T. ad. Rh. 1706 . — 11 s. (Lunn.) 505 Fleury Moeurs des Israelites ; 12 mo. Paris, 1712 .— 2 s. (Arch.) 506 Huet de la Situation du Paradis terrestre; 12 mo. Amst. 1701.— Is. 6d. (Maltby.) 507 Relandi Antiquitates Sacrae veterum Hebraeorum; 12 mo. Lips. 1715.—3s. (Lunn.) 508 Morini Vita et Antiquitates Ecclesiae Orientalis; 8 vo. Lond. 1682,—Is. 6d. (Dean of Winchester.) 509 Geislerus de Egressu Israelitatum ex ^Egypto in Chanaanitidem ; Svo. bound by Baumgarten, 1777*—2 s. 6d. Dr. Routh.) 510 Alderits Fragmenta de Historic veterum Ebraeorum; Svo. with portrait, bound in vellum, Altonai, 1736.—5s. (Lunn.) 511 Renaadoti Hist. Patriarchum Alexandrinorum Jacobitarumj 4to. bound in vellum. Par. 1713.—9s. (Lord Milton.) 512 Cave’s Primitive Christianity; 8 vo. London , 1702. — Is. (Dr. Gosset.) 513 Lardner’s Jewish and Heathen Testimonies to the Truth of the Christian Religion; 4to. 4 vols in 2 , extra bound by Johnson, London , 1764.—3 1 . 5 s . (Lord Milton.) G 42 Ecclesiastical History. 514 Lardner’s History of the Hereticks of the two first Centuries; 4to. bound by Johnson, London, 178 O.' —16 s. (Lord Milton.) 515 Minus Celsus de Haereticis suppliciis non afficiendis; 12mo. rare, privately printed, 1584.—10s. 6d. (Heber.) 516 Iltigius de Haeresiarches et Septas Dissertationum ; 4to. Lips ire, 1703.— 9 s. (Dr. Routh.) 517 Ruinart Historia Persecutionis Vandalicae; 8vo. Par. 1694 .— 2 s . (Dr. Routh.) 518 Coventry’s History of False Religion, in the early Pagan World, London, 1738.—4s. (Lunn.) 519 Ecclesiae Graecae Liber Pontifiealis, Gr. et Lat. ab Haberto; folio, large paper, Paris, 1 676 . —2 1. 14s. (Lunn.) 520 King’s Rites and Ceremonies of the Greek Church in Russia; 4to. numerous cuts, London, 1772.—5s. (Heber.) 521 Covell’s Account of the present Greek Church; folio, Camb. 1722 .—3s. 6d. (Heber.) 522 Patrum Veterum Haeregiologia Heroldi; folio, bound by Walther, Basil, 1556. —7 S > (Lunn.) 523 Ecclesiae Graecae Monumenta, Gr. et Lat. a Cottelerio ; 4to. 3 vols. Par. 1 677 , 1681 , & 16 S 6 .—3Z. 3s. (Lunn.) 524 Aymon Monumens de la Religion des Grees; 4to. a, la Haye, 1708 .— 2 s. 6d. (Dr. Rennel.) 525 Philippi Cyprii Chronicon Ecclesiae Graecae, Gr. et Lat.; 4to. Francq. 1679 .—17$* (Lunn.) 526 Sir George Wheeler’s Account of the Churches of the Primitive Christians ; 12 mo. London, 1689 .— 7 s, (Sullivan.) 527 Ecclesiae Graecae et Latinae Monumentorum Veterum Collectanea, k Zacagnio ; 4to. Romce , 1698—1 1. 3s. (Lunn.) 528 Justiniani et Eudociae Opera, Anecdota Monumenta Ecclesiae Graecae; 8vo. 3 vols. in 1, Florentice, 1762 . —1 /. (Dr. Burney.) 529 Bengelii Ordo Temporum, a principio ad finem usque ; 8vo. Stutg. 1770 .—4s. 6d. (Heber.) Ecclesiastical History. 43 530 Histoire du Droit public Ecclesiastique Francois j 12mo. 2 tom. Lond, 1740.—3s. (Emsley.) 331 Chronica sacra Moriasterii Casiensis ; folio, Pat. 1668 .—3s. 6(L (Booth.) 532 Middehdorpi Originum Anachoreticarum Sylva Col.- 12mo. Arg. 1(515 1 > 5s. Qd. 3s. 6d. 533 Lafiteau Histoire de la Constitution Unigenitus; j (Payne.) 12 mo. 2 vols. Avig . 1760 J 534 Steele’s Account of the Roman-Catholic Religion through the World} 12 mo. London, 1716 .— 3s. (Sullivan.) 535 Simon, Histoifes des Revenues Eccl£siastiques, par' Jerome } 12mo. Cost. Francf. 1684 536 Bdsqueti HistoriaEcclesiae Gallicanae, Paris, 1636} V j (B. Drury.) et Sommaire de ce qui est pass6 en Angleterre I depuis 1640 jusques & 1650 } 4to. J 537 Traite de 1’Authority du Pape, 12mo. 4 tom. a la Haye, 1720 .-—> 3s. 6d. (Payne.) 538 Salmasii de Primaetu Papae } 4to. Elzevir, 1645.—9s. (Payne.) 539 Sarpi Paolo, Cose passate tra’l Papa Paolo 5, e La Republica di Veronia} Venetiani Lione, 1624. — Is. (Elmsley.) 340 Fox’s Acts and Monuments of the Martyrs} folio, 3 vols. cuts, best edition, fine copy, Lond. l684.— - 61 . (Faulder.) 541 Assemani Acta S. Martyrum Orientalium et Occidentalium} folio, 2 tom. Romce, 1748.*— il. 5s. (Priestley.) 542 Acta primorum Martyrum sincera, Gr. et Lat. Ruinartii} folio, frontispiece finely engraved, Amstel. 1713.— 9 s. 6d. (Arch.) 543 Leger, Histoire des Eglises Vaudoises } with portrait and numerous prints of the horrible punishments inflicted on these unfortunate people to convert them to the true faith ; folio, Leyde , 1669 .— 1 1 . 4s. (Clarke.) 545 Orsii Dissertatio Apologetica, pro SS. Perpetuae Felicitatis Ortho*- 44 Ecclesiastical History. doxi£, et in Castiliensis Martyrum Antonianum; 4to. Flor. 1728.—Is. (Lunn.) 546 Geddes’s Church History of Ethiopia 3 8vo. Lond. 1696.—Church History of Malabar ; 8vo. Lond. 1694. —History of the Council of Trent, proving it not a free assembly ; 8vo. 7 vols, fine set, 1774.—Tracts, 4 vols, containing much curious reading; 8vo. Lond. 1709-15.—2 l . 2 s . (Booth.) 547 Limborch’s History of the Inquisition, by Chandler 3 4to, 2 vols. in 1, with cuts, 1731.'—47s. (Faulder.) 548 Limborch, Theologia Christiana, et Relatio Historica Controvers. de Praedestinatione 5 folio, with portrait, Amst. 1730. — lZ. (Priestley.) 549 Limborch, Historia Inquisitionis5 folio, Amst, 1692.—3s, 6d. (Lunn.) 550 Walchii Persecutionis Christianorum Neroniauae in Hispania Explicatio; et Marmor Hispanicum antiquum Persecutionis insigne Documentum 3 4to, Jep. 175O.—11s. (Maltby.) 55 1 Blondell de Formulae regnante Xto, in veteribus Monumentis usu 3 4to. Amst . 1646, — Is, Dr, Routh.) 552 Horologium, Gr, mod, 3 12mo. fine copy, bound by Baumgarten, 1535.'—11s, (Lunn,) 553 Maimbourg’s History of Arianism, by Webster} 4to. 2 vols, London, 1728.—2s, (Martin.) 554 Magni Johannis Historia Ecclesiae Metropolitanae Opsaliensis j 4to. Romce, 1560.—Is. (Martin.) 555 Beausobre Histoire du Manicheisme; 4to. 2 vols. Amst. 1734.— 31. Qs . (Corrie.) 556 Histoire de cinq Propositions de Jansenius} 12mo. Leige, 1699.— is. (Elmsley.) 557 Camusati Sacrae Antiquitates Tricassinae Diocesis3 8vo. I6l0.— 1 s.6d. (Elmsley.) 45 Ecclesiastical History. 558 Wolfii Manichaesmus Maniclieos; 12mo. Hamb. 1/07.—2s. 6d. (Van Mildert.) 559 Anecdota Graeca Wolfii, Gr. et Lat. ; 12mo. 4 vols. Hamb. 1722.— 14s. (Lunn.) 500 Fleury, Moeurs des Chretiens ; 12mo. Paris, 1713. — 3s. (Arch.) 561 Twisden’s Historical Vindication of the Church of England ; 4to. London, 1675. — Is. (Dr. Rennel.) 562 Sanderson (Bp.) proving Episcopacy not prejudicial to royal power; 8vo. portrait by Hollar, Lond. \6J3: —2s. 6d. (Money.J 563 Municipium Ecclesiasticura, in answer to Wake; 8vo. Lond. i6gy.‘ — 6d. (Dr. Rennel.) 564 Constitutions and Proceedings of an English Convocation, by Kennet; Svo. London, 1/02.—4s. 6d. (Money.) 565 St. George’s Examination for Holy Orders; 8vo. Dub. 1740.— Is. ( Money.) 366 Usherius de Episcoporum et Metropolitarum Origine, et de Procon- sulari; Svo. Lond. 1687. — -6d. (Dean of Winchester.) 5 67 Wake’s Authority of Christian Princes over Ecclesiastical Synods ; Svo. 1697.— Is. (Evans.) 568 Neale’s History of the Puritans, or Protestant Nonconformists; 4to. 2 vols. portrait, bound by Johnson, London, 1754. — 2 1. 12 s. 6d. (Priestley.) 569 Whitby de Veteris et Novi Testamenti Interpretatione in Patrum Comment.; 8vo. Lond. 1714.— 2s. (Elmsley.) 570 Marci Eremitae, Nicholai, et Hesychii Presbyteri Opera, Gr.; 8vo. Par. ap. Morel. 1563. — 3s. 6d. (Symmons.) 571 Ittigias de Bibliothecis et Catenis Patrum ; 8vo. Lips. 1707.—Is. (Symmons.) 572 Patrum SS. Monumenta Orthodoxographa, Gr. et Lat. a Grynaeos; folio, 3 vols. Basil, 156g.—2l. 2s. (Dr. Burney.) 573 Micropresbysticon, Gr. et Lat.; folio, Basil, 1550.—-4s. (Priest¬ ley.) 40 Ecclesiastical History . 574 Patres Apostolici, Gr. et Lat. Cotelerii et Clerici j folio, 2 vols. Amstel. 1724.—2 1. 14s. (Priestley.) 575 Patrum SS. Apostolicorum Barnabse, Hermaae, Clementis, Ignatii, Policarpi, Opera genuina, Gr. et Lat. a Russell; 8vo. 2 vols. extra bound by Baumgarten, Lond. 1746.— 1/. 4s. (Dk. Proser.) : 0/6 Patrum Grsecorum nova Collectio, Eusebii, Csesariensis, Athanasii, et Cosmae iEgyptii, Gr. et Lat. a Montfaucon j folio, 2 vols. Parisiis , 1706. — il. 18s. (Payne.) 577 Augustini Opera Omnia, a Monachis Benedictinis, cum Appendiee Augustiani j folio, 12 tom. in 9, Parisiis, 1689-1703.— 361. 10s. (Corrie.) 0/8 Augustinus de Civitate Dei; folio, fine copy, with two curious drawings on vellum, MS. notes, and capital letters illuminated, bound in russia, by Roger Payne, ap. Jenson , 1745.—2 1. 8s. (Heber.) 579 Augustinus de Anchona, de Ecclesiastica Potestate; folio, in russia binding, by Baumgarten, Coloni. 1475. — 2 1. 2s. (Arm¬ strong.) 481 Ambrosii Opera, a Monachis Benedictinis; folio, 2 vols. best edition, bound in russia, by Baumgarten, Parisiis , 1686 & 1690. — 61. 8s. 6 d. (Lunn.) 582 Anselmi et Eadmeri Opera, a Gerberon Benedictino 5 folio, best edition, Parisiis, 1721.—3 1 . 5s. (Lunn.) 583 Athanasii Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Monachis Benedictinis S. Mauri j folio, 3 vols. cuts, best edition, Parisiis, 1698. — 12Z. 17s. (Priestley.) 584 Athanasii Dialogis de SanctS. Trinitate; Basilius contra Euno- mium, vie Gr. et Lat.; 12mo. ap. H. Stephanium , 1570.—Is, (Dr. Gosset.) Ecclesiastical History . 47 585 Syntagma Doctrinae Imper. Valentinani, et Mar- ciani Epistolae duae, Gr. et Lat. ab. Arnoldo; 12mo. Par. 1085. 586 Asterii Homiliae, Gr. et Lat. at Rubenio; 4to. Ant. 1615 1 I V £ J 4s, (Dr. Bur* NEY.) 587 Basilii Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Monacliis Benedictinis S. Mauri; folio., 3 vols. cuts, best edition, Paris, 1722.—8 1 . (Priestley.) 588 Chrysostomi Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Montfaucon; folio, 13 vols. best edition, Parisiis, 1718.—2 5 l . 10s. (Priestley.) 589 -Dio Chrysostomus, Gr. et Lat. cum Morelli notisj folio, Lutet. 1604.—1 1 . Is. (Hare.) 590 Chrysostomi Supplementa Homiliarum, Gr. et Lat. u Benzilio; 4to. Upsal. 1708. (Lunn.) 591 Chrysostomi (J.) Homiliae 4 in Psalmos, et Inter-” pretatio Danielis, Gr. et Lat.; 4to. Parisiis, 1661 4s. 6 d. (Lunn. 592 Chrysostomi Homiliae 6 contra Judaeos, Gr. et Lat. ab Haeschelio ; 8vo. Aug. 1002 592*Chrysostomi Epistola ad Caesarium, cum tribus Basnagii Dissertationibus ; 12mo, Traj. adRhen. 1687 593 Chrysostomi et Anastasii Sinaitae Homiliae, Gr. et l Lat.; $vo. Florentine, 1763 J 594 Chrysostomus (J.) de Sacerdotio, Gr. et Lat. ab Hughes; 8Vo> Cantab. 1710.—2s. 6d. (Priestley.) 595 Basilii Orationes de Moribus, Gr.; 8vo. ap. Morel. Par. 1556.— 2s. 6d. (Simmons.) 396 Basilius Magnus ex integro recensitus, a Combefigio; 8ro. 2 vols. Parisiis, 1679.—4s. 6d. (Heber.) 597 Basilii Homiliae contra Ebriosos, Gr, 5 12rao. Lovdn, 1531.—3s. (Heber.) 48 Ecclesiastical History ., 59S Basilii Magni et Gregorii Nazienzeni, Gr. Obsopoei ; 12mo. Hagan „ 1528.—3s. (Simmons.) 599 Cypriani Opera, a Fell, cum Personi Annalibus Cyprianicis ; folio* Oxon. 1682.—(5s. Qd. (Dk. Burney.) 600 Cypriani Opera, cum Notis Baluzii et Garneriifolio, best edition,. Parisiis , 1726 . —2 1. 12s. 6 d. (Bunn.) FIFTH DAY’S SALE. MAY 1. 601 Cyrilli Hiersolymitani Opera, Gr. ct Lat. cum notis Millii 3 folio, Oxonii, 1/03.—12s. (Priestley".) 602 Cyrilli Hierosolymitani Opera, Gr. et Lat. ; Prevotii et Synesii Opera, Gr, et Lat. a Letavio 3 folio, bound by Walther, Pu¬ rism , 1531.—14s. (Priestley.) G'03 Cyrilli Hierosolymitani Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Touttei 3 folio, best edition, Parisiis, 1 / 20 . — 21. Is. (Evans.) 604 Cyrilli Alexandrini Opera, Gr. et Lat. folio, 7 vols. bound by Baumgarten, best edition, Lutetice regiis typis, Par. l63S.— lli. 5s. (Pl5 IESTLEY. ) 605 Cyrilli Confessio Christiana; Fidei, Gr. et Lat. 3 4to. bound in vel- lum, Geneve ?, 1633.—3s. (Priestley.) 606 Clemens Alexandrinus, Gr. et Lat. cum Potteri notis ; folio, 2 vols. large paper, best edition, Oxonii, 1715.— 5l. 12 s.6d. (Priest¬ ley.) 607 Barnabae Epistola Catliolica, Gr. et Lat. a Menardo 3 4to. bound in vellum, Parisiis, 1645.—Is. (Lunn.) 608 D’Aclierii Spicilegium Scriptorum, it Galliie Bibliotliecis j 4to 4 13 tom. Par. 1 655-77, — 5l. (Rees.) h 50 Fathers of the Church. Cog Barr.abae Epistola, Gr. ct Lat. et Hermae Pastor, cum nods : 12mo. Oxon. 1685.— Is. (Ingram.) 610 Dionysii Areopagitte Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Corderio; folio, 2 vols. best edition, Antv. 1634. — 1/. 13s. (Priestley.) 611 Paehymeris Paraphrasis in Dionysium Areopagitam Graecej 8vo. ap. Morell , 1561.—4s. (Priestley.) 612 Damasi Papae, cum notis j 12mo. Parisiis, 1672. — Is. (Elms- LEY.) 613 Epiplianii Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Patavio; folio, 2 vols. portrait, best edition, Parisiis, 1622. — 2 1. 18s. (Priestley.) 614 Episcopii Opera Omnia $ folio, 2 vols. best edition, Amst . 1650-1665.—2 1 . 14s. (Corrie.) 615 Eusebio Pamphilio della Preparatione Evangelica j 8vo. in vellum, Venet. 1550.—2s. (Keysall.) 616 Ililarii Petavicnsis Opera, a Monacliis Benedictinis 5 folio, best edition, Parisiis, 1693 — 2 1. (Priestley.) 617 Hipolyti Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Fabricii 3 folio, Ilamb. 1716 & 1718.—18s. (Hatchapd.) 618 Gregorii Nysseni Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Gretsero 5 Cyrilli Alexan- drini Sermoiles Pasebales, Gr. et Lat. ; et Glaphyra in Penta- teuchum, Gr. et Lat. Schotti: folio, 3 vols. best edition, extra 'a bound, Parisiis, l6l5.— il. 14s. 6 d. (Lunn.) 619 Cassiodori Opera, a Garetio Monaelio Benedictinoj folio, 2 vols. * \ t t best edition, Baton. 1679 .— 'll. 5s. (Priestley.) 620 Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Billio; folio, extra • * ► bound, Parisiis, 1609.—3 1 . 6 s. (Lunn.) • • ' • . J 621 Gregorii Thaumaturgi Macarii Egyptii et Basilii Scludiensis Opera, Gr. et Lat. j folio, Parisiis, 1622 . — ll. 4s. (Lu^n.) 622 G. Nazianzeni Invectivae in Julianum, Gr. a Montacutis 5 4to. Etoncx, 1610.—3s. 6 d. (Lunn.) 623 Gregorii Papae Dialogi 5 folio, fine copy, bound in Russia by Roger Payne, Veil. 147o.—U. 3s. (Lunn.) Fathers of the Church. 51 624 S. Grcgentii Disputatio cum Herbano Judaeo, Gr. et Lat. Gulloriii; Svo. ap. Morell, 1586.—Is. (Keysall.) 025 Blondelli Apologia pro Sententia Hieronsimi de Episcopis et Pres* byteris, 4to. Amst. 1646.—3s. (Dr. Routh.) 626 Hieronymi Epistolae; folio, 2 vols. in 1, line copy,bound in russia, gilt leaves, by Roger Payne, Venetice, 1476.—2 1. (Luns.) 62/ Hieronymi Opera Omnia, cum notis Monachcrum Benedictotum ; folio, 5 vols. best edition, Parisiis, 1603.—20 l. (Corrie.) 625 Clerici Qusestiones Hieronymianae ; 12mo. Amst. 1/00. — Js. (Corrie.) 62 g Jgnatii Epistolae et Polycarpi Epistola ad Philippienses, Gr. et Lat. ab Aldrich ; Svo. Oxon. 1/08.—2s. (Priestley.) 630 Ignatii Epistolae genuinae, cum Latina versione et notis Pearsoni; 4 to. Oxon. 1709.—17s. (IIatchard.) 631 Irenaeus, Gr. et Lat. a Grabe j folio, cuts, Oxon. 1702.—8s. (Porter.) 632 Irenaeus, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Masneti; folio, best edition, Parisiis, 1710.— 1/. 14s. (Priestley.) G32*Sanctus Ephraim Syrus, Gr.; folio, large paper, bound in red morocco, Oxon. 1709.— 14s. 6 d. (IIindley.) 633 Irenaei Fragmenta Anecdota, Gr. et Lat. a Grabio; 8vo. 2 tom. in 1, L. Bat. 1743.— Ss. (Priestley.) 634 Justini Martvris Apologiae duae, et Dialogus cum Tryplione Judaeo, Gr. et Lat. a Tliirlby; folio, large paper, Lond. 1722.—8s. (Rees.) . 635 Justini Martyris, Gr. et Lat. Opera Monachi Benedictini ; folio, best edition, Parisiis, 1742.—2 1. 12s. 6 d. (Lunn.) 636 Hippolytus de Antichristo, Gr. k Gudio ; 8vo. Lutet. l66l.—Is. (Priestley.) 637 Isidori Pelusiotae Epistolse, Gr. et Lat. & Rittersbusio et Schotto j folio, best edition, Parisiis, ap Morell , 1638. — 1 1. 11s. 6 d. (Rees.) 52 Fathers of the Church, (538 Blondelli Pseudo-Isodorus et Turrianus vapulantes; 4to. Genet?. 1028.—4s. Qtl . (Payne.) 639 Isidori Peleusiot® Epistol® inedit®, Gr. et Lat. aScholto; 8vo. Antverpice , 1623.—4s. (Dr. Burney.) 640 Isidoriane® Collectiones, a P. Possino; 8vo. Romce, 16/0.—10s. (Dr. Burney.) 641 S. Maximi Opera, Gr. & Lat. cum notis Combefisii ; folio, 2 vols. best edition, Parisiis, 1 6/5. — 1t. 14s. (Lunn.) 642 Macarii Homili®, Gr. j 8vo. tine copy, gilt leaves, Parisiis, ap. Morell, 1559. — 4s. (Lunn.) 643 Michaelis Apostolii Paroemi®, Gr. et Lat. cum Pantinoi notis ; 4to. L. Bat. 1619. — 3s. (Rees.) 644 Muzarii Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Pritio ; 12mo. with portrait, Lipsicr, 1714 .—4s. 6 d. (Keysall.) 645 Nili Opera nonduin edita, Gr. et Lat. il Possino ; 4to. tine copy, gilt leaves, duplicate from the King of France’s Library, Parisiis, e typographic regia, 1 657— 3s. 6 cl. (Lunn.) 646 Novatiani Opera, cum notis Jacksoni j 8vo. Lu?id. 1/28. —3 s. 6d. (Iyeysael.) 647 Origines Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Ruaeo; folio, 4 vols. best edition, Parisiis, 1733-50.— Ql. 5s. (Corrie.) 648 Hexapla Origenis et alia qu®dam Opuscula, Gr. et Lat. a Mont- faucon j folio, 2 vols. Parisiis, 1/13. — It. 4s. (Corrie.) 649 Hexapla Origenis, a Bahrdt; 8vo. 2 vols. Lipsice, 1769.—It. 2 s. (Priestley.) 650 Origenes de Oiatione, Gr. et Lat. 5 et Diadoehi Sermo contra Ari- anos, Gr. et Lat. a Wetstenio j 4to. Bas. 1694.—2s. (Cu- THELL.) 051 Origines de Oratione, Gr. et Lat. a Reading; 4to. Load. 1728.— 2s. 6 kl . (Cuthjell.) 1 C 52 Origenes contra Celsum, Gr. et Lat.; et Philopaliama, it Spencero ? 4to. Cant. 1677- — 1$< 6ct. (Rees.) Fathers and Councils. 83 653 Ilalloix, Origines Defensus; folio, Leod. 1048.— 2s. (Priest* ley.) 6,54 Pbotii Epistola, Gr. et Lat. a Montacutio; folio, best edition, bound by Waltber, large paper, London, 1(551.—125. (Priest¬ ley.) 655 Salvianus et Vinccntius Lirinensis Baluzii; 8vo. Parisiis, 1669.— IS. (CUTHELL.) 656 Tertulliani Opera Omnia, it Rigaltio folio, large paper, Parisiis, lf>75.— 31. (Corrie.) 057 Synesii Opera, Gr. et Lat. Petavii 5 folio, best edition, Lutet. Nevclle , 1612.— 1/. Is. (Priestley.) 658 Theophanis Ceremei Homiliie, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Scorsi; folio, Parisiis, 1044.— ps. (Lunn.) C59 Theodoreti Opera et Eutberii Tyanensis Sermones, Gr. et Lat. & Garnerio; folio, 5 vols. Parisiis, 1042-8.— Jl. (IIixdley.) 600 Tbeodoreti de Providentia Sermones 10, Gr. j 12mo. Romeo, 1545, —2s. (Cuthell.) 601 Tbeophylacti Comment, in Evangelia, Gr. et Lat. Par. 1035 ; et in D. Pauli Epistolas, Gr. et Lat. ; Lond. 1030 ■, 2 vols. folio, bound by Walther.— 3 l . ds. (Priestley.) (5G2 Tbeophylus Antiocbenus ad Autolvcbum, Gr. et Lat. ; 12mo. Oxon. 1084.— Is. 6 d. (Van Mildert.) 6G3 Theodoti Ancyrani Expositio in Symbolum Nicienum, Gr. et Lat. ab Ilolsteinioj 8vo. Romcc, l6Gp. —Is. 6 d. (Dr. Routh.) 604 Theopbylus, Gr. et Lat. cum Wolfii notis j 12mo. Ilamburgi? 1724.—5s. (Priestley.) 605 Tertullian Apologetique, par Giry; l2mo. Amstel. 1750.—2s. (Rees.) 660 Tertulliani Apologeticus, cum Conimentariis Havercampi j 8vo. Lug. Bat. 1718.— 5s. 6 d. (Rees.) 607 Tertuliianus de Pallio, cum notis Salmasiij 8vo. L. Bat . 1056.—< (Cuthell.) 5i Fathers and Councils. 669 Concilia Graeco-Latina SS. Ecclcsiae Labbaei et Cossartis; folio, 18 vols. Parisiis, 1671-2.—19Z. (Rees.) 670 Conciliorum Nova Collcctio Baluzii ; folio, Parisiis, 1683.— 5s. (Rees.) 671 Canones Apostolorum et SS. Conciliorum, Gr. a Tilio, Par. 1540; —et Theodoretus in Genesin et Exodum, Gr. Par. 1558; bound together in one 4to volume.— 10s. 6 d. (Dr. Routh.) 6 / 2 Tlieologornm aliquot Graecorum veterum Orthodoxorum Libri, Gr. et Lat. cum Gesnerii ad Athenagoram Notis; folio, 1559*—3s. (Wilson.) 673 Historia del Concelio Tredentino de Pietvo Soave Polano ; folio, large paper, with MS. notes, London, 1619-—14s. 6 d. (Lord Glenbervie.) 674 Palavicini Istoria del Concilio di Trente; folio, 2 vols. Romce, l65d.-r-2l. 12 s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 675 Lettres et Memoires de Vargas sur le Concile de Trente; fine por¬ trait of Sir Win. Turnbull before the dedication, Amst. 1699.— 6s. 6 d. (Lunn.) 676 Histoire du Concile de Trente par le Couraycr; folio, 2 tom. large paper. Loud. 1736 . — ISs. (Hindley.) 677 L’Enfant de la Guerre des Hussites et du Concile de Basle; 4ta. 2 tom. with many portraits, Amst. 1731.—11s. (Lord Hol¬ land.) 67s L’Enfant Histoire du Concile de Constance; 4to. many fine por- traits by Picart, &c. Amst. 171 4.— 1 5s. 6 d. (Lord Holland.) 679 Du Chastcnet nouvelle Histoire du Concile de Constance ; 4to. Par. 1718. —5 s. (Lunn.) 680 Sguropoli IIistoria Concilii Florentini, Gr. et Lat. a Creighton > folio, gilt leaves. Hag. Com. 1660.—10 s. 6 d. (Hare.) 6S0*Norisii Opera; folio, 4 vols. with portrait and allegorical frontis¬ piece, Vcronce, 1729.—3/. 13s. 6 d. (Payne.) 681 L Enfant du Concile du Pise; 4to. large paper, with many fine Councils and Commentators. 55 portraits by Houbraken and Picart, 2 vols. in 1, Amst. 1/24.— 1 1. 6s. (Lunn.) 682 Crackanthorpe’s Vigilius Dormitans ; folio, Lond. 1631.•—2 s. 6cl. (Dr. Routh.) 683 Ecclesi® Belgic® Confessio, Cathecliesis, Liturgia, et Canones Ec- clesiastici, Gr. 4to. in vellum, gilt leaves, L. Bat. 1648.— 3s. (Money.) 6S3*Liturgi® Chrysostomi et Basilii, Gr.j 4to. fine copy , ap. Pinellum, 1626. — 10s. 6d. (Lunn.) 684 Ecclesi® Anatolic® Orthodox® Confessio, Gr. mod. 3 8vo. richly bound in red morocco.' — ?s. (Lunn.) GS5 Curopalata de Officialibus Constantinopolitan® et de Ofiiciis Mag- n® Ecclesi®, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Agmonii 3 8yo. Lugd. 1588. * — 11s. 6d. (Lunn.) ' 'v 6S6 Maurocordati Liber de Officiis, Gr. et Lat. j 4to. with curious por¬ trait, Lips. 1722. —4 s. 6d. (Rees.) 687 Trommii Concordanti® Gr®c® in LXX Interprctes ; folio, 2 vols. hound in vellum, Amst. 1718.'— 3l. (Priestley.) 6SS Novi Testament! Concordanti®, Gr. a. Schmidio 3 folio. Lips. 17l7- —2 1. 2s. (Priestley.) 689 Hebrew Concoi dance, by Taylor 3 folio, 2 vols. bound in vellum/ London, 1754. — 5l. 12s. 6d. (Priestley.) 690 Sold with No. 794 . (Ingram.) 691 Poli Synopsis Criticorum in Vctus et Novum Testamentum; folio, 4 tom. in 5, London, 1669 . — 5l. (Priestley.) 692 Critici Sacri in Vetus et Novum Testamentum 3 folio, 8 vols. in 9# large paper, Amst. 1698 . —1 7 I. (Priestley.) 693 Cleriei Commentationes in Vetus et Novum Testamentum, cum Paraphrasi Latina 3 6 vols. folio, Amst. 1710-31.— Al. 4s. (Whitmore.) 694 Houbiganti Not® Critic® in universos Veter's Testamenti Libros j Councils and Commentators. 06 > (Eaton.) 4to. 2 vols. extra by Walther, Franc, ad Rhen. 1777.— 'Si. 4s. (Eaton.) 695 Capellorum (Lud. et Jac.) Comment, in Vetus Testamentum 3 folio, Amst. 1689.— 10s. 6d. (Priestley.) 695 Carpzovii Introductio ad Libros Veteris Testament! et Novi Testa¬ ment^ 4to. Lips. 1721 ad 1730.— 2 1. (Whitmore.) 697 Carpzovii Critica Sacra in Vetus Testamentum 3 4to. Lips. 1J2Q. — 1 1. 11s. (Dr. Burney.) 6gS Simon, Histoirc Critique du Vieil Testament3 4to.~ Rot. 1685. 699 Simon, Nouvelles Observationes sur le Textc et Aversion du N. Testament 5 4to. Paris, l6g5. 700 Simon, Histoire Critique du Texte de Nouveau Tes- j 2/. 8s. tament 5 4to. Roter. 1689. 701 Simon, Observations sur le Texte du Nouveau Tes¬ tament 3 4to. Roter. 1690. 702 Simon, Histoire des Principaux Commentateurs sur l le Nouveau Testament 3 4to. Roter. l6g3. J 703 Venem® Dissertationes select® ad Testamentum ; 4to. Leov. 1747* —12s. (Wilson.) 704 Procopius Gazseus in Octoteuclnim, Latine, 1555 3 et Onosandri Harmonia Evangclica, Gr. et Lat. 1561 3 folio.— 5 s. (Cuth- ell.) 705 Vriemoet ad selecta Veteris Testamenti Loca Adnotationcs 3 8vo. 3 vols. Franaq. 1743. — 18s. (Priestley.) 705*Fischeri Prolusiones de variis Locis Veteris et Novi Testamenti 5 8vo. Lips. 1 779-—3s. 6d. (Rees.) 706 Commentaries on tbe Scriptures, published by the Society for pro¬ moting the Knowledge of tbe Scriptures 3 Svo. vol. first.-—Is. 6d. (Dr. Rennel.) 707 Rephellii Aonotationcs historic® et philological in Vetus et Novum Commentators on the Scriptures. 57 Testamentum 3 8 vo. 2 vols. Lug. Bat. 1750.— 1 /. Is. (Hind^ ley.) 70S Winckleri Hypomnemata pliilologica et critiea in varia Veteris et Novi Testamenti Loca 3 12 mo. Hamb. 174 5.- — Is. (Cuthell.) 709 Zopsii Introductio ad Lectionem Veteris Testamenti, Lips. 1703 3 et Tychsen de variis Codicum Hebraeorum MSS. Veteris Testa¬ menti, Rostock, 1 77 2 j 8 vo.-— 3s. (Cuthell.) 710 Joannes Philoponi de Mundi Creatione et de Paschate, Gr. et Lat. aCotderio; 4to, Vien. 1630.—Is. (Cuthell.) 711 Lucae Brugensis in Sacra Biblia Notationes 3 4to. Antv. 1580.— Is. (Cuthell.) 712 Scott’s Notes and Observations on the 31st Chapter of Genesis 3 8 vo. London, 1753.—3s. 6d. (Lunn.) 713 Merseeni Quaestiones in Genesin 3 folio, Parisiis, 1023.—21. 2 s. (Payne.) 714 Francii Comment, in Leviticum 3 4to. Lips. 1696 .—is. (Dr. Gosset.) 715 Procopii Gazaei in Libros Regum et Paralipomendn Scholia 3 4to. L. Bat. 1620 — 2 s. 6d. (Priestley.) 716 Haitsma Curae Philologico-exegeticae in Genesin 3 4to. Francq. 1753.—4s. (Priestley.) 717 Hackmanni Animadversiones in Genesin, Exodum, et Leviticum 3 8 vo. L. Bat. 1735.—3s, (Priestley.) 718 Markii Dissertationes Philologicoe in quaedam Veteris Testament! Loca 3 4to. London, 1725.— 2 s. (Priestley.) 719 Lette in Deborae et Mosis Cantica 3 12 mo. bound by Walther, L. Bat. 1748 .—3s. 6d , (Cuthell.) 720 Apollinarii Interpretatio Psalmorum metrica Graec. 5 12 mo. bound by Baumgarten, ap. Turneb. 1552. — 2s. 6 d. (Dr. Gosset.) 721 Apollinarii Interpretatio Psalmorum, Gr. et Lat. 3 8 vo, ap. Bene- fiatum, 1580.—5s. (Cuthell.) 1 5 8 Commentators on the Scriptures. 721*Buchanani Paraphrasis Metrica Psalmorum; 12mo. Glasg. 1/05. — 5s. 6d. (Rees.) /22 Burkii Gnomon Psalmorum; 4to. 2 vols. bound by Walther, Stutg. 1760.'—1 1. 8 s. (Priestley.) 723 Dimock on the Psalms and Proverbs; 4to. Glocest.ljg 1.— gs. 6d. (Wilson.) 724 Catena Patrum Graeeorum Expositio in Psalmos et alios Scriptur* Cantica, Gr. et Lat.; folio, 3 vols. Ant. 1643.—14s. (Wintel.) 725 Glassii Philologia Sacra; 4to. with portrait, Amst. 1711.—7s. (Priestley.) 726 Psalmorum Metaphrasis Metrica, Gr. et Lat. a Duporto; 4to. with portrait of Charles II. by Hertochs, Cant. 1066. — Is. (Wintkll.) 727 Vatabli Annotationes in Psalmos, Hal. Mag . 1767 ; et Kennicot in Psalmos 42, 43, 48, 49, a Schultz; 8vo. bound by Walther, Lips. 1772.— 9 s. (Priestley.) 728 Street on the Psalms, with a literal version; 8vo. 2 vols. in one, London, 1790.— 5s. (Wilson.) 729 Scliultenii Comment, in Solomonis Proverbia; 4to. L. Bat. 1748. — 17 s. (Bates.) 730 Schultensii in Jobum Commentarii; 4to. 2 vols. in 1, L. B. 1737- — lZ. Is. (Bates.) 731 Nicetae Heracleensis Catena Graecorum Patrum in Jobum, Gr. et Lat.; folio. Land, 1637 .' —2s. (Cuthell.) 732 Comitoli Catena in Jobum; 4to. Ven. 1587-—5s. (Dr. Routii.) 733 Jobus Commentario et Metaphrasi illustratus a Vavassor; 8vo. Paris, 1737 .— 6d. (Dr. Gosset.) 734 Jolii Liber Graeco carmine redditus a Duporto, cum") Latina versione ; 12mo. Cant. 1653. J )>4s. (Rees.) 735 Scott’s Metrical Version of Job, with notes; 8vo. j London, 1773. J ,36 Dure 11 s Ci 11it al Rcmaiks on Job, Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Commentators on the Scriptures. 59 and Canticles, Oxf. 1//2 ; and Hunt’s Observations on the Pro¬ verbs, with two Sermons, Oxf, 1773 3 4to. — 1 1. Is. (Rees.) 737 Peter’s Critical Dissertation on Job; 4to. London, 1751.— Is. (Wilson.) 738 Reiske Conjecture in Jobum et Proverbia i 3 vo. Lips. 1779 .—5s. (Priestley.) 739 Solomonis Comment. Hebraieus ad Ruth, cum versione Latind, Gron. 17193 et Velthruse in Jobi capita 19 , 23, 29 3 12 mo. Lomg. \ 772 .— Is. 6 d. (Dr. Gosset.) 740 Cornelii de Wit Proverbiorum Elucidationes 3 Svo. Amst. 1766 .— 4s. (Priestley.) 741 Vitringa Observationes Sacrs 3 4to. 2 vols. bound in vellum, Franeq. 1712 .— 1 1. 19 s. (Rees.) 742 Vitringa in Apocalypsin j 4to. Leucoph. 1721 — 12 s. 6d. (Rees.) 743 Vitringe Commentarius in Isaiam 3 folio, 2 vols. bound in vellum, Leovard. 1724.—3 1. 13s. 6 d. (Rees.) 744 Vitringa de Synagoga veteri 3 4to. Leucop. 1726 . — 19 s. (Rees.) 745 Vitringae Doctrina Christianae Religionis; 4to. Arnhem, 1761 .— 1 1 . Is. (Payne.) 746 Kimchii in Isaiam Comment, a Malanimeo; 4to. Florent .— 7 s. (Berlemdina.) 747 Michaelis Syntagma Commentationum 3 4to. 3 vols. Goetting. 1759 - 67 - 69 .—1 1. 12 s. (Rees.) 748 Wesselingi Diatribe de Judaeorum Arcliontibus 3 8 vo. bound in vellum, Traj. Rhen. 1748. —6 s. (Priestley.) 749 Esthers Historia Greco carmine donata aBarnesio," cum Latind versione et scholiis Grecis 3 Svo. Lond. 1679 750 Jachide Paraphrasis in Danielem 3 4to. bound in vellum, Amst. 1633 v 5s. (Priestley) > SIXTH BAY’S SALE. MAY 2. 751 NEWTON’S Observations on Daniel ancl the Apocalypse 3 4to. London, 1733.—7s. (Priestley.) 752 Marshall’s Chronological Treatise on the 70 Weeks of Daniel 3 8 vo. London, 1725.— 2s. 6d. (Collins.) 753 Geicri in Ecclesiasten Comment. 5 4to. Lips. 1730.—3s. 6 d . (Priestley.) 754 Simonis Opuscula Critica) 4to. Edinburgh 16S5. — 2 s. (Eaton.) 755 Drusii Notie in Ecclesiasticurn, &c.; 4to. Franak. 1596. — Is. (Priestley.) 755 Prophetia Jonae ex yEthiopico in Latinum versa, cum notis Petraei 3 4 to. L. B. 1660. — 5s. 6d. (Priestley.) 757 Plarenbergii Amos Proplieta Expositus 3 4 to L. Bat. 1703.— 6 s. (Priestley.) 758 Burkio Gnomcn in 12 Prophetas Minores 3 4to. hound by Waltlier, Heilbrone, 1753.— l6s. (Priestley.) 759 Marckii in Hoscam Commentarius 3 4to. Amstel. 1696.' — 3s. (Priestley.) 76 0 Abarbanelis Comment, in Hoseam, k F. ab. Hussen 3 4 to. L. Bat. 1688.—3s. Qd. (Coates.) Commentators on the Scriptures. 61 761 Kromayerius in Vaticinia Hoseae, Joelis, Amosi 3 Svo. Amst. 1730. —2s. (Priestley.) 762 Wakii Expositio Hoseae 3 Svo. Ratisb. 17 H. — 6d. (Dean of Winchester.) 763 Marckii in Apocalypsin Commentarius 3 4to. Traj. ad. Rh. 1699 .— 2s. (Priestley.) 764 Venemae Comment, in Malacliiam 3 4to. Leov. l/5g. —4s. 6d. (Priestley.) 765 Dodderidge’s Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament, with notes, and the cuts 3 6 vols. 4to. best edition, bound by John¬ son, Rond. 1761. — 5l. 17s. 6d. (Priestley.) 766 Bcausobre Remarques historiques et critiques sur le Nouveau Test. 3 4to. Hope , 1742.—1 1 . 3s. (Rrooksbank.) 767 Bengelii Gnomon Novi Testamenti 3 2 vols. 4to. bound by Walther, Tubing. 1773,— ]l. Qs. (Priestley.) 7 G 8 Georgii Vindiciae Novi Testamenti, ab Ebraismis j 4to. Francof. 1732.—5s. 6d. (Priestley.) 769 Novum Testamentum ex Talmude et Haebraeorum Antiquitatibus illustratum, a Meuschen 3 4to. bound in vellum, Lipsicc , 173G. — 17 s. (Collins.) 770 Altmanni Meletemata inDifliciliora Nov. Test. Joca 3 4to. T. ad Rh. 1753.—6s. (Payne.) 771 Schaetgenii Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae in Novum Testamentum j 4to. Dresden, 1733.—1/. 2s. (Payne.) 7/2 Georgii Hierocritieus Novi Testamenti ue Stylo ab Idiotismis vindi- cato et de Latinis 3 4to. JVitteb. 1733.— 7 s. (Priestley.) 773 AVitsii Exercitationes in Symbolum Apostolicum et Orationem Do- minicam 3 4to. 1 G 97 . —9s. (Priestley.) 774 Michaelis Notae Criticae et Exegeticae in Novum Testamentum 3 4 to. bound by Walther, Lips. 1728. — /s. (Priestley.) 775 Hombergi Obscrvationes in Novum Testamentum 3 4to. Traj. ad Rh. l6l2. — 4s. (Priestley.) 62 $ Commentators on the Scriptures. 775*Cauanii Hellenismus et explicatio Locorum alicjuot Novi Testa¬ menti, & Crenio ; 12 mo. Amst. 1/00.— Is. 6 d. (Priestley.) 776 Rhenfcrdi varii Auctores de Stylo Novi Testamenti j 4to. Leov, 1701.—5s. (Dr. Gosset.) 777 Marckii Dissertationes ad Selectos Novi Testamenti Textus; 4to. L. Bat. 1721.—8s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 778 Trapp’s Explanatory Notes on the Four Gospels ; 8 vo. Oxf. 1 775. —2s. 6 d. (Wilson.) 779 Hallet on some Texts of Scripture, with Discourses and Observa¬ tions j 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1729-30. — ll. 2s. (Wilson.) 780 Ottii Spicilegium, ex Flavio Josepho ad Novi Tes-"| tamenti Illustrationem, cura Havercampi j 8 vo. ^ 10 s. (id. Lug. Bat. 1741 j (Dr.Routh) 730*Another Copy. J 781 Krebsii Observations in Novum Testamentum e FI. Josepho 8 vo. bound by Walther, Lipsice, 1 J55. — 10 s, (Priestley.) 782 Rosenmulleri Scholia in Novum Testamentum j 8 vo. 2 vols. bound by Johnson, Norimb. 1777- — 15s. (Dr. Burney.) 783 Elsneri Observationes Sacrae in Novum Testamentum; 8 vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1720. — 19s. 6 d. (Cuthell.) 784 Kypke Observationes Sacrae in Novum Testamentum 5 8 vo. 2 vols. Vratisl. 1 755.— ll. Is. (Priestley.) 785 Jones’s Method for setting the Canon of the New Testament; 8 vo. 4 vols. in 2, London, 1726.—13s. 6 d. (Brooksbank.) 786 Keuchenii Annotata in Novum Testamentum ; Svo. L. B. 1755.— 10s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 787 Pseudo-Critica Millio Bcngeliana de variis Novi Testamenti Graeci Leetionibus, ii Bode 5 2 vols. 8vo. Hal. Mag. 1767. — 18s. (Priestley.) 788 Wetstenii Libelli ad Crisen Interpret. Nov. Test. Illustrat. a Sem- lerj Svo. bound by Walther, Halce, 1/66 .—13s. (May.) Commentators on the Scriptures. 63 789 Palairet Observationes philologicae et criticae in Novum Testamen¬ tum ; 8vo. L. B. 1752.— 5s. 6d. (Brooksbank.) 790 Stosch Commentatio de Librorum Novi Testamenti Canonej 12 mo. Franc. 1 755.— 10s. (Priestley.) 791 Hagenbuchii Novi Testamenti Glossarium ; 8 vo. Tigur. 1744.— 8 s. (Priestley.) 792 Analecta Sacra Doughtaei et Knatchbull in Novum Testamentum,; 8 vo. bound in vellum, Amst. l6Q3. — 2s. (Cox.) 793 Langii Observationes Sacrae in varia Novi Testamenti loca, et in Euripidis Phcenissas ; 12 mo. Lubec. 1737-— 5s. (FIeber.) 794 Apocryphus Codex Novi Testamenti, Gr. et Lat. a"j Fabricio ; 12 mo. 4 vols. Hamb. 1 / 19 ^ lZ. I Is. 690 Veteris Testamenti Codex Pseud. Fabricii, Gr. et j (Ingram.) Lat.j 2 vols. 12 mo. with portrait, Hamb. 1722 J 795 Raphelii Annotationes in Novum Testamentum, cum praefatione Fetch ii ; 12mo. Hamb.lJ20.‘ — 5s. 6d. (Payne.) 796 Ernesti Institutio Interprets Novi Testamenti j 12mo. Lips. 1/75. —10s. (Priestley.) 797 Fabricii Observationes Selectaj in Novum Testamentum; 8 vo. Hamburg. 1712. —4 s. (FIeber.) 798 Stockii Interpres Grait-us Novi Testamenti; 12mo. Jence, 1 / 26 . — 3s. (Priestley.) 799 Muntlie Observationes in Novum Testamentum, Hafn. 1755; et Velthusen in Job, Lengov. 1772 ; 12mo. — 4 s. 6d. (Payne.) 800 Vallae Laurentii Annotationes in Novum Testamentum; 12 mo. Basil. 1541.— 7 s . 6d. (Heber.) 801 Pfafii de Genuinis Novi Testamenti; 12 mo. Amstel. I/O 9 .— 2 s. 6d. (Heber.) S 02 Blackvvall's Sacred Classics defended and illustrated; 8 vo. 2 vols. London , 1737-—6s* (Hindley.) 803 Catena Graecorum Patrum in S. Lucam, Latino a Corderio; folio. Ant. 1628 . — 3s. (Wilson.) 64 Commentators on the Scriptures. 803*Pricaei Comment, ad Novum Testamentum ; folio, Lond. l 660 .—« 6 s. 6d. (Heeer.) 804 Harduini Comment, in Novum Testamentum j folio, Amst. 1741. —8s. (Coates.) 805 Bowyer’s Critical Conjectures and Observations on the New Tes¬ tament 5 4to. bound by Walther, London, 1782 .— \l. 13s. (Collins.) 80S Theophylactus in Evangelia et Acta Apostolorum, Gr. Romce, 1542; et in Acta Apostolorum, Gr. et Lat.; folio, bound in one vol. Col. 1568.-— 2l.4s. (Cox.) 807 Semleri Paraphrasis et Notae in Evangelium Johannis j 8 vo. 2 tom.* en 1 , Hal. Magd 1 771-—14s. (May.) 8 0 9 Pearce’s (Bp.) Commentary, with Notes on the Evangelists and Acts; 2 vols. 4to. portrait, extra bound by Walther, London, 1777 * — H. 12 s. (Priestley.) 810 Kocheri Analecta Philologia et Exegetica in 4 Evangelia 5 4to. with portrait, Alernb. 1766.—13s. (Priestley.) 811 Fabricii (J. Alb.) Salutariis Lux Evangelii toti Orbi exoriensj 4 to. bound in vellum, ILamb. 1731.—13s. (Bates.) 812 De Haas, Specimen Critieum in Evangelistica; 8 vo. bound in vel¬ lum, Traj. Rh. 1758.—3s. (Priestley.) 813 Machniglit’s Truth of the Gospel History j 4 to.' bound in russia, London, 1763 S14 Mackniglit’s Harmony of the Gospels, with a Para¬ phrase and Notes ; 4to. bound in russia, London, , 11 . 12 s. 6 d. (CUTHELL.) 1761 815 Priestley’s Harmony of the Evangelists, in Greek and English; 4 to. London, 1777 •—15s. 6 d. (S. Smith.) 816 Tornardi Harmonia Evangelicaj folio, Amstel. 1707 .— 7 s. 6 d. (Coates.) 8 l 6 *Clerici Harmonia Evangelica; best edition, folio, Amstel. 1699 .-^- 4s. 6 d. (Smith.) Commentators on the New Testament . 60 817 Bp. Newcome’s Harmony of the Gospels; folio, Dublin , 1778.— 1 1 . 12s. (Smith.) 818 New Testament, translated by Newcome, with notes; royal 8vo. 2 vols. Dublin, 1796*— -li. 18s, (Priestley.) 819 Guyse’s Exposition of the Evangelists, with notes; 4to. London , 1739*—(Priestley.) 820 D’Autreinii de Clangore Evangelii Dissert&tiones j 12mo. Amstel. 1714.—Is. 6d. (Priestley.) 821 Vriemoet Observationes in 5 prima Capita Matthaei et Epist. ad Coloss. 11—10 j 12mo. Traject , 1728.— Is. (Coates.) 822 Elsneri Commentarius in Mattheum, cum notulis Stoschii; 2 vols. 4to. bound in vellum, Traj. ad Rhen. 1773 823 Elsneri Commentarius in Marcum, cum notulis Stoschii 3 4to. bound in vellum, Traj. ad Rh. ,> 2 1. 2s. (Priestley) 1773 J 824 Olearii Observationes Sacrae in Matthaeum; 4to. Lips. 1713. — 4s. 6 d . (Heber.) 825 S. Marci Evangelium Notis, OperS, et studio Heupelii j 8vo. Argentorati, 1716.—4s. (Priestley.) 826 Catena Graecorum Patrum in Evangelium S. Marcii, Gr. et Lat, viPassinoj folio, Romce, 1670. — 3s. (Wilson.) 827 Wesseling Probabelium, et Observationes 5 Svo. bound in vellum, Ultraject. 1731.—11s. 6d. (Heber.) 828 Artimonii Initium S. Johannis, ex antiq. Eccles. restitutum j 2 vols. 8vo. 1726.—6s. (Hatchard.) 829 Nonni Paraphrasis in S. Johannem, Gr. et Lat. cum Herorsii Exer- citationibus j 8vo. L. B. 1627.—2s. 6d. (Evans.) 830 Langii Exegesis Epistolarum S. Johannis ; 4to. Hal. Sax. 1713.— 3s. 6d. (Cuthell.) K 66 Commentators on the N. 7 T . and Jliseel. Divinity. 831 Catena Graecorum Patrum in S. Johannem, Gr. et Lat. k Corderio ; folio. Ant. 1630.— 3s. (Wilson.) 832 Philips’s Greek explained, with Notes on the first Epistle to the Thessalonians; 4to. London, 1751.— Is. (Dr. Gosset.) 833 Vorstii Commentarius in omnes Epistolas Epistolicas; 4to. Amst. 163 1 .-— 5s. 6d. (Dr. Raine.) 834 Pyle’s Paraphrase on the Acts and the Epistles ; 2 vols. Svo. 1765. —8s. (Priestley.) 835 Pearsii et Bensoniis in Epistolas ad Hebraeos et S. Jacobi, & Michael ; 4t o. Hal. Mag. 1747-— 13s. (Priestley.) 836 Carpzovii Sacrae Exercitationes in S. Pauli Epist. ad Hebraeos ; 8 vo. Helmstad. 1750.—13s. (Heber.) 837 Fell’s Paraphrase on St. Paul’s Epistles 5 8vo. Lond. 1 / 02 . — 3s. (Coates.) 838 Turretini Prelectiones in cap. xi Epistolae ad Romanos; 4 to. Lausan. 1741.— ls.6d. (Heber.) 83C) Carpzovii Structura Theologica et Critica in Epist. S. Pauli ad Romanos; Svo. Helmst. 1758. — 6 s. (Heber.) 840 Lutherus in Pauli Epistola ad Galatos, fine copy, Vetal. 1535.— 16s. 6d. (Heber.) 841 Semleri in Secundam ad Corinthios Epistolam; Svo. Halo;, 1 776.— 6s. (May.) 842 Semleri in Epistolam ad Romanos et Primam ad Corinthios; Svo. 2 tom. in 1 , 1769-70. — 5s. (May.) 843 Alexander’s Paraphrase on the xvth Chapter of the 1 st of Corin¬ thians, with various Sermons, bound together; 4to. London, 1766. —13s. 6d. (Coates.) 844 Turretini Commentarius in Epistolas ad Thessalonicensis; 8vo. BOS . 1739.-2S. (CUTHELL.) 845 Witgii Meletemata Leidensia; 4 to. L. Bat. 1703.— 6 s. 6d. (CUTHELL.) Miscellaneous Divinity , 67 S46 Leighton's Select Works, with his Life, and por-' trait: 8vo. Edinb. 1746 195 . Qd. €47 Leighton’s Expository Works, chiefly to the New > ( < Cuthell ^ Testament, with portrait} 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1748 848 Galloway on the Revelations; Svo. London, 1802 . — 3s. Qd. (Wilson.) 849 Clarke's (Dr. Samuel) Works; 4 vols. folio, large paper, portrait by Vertue, London, 1738 .— 5 /. (S. Smith.) 850 Grotii Opera Omnia Theologica ; 4 vols. folio, Amst. 1679 . 2l. (CUTHELL.) 851 Hoadley’s Works; 3 vols. folio, fine portrait, London, 1773 — 2 1. 15 s. (Lord Essex.) 852 Dr. Hammond’s Works; 4 vols. folio, London, 1684.— ll 7s. (Dr. Raine.) 853 Barrow’s Works, by Tillotson; folio, 3 vols. in 2, best edition, London, 1741. — 2 1. 10s. (Triphook.) 854 Tillotson’s Works; 3 vols. folio, portrait by Ravenett, London, 1752.— 2 1. 12s. (Dean of Winchester.) 855 Lightfoot’s Works; 2 vols. folio, fine portrait by White, London, 1684 .— 2 1 . 3 s. (Brooksbank.) 856 Bp. Hooper’s Works; folio, London, 1757 .— 8s. (S. Smith.) 857 Petavii Dogmata Theologia; 3 vols. folio, portrait, London, 1700.—1 l. 8s. (Payne.) 858 Stillingfleet’s Works; 6 vols. folio, portrait by White, London, 1701-10.— il. 14 s. Qd. (S. Smith.) 859 Lamindus Pritanius de Ingeniorum Moderatione in Religione; 4to Ven. 1727.—Is. (Cuthell.) 860 Anthonini, Archiep. Florentini, Summa, Theologize; folio, bound in russia, the capital letters richly Uluminated, and curious engraved portrait, Venetice, 1477.—19 s * (Booth.) 6a Miscellaneous Divin ity. 861 Newton’s (Bp.) Works; 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1782.— 2l.\Qs. (Booth.) 8j2 Stukeley’s Palaeographia Sacra; 4to. Lond. 1763.— 5s. (Lord Essex.) 863 Sancti Fulgentii Opera; 4to. Parisiis, 1684. — Is. (Wilson.) 864 Liraborch Arnica Collatio cum erudito Judaeo Goudse ; 4to. 1687. — lls. 6d. (Cadell.) 865 Cardinal Richelieu’s Methode de Convertir les Separez de l’Eglise ; 4to. Paris, 1663. — 3s. 6d. (Watson.) 866 Hale’s Golden Remains ; 4to. with frontispiece, London , 1673.■— 2s. 6d. (Watson.) 867 Gabrielis Severi Opuscula de Fide Ecclesiae Orientalis, Gr. et Lat.; 4 to. Par. 1671. — 4s. 6d. (Dr. Routh.) 868 Vaticinia Chabacuci ec Nachumi explicata, a Kalinsky; 4to. Vratisl. 1748. — 14s. 6d. (Heber.) 869 Guillielmi Durandi Rationalis Divinorum Officiorum Celebran- dorum ; folio, fine copy, rare, bound in russia, by Roger Payne, Romeo, 1479- — 2 l. 8s. (Heber.) 870 Michaelis Spicilegium Geographic Hebrcornm exterc post Bochar- tum; 4to. bound by Baumgarten, Goeting. 1769.—1 Is. 6d. (Eaton.) 871 Falkener’s posthumous Treatises and Sermons; 4to. with portrait, London, 1684. — 2s. 6d. (Van Mildert.) 872 Scharbau Observationes Sacrae in Vetus et Novum Testamentum; 4to. 3 vols. bound in vellum, Lub. 1731. — 1 1. 4s. (Heber.) 873 Hilleri Onomasticum Sacrum; 4to. bound in vellum, Tubin, 1706. — 6s. 6d. (Heber.) 875 Deylingi Observationes Sacrae; 4to. 5 vols. hound in 4, Lipsue, 1735-8.—2 1 . 12 s . (Priestley.) 876 Ikenii Dissertationes Philologico-theologicae in diversa Veteris et Novi Testamenti Loca; 4to. 2 vols. bound by Walther, L. Bat. 1749.— ll . 3 s . (Priestley.) Miscellaneous Dlimitg. m > 13s. 6d. (Dr. Raine.) 577 Witsii Miscellanea Sacra; 4to. 2 vols. with portrait, Hcrbona e, 1712 .— 19 s. (Heber.) 5 78 Pithaei Opera Sacra, Jnridica, Historica, Miscellanea j 4to. extra bound, Parisiis, 1609 .—l 6 s. 6d. (Dr. Routh.) 5 79 Frocli Constantinopolitani Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Riccardo; 4to. Romce, 1(530.—Is. 6d. (Money,) 380 Van Dale de Oraculis Ethicorum, de Statu& Simonis* Magi, et Actis Pilati 5 4to. with cuts, Amstel. 1700 •381 Van Dale de Origine et Progress^ Idololatriae, et de Divinationibus Idololatricis Judaeorum $ 4 to. Amstel. 1696 382 Millii Dissertationes selectae ; 4to. L. B. 1743.— 6 s. 6d. (Priest¬ ley.) S83 Fabricius de Christo unico ae perpetuo Ecclesiae Fundamento j 4 to. elegant in vellum, L. Bat. 1717 •— 12s. 6d. (Heber.) 384 Fabriciis Christologia Noachica et Abrahartiica • 4 to. L. Bat. 1727 . —Us- (Bates.) 385 Fabriciis Delectus Argumentorum et Syllabus Scriptorum, qui Christian* Religionis Veritatem asseruerunt • 4to. with engraved frontispiece, Hamb. 1725.— 7 s • 6 d. (Priestley.) 886 Genselii Observationes Sacrae ; 4to. Lips. 1733.— 8 s. 6d. (Heber.) 887 Praeadamitae 5 4to. bound in vellum, 1655.—5s. (Dr. Butler.) 8 S 8 Hilleri Commentarius de Plantis quaram in Sacra Scriptur& mentio facta est, &c.; 4to. bound in vellum, Tad Rh. 1725.• _ 8 s. (Priestley.) 889 Ewaldi Emblemata Sacra; 3 vols. 4to. Lips. 1732.—13s. (Priest¬ ley.) 89 0 Michaelis Curae in Versionem Syriacam Actuum Apostolorum, cum aliis Commentationibus; 4to. Goeting, 1/55.—lZ. 8 s, (Pribst- LEY.) 70 Miscellaneous Divinity. 891 Pizzoli Dissertationi Teologiche intorno a gli Angeli; 4to. Napol. 1745.—2s. 6d. (Coates.) 892 Adriani Isagoge Sacrarum Literarum et Antiquissimorum Grae¬ corum in Prophetarum Fragment a, ab Haeschelio ; 4to. Aug. Vindel. 1602. — 2s. 6d. (Dr. Routh.) 893 Outram de Sacrifices ; 4to. Lond. 1677 .—Is. {Money.) 894 Hulsii Authentia Absoluta Textus Hebraei 5 4to. Roter. 1662. — 3s. (Coates.) 895 Potter’s Theological Works; Svo. 3 vols. large paper, Oxf. 1753.—< 6s. Qd. (Coates.) 896 Lord Barrington’s Miscellanea Sacra, by his Son, the Bishop of Durham; 8vo. 3 vols. best edition, Lond. 1770. — 14s. (Trip- hook.) 897 Maclaurin on the Prophecies relating to the Messiah; 8vo. Edinb. 1773.— is. (Wilson.) 898 Balguy on Benevolence and Redemption; 8 vo. London, 1781.— 10s. 6d. (Payne.) 899 Priestley’s Theological Repository; 8 vo. 5 vols. London, 1769 - 86.—l6s. Qd. (Wilson.) 9 00 Bishop Hare’s Works; 8 vo, 4 vols. London, 1755. —4s. Qd. (Ridley.) SEVENTH ®AY 3 S SALE. MAY 3. 901 GERARD on tlie Genius and Evidence of Christianity; Svo. hound by Johnson, London, 1766- — 5s. 6d. (Brooksbank.) 902 Barclay’s Apology for the Quakers; Svo. London, 1736.'—3s. (Dalton.) 903 Whitby, Observationes philologico-criticie, de variis Millii Lectio- nibus in Novum Testamentum, cum prsefatione Havercampi; Svo. L. Bat. 1733. — 8 s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 904 Kettlewell’s Measures of Obedience ; 8 vo. London, 1696. —Is. (Van Mildert.) 905 Weston’s Enquiry into the Rejection of Christian Miracles by the Heathens; 8vo. Carnb. 1746. —Is. 6d. (Brooksbank.) 906 Leighton’s Theological Lectures; Svo. London, 1763. — 5s. 6d. (Brooksbank.) 907 Bell's Authority, Nature, and Design of the Lord’s Supper ; Svo. London, 1781.—1 s.6d. (S. Smith.) 908 Hardy on the principal Prophecies of the Old and New Testament 5 Svo. London, 1775.“—Is. (Money.) 909 Benson on the Reasonableness of Christian Religion ; 8 vo. London, 1746.—-2s. (Dalton.) 72 Miscellaneous Divinity . 910 Lucas’s Practical Christianity; 8vo. London, }?2 4.- — Is. (Priest- LEY.) 911 Orr’s Theory of Religion ; 8vo. London, 1 762 .— (id. (Dr. Gosset.) 912 Celsius de Plantis S. Seriptur® ; 8 vo. 2 vols .Amst. 1/48.— ll. 6 s. (Duke of Norfolk.) 913- Holtii Dissertationes Theologic®, L. Bat. 1/32;.—et Talsteri Amoenitates Philologies; 8 vo. Amst. 1729 .— 2 s. 6d. (Payne.). 914 Scheidius ad Canticum Hiskie, c. 38. q. 20 . ; 8 vo. L. Bat. 1769. — 4s. 6d. (Priestley.) 915 Harenberci Otia Sacra; 8 vow Traj. ad. Rh. 1740 .—Is. (Db. Gosset.) 916 Bullerii Dissertationum Sacrarum Sylloge; 8 vo. Amst. 1750.-— 2s. (Priestley.) 917 Hody’s Resurrection of the same Body, 1694;—Jeffery’s Christianity the Perfection of all Religion, 1728 ;—Jones on the former part of St. Matthew’s Gospel; 8 vo. London, 1719-— Is. (S. Smith.) 9 1 8 Rogers on the Civil Establishment of Religion; 8 vo. London > 1727 .— 6 d. (S. Smith.) 919 Van Marie, Observations Saciae in Veteris et Novi Testamenti libros; 8 vo. bound in vellum, Davent. 1742.— 5s. 6d. (Payne.) 919 '*Noesselti ad Iuterpretationem Sacrarum Scripturarum fasciculus; 8 vo. Halce, 177 1 -— 2 s. (Priestley.) 920 Falkener’s Christian Loyalty; 8 vo. London, 1679 .- 1 $. (Dean or Winchester.) 921 Hanway on the Sacrament; 12 mo. London, 1777 \ w Qd 022 Ferrarius de Ritu Sacrarum Ecclesiae veteris Con- > _ y C (Payne.) cionum; 8 vo. Ultra. 1692 j 923 Millii Dissertationes Selectae; 12 mo. T. ad Rh. 1724.— Is. (Priestley.) 924 Khrumbolzii Animadversiones Sacrae in Loca selecta Novi Testa¬ menti ; 12mo. Norimb . 1737*—2s. (Priestley.) 925 Narrative of the Proceedings against the Bishop of St. Asaph, with Miscellaneous Divinity. 73 > Is. (Smith.) MS. additions 3 12 mo. privately printed, London, 1702.—- Is. (Dalton.) {)26 Petri de Marca Dissertationes posthumae 5 Svo.“) Paris, 1669 927 Burnett’s Discourse of the Pastoral Care, 1692 3 - and Examination of the Methods of the French Clergy for the Conviction of Protestants 3 8 vo. London, 1(383 J 928 Cassiodori ComplexioneS in Epistolas et Acta Apostolorum et Apocalvpsin, a Scipione Matfeoj 12 mo. Horen. 1721. — 6d- (Clarke.) 929 Maii Observationes Sacrae ad diversa Veteris et Novi Testamenti Loca 3 12mo. Franc, ad Mcen. 1732. — 2s. 6d. (Dr. Gosset.) 930 Schlichteri Observationes in utriusque Foederis Libros 3 12 mo. Brcemce, 1732.— 2s. (Priestley.) 9 31 Reinardi Institutiones Theologiae dogmaticae, ab Hirtis ; 8 \o. Lips. 1770.—Is. (Priestley.) 932 Opuscula Sacra veterum aliquot Galliae et Belgii Scriptorurnj 12 mo. L. Bat. 1692 .— Is. (Dr. Routh.) 933 Bp. Gibson’s Three Pastoral Letters 3 12mo. London, 1735. — Is. ( Money. J 934 Dionysii Opuscula, Gr. 3 12 mo. ap Junt. 1516.—Is. 6d. (Payne.) 935 Barrow’s Spital Sermon, lf)80 3 and Letter on the Necessity of Divine Revelation j 12mo. 1727 936 Detrio Vindiciae Areopagitae j 12 mo. Ant. 1607 937 Voighting de Altaribus veterum Christianorum 3 8 vo. Hamb. 1709 . —2s. (Clarke.) 938 Fenelon Instruction Pastorale 3 12mo. Cambray, 1715 .— 6d. (Dean of Winchester.) 940 Michaelis Observationes Sacrae 3 12 mo. Traj. ad Rh. 1738 . — 6d. (Money.) Is. (Clarke.) J. 74 Miscellaneous Divinity. 941 Laubrussel des Abus de la Critique en Matiere de Religion ; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1710.— Is. (Dr. Gosset.) 942 Arnaud de la frequente Communion ; 12mo. 2 tom. Orl. 1669'—* 6 d. ( Money. J 943 Sermon of the Paschal Lamb, Saxon and English; l8mo. im¬ printed by John Day, London. — Is. 6 d. ( Money J 944 Bertramnus de Corpore et Sanguine Domini, avec la Version d’Alex. j 18mo. 1673. —6 d. (Hatchard.) 945 Salviani Opera 5 12mo. fine copy, in rich old binding, ruled with red lines, Par. ap Marnef. 1594.— 8s. 6 d. (Clarke.) 946 Bossnet Traite dc la Communion sur les deux Especes ; 18mo. Amst. 1685.—6 d. (Reynolds.) 947 Entretiens sur Diverses Matieres de Tlieologie ; 181110 . Par. l682.>— 6 d. (Reynolds.) 948 Iheolog. de la Presence de Dieuj I 81110 . Co log. \ Is. (Priestley) 1710 949 Lydii Agonistica Sacra; 18mo. Roter. 1657 J 95 0 Bull’s (Bp.) Life and Works, by Nelson; 8 vo. 4 vols. large paper, London, 1713.— lZ. 3s. (Priestley.) 951 Bulli Opera j folio, Loud. 1703.—14s. (Payne.) 95 2 Marii Mercatoris Opera, a Garnerio 5 folio, 2 tom. in 1 , Par. 1673.— 11s. (Payne.) 953 Discourses on the Principal Controversies between Protestants and Papists ; folio, 3 vols. London, 1738.— lZ. 3s. (Wilson.) 954 Amphilocliii Opera, Gr. et Lat. Cretensis; folio. Par mis , 1644 .— 18s. (Priestley.) 955 Hodius de Textibus Bibliorum Originalibus j folio, Oxon. 1/05. _ 11 s. 6d. (Payne.) 956 Laud’s Conference with Fisher; folio, London, 1673 .— 2 s. 6d. (Reynolds.) 957 Carron, Remoustrantia Hibernorum; folio, 1665.—3s. (Dean of Winchester.) Miscellaneous Div in ily. 75 95 S Arnauld Renversement cle la Morale^>ar les Calvinistes; 4 to. Paris, 16/2. —3s. 6 d. (Hatchard.) 959 Pearsonii Vidiciae Epistolarum S. Ignatii; 4 to. Cant. 1 672. — 13s. (Dr. Burney.) 960 Usserii Historia Dogmatica de Scriptoribus, cum auctario Whartoni; 4 to. Lund. 1690. — 2s. (Payne.) 961 Cuperi Arcana Atlieismi; 4to. Rotterdam, 1(576.'—Is. (Reynolds.) 962 Arnauld Apologie de Jansenius; 4to. 1(344.—1 s.Qd. (Dean of Winchester.) 9(53 Aristae Historia LXXII Interpretum, et Historia Baptismorum, Gr. et Lat. h Vandale ; 4 to. Amstel. 1705. —Is. (Reynolds.) g64 Eniedino de Trinitatis Dogmate in Veteri et Novo Testamento; 4 to. sine loco aut anno. — 3s. 6d. (Money.J 965 Valentini Gentilis justo Capitis supplicio damnati Historia ; 4 to. Genev. 1 567. —Is. Qd. (Money. ) 96O South, Tritheism charged on Sherlock’s Notions of the Trinity; 4to. London, 1695.—4s. (Wilson.) 967 South on Sherlock’s Vindication of the Trinity; 4 to. Lond, 1693. — Is. (Wilson.) 969 Accolti de Bello a Christianis contra Barbaros' gesto ; 4to. Florent. 1623 970 Rhenferdii Opera Philologica, T. ad Rhen. 1722 } 971 ArminiiOperaTheologica; 4to. L. Bat. 1629.—2 s.Qd. (Reynolds.) 973 Holstenii Collectii Romana Bipartita; 8vo. Romce, 1(562.—2s. (Dr. Routh.) 974 Fabricy Considerations Critiques de la R£v<*lation; 8vo. 2 tom, Romce, 1 772.— 10s. (Reynolds.) 975 Leland’s Advantage and Necessity of the Christian Revelation; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1768.—12s. (Priestley.) 976 Leland’s Answer to Tindal ; 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1753. — 3s. (Wilson.) 76 Miscellaneous Divinity. 977 Leland’s Views of the Deistical Writers ; 8 vo. 3 vols, best edition, London, 1755. —11s. 6d. (Wilson.) '978 Leland's Answer to Morgan; 8 vo. 2 vols. London, 1739-—3s. 6d. (Wilson.) 979 Taylor on the Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin; Svo. London, 1767.—3s. (Wilson.) 98 0 Clarke’s Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity; 8 vo. London, 1719*“” Is. (Wilson.) 98 1 Weston on some of the most remarkable Wonders of Antiquity; Svo. Camb. 1748.— 2s. Qd. (Dean of Winchester.) 982 Chapman’s Eusebius ; Svo. Camb. 1739-— Is. (Hatcharp.) 983 Jackson’s Tracts relating to the Trinity; 8 vo. London, 1715.— Is. (Wilson.) 984 Andrews’s Scripture Doctrine of Grace ; 8 vo. London, 1763.—• Is. (Wilson.) 985 Blackburne’s Confessional; 8 vo. London, 1770.—1$. (Evans.) 986 Ditton’s Discourses on the Resurrection; 8 vo. London, 1712 .—Is. (Wilson.) 987 Ellis, Fortuita Sacra, cum Commentario de Cymbalis ; 8vo. Rotterd. 1727.—Is. (Eaton.) 988 Taylor’s Apology of Ben. Mordecai; 2 vols, Svo. London, 1784 .— 11s. (Priestley.) 989 King’s Critical History of the Apostles’ Creed; Svo. London, 1738.—5s. (Lord Glenbervie.) 990 King (Sir Peter) on the Constitution, Discipline, Unity, and Worship of the Primitive Church; Svo. London, 1719 .— 5 s. 6d. (Foyster.) 991 Edwards on Original Sin, and Remarks on Hume’s Essays; 8 vo. London, 1766.—5s. 6d. (Eaton.) 992 Campbell’s Authenticity of the Gospel History; Svo. Edinb. 1759 — 4 s. 6d. (Dean of Winchester.) 3Iiscellancous Divinity. 77 993 Liverpool Dissenters’ Form of Prayer; 8 vo. Liverp. 1/63.—Is. (AVilson.) 994 Chandler’s Vindication of the Defence of Chris¬ tianity; 8 vo. 2 vols. London, 1J2Q 995 Chandler’s Vindication of the Christian Religion ; >' (Foyster.) 8 vo. London, 1J25 J 995 ^Chandler’s Vindication of the Old Testament, in Answer to Mor¬ gan Morgan's Vindication, and Chandler’s Remarks on the Shepherds in Egypt, and on Circumcision; 8 vo. London, 1/41. —3s. (Wilson.) 996 Warburton’s, Stebbing’s, and Sykes’s Controversial Tracts ; Svo. — 3s. 6d. (Foyster.) 997 Stebbing and Forster on Heresy, 1735;—Waterland on Fundamen¬ tals, 1735 ;—’and Hare’s Difficulties and Discouragements in the Study of the Scriptutes ; 8 vo. London, 1/21. — Is. 6d. (Money.) 998 Stebbing’s Tracts and Sermons; 8 vo. 4 vols. portrait, London, . ' ■ * ■■ *i ' ' •• 1760-66.'—5s. (Dr. Dowdeswell.) 999 AVaterland’s Scripture Vindicated, .3 parts ; 8 vo. London, 1 730-2. —Is. (Foyster.) 1000 Tindal’s Rights of the Christian Church; 2 vols. 8 vo. London, 1706. —2s. (Wilson.) 1001 Foster’s Usefulness, Truth, and Excellency of the Christian Revela¬ tion ; Svo. London, 1731. — 6d. (Dr. Gosset.) 1002 Collins, (Anthony) on the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion; Svo. London, 1724.— 2 s. (Wilson.) j ■ • • • • -' ■ 1 ' ■ •' tiHTlh 1» s*. 1003 Chubb’s Works ; 4 vols, 8 vo. London, 1754. — 6 s, 6d. (AA^ilson.) 1004 Leland’s Answer to Christianity, not founded on Argument; Svo, London, 1744.— Is. (Smith.) 1005 Bell’s Defence of Revelation and of the Gospel; 8 vo. London, 1766;— Is. (Smith.) 1006 Penn’s Theological Tracts; Svo. London, 1756. — Is, (Eaton.) , 78 Miscellaneous Divinity. 1007 Leland on Bolingbroke’s Letters on the Study of History ; Svo. London, 1/53 .— Is. (Smith.) 1008 Hicks’s Spirit of Enthusiasm exercised, 1709 ;—Lee’s History of Montanism ; and Spinekes’s new Pretenders to Prophecy ex¬ amined ; 8vo.— 6d. (Eaton.) 1009 Piercii Vindiciae Fratrum Dissentientiura; 8 vo. Lond. 1710 .—<3cL (Eaton.) 1010 Bengelius on the Apocalypse; 8 vo. London, 1 7^7-—*3s. 6 d. (Evans.) 1011 Shartock de Finibus et Officiis secundum Naturae Jus; 8 vo. Oxon. 1682 ! 6d. 1012 Fleetwood’s Essay on Miracles; 8 vo. London, ^ (Dr Gosset) 1701 j 1015 Sherlock (Win,) on Judgment, Providence, Death, Future State, and on Religious Assemblies; 5 vols. London, 1700-49-—11$. (Evans.) 1017 Sherlock’s (Wm.) Scriptural Proof of Christ's Divinity; 8 vo. London, 1706 ,— 6d. (Wilson.) 101 9 Chandler’s Vindication of the Christian Religion against Collins; London, 1725 ;—Vindication of Daniel’s Prophecies, and their Application to Christ; Svo. London, 1728 .—Is. (Smith.) 1020 Sykes’s Examination of Warburton’s Divine Legations; London, 1744.— 6d. (Eaton.) 1021 Collection of Dissenters’ Cases, by some Divines in London; 3 vols. Svo. 1718. — 5s. (Evans.) 1022 Warburton’s Miscellaneous Tracts; Svo.—3 s.6d. (Dr. Dowdes- well.) 1023 Roger’s on the Visible and Invisible Church, with the Defence ; 8vo. 1729.—Is. (Keysall.) 1024 Chandler’s Defence of Christianity against Collins ; Svo. London, \ , i - • 1725.—Is. (Dean of Winchester.) Miscellaneous Divinity. 79 1025 Conybeare’s Defence of Revealed Religion ; 8 vo. London, 1732.-— Is. ( Money.) 1026 Thirlby’s Answer to Whiston’s Suspicions concerning Athanasius ; 8vo. Cambridge, 1713.— 6d. (Dr. Gosset.) 1027 Alberti Observationes philologicae in Novum Testamentum ; 8 vo. L. Bat. 1725.— 5s. (Dr. Gosset.) 1028 Sharp’s Defence of Christianity j 8vo. London, 1)55. — Is. (Wil¬ son.) 1029 Sharp’s Dissertations on Elohim and Berith; 8 vo. London, 1751 5 —and Sharp’s, G. two Arguments in Defence of Chris¬ tianity; 8vo. London, 1)55. — 6d. (Dr. Gosset.) 1030 West on the Resurrection; 8 vo. London, 1 767. — 5s. 6d. (Foyster.) 1031 Emlyn’s Works; 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1)46. — 3s. 6d. (Eaton.) 1032 Woolston on the Miracles of our Saviour, and his Defences; 8 vo. London, 1729-30.—2s. 6d. (Duke of Norfolk.) 1034 Warburton’s Divine Legation, and Supplement; 6 vols. 8 vo. London, 1766-88.—3 1 . 13s. 6d. (Hindley.) 1035 Warborton’s Sermons; 3 vols. 8 vo. London, 1)53. —1 1. 2 s. (Dk. Dowdeswell.) 1037 Warburton’s Alliance between Church and State ; 8 vo. London, 1 ) 66 . —Is. (Foyster.) 1038 Warburton on Julian’s Attempt to rebuild the Temple of Jerusa¬ lem ; 8vo. London , 1750.—5s. (Priestley.) 1039 Warburton’s View of Lord Bolingbroke’s Philosophy, in four Letters; Svo. London, 1)54. — Is. 6d. (Remington.) 1040 Apthorp’s Christianity before its Civil Establishment, with Obser¬ vations on Gibbon’s Roman History ; 8 vo. bound by Walther, London, 177s.—2s. (Wilson.) 1041 Warburton on Grace; 12 mo. 2 vols. in 1 , London, 1)63 .•— 5s. 6d. (Hatchard.) 80 Miscellaneous Divinilij. 1043 Bp. Watson’s Apology for Christianity, against Gibbon j 12 mo. 17/6.—2s. (Foyster.) 1044 Zimmermann de Miraculis quae Pythagorae, &c. tribuuntur j 8 vo. Edinb. 1762.— 5s. 6d. (Dean of Winchester.) 1045 Burnett’s Discourses to his Clergy ; 8 vo. London, 1694 .— Is. 6d. (Foyster.) 1046 Usher, of the Power of the Prince and Obedience of the Subject j 8 vo. London , 1683.— 2 s. 6d. (Dean of Winchester.) 1047 Burnett’s Rights of Princes to dispose of Eecle--* siastical Benefices ; 8 vo. London, 1682 g 1 1048 Wake’s Appeal to all true Members of the English I (Hatchard) 8 vo. London, 1698 J 1049 Toland’s Christianity not Mysterious ; 8 vo. London, 1696 .—Is. (Meredith.) 1050 Vedelii Commentarius de Tempore utriusque Episcopates S. Petri j 12 mo. Gen. 1624.— 6s. (Dr. Routh.) 1051 Verpontennii Dissertationes in Vetus et Novum Testamentum j 8vo. bound in vellum, Coburg. 1739 .—3s. Qd. (Keysall.) 1052 Verinus Simplicius de Transubstantiatione, contra H. Grotium • 8vo. Hagiop. 1646.—Is. (Dr. Routh.) 1053 Bellendenus de Statu prisci Orbis, Principis et Imperii Reipublicae et Urbis j 12 mo. bound in red morocco, Paris, 1616.— 10 s. 6 j Is. 6d. (Foyster.) )*ls. (Arch.) J logiens de la Hollande ; 12mo. 1080 Le Clerc sur l’Histoire Critique du V. Testament de Pere Simon ; 12mo, Amst. 1085 Marcae Dissertationes; 18 mo. 1009-— Qd. (Eaton.) Nicolle de 1’Unite de l’Eglise; 18mo. Luxemb. 1 /27- • —0d. (Foyster. ) Pajon Examen des Prejuges Legitimes contre les Calvinistes; 2 tom. 18mo. d la Ilcuje, 1088.—0d. (Eaton.) Abernethy on the Being and Natural Perfections") of God : 2 vols. 8vo. Dull. 1743 ! 15s. 6d. > Abernethy’s Sermons and Tracts on various Sub- j (Whitmore) jects ; 5 vols. 8vo. 1748 J Adams’s Sermons and Tracts on religious Subjects ; Svo. H-hrewsb. 1777.— 0 a'. 6 d. (Dr. Dowdeswell.) Ashton’s Sermons j Svo. London, 1770.—Is. (Wilson.) Atterbury’s Sermons; 4 vols. Svo. London, 1766- — lJ. Is. (Priestley.) Bagot’s Sermons ; 8vo. Or/. 1780.—is. 0d. (Smith.) Balguy’s (John) Sermons; 2 vols. 8vo. London, 174Q .— 4s. (Smith.) Balguy’s (Thomas) Discourses; Svo. IVincliester, 17 S 0 .—13s. 0d. (Smith.) Bell’s Divine Missions of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ; London, 1761 . — Is. 6d. (Eaton.) Benson’s Sermons; Svo. London, 1748.— Is. (Wilson.) Miscellaneous Divinity. 83 1081 Bossuet, Sermons eje; 9 tom. 12 mo. Par. 177 2 -—lZ- 13s. (Foyster.) 1082 Bourdalone, Sermons da; 14 tom. 12 mo. with portrait. Par. I/09.—3 1 . 13s. 6d. (Hindley.) 10S3 Sermons at Boyle’s Lectures 5 3 vols. folio, London, 1739 .— lZ. Js . (Smith.) 1084 Brady’s Sermons; 3 vols. 8 vo. London, 1730 1084*Berry-Street Sermons, by Watts, Neale, &c. 5 2 vols. Svo. London, 1 757 1085 Bundy’s Sermons, with Lectures on the Church Catechism ; 2 vols. Svo. London, 1740. — 2s. 6d. (Dr. Dowdeswell.) 1086 Burroughs (James) Sermons; Svo. London, 2 s. 10S7 Burrough’s (Jos.) Sermons; Svo. London, 1741 J(Rodwell.) 1088 Burton’s Sermons; 2 vols. Svo. Oxf. 1764 .— 2s. 6d. (Smith.) 10 89 Butler’s (Joseph) Sermons; 8 vo. London, 1726. — Is. (Smith.) 10 9 0 Chandler’s Sermons; 4 vols. 8 vo. London, 1769-— 12 s. (Foyster.) 10 91 Churchill’s Sermons, &c.; 8 vo. London, 1765 .—Is. 6d. (Rod- well.) 10 92 Clark’s (J.) Enquiry into the Causes and Origin") of Evil; Svo. London, 1 721 ^ 2 s. 1093 Dodwell’s (Henry) Works abridged, with his Life j (Wilson.) and portrait; 2 vols. 8vo. 1715 J 1094 Enfield’s Sermons; 2 vols. 12 mo. London, 1 772-—4 s - 6 d. (Dr. Dowdeswell.) 10 95 Francis’s Sermons; Svo. London, 1771 7 8s ‘ 1096 Gerrard’s Sermons ; 2 vols. Svo. London, 1780-2 S (Smith.) 1097 Grove’s Sermons; 4 vols. 8 vo. London, 1 747 1 Posthumous Ser¬ mons and Tracts; 4 vols. London, 1741; Posthumous Ser¬ mons; 2 vols. London, 1742.— 18 s. (Whitmore.) IO 9 S Horneek’s Sermons; 2 vols. Svo. London, 1706 7s. 6d. Dr. 10 99 Horbery’s Sermons; 8 vo. 'Oxf. 1774 3d° wdeswell ) 1100 Ilottingerus de Decimis Judaeorum, cum Relandi Epistola; 4to. L. Bat. 1713.—4s. (Priestley.) 10 s. (Rodwell.) 84 Miscellaneous Divinity. 1101 Hunt's Sermons, published by Benson; 4 vols. Svo. London, 1/48.— 5s. 6d. (Eaton.) 1102 Ibbot’s Sermons; Svo. 2 vols. London, 17/6. — 3s. (Dr. Dowdeswell.) 1103 Sermons de Laget; Svo. 2 tom. Genev. 1779- — 7 s - 6d. (Payne.) 1104 Lardner’s Sermons; Svo. 2 vols. London, 1751-60.' — -9s. 6d, (Dr. Dowdeswell.) 1105 Lime-Street Sermons on important Doctrines of the Gospel; Svo. 2 vols. London, 1732-—9s. 6d. (Wilson.) 1105 Lucas’s Sermons; Svo. 5 vols. portrait, London, 1716-35. — 10s. 6d. (Priestley.) J107 CEuvres de Massillon; 12mo. 15 tom. Par. 1773.— 61. (Lord Lonsdale.) 1108 Morris’s Sermons; Svo. 2 vols. London, 1743.—*2 s.6d. (Rodwell.) 1109 Moss’s Sermons; 8vo. 8 vols. London, 1733-38.—10s. (Eaton.) 1110 Needham’s Sermons ; Svo. London, 1679 ^ 11 s. 6d. 1111 Ogden’s Sermons; 8vo. 2 vols. Camb. 17 SO 5(F OYSTER.) 1112 Orr’s Sermons; Svo. 2 vols. London, 1750.—4s. 6d. (Collins.) 1113 Bp. Pearce’s Sermons; 8vo.4vols. London, 1778*—1 5s.6d. (Money.) 1114 Pearse’s Sermons ; Svo. London, 1763.—1 s.6d. (Collins.) 1115 Peters’s Sermons; Svo. London, 1776 . — 7 s • (Priestley.) 1116 Powell’s Sermons ; Svo. London, 1776.— 5s. (Priestley.) 1117 Pyle’s Sermons; 8 vo. 3 vols. London, 1776-83. — 16 s. 6d. (Thomson.) 1118 Heading’s Sermons from the 1 st Lessons of Morning and Evening Prayer; 8vo. 4 vols. London, 1755. — ll. Gs. (Priestley.) J 118*Sermons de Romilly; 2 tom. Genev. 17 80. — 7s. (Priestley.) 1119 Rogers’s Sermons; Svo. 3 vols. London, 1735-6 1119 *Rogers’s Sermons on the Necessity of Revelation and the Truth of Christianity; Svo. 1729 1120 Anthony Collins’s Letter to Dr. Rogers on the Necessity of Divine Revelation; Svo. London, 1727- —Is. (Collins.) ll . is. (Payne.) Miscellaneous Divinity. 85 1121 Scotch Preacher 3 12 mo. 2 vols. Edinb. 17/5.— 2s. 6d. (Evans.) 1122 Seed’s Sermons and Posthumous Works 3 Svo. 4 vols. large paper, London, 1743-50. — 1 1. 6s. (Priestley.) 1124 Sermons on various Occasions by different Persons 3 4to, 2 vols. — 2s. 6d. (Foyster.) 1126 Sermons against Popery at Salter’s-Hall 3 Svo. 2 vols. London, 1735.'—3s. (Priestley.) 1127 Sharp’s (Archbishop) Sermons 3 Svo. 7 vols. portrait, London, 1700-35.—15s. (Priestley.) 1128 Sharp’s (G.) Sermons; Svo. London, 1772.— 1 s. 6d. (Collins.) 1129 Snape’s Sermons ; Svo. 3 vols. London, 1745.—4 s.6d. (Collins.) 1130 South’s Sermons; Svo. 6 vols. London, 1727 .—lZ. 8 s. (Foyster.) 1131 Spratt’s Sermons 3 Svo. London, 1710. — Is. (Collins.) 1132 Waterland’s Sermons; Svo, 2 vols. in 1 , London, 17/6. — 11 s, (Dr. Dowdeswell.) 1133 White’s Bainpton Lectures 3 Svo. 17S5.— 10 s. 6d. (Foyster.) 1134 Wootton’s Rights of the Clergy asserted, with its Vindication; 8vo. London, 170 7 1135 Young’s Sermons 3 2 vols. in 1 . London, 1764 Philosophy — Astronomy — Mathematics — Sciences—Natural History — Botany — Chemistry—Physic and Surgery. 1136 Bruckeri Ilistoria Critica Philosophize 5 4to. 6 vols. portrait, bound in russia, large paper. Lips. 1 JQJ. —10 Z. (Lord Essex.) 113/ Cudvvorth’s Intellectual System of the Universe, by Birch 3 4to. 2 vols. extra bound, London, 1743.—4 1. Is. (Borough.) 1138 Cudworthi Systema Intcllectuale hujus Universi, Latine, a Mo- shemio j 4to. 2 vols. Lug. Bat. 1/73.— 2 1. Qs. (Priestley. ) 1139 Cudvvorth’s Eternal and Immutable Moralityj portrait, 8vo. London, 1731.— Qs. (Mackinlay.) 1140 Wolfii Ontologia, sive Philosophia prima; 4to." Francf. 173 6 1141 Wolfii Cosmologia generalis 3 4to. Francf. 1731 1142 Wolfii Philosophia Moralis, sive Ethicaj 4to. 4 vols. Hal. Magd. 1750-2 1143 Wolfii de Differentia sapientis et fatalis Necessita¬ tis, 1724 3 Specimen Physicae ad Philosophiam naturalem applicatae, et de Sinarum Philosophia Practica, Hal. Magd. 1743 5 4to. 1144 Billingcrus de Deo, Anima Humana, etMundoj 4to. Tubing. 1746 1145 Wolfii Philosophia Practica Universalis 3 4to. 2 vols. Francf. 1738 1146 Wolfii Philosophia Rationalis 3 4to. Francf. 1740 1147 Wolfii Psychologia Rationalis 5 4to. Francf. 1734 1148 Wolfii Psychologia Empirica 5 4to. Francf. 1738 1149 Wolfii Elementa Matheseos universaej 4to. 5 vols. with portrait, Genevce, 1743 1150 Wolfii Theologia Naturalisj 4to. 2 vols. Francf. 71. 12s. 6d. (Borough.) 1739 1151 Wolfii QEconomica j 4to. Hal. Magd. 1754 Philosophy. 87 1152 Philosophise Leibnitianae et Wolfianae Usus in Tlieologifij 8 vo. 2 vols. Francf. 1728.—2 s. (Rodwell.) 1153 Wolfii Horse Subsecivse Marburgensis 3 12 nio. 3 vols. Francf. 1729 .— 2 s. (Priestley.) 1154 Thummigii Institutiones Philosophise Wolfianae 3 12 mo. 2 vols. Francf. 1746 . — 2s. (Priestley.) 1155 Formey Elementa Philosophise Wolfianae 3 8 vo. x (Collins.) 1156 Wolfii Aerometriae Elementa 3 18mo. Lips. 1709 1 1157 Hutcheson’s System of Moral Philosophy 5 4to. 2 vols. London, 1755.— ll. 11 s. (Borough.) 1158 Hutcheson on Beauty and Virtue 3 Svo. London, 172 G.—Is. (Collins.) 1159 Hutcheson on the Passions 3 Svo. London, 172 S.—3s. (Collins.) 1160 Turnbull’s Piinciples of Moral and Christian Philosophy j 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1740.—4s. (Borough.) 1161 Wolfiius, la Logique 3 Svo. 1744.— Is. (Priestley.) 11(32 Duncan’s Elements of Logic 3 12 mo. London, 1752,—3s. (Foyster.) 1163 Swedenborgii Prodromus Philosophise ratiocinantis deinfinico; 4to. Desd. 1734 llG4 Jones’s Phisiological Disquisitions 5 4to. with j (Rodwell.) many cuts, London, 178 I ^ 1165 Helsliam’s Lectures on Natural Philosophy 3 8 vo. London, 1739- —4s. (Priestley.) ll 6 o Mori (Hen.) Opera Omnia 3 folio, with portrait by Loggan, 3 vols. Lond. 1679.—18s. (Collins.) II67 Confucius, sive Scientia Sinica, cum complet'd Tabula Chronological Monarchic Sinicaej folio, Paris, 1687. — 10 s. 6d. (Lord Essex.) 1169 Specimen DoctrLnae veterum Sinarum moralis et \ politic® 3 8 vo. Francf. 1724 1]70 Norris’s Miscellanies j 8 vo. London, 1/10 Is. (Dr. Gosset.) 88 Philosophy. 11/1 Grove’s System of Moral Philosophy ; 8 vo. 2 vols .London, 1740. —6s. 6d. (Whitmore.) 11/2 Balguy’s Moral and Theological Tracts; 8 yo. London, 1 / 34 .— 3s. (.Smith.) 1173 Lucas on Happiness 3 8 vo. 2 vols. London, 1764 .—4s. 6d. (Thomson.) 1175 Berkley’s Tracts on various Subjects, and Collection of Tracts 3 2 vols. London, 1752.—5s. 6d. (Dixon.) 1176 Berkley’s Minute Philosopher, and a new Theory of Vision; 8 vo. 2 vols. London, 1732.' — 6s. (Foyster.) 1177 Berkley on the Principles of Human Understanding, and Three Dialogues; 8vo. 1734,' — 8s. (Dixon.) 1178 Brown’s Divine Analogy; 8vo. London, 1733.— 3s. (Thomson.) 1179 Brown’s Procedure, Extent, and Limits of the Human Under¬ standing; 8vo. London, 1723.—Is. (Thomson.) 11 S 0 Bishop Law’s Considerations on the Theory of Beligion; 8 vo. Camb. 1 774:.—5s. (Dr. Dowdeswell.) 1181 Butler’s Analogy; 1 77*-—6 s. 6d. (Borough.) 1182 Ward Seth, Bishop of Sarum, on the Being and Attributes of God; 12mo. Oxf . 1677 . —Is- (Foyster.) 1183 Baxter’s Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul; 8 vo. 3 vols. London, 1737*50.—13s. (Mackinlay.) 1184 Baxter on the Nature of the Human Soul; 4to.— Is. 6d. (Bo¬ rough.) %■ 1185 Glanville’s Lux Orientals, on the Pre-existence of Souls, and Bishop Rust’s Discourse of Truth; 8 vo. curious frontispiece by t Faitliorne, London, 1682 . — Is. 6d. (Collins.) 1186 Clarke and Collins on the Immateriality of the Soul; 8 vo. London, 1718.'—Is. (Priestley.) 1187 Bonnet, la Palingenesie Philosopliique; 8 vo. 2 tom. Genev. 177®' -—Is. 6d. (Rod well.) Philosophy. 89 1188 Essai Analitique sur les Faculty de 1’ Ame 3 8 vo. 2 tom. 1769 .—, 2s. Qd. (Foyster.) 1189 Cordemoy, CEuvresPhilosophiques; 4to. Par. 1704") U 9 O Pomponatius de Immortalitate Animae, 1534 3 et hs, Qd. (Dr. Rorarius quod Bruta utantur Ratione meliiis j GoSSEt.) Homines 18mo. Amst. 1(554 J 1190 *Traite de l’Aumone, par Placette; 12 mo. Amst.' 1709 1191 Traite de la Nature de l’Aine; 12 mo. 2 tom. Par . 1759 1192 Reinbeck, Reflections Philosophiques sur l’lm- mortalite de l’Ame 3 12 mo. Amst. 17 44 . J 1193 Vindiciae Mentis 3 or, the Being and Nature of") > Is. 6 d. (Rodwell.) Mind 3 8 vo. London, 1702 > 2s. Qd. 11 94 Leonid de Divinatione, de Animorum Immortali- j (Collins.) tate, &c. with MS. notes, 4to. Venetiis, 1523 J 11 95 Helvetius de l’Esprit; 8vo. Paris, 1759 .— 3s. Qd. (Foyster.) 1196 Petvin’s Letters on Mind, with Remarks 3 8 vo. London, 1 750.— Is. Qd. (Dalton.) 1197 Mayne’s Dissertation on Sense and the Imagina-*^ tionj 8 vo. London, 1728 ^ 1198 Hartley’s Observations on Man; 8 vo. 2 vols. j (Shepherd.) London, 1749 J 1199 Priestley on Hartley’s Theory, 1775, with Letters addressed to him 3 8vo. London, \7?Q .— 1 7 s - (Mackinlay.) 1201 Priestley and Price on Materialism j 8 vo. extra bound, London, 1778-—8s. Qd. (Mackinlay.) 1202 Priestley’s Tracts, and Bryant and Palmer on Philosophical Ne¬ cessity 3 2 vols. 8vo.—8s. (Eaton.) 1203 Priestley’s Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion 3 8 vo. 2 vols. London, 1772. — 8s. (Collins.) N 90 Philosophy. 1204 Rousseau sur l’ln^galiti, et Castillon sur l’Origine de l’lnegalite parmi les Hommes j 8vo. 2 tom. 1755—3s. (Smith.) 1204*Currie on Liberty and Necessity j 8vo. London, 1761.—2 s.6d. (Collins.) 1205 Edwards (J.) on Religious Affections 5 8vo. Edinb. 1772.—4s. (Priestley.) 1206 Edwards’s Enquiry into the Freedom of Will ; 8vo. Boston, 1762. —5s. 6 d . (Collins.) 1207 Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments; 8vo. London, 1774.—4s, (Borough.) NINTH BAY’S SALE, MAY 5. 1208 READ’S Enquiry into the Human Mind, on the Principles of Common Sense; 8 vo. London, 1768 .— 10s. (Mackinlay.) 1209 Oswald’s Appeal to Common Sense in Behalf of Religion; 8 vo. 2 vols. London, 176S. — 6s. (Priestley.) 1210 Law’s Enquiry on Space, Time, Immensity, and Eternity; 8 vo, Camb. I734.“ls. Qd. (Mackinlay.) 1211 Place and Clarke on Space, 1728; and Price on the National Debt, London, 1772 ; 8vo.—Is. Qd. (Coates.) 1212 Monboddo’s (Lord) Ancient Metaphysics; 4to. 3 vols. extra bound, Edinb. 1779-—1^* 9 s * (S. Smith.) 1213 Malebranche, Recherche de la V£rit 6 ; 4to. Par. 1/21. —3s. (Priestley.) 1214 Arnauld, Neuf Lettres au P. Malebranche; 1685 1215 Rutherforth on the Nature and Obligations of Virtue; 4to. Camb. 1/44; 121 6 L’Esprit fausse des Vertues humaines; 12mo. 2 tom. Amst . 1709 1217 Nettleton on Virtue and Happiness, and Meta¬ physical Tracts; 8vo. London, 1/51 J Is. Qd. (Moore.) Is. Qd. (Coates.) 92 Philosophy. 1218 Ramsay’s Philosophical Principles of Natural and Revealed Reli¬ gion; 4to. 2 vols. London, 1751.— 6s. (Priestley.) 1219 Woolaston’s Religion of Nature; 8vo. Sth edition, with the Eng¬ lish Notes, Portrait, and Life, London,175Q .— 2s.Qd. (Collins.) 1220 Wilkins of the Principles of Natural Religion; 8vo. London, 1699.— Is. (Smith.) 1221 Tucker’s Light of Nature pursued ; 8vo. 3 vols. in 9 parts, bound by Johnson, 7 vols. London, 1 768-77.— 2 l. 7s. (Shepherd.) 1222 Doddridge’s Lectures on Pneumatology, Ethics, and Divinity; 4to. London, 1 776.— 10s. (Priestley.) 1223 Winder’s History of Religious Knowledge ; 4to. bound in russia, London, 1756. — 7s. Qd. (Heber.) 1224 Recherche sur l’Origines des Decouvertes modernes par Dutens; 8vo. 2 tom. en one, Paris, 1 766.— 2s. (Whitmore.) 1225 Donne’s Biathanatos on Self-Homicide, and Adams on Self-Mur- ther; 8vo. London, 17 00. — Is. (Lord Essex.) 1226 Herbert (Lord of Cherbury) de Veritate; 4to. Lond. 1633.—* 4s. Qd. (Mackinlay.) 1226*Herbert (Lord of Cherbury) de Religione Gentilium; 4to. Amst. 1663.— 6s. (Mackinlay.) 1227 Herbert (Lord of Cherbury) his Dialogue between a Tutor and Pupil; 4to. London, 1768. — ll. 2s. (Mackinlay.) 1228 Hobbes (Thomae) Opera; 4to. 2 vols. portrait by Faithorne, Amst. 1668.— ll. 5s. (Priestley.) 1229 Hobbes’s Tripos; 8vo. London, 1684.—3s. (Priestley.) 1230 Hobbes’s Life and Tracts ; 8vo. with portrait, London, 1681.— 6s. (Priestley.) 1231 Hobbes’s Philosophical Rudiments of Government and Society; 12mo. with portrait, London, 1651.-—4s. Qd. (Moore.) 1232 Cumberland, de Legibus Naturae; 4to. Ledce, 1672. •— Is. 1 (Priestley.) 1233 Spinosae Opera Posthuma; 4to. 1077*— 5s. (Whitmore.) Philosophy. 93 1234 Colerus, Vie de Spinosa, et la Resurrection de J&sus-Christ defen- due; 12mo. Hayl. 1706.—Is. (Coates.) 1235 Hume’s Essays, Moral and Political; 12mo. 5 vols. London, 1747-58.—9s. (Long.) 1240 Hume on Morality and Natural Religion; l2mo. Lond. 1793.— 2s. (Long.) 1241 Hume’s Essay on Human Nature; 8vo. 3 vols. London, 1739. — 1 1 . 1 Js. (Priestley.) 1242 Toland’s Tracts, on the Internal and External'"Doctrine of the Ancients; the History of a most beautiful Lady torn to pieces by the Clergy of Alexandria by Order of St, Cyril, with his Tetradymus and Nazarenus, and Account of an Irish MS. of the Four Gospels; together with the Secret History of the Courts of Prussia and Hanover; Svo. 1714, &c.—9s. (Moore.) 1243 Collins’s Discourse on Freethinking; Svo. London, 1713.—Is. (Brooksbank.) 1244 Toland’s Vindicius Liberius; 8x0. Lond. 1702 'lls. (Brooks- 1245 Toland’s Letters to Serena; 8x0. London, 1720 3 bank.) 1246 Tindal’s Christianity as old as the Creation; 4to. London, 1730, —2s. 6d. (Collins.) 1247 Collins’s Scheme of Literal Prophecy; 12mo. Lon. 1726.— Is. (Coates.) 1247*Bentley on Freethinking; 8vo. best edition, Cambridge, 1743.— 3s. 6d. (Borough.) 1248 Blount’s (Charles) Works; 12mo. 1695. —Is. (Brooksbank.) 1249 Clifford on Human Reason, 1672; and Warren’s Apology, 1680; 2 vols.—Is. (Whitmore.) 1251 Maillet Entretien d’un Philosophe Indien et d’un Missionaire Francois 3 8vo. Amst. 1748. — 2 s.6d. (Heber.) 94 Philosophy. 15s. (Collins.) > 1252 Premontval Pensees sur la Liberte j 12mo. Berlin / 1755 2s - 1253 Gabriel’s (John) Essay on the Theory of the In- | (Money,) telligible World 3 12mo. London, 1700 ^ 1254 Mahegan, l’Origine, Progres, et Decadence de lTdolatrie 3 12mo. Par. 1 757.— Is. (Heber.) 1255 Leibnitz sur la Bonte de Dieu, la Libert^ de rHomme; 8vo. Amst. 1 757.— Is. (Heber.) 1250 Recherches sur Priucipes des Connoissances Humaines 3 12mO. Gotting. 1756.— Is. (1)r. Gosset.) 1257 Norris’s Ideal World, 2 vols. 1722 3 and on the" Natural Immortality of the Soul, .1732} 12mo. 1257*Nortis’s Practical Discourses on Christian Pru¬ dence, &c. and Miscellanies3 8 vols. 8vo. l710-30_ 1258 Poireti Cogitationes de Deo, Anima, et Malo3 4to. bound in vel¬ lum, Amst. 1085.— Is. (Money,) 1259 Nonius, Marcellus, et Fulgentius, de Prisco Ser-" mone, cum Mercari Notis 5 12mo. Par. 1014 1200 Formez Principes de Morale j 12mo. 2 tom. Leide, j (Coates.) 1702 J 1201 Batteux Histoire des Causes Premieres; 8vo. 2 tom. Par. ljGg.—* 4s. 6d. (Borough.) 1202 Fcuelon, Demonstration de l’Existence de Dieu; 12mo. portrait, Amst. 1721.— Is. (Coates.) 1203 Dalembert Melanges de Literature, d’Histoire, et de Philosophic j 12mo, 5 tom. Amst. 1759.—10s. (Bennet.) 1204 Lettre sur la Divisibility de la Matiere ^ l’lnfini 12mo. Par. 1737 1205 Bouhour Manure de bicn penser 3 12mo. Par. j 1743 J > Is. 6 d. ‘1 )> 3 $. (Duff.) Philosophy. 95 1265*Muralt, le Monde fou prefere au Monde sage •/ > 4s. 6 d. Is. 6 d. (Coates.) 12mo. 2 tom. Amst. 1733 1266 Pascal, Pensees sur la Religion, avec sa Vie; j (Coates.) 12mo. Amst. 1701 J 1267 Placette, Traite de bonnes CEuvres ; 12mo. Amst. 1700 126S Formey de la Volont6; 12mo. 2 tom. Leide, 1765 1269 D’Argens la Philosophic de bon Sens 011 l’lncertitude des Connois- sances liumaines; 2 tom. 1754.—Is. 6cl. (Dr. Gosset.) 1270 Lettres sur divers Sujets de la Religion et Metaphisique; 12mo. Paris, 1718.—Is. (Coates.} 1272 Nicolle Prejug^s Legitimes contre les Calvinistes; 12mo. Par. 1725.—4s. 6d. (Hatchard.) 1273 Lettres sur la Religion essentielle a. 1’Homme ; 12mo. Lond. 1738. -—is. (Money.) 1274 Bouillier, Pieces philosophiques literaires; 12mo.~ > 1759 1275 Defence des Livres des vrayes et fausses Idees; V ISmo. Col. 1683 1276 Maupertius, Songes Physiques; 12mo. Par. 1753. 1277 Wagnerus de Ascensu Hominis in Deum Pythago-' rico; 4to. Hal. 171O 1278 Alethei Polygamia Triumphatrix; 4to. Lon. j (Moore.) 1682 J Is. (Dr. Gosset. 4s. 6 d. > 1279 Fabri (Petri) Agonisticon; 4to. with portrait, Lugd. 1595.—3s. (Priestley.) 1280 De Coloribus Libellus ; 4to. Florentine, 1548.—9s. (Heber.) 1282 Le Grand de Carentia Sensus et Cognitionis in Brutis; 12mo. Lond. 1675.—Is. (Moore.) 1283 Bilfingeri de Harmonic praestabilita; 12mo. Francef. 1725.—Is. (Priestley.) 96 Philosophy and Mathematics. 11 . Is, (Lunn.) 1284 Bilfinger de Origine et Permissione Mali j 12rao. Tubing. 1743. Is. (Priestley.) 1285 Thummigii Meletemata ; 12mo, Brunsw. 1727 1286 Crenii Syntagma primum Disscrtationum Philolo- gicarum ; 12mo. 2 vols. Rot. 1699 1287 Crenii Animadversiones Philologiae et Historiae j 12mo. 0*671. 1699 1287*Crenii Fasciculis Dissertationum Historico-critico- )> philologicarum j 12mo. Roter. 1691 1300 Crenii Exercitationum Philologico-liistoricarum 5 12mo. 5 vols. L. Bat. 1697 1301 Crenii Opuscula quae ad Historiam et Philologiam Sacram spectant j 12mo. 10 vols. Roter. 1698 - 1303 Mathematicorum Veterum Opera, Gr. et Lat. j folio, with many curious Engravings, bound in vellum, large paper. Par. 1693. —4l. 6s. (Priestley.) 1304 Astronomiea Veterum Scripta, Gr. et Lat. j 8vo. fine copy, Sanctandreana , 1689.— ’ll. Is. (Borough.) 1305 Apollonii Pergaei Conica, Gr. et Lat. cum Eutochii Comment, j folio, with MS. notes, large paper, bound in russia, Oxon. 1710, —4 1 . 4s. (Borough.) 1306 Archimedis Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Eutochii Comment, j folio, bound in russia, Basil. 1544-—2 1. 14s. (Booth.) 1307 Archimedis Arenarius et Dimensio Circuli, Gr. et Lat. a Wallisio ; 12mo. Oxon. 1676.—3 s.6d. (Dr. Rainb.) 1308 Euclidis Opera, Latine, cum Campani Comment.; folio, fine copy, first edition, bound in russia by Roger Payne, Ven. 1482. •— 61. 6s. (Payne.) 1309 Euclidis Elementorum libri sex, Gr. et Lat. j 12mo. Lips. 1540. —3s. 6 d. (Heber.) Philosophy and Mathematics. 97 1310 Euclidis Rudimenta Musices, Gr. et Lat. a Pen;!: 4to Par. ap. Wechel. 1557.—9 s - (Moore.) 1311 Vitruvii Opera, a Joanne de Laet; folio, best edition, bound in vellum, Artist. Elzevir, 1649.—3 1. 4s. (Moore.) 1312 Hipparchus in Arati et Eiuloxi Phenomena, &c. Gr. ; folio, Flor. ap Juntas, 1567. —Ss. (Lunn.) 1313 Euclidis Elementa a Commandino, et Trigonometria a Keil; 8vo. Oxon. 1723.—2 s. (Priestley.) 1314 Gassendi Vita Tychonis Brahei, Copernici, Peurbachii, et Re- giomontani; 4to. fine portrait. Hag. Com. 1655. —15s. (Moore.) 1315 Usserius de Asiaticorum et Macedonum Anno Solari; 8vo. Oxon. 1648.—is. (Sir J. Copley.) 1315*Thesaurus Antiquitatum Beneventanarum, a Jolianne de Vita; folio, Romce, 1754.—15s. (Moore.) 1316 Newtoni (Sir Isaac) Opera omnia, cum commentariis, edit. S. Horsley; 4to. 5 vols. Lond. 1 779> &c.— 8/. (Dixon.) 1317 Des Cartes Principia Philosophise; 4to. Amstel. -j 1663 J 2s. 6d. V 1318 Huet, Censura Philosophise Cartcsianse; 12mo. f (Dixon.) Par. 1694 J 1319 Leibnitii Opera omnia, a Dutens; 4to. 6 vols. fine paper. Gene i>. 1768.— 5l. 12s. 6d. (Corrie.) 1320 Leibnitz, Accessiones Historic®, Lips. 1698 ;—et Ilicgolli Spe¬ cimen primum Collectaneornm Antiquitatis Naturae et Artis; 4to. Mogunt. 1697.—5s. (Priestley.) 1321 Hanschii Principia Philosophise Leibnitianae demonstrata et Bil- fingerus de Harmonia prastabilita; 4to. Franc. 172S.—4s. (Priestley.) 1322 Clarke’s and Leibnitz’s Papers; 8vo. 1717-—1 s . 6d. (Collins.) 1323 Gruberi Commercium Epistolicum Leibnitianum ; 8vo. 2 vols. Hanov . 1745 .— 9 s • (H e b e r. ) 1324 Bouguer Figure de la Terre d£terminee par les Observations, arec o 98 Philosophy and Mathematics. la Relation abr£g<*e du Voyage a l’Equatcur; 4to. Par. i?4Q .— 11s. (Catten.) 1325 Matlio, sive Cosmotheoria puerilis ; 8vo. 2 vols. Lonch 1?65.— (Collins.) 1326 Burnetti Telluris Theoria sacra ; 4to. bound in morocco, cuts. Load. 1702.—2s. (Borough.) 1327 Burnett’s Theory of the Earth; 8vo. 2 vols. numerous cuts and portrait, London, 175r>-'—2s. 6d. (Borough.) 1328 Whiston’s Theory of the Earth ; Svo. London , 1755. — '3s. (Borough.) 1329 Keill’s Introduction to Astronomy; Svo. London, 1748.—2s. 6d. (Borough.) 1330 Keill’s Examination of Burnett’s and Whiston’s Theory of the Earth; Svo. Oxf. 1698.— Is. (Borough.) 1331 Saunderson’s Elements of Algebra; 4to. 2 vols. portrait, Camb. 1740.— 21. (Collins.) 1332 Sauuderson's Algebra ; 1776-— 7 s ■ (Borough.) 1333 Saundersonon Fluxions; Svo. London, 1756.— 6s.6d. (Borough.) 1334 Hooper’s Rational Recreations; Svo. 4 vols. 1774.—2 1. 5s. (Unwin.) 1335 Priestley’s History of Electricity, with original Experiments ; 4to. cuts, London, 1769. — 10s. 6d. (Catten.) 1336 Priestley on Vision, Light, and Colours; 4to. London, 1772.— 15s. (Catten.) 1337 M&noire sur les Defrichemens; 12mo. cuts, Paris,- j ] l 7 rn ! 10s. 6 d . 1338 Polydorus Vergilius de Rerum Inventoiibus; Svo. j ' (Booth.) Lugduni, 1546 J - 1339 Polidoro Vergilio de gli Inventor! delle Cose, trad. per Baldclli; 4to. Flor. 1587-—3s. 6d. (Coates.) 1340 Goguet de l’Origine des Loix, des Arts, et des Sciences ; 12mo. 3 vols. cuts, Parisiis, 1758. — ll. 16s. (Borough.) Botany and Natural History. 99 J341 Lee’s Introduction to Botany 3 Svo. with cuts, London, IJJQ .— 3s. (IIindley.) 1342 Linuaei Philosophia Botanica 3 Svo. Vien. 1783. — 5s, (Priest- LEY.) 1343 Rose’s Elements of Botany, being a translation of Linnaeus’s Philosopliia Botanica, &c. 3 Svo. London, 1775. — 5s. 6 d. (Unwin.) 1344 Linnaei Systema Naturae per tria Regna 5 4 vols. 8vo. Vindob. 1 767.— lZ. (Whitmore.) 1345 Blair’s Botanic Essays 5 Svo. London, 1/20.—2 s. 6 d. (Unwin.) 134(5 Hudsoni Flora Anglica • Svo. 2 vols. Lond. 1778-— 5s. (SmitIi:) 1347 Chiffietii Lilium Francicum illustratum, et de Ampulla Reinensi, Botanica ct Heraldica ■ folio, Ante. 1653 & 1651.— \ 7 s. 6 d. (Triphook.) 1349 Parsons on the Propagation of Animals and Vegetables 3 8vo. London, 1 757 . — Is. (Smith.) 1350 Ray's Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadru-" pedum ; 8vo. portrait, London, 1693 1352 Ray’s Physico-theological Discourses, 172I3 and on the Wisdom of God in the Creation, with )> portrait and cuts 3 Svo. 2 vols. 1353 Ray’s Philosophical Correspondence 3 Svo. Lond. 1718 7s. 6d. (Collins.) 1354 Edwards’s Essays on Natural History 5 8vo. London, 1770.'— 2 s. 6d. (Unwin.) 1355 Hale’s Husbandry 3 4 vols. London, 1758.— 5s. (Biddle.) 1356 Bodini Universae Naturae Theatrum 3 8vo. bound in vellum, Franco/. 15Q7. — Is. ( Money.) 1357 Histoire Naturelle de Buffon et d’Aubenton j 4to. 15 tomes. Par. —Supplemens; 4to. 7 tomes. Par. 1774;—Histoire des Mindratix, 5 tomes 3 des Oiseaux, 9 tomes; 4to. Par. 177® >— 100 Natural Hisloi'!/. Cepede, Ilistoire Naturelle des Quadrupedes Ovipares, et des Serpens j 2 tomes. Par. 1/98?—Histoire des Poissons; 4to. 4 tomes. Par. 1798: —et des Mindraux ; Q tomes.— 55l. 13s. In all, 42 volumes, best editions, chosen impressions of the plates, and uniform. (Hindley.) 135S Lettres a un Ameriquain sur l’Histoire Naturelle de Buffon ; 8vo. 5 tomes en 2, Hamb. 1758.—6s. 6d. (Collins.) TENTH DAY’S SALE, MAY 7. J359 DICTIONNAIRE de 1’IIistoire Naturelle par M. Valmont de Bremare; 8vo. g tomes, extra bound, Paris, 1775.—lL Qs. (Longman.) 1300 Jonstoni Naturalis Ilistoria Quadrupedum, Inscctorum, &c. ; folio, numerous fine engravings, Amst. 1669.—14s, (Strick¬ land.) 13()1 Be Luc, Lettres Phisiques et Morales sur l’Higtoire de la Terre, et de lTIomme $ 8vo. 5 tomes, bound by Walther, Paris, 1779. — Ills . (Borough.) 1362 Latham’s General Synopsis of Birds, Index Ornithologicus j 4to. fine set, coloured under the Inspection of the Author, uniform and extra bound, 9 vols. London, 1781 and 179^-'—13i. 2s. 6 d. (Lord Essex.) 1364 Reaumur, Art de faire eclor, et d eliver les Orgeaux domestiques j 12 mo. 2 tom. Par. 1749.—7 s. (Lord Essex.) 1365 Celsis Hierobotanicon, sive de Plantis Sacrae Scripturai; 8vo. 2 vols. Amstel. 1748. (Sold previously .J 1366 Derham’s Miscellanea Curiosa; 8vo. 3 vols. cuts, 1726,— 8s. (Borough.) 102 Botany, Painting, Music , <^r. 13 6/ Cornaro, of attaining a long and healthful Life; 12mo. Edbib. 1768.—Is. 6 d . (Strickland.) 1368 Turnbull’s Treatise of Ancient Paintings; folio, 54 fine plates, large paper, London, 1740.— 3(. 6s. (Strickland.) 13 Oq Junius de Pieturd Veterum et Catalogus variorum Artificum et Operum ; folio, fine portrait, L. Bat. l6f)4.—1 1. 3s. (Royal Academy.) 13/0 Histoire de la Peinture Ancienne, et les notes de Durande; folio, large paper, London, 1/25. — 13s. (Lord Essex.) 1371 L’ABCEDARIO Pittorico ; 4to. Bolog. 1/19-—4 s. (Longman.) 1372 Baldinucci Vocabolario Toscano de le Arte del Disegno ; 4to. Firenz. 1681.— 7 s ■ Od. (Longman.) 1373 Vasari, Arte de pin excellpnti Pittori, Spultori, ed Architetti; 4to. 3 vols. many cuts, Bolog. 1 647-— 5l. /L 6d. (Baker.) 1374 Domcnichi Vite de Pittori, Schultori, ed Architetti Napolitani j 4to. 2 vols. Napol. 1742. —1 1. 5s. (Lord Milton.) 1375 Baldinucci Notizie de Professori del Disegno da Cimabue ; 2 vols. Firen. 1681.—3 1 . 8s. (Longman.) 13/6 Walpole’s Anecdotes of Painting, Engraving, and the Arts in England; 5 vols. Svo. 1782.—1 1 . 8 s . (Unwin.) 1377 Ridolfi Vite delli piu Illustri Pittori Veneti, e dello Strata; 4to. numerous portraits, Fenez. 1648-4.—3 1 . lC)s- (Royal Aca¬ demy.) 1378 II Conte Malvasia Felsina Pittrice, Vite de Pittori Bolognesi; 4 to. 2 vols. Bolog. 1768. — 'll. 2s. (Lord Milton.) 1379 Letters from a young Painter abroad; 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, London, 1748.'—10s. (Unwin.) 1380 Bulengerus de PieturaPlasticd etStatuariS. j 12mo. Lugd.lO'lJ .— 2 1 . Is . (Royal Academy.) 1281 Duhos, Reflexions Critiques sur le Poesies et la Peinture ; 12ino, 3 tomes. Par. 1754. —1/. Is. (Unwin.) Painting , Mustek, fyc. 103 1382 Mariette Traits des Pierres gravees ; folio, 2 tomes, cuts, Paris, 1/50.— 3l.3s. (Unwin.) 1383 Hawkins’s History of Musick ; 4to. 5 vols. bound in white calf, London, 1 775.—5/. 15s. 6d. (Dean of Chester.) 1384 Plinii Histoire Naturelle de l'Or, et del’ Argent, et les Notes de Durande; folio, large paper, Lond. 1/2 9.—10s. 6d. (Loro Essex.) 13S5 Theophrastus’s History of Precious Plants, cum versione Angli- cana et nods ab Hill; 8vo. London, 1740.—5s. 6d. Lord Mansfield.) 1385 Carmina ex Antujuis Lapidibus, notis illustrata a P. Bonada, Gr. et Lat.; 4to. llovue, 1751.—3s. Qd. (Borough.) 1387 Theophrastus de Lapidibus, Gr. et Lat. cum notis a De Laet 1 8 vo. L. Bat. 1647. —2s. Qd. (Borough.) !3S8 Boetius de Boot. Gcnmiarura et Lapidum Historia, with many curious wood-cuts ; 8vo. L. B. l6’35.—Is. Qd. (Borough.) 1389 Medicae Artis Principes, Lat. ab Hallero; 8vo. 11 tomes, Lansan. 1769*74.—1/. Is. (Lord Essex.) 139 0 Hippocrates de Morbis Popularibus, libri I. et III. Gr. et Lat. a Friend; 4to. large paper, bound in russia, London, 1717-— 15s. (Payne.) 1391 Harveii Opera Omnia; large paper, bound in russia, London, 17G6.—10s. Qd. (Lord Essex.) 1392 Sydenham Opera Universa; 8vo. with portrait, L. Bat. 1/20. — 5s. Qd. (Lord Essex.) 1393 Meade’s Works; 8\o. Dull. 17 O 7 . —Is. Qd. (S. Smith.) 139 I Fothergill’s Medical and Philosophical Works; 8vo. London, 1782.—Is. (S. Smith.) 13p5 Mercurial is variae Lectiones ; 4to. Venet. 1588.—3s. (Dobree.) 104 Medicine , < fa. > 6s. (S. Smith.) i J 1 139(5 Cheyne’s Philosophical Principles of Natural Reli-" gion ; 8vo. 17iG 139/ Cheyne’s Essay on Health and Long Life ; Svo. London, 1725 1398 Cheyne on the Gout; Svo. 1/25 1399 Cheyne’s English Malady; Svo. 1733 1400 Cheyne’s Natural Method of curing the Diseases of Body and Mind; 8vo. 1742 1401 Cheyne’s Essay on Regimen, with five Discourses; Svo. 1740 1401*Dispensatory of the London College, by Pember-. ton, 8vo. London, 1751 I 2.? 1402 Fuller’s Medicina Gymnastica; Svo. Lond. 1718 ^ (Collins.) l402*Whytt, of Nervous Disorders; 8vo. Edinb. 1765 J 1403 Winslow’s Anatomy, by Douglas; 8vo. 2 vols. Edinb. 1763.— 2s. Qd. (MoneyJ l403*Nuck, Adenographia et Uteri Anatome; 12mo. many cuts, 1691 l 104 Nuck, Scalographia Nova ; 12mo. L. Bat. ]6p0 1405 Pringle’s (Sir John) Dispensatory for the Army; 12mo. London, 1752.— Is. (Lord Rosslin.) 1406 Watson's Chemical Essays; 12mo. 5 vols. Camb. 1781-3,—16?. (Money.) 1407 Lemerv on Foods and Drinkables; 12mo. London, 1745.—Is, (Smith.) Is. 6d . (Stile.) Commerce — Husbandry — Political Arithmetic — Coins — Weights and Measures — Medals — Inscriptions —■» Monuments , cfo. 140S ANDERSON on tlie Origin of Commerce and the great Commer¬ cial Interests of the British Empire j 2 vols. folio. Author’s own edition, maps, London, 1?64. — ll. 15s. (Borough.) 1409 Smith’s (Adam) Wealth of Nations; 4to. 2 vols. London, 1776 .—= ll . 10 s. (Faulder.) 1410 Campbell's Political Survey of Great Britain ; 4to. 2 vols. with the index, London, 177 4 -—It 15s. (Faulder.) 1411 Traits on Sugar, on Maritime Power, and on Trade - } 8vo. 1744, &c.—6s. (Strickland.) 1412 Nichols sur les A vantages et les Disadvantages de la France et Grand Bretagne : 12 mo. Lepee, 1/54.—3s. (Unwin.) 1414 Price on Annuities ; 8vo. London, 1771 A f 4s. 6d. 1415 Lee’s (W.) Essay on the Value of Leases and > ' J C (Money.) Annuites; 8vo. London, 1738 J 1416 Hale’s (Sir Matthew) Treatise of the primitive Origination of Mankind j folio, with portrait by Van Hove, London, 16/7.—« 1 6s. 6d. (Jelico.) 141/ Dunbar’s Essays on the History of Mankind; 8vo. bound by Walther, London, 1^80. — 3s. (Priestley.) 1418 Wallace on the Numbers of Mankind in Ancient and Modern Times ; 8vo. Edinb. 1753.—2s. 6d. (Lord Holland.) 1449 Gregory’s Comparative View of Man with the original Creation j 12mo, 1767.—2s. (Strickland.) 1* 106 Political Arithmetic , Coins , Medals, tyc. 1420 Alexander’s History of Women; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1782.-— 12s. 6d. (Collins.) 1421 Petty’s (Sir Win.) Political Arithmetic; 8vo. London, 1755. — gs. 6d . (Lord Milton.) 1422 Leake’s Historical Account of English Money; 8vo. cuts, Lond. 1745.—7s. 6d. (Money.) 1423 Fleetwood’s Chronicum Pretiosum; or an Account of English Money; 8vo. London, 1707.— lZ. 3s. (Lord Milton.) 1424 Simon's Medals, Coins, Great Seals, and other Works ; 4to. cuts, engraved by Vertue, London, 1780.—2Z. 11s. (Moore.) 1425 Haym, Musaeum Nummarium Britannicum; 4to. Vindoboricc, 1426 Haym, Tesoro Britannico; 4to. 2 vols. large paper, many cuts, Lond. 1719-20.—2 Z. 6s. 6d. (Lord Morpeth.) 1427 Lownd’s Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coin; 8vo. London, 1695.—4s. (Hare.) 1428 Clark’s Connection of the Roman, Saxon, and English Coins; Ato. London, 1 767.—lZ. 11s. 6d. (Moore.) 1429 Patin, Introductio Numismatica; 18mo. Amst. 1693.'—-Is. (Moore.) 1430 Nummorum Antiquorum in Scriniis Bodleianis Catalogus, k Wise ; folio, cuts, Oxon. 1750.—8s. (Moore.) 1431 Banduri Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, k Trajano Decio ad Augustos Palaeologos; folio, 2 vols. Parisiis, 1718/—lZ. 12s. (London Institution.) 1432 Spanhemii Dissertationes de Usu et Praestania Numismatum Antiquorum; folio, 2 vols. fine portrait, London, 1707.— 3Z. 13s. 6d. (Hare.) 1433-Gorlaei Thesaurus Numismatum Romanorum; folio, Amst. 16O8. — 6s. (Moore.) 1434 Goltzii Romanorum et Graecarum Antiquitatem Monumenta epriscis Numismatibus j folio, 5 vols. cuts, 1708.— -4Z. 4s. (Hindley.) Coins , Weights , Measures , crw/7 Inscriptions. 107 «* 1435 Arbuthnot’s Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights, and Measures; on the Interest of Money; Navigation of the Ancients; on the Medicines given by Ancient Physicians, &c. &c.; 4to. London, 1727.—lJ. 2s. (Borough.) 1436 Smith, Literae de Re Numaria, and Remarke on Arbuthnot’s Tables ; 8vo. 1729. —4s. 6d. (London Institution.) 1437 Hooper’s Enquiry into the Ancient Measures, Greek, Roman, and Jewish; 8vo. London, 1721. — 7 s * (Borough.) 143S Cumberland’s (Bp.) Essay on Jewish Measures and Weights; 8vo. London, 1686_4s. 6d. (Hare.) 1439 M£trologie, ou des Mesures, Poids, et Monnoies de Anciens et Modernes, par Paucton; 4to. Par. 1730. — 2 l. 4s. (Lord Holland.) 1440 Capellus de Ponderibus, Nummis, et Mfensuris; 4 to. Franc. 1607. —2s. (Priestley.) 1441 D’Anville Traitd des Mesures Itineraires anciennes et modernes; 8vo. Paris, 1769.—9s. (Dobree.) 1442 Mirabella Dichiarazione della Pianta dell* Antiche Siracuse ; folio. with portrait and cuts, Napol. 1613.—17«. 6d. (Clarke.) 1443 Muratori Inscriptionum Veterum novus Thesaurus; folio, 4 vols. Mediolan, 1739.— 61. 6s. (Hindley.) 1444 Gruteri Corpus Inscriptionum cum Gudii et Graevii Annotatio- nibus ; folio, 4 vols. fine portrait and cuts, Amst. 170/*—4/. 6s. (Hindley.) i 1445 Fonteius de priscft Ctescorom Gente, cum Jacohiui Appendice; folio, in vellum, Benonia, 1622.—10s. 6d. (Clarke.) 1446 Fabretti Inscriptiones Antiquae; folio, Rom. 1699* — 2s. 6d. (Clarke.) - l - --- 1447 Sponii Monumenta eruditae Antiquitates; folio, cuts, Ludg. 1685. — ll. 6s. (Mackinlay.) ■ * 108 Inscriptions. 1448 Lipsii Inscriptiones Antiquae; folio. Lug. Bat. 1688 .—iL 2s. (Heber.) 1449 Siciliae et adjacentium Insularum Inscriptiones veteres, a G. L. Castello 3 folio, bound in russia, cuts, Panormi, 1769.'—21. 35. (Lord Morpeth.) 1450 Biancliini Camera ad Inserizione Sepulchrali de Liberti Servi ad Ufficiale della Casa d’Augusto, Rom. 1727- — 9$. (Heber.) 1451 Reinesii Syntagma Antiquaram Inscriptionum 3 folio. Lips. 1682. •—S s. 6d. (London Institution.) 1452 Angeloni 1’ Historic Augusta illustrata con la Verita dell’ an- tiche Medaglie3 folio, in vellum, 1685.—1 Is. (Heber.) 1453 Apiani et Amantii Inscriptiones sacro-sanctae Vetustatus5 folio, Ingolst. 1534.—6 s. (Heber.) 1454 Pingonii Sabaudi Augusta Taurinarum j folio, cuts, 1677.— 5s. 6d. (Heber.) 1455 Morzochii Epigrammata antiquae Urbis 3 folio, curious wood cuts, Romee, 1521.— 7 s . 6d. (Heber.) 1456 Inscriptionum duarum veterum Ilerodi Honori positarum Sal- masiiExplicatio, &c.j 4to. Paris, 1619.'—Is. 6cf. (Priestley.) 1457 Bibliotheca Literaria—Inscriptions, Medals, &c. 10 Nos. all that were published 3 4to. London, 1722.— gs. 6d. (Payne.) 1458 Falconerii Inscriptiones Athleticae cum notis 3 4to. Rom. 1668.— 2s. (Heber.) 1459 Tomasinus de Tesseris Hospitalitatis j 4to. Utin. 1647.— Is. (Heber.I 1460 Tomasinus de Tabulis Votivis et Donariis 3 4to. Patav. 1654.— Is. (Heber.) 1461 Rossi Memorie Bresciane, rivedute ed accreseiute da Vinnacesi 3 4to. Bresc. 1693.—5s. (Heber.) 1462 Cuperi Harpocrates et Monumenta antiqua 3 4to. cuts, T. ad Rh. 1687^— Is. (Heber.) Inscriptions. 109 1463 Marmor Oxoniense a. Maittaire; folio, Lond. 1732.—1 1. 7 s - (Loveden.) 1464 Malvasiae Marmora Felsinea; 4to. cuts, Bonon. I69O. — 3s. (Heber.) 1465 Van Dale de Antiquitatibus et Marmoribus Romanis et Graecis; 4to. cuts, Amst . \ J 02 : — 2 s . 6d. (Clarke.) 1466 Gronovii Memoria Cossoniana et Monumentum Aneyranum; 4to. L. B. 1695.—Is. (Heber.) 1467 Ferretii Musae Lapidariae ; folio, Veron, l6j2. — 4 s. (Heber.) 1468 Rubenius de Re Vestiaria et Donius de Utraque Paenulaj 4to. Antv. 1665.— 10s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 1469 Elsneri Schediasma Criticumj 4to. Berol. 1744.—Ss. (Heber.) 1470 Ursati Sertorii Monumenta Patavina - } folio, Patav. 1652.— 3s.Qd, (Heber.) 1471 La Colonna Trajana di Bartoli, con 1’Esposizione di Bellori; folio, Rom. 1667.—H. 17 s - (Unwin.) 1472 Fabretti Syntagma de Columna Trajana, et Explicatio veteris Tabellae Anaglyphaej folio, cuts, Rom. 1683.—3s. (Clarke.) 1473 Vignola de Columna Antonini Pii et antiquae Inscriptiones se~ lectioresj 4to, cuts, Rom. 1705. — 2 s. (Jelico.) i 110 Mythology , Witchcraft , Apparitions y Demoniacs* 1474 Spence’s Polymetis 5 folio, first impressions of the plates, London* 1747 .— 7 Z. gs. 6d, (Lord Essex.) 1475 Bryant’s Analysis of Ancient Mythology, 3 vols. with cuts, first edition 3 and the Marriage of Eros and Psyche, engraved by Bartolozzi; 4to. London, 1774.— Bl. 8s. (Unwin.) 1476 Epiphanii Physiologus et in Festo Pahnarum Sermo, Gr. et Lat. ' cum figuris multis 3 4ta. the cuts beautifully executed on wood, Rom, 1577.— ll. 6s, (Clarke.) 1477 Stoschii Gemmae Antiquae celatae 3 folio, finely engraved by Picart, large paper, bound in russia, Amst. 1724.— 5l. 10s. (Trip- hook.) 1478 Musgrave on the Grecian Mythology and Chronology of the Olympiads 3 8vo. large paper, 1782.—3s. 6d. (Unwin.) 1479 Black wall’s Letters on Mythology 3 8vo. London, 1748.—5s. (Unwin.) 1480 Pignorii Mensa Isiaca et de Magni* Deum Matre Discursus 3 4to. cuts, hound in vellum, Amst. 1663.—4s. (Money.) l480*Faemii Fabulae centum, Lat. et Gall. 3 4to. cuts finely engraved, London, 1743.—15s. (Money.) 1481 Arateorum Syntagma, Lat. cum notis Grotii 3 4to. ap. Raphel. Plantin. 1600.—Is. (Money.) 1482 Natalis Comitis Historia, et Linscerii Musarum Mythologia et de Diis Gentium 3 4to. with a great number of curious wood- cuts, Patav. 1616.— 2 s. (Heber.) Witchcrafts Apparitions, tyc. Ill 14 S3 Hvgini Fabulae, cam Schefferi et Munckeri notis ; 8vo. bound in vellum, Hamb. 1674.— 7*,6d. (Borough.) 1484 Natalis Comitis Mythologia; 12mo. Franc. 1581 \ f 3s. 1485 Dictionnaire Neologique et l’Eloge historique de \ L (Heber.) Pantalon Phoebus; 12mo. Amst. 1748 ) 1486 Ramsay, Voyage de Cyrus j 12mo. Luxemb. 1728.—Is. (Money.) 1487 Smidsii Pictura Loquens ; 12mo. with many cuts after the designs by Roman Dellahooge, Amst. l6c)5.—l6s. (Lord Holland.) 1488 Cornelii Agrippae Opera ; 8vo. 2 vols. with curious portraits and wood-cuts. Lug. —6s. (Dickson.) 1489 Abulmazar de magnis Conjunctionibus Astrorum, Revolutionibus, &c. j 4to. with several curious specimens of early engravings on wood, Aug. Vind. 1489-—2s. (Dickson.) 1490 Firmico (J.) Astronomicon Pruckneri, Manalius, et alia veterum Scripta Astronomica ; folio, Basil. 1533.— 6s. (Dickson.) 1491 Boissardus de Divinatione et Magicis, cum Deonibus de Bry; folio, many curious cuts and portrait, Openh. typis GallerL — 18s. (Lord Essex.) 1492 Webster’s Display of supposed Witchcraft; folio, London, 1677.— 10s. 6d. (Collins.) 1492*Scott’s Discovery of Witchcraft; folio, London, 1665.— >2l. 7s. (Mackinlay.) 1493 Glanville’s Sadducismus Triumphans, or a full and plain Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions, with Dr. Horneck’s Account of Swedish Witches, and curious frontispiece; 8vo, best edition, London, 1726.— 13s. (Mackinlay.) 1494 Hutchinson’s Historical Essay on Witchcraft; 8vo. London, 1718.—5s. Qd. (Mackinlay.) 1495 Moreton’s History of Apparitions; 8vo. cuts, London, 1729.—, 18s. (Mackinlay.) 1496 Aubrey’s Miscellanies on Fatality, Apparitions, &c. with Life; 8vo. London, 1724.—5s. (Littledale.) 112 Witchcraft , Apparitions, fyc. 1497 Beaumont’s Treatise of Spirits and Apparitions ; 8vo. cuts, Lond. 1/05.—8s. (Mack inlay.) 1498 Calmet on Apparitions ; 8vo. London, 1759.—19s. (Backhouse.) 1499 Calmet sur les Apparitions des Esprits et les Vampires ; 8vo. 2vols. Paris, 3 751 .—lZ. 2 s. (Mackinlay.) 1501 Comte Dulude’s Treatise on Spirits; 8vo. London, 1/23.—3s. (Dickson.) 1502 Lavaterus de Spectris, Lemuribus, &c.; 12mo. Genev. 1580.— Is . 6d. (Moore.) 1503 Naude Apologie pour les grands Personages faussement accu¬ ses de Magie ; 8vo. Haye, 1653. — Is. (Triphook.) 1504 Masse de l’lmposture des Diables, Devises, Enclianteurs, &c. j > * 12mo. Anglers, 1586.— 5s. 6d. (Triphook.) 1505 Loyer, Histoire des Spectres, Visions, &c.; Ato. Paris, 1005.— 9 s. 6d. (Triphook.) 1506 Fell on the Heathens, and Scriptuve Doctrine of Demons 5 8vo. extra bound, London, 1779-'—11s. Gd. (Money.) 1507 Pegge on the Meaning of Demoniacs in the New Testament 5 8vo. London, 1739-—2s. (Money.) 1508 Luciani Dialogi Deorum Maritimorum et Infernorum; 4to, bound in russia, Gr. Lovan. 1520.—1 1, 17s. (Payne.) 1509 Wieri Opera Omnia, de Praestigiis Daemonum, &c.; 4to. Amst. 1660.—4s. (Smith.) 1510 Bodin de la Demonomanie des Sorcieres; 4to. Paris, 1580.— 5s. (Clarke.) 1511 Casaubon’s Treatise on Enthusiasm; 8vo. London, l656.-r-ls. (B.IMINGTON.) 1512 Artemidori, Achmetis, Astrampsychi, et Nicephori Oncirocriticae, Gr. et Lat. Rigultii; 4to. Lutet. 1603.—l6s. (Heber.) 1513 Nicolle, les Imaginiares et Visionaires; 8vo. Colog. 1683.—1 s.6d. (Triphook.) Mythology , Witchcraft , 113 1514 Perreaud, Traite des Demons et Sorcieres ; 18mo. Genev. 1053.— 3s. (Clarke.) 1515 Psellus de Operationibus Daemonum, Gr. et Lat, a Gualmino; 18mo. Kiloni, 1088.— Is. (Dickson.) 1510 Laurentii (Ananiae) de Natura Daemonum ; 12mo. Venet. 1581.'— 2s. (Clarke.) 1517 Warburton’s Enquiries into Prodigies and Miracles, as related by Historians $ 12mo. London, \T17- — 3s. (Rimington.) 1518 Julius Obsequens et Polyd. Virgilius de Prodigiis, et Camerarius de Ostentis j 12mo. with curious wood-cuts, Basil, 1553.—- 5s. 6d. (Trifhook.) a ELEVENTH BAY’S SALE. MAY 8. Biography, Family History , and Heraldry. Foreign and English . 1519 TAYLOR’s Life of Christ, and Cave’s Lives of the Apostles; folio, great many cuts, russsia, elegant, London, 1742.—1 l. 12s. (Evans.) 1520 Chandler’s (Sam.) Critical History of the Life of King David j 8vo, 2 vols. London, 1/66. —6 s. (Wilson.) 1521 Chandler’s Vita Patrum Sanctorum Eremitarum j folio, 1585.— 18s. 6 d. (Heber.) 1522 Stanley’s History of Philosophy, with his Life, and portrait by Faithorne; folio, London, 1701.—15s. (Bates.) 1523 Niceron Memoires des Hommes Illustres dans la Republique de Lettres j 12mo. 44 tom. in 22, bound in white calf, Paris, 1729.—10/. 15s. (London Institution.) 1524 Biographia Britannica j folio, 7 vols. Lond. l’jA’J-66. —10/. (Collins.) 1525 Heroologia Anglica, ab anno MD. ad 1620, ab Holland, with portraits by Crispin de Pass, of eminent Personages from Biography. 115 Henry tlie Eighth’s time till the Beginning of Janies the First’s reign; folio, 2 vols. in 1, fine impressions.-— Jl. 1 Js. 6d. (Lord Essex.) 1526 Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, by Houbraken and Vertue, with their Lives and Characters by Birch ; folio, 2 vols. in 1, a subscriber’s copy, large paper, bound in russia, London , 1743-51.—34 l. 13s. (Faulder.) 1527 Wood’s Athenae Oxonienses; or Lives of Persons educated at Oxford; folio, 2 vols. large paper, fine copy, Lond. 1721.— 8 1 2s. 6d. (Evans.) 152S Walpole’s Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1759. — -16s. (Unwin.) 1529 Lloyd’s State Worthies, from the Reformation to the Revolution; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1766. — 1/. 5 s. (Wortley.) 1530 Ballard’s Memoirs of British Ladies; 8vo. London, 1775,_5s. (Mason.) 1531 Langbaine’s Account of the English Dramatic Poets; 8vo. Oxf. 1691. — 7 s. 6d. (Lord Glenbervie.) 1532 See No. 44/ 3. 1533 Smith, Eruditorum quorundatn et Illustrium Virorum Vitae; 4to, Lond. 1 707 - — 6s. (Payne.) 1534 Batesii Vitae selectorum aliquot Virorum; 4to. Lond. 1081.—12s. (Payne.) 1535 Pauli Jovii Elogia Virorum bellied virtute illustrium; folio, Florcnt. 1551.—9 s * (Foster.) 1536 Tomasini Illustrium Virorum Elogia ; 4to. portraits and medals, Patav. 1630.— 8s. (Foster.) 1537 Tomasini Elogia Virorum Litteris et Sapiential illustrium; 4to, Patav. 1644.— 12s. (Foster.) 1538 Faber in Imagines Illustrium ex Ursini Bibliothecd; 4to. many portraits of Greek and Roman Characters, Antw, 16'03.— 8s. 6d. (Collins.) 116 Biography. 1539 Freheri Pauli Theatrum Virorum Eruditione clarorum, with many hundred portraits of eminent Persons of all Nations; folio, 2 vols. fine copy, Norenberg. 1(588.— Jl. 17$. 6d. (Sturt.) 1540 Gesneri Biographia Academica Gottengensis; 8vo. 2vols.ini, Hal. 1768.-—12s. (Heber.) 1541 Blackwall’s Enquiry into the Life and Writings of Homer ; 8vo. portrait and cuts, London, 1735. — lZ. Is. (Unwin.) 1542 Leland’s Life of Philip of Macedon ; 2 vols. in 1, London, 1758.— 1 1. 13s. (Burrell.) 1543 Philostrate Vie d’Apollonius de Tyane; 12mo. 4 vols. Amst. 1779.— 1 1. 7s. (London Institution.) 1544 Anonymi Graica Oratio Funebris in Imp. FI. Cl. Constantinum; 8vo. Paris, no date. —2s. (Heber.) 1545 Middleton’s Life of Cicero; 4to. 2 vols. with head and tail pieces, designed and engraved by Grayefot, large paper, marbled leaves, London, 1741.— 2 1. 12s. 6d. (Unwin.) 1546 Imperatorum et Caesarum Vitae, cum Imaginibus ab Huttichio; 4to. many curious wood-cuts, 1534.—13s. (Foster.) 1547 Vie de 1’Empereur Julien; 12ino. Paris, 1746.—10s.6cZ. (Brooks- BANK.) 1548 Ramsay Ilistoire du Marechal de Turenne; 4to. 2 tom. Paris, 1736.— 11 , 19s. (Unwin.) 1550 Loisel, Memoires de Beauvais et du Beauviris; 4to. Paris, 1617.— 3s. (Heber.) 1551 Catel, Histoire des Comtes de Toulouse; folio, Tolose, 1629._ 1 1. gs. (Foster.)" 1552 Fleuris Histoire du Cardinal Tournon; 8vo. Paris, 1728._Is. (Lord Milton.) 1554 Eloges des Academiciens de Berlin, par Formey; 12mo. 2 tom, Berlin, 1757.—9s. (Lord Holland.) Biography. 117 1555 De Langlade Memoires de Frederic Maurice Duc-j de Bouillon 3 18mo. Amst. lOQ 3 j V (LondonIn- 1556 Des Maizeaus Vie de Baylej 12 mo. 2 tom. d la ( STIXUX10N ) Haye, 1732 J 1557 De la Mare Pliilib. de Vita, Moribus, et Scriptis Philandri Castil- lonei 3 12 mo. 1667.— Is. (Heber.) 1558 Jortin’s Life of Erasmus, and the Literary History of the Age when he lived 3 4to. 2 vols. portrait, London , 1758-60.— 3Z. 13s. 6d. (Foster.) 1559 Burigny, Vie d’Erasme 3 12 mo. 2 tom. Paris, 1 — 8s. (London Institution.) 1560 Barlandi Hollandiae Comitum Historia, Caroli Burgundiae Ducis Vita, &c. 3 12 m o. Franc. 1585.— "Js. 6d. (Dr. Routh.) 1561 Puffendorf de Rebus gestis Frederici Gulielmi Electoris Brandcn- burgii 3 folio, 2 vols. Berol. 1 6g5. — 13s. 6d. (Heber.) 1562 Prusse, le Roi de, Memoires pour l’Histoire de la Maison dc Brandehourg ; 4to. 2 vols. Berlin, 1751.' — 5s. (Whitmore.) 1563 Reimarus de Vita et Scriptis Jo-Alb. Fabrici^ 8 vo. with portrait, Hamb. 1737- — 3s. 6d. (Payne.) 1564 Bicknell’s Life of Alfred the Great 3 8 vo. London, 1 777-‘— 8 s. 6d. (Borough.) 1565 History of Edward the Black Prince and Institution of the Garter j 8vo. London, 1 77&— 6 s. 6d . (London Institution.) 1566 Birch’s Life of Henry Prince of Wales, eldest son of James the First 3 8vo. London, 1760. —7 s * (Whitmore.) 1567 Burnet’s Essays on the Memory of Queen Mary 3 12 mo. London , / 1695.—2s. (Trollope.) 1568 Harris’s Account of the Life and Writings of James the First; 8 vo. London, 1 772 1569 Harris’s Charles the First; 8 vo. London, 1772 )> 1570 Harris’s Charles the Second 5 Svo. 2 vols. Lond, 1766 1571 Harris’s Cromwell 3 8 vo. London, 1772 31. (Unwin.) I 118 Biography. 1572 Brooke’s Life of Sir Philip Sidney ; ]2mo. London, 1652.— -31. 3s, (Mackinlay.) 1573 Cecil (Lord Burleigh) his Life and Character, by Collins ; 8vo. London, 1732.—12s. (Mackinlay.) 1574 Leicester’s (Robert, Earl of) Life ; 8vo. portrait, large paper, London, 1727 - —18 s. (Triphook.) 1575 Memoirs of Robert Cary, Earl of Monmouth, with Notes by Lord Corke, and curious print of the Procession to Hunsdon House ; 8vo. London, 1759. —1 /. Is. (Collins.) 1576 Skinner’s Life of General Monk, and Vindication by Webster, with a very particular Account of that most memorable March from Coldstream to London ; 8vo. London, 1723. — 15s. (Collins.) 1577 Ward’s Life of Dr. Henry More, with his Letters; 8vo. portrait, London, 1710.—12s. (Bates.) 1578 Burnett’s Lives of Sir Matthew Hale, Wilmot Earl of Rochester, and Queen Mary; 12mo. London, 1774.—7 s - (Lord Hol¬ land.) 1579 Le Neve’s Protestant Bishops; 8vo. 2 vols. large paper, London, 1720.— Ik Us, 6d. (Payne.) 1580 Lewis’s History of the Life and Sufferings of Wickliffe; 8vo. London, 1720. — lk Is. (Booth.) 1581 Memoirs of Cardinal Wolsey; 8vo. London, 1706 .—> 8 s. 6d. (Unwin.) 1582 Strype’s Life of Arclibp. Cranmer ; folio, portrait, London, 1694 . —2 1 . 3 s. (Payne.) 1583 Ridley’s Life of Bp. Ridley 5 4to. bound in russia, London, 1763 . —11s. (Payne.) 1534 History of the Life of Cardinal Pole; 8vo. 2 vols. portrait, London, 1 767 . — Qs. (Whitmore.) 1585 Strype’s Life of Archbp. Parker ; folio, portrait, London, 1711 — lk 2s. (Burrel.) Biography and Family History. llj> 1586 Strype’s Life of Archbishop Grindal 3 folio, large paper, portrait, London, 1710.— 2l. 17s. (Whitmore.) 1587 Strype’s Life of Archbishop Whitgift 3 folio, with portrait, London, 171S.— 3 1 . (Payne.) 1588 Paul’s Lifeof Archbishop Whitgift 3 8 vo. London, 1699 .—Is. Qd. (Burrel.) 1589 Abbot’s (Archbishop) Life and Character 3 8 vo, portrait and cuts, Guilf . 1777 *— 9 s - (Sturt.) 1590 Parr’s Life of Archbishop Usher, with his Letters 3 folio, portrait, large paper, London, 1686 .— 1 1. 1 5s. (Booth.) 1591 Bernard’s Life of Archbishop Usher, portrait, 1656:—et Dil- lenghami Vita Chaddertoni j 12 mo. Cant. 1700 . — 4 s. 6d. (Burrel.) 1592 Hackett’s Life of Archbishop Williams 3 folio, portrait by R. White, large paper, London, 1693.' — 15 s. (Foster.) 1593 Peck’s Lives of Cromwell and Milton j 4to. numerous portraits, bound in white calf, London, 1740 . — 2l. Qs. (Triphook.) 1594 Orrery’s Remarks on the Life and Writings of Swift, London, 1752. — Is. Qd. (Unwin.) 1595 Lives of Elias Ashmole and Wm. Lilly 3 8 vo. portraits, London, 1774 .—11s. (Borough.) 1596 Memoirs of Thomas Hollis 3 4to. 2 vols. in 1 , large paper, cuts by Bartolozzi, London, 1 780 . — 4 1. 7s. (Heber.) 1597 Burnet’s History of the House of Est£ 3 8 vo. portrait, London, 1681 .— 3 s Qd. (Trollope.) 1598 Aldo Manucci Vita di Cosimo di Medici Gran Duca di Toscano ; folio, Bolog. 1586 . — 10 s. Qd. (Lord Milton.) 1599 M&noires pour la Vie de Petrarque 3 4to. 3 tom. Amst. 1764 .—■ 4 1. 16s. (Priestley.) 1600 Tomasini Petrarca Redivivus, LauiA Comite 3 4 to. in vellum, I Patav. 1650. — 12 s. (London Institution.) 120 Biography and Family History. 1001 Life and Miracles of St. Benedict; 12 mo. illustrated with many curious plates neatly engraved, privately printed, 1638.— 9 s. 6d. (Money.) 1602 Bonucci Istoria di Gregorio X.; 4to. Romce, 1711 ••— 2 s. 6d. ( Money.) 1603 Vita di Padre Paolo; 18mo. bound in vellum, Leide, 1646.— 6s. (Lord Glenbervie.) 1604 Limborchii Vita Simonis Episcopi; Svo. Amst. l^Ol .—Is. 6d. (Elmsley.) 1605 Garimber Vite overo Fatti memorabili d’alcuni Papi e di tutti Cardinali; 4 to. Ven. 1567 - — 6s. (London Institution.) 1606 Historia di Mutio di Fatti di Frederico di Montefeltro Duca d’ Urbino ; 4to. with fine portrait, Venez. 1605.— 8 s. (Foster.) 1607 Vita di Panagioti con alcune sue Lettere da Bargani ed Hal.; 8 vo. Brescice, 1760. — Is. (Priestley.) l 60 S Gassendi Vita Nicolai Pieriskii; 4to. portrait. Hag. 1655 .— Js. 6d. (Keysall.) 1609 Leoni Flistoria di Francesco Maria di Montefeltro della Rovere Duca d’Urbino ; 4to. Ven. l 605 . — 8 s. 6d. (London Insti¬ tution.) 1610 Baldinucci Vita del Bernino; 4to. cuts, Firenz. 1689 .— 6 s. 6d. (London Institution.) 1611 Pauli Jovii Vita, et Res gestae Alphonsi Atestini Ferrariae Prin- cipis ; folio, Florent'ue, 1550. — 4 s. (Foster.) 1612 Histoire Abr£ge£ de la Vie et des Ouvrages d’Antoine Arnauld; 12 mo. portrait. Colog. 1695.— 3s. 6d. (Lord Holland.) 1613 Ganginelli’s Life by Caraccioli; 8vo. London, 1 776 .—4s. 6d. (Borough.) 1614 Boccacio Genealogia de gli Dei trad, par Betussi, con la Vita di Boccacio; 4to. Venez. 1547-—2 s.6d. (Collins.) Heraldry and Biography. 121 1615 Antiquit&s de la Maison de France; 4to. Paris, 1/3 9 .— Js. 6d. (Whitmore.) 1 6 1 6 Delle Famiglie Fiorentine di Ammirato ; folio, with cuts, Firenze, 1615 .'— 18 s. 6d. (Keysall.) l 6 l/ Aslimole’s Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter; folio, fine engravings by Hollar, London, 16 Q 3 .— Jl. (Foster.) l 6 l 8 Anstis’s Register of the Order of the Garter, with notes; folio, 2 voIs. large paper, bound in russia, London, 1724.—>3 1. I/'s. (Triphook.) 1619 Collins’s Proceedings, Precedents, and Arguments* concerning Baronies by Writ; folio, London, 1734 10/. 15s. (Whitmore.) 1620 Collins’s Noble Families of Cavendish, Harley, Vere, and Ogle, portraits by Vertue; folio, London, 1752 1621 Collins’s Peerage of England; 8 vo. 9 vols. with Supplement, London, 1779 .— 61. 10 s. (Prince of Wales.) 1022 Bolton’s Extinct Peerage of England; 8 vo. London, 1769 .— 7s. 6d. (Whitmore.) 1623 Clark’s History of Knighthood; 8 vo. 2 vols. cuts , London, 1784. — 9 s. (Whitmore.) 1624 Stukeley’s Palaeographia Britannica; 3 Nos. London, 1743; Stukeley’s Account of Richard of Cirencester, and his Works, London, 1757; Stukeley’s Medallic History of Carausius; 2 parts in 1 vol. London, 1757-59; 4 to. bound together.— 2Z.lls. (Lord Essex.) 122 * Law , Civil and Natural , together with the Law of Nature , the Statute Law of England , 1625 Juris Civilis Corpus, cum Gothofredi et Anselni Notis, edente S. Van Leuwen ; 2 vols. folio, Amst. 1663. — 31. 10s. (Lord Holland.) 1626 Juris Civilis Corpus; 2 vols. 8vo. Amst. 1700 . — ll. 15 s. ( Money.) \ 1627 Lindenbrogii Codex Legum Antiquarum; folio. Franc. 1613 .— 2 1 . (Hallum.) 1628 Theodosoianis Codex a Gothofredo; folio, 6 vols. in 3 , Lagd. 1665.—4 1 . 19 s. (Corrxe.) 1628*Juris Graeco-Romani et Graeci-Latini et Leunclavio; folio, 2 vols. in one, bound by Waltlier, Francof. 1696.—lZ, 12s. (London Institution.) 1629 Taylor’s Elements of the Civil Law; 4 to. second edition.*— 15 s. (Lord Milton.) 1630 Turnbull’s System of Universal Law, translated from Heineccins; 2 vols. London, 1740.—15s. (Money.) 1631 Wolfii Jus Naturae; 4to. 8 vols. Francf. 1740 - 8 .—3/. 4s. (Bo¬ rough.) 1632 Wolfii Institutiones Juris Naturae et Gentium; 8vo. Rom. 1750 —8s. ( Money.) 1633 Wolfii Jus Gentium Naturae; 4 to. Magd. 1749. — lZ. is. (Borough.) 1634 Bp. Cumberland’s Law of Nature, translated by Maxwell; 4to. London, 1726,-12s. (Money.) Civil and Statute Laiv, and the Laiv of Nations. 123 1635 Puffendorf de Officio Hominis et Civis; 8vo. portrait, London, 1737.—3s. Qd. (Money.) 1636 Pignorii Symbol* Epistolicae ex Antiquitatibus Juris Civilis j 12mo. many curious wood plates, Patav. 1629. — Is. (Key- - SALL.) 1637 Essai sur le Gouvernement Civil; 12mo. London, 1722 .— 3 s. Qd. ( Money.) 1638 Eberlinus de Origine Juris et Magistratuum Prudentiumque Suc- cessionej 4to. Franc. 1681.—4 s. 6 d. (Money.) 1639 Lunig Codex Italise Diplomatics; folio, 4 vols. Franc. 1725.— Al . 5 s . (Heber.) 1640 Puffendorf du Droit de la Nature et des Gens, avec Notes par Barbeyrac; 4to. 2 tom. Amst. 1739 .— 18s. 6 d. (Lord Essex.) 1641 De Vanes Dictionnaire Raisonne4 de Diplomatique; 8vo. 2 tom. cuts, bound by Baumgarten, Paris, 1774*— lZ. 6s. (Symmons.) 1642 Wiquefort, L’Ambassadeur et ses Functions, par Barbeyrac; 4to. 2 tom. Amst. 1730.—lZ. 11s. (Money.) 1643 Fontanini Vindiciae antiquorum Diplomatum adversus Germonium; 4to. Rom. 1705. — 2s. 64- (Heber.). 1644 Leibnitii Codex Juris Gentium Diplomatics ; folio, Hanov. 1693 . —1 1 . 2s. (Heber.) 1645 Leibnitii Mantissa Codicis Juris Gentium Diplpmatici ; folio, Han. 1700. — 7s. 6 d. (Heber.) 1646 Lee’s (R.) Treatise of Captures in War ; 8vo. London, 1759 .— 2s. 6 d. (Symmons.) 1647 Witten Memoriae Juris consultorum; 12 mo. Franc. 1676 ,—Is. ( Money.) 1648 Vinnius in quatuor Libros Institutionum Imperialium ; 4to. Elzevir. 1665. — 4s. (London Institution.) 1649 Heineccii Antiquitatum Romanarurn Juriprudentium, illustran- 124 Civil and Statute Law, and the Law of Nations. tinm Syntag. ; 8 vo. 2 vols. Franc, ad Mcen. 1/71. —l/s. (Lon¬ don Institution,) 1(550 Relandi Fasti Consulares, et Consules in Pandectis memorafi; 8vo. Fras. Bat. 1715.—4s. (Symmons.) 1651 Juris Civilis veteris, cum notis Vinnii et variorum, a Lewis ; 8 vo. 1672.—4s. 6d. (London Institution.) 1652 Justiniani Institutiones k Vinnio ; ISmo. L. Bat. 1709 .— 2 s. 6d. (Money.) 1053 Grotius de Jure Belli et Pads, k Barbeyrac ; 8 vo. portrait, Amst. 1720 .— 7 s - (Money.) 1654 Grotii Vitae Jurisconsultorum in Pandectis noininatorum; 4to. portrait, L. B. 1690. — 5s. 6d. (Dh. Routh.) 1055 Judicium de Libro posthumo H. Grotii; 12 mo. Hagiop. 1040.—• 3s. 0d. (Coates.) 1050 Gebaviri Vestigia Juris Germanici in Taciti Germanic obvia ; 8 vo. Gotting. 1700.—' 12 s. 6d. (London Institution.) 1057 Witsius de (Economic Fcederura Dei cum Hominibus; 4to. 1712. —0s. 6d. (Priestley.) 1058 Fabii Semestria; 4to. Genev. 1000.-—Is. (Money.) 1058*Fabri (Tan.) Epistolae et Aristophanis Ecclesiazusae, Gr. et Lat. cum notis; 4to. Salmur , 1074.—2s. (Symmons.) 1059 Pandectae Canonum SS. Apostolorum et Conciliorum ab EcclesiS. Graecae, cum Notis Beverigii; folio, 2 vols. Oxon. 1072. — 2 1. 3s. (London Institution.) 1000 Bibliotheca Juris Canonici veteris, Gr. et Lat. Justelli et Voelli; folio, 2 vols. fine copy, with paned gold borders and gilt leaves. Par. 1001.— 2 1. Js. (London Institution.) 1001 Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England; 4to. 4 vols, portrait, 0 th edition, London , 1774.— 1 /. 11s. 6 d. (Sir J. Copley.) 1002 Wood’s Institutes of the Laws of England; folio, portrait, London, 1734.—0s. (Money.) Civil and Statute Laiv, and the Laiv of Na tions. 125 1663 The Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to the 48th George III. by Ruffhead; 4to. 22 vols. bound, and 4 parts boards, best edition, London, 1769 &ISO 8 .— 521. 10 s. (Lord Kensington.) 1664 Barrington's' Observations on the more ancient Statutes, from Magna Charta to 21 st James I. $ 4to. 4tli edition, London, 1775.— 19 s. (Money.) 1565 Hawkins’s Pleas of the Crown; folio, London , 1771*— (Sym- MONS.) TWELFTH BAY’S SALE. MAY 9. Miscellaneous Classics, Authors of Great Britain and Ireland , together with Works of Genius; including Poetry , Dramatic History , Plays , Romances , awe? Novels. \ v ' ' 1 *■* " , 1666 ADDISON’s Works j 4to. 4 vols. printed by Baskerville, with portrait after Sir Godfrey Kneller, and plates after Hayman, fine tall copy, Birmingham, 1761.— 61. 1 5 s. (Smith.) 1667 Addison’s Miscellanies, Poems, Plays, &c.; 12mo. 3 vols. 1726.— 6s. (Borough.) 1668 Aikin’s Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose j 8vo. London, 177-5 ; and Devotional Pieces, and Thoughts on Devotional Taste j 8vo. bound together.— 6s. (Triphook.) 1669 Atterbury’s (Bishop) Epistolary Correspondence and Miscellanies ; 8 vo. 5 vols. London, 1783.—1/. 10s. (Lord Holland.) 1670 Andrews on the Manners, Taste, and Amusements of the Two last Centuries, in England $ 12mo. London, 1782.—4s. 6 d. (Unwin.) 127 Miscellaneous English Prose . 1671 Bacon’s (Lord) Works ; 4to. 5 vols. with portrait and other cuts, bound by Frazer, London, 1 765 .— 13 Z. 13s. (Unwin.) 1673 Beattie’s Essays, 2 vols.; and Dissertations, Moral and Critical; 4to. bound by Walther, Edinburgh, 17/6 & 1783.—2 1. 7*« (Arch.) 1674 Berkley’s (Bishop) Works, with Portrait and his Life; 4to. 2 vols. best edition, bound in russia, London, 1784.—3 1. 13s. 6d. (Payne.) 1675 Bolingbroke’s (Lord) Works, with his Life, by Mallet; 4to. 5 vols. the original complete edition, London, 1754.— -41. (Unwin.) 1676 Bolingbroke’s Letters and Correspondence, with State-Papers; 4to. 2 vols. published by Parke, London, 1798. — 1 1. 4s. (Whitmore.) 1677 Boyle’s Works, with his Life, by Birch; 4to. 6 vols. best edition, portrait by Baron, bound by Fraser, London, 177 2 *—9^ 9 s - (Triphook.) 1678 Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful, and on Taste; 8vo. London , 1761.'— 2s. 6d. (Rodwell.) 1679 Charles’s Works, with his Life and Trial, edited by Dr. Perrinchiafe; folio, portrait by Hertochs, and other cuts, London, 1687-—14s. (Priestley.) 1680 Chesterfield’s Miscellaneous Works, by Matty; 4to. 2 vols. many fine portraits by Bartolozzi, London, 1777-—U. 10s. (Chandley.) 1681 Chesterfield’s Letters; 4to. 2 vols. portrait, London, 1774.—lZ. 2s. (Chandley.) 1082 Clarendon’s (First Earl of) Posthumous Tracts; folio, London, 1727 .— lZ. 5s. (Chandley.)] 1083 Daniel De Foe’s Poetical Works; 8vo, 2 vols. London, 1705.— 12s. (Priestley.) 128 Miscellaneous English Prose . 1684 Daniel De Foe’s Consolidator; 8vo. London 1705 / 5s. C (Borough.) 1685 Dodsley’s Trifles; 8 \o. London, 1745 J 1686 Dodsley’s Fugitive Pieces; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1771.—8s. ( Money.) 16S7 Dr, Donne’s Letters ; 4to. fine portrait by Lo mb art, 1651.— ?s. (Scott.) 1688 Echard’s Works, on the Cause of the Contempt of the Clergy, &c. ; 12mo. 3 vols. London, 1 774.—3s. (Edwards.) 1689 Melmoth’s Letters of Sir T. Fitzosborne ; 8vo. 2 vols. first edition, London, 1748.— 7s . (Collins.) -1690 Gerard’s Essay on Genius ; 8vo. bound by Johnson, London, 1//4. -— 7s . 6d. (Collins.) 1691 Gerard’s Essay on Taste; 8vo. bound by Johnson, Edinburgh, 1780. — 7 s • 6cZ. (Collins.) 1692 Saville’s (Marquis of Halifax) Miscellaneous Works; 8vo. London, 1704.—-8s. (Scott.) 1693 Harrington’s (James) Oceana, and his other Works, with his Life, byToland; 4to. portrait and frontispiece, best edition, Lon¬ don, 1771—*1Z. 8 s. (Collins.) 1694 Harris’s (James, Esq.) Hermes, Three Treatises, Philosophical Arrangements and Enquiries; 8vo. 4 vols. extra bound by Johnson, London, 1771-8.— 2 l. 12s. Qd. (Unwin.) 1695 Hill’s (Aaron) Miscellanies; 8vo. 4 vols. large paper, London, 1764.—6s. Qd. (Edwards.) 1699 Hobbes’s English Works, with his Life, by Birch; folio, portrait, London, 1750.—2 1 . 16s. (Souire.) 1700 Hughes’s Letters, by Duncomb; 12mo. 3 vols. London, 1773.— 4s. Qd. (Edwards.) 1701 Hurd’s (Bishop) Dialogues, Moral and Political; 12mo. 3 vols. London, 1 765.— 12s. (Bates.) 129 Miscellaneous English Prose. 5 702 Soame Jennings’s Works ; 8vo. London, 1 770 . — 6 s. (Bo¬ rough.) 1703 Davies’s Fugitive Pieces ; containing a great Part of Dr. John¬ son’s Small Tracts; 12mo. 3 vols. London, 1774. — 11s. (Borough.) 170J The Works of John Locke, Esq. edited by Dr. Law, late Bi¬ shop of Carlisle ; 4to. 4 vols. best edition, bound by Fraser, London, 1777 - — 9 ^- 9 s - (Scott.) 1705 Lyttleton’s (Lord) Dialogues of the Dead; 8vo. London, 1760 .— 3s. 6d. (Unwin.) 1706 Lord Lyttleton’s Miscellaneous Works, published by Ayscougli; 3 vols. with portrait, London, 1 776 .— 1/. 6 s. (Linden.) 1707 Marvel’s Works; 4to. 3 vols. portrait by Cypriani, London, 1776 . —2 1 . 17s . (Chandley.) 1708 Mandeville’s Fable of the Bees; 12mo. 2 vols. Edinb. 1755.—, 6 s. 6 d. (Money.) 1709 Mandeville’s Free Thoughts on Religion; 8vo. London, 1720.—• 2s. (Collins.) 1710 Mandeville’s Virgin Unmasked; 8vo. London, 1724. — 3s. 6 d. (Rodwell.) 17H Mandeville’s Enquiry into the Origin of Honour; Svo London, 1732.—4s. (Borough.) 1712 The Museum, or Literary and Historical Register, by Robert Dodsley and his Friends and Patrons ; 3 vols. London, 1746. — 11s. (Triphook.) 1713 Middleton’s Miscellaneous Works; 4to. 4 vols. with his portrait, and 22 plates of curious Roman, Grecian, and Egyptian Anti¬ quities, the original of which now form that part of the Mu¬ seum at Strawberry Hill, large paper, London, 1752.—3 1. 5 s. (Lord Milton.) « 1714 Overbury’s (Sir Thomas) Works, in Prose and Verse; 12mo London, 1 756 .— 3s. (Linden.) s 130 Miscellaneous English Prose. J715 Raleigh’s (Sir Walter) Works, with his Life, by Birch j 8va. 2 vols. portrait by Boitard, London, 1751. — 2 l. 2s. (Lord Essex.) 1716 Raleigh’s Select Essays, with his Apology for the Voyage to Guii ana; 12mo. with portrait, London, 1053.—4 s.6d. (Rodwell.) 1717 Rowe’s (Mrs. Elizabeth) Works; 12mo. 2 vols. London, \7J2.-r-r Js. 6d. (Edwards.) 1718 Rowes’s Letters; 12mo. 2 vols. London, 1774.—7$- (Edwards.) 1719 Seldeni Opera, a Wilkins; folio, 0 vols. portrait, London, 1720. — 5l. 10s. (Edwards.) 1720 Shaftesbury’s (Earl of) Characteristicks ; 8vo. 3 vols. portrait and cuts by Grebelin, London, 1723.— 12s. (Sullivan.) 1721 Brown’s Essay on the Characteristicks ; 8vo. Lon-~] don, 1752 ^ 2 l . Is. 1722 Sidney’s (Sir Philip) Works ; 8vo. 3 vols. London, j (Priestley) 1729. J 1723 Sidney’s (Algernon) Works; 4to. Mr. Hollis’s edition, portrait, London , 177 2 - l£. 13s. (Triphook.) 1724 Steele’s Political Works ; 12mo. London, 1715.—5s. (Scott.) 1725 Sterne’s Works; 8vo. 10 vols. best edition, cuts, fine impressions, London , 17SO.— 31 . 5s. (Linden.) 1726 Sterne’s Letters ; 12mo. 2vols.ini, with portrait of Lydia, after a painting by West, London, 1 775.—3s. 6d. (Whitmore.) 1727 Swift’s Works, portrait; 8vo. 8 vols. Dublin, 1751._ \l ig s . (Barclay.) 1/28 Switts Works and Letters; 4to, 14 vols. fine set, 1755.— 1 6 b. (Borough.) 1729 Temple’s (Sir W.) Works; 8vo. 4 vols. portrait, London, 1737. —1/. 10s. (Evans.) 1730 Amhuist s Terrse Filius; 12mo. 2 vols. frontispiece by Hogarth, London , 1720. —3s. (Money.) 131 Miscellaneous English Prose. 1/31 Toland, Memoirs of his Life ; his History of the Druids, &c.; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 17 36. — 7s. 6d. (Triphook.) 1/32 Tucker’s (Josiah) Treatise on Government; 8vo, London, 1781. — 5s. (Priestley.) 1/33 Warburton’s Miscellaneous Translations, in Prose and Verse; 12mo. London, 1724.— 3s. (Fuller.) 1734 Addison’s Works and Travels ; 8vo. 4 vols. Tonson, London, 1765; Spectator; 8vo. 8 vols. cuts, Tonson, 1747 ) Tatler; 8vo. 4 vols. cuts, Tonson, London, 1759; Guardian; 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, Tonson, London, 1747; The Freeholder; 8vo. 1 vol. Tonson. All uniform and neat, the genuine editions.—* 1 61. 1 6s. (Unwin.) 1735 Spectator; 12mo. 10 vols. large print, scarce edition, London, 1724.— ll. (Greig.) 1736 Guardian; 12mo. 2 vols. London. — 6s. (Linden.) 1737 Freeholder; 12mo. London, 1761.-— - 5s . (Biddle.) 1738 Englishman; 8vo. London, 1714. — 5s. (Unwin.) 1739 Steele’s Lover and Reader; 12mo. London, 1715.—11s. 6d. (Mackinlay.) 1740 Idler; 12mo. 2 vols. London, 1767 .— 8s. (Biddle.) 1741 Rambler; 12mo. 4 vols. London, 1 756. —19s. (Duff.) 1742 The World ; 12mo. 6 vols. London, 1757- — H. 1$. (Biddle.) 1743 Adventurer; 12mo. 4 vols. London, 1756.— -15s. (Biddle.) 1744 Connoisseur; 12mo. 4 vols. Oxford, 1767 . — ll. 5s. (Duff.) 1745 The Mirror ; 12mo. 3 vols. London, 1781 .— 17s. (Unwin.) 1746 Goldsmith’s Essays ; 12mo. London, 1775.—5s. (Unwin.) ;l 1747 Microcosm, by Etonians ; Svo. Windsor, 1787-— 7 s • (Unwin.) 1748 Caribbeana, Letters, Dissertations, Poetical Essays, &c. by se¬ veral West-Indians ; 4to. 2 vols. London, 1741.—8s. (Ed¬ wards.) 1749 Free-Thinker; 8vo. 3 vols. large paper, London, 1732. — 10s. 6d. (Triphook.) 132 Miscellaneous English Prosefy Poetical Classics. 1750 Phoenix, or a Revival of Scarce and Valuable Pieces ; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 170 7.—11s. (Perky.) 1752 Fielding’s Novels, Plays, and other Works ; 8vo, 8 vols. por¬ trait by Hogarth, and cuts, London, 1771*—4k 18s. (Duff.) 1753 Richardson’s Sir Charles Grandison ; Svo. 6 vols. London, 1754. —3k 16s. (Unwin.) 1754 Richardson’s Clarissa; 8vo, 7 vols. London, 1751. — 2 1. 19s. (Duff.) 1755 Richardson’s Pamela; Svo. 4 vols. with cuts, London, 1742.— lk 105. (Sir J. Riddle.) 1750 Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield; 12mo. 2 vols. London, lJJQ.-— ■ Is. 6d. (Collins.) 1757 Almoran and Ilamet; 12mo. 2 vols. London, 1761 .—4s. 6d. (Triphook.) 175S Castle of Otranto; 12mo. London, 1782.—2s. (Triphook.) 1759 Riceoboni’s Letters from Lord Rivers to Sir Charles Cardigan, by P. Stockdale ; 8vo. London, 1778.—Is. (Rimington.) 1760 Brown’s Observations on France and Italy, Voyage to the Le¬ vant, Malta, and Egypt; 8vo. London, 1739'—3s. (Trip¬ hook.) 1761 Warton’s History of English Poetry, from the Eleventh to the Eighteenth Century; 3 vols. 4to. with Observations (pub¬ lished in 1782) bound up with the third volume, in extra binding, London, 17/4. — 61. 11s. (Sir J. Copley.) 1762 Aikin’s Poems; 8vo. London, 1773.—3s. 6d. (Whitmore.) 1763 Aikin’s (J.) Essay on Song-writing, and the Application of Na¬ tural History to Poetry; 8vo. Warrington, 1774-7. — 95. (Collins.) 1764 Akenside’s Poems; 4to. portrait, London, 1 772.— lZ.3s. (Chand- ley.) 1765 Bishop Percy’s Reliques of Ancient English Poetry ; Svo. 3 vols. Miscellaneous Poetical English Classics . i 33 with frontispiece and vignettes, neatly engraved, second edition, 1/67*— It. 18^. (Surtees.) 1766 Armstrong’s Works; 12mo. 2 vols. London, 177°* — 8s. 6d. (Biddle.) 1767 Old English Ballads, Historical and Narrative, with notes by Thomas Evans j 4 vols. bound by Baumgarten, London, 1784. —1 1 . IQs . (Lord Hennikar.) 1768 Mrs. Behn’s Poems, with Reflections on Morality ; 8vo. London, l6"S5.— 2s. 6d. (Rimington.) 1769 Blackmore’s Creation j 12mo. bound by Walther, Tonson, Lon¬ don, 1715.—4s. 6d. (Unwin.) 1770 Bossu, Traits du Poeme Epique; 12mo. Par. 16S3.—Is. (Lord Milton.) 1771 Bourne Poemata, Lat. et Angl. 4tli edition; 12mo. Land. 175O. —8s. (Lord Holland.) 1772 Broom's Poems j 8vo. portrait, London , 1727.—3s. (Priestley.) 177 3 Browne’s (Win.) Works ; ISmo. 3 vols. London, 1772 . —6s. (Rimington.) 1774 Hawkins Browne’s Poems j Svo. portrait, extra bound, London, 176S.—3s. 6d. (Lord Holland.) 1775 Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, his Works; 8vo. 2 vols. portrait, extra bound, London, 1 775.— 115. (Collins.) 177*3 Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, his Works ; Svo. 2 vols. portrait, London, 1740.—5s. 6d. (Fuller.) 1777 Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, his Works; 4 to. 2 vols. portraits, and cuts, London. —8s. 6d. (Rimington.) 1778 Butler’s Hudibras, in three parts, with Annotations; 8vo. 1704. —2s. (Collins. 1779 Butler’s Hudibras, with Notes and a Preface, by Grey; 8vo. 2 vols. cuts by Hogarth, first edition (a Subscriber’s copy) Cam¬ bridge, 1744.—2 1. 3s. (Unwin.) 134 Miscellaneous Poetical English Classics. ]/80 Butler’s Genuine Remains, by Thyer j 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1 ?5g.- —-lZ. 11s. (Lord Milton.) 1781 Carew’s Poems, Songs, &c. 3 12mo. London, 1772.—6s. (Bo-* ROUGH.) 1782 Works of Celebrated Authors, published by Tonsonj 12mo. 3 vols. London, 1/50 .—18s. 6d. (Borough.) 1783 Chaucer’s Works, by Urry 3 folio, large paper, portrait, bound in calf by Montague, London, 1721 . —2 Z. 2s. (Dibdin.) 1784 Chaucer's Works, with Lidgate’s Siege of Thebes, and Glossary, by Speghtj folio, portrait, London, 1687.—lZ. Is. (Bol-* land.) 1785 Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, modernized by several Hands, and published by Ogle 3 Svo. 3 vols. London, 1741. — 14s. 6d. (Faulder.) JfSS^'Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, with Notes, and a Glossary by Mr. Tyrwhittj Svo. 5 vols. the Author’s own edition, London , 1775 & 8.—3Z. 17s. (Unwin.) 1786 C’hudleigh's (Lady) Poems 3 12mo. London, 1772.—2s. (Rim- INGTON.) 1787 Churchill’s Works5 Svo. 4 vols. cuts, London, 1774.—>lZ. 2s. (Edwards.) 1788 Cleveland’s Poems 3 18mo. London, 1054.—2 s.6d. (Bolland.) 17S9 Collins’s Poetical Works, by Langhorne 5 12mo. London, 1771— 2s. (Barclay.) 1790 Cooper’s (John Gilbert) Poemsj 12mo. cuts, London, 1/64 .—. Is. 6d. (Edwards.) 1791 Cotton’s Poetical Works 3 12mo. cuts, London, 17 65. — 5s. 6d, (Triphook.) 1792 Cowley’s Works 3 8vo. 3 vols. Bishop Hurd’s edition, portraits, London, 1772-7.—11s. (Priestley.) 1793 Cowley’s Works 3 8vo. 3 vols. ■ with portraits, fine impressions, best edition, London, 1707 and 17O8.—lZ. Is. (Unwin.) Miscellaneous Poetical English Classics. 135 1794 Dr. John Donn’s Poems; 4to. first edition. London, 1633.'— 7s. 6d. (Bolland.) 1795 Davies’s (St.John) Poems; 12mo. London, 1773.—2s. (Ed¬ wards.) 179*3 Denham’s Poems and Translations, with the sofit; 12mo. London. —4s. Qd. (Borough.) 1797 Dodsley’s Collection of Poems, 6 vols.; Richardson’s, l vol.; Pearch’s, 4 vols.; 8vo. London, 17/0.—2 l . 13s. (Sullivan.) 1798 Dr. Dodd’s Poems; 8vo. neatly printed by Dryden Leach, London, 1767.—6s. Qd. (Edwards.) 1799 Donne’s Poems ; 12mo. Tonson, London, 1719 .— 3s. (Edwards.) 1500 Drayton’s (Michael) Works ; 8vo. 4 vols. London, 1753.—3 1. 5s. (Littledale.) 1501 Dryden’s Original Poems and Translations; 8vo. 4 vols. with Notes and his Life, by Derrick, portrait, London, 17QO.— 1 1. 16s. (Priestley.) 1 502 Dryden’s Miscellaneous Collection of Poems, by Tonson; Svo. 6 vols. London, 1702.' — ll. ] Is. (Sir. J. Riddell.) 1803 Dyer’s Poems ; Svo. cuts, London, 1770-—4s. (Edwards.) 1804 Duck’s (Stephen) Poems ; 4to. London, 17S8.—2s. (Edwards.) 1805 Fitzgerald’s Poems ; 8vo. London, 1733.—Is. (Rimington.) 1806 Fenton’s Poems, cuts, London, 1/37; anc ^ Pilkington’s Poems, London ; Svo. bound together.-—-Is. (Rimington.) ISO7 Flower-Piece, or Miscellaneous Poems; 12mo. London, 1731.— Is. 6d. (Borough.) 1808 Gay’s Works; 12mo. 6 vols. London, 1772-5.—ll. 10s. (Ed¬ wards.) 1809 Gay’s Poems; 4to. 2 vols. in 1, Tonson, London, 1720.— 5 s. (Smith.) 1810 Gay’s Fables; 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, designed by Wooton, London, 1737 .—1 1 . 2s. (Littledale.) t 136 Miscellaneous Poetical English Classics. 181 1 Glover’s Leonidas; 12mo. 2 vols. London, 1/70. —8s. 6d. (Unwin.) 1812 Goldsmith’s Poems and Plays; 8vo. 2 vols. 1780.—9s. (Priest¬ ley.) A 1813 Euphrosyne, or Amusements on the Road of Life; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1780.—3s. 6d. (Rimington.) 1814 Gray’s Poems ; 8vo. cuts, London, 1778.—3s. dd. (Barclay.) 1815 Gray’s Poems; 4to. with Bentley’s designs, first impression of the / plates, London, 1775.— 10s. (Chandley.) 1816 Gower de Confessione Amantis: or. The Lover’s Confession; folio, fine copy, hound in morocco by Roger Payne, Berthlet. 1554.— 61. Ss. 6d. (Lord Gower.) THIRTEENTH DAY’S SALE, MAY lo. i SI/ GRAY ’s Poems, with his Life, by Mason; 4to. with portrait, extra bound, London, 1 775.— 1 l.Qs. (Priestley.) ISIS Grays (Thomas) Poems and Letters, published by Mason; 8vo. 4 vols. York, 177S. — 1/. Us. (Priestley.) 1819 Hall’s (Bishop) Satires; 12mo. Oxford, 1753.— 12s. 6d. (Money.J 1820 Hayley’s Poems ; 4to. London, *779-—6 s. (Smith.) 1821 Herbert's (George) Divine Poems; 12mo. portrait, London, 1709- —2s. (Rimincton.) 1822 The Honest Ghost; or a Voice from the Vault.—A Letter to the Brittle Society, or Broken Company of Bankrupt Merchants. ■—Love’s Lottery, or the Cuckoo; with an Elegy on Phil. Porter’s Death : his Farewell to Poetry, shewing the Muses are Patronesses of Poverty.—The Matchless English Corombona. Curious frontispiece, engraved by Vaughan, 1658.—The Age for Apes; curious frontispiece, 8vo. 1658.— 2 l. l6’s. (Bolland.) 1823 Hughes's Poems, and Select Essays in Prose; 12mo. 2 vols. por¬ trait, London, 1735.— Is. 6d. (Edwards.) 1824 Jeffrey’s Miscellanies; 4to. London, 1754. —2s. (Lord Kensing¬ ton.) 1825 Poems by ***'*; Svo. London, 1/52. —Is. (Lord Kensington.) 1826 Jones’s (Sir William) Asiatic Poems, with Essays on the Poetry of Eastern Nations ; 8 vo. London, 1777- — 5s. (Priestley.) 1827 Keate’s Poetical Works; 2 vols. portraits, &c. London, 178J. —4s. (Edwards.) 1828 Kenrick’s Epistles to Lorenzo; 12m o. London, 1^3. —2 s. (Rim- ington.) T 138 Miscellaneous Poetical English Classics. 1829 Poems by eminent Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland; 12mo. 2 vols. London , 1//3.—Ss. 6 d. (Edwards.) 1S30 Langhorne’s Poetical Works; l2mo. 2 vols. in I, cuts, London, 1776. —4s. 6 d. (Edwards.) 1831 Granville’s (Ld. Lansdowne) Poems 5 12mo. 3 vols, portrait, London, 1736.—6s. (Edwards.) 1832 Lansdowne’s (Lord) Works; 4to. 2 vols. portrait, cuts, London, 1732.'— 5s. 6 d. (Rimington.) 1S33 Lloyd’s (Robert) Poetical Works; 8vo. 2 vols. portrait, London, 1774.—8s. (Edwards.) 1834 Lloyd’s (Robert) Poems; 4to. London, 1762.'—2 s. 6 d. (Rimt ington.) 1835 Mallet’s Works ; 12mo. 3 vols. London, 1 75Q .— 7 s ■ (Edwards.) 1836 Marvell’s (Andrew) Poetical Works; 12mo. 2 vols. London, 1772.— 7 s • 6d. (Rimington.) 1837 Mason’s Poems; 8vo. York, 1774-' —8s. (Payne.) 183S Milton’s Paradise Lost, in Ten Books ; 4to. first edition, calf extra, London, 166 S. — 'll. 7s. (Money.J 1S39 Milton’s Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes ; 8vo. first edi¬ tion, uniform with the last article, London, 1671.—1 1. 3s. (Mackinlay.) 1840 Milton’s Paradise Lost; 4to. with two portraits by Bentley, Lon¬ don, 1734.—8s. Qd. (Sir J. Copley.) 1S41 Milton’s Poetical Works, with his Life; Svo. 2 vols. printed by Baskerville, Birmingham, 1758.—lZ. 4s, (Barclay.) 1842 Milton’s Poetical Works ; 4to. 2 vols. printed by Baskerville, por¬ trait, Birmingham, 1759. —lZ. 3s. (Triphook.) 1S43 Milton’s Paradise Lost; folio, large paper, bound in russia, Glas¬ gow, \ 77 §> —lZ. 6s. (Triphook.) 1844 Milton’s Poetical Works, by Newton; 4to. 3 vols. portrait, and plates designed by Hayman, extra bound, London, 1 77 $-— 5 l . 5 s , (Chandley.) Miscellaneous Poetical English Classics. 139 1845 Milton’s Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works, Dr. Birch’s edition j 4to. 2 vols. London, 1J53. — 4 l. 7s. (Lord Milton.) 1845*Remarks on Johnson’s Life of Milton, to which are added, “ Mil- ton on Education,” &c. never before published 3 8vo. bound by Baumgarten, 178O.—8s. (Clarke.) 1846 Pearce’s Review of the Text of Milton’s Paradise Lost 3 8vo. Lon¬ don, 1733. — 4s. Rimington.) 1847 Delectus Auctorum Sacrorum Miltono face praducentium 3 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1/52-3 .— 1 1. 2s. (Signet Library.) 1848 Moore’s Poems, Fables, and Plays 5 4to. London, 1756.— 5s. 6d. (Smith.) 1849 Ogilvie’s Poems 3 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1769.— 6s. 6d. (Edwards.) 1850 Oldham’s Works 3 12mo. 2 vols. London, 1J22. —4s. (Edwards.) 1851 Fingal, Temora, and other Poems of Ossian, by Macpherson 3 4to. London, 1762. — 6s. (Clarke.) 1852 Fenton’s Oxford and Cambridge Poems ; London. —2s. (Riming¬ ton.) 1853 Parnell's Review of Bentley’s Emendations of Milton; 8vo. Lon¬ don, 1733. — Is. 6d. (Money.) 1854 Parnell’s Poems, with his Life, by Goldsmith 3 l2mo. London, 1773.—4s. (Borough.) 1855 Parnell’s Poems 5 4to. bound by Johnson, Dublin, 177 3 *— 7 s • 6d. (Sir J. Copley.) 1856 Philips’s (Mrs. K.) Poems 3 8vo. gilt leaves, London, 1664.— Is. (Rimington.) 1857 Philips’s (Ambrose) Pastoral Epistles and Odes 3 12mo. London, 1765. —4s. (Borough.) 1858 Philips’s (John) Poems 3 12mo. portrait, London, 1762.—4 s. 6d. (Borough.) 1859 Robert Longland’s Vision of Pierce Plowman 3 4to. fine copy, in morocco, London, printed by Robert Crowley, 1550. — ll. 14s. (Mackinlay.) 1860 Johnson’s English Poets, with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical; 140 Miscellaneous Voetical English Classics. post 8 vo. 58 vols. in 57, printed on writing-paper, bound by Baumgarten, 17/9-—10Z. 10s. (Rodwell.) 18(51 Nichols’s Select Collections of Poems, with Biographical Notes ; 8vo. 8 vols. illustrated with portraits, the binding uniform with the preceding lot, London, 1780. —lZ. 18s. (Scott.) 18(32 Pomfret’s Poems; 8vo. London, 1766.— Is. (Edwards.) 1863 Pictas et Gratulatio Coll. Cantab, ad Novos Anglos ; 4to. morocco binding, Boston, 1761 .—3s. (Bolland.) 1864 Pope’s Works, with his Life by Ruffhead, and portrait) 4to. 5 vols. London, 1769 .—4Z. 6s. (Chandley.) 1865 Warton’s Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope; Svo. 2 vols. London, 1/S2.—l6s. 6tZ. (Unwin.) 1866 Prior’s Poems; l8mo. extra bound, Tonson, London, 1713. — 2s. (Unwin.) 1 867 Quarles’s Poems 3 4to. London, 1626 . — 10 s. 6d. (Priestley.) 186S Roscommon’s and Duke’s Poems ; London, l 1 /10 .— 3s. (Riming- ton.) 1869 Rowley’s Poems, with Preface and Glossary, edited by Mr. Tyr- whit; Svo. London, 1777- — 5s. Qd. (Money.) 1870 Robertson’s Poems; 12mo. London, 1773-— 3s. (Edwards.) 1571 Bryant on Rowley’s Poems, and T. Warton’s Enquiry on Rowley’s Poems; Svo. London, 17 82. — 6s. (Edwards.) 1572 Savage’s Poems; 8vo. large paper, London, 1726.—ls.6d. (Money) 18/3 Savage’s Works, with his Life by Dr. Johnson; Svo. 2 vols. London, 1 777-—17 s - 6 cZ. (Unwin.) 1874 Scottish Comic and Tragic Ballads, edited by Pinkerton; 12mo. 2 vols. cuts, London, 17 83. — 12s. 6cZ. (Priestley.) 1S/5 Collection of Original Scotch Poems, by Blacklocke, &c.; 12mo. 2 vols. 176O. (Triphook.) 18/6 Scott’s Lyric Poems, Devotional and Moral; 8vo. cuts, London, 1773.—3s. 6d. (Money.) 1877 Evergreen ; or Scottish Poems, by Ramsay; 12mo. 2 vols. Edin¬ burgh, 1761.— 7s. (Rimington.) Miscellaneous Poetical English Classics. 141 1 S “8 Caledoniad; or Scotch Poems j 12 mo. 2 vols. London, 1 775.—» 5s. Qd. (Rimington.) IS79 Bannatyne’s Ancient Scottish Poems; 12 ino. Edinb. 17/0-— 105. Qd. (Triphook.) 1880 Sir Charles Sedley’s Miscellaneous Works, by Ayloffe; 8 vo. London , 1/02.'—Is. Qd. (Gardner.) 1881 Sir Charles Sedley’s Works; 12 mo. 2 vols. portrait, 1722 ,—Os. (Littledale.) 1882 Slienstone’s Works; 8 vo. 3 vols. portrait and cuts, London, 17O-I-9.—1 l . 19s. (Borough.) 1883 Smart’s Poems; 4to. cuts. London, 1752.—3s. (Raymond.) 1884 Somerville’s Chace and Rural Games; 12 ino. with neat plates, London, 1 7 O 7 .'— Is. Qd. (Chandley.) 1885 Another Copy, printed by Baskerville; 8 vo. Birm. 17 Q/. —Os. (Sir J. Copley.) 1880 Spenser’s Works, with Kent’s Designs ; 4to. 3 vols. large paper, Lond. 1 757 .— 71. (Oswald.) 1S87 Spenser’s Fairy Queen, with Notes by Upton; 4to. 2 vols. large paper, London, 1758. — 4 l. 11s. (Chandley.) 1888 Spenser’s Works, with a Glossary by Hughes; 12 mo. 0 vols. * / London, 1/1 5.— 10s. 6 d. (Chandley.) 1 889 Spenser’s Fairy Queen, by Church; 8 vo. 4 vols* London, 1758.— 10s. Qd. (Priestley.) IS 90 Spenser’s Shepherd’s Calendar, in Latin Verse, by Bathurst; 8 vo. portrait, London, 1732.—3s. (Priestley.) 1 89 1 Warton’s Observations on Spenser; Svo. 2 vols. London, 1702.— 15s. Qd. (Unwin.) 1 892 State-Poems, from Oliver Cromwell to the Abdication of James II.; Svo. 4 vols. London, 1702 .— Qs. Qd. (Rimington.) 1893 Miscellanies, published by Steele; 12 mo, London, 1727-— 2 s, 6 d. (Meredith.) 1 894 Stevenson’s Poems; 12mo, 2 vols. London, 1705.—4s. (Edwards.) 142 Miscellaneous Poetical English Classics. 18()5 Suckling’s (Sir John) Works; 12mo. 2 vols. 1770-—8s. 6d. (Edwards.) 180(5 Thomson’s Poetical Works; folio, 2 vols. in 1, russia, Glasg. 1784.—lk Is. (Sir J. Copley.) I897 Thomson’s Works; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1744, —6s. (Hindley.) 1SQS Union; or. Select Scotch and English Poems; 18mo. Edinb. 1753.—Is. 6d. (Rimington.) 1899 Thomson’s Works, with Life by Murdoch; 4to. portrait and cuts, 2 vols. russia, marble leaves, Lond.1762. —3 l. 14s. (Chandley.) 1900 Waller’s Poems; 18mo. portrait, extra bound, Tonson, 1712.— 4s. (Priestley.) 1901 Waller’s Works, by Fenton ; 4to. portraits and cuts, best editiop, finely printed, London , 1729.'—l6s. (Sir J. Copley.) 1902 Welsted’s Epistles, Odes, and Translations of Longinus; Svo large paper, ruled with red lines, London, 1/24. —3s. (Rim- IN GT ON.) 1903 Wharton’s (Duke of) Poetical Works; 12mo. 2 vols. portrait, London. — 5s. (Edwards.) .1904 Whitehead’s (Paul) Poems; 4to. portrait, London, 1777*—3 s.6d. (Chandley.) 1905 W hitehead’s (W.) Plays and Poems; Svo. 2 vols. London, 177*4. —10s. 6d. (Edwards.) 1906 Wilkie’s Epigoniad; Svo, large paper, Edinb. 1757- —3s. (Rim¬ ington.) 1907 Williams’s (Sir Hanbury) Odes; Svo. 178O.—10s. (Borough.) 1908 W^oty’s Poetical Works; Svo. 2 vols. London, 1 776. —4s. 6d, * (Edwards.) 1909 W’icherley’s Posthumous Works, with his Life by Pack; 8vo. London, 1728.—4s. (Edwards.) 1910 Young’s Works; 12mo. 5 vols. London, 1757-73. —lis. (Ep- wards.) 143 Theatrical History, Exercise, Plays, fa. 1011 Mercurialis de Arte Gymnastic^ 3 4to. many curious engravings, Amst. 16/2.—5s. (Raymond.) 1912 Riccoboni Poema dell’ Arte Rappresentativa, al Histoire du Theatre Italicnne 3 8vo. Lond.\^12>. —3s. (Barnet.) 1913 Lipsii de Constantia de Amphitheatre et Gladiatoribus, Antv. 1585 ; et Carrionis Observationes, Lat. 3 4to. curious plates, 1583.—• 5s. (Borough.) 1914 Calliachus de Ludis Scenicis Mimorum et Pautomimorum 3 4to. portrait, Patav. 1713.— Is. (Borough.) 3915 Francii Eloquentise Exterioris Specimen, primum et secundum ad Orationes pro Archia et Marcello; 12 mo. bound by Baum- garten, Amst. 17OO. —« 12 s. 6 d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 1916 Treatise de Tertulien, de l’Ornement des Femmes,*' des Spectacles, du Bateme de la Patience, par Caubere 3 12 mo. Par. 1733 1917 Barberdac Traite du Jeu; 18mo. 2 vols. in 1 , Amst. 1709 9s. (Lord Essex.) 1918 Meursius de Ludis Grzecorum, L.B. 1(522; et Sou- terii de Tabulis Lusoriis 3 12 mo. 1919 Cibber’s Apology for his own Life; and the Rise and Progress of the English Stage 3 8 vo. Land. 1750.—7 s - 6<2. (Unwin.) 1920 Whincop’s Scanderberg, with Lives of Dramatic Writers 3 8 vo. numerous portraits, London, 1747-— 2 s. 6 d. (Gardner.) 1921 Hawkins’s Origin of the English Drama; 8 vo. 3 vols. Oxford , 1773. — 17 s - (Edwards.) 144 Theatrical History, Plays, fyc. JQ22 Old Plays by Dodsley; 8 vo. 12 vols. London, 1/44.—3 1. (Sir J. Copley.) 1923 Old Plays, originally published by R. Dodsley; 8 vo. 12 vols. second edition, revised and corrected, with additions by Reed, bound by Johnson, London, 178 I.— 5l. 12 s\ 6d. (Priestley,) 1924 Six Old Plays, on which was formed “ Measure for Measure,” &x\ by Shakspeare, published by George Stevens, Esq. 8 vo. London, 1/79-—9 «. (Triphook.) 1925 Prologues and Epilogues; 12 mo, 4 vols. London, 1779*— 12 s. 6d. (Edwards.) 1926 New English Theatre; 12 mo. 12 vols. cuts, London, 177^.— 2 1. 2s. (Edwards.) J 927 Shakspeare’s Dramatical Works, Pope’s Edition; 12mo. 8 vols. London, 1728 .— ll. Is. (Priestley.) 1028 Shakspeare’s Works, by Hanmer; 4to. 6 vols. cuts, russia bind¬ ing, Oxford, 1771 .— 5l. 1 5s. 6d, (Sir J. Riddell.) 1929 Shakspeare’s Dramatical Works by Johnson and Stevens; 8vo. 10 vols. bound by Baumgarten, London, 177 ^-— 5l. 7 s • (Priestley.) J930 Shakspeare’s Dramatical Works, Supplement to Johnson and Ste¬ vens’s Edition, published by Malone ; 8vo. 2 vols. bound by Baumgarten, London, 178 O.—2 1. 3s. (Lyall.) 1931 Shakspeare’s Dramatical Works, published by Bell; 8 vo. 9 vols. large paper, extra fine impressions of the plates, London, 1 77L — ll . 12s. (Chandley.) 1932 Shakspeare’s Poems; 12mo. London, 1728.— 5s. 6d. (Edwards.) 1933 Upton’s Critical Observations an Shakspeare; 8vo. London, 1719 . — 4 s. 6d. (Triphook.) 1934 Grey's Critical, Historical, and Explanatory Notes on Shak¬ speare; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1754 .— 15 s. (Borough.) X935 Lyttleton’s (Lord) Persian Letters, Johnson’s Observations on Macbeth, bis Proposals and Specimen of an Edition of Plays , and Criticisms on them. 145 Shakspeare 3 in 10 small volumes., printed by E. Cave, 1/45. The Ajax of Sophocles, with Notes 5 12mo. hound in 1 vol. 1714.— /s. (Ca-pel.) 1936 Mrs. Montague’s Essay on the Genius of Shakspeare 3 8vo. Lond. 1 769 -' — 7s. (Unwin.) 1937 Shakspeare’s Dramatical Works, Remarks by Ritson 3 8vo. London, 1783.'—>5s. 6d. (Collins.) 1938 Shakspeare’s Lear, collated with Old and Modern Editions, 177 O 3 and Letters to Garrick concerning a Glossary to Shakspeare 3 8vo. London, 1768. — 5s. (Triphook.) 1929 Griffiths’s Morality of Shakspeare’s Diama 3 8vo. fine portrait, London, 1775.— 5s. (Unwin.) 1940 Edwards’s Canons of Criticism, and Works 3 8vo. London, 1758. — 2s. (Raymond.) 1941 Upton on Three Plays of Ben Jonson3 8vo. London. — 2s. 6d. (Raymond.) 1942 Massinger’s Works 3 Svo. 4 vols. Monk Mason’s edition, London, 1779.—2 1 . 2s. (Borough.) 1943 Sir Robert Howard’s Plays 3 12mo. portrait, London, 1722 .—- 4s, 6d. (Littledale.) 1944 Otway’s Works 3 12 mo. 2 vols. portrait, London, 1712 .— 7 s - 6d. (Booth.) 1945 Lee’s Plays 3 12 mo. 3 vols. London, 1 722.— ll . Is. (Booth.) 1946 Etherege’s (Sir George) Plays j 12mo. London, 1723.— 5s. 6d. (Collins.) 1947 Mountfort’s Plays; 12mo. 2 vols. London, 1720 . — 14s. 6d. (Collins.) 1948 Congreve’s Works ; 8 vo. 3 vols. printed by Baskerville, portrait, and cuts, fair and perfect copy, Birmingham, 17 G 1 .— 2 J. 14s. (Unwin.) U 146 Plays , and Criticisms on them. 1 949 Southerner Plays, with his Life ; 12mo. 3 voh. London, 1/74 .— 16s. (Edwards.) 1950 Vanburgh’s Plays; 12mo. 2 vols. portrait, London, 1 776 .—8s. (Priestley.) 1951 Farquhar’s Works; 12 mo. 2 vols. London, 1772- — 10 s. 6d. (Borough.) 1<)52 Wicherley’s Dramatic Works ; 12 mo. London, 1768 .— 7 s • (Col¬ lins.) 1953 Rowe’s (J.) Works; 12 mo. 2 vols. portrait, London, 1 750.— 10 s. (Unwin.) 1954 Philips’s (Ambrose) Tragedies; 12 mo. London, 1725.— 6 s. 6d. (Collins.) 1955 Banks’s Plays ; 12 mo. cuts, London, 1725. —4s. 6d. (Collins.) 1956 Steele’s Three Comedies ; 12 mo. portrait, London, 1717 .—5s. 6d. (Unwin.) 1957 Centlivre’s (Mrs.) Plays ; 121 no. 3 vols. portrait, London, 1761 .— ll . 11s. (Collins.) 1958 Lillo’s Works; 12 mo. 2 vols. London, 1775.— < ll . Qs. (Collins.) 1959 Dennis’s Select Works; 8 vo. 2 vols. London, 1721.-—14s. Qd . (Raymond.) 1 960 Cibber’s Dramatic Works; 12 mo. 5 vols. portrait, London, 1 777' — ll . 3s. (Priestley.) 1 961 The Two Earls of Orrery’s Dramatic Works; 8 vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1739 .—5s. (Symmons.) 1962 Hill’s (Aaron) Dramatic Works; 8 vo. 2 vols. London, 1760.~ 7s. 6d. (Edwards.) 1963 Home’s Dramatic Works; 12mo. London, 1760 .—4s. (Rim- ington.) FOURTEENTH BAY’S SALE. MAY 11. 1964 BROOKES’s (Henry) Plays and Poems; 8vo. 4 vols. London, 1778.—1/. 11s. 6 d . (Borough.) 1965 Foote’s Dramatic Works; 8vo. 4 vols. London, 1781.— 21. 3s. (Triphook.) 1966 Coleman’s Plays; 8vo. 4 vols. London, 1777- —2s. (Priest¬ ley.) 1967 Smollet’s Plays and Poems; 8vo, London, 1777 *3s. 6 d. (Collins.) 1968 Hayley’s Plays; 4to. extra bounds London, 1748. —5s. (Smith.) 148 Poetry, Ploys, and Works of Genius, in the French Language. 1969 OEUVRES d’Alain Chartier, par du Cliesne ; 4to. best edition, Paris, 1617. — 13s. (Lord Essex.) 1970 CEuvres de Clement Marot, de son Pere et de son Fils; 4to. 4 tom. cuts, A laHaije, 1731. —2 /. 10s. (London Institution.) 1971 CEuvres de Rabelais, avec les Remarques de Ducliat; 4 to. 3 tom. cuts by Picart, Amst. 1741. — 5l. 10 s. (Wilbramam.) 1972 CEuvres de M. de la Fontaine; 4to. 3 tom. portrait, cuts, and engraved border round each page, Anvest. 1J26/ — 2 1. 18s. (Faulder.) 1973 Corneille (Pierre) CEuvres de Theatre, avec notes par Voltaire; 8 vo. 12 tom. cuts, 1764. — 5l. 5s. (Unwin.) 1974 Corneille (Pierre et Thomas) CEuvres; 12 mo, 19 tom. Paris, 1758. —3/. 3s. (Bennet.) 1975 CEuvres de Racine; 4to. 3 tom. portrait and cuts, Paris , 1770— 3 1. (Smith.) 1976 CEuvres de Racine par M. Luneau de Boisjemain; 8vo. 7 tom. cuts, best edition, gilt leaves, Paris , 1768 .— 61. 12 s. 6d. (Borough.) 1977 CEuvres de Moliere ; 4to. 6 tom. with plates designed by Coypel and Boucher, bound in russia, Paris, 1734 ,- 8 1. 10s. (Chandley.) French Books. 149 19/8 CEuvres de Moliere par M. Bret; 8vo. 6 torn, portrait, cuts, best edition, Paris, 1773.— 8 Z. (Unwin.) 1979 CEuvres de Boileau; 4to. 2 tom. plates by Ravenaut, bound by Baumgarten, Paris, 1740.— 11. 6s. 6cl. (Unwin.) 1980 CEuvres de Boileau avec notes, &c. par M. de Saint Marc; 8vo. 5 tom. with cuts by Picart Le Romain, Amst. 1772.—3 1. 3s. (Borough.) 1981 CEuvres de Voltaire ; 4to. 30 tom. with plates designed by Grave- lot, and engraved by the best French Artists, bound by Baumgarten, Geneva, 1768 and 77.— 22 Z. Is. (Unwin.) 1982 CEuvres de Montesquieu ; 4to. 3 tom. large paper, Lond. 1707*—• 41. 7s. (Chandley.) 1983 CEuvres de J. J. Rousseau; 4to. 12 tom. Gen. 1782.—9Z. 9s. (Floyer.) 1984 CEuvres du Sieur de Saint Amant, Par. 1642;—et les Chevilles de M. Adam Menuisieur de Nevers; 4to. Par. 1644.—8s. ( Money.J 1985 De Lille, des Jardins ; Svo. fine plates, Paris, 1782.—10s. 6 d. (Borough. 1985*Fontaine, CEuvres diverses ; 12mo. 4 tom. en 2, Amst. 1744.— 9s. (Unwin.) 1986 Les Sens, Poeme en six chants; Svo. cuts finely engraved, Lond, 1766.—10s. 6 d. (Borough.) 1987 Lettres de quelques Juifs a M. de Voltaire; Svo. 3 tom. Par. 17SI.—lZ. 11s. (Lord Glenbervie.) 1988 Castel, Annales Politiques; Svo. 2 tom. 1757*—1 s. 6d. (Wil- BRAHAM.) 1989 Piron (Alexis) CEuvres complettes de; 8vo. 7 tom. cuts. Par. 1776.—3Z. 11s. (Lord Milton.) 150 French Books . I99O Henault, deux Pieces de Theatre en Prose; 8vo.- Amst. 1757 1991 Magazin de Londres depuis Mars Jusqu’a Septem brej 8vo. v„ 1 l. Is. (Whitmore.) 1992 Montague, Essais et autres Pieces, avec les nottes de Coste ; 12mo. 6 tom. a la Haye, 1727 1994 CEuvres de St. Real; 12mo. 4 tom. d la Haye, 1726-—12s. 6 d. (Apsley.) 1996 Fenelon, CEuvre Spirituelle; 12mo. 4 tom. portrait, 1740.—15s. (Bates.) 1997 Memoires deMarechal de Berwicke par lui-meme 5 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1773.—13s. 6 d. (Unwin.) 1993 CEuvres de Fontenelle 5 10 tom. Par. 1742 & 6l. — 1/. 11s. ( Money.) 1999 Cyrans de Bergarac CEuvres; 12mo. 2 tom. portrait, Amst .— 3s. (Lord Holland.) 2000 Huetiana et Huetii Carmina ; 12mo. Par, 1722.—2 s. 6d. (Lon¬ don Institution.) 2001 Pallisot de Montenay, Theatre et CEuvres diverses ; 12ino. 3 tom. portrait, Lond. 1763. —3s. (Edwards.) 2002 Pieces de Theatre par Marmontel, Crebillon, et Palissot de Mon¬ tenay; 12mo. Par. 1749.—2s. 6 d. (Edwards.) 2003 Essai Historique sur les Ridicules des differens Nations; 12mo. Amst. 1766.—6 s. (Lord Holland.) • 2004 D’Aubine, Histoire Secrette et les Aventures du Baron de Faeneste; 12mo. 2 tom. en 1, Colog. 1729-—Is. (Money.) 2C05 Le Roman de la Rose; 12mo. 3 tom. Par. 1735. —18s. 6 d. (Lord Holland.) 2006 B&isaire par Marmontel, 1767; et Reflections critiques sur 1’Alexandre le Grand; 12rao, Beral. 1765.—3 s.6d. (Wil- BRAHAM.) French Boohs. 151 209/ Scaligerana, avec les Notes cle Le Ferre et de Colonies ; 12rao. Colog. 1 6g5. — 2s. 6d. (Hindley.) 2008 Bouhours Entretiens d’Ariste et d’Eugene; 12mo. Par. 1091-— 4s. (Unwin.) 2009 CEuvres de La Motte; 12mo. 11 tom. Par. 1/54. —1 1. 13s, (Lord Holland.) 2010 Du Cereeau Poesies diverses ; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1747-—2s. 6d. (Lord Holland.) 2011 CEuvres de Malherbe; 12mo. 3 tom. portrait. Par. 1723.—*195. (Lord Milton.) 2012 Gervaise Histoire de Boece, avec 1’Analyse de tous ses Ouvrages; 12mo. Par. 1715.—Is. (Hunter.) 2013 Lettres de Juliet Catesby a Henriette Campley 5 12mo. extra bound, Amst. 1774.—Is. (Lord Milton.) 2014 Muralt, Lettres Fanatiques; 12mo. 2 tom. in 1, Lond. 1739.— Is. (Edwards.) 2015 Bouhours Pensees Ingeniuses des Anciens et des Modernes ; 12mo.' 1792.—6s. (Lord Essex.) 2016 Les cent Nouvelles, avec figures, par Roman Della Hooge ; 12mo. 2 tom. Colog. 1701. — 1 1. 6s. (Lord Essex.) 2017 Richelieu (Card.) de Lettres j 12mo. 2 tom. portrait. Par. 1696.-— 5s. (Sullivan.) 2018, Recreations Historiques, Critiques, Morales, et d’Erudition; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1767.— 6s. 6d. (Borough.) 2019 L£ Grand Theatre ; 12mo. 4 tom. Par. 1742.— /s. 6d. (Lord Holland!) 2020 Morand, Theatre et CEuvres diverses; 12mo. 3 tom. Par. 1751.— 4s. 6d. (Floyer.) 2021 CEuvres du Philosophe de Sans Souci; 12mo. Potsdam, 1760.— 2s. (Whitmore.) 2022 CEuvres de Regnard; 12mo. 4 toin. Par. 1750.—8s. 6d. (Lord Essex.) 152 French Hooks. 2023 Pascal, Lettres Provinciates,, avec les Comment de Wendrock; 12mo. 3 tom. 1? 12.— 7s. (Apsley.) 2024 CEuvres de Vergier j 18mo. 2 tom. Lausane, 1 75 Q .—3s. (Ed¬ wards.) 2025 CEuvres de Pavillion j 12mo. 2 tom. Amst. 1/50.—3s. (Lord HOLLAND.) 2026 CEuvres de L’Abbe Cbaulieuj 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1/57-—Is. (Apsley.) 2027 CEuvres de Clement Marot j 12mo. 2 tom. portrait , a la Haye, 1714.—6 s. 6 d. (Apsley.) 2028 Nicolle, Essais de Morale j 12mo. 10 tom, a la Haye, 1700.— 18s. (Floyek.) 2029 Menagiana ; 12mo. 4 tom. Amst. 1713.—13s. (Triphook.) 2030 Perroniana et Thuana j 18mo. Colog. 1694.'—3s. (Triphook.) / 1-53 Poetry , Plays , Novels , Books of Genius, in the Italian Language. 2031 IL Petrarca Spiritualej 4to. fine wood engravings, bound in green morocco, by Johnson, Vend. 1536. —2 1. 5s. (Heber.) 2032 II Petrarca, coll’ Esposizione de Gesvaldo, et J. Priuli del Petrarca 3 4to. red morocco, gilt leaves, the edges richly embossed, Venez. 1553.— 3l. IQs. (Heber.) 2033 II Petrarca, con’ la Sposizione de Castelvetro 3 4to. in grecij morocco, gilt leaves, by Kalthoeber, Basil. 1582.—3 1. 3s. (Heber.) 2034 Petrarca, le Rime del, con Exposte per L. Castelvetro j royal 4to. 2 vols. large paper, with portrait and head, and tail-pieces, Venez. 1 756.— 61. (Lord Essex.) 2035 Petrarca, le Rime del 3 12mo. with two portraits, the one of the Author, and the other Laura, bound in calf, Drcsd. 177*1-— 105. (Bennet.) 2036 Boiardo, Orlando Inamorato, colli 3 libri di N. degl’ Agerstini 3 4to. with numerous fine wood engravings, bound in blue morocco, by Baumgarten, Vmet. 1553. — 61. 6 s. (Heber.) 2037 Berni 1*Orlando Inamorato5 4to. with portraits, Firen. 1725.— 2 1. 12 s. 6 d. (Signet Library.) 2038 Bemi Casa Varchi ed altre opere burlesche 3 Svo. 2 yols. with portrait, Lond. 1722-24.—lZ. 2 s. (Lord Holland.) 2039 Ariosto traduzido en Romance Castellano por Hieron Urrea 3 4to. with wood-cuts, bound in red morocco, by Roger Payne, fine copy, Venet. Giol. 1553.— 5l. 12 s. 6 d. (Clarke.) 2041 Ariosto, Opere di, con tutte le Annotazione3 folio, 2 vols. Venet. 1730-4.—3 1. Is. (Lord Harrowby.) 2042 Ariosto, Orlando Furioso; 4to. 4 vols. portrait, and the whole of x 154 Italian Books. the plates engraved by Bartolozzi, large paper, fine copy, bound in red morocco, by Johnson, Birmingham di G. Basket- ville , 1771.—22 1 . Is. (Lord Essex.) 2043 Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, translated by Sir J. Harrington, at the express desire of Queen Elizabeth 5 with portrait and cuts; and Sir John’s elegant witty Epigrams; folio, bound in green morocco, by Baumgarten, Lond. 1634.—3 1. 13s. 6d. (Triphook.) 2044 Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, translated, with notes, by Hoole 5 8vo. 5 vols. cuts by Bartolozzi and Hall, Lond. 1783.—1 1. 10s. (Borough.) 2045 Chiabrera Rime per Pavoni, Pad. 1604 5 —Comedia di Ariosto, Giolito, 1670 bound together by Walther.—4s. 6d. (Ben- net.) 2046 Tasso, La Gierusalemme Liberata, con Figure di Gastello; folio, bound in green morocco, by Baumgarten, Gen. 159O.—2 1. 5s. (Triphook.) 2047 Tasso, La Gierusalemme Liberata; 4to. 2 vols. with beautiful engravings, large paper, bound in red morocco, by de Rome, Parigi, 177 1 *—7^-15s. (Lord Essex.) 2048 Tasso, La Gierusalemme Liberata, con le Figure di Piazzetta; folio, with fine engravings and a beautiful portrait of the Em¬ press Maria Teresa, under whose patronage this edition was published, choice copy, bound in russia, Venez. 1745.— 2l. 2s. (Sir. J. Copley.) 2049 Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered, translated by Hoole j 8vo. 2 vols. cuts and notes, Lond. 1783.—13s. 6d. (Borough.) 2050 Delle Opere di Tasso, La Gierusalemme Liberata j 4to. 12 vols. Venez. 1735.— 10 1. 10s. (London Institution.) 2051 Tasso, translated by Fairfax; 8vo. 2 vols. large print, Dubl. 1726.—4s. (Lord Gower.) 2052 Tasso l’Aminta ne l’Alceo di Ongaro; 8vo. Padua , 1722.—3s. (Heber.) Italian Books. 15o 2053 La Comedia di Dante colla Esposizione di Vellutello ; 4to. with numerous wood engravings, Venez. 1544. — 1/. 13s. (Key- sall.) 2054 La Divina Comedia di Dante, edizione della Crusca; 8vo. with cuts, and all the capital letters beautifully engraved on wood, tine copy, hound in morocco, Firenza, 1595.— 18s. 6 d. • . (Heber.) 2055 La Dante Coiuedia, e Vita di Dante, a del Petrarca di Lionardo Aretino ; Svo. 3 vols. with portrait, good edition, Padua , 1/27.—1/. 19s. (Priestley.) 20 56 Le Operc di Dante ; 4to. 5 vols. best edition, cuts, and portrait of the Empress of Russia, bound in green morocco, by Baum- garten, Venez. 1757. — 12 l. 16s. (Lord Essex.) 2057 Boccacio e Dante le Prose colle Annotazione di Biscione 5 4to. Firen. 1723.— Is. (Heber.) 2058 Muratori della perfetta Poesia Italiana; 4to. 2 vols. Moden 170G.—2 1 . 4s. (Lord Harrowby.) 2059 Crescimbeni, Istoria della volgar Poesia, e Vita del Autore; 4to. 6 tom. in 3, with portrait, Venez. 1731. — 3 1. 8s. (Lord Glenlee.) 2060 Opere di Guarini j 4to. tom. 2, 3, 4 in 2 vols. with cuts, Veron. 1737-8.—6s. (Triphook.) 206'1 Guarini Battista, II Pastor Fidoj 12mo. Venez. 1/50. — Is. 6 d. (Priestley.) 2062 Guarini’s Pastor Fido, translated by Fansliaw, with his own Poems 5 4to. with portrait and frontispiece, Lond. 1648.—3s. (Edwards.) 2063 Guarini, II Pastor Fido, Veron. 1735 ; e l’ldropica Comedia, 1734 portrait and fine engravings ; 4to.—4s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2064 Buonaralli, Filli di Sciro Favola Pastorale ; 4to. Ferrar, 16'07>— 2 s. 6 d. (Hunter.) 2065 Maffei, II Marchese Scipione, Rime e Prose j 4to. Venez. 1719-— 5s. Qd. (Heber.) Italian Literature. 15(3 2000 Almanni Liugi, la Avarchide; 4to. portrait and fine wood engra¬ vings, russia, gilt leaves, Firenza Guinti, 1570. 1 — 1 1. 4s. (Heber.) 2007 Berardino Rota Egloghe Pescatorie; 4to. Napol. 1572.— 2 s. (Heber.) 2008 Varchi Lezzioni, colla Vita dell’ Autore; 4to. ap Giunt. 1590.— 4s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2009 Dagrioli (Geo. Batt.) Rime Piacevoli j 4to. 0 vols. bound in vellum, Firen. 1729.—1/- 8s. (Heber.) 2070 Rime di Bernardo Cappello ; 8vo. 2 tom. in 1, Bergam. 1753.— 8s. (Heber.) 2071 Maffei, II Marchese Scipione Teatro Proprio, e Rimedi Pietro Bembo Beccatelli, Berg. 1/53. —9s. (Priestley.) 2072 Britonio, i Cantici e di Ragionamenti; 12mo. bound in russia, by Roger Payne, Vineg. 1550. — 2 1. 2s. (Heber.) 2073 Caro Rime del Annibal, Ven. 1 / 57 ) ed De Poetici Compo- nomenti del P. Roili, with portrait, Ven. 1701 5 8vo. bound together.— 8s. (London Institution.) 2074 Salvator Rosa Satire, Amst. 1719 5 e Coltellini Iphigenia in Tauride, Livern. 1703 ; 8vo.—3s. Gd. (Hunter.) 2075 Marino la Galena, 12mo. Venez. 1007-— -Is. 6 d. (Lord Glen- bervie.) 2070 Opere di Benedetto Menzini j 12mo. 4 vols. in 1, portrait, Venez. 1750.—8s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2077 Bracciolini della Croce Racquistata; 12mo. Par. 1005.— Is. 6 d. (Heber.) 2078 Marino Rime in due Parti ■, l8mo. with portrait, bound by Wal- ther, Venez. 1002.'—9s. (Lord Glenbervie.) 2079 Delminio, Tutte l’Opere di Guilo Camillo; l2mo. 2 vin. 1 ven. per, Gioliti, 1581.—5s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2080 Metastasio, Opere Dramatiche Liriche; 8vo. 13 vol. a correct edition, Parigi , 1755, &c.— 51. 17 s. 6 d . (Priestley.) 2081 Opere del Metastasio j 4to. 12 tom. best edition, with cuts finely Italian Literature. 157 engraved, large paper, bound in blue morocco, by Walther, Par. 1780, &c. — 22 Z. Is. (Hunter.) 2082 Metastasio’s Works, translated by Hoole; 12mo. 2 vols. cuts, Lond. 1767. — 9$. 6d. (Borough.) 2083 Carlo Goldoni Comedie; royal 8vo. 17 vols. with portraits and scene-prints capitally engraved, bound in white vellum, Veneza, 1 76 ].—13Z. 2s. 6d. (Borough.) 2084 Maffei, II Marchese Sicpione, Teatro Italiano; O Sia Scelta di Tragedie; 12mo. 3 vols. Verona, 1723.—lZ. 3s. (Lord Essex.) 2085 Conti Antonio quattro Tragedie; 8vo. Firen. 1751.—3s. 6d. (Borough.) 2086 Amente, Nicolo, le Gernelle Commedia; 12mo. bound in russia, Venet. 1718. — Is. (Lord Gower.) 2087 Firenzuola Comedie; 12mo. bound in russia, Venez. Giolito. 15dl.—2s. (Hunter.) 2088 Cigala, Scipione, la Cleopatra Tragedia j 4to. Napol. VJ 36 .— Is. (Heber.) 2089 Boccacio, II Decamerone; 4to. bound in red morocco, ap. Giunti, 1527. — 1 Z. 8s. (Priestley.) 2090 Boccacio, II Decamerone, con un Indice da L. Dolce; bound in red morocco, by Roger Payne, Vinez. ap. Giolito, 1552.—. 41 14s. 6d. (Hunter.) 2091 Boccacio II Decamerone, editione castrata, colle Annotazioni e Discorsi dalli Deputati dell’ Academia della Crusca; 4to. Giunti , 1573.— 'll. 2s. (Heber.) 2092 Boccacio, II Laberinto d’Amore, Fenez. 1538; Comedia di Ariosto, 1538 ; 12mo. bound together by Walther.— 5s. 6d. (Heber.) 2093 Grazini detto il Lasca las Seconda Cena; 8vo. no place nor date. —2 s. 6cZ. (Triphook.) 2094 Boccacio, II Corbaccio, con le Note di Carbonelli; fine copy, Parigi, per Morello, 1 569.—lZ. Is. (Heber.) 158 Italian Literature. 2095 2096 209; 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 Della Novella Poesia Libritrej 4to. Ver. 1/32.—11s. (Payne.) Dinb Campagni Historia Fiorentina 3 4to. Firen. 1/28. — Is. (Lokd Milton.) Machiavelli Opera, la vera edizione ; 4to. fine copy, red morocco, 1550.—3 l . 19s. (Lord Gower.) Bentivoglio, il Card. Memorie overo Diario; 12 mo. Amst. 1648 . 9s. 6d. (Whitmore.) Erasmi la Moria, in Volgare tradotta 3 bound in morocco.— 7s. (Hunter.) II Pimandro di Mecurio Trimegisto tradida benchi in lingua Fiorentina 3 12 mo. Firen. 1549.—2s. 6d. (Sir J. Copley.) Soarsalti, II Davide penitente, Roma, 1744 3 e Granelli Sedecia Manasse Dione Siracusano 5 8 vo. 1740.—Is. (Heber.) Boccalini de Raguagli di Parnasso Centurie due 3 4to. Venet. 1612. —Is. (Heber.) Firenzuola Agnolo, Prose e Rime 3 8 vo. bound in calf, by Baura- garten, Firen. Giunti, 1612.—2s. 6d. (Heber.) Recanati Osservazioni Sopra il Poggiana di L’Enfant 3 8 vo. Venn. 1721.—*ls. (Heber.) Orazioni Militari da gli Historici Greci et Latini,' per Rimigio 5 4to. bound in morocco, Giolito, 1560 ^ > il. 7s. (Heber.) Orationi Civili e Criminali, tratte da gli Historici Greci e Latini Antichi e Moderni 3 4to. bound in red morocco, Giolito. 1561 J Rocca Piacentino Imprese, Stratagemi et Errori Militari 3 4 to. Vineg.ap. Giolito, 1566.— Is. (Heber,) Pigna (Gio. Batt.) gli Hcroici 3 4to. ap. Giolito, 1561.—- 2 s. 6d. (Heber.) Opere di Pietro Jacopo Martello 3 8 vo. 7 vols. portrait and cuts, bound in vellum, Bolog. 1735.— il. 5s. (Heber.) Mirandola Raggione de Stato del Presidente della Gjudea nalla Italian Literature. 159 Passione di Christo 3 4to. with beautiful engraved frontispiece of Christ crowned with thorns, Bolog. 1030. — 2s. 6 d. (Heeer.) 2111 II Soldato Di Domenico 5 4to. wood-cuts, Giulito, 1570,— If. (Heber.) 2112 Soprani, li Scrittori della Liguria Aprosio della Patria da Persio Flaceo e Gaspar massa della Vita, origine a Patria da Persio Flacco; 4to. Gen. 1664 & 7-— Is. (Heber.) 2113 Lippi, il Malinantile racquistato di Perlone Zipoli; 4to. 2 vols. cuts and portrait, Firen. 1/31. — 17s. (Lord Essex.) 2114 Muratori della Publica Felicita e delle Ferre dell Intendimento umano 3 Svo. 1/50.— 5s. 6d. (London Institution.) 2115 Centorio discorsi di Guerra 3 4to. Vineg. ap G. Giolito, 1500.— Is. (Heber.) 2110 II Mondo Morale 3 8vo. 3 tom. in 1, Venez. 1700. — 2s. (Borough.) 2117 Commento di ser agresto da Ficarvolo sopra la Ima. Ficatta del Padre Siceo 5 12mo. blue morocco, gilt leaves, no place where printed , 1538. — 3s. (Hunter.) 2118 Sarpi Fra. Paolo Lettere ltaliane3 18mo. Veron. 1073.—Is. (Lord Milton.) 2110 Luigi Groto Cieco de d’Adrid Lettere Familiare 3 4to. Venez. 1001. —2s. (Borough.) 2120 De Medici, a’ Card. Giovanni Lettere 3 4to. Rom, 1752,—10s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2121 Martinelli Lettere Familiari e Critiche 3 8vo. Lond. 1758-09.-— 5s. 0d. (Edwards.) 2122 Dissertazioni e Lettere di Diverst; illustri Autori 3 8vo. 3 tom. in 1, Firen. 17^9- — 2s. 6d. (London Institution.) 2123 Bembo, il Cardinale, Opere di 3 folio, 4 tom. in 2 vols. with the Cardinal’s portrait at the age of 77> Venez. 1729.—2 1. 5s. (Lord Milton.) ]()0 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. 2123*Castelvetro Ragioni d’alcune Coss segnati Nilla Canzone Di Ani- bal Caro j 12mo. a book of extreme rare occurrences, extra bound by Walther, no date or place .—12s. 6d. (Hebrr.) Works of Genius, in the Spanish and Portuguese Languages. 2124 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Vida Hechos de Don Quixote de la Mancha; 4to. 4 vols. Lord Carteret’s magnificent edition, fine plates, bound by Old Montague, Lond. 1/38. — 61 . 6 s . (Lord Harrowby.) 2125 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Vida Hechos de Don Quixote de la Mancha con Anotaciones y varias Lecciones par Juan Bowles 4to. 6 tom. in 3 vols. large paper, extra, by Walther, Lond. 1781.— 2 1. (Priestley.) 2126 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Vida Hechos de Don Quixote de la Mancha, corregida par la Real Academisa Espanola j 4to. 4 vols. fine impressions of the plates, bound super extra, gilt leaves, by Kalthoeber, and tooled with Don Quixote tools, Madrid , 1780.—12 1 . IJs . (Heber.) 2127 Cervantes, Migiuel de, Novelas exemplares •, 12mo. 2 tom. portrait and neat cuts by Folkena, bound in blue morocco, en Haxja, 1739.— ll . 18s. (Lord Essex.) 2128 Alonso de Ercilla, la Araucanaj 8vo. 2 vols. cuts by Walther, Madrid, per Antonio Sancho, 177&— ll. 16s. ( Money. ) 2129 Obras de Quevedo ; 4to. 3 tom. with plates designed by Boutates, Amberes, 1726.— ll. Is. (Priestley.) 2130 Feyjoo Critico Universal, 9 vols.—Cartas eruditas, 6 vols. j 4to. 15 vols. Madrid, 1753-8.— 61. 19s. (Priestley.) 161 Spanish and Portuguese Literature. 2131 Relaciones de Perez Secretario d’Estado Antonio ; 4to. 1598. 1/. 5s. (Hare.) 2132 Nieremberg Yitades Ignatio F. Xavier y claros Varones de la Companea de Jesus • folio, 2 vol. Madrid , 1744-9.—12$. 6 d. (IIeber.) 2134 Vidas de los Padres del Deserto de Dumas; 4to. Amberes , 1629. 5s. 6d. (Money.) 2135 Iluarte Esamen de Ingenios ; 8vo. Barcelona , 1607.—1$. (Money.) 2136 De Guivara, Avise de Privados y Doctrina de Cartesanos ; 8vo. Pamplona , 157.9* —Is* (Money.) 2139 Camoens’ Lusiad, or Portugal’s Historical Poem, translated by Richard Fanshaw, with fine portraits of Camoens, Prince Henry King of Portugal, and Vasco de Gama; folio, bound by Baumgarten, London , 1655.— \l. 6 s. (Loud Glsn- bervie.) •» 2140 Camoens’ Lusiad, translated by Mickle ; 4to. bouud by John¬ son, Oxford. 1778- — ll. 11 s. 6 d. (Borough.) Y FIFTEENTH F>AY 9 S SALE* MAY 12, 1810. Chronology — Geography—General History—Kites — Usages and Customs , Ancient and Modern,—with Voy¬ ages — Travels—and Accounts of Countries. 2141 NEWTON, Sir Isaac, his Chronology of ancient Kingdoms ; 4to. russia, Lond. 1770. —1/. 12s. (Borough.) 2142 Jackson’s Chronological Antiquities ; 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1752. 1/. 16s. (London Institution.) 2142*Freret, Clironologie contre lc Systeme de Newton ; 4to. Par. 1758.—3s. 6 d . (Eemsley.) 2143 Blair’s Chronological Tables, w ith the maps ; folio, Lund. 1766. 41 . 10s. (Borough.) 2144 L’Art de verifier les Dates des Faits Ilistoriques des Chartes, des Chroniques, &c.; folio, Par. 1770.— It. 14s. (Arch.) 2145 Calvisii Opus Chronologicum Universale, & Isagoge Chrono- logica ; 4to. Franc. 1029.— 3s. 6d. (Foster.) 2146 Guthberlethi Chronologia; 12mo. Amst. 1666.— Is. (Elmsley.) 2147 Petiti (Sam.) Eclogae Chronological 4to. Par. 1632.—3s. 6 d. (Foster.) Geography and General History. 163 2148 Coronelli Isolario dell’ Atalante ; folio, 2 vols in 1, many fine portraits, views, maps, Ac. bound by Baumgarten, P*nez.l696. 51 . 10s. (Backhouse.) 2149 Scylacis Periplus Maris Mediterranei & Anonymi Periplus Mcotidis Paludis et Ponti A Agathemeri Hypotyposis Geo¬ graphic, Gr. A Lat. a Tennulio et Gronovio ; 4to. L. Bat. 1700.— 8s. (Loud Milton.) 2150 Cellarii Geographia Antiqua ; 4to. 2 vol. fine portrait, Cant. 1703-6.— 31 10^. (Bohougii.) 2151 Brictii Parallela Geographic veteris A novc ; 4to. 3 vol. Par. 1648 — 155. (London Institution.) 2152 Cluverii Introductio in universam Geographiam, cum notis vari¬ orum ; 4to. Amst. 1697.—2s. 6 d. (Rimington.) 2153 Guthrie’s System of Modern Geography; 4to. large paper, bound by Johnson, Lond. 1780.—11s. (Borough.) 2154 D’Anville, Etats formes en Europe apres la Chute de 1’Empire Romain en Occident; 4to. Par. 1771.—1/. 11s. 6 d. (Lord Holland.) 2155 Pluche, Concorde de la Geographie des differens Ages; 12mo. portrait and maps, Par. 1765. — 2s. Gd. (Scott.) 2157 Huffier sur I’llistoire et Chronologie Universelle; 3 tom. 12mo. Par. 1715. — Is. (Priestley.) 2158 Raleigh’s History of the World, with his Life and Trial, 2 vol. in 1 ; folio, portrait by Vertue, best edition, Lond. 1736.— 4/. ISs. (Lord Holland.) 2159 Usserii Annales Veteris A Novi Testamenti cum Vita Auctoris a Smith ; folo, Genev. 177 * 2 . —ISs. (Priestley.) 2160 Cumberland, Origines Gentium Antiquissimc ; 8vo. London , 1724.—3s. (Priestley.) 2161 Ilolberg’s Introduction to Universal History, by Sharpe ; 8vo. Lond. 1/58. — 3s. Gd. (Collins.) 2162 Gryphii Apparatus de Scriptoribus Historiam Ssculi xvn illus- 164 Geography and General History. trantibus ; 12 mo. Lips. \0.—5s. &d. (London Institu- \ TION.) 2163 Bossuet Discourse sixr l’Histoire UniTerselle 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1739-— 12 $. 6cl. (Unwin.) 2164 Universal History, Ancient, 21 vols.; Modern, 44 vols.; 8 vo. best edition, Lond. 1747 — 1766.— Maps and Charts to the Modem Universal History; folio, Lond. 17 66 .— 34/. 13s. (Smith.) 2165 Offerhausii Compendium Historiae Universalis; 8vo. Groning. 1? 56 .— 4s 1 . 6 d. (Priestley.) 2166 D’Aubigne, Histoire Universelle, a Maille; folio, l 6 l 6 .— 5s. (Payne.) 2167 Natalis Comitis Temporis sui Historia ; folio, Argent. 1612 .—r* 6s. (Foster.) 2168 Hyde, Syntagma Dissertationum, a G. Sharpe ; 2 vol. 4to. fine portrait, Ox. 1 767 .—1 /. 17$. (Priestley.) 2169 Munsteri (Seb.) Cosmographia Universalis ; folio, with many curious wood cuts, consisting of portraits, views, &c. &c. Basil. 1550.—13,?. 6d. (Foster.) 2170 Bryant on the Wind Euroclydon, Metite, Egypt and its Shep¬ herd Kings; 4 to. cuts, Camb. 1767 .—1 /. 3.?. (London In-i « ; \ ■ ... 1 v * - * 5 . .• , . • .' ' STITUTION.) 2171 Botero Relation! Universal!, in quattro parti; 4to. Ven. l605, 2s. (Foster.) 2172 Ilorni Area Noae, seu Historia Imperiorum ab Orbe Condito ad sua Tempora ; ISmo. L. Bat. 1 666 . — 2 s. 6d. (Foster.) 2173 Pezron, Defense de PAntiquite des Temps; 4to. Par. 1691 .— 3s. (Elmsley.) 2174 Alemannus de Lateranensibus Parietinis restitutis; 4to. Roma?. l6'25.— 5s. Foster.) 2175 Sabbathier’s Institutions, Manners, and Customs of Ancient General History. 165 Nations, translated by Stockdale, §vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1776’.— 5s. (Borough.) 2176 Orosii Historic et Apologeticus contra Pelagium de Arbitrii ' ' t 1 Libertate, cum notis Marcodurani Lantri et Havercampi; 4to. bound in vellum, L. Bat. 1738. —1/. 3s. (London Insti¬ tution.) 5177 Millot,Elemens de 1’HistoireGenerale Ancienne ; 12mo. 4 tom. Par. 1772 ! 0 / 2178 Millot, Elemens de 1’IIistoire Generate Moderne ; (b a udder.) 12mo. 5 tom. Par. 1773 f 2179 Mehegan, Tableau de 1’IIistoire Moderne; 12mo. 3 tom. Par. 1778.—19«. (Coriue.) 2180 Pancirolli Rerum Memorabilium ; 4to. bound in vellum, Franc. 1629*—6s. 6d. (London Institution.) 2181 Eusebii Canones Chronici Latine, interprete Ilyeronimo, cum reliquiis Griecis, cum Continuatione, opera et studio Scaligeri; folio, bound in vellum, Amst. 1658. — 7s. 6d. (IIeber.) 2182 Petavius de Doctrina Temporum Uranologium, Gr. & Lat. &c.; folio, 3 vol. in 1, with his portrait, best edition, Antv. 1703. — i x , 3/. 9s. (Payne.) 2182*Troubadours, 1’IIistoire Ljtoraire, leur Vies, les extraits de leur Pieces, et 1’IIistoire du douzieme & treizieme, Siecles ; 12mo. 3 tom. Par. 1774. — 1/. 3s. (Loud Holland.) 2183 Petavii Rationarium Temporum ad nostra usque Tempora; 8vo. 2 vol. in 1, best edition, with the medallion, bound in vellum, Lug. Bat. 1745.— 6s. 6d. (Smith.) 2181 Paulii Jovii Ilistoriarum sui Temporis Libri 45 ; folio, w ith MS. notes, bound in vellum, Flor. 1550.— Us. 6d. (Coates.) 2185 Thuani Historia sui Temporis, cum Rigaltio de Rebus Galliae ; folio, 7 vol. with portrait, fine set, Lond. 1733. —S l. 17 s. 6d a (Squire.) 166 Grecian and Roman History , Customs , <§’c. 2186 Tlmanus Restitutus; 12mo. Amst. 1663.—2s. 6 d . (London Institution.) 2187 Arlriani Ilistorla de suo Tempore ; 2 vol. 4to. Venez. 1587.— 3s. 6d. (Foster.) 2188 Stuckii Sacrorum Sacrificiorumque Gentilium Descriptio • folio, Tigur. 1598.— 2s. (Foster.) 2189 Stuckii Antiquitates Conviviales ; folio, Tigur. 1582.—11s? (Foster.) 2190 Freculphi Chronicon ; 2 vol. in 1, lCino. Genev . 1697-—1-?. (IIeeer.) 2183*'Eojinhartus de Vita et Rebus gestis Caroli Magni; 4to. T. ad Rh. 1/11. —Is. 9 d . (Payne.) 2184* Voltaire Annales de l’Empire depuis Charlemagne; 12mo. 2 tom. Franc. 1754.— 2 s. 6d. (Coates.) 2185*Bisaccioni Historia delle Guerra civili di quest’ ultimi Tempj ; 4to. Bolngn. 1653. —7 s. 6d. (Foster.) 21S6*Stuart’s View of Society in Europe, with the History of its Laws, Government and Manners ; 4to. bound by Walther, Edinburgh , 1778.—11 s.6d. (Smith.) 2189*Voltaire, Ilistoire de la Guerre de 1741; 22mo, Londres , 1756. Is. (Coates.) ( 2190*Campbell’s present State of Europe ; 8vo. Lond. 1 757.— 2 s. 6d. (Smith.) 2l90*Malalm (I ) Chronicon, Gr. & Lat. cum notis Chilmeadi, Pto- legomenis Hodii, et Epistola Bentleii ad Millium ; 8vo. Oxon, 1691.— 10s. (Dean of Winchester.) Greece and Rome . 2191 Montfauconi Palaeographia Graeca; large paper, cuts, bound ir* vellum, folio, Par. 1708.—4s. 6d. (Arch.) Grecian and Roman History , Customs , 167 2192 Potteri Archasologia Graeca; large paper, Lug. Bat. 1702.— lb$. 6U. (Smith.) 2193 Palmerii Graeciie Antiquae Descrlptio ; 4to. Lug. Bat. 10'78.— 8 s. (Smith.) 2194 Stanyan’s Grecian History; Svo. 2 vol. London , 1774.—14$. (Borough.) 2195 Boss’s Antiquities of Greece, with Leisner’s Notes ; Svo. Load. 1772.—15s. 6d. (Unw'in.) 219G Emmii Vetus Graecia Illustrata ; Svo. 3 vol. in 2, L. But. 16’2(j. 13$. (London Institution.) 2197 Guischardt, Memoires Militaires sur les Grecs A les Romains, et l’Analyse de la Compagne de Jules Cesar en Afrique ; 4to. cuts, u la llaye , 1758. — 1 1. 6s. (Unwin.) 2198 Dodwell de Veteribus Graecorum Romanorumque Cyclis, & Annales Thucydidei A Xenophoritei ; 4to. Oxon. 1702— 6s. 6d. (Borough.) 2199 Examen critique des anciens Ilistoriens d’Alexandre Ie Grand ; 4to. Bar. 1775 .—1 6s. (Payne.) 2200 Linguet Ilistoire du Siecle d’Alexandre; 12mo. Amst. 1762 .— * 1$. (Unwin.) 2200 Agatharchidis A Memnonis quae supersunt, Gr. A Lat. a Bretto; 12 mo. Oxon . 1595.—4$. (Foster.) 2201 Cinnamus (I.)de Rebus gestis J. Ivlanuelis Comnenorum a Tol- lio, Gr. A Lat. Traj. ad Rhen . l6’52. — 1$. (Priestley.) 2202 Malby, Observations sur les Grecs; 12mo. Genev. 1749. — 1$. (Sullivan.) 2203 L’Antiquite Expliquee et Representee en Figures par Mont- faucon, Latin et Framboise, avec Supplement; 15 tom. folio, large paper, fine impression of the plates, first edition, Paris , 1719—1724. (Smith.) 2201 Quenstedt Sepulturce Veterum Graecorura, Romanorum, Ju- dicorum, A Christianorum ; 12mo. Wilt. I 60 O. (Payne.) 1 6 3 Roman History, Customs, Rites, 8$c. "2205 Gronovii Thesaurus Graecarum Antiquitatum ; 13 toI. large paper, many plates, Veil. 1732-37-—Graevii Thesaurus Ro£- manarum Antiquitatum ; folio, 12 vol.large paper, many plates, Ven.— .Sallengre, Thesaurus Romanarum Antiquitatum ; 3 vol* large paper, Pen. 1 735.—-Poleni in Romanas & Graecas Graevii & Gronovii Antiquitates nova Supplementa ; folio, 5 vol. large paper, Ven. 1737- Matchless sets, all uniform- 7\l. 8s. (London Institution.) 2206 Ilankius de Romanarum Rerum Scriptoribus ; 4to. 2 tom. in 1, bound in vellum, Lipsia ?, l6'S8.--Ss. 6cl. (IIeber ) .. -> 2207 Rosini Antiquitates Romanae, & P. Manutius de Legibus & Senatu Romano ; 4to. Arnst. ]6S5.— 6s. (id. (Borough.) 2208 Bergier, Les grand Chemins de 1’Empire Romain avec les Cartes de Peuttingcr; 4to. 2 vol. cuts, Bruss. 172S.— \l. 3s. (Lord Holland.) 2209 Nardini Roma Antica; cuts, bound in vellum, Rorri. 1704.—- 3s. 6 d . (Oasell.) 2210 Ilooke’s Roman History and Senate ; 4to. 4 vol. Lond. 1757-71, 51. (fliNDLEY.) 221 i Gibbon’s History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Em¬ pire ; 4to. 6 vol. Lond. 1776 , &c.—8/. 8s. (Hindley.) 2212 Chelsum’s Answer to Gibbon’s two last Chapters of his first Volume; 8 vo. Oxford, 1778.— i3s. 6d. (Unwin.) 2213 Crevier, llistoire des Empereurs Romains, depuis August jusqu’a Constantin ; 12mo. 12 tom. Paris , 1749.— 2 /. 5s. (Unwin.) 2214 Vertot, llistoire des Revolutions de la Ilepubliqiie Romaine; 12 mo. 3 tom. Par. 1752.—12s. (Unwin.) 2215 Lord Ilervey’s and Middleton’s Letters on the Roman Senate; 4to. large paper. Lond. 1778.— 19s. (Borough.) 2216 Curtius de Senatu Piomano post tempora liberm Reipublicae ; * 4to. Genes. 1769.—7s. 6d. (Priestley.) Roman History, (Customs, Rites , &'C. 169 ■2217 Blade well’s Memoirs, of the Court of Augustas ; 4to. 3 vols, large paper. Load. 1760.— 31. 17s. (Smith.) 2218 Damasceni Augusti Temporum Notatio Genus et Scnptorum ; ' 4 to . Hamburg, 1727.—4s. (Priestley.) 2219 Spanhemii Orbis Ilomanus ; 4 to. Land. 1703. 5s. 6d. (IIare.) 2220 Gamucci delle Antichith della Citta di Roma ; 12mo. cuts, Vineg. 1569.— Is. (Coates.) 2221 Ryequiri de Capitolio Romano Commentarius; 12mo. cuts, L. Bat . 1696.—Is. (Elmsley.) 2222 Figrclius de Statuis illustrium Romanorum, et Schefferus de Antiquorum Torquibus ; 12mo. llolmix. 1656.—Is. (Elms- 14 y.) 2223 Ursati explanatio Notarum & Literarum in antiquis Lapidi- bus Marmoribus & Auctoribus Roman, gilt and marbled leaves, 12mo. 1723.—Is. (Smith.) 2221 Bulengerus de Circo Romano Ludisque Circeusibus • 12mo. Fans. 1598.—3s. (Payne.) 2225 Mably, Observations sur les Remains ; 2 tom. 12mo. Genev. 1751.— 6 s. (Sullivan.) 2226 Capocio Cuccino Agrippina minore, e Mutatione delle Impeno de premier! Cesari ; 4to. Vineg. 1617.— Is. (Smith.) 2227 Robertelius de Vita & Vietu Populi Romani sub Imperatori- bus Augustis ; fol. Bonon. 1559. 11s. (1 Avne.) 2229 Panvirii Fasti & Triumph! Romani ; fol. many medals^ Vm. X557 — 5*. Qd. (Smith.) 2230 Almelovenii Fasti Consularium Romani, et Pracfecti Roime et Constantinopoli ; 12mo, Amst . 1705. Is. (Smith.) 2231 Lydeat, Canones Chronici & Series Magistratuum & Trium* phorum Romanorum ; 8vo. Oxf. 1675.—4s. 6d. (Smith.) 3232 Nieuport, Rituum Romanorum Explicatioab Ottoue & Reitzio; Svo. best edition, many plates, T. ad Rhen. 1774 .—10s. Cd, (Smith.) N 170 Roman History , Customs , Rites, 2233 Ursini Fulvii Familice Romance; folio, Rom. 1577.— 34, (Smith.) 2234 Grucliius de Comitiis Romanorum, 1555 ; Streinnii Gentium et Familiarum Romanarum Stemmata, 1559 ; et Augustinus de Legibus et Senatus-Consultis, 1584; folio.— 6s. (Smith.) 2235 Notitia Dignitatum Imperii Romani a Phil. Labbe ; l2mo. gilt leaves, tooled with the Grcmde Dauphin’s coronets and fleurs- de-lis, Paris Us , c Typographic1 Regia , i651.— Ss . 6 cl . (Clarke.) 2230 Fabrettus de Aquis et Aquceductibus Veterum ; 4to. many plates, Roma\ 1608 .— lls. 6d. (Clarke.) 2237 Frontinus de Aquceductibus Urbis Romance a Poleno i 4to. cuts, Patav. 1772 —9^- (London Institution.) 2233 Lipsii de Militia Romana, et de Machinis, Tormentis, Telis ; 4to. cuts, Antv. 1596-8.—Is. (Smith.) • 2239 Contareni de Frumentaria Romanorum Largitione et de Mill- taribus Stipendiis; bound in russia, Venet. 1609 .— 9 $. (Smith.) 2240 Hyginus Grammaticus et Polybius de Castris Romanis, ii Schelia ; 4to. cuts and tables, 1660 .—4$. 6cl. (London In¬ stitution.) 2241 Guthberlethi de Saliig Martis Sacerdotibus apud Romanos ; curious cuts, 1704: et de Mysteriis Deorum Cabirorum - 12mo. Franaq. 1703.— 7s. 6d. (Clarke.) 2242 Turselini Historiarum Epitome, cum brevibus notis ; 12mo. Ultraj.1718 •— 3 s . 6d. (Casell.) 2243 Blondel Histoire du Calendrie Romain ; 12mo. With cuts, Haye, 1684.—2 x. (Elmsley.) Roman and Italian History. m 2244 Molonaeus de MonarchiaTemporali Pontificis Romani; 12mo, Lond. 16’14- 2s. (Hallum.) 2245 Gra^vii & Burmanni Thesaurus Antiquitatum, & Historia Italiae & Siciliae ; folio, 45 vols. cuts, L. Bat. 1704-25.—45/. 3s. (Smith.) 2246 Italicarum Rerum Scriptores varii; folio, cuts, bound in vellum, Francf. lbOO—10s. 6d. (Heber.) 2247 Muratori sopra l’Antichita Italiane; 4to. 3 vols. portrait, Milan , 1751.—3/. 11s. (Hallum.) 2248 Guicciardini la Historia d’ltalia ; 4to. Vineg. ap Giolito y 1568. 1 9s. (Priestley.) 2249 Guicciardini Ilistoira d’ltalia, col considerazione di Leoni; folio, 2 tom. Venez , Pasquali , 1738.— 5l. 5s. (Arch.) 2250 D’Anville Analyse Geographique de l’ltalie, avec Chart; 4tp, Paris , 1744.— 1/. 12s. (Smith.) 2251 Segni Storie Florentine colla Vita di Nicolo Capponi; folio, with portrait, bound in vellum, Aug. 1723.—8s. 6d. (Smith.) 2252 Yarchi Storia Fiorentina ; folio, with portrait, best edition, fine copy, Col. Aug. Vend. 1721.— 16s. 6d. (Hallum.) 2253 Poggi Historic de Varietate Florentini & Epistolae ; 4to. Par . 1723- 6s. 6d. (Davenport.) 2254 Buoninsegnii Historia Fiorentina; 4to. Fior. 1580.—2 s. 6d. (Heber.) 2255 Machiayel’s History of Florence, and other Works, translated by Farnworth ; 8vo. 4 vol. Lond. 1775.— 31. 10s. (Unwin.) 2256 Diario di Biagio Buonaccorsi dalP anno 1498 sino al anno 1512) *> . 4to. Firen. 1568,— IOj. 6d. (Hzber.) Italian History . m 2257 Nerli Commentarii di Fatti Civili di Firenze dall’ anno 1215 al / • > . * ' 153'; folio, //«»*. 1728 —lg.v. (London Institution.) 2258 Camilli Peregrini Historia Principum Langobardorum, a Pra- fillo ; 4to. 4 vols. in 2, Napol . 1749-50_ 21 . 2 s . (London - - v Institution.) 2259 L’Iscorici delle Cose Yeneziane Sabeilicus 1718, Bembo 17SO r Raruta, 2 Vols. 1718, Morosin, 3vols. 1719, Nani, 2vols. 1720, e Foscarini 1722_10 vols.; 4to. Venez. —9^- 14^. (Arch.) 2260 Garsoni Historia della Republica di Venctia; 4to. 2 vols: Venez. 1712.—185. (London Institution.) 2261 Sansovino Venitia ^on aggiunte da Martimoni; 4to. cuts and portrait, Venez. 1663. — Is. (Smith.) > 2262 Dolgioni le Cose Notabili della Citta di Venezia • ISm.o. Vert. 1662.— Is. (London Institution.) 2263 Capaccio la vera Antichita di Pozzuolo ; Svo. cuts, Rom. 1652. Is. (Lord Milton ) 2264 Istoyia della Citta di Ferrara ; 4to. Ferrara , 1700.— 5s. 6cl. (London Institution.) 2265 Maffei Verona illustrata ; folio, cuts, Veron. 1732.—1/. As. (Smith.) 2266 Dalla Corte Istoria della Citta di Verona ; 4to. 3 tom. I'enez. 1744.— U . 5s. (London Institution.) 2267 Bussi Istoria della Citta di Viterbo ; folio, fine cuts, Rom. 1 7 42. ll . 6 s . London Institution.) 2268 Ptubei Historia Ilavennatum ; folio, Ven. I5S9.—IGs. C(b, (London Institution.) 2269 Marzari Historia di Vicenza & Luccari, Annali di Ravisa ; 4to. Vicent. 1604-5.— 5s. (London Institution.) 2270 Castellione Antiquitates Mediolanenses ; 4to. Medial. 1625.— 5 s . 6 d . (London Institution.) , 42271 MazzaIstoria di Goti antichi; folio, bound in vellum, Verona, 1677.— 6s. (London Institution.) Italian History. 173 227 Z Pauli Jovii Descriptio Larii Lacus, with map ; 4to. VenetA559. 2s. (Heeer.) 2273 Bonamici Commentarii de Bello Italico ; 8vo. 2 vols. L. Bat. 1750.—Bonamici Commentarius de Rebus ad Velitram, gestis; 8vo. L. Bat 1752.—7s. (Borough.) 2274 Guasnerius de Bello Cyprio ; 4to. Bcrgom, 1697.—Is. (Gard¬ ner) 2275 Moisesso Ilistoria del ultima Guerra nel Friuli; 4to. cuts. Fen. )G23.— Is. (Heber.) 227G Seipione Ammirato Istorie Florentine con l’aggiunte Scip. Am- mirato il Giovane; folio, 3 vols., Firenz. 1647.—1 1. Lis. 6d. (London Institution.) 2277 Historiarum Camaldulensium Libritres ; 4to. bound in morocco, Florcnts'1575. —9s. (IIebeu.) 2278 Amelol de la Houssaye, Ilistoire du Gouvernement de Venise ; 8vo. Par. 1 677 .— 2s. 6d. (Hallum.) 2279 Memoires des Intrigues de la Gourde Rome ; 18mo. Par. 1677. Is. (Elmsley.) 2280 Ilistoire Generate de la Compagnie de Jesus ; 12mo. 4 tom, Amst. 1761.-—15s. (London Institution.) 2281 Montefauconi Diarium Italicum ; 4to. cuts. Paris , 1702.—11s. . ? - > '' * * . * * - • • - • , (Loud Milton.) 22S2 Itinarerii Italici Insignia a Tollio ; 4to. Traj. ad liken. 1696.— t - .. " ■ Is. (Smith.) 2283 Rutilii Jtinerarium ab Almelovcen ; 18mo. with map and frontis¬ piece, Amst. 1687.—Is. (Smith.) 2281 Misson’s Voyage to Italy'; 4 vols. best edition, many curious plates, Lond. 173.9.—1 /. 6s. (Lord Essex.) 2255 Moore’s View of Society and Manners in Italy ; Svo. 2 vols. \ bound by Johnson, Lond. 1781.—1 1. Is. (Ridley.) 2256 Groslez’s Observations on Italy and its Inhabitants, by Nugciity gvo. 1769.— 10s. 6d. (Ridley.) 174 Italian History , 2287 Mrs. Miller’s Letters from Italy, Account of the Manners, Customs, Paintings, &c. 8vo. 3 vols. London , 1776.—15#. (Smith.) 2288 Ferber’s Travels through Italy, with the Natural History of its Mountains and Volcanoes; 8vo. London , 1776.— ?s. 6d. , (Borough.) 23S9 Letters from Italy in 1754, by Lord Orrery, with notes by Dun- combe; 8vo. Lond. 1773.—5s. (Lord Holland.) 2290 Addison’s Travels in Italy ; l2mo. London , 1736.—Is. 6d. (Money.) StXtEENTH BAY'S SALE. MAY 14. Naples and Sicily. 22^1 GIANNONE Istoria Cvile del Regrio di Napoli, & Opere Pos- tu ma ; 4to. 6 vols. bound in 5, by Baumgarteh, Napoli , 1723 & 5.— 9L 9s- (Borough.) 2292 Raccolta d’Opuscoli d’llistoire del Regno di Napoli; 4(o, Napol. J680.—3s. (London Institution.) 2293 Gul. Apuliensis de Rebus in Italia & Regno Ncapolitano ' 4to. Rothom. 1582.—Is. (Smith.) 2294 Costo Tornaso, Apologia Istorica del Regno di Napoli; 4to, Napol. 1613_Is. (Smith.) 2295 Collenucio Compendio dell’ Istoire di Napoli; 12mo. Vineg. 1552.— Is. 6 d . (Smith.) 2296 Sir W. Hamilton’s Observations on Mount Vesuvius, iEtna, and Volcanos; with map. London , 17/4.—1 2s.6d. (Unwin.) 2297 Mongitore Parlamenti generali del Regno di Sicilia ; folio, 2 tom. in 1, Palermo , 1749-—1 1 . Is. (London Institution.) 2293 Mongitore Bibliotheca Sicula, sive Descriptorius Siculus ; folio, 2 tom. in 1, Palermo , 1707. — 12 s. (IIeber.) 2299 Fazelii de Rebus Siculis, cum animadversionibus A auctario; folio ? 2 vol. Catanec , 1749— 31. 4s. (Heber.) J , ' ; * . t 17f> History of Malta , Switzerland, and France. 2300 Swinburne’s Travels into the Two Sicilies; 4to. 2 vols. with* views and charts, bound by Walther, London , 1783, &c.— 3/. 4-«. (Smith.) 2301 Fazelli de Rebus Siculis Decades du® ; folio, 1558.—2s. (Smith.) 2302 Riedesel’s Travels through Sicily, Magna Grecia, and Egypt; 8 vo. London, 1 773. — 7s. (Borough.) 2303 La Sicilia in Prospettiva ; 4to. 2 vols. Palermo , 1709.—8s. 6d. (London Institution.) 2304 Di Vcnuti Marcello’s History of the first Discovery of the an¬ cient City of Ileraclea, by Skurray ; 8vo. London , 175‘0.— 6s. (London Institution.) 2305 Falcandi Ilistoria de Rebus gestis in Sicilia; Regno; 4to. Par. 1550 . —4s. (London Institution.) .2306 Brydone’s Tour through Sicily and Malta; 8io. 2 vols. bound by Baumgarten, London, 1773*— Ss. Gd. (Smith.) Malta and Corsica. 5307 Veriot Histoire des Chevaliers de Maltlie ; 12mo. 5 tom. Par. 1726.— 16s. (Unwin.) 230S Bouhour, Histoire de Pierre d’Aubusson, Grand-Maitre de Rhodes; l2mo. with portrait and map, a la 11 aye , 173.9.—5s. (Loud Holland.) . 2309 Abela, Descritione di Malta ; 4to. fine copy, with cuts, bound by Walther, Malta , 1647.— 21. 5s. (Payne.) 2310 Cambigi Istoria del Itegno di Corsica ; 4to. 4 tom. in 2, 1770-2. 34. 7s. (Payne.) -2311 Boswell’s Account of Corsica; 8vo. with map, first edition, Glasgozc, by poults ; 1768— 14s. (Unwin.) History of Geneva, Switzerland, and France. 177 Geneva and Switzerland. f, ■ 1 . , . A ^ . v 2312 Spon, Histoire de Geneve; 4to. 2 tom. many plates, Genev. 1730.—1/. 9s. (Aucii.) i 1 . , • , » * » • , 2313 Bizarii Senatus Populique Genevensis Historia et Annales; folio, Antv 1579- —12 s. (London Institution.) 2314 Folieta? Historia Genevensium; folio, Genev. 1585.—3s. 6d. • ; (IIeber ) t C 2315 Keate’s Ancient History and present Government and Laws of Geneva; 8vo. with map, London , 1761 .—7s. (Payne.) 2316 Thesaurus Histories Helvetica?; folio, in vellum, Tigur. 1735. 2/. 2s. (London Institution.) 2317 Coxe’s Natural, Civil, and Political State of Switzerland; 8vo. London , 1779-—10s* (Unwin.) . l j . , 2318 Stanyan’s Account of Switzerland in 1714; 8vo. large paper, London , 1714.— 7s.Gd. (Mackinlay.) 2319 Bourrit’s Journey to the Glacieres; 8vo. cuts, Lond. 1776- 8s. (Unwin.) France. 2320 Du Chesne, Scriptores Ilistoriae Francorum ; folio, 5 vol. bound by Walther, Par. 1(356’.— 71. 17s. Qd (London Institution.) 2321 Grammondi Historia Gallia? ab excessu Henrici IV; foiio, Tolose, 1543.—1/. 3s. (Armstrong.) 2322 Mezeray, Histoire de France; folio, with portraits, Ac. by De Bie, &c. 3 tom. Parts, 1685.— 6 /. (Tripiiook.) 2323 Ilcnschenii Diatriba de tribus Dagobertis Francorum Regibus; Aio.Antv. 1655.—2s. (Lord Milton.) 2324 Boxhornii Origines Gallic® cum Lexico Britannico-Latino; 4to. Amst. 1654.— 13s. (Priestley.) 2325. Baluzii Capitularia Itegum Francorum, cum Marculphi & 178 History , &;c. r da tire to France. aliorum Formulis; folio, Par. 16 '/“.— 31. 7s. (Loud Hol¬ land.) 2326 Chilfletu Anastasis Childerici I. Francorum Regis j 4 to. bound- in vellum, Antverp. K)o5.—25. (Foster.) 2327 D’Anville Notice de l’ancienne Gaule tiree des Monumeus Romains ; 4 to. with a fine map of it when a Roman province, Par. 1766.—2 1. 12«. (Unwin.) 2328 Labardei de Rebus Gallicis Ilistoria ; 4to. Par. 1 C 7 L—1 5.6(7. (Loud Milton.) 2329 Boulainvillier, Etat de la France, arec les Memoires histbriques de l’aneientGouvernement; folio, 3 tom. Lond. 1727-— (Lord Milton.) 2330 Lord Molesworth’s Translations of Hottomari’s Franco Gallia and an account of the ancient free state of France, and other parts of Europe, best edition, Lontl. 1721 . — 5s. (Collins.) 2331 Davila Ilistoria delle Guerre Civili di Francia; folio, 2 vol. Venetz. 1733.— 1 /. 15. (Lord E*sex.) 2332 Girard Histoire de la Vie du Due d’Epernon; folio, fine por¬ trait, Par. 1655.—1 U. (Lord Holland.) 2333 Chroniques de Normandie ; 4to. bound in russia, curious wood- cuts, Rouen , 1535. — 4 1. 4s. (IT EBF.R.) 2331 Les Origines de la Ville de Caen ; 8vo. map, Rouen , 170 G.— 1 S.6d. (London Institution.) 2335 Lobincau Histoire de Bretagne ; folio, 2 tom. many portraits and curious plates, bound by Walther, Puri *, 1707.—4/. IOau (Borough.) 2336 D’Argontte Histoire de Bretaghe ; folio, portrait and cuts, Paris , 1018.— 1/. 35 . (Foster.) 2337 Vertot’s Histoire Critique des Etablissemens des Bretons d ns la Gadle ; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1720— 6s. 6d. (IIallum ) 2338 De Colonia Histoire Litcraire de la Ville de Lyon • folio, cuts, Li / on y 1728.— 5 s . 6 d . (Foster.) History , §c. relative to France. 1 79 2339 Honterus de Rebus Burgandicis; folio, bound by "VValther, Antv. 1583.— 15s. (H EBEll.) 2340 Bouchet Annales des Provinces d’Aquitaine; folio, curious frontispiece, Poitiers , 1644.— 1 1. 10 s. (Triphook.) 23 41 La Faille, Annales de Toulouse, premiere partie; folio, Tout. 1.687.—4s. (Lord Milton.) 2342 Paradiu Cbronique de Savoye, corrigee & continuee ; folio, cuts, Tourney , 1602—1 /. 2s. (Foster.) 2343 Coquillp Ilistoire du Pays & Duche de Nivernois; 4to. Par. 1612—Gs. (London Institution.) 234 4 Obrechti Alsaticarum Ilerum Prodromus ; 4to. morocco bind¬ ing, Argent. lG'Sl —11s. (Foster.) 23 45 Wraxall’s Memoirs of the Kings of France of the Race of Valois; 8vo. 2 vol. Lond. 1777.—17s. (Unwin.) 2346 Du Clos, Ilistoire de Louis XI.; 12mo. 3 tom. « la Ilaye, 1750_15s. 6d. (Ha LLUM.) 2347 D’Auton Ilistoire de-.Louis XII.; 4to. 3 tom. Par. 1620 — 5 s . (Huber.) 2348 Du Fresne, Ilistoire de St. Louis par Joinville & autres Ilis- toriens ; folio, cuts and portrait, Paris, l66‘8 -4 1. (Bo¬ rough*) 2319 Memoires de Martin & Guillaume du Bellay ; folio, Par. 1558. 10s. 6d. (Heber.) 2350 Secousse, Memoires pour 1’IIistoire de Charles II. Iioi de Na¬ varre ; 4to. 2 tom. Par. 1758.—1/. 4s, (Lord Milton.) 2351 Le Laboureur, Ilistoire de Charles VI. par un Religieux de St. Denis & le Fevre ; folio, Par. 1663.— It. 12s, (Lord Hol¬ land.) 2352 Godefroy, Ilistoire de Charles VII. par Jean Charteir & autres Ilisforiens ; folio, line portrait, Par. l66l. —9s. (London Institution.) 2353 Ilistoire de Charles VIII. par Guillaume Jolign^ & autres 180 History, 8$c. relative to France, Historiens ; folio, with the royal arms of France on the bind¬ ing, Parts , at the King's press , 1684.—15s. (London In¬ stitution.) 2354 Ribier, Lettres & Memoires d’Etat; folio ; 2 tom. fine portrait of Colbert, Paris , 1666.—8s. (Foster.) 2355 Memoires de Marlin and Guillaume du Bellai Langer pour servir a l’Histoire de Francois Premier, par M. l’Abbe Lam¬ bert; 12mo. 7 tom. Par. 1753.—10s. 6d. (London Institu¬ tion.) 2356 Castelneau Memoires, avec les Additions de-la Laboureur; folio ; 3 tom. three fine portraits, Paris, 1659-—4/. 5s. (Mac- KINLAY.) 2357 L’Fstoille les Choses memorables advenues durant le Regne d’Henri III.hDuchet; 12mo. 2 torn, portraits, Colog. 1720.— 1/. 6s. (Unwin.) 2358 Matthieu, Histoire des derniers Troubles de la France, sous les Regnes d’Henri III. & IV. ; 8vo. l604.—5s. (Lord Essex.) 2359 Sully, Memoires cu (Economies Royales d’Etat; 12mo. 12 tom. f. «i ' * » 4 ;i Amst. 1725. — 1/. 18s. (Priestley.) 2360 De Perifix Ilisioire d’Henri le Grand ; 18mo. with an eques¬ trian portrait of the king, Amst. chcz. Elzevir , 1679.—9s. 6d. (Unwin.) 2361 Le Laboureur, Histoire du Marechal de Guebriant; folio, por¬ trait by Nanteuil and frontispiece, Paris y 1656.— ll. (Loud Holland.) 2362 Mezeray Histoire de la Mere & du Fils I. E. Marie de Medids & Louis XIII.; 12mo. 2 tom. en 1, Amst. 1739.—11s. (Lord Mansfield.) 2363 Rochefoucault, Memoires de la Minorite de Louis XI V.; 12mo Villefranche , 1690.—4s. (Colonel Bun bury.) 2364 De Burg, Histoire de Louis XIII.; 12mo, 4 tom. Paris, 1768. 7s. 6d, (Colonel Bun bury.) History , $$c. relative to France. 181 2365 De Motteville (Mad.) Memoires pour servir a l’Histoire d’Anne d’Autriche ; 12 mo. 5 tom. Amst. 1723.—17s* 6 d. (Borough.) 2366 Memoires de M. de la Porte & Remontrance du Parlement de Normandie; ISmo. Genev. 1756’.— 2s. bd. (Foster.) 2367 Farre, Memoires sur le Regne de Louis XIV.; 12 mo. Amst. 1734.— 2 s. Qd. (Heber.) 2368 Rabutin, Histoire de Louis XIV.; 12 m o.Amst. 1700 .— 1 s.6d. (FIeber.) 2369 Recueil des Testamens politiques du Cardinal de Richelieu, du Due de Lorraine, de M. Colbert, & de M. de Louvois ; 12 mo. 4 tom. Amst. 1749.—9s* 6 d. (Colonel Bunbury.) 2370 Recueil des Lettres Militaires de Louis XIV. ; 12 mo. 2 tom. ( XlaHaye , 1760 .— 2s. (Lord Milton.) 2371 Memoires de Conde ; 8 vo. 6 tom. large paper, 1743.— 21. (Unwin.) 2371 Campagne du Marechal de Noailles en Allemagne, en 1743 ; 12 mo. 2 tom. Amst. 1763.—3s. (Colonel Bunbury.) 2372 D’Estrades Lettres, Memoires, & Negotiations ; l2mo. 6 tom. d la Ilaye, 1719-—7** (Faulder.) 2373 Retz (Card, de) Memoires & autres Pieces ; 12 mo. 4 tom. por¬ trait, Amst. 1731.— \l. 16 is. (Unwin.) 2374 Memoires pour servir a l’Histoire de Louis XIV. Sc XV., par Millot ; 12mo. 6 tom. Paris, 1777. — Us. (Unwin.) 2375 Goujet, Memoire sur le College Roy ale de France ; 12 mo. 3 tom. par. 175S_2s. (FIeber.) 2376 Crevier, Ilistoire de l’Universite de Paris; 12 mo. 7 tom. Par. 1761 .—3s. 6d. (FIeber.) 2377 D’Alembert sur la Destruction des Jesuitcs en France; 12 mo. 1760 —2s. 6d. (Lord Holland.) 237S Wright’s Travels through France, Italy, Ac.; 4to. cuts, bound in russia, Lotid. 1764.— 19 s. 6d. (IIebeu.) 2379 Moore’s View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, 182 History , §c. relative to Spam . and Germany ; 8vo. 2 vols. bound by Johnson, Lond. 17S1.— 19s. (Duff.) 2380 Breval’s Remarks on several Parts of Europe ; folio, 4 vol. in 2, cuts, London , 1726 . — \l. 5 s . (Heber.) 2381 Heylin’s Relation of Five Journeys to France and the adjacent Isles; 4to. Lond. l6o6. — 4 s.6d. (Heber.) 2382 Bishop Burnett’s Account of his Travels, with an Appendix; 12mo. best edition, printed for Thomas Payne, London , 1750. 6s. (Lord Mam shield,) 2383 Mariana, Ilistoria General de Espagna; folio, 2 tom. bound in vellum, Madrid , 1 (5 17_3 1. 13 s.6d. (H EBER.) 2384 Ant. Nebrissensis Rerum a Fernando & Elizabeth^ Hispani- arum Regibus gestarum Decades duag, Ac. folio, curious fron¬ tispiece, 1545.--- 14s. 6d. (Heber.) ♦ * » , 2385 Caribpy Compendio Ilistoriel de Espagna; folio, 4 vol. in 2 , bound by Walther, Barccl. 1628 — 51.7 s. 6d. (Da ven fori .) 2386 Taraaie de Vargas Ilistoria di Mariana defendida; 4to. Toled. 1616 .— Is. (Heber.) 2387 Petri de Marca, Marca, Ilispanica; folio, bound in vellum. Par. 168 S.—2 1. 12s. 6d. (Lord Holland.) 23S8 Rippamontii Urbis Mediolani Ilistoria ; folio, curious portraits of Philip II. and of the Author, no place or date-. — 13s. Gd. (Lord Holland.) 2389 Blondelli Genealogie Franciae adversus Chillletium plenior assortis ; folio, 2 vol. fine portrait by Nanteul, Ant'd. 1654 .— 14«. 6d. (Heber.) 2390 Petri Martyris Opus Epistolarum cum Epistolis Ferdinandi de Pulgar ; folio, bound by Walther, Amst. 167 O.— \l. l7- f , (Mason ) jA History , <$t. relative to Spain. 185 2391 Zurita Annales de la Corona de Arragon; folio, 7 vol. bound by Walther, Garag. lGlO.— 51. 7s. 6d. (Priestley ) 2392 De Roias Conde de Mora Historia di Toledo; folio, 2 vol. bound by Walther, Madrid , 1654.—1/. 14s. (Hereu.) 2393 Diago Franciscos Historia des Condes de Barcelona; folio, Bar cel. :603.— 2/. (Davenport.) 2391 Laureti Historia del Ferdinando Ter>zo, Re della Spagna; 4to. frontispiece and portrait, Napoli , Jb'SC, — IQs. 6d. (IIeber.) 2395 Sandoval Historia del Imperador Carlos V.; foiio, 2 vol. bound by Walther, Pam pi. 1634.- 3 1. 11s. (Priestley.) 2-390 Robertson’s History of the Emperor Charles V.; 4to. 3 vols. London , 1769 — 1 /. 18s. (Collins.) 2397 Ulloa Vita dell’ Imperatore Carolos, e Histoire universali de snoi Tempj ; 4to. Fez/. 1606 .—4s. (Lord Holland^ 2398 Another Edition of the same Book; 4to. Ven. 1381.-55. 6d. (Foster.) 2399 Watson’s History of Philip II.; 4to. 2 vols. London , 1777 .— 1 /. 15s. (Unwin.) 2100 Watson’s History of Philip III.; 4to. London , 17 S 3 .— 1 /. LQs. (Unwin.) 2 101 DeCespedt 8 y Menisses (G ongalo) Historia del Reg. Philippe IV.; folio, Bartel. 1634.— 1 /. <)s. (Herer.) * 2102 Esco’ano (Caspar) Historia de Valencia; folio, 2 vol. bound bv Walther, Valent. l 6 lO-I 1 .—3/. (Davenport.) 2103 Description del Monasterio de S. Lorenzo, par Francisco de los Santos; folio, cuts, Mudrid^ l66'7-—7s. (Priestley.) 2 104 Ap Rby’s Remarkable Places in Spain and Portugal; Svo. Loud. 1749-— 6 s. (Hkatiicote.) 2105 Labat, Voyage en Espagne & en Italie; 12 mo. 7 tom. cuts. Par. 1730.— ll.Js. (Triphook.) . 2106 Swinburne’s Travels through Spain in 1773-6 ; 4to, with 184 History, 8$c. relative to Portugal. ¥ map and cuts, bound by Walther, London , 1779-— 2 /. 5s.' (Smith.) 2107 Carter’s Journey from Gibraltar to Malaga in 1772 ; 8vo. 2 vol. best edition, with the portrait, and large and small plates, bound in calf by Baumgarten, Land. 1780 .—18s. (Priestley.) 2108 Armstrong’s History of Minorca; 8vo. map and views, best edi ion, Lond. 1756'.—3s. Gd. (Unwin.) 2109 Campbell’s Balearic Islands, with an account of ancient Roman Incriptions there, translated from the Spanish ; Svo. best edi¬ tion, maps, &c .Lond. 1719*— 7 s. Gd. (Triphook.) 2410 Friend’s Account of Lord Peterborough’s conduct in Spain; 8 vo. London , 1707.— 6s. (Payne.) 2411 Sir Walter Raleigh’s Three Discourses; On a War with Spain, On Civil War, and on Ecclesiastical Power; 12mo. London , 1702.—5s. (Signet Library.) Portugal. 2412 Vertot, Revolutions de Portugal; 12 mo. A la Ilaye, 1734 .-L- 2 s. (Moss.) 2413 Conestaggio dell’ Unione del Regno di Portogallo alia Corona di Castiglia ; 12mo. Ven. 1592. —2 s. 6d. (Heathcote.) 2 414 Gollut, Memoires Historiques de la Republique Sequanoise, & des Princes de la Franche-Comte de Burgogne; folio. Doll , 1592.— 18 s. (London Institution.) Historyj §c. relative to Flanders and Holland . 185 Flanders and Holland. \ * ' • ■ ; .. 2415 Pontani Historia Gueldrica ; folio, curious engraved title, arid portraits of William Prince of Orange, Charles V., Count Egmond, Ac. &c. Hardcrvici , 1630 . — 1 1. 8 s. (London In¬ stitution.) 2416 Haraei Annales Ducum Brabantiae totiusque Belgii; folio, 3 vol, iu 2 , with whole-length portraits of all the Dukes, iinely en¬ graved, Antv. 1623.— 2 /. 12 s. (Heber.) 2417 Meyeri Rerum Fl&ndriacarum Annales; folio, Antv. 156 1 .—~ 18s. (Priestley.) 241S Sueyro (Emanuel) Annales de Flandres ; folio, portrait and frontispiece, Antv. 1624.— if. 5s. (London Institution.) 2419 Bentivoglio, Ilistoria della Guerre di Fiandra; 4to. 3 vols. fine portrait, bound* in morocco, Colon. l6vo-~6 .<),—•/. IJs, (Payne.) • ' : i _ > 2120 Bentivoglio Ilelationi e Lettere ; 12 mo. bound in vellum, Colon. l646'— Is . 6 d . (Borough.) 2421 Guistiuiano delle Guerre di Fiandra, par Gamuriori; 4to.many plans of battles, A*c. Antv. 1609 .— 3s. 6d. (Colonel Bun- bur y.) 2122 Strada de Bello Belgico ; folio, 2 vol. views of battles, kc. Parma, 1578.— if. 5 s . (IIeber.) 2123 Basnage, Annales des Provinces Uniea, depuis la Negotiation pour la Pais de Mttnst.; folio, bound by Walther, A la 171 <).;_3/. 3s. (Lord Milton.) 2124 Camp^na delle Guerre di Fiandra dall’anno 1559 al lbOl; 4 to. 2 vol. Vicenza , 16'02.—4r. 6d. (IIeber.) 2425 Meursii Res Belgian, Belli Belgici Principium & Induciaruia IlistoHa; 4t0. L. Bat. 4614.— 2s. Cd. (Borough.) 18(5 History , relative to Germany . 2426 Janicon l’Etat de la Republique des Provinces Unies ; 12m©/ 2 tom. A la Huge, 1749_3s. (London Institution.) 2427 Hadrian! Junii Batavia ; 18mo. neat portrait, Dordr. 1652.-— 5s. (Foster.) 2428 Gramaii Brabantia; 4to. views of towns, &c. neatly engraved, Bruxel. 1606.—3$. 6d. (Foster.) 2429 Diveus de Rebus Brabanticiarum ; 4to. Antv. l6l0— 3s. (Foster.) 2430 Butkens, Trophees tant sacrds que profanes du Duclie de Brabant; folio, 4 tom. many cuts, Huge, 1724.—1 /. 10s. (Foster.) 2431 Johannes de Bekfi & Wilhelmus Hoda deEpiscopisUltrajectinis ; folio, curious frontispiece and map, XJltraject. lb43.—J7s. (Priestley.) 2432 Rerum & Urbis Amstelodamensium Ilistoria, a Pontano j folio, with many curious plates, finely engraved, bound by Walther. Amstel. Cond. lbll - 21. 14s. (Foster.) 2433 Ilistoria Episcopatuum Foederati Belgii ; folio, 2 vol. many fine portraits, and views of churches in the Netherlands, Antv . 1755.— 1/. 6s. (IIeber.) „ \ Germany. 2434 Pfeffell, Abrege Chronologique de 1’IIistoire & du Droit public d’Allemagne ; Svo. 2 tom. Paris, 1777.— IJs- (Ridley.) , 2435 Mensonis Altingii Notitia Germanim Inferioris ; folio, 2 t6m. fine frontispiece and maps, Amst. l6’97> 1702_ 1/. (Lon- t don Institution.) 2436 Conestaggio Ilistoria delle Guerre della Germania Inferiore; 12mo. 1634.—Is. 6d. (IIeber.) 2437 Reuberi Veteres Scriptores Rerum ab Imperatoribus Germanicis History, 8$c. relative to Germany. 187 gestarum • folio, Franc. 15S4.— ll . 10s. (London Institu¬ tion.) .2438 Freheri Rorum Germanicarum Scriptores, edonte Struvio; folio, 3 vol. Argent. 1 717. — 31. 4s. (Priestley.) 2439 Meibomii Rerum Germanicarum Scriptores ; folio, 3 vol. in 2, portrait, bound by Walther, Helmest. 16 S 8 .— 2 /. 8s. (Priest¬ ley*.) 2440 Pistorii Rerum Germanicarum Scriptores Veteres; folio, 2 vol. Franc. l(Sl3.—1/. 15s. (Priestley.). SEVENTEENTH DAY’S SALE. * j , • „ . * * • • . * MAY 15. History, S^c. relative to Germany. , j ' \ * . V 2 t 12 BU FRESNE, Ulyricum vetus & novum, scu Uistoria Regnorun. .t Dalmatia;, Sclavonia?, Bosnia, Serviae, & Bulgaria?; folio, Poson. • »u ,• ... i ..... /. 1746. I/. 135. (Priestley.) 2413 Fabric'll Memoria Rerum Gcrmanicarum, Saxonicarum, & Mis- 1 j‘ •'* r f I ' ■ . • 1 - /. nicarum ; folio, 2 vol. in 1, I6O9.— 27 25. (Priestley.) • f 1 i f. t " ' 2444 Fabri.cn Saxonia illustrata ; folio, with portrait, 1606 .— ll. 145. (Priestley.) 2415 Witchindi Saxonis Gesta Saxonica; Eginharti VitaCaroli Magni; Sylvii Uistoria Bohemica; & alia Opuscula diversorum Aur¬ ic rum ; folio, Bus. 1532. —10s. 6d. (Priestley.) 244G Kr anti us de Saxonies: Gentis Rebus gestis & Ecclesiastica If i? - toria. ; & Witichandi Annates ; folio, Francf. 15J6-1. — ll. lCs. (Priestley.) 2147 Monumenta Paderbornensia «Sc Panegyricus Acadamiae Fader- borniensis; 4to. flue portrait and views, neatly engraved, Aunt. 1672. —3s. 6 d . (London Institution.) 2445 Fortis (Abbe Alberto) Travels into Dalmatia ; 4to. cuts, bound by Walther, Loud. 1 77S. —1 /. 10s. (London Institution.) 2449 Lucius de Regno Dalmatia? & Croatia?; folio, Amst. 166G*— 10 s. (Priestley.; Hist. 8$c. Germany, and the Scandinavian Empire. 1 W 2450 Paradini Memoriae suae libri 4 ; Loud. 154S : Sf Frelieri Origines Palatinae ; folio, 1619. — 1/. 1$. (Priestley.) 2 151 Tolneri Historia Palatina ; folio, portrait anil cuts, Franc. 170 Q. It . 10 s. (Priestley*) 2452 Leibnitii Scriptorum Rerum Brunsvicensium ; folio, 3 vol. Han. 1707.—3/. 3.9. (Priestley.) 2453 Schutzii Rerum Prussicarum Ilistoria Gedani; folio, 1 7Gp.~ 2t. 2s. (Priestley.) 2154 Moguntiacaruni Rerum & Scriptoram Sylloge, aG. C.Johanne, folio, 3 vol. cuts, Franc. 1722.— 61. Ss. 6d. (Priestley.) 2455 Isthuansii, Ilistoria de Rebus Hungaricis ; folio, portrait and . engraved title, Col. Agrip. lC22. — \l. los. (Hare.) 2456 Belii Notitiallungariae Novae historico-geograpliica ; folio, 4 vol, many fine cuts and portraits, 1735. -.-57. 185. (Loud Milton. .1 2457 Schwandtneri Scriptores IUrum Ilungaricarum ; 4to. 2 vol. Vindob. 1766.—3/. 4a-. (Priestley.) 2158 De Guignes, Ilistoire des Iluns, des Turcs, des Mogols, &c. 4to. 5 tom. Par. 1756-S.—8/. 2s. 6d. (Signet Library.) 2159 Born’s Travels through the Bannat of Temeswar, Transylvania, and Hungary ; Svo. Load. 1777_ Js. 6d. (Borough.) 2160 Brown’s Travels through a great Part of Germany, See.; folio, with cuts, Loud. 1687 _45. (IIak e.) 2161 Kcysler’s Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Swit¬ zerland, See ; 4 to. 4 vols. w ith cuts, marbled leaves, London. 1756'.— 2/. 25. (Borough.) 2462 Drummond’s Travels through Germany, Italy, Greece, and parts of Asia; folio, cuts, Lond. 1754_ IO5. 6d. (Smith.) 2463 Lomenii Comitis da Brienna Itinerarium, curante Patino ; Svo. with cuts and fine portrait, Par. 1661_4s. Gd. (London Institution.) 2464 Ray's Se Y\ illughby’s Collection of curious Voyages and Travels in Germany, Italy, and Franco, with a Catalogue of Plants 190 Hist. &;c. Germany, and the Scandinavian Empire . grow tag in those Parts, ancl their Virtues ; 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, host edition, JLond. 1738.—1/. 5s. (Borough.) 2465 Northleigh’s Voyages through most Parts of Europe ; 8vo. Lond. 1702.—3s. 67/. (Trifhook.) 2466 Nugent’s Travels through Germany ; 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, Lond. 1768.— 11s. (Borough.) 2467 Montague’s (Lady Mary) Letters, with the additional Letters ; 12mo. Dub. 1765.—2s. (Triphoox.) 2468 Grotii Ilistoria Gothorum, Vandalorum, & Longobardorum ; 8vo. Amst. 1655.—10s. 6 d. (Borough.) 2469 Geographia Gothorum, cum notis Gronovii; 8vo. j L. Bat. 1?39* History of the Scandinavian Empire, together with its divided modern History, including the Ancient and Modern History of the Nations to the North behind it.—10s. (Borough.) 2470 Fradorii Orbis Gothicus ; foiio, Typis Monasterii Olivensis , 1688.—2/. 3s. (Priestley.) 2471 Johannis Magni Gothorum SueciorumqueIlistoria ; folio, many curious wood-cuts, Roma, 1554. — 15s. (Smith.) 2472 Lindenbrogii Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, Lambecii Origi- nes & Res Hamburgenses, et luscriptiones Ilamburgenses, a Fabricio; folio, llamb. 1706 —18s. (Priestley.) 2473 C'odicis Legum Visigothorum ; folio, Paris , 1579.---2/. 2s. (Ills Majesty’s Library.) 2474 Johannis Magni Gothorum Surnumque Historia, tradotta in lingua Toscana ; folio, with many curious wood-cuts, Vienna 1565.— 1/. Is. (Triphook.) 1 2475 Snorronis Historia Regum Septentrionalium a Peringskiold ; folio, 2 vol. bound in russia, Stockh . 1697.— ~ l . (Priestley.) 2476 Pontani Rerum Danicarum Historia ; folio, with portrait of Christian IV. and maps, Amst. 1630.— 1/. 9s. (London In* stitution.) 2177 Langebek Scriptores Rerum Danicarum Medii ^Svi ; folio, 5 vol. many curious plates, Ilan. 1772.-- 6/. S s. 61/. (Priestley.) History of the Scandinavian Empire, 8$c. 191 2478 Suaningi Chronologia Danica ; folio, IJafn. 1050.---16s. 6//. (Heber.) 479 Massemii Chronologia Sueciae, Daniee, Norwegian, &c.; folio, 2 vol. Periskioldii , 1700-4.--3/ S s. (Priestley.) 2480 Puffendorf Eris Scandica; 4to. Franc, ad Man. 1086.—7s„ (London Institution.) 2481 Mallet, Histoire de Dannemarc.; 4to. 2 tom. Copenh. 1758_ 1/. 15s. (London Institution.) 2 482 Mallet, Introduction u 1’IIistorie de Dannemarc; 4to. 2 tom, Copenh. 1755.— 15s. Gd. (Lord Essex.) 2483 Meursii Ilistoria Danica $z Belgica ; folio, vellum, Atnst. 1638. 12s. (IIaue.) 2484 Olai Wormii Monumenla Danica; Ilafn. 1643. Regum Danim Series Duplex; Ilafn. 1642. Fasti Daniel; Ilafn. 1043. In 1 vol. fo ! io, with many curious plates, fine copy, extra bound.— 1 1. 19s. (Priestley.) 2485 Saxonis Grammatici Ilistoria Danica, cum Stephanii notis ; folio, portrait and cuts, Sorcc, 1684.—1/. 6s. (London Institution.) 2486 Olaus Wormius de aureo Christiani V. Danisc, Norwegian, &c. Principis Cornu ; folio, curious cuts, I I afnice, 1641_1/. Is. (Priestley.) 2487 Viti Beringii de Obsidio ; 4to. IJafn. 1676.—13s. (Priestley.) 2488 Vibergii tie Regibus Danias Epigrammata, & Insignia; 4to, Ilafn. 1569—10s. 6c/. (Priestley.) 2489 Series Dynastarmn et Regum Danim ; 4to. bound by Walther, Ilafn. 1702. — 1/. 3s. (Priestley.) 2490 Olai Wormii Danica Litcratura antiquissima, vulgo Gothica dicta, cum Dissertatione de prised Danorum Pocisi; 4(o. cuts, Amst. 1636.—1/. lSs. (Payne.) 2491 Molesworth’s (Lord) Account of Denmark in 1692; and Bp. Robinson’s Sweden in 1688; and Narrative of the Death of Count Patkull, &c.; 8vo. Lon. 1738.—10s. 6 d. (Macuinlay.) ] 9*2 History of'the Scandinavian Empire, $$C. V 2192 King’s Animadversions on a pretended Account of Denmark ; 8 vo. London, lG94.—Is. (Hare.) 2103 Letters sur le Dannemarc ; 12mo. 2 tom. Genes. 1758-64.— 5s.. (London Institution.) 2194 Bartholinus de Scriptis Danorum ; 12mo. Hafn. 1666.— 5s. 6. (London Institution.) 2194 Wraxhall’s Tour through Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Peters- burgh ; 8vo. London , 1776.—8s. (Lohi> Essex.) 2495 Pontoppidan’s Natural History of Norway ; folio, many plates, fine copy, London , 1755_ 47. 19s- (Priestley.) 2496 Torfci Ilistoria Return Norwcgicarura; folio, 4 tom. in 2, llafn. 1711.— Si. (Priestley ) 2198 Perinlcskioldi Monumenta Sueco Gothica; folio, miny curious plates, S'lockh. 1710. —2 1 . 10s. (Priestley.) 2199 Perinkskioldi Monumenta Ullerakerensia cum Upsalia nova il. lustrata; folio, curious cuts, scarce,1719.—2/. 9s. (Priestley.) 2500 Ornihelinii Ilistoria Sueonum Gothoruinquc Ecclesiastica ; 4to. Stockh. 1689.— \l. 12 s. (11erf.ii.) 2501 Ausa Cairoli Sudermanie Dercio adversus Sisismondum ; 4td. 3 tom. Duntisc. 1598.—19s. 6d. (If is Majesty’s Library.) 2502 Loccenii Ilistoria Rerum Suecicarum & Antiquitates Sueco- Gothicae j 8vo. llolm. 1654.—4s. 6d. (London Institu¬ tion.) 2503 Israel Erlandi vita S. Erici Suecia i Regis, 3 Schullers ; 8vo. Hol/it. 1075.—4 s. (Herer.) 2504 Erici Olai Ilistoria Suecorum Gothorumquc a Loccenio; 12mo Holm. 1654.— 6s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2505 Vertot, Revolutions dc la SuMe ; 12mo. 2 tom. Paris, 1751.— 6s. (Unwin ) 2506 Puffendorf de Rebus Suecicis Commcntarii; folio, fine frontis¬ piece, and portrait of Queen Christiana, Franc, ad Mcen. 1705.—1/. 9s. (IIeber.) History of the Ancient Scandinavian Empire , §c. 193 2507 Puffendorf, Res gestae Caroli Gustavi Sueciae Regis ; folio, 2 vols. many plates, Norimb, 1 729.---3L 10s. (Priestley.) 2508 Harte’s History of Gustavus Adolphus ; Svo. 2 vols. portrait, London , 1767*—1/. 4s. (Unwin.) . / . • 2509 Fowler’s History of the Troubles of Suethland and Poland, por¬ traits of Carolus Gustavus, Sigismund III. Charles IX. all by Stent; Gustavus Adolphus, by Cecil of Ulais ; and Queen Christiana, by Gaywood ; together with the Life and Death cf Sir George Douglas, portrait of Count Oxenstirn, Duke Casi- mir, Ac.; folio, London, lGbG.—ll. (DimsdAle) 2509 G oldast, Rerum Suevicarum Scriptores ; folio, Ulmcc , 1727.— <}s. (Priestley.) 2510 Ilistoria di Christina Reginadi Suctia, Ac.;4to.; Modanci,\656. 10s. (Clarke.) 2511 Whitelock’s Journal of the Swedish Embassy in 1653—4, with Original Papers ; 4to.2 vols. London, 1772.— 1/. l<)s. (Payne.) 2512 Memoires de Christine, Reine de Suede ; 4to. 4 tom. cuts and portraits, Amst. 1751 -GO.—2/. 12s. (Lord Gower.) 2513 AIdcrfield Ilistoire Militairfc'de Charles Xtl.; l2mo 4 vol. with fine portrait and plan of battles, Amst. 1740.—17$. (Lord Mansfield.) 2514 Fabrice Anecdotes du Sejour du Roi de Suede, h Sender; 8vo. Harnb. 1760.-— 7s Gd. (Meber.) 2515 De Witt Lettrtfs A Negotiations en Suede, Denmark, Polognc, Ac.; 12mb. 5 tom. Artist. 172.5.—4 s. (Smith.) 2516 Ilelmondi A Arnoldi Lubecensis Chronicon Sclavoruum; 4 1730. — Js. 6d. (Lord Essex.) 2558 Crantz’s History of Greenland ; Svo. 2 vols. cuts, Lond. 1767 . 21. 2s. (Borough.) 2559 Egede’s Description of Greenland ; Svo. London , 1745 —lls-_ (Borough.) 2560 Debes’s Decription of the Islands and Inhabitants of Feroe ; 12 mo, with maps, London , 167 ( 1 .— 6 s. 6d. (Dimsdale.) V * Antiquities, Voyages, and Travels relative to Asia. 2561 Antiquitates Asiatic* Christianam jEram antecedentes, e Mo- numentis Gr*cis descript*, Latino verse, notis illustrate a Chishull; folio, Lond. 172S. — 1/. 3s. (Sir J. Copley.) 2562 Faria de Sousa Europa Portuguesa ; folio, 2 vol. bound by AVal- thcr, List). 1671 . — ~l. (Priestley'.) ^563 Faria de Sousa Asia Portuguesa; folio, 3 vol. many'curious r> •J History , 8$c. relative to Asia . 197 plates, Lisb. l 6 (>(). Africa Portuguesa ; many curious plates bound at the end, 16S1.—8/. (Priestley.) 2501 Coppin, La Guerre Sainte, avec les Voyages en Turquie, la Thebaide, & la Barbarie ; 4 to. Paris , 16’sG.— 12s. (Payne.) (2565 Herbelot Bibliotheque Orientale ; Paris , lf)27 : avec le Sup¬ plement; folio, bound-in russia, 1/80.—2/. 3s. (Priestley.) 2506 Hottingeri Historia Orientalis de Mahumedismo, Sarracenismq, Chaldaismo, &c.; 4to. Tigur. 1660.— ISs. (Priestley.) 2567 D’Anville, Eclaircissemcns Geographiques sur la Carte de l’lnde’ l’F.uphrate, &Tigre; 4to. Par. 1753-79*—1L 9 s - (Priestley.) 2568 Raynal Ilistoire Philosophique & Politique des Etablissemens £c du Commerce des Europeens dans les dpux lades; 5 tom. Gencv. 17 SO. —3/. 13s. 6d. (Lord Essex ) 2569 Piobertson’s Historical Disquisition, concerning Ancient India; 4to. Pond. 1791.— 12s. (Unwin.) 2570 MafFei Historia Indica, Epistolas selectee ex India, & J. Loyola? Vita; folio, Flor. 1583.— 10 s. (Heber.) 2571 Relagion Anual de las Cosas de la India Oriental y de Japan y de la China, auo lGOS—l 6 ' 01 ; 4 to. extra bound, Valladol. 1004* 1 /. 7s. (Priestley.) 2572 Le Brun, Voyages par la Muscovie, en Perse, & aux lades Ori- entales, & Voyage au Levant ; folio, 3 tom. lar_;o paper, fine copy, white calf, gilt leaves, Amst. 17 IS, & Par. 1714*—- 16 /. lbs. (Lord Essex.) ?573 Sonnerat, Voyage aux Xndes Orientales, & a la Chine * 4to. 2 tom. cuts, Par. 17S9.— 6!. (Alien.) 2574 Sonnerat, Voyage it la Nouvelle Guince ; 4 to. Paris, 1 770- — 21. 9s. (Dimsdale.) 2575 Bernier, Voyage dans rindostan ; lCrao. 2 tom. map, Amst. 1724.-2/. (Payne.) 3576 Bauphinois Nicholay’s Voyages into Turkey, with 60 prints o? the dresses of men and women; 4to. Lo'id. 15S5 .—-\L I7s» (General Stuart.) 198 History, 8$c. relative to Asia. 2577 Relation du Royaume de Tonquin, See. 4to. Par. 1683.— 5s. (Priestley.) 2578 Collection of Voyages by the Dutch East-India Company ; 8vo. London , 1703.—35. (General Stuart.) 2579 Voyage to the East Indies in 1747; 8vo. cuts, 1762.—65. Qd. (Dimsdale.) 2580 Grcse’s Voyage to tl-.e East Indies ; Syo. 2 vol. cuts, best edi, tion, London , 1772.—155. 6d. (IIeber.) 2581 Motraye’s Travels through Europe, Asia, and part of Africa ; 2 vol. London , 1723.—2 1 . 8 s. (Borough.) 2582 Petis de la Croix Histoire de Ghenghiscan; 12mo. Par. 1710 .— 6s. 6d. (Lord Holland.) 2583 Beckman’s Voyage to and from the Island of Borneo ; Sto. cuts, London , 171S. — 5s. (Lord Morpeth.) 25S4 Evrejiio’s Atlantica Orientalis; 12mo. Bcrol. 1764.—4s. 6d. (IIeber.) 2585 Renaudot’s Account of India and China, from the Arabic; 8 yo. Land. 1735.—Ss. 6d. (London Institution.) 2586 Falladias de Gentibus Indian & Bragraanibus, Gr. A Lat.; folio, Loud. l665.— 4s. Gd. (London Institution.) 25S7 Niecampi Missio Evangelica in Indite Orientale aucta a Gry- choyio ; Sto. Hull, 1747. — 4s. (Tripiiook.) 2588 Norbet, Memoires Ilistoriques surles Missions dcs Jesuits aux lndes Orientales ; 4to. 3 tom. Besanar. 1747-— 1 1. Rs. (Heber.) 2589 Lord’s Discovery of the Sects of the Banians and Persccs ; 4to. Loud. 1630-1 1. 85 . (London Institution.) 2590 Dow’s History of lndostan, translated from the Persian ; 4to. 3 yoI. Land. 1770 & 1772.—3/. 135. 6d. (Dimsdale.) 2591 Orme’s Military Transactions of the British in lndostan; 4to. 3 yoIs .Land. 1780.— 3 l . 1 6s. (Unwin.) 2592 Hamilton's Account of the East Indies; Sto. 2 vol. maps, Lond. 1744.—17*. (Borough.) EIGHTEENTH DAY’S SALE. MAY 16. 2593 IVES’s Voyage from England to India, 1754; and a Journey from Persia to England ; Land. 1773.— 1/. 12s. (Borough.) 2594 Simes’s Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava ; 4to. London .— 1/. 17s. (Smith.) 2594 D’Anville, Antiquite Geographique de l’Inde & autres Contrees de lallaute Asie ; 4to. Paris , 1775. — 1 /. 4s. (Tripiiook.) 2595 Vansittart’s Original Papers on the Disturbances in Bengal ; 8yo. 2 vol. Lond. 1765. — Is. 6d. (Collins.) 2596 Cambridge’s Account of the War in India ; 4to. Lond. 1761.— 9s. 6d. (Collins.) 2597 Hohvcll’s Provinces of Bengal and the Empire of Indostan, 3 Parts; Svo. London^ 1765-67-71.— ^s. (id. (Collins.) 2598 Ovingtone’s Voyage to Surat; Svo. cuts, London , l6))6'.— 7 s. (General Stuart.) 2599 Lockyer’s Account of the Trade in India; Svo. Lond. 1711.— 3s. (H EEER.) 2600 Plaisted’s Journey from Calcutta to Bussorah, and from thence to Aleppo; Svo. Lond. 1757.— ?i>s. 6d. (London Institution.) 200 History, 8$c. relative to Asia. 2G01 Philips’s Account of Malabar; 12mo. cuts, Lond.1717• — 3s.6d. (London Institution.) 2G02 Du Halde Description de la Chine, & da la Tartaric CLinoise ; 4to. 4 tom. a la LLaye , 1736.—4 1. Os. (Heber.) 2G03 Semed’s Hisloire Univetselle de la Chine ; 4to. Lyons , 166*7.— 10s. 6d. (London Institution.) 2604 De Mendoca Histoire de grand Ilejnc de la China; ISmo, Mcdin. del Comp. 15.95.—1 /. 2s. (IIebek.) 2G05 Vojeu de Brunen Conquete de la Chine par les Tartarus ; 12mo. 2 tom. Lyons , 1754.— 6s. 6d, (General Stuart.) 2G0G Staunton’s Account of an Embassy to the Emperor of China; # folio & 4(o. 3 vol a Subscriber’s copy, extra bound, London , 1707_4/. 3s. (Smith.) 2G07 Pauvv’s Recherches PhilosophiqueS sur les Chinois & Egyptiens ; l6mo. 2 tom. Eerl. 1773—9s. (Heber.) 2G08 Bouvet’s Portrait Ilistorique de l’Empereur de la Chine ; 12mo. Pur. 169S. —Is. (Hunter.) 2G09 Nouvelle Atlas de la Chine, par Danville ; folio, Amst. 1737.— IGs. Gd. (Heber.) 2GQ9* : 'Jsbrandts I tit s Travels from Moscou over land to China, with a Description of China, by a Chinese Author ; 416'. 31 curious plates, Loud. 1708.— 2/. (Borough ) ■2010 St. Pierre, Gonzalez de, la Nouvelle Persecution de la Chine; 12mo. 1714.—3s. (Tiiiphook.) 2GlO*Semcdo Relatione della Cilia ; 4fo. frontispiece with the Jesuits’ Arms, Rom. 1613. — 1 1. (Tiiiphook.) 2511 Osbeck’s Voyage to China and the East Indies, and to Surat, by OIolV Tores- 11; 8 vo. 2 vols. cuts, London , 1771_14s. Gd. (Heber.) < r « ■* 2612 Hauway’s British Trade over the Caspian Sea, -with Travels through Russia into Persia, and tiie Revolutions of Persia; ltd. 4 rol. cuts, Loud. 1753.---2/. 19s. (Borough.) Asia — Voyages , Travels , and History relative to. 201 2613 Jones’s (Sir William) Life of Nadir Shah, &c. ; 8vo. London, 1773.—10s. 6 d . (General Stuart.) 2614 Chardin’s Voyages en Perse, et autres Lieux de FOrient; 4 tom. 4to. cuts, best edition, Amst. 1735. — 15/. 15s. (Borough.) 2615 Hyde de Religione Persaruin; 4to. Oxon. 1760.— l/. 19s. (Priestley.) 26'l6 Bizari Rerum Persicarum Historia; folio. Franc. lbOl.— 1/. lis. 6d. (London Institution.) 2617 Herbert’s Travels into Africa, Asia, Persia, Indostan, &c.; folio, cuts, Lond. l£>34.—1/. 10s. (Tripiiook.) 2618 L’Ambassade de Figuersa en Perse, trad, par Wicqfort; 4to. Par. 1667.—14s. (Hunter.) 2dl9 Kaempferi Amoenitates Exoticaa; 4to. cuts, bound in vellum, 1712.—l/. 13s. (Lady Aylesford.) 2620 Kampferr’s History of Japan; folio, 2 vols. large paper, cuts, fine copy, Lond. 1728. — Si. 15s. (Evans.) 2b21 Charlevoix, Description du Japan; 2 tom. 4to. cuts. Par. 1 736. — 2/. 11s. (Heber.) 2622 Arvisi del Giappone, con altri dela Cina da Jesuits dal 1583; 12 mo. 1586.— 6s. 6d. (Heber.) 2623 Trigaitii Literae annuae Japonicae et Sinicae, Ann. 1609; 12mo. Aug. Vin. i6l5.—9s. 6d. (Triphook.) 26 24 Varenii Descriptio Japaniae et Siam.; 12mo. Cont. 1 673 .— 2 s. 6d. (Money.) 2625 La Loubere Description du Royaume de Siam.; 12mo. 2 tom. Amst. 1713.—9s. 6d. (Catten.) 2626 Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites; 2 tom. 4to. cuts. Par « i6’(>8 .—3/. (Heber.) 2627 Marini Filippoi Relatione del Tunchino et del Giappone; 4to. Rom. 1665 . — l/. 3s. (Heber.) 262S Alexandri de Rhodes Tunchinensis Historia; 4to. Lugd. 1652. — lfis. (Heber.) 2 D 202 Asia — Voyages, Travels, and History relative to. • 2629 Relandi Palsestina; 4to. 2 vol. portrait, cuts, Traj. Bat. 17l4>. 1 /. 10s. (London Institution.) 2630 De Breves Relation de ses Voyages en Grece, Terre Sainte, Egypte, Tunis, et Alger; 4to. Par. 1628.— 1/. 2s. (Trip- HOOK.) 2631 Seller’s Antiquities of Palmyra; 8vo. cuts, Lond. 1696.— 6s. 6d. (London Institution.) 2632 Randolph’s Present State of the Morea and Isles of the Archi¬ pelago; 4to. cuts, Lond. 1689. — 13s. (Arch.) 2633 Relandi de Spoliis Templi Hierosolymitani; 12mo. cuts, T. ad Rhen. 171(5.— 6 s. 6 d. (Triphook.) 2634 Les Voyages du Seigneur Villamonts; l8mo. Rouen, l6l3.— 9s. (Triphook.) 2 635 Georgirene’s Present State of Samos, Nicaria, Patinos, and Mount Athos; 8vo. Lond.l 678 .- 7 s. (London Institution.) 2636 Sir John Maundeville’s Voyage and Travaile; Svo. large paper, Lond. 1725.— 2l. Ss. (Priestley.) 2637 Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, and the River Euphrates; Svo. cuts, large paper, Oxf. 1743.— ll. 19s. (Priestley.) 2638 Castillo (Antonio) del Viage de Terra Santa; 4to. Madr. 1656. 2l. 3s. (Heber.) 2639 Egesippo tradotto di Latino in Italiano par P. Lauro; 18mo. Fen. 1544.—4s. (Triphook.) 2040 La Roque, Voyage de l’Arabie Heureuse; 12mo. cuts, Amst. 1716. —2s. 6 d. (Coates.) 2640* Simon, Ceremonies et Coutume des Juifs; 12mo. Par. 1703. —is. (Payne.) 2641 Simon, Histoire de la Creance des Nations du Levant; 12mo. Franef. 1684.—3s. (Triphook.) 2642 Tournefort, Relation d’un Voyage au Levant; 2 tom. 4to. cuts, Paris , 1717.— l/. 6 s. (Hindley.) Asia together with the Turkish Empire . 203 2643 Hasselquist’s Voyages to the Levant, by Linneus; 8vo. map, Lond. 1766. — l/. 3s. (Borough.) 2644 L. Empereur Itinerarium R. Benjaminis Latine et Hebraice; 18mo. L. B. Eh. 1633. — 7s. 6d, (Heber.) 2645 Wheeler’s Journey into Greece; folio, cuts, Lond. 1682.— l/. 9 s . (Borough.) 2646 Chandler’s Travels in Asia Minor and Greece; 2 vols. Lond* 1776 .—4>l. 10s. (Borough.) 2647 Voyages en Asie, dans les 12, 13, 14, et 15 Siecles, avec l’His- toire des Sarasins et des Tartares, par Bergeron; 4to. 2 tom. in 1, A la Haye, 1735 .—1 /. 9s. (Triphook.) 2648 Marsden’s History of Sumatra, extra bound by Kalthoeber; 4to. Lond. 1783. l/. 15s. (Inglis.) 2649 Russell’s Natural History of Aleppo, and of the Plague; 4to. cuts, Lond. 1 756 .— 1/. (Smith.) 2650 Green’s Journey from Aleppo to Damascus; 8vo. with map, London, 1736. — 6s. 6d. (Clarke.) 2651 Loniceri Chronica Turcica; folio, 3 tom. in 1, cuts, Franc. 1578. 19s. (Priestley.) 2652 Leunclavii Historia Musulmana Turcorum; folio. Franc. 1591, 10s. 6d. (Priestley.) 2653 Rycaut’s History of the Turks; folio, 3 vols. portraits, fine set, London, 1687. — 61. 10s. (London Institution.) 2654 Specherira Berneck Historia Bellorum in RlioetiA gestorum; 4to. Genev. 1629. — 3s. 6d. (Smith.) 2655 Cantemir’s History of the Growth and Decay of the Ottoman Empire; folio, London, 1756. — 13s. (Meredith.) 2655* Cantemir, Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman; 12mo. 4 tom. Par. 1743.—lis. (Lord Holland.) 2656 Marsigli Stato Militare del Imperio Ottomanno; folio, Haya % 1732.—15s. (Triphook.) 204 Asia together with the Turkish Empire. 2657 Saladini Vita et Res gestae Latine, ab Alb. Schultens; folio, London, 1707 .—2/. 2s. (Priestley.) 2658 Gaubil, Histoire de Gentchiscan, et des Mongous Conquereurs de la Chine; 4to. Par. 1739-— 12 s. (Heber.) 2 659 P. de la Croix Histoire de Timur Bee; 4 tom. 12mo. Par. 1722.—13s. (Catton.) 2660 Honigeri Koningshof Solymanni XII. et Selymi XIII. Historia 12 mo. Basil. 1577 .—10 s. 6d. (Triphook.) 2661 Labat, Memoires du Chev. d’Aviseux, contenant des Voyages; 6 tom. 12mo. cuts. Par. 1734.—1 /. 11s. (Unwin.) 2662 Otter, Voyage en Turquie, en Perse, et les Expeditions de T. Kouli Khan; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1748.—10s. 6d. (Inglis.) 2663 Tavernier, Six Voyages en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes; 12mo. 3 tom. cuts, Utrecht , 1712.—2 1 . 3s. (Colonel Bun- bury.) 2,665 Chishull’s Travels in Turkey and back to England; folio, large paper, London, 1747-— 12 s. (Triphook.) 2666 Hill’s State of ^Ethiopia, Egypt, Palestine, and the whole Ot¬ toman Empire; folio, London , 1710.— 5s. 6d. (Borough.) c \ 2 667 Abulfeda de Vit& et Rebus gestis Mahommedis, Arab, et Lat. kGugnier&; 4to. Oxon. 1723 : — \l. (Lord Holland.) V 2668 Sale’s Translation of Mahomet’s Koran, with Notes {and Pre¬ liminary Discourse; 4to. Lond. 1734.— 1/. 6s. (Lord Glenbervie.) 2669 Abulfedae Annales Moslemici Latine, & Reiskio; 4to. Lips. 1754.—12s. (Priestley.) 2570 Boulainvilliers, Vie de Mahomet; Svo. London, 1730._ 5s. ‘ ( % (Hunter.) 2671 Prideaux’s Life of Mahomet; Svo. Lond. 1718.— 6s. (Unwin.) 2672 Ockley’s History of the Saracens; 8vo. 2 vols. Camb.~i757. _ 1Z. 10s. (Borough.) The History of Turkey and Egypt. 205 2673 Cambina della Origine de’ Turchi, 1540; Guazzo Historic di Mahometto e suo Figluolo Bacasetto, 1545; e P. Jovio delle Cose de’Turchi, 1538; 12nio.— 6s. 6d. (Heber.) 2674 Vane's Life of Tamerlane the Great; 8vo. Lond. 1758.—5 s. (Payne.) 2675 Drechsleri Chronicon Saracenicum et Turcicum, Reiskii; 12mo. Lips. 1689 .— 6*. (Heber.) 2676 Gurtleri Historia Templariorum; 12 mo. Amst. 1691 : et Smith de Moribus Turcarum; Ox. 1672 . — 3s. (Triphook.) 2677 Postel de la Rep. desTurcs, et l’Origine, Loix, et Costumes des Tartares, Persiens, &c.; 4to. Poictiers, 1560.— 1 /. Is. (Ge¬ neral Stuart.) 2678 Minadoi Historia della Guerra fra i Turchi e i Persani; 4to. Rani, 1587-—l/. 2 s. (Triphook.) 2679 Manassis Annales, Gr. r & Lat. a Meursio; 4to. L. B. 1616 .— 7s. (Priestley.) 2680 Porter on the Religion, Law, Government, and Manners of the Turks; 8vo. 2 vols. in l, Lond. 1 777-—7*- 6d. (Clarke.) 2681 I. Leonis Africani totius Africae Descriptio, cum Hannonis Na- vigatione; l2mo. 1659- — 8s. 6d. (Heber.) 2681* De Egressu Israelitarum ex iEgypto; 8vo. bound extra, by Baumgarten, 1777-— 7s. (Triphook.) 2682 Norden's Travels into Egypt and Nubia, by Templeman ; 2 vol. folio, with 164 plates besides the head and tail-piece, original edition, Lond. 1757. —9 1. (Borough.) 2683 Pococke’s Description of the East, with the Inscriptions, and many plates; 3 vol. folio, Lond. 1743. — 16 /. 10 s. (Hindley.) 2684 Witsii iEgyptiacorum sacrarum Hebrais Collatio et Christi- anorum Legio fulminatur; 4to. Amsterdam, 1696 .— 11 s. 6d. (Payne.) 2685 Maserier, Description de l’Egypte, sur les Memoires de M. Mal¬ let; 4to. cuts, Paris, 1735. — 18s. (Peploe.) 20 6 History , Voyages and Travels relative to Africa. 2686 Marshami Canon Chronicus -T,gyptiacus, Hebraicus, Graecus; folio, Lond. 1672.—10s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 2687 Cumberlandi Sanchoniathos; Phenician History; 8vo. London , 1720.—6s. (Coates.) 2688 Abulfede, Deseriptio Aigypti, Arabic^ et Latin£, ilMichaele; 8vo. Gotting. 1776. —19s. 6d. (Lord Holland.) 2689 Greaves’s Miscellaneous Works, containing his Travels in Egypt, &c. with his Life, by Birch; 2 vols. 8vo. cuts, Lond. 1737-8.— 8s. 6d. (Gen. Stuart.) 2690 Clogher’s (Bishop of) his Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai; 8vo. Lond. 1753.— 5s. 6d. (Arch.) 2691 Perizonii Origines Babylonicze et iEgyptias; 12mo. 2 vols. L. Bat. 1711.—lis. (Lord Morpeth.) 2692 Culte des Dieux Fetiches, par Rousseau; 12mo. 1769 * — 6s. (Money.) 2693 Niebuhr’s Voyage en Arabie et dans autres Pays' Circonvoisins; 4to. 2 tom. bound by Johnson, Amst. 1776 and 17SO. 61 . 6s. 2694 Niebuhr, Description de 1’Arabie d’apres les Ob- - ' (Borough.) servations et Recherches, faites dans le pays m6me; 4to. bound by Johnson; uniform with the last, Copenh. 1773.— 2695 Michaelis sur le Voyage de 1’Arabie, 1763 ; et Pieces entre Wol- fius, &c.; 12mo. Lange, 1737. — ’6s. 6d. (Heber.) 2696 Irwin’s Voyage up the Red Sea, and a Route through the De- sarts of Thebais ; 4to. cuts, London, 1780.—14s. (Smith.) 2697 Ludolfi Historia iEthiopize, et Commentarius ad HistorianuEthio- picam; folio, 2 vol. cuts, Franc/. 1691.—1 1 . 17s. (Trip- hook.) 2698 Cavazzi da Monte Cucuulo Istorica Descrittione di Congo Ma- tamba et Angola; 4to. map and cuts, Milan, 1690.—2 l.6s. (Heber.) History, Voyages and Travels relative to Africa. 207 26'99 Baratti’s Travels into Abyssinia or Ethiopia Interior; 12mo. Lond. 1670. —8s. (Heber.) 2700 Forrest’s Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, in 1774, 1775, 177b, from Ballinbargan ; 4to. large paper, cuts, bound inrussia, Lond. 1779— -If. 9s. (Arch.) 2701 Pernett y Voyageviux Isles Malouines, 1763 , 4 ; avec des Ob¬ servations sur le Detroit de Magellan et les Patagons; 8 vo. 2 tom. Par. 1770 .—13s. (Lord Morpeth.) 2702 Glass’s History of the Canary Islands; 4to. Lond. 1764 .— l/. 12s. (Lygon.) 2703 Flacourt, Histoire de la Grand Isle Madagascar; 4to. map. Par. 1661. — 14s. (Lord Morpeth.) 2704 Drury’s Journal of his Captivity in Madagascar; 8vo. large pa¬ per, Lond. 1729. —Us. 6d. (Clarke.) 2705 Adanson, Histoire Naturelle de Senegal; 4to. map. Par. 1757 . ll . is. (Arch.) 2706 Bosman’s Description of the Coast of Guinea; Svo. cuts, Lond. 1705.—5s. (Lygon.) 2707 Snelgrave’s Account of Guinea and the Slave-Trade; Svo. map, Lond. 1734.—3s. 6d. (Smith.) 2708 Smith’s Voyage to Guinea; 8vo. cuts, London, 1744.—6s. (Hunter.) 2709 Atkins’s Voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West Indies; Svo. Lond. 1735. —8s. 6d. (Triphook.) 2710 Morre’s Travels into the Inland parts of Africa; 8vo. large pa¬ per, cuts, Lond. 1738.—14s. 6d. (Clarke.) 2711 Labat, Nouvelle Relation de l’Afrique Occideutale; 12mo. 5 tom. cuts. Par. 1738.—1/. 12s. (Peploe.) , 2712 Labat, Voyage du Cliev. de Marchise en Guinee, Isles voisines, et a Cayenne; 12mo. 4 tom. cuts, Amst. 1731.—17$. (Peploe.) -2713 Loyer, Relation du Voyage du Royaume d’Issyney; 12mo. cuts. Par. 1714.—8s. (Hunter.) 208 Hist. Voyages <§• Travels relative to Africa 8$ America . ( 27 14 Park's Travels in Africa; 4to. first edition, fine impressions of the plates, Lond. 17.99—2/. 3s. (Priestley.) 2715 Aldrete varias Antiguedo desde Espana, Africa, y otras Pro* vincias; 4to. Amst. 1614.—1 /. 9 s • (Wood.) 2716 Kolben's present State of the Cape of Good Hope; 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, Lond. 1738.—12s. (General Stuart.) 2717 De la Caille’s Journal du Voyage fait au Cape; 12mo. Par. 1763.—4s. 6 d. (Eaton.) 2718 Shaw's Travels and Observations on several parts of Barbary and the Levant, 1738 ; folio, with the Supplement, cuts. Ox- t ford, 1746.—2/. 10s. (Arch.) 2719 Morgan's History of Algiers; 4to. Lond. 1731.—4s. (Smith.) 2720 Folieta de sacro Federe contra Selimum et de Obsidione Meli- tepsi; 4to. Genv. 1587.—8s. (Heber.) 2721 Braithwait's Revolution in Morocco, on the Death of Muley Ishmael; 8vo. large paper, Lond. 1729-—4s. (Hunter.) 2722 Windus’s Journey to Mequinez; 8vo. large paper, cuts, Lond, 1725.—6s. (Hunter.) 27 23 Boyde's Voyages to Barbary, with a Description of Mequinez, Oran and Alcazar; 8vo. cuts, Lond. 1736.—8 s.6d. (Clarke.) 27 24 Travels of Englishmen into Africa, Asia, Troy, &c.; 4to. Lond. 1609.—19s. (Gen. Stuart.) 2725 Addison’s (Lancelot) History of Revolutions of Fez and Mo¬ rocco; 8vo. Oxf. 1671.—3s. (Hunter.) 2726 Relation de ce qui s’est passe en Maroc depuis 1727 jusqu’i 1737; 8vo. Par. 1742. —2s. (Heber.) 2727 Antiquedad Maritima de la Rep. de Cartago, con al Periplode de Hannon per Compomanes; 4to. Madrid, 1756.— ll. 6s. (Triphook.) 2728 De Laet Notae in Grotium de Origine Gentium Americanarum; i2mo. extra bound, gilt leaves, Amst, 1643,—8s, 6 d> (Rod- well.) ( History , Voyages and Travels relative to America. 209 2729 Martyris (Petri) de Orbe Novo Decades octo; 12mo. Par. 1587 .— 12 s . dd . (Heber.) 2730 Martyris (Petri) Decades tres de Rebus Oceanicis etNovo Orbe; 12mo. Colon. 1574.—10.s. 6d. (Heber.) 2731 Recherches Phiiosophiques sur les Americains, par Pauw; 3 vol. 12mo. Berlin, 1770.—15s. 6d. (Heber.) 2732 Herrera, Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis; folio, cuts, Amst. 1C>22. —■ll. (Triphook.) % 2733 De Laet Americae Utriusque Descriptio; folio, cuts, L. Bat. l6'33.— ll. qs. (Rodwell.) 2734 Histoire Generale des Voyages et Conquetes des Castilians dans les Indes Occidentales, traduit de l’Espagnol d’Aut. de Her¬ rera, par N. de la Costa, &c.; 3 tom. 4to. Paris, lbbo.— l/. 10s. (Sir J. Copley.) 2735 Robertson’s History of America, with the addition; 4to. 3 vol. Lond. 1777 —21. 2s. (Chandley.) 2736 Burke’s European Settlements in America; 8vo. 2 vol. Lond. 1770.—lls.br/. (Borough.) 2737 De Solis, Historia de la Conquista di Mexico; folio, cuts, Bruss. 1741.— l/. 10s. (Davenport.) 2738 DavillaPadilla Historia Della Provincia de St. Jago de Mexico; folio, cuts, extra bound, Bruss. ib25. — ll. 13s. (Heber.) 2739 De la Vegas (Garcilasso) commentaries reales de los Incas y Historia del Peru; folio, 2 vol. in 1, Madrid, 1723.—2/. 8s. (Priestley.) 2740 De l’Escolano (Gaspere) Gazopbylacium Parubicum; folio, Matrit. 1775. — 1/. 17 s. (Heber.) 2741 Levinus de PeruvH Nov&, et Res in e& gestis, Antwerp. 1567’, et Wimmanni Maris Acrotoi Descriptio; l2mo. Basil. 1550.— 2/. 2s. (Heber.) 2742 Frezier’s Voyage to the South Seas; 4to. cuts, Lond. 1717- —* 10s. 6 d. (Borough.) 21 0 NINETEENTH BAY’S SALE. MAY 17, 1810. 2/43 Charlevoix, Histoire de Paraguay; 4to.3 tom.cuts, Par. 1756.— 2/. 14^. (Priestley.) 2744 Simon, Noticias Historiales de las Conquistas de Tierra Ferme ; folio, Cuenca, 1637.—2/. 7s. (London Institution.) 2745 De las Cassa Crudelitates Ilispanorum in Indiis patratas; 4to* with many fine engravings, Franc. 1598.— 2l. (Money.) 2746 Nic del Teeho Historia Provincial Paraguariae Societatis Jesu. Leod. 1673.— 5s. (Smith.) 2747 Natural and Civil History of California, translated from Miguel Venegas; 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, Lond. 1759.— 10s. (Smith.) 2748 D’Acunha de la Riviere des Amazons et Voyages des P. Grillet et Bechamel dans laGuinee; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. l6'82.— 8s. 6d. (Payne.) 2749 Voyages and Discoveries in South America, by D’Acugna, Aca. reta, and Goillet; 8vo. Lond. 1698 .— 5s. (London In¬ stitution.) 2750 Condaraine, Relation d’un Voyage dans l’luterieur de l’Amerique Meridionale par la Riviere des Amazones; 8vo. Par. 1745 .— 8s. (Arch.) 2751 Fermin, Description Historique, Geographique, et Physique de History , Voyages and Travels, relative to America . 211 Surinam; 8vo. 2 tom. Amst. 1 769 .— 10s. 6r/. (London In¬ stitution.) 2752 Sir Walter Raleigh’s Discoveries of Guiana; 4to. Lond. 1596\— l/. is. (Priestley.) 2753 Barcroft’s Natural History of Guinea; 8vo. Lond. 1769 .— 7s. 6d. (Arch.) 2754 Le Page du Pratz, Histoire de la Louisiana; 12mo. 3 tom. Par. 1758.—11s. (Lord Holland.) 2755 Lafitau, Decouvertes et Conquetes des Portugois dans le nou¬ veau Monde; 4to. cuts, 2 tom. Paris, 1733. — 2/. 14s. (Priestley.) 2756 Lafitau, Mceurs des Sauvages Ameriquains compares aux Mteurs des premiers Temps; 4to. cuts, 2 tom. Paris, 1724.—3/. (Lord Holland.) 2757 Wafer’s Voyage, and Description of the Isthmus of America; 8vo. cuts, Lond. 1704 .— 7s. 6d. (General Stuart.) 2758 Jeffery’s Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in South America; folio, Lond. l/’fio.— 10s. 6d. (Smith.) 2759 L’Escarbot, Histoire de la Nouvelle France; 12mo. Par. 1609 .— 5s. 6d. (Heber.) 2760 Douglas’s British Settlements in North America; Svo. 2 vols. Lond. 1755.— -6s. (Edwards.) 2760 De Medrano Description del Rio de las Amazonas; 18mo. Bruss. 1700 . — 3s. 67/. (IIeber.) 2761 Chalmer’s Political Annals of the United Colonies, from their Settlement to 1763; 4to. Lond. 1780.— 17 s. (Arch.) 2762 Neal’s History of New England; Svo. 2 vols. Lond. 1720.— 6s. (Priestley.) 2763 Joiseliu’s Account of Two Voyages to New England; 12mo. Lond. 1674 .— 7s. 6d. (London Institution.) 2764 Hutchinson’s History of Massachusets Bay; 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1 765 .—9s. 6d. (Unwin.) 212 History , Voyages and Travels , relative to America. 2765 Hennepin’s Discoveries between New France and New Mexico; Svo. cuts, extra bound, Loud. l(>99*—4s. 6 d. (Priestley. 2/66 Lettrcs et Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire du Cape Breton; 12 mo. a la llaye, 1760 .—is. (Smith.) 2767 Smith’s History of New York from its first Discovery; 8 vo. Lond. 1 776 .— 4s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2768 Hutchinson’s History of Pennsylvania; Svo. Lond. 1759 •—Is* (Smith.) 2769 Thomas’s Account of Pennsylvania and West New Jersey; 12 mo 1698.—2s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 2770 Brickell’s Natural History of North Carolina; 8 vo. Dubl. 1 737. ~ 9 s. 6 d. (Clarke.) 2771 Coxe’s Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana; Svo. Lond. 172.7 .— 7s. 6 d. (Unwin.) 2772 Ramsay’s Revolution in South Carolina; Svo. 2 vols. Trenton, 1785.—lis. 6 d. (Unwin.) 2773 Lawson’s History of Carolina; 4to. Lond. 1718 . — 2 s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 2774 Discovery of Florida from the Portuguese, by Hackluyt; 4 to. Lond. 1609 .—it. 9 s. (IIeber.) 2775 Beverley’s History of Virginia; Svo. cuts, Lond. 1722. — 4 s. (Priestley.) 2776 Dobson’s Account of Hudson’s Bay; 4to. Lond. 1744. — 3 s. (Heber.) 2 777 Adair’s History of the American Indians; 4 to. Lond. 1 775 .— 12s. (Edwards.) 2778 Colden’s History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada; Svo. Lond. 1747. — 5s. (Heber.) 2779 Bossu’s Travels through Louisiana, &c.; Svo. 2 vols. Lond. 1771 -— 8s. (Priestley.) 2780 Kalm’s Travels into North America; Svo. 3 vols. best edition, cuts. Warring. 1770. —1/. (Triphook.) History , Voyages <§* Travels , relative to America. 213 2781 American Wanderer through various Parts of Europe; 8vo. Lond. 1/83.—2s. (Heber.) 2782 Tracts relating to America; 8vo.—4 s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2783 Robson’s Account of Hudson’s Bay; 8vo. Lond. 1752. —3s. (Heber.) 2784 Du Tertre, Histoire des Antilles babitees par les Francois; 4to. 3 tom. Par. 1667 — 71. — 2 1. 2 s. (Heber.) 2785 Davies’s History of the Caribbee Islands; folio, Lond. 1 666 .— lbs. (Arch.) 2/85 Charlevoix de la Nouvelle France, avec un Voyage dans 1’Ame- rique Septentrionale; 4to. 3 tom. cuts, Paris, 1744.-47. 4s. (Lord Holland.) 2786 Charlevoix, Histoire de St. Domingue; 4to. 2 tom. Par. 1730.— 1/. 11s. (Heber.) 2787 Essais sur l’HistoireNaturelle de St. Domingue; 8vo. cuts. Par. 1776 .— 2s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2788 Labat, Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de PAmerique; 12mo. 8 tom. cuts. Par. 1742.— l/. 19s. (Lord Holland.) 2789 Gamila, Histoire de l’Oronoque; 12mo. 3 tom. cuts, Avign. 1758.—l/. 4s. (Payne.) 2790 Sir Hans Sloane’s Natural History of Jamaica, Madeira, Barba- does, Nevis, and St. Christopher’s; folio, 2 vols. with 430 plates, fine copy, Lond. 1707 & 1725.—197. 19*- (Lord Essex.) 2791 Long’s History of Jamaica; 4to. 3 vols. with map and cuts, bound by Fraser, Lond. 1774.—147. 15s. (Priestley.) 2792 History of Jamaica, from the earliest Accounts; 8vo. Lond. 1740.— 3s. 6 d. (Ridley.) 2793 Uring’s Voyages and Travels; 8vo. two maps, Lond. 1726 .— 7s. (Priestley.) 2794 Hughes’s Natural History of Barbadoes; folio, large paper, cuts, Lond. 1750.—13s. (Smith.) 214 Hist.of the West Indies, together with Voyages §Travels. 2795 Smith’s Natural History of Nevis; 8vo. Lond. 1745.—4s (Triphook.) 2 796 Fowler's Account of Tobago; 8vo. map, Lond. 1774.—Is. (Trip hook.) Collection of Voyages and Travels, and Voyages of Cir¬ cumnavigators. 2797 Churchill’s Collection of Voyages, 6' vols.; with Mr. John Locke’s History of Navigation, illustrated with many maps and cuts; together with the Supplemental 2 vols. from Lord Oxford’s Collection; folio, 8 vols. best edition, fine set, Lond. 1744 & 1747.—1 51 . (Priestley.) 279S Harris’s Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels; folio, 2 vols. with large additions by Dr. Campbell, Lond. 1 764 , &c. — 61. (Smith.) 2799 Prevost Histoire Generale des Voyages; 4to. 19 tom. portrait and many charts and cuts, large paper, Par. 174,6 & 70 . — 16/. 5s. (Priestley.) 2800 Histoire de la Navigation de Linschot aux Indes Orientales, avec Annotations de B. Paludanus; folio, many maps and plates; Amst. lfi38. Description de l’Amerique; folio, map; Amst. lfi38. Bound together in red morocco, by Paddaloupe.— 41. 6s. (Lord Essex.) 2801 Narborough’s (Sir J.) Voyage to the South Sea, Tasman’s Dis¬ coveries, Wood’s Voyage for a North-east Passage to China; Marten’s Observations on Greenland; 8vo. with charts and cuts, Lond. 1741. — 10s. 6 d. (London Institution.) 2802 Collection of Voyages performed by Dampier, Wafer, Funnel, Cowley, Sharp, Wood, and Roberts; 8vo. 4 vols. with maps* Voyages round the World. 215 draughts, and plates of Natural History, best edition, Lond. 1729.—3/. 17s. (Lord Essex.) 2803 Funnel’s Account of Dampier’s Voyage round the World; 8vo. maps, Lond. 1707.—5s. 6d. (Priestley.) 2804 Rogers’s Voyage round the World, by Wood ; 8vo. maps, Lend. 1712.— 6s. 6d. (London Institution.) 2805 Shelvocke’s Voyage round the World; Svo.mapand cuts, Lond. 1757.—4s. 6d. (Catten.) 2806 Anson’s Voyage round the World, in 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744; by R. Walter; 4to. cuts and maps, first edition, a subscriber’s copy, bound by Baunigarten, Lond. 1748.— ll. 18s. (Trip- , KOOK.) 2807 Journal of Anson’s Voyage, by Pascoe Thomas; 8vo. London, 1745.—3s. 6d. (Catten.) 2S08 Anson’s Voyage round the World, by Philips; Svo. London, 1744.—7s. (Payne.) 2SP9 Byron’s Narrative; his own edition; London, 176 s. And Me¬ moirs of the Young Prince of Annamaboe ; London, no date, Svo.—10s. 6d. (Lord IIarrowby.) 2810 Ellis’s Voyage to Hudson’s Bay, Svo. map and cuts, large paper, extra by Walther, Lond. 1748.— 1 /. 18s. (Triphook.) QS11 Hawkesworth’s Compilation of the Accounts of the Voyages in the Southern Hemisphere, performed by Byron, Wallis, Car¬ teret and Cook; 4to. 3 vols. first edition, with maps and charts, Lond. 1 772.-61. 17s. 6d. (Unwin.) 2812 Parkinson’s JournaFof a Voyage lo the South Seas; 4to. large paper, with portrait and 2 9 views, Theophrasti Historia Plantarum Gr.; folio, genuine j edition, bound in russia, ap. Aid. 1498. J (Payne.) Books printed by the Aldusses. 221 286'9 Politiani Opera; folio, fine copy, Ven. ap. Aid. 149S.—3/. Is. (Heber.) 2870 Aristophanes, Gr. cum scholiis Greecis; folio, fine copy, first edition, bound in russia by Roger Payne, ap. Aid. 1498. — 11/. 10s. (Priestley.) 2871 Epistolae Grascanicae, Gr.; 4to. 2 tom. in 1, fine copy, bound in russia by Baumgarten, ap. Aid. 1499- — 3/. 15s. (Priestley.) 2872 Lucretii Opera; 4to. with MS. notes, fine copy in the round letter, bound in russia, ap. Aid. 1500.—3/. Is. (Longman.) 2873 Lascaris de Octo Partibus Orationis, Gr. et Lat.; 4to. fine copy, bound in russia by Walther, ap. Aid. — 3/. 19$- (Priestley.) 2874 Quintus Calaber, Gr.; 12mo. first edition, fine copy, bound in morocco, and ruled, by Roger Payne, ap. Aid. —3/. 13s. 6d. (Longman.) 2S75 Juvenalis et Persius; 12mo. ap. Aid. 1501. — 7 s. (Lord Gower.) 287 () Martialis Epigraiumata; l2mo. bound in red morocco, ap. Aid. 1501.—2/. lbs. (Heber.) 2877 Horatii Opera; l2mo. bound in morocco, the first Aldine edi¬ tion, ap. Aid. 1501.— Jl. 12s. 6d. (Payne.) 2878 Philostratus de Vita Apollonii Tyanei, Gr.; folio, first edition, fine copy, bound in yellow morocco by De Rome, ap. Aid. 1501.—5/. 5s. (Triphook.) 2879 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius; 12mo. bound in morocco by Roger Payne, ap. Aid. 1502. — 1 /. 11s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 2880 Stephanus de Urbibus; folio, bound in morocco by Roger Payne, ap. Aid. 1502.—2/. 7 s. (Priestley.) 2881 Julii Pollucis Onomasticon; folio, first edition, bound in russia, Ven. ap. Aid. 1502.—2/. 12s. 6d. (Priestley.) 2882 Thucydides, Gr.; folio, first edition, fine copy, in yellow mo- 2 2 <2 Books printed by the Aldasses. rocco binding byDe Rome, ap. Aid. 1502. — 13/. 13*. (Lord Milton.) 2883 Herodotus, Gr.; folio, fine copy, bound in morocco, first edi¬ tion, ap. Aldum, 1502.— 8/. (Priestley.) 2884 Statius; 12mo. first Aldine edition, bound in red morocco, and ruled, ap. Aldum, 1502.—3/. 7s. (Lord Milton.) 2885 II Dante; 12 mo. ap. Aldum, 1502.—1 /. 4*. (Heber.) 288b Sophocles, Gr.; 12mo. first edition, bound in red morocco, op. Aldum, 1502.—3/. 13*. 6d. (Priestley.) 2887 Euripides, Gr.; 12mo. 2 vols. first edition, fine copy, bound in red morocco by Johnson, ap. Aldum, 1503.— 61. (Priest¬ ley.) 2888 Ammonii Hermiae Comment, in Librum de Interpretatione, et in decern Categorias, Gr.; folio, with MS. notes, ap. Aldum, 1503.-67. 17*. 6d. (IIeber.) / , ' - i 2S89 Hellenica Xenophontis Gemistii, et de gestis ad Mantineam; Herodiani Historiae, et in Thueydiden Scholia, Gr.; folio, bound in russia, ap. Aldum, 1503. — 9 /. 2 *. 6d. (Heber.) 2890 Anthologia, Gr- septem Libri; 12mo. the second edition, in red morocco by R. Payne, and ruled, ap. Aldum, 1503.—3/. 13*. (Priestley.) 2891 Demostbenis Orationes, cum Argumentis Libanii Comm. Gr.; folio, first edition, fine copy, bound in yellow morocco by De Rome, ap. Aldum, 1504.— Til. 6s. (Lord Milton.) 2892 Joannis Philoponi in posteriora Analytica, Gr. ap. Aldum, 1504; et Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in primum priorum Analyticorum Commentarius, Gr.; folio, ap. Aldum, 1520.—7 /. 7*. 6d. (Longman.) 223 TWENTIETH BAY’S SAEE. MAY 18, 1810. 2894 PLUTARCHI Opera, Gr. Moralia, et Vitae; folio, 2 vol. first edition, ap. Aldum, 1509.—5/. 15s. 6d. (Sedgwick.) 2S95 Sallustius; 12mo. bound in morocco, ap. Aldum, 1509.—15s. (Triphook.) 2896 Pindarus, Callimachus, Dionysii Periegesis et Lycophron, Gr.; 12 mo. first edition, bound in russia by Weir, ap. Aldum, 1513. 2/. 10s. (Heber.) 2S97 Oratores Veteres Graeci; folio, 3 vol. in 2, fine copy, bound in russia by Walther, ap. Aldum, 1513.—20/. (Triphook.) 2S9S Platonis Opera, Gr.; folio, 2 vol. first edition, beautiful copy, in yellow morocco, ap. Aldum, 1513.—25/. 10s. (IIeber.) 28 99 Simplicii in Librum de Ccelo, Gr.; ap. Aldum, 1526: et Alex. Aphrodisiensis Comment, in Topica; ap. Aldum, 1513, with MS. notes; folio.—8/. 10s. 6d. (Heber.) 2900 Budaei Commentarii de Lingua Latin&; folio, bound in russia, ap. Aldum, 1513 —1/ 2s. (Longman.) 2901 Pontani, Joviani, Opera Poetica, 12mo. ap. Aldum, 1513.—17s. (Payne.) 2902 Ciceronis Opera Rhetorica; 8vo. ap. Aldum, 1514.-15s. (Payne ) 224 Books printed bp the Aldusses. 2903 Heysichius’s Dictionarium; folio, first edition, bound in russia, Aldus, Aug. 1514.—2 l. 3s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 2904 Valerius Maximus; 12mo. ap. Aldum, 1514.— 9s. (Heber.) 2905 Lucretii Opera; 12mo. red morocco, ap. Aldum , 1515.—l/. (Sedgwick.) 2906 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius; 12mo. extra in russia, ap. Aldum, 1515.—9s. (Sedgwick.) 2907 Lactantii Divinae Institutiones; 12mo. in red morocco, gilt leaves and ruled, by Roger Payne, ap. Aldum , 1515.—1 7s. 6d. (Heber.) 2908 Lucani Opera; 12mo. in morocco, gilt leaves and ruled, by Roger Payne, ap. Aldum, 1515.—8s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 2909 Aulus Gellius; 12mo. ap. Aldum, 1515.—8 s.6d. (Sedgwick.) 2910 Gregorii Nazianzeni Orationes lectissimae, Gr.; 12mo. extra bound by Baumgarten, ap. Aldum, 1516.— 6 s. (Heber.) 2911 Pausanias, Gr.; folio, first edition, fine copy, ap. Aldum, 1516. —4/. 10s. (Priestley.) 2912 Bessarionis in Calumniatorem Platonis libri quatuor; folio, ap. Aldum , 15l6.— Js. (Heber.) 2913 Strabo, Gr.; folio, extremely rare, fine copy, bound in russia by Roger Payne, ap. Aldum, 1516. — 61. 17 s. (Longman.) 2914 Artemidorus de Somniorum Interpretatione, Gr.; 12mo. first edition, bound in red morocco by Roger Payne, ap. Aldum, 1518.—l/. 3s. (Longman.) 2915 Ausonii Opera; 12mo. in red morocco, gilt leaves, ap. Aldum, 1517.—12 s.6d. (Priestley.) 2916 Musaeus et Orpheus, Gr.; 12mo. bound in red morocco and ruled, by Roger Payne, ap. Aid. 1517-—1 /. 14s. (Priest¬ ley.) 2917 Martialis Epigrammata; 12mo. bound in red morocco, by Roger Payne, ap. Aid. 1517.—lls. 6d. (Heber.) Books 'printed by the Aldusses. 225 2918 Oppiani, Gr. cum LatinJ Lippii interpretatione; 12mo. bound in red morocco by Roger Payne, ap.Aldum, 1517-—1/. 1*. (Priestley.) 2.919 Biblia Graeca; folio, fine copy, bound in yellow morocco by De Rome, Aldus, 1518.—1 71. 10 s. (Heber.) 2920 Pontani Pars Secunda; 12mo. ap. Aid. 1518.—7s. (Payne.) 2921 ALschyli Tragcediae; 12mo. first edition, bound in russia by Weir, ap. Aid. 1518.—4/. 14s. 6 d. (Butler.) 2922 Dioscorides, Gr.; 8vo. bound in morocco, ap. Aid. 1518. — 18s. (Heber.) 2923 Pomponius Mela, Julius Solinus, Itinerarium Antonini, et P. Viet, de Regionibus Urbis Romae; 8vo. bound in morocco, ap. Aid. 1518. —8s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2924 Caesaris Opera; 12mo. extra bound, ap.Aldum, 1519.—11s. 6 d. (Heber.) 2925 Quintiliani Opera; Svo. bound in russia, ap. Aldum, 1521_ l/. 14s. (Lord Milton.) 2926 Sallustius; 12mo. bound in vellum, ap. Aldum, Jan. 1521.— 12s. (Heber.) 2927 Anthologia Graeca; 12mo. bound in morocco by R. Payne, ap. Aldum, 1521.— 2.1. 18s. (Longman.) 2928 Livii Epitome, L. Florus, Polybii Historiarum libri 5, Latine, Nic. Perolto interprete; 12mo. bound by Weir, Ven. ap. Aid. 1521—7«. (Heber.) 2929 Apollonius R.hodius, Gr. cum scholiis Graecis; 12mo. morocco, gilt leaves and ruled, by R. Payne, ap.Aldum, 1521.—3 l. 1 Js. (Longman.) , 2930 Apuleius, Asulani et Alcinoi ad Platonis Dogmata Introductio, Gr.; 12mo. ap. Aid. 4’ Socerum, 1521.—4s. (Heber.) 2931 II Petrarca; 12mo. ap. Aid. 1521.— \l. 18s. (Longman.) 2932 Senecae Naturales Quaestiones, cum notis Fortunati; 8vo. ap. Aid. 1522.—2 s. 6d. (Heber.) 226 Books printed bp the Aldusses. 2 933 Plauti Comediae; 8vo. fine copy in morocco, gilt leaves, ruled with red lines, by Roger Payne, ap. Aid. 1522.—2/. 3s. (Clarke.) 2934 Luciani et Philostrati Imagines Heroicae, Vitae Sophistarum; folio, fine copy in morocco, gilt leaves, and ruled, by Roger Payne, ap. Aid. 1522.— 3l. 18s. (Lord Milton.) 2935 Claudianus ; 12mo. ap. Aldum, 1523.— 5s. 6d. (Heber.) 2936 Valerius Flaccus ; 12mo. in morocco, gilt leaves, by De Rome, ruled with red lines, ap. Aid. 1523.—7 s. 6d. (Heber.) 2937 Silius Italicus; 12mo. morocco, gilt leaves, and ruled, by Roger Payne, ap. Aldum, 1523. — ll. Is. (Heber.) 2939 Homeri Opera, Gr.; 2 vols. 12mo. red morocco, ap. Aid. 1524.—6/- 11s. (Lady Aylesford.) 2940 Hippocratis Opera, Gr.; first edition, folio, bound in russia, ap. Aid. 1526.—4/. 10s. (Payne.) 2941 Priscian. Grammat.; 8vo. ap.Ald. 1527. — ll - 12s.(P riestley.) 2942 Virgiiii Opera; 12 mo. ap. Aid. 1527. — ll. Is. (Longman.) 2943 Cornelius Celsus etSerenusSamimonicus; 8 vo .ap.Ald. 1528. — 15s. (Heber.) 2944 Alexandri Aphrodisiensis Comment, in Meterologica et de Mis- tione et Joannis Grammatici in libros de Generatione et In- teritu, Gr.; folio, ap. Aid. 152J.—31. 14s. (Heber.) 2945 Ulpiani Comm, in Olyuthiacas Phillippicas 2 Orationes, Gr.; folio, Ven. ex cedibus Aldi, 1527. —2/. lls. (Heber.) 2946 Iloratii Opera; 12mo. bound in red morocco by Roger Payne, ap. Aldum, 1527-— 5l. 2 s. 6 d. (Longman.) 2947 Macrobius et Censorinus; 8vo. ap. Aid. 1528.—5s. (Fitz¬ gerald.) 2948 Scholia Grieca in Iliada et Odysseam; 12mo. 2 vols. bound in morocco by Johnson, ap.Ald. 152S.— 3l. 17s. (Priestley.) 2949 Pauli iEginetae Opera, Gr.; folio, fine copy, bound by Walther, ap.Ald. 1528.— 13s. (IIeber) Books printed by the Aldusses. 227 2950 Ovidii Opera; 12mo. 3 vol. morocco binding, by Weir, ap. Aid. 1533.—l/. 11s. 6d. (Lord Gower.) 2951 Poetarum veterum; 12mo. ap. Aldum, 1534.—2s. (Sir J. Copley.) 2951* Themistii Opera et Alex. Aphrodisiensis de Anima. et Fato, Gr.; folio, first edition, ap. Aid. 1534. — 17s. (Heber.) 2952 Valerius Maximus; l2mo. ap. Aid. 1534. — 7s. 6d. (Fitz¬ gerald.) 2953 Veterum Poetarum in Priapum Lusus; 12mo. bound by John¬ son, leaves gilt, Aldus, 1534.— ll. Is. (Longman.) 2954 Isocrates, Alcidamas, Gorgias, Aristides, Harpocration, Gr.; folio, ap. Aid. 1534.— ll. 8 s. (Longman.) 2955 Tacitus, cum Castigationibus Rhenani et Annotationibus Alei- ati; 8 vo. ap. hared. Aldi , 1534.— ll. Is. (Fitzgerald.) 2 956 Joannis Philoponi, in quatuor primos libros de naturali Auscul- tatione, Gr.; Ven. Et Simplicii Comment, in 3 libros de Anim&, Gr. Folio, ap. Aid. 1527 •— 5/. 15s. 6d. (Meredith.) 2957 Simplicii Comment, in Libros physicae Auscultationis, Gr.; folio, ap. Aid. 1526.—4/. 10s. (Sedgwick.) 2958 Joannis Philoponi in'priora Analytica, Ven. 1536; et in pos¬ terior: folio, ap. Aid. 1534.—4/. 5s. (Heber.) 2959 Ciceronis Opera omnia; 12mo. 9 vol. white calf, gilt leaves, ap.Ald. 1541.—14^. (Fitzgerald.) 2960 Turchi Cose de, di P. Jovio et Cambini et la Vita di Scander- beg; l2mo. ap. Aid. 1539—41.— ll. 2s. (Payne.) 2961 Porphyrii D. Barbari in Porphyrium Commentationes, Lat.; 4to. bound in morocco, with manuscript notes in Greek, ap. Aid. 1542.—l/. 13s. (Payne.) 2962 Patricii Discorsi supra Citta libera; 12mo. bound in russia, ap. Aid. 1545.—1/. 8s. (Longman.) 296'3 Epistole Famig Di Cicerone; 8vo. bound in red morocco by Roger Payne, av. Aid. 1545.— ll. 7 s. (Payne.) 228 Books printed by the Aldusses. 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2 977 2 979 Animqnis Hermiae in Praedica- menta Aristotelis etejusVita, Graece; 18mo. ap.Ald.l54>6. Uniformly bound. Ammonis in Aristotelis de In- - Ven. ap. Aldi Jilios, 1546.— terpretatione librum. 3l. 5s. (Heber.) Ammonias in quinque Voces Porphyrii Commentarius. Demosthenis et TEschinis Orationes; 8 vo. in russia binding by Weir, ap. Aid. 1549*—1 /. 10s. (Heber.) Olympiodori et Joaunis Grammatici Comment, in Meteora, Gr.; folio, ap. Aid. 1551.— 3l. (Mackinlay.) Camotii Comment, in priraum Metaphysicorum Theophrasti, Gr. ; folio, ap. Aid. 1551 .—61. 1 6s. 6d. (Dr. Burney.) Aristotelis et Theophrasti Opera, Gr.; 12 mo. 6 vol. fine copy bound in blue turkey by Roger Payne, ap. Aldi Jilios, 1551.— 12 1. 5s. (Mackinlay.) Demosthenis Orationes, Gr.; 12 mo. 3 vols. bound in red mo¬ rocco, ap. P. Manutium, 1554.—3/. 4s. (Priestley.) Sigonii Fasti Capitolini et de Nominibus Romanorum Liber, et Kalendarium vetus Romanum cum Commentario P. Ma- nutii; folio, Ven. 1555. — ll. 11 s. 6d. (Dimsdale.) Horatii Opera, cum Mureti et A. Manutii Annotationibus; 12 mo. morocco binding, Ven. 1555.— ll. 16 s. (Lord Mil- ton.) Cicero, Le Pistole Attico fatte volgari da M. Senarega; 12mo. 2 vol. bound in morocco by Roger Payne, Ven. ap. Aldi Jilios , 1555.—1 /. 10s. (Payne.) Constantini Lascaris Grammaticae Compendium, Gr. & Lat. ; 12 mo. 3 vol. it P. Manutio, Ven. ap. Aid. 1557. — 2l. 10 s. (Priestley.) Orthographiae Ratio, a Manutio; 12 mo. Ven. ap. Aid. 1566 ,— l/. 7 s. (His Majesty’s Library.) Books printed, 8$c. by the Stephens's. 229 2980 Manutius Paulas, de Legibus Romanorum; 12mo. Venet. 1569 . —7s. 6d. (Hare.) 2981 Caldi Manutii Epitome Orthographize, et alia Opuscula; 12mo. ap. Aid. 1575 .—10 s, 6d. (Sir J. Copley.) 2982 Caesaris Opera ab Aldo Mauutio; 12mo. with many curious wood cuts, Venet. 1 576 .— 15s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 2983 Stroza, Poetaj, Pater et Filius; 12mo. ap. Aldum. — 7s. 6d. (Hare.) 2984 Dio Clirysostomus, Gr.; 12mo. Ven. ap. Turrigan. —4s. 6d, (Heber.) Books printed by the Illustrious Family of the Stephens's. 2985 Bovilli Opera; de Intellectu, de Seusu, de Generatione, de Sa- piente, &c. &c.; 8vo. with many curious wood-cuts, bound by Baumgarten, H. Steph. 1510.—4/. (His Majesty’s Li¬ brary.) 2986 Anacreon, Gr.et Lat. cum notis H. Stephani; 4to .ap. II. Steph. 1554.—1/. 14s. (Clarke.) 2987 Aischylus, Gr. cum scholiis et H. Stephani observationibus; 4to. fine copy, blue turkey, bound by De Rome, ap. H. Steph. 1559.—4/. 14s. 6d. (Priestley.) 2988 Maximus Tyrius, Gr. et Lat. cum H. Stephani castigationibus; 12mo. large paper, ap. H. Steph. 1557.—15s. (Hare.) 2989 Athenagorae Apologia pro Christianis, Gr. et Lat. with MS. notes; l2mo. bound by Baumgarten, ap. H. Steph. 1557. — lls. (Priestley.) 2990 H. Stephani in Ciceronem Castigationes, with MS. notes; 8vo. bound by Baumgarten, 15 57. —8 s. (Heber.) 2991 Ctesia Agarthachide, &c. et Appiani Iberica et de Gestis Ann;- 230 Books printed , 8$c. by the Stephens's. balis; 18mo. bound by Walther, ap. H.Steph. 1557-—12*- (Priestley.) 2992 Aristotelis et Theophrasti Scripta quaedam Grcecfe; 18mo. bound in morocco, ap. H. Steph . 1557- — 1/- 6s. (Payne.) 2993 Justiniani Justini Leonis Constitutiones Novelle, Gr. cum notis H. Stephani; folio, 1568.— 14s. (Hare.) 2994 Diodorus Siculus, Gr.; folio, bound in russia, fine copy, ap. II. Steph. 1559— 2/. 16s. (Priestley.) 2995 Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum H. Stephani notis; folio, fine copy, ap. H. Steph. 1561.-5/. 5s. (Faulder.) 2996 Sexti Philosophi Pyrrhoniarum Hypotynworwi libri. tres Latine ab H. Stephano; 12mo. bound by Roger Payne, 1562.—7«* (Sir J. Copley.) 2997 Themistii Oraliones, Gr.; 181110. bound in russia, ap. II. Steph. 1562.— is. (Smith.) 2998 Thucydides, Gr. et Lat.; folio, ap. H. Steph. 1564.—2/. 14s. (Faulder.) 2999 Erotiani et Galeni Lexica ad Hippocratem Lexicon vocum He- rodotari Cerinthus de Dialecto Ionidi, Gr. cum notis H. Stephani; ejusdem Medicum Dictionarium; 12mo. ap. II. Steph. 1564.— 10s. 6d. (Butler.) 3000 La Conformite des Merveilles Anciennes avec les Modernes; ou Apologie parHerodote, composee par Henry Estienne; l2mo. 1567.—5s. (Hare.) 3001 Carmina Poetarum novem Lyricorum; l8mo. bound in morocco, and ruled, by Roger Payne, ap. II. Steph. 1566.—10s. 6d. (Singer.) 3002 Pindarus et Poetas Lyrici, Gr. et Lat.; 181110. 2 vol. bound in morocco by Johnson, ap. H. Steph. 1566.—9s. 6d. (Singer.) 3003 Buchanani Psalmi et Poemata; 12mo. bound by Walther, ap- H. Steph. 1566.—2s. 6d. (Clarke.) 3004 Poetae Graeci Principcs, Gr. cum notis If. Stephani; folio, fine Books printed , 8$c. by the Stephens's. 231 copy, bound in russia by Fraser, ap. H. Steph. 1 566.— 9l. (London Institution.) 3005 Anthologia Graeca H. Stepliani; 4to. bound in morocco by Weir, ap. H. Steph. 1 566 .— 8s. 6d. (Hare.) 3006 Parrlrasii Liber de Rebus per Epistolam quaesitis; 12 mo. bound by Roger Payne, ap. H. Steph. 1567 . —3s. 6d. (Clarke.) 3007 Tragoediae Selectae iEschyli, Sophoclis, et Euripidis, Gr. et Lat.; 18mo. 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves by Johnson, ap. H. Steph. 1 56j. —3/. 6 s. (Money.) 3008 Polemonis Hymerii et aliorum Declamationes, Gr. ab H. Ste- phano; 4to. line copy in blue turkey, l567.-2l.Ss. (Heber.) 3009 Sophocles Tragoediae, Gr. cum Scholiis Graecis; 4to. fine copy, bound in morocco by Johnson, ap. II. Steph. 1568.— 2 /. 14s. (Lord Milton.) 3010 H. Stephani Annotationes in Sophoclem et‘ Euripidem: Trac- tatus de Orthographia quorundam Vocabulorum: et Disser- tatio de Sophocleft Homeri Imitatione; 12 mo. bound by Baumgarteu, 156s.— 9s. 6d. (Heber.) 3011 Apophthegmata Graeca e Plutarcho et Diogene Laertio, ab H. Stephano; ISmo. bound in morocco by Roger Payne, 1568. 15s. 6d. (Clarke.) 3011* Varii Historiae Roman ae Scriptores Graeci; 8 vo. 4 vol. fine copy, ap. H. Steph. 1568.—2/. 3s. (Heber.) 3012 Traite de la Conformite du Langage Francois avec le Grec, par H. Etienne; 12 mo. bound by Baumgarten, Par. 1569.— 16 s. 6d. (Lord Glenbervie.) 3013 Comicorum Graecorum Sententiae, Gr. et Lat.; 18mo. bound in morocco, ap. H. Steph. 156'9. 18s. y (Lord 3014* Herodotus, Gr. et Lat.; folio, fine copy, bound by 1 | JuSSEXj Weir, ap. H. Steph. 1570. J 3013* Herodotus, Gr. et Lat. cum H. Stephani Apologia; folio, ap. H. Steph. 1570.—1 /. is. (Singer.) £32 Books printed, 8$c. by the Stephens's. 791 . 1 6 s. (Fitzgerald.) 3014 Conciones et Orationes e Graecis et Latinis Historicis excerptse, Gr. et Lat.; folio, fine copy, bound by Weir, ap. H. Steph. 1570.—13s. (Borough.) 3015 Diogenes Laertius, Gr. et Lat.; 8vo. bound by Baumgarten, Parisiis, 1570.— 8 s. (Priestley.) 3016 Epigrannnata Graeca Latino carmine donata ab H. Stephano; 12 mo. 1570.— 12 s. 6d. (Heber.) 3017 H. Stephani Thesaurus Linguae Graecae cum Appendice et Glossario; folio, 5 vol. large paper, fine copy, ap. H. Steph. 1572. Scott, Appendix ad H. Stephani Thesaurum y Linguae Graecae et Lexica Constantini et Scapulae; folio, 2 vol. 1746. All uniform, and bound in russia by Walther. 3018 Poesis Philosophicae Reliquiae; 12 mo. ap. H. Steph. 1573.— 7s. (Payne.) 3019 Jus Orientale Gr. et Lat. Bonefidii; 12mo. bound by Baum* garten, ap. H. Steph. 1 573. it. is. (Priestley.) 3020 Encomia Virtutum ex Poetis et Philosophis utriusque Linguae Graecis versibus, adjects interpretatione H. Stephani; l8mo. bound in red morocco by Roger Payne, ap. H. Steph. 1573. 12s. 6d. (Heber.) 3021 Poetarum, veterum Latinorum Fragmenta ab H. Stephano; 8 vo. bound by Johnson, 1564.—13s. 6d. (Heber.) 3022 Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. cum scholiis Graecis et notis H. Ste¬ phani; 4to. bound in morocco by Johnson, ap. H. Steph. 1574. — 2 /. (Butler.) 3023 Oratores Veterum, Gr. et partim Lat.; folio, bound in russia, ap. H. Steph. 1575.—1 1. 17«- (Sir J. Copley.) 3024 H. Stephani Parodiae Morales Poetarum veterum Sententiis ver¬ sibus Graecis redditae; printed only on one side of the leaf, 1575. — 16 s. (Payne.) Books printed, §c. by the Stephens's. £33 3025 Novum Testamentum, Gr. cum H. Stephani Annotationibus margini ascriptis; 18mo. bound in red morocco by Roger Payne, ap. H. Steph. 1 5/6.—9*- (Dimsdale.) 302(5 H. Stephanus de Latinitate falso suspect^, et de Plauti Latini- tate; 12mo. ap. H. Steph. 1576'.— 9s. 6d. (Heber.) 3027 Dionysii, Gr. et Lat. cum Commentario Eustathii et H. Ste¬ phani notis; 4to. ap. H. Steph. 1577-—1 7s. 6d. (Borough.) 3027* Plutarchi Opera Omnia cum notis Xylandri et H. Stephani, Gr. et Lat.; Svo. 13 vol. bound in white vellum, gilt leaves, ap. II. Steph. 1 ,572. —127. 15s. (Clarke.) 3028 Callimachus, Gr. et Lat. cum notis H. Stephani et Metric^ Ver- sione LatinA; folio, morocco, gilt leaves, ap. H. Steph. 1577* —2/. (Lord Milton.) 3029 Epistolae, Dialogi, breves Oratiunculae, et Poemata, ex variis utriusque Linguae Scriptoribus; 12mo. fine copy, bound in red morocco by Roger Payne, ap. H. Steph. 1577.—l6s. 6d. (Lord Morpeth.) 3031 H. Stephani Pseudo-Cicero ad Familiares; l2mo. bound by Baumgarten, ap. H. Steph. 1 57J .— 3s. 6d. (Heber.) 3032 Pseudo - Cicero Dialogus; 12mo. ap. H. Steph. 1577. — 4s. (Heber.) 3033 H. Stephani Sehediasmata varia; 12mo. bound in calf, gilt leaves, by Roger Payne, ap. H. Steph. 1578. — 14s. (Heber.) 3034 Homerici Centones et Virgiliani in quaedam Historiae Sacrae Capita; et Nonni Paraphrasis, Gr. et Lat.; morocco, gilt leaves, by Roger Payne, ap. H. Steph. 1578. — 8s. (5d. (Clarke.) 3034* Platonis Opera Serrani, Gr. et Lat.; folio, 3 vol. in 2, fine copy, bound in red morocco by De Rome; containing the three dedications to Queen Elizabeth, James 6th, and the Senate of Berne, ap. H. Steph. 14/. (Priestley.) ‘234 Books printed, 87 c. by the Stephens's. 3035 Anthologia gnomica & Graecae Comcediae Scriptoribus Sententia prius ab Henrico Stephano, ab Egenolplio; 12 mo. bound in morocco, 1 /ith many curious cuts, ap. H. Steph. 1579-—1 1- lbs- (Heber.) 3036 Theocriti aliorumque Poetarum Idyllia, Epigrammata, &c. Gr. et Lat.; 18mo. bound by Baumgarten, ap. H. Steph. 1579■— 8 s. (Lord Morpeth.) 3037 Herodiani et Zofimi libri duo priores, Gr. et Lat.; 4to. bound in russia, ap. II. Steph. 1581.— 2l. 2s. (Priestley.) 3037* Xenophontis Opera, cum Annotationibus H. Stephani; folio, bound by Walther, ap. H. Steph. 1581.— ll. 105. (Priest¬ ley.) 303S H. Stephani Hypomnesses de Gallic^ Lingu&, cum Patris sui Gallica ( Graminatic&; 12 mo. ap. H. Steph. 1582. —135. (Heber.) 3039 Virgilii Opera; 12 mo. bound by Baumgarten, ap. II. Steph. 1583.—5s. (Money.) 3040 H. Stephani Senecae Lectionum Prosopopoeia; 12 mo. 1586.— 2 s. (Heber.) 3041 Pindar us, Gr. et Lat.; et Poetae Lyrici; ISmo. bound in morocco by Johnson, ap. II. Steph. 1586.— 10 s. 6d. (Lord Mor¬ peth.) 3042 H. Stephani Dialogus de Instituendis Linguae Graece Studiis 4to. bound by Weir, 1587.—2 1. 9s. (Priestley.) 235 TWENTY-BURST BAY’S SALE. MAY 19, 1310. 3043 H. STEPHANI Dissertationes de Criticis veteribus Graecis et Latinis; 4to. Par. 1587-—13s. (Mackinlay.) 3044 Horatii Opera, editio secunda, cum diatribis secundis; 12mo. bound by Baumgarten, ap. H.Steph. 1588.—7s. 6d. (Drury.) 3045 Dicaearchi Geographica, cum Interpretatione et Notis H. Ste- phani; 12mo. ap. II. Stepli. 1589.—2s. 6d. (Drury.) 3045* Novum Testamentum a Theodoro Beza; folio, with two dif¬ ferent Greek Texts and a Concordance, ap. H. Stepli. 1588. —l/. is. (Drury.) 3046 Appianus, Gr. et Lat. cum Annotationibus H. Stephani; folio, ap. II. Stepli. 1592. S047 H. Stephani Principum Monitrix Musa; 12mo. Bas. 1590.— 2s. 6d. (Drury.) 236 Books printed, 8$c. by the Stephens's. 3048 Dion Cassius, Gr. et Lat.; folio, bound by Fraser, ap. H. Steph. 1591.—1/. 2s. (Priestley.) 3048* Appiani Alexandrinum Historiarum, Gr. et Lat.; folio, ap.H. Steph. 1592.—l/. 14s. (Lord Milton.) 3049 Isocratis, Gorgiae, et Aristidis quae dam, Gr. et Lat. ab H. Ste- phano; folio, ap. H. Steph. 1593.—10s. 6d. (Drury.) 3050 Tractatus varii de Homero; 12mo. ap. H. Steph. — Qs. (Mac- KINLAY.) 3051 Buchanani aliquot in Graecos Versus translati; 8vo. ap. H. Steph. — 2s. (Drury.) 3052 Rob. Stephanii Thesaurus Linguae Latinae; folio, 4 vol. Lond. 1734.— 4l. ids. (Chandley.) 3053 Virgilius, cum Servii Commentario; folio, bound in russia > ruled with red lines. Par. ap. R. Steph. 1532.—2/. (Lord Milton.) 3054 Budaeus de Transitu Hellenismi ad Christianismum; 4to. Par. 1535.—3s. 6d. (Drury.) 3055 Enoici Gr. Literarum Graecarii Doctrina; 8vo. bound by Baum- garten, ap. R. Steph. 1555. — it. Is. (Mackinlay.) 3056 Macrini Salmonii Hymni; 12mo. gilt leaves, Par. ap. R. Steph. 1537.—3s. (Drury.) 3057 Sententiae singulis versibus contextae e diversis Poetis Gr. & Lat.; 12 mo. Par. ap. R. Steph. 1540.— 5s. 6d. (Hebe R ‘) 3058 Terentii Comcediae, cum Donati et Colphernii Commentariis; folio, ap. R. Steph. 1541. — 6s. 6d. (Drury.) 3059 Rei Rusticae Scriptores, Victorii; 12mo. 2 vols. Par. ap. R. Steph. 1543.—11s. (Dr. Dowdeswell.) 30 d0 Juvenalis et Persius; Lutet. ap. R. Steph. 1544: et Breitingeri inVersus obscurissimos; Tigur. 1723: 12mo. bound in one volume by Walther.—11 s. (Heber.) Books printed, 8$c. by the Stephens s. 257 3061 Valerius Maximus; l2mo. ap. R. Steph. 1544. 3 s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 3062 Aurelius Victor, Pomponius, Laetus, et Egnatius, de Principibus Romanorum; Svo. bound byWalther, ap. R. Steph. 1544.— 2s. 6d. (Drury.) 3063 Horatii Opera; l2mo. bound in morocco by Johnson, Par. ap. R. Steph. 1544.—105. 6d. (Drury.) 3064 Sallustius; 12mo. bound in morocco. Par. ap. R. Steph. 1544. — 85 . 6d. (Drury.) 3065 Lucani Opera; 12mo. Lutet. ap. R. Steph. 1545. 25. 6d. (Drury.) 3066 fEsopiVita etFabulae, Lat. cum Avieni et Abstimii Fabulis, Lat.; 12mo. Lutet. ap. R. Steph. 1545. — 6s. 6d. (Drury.) 30 67 Moschopulus de Ratione examinandae Orationis, Gr.; 4to. Lut. ap. R. Steph. 1545. — 85 . 6d. (Heber.) 3068 /Fsopi Vita & Fabulae, Gr.; 4to. bound by Baumgarten, Lutet. ap. R. Steph. 1546.—l/. 45. (Heber.) 3069 Dionysius Halicarnassensis, Gr.; folio, extra bound, Lutet. ap. R. Steph. 1546.—l/. 9*- (Lord Milton.) 3070 Dionysii de Situ Orbis, cum Eustathii Commentariis, Gr.; 4to. with the Scholia, beautifully printed, bound by Weir, Lutet. ap. II. Steph. 1547-—1/- 145. (Heber.) 3071 Dion Cassius, Gr.; folio, ap. R. Stephanum, 1548.—125. 6d. (Heber.) 3072 Alexandri Trallianis et Rhaze de Pestilentia Libellus, Gr. et Lat.; folio, ap. R. Steph. 1548. — 165 . (Heber.) 3073 Pauli Jovii Vitae 12 Vice comitum Mediolani Principum; 4to, with their portraits, Lut. ap. R. Steph. 1549*—105. (Lord Milton.) 3074 Novum Testamentum, Gr.; l8mo. 2 vol. blue morocco, bound 2S8 Books printed, &$c. by the Stephens's. by Padaloupe, and ruled with red lines, fine copy, Lutet. ap. R. Stepli. 1549.—3 1. 6 s. (Dr. Dowdeswell.) 3075 Bayfius de Re Navali, et de Vestimentorum et Vasulorum, et Thylesius de Coloribus; 4to. many curious plates, ap. R. Steph. 154 9 .—12 s. 6 d. (Clarke.) 3076 Alphabetum Graecum, Graecum et Hebraicum, et Hebraicum, it R. P. & H. Stephanis; 12mo. 1550-1600.—8s. (Priest¬ ley.) 3077 Linacri de emendate Structura Latini Semonis, et Rudimenta Grammatices; 12mo. bound by Roger Payne, leaves gilt, 1550.—8s. (Heber.) 3078 Novum Testamentum Graecum; folio, fine copy, ruled with red lines and bound in morocco by Roger Payne, in his best 1 • way, Par. ap. R. Steph. 1550. — 4 1. 4s. (Drury.) 3079 Dionis Niceus; folio, fine copy, beautifully printed, bound by Johnson, ap. R. Steph. 1551.— ll. 6 s. (Heber.) 3080 Ciceronianum Lexicon Graeco-Latinurn, et Loci Graecorum Auctorum cum Ciceronis Interpretationibus et H. Stephani Castigationibus; 12mo. 1557-—11 s. 6 d. (Drury.) 3081 Verrius Flaccus et Pompeius Festus de Verborum Significa- tione, cum Scaligeri castigationibus; l2mo. ap. R. Steph. 1 576 .— 3s. 6 d. (Drury.) 3082 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius; 12mo. gilt leaves, Par. ex ojjicina R. Stephani, 1577 •— 13s. (Dimsdale.) 3083 Commentationes in Epistolas Ciceronis ad Familiares; 12mo. ap. H. Stephanum, 1 577 .—2 s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3084*Manilii Opera Scaligeri; 12mo. ap. Patison, 1579 .—<)s. 6 d. (Drury.) 3085 Sophoclis Tragcediae, Gr. & Lat. cum Scholiis Graicis; 4to. fine copy, bound in vellum, ap. P. Stephan. lfi03.—l/. 1 Is. 6 d. (Drury.) Maittaire's Works and his Editions. 239 30S6 Euripidis Tragcediae, Gr. & Lat. cum Scholiis Graecis; 4to. 2 vol. ap. P. Steph. l 602 .— 2 /. 11 s. (Nornaville.) 3087 Pindari, Gr. & Lat.; 4to. ap. Paul. Stephanum, 1599-—1 l. 14s. (Drury.) 3088 Lycophronis Alexandra, Gr. et Lat. Canteri; 4to. ap. P. Steph. 1601 .—5s. 6d. (Drury.) 3089 Virgilii Opera, cum H. Stephani notis; 12mo. bound in moroc¬ co, ap. P. Steph. 1599.—7*- (Drury.) 3090 Dyonisii Responsio ad Cn. Pompeii Epistolam, et ejusdem ad Ammaeum Epistola, cum Elogiis de Scriptoribus Graecis; 12 mo. bound by Baumgarten, Lutet. ap. H. Steph. 1554.— 15s. (Priestley.) 3090 * Appianus, Gr.; folio, first edition, ap. C. Steph. 1551.—12s. (Heber.) The Works of Michael Maittaire, Esq. with the editions of his Classics, as corrected and edited by himself, all on Large Paper, and fne Copies. 3091 Maittaire, Linguae Graecae Dialecti; cum ipsius notis MS.; 8 vo. large paper, bound in red morocco, 1706 .—li. lfis. (Drury.) 3092 Maittaire, Linguae Gratae Dialecti; 8vo. Hag. Com. 1738.— 8s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3093 Maittaire, Stephanorum Historia; 8vo. large paper, London , 1709 .— 2/. 10s. (Priestley.) 3094 Maittaire, Historia Typograpliorum aliquot Parisiensium; 8vo. Lond. 1717- — 18s. (Singer.) 240 Maittaire s Works and his Editions. 3095 Maittaire, Annales Typographic! ab Artis in- 1 ventae Origine; 4to. 4 vol. Amst. 1733-41. ! 6l.2s.6d. 30 96 Maittaire, Annales ab Artis Invent* Origine ' (Lord Essex.) ad ann. 1500; 4to. 1719- J 3097 Anacreon, cum Scholiis et Annotationibus al Maittaire, Gr.; Lond. 1740. ' Miscellanea Grascorum Carolina, ab eodem. Gr.; Lond. 1722. 1/. 1 3s. > (Priestley.) Miscellanea ex variis Poetis Grsecis, cum Ver- sione Latiu£i et Notis il Maittaire; Lond. 1723. Bound together in one 4to. volume, in russia leather. J 3098 Novum Testamentum, Gr. Maittaire; 12mo. large paper, Lond. 1714. — ll. 3s. (Smith.) 3099 Caesaris Opera, a Maittaire; 12mo. large paper, Lond. ap. Ton- son, 1716.— lbs. 6d. (Priestley.) 3100 Q.Curtii Opera, & Maittaire; 12mo. large paper, Lond. ap. Ton- son, 1716.— lls. (Priestley.) 3101 Florus, a Maittaire; 12mo. large paper, Lond. ap. Tonson, 1715. —10s. 6d. (Drury.) 3102 Nepos, a Maittaire; 12mo. large paper, Lond. ap. Tonson, 1715. — 10s. 6d. (Drury.) 3103 Veil. Paterculus, k Maittaire; 12mo. large paper, Lond.ap. Ton- son, 1718. — 10s. 6d. (Drury.) 3104 Horatii Opera, a Maittaire; 12mo. large paper, Lond. ap. Ton- son, 1715.—1/. 3s. (Triphook.) 3105 Virgilii Opera, k Maittaire; 12mo. large paper, Lond. ap. Ton- son, 1715. — ll. 4s. (Triphook.) 310b Ovidii Opera, & Maittaire; 8vo. 3 vol.^large paper, Lond. ap. Tonson, 1715.-1/. 19s. (Drury.) 3107 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, a Maittaire; 8vo. large paper, Lond. ap. Tonson, 1715.—1/. Is. (Triphook.) Variorum Classics , Octavo . 241 3108 Lucani Opera, a Maittaire 3 12 mo. large paper, Lond. ap. Ton- son, 1719-— if. 3 s. (Priestley.) 3109 Juvenalis et Persius, i Maittaire 3 12 mo. large paper, Lond. ap. Tonson, 1716.—-18s. (Triphook.) 3110 Martialis Epigrammata, a Maittaire 3 12 mo. large paper, Lond. ap. Tonson, 1715.' — lZ; (Triphook.) 3111 Lucretia Opera, a Maittaire 3 12 mo. large paper, Lond. ap. Ton- son, 1713.' — 18s. (Triphook.) The Octavo Classics known by the Literary World as “ cum notis Variorum 3112 ^Eliani Variae Histoiiae, Gr. et Lat. cum Cdmmentario Perizonii; 8 vo. 2 vols. L. Bat. 1701 .— 12 s. 6d. (Evans.) 3113 Alexandri ab Alexandro Dies Geuiales ; 8vo. 2 vols. L. Bat. 1673 . —lls. 6d. (Smith.) 3114 Apicius Coelius de Arte Coquinaria ab Almeloveen 3 Svo. best edi¬ tion, Amst. 1709 .—If. 2 s. (Nornaville.) 3115 Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. et Lat. Hoelzlini 3 Svo. 2 vols. L. Bat. 1641. —If. 2 s. (Drury.) 3116 Appiani Romanae Historiae, cum H. Stephani et Tollii notis, Gr. et Lat. 8 vo. 2 vols. bound by Johnson, Amst. 1670 .—If. 9 s. (Payne.) 3117 Apulleii Metamorphosis, cum notis Pricaei 3 8 vo, with portrait, Gouda, 1650.—If. lls. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3118 Arrianus, Gr. et Lat. cum Rapbelii annotationibus ab Haeschelio ; 8 vo. Amst. 1 757.—If. 3s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 242 Variorum Classics, Octavo. 3119 Arrianus de Expeditions Alexandri Indict, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Blancardi; 8 vo. Amst. 1668.—10 s. 6era, cum notis variorum et Gro- novii; 8vo. 3 vols. Amst. 16/2. — 31. 19s. (Priestley.) 3187 Senecae Tragcediae, cum variorum notis; 8vo. Amst. 1682.— lls. 6d. (Rogers.) 3188 Senecae et P. Syri Sententiae Gruteri cum versione Graeca Scaligeri; 8vo. L. Bat. 1708.—10s. (Drury.) 3189 Sulpicii Severi Opera, cum variorum et Hornii notis; 8 vo, Amst. 1665.— 7s. 6d. (Milton.) 319 0 Statius, cum Variorum Notis k Veenhusen ; 8vo. L. Bat. 1671 .— lZ. 19s. (Priestley.) 3191 Taciti Opera, cum notis variornm et Gronovii; 8vo. 2 vols. Amst. 1685.— 3l. 8s. (Clarke.) 3192 Terentii Comoediae, cum Variorum notis; 8vo. bound in vellum, Amst. 1686.—18s. (Priestley.) 3193 Terentius Varro, cum notis Variorum; 8 vo. Dord. 1619 .— 17 s. (Evans.) 3194 Terentii Comoediae, cum Interpretatione Donati et Calphurnii, cur&Westerhovii; 8vo. Hag. Com. 1782.— 45 s. (Priestley.) 3195 Valerius Maximus, cum variorum et Thysii notis; 8 vo. L. Bat 1670. — 14 s. 6d. (Lord Morpeth.) 3196 Veil. Paterculus, cum Burmanni et variorum notis ; Svo. L. Bat. 1719 .— 10 s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3197 Veil. Paterculus, cum notis Variorum; 8vo. L. Bat. 1744.—* 12s. (Rogers.) 3197 *Valerius Flaccus, cum Burmanni, variorum, et Haresii notis; 8vo. bound by Walther, Altenb. 17 SL— 2 Z. 8s. (Nornaville.) 248 Variorum Classics , Octavo ; 3198 3857 Veil. Paterculus, cum Fragment is; 8vo. extra" bound by Baumgarten, Dublinii, e Typogr. Acad. 1/47 Veil. Paterculus, cum integris Doctorum notis a Ruhnkenio ; 8vo. 2 vols. extra bound, L. Bat. ll . 10s. (Priestley) 1779 J 3199 Pervigilium Veneris, et Ausonii Cupido Cruci affixus, cum integris Doctorum commentariis j 8vo. Hag. Com. 1?12. — 8s. 6 d. (Lord Essex.) 3200 Virgilii Opera, cum variorum et Emmcnesii notis j 8vo. 3 vols. bound in vellum, L. Bat. 168O. —3 1 . 18 s. (Oswald.) 3201 Puffendorf de Officio Horn inis ab Ottone j 8vo. bound in vellum, Traj. ad Rh. 1728.— 4 s. (Smith.) TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. ’ MAY 21. The Delphin Classics. 3202 APULEII Opera Flordo, in usurn Delphini •, 4to. 2 vols. bound in russia, Paris, 16 S 8 .— 'll. 6s. (Faulder.) 3203 Aulus Gellius a Proust, in usum Delphini j 4to. bound in russia, Paris, 1681 .— 2 1 . 145 . (Priestley.) 3204 Aurelius Victor ab Ann& Fabri fiM, in usum Delphini j 4to. bound in russia, Paris, 1681.—1 1. 10 s. (Clarke.) *205 Ausonius, cum interpretatione et notis Floridi, in usum Delphini; 4to. large paper, bound in russia, Paris, 1730. — 2 1. Js. (Blacklock.) 3206 Boethius de Consolatione Philosophise a Callio, in usum Delphinij 4 to. bound in russia, Paris, 1695.—2 1. 12 s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3207 J. Caesar ^ Goduino, in usum Delphini; 4to. bound in russia, Paris, 1678.— ll . 11 s. (Clarke.) 3208 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, & Sylvio, in usum Delphini j 4 to. fine copy, bound in russia, Paris, 1685 *.— 3 /. 9s. (Nor- naville.) 260 1) el pi tin Classics , Quarto. 3209 Ciceronis Libri Oratorii a Proust, in usum Delpliini; 4to. 2 voIs-. Paris, 1687 .—4Z. 5s. (Clarke.) 3210 Ciceronis Orationes, a P. O. de Merouville, in usum Delphini j- 4 to. 3 vols. bound in russia, Paris, 1684.— 61. 12 s. 6d. (Triphook.) 3>2I1 Ciceronis Epistol* ad Familiares- a P. Quartier, in usum Del¬ phini} 4 'to. bound in russia, Paris, lGS5.— 2 1. (Is. (Black- lock.)’ 3212 Claudianus a Pyrrhone, in usum Delphini; 4 to. bound in russia, Parisiis, I67.7. — 3Z. 11 s. (Clarke.) 3213 Dictvs Cretensis de Bello Trojano, et Dares Phrygius, in usum’ Delpliini 5 4to. bound in russia, Parisiis, 1680 .—/Z. 9 s. 6d : . (Clarke.) 32T4 Dlctys Cretensis ab Anna T. Fabri filia, in usum Delphini j bound* in russia, Amst. Par. 1 / 02 .—l'Z. 19 s. (Clarke.) 321 5> Eutropii His tori* Roman* ab AnnA T. Fabri filiA, in usum Del- phinij 4to. bound in russia, Paris, 1683:— it. Is: (Evans.)' 3216 Florus (L.) ab Anna T. Fabri filiA, ift usum Delphini } 4 ’to. bound' in russia, Paris, 1674. — 19 s. (Edwards:)' 3217 Horatii Opera cum InterpretationibuS et Notis D. Desprez, in usum Delpliini; 4to. 2 tom. in 1 , bound in russia} Paris 1691 .—4Z. 12s. (Blacklock.) 3218 Justinus A Cantelo, in usum Delphini} 4to. bound in russia. Par. 167,7.— tl . 18 s. (Clarke.) 3219 Juvenalis et Persius a Prateo, in usum Delphini} 4to. bound in russia, Paris, 1684 . —2 1. 15 s. (Triphook.) 3220 Livii Opera a Dujatio, in usum Delphini} 4to. 6 vols. bound'in 1 russia. Par. 1679. — 8 Z. 13 s. (Evans.) 3221 Lracretius A Fayio, in usum Delphini} 4to. bound in russia , Par. 168 O.—4Z. 12 s. (Sir J. Copley.) 3222 Manilius A Fayio, in usunFDelphini} 4 to. bound in russia. Par. 1679.—17. Is. (Hindlby.). Del pi tin Classics, Quarto. 2.51 3223 Martialis a Collesso, in usum Delphini 3 4to. bound in russia. Par. l 6 S 0 .— 31. 4s. (Moss.) ,3224 Coruclius Nepos ii Coiutino, in usum Delphini j 4to. bound ,in russia. Par. 1 6/5. — ll. 2s. (jFau^dee.) 3225 Ovidii cum notis ab Helvctio, in usum Delphini 3 4to. 4 vols. hound in rpssia, 1689 . — Ql . 10s. (Priestley.) 3226 .Panegyriei veteres & J. de la Baune, in usum Delphini 3 4 to. bound in russia. Par. 1 6jQ. —4 1. Is. .(Hindley.) 322J Phaedrus a Daiicto, in,usum Delphini . 4to. bound in russia. Par. 1675 — ll. 10 s. (Clarke.) 3228 Plauti Comoediae, in usum Delphini 3 4to. 2 vols. bound in russia. Par. 1679.— 5l. (Blacklock.) -3229 Plinrii Ilistoria Natural is, ab Harduino, in usum Delpbini 3 4to. 5 vols. bound in russia. Par. 1685.— 61. (Hindley.) >3230 Pompei Festi et Verii Flacci de Verborum Signifieatione, in usum Delpbini 3 4to. bound in russia. Par. 1681.— 41. 4s. (Sir J. Copley.) 3231 Prudentii Opera ii Chamillardo, in usum Delpbini 5 4to. bound in russia. Par. 16 S 7 .— 1 Js. 6d. (Sir J. Cotley.) 3232 Curtius (Q.) ii Telliero, in usum Delpbini 5 4to. bound in russia. Par. 1678.—3 1. 4s. {Blacklock.) 3233 Sallustii Opera, in usum Delpbini 3 4to. bound in russia. Par. 1674.— 1 /. l 6 s. (Moss.) 3234 Suetonius it Babelonia, in usum Delphini 5 4to. bound in russia. Par. 1684.— $1. (Sir J. Copley.) 3235 Tacitus Corn, ii Juliano Pichon Abbos, in usum Delphini 3 4to. 4 vols. bound in russia. Par. 1682.— III. 1.6s. (Hindley.) 3236 Terentii Comoediie a Camo, in usum Delpbini 3 4to. bound in russia. Par. 1 6/5 .— -2 l.6s. (Edwards.) .3237 Valerius Maximus it Cantelo, in usum Delphini; 4to. bound in russia, Pftr. 1679 .—2i. 3f. (Kett.) 252 Delphm Classics, 4 to. and Greek Historians. 3238 Paterculus, cuni notis Riguezi, in nsum Delphini j 4to. bound in russia. Par. 167-5.—1 l . 7 s * (Smith.) 3239 Virgilii Opera & Ruaeo, in usum Delphini; 4to. bound in russia. Par. 16S2.—3 1 . Qs . (Triphook.) Classics, Greek Historians, Geographers, and Biography . 3240 Herodotus Gr. et Lat. cum notis Jac. Gronovii ■, folio, large paper, bound in vellum, L. Bat. 1716. — 4 1. As. (Lord Essex.) 3241 Herodotus Gr. et Lat. a Wesselingio y folio, bound iq russia, by Kalthoeber, Amst. 1763.— \"]l. 10s. (Arch.) 3242 Herodoto delle guerre de Graeci et de Persi, tradot par Bocardo ; 12mo. bound in vellum, Pen, 1565.—S s . 6d . (Borough.) 3243 Erodoto, tradotto da Baccelli; 4to. 2 vols. bound in morocco, Verona , 1733.—1 1 , 4s. (London Institution.) 3244 Bouhier, Recherches et Dissertationes sur Herodote ; 4to. Dijon, 1746.—1/. (Dobree.) 3245 Thucydides, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Hudsoni j folio, large paper, bound in russia, leaves not touched, Oxori. 1696 .— 41. 14s. 6 d. (Fitzgerald.) 3246 Thucydides, Gr. Lat. cum scholiis Graecis 4 Dukero y folio, 2 vols. large jjaper, Amst. 1 73 1.— 461. As. (Evans.) 3247 Thucydide tradotto per Strozzi; 4to. Vineg , ap. G. Giolito, 1564 —l6s, (London Institution.) 3248 Thucydide, tradotto nella lingua Toscana da Strozzi, Vend, no date. —10s. 6cL (Priestley.) Greek Classics , Historians. 253 3249 Thucydidis Oratioue* Graecse, cum Baveri Animadversionibus ; 8 vo. bound by Baumgarten, Lips. 1759 .— is. Gd. (Priestley.) 3250 Thucydides in English, by Hobbes 3 folio, London , 1 676. —14s. (Priestley.) 3251 Abreseh Thueydideae Dilucidationes 3 8 vo. 2 vols. Traj. ad Rhen. 1753.—1 1 . 11s. (Lunn.) 3252 Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Leunclavio 3 folio, large paper, bound in russia, by Walther, Par. 1625.—2 1. 2s. (Lunn.) 3253 Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Wells j Svo. 5 vols. Oxon. 1691-1703.—3/. 2 s. (Moss.) 3254 Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Dissertationibus et Notis Doetorum ab Ernesto 3 4 vols. bound by Johnson, finest paper, Lips. 1763. — 4Z. 4s. (Lord Essex.) 3255 Senofonte Opere tradot dal Gandino j 4to. Venez. 1588.— ll. 12 s. (Heber ) 3256 Xenophon de Cyri lnstitutione Gr. et Lat. ab Hutchinson 3 4t$._ large paper, bound in red morocco, Oxon. 1 727 .— 2 1. 19s. (Evans.) 3257 Senofonte trad, per Gandin^ 4to, 3 tom in 2, Veronce, 1 736 - 7 .— 2l. 5s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3258 Xenophontis Historia Graeca Gr. et Lat. cum Mori Animadver¬ sionibus j 8vo. bound by Walther, Lipsice, 1778.—'15s. (Arch.) ,3259 Xenophontis de Cyropaedifi, Gr. a Moro ; 8 vo. bound by Walther, Lipsice, 1784.—5s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3260 Xenophontis Cyri Anabasis, et de Republicis Laceda;moniorum et Atheniensium, Gr. 3 8 vo. bound by Walther, Lipsice, 1 775.—• 6s. 6d. (Priestley.) v 326l Xenophontis Socratis Memorabilia, Gr. cum notis Ernesti 3 8 vo. i . ' / 4 *■ . • Lips. 177 2.' —13 s. (Lunn.) 3262 Xenophontis de Socrate Comxnentarii, et Socratis Apologia 3 4to. Greek Classics, Historians, large paper, bound in white calf, gilt leaves, Glasg. 1/$1 9s. (Payne.) ,3263 Xenophontis CEconomicus, Apologia Socratis, Symposium, Hier.o, Agesilaus, Gr. cum animadversionibus et Indite Gnece ; 8 vo. Lips. 1749.-6$. 6d. (PRIESTLEY.) ,3264 Xenophon, Opere moral i, per Domenichi, Vineg . 1547; i Fatti de Graeci, 1548; di Ciro, 1547; Vita di Giro; 4 vols. Svo, bound in vellum, 1548.— ll. 2s. (Hebek.) 3267 Polybius Latinii a Perotto, MS. notes; folio, Venet. 1498.-~ 5s. 6d. (Heber.) ,3268 Polybius iEgeas Factious, Gr. et I/at. & Casaubono, MS. notes; folio, russja binding, Paris, 1609 . —2/. (Priestley.) 3269 Polybius, Gr. et Lat. c.um notis yariorum, praefatioge, et glossario ^raesti; 8yo. 3 vpls. best paper, in rugsia binding, by Baum.- garten. Lips. 1761 .—3 1. 12 s. (Priestley.) f270 Polybio, tyadptto per L. Dominichi, Vineg. ap. Q. Giolito, 1584. •—13s. (London Institution.) 3271 Polybii Exerpta de Virtutibus et Vitiis, Gr. et Lat. it Valesio; 4to. Par. 1634.— 7 s. 6 d. (Smith.) 3272 Polybii Selecta de J>gationibus, Gr. cum Ursininotis; 4to. Antv, 1582. — Is. 6d. (Lunn.) 3273 Isaac Casauboni ad Polybii Librum primum Commentarii; 8 vo. Paris, 1617 .— 1 1. 10s. (Priestley.) 3274 Diodorus Siculus, Gr. ab Opsopaeo; 4to. genuine edition, bound in morocco, by Roger Payne, Basil, 1539-—15/. (Priest¬ ley.) 3275 Diodqrus Siculus, Gr. et pat. cum notis variorum et Wesselingii; folio, 2 vols. large paper, bound in russia, Amst. 1746 .— (Payne.) 3276 Diodore Sicule Histoire par Amyat; folio. Par. ap. Vascos. 1554.—1/. is. (His Majesty’s Library.) * Greek Historians and Geographers,• 2 66 4 3277 Diodorii Siculi priorcs Libri 6 , Lat. a Poggio j 12 mo, fine copy. Par. ap. Colin. 1531. — is. 6d. (FIeber.) 3278 Histoire des Successeurs d’Alexandre/ tii^e de Diodore de Sicile 3 - 12 mo. Luxemb. 1705. — Is. (Smith.) 3278*Ex Memnone Excerpta Historiae de Tyrannis Heracleae Ponticae 3 8 vo. extra bound, ap. H. Steph. 1594. — 13s. (Dimsdale.) 3279 Dionis Nicei tradot in lingua vulgave par N. Leonicenoj 4to, Vineg. 1533. — 6s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3280 L. Maxiini Scholia in Dionysium Areopagitam, Gr .5 12 mo. bound by Walther, ap* Morell. 1562. — Is. 6d. (Symmons.) 3281 Dionysio Halicarnaseo trad, in Toscano par F, Ventari 5 4to. Ven. 1545.— 6s. 6d. (Heber.) 3282 Dionysius Halicarnassensis, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Hudsoni 3 folio, 2 vols. Oxon. 1704. — 61. 2s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3283 Dionysii Halicarnassensis Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat. k Reisk ; 8 vo. 6 vols. bound by Johnson, Lips. 1774*7-—81. 8 s. (Borough.) 3284 Dionysii Orbis Ambitus Gr. ap. Morell. 1556; et Latine, cum Eustathii Comment, 3 - 4to. bound in russia, a scarce and beautiful edition with MS. notes. Par. 1569 . —1 7s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3285 Commentarii Eustathii, in Dionysium Periegetam, Polito inter- prete, cum ejusdem praefatione 3 8 vo. Col. Allob. 1741.— 13s. 6d. (Whitmore.^ 3286 Dionysius de Situ Orbis, Gr. cum Commentario Hill 3 8 vo. Load. 1688 .— 2 s. 6d. (His Majesty's Library.) 3287 Dionysius, cum Geographia hodiernS, Graeco carmine donata, Gr. et Lat. a Wells 3 8vo. Lond. 1738. — 1 s.6d. (Borough.) 3288 Geographiae veteris Scriptores Graeci minores, Gr. et Lat. cum Hudsoni Notis, et Dodwelli Dissertationibus 3 Svo. 4 vols. fine copy, Oxon. 1698 - 1712 .— 2li. 11 s. 6d. (Borough.) 3289 Dion- Cassius Gr. et Lat. cum notis Fabricii et Reimari 3 folio,- 2o G Greek Historians and Geographers. 2 vols. bound in russia, Harnb. 3 75(5.— 7l. 17 s - 6d. (Lord Morpeth.) 3290 Dioni Nic-i, traid. par Ant. de Bandole; 4fo. Par. l6l0.— 6s. ( Money.) 3291 Appianus de Beilis Civilibus, Latine; folio, fine copy, bound in russia, 146S. —2 1 . 9s. (Heber.) 3292 Appian de Guerre's des Romains, par Cl.'de Seyssel; 8v6. Paris, 1580.—4s. (Symmons.) 3293 Arriani de Expedit. Alexandri, Gr. et Lat. cum; Iiotis Jac. Gronovii j folio, lar^e paper, L. Bat. 1/04.' — I2s. 6 d . (Lord Morpeth.) 3294 Appiani Roman® Historiae cum annotationibus Schweighaeuseri; 8vo. 3 tom. bound by Walther, Lips. 1785.—4 1 . 12 s . (Lord Essex.) 3295 Arriani Periplus Ponti Euxinij Plutarchusde Fluviis et Montibus; Strabonis Epitom. Gr.; 4to. first edition, bound in morocco, Basil, 1533. —27. 2s. (Priestley.) - 3296 Arriani de Expedit. Alexandri, Pont. Euxini et Maris Erythraei Periplus, Gr. et Lat. ii Stuchio; folio. Genev. 1687 .—Is. (Smith.) 3297 Arriani Expeditio Alexandri et Historia Indica, Gr. et. Lat. H. Stephani 5 folio, fine copy, bound in morocco, and ruled with red lines, 1575. — ll. 2 s. (Heber.) 3298 Arriane, les Guerres d’Alexandre, et sa Vie du Grec de Plutarque par d’Ablancourt; 12mo. Paris, 1664.— Is. 6 d. (Symmons.) 3299 Strabo, cum notis ab Almeloveen, Gr. et Lat.; folio, 2 vols. large paper, fine copy, bound in vellum, Amst. 1707 .— 8/. 2s. 6 d. (Lord Essbx.) 3300 Stcphanus de Urbibus, Gr. et Lat. cum Berkelii Commentario, et * Holsteni Notis; folio, 2 vols. best edition, L. Bat. 1694 .— 1/. 15s. (Lord Morpeth.) Greek Historians and Geographers. 3301 Stephanas Byzantinus De Urbibus et Populis, Gr. et Lat. a Pinedo 3 folio* Amst. 1 6?8. —5s. 6d. (Symmons.) 3302 Ptolomaei Geographia, Gr. et Lat. a Bertio ; folio, a magnificent copy, bound in russia, Amst. 1618.—10Z. 10s. (Priestley.) 3303 Geographica, Gr. ab Haescbelio j 12mo. Aug. Find. 1600 .—ys. (Priestley.) 3304 ^Eliani Variae Historiae, &c. Gr. 3 4to. first edition, RomcE , 1545.— 8s. 6d. (Borough.) 3305 yEliani varia, Gr. et Lat. cum variorum et Ivunbii notis, a Leder- lino j 8vo. Argent, 1713.—5s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 3306 ^Eliani Variae Historiae, Gr. et Lat. al Gronovio;" 4to. 2 vols. large paper, bound in russia, L. Bat. 1731 3306*vEliani de Animalibus Gr. et Lat. a Gronovio ; 4to. 2 vols. large paper, bound in russia, L. Bat. 1744 > 8 Z. 15s. (Arch.) 3307 Pausanias, Gr. et Lat. cum Xylandri, Sylburgii, et Kunii notis; folio, bound in russia, Lips. 1696. — 4 1. 6s. (Borough.) 3308 Historiae Romanae Scriptores Graeci Minores, Gr. et Lat. a Syl- burgioj folio, ap. Wecliel. 1590. — 1 1. 2s. (Lord Essex.) 3309 Diogenes Laertius, Gr.; 4to. genuine edition, bound in russia, Basil. ap.Froben. 1538.—1 1 . 13s. (Priestley.) 3310 Diogenes Laertius, Latine; folio, bound in russia, Bonon, 1495.-— 13s. (Heber.) 3310'* Diogenes Laertius, de Vita, Moribus, &c. cum Gassaendi Com¬ ment} folio, 2 vols. Lugd. 1649.—7s. (Heeer.) 3311 Diogenes Laertius, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Aldobrandini 3 folio, Bomae, 1594.—5s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3312 Diogenes Laertius, Gr. et Lat. h Krausio 3 8 vo. bound in vellum, Lipsice, 1759.—13s. (Lord Essex.) 3313 Joseplii Opera, Gr. et Lat. ab Havercampo 5 folio, 2 vols. fine copy, bound in vellum, Amst. 1726.— Jl . (Lord Essex.) 2-38 Greek Historians and Geographers. 3314 FI. Giuseppe dell’ Anticbita e della guerra de Giudei, per Baldelli ; 4to. 2 vols. Vine. ap. G. Giolito, 15S3.—l6s. (Heber.) 3315 Herodiano, tradotto in lingua Toscana; 8 vo. Fior. 1522.—5 s. (Heber.) 3316 Ilerodiani Historiae, Gr.j 4to. Politian’s edition, with MS. notes; Lovan. 1525.— 21. 2s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3317 Herodianus, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Boecleri et Indice Scheidii; 8vo. 2 vols. Argent, l6p4.—15s. (Lord Essex.) 3319 Eunapius Vitae Philosophorum et Sopliistarum, Gr. et Lat.; Svo. up. Commelin, 169(1.— 6 s . (Lord Essex.) 3320 Gesneri Chrestomatliia Graeca; 12 mo. Lips. 1753 A 3321 Zosimi Historiae Novae, Gr. et Lat. ; Svo. beauti-> (Lord Mor- fully and correctly printed, Oxon. 1679 j peth.) 3322 Histoire Romaine par Xiphilin Zonare et Zosime, trad, par Cousin; 4to. Par. 1678 .—7 s - (Lord Holland.) 3323 Juliani Caesaris Dissertatio, &c.; 4to. Florent. 1763 .'—Is. 6d. (Priestley.) 3324 Julien les Cesars, traduites avec remarques par Spanlieim ; 4to. cuts. Par. 1696 .—4s. 6d. (Dimsdale.) 3325 Juliani Imperatoris Misopogon et Epistohe, Gr. et Lat.; Svo. bound in morocco, and ruled with red lines, ap. Wechel. 1 566. •—10s. 6d. (Heber.) 3326 De la Bleterie Histoire de l’Empereur Jovien, et des Cesars le Misopogon, et les Lettres de l’Empereur Julien ; 2 tom. Par. 1748.— 11 s. (Corrie.) 3327 Plutarchi Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum studio Xylandri et Rualdi; folio, 4 vols. Paris, 1624. — 5l. Js. 6d. (Priestley.) 3329 Plutarchi Opera, Gr. et Lat. h. Reiskio; Svo. 12 vols. bound by Johnson, Lips. 177 L&C.—15Z. 15s. (Moss.) 3330 Plutarchi Vitae Parallelae, Gr. et Lat. cum Bryani notis; 4 to. 5 vols. bound in russia, London , 1729. — Ql. Qs. (Evans.) Gt 'cek Historians. 2')0 3331 Plutarchi Vitre Parallels, Gr. j folio, genuine edition, hound by Baumgarten, Flor. ap. Junt. 1517-— 3l.8s. (Heber.) 3332 Plutarchus de Placitis Philosophorum, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Corsini; 4to. bound by Walther, Flor. 1750.—15s. (Priest¬ ley.) 3333 Plutarchi Apophthegmata, Gr. et Lat. a Maittaire ; 4to. extra bound by Walther, London, 1741.—10s. 6 d . (Lord Essex.) 3334 Plutarchus de Placitis Philosophorum, cum Budaei interpretatione Latina ; 4to. Par. 1544. — Is. 64. (Heber.) 3334'*Plutarchi Apophthegmata, Gr. et Lat. a Pemberton ; 8 vo. Oxon. 176s. —3s. (Priestley.) 3335 Apoftemmi trad, in lingua Toscana per Gualandi; 4to. Fen. ap. G. Giolito , 1 566.— 8 s. (London Institution.) 3335*Plutarchus de Fluviis, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Mausacci 5 Tolos. 1615.'—4s. (Dobree.) 3336 Plutarchus de sera Numinis Vindicta, Gr. et Lat. cum Wytten- bachii animadversionibus 8 vo. L. Bat. 17 / 2 . — 8 s. 6 d. (WOODBURN.) 3337 Plutarchi de Liberorum Educatione, cum duobns Fragmentis, Gr. a Schneider ■, 8vo. Argent, 1775. — Is. (Priestley.) 3338 Plutarchi de Audiendis Poetis, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Potteri; 8 vo. Oxon. 1694.—2s. (Smith.) 3339 Plutarchus, de quo modo Adolcscens Poetas audire debeat, Gr. et Lat. a Krebsio ; 8 vo. Lips. 1746.—3s. (Priestley.) *260 Classics , Greek Poets, and Commentators thereon. 3340 Poetae Graeci veteres, Gr. et Lat. a Lectio 3 folio, 3 vols. Colon. 1614.—8/. 10s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3341 Anthologia Graeca, Gr. et Lat. a Brodoeo, edit. Opt. j folio, fine copy, Francf. 1600. —] l. 12s. (Arch.) 3342 Analecta veterura Poetarum Graecorum at Brunkio, Gr .3 4to. 3 vols. large paper, bound in red morocco, by Johnson} Argent , 1772.— 10 Z. 10 s. (Priestley.) 3343 Florilegium diversorum Epigrammatum, Gr. et Lat. a Lubino 3 4to. ap. Commel , 1604.— lZ. 7 s. (Priestley.) 3344 Anthologia, Gr. Literis Capitalibus, cum Lascaris Epistola} 4to. first edition, fine copy, bound in yellow morocco, by De Rome, Floruit. 1494.—23Z. 10s. (Priestley.) 3345 Poetarum octo Fragmenta et Elogia, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Wolfii} 4to. large paper, Hamb. 1734. —lZ. 9s. (Lord Milton.) 3346 Sapplius Fragmenta et Elogia, Gr. et Lat. cum Wolfii notis } 4 to. large paper, Hamb. 1733.— 2 Z. (Moss.) 3347 Sepulchralia Carmina ex Anthologia, MSS. Gr. et Lat. 3 4to. Lips. 1745.— 15s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 3348 Mulierum Graecarum Fragmenta, Gr. et Lat. & Wolfio 3 4to. Lond. 1739 .—lZ. 8s- (Moss.) 3349 Poetae Gnomici, Gr. et Lat. 3 4to. gilt leaves, extremely rare, Tar.ap. Turnebum , 1553.—3Z. (Priestley,) Greek Poets , 261 3350 Epigrammata in Imagines Ducum, Regum, Imperatorum, Gr. et Lat. F. Morelli, 1607; Zoroastris Oracula Heroica, Gr. et Lat., &c.; Sanclari Ducis Aurelianensis Genethliacon Apotelesmaticon et Silentiarii Carmen in Thermas Pythias, Gr. et Lat. 4 Morello, 1598 j all bound in one quarto volume.— 2 1. 10s. (Heber.) 3351 Elegiacs et Lyrica Graecaj 8vo. Oxon. 1759.-6$, 6d . 3352 Poet® Minoresj 8vo. London, 1728 .— 5s. 6d. TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE. I t, - \ .. •• ' • MAY 22, 3353 ANTHOLOGIA Graeca, Gr. et Lat. ab Harlesio, cum notis et indice Graeco; 8vo. 1775. — Qs. (Priestley.) 3354 Antbologia, Gr. in usum Scholae Westmonasteriensis ; Svo. Lond. 1748.— 2s. 6 d. (Borough.) 3355 Antbologia ad editionem Reiskii ; Svo. 2 tom. in 1, large paper, Oxon. 1766 .—10s. (Moss.) 3356 Historiae Poeticae Scriptores Antiqui, Gr. et Lat. a Gale; Svo- bound in morocco, gilt leaves, by Roger Payne, Par. 1675.— lZ. 10s. (Moss.) 3357 Poetae Graeci Christiani cum Homericis Centonibus, Gr. et Lat. ; 12mo. bound in morocco. Par. 1609.—13s. (Heber.) 3358 Antbologia Selects, et ab omni Obscoenitate vindicata, Gr. et Lat.; 12mo. bound in morocco, Fleuice, 1624.—1 1. (Priestley.) 3359 Poetae Gnomici a Brunck; 12mo. extra by Walther, Argent, 1784.— 7 s - (Priestley.) 3360 Carmina Novum Illustrium Feminarum; Poetarum vctustissi- morum Opera Sententiosa, Gr.; 8vo. in red morocco, ap. Plant. 1568.— ll. 2s. (Priestley.) 3361 Neandri Antliologicum Graeco-latinum; Svo. Bas. per Joannem Oporinum, 1556.—16s. (Priestley.) Classics, Greek Poets. 263 3362 Poet* Minores Gr*ci, Gr. et Lat. cum Wintertoni notis ad He- siodum; 8 vo. Cant. 1084.— 2s. (Priestley.) 3303 Epigrammatum Delectus in usum Scliol* Westmonas eriensis 3 8vo. Oxon. 172 5.— 2 s. (Moss.) 3304 Vetustissimorum Poetarum Opera 3 8 vo. bound by Weir, gilt leaves, Plantin. 1504.—lZ. 8s. (Money.) 3305 Pindarus et Poet* Lyrici, Gr. 3 12 mo. ap. Commel. 1598.— 7 s * (Priestley.) 3300 Argonautica Thebaica Troica, et Ilias parva, Gr*ce a Ntfandro 5 12 mo. fine copy, in morocco. Lips. 15S8.—3 1. 13s. (Mac- kinlay.) 3307 Polonis Fragmenta Poetica, Gr. cum notis Fortlagii 3 12 mo. Lips. 1776 .— 2 1. 2s. (Priestley.) 3308 Epigrammata Gr*ca, cum Latins versione metrica si Soterara 3 181110. Colon. 1528.—7s. (Priestley.) 3309 Poet* Minores, Gr. et Lat. a Sylburgio 3 12 mo. Franc. 1591.— 3s. (Priestley.) 3370 Poet* Gnomici Opera Sylburgii 5 18mo. an excellent edition, Traj. ad. Rhen. 1092.—4s. 6 d. (London Institution.) 3371 Poet* Georgiei, Bucolici, et Gnomici, Gr. et Lat. 3 32mo. bound in morocco, by Roger Payne, ap. Vignom. 1000.—lZ. (Moss.) 337l*Comicorum Gr*coruni, Gr. et Lat. cum erorum Vitis ab Her- telk>3 18mo. Basil. lZ. Is. (Heber.) 3372 Homeri Opera Omnia 3 editio princeps, edited by Demetrius Chalcondyles 5 folio, 2 vols. fine copy, ruled with red lines, and bound in red morocco, Florent. 1488.—94Z. 10 s. (A. G. Hunter.) 3373 Homeri, Gr. cum scholiis Gr*cis; 4to. Bas. ap. Hervag.. 1535.— 11s. (Priestley.) 3374 Homeri Odyssea, Gr. 3 18mo. fine copy, ap. Cris- pinum, 1507 3375 Homeri Ilias 3 18mo. ap. Crisp mum, 1559 17 s. (Moss.) 264 Classics , Greek Poets. 3376 Homeri Uias et Odyssea, cum scholiis Graecis Didymi, Gr. et Lat. j 4to. 2 vols. gilt leaves, Amst. 1656. — 21. 2s. (Moss.) 3377 Homeri Opera, Gr.; folio, 2 vols. large paper, russia binding* Glasg. 1756. —10Z. (Priestley.) 3378 Homeri Opera, Gr. Lat. ab Ernesto j 8vo. 5 vols. large paper. Lips. 1759-—I 9 Z. 8s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 3381 Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, translated by Pope, with portrait and cuts by Fourdrinier and Vandergutch; 11 vols. 12mo. and crown 8vo. London , 1750& 1752.-—lZ. Is, (Priestley.) 3382 L’lliade d’Homere en vers Francois, et 3 premiers Livres de l’Odyssee; 12mo. Par. 1599. —Is. 6 d. (Heber.) 3383 Eustathii in Homerum Parecbolae, Gr. j folio, 4 vols. fine copy, bound in russia, genuine edition, Ronue, 1542. — 6SZ. 5s. (Priestley.) 3384 Eustathii in Homerum in Iliades, 1, 2, 3, Gr. et Lat. a Polito ; folio, 3 vols. Florentice, 1730-2. — 61. 8s. 6 d. (Evans.) 3385 Seberi Index Vocabulorum omnium in Homeri Operibus j 4to. 1604.—4s. (Heber.) 3387 Scholia in Iliados librum primum, Gr. et Lat.; 4to. Bongiovanni. —2 s.6d. (Evans.) 3388 Homeii Gnomologia, Gr. et Lat. per Duportumj 4to. Cant. 1660 .—4s. (Moss.) 3389 Cuperi Apotheosis Homeri, Explicatio Gemmae Augustes, Numis- mata, Inscriptiones, et Marmora antiqua explicata; 4to. Amst. 1683.—4s. 6 d. (Lord Milton.) 3390 Anonymi de Ulixis Erroribus Narratio, Gr. et Lat. cum notis a Columboj 8vo. L. Bat. 1745. — 7s. (Priestley.) 3391 Hesychiani Lexici Lucubrationes Jensii observatae in Stylo Homeri, et vetera Epigram mata Graeca pro Anecdotis pro* ' deuntia; Svo. Rotter. 1742. —lZ. 2s. (Butler.) Classics , Greek Poets. 265 3392 Homeri Iliados libri A & B, cum scholiis Graecis Moschopuli k S. Merpzelio; 8vo. Traj. ad. Rhen. 1719* — 7 s - (Lord Milton.) 3393 Homeri l’lliade libris 5 en vers, per P. la Badessa; 4to. Pad. 1564 .— 2s. (Heber.) 3394 Wood’s Essay on the original Genius and Writings of Homer; 4to. cuts by Bartolozzi, London, 177 5 -—2Z. 7 s • (Priest¬ ley.) 3395 Spence’s Essay on Pope’s Odyssey; 12mo. London 1J2J. — 2s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3396 Homeri Hebraiz, it Bogan; 12mo. Oxon. —lZ. 11s. (Priest¬ ley.) 3397 Heraclidis, qui Aristotelis aetate vixit. Allegorise in Homeri Fabulas; 12 mo. Basil. 1544.— 2l. 3 s . (Mackinlay.) 3398 Antiquitates Homericae; 12mo.—43s. (Moss.) 3399 Homeri in Odysseam Duly mi Interpret atio, Gr.; 12 mo. Par. ap. Sorbon. 1530. — 13s. 6d. (Heber.) 3400 Homeri Interpres cum indice locupleissimo; 12mo. 2 vols. bound by Weir, Argent. 1539.— 2 1. 2s. (Heber.) 3401 Homeri Ilias, Latino carmine reddita ab H. Eobano Hesso ; 18mo. bound by Roger Payne, Par. 1545.—2 1. 2s. (Payne.) 3402 Homeri Ilias, Gr. ap. Turnebum; 8vo. fine copy, bound in morocco, and ruled by Roger Payne, a beautiful, accurate, and scarce edition; Par. e Typographid Regis, 1554.—2 1. 10s. (Lord Milton.) 3403 Homeri Ilias, Gr.; 12mo. in morocco, ruled with red lines, by Roger Payne, Lond. ap. Bishop, 1591-— li. 7 s • (Payne.) 3404 Homeri Iliados Rhapsodiae, cum interlineari versione; l2mo. Lugd. 1645.—5s. (Dr. Burney.) 3405 Homeri Ilias, Gr.; 4to. 2 tom. in 1, a beautiful edition, Glasg. 1747.—14s. (Priestley.) 266 Classics , Greek Poets. 340/ Homed Odyssca, Gr. cum Homed Vital; 12mo. bound in russia, by Weir, Venet. 1547.— l6s. 6cZ. (Heber.) 3408 Homed Odyssea, cum Batracliomyomachia, Gr.; 18mo. bound by Roger Payne, Vignon , 1609-—4s. (Evans.)- 3409 Musaeus, Gr. et Lat. cum commentario Pareij 4to. Fmncf. 1627. —lls. 6d. (Heber.) 3410 Musaeus, Moschus, Bion, Theocriti Idyllia, Gr. Latino carmine donata a Whitford ; 4to. 1655.—10s. 6d. (Borough.) 3411 Hesiodus, Gr. cum veterum scholiis Graecis Trincarvalli j 4to. 1537-—lZ. 8s. (Priestley.) 3412 Hesiodi Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Graevii, Scaligeri, et Guieti notis j 12mo. Amst. 1667.—Is. 6d. (Priestley.) 3413 Hesiodus, Gr. et Lat. cum notis variorum et Robinsoni 5 4to. large paper, bound in russia, Oxon. 1737;—3Z. 10s. (Clarke.) 3414 Hesiodus, Gr. et Lat. Krebsii cum Graeco indioe y 12mo. bouad by Baumgarten, Lips. 1746.—lZ. (Dr. Burney.) 3415 Hesiodus, Gr. et Lat. cum Italica versione Salvinii, et Orpliei et Procli Hymnis j 8vo. Patav. 1747-—14s. (Triphook.) 3416 Hesiodi Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Ruhnkenii animadversionibus, a Laesnero 5 8vo. bound by Johnson, Lips. 1778-—2Z. 14s. (Priestley.) 3417 Theognidis, Pliocylidae, et Pythagorae Carmina, Gr. et Lat .; 12mo. ap. Plant. 15S2.—Is. (Priestley.) 3418 Theognis, Gr. et Lat. cum notis il Blackwall; 8vo. London, 1706. — 14s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3419 Coluthus de Raptu Helenas, Gr. et Lat. a Lennepio; 8vo. Leov. 1747«—15s. 6d. (Borough.) 3420 Coluthus, Gr. et Lat. cum Italica versione metrical Salvinii i Bandinio j 8vo . Flor. 1765.—7 s * (Priestley.) Classics , Greek Poets. * 2(37 3421 Orphei Argonautica, Gr. et Lat. Cratander; 4to. Basil. 1523/— 17«. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3422 Grphei Poemata, Gr. et Lat. cum notis H. Stephani, Scaligeri, et Eisenbachii 3 12 mo. Traj. ad. Rhen. 1689 .'—7 s - (Payne.) 3423 Orphei Poemata, Gr. et Lat. a Gesnero 5 8 vo. hound by Baum¬ garten, Lips. 1764.—lZ. 11s. 6d. (Borough.) 3424 Orpheus de Lapidibus, Gr. et Lat. cum notis a Tyrwhitt; Lond. 178 1 5 —Dissertatio de Babrio, ab eodem 3 Lond. 177 6 3 — Cura novissimse in Suidam a Toup; 8 vo. bound in one vol. by Walther, London, 17/5.— 8s. (Lord Essex.) 3425 .Esopi Fabulae et Gabrise Fabulae, Musaeus, &c .5 8 vo. Basil, 1534.—l6s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3426 Esopi et Gabriae Fabulae, Homeri Batrachomyomachia, &c. Gr. et Lat. 3 18mo. bound by Weir, ap. Plant. 1567 .—13s. (His M ajesty’s Li BRARY.) 3427 Esopi Fabulae, Gr. et Lat. 3 18mo. bound by Walther, ap. Plant. 1574.—7s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3428 Esopi Fabulae, Gr. et Lat.; 8vo. Oxon. 1716.—3s. (Smith.) 3429 Esopi Fabulae, Gr. et Lat. ab Ernesto 3 Svo. bound by Walther, Lips. 178I.—1 1 . Is. (Nornaville.) 3430 Phocylides, Gr. et Lat. a Schier 3 12 mo. Lips. 1 75 1 . — 7 s. (Heber.) 3431 Pindari Opera, Gr.; 4to. bound by Baumgarten, Romce,\5\5 .— 1 1 . 14s. (Priestley.) 3432 Pindari Olympia et Pythia, Gr. 5 12 mo. bound by Baumgarten, ap. Wechel. 1535.— ll. 7s. (Payne.) 3433 Pindari Opera Latina a Lonieero j Svo. bound in russia, by Baum¬ garten, Basil. 1535.— 10s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3434 Aristologia Pindarica, Gr. et Lat. a Neandro 3 12 mo. bound in morocco, Basil. 1556.— gs. (Priestley.) -268 Classics , Greek Poets. 3435 Pindari Opera, Gr. j 4to. bound in morocco, ruled with red line*. Par. ap. Morell. 1558.— 2 1. (Heber) 3435 Pindarus, et Poetae Lyrici, Gr. et Lat. j 18mo. fine copy, in morocco, ruled with red lines, ap. Plant . 1567* —19*- (Moss.) 3437 Pindari Opera omnia, Latino carmine reddita per Sudorium j 12mo. bound in morocco, Lutet. 1582,—11s. (Moss.) 3438 Pindarus, Gr. j 12mo. Ex officina Plant. 1590.—7 s * (Chris¬ tie.) 3439 Pindari Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum notis et dissertationibus Schmi- dii; 4to. 2 vols. bound by Baumgarten, 1616.—2 1. 1 Js. (Borough.) 3440 Pindari Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum commentariis Benedicti j 4to. Salmur. 1620.—4/. 4s. (Borough.) 3441 Pindarus, Gr. et Lat. cum scholiis Graecis et notis k West et Welsted} folio, bound in russia, by Kalthoeber, Oxon. 1697. *— 71 . 2s. Qd. (Christie.) 3442 Pindari in primum Pythium Dissertatio a Barford, et Oratio in Funere George 3 4tp. Cant. 1751. — 2 s.Qd. (Heber.) 3443 Notae in Pindarum a Cornelio de Pauw} 8vo. Traj ad. Rhen. 1747.—12s. (Lord Milton.) 3444 Pindari Opera, Gr. et Ital. cum notis a Guatiero 5 8vo, 3 vols. with cuts, bound in russia, Romce, 1752.—1Z. 19s. (Moss.) 3445 Pindarus les Odes Pythiques, Gr. cum Gallica versione par Cha- banonj 8vo. Par. 1772.— 2 s . Qd. (Lord Essex.) 3446 Pindari Opera, Gr. et Lat. ab Heyne, Gotting. 1773; et Pindari Fragmenta a Schneider. Gr. • 4to. in one volume, bound by Baumgarten, Argent. 1776.—1 1 . 7s. (Priestley.) 3447 Pindar, in English Verses, with a Dissertation on the Olympic Games by West} 12mo. 3 vols. bound by Johnson, London , 1766.—1 1 . gs. (Priestley.) Classics , Greek Poets. 269 3448 Anacreon, Gr.; Par. ap. Morel, et Latine ab HelKi Andre&; 12mo. 1556.— 4s. 6d. (Heber.) 3449 Anacreon grace, cum scholiis Graecis Joan. Buthellerei; 8vo. bound in morocco, gilt leaves, and ruled with red lines. Par. 1639.—145. (Priestley.) 3450 Anacreon, cum versione Gallic^ et Fabrae notis ; 12mo. Amst, 1699.—2s. (Money.) 3451 Anacreon, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Barnesii; 12mo. best edition, with the three portraits of Anacreon, Duke of Marlborough, and Barnes, Cant. \JQ5. —l6s. 6d . (Lord Morpeth.) 3452 Anacreon et Sappho, Gr. et Gall, par le Poete sans Fard ; 12mo. Rotter. 1712. — 2 s. (Priestley.) 3453 Anacreon, Gr. et Lat. numeris Elegiacis, a Trapp; 12mo. Lond. 1742.—115. (Moss.) 3454 Anacreon, Gr. et Lat. cum notis & Pauw; 4to. large paper, Traj. ad Rhen. 1753. —lZ. 85. (Nornaville.) 3455 Anacreon, Gr. et Lat., et Sapphus Reliquiae, Fisclieri, cum notis variorum; 8vo. excellent edition, extra bound. Lips. 1776.-— lZ. 105. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3456 Anacreon, Gr.; 12mo. bound in morocco, by Walther, Argentor. 17&6.—405. 6d. (Moss.) 3457 Anacreon, Gr. cum Observationibus per Brunck, et Bentleii Epistol&; 12mo. bound in red morocco, by Johnson, Argent. 1778-—65. (Lord Carrington.) 3458 Bion et Moschus, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Heiskini; 8vo. Oxon. 1748.— 75. 6d. (Moss.) 3459 Lycoplironis Alexandrini, Gr. et Lat.; 4to. Basil, 1566. —35. (Priestley.) 3460 Lycophron, Gr. et Lat. cum scholiis Graecis Tzetzis et Potteri notis; folio, bound in russia, Oxon. 1702.—3Z. 95. (Priest¬ ley.) 270 Classics , Creek Poets. 3461 Lycophron ; folio, large paper, bound in morocco, by Roger Payne, Oxon , 1702.— Si . (Payne.) 3462 Aratus, Gr. cum Theonis scholiis et Leontii Sphaera, Par. ap. Morell, 1559; e * Empedoclis Sphaera, Gr. et Lat.; 4to. fine copies. Par. ap. Morell, 158/. — 8s. 6d. (Lord Essex.) 3463 Arati Poemata, cum Theonis scholiis; Eratosthenis opuscula et Dionysii Hymni Graece; 8vo. Oxon. 16/2. — 12s. (Lord Milton.) 3463*Arati Poemata, Gr. et Lat. cum Italica versione Salvinii ; Svo. extra bound, Flor. 1 765 .— 6s. (Payne.) 3464 Menandri Reliquiae, Gr. et Lat. ; 12 mo. bound in russia, by Weir, ap. Morel. 1553. — 1 1. Qs. (Heber.) 3465 Menandri et Philemonis reliquiae, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Grotii et Clerici; 8 vo. Amst. 1709;—Philargyrii Cantabrigiensis Emendationes, cum J. Clerici praefatione; Svo. 3 vols. uniform, Amst. 1711.—2 Z. 19s. (Borough.) 3466 Theocritus, Gr. cum scholiis Graecis a Calliergo ; 12 mo. bound in morocco, by Roger Payne, Romce, 1516.—lZ. 17 s. (Priest¬ ley.) 3467 Theocritus, Gr. cum Scholiis; 12 mo. gilt leaves, and ruled with red lines, Basil. 1541. — lZ. (Priestley.) 3468 Theocritus, Gr. cum Scholiis; 12 mo. bound in morocco, Venet. 1543.—l6s. 6cZ. (Heber.) 3469 Meursii ad Theocritum Spicilegium; 12 mo. L. B. 1597 .— 12 s. 6 cZ. (Heber.) 3470 Theocritus, Gr.; 8 vo. Oxon. 1676 13s. 6cZ. 3471 Theocritus, Gr. et Lat. cum scholiis Graecis, et j notis Scaligeri, Casauboni, et Heinsii; 8vo. ( Dean OF I Winchester.) fine copy, Oxon. 1699 J 3472 Teocrito volgarizzato da Salvini; ISmo. Pen. 1726. — Is. 6cZ. (Money.) Classics, Greek Poets. 271 34/3 Theocritus Scripturam Sacram illustrans, a Porschbergero; 12mo. bound in morocco, by Johnson, Dresdce, 1744.'—15s. 6d. (Moss.) 34/4 Theocritus, Gr.j 4to. in blue morocco, Glasguce,, 1746.—>8s. (Priestley. ) t 3475 Theocritus, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Reiskii j 4to, 3 tom. in 1, Vienna, 1765. — 'll. 2s. (Moss.) 3476 Theocritus, Gr. et Lat. a Martin; 8vo. London, 1760. —-Ss. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3477 Theocritus, Gr. cum sclioliis et notis Whartoni et ejus curae pos- teriores j 4to. 2 vols. bound in russia, by Kalthoeber, Oxon. 1770,— 61. 8s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3478 Theocriti Selecta Idyllia 10, Latinis pleraque numeris & Haetstenio reddita a Valkeneer ; Svo. bound by Walther, L. Bat. 1 773.— 1 1. 10s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3479 Theocritus Bion et Moschus, Gr. et Lat. cum variis lectionibus at Valkeneer 5 Svo. bound by Baumgarten, L. Bat. 1779-*— 1 /. 14s. (Sir J. Copley.) 3460 Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. cum sclioliis, literis capitalibus j 4to. first edition, with MS. notes, fine copy, bound in yellow morocco, by De Rome, Flor. I4g4.—10Z. (Priestley.). 3480 *Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. j Svo. fine copy, hound in russia, by Weir, Franc. 1546.—10s. 6d. (Heber.) 3481 Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. cum Rotmari versione metrica j 12m©. 2 vols. Basil. 1750 & 1572-— ll. 1 6 s. (Priestley.) 3483 Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. et Lat. a Shaw; 4to» 2 tom. in 1, bound in russia, Oxon. 1 777* —lZ. 12s. (Lord Essex.) 3484 Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. cum notis Brunckii; 8vo. hound extra by Baumgarten, Argent, 1780.— ll. Is. (Moss.) 3485 Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. cum notis Brunckii; 4to. large paper, hound by Walther, Argent, 1780.—1 l.5s. (Lord Morpeth.) 27 $ Classics , Greek Poets. 3486 Callimachus Gr. cum scholiis et diversis Poctarum, Oratorum et Philosopborum Sententiis j 4to. bound in morocco, Basil. 1532.—1?. 8s. (Lord Milton.) 3487 Callimachus, Moschus, et Bion, Gr. et Lat.; 18mo. bound in red morocco, by Johnson, ap. Plant. 1584.— JS. 6d. (Lord Gower.) 3488 Callimachus, Gr. et Lat. ab Ann& Fabri filia j 4to. Par. 1675.— 9s. 6d. (Davenport.) 34S9 Callimachus, Gr., Glasg. 1755 j et Tyrtaeus, Gr. et Lat. cum versione Anglica, 4to. Glasg. 1 759.—2s. (Smith.) 3490 Callimachus, Gr. Glasguce, 1755 ; et Tyrtaeus, Gr. Lat. et Angl. large paper, 1759- — 5s. (Symmons.) 3491 Callimachus, Gr. et Lat. ab Ernesto; 8vo. 2 vols. large paper, bound in russia, L. Bat. 1761.— 5l. 5s. (Moss.) 3492 Callimachus, Gr. et Lat. cum Italic^ versione Salvinii it Bandinioj 8vo, Flor. 1763. — 7s. 6d. (Borough.) 3493 Hymnes de Callimaque, Graec. et Gall, par la Pat du Theil j 8vo. Par. 1775- — 2s. 6d. (Symmons.) 3494 Callimachus, Gr.; folio, large paper, in green morocco, Glasg. 1 755.—13s. (Symmons.) 3496 Callimachus in English verse, by Dodd, with notes j and six Hymns of Orpheus j 4to. large paper, London , 1755.—• 11s. 6d. (Borough.) 3496 Philea Carmina, Gr. et Lat. cum Dissertationibus Wernsdorfii; 8vo. Lips. 1768. — 7 s - (Priestley.) 3497 Nicandri Alexipharmaca, Gr. et Lat. a Gorneo; 12mo. Par. op. Vascosan, 1549. — 11s. (Payne.) 3498 Nicandri, Gr. et Lat. cum Italic^ versione Salvinii j 8vo. bound by Marks, Flor. 1764. —11s. 6d. (Nornaville.) 3498 Nicandri Alexipharmaca, Gr. et Lat. a Gorraeo, Par. ap. Morell, 1557 ; et Theriaca, Gr. et Lat. p 4to. Par. ap. Morell, 1557- t is. (Symmons.) Classics , Greek Poets. 273 3499 Oppianus, Gr. et Lat. cum Commentario Bodini ; 4to. 3 vols. white calf, gilt leaves. Par. ap. Turneb. 1555.— 5l. 1 5s. (Priestley.) 3500 Oppianus, Gr. et Lat. cum scholiis et commentario Ritterhusii; 12mo. Lug. Bat. 1697.—9s. (Triphook.) 3501 Oppianus, Gr. et Lat. a Schneidero 5 8vo. large paper, bound by Baumgarten, Argent. 177^- — 2 1 . Is. (Priestley.) 3502 Brodsei notee in Cynagetica, Q. Calabrum, et Colutbum} 12mo. Bas. 1552 .— 11s. (MackinlayJ TWENTY=FOUKTH BAY’S SALE. MAY 23. 3503 QUINTUS Calaber, Gr. et Lat. cum Dasqueii notis j 2 vols. bound by Weir, Hanov. # Francef. 1604.—1/. 6s. (Moss.) 3504 Quintus Calaber, Gr. et Lat. cum Rhodomanni et Dorsqueii notis; 8vo. Franc. 1014. — 15s. 6d. (Heber.) 3505 Marciani Heracleotae Carmen Iambicum de Situ Orbis, Gr. et Lat. ^Morelloj 8vo. l60(5.—2 s . 6 d . (Heber.) 3506 Epigrammata Cyri Theodori Prodromi, Gr. } l2mo. Basil. 1536. -—10 s. (Heber.) 3507 Manethonis Aposteles maticorum, Gr, Lat. cum notis Gronovi } 4to. L. B. 1698. — 6s. (Priestley.) 3508 Piside Senarii de Vanitate Vitae, et Fragmenta, Gr. et Lat. k Morel} 4to. Lutet. 1585. — 3 s. 6d, (Priestley.) 3509 Euripidis Hecuba et Iphigenia in Aulide, Erasmo interprete} 8vo. Basil. 1524. —9s. 6d. (Heber.) 3510 ^Escbyli sex Tragoediae, Graecb; 12mo. large paper, bound in mo¬ rocco, and ruled, by Roger Payne, Par. ap. Turneb. 1552.— lZ. 6s. (Priestley.) 3511 iEscbylus Graecfe, Par. ap. Turnebum, 1552} et Latiub per San- ravium } ISmo. Basil. 1555.—IJs. 6d. (Heber.) Classics , Grech Play Writers. 275 3512 ASschyli septem Tragoediae, Robertello, Gr.; 18mo. Ven. 1552.— 41.6d. (Mackinlay.) 3513 .Eschyli Graece Canteri; 18mo. bound in morocco, ap Plantin , 1580.—2 l. 2s. (Evans.) 3514 /Eschylus, Gr. et Lat. cum sclioliis Graecis et Stanleii notis ; folio, fine copy, bound in russia, Lond. 1663. — gl. Qs. (Lord Milton.) 3515 JEscliylus, Gr. et Lat. cum Stanleii et Pauwii notis ; 4to. 2 vols. bound in russia by Kaltboeber, Hag. Com. 1745.— 5l. 2s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3516 ^Eschylus, Gr.: 4to. extra bound, Glasgua, 174 6.— .15s. (Priest¬ ley.) 3517 ^Escliyli Prometheus, Persae Septem ad Thebas, Sophoclis Anti¬ gone, et Euripidis Medea, Gr. a Brunk ; 4to. extra bound, large paper. Argent. 1 779*— lZ. 3s. (Priestley.) 3518 iEschyli, Gr. et Lat. a Schutz, cum commentario; 8vo. 3 vols. Hulce, 1782.—4Z. 14s. 6d. (Borough.) 3519 iEschylus, translated by Potter; 4to. Norwich, 1777-—l6s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3520 -Eschyli Prometheus, Gr. cum Italica versione et notis Giacomelli; 4to. Roma, 1734; Prometheus, Greek and English, by Morell, bound in at the end.— 14s. Qd. (Lord Milton.) 3521 Askew, Novae Editionis .TEschyli Specimen ; 4to. Lug. Bat. 1746. — ll . 3s. (Priestley.) 3522 Abreschi Annotationes in jEschylum, et quaedam Novi Testamenti loca ; 8vo, Mediol. 1734. —12 s. 6d. (Moss.) 3523 Abreschi adTEscliylum, liber tertius; cum Auctario dilucidationum Tliucydidearum; 8vo. Livelle, 1763. — 1 1. 5s. (Heber.) 3524 Commentarii in Soplioclem, Gr.; in lucem emissi jussu Leonis X. Pont. Max.; 4to. fine copy, bound in morocco by R. Payne, Roma, 1518.— 5l. 2s. 6d. (Dobree.) 3525 Sophocles Tragoediae, Gr. cum scboliis ; 4to. fine copy, bound in russia, Flor. ap. haredes Junta , 1522. — 3 1. 10s. (Priestley.) 276 Classics, Greek Play Writers. 3526 Sophocles, Gr. ; 12mo. rare edition, in morocco, ap. Colinceum, Paris, 1528. —1 1 . 11 s. 6d. (Triphook.) 3527 Sophocles Latins, aWinshemio; 8vo. Franckfort, 154Q. — Is. 6d. (Heber.) 3528 Sophoclis Tragoediae, Gr.; 4to. bound in russia, Par. ap Turneb. 1553.—lZ. 14s. (Priestley.) 3529 Sophocles, Gr.; 12mo. Franc . ap. Burbach. 1555. — lZ. 12s. (Heber.) 3530 Sophocles, Gr.; 18mo. bound in morocco, a beautiful and correct edition, ap. Plant. 1579-—18 s * (Moss.) 3531 Sophoclis Tragoediae, Gr.; 4to. Glasguce, 1J45. — 14s. (Priestley.) 3532 Sophocles’ Tragedies translated in verse by Francklyn; 4to. 2 vols. London, l?5g. —lZ. 6s. (Edwards.) 3533 Sophoclis Tragoediae, Gr. et Lat. a Capperonier, et notis Vairvil- lieri; 4to. 2 vols. large paper, bound in russia. Par. 17s 1.— 4Z. 10s. (Borough.) 3534 Sophoclis Tragoediae, Gr. ^ Brunckio ; 4to. 2 vols. large paper, bound in russia by Walther, Argent. 1786. — 7Z. 10s. (Priestley.) 8535 CEdipus Tyrannus, et Euripidis Orestes ; Electra et Andromache; cum Brunkii animadversionibus in Euripidera, et Musgravii notis; 12mo. Argent. 1779*—’8s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3536 Sophoclis Electra, cum versione Italic^, et notis a Giacomelli; jEschyli Prometheus ab eodem; 4to. Romce, 1754.—8 s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 3537 Sophoclis Tragoediae Philoctetis, Gr. Lat. cum Florentis Chris- tiani Glossemate ; 4to. ap. Morel, 1586. — 2 l . 5 s . (Heber.) 3538 Demetrii Triclinii in Sophoclem, Gr. in Sophoclem; 4to. Par. ap. Turneb. 1553. — l6s. (Priestley.) 3539 Sophoclis Ajax Flagellifer, Gr. j 8vo. with MS. notes, Parisiis, 1530.—4s. (Heber.) Classics , Greek Play Writers. 277 3540 Sopkoclis Ajax, Gr. et Lat. ab Haerio; 12mo. 1766.— Js.6d. (Heber.) 3541 L’CEdipe de Sophocle et les Oiseaux de Aristopliane, traduits par Boivin ; 12mo. Par. 1/2Q. — 6s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3542 Reiske Auimadversiones ad Soplioclem ; 8vo. 1753.*— 1/. 6s, (Mackinlay.) 3543 Euripidis Tragcediae, Lat. a Camillo ; 8vo. Basil. 1541.'—2 s.6cl. (Heber.) 3544 Euripidis Tragcediae, Gr.; Svo. Basil. 1551. — 1 1. 12s. (Lord Milton.) 3545 Euripidis Tragcediae, Gr. cum notis MS. T. Fabri; neat and cor¬ rect edition, bound in morocco, ap. Plant. 1671.—5Z. 15s. Qd. (Christie.) 3546 Euripidis, Gr. et Lat. cum scholiis Graecis et Barnesii notis; folio, russia binding by Walther, Cant.lQQA. —8Z. 8s. (Priestley.) 3547 Euripides Tragcediae, Gr. et Ital. donate a Carmillo Basil. ; 8vo. 7 vols. large paper, Padruce , 1743. — 5l. (Lord Milton.) 3548 Euripidis, Gr. et Lat. cum scholiis et notis, a Musgrave ; 4to. 4 vols.extra bound in russia, Oxon. 1778. — 5l.7s.6d. (Priestley.) 3549 Euripides, translated by Potter; 4to. 2 vols. London , 1781.— 2 l . Is. (Priestley.) 3550 Euripidis Supplices Mulieres, Gr. et Lat. cum Marcklandi Notis ; 4to. bound by Fraser, London, 1763.—lZ. (Moss.) 3551 Euripidis Hippolytus, Gr. et Lat, it Valckenario; et ejusdem in Euripidis lleliquias Diatribe; 4to. L. Bat. 176S.—2Z. 2s. (Borough.) 3552 Euripidis Hippolitus,Gr. cum Marcklandi etMusgravii notis; Oxon. 1756; etMedea,Gr.etLat.; 4to. Lond. 1734.—10s.6d. (Moss.) 3553 Euripidis Hecuba, Phenissae, Hippolytus et Bacchae, Gr. edit, k Brunckio; 4to. large paper, bound by Walther, Argent. 1780. — ll. 11s. 6cZ. (Priestley.) *278 Classics , Greek Play Writers. i \ ; 3554 Euripidis Phcenissae, Gr. et Lat. cum Scboliis Graecis et not is- g \ \ T ' vy\vA * i Ki 1 \ . ■> n , it” Valckenarii; 4to. Franco/. 1755. — 2l. 3s. (Borough.) 3555 Piersoni VerisimiliumLibriDuo; 8vo . L. Bat. 1/52.—Ss. (Hare.) 3556 Euripides Phoenissae, Gr. et Lat. & Grotio; 12mo. Par. 1630.— 2s. 6d. (Heber.) 3557 Euripides Phoenissse cum Scboliis graecis e recensione Valckenaerij 12mo. a Schutz, Halce, 1/7 2 -—12s. (Moss.) 3558 Scholia in 7 Euripidis Tragoedias ab Arsenio collecta 5 12mo. fine copy, morocco, ap. Aid. 1534.— 3l. 8s. (Priestley.) 3559 Reiskii ad Euripidem et Aristophanem Animadversiones j 12mo. Lips. 1753.—13s. (Moss.) 3560 Euripidis Iphigenia in Aulide et Tauris, Gr. et Lat. & Markland 3 8vo. Lond. 1771 •—Ik I Is. (Borough.) 3561 Aristologia Euripidis, Gr. et Lat. kMeandroj 4to. Bas. 155g.— 14s. (Hake.) 3562 Aristophanes, Gr. cum Commentariis anticjuis ; 4to. rare edition, fine copy, bound in hog-skin, by De Rome, Florent. apud Jontas, 1525.—10k 15s. (Hamilton.) 3563 Aristophanes Comoediae, Gr. ab E. Gormontio ; 4to. with separate titles, beautifully engraved, fine copy, bound in morocco by Roger Payne, Par. 1529,—7k 7 s • (Payne.) 3564 Aristophanis, Gr. 5 4to. beautiful and accurate edition, bound in morocco, Basil, ap. Cratandrum, 1532.—-4k (Payne.) 3565 Aristophanes, Gr. 3 4to. a neat and correct edition. Par. ap. Wechelum, 1540.— 2 1. gs. (Heber.) 3566 Aristophanis Comoediae, Gr. ap Brabach 3 Svo. bound in morocco. Franc. 1544.—3 1. (Priestley.) 3567 Aristophanis Comoediae, Gr; 18mo. rare, bound in morocco, ap. Rapheleng. 1600.—1 1 . 14s. (Hamilton.) 3568 Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat. cum sclioliis Graecis et Kusteri notis j folio, large paper, fine copy, Amst, 1710.— 171. 1 7*> (Priest¬ ley.) Classics , Greek Play Writers. 279 3569 Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat, cum notis Bergleri et Dukeri; 4to. 2 vols. large paper, L . Bat. 1760.— 5l. (Borough.) 3570 Aristophanes, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Brunckiij 4to. 3 vols. - - - -- — ' • - ' '' ’ \ large paper, russia binding. Argent. 1783.—>141. (Arch.) 3571 Aristophanis Plutus, Gr. cum Scholiis Hemsterhusii j 8vo. 1744. —1 1. 6s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3572 Aristophanis Comoediae, cum variorum notis ; et Colutlii Raptus Helenae, Gr. ah Iiarlesio j 8vo. Noremb. 1 JJ6.—15S. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 3573 Abreschi Prometheus ; Persae 7 ad Tliebas ; Sophoclis Antigone j et Euripidis Medea j 12mo. Brunch. 1/79- —8 s. 6d. (Cat- ten.) 3574 Aristophanis Plutus et Nuhes, Gr. et Lat. cum scholiis Graecis et notis j 8vo. Lond. 1732.—6s. 6d. (Moss.) 3575 ^Eschyli Coephori; Sophoclis et Euripidis Electra; 8vo. Oxon. 1729.— 2s. (Priestley.) 3576 iEschyli Tragoediae, Fabulae, et Senecae Agamemnon j 12mo. bound by Johnson, Goetting. 1776.' —2s. (Priestley.) 3577 Brumoy’s Theatrd des Grecs j 6 tom. 12mo. Par. 1749. —19s, (Lord Holland.) Classics, Greek Orators. 3578 Demosthenis Orationes Olynthiacae, Gr. Libanii argumenta in easdem, Gr.; contra Aristocratem Oratio, Gr. ; Luciani Deo- rum Diabogi, Gr. et Lat.; et Cicero de Somnio Scipionis, Gr. ; 4to. ap. Gormentura, 152/.—3 l. 10 s. (Heber.) 3579 Demosthenes, Gr.; 3 vols. 8vo. Basil. 1547•—5Z. 2s. 6d. (Mac- KINLAY.) 35SO Demosthenes Olynthiacae et Philippicae, Gr. with MS. notes; 18mo. Jr gent. ap. Ribelium, no date.—>1 s. 6d. (Heber.) 3581 Demosthenes, Gr. cum Scholiis Benenati; folio, a beautiful and correct edition, bound in russia, Lutet. 15/0. < —. 4Z. lls. (Priestley.) 3582 Demosthenis Philipicae et Olynthiacae, et de Corona, Gr. with MS. notes; 4to. 1581.'—3s, (Heber.) 3583 Cinque Orationi di Demosthene ed una d’Eschine; 12mo. ex¬ tremely rare, Ven. per Jngelieri, 1597 .— 13s. (Heber.) 3584 Demosthenis Orationes de Republica, Gr. et Lat. cum notis, a Lucchesinio; 4to. good edition, Romce, 1712. — 2 1. 5s. (Lord Milton.) 3585 Demosthenis et /Eschinis Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Wolfii notis; folio, best edition, fine copy, bound in vellum, Francf. 1604.— 71. 10s. (Priestley.) 3586 Demosthenis et jEschinis Orationes, Gr. et Lat. a Taylor; 4to. tom. 2, 3, large paper, bound in russia. Cant. 1748-57-— 9L 14s. 6d. (Hindley.) Classics , Greek Orators. 281 358/ Demosthenis Orationes de Republic^, Gr. et Lat. cum Luccliesinii notis, per Allen 3 8vo. 2 vols. bound by Baumgarten, London } 1755 .— lZ. 4s. (Priestley.) 35S8 Demosthenes de Corona, Gr. et Lat. it Stock, 8Vo.*) 2 vols. good edition, Dubl. l/6y. 3589 Demosthenis Orationes onmes quse ad Philippum spectant, Gr. et Lat. it Stock3 8vo. 2 vols. Dubl. 1773 1 > 31 . ? S . (Pay t ne.) 3590 Oratores Graeci, Gr. it Reiskio 3 Sto. 12 vols. fine paper. Lips. 1770-73. 3 71 . 16s. (Borough.) 3591 CEuvres de Demosthene et d’Eschine trad, par 1’Abbe Auger 5 8 vo. 4 tom. en 5, Par. 1777 •—lZ. 18s. (Priestley.) 3592 Lysias traduit par l’Abbe de 1’Auger 3 8 vo. extra bound. Par. 1783.—9s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3593 Isocrate traduit par l'Abbe d’Anger 3 8 vo. 3 tom. extra bound. Par. 178I.— lZ. 10s. (Priestley.) 3594 Discours de Lycurge, Andocide, Isee, Dinarque, et Demade, par l’Abbe d’Auger 3 Svo. bound by Kalthoeber, Par. 1783,— 8s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3595 Demosthenes’ Orations on Occasions of Public Deliberation, and on the Crown, by Leland 3 4to. bound in russia, London, 1770.— lZ. 12s. (Priestley.) 3596 CEuvres de Tourreilj 12mo. 4 tom. Par. 17^1.—15s. (Heber.) 3597 Philippique de Demosthene et Catilinaire de Ciceron, traduit par Olivet 3 12mo. Par. 1736.—2s; (Heber.) 3598 Demosthenis et iEschinis Orationes adversariae, Gr. 5 4to, ap. Wechel. 1531. —2Z. 4s. (Heber.) 3599 ^Eschinis Rhetoris Epistolae, Gr. aSammetoj 12 mo. Lips. 1771- —2s. 6d. (Heber.) 3600 iEschinis, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Fischeri 3 Svo. Lips. 1760.— 3s. 6 cZ, (Smith.) 232 Classics, Greek Orators. 3601 . 4s. (Priestley.) folk.) 3775 Xenophontis Ephesii Ephesiaco de Amoribus Anthiae et Abro- comee, Gr. & Lat.; 4to. large paper, Load. 1726.—8s. (Priestley.) 3775* Auctores Antiquae Musicae 7- Gr. & Lat. k Meibomio; 4to. fine copy, bound by Johnson, Amst. 1652.—21. (Heber.) 3776 Achille Tatio, tradotto dalla lingue Greca; 12mo. Ven. 1563j. 3s. (Heber.) Classics, Greek , Romances and Epistles. 295 3777 Achilles Tatius de Clitophontis et Leucippes Amoribus, Gr. & Lat. & Salmasio; 18mo. L. Bat. lb40.—4s. (Borough.) 3778 Achillius Tatius, Gr. & Lat. cum Variorum notis; 8vo. Lip*. 1 776 . —15s. 6 d. (Borough.) 3779 Heliodori Historia Elhiopica, Gr. Obsopaei; 4to. first edition, bound in morocco. Par. 1534.—4/. lbs. (Payne.) 3780 Heliodori Ethiopica, Gr. & Schmidio; 12mo. Lips. 1772.— 15s. (Heber.) 3781 Heliodori Ethiopica, seu Theagenis et Charicliae Amores, Gr. & Lat.; 8 vo. Lugd. lbll.—4s. 6 d. (Dr. Gossett.) 37 82 Heliodori Ethiopica, Gr. & Lat. it Bourdelotio; 8vo. best edi¬ tion, Lutet. 1619 .— 1 /. 2 s. (Duke of Norfolk.) 37S3 Heliodori Ethiopica, transladada en Romance par Menavezino; 18mo. Par. ibid.—3s. (Heber.) 3784 Chariton de Chereae et Callirrhoe Amoribus, Gr. & Lat. a Dor- ville; 4to. Amst. 1750. —1 /. 11 s. (Borough.) 3785 Gl’Amori et Ismenio, tradotti par Lelio Carani; 12mo. Fior. 1550.— is. (Heber.) 378b Eustathius de Ismeniae et Ismenes Amoribus, Gr. & Lat. aGaul- mino; 12mo. Par. lblS.— Js. 6 d. (Dr. Raine.) 3787 Longi Pastoralia, Gr. it Outers; 12mo. Par. 1 77 b.—3s. (Priestley.) 3788 Longi Pastoralia, Gr. & Lat. cum Molli notis; 4to. Franc/. lbbo.— 10 s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3789 Longi Pastoralia, Gr. & Lat. cum notis Jungermanni; 12mo. Hanov. lb05.— 6s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3790 Longi Pastoralia, Gr. & Lat. it Baden; 8vo. Lips. 1777. -1 /.3s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3791 Nonni Dionysiaca, Gr. cum notis Falkenburgii; 4to. first edi¬ tion, bound in russia, Ante. 15b9.—4/. 10s. (Priestley.) 3792 Longii Pastoralia, Gr. & Lat. 4 Villoisin; 4to. 2 tom. in I, 2g6 Classics, Greek, Romances and Epistles. large paper, bound in russia, Par. 1778 . — 2 /. 3 s. (Priest¬ ley.) 3793 Alciphronis Epistolae, Gr. & Lat. it Berglero; 8 vo. Lips. 1715. 4s. (Priestley.) 3794 Aristaeniti Epistolae, Gr. Sambuci, et Libanii Epistolarum, Liber Primus, Gr.; 4to. genuine edition, ap. Plant. 1566.— 5s. (Priestley.) 3795 Aristeneti Epistolae, Gr. cum variorum et Abreschi notis; 8 vo. large paper, bound in vellum, Zwoltee, 1749-— ll. Is. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3796 Aristaeneti Epistolae, Gr. & Lat. cum notis Merceri & Pauw; l2mo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1736.—4s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Li¬ brary.) 3797 Aristeneti Epistolae, tournees de Grec en Francois, par Cyre Foucault; 12mo. Raven. 1697 . —Is. (Heber.) 3798 J. Scaliger in Aristotelem de Hantis, libri 3 ; 12 mo. Marpung. 1598.— Is. 6d. (Money.) 3799 Porphyrii de Antro Nympharum, Gr. & Lat. Gesneri; 4 to. bound in white calf, Traj. ad Ren. 1765 . — 1/. Is. (Bo¬ rough.) 3800 Epistolae Graecaniae mutuae, Gr. & Lat. Cujacii; folio, Aur. Allob. 1606 .— 6 s. 6d. (Heber.) 3801 Phalaridis Epistolae, Gr. & Lat. k Valkenaers; 4 to. 2 vol. large paper, bound in russia, Gronin. 1 777 .— 3l. 13s. 6d. (Priest¬ ley.) 3802 Oracula Metrica et Astrampsychi Oneirocriticon, Gr. & Lat. Opsopaei. — Magica Zoroastris, cum Scholiis Plethoris & Poelli, Gr. & Lat. Obsopaei; 8 vo. Par. 1607 . — lls. 6d- (Heber.) 3803 Phalarides tradot dalla lingua Greca nolla volgare Italiauo; 12 mo. Vineg.ap. Giofeto, 151 - 5 .—Is. (Heber.) Classics , Greek, Romances and Epistles . 297 3804 Themistocles Epistola, Gr. & Lat.; Romee, 1626 . — Socrati 9 Antisthenis et aliorum Socraticon Epistolae, Gr. & Lat.; Par * 1607 .—Ecloga Legationum, Gr. ab Haeschelio; Vindel. 1603. —Arrianus de Venatione, Gr. & Lat. ab Holstanio; Par . lb44.--4to.-~ 9 s. (Priestley.) 3805 Themistoclis Epistola, Gr. & Lat, k Schetgenio; 12 mo* Lips, 1710 .^-U. (Heber.) TWENTY-SIXTH DAY’S SALE. MAY 25, 1810. 3806 DICTA Septem Sapientum, Gr.; 12 mo. bound by Roger Payne, ap. Morel. Par. 1558.—4s. Gd. (Payne.) 3807 Apolloclorus, Gr. ab Heyne cum notis; 8 vo. 4 vol. bound by Walther, Getting. 1782.—lZ. Is. (Lord Essex.) 38 0 8 Apollodorus, Gr. & Lat. cum iEgii notis et Seiji. Tetti de ApoL lodoris Commentario; 8vo. genuine edition, bound in virgin vellum, gilt leaves, Romce, 1555.— ll. 3s. (Clarke.) 3809 Hippolytus de Mundo, Gr.; 12 mo. ap. Morel, 1556.—Is. (Dr. Burney.) 3810 Hippocratis Opuscula, Gr. & Lat. ab Obsopceo; 12mo. bound in morocco, ruled with red lines, and curiously ornamented, Franc/. 1587. —lZ. 6s. (Clarke.) 3811 Hippocratis Opera, Gr. & Lat. cum Foesi notis; folio, best edition, Genet. 1 657-—lZ. 13s. (Money.) 3812 Aristotelis J. Scaligeri comment, in librum Hippocratis de In- somniis; 12mo. l6l0.—is. (Smith.) 3813 Aretaeus, Gr. & Lat. il Boerhavio; folio, best edition, L. Bat, 1735.—lZ. 13s. Classics, Medical\ Agricultural , fy. 299 3814 Trallianus, Gr. & Lat. 8vo. best edition, bound in russia by Weir, Bus. 155b. — \l. 3s. (London Institution.) 3815 Phlegontis Trallianse Opuscula, Gr. & Lat. a Meursio; L. Bat . 1620: et variorum Divinorum liber unus, Gr.; 4to. L. Bat. 1619 . — 2s. (Priestley.) 38lb Dioscoridis Opera, Gr. & Lat. cum notis Saraceni; folio, best edition, bound by Walther, 1598. — 15s. (Priestley.) 3817 Aecipitrariae Rei Scriptures et Cynosopticon, Gr. & Lat. Ri- galtii; 4to. bound by Fraser, Lutet. lbl 2 . —1 1. 14s. (London Institution.) 381S Cassiani Bassi Geoponica, Gr.&Lat. A Needham; 8vo. Cantab, 1704.—15s. (Priestley.) 3819 Cassiani Bassi, Gr. & Lat. A Niclas; Svo. 4 vol. Lips. 1781.— 4/. is. (Priestley.) 3820 Pliile de Animalium Proprietate, Gr.& Lat. A Pauw; 4to. large paper, Traj. ad Rhen, 1730.—lbs. (His Majesty’s Li¬ brary.) 3821 Hori Apollinis Hieroglypliica, Gr. & Lat. cum Causini notis; 4to. Traj. ad Rh. 1727 .—12s. (London Institution.) 3822 Antoninus Liberalis, Gr. & Lat. cum Munekeri et Verheykii notis; 8vo. best edition, bound in vellum, L. Bat. 1774 .— 8s. (Lord Essex.) 3823 Apollonii, Tyanei, Anacharsidis, Euripidis, et Theanlis, Epis- tola?, Gr. & Lat.; l2mo. Lubin. lbOl.— 5s. (Priest¬ ley.) 3824 Mercurii Trismegisti Poemander, cum versione LatinA Fecini; 4to. extra bound, Par. ap. Turneb. 1554.—9s. (Priest¬ ley.) 3825 Yibius Sequestes, cum notis Oberlini; Svo. bound by Johnson, Argentor. 1778.—8s. (Priestley.) 382b De Re RusticA GraecA Selectorum; Svo. fine copy, bound in russia by Weir, Basil. 1539.—2l. 12 s. 6d. (Priestley.) 300 Classics , Latin, History , £$c. 2s. 6d. (Priestley. 3827 Gallaei de Sibyllis earumque OraculisDisser-” tationes; 4to. Arnst. l68S. 3828 Sibylliua Oracula, Gr. & Lat. & Gallaeo; Oracula vetera metrica, Gr. & Lat.; As- f trampsychi Oneirocriticon, Gr. & Lat.; et Zoroastris Oracula magica, Gr. & Lat. ab Obsopaeo; 4to. Amst. l6S9-— 3829 Sibyllina Oraculae, Gr. & Lat. ab Obsopaeo; 4to. Paris, 1599* — l /. l Os. (Priestley.) 3830 Neandri Opus Aureum Pythagoras, Pbocylidis Theosnidis et aliorum Carmina, Gr. & Lat.; 4to. % vol. Lipsice, 155Q.— 6d. (Heber.) Roman Historians. 3831 Historiae Romanae Scriptores, & Klettenbergo; folio, 3 vol. many plates, bound in russia, Heidei. 1743-8. —10/. 10«. (London Institution.) 3832 Historicorum veterum Fragmenta, abUrsino; 8vo. ap. Plant. 1595.— 2s. 6d. (Coates.) 3833 Historic Augusta Scriptores de, cum Notis Salmasii et H. Ca- sauboni; folio. Par. 1620 .— 6s. (Smith.) 3834 Dictys Cretensis; lSmo. ap. Grypliium , 1552.—Is. 6d. (Mo¬ ney.) 3835 Dictys Cretensis, cum Merceri, Barthii, Obrechti, et Vindinsii notis; 12mo. Argent. 1691 .—1®* (Smith.) 3836 Dictis Cretensis tradotto per tporcacchi; 4to. Veron. 1734.— Is . (Lord Essex.) Classics, Latin, History, 8$c. SOI 3837 Caesaris Comment.; folio, Venet. 1494. — 12s. 6d. (His Ma¬ jesty’s Library.) 3S38 Caesaris Comment.; folio, ap. Vascovan. 1543. — 5s. (Smith.) 3839 Caesaris Opera; 18mo. «p. Gryphium, 1545.—2s. 6d. (Coates.) 3840 Commentari Cesare, colie Figure del Palladio; 4to. Venez. 1575.—13s. (Lord Essex.) 3841 Caesaris Opera si Jungermanno, cum interpretatione Graectl, et variorum notis; 4to. Franc. l6’b9-—1/. 9*> (Morse.) 3842 Caesaris Opera, cum Delectis variorum et Davisii Notis; 4to. large paper, Cant. 172 7-—1 1. 5s. (His Majesty’s Li¬ brary.) 3843 Caesaris Opera, cum notis Vossii, Davisii, Clarkii, et Ouden- dorpii; 4to. 2 vol. large paper, L. Bat. 1 737.— 61. 11 s, (Lord Plymouth.) 3844 Caesaris Opera, cum notis k Clarke, London, 8 vo. 1753 .— 9 s, (Priestley.) 3845 L’Historia di Sallustio; 8 vo. bound in morocco, Fiqrenza, 1550.—9s. (Heber.) 384b Salluslii Opera; ISmo. fine copy, bound in morocco, Elzevir, 1634.— 7s. 6d. Singer.) 3847 Ruperti Observations ad Sallustium; 8 vo. Norebar, 167 .— 2s. (Heber.) 3848 Sallustius, cum variorum et Wassii Notis; large paper. Cant . 1710 .— il. is. (Priestley.) 3849 Sallustius ab Havercampo; 4to. 2 vol. large paper, Amst. 1742.— 7l. 7s. (Lord Plymouth.) 3850 Sallustii Opera; 8 vo. beautiful edition, Dublin, 1747.— 5s. 6d. (Singer.) 3851 Sallustius et Florus; 4to. bound in morocco, Birm. ap. Baslcer - ville, 1773.-1 1. 4s. (Chandley.) 3852 Histoire de la Republique Romaine dans le Cours du 7 me Classics, Latin Historians. S02 Siecle en partie traduite du Latin sur FOriginal en partie retablie et composee sur les Flagmens par De Brosses; 4to. 3 tom. cuts, Dijon , 1777- — 3/. 10s. (Payne.) 3853 Livii Opera, k Crevier; 4to. 6 vol. large paper, bound inrussia. Par. 1735.—15/. 10s. (Lord Plymouth.) 3854 Livii Opera a Drakenborkio, cum Freinshenii Supplementis; 4to. 7 vol. large paper, fine copy, gilt leaves, Amst. 1738.— 33/. 12s. (Drury.) 3855 Valerius Maximus a Torrenio; 4to. large paper, L. Bat. 1726. 3/. 3s. (Lord Plymouth.) 385b Paterculus (Veil.) cum notis G. Vossii; l2mo. L. Bat. ap. Eh. 1639.—4s. (Moss.) 3857 Sold with No. 1398. 3858 Plinii Historia Naturalis, ab Harduino; folio, 3 vol. bound in vellum. Par. 1723.—5/. 17s. 6 d. (Lord Plymouth.) 3859 Plinii Historia Naturalis cum Brotieri notis; 12mo. 6 tom. gilt leaves. Par. ap. Barb. 1779-—5/. 2s. 6 d. (Borough.) 38fiO Plinii Liber nonus de Aquatilium Natura, a Tlieod. Gronovio; 8vo. L. Bat. 1778.—2s. 6 d. (Smith.) 3861 Plinii Selecta e Plinio; 12mo. Warrington , 1776.—3s. (Sin¬ ger.) 3862 Cullandini Papyrus in tria Plinii de papyro capita; 4to. Ven. 1572.—2s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3863 Plinii Epistolae et Panegyricus, ab Arnzenico; 4to. Amst. 1738. 5s. (Smith.) 3864 Plinii Epistolmet Panegyricus, a Schwarzio; 4 to. Not imb. 1746 . 2/. 16s. (Priestley.) 3S65 Huomini Illustri di Pliuio, in lingua volgare: le Vite d’Alessan- dra, M. Antonio latone Uticense, Cesare et Ottaviano si Cos- tami di Cesare ne fatti di guerra et espositione de TAtanagio; i2mo. Ven. 1562.—4s. 6 d. (Heber.) Classics, Latin Historians . 303 3866 Solinus, cum Exercitationibus Plinianis Salmagii; folio, 2 vol. large paper, Traj. ad Rhen. 1689 ll. 17*. (Lord Essex.) 3867 Solhii Polihistor k Goezio; 12mo. Lips. 1777 .— 7 s. (Mac- kinlay.) 3868 Lipsius in Suetonium; 12mo. Offenbac. l6l0.— 3s. (Heber.) 3869 Tacitus Grotii; 18mo. fine copy in morocco, ap. Elzevir , 1640. ll. 13s. (Priestley.) 3870 Tacitus, cum variorum et Jac. Gronovii, notis; 4to. 2 vol. Traj. Bat. 1721.—4/. 9 s. (Priestley.) 3871 Tacitus & Brotiero; 4to. 4 vol. fine copy in vellum. Par. 1771. 19/. 15s. (Oswald.) 3872 Tacitus, cum notis variorum et Ernesti; 8vo. 2 vol. fine paper. Lips. 1772.—2 1 . 12 s . 6d. (Priestley.) 3873 Tacitus in English, with Notes, by Saville; 12mo. 3 vol. Lond. 1716.—3s. 6 d. (Arch.) 3874 Tacitus on Germany, and the Life of Agricola, with Notes, by Aikin; 8vo. Warrington, 1777«—6s. 6d. (Borough.) 3875 Tacitus par Amelot, avec des Notes politiques et historiques; 12mo. 10 tom. Amst. 1716, Haye, 1731.—12s. 6d. (Heber.) 3 876 Tacitus de Moribus Germanorum et Vitil Agri-" colae, par Bleterie; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1 755. 3877 Tacitus Annalium quinque libri, cum Gallic^ in- terpretatione et notis par Bleterie; l2mo. 3 tom. Par. 1768 . 3878 Tacitus Annalium 6 posteriores libri par Dotte- ville; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1774. 3879 Taciti Historia, cum Gallic^ interpretatione et notis par d'Otteville; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1774. 3880 Tacitus Histoire Auguste fatte Italiane; 12mo. Vtneg. ap. V. Faugris, 1544. —5*. (Heber.) 1/. 18s. (Borough.) 504 Classics, Latin Historians . 3881 Tacitus in Italiam Gl. annale per G. Dati; 4to. Ven. ap. Giunt, 1582. — 8s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3882 Virgilii Malvezzi discorso sopra C. Tacito; 4to. Venet. 1635.— 2s. 6 d. (London Institution.) 3883 Tacitus in Italiam tradotto per Girol. Canini; 4to. Venezi 1644 . 6s. 6 d. (Coates.) 3884 Jac. Gronovii Supplementum Lacunarum iri~j TEnea Tactico Dione Cassio, et Arriano de | 1 fact Expeditione Alexandri; 12 mo.-L.iL 1 675. p j RIESTLEY*) 3885 Savilii in Taciturn Commentarius de MilitiA j Romani; 12 mo. Amst. ap. Elz. 1649- J 3886 Mureti in Taciturn et Sallustium Notae; 12 mo. Ingolst. l604. Is. (Heber.) 3887 Florus; 18mo. L. B. ap. Elz. 1638.— 2s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3888 Quint. Curtius tradotto en Italiene; 12 mo. Flor. ap. hcerede* P. di Giunta, 1519-—5s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3889 Nepos Latine et Gallice par Vignancour; 12 mo. Rouen, 1672 . Is. (Heber.) 3890 Quinti Curtii Opera; 12 mo. MS. notes. Par. ap. Colineeum, 1533.—Is. 6 d. (Borough.) 3891 Quinti Curtii Opera; 18mo. morocco, gilt leaves, ap. Elz. L. B. 1633.—15s. (Clarke.) 3892 Quintus Curtius, cum variorum et Snakenburgii notis; 2 vol. 4to. large paper, bound in russia, Delph. 1724.—5/. 7 s. 6 di { (Lord Plymouth.) 3893 Bagnolo delle Quinte Cursia, et dell’ Etst di Q. Cursius Istorico; 8vo. Bologn. 1741. — 2s. (Heber.) 3894 Perizonii Curtius Restitutus et Vindicatus; 12 mo. L. B. 1703 , 2s. (Payne.) 3895 Aulius Gellius; 12 mo. ap. Gri/phium, 1542. (Coates.) is. 6 £ Classics , Latin Historians . 305 8896 Aulius Gellius cum notis Variorum et Gronovii; 4 to* L. Bat> 1706 '.— 1 /. (Morse.) 3897 Aulius Gellius, cum prsefatione et excursionibus Conradi; 8 vo. 2 vol. Lips. 1762. —l/. 8s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 3898 Suetonius, cum Beroaldi et Sabellici Commentariis; folio, Fen, 1500.— 5s. (Smith.) 3899 Suetonius Opera; 12mo. ap. Colin. Par. 1543.—1*. 6d. (Bo¬ rough.) 3900 Suetonio tradotte per Rosso; 12mo. bound extra } Fineg. 1550, —3*. 6d. (Heber.) 3900* Suetonius Grsevii cum Numismatibus Patini; 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 17 O 8 .— 9s. 6d. (Lord Carrington.) 3901 Suetonius le vite de dodoci Cesari per Paolo del Rosso; l2iho„ / $ curious wood engravings, rare edition, Fineg. 155b.—4s, 6 d. (Heber.) 3902 Suetonius 4 Pitisco; 4to. 2 Vol. large papfer, cuts, line copy, bound in russia, Leovardice, 1714.— 5l. 5s. (Lord Ply¬ mouth.) 3903 Suetonius & Burmanno; 4to. 2 vol. large paper, bound in rus¬ sia, Amst. 1736.—3l. 13s. 6d. (Lord Plymouth.) 3904 Suetonius, cum variorum, Oudendorpii, et Dukeri notis; 8vo. 2 vol. L. Bat. 1751.—lls. (Priestley.) 3905 Suetouii Opera, cum animadversionibus Ernesti; 8vo. extra binding, Lips. 1775. —17*. (Priestley.) 390 b Justinus et Aurelius Victor; l8mo. Par. ap. Marnef. 1585.-^ 5s. (Lord Morpeth.) 3907 Justinus traduzido en lengua Castellana; 12mo. Anvers. 158b. — 3s. 6d. (Heber.) 3908 Justinus tradotto per Porcacchi; 4to. extra binding. Fen. ap. G. Giolito, 1561.—2s. 6d. (Heber.) 3909 Eutropii Opera cum praemissi Dissertatione Reinhardii; 12mo. Norimb , 1778.—3*. (Heber.) 2 » $06 Classics , Latin Historians and Poets. 3910 Pauli Draconi de Gestis Romanorum libri Octo ad Eutropii Historiam additi; 12mo. Colenarum, 1531.— Is. (Coates.) 3911 Ammianus Marcellinus Boxliornii; 18mo. 3 vol. L. Bat. 1632. —3s. (Smith.) 3912 Ammianus Marcellinus, cum variorum et G. Gronovii notis; item excerpto vetera de gestis Constantini et Regum Italiae; folio, large paper, esteemed edition, fine copy bound in hog- skin, gilt leaves, L. Bat. 16Q3.— 31. 11s, (Clarke.) 3913 Ammianus Marcellinus cum Indice et Glossario Ernesti. Har¬ wood pronounces this the most valuable of all the editions published by Ernesti, Lips. 1773.— ll. 5s. (Borough.) 3914 Aurelius Victor, cum notis integris variorum et Antezenii; 4to. bound in russia, Amst. 1733.— 2 /. 2s. (Lord Plymouth.) Roman Poets. 3915 Anthologia; seu Catalecta veterum Latinorum Epigrannnatum et Poematum, cum notis variorum et Burmanni; 4to. 2 vol. large paper, bound in russia, Amst. 1759 .-— 51. Js. 6 d. (Arch.) 3916 Poetae Latini Minores Burmanni; 4to. 2 vol. large paper, bound by Montague, Leidte, 1731.—4 1. 4s. (Lord Morpeth.) 39G Epigrammata et Poemata Vetera ex BibliothecA et cum notis Petri Pithaei; 12mo. Par. 1590.—1/. 5s. (Sir J. Cop¬ ley.) 3918 Epigrammata et Poemata Vetera, 12mo. bound by Weir, Lug- duni, 1596 .— 1 /. 6s. (Morse.) 3.919 Crestomathia Latina Poetica, cum notis Harlesii; 8vo. bound by Baumgarten, Altenb. 1770.— Js. 6d. (Lord Morpeth.) Classics, Latin Potts . 30 7 3920 Lucilii Catyrarum Reliquiae, cum notis J. Dousae; 4to. first edition, L. Bat. 1 597- —6s. (Heber.) 3920* Lucretii Opera Gifanii & Raphelio; 8vo. bound in morocco by Johnson, ap. Plant in. 1566. — 13s. (Morse.) 3921 Lucretii Opera, cum paraphrasi et animadversionibus Nardii; 4to. Ffor. l64>7. — 3s. 6 d. (Heber.) 39 22 Lucretius T Fabri; 4to. Salmurii, 1662. —4s. (Borough.) 3923 Lucretii Opera; 4to. with cuts, an elegant edition, bound in morocco, Lond. ap. Tonson, 1712 .— 19 s. 6d. (Morse.) 3924 Lucretii Opera, cum variorum, Havercampi, et Preygeri notis; 4to. 2 vol. cuts, captial edition, L. Bat. 1725.— 8/. 10s. ■ (Arch.) 3925 Lucretii Opera; 4to. Glasgiue, 1759-—4s. 6 d. (Chandley.) 3926 Lucretii Opera; 4to. in red morocco, gilt leaves, by Johnson, Birm.ap. Baskerville, 1772.—l/. 5s. (Chandley.) 3927 Lucretius, in English Verse, with Notes by Creech; 8vo. 2 vols. Lond. 1714.—13s. (Priestley.) 3928 Lucretii Opera, cum versione Gallic^; 8vo. 2 tom. large paper, with beautiful engravings, extra gilt leaves, Par. 1768 .— 1/. 2s. (Lord Essex.) 3929 Lucrezio da Marchetti, in Italian; 8vo. 2 vol. fine cuts by Ewen Cochen, &c. Amt. 1754.—6 s. 6d. (Borough.) 393 0 Ovidius, cum variorum et Burmanni notis; 4to. 4 vol. large paper, bound extra in russia, esteemed the chef d’ouvre of Burman’s editions, and one of the noblest and correctest of the Dutch classics. Amt. 1727—36/. 15s. (Priestley.) 3931 Ovidii la Vita et Metamorphoses figurata et abbreviata da Simioni; 12mo. Lione, 1559-— 7s. 6d. (Heber.) 3932 Ovidii Metamorphosis; folio, with a curious wood engraving. Par. 1496.—8s. (Heber.) 3933 Ovidii Metamorphosis, cum Figuris Theod. de Bry. Francf. 1619 .—7*. 6 d. (Clarke.) 308 Classics, Latin Poets. 5934 Le Metamorfosi trad, par Andr. dell’ Anguillara, cum Annota- tioni di Horologgi; 4to. with cuts engraved by Giacomo Franco, Venez. Giunt. 1584.— 1 /. 4s. (Heber.) 3935 Ovide Metamorphoses par Bannier; 12mo. 3 tom. Par. 1757'.— 6s. 6d. (Chandley.) 3936 Ovidii les Metamorphoses, Lat. & Gall, a Bannier, avec des explications historiques et gravures de le Mire et Bogan; 4to. 4 tom. fine impressions, gilt leaves, Par. 1 767 .—4/- 4$. (Lord Essex.) 3937 Ovidii Fasti; folio, Vend. 1492.—5s. (Smith.) 3938 Ovidii Fasti, Tristia, et ex Ponto; 18mo. gilt leaves') » and ruled, ap. Gryphium, 1550. | 9 s - 3939 Car Neapolis in Ovidii Fastos Anaplexis; folio, j (Heber.) Pancrmi , 1735. 3940 Ovidii Heroides Crescendii et Parrhasii; 4to. Vend. 1543.— 2s. 6d. (Heber.) 3941 Ovidii Tristia, et ex Ponto, cum auimadversiouibus Harlesii; 8vo. Erlang. 1772. — 2s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 3942 Ovidii Vita ordine chronologico delineata k Masson; 12mo. Amst. 1708.—2s. 6 d. (Morse.) 3943 Catullus, cum commentariis Palladii Tusci; folio, Vinet. 1496 . —4s. 6d. (Heber.) 3944 Catullus, Tibullus, Properties, et Galli Fragmenta; 12mo. Lugd. ap. Gryphium, 1573.—3s. (Morse.) 3945 Bonefonii Pancharis, Lat. et Gall. 12mo. Lugd. 1593.—3s. (Morse.) 3946 Catullus cum Commentariis Passerati; folio, large paper, Par. 1608 .—17«- (Smith.) 3947 Catullus Tibullus et Propertius, Literis Majusculis; 4to. a mag¬ nificent and correct edition. Cant. 1702 . — 18s. (Morse.) 3948 CatuIlusTibullus et Propertius; 4to. extra morocco, gilt leaves, by Johnson, ap. Bas/cervitle, Birm. 1772.— l/. (Chand- Classics, Latin Poets. 309 y ll. 17s. (Priestley.) 3949 Propertius et Tibullus, cum Commentario Broukhusii; 4to. 2 vol. large paper, Amst. 1708. 3957 Propertius, cum Commentario Broukhusii; 4to. large paper, Amst. 1727-— 3950 Catullus, 4to. a beautiful edition, ap. Coustelier, Par. 1723.— 7s. '6d. (Lord Carrington.) $951 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, cum commentaris Vulpii; 4to. 4 vol. large paper, bound in vellum, Patav. 1737, 1749, & 1755.— 28/. 7 s. (Priestley.) 3952 Catullus, Tibullus, et Gallus, Lat. et Gall.; 8vo. 2 vol. Par. 1771.—13s. (Symmons.) 3953 Tibullus et Propertius; 12mo. Glasgiue, 1753.— 3s. 6d. (Dr. Gosset.) 3954 Tibulli Carmina cum notis Heynii; 8vo. large paper, extra by Baumgarten, Lips. 1777* — 1 /. lls. (Priestley.) 3955 Tibullus in English Verse, with notes, by Grainger; 12mo. 2 vol. in one, bound by Johnson, Lond. 1759. —Ss. (Priest¬ ley.) 1 510 1 I TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. MAY £6, 1810. 3956 PROPERTIUS cum Volsii Commentariis; folio, with MS. notes in vellum, gilt leaves, Venet. 1488.—4s. (Heber.) 3957 (Sold with No. 3949.) r 3958 Propertius cum commentario P. Burmanni 2do. et Santanii; 4to. large paper, bound in russia, Traj. ad Ren. 1780.— l/. 15s. (Priestley.) 3959 Heinsii N. Adversaria cum notis ad Catullam et Propertium; 4 to. Harling. 1742. — 13s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3959* Virgilii Opera; Svo. Wechel. 1572.— Is. 6 d. (Borough.) 3960 Virgilio d’Eneido di del Anibal Caro; 4to. Giunti, 1581.— Js- (London Institution.) 39dl Virgilii Opera cum explicat. notis illustrata de la Cerda; folio, 3 vol. Lugd. 1612 . —3/. 13s. 6 d. (Borough.) 3693 Virgil, traduzid. in Prosa Castellano per Diego Lopez; 4to. Madr. l6l4.— 17 s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3964 Virgilii Opera Sedani; 32mo. fine copy, ruled with red lines bound in blue turkey, if>25.—4/. 14s. 6 d. (Heber.) 3965 Virgilii Opera literis majusculis; 4to. correct edition, Canto- brigicc , 1701.—7#. (Smith.) Classics, Latin Poets. 311 Sp66 Virgil in English verse, with observations by Dryden; 8vo. 3 vols. with portrait, and 100 plates, fine impressions, Lond. 1709 . — 18 s. 6d. (Smith.) 3967 The XIII. Bukes of Eneados of the famose poete Virgil, trans¬ lated out of Latyne Verses into Scotish Metir, by the Re¬ verend Father in God Maister Gawin Douglas, every Buke having his Prologe; to which is added a Glossary, which may serve for a Dictionary of the Old Scottish; folio, Edinb. 1710 . — 2 1. 10 s. (Lord Holland.) 3968 Virgilii Opera, cum versione Gallic^, notis et dissertationibus k Catrone; 6 tom. 12mo. cuts by Scotin, Par. 171b.—12s. (Priestley.) 3969 Virgilii Opera Mavicii; 4to. 2 vol. large paper, red morocco, the most magnificent of the Dutch classics, Leovard. 1717.— 4,1. 8 s. (Priestley.) 3970 Virgil, in English blank-verse, with notes by Trapp; 4to. 2 vol. cuts, Lond. 1718 .— (Borough.) 3971 Virgilii Opera, cum exercitationibus rhetoricis; 8vo. Patav. 1721 . (Heber.) 3972 VirgiFs Husbandry; or an Essay on the Georgies, in Latin, with Dryden’s version and notes; 4to. Lond. 1724.—The 1st Book of Homer by Tickell, 1715; and the Loves of Medea and Jason, by Ekins, 1771.—7s. 6d. (Edwards.) 3973 Virgilii Opera, N. Heinsii; 8vo. Patav. 1738.—2s. (Dr. Gosset.) 3974 Virgilii Opefa, codex antiquissimus ab Aproniamo typis de- scriptus £ Bibliotheca Medici Laurantian&j 4to. Flor. 1741. 7s. 6 d. (Smith.) 3975 Virgiliani Codicis Fragmenta et Picturae ex Bibliotheca Vati- cana a Bartholi; folio, large paper, Roma, 1742. —1/. 5s. (Lord Essex.) 312 Classics , Latin Poets . 3576 Virgilii Opera cum versione Gallic^, par M. l’Abbe des Fon-* taines; 4 tom. 8vo. portrait and cut. Par. 1743.—135. (Chandley.) 3977 Virgilii Opera; 8vo. Birming. ap. Baskerville, 1 766. — 5si (Chandley.) 3978 Virgilii Opera; 8vo. Dublinii, ex Typography Academice, 1745. 6s. (Priestley.) 3979 Virgilii Opera, cum variorum et Burmanni notis; 4 vol. large paper, Amst. 1746.—7/. 2s. 6d. (Borough.) 3980 Virgilius, cum Graecis Scriptoribus collatus ab Ursino; 8vo. Leovard . 1747-—10s. 6d. (Priestley.) 3981 Virgilii Bucolica et Georgica cum versione Anglica et notis i Martin; 4to. large paper, maps and beautifully coloured; 2 vol. Bond. 1749-— 4/. 8s. (Lord Essex.) 3982 Virgilii Opera ap. Sanby cum aeneis tabulis; 8vo. 2 vol. large paper, numerous plates, Lond. 1750. — l/. 13s. (Priest¬ ley.) 3983 Virgilii Opera; 12mo. 2 vol. large paper, Edinb. 1 755. —10#. (Priestley.) 3984 Virgilii Opera, cum argumentis Milleri; 12mo. Berolini. 1753. 7s. (Heber.) 3985 Virgilii Opera, veraeditio; 4to. bound in green morocco, gilt leaves, Birm. up. Baskerville, 1757 . — 2l. 12s. 6d. (Chand¬ ley.) 3986 Virgilii Opera; 12mo. correct and beautiful edition, Glasguec, 1758.— 5s. (Chandley.) 3987 Virgil, Eneide del Annibal Caro; 8vo. 2 vol. fine plates, af¬ ter Zocchi, Par. 1760 . — 1/. 13s. (Priestley.) 3988 Virgilius ab Ambrogio, Italico versu redditus, cum Annota- tionibus et variantibus lectionibus Antiquissimi Codicis Vati- cani, Picturis pluribusque aliis veterum Momunentis sere in- Classics, Latin Poets. 313 cisis, et C Virorum Dissertationibus ; folio, 3 vol. extra bound, Romoe, 1763.—4/. (Drury.) 3989 Virgilii Opera ex antiquis Monumentis illustrata ab H. Justice ameis tabulis incisis; 8vo. 5 vol. bound in russia, no date .— 2 l. l6s. (Lord Milton.) 3990 Virgilii Opera, perpetud annotatione illustrata, cum excursions bus per Heyne; 8vo. 4 vol. bound by Baumgarten, Lond. 1767 — 2 /. 5s. (Morse.) 3991 Virgilii Bucolica et Georgica, cum a?neis tabulis per Pine; 8vo. 2 tom. in one, bound in russia, Lond. 1774 .—1 /. 8s. (Cla- RIDGE.) 3992 Virgilius; folio, 2 vol. in one, large paper, bound in russia, Glasg. 1778. — it. 11 s.6d. (Drury.) 3993 Virgil, in English verse by Pitt and Wharton, with Notes and Dissertations; 8vo. 4 vol. bound by Johnson, Lond. 1778.— 3 /. 6 s. (His Majesty's Library.) 3994 Virgilii Opera a Baden; 8vo. 2 vol. Haurice, 1780.—10s* (Drury.) 3993 Virgile Georgiques traduites en verse, suivis des notes par De Lille; 8vo. Par. 1784.—3s. (Drury.) 3996 Holesworth’s Remarks on Virgil, by Spence; 4to. London , 1768 .— 18 s. (Priestley.) 3997 Martin’s Dissertations and Critical Remarks on Virgil; l2mo. London, 1770 . — 3s. (Borough.) 3998 Vibius Sequester Hesselii; 12mo. Rotterod. 1711.— Is. (Smith.) 3999 Waddelii Animadversiones Criticae in Virgilium, &c.; 12mo. Edinb. 1734.—Is. (Gosset.) 4000 Horatii Opera; 12mo. fine copy, bound in morocco and ruled, correct edition, per hearedes Philippi Juntos , Florent. 1519.— 2 l. 3s. (Heber.) 4001 Horatii Opera Sermoni et Epistole riddotte de L. Dolce in $14 Classics, Latin Poets. versi sciolti volgari; l2mo. Ven. ap. Giolilo, 1559-— 2s. 6 d. (Heber.) 4001* Horatii Opera; folio, Mediol. I486.—8s. (Drury.) 4002 Horatii Ars Poetica, cum Paraphrasi et Commentariis Sam- buei; l2mo. morocco binding, Antv. 1564.—4s. (Heber.) 4003 Horatius, cum Lambini Commentariis etBruti Explicationibus; 4to. Venet. 1566. — 4s. 6 d. (Maltby.) 4004 Pulmanni Annotationes in Horatium; 18mo. ap. Plant. 1577.— 2s. 6 d. (Mackinlay.) 4005 Horatii Odae de Laudibus Vitae ricoticae Aid. Manuccii; 4to. Bonon. 1597 .— 1*. 6 d. (Heber.) 4006 Horatii Epistolae, cum praelectionibus Claudii Minois; 4to. Par. 1584.—5s. (Drury.) 4007 Horatii Opera, cum Commentariis Ceruquii; 4to. L. Bat. 1597 .— is. 6 d. (London Institution.) 4008 Horatii Opera Ceruti; 4to. Veronce, 1597. — 8 s.6d. (Heber.) 4009 Horatii Opera, cum Commentariis Torrentii, et in Artem Poeti- cam Nannii; 4to. Ant. 1608. — ll. 4s. (Lord Milton.) 4010 Horatii Opera; 32mo. bound in blue turkey, and ruled with red lines, Sedan. 1627.—4/. 14s. 6 d. (Heber.) 4011 Horatii Opera, cum Heinsii notis et dissertatione de Satir4 Horatian&; 18mo. 3 vol. in one, bound in red morocco, ap. Elz. 1629.—lL 12s. (Lord Milton,) 4012 Horace the best of Lyric Poets, and Persius’ Satires by B. Holi¬ day; i8mo. 1652. — 2s. (Drury.) 4013 Horatii Opera, literis quadratis k Bone; 18mo. Amst. ap. Elz. 1676.—l/. 3s. (Priestley.) 4014 Horatii Opera, cum Purtgersii Lectionibus Venusinis, Traj. Bat. 1699. — 5s. (Priestley.) 4015 Horatius; 4to. correct edition, Cantab. 1699 .—11s. 6 d. (Lord Kensington.) Classics, Latin Poets. 3J5 4016 Horatii Vita ordine chronologico delineata k Masson; 12mo. L. Bat. 1708.—6s. (Morse.) 4017 Horatii Opera, cum notis et emendationibus Bentleii; 4to. large paper, Amst. 1713.— 61. 1 6s. 6d. (Drury.) 4018 Horatii Opera, cum Commentario Cunninghamii; 8vo. 2 vol. Lond. 1721.— 7s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 4019 Horatii Opera, a Zurch ; 12mo. 2 vol. Harlem. 1696.—4 s.6d. (Lord Milton.) 4020 Horatii Opera, zeneis tabulis incisis per Pine; 8vo. bound in morocco, 1733.— 3l. 8s. (Priestley.) 4021 Horatii Opera; 1 81110. bound in morocco, gilt leaves. Par. ex Typographia regia, 1733.— ll. 3s. (Morse.) 4022 Horatii Opera, edit. Hawkey; 12mo. Dublin, e Typograph. Aca¬ demies, 1745.—4s. 6d. (Priestley.) 4023 Horatii Opera, cum zeneis tabulis; 8vo. large paper, 2 tom. in one, Lond. ap. Sanby, 1749-— ll. 4s. (Priestley.) 4024 Horatii Opera, Banter et Gesneri; 8vo. bound in morocco, Lipsice, 1752.—14s. (Morse.) 4025 Horace's Works, in English Verse with Notes, by Francis; 8vo» 4 vol. Lond. 1753.—1/. 6s. (Edwards.) 4026 Horatii Opera, traduite en Francois, avec remarques par Sana- don; 12mo. 8 tom. Par. 1756.—2/. 10s. (Priestley.) 4027 Horatii Opera; 12mo. extra bound, Glasguee, 1760. — 5s. (Coates.) 4028 Horatii Opera; 4to. large paper, bound in russia, Glasgues, 1760.—l/. is. (Morse.) 4029 Horatii Opera; 12mo. true edition, Birming. ap. Baskerville, 1762.—9s. (Morse.) 4030 Horatii Opera, with a Commentary, by Bp. Hurd; 8vo, 3 vol. Lond. 1766.—i5s. (Morse.) 4031 Horatii Opera, scholiis illustrata k Bond; 12mo. literis qua- dratis, gilt leaves, Aurelianis, 1767.— ll. (Clarke.) 31 6 Classics, Latin Poets. 4032 Horatii Opera; 4to. bound in morocco, Birin, ap. Baskerville, 17/0. — 3 1. 13s. 6d. (Priestley.) 4033 Horatii Opera, curante J.Valart; 8vo. Par. 1776.—4s. (Lord Milton.) 4034 Horatii Opera, trad, in Rimo Toscane dal G. Maffei; 8vo. 2 tom. Livorno , 1777*— 6s. 6d. (Morse.) 4035 Phaedrus, cum Schefferi notis et interpretatione Gallica; 8vo. Hamb. lb73.— 5s. (Coates.) 4036 Phaedrus ab Hoogstraten; 12mo. Amst. 1699. — 2s. 6d. (Drury.) 4037 Phaedrus, cum notis Hoogstratani; 4to. a superb edition, with cuts, Amst. 1701 .— 1 /. 6s. (Duke of Norfolk.) 4038 Phaedrus, cum Burmanni notis et Harei Epistola Critic^; 4to. large paper, Leidco, 1727- — 1 1. 12s. (Arch.) 4039 Phaedrus et Syrus Mimus; 32mo. bound in morocco. Par. Typography regia, 1729- — 14s. 6d. (Heber.) 4040 Phaedrus h Brotier, cum parallelis I. de Fontaine fabulis; 12mo. Par. ap. Barb. 1783. — 7s. (Morse.) 4041 Manijii Astronomicon; 18mo. bound in morocco, ap. Tornosum, 1551.—14s. (Priestley.) 4042 Manilius, cum Scaligeri notis; 4to. ap. Rapheling, 1600.— 4s. (Morse.) 4043 Manilius, in English verse, and notes, by Creech; 8vo. cuts, Lond. 1697 . —6s. 6d. (Morse.) 4044 Manilius, cum notis ‘Bentleii; 4to. a valuable edition, Lond. 1739.— ll . 13s. (Morse.) 4045 Manilii Opera, k Burton; 8vo. extra bound, Lond. 1783.— 8s. 6d. (Lord Morpeth.) 4046 Lucani Opera; 12mo. ap. Aid. 1502.—14s. 6d. (Heber.) 4047 Lucani Opera, per Alb. Campani; lSuio. Vend. 1640.—6s. (Heber.) /%i Classics, Latin Poets. 317 4048 Lucani Opera, cum Grotii notis; 18mo. Amst. Bleaw. 1643.— 3s. (Lord Milton.) 4049 Lucan, in English verse by Rowe ; 12mo. 2 vol. map and fron¬ tispiece, Lond. 1722.—7s. (Priestley.) 4050 Lucanus, cUrante Oudendorpio; 4to. 2 tom. in one, large paper, bound in russia by Weir, L.Bat. 1728.—3/. 6s. (Drury.) 4051 Lucanus, cum Commentario Burmanni; 4to. large paper, bound in russia, Leidce, 1740.—4/. 8s. (Morse.) 4052 Lucanus cum notis Grotii et Bentleii; 4to. edited by Richard Cumberland, Esq. fine copy in russia, bound by Johnson, Strawberry Hill, 1760.—2/. 18s. (Priestley.) 4053 Lucani Opera, traduit par Marmontel; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1 767 —3s. (Smith.) 4054 Petronius Arbiter; ISmo. Lutet. ap. Patissonum, 1587-— 6s. 6d. (Heber.) 4055 Petronius Arbiter, cum Boschii, Reinesii et Schefferi notis; 32mo. 3 vol. Amst. 1700.—3s. (Morse.) 4056 Petronius Arbiter, it Burmanno; large paper, Traj. ad Rhen. 1709.— 2l. 2s. (Morse.) 4057 Petronius Arbiter, a Burmanno; 4to. 2 vol. large paper, russia binding, best edition, Amst. 1743.—4/. 14s. 6d. (Duke of Norfolk.) 4058 Petronius Arbiter, cum Antonii Gottleb notis et indice; 8vo. Lips. 1781.—1/. 3s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4059 Silius Italicus cum variorum et Drakenborchii notis; 4to. large paper, rare, extra border of gold by Old Montague, Traj. ad Rhen. 1717.-61. 8s. 6d. (Duke of Norfolk.) 4060 Valerius Flaccus Engentinii; 8vo. Par. ap. Colon 1532. ! 4s. 4062 Valerius Flaccus cum Carrionis scholiis; 12mo. ap. | (Money.) Plant, 1565. J 318 Classics , Latin Poets . 40^3 Valerius Flaccus cum N. Heinsii animadversionibus; 18mo. Traj. Bat. 1702.—2s. 6d. (Morse.) 4064 Valerius Flaccus; 12mo . Patav. 1720.— 2s. (Drury.) 4065 Valerius Flaccus cum Notis variorum et Burmanni; large paper, with a portrait of Burman, bound in russia, Leidce, 1724. — 5l. 7s. 6d. (Duke of Norfolk.) 4066 Valerius Flaccus volgarizzata del Marchese Mant Pindemonte; 8vo. Verona, 1776.—12s. (Morse.) 4067 Statii Opera, cum Commentario Crucei; 4to. 2 tom. in 1, Par. 1618.—1 /. 11s. (Borough.) 4068 Statius Sylva cum Marklandi notis; 4to. large paper, extra bound, Oxon. 1728. — 3 1. 8s. (Sir M. Sykes.) 4069 Statius S. Frid Gronovii Diatribe in Sylvas; 18mo. Hag. Com. 1637.— 10s. 6d. (Morse.) 4070 Statius Thebais; 12mo. 2 vol. beautifully printed, extra bound, Warrington, 1778.—1/. (Marquis de Claremont.) 4071 Martialis, cum duobus Commentariis; folio, Vinet. 1495.— ll. 5s. (His Majesty's Library.) 4072 Martialis Epigrammata; 12mo. ap. Colinceum, 1528.—Is. 6d. ( Money.) 4073 Martialis Epigrammata; 12mo. gilt leaves, ap. Gryphium, 1559.—is. 6d. (Drury.) 4074 Martialis Epigrammata; 12mo. Par. ap. Marnof. 1563.—3s. (Lord Morpeth.) 4075 Martialis, cura Langii; folio, Lutet. 1617.— 2l. 2s. (Duke of Norfolk.) 4076 Martialis Epigrammata, cum notis Farnabii Sedanii; 12mo. 1723.— 9s. (Money.) 40 77 Zarotti Epigrammatum Medicae aut Philosophisae Considera- tionis Eparratisj 4to. Venet. 1657.—3s. (Duke of Nor¬ folk.) Classics, Latin Poets. 319 4078 Martialis Epigrammata, demptis Obscaenis, cum notis; 12mo. Par. ld93. — 3s. (Money.) 40 79 Martial's Select Epigrams, by Hay; 12mo. Lond. 1755.— 6s. 6d. (Edwards.) 4080 Martialis Epigrammata, ab Elphinston; 8vo. Lond. 1783.— 2s. 6d. (Drury.) 4081 Juvenalis, cum tribus Commentariis; folio, bound in russia, Norimberg. 1497. — 61. lls. (Duke of Norfolk.) 4082 Juvenalis et Persius; ap. Marnef. 1583: Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius; L. Bat. 1592, 18mo. 1 1. 12s. (Priestley.) 4083 Juvenalis et Persius, Ceruti; 4to. Aug. Vind. 1593.—7«> Mar¬ quis de Claremont.) 4083* Bouhier Eradiation de la Poeme de Petrone, Deux Epitres L’Ovide et de Pervigilium Veneris, avec des remarques; 12mo. Par. 1788. —5s. 6d. (Duke of Norfolk.) 4084 Persii Satirae, Ceruti; 18mo. Veronce, 1597. — 8s. 6d. (He- ber.) 4085 Persii Satirae, cum Cornuti et variorum Commentariis; 4to. Lutet. 1601.—2s. (Marquis de Claremont.) 4086 Persii Satirae, curante Merico Casaubono; 12mo. Par. 1605 .— 13s. (Drury.) 4087 Juvenal, translated, with Notes, by Barton Holiday; folio, cuts, Oxf. 1673.—10s. (Priestley.) 4088 Juvenal and Persius, in English, by Dryden and others; folio, Lond. 1693.—5s. (Chandley.) 4089 Juvenalis, cum integris doctorum Commentariis Henninii; 4to. large paper, bound in russia, Ultraij. 1685.— 61. 15s. (Mar¬ quis de Claremont.) 4090 Juvenalis et Persius Henninii et Casauboni; 4to. bound in russia, L. Bat . 1695. — 3/. 8s. (His Majesty's Li¬ brary.) 32 0 Classics , Latin Poets. 4091 Juvenalis et Persius, k Millero; 12mo. Berolin. 1749-—3s. 6d. (Heber.) 4092 Persius, in English verse, with Notes, by Brewster; 12mo. Lond. 1751.—4s. (Heber.) 4093 Juvenalis et Persius; 12mo. Par. ap. Barbou, 1754.—9«* 6 d• (Borough.) 4094 Juvenalis et Persius, spiegati in Versi volgari con varie Annota- sioni del Camillo Silvestri da Rovigo; 8vo. 3 tom. in 2, Venez. 175 %.—9s. 6d. (Duke of Norfolk.) 4095 Persii Satirze, cum versione Gallica et notis Bernae, 1765 ; et Anacreon Greece, cum doctorum notis et emendationibus; 8vo. bound together in one volume, Lond. 1754.—5s. (Lord Morpeth.) 40 96 Juvenalis et Persius, cum aeneis tabulis; 8vo. large paper. Cant. ap. Sanby, 176'3.—1/. 4s. (Duke of Norfolk.) 4097 Juvenalis et Persius; 4to. bound in morocco, by Johnson, Birm. ap. Baskerville, 1761.—1/. 11s. 6d. (Marquis de Clare¬ mont.) 4098 Juvenalis et Persius traduit par M. Dusaulx; 8vo. Par. 1770. 5s. (Drury.) 4099 Persio Tradotto verso scirolto et dichiarato da F. Stelluti; 4to. Romee, l£)30. — 7s. (Marquis de Claremont.) 4100 Theodorus Marcilius in Persii Satyras; 4to. Par . 1613.- Segheti Carmina; a Pamphlet of 24 pages, dedicated to Sir H. Wotton, bound up at the end; Hanov. 1607. —l /. 7 s. (Heber.) 4101 Claudiani Opera, cum Debrii Notis et Aviani Fabulis; l2mo. extra bound, op. Plantin. 1 596.—7s. (Marquis de Clare¬ mont.) 4102 Claudiani Opera, cum Commentariis Barthii; 4to. 2 vol. extra bound, Hanb. i650.- -21. 2s. (London Institution.) Classics, Latin Poets. 321 f 4103 Claudiani Opera, cum variorum, Heinsii, et Burmanni notis; 4to. large paper, bound in russia, Amst. 1760. — 11 /. ISs. \ (Marquis de Claremont.) 4104 Claudiani Opera, cum Annotationibus Gesneri; 8vo. 2 vol, extra bound, Lips . 1759 . —2/. 18$. (Borough.) 32 2 TWENTY “El GHTM BAY’S SAEE. MAY 28 , 1810 . 4105 AUSONII Opera; 4to. Par. 1511.—At the end is bound up a rare tract of 13 leaves, intitled ‘ Dialogus in Valdensium de Purgatoris/ &c. ; 4to. 1509-— 5s. 6d. (Booth.) 4106 Prudentii quae extant Opera, N. Heinsii; 18mo. fine copy, bound in morocco, and ruled, scarce edition, ap. Eh. 1667. 19 s. (Lloyd.) 4107 Prudentii Opera, cum Gisselimi Commentariis; 12mo. bound by Baumgarten, excellent edition, ap. Plantin. 1564.—16Y (Booth.) 4108 Ausonii Opera; l2mo. fine copy, bound in morocco, ap. Juntas, 1517.— 6s. (Lord Clifford.) 4109 Ennii Fragmenta, ab Hesselio; 4to. Amst. 1J0 7.— 18s. (Lon¬ don Institution.) 4109* Carmen Panegyricum a Valesi4; 8vo. Parisiis, 1663.—Is. 6d. (Borough.) 323 Roman Play-IVriters, Tragic and Comic. 4110 Tragicorum Veterum Collectanea, cum notis Scriverii et G. I. Yosii; 12mo. L. Bat. 1620.—1 /. (Butler.) 4111 Plauti Comedian, cum Interpret. Pet. Vallae; folio, fine copy, bound in russia, Venet . 1499. —1 /. Is. (Booth.) 4112 Plauti Comoediae, Camerarii; 12mo. Basil. 1538. — 2s. (Smith.) 4113 Plauti Comoediae; 12mo, Basil. 1568 .— 2s. (Borough.) 4114 Plautus, cum Taubmanni Commentariis, curante Grutero; 4to„ 2 vol. 1621. — 4 s. 6d. (Borough.) 4115 Plauti Comoedie, curd Ernesti; Svo. 2 vol. Zips. 1760. —3 1. Is. (Borough.) 41lfi Plauti Comoediae; 12mo. 3 vol. Glasgue , 1763.—1 /. Is. (Mo¬ ney.) 4117 Lectiones Plautinae, I. Fred. Gronovii; Svo. Amst. 1740.— 5 s. 6d. (Borough.) 4118 Terentii Comoediae, cum notis variorum: folio, Paris. 1552.— 4 s. (Smith.) 4119 Terentii Comoediae Goveani; 4to. Paris. l65l.— Is. 6d. (Gray.) 4120 Terentii Comoediae, cum Mureti emendationibus; 18mo. ap. 1 P/anlin. 1567 .—9 s. (Priestley.) 4121 Terentii Comoediae; 18mo. genuine editition, bound in mo¬ rocco, 1635.— 1/. Is. (Lord Clifford.) 4122 Terentii Comoediae; 4to. Canlabrigicc, 1701.—6s. (Smith.) 4123 Terentii Commoediae, et Pbaedrus, et P. Syri et aliorum vete- rum Sententiae k Bentleio; 4to. large paper, bound in mo¬ rocco, Cant. 1726.— 10s. 6d. (Lord Carrington.) 324 Classics, Latin Play-Writers, Philosophers, §c. 4124 Terentii Comoedi®, ab Hare; 4to. large paper, Lond. 1724.— 17*. (Lord Essex.) 4125 Terentii Comoedi®, k Westerhovio; 4to. 3 vol. large paper, genuine edition. Hag. Com. 1726.— 81. (Priestley.) 4126 Terentii Comoedi®; 12mo. correct edition, Dublinii, t Typo- graph. Academia, 1745.— 3s. (Priestley.) 4127 Terentii Comcediae; 8vo. 2 tom. in one, large paper, cuts, Lond. ap. Sandly, 1751.—11*. (Priestley.) 4128 Terentii Comcediae; 12mo. the immaculate edition that ob¬ tained the prize offered by the University, large paper, Edin- hurgi, 1758.— 10s. 6d. (Priestley.) 4129 Terentii Comcediae ex recensione Heinsii, cum Italic^ versione et notis Coquelini; folio, 2 vol. Roma , 1767. — l/. 4s. (Smith.) 4130 Terentii Comcedie Zeuni; 8vo. 2 vol. extra bound. Lips. 1774.—l/. 5s. (Priestley.) 4131 Terentii Comcediae; 4to. bound in morocco by Johnson, Birm. ap. Basherville, 1772.— 1 l.Js. (Chandley.) 4132 Senecae Tragcediae, cum variorum, Gronovii, et Schroedeii, no¬ tis; 4to. 2 vol. large paper, bound in vellum, Delph. 1728. — l/. 14s. (Priestley.) Roman Philosophers and Orators. 4133 Pistol® del Seneca fato Volgar®; folio, Vene. 1494.—3 s. 6d. (Smith.) 4134 Senec® Opera qu®dam select®; 12mo. bound by Baumgarten, Warrington, 1777.— 2s. 6d. (Sir J. Copley.) 4135 Seneca de Brevitate Yit®, de ProvidentH, de Septem Artibus, cum Epistolis selectis; lSmo. Par.ap. Barbou, 1 ?6l.—5*. 6d- (Borough.) Classics, Latin Orators. 325 4135 Panegyric* Orationes Veterum Oratorum; 8vo. cuts, an excel¬ lent edition, Venet. 1709• —4s. 6 d. (London Institution.) 4137 Panegyrici Veteres, cum notis Schwarzii, &c.; 8vo. 2 vol. extra bound, Norimb. 1778.— ll . 4s. (London Institution.) 4138 Rhetores Antiqui Latini k Pithaeo; 4to. Par. 1599.—5s. (Sir J. Copley.) 4139 Ciceronis Opera Omnia; 18mo. 10 vol. bound in morocco, ap. Gryphium, 1545-51. —2/. (Arch.) 4140 Ciceronis Opera kVerburgio; 4to. 4 vol. Amst. 1724.—5 l.2s.6d. (Priestley.) 4141 Ciceronis Opera Omnia ab Oliveto; 4to. 9 vol. fine copy, white calf, gilt leaves, Paris. 1740.—42/. (Oswald.) 4142 Ciceronis Opera Omnia, cum Ernesti notis et clavi Ciceronian^; 8vo. 5 vol. in eight, best edition, extra bound, Hal. Sax. 1774 & 1777-—15/. (Morse.) 4143 Cicero de Natur& Deorum, cum Lescaloperii Commentariis; folio, Par. 1550.—2s. (Smith.) 4144 Cicero de Natura Deorum, cum interpretatione Gallic^; 12mo. 2 tom. Par. 1749-—2s. (Smith.) 4145 CiceroTusculane inItaliano; 12mo. Vineg- 1544-— Is. (Heber.) 4145 Ciceronis Tusculan, cum versione Gallica Bouhieri et Olivati; 12 mo. 3 tom. Par. 1 737- — 1*. (Smith.) 4147 Ciceronis Tusculan* Quaestiones, cum variorum Commentariis; 4to. Par. 1549.—2s. 6 d. (Floyer.) 4148 Ciceronis Tusculan* Qu*stiones, cum Annotationibus Leod- garii a Quercu; 4to. Par. 1558.— Is. (Smith.) 4149 Cicerone degli Uffici, tradetto prerurio Nobite viniliano; 8vo. Vineg. 1528.—Is. (Heber.) 4150 Cicero de Officiis, Cato, L*lius, et Paradoxa; 8vo. Patav. 1720.— 5s. 6d. (Borough.) 4151 Cicero de Officiis, Cato Major, L*lius, &c. k Tooly; Svo, Oxon. 1 729.— 4s. 6 d. (Lord Clifford.) 326 Classics, Latin Orators. 4152 Cicero's three Bookes of Duties, Latin and English, by Gri- mal, imprinted by Thomas Este; ISmo. London, 1596.— 2s. 6 d. (Money.) 4153 Cicero, Les Offices de l’Amitie, et de la Vieillesse; 12mo. Par. 710 date .—is. (Borough.) 4154 Cicero, Les Offices, Lat. & French, par Du Bois; 12mo. Par. 1758.—2s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 4155 Ciceronis Fragmenta Signii; 12mo. Ven. ap. Stellam , 1559-— Is. (Maltby.) 4156 Fragmentorum tomi 4, cum Patricii annotationibus; 4to. Ven. 1565.—3s. (Coates.) 4157 Ciceronis Fragmenta, a R. Stephano collecta; et Marcodurani Historia Ciceroniana; 18mo. L. Bat. Elzevir. 1642.—4s. 6d. (Maltby.) 4158 Pensees de Ciceron, Latint*, cum GallicO interpretatione par Olivet; 12mo. Par. 1747-—2s. 6 d. (Floyer.) 4159 Lettres Ciceron a Atticus, Lat. et Frangois, avec Remarques, par Mongault; l 2 mo. 6 tom. Par. 1714.—15s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 4160 Cicero Songe de Scipion, &c. Lat. & Gall, par Godefroy; 12mo. Par. 1725 — Is. (Smith.) 4161 Cicero Traite des Loix, par Morabin; l2mo. Par. ljl 9.— 2s. (London Institution.) 4162 Ciceronis Cato Major; 32mo. in morocco, gilt leaves, Lutet t ap. Barbon, 1758.— 8 s. (Heber.) 4163 Cicero's Cato and Laelius, in English, with notes, by Melmotli; 8 vo. 2 vols. London, 1777 •—1 7 s. (Borough.) 4164 Cicero, Laelius, et Cato Major, Baldunii; et de Partitione Ora¬ torio Strebcei; 4to. Par. 1550.—3s. (Chandley.) 4165 Ciceron de la Vieillesse et de l’Amitie; 12mo. Lat. &Gall. Par. 1760 .—is. (Smith.) 4166 Cicero’s Familiar Epistles, in English, with Notes, byMelmoth; 8vo. 3. vol. London, 1753.—Ss. 6 d. (Borough.) Classics, Latin Orators. 327 4167 Ciceronis Epistolaj ad Familiares, edit, k Ross; Svo. 2 vol. % Cantab. 1 755.— ll. 7s. (Borough.) 4lb8 Tunstalli Epistola ad Middletonum de Epistolis ad Atticum et Q. Fratrem; et Chapmanni Dissertatio Chronologica de /Etate LibrorumdeLegibus; 8vo. Cant. 1741. — Is. (Smith.) 4169 Ciceronis Epistola; ad Brutum et Bruti Epistolae, cum versione Anglidl et notis, it Middleton; Svo. Land. 1743.—3s. (Bo¬ rough.) 4170 Markland's Remarks on the Epistles of Cicero to Brutus, and of Brutus; 8vo. bound by Johnson, Loud. 1745. — 10s. 6d, (Borough.) 4171 Cicero Epistolas Familiares, en lingua Castellana; 12mo. Bar- cel. I6l5.—9s. (Heber.) 4172 Cicero in Philippica Maturantii Enarrationes; folio, Vicentice, 1488.—5s. (Heber.) 4173 Cicero la Rhetorique, ou Dialogue de FOrateur, Lat. & Gall.; 12mo .Lyon, 36^92.—2s. (Priestley.) 4174 Cicero de Oratore, cum Commentariis Strebad; folio, in line old binding, Par. ap. Vascovan, 1540.—14s. (Heber.) 4175 Ciceronis de Oratore Tolsei; 4to. Par. 1553.—2s. (Heber.) 4176 Ciceronis de Oratore Streboei; 4to. Par. 1554.—2s. (Heber.) 4177 Ciceronis de Oratore Streboei; 4to. Parisiis , 1555.—2s. 6d. (Chandley.) 4178 Partitiones Oratorise a Strebceo, cum Toloei, praelectionibus; 4to. Paris, 15b8. —2s. (Heber.) 4179 Majoragii Commentarius in Partitionem Orationuin, studio Marcellini.—Ejusdem Commentarius in Librum primum de Oratore, cum Dialogo de Eloquentii: et Paulini Scholia in Librum primum de Oratore; 4to. Venet. 1587-—3s. (He¬ ber.) 4180 Cicero de Oratore, cum notis a Pearce; Svo. Land. 1771.—5s. (Priestley.) 328 Classics , Latin Orators. 4181 Ciceronis Qraliones pro Archil, &c. emendate et ill ustratae ab Heumanno Isenaci; 12mo. 1735.—2s. (Priestley.) 4182 Ciceronis ad M. Brutum Orator Ernesti, et cum Schirachi notis; 8vo. Halve, 1766.— 4s. 6d. (Priestley.) 4183 Cicero de la Oratore par Lod. Dolce; 18mo. Vineg. ap. G. Giolito, 1 556. — Is. 6d. (Heber.) 4184 Cicero de Claris Oratoribus, cum Commentario Corradi; folio, Flor. 1563. — 3s. (C handley.) 4185 Ciceronis Topica, cum Boetii et variorum Commentariis; 4to. Par. 1550.—2s. 6d. (Heber.) 4186 Ciceronis Academica, cum Tolaei Commentariis; 4to. Par. 1550.—is. 6d. (Smith.) 4187 Periocha Partitionum Oratoriarum Ciceronis a Leoadegario & Quercu; 4to. bound in morocco. Par. 1575.—3s. 6d. (He¬ ber.) 4188 Jacotius de Philosophorum DoctrinS, libellus k Cicerone; Svo, Oxon. 1769. — is. (Smith.) 4189 Ciceronis Manutii Commentariis in Oratione a Riclitero; Svo. 2 vol. Lips. 1783.— 1/. 6s. (Priestley.) 4190 Lectiones Tullianae Wopkensii; 12mo. Amst. 1730. — Is. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 4191 Scotti Tullianae Questiones; 12mo. gilt leaves, Antv. l6l0. —4s. (Heber.) 4192 Scotti de Nodis Ciceronis, et Cicero h Calumniis vindicatus; 12 mo. gilt leaves, Antv. l6l3. — 3s. 6d. (Heber.) 4193 Betaleius in Ciceronem de Natur& Deorum et Paradoxa; 12mo. bound in morocco, gilt leaves; Basil, 1550—4s. (Heber.) 4194 Tuscanelle Ciceroniane Conjunctiones in Epistolas Familiares 18mo. Ven. 1560.—2s. (Heber.) 4195 Corrudi Questura, in qui Vita Ciceronis refertur; 18mo. L. Bat. 1667. — is. (Smith.) Latin Classics, and Miscellaneous . 329 4196 Quinctiliani Declamationes; folio, bound in russia by Roger Payne, Venitiis, 1482.—2/. 6s (Payne.) 4197 Quinctilianus de Institution Oratori5; folio. Par. 1549.— 6s. 6d. (Heber.) 4198 Quinctiliani et Calpurnii Flacci excerpta, et Dialogus de Ora- toribus; 12mo. ap. Patison, 15S0.—2s. (Heber.) 4199 Quinctilianus de Institution Oratoria k Gibson; 4to. large paper, bound in russia, Oxon. 1693.—18s. (Priestley.) 4200 Quinctiliani Institutions, cum Commentario Gesneri; 4to. large paper, bound in russia, best edition, Gotting. 1738.— 2 l . 12 s. (Priestley.) 4201 Quinctiliani Opera k Burmanno; 4 tom. in 3, 4to. large paper, bound in russia, L. Bat. 1720.— 51. 15s. (Borough.) 4202 Quinctilianus de Institution Oratorio a Caperonierio; folio, large paper, bound in russia. Par. 1725. —2 l. 5s. (Priest¬ ley.) 4203 Quinctilien, traduit par Gedoyn; 4to. Par. 1718. — 3s. 6d. (Symmons.) 4203 * Verrii, Flacci, et Pompei Festi de Verborum, &c.; bound by Weir, Vend. 1560.—4s. 6d. (Lord Morpeth.) Roman Miscellaneous Writers. 4204 Plinii Epistolae, cum notis variorum, Cortii et Longolii; 4to. Amst. 1734.—2/. 10s. (Evans.) 4205 Plinii Epistola et Panegyricus cum Annotationibus Gesneri; 8vo. Lips. 1770.—17s. 6d. (Borough.) 4206 Plinii et Aur. Victor, de Viris Illustribus, Suetonii liber de claris Grammaticis, et Julii Obsequentis Prodigia; 12mo. ap. Grp- phium, 1551.— 2 s. (Lord Morpeth.) 330 Classics , Latin Orators , Miscellaneous. 4207 Plinii Secundi Vita, ordiue chronologico delineata & Massouo; 12mo. Amsl. 1709.— Is. 6d. (London Institution.) 4208 Pliny’s Epistles in English, with notes by Melmoth; 8 vo. 2 vol, London, 1 757 .—7s. (Sullivan.) 420£) Apuleii Asinus Aureus, cum Beroaldi Commentariis; folio, Bonon. 1500.—18s. 6d. (Heber.) 4210 Apuleii Opera ; 12nxo. ap. P. Juntam. 1512.—9*- (Morse.) 4211 Apuleii Apologia, cum Castigatiouibus Jo. Casauboni; 4to. ap. Commel, 1594.—is. 6d. (London Institution.) 4212 Apuleio tradott penign. Fironzuola; 12 mo. Fior. ap. Giunti, 1603.—7s. (London Institution.) 4213 Apuleyo traduzido en Romance Castellana; 12 mo. bound in russia, Madr. l6'01. — 8s. (Heber.) 4214 Apulei Apologia cum Commentario Scipionis Gentilis; 12 mo. Hanov . 1607.—2s. 6d. (London Institution.) 4215 Eoethii Consolatio Philosophie tradott da Cosimo Bartoli; 12mo. Fir . 1551.—2s. (London Institution.) 421(5 Mythographi Latini cum notis variorum et Van Staveren; 4 to. L. Bat. 1742.— 1 /. 17s. (Priestley.) 4217 Julii Obsequentis de Prodigiis.—Polydori Virgil de Prodigiis._ Camerari de Ostentis; Lugduni, 1553. — Mores, Leges, et Ritus Gentium; Lugduni, 1 576 .— Baptistae Portse Magica Naturalis; Ant. 1564. Ruled with red lines, the whole bound in one volume in morocco, with rich antique orna¬ ments; l 8 mo.— 2 /. 8 s. (Duke of Norfolk.) 4218 Julii Obsequentis de Prodigiis; cum notis Shefferi et Ouden- dorpii; 8vo. L. Bat. 1720.—6s. (Sullivan.) 4219 Lactantius a Langleto du Fresnoy; 4to. 2 vol. Parisii, 1743 _ 2/. 4s. (Borough.) 4220 Lactantii Epitome divinarum Institutionum Davisii; 8 vo. large paper, Cant. 1718 .— 2s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) Latin Classics, Miscellaneous Writers. 331 Is. (Smith.) 4221 Minucius Felix ab Elmenhorotio; folio, 1612 .— Is. 6 d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4222 Minucii Felicis Octavius ab Ouzelio, et J. Firmici Maternus; 4to. L. Bat. 1(j 52.—4s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4223 Minucius Felix, L. Octavius de la traduc- tion de M. d'Ablancourt; 18mo. Par. 1677. h 4224 Censorinus de Die Natali Lindenbrogii; 12mo. L. B. ap. Le Maire, lb42.— 4225 Frontini Stratagematicon, cum Notis variorum et Oudendorpii; 8vo. L. Bat. 1779. —1/. 13s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 422b Vegetius et Frontinus de Re Militari, en la commune lingua tradotto; 12mo. Ven. 1525.— 9s. 6 d. (Heber.) 4227 Vegetius et Frontinus de Re Militari k Scriverio; 12mo. L. B. lb45.—is. (Heber.) 4228 Vegetius et Frontinus de Re Militari a Scriverio; 4to. ap. Ru~ phelens, 1607.—3s. (Lord Morpeth.) 4229 The rare and singular work of Pomponius Mela and Solinus, by Polihistor, translated by A. Golding; 4to. Loud. 1590.— 3s. 6 d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4230 Mela, tradotto da Th. Porcacchi; 12mo. Vineg. per Giolito, 1557-—4s. (Heber.) 4231 Pomponius Mela, cum observationibus Vossii; 4to. extra bound, Pag. Com. lb5S.— 15s. 6d. (Morse.) 4232 Pomp. Melae Julii excerpta, et ALthici Cosmographia 12mo. L. Bat. 1685 —is. (Borough.) 4233 De Agrorum Conditione; 4to. Par. ap. Turneb. 1554.—Is. 6d. (Heber.) 4234 Rei Rusticse Scriptores veteres Latini k Gesnero; 4to. 2 vol. large paper, bound by Baumgarten, Lips. 1773.-3/. l6s. (Priestley.) 332 Hearnes Publications , <$’C. 4235 Terentius Varro de Re Rustic^; Cato de Rebus Rusticis; 12mo. Basil. 1521.—4s. (Heber.) 4236 Auctores Rei Agrariae Goesii cum suis et Rigaltii notis; 4t0. 2 vol. large paper, Amst. 1674.—2/. (Lord Morpeth.) 4237 Poetae Latini Rei Venaticae Scriptores Kaempheri; 4to. large paper, 2 vol. in one, russia binding, L. Bat. 1728.— ll. 8s. (Lord Essex.) 4238 Apicii Coeli de Opsoniis et Condimentis, sive Arte Coquinari&, cum notis Listeri; 8vo. bound by Johnson, Lond. 1705.— ll. is. (Lord Morpeth.) 4239 Apicius Ccelius de Arte Coquinari&, cum Humelbergii notis; 4to. Tigur. 1542.— 1 7s. 6d. (Money.) 4240 Erasmi Stultitiae Laus, cum Figuris Holbenianis; 8vo. fine copy, rare, Basil. 1 676.— 1/. 2s. (Lord Clifford.) 4241 Vossius de Poematum Cantu et Viribus Rhythmi; 8vo. Oxon. 1673 .— 1 $. (Borough.) 4242 Rhetores selecti, D. Phalereus, &c. Gr. & Lat.; 8vo. bound by Weir, d Gale, 1676.— 10s. 6d. (Borough.) The publications of Thomas Hearne, on Large. Paper, as far as they were published, together with the Large-Paper octavo books, printed at the Oxford, Cambridge, London, and Eton presses. 4243 iEsopicarum Fabularum Delectus per Alsop; 8vo. large paper, Oxon. 1698.—8s. 6d. (Borough.) 4244 Ciceronis de Oratore'a Cockmanno; 8vo. large paper, Oxon. 1696. — 6s. 6d. (His Majesty's Library.) 4246 Heptateuchus, Job, et Evangelium, Nicodemi, Anglo-Saxonice, k Thwaites; royal 8vo. Oxf. 1618.— ll. 12 s. (Duke op Norfolk.) Hearne’s Publications, fyc. 333 4247 Patrum SS. Spicilegium et Haereticorum l rai et 2 di saeculi, Gr. & Lat. k Grabe; 8vo. 2 vol. large paper, Oxon. 1698-9-— 10s. 6d. (Smith.) 4248 Herodianus, Gr. & Lat. cum notis selectis; 8vo. large paper, Oxon. 1699.—l/. is. (Payne.) 4249 Justini Martyris prima pro Christianis Apologia, Gr. & Lat. k Kortholto; 8vo. large paper, Oxon. 1/00. —8s. (His Ma¬ jesty’s Library.) 4250 Tatiani Oratio ad Grajcos et Hermiae irrisio Philosophorum gentilium, Gr. Lat.a Worthio, 8vo. large paper, Oxon. 1700.— 2l. 12s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4251 Bensoni Vocabularium, Anglo-Saxonicum Lexicon Gul. Som- neris; 8vo. Oxonice, 1701.—4s. 6d. (Priestley.) 4252 Dionysii Halicarnassei de Structure Orationis, Gr. & Lat. ab Upton; 8vo. large paper, fine copy, in red morocco, Lond. 1702 .—l/. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4253 Euripidis Medea et Phcenissa, Gr. & Lat. k Piers; 8vo. large paper. Cant. 1703. — 8s. 6d. (Smith.) TWENTY-NINTH BAY’S SALE, MAY 29, 1810. 4254 ASCHAMI Epistolae, ut et Sturmii aliorumque ad Aschanium; 8vo. large paper, with frontispiece, containing 14 portraits, Oxon. 1703.—18«. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4255 Eutropii Opera, with a Greek translation; Messala, Corvinus, et Julius Obsequens, edit. Hearnii; Svo. large paper, Oxon. 1703.— 17*. (Morse.) 4256 Justinus, cum Hearnii notis; Svo. large paper, good edition, with short notes and various readings, Oxon. 1705.—13$. (Smith.) 4257 Athenagorae, Gr. & Lat. cum notis variorum, et de Chair; Svo. large paper, Oxon. 1706.—S$. 6d. (His Majesty’s Li¬ brary.) 4258 H. Grotii Baptizatorum Puerorum Institutio, et Eueharistia; 8vo. large paper, bound in morocco, Oxon. 1706.—17$. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4259 Livii Opera, cum Hearnii notis; Svo. 6 vol. large paper, Oxon. 1708.— 21. 16$. (Morse.) 4260 Lelandus de Scriptoribus Britannicis ab Hall; 8vo. 2 vol. large Hearties Publications, 8$c. S35 paper, bound in morocco, Oxf. 1709- — 1/. 3s. (His Ma¬ jesty's Library.) 42bl Hieroclis de Providentia et Fato, Gr. & Lat. a Needham; 8vo, large paper, bound in russia, Cant. 1709-—l/. 4s. (His Ma¬ jesty's Library.) 4262 Hearne's Spelman's Life of Alfred the Great; Svo. portrait, Ox¬ ford, 1709.—1/. (Payne.) 4263 Dionysius Longinus, Gr. & Lat. cum notis Hudsoni; 8vo. large paper, bound by Baumgarten, Oxon, 1710.— 13s. (Priest¬ ley.) 4264 Paterculus Veil, cum variis lectionibus castigationibus et Notis; 8vo. large paper, a correct and well published edition, Oxon. 1711.—1/. 2s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 42b5 Batteley Antiquitates Rutupinae; Svo. with four curious plates of coins and other Roman Antiquities, found in Kent, Oxon. 1711.—3s. (Smith.) 4266 Minutii Felicis Octavius Commodiani Instructiones adversus Gentium Deos, cum Notis variorum et Davisii; 8vo. large paper, Cant. 1712.—5s. (Smith.) 4267 Theophrasti, Gr. & Lat. a Needham; Svo. with notes by Du- port, large paper, bound in russia. Cant. 1712.—1 /. 12s. (Morse.) 42b8 Hearne's Dodiwelli dc Parma Equestri Woodwardiani Disser- tatio, et Neli topographic^ delineatione Collegiorum et Scho- larum publicarum Academiae Oxoniensis; Svo. large paper, Oxford, 1713.—1 /. 18s. (Lord Essex.) 4269 Aristotelis Ethica, Gr. & Lat. tl Wilkinson; Svo. large paper, extra bound, Oxonii, 171b. — ll. 5s. (Priestley.) 4270 Acta Apostolorum, Gr. & Lat. literis majusculis e Codice Lau- diano, ab Hearne; Svo. large paper, Oxonii, 1715.—13/. 2* (Constable.) 336 Heartie's Publications, §c. 4271 Epicteti Enchiridion, Gr. & Lat. versibus Latinis redditum per Ivie; 8vo. large paper, Oxon. 1715 .—7 s. 6d. (Smith.) 4272 Demosthenes et ./Eschines de Coron&, Gr. & Lat. el Foulkes et Friend; 8vo. large paper, two line portraits, Oxon. 1715.— 11s. (Priestley.) 4273 Hearnii Titi Livii Forojuliensis Vita Henrici Quinti, with the Letters of King Henry V. and VIII. Queens Katherine, Anne Boleyn, the then Earl of Norhumberland, Edward VI. Lady Jane Grey, Queens Mary and Elizabeth, &c.; 8vo. large paper, Oxon. 1716. — 4/. 14s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Li¬ brary.) 4274 Hearne’s Roperi Vita D. Thomse More; 8vo. large paper, with portrait of Sir Thomas, line copy in morocco, 1715.-17/. (Sir M. Sykes.) 4275 Plinii Panegyricus in usum Delphini; 8vo. large paper, Lond. 1716’.— 9s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4276' Hearne’s Alure di Boverlacensis Annales; 8vo. large paper, extremely scarce, Oxon. 171 6.— 10/. (Evans.) 4277 Hearne’s Camdeni Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabeth; 8vo. 3 vol. large paper, with two por¬ traits of the Queen, Oxonii, 1717* —5/. 2s. 6d. (His Ma¬ jesty’s Library.) 4278 dementis ad Corinthios Epistolae duae Gr. & Lat. & Cotelerio; 8vo. large paper, Cant. 1718.—5s. (Smith.) 4279 Dionysius Longinus, Gr. & Lat. cum notis Hudsoni; 8vo. large paper, Oxon. 171S.—9 s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Li¬ brary.) 4280 Phalaridis Epistolae, Gr. & Lat. & Boyle; 8vo. large paper, Oxon. 1718.—7s. 6d. (Smith.) 4281 Cicero de claris Oratoribus, cum notis it Proust, Oxon. 1716'; Hearne's Publications , fyc. 337 Cicero ad Herennium, et de Inventione, a Proust, Oxon. 1718; Cicero de Oratore, cum notis k Proust, Oxon. 1714; 8vo. 3 vols. large paper, 2/. 3s. (Priestley.) 4282 Trivetis Annales Regum Angliae, k Halls; 2 vol. 8vo. large paper, with portrait, Oxon. 1719-22.— 3l. 18s. (His Majesty's Library.) 4283 Hearne, Guil. Neubrigensis Rerum Anglicarum Historia; 3 vol. large paper, rare, Oxon. 1719*— kl. 12s. 6d. (His Ma* jesty’s Library.) 4284 Hearne, Thomafe Sprotti Chronica, Chroiiica de Mundi Nicholai Cantalupi Hist, de Cantabrigensis, and a Chronicle of Ed¬ ward IV.; large paper, Oxon. 1719- — 19s. (Priest¬ ley.) 4285 Hearne's Robert de Avesbury Historia Edward 3tii, et Joscelini Historia Gentis Anglorum; with the Letters of Henry the Eighth to Anne Boleyne; Svo. large paper, rare, Oxon. 1720. U. (Priestley.) 428b Hearne's Textus Roffensis, Angliae Episcorum Formulae, and Hutton’s Antiquities of Oxford; Svo. large paper, cuts, Oxon<, 1720. —3/. 13s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4287 Hearne’s Collection of Discourses by eminent Antiquarians; 8vo. large paper, Oxf. 1720.—1 /. 3s. (Evans.) 4288 Demosthenes de falsa Legatione a Brooks, Gr. & Lat.; Svo. large paper, two portraits, Oxon. 1721. — bs. 6d. (Evans.) 4289 Homeri Batrachomiomachia, Gr. cum gloss& Graec& & Maittaire j Svo. large paper, Lond. 1721.—1 /. 4s. (Clarke.) 4290 Hearne’s History and Antiquities of Glastonbury, with the En¬ dowments of Sherington’s Chantry, and Dr. Plot’s Letter 338 Hearnes Publications, 8$c. concerning Thetford; SVo. cuts, large paper, Oxford, 1722*. 11/. lls. (Evans.) 4291 Asserii Menevensis Historia Alfredi Magni, per Wise; 8vo. large paper, portrait by Vertue, Oxon. 1722.—19$. (Tay¬ lor.) 4292 Hearne’s Job. de Fordun Scoti Chronicon cum continuatione; with a praier on the Worship of the Passion; the pardon of the Monastery of Sliene; the History of Coventry; an Account of what has been written about Robert the 2d; Table of Scotch Kings from Malcolm to James the 3d; Robert Baston, metra de Bello de Bannockburn; &c. 8vo. 5 vols. curious cuts, large paper, Oxford , 1722. — 7/. (Lord Es¬ sex.) 4293 Hearne, Hemmingii Chartularium Ecclesiae Wigorniensis; to which is added the Doomsday of Worcestershire, and curions frontispiece; 2 vol. large paper. Oxon. — 61. 2s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4294 Hearne's Ductor Historicus; 8vo. 2 vol. best edition, Lond. 1723 & 1724.—18s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4295 Carmina Quadriges mali TEdis Christi Oxon. Alumnorum; royal Svo. 2 vol. Ox. 1723-48.— 12s. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4296 Hearne’s Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle; Svo. 2 vols. large paper, Oxford , 1724. 11/. Os. be/. (His Majesty’s Li¬ brary. 4297 Life of Dr. John Barwick; Svo. large paper, with two por¬ traits by Vertue, 1724. — lbs. 6 d. (Dent.) 4298 Hearne’s Account of some Antiquities between Windsor and Oxford; with a List of Pictures in the Bodleian Library; Svo. large paper, Oxford, 1725.—4/. 4s. (His Majesty’s Library . Hearne s Publications , 8§c. 339 4299 Horatii Opera, cum commentario Baxteri; 8vo. large paper, Lond. 1725. — 14s. b— 4s. Qd. (Lord Milton.) 4381 Stowe’s Annals, with a Continuation by Howes j folio, London, l6l5.—1 1 . 13s. (Clarke.) 4382 Strutt’s Chronicle of England, from the Arrival of Julius Caesar, to the Norman Conquest 3 4to. 2 vols. plates, large paper, London, 1777 -8- — 8 1. 1 fs. Qd. (Priestley.) 4383 Strutt’s View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, &c. of the Inha¬ bitants of England, from the Arrival of the Saxons to the Reign of Henry the Eighth 3 4to. 3 vols. many curious plates, London, 1 775-6.—14 1. 5s. (Priestley.) 4384 Strutt’s Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities, from Edward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth 3 4to. with 60 curious plates, London, 1777- — 2Z. 16s. (Lord Milton.) 4385 Littleton’s, Lord, History of Henry 2 d, and of the Age in which he lived, to which is prefixed the History of the Revolutions in England, from the death of Edward the Confessor, and his Miscellaneous Works 3 4to. 5 vols. London , 1767 & 1774. — Ql . 11s, (Unwin.) English History. 347 438t 3 Camden’s Remains concerning Britain, with many rare antiquities added by Philipot; 4to, portrait, London, 1686. —8s. (Wort- ley.) 438/ North’s Examen of Kennet’s History of England ; 4to. portrait, London, l ? 40 .—1 Js . (Wortley.) .4388 Rymeri Foedera, Conventiones, &c. ab 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora; folio, 20 vols. best edition, cuts, fine copy, Lond. 1727-35.— 521 . 10s. (Clarke.) 4389 Wilkins’s Concilia Britannise et Hibefniaej folio, 4 vols. London, 1737-—4 1 . 5 s . (Priestley.) 439 0 Leges Angke-Saxonicse Ecclesiasticse et Civiles ; folio, London , 1 /21.—1 1 . 7#. (Priestley.) 4391 Blackstone’s Tracts, relating to the Antiquities and Laws of England 5 containing Magna Charta, Charta de Forresta, &c. ; 4to. London, 17/E — (Sir J. Copley.) 4392 Ayloffe’s Calendars of Ancient Charters, and of the Welch and Scotch Rolls in the Tower; 4to. London, lJjQ. —14s. 6d. (Lord Milton.) 4393 Cotton’s Abridgment of the Records in the Tower of London, by Prynne ; folio, London, 1657 .— l/s. (Lord Holland.) 4394 Sir Henry Spellman’s English Works, with the Life, by Gibson; and on the Admiralty-Jurisdiction, and the Officers thereof; on Ancient Deeds and Charters; folio, large paper, portrait, London, 1723.— 2 1. 13s. (Arch.) 4395 Selden on the Laws and Government of England, from the first times to the end of Queen Elizabeth, with a Vindication of the Ancient Parliaments of England, collected by N. Bacon ; 4to. best edition, London, 1760 .— 1Z, Is. (Wortley.) 4396 Madox’s Baronia Anglicaj folio, large paper, London, 1741.— ll. Qs . (Lord Milton.) 4397 Madox’s Formulare Anglicanum; folio, large paper, London, 1702.— ll. 13s. (Priestley.) 348 English History . 43C)8 Madox’s History and Antiquities of the Exchequer 3 4 to. 2 vols. large paper, bound by Baumgarten, London, 1769 .—41. 4s. (Farrer.) 4399 State Trials, with Tables and Prefaces by Hargrave 3 folio, 11 vols. in 6, large paper, London, 1776-81.— 16 /. 5s. 6d. (Wortley.) 4400 Bedford’s Hereditary Rights of the Crown Asserted 5 folio, Lond. 1713.— 2 s. 6d. (Smith.) f 4401 De Lolme on the Constitution of England ; 8 vo. portrait, London, 1 77 5 - — 6s. 6d. (Trollope.) 4402 Gill Stuart’s Dissertation on the Antiquity of the English Con¬ stitution 5 8vo. London, 1 776 . — 5s. (Unwin.) 4403 Inns of Court, Chancery, and Serjeants-Inn, their History and Antiquities 3 Svo. London, 178 O. —3 s. 6d, (Trollope.) THIRTIETH BAY’S SALE. MAY 30. 4404 CLARK’s Common Law of England; 8 vo. London, 1 // 8 .— 2 s. (Gardner.) 4405 Political State of Great Britiain, 60 vols. complete ; Svo. second and best edition, fine set, London, 1718. —43 1. Is. (Miller.) 4406 Historical Register for 2 5 Years from 1714 to 38, 13, &c. 3 Svo. published by the Sun Fire Office, to save their subscribers the expence of taking in a Newspaper ; fine and complete set.— 7/. 7 s • (Miller.) 4407 Brady’s Historical Treatise of Cities and Boroughs 5 8 vo. London, 1777 .— 12s. (Collins.) 4408 Whitelocke’s Notes on the King’s Writ for chusing Members of Parliament, by Morton 5 being Disquisitions on the Govern- \ ment of England, by Kings, Lords, and Commons; 4to. 2 vols. bound in russia, London, 1 77^.—3 1. 4s. (Collins.) 4409 Arthur, Earl of Anglesey, on the Privileges of the Houses of Lords and Commons; 12 mo. London, 1732.—8 s. 6d. (Col¬ lins.) 4410 Atkins on the Power, Jurisdiction, and Privilege of Parliament; folio, 1689 .— 1 1. 11 s. (Inglis.) 350 English Ilisiory, and Parliamentary. 4411 Hale’s Original Institution, Power and Jurisdiction of Parlia¬ ments; 8yo, London, 1/07.—li. Is. (Collins.) 4412 The great Case of Ashby and White, together with the Case of Jay and Topham, whether an action lies at Common Law for an Elector who is denied his Vote ; 8vo. 1/05.—13 s. 6d, (CoLLJNS.) 4413 Atkyns’s, Sir Robert, Parliamentary and Political Tracts ; Svo, London, 1/41. —18s, 6d. (Collins.) 4414 The Right of Bishops to Judge in Capital Cases Denied and Asserted; Svo. I(579~S2.— 7 s • (Collins.) 4415 The Parliamentary History of England, from 1102 to 166 O; with the Lords’s Protests, 2 vols.; 8 vo. 26 , 1762 , &c, 5 l . 10 s. (Clarke.) 4416 Chandler’s Debates of the House of Commons from the Restora¬ tion to 1743, 14 vols. ;—Debates of the Lords from the Resto¬ ration to 1743 ; 8 vols.'— 61 . (Borough.) 4417 Grey’s Anchitell, Debates in the House of Commons from 1 667 to 94 ; Svo. 10 vols.'—2 1 . 17 s . (Lord Milton.) 4418 Almon’s Debates of the Commons from 1743 to 7 4 5 Svo. 11 vols. fine set.—3 1 . 14s, (Borough.) 4419 Parliamentary Register, by Almon, &c. 1774 to 1796; Svo. 56 vols—1 5l. 15s. (Borough.) 4420 Woodfall’s Debates in the Two Houses of Parliament, from 1794 to ISOS; Svo. 49 vols. elegant. — 161 . l 6 s . (Borough.) 4421 Remembrancer, or Repository of Public Events from 1775 to 1784, 17 vols;—Authentic Papers on the Disputes between England and America from 1764 to 75; Svo. London, 1777 . — 61 . 15s. (London Institution.) 4421* Journal of the Proceedings of Congress at Philadelphia, from 1775 to 1776; Svo.— 5s. 6d. (London Institution.) 4422 Tracts :—Dissertations upon Oriuna, said to be Empress of Eng¬ land; 1751,—Highmore’s Critical Examination of the Paint- English History, and State Papers. 351 > ings on the Ceiling of the Banqueting House 3 1/54.'—Parkin’s Answer to Stakeley’s Origines Roystonianae; cuts 3 1744.— Reply to the Objections of Dr. Stukeley 3 cuts 3 1 748.—Gough’s Conjectures on an Ancient Tomb in Salisbury Cathedral, with print, 4 leaves printed privately 3 1//3. —Lewis on the Anti¬ quity and Use of Seals in England 3 cuts 3 1/40.—Ashby on the Singular Coin of Nerva 3 1774.—The Will of King Henry VII. published by Mr. Astlej 1775-—History of Wheatfield, 17o8. —Account of the Invasion of England by the Normans 3 17563 4to,—17«- (Lord Essex.) 4423 Sir Robert Cotton’s Choice Pieces, containing much Constitutional and amusing information, extra bound by Baumgarten 3 Svo. London, 1672. — 9 s. 6d. (Collins.) 4424 Sir Robert Howard’s History of the Reigns of Edward and Richard II.} 12 mo. London, 1692 .— 8 s. 6d. (Payne.) 4425 Godwin’s History of the Reign of Henry V. 3 folio, portrait.— 11s. (Payne.) 4426 History of the Changes in Religion in the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth 5 12 mo. London, ,l6s6.—- 5s. 6d . (Collins.) 4427 Burnett’s History of the Reformation of England 3 folio, 3 vols. best edition, portraits, London , 1715.'—47.9s. (Priestley.) 4428 Strype’s Annals of the Reformation in the Reign of Elizabeth ; folio, 4 vols. London, 1735. — Ql. Qs, (Priestley.) 4429 Strype’s Historical Memorials, Ecclesiastical and Civil, under the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Queen Mary 3 folio, 3 vols. large paper, London, 1721 .—12Z. \ Js. (Evans.) 4430 The Works of William Thomas, Clerk of the Privy Council in 1549 ; consisting of a curious account of the Reign of Henry the Vlllth, a defence of him against the Slaunders of tyranny, &c. 3 the gryne made by William Thomas, with his private 352 English History, and State Papers. opinion, touching the King’s outward affairs, &c. ; from the original in the Cotton Library, and Sir William Young’s Spirit of Athens ■, 8 vo. hound together, London, 1/77•—lZ. 8 s. (Collins.) 4431 Hardwieke’s, Lord, Collection of State Papers, from 1501 to 1/26, 2 vols. curious frontispiece, designed by Strutt3 4to. extra bound, London, 1778- — 2 Z. 10s. (Lord Essex.) 4432 Birch’s Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth •, 4to. 2 vols. from the original papers of the Bacon Family, &c. London, 1754.— 3 l . Qs . (Priestley.) 4433 Cabala, or Letters of State and Government j folio, from tlis original papers of the Bacon Family, best edition, portraits, extra hound, London, 1691 .— lZ. 16 s. (Constable.) 4434 Letters and Memorials of State of the Sidney Family, by Collins j folio, 2 vols. portrait, London, 1746 . — 3Z. Is. (Lord Milton.) 4435 The Burleigh Family State Papers from 1542 to 1570, by Haynes and Murdin; folio, 2 vols. London, 1740-52. — 2Z. 4s. (Con* staele.) 4436 Forbes’s Public Transactions in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, from manuscripts in the Cotton Library 5 folio, 2 vols. large paper, London, 1/40. —2Z. 15s. (Whitmore.) 4437 Peck’s Desiderata Curiosa; 4to. 2 vols. in 1 , large paper, Lond, 1779 .— 31 . 5 s . (Howard.) 4438 Birch’s View of the Negociations between England, France, and Brussels, from 1592 to 1607 ; with Sir George Carew’s History of the Court of France in the time of Henry IV .; 8 vp. London, 1749 .- 95 . Qd. (R ODGERS.) 4439 Coke’s Detection of the Court and State of England; 8 vo. 2 vols. London, 1694 .—5s. 6d. (Collins.) 353 English History, and Slate Papers. * 4440 Memorials and Letters on the History of Britain in the Reign of James I.; 12 mo. Glasg . 1768. — 4s. 6d. (Whitmore.) 4=141 Pamphlets, Political, &c. The Travels of Prince Charles to and in Spain, 1623 ; Killing no Murder, by Coll. Titus; Aca¬ demic Oxoniensis Notitia, 1605; Miraculous cures performed by Greatarick by stroking of the hand, Oxon. 166(5 ; Stubbs’s Censure on the History of the Royal Society; Letter to Sir Thomas Osborn, 1672 5 the Englishman’s Birth Right, 16/9 ; Lestrange’s Narrative of the Plot, 1680 ; the Dissenters’ Sayings, &c. &c. &c. 4to.— 10 s. 6d. (Gardner.) 4442 Transactions of the House of Peers concerning the Popish Plot; 8vo. London, 1681.—8 s.6d. (Howard.) 4443 Sir Dudley Carlton’s Letters during his Embassy in Holland from 1615 to 1620 ; privately printed, and a presentation from the editor, the last Earl of Hardwick; 4to. London, 1 757<-— 1 l . 18s. (Priestley.) 4444 Sir Ralph Winwood’s Memorials of Affairs of State; folio, 3 vols. large paper, portrait, London, 1 / 25 . — 2 l . 2 s . (Constable.) 4445 Annals of James I. and Charles I. from 1612 to 1642; London , 1681.—18s. (Heber.) ■ - ■ 4446 Relation of the Proceedings against the Traitors in the Gunpowder Plot; 4to. London, 1606.—2s. 6d. (Gardner.) 4447 Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion ; 8 vo. with Appendix and Heads, 6 vols. large paper, Oxford, 1707-—7^- 7 s - (Fuller-) (* U . . ■ ■- " ) .-> v- ■ - . ’ . L 4448 Clarendon’s Life, and Continuation; 8 vo. 2 vols. large paper, Oxford, 176O.—ll. 14 s. (Tnglis.) , 4449 Clarendon’s Collection of State Papers; 8 vo. 3 vols. large paper> . * , 4 ' ‘ r -'‘ V m ‘* .'1*'' f *' ■: * ■ y .1 + London, 1767 . —2 1 . 2s. (Rodgers.) tv •' • — 4450 Burton on the Genuineness of Lord Clarendon’s History, 1744; with his Iter iSurriense et Sussexiense, and his Opuscula, Gr. et Lat.; 8 vo. bound in one vol.— 6 s. (London Institution.) ,‘354 English History, and State Papers. 4451 Whitlock’s Memorials of English Affairs ; folio, best edition, London , 1/32. — 5l. 12s. 6 d . (Clifford.) 4452 Ludlow’s Memoirs, with Original Papers, and the Case of Charles the First; 4to. portrait, best edition, London, 1 77 L — 3l. 3s. (Priestley.) 4453 Rushworth’s Collections of State and Law' during the Reigns of James I. and Charles I.; 8 vols. portraits and cats, large paper, London, 1721.—18 l. 10s. (Constable.) 4454 Nalson’s Collections relative to the Times of Charles the First; folio, 2 vols. cuts, London, 1782.—1 1 . l6s. (Triphook.) 4455 Lord Strafford’s State Papers, w'ith his Life by Ratcliffe 5 folio, 2 vols. portraits, large paper, London, 1739 .—3 l. Qs. (Faul- der.) 4456 Heath’s Chronicles of the Civil Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland, to 1675 ; folio, London, 1676.—17 s - (Fauldek.) 4457 Tracts, relating to Political, Ecclesiastical and Historical Matters ; 4to.—4s. (Smith.) 4458 Tracts—Vindication of Charles I. 1699 ■ Defence of Ditto, 16995 Letter on regulating the Press, 1699 ; A Treatise on Mo¬ narchy, 1689 ; An Essay on the Law of Nations, 1694 ; Bibliotheca Politica, from the best Authors 5 4 to. -— 2 s. (Smith.) 4459 Tracts, Political, from 1645 to 1650 ; 4 to.— 11 s. 6d. (Trip- hook.) 4460 Warwick’s (SirPhilip) Memoirs; portiait, London, 1701 .—14s. (Rodgers.) 4461 Hollis’s (Lord) Memoirs; portrait, London, 1699 .—5 s - (Lon¬ don Institution.) 4462 Birch’s Enquiry into the Transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan; 8 vo. London, 1 756. — 5s. Qd. (Wortley.) 4463 Lord Hollis’s Remains; 8vo. London , 1682.—8s. (London Institution.) English History . a - 44(54 Bateo Elenchus mortuum emperorum in AngliS 5 12 mo. London, 1676 . —2s. (Wynne.) 4465 I. G. de Rebus sub Imperio Marchionis Montisrocarum in Scotia gestisj lSmo. London, 1647 .— 14s. 6d. (Wynne.) 4466 Miltone defenses Contra Alexandrian Morum 3 i 2 mo, Lortd. 1765 . —Is. (Dr. Routh.) 44 67 Fairfax’s (Lord) Short Memorials; 12 ino. London, 1699 .— 11s, 6rf. (Collins.) 4468 Sir Edward Walker’s Historical Discourses on the King’s happy Progress, and unfortunate Success 3 the Life of Thomas, Earl of Arundel 3 Answer to a Book intitled, “ Monarchy, or no Monarchy, or the Inconveniences that have attended the fre¬ quent Promotion of Persons to Titles of Honour and Dignity/’ folio, with the Equestrian Portrait of the King by Hollar, likewise Portrait of him and Sir Edward Walker, London, 1705.— ll . 115. (Bohn.) 4469 Burnett’s (Bishop) History of his own Times 3 folio, 2 vols. large paper, London , 1724.—3 1 . 155. (Arch.) 4470 L’Estrange’s Brief History of the Times 3 §vo. London , I 6 S 7 ._ 5s. 6d. (Wortley.) 4471 Letters to and from the Earl of Danby, in 1676 - 7-8 3 8 vo. Lon¬ don, 1710.—5s. (Lord Milton.) 4472 Memoirs relating to the Impeachment of the Earl of Danby 3 8 vo. London, 17 11. — 5s. 6d. (Wortley.) 4473 Baxter’s History of his Life and Times, abridged* by Calamy 3 8 vo. 2 vols. portrait by Vertue, 1713 1532 Calamy’s Abridgement of Baxter’s History of his Life and Times 5 Svo. 2 vols. London, 1713 4474 Dalrymple’s Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from 1681 to 1692 , with Appendix 3 4to. 3 vols. London , 1777-—3Z. 13s. 6d. (Borough.) 11 s. (Lon- y don Insti¬ tution.) 356 English History. 4475 Russel’s (Lady Rachel) Letters, with a Vindication of Lord Rus¬ sel against Sir J. Dalrymplej 8vo. London, 1774.—• 13s. (Faulder.) 4476 Burridge Historia nuperae Mutationis in Anglia] 8vo. Lond. 1697 * —7 s. 6d. (London Institution.) 4477 Burnett’s Eighteen Papers relating to the Reign of James II. j 4to. London, 1689,—8s. (Whitmore.) 4478 Bp. Spratt’s Relation of the wicked Contrivances of Blackhead and others 5 4to. London , 1 / Q 2 . —7 5 - 6d. (London Insti¬ tution.) 4479 Morgan’s Phoenix Britannicus, a Collection of Fugitive Pieces j containing many curious and uncommon Tracts ] 4to. London, 1732.— J l. 6 s. (Howard.) 4480 Tracts—The Anatomy of an Equivalent Reason for abrogating the Test, 1688 j Gulielmus Pacificus, 1697 j the Interest of other Courts in the Spanish Succession, 1701 ] The Wolf stript, &c. 1704] Causes of the Discontents, 1721 ] Account of the Persecutions of the Protestants, 1686 .—Answer to King James’s Declaration, 16935 History of the Desertion, 1689 j The German Spie, 1691 j View of the Court of St. Germain’s, 16965 Lord Havesham’s Account of the Scotch Invasion, 1709 ] &c. &c. 4to. 2 vols.—5s. (Lord Mil- ton.) 4481 The History of Designs and Conspiracies, from 1688 to 1697 ] 8 vo. London, 1698 .— Js. (Wynne.) 4482 Sacheverell’s Trial] wherein the Case and Justice of the great and happy Revolution is argued, and fairly stated] folio, London, 1710.—3s. 6d. (Gardner.) 4483 Histoire des Revolutions d’Angleterre, par le Pere d’Orleans] 12mo. 4 tom. Par. 1724. — 16's. (Wortley.) 4484 Carestares (Secretary to King William) his State Papers and Let- English History , and Monkish Writers. 357 ters, with his Life, by M'Cormich ; 4to. Edinb. 1 774.—■ ll . 145. (WoRTLEY.) 4485 Sorbiere’s Voyage to England, with Sprat’s Observations ; Svo. London, l/Op.—4s. 6d. (London Institution.) 4486 Impeachment of Robert, Earl of Oxford j Svo. London, 1 72/. — Is. (London Institution.) 4487 Memoirs of Horatio, Lord Walpole, with 22 portraits, published by Coxe; 4to. London, 1802.— 3 l . 3 s . (Hallum.) 4488 Coxe’s Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir. R. Wal¬ pole; 4to. 3 vols. London, 1798-—4Z. 14s. 6d. (Peploe.) 4489 Political Tracts j 8vo. 10 vols. 1727> &c. — 31 3s. (Howard.) 449 0 Muralt Lettres sur les Angloises, et les Francois, et sur les Voyages; Svo. Lond. 1725.—Is. (Colonel Martin.) 4491 The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine, or Monthly Political and Literary Censor; Svo. 30 vols. cuts, 1799, &c.— 71 . 17s. 6d. (Borough.) 4492 iEnothus de Vitii et Passione Canuti Regis Daniae, a Meursio, 4to. Iiafn. 1631.—1 7 s - (Heber.) 4493 Spelmanni Alfredi Magni, Anglorum Regis, Vita; folio, large paper, with nine portraits of King Alfred, and five folio plates of coins, &c. Oxon. 1678 . — ll. l 6 s. (Payne.) 4494 Camdeni Anglica, Ilibernica, Normannica, et Cambrica Historia, ex veteribus Scriptoribus ; folio, bound by Walthcr, Franco f. 1664.—3 1 . 6s. (Priestley.) 4495 Du Chesne, Historiie Normannorum Scriptorcs Anticpii ; folio, fine copy, bound by Walther, Par. 1619. — 41. 4s. (Priestley.) 4496 Asserits de Vit& Alfredi, et Thonne de Walsingham Plistoriae, 1574; et Walsingham Ilypodigma Neustria, &c.; folio, Lond . 1574.— 11 . 4s. (Arch.) 4-197 Historic Anglicanae Scriptores, Opera Galei et Fell; folio, 3 vols. Lond. 1684-87-91.— 9 1. Qs. (Lord Milton.) 358 English History, and Monkish Writers. 4498 Historic Anglicane Scriptores 10j a Twysden ; folio, extra bound by Johnson, leaves untouched in rebinding, Lond. 1652. — 5l. 5s. (Priestley.) 4499 Matthaei Parisiensis Historia Anglorum, cum Opusculis a Watts 3 folio, portrait, Lond. 1640. — ll. 11s. (Priestley.) 4500 Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam 5 folio, France f. 16 G 1 . 3 1. 9s. (Priestley.) 4501 Matthaei Westmonasteriensis Floris Historiarum 3 folio. Franco f. 1601. — 3l.4s. (Lord Mii.ton.) 4502 Johnstoni Historiae Rerum Britannicarum ab 1572 ad 1628 3 folio, Amst. 1655/—lZ. 11s. 6d. (Whitmore.) 4503 Sancto Venerable Bede’s Historical Works 3 folio, edited by Smith, with plates and notes, Cantab. 1722.—3 1 . 3s. (Priestley.) 4504 Spark’s Historia Anglicanae Scriptores varii 3 folio, large paper, London, 1723. — 41. 4s. (Whitmore.) 4505 Smithei Flores Ecclesiastici Gentis Anglorum 3 large paper, fine copy. Par. 1754.— 2 1. Qs. (London Institution.) 4506 Parker de Antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesiae 3 folio, large paper, portrait and cuts, Lond. 1729. — 15s. (Priestley.) 4507 Wharton’s Anglia Sacra 3 folio, 2 vols. large paper, Lond. 1691 . — 21. 12 s. 6d. (Air.) 4508 Polydori Vergilii Historica Anglica a Physico 3 8vo. best edition. Lug. Bat. 1651. — 19s. (Payne.) 4508*Le Neve’s Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 3 or the History of the Suc¬ cession of the English Church, &c. 3 folio, Lond. 1716 .— lZ. 5s. (London Institution.) 4509 Innet’s Origines Anglicanae 3 or a History of the English Church, in Continuation to Stillingfleet 3 folio, London , 1704.— 10 s. (Triphook.) 4510 Gibson, Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani 3 folio, 2 vols. best edition, Oxon. 1761. —- 2k l6s. (Heber.) English Monkish Writers , and Topography. 35J> 4511 Godwins Catalogue of the English Bishops ; 4to. London, 1601 . —3s. Gd. (Whitmore.) 4512 Godwini de Praesulibus Anglae Commentarius a Richardson; folio, large paper, portraits. Cant. 1743.- — 14s. (Whit¬ more.) 4513 Usserii Britannicum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates; folio, Lond. 168/. —9s. Gd. (Air.) 4514 Collectanea Anglo-Minoritica, Antiquities of the English Francis¬ cans, with the History of the English Nuns of the Order of St. Clare; 4to. cuts, London, 1726 .—14s. (Triphook.) 45 16 Twine de Rebus Albionicis, Britannicis, et Anglicis Commentarii; 12mo. Lond. 1590.'—4s. Gd. (Heber.) 4517 Hornici Reruin Britannicarum Libri7j 12 mo. L. Bat. 1648.— I 10s. (Lord Milton.) 4518 Horsley’s Britannia Romana; large paper, with 100 plates, bound by Montague, fine copy, Lond. 1732.—28/. 17s. Gd. (Constable.) 4519 Burton’s English Commentary on Antonini Iter Britannicum; folio, maps and portrait by Hollar, Lond. 1658.— 1 /. 8 s. (Priestley.) 4520 Antonini Iter. Britannicum et Geographi Ravennatis Chorographia Britannica, cum Commentario Galei; 4to. Lond. 1709 .— Qs. Gd. (London Institution.) 4521 Antonini Itineraria vetera Romanorum a Wesselingio ; 4to. large paper, dmst. 1735. — 1/. 19s. (London Institution.) 4522 Ives his Remarks on the Garisnanum of the Romans; 8 vo. cuts, London, 1774. — 3s. (Baker.) 4523 Descriptio Britanniae, Cestiae, Hiberniae, et Orcadum, ex libro P, Jovii, et Le Cio Anglorum Regum Clironicon; 4 to. Ven. 1549-—13s. (Payne.) 4524 Norden’s Preparative to bis Speculum Britannicum, and his Mid- 300 English Monkish Writers , and Topography. 4525 4526 4527 4528 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 dlesex and Hertfordshire; 4to. large paper, cuts, London; 1/28. — 1 1. 4s. (Lord Essex.) Fuller’s History of the Worthies of England ; Portrait and Index ; hound in russia, London, 1662. — gl. 5s. (Priestley.) Stukeley’s Itinerarium Curiosum; folio, 2 vols. cuts, fine copy, bound in russia by Johnson, Lond. 1 776 .— 16/. l 6 s. (Priest¬ ley.) Stukeley’s Stone Henge and Abury ; 2 vols. cuts, London, 1740-43j —22 1 . Is. (Lord Essex.) Stukeley’s Medallic History of Carausius; 4to. 2‘ vols. with cuts, London, 1 757 , &c. Stukeley’s Palaeographia Britanniea, or a Discourse 1 /. J s. on Antiquities in Britain, 3 parts, cuts, 1743 ; }> (Lord Es- and his Account of Richard of Cirencester, sex.) with map ; 17 ^ 7 j bound in russia, marbled leaves, 4to, Adams’sIndexVillaris; folio, large paper, London, 1700 .— 1 1 .11 s.6d. (Lord Braybrook.) Lamhard’s Alphabetical Description of the Chief Places in Eng¬ land and Wales ; 4to. fine portrait, large paper, London, 1730. — 1 l. Js. (His Majesty’s Library.) Ducarel’s Anglo Norman Antiquities; folio, London . ■— 1 /. Is. (Lord Essex.) Ducarel’s Anglo Gallic Coins of the Ancient Kings of England; 4to. portrait, London, 1 757-— 19 s. (Lord Milton.) Alien Priories, with their Lands in England and Wales; 8 vo. 2 vols. cuts, 1779- — 14s. (Lord Braybrook.) Bourget’s History of the Abbey of Bee; 8 vo. cuts, London , 1779 .—4s. (Lord Braybrook ) Rawlinson’s English Topographer ; 8vo, cuts, hound in morocco, London, 1720. —l/s. (Baker.) Engl,ish Topograpity. 361 4537 Ray’s Select Remains, with his Life and Itinerary 3 8 vo. portrait, London, 1760.— 6s. (Benth/vm.) 4538 Rogers’s Three Years Travels over England and Wales 5 12 mo. maps, scarce, London, 1694. — 10s. (London Institution.) 4538*Gough’s British Topography 3 4to. 2 vols. extra bound, London, 1780.-— 41. 14s. 6d. (Fuller.) 4539 Grose’s Antiquities of England and Wales 3 4to, 6 vols, large paper, original edition, bound in morocco, London, 1 7/3.— 3 gl. 18s. (Constable.) 4540 Grose’s Antiquities of Scotland 3 4to.2 vols. large paper, uniform with the last article, London, 1789.— Ql . 19s. 6d. (Constable.) 4541 Grose’s Antiquities of Ireland 3 4to. 2 vols, large paper, uniform with the last, London, 1791.— 11 7. 6d. (Constable.) 4542 Darell’s History of Dover Castle 5 4to. large paper, London, 17S6.— 61 . 8s. 6d. (Constable.) 4543 Grose on Ancient Armour ; large paper, original edition, London, 1786.— 21. 17s. 6d. (Constable.) 4544 Grose’s Military Antiquities 3 4to. 2 vols. original edition, London, 178 6. — 41. (Constable.) I 4545 Nichols's Bibliotheca Topographia Britannica 3 4to. 8 vols. cuts, extremely rare, London, 178O-9O.—47k 5s. (Borough.) 4546 Gutch’s Collectanea Curiosa on the History and Antiquities of England and Ireland 3 8 vo. 2 vols. large paper, Oxf. 17SI.—. 15s. 6 d . (Ridley.) 4547 Tanuer’s Notitia Monastica, with Additions by Nasmith 3 folio, Camb. 1789. — 41. 14s. 6d. (Triphook.) 4548 Tanner’s Notitia Monastica 3 8vo. Oxf. 1695. — 6s. (Priestley.) 4549 Willis’s Notitia Parliamentary 3 8 vo. 3 vols, best edition, London, 1730, &e. — 61. 6 s. (Bagster.) 4550 Willis’s History and Antiquities of the Town, &c. of Bucking¬ ham 3 4 to. London, 1 755. — 1 Jl. (Priestley.) 362 English Topography. i 4551 Willis’s History of the Mitred Abbeys and Conventual Cathedral Churches j 8vo, 2 vols. large paper, London , 1 /18.—1 61 . (Collins.) 4552 Willis’s Survey of the Cathedrals, and the Parochiale Anglicanum 3 4to. 3 vols. cuts, London, 1742.—162. 16s. (Collins.) 4553 Staveley’s History of the Churches in England 3 8 vo. London, 1773*—(Payne.) THIBTY-FiBST DAY’S SALE. MAY 31 4554 LE NEVE’s Monumenta Anglicana, from 1(500 to 1718 ; 8Vo. 5 vols. large paper, London', 1717 -I9-— 6 J. 12 s. 6d. (Con¬ stable.) 4555 Weever’s Ancient Funeral Monuments of Great Britain, Ireland, &c. ; 4to. with portrait, London, 1 76J . —'18s. 6 d. (Smith.) 4557 Musgravii Antiquitates Britannia® Belgicae ; 8vo. 4 vols. cuts, Ise Duma, 1711. — 1 1. Is. (Gardner.) 4558 Blount’s Ancient Tenures and Jocular Customs of some Manors ; 8vo. London, 1679 .— 7 s • (Bentham.) 4559 Salmon’s New Survey of England; 8vo. 2 vols. in 1 , London, 1731. (Priestley.) 4560 Tracts—Miscellaneous Antiquities, 2 Numbers, Strawberry Hill, 1772 ; Ive’s Select Papers on English Antiquities 3 cuts, 3 Numbers, 1773 j Wise’s Proofs that the White Horse in Berkshire is a Monument of the West Saxons, cuts, 1738 j Further Observations on the White Horse; an Account of Whiteleaf Cross in Buckinghamshire, and of the Red Horse in Warwickshire, cuts, Oxford, 1742 j Swinton’s Jnscriptiones Citiae, cuts, Oxon. 1750; Swinton’s Metilia, 1750; Disser- 364 English Topography. tatio de Monumentis Romanis, Edinb. 1750} A Philosophical Dialogue on Decency, 1751 } Earl of Macclesfield’s Speech on altering the Commencement of the Year, 1750} Defence of the Old Stile, 1751 ; The Earl of Macclesfield on the Solar and Lunar Year, 1750} The Importance of Modern Anti¬ quaries, &c.} 4to.—1 1. 1 5s. (Sir John Henderson.) 45(5l Tracts—Perlin’s Description D’Angleterre et D’Ecosse, Paris, 1558 } Histoire de l’Entree de la Reine Mere, par la Serre, Paris, 1639 , with cuts, reprinted with notes by Mr. Gough, 1775 } Ceremonies at the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England, with the cuts, 1760} Curialia, or an Historical Account of the Royal Household, 2 parts, 17S2, &c.; Astle’s Account of the Events produced in England by the granting of the Kingdom of Sicily to the Second Son of Henry III. 177^1 Relazione del Cavalier Michele Suriariod Ingliilterra, &e.} manuscript, very ancient. All bound in one quarto volume by Walther. — 21 . 12s. (Heber.) 4562 Dugdale (Sir Wm.) his Monasticon Anglicanumj folio, 3 vols. with numerous plates by Hollar, &c. fine, tall, and perfect copy, bound in russia, London, 1682 , &c.— -661. 3s. (Hind- ley.) , 4563 Dugdale’s Monasticon Anglicanum, digested in English, with Stevens’s Continuation 3 folio, 3 vols. cuts, fine copies, bound in russia, London, 1718-22-23. — 4 Ql. 7s. (Hindley.) 4.564 Sir William Dugdale his Antiquities of Warwickshire 3 folio, por¬ trait and cuts by Hollar, fine copy, bound in russia, London, 1656.—15/. 4s. 6d. (Priestley.) 4565 Sir William Dugdale his History of Warwickshire, revised and continued by Thomas 5 folio, 2 vols. large paper, bound in russia, fine copy, London, 1730. — 641. Is. (Sir M. Sykes.) 4500 Sir William Dugdale his History of St. Paul’s Cathedral, and his i History of Northern Cathedrals 3 folio, large paper, portrait English Topography . 365 and cuts by Hollar, London, \J\Q. —15Z. 15s. (Sir M. Sykes.) 4507 Sir William Dugdale his History of Embanking and Draining Fens, corrected by Cole ; folio, large paper, bound in russia, London, 1 772.— 5 l . 1 5 s . 6d . (Sir M. Sykes.) 4568 Sir William Dugdale his Baronage of England; folio, 2 vols. large paper, in the original morocco binding, gilt leaves, Lon¬ don, 1675 .—3 Ql . 10 s. (Clarke.) 4569 Dugdale, (Sir W.) Origines Juridicales; with the Portraits and Arms by Hollar, Faithorne, &c. fine copy, best edition, bound in russia, London, 1680.— 5 l . 18s. (Priestley.) 4570 Dugdale’s Summons to Parliament of the Nobility; folio, fine copy, bound in russia, London, 1685.—3Z. 14s. (Priestley.) 4571 Dugdale’s View of the Troubles in England; folio, large paper, with portrait, bound in russia, Oxf. 1681.—3Z. Is. (Evans.) 4572 Nicholson’s and Burn’s History and Antiquities of Westmoreland and Cumberland; 4to. 2 vols. map, extra bound, London, 1777-'—lZ. 19s. (Chandley.) 4573 Robinson’s Natural History of Westmoreland and Cumberland; 8vo. London, 1709.—lZ. Is. (Lord Essex.) 4574 Davies’s Rites and Monuments of the Monastical and Cathedral Church of Durham; 12mo. London, 1672. — 10s. 6d. (Chandley.) 4575 Durham Abbey, its Rites, Customs and Ceremonies; 12mo. MS notes by Mr. Cole, Durh. 1733 . —12s. Qd. (Heber.) 4576 Saunderson’s Cathedral Church and County Palatine of Durham ; 12 mo. Newcastle, 1767.— 7 s • 6 d. (Payne.) 4576*Wallis’s Natural History and Antiquities of Northumberland; 4to. 2 vols. 1769.— 2 1. (Chandley.) 4577 Bourne’s History of Newcastle upon Tyne; folio, map, &c. Newcastle, 1736.— lZ. 7 *. (Payne.) 366 English Topography. 45/8 Burton’s Mdnasticon Eboracense; large paper, bound in russia; York, 1758.— 71 . Qs. Qd. (Constable.) 45/9 Drake’s History and Antiquities of the City and Cathedral of York ; folio, cuts, London, 1736.— Ql. l/s. Qd. (Priestley.) 4580 Description and History of Canterbury and York Cathedrals; folio, cuts, London, 1755. —1/. Is. (Lord Milton.) 4581 Torr’s Antiquities of York City; 8vo. York, 1719 .— 6 s. Qd. (Lord Essex.) , 4582 Thoresby’s Topography of Leeds, and Places adjacent, with Pedi¬ grees of the neighbouring Noble Families, &c.; folio, portrait and cuts, fine copy, Found in russia by Roger Payne, London, 1715.—131. (Lord Essex.) 4583 Thoresby’s History of the Church of Leeds; 8 vo. London, 1724. —12s. (Lord Essex.) 45S4 Watson’s History and Antiquities of Halifax, in Yorkshire; 4to. portraits and cuts, extra bound, London, 177-5* ■— 'll. 3s. (Wortley.) 4585 Gent’s History of the Town of Rippon ; 8 vo. cuts, York, 1733 .— 1 1J. 11s. (Bentham.) 4586 Gent’s History of Kingstou upon Hull; 8 vo. cuts, London, 1735; 11s. Qd. (Bentham.) 4587 Gent’s History of York and its Cathedral; 12 mo. cut, York t 1730.—13s. (Bentham.) 4588 Bentley’s History of Halifax and its Gibbet Law; with Revenge upon Revenge, or the tragical Histories of Sir John Bland and Sir Robert Beaumont; 12 mo. with frontispiece, London, 1712.-—15s. (Wortley.) 4589 History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Hereford; 8vo. London, 1717-—11s. (Lord Essex.) 4590 Gibson’s Churches of Door Home Lacey, and Hempstead; 4to. London, 1727.— Qs . (Lord Essex.) English Topography. 367 45Q1 Phillips’s History and Antiquities of Shrewsbury; 4to. cuts. Shrews. 1779.—3 l . (Lloyd.) 4592 Enderbie’s Origin and Antiquity of the Welsh Nation; folio, 2 vols. in 1, fine copy, bound in russia by Roger Payne, London , l66l,—19^ 10s. (Lord Essex.) 4593 Lewis’s History of Great Britain, with Lhuyd's Brevaris of Bri¬ tain; folio, London , 1729.— 31. 13s. 6d. (London Insti¬ tution.) 4594 Rowland’s Mona Antiqua Restaurata ; 4to. bound in russia, cuts, Lond. 1756.—1 l. 6s. (Bentham.) 4595 Davies’s Celtic Researches, and Origin, Traditions, and Lan¬ guage of the Ancient Britons; 8vo. London, 1804.—l6s. (Bentham.) 4596 Wyndham’s Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales, many Views; 4to. extra bound, best edition, Salisb. 1731.— 3l. 4s. (Priestley.) 4597 Powell’s History of Wales; 4to. original edition, fine copy, bound in russia, London, 1584. — Jl. (Priestley.) 4598 Powell’s History of Wales, augmented by Wynne, with Price’s Description; 8 vo. London, 1774.—lZ. 4s. (Gardner.) 4599 Dodridge’s History of the Principality of Wales and Duchy of Cornwall, and Earldom of Chester; 4to. London, 1630.— 6s. 6d. (Lord Essex.) ' 4600 Dodrige’s Historical Account of Wales, Cornwall, and Chester; London, 1764. — 5s. 6d. (Gardner.) 4601 Willis’s Survey of the Cathedral Church of St. David, London, 1717; ofLandaff, Lond.ljig-, of St. Asaph, Lond. 1720; of Bangor; Lond. 1721; 8vo. 4 vols. cuts, uniform.— Jl. 5s. (Priestley.) 4602 Sacheverell’s Account of the Isle of Man; 12mo. London, 1/02. —Is. 6d. (Gardner.) 368 English Topography. 4604 Leigh’s Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak in Derbyshire j folio, with portrait and cuts, extra in russia, Oxf. 1700.— 3 l . (Bentham.) 4605 Enfield’s History of Liverpool 3 map and views by Booker, Low- don, 1774.—lZ-9$. (Heber.) 4606 Rotlinell’s Roman Antiquities of Overborough 3 4to. London, 3746.—15$. (London Institution.) 4607 King’s Vale Royal of England, and on the Isle of Man 3 folio, with maps, prospects, and arms, and the portrait of Hugh Lupus, fine copy, bound in russia, London, 1656 .—18 l. 18s. (Lord Essex.) 4608 Sir Peter Leycester’s Historical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, and Chester, with the Doomsday of Cheshire 3 with the map, fine copy, bound in russia, London, 1673.— 51. 7$. 6d. (Payne.) 4609 West’s Antiquities of Furness ; 4to. with map, extra bound, Lon¬ don, 1774.—19s. (Heber.) 4610 Bray’s Tour in Derbyshire and Yorkshire 3 8 vo, London, 1783.— 10$. 6 d . (Sir J. Copley.) 46 11 Deering’s Ancient and Present State of the Town of Nottingham, with Appendix 3 4to, map, and cuts, Nott. 1751.—1 l. 15$. (Priestley.) 4612 Thoroton’s Antiquities of Nottinghamshire; folio, with maps, prospects, portraits, and arms, engraved by Hollar, bound in russia, London, 1677 .—14Z. 5s. (Priestley.) 4613 Burton’s (Wm.) History and Antiquities of Leicestershire 5 folio, large paper, bound in russia, Lynn, iP/J.—ll. (His Ma¬ jesty’s Library.) 46 14 Throsby’s Memoirs of the Town and County of Leicester 3 12mo. 6 tom. in 3, cuts, Leicester, no date .— 10$. 6d. (Smith.) 4615 Wright’s History and Antiquities of Rutland 3 folia', large paper, cuts, fine copy, bound in russia, 1688. — ll. 6 s. (Priestley.) English Topography. 369 4616 Butcher’s Antiquities of Stamford, and Bedwall’s Tottenham High Cross; 8vo. large paper, London, 1717. — ll. Qs. (Baker.) 4 617 Peck’s Antiquarian Annals of Stanford} folio, large paper, por¬ trait and cuts, fine Copy, extra in russia, London, 1727 .—■ 4?, lls. (Priestley.) 4618 Blomefield’s Topographical Hist'ory of Norfolk, continued by Parkin; folio, 5 vols. cuts, bound in russia, Lynn, 1777- — 18 l . 18s. (Bentham.) -4619 Swinden’s History and Antiquities of Great Yarmouth} 4to. bound in russia, Norwich, 1772.—1Z. Qs. (Heber.) 4620 History of Great Yarmouth from Ancient Records} 8vo. with view, bound by Johnson, Lynn, 177*5.—13s. (Heber.) 4021 Parkins’s History and Antiquities of Norwich} 8vo. with view, Lynn, 1783.—lls. (Triphook.) 4621 * His tory of the City and County of Norwich } 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, Norwich, 1768.—19s. (Heber.) 4622 Sir Thomas Browne’s Antiquities of the Cathedral Church ot Norwich; and his Miscellanies; 8vo. cuts, London, 1/23.— 8s. (Bentham.) 4023 Mackereil’s History and Antiquities of King’s Lynn; 8vo. cuts, London, 1731.—14s. (Triphook.) 4624 Martin’s History of Thetford; 4to. portrait and cuts, Londort, 1773.— ll. 5s, (Payne.) 4025 Batteley Antiquitates Rutupine et S. Edmund burgi; 4to. large paper, cuts, Oxori. 1745. —6s. 6 d. (Lord Milton.) 4626 Kirby’s Suffolk Traveller; 8vo. best edition, map, London, 1764. —17s. (Morse.) 4627 Dale’s History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dover Court; 4to. cuts, large paper, London, 1732.— ll. 19s. (London Institution.) 3 B 370 English Topography. 462 S Morant’s History and Antiquities of Colchester and Essex j folio, large paper, 2 vols. cuts, in russia binding, London, 1768.— 23 1 . (Bentham.) 4629 Salmon’s History and Antiquities of Essex ; folio, extra bound, London , 1740.—2 l. 18s. (Heber.) 4629*Essex, its History and Antiquities, and Natural History, with Plans and Views j 8 vo. 6 vols. Chelms. 1770-72.— 61. (Lord Essex.) 4630 Farmer’s History of Waltham Abbey j 8vo. cuts, London , 1735. —1/. 3s. (Lord Essex.) 4631 Masters's History of Bennet College j 4to. 2 vols. cuts, large paper, extra bound, Camb. 1753.—1 l. 5s. (Lord Essex.) 4632 Bentham’s History and Antiquities of Ely j many plates, fine copy, extrain russia, Cambridge, 1771-—15i. (Faulder.) 4633 Parker’s History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge ; 8vo. No date. —5s. (Lord Essex.) 4634 Blomefield, Collectanea Cantahrigiensia j 4to. Norw. 1750.— 14s. (Lord Essex.) 4635 Fitz Stephens’s Description of London, with a Commentary, and the Latin Original, London, 1772j and Walpole’s Historic Doubts on Richard 111. London, 1768} 4to. bound together. —]/. Is. (Hodges.) 4636 Stowe’s Survey of London and Westminster; folio, 2 vols. with portrait, and numerous maps and cuts, best edition, fine copy, bound in russia, London, 1754.—13 1 . 13s. (Lord Essex.) 4637 Maitland’s History of London, continued by Entick to 1772i 2 vols. cuts, best edition, bound in russia, London, 1775.— 7?. (Borough.) 4038 Newcourt’s Repertorium Eeclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense; folio, 2 vols. large paper, portrait, London , 1708.'—3/. 5s. (Priestley.) English Topography. 371 4639 Howell’s Perturbation of the City of London and Westminster ; folio, portrait and view by Hollar, London, 1657.—11 . 5s. (Priestley.) 4640 Wilmore’s History of Westminster Abbey; 4to. London , 1751 .— 13s. (Payne.) 4641 Keepe’s History of Westminster Abbey; 8vo. London, 1782.—• 9s. (Payne.) 4642 Grosley’s Observations on England and its Inhabitants, by Nu¬ gent j 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1772. —13s. (Heber.) 4643 Bearcroft’s History of the Charter House and its Founder; 8vo. large paper, portrait and cuts, 1737.— ll . 6s. (Wortley.'* 4644 New View of London ; 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, London, 1708.— Ss. (Heeer,) 4645 Antiquities of the Abbey-Church of Westminster; 8vo, 2 vols. great number of cuts, best edition, 1742.—17s. (Priestley.) 4646 Warburton’s London and Middlesex illustrated; 8vo. with MS additions, London, 1749-—4s. 6d. (Priestley.) 4647 Herne’s Account of the Foundation of the Charter House; 8vo. portrait of Sir T. Sutton, London, 1677-—6s. (Gardner.) 4648 Aubrey’s Miscellanies and Tomb Inscriptions in Bunhill Fields; 8vo. London, 1 717-— 4s. 6d. (His Majesty’s Library.) 4649 Dart’s Westminster Abbey; folio, 2 vols. large' paper, fine impressions of the plates, bound in russia, extra, rare, London, 1725 4650 Dart’s Canterbury Cathedral; large paper, fine copy, fine impressions of the plates, bound in russia, London, 1726 4651 Hasted’s History and Topography of Kent; folio, 4 vols. many plates, choice copy. Cant. 1 77 §-— 12 J. 15s. (Bentham.) 4652 Harris’s History of Kent; folio, large paper, with portrait, and bird’s-eye views of the principal Seats in Kent, ruled with 43 1 . Is. }■ (Lord Es¬ sex.) English Topography. m red lines, bound in blue turkey, London, 1719-—l 6s. (Evans.) 4653 Philipot's Survey of Kent ; folio, the original edition, bound in t » russia, London, 1659.—1 1 . 15s. (Heber.) 4654 Philipot’s Kent Surveyed and Illustrated; folio, large paper, bound in russia, Lynn, 177*5. — ll. 17s. (Heber.) 4655 Kilburne’s Topography of the County of Kent; 4to. portrait, London, l65Q.—1 1 . Is. (Triphook.) < ’ • 4656 Lambarde’s Perambulation of Kent ; 4to. map London, 15Q6.—-* ll . 2 s .(Priestley.) 4657 Somers’s Antiquities of Canterbury, enlarged by Batteley, with Mr. Somner’s Chatham Views ; folio, cuts, large paper, Lon¬ don, 1703. —2 1. 16s. (Priestley.) 4658 Gostling’s Walk in and about the City of Canterbury; 8vo. with portrait, and twenty-three plates, best edition. Cant. 1779- — 12s. (Lord Essex.) 4659 Thorpe’s Registrum Roffense; folio, portrait, bound in russia, London, 1769.—3 1. 3s. (Sir J. Henderson.) 4660 History and Antiquities of Rochester; 12mo. with MS. notes by Cole, London, \/ 23 . — ll . (Heber.) 4661 Marmor Sandvicense a Taylor, et de Inope Debitore in Partes dissecando ; 4to. cuts, extra bound, Cantabrig. 1743.—10s. 6 d. (Sir J. Henderson.) 4662 Somner’s Treatise of Gavelkind, with his Life by Kennet, with sundry emergent Observations, pleasant and profitable for Kentish Men; 4to. extra bound, London, 1726. — 16s. (Rogers.) 4663 Lewis’s History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Church of Fe- versham, the Priory of Davington, the Maison Dieu of Ospringe, the Parish of Bocton ; 4to. portrait and cuts, with MS. additions, 1727- — 2f. 4s. (Baker.) jEnglish Topography. 373 4664 Batteley’s Antiquities of Richborougli and Reculver* Svo. cuts, London, 1 7/4.— 2 s. 6 d. (Heber.) 4665 Jacob’s History of Feversbam, with the Account of the Murder of Mr. Arden, See.; 8vo. map and cuts, extra bound, London, 17/4.— 12 s. (Lord Essex.) 4666 Southouse’s Monasticon Favershamiense, wherein its Barony and Right to sit in Parliament is discovered, with an Account of the Descent of King Stephen; 12mo. London, 167 L—11s. (Payne.) 4667 Newton’s History and Antiquities of Maidstone j Svo. large paper, London, 1741 .— 10s. (Priestley.) 4668 Burr’s History of Tunbridge Wells ; Svo. London, 1 766 .—4s. (Smith.) 4 669 Somner of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, and Life, by Bishop Kennett; 12mo. portrait, Oxford, 1698.—4s. (Lord Essex.) •{.'.vvfoan . i, ro". h » flA ( « i . V ) • I ' ,1 . 'til!' ■ :li fo & ■ >■ • SO ■ JUNE U 46^0 SIR Richard Worsley’s History of the Isle of Wight ; 4to. cuts, extra bound, London, 1/81. — 2 Z. IQs. (Lord Essex.) 4671 Falle’s Account of Jersey; 8vo. with map, London, 1734.'—7 s • (Meredith.) 4672 Dicey's Historical Account of Guernsey; 12mo. line paper, London, 1751.— 12s. (Payne.) 4673 History and Antiquities of Winchester; 12mo. 2 vols. with numerous plates, Winton. 1773-— H. 11s. (Clarke.) 4674 Antiquities of Arundel, with Abstracts of the Lives of the Earls, and the peculiar Privilege of its Castle and Lordship; 8vo. London, 1 766.—lZ. 6s. (Gardner.) 4675 Salmon’s Antiquities of Surrey; 8vo, London, 173 6 . — 14s. (Payne.) 4676 Sir Henry Chauney’s Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire; folio, with a MS. list of the plates and the four cancelled leaves, fine copy, bound in russia, by R. Payne, London, 1700 .' —35Z. 14s. (Heber.) •4677 Bridge’s History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, by Whal ley ; 2 vols. portrait, map and views, extra bound, Oxf. 1 79 1 • —17Z. 17*- (Lord Milton.) English Topography. 375 46/8 Moreton’s Natural History of Northamptonshire, and its Anti¬ quities 3 folio, large paper, with map and fourteen plates, bound in russia, London, 1/02.— 61. (Durant.) 4679 Gunton’s History of the Church of Peterborough 3 folio, cuts by King, London > 1086.— 2 1. 2s. (Priestley.) 4080 Plott’s Natural History of Staffordshire 3 folio, fine copy, large paper, russia binding, Oxford, 1080.— Jl. 12 s. 6d. (Payne.) 46S1 Erdeswicke’s Survey of Staffordshire, by Degge, 1/23 3 and Norden’sNorthamptonshire 3 Svo. Lond. 1729.—2 l. (Priest¬ ley.) 4682 Hutton’s History of Birmingham 3 8vo. cuts, Birm. 178I.—9s. 6d. (Baker.) 4083 Wood’s History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford, published in English, and continued by Gutch 3 folio, cuts, extra bound, Oxf. 1786.— 1 1. Is. (Lord Essex.) 4654 Wood, Historia et Antiquitates Universatis Oxoniensisj folio, fine portraits of Charles II. and of all the Founders, with plans. See. Oxon. 1674.—18s. (London Institution.) 4085 Oxonia Ulustrata, Urbis totius Scenographia, k Loggan; fine impressions, morocco, gilt leaves, Oxon. 1675. — 61. 2s. 6d. (Lord Braybrook.) 4680 Plott’s Natural History of Oxfordshire 3 folio, cuts, best edition, bound in russia, by Roger Payne, fine copy, Oxf. 1710.— 31.7s. (Priestley.) 4687 Aylyfe’s ancient and present State of the University of Oxford; 8vo. 2 vols. large paper, London, 1714.— ll. Is. (Priest¬ ley.) 468S Peshall’s History of the City and University of Oxford j 4to. cuts* bound in russia, Oxf. 1772-3.— ll. 12 s. (Lord Essex.) 4089 Pointer’s Antiquities and Curiosities of the University of Oxford; % 12mo. London, 1745.—4s. (London Institution.) 375 English 'Topography. 4690 Smith’s Annals of University College} 8vo. Newcas. 1/lS,—>• 2s. (Tkiphook.) 4692 Ashmole’s Antiquities of Berkshire 3 8vo. 3 vols. London, 1719-— 5l.5s. (Priestley.) 4693 Atkins’s ancient and present State of Gloucestershire 3 folio, 73 plates, hound in russia, large paper. Land. 1768.—i l. 14s. 6d. (Priestley.) 4695 Nash’s Collections for the History of Worcestershire, with Sup¬ plement 3 folio, 3 vols. many plates, bound in russia, London, 1781-2, &c/—10Z. 10s. (Durant.) 4696 Thomas’s Survey of the Cathedral of Worcester, with its Bishops, and an Appendix 5 4to. cuts, London, 1737*'—U.'5s. (Trip- hook.) 4697 Green’s Survey of Worcester; 8vo. Worcester, 1762. — 5s. (Priestley.) 4698 Abingdon’s Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester; 8vo. London, 1717- — 16s. 6d. (Baker.) 4699 Tracts—Price’s Observations' on the Structure of Salisbury Cathe¬ dral, cuts, 1753 ; Pettingal on the Use and Practice of Juries, 17693 Norden’s Drawings of Ruins of some colossal Statues at Thebes, 1741, 4to.—14s. (Priestley.) 4/00 Antiquitates Sarisburenses, with the Salisbury Ballad, Lives of the Bishops, and of eminent Salisbury Men j 8vo, Salisbury, 1 771-—10 s - (Payne.) 4/01 Kennedy’s Antiquities and Curiosities of Wilton House, with 25 fine engravings, and Anecdotes and Remarks by Thomas Earl of Pembroke ; 4to. best edition, Salisbury, 1769—1 1. Is. (Lord Essex.) 4702 Barret’s History and Antiquities of Bristol; 4to. map and cuts, Brist. I/S9.—U. 11s. (Lord Essex.) 4703 Wood’s Description of Bath; Svo. 2 vols. cuts, London, 1705,—« Qs, 6d . (Triphook.) =' •• r- English and Scotch History. 377 4704 History and Antiquities of Salisbury Cathedral, and the Abbey Church at Bath ; 8vo. with MS. notes, London , 1723.—19s. (Lord Essex.) 4705 Hutchins’s History and Antiquities of Dorsetshire ; folio, 2 vols. map, and many fine views, &c. bound in russia, London, 1/74. —11/. (Lord Essex.) 4706 Coker’s Survey of Dorsetshire, with its Antiquities and Natural History 5 folio, map, London, 1732 .'—2/. 4s. (Heber.) 4707 Prince’s Worthies of Devon, with their Lives and Fortunes; folio, fine copy, bound in russia, Exet. 1701.—12/. Is. 6d. (Priestley.) 4708 Borlase’s Natural History of Cornwall, folio, Oxf. 1758; and Antiquities, folio, 2 vols. uniform, fine set, London, 1769.— 5l. 1 5s. (Lord Essex.) 4709 Carew’s Survey of Cornwall j 4to, bound in calf, gilt leaves, London, 1 760 .—1 /. 8s. (Durant.) 4710 Norden’s Topographical and Historical Description of Cornwall; 4to. map and cuts, coloured, London, 1728.—1/. 6s. (Baker.) 4711 Borlase’s Observations on the Islands of Scilly; 4to, map, extra bound, Oxf. 1756.—2/. 3s. (Lord Essex.) 4712 Heath’s Natural and Historical View of the Island of Scilly; 8vo, map, London, 1750.—15s. (Payne.) History , 4fc. relative to Scotland. 4713 Maitland’s History of Scotland to 1(503 ; 2 vols. bound in russia, London, 1757 .— 4 /. 6s. (Heber.) 4714 Drummond, of Hawthorden, his Works; folio, with portrait of the Author, likewise of the five KiDg Jameses, Edinb. 17 IL—" 19s. (Sir J. Riddell.) 378 History , fyc. relative to Scotland. 4715 Scott’s History of Scotland, from 3691 to 1726; folio, large paper, map, &c. bound in red morocco ; King George the Second’s copy, Westminster, 172 7.— 3 1. 7s. (Constable.) 4716 Robertson’s History of Scotland 5 4to. 2 vols. London, 1771 •— l/. 6 s. (Chandley.) 4717 Stuart’s History of Scotland, from the Reformation to Mary’s death; 4to. 2 vols. extra bound, London, 1782.—1/. 17s. (Payne.) 4718 Scriptores de Vita et Rebus gestis Mariae Scotorum Reginae, a Jebb; folio, 2 vols. portraits and Genealogical Tables, Lond. 1725.—4 1 . (Constable.) 4719 Tittler’s Enquiry into the Evidence against Mary, queeen of Scots ; 8vo. Edinb. 1767'—6 s. (Unwin.) 4720 Mary, Queen of Scots, her Life and Reign; 8vo. with portrait, London, 1725.—8s. 6d. (Unwin.) 4721 Wilson’s History of the Life and Reign of James I.; and Sir James Melville’s Memoirs; folio, bound in 1 vol. London, 1683.'— lZ. 7 s • (Payne.) 4722 Mason’s Historia Brittanniae Majoris ; 4to. Edinb . 1740.—9s. (London Institution.) 4723 Gordon’s Itinerarium Septentrionale, with the additions; folio, large paper, and 66 cuts, fine copy, bound by Montagu, Lond. 1727-— 5Z. 10s. (Priestley.) 4724 Maitland’s History of Edinburgh; folio, with a plan and numerous cuts, Edinb. 1753.'— lZ. 19s. (Durant.) 4725 Arnott’s History of Edinburgh; 4to. with map, Edinb. 1779,— ll . 10s. (Lord Essex.) 4726 Shaw’s History of the Province of Moray; 4to. cuts, Edinb. 1775. —11s. (Triphook.) 4727 Wallace’s Account of the Islands of Orkney; 8vo. map and cuts, London, 1700 .— lZ. 3s. (Payne.) History, Sfc. relative to Scotland. 379 4/28 Brand’s Description of Orkney, Rutland, &c.; 8vo. Edinb. 1703. — lZ. 11s. 6 d. (Baker.) 4729 Historia Orcadensium, et Vita S. Magni insulorum comitis, a Iones ; 4to. Hafn. 178O.—2Z. 12s. 6 d. (Priestley.) 4730 Martin’s Western Islands; 8vo. cuts, London, 1716.—U. is. (Payne.) 4731 Macaulay’s History of St. Kilda; 8vo. map, London, 1764.*—< lZ. 4s. (Payne.) 4732 Home’s Essays concerning British Antiquities; 8vo. London, 1749.—4s. (Priestley.) 4733 Martyn’s Voyage to St. Kilda; Svo. cuts, best edition, London, 1753. —'13s. (Payne.) 4734 Topham’s Letters from Edinburgh, with its Diversions, Customs, &c. ; 8vo. London, 1776-'—9$- 64. (Clarke.) 4735 Letters on the North of Scotland; 8vo. 2 vols, cuts, London , 1754. —49s. (Lord Essex.) 4736 Dalrymple’s Essay on Feudal Property; 32mo. best edition, 1759* —5s. (Priestley.) 4737 Homes, Lord Kaimes, Historical Law Tracts ; 8 xo. Edinb. 1761. — 6s. 6 d. (Hare.) 4738 Stuart’s History of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland; 4to. London, 178O.—10 s. 6 d. (Sir J. Riddel.) 4739 Burnet’s Constitution of the Church of Scotland; 12mo. Glasgow, 1673.—9s. (Hare.) 4740 Mackenzie’s Jus Regium, and Antiquities of the Royal Line of Scotland; 12mo. London, 1684-6. — 2s. 6 d. (Hare.) 4741 Watson’s Historical Collection of Ecclesiastical Affairs in Scot¬ land; 12mo. London, 1657--— 5s. 6d. (Hare.) 4742 Spangii Historia Rerum in Regno Sest. nuper gestarum; 12mo. Danteg. 1641.—8s. 6 d. (London Institution.) 380 History , tyc. relative to Scotland. 4743 Johnson’s Tour to the Western Islands of Scotland ; 8vo. first edition, London, 1775.—7 s - (Priestley.) 4744 Cordiner’s Ruins and Romantic Prospects of North Britain; 4to. with 96 plates, London, 1795 . —2 l. 5s. (Constable.) 4745 Cordiner’s Letters to Pennant on the Antiquities and Scenery of the North of Scotland; 4to. extra bound, London, 17SO.— 1 1. 8 s. (Constable.) 4746 Pennant’s Tour through Scotland; 4to. 3 vols. London, 1776.— 61. l6s, 6 d. (Borough.) 4747 Pennant’s Tour in Wales, with the Supplement; 4to. first edition, 2 vols. London, 1 778.— 5l. 18s. (Borough.) 4748 Pennant’s Account of London; 4to. second edition, London, 179 1 * •— ll. 11s. 6 d, (Borough.) 4749 Pennant’s Journey from Chester to London; 4to. London, 1782. — 61. 6s. (Borough.) 4750 Pennant’s British Zoology; 4to. 4 vols, best edition, extra bound, Warrington, 1 776-7*—24 1. (Borough.) 4751 Pennant’s Arctic Zoology; 4to. 2 vols. large paper, extra bound, London, 1784.— 11. 6s. (Borough.) 4752 Pennant’s History of Quadrupeds; 4to. 2 vols. extra bound, London, 178I.—2 1. 10s. (Borough.) 4753 Pennant’s Genera of Birds; 4to. extra bound, London, 1781.— 17s. (Borough.) History , tyc. relative to Ireland. 4754 Sir James Ware’s Works concerning Ireland; folio, 3 vols. in 1, large paper, best edition, bound in russia, with MS. notes, Dublin, 1739 & 1754.'—23Z. 2s. (Lord Essex.) 4755 Waraeius de Hibernia et Antiquitatibus ejus, et Annales Rerum History, $c. relative to Ireland. 381 Hibernicarum, regnante Henrico; 8vo. map and cuts, Lond. 1658.—4s. (Payne.) 4756 Keating’s General History of Ireland 3 folio, large paper, with map, cuts, medals, and genealogical tables, London , 1723.— .. „ - v f < 7L 15s. (Borough.) 4757 Cox’s History of Ireland; folio, 2 vols. large paper, map and portraits, London, 1689.—3/. (Payne.) 4758 Leland’s History of Ireland ; 4to. 3 vols. London, 1773,— 'll. l6s. (Unwin.) 4759 Walshe’s Prospect of the State of Ireland 3 12mo. London, 16S2.— 1 1 . (Payne.) 4760 Analecta Hibernica de Processu Martyriali quorundam; 8vo. Colon. 1619.—16s. 6 d. (Heber.) 4761 Harris’s Hibernica, or Ancient Pieces relating to Ireland 3 8vo. bound by Johnson, Dublin, 177°- —!/• 8s. (Baker.) 4762 Malcolm’s Tracts on the Antiquities of Gieat Britain and Ireland 3 8 vo. London, 1744.—14s. (Payne.) 4763 Risvii Regiminis Anglicani in Hibernia Defcnsio 3 4to. Lond. 1624.—15s. (London Institution.) 4764 Carte’s Life of James, Duke of Ormond; folio, 3 vols. large paper, London, 1736.—10/. 15s. (Priestley.) 4/65 Borlase’s History of the Irish Rebellion 3 folio, London, 16S0. — 19s.6d. (Trifhook.) 4766 The Earl of Clarendon’s Rebellion and Civil Wars in Ireland; 8vo. large paper, portrait of the Duke of Ormond after Kneller, London, 1720. — 1/, 3s. (Unwin.) 4767 Marquis of Clanrickarde’s Memoirs ; 8vo. large paper, London, 1722.— 7 s • (Wortley.) 4768 Tracts relating to Military Operations in Ireland, Germany, and Italy; 4to. with cuts, 1684, &c. &c.— 11s. 6 d. (Heber.) 4769 Monasticon Hibernicum ; 8vo. with map and portraits of the 382 History, fyc. relative to Ireland. different orders of monks, London, 1/22. —1/. (London: Institution.) 4/^0 Petty’s (Sir Win.) Political Anatomy of Ireland ; ct Verburo Sapienti, or the Wealth and Expence of England 3 proving she could, if forced, bear the charge of four millions per annum; 8vo. 1691.— 2s. 6d. (Lord Gossford.) 4771 Petty’s (Sir Wm.) Reflections on some Persons and Things in Ireland; 12mo. London , 1660. — 8s. 6d. (Baker.) 4772 Watkinson’s Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland ; 8vo. cuts, London, 1 777-— J L 4s. (Unwin.) 4773 Sir John Davis’s Discovery of the State of Ireland, with the true causes why it was never subdued ; 4to. first edition, London, 1613.—1Z. 5s . (Payne.) 4774 Debates on the Affairs in Ireland, in 1763 and 1704 ; 8vo. 2 vols. London, 1766-— 3 s. (Borough.) 4775 Simon on Irish Coins; 4to, cuts, Dublin, 1/4 Q. —17s. (Priestley.) 4770 Young’s Tour in Ireland in 1J/6, 7, 8; 4to. with cuts, London, 1780.'—1 1 . 4 s. (Priestley.) 4777 Twiss’s Tour in Ireland in 1775; 8vo. cuts, London, 1776.— 8s. 6d. (Unwin.) 4778 Boates and Molineux’ Natural History of Ireland; 4to. cuts, Dublin, 1726.—18s. (Priestley.) 4779 Rutty’s Natural History of the county of Dublin; 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, Dublin, 1772 .— 1 1 . 8s. (Payne.) 4780 Harris’s History and Antiquities of the City of Dublin ; 8vo. with cuts, London, 1 766 . —1 1 . (Borough.) 4781 Wright’s Introduction to the Antiquities of Ireland, with plan of the battle of the Boyne, and 66 plates; 4to. London, 175s.— lZ. 5s . (Lord Essex.) 4782 Ancient and Present State of the County of Down; 8vo. map, Dublin, 1774.—*12s. 6d. (Lord Essex.) 383 History, §’C. relative to Ireland. 51. (Bo* ROUGH. 4/83 Smiths History of the County and City of Cork;" 8vo. 2 vols. cuts, Dublin, 1774 4 784 Smith’s History of the County of Kerry ; 8vo. cuts, 1774 •4/85 Smith’s History of the County and City of Wa- . terford; Svo. portrait and cuts, best edition, Dublin, 1774 4786 Barton’s Natural History of Lough Neagh in Ireland, with the Natural History of several Counties contiguous to the Lake, particularly the County of Armagh, and of precious Gems produced at Lough Neagh; 4to. with 7 plates, Dublin, 1751. — 2 L 6s. (Payne.) j 4/8 7 Aubrey’s Miscellanies, on Omens, Dreams, &c.; 8vo. best edit. 1721.— 3 s. (Loro Essex.) 4789 Gay’s Fables; 8vo. cuts by Baron and Gravelot, 1737 & 1742.— « 1 1 . 2 s . (Unwin.) 4790 Taylor’s Thoughts on the Grand Apostacy; 8vo. two parts, 1781 , &c.—2 s. (Heber.) 4791 Statius; Svo. 2 vols. extra bound by Baumgarten, Warrington, 1 778 .'—10s. (Borough. 4792 Plinii Epistolce, &c. ; Svo. Aldus, 1518 . — 2 s. 6d. (Heber,) 4793 Sanderson de Obligatione Concieutiae ; 8vo. 1719 } Is. 6d. 4794 Bourhour’s Pensees Ing£nieuses; 8vo. 1692 S (Smith.) 4795 Claudiani Opera; 8 vo. Plantin. 1596.—Is. (Heber.) 4796 Michaelis Annotationes; 4to. 3 vols. 1720.—15s. 6d. (Rev. Mr. Heber.) 4798 Juvenalis Opera a Ceruto; 4 to. Vindel. 1599.— ls . 6 d . (Heber.) 384 Miscellanies. 4799 Belluin Scytliico Cosaciaraj 4to. Dantzic, 1659 .— 7s. Gd. (Heber.) 4800 Persius 3 4to. Paris, 1601 .—Is. (Heber.) 4801 Persio tradotto da Stelluti 3 4to. Roma, l6'30.—2 s. Gd. (Heber.) 4802 Propertius, cum Notis Broukhusii j 4to. 1727 .—13s. (Borough.) 4803 Juvenalis Opera, cum Notis variorum, et Hennii 3 4to. large paper, in russia, Ultraject. 1685.'— 31 . 4s. (Payne.) 4804 Claudiani Opera, cum Notis Burmanni 3 4to. large paper, bound in russia, Amstel . 1760 .—5/. 5s. (Sir M. Sykes.) 4805 Juvenalis et Persius 3 4to. extra in morocco, gilt leaves, Basker- ville, 1761 .— ll. 3s. (Chandley.) 4806 Tracts—History of the Windsor Family, 1754; Gough on Round Towers in Ireland and Scotland, 1779 j Pettengal on the Coins of Cunobelin, 1763 5 Ditto on the Copper Table, 176 O} Stukeley on the Coins of the Ancient British Kings} and Ducarel Anglo-Gallic, on Norman and Aquitain Coins 3 4to. 1757 .— ll. 8s. (Lord Essex.) 4807 S. Augustini Opuscula 3 folio, first edit, bound in russia by Roger Payne, 1491.— ll. 15s. (Heber.) 4808 S. Bernardi Opera, cum Notis Mabillon 3 folio, the best Benedic¬ tine edition, Parisiis, 1719 *— 2 1. 1 7s. (Rev. Mr. Heber.) 4809 Gower de Confessione Amantis 3 folio, fine copy, bound in mo¬ rocco by Roger Payne, Berthlet, 1554.— ll. 13s. (Triphook.) FINIS W. Heseltine, Printer, Checquer Yard, Dowgate Hill, London. • '' - : . ■ ■ - ■ • N . ) \ I , l . i ;V - *“ ' % ■ ■ ; *’ V : v >- '■ ■ - ■ ‘ ^ • ii ;■ ' • : * „ '' j . *». '■■■- v ■ . ,: v ' 1 . . »« . , ■ * . . . . 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