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DOOOC \//-/// ■ (X; 0\XX) / / / / / / > / Ay / y .X\A\X\X\/ X > - X' ' AAA X Vxy X . XX / / / OOCXX/ ■ / X / / ./ . x- X / - * X // / ./ / / ■ / xV > / x ■• " / . ' / • x / X X / x x x . ////// / X> / x / ,. '■ XX x XX /' - x x.x A/yWvf > xx XX • X MMl .7/ /'///•/•. /J/YV/rr/^. ■ fa,-. K'l*^Cc~-n DESCRIPTION OF THE VILLA O F HORACE WALPOLE, DESCRIPTION OF THE VILLA O F HORACE WALPOLE, Youngeft Son of Sir Robert Walpole Earl of Orford, a T Strawberry-Hill, near Twickenham. With an INVENTORY of the FURNITURE, PICTURES, CURIOSITIES, &>c. STRAWBERRY- HILL: PRINTED by THOMAS KIRGATE, M.DCC.LXXIV. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/descriptionofvilOOwalp DESCRIPTION OF THE VILLA O F Mr. HORACE JVALPOLE, At Strawberry- Hill, near Twickenham. WHERE the Gothic Caftle now ftands, was originally a fmall tenement,* built in 1698, and let as a lodging-houfe : Cibber once took it, and wrote one of his plays here, The Refufal, or the Lady's Philofophy. After him, Talbot bifhop of Durham had it for eight years: -J- then, Henry Bridges marquis of Carnarvon, fon of James B duke * It was built by the earl of Bradford's coachman, and was called by the common people, Chopped-Jiraui-hall, they fuppofing, that by feeding his lord's horfes with chopped ftraw, hs had faved money enough to build his houfe : but the piece of ground on which it ftands is called in all the old leafes, Strawberry- bill-Jhot, from whence it takes it name. t The bifhop kept a large table here, which is fcarce conceivable, as he had no kitchen but that little place which is now the china-room. 2 A DESCRIPTION of duke of Chandos, and fince duke himfelf. It was next hired by Mrs. Chenevix,* the noted toy-woman, who, on the death of her hufband, let it to lord John Philip Sack- ville, fecond lbn of Lionel duke of Dorfet : he kept it about two years, and then Mr. Walpole took the remainder of Mrs. Chenevix's leafe in May 1747, and the next year bought it by act of parliament, it being the property of three minors of the name of Mortimer. Along with this houfe and fome other tenements was another fmall one, -J- then occupied by Richard Francklin, printer of the Craftsman, who had been taken up for printing that paper during the adminiflration of fir Robert Walpole. X When Mr. Walpole bought Straw- berry-hill, there were but five acres belonging to the houfe : the reft have been purchafed fince. The Caftle now exifting was not entirely built from the ground, but formed at dif- ferent times, by alterations of and additions to the old fmall houfe. The library, and refectory or great parlour, were entirely new built in 17533 the gallery, round tower, great cloyfter, * Pere Courayer lodged here with her for fome time. f It has fince been pulled down, and a cottage built on the fame fpot. The garden too has been newly laid out by Mr. Walpole, fince it came into his hands by Francklin's death. % It is remarkable, that the printer of the Craftfman was Mr. Walpole's ten- ant ; and that the writer of the Craftfman, W. Pultney, earl of Bath, wrote a ballad in praife of Strawberry- hill. STRAWBERRY-HILL. 3 cloyfler, and cabinet, in 1760 and 1761 ; and the great north bedchamber in 1770. The embattled wall to the road is taken from a print of Aflon-houfe in Warwickshire, in Dugdale's hiffory of that county. Entering by the great north gate, the firfl objecl that pre- fents itfelf is a fmall oratory inclofed with iron rails ; in front, an altar, on which {lands a faint in bronze; open niches, and Hone bafons for holy water j defigned by John Chute, efq; of the Vine in Hampfliire. On the right hand, is a fmall garden called the abbot's garden, parted off by an open fcreen, taken from the tomb of Roger Niger bifhop of London, in old St. Paul's. Palling on the left, by a fmall cloyfler,* is the entrance to the houfe, the narrow front of which was defigned by Richard Bentley, only fon of Dr. Bentley, the learned mailer of Trinity-college, Cambridge. Over the door are three fhields of Walpole, Shorter, and Robfart. You * In this cloyfkr are three blue and white delft flower-pots ; and a bas-relief head in marble, infcribed Dia Helianora; it is the portrait of the princefs Elea- nora d'Efle, with whom Taflb was in love, and who was the caufe of his mis- fortunes. It was fent to Mr. Walpole from Italy by fir W. Hamilton, minhter at Naples, In the winding cloyfters on the right hand are fome ancient bas-reliefs ; and a brafs plate with the effigies of Simon Walpole, bifhop of Norwich and Ely, •ngraven by Muntz. 4 A DESCRIPTION of You firft enter a fmall gloomy hall, paved with hexagon tyles, and lighted by two narrow windows of painted glafs, reprefenting faint John and faint Francis. This hall is united with the ftaircafe, and both are hung with a gothic paper, painted by one Tudor, from the fcreen of prince Arthur's tomb in the cathedral of Worcester. The balluftrade was defigned by Mr. Bentley; at every corner is an antelope [one of lord Orford's fupporters] holding a fhield. In the well of the ftaircafe, by a cord of black, and yellow, hangs a gothic lanthorn of tin japanned, defigned by Mr. Bentley, and filled with painted glafs j the door of it has an old pane with the arms of Vere, earl of Oxford. Turning to the left, through a fmall paffage, on one fide of which is a window entirely of painted glafs, you enter The REFECTORY, or GREAT PARLOUR. TT is thirty feet long, twenty wide, and twelve high ; hung. with paper in imitation of ftucco. The chimney-piece was defigned by Mr. Bentley : upon it ftands a fine Etrufcan vafe, between two bottles of black and gold porcelaine. Over the chimney, a converfation, by Reynolds, fmall life : Richard, fecond lord Edgcumbe, is drawing at a table in the library at Strawberry-hill j George James Williams is looking over him; George Auguftus Selwyn ftands on the other fide, with a book in his hand, On STRAWBERRY-HILL. 5 On one fide of this picture, a head of fir Horace Mann, refident at Florence; painted there by Aftley, and highly coloured : he is dreft in red velvet. Oppofite to it, his brother Galfridus Mann, fax brown ; by the fame. Over againft the chimney, a bureau of black japan - 7 on it, a clock, fupported by a bronze figure of a woman reading : beneath, an Etrufcan vale, between two white old china beakers. The chairs are black, of a gothic pattern,, defigned by Mr. Bentley and Mr. Walpole. The table of Sicilian jafper, on a black frame defigned by Mr. Bentley : upon it, a large punch-bowl and pail of Seve china ; two beakers of old grey porcelaine, veined; two ice-pails of Chelfea china'; three fil- ver owls, as ancient cafiors ; and a filver filligree bread-baf- ket. Under it, two Etrufcan vafes, and a jar of Roman fayence. Over the table hangs a hunting-horn, finely en- amelled on one fide in colours, on the other in chiaro fcuro, with the hiflory of faint Hubert. On each fide of the window, the top of which has fome fine painted glafs, and one ridiculous Dutch piece repreferit* ing the triumph of Fame, who is accompan ed by Cato, Ci- cero, and other great men in fquare caps and gowns of mat- ters of arts, are card-tables of rofe-wood, carved in China j and over each, a looking-glafs in a gothic frame of black and C gold, 6 A DESCRIPTION of gold, deilgned by Mr. Walpole. Inclofed in the tops of the frames, with their arms and coronets, are the portraits of George Walpole third earl of Orford, and of George Chol- mondeley vifcount Malpas, elded fon of George earl of Chol- mondely and of Mar)' fecond daughter of fir Robert Wal- pole. The former is copied by Eckardt, from a miniature by Liotard, in the cabinet above flairs : the latter is original by Eckardt. At the end of the room, over againft the window, fir Ro- bert Walpole, knight of the gaiter, afterwards earl of Or- ford. On one fide of him, Catherine, eldefl: daughter of John Shorter, of By brook in Kent, firfl: wife of fir Robert Walpole ; in white: a copy from fir Godfrey Kneller, by Jarvis. On the other fide, Maria Skerret, (in the drefs of a fhepherdefs) fecond wife of fir Robert ; by Jarvis. On one fide of the chimney, Robert Walpole fecond earl of Orford, auditor of the exchequer, mafter of the fox- hounds, and knight of the bath, eldefl: fon of fir Robert Walpole, by his firfl wife ; in red velvet, with a globe by him : by Richardfon. Margaret, only child of Samuel Rolle of Heynton in De- vonfhire, firfl: married to Robert fecond earl of Orford, and mother of George the third earl, and fecondly to Sewallis Shirley, a younger fon of earl Ferrers ; in a white riding-ha- bit with a flick : by Jarvis. On STRAWBERRY-HILL. 7 On the other fide, fir Edward Walpole, fecond fon of fir Robert Walpole and Catherine Shorter, knight of the bath and clerk of the pells ; in the robes of the bath : by Slaugh-' ter. Horace Walpole, third fon of fir Robert and Catherine Shorter; in blue velvet : by Richardfon. Over againft the chimney, a large piece of ilill life, by Adrian Van Utrecht. On one fide of it, Lady Anne Ofborn, daughter of the firfr. duke of Leeds ; by fir Godfrey Kneller. She was firft married to Thomas Coke of Holkam, by whom fhe was grandmother of Tho- mas Coke lord Lovel and earl of Leicester; and fecondly to Horatio Walpole, fecond fon of fir Edward Walpole, and uncle of fir Robert Walpole. On the other fide, Dorothy, fifter of fir Robert, and fecond wife of Charles lord vifcount Townihend, knight of the garter and fecretary of ftate ; in a Turkifh habit : by Jarvis. Over one of the doors, Mary lady Malpas, fecond daugh- ter of fir Robert Walpole and Catherine Shorter ; married to George lord Malpas, afterwards earl of Cholmondeley.: by Eckardt, after Jaryis. Over the other door, Lady Maria Walpole, only child of fir Robert Walpole and Maria Skerret, and wife of Charles Churchill, only fon of general Churchill; in a veil, with a mufic-book before her : by Eckardt. : Afire 3 A DESCRIPTION 01 A fire-fcreen of admirable needle-work, reprefenting a vaie of flowers, by lady Caroline Campbell, caughter of John duke of Argyll, countefs of Ailesbury ; married fe- condly to general Henry Seymour Conway, only brother of Francis firft earl of Hertford of that line, knight of the gar- ter, embaffador in France, and lord chamberlain : it is mount- ed in mahogany, carved and inlaid with ivory. A Turkey carpet, and a fire-fcreen embroidered with, knotting. In the WAITING-ROOM; A Head in artificial ftone of John Dryden the poet, great uncle of Catherine Shorter, lady Walpole : a large altar candleiHck of metal, inlaid with gothic inferiptions, very ancient : and a pair of ancient bellows. The CHINA-ROOM. pAINTED glafs in the windows, and crefts of Shorter and Gcftinthorpe : the cieling painted with convolvulus's on poles, by Muntz, from a cieling in the little Borghefe villa at Frefcati : the fides, white Dutch tyles, with borders of blue and white. In the floor fome very ancient tyles with arms, from the cathedral at Gloucester. The upper part of the chimney- piece STRAWBERRY-HILL. 9 piece is taken from a window of an ancient farm-houfe, formerly Bradfield-hall, belonging to lord Grimfton in Ef- fex ; the lower part from a chimney at Hurfh Monceaux "in Suflex : it is adorned with the arms of Talbot, Bridges, Sackville, and Walpole, the principal perfons who have in- habited Strawberry-hill. In a niche, fupported by two columns of oriental alabafter, over the chimney, is a fine ewer of fayence, defigned by Julio Romano ; and two green glafs tumblers, with golden edges ; and two round faltlellers of old blue and gold Vene- tian glafs, with flowers. Over the niche, four chocolate-cups of fayence, by Pietro Cortona ; and a bronze medallion of Pandulfo Malatefta. On the the fides, George 2d. and Frederic prince of Wales, in Batteriea enamel. In the chimney, a large jar of old blue and white china j and two tyles from Bylham-abbey. On the fhelves and floor is a collection of porcelaine, earth- enware, glafs, and enamel on copper, of various ages and countries, as follow : Two dozen plates of Venetian glafs ; each plate has a dif- ferent view of Venice, drawn in red. A japaned tray with a vafe for cream, and eight chocolate- cups and faucers with landfcapes in brown, of the fame ware. D Two io A DESCRIPTION op Two bowls of Worcefter porcelaine, the pattern from old china. Two muftard-pots and plates, of Seve china ; given by lord Hertford. Five trays, in fhapes of fans, of old Japan china. An old blue and white plate with a rib in the middle. A coloured handle cup, faucer and fquare plate, a la Grecque, of Seve china. Two old blue and white plates, artichoak pattern. Thirteen ditto, with peacock feathers. Sixteen coloured old Japan plates. Four ditto, blue and white, with figures. Three ditto, with figures. Twelve ditto, of coloured Japan china. Four ditto, with birds. Four water-plates with figures, of new china. Twelve plates of Chelfea china, with fmall coloured birds. Three diih.es fcollopped and ribbed, with coloured flowers. Two large coloured dimes of the fine old thick Japan china. A large deep dim of Roman earth, with ftories from Ovid's Metamorphofis. An earthen-ware dim, with the heads of Charles 2d. and queen Catherine in blue and white; a prefent from Mr. Ibbot. An old blue and white dim, with landfcapes. Ditto, STRAWBERRY-HILL. n Ditto, larger, with figures. Two difhes of very old French earthen-ware, with the arms of France. Two fmall difhes of fayence, with grotefques and the arms of a bifhop Contarini. An odlagon coloured plate of Saxon china, old pattern. Ditto fquare, with a cock and hen. A dim and twelve plates enamelled on copper. Two round plates of Japan. Thirteen old white chocolate-cups and tea-cups, with em- boffed flowers. A tea-pot, milk-pot, five coffee-cups, five tea-cups, and ten faucers, of white quilted china of St. Cloud. A tea-pot and milk-pot, fix cups and faucers, of modern china, with grey landfcapes. Five white cups and faucers with gold borders. Two coloured caudle-cups. An earthen- ware tea-pot, with the head of lord Chatham. A fmall tea-canifter of Seve china, blue and gold, with figures on white. A pot pourri of Saxon china, with coloured flowers era* bofTed. An old white china cup, with cupids painted in Europe. A cup with a bullfinch, of modern china. Thirteen fmall bafkets of Saxon china for fugar-plumbs, different patterns. An 12 A DESCRIPTION of An urn and ftand of kennel coal, a prefent from fir Wil- liam Meredith. Six coloured water-cups and plates of Chelfea china. A blue and white caudle-cup. Two ditto, coloured. An old blue and white honeycomb tea-pot. Two Roman glafs bottles, and two earthen lacryma- tories. M. An ewer enamelled with bacchanals on copper. Two coffee-cups and faucers of white and gold Bohemian glafs. A cup of Mr. Place's china. Vide Walpoles Catalogue of Eng/i/b Engravers. A blue and white faucer with a landfcape, of line Nankin china. Ajar, with red and white landfcapes and blue and gold borders, of Chelfea china. Two coloured Saxon trays with fquirrels. A fcollopped faucer of Saxon china, the fecond fort, very rare : in it lies a medal of Louis quinze in Seve china. A hand candleftick of coloured Seve china. A blue and gold fugar-difh of old Venetian glafs, cover, and plate, with a filver gilt fpoon. An old blue and white faucer in the fhapc of a ftar. Two trays, ditto. Aii STRAWBERRY-HILL. 13 An ivory drinking-horn, with the arms of the earls of Exeter ; ancient. An old earthen mug of Arabian ware. Two vafes with handles, of red Portuguefe earth. Two plates like fhaving-bafons, of the fame. An earthen bottle ; painted on it, Sack, 1647 : it was thus fold by apothecaries. From the collection of Mrs. Kennon, the virtuofa midwife. A blue and white eggfhell cup. Michael Angelo's Bacchus, made in the china of the comte de Lauragais, from the collection of the comte de Caylus. Two Roman glaffes, like water-glaifes ; and two lacryma- tories, ditto. M. Buft of Voltaire, in bifcuit of Nancy. Two blue and gold cups for eggs, of Seve china. Seven old coloured octagon cups and faucers. A tea-pot and bafon, fix handle cups and faucers, with battles in black, of Vienna china; a prefent to Catherine lady Walpole, from count Dehn, envoy from the duke of Wolfenbuttle. A fquare brown china cup to meafure tea. An old white china tea-pot, with birds and flowers finely painted in Europe. A bagpiping boy and a dancing girl, of Seve bifcuit. Six fine old cups, white within j without, japanned black and mother of pearl : very rare. E An i 4 A DESCRIPTION or An ewer enamelled on copper, with naked horfemen fight- ing. A blue and gold coffee-cup and faucer, with birds on white cartouches, of Seve china. A cup and faucer, all blue and gold, of ditto. An old glafs tankard, with a battle of Turks and chriftians in black, finely drawn. Ditto of old Venetian glafs ftriped with white, mounted in filver gilt ; on the lid, arms of Parr enamelled. Six handle cups and faucers with green landfcapes on white, of Chelfea china. An urn and cover of red Portuguefe earth. Two large coloured faucers with figures. Two fmall ditto bafons with flowers. Two large coloured bafons. Two white faltfellers with crawfifh in relief, of Chelfea china. A fine fquare plate, a la Grecque, of Seve china. Two old blue and white trays. Two Saxon coloured faucers, cinquefoil. Two green and gold falts, with flowers on white, of Sev« china. Two white Chelfea falts on feet. Two fmall blue and white bafons. A boy fupporting a fhell, finely modelled in red earth : [ the firft fort of Saxon china before it was glazed or painted, and STRAWBERRY-HILL. 15 and which was only given as prefents by the elector. Ex- tremely rare. Three pieces of rocks, made of rice ; given by Mr. Raf- tor, Mrs. Clive's brother. Two Chinefe bafons enamelled with coloured Howers on copper. A red cup and faucer, glazed ; the fecond fort of Saxon china : rare. Two blue and gold handle cups and faucers, with birds on white cartouches of Seve china. One ditto, green. One ditto, blue and gold in zigzags, and garlands on white; very beautiful. Two white barrels with vines and grapes, of Chelfea china. Two fmall bafons with coloured flowers, of the beft mo- dern china. A very fine ftanding cup and cover, enamelled on copper with the ftory of Sampfon, from the defigns of Parmegiano. A fmall dejeune of blue and gold Seve china : very pretty. A handle cup, faucer, and fquare plate, of blue and gold Seve china, with fea-pieces admirably copied from Vernet's pictures. Ditto of blue, green, and gold, with flowers on white. Two porringers of Portuguefe earth. An octagon faltfeller enamelled on copper, droll figures on the i6 A DESCRIPTION of the fides with old French verfes : at top, a head, Jejitis Pan's; at bottom, another, La belle Helene. A copper tray, fcoliopped and enamelled with faint John and flowers ; a prefent from Mr. G. Montagu. A very large glafs urn, damaged, found near London ; a prefent from Dr. Ch. Lyttelton, bifhop of Carlifle. Six coloured handle cups and fauctrs, a tea-pot and fugar- dim, in fhapes of leaves, of Chantilli china. Four fmall blue and white eggfhell cups. The prefent dauphinefs of France, a large medallion of Seve bilcuit ; a prefent from the duchefs dowager d'Aiguil- lon in 1771. Two handle cups and faucers, different patterns a la Grecque, of Seve china. Two butter-pots and plates of blue and white delft ware ; prefents from lady Ailefbury. A red cup and fiucer, clouded. A fmall (quare brown tea-pot. A jug of old clouded glafs. Two Saxon tankards, one with Chinefe figures, the other with European. Thefe tankards are extremely remarkable. Sir Robert Walpole drank ale ; the duchefs of Kendal, mif- trefs of king George the Firft, gave him the former. A do- zen or more years afterwards, the countefs of Yarmouth, nuftrefs of king George the Second, without having feen the other, STRAWBERRY-HILL. 17 other, gave him the fecond ; and they match exactly in form and fize. Two deflert-difhes of coloured Japan china. A fcollopped fugar-difh of old china, white without, flri- ped with colours within : rare. A bafon and plate of fcollopped Saxon china. A plate with final! flowers, ditto. A Monteith of coloured Seve china : beautiful. Two old white china candlefticks, mounted in filver. A large fcollopped and coloured bowl of Japan china. A pale green and white flat bafon ; very old. Two green jars. A mug of earthen-ware with Arabic characters. > A fugar-difh, cover and plate, of Japan china. A green ewer with a purple handle. An Etrufcan cup with two handles, and an owl on it* Two very fmall brown tea-pots. Medallion of Henry quatre, in Seve bifcuit. Four blue and white chocolate-cups, and four faucers. A triangular faltfeller of fayence with fine figures on terms. An old Venetian glafs cup and faucer, with gold flowers. A cup of Matlock fpar, on a foot. An urn, ditto. Four deflert-plates of fayence, with figures and boys round the borders ; by Pietro Cortona : very fine. A fifth ditto, with goats i a prefent from lady Diana Beauclerc. F Two i8 A DESCRIPTION op Two light purple handle cups and faucers with landfcapes> of Seve china. A larger cup and faucer, a la Grecque, ditto. A fcollopped Japan tray. A fine glafs urn with golden boys ; Roman : defcribed in doftor Middleton's antiquities. A tall blue and white tea-pot with flat fides. A round brown tea-pot, quite flat. A fine old blue and white box and cover, a prefent from lady Ailefbury. A vafe with two handles of Portuguefe earth. A cup, ditto, with fantaftic forms within it : given by lady Mary Churchill. A green and white mug and faucer, with figures on white, of Seve china. Ditto with ruftic implements ; very genteel. A white old triangular piece of china and cover, for eggs. An old white beaker. Two large blue and white tea-pots. Twelve old blue and white deflert-plates with figures. A fmall difli of Chelfea china in a deflert pattern. A blue and white beaker with a Chinefe procefllon. Two blue and white foup-di(hes with figures. Ten difhes of old Japan ware. An ancient tall drinking-glafs, with arms and devices; a prefent from fir John Hawkins. Two STRAWBERRY-HILL. 19 Two large blue and white beakers. Two ditto, of different patterns : a companion to one of them is in the great bedchamber. A blue and white difh of Chelfea china. A Turkifh earthen bottle, with leaves cafl in relief on it. Two blue and white jars. Two green, blue, and white beakers. Two blue and white beakers. A large fayence difh. A fine Turkifh jar and cover, with caft leaves : curious, A large blue and white difh. A blue and white bafket of Chantilli china. A white Seve faucepan that bears the fire : 1 771. Two blue and white beakers. Two fmall coloured ditto. Two fquare blue and white bottles. An odd green and white tea-pot. A tyle from the kitchen of William the Conqueror at Caen in Normandy. Two bafons of moft ancient Gombroon china; a prefent from lord Vere, out of the collection of lady Elizabeth Ger- maine. A beautiful green bafon. Ten coloured patypans of different fizes. An old white diih. A difh and four defTert-plates, brown, blue, and white. A large zo A DESCRIPTION of A large blue and white difh, and a fmall ditto. Four green leaves of Staffordshire- ware for a deflert. A tea-kettle of brown china. A white jar. China in the Waiting-Room. Two ice-pails with vines, of Saxon china. A white butter-pot and plate of Chantilli, and two blue and white faltfellers, ditto. Two monteiths of Tolle, a new French metal japanned. Four oblong deffert-diihes, four leaves, and twelve plates, with coloured fruits and flowers, of Chelfea china. Twelve blue and white coffee-cups and faucers of Chan- tilli. Twelve black and white tea-cups and faucers of Bow china. Two red and white handle cups and faucers with boys, of Seve. A fine coloured ice-pail and cover, ditto. A blue and white delft butter-pot and plate. Two white and gold falts of Seve. Twenty-four white plates with knurled borders and gold edges, four deep leaves, two fquare plates, and a cream- bowl, of Seve. A large white plate, and a white glafs beaker. A blue S TRAW BER R Y-H ILL. 21 A blue and white bafket, two round cheefe-pots and plate, and a fceau for liquors, of Chantilli. Twelve fine plates coloured, with rich blue edges, of Seve. Two ditto, larger. Six ditto, blue and white. Two green Staffordfhire flower-pots with maiks, and two plates. O 1 The LITTLE PARLOUR. kVER the door is a fhield of Mr. Walpole's arms and quarterings on painted glafs, by Price. The room is lighted by a bow window, in which, among other pieces of painted glafs, are the arms of Ayliffe impaling Clifford of Frampton ; given by Mr. George Selwyn. The chimney is taken from the tomb of Thomas Ruthall biihop of Durham, in Werhninfter-abbey. The room is hung with gothic paper of ftone colour in mofaic, on which are wooden prints by Jackfon of Venice ; and furnifhed with a table and eight chairs of ebony, bought at the "lady Con- yers's at Great Stoughton in Huntingdonfhire, as were others in other chambers. " On the table is a bronze of the Her- maphrodite. The 22 A DESCRIPTION of The YELLOW BEDCHAMBER. / ~p*HE chimney-piece was defigned by Mr. Bentley. This room is hung with prints * from pictures in the collection of lord Orford and Mr. Walpole, or fome way re- lating to them. On the ebony table, two large old blue and white china candlefticks, and a writing-box of fandal wood inlaid with ivory, given by lady Hertford ; and over the table, a looking-glafs in an ebony frame. The BREAKFAST-ROOM, one Pair of Stairs: T7URNISHED with blue paper, and blue and white linen. Black and yellow painted glafs fet in plain blue glafs in the bow window. On the writing-table, an inlaid writing- box made by Langlois. The chimney-piece and windows are not truly gothic, but were defigned by Mr. W. Robinfon of the Board of Works, before there was any defign of farther improvements to the houfe. Over the chimney, a glafs in an ebony frame, a prefent from the reverend Mr. Hemings of Twickenham : two blue and white flower-pots of Seve china : and two candlefticks with Chinefe figures, by Martin, and china flowers. On one fide of the glafs, Mary * The Cottage is hung with othex prints of the fame kind, STRAWBERRY-HILL. 23 Mary Lepelle lady Hervey -, a print. A moonlight; by Bernard Lens. A frame with nine miniatures, viz. A young bride ; by Ifaac Oliver. 1 Of the family of Digby, A lady ; behind her a red curtain, j but not known. Venetia Stanley lady Digby, aged 19, very beautiful j by Peter Oliver. Sir Kenelm Digby and lady Digby, after Vandyck; by ditto: fet in the form of a book with covers of gold enamelled. The fame lady Digby, as me was found dead in her bed ; by ditto, after ditto ; fet in gold enamelled black ; on which behind is a fphere : it feems to mean, that the world was in mourning for her. Sir Kenelm was paffionately fond of this lady, who, lord Clarendon fays, was of extraordinary beauty and as extraordinary fame. At Windfor is a whole length of her, by Vandyck, treading on ferpents, to imply that the ffcories told of her were the produce of malice. At Goat- hurft, where they lived, are two bufts of her in bronze ; on the pedeftal of one are infcribed thefe tender words, Uxorem vivam amare ijoluptas, defundtam religio. Sir Kenelm Digby, when young j by Peter Oliver : very fine. Lady Digby, again, moft beautiful ; by ditto. Lady Lucy Percy, daughter and coheirefs of Thomas ear! of Northumberland who was beheaded, wife of fir Edward Stanley, younger fon of the earl of Derby, mother of Vene- tia 24 A DESCRIPTION of tia lady Digbyj by Ifiiac Oliver. She is ftill more beautiful than her daughter, though dreft very unbecomingly in a great black hat and large ruff; only let off by a lilac ground. This is perhaps the fined: and moft perfect miniature in the world. All the feven lift are wonderfully preferved, though found in a garret in an old houie in Wales, belonging to a Mr. Watkin Williams, probably defcended from Sir Kenelm, one of whole fons left only two daughters that were married into Welch families. This fet of pictures coft Mr. Walpole 300 guineas. On the other fide of the glafs, another frame, containing, Robert earl of Effex, favourite of queen Elizabeth ; fet in a cafe enamelled with flowers. Henry Carey lord Hunfdon, knight of the garter 1585; by Hilliard : fet in black enamel. Thefe two from the col- lection of lady Elizabeth Germaine. A lady of the family of Digby ; belonging to the fet above-named ; fet in a white enamelled cafe. The due de Vendome, with a red knot; by Petitot. Madame la princeffe Palatine; by ditto. Madame la ducheffe de Montpeufier, grandmother of ma- demoifelle; by ditto. Thefe three from the collection of the comte de Caylus. La ducheffe de Montbazon, called La Belle des Belles ; by ditto. . Holbein> STRAWBERRY-HILL. 25 Holbein, in a round, original by himfelf. An exceedingly fine watch, given to general Fairfax by the parliament after the battle of Nafeby •, by P. Bordier, brother-in-law of Petitot. On one fide is Fairfax on horie- back, after Vandyck's king Charles ; on the other, the houfe of commons ; behind, the battle. It was bought at the fale of Thorefby's mufeum, who has defcribed it in his Ducatus Leodienfis. Anne Liddel duchefs of Grafton, and lady Anne Fitzroy, a child ; and Voltaire ; cut out in card, by M. Hubert of Geneva. Fontenelle, a drawing; bequeathed to Mr. Walpole by lady Hervey. Alandicape, a drawing in water-colours ; by Vanderneer. Infide of Walpole church in Lincolnfhire; by Vertue. View of Mad. du DefFand's room and cats ; a print; with verfes by the prefident Henault. A print of count Antoine Hamilton. Head of the comte de Grammont; copied from the ori- ginal at the convent of the Grands Auguftins at Paris. Two prints of Rubens's own houfe. Infide of King's college chapel ; by Canalletti. Two views of Paris, by Raguenet. Print of lady Mary Coke. A fecretaire of inlaid woods. H Cupid, 26 A DESCRIPTION of Cupid, in Seve china. Two blue and white fquare tubs, of ditto. A blue bafon, mounted in or morlu; it belonged to ma- dame de Pompadour. An urn of granite, brought from one of the Greek iflands, and given to lir Robert Walpole by fir Charles Wager. Ditto of oriental alabafter, given to fir Robert Walpole by general Charles Churchill. A view of Tivoli ; copied by Muntz from Gafpar Pouffin. A fea-piece ; by Back Huyfen : very good. Richard 3d. and his queen -, a drawing from painted glafs, by Vertue. Madame la marquife du Deffand and the ducheffe de Choi- feul giving her a doll, which the former, who was blind, holds out her hands to receive ; alluding to her calling the ducheffe Grand Maman. Every part of the room is exadtly reprefented, and madame du Deffand moft exactly like, which the ducheffe is not; by M. Carmontel, a gentleman belonging to the duke of Orleans, who has done in the fame manner moft of the court of France : a warned drawing. Over the clofet door, View of St. John's gate at Col- chefler, on blue paper, by Muntz. Virgin and child, a highly finifhed illumination : it be- longed to Gafton duke of Orleans. Francis ill. receiving the homage of the clergy, law, and army; STRAWBERRY- HILL, 27 army ; an illumination. Cardinal du Prat as chancellor is at the head of the law. Two of the officers on the fore ground are engraved in Montfaucon's Antiquities of France. View of the hotel de Carnavalet, where madame de Se-r vigne lived, in la rue Coulture St. Catherine, at Paris ; built by Du Cerceau; painted by Raguenet. A woman reading; fmall whole figure; great nature; by Le Due. A French clock, with Chinefe figures, by Martin. A girl's head, in oil ; very lively ; by A. Cuyp. A king of France taking an oath before a pope, figures kneeling : an illumination. Print of Mr. W. Mafon, the poet. Two old blue and white china jars ; a candleftick of Seve china ; tea-things of old china ; a fmall tripod of or moulu to burn incenfe ; and a red velvet purfe embroidered with gold and old French arms, to hold counters. The GREEN CLOSET. TN the windows are fome very curious pieces of painted glafs. One round pane (one of the beft in the houfe) re- prefents the ftory of the law-giver, who having enacted a law for punifhing adultery with blindnefs, and his own fon being convicted of it, he gave up one of his own eyes to fave one of 28 A DESCRIPTION of of his fon's. The drawing is fine, and the figures of the Ie- giflator and of the young foldier who contemplates him, are evidently taken from fome pifture or defign which gave the hint to Vandyck for his Belifarius, now at Chifwick. There are other curious panes : one with a rofe impaling a pom- granite, the device of Henry 8th. and Catharine of Arragon ; others with a crown in a thorn-bum between the letters H and E, the device of Henry 7th. which he afiumed after the battle of Bofworth, where Richard's crown was found in that manner. Over the door, A view of Mr. Pope's houfe at Twickenham, painted fince the alterations made by fir William Stanhope ; by Scott in his very beft manner. On the fame fide of the room are the following pictures, moft of them fmall: A portrait of Sarah Malcolm, who was hanged for mur- dering her miftrefs and two other women in the Temple. She is fitting at a table in Newgate, with popiih beads before her. This was drawn by Hogarth the day before her exe- cution, and fhe had put on red to look the better. Four landfcapes in water-colours ; by Baudin, A landfcape in needle-work, by lady Ailefbury, after Van Uden. Eight views of ruins at Rome and other places ; by Luca- telli. A landfcape in Indian-ink, with Italian, Chinefe, and Go- thic buildings ; by Mr. Bentley, in his beft ftyle. The STRAWBERRY-HILL. 29 The head of old Dahl the painter, in water-colours, by himfelf: oval. Cibber the ftatuary, with a pair of compaiTes in his hand, in water-colours ; by Christian Richter, George Granville lord Landlbwn, in red; ditto; by Ver- tue, after Kneller. Two fmall pictures, in oil, the flories of Sufanna and the elders, and of David and Bathfheba : Italian. A beggar-boy with a bird's-neft, water-colours on ivory ; by Mr. Horace Walpole. Queen Henrietta Maria; by Dixon. . Mary princefs of Orange, mother of king William ; by Hoikins. Sir Robert Walpole and Catharine lady Walpole ; heads carved in ivory. An- old head, in a laced night-cap and ruff; by Cornelius Janfen. Lady Aiabella Stuart, when a child ; by Ifaac Oliver. Zachary Kneller, brother of fir Godfrey ; by Vertue, after Kneller. St. Catharine reading ; alter Cosreggi®, by Catharine lady Walpole. At the end fronting the window : A pot of Carnations, drawn at CheMea from the life by Van Huyfum, who lived there two years with fir Robert I Walpole : 3 o A DESCRIPTION op Walpole : he was brother to the famous flower-painter : in oil. Robert Walpole, father of fir Robert Walpole; a head in crayons. Mary Burwell, his wife; ditto. An herb-market and a fim-market ; after Teniers, in oil, by Angelis. Sir Jeffcry Burwell, grandfather cf fir Robert Walpole ; he is an old man fitting ; a death's head by him : in crayons. Mary, daughter and coheirefs of fir Robert Crane, of Chil- ton in Suffolk; his wife: in crayons. . A ftable-yard, with a cart and a woman paring turneps ; by J. H. Miintz : in oil. • Six curious pictures in water-colours of Mary de Medici and Louis 13th. and five great ducheffes of Tufcany ; copied from a chamber at Poggio Imperiale near Florence, where the originals are dreffed in the very cloaths they wore, parted on the hangings, with the faces painted on fattin. Six more drawings of ruins, by Lucatelli. Anna Chamber countefs Temple; by Hamilton. Henry Carey earl of Monmouth, knight of the bath, tran- flator of many works ;* by Theodore Ruffel. Pope Benedict 13th. in wax: behind it is his elogium, written by Mr. Walpole and printed in his Fugitive Pieces. Lady • See his article in the Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors. STRAWBERRY-HILL. 31 Lady Newburgb, lord Lanfdown's Myra, in widow's weeds ; copied by young Lens from the original of fir Godfrey Kneller, in the collection of the earl of Cardigan : in water- colours. The countefs of Buckingham, mother of duke George Villiers, in mourning; by ditto : from the fame collection. Anna Maria Brudenel countefs of Shrewsbury, famous for her amours with the fecond George Villiers duke of Buck- ingham ; by ditto, from ditto. James Stuart duke of Richmond and earl of Litchfield, huiband of the beautiful Mrs. Stuart whom Charles II. was in love with ; in armour ; by Cooper. Sufan Airmine lady Bellalis, miftrefs of James II. by Coo- per, unfinished. Lady Anne Watfon, daughter of Thomas earl of Strafford; by ditto. Spencer Compton earl of Northampton, killed in the civil war. A lady's head, temp. James I. Two ladies of the court of queen Elizabeth ; by Hil- liard. Thefe five belonged to Spencer Compton earl of Wil- mington. An infant's head, ileeping ; by Vifcher : very natural, in black lead. A boy's head, in red and black chalks $ by Peter Oliver : very lively. A lady's 5 2 A DESCRIPTION ok A lady's head ; in a black hood ; by Cooper. Boncourt, a French comedian. A gentleman's head, in oil ; oval, in a metal cafe, Thomas earl of Arundel ; fmall head in oil. Charles 2d. in robes of the garter ; in water-colours-, after Lely ; done by Richard fecond lord Edgcumbe, at the age of fixteen. Two pieces of fruit and flowers, in water-colours; by old Lens. Mrs. Scott, the painter's wife ; by Deacon. Mr. Pope, by young Lens, in water-colours j round. Pomona ; by Clinkfted. Mr. Thomas Gray; etched from his {hade; by Mr. W, Mafon. A Jandfcape on copper; by Roland Savery. Lord Herbert of Cherbury ; a print coloured from the original of Ifaac Olives. William lord Mansfield ; in oil, by Wootton. Zeeman, junior, painter, in blue; by his fatheF. Impreflion of Oliver Cromwell's privy feal. The two fons ©f the old Pretender ; painted! at Rome ira 1740. On the window-fklc fronting the door, beginning on the left hand : A view of the Thames from Mr*. Clime's howfe at Twick- enham i in blue and white, by Muntz. A fprig STRAWBERRY-HILL. 33 A fprig of orange-flowers, and another of apple-bloffoms; by Catharine lady Walpole, in water-colours. A bunch of white rofes ; by ditto. Four more views of ruins ; by Lucatelli. James 5 th. and Mary of Lorrain his queen ; in water-co- lours ; by Wale, from an ancient original in the pofTeffion of the duke of Devonfhire at Hardwicke. A Chinefe building, defigned and drawn by Mr. Bentley for the corner of the wood at Strawberry-hill, where the chapel now ftands ; in Indian ink. The Farnefe Hercules, in wax ; by GofTet. Cleopatra, in water-colours ; Italian. Mrs. Beale, and her. fon Charles; heads in water-colours, by her. Profile head of a Magdalen, a coloured print by Le Blon. A red and white rofe, executed in feathers. Bifhop Burnet in robes of prelate of the garter j by Mrs. Rofe. Prince Charles of Lorrain, in a frame of tortoifhell. Then pafs to the right hand : Over the window, B. Hoadley bifhop of Winchester, in wax ; by GofTet : and, Charles Townfhend chancellor of the exchequer : ditto. Boors reading : Flemifh. A landfcape ; by Teniers. Two more views of ruins j by LucatellL K The 34 A DESCRIPTION of The arms of fir Robert Walpole and Catharine Shorter, cut in paper on looking- glafs, by Benningliam. A converfation, after Watteau, in water-colours; by Mr. Horace Walpole. Defign for arms of the two clnbs at White's ; drawn by the fecond lord Edgcumbe, and invented by him, Mr. G. A. Selwyn, Mr. Geo. J. Williams, and Mr. Hor. Walpole, at Strawberry-hill. The arms as follow : Vert (for the card- table) on a chevron fable (for the hazard-table) two rou- leaus of guineas in faltire between two dice proper, the chev- ron between 3 parolis at Pharaoh, proper; on a canton fable, a white ballotting-ball. Creft, an arm and hand holding a dice-box, ifluant from an earl's coronet. Supporters, an old and a young knave of clubs (for the two clubs.) Motto, Cog-it amor nv.mnri. The arms furrounded by a bottle-ticket inferibed, claret, in the manner of an order. A king-fifber and ducks, of the Batterfea enamel : it was a manufacture, ftamped with a copper-plate, fupported by alderman Janfen, but failed. Charles 2d. young, in armour, with the garter ; oval miniature. Mary duchefs of Beaufort : oval miniature. Mr. Congreve, in armour: oil. A lady, with Italian mottoes ; in a round. A friar and lady at her toilette ; by Clinkfted. A woman STRAWBERRY-HILL. 35 A woman hiding her lover from her blind hufband ; by- ditto. A woman fainting in a man's arms ; after fome great maf- ter : D. Rawdon fe. 1703. Mr. Deacon's fon ; by him : unfinifhed. Drawing by Muntz, in water-colours, from an illumina- tion to a book of earl Rivers in ths library at Lambeth, and from which the frontifpiece was taken to Mr. Walpole's Ca- talogue of Royal and Noble Authors. At the end of the clofet towards the Thames : Over the window, Impreflion of the great feal of queen Henrietta Maria : and, Frederic prince of Wales, in wax : by Goffet. Two prints of old Stocks-market, and EfTex-court in the Temple, coloured by Baudin. Head of James firft earl of Stanhope, in crayons. Ditto of Mrs. Sclater, in a black gauze hood. Four more views, by Lucatelli. There are 24 in all. Sir John Shorter, grandfather of Catharine lady Walpole ; in crayons. He was lord-mayor in 1688, when receiving the pope's nuntio in the city, James 2d. gave him an addi- tional quarter to his arms : two years before he had been one of the moft diftinguifhed aldermen on the Whig fide. He died in his mayoralty. Ifabella 36 A DESCRIPTION of Ifabella Birkhead, his widow, in weeds. They are buried in the church of St. Saviour, Southwark : vide Maitland's Hillory of London. Mary Bruce duchefs of Richmond ; by Hamilton. Anne Conway, daughter of general Conway and lady Aileibury, and wife of John Darner, eldeft fon of Jofeph lord Milton ; by Hamilton. Oval of Thomas earl of Southampton, in his robes ; but quaere, whether it is not the laft duke of Ormond but one ? A landfcape, by Polemberg. Two landfcapes in foot-water ; by Mr. Bentley. A writing-box, richly carved in ivory. Two blue and white jars. A red velvet coffer ornamented with filver, and containing fix dram-bottles of the old Venetian glafs flowered with gold and enamelled tops. A temple of old japan. Two cups and faucers of Seve china. A fmall table of ditto. Three ebony chairs, and a fmall Perfian carpet. The BLUE BEDCHAMBER. TTUNG with plain blue paper; a linen bed; eight chintz chairs; a toilette worked by Mrs. Clive ; a looking- glafs in a tortoiiliell-frame, ornamented with filver ; and a cabinet STRAWBERRY-HILL. 37 cabinet japanned by lady Walpole : on it, an ewer and bafon of blue and white Seve china. The chimney-piece was defigned by Mr. Bentley. Over it, s In a frame of black and gold carved by Gibbons, fir Ro- bert Walpole and Catharine Shorter; fmall whole lengths; by Eckardt, after Zink : the hounds and view of Houghton by Wootton. Sir Robert is fitting; by him, on a table, is the purfe of chancellor of the exchequer, leaning againfl: butts of George ift. and 2d. to denote his being firft minifler to thofe kings : by lady Walpole are flowers, fhells, a pallet and pencils, to mark her love of the arts. On the chimney, A boy and girl in Seve bifcuif. Three fmall flower-pots, ditto. Two cups and faucers, ditto. Four blue and white cream-cups. In the bow window,, fome very beautiful painted glafs. General Henry Seymour Conway, and Caroline countefs dowager of Ailefbury, his wife ; their daughter Anne fitting on the ground playing with a dog. The attitudes and drefles taken from Watteau. This, and all the other pictures in this room, were painted by Eckardt. Charles Churchill, and lady Maria Walpole, his wife, with their eldefl fon Charles; taken from the picture at Blenheim, of Rubens, his wife and child. Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, knight of the batfu L Mr. 38 A DESCRIPTION op> Mr. Thomas Gray j* taken from the portrait of a mufi- cian by Vandyck, at the duke of Grafton's. Mr. Richard Bentley ; from Vandyck. He holds in one hand his own defign of the figure of Melancholy, drawn by him for the edition of Mr. Gray's Odes. Mr. Horace Walpole ; from Vandyck ; leaning on the iEdes Walpolianae : behind him, a view of Strawberry-hill. The frames are of black and gold, carved after thofe to Lom- bard's prints from Vandyck, but with emblems peculiar to each perfon. The RED BEDCHAMBER. TTUNG with crimfon paper j a chintz bed, in which fir Robert Walpole died in Arlington-ftreet; by it a cruci- fix of ivory ; an ewer and bafon of Chantilli porcelaine; a red and white flower-pot, cup, faucer, and fugar-difh, of Seve porcelainej crimfon Norwich damafk chairs, and an arm-chair of patch-work. Pictures on the chimney fide : Alandfcape; by Mullins. An old beggar; by Teniers. Catharine, * With this motto, alluding to his Ode on Eton, which, though one of his beft productions, was his firft published, Ntc licuit populis parvum te, Nile, videre. STRAW BERRY- HILL. 3 $ Catharine, 2d. czarina ; with Ruffian verfes by the prin- cefs Dafkiou : a print. View of Elizabeth-cattle in Jerfey j by Muntz : in oil. A landfcape, view in Jerfey ; by Mr. Bentley : ditto. Lady Gertrude Conway vifcountefs Villiers ; a print. Mary queen of Scots, in water-colours ; by Vertue. George Seymour Conway, youngeft fon of lord Hertford i a mezzotinto. Chriftian 7th. king of Denmark j drawing by Falconet, Side oppofite the window ; - Henry 8th. giving the charter to the furgeonsj a print. Falconet the painter's wife > by him : highly finifhed. Mary Kirk, wife of fir Richard Vernon, known by the name of Warmeftre in the Memoires de Grammont. Le comte de Grignan -, a print. Madame de Caylus, neice of madame de Maintenon j a print. Heads of goats ; fine fketch, by Berghem j from the col- lection of Wootton the painter. Two old men j an Italian fketch. The father of Pope as he lay dead ; drawn by his father* in-law Samuel Cooper: bought by Richardfon, junior, at the fale of Mrs. Martha Blount, to whom Pope had be- queathed this and the three following. Mrs. Editha Cooper, mother of Pope* by John Richard- fon, fenior. Mr. 4 o A DESCRIPTION of Mr. Pope himfelf ; ditto. Henry St. John vifcount Bolingbroke i ditto. On the fides of the window : Maria Walpole, countefs of Waldegrave and duchefs of Gloucefter, with her eldefl daughter lady Elizabeth Laura ; a mezzotinto. A moonlight on copper; by Bonus, jun. The four feafdns, heads of boys, in rounds j Italian : a prefent from the due de Nivernois. Macbeth in the witches cave ; a print. Sketch by Kent, for a niche in Mr. Fairfax's houfe in Sa- ville-row. Four drawings of humour, warned, by Elias Martin. A French partridge, the real feathers j by G. Edwards- An owl cut in paper, by Nat. Bermingham. In a Niche on the Staircase ; The armour of Francis i ft. king of France, of fteel gilt, and covered with bas-reliefs in a fine tafte : his lance is of ebony inlaid with filver ; his fword fteel ,* beautifully inlaid with gold, probably the work of Benvenuto Cellini : there is alfo the armour for the horfe's head. This very valuable fuit of armour was purchafed from the Crozat collection in 1772, on the death of the baron de Thiers, when the czarina bought STRAWBERRY-HILL 41 bought the fine collection of pictures and bronzes^ O-ver againft it, Henry 5th. and his family; bought in 1773, at the fale of James Weft, president of the Royal Society. See a de- fcription and print of this pidture in the firft volume of the Anecdotes of Painting in England. The ARMOURY TS an open veftibule of three gothic arches, lighted by a window entirely of painted glafs, and ornamented over the doors and niches with quarterings of the family of Wal- pole, painted by Grant. Two fuits of armour, on one of which is the mark of a bullet ; two helmets ; a gauntlet ; a round leathern quiver ; and two pair of ifirrups ; from Coombe, near Kingfton in Surry, which feat formerly belonged to the great Richard Neville earl of Warwick. Thefe arms therefore probably were part of thofe which ferved his troops when he marched to Weftminfter to awe the parliament in the reign of Henry the Sixth. A beautiful Perfian fbield, made of a rhinoceros's hide tanned, enamelled, and almoft tranfparent. An Indian fcimitar, the handle and ornaments of filver, in a green velvet cafe j and a dagger of the fame j given by a M nabob 42 A DESCRIPTION op nabob to George Morton Pitt, governor of Fort St. George, and by his widow to Mr. Walpole. An Indian fword, the blade waving and damafked, the fcabbard of wood twitted with cane, the hilt an owl carved in wood. Two Indian quivers, full of arrows. An Indian lance, the head of wood double barbed and delicately wrought, that it might break into fplinters in a wound. Several other lances, fpears, and Indian bows. An Indian bow, painted. An Indian fcimitar in a Japan fcabbard. Four broad fwords. A collar fet with fpikes, for a wild beaft. Five pieces of a coat of mail. An Indian pouch made of beads and hair; a girdle, ditto; a collar, ditto; and two leather fhoes, ornamented ditto. An Eaftern powder-horn of fteel and bronze, richly graved, and hung to a chain with a tablet of bronze, characters in the middle on a red ground. An Indian mace, inlaid with brafs. A hatchet, ditto. Thefe three from the collection of Monf. Julienne at Paris. A tall ofluarium with bas-reliefs, a facrifice and tripods. Another, STRAWBERRY-HILL. 43 Another, curious for being a double one; the infcriptions, VIBIA. P. L. ASI ATICE. VIXIT ANN. XXII. P. VIBIVS. P. O. L. MODES TVS. The LIBRARY. *TpHE books are ranged within gothic arches of pierced work, taken from a fide-door cafe to the choir in Dug- dale's St. Paul's. The doors themfelves were defigned by Mr. Chute. The chimney-piece is imitated from the tomb of John of Eltham earl of Cornwall, in Wettminfter-abbey ; the ftone-work from that of Thomas duke of Clarence, at Canterbury. The cieling was painted by Clermont, from Mr. Walpole's defign drawn out by Mr. Bentley. In the middle is the fhield of Walpole furrounded with the quarters borne by the family. At each end in a round is a knight on horfeback, in the manner of ancient feals j that next to the window bears the arms of Fitz Ofbert, the other of Robfart. At the four corners are fhields, helmets and mantles j on one fhield is a large H, on another a W, femee of crofs crofslets, in imitation of an ancient bearing of the Howards in Bloomfield's Norfolk. On another fhield is the Saracen's iead, the crefl of the family, but here the catharine-wheel is 44 A DESCRIPTION of is above the cap, not on it ; having been (o borne by the Robfarts, as appears from the tomb of Lodowic Robfart lord Bourchier, in Weftminfier-abbey. On the fourth fhield is an antelope, one of lord Orford's fupporters, with the arms about his neck, refting under a tree, as in old devices. On either fide is the motto of the family, Fart qua fentlat ; and at the ends, m.dcc.liv, the year in which this room was finhhed, expreffed in gothic letters : the whole on a mofaic ground. The large window and the two rofe windows have a great deal of fine painted glafs, particularly, Faith, Hope, and Charity, whole figures in colours; a large fhield with the arms of England, and heads of Charles ift. and Charles 2d. Over the chimney, an ancient and valuable piece, repre- fenting the marriage of Henry 6th. of which fee a defcriptiorv in the nrft volume of the Anecdotes of Painting. Above it are that king's arms, the red rofe crowned, and queen Mar- garet's arms in a lozenge. On each fide, two bronze medal- lions of the Malateftas, fovereigns of Rimini. A girl and cat, in water-colours, copied by Mr. Walpole- from Rofalba. A boy with a flute, by ditto, from a picture of Cavalier Luti, at Houghton. Sir Robert Walpole, when a boy, in crayons. Sit STRAWBERRY-HILL. 45 Sir Edward Walpole, knight of the bath, grandfather of fir Robert; in oil. Henry duke of Richmond, natural fon of Henry 8th. in his fhirt and night-cap, which is embroidered with black : a miniature. Mary, fole daughter and heirefs of Thomas lord Fairfax, wife of George Villiers fecond duke of Buckingham : ditto, by Cooper. The queen of Bohemia, daughter of James ift. ditto, by Ifaac Oliver. Sir Francis Drake : ditto, by Hilliard. Charles Howard, earl of Nottingham, the great admiral, jet. 27i by Ifaac Oliver. Lady Penelope Compton, daughter of Spencer earl of Northampton, and wife of fir Edward Nicholas, fecretary of fiate ; by Cooper. Count Gondomar, a fine head in oil ; fmall. A Roman fimpulum in bronze. Two bronze antique lamps and chains. One ditto, modern, with a triton. A cow, ditto. An ancient brafs padlock in the fhape of a hand. A greyhound in bronze, to keep down papers. A filver ftandifh that was fir Robert Walpole's, with his arms. N Pictures 46 A DESCRIPTION op Pi&ures over the book-cafes. Lady Fairborne, daughter of fir Rookefby, and wife of fir Stafford Fairborne; in red : ncice of Catharine, daughter of Edward Darcy, efq; and wife of fir Erafmus Philipps, of Pifton-caftle in Pembrokefhire, grandmother of Catharine bdy Walpole, whom fhe educated. Sir John Shorter, lord mayor of London in 1668; in black. Ifabella Birkbe^d, his wife. Francis Seymour Conway, earl of Hertford, and knight of the garter ; by Aftley, after Liotard. Lady Ifabella Fitzroy, youngeft daughter of Charles fe- cond duke of Grafton, and wife of Francis earl of Hertford ; by Eckardt, after Vanloo. Henry Seymour Conway, only brother of lord Hertford ; in armour; by Eckardt. Charlotte, fecond daughter of John Shorter of Bybrook in Kent, and third wife of Francis lord Conway ; in yellow. Thomas Shorter, fecond fon of fir John Shorter; in brown. John Shorter, efq; of Bybrook in Kent, eldeft fon of fir John Shorter; in red. John Shorter, in armour, eldeft fon of the foregoing, and brother of Catharine Shorter, eldeft daughter of John Shorter of Bybrook, and firft wife of fir Robert Walpole afterwards carl of Orford : a copy after old Dahl. A clock STRAWBERRY-HILL. 47 A clock of filver gilt, richly chafed, engraved, and orna- mented with fleurs de lys, little heads, &c. on the top fits a lion holding the arms of England, which are alfo on the fides. This was a prefent from Henry 8th. to Anne Bokyn; and fince, from lady Elizabeth Germain e lo Mr. Walpole. On the weights are the initial letters of Henry and Anne, within true lovers knots ; at top, Dieu et mon droit ; at bot- tom, 'The mqft happy. — One of the weights, agreeably to the indelicacy of that monarch's galantry, is in a fhape very conformable to the laft motto. The pedeftal is adorned with fmall heads of bronze gilt of the age of Henry 8th. but which did not belong to the clock. A femicircular ofluarium, an uncommon form : in the pediment, a tripod fupported by grifons : at each corner, a horned head of a man and a bird, a feftoon hangs from the horns of the men, on which are two more birds : the in- fcription, p. lenilio MARTIALI POSVIT FORTVNATVS PATRONO SVO B. M. A fquare ofTuarium ; heads of rams, a feftoon and birds j the infcription, d. q^ i. c. l. m. FECIT MCEEI CAEIIAPRI MIGENIAPD. Thefe two urns were in the collection of dodtor Meade. An 4 8 A DESCRIPTION of An offuarium adorned on the front and Tides with ivy and birds drinking out of a vafe ; the infcription, D. TI. CL. M. SVCCESSO. FILIO. PIENTISSIMO. QVI. ANN. VIX. XIIX. PARENTES FEC. Three more, fquare ; and one round, with a bird on the cover. Rare books of prints and drawings in the library. Thuanus, the large edition in 14 volumes, enriched with beautiful prints of the befl impreffions, containing portraits of the principal perfonages. This fet was collected by fir Clement Cotterel Dormer. JEdts Walpolianae, the original drawings, with every print that has been engraved from the pictures, and with other prints and drawings of houfes and buildings that belonged to fir Robert Walpole and the family of Walpole. A collection of initial letters from the beginning of print- ing, with fome drawings of heads of the firfl printers -, col- lected by Mr. Ames, author of the Typographical Antiquities. Sir Julius Csefar's travelling library, containing 44 fmall volumes in Latin, inclofed in a cafe the fize of a folio. Faithorne's works, mofl beautiful impreffions ; folio. Hogarth's ditto j the mod complete fet of his works that is known, with fome of his original drawings. Vertue's ditto, in 2 large folios. Teniers's ditto. Twenty STRAWBERRY-HILL. 49 Twenty-one large volumes of prints after different great matters. A volume of drawings by Mr. Sam. Scott and Mr. Miintz. Three volumes of Hollar's prints. Drawings of the Florentine gallery. Prints from pictures, antiquities, and curiofities, at Straw- berry-hill. Drawings by Italian mailers, bound in red morocco, 3 vols. Drawings and prints of heads of Engliih painters and artiits, in 2 volumes folio. Twelve large folios of Engliih heads, bound in vellum, and ranged according to the reign of each king. A large volume of the reign of George 3d. not ranged. A volume of heads, antiquities, monuments, views, &c. by Vertue and others. Deiigns by Mr. Richard Bentley, bound in marble and gilt. Ditto by Rembrandt, Van Huyfum, &c. . Proceffion of knights of the garter temp, queen Elizabeth, copied by Vertue from the originals by Mark Garrard. Curious books in the glafs clofet in the library. Mr. Bcntley's original deiigns for Mr. Gray's poems, bound in red morocco and gilt. Six views after nature in Indian ink, by Bernard Lens. A book of patterns for old point lace ; exceedingly rare. . Baker an Learning, with MS. notes. O Holbein's 5 o A DESCRIPTION of Holbein's prints for the bible, with French verfes by Nicholas Borbonius. Drawings of all the Spintrian medals. Apologie de Jehan Chattel : very rare. Mad. de Sevigne's Letters to M. de Pomponne on Fouquet's trial: MS. Milton's Paradife Loft, given by the duke of Wharton to lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who has written verfes in the firft leaf. A mifTal, engraved on copper-plates at Venice. Deon's Letters, with prints of the principal perfons: quarto. Callot's pocket-book, with a great number of exquifite original drawings by himfelf: a prefent to Mr. Walpole from his brother Robert earl of Orford : very valuable. Bizarie di varie figure di Giovan Batifta Bracelli, pittore Fiorentino al Ill ai °. S. Don Pietro Medici: 1624. This moft rare and lingular book contains prints of human figures formed by the ftrangeft materials, as diamonds, hoops, blad- ders, pieces of carpentry, battledoors, kitchen-ftuff, &c. &c. It feems to be the compofition of a madman, but the draw- ings are mafterly, and the attitudes moft noble. Le Tombeau de Marguerite de Valois, with verfes by 3 daughters of the protector duke of Somerfet : very fcarce. The pocket-book, with his expences, of Robert Walpole, father of fir Robert Walpole. Accounts STRAWBERRY-HILL. 51 Accounts of Blenheim, Stowe, Wilton, and other places, with MS. notes by Mr. Horace Walpole. A German book with prints coloured of Charles 5th. and the German princes of his time. The arms of the knights of the garter made by Richard 3d. in their proper colours, and bound in red velvet : a prefent from Walter Robertfon, mayor of Lynn. Defcription of Wilton, with drawings and notes by Vertue. A book of heads and fketches, by Vertue. A complete fet of the books printed at Strawberry-hill. A book of drawings of vales, bas-reliefs, and other an- tiquities. Catalogue of the Harleian collection with the prices, and drawings of fome of the curioiities by Vertue. Dr. Percy's book of the earl of Northumberland's houfe- hold. Two books of fwan-marks, on vellum : extremely rare. A book of defigns of buildings, by John Chute, efq; of the Vine. Drawings of churches, monuments, &c. by fir Charles Frederick and Smart Lethuillier, efq; in 3 vols, folio. A thin folio containing 35 prints after grotefque paintings. The Iliad and OdyfTey, the very books from which Pope made his tranflations : in one of the volumes is a view of Twickenham drawn by Pope. Three 52 A DESCRIPTION of Three illuminated miffals. Whifton's Life, with MS. index of the principal pafTuges. Sir Thomas More's Life, with marginal writing by Philip earl of Pembroke. The Charter of Forefts, one of the original copies finely preferved, with the great leal of Edward lit. appendant ; found at Hackney 1743, among writings of the ancknt fa- mily of Shordich, by Robert Bygrave ; prefcnted by him to fir Edward Walpole, and by him to his brother Horace. Catalogue of the 25 moft precious coins and medals in the rofe-wood cafe. 1. An unique crown of king Edward 6th. bought at lord Oxford's fale in 1742. 2. Medal of pope Julius the 3d. in filver, ftruck on the reftoration of the Roman catholic religion in England by queen Mary. 3. A fatirical filver medal flruck in Holland. On the ob- verie, the head of Oliver Cromwell laureated in armour. On the reverie he is kneeling in the lap of Britannia, with his breeches down ; the French and Spanifh ambaffadors are contending which mall kifs firft : the former fays to the lat- ter, Retire toy, Vhonneur appartient au Roi mon maitre Louis le Grand. Very fcarce j from lord Oxford's collection. 4. A filver medal ; on one fide the head of queen Mary of England, on the other, of Philip 2d. both in alto-relievo, and STRAWBERRY-HILL. 53 and of the mofr, exquiiite workmanfhip. It was a trial-piece, and is certainly the fineft modern medal known. It was bought by Mr. Walpole in Italy. 5. A large gold medal of Henry 8th. On the reverfe, his titles in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. It is the firft medal of the Eneiiih ieries. From lord Oxford's collection. 6. A lilver medal on the deftruition of the Spanifh arma- da. See an account of this medal, and the preceding, in Evelvn. From the fame collection. 7. Coin of young king Henry, fon of Henry 2d. From ditto. 8. Fine gilt coin of pope Paul 3d. Reverfe, a Ganymede, admirably drawn: this beautiful coin was the work of Michael Angelo Buonaroti. From the collection of Baron Stofch. 9. Silver medal of lord treafurer Southampton j by Abra- ham Simon. 10. Gold fragment of queen Elizabeth's laft broad piece, defcribed in the Royal and Noble Authors. Unique; from' the Oxford collection. 11. Gold medal of Nero Claudius Drufus : reverfe, tro- phies, De Ger mam's. 12. Gold medal of Trajan: reverfe, his forum. Thefe two are very rare. 13. Gold medal of Marc Antony : reverie, the head of Octavia, the only one of her known* which makes this me- dal of the highefl value- P 34. Gold S4 A DESCRIPTION of 14. Gold medal of Otho : very fcarce, and finely pre- ferved. 15. Ditto of Pertinax: not only very rare, but in the molt exquifite preservation. 16. Copper coin of king Ferdinand of Naples ; a pun on the reverie; his arms, a horje ; the motto, Equitas regni. 17. Silver coin of Eurtace, lbn of king Stephen; very rare : from lord O .ford's collection. 18. A filver half crown of pope Clement nth. Reverfe, the pantheon. 19. Copper medal of pope Gregory 13th. on the correct- ion of the callendar : the reverfe, which is in beautiful tafte, was deiigned by Parmcgiano. 20. Silver medal of the fame pope, on the maffacre of St. Barthelemi : on the reverfe, the deilroying angel murdering the proteftints ; the legend, Hugonotarum Strages. This fcandalous medal was called in and the die broken, which has made it very uncommon. 21. A filver coin ftruck by the republic of Florence when they declared Jefus Chrift their king, to keep off the pope : from baron Stofch's collection : extremely rare. 22. Copper medal of Lorenzo of Medici, who ftabbed duke Alexander : the reverfe copied from Brutus's medal, with the cap of liberty between two daggers ; the legend, vni Id. "Jan Very rare. 23. Copper STRAWBERRY-HILL. 55 23. Copper medal of Clement 7th. Reverie, Jofeph and his brethren : defigned by Raphael. 24. Coin of Theodore king of Corfica : rare. 25. Brafs fatirical medal on queen Anne : reverfe, the queen and lady Maiham embracing ; motto, All for Love. Mr. WALPOLE's BEDCHAMBER, two Pair of Stairs. 'T^HE chimney-piece was defigned by Mr. Chute, and has great grace. In the window, compofed of feven lights, are feveral cu- rious pieces of painted glafs ; as, the arms of Anne Boleyn with the quarterings which the king allowed her to bear of the families from which fhe was defcended, though with no right of quartering ; a large lion coloured; four large angels in black and white; cypher and portcullis of king Edward; arms of Clinton and Ratcliffe ; fine heads in black and white of Charlemagne, prince William, and prince Maurice of Orange, &c. Over the chimney, View of the Vine in Hampfhire, the feat of John Chute, efq; by Muntz. A fmall print of Mr. Andrews's gothic houfe near Don- nington-caftle and Spine-hill, Berkshire > defigned by John Chute, efq; Fifteen 56 A DESCRIPTION of Fifteen fmall drawings of Engli£h and French comedians ; by Fefch. View of the gate at St. Edmund, at Bury. A fable, in cut paper on looking-glafs j by Bermingham, Over the door, Head of John Chute, efq; by Muntz, af- ter Pompeio Battoni. La fignora Elifabetta Capponi Grifoni, a Florentine beauty; by Ferd. Richter, 1741. Patapan, a Roman dog, belonging to Mr. Walpole ; by Wootton. Doctor Conyers Middleton ; by Eckardt. Doctor Thomas Afhton, fellow of Eton-college ; by ditto. Frederic prince of Wales, when a child : painted at Han- over. Ulrick, a young Turk belonging to king George iff.. A man and woman in water-colours, after Watteau ; by Mr. Walpole. A rural ball, after Watteau ; by ditto. Catharine Walpole, eldefl daughter of fir Robert Walpole ; fmall head in oil. Horace Walpole, when a child, in a white frock; in crayons. A fprig of orange, in water-colours ; by lady Walpole. A bunch of flowers, ditto ; by lady Anne Conway, eldeft daughter of lord Hertford, and wife of the earl of Drogheda. Drawing STRAWBERRY-HILL. 57 Drawing of Rembrandt's mother, from the picture at Windfor, called the countefs of Defmond ; by Muntz. Prints, of the houfe of commons and warrant for behead- ing Charles ift. infcribed with a pen, Major charta; of Ethelreda lady Townfhend ; of lord Chatham ; lord Hol- land; lord and lady Strafford; Mr. H. Walpole; and le comte de Guerchy. The STAR CHAMBER TS a fmall anti-room, painted green, with golden ftars in mofaic. It has a large window entirely of painted glafs j and two triangular chairs taken from a piece of glafs in the breakfaft-room ; a japan trunk;, a card-table of the fame; and a buff of Henry 7th. in ftone, a model in great tafle for his tomb, by * Torreggiano. Hence you go into a trunk-cieled paffage, lighted by a window of painted glafs, in which are many quarterings of Latton, a family formerly feated at Efher in Surry : in the window, a candleftick en- amelled on copper. This paffage leads to. The HOLBEIN CHAMBER. 'HpHE cieling is taken from the queen's dreffing-room at Windfor. t Q^ The * Vide Anecdotes of Painting, vol. 1, g. 102., 58 A DESCRIPTION of The chimney-piece, defigned by Mr. Bentley, is chiefly taken from the tomb of archbilhop Warham at Canterbury. Over it, a glafs in a black and gold frame; and a piece of Roman fayence in the lhape of a boat, Bacchus and Ceres in relief in the middle. The pierced arches of the fcreen from the gates of the choir of Rouen ; the reft of the fcreen was defigned by Mr. Bentley. In the bow windows fbme fine painted glafs, and the arms of England, and thofe of George prince of Denmark ; the ground is a beautiful mofaic of crimlbn, blue, and pearls, defigned and painted by Price of Hatton-garden. A table and fix chairs of ebony. On the table a tray with four ancient combs ; one of ivory is extremely ancient, carv- ed with figures, on one fide reprefenting perfons bathing and going to bed, on the other, two men and a woman with mufical inftruments j another comb, faid to have belonged to the queen of Scots, is of tortoifhell ftudded with filver hearts and rofes ; the two others of tortoifhell likewife, of which the one with very long teeth belonged to the father of the firfl lord Edgcumbe, and was ufed when the large flow- ing wigs were in fafhion : two bottles of Roman fayence, and a bafon and ewer of purple and white Seve china. A very ancient chair of oak, which came out of Glafton- bury-abbey j on it are carved thefe fentences, "Joannes Ar~ thurus STRAWBERRY-HILL. 59 fhurus Monacus Glafionie, falvet eum Deus : Da pacem Do- mine : Sit Laus Deo. Lord Bathurft had feveral chairs co pied from this. ; The bed is of purple cloth lined with white fattin, a plume of white feathers on the center of the teller j the room is hung with purple paper. By the bed, Chrifl crowned with thorns ; by Mabeufe. 1 Over the chimney, an ancient painting of the emperor Maximilian and his fon Philip the Fair : from the collection of Mr. Bryan Fairfax. Lady Arabella Stuart, in white, whole length in water- colours ; copied by Vertue from the original at Welbeck. A man's head with a book ; by Quintin Matfis : it was in fir Robert Walpole's collection. . Anne Stanhope duchefs of Somerfet, fecond wife of the protector, whofe portrait me holds in one hand : a prefent to Mr. Walpole from Mr. Bateman. - Catharine of Arragon, firft wife of Henry 8th. by Holbein: it was in the collection of fir Robert Walpole, and has been engraved among the Illuftrious Heads. * Sir Thomas More. This and all the following heads marked with an afterifm, were taken off on oil-paper by Vertue from the original drawings of Holbein in queen Ca- roline's clofet at Kenfington, aow removed to Buckingham- houfe. Lord 6o A DESCRIPTION of Lord Vaux. This is done in the fame manner by Muntzy from the fame collection. A man's head, in old enamel. Margaret queen of Navarre, who wrote the Tales : ditto. Between the bow windows : Queen Elizabeth, when a girl. * Lady Henningham. * William Parr, marquis of Northampton, brother of queen Catherine Parr. * A lady, unknown. * Ditto. * Sir Nicholas Poines. * Catharine Willoughby, fourth wife of Charles Brandon duke of Suffolk. Queen Mary,, when a child : from Mr. Fairfax's collection. * Henry Howard earl of Surrey, the poet. * Nicholas Cratzer, aftronomer to Henry 8 th. * Edward Clinton earl of Lincoln, lord high admiral of England. * Dr. Colet, dean of faint Paul's. * Sir Thomas Elyot, the author. * Henry Howard earl of Surrey ; younger than the pre- ceding. Edmund Montacute, a judges by Holbein: from fir R* Walpole's collection. * A gen- STRAWBERRY-HILL. 61 * A gentleman, unknown. * William Fitzwilliam earl of Southampton. * Edward Stanley, earl of Derby. * Borbonius, a French poet. * Fifher, bifhop of Rochefter. Richardfon the painter had another of thefe, which was engraved among the Jlluf- trious Heads. * Thomas Boleyn earl of Ormond, father of queen Anne Boleyn. On the fide oppofite to the chimney : A fine and very valuable picture by Lucas de Heere, re- prelenting Frances duchefs of Suffolk, mother of the lady Jane Grey, and Adrian Stoke, her fecond hufband. This picture was in the collection of the earl of Oxford, and was engraved by Vertue : Vide Walpoles Anecdotes of Painting. Philip and Mary, copied in water-colours by Vertue, from the original by Antonio More, at the duke of Bedford's at Woob urn-abbey. A {ingle combat before the emperor Maximilian, in terra cotta, by Albert Durer. Anthony king of Navarre, father of Henry 4th. by Janet. The marechal de Montluc, who wrote the Commentaries : by ditto. A very fmall head of a man, in a round j by Holbein. * Lord Wentworth. R *Lord 62 A DESCRIPTION of * Lord chancellor Rich. * Lady Rich, his wife. * Sir Thomas Wyat, the poet. * George Brook lord Cobham. * Edward 6th. when a child; very like Henry 8th. * Jane Seymour. Frobenius, the printer, in a round. Melancthon, ditto; by Holbein : very fine. A man's head with a black beard ; ditto. Margaret queen of Scots, daughter of Henry 7th. copied by Vertue from the picture at Hampton-court. Jane Gray; by ditto, from the original, that was the duke of Somerfet's. Head of Henry 8th. with a watch at his neck, carved in box by Holbein. * John Ruffel, firft earl of Bedford. * Anne Savage lady Berkeley. She held up the train of Anne Boleyn, at her coronation : Vide StoivesCbron. p. 543. * Sir W. Sherrington, mafter of the mint, whence he furnifhed admiral Seymour with money. * Sir John Gage. * Sir Richard Southwell, one of the accufers of the earl of Surrey. * Queen Mary, when princefs. * Thomas duke of Norfolk; beheaded in the reign of Elizabeth : young. Holbein STRAWBERRY-HILL. 63 Holbein ; in a round. ] AnneBoleyn; ditto. ] Copies by Eckardt. Charlotte, daughter of Francis ift. died at five years of age ; by Janet : fine. From fir Luke Schaub's collection. Lord Darnley , by Vertue, from the original at Hampton- court. A young man's head; by Holbein. Leonora, queen of Portugal, fifter of Charles 5th. and afterwards fecond wife of Francis ift. Henry 8th. fine whole figure in terra cotta, by Holbein ; from lady Elizabeth Germaine's collection. Pictures in the alcove : The triumph of Riches ; by Frederic Zucchero, from the original of Holbein that was in the Steel-yard. Henry 8 th. in the character of Crcefus, and one of his queens, I believe Anne Boleyn, follow the carr. Vide a defcription of this and the next in the Anecdotes of Painting, vol. 1 . The triumph of Poverty ; ditto. Thefe drawings, inva- luable by the originals being loft, were purchafed from Buck- ingham-houfe, when fir Charles Sheffield fold it to the king. A man's head with a red beard, in the manner of Holbein. Claude de Clermont fieur de Dampierre; by Janet. Thomas lord Cromwell, in a round, after Holbein. Lord keeper Bacon j by Vertue. Mrs. Margaret Roper, daughter of fir T. More j copied out of the great pidture of the family, by Vertue. Mary 64 A DESCRIPTION of Over the door, Mary queen of Scots, a head ; on her ruff, the arms of France and England. Between the door and the fcreen : Henry the 8th. three quarters ; a prefent from the reverend Mr. Pennicott. Henry due de Longueville ; in crayons. Sir John Godfalve, knight of the carpet; after Holbein. A drawing of architecture ; by ditto. Sir Thomas Wyat ; by Vertue. A man's head ; an original drawing, by Holbein. A man in a mafquerade habit; ditto. Louis nth. an original: his prayer-book opens in the fhape of a heart. A carpet worked by Mrs. Catharine Clive, the celebrated comedian. The GALLERY. T?IFTY-fix feet long, feventeen high, and thirteen wide without the five recefles. The cieling is taken from one of the fide ifles of Henry 7th's. chapel. In the windows, painted by Peckitt, are all the quarterings of the family. The great door is copied from the north door of faint Al- bans, and the two fmaller are parts of the fame defign. The fide with recefles, which are finiihed with a gold net-work over S T R AW B E RRY-H ILL. 6$ over looking-glafs, is taken from the tomb of archbifhop Bourchier at Canterbury. The chimney-piece was defigned by Mr. John Chute, and Mr. Thomas Pitt of Boconnoch. The room is hung with crimfon Norwich damafk : the chairs, fettees, and long ftools are of the fame, mounted on black and gold frames. The carpet made at Moorfields. Eaft end : Laura and Charlotte Walpole, eldeft and youngeft daugh- ters of fir Edward Walpole, and wives of Frederic Keppel bifhop of Exeter, and of Talmach earl of Dyfart; Mrs Keppel in white, lady Dyfart in pink : by Ramfay. Marriage of Henry 7th. and Elizabeth of York ; by Ma- beufe : Vide Anecdotes of Painting. Sir Francis Walfingham, with a view of his houfe at Scad- bury in Kent; by Frederic Zucchero. This picture has been engraved by Houbraken amongft the Illuftrious heads. Sir George Villiers, leaning his hand on the head of a greyhound. He was father of George duke of Buckingham', and lord Clarendon relates a ftory of his ghoft. This is a very fine picture. George duke of Buckingham, his fon $ a very fine head> by Rubens : the garter is put on the wrong way. Admiral Montagu, earl of Sandwich ; by fir Peter Lelyr very good head. Holy family, with boy angels, in a landfcape y by Van S Artoifi 66 A DESCRIPTION of Artois, fcholar of Rubens : from fir Robert Walpole's col- lection. Infide of an ancient Flemish houfe. A cheft of old japan inlaid with mother of pearl. Two coins of old japan with marble flabs : on one, A bronze of Moles, after Michael Angelo : A light blue pot pourri of Seve, mounted in or moulu : Two octagon bafons, Saxon, old china pattern. On the other, a bufr. of a woman ; another pot pourri ; and two Saxon bafons. Chimney fide, left hand : Virgin and child, after the picture of Dominichino ; by John Davis, efq; of Watlington. Mr. Leneve, mailer of the company of merchant taylors : a molt bright and pure picture, by Cornelius Janfen. Marguerite de Valois, duchefie de Savoie, filler of Henry 2d. of France •, he was killed at the tournament for her wed- ding ; by fir Antonio More. This picture belonged to king Charles ill. In one niche, Maria, fecond daughter of fir Edward Walpole, widow of James earl of Waldegrave, and wife of William Henry duke of Gloucefter, brother of king George 3d. by fir Jo- Ihua Reynolds. John Law, inventor of the Miflifipi-fcheme, and prime minifter to the regent Philip duke of Orleans: one of the beft of Rofalba's works. Francis STRAWBERRY-HILL. 67 Francis Seymour Conway earl of Hertford ; by ditto. Death of admiral Sandwich ; by Scott. Views, of Kirkftall-abbey, and of a church near Boulogne in France ; by ditto. The eagle, found in the gardens of Boccapadugli within the precinct of Caracalla's baths at Rome, in the year 1742. One of the fineft pieces of Greek fculpture in the world, and reckoned fuperior to the eagle in the villa Mattei. There are extremely few fine ftatues of animals ; the chief are thefe two eagles, the Tufcan boar, the Barberini goat, and the dog belonging to Mr. Jennings of Shiplake. The boldnefs, and yet great finilhing of this ftatue, are incomparable j the eyes inimitable. Mr. Gray has drawn the flagging wing.* It flands on a handfome antique fepulchral altar, adorned with eagles too. Frances Bridges, daughter of the lord Chandos, and fe- cond wife of Thomas Cecil earl of Exeter, on whofe left hand fhe refufed to lie on his tomb in Weftminfter-abbey. This picture, which is an excellent one of Vandyck, belong- ed to Richard fon the painter, who has written a difTertation of eight pages on it in one of his books.-)- A young * Ode on the Power of Poetry. f This lady was moft falfely accufed of many crimes, of which fhe was en- tirely innocent, and acquitted ; of which fee an account in Granger's Biogra- phical Hiftory of Engliih portraits, vol. i, p. 548. 68 A DESCRIPTION of A young man ; by fir Godfrey Kneller : quaere, if not his own portrait ? From the collection of Sclater Bacon of C amb ridge (h ire. Over a door, Catharine Sidley countefs of Dorcb.efr.er, miftrefs of James 2d. and mother of the duchefs of Bucking- ham ; by Dahl. Madame de Sevigne : a head. A girl fcowering pots ; a curious picture, being painted by Watteau in the ityle of Rembrandt. A landfcape by Muntz, painted in encauftic, which he improved from count Caylus's rules. Thomas earl of Arundel, and his grandfon cardinal How- ard ; in water-colours, by Vertue, after Vandyck. Right hand of the chimney : Leneve, alderman of Norwich ; fon of the foregoing Leneve. The befl piclure fir Peter Lely ever painted, and as fine as Vandyck's countefs of Exeter, before-mentioned. His wife, in blue j ditto. John lord Sheffield, hufband of lady Douglas Sheffield, on whofe account it was furmifed that he was poifoned by R. earl of Leicefter ; by Ant. More : from Buckingham-houfe. Henry Jermyn, earl of faint Alban's, favourite, and, as fir John Rerefby fays, fecond hufband of queen Henrietta Ma- ria : I believe by old Stone. James earl of Waldegrave ; by Reynolds. Bacha STRAWBERRY-HILL. 6g - Bacha Bonneval ; by Liotard. Henry Fox, lord Holland ; by ditto. Sea-piece; views, of Briftol-crofs, and of a gothic farm near Marble-hill, belonging to the countefs of Suffolk, and deiigned by Richard Bentley : all by Sam. Scott. Vefpalian, in bifaltes j a noble buft, bought out of the collection of cardinal Ottoboni. It ftands on a Roman fe- pulchral altar, on which, in bas-relief, is a man facrificing, with this infcription, TI. CLAVDIVS AVG. L. DOCILIS AEDITVS AEDIS FORTVNAE TVLLIANAE. Over a door, Anne Hyde duchefs of York - } by Mrs. Beale, after fir Peter Lely. Lady Sophia Farmor, eldeft daughter of Thomas earl of Pomfret, and fecond wife of John earl Granville, prime minifter to George 2d. by Rofalba. She is drawn as Juno. Two men cheating another at cards j by John Miel : very good. A landfcape, in encauftic ; by Muntz. Weft end : A large piece of Catharine de* Medici and her children, Charles 9th. Henry 3d. the duke d'Alencon, and Margaret queen of Navarre j whole lengths, by Janet- T Griffiere, 7 o A DESCRIPTION op Griffiere, the painter ; by Zouft : the i'attin on the arm remarkably well painted. A young man's head, aet. 18 ; admirable nature : by Gior- gione. A pot of flowers, highly finifhed, yet very free ; by old Baptift. Sevonyans, the painter, by himfelf j a very fine head. Charles Brandon duke of Suffolk, and Mary queen of France. This pifture was Lord Granville's. Kent defigned the frame. Tobit burying the dead. And when T obit found any dead, he buried them without the walls of ferufalem : by Benedetto Caftiglione. A coin of old japan ; on it, bufls of Julia Domna, Julia Titi, and Cicero; the latter a prefent from ladyHervey; a flat vafe of white, blue, and gold Seve china, with cover and handles. Another coin, ditto -, ftatue of Harpocrates and Telefpho- rus ; Antinous, Greek work ; and Zenocrates, a prefent from general Conway ; a flat vafe, like the former. Window fide: Thomas lord Howard of Bindon, father of Frances duchefs of Richmond and Lenox ; whole length, in robes of the garter. Lodowic Stuart, duke of Richmond and Lenox ; ditto : thefe STRAWBERRY-HILL 71 thefe two laft came out of Luton-houfe in Bedfordshire, .where the latter lived. Frances duchefs of Richmond and Lenox. See a curious account of this great lady in Wilfons Reign of King James the Firji. This picture came from Eafton-Neiton, the feat of Thomas earl of Pomfret. By Mark Garrard. Henry Carey lord Falkland, deputy of Ireland, and father of the famous Lucius lord Falkland ; in white, by Vanfomer. Mrs. Catharine Phillips, the poetefs; ahead: it belong- ed to Charles earl of Halifax. Philip Villiers de Lifle Adam, the laft grand mafter of Rhodes, which he defended two years againft Soliman the Magnificent and a prodigious army : a head. A view of Mount Orgueil in Jerfeyj by Richard Bent- ley, efq; Heads in the upper line, begin from the left : Vandyck. Richard Rigby, paymafter of the forces and mafter of the Rolls in Ireland, by Eckardt. Prior, the poet. Cooke, the painter; by himfelf. General Edward Corn- wallis, governor of Gibraltar and groom of the bedchamber to George 2d. by Eckardt. Pearce, fenior, ftatuary. Wal- ler, the poet. Horatio lord Walpole, younger brother of fir Robert Walpole ; by Vanloo. Mr. Chiffinch, privy-purfe to Charles 2d. by Riley. Dobfon, the painter. George Keppel, third earl of Albemarle ; by Eckardt. Sir Nicholas Dorigny, 72 A DESCRIPTION of Dorigny, the engraver. Van Wyck, the younger, painter. George Montagu, efq; by Eckardt, after Vanloo. Dahl, the painter. Anne Clifford,* countefs of Dorfet, Pembroke and Montgomery. Thomas Howard duke of Norfolk, beheaded for the caufe of the queen of Scotts. In this picture he is young, and it was probably painted in the reign of Edward 6th. before he was reftored in blood, for there are his arms without a co- ronet, and yet on his handkerchief are an N and a f, to mark his title and his religion. A fea-piece j by Scott. Bronzes in the windows ; an Ibis : a Ceres with filver eyes, and a cow in her lap : the Laocoon : Antinous on a tripod : an oftrich, very fpirited. Two tables of folid granite, from the Farnefe gardens at Rome ; the frames black and gold, from a tomb in Wefl- minfter-abbey. On the firft table, bufls of Marcus Aurelius : Domitilla, wife of Vefpafian, exceedingly rare : a Camillus or facri- ficing prieft. Beneath, a bronze from John of Boulogne's rape of the Sabines : two antique urns of marble ; that, with a cover heavily defigned by Kent, belonged to Brian Fairfax. On the other table, bufts of Julia Maefaj Fauftina fenior; and Antonia Claudii Mater ; very rare. Beneath, the liften- ing * See an account of her in the fecond vol. of Royal and Noble Authors. STRAWBERRY- HILL. ji ing flave in bronze ; and two antique urns of jnarble ; on one this infcription. pailiovi. ritio filio svo qvi bxsit ANNIS XX FECIT SIB I, Two commodes of old japan with marble ilabs; on one, a vafe, boat-fhaped, of deep blue Seve china, mounted in or moulu with fnake handles ; two large vafes,, ditto, of Roman fayence finely painted, and infcribed, Fatte irr botega de Qratio Fontanel. On the other commode, another blue vafe like the former; and two bottles of blue and white and gold Seve china, moffc beautifully defigned and ornamented. A mother of pearl box,, with fifties and counters of the fame; a prefent from Mrs.. Clive. The ROUND DRAWING-ROOM. TTUNG with crimfon Norwich damalk : the chairs of Aubuffon tapeftry, flowers on a white ground ; the frames green and gold. The defign of the chimney-piece is taken from the tomb of Edward the ConfefTor, improved by Mr. Adam, and beau- tifully executed in white marble inlaid with fcagliuola,, by, Richter. The dogs are filver : on the chimney are three large jars and two beakers, of filver alfo, bought at the auc- tion of lady Eliz. Germayne ; on the middle one is the rape U of. 74 A DESCRIPTION ov of the Sabines emboffed. Two filver fconces, with hiftories, on the fides. A fcreen, worked in Chenille, to fuit with the chimney, by the countefs of Ailefbury. The cieling is taken from a round window in old faint Paul's ; the freeze was defigned by Mr. Adam. In the great bow window is a large fhield of the arms of Robert Dudley earl of Leicefter; under it a thornbufh with H R, the device of Henry 7th ; the arms of queen Eliza- beth, on the left hand, from Eflex-houfe in the Strand ; rofes ; other arms of nobility ; and fix fine pieces, by a fcho- lar of Price, from Raphael's bible. The furbafe of the win- dow is taken from the tomb of queen Eleanor in Weftmin- fter-abbey. Over the chimney, lady Dorothy Percy countefs of Lei- cefter, in red, and her fifter lady Lucy, the famous countefs of Carlifle ; a very capital picture of Vandyck, fold out of Penfhurft by lady Yonge, when me inherited half of that an- cient feat by the will of lady Brownlow. Mr. Hoare of Stourhead offered the lail earl of Leicefter of the Sidney fa- mily an hundred pounds for this picture. Over the door, Mrs. Lemon, miftrefs of Vandyck, with a fword, as Judith j by Vandyck j bought out of Bucking- ham-houfe : very boldly and freely painted. Bianca STRAWBERRY-HILL. 75 Bianca Capello ; by Vafari ; bought out of the Vitelli pa- lace at Florence by fir Horace Mann, and fent to Mr. Wal- pole : the hands never finiihed. Her ftory is thus written in a cartouche on the frame. Bianca Capello, a Venetian lady, who having difobliged her family by marrying a Florentine banker, was reduced to maintain him by wajhing linen ; Francis the great duke, Jaw, fell in love with, and niade her his mif- trefs, and her hufband his minijler : but the latter, after num- berlefs tyrannies, for which Jhe obtained his pardon, and after repeated ill ufage of her, for which Jhe pardoned him, having murdered a ?nan, and being again protected by her, the great duke told her, that though he would remit her hufband' s pun- i/hment, he would pardon whoever Jhould kill him. The rela- tions of the deceafed murdered the ajfafjin, and Francis married his widow Bianca, who was poifoned with him at a banquet by cardinal Ferdinand, afterwards called the Great, brother and fucceffor of duke Francis. Jacob travelling from Laban ; very fine ; by Salvator Rofa : a prefent from the fame. The education of Jupiter ; by Nicolo Pouffin. This pic- ture coft fir Robert Walpole an hundred and fourteen pounds. A mod beautiful landfcape -, by Paul Brill. A piece of rocks, with the temple of Tivoli ', by Gobbo Caracci. A trunk of tortoifhell and bronze j by Boul, on a frame of the fame j a fmall jar of Seve china under it. A tea 76 A DESCRIPTION of A tea-table of old japan, with white china. Two old japan coffers on gilt frames. The TRIBUNE. "IT is a fquare with a femicircular recefs in the middle of each fide, painted Hone-colour with gilt ornaments, and with windows and niches, the latter taken from thofe on the fides of the north door of the great church at faint Albans ^ the roof, which is taken from the chapter-houfe at York, is terminated by a ftar of yellow glafs that throws a golden gloom all over the room, and with the painted windows gives it the folemn air of a rich chapel. The windows con- tain a head of Chrift and two apoftles, one in the middle of each, fet round with four hiftories, all old, but finely re-co- loured by Price, and furrounded with moft beautiful mofaics of the pureft tafle. In five of the niches, on pedeftals, are, I. A cart in plaifter bronzed of Catharine lady Walpole, the model of her llatue in Weftminfler-abbey, executed at Rome by Valory, and taken from the Livia or Pudicitia in the villa Mattei. 2. The Venus of Medici. 3. Antinous,. 4. The Apollo Belvedere. 5. The Farnefe Flora in bronze. In the windows, fix fmaller bronzes from ancient ftatues ; a Chinefe incenfe-box of bronze -, and two pots pourri of red japan fet in or moulu and furmounted with Indian figures by Martin. STRAWBERRY-HILL. 77 Martin. The carpet is taken from the mofaic of the win- dows, and in the middle has the reflection from the ftar in the cieling. The grated door was defigned by Mr. Thomas Pitt. On the right hand {lands an altar of black and gold, with a marble flab of the fame colours, taken from the tomb of two children of Edward 3d. in Weflminfler-abbey. On the altar, a Florentine box inlaid with hard ftones, a prefent from fir Horace Mann : two moll beautiful vafes in pafle,. imitating root of amethyfl and ornamented with vines and heads of goats, by Germaine of Paris : a filver difh of bafket- work, and two candlefltcks of German agate, prefents from general H. S. Conway. On the fides, two filver fconces with the arms of Frances Pelham * vifcountefs Caftlecomer ; and two vafes of ivory from the antique, carved by Verikovis. Over the altar, A cabinet of rofe-wood, defigned by Mr. Walpole; on the pediment, ilatues in ivory of Fiamingo, Inigo Jones, and Palladio, by Verikovis, after the models of Ryfbrach. In the pediment, Mr. Walpole's arms, a cupid and lion, by the fame : on the doors, bas-reliefs in ivory, Herodias with the head of the baptut, by Gibbons j a lady, half-length, by the fame ; Perfeus and Andromeda j the Hercules Farnefe j X the * Sifter of Thomas duke of Newcaftle; fh.e died, and is buried at Twickenham-. 7 8 A DESCRIPTION of the Flora ; Diomede with the Palladium ; the Medufa of Strozzi; the Perfeus of ditto ; Caracalla and Alexander, by Pozzo; and eight other heads. On the drawer, the Barbe- rini lion, by Pozzo ; and heads of eagles, by Verfkovis. Within the cabinet of enamels and miniatures : The virgin and child, in miniature, round -, by old Lens, from the original by Annibal Caracci, at Kenfington. Head of Chrift ; by Carlo Dolce -, in a rich frame of filver gilt and filver cherubim. Venus, Cupid, and other figures in enamel ; by Boit, from the original by Luca Giordano, at Devonfhire-houfe. Ethelreda Harrifon, wife of Charles vifcount Townmend j a capital piece of enamel, by Zincke, after Vanloo j fet in a frame of enamel flowers in relief: on the back, her arms fupported by Cupids, enamelled by Groth. A fine old enamelled watch-cafe, after Raphael and Do- minichino. Emperor Jofeph ift. fmall. Colonel Horatio Walpole, uncle of fir Robert Walpole j fmall. The duchefTes of Cleveland and Portfmouth ; very fmall. Sir Edward Walpole, father of Maria duchefs of Glou- cefter, in enamel ; by Zincke. Galfridus Walpole, youngefl brother of fir Robert Wal- pole i in water-colours. Byzas, STRAWBERRY-HILL. 79 Byzas, imaginary founder of Byzantium; large intaglia on onyx. M.* A valuable jewel of lord Burleigh's head on onyx, by Va- lerio Vicentino, cut on the reverfe of an antique of Cara- calla; appendent is the head of queen Elizabeth, cut like- wife on fardonyx, by the fame Vicentino; the whole fet with 52 brilliants : given to Mr. Walpole by his father, who bought it of fir Andrew Fountaine, who had it fet on pur- pofe, with allufion to queen Caroline and fir Robert Walpole. Sir Robert Walpole, earl of Orford ; very like ; painted in enamel by Zincke, two years before fir Robert's death : fet in a frame of enamelled oak-leaves. Catharine Shorter, firft wife of fir Robert Walpole ; ditto, after fir Godfrey Kneller : fet with enamel flowers. The two heads are in Zincke's bell manner, and were engraved for the w^des Walpolianas. Mary Walpole, fecond daughter of fir Robert Walpole and Catharine Shorter, and wife of George Cholmondeley vifcount Malpas, afterwards earl of Cholmondeley ; in water- colours ; by Groth, after Jarvis. Lady Maria Walpole, only child of fir Robert Walpole and Maria Skerret his fecond wife, married to Charles Churchill, efq; in enamel ; by Zincke. Horace * All the curiofities marked M. belonged to Dr. Conyers Middleton, whofe whole colle&ion Mr. Walpole bought. See an account of them in the doftor's Germana quaedam Antiquitatis Monumenta. 80 A DESCRIPTION of Horace Walpole, [who made the collection] youngeft fon, of fir R. Walpole and Catharine Shorter ; ditto. Horatio Walpole, lord Walpole, brother of fir Robert; in enamel ; by Groth, after Vanloo. Two lockets in fhape of hearts, with hair of fir Robert Walpole and Catharine Shorter, fet with diamonds. An Egyptian duck j antique cameo, on agate. M. A fleeping hermaphrodite with two fatyrs j ditto ; very fine. M. Sir Anthony Shirley, embafladoryn?/« the fophy of Perfia to king James ift. drefs, half Englifh half Perfian ; by Ifaac Oliver. The queen of Bohemia; by Ifaac Oliver: bought out of the collection of lady Ifabella Scott, daughter of the duchefs of Monmouth. Serjeant Maynard; by Hofkins : given to fir R. Walpole by fir Everard Falkener. Sir Kenelm Digby; by Peter Oliver: it was in do&or Meade's collection. James the ift. by Ifaac Oliver. Charles ift. by Petitpt : fine. ' Charles 2d. ditto ; in a cafe enamelled blue; done abroad: bought of an old gentlewoman, to whom he gave it when he ftood godfather to her in Holland. James 2d. when duke of York j fine, by Petitot : bought at STRAWBERRY-HILL. 81 at the fale of Mrs. Dunch, daughter of his miftrefs, Mrs. Godfrey. Robert Cecil earl of Salifbury ; by Ifaac Oliver. A lady's head, in enamel ; by Petitot. Nicholas Burwell, brother of fir Jeffery Burwell, grand- father of iir Robert Walpole ; by Hoikins : let in a cafe with frnall diamonds, and enamelled with the judgment of Paris in relief, very neat. Mrs. Godfrey, mifirefs of king James, in enamel; by Petitot : was Mrs. Dunch's. Robert Devereux earl of Effex ; by Ifaac Oliver : it be- longed to Frances lady Worfeley, who was defcended from him. It was engraved for the 111 uftrious Heads. Frances, his wife, daughter of fir Francis Walfingham, widow of fir Philip Sydney, and lafily wife of the earl of Clanrickard and faint Albans. Robert Walpole, fecond earl of Orford ; painted in water- colours by Rofalba with all the force of oil. An elderly lady's head j by Cooper : fine. Robert Carr earl of Somerfet, in his latter time, favourite of king James ; by Holkins : bought at the fale of the cu- rious colledion of T. Barrett of Lees in Kent, 1758. Richard Cromwell, protector, in armour j by Cooper : from the fame collection. Marivaux, author of Marianne; by Liotard, in water- colours. Y George 82 A DESCRIPTION or George Walpole, third earl of Orford ; ditto. John Chute, efq; of the Vine in Hampfhire ; finely paint- ed in water-colours, by Pompeio Battoni, at Rome. A watch enamelled with hiftories, after Pietro Cortona. Another enamelled watch. Admiral Churchill, brother of John duke of Marlborough •> very finely enamelled by Boit : it belonged to his neice, Mrs. Dunch. A curious antique miniature in gold, of a Roman lady and her fonj the boy has a bulla at his neck. M. Lady Arabella Stuart ; by Hilliard : it was lord Wil- mington's. Queen Elizabeth ; ditto : ditto. George the 2d. by Mr. Deacon. Cowley, the poet, after fir Peter Lelyj byZincke; his mafler-piece, and perhaps the hnefr. piece of enamel in the world. It was engraved for Mr. Hurd's edition of Cowley. A lady, faid to be Henrietta duchefs of Orleans, but pro- bably Martinozzi, princefs of Conti: one of the nneft works of Petitot. A looking-glafs behind it : bought of Zincke. Bianca Capello, great duchefs of Tufcany -, a fmall head in oil, by Bronzino. See her bijtary, p. 75. Louis 14th : Mary of Auftria, his queen : Anne of Aus- tria, his mother, very delicate : madame de Montefpan, his miftrefs, beautiful. Thefe four arc fmall heads in enamel, by Petitot. Mrs. STRAWBERRY-HILL. 83 Mrs. Middleton, a beauty in the reign of Charles 2d. ditto. Duchefie of Mazarin, in water-colours. Conftant Hayes, wife of Galfridus Walpole, and after- wards of Mr. Kerwood ; very fmall. Katharine duchefs of Buckingham, daughter of James 2d. in enamel j by Zincke : given to Mr. Walpole by her neice madame de Bouzols, daughter of marfhal Berwick. A filver gilt heart; within, the arms of fir Robert and Catharine lady Walpole, his firft prefent to her on their marriage. Anne Boleyn j copied by Wale from a portrait of her by Hofkins, which he did from an ancient pidhire of her for king Charles ift. and which is mentioned in his catalogue with other royal miniatures in the fame frame ; all which are now in the poffeffion of the duke of Richmond, Catharine Parr j by Holbein : a moft fcarce head, and exactly like the pi&ure of her at the earl of Denbigh's at Nuneham Padox, Warwickshire. A girl with flowers, in water-colours j by Rofalba. Oliver Cromwell ; by Boit, after Cooper : given to Mr. Walpole by his brother lord Orford. John Dodd, of Swallowfkld, Bucks, by Rouquet. Catharine Clopton, wife of Henry Talbot, and coufin of Catharine lady Walpole j by Zincke. Jane Seymour ; by Holbein, in water-colours : was lady Worfeley's. Peter 84 A DESCRIPTION of Peter Oliver, profile in black lead, from a leaf of his own pocket-book, and his wife, full-faced, on the other fide; both line : it belonged to Vertue the engraver. Lucius Carey, the famous lord Falkland ; by Hofkins ; fine : it was doctor Meade's. Doctor Bragge, a dealer in pictures ; by Mr. J. Deacon. A Calcedonian ftone, antique, ufed as an ornament to a horfe cf a triumphal chariot. M. Another ftone ; defcribed in Germana quasdam. M. On the infides of the doors : Thomas Howard duke of Norfolk, beheaded temp. Eliza- beth ; by Antonio More : belonged to Richardfon the paint- er, and engraved amongfl the Illuftrious Heads. A lady, painted by Holbein ; engraved by Hollar when in the Arundelian collection, and probably Mary Tudor queen of France, lifter of Henry 8th. but amongft the Illuftrious Heads called Catharine Howard. This alfo was Richardfon's. Lucy Barlow, alias Waters, mother of the duke of Mon- mouth ; by Cooper. Countels of Dorlet ; by Dixon. Catharine of Arragon, firft wife of Henry 8th. an admira- ble original ; by Holbein. Thefe three were bought at the auction of lady Ifabella Scott. Ifaac Oliver j by himfelf : perfectly fine. Waller, the poet; by Cooper. And a lord Digby; ditto. Thefe three from the collection of Mr. Barrett of Lees. Liotard STRAWBERRY-HILL. 85 Liotard, the painter, in his Turkifh drefs, in enamel; by himfelf : given to Mr. Walpole by his lifter lady Mary Churchill. Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, a moft beautiful miniature by Clinkfted ; given to Mr. Walpole by Mr. Chute : fet in a gold frame enamelled blue. A naked Venus, whole length, and very fine; copied by Zincke from a picture of Annibal Caracci in the collection at Houghton : fet in a frame like the former. [End of the cabhtet of enamels and miniatures. Other pictures and curiofities in the fame room : Little children prefented to Chrift ; Italian, on copper. The virgin, child, and faint John ; Baroccio, after Cor- reggio. The virgin and Child ; by Carlo Cignani : from lord Cholmondeley's collection. Head of a cardinal, and an old man's head ; rounds, on fayence. A fine dim, enamelled on copper, with the hiftory of Mofes. P. R. 1557. A fayence difh, painted in grotefque. Rembrandt ; by old Lens. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, as a fhepherdefs ; after Jarvis, by ditto. Two vafes carved in ivory, by Verfkovis, after the an- tique. Z Queen U A DESCRIPTION of Queen Anne of Denmark, and a lady of the fame time; by Ifaac Oliver : in one frame. Louis 1 2th. of France, and fir John Gage; by Holbein: in another frame. Thefe four from the collection of lady Elizabeth Germaine. Margaret of Auftria, daughter of Charles 5th. in a white religious habit ; enamelled on copper, in a round : behind it, Moles receiving the law ; enamelled on gold. Henry d'Albret, king of Navarre, grandfather of Henry 4th. in enamel. Thefe two were prefents to Mr. Walpole from Mifs Rachael Loyd, and belonged to the princefs So- phia, mother of king George ift. In the glafs-cafe near the window : A chalice of filver gilt, richly ornamented with figures, jewels, and chryftal. Model of the fhrine of Thomas Becket, enamelled. An amber jewel box. Great feal of Theodore king of Corfica. That very curious piece by which he took the benefit of the adt of infolvency : he is only filled, Theodore Stephen baron de NewhofF. His capitulations made with the people of Corfica, on his election, figned by his own hand. An antique figure of the deity of gardens ; fine. Two phalli, a fibula, two facrificing infiruments, and a fmall eagle; all of bronze. M. Gold STRAWBERRY-HILL. t 7 Gold medal of Maximilian, with a chain enamelled. A crofs of cedar inlaid with mother of pearl. A fmall gold watch, given by George 2d. when prince of Wales to Catharine lady Walpole, A coffer enamelled on all fides with battles, and fet in filver gilt. Two caudle-cups, with flowers on gold grounds, of Chel- fea porcelaine. A red fnuff-box, with enamelled top and bottom ; given to Mr. W. by Francis earl of Hertford. A fquare fnuff-box of lapis lazuli, fet in gold. A round fnuff-box of ditto, fet in gold enamelled. A fmall bull of Vefpafian in cornelian. An agate cup and faucer. A fmall cornelian faucer. . Two antique Roman ear-rings, one with a pearl, the other ©f gold. M. A box in compartments of old japan. A fmall buft in bronze of Caligula, with filver eyes. This exquifite piece is one of the fineft things in the collection, and fhews the great art of the ancients. " It is evidently a portrait, carefully done, and feems to reprefent that emperor at the beginning of his madnefs. It was found with fome other fmall bulls at the very firft difcovery of Herculaneum, which happened by digging a well for the prince d'Elbceuf, who 83 A DESCRIPTION of who refided many years afterwards at Florence, where It was fold on his return to France, and being purchafed by fir Horace Mann, was by him fent to Mr. Walpole. A broken patera engraved. M. A facrificing inftrument in the fhape of a (hell. M. A Roman bulla of gold, very rare : bought at Rome of Ficaroni, who wrote his book of La Bolla d'oro from this. A lady's head, miniature, fet in gold : given to Mr. Wal- pole by Ifabella de Jonghe, countefs of Denbigh. A chryftal fceptre, fet in gold enamelled, with pearls; from lady E. Germayne's collection, and given to Mr. Wal- pole by her neice lady Temple. A cup and faucer of Seve china, blue ground with white heads and feftoons. A drefling-box and tray of the fined old filver japan. Two caudle-cups of Chelfea china, claret colour and gold. A magnificent miflal, with miniatures by Raphael and his fcholars, fet in gold enamelled, and adorned with rubies and turquoifes -, the fides are of cornelian, engraved with religious fubjedts ; the clafp, a large garnet. This precious prayer-book belonged to Claude queen of France, wife of Francis id. and feems to have belonged to the father of Thuanus; vide vol. i, p. 142, of the French edition. It was purchafed by Mr. Walpole from the collection of do«flor Meade, 1755. A round STRAWBERRY-HILL. 89 A round fnuff-box, enamelled with the ftories of Jofeph and Potiphar's wife, Sufannah and the elders, Lot and his daughters, and a landfcape. A gold fnuff-box, enamelled : at top, a miniature of James 1 ft- and within, of queen Elizabeth; an onyx at bottom. A fmall fnuff-box fet in gold, with a fragment of a fine antique cameo in grotefque foliage on fardonyx; from the Arundelian collection. A needle-cafe, with monkies, ofoldjapam Two boxes in compartments, ditto. Two fmall ewers of bronze. M. A tea-kettle of Chinefe filver, richly chafed.. An agate oval cafket. Henry 8th's. dagger, of Turkifh work; the blade is of fteel damalked with gold, the cafe and handle of chalce- donyx, fet with diamonds and many rubies. From the col- lection of lady Elizabeth Germaine. The duchefs of Port- land has fuch. another fet with jacinths. Antique figure of a mufe caff in filver ;: fitting: given to Mr. Walpole by lord Frederic Campbell, from the collection of his father John duke of ArgylL Four fmall japan boxes.. A boy's head modelled in wax on copper, by Abraham Simon. A ditto with a bulla, in Roman glafs- A a A large: 9 o A DESCRIPTION of A large amethyft, fet coarfely in gold. It belonged to the fecond bifhop of LandafF, and was given by doctor John Ewer bifhop of LandafF, in whole time * it was found, to doctor Frederic Keppel bifhop of Exeter, and by him to his wife's uncle Mr. Walpole. One of the only feven mourning rings given at the burial of Charles ift. It has the king's head in miniature ; behind, a death's head between the letters C. R. The motto, Pre- pared be to follow me. A prefent to Mr. Walpole from lady Murray Elliot. An urn, cameo on onyx, mourning ring for Henrietta Hobart countefs of Suffolk. An urn fet with diamonds, mourning ring for Arthur Onflow, fpeaker of the houfe of commons. A chimera, antique intaglia, a green ftone in the ancient brafs fetting. A fmall antique ring with the head of Cybele, all of one piece of gold. A gold ring for a child with a phallus -, ditto. A boy with his head in a fcenic mafk, on a red ftone ; antique, fet in gold. An Egyptian pebble reprefenting exactly the portrait of a woman in profile, a rock behind her, fky before; fet in gold. Two * Anno 1764. STRAWBERRY-HILL. 91 Two pateras of bronze, engraved. M. Ivory covers of a Roman pocket-book. JVL A fibula, a fmall votive foot, an agate ornament for a bri- dle, and fome other fmall bronzes. M. In the other glafs cafe : A leaf of a water-plant, gracefully tied up into the fhape of a cup, with a faucer, of Chinefe bronze. Two vafes of Chelfea porcelaine, claret colour, gold and white, with cartouches of hiftoric figures. Two long japan boxes Two Roman fpears, a votive foot and toe. A point cravat carved by Gibbons. An old enamelled watch, given by Mr. Ch. Churchill, junior. A friver gilt reliquaire and chain j given to Mr. Walpole by George lord Edgcumbe. An Etrufcan Mars ; very barbarous. A fmall Egyptian figure fitting, of bifaltes. M. A naked man. M. The feal of archbifhop Dowdall, laft popifh primate of Ireland j in filver. Two cups and a faucer of Milan ftone. Two caudle-cups of Chelfea porcelaine, blue with gold figures. A japan pomatum-pot. A fmall 92 A DESCRIPTION of A fmall bloodftone cup fet in gold enamelled. A fmall cornelian box fet in gold. A triangular cornelian feal, with the heads of the two Fauftinas and Lucilla, intaglias ; by Chriftian Reifin. A filver feal, extremely ancient, of Hugh Oneal, king of Ulfter ; brought out of Ireland by Mr. William Briftow. A large ancient gold ring, with a caftle on it, and within, XJn bon An : found in the Thames. A cornelian feal, with half figure of Omphale ; antique intaglia. M. Seal of Richard Clitherol, admiral for the weft coafts in the reign of Henry 5th. Seal for indulgences of pope Eugenius.. Seal of the corporation of Pool. Seal of the fraternity of faint Mary of Hitchin. Thefe four are of bronze and ancient. A fpoon of Engliih pebble, with gold handle of foliage. A filver bottle for efTences, that opens into feveral diviiions.. A fmall buft of Omphale in bronze. A round flat box of filver philigree. A toothpick-cafe of Egyptian pebble, and a fmelling-bot- tle of agate. A fet of beads mounted in filver philigree, taken in Spain in queen Anne's war by captain Galfridus Walpole, brother of fir Robert. A filver STRAWBERRY-HILL. 93 A filver popilh medal mounted in philigree. A cup and faucer of Seve porcelaine, blue with white heads. A dreifing-box and tray of fine old gold japan. A tea-canifter of ftraw ; on one fide Meleager and Ata- lanta, on the other the arms of fir Robert Walpole and Catharine Shorter. A japan drefiing-box and tray of irregular fhape. Ditto, octagon, with tray and fix round boxes within, A Pollux, fin all fine antique bronze. M. A finall Terminus. M. A round white fnuff-box ; on the top, miniature of ma- dame de Sevigne; at bottom, the cypher of Rabutin and Sevigne in marcafites. This box, with the letter* in it from madame de Sevigne in the Elyfian fields to Mr. Wal- pole, was fent to him by madame du DefFand. B b A blood- * Letter written by madame Marie de Vichy, marquife du DefFand [the lady to whom Mr. W. afterwards dedicated his edition of the Memoires de Grammont] in the name of madame de Sevigne from the Elyfian fields to Mr, Walpole, after his return from Paris in 1766. " Des champs Elifees ; point de fucceffton de terns, point de datte. Je connois votre folle paflion pour moi ; votre enthoufiafme pour mes lettres, votre veneration pour les lieux que j'ai habites : J'ai appris le culte que vous m'y + avez rendu : j'en fuis fi penetre'e, que j'ai follicite & obtenu la permif- fion de mes Souverains de vous venir trouver pour ne vous quitter jamais. J'a- bandonne fans regret ces lieux fortunes ; je vous prefere a tous fes habitans j jouinex ■f- He bad dined at Livry. 94 A DESCRIPTION op A bloodftone feal fet in old enamel, given to Mr. Walpole by Mrs. Henrietta Conway, daughter of Francis lord Conway. A fmelling-bottle of purple glafs with peacocks feathers in gold. Ditto of Chinefe filver. A fmall amber crucifix. A fmall bronze figure of a woman with a rudder and cornucopia. Model of the great duke's diamond. In the box of antique rings : Tiberius, cameo on onyx, of the firfi: Greek workmanfhip. Cupid driving a car with two butterflies ; intaglia on cor- nelian. A man's jouifTez du plaifir de me voir ; ne vous plaignez point que ce ne foit qu'en pein- ture j c'eft la feule exiftence que puiflent avoir les ombres. J'ai ete maitrefle de choifir l'age ou je voulois reparoitre ; j'ai pris celuy de vingt cinque ans pour m'affurer d'etre toujours pour Vous un objet agreable. Ne craignez aucun changement ; c'eft un fingulier avantage des ombres ; quoique legeres, elles font immuables. J'ai pris la plus petite figure qu'il m'a ete poflible pour n'etre jamais feparee de Vous. Je veux vous accompagner par tout, fur terre, fur mer, a la ville, aux champs ; mais ce que j'exige de vous, c'eft de me mener inceflamment en France, de me faire revoir ma p3trie, la ville de Paris, et de choifir pour votre habitation le fauxbourg St. Germain ; c'etoit la qu'habitoient mes meilleures Amies, c'eft le fejour des votres ; vous me ferez faire connoif- fance avec elles : je ferai bien aife de juger fi elles font dignes de vous, & d'etre les Rivales de RABUTIN de SEVIGNE." STRAWBERRY-HILL. 95 A man's head ; alto relievo on onyx. An Egyptian goddefs's head on a green ftone. M. A cock and cornucopia j intaglia on cornelian. A bacchante and goat <, fine cameo on onyx : given to Mr. Walpole by the princefs de Craon. Germanicus ; very fine intaglia on cornelian, with the workman's name Epitu, for Epitynchanes : from the col- lection of the marquis Riccardi at Florence. Head of Jupiter; ditto: from ditto. A fcenic mafk ; cameo on onyx. Caius, nephew of Auguftus ; ditto. A lion ; intaglia on fardonyx. A caprice, on white cornelian ; intaglia. M. Apollo ; intaglia on cornelian. Ifis j Egyptian cameo on onyx. M. A Cicada j fine intaglia on cornelian. A Syrian king -, ditto. M. Fauftina, fenior j ditto. Chriftian infcription ; Vitas Luxuriam, Homo bone : cameo on onyx. Matidia ; intaglia in a green pafte : a moll rare head. M. The Horatii ; intaglia on cornelian : given by fir Robert Walpole to his fon Horatio. Mercury ; intaglia in amethyft : given to Mr. Walpole by general Conway. Jupiter 96 A DESCRIPTION of Jupiter Serapisj altiffimo relievo in bloodftone. A ram's head ; intaglia on cornelian. \End of the rings. Old japan plate of different colours. Popiih beads, bought at the church of faint Anthony of Padua. Turkiih beads enamelled with blue and gold ; probably for ornaments in a proceflion : bought at the file of monfieur Julienne, at Paris. A {mall wooden crofs, curioufly carved. A moll beautiful filver bell, made for a pope by Benve- nuto Cellini. It is covered all over in the highefl relievo with antique maiks, flies, grafshoppers, and other infedts; the virgin and boy-angels at top, a wreathe of leaves at bot- tom. Nothing can exceed the tafte of the whole defign, or the delicate and natural reprefentation of the infects : the wonderful execution makes almoft every thing credible that He fays of himfelf in his Life. It came out of the colleclion of the marquis Leonati at Parma, and was bought by the marquis of Rockingham, who exchanged it with Mr. Wal- pole for fome very fcarce Roman medals of great bronze, amongft which was an unique medaliuncino of Alexander Severus with the amphitheatre, in the highefl: prefervation. Two Cornifh diamonds, one inclofing green, the other yellow mofs. A bronze altar-pot and a tripod. M. A large STRAWBERRY- HILL. 97 A large Goa ftone. A filver box, almoft in the fhape of an egg, engraved. A fmall box of the gold and white japan. In it are two dates found in a jar at Herculaneum -, they are burnt to a coal, but the lhapes and rivelled fkins are entire. A cornelian fpoon that belonged to Coffim Aly Caun. An amber toothpick-cafe. A tortoiihell fnuff-box, the top reprefents Flemim lace ; given to Mr. Walpole by lady Mary Coke. A round fnufT-box, and an egg-ihaped ditto. Pictures and bronzes in the other parts of the Tribune. Side oppofite to the door : A drawing by Mr. Bentley, reprefenting two lovers in a church looking at the tombs of Abelard and Eloifa, from theie lines of Pope, If ever chance two wtmd'ring /overs brings To Paraclete's white walls and Jilver Jprings, & in crayons, by Rofalba. Madame de Sevigne, when a young widow. Madame de Grignan. Thefe two are ovals on copper, by Muntz. A woman carrying a pig to be facrifked ; bronze. M. A lamp with a fatyr's head j ditto : copied from the an- tique. An STRAWBERRY-HILL. 101 An antique lamp, of bronze, with a face. Sketch of the head of Roger Palmer earl of Cafllemaine, hufoand of the duchefs of Cleveland ; by iir Godfrey Kneller.- Chrift depofited in the fepuichre ; by Mola, after Raphael. Chriff. praying in the garden ; by Philippo Laura : from the collection of monfieur Julienne. Margaret Cecil lady Brown, in crayons ; by Rofalba. Madame de la Fayette, on copper ; by Muntz. Lady Mary Coke, in wax ; by GofTet. Raphael's Jonas, in ivory. A beautiful lamp, in the fhape of a foot, Cupid fallen afleep over the flame ; antique bronze with filver ornaments : it was found in the temple of Cupid, is publifhed by Mont- faucon, and was bought at the fale of the Harleian colled ion. Another bronze lamp. Pictures and bronzes on the door fide : A landfcape ; by Muntz. Two hermits ; after Rubens. Two flower-pieces ; by young Baptifle. A Dutch furgeon drefling a boor's leg; from fir Robert Walpole's collection. The circumcifion -, by Ludovico Caracci, on copper : a defign for an altar-piece which he executed at Bologna. A farm yard ; moft natural. Young Hercules with the ferpents j by Annibal Caracci. Dd St io2 A DESCRIPTION of St. George; painted by Giofeppe d'Arpino on lapis lazuli. Sir Godfrey Kneller, when young ; by himfelf : great fpirit. Thefe four laft from fir Robert Walpole's collection. A Roman emperor in bronze, as an idol, with thunder- bolt and caduceus. M. Two Roman lamps of bronze ; one Chriflian, of the lat- ter empire. Sir Peter Lely, in crayons ; by himfelf. The virgin and child in the clouds, the city of Bologna beneath ; by Goupy, after Annibal Caracci. A drunken boor j by Brauwer. Head of an abbe -, by Teniers : from the collection of monfieur Hareng. Buft of an emperor, in black marble. A bagpiper; bronze. M. A facrificing prieft ; ditto. M. N. B. All tbe bronzes, lamps, &c. Jland on brackets under the pictures. The GREAT NORTH BEDCHAMBER, TS hung with crimfon Norwich damafk. The bed is of tapeflry of Aubuffon, feftoons of flowers on a white ground, lined with crimfon filk ; plumes of oftrich feathers at the corners. Six elbow chairs of the fame tapeflry, with white STRAWBERRY-HILL. 103 white and gold frames ; and fix ebony chairs. A carpet and foot carpet of the manufacture of Moorfields. The chimney was defigned by Mr. Walpole from the tomb of W. Dudley biihop of Durham, in Weftminfter- abbey, and is of Portland flone, gilt; with dogs of or moulu with arms and trophies; the chimney-back is an- cient, and bears the arms of Henry 7th. Over the chimney, a large picture of Henry 8th. and his children j bought out of the collection of James Weft, efq; in 1773. See a defcription of this curious piece in the firft vol. of the Anecdotes of Painting. On the chimney, ■ A buft of Francis 2d. king of France, hufband of Mary queen of Scots. A bronze bas-relief in profile of Anne of Bretagne, queen of Charles 8th. and of Louis 12th. Thefe two heads from the collection of the count de Caylus. A nautilus mounted in filver gilt, with fatyrs and the arms of Pafton. A cryftal tankard and cover, mounted in filver gilt. Thefe two pieces belonged to the laft earl of Yarmouth. Four old blue and white china bottles. On one fide of the chimney, A fine whole length, by Van- dyck, of Margaret Smith, wife of Thomas Carye, groom of the bedchamber to Charles ift. From the Wharton col- lection, afterwards in that of fir Robert Walpole. On 104 A DESCRIPTION of On the other fide, Philip Herbert earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, (with a view of old Wilton) whole length; by Mytens. On one fide of the bed, A whole length of Henry Vere earl of Oxford, in his robes. He was made knight of the bath at the creation of Henry prince of Wales, and died in Flanders in 1625. On the other fide, Robert Walpole, 2d. earl of Orford ; whole length, in robes of the Bath ; by Vanloo. On the fide oppofite to the bed : Head of Niobe j by Guido. Two views of Venice -, by Mariefki. A fine landfcape with cattle; by Gafpar Pouffin. The ducheffe de la Valiere, miftrefs of Louis 14th. Mademoifelle Hamilton, comteffe de Grammont; copy after Lely, by Eckardt. Ninon L'Enclos, the only original pidhire of her ; given by herfelf to the countefs of Sandwich, daughter of Wilmot earl of Rochefter, and by her grandfon John earl of Sand- wich to Mr. Walpole. Richard ift. prifoner to the archduke of Auftria; highly finifhed, by Mieris. The prefentation in the temple -, its companion ; by Rem- brandt. Over STRAWBERRY-HILL. 105 Over the the doors, which were defigned by Mr. Chute, and have medallions of Louis 14th. and Charles 5th. in bronze, Madame de Maintenon ; and Hortenfe Mancini duchefs of Mazarin : the latter a copy from Carlo Maratti. A imall. japan cabinet ; a dejune of Seve china, blue and white with coloured birds ; and a blue and white old china jar. On the window fide : A large looking-glafs in a rich ebony frame ; and t wo bronze arms with mafks, for candles. Over the glafs, Henry 8th. aged 29, and Charles 5th. aged 20, in one picture ; from Mr. Weft's collection. A table of Saracen mofaic, fent to Mr. Walpole from Rome by fir W- Hamilton, mounted on an ebony frame, with two ebony ftands. An ewer and two beakers, of Roman fayence ; a prefent to Mr. Walpole from mifs Speed, afterwards married to the comte de Virri, minifter from Turin. A finall table with a landfcape of Seve porcelaine, mounts ed in old japan; a legacy to Mr. Walpole from Mary lady Hervey. Richard Wellborn, mafter of requefts temp. Henry 8th. He was defcended from a younger fon of Simon de Mont- ford earl of Leicefter, on whofe death, to fecure himfelf, E e be io6 A DESCRIPTION of he changed his name to Wellborn : a prefent from the earl of Exeter. A woman's head in crayons, after Guido. Sir John Perrot, lord deputy of Ireland in the time of queen Elizabeth ; in black and white chalk, by Chambars, from the original at fir Herbert Perrot Packington's. The original iketch of the Beggar's Opera : Walker, as Macheath ; mifs Fenton, afterwards duchefs of Bolton, as Polly i Hippifley, as Peach'em ; Hall, as Lockit : on one fide in a box, fir Thomas Robinfon, very tall and lean ; fir Robert Fagg, a famous horle-racer, fat, with fhort grey hair : by Hogarth. Bought at the fale of John Rich, the well known harlequin, and mailer of the theatres in Lin- coln's-inn-fields and Covent-garden, for whom the picture was painted. Van Helmont, the chymiftj copied by Muntz from a fine original by fir Peter Lely, at the earl of Hertford's at Ragley. Lady Henrietta Berkeley, fifler-in-law and miftrefs of Ford lord Grey in the reign of Charles 2d. Mary princefs of Orange, daughter of king Charles ift. given to Mr. Walpole by the prince of Monaco. Rehearfal of an opera, with caricatures of the principal performers : Nicolini itands in front, Mrs. Toft is at the harpfichord, Margarita is entering in black. Bought at the fale STRAWBERRY-HILL. 107 fale of John duke of Argyll, who bought it at that of Charles Stanhope, efq. In the bow windows are ten coats of arms in painted glafs, by Peckitt of York, with the principal matches of the family of Walpole. The cieling was copied from one at the Vine in Hampshire. Curiofities in the glafs clofet in the great bedchamber: A falver of Raphael fayencej flory of the prodigal fan. A large difh ; ditto, ftory of Abfalom. One ditto, fmaller ; ftory of Jael and Sifera. A large plate, ditto j feaft of the gods. One fmaller ; Chrifl walking on the water. One ditto ; Cupids in relievo j ribbed border. Ditto j Apollo and Marfyas ; fcolloped border. Two fmall ditto ; with landfcapes and buildings. Two ditto, twelve fquare ; very coarfe. Two ten fquare dimes of the old dragon china. A fine filver trunk to hold perfumes, with bas-reliefs ; the top from Raphael's judgment of Paris: the work of Ben- venuto Cellini. Bought out of the great duke's wardrobe ; a prefent from fir Horace Mann. A Chinefe fleelyard. An amber ftanding cup and cover. A bottle of purple glafs. * This and all the following articles marked with an afterifm, were bought at the fale of count Caylus at Paris. Seven 108 A DESCRIPTION of Seven boxes of the old gold and white japan, with fmajler boxes of the fame within. A lilver gilt plate in relievo, the meeting of Charles 5th. and Francis ill. A prefent from fir William Hamilton. A pair of gloves worn by king James the ift. bought out of Thorefby's mufeum. The wedding gloves of Mrs. Hampden, wife of the cele- brated John Hampden. An agate puncheon with the arms of Mr. Gray the poet,, and a Goa ftone -, given to Mr. Walpole by doctor Browne and Mr. W. Mafon, Mr. Gray's executors. A carved bottle for perfumes, mounted in lilver ; Indian. A bronze perfume-pot. A clouded ewer of polifhed earth. * An ewer of Villeroy ware. Three packs of Florentine cards, for playing at Minchiati and Tarocco. Rubens's child, in bifcuit china of Nancy. Three French fnufF-boxes mounted in gold. A fmall ivory box, containing a fuite of prints reprefent- ing medals on the vi&ories in the war at the end of the reign of George 2d. A fnuff-box with views of Spa ; given by mifs Churchill. Two enamel plates, prefents from Caroline lady Green- wich. A filver STRAWBERRY-HILL. 109 A filver gilt apoftle-fpoon. Addifon, in the Drummer, mentions apoftle-fpoons ; and ib do Beaumont and Fletcher, in one of their plays. It was an ancient fafhion to have a little figure at the end of a fpoon's handle, as this has. It was a prefent from the reverend Mr. W. Cole. An antique bronze of a man, naked, the head of fir Robert Walpole added by Nattier. A fmall octagon difh of old china with figures. Nineteen draftfmen of box, with heads of German princes and princelfes -, a prefent from Charles duke of Richmond. Two vales of blue china mounted in or moulu. A blue and white plate with the brown edge, old china. A fmaller with dragons, without the border. Two octagons of blue and white with figures, pierced. Two hexagon faucers, ditto, with feet. A box with ancient round trenchers, with fcriptural mot- toes ; a prefent from the reverend Mr. W. Cole. A German pitcher and cover, with bas-reliefs of figures dancing. * Two plates of Chantilly china, of different fizes. A tea-pot of the old red Japan ware. Another, red and black, of China. A Turkish mug, with characters. * An earthen pot, Indian. * A blue and white earthen barrel, with handles. * F f A drinking no A DESCRIPTION of A drinking veffel of black earth, with ditto. * A faltfeller of old fayence fupported by dolphins. Two blue and white diflies and feven plates of old china ; a legacy from Mrs. Henrietta Conway, filler of Francis earl of Hertford. Two old blue and white water-plates. A copper difh with a foot, enamelled with the ftory of Abraham and Melchizedec •, a prefent from Geo. William Hervey, earl of Briftol. A baiket of Seve china, blue, gold, and white. A Staffordshire Etrufcan vafe. A blue vafe of antique Roman glafs with a boy's head. * Four water-plates of old coloured china. An urn and cover of Volterra alabafter. Two ewers of ancient glafs. * A blue and white fquare pot for flowers, of old china. A fpeculum of kennel-coal, in a leathern-cafe. It is cu- rious for having been ufed to deceive the mob by Dr. Dee, the conjurer, in the reign of queen Elizabeth. It was in the collection of the Mordaunts earls of Peterborough, in whofe catalogue it is called, the black Jlone into which Dr. Dee ufed to call his fpirits. From the Mordaunts it pafTed to lady Elizabeth Germayne, and from her to John laft duke of Argyll, whofe fon, lord Frederic Cambell, gave it to Mr. Walpole. In STRAWBERRY-HILL. in In the clofet- window is a head of queen Elizabeth in painted glafs, and another pane with men playing at cards, very old. GREEN BEDCHAMBER in the ROUND TOWER, two Pair of Stairs. npHE infide of a church, a very good Flemifh picture on board ; a legacy to Mr. Walpole from doctor Meyrick of Ifle worth. Henrietta Hobart countefs of Suffolk, fitting, a view of her houfe at Marble-hill, Twickenham; by Jarvis. It was Mr. Pope's; lady Suffolk bought it at Mrs. Martha Blount's fale, and gave it to Mr. Walpole. Ogleby, the poet, in his fhirt ; fine, by Fuller : from fir Robert Walpole's collection. Tillemans, the painter. Mrs. Barry, the celebrated actrefs ; profile, by fir Godfrey Kneller. Sketch for the head of Britannia in the great equeflrian picture of king William at Hampton-court. Henrietta duchefs of Orleans, as Pallas ; bought at lady Suffolk's fale. The emperor Maximilian; a curious head. Robert Dudley earl of Leicefter. The ii2 A DESCRIPTION of The GREAT CLOYSTER. A T each end, a blue and white china flower-pot, and in the middle, the tub ditto in which Mr. Walpole's cat was drowned; on a label of the pedeftal is written the firft flanza of Mr. Gray's beautiful ode on that occafion, 'Twas on this lofty vafe's Jide, Where China's gayejl art has dy'd The azure flow' rs that Mow, Demureji of the tabby kind, The penfve Selima reclind, Gaz'd on the lake below. The piers of the garden-gates are of artificial flone, and taken from the tomb of William de Luda bifhop of Ely, in that cathedral. The CHAPEL, TN the fouth-wefl: corner of the wood, is built of brick, with a beautiful front of Portland flone, executed by Mr. Gayfere of Weftminfler, and taken from the tomb of Ed- mund Audley bifhop of Salisbury, in that cathedral. In the anti-chapel is an oaken gothic bench, defigned by Mr. Bent- ley; STRAWBERRY-HILL. 113 ley ; over it, a head of faint John Baptift,, alto relievo, in marble, on a pedeilal of the fame in a fine tafie, the work of Donatello, and a prefent from fir Horace Mann. On the oppofite fide, a crucifix of bronze; and beneath it, on an angular pedeilal of fayence on which is a buft of an angel, ftands an eneenfoir of bronze. By the door is a holy-water- pot of earthen-ware, given by Mr. G. A. Selwyn. In the window are the original portraits * of Henry 3d. and his queen in painted glafs, with other faints and coats of arms. Fronting the door ftands a magnificent fhrine of mo- faic, three ftories high; and beneath it, a crucifix inlaid with mother of pearl,, bought at the fale of the honorable Richard Bateman in 1774. On one fide of the fhrine, in a recefs, ftands on a confole a figure of an ancient king of France, in fayence ; on the other fide, the virgin Mary, of bronze. The roof was defigned by Mr. Chute. On a ta- blet over the door is the following infcription, The Jhrine in front was brought in the year 1768 from the church offanta Maria maggiore in Rome, when the new pave- ment was laid there v This Jhrine was ere died in the year 1256 over the bodies of the holy martyrs Simplicius, Faufiina, and Beatrix, by John fames Capoccio and Vinia his wife; and was the work of Peter Cavalini, who made the tomb of Ed- G g ward * Thefe were a prefent from the earl of Afhburnham. ii 4 A DESCRIPTION op ward the ConfeJJor in Wejlminfter-abbey. See the Anecdotes of Painting, vol. i. p. 17. The window was brought from the church of Bexhill in Suf- fex. The two principal figures are king Henry $d. and Eleanor of Provence his queen, the only portraits of them extant. King Henry died in 1 272, and we know of no painted gl of s more an- cient than the reign of his father king 'John. Thefe portraits have been engraved for the frontifpiece to the Anecdotes of Painting. This chapel was erected by Horace Walpole in the year 1771. The facade was copied from a chapel-tomb in the cathedral of Sali/bury. At the end of the winding walk is a large feat in the form of a fhell, carved in oak, from a defign by Mr. Bentley. The Cottage in the Flower-Garden. The TEA-ROOM TS hung with green paper and prints. Over the chimney, two fconces of Chantilly china, a fceau for liquors of Seve, two chocolate-cups ditto, a handle cup and faucer, a caudle-cup and deep faucer, all with coloured flowers ; a rice STRAWBERRY-HILL. n S rice cup on feet, a faltfeller of old fayence, and four bifcuit figures. On the hearth, a flower-pot of fine blue earth. On a fhelf and brackets, two blue and white pot pourris of Nankin china, two pierced blue and white bafons of old delft, and two fceaus of coloured Seve ; a blue and white vafe and cover, and two old fayence bottles. On the tea-table, a white tea-pot with gold edge of Seve, four handle cups and faucers, a fugar-diih, milk-pot, bafon, and plate of the fame ; a tea-pot of crackled china with blue and brown flowers, an octagon green bafon with coloured flowers, a ditto white with ditto, a green leaf of Stafford- mire-ware, two blue and white handle cups of Seve, one ditto larger in fhape of a pail, two ditto with coloured flow- ers and blue rims, one ditto with dark blue and gold edges and coloured flowers, and one ditto with blue and gold mo- faic on white. The LITTLE LIBRARY TS painted green and white. Over the chimney, an origi- nal half-length of Milton, set. 45, in black, a ring tied to one of his button-holes. In the key-flone of the chimney, an antique bas-relief with the ftory of Mars and Venus. On the mantle-piece, thirteen antique fepulchral earthen lamps. Over the door, an antique painting in frefco. Vide Mid- dktoris Germana, &c, A bronze u6 A DESCRIPTION of A bronze tripod for burning incenfe. M. A marble Canopus. Over the book-cafes ; A fmall marble bull of lord chan- cellor Clarendon. Fourteen fmall Etrufcan vafes. Ten black Staffordihire ditto. Two yellow beakers with flowers of StafTordlhire-ware. Two red china ditto. Two flower-pots of crackled china. A blue china bottle. In this library are feveral volumes of MSS. In the GARDEN. A N extraordinary large brain-ftone : a prefent from Mr. Grofvenor Bedford. Bernini's Apollo and Daphne in bronze. A large antique farcophagus in marble, with bas-reliefs : from the collection of Bryan Fairfax, efqj Two ofluaria. The fleeping Morpheus in plaiiter. STRAWBERRY- STRAWBERRY-HILL. 117 STRAWBERRY-HILL, A BALLAD, By William Pulteney Earl of Bath. /VVV <<<5<5< 3 II ^o 11 \A/VVVVxV> KXxXXXXX doOQC :\^OxX^<)<5 Nox\xxx<<< s \ \ \ <\x xX) \\XX)< \v :5c X XX ■ \ ^ \\ x \\\ xxwxxx x >X\\>\XX ■ xxxxx