r # sag THE EFFIGIES' OF 1 GIACOMO BAROZZIO Sw DA VIGMOLA W Shcrmi /culprit itcxcudit THE ~ •' - Regular Architect: OR THE GENERAL RULE OF THE FIVE 0 RD El ARCHITECTURE M. GIACOMO BAROZZIO Da VIGNOLA WITH A New Addition of Michael Angelo Buonarot.i. Remind int, Engli(li/™« the Original Italian, and Explained By J ohn Leeke, Student in the M AT H E MAT ICK S For the USE and BENEFIT of ’ Free Mafons, Carpenters Joyners, Carvers, Painters, Bricklayers, Plaijlerers : LON . . P r ' nl:e ^ ^ or J°i Jn MarflattU at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street f V t re , *- al Pf ol jJJrt of Defence; in which the few. al forts of Guards, fa ( ’ Enclosures, and Difarms, See. are reprefented by proper Figures, with their K jpeaive Explications, the trueji Original and btft Book, of Fencing Extant IN GENERAL, For all Ingenious Perfons that are concerned in the famous ART of ING. ' i To die READER. Courteous Reader , 'V Intend here briefly to declare, For the better underflanding hereof, what was the occafion kg that moved me to make this Email Work, and afterward to puhlilh it for the common H fervice of thofe that take delight therein. Having Exercis'd this Art of Architecture for JjjL divers years infundry places,I have been always pleafed to fee the Opinions of as many Wri¬ ters as I had., concerning this praftice of the Ornaments ^ and by comparing them both among themfelves, and with the Works of the Ancients, which are feen yet in being, to draw from thence fome Rule, on which I might rely with fuch fecurity, as might pleafe, if nor all, yet at lead, the greater part of them that are capable to judge of this Art, and that only ro flrve my own ufe, without any other end. Therefore laying afide many things of thofe Writers, from whence ariieth no Email difference, to the end to reft more fecure, 1 propoled to my felf the ancient Ornaments of the five Orders which are feen among the Antiquities of Rome • and confidering all together, and examining them by diligent MealurcS, I have found that thofe which feem moft beautiful to common judgment, and which reprefent themfelves with moft grace before our Eyes j thofe, I fay, have a certain correipondence and proportion of Numbers among themfelves not intricate, feeing that each of the leffer Members meafure the greater^ pun&ually diftributing them into fo many parts. From whence, confidering more nearly, that all our Senfes are pleafed in this Proportion, and difpleafing things arc different from it, as the Muficiatts do moft fenfibly demonftrate in their Sciehce j 1 have taken Pains thefe many years to reduce the faid five Orders of Architecture under one brief Rule, eafie, and which might readily be put in prafbice ^ and the manner which I have obferved in it is thus. Defiringto bring to this Rule the Dorick Order, for an Example I have found the Theatre of Alarcet/us to be the moft commended among all others, according to the judgment of every¬ one, and therefore alfo I have taken it for the Foundation of the Rule of the laid Order ^ of ivhich having determined the principal parts, if afterwards certain of the lefier Members have not fo exafbly anfwered to the proportion of Numbers, (a thing which often happens by the work of the Tools, or other accident, which may often be in thefe fmall things) that I have fitted to my Rule, not differing in any thing of importance, but accompanying rather that fmall licence with the authority of orher Dorick Orders, which alfo are efteemed beautiful from whence I have taken the other fmaller parts, always when it was neceflary to fupply it. Not as Zeuxis did of the Virgins among the Crotomacks , but as my judgment hath led me I have made this Election of all the Orders, taking them purely altogether from the Ancients* and not mixing any thing of my own, except it be the diftribution of Proportion, founded on Ample Numbers, not having regard to the Braces, Feet, or Palms of any Place, but only to one Arbitrary Meafure, called A Module , divided into fo many parts as from Order to Order may be feen in its proper place. And by this means I have fo facilitated this part of Architecture (otherwife difficult) that any mean Underflanding, if he have but only fome tafte of the Art, may comprehend the whole at one view • and eafily ule the fame, without taking much pains in reading. Yet had I no intent to pubfffi this Work, if it had not be^n for the entreaty of many of my Friends which defired it ^ and much more by the Liberality of my F erpetual, moft Illuftrious, and moft Reverend Lord, Cardinal Farneje-, which, befidesf that have received fuch courtefies from his Honourable Houle, which hath given me favour 1 6 make this diligence * hath alfogiven me the mean to be able to fatisfie my Friends in this par¬ ticular, and to give you fuddenly other greater things on this SubjeU, if this Part be fo ac¬ cepted of you, as I hope it will be. And feeing that in this place it is not my defign to an-' fwer Obje&iorfs, which I know will be propounded by fome, that being not my intenfion ? fo leaving the charge to the Work it felf, which being acceptable to the Judicious, will caufe them to anfwer for me againft the Objections of others: 1 fay only, that if any one (hall judge this Work to be vain, maintaining that there can no firm Rule be given, becaufe that according to the opinion of all, and namely of Vitruvius, there muft oftentimes be added and fubftrafred to the proportions of the Members of the Ornaments, to the intent to fupply by Art in thofe places, where our fight may be deceived by any accident. To that 1 anfwer, That it is wholly neceflary in that cafe to know how we would have them reprefented to our Eyes which (hall be always a firm Rule, which in another place I have propounded to be obferved,- feeing that vte proceed therein by certain curious Rules of PerfpeCtive. The Pra&ice where¬ of (lo much as is neceflary to this Art, and to Painting both together) 1 hope to give you fuddenly, in fuch manner as I am aflured will be deleClable to you. My intention, as I have laid, was none other than to be underftood by thofe only, which 1 have already fome tafteof the Foundation of the Art: And therefore 1 had not added the Name to any particular Member of the Five Orders , prefuppofing them to be already known. But finding afterwards, by experience, that the Work was very acceptable to divers Perfons of Quality, moved by the defire they had to be able to underftand with little labour, the entire of this Art concerning the Ornaments, and that they defired no other thing than the particular Names, I was willing to add them according as they are ordinarily called at Rome , and in' fuch order as you may fee, only advertifing that the Members which are common to divers Orders, aftcer they have been only once named in the firft Order, there is no mention' made of them in th£ other Orders. Q, Barrozifc The Tranflators PREFACE. To the Reader. CentleReader, C 'l Onfideritig that thofe things are eaficfl comprehended and he/} retained m . memory, which are taught by the fexvcfl Precepts ; therefore we have vttde choice of this Author as an Introduction to the Ornamental part of Archite&urc, and have filed him , The Regular Aichitcft, bccanfe he fets down one general Rule for the Principal Numbers of all the Five Orders; which Ride our Author found from the Obfervation which he made of the Antiquities of Rome. The Author being perfpicuoiis of himfelf we have en¬ deavoured to render him in his own Senfe, only adding here and there a word upon occafion to explain his meaning more fully. If this find acceptance , expeSl in a floort time the Rules of Practical PerfpcElive of the fame Author , From him, who is A Lover of all ingenious Artilfo JOHN LEEKE. BOOKS Printed fir and Sold by John Marthall, at the Bible in Grace-Church Street. T HE Art of patience, and Balm of Gilead, under all Afflictions, with rhe Government of the Thoughts prefatory to the Government of the Tongue: By the Author of rhe Whole Duty of Man; being Appendixes to the whole Duty of Man’s Works. The third Impreilion 5 with Additional Prayers fuitable to the feveral Occafions. Price Bound 5 . r. Nova: Exquifitat fforum I Cones hujus Generis artium Culroribus perutiles Maximatn Curarn delinea St tabulis teneis in Ciftc per Jeremiam falck Hjmburgi. Price r. r. The Ten Commandments, on a Large Copper Plate, m Verle, with divers Copy Books, with Conies on the top of the Book. . „ The Great Day of Judgment, or a Difcnption of the Separation that will be made on that Day by the great God of Heaven and Earth, reprefented by Figures fromaLarge Copper-plate." Price 4 d. 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TVS CAN OlUkldll FmJ,,y no Tuscan order rnnmae the antiquities of Krmc,jvm whence fmyhluwfirmed anil cwflunyfnind in the ctrurjsarc orders, the Derrick,Icnick,Corinthia, StCompciritafhave taken lhe~ aulhontie of fc«r in hit fourth hooks & fcventh Chapter, where lie .Safes, that the Tuscan Coluvuic ought to be in height with the bare amiCapital Jewett times his orvne diameter orthickiu. hi die met of the ornaments nameb tlu . behitnwc fries and Cornice, it is Convenient to observe the rule _ - wKuhfjhavefound in the ether orders, that is, that tlu frchib-asvefrnse and Cornice maybcthc. fourth ' paite of the height of tlu Columne, which u 14* mb'dfer with the B are, and Capital, or is. fee,u Jet downe by numbers; So alto the .Irchitrave.frmt and Cornice Sluilbe n modules, which u the fm ) parte of a/., the particular members shjhe exaedy Jet dopme in then- proper place, TVS CAN Irvjjo/ta Mil circo AloJu/t i Beina tv make the r Jus can order with out cipede stal, tlu’. whole hcieht Jludbe divided into 77 l pah and cadi of thou yartes .fhalle dalle cl a siioaule, which aqaine wee divide into iz equal partes, and by these, measures at the Jared order is fennel: with cvey particidav member thereof *u u Jecne in the desta jmetions the cLcsiane Jet do\me belt m whole numbers and TVS CAN ORDER Hut btimj to make the dated order with, apedestal the whole hcicjhtis to h divided- into 2.L jieni.es and width is dene,because the ycdestoil rcejuircs to he itiheight tin third yartc of his Columns: with Base and iayitcd, ixthith being ley moduli, the thirl parte is j, modules and J • which, added to 17 modules and \ make together in, modulcj and- $ X ORDf>R 'rvsc\i\ dlfiouph apedestal isjilloine made ti> the 'Iiucan ordegvet haueI pul it here in to follow order, giving you.. understand, that m the five- orders Hume, observed it for a ...t (Lij.. .1 ■ , . , , . t . , . J indefinite j o ' - - w „***•„ tu , u.ju< ageneraB, vl thed-du -pedestals with their ornaments ought to be. a third parte of their Columne -with Bat and Cajsitdh,as al the ovnanicnts alone, that is Tc jay, the ArdubvPi five. andComice oughtto be ajvw tkpeute ftheJaiiic, Horn which. bevies understood So presupofed there arisefithis great faciMt withe wot is. that hemp to male any of these, jive orders after the height which it ought to ai-.Jetemnned it ir to hedivided into iff partes vritii Ur ornaments (then j partes bmujlft atone. for the trohitrare and y below for the pedestal, tlu iz partes remaning arc for the height effhy^ l clwnnc vdftt ifutBase.it Capital) winch bang taken, & making die division of the modules, ah.ord.ing eu itfhalbc edherCoiinthm or Dench, or the ether orders, then the vdiolc otddt. Y nvadfc by that module divided into its partes, as Jhalbe Scene initr due place; AthcBodv a Shf of the Colwmc:B:CvutafPyguk adistXTcn/s.DtlieBlindiKlistello amm mojtgcnemiand vred indifferently in aLthe Wot maulers whether the be lessee, arqncdcr FGm^.GthcRdc^HlistM 1the Blinth otthc Fickrtal. •, - . * J ‘^lf ld measures jn- drawing ihcTuscane order > - m ‘, s'L 2? / ^ W m 4W & ywfer inc/rcai to die ende tkdvcw, J r , L j ;/ t i a, h ti,C dtWl0 ’t °J cv / 1 ? one / ^ r^urtnc mth their m ta t ancLthattflc cUamare of the desiant with the numbers cdjqyiied mavbcJisJcnttD s zr^uint ^ ^ A Ouob. B KtmlelCUteUo. or Regain. D.Convia orDropstmc. E Lutello. F CymadwnGm cZ£ ' ^ ° J tk C^UAstragal Q Cotterfa ColumnS.PytheBU Midi Hi J4- YThe HUmiar to truth the divisions of this > ID orick. aider is tints The whole heiolit is deridef 1 mto zo partes, euuLof one of those partes is male I the module, winch is alje derided into rzpartes, 1 /rAd as was done vt theTiiscan Order the Base \with the list or lowest Cincture of the Colutnne \shalle one module,the trunsh or Sluft of the I Colutnne without the Base Slialbe if. modules,the 1 Capital fhalhe one module and then the ornanuu, 1 that ir to Say the Architrave Five emd Cornice Audios 4 modules, which is thefourth pats of j/fe Colutnne with the Base aril Capitrd as I Wee have Sated Ix/vnyThc Architrave oiphttobc I I module theFiee t-i and the Cornice if whidi I Lidded together make sp modules, and hemp \Ltddcd to the rest nutke zo Moduli jwhui you rnttli make the omamait of Gain’s or •rPoiti'ear accardmp to the Derick Order thehifit(as hath bon Saied) must he. diridei into 2.0 partes, and from thence, the moduli inwibcfomal,Thetithc b-eadth must he divided soar htemem the Tfarters them maybe ymoM mid that the Pibstecr mayhavt j> modules, Forsothe _ bhridth is divided with the hcujht,.' tc the j?ropoi{ioii \cfthc opening of die light,oftunce the bicaJik mheicrht.and the distnhih.cn of the Metopes and Tfialiphsfalls licjht asycu Sce.ltKemames onelyto Cmifidcr that the Colu\ -mne 01M to Come forth ofthe Flash-$ of a module more than the half which is done to the intente that theprojec LxjRJCK orj)l: - DO RICK ORDER to B etna to make Gcileries with then-pedestals according to the Dorick. order, the whole height oiu/ht b he divided into zy paries ani\, and. one of those paries fhalhe cunodulc, the breadth hetweene the pilasters Shade to modules, and the breadth oj the pilasters Shade y modules Jhrso the distribution of the metope , ancLTHgliphs sludfalL out right and the voids ofthcArches mSuchpnpordo that the hcialt Shedbe double to the btxmdth which in height as you may fee is of zo modules OlUJii.Il Moduli c 2 e Hwtc 7 r- i _;. 0\ T l The Tedested of the Derick order oiylb to have r rnodules and ^ inheight\ the import afthcjlscli designed (lure aloue one module and the particular members thereof are to he divided according b the members as dttvare there Set dame. Athe CkmeUr cflhcCllumnt B the latest Cincture ofthe Columne which ought so to he undetjtccd f all tlv orders CRundel or tide stafe ' sAtoAnli. IWW5IPI — i i \ , . y -- ^oordmy fo the Ionich order,The breadih ' /( i‘7 SUl “ i f faults, end. the distance hetweene the Fdartay sfialbe g l modulo-, f i 1 / W modules uduckis the double of die breadth, which is arule which eight id be observed- constantly ih all arches ftluliht ornament, if m.ces.ritit doth not Constraint Id doe othermrse JONICK or nr n u rn. . . " JV ■' ■■ ■ ■•••. 9 \Wi0y t the Ionic '~^=~ — divid’d into & Capitahwbeh is tolv obsarved trial the orders or me. nodules.the heightefthe archzzm eted mth numbers in the desigm K order until Pedes Lib] the udiolc height dn noted into zg { partes, The pedestal mill his onu o modules, whisk is the third park of the Colwnrn w, )h/t nhOrTt *«-« ,*1 +L* - 1 _, * » ~ “ ►•>*!* * I M_ (/(LUU, nodules, I tv breadth of the Pilar tors shalbe utefdTh:pedestal Mill his omorrnents I n T~!x / | i „ 'i: Column: with base 1 _■ I ^i a ! lJ ’ Th themmeraccording to vdiichyou are to proccedc IONlOK opjytsjy 1 ONICh ORDER Wmmmm z 1 / A\^N 0 / /6\ /to \n /y COKJNTHIAN. ORDER n , , , . . , “f* a ^deM.tfuiRwk height is dtvidcdintDyr parks, and the f " made, of one of them., which is divided iitto u prtetatttwm m the LmckorR: L otkrpmdpal 1ZlZtT Cen Z onecokinne tothedha- oupht to.hpmodules and f tc wtkunmtd^ m not overclur-ped, as to accanoJde hie moMicrn about m the Cornice as the viav ansmre directly tothe pueUe of dr Glumes in died e^ual compartment •ey mrrvrnr'' 1 " 111 -\S ORDER fty™k the Jj-Whw of Golems oscordm, h ttusCntndm l’- 011 ou J“tJ°V’vcitcL! as it is litre noted inmimtetr So as the — of the Arrh inaybec, modules mbreadh and 1 3 modules m hcuiht, and the Blasters skalbe. 7 meddles C '(mNTHJAN ORDER jiMflj Ruth make Golems with pedestal, the whole heiahtfulh. / dimed into yzpattes. and. of one of them. Shutbe madcffie mx&le.nef thmfhalbe ikelmaMpandd^dierieiaht of the openina:jttd .Mm hit \ v - parsd/t. OPD jquturslil is Convenient in this onbritt resped ?< S'' - lenderrturt thcreofThe. piasters shade A modules a.r it is Set denims in the defer • • If [hepedestal of this order bt the third parti of the Columnc, it Chalk Six modules and. ‘j. hut it tray be made modulesfor the more Scluiitd / txry Cokcll ‘ t1z W*pkljorfc IcsOhe attiui tftaajjait vpiear.ljm Ua bate •^&cbtsamtfrJin ^''T ^^^^d^hmmtA^wwniFdmi^ ~ of the cohLu *?&** compos ri a oimn ) ‘ 7/- This Cornice, which I have urclnuny times fortfcjmshiru} ofF'onMspicaandhm ? jfeasi ittobe nay accejrtablcmdcMwhi trie, of my one. mventtondhtuc net thought it . .vnycrbneitt toylace there atdic endegftk 1 Smalt tvorh toja&sju. those that teoM use it, the yvovortimi with, the Fonhsyice isifuts, the wtwk height being divUcl into nyartes, there remednss one for the Cornice, and tojor theJrantisfia, the rest ' / ll ■ 1 iWENll'IOS DEL VIGNOLA FARNE SI VS C:\R.S. RE. ' .SjP''WCECANC£L . Ilihni Romani cent li \l * 3 ' j.' s ¥ e' 7 ' s' 9 'if ' iZl---— ^ the fakick^ of die moft t]llush-wus and Reverend? Cardinal INVENTION EEL VIGNOLA T^f' if aruLthcjtoacf artJowtlL Composed toaetha-, sVmowM there were ne&a'Morkr nor ay other-mixture, it wrcjufficient to rule al the Structure be it ne ver so event _. I l JNVLN'J ION DLL VIDNOLA riWETNTJO DEL VIGNOLA - - , _ - -- - _ Th ralm * narked uHkj{ v tht prof! offalfa joty Tortt M fapoh J M uih r°M of?«*&*. MICHEL ANGELO ANGELO MICH El PW mi PONT Pi A X [ P ORSTAM PlAPt e.svzmjx mvmbtiana EXivvxtr ~VL>\M PLfrJ AEQV/trACCA SEMn/i. v TiXCrCI'T - HE Porta Ti a oj the mventien yf Michael Anyth MICHEL ANGELO . itvie c. attk: Cajrtok of the mventicn o/' tiicheljityclo