1 ^ ^\(nr^"\T>C ^yaviv '- • (a/chAv^-V V^er^T^ CJLa j-Xu-w ^(y~C^r? C/ir* ' C ,f A+yJte VX^aC^ C ^Ur*JjL i ^ ** ^ <5/, ^ ; ' : ■•'■ fwlX f , r im Ao&g CATALOGUE (SUti (Bttglislj Jltlber & ^Uber-gtlt PRESENTATION PLATE, ENAMELLED GOLD BOIES, GOLD SWORD HILTS, MEDALS, ORDERS, And other Highly Interesting Objects, FORMERLY IN THE POSSESSION OF ADMIRAL VISCOUNT NELSON; AND OTHER ©lb English & jforetgn Silver plate, THE PROPERTY OF THE RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT BRIDPORT: WHICH 021 ill he Sol* hu Auction hg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THIS!® GEEAT E@@MS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE. On FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1895. AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie. Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square. S W. Lrt 02 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 0 I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s,; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible tor the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions* the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, CATALOGUE. — On FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1895, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. oXKc cfcnA) SILVER —At per Oz. 1 A Threaded and Shell-Pattern Service, consisting of— Forty-eight table-forks Twenty-four table-spoons Twenty-four dessert-forks Twenty-four dessert-spoons Four gravy-spoons A soup-ladle Four sauce-ladles Twenty-four tea-spoons Six salt-spoons A mustard-spoon A butter-knife, and A marrow-spoon. ..... 2 A Shell and Hour-Glass Pattern Service, consisting of— Twelve table-forks Five table-spoons Twenty-nine dessert-forks Eighteen dessert-spoons A gravy-spoon A soup-ladle Four sauce-ladles Eight salt-spoons, and A pair of sugar-tongs ..... B 2 oi. dwt. 380 0 197 10 4 02 . dwt. % 1 v° % z.. C*£rA > 1 8 A King’s-Pattern Service, consisting of— Forty-eight table-forks Thirty table-spoons Six dessert-forks Six dessert-spoons Four gravy-spoons A pair of sauce-ladles A fish-slice A pair of asparagus-tongs Three pairs of sugar-tongs Two sugar-sifters, and Six tea-spoons ...... 4 Four Queen’s-pattern table-spoons; six dessert-forks; nine tea-spoons ; and a pair of salt-spoons 5 A pierced fish-trowel, 1752 6 A plain marrow-spoon ; a sugar-sifter; and a pair of silver-gilt grape-scissors ..... 7 A two-handled lemon-strainer, with gadroon border; and a pap-boat ....... 340 0 37 4 18 15 17 7 0 /' SERVICE OF PLATES AND DISHES, with Shaped Gadroon Borders 8 Twelve dinner-plates . 9 Twelve ditto . 10 Twelve ditto . 11 Twelve ditto . 12 Twelve ditto . 13 Twelve ditto . 14 Twelve soup-plates * -O • * c-'Lo cXc- . c Co . .cCo. . cto ■ 212 215 0 0 211 15 Jf/o 15 Eight ditto 16 Four oval meat-dishes—10 in. long 17 Four ditto—12£ in. long —1770 18 Four ditto—13£ in .—1770 . (f^. V- '7/h- 209 173 173 209 133 62 68 89 7 6 7 0 0 0 0 5 is. 19 One ditto—15 in. —1770. . 25 10 20 A pair of ditto—16^ in .—1770 •oLtr . 67 5 21 One ditto—18| in .—1754 . 50 15 7 / /' f' 7 / %- 7 7 ' /o 1- 7 'f cf/ ft t 7 2 3 /C 80 A pair of sauce-boats, with scroll handles and borders, chased with a shell under the lip, on oval-shaped fluted feet .. A pair of oval sauce-tureens and covers, with gadroon borders and handles and claw feet A frame, for five cruets, the border chased with vines and grapes—1758 ...... A Small Oval Pierced Basket, the border and handle chased with shells, foliage and scrolls—blue glass liner ........ A plain child’s mug, with reeded handle An engraved ditto; and an octagonal-shaped ditto A plain goblet, the lower part fluted .... A small plain tankard, with scroll handle—1719. A shaped ditto ....... A larger ditto—1765 ...... A Tankard, partly fluted, and with bands of reeded and escalloped ornament —by Benj. Pyne, 1698 A pair of small circular waiters, with shaped gadroon borders—5 % in. diam. —1764 . . . . One ditto, with chased centre, and shell and scroll border —8J in. diam. ....... A waiter, with escalloped border, the centre chased with flowers, strap and trellis ornament—6^ in. diam .— 1758 . A salver—en suite— 101r in. diam. — 1739 A Pair of Plain Waiters, with shaped and fluted borders—6J- in. diam. — by J. Tuite, 1738 A Pair of Ditto, with shell and scroll borders—6£ in. — by J. Swift, 1743 . A Waiter, with escalloped and chased border, the centre chased with strap and trellis ornament and medallion heads —9 in. diam. — Dublin hall mark, 1737 . oz. dwt. 31 3 39 4 21 6 & 9 6 3 15 & i- 7 14 7 7 7 13 5 15 13 15 9 13 12 0 % 13 2 8 2 oCo 25 10 16 9 ^ 0 16 18 20 12 6 8 oz . diet. *■'L ( z/o 83 A Circular Salvkb, with chased .shell and scroll border, the centre chased with flowers and scrolls—14 in. diam.—by W. Peaston, 1751 84 The Companion — by E. Coker, 1771 .... 85 A Salver, with chased shell and scroll border, the centre engraved with medallion heads, fruit, flowers and scrolls —18^ in. diam. — by John Swift, 1742 . 86 The Companion / r 87 A Pair of Queen Anne Table Candlesticks, on plain baluster stems and octagonal feet— by Anthony Nelme, ‘ 171°. -L I JLt J *»»••••• 88 A Pair of Ditto, nearly similar— by the same, 1717 89 A Set of Four Table Candlesticks, on vase-shaped stems and square feet, with gadroon borders and spirally-fluted ornament—1773 ( two loith nozzles') 90 A Two-Handled Cup and Cover, with scroll handles chased with foliage and shells, the lower part of cup and the cover richly chased with spiral strap and foliage ornament in relief, on frosted-pattern ground, the foot chased with shells and foliage, the cover surmounted by a scroll-shaped vase—12§ in. high — 1737 . 91 Another, of similar design, chased with vine branches and grapes, shields and scrolls—13£ in. high—by David Willaume, 1742 *4 U 07 f Q 37' 8 40 75 2 85 2 cCo 0^-0 32 13f 28 7 c*_o 70 0 Cf~l utlb 90 10 cto *!■ /3 /- SILVER-GILT. 92 A small fluted tea-pot, cream-jug, sugar-basin and pair of sugar-tongs, with panels of ornament in flat chasing and medallion heads in relief . 93 A pair of oval openwork salt-cellars, with gadroon borders—glass liners ...... 94 An Oval Pierced Bread-Basket, with waved and corded border, spiral fluting and open twisted handle—1773 27 3 6 6 19 12 (Jo, V*- (fa. 9 95 Anotheb, with open wire border, with vine branches, grapes, corn and insects in relief, the border pierced and chased with flowers and scrolls—1767 96 A Pair of Table Candlesticks, on baluster stems, with fluted borders and octagonal feet —by Joseph Bird, 1701. 97 A Pair of Tall Table Candlesticks, on vase-shaped stems, spirally fluted and richly chased with flowers and foliage, on scroll feet with branches of flowers, foliage and scrolls in high relief 98 A Pair of Candelabra, with branches for three lights each, en suite—18 in. high ..... oz. dwt. 24 10 CL 32 0 * a 88 18 xrxO 195 SILVER —All at. 99 A Set of Four Decanter-Stands, with panels of pierced and 134 A small oblong-'shaped toast-rack, with gadroon border Engraved with the same - 135 A Pair of Table Candle sticks, on fluted vase-shaped stems and square-shaped feet, with ribbed borders— 1749 . • Engraved with initial N. and coronet 136 A Pair of Ditto, nearly similar—1743 . Engraved with the same ' 137 Twenty-four dinner-knives, with partly fluted silver handles Engraved with coronets and initials N. and B. *138 Twenty-four ditto 139 Eighteen ditto ; and two carvers and forks, en suite SERVICE OF PLATES AND DISHES, Etc., with Plain Gadroon Borders. Engraved with the Arms and Coronets of Admiral Viscount and Earl Nelson 140 Twelve dinner-plates SjO- 141 Twelve ditto . . cLt? .... 142 Eight ditto . . .... 143 Twelve soup-plates • eto >, • 144 Three oval meat-dishes—13 in. long cl/aJuC • . 145 One ditto—15 in. . i &CC • . 146 A pair of ditto—18^ in. C(j& . . .. 147 One ditto—23 in. . cLu ., . 148 A pair of oval salvers—en suite—11 in. long. y\-4-fQ 149 An oval two-handled tea-tray—en suite—31 in long . 150 Another—29 in. long fcaSy. aJf£151 A Pair of Tazze, on fluted feet—en suit eVVfLCJLd 43 A52 A Pair of Ditto . ( c rv L a l . . 41 153 An Oval Soup-Tureen, Cover ai^d Stand, with oak- branch handles, chased with foliage and acorns, on claw feet, the cover surmounted by an earl’s coronet 171 154 The Companion .... . 165 214 211 140 232 88 37 117 102 .41 194 14 15 6 0 4 10 6 13 16 18 18 2 11 4 0 oz. dwt. (/cbtn* 7f 155 A Pair of Oblong-Shaped Entree-Dishes and Covers, with coronet handles ...... 131 0 156 A pair of two-handled plated heaters—en suite vv- _

S — /Q- Sac-,, SS oz. dwt. 163 A Pair of Two-Handled Boat-Shaped Sauce-Tureens and Covers, with gadroon borders, on plain oblong feet ....•••• Engraved with the same arms and inscription .164 A Pair of Ditto— en suite ..... 165 A pair of circular salt-cellars, with gadroon borders, 42 13 on round threaded feet—en suite Engraved with the “ San Josef ” crest OBJECTS OF ART, MEDALS, ORDERS, AND ARTICLES OF PERSONAL USE OF ADMIRAL VISCOUNT NELSON. oz. dwt. _,,166 LORD NELSON’S INKSTAND: An Oval-Shaped Silver-Gilt Inkstand, with open gallery of inter¬ leaved circles, and beaded border, with plain cylin¬ drical taper stand, ink-pot, and pounce-box— Naples, 1799 ... . . . . . 17 0 Inscribed underneath, “ William and Emma Hamilton to Nelson, Duke of Bronte, their dear friend Mounted on oak stand, with chased or-molu handles 167 A Circular Silver Box, the lid engraved with the arms and motto of the town of Plymouth, containing the Freedom of the Borough of Plymouth, conferred on Lord Nelson, January 22, 1801 ) ^ 168 An Oblong Box, of Oak, mounted with engraved silver, with a naval trophy and arms of the town of Thetford, inscribed - i, inside the lid, “ The Gift of the Corporation of Thetford, in Norfolk, to their gallant countryman, Bear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, K.B. (now Lord Nelson of the Nile), for his brilliant services to his country on the glorious First of August 1798 ”; containing the Freedom of the Borough of Thetford, conferred on Lord Nelson, October 30, 1798 SJ /\ 15 /o>Sc /Of-o 169 OVAL GOLD EOX, presented to Lord Nelson with the Freedom of the City of London: An oval gold box, the borders chased with wreaths of oak and laurel foliage, the bottom engraved with a view of the “ Captain ” ; the lid inlaid with a large oval enamel painted with the naval engagement, and with eleven smaller enamels round the side, with the arms ~~ r/ * of the City of London, naval trophies, and monogram H. N., inscribed inside the lid, “ Watson — Mayor.—A Common Council holden in the Chamber of the Guildhall, in the City of London, on Friday, the 10 th day of March 1797, resolved unanimously that the thanks of this Court be given to Vice- Admiral Thompson, Vice-Admiral the Hon. William Waide- grave, Lear-Admiral Parker and Commodore Nelson, for their gallant behaviour on the 14 th February last in defeating the Spanish Fleet, and that they be presented severally with the Freedom of this City in a gold box. Note.—Sir Lobert Colder omitted by mistake, afterwards rectified by a like vote.” Vide Illustration 170 GOLD SWORD HILT, PRESENTED BY THE CAPTAINS OF THE FLEET, formed as a terminal figure of a crocodile, enamelled with an allegorical group of Britannia and Africa, and the arms of Lord Nelson, the guard enamelled with the tt Battle of the Nile in brilliant colours, and names of the following captains—Captain Sir F. Berry, Vanguard; Captain T. Trowbridge, Cullodon; Captain E. W. Miller, Theseus; Captain Alex. J. Ball, Alexander ; Captain Thos. Lewis, Minotaur ; Captain Sir T. B. Thompson, Leander; Captain B. Hallowell, Swiftsure; Captain Davidge Gould, Audacious; Captain John Peyton, Defence; Captain Sami. Hood, Zealous; Captain James Saumarez, Orion; Captain Thos. Foley, Goliath; Captain G. B. Westcott, Majestic; Captain H. D. E. Darby, Bellerophon; Captain S. M. Hardy, Mutine. Inscribed —“ The captains of the squadron under the orders of Bear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, K.B., desirous of testifying the high sense they entertain of his prompt decision 16 Ho lfS—« 3(.y-o /£T‘Z. i /¥S-.. and intrepid conduct in the attack of the French Fleet, in Bequier Boad of the Nile, the First of August 1798, reques his acceptance of a sword, and as a further proof of their esteem and regard , hope that he will permit his portrait to he taken, and hung up in the room belonging to the Egyptian Club now established in commemoration of that glorious day. Dated on board of His Majesty's ship Orion, on this 3rd of August 1798. James SaumarezJ Alex. Jas. Ball, B. Willett Miller, T. Trowbridge, Sami. Hood, Ben Hallow ell, H. D. Darby, D. Gould, E. Berry, Thos. Lewis, Th. Foley, S. M. Hardy, J. Peyton Vide Illustration 171 Gold Sword Hilt, chased and spirally fluted, and thickly studded with paste diamonds - Hilt of the sword presented to Lord Nelson by the King of Na P le8 . Vide Illustration 172 An Oblong Ivory Patch-Box, with a plait of Lord Nelson’s '' hair, in gold border, inscribed. Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte. 173 The Combined Gold Fork and Knife, used by Lord Nelson, with steel edgo —engraved with initial N. and Baron's coronet—presented to Nelson by Countess Spencer, at the time when Earl Spencer ivas First Lord of the Admiralty Vide Illustration 174 Gold Medal in Commemoration of the Victory of the Nile, by C. H. Kuchler, with a figure of a female allegorical of Peace, holding an olive branch, and leaning upon an oval medallion with bust of Lord Nelson and legend— “ Europe's hope and Britain's glory,” and on the reverse, “ Almighty God has blessed his Majesty's arms,” “ Victory of the Nile, August 1, 1798”; with a chasing of the fleet in relief, the edge inscribed—“ A tribute of regard from Alex¬ ander Davison, Esq., St. James's Square " —in gold outer rim with similar inscription Vide Illustration <■ ' J 175 Ditto, ditto, in open gold outer rim S 17 The following Medals and Orders , with their original ribands , were worn by Lord Nelson at the time he teas killed at Trafalgar. 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 The Service Gold Medal, of the Victory of St. Vincent, with original riband, a group of Victory crowning Britannia, who is standing on the prow of a vessel, in relief, and on the reverse a wreath of laurel and oak foliage, and inscrip¬ tion— “ The Spanish Fleet defeated—Horatio Nelson, Esquire , Commodore, and fifth in command, on the 14 th of Feb. 1797.” Vide Illustration The Service Gold Medal of the Victory of the Nile, similar to the preceding, inscribed — “ The French Fleet defeated — Sir Horatio Nelson, K.B., Bear-Admiral and commanding officer, on the lsi of August 1798.” •Jewel of the Order of the Bath, with riband Vide Illustration Jewel of the Sardinian Order of San Joachim, with riband Vide Illustration Grand Cross of the Order of San Joachim Vide Illustration Jewel of the Neapolitan Order of San Ferdinando, with riband Vide Illustration Grand Cross of the Order of San Ferdinando, with riband Vide Illustration Gold Star of the Turkish Order of the Crescent Vide Illustration Badge of the Turkish Order of the Crescent Vide Illustration Ditto C ] 8 t GrOLD Medal for the Victory of Trafalgar, similar to the ((y- ** —" I'l — • /5 V —T/ (C—x o f t(. to . /3 '/3 * 187 A 188 A gold medals for the victories of St. Vincent and the Nile, inscribed—“ The combined fleets of France and Spain defeated — Horatio, Viscount Nelson, Vice-Admiral and Com mander-in-Chief on the 21 st October 1805.” Pair of Small Gold Buckles Pair of Ditto 189 A Pair of Shoe-Buckles, with Gold Borders— in shagreen case 190 A Left-Hand Glove, worn by Lord Nelson, of chamois leather, stitched with white silk Exhibited at the Royal Naval Exhibition — No. 1348 191 Another, similar — No. 1348a C" £>y 192 Another, of buff-coloured leather — No. 13485 finis. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Stroet and Charing Cross. . TY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01074 5707